HENRY BRADSHAW SOCIETY Sbunbeb in f0e T2e<*r of Our orb 1890 for t$e ebifincj of (gate fiifurgtcaf VOL. VII. ISSUED TO MEMBERS FOR THE YEAR 1894 AND PRINTED FOR THE SOCIETY BY HARRISON AND SONS, ST. MARTIN'S LANE, PRINTERS IN ORDINARY TO HER MAJESTY. ^ r -. \ uu~. THE TRACTS OF CLEMENT MAYDESTON WITH THE REMAINS OF CAXTON'S ORDINALE. EDITED BY CHR. WORDSWORTH, M.A., Rector of Tyneham, in the Diocese of Sarum, and Prebendary of Lyddingion in Lincoln Cathedral Church, onbon. 1894. \DAivn LONDON : HARRUON A>D SONS, PRINTERS IN ORDINARY 'I O HER MAJESTY, ST. MARTIN'S LANE. CONTENTS. INTRODUCTION, pp. ix-xlvi. Account of the Ordinale, the Directorium^ the Pie, &c. The Shorter ordinale of the Breviary, p. x ; The twofold Regula de Historiis, p. xii ; Caxton's simple Ordinale, 1477-8, p. xiii ; Wyclif's stric- tures upon the Sarum Ordinale, p. xiv ; The Priest's Guide or Directorium, p. xviii ; Other Directoria, p. xxii ; Defensorium Directorii, p. xxv ; Its Author, Clement Maydeston, p. xxvii ; The Crede Michi, p. xxxi ; its ' articuli et responsiones] p. xxxii ; John Raynton, p. xxxvi ; T. Gascoigne, p. xxxvi ; William Clerke, p. xxxviii ; and his Revision. Wynkyn de Worde, and his 4 admonitio ad emptores] p. xl ; The authority of the Shorter Pie, p. xliii ; The present edition of the Tracts, &c., xlv ; The printed Ordinale and Directorium p. xlv List of Editions ... ... ... ... ... ... pp. xlvii-xlviii DEFENSORIUM DIRECTORII SACERDOTUM, A Dm 1495. PP- I ~ 22 - PAGE Note on the editions used, &c 3 Text and notes 5 Conspectus Capitum or Table ... ... ... ... ... ... 23-24 CREDE MICHI, A Dni 1495. PP- 25-89. Note on the editions and MS. used 26 ' A rticuli approbati] text and notes 27 ^ Rubricae per Jo. Raynton excerptae* 40 1 Dubia diuersa in Festis Sanctorum ' 66 Facsimile of the colophon 82 Conspectus or Table of ' Crede Michi* 83-89 vi CONTENTS. Fragments of the ORDINALE SARUM, printed by WILLIAM CAXTON [1477-8]. pp. 91-116. PAGE Advertisement on Caxton and his edition 92 On the Nature and Character of the Pie 93 Caxton and his edition 97 Fragment (i.) Description, p. 99. The text 100 (ii.) 102. ... 104 (iii.) 107. 107 Facsimile no (iv.) Description, p. 112. The text 113 APPENDIX I. REGULA DE HISTORIIS INCHOANDIS. pp. 117-127. Note on Raynton's MS 118 His ' Regula, Primum A. ' 119 His ' Quando Luna currit' 126 APPENDIX II. REGULA DE SEPTEM HISTORIIS, ETC. pp. 129-156. Preliminary Note, with a table of commemorations mentioned in the ensuing Rule 131 On the Feast of the Dedication of Salisbury Cathedral 132 Account of the early printed Sarum Breviary (Venice, 1483) 135 Text of the Regula de [vii.] hystoriis 140 Text of the Pica de Aduentu Domini , 148 Versus De Inceptione Historiarum r 151 Rubrica de Gratiis ... 152 APPENDIX III. WEEKLY COMMEMORATIONS IN ENGLAND IN THE XIlTH-XVlTH CENTURIES, pp. 157-183. Rise of Commemorations 159 Commemorations previous to the xv th century ... ... ... ... 166 Of Two and Three Commemorations 178 Late xiv th to xvi th century 179 CONTENTS. APPENDIX IV. FORMULAE QUAEDAM DE COMMEMORATIONIBUS pp. 185-213. PAGE a. In Commem. sanctae Mariae 187 b. In Commem. de Festo Loci (sc. Sancti Saluatoris apud Syon) ... 189 c. In Commem. Omnium Sanctorum ... ... ... ... ... 190 Horae pro Defunctis 194 Lectiones de Commem. beati Thomae et Sanctae Mariae ... 196-197 d. York Commemorations 198 e. Miscellaneous : St. Paul, Erasmus, Christopher, St. George, K. Henry VI. Prayer for K. Henry VII 199-204 Note on the ' Missa in Capitulo ' 206-210 / Commem. of St. Thomas, Osmund, Chad, and Etheldreda 210-213 g. Dedications or Patron Saints of English and Irish Cathedral (and some collegiate) Churches 213-221 APPENDIX V. OF COLLEGIATE CHURCHES MENTIONED BY CLEMENT MAYDESTON. pp. 223-237. 1. College of St. Mary Winton, by Winchester 225 (i.) The Benefactors 225 (ii.) Liturgical Colours 231 2. St. Katharine's by the Tower ... 231 3. St. Martin le Grand 232 4. St. Stephen's, Westminster 232 5. St. George's and St. Edward's, Windsor 232 Note on MS S. of the Pie ... 237 INTRODUCTION. [ i. HENRY BRADSHAW'S account of the Ordinale, the ' Priests' Guide,' and the Pica in the breviary. 2. Canon W. Cooke's forthcoming edition of the Directorium or ' Guide,' to which the Tracts in this volume were printed as an appendix. 3. H. BRADSHAW'S opinion, accidentally confirmed by restoring the breviary Pie to its earlier arrangement. 4. The Shorter Ordinale is to be found in the Cambridge edition of the Sarum Breviary. Regula de Historiis for places both where there is not a festum loci, and where there is one. The Rule taken from a manuscript breviary at Peter- house, and from the rare printed Sarum Breviary of 1483. It occurs in another form in the Cambridge edition of the breviary, between August and Advent. 5. The fragments of Caxton's edition of the simple Ordinale (1477-78). Description by Blades, with Bradshaw's comments. 6. Wyclifs attacks upon the Sarum Ordinale, cir. 1365-83. 7. The Directorium named, but not originated by Clement Maydeston. Its two forms. Corpus Christi festival. Exeter Ordinale. 8. Note on some other directoria. 9. Defensorium Directorii occasioned by an erroneous answer from the Sarum experts about 1440-50. It distinguishes the two kinds of Sarum rules, and their obligatoriness. Authorities cited in it. 10. Its author most probably was Clement Maydeston. n. His history. Condition of the Chapter at Salisbury. The importance of the book. 12. The Crede Mihi is less controversial. A composite work. The first part consists of a series of Articles on doubtful points in ritual and ceremonial ; each of which is stated on both sides, and the Responsio of the Canons is annexed. To some Answers the objections or criticisms by Clement Maydeston are appended. And, possibly, a few supplementary decisions. The latter part of the Tract differs in style and character from the articuli canonicorum. It is a commentary on a complete set of rubrics in their order. 13. Not originated by Clement Maydeston : but by John Raynton, 14. at the instance of Dr. Thomas Gascoigne. Printed editions. Our own text. 15. Revision by William Clerke. Under what influence ? 16. The Breviary Pica supplants the Directorium cir. 1507-1510. 17. Wynkyn de Worde's Admonitio ad emptores. 18. Indication of the place whence (possibly) the earlier Pie originated.] I. In a "note on Mediaeval Service Books" which HENRY BRADSHAW drew up in 1881, and which deserves to be placed in the hands of students in our schools and universities, he has left the following clear statement with reference to the subject with which we are dealing in the present volume, and in another which Canon Cooke is preparing for the Society. x INTRODUCTION. ' Besides these books of actual services, viz., the Breviary, Antiphonarium, Psalterium, Hymnarium, Legenda, and Collec- tarium, the Processionals, the Missale, Epistolaria, Evangeliaria, Graduate, and Troparium, the Manuale and Pontificate, there was another absolutely necessary for the right understanding and definite use of those already mentioned.' 'This was the ORDINALE, or book containing the general rules relating to the Or do divini servitii. It is the Ordinarius or Breviarius of many Continental churches. Its method was to go through the year and show what was to be done ; and how, under such circumstances, the details of the conflicting Services were to be dealt with. The basis of such a book would be either the well-known Sarum Consuetudinarium, called after St. Osmund, but really drawn up in the first quarter of the thirteenth century, the Lincoln Consuetudinarium belonging to the middle of the same century, or other such book. ' By the end of the fifteenth century Clement Maydeston's Directorium Sacerdotum, or Priests' Guide, had superseded all such books, and came itself to be called the Sarum Ordinale until (about i5Oi) 1 the shorter Ordinal, under the name of Pica Sarum, " the rules called the Pie 2 ," having been cut up and 1 Bradshaw gives " about 1 508 " as the probable date. Subsequent enquiry has carried it back to 1501, the date of an 8 VO Sarum Breviary (now at Oscott College) printed at Paris by J. Philippi. The only known Hereford Breviary is of rather early date (1505) and contains no Pie. The York Breviary of 1526 (with 1516 Kalendar, Bodl. Gough Missals, 59) has a Pie ; but Seager tells us that it does not note the commemorations. All the Sarum Breviaries which he examined (with the exception of 1497, 8 VO Rouen, Morin, Bodl. Gough Miss. 67 'b, 68) contain a Pie. (Annotationis Prolusio, &c., in Brev. Sar. 1843, p. xliii. n.) That there is part of a Pie in the early Sarum Breviary of 1483, 8 VO , Venice, R. de Noviomagio, will be seen in Appendix II. below. There is an inchoate Pie in the Aberdeen Breviary of 1509-10. 2 On the origin of the peculiar word pica or * Pie, 5 Professor Skeat supplies the following particulars in his larger Etymological Dictionary. " Pica, a kind of printer's type (Latin) see Pie (i), and (2). "Pie. (i) a magpie ; mixed or unsorted printer's type. "Pie. (2) a book which ordered the manner of performing the divine service (French, Latin}. " * Moreover the nombre and hardnes of the rules called the/zV'y Introd. to Book of Common Prayer [1549]. Here, as in the case of Pie (i), the word is a French form of the Latin pica, which was the old name for the Ordinale : quod usitato vocabulo dicitur Pica, sive directorium sacerdotum." Sarum Breviary fo. i., cited in Procter, On the Book of Common Prayer, E. 8. The name pica, literally * magpie,' was doubtless given to these rules om their confused appearance, being printed in the old black-letter type on white paper, so that they resembled the colours of the magpie. The word pica is still retained as a printer's term, to denote certain sizes of type ; and a hopeless mixture of types is pie. In the oath ' by cock and pie.' Shakespear, Merry Wives, i. i. 316, 'cock' is the name of God, and 'pie' is the ordinal or book (relating to divine serviceV I NT ROD UCTION. xi re-distributed according to the seasons, came to be incorporated in the text of all the editions of the Sarum Breviary.' 1 2. The Directorium Sacerdotum of Clement Maydeston is being edited by Canon W. Cooke for the HENRY BKADSHAW SOCIETY. In the meantime, as a sort of companion or pioneer volume, we have here re-printed two little tracts which tended to explain or support the principles of the Priests' Guide, and which help to illustrate its history. These are the " Defensorium Directorii" and the " Crede Michi," of which we shall presently have a little more to say when we come to speak of the Pie in the time of Clement Maydeston. 3. When the Sarum Breviary was about to be published by the Cambridge University Press, about 1881-2, it fell to my lot to transcribe the Pie or ' shorter Ordinalej which occurs at certain intervals in the Proprium de Tempore. I noticed at the time in certain passages of the Pie what appeared to me to be a singular waywardness, or at least a lack of uniformity, in expression, noticeable between one paragraph and the next, as I read them in their order in the Breviary of 1531. Now, however, having cut up and restored the pieces of the pica or pie to their original order for my own satisfaction in studying the Directorium, I find that the singularity of which I speak has practically vanished ; peculiarities (such for instance as the use of cardinal numbers written at length in words, instead of the conventional numerals) which in the Breviary seemed to occur at arbitrary intervals, now run consecutively throughout entire years, instead of appearing (as they do in the Breviaries at least from 1501, onwards) in an odd week here and there, by fits and starts. I think it worth while to record this trifling observation of my own, because it establishes the truth of Bradshaw's dictum that the pie which is found in the Breviary was the result of a cutting up and a redistribution of something which had originally existed in a different form or order. By some instinct, or by some process of induction, Bradshaw had made this discovery for himself so long ago as April 1879, anc * shears and paste-brush now incidentally confirm it. In the space here at our disposal I have not been able to include the shorter ordinale restored to its original order as I have reconstructed it from the pieces in printed Breviaries, it having been estimated that it would add too much to the size of the book. It has also been decided that room cannot well be found for a similar but shorter document which is likewise 1 A note by H. B. contributed to " The Chronicles of the Collegiate Church or Free Chapel of All Saints, Derby? by J. Charles Cox and W. H. St. John Hope, re-printed in the appendix to G. W. Prothero's Memoir of Henry Bradshaw, pp. 425-6, and in 4 to for Mr. Hope. xii INTRODUCTION. preserved in the printed Sarum Breviary, namely, the ' Regula de Historiis, ubi fiunt [due] commemorationes, videlicet una de Festo loci, et alia de sancta Maria.' This I suppose to be an earlier compilation than the complete pica, or short Ordinale. 1 For this earlier rule I must therefore refer the reader to the recent Cambridge edition of the Breviary of 1531, where it of necessity occurs in that perverse order in which the makers of the breviary arranged it : perverse, I mean, with regard to the study of the ordinal. 4. There is however a crude form of the same thing which we have no right to omit in this collection. It is a Regula de hystoriis incipiendis or ad inveniendam hystoriam from August to Advent, which I have seen in two interesting Sarum breviaries. The former of these is in the form of a rubric in the fourteenth century MS. Sarum Breviary, now belonging to Peterhouse, Cambridge, and this I have used for collations in the foot-notes marked * P.I and here and there for the additions inserted in square brackets in the text (pp. 140148) taken from the other authority which I am now about to mention. This is the earliest known complete copy of the Sarum Breviary, printed at Venice by R. de Noviomagioin 1483. And thus the rule which we print below is (so far as we know) the earliest extant specimen of such directions incorporated in a printed breviary in this country. Unlike the later printed breviary (of 1531, &c.), the Peter- house manuscript and the book of 1483 view the question of commemorations in the light approved by Clement Maydeston. They distinguish and provide their Rules for two cases, the one, 1 ubi non agitur de festo loci,' the other ' ubi agitur de festo loci semel in ebdomada, sicut de Beata Maria' 2 The former of these cases was peculiar to the cathedral church of Salisbury and other 1 I suppose the Regula de Historiis to be older than the Pica not merely because it is embodied in the rubric, while the latter is an accretion, but because it knows nothing of a third commemoration (technically known as the * second,' when it had come into existence) which related to St. Thomas of Canterbury. It would be interesting to enquire whether any of the earlier MSS. of Sarum Breviaries contain this Regula without the weekly com- memoratio sancti Thome martyris which appears in the printed breviaries (ed. Cantab, ii, 315-317). The XlVth cent. MS. ' L' used by Dr. C. Seager, in the Bodleian, contains the lessons for the office ' in Commemoratione sancti Thome ' prefixed. Annot. in Portif. Sarum, 107. 2 This is the description of the two-fold Rule in P. (a MS. Breviary at Peterhouse) and likewise in the printed edition of 1483, ubi non agitur de festo loci, and ubi agitur [' tam '] de festo loci semel in hebdomada, sicut [' quam etiam ' 1483] de sancta Maria. INTRODUCTION. xiii churches which had our Lady's name for their dedication. All churches and parishes commemorated her once (usually on Saturday) every ordinary week : consequently each Mary-church was provided once for all with a commemoration of its patron saint, and (until the provincial, or national, commemoration of St. Thomas was devised) these admitted of no second weekly commemoration. But churches which had some other dedica- tion (e.g. ' St. Paul's/ * St. Martin's,' * St. Margaret's,' and a thou- sand others) had to find room, if possible, every ordinary week for another commemoration, that of their own eponymous saint or dedication (' de sancto loci ' or ' de festo loci ') as well as for the universal weekly commemoration of the Blessed Virgin (' sicut de beata Maria'J- 5. A more important item in our present small contribution to the Ordinal series, is the text of those sixteen pages, several of them imperfect, of the simple Ordinale Sarum printed in quarto by William Caxton in 1477-78, and advertised in his famous Cedula? We reproduce these as accurately as we can, not only in respect for Caxton's memory, and in the interest of bibliography, but because we feel convinced that they will be helpful in tracing the history and development of the Pica Sarum. 2 These fragments were discovered by Mr. Blades, with a mass of other specimens of printer's waste from Caxton's office, in the binding of a copy of Chaucer's Boethius in the Grammar School Library at St. Albans. There can be no doubt that the book was bound in Caxton's workshop. 3 The fragments, as described in Henry Bradshaw's adversaria? 1 The adjustment of these commemorations to suit the ' occurrences ' of moveable and immoveable feasts supplies the raison d'etre for a great part of the Directorium. The remaining part is occupied with making arrangement for the concurrences and occurrences of Sundays and holy days. For some general remarks upon the ' Pica seu Ordinale] and upon the Commemorations of various English uses, I venture to refer the reader to the Introduction to the Cambridge edition of the Sarum Breviarium (1886) iii. pp. Ixiii-lxxx. To my remarks there I have only to add that I have recently observed evidence of weekly commemorations of St. Mary and St. Hugh at Lincoln in the earliest extant roll of Re et Ve (departure and return of Residents) viz. A.D. 1278, from which some extracts are given later in this book. 2 A facsimile page, executed by Mess rs Walker and Boutall of Clifford's Inn, Fleet Street, is introduced at p. no below. As the Oxford Press have issued a facsimile of Caxton's broadside, or cedula (with a description by Mr. Nicholson), the specimens of " this present letter " can once again be placed side by side. 8 See Bradshaw's Collected Papers, ed. F. Jenkinson (Camb.) p. 348. 4 In the margin of his own copy of Blades' Life of Caxton (ii. p. 102 ; cf. ?. 70) now preserved in the University Library at Cambridge, whence Dr. . Wickham Legg kindly transcribed the marginal comment for me at my request. xiv INTRODUCTION. ' are four separate half sheets in quarto ' making a total of eight leaves or sixteen pages. They represent four distinct passages or contexts from what Mr. Blades has described as " Directorium seu Pica Sarum, First Version. Quarto. Sine ulla nota," and were printed, as Bradshaw shows, 'about 1478.' Among the 'Typo- graphical Particulars ' noted by Blades are the following : " Only one Type, No. 3, is used in these fragments. The lines are not spaced out to one length. The longest measure 3f inches. A full page has 22 lines. Without signatures." 1 Bradshaw (in the margin of his own copy) has remarked on the above-mentioned characteristics ; "These particulars at once class the book with Infancia Salvatoris (22 lines uneven 3f inches) and that again goes with the later set of undated quarto poetical pieces, i.e. about 1478." | 6. In attempting to investigate the history of the Ordinale it would not be right to omit all reference to the attack which was made upon it by Wyclif and his followers in the latter half of the fourteenth century, an episode to which Dr. Christopher Wordsworth, sometime Master of Trinity College, Cambridge, drew attention in the later editions of his * Ecclesiastical Biography ' many years ago. 2 One of Wyclif's English tracts (perhaps one of the earliest, cir. 1365-75) is entitled " Of feyned contemplatif lif, of song, of the ordynal of Salisbury, and of bodely almes and worldly bysynesse of prestis ; hou bi thes foure the fend lettith hem fro prechynge of the gospel." Wyclif thus traces the rise of psalmody : " First men ordeyned songe of mornynge 3 whanne thei weren in prison, for techynge of the gospel as Ambrose and men seyn, to putte away ydelnesse and to be not vnoccupied in goode manere for the tyme ; and that songe and oure accordith not, for oure stirith to iolite 4 and pride, and here stirith to mornynge 3 and to dwelle longer in wordis of goddis louve. 1 I find that all the sixteen pages of these fragments of the Pie or Ordinale are full pages of 22 lines. The paragraph marks in red (which appear black in our facsimile specimen) are introduced by a rubricator ; this having been the traditional habit in the case of manuscripts. One paragraph near the foot of the 5th fragment (recto] seems to have been overlooked, and has not been marked with red. In one instance, in the 4th fragment, no space has been left at the beginning of the sixteenth week for any paragraph-mark at all. 2 Eccl. Biog. (ed. 1853) i. p. 315 n. i.e. mourning. 4 i.e. mirth. INTRODUCTION. xv ' Than were matynys and masse and euen song, placebo and dirige and commendacion and matynes of oure lady ordeyned of synful men, to be songen with heij criynge to lette men fro the sentence and understondynge of that that was thus songen, and to maken men wery and vndisposid to studie goddis lawe for aking of hedis : and of schort tyme thanne weren more veyn iapis 1 founden ; deschaunt, 2 countre note 3 and orgon and smale brekynge, that stirith veyn men to daunsynge more than to mornynge, and here- fore ben many proude and lecherous lorelis 4 founden and dowid with temperal and worldly lordschips and gret cost, (for) whanne ther ben fourty or fyfty in a queer 5 thre or foure proude and lecherous lorellis schullen knacke 6 the most deuout seruyce that noman schal here the sentence, and alle othere schullen be doumbe and loken on hem as foolis. And thanne strumpatis and theuys preisen sire iacke or hobbe and williem the proude clerk, hou smale thei knacken 6 here notis. . . and thus trewe seruyce of God is lettid and this veyn knackynge 6 for oure iolite and pride is preised abouen the rnone. 7 "H Also the ordynalle of Salisbury lettith moche prechynge of the gospel ; for folis chargen that more than the maundementis of God and to studie and teche Cristis gospel ; for 3if a man faile in his ordynale men holden that grete synne and reprouen hym therof faste, but }if a preste breke the hestis of God men chargen that litel or nou}t ; and so }if prestis seyn here matynes, masse, and euensong aftir Salisbury vsse, thei hemself and other men demen it is ynow}, thou} thei neither preche ne teche the hestis of God and the gospel. And thus thei wenen that it is ynow} to fulfille synful mennus ordynaunce and to leue the ri3tfulleste ordynaunce of God that he chargid prestis to performe but, lord, what was prestis office ordeyned bi God bifore that Salisbury vss was maad of proude prestis coueitous," &c. {[ See now the blyndnesse of these foolis ; thei seyn that a prest may be excused fro setynge of masse, that God comaundid him self to 1 'tapis : ' tricks. 2 ' descant (biscantum, ' contrappunto alia mente') a part added to a plain song by another voice.' A. R. Maddison's, Vicars Choral of Lincoln p. 36. 3 'cowntor' or counterpoint, then a novelty, (ibid.) * * lorelis : ' rascals. 5 * queer : ' choir. 6 ' knackyng : ' tricky, artificial singing. 1 i.e. above the moon. xvi INTRODUCTION. the substance ther-of, so that he here on. But he schal not be excused but }if he seie matynes and euensong him self, that synful men had ordeyned, and thus thei chargen more here owene fyndynge than Cristis comaunde- ment A lord, }if alle the studie and traueile that men han now abowte Salisbury vss with multitude of newe costy portos, 1 antifeners, graielis, and alle othere bokis weren turned in-to makynge of biblis and in studiynge and techynge thereof, hou moche schulde Goddis lawe bi forthered and knowen and kept." Wyclif sums up his tract by ranking " song and Salisbury vse " as two among the four of ' sathanas disceitis ' ranged against those saving instruments, the foure Euangelistis." 2 Somewhat later Wyclif, or one of his ' poor priests/ in a treatise explaining ' why Poor Priests have none Benefice,' expressed his conviction that if only these were offered, and could conscientiously accept, preferment, " than schulde prestis studie holy writt and be deuout in here preieris, and not be taried with newe offices, as newe songis and moo sacramentis than Crist vsede and his apostolis, that tau}ten vs alle treuthe and spedly sauynge of cristene peple." Another tract (' For the Ordre of Presthod ') which is found among Wyclif s works in the Parker collection at Corpus Christi College, Cambridge, and in the Dublin MS., arraigns the same pair of ecclesiastical institutes. " As austyn and gregory techen wel, preiere is betre herd of God bi compunccion and wepyng and stille devocion, as moyses and flm Crist diden, than bi gret criynge and ioly chauntynge that stireth men and women to daunsynge and lettith men fro the sentence of holy writt, as Magnyficat, sanctus, and agnus dei, that is so broken bi newe knackynge, it semeth that God seith bi thes newe singeris as he dide in the gospel to pharisees, ' this peple honoureth me with lippis, but here herte is fer fro me, thei worschipen me with-outen cause, techynge lore and comaunde- mentis of men.' " (cap. /.) 3 1 * costy portos . J expensive breviaries. 3 The English Works of Wyclif, hitherto imprinted, edited by F. D. Matthew, for the Early English Text Society (1880) vol. Ixxiv. pp. 188-196. I have to thank Mr. Falconer Madan, for a reference to the manuscript in Corpus Christi College, Cambridge, and I owe to the Rev. J. R. Harmer my acquaintance with Mr. Matthew's edition. Ibid. p. 253. 3 Ibid. p. 169. Whereas Wyclif could bless God, 'that in every chirche hath ordeyned masse bookis to witnesse his gospel,' (Of Dominion cap. 3.) he was very vehement against the Pseudo-Freris who have * special preyeris maked of INTRODUCTION. xvii " Zit thei chargen more the ordynal of salusbury than the hestis of God ; for }if a prest faile a poynt of his ordynal, that is no poynt of cristine mennus feith, he schal be reproued scharply and openly anon and otmanye." (cap. 8.) 1 " Also thei ben foule ypocritis, clensynge the gnatte and swolwynge the grete camaile alhool ; for 3if thei failen in manere of here song and other newe sygnes founden of synful men, thei chargen that as a greuous synne" &c. (cap. I4-) 2 In the 22nd chapter the author charges the clergy with inciting people to make war against other Christian nations, offering * pardons/ and "hereto thei wolen crie ora pro nobis abouten the grete stretis, that God distroie here cristene bretheren" &c. 3 Also they encourage wealthy sinners on their death beds to endow chantries for numerous priests to " dwelle at o place and crie on hey with newe song, that lettith deuocion and the sentence to be vnderstonden." (cap. 24.)* The treatise " Of Prelates," written perhaps by a follower of Wyclif about 1383, ridicules the blindness of the nobility who maintained wicked ' prelates ' to perform a " veyn knackyng of newe song and costy " and give benefices " for her stynkyng and abhom.ynable blastis and lowde criynge ; for bi her gret criyng of song, as deschaunt, countre note and orgene, thei ben lettid fro study nge and prechynge of the gospel." (cap. 1 1.) 5 And again : " thei don not here sacrifices bi mekenesse of herte and mornynge and compunccion for here synnes and the peplis, but with knackynge of newe song, as orgen or deschant and motetis of holouris 6 and with worldly pride of costy vestymentis and othere ornementis bou3t with pore mennus goodis, and suffren hem perische for meschef, and laten pore men haue nakid sidis, and dede wallis haue grete plente of wast gold." (cap. 23.) 7 Dr. Wordsworth cites a passage in the same strain from Wyclif s " Complaint to the King and Parliament" (Nov. 1382) speaking of the same four hindrances to evangelical preaching. 8 newe bi the pope, that ben betere then the pater noster, for more pardoun fallith to hem,' p. 320. He classes with pardons and ' letteris of fraternite ' 'veyne preiers and synguler or specyal' 'as famulorum and benefactorum' to which particular virtue was attached. Ibid. pp. 16, 27, 134. 1 Ibid. p. 170. 2 Ibid. p. 172. 3 Ibid. p. 176. * Ibid. p. 177. 5 Ibid. p. 77. 6 ' motetis of holouris : ' motetts composed (or performed) by ribald persons. A motett is a musical composition introduced at mass just after the Offertorium. 7 Ibid. p. 91. 8 Eccl. Biog. i. p. 3i5n. (ed. 4), referring to Wickliffe's Two Short Treatises, 1608, 4 to . D. 17. So Erasmus in 1512 censured the 'elaborate theatrical music ' which had been introduced even in the Benedictine monasteries in England. Annot. in Ep. i. ad Cor. xiv. 19, Id. Lib. xxv. Epist. 64. MAYDESTONE. b xviii INTRODUCTION. | 7. The Directorium. The original Ordinale provided a set of rules which it derived in part from the Consuetudinarium or book of local customs. 1 Its plan was to distribute these rules throughout the proprium de tempore, and likewise throughout the proprium de sanctis, of missal and breviary, for a normal year. This work was carried out more completely in the Directorium or ' Guide,' to which (as has been said) the title ' Ordinale ' came in course of time to be transferred. 1 The Consuetudinarium of Ri. Poore, Bp. of Sarum cir. 1220, of which there are MSS. at Cambridge (Add. 710) and elsewhere, has been printed three or four times already ; but it still requires, and would repay, a good deal of study. As its editors have not furnished the reader with any table of its contents, the following brief summary may be found useful. In the form in which it is best known at present (from the ' Osmund Register ') the treatise consists of 104 chapters, which fall naturally into seven divisions. (i.) Concerning the Cathedral Staff. The duties and dignities of the principal persons at Salisbury. Of Canons' residence, and penalties (capp. i-ii). I pointed out some years ago that (among others) a passage from cap. 10 has been incorporated in the rubric of the Sarum Breviary, fasc. i. col. xlv.,but I had not then realized how much use of the treatise had been made in other service-books. (2.) De chori ordinadone et regimine. capp. 12-24. (3.) The rules for services in Choir and Chapter House, in Advent (as the norm), with their variations for other times, throughout the year : capp. 25-30, 49-65. A digression is formed (capp. 31-48) by the rules of the tabula or roll of individual duties of singers and readers &c. for the weekly or daily services. (4.) An appendix on the Triple Invitatory and the blessing of Holy Water (66-68). The latter is incorporated in the Manuale ad usum Sarum. (5.) The Order of Processions for various occasions (capp. 69-91). Not only is this section largely used in the rubrics of the Sarum Processionale, but capp. 79, 80, supply an account of the ceremonies of Easter Eve to the Manuale. (6.) The Altar Service. Directions for Mass throughout the year, capp. 92-100. I find that just one third of the long 92nd chapter is cited in various rubrics in the Missal, ed. Dickinson, coll. 7-12, 580-623, while in the Manuale there are two extra cuttings from the same chapter. (7.) Various Ceremonies (capp. 101-104). The account of the Holy Oils, ' according to the Sarum custom/ has been borrowed almost entire for the MS. Pontifical of Edmund Lacy, Bp. of Exeter (1420). Edit. Ra. Barnes, pp. 283-5. Cap. 102 supplies some paragraphs to the Breviary rubrics, fasc. i. pp. dcclxxiii, dcclxxxii, while ibid. i. pp. 1, li. we find traces of cap. 104, which is largely used in the Manuale. It will be observed that I have said nothing as yet of the influence of the second section of the Sarum Consuetudinarium (capp. 12-24) appearing in other books. In point of fact it was not to be expected that this would leave any traces of its authority in service-books proper. But I have shown in another place {Lincoln Statutes ; the Black Book, pp. 127-9) tnat extracts from capp. 13, 19, and 22, had INTRODUCTION. xix What the old Ordinale had done for one ideal year, or ' anni drculutnl the improved 'Guide of Clement Maydeston ' applied with greater thoroughness to all the working almanacs of the time. As I have said elsewhere, 1 thirty-five (or thirty-six) varie- ties were provided so as to serve for every possible contingency. The Custom-Book provided the regulations : The Ordinale arranged the rules in a yearly course : And the Pie or Directory, with lesser or greater fulness and completeness, reduced them into the practically more convenient form of the perpetual kalendar or Book of Almanacs. The name " Directorium Sacerdotum " was, at least in England, first applied, as it appears, to such a guide by Clement Maydes- ton, a Brigittine monk at Hounslow in priest's orders, rather before the middle of the fifteenth century. Taking for his text the evangelical charge, ' Dirigite viam Domini ' (fo. i. 23 ; cf. Is. xl. 3), he claimed to do his part in helping his brethren to approach their Maker with due prepara- tion. But he does not pretend to have originated the work. He tells us that a book of the same description had been in use for some time, and that it was already old enough to have become in a measure out of date. His own work, therefore, has chiefly been that of a reviser; at the same time it was so far original thac he could speak of himself as ' scriptoris totius huius ordinalisl found their way into the custom Book of a sister cathedral by 1 260-70. The use made of the same treatise by Bp. J. de Grandisson for his Exeter Ordinale in 1337 was, naturally, very considerable. 1 Bremarimn ad usum Sarum (ed. Cantab.) fasc. ii. p. xii. (Introd.}. Cf. fasc. iii. p. Ixvi. I take the present opportunity of putting on record here what may interest members of this Society, namely, an indication of those portions which HENRY BRADSHAW contributed to the Introduction to fasc. ii. (Psalter &c.) of the Breviary in 1879, in favour of which I suppressed some pages of what I had in print before I shewed the proof-sheets to him. He wrote note I on p. v. (the only foot-twte which he contributed to that Introduction). From line 8 on p. v. to line 2 on p vii. is his. From line 4 on p. viii. to line 22 on p. ix. Then he adopts, in the main, my description of the Commune Sanctorum. From line 14 on p. x. to line 3 on p. xii. Then, after a few lines of mine upon the Ordinale or Pica, he resumes from p. xii. line 14 to p. xiii. line, 16. The last two or three lines of 4 are a survival from my original draft, as is also the account of the Accentuarius, and the remainder of pp. xiii-xvi. Thus we may say that he re-wrote all the description of the contents of the Breviary (pp. viii-xiii) retaining little beyond my description of the Pie and Accentuarius. those little portions of the book which I had myself transcribed, and with which I was therefore at that time especially familiar. On Mr. Procter had fallen almost the entire burden of transcription, besides the labour of 3 or 4 of the indexes. In fasc. iii. (the Sanctorale volume), besides the invaluable lists, and such extracts from his letters as are quoted with his name or initials, Bradshaw wrote note+ on p. xlvii., also the brief foot-n.tes on his lists of hymns on pp. cvii- cxi, cxv-cxviii. b 2 xx INTRODUCTION. no doubt congratulating himself meanwhile upon the comple- tion of a tedious task in manuscript. Of the work which Maydeston set himself to correct we gather, in the first place, that it was not identical with the ' true Sarum Ordinale* itself. Of that he speaks in the terms of the highest veneration ; and he was not a man averse to plain speak- ing as a critic. He has adhered to its text religiously, with the one single exception of having corrected the anomalous or incon- gruous directions 1 written for both vespers of Corpus Christi day. The feast of Corpus Domini was not instituted until 1264, when Walter de la Wyle was Bishop of Salisbury. If then we suppose that this one passage which Maydeston set himself to correct was part of the original Sarum Ordinal, we must put the date of the ' true Ordinal ' considerably later than the time of Bishop Richard Poore and his Consuetudinarium (which was probably composed with a view to the new cathedral church then rising in Salisbury). There is nothing to prevent our believing that the original Sarum Ordinale was similarly com- piled five or ten years after the cathedral was completed. (It was built in 1225-1260.) If anything should hereafter be discovered to make us date 'the true Ordinal ' earlier than 1265, we must conclude that it had been corrected up to date from time to time. On the other hand it may not unreasonably be ques- tioned whether the Corpus Christi feast was received in this conservative island so soon after its institution in Rome. 2 It appears in the list of festivals in the Constitution of Simon Islip a century later (Provinciale, II. iii. De Feriis, tit. 3 Ex scripturis, Jul. 1 6, 1362) and indeed in the Constitution of Simon Meopham in 1332. (Wilkins Cone, ii, p. 560.) But there is some reason to think that it had been rather slow in taking root in the West of England. The Synod of Exeter in 1287 does not name it (ibid. ii. 145), but it is recognized in English service books of the latter part of the fourteenth century, such as the Clare and King's College portiforia at Cambridge. Most interesting in this connexion is the testimony of the Exeter Ordinale^ composed, as we know, in 1337. It speaks of Corpus Christi as a novelty, which was gaining ground and likewise causing difficulties. 1 Maydeston makes use of the phrase, 'ilia dumtaxat anormala? The last word in its printed form, though it is a hybrid found elsewhere, is not recognized in what Henry Bradshaw so happily and humorously described as the Glossary of Middling and Infamous Latinity.' 2 The barum Graduale reproduced by the Plainsong Society dates from the latter times of Old Sarum, cir. 1210, and therefore of necessity know nothing of Corpus Christi Feast and Octave. INTRODUCTION. xxi " Feria quinta infra oct. Trinitatis fiat festum maius duplex de sacramento Corporis et Sanguinis Christi. Ad vesperas Ant. Sacerdos in eternum" &c., &c. " Per totam ebdomadam chorus Exon regitur et ideo extra dominicam et fest. ix lectionum, vel sanctorum Johannis et Pauli, fiat seruicium de solennitate pre- dicta " . . . " C Dominica infra oct. Corporis Christi, licet secundum morem aliarum octauarum cum regimine chori videre- tur de ipsis octauis faciendum : tamen quia id festum est mobile et nouum, et ilia antiqua dominica est caput dominicarum estatis, et quasi dies octaua Trinitatis, et ideo solempnior ceteris dom- inicis, unde multa inconueniencia rubricarum antiquartim destructiua, nisi fiat de ea, contigere possent. Ideo conueniencius est quod fiat semper seruicium de dominica, et memoria cum antiphonis prime diei ad vtrasque vesperas et matutinas, et mediis leccionibus de ipsis octauis, nisi festum sanctorum Johannis et Pauli in ipsa dominica contigerit . . . u d In oct. vero die Corporis Christi si festum simplex ix leccionum contigerit, differatur, et ii. vespere fiant de Oct. sine R. cum memoria de festo in crastino faciend. C Et si festum duplex in Oct die contigerit, totum fiat de festo, et memoria de oct. tantum illo anno. Tamen si in prima die festum quod- cumque duplex contigerit, differatur : quia excedit omnia festa sanctorum. " C Vbi vero fiunt oct. sine regimine chori modus et ordc seruetur per omnia, qui infra oct. Sancte Trinitatis." (Ordinale Exon. 1337, p. liii.) Maydeston, writing for the guidance of the adherents to the Sarum rites and customs, about a century after Bishop John de Grandisson of Exeter, had (as we have said) to deal not only with the verum Ordinale Sarum (which had its one great blemish in connexion with the rules for Corpus Christi) but also with a book professing to be, like his own, a guide to elucidate that old Ordinal. It was, he says, the composition of a zealous lover of the work of Divine Service (whose name he does not give) and it had been written to give instruction as to commencing the 4 histories ' (Mattins de tempore), for singing the Responds, for celebrating the weekly commemorations and other matters of the same nature, according to the rules of the Sarum Ordinal. I am inclined to think that in the Fragments of Caxton's Ordinal of 1477 we have a survival of this tractatus to which Maydeston refers in his preface, and that it held its place untti printing had made Maydeston's own work to be more widely known. 1 1 By a happy circumstance, the fragments which remain give us a fairly general notion of the details of the book. The older system of one and two xxii INTRODUCTION. His ground for writing something with a view to supersede it was again connected with the establishment of Corpus Christ i festival. This (intermediate) Ordinal or treatise which I have ventured to identify with that ' pye ' which Caxton subsequently printed in 1477, had been composed in days when Corpus Christi was kept with octaves sine regimine chori. By the middle of the fifteenth century, in the time when Maydeston flourished, the festival had taken thorough root, and if anyone still kept it otherwise than cum regimine chori he was considered very much behind the times, and the (intermediate) book, constructed as it was to suit the older generation, needed to be modified to suit the now established usage. Clement Maydeston therefore, at the instance of certain persons (whom, as before, he does not name), undertook, with the concurrence of his Superior, to revise and supplement the intermediate ordinal, which the Caxton fragments of VJ./7 represent; and hence we have his Priest's Guide, the " Direc- torium Sacerdotum " which he invited his readers to transcribe (if they would) but with the utmost care ; and this again Caxton himself printed ten years after he had produced and advertized what I have called the intermediate Ordinale, his ** pyes of two and three comemoracions of Salisburi vse." ( 8.) NOTES ON SOME OTHER DIRECTORIA. The Directorium, ' name and thing,' was not altogether peculiar to England ; but, as such books are by no means of every-day occurrence, a few words may be added here to describe the Directorium as it appears in other countries. (a.) There was one printed for the diocese of Constanz in 1501. It consisted of 216 pages quarto, and is described by M. Ales in his bibliographical description of the ' livres de liturgie,' in the collection of His R,oyal Highness Charles Louis de Bourbon, Comte de Villafranca (Description &c., Paris, 1878) as " un Bref" (i.e., as Bradshaw has told us, the Ordinariusor Breviarius of many continental churches p. x.). ' In nomine Sancte & indiuidue trinitatis patris & filii & spiritus sancti. ac gloriose semper virginis dei genitricis marie, et sanctorww Pelagii martyris. et Conradi 1 confessoris. ac pontificis patronorawz hums ecclesie commemorations only, had not quite gone out of use when the Sarum Breviary of 1483 was printed, and relics of it survive as an alternative rule even in 1531. 1 The mention of St. Conrad (26 Nov.) shows that the hook belongs to Constanz, and not to Coutances in France. Erh. Ratdolt printed the Constanz Missal in 1504. (See Weale's Bibliographia Liturgica p. 58. ) INTRODUCTION. xxiii Constantinen. Incipit directoriu continens ordinem quomodo singulis per circulum anni diebus & de quo hore Canonice persoluende sint. secundum modum et consuetudinem chori eiusdem Constantinen. ecclesie. Et continet. xxxvi. regulas. quia interuallum et festa mobilia tot vicibus variantur.' Colophon. ' Libellus vtilissimus, dans modum et ordinem orancli secundum ritum ecclesie Constantinensis. Arte & ingenio Erhardi Ratdolt Auguste impressus. Anno M.cccccj. Feliciter finitus.' I will give, in their chronological order, a short further description of another copy of the same ' index] and a brief account of two other similar books, all from the collection of Dr. J. Wickham Legg, which the owner has very kindly allowed me to examine. "C! Index sme directorium Missarum horarum que secundum ritum chori Constancies, diocesis dicendarum iussu atque mandato Reuerendissimi in christo patris ac domini / domini Hugonis de lanclen- berg eiusdem diocesis episcopi correctum," &c., &c. This contains the 7 kalendars, the regula (B.C.D.E.F.G.A.) for the season from Advent to New Year, corresponding to the ' Sextum B,' ' Sextum C,' &c. of our English book. Then the 36 rules from Septuagesima onwards. No. i when lxx a is on 15 Kal. Feb. answers to our iD., and the last, or * Tricesima Sexta RegulaJ when lxx a is on 8 Kal. Mar., corresponds with our 50. (b.) The Freisingen Directorium. " Directorium seu Index diuinorum officiorum secundum ritum ecclesie et diocesis frisingen." Licence by Philip Bp. of Freisingen, count palatine of the Rhine, and duke of Bavaria. Contains 7 rules (A to G) from Advent to the New Year, one for each Sunday Letter, also the 36 regulce, as in the Constanz book, from what the English pica calls \.D to $.D inclusive. This little volume has bound up with it the local modus celebrandi and an accentuary, or ' modus accentuandi in missaj printed at Venice by P. Leichtenstein, impensis J. osuald ciuis Augustensis, 8vo., 20 June, 1516, (f.) The Roman Directorium^ 8vo. Oct. 1539 (begun, apparently, in 1538). " Directorium Diuinorum Officiorum iuxta Romane curie ritum per Lodovicum, Ciconiolanum regularis obseruantie prouincie Campanie editum. Et per dominum Paulum Tertium, Pontificem Maximum, approbatum, omnibus perutile et necessarium." Rome. Ant. Bladi asulanum. " Prima Tabula, D.' (for January to December) when Easter Day falls on March 22 (as in Q\xt primum D.) ' Secunda Tabula, E.' (Easter on March 23), and so on, ending with '35 Tabula. C.' (when Easter falls on April 25. our quintum C.). * Tabula unica Ferialis Officii.' ' Rubrice generates partis festiue.' xxiv INTRODUCTION. 1 Rubrice particulares.' (Jan. Decemb.) ' Secunda pars festiua ' (i.e. Tabula festorum, with a rule as to the seasons when the celebration of matrimony is permitted or forbidden. Use of the Creed. Rule of liturgical colours). 35. * Tabule residuorum.' " Tables for the Office of the Departed. Note on extreme unction. ' De officio pro defunctis secundum consuetudinem fratrum minorum.' Rules for pronunciation. The Epact. * De celebratione Missarum.' The volume contains also a version of the ' Symbolum Athanasii,' by Luigi Ciconiolani, in Latin hexameters. (d.) A Directorium Benedictinum perpetuum : sive ordo celebrandi diuina officia, diurna, nocturna, missas, alia, secundum ritus Breuiarii Benedictini et Missalis Romani," was issued " jussu D. Bernardi, abbatis S. Galli, O. S. B., Rorschachii 1621. And again at Augsburg (Augustae Vindelicorum) 1650. (e.) In later times when printing had become common and less expensive, it became usual to produce the Ordinem officii recitandi^ as Zaccaria calls it, as an enlarged kalendar, for each successive year. Thus Mr. C. J. Stewart records, from the Albani library : " Ordo Divini Officii recitandi sacrique peragendi a capitulo et clero Basilicse S. Marci pro anno 1795," printed at Rome, 8vo. We find also in the British Museum (P.P. 2441. q.) " Directorium officii Divini peragendi iuxta ritum Breviarii et Missalis Romani ac proprii Hungarian. . . in usum dioces. Magno-Varadinensis," (cum catalogo cleri) 8vo. Magno Varadani (? Grosswardein) for the years 1806-1808. And I have before me a copy of " Diario Romano per 1'anno bissestile 1832," i2mo. In Roma, nella Stamperia della R. C. A., pp. 48, with a list of all the functions, processions, &c., throughout the year. Also " Ordo Divini Officii dicendi, et sacrum faciendi a Clero Romano ab iisque omnibus, qui sacras Laudes juxta Kalendarium Romanum persolvunt. . . anno Domini bissextili 1836. 8vo. Romae Ex Typo- graphia Rev. Cam. Apost. pp. 119 (of which the 'pie' for that year occupies 102 pages, for the direction both of those who used and of those who did not use the Roman kalendar). (f.) The word directorium occurs also in the title of a book which I have not seen, viz.. " Directorium aa rite legendum horas canonicas. Mechliniae, 1842." Of the "Directorium Sacerdotum" of Clement Maydeston, Canon Cooke and Mr. Limn will have occasion to speak in a separate volume. It is, however, necessary to say something in this place about the "Defensorium " of that directory or Priests' Guide, and about the companion treatise entitled " Crede Michi" INTRODUCTION. 9. THE DEFENSORIUM DIRECTORII SACERDOTUM. In the days of Cardinal Quignon, and of Cranmer, an impor- tant practical question was considered : How can the Lessons from Holy Scripture be appointed and read more fully than the order at present in vogue permits or provides ? l A century earlier, about the year 1440, a rather more elemen- tary question had been proposed to the experts in Sarum Use. It had taken this form : * How, and in what manner, and in what order, are the lessons from the Bible appointed to be read,' by existing requirements and rules ? Unfortunately for their own reputation, as it seems, the Sarum experts gave an answer in black and white to this insidious question. 2 They laid down the law that the titles of the lessons (prefixed, or entered in the margins, in the breviaries and lectionaries of the day) are to be strictly and literally observed. Thus they committed themselves to recommending that the bible histories, already considerably curtailed to make room for lives of the Saints and other ecclesiastical readings, should be further subjected to the indignity of being read piece- meal with frequent skipping. Not only were the books, "only begon and never read thorow," but the pieces were frequently, on this interpretation of the order, not resumed at the place where the previous reading was left off, but at some different context, per saltum ; and such omissions were made not on any rational principle with regard to the sense of the passage, but simply whenever (and it happened very often) one or more holy days had intervened with proper lessons of their own. The opinion thus expressed by the Canons of Salisbury was not only inexpedient in itself, but, unfortunately for their credit as experts, it was also at variance with their own Ordinale and with the common rubrics founded thereupon. Upon this and such like dicta, a writer who had Sarum rules at his fingers' ends found occasion to make a pamphlet exposing the divergencies between the standard Sarum Ordinale and the rubrics contained in the books which were then in ordinary use. 3 And he did not omit to hold up his hands in grief and astonish- ment at the blindness which, in the days of K. Henry the Sixth, had overtaken the guides of that once eminent and renowned church ' which used to be the bright candle for the whole of England.' 1 Breviarium Quignoniamim, ed. J. Wickham Legg (Cantab. 1888), p. xx. 2 Defensorium Directorii, cap. 59. 3 See Defensorium Directorii cap 60, the ' conclusio finalis.' xxvi INTRODUCTION. This controversial pamphlet was called the ' DEFENSORIUM DlRECTORII SACERDOTUM.' 1 Its author begins by laying down the principle that there are contained in the Sarum Ordinale, two classes of rubrics (i), general rubrics, binding on all the clergy ; and (2), ceremonial rubrics ; these latter concern only the clerks of Salisbury and any others (such as fellows, and scholars of certain colleges or inmates of certain religious houses) who have at some time, of their own choice, taken a definite oath to observe the customs of the church of Sarum. The fact to which we have had occasion to refer already, that Salisbury Cathedral has no festum loci, at once placed some of its rules out of harmony with the requirements of the majority of other churches in the country, and so many even in the "diocese of Salisbury itself as had a church with a dedication other than St. Mary's. To this point the author of the Defensorium more than once alludes (capp. 5, 35, 58, 59, 60, where he speaks of the 'festum locil and of two or three commemorations). The general rubrics which direct what is to be said or sung apply (he tells us) to all who receive the Sarum rite in any form. The ceremonial rubrics are those which are peculiar to the clergy of the Church of Salisbury. This distinction is insisted on in chapters 2-5, 12, 37, and 41 of the Defensorium. The author of the tract quotes the practice of the clerks of the colleges of Winchester and Oxford, and those of the royal colleges of Windsor, St. Stephen's, Westminster, and St. Katharine's by the Tower ; likewise the venerable cardinals or priest-vicars of St. Paul's, London, and in particular, John Goode (who died in 1450), as well as the venerable fathers, the canons of the same, and the church or chapel of St. Martin le Grand, and Wells Cathedral. All these, in one point or in several, though pledged to observe Sarum rules, yet disregarded the ' ceremonial ' rubrics of the Sarum Ordinale. He mentions, incidentally (p. 19), John Kempe, who had been Archdeacon of Durham, Bishop of Rochester (1419-21), Chichester (1420-21), and London, and who at this date (about 1439-50) was Abp. of York, and since 18 Dec., 1439, Cardinal of England, 2 and was subsequently (1452-4) Archbishop of Canterbury, and was also Chancellor of England. 1 Bis primas, ter presul erat, bis cardine functus.' 1 Ibid. capp. 20, 59. 2 The account of English Cardinals by Francis Thynne inserted in Holinshed's chronicle (p. 1167), says that Abp. Kempe ' was by Eugenius the fourth then Archbishop of Rome, made cardinall of the title of S. Sabina, INT ROD UC TION. xxvii 10. The author writes in the first person, with confidence in his own opinion, and with a manifest grasp of his subject. The title of his tract naturally suggests that he is none else than the author of the * Priests' Guide/ which he is here defending against the opinion of other experts. The prologue to the ' Guide ' mentions that ' Clement Maydeston ' was its author, and we may conclude with Maskell (though we have no absolutely conclusive proof to allege) that ' the probability is ' that he wrote also the Defensorium eiusdem Directorii which Caxton and others printed with it. 1 ii. CLEMENT MAYDESTON. Clement Maydeston, the author of the Directorium Sacerdotum and probably of its Defensorium^ was born about the year 1 390, at Isleworth opposite Richmond on the Thames. 2 Isleworth, Twickenham and Hampton, were among the churches with which William of Wykeham endowed his college of St. Mary Winton ; and several of the early scholars of Winchester, were drawn from that neighbourhood. Among the first of those who appear upon the school register, was ' Richard Maydeston of Middlesex' in 1393. He had passed to New College Oxford, and in course of time, in 1397, became a fellow. Thomas Maydeston of Isleworth, who entered ' College' in 1399 died in 1401, before he had finished his school course. Two years later Clement was ready for school, and his name was placed at the head of an unusually long roll of scholars (forty-five in number) who were elected under the mastership of Thomas Ramsay and were thrown into mourning for the death of their as saith Holinshed, otherwise by Onuphrius called Balbina : contraire to Polydor who (Hist, xxiii.), affirmeth him to be cardinalited by pope Nicholas I.' Perhaps both statements were correct, or was Kempe ^bis cardine func- tus^ ever a ' cardinal ' of St. Paul's ? 1 W. Maskell, Monumenta Ritualia ed. 2, ii. 347. 2 One Clement Maydeston is mentioned in Peck's Desiderata Curiosa ii. 242. He deposed that he and his father (Thomas Maydeston, esquire) had heard one of the household of K. Henry IV. solemnly aver, when taking refreshment at the House of Holy Trinity, Hounslow, that the body of that King was cast into the water near Gravesend, not really buried at Canterbury. Enquiry in the present century has proved that their informant told them false. No doubt it was our Clement who wrote the account of Abp. Scrope which is printed by Henry Wharton. Cf. Maskell Mon. Rit. (1882), ii. 346-9. dementis Maydestone Historia de martyrio Ricardi Scrope archiepiscopi Eboracensis, A.D. 1405. Wharton's Anglia Sacra, pars 2, pp. 369-372. " Deus omnipotens est testis et iudex ; quod ego Clemens Maydestone uidi uirum ilium et audiui ipsum iurantem patri meo Thome Maydestone omnia predicta fore uera." (p. 372). There is a touch of Crede michi in this deposition. xxviii INTROD UCTION. generous and pious Founder before they had been Wykehamists a full year. Two among Clement's contemporaries were destined, after passing through their studies at Oxford, to rise to positions of eminence in the church : Nicholas Oslebury as Warden of New College, and Thomas Bekyngton (who was tutor to the King) as Bishop of Bath and Wells. One of their schoolmates entered upon some secular office (' ad obsequium ') on leaving Winchester. But not so Clement Maydeston. It was the rule for William of Wykeham's scholars or ' children/ as each reached his fifteenth birthday, to take the oath of fidelity to the College, and a year later to receive the first tonsure. The number which left the College to enter religious houses hardly averaged one a year. Three lads, however, of those who had entered in 1403, and among them Clement Maydeston the senior on the roll, left school * ad religionem] or in other words became monks, following the example of a certain Richard Hoker of Hampton-on-Thames, who had been elected the year before them. 1 It is not recorded how long Clement remained at Winchester ; perhaps he may have stayed long enough to see John Maydeston (presumably his younger brother) following his example by heading the roll of 1406. In 1414, the year when Henry Chicheley, a Wykehamist bishop, was advanced from St. David's to Canterbury, Twickenham, in the royal manor of Isleworth, was to become the site of the new Augustinian House of Brigittine nuns, founded by K. Henry V. under the name of * Syon.' On Sunday, being St. Martin's Day, ii November, 1431, the convent removed into their newer buildings of Isleworth proper, but their first professions had been taken on the 2 1st of April, 1420, by Archbishop Chicheley, who solemnly dedicated their chapel and admitted twenty-seven Sisters, five Priests, and two Deacons and three lay Brethren. 2 It was part of the Brigittine constitution, which had been revealed to their foundress in a vision, that the sixty sisters of the house should have associated with them in their convent thirteen brethren in Priest's order (corresponding to the college of the twelve Apostles together with St. Paul the Apostle of the gentiles) and likewise four Deacons, after the similitude of SS. 1 See T. F. Kirby's Winchester Scholars, p. 29. John Maydeston of Isle- worth remained at the School for four years. 2 K. Henry V. had laid the first stone on the feast of St. Peter's Chair, 22 Feb. 1415, in the presence of Ri. Clifford, Bp. of London. The Duke of Bedford laid the stone of the new building at Istillworth on St. Agatha's day, 5 Feb. 1426. INTRODUCTION. xxix Ambrose, Augustine, Gregory and Jerome, the four chief Doctors of the Church. It was as a " Deacon " of the Syon Convent that Clement Maydeston found his vocation : and as * Dns Clemens Maydeston diaconus* his death is recorded (9 September, 1456) in the Obit- Book of the Brethren of Syon which, after following the Sisters through their strange vicissitudes and their repeated dissolutions and exiles at Zealand, Antwerp and Lisbon, right through the earthquake and the siege in the last-named city, has now a place among the manuscripts in our British Museum. 1 It is expressly permitted by the Brigittine statutes that the " Deacons " of such a house as Syon may, without prejudice, be advanced to the Priesthood if they will. 2 Of this permission Clement Maydeston availed himself, as he mentions incidentally in his pathetic address to his brother priests at the end of his prologus to his Directorium (reminding us of the pleading of Joseph in the dungeon) ; and he styles himself expressly ' Beate Brigitte. . . in religione professor indignus? Isleworth parish church, though now in the patronage of the Dean and Canons of Windsor, continued till the time of K. Henry VIII. to belong to Winchester College, and as such it may not improbably have been addicted to the use of Sarum at the time of Clement Maydeston's childhood. It was, however, situated in the diocese of London, and, as Collier tells us, it was by an order of Bishop Clifford in 1414 (the very year when preparations were being made for the first foundation of the Brigittine monastery, and only two or three years after Clement Maydeston left school) that the old Breviary of St. Paul's was laid aside to make way for Sarum use in saying and singing, 3 though we are expressly assured in the Defensorium (cap. 41 ; cf. cap. 22} that the canons still retained the local ceremonial. At Winchester College, without doubt, Clement Maydeston must have become familiar with the Sarum rite, as all the school were required by statute to attend surplice-chapel at first and second Vespers, as well as Mattins, Masses, Processions and other canonical Hours every Sunday and festival, secundum usum et consuetudimm ecclesie Calhedralis Sarum. The missa de die was to be celebrated ' secundum ordinale et usum ecclesie Sarum.' The mass of the Blessed Virgin likewise was to be ' secundum 1 Martyrologium et Obituarium de Syon : sec. xv. Brit. Mus. Add. 22,285. fo. 55. An account of this MS. is given by Mr. Dewick in his Introduction to the Martiloge of Ri. Whytford, a brother of the House at Syon. 2 See the evidence given by Mr. Dewick in the Martiloge, p. xxx. 3 Collier Eccl. Hist. \. 649 ; and Dugdale Hist, of St. Paul's^ p. 22, cited by Maskell Ancient Liturgy (ed. 3), p. Ixvi. xxx INTRODUCTION. usum Sarum ecclesie ' (as also were the Childermas offices, which the boys were to read and sing themselves). Only they were to be independent in some ceremonial matters such as the peals at evensong, the ruling of the choir, and such things as usually serve to differentiate a Collegiate from a Cathedral service. One of the exceptions is worth particularizing in this place. It was required by the Statutes of the College of St. Mary Winton, at Winchester, that in place of the Chapter Mass, prescribed by the Sarum rubrics (see Defensorium Directorii, cap. 3), a mass de * Requiem} should be celebrated in the College Chapel daily. 1 The place of the Missa de ' Requiem ' at Sarum immediately after the ' Commendations ' to the exclusion of the collect * Tibi, Domine, commendamus ' is specified in this tract as one of the points in which ' Sarum use ' was totally distinct from the cere- monial of the cathedral choir at Salisbury (cap. n). We ought, perhaps, to take the exclamations, made by Clement IVFaydeston (assuming that he was the author of the 4 Defence ' of his own * Guide '), against the blindness or gross darkness of the once brilliant church of Sarum, with some spice of caution. Nevertheless, the middle of the fifteenth century was by no means the most brilliant epoch for their Chapter. William Aiscough, the Bishop, murdered at Edyngton, in Jack Cade's rebellion, 29 June, 1450, met his fate (it was said) because he did not live in his own city. Many of the stalls were at that time held by ecclesiastics connected with distant churches, such as Lincoln, St. Paul's, or York. The system of papal provisions was in force, so that George Nevyll, brother of the famous Richard, Earl of Warwick, and subsequently Bishop of Exeter and Archbishop of York, held a sub-deacon prebend at Salisbury at the age of eleven years, in 1442. I have spoken of the * Defensorium ' as a ' controversial pamphlet.' If that were its entire character, it would have no place among the publications of our Society. Its claim upon our attention rests on more sterling qualities. The work of a competent ritualist, the author of the Directorium Sacerdotum himself, as we believe, it tells us what the Sarum Ordinale was, and what it was not ; it criticizes or explains various rubrics ; and it comments incidentally upon a considerable number of passages in the service books of olden time. A Table of Contents which we give (p. 23) will show sufficiently what the passages and topics are. I am quite unable to trace the train of thought which led the author Clement Maydeston 1 Statuta Collegii B. Mariae Winton, prope Winton (11 Sept. 1400), rubr. 29, ap. Kirby Annals of Winchester College, pp. 501, 502, 504. INTR OD UCTION. xxxi to marshal them in the peculiar order which they occupy in his little book. How far Clement Maydeston's opinion is to be treated as final and conclusive I cannot presume to say. In one point at least it is clear (as Canon W. Cooke has pointed out to me) that he failed to impress it upon those who came after him. He did not cure people of speaking of Low Sunday as the * Octave of Easter' (Defens. Direct, cap. 57). In spite of the weight of Durandus' dictum on his side, the Sarum missal printed at Paris for F. Regnault in July, 1527, gives ' Dnica in octa. pasche* as the heading of the service ' Dominica in octaua pasche ' at the top of fo. Ixxxi b. though ' Dominica .i. post pascha' on fo. Ixxxii. and then ' Ebdomada post octa' To speak of the octaves of Easter and Pentecost was an old established custom in this country. Thus we find both ' in octauis pentecosten ' and * in octauis pasce ' in the compilation from the Rule of St. ^Ethelwold, Amalarius, St. Benedict, &c., which the abbot vElfric made to the monks of Eynsham, cir. 1005 (see Miss Bateson's contribution to the Dean of Winchester Obedientiary Rolls. 1892. pp. 191, 194, I95). 1 The last of these passages contains a statement which is of great interest to us as Englishmen, as giving an early evidence of the introduction of Trinity Sunday : " in octauis pentecostes legimus et canimus de sancta trinitate." The Concordia Regularis of St. Aethelwold, which probably belongs to the year 996, has likewise the phrase, " vespera vero octauarum pasce" Dugdale Monast. i. p. xli, and ^Elfric quotes it (ubi supra p. 190), adding " De omnibus sanctis una anti- phona canatur, usque in octauas pentecosten'.' 12. THE CREDE Micni. 2 The ' Defensorium Directorii' is followed in the present volume, as in the appendix to the original edition of Clement 1 Modern authorities, as Miss Bateson has kindly pointed out to me, have Come to the conclusion that ^Ifric the abbot and grammarian (cir. 955-1205), who wrote the Homilies, the Pastoral, the English version of Donatus, &c. &c., and instructed monks at Cerne (987-990), and Eynsham (cir. 1005), having been himself a monk under yEthelwold at St. Swithun's, Winchester (cir. 971- 84), must be distinguished from the Abp. of Canterbury of the same name, and from ^Elfric, abbot of St. Albans, as well as from ^Elfric Putioc, Abp. of York. 2 " Crede Michi" is a convenient title for a trusty guide of any description. It is the descriptive name belonging to a collection of Charters, bulls, &c., gathered into one volume about the year 1275, and now in the custody of the Archbishop of Dublin. See Ireland and the Anglo-Norman Church, by Prof. G. T. Stokes, pp. 26, 108. xxxii INTRODUCTION. Maydeston's ' Directorium! by a second tract of somewhat greater length. Occupied as the ' Crede MicJii ' is with the discussion of passages from the rubrics, similar to those which pass under review in the ' Defensorium; it lacks almost entirely the controversial element. It gains accordingly in point of more careful and scientific arrangement and completeness, while it may lack something of the piquancy of an argumentative defence. Where the controversial element begins to appear it is at once entirely subordinated to the practical purpose of providing a trustworthy guide for liturgical requirements. I have found it convenient to divide the previous tract into sixty chapters, or at least to put numbers to the original paragraphs : and in like manner I have numbered the sections of the ' Crede Michi' from I up to 196. Though all these sections are based upon one authority, the Sarum Ordinale or body of rubrics, I find in the treatise before us the evidence of a three- fold authorship. As it has become the custom to treat the whole as the work of one author, Clement Maydeston, I will at once proceed to explain my meaning, and will then add the considerations on which my opinion is based. Now that the little book is accessible and printed in a modern form, it will be at once evident that it opens with a series of 1 articles ' or ' opinions ' similar in character to that one which as we have seen was spoken of in the ' conclusio finalis ' of the ' Defensorium ' as having been put in writing on the subject of the scripture lessons in the Breviary. Only, whereas in the Defensorium we are merely told about the gist and nature of that single opinion or article drawn up by Sarum experts, here in the Crede Michi we have no less than forty-two of such opinions or articles exactly as they were pro- pounded to the Canons of Salisbury as a question proposed (usually introduced by a quotation from the rubric or Ordinale) and all (with a very few exceptions) 1 resolved in the form of the deliberate ' Responsio ' or answer pronounced by the Chapter on the question or difficulty proposed to them. The Canons of Salisbury (about the year 1440-50, it may be, or earlier) I therefore consider to have been in part at least authors of the Crede Michi. 1 In 1-42 it will be found that seven, viz. Nos. 12, 22, 30, 32, 33, 35, and 36, lack the formal " Responsio" In some of these instances this may be possibly due to a want of editorial precision in the original edition, but in the case of 22 it is expressly stated that question remained unsolved; and of that in S 30, that it was open to dispute. INTRODUCTION. xxxiii But their ' responsiones ' do not in every instance in this treatise represent the 4 last word ' upon the questions proposed. In several instances a person with a decided opinion of his own has found something further to say upon the matter in hand. In the very first section he adds his censure upon the Canons' conclusion in these words, ' This answer does not content me? and again (after letting their second conclusion pass without note or comment) he brings their answer upon the third question to book with a reference to the Ordiriale> and bluntly adds, ' therefore I don't believe what they say.' We are not left long in doubt as to the personality of this writer, who disposes of vain opinions with the confidence and ease of a St. Thomas Aquinas. In Sections 12, 13, and 18 he gives his name : " / Clement Maydeston say that clerks of this class are not bound to do thus ; nor parish priests either'' " This reply (of the Canons) will never do (Clement)" And when the Canons argued as if the services of St. Mary Magda- lene and St. Anne were in pari materia, he remarks that " to compare tlie two, is frivolous, vain, and futile ; quoth Clement." Thus Clement Maydeston appears in this document as a censor of the decisions of the Sarum experts of his day. I do not find indeed that he is the author of the greater part of these articles. He at most quotes the majority of them with allow- ance ; while to a few he thus appends his own criticisms and amendments. To his pen I am inclined to assign one or two other sections besides the five criticisms already indicated. I refer to Sections 40,41. The parties diversely taking the matters in question here are not as in the earlier instances * multi,' * quidamj or ' alii} nor are they ' multe ecclesie de usu Sarum,' nor the ' collegiati ' or * clerici collegiorum ' or even ' alii experti in usu Sarum 9 ; but they are said to belong to a class nowhere else specified in the book, viz. * Clerici ecclesie Sarum' If I am not mistaken, Clement May- deston himself here takes up the character of Respondent (or shall we rather say of Moderator) and adds a couple of con- clusions of his own, putting the Sarum folk into the box as opponents, in order to overturn their futile arguments. The summing-up in Section 40, with its biblical phraseology and its light opinion of the Sarum clerks, is thoroughly Clementine, reminding us of the controversial Defensorium more perhaps than any other passage in this longer treatise. When the reader observes that these very same passages are expunged in Clarke's revised editions (in and after 1497) where every trace of Clement is carefully suppressed, and where almost MAYDESTONE. C xxxiv INTRODUCTION. everything else is left untouched he will perhaps allow that the opinion which I have treated as to the authorship of these sections has gained some confirmation. At all events it seems plain, that these two sections can hardly be due to the Canons of Salisbury themselves. One or two questions are left unsolved, as appears in Sections 22 and 30. The phrase ordinale quoddam ( 23) will perhaps receive elucidation hereafter from some competent student. When the reader has passed beyond the forty-second section he will soon observe, as he proceeds with the treatise, that he is living in a different atmosphere. There is (somewhat to change the metaphor) a distinct alteration in the dialect, as we may call it the phraseology of the two portions of the book. In 1-42 we have had formal " articuli ventilati et approbati" each (with very rare exceptions 1 ) concluding with its formal *Responsto" followed in three or more instances by the critical decta of Clement Maydeston. But from 43, onwards, the Responsiones Canonicorum vanish. Another person is speaking for himself, and using naturally the language of the rubrics and the correct copies from which his opinions are derived. He ' speaks like a book/ or ' by the card.' ' Sciendum est,' ' Sciendum quod', 1 regula pro choro' ' simi liter] ' similiter fiat! ' regula specialist 'vcra regula Sarum,' ' nota quod] * nota quando' ''regula generalis! ( dicendum est ' ; and ' respondendum est ' (once) in 80 ; such is now the manner of speech. But ' Responsio/ so common an expression in the first forty or forty-two sections, does not occur at all in the remaining hundred and fifty-four sections. These are (as we shall find they have in fact been called long ago) ' select rubrics] and notes on doubtful points. 2 Not only the dialect but the manners and customs are quite different. In Sections 142 (as \n\heDefensortum) the sequence between one topic and the next is by no means obvious. If there is any order in the questions discussed, or in the articles brought forward, it is at least not such as to be obvious to the present writer. But a glance at our Table of Contents to Crede Michi (pp. 83-9) will suffice to show that in 43-126 the writer of that portion of the treatise follows (roughly speaking) the common order of the service-book de Tempore from Advent to 1 The exceptions where no Responsio has been cited in the earlier portion of the Crede Michi are, 22 ' que nondum soluitur,' 30 * dubitatur.' See also 32, 35, 36 ; but in these last it seems possible that the word ' Responsio ' has been only inadvertently omitted. ' 2 ' rubrice . . . excerpte] see p. 40^ ; and c \Nota dubia diuersaJ] ' see p. 66. INTRODUCTION. xxxv Corpus Christi, and the Rubrica Magna, and season after Trinity. Then 127180 discuss and solve some doubts which had arisen about Saints' Dayservices from St. Andrew's Day onward through- out the year, de Sanctorali. And the remainder of the treatise ( 180-195) is devoted to some supplemental questions which may have occurred to the writer too late to be included in the body of his work in their proper order ; or else these may have been thought by him to be better suited for a sort of general appendix. 13. The question now arises, Were these later sections (43-195) composed by Clement Maydeston himself, in some period of quiet work, when he was not distracted by the heat of controversy ? That he was capable of sustained and orderly constructive work we have proof positive before our eyes in the elaborate " Priest's Guide," which is expressly ascribed to his authorship in the edition printed by Caxton, who was only about twenty years his junior. However, we must answer this question in the negative, on the very simple, but sufficient ground, that we find another writer avowing the authorship ; whereas it has never (so far as I am aware) been claimed for Clement Maydeston until compara- tively modern times. 1 Some years ago the late Mr. F. H. Dickinson kindly drew my attention to a manuscript in the British Museum (Add. 25,456) which he found to have some connexion with the Crede Michi, although the time at his disposal had not allowed of his ascer- taining the precise relation of the one to the other. For many years I found no convenient opportunity for acquainting myself with the manuscript itself. My delight may be imagined, when I found that beside a 'pie of two commemorations' just to regulate the beginning of the history ' Deus omnium' after Trinity, in churches where the Octaves of Corpus Christi are observed with Rulers of the Choir (for which Mr. Dickinson's note had prepared me), 2 it proved to contain, with some omissions, a copy of the self-same sections of the printed Crede Michi (Nos. 43195, or at least to 192), not indeed absolutely identical with it, line by line, but yet sufficiently close to be considered 1 So far as I know, the first writer to assert that Maydeston was the author of Crede Michi was Dr. Thomas Wagstaffe who, having been Chancellor of Lichfield, and rector of St. Mary Pattens, was consecrated a Bishop among the Nonjurors in 1693. For a knowledge of his notes I am indebted to the Rev. Canon William Cooke, who proposes to edit them in his volume containing the ' Directorium? 2 For a specimen of this Pie, see Appendix I. pp. 119-126 below. c 2 xxxvi INTRODUCTION. the original edition. It has, moreover, the same title at the end, coupled with its writer's name, as follows : " Explicit Tractatus vocatus Crede Michi quod Raynton." He introduces the Pie with the simple heading, 1 Ista regula est breviter compilata de I nceptione historic Deus omnium, vbi octaue Corporis Christi fiunt cum regimine chori, et due fiunt commemorationes." Having gone through thirty-four, but what, as I find, were intended to be thirty-five, rubricated rules from lA. to 5G., 1 he ends that document on leaf 93 b with simple colophon " Expliciunt quod Raynton I[ohannes]." He proceeds then at once to the other piece, which here con- cerns us especially, and starts with the following dedicatory address : " C Venerabili doctori et Reverendissimo^\x\ Magistro Thome G sequentes rubrice verissime de Ordinali Sarum excerpte tra- dantur propter declarationem sue consciencie, et ad destruccionem falsarum rubricarum que in libris ponuntur valde diffuse. Quodcunque festum in dominica ii. iii. vel iiij. Aduentus Domini contigerit, differatur in crastinum, nisi fuerit festum dedicacionis," &c., &c. The question naturally arises, Who is ' the very reverend father, Mr. Thomas G. ' ? The conclusion of the book lets us into the secret : " Iste liber compilatus fuit utiliter ad instanciam Reuerendi Doctoris Magistri Thome Gasgari, tractus de Ordinali Sarum" 14. THOMAS GASCOIGNE of Oriel College Oxford, D.D., was Vice-Chancellor of the University of Oxford in the years 1434 and 1439. He was Chancellor of York Cathedral 1432-42, Chancellor of the University of Oxford 1442-45. And he died 13 March, 1457-8. It will be remembered that Maydeston (assuming him to be the author of the Defensoriwri) has cited him (cap. 58) as a living authority on ceremonial, and has styled him * doctor devotissimus ' of the province of York. 2 It appears, therefore, that this leading Oxonian (canon of York as he was) was conscious of the importance of Sarum use within his own jurisdiction, and charged one John Raynton to compose 1 The scribe of MS. Add. 25,456, has omitted on If. Sqhisregu/a Tercium B. Quando luna currit per xvij. xij. ix. i. 2 C. Boase, Regist. Univ. Oxon. I., referring to Anstey's Index; James E. Thorold Rogers' edition (1881) of Gascoigne's Loci e Libra Veritatis ; J. Griffith's Wills proved in the Court of the University (1862). INTRODUCTION. xxxvii a treatise out of the Sarum Ordinale to refute and to correct the false rubrics which had crept into the books in circulation, and which he, no less than Clement Maydeston himself, desired to reform. The result of this charge is to be seen in the British Museum manuscript called Crede Mihi, which Mr. Warner dates about the third quarter of the fifteenth century. It may be the original, written cir. 1450-55. Of the author, JOHN RAYNTON, I have hitherto been able to learn nothing but his name. 1 Like others before and since, he felt that he could finish with a verse : " Explicit Tractatus vocatus tcb ttttC$i quod Raynton Si 300 ponatur et $dft simul accipiatur. Et tt0 Jungatur, qui scripsit sic nominatur. Iste liber compilatus fuit utiliter" &c. (as quoted above). I conclude then that the Crede Mihi, as we find it printed in 1487 and later years in the fifteenth and sixteenth century, and reprinted in this present volume, is in reality a composite document, consisting of about 101 sections of John Raynton's compilation cir. 1450 subsequently increased to 154 (not improbably by Maydeston cir. 1455) an d preceded by about 42 sections or articles agreed upon by a conference of Canons of Salisbury, and in some points revised and criticized by Clement Maydeston. Gascoigne died early in 1458 and Maydeston about two years before him, so that neither of them lived to see the first printed edition of the work in which they had taken a smaller or greater part. Cardinal Kempe and John Goode (both of them men- tioned in the Crede Michi) had also passed away. The work very soon made its way, and had penetrated to Scotland by I492. 2 Two English editions at least appeared in Caxton's lifetime (besides another at Antwerp) ; and another after Caxton's death 1 Raynton or Radyngton appears as a family and place name in Enfield and the neighbourhood in the I4th and iyth centuries. Lyson's Environs of London, ii. 300, 313, 314. 2 Among the donations of Mr. W. Howe to the Church of St. Nicholas Aberdeen in 1492 we find : *' A silver chalice gilt, in the custody of Sir John Strachin, with a small book called Crede michi, a corporal and two phials, to the Altar of St. Thomas the Apostle of Aberdeen." Cartularium Eccl. S. Nicholai Aberdonensis (New Spalding Club, ed. J. Cooper, D.D., 1892) vol. II. p. 245, xxxviii INTR OD UCTION. came from the press at Westminster, the edition by Wynkyn de Worde (1495) which forms the basis of our text. After that date there appears to have been some call for a revision ; and the work was done by a Cambridge man, William Clerke. 15. WILLIAM CLERKE, who undertook to revise the Ordinal 1 (and presumably the tracts appended to it, for we find that they were somewhat curtailed or expurgated in 1497) had been elected from Eton to King's College, Cambridge, in 1467. He gave up his fellowship and become chanter of the college chapel, after which he was a domestic to Abp. Rotheram, who had like- wise been fellow of King's. It would seem that Clerke was a layman, or at least not in the higher orders, and was married, and that he and his wife died 4 Aug. 1509; and they are commemorated by the following inscription which is in the nave of York Cathedral : Sub hoc lapide iacent Willielmus Clerke et Alicia vxor eius qui obierunt iiij. die mensis Augusti, An. Dni. 1509. Quorum anime in pace requiescant. 2 It was at the appointment of the University of Cambridge that Clerke amended and corrected the pie. His patron Abp. Rotheram had been Chancellor of Cambridge in 1469, 1473, 1475, 1478, and 1483, having been master of Pembroke Hall at the last of these dates as well as Archbishop, while on the third and fourth occasions (1475-78) he had held the see of Lincoln as well as the Great Seal of the realm. It is quite possible that he continued to exercise some influence at the University after he ceased to be Chancellor. But I think it a significant fact that the Chancellor of Cam- bridge in the years 14946, when we must suppose that the order or resolution to revise the ordinal was taken, was in fact a nephew of Abp. Rotherham and was none other than John Blythe, LL.D., Master or Warden of King's Hall 148-898. He had been an Archdeacon in the dioceses of York and Lincoln, and in 1492 was Master of the Rolls, but since 1493-4 na ol been Bishop of Salisbury? 1 The * animaduertendum ' or preface of 1501 tells us that Clerke carefully compared (collationauit) his book with the verum ordinale Sarum. 2 I have had no opportunity for attempting to verify the identification of these persons. I state it upon the authority of Cooper's A thence Cantab, i. 13, where reference is given to Alumn. Eton. 112. Herbert's Ames, 246, 249. Drake's Eboracum, 501. John Blyth had been Preb. of Leighton Ecclesia Lincoln, 1482-85. Arch, of Stow, 1477 ; Archd. of Huntingdon, 1478-93. Also Archdeacon INTRODUCTION. It is I think not unreasonable to suppose that the Bishop of Salisbury was not well pleased with some of the reflexions published in the early editions of the Defensorium ; and that he took occasion, at the call for a fresh edition, not only to instruct William Clerke to amend what errors had been discovered, but to put his pen through the caustic remarks, which were being circulated under M' ay des ton's name, to the discredit of the Illustrious Church of Sarum. The edition from which we print our text is that of 1495 by Wynkyn de Worde ' in domo Caxton^ the latest printed before Clerke's revision. We have shewn the alterations and modifica- tions or omissions w r hich that revision entailed by notes introduced within square brackets in a manner which we hope will be sufficiently perspicuous without distracting the reader. The system which we have pursued in editing the text will be found sufficiently explained in a note near the bottom of p. 3 below. We have retained the old punctuation including the use of marks of parenthesis, sometimes the single " hook," some- times in pairs, which the old printer used where we might now put a comma or an inverted comma. The text, in beautiful black type without rubrications, runs on consecutively, broken, as a rule, only by the ordinary black- letter paragraph-marks. There are however four places where a scanty space is left blank, and these, I have no doubt, have some reference to an original (manuscript) copy with musical notation. 2 The passages are as follows : (1) In Defensorio Directoriz, fo. p 6 a lines 1-3. See p. 14, cap. 38. f[ Sequens cantus nunquam cantat&r ad Prima;^ alicuius sancti in choro Sarum lam lucisorto sydere) f[ Item qua/zdo missa domi/zzcalis in die domiWca. Vel in (2) Ibid, fo. p 7 a lines 15-17. See p. 18, cap. 55. in comme- moratio^e sancti Pauli. in laudibus dicitur sequens cantus. Exultet celum laudibus C In omnibus festis duplicibus in. xl. co^tingentibz/s of Richmond, 1485-93. Preb. of Masham, York, 1484-93. He was buried under the confessional chair at the back of the high altar at Salisbury (in sight of the ' Salve" 1 Altar) 'thwart-over' north and south. The recumbent effigy said (in 1733) to be Bp. Blyth's and removed by Wyatt to the Great North Transept, has a canopy over it. 1 A facsimile of the last page, executed for us by Messrs. Walker and Boutall, will be found at p. 82 below. Although the printer allowed too narrow space for anything beyond a musical staff in miniature, it is evident that space had originally been allowed x INTRODUCTION. (3) In Crede Michi, fo. C., last lines. See p. 64, 120. f[ In prima die & dommica. infra octauas. & in octa. die dicitur hie cantus fl Venite (4) Ibid, fo. C iiij b top lines. See p. 71, 155. C In die ap^^lorum Petri & Pauli iste erit Cantus siue hymmus in laudlbus* Exultet celum laudib^^. 1 6. It may have been by a mere coincidence and nothing more that about 1509, the year in which Clerke and his wife died, the sale of the Directo-rhun came virtually to an end. Four, or more, editions of Maydeston's Directorium, and seven, or more, of Clerke's own revision thereof, may have been found quite sufficient to supply any reasonable demand for copies of a technical book of rules, which had a strictly limited use, especially when in past generations a few Ordinalia in manu- script had tolerably well supplied the need. At all events the call for fresh editions does not appear to have continued after the death of the reviser of the book, and we find an Archbishop of Canterbury (Cranmer) some forty years later making use of a copy which Pynson had printed in 1501. Shortly before Clerke's death there had been moreover a new departure taken in the development of the Ordinale : and this must further have checked the sale of the ' Priest's Guide.' 17. On the 2 1st of June 1507 Wynkyn de Worde, who had been one of the chief printers of the Directorium, issued in two little pamphlets adapted to the two liturgical half years, a shorter edition of the pie. He had an octavo Breviary printed for him in Paris, and he issued the two volumes under one and the same date " Lowdoniis, 1507, xj. Kalendas Julij." No copy of either part of this pamphlet Pica Sarum itself has been preserved ; but the trade announcement, and directions for binding it, are extant ; and they are sufficiently interesting to be quoted here. They represent an advance in the mystery of printing since Caxton's placard advertisement of the old Ordinale was struck off and posted up in 1477-8. The later advertisement to which we now refer is printed at the back of the title page of " Portiforii ad vsu;^ Sarum iamdu- dum castigatissimi : volumes primus / vulgo pars hyemalis nuncupata " (2 1st June 1507). in his exemplar for some musical notation of the cantus ; and in point of fact, Raynton's MS. of Crede M ichi actually supplies the musical stave in the 3rd instance. INTRODUCTION. xli " Admonitio ad Emptores. f[ Animaduerte emptor diligenter et incunctanter crede ; Inprimis esse portiforiuw hoc cum pica ceteris omnibus antehac impressis (vt paucis dicam) excussis nebulis breuius : cowpre- hensione tamen sufficientius : intellectione clarius : lectione de- nique verius. f[ Que vero ex magna rubrica desunt : commodius ordinata quere in tabula de festorum diuisione. quam post co/^mune sanc- torum reperies. Cetera passim inculcat pica. Poteris autew ad placitu;/z in vno habere volumine totum portiforium sine pica. Picam autem ipsam seorsum ligare tota;^. Aut in duobus voluminibus: portiforium cum pica 1 Singulo volumini: suam in fine subnectendo picam. \\desj\. parti hiemali suam : et esti- uali suam. fitque ad picas singulas / a sua cuiusqe^? hysteria : per numeros marginales remissio. C Postremo et hoc scito te psalteriuw magna diligentia castigatu^. non verbis solis. verum etiam in punctis / vt versus callea#t singulos qui in choro canunt : inter psallendum amodo sine dissona/ztia distinguere. Sintque hec nostra quocunque locorum venerint psaitaria : ceteris quibusque corrigendis exem- plaria / ijs maxime : que in choris antiphonaria vocant. f[ Vos igitw o emptores / o dommi sacerdotes / o clerici omnes charissimi : adhortor in visceribus lesu christi / vt rubri- cas has in vestruw alieno sudore commodum paucas breues lucidasque effectas ,/ vna cum prefata tabula / no^modo vigi- lantes perlegatis : verumetiam tenaci commendatis memorie. Picam quoq^^ secimdum .anni cursum diligenter perlegere stude- atis ante pr/mas vesperas cuiusque dominice. SI cui autew hec grauia videantur erubescat potius ille / ac plangat igoauia;^ suam. Simul et recognoscat ocius debitum suum. ne si deuians iuxta professionem horas rite persoluere nesciat : illud a deo audiat. quoniam ignorans ignorabitur. 2 Valete." 3 Although the only surviving copy >of the edition of the portos containing the foregoing admonitio, Is one of those bound in one volume separate from the Pie which is now lost, we may con- clude that W. de Worde found that his customers practically decided in favour of binding the two halves of the Pic, each with its own (winter or summer) services. For we find that in less 1 Portiforium cum pica: It will be seen in Appendix II, below that the earliest Sarum Breviary of which we have a complete example (1483) had made the experiment of printing certain regulcte de historiis (such as some of me MSS. had contained), and this was a step in the direction of a breviary with the pie. 2 The reference is to I Cor. xiv. 38. 3 Portif. Sarum 8 VO 1507, Bodl. Oxon. GougTi Missals 73. leaf i b . xlii INTRODUCTION. than three years (22 Dec. 1509) Wynkyn had adopted a modifi- cation of that plan. He employed Hopyl at Paris to print for his English customers a breviary in two volumes, but with the short pica cut up and placed at the head of each season of the Temporale in the form familiar to us at least in every edition of the Sarum Breviary from 1509 onwards. 1 Recent enquiry has led me to the conclusion that this im- provement was not by any means a new invention originated in 1509. Apart from the fact that the earliest known edition which survives in a complete state (that of 1483) contained some sort of pie, 2 following in this some of the still earlier MSS., it appears that J. Philippe printed at Paris for J. Huvyn of Rouen a portos with a pie identical with those of 1509 onward, so far as it went, as early as 16 Aug. I5OI. 3 This pie is not a separate pamphlet but an integral part of the book, like that incorporated in later editions. As in the case of so many other sets of the Sarurn portiforia, the/^rj estivalis now alone remains. It opens with a leaf of benedictions for the lessons at mattins, and then the leaf signed 'a.ii.' commences thus : "Infesto sancte trinitatis f[ In Dei nomine amen. Breuiarii una cum ordinali secundum usum Sarum pars estiualis incipit. I A. 41 In die trinitatis totum seruitium de festo. Ad .ii. ves. de trinitate solennis memoria de comemo. feria .ii. iii. et iiii de comemo. et memo, de oct. cum an. de noc. fe. v. de corpore xpi." This continues for g\ pages to the end of $G. for Trinity week and Corpus Christi, just like the later book, as in the Cambridge edition of the Breviary of 1531, fasc. i. pp. mxxix-mxliii. It ends in the middle of the 9th page of pie (= sig. a. vj a .). " . . . missa de vigilia cantetur ad summum altare post .vi. et me. de sancta etheldreda " and continues in the next line of the same page with the opening of the Temporale, 1 Three specimens of Hopyl's Sarum portiforium with the pie, printed for Wynkyn de Worde, are preserved in England, two at the Bodleian Library, Oxford, and one at St. John's College, Cambridge, all of them being the summer half-year volumes. The portion of the Pie prefixed to the Aberdeen Breviary in 1510, in the pars hy emails volume, is familiar to us in Mr. Blew's reprint. It is there called canon and directorium, but it does not get beyond the ' Historia Aspiciensj for Advent. 2 The Pie of 1483 is given below in Appendix II. pp. 140-148 ; 148-151. 8 This portiforium, P.E. 1501, is at St. Marie's College, Oscott. I owe to the courtesy of Rev. Dr. Parkinson and of Mr. Isidor Kuner, the assistant librarian, the information given above. Like later portoses it differs from the Great Breviary of 1531 in not containing the twofold pie for the latter ' histories.' It has e.g. that which begins at the foot of p. mccxliii., but not the rule beginning on p. mccxli. of the Cambridge edition. INTRODUCTION. xliii " f[ In festo scfe trinitatis ad ves. super psalmos an. Gloria tibi trinitas equalis," &c. It contains also the pie for nine Sundays after Trinity, ex- tending to nearly 27 pages, and shorter sections for the " histories " Si bona? Peto Domine^ Adonay, Adaperiat, and Vidi Dominum. It is clear that the Pie in the Breviary cannot pretend to be a complete directory. It is a useful guide in the chief cases of doubt, but does not afford an exhaustive list of all festal or other services falling within each week. While they who used the Directorium Sacerdotum, or the earlier Ordinale, would need to turn to the kalendar but seldom, and in some weeks might go through without referring to it at all, they on the other hand who had only the shorter Pie of three Commemorations, which the Breviary provides, would be in danger of missing half their Saints' day services, unless they took the precaution of consulting also the kalendar for every week. 1 8. As regards the question, What were the authority and the auspices under which the Breviary Pica was produced ? it seems evident from the terms of W. de Worde's advertisement that it was a private venture ; and I can find only the very slightest indication of the influence under which it was brought out. When printing had been introduced, the living authority of Salisbury had already somewhat declined. Perhaps the powers there were too well satisfied with the traditional forms (whose excel- lence had been so widely recognised) to venture, or to care, to take any steps in order to guide contemporary efforts for im- provement. It is a remarkable fact that the printed Missals (and the Legenda of 1516) take no notice whatever of a weekly commemoration of St. Osmund, although lessons and a mass are provided in some copies of the Breviary at least as early as 1519. That more respect is shown for the local requirements of Lichfield than for those of London 2 in the printed Sarum books, may be due perhaps to the fact that St. Paul's had only in later generations submitted to Sarum customs, and then had done so with reser- vations (it may be) rather than with perfect satisfaction. Though 1 The pie of 1501 gives a peculiar, and probably an incorrect, day for commencing the lessons from Job, for Sunday letter A. "6 A f[ Si bona Littera do. A. in xxii. septewbris tota ca/ztetur hyst.' 2 Brew, Sar. \\. 317, 319, iii. 193 ; St. Erkenwald's days are 30 April and 14 Nov. M. Sam. Berger informs me that the kalendar of the Sarum Breviary of 1483 (the earliest printed breviary now complete) omits all mention of St. Osmund both at 16 July and at 4 December. Also St. Erkenwald, at 14 Nov. is unnoticed. xliv INTRODUCTION. Lincoln retained its own use until 1556, the Sarum books had made no provision either for the weekly commemoration of St. Hugh which was used in certain important Colleges, or for the feast of his Translation on St. Faith's day, 6th October. The shorter pie does however refer to this last in several places, and once it goes so far as to mention ' dyocesis Lincoln ' by name. 1 This, so far as I have observed, is a greater concession to Lincoln requirements than the Directorium of Clement Maydeston &c. allowed ; but we have no proof that even after 1 509 this special Lincoln service was provided in print, although it had been thus allowed or prescribed. There was however one place which, as we have already noticed, had (since the invention of printing) taken up the work of liturgical improvement which Sarum and Oxford had begun. It is evident that the persons who were engaged in writing and printing Sarum books, while they made light of the Translation of St. Frediswide of Oxon (I I Feb.) and of St. Hugh of Lincoln (6 Oct.), fully realised that they were catering for the men of Ely. St. Etheldreda has her two feasts regularly in Sarum use, 2 but it cannot have been with a view to home requirements at Salisbury that an order for a weekly commemoration of St. Audrey is provided in the portiforia from 1494 (if not earlier) to 1557, or almost from first to last. The influence of John de Burgh (author of Pupilla Oculif chancellor of Cambridge, 1384) Woodlark, Rotheram, J. Blythe and W. Clerke did not wane when Fox and Fisher ruled at Cambridge. And it is a signifi- cant fact that where the Directorium of 1495, speaking of July 1 8th (St. Arnulph'sday),had merely spoken of places 'where there are three commemorations/ the shorter Pie of 1509 and later years has under the Sunday Letter C the notes "tamen in diocesi Eliensi, et ubi celebretur festum sancti Osmundi, tota cantetur hysteria." and " Et nota quod in diocesi Eliensi tota cantetur hysteria in die sancti Arnulphi." 4 1 A MS. breviary, written in 1416, does provide for this festival of St. Hugh in an appendix. St. John's Coll. Cam. MS. F. 9. See^^z/. Sar. Appen. iii. p. xxii. Brew. Sarum \. pp. mcccxxiii-xxxiv., mccclxxi-lxxiv. Ibid. \. mccclxxiii. 1 The earliest (complete) printed Sarum Breviary now extant (1483) while mentioning the feast of St. Etheldreda (17 Oct.) adds, in the kalendar, 'sed non Sarum.' 3 John de Burgh tells us that he based his Pupilla Oculi upon an earlier manual called Oculus Sacerdotis. This consisted of various portions with fancy names, *" dextra pars oculi] ( sinistra pars] ' cilium oculi sacerdotis" 1 &c. Hence we frequently find in inventories, wills, and catalogues * Pars Oculi' as the title of a manuscript. * Brev. Sar. i. pp. mcxxviii-mcxxxii. INTRODUCTION. xlv A list of various editions of the Sarum ORDINALE and DlRECTORlUM is given immediately below. Any further remarks which it may be necessary to make upon it will be brought forward in Canon Cooke's edition of the work itself. For the present, therefore, it only concerns us to say with regard to the little volume before us that the tracts ' Defen- sorium ' and ' Crede Michi' were attached to all seven editions of Clerke's revision (1497-1508) as well as to the four editions of Maydeston's unrevised Directorium (1487-95). It is perhaps hardly necessary to tell the reader that we do not suppose that the tracts here printed were included in Caxton's quarto Ordinale of 1477 of which fragments only now remain. We think it highly probable that Caxton himself was not aware of the existence of Maydeston's work until after he had printed that which its author had intended it to supersede. Subsequently, when after ten years a fresh edition was required, Caxton printed Maydeston's Defensorium, with the tracts, in preference to reprinting the older work which he had printed before. Mr. Lunn, who some years ago compared the third Pynson (1501) with the first edition produced by the same printer in 1497, observed that the former ("P^.") is an exact reprint of the other (" P."), page for page, and (with a few exceptions) line for line. It remains for me to name those who have afforded assistance in the present book. Mr. Alfred Rogers has collated the Defensorium Directorii of 1499 at Cambridge (Henry Bradshaw's own copy of Wynkyn de Worde's second edition, " W 2," which is one containing Clerke's revised text) with Gerard Leeu's Antwerp quarto of the unre- vised Maydeston 1488 (" L"). Miss Parker has supplied the various readings from the last working edition of i$o8("P 5.") from the Bodleian Library, Oxford. And Canon William Cooke has kindly furnished me with his collation of my own text (W. de Worde's unrevised, 1495, or " W") with three or four copies in the British Museum : Caxton 1487 (" C") Leeu 1488, -(" .") and (for the Defensorium) Pynson's 1497 and 1501 (" P." and " P 3 "). For some knowledge of this last named edition I have also had the advantage of consulting a transcript made by the Rev. J. R. Lunn, B.D., whose notes upon the Pie, communi- cated to me twelve years ago, have been helpful in the present undertaking. His perfect knowledge of the kalendars has like- wise saved me from some errors. I have expressed my acknow- ledgments to the Rev. Stephen Phillips, D.D., and to Dr. J. Wickham Legg, in another place. I have also been under some obligation to Mr. Francis Jenkinson, the Cambridge University xlvi INTRODUCTION. Librarian, and to Mr. Falconer Madan of the Bodleian Library, Oxford, and to Mr. E. Gordon Duff and Mr. E. G. Fawke at Manchester. I have above all to thank Canon W. Cooke for carefully reading over the proof sheets with the texts of 1495, even when ill- health must have made the task difficult. To him also are due some of the references given in the notes. The Rev. Francis Procter has also kindly read over some of the sheets, thus happily reviving the companionship of former years. The Rev. E. S. Dewick has been ever ready when I have asked him both to give his sound advice and to render every assistance in his power. CHR. WORDSWORTH. Tyneham Rectory. Rogation-tide, 1894. INTRODUCTION xlvii A LIST OF EDITIONS OF THE PRINTED SARUM PIE. 1 (i.) ' ORDINALE,' or 'PICA SARUM.' Note. Date. Size. Place. Printer. Owner, &c. 0. (1487-8) 4 to (Westminster. ) W. Caxton. 8 leaves. British Mu- seum, Case 40. 1. i. (ii.) CLEMENT MAYDESTON'S 'DIRECTORIUM SACERDOTUM' with Kalendar, * Defensorium DirectoriiJ and * Crede MikiS C. (1487) folio Westminster. W. Caxton. British Museum, 2 Case 10. b. 1 6. ... ... 2 leaves. Lincoln Cath. L! 1488 4 Vo Antwerp. Ger. Leeu. British Museum, Case 35. f. (wants kalen- dar). ... . . i Bodleian Oxford Auct. i Q- 5- 8. ... Bodl. 8 D. i Th. BS. ... Univ. Lib. Cambridge. ... ... ... St. John's College Camb. T. 9. 12. C2. (1489) folio Westminster. W. Caxton. Bodleian Oxford Auct. QQ. supra i. 7. ... ... i leaf. British Mu- seum? w. 1495 4*0 Westminster. W. de Worde. British Museum, Case 35- ^ 4- ... Rev. Chr. Wordsworth, Tyneham (imperfect). %* The PICA OF YORK USE was printed at York in 1509, by Hugo Goez. There is one copy of this edition in the Minster Library at York, and a second at Sidney Sussex College, Cambridge. 1 The above list is taken from that which has been printed, from HENRY BRAD- SHAW'S papers, in the Cambridge edition of the Sarum Breviary. 2 C. Stolen from Cambridge Univ. Library. xlviii INTRO D UC TION. A LIST OF EDITIONS OF THE PRINTED SARUM PlE continued. (iii.) W. CLERKE'S REVISION OF MAYDESTON'S ' DIRECTORIUM,' &c. The Marquis of Bath has 6 leaves of an early Pynson edition. Note. Date. Size. Place. Printer. Owner, &c. P. 1497 4" London. R. Pynson. British Museum, Case 35- f- 6. ... ... I leaf. Corpus Christi Coll. Cambridge. P2. 1498 4 to London. R. Pynson. Ryland's Library Man- chester ( Althorp Col- lection). W2. (1499) 4 to (Westminster.) (W.deWorde.) Univ. Libr. Cambridge (Bradshaw Collec- tion). P3- 1501 4 to London. R. Pynson. British Museum, 1 Case 35- {- 7- ... ... ... Ripon Cathedral. Pi 1503 4 Vo London. R. Pynson. Bodleian, Gough Mis- sals 142. ... Magd. Coll. Cam. Pepys' Collection, 1700. W 3 . I54 4 to London. W. de Worde. Bodleian, Gough Mis- sals 149. PS- 1508 4 to London. R. Pynson. Bodleian 40 S. 33 Th. Seld. ... Bodl. Gough Missals in. 1 P$. formerly Abp. Cranmer's copy. DEFENSORIUM DIRECTORII SACERDOTUM AO Dni 1495. The printed editions collated (or examined) for the present reprint arc as follows (those which have been only partially examined being noted in brackets) : Clement Maydestorfs Directorium Sacerdotum. C.=Caxton's folio (1487) usually followed closely by ' L.' L.=Leeu's quarto, 1488. W.=Wynkyn de Worde's quarto, 1495, supplies our text. Clerke's revision. Pi.=Pynson's first quarto (1497). (P2.=Pynson's second quarto, 1498.) W2.=Wynkyn de Worde's second quarto (1499). P3.=Pynson's third quarto, 1501. (P4.=Pynson's fourth quarto, 1503.) [W3.=Wynkyn de Worde's third quarto, 1504, not examined.] P5.=Pynson's fifth quarto, 1508. ' Caxton* is specified in full when the edition of 1487 is not followed by Leeu ; but when we give the abbreviation C. it may be inferred that Leeu agrees with his reading. In other words "C" {perse} = 1487 -f- L. ; but ' Caxton' =1487 alone. P3. may be taken to include P2., of which it is, as Mr. E. Gordon Duff kindly informs us, a page for page reprint. Likewise P2. is a reproduction of Pi. As regards the pagination, there is none in the W. de Worde of 1495. I therefore can only note the signature from the foot of the leaf ( p ij., p iij., &c.), where one occurs. I have employed the arable numerals 5 8 tor the corresponding leaves which do not bear a signature on the face of them in the quires of W. de Worde's quarto. I have departed from the original of 1495 in three or four particulars : (i) I have used capital letters for Divine Titles and for all proper names, in which W. de Worde had no fixed rule. Possibly large initials were scarce in his fount of type. In many MSS. of that date large initials were consistently used for proper names. (2) I have used italic type for rubrics quoted, and the like. Though W. de Worde used no rubrication (nor, of course, italics), but kept to the sombre colores picae, I have not thought it incumbent on me to deny the reader the help which such distinctions of typography minister to the mind through the eye. Now and then the I5th century printer made use of hooks (marks of parenthesis) partly as a device to mark quotations. These I have retained (along with other punctuation) as a curiosity, exactly as he used them. Some- times he omitted the convex hook, sometimes the concave Some- times he prints ' octa.', sometimes ' octa ' without a point. He was feeling his way. (3) I have expanded the very few contractions which are found in the original, noting them by italics only in cases where any shade of doubt (or variety of reading; is conceivable. (4) The only contractions which I have myself employed are 'b. ; (very rarely) for ' beatus ' and its cases, and ' sctus ' ' sea and other cases of ' sanctus,' occasionally. MAYDESTONE. B 2 DEFENSORIUM DIRECTORII. [W. de Worde A.D. 1495. Fo. p ij. lin. 14.] /C INCIPIT DEFENSORIUM DIRECTORII [SACER- DOTUM]. IN NOMINE DOMINI. 1 [i.] C CCIENDUM quod in Ordinal! 2 Sarum) due sunt species ^ Rubricarum. Quedam sunt rubrice generates) que ponuntur in libris ad instruendum qualiter antiphone et Respon- soria sunt dicenda, et quomodo memorie sunt habende) et tales Rubricas quilibet institutus infra sacros ordines tenetur obseruare. Alie Rubrice sunt 3 cerimoniales. que solum obligant clericos ecclesie Sarum. et omnes illos qui se sponte obligauerunt ad tales cerimonias custodiendas et non alios (vt inferius latius patebit). 4 [2.] C Sczendum 5 quod due sunt cause que cogunt missam dominicalem ab vna dominica in aliam omnino differri. Videlicet prolixitas temporis et euentus Assumptions vel Natiuitatis Marie* seu Dedicationis ecclesie in dominica. /C Prima pars huius Rubrice est vera et generalis [p ij.b. pro omnibus ecclesijs. quia ibi vera est necessitas 7 quando sunt xxvi. vel. xxvij. dominice. 1 - 1 In the edition printed by W. de Worde at Westminster in 1495, fr m which our text is taken, this tract begins on the same page as that on which sextum G.' of the Directorium or Pye ends, thus (lines 12-15) : f[ Explicit libellus (quod Directorium sacerdotum appellatur) Feliciter. |[ Incipit Defensorium eiusdem directorij. In nomine domini. W2 J< P3' (W. de Worde's 2nd quarto, 1490, and Pynson's 3rd quarto, 1501) read 'Incipit defensorium eiusdem directorii. in dei nomine.' The earlier edition by Caxton, 1487 (' C') has 'Explicit directorium sacerdotum | Et mcipit Defensorium eiusdem directorii in nomine domini.' Similarly 'L (Leeu, 1488) only omitting 'Et' and commencing a fresh page with ' Incipit.' 2 ordinale : Caxton. 3 Sunt alie Rubrice : C. W2. 4 et non ad alios ut inferius patebit : W2. P3. P^. 5 Sciendum est : C. Locus iste, quern litteris italicis nos notauimus, desumptus est e Rubrica magna de Dominitis et Festivitatibus in Breviario Sarisburiensi (ed. Cantab. 1882) I. col. mcxcvi. 6 beate Marie : C. Festum Assumptionis B. Mariae (15 Aug.) cadit in littera dominicali C., et Nativitas ejusdem (8 Sept.) in F. 7 est vera necessitas : C. P$. (1508) omit 'vera.' : ';.;; , DEFENSORIUM D1REC70RIL f[ Sed 1 secunda pars non est generalis sed cerimonialis vel specialis pro ecclesia Sarum tantum. Quia clerici illius ecclesie non possunt cantare missam dominicalem infra octa cum regimine chori. secundum statuta illius ecclesie. Ideo ex necessitate oportet ipsos dominicam difTerre. aliter perderent sex solidos et octo de- narios. Sed quia talis necessitas non capit nos nee cogit. Ideo cum sana conscientia possimus 2 habere memoriam de dominica sub silentio in die Assumptionis beate Marie, vel dedicationis ecclesie. sicut in die Omnium sanctorum (quando cadit in dominica). 3 [3.] fT Item ilia Rubrica (que loquitur de missis in capitulo dicendis) 4 non est generalis sed cerimonialis. pro illis tantum qui obligauerunt se ad tales missas cantandas. Nam clerici Collegio- rum Wintofi. et Oxonie 5 (qui prestant iuramentum ad seruandum vsum Sarum) in horis et missis nihil curant de missis in capitulo dicendis. sed semper habent missam de (Requiem eterncunf pro missa capitulari. [4.] f[ Item ilia Rubrica que scribitur pro psalmo (Deus venerunt gentes) 1 non est generalis sed tantum cerimonialis pro ecclesia Sarum. Nam clerici ecclesie Sarum. 8 habent pro psalmis illis. xl. marchas annuales. 9 [Capp. 5-10 in edd. 1497, 1498, 1499, 1501, 1503, 1504, et 1508, non inveniuntur.] [5.] f[ Item ilia Rubrica que scribitur in die sci. Theodori martyris (quando cadit in .iij, feria) non est generalis sed cerimonialis tantum pro illis ecclesijs que non habent festum loci. 10 Nam ubi agitur de festo loci. Ilia Rubrica vacat. [6.] fT Etiam ilia Rubrica (que dicit) quod in exequijs quoti- dianis mortuorum Prima collecta erit pro episcopis) 11 non est I omit < Sed J C. Pi. W2. P3. ?5. * Ideo possumus : C. 3 Dies Omnium Sanctorum (i Nov.) cadit in dominica sub lit. Dom. D. 4 De Missis in Capitulo, videas Appendicem, sicut et de Collegiis. 5 ' Oxonien ' L. W2. P2. Clerici Collegiorum. Cf. Annals of Winchester College, ed. T. F. Kirby, pp. 501-504. Statuta Coll. S. Mariae Winton apud Oxon. vulgo '"New College' appellati, A.D. 1400 rubr. xlii*. Item Coll. Omnium Animarum, Oxon. A.D. 1443, cap. xxii. (Similiter in temporibus sequioribus Stat. Coll. Corpotis Christi Oxon. A.D. 1517, in Exequiis ; Item Cardinal Coll. A.D. 1527 ; et Coll. Divi Johannis Praecursoris Statuta, A.D. 1555, vsum Sarum in divinis officiis iniungunt.) 6 'requieV 1501. Omit ' eternam ' Pi. P3. P^. 7 Ps. Deus 'uenerunt Ixxviij. dicitur in precibus in prostratione in choro Sarum. Missale Sar. p. 631. 8 illius ecclesie : C. 9 'annuale.' 1501.! 10 Festum S. Theodori M. (9 Nov.) cadit in iij feria quando lit. dom. est C. Vide infra ad Crede Michi 175. Habet Inuitatorium simplicem secundum kal r . Mis salis Sar. II Rubrica de exequiis cotidianis. ' Videlicet quando corpus non est presens, vel dies anniversarius vel tricennalis non habentur,' Brev. Sar. i. p. xlvii. Ad missam ferialem in capitulo pro defunctis, in Missali Sarum, p. 86 1*, primum locum obtinet Oratio Deus qui inter apostolicos pro Episcopi*. t h.e. circiter x.j. per hebdomadam. DEFENSORIUM DIRECTOR!*. 7 generalis pro omnibus ecclesijs./ Sed solum pro illis [p iij. que habent episcopos fundatores. Nam clerici Collegiorum domini regis de Ventomorbido. 1 et sci. Stephani apud West- monasterium. et see. Katherine. iuxta turrim London, in omnibus obsequijs et missis habent primam vel secundam Collectam pro regibus et reginis. et nunquam pro episcopis. Et certe quilibet vicarius vel sacerdos parrochialis plus tenetur habere Collectas primas vel ij as in omnibus obsequijs et missis pro suis parrochianis defunctis quam pro episcopis Sarum. Et hoc secundum sanam conscientiam est verum. [/.] C Item ilia Rubrica que scribitur in multis libris 2 (quod in omnibus exequijs mortuorum pro corpore presenti et in anniuer- sarijs et trigintalibus semper erunt quatuor orationes. nisi pro rege vel regina vel episcopo) est falsissima. quia in ordinali scribitur scilicet 3 pro rege vel regina. Ecce quomodo illud verbum nisi] peruertit totum sensum ordinalis et facit infinites errare. 4 [8.] f[ Item ilia Rubrica est viciata et falsa, que scribitur in die sci. Syluestri. 5 fere in omnibus libris nouellis (qualiter Respon- soria in festis trium lectionum. debeant cantari vel dici) Nam si festum vnius confessoris et pontificis. in .ij. feria contigerit etin.iij feria festum vnius confessoris et abbatis. in if festo dicuntur Responsoria de j nocturno secundum ordinale Sarum. [9.] f[ Similiter fiat si festum vnius martyris et festum vnius abbatis in vna hebdomada contigerint. et in omnibus fere 6 libris scribitur (quod in ij festo dicant 1 Responsoria de if. nocturno^ quod est expresse contra ordinale. [10.] f[ Item ilia Rubrica est falsa que scribitur in multis missalibus quod in trigintalibus et anniuersarijs quorumcunque dicetur Euangelium {Dixit Martha ad lesumf Cum secundum ordinale in omnibus trigintalibus et anniuersarijs dicetur euange- lium secundum ordinem feriarum. nisi in trigintalibus et anni- uersarijs episcoporum tantum. [11.] f[ Item quotienscunque exequie mortuorum siue solen- 1 de Ventomorbido, hoc est Windsore, iuxta Thamesim, in comitatu Berks. 2 Rubrica in multis libris. Cf. rubricas in Manuali ad usum Sarum (apud Manuale Ebor. ed. Henderson, in Appendice pp. 62* 67*). i. Deus cui proprium, pro corpore presenti (Deus cui . . . propitiare, in trigintali; vel Deus indulgentiarum, in anniversario. 2. Deus qui inter, pro Episcopis. 3. Deus venie, pro fratribus et sororibus. 4. Fidelium Deus, oratio generalis pro omnibus fidelibus defunctis. 3 licet : C. * Cf. Tractat. Crede Michi, 47. 5 In die S, Sylvestri (Dec. 31) vide rubricam in Temporal! Brev. Sar cclxxvi. cclxxvii. quae bene se habet secundum ordinale. 6 quasi : C. T dicent : C. 8 De Evangelio Dixit Martha, vide plura in tractatu Crede Michi. 7. 8 DEFENSORIUM DIRECTOR1L nes sint siue quotidiane. dicuntur. 1 in chore, vel extra/ [p iij.b Chorum, totiens 2 per totum annum dicetur commendatio secundum vsum Sarum. Nam Oratio (Tibi Domine commendamusY nunquam dicitur in choro Sarum. quia post commendationem statim sequitur missa (Requiem}* Sed predicta Oratio dicitur post commendationes que dicantur extra chorum. [12.] f[ Item ilia Rubrica que scribitur pro psalmo (Leuaui) creditur a multis non esse generalis sed cerimonialis. Nam in ecclesia 5 Wellensi. psalmus (Ad te leuaui) et 6 psalmus (Leuaui) omnino tacentur nee dicuntur sicut in vsu Sarum. 7 [Sequens capitulum in edd. 1497-1508 non invenitur.] [13-] C Si dedicatio alicuius ecclesie in aliqua dominica a festo see Cuthburge virginis vsque ad festum scor. Cosme et Damiani contigerit Oportet de necessitate 8 quod dedicatio illius ecclesie fiat sine regimine chori. propter tres historias inchoandas et cantandas. 9 [14.] C Si commemoratio Animarum in dominica contigerit. 10 differatur in secundam feriam secundum vsum Sarum. Et in .iij. feria celebretur festum see Wenefrede virginis. 11 Et in dominica tota cantetur historia Uidi Dominant) et memoria tantum 12 de martyribus. 13 [J5-] T Ponitur in multis missalibus missa pro vigilia Natiuitatis beate Marie, et in multis Rubricis ponitur quod $. feriale dicetur in vigilia predicta et totum falsum est. Nam dicantur: Pi. tociens : W2. Mox * dicetur commemoratio' P5. Or. Tibi Domine commendamus. Vide Brev. Sar. i. p. xlviii. ; ii. p. 283. missa de Requiem : C. 5 ecclesia cathedrali : L. om. 'et' W2. ?3. ?5. 7 In usu Sarum, tarn ante quam post psalmum Quicunque vtdt "there was an Anthem ; and, whenever Ps. Ad Te levavi cxxii. was said at Lauds, then at Prime was recited Ps. Le-vavi oculos meos cxx." a custom " confined to Salisbury choir itself." D. Rock, Church of our Fathers iii. pt. 2. p. 126. 8 ex necessitate : C. 9 De Dedicatione ecclesiae inter Aug. 31 et Sept. 27. Versus metrici de Historiis inchoandis proferuntur in quibusdam kalendariis de usu Saris- buriensi, viz.: Post Augustinum doctorem [Aug. 28] Job lege justum. Si bona. Thobiam dictum post Prothum et lacinctum [Sep. ill. Peto Domine. Subiungas Judith : post Vigiliamque Mathei [Sep. 20]. Adonay. Post sanctum Cosmam [Sep. 27]: dabishystoriam Machabei. Adaperiat. 10 Commemoratio Animarum, Nov. 2, Lit. Dom. E. 11 Dies S. Wenefredae in kalendariis breuiarii et missalis Sarum est Nov. 3"'. 12 omit' tantum 'P 5. " Memoria de SS. Eustachio et sociis eius martyribus. DEFENSOR1UM DIRECTORIL 9 festum Natiuitatis beate Marie 1 et festum sancti Matthie apostoli 2 non habent vigilias in ecclesia Sarum. sed tantum ieiunium. [Sequens capitulum non invenitur in edd. 1497-1508.] [16.] f[ Multis libris modernis de vsu Sarum. quarta anti- phona in laudibus in die Ascensionis Domini scribitur sic (Exal- tare regem regum) et tantum 3 in Ordinali scribitur Exaltate* t 1 /-] 1 Hec est vera Rubrica Sarum post octa Pasce non fiat obsequium mortuorum in conuentu. Nisi corpus presens fuerit. Uel nisi fuerit dies trigintalis aut 5 anniversarium et nisi seruicium triginta dierum fuerit mperfectum. Et alia Rubrica sequens dicit post octa. Pasce quando inchoetur officium mortuorum. * semper a primo nocturno incipiatur? Ecce patet manifeste/ quod hec Rubrica non loquitur [p iiij. de exequijs quotidianis dicendis in tempore pascali. sed tantum de imperfectione seruicij .xxx. dierum. [18.] f[ Item ilia Rubrica est falsa que scribitur in nouellis missalibus. Quando corpus est presens dicitur Gradate (Si ambulem) 7 Quod nunquam dicetur nisi in missis pro episcopis tantum. [Capp. 19-22 in edd. 1497-1508 non inveniuntur.] [ I 9-] T 8 Item ilia Rubrica 8 est abijcienda seu refutanda. que ponitur in octa. Corporis Christi cum regimine chori. psalmi feriales ad vtrasque vesperas? Nam nunquam fuit in ordinali Sarum inuentum aut exempli- ficatum quod psalmi feriales dicerentur in octa. alicuius festi (Nisi prius dicti 10 fuissent in ipso festo. [20.] f[ Item ilia Rubrica non est vera que scribitur sic (In octa. Corporis xpi cum regimine chori omnia fiant vt supra vbi octa. fiant sine regimine chori. 1 Festum Nat. B. Mariae, 8 Sept. 2 Festum S. Mathiae Apost. 24 Feb. Cf. Crede Michi 5, 6. 'mathei appostoli': Pi. ?3. P5- 3 tantum : Caxton. tm : 1495. tamen : 1488, ed. Maskell. 4 In Brev. Sar. 1531 p. dcccclxiii. an. 4. de Laudibus in die Ascensionis Domini est Exaltate regem regum. 5 0mtt'a.ut } ?5. De officio speciali Mortuorum post oct. Paschae vide rubricam in Brev. i. p. xlv. 6 6 Haec verba in Defensorii edd. pynsonianis 1497, 1498, 1501, 1503, 1508, sicut et in W2 (1499) non citantur. Cf. vero Brev. Sar, \. p. xlvi. 7 De Grad. Si ambulem, vide Miss. Sar. p. 863*. 8 8 Rubrica ilia : (omit Item) C. 9 Rubricas de Oct. Corporis Christi, mendosas olim, emendatas iam fuisse ante Breviarium Sarum editum A.D. 1531, ex eodem obseruare possu- mus (i. p. mcv.). Cum Defensorio Directorii concordat generaliter tractatus Crede Michi 3, 121 ; huius tamen auctor testatur rubricam a se improbatam de psalmis ferialibus decantandis inueniri posse eo tempore in libro quodam Ordinali Sarum uocari solito. 10 dicta : ed. 1495. decantati : L. (1488). 10 DEFENSORIUM DIRECTORIL Nam quod dicit (Omnia fianf] apertam continet falsitatem. quia tune oporteret omnino ad vtrumque completorium habere hymnum (Telucis) cum antiphona Salua nos. cum psalmo Ad te leuaui. et (Credo) quod nullus sane mentis vult 1 affirmare. Mirabile est valde quomodo tanta cecitas contingit in ecclesia Sarum (que solebat totius Anglie esse clara lucerna). [21.] {[ Item ilia Rubrica non est vera que dicit (Sacerdos benedicens candelas seu p almas, stabit versus austrum) Cum Ordinale Sarum dicit, ad orientem? C Similiter dicendo Orationes super populum. feria .iiij. cine- rum 3 et in Cena Domini. 4 stabit versus orientem vsque ad (Abso- luimus vos) et tune conuertit se ad populum. [22.] f[ Questio habetur inter multos qualis hymnus vel y. habendus est ad ij as vesperas in octa. Corporis Christi vbi fiunt cum regimine chori. f[ Ad hanc questionem quidam affirmant. quod hymnus ( Verbum stipernum) cum y. Posuit fines, sicut verba Ordinalis videntur sonare. quod omnia fiant sicut in octa. sine regimine chori. preter I^. 5 {[ Sed hanc opinionem simpli- cem et male intellectam/ Venerabiles Cardinales ecclesie [p iiij.b. sci. Pauli destruunt et refutant. tanquam erroneam in hec verba. Si (inquiunt) in octa. Corporis Christi omnia fiant sicut in prima die. preter 1^?. ergo de necessitate oportet concedere quoddicitur hymnus Sacris solennijs. *et versiculus Panem de celo. (qui dice- bantur* ad ij as vesperas in prima die) Et vera istorum assertio censetur fere 7 verissima et ab omnibus obseruanda. sinautem verba ordinalis non sunt vera (quod dicere est absurdum). [23.] f[ Item in vigilia Epiphanie. In laudibus semper dicitur Capitulum. (Apparuit benignitas) secundum ecclesiam Sarum. 8 1 vult hoc : C. Vide Crede Michi 121. 2 In statione dum benedicuntur Rami stat sacerdos con versus ' ad australem] in Missale Sar. 1526 ; * ad austrum' Process. Sar. 1508 (ed. Hen- derson, p. 45). * ad orientem' : 1507, cum Missalibus A.D. 1492, 1498. Item ad candelas in Purificatione Mariae ibid. p. 139. Vide plura in tractatu Crede Michi nuncupate, 134. Et cf. Missale Sarum pp. 255 n., 696 n. 3 Feria iiii. Cinerum. Vide Processionale Sarum (ed. Henderson 1882) p. 26, conversus ad orientem. Et Missale similiter. Sed Gradale ' australem. J Vide in Missali Sarum p. 131 n. 4 In Cena Domini. Vide Processionale Sarum p. 56 (Process. 1517, ad orientem. Process. 1508, ad australe.) In Missalibus 1492, 1494, 1498 ' orientem ' ; sed Miss. 1 526, * australem? '* In Brev. Sarum 1531 (I. p. mlxxiv) ad ij as vesp. in festo Corporis Christi ubi fiant cum regimine chori ponitur Hymnus Sacris solenniis cum V. Panem de celo. 6 6 cum versiculo Panem de celo que dicebantur : C. r fore : L. 8 De Vigilia Epiphaniae vide tractatum Crede Michi 23. et Brev. Sar. I, p. cccxii. DEFENSORIUM DIRECTOR!!, n [24.] C Item in die sci. Quintini ad omnes horas dicitur Oratio (Sancti martyris tui Quintini). Et si dominica fuerit, tune in summa missa dicitur de sancto Quintino Oratio (Deus qui ecclesiam tuam. secundum Sarum. 1 [25.] f[ Item in die sci. Nichomedis martyris 2 in mense'Junij 3 ad omnes horas dicitur Oratio (Deus qui nos beati JMicomedis &c. sed ad missam omnes Orationes de communi unius martyris 4 secundum Sarum. [26.] C Item ad memoriam sci. Aniani. 5 in die sancti Hugonis. ad vesperas et matutinas Oratio. Deus qui nos beati Aniani) sed ad missam dicatur 6 Oratio. Deus qui sanctam [nobis] 7 huius diet) secundum Sarum. 8 [27.] T Item ilia Oratio que scribitur in diuersis missalibus et portiforijs (In die sci. Machuti pontificis) 9 non est Sarum. sed ilia 10 sequens oratio ad omnes horas et in missa est dicenda. Oratio (Omnipotens sempiterne Deus populi tui preces^ exaudi. vt intercessione b. Machuti confessoris tui atque pontificis. cuius hodie annuam festiuitatem recolimus, cum temporalibus incrementis eterne prosperitatis capiamus augmentum. Per Domtmtm.) 12 [28.] C Item quodcunque festum sanctorum infra octa. cum regimine chori contigerit 13 semper illucl festum habebit vtrasque/ vesperas (nisi 14 quando in sabbato euenerit 14 ) I5 tunc [p 5. vespere erunt de dominica. et memoria de festo. 15 Nisi tale fuerit festum quod primas vesperas habere non potuit. 16 Et nisi quando tale festum contigerit in sabbato infra octa. Ascen- sionis, tune vespere erunt de festo. et memoria de octa. Nihil 17 de dominica. 16 l8 [29.] f[ Si festum Omnium sanctorum in dominica contigerit. 1 Festum S. Quintini, 31 Oct. ' S. Quintini martyris' Brev. Sar. iii. 957. 2 Festum S. Nichomedis, I Jun. Brev. Sar. iii. p. 309. 3 Invi. : ?3. Inuita. : ?4. Inuit. : PS. 4 Mis sale Sarum^ 670*. Cf. Crede Michi 148. 5 Item meo : J?4. P$. (omit * ad') Ad memoriam B. Aniani (17 Nov.) Brev. Sar. A.D. 1531 (iii. p. 1060) profert orationem missalis, sed Deus qui sanctam nobis huius incipiendo. Vide Crede Michi 180. 6 dicetur : L. 7 * Deus qui nos sca j : Pi. W2. P3. ?4. PS. 8 Darzm : P3. 9 In die S. Machuti (15 Nov.) Brev. Sar. 1531 (iii. p. 1047) habet istam, quam laudat Defensorium, collectam ; nisi tan turn quod ' preces populi tui' legit. 10 ista : C. 11 'preces populi tui' Brev. Sar. 1531. Mox ' incercessione ' PS. 12 Cf. Crede Michi 179. 13 contingentium : C. contingent : W2. Mox illu festu : P4. ilium festum : PS. 14 nisi quando die immediate ante octa. euenerit : Pi. W2. P3- P4- PS. ('nsi'Ps.) is__is Omitt. P3. ?4. PS. 16 1S Omitt. P. W2. ?3. P4. PS. ir et nihil : C. 18 De ii. vesp. festorum infra octa. cum regimine chori, vide rubricam in Brev. Sarum p. dcccclxviii. 12 DEFENSORIUM DIRECTORIL tune sub silentio fiant due memorie. scilicet de dominica et de Trinitate. secundum ordinale Sarum. 1 [30-] C Similiter in die Omnium sanctorum quacunque feria contigerit. vespere matutine et omnes hore de sea. Maria dicun- tur 2 extra chorum cum memorijs consuetis. 2 [3I-] C Quandocunque per totum annum fit plenum seruitium de commemoratione beate Marie semper dicuntur 3 ad matutinas prime benedictiones absque vlla variatione. 4 [Cap. 32 non invenitur in editt. 1497-1508.] [32.] 1 In dominicis semper dicitur missa dominicalis. Nisi in tempore pascali. et nisi festum cum regimine chori im- pediat. tune missa dominicalis dicitur in aliqua feria per heb- domadam. 5 fl[ Si vero nulla feria vacauerit. tune si aliquod festum trium lec/zonu;;z in ilia hebdomada contigerit. totum officium fiat de festo vsque ad missam que erit de dominica. Et secunda Oratio erit de festo. et hoc per totum annum, nisi aliqua dominica differatur. [33-] 1 Si dedicatio alicuius ecclesie a die Circuwcisionis Domini vsque ad octauam diem Epiphanie inclusiue. forte con- tigerit. tune ad vtrasque vesperas dedicationis dicuntur 6 antiphone. Tecum principium. et cetere sequentes. cum psalmis eisdem appropriatis. Et cetera omnia fiant de dedicatione preter completorium (quod dicetur secundum exigentiam temporis) siue de Natiuitate Domini 7 siue de octa. Epiphanie. Et octaue dedi- cationis fiant sine regimine chori. vsque ad octauam diem, et ibi fiant .ix. lectiones [' si post octa Epiphanie euenerit ' add. P. W2. ?3. 'euenerint' P5-] 8 [34-] C Si aliqua ecclesia consecrata et 9 /Dedicata [p 5.b. 1 Festum Omnium Sanctorum (i Nov.) in Dominica contingit sub lit. DOm. D. Cf. Crede Michi 172. 2 2 dicantur extra chorum : L. 3 dicantur : L. 4 De Benedictionibus in Commem. B. Mariae vide in Brew. Sar. ante vel post kalendarium. Est uero pericope de Benedictionibus in Ordinali Sarum. Vide etiam Crede Michi 20. 5 De Missa Dominicali differenda vide Brev. Saturn \. pp. mcxlviii. ($), mclxxi. rubr., mcxcvi mcxcix. in rubrica magna, ubi duae causae, quae cogunt missam dominicalem in aliam Dominicam differri, exponuntur. De missa dom. Oinnis terra vel Adorate in feria cantanda vide p. ccclxii. rubr. Item p. ccclxxxvi. hebd. 4 post oct. Epiph. lit. dom. 5 A. et p. dccclxxxiii. in albis. 6 dicantur : L. omitt. Domini C. 8 De Dedicationibus ecclesiarum inter diem i. et diem xiij. mensis Januarij contingentibus, vide Brev. Sar. p. mcccclxxx. 8 vel : W2. DEFENSORIUM DIRECTORI1. 13 fuerit in honore alicuius sancti. 1 qui habet octa. sine regimine chori in ecclesia Sarum. Adinstar sancti Johannis baptiste. et sancti Martini. 2 Tune in ilia ecclesia octaue illius festi erunt cum regimine chori. Et completorium quotidie dicitur 3 sicut in prima die. Et dies octaua habebit Inuitatorium triplex .ix. lectiones. cum regimine chori. 4 [Cap. 35 in editt. 1497-1508 non inuenitur.] [35-] E Item ilia 5 Rubrica est vera secundum Sarum. (Quando festum sci. Lamberti in dominica contigerit.fiantmedie lectiones de festo^f Et tamen vbi agitur de festo loci Rubrica non habet locum, quia oportet ex necessitate vt ibi tota cantetur historia. [3^.] d Item ilia Rubrica 7 que communiter ponitur in mis- salibus pro missa (Salus populi) cantanda 8 est generalis pro omnibus ecclesijs. diuerso tamen respectu celebranda. Nam clerici ecclesie Sarum. cantant istam 9 missam pro fratribus et sororibus et benefactoribus illius ecclesie. f[ Ita 10 quilibet sacer- dos parrochialis tenetur dicere missam illam pro parrochianis suis. Et sacerdotes stipendiarij 11 pro amicis et benefactoribus suis. a quibus accipiunt stipendia sua. [Quae sequuntur usque ad finem cap. 37 in edd. 1497-1508 non invenimus.] Hoc dico secundum opinionem meam Et dico assertiue et certius est omni certo quod Omne collegium totius regni plus tenetur orare et dicere missam illam (Salus populi) pro fratribus et sororibus benefactoribus proprij capituli. quam Sarum seu alicuius alieni. Qui aliter sapit sapiat Sufficit mihi exonerare conscientiam meam. [37-] C Item ilia duo verba que ponuntur in multis festis sic 1 De Octa. Festi Loci cum regimine chori celebrandis, et de completorio &c. per Octa. Festi Loci, vide Brev. Sar. i. p. mcccclxxxi. sed de completorio ii. nihil dicitur nisi de festo Dedications, ii. p. 226. 2 Fest. (Nat.) S. Johannis Bapt. 24 Jun. G. "I vide rubricam in Brev. Sar. Festum S. Martini, 4 Jul. lit. dom. C. / i. p. mcccclxxxi. et fest. S. Trinitatis et Apostt. Petri et Pauli passio (29 Jun. E.) similiter. 3 et cotidie dicitur completorium : C. 4 triplex, cum regimine chori et ix lecciones : L. 5 ista : C. 6 Rubrica sequens invenitur in Breviario typis impresso (iii. p. 835) : ' Si festum S. Lamberti [17 Sep. Lit: Dom: A.] in Dominica contigerit fiat de ipso memoria ad i. vesp. et ad mat. et medie lee. fiant ubi agitur de S. Maria : tamen ubi agitur de festo loci [ ? tantum] fiat de eo tantum memoria. 7 Omitt. 'Rubrica' C. (hoc est Caxton 1487 + Leeu, 1488). 8 De missa Salus populi. Cf. Brev. Sar. i. pp. cccclxxxi-ii. n. 9 illam : C. 10 Ite^ : Pi. P3. PS. 11 stipendarii : Pi. P3. DEFENSORIUM DIKECTORII. (Inuitatorium triplex:). 1 Nihil oneris imponunt sacerdotibus qui dicunt officium suum sine nota. sed solum pertinet 2 ad illos qui cantant officium cum nota. Et obligauerunt se ad custumarium Sarum. [38.] /C Sequens 3 cantus nunquam cantatur ad [p 6. Primam alicuius sancti in choro Sarum lam lucis orto sydere)? [39.] H Item quando missa dominicalis in die dominica. Vel in secunda feria cantata fuerit. tune si tercia feria vacauerit. semper dicatur missa (Salus popult] in ipsa tercia feria. Ita tamen quod 4 proprie Epistola et euangelium 4 (que pro ferijs intitulantur) propter missam (Salus populif Vel missam (Nos autem gloriart) per totum annum non omittantur. [40.] C Item 6 quacunque feria per hebdomadam Conceptionis vel Purificationis b. Marie festa contigerint Nihilominus fiat plenum seruicium de commemoratione eiusdem in alia feria eiusdem hebdomade. Et hoc in sabbato si fieri potest 7 Ita tamen quod nulla fiat memoria ad ij as vesperas festi de com- memoratione in crastino facienda. f[ Similiter fiat post 8 octa. Assumptionis 9 et Natiuitatis eiusdem. plenum seruicium in eadem hebdomada (si fieri poterit). [41.] C Ut autem plura breui sermone concludam. Dico assertiue quod ilia que scribuntur in custumario seu consue- tudinario ecclesie Sarum. 10 1 Festorum simplicium quindecim, necnon decem octauarum, inuitatorium triplicem (secundum quosdam) habentium, indicem, ad calcem Breuiarii Sarisburiensis apud Cantabrigiam impress! (iii. p. xlii.) olim exhibuimus Auctoritatem nobis praebuit 'Tabula' ex eodem Breviario (ii. pp. 465-6) cum kalendariis tarn Missalis Sarum quam Breuiarii collata. 2 pertinent : C. 3 3 Sequens cantus (lam lucis orto sidere nunquam . . . Sarum : 1488. Omit. Item : C. super lam orto lucis : Pi. ?3. super lam lucis orto : P5. (Hymnum videas in Brev. Sarum ii. p. 37.) 4 * proprie epistole et euang. : C. pr^pria ep/.y/01a & evawgelia : P. W2. P 3 . PS- 5 Salus popuh et Nos autem (de Cruce) officia sunt ad introitum pro missis ferialibus uotiuis, feriae iii. et vi. assignatis, vel (si illae non uacauerint) feriis quibuslibet aliis uacantibus. Cf. rubricas in Missali Sarum 740*, 748*. Missa de S. Cruce assignatur sextae feriae (hebd. ii. post Trin.) in Directorio I F., Junii 27. 6 De Commemoratione B. Mariae infra hebd. Conceptionis (8 Dec. Lit. Dom. F.) vel Purificationis ejusdem (2 Feb Lit. Dom. E.) Omitt. Item : C. 7 Cf. Crede Michi 135. potest : 1488 ; pot : P3- 8 per : P. W2. P^. P5. 9 Festum Assumptionis B. Mariae (15 Aug. lit. dom. C). Assaptioms : P3. Natiuitas eius (8 Sep. lit. dom. F.) per octa. Visitationis. per. octa. Assum/tionis et Natiuitatis : Pi. ?5. 10 In codicibus manuscriptis Consuetudinarii cum Ordinali Sarum inter ceteras rubricellas istae sunt repertae : ' Divisio festorum? ' De benedic- tionibus dicendis ad matutinas per totum annum' (Extat rubrica de DEFENSORIUM DIRECTOR1I. 15 de dignitate festorum. dc pluralitate benedictionum. de termino quatuor temporum. 1 de velo quadragesimali. 2 de cereo pascali. 3 de sepulcro habendo. 4 sunt generaliter obseruanda 5 in omnibus ecclesijs que non possunt de congruo omitti. fl Cetera vero que in illo scribuntur videlicet de diuersitate vestimentorum. 6 de iiij. rectoribus chori habendis. 7 de processionibus ad altaria faciendis. 8 de antiphonis in superiori gradu vel inferior! incipiendis. 9 de Responsorijs a 10 duobus vel tribus 10 cantandis. de quinque vel quatuor pulsationibus ad vesperas. 11 solummodo pertinent ad clericos ecclesie Sarum. et ad omnes qui se voto 12 obligauer^^t ad talia perficienda. [Quae sequuntur, usque ad finem huius capituli in edd. 1497-1508 non inueniuntur.j /f[ Probatur ista assertio esse vera per venerabiles [p 6.b. viros et 13 patres canonicos ecclesie sci. Pauli London, qui totum benedictlonibus in tempore paschali in Brew. Sarum \. p. dccclxvii. Innuit, ut videtur, pericopen liii. Consuetudinum nondum typis mandatarum, de quibus notitiam benignissime nobis suppeditauit vir peritissimus Walterus H. Frere, A.M.). 1 Regula de termino Quatuor Temporum (Con suet. MS. 47). 2 De velo quadragesimali vide Consuetudinarium Sarum cap. 102. Brev. i. dccci. Quando cooperiende sunt ymagines per ecclesiam, et de velo quadagesimali cap. 102. (ed. Magr. Rotul.) 3 De cereo paschali, cf. Brev. i. pp. dccciv. dcccxix. Cf. 49, 56 in Consuetud. MS. &c. cerea : W2. Quando amoueri debet sepulchrum et magnus cereus paschalis. Item, de accensione Cerei, Cf. etiam Brev. Sat. i. pp. dccciv. dcccvii. dcccxix. 4 De sepulcro, cf. Brev. i. p. dcccvii. 5 abseruanda : 1501. 6 Rubricae caeremoniales tantum pro Eccl. Sarum : de diuersitate vesti- mentorum. Est in Consuet. Sarum rubrica (19. et in Ordinali Exon. 21-23, plenius) De habitu clericorum, et de coloribus. 7 de iiii or rectoribus, ' Rectores secundarii ' et ' principales ' nominatur in Brev. Sar. i. pp. clxxii. dcccxix. ed. Cantab. Videndi sunt insuper ; iii. p. 18, indices generales unus et alter ; 'quattuor' i. p. clxxxviii. De officio recto- rum chori ecclesie Sarum est cap. xxiij. in consuetudinario. 8 de processionibus ad altaria, cf. Brev. Sar. iii. p. 3. 9 de antiphonarum loco incipiendarum, cf. Brev. i. pp. 1. clxxxviii. &c. 10 10 j) e Rij s a i^ ve i iii_ cantandis, cf. Brev. i. pp. xxi. 1. tribus vel duobus : C. 11 De numero pulsationum ad vesperas, sicut et de campanarum pulsatione in genere, aut nihil, aut perpauca plane narrat Breuiarium. Videndus est eius fascic. i. ad p. dcclxxi. Dicit tamen nonnulla de pulsatione ad Comple- torium : et est insuper in consuetudinario MS. Sar. rubricella de pulsacione campanarum ad Completorium^ et ad Nonam, et ad Collacionem. 51. lz voto vel iuramento se : C. 13 ac : C. 16 DEFENSORIUM DIRECTORIL diuinum officium 1 in cantando et legendo obseruant secundum vsum ecclesie Sarum. 2 Sed de cerimonijs vel obseruationibus eiusdem nil curantes. sed custodiunt antiquas obseruantias in ecclesia sancti Pauli a primordio illic vsitatas. [42.] C In die Penthecost et per hebdomadam infra canonem misse hec est vera \ittera. (In primis gloriose semper virginis Marie genitricis Dei et Domini nostri lesu xpi) Plures libri habent eiusdem Dei. et sic 3 est ibi error secundum quosdam. 4 [43.] C Infra Ixx. dicitur Sequentia sic 5 (si contingat). Letabundus exultet fidelis chorus die* ista. [44.] C In omnibus obsequijs 7 mortuorum in ij nocturno dicitur J[ . sic. 8 In memoria eterna erit iustus. non dicitur erunt iusti. in illo loco. [45.] f[ Item in iij. 9 lectione mortuorum legatur sic. Et in puhierem deduces me. non reduces me f[ In .v. lectione mortuorum legatur sic Recede paululum ab eo. non dicitur ergo [Secede]. 11 fll In 12 viij. lectione mortuorum legatur sic. F^/certe sculpentur in silice. non dicitur 14 celte C In .ix. lectione mortuorum 16 legatur sic. Dimitte me vtplan- 1 officium diuinum : 1488. officium diuinum : C. 2 Sarum ecclesie : C. 3 tune : C. * Missale Sarum ed. Burntisland, p. 603 n. Cf. Crede Michi 109. 5 Sequentia sic sic : 1495 ; sic Sequentia si : C. Sequentia Letabundus infra lxx mos . Vocabula ' die ista} pro ' alleluia} minus congruo, sunt in Missali Sarum, ed. 1498. 6 de : W2. PS. 7 exequiis : L. 8 Omit, sic : L. 9 Omit iij. L. 10 Lectio 'reduces* inuenitur in Brev. Sarum 1531, ii. p. 276. 11 * Recede paululnm ab eo,' ibid. ii. p. 277. Vide Crede Michi 188. 'non dr ergo.' 1501. 'non dr ergo Secede. |[ Item in . . . ' L: non dicatur ergo: C. " Item in : C. 13 sculpantur : C. 14 dicatur : C. 15 Vocabulum * celte,' non infimae animaduersionis dignum, tarn in Brevi- atio Sar. A.D. 1531, ii. p. 279, superstitit, quam in Jobi xix. 24 editione vulgata, necnon in officio Mortuorum secundum usum Romanum. Cf. in tractatu Crede Michi, 188. Dissertatiunculam de hac re luculentissimam vir doctissimus C. Knight Watson, Antiquariorum Societati londinensium, suppeditauit vii Non. Mai. A.D. 1878 (Proceedings, 2S. viii. 394. * On the Origin of the Word Celt as the Name of an Implement?} Cui subolet erratum scriptoris, nescio cuius, celte pro certe ex incuria scribentis fontem et originem vocabuli sequioris protulisse. Huius sententiae suffragati sunt viri clarissimi W. Aldis Wright et R. L. Bensley, Cantabrigienses ; necnon inter Oxonienses desideratissimus W. Maskell, cui interpretatio ista non solum verisimilis videbatur, sed irrefragabilis. 16 Omit mortuorum : L. DEFENSORWM DIRECTORIL 17 gam paululum. non dicitur ergo, neque Domine. secundum vsum Sarum. 1 [46.] C In die Purificationis beate Marie [2 Feb.] in epistola et in capitulo ad vtrasque vesperas et [ad] 2 matutinas. legatur sic. Ecce ego mitto angelum meum qui preparabit viam ante faciem meam. non tuam. [47.] f[ Item in ij sabbato Quadragesime in epistola legatur sic. Auditis Esau sermonibus patris. infremuit clamore magno. non dicitur irriguit neque irrigijt? [48.] ^[ Item in epistola et 4 ad horas vnius doctoris dicitur sic. Et in sono eorum ^fecit dulces modos. et non modulos secundum vsum Sarum. 5 [49.] C Item in festis scor. Edwardi Benedicti Leonard i Egidij et huiusmodi, &c. 6 dicitur in Sequentia sic. 7 Aue* inclyte presul Ed ward e. Nunquam [emm] 9 dicitur (Aue 8 inclyte confessor) in ecclesia Sarum. [SO-] /C In festis sanctarum Agnetis [Jan. 21] Agathe [p 7. [Feb. 5] et Katherine [Nov. 25] dicatur Capitulum Confitebor tibi Domine rex. f[ In festo sancte Agnetis secundo [Jan. 28] dicatur Cap. Domine Deus meus. [51.] C I n festo see. Marie Magdalene [Jul. 22] ad horam .ix. dicatur y. Adducentur regivirgines. secundum ordinale expresse. f[ In secundo hymno Marie Magdalene dicitur sic. Intus plena vero die nescit vbi veritas] secundum Sarum. Multi libri habent nescit nisi veritas. et 10 falsa est litter*. 1 'Dimitte . . . paululum' legilur in Breviario Sarum ii., p, 279. ('Non dicatur, 3 Maskell.) * ad habet 1488. Omitt. Pi. ^3. ?5. 3 'infremuit' lectio est in Missalibus Sar. A.D. 1492, '98; 1557. Vide Missale ed. Burntisland p. 187 n. Brev. Sarum i. p. dcxxxvii. 'intremuit' Direct. 1501. irrugiit : C. Ut in Missalibus Sar. multo pluribus, Missali Rom. 1506 (Venet.), &c. Vide infra ad Crede Michi 184. n. ubi dicitur ' sabbato tercio Quadragesime' quod idem sonat quod * the second Saturday in clean Lent ' apud nostrates. 4 om. et W2. 5 5 ' dulces fecit modos non modulos secundum Sarum : C. Editiones nonnullae Missalis Sar. (A.D. 1492, '97, '98) legunt 'modos,' Sed 'modulos, multo plures. Cf. Crede Michi 195. Et Missale Sar. 709*. * et : W2. 7 'et huiusmodi in sequentia dicitur sic': C. (Vide in sequentia Adest nobis in Missali Sarum^ p. 704*.) Vide infra in Tract. Crede Michi 164. 8 Aut : W2 (bis). 'enim' habent C. 10 Omitt. 'et' ?4. PS. MAYDESTONE. C 1 8 DEFENSORIUM DIRECTORIL [52.] f[ Item in octauts apostolorum P[etri] et P[aulip dicitur oratio sic. 2 (Deus cuius dextera beatum Petrum ambulantem, &c.) non dicatur apostolum secundum Sarum. 3 [53.] {[ Item in die Epiphanie dicitur (Benedicamus Domino] cum cantu Jl. Balaam qui est septimus versus Sequentie illius diei 4 secundum ordinale expresse. 5 [54.] {[ Item quando extra Quadragesimam dicuntur vigilie mortuorum ferialiter cum tribus lectionibus. tune extra con- uentum singillatim et priuatim dicatur commendatio. [55 ] C Item in festo apostolorum P. et P. et in commem- oratione sci. Pauli. in laudibus dicitur 6 sequens cantus. Exultet celum laudibus? [56.] C I n omnibus festis duplicibus in Quadragesima con- tingentibus pulsetur ad completorium vna vice tantum. C Et in Vigilia Pasce pulsetur ad completorium cum duabus campanis bina vice. 8 [57-] 1 Male scribunt scribentes (dominica in octa. Pasce} quia dies Pasce et [dies] 9 Penthecostes non habent octauum diem, secundum rationale diuinorum. 10 Nam solennitas Pasce incipit in Sabbato Sancto ad (Gloria in excelsis). et finitur sabbato sequent! 11 ante missam. [Quae sequuntur usque ad finem tractatus in editionibus 1497, 1498, 1499, 1501, 1503, 1504, et 1 508 prorsus omittuntur, et sic, quod illas adtinet ' Explicit Defensorium directorii.'] [5^.] [ Pro declaratione dicendorum. Notandum in primis quod in primordio vsus Sarum vsque ad tempora moderna. commemorationes sancte Marie et festi loci, non habebantur infra Aduentum Domini et Septuagesimam. 1 P. et P. : W. Pi. Petri et Pauli : C. P4. PS. - Omitt sic : W2. P4. P5. 3 Vide Orationem in Octa. Apostolorum (6 Jul.) 4 diet W2. 5 f Balaam in die Epiphaniae. Cf. Crede Michi 52. Mox * sigillatim ' P4. PS. 6 dicatur : C. 7 De cantu Exultet caelum Jun. xxix. xxx. cf. Crede Michi 155. 8 De pulsatione campanarum ad completorium xii. vide Brev. Sarum, ed. Cantab, i. p. dcccii. ii. p. 233. Cf. Crede Michi 141. ' One bell rang for collatio, and after an interval rang again for the same. And then one bell rang for Compline : but on double fensts two bells were used instead of one. In Lent this was made only one peal, whether of the single bell or of the pair. On Easter Eve two peals were rung, both by two bells, for Compline.' (J. R. Lunn.) Vide infra, pp. 48, 49^., 69. 9 * dies ' habent C. 10 Rationale Divinorum Gul. Duranli mimatensis episcopi, li. vi. cap. icy 2. 'Dominica in Octaua Pasche' legimus in Brev. Sarum ii. p. 234. et sic etiam in Missali Sarum, pp. 3^1, &c., ' Dom. in Octavis Paschae? Similiter in Consuetudinario de Officiis Sarum cap. Ix. ' Octava die Pasche ad vesperas ' p. 104. et in cod. Harl. 1,001, 82 de eadem materia, ' Octauo uero die pasche ad primas vesperas.' Cf. Manuale Sar. in rubrica de Sponsalibus. " sequente : C. DEFENSORIUM DIRECTORH. 19 Veritas huius assertionis patet in omnibus libris antiquis. vbi omni sabbato antiphona super Benedictus. habet suum (Euouae) id est seculorum ame vsque hodie annotatira. 1 quod frustra fieret si commemoratio ibi fuisset. /f[ Patet etiam veritas per exemplum. Nam a prima [p /.b. fundatione ecolesie Eboracen. vsque ad tempora magistri lohannis Kempe. archiepiscopi Eboracen. et cardinalis Anglic. 2 In ilia ecclesia nulla commemoratio agebatur infra Aduentum Domini. 3 et Septuagesimam. Ipse enim erat primus Archie- piscopus. qui illas commemorationes infra prouinciam suam predictis temporibus instituit (sicut testatur magister Thomas Gascoyne doctor illius prouincie deuotissimus). 4 fl[ Quando ille commemorationes non agebantur tune omnes ferie per Aduentum et Septuagesimam. habuerunt suas lectiones cum proprijs titulis (merito annotatur). 5 Quia vero due commemorationes nunc habende sunt. non est necesse vt tanta pluralitas 6 lectionum fiat scribenda. 6 [59-] C lam sequitur questio. qualiter vel quomodo omnes lectiones de biblia extracte 7 sunt legende. {[ Pro ista questione soluenda. Primo ponenda sunt nuda verba ordinalis Sarum de verbo in verbum. tarn pro Aduentu qunm pro (Deus omnium). Et postea de similibus simile erit iudicium. C Rubrica de Aduentu. Per totum Aduentum legantur lectiones de propfiecia? Ysaye. quando de temporali agitur? nee maius nee minus scribitur. nisi in secundo et 10 tercio 1 annotatum : L. 2 Jo. Kempe Archiep. Ebor. electus 8 Apr. 1426. Cardinalis Eccl. Rom. 18 Dec. 1439. Translatus in sedem Cantuar. primatialem 21 Jul. 1452. ' Bis primas, ter presul erat, bis cardine functus.' 3 Omitt. ' Domini ' : C. 4 Thomas Gascoyne, S.T.P., e coll. Oriel Oxon., fuit Vice Cancellarius Acad. Oxon. A.D. 1434 et 1439. Cancellarius Eccl. Cathedr. Ebor. 1432- 1442, et Cancellarius Acad. Oxon. 1442-5. Is obiit 13 Mar. 1457-8. (Vide C. Boase Registr. Oxon. i. Locos e libra Veritatis Gascoigne, ed. J. E. T. Rogers, 1881.) 5 propriis titulis merito annotatur : Caxton. ('annotatis': Maskell.) 6 6 fiat lectionum scribendarum : C. (ed. Maskell). 7 In Legend. Sarum A.D. 1518 impress., pro historia Regum in singulis hebdomadis lectiones pro ternis tantum feriis ternae (pro quavis insuper dominica senae lectiones) in promptu exhibentur. 8 prophetia : C. a Sequitur Regula in Brev. Sar. 1531, i. p. xx. : Dom. I. Aduentus ad Mat., ' Hac die incipiatur Esaias et legatur per totum Aduentum quando dc Temporali agitur, nisi in ii. et iii. nocturnis, dominicis diebus, et nisi in iiij. et vj. fe. et Sabb. Quatuor Temporum.' Commemorationes ab Octa. Epipb. usque ad lxx am in Brev. Sar. (p. Ixx.) postulantur. Rubrica de commemora- tionibus secundum usum Ebor. A.D. 1493 invenitur in Brev. Ebor. \. pp. 673-5, ed. 1880. 10 et in : C. C 2 20 DEFENSOKIUM DIKECTOK1L nocturno diebus dominicis 1 et nisi in .my. et .vj. feria. et sabbato quattuor temporum. {[ Rubrica pro historia (Deus omniiini). f[ Hac die dominica incipiatnr Liber Regum. et legatur rsqne ad primam dominicam post (quinto kaf AugustiY- nec mains nee minus habetur in Ordinali Sarum. Quando de temporali agitur. f[ In legenda Sarum pro dominicis et ferijs per Aduentum ponuntur Ixvj. lectiones. f[ Et pro dominicis et ferijs historic (Deus omnium) centum et trigintasex lectiones. f[ Cum reuera pro/ tota ilia historia sufficerent .Ixxx. [p 8. lectiones. 3 quia est impossibile 4 quod (durante ilia historia) fiat septies seruicium de feria. C Quesitum est ergo a clericis in vsu Sarum expertissirnis et fide dignis. Qualiter et qiiomodo et quo ordine lectiones de temporali per totum annum sint 5 legende. f[ Et responderunt in scriptis quod omnes lectiones habent legi secundum titulat/O7Z;% feriarum et dominicarum per totum annum. Videlicet quod in secunda dominica legantur lecciones de eadem dominica. et in quarta dominica legantur lectiones de .iiij. dominica. Et sic saltando omittende sunt omnes intermedie lectiones. siue cle dominica .iij. siue de ferijs eiusdem tercie dominice. f[ Sed quod predicta Responsio sit erronea atque stulta. 6 Patet per ipsum Ordinale per omnes Rubricas in prima. quarta feria Aduentus annotatas in hec verba. ^[ Si aliquod festum sanctorum in aliqua predictarum feriarum contigerit. de quo 1 fieri debeat seruicium seu aliqua memorial facta fuerit in eisdem Deinceps non seruetur ordo feriarum in lectionibus legendis. et Y. et I^7ijs. cantandis in ferijs subsequentibus. sed seruetur ordo y. et lectionum? Ecce quam manifeste ordinale dicit quod lectiones debent legi secundum ordinem} et non secundum titulztzonem feriarum. ^ Quod autem lectiones de temporali per totum annum debent legi per ordinem. Patet palam per verba Ordinalis 1 dominicis diebus : C. * Breviarium Sarum 1531 i. p. mclxxiii. legit ' Hac die incipiatur . . . post quinto Kal. Augusti, quando de temporali agitur? Vir doctus tamen W. Maskell, ' priusj legendum censet. 3 lecciones Ixxx : C. * impossible est : C. 5 suut : C. 6 Cf. Brew. Sar. i. pp. mclxxv-vi. mccciii. T * sed legit ' unde ' pro ' de quo ' et * commemoralio ' pro ' memorial 9 Ista rubrica inuenitur in Brev. Sar. i. p. Ixii : 10 secundum ordinem legi : C. DEFENSORIUM DIRECTORIL 21 prius posita. que nullam faciunt mentionem de titul/> domini- carum neque feriarum. f[ Confirmatur ^oc. Assertio est vera. 1 per hoc maxime quod quelibet prima dominica tantum omnium historiarum per totum annum habet titulum expressum sue inchoationis sic ( Verba Y say e* filij Amos}. Vel sic. Fuit vir 3 in RamatJia. Vel sic. Vir era? in terra Hus]. Cetere vero dominice medie eiusdem historic nullum habent titulum. excepta sola historia (Domtne ne in ira]. & Ergo necesse videtur et congruum vt omnes lectiones cuius libet historic legantur per ordinem. et non per saltum. /C Si quis faceret vnam nouam legendam de vsu Sarum [p 8.b. Modo quando due commemorationes communiter habentur. et aiiquando tres et scribi faceret pro historia (Deus omnium} centum .xxxvj. lectiones pro dcminicis et ferijs. merito fatuus diceretur. cum absque dubio Ixx. lectiones sufficerent ad plenum pro historia ilia secundum verba ordinalis predicti. 6 et secundum veram experientiam. Nam audeo affirmare quod in legenda Sarum (in diuersis historijs) ponuntur ducente lectiones que nunquam fuerurit lecte. nee in futurum erunt legende in ecclesia Sarum. [60.] fl[ Conclusio finalis. Omnibus premissis sagaciter et diligenter pensatis. consultius et melius fere dinoscitur sequi verba ipsius ordinalis. legendo per totum annum omnes lectiones de biblia extractas. secundum ordinem lectionum Non secundum titulos et Rubricas domini- carum et feriarum neque per saltum. Quis vero fuerit qui distinctiones lectionum et titulos earum. Vel qua auctoritate fecerit. vsque hodie ignoratur. Melius est enim certum tenere quam 7 incertum sequi. 7 f[ Hoc etiam dico cum affirmatione. quod in omnibus ferijs et festis trium lectionum sine regimine chori per totum annum ad vesperas et matutinas de die post memoriam de sancta Maria, habenda est etiam memoria de festo loci. C Et istam opinionem sequitur Dns Johannes Goode. 1 J Confirmatur hec assertio est vera : L. . . esse vera : ed. Maskell. 2 Visio Ysaie : Brev. Sar. i. p. xx. 3 Fuit vir unus : Brev. Sar. i. p. mclxxiii. 4 Vir erat : Brev. Sar. i. p. mccclxxx. 5 Dominica prima historiae Domine ne in ira incipit Epistola D. Pauli ad Romanes ; (Brev. Sar. i. p. ccccvii) et sic Dom. 2 post Oct. Epiph. titulum exhibet ' Lectiones de Epistola Pauli ad Uwrin. i.' (Brev. Sar. i. p. ccccxxxv.) &c. 6 predicta : C. 7 " sequi incertum : C. 22 DEFENSORIUM DIRECTORII. cardinalis sancti Pauli London 1 Et capella siue ecclesia sancti Martini de graunde. 2 Cum fuerint .xxij. dominice. et littera dominicalis C. Quere istam Rubricam post (Deus omnium) Et ibi inuenies quod missa dominicalis debet cantari in festis trium lectionum? 4 f[ Impressum est hoc Directoriuw cum defensorio eiusdew per wynandu;;/ de worde, apud Westmonas- teriu;;/ mora/zteT/z [In domo Caxton . . . anno domini .M.cccc. nonagesimoquinto.] 4 1 Ds. Jo. Goode Succentor fuit et Cardinalis Eccl. Cath. D. Pauli London., Eleemosynarius etiam et Gustos eiusdem. Obiit 10 Dec. 1450, et in ala australi ecclesiae sepultus est. 2 Inter decanos nominatissimae Ecclesiae collegiatae S. Martini le grand numerantur Rogerus de Saresbiria, et Henricus Blesensis ; necnon Will, ille de Wykeham ; et Will. Alnewyke, Norwicensis, et postea Lincolniensis, episcopus. 3 De consuetis Memoriis post Deus omnium vide in Brev. Sarum Psalterio ad pp. 92-95. Item in Rubrica Magna eiusdem Brev. post Trinit. i. p. mclxxxvi-mcxcv. 4 4 ' Impressum est hoc directorium cum defensorio eiusdem per William Caxton apud Westmonasterium prope London ./'' Caxton^ 1487. 'Explicit Defensorium Directorii.' Leeu, 1488. DEFENSOR1UM DIRECTORIL 23 [CONSPECTVS CAPITVM IN DEFENSORIO DIRECTORII CONTENTORVM. 1 T. Distinctio Rubricarum (a) generalium et (b) caerimonialium. 2. Exemplum ducitur de Rubrica Magna de Dominicis de causis quae Missam differunt dominicalem. 3. Item de Rubrica de Missa in Capitulo. 4. Item de Rubrica pro Ps. Deus venerunt in prostratione in choro. 5. De die S. Theodori (ix. Nov.) in iij feria contingente. 6. De prima Oratione in Exequiis cotidianis. 7. De quatuor Orationibus in Exequiis et anniuersariis et trigin- talibus. 8. De Responsoriis in festis iij. lectionum (ex. gr., S. Syluestri). 9. De Responsoriis pro fest. Mart, et fest. Abbatis in eadem heb- domada contingentibus. * 10. De Eu&ngelio Dixt't Mart/ia. in trigintalibus Episcoporum tan turn dicenda. n. De Or. Tibi Dne commendamus tan turn extra chorum dicenda. 12. De Ps. Leuaui, cxx. * 13. De fest. Dedications Ecclesiae sine regimine chori infra dies Septembris i-xxvii. 14. De Commemoratione Animarum (ii. Nov.) in Dominica non celebranda. 15. De Nat. B. Mariae (viii. Sept.) et fest. S. Mathiae (xxiiii. w/xxv. Feb.) quae non habent vigiliam. * 16. De Ant. Exaltate iiij. de Laudibus in die Ascensionis. 17. Quod officium cotidianum Mortuorum non inchoandum sit post Pascha, sed tantum officium Mortuorum speciale. 1 8. De grad. Si ambulem pro Episcopis tantum dicendo. * 19. De psalmis ferialibus non dicendis in Octa. Corporis Christi. * 20. De alia rubrica in Octa. Corpor is Christi. Item de caecitate ecclesiae Sarum. * 21. Quod sacerdos benedicens candelas seu palmas stabit orientem versus. Item de Oratione super populum. * 22. Censura Cardinalium S. Pauli Lond. de Hymno et Versu in Octa. Corporis Christi cum regimine chori. 23. De Cap. Apparuit'm Laudibus in Vigilia Epiphaniae (v. Januar.). 24. De Oratione in die S. Quintini (xxxi. Octob.). 25. De Oratione in die S. Nicomedis (i. Junij.). 1 Hanc Tabulam in lectoris commodum editior.i nostrae subiecimus, A S. 1894. * Capitula per Magistrum Johannem Clerke (in recensione sua cir. annum 1497) reiecta asterisco notauimus. 24 DEFENSORIUM DIRECTORIL 26. De Memoria S. Aniani in die S. Hugonis (xvii. Nov.). 27. De Oratione in die S. Machuti (xv. Nov.). 28. De festis vtrasque Vesperas habentibus. 29. De Memoriis in festo Omnium Sanctorum. 30. De horis de JB. Maria V. extra chorum in eodem festo. 31. De benedictionibus ad lectiones in Matutinis in Commemora- tione B. Mariae. * 32. De Missa dominicali. 33. De festo Dedicationis Ecclesiae infra dies Januarii i-xiii con- tingente. 34. De ecclesia cuius festum Sancti Loci habet Octa. sine regimine chori. * 35. De rubrica in festo S. Lamberti (xvii. Sept.). t 36. De missa Salus populi. * 37. De festis Invitatorium triplex habentibus in ecclesia Sarum. 38. De hymno lam lucis orto sydere. 39. De missis votiius Salus populi, et Nos autem (de Cruce). 40. De Cornmemoratione B. Mariae infra hebd. Conceptionis uel Purificationis uel post Octa. Assumptionis uel Natiuitatis eiusdem. f 41. De Rubricis in Consuetudinario Sarum generaliter obseruandis. Item de Canonicis eccl. S. Pauli London, diuinum officium secundum vsum Sarum obseruantibus, sed de caeremoniis Sarum nihil curantibus. 42. In die Pentecost, infra canonem. 43. De Sequentia in Septuagesima. 44. De y. in Obsequiis Mortuorum in ij. nocturno. 45. De iij a . v te . viij a et ix a lectionibus Mortuorum. 46. De Epistola et Cap. in festo Purificationis (ii. Feb.). 47. Item de Epistola in ij. Sabbato Quadragesimae. 48. Item de Epistola vnius Doctoris. 49. De Sequentia in fest. SS. Edwardi, Benedicti, &c. 50. De Cap. in fest. SS. Agnetis, &c. 51. De festo S. Mariae Magdalene (xxii. Jul.). 52. De Oratione in Octa. Apostolorum Petri et Pauli (vi. Jul.). 53. De Benedicamus in die Epiphaniae (vi. Jan.). 54. De Commendatione extra Quadragesimam. 1:5. De cantu Exultet celum laudibus de Apostolis P. et P. (xxix, xxx. Jun.). 56. De pulsatione campanarum in festis infra if**. 57. Quod dies Paschae Octauum diem non habeat. * 58. Pro declaratione dicendorum de Commemorationibus infra Aduentum Domini et Septuagesimam. * 59. De lectionibus de Biblia secundum ordinem legendis, et non secundum titulationem, neque per saltum. * 60. Conclusio finalis. De memoria de festo loci, decisio iuxta D. Jo. Goode.] * Capitula per Jo. Clerke reiecti; t Capitula per eundem amputata. CREDE MICHI A Drii 1495. The printed copies collated for the present edition of the Crede Michi (pp. 27-81) are as follows : Clement MaydestonJs Text of " Crede Michi." Caxton.=VJ. Caxton's folio (1487). British Museum, Case 10. b. 16. L.=Ger. Leeu's quarto, 1488. British Museum, Case 35. f. Where Caxton and L agree, they are cited jointly in the notes as ' C.' W.=Wynkyn de Worde's first quarto, 1495, which supplies our text, and is usually cited in the notes, where necessary, as ' ed. 1495.' British Museum, Case 35. f. 4, and Rev. Chr. Wordsworth. J. Clerke's Revision. P3.=R. Pynson's third quarto, 1501. British Museum, Case 35. f. 7. (Abp. Cranmer's copy.) P5.=R. Pynson's fifth quarto, 1508, the latest edition before our own. The Bodleian Library, Oxford, Gough Missals, in. (also 4. S. 33. Th. Seld.) (Pi., Pynson's first quarto, 1497, Brit. Mus. Case 35. f. 6. and P4 his fourth quarto, 1503, Bodl., Gough Missals 142, have been examined for a few passages.) For a list of all the editions, founded upon HENRY BRADSHAW'S researches, see above p. 3. For the collations made in London we are indebted almost entirely to Canon W. Cooke. Those at the Bodleian have been done by Miss A. F. Parker, and the Defensorium Directorii was collated with W. de Worde's second quarto (1499), represented by the unique copy in the Henry Bradshaw Collection at Cambridge, by Mr. Alfred Rogers. ' ./?.' indicates John Raynton's manuscript, written for Dr. T. Gascoigne, cir. 1450, now in the British Museum, MS. Add. 25,456, and collated for pp. 40-80, the portion which it has in common with our tracts. [The editor has introduced some additions and collations from Raynton's Crede Michi in square brackets and inverted commas, marked with Raynton's initial. He has also inserted a few other memoranda in square brackets to save the reader the trouble of constant searching in a kalendar or index of names.] c CREDE MICHI. [W. de Worde A.D. 1495. Fo. Aj. VC INCIPIT LIBELLUS PERUTILIS (QUOD CREDE MIHI VOCITATUR) FELICITER. 1 f[ Sequentes articuli ventilati sunt et approbati per Canonicos ecclesie Sarum. [i.] Et primo 2 de octa. Corporis Christi. &c. SCIENDVM est quod multe ecclesie de vsu Sarum (vbi oct. Corporis Christi fiunt cum regimine chori) dicunt quotidie infra predictas octauas. Gloria tibi Domine qui natus. de quo- cumque fiat seruicium ad vesperas matutinas et ad omnes alias horas (si metrum sustineat) Et ad prim am y. Qui de virgine. Et allegant pro se hymnum. Saluator) et alium (Lucent tuairi) qui cantentur 3 quotidie ad honorem ipsarum octauarum. f[ Alii dicunt 4 quod predictus y. Gloria tibi Domine) non debet dici nisi quando de octa. fit seruicium tantum. Et isti allegant pro se Rubricam in die Natiuitatis Domini, que loquitur solum de octa. sine regimine chori. C Responsio. (Gloria tibi Dne) et y. Qui de virgine} non debent dici 5 in festis .ix lee. infra octa. Ouia si dicerentur. oporteret quod Responsoria super hymnos dicerentur cum Alleluia, quod non potest fieri, quia esset contra ordinale. Ista responsio non placet mihi. quia contrarium patet in Conuersione sancti Pauli [25 Jan. D.\. [2.] fl[ De festo .ix. lee. infra oct. Corporis Christi con- tingente. Item vbi pctaue Corporis Christi fiunt cum regimine chori. Si festum .ix. lee. infra octa. predictas contigerit. 6 Quidam dicunt quod tale festum habebit vesperas vtrasque. 7 Quidam 8 dicunt quod tale festum habebit primas vesperas i_i Qmitt. C. . . . Crede Michi . . : PS. 2 Omitt. 1-6 edd. 1497-1508, quae primordium capiunt ex his verbis " Incipit . . . Sarum. |[ De evangelzV? 'Dixit Martha"' (sicut patebit inferius in 7.) 3 que cantantur : C. * Et alii dicunt : C. * Omitt. nisi : C. 6 contingent : Caxton. 7 utrasque vesperas : C. 8 Et quidam : C. 2? CREDE MIC HI. tantum. et secunde vespere erunt de octa. sicut in festis .ix. lee. vbi sequitur aliud festum. f[ Responsio. Verum est quod tale festum habebit vtrasque vesperas (nisi in sabbato contigerit. Et ilia regula est diu vsitata in ecclesia Sarum et approbata. [3.] /|[ De psalmis dicendis in octa. Corporis [fo. Aj.b. Christi. Item vbi fiunt octaue cum regimine chori. scribitur expresse in ordinali Sarum, quod in octa. die ad vtrasque vesperas dicuntur psalmi feriales. Sed viri experti in ordinali dicunt. ilia regula sit falsa, nee omnino debet admitti. quia omnes psalmi debent dici in oct. sicut in prima die. C Similiter dicendum est de hymno. et y. in secundis vesperis octa. C Responsio. secundum Ordinale Sarum. In oct. psalmi feriales dicuntur ad vtrasque vesperas Secundum 1 ordinale Sarum nunquam dicuntur 2 psalmi feriales in octa. nisi prius dicuntur in festo. 3 ideo non credo dictis eorum. [4.] Item quidam dicunt. si festum trium lee. habens proprias lee. in dominica infra octa. vel in ipsis octa. contingent fiant medie lee. de festo. Sec alii dicunt quod de huiusmodi festis trium lee. fiat tantum memoria (nisi festa 5 trium lectionum adiuncta fuerint C Responsio. In octa. fiant medie lectiones de festis trium lectionum que habent proprias lectiones tantum. [5.] C De Vigilia sancti Mathie apostoli. 6 [23 Feb. E.} In vigilia sancti Mathie Apostoli oritur magna questio. an videlicet debent celebrari cum nocturno et cum missa de Vigilia (sicut multe ecclesie faciunt). An sine aliqua mentione de vigilia. preter ieiunium (prout alii tenent) eo quod Rubrice Sarum nullam de vigilia faciunt mentionem. 7 C Responsio. Ecclesia Sarum nihil facit de ilia vigilia nisi ieiunium tantum. [6.] f[ De vigilia Natiuitatis beate Marie. [7 Sept. E.] In multis missalibus ponitur specialis missa pro vigilia Natiuitatis beate Marie. Et in antiphonarijs scribitur quod ty. feriale dicetur in vigilia Natiuitatis beate Marie. Tamen ordinale Sarum et multe ecclesie nihil dicunt de ilia 1 Secundum enim : C. 2 dicantur : L. 3 Vide infra 121, et cf. Defens. Direct, cap. 19. * contigerit : L. s festis : C. 6 omitt. apostoli : C. 7 Cf. Defens. Direct, cap. i 5. CREDE MICHL 29 vigilia. sed habent ibi plenum seruicium de sea Maria. [Cf. Defens. Direct, cap. 15.] f[ Responsio. In ecclesia Sarum dicitur ibidem plenum seruicium de sancta Maria. [7.] /f[ De euangelio (Dixit Martha ad Jesum). 1 [fo. Aij. Item in quibusdam missalibus ponitur talis Rubrica. quod euangelium (Dixit Martha ad fesum 2 ) legatur in omnibus trigintalibus et anniuersarijs quorumcunque. tamen secundum 3 ordinale Sarum illud euangelium nunquam 4 legatur nisi in trigintalibus et anniuersarijs episcoporum tantum. et quando corpus est presens. et in dominicis. et in 5 secundis ferijs. C Responsio. nunquam legatur (Dixit Martha) nisi quando corpus est presens. et in missis episcoporum et in dominicis et in secundis ferijs. 6 [Pericopas duas proxime sequentes omittunt R. Pynson et W. de Worde in edd. 1497, 1498, 1501, 1503, 1508, retenta solum Responsione in 9.] [8.] f[ De versicul. infra octa. Corporis Christi. Item ad memoriam de octa. Corporis Christi. in festis sanctorum nouem lectionum. quidam ad vesperas dicunt y. Panem de celo. Qui quidem y. habetur quotidie ad vesperas octa. Sed alij dicunt quod y. Posuit fines erit y. tarn ad vesperas quam ad matutinas. f[ Responsio. Nequaquam. sed y. Panem de celo} dicitur ad vesperas. et 7 y. Posuit fines} ad matutinas. [9.] f[ De psalmis et Responsorijs infra octa. Ascensionis. C Si festum sancti Augustini Anglorum apostoli in dominica infra octa. Ascensionis euenerit. [26 Mai, Lit. Dom. 4/^.J tune in secunda feria sequenti quidam dicunt antiphonas et Responsoria de sabbato. infra octa. predictas vt verus ordo antiphonarum et Responsoriorum obseruetur. Sed 8 alij affirmant quod Responsoria et antiphone de sexta feria debent iterum repeti. et post antiphone et Responsoria de sabbato. et antiphone et Responsoria non dicuntur 9 secundum ordinem vt videtur. , Et valde inconueniens videtur quod tali anno diceretur ter de sexta feria. et semel de sabbato. vbi verus ordo potest obseruari. 1 Evang. Dixit Martha (Johan. xi. 21-7). Cf. Missale Sarum, p. 865*. et vide Defens. Direct, cap. 10. Hie incipiunt articuli in tractatu Crede Michi nuncupate iuxta editiones 1497 (Pi.), 1498 (P2.), 1499 (W2.), 1501 (P3-), 1503 (P4-), 1504 (W3-), et 1508 (?5.), secundum recensionem magistri Johannis Clerke. 2 omitt. ad lesum : C. 3 cum secundum : L. 4 non : ?5. 5 Omit. ' in ' P5. 6 Cf. Defens. Direct, cap. 10. 1 Omit et : L. 8 Omitt. Sed : C. 9 dicantur : L. 30 CKEDE M1CHL Immo quando Ascensio Domini, contingit. 1 ij. die Maij \h.e, sub Lit. Dom. iFI\ tune antiphone et Responsoria de sabbato debent [omitti] in illo 2 anno, et Responsoria sexte ferie que can- tantur in sabbato iterum debeant cantari in eadem hebdomada. vt dictum est. 3 /f[ Responsio. 4 Si due vel tres ferie post domini- [fo. Aij.b. cam infra octa. Ascensionis vacauerint. tune in primo loco ibidem vacante. dicuntur 5 antiphone et Responsoria de .vi. feria. licet in hebdomada precedenti dicta fuerint. deinde 6 de sabbato. f[ Sed cum due ferie vacauerint tantum 7 infra pmlictas 8 octa. Vna ante 9 dominicam. altera post 10 dominicam. Tune in ipsa feria vacante post dominicam dicentur antiphone et Responsoria de sabbato ne omittantur. [Sequens pericope omittitur in edd. a Jo. Clerkio recensitis, A.D. 1497-1508.] [10.] C De commemoratione Festi loci ante .Ixx. Item quando dominica .Ixx. cadit in die see Prisce virginis. [18 Jan. Lit. Dom. \DI\ Multi experti in ordinali Sarum dicunt quod tune in hebdomada precedenti dicetur seruicium de festo loci. Ita quod missa tercie dominice dicatur in capitulo, Alij affirmant quod non dicetur de festo loci ilia hebdomada. sed de feria. Prout Rubrice Sarum videntur sonare. Et hoc videtur mirabile cum illis 11 tribus ferijs nulla fiat mentio de historia dominicali. fl Responsio. Prima opinio est vera. scilicet quod fiat com- memoratio festi loci. [n.] C De Sequentijs beate Marie dicendis. 12 a (Domine ne in ira) vsque ad aduentum Domini. Dicunt quidam collegiatPquud ille sex Sequentie solummodo cantande sunt que intitulantur infra octa. Assumptionis beate Marie. Sed alij affirmant quod non. sed est in beneplacito Cantoris in huiusmodi commemorationibus accipere qualemcunque Sequentiam sibi placentem de beata Virgine. ^ Responsio. iste sex dicantur et non alie in choro Sarum. 14 contigit : L. 2 omitti illo : C. debent in illo : ed. 1495. debeant iterum cantari in eadem dominica. ut dictum est : omitt. C. Nota quod : Pi. P^. P^. 5 dicantur : L. demum : C. fuerit deinde : ?5. 7 tantum vacauerint : C. predicta : PS. 9 ana: P3. 10 dicantur: L. " in illis: C. 12 Add. In commemorationibus beate marie : C. " Quidam collegiati dicunt : C. 14 Vide Brev. Sar. pp. 516-520; Missale, pp. 870 875, 769*, 775* CRRDE M1CHL 31 [12.] C De collectis ad (Placebo]. Item in obsequijs quotidianis mortuorum per totum annum secundum regulam Sarum tres Collecte tantum modo 1 habende sunt. scilicet pro episcopis. pro fratribus et sororibus. et pro omnibus defunctis 2 Sed clerici Collegiorum (vbi reges et principes sunt fundatores) dicunt in huiusmodi quotidianis exequijs primam Collectam habendam pro huiusmodi fundatoribus. /H Sed quod omnes sacerdotes parrochiales facere [fo. Aiij. similiter tenentur. quia plus obligantur 3 orare pro suis parrochianis quam pro episcopis Sarum fundatoribus. [Responsio. clerici sarum concedunt quod oratio fiat pro fundatoribus] 4 in omnibus exequijs post orationem pro episcopis. 5 [Quae sequuntur usque ad finem 13 omitt. edd. 1497-1508.] f[ Ego clemens maydeston dico. quod clerici huiusmodi non tenentur habere aliquam memoriam pro episcopis. nee sacerdotes parrochiales. [13.] C De anniuersarijs regum. Item Collegiati vbi reges et principes sunt fundatores obseruant eorum dies anniuersarios. simpliciter tanquam pro canonico Sarum. quia Rubrice Sarum nullam faciunt mentionem pro huiusmodi fundatore. Alij 6 affirmant quod vbi reges sunt fundatores eorum dies anniuersarij teneri debent cum omnibus obseruantijs solenniter. tarn ad exequias quam ad missam. cum eisdem epistola traccu et euangelio sicut in anniuersario episcoporum Sarum. f[ Responsio. Non latet vestram discretionem quin hoc esset contra ordinale Sarum. (Clemens] Ista Responsio non valet, quia si episcopi Sarum fundatores habent solennes exequias more duplicis festi. quare non reges monasteriorum fundatores. cum de similibus simile erit iudicium. [14.] ^1 De memoria sancti lohannis baptiste in commemor- atione sci Pauli. [30 Jun. F.] In omnibus libris de vsu Sarum. 7 in commemoratione sancti Pauli ad matutinas. pro memoria sancti lohannis scribitur ant. Inter natos. Sed viri experti 8 in vsu Sarum dicunt quod ilia antiphona male intitulatur ibidem, quia in festo apostolorum Petri et Pauli non fit memoria de sancto lohanne. neque in audientia neque sub 1 'tatu .' 1495. 2 Cf. Brew. Sarum ii. p. 273. 3 obligatur : P5. 4 \habent C.]. omitt. 1495 : P 5. 5 Cf. Defens. Direct, cap. 6. Sed alii : C. 7 libris secundum Sarum : P$. 8 experti valde : C. 32 CREDE MICHL silentio. Ideo ant Puer qui natus est cantabitur in die sancti Pauli. vt ordo antiphonarum 1 seruetur. f[ Responsio. In ecclesia Sarum ant. Inter natos intitulatur. [Sequens pericope in edd. 1497-1508 omittitur.] [!5-] T De antiphonis memoriarum de omnibus sanctis. in ferijs 2 et festis .iij. lectionum ad vesperas a[nte] 3 Domine ne in ira vsque ad caput ieiunij. /Et ana 4 (Deus omnium} [fo. Aiij.b. vsque ad Aduentum Domini. Quidam dicunt 4 quod quatuor antiphone de omnibus Sanctis decantari habent semper secundum ordinem incipiendo qualibet hebdomada a prima ant. 5 f[ Alii experti in vsu Sarum dicunt quod est ad placitum cantoris accipere quamcunque sibi placentem 6 Nam aliter quarta ant. scilicet (O quam gloriosuni) nunquam cantabitur ad vesperas vbi agitur de festo loci. f[ Responsio. Omni hebdomada incipiantur a prima ant. et sic dicuntur per ordinem. [16.] f[ De officio 7 in vigilia Assumptionis Marie. 8 [14 Aug. #] Collegiati dicunt quod in Vigilia Assumptionis officium debet terminari cum alleluia quacumque feria contigerit. eo quod y. Beata es. que solebat aliquando cantari in ilia vigilia iam penitus omittitur. f[ Alij 9 dicunt quod non terminabitur cum alleluia, nisi quando vigilia in dominica contigerit. 10 C Responsio. Non finiatur cum alleluia in vigilia nisi dominica fuerit. sed alias semper nisi in Septuagesima. [17.] C De Ant (Lauda hierusalem [Sabb. ad Vesp.]) Multi collegiati habent in vsu istas antiphonas (Sperat u israel. et ant Clamaui [ad Vesp. in fer. ii. et iv.]) et ceteras illius quarti 12 toni post psalmos repetere in Elami Alij viri 14 valde experti dicunt quod hec sola ant Lauda 16 non debet repeti in E/amt 13 f[ Responsio. Non est vera. sed omnes antiphone illius variationis. incipiantur in Elami. [18.] f[ De versiculo. ad Nonam in die sancte Marie Magda- lene. 16 [22 Jul. G.] 1 animarum : ?5. 2 sanctis. In omnibus feriis : C. 3 a : 1495, L.; a : C. 4 ana : 1495 ; a : L. 4 4 et a Deus omnium usque ad Adventum domini quidam dicunt : C. 5 Cf. Brev. Sarum ii. p. 94. 6 quamcunque sibi placuerit : C. ' De officiario : ?3. PS. 8 Omitt. Marie : C. 9 Et alii : C. 10 Cf. Mis sale Sarum, p. 864. Speret : PS. 12 Omitt. quarti : C. 13 Eleuaui : P5. " Et alii viri : C. 15 Ant. Lauda, Brev. Sar. ii. 198, 204, 219? Lauda ierusalem : C. i__s magdalene. In die sancte marie magdalene ad horam ix. dicitur ~f. Adducentur regi : C. P5. CREDE MIC HI. 33 Ad horam ix. dicitur y. Adducentur regi { quia sic habetur in multis libris. Alij dicunt quod. y. Dimissa sunt ei. vel y. Elegit earn deberet did. 2 et sic habetur magna diuersitas. f[ Responsio. Adducentur regi. dicitur in die sancte Marie Magdalene. Quia licet sancta Maria Magdalena et sancta Anna sint equalis dignitatis in ecclesia Sarum. tamen dignum est quod sancta Anna ob honorem filie scilicet virginis Marie, precedat 3 Magdalenam. cum y. J Elegit earn* [fo. Aiiij. C In ordinali. Sarum Magdalena habet 4 -symbolum in missa, quacunque feria contigerit. 5 non sic de sea Anna, ergo earum comparatio est friuola vana et cassa. quod Clemens. 5 [19.] H De ordine nocturnorum ad (Dirige] In anniuersarijs trigintalibus in tempore pascali 6 contin- gentibus. quidam Collegiati tenent quod omni hebdomada incipiendum est a 7 j. nocturno. et sic per hebdomadam dicuntur 8 Responsoria per hebdomadam per ordinem nocturnorum. {[ Alij dicunt quod in tempore pascali 6 post primam incep- tionem non seruabitur ordo nocturnorum sed dierum. f[ Responsio. Seruabitur ordo dierum non 9 nocturnorum per totum tempus pasce nisi corpus sit presens. [20.] f[ De benedictionibus in commemoratione beate Marie. 10 Item per totum annum quando fit seruicium de commemora- tione Marie. Multi collegiati dicunt quod per singulas hebdomadas bene- dictiones ad mat debent variari sicut infra Oct. Assumptions & natiuitatis eiusdem. Alij affirmant quod per totum annum in ipsius commemora- tione .iij. prime benedictiones tantum habende sunt absque variatione. 11 l 1 * Ad horam ix. . . . Elegit earn ' : omitt. P$. P$. 2 ^ ''Dimissa sunt' est ^ post hymnum O Maria noli flere in die S. M. Magd. apud Brev. Sar. iii. 525. ' Adducentur* vero est ~f post hymnum Jesu corona in Nat. V. Mart, de Communi, ibid. ii. p. 448, et post Ad Sacrum in Communi unius Matronae non Sarum, ed. Seager, p. 165. Sed ~f. 'Elegit' tarn ad hymnum Omnes fideles in Praesentatione B. Mariae ii. p. 344, locum habet, quam ad hymnum Felix Anna iii. p. 554. :< precellat : C. 4 In ordinale Sarum. magdalena habet . . . : P$. 5 5 < non sic . . . Clemens.' omitt. 1497, P3. P 5. 6 pasche: C. paschali : PS. 7 Omit, 'a': P3. PS. 8 dicantur : L. 9 Omit, 'non 3 PS. 10 quando fit plenum seruicium in commemoratione beate marie : C. 11 De Benedictionibus in * Alma Virgo] ( Christus Mariae] et ' Sancta Dei' in commem. B. Mariae sine variatione dicendis vide Brev. Sar. i. in initio post kalendar., et ii. p. 461. Item Defens. Directorii^ cap. 31. MAYDESTONE. D 34 CREDE MICHL fl Responsio. Semper dicantur tres prime. [21.] fl De memoria de Trinitate. Item quando infra octa. Corporis Christi. propter prolixitatem temporis differtur dominica. Quidam collegiati dicunt quod memoria de Trinitate similiter 1 differri debet. Ita quod nulla fiat memoria de Trinitate sicut nee de 2 dominica. Sed alij experti in vsu Sarum dicunt quod quamuis dominica differatur. tamen oportet quod fiat memoria de Trinitate ad vesperas ad mat. & ad missam propter octa. diem. Et si istorum assertio sit vera tamen male intitulatur. Ad vesperas ant. Spes nostra. & ad mat. Libera nos. Nam ex consequenti sequeretur quod antiphona. O beata) in dominica diceretur super psalmum (Quicunque vult) Quod est expresse contra Ordinale Sarum. f[ Responsio. Quando differtur 3 dominica differatur memoria de Trinitate semper. [Pericopas 22-24 omittunt edd. 1497-1508.] [22.] /C De fontibus in monastery's. 4 [fo. Aiiij.b. Item in prioratibus monastery's & collegijs de vsu Sarum vbi sunt fontes nee baptismus puerorum. Nu?zquid consecratio fontis cum Letanijs & Prosa (Rex sanctorum) possunt 5 licite omitti secundum conscientiam. Multi dicunt quod sic. quia fratres mendicantes. & canonici regulares. habent 6 consecrationem fontium. & tamen cessante causa cessare debet & effectus. (Vt quid fiat consecratio fontium vbi non est baptismus.) Alij affirmant quod fiet fons qui non durabit nisi per octo dies. quorum assertio videtur friuola. Nam edificare fontes. & consecrare aquam nulli vsui aptandam eo quod nullus est baptisandus. videtur magna similatio. immo 1 simul : L. 2 Omit, 'de' ?3. Omit, 'nee' PS. 3 differatur: ?5. 4 Brevaiium Ebor (i. 407-8), in die S. Pasche habet rubricam hanc : ' ad processionem ad fontes in ecclesiis exterioribus scilicet simplicis parochie. Ant. Alleluya ter? Caeremonias nihilominus de fontibus in monasterio exhibet Ojficium Ecclesiasticum Abbatum secundum Usum Eveshamensis Monasterii, ed. H. A, Wilson (ex cod. MS. cir. I3oo)> col. 93. Cf. notulam eiusdem editoris ibid. p. 200. Inter statuta Collegii Canonicorum, atque Militum ad inopiam uergentium, Beatae Mariae, et Sanctorum Georgii atque Eadwardi Confessoris apud Windsor, Saresbiriensis dioceseos, A.D. 1352 ordinatum est quod in capella " fons Baptismalis existat, compositus ornatu decenti, in quo Regum et Magnatum aliorum liberi, si ad hoc ipsorum accedat deuocio, valeant baptizari." (Cap. 36.) 5 possint : Caxton. 6 non habent : C. Videas insuper in Missali Westmonasteriensi (cir. 1365), ed. J. Wickham Legg, col. 583. CREDE MICH I. 35 quedam irrisio sacramentalium. et simulacrum irrisoriumque in ecclesia Dei. (Ista questio nondum soluitur.) [23.] C De capitulo in laudibus in vigilia epiphanie [5 Jan. .]. In vigilia epiphanie in laudibus. multi libri habent capitulum Apparuit gratia Dei] Et sic scribitur in quodam ordinali. (f[ Alij affirmant quod in ilia vigilia capitulum (Apparuit benignitas] dicitur 1 in laudibus tantum. et hoc videtur mirabile. quia capitulum quod habetur in laudibus solet dici ad terciam fl[ Responsio. Apparuit benignitas) dicitur in laudibus in vigilia epiphanie secundum ordinale Sarum. 2 [24.] C De Annunciatione Marie 3 contingente. feria .ij. pasce [25 Mar. G., sub Lit. Dom. iF.] Item si festum Annunciationis in .ij. feria in hebdomada 4 pasce contigerit. Quidam dicunt quod festum celebrabitur in prima die mensis Aprilis. Alij affirmant quod debet celebrari .xvj. die Aprilis. Sinautem Dominica in albis. non habebit ij s . vesperas. fl[ Responsio. Festum celebrabitur quinto ydus Aprilis absque vllo preiudicio. [9 April, vt in Pica Sarum sub iF.] [25.] C De capitulo in die 5 sancte Agnetis ij. [28 Jan. G.] Multi dicunt quod in festo sancte Agnetis ij. Ad vesperas matutinas et ad terciam. dicitur capitulum Dne Deus meus. /Alij dicunt 6 quod non sed capitulum. Confitebor. quia [fo. A 5. Rubrica in illo festo dicit sic. Ad .iij. vj. et .ix. omnia riant sicut in alio festo. H Responsio. Tamen in ij. festo dicitur cap. Dne Deus meus. Ecce quam manifeste dicunt contra ordinale Sarum. [26.] fl De festis contingentibus in hebdomada penthec^/^. Si duo festa duplicia in hebdomada penthe^^tey contigerint 7 .Nunquam possunt celebrari in .iij. et .iiij. feria post festum Sancte Trinitatis cum singulis vesfle?is. 8 Quidam dicunt quod sic quia in tali casu sufficit quod duplex festum habeat primas vesperas. . Sed alij dicunt quod non possunt ibidem celebrari. quia Rubrica Sarum dicit. vbi conuenientius possunt celebrari debent differri. scilicet 9 vbi habere possunt vtrasque vesperas. 1 diceretur : C. 2 Cf. Defens. Direct, cap. 23. 3 Omitt. ' Marie ' : C. 4 secunda feria ebdomade : C. 5 in festo : C. 6 Omit, 'dicunt' ?5. 7 contingerint : P5- 8 fis : 1495 5 vespms : L. ?3 (diserte). 9 sed : ?5. D 2 3 5 CREDE MICHL Sed istud dictum videtur inconueniens. scilicet differri 1 festum duplex vsque post duas hebdomadas quando potest celebrari infra octo dies. f[ Responsio. Si duo festa duplicia ibi contingant. Primum celebretur in .iij. feria post Trinitatem. Et aliud festum cele- bretur in aliqua hebdomada sequente 2 cum vtrisque vesperis. non obstantibus octa. cum regimine chori. Nam quando festum maius duplex differtur vltra crastinum. semper debet differri vbi poterit habere vesp. vtrasque. 3 quamuis post duas hebdomadas. [27.] C De memoria festi trium lectionum cum memoria beate Marie. Si duplex festum in .iij. feria post Trinitatem celebretur. tune ad ij s . vesp. post memoriam de sancta Maria, scilicet Sub tuam. Nunquid potest fieri memoria de festo trium lectionum. & de octa. Trinitatis. an non. Quidam dicunt quod talis memoria erit solennis propter memoriam beate Marie. Alij dicunt quod fiet sub silentio cum memoria de octa. C Responsio. Memoria de festo trium lee. & de octa. erunt sub silentio. [28.] Si medie lectiones fiant vbi festum sci Hugonis est duplex [17 Nov. F.]. Quidam dicunt quod medie lee. erunt de sancto Aniano sicut habetur exemplum in /exaltatione sancte Crucis. [fo. A5b. Alij affirmant quod nihil fiat de sancto Aniano nisi memoria tantum sub silentio. cum memoria de octa sancti Martini. C Responsio. Isti verum dicunt quod nunquam fiant medie lectiones. si sit festum duplex. [ 2 9-] T Differentia 4 inter festum principale & maius duplex. Item si aliqua differentia in ecclesia Sarum inter principale festum 5 et maius duplex. Vel equalis cerimonia habenda est in vno que 6 no in alio. {[ Responsio. In festis principalibus quatuor erunt rectores chori 7 de superiori gradu. Sed in maioribus duplicibus duo principales rectores de superiori gradu. & alij duo de in- ferioribus. 8 [3O.] C De thurificatione chori a dyacono. 9 Dyaconus thurificans altare debet thurificare medium altaris non cornua secundum vsum Sarum. videlicet differre : C. 2 ebdomade sequentis : C. utrasque vesperas : C. * Differentia est : P$. festum principale: 1501. (De divisione festorum vide Brev. Sar. ii. p. xxi.) 'q^': Pj. 7 quatuor rectores chori erunt : C. de ferioribus P3. dyabolo : P5- CREDE MICHL 37 sed quot 1 iactus dubitatur. aliqui 2 dicunt .vij. quidam .xij. 3 [31.] C De epistola sancti 4 dementis [23 Nov. E.~\. In festo sancti dementis in ecclesia Sarum. legitur sic in epistola [Ad Pkilippens, iv. 2.] (Adiuua illos qui mecum laborauerunf) et tamen dicunt quod 5 vera littera in biblia est (Adiuua illas que mecum?} et refertur ad duas mulieres. scilicet Euchodiam et Sinticen) que erant due matrone ministrantes Paulo et dementi necessaria quando predicabant. 7 C Responsio. vera est littera illos* et qui. [3 2 -] T De Collectis in exequijs mortuorum. In die sepulture 'quorumcunque, siue regis siue cardinalis in exequijs 9 dicuntur .iiij. collecte, & in missa .v. secundum vsum Sarum [33.] Pax non detur 10 in missis pro defunctis. Sacerdos celebrans pro defunctis non debet post (Agnus Dei) pacem ab altari accipere. nee a calice secundum vsum Sarum. [34-] E De terminatione collecte de Trinitate. Oratio de Trinitate secundum regulas determinatas. debet terminari cum (In qua viuis) Tamen multi dicunt quod in ecclesia Sarum terminatur cum (Qui vivis)^ /Et si sic detur causa, si placet. [fo. A6. C Responsio. Regule tractantes de terminationibus orationum causantur 12 in ordinali nostro. sed Rationale diuinorum in tractatu de conclusionibus orationum. dicit quod oratio directa ad Patrem habita mensione de Trinitate. vt in oratione predicta (Omnipotens sempiterne Deus qui dedisti) terminatur cum (Qui viuis et regnas Deus) Et oratio directa ad Patrem habita mensione de Filio. in fine 3 concluditur cum (Per eundem. siue. Qui tecum) vt in oratione. Famulorum tuorum [35.] f[ De Sequentia octa. Corporis Christi. I quod : PS. 2 quidam : C. 3 ' ix': ?3. PS, 4 in die sancti : C. 5 quam : P$. 6 In Missali Sar. p. 977. Lectio vulgata est ' eas quae ' : * illas que ' Missale Sar. edd. Lond. et Venet. 1504 ; 'eos qui ' edd. 1497, '98, 1526. 7 mecum etc. : P$. 8 illo : PS. 9 exexquiis : 1495. 10 non dicitur : C. II 'Qui viuis' Missale Sar. anni 1515, &c. Sed 'Inqua ? *& I494> '97, 1508 (Morin. Rotomag.). 12 cassantur : C. is is U (- j n oratione Famulorum tuorum concluditur cum Per eundem siue cum Qui tecum. : C. ; Missale Sarum, pp. 458-460. ' concluditur Qui tecum 1 : P3- PS. (omittendo 'cum Per eundem. siue.' et 'vt . . . tuorum.') 38 CREDE MICHL Quotidie infra octa. et in oct dicitur Sequentia. Ecce panis angelorum. non ex ordinali. sed ex consuetudine. [Pericopas 36-38 omnino non penitus omitt. 1497- [36.] f[ De repetitione lectionum et sequentiarum de sancta Maria post oct. Assumptionis [post 22 Aug.], Semper reincipiantur lee. et Sequentie de commemoratione beate Marie. Similiter post oct. Nat[iuitati]s eiusdem [post 1 5 Sept.]. [37.] f[ De memoria fienda de dorninica in festis duplicibus. in .ij. feria. contingentibus. Si aliquod festum duplex festum per estatem in .ij. feria contigerit. nunquam memoria de dominica erit solennis. preter- quam in Exaltatione sancte Crucis. [14 Sept. E. sub lit. dom. D.] f[ Responsio. Nos dicimus quod non. Sed in omnibus festis duplicibus per estatem in .ij. feria. contingentibus. fiat priuatim memoria de dominica. nisi quando vigilia sancti Bartholomei in dominica euenerit [23 Aug. DJ\. tune ad primas vesperas de apostolo fiat solennis memoria de dominica. Et ratio est quod 2 ilia dominica caret vtrisque vesperis. [38-] 1 De Responsorijs tempore 3 Pasce. Si in dominica post pasca fiat seruicium de dominica & in illis tribus hebdomadis non vacat nisi vna sola feria. Nunquid in ilia feria Responsoria de .iij. feria. debeant cantari. vel debeant omitti propter vnum ty. repetendum. f[ Responsio. Nos dicimus quod 1^. de .ij. feria debent com- plete cantari antequam inchoetur J^. de .iij. feria. 4 (Nota ordinem Responsoriorumf Nam in hoc tempore ordo Responsoriorum ferialium et non feriarum restat omnino seruandus /Si enim dicerentur Responsoria de .iij. feria ante- [fo. A6.b. quam Responsoria de .ij. feria complerentur. tune ordo Respon- soriorum minime seruaretur. [39.] f[ De octa. Trinitatis. C Si festa sanctorum Ricardi [16 Jun. $FJ\ vel Dunstani [19 Mai. \FJ\ in festo sancte Trinitatis contigerint. & differantur in crastinum Nunquid 5 medie lectiones erunt de oct. Trinitatis an non. 1 Editiones Pynsonianae quae 36-38 omittunt, habent tamen (loco, ut videtur sectionis 37 mae ) haec verba interposita : " nota quod si aliquod duplex festum per Estatem in ii. feria contigerit, nunquam memoria de dominica erit solennis, sed sub silentio." (1497-1508.) 2 quia : C. 3 in tempore : C. 4 4 omitt. C. Nunquit : C. CREDE MICHL 39 Regula Sarum elicit 1 quod totum erit de festo ergo non fient medie 2 lectiones. f[ Responsio. Absque dubio quando huiusmodi festa 3 trans- feruntur. medie lectiones fiant de octa Trinitatis. 4 quia totum hie 5 non sumitur hie pro totalitate sed pro principali parte. sicut sumitur sepe in sacra scriptura. Similiter fiat de sancto Barnaba [i I Jun. 4^4 .]. et de S. Albano [17 Jun. 5^.] quando infra oct predictas contigerint. 6 [Duo sequentes pericopas omitt. 1497-1508.] [40.] C De versu Qui sedes? Clerici ecclesie Sarum dicunt quod maioris meriti est dicere infra octa. Corporis Christi y. Qui sedes ad dexteram) faciendo mentionem de Christi deitate in qua est patri equalis & immor- talis. quam dicere (Qui de virgine] habendo memoriam de eius incarnatione. in qua est factus passibilis 8 & mortalis. Responsio. Si predicta assertio sit vera. tune ipsi testi- monium perhibent sibimetipsis. quod totiens 9 peccant in anno omittendo maius meritum pro minori- quotiens cantent y. Qui de virgine. Veruntamen frustra iacitur rethe ante pedes pennatorum. [Proverb, i. 17.] [41.] C De festo contingente in sabbato 10 cum regimine chori. Quod si festum sancti Barnabe [n Jun. 3^.] vel sancti Ricardi [16 Jun. 4.G.] in sabbato infra octa. Corporis Christi contigerint. 11 Nunquam tale festum habebit vtrasque vesperas. et memoriam tantum de dominica. fl Responsio. Certum est quod vespere erunt de dominica infra octa. & memoria de huiusmodi festo. Nisi tale festum fuerit quod non habet primas vesperas. f[ Similiter si festum sancti Dyonisij [9 Oct. B. sub lit. dom. C.] vel sancti Martini [n Nov. G sub lit. dom. A.] in sabbato infra octa. dedicationis contigerit. vespere erunt de dominica & memoria de festo. [42.] /H De cantu hymni ( Te lucis). [fo. A/. Quidam dicunt quod in vigilia sci Leonis pape [27 Jun. C.] ad completorium dicetur cantus ferialis super hymnunv eo quod in crastino habetur nocturnus. 1 sic* : P5. 2 medidie : ?3. 3 feste : ?5. (sic.) * sancte Trinitatis : C. 5 sic : P3. 6 quando infra octa. contigerit. : P5. 7 jr. Qui sedes est in precibus ad Primam, ut in Brev. Sar. ii. p. 51. 8 factus est passibilis : C. * totius : Caxton. Iu add. infra octauas : C. " contingerint : Caxton. 40 CREDE MIC HI. Alij dicunt quod non. sed cantus dominicalis ob reuerentiam octauarum. f[ Responsio. Certum est quod semper habeatur cantus dominicalis in ecclesia Sarum. [43. J 1 C De contingentibus in dominicis Aduentus Domini &c. Quodcumque festum in .ij. dominica .iij. vel .iiij. Aduentus Domini contigerit. differatur in crastinum. (Nisi sit 2 festum dedicationis vel festum loci.) I[s]ta 3 duo festa non debent differri. nisi quando contingunt in prima dominica Aduentus. 4 vel in dominica in Passione Domini & 5 Palmarum. & 5 dominica in Albis. 6 vel in dominica sancte Trinitatis. vel in dominica Reliquiarum. 7 [44.] f[ De antiphona. Aue Maria. \Brev. Sar. i. p. lx.] \Aue Maria) dicitur ad memoriam de sancta Maria, in omnibus dominicis & in festis .ix. lee. per Aduentum ad [primas] 8 vesperas tantum. Similiter ad primas vesperas [* in commemoracione ' RI\ Festi Loci. & quando cantatur primum O. [45.] C De memorijs omittendis. {Brev. Sar. i. p. Ixii.] Ad vesperas et ad 9 matutinas de sancta Maria per totum annum non dicitur memoria de Omnibus Sanctis. quando dicta memoria habetur ad vesperas et ad matutinas de die. Similiter fiat de festo loci. & per totam hebdomadam Penthe- costes. non 10 dicitur memoria de Sancto Spiritu ad vesperas. seu ['ad' R. P5.] matutinas de sancta Maria. C De quotidianis vesperis et matutinis de sancta Maria. 1 Per lineas hie transuersas locum designauimus ubi expliciunt Responsa Canonicorum Sarum. Ex eodem loco exordium capiunt excerpta quaedam Johannis Raynton (Mri Thomae Gascoygne gratia confecta). Illius articuli (in codice MS. Brit. Mus. Add. 25, 456, fo. 95*) ita intitulantur : T TENERABILI Doctori et Reuerendissimo patri Magistro thome : G : *-/ sequences rubrice verissime de Ordinali Sarum excerpte tradantur propter declaracionem sue consciencie et ad destruccionem falsarum rubricarum que in libris ponuntur valde diffuse. Quodcunque festum in dominica ij, iij, vel iiij Adventus Domini contigerit differatur in crastinum. . . . 2 fuerit : R = Raynton. 3 Ita duo : ed. W. de Worde 1495, P 3- P 5- Ista : Caxton^ 1487. Leeu, 1488. R. 4 aduentu : P3. Aduentus domini : C. dnica prima aduentus dni : R. 5 vel : R. 6 in albs : 1495. 7 Dominicam sancte Trinitatis in loco ultimo posuit Raynton. 8 'primas'Aa&wl: R. P3. PS. 9 Omit, 'ad' P3. PS. 10 do : PS. dum : PS. CREDE MIC HI. 41 Quotidie per annum. 1 siue 2 in choro siue extra chorum dicuntur vespere et matutine de sancta Maria, absque vlla exceptione secundum Ordinale. 3 Multi libri tenent contrarium et false. 3 [46.] f[ De lectione in capitulo. Quotidie per totum annum, nisi duobus diebus [' proximis ' R.~\ ante Pascha post (Preciosa est) legatur in capitulo vna lectio de sancto 4 Haymone & semper cum ista benedictione. tarn [' in '] duplicibus quam [' in '] pro festis diebus. Omnipotent Dominus sua gratia nos benedicat Nunquam ['enim'^.] legatur lectio alia 5 in capitulo nisi de sancto 4 Haymone /Preter quam 6 per Octa. Assump- [fo. A/.b. tionis et Natiuitatis beate Marie secundum Ordinale. 3 Multi libri dicunt contrarium sed false. 3 [47.] C Quattuor dicantur Collecte tam ad (Placebo) quam ad Dirige). C Sciendum 7 quod quandocunque corpus est 8 presens. licet fuerit pro episcopo vel rege vel 9 regina. aut aliquo magnate semper dicantur quattuor collecte 10 tam ad (Placebo) quam ad Dirige). Nota hoc verbum licetP- [48.] f[ De thurificatione corporis defuncti. Sciendum est. quod in obsequijs pro corpore presenti non incensatur corpus ad Magnificat, nee 12 ad Benedictus. nisi fuerit corpus regis. episcopi. comitis vel 13 baronis secundum Ordinale. Sed quando corpus ad ecclesiam deportatur. tune ad portam cimiterij 14 aqua benedicta aspergatur & incensetur. [49.] f[ Regula 15 pro choro. Sciendum est quod in commemoratione beate Marie [' virginis ' -#.] & festi loci & in omnibus ferijs infra octa. cum regimine chori. videlicet Epiphanie [Jan. 7-12]. Ascensionis. Dedications- Corporis Christi. 16 Festi Jesu [Aug. 8-14], Visitationis 16 [Jul. 3-9], Assumptionis [Aug. 16-22] & Natiuitatis [Sept. 10-15] beate Marie, ad vesperas & omnes alias horas de die. seruetur 17 modus minorum festorum 17 simplicium .ix. lectionum cum regimine chori. 1 Cf. Brev. Sar. i. p. xxxiv. l quotidie per totum annum* &c. Et Raynton similiter. sen : C. 3 3 Omit. R. 4 Omitt. ' sancto ' : C. alia lectio : C. 6 nisi : R. Sciendum est : C. R. 8 adest : R. aut : C. R. 10 oraciones : R. Verbum '/' in quibusdam libris inveniebatur quod { pervertit totum sensum Ordinalis, et facit infinites errare ' Defens. Direct, cap. 7. ' Multi libri habent nisi pro episcopis^ et hoc falsum est: R. marg. 12 neque : C. et Bened. : R. J3 aut : B. M cimitorii : R. cymiterij : ?5. 15 Rgula : PS (sic). 16 16 Omitt. Festi lesu et Visitationis : C. R. 17 " modus festorum : P3. PS. 42 CREDE MICHI. [5-] T De impedimento commemorationis beate Marie in sabbato fiende. 1 Si festa sanctorum Johannis et Pauli [26 Jun. C.] 2 . Bricij [31 Nov. C.]. vel .xj. milium 3 virginum [21 Octob. A.]- in sabbato contingent 4 ibi celebrentur. Et commemoratio beate Marie in aliqua alia feria illius hebdomade celebretur. [51.] C De Benedicamus Domino cum alleluya. Nota quod per totum annum nunquam dicitur Benedicamus cum Alleluya. nisi in tempore pascali 5 tantum. 6 In festis duplicibus. & quando Inuitatorium est triplex, tune vnum Benedicamus tantum. 6 Et in tribus diebus 7 [' in ebdo.' jR.] Natiuitatis Domini qui sunt extra regulam. Et etiam in die Epiphanie. tune dicitur Benedicamus* cum cantu y. Balaam? qui est septimus y. Sequentie illius 10 diei. [5 2 -] /C De Responsionibus versiculorum. [fo. A8. Sciendum 11 quod sicut in hebdomada Natiuitatis Domini ad ty. super horas dicitur Alleluya. In responsionibus tamen 12 versiculorum quorumcunque extra tempus pasce non dicitur alleluya. nisi ad 13 ( Verbum caro) & nisi ad 13 (Dominus regnauit) in dominicis. [Brev. ii. p. 34.] [53.] H De versiculis et 14 Responsorijs ad medias lectiones. Sequens regula ponitur tarn per 15 octa. cum regimine chori quam sine regimine chori. scilicet 16 de Responsorijs habendis vt 17 scribitur in die sancti Syluestri pape [31 Dec. A]. 18 Quandocunque enim riant medie lectiones de temporali siue de festis sanctorum, semper a versiculo medij nocturni incipiatur 19 huiusmodi seruicium. donee idem perficiatur nocturnus. et hoc ab vna dominica in aliam obseruetur. Ita tamen quod semper in dominica quando fiunt medie lectiones dicuntur 20 Versiculi et Responsoria de primo nocturne, nisi propria ty. habeantur. et nisi in Exaltatione sancte Crucis [14 Sept. EJ\. et nisi infra octa. alicuius festi. 21 Nam tune dicuntur 22 y. et fy secundum ordinem nocturnorum. quotidie infra octa. et etiam in dominica vsque ad octauam diem. I fiendi. : ?5. 2 ^^/ypoliti : C. R. 3 milia : C. R. 4 contigerint : R. 5 pasce : R. 6 6 Omitt. C. ' Omit, 'diebus' PS. 8 ' cum Alleluia ad vtrasque vesperas et ad matutinas ' Grad. Sarum, Missale, p. 86. Vide etiam Defens. Direct, cap. 53. 9 versus de Balaam : R. 10 istius : R. Omit, 'diei' P5. II Sciendum est : C. 12 tamen in Responsorijs : R. 13 ad versiculum : R. 14 versiculo cum : 5. 15 Sequentes regule ponuntur tarn pro : R. 16 videlicet : C. R. 17 et : R. 18 Vide Brev. Sar. in Temporali, i. p. cclxxvii. 19 primo nocturni est inchoandum : R. 20 lectiones medie dicantur : C. 21 festi sine regimine chori : Brev. Sar. 1 531. Et tune semper reincipiatur Hystoria: Brev. 1531. K dicantur : L. CREDE M1CHL 43 f[ Si aliquod festum trium lectionum vnius Confessoris et Pontificis. de quo fieri debeant medie lectiones in dominica. et festum vnius Confessoris et Abbatis in aliqua 1 feria ipsius hebdomade contigerit. tune in secundo festo. dicuntur 2 y. et I^ia de primo nocturno (falsi libri habent de secundo nocturne) vt non omittantur duo tyia primi nocturni prius non dicta, propter vnum ty. 3 eiusdem nocturni 3 prius dictum. f[ Similiter fiat quando 3 aliquod 3 festum trium lectionum Plurimorum Martyrum. et festum trium lectionum Plurimorum Confessorum in vna hebdomada contigerint. 4 Similiter fiat quando festum trium lectionum vnius Martyris et festum trium lectionum vnius Confessoris et Abbatis in eadem hebdomada contigerit. f[ Si festum 5 vnius Confessoris [' et pontificis ' R.~\ et festum vnius Martyris ['trium lee.' R.~\ et subsequent. 6 festum vnius [' confessoris et ' R.~] Abbatis trium lectionum in vna et eadem hebdomada contigerit. tune in festo Abbatis dicuntur Responsoria de ij. nocturno vnius Abbatis. Ne duo Responsoria prius dicta repetantur propter vnum. ty. minime dictum. /C 7 Vera regula Sarum. et patet expresse quando [fo. A8.b. oct. Epiphanie in ij. 8 feria contingunt. 7 [Lit. Dom. F.~\ Quotiens in festo alicuius Confessoris et Pontificis fiunt medie lectiones de vno Abbate. vel 9 in festo vnius Abbatis de vno Martyre. tune semper ne vnicum 10 ty. in eisdem matutinis repetatur. dicuntur 11 tyia de ij. nocturno sancti cuius sunt medie lectiones. [54-] E Regula specialis pro quibusdam festis qualiter y. et I^7ia dicuntur. Si festum sanctorum lohannis et Pauli [26 Jun. B^\ in dominica euenerit fiant medie lectiones de sco lohanne baptista cum duobus primis responsorijs et vno feriali. scilicet (Priusquam te). [55-] T Si festum sancti Ypoliti [13 Aug. A.] in dominica euenerit. fiant medie lectiones 12 de Octa. Jesu. 13 et memoria de sancto Laurentio tantum. 1 alia : R. 2 dicantur : L. Raynton dicil tantum ' nisi propria habeantur, et in exaltacione sancte crucis. et nisi infra oct.' et in dominica vsque in octauum diem.' addenda in margine ' ffalsi libri habent de ij nocturno? s_ s Q m it R 4 contigerit : L. Si aliquod : R. (omit ' festum '). subseqntj : 1495 > SUD sequentis : P3.; subsequentis : C. subsequenter : R. 7 Omit. R. in .iij. feria : ?3. et : R. 10 vicium : PS. " dicantur : L. - de sancto Laurentio cum duobus primis Responsoriis et Responsorio O ypolite. Similiter fiat quando tercia dies a festo sancti Laurencii dominica fuerit : Caxton et Raynton (Et mox omittuntur pericopae 56-58). 13 de octa. nomz'ms lesu : P3. de sancto Laurencio : R. 44 CREDE MICHI. [Sequentem pericopen omittunt edd. 1497-1508.] [S^.] C Sed quando tercia dies a festo sci Laurentij dominica fuerit. tune erunt medie lectiones de sco Laurentio cum y. et duobus primis Responsorijs de j. nocturne, et sextum ty. erit (0 Ypolite). [57-] C Nota quando Vigilia sancti Laurentij extra domini- cam euenerit. tune dicatur missa de Octa. lesu post terciam. cum memoria de sancto Romano. Et post sextam dicatur missa de Vigilia. Vtraque ad principale altare. f[ Quando Vigilia sci Laurentij in dominica euenerit [9 Aug. DJ] tune dicatur missa 1 de vigilia in capitulo cum memoria de sancto Romano. Et in summa missa de octa. 2 lesu fiat memoria de dominica et de Trinitate. Nihil de sancto Romano. Et tune in feria quarta 3 sequent! dicatur missa dominicalis in capitulo. [58.] C Item quando vigilia Assumptions beate Marie extra dominicam euenerit. [14 Aug. Litt. Dom. A, C, D .] tune dicatur missa de octa. lesu post terciam cum memorijs de sanctis Eusebio et Laurentio. Et post sextam dicatur missa de vigilia. Vtraque ad principale altare. {[ Quando vigilia Assumptionis Marie in dominica euenerit. [14 Aug. Lit. Dom. B.~\ tune dicatur missa de vigilia in capitulo. cum memorijs de sanctis Eusebio et Laurentio. Et in summa /missa de octa. lesu. fiat memoria de dominica. et de [fo. Bj. Trinitate. Nihil de sanctis Eusebio et Laurentio. Et tune in tercia feria proxima sequent! dicatur missa dominicalis in capitulo. [59-] [ Item in Exaltatione sancte Crucis [14 Sept.] semper ad medias lectiones dieantur versiculi v Responsoria 4 de secundp nocturno. [60.] C In festo sancti Egidij abbatis. [i Sept.] quando fiunt medie lectiones de sancto Frisco, semper dicuntur Y. et tyia de ij. nocturno propter ^7. Justus germinabifi) prius dictum in eisdem matutinis. [6 1.] f[ Similiter quando festum sancti Cuthberti a prima dominica mensis Septembris [4 Sep. .] transfertur in [C.] secundam feriam tune ad medias 6 lectiones de sancto Bertino 1 dieantur ^. et I^zia : L. 2 octo : ?3. 3 quarta feria : ?3. ?5. * Legendum videtur versiculi et Responsoria. versiculi I^zia : P3. versiculi et : P5. fiat versic' et ia : Raynton (quiet 'med. \^ addit in margine paullo superius).\ 5 Brev. Sar. i. p. 374, de Communi unius Martyris. 6 medie : P3- CREDE MICHI. 45 dicuntur ['versi et.' RI\ Responsoria de ij. nocturne propter 1^7. Euge serue \Brev. i. p. 374]) prius in eisdem matutinis dictum. [62.] C De euangelio infra octa. Epiphanie. 1 C Si dies dominicus infra octa. Epiphanie non euenerit. [Feb. 7, G 12, E.] tune in quarta feria infra oct legatur. euangelium ( Vidit lohannes lesmn) [' cum exposicione ' R.] 2 [63.] C In octaua die. Octaue cum regimine chori. Secunde vespere erunt de ipsis oct. f[ Sciendum est quod in octa. Epiphanie Ascensionis et Corporis Christi. vbi fiunt octa. cum regimine chori. et Visita- tionis, 3 Assumptionis, et Natiuitatis beate Marie, et Dedica- tionis ecclesie. Vltime vespere semper erunt de octauis. Licet in crastino noua historia vel festum .ix. lectionum contingat. 4 Nisi tale festum .ix. lectionum fuerit quod ijS. vesperas habere non poterit. [64.] C Nota istud. quod vespere 5 in sabbato erunt de dominica C Si in aliquo sabbato a (Dornine ne in ird] vsque ad Passionem Domini. Vel ab octa Pasce vsque ad Ascensionem Domini 6 Vel a festo sancte Trinitatis vsque ad Aduentum Domini, aliquod festum simplex .ix. lectionum euenerit. vespere erunt 7 de Dominica et memoria de festo (Nisi tale festum fuerit quod in .vi, feria precedenti suas vesperas habere non poterai). [65-] C Inter octa. Epiphanie et Septuagesimam dicitur tempus breue. quando sunt /Vna dominica vel due domi- [fo. Bj. b. nice aut nulla dominica (Equate) quando sunt tres dominice (Prolixuni) quando sunt quatuor vel quinque dominice. f[ EXe missis dominicalibus ab octa. Epiphanie vsque ad Septuagesimam. f[ Si tempus breue fuerit inter octa. Epiphanie et Septua- gesimam. tune differatur festum sanctorum Fabiani et Sebastiani [a 20 Jan. F.~] vsque in crastinum Vincentij 8 [23 Jan. BJ\. C Similiter fiat de sancto Wulstano. 9 [19 Jan. E.~\ si inter predictas octa. et Septuagesimam vna tantum dominica euenerit. 10 totum seruicium fiat de dominica. et memoria tantum de festo trium lectionum ibidem contingente. In sequentibus titulum de margine, scilicet ' De Epiphania] omittit R. Cf. Missale Sarum pp. 87, 88. Omitt. ' et Visitationis C. R. (Ceteris festivitatibus in hoc loco festum 'Corporis Christi ' postposuit Raynton.) contigent : L. R. Nota istud nisi. Quot vespere : C. (rubricellam, ut saepius, omittit Raynton). 6 Omitt. ' Domini ' : C. 7 fiant : R. 8 Sancti Vincentii : C. R. 9 vulstano : ?5. 10 Una tantum Dominica est inter Oct. Epiph. et Septuag. in his annis, viz.: iG. i A. iB. iC. 2D. 2E. 2F. 46 CREDE MICHI. vero ferijs 1 nihil fiat de feriali seruicio 2 . sed de sanctis vsque ad missam tantum. Et ad missam (que erit de dominica) fiat memoria de festo. Ita quod due misse. scilicet (Omnis terra et A dor ate} in eisdem ferijs cantentur. C[ Si vero inter predictas octa. et Septuagesimam nulla dies dominica euenerit [hoc est sub iD. \E. I A] tune dominica infra oc. vel in octa. (si dominica fuerit) fiat memoria ad vtrasque vesperas [' et ad ' R.~\ matutinas et ad missam. de historia (Domine ne in ira. In medijs ferijs fiat feriale 3 seruicium. et nihil de historia dominicali. Et tune nihil fiat de festis trium lectionum preter memoriam ad 4 vesperas et matutinas de sancta Maria. Et in illis ferijs cantentur tres misse que habent propria officia. Sed tamen Oratio 5 prime dominice scilicet ( Vota quesumus, Domine) dicatur 6 in illis ferijs ad matutinas et ad omnes 7 horas. C Si tempus prolixum fuerit. tune in medijs dominicis quandocunque 8 festum trium lectionum ibi contigerit. semper fiat 9 memoria et 9 medie lectiones. nisi de sancto luliano 10 epis- copo tantum [27 Jan.] secundum vsum Sarum. [66.] C De memoria ad quotidianas vesperas et matutinas de sancta Maria Ad vesperas quotidianas de sancta Maria a 11 (Domine ne in ira) vsque ad diem Pasce. Et a festo sancte Trinitatis vsque /ad Aduentum Domini, quando de Omnibus Sanctis fit [fo. Bij. memoria 12 semper dicatur ista Antiphona. Sancti Dei omnes 13 cum y. Letamini in Domino et oratione. Infirmitatem. Et ad matutinas quotidianas de sancta Maria semper dicatur ['ista' R.~\ Antiphona. Exultabunt. cum y. Mirabilis Deus. et Oratione Omnium sanctorum tuorum^ [67.] [ Quando vero ad vesperas seu ad matutinas de die fit memoria de Omnibus Sanctis, tune 15 ad matutinas Collecte. et ad vesperas 15 tarn Antiphone quam Collecte debent variari. prout ostendetur 16 in ferijs post (Domine ne in ira) et Deus omnium. Nulla enim festa ['sanctorum' R.~\ trium lectionum sine regimine chori suas habent ij s vesperas. sed nee [' etiam ' R.] memoriam loco secundarum vesperarum. [68.] f[ De aliquo festo contingente in 17 dominica Septua- gesime vel 17 Sexagesime aut 18 quinquagesime. I Omit. R. * seruicio feriali : A. 3 equale : R. * et : ?3. PS. 5 cum Oracione : R. 6 et dicatur : R. 7 alias : R. 8 quodcunque : R. 9 9 Omit. R. 10 Spatium pusillum, pro nomine sancti nunquam inserti, vacuum reliquit Raynton in codice MS. Add. 25, 456. II an.: P^. PS. 12 fiet memo : R. 13 Cf. Brev. Sar. ii. p. 94. 14 Ibid. ii. p. 93. 15 15 tarn ad vesp. quam ad mat. : R. 16 ostenditur : C. prout liber ostendit : R. n_u Omitt. 'vel ; : C. de : P3. PS. 18 vel: C. CREDE MICHI. 47 f[ Quodcunque festum siue duplex siue simplex .ix. lectionum in dominica .lxx e . lx e .f aut 1 quinquagesi 6 contigerit differatur ['in crastinum' R.~\ (nisi festum Purificationis 2 [2 Feb. \E. 2E. 3^.]. Dedicationis ecclesie. et Festum loci. Ista tria festa non debent differri 3 f[ Si aliquod istorum in aliqua istarum trium dominicarum contigerit 4 nihil fiat de dominica nisi memoria tantum ad vtrasque vesperas matutinas. et ad missam. Tamen sine (Te Deum. et sine Alleluya). Et historia domini- Calis per hebdomadam cantetur. C De festo sancte Agathe virginis. 5 [5 Feb. A.] Si festum sancte Agathe in dominica Septuagesime vel Sexagesime contigerit [hoc est sub $A. vel 2 A.] differatur in terciam feriam sequentem. Si vero in dominica Quinquagesime contigerit. differatur in secundam feriam. Et fiat [' tune ' R.~\ tantum memoria de [Vedasto et Amando] confessoribus. Et in .iij. feria fiat commemoratio beate Marie. Ista regula est vera et raro inuenitur. [/o.] C De festis trium lectionum infra Septuagesimam con- tingentibus. Quodcumque festum trium lectionum ab hac dominica vsque ad Caput Jejunij contigerit. totum seruicium fiat de festo 6 cum nocturne, et nulla memoria. [7 1 -] T De festo trium lectionum in. quarta feria in Capite Jeiunij contingente. /{[ Si in die Cinerum 7 aliquod festum trium lectionum [fo. Bij.b. forte 8 contigerit. 9 nulla de eo fiat memoria ad vesperas de die 9 in .iij. feria precedenti 10 Sed ad vesperas et 11 matutinas de sancta Maria 12 a .iiij. feria in capite 13 ieiunij vsque in crastinum Oct. Pasce. nee seruicium fiat de festis trium lectionum. neque memoria nisi ad vesperas et 14 matutinas de sancta Maria, que precedet memoriam de sancto Spiritu. 15 Similiter fiat ad missam de eadem. 15 [72.] f[ Feria .iiij. in Capite Ieiunij 16 ante missam post 1 xl e aut : ed. 1495. lx e v l : R- * Purificac' beate marie : R. 3 non habent differri : C. 4 Si aliquod istorum sanctorum in dominica lxx e . lx e . vel l e . euenerit : R. 5 Omit. ' virginis ' : L. 6 sancto : Raynton, qui et rubricellam exhibet, ' Feria iiij. in capite leiunij? 7 cynerum : P5. 8 Omit. R. 9 9 nulla fiet memo, de ipso ad vesp. vel ad mat. de die. : R. 10 precedente : C. u et ad : C. PS. PS. 12 de die.: R. 13 api e : ed. 1495. " et ad : C. R. is_i5 Omitt. P3. PS. 16 Vide Missale Sar. pp. 129-133, 48 CREDE MICHL septem psalmos [' penitenciales ' R.]. et ante (Ne reminiscaris) surgens 1 solus sacerdos cum puero librum sibi administrante. et stante 2 conuersus ad orientem (falsi libri habent ad austrum) dicat preces et orationes super populum. (dictis orationibus) vertat se ad populum et eleuata manu sua dextera sine nota prosequatur 3 in audientia hanc absolutionem {Absoluimus vos vice, &c.). Deinde accedat sacerdos ad altare cum suis ministris et ibi in dextera parte ad orientem conuersus (Falsi libri habent ad austrum} benedicat cineres 4 (cineribus prius 6 in peluibus argenteis super altare positis) Quodcunque festum duplex (licet Dedicatio ['ecclesie' RJ\ aut Festum Loci in hac .iiij. feria contigerit) differatur in crastinum. [73-] T De prima dominica Quadragesime. Si 6 festum duplex in sabbato proximo ante primam 7 domini- cam .xl e . contigerit, ibi celebretur. Et secunde vespere erunt de ipso festo, 8 sed completorium de .xl. 9 Post primas tamen vesperas dicatur completorium sicut in festo sancte Trinitatis. [74-] C De velo quadragesimali, et de imaginibus operiendis. et de quindecim psalmis dicendis. 10 et de 11 exequijs et commem- orationibus. 12 Omnia patent. [75-] C Sed nota bene regulam sequentem. quia in ea errant multi collegiati. Pulsato bis ad collationem. sed vtraque vice tarn ['in' R.~\ duplicibus festis quam in alijs [* festis ' R.] 13 cum vna sola 13 campana. dicantur vigilie mortuorum. vel legatur collatio. scilicet /Liber pastoralis. 14 [fo. Biij. [' De pulsacione ad Completorium.' R.~\ Finita collatione 15 statim pulsetur ad completorium cum vna campana. Sed in duplicibus festis cum duabus campanis. f[ Erubescant qui in festo Annunciationis beate Marie pulsant ad completorium cum vna campana. 16 I exurgens : R. 2 stando : C. R. Mox ' conuersu ' : P$. 3 prosquatur : ?5 (sic). 4 fiat benediccio cinerum : R. 5 prius cineribus : C. R. 6 Quodcumque : R. r aliquam : R. 8 de festo illo : R. 9 quadragesime non mutatur : R. 10 Regula * quando cooperiendae sunt ymagines per ecclesiam ' (al. ' in ecclesiis') * el de velo quadragesimali' invenitur in Consuet. Sarum. cap. ci. De * orv Psalmis Graduum^pro omni populo Dei' dicendis vide Brew. Sar. i. p. dlxxxix. II Omitt. ' de ' : C. 12 commendacionibus : R. 13 is vna cum so i a . p<^ cum so i a . p^ 14 Liber pastoralis Gregorii : C. R. 15 collecta : R. 16 ' De pulsatione campanarum ad Completorium^ el ad Nonam, el ad Collationem CREDE MICHI 49 [76.] C[ De .ij. dominica Quadragesime. et de Cruce lignea. f[ Dominica secunda. et in 1 omnibus dominicis per .xl. Excepta prima dominica 2 [' in processione './?.] differatur 3 crux lignea- rubei colons depicta sine ymagine Crucifixi. Sed in alijs processionibus festiuis in Quadragesima contingentibus. causa deuotionis vel causa venerationis. vt 4 contra Archiepiscopum legatum. proprium 5 episcopum. regem vel reginam. vel mortuum suscipiendum. ordinetur crux sicut in alijs temporibus anni. 6 [77-] L Dominica in Passione 7 Domini. Si [* autem ' 7?.] in sabbato ante Passionem Dni. vel in Sabbato Palmarum 8 duplex festum euenerit. ibi celebretur. Sed vespere erunt de dominica. et tantum memoria 9 de festo. [licet sit festum dedicationis. ut festi loci: add. 1501. 'vel festo loci,' Pp.] C Si Annunciatio beate Marie in dictis sabbatis euenerit. fiat totum ,de festo. sed Vespere erunt de dominica. et solennis memoria de festo. Et tune vespere et completorium de sancta Maria dicuntur extra chorum. sicut in alijs 10 ferijs .xl e . * Omni die per annum pulsatur semel ad completorium secundum vsum Sarum ecclesie. nisi in die Cene et in die Parasceues tantum. in omnibus festis duplicibus dupliciter. et in omnibus aliis festis et ferijs, et in Dominicis, simpliciter. ' Ita tamen quod in Vigilia Pasche tantum pulsatur ad Completorium duobus signis dupliciter vel tripliciter. ' Item in omnibus duplicibus festis per annum pulsatur ad Nonam in precedent! die dupliciter. ' In omnibus sabbatis uero pulsatur ad Nonam simpliciter. ' Similiter in Vigilia S. Laurentij fiat. * Item cotidie per totam Quadragesimam vsque ad Cenam Domini post prandium, nisi in diebus dominicis tantum pulsatur ad Collationem bis simpliciter, et in festis duplicibus ipso tempore contingentibus.' Ex Martyrologio MS. Bodl. RaivL A. 371. 1 Omitt. ' in ' : C. R. 2 Lineam, integram hie, per incuriam, iterauit Caxton. Exceptiunculam omnino non habuit Raynton. deferatur : C. R. (differatwr/ 1495, P3)- 4 vel : R. 5 Omit. ' proprium ' R. 6 Invenitur etiam 73, sed verbis non nihil mutatis, in martyrologio quodam apud Oxon. hodie conseruato (Bodl. Rawl. A. 371), cuius locum viro rev. Waltero H. Frere transscriptum debemus : * De cruce lignea quadragesime. Omnibus dominicis xl e , excepta prima dominica, deferatur ante proces- sionem vna crux lignea sine ymagine Crucifixi. In omnibus vero alijs processionibus, festis in xl ma contingentibus, et in Annunciacione beate Maria, causa deuocionis vel causa veneracionis, vt contra Regem vel Reginam vel Episcopum, vel eciam ad hominem mortuum suscipiendum ordinetur processio per omnia more solito vt in alio tempore anni.' 7 passioue : ed. 1495. 8 Ramispalmarum : R. 9 solennis memoria : PS. 10 Omit. R. MAYDESTONE. E 50 CREDE MIGHT. Similiter fiat quando hoc festum in .iiij. ['.iijV ?3- P5-] feria ante Pasca contigerit [78.] C De festis .ix. lectionum infra Passionem contin- gentibus. Nihil omnino fiat nisi fuerint festa duplicia. [79-] C De dominica in Ramis palmarum. Hac dominica ante benedictionem florum et frondium legatur lectio deinde 1 sequatur euangelium (Turba multdf et legatur super lectrinam 3 vbi ad missam leguntur euangelia in diebus ferialibus (diacono 4 ad orientem conuerso) non ad lectrinam more simplicis festi. f[ Finite euangelio et stante executore officij in gradu tercio ab altari in dextera parte eiusdem altaris ad orientem conuerso (Nota ad orientem^ secundum Ordinale) 6 positis prius palmis cum floribus 7 supra /altare pro clericis. Pro alijs [fo. Biij.b. vero super gradus 8 altaris in parte australi 9 sequatur benedictio et cetera. Post distributionem palmarum exeat 10 processio cum cruce lignea sicut in alijs dominicis quadragesime 11 vsque ad primam stationem. 11 Deinde lecto euangelio (Cum appropinquasset lesus) feretrum cum reliquijs preparatum. 14 in quo corpus Christi n in pixide 11 dependat obuiam venientem 15 cum cruce argentea- cum ymagine Crucifixi precedente cum duobus 16 vexillis et cetera. Statim vero visa cruce argentea recedat crux lignea. Deinde 17 dicat executor officij (Salue quern lesu) C Sciendum est quod ante missam super Crucem non impon- untur 19 flores vel frondes in die Palmarum apud Sarum. ne videantur parari 20 crucem Saluatori suo. Nam si talis crucis adornatio 21 post passionem lectam esset facta. videretur satis congrue fieri. Nam ex lecte passionis auditu. constat nobis ex cruore Saluatoris nostri ipsam crucem esse sanctificatam. 1 demum : Caocton. 2 Cf. Missale Sar. p. 254. 3 lectrinum : R. 4 ferialibus a diacono : C. feriis a diacono in orientem conuerso more ... : R. 5 No ad orientem : C. 6 ordinalem : P$. ' Sacerdos benedicens palmas et flores stabit versus orientem, secundum Ordinale Sarum.' Direct. 1495 su b littera 5G. Verba uncinis inclusa non habet R. 7 frondibus : R. 8 gradum : R. 9 in dextera parte : R. 10 errat : ?5. " n Omit. R. 12 appropinqussetf : 1495. 13 Cf. Missale Sarum, pp. 261, 13. 14 paratum : ?3. P5- preparetur : R. 15 veniente : R. 16 duabus : ?3. ?5. precedentibus duobus : R. 17 Demum : C. 18 Cf. Missale Sarum, p. 259. 19 ponuntur : R. 20 parari : 1495 ; parare : C. R. 21 adoracio crucis : R. CREDE MI CHI. 51 f[ Si quis opponendo dicat quare adoramus denudatam crucem in introitu ecclesie ante passionem f[ Respondendum est quod non crucem sed ipsum Cruci- fixuin adoramus dicendo (Aue rex noster) 1 Finita tercio 2 statione cantore incipiente 1%. Ingrediente Domino, aperiatur ostium ecclesie et intret processio per idem ostium in ecclesiam 3 sub feretro. et capsula reliquiarum ex transuerso ostij eleuatur. f[ Erubescant sacerdotes parrochiales qui percutiunt ostium cum cruce 4 in introitu 4 ecclesie expresse contra Ordinale. [So.] 5 C In Cena Domini ante missam fiat reconciliatio penitencium. Et dicuntur 6 septem psalmi 7 penitenciales sine nota. et dicun- tur 8 preces cum orationibus illius diei. Ita quod sacerdos 9 executor officij dicendo collectas stabit ad orientem /con- [fo. Biiij. uersus. Non ad austrum. secundum ordinale. 10 Quibus fluids sacerdos eleuata manu dextera conuertat se ad populum et sine nota dicat (Absoluimus vos vice et cetera). [8 1.] {[ In cena ante mandatum 11 omnia altaria sunt abluenda. Ita quod in primis benedicatur aqua more dominicali extra chorum priuatim. Postquam vero executor officij dixerit y. et orationem de Sancto de quo altare est dedicatum. tarn ipse quam omnes clerici priusquam recedant humiliter. et deuote osculentur altare et eodem modo omnia altaria. [82.] C In die Parasceues si corpus presens fuerit non debet illo die tradi sepulture secundum Rationale diuinorum. 12 C Sciendum quod duo presbyteri hac die cantantes {Popule meus) et duo dyaconi 13 cantantes (Agyos) semper si[n]t 14 stantes et nunquam genuflectentes- quamuis chorus aliter se habeat 1 Cf. Missale Sarum, p. 260. 2 tercio : 1495, ^3- tercia : ?5. iij a : R. 3 in ecclesia : 1495, ^3- ?$- > i n ecclesiam : C. R. 4_4 Omit. R. 5 Raynton non habet 80-85 inclusivas. 6 dicantur : L. 7 psalme : ?3. 8 dicantur: L. 9 'sacredos' 1495. 10 Missalia Sar. typis A.D. 1492, 1494, 1498 impressa lectionem hie appro- batam exhibent ; libri ceteri deprauatam. F. H. D. in Missali, p. 298, notula b. 11 'manbatuw' 1495. 12 ' Fe. vi. parasceues. Si cuiuscunque corpus presens fuerit non debet illo die sepeliri secundum rationale diuinorum.' Direct. 1495, sub littera 5G. Videas Durandum in Rationali vii. 35. 31. 13 dyacone : P3. 14 sit: 1495, P3-J s i nt : Caxton. P5. Mox genuflectantes : P5. E 2 52 CREDE MICHL cantando (Sanctus). Nam tribus vicibus in vna responsione debet genuflectere. Vt liber ostendit. Item sacerdotes cum cruce sedentes dum a choro adoratur ad tercium gradum altaris cantent Crux fidelis. Chorus idem repetat post vnumquemque JT. interim stando secundum ordinale. Falsi libri habent sedendo} [83.] C Eodem die ad missam. postquam sacerdos dixerit (Confiteor? Misereatur et absolu- tionem) cum precibus et orationibus Aufer a nobis) Post lotionem manuum dicat sacerdos In spiritu humilitatis. sed non dicat (Orate fratres et sorores) vertendo se ad populum. Sed incipiat. Pater noster et cetera. Item posito corpore Christi in sepulcro solus executor officij incipiat Responsorium. Estimatus sum. Solus sacerdos incipiat Responsorium. Sepulto Domino? Sed sepulcrum thurificetur a duobus sacerdotibus. Similiter sacerdos incipiat antiphonas sequentes secundum ordinale [scilicet In pace factus est., et Ant. Caro mea : add. 1501.] [84.] /f[ Sabbato sancto. in vigilia Pasce. [fo. Biiij.b. duo clerici cantant hos versus sequentes (Inuentor rutili) Chorus idem repetat post vnumquemque versum. et dum versus cantent stent gradibus fixis vna cum toto choro. Et quando chorus prosequitur cantando Inuentor rutili) omnes simul proce- dant Quod et obseruetur dum canitur (Rex sanctorum) Dyaconus ante consecrationem cerei pascalis accipiat bene- dictionem ab episcopo. vel ab executore. f[ In hac Vigilia legatur euangelium cereis extinctis. 4 Et cantetur (Ite missa esf] cum sua propria nota. 5 [85.] C I n Die Pasce ante matutinas. et ante pulsationem campanarum conueniant clerici et cetera. Deinde 6 excellentior persona solus 7 et cum alta voce incipiat (Christus* resurgens). Deinde 6 procedant ad altare sancti Martini- iunioribus prece- 1 Vocabulum ' sedendo ', hie improbatum, exhibent omnes libri ab F. H. Dickinson inspecti apud Miss. Sar. p. 330. Quinetiam Rubrica Missalis (p. 331) doctrinae clementinianae, in 8o a prolatae, prorsus contradicit. 2 confitebor : ?3. PS. 8 Quaere hoc R. (ex Graduali) apud Missale Sar. p. 333 n. ubi etiam de cereo ante sepulchrum ardente. Regula de amotione sepulchri sc. ' Die .vj. in ebdomada Paschae ante Primam' (sicut etiam cerei paschalis in die Veneris scilicet in crastino Ascensionis ante missam) invenitur in Martyrol. MS. Bodl. Rawl. A. 371. 4 ' In vigilia pasce legatur euangelium cum cereis extinctis. Et pulsetur ad completorium in vigilia pasce cum duabus campanis bina vice.' Direct. 1495 su h littera 56. 5 Cf. Missale Sarum, pp. 355, 358. 6 Demum : Caxton. 7 sonus : ?3. 8 Crhistus : P3. CREDE MICHL 53 dentibus more solito. Ita quod predict! excellentiores persone cum predicta cruce in fine processionis sequantur. 1 f[ In hac die post aspersionem aque benedicte ordinetur processio sicut in die Natiuitatis domi[ice]. 2 [86.] C Regula generalis. Quotienscunque cantatur 3 (Salue festa dies) percantetur primus versus in medio chori a tribus clericis antequam procedat processio. Chorus repetat prius 4 vnumquemque versum Salue festa dies) ita videlicet [' quod ' R^\ dum clerici cantant versus stent gradibus fixis. choro interim eunte. Et dum chorus prosequitur 5 primum versum procedant dicti clerici. 6 Quod etiam obseruetur in omnibus Prosis per annum, nisi per hebdomadam Nativitatis Domini. 7 [87.] C De cruce sine vexillo. In ecclesia Sarum. et secundum Ordinale Sarum. 7 nunquam ad processionem portatur crux cum vexillo. sicut habetur in multis ecclesijs Sed in tempore pascali portatur crux cum berillo 8 vsque ad Ascensionem Domini. [88.] C Verus ordo Antiphonarum de sancta Maria In hebdomada Pasce 9 prima ant. Alma Redemptoris mater. /Secunda (Aue regind). [fo. 65. Tercia Anima mea). Quarta 10 Beata Dei genitrix)* Quinta Ant. 11 Descendi). Sexta Ant. 11 Speciosa). [89.] ^[ De Benedicamus^ Quotienscunque dicatur Benedicamus a duobus cum Alleluya. totiens respondeatur cum Alleluya. vsque ad festum sancte Trinitatis. {[ In omnibus festis duplicibus et per totam hebdomadam Pasce et Penthecost. et de primo Benedicamus in festis Sanctorum que habent Inuitatorium triplex. Per totum tempus Pasce ]2 Isti sunt versus qui non respondeantur 13 cum alleluya. Exurge Domine adiuua nos. post (lesu Christe). Preciosa est. in capitulo. subsequantur : C. Omitt. 'domini 5 C; doml. : 1495 '> Dni : P3- domini : PC. Quocienscunque cantetur : R. (sententiam repetens ex 76.) chorus idem repetat post : R. 5 repetat : R. Cf. Graduale Sar. apud Missale, p. 357 n. 7 natalis Dm in ecclesia Sarum. (Nota de cruce sine vexillo.} Nota quod secundum ordinale : R. 8 de Verillo : C. de vexillo : P5. de vrullo : R. 9 ascentis. : PS. 10 Quarta an tiphona : C. " omit. 'Ant.' P5- 12 quando Inuit. a iij bus cantatur per totum hoc tempus : R 13 ' versiculi quibus non respondetur cum Alleluya in tempore pasc.' : R 54 CREDE MIGHT. Custodi nos. ad 1 completorium.) Ostende nobis Domine, in aspersione aque benedicte. 2 [9-] L De Kyrie. in hebdomada Pasce et Penthecost. Feria .v. in hebdomada Pasce et Penthe. dicitur kyrie (Deus Creatorf sine versibus. Feria .vi. in hebdomada Pasce et Penthe. dicitur 4 kyrie (Rex Genitor} absque versu. Sabbato in hebdomada Pasce et Penthe. kyrie (Fons bonitatis) absque versu. 5 [91.] C De festo contingente a Cena Domini vsque post oct. Pasce. Quodcumque festum duplex a Cena Domini vsque ad octa. Pasce 6 contigerit. differatur vbi conuenientius possit celebrari. 7 vt vtrasque vesperas habeat. 7 Et si in prima 8 hebdomada post Pasca 9 non poterit hoc obseruari- tune differatur tale festum vsque in secundam hebdomadam Tamen si duplex festum in Dominica (in albis) euenerit differatur in crastinum. nisi aliud duplex festum in crastino contigerit. 10 [92.] C Dominica (in Albis) 11 ad memoriam de Resurrec- tione. non dicitur 12 Deus qui hodierna die. sed Deus qui per Vnigeni- tum.} in : R. 2 post aspersionem aque : R. 3 creatori. : PS. omit ' dicitur ' PS. 5 versu. : PS. f. : 1495, P 3- vsque ad sabb. post diem pasce : R. 7 videlicet ubi utrasque habeat vesperas : C. R. Si in proxima : R. 9 oct' pasc' : R. Post 91 pericopas hie sequentes inseruit Raynton in Cod. MS. Add. 25, 456, If. 98. |[ Quando festum Annunciacionis beate Marie in Cena Domini contigerit. tune celebrandum est de festo. vj. Idus Aprilis. feria vj. parasceues. vij. Idus Aprilis. If Sabbato in vigilia pasce viij Idus Aprilis. |[ In die Pasc' viij Idus Aprilis. Fe. ij. v to Idus Aprilis. Fe. iij., kal Aprilis. Fe. iiij. pridie kal. Aprilis. f[ Quando festum sancti Marci in die Pasc' contigerit, celebretur iij Non. Maij. Fe. ij. v nonas Maij. Fe. iij., vj Idus Maij. Fe. iiij., vij Idus Maij. Fe. v., viij Idus Maij. Fe. vj., ix Idus Maij. Sabbato, iij kal. Maij. |[ Do. in albis v kal. Maij. J Quando festum sanctorum Philippi et lacobi contigerit in sabb. ebdomade Pasc' celebrand' est de festo .v. Idus Maij. Dominica in albis .vj. nonas Maij. |[ Quando festum sancti Ambrosij contigerit in Cena Domini, celebretur xvi kal. Maij. Si in die Pasc' Idus Aprilis. Fe. ij. pridie Idus Aprilis. Fe. iij., iij Idus Aprilis. Fe. iiij., iiij Idus Aprilis. Fe. v., v Idus Aprilis. Fe. vj., vj Idug Aprilis. Sabbato, vij Idus Aprilis. [92.] f[ Do. in t oct. Pasc' t ad mem. de Resurrecciore, &c. (as 92). 11 in oct' Pasc' : R. 12 non dicatur : L. CREDE MICHI. 55 fl[ Sciendum 1 quod in omnibus festis in quibus chorus regitur. Nisi in Inuentione sancte Crucis [3 Mai. D.~\ et nisi in dominicis ad vesperas vtrasque 2 et matutinas dicuntur he 3 antiphone solenniter ad memoriam de Resurrectione. 4 ad vesperas, Ant Surrexit Dominus. y. Resurrexit Dominus. Oratio. Deus qui per Vnigenitum tuum. Ad matutinas, Ant. Cito euntes. y. I Surrexit Dominus vere. [fo. B5.b. Oratio, vt supra. 4 f[ Si 6 festum [' simplex' R.] cum regimine chori in hac dominica vel in proxima 6 dominica ante Ascensionem Domini contigerit. differatur in proximam 7 feriam 8 sequentem. Si duplex festum in proxima 9 dominica ante Ascensionem Domini contigerit, non differatur. sed tune in .iiij. dominica si vacaueri/zt dicuntur omnes antiphone in laudibus. et ant. Sedit angelus. ante missam in processione. medijs [' vero ' RI\ dominicis quodcumque 10 festum cum regi- mine chori contigerit. non differatur. Si duplex festum in aliquo sabbato vel in 11 dominica vsque ad Ascensionem Domini 12 contigerit. tune ad vesperas "Jf Dicant nunc. a duobus in superiori gradu cantetur. medijs autem dominicis a duobus de .ij. fe. 13 Excepta dominica .v. tune enim cantabitur sicut in festo duplici. Iste due antiphone dicuntur 14 ad matutinas et ad secundas vesperas omnibus dominicis vsque ad Ascensionem Domini, siue de dominica fit seruicium siue non. nisi in tnuentione sancte Crucis. Ant. (Et valde) ad matutinas. et Ant. (Et respicientes ad .ij. vesperas. [93-] C Si duplex festum in crastino octa. Pasce contigerit. Secunde vespere in dominica de festo erunt 15 et solennis memoria de dominica. et postea de Resurrectione. 1 Sciendum est : C. R. 2 ad utrasque vesperas : C. R. 3 de : ?3. due : P^. hec : R. 4 scilicet Surrexit Dns et Cito euntes. : R. si si : Caxton ; si simplex : L. Si festum simplex : R. prima : ?3. 7 primam : P3. dominicam : R. 9 prima : P3- Quandocunque : C. " Omitt. ' in ' : C, 12 Omitt. ' Domini ' : C. 13 Legendum videtur * a duobus de secunda forma.' 14 dicantur : L. 15 erunt de festo : C. P5. Hanc pericopen in forma 56 CREDE MICHL In hac hebdomada et in 1 sequentibus Responsoria in ferijs dicuntur 2 per ordinem. Si aliquod festum in aliqua feriarum contigerit. deinceps non seruetur ordo feriarum sed ordo y. et ty. 3 in ferijs sequentibus. quod obseruetur per singulas ebdomadas vsque ad Ascensionem. a prima 4 dominica in aliam. 6 Ita quod Responsoria de .iij. feria non omittantur. 5 [94.] C Sciendum 6 quod a Pascha vsque (Deus omnium) nulle fiant preces in ferial' [' diebus nee ' R.~\ ad vesperas nee matutinas nisi ad primam et 7 completorium tantum. De quo- cumque [' festo ' R.] in ferijs vsque ad Ascensionem 8 fiat seruicium. nunquam fiat memoria de feria. nisi in .ij. feria Rogacionum. et in Vigilia Ascensionis [' Nam ' R.] tune de quocunque fiat seruicium semper fiat solennis memoria de ieiunio ad vesperas 9 tantum. [' Nota de festo loci in tempore Pasce* R. in margin.] In tempore pascali quando fit commemoratio 10 de Festo Loci, non dicitur tfantujm 11 vna Antiphona super psalmos ante lectiones secundum Sarum. 12 Similiter fiat in commemoratione beate Marie. [95.] C Dominica 13 .ij. /post Pasca. [fo. B6. omnia fiant ad vesperas sicut in precedent! dominica. 14 vsque ad 15 Ant. super Ps. Magnificat Ad matutinas omnia patent, ita quod vltimum ty. a duobus cantetur quando de dominica agitur tantum. Si in ista dominica vel in sequentibus fiat seruicium de aliquo Sancto cum regimine chori. tamen in sabbato precedente non fiat alia memoria de Resurrectione quam Ant. (Christus resur- gens.) cum y. 17 post memoriam de dominica. Si in ista dominica vel in sequentibus fiat seruicium de festo cum regimine chori. tune ad missam secundum Alleluya erit de dominica. scilicet 18 vnum de illis .ix. que 19 intitulantur in festis cum regimine chori post oct. Pasce. 20 1 omtt'm' P5. 2 dicantur: L. 3 f. R?. : P3. 4 ab vna : Caxton, P3. videlicet ab vna dominica vsque ad aliam tantum quod : P3. PS. 5 b tin <\uod ^esponsorva. de .iiij.t feria non omittantur si tot ferie vacauerint : P3. PS. ('Ita . . . omittantur.' Omitt. C.) 6 Sciendum est : C. R. 7 et ad : C. 8 ascensionem domini : C. R. 9 matutinas : Caxton^ R. 10 quando dicitur : R. nisi tantum : C. R. 12 usum sarum modernum : C. is Pericopas 95-99 non habet Raynton. 14 in precedente dominica : C. 1S omit, 'ad' P5. 16 super Magnificat : C. ?3. " cum suo versiculo : C. 18 sed : C. ?3. PS. qui : PS. 20 Cf. Missale Sarum, pp. 390, 391. CREDE MICHI. 57 [96.] C Dominica .iij. post Pasca. In ista .iij. dominica vel hebdomada ad missam in diebus profestis primum Alleluya. scilicet (Modicum) 1 dicitur per totam hebdomadam loco gradalis. et alia duo dicuntur alternis vicibus in ferijs et festis trium lectionem. Quod similiter in proxima hebdomada obseruandum est. Huic regule fere omnes libri contradicunt. tamen false, nam ista est vera regula. [97-] C Dominica .iiij. post Pasca. In ista dominica omnia 2 riant sicut in precedentibus cum proprijs ty. Si in ista ebdomada .iij. e3 ferie vacauerint tune cantentur (secundum ordinale) et reincipiantur si .iiij. e4 ferie fuerint cum 1^7. feriali (Dicant nunc]. si vna tantum feria in hac .iiij. ebdomada contigerit. tune in sequenti hebdomada feria .ij. cantentur Responsoria de .iij. feria. Et in Vigilia Ascensionis ty. de .iiij. feria. si vacauerint. sinautem pretermittantur pro illo anno. Si due ferie tantum in hac .iiij. dominica vacauerint. tune est questio vtrum in .ij. feria propter ordinem Responsoriorum seruandum 5 dicentur ty. de .iiij. feria. C Dicendum est quod sic. et in Vigilia Ascensionis dicantur 6 de .ij. feria cum Responsorio (Dicant nunc} et tune I^Zia cantentur 7 secundum ordinem. [98-] [ Dominica v. post Pasca. Si duplex festum in hac hebdomada contigerit ibi cele- bretur. 8 Si simplex sine regimine chori. in hac hebdomada euenerit. difTeratur in .iij. feriam et tune nihil de commemoratione beate Marie fiat in ilia hebdomada. 8 /f[ Si festum sancti Johannis apostoli hac die [fo. B6.b. contigerit [6 Mai, 2(7.] difTeratur in .iij. feriam sequentem. et ad primas vesperas de Apostolo pro memoria sancti Johannis de Beuerlaco dicitur Ant. Filie Hierusalem. Et in hac .v. dominica omnes antiphone dicuntur in laudibus. Et in processione ante 9 missam dicitur Ant. Sedit angelus) cum suo versu. In introitu chori Ant. Christus resurgens. cum suo versu a toto choro. 1 Ibid. p. 397. 2 ommno : 1495. 3 tres : C. P3. 4 quatuor : C. 'iiij.' ?3. P5. 5 seruandam : Caxlon. 6 dicuntur : ?5. 7 cantantur : C. 8_ 8 si simplex cum regimme chori in hac dominica evenerit. differatur in ii. feriam. et in tercia feria fiat co/wmemoratio beate Marie : P$. ; Si simplex cum regimine chori in hac dominica . . . P$. Si aliquod festum simplex cum regimine chori in hac ebdomada evenerit, differatur in iii. feriam et tune nihil de commemoratione beate marie fiat in ilia ebdomada : C. 9 Ana : P3. 58 CREDE MIC HI. [99.] Si festum simplex cum regimine chori in .ij. feria Rogationum contigerit. Vespere in dominica erunt de ipso festo. et memoria de dominica et de resurrectione. C Si aliquod festum sine regimine chori in .ij. feria Roga- tionum. vel in Vigilia Ascensionis euenerit, Nihil omnino fiat de festo. nisi ad vesperas et matutinas de sancta Maria, nisi festum cum regimine chori coniunctum fuerit. f[ Si simplex festum cum regimine chori in .ij. feria Roga- tionum contigerit. totum seruicium fiat de festo. et memoria de festo (si fuerit coniunctum). Similiter et de resurrectione. 1 De ieiunio vero fiat memoria ad matutinas tantum cum y. Surrexit Dominus de sepulcro. Oratio {Presta quesumus). [100.] f[ De Vigilia Ascensionis Domini. Si aliquod festum de regimine chori in hac vigilia euenerit, non differatur. sed ad matutinas fiat memoria de vigilia tantum (nisi aliquod festum ei fuerit coniunctum). In hac vigilia quando de feria agitur, legatur euangelium cum sua 2 exposicione. et tyia [' dicuntur ' R.] secundum ordinem prius prescriptum. Tamen si tyia de .iiij. feria in precedenti hebdo- mada vel in .ij. feria non fuerint cantata, tune cantentur 3 hie. et ty. feriale omittatur. Deinceps non fiat memoria de Resurrectione, nee de Cruce vsque ad (Deus omnium]. Oratio Gratiam tuam non dicitur vsque ad Aduentum Domini. In hac vigilia ad missam super Kyrie. Sanctus et Agnus) dicitur cantus sicut in ferijs per estatem. C Si in hac vigilia duplex festum contigerit. tune ad j s vesperas de Ascensione fiat solennis memoria de tali duplici festo. 4 Si simplex festum cum regimine chori fuerit fiat memoria priuatim. [101.] /C I n die Ascensionis Domini, omnia patent. 5 [fo. B/. Si festum cum regimine chori infra octa. [' Ascensionis ' R.~\ euenerit totum seruicium fiat de festo etiam in dominica. Et tune nihil fiat in 6 dominica nisi memoria que precedet memoriam de Ascensione. f[ Quando vero extra dominicam fit seruicium de aliquo sancto infra oct. nihilo minus seruetur ordo antiphonarum et Riorum de vi. feria et sabbato in ferijs sequentibus. Ita tamen 1 et resur. : PS- 2 omit, 'sua' PS. 3 cantetur : P$. 4 de festo duplici. : R. 5 De vera littera Ant. iiij. de Laudibus in die Ascensionis Domini, sc. Exaltate Regem^ vide Defens. Direct, cap. 16. de : C. R. CREDE MICHL 59 quod in .ij. feria dicantur antiphone psalmi et I^ia. de .vi. feria si vacauerit. Deinde 1 per ordinem. [Sequentem pericopen, vsque ad verba ' de sancto Augustine* omit. Pynson 1497, 1508. Habet Raynton priorem partem usque ad ' Beverlaco?} [102.] C Si festum sancti Johannis apostoli in sabbato infra octa. Ascensionis euenerit [6 Mai, G., sub anno lAJ] tune in .ij. feria sequenti dicuntur 2 antiphone psalmi et Responsoria de sabbato precedente quia in dominica fiet seruicium de sancto Johanne de Beuerlaco. [iO2.b.] C Similiter 3 si festum sancti Aldelmi episcopi in sabbato infra octa. Ascensionis contigerit [25 Mai. E., sub anno 4-F.]. tune in .ij. feria sequente dicuntur 4 antiphone psalmi et I^ia de sabbato precedente. quia in dominica erit seruicium de sancto Augustino. [ IO 3-] E Si festum sancti Dunstani in crastino Ascensionis euenerit [19 Mai. F. t feria vj. sub anno 3 A.], tune in sabbato dicuntur 4 antiphone 5 et I^ia de .vj. feria propter ordinem psalmorum. quia in dominica dicuntur 4 antiphone et psalmi sicut in prima die. [104.] C[ Si festum sine regimine chori infra octa. euenerit. Nihil fiat de festo nisi [' tantum ' 7?.] memoria ad vesperas matutinas et ad missam de die. [!O5-] C Si festum sancti Aldelmi in oct die Ascensionis euenerit [25 Mai. E., sub anno $A.]. Nihil fiat de eo illo anno. [106.] f[ Sciendum est quod Alleluya. Jl. Nonne cor nostrum dicetur in festo apostolorum Philippi et Jacobi [i Mai B.~\. Et A//'a. Q y. Dicite in gentibus, in festo Inuentionis sancte Crucis [3 Mai D.] licet infra octa. Ascensionis euenerit 7 [107.] f[ De quocunque fit seruicium infra oct [' Ascensionis ' R.] semper fiat solennis memoria de Ascensione licet Dedicatio ecclesie vel Festum loci fuerit Et secundum 8 Alleluya erit (Dominus in Synay.) 9 10 nisi in dominica infra octa. et in duobus festis predictis. [108.] C In 10 Vigilia Penthecost. ante surnmam /missam ornetur ecclesia sicut in vigilia [fo. B/.b. Demum : C. 2 dicantur : L. dicentur : R. Sequentem regulam non habet: Raynton. dicantur : L. 5 psalmi : R. alia : Caxton. 7 euenerint : L. ad missam : add. C. syuay : ed. 1495. 10 10 jog^ I00 ^ p ro gg I0 3 j I0 ^ ift er Johannis Raynton diver sam materiam exhibet, ut sequitur: De vigilia Pentecost. ^ In vigilia Pentecost [ad] summam missam ornetur ecclesia sicut in vigilia Pasc.' vt magis patet in communi ordinali. 60 CREDE MICHI. Pasce 1 et pra:edant ministri altaris in solenni apparatu. Et ordo lectionum tractuum et letaniarum serueter sicut in vigilia Pasce. Exceptis his, quod in hac vigilia datur osculum pacis in prin- cipio misse et in fine. Et euangelium legatur cum cereis lucen- tibus. 2 fl Si in hac vigilia et deinceps et 3 vsque ad aliud sabbatum festum duplex euenerit differatur vbi vtrasque vesperas poterit habere. 4 secundum vsum Sarum. et tune fiant .ix. lectiones. Si festum simplex cum regimine chori in hac vigilia euenerit. Nihil de eo fiat nee post nee ante. C De sanctis .iij. lectionum sine regimine chori in hac hebdo- mada contingentibus. 5 fiat memoria ad vesperas et ad matutinas de sancta Maria immediate post primam Collectam. Per hanc hebdomadam non fiat 6 memoria de Sancto Spiritu ad vesperas nee ad matutinas de sancta Maria vsque ad vesperas in sequenti sabbato. [109.] C In die Penthe^tey. ad matutinas tres excellentiores persone legant lectiones. Nee curandum est licet omnes sint ex vna parte chori secundum Customarium 7 Sarum. In die Penthecostes incipiat executor officij horam terciam ad gradum chori. et tune procedant 8 cum ceteris sacerdotibus thuri- bulis precedentibus ad gradum altaris. Et ibi omnes simul incipiant hymnum. Vent Creator Spiritus) genu flectendo. et postquam inceperint terram osculando et genu flectendo. cum 9 surgentes thurificent altare. C[ Chorus vero cum genu flexione respondeat osculando formulas, et ex vtraque parte simul totum versum stando prose- quatur. C Nota stando Postquam sacerdotes thurificauerint aitare omnes simul oscu- lentur illud. Et sic faciendum est in quolibet versu. De die Pentecost. In die Pentecost' et per hanc ebdom. non fiat memo, de sancto Spiritu ad vesp. nee ad mat. de sancta Maria, vsque ad vesp. in sequent, sabbato. |[ De festis iij lee. in hac ebdomada contingent' fiat memoria ad vesp. et ad mat. de sancta Maria que precedet mem. de sancto loci. |[ Quando festum sancti Angustini in vigilia Pentecost' euenerit, tune celebretur viij Idus Junij. f[ Die Pentecost' pridie Nonas Junij. Fe. ij., iij. Nonas Junij. Fe. iij., iiij. nonas Junij. Fe. iiij., vj. Idus Junij. Fe. v., vij. Idus Junij. Fe. vj., iij. kalend. Junij. 1 De Vigilia Paschae vide Missal, p. 34 it, 342. Et de Vigilia Pentecostes, ibid. p. 418. 2 'cereis extinctis' Missale^ p. 424. 3 Omitt. 'et': C. 4 utrasque poterit habere vesperas : C. 5 contingentium : P5. cotingen : ed. 1495. 6 fiet : C. 7 Custumarium : P5. 8 precedat : C. 9 tune : C. 10 Nota versum. : P5. CREDE MiCHL 61 ^[ In die Pcnthecost. 1 ad missam infra canonem dicatur sic secundum vsurn Sarum (Communicantes et diem sacralissimum Penthe. celebrantes et cetera. Inprimis \gloriose semperque [fo. B8. virginis Marie genitricis Dei et^ Domini nostri Jesn Christi. Falsi libri habent eiusdem Dei) et male secundum doctores. quiavidetur sonare heresim. 3 C Si festum cum regimine chori in crastino octa. Ascensionis Domini contigerit. secundum Alleluya erit {Non vos relinquam}. Require in dominica infra octa. [Missal, p. 416.] Dicitur etiam de sancta Maria. Quar\do fit ibi plenum seruicium. tamen non dicetur in festo apostolorum Philippi et Jacobifi Mai. B.~\. nee in Inuentione sancte Crucis [3 Mai. DJ\ si ibidem conti- gerit. [no.] C In die Sancte Trinitatis Si duplex festum hac die euenerit differatur in crastinum. Similiter et festum simplex .ix. lectionum. C Si festum sancti Aldelmi 4 in festo Sancte Trinitatis conti- gerit. [25 Mai. sub 2E.] differatur in terciam feriam sequentem [27 Mai. C.\ et fiant ibi medie lectiones de octa. Trinitatis. {[ Si festum sci Barnabe in die Sancte Trinitatis euenerit [n Jun. sub. AfAI\. differatur in crastinum' et medie lectiones erunt de martyribus [Basilide, Cirino, Nabore et Nazario]. [in.] f[ Si festum sancti Dunstani [19 Mai. F., sub iD, I E.] vel sancti Albani 5 [22 Jun. E., sub 56, 5C.] vel sancti Edwardi (quando de eo fiant .ix. lectiones [20 Jun. , sub 5G, 5 A. vel SB.]) infra octa. Trinitatis contigerit. semper erunt medie lectiones de ipsis octa. vsque ad festum Corporis Christi. 6 [112.] C In crastino Sancte Trinitatis (si a festo vacauerit) fiat seruicium de Trinitate. et due tantum memorie ad matutinas. et ad missam. scilicet de sancta Maria et de omnibus Sanctis. [113.] C De [festo] 7 Corporis Christi. et de octams eiusdem festi cum regimine chori. ['et' J?.] qualiter sint celebrande. et de multis alijs. 8 9 Ista regula est bene ventilata. 9 {[ In prima die ad vtrasque vesperas matutinas et ad omnes [' alias ' 7?.] horas omnia fiant sicut in prima die huius festi. Vbi 1 peuthe : 1495. 2 genitricis et : C. 3 Cf. Missal, p. 603. Defens. Direct, cap. 42, p. 16. * albani : R. 5 aldelmi : R. (Hodie etiam in agro Dorsetiensi promontorium in quo sita est ecclesiola perantiqua sancti Aldelmi abbatis quondam Meldunensis, deinde Scireburnensis episcopi, ex errore consimili apud nostrates, insu- lares, quos vocant, Purbecianos vulgari sermone vocitatur ' Saint Alban's Head:} 6 De S. Edwardo fiunt novem lectiones quotienscunque non factae fuermt in Quadragesima eo anno, scilicet 18 Martij. 7 Omit, 'festo' ed. 1495. 8 multis dubiis : C. R. 9 9 non habet R. 62 CREDE MICHI. fiunt oct. sine regimine chori. excepto quod ad ij s . vesperas dicantur psalmi qui ad j s . vesperas dicebantur. videlicet (Dixit Dominus [cix.] 1 Confitebor [ex.] Credid? [cxv.] Beati omnes [cxxvii.] Lauda? [cxlvii.]) Dicitur 4 etiam hymnus Sacris solennijs. cum versiculo Panem de celo. f[ Sciendum quod predicti psalmi dicuntur per totas oct. et in oct. ad vtrasque vesperas quando de oct fit seruicium. /C Si festum .ix. lectionum infra octa. contigerit. [fo. B8.b. totum fiat seruicium de festo et memoria et medie lectiones de oct. Nisi festum alicuius sancti coniunctum fuerit. tune riant medie lectiones de festo. 5 Sed non dicatur (Gloria tibi Domine Qui natus) ad boras 6 nee post (Jesu Christe] y. Qui de virgine. nisi tan turn quando fit seruicium de octa. 7 f[ Ad completorium dicitur hymnus Saluator mundi. cum 8 y. Deo Patri. quando de aliquo sancto fit seruicium. 9 [114.] f[ Quotidie ad matutinas Inuita. hymnus antiphone et psalmi sicut in prima die. Et 10 Responsoria dicuntur secundum ordinem. 11 4E Ante 12 laudes quotidie dicitur y. Panem de celo 12 per totas {[ Super Benedictus^ et Magnificat (nisi in dominica et in octa. die) dicuntur antiphone suo ordine que ad primas vesperas super psalmos dicebantur. cum frequenti repetitione earundem. f[ Similiter ad memoriam de Corpore Christi. cum de aliquo sancto infra oct. fit seruicium. f[ Quotidie ad primam et ad 15 alias horas omnia fiant. sicut in prima die. preter cantus super hymnos ad terciam sextam et nonam. et preter Collecta;// ad primam et Ant. Te iure. post octa. Trinitatis. Ad vesperas Ant. Sapientia. Psalmi vt supra. Hymnus Sacris solennijs. y. Panem de celo. Super Magnificat antiphona prima de predictis. 1 Ps. cix. Brev. Sar. ii. p. 191. Ps. ex. p. 192. Ps. cxv. p. 197. Ps. cxxvii. p. 202. Ps. cxlvii. p. 219. 2 Credidi propter : Caxton. 3 Lauda Jerusalem : C. Lauda Jrlm : R. 4 Dicatur : C. 5 si proprie habe;zt&rr, sin autew medie \zctwnes de octa. corp^ris xpi. : add. P3. PS- 6 ad hos : 1495. Ad horas : C. PS. 7 Brev. Sarum, ii. p. 51. 8 Ympnus Gloria : Et dicetur cum : R. (reliquam huius pericopae partem nee non 114, omittit Raynton.) 9 Cf. Brev. Sar. ii. p. 226. 10 f. et : C. 11 ordinem nocturnorum. : C. 1Z et ante : C. 13 is p er totas octauas super Benedictus ... : C. 14 acta : ?3. ls ab : PS. CREDE MICHL 63 f[ Quotidie infra, octa. etiam in dominica dicitur missa sicut in prima die. nisi festum .ix. lectionum intercurrat. 1 sed sine Sequencia et Credo?} fl[ Cantus super Kyrie Gloria in excelsis. Sancius et Agnus dicuntur 2 sicut infra octa. cum regimine chori. [115] C Dominica infra octa. si a festo .ix. lectionum vacauerit) ad primas vesperas omnia fiant sicut in alijs diebus infra octa. preter antiphonam super Magnificat, que erit O quam suauis. Nulla 3 4 fiat memoria nisi aliquod festum trium lectionum ibi contingat. 5 Vel nisi historia inchoanda 4 fuerit. tune fiet memoria de dominica. et 6 de trinitate. et processio ante crucem. [116.] /{[ 7 Si festum trium lectionum in hac [fo. C. dominica euenerit. fiat de eo memoria et medie lectiones. 7 [n/.] 8 Ad matutinas omnia fiant sicut in prima die preter .vi. lectiones. que erunt de propria legenda per 9 octa. annotatas. In laudibus vna antiphona. Super Benedictus dicitur Ant., sicut in prima die. Ad primam et ad alias horas omnia fiant sicut 10 in ceteris diebus preter antiphonam super psalmum (Quicunque vult saluus esse] que erit ( Te iure.) Ad ij s vesperas omnia fiant sicut in alijs diebus infra octa. preter Ant. super Magnificat, que erit (0 sacrum}. f[ Si in 11 dominica vel in alijs diebus infra octauas festum .ix. lectionum et minime 12 duplex contigerit. totum seruicium fiet de festo. Et de octa. memoria 13 et medie lectiones. et tune dicuntur 14 ad medias lectiones y. et I^ia secundum ordinem nocturnorum vsque ad .viij. diem. [118.] |[ De festis trium lectionum sine regimine chori infra dictas octa. fiat tantum memoria. Nisi festa 15 .ix. lectionum con- intercurat: ?3. P5. Et max: Credo cum dominica : ?3. dicantur : L. 3 fiet : C. 4 memoria. 41 Si tempus prolixum fuerit et historia inchoanda : R. contigerit : C. 6 Omitt. 'et' Pi. ?3. 7 Pro sectione 116, edd. Pi. P3. P5- huiusmodi regulam exhibent : |[ Si festum trium lectionum in hac dominica euenerit, fiat de eo tantum memoria. De sanctis autem trium lectionum sine regimine chori quet infra octauas euenerint, memoria tantum fiat nisi sint sanctist .ix. lection, cantande. hec regula t infra octa. Dedicationis. Item infra octa. Epiphanie. Item dicitur in magna rubrica quod Dominica infra octauas cum regimine chori plenarie suum habebit seruitium. ista regula confirmatur immediate postea. Ad matutinas omnia fiant ' &c. 8 117 non habet Raynton. 9 pe : ed. 1495. 10 sicut sicut : ed. 1495 (iterando). 11 in hac : C. 12 minus : P3. PS. 13 ad utrasq# vesp. et ad missa;// : add. ?3. P5. 14 dicantur : L. 15 festis : C. P3. in festis PS 64 CREDE MICH1. iuncta fuerint tune fiat memoria et medie lectiones de huiusmodi festis etiam in dominica. C Quacunque feria infra octa. festum sanctorum Johannis et Pauli euenerit [26 Jun. #.] semper fiant 1 .ix. lectiones et medie lectiones de Corpore Christi. et memoria tantum de sancto Johanne baptista. [119.] C Dominica infra octa. ad processionem ante missam. ty. Respexit Helyas. cum suo 2 versu in introitu chori. Ant. 2 O sacrum, cum "Jf . et Oratione sicut in prima die. f[ Si historia inchoata fuerit cum memoria ad vesperas. tune dicitur Ant. de Cruce. scilicet (Adoremus crucis signaculmri}. cum 7. et Collecta. [Priorem partem huius pericopes omitt. 1497-1508.] [120.] C Et in introitu chori dicitur Ant. de sancta Maria "Jf . Post partum. Oratio Concede nos. et cetera. 3 C In prima die et dominica infra octauas. et in octa. die dicitur hie cantus. C Venite? [Item quae mox sequuntur omitt. 1501, 1508, et Raynton similiter.] [121.] /f[ In octa Corporis Christi [fo. C.b. ad vesperas hec sola Ant. Sacerdos. Ps. Dixit Dominus [cix.]. Et cetera omnia sicut in prima die Multi libri habent hie quod dicuntur 5 psalmi feriales. et false. 6 Ad matutinas dicuntur lectiones et omnia Responsoria sicut in die. 7 secundum vsum Sarum. In laudibus omnes antiphone dicuntur. 5 Ad 8 horas et ad ij s vesperas omnia fiant sicut in octa. die (vbi octaue fiunt sine regimine chori). Ita tamen quod psalmi dicuntur 9 sicut in prima nocte. scilicet Dixit Dominus et cetera. 10 [121^.] ' Ad horas et ad 11 secundas vesperas omnia fiant sicut infra octa.' add. 1497, 1501, 1508. non habent C.] [121*:.] C Si festum trium lectionum in octa. die contigerit- fiant memoria et medie lectiones de festo. 12 I fiant semper : C. fiant: R. 119 nonhabet Raynton. ^/ omittuntur^ utpote alias in Defensorio Directorii cap. 47 sufficienter ventilata). * habet ?5. 5 Brev. Sar. p. 93. 6 omit ' sic ' P5- 7 Et sic habetur in Missali p. 320. 8 Cf. Defens. Direct, cap. 45. 9 tribuat : C. PS. 10 Vocabulum tamen ' Celte^ retinetur in Brev. Sar. A.D. 1 531, typis impresso, et in versione vulg. lobi. xix. 24. II g : 1487- 12 contulit et decus : R. (In Breviario A.D. 1531 lectio est quarta, fasc. iii. p 774 ed. Cantab, vbi vera est littera secundum Clementem Maydeston.) 13 in iiii lectione : C. 8o CREDE M1CHI. [ 1 9 1 -] tl In die sancti Augustini doctoris [28 Aug. B.~\. /Septima lectio. 1 Vos estis sal terre. Sal appellantur [fo. C/.b. apostoli. Et legatur ista omelia in die 2 sancti Augustini tantum secundum vsum Sarum. [192.] C In die sancti Hieronymi 3 [30 Sept. G.] legatur Omelia sicut in die sancti Ambrosij. videlicet Predixerat Dominus [' &c. ' J?.] [ r 93-] T I n vtroque festo 4 sancti Edwardi Regis et Confes- soris 4 [5 Jan. ., et 13 Octob. F.] Ad Missam. Officium (Gaudeamus omnesf Psalmus Exaudi Deus orationem meam cum deprecor. [Ixiii] et cetera. [194.] f[ In vtroque festo sancti Ricardi [3 Apr. B., et 16 Jun. F.-] Ad Missam. Offertorium (Inueni Dauid)? et Communio. Fidelis seruus. [ 1 95-] C In Epistola vnius Confessoris, et Doctoris, scilicet (JDedit Dominus confessionem) legatur sic. Dulces fecit modos. non modules* et cetera. 9 ['Finis': 1 501-1 5o8.] 10 [196.] /^\Uia n uero in hoc opere seu libello non scribitur >^ aliqua regula nisi sit vera secundum Ordinale Sarum et bene ventiiata. ac peritorum virorum testimonio ac I lee. .vij. : R. 2 festo : R. 3 leronimi : R. 4 * Sancti Edwardi Confessoris et Pontificis : C. [q. d. Edmundi.] 5 Plenius exhibet P5. Officium Gaudeamus omnes in Domino, diem Jestum celebrantes sub honore beate Edivarde\ &c. 6 De Missa in festis S. Edwardi R. Conf. non concinit Missale Sar. pp. 80, 933- 7 Officium Inveni David : C. 8 Cf. Missal, pp. 708*, 710* n. Defens. Direct, cap. 48. 9 omitl. ( et cetera' C. 10 non habent 1487, 1488, 1495. II Liber Johannis Raynton post 192 (omissis 193, &c.) sic finem operi imponit : ^f Quodcunque Festum ix lee. cum regimine chori infra oct' cum regimine chori euenerit ; prime et secunde vespere erunt de festo nisi fuerit dies dominica vel octaua dies. 4 Hec regula generaliter obseruetur infra oct' cum regimine chori. |[ Explicit Tractatus vocatus. Crede Michi quod Raynton. Si 300* ponatur et 3E)Cin simul accipiatur. Et nee lungatur qui scripsit Sic nominatur. Iste liber compilatus fuit vtiliter ad Instanciam ^Reuerendi doctoris Magislri Tho (f ' Magistri ' ex errore.) me Gasman tracf. de Ordinali Sarum. Editioni supremae, A.D. 1508 impressae, colophonem imponit Pynson, ut sequitur : CREDE MI CHI. 81 sigillis confirmata. Ideo presens opusculum (Crede mihi) vocatur. 1 Nam qui predictas regulas memoriter tenet vix poterit errare in seruicio diuino. Deo Gratias. Finis In domo Caxton wynkyn fieri fecit 2 /[ In domo Caxton. [fo. C8. Explicit libellus- quod Crede michi appellatur. perutilis Sarum cleris. ac peruigili opera correctus. et impressus in westmonas- terio per wynkyn de worde. anno domini. M.cccc. nonagesimo quinto. Cuius ventilabrum in manu eius. et purgabit aream suam. Verba hec quamuis euangelica sint- Mystice tamen et allegorice comparari isti libello possint sic. vt predictum est Ad laudem ventilatoris. sic. Cuius in manu ventilabrum. id est. libellus iste. purgabit aream suam. id est. conscientiam in orando. [[device.] "|[ Exaratum est presens opus per me Richardum pynson (Regis impressor expertissimus) London ad intersignium diui Georgij. iuxta ecclesiam sancti Dunstani. in vico nuncupate fletestrete. commorantem Finit feliciter. Anno domini. Millesimo quingentesimo octauo. decimo kalendas Decembris." Et, verso folio, signum suum consuetum exhibet. 1 vocatur Crede michi : L. a ' Caxton me fieri fecit.' : 1487.' ; * Explicit ordinale secundum usum sarum. Impressum Antwerpie per me/ Gerardum Leeu Anno domini MCCCC Ixxxviii 3 : Leeu 1488.. MAYDESTONE. G e$$titit libeling quoD Crefc midfji ap* pt Uamr.pewfilia ag ete.-ac perui*' ana t ilab in manu c jtt6*/i pur gabit area fua. (uerba ^et qwauie euan'/ gelwa fmt ,fic, Cuiue in bit area fua ad efcpftwntia? i ozanDo . FACSIMILE OF WYNKYN DE WORDE'S COLOPHON, 1495. CREDE MICHL 83 [CONSPECTUS CAPITUM IN TRACTATU " rebe ttC0i " VOCATO CONTENTORUM. 1 [(i.) Responsiones Clericorum Sarisburiensium per Clem. Maydestofi venfilataeJ] * i. De y. Gloria tibi et y. @** de Virgine infra Oct. Corporis Christi. * 2. De Vesp. in festo ix lectionum infra Oct. Corporis Christi cum regimine chori. * 3- De psalmis ferialibus in Octa. Corporis Christi. Cf. Defensorium Directorii cap. 1 9. * 4. De lectionibus de festo iii lectionum infra dictas octauas. * 5. De Vigilia S, Matthiae. (23 Feb.) Cf. Defens. Direct, cap. 15. * 6. De Vigilia Nat. beatae Mariae. (7 Sept.) CL Defens. Direct. 15- 7. De Euangelio Dixit Martha. Cf. Defens. Direct, cap. 10. * 8. De versiculis infra Oct. Corporis Christi. f 9. De psalmis et Responsoriis infra Oct. Ascensionis Dni. * 10. De commemoratione Festi Loci ante Septuagesimam. IT. De Sequentiis beatae Mariae. | 12. De Collectis ad Placebo. * 1 3. De Anniuersariis Regum. 14. De memoria S. Johannis Baptistae in Commemoratione S. Pauli. (30 Jun.) *i5- De antiphonis de Omnibus Sanctis per hebdomadas post Epiphaniam et post Trinitatem. 1 6. Quomodo terminatur officium in Vigilia Assumptionis beatae Mariae. (14 Aug.) 17. De Ant. Lauda Hierusalem, et aliis in e-la-mi. t 1 8. De y. Responsorii ad Nonam in die S. Mariae Magdalenae. (22 Jul.) 19. De ordine nocturnorum ad Dirige in tempore paschali. 1 Hanc Tabulam in lectoris commodum huic editioni nostrae addidimus, A. S. 1894. Quae vel omiserit, vel amputauerit, aut alias immutauerit lohannes Clerke, cir. A.D. 1497, denotauimus : prout sequitur : * Capitula per lo. Clerke omissa. t Capitula per eundem breuiata. 4. Capitula per eundem alias submutata. Ab 43% usque ad finem tractatus, illas sectiones quot quot in libro Johannis Raynton inueniantur per litteram * R? notauimus. G 2 8j. CREDE MI CHI. 20. De variatione Benedictionum in commemoratione beatae Mariae. Cf. Defens. Direct, cap. 31. 21. De memoria de Trinitate differenda. 22. De fontibus in monasteriis, non liquet. (nondum soluitur Cl.) * 23. De capitulo Apparuit in Laudibus in Vigilia Epiphaniae. (5 Jan.) Cf. Defens. Direct, cap. 23. * 24. De Annunciatione Mariae sub lit. Dom. iF. (25 Mar.) 25. De capitulo in die S. Agnetis 2 do . (28 Jan.) 26. De festis ab hebdomada Pentecostes vel per ii hebdomadas differendis. 27. De memoria festi iii lectionum, et de octa. Trinitatis, sub silentio dicendis post memoriam beatae Mariae in festo duplici. 28. De mediis lectionibus de S. Aniano omittendis (17 Nov.) ubi festum S. Hugonis est duplex. 29. De differentia inter festum principale et festum maius duplex. 30. De thurificatione chori a diacono dubitatur. 31. De Epistola ad Philippenses iv. 2, in die S. dementis. (23 Nov.) 32. De numero Collectarum in Exequiis Mortuorum. 33- Quod in Missis pro Defunctis pax non detur. 34. De terminatione collectae de Trinitate. 35. De sequentia pro octa. Corporis Christi. * 36. De repetitione lectionum et sequentiarum de commemoration- ibus beate Mariae post oct. Assumptions et Natiuitatis eiusdem. (22 Aug. : Sept. 15.) *37- De memoria fienda de dominica in festis duplicibus in feria ij. per Aestatem. omit Cl. t 38. De Responsoriis ferialibus in tempore Paschae secundum ordinem ipsorum cantandis. 39. De lectionibus de S. Ricardo (3 Apr. vel 16 Jun.) aut de S. Dunstano (19 Mai.) infra Octa. Trinitatis omittendis. Et de S. Barnaba et S. Albano similiter. * 40. De y. Qui sedes. * 41. De festo (sanctorum Barnabae, Ricardi, Dionysii, vel Martini) contingente in Sabbato cum regimine chori. 42. De cantu hymni Te lucis in Vigilia S. Leonis. (? 27 Jun.) [(ii.) Tractatus vocatus Crede Michi, per Jo. Raynton compositus, et per Clem. Maydeston, ut videtur^ reuisusJ] 43. De festis in Dom. ii. iii. vel iiii. Aduentus Domini Passion is, Palmarum, in Albis, S. Trinitatis, uel Reliquiamm, con- tingentibus et diiferendis in crastinum. JZ. (Excipiuntur festum Dedicationis et Festum Loci.) * Capitula per lo. Clerke omissa. t Capitula per eundem breuiata. 4- Capitula per eundem alias submutata. Ab 43% usque ad finem tractatus, illas sectiones quot quot in libra Johannis Raynton inueniantur per litteram ' 7?.' notauimus. CREDE MI CHI. 85 44. De Ant. Aue Maria ad memoriam in vesperis. R. 45. De memoriiis omittendis : et quod cotidianae Vesperae et Matutinae de S. Maria non omittantur. R. 46. De lectione in capitulo. R. 47. Quattuor collectae dicantur, tarn ad Placebo^ quam ad Dirige^ pro corpore praesenti. R. Cf. Defens. Direct, cap. 7. 48. De thurificatione corporis defuncti. R. 49. Regula pro choro (pro commemorationibus et pro feriis infra Oct. cum regimine chori). R. 50. De impedimento commemorationis beatae Mariae in sabbato fiendae. R. 51. De Benedicamus Domino cum Alleluya. R, Cf. Defers. Direct, cap. 53. 52. De Responsionibus Versiculorum cum Alleluya. R. 53. Regula de Versiculis et Responsoriis ad medias lectiones pro octauis. R. 53b. Item de Responsoriis quando iii lectiones pontificis cum abbate concurrunt, vel martyrum cum confessoribus, vel martyris cum confessore aut abbate. 54. Regula specialis pro quibusdam festis, qualiter y. et Respon- soria dicantur : Et primo de SS. Johanne et Paulo. (23 Jun.), Cf. R. * 55. Item de S. Hippolyto. (13 Aug.) R. 56. De iii. die a festo S. Laurentii. (12 Aug.) 57. De Vigilia S. Laurentii. (9 Aug.) 58. De Vigilia Assumptionis. (14 Aug.) 59. In Exaltatione sanctae Crucis. (14 Sept.) R. $ 60. De festo S. Egidii. (i Sept.) R. 61. De SS. Cuthberto et Bertino. (4 Sept.) R. 62. De Euangelio Vidit Johannes infra Oct. Epiphaniae. R., \ 63. Quod secundae Vesperae (si habeantur) in octaua die Octau- arum sine regimine chori erunt de ipsis octauis. R. 64. Quod Vesperae in Sabbato erunt de Dominica. R. \ 65. Quidnam sit tempus breue, aequale, prolixum, inter Octa. Epiphaniae et Septuagesimam. R. 66. De memoria ad vesperas cotidianas et matutinas de sancta Maria. R. 67. De variatione Collectarum atque antiphonarum, quando. fit memoria de Omnibus Sanctis. R. 68. De aliquo festo contingente in Dominica Septuagesimae, Sexa- gesimae, vel Quinquagesimae. R. 69. De festo S. Agathae virginis. (5 Feb.) R. 70. De festis iii lectionum infra Septuagesimam. R. 71. De festo iii lectionum in die Cinerum contingente. R. 72. Regula de feria iiij. in Capite Jejunii. R. 73. De prima Dominica Quadragesimae, R. 74. De velo quadragesimali, et de imaginibus, &c., satis liquet. R. 75. De pulsatione ad collationem et ad completorium. R. 76. De ii. Domininica Quadragesimae, et de cruce lignea. R. 77. Dominica in Passione Domini, &c. R, 86 CREDE MICHl. 78. De festis ix lectionum infra Passionem contingentibus. R. 79. Regula de Dominica in Ramis palmarum. R. 80. De Reconciliatione poenitentium. 8 1. De ablutione Altarium. 82. In Die Parasceues : Quod corpus defuncti non tradatur sepul- turae in hac die. Item de improperiis, &c. 83. Eodem die ad Missam. 84. Sabbato sancto in Vigilia Paschae. 85. De processione in Die Paschae. 86. Regula generalis de modo cantandi Saluefesta dies et prosas. R. 87. De cruce sine vexillo. R. 88. Ordo antiphonarum de sancta Maria. R. 89. De Benedicarmis cum Allehtya, et de Versibus sine Alleluya. R. 90. De Kyrie in hebdo. Paschae et Pentecostes. R. 91. De festo contingente a Cena Domini usque post Oct. Paschae, R. 92. De Dominica in Albis. Et de memoria de Resurrectione. R. [g2n. De festis Annunciationis (25 Mar.), S. Marci (25 Apr.), Sanct- orum Philippi et Jacobi (i Maii), atque S. Ambrosii (4 Apr.), differendis. add. Raynton.] 93. De hebdomada post Oct. Paschae. R. (sed breuius). 94. De tempore paschali. R. 95. De Dominica ii. post Pascha. 96. Dominica iii. post Pascha. 97. Dominica iiij. post Pascha. 98. Dominica v. post Pascha. 99. De festis in feria ii. Rogationum. 100. De Vigilia Ascensionis Domini. R. \ 1 01. De Octa. Ascensionis. R. *T02. De festis infra dictam Octauam contigentibus. viz. S. Johannis Apostoli. R. (De S. Johanne omit. J. Clerke 1497 ; dicit tamen de S. Aldelmo.) io2b. et S.Aldelmi. 103. De S. Dunstano. (19 Mai.) R. 104. De festo cum regimine chori. R. 105. De S. Aldelmo in Oct. die Ascens. (25 Mai.) R. 1 06. De SS. Philippo et Jacobo. (i Mai.) R. 107. Memoria de Ascensione. R. 1 08. Regula in Vigilia Pentecostes. R. (sed breuius). 109. Regula in Die Pentecostes. R. (sed non nihil discrepat). Cf. Defens. Direct, cap. 42. no. De festis in Die Sanctae Trinitatis contingentibus. R. in. De S. Dunstano. (19 Mai.) R. 112. In crastino S. Trinitatis. R. * Capitula per lo. Clerke omlssa. t Capitula per eundem breuiata. 4- Capitula per eundem alias submutata. Sectiones quot quot in libro Johannis Raynton inueniantur per litteram 4 R? notauimus. CREDE Ml CHI. 87 113. Regula de festo Corporis Christi, et de Octa. cum regiminj chori, et de multis aliis. R. (sed breuius). 114. Per octauas Corporis Christi. 115. Dominica infra Oct. Corporis Christi. R. 116. Item de fest. iii lectionum in eadem Dominica. R. 117. Item de eadem ad matutinas et ad vesperas. 1 1 8. De fest. iii lectionum sine regimine chori infra oct. R. f 119. Ad processionem in Dominica infra oct. [*] 120. Item de eadem in introitu chori. (Omitt. P$. P$.) De cantu Venite in mi-sol-la. R. t 121. In Octaua die Corporis Christi. R. (sed breuius). pduca omit. Cl. Cf. Defens. Direct, cap. 19, 20. [ i2ib. pauca etiam add. J. Clerke.] 122 De SS. Johanne et Paulo, (26 Jun.), Commemoration e S. Pauli apostoli (30 Jun.), vel Oct. S. Johannis baptistae (i Jul), in Octa. die Corporis Christi. R. 123. Quidnam sit tempus breue, aequale, prolixum, a festo sanctae Trinitatis ad Aduentum. R. 124. De Dominica in qua inchoatur historia Deus omnium, R. 125. De Antiphonis Beata Dei genitrix, Aue regma caelorum, &c. R. 126. De Rubrica Magna, et de Pica Sarum. 127. f[Soluuntur obscuritates et dubia, prout sequitur in festis sanc- torum ; R. 128. De S.Andrea. (30 Nov.) R. 129. De Inuitatorio Dilexit Andream. 130. De Conceptione beatae Mariae. (8 Dec.) R. 131. De processione in eadem festiuitate. 132. De S. Juliano confessore. (27 Jan.) 133. Item de mediis lectionibus non dicendis in dominicis ante Septuagesimam. R. 134. Ad consecrationem candelarum et de hymno in Purificatione beatae Mariae. (2 Feb.) R. Cf. Defens. Direct, cap. 21. 135. De pleno seruitio de beata Maria iuxta festum Purif. vel Concept, Assumpt. [Visitationis ed. 1501] et Natiuitatis eiusdem. Cf. Defens. Direct, cap. 40. 136. De capitulo et lectione ex Malachia propheta in die Purifica- tionis. R. Cf. Defens. Direct, cap. 46. 137. De festo S. Agathae virginis. (5 Feb.) R. 138. De festo S. Agathae differenda. 139. De Cathedra S. Petri. (22 Feb.) 140. De S. Gregorio. (12 Mar.) R. et de S. Ambrosio. (4 Apr.) R. 141. De Annunciatione beatae Mariae. (25 Mar.) R. Cf. Defens. Direct, cap. 56. 142. De S. Ambrosio. (4 Apr.), et de SS. Dunstano. (19 Mai.^Aldelmo. (25 Mai.), et Augustino Anglorum apostolo. (26 Mai.) R. 143. De S. Marco. (25 Apr.) R. 144. In die Inuentionis sanctae Crucis. (3 Mai.) 88 CREDE MICHI. * 145. De S. Johanne ante portam latinam. (6 Mai.) 146. De S. Aldelmo. (25 Mai.) R. 147. De S. Augustine. (26 Mai.) R. 4- 148. De S. Nicomede martyre. (i Jun.) Cf. Defens. Direct. cap. 25. | 149. De S. Albano. (22 Jun.) 150. De S. Etheldreda. (23 Jun.) R. 151. De S. Johanne baptista. (24 Jun.) R. 152. De SS. Johanne et Paulo. (26 Jun.) R. 153. De eodem festo extra octauas in Dominica contingente. 154. Ad vesperas apostolorum Petri et Pauli. 155. In die Apostolorum Petri et Pauli. (29 Jun.) Cf. Defens. Direct, cap. 55. 156. De S. Thoma Cantuariensi, martyre. (7 Jul.) 157. De festo Reliquiarum. (Dominica post 7 Jul.) R. (sed breuius). 158. De festo in Dominica Reliquiarum contingente. R. Cf. Defens. Direct, cap. 55. * 159. De S. Laurentio. (10 Aug.) R. 1 60. De S. Hippolyto. (13 Aug.) R. T 6 1. De Octa. S. Laurentii in Dominica. (17 Aug., lit. E,) 162. De Vigilia S. Bartholomei. (23 Aug.) 163. De epistola in Vigilia S. Laurentii. (9 Aug.) 164. De S. Egidio. (i Sept.) i64b. Item de vocabulo "praesul" in Sequentia Adest. R. Cf. Defens. Direct, cap. 49. i64C. De S. Cyriaco. (8 Aug.) add. Cl.] 165. De Vigilia Natiuitatis beatae Mariae. (7 Sept.) 166. In Exaltatione sanctae Crucis. (14 Sept.) 167. De S. Tecla. (23 Sept.) R. 1 68. De S. Michaele in monte tumba. (16 Octob.) R. * 169. De pica mensis Octobris sub littera dominicali E. 170. De SS. Crispino et Crispiniano. (25 Octob.) 171. De festo SS. Undecim milium virginum. (21 Octob.) R. 172. De festo Omnium Sanctorum, (i Nov.) Cf. Defens. Direct. cap. 29. 173. In die Animarum. (2 Nov.) R. (sed breuius). 174. In die S. Wenefredae. (3 Nov.) R. 175. De responsorio Summae Trinitati ante Aduentum Domini. Cf. Defens. Direct, cap. 5. [ i75b. De S. Thebdoro. (9 Nov.) ex add. 1487, 1488. add. Cl.] 176. De S. Martino. (n Nov.) 177. De S. Grisogono martyre. (24 Nov.) R. 178. De S. Katherina. (25 Nov.) R. 179. De S. Machuto. (15 Nov.) Cf. Defens. Direct, cap. 27. 1 80. In die S. Hugonis. (17 Nov.) Cf. Defens. Direct, cap. 26. 1 8 1. De S. Dauid. (i Mar.) R. 182. De S. Cedda. (2 Mar.) R. [ i82b. Missa de S. Johanne Beuerlacensi. n. Raynton.] CREDE MICHI. 89 [83. In simplicibus missis Mortuorum. R. (sed ante 181, 182.) 184. In die S. Edmundi confessoris in mense Novembri. (16 Nov.) [ i84. De Epistola in Tertio Sabbato Quadragesimae. ex edd. 1487, 1488. omitt. ed. 1495, et J- Clerke.] Ct.Defens. Direct. cap. 47. 185. In Die Natalis Domini. (25 Dec.) R. 1 86. De terminatione orationis Famulorum, de sancta Maria. R. 187. Feria vi. Parasceues. R. 188. In iii., vi., viii., et ix. lectionibus Mortuorum. R. Cf. Defens. Direct, cap. 45. 189. In festo S. Petri ad Vincula. (i Aug.) R. 190. In die Natiuitatis beatae Mariae. (8 Sept.) R. 191. In die S. Augustini doctoris. (28 Aug.) R. 192. In die S. Hieronymi. (30 Sept.) R. 193. In utroque festo S. Edwardi Regis et confessoris. (5 Jan. et 13 Octobr.) 194. In utroque festo S. Ricardi. (3 Apr. et 16 Jan.) 195. In Epistola unius Confessoris atque Doctoris de Communi. Cf. Defens. Direct, cap. 48. [i95b. Regula de festo ix lectionum cum regimine chori infra Oct. cum regimine chori. Quod RayntonJ] *[ 196. De appellatione libri Crede Michi. |[ Westmonasteriij A.D. 1495.] * Capitula per lo. Clerke omissa. t Capitula per eundem breuiata. 4. Capitula per eundem alias submutata. Sectiones quot quot in libro Johannis Raynton inueniantur per litteram ' R? notauimus. FRAGMENTS OF PRINTED BY [1477-8.] About 1474-5 William Caxton (who had learnt printing at Cologne, and practised it with Colard Mansion at Bruges) entered the service of Margaret, Duchess of Burgundy, sister of K. Edward IV., and acted as her secretary. When the Duke was killed in January 1477 (or possibly a month or two before that disaster, as Blades supposed), Caxton returned to his native land, and set up his press at the Almosnery or Almonry at Westminster, south west of the Abbey Church, where the Lady Margaret, one of his patronesses, built certain almshouses. The original of the fragments which are given as the text of the following pages was printed probably in the first year after his return to England in 1477-78. It is the subject of the famous cedula or advertisement, which is quoted below, on page 97, and of which a facsimile may be obtained from Mr. Froude at the Clarendon Warehouse, Amen Corner, E.C. THE CAXTON FRAGMENTS. A.D. 1477-78. Before we speak of Caxton's work and its remains, it may be well to prefix a few words of explanation upon the Pie itself. ON THE NATURE AND CHARACTER OF "THE PIE." The following observations are offered to any student who may be unfamiliar with the structure and purpose of the Pie: Easter Day may fall on any day in the five weeks from March 22nd to April 2$th : in other words it may fall, in one year and another in the course of a long cycle of years on thirty- five different days. Consequently a collection of thirty-five different almanacs will make a complete Pica or Directory sufficient to serve for every possible contingency. But such a collection will involve some needless repetition, and will be unnecessarily bulky, especially if the fulness of its rules requires more than a single page (and, as in the case of the Sarum Pica, many pages) to be devoted to the regulations of each year. It is found that for many consecutive weeks in the year (i.e. from July or August to the New Year or the following Epi- phany) a set of directions which has done duty for any year which begins (let us say) upon a Sunday^ littera dominicalis A.') will serve again equally well for every one of the four other possible years in the collection on which January 1st is on a Sunday. And so in like manner in the case of the other Sunday- letters. Three courses were open to the constructors of the book, (i) They might have printed the kalendar and rules of each 94 THE CAXTON FRAGMENTS. of the thirty-five years out at length, regardless of repetitions and reckless of expense and bulk. But this, clearly, they did not choose to do. (2) They might have printed the ' common ' or overlapping piece (serving for the fall of the year) once for all for its own Sunday-letter on the first occasion on which it occurred in the collection ; and then, on subsequent occasions, they might have spared repeating it, by the simple device of a cross reference. 1 (3) But instead of this they preferred to print the 'common' piece for each Sunday-letter under a heading to itself, distinct from all the five variable pieces to which it was adaptable, and to mark it with the number 6, or else to distinguish it by the absence of any numeral. These 'common ' or 'sixth' sections (one of them for each of the seven Sunday letters) make up the additional seven in the " 35 + 7 sections " noticed in the text. It chances that of the six years to which our four Caxton fragments bear reference, one third relate to these ' common ' or ' sixth ' sections (viz. to sextum D., and sextum F. respectively) and only four of the thirty-five variable portions (viz. 4D., 3R, 4R, and 5F.) are partially represented. Supposing that it had been decreed for us that Easter Day should always be (like Christmas) upon one fixed day in the kalendar, e.g. upon the 2/th of March, a single kalendar or almanac might be made to serve for every year in perpetuity with just a note to apply in case of a leap year coming round. Or, if (on the ground that it is essential that we should keep Easter Day always upon a Sunday) it were further agreed to observe it either upon the 27th of March if that chanced to be the Sunday or upon the Sunday which fell next after it, in that case it would be requisite to make seven kalendars. In the first of these, New Year's day would fall on Saturday, in the next on Sunday, in the third on Monday, and so on, and a collection of seven almanacs in one volume, each being denoted by a single letter as follows, would (on these suppositions) suffice for every emergency. 1 In the York Pie, printed in 1509, the kalendars lA, 2A, 3A, 4A, run from i January to the end of July ; 5 A from i January to 31 December. The other four give a cross reference to 5A. So for the other Sunday letters. But those in the Sarum book begin with the Sunday after the Octave of Epiphany, and run on to the end of July for each of the 35 almanacks, adding a sixth septett from that time to the Octave of Epiphany following. In the York book the Sunday letters are arranged in what may be called either the natural or the scientific order, A G F E D C B. The Sarum book, which is, by the way, a much fuller work, takes the common alphabetical order A B C D E F G. THE CAXTON FRAGMENTS. 95 B. Jan. I, on Saturday, Easter Day on March 27th. A. Sunday, April 2nd. G. , Monday, April 1st. F. E. D. C. Tuesday, March 3ist. Wednesday, March 3Oth. Thursday, March 29th. Friday, March 28th. It would then be enough to ascertain, from a table or other- wise, which of the seven almanacs belongs to the current year, and to keep that open before us through the year; and we should find Sundays and holy days all marked, and the number of Sundays after Epiphany would be within an ace the same for every conceivable year, 1 and the Sundays after Trinity would be always six and twenty. But as a matter of fact, after many searchings of heart, it was once for all determined for the Church that the great Festival of the Resurrection must not only be observed upon a Sunday, but must be the Lord's day following the fourteenth day of the kalendar moon which happens upon, or next after, the 21 st of March. The inconstant moon being thus taken for our guide and mistress, it gives us a period of five weeks or thirty-five different days on either of which Easter Day may fall. We therefore, under existing circumstances and arrangements, need sooner or later no less than five times as many various almanacs as would have sufficed supposing that Easter Day had depended upon a fixed day in the kalendar. It may fall upon any day between March 22nd and April 25th, or upon one of those two days themselves. Instead of there being only one case in which Easter can occur in a year beginning on a Saturday, there are five such possibilities for it to do so, viz. : Either, iBf) f March 2;thl f(No. 6.) or, 2B. I T April 3 rd being (No. 13.) or again, 3 R >^^\ April loth \ Easter J (No. 20.) or else, 46. [ lay ' April i;th Day, (No. 27.) or lastly, 5B.J , [_April 24th J [_(No. 34.) And in like manner each Sunday-letter has five varieties, so that a series of thirty-five is made up between them, one almanac belonging to each of the thirty-five days on which Easter may possibly occur. The complete ' Book of Almanacs ' edited by Prof. Aug. De Morgan contains this series of thirty-five. The Pie (pica) or 1 The Sundays after Epiphany under such a scheme would be two for Sunday Letters F E D C B^ and three for A and G. THE CAXTON FRAGMENTS. Directorium Sacerdotum consists of a corresponding set of thirty- five ' declaraiiones! printed, not in the brief compass of a series of kalendars, but as sections or chapters of regulations in which the service is ordered week by week throughout each of the years in question. Or to speak more exactly, each of the thirty-five varying years is not printed out in full, but only that portion which is more immediately under the influence of Easter. A certain section of each twelvemonth, commencing in the season after Trinity and ending early in the following January, does not fall under the spell of the moon, but is common to all those years which have the same Sunday-letter ; and such sections (which are, naturally, seven in number) do not require to be repeated in writing or printing five times over ; but they form by themselves another class of seven, designated indifferently either 6B, 6A, 6G, &c., or simply B, A, G, &c. Thus the thirty-five parts of the Pie are in proportion shorter than the thirty-five corre- sponding almanacs, 1 but their number may be considered to be raised to forty-two if we count these adaptable common pieces as something separate. Of course the complete directory for any year consists of one of the numbered portions together with the (sixth or) unnumbered section which bears the same dominical letter. This last has to serve from August to New Year's Eve and to be continued, in the following year, to the Octave of Epiphany. Then * Sextum A ' would contain, at its end, a fort- night of a year which we should describe as having Sunday Letter G\ and would be the beginning of one of the G Pie Kalendars of York. In the case of a leap-year a change is made on Feb. 25th, which becomes on that occasion the true feast of St. Matthias, and the almanac hitherto in hand is laid aside for the letter immediately preceding it in the alphabet (or in the case of A y for G). For further elucidation of this matter we must look to Canon Cooke's forthcoming edition of the Pie or Directorium of 1487, which survives in a complete form. Some account of the weekly "commemorations" of Salisbury and other " Uses " will be given in a subsequent appendix. It was then to a " Pie " or collection of these numerous working almanacs for liturgical use anticipating Francceur (1842) and De Morgan (1851) that the four Caxton fragments of 1477-8 belonged. 1 In the Ordo Perpetuus Dominici Luchini, printed in Merati's revised' edition of Gavanti Thesaurus (in Brev. Rom.), a 36th tabula is added, for the convenience of those requiring the kalendar for Leap Year DC. with the epact xxiv or xxv. The York Pie printed in 1509 has similarly an extra kalendar for Sunday Letter D in such a leap year, i.e. when Easter is THE CAXTON FRAGMENTS. 97 CAXTON, AND HIS EDITION. The pages which follow are copied from the eight original printed leaves which are preserved in one of the volumes of Caxton Fragments in the British Museum / - -' j. These are all that now remain to show the character of the book which is the subject of the scarcely less famous early advertisement of which one copy is found in the Douce collection at the Bodleian, Oxford, and another in the Spencer library now at Manchester : " If it plese ony man spirituel or temporel to bye ony | pyes of " two and thre comemoracio/zs of salisburi vse 1 | enpryntid after " the forme of this present lettre whiche [ ben wel and truly " correct/late hym come to westmo- | nester in to the almonesrye " at the reed pale 2 and he shal | haue them good chepe .V " Supplico stet cedula." The extant leaves of the pye or Ordinale run, or hang together, in pairs or half sheets, each pair of leaves containing four pages of consecutive matter, being, no doubt, in each case the two centre leaves of a quire ; but the context of one pair is not in immediate connexion with the context of the next. The volume when complete doubtless consisted of 35 + 7 divisions, and the surviving fragments give us pieces of 4 + 2 of these. 3 On a rough calculation I conclude that Caxton's Ordinale when complete consisted of about 1 5 quires or 240 pages. on April 25th. For example A.D. 1736 in Old Style. In New Style it has not happened yet, nor will until the year 3784, the solitary instance before 4000, if it ever comes. 1 The original Sarum Ordinale was probably a Pie of two commemora- tions suited for that Cathedral, which, being dedicated in honour of the Blessed Virgin, had at the most but two. The Ordinale as printed by Caxton in 1477, and likewise the Directorium of Clement Maydeston which Caxton printed in 1487, was a pie of two and three commemorations, which would serve not only for Salisbury but for any parish church. Here two are treated as the rule, and three as the exception or development. Again, the short pica included in the later editions of the printed Sarum Breviary was a pye of three commemorations ; but the rubrics of the breviary retained traces of the earlier rule, which recognized one or two commemorations only. 2 The red pale is explained to mean a fence painted red, or perhaps more probably the heraldic sign of the printer's shop, a shield argent, bearing a pale gules. Cf. Mr. Nicholson's description of Caxton's Advertisement. Bodleian Facsimiles, 1892. 3 The seven additional sections (of which two are partially represented in these fragments,) are those which are designated * Sextum A,' ' Sextum B,' ' Sextum,' &c. MAYDESTONE. H 98 THE CAXTON FRAGMENTS. However, though not consecutive, or, in other words, belonging, as all the pairs do, to different almanacs or years, these pieces, happily, when placed side by side, make out between them a good and sufficient working specimen of the lost book, although no two of the pieces belong to the same year of the pica Sarum. We are in fact (if we may make such a comparison) in the position of an ornithologist who has placed before him a small find of the fossil remains of an extinct species of birds. Femur, tibiae, phalanges, metatarsus, all belong to separate specimens : but there is not a bone existing in the entire frame but it has here its representative ; and yet there is scarcely one of them in duplicate to spare. The eight leaves, then, preserve (in part) four distinct portions of Caxton's original printed Ordinale. These portions relate to parts of six distinct sets of years, as follows : (i) Littera Dominicalis Quartum D : beginning at the close of Septuagesima week, and ending at the fifth Sunday after Trinity (in July), a period of twenty-one weeks. (4/2 answers to the twenty-second among the thirty-five kalendars in De Morgan's stereotyped * Book of Almanacs.') (ii) Littera Dominicalis Sextum D : beginning with the Historia Peto Domine (i.e. the time when the Book of Tobit was read, in September), and reaching through the following Advent to the Octave of Epiphany in the year following, i.e. a year having Sunday Letter C. This fragment therefore gives rules for about seventeen weeks at a time of year quite distinct from that with which the previous fragment was concerned. (6D corres- ponds with the autumn and winter months at the end of either of the following almanacs in De Morgan's book, Nos. I, 8, 15, 22, or 29, and a fortnight in January of Almanacs 7, 14, 21, 28, or 35. And \E. is his kalendar No. 2.) (iii) Littera Dominicalis Tercium F : from Palm Sunday to the eighth Sunday after Trinity (in July) and resuming, as was usual in such a case, with the Octave of Epiphany in Quartum F., where, after only a few lines of the last named section, this fragment breaks off. This third piece of the book gives eighteen weeks of ^F. and one week for ^F. It thus corresponds, so far as it goes, with kalendars Nos. 17 and 24 in De Morgan. (iv) Littera Dominicalis Quintum F : from the third Sunday after Easter (12 May) to the sixth Sunday after Trinity (28 July) ; followed in due course by the opening weeks of Sextum F., which breaks off with the Historia Peto Domine in September. This fragment gives twelve weeks from $F. and seven weeks from 6F. The former of these answers to almanac No. 3 1 ; the latter is common to Nos. 3, 10, 17, 24, and 3 i,for the fall of the year. THE CAXTON FRAGMENTS. 99 In reprinting: We expand Caxton's abbreviations. Thus we represent his " resp feP pt'mittat' " by " responsorium feriale pretermittatur." Letters or words [enclosed] in square brackets are used to indicate passages where the margin is torn or worm-eaten. In such cases the text has been restored by conjecture based upon a comparison with the MS. ' Add. 25,456 ' in the British Museum and with the printed ' Directorium ' of 1495. We have introduced inverted commas to mark words from the services which Caxton's successors would have distin- guished by red letters or initials. ' Gasc* or ' Ga? is used in the notes to mark various readings derived from the abovementioned MS. which bears the name of Dr. Thomas Gascoigne, for whom it was written by John Raynton. (See the Intro- duction to this volume.) We proceed now to give the fragments in order, merely pre- fixing a few words of introduction or description in each case. (i.) The first of our Caxton fragments begins abruptly with a portion of a note appended to the week of Septuagesima. When the Golden Number is xvii, or ix or vi or i, and D the Sunday-letter, Sexagesima falls on Feb. i5th. The opening sentence, of which only the latter portion is preserved in this fragment, does not occur in this context in Maydeston's Directorium, which came out about ten years later from Caxton's press, but I suppose it agrees in substance with a rule which is preserved elsewhere in the form of a rubric in the Sarum Breviary (i. p. ccccxcviii) * Quodcunque autem festum Hi lectionum in hac ebdomada, vel in duabus sequentibus ebdomadis contigerit^ usque ad mi. feriam in Capite leiunii, totum servi- tium fiat de festo, et hoc cum nocturno, et nulla fiat memoria de feria. A quarta vero feria in capite Jejunii usque in crastinum octavaru?n Pasche, neque seruitium fiat de festo Hi lectionum neque memoria nisi ad vesper as et ad matutinas de sea Maria tantum, que precedet memoriam de sane to Spritu.' We may fairly supply the context from Gaseoigne's (or Raynton's) MS. as follows : [|[ Dominica in Septuagesima, tota cantetur historia. Feria v. et Sabbato de commemoracionibus. Feria ii. iiij. et vj. de feria, cum Responsorijs historic, et in vj. feria dicuntur Responsoria ferialia. Vbi fiunt iij commemoraciones, in ij. feria fiat vna commemoracio. Feria iij. de Sea Scholastica cum Nocturne, et sic in omnibus festis trium lectionum sine regimine chori vsque] ad capud ieium'i. . . H 2 ioo QUARTUM D. (i) [4D. in Septuagesima.] /ad 1 capud ieiunij Et a capite ieiunij vsque ad ad pascha [If. i a . nichil fiet de fest. iij. leccionum nisi tantum memoria. Ad vesperas et ad matutinas de sancta maria. f[ Dominica in Ix" de seruicio dominicali. Feria v. et sabbato de comemoracionibus Si fuerint 2 iij comemoraciones in iij feria fiat vna commemoracio. f[ Dominica in quinquagesima. de seruicio dominicali. et festum sancti Petri differatur in crastinum. Feria iij. de sancto Mathia et in sabbato dicantur responsoria ferialia. In anno bisextili fiat seruicium de sancto Mathia. in v. feria. et i[n iij] feria fiat comemoracio beate marie Et ab hac [die] vsque ad incepcionem historic 'In prin[cipio] ' Accipietur iij C. pro littera dominicali. et inchoe[tur ad] primam dominicam xl e . f[ Dominica prima xl e . de [seruicio] dominicali. et festum sancti Dauid differ[atur vsque ad] iij feriam. Feria ij. de sancto Cedda 2 ix [leccion. oracio &c.] 3 de communi vnius confessoris [et] pontificis. et [in vi. feria] dicantur responsoria ferialia. C [Dominica ij. quadragesime.] de seruicio [dominicali.] [in] iiij feria dicatur primum resp[onsorium feriale] et aliud [in sabbato.] cum responsorio. ' Fater peccaui.' [f[ Dominica iij. quadragesime. de seruicio] dominicali. in iiij feria [dicatur i. responsorium feriale. et alia] duo in v. feria. f[ [Dominica iiij. xl e . de seruicio dominicali. et] /in v [If. ib. feria dicatur responsorium feriale. fl[ Dominica in passione de seruicio dominicali, et festum sancti Ricardi differatur vsque ad translacionem eius. 4 et in iij feria 5 responsoria feriale. 6 pariter cantentur. f[ Dominica in Ramis palmarum de seruicio dominicali. Ad j s vesperas que erunt de dominica fiat solennis memoria de sancto Ambrosio. f[ In die pasche et per ebdomadam tantum 7 fiat de festo. et nichil de sanctis Tiburcio et Valeriano. 1 British Museum Case 40. 1. i. Cf. MS. Add. 25,456, If. 5i b , li. 10. 2 ' Si fueriwt ' : Caxton. The MS. of Gascoigne (Brit. Mus. Add. 25,456), written for him by J. Raynton, uniformly reads ' Vbi fiunt,' where Caxton prints this phrase aforesaid. 3 3 Cedda episcopo et confessore. ix lee. oracio & : Gasc. * eiusdem : Gasc. 5 iiij. feria : Ga. 6 responsoria ferialia : Ga. 7 totu;>z : Ga. (Italics are used to indicate letters which are part of an abbreviation in the Ray-iton-Gascoigne MS.) DOMINICA IN OCT. PAS CHE. 101 f[ Dominica in oct' pasche. totum fiat de oct et solennis memoria de resurreccione. nihil fiet de sancto Al[phego]. Feria ij vj de feria. responsoria de ij et iij ferijs. [Ferija iij et iiij de comemoracionibus. Si fuerint [iij. comem- oratiojnes. in vj feria. fiat vna comemoracio. [f[ Dominica prijma post octa pasche de seruicio dominicali [Ad j as vesperas que] erunt de festo. fiat solennis memoria de [dominica. et processio.] Feria ij. et iiij de feria. responsorium de [. . feria cum missa dominicalji. Feria v. et sabbato de comemoracionibus [Si fuejrint iij com[emoraciones] in iiij feria fiat vna [comem- oracio.] f[ Dominica ij. de Cruce. Ad j s vesperas [fiat solennis mem- oria] de martyribus de dominica et processio [Nulla fiat mem- oria in hac] die de resurreccione : Feria v [de sancto lohanne Beuer]laco. cum regimine chori [de communi vnius] Confessoris et pontificis. /Feria ij. et vj. de feria. responsoria de ij. et iiij. ferijs. [If. 2a. Feria iij. et sabbato de comemoracionibus Si fuerint iij. comemoraciones in hac ebdomada nichil fiet de iij. comemoracione Et tune in ij feria dicantur responsoria de iij feria. C Dominica iij. de seruicio dominicali. responsorium ' Si oblitus.' memoria de martyribus et de dominica. Feria. ij. iiij. et vj. de feria. responsoria de ij. iij. et iiij feria. Feria v. et sabbato. de comemoracionibus. Si f[ue]rint iij comemoraciones in vj feria fiat vna [comem- oracio.] Feria iij. de martyribus. Inuitatorium duplex et sic [in omnibus] festis. sine regimine chori vsque ad [octauam] diem corporis xpi. f[ Dominica iiij. de seruicio dominicali [&] memoria de resurreccione. 1 Feria ij. de ieiunio re[sponsorium ' Narrabo.'] Feria iiij. de vigilia responsoria ' ym[pnum cantate '] ' Deus canticum ' ' Dicant nunc.' [Si fuerint 2 iij] comemoraciones in ij. feria dicantur respon- soria de iij feria [et in iiij] feria dicatur responsorium ' Deduc ' cum duobus seq[uentibus et] responsorium ' Dicant nunc ' pre- termittatur. [C Dominica infra] octa. Ascensionis. de seruicio [octau- arum.] Feria [iij. de sancto Augustino.] 1 In laudibus omnes antiphone dicuntur : add. Ga. 2 \bi fiu;/t : Ga. 102 QUARTUM D. C In die Pentecostes [et per ebdomadam. totum de solen- nitate] festi. et nichil de [festis] ibi[dem contingentibus.] f[ In die sancte Trinit[atis totum fiat de festo.] Feria iiij. et sabbato. de [comemoracionibus.] [Si fuerint] /iij comemoraciones in ij feria fiat vna [If. 2b. comemoracio et memorie de sanctis. et de trinitate. Festum sancti Barnabe differatur in crastinum. Dominica prima post festum 1 sancte Trinitatis inchoetur historia ' Deus omnium ' et medie lecciones de corpore xpi. et memoria de sancto Basilio. que precedet memoriam de corpore xpi. Feria iiij et sabbato. de comemoracionibus. Si fuerint iij. [cojmemoraciones. in vj feria fiat vna comemo- racio. et memoria [de martjiribus. C Dominica ij. tota cantetur historia. Feria v [et] sabbato. de comemoracionibus. H Dominica iij de seruicio dominicali. [et] 2 medie lecciones de sancto Leone. ij e vespere erunt de [apostolis et m]emoria sub silencio de dominica. nulla fiat [memoria de sanc]to Johanne. Feria v. de festo loci, et [memoria de] sanctis. Feria vj de sancta Maria [et memoria] de Apostolis. Si fuerint iij comemoraciones [in iiij feria] fiat vna comemo- racio. et memoria de oct. [Apostolorum & d]e sancto Johanne. C Dominica iiij. de [seruicio dominicali memoria et] medie lecciones de Apostolis. Feria v [et sabbato de comemoracionibus.] Feria iiij dicitur primum responsorium feriale. [Si fuerint iij comemoracione]s in iiij feria fiat vna comemo- racio. [Dominica v. de Festo] Reliquiarum. et memoria sub [silencio de dominica et de Tri]nitate. Feria iij et sabbato 3 . . , The second portion here preserved of Caxton's Ordinale Sarum 1477-8 supplies us with a specimen of the pica, or order, for the latter part of the year for the letter D. This served in common for all the years which have this Sunday letter, although the Sunday upon which it begins to be applicable differs for different years, as will be readily understood. Thus in the following fragment of ' sextum D.' as it is called 1 post octauas : Ga. 2 et (' memoria ' struck ouf) et : Ga. 3 The sentence, doubtless, may be supplied from MS. 25,456 by the words * de commemoracionibus.' THE CAXTON FRAGMENTS. 103 The second Sunday 1 of the ' His-") tory ' Peto Domine (or lessons ' from the Book of Tobit) is fixed, whenever D is the Sunday letter, for 2oth Sept., which occurs in the several years for which it is applicable, as follows . . . .J The Sunday of the * History '^| Adonay (or lessons from Judith) I I is on 2yth Sept. for the Sunday f } letter D., t'.e J ^e ist Sunday of the c History '"I Adaperiat (or lessons from the I , Maccabees) 2 is on 4th October f ] for the Sunday letter D., i.e. . J The ist Sunday of the * History '" Vidi Dominum (or lessons from I Ezekiel) 3 is on ist November f for the Sunday letter D., i.e. .J for iD. on the xviii th Sunday after Trinity, for 2D. on the xvii th Sunday after Trinity. J for 30. on the xvi th Sunday after Trinity, for 4!). on the xv th Sunday after Trinity, for 5D. on the xiv th Sunday after Trinity. for iD. on the xix th Sunday after Trinity, for 2D. on the xviii th Sunday after Trinity, for 3D. on the xvii th Sunday after Trinity, for 4D. on the xvi th Sunday after Trinity, for 50. on the xv^'Sunday after Trinity. Tor i D. on the xx th ' Sunday after Trinity, for 2D. on the xix th Sunday after Trinity, for 3D. on the xviii th Sunday after Trinity, for 40. on the xvii th Sunday after Trinity, for 5D. on the xvi th Sunday after Trinity. for i D. on the xxiv th Sunday after Trinity, for 2D. on the xxiii ld Sunday after Trinity, for 30. on the xxii nd Sunday after Trinity, for 40. on the xxi sfc Sunday after Trinity. for 5D. on the xx th Sunday after w Trinity. 1 The first week of l Peto Domine ' is not wholly extant in the fragment. 2 The lessons from Maccabees last (under this Sunday letter) for four Sundays. 3 The lessons from Ezekiel last for four weeks, up till Advent. 104 SEXTUM D. for iD. on the i st Sunday in Ad- vent. for 2D. on the 1 st Sunday in Ad- vent. The ist Sunday of the ' History'"! Aspiciens (or the Advent lessons I J for 30. on the i st Sunday in Ad- from Isaiah) is on 29th Novem- f ] vent. her for the Sunday letter D.,i.e.J for 4D. on the i sfc Sunday in Ad- vent. for 50. on the i sfc Sunday in Ad- L vent. This fragment mccxlv, &c., &c.). In other words it contemplates a commemoration of St. Thomas of Canterbury, as also Caxton's Ordinale and Maydestone's Direc- torium do. REGULA DE HISTORIIS INCHOANDIS. /"D EGULA de omnibus historijs inchoandis de omnibus [fo. n. " Responsorijs fferialibus cantandis et de commemora- cionibus faciendis per totum annum tracta de ordinali Sarurn per vij tem litteras kalendarij 1 , Et quelibet littera per se diuiditur in sex partes et hoc propter festa mobilia et annos bisextiles. Ci Ideo in primis sciatis que sit littera dominicalis in anno iam presenti deinde numerum per quern luna currit in eodem anno, quibus cognitis accipite regulam immediate sequentem et querite eandem regulam, litteram dominicalem quousque inuenieritis, predictum numerum lunarem, et predictam litteram dominicalem simul stantes, quibus inuentis seruate modum regule illius cum eadem littera per totum ilium annum. PRIMUM A. xv. xiij. vij T ITTERA DOMINICALIS A. xviij kalendas Februarij *-' tota cantetur historia et memoria de sancto Mauro abbate, deinde de sancta Maria. Ad secundas vesperas fiat memoria de sancto Marcello martyre, deinde de sancta Maria. In laudibus omnes antiphone dicant[ur]. Feria secunda de sancto vsque ad missam que erit Omnis terra^ et memoria de festo. Feria sexta dicatur missa Adorate in capitulo. Feria tercia et quarta, de commemoracionibus, et memoria de sanctis, vbi fiunt tres commemoraciones in secunda feria fiat vna commemoracio, et memoria de festo. Missa Omnis terra in capitulo dicatur. Sabbato capitulum Confitebor. f[ Dominica in lxx a . tota cantetur historia et memoria de sancta Maria. Festum vero sancti Martini differatur in crastinum. In v. fe. t^ia ferialia pariter cantentur. Fe. vi. de sancto Juliano cum nocturne. Inuitatorium simplex, et sic de omnibus festis trium leccionum sine regimine chori vsque ad capud ieiunij. Et a capite ieiunij et vsque ad pascha nichil fiat de festis iii lee. nisi tantum memoria ad vesperas et ad missas de sancta Maria. Fe. iii. et sabbato de commemoracionibus. vbi fiunt tres commemoraciones in v. feria fiat vna commemoracio et I^ia ferialia pretermittantur. 1 ' kalendarij s' : Raynton. Cf. Brev. Sarum^ col. ccclxxvii -viii. 120 APPENDIX I. C Dominica in lx a . tota cantetur historia, Fe. iij. et sabbato de commemoracionibus, vbi fiunt iii. commemoraciones in ij. feria fiat vna commemoracio. d Dominica [in] K tota cantetur hist, et festum see Agathe differatur in crastinum. Cap. Confitebor. et fiat ibidem tune memoria de sanctis Vedasto et Amando. Fe. iij. de sancta Maria, et in sabb. dicatur J^. vij. historic cum duobus I^ijs ferialibus. C^ Dominica i. xl e . tota cantetur historia, et in iiij. feria et in sabbato cantetur ty. feriale. C[ Dominica ii. [xl e .] tota cantetur historia. Feria. v. cantetur primum I^ 7 . feriale, et aliud in Sabbato cum 1^. Pater peccaui. 1 Tamen in anno bisextili fiat seruicium de sancto Mathia in sabb. et ij m . 1% feriale in vj. fe. cantetur. et 1^. Pater peccaui} in sabbato in hoc anno omnino pretermittatur et tune ab hoc sabbato vsque ad incepcionem hist. In principio accipietur primum G. pro littera dominicali, et inchoetur ad terciam xl e dominicam nisi quando luna currit /per 2. tune accipietur secundum [fo. n b . A. pro primo A. C Dominica iij. xl e . tota cantetur historia. Fe. iiij. de sancto Dauid episcopo et conf. ix lee., totum de communi. Fe. v. de sancto Cedda episcopo et conf. ix lee. totum de communi. Fe. vj. cantetur primum R/. feriale, et alia duo in sabbato. fl Dominica iiij. xl e . tota cantetur historia. Fe. iiij. et sabb. cant. 1^7. feriale. f[ Dominica in passione tota cantetur historia, et festum sancti Gregorij differatur in crastinum. Ad ij s vesperas que erunt de ffesto fiat solennis memoria de dominica. In v. fe. cantetur viij. ty. historic cum duobus ferialibus. Festa vero sanctorum Edwardi, Cuthberti, et Benedicti differantur vsque in transla- cionem eorundem. C Dominica in ramis palmarum tota cantetur historia, et festum Annunciacionis beate Marie differatur vsque ad sextam feriam post oct' pasche. f[ In die Pasche, et per totam ebdorri. totum de solennitate festi. C Dominica in oct' pasche totum fiat de oct'. Ad primas ves- peras fiat processio ante crucem sine cruce. Ad matutinas fiat solennis memoria de resurreccione, et ad ij s vesp. fiat solennis memoria de sancto Ricardo, cum pleno seruicio in crastino, deinde de resurreccione. Fe. iiij. de fe. cum Y Surrexit Dominus vere^ et cum tyijs de ij a feria, et missa dominicalis. Fe. vj. de Annuncia- cione beate Marie. Fe. v. et sabb. de commemoracionibus vbi fiunt tres commemoraciones in iiij. fe. fiat vna commemoracio, et missa dominicalis in alia fe. ebdomade in capitulo dicatur. 1 J Inserted in lower margin. REGULA DE HISTORIIS INCHOANDIS. 121 f[ Dominica post oct* pasche de seruicio dominicali. ad primas vesperas fiat processio. Ad matutinas et ad ij s vesp. fiat memoria de resurreccione. Fe. vj. de sancto Tiburcio. Inuitatorium duplex, et sic in omnibus festis sine regimine chori vsque ad viij. diem Corporis Christi. Fe. ij. iij. et iiij. de feria, cum ^/ijs ferialibus suo ordine. Fe. v. et sabb. de commemoracionibus ; vbi fiunt iij. commemoraciones, in iij. fe. fiat vna commemoracio et iiij. fe. dicantur I^zia de iij. fe. C Dominica ij. de seruicio dominicali. ad primas vesperas fiat processio. Ad mat. et ad ij s vesperas fiat memoria de resurreccione. Fe. ij. v. et vj. de feria. tyia de ij. iij. et iiij. feria dicantur per ordinem. Fe. iij. et sabbato de commemora- cionibus, vbi fiunt tres commemoraciones in v. fe. fiat vna com. Et in vj. fe. dicatur Jf. Surrexit Dominus vere^ cum tyijs de iij. fe. C Dominica iij. de sancto Georgio, inferius duplex. Ad primas vesperas fiatsolennis memoria/de dominica, et processio ad [fo. 12. matutinas et ad ij s . vesperas fiat solennis memoria de dominica et de resurreccione. Fe. ij. et iiij. de dominica fe. [?] cum tyijs de ij. et iij. fe. Fe. v. et sabb. de commemoracionibus. Vbi fiunt tres commemoraciones in hac ebdomada nichill fiet de tercia com. et I^ia de iiij. fe. omnino pretermittantur. C Dominica iiij. de seruicio dominicali. Ad primas vesperas fiat processio. In laudibus omnes antiphone dicantur. et ad ij. vesperas, que erunt de apostolis, fiat solennis memoria de dominica et de resurreccione. Fe. ij. ad matutinas de apostolis, fiat in primis solennis memoria de (dominica) 1 Jeiunio, deindede resurreccione. Fe. iij. de sancta Maria. Missa dominicalis in processione dicatur. Fe. v. de Ascensione Domini. Ad primas vesperas fiat solennis memoria de cruce. f[ Dominica infra oct' Ascensionis, de sancto Johanne Beuer- laco cum Regimine chori. oracio et cetera de communi vnius confessoris et pontificis. Ad primas vesperas fiat memoria de apostolo, et de Ascensione. Sed nulla fiat memoria de dominica et nulla processio. Ad matutinas fiat memoria de dominica et de Ascensione. Fe. vj. de sancta Maria. [f[] In die Pentecost, et per ebdom. totum fiat de solennitate festi, et nichil in hoc anno de sancto Dunstano. f[ In die sancte Trinitatis totum fiat de festo. Fe. iij. et iiij. -de commemoracionibus. Vbi fiunt iij commemoraciones in ij. fe. fiat vna. Fe. v. de festo Corporis Christi, et festum sancti Aldelmi differatur usque in sabatum, et fiat memoria et medie lee. de oct', et nichil fiat de sancto Vrbano. Ad ij. vesperas sancti Augustini fiat solennis mem. de sancto Aldelmo, et de oct'. 1 ' dominica ' struck out. 122 APPENDIX I. C Dominica prima post festum sancte Trinitatis inchoetur hist. Ad primas vesperas, que erunt de sancto Aldelmo, fiat memoria de sancto Germano episcopo et confessore, deinde de Corpore Christi, de dominica et de Trinitate, et fiat processio ante crucem. Ad matutinas fiant medie lee. de sancto Germano. Fe. iij. et sab. de commemoracionibus. Vbi fiunt iij. comm. in ij. fe. fiat vna commemoracio. C Dominica ij. tota cantetur historia, et memoria de Trinitate, et fiat processio ante crucem. Fe. iiij. dicatur K/. primum feriale. Tamen vbi fiunt iij. commemoraciones et iiij. fe. fiat vna com- memoracio et tune omnia I^?ia ferialia pretermittantur. Fe. iij. et sabb. de commemoracionibus. C. Dominica iij. de sancto Barnaba apostolo. Ad primas vesperas et ad matutinas fiat memoria de dominica et de Trinitate, et processio. Ad ij. vesperas fiat memoria de marti- ribus, deinde de dominica. Fe. iij. et sabb. be commemoracion- ibus./ Vbi sunt iij. commemoraciones, in iiij. fe. fiat vna [fo. I2 b . commemoracio, et memoria de sancto Basilio episcopo et confessore. C Dominica iiij. de seruicio dom., memoria et medie lee. de martiribus. vj. 1^?. Hec est vera fraternitas. Fe. ij. et iiij. de com- memoracionibus. Fe. iij. de sancto Edwardo. ix lee. de alio festo. ^[ Dominica v. de seruicio dominicali, memoria et medie lee. de sancto Johanne. vj. J^?. Priusquam* Fe. iij. et sabb. de commemoracionibus. f[ Dominica vj. de seruicio dominicali. Ad primas vesperas de martiribus Processo et Martiniano, de sancto Swythuno- confessore, de oct', et de Trinitate ; et fiat processio. Ad matutinas fiant medie lee. de martiribus cum I^ijs de primo nocturno. Ad ij s vesperas fiat memoria de oct' apostolo rum cum pleno seruicio in crastino. Fe. iiij. et sabb. de commemora- cionibus. Vbi fiunt iij commemoraciones, in ij. fe. fiat vna. commemoracio et memoria de oct. f[ Dominica vij. de festo Reliquiarum, memoria sub silencia de dominica et de Trinitate ; sed nulla processio. Fe. iij. de sancto Benedicto ix lee. Fe. iiij. de fe. cum duobus vltimis I^ijs ferialibus, et cum missa dominicali. Fe. v. et vj. de commemora* cionibus. Vbi fiunt iij commemoraciones, in iiij. fe. fiat vna com- memoracio et missa dominicalis in capitulo dicatur, et omnia t^ia ferialia pretermittantur. f[ Dominica viij. de seruicio dominicali. Ad primas vesperas Ant. super Ps. Magnificat. Doleo 1 super te. ij s . vesp. fiat memoria. de sancto Kenelmo martire. Fe. iij. et iiij. de commemoracionibus. Vbi fiunt iij commemoraciones in ij. fe. fiat vna commemoracio, et memoria de festo. 1 * doleat ' written first, then struck out. REGULA DE HISTORIIS INCHOANDIS. I2J C Dominica ix. cle seruicio dominicali. Ad primas vesperas super Ps. Magnificat Ant. Rex autem Daitid. memoria de sancta Maria Magdalene, et memoria et medie lee. de sancto Appoli- nare martire. Fe. vj. et sabb. de commemoracionibus, et memoria de sanctis. Vbi fiunt iij. commemoraciones in v. fe, fiat vna commemoracio et memoria de martiribus. Ab hac die vsque ad incepcionem historic Domine ne in ira accipietur vj m . A. pro littera dominicali. [Here ij. A., iij. A., iiij. A. and v. A. intervene in the MS., fo. I2 b 22 a .] \Sexttim A. In principio. [fo. 22 b .. T ITTERA DOMINICALI A. iij kal' Augusti tota cantetur " historia. In laudibus omnes antiphone dicantur, et memoria tantum de martiribus. Feria vj. et sabbato de commemoracion- ibus. Vbi fiunt tres commemoraciones, in secunda feria fiat vna commemoracio, et responsoria ferialia pretermittantur. f[ Dominica ij. de seruicio dominicali et medie lee. de martir- ibus. J Fe. ij. et sabb. de commemoracionibus. Vbi fiunt iij commemoraciones in iij. fe. fiat vna commemoracio et memoria de martiribus. 1 fl[ Dominica iij. de sancto Ypolito, memoria de sancto Laur- encio, de dominica, de Trinitate, et processio, nisi aliqua domin- ica debeat difTerri : tune nulla fiat memoria de dominica, nee de Trinitate, nee processio. Ad matutinas fiant medie lee. de sancto Laurencio. vj. ty. O Ypolite? C Dominica iiij. de seruicio Oct., memoria de dominica, de Trinitate, et processio. Fe. vj.et sabb. de commemoracionibus. 3 C Dominica v. de seruicio dominicali et medie lee. de sancta Rufo. Secunde vespere erunt de festo sancti Augustini et solennis memoria de sancto Hermete, et de dominica. Fe. vj. de sancto Egidio, et medie lee. de sancto Sisto, cum y. et ^. de ij. nocturno vnius martiris. Fe. v. et sabb. de commemoracion- ibus. Vbi fiunt iij commemoraciones in iiij. fe. fiat vna commem- oracio et memoria de martiribus. T ITTERA DOMINICALI A. iij. Non. Septembris tota *-* cantetur hist. \Si bond\. In laudibus omnes ant. dicantur. Fe. iiij. et v. de commemoracionibus. Vbi fiunt iij commemora- ciones in iij. fe. fiat vna commemoracio et memoria de festo, et I^ia ferialia pretermittantur. 1 J The Sarum Breviary of 1531 has no commemorations this week on account of the feast of the Transfiguration which had been established by Callixtus III. in 1456. 2 There are no commemorations this week in consequence of the Assump- tion of the Blessed Virgin. 3 The octave of the Assumption and St. Bartholomew's Day preclude the observance of the ' third commemoration.' 124 APPENDIX I. C Dominica ij. de seruicio Oct'. iij. ty. Regale, vj. Natiuitas. ix. Ad nutum. Ad ij s vesperas fiat memoria de martiribus : deinde de dominica. 1 T ITTERA DOMINICALI A. viij. kalendas Octobris 2 tota " cantetur historia \Peto Domine']. et ty. feriale pretermittatur. Fe. ij. et v. de commemoracionibus. Vbi fiunt iij commemora- -ciones in iij. fe. fiat vna commemoriacio, et memoria de festo. T ITTERA DOMINICALI A. xvj. kal. Octob. 3 tota cantetur -* historia [Adonay] et memoria/ tantum de sancto [fo. 23. Lamberto. Fe. ij. et iij. de commemoracionibus et ^?. feriale in iiij. fe. dicatur : nichil de vigilia nisi tantum memoria ad missam de Jejunio. Sabb. de sancta Tecla, cum nocturno. vsque ad missam de Jeiunio. T ITTERA DOMINICALI A. Kal. Octob. Ad ijs vesp. dc " sancto Jeronimo fiat memoria sub silencio de sancto Meloro, de dominica, et de Trinitate: nulla processio. Ad matutinas tota cantetur historia \Adaperiaf\. et memoria tantum de sancto Meloro. In laudibus omnes antiphone dicantur, et festum sancti Remigij sociorumque eius differatur in crastinum, et ibi fiant medie lee. de sancto Leodegario. Fe. iiij. dicatur primum ty. feriale. Fe. v. et sabb. de commemoracionibus. Vbi fiunt iij commemoraciones in. iiij. fe. 4 fiat vna commemoracio. Notandum quod Epistola et Euangelium de iiij. fe. ebdo. xxiij 6 per estatem pertinent ad iiij. fe. in ebdo. xxvij. cum fuerit tempus prolixum. C Dominica ij. de seruicio dom. Fe. v. et sabb. de com- memoracionibus. Vbi fiunt iij. commemoraciones, in iiij. fe. 4 fiat vna commemoracio. C Dominica iij. de sancto Vulfranno. Fe. iij. et vj. de com- memoracionibus. Vbi fiunt iij commemoraciones inv. fe. fiat vna commemoracio, 5 et missa dominicalis in capitulo dicatur. {[ Dominica iiij. de seruicio dominicali. Fe. vj. dicitur secundum 1^7. feriale. Fe. iiij. de festo sanctorum Crispini et Crispiniani ix lee., iij prime lee. de propriis, iij medie lee. dc sancto Johanne Beuerlaco. de communi vnius conf. et pontificis : 1 No commemoration, on account of the Octave of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin. 2 The Breviary of 1 53 1 begins Peto Domine a week earlier (xv. kal. Octob.). 3 The Breviary of 1531 begins Adonay a week earlier (viii. kal. Octob.). 4 'feriaiij.' Brev. Sar. 1531. 5 Where the festum loci is observed the Breviary of 1531 places the first and second commemorations on Friday and Saturday, and omits the third. The kalendar of 1483 had not taken notice of the depositio Frideswidae on the Thursday, and had described the translatio S. Etheldrede as ' non Sarum.' REGULA DE HIS TORUS INCHOANDIS. 125: iij. vltime lee. de exposicione Euangelij Descendtns Jhs de monte, stetit in loco campestri. Fe. iij. de festo loci. Fe. v. de sancta Maria. Vbi fiunt iij. commemoraciones in ij. fe. fiat vna com- memoracio et memoria de festo. T ITTERA DOMINICALI A. iiij.-kal Nouembris tota. *-* cantetur historia [ Vidi Dominuni\. Ad primas vesperas,. que erunt de Apostolis, fiat memoria sub silencio de dominica et de Trinitate : nulla processio. Fe. vj. [de] sancta Wenefrida/ virgine et martire, ix. lee. de communi. Fe. ij. et sabb. [fo. 23 b . de commemoracionibus. 1 Dominica ij. de seruicio dominicali. Fe. iij. et vj. de com- memoracionibus Vbi fiunt iij. commemoraciones iiij a . vel in V a . fe. 2 fiat vna commemoracio. 1 Dominica iij. de seruicio dominicali. Ad primas vesperas. memoria de sancto Martino et de Trinitate. Ad matutinas fiant medie lee. de sancto Martino cum y. et I^ijs. de primo Nocturno. Fe. iij. et sabb. de commemoracionibus, et ty O* beatum virum pretermittatur. 3 Dominica iiij. de seruicio dominicali, memoria et medie lee. de sancto Lino martire. Ad primas vesperas super Ps. Magni- ficat Ant. Regnum Celorum. Oracio Excita quesumus. Ad mat. legatur exposicio Euangelii Cum subleuasset. ix. ty. Summe Trinitati. In laudibus omnes antiphone dicantur. Super Ps. Benedictus, Ant. Cum subleuasset. Ad missam Officium Dicit Dominus. Oracio Excita quesumus. Epistola Ecce dies veniunt. Euangelium Quum subleuasset. Si fuerint plures misse dominicales cantande : in ij. fe. cante- tur vna earum, et alia in vj. fe. pro missa de die. In ij. fe. I^ia. ferialia pariter cantentur. 4 Fe. iij. et sabb. de commemora- cionibus. Sabb. dicitur Gloria in excelsis cum versibus. Vbi fiunt iij. comm., in ij. fe. fiat vna commemoracio et tyia. ferialia pretermittantur. 4 Fe. vj. de seruicio Oct. et missa Salus populi. memoria de oct' nisi alique missa dominicalis fuerit ibidem celebranda. 1 ! Inserted in upper margin. (There is ' nihil de tertia commemoration e ' this week.) The Cambridge edition of the Sarum Breviary of 1531 gives. here (fasc. ii. p. mccclxii) * sexta feria et sabbato. 5 2 The Breviary of 1531 gives 'fe. iij. v. et vj.' 3 * nihil de tercia commemoracione ' this week. 4 4 The Breviary of 1531 gives this rule 'fe. iij. et sabbato' where there are two commemorations ' secundum usum Sarum ; in aliis, fe. vj. et sabbato J; to a fifth week of this * history,' with 'fe. ij. iij. et sabbato ' where there is a third commemoration. For the fourth week it has ' feria iij. et vj. (nihil de tertia commemoratione).' 126 APPENDIX I. T ITTERA DOMINICAL! ^A. iij. die Decembris tota *-* cant. hist. \Aspiciens\. Fe. ij. dicatur ty. Aspiciebam cum I^ijs. ferialibus, et missa Salus populi. Memoria de Oct. Fe iij. et sabb. de commemoracionibus. Vbi fiunt iij. commemo- raciones in ij. fe. fiat vna commemoracio, et f^ia. ferialia preter- mittantur. f[ Dominica ij. de seruicio Dominicali. Fe. vj. dicatur ty. feriale. Fe. iij. et sabb. de commemoracionibus. Vbi fiunt iij. commemoraciones, in ij. fe. fiat vna commemoracio. C Dominica iij. de seruicio dominicali et in hac ebdo. nulle fiant commemoraciones. Ad primas vesperas ty. Qui venturus. /super Ps. Magnificat. Ant. O sapiencia. Fe. ij. et. iij. [fo. 24. dicantur I^ia. dominicalia per ordinem. Fe. iiij. nichil fiat de vigilia, nisi tantum mem. Ad missam de Jejunio. f[ Dominica iiij. totum fiat seruicium de dominica vsque ad tercium Y. nocturni. Inuitatorium Hodie scietis. C Dominica infra Oct. Natiuitatis, de sancto Siluestro et medie lee de Natiuitate, cum y. et R/'ijs. de ij. nocturno. H Dominica infra Oct. Epiphanie de seruicio Oct. et memoria de martiribus Luciano sociorumque eius. Lit. Dom. B. xvij. Kal. Feb. . . . &c., &c. fo. I4 a , line 7 Sextum G, which ends on fo. 87 a . C Explicit pica de iijf ^ commemoracionibus^ quod G. fo. 8; b is blank. Then /Ista regula est breuiter compilata de Incepcione [fo. 88. Historic Deus omnium vbi Oct' Corporis Christi fiunt cum regimine chori, et due fiunt commemoraciones. Primum A. xvj. xiij. v. ij. QVANDO LVNA currit per xvj. xiij. v. ij. et littera domini- calis est A. tune xij mo Kalendas Junij erit festum Sancte Trinitatis. Et abhinc vsque ad Aduentum Domini erunt xxvij. dominice. Dominica prima post festum sancte Trinitatis totum fiat de Octauis Corporis Christi, et memoria tantum de sancto Germano, et ibidem tune differatur vna dominica. Fe. vj. et Sabb. de commemoracionibus. REGULA DE HISTORI1S INCHOANDIS. 127 This rule proceeds with the other Golden Numbers, Secundum A., Tercium A., &c., &c., through the five sets of each Sunday letter, ending at the foot of fo. 93 b with quintum G. Expliciunt : quod : Raynton : J. folios 94 a TO3 a are occupied with the collection of Rubrice verissime de Ordinali Sarum excerpte dedicated to Dr. Thomas G[ascoigne], on whose instance they were collected by J. Raynton, and called Crede michi. NOTE ON ST. OSMUND AND THE 'ORDINALE.' The following extracts will show how St. Osmund's name has been connected with the Sarum Ordinale and Custom-Book. (i.) Ex litteris sane venerabilis fratris nostri [Ric. le Poer] episcopi, et capituli Sarum, intelleximus, &c. . . Sicque honestavit ipsum [Osmundum] Dominus in laboribus suis, et compleuit labores illius, quod eius Instituta adhuc pro maiori parte Anglicana Ecclesia imitatur. Letter of Pope Gregory IX. (Assisi, 30 May, 1228) to the Bishops of Bath and Coventry. Osmund Reg. ii. p. 88. (ii.) Tenor verborum Cronice Cestrencis de prefato Osmundo mensionem faciens talis est : Hoc anno id est A.D. 1077 Hermannus primus episcopus Sarisburiensis obijt. Cui successit Osmundus Regis Cancellarius ,xxiiij. annis. qui ecclesiam novam ibidem construxit, clericos insignes tarn litteris quam cantu aggregavit. Ita ut ipsemet episcopus libros scribere, ligare. et illuminare non fastidiret. Hie quoque composuit librum ordinalem quern consuetudinarium vocant, quo fere mine tota Anglia, Wallia, utitur, et Hibernia ; dictavit etiam vitam sancti Aldelmi. Miscellanea et Statuta quoad Sarum fo. 3O a , 3O b - See the above sentences in J. Bromton (p. 977) and H. de Knigh ton's Chronicle, book ii. and compare Ra. Higden's Poly- cJironicon vii. 3. (iii.) Testimony of John Golde, chaplain of the Free Chapel in Sarum Castle : ' ex dictis et relatibus parentum ac maiorum et seniorum suorum fidedignorum.' 128 APPENDIX L " Composuit insuper idem Osmundus vsum divini officij ipsius ecclesie Sarum, per quern vsum fere omnes ecclesie regni Anglie gubernantur : et ordinauit in eadem ecclesia plura bona et laudabilia consuetudines et statuta. (Miscell. et Stat. fo. 3i a .) (iv.) Consilium dni Pauli de Pontauis, scilicet de Ordinali Sarum. ' Qui erudiunt plurimos ad iusticiam, erunt quasi stelle in per- petuas eternitates ' Daniel, xij. et hie vir sanctus Osmundus librum ordinalem diuinorum officiorum constituit, quo fere tota Anglia, Scotia, et Hibernia vtitur, vnde eidem illud aptatur Ambrosij. * Quicquid in sancta hac plebe potest esse virtutis et gracie, de hoc enim quasi de quodam puritatis fonte manauit.' (Miscell. et Stat. fo. 31*, 3 ib.) (v.) As a specimen of the later Chronicles we may cite Raphael Holinshed, on William the Conqueror. ' In this kings daies also liued Osmond the second bishop of Salisburie, who compiled the church seruice, which in times past they commonlie called after Salisburie vse.' Chronicles ; 1587, iii. p. I5 b - The length of time (more than 200 years) which was allowed to elapse between Bp. Poore's application to Rome for Osmund's canonization and its actual accomplishment may account for the development of the tradition which attributes to his authorship not only the * Instituta ' but ' the church service, called after Salisburie vse.' However, I am convinced that we still have to look for the text of some Sarum Ordinale, distinct at once from Bp. Poore's tractatus, or Custom-Book, and likewise from the thirty-rive-fold Ordinalia, whether the * shorter ordinal,' or the shortest Regula de historiis. There must (I feel sure) have existed, and there may (I think) still exist, a ' true Ordinal ' of Sarum use ; such a book that is, as Bp Grandisson adapted for Exeter early in the fourteenth century. APPENDIX II. THE REGULA DE VII. HISTORIIS, THE PICA DE ADVENTU, ETC. FROM AN EARLY PRINTED COPY OF THE SARUM BREVIARY. (VENICE, 1483.) MAYDESTOXE. K The following- account of the Sarum Breviary of 1483 appears in one of HENRY BRADSHAW'S small note-books, written about 26 January, 1866 : Breviarium Sarum Venetiis 1483. 8. Mark at the foot ' B.' at the head ' Inventaire B. 6325.' abcdefghi (not signed) k (not signed) Imnopqrst f u J ^- ; 164 leaves,. 2 columns, 40 even lines, si a 2 b 3 a 4 b 5 a 6 b 7 a 8 b have not received any red printing. i blank 2 a (signed a ij) i64 b , Temporale^ complete, u 5 is signed u v ; otherwise, the sheets are only signed bed &c. on the first leaf of each. + f , 8 leaves, I blank ; 2 a ~7 b kalendar ; 8 blank. On the recto of i a is written 1520. So far in Tom. I. Page i a bearing marks of being next the boards 2* having C-I4 remaining of our [Cambridge Univ. Library] mark, the last page of the volume is quite clean. ABCDEF | ; 48 leaves. Psalter and Litanies. aa bb cc dd ee ff gg hh ij kk (signed k) 11 (not signed) mm nn oo pp qq | rr (5 signed rr v) -^- ; 140 leaves. aa i aa -qq i ba li 33 Proprium scorum; qq i ba u 34 -rr ab li 30 Commune scorum li 31, 32, blank: Ii33> Explicit breuiarium secundu5 ordine saru magna diligentia Venetijs impressum per magi stru5 Reynaldu5 de noui ma- gio alamanum . Anno do mi- nice incarnationis . M.cccc. Ixxxiii. x. kalen. Octobris. Deo gratias. Ii b -i2 a : Registrum huius operis. I2 b blank. In the Registrum no account is taken of the kalendar which comes before A. The first page of Tom. 2 is clean the last bears marks of the boards. Early in the xvi th century . . . [c. as quoted^. 135-6.] So much for Dr. Combe's conscience. THE REGULA DE VII. HISTORIIS, THE PICA DE ADVENTU, ETC. BEING A 'PYE OF ONE AND TWO COMMEMORATIONS/ FROM AN EARLY PRINTED COPY OF THE SARUM BREVIARY. Venice, 1483. PRELIMINARY NOTE. IT should be observed that the following rules de Historiis are part of a ' Pye of one and two commemorations,' to serve (that is) at once ubi non agitur de festo loci (as at Salisbury Cathedral), and likewise ubi agitur de festo loci, as in the majority of churches, viz,, those with a dedi- cation other than that of the Blessed Virgin Mary. The reader will see at once that this rule was drawn up before the time when a weekly commemoration of St. Thomas of Canterbury, the martyr, had been introduced ; in other words, these regulations belong to the period when the Cathedral Church of Salisbury had only a single weekly commemoration, that of the Blessed Virgin, and no other church had more than two. He will be surprised to notice how sparingly any commemoration at all is noted for the weeks covered by these rules either in the sections devoted to Salisbury and to other Churches which like it were dedi- cated in honour of St. Mary (" ubi non agitur de festo loci "), or in the other sections suited to the majority of parochial and other churches which owned some other dedication (ubi agitur de festo loci). I must leave it to the reader not only to investigate the causes such as may have occasioned the omission of commemorations in certain cases (where whole weeks appear to have been left entirely devoid of them), but also to discover, if it be possible, the reasons which assigned to the particular day or days in each week such commemorations as do occur. The following rules may be thus summarized so far as they concern the weekly commemorations ; but it must be borne in mind that these supplied only one portion of their raison d'etre.^ The silence, therefore, of these rules about commemorations in any week does not prove conclusively that there was none in the week in question. The sections corresponding to the several ' histories ' of the latter portion of the summer half year when lessons at mattins were read from 1 See pp. 119, 166. Brev. Sarum, I. ccclxxvii. K 2 132 APPENDIX II. various Old Testament books, may be indicated by numerals as follows : i In principio (Wisdom). 2 Si bona (Job). 3 Peto Domine (Tobit). 4 Adonay (Judith). 5 Adaperiat (Maccabees). 6 Vidi Dominum (Ezekiel). Weekly Commemorations. Historia. Sunday Letter. At Salisbury. Elsewhere. DE BEATA MARIA. DE FESTO Loci. i. C Thursday 1 [? Thursday] [? Wednesday] 2. F ? Thursday Tuesday 3- A Tuesday Tuesday Monday B Monday Monday none C \none none ' noneY D Thursday Thursday none E Thursday Thursday [none] F Tuesday Tuesday none , G Tuesday Tuesday none 4- A Thursday Thursday Monday B Wednesday Wednesday Tuesday C Tuesday 3 Saturday Tuesday D Monday ? Saturday ? Monday E F [Saturday] [Saturday] Saturday Saturday Thursday Tuesday G Friday Friday Monday 6. A G A G [Saturday] [Saturday] [Saturday) [Thursday] [Saturday] [Thursday] ON THE FEAST OF THE DEDICATION OF SALISBURY CATHEDRAL. In other churches dedicated in honour of St. Mary, her com- memoration will be on Saturday, Oct. 2nd, but at Salisbury itself on Tuesday, Sept. 28th, because the octave of the anniversary of the Dedication of the Cathedral Church in that place would have begun by October. Such is the rule on p. 145, lit. C. As we have observed already of the Feast of Relicks at Salisbury (p. 72 n.), so also there is a difficulty about fixing the date of the dedication day. The altar of the Ever Blessed Trinity and All Saints, in what in modern times would be called the pro-cathedral, now the 1 This is Thursday in \htfourth week of ' In principle] viz., August 26th. 2 2 See Brev. Sarum, 1531 (ed. Cantab.) fasc. i. p. mccxci. ' nulle fiant commemorationes] probably on account of the Octave of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin, and the Ember days. 3 See next section. SALISBURY DEDICATION* 133 Lady Chapel, was dedicated on Sept. 28th, I225- 1 The feast of the Dedication of the Church, after the high altar was built, is (naturally) not mentioned in the Custom Book of Bishop Ri. Poore, although in later revisions of it there are some incidental references to the festival, in capp. 19, 21. It is somewhat strange that most kalendars of Sarum Use do not record the actual Festum Dedicationis, although the service- books abundantly testify to the fact of its celebration. Fortunately, however, there is at least a single exception. In the calendar of a MS. Sarum Processionale of the fifteenth century, now in the Chapter Library, Salisbury (No. 148), under Sept. 3oth, after * Sci Jeronimi ' is written ' Dedicatio ecclesie cathedralis Sarum.' 2 Whytford also, in the Syon Martiloge (1526) fo. cviii., informs us that 'the dedicacion of the chirche of Salisbury ' was observed on Sept. 3oth, following (as Mr. Dewick tells us) the latin Martirologium of his House (now Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 22,285). O n tne other hand a manuscript, Lives of English Saints, in the Cambridge University Library (Add. 3041), assigned by Mr. Jenkinson to Nicholas Roscarrock (about 1600), has in the kalendar prefixed to it New Salisburie church. Sept. 2oth, 1258. And this is the date given by Rich. Jones (Fasti Sarisb., p. 89). A tablet noticed by Leland says that the church was begun April 29th, 1219 (rather April 28th, 1220), and finished March 25th, 1260. A rubric in the Sarum Breviary, i. p. mcxcvii., indicates the date some- what mysteriously when it tells how in the year of our Lord 1383 (littera dominicali i D.) the feast of St. Jerome was translated (from Sept. 3oth), to (or on) the morrow of the octave of the dedication of the church of Salisbury, which, if the MS. Processionale is correct, would mean October 8th. 3 The rubric from the Breviary is of special interest as a 1 'Quarto igitur kal. Octob. [28 Sept. 1225] scilicet in Vigilia sancti Michaelis, qui quidem fuit dies dominicus [lit. dom. E.] venit [Ric. le Poer] episcopus Sarum mane, et dedicauit in noua basilica tria altaria.' Osmundi Regist. fo. 66 a . The later dedication, 1258, iij. kal. Oct. (30 Sept.). Flores Historiarum, iii. 249. 2 The Salisbury Processionale (MS. 148) was written about 1445, i n Clement Maydestone's life time. 3 The passage in the Sarum rubric runs thus : " Similiter extra chorum Sarum, ubi dicitur seruitium [semel] in ebdomada de festo loci, potest alia missa dominicalis differri infra octauas Corporis Christi, dicendo in crastino octauarum de festo loci, vel vltima ebdomada dicendo de feriali seruitio in vj. feria cum oratione precedentis dominice, et missa de Cruce. f[ Cum autem xxvij dominice fuerint, et littera dominicalis D, tune vna missa dominicalis infra octauas Assumptionis, et altera infra octauas Dedicationis ecclesie Sarum differatur, vt videlicet si festum sancti Hieronymi [30 Sept.] sit in crastino octauarum Dedicationis translatum, quod fuit Anno Domini M.ccc.lxxxiij." This probably implies that St. Jerome's Day was postponed till Thursday, October 8th, when it would not interfere with the Dedication Octaves cum regimine chori, ending Oct. 7. See below, p. 145, notes 4, 5. If Salisbury dedication were on Sept. 2oth, the morrow of its octave would be the 28th, which could hardly affect St. Jerome's day. If on the 22nd, its octave would be Michaelmas Day, which might conceivably displace St. Jerome, a lesser double. But if on the 3oth, D is Octob. 4. Mr. Owen in his Sanctorale Catholicum, p. 393, gives September 28th for the dedication day of the Cathedral of ' St. Peter' at Salisbury, 1258, on the authority of ' Sarum Martvr.' This, however, must be due to an oversight. 134 . APPENDIX II. landmark in the history of that service-book, because the case to which it refers (iD.) occurred only in the years 1136, 1383, 1478 and 1573. We may safely then date the Rubrica Magna, or at least this portion of it, between 1383-1478. The passage about '///. dom. D.' is not found in the Sarum porti- forium, P.., printed by J. le Blanc for Merlin, Paris, 1557. It is con- tained however in part in the book printed for Aberdeen in 1510, only the words * ecdesie Sarum .... mccc.lxxxiii.' are naturally omitted and the paragraph ends, with the page, * alter a infra octa dedicacio. differ -tur? The 28th was the day of the dedication of the altar at the extreme east in 1225. The Directorium (1495) nas two notes near Trinity Sunday, under 2 D. (where there are xxvi. Sundays after Trinity), as follows : * Vna sola dominica differatur per estatem. Scilicet infra octa. Assumptionis beate Marie' (viz., Aug. i6th, lit. dom. D.). And, 'Tamen hie potest bene vna dominica differri. nisi vbi Dedicacio Ecclesie in dominica contigerit.' But under i Z>., where there are xxvii. Sundays, the rule is, * Due Dominice per estatem differantur. Vna infra octa. Corporis Christi, et alia infra oct. beate Marie ' (/.*., on May 24th, and Sept. 1 3th). Clement Maydeston has told us that the rule about the dedi- cation occurring on a Sunday refers really only to Salisbury itself. (See above, pp. 1 25-133), so that we are precluded from supposing that the exception noted in the Directorium related only to other churches. Hence we may conclude that at Salisbury the feast fell upon letter D. in September in Clement Maydeston's time. And this would fit Sept. 2oth (the Vigil of St. Matthew) the date given in the Cambridge MS. (Add. 3041) mentioned above. On the other hand it is impossible to doubt such an authority as the Kalendar of the Canons' Processionale at Salisbury, which places the Feast ten days later (littera G), and thus we are driven to suppose that the date of the Dedication Festival, as well as that of the feast of Relicks was, upon some occasion, altered. The date given in the MS. Processionale is further established by some rules for the ' historia Adonay ' under the Sunday Letters C and >, in a fourteenth century MS. Sarum Breviary now at Peterhouse, Cambridge. " Responsorium feriale non dicatur in choro Sarum quia in iij. feria [28 Sept.] fiat commem. beate Marie ibidem propter Oct. Dedica- cionis ecclesie Sarum, que sunt cum regimine chori. Sed alibi dicatur [B^. feriale] in iij. feria." This implies that Saturday, October 2nd, would be a day within the Dedication Octave cum regimine chori. Again, " Lit. Dom. D. v. Kal. Octob. tota cantetur historia. R^ feriale non dicatur in choro Sarum, et feria ii. [28 Sept.] fiat commem. beate Marie ibidem, propter octa. dedicacionis ecclesie Sar. Sed alibi dicatur in ij. feria." This implies that at Salisbury, Saturday, October 3rd, would be a day within the Dedication Octave cum regimine chori. Therefore at that date the Dedication Festival may have been September 3oth, and cannot have been September 2oth. It is noticeable also that the portos of 1519 in the pie for Adonay ', lit. Dom. Z), gives only two commemorations, Monday and Saturday, and omits that on Friday, October 2nd. However, to serve for Salisbury, it ought to have omitted the Saturday as well. SARUM BREVIARY, 1483. 135 In 1536 the ist Sunday in October was by Convocation appointed to be kept in place of any other Dedication Feast throughout the realm. 1 And this was ratified by the King's first Injunctions, No. i. The ' Commemoration of Founders, Benefactors, and Worthies of the Cathedral Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary of Salisbury ' is now observed annually on the Tuesday after All Saints' Day. ALTHOUGH the well known short pie was not introduced into our breviaries until 1 501, and was still treated as a supplement as late as 1507, I find that the earliest complete copy of any printed edition 2 contains a rule of the same character, which it describes in such terms as may, perhaps, be taken to imply that it was a new composition at the end of the I5th century. Early in the i8th century, Thomas Baker, the famous anti- quary and socius eiectus of St. John's College, Cambridge, made some notes on a fly-leaf in his copy of W. de Worde's Sarum portiforium, pars estivaiis^ 1 509 (now in the library of that Col- lege, T. 8. 25), specifying the Mozarabic missal and breviary of 1500 and 1502, as * Two scarce Books, and hard to be met with.' He notes also, ' Breviarium secundum ordinem Sarum magna diligentia Venetiis impressum per Magistrum Reynaldum de nouiomagio Alamannum. anno Dom. Incarn: MCCCCLXXXIII. x. Kal: Oct. Membran: 8 VO in Bibliotheca publica Cant : Class: C : 14 : 31. W ch I take to be the first edition of this Breviary.' At some subsequent time this vellum breviary of 1483 was stolen from the Cambridge University Library : and having passed into the hands of Count de MacCarthy, it found its way (by purchase, about 1825) into the great library at Paris, where, re- bound in two volumes, it is, ' Velins 1685, et 1686.' In 1866, HENRY BRADSHAW discovered what other searchers had in vain tried to find, namely, the clue to its identity, and was thus enabled to enter in his note book, " Sarum Breviary, Venice, 1483. Leaf 2a has C. 14 remaining of our mark . . . Early in the i6th century some one has written on the last page of text 1 A uniform Dedication Day (3 Oct.) had been appointed for London and the suburbs as early as 1523, Wilkins Cone. iii. 702. 2 Fragments of an earlier edition of the Sarum Breviary (? Cologne, 1475) are preserved at Cambridge, B.N.C. Oxford, and Lincoln. A specimen in facsimile of one of these fragments (from the Commune Apostoloruin temporis Paschalis) is given by Mr. E. Gordon Duff, in Early Printed Books, 1893, opposite p. 127. The Breviary was a quarto printed in two columns, with thirty-one lines to the column, and was possibly printed for Caxton, or produced through his means. Mr. Jenkinson assures me that the type occurs in no book, so far as he knows, that can be certainly ascribed to a particular printer. 136 APPENDIX II. 'Vae tibi qui rapida librum furabere palma, Nam videt antitonans cuncta futura deus.' So much for Dr. Combe's conscience." 1 As we have irretrievably lost the original, it is with the greater pleasure that I offer the Society a fairly full description of the volume with such extracts as either belong to our present subject, or, like the rubrica degraciis, relate to Bradshaw's favourite studies. We are fortunate in having a transcript of the title, and a brief description of the two volumes from the eminent author of Histoire du Breviaire Remain, the Abbe P. Batiffol, DoctL. Also M. Samuel Berger, whose labours on the text of the Sacred Scriptures are likewise highly appreciated in this country, has very kindly undertaken the work of transcribing such portions as I desired, with some assistance from M. Cesar Meyer. Breviarium Sarum. Venetiis. Reynald. de Noviomagio, 1483. Edition en ,lettres de somme (gothiques) avec signatures, sur 2 cols, de 40 lig. chacune ; cont. 357 f. Les 6 premiers (derniers par le faute du relieur) 2 renferment le calendrier. Tome I. sig. a-v. Le 7 e commence au recto : premiere col. par ce sommaire en rouge. ^In nomine sancte et indiui due Trinitatis. Amen. Inci- pit ordo Breviarii : secundum morem et consuetudinem Ec- clesie Sarum : Anglicane. Dominica pri An. sup. ps. fe- ma in aduen ria[le]s Bfidic- tu dfii ad v[e]s[peras] tus. C'est le temporel ; immediatement a la suite du temporel, 1'office de la dedicace. A la suite de 1'office de la dedicace, rubriques. Sciendum est quod per totum annum solet fieri seruitium in choro de festo loci [ut in ed. Brev. Sarum Cantab, fasc. i. pp. Ixii-lxix, paucis omissis.] Quotienscunquefuerint nouem lectionesper totum annum dicuntur [vide infra., p. 140] iste sex benedictiones . . . [ibid., fasc. ii., col. 459.] Summa in Anglia. Versus de S. Maria [vide infra, p. 140]. Regula de Historiis [vide infra, p. 140]. Hie incipit pica de adventu Domini scilicet Aspiciens [vide infra, p. 148]. 1 Memoir of Henry Bradshaiv, by G. W. Prothero, p. 102, cf. p. 267. For Charles Combe, M.D., see Bradshaw's Collected Papers, p. 93, note. 2 Mr. Jenkinson suggests that when the book was in a single volume it ran in this order (as is common in service-books of English use) Temporale^ Kalendar, Psalter, Sanctorale, and when the French binder divided it into two volumes the kalendar came at the end of vol. I., but still in its nattiral order. SARUM BREVIARY, 1483. 137" Hec sunt festa duplicia principalia in ecclesia Sarum. [concordat cum Brev. 1531, ii. p. 463.] Hec sunt festa maiora duplicia, &c. \sicut ibidem, festis saltern novis ' Visitationis ' et ' Nominis Jesu ' non memoratis]. Hec sunt festa minora duplicia, &c. \deest ' Transfiguratio ']. Hec sunt festa inferiora duplicia. \niJiil dicitur de S. Jacobo Ap. &c. usque de S. Georgio M.] Hec sunt festa cum regimine chori secundum usum Sarum. Solet autem chorus regi omni die dominica et in omni duplici festo : et in omni festo ix. lectionum per totum annum, et a primis uesperis Natiuitatis Domini usque ad octa. Epiphanie, et in ipsis octauis : nisi in uigilia Epiphanie cum extra dominicam euenerit : et quottidie per hebdomadam pasche et penthe. et in quibusdam festis iij. lectionum in tempore pasche, in his. scilicet Sancti Ricardi episcopi Vitalis Johannis ante portam latinam Johannis beuerlaci Dunstani Adelmi Augustini anglorum apostoli Edwardi (leg. Edmundi) archiepiscopi, et Barnabe apostoli. Quotidie per oct. et in oct. Ascentionis Domini Assumptionis, et Nat. B. Marie : et in singulis commemorationibus eorundem per totum annum : et quotidie per octa. et in octa. dedicationis ecclesie ubi per estatem,. uel tempore paschali contigerit. et in octa. Corporis Christi : et Apostolorum Petri et Pauli et cetera. Rubrica de gratiis dicendis tarn ad cenam quam ad prandium per totum annum, &c. [vide infra, p. 152]. A lxx ma usque ad octa. pasche. et tribus hebdomadibus ante festum sancti lohannis baptiste. Et ab aduentu Domini usque ad epiphaniam nuptias celebrare non oportet quod si factum fuerit, separentur. xxxiiij. [legendum videtur, ' xxxiij.'] q. iiij. non sed adde. c. capellanus extra, de ferijs. 1 1 In Cap. 4, ' Capellanus tuusj in Decret. Greg. lib. I. lit. 9, ' De feriis.' Clement III. explains that the 'three weeks' before St. John Baptist's Day, in which the Canon prohibits the celebration of marriages, end with the 7th day of Whitsuntide which has no octave. The rubric in the text is cited almost verbatim from the Canon Law (ex concilio Ilerdensi), Decreti 2 da pars., causa 33, quaest. 4, cap. 10. So Lyndewood Provincial, iii. 16. D? decimis. Gloss on the words <" nubenthcm solenniis] I. 138 APPENDIX IT. Sex nonas maius octobris iunius et mars Quatuor. et reliqui tenet idus quilibet octo. 1 Kalendarium : sans titre. Les ff. ne sont pas numerates. Jours egyptiens du calendrier, qui est relie a la fin : En tete, lani prima dies et septimafine timetur. en bas, Si ton. mense ianuarij, ventoe validos et abundantiam frugum et bellum significat. FeVrier : Quarta subit mortem : prosternit tercia fortem. [&c. sicut in kalendario Brev. A.D. 1531.] In kalendario Brev. Sarisburiensis A.D. 1483, adduntur nomina quaedam, viz. Sci. Antonij abbatis. 17 Jan. S. Bernardini. 20 May. Sci. Antonini patauini. 12 Jim. (loco SS. Basilidis, &c.). SS. Processi et Martiniani. 2 Jul. Sci. Rochi. i6Aug. Sci. Vilfridi non Sarum. 12 Oct. Sci. Bolderanni epi et conf. 2 1 5 Oct. Desideranturvero haec novafesta. &c. Transl. S. Nicholai. 9 Mai. Basilidis Cirini &c. 12 Jun. Festum Visitationis. Jul. 2 9. Transl. S. Osmundi. 16 Jul. Fest. Transfigurationis. 6 Aug. Dulcissimi Nominis lesu. Aug. 7 14. Ordinatio S. Gregorii. 3 Sept. Leodegarii. 2 Oct. Frideswide. 19 Oct. Transl. S. Erkenwaldi, synodale. 14 Nov. Depositio S. Osmundi. 4 Dec. Et ad Octob. xvii. de festo S. Etheldredae dicit, " sed non Sarum." Tome II. sig. A Y. Incipit ordo psalterii se cundum ritum et consiietudinem Ecclesie Sarum. Anglicane. 1 This rule, serving for a memotia technica, occurs in a rather more intelli- gible form in the compottis at the end of the later editions of the Sarum Manuale (1523-55). |[ Quot nonas, idus, et kalendas. Sex Mayus nonas, October, lulius, et Mars : Quattuor et reliqui : tenet idus quilibet octo. Inde dies reliquos omnes die esse kalendas. 9 Possibly a mistake for * Volfranni,' or ' Wulfranni.' SARUM BREVIARY, 1483. 139 Inuitatorium. Preoccupemus faciem dfii. Et in psalmis iubi lemus ei. Hymnus. . . C'est le psautier dispose selons les heures canoniques et les jours de la semaine. II se termine par les litanies feriales, avec les saints du nord de la France et les saints anglais. sig. aa rr. Incipit proprium sanctorum. In vigilia sancti A ndree apostoli ad i. v[espera\s. super p\salmo\s feri- ales an. Unus ex duobus. . . C'est le sanctoral. II prend fin au fol. 99. Explicit proprium sanctorum Sar. Notandum est quod quecunque sit dominica propinquior ante vel post fes turn sci Andree. Le commun de saints suit le propre, sans distinction et sans titre. Les premiers mots sont : In natali unius apostoli siue unius evangeliste uel plurimorum .apostolorum paschalis temporis. Fin (avant la souscription) Proxime eius afferentur tibi. Oratio ut supra. (sans commun d'une matron.) Au recto du fol. avant dernier, immediatement a la suite du commun des vierges : 2 e col. Explicit breuiarium secundu ordine Saru magna diligentia Venetijs impressum per magi- stru Reynaldu de noui ma- gio alamanum. Anno domi- nice incarnationis. M.cccc. Ixxxiii. x. kalen. Octobris Deo gratias. Le verso du fol. avant dernier et le recto du dernier contient : Registrum huius operis. Pas d'accentuation pour la prononciation du latin, \JAccentuarius n'y-est pas. Pas d'offices miscellan. ni d'extraits du missel. L'office de la Vierge n'est pas donne" in extenso, mais il est marque immediatement a la suite du i er dimanche de I'Avent, dans le temporel : Deinde dicuntur mat. de sea Maria sine no[taj. Et sciendum est quod per totum annum dicuntur vespere et matutine de sea Maria statim post mat. Suit I'indication des psaumes, les legons, etc. 140 APPENDIX //. De meme a la suite de 1'office de la vierge ci-dessus, est marque 1'office des defunts : Dictis autem vesperis de sea Maria dicuntur vigilie mortuorum^ an. Placebo. . . mais sans les legons, ni les repons, qui sont donnes in extenso a 1'office du 2 novembre du sanctoral. Tome II. cahier rr. v. 3 e feuillet apres les benedictions. Summa in anglia de ecclesiis preter abbatias et prioratus et capelf xlv. mill. xj. Summa uillarum preter ciuitates et castra. Ixij. mill. viij. Summa feodorum militum Ix.milU xv. Unde et religiosi habent xxviij. mill' et octo feod*. Tome I. cahier v. v. Isti uersus de sancta Maria. Virgo parens uixit sexaginta tribus annis Quatuor atque decem fuit in partu benedicta Et triginta tribus cum nato vixerat eius. Sexque decem sola, postquam Deus astra petiuit [Regula de hystoriis] Tome I. [(i.) Nihil dicitur hie de prima historia, scilicet Deus omniuml\ [ii.] Dominica prima post quinto kal. augusti semper inci- pienda est hysteria In principio. Et notandum est quod inuenta est una regula que deseruit ad inueniendam hystoriam a mense augusti usque ad aduentum domini : et quando incipienda est cum memoria propter aliquod festum duplex impediens : et quando tota hystoria cantabitur : et quando responsorium feriale dicetur : et quando dicendum est de sancta maria : et quando de festo loci : et quando aliquod festum nouem lectionum differetur in crastinum vel in secundam feriam propter inchoationem hystorie. J Regula de historia In principio. Ubi non agitur de festo loci 2 per hebdomadam sed solum modo de sancta maria ut in ecclesiis dedicatis in honore sancte marie. 2 Littera dominicalis^. iij. kalen. augusti tota cantetur hystoria in prima dominica : et memoria tantum de sanctis martyribus 3 abdon et senen. 4 et responsorium feriale in sexta feria post festum sancti bartholomei cantetur. 4 Littera dominicalis B. ij. kalend' augusti inchoetur hystoria et 2 memoria et 2 medie lectiones fiant 3 de sancto germano : et re- 1 Here the Pie in the Peterhouse MS. Sarum Breviary (Sec. xiv.) = " P." begins. 2 2 omit. P. * omit. P. 4 4 Responsoria ferialia feria vi. post festum s. Bartholomei cantentur : P. REGULA DE VII HISTORIIS. 141 sponsorium de secundo nocturne Mominice hystorie in 1 sexta feria post festum sancti bartholomei cantetur, et responsorium ferial' in crastino sancti egidii cantetur. Littera dominicalis C. kalen. augusti inchoetur hystoria cum memoria tantum. et in sequenti dominica tota cantetur hystoria. et memoria tantum de sanctis fiat 1 : et in crastino sancti bartho- lomei cantetur responsorium ferial' et in quinta feria sequenti 2 fiat commemoratio beate marie. Littera dominicalis D. [iiii.] nonas augusti [' in i. dominica ' P.] tota cantetur hystoria : et memoria tantum de sancto stephano. et responsor' ferial' in crastino sancti bartholomei cantentur. Littera dominicalis E. iii. no. augusti inchoetur hystoria. et festum novem lectionum differatur 1 in crastinum. 1 et responsor* ferial' in tertia feria post festum bartholomei cantentur. Littera dominicalis F. [ii.] no. augusti tota cantetur hystoria : et responsoria ferialia in secunda feria post festum sancti bartho- iomei cantentur. Littera dominicalis G. [iiii.] kalen. augusti inchoetur hystoria et medie lectiones de sanctis fiant. *et in 1 ultima dominica tota cantetur hystoria et responsoria ferialia omnino 1 omittantur. Alia regula J est ista s[aticet\ l de eadem hystoria ^In principio} Incipienda, ubi agitur tarn 1 de festo loci semel in hebdomada 3 quam etiam 3 de sancta maria. Littera dominicalis A. iii. kalen. augusti tota cantetur hystoria in prima dominica. et memoria tantum de sanctis Abdon et Sennen : et responsorium ferial' pretermittatur. Littera dominicalis B. ii. kalen. augusti tota cantetur hystoria et memoria tantum de sancto germano et 1 responsoriumf ferial post festum sancti bartholomei cantentur. Littera dominicalis C. kalend. augusti inchoetur hystoria cum memoria tantum : et in sequenti dominica tota cantetur hystoria : et memoria tantum de sanctis, et responsor' ferial' preter- mittatur. Littera dominicalis D. iiii. non. augusti tota cantetur historia et 1 in i. do. memoria tantum de s. stephano et 1 responsorium 4 ferial' pretermittatur. 5 Littera dominicalis E. iii. non. augusti inchoetur 6 hystoria. et festum ix. lee. differatur in crastinum et responsorium 4 ferial' post festum sancti bartholomei cantentur. Littera dominicalis F. [ii.] non. augusti inchoetur hystoria, et responsorium 4 ferial' pretermittatur. 5 1 omit. P. 2 sequenti ti 1483. 3 3 sicut : P. 4 responsoria : P. 5 pretermittantur : P. tota cantetur : P. 142 APPENDIX II. Littera dominicalis G. iiii. kalen. augusti inchoetur hystoria, et medie lectiones de sanctis fiant, et in ultima dominica tota can- tetur hystoria, et 1 responsorium 2 ferial' pretermittatur. 3 ['In mense Septembri recitabuntur singulis annis he tres historic, scilicet. Si bona. Peto Domine. et Adonay. Sed Si bona semper per quindecim dies durat. Adonay semper per octo. Peto Domine vero non singulis annis .xv. dies, neque octo. sed aliquando xv. aliquando octo dies durat.' P.~\ [(iii.) ' Regula de historia Si bona. incipienda, ubi non agitur de festo loci, ut supra.' P.] Dom. 4 i. post v. kal. illo anno Septembris incipiatur hyst. Si bona. Littera dom. A. [iii.] non. Septembris tota cant. hyst. et ty feriale in 4 crastino s. Bertini abbatis 5 cantetur. J Et ista regula intelligitur ubi non agitur de festo loci. 1 Lit. dom. B. ii 6 non. Sept. tota cant. hyst. et festum differatur si fuerit cum ix. lee. et 1^. ferial' in 7 crastino s. Bertini abbatis vel in 7 iiii. fe. cantentur. Lit. dom. C. iiii. kal. Sept. inchoetur hyst. cum memo., et in sequenti do. tota cant, hyst., [et] memo, tantum de festo. et ty. ferial' in 5 crastino s. Bertini abbatis 5 cantentur. Lit. dom. D. iii. kal. Sept. inchoetur hyst, et medie lee. de sanctis fiant. 1 et in ii. do. tota cant, hyst., et ty. feriale pretermit- tatur. 8 Lit. dom. E. ii. kal. Sept. tota cant, hyst., et memo, tantum de s. Cuthburga, 9 et ty. feriale in J iii. et 1 iiii. feria cantetur. Lit. dom. F. kal. Sept. tota cant, hyst., et 10 festum s. Egidii abbatis differatur in crastinum et tune festum habebit exposi- 1 omit. P. - responsoria : P. 3 pretermittantur : P. 4 Compare here the Caxton fragment (1477) If. 8 a . p. 113. Having printed thus far as a specimen of the first edition of the Sarum Breviary (1483), letter for letter (only inserting a few additions, in brackets, from the Peterhouse MS.), we shall for the remainder make use sometimes of the following abbreviations : cant. = cantetur. commem. = commemoratio do. = dominica dom. = dominicalis fe. = feria hist. hyst. = historia lit. = littera mat. = matutine memo. = memoria I^Z., I^zia. = responsorium, ria. s. = sanctus. sabb. = sabbato y. = versiculus lec. =. lectiones 5 s vjgiiia n at' beate Marie : P. 6 pridie : P. ' 7 omit. P. 8 in vigilia nat. beate Marie cantetur. : P. 9 cathburga : 1483. 10 10 memo, tantum de s. Prisco, et fest. s. Egidii difif. in crast. : P. REGULA DE VII HIS TORUS. 143, tionem evangelii : et in ipsa do. fiat tantum memo, de s. Frisco- et 10 1^. feriale in vi. fe. 1 cantetur. Lit. dom. G. iiii. no Sept in 2 prima do. tota cantatur hyst,. et 3 in sexta fe. sequente ty. ferialia cantentur. 3 Alia regula de predicta hysteria scilicet 4 Ubi agitur tarn 2 de festo loci 2 quam de s. Maria. 2 Lit dom. A. iii. no Sept. tota cant hyst., et 5 tyia. ferialia pretermittantur ubi in quarta feria dicitur de festo loci. 5 Lit. dom. B. ii. 6 no Sept. tota cant hyst. et festum differatur si 7 sit festum 7 cum ix. lee. et 8 J^ia. ferialia non dicuntur ubi in iii. fe. dicitur de festo loci. 8 Lit dom. C. iiii. kal. Sept inchoetur hyst cum memo., et in sequenti do. tota cantetur hyst. et memo, tantum de 9 sancto et I^ia. ferialia pretermittantur. 9 Lit dom. D. 10 [iii. kal. Sept, hyst inchoetur, et memo, et medie lee. de sanctis, et in sequenti do. tota cant, hyst., et J^. feriale in vigilia beate Marie cantetur. Lit. dom. .] w ii. kal. Sept tota cant hyst., et memo, [tantumj de s. Cuthburga et tyia, ferialia in iii. fe. et in iii. fe. cantentur. Lit. dom. F. kal. Sept. tota cant, hyst, et memo, [tantum] de s. Frisco, sed 11 festum s. Egidii differatur 12 nisi ubi fuerit duplex festum, tune 12 hyst. cum memo, inchoetur, et in ii. fe. [et in] vi. [et in] sabbato 13 tota cant, hyst [Fe. iii. fiat commem. de festo loci] et [in] 13 v. fe. fiat commemoratio b. Marie [et] memo, de s. Bertino. Lit dom. G. iiii. no Sept. [et in] prima do. tota cant hyst, et 14 tyia ferialia pretermittantur ubi dicitur de festo loci tantum. 14 [* Regula de historia Peto Due, ubi non agitur de festo loci.' P.] [iiij.] 15 Dominica prima post iii. Idus Septembris semper in- cipienda est hystoria scilicet. Peto domine Lit dom. A. xv. kalen. Octobris inchoanda est 16 hyst., et medie lectiones de s. Lamberto, et iii. fe. fiat commem. de s. Maria,. in sabbato : P. - omit. P. et !. feriale cantetur in vi. fe. sequenti. : P. de eadem hist, inchoanda : P. 5 I^Z. fer. in v. fe. cantetur. : P. 6 pridie : P. 7 fuerit : P. 8 8 ^. fer. in iiii. fe. cantetur. : P. 9 festo et 1^. fer. in vigilia beate Marie cantetur. : P. 10 Lit. Dom, E. manque dans le texte du breV. 1483. n et : P. - 12 in ii. feriam. ^?. fer. in sabbato cantetur. Ubi vero festum s. Egidii fuerit duplex : P. omit. P. H 14 j^ feriale cant, in vi. fe. sequenti. : P. p. IB inchoetur : P. 144 APPENDIX II. *et ista regula tenet ubi non agitur de festo loci et 1 2 tyia ferialia non dicentur. 2 In sabbato [matutine] de s. Tecla erunt 3 et missa de quattuor temporibus. Lit. dom. B. xiiii. kalen. Octob. tota cant. hyst. In 3 ii. fe. fiat commem. de s. 4 Maria, et in sabbato 5 cantentur tyia ferialia. 5 Lit. dom. C. 6 ii. id. Sept. 6 tota cantetur hyst. et in vi. fe. 5 tyia ferialia cantentur. 5 Lit. dom. D. idus Septembris hyst. inchoetur cum memo., et in v. fe. fiat commem. b. Marie, et in ii. do. tota cantetur hyst., et in vi. fe. 7 ty. feriale cantetur. Lit. dom. E. xviii. kal. Octob. inchoetur hyst. cum memo., et in [' iiii. fe.' P.] vi. fe. et in sabb. cantentur J^ia de hyst. cum ty. feriali, et in v. fe. fiat commem. b. Marie, et fest. s. Lamberti eo anno omnino pretermittatur. Lit. dom. F. xvii. kal. Octob. hyst. 8 inchoetur cum memo., 8 et in iii. fe. fiat commem. beate Marie, et memo, de s. Lamberto, et in iiii. et in v. et in vi. feria cantetur ty. 9 de hyst. cum J^iis ferialibus. 10 Lit. dom. G. xvi. kal. Octob. hyst. inchoetur 11 et memo., tantum de ss. Luciano et Eufemief et fest. s. Edithe differatur usque 12 in crastinum et fe. iii. fiat commem. b. Marie, et in v. fe. cantetur 1^. feriale. Alia regula est ista de eadem hyst. incipienda ubi agitur tarn de festo loci quam etiam de s. Maria. Lit. dom. A. xv. kal. Octob. tota cantetur hyst. et memo, tantum 12 de s. Lamberto et 12 fe. ii. fiat commem. de festo loci, et fe. iii. commem. beate Marie, et ty. feriale in iiii. fe. cantetur [in i. nocturno hystorie]. et in sabb. [fiant] mat. de s. Tecla, et missa de quattuor temporibus. Lit. dom. B. xiiii. kal. Octob. tota cant, hyst., et in ii. fe. fiat commem. beate Marie, sed nulla 13 fiat commem. de festo loci, 13 et 12 in sabb. cantetur 1^. feriale. Lit. dom. C. xiii. kal. Octob. 14 tota cant. hyst. et in vi. fe. tyia ferialia cantentur et in v. fe. fiat commem. de festo loci et mem. tantum de s. Tecla. 14 Lit. dom. D. Idus Septembris inchoetur hyst. cum memo., et in v. fe. fiat commem. beate Marie et [memo, de s. Lamberto. Nulla fiat commem. de sancto loci in ilia ebdomada, et] in ii. dominica J l omit. P. - inchoetur: P. 3 omit. P. 4 beate: P. 5 5 c. f. feriale. : P. 6 6 xiii. kalen. Octob. : 1483, perperam. 7 .v. fe. : P. 8 - cum meo. inchoetur : P. 9 cantentur !. : P. 10 f. feriali. : P. tota cant, hist : P. 12 omit. P. 13 commem. de festo loci fiat : P. 14 u histo. cum memo, inchoetur et in sequenti do. tota cant, hist., et in ii. fe. proxima ^?. feriale dicetur. : P, REGULA DE VII HISTORIIS. 145 tota cant, hyst., et I^ia ferialia, 1 ubi agitur de festo loci, preter- mittantur. 1 Lit. dom. E. xviii. kal. Octob. hyst. cum memo, inchoetur, et in iiii. fe. et in vi. fe. et in sabb. Ria de hyst. cantentur cum 1^. feriali. et v. fe. fiat commem. b. Marie, et fest. s. Lamberti eo anno [omnino] pretermittatur. Lit. dom. F. xvii. kalendas Octobris hyst. inchoetur cum mem., et in iii. fe. fiat commem. beate Marie, et in iiii. fe. v. et vi. cantentur ^7ia de hyst. cum ty. feriali. [' Nulla commem. de sancto loci in hac ebdomada fiat.' P.] Lit. dom. G. xvi. kal. Octob. inchoetur hyst et memo tantum de [sanctis] Luciano et Eufemief et festum s. Edithe differatur in crastinum, et fiant medie lee. de s. Lamberto, et in iii. fe. fiat commem. beate Marie, et v. fe. ty. feriale cantetur [' et nulla commem. de sancto loci in hac ebdomada fiat.' P.]. [' Regula de hystoria Adonay, ubi non agitur de festo loci.' P.~] [v.] 2 Dominica prima post xii. kalen. Octobris semper incipiatur hystoria Adonay? Lit. dom. A. viii. kal. Octob. tota cant, hyst., et ty. feriale non dicitur. [' Fe. v. fiat commem. beate Marie.' P.] 2 Et ista regula intelligitur ubi agitur non de festo loci sed solummodo de sancta Maria. 2 Lit. dom. B. vii. kal. Octob. tota cant, hyst., et memo, tantum de s. Firmino episcopo. 3 J^. feriale non dicetur. [' In iiii. fe. fiat commem. beate Marie.' P.] Lit. dom. C. vi. kal. Octob. tota cantetur hyst., et 4 mem. tantum de sanctis Cypriani et lustinef. ty. feriale non. dicetur. 4 Lit. dom. JD. 5 v. kal. Octob. tota cant, hyst., et memo, [tantum] de sanctis Cosmef et Damiano martyribus et ^7. feriale non dicetur [* in choro Sarum. et feria ii. fiat commem. beate Marie ibidem, propter Oct. dedicacionis ecclesie Sarum. Sed alibi dicatur (ty feriale) in ii. fe.' P.] Lit. dom. E. xi. kal. Octob. inchoetur hyst. cum. memo., et in iii. iiii. et vi. feriis cantentur f^?ia de hyst. cum 1^7. feriali, et 6 fes- tum iii. lectionum in his feriis contingens omnino pretermittatur. 6 1 l fer. pretermittatur, ubi dicitur de sancto loci. : P. 2 2 omit. P. 3 omit. P. 4 4 medie lee. de sanctis ibidem contingentibus. !. feriale non dicatur in choro Sarum, quia in iii. fe. fiat commem. beate Marie ibidem propter octauas. Dedicacionis ecclesie Sarum, que sunt cum regimine chori. Sed alibi dicatur [Sf feriale] in iii. fe. : P. 5 Compare with this the second Caxton fragment (1477), p. 104. 6 6 festa in hiis feriis contingencia omnino pretermittantur. : P. Saturday Octob. 2nd (or 3rd, sub lit. dom. D.} would fall within the Octave of Salisbury Dedication Feast (Sept. 3o-Octob. 7) and would therefore not be available for the plenum servitium de beata Maria. MAYDESTONE. L 146 APPENDIX II. Lit dom. F. x. kal. Octob. tota cant, hyst, et festum differatur in crastinum, et memo, de s. Tecla, et in iii. fe. dicetur ty. feriale. Lit. dom. G. ix. kal. Octob. tota cant, hyst, et memo [tantum] de s. Tecla, et in ii. fe. R?. feriale dicetur, et in vi. fe. dicitur commem. beate Marie. Alters, regula 1 est ista de inceptione hyst. Adonay. ubi agitur tarn de festo loci quam et de sancta Maria. 1 Lit. dom. A. viii. kal. Octob. tota cantetur hyst. [et ? ii. fe. et iiii. fe. fiat commem.] et 1%. feriale non dicetur. 2 [Lit. dom. B. vii. kal. Octob. tota cant, hyst, et memo, [tantum] de s. Firmino episcopo [et iii. fe. et iiii. fient commem.] et 1^. feriale non dicetur. 2 Lit. dom. C. vi. kal. Octob. tota cant hyst. et memo de sanctis et R?. feriale non dicetur. Lit. dom. D. v. kal. Octob. tota cant, hyst et memo, de sanctis Cosmef et Dami[ano] et ty. feriale non dicetur ubi agitur de festo loci. Lit. dom. E. xi. kal. Octob. inchoetur hyst. cum memo, et iii. et iiii. et vi. fe. ty. de historia : cum 1^. feriali 3 cantentur, et festa in his feriis contingentia omnino pretermittantur. Et in v..fe. fiat commem. de festo loci : et in sabb. de s. Maria. Lit. dom. F. x. kal. Octob. tota cant hist., et festum [sancti Mauricii, &c.] differatur in crastinum, et fiat memo, tantum de s. Tecla. Et in iii. fe. fiat commem. de festo loci : et [ideo] }$. feriale non dicetur. Lit. dom. G. ix. kal. Octob. 4 tota cant. hyst. et memo, tantum de s. Tecla, et in ii. fe. fiat commem. de festo loci, et in vi. fe. fiat commem. beate Marie et ty. feriale non dicetur. [' Regula de historia Adaperiat incipienda, ubi agitur de festo loci, vel ubi non.' P.] [vi.] Dominica prima post v. kalend. Octobris semper incipia- tur hystoria Adaperiat. Lit dom. A. kal. Octob. tota cantetur hyst., et memo, [tantum] de s. Meloro. Festum vero 5 sanctorum differatur in crastinum, et fient 6 medie lectiones de s. Leodegario, et 5 in eadem hebdomada cantetur unum ty. feriale : et aliud in iii. vel. iiii. hebdomada cantetur. 1 l de eadem historia incipienda, ubi agitur de festo loci. : P. 2 2 Lit. dom. C. manque dans le texte (1483). 3 responsoria ferialia : 1483. 4 octrobris : Brev. 1483. 6 omit. P. fiant : P. REGULA. DE Vll HISTORIIS. 147 Lit. dom. B. vi. no. Octob. inchoetur hyst., et 1 medie lee. de s. Leodegario, et 1^7. de ii. nocturne in eadem hebdomada cant. [' Et ^. ferialia in iii. vel in iiii. ebdomada divisim cantentur. 1 P.\ Lit. dom. C.v. no. Octob. tota cantetur hist. Et I^ia ferialia in iii. et in iiii. hebdomada divisim cantentur. Lit. dom. D. iiii. no. Octob. tota cant, hist., et tyia ferialia in iii. et in iiii. hebdomada divisim cantentur. Lit. dom. E. iiii. kal. Octob. tota cant, hist, et tyia ferialia in iii. et in iiii. hebdomada divisim cantentur. Lit. dom. F. iii. kal. Octob. inchoetur hyst. cum memo., et in iiii. dominica tota cant, hist, et in iiii. hebdomada I^ia ferialia cantentur. Lit dom. G. pridie kal. Octob. hist, cum mem. inchoetur, et 1 I^7ia de i. nocturne et [de] ii. [nocturno] in eadem hebdomada canten- tur., et in iii. et in iiii. hebdomada I^ia ferialia divisim cantentur *Et hec regula tenet in ista historia et in sequenti hist, ubi agitur de festo loci semel in hebdomada: vel non et sic non indiget ut dividetur. 1 [' Regula de historia Vidi Dominum incipienda ubi non agitur de festo loci, ut supra.' P.] [vij.] 1 Dominica prima post v. kal. Novembris semper inchoa- bitur historia. Vidi Dominum} Littera dominicalis A iiil kal. Novemb. tota cant. hist. : et in eadem hebdomada unum 2 J^. feriale : et ali^d in v. hebdomada cantentur. Lit. dom. B. iii. 3 kal. Novemb. inchoetur 4 hyst. : et vi. fe. [proxima] sequente tyia ferialia pariter cantentur. Lit. dom. C. ii. kal. Novemb. inchoetur hist, et medie lee. de s. Quintino, et in proxima dominica tota cant. hyst. : et ^. feriale pretermittatur. 5 Lit. dom. D. kalend. Novembris hyst. cum memo, inchoetur : et in duabus 6 feriis per hebdomadam ty. de i. ii. et iii. nocturno [cantentur] cum uno ty. feriali : et aliz/d [1^?. feriale] in crastino octa. sci. Martini 7 ubi agitur de festo loci. E^. de iii. nocturno non dicuntur in hac hebdomada. et tune J^?ia ferialia pretermittan- tur. 7 Lit dom. E. iiii. no. Novemb. inchoetur hyst. et medie lee. de martyribus fiant 8 : et Commemoratio Animarum differatur [in crastinum]. 9 et 1^7. ferial, in iii. iiii. et vi. fe. divisim cantentur. 9 _ p. 2 primum : P. 3 i. : 1483. 4 tota cantetur : P. 6 ^?. ferialia pretermittantur : P. 6 tribus : P. " r cantetur. 8 omit. P. 9 9 1%. ferial' in vi. fe. pariter cantentur. : P. L 2 I 4 8 APPENDIX II. Lit dom. F. iii. no. Novemb. tota cant, hyst, et in eadem hebdomada ty. feriale cantetur 1 Lit. dom. G. ii. no. Novemb. tota cant, hyst: et in eadem hebdomada cantetur primum 2 ty. feriale : et aliud in iiii. hebdomada cant [Here the Peterhouse MS. Breviary (sec. xiv). adds another rule : Alia regula de eadem historia (sc. Vidi Diini) incipienda ubi agitur de festo loci, ut supra. Lit dom. A. tota cantetur histo., et in eadem ebdomada cant ty. primum feriale, et aliud in v. ebdomada cant Lit dom. B. tota cant hist, in proxima vi. fe. cant, unum ty. feriale, et aliud in ii. fe. ebdomade sequentis. Lit dom. C. histo. inchoetur, et medie lee. de s. Quintino, et proxima dominica tota cant hist. ty. ferialia pretermittantur. Lit. dom. D. hist, cum memo, inchoetur, et in duabus feriis per ebdomadam I^7ia de i. nocturne et ii. cantentur, et non plura. ubi agitur de festo loci tyia ferialia omnino pretermittantur. Lit. dom. j\ inchoetur histo., et medie lee. de martyribus. commem. Animarum differatur in crastinum. I^ia ferialia omnino pretermittantur. Lit dom. F. tota cant histo. et in eadem ebdomada I^7ia ferialia cantentur. Lit dom. G. tota cant histo., et in eadem ebdomada cant unum ty. feriale, et aliud in iiii. ebdomada cantetur.] Et sic plenarie patet per regulam predictam de hystoriis predictis et de earum per totum annum inceptionibus. [viij.] Hie incipit pica de Adventu Domini scilicet Aspiciens. Et notandum est semper, quod incipienda est predicta hystoria post festum Lini videlicet in proxima dominica post predictum festum in hunc modum. Littera dominicalis A. ii. no. Decembris tota cantetur hystoria et responsoria ferialia in iii. feria cantentur. Ubi non dicitur de festo loci : Sed ubi dicitur de festo, ibi responsoria ferialia in ii. feria cantentur, et fiat commemoratio de festo loci in < iii. feria, et sabbato de sancta Maria. 1 !. ferialia cantentur. : P. 2 unum : P. PICA DE ADVENTU DNI, 1483. 149 Dominica secunda tota cant, hyst., et tyia ferialia v. fe. canten- tur, ubi non dicitur de festo loci. Sed ubi dicitur de festo loci in iii. feria dicatur, et in sabb. de s. Maria. Dominica iii. tota cant. hyst. : et tune in ii. et iii. feria canten- tur I^ia de hyst. dominicali. iiii. fe. et vi. fe. et sabb. de quatuor temporibus dicuntur : et habent propria tyia. : et tune nulla fiat commem. de festo loci nee de s. Maria in ilia hebdomada. Dominica iiii. tota cant. hyst. dominicalis usque ad y. iii. nocturni qui erit Constantes estate. Ante pronunciationem evangelii. deinde omnia ut prenotatum est in ordinali. 1 Lit. dom. B. v. kal. Decembris tota cant. hyst. et tyia ferialia in vi. fe. cantentur et fiat commem. de festo loci v. fe., et sabb. de s. Maria. Do. ii. tota cant hyst. et tyia ferialia dicuntur in vi. fe. et fiat commem. de festo loci in ii. fe., et sabb. de s. Maria. Do. iii. tota cant. hyst. : et tune iv. et vi. fe. et sabb. dicuntur de quatuor temporibus. et habent propria I^7ia. nulla fiat commem. de festo loci nee de s. Maria hac hebdomada. Do. iiii. tota cant. hyst. : et nullum habet ty. feriale : et fiat commem. de festo loci. fe. v., et fe. vi. de s. Maria. C. lit. dom. iiii. kal. Decemb. tota cant. hyst. : et tyia ferialia vi. fe. cantentur : et fiat commem. de festo loci. v. fe., et sabb. de s. Maria. Do. ii. tota cant. hyst. et I^ia ferialia vi. fe. cantentur : et fiat commem. de festo loci fe. v., et sabb. de s. Maria. Do. iii. tota cant. hyst. : et in iii. et iiii. feriis dicuntur I^ia de hist. dom. : iiii. vi. et sabb. dicuntur de quatuor temporibus. nulla fiat commem. de festo loci : nee etiam de s. Maria hac hebdomada. Do. iiii. tota cant. hyst. et nullum habet ty. feriale : et fiat commem. de festo loci iiii. fe., et v. fe. de s. Maria. D. lit. dom. 2 iii. kal. Decembris tota cant. hyst. et I^ia ferialia dicuntur vi. fe. ubi dicitur de festo loci : Sed ubi non dicitur de festo loci, ibi ty. feriale v. fe. cant., sed ubi fiat commem. de festo loci v. fe., et sabb. de s. Maria. Do. ii. tota cant. hyst. et festum s. Nicolai difTeratur in cras- 1 This may possibly refer to Caxton's Ordinale, printed in or about 1477, but it seems more probable that the directions to which reference is here made were contained only in the MSS. Ordinalia. If the person who directed the printing of the Breviary in 1483 had been acquainted with Caxton's work it seems hardly probable that he would have remained content to print this old fashioned pye of one and two commemorations, instead of the more modern two and three commemorations which Raynton, May- deston and Caxton gave. 2 Compare with this section the Caxton fragment given above, p. 106. 150 , APPENDIX IL tinum : et tune [nichil] fiet de oct. nisi tantum memo.," et I^ia ferialia v. fe. dicuntur ubi non agitur de festo loci : Sed ubi dicitur de festo loci J^?ia ferialia iiii. fe. dicuntur : quia fiet commem. de festo loci v. fe., et sabb. de s. Maria. Do. iii. tota cant, hyst : et festum s. Lucie differatur in cras- tinum : et iii. [et] v. feriis dicuntur tyia de hyst. dom., et iiii. et vi. et sabb. de quatuor temporibus dicuntur. nulla fiat commem. de festo loci nee de s. Maria hac hebdo- mada. Do. iiii. tota cant. hyst. et nullum habet ty. feriale : sed fiet commem. de festo loci iii. fe., et iiii. fe. de s. Maria. E. lit. dom. ii. kal. Decemb. tota cant. hyst. : et festum s. Andree differatur in crastinum : licet fuerit duplex festum : et ty. feriale iiii. dicatur fe., et fiat commem. de festo loci iii. fe., et vi. fe. de s. Maria. Dominica ii. tota cant. hyst. : et tantum mem. de oct. s. Andree. et dicitur missa de oct. in capitulo. et ty. feriale iiii. fe. cant, et fiat commem. de festo loci in v. fe., et vi. fe. de s. Maria. Do. iii. tota cant, hyst., et iiii. vi. et sabbato 1 de iiii. temporibus dicuntur : et nulla fiat commem. de festo loci : nee de s. Maria. Do. iiii. tota cant. hyst. : et festum s. Thome differatur in crastinum : licet duplex festum fuerit. nullum 1^. feriale dicetur, neque fiet commem. de festo loci : sed tantum de s. Maria et hie dicetur fe. iii. F. lit. dom. kal. Decemb. tota cant. hyst. : et tune in sabb. precedent! dicuntur vespere de Aduentu : et tantum memo, de s. Andrea: et R/ia ferialia dicuntur iiii. fe., et v. fe. fiat commem. de festo loci : et in sabb. de s. Maria. Do. ii. tota cant. hyst. : et festum conceptionis beate virginis differatur in crastinum, licet sit duplex festum : et I^ia ferialia vi. fe. dicuntur. et iii. fe. fiat commem. de festo loci, et sabb. de s. Maria. Do. iii. tota cant. hyst. iiii. vi. etf de quattuor temporibus : et sabb. de s. Thoma apostolo. nulla fiat commem. de festo loci : nee etiam de s. Maria. Do. iiii. tota cant. hyst. : sed nullum habet ty. feriale. et tune fiat commem. de s. Maria, videlicet in ii. fe. G. lit. dom. iiii. no. Decemb. tota cant, hyst, et T^ia ferialia iiii. fe. cantentur : et fiat commem. de festo loci ii. fe., et iii. de s. Maria. Do. ii. tota cant, hyst, et I^ia ferialia vi. fe. dicuntur: ubi dicitur de festo loci : 1 'sabbatis' 1483. DE HYSTORIIS, 1483. 151 sed ubi non dicitur de festo loci, ibi ty. ferial' vi. fe. dicuntur. ubi dicitur de festo loci vi. fe., sabb. de s. Maria. Dom. iii. tota cant. hyst. : et iiii. fe. et sabb. de iiii. temporibus : et vi. fe. de s. Thoma apostolo. nulla commemoratio fiat per hanc hebdomadam. Dom. iiii. tota cant. hyst. et nullum habet ty. feriale : nee ulla fiet commem. per hanc hebdomadam, sicut superius dictum est. [With the following compare the memorial lines at the foot of certain pages in the Breviary Kalendar, A.D. 1531 &c.] Historia i. inchoabitur Post tres personas libros regum dare debts. Deus omnium. Historia ii. inchoabitur Et post Sampsonem sapientem die Salomonem. In principio. Historia iii. inchoabitur Post Augustinum doctor em Job lege iustum. Si bona. Historia iiii. inchoabitur Thobiam sanctum post Prothunfi atque lacinctum. Peto Domine. Historia v. inchoabitur Subiungens ludith ^postquam Leui Matthei vigilavit? Adonay. Historia vi. inchoabitur Post sanctum Cosmam dabis liistoriam Machabeam. Adaperiat. Historia vii. inchoabitur Post ludam Simonem subiungens Ezecliielem. Vidi Dominum. Historia viii. inchoabitur Post Linum papam semper ponas Isaiam. Aspiciens. Expliciunt historic omnes. 1 * pro thin ' 1483. 2_2 post uigiliamque Mathei : Brev. 1531. 152 APPENDIX II. Then after the Table of Feasts, see above p. 1 37, there follows the Rubrica de gratiis. We print this here partly because it is one of the very few things which some of the Sarum portiforia contain in addition to what the Great Breviary of 1 53 1, and consequently the Cambridge edition, supplies: partly also because of the intense interest which HENRY BRADS HAW took in * the Grace that shuld be said affore mete and after Mete' a topic which would always fire him with animation. ' If your object' (he said) 'is to give people of the present day an idea of the meaning of these things, it is almost useless to print them straight as they are. . . . You may remember that at Trinity even now it takes two people to say what is substantially the same Grace as this.' The sections are as follows : Before Dinner ' all the Times in the Year, on Fisshe Dayes, in vigilia Pasche, in Die Pasche. Post Prandium or Common Days, on Fast Days, Easter Eve, Easter Day. Short Graces afTore Dyner or on common days. Short grace after Dyner and after Soper bothe. Grace affore Soper, et post cenam for Common Days and for Easter Day.' (See H. Bradshaw's Scheme of Latin Graces in Furnivall's edition of 'the Babees Book, Manners and Meals in Olden Time.' Early Eng. Text Soc. 1868, pp. 382-5.) C Rubrica de gratiis dicendis tam ad cenam quam ad prandium per totum annum et per omne tempus. C In vigilia pasche [ad prandium] hoc modo, scilicet. [Sacerdos.] Benedicite. [Resp.] Dominus. [Ps.] E dent pauper es et \_saturabuntur, et laudabunt Dominum qui requirent eum : vivent corda eorum in seculum seculi. (Ps. xxi.)] Gloria Patri. Sicut erat. Kyrieleison. Christeleison. Kyrieleison. Pater noster. Et ne nos. [Resp.] Sed libera nos. [Sac.] Or emus. Bene\^~^dic, D online, nos et dona tua \qite de tua largitate sumus sumpturi. Per Christum Dominum nostrum. Resp. A men.~\ [Lector.] Jube domine benedicere. [Sac.] Cibo spiritualis almonie \reficiat nos Rex eterne glorie~] Lectio. Si consurrexistis cum Christo, que sursum sunt querite, ubi Christus est in dexteris Dei sedens. [Resp.] Amen. Ad Coloss. iii.)]. 1 The *%< is here in the Sarum Manual, ed. Lond. 1555, 4to. RUB RICA DE GRATIIS, 1483. 153 Post prandium. [Sacerdos.] Deus pads et dilectionis \inaneat semper nobis- cum. Tu autem, Domine, miserere nostri. Resp. Deo gratiasJ] [Ps.] Memoriam fecit \wiirabiliiimsuorum misericors et miserator Dominus : escam dedit timentibus se. (Ps. ex. 5-)] Gloria Patri. Sicut erat. [Capitulum.] Agimus tibi gratias \pmnipotens Deus, pro universis beneficiis tuis : Qui vivis et regnas Deus per omnia secula seculorum. ty. Amenl\ Ps. Laudate Dominum omnes gentes [: laudate eum omnes populi. (Ps. cxvi.)] Quoniam confirma\ta est super nos misericordia ems : et veritas Domini manet in etermimJ] Gloria Patri. Sicut erat. Et statim sequatur. Dominus vobiscum. Oremus. Spiritum in nobis tue charitatis infunde. lit quos sacramentis paschalibus saciasti : tua facias pietate Concordes : per Dominum nostrum lesum Christum filium tuum qui tecum vivit et regnat in unitate eiusdem Spiritus sancti Deus per omnia secula seculorum. A men. Dominus vobiscum. Et cum spiritu tuo. Benedicamus Domino. Deo gratias. C In die pasche ante prandium hoc modo dicuntur. [Sac.] Benedicite [1^.] Dominus. [Ps.] Hec dies quam fecit Dominus : exultemus et letemur in ea. {Alleluia^ Gloria Patri. Sicut erat. Kyriel. Christeleyson. Kyriel. Pater noster. [Sac.] Et ne nos. Sed libera. [Sac.] Oremus. Benedic Domine nos et do \^na tua que de tua largitate sumus sumpturi. Per Christum Dominum nostrum. Amen.] [Lector.] Jube domine benedicere. [Sac.] Mense celestis \J>articipes faciat nos Rex eterne glorie. Lectio (i Cor. v.) Expurgate vetus fermentum, ut sitis nova conspersio, sicut estis azimi : etenim pascha nostrum immolatus est Christus : itaque epulemur in Domino. [1^7. Amen.} Et legatur omnibus dominicis diebus usque ad Ascensionem Domini. I 5 4 APPENDIX II. Post prandium in die pasche. [Sac.] Qui dat escam onmicarni: confitemini Deo cell. Tu autem^ Domine, miserere nostri. [Resp.] Deo gratias. Ps. Laudate Dominum omnes gentes. Quoniam confirmata (ut supra). Gloria Patri. Sicut. y. In resurrectione tua Christe. J^. Celt et terra letentur alleluia. [Sac.] Dominus vobiscum. [1^.] Et cum spiritu tuo. [Sac.] Oremus. Spiritum in nobis, Domine, tue charitatis (ut supra) terminando Per Dominum nostrum Jesum Christum, filium tuum, qui tecum vivit et regnat in unitate eiusdem Spiritus sancti \f)eus per omnia secula seculorum. A men\ Dominus vobiscum. Et cum spiritu tuo. Benedicamus Domino. Deo gratias. Eodem modo dicuntur gratie per totam hebdomadam pasche cum predicta lectione Expurgate vetus. Et similiter dicitur hec lectio Expurgate omnibus dominicis usque ad Ascensionem Domini. C Ad cenam vero per totum annum dicitur hec benedictio. [Sac. Benedicite. ty. Dominus.] Cenam sanctificet qui nobis omnia prebet. In nomine Patris [^j 1 et Filii et Spiritus sancti. Amen. f[ Post cenam vero in die pasclie et per hebdomadam hoc modo dicuntur gratie. Sac.] Hec dies quam fecit Dominus : exultemus et lete\inur in ed\. Sac.] In resurrectione tua Christe : lesp. Celi et terra \letentur. alleluia"]. Sac.] Dominus vobiscum. [!^.] Et cum spiritu tuo. Sac.] Oremus. Oratio. Spiritum in nobis, ut supra. Dominus vobiscum. [ty.] Et cum spiritu tuo. [Sac.] Benedicamus Domino, [ty.] Deo gratias. C Per reliquum vero temporis totius anni extra tempus pasche dicitur post cenam hoc modo. [Sac.] Benedictus Deus in donis suis. [ty.] Et sanctus in omnibus operibus suis. [Sac.] Adiutorium nostrum in nomine Domini, [ty.] Qui fecit celum et terram. [Sac.] Sit nomen Domini benedictum. [ty.] Ex hoc nunc et usque in seculum. non dicitur Dominus vobiscum. nee Oremus. sed dicitur [a Sacerdote]. 1 The ^ is marked here in the Sarum Manual, ed. London, 1555, 4to. RUB RICA DE GRATIIS, 1483. 155 Retribuere dignare, Domine Deus \pmnibus nobis bona facientibus,propter nomen tuum, vitam eternam. Ameri\. [Sac.] Benedicamus Domino, [ty.] Deo gratias^ Nunquam enim dicitur psalmus De profundis ad gratiam post cenam secundum usum Sarum. C In diebus Veneris et in vigiliis : et in quatuor temporibus : et quotienscunque est ieiunium preceptum extra tempus xl. 2 dicuntur he sequentes gratie per totum annum. [Ante prandium.] [Sac.] Benedicite [1^.] Dominus. [Ps.] Edent pauperes et satur\abuntur. &c.] more solito [usque ad benedictionem que erit Cibo spiritualis, p. 152,] cum lectione (2 Cor. xiii.). Gratia Domini nostri lesu Christi et charitas Dei et communi- catio sancti Spiritus sit semper cum omnibus nobis? Non dicitur ulterius. 4 Post vero prandium. [Sac.] Deus pacts, &c. [Ps.] Memoriam fecit, &c. More solito. Nunquam enim dicitur ante hanc orationem Oremus. Quodcunque enim festum duplex in die veneris contigerit, extra xl. et hebdomadam pasche : et diem natalis Domini, dicuntur he predicte benedictiones de ieiunio : et eodem modo vero dicuntur per totam xl. exceptis diebus dominicis. videlicet in feriis. C Quodcumque vero festum duplex vel simplex cum hac lectione sequenti, scilicet (Esai. Iviii.) Frange esurienti \_panem ttium, et egenos vagosque indue in domum tuam : cum videris nudum operi eum* et carnem tuam ne 1 In the York Breviary (i. p. 386), and likewise in the Balliol MS. which Bradshaw explained for * Manners and Meals of Olden Time ' (down to Meritis et precibus only), the grace has this continuation : Ave Regina Celorum, Mater Regis [angelorum O Maria, flos virginum, Velut rosa et lilium, Funde preces ad Filium Pro salute fidelium]. y. Post partum [' f. Ave Maria,' MS. Ball.] Oremus. Meritis et precibus sancte Marie \al. ' sue pie matris : benedicat nos Filius Dei Patris. Amen J ] et sequatur benedictio episcopalis^ si presens fuerit. Deinde pro defunctis^ singulis diebus ; nisi infesto duplici et in heb- domada Pasche. Ps. De profundis. Kyriel., &c. Pater noster. Et ne nos. Requiem. Credo videre. A porta inferi. Dominus vobiscum. Et cum. Oremus. Fidelium Deus. Fidelium anime per misericordiam Dei requiescant in pace. 2 Ix: 1483. * 'vobis ; H. B. * Brev. Ebor. prescribes ' usqtie In Christo Jesu Domino nostro.' 156 APPENDIX II. despexeris, ait Dominus omnipotens\ et cum psalmo Miserere mei (1.) in tempore xl., loco psalmi Laudate Dominum, Post prandium. 1 et est ratio : quia he benedictiones sunt ex natura temporis, et non Sanctorum. Quandocunque enim dicitur missa de ieiunio in xl. tune enim semper dicuntur he benedictiones ante prandium cum hac lectione : Frange esurienti. cum psalmo Miserere post prandium. C Ceteris vero diebus vii. ex[tra] tempus pasche et xl. quando- cunque non est veneris, et quotienscunque etiam ieiunium non est preceptum, dicuntur he gratie s[cilicet] Oculi omnium in te sperant Domine, et cum hac lectione. Deus charitas est [et qui manet in charitate in Deo manet, et Deus in eo. Sit Deus in nobis, et nos maneamus in ipso~\. Post prandium vero Deus pads et dilectionis. Confiteantur tibi. [Gloria. Sicut eratJ] Agimus tibi gratias. Ps. Laudate Dominum omnes gentes, &c., more solito. dictis vero gratiis post prandium, exceptis duplicibus festis principalibus omni die per annum dicatur Ps. De profundis pro fidelibus defunctis. sed sine Gloria Patri. Quandocunque dicitur causa lamentationis. Sed ad cenam nunquam dicitur secundum Sarum, sed cum Kyriel. Christeleison. more solito. C In die cene Domini hoc modo dicuntur gratie. [Sac.] Benedicite [ty.] Dominus. Christus factus pro nobis obediens usque ad mortem. Mortem autem crucis? Kyriel. Christel. Kyriel. Pater noster : sed cum Miserere mei Deus. cum Gloria Patri et cum hac oratione. Respice quesumus, Domine, super hanc familiam tuam, pro qua Dominus noster lesus Christus non dubitauit manibus tradi nocentium, et cruets subire tormentum. Qui tecum vivit et regnat: Post prandium dicitur Deus pads usque Deo gratias et cum Christus factus est pro nobis, ut supra. Kyriel. Christel. Kyriel. et cum Psalmo Miserere ', 3 et cum hac oratione. Respice quesumus, Domine, ut supra. > The rubrics of the York Breviary (1493, e d- Lawley 1881), i. pp. 263, 387, explain that the psalm post prandium is not changed until the first Monday in Lent ('clean Lent'). 2 ''Lectio. Gratia Domini.' Breu. Ebor. i. 387. 3 * Ps. Laudate Dominum omnes gentes et cetera, ob reverentiam cene dominice? (Ibid.) APPENDIX III. ON WEEKLY COMMEMORA- TIONS IN ENGLAND IN THE XII th -XVI th CENTURIES. I. RISE OF COMMEMORATIONS : Weekly service-days among the Jews, and the Christians in primitive times. * Teaching of the Lord by the XII Apostles? ' Apostolical Constitutions? Votive masses in the time of Alcuin, and later. Table of Missae Communes. The Concordia regularis, cir. 965. Commemorations in the Xlth century. Leofric Missal, &c. The Daily Mass Salve of B.V. Mary instituted at Salisbury 1225. Other Commemorations of St. Mary. Her Festivals. Hours of the Incarnation (' Ojficium parvum J ) 800-1096. The plenum servitium^ or Saturday com- memoration. Its rationale. II. OF THE COMMEMORATIONS PREVIOUS TO THE XVTH. CENTURY : Two Commemorations in Lincoln Rojl of Re et Ve> 1278. Commemoration of St. Hugh Bp. adopted at Oxford and Eton. ' In commemoracione S. Hugonis Sequencia.' The Sarum Breviary rubric de Commemorationibus. Commemorative masses at Canterbury 1285. Exeter commemorations in 1337. St. Albans (Sopwell) 1338. Wells XlVth cent. Table for Xllth- XlVth cent. III. OF Two AND THREE COMMEMORATIONS : Table for (late) XlVth- XVIth cent. St. Hugh, St. Thomas the Confessor, St. Thomas the Martyr. Abp. Roger Walden's order for a Third Commemoration 1398. How far accepted. Other Commemorations in the Breviary. St. Chad, and St. Etheldreda, St. Osmund's Commemoration the latest introduced. ON WEEKLY COMMEMORATIONS, I. RISE OF COMMEMORATIONS. WE may trace the origin of weekly Commemorations, which we find in existence in England in the thirteenth and following centuries, to the spirit which, even in earlier ages, had devoted the altar Service of certain days of the week to the memorial of certain special mysteries. The observance of the Lord's Day and the Saturday is traced by Bingham (and others) to very early times (Antiq. xx. iii.) ; and he traces likewise the appointment of Wednesday and Friday as stationary days (xiii. ix. 1-4. xxi. iii. I, 6.). But the rediscovery of the Didache, since his day, has given us new evidence relating to early ante-nicene Christian institutes. We find, already established by the close of the first century of our era, three solemn service days in every week, ' the Lord's Own Day ' (Did. c. 14 I.) and the Wednesday and Friday (Did. c. 8 I.), ' tetras* and 'parascevel answering to the three Synagogue days, Sabbath, Monday, and Thursday, 1 but expressly distinguished from them. The Apostolic Constitutions (vii. 23.) supply the rationale of the Christian celebration, viz. the memory of the Betrayal and of the Crucifixion for the fast days, and of the Resurrection for the Sunday. It is added moreover that the Saturday also is to be kept by Christians as a festival in memory of Creation (excepting only Easter Eve which is a fast in commemoration of our Lord's Burial). This threefold weekly commemoration may be traced in the three weekly masses with proper epistles and gospels provided in the Latin missals, and in the rubric prefixed to the Litany in the English Book of Common Prayer. The early ritualist Amalarius Fortunatus of Treves (who died in 837) connected with the days of the week various periods in the life of the Church, from Apostolic times to the future union of Jews and Gentiles under one Shepherd. (De EccL Officiis iv. capp. 11-17.) 1 It is said that Moses went up to Sinai the second time on a Thursday and came down again on a Monday. See Kitto's Bible Diet., s.v. ' Fasts,' and commentators on St. Luke v. 33. i6o APPENDIX III. A design to attach special commemorations to all the several days of the week for the altar service, in case no holy day inter- vened, is traced by the medieval ritualists to two famous men of our own nationality in the latter part of the eighth century. Sicardus cir. 1180-90, followed about a century later by Duran- dus, relates how in the days when heresy was rife, and before the Sunday office was established, Boniface of Maintz (our Winfrid of Crediton) applied to Alcuin of York, ' the master of Charles the Great/ to devise a series of masses to confirm the faithful. It was not until at least twelve years after the martyrdom of Boniface that Alcuin is supposed to have been introduced to Charles, so we may view this tradition with some- thing of suspicion. 1 There is moreover a little uncertainty about the order of the series, as the following table will show. But in any case we have a record of a comparatively antient scheme. Day. ' I. 2. 3- Sunday ... Missa de Trinitate Trinitate. Trinitate Monday Charitate Sapientia Angelis. Pro Defunctis. Tuesday Sapientia Spiritu S. [Missa dominicalis. Bel. Wednesday Spiritu Sco Charitate Jejunium. Missa de Off. Dominicali. Thursday Angelis ... Angelis ... [Missa dominicalis. Bel. ] Friday Cruce Dni Cruce ... Cruce. Saturday B. Virgine B. Maria B. Virgine. I. Instituted "tempore quodam, dominico officio nondum ordinato, haeresi pul- lulante." Sicard ; Beleth, " variae passim hcereses." 2. Institution of Alcuin and Boniface. Sicard. ; Durand. 3. After the Sunday office had been settled. Sicard. ; Beleth [with additions], Divini Ojficii Explic. cap. 51. J. B. Mullinger, Schools of Charles the Great^ p. 47. ON WEEKL Y COMMEMORA TIONS. 161 4- 5- 6. 7- Trinitate S. Trinitate S. Trinitate ... SS. Trinitate ... Dnica. Angelis, aut De- functis. S. Sapientia que Christus est. Pro peccatis ... Angelis Fe. ij. Pro peccatis, aut Pace. S. Caritate ad suffr. An- gelorum. Salus populi Fe. iij. de officio dnicalis De cordis emenda- tione per Spiri- tum S.t [de Sapientia] S. Spiritus Fe. iiij. Tribulatione Ad Angelorum suf- fragia postul.t [de S. Kari- tate.] Ven. Sacramento de Corpore Xti Fe. v. Cruce In honore S. Crucis, fe. vi.t de Cruce S. Cruce Fe. vj. B. Virgine In honorem S. Marie, t de S. Maria ... nostra Domina... Sabb. 4. Another variety known to Sicardus, Bp. of Cremona cir. 1185-1215. Mitrale viii. i. (Migne, Patrol. Latin, torn. 213 pp. 388, 389.) See also Durandi Rationale li. iv. cap. i. 30. 5. The list of votive masses in the Leofric Missal (earliest handwriting, early tenth cent., brought to England 1042), pp. 176-8. Those marked with an obelus t are ascribed to Alcuin. 6. The list of Prefaces in Leofric Missal, p. 266, loth-nth handwriting "C," and likewise the Votive Masses in Missal of Robert of Jumieges, A.U 1044-51. 7. List of ' misse votive, sive communes' in rubric of a printed Sarum Missale (1526) ed. Dickinson, p. 735*. Although the later missals contain offices ' Pro inspiratione divinae Sapientiae, and the like, and the prefaces to French breviaries of the eighteenth century contain a scheme of what perhaps I may call moral commemorations, or intentions, for the ferial office ; nevertheless it was very natural that those ' common ' commemorations which were based upon a personal or objective theme took, in the ordinances of the church, a firmer root than did the masses ' de Sapientia ' or * de Caritate. n We have a glimpse of the practice in our own country in the interval between Alcuin and Beleth or Sicardus. The Concordia regularis which was formerly, on conjecture, attributed to St. Dunstan, and which is now shown to belong to Ethelwold Bp. of 1 Dugdale, Monasticon, i. pp. xxx-xxxii. MAYDESTONE. M 162 APPENDIX III. Winchester (cir. 965), tells us what were the ordinary subjects of devotion before the Norman Conquest. At the mattin office prayer and psalmody was offered by each one pro seipso : then for the King and Queen, for friends (j>ro familiaribus) and for the faithful Departed. At Lauds an antiphon de Cruce, de S. Maria, and de Sancto loci or for the consecration of the church. Lauds were sung de omnibus sanctis with an antiphon of that saint at whose ' porticus ' the station was made. The rules for the morrow-mass and the high mass are no less interesting than those for the daily office. The morrow-mass is to be (according to apostolic and modern English practice) pro Rege, but on Sunday, as an ordinary rule, de Trinitate. The rule for the missa principalis prescribed, with a certain emphasis, that it should invariably be de Cruce on Fridays, and de Sancta Maria on Saturdays, unless some holy day interfered with this arrangement. This order which bears St. Dunstan's name at once empha- sizes just those commemorations in which all the columns of our list agree, and at the same time contains the germ of all those commemorations whose development in later ages we shall presently attempt to trace. Of commemorations in the time of St. Osmund at Sarum I am unable to give any trustworthy account. But, if the Leofric Missal and that of Robert of Jumieges may be taken as fair specimens of the mass-books used in this country in the time of Edward the Confessor and his successor, I would point to the lists of votive masses and prefaces contained therein and noted in columns 5 and 6 of our table as generally confirming the state- ments of Sicardus and Durandus about the system ascribed to Alcuin, who is recognised as the composer of the majority of these votive masses. I may add that there is in the Leofric Missal (ed. Warren), p. 183, another group of three votive masses which, though somewhat displaced from the rest, yet cling to one another, and thus far corroborate the statement of Sicardus tabulated in the 4th column. I mean the masses pro Pace, pro Peccatis, and de quacunque tribulatione (* Salus populi.') 1 1 The subject for intercession in the canonical service in preces at the Hours (* cum versiculorum augmento ') according to the Rule of Columban and seen in practice in the provision made in the Bangor Book, were as follows (additions from the Bangor MS. are given in brackets) : fpeccatis nostris. populo christiano (baptizatis). -p J sacerdotibus (et gradibus Deo consecratis : abbate . fratribus : fraternitate). elemoynas facientibus. (populorum et) regum. ON WEEKLY COMMEMORATIONS. 163 It is no less interesting to observe that there is in Leofric's collection another group somewhat earlier (and indeed imme- diately following the hebdomadal masses of our 5th column), and that this corresponds closely with the requirements of the Regularis Concordia. These are Missa in ecclesia quorum reliquie ibidem continentur, Missa cotidiana in honore Omnium Sanctorum, Ad suffragia sanctorum postulanda, and Missa pro Regibus. I will ask the reader now to pass on to the first quarter of the thirteenth century. St. Hugh of Lincoln had been dead for several years, and Sicardus of Cremona had more recently passed away, when Richard Poore, Bishop of Sarum, dedicated three altars in the new building or pro-cathedral at Salisbury (28 Sept. 1225), which became in after days the Lady Chapel. In the central or most easterly part of the building was the altar of Holy Trinity and All Saints : in the northern limb was that of St. Peter and All Apostles : and in the southern, the altar of St. Stephen and All Martyrs. On the following day (Michaelmas) the primate, Stephen Langton, preached to the assembled crowds, upon the dedication ; and among those present was Edmund Rich of Abingdon, Treasurer of Sarum. A former archdeacon of Wilts, Robert Grosseteste, who had already removed to the diocese of Lincoln as Archdeacon of Northampton, had sent a tunic and dalmatic of white diaper as an offering to the new church of his old diocese. Bishop Richard Poore had given an endowment for the clerks of the altar of Trinity and All Saints, and for the light * round about it ' ; and he had made an offering of two silver candlesticks and other ornaments on behalf of Gundreda de Warren, deceased. From that day forward the Mass of the Blessed Virgin was celebrated daily at that altar ; and thus the Lady Chapel or eastern limb of the cathedral at Salisbury came to be known as " Salve chapel," 1 on account of the votive mass ' Salve, sancta parens enixa^ The fact that Bishop Richard Poore first ordained " oure lady masse " was not only duly commemorated in the form of ' Bidding the bedes ' used at Salisbury in the fifteenth century, a fact of which the importance p finimicis (blasphemantibus : impiis) } \ (iter facientibus : redeuntibus. infirmis. captivis Martyribus. tribulantibus). 1 Osmund Register ii. pp. 37-39, 133. Brev. Sarum i. pp. clxviii, cxcv, ccxiii, ccxxix. Sarum Processionale p. 17. 2 This introit (' officium ') is derived from a biblical poem of the fifth century by Coelius Sedulius. Carmen Paschale, ii. 63. M 2 164 APPENDIX 111. has been pointed out by HENRY BRADSHAW, 1 but a tablet in the chapel itself, where it was seen by Leland in 1540, testified that the Bishop ' founded the mass of the B. Mary V. to be solemnly celebrated every day in this chapel, and assigned the rectory of Laverstock to its endowment.' 2 At the daily mass in the Lady Chapel at Salisbury the 1 officium Salve ' was said on by far the greatest number of days in the year. Only in Advent it was replaced by the mass Rorate celi and again from Christmas to Candlemas by Vultum tuum deprecabuntur. Neither of these is quite identical with Alcuin's Saturday Lady-mass, but it has the same collect as the mass Salve regina. The daily mass in conventu was not the only commemoration of the Blessed Virgin in the church of our Lady at Salisbury. Besides Lady Day in Summer and in Harvest, Candlemas in February, and her Nativity in September, and an increasing array of other festivals in her honour, 3 there were other offices to celebrate the Mother of our Lord. Although Bishop Poore had been soon promoted to Durham, and Dean W. de Wanda had passed away, their successors carried on the noble work of the new Cathedral ; and it was hallowed by Archbishop Boniface in the time of Bishop Giles de Bridport, 20 September, 1258. Various altars were sooner or later dedicated, besides the three original altars in the Lady Chapel. The rubrics of the Breviary mention the altars of SS. Martin, Katherine, Mary Magdalene, Innocents, Thomas the Martyr (d. 1170), Andrew, John, Margaret, and Laurence ; likewise (in the Sanctorale] those of St. Anne, St. Edmund Bishop (d. 1240) St. Edmund K.M., Edward K.M., Michael and Nicholas. 4 But it was in the choir and at the ' great,' * highest/ 1 The Early Collection of Canons known as the ' Hibernensis,' Camb. ed F. Jenkinson, 1893, p. 56, where reference is given to Maskell, Mon. Rit. iii. p. 344=402. 2 Leland, Itinerary iii. p. 92=77 (fo. 62). This change in Advent illustrates Bradshaw's remarks on the ' Hibernensis,' p. 55. * Feast of the Conception (8 Dec.), ordered in 1328. A vigil was attached to the Nativity of the B. Virgin in 1380. Feast of St. Anne in 1383. Supplements of the Visitation (2 July), and Presentation (21 Nov.) were written or printed about 1480. The service De Compassione in 1487. The old Dedication of Churches ad prtzsepe (' de Nivibus,') and the Pantheon ('ad Martyres') met with more or less notice in the English Kalendar Sicardus speaks of the feast of the Nativity of the Virgin as modern and of the Conception as ' non authentica.' 4 See the two Indices generales to the Cambridge edition of the Sarum Breviary in fasciculis i, iii. To these we may add the ' Relicks Altar ' of St. John Baptist, the 'Works Altar' (fabrice) of Holy Cross, the altar of St. George and St. Denys, and an altar of St. Osmund probably added about 1460 ON WEEKLY COMMEMORATIONS. 165 * principal,' or ' authentic ' altar that certain of these services were said or sung. 1 Vespers and Mattins of St. Mary were said daily throughout the year either in choir or out of it (Brev. Sarum i. p. xxxiv.). If on any day it had been pretermitted in choir on account of some festival, then on the morrow it was to be said in conventu? The Hours of the Blessed Virgin, as Bradshaw tells us, ' originated in a special commemorative service to be used during Advent in connexion with devotion to the Incarnation,' 3 and when the laity had been relieved from the use of the full hour-service of the Breviary, and devotion to the Mother of our Lord increased, the ' Advent Hours of the Incarnation ' took ' the name of Hours of the Blessed Virgin used constantly throughout the year! This ' little office ' or hours of our Lady dating from about the seventh or eighth century had been revised by Peter Damian, A.D. 1056. The Mattins and Vespers were said, usually in choir, at Salisbury and elsewhere before those of the day, and the other hours of the Virgin after the corresponding day-hours. And by a canon of the council of Clermont in 1096, it had been made obligatory upon the secular clergy to recite this (originally monastic) office. Besides this little office and the daily Lady Mass and the memorials or suffrage of the Blessed Virgin, introduced in the canonical services, there was a longer or ' full service ' of comme- moration recited every week. This consisted of a service both in choir and at the altar. The former is the Officium plenum de commemoratione B. Mariae? The weekly commemoration ser- vice at the high altar was the mass Salve (or Rorate, or Vultum), 1 The high altar at Salisbury was dedicated l in honore Assumpsionis beate marie'' (Processionale MS.). 2 When a Sunday Mass was pretermitted at the high altar on account of some more important celebration, it was usual to say the Sunday mass upon some week day at an altar in the chevet (' in capitulo '), at which service the cathedral body was bound to be fully represented. In like manner certain offices of the B. Virgin or of the Departed were occasionally removed from choir to the Lady Chapel, and were said to be performed in conventu, much as altar services were said to be performed in capitulo; such at least is the conclusion at which I have at present arrived after some study of this perplexing problem. It may be rash to argue from the appearance of the Lady Chapel since its renovation by Wyatt in 1789, but there are two noticeable features which possibly may have been suggested by older work which he removed : the indication of dedication crosses on the interior of the walls, and the stall-work. I am inclined to think that such seats (only of a more practical kind) were provided in the Lady Chapel for the use of the conventus saying offices of our Lady, or of the Dead, extra chorum. Cf. p. 209. 3 On Hibernensis, p. 55. 4 Dr. Rock apparently confined the term 'full office' to the service of St. Mary V. on her festivals (ap. Maskell, Mon. Rit. iii. p. Ixiii.), but it is otherwise used in Sarum rubrics. Missale p. 779* &c. 166 APPENDIX III. still sometimes known as the 'votive' mass of the B. Virgin, although it long ago ceased to be anything but fixed by authority and obligatory. 1 This commemoration of the B. Virgin is men- tioned thrice incidentally in the early thirteenth century custom- book of Bp. R. Poore (Osmund Register i. pp. 36, 112, 180), and a later statute (1319) clearly states that it was said once a week, and in choir. 2 It was in fact the Saturday commemoration, which Alcuin had helped to establish. Five reasons why the Saturday was suitable for this commemoration are detailed by the medieval ritualists, who, to a great extent, repeat one another. 3 The passage in the form in which Durandus left it is quoted bodily in the rubric of the Sarum Missal (pp. 759*, 760*, ed. Dickinson). The great rubrics in the Breviary (pp. Ixx, dccclxxviii, mclxxxv) prescribe that this weekly celebration should be held upon a Saturday if possible, or, in case some important holy day interferes, on some other day of the week which is most convenient. It is hardly an exaggeration to say that the task of practically applying this phrase, ' ubi convenientius possit celebraril to the perpetual almanac has supplied their raison d'etre to the Direc- torium and the Sarum Pie. II. OF THE COMMEMORATIONS PREVIOUS TO THE XVra CENTURY. While the ' exceeding high speared steeple and double crosse yles ' of Salisbury were still new, and when Durandus the pupil of ' Ostiensis ' was still engaged in the service of the pope, and had not yet been consecrated to the see of Mende in the Ceven- 1 Besides the mass Salue, which was the daily mass of the B.V. Mary out of Advent and Christmas, and likewise appointed for her ' full service ' of commemoration, having the collect ' Concede nos,' p. 779*, there was another variety, with the collect * Deus, qui virginalem aulam 3 appointed for the Vigil of the Assumption, p. 863. Of the mass Rorate there were likewise two varieties : that for the Ember Wednesday in Advent with Or. Presta, quesumus, omnipotens Deus, ut redemptionis, p. 29 ; and the other with Or. Deus, qui de B.M. virginis, appointed for the Annunciation, and likewise for the daily mass in Advent de beata, pp. 726, 761*. Again the mass Vultum tuum, which is the Christmas-tide commemoration-mass de B.V. Maria y with the collect ' Deus, qui salutis eterne,' p. 768*, has a counterpart in the Commune Virgimtm, with Or. Deus, qui, ut humanum, p. 727*. 2 So far as the Plenum Servitium of the Breviary \s concerned, it was said in Advent once a week in conventu instead of in choir ; except in the Advent ember week, when Mattins of the little office was said in conventu on one day in place of the commemorative or ' full service.' 3 Beleth Explic., cap. 51, gives two reasons, and so Sicardi Mitrale viii. I. Durandi Rationale V. i. 31-35, adds three others. ON WEEKLY COMMEMORATIONS. 167 nes, we have an opportunity of observing what was the practice at Lincoln, the only cathedral church in England beside Salis- bury, which at that date was dedicated in honour of the Blessed Virgin as a single dedication. If Lincoln had tamely followed Sarum rules, it would have been content (in that era) with the single Saturday commemoration which is prescribed in the Sarum rubric for churches dedicated in honour of the Blessed Mary. But the last year of the twelfth century had seen the obse- quies of the great and brave Hugh of Lincoln, attended by King John and by three archbishops and numerous other prelates, and followed by the lamentations of Jewish as well as of Christian mourners. In 1220, while Salisbury Lady Chapel was still in building, his canonization had been decreed \ l and sixty years later the translation of his relics was carried into effect. It is to the years 1278, 1279 (just before the translation of St. Hugh) that the earliest extant fragments of the quaintly named rolls of re et ve belong. Though somewhat elaborate in detail, these rolls are in their main purpose very simple. The object being to reckon the allowances for wine and commons due to every member of the chapter, it became necessary to employ a clerk to keep a record of the departure and return (rzcedendi et vzniendi) of every canon who had 'protested,' or declared his intention to keep, statutable residence for the year, as well as of the attendance of those who came up to Lincoln to keep their fortnight's residence in their turn, fulfilling the duty of their prebend or making the first attendance of a new canon taking his commons on installation. These records when complete, for the year conventionally beginning from Holy Cross Day in September (the time of the Lincoln audit), consisted of four membranes of parchment, or a like number of long sheets of paper, each containing the kalendar and notes for about eleven weeks, together with a ' rotulus quintus ' to account for the odd weeks just before the compotus was made up ; and these were all sewed together. A specimen of one week, the third in the * primus rotulus ' of Jordan de Ingham, 1278, will show the character of the document which, when complete, must have measured some 9 or 10 feet 1 There are three bulls of Honorius III. for the canonization of St. Hugh and to establish the feast of his Translation. 1. Honorius, &c. Non repulit Dominus. (to Bishop, Chapter, Clergy and people of Lincoln), 17 Feb. 1220. 2. Honorius, &c. Divinae dignatio pietatis. (to all the Faithful), 17 Feb. 1220. 3. Honorius, &c. Cum venerabile corpus B. Hugonis. (to Bp. of Lincoln). Viterbii, 1220, i68- APPENDIX III. in length. 1 Being 10 inches in width it cannot be reproduced here line by line, as our 8vo. page is insufficient. Suffice it to say that each week contains practically four records : (a) a list of resident canons, in double column, whose payment is marked by the words ' habet* or ' habentj and some dots which, as I conjec- ture, mark their presence at mass ; (b) a third column, of greater width in the original, notes the goings and comings in the current week. This I have judged it best to print below the list of names, (c) A long line or two of notes written across the sheet gave a brief Lincoln kalendar for the week, Sunday, holy days, obits (marked by a thetd) and a few other commemorations where attendance or absence affected allowances. This I break up in column. And finally there was (d) another long line giving the totals disbursed by the clerk of re and ve. The back of the roll was utilized a few years later for a draft audit account The rolls of Re and Ve, as I have explained elsewhere, continued to be drawn out until the beginning of the troubles in the time of K. Charles I. and Abp. Laud, the obits only being omitted in such later rolls. The year 1278 had B for its Sunday letter, and the week selected as a specimen began on October 2nd. It will be observed that it is two or three years too early to note the translation of St. Hugh, a day which never became thoroughly incorporated in the Sarum books, although for Salisbury cathe- dral the observance of his ' Depositio ' was enjoined somewhat later by a statute of Bp. Roger de Mortival (cap. 38, A.D. 1319), who had been Dean of Lincoln. From a Lincoln Rotulus de Re et Ve. A.D. 1 278.2 (a) In propria . . Nicol Grecus habet C Precentor . . haftet . . Decanus h't Archid'lino?/ h't . . Subdecanus h't . . W. Hanton' h't . . Archid stowye h't (interlined) . . W. Lang h't . . Stephtf/z&s h't . . Godred? h't . . Joh's VJydinton h't . . G(alfr.) pollard h't . . Antonius h't .. Thorn' Pemrtis h 't .. [name faded} h't . . Joh's Gare h't . . Rog^r Kaua h't . , Jordanus h't . . S[imon] h't Vicarij ha&ent. 1 The paper rolls of the i$th and i6th centuries are of greater dimensions. 2 In 1278 Bp. Grosseteste had been already dead five and twenty years. Oliver Sutton was Dean, and Bishop Richard de Gravesend had committed to writing (probably in 1260), those traditional customs which composed the Lincoln Consuetudinarium de divinis officiiS) in which however no notice is taken of the commemorations. ON WEEKLY COMMEMORATIONS. 169 (ft) C Archidzacvnus Norh^mton uenzt die sabbatz et recessit. communa. viij d. vinu;;z iij. d. Johannes ftemyng venzt die sabbatz et recessit. communa viij. d. vinu;;/ iij. d. W. de Braddewel uemt die domzVzzVa et recessit die sabbatz vinuw xviij. d, ha&et. (a word or two about his ' commons,' has perished.) Eu^rard' venit die louzs, communa ix. d. habet. Installacio dni Antonij de Beck 1 die verw[is] communa. viij.. d. v'mum iij. d. \\abet. (c) . xviij. d C Vinu?;z Dominica. [2 Get xvi th S. after Trinity.] Lun O N. subdecani. 2 Canonicis xx. s. cuilibet xij. d. ob. Item vicanjs vna marca (habent). pauperibus clerici^ iiij. s. (h#&mt) pueris ij. s. (habent) pulsantfibus] viij. d. habent. de communa. Mercurij O' Ric. Grim. Jouis sancte Fidis ven^r[is] sancte osid'. 3 Sabbat 1141). As missas fratrum priuatas, the rubric (p. 491) enumerates * de Trinitate, vel de S. Spiritu, aut de B. Maria, vel de Angelis aut de Apostolis siue de Reliquijs/ and (perhaps) de Cruce, which would make a seventh. Special masses, apart from those formal commemoratidnes, which form the main subject of this appendix, were from time to time appointed for certain particular days of the week. 1 Thus in 1295 (May 4), Robert, Abp. of Canterbury, writes to Anian, Bp. of Bangor, requiring special masses (' missam pecu- liarem ') ordinarily to be said in his cathedral, and in the collegiate and parochial churches of his diocese, on Wednesdays, pro Terrae Sanctae subsidio, and on Friday pro statu Regis et regni Angliae, cum officio Salus populi, et orationibus propriis. On these and other weekdays, moreover, priest and people were to kneel directly before Pax Domini and say Ps. Deus venerunt y Deus misereatur, and Ad de levavi, with preces and orisons between, ' rotunde sine nota.' Also on Friday the bells were to ring and litany and procession to precede the mass Salus populi. (Councils, Haddan and Stubbs, i. p. 6i5.) 2 1 An instance may be found near the end of the fourteenth century in the Statutes of Adam Bp. of St. Davids, 1372, whereby the College of St. Mary at St. Davids, Pembrokeshire, is directed to take as its second mass (i.e. after the daily Lady Mass) the following scheme for a week : S. Missa de Trinitate. M. de Angelis. Tu. de sancto David. W. de Pace. Th. de sancto Andrea. F. de Cruce. Sat. de Spiritu Sancto. (Dugdale, Monast. vi. p. 1388.) 2 There are at least six varieties of the mass with the Introit Sahis populi in the Sarum Missal. They may be distinguished by their Collects. Thus Salus populi, the * votive or common weekly mass for Tuesday (p. 735*) with which we have to do, has Or. Deus q.ui caritatis. p. 741*. Salus populi for Thursday after 'Oculi' (3. Quadrag.) has Or. Concede, p. 201. Salus populi for the XlXth Sunday after Trinity has Or. Dirigat corda, p. 515. Salus populi Pro serenitate aeris, has Or. Ad te nos. p. 802*. Salus populi Contra mortalitatem hominum, has Or. Deus, qui imminentem Nineuitis. p. 810*. Salus populi Pro peste animalium, has Or. Deus, qui laboribus. p. 812.* In the missal rubrics the votive mass is classed with commemorations, pp- 9, 18, 96, 783*. It was said in procession on Rogation Tuesday (p. 409). Rules for its five or three collects are given on pp. 5-7. Its grail, p. 9. ON WEEKLY COMMEMORATIONS. 177 jifj 1 ! 1 1 | s PQ 1=3 *&> 3 o o ^~ 1 1 ! 1 J a TJJ s ~~< c/5 B ( o ; 3 '* ilg 1 i i i i - 2 1 5* ~g 2 w 1 en *^ C) : T3 O ^|T 1 1 ! 1 < 1 3 ^^ S" 0) 1 E "s" -S 4> P V g "rt O i Jfo ill 1 rt j> . M 0) PQ a fOpQ 8 -0 1^" rt rf rt !S rt g g g 5, g rt ? 2 2 2 ^ a s . S G ^ a- a, cu ^ j x M |1l ill 1 1 1 1 1 1 * Ti !~! ri = Sx pq c/5 g g ^ g fe MAYDESTONE. N 178 APPENDIX 111. In the Ordinale of Wells, composed about 1240, and written in the Red Book cir. 1310-20, commemorations of the B. Virgin and of St. Andrew, are twice mentioned, pp. 27, 50. It is, however, only from analogy that I can assign them to Saturday and Thursday respectively. At Lincoln there was as early as the middle of the thirteenth century another institution, which deserves to be mentioned in this place. A daily " morrow mass," ' missa matutinalis' ' summo mane/ was endowed in 1252 by Roger de Weseham, Bp. of Cov. and Lichfield, a former Dean of Lincoln, with the following intentions. Sunday, de die ; Thursday, de Sancto Spiritu ; Saturday, de Beata virgine ; and for the remaining four days of the week, pro animabus episcoporum Lincoln et Lichf., ac decan- orum Lincoln., necnon omnium fidelium defunctorum. (Ant. Beck's Book, A. 2.2. cir. 1335. If. 23a.) Radulphus de Rivo of Breda, dean of Tongres about 1400- 1403, recognises the Saturday office of the Blessed Virgin, but he says that ' solenniores ecdesiae et religiosi illud non observant? He adds that a mass de Patrono is admissible ' in septimanis vacantibusj but that such a commemoration ought not (in his opinion at least) to be extended to the principal Hours, ' lest too great an inroad be made upon the ferial office : and we have nothing in black and white, nor indeed any precedent, sufficient to assure us that such a thing may with propriety be done.' De Canonum observantia, Prop. 20. III. OF Two OR THREE COMMEMORATIONS.* In the last decade of the fourteenth century a change was introduced which raised the number of commemorations in churches (like Salisbury) dedicated to the Blessed Virgin to two, and in churches of miscellaneous dedications to tJiree. And hence Caxton's provision for men ' spiritual or temporel ' of ' pyes of two and three commemorations of salisburi vse.' For the convenience of the reader I will place here a table relating to this later period. 1 It is to the Weekly Commemorations (No. 4 of those distinguished on p. 1 86 below) that the Appendixes in this book refer, although we have included in the early history of commemorations some notice of masses assigned to certain days of the week without any corresponding choir offices. The Memorials or Suffrages (No. I on p. 186) deserve separate treatment hereafter. Their use was in course of time abridged (as Mr. Frere points out). See letter of the Chapter of Northampton, A.D. 1343, cap. i. Reyner, Appendix III, p. 152. ON WEEKLY COMMEMORATIONS. 179 c 02" pq* o >; : - ^ : 1 '> "^ CO S ^ rt t D X 3" w . l!| 1 2| 1 cJ "x M i 5* Q a 1 J/J . 22 A X ^ O R O ' rt u 1 ,C X o\ rill i | i | s -i-J ^-^ t^ C/2 ^ W) I c/: x c/i Pq cS Q : a o 3 oj A 'o i i |*| i | i | rt a 3 S M ^ "73 S 9 02 O pq ;i| "rt : : ^ s O Si ^ " * 2 5 sis ill I -! I 'i st c U 02 02 Q pq rt O S : .S* ">. ^ a fM N S .22 m i i || II I | || ^^ 02 pq" a^ *^* (- ^ ; s ; J 1 8 *o d >; as A lit 11 i i 1-g ^ "5 a 5 H g, i *i 1 1 c << a, .b o S 1J ,2 M d w < < > cj 6 x^ u <5 C^ O ^> O D (DO Q G Q Q Q Q Q Q OJ "r^ 1 8 J -s ^ J I 5 " : : Id CO *2 > ^ . ^ 'L, ^^ 4) .2 00 SH O * "S-'l 1 1^ 8 ' S C^J *^ ^ ' vo C3 Q^ 13 M S 173 ^ 3 P* S J2 ^ fl rj^O2 W) "5 ^ ^ 8 > T Ci o CJ P "~* 'S HH O 'Q o S3 ^ ii ^ ^ m Q fc fe fo fa 15 N 2 i8o APPENDIX 111. It was to the older condition of things that the Sarum breviary rubric, which we have already quoted, refers. So likewise do the rubrics, 'ubi fiunt com memorationes,' prefixed to the autumnal * histories ' from Wisdom (In principle), Job (Si bond), and the rest. It will have been observed that already in one of the northern dioceses the measure accorded by Sarum use had not been deemed sufficient. In the days of ' one and two commemorations,' Lincoln (St. Mary's) had not been content with one, and had, of mere devotion, added St. Hugh's on Monday. I cannot say how early it was that Hereford fixed its commemorations which we find in use in the sixteenth century ; but it will be observed that over and above the universal Saturday commemoration of St. Mary there are two of local use, St. Ethelbert and St. Thomas (Cantilupe) the Confessor, who died 25 Aug. 1282, and had been canonized in 1310. But there was a more famous St. Thomas, who had been martyred at Canterbury 29 Dec. 1 170, and canonized in 1173. Neither at Lincoln nor yet at Hereford does he appear to have received more recognition than the obser- vance of his annual feasts. But in the end of K. Richard II.'s reign, in 1398, Roger Walden, Abp. of Canterbury, pending the deposition and banishment of Arundel, published a decree that every week a commemoration of Thomas of Canterbury Martyr be observed, on ' Tuesday, if possible, or otherwise on some other day of the week, under the rule of the commemoration of the Feast of the Place.' 1 William of Wykeham, in his statutes for his College of St. Mary Winton, near Winchester (1400), says nothing of any commemoration of Becket, though he mentions incidentally the 'plenum servicium de S. Maria' (rubr. 29). K. Henry VI., however, in accommodating Wykeham's statutes for his own Royal Colleges at Cambridge (1443, cap. 42) and Eton (1444 cap. 31), gives for the fourth of the seven daily masses a rule differing from the Winchester order, and supplies in that place a set of missae communes for a week, viz. : Sunday, de Trinitate ; Monday, de Angelis ; Tuesday, de S. TJioma Martyre ; Wednes- 1 Wilkins, Concilia iii. 235. In a single tome of Dugdale's monasticon, a mere superficial examination thereof has produced a considerable list of societies dedicated in honour of St. Thomas the Martyr ; and it appears that a considerable proportion of these were founded between 1175 and 1200. I may name these Abbeys: Beauchief, Derby ; Hagnaby, Lincoln ; West Langdon, Kent ; Holme Lacy, Hereford. Hospitals : Stamford ; Sandwich ; Peterborough ; York ; South- wark ; St. Thomas of Aeon, or Acre, London. Of parish churches, Precentor Venables has found, in Lincolnshire, seven of St. Thomas the Martyr, to four of St. Thomas the Apostle. ON WEEKLY COMMEMORATIONS. 181 day, de S. Spiritu ; Thursday, de Corpore Christi ; Friday, de Cruce ; Saturday, de hoc?- Nomine Jesu? The order of Abp. Walden did not run in York, and there they had a commemoration of St. William on Tuesday (as of St. Thomas Cantilupe in the sixteenth century, at Hereford on Thursday). Lincoln also which had a ' Use ' of its own, likewise disregarded the order of 1398, so far as I can learn, and could plead that they had provided themselves with an 1 So Hey wood and Wright print the word both at p. 115 and at p. 563, Ancient Laws for Kings Coll. and Eton, 1850, but dulcissimo or sanctissimo must be the word required. Of course there was a Lady Mass every day at all these colleges for the early mass ; so there is none de Domina for the fourth mass on Saturdays. 2 As an instance of what was considered a suitable disposition of daily masses by a private person in the sixteenth century, we may cite the provisions of the will made by Henry Lord Marney in 1 523 and proved 1 5 June, 1525. Having arranged for an almshouse for five bedesmen who are to say our Lady's Psalter and De profundis daily, in Layer Marney church {St. Mary's}, Essex, and on Wednesday and Friday afternoons Dirige, or else our Lady's Psalter, he directs that two priests, for whom a lodging is provided over the almshouse, shall say respectively the masses following every week : I. II. S. de Nativit. Dili* de Annunciat. dne.* M. de Spiritu Sco(*) de Nativit. dne.* Tu. de Trinitate* de Conceptione dne. W. de Resurrectione* de Purificatione. * Th. de Corpore Xpi de Assumptione dne. * F. de quinque Vulneribus de Cruce. Sat. de Omnibus Sanctis de Requie. Sir N. Harris Nicolas, Testamenta Vetusta^ p. 611, after Dugdale's Transcript. I have marked with an asterisk those masses three of which (together with a like number of masses ' de Epiphania ' and ' de Ascensione ') made up a * Trental of St. Gregory.' See the Sarum Missale, p. 883.* Only the trigintale has three masses of Pentecost instead of the votive mass ' de Spiritu Sancto.' Sir N. H. Nicolas gives a mass of the Nativity of our Lord on Monday in the 2nd column, as well as on Sunday in the first. I think this must be a mistake for ' dominaej as it comes among Lady Masses, and the analogy of the trental suggests the same emendation. 1 82 APPENDIX III. additional commemoration a century or two before the comme- moration of St. Thomas M. was devised. But in other places his memory was introduced on the Thursday, so that the most that a bishop of Lincoln could do, when giving statutes to his college and parish church at Oxford in 1479, was to prescribe that St. Hugh of Lincoln should divide the honours on that day of the week with St. Thomas, each taking a commemoration once a fortnight (somewhat as the Canterbury saints had a mass apiece once in four days). The printed Sarum breviaries from 1492 onwards to 1556 so many at least as have been examined by me or for me all contain a service, * In commemoratione sancti Thome archiepiscopi ' (or martyris), excepting only the two King-Harry breviaries of 1541 and 154344, which of course were governed by the royal injunction of 1539 forbidding the honour of St. Thomas. 1 With the exception of those few years (1539-49) we may say that wherever Sarum use was enforced from 1498 to 1557 the churches which were dedicated in honour of the Blessed Virgin had two commemorations ', viz. : 1. ' Mary V.' on Saturday. 2. ' St. Thomas, Abp. Martyr ' on Thursday, while those which had some other dedication had three comme- morations, viz. : 1. ' De B. Maria V.' on Saturday. 2. ' De S. Thoma M. J on Thursday. 3. ' De festo loci,' on Tuesday, 2 and it was the purpose of Caxton's Ordinale to make provision for both these classes. 3 It remains only to add that the Sarum breviary, in all its editions, from 1492 onward, provides a commemoration of St. Chad (for use at Lichfield), and from 1509 (if not earlier) one for Ethel- dreda V. ' secundum usum ecclesie Elyensis.' The term * commemoratio ' is used for the yearly memorials of St. Paul and of All Souls, because these days belong to a 1 Wilkins Cone. iii. p. 848. 2 It is clear from the Directorium Sacerdotum, 6F. (December 5th), that the Commem. of St. Thomas on Thursday is meant by ' secundaj 1 and the phrase * nichil de tercia comment? used elsewhere, evidently relates to the festum loci. 3 An instance of three commemorations, across the Border, may be seen in the Aberdeen Breviary printed at Edinburgh in 1509-10. These are * Commemoratio sancti loci, sancti Thome martyris^ et B. Marie? (P.E. Temporale fo. xiiii. b.} The service for the third of these is given ibid. Psalt. &c. fo. cxv. b. &c., and for the first, a * Commemoratio sancti Andrei is duly provided, Psalt. &c. fo. cxxxi. b. cxxxii. ON WEEKLY COMMEMORATIONS. 183 special class, being attached respectively to the great festivals of the two Apostles and of All Saints. I have mentioned in a note to the Sarum Breviary (iii., p. Ixxiv. Introd^} that St. Osmund of Salisbury, although he died at the close of the eleventh century, was not canonized until 1456. No notice is taken of him in the MSS. Missals and Breviaries of the thirteenth or fourteenth century, nor is provision made for his second feast (16 July) in some of the earlier printed service- books of the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries. A service In Commemoratione S. Osmundi (doubtless for weekly use) is introduced in the Sanctorale, with the office for his translation, in the later Breviaries (see iii., 485-490), at least as early as 1519, although in the preceding year it had not sufficient authority to make its way into the Great Legenda. It is natural to suppose that this office was written for use at Salisbury itself (as well as for any churches which might have St. Osmund's name in their dedication titles) ; but I have not as yet found any proof of its actual use. There is, however, something which amounts to presumptive evidence. A fine breviary, noted, written for Arlingham church, Gloucestershire, cir. 1460 (now MS. 152, in Salisbury Cathedral library) has certain supplementary offices, fo. 366384, viz. c In Visitacione see Marie virginis} fo. 366. Rubric relating to Festum Reliquiarum within the octave, fo. 369 b . The Ant. Sus- cipe cum gaudio, &c. (in Festo S. Osmundi, 16 Jul. ut in Brev. iii. 471) cum nota, fo. 372 b . (A leaf cut out) Lessons ii. and v. of St. Osmund's Translation are smeared with red. Lessons viii-ix. with subdivision varying from ed. 1531, fasc. iii, p. 481. The form for St. Osmunds Commemoration (which concerns us here) follows at fo. 377 b , (as in 1531, iii, 485). Then on p. 379 * Oct. idus Augusti fiat seruicium de Transfiguracione lesu! And lastly, fo. 384, the music for the Michaelmas hymn 'Christe sanctorum ' for four voices, ' triplex! ' mediusj ' tenor? and ' bassus! Possibly the Sarum people may have taken a leaf out of the Lincoln book and introduced a Monday commemoration ; or else we may suppose that in process of time they adopted a com- memoratio de Festo Loci on Tuesday as in other places. If they did so, they thereby reduced the Pie of two comme- morations to be but a dead letter. ON SOME VOTIVE MASSES AT SALISBURY IN THE XIIlTH CENTURY. (i.) At St. Johris Chapel^ Harnham Bridge. Since this Appendix has been in type I have noticed in a late fifteenth cen- tury MS., now belonging to the Bishop of Salisbury, a transcript of a Sarum 1 84 APPENDIX 111. document wh ch gives a list of votive masses arranged in the middle of the hirteenth century. Robert de Byngeham, who had succeeded Ri. Poore as Bishop in 1229, founds, 14 Oct. 1245, the Hospital of St. Nicholas, with a chapel dedicated in honour of St. John Baptist on Harnham Bridge, Salisbury. He appoints a Warden and three other priests, and thus defines their duties. (Miscellanea et Statuta quoad Sarum fo. 23 b , 24) : 1. One Chaplain to celebrate mass every day, * mane, diluculo] specially for the Founder, and all the faithful, with Placebo, Dirige, and commendation at the proper hour ; at the Bridge Chapel. 2. Another, at the same chapel, to say mass daily, about the third hour, as follows (when no feast of nine lessons occurs) : S. prout ipsius diet requirit officium. M. de S. Spiritu. Tu. de S. Johanne Bapt. (defesto loci], W. pro Benefactoribus (hospitalis vel pontis). Th. Salus poptdi. F. de Cruce. Sat. de Virgine gloriosa. 3. The hospital Chaplain, whose duty is to minister to the sick, the penitent, and dying, is to sing mass daily, * post solis ortum, cum diet claritas circa altare refulserit] for Brethren and Sisters, Benefactors of the hospital, and for any who may have died that day. 4. The Warden himself has his duties at the chapel of St. Nicholas, <"juxta hospitale] ' ad pontem de Aylesivade] where he is to celebrate mass and to sing the Divine Office after the custom observed in the cathedral (' maiore Ecclesia ') ; saving that he is not bound to say mattins ' de node? (ii.) At St. Edmund's Altar, in the Cathedral Chtirch. About twenty-five years later (cir. 1270) Walter Scammel, Treasurer of Salisbury, and subsequently Dean and Bishop, instituted a daily mass at the altar of St. Edmund the Confessor, which is believed to have stood in the middle bay of the great northern transept, as follows : S. de Trinitate M. de Sancto Spiritu Tu.1 W. f-pro Defunctis ThJ F. de S. Cruce Sat. de B. Virgine (See Jones and Macray's Sarum Charters, c., p. 350, and for R. de Bingham, ibid. pp. 297-8). These two lists do not give us much fresh information, but they give rather earlier information for Salisbury than I had found elsewhere ; and thus they may serve as a connexion between pp. 161 and 177 in the foregoing appendix. APPENDIX IV. FORMULAE QUAEDAM DE COMMEMORATIONIBUS. "*** In modern times confusion sometimes arises between the following : 1. The Memorials, or Suffragia at Lauds and Evensong, often called in modern times " commemorations." 2. The ' Officium Paruum de Beata Maria,' or Little Office, * quando non fit plenum servitium de ea. J See p. 165. 3. The annual ' Commemoratio Sancti Pauli,' the ' Commemoratio Animarum' (All Souls' Day), and perhaps some other yearly festivals which have ' Commemoratio ' as their ordinary style. See p. 199. 4. The Commemorationes hebdomadales : of St. Mary V. (her plenum servitium} as a rule on Saturday, of the Patron or Dedication-title of the Church, ordinarily on Thursday, and of St. Thomas the Martyr or some other additional name on Tuesday or in some places on Friday. It is principally with No. 4 that we are here concerned. A. In commemoratione sancte Marie. (St. Alban's Brev. Xllth cent.) B. In commem. de Festo Loci. (Probably St. Saviour's, Syon, XVIth cent.) C. (i.) In commem. Omnium Sanctorum, (ex Brev. Sar. MS. sec. XV exeuntis). Hore pro defunctis (ex portiforio Sarum), A.D. 1530. (ii.) Schema lectionum de commem. beati Thome mart, (ex Brev. Sar.) (Hi.) Schema lectionum de commem. beate Marie, (ex Brev. Sar.) D. Note on commemorations de tisu Ebor. (Brev., 1493.) E. Note on Commemorations of St. Paul, St. Erasmus, St. Christopher, Suffrage of St. George, and of blessed Henry VI. Prayer for K. Henry VII., with a note on the Mass '/" Capitulo? F. (i.) In commem. s. Thome martyris (ex Portif. Sarum, A.D. 1556.) (ii.) In commem. s. Osmundi episcopi confessoris. (iii.) In commem. s. Cedde episcopi. (iiii.) In commem. s. Etheldrede virginis. G. A List of Dedications of English Cathedral Churches, c., with some of their local commemorations. FORMULAE QUAEDAM DE COMMEMORATIONIBUS. WE propose in this appendix to add some examples of the offices of weekly commemorations with which the Pica is so closely concerned. (A) It seems a priori most probable that the Commemoration of the Blessed Virgin was the earliest instituted, and at Salisbury Cathedral it was, naturally, for some length of time the only one admitted for use. Hers is in point of fact the only weekly commemoration noticed in the early thirteenth century con- -suetudinarium. Accordingly we will bring forward in the first place a specimen from a comparatively early service-book, which contains this single commemoration, and none other. Being written for monastic use it comprises twelve lessons at Mattins. Considerable portions of these may be recognised -among the alternative lessons for this commemoration (passages ascribed to St. Augustine and the Venerable Bede) in the (secular) Sarum Breviary, as printed at a later date. This order is extracted from an early twelfth century St. Albans Breviary in the British Museum. /IN COMMEMORATIONE SANCTE MARIE. '^A^fo.' *sf ' Ant. Hec est regina virginum que genuit regem. velut rosa decora, virgo Dei genitrix per quam repperimus Deum et hominem. alma virgo intercede pro nobis omnibus. Capitulum. Ab initio et ante secula creata sum : et usque ad futurum seculum non desinam, et in habitatione sancta coram ipso ministraui. $. Speciosa facta. Ymnus. Aue maris stella. (iii. p. 233.) 1 V. Benedicta tu in mulieribus. In Evangelio Ant. Aue regina celorum. (iii. p. 784.) Oratio. Concede nos famulos tuos quesumus. (ii. 284, 5 14 ix.) Inuit. In honorem beatissime Marie virginis iubilemus Domino. Ps. Venite. Ymnus. Quern terra, (iii. p. 235.) 1 These references are to the Cambridge reprint of the Sarum Breviary of i88 APPENDIX IV. In i. nocturne. Ant. Ecce tu pulchra es arnica mea ecce tu pulchra. oculi tut columbarum. Lectio i. O alma virgo Maria, (ii. p. 305.) Lectio ii. Surge ergo beata virgo. (ii. p. 306.) Lectio Hi. O sacratissima. (ibid.) Lectio iiii. Adiuua nos. (ibid.) In ii. nocturno. Lectio v. Exaudi nos. (ii. p. 307.) Lectio vi. O regina mundi. (ibid.) Lectio vii. O felix Maria, (ii. p. 311). Lectio viii. O felix puerperium. (ibid.) In Hi. nocturno. Secundum Lucam (i. 39) Exurgens Maria abiit . . et salutauit Helysabeth. Et reliqua. \_Omelia Bede~\ Quia per temeritatem seducte mulieris mors in mundum introierat : congruum fuit ut in indicium vite reuertentis : mulieres deuote humilitatis inuicem ac pietatis sese preuenirent obsequijs. (i. p. cxxii.) #. Super salutem. (iii. p. 693.) Lectio ix^ Prior ergo nobis. (i. p. cxxii.) Lectio x. Extans beata Maria. Lectio xi. Ut autem audiuit. [Lectio xii^\ Exurgens Maria abiit in montana. Secundum Lucam (i. 39.) (B) Where a church had not been dedicated in honour of the Blessed Virgin as its titular patron saint, a form of commemo- ratio festi loci was sooner or later provided. These forms would naturally bear the name of the saint or other dedication in the books when they were written, but Mr. Procter has drawn my attention to a singular instance where the generic title is preserved. 2 1 The scribe has wrongly numbered this as ' lectio x? and has continued the mistake for the two which follow next in order. 2 The Aberdeen Breviary printed in 1510, and re-printed under the editorship of Rev. W. J. Blew, is interesting and explicit. In the Rubrica Magna after Trinity Tem^orale, P.E., fo. xiiij ba ., where the Sarum Breviary (I. p. mclxxxviij.) speaks only of two commemorations, the Aberdeen book definitely mentions three^ viz. : Commem. Sancti loci, Sancti thome mart, and beate marie, and in each volume at the end of the Commune, fo. cxxxi-ii. it provides the office for the weekly Commemoration of St. Andrew. The canon^ or inchoate FORMULAE QUA ED AM DE COMMEMORATIONIBUS. 189 It is in a Breviary which in its general features belongs to Sarum use, and was for the most part written about A.D. 1400. It has however a sixteenth century supplement, which marks its connexion with some Brigittine community. Besides the offices for the Translation, Natale, and Canonization of St. Bridget, there is a Commemoratio beate Brigitte (without lessons but with rhyming antiphons, and a hymn : O celebre conuiuium in cuius refectorijs : electi desiderium implent et sunt in solijs &c.) After which follows : /IN COMMEMORACIONE DE FESTO LOCI. Reg^A^iv.* fo. 27jb. Ad Laudes. y. In resurrectione tua, Christe. #. Celi et terra letentur. Alleluia. Ant. Angelus autem Domini, &c. &c. Ps. Dominus regnauit. The form proceeds with the Capitulum ' Christus resurgens/ the hymn'Sermone blando/ and so on through lauds, prime, sext, and nones, precisely as the services for Low Sunday in the Sarum Breviary i. pp. dccclxi dccclxiv. excepting that the Ant. to Benedictus is ' Et valde mane ' and the Collect ' Deus qui per unigenitum,' as on Easter Day, or as in a memoria de Resur- rectione. The Chapter at terce is * Christus resurgens/ and at sext 'Christus semel/ and at nones, * Christus resurrexit.' I should have been inclined to suspect that there was an error in the heading ' de festo loci/ but that there is a rubric at the end ' Infra Septuagesimam hec omnia sine Alleluia/ which proves that it is not an Easter service misplaced, but really (as it professes to be) a commemoration for constant use. It is, 1 believe, the commemoration for the Brigittine Church of St. Saviour at Syon, where the festum loci was Resurrectio Domini. (See MS. Martyrologium of Syon in British Museum, Add. MS. 22,285 fo. 14.) So far as my acquaintance with the printed Directorium or pie extends, I am led to believe that as a general rule when there were three commemorations for a church professing to follow Sarum use, Saturday was the day prescribed for the commemoration of the Blessed Virgin (or, failing that, some Pie, prefixed to the P.H. Temporale, and the Rubrica de historiis (e.g. P.E. fo. xxvi ab .) alike provide, where practicable, for three commemorations. igo APPENDIX IV. other day as near as possible to the latter end of the week). The commemoratio festi loci usually came as the middle day of the three. 1 But this was not universally the case. In an intro- duction to the Cambridge edition of the Sarum Breviary iii. pp. Ixxii., Ixxiv., I have already cited two or three passages from the Directorium one at least of which places the festum loci early in the week, and I would refer the reader's attention to such critical passages as relate to Monday in the second week after Easter lit. dom. 3F. (' Feria ii.de festo loci propter vesperas habendas.'), and the third week 30. (' feria ii. de festo loci.'), and when Canon Cooke's edition is before us there will be a better hope that the doubts and difficulties which beset us in this study may be on the way to be speedily and finally removed. (C) At the end of [the Sanctorale in the late fifteenth century MS. Breviary of Sarum use now at St. John's College, Cambridge (H. 13), we find the full order for the three com- memorations themselves provided for use in a church which evidently had the dedication of ' All Hallows ' or ' All Saints.' The three commemorations in the case in point are clearly given : 1. Commemoratio Omnium Sanctorum. 2. Commemoratio B. Thome Martyris. 3. Commemoratio B. Marie. I. IN COMMEMORACIONE OMNIUM SANCTORUM. Ad Vesperas. Ant. Omnes electi Dei nostri memoramini ante Deum. ut vestris precibus adiuti mereamur vobis adiungi. P salmi feriales. Cap. Sancti et iusti in Domino gaudete. vos elegit Deus in hereditatem sibi. Hymnus. lesu Salvator seculi Redemptis ope subveni &c. (ut in Brev. Sar. iii. pp. 961-2.) V. Letamini in Domino. (Brev. ii. 396.) Ant. Beati estis sancti Dei omnes. qui meruistis consortes fieri celestium virtutum. et perfrui claritatis gloria, ideoque precamur ut memores nostri intercedere dignemini pro nobis ad Dominum Deum nostrum. Direct. Dom. in Oct. Pasche lA. iD. In die Trinitatis 3A. $A. FORMULAE QUAEDAM DE COMMEMORATIONIBUS. 191 Ps. Magnificat (ii. p. 221.) Oratio. Deus qui nos beate Marie semper virginis et Omnium Sanctorum continua commemoracione letificas : presta quesumus ut quos cotidiano veneramur officio. eciam pie con- versacionis sequamur exemplo. Per. Invitatorium. Venite adoremus Dominum. Qui in Sanctis gloriosus est. Ps. Venite. Ymnus. Ihesu Salvator &c. In Nocturno. Ant. Adesto Deus unus omnipotens Pater, et Filius, et Spiritus Sanctus. Ps. Beatus vir. (i. p. 5.) Ant. Sicut lilium inter spinas. sic arnica mea inter filias. Ps. Domine Deusf noster. (vizi. p. II.) Ant. Laudemus Dominum quern laudant angeli. quern cherubyn et cheraphin Sanctus Sanctus [Sanctus] proclamant. Ps. In Domino confido (x. p. 14.). Ant. Inter natos mulierum non surrexit maior lohanne baptista. Ps. Domine, quis habitabit (xiiij. p. 17). Ant. Estote fortes in bello. et pugnate cum antiquo serpente. et accipietis regnum eternum. Ps. Celi enarrant. (xviii. p. 23.) Ant. Isti sunt sancti qui pro Dei amore minas hominum contempserunt, sancti martyres in regnum eternum exultant cum angelis : O quam preciosa est mors sanctorum qui assidue assistunt ante Dominum et ab invicem non sunt separati. Ps. Benedicam (xxxiij. p. 77). Ant. Sint lumbi vestri precincti : et lucerne ardentes in manibus vestris, et vos similes hominibus expectantibus. dominum suum : quando revertatur a nuptiis. Ps. Quam dilecta (Ixxxiij. p. 152). Ant. Virgines sancte Dei, orate pro nobis. ut scelerum veniam per vos accipere mereamur. Ps. Dominus regnabit, exultet (xcvj. p. 164). Ant. O quam gloriosum est regnum in quo cum Christo gaudent omnes Sancti amicti stolis albis. secuntur Agnum quocunque ierit. Ps. Dominus regnabit, irascantur (xcviij. p. 170). y. Letamini [iii. 579]. Lectio i. Fratres parati sumus mente integra. fide firmavirtute robusta. caritate perfecta ad omnem voluntatem anime. conservantes. 192 APPENDIX IV. Dominica mandata fortiter, in simplicitate innocenciam. in caritate concordiam. in humilitate diligenciam. in adminis- tracione vigilantiam. in adiuvandis laborantibus compassionem. in fovendis pauperibus misericordiam. in defendenda veritate constanciam. in discipline seueritate censuram : ne aliquid ad exemplum bonorum sanctorum desit nobis. Hec sunt vestigia que nobis sancti quique reuertentes in patriam reliquerunt : ut eorum semitis inherentes sequamur et gaudia. i -$*. In circuitu tuo, Domine, lumen est quod nunquam deficiet ubi constituisti lucidissimas mansiones. Ibi requiescunt sanctorum anime. y. Magnus Dominus et laudabilis nimis in civitate Dei nostri in monte sancto eius. Ibi requiescunt. Lectio ii. Patriam quoque nostram cum illis paradysum computemus, parentes patriarchas iam habere cepimus. Cur non properamus ct currimus ut patriam nostrum et parentes videre possimus ? Nos ille carorum numerus expectat parentum fratrum filiorum nos frequens. et copiosa turba desiderat, iam de sua incolumitate securi, adhuc de nostra salute solliciti, ad eorum complexum in conspectu venire, quanta et nobis et illis communis leticia erit. qualis celestium voluntas conseruorum societatem expectando quam summa et perpetua felicitas. 2 $. lusti in perpetuum vivent. et apud Dominum est merces eorum. Et cogitacio eorum apud Altissimum. W. Ideo accipient regnum decoris. et dyadema specie! de manu Domini. Et cogitacio. Lectio Hi. Illic apostolorum chorus gloriosus. illic prophetarum numerus insignis. illic martirum populus innumerabilis ob- certantium victoria coronatus. illic clarrissima turba virginum letatur. illic et confessorum fortitude laudatur. sed et illorum remuneratio censetur. quia precepta Domini seruantes ad celestes thesauros terrena patrimonia transtulerunt ad hos. ut delectetur auida cupiditate properemus, ut cum hijs cito esse et cito ad Christum uenire contingat cum huius itineris ducem habeamus salutis auctorem. lucis principem, leticie largitorem. Qui vivit etregnat cum Deo Patre omnipotente et Spiritu Sancto per infinita seculorum secula. Amen. 3 #. Concede nobis Domine quesumus ueniam delictorum et intercedentibus sanctis quorum hodie sollempnia celebra- mus. Talem nobis tribue deuotionem. Ut ad eorum peruenire mereamur societatem. FORMULAE QUAEDAM DE COMMEMORATIONIBUS. 193 V. Adiuuent nos eorum merita quos propria impediunt scelera, excus^t intercessio. excusat quos actio, et qui eis tribuisti celestis palmam triumphi, nobis ueniam non deneges peccati. Gloria. Talem nobis. V. lusti autem in perpetuum. IN LAUDIBUS. Ant. Vidi turbam magnam. quam dinumerare nemo poterat. ex omnibus gentibus stantes ante thronum. Ps. Dominus regnabit (xcii. p. 29). Cap. Sancti et iusti (ii. p. 440). Ymnus. Christe Redemptor omnium, Conserua (6r., sicut in Festo. iii. p. 979). JP. Mirabilis Deus in sanctis suis. (ii. p. 93.) Ant. Laudem dicite Deo nostro omnes sancti eius. et qui timetis Deum pusilli et magni. quoniam regnauit Dominus Deus noster omnipotens, gaudeamus, exultemus, et demus gloriam ei. Ps. Benedictus. (ii. p. 35.) Oratio. Deus qui nos (ut supra, p. 191). AD PRIMAM. Ant. Vidi turbam (iii. p. 978). Ps. Deus in nomine (liii. p. 113). Ant. Te iure. (ii. p. 49). Ps. Quicunque vult. (ii. p. 46). AD TERTIAM. Ant. Et omnes angeli stabant in circuitu throni, et ceciderunt in conspectu Agni in facies suas. et adorauerunt eum. Ps. Legem pone (cxviij. p. 57). Cap. Sancti et iusti. (ii. p. 440). -$?. Letamini (ii. p. 407). AD SEXTAM. Ant. Redemisti nos Domine Deus in sanguine tuo. ex omni tribu et lingua et populo et natione. et fecisti nos Deo nostro regnum. Ps. Defecit in salutare (cxviij. p. 61). Cap. Iusti autem in perpetuum uiuent et apud Dominum est merces eorum et cogitatio eorum apud altissimum (cf. ii. p. 440). MAYDESTONE. O I 9 4 APPENDIX IV. AD NONAM. Ant. Ymnus omnibus sanctis eius. filijs Israel populo appro- pinquanti sibi. gloria hec est omnibus sanctis eius. Ps. Mirabilia (xviij. p. 65). Cap. ludicabunt sancti nationes et dominabuntur populis : et regnabit Dominus illorum in perpetuum. #. lustorum anime (ii. p. 408). V. Mirabilis Deus. The 8vo Sarum portiforium printed at Paris by J. Kaerbriand, alias Huguelin, and J. Petit, Feb. 1 530, contains at the end of the pars estiualis after the general rubrics (' Iste sunt dominice per annum'' &*c.) these rudely composed HORE PRO DEFUNCTIS. |[ Pro fide libus defunctis Ad matutinas. Circumdederunt me gemitus mortis : dolores inferni circumdederunt me. \Et sic ad omnes horas^\ Hymnus. Deitatis paternitas, et eius filiatio, Spiritus sancti charitas, et lesu Christi passio, Trinitatisque pietas Sint defunctis remissio. Peccatorum : vt claritas detur eis cum gaudio. y. Requiem eternam dona eis, Domine. ^. Et lux perpetua luceat eis. Oratio. Deus qui hominem de limo terre (vt angelorum impleres ruinas) ad imaginem et similitudinem tuam formasti : et vt ipsum lapsum ad locum perditam reuocares : in cruce mortem passus fuisti : miserere quesumus animabus omnium fidelium defunctorum, iustitiam tuam per misericordiam mitigando : ne opera manuum tuarum propter carnis peccata damnentur : que fragilia et ad peccandum prona creasti. Qui viuis et regnas Deus in secula seculorum. Amen. Fidelium anime per misericordiam Dei requiescant in pace. Amen. Anime eorum in bonis demorentur : et semen eorum hereditet terras. (([ Ad primam. Circumdederunt, ut supra. Hymnus. Veni Creator Spiritus mentes tuorum visita. Per quern mundus est conditus] et omnia sunt condita FORMULAE QUAEDAM DE COMMEMORATIONIBUS. 195 Qui a nullo es genitus, dimitte nobis debita Ita quod nullus perditus sit propter tua merita. y. Requiem &c. ut supra. f[ Adtertiam. Hymnus. Deus, a quo sunt omnia bona, dona victoriam contra omnia vitia viuis : defunctis veniam. Ut post hec transitoria veniamus ad gloriam. Defuncti quique gaudia possideant per gratiam. |[ Ad sextam. Hymnus. Ostende nobis faciem tuam, premium sanctorum, Cum venerimus ad diem ire et iudiciorum. lustitia seuitiam mitigans : dans peccatorum veniam, atque requiem in secula seculorum. f[ Ad nonam. Hymnus. Virgo carens criminibus, te precor in auxilio, ut assiduis precibus sis coram tuo Filio : Et pro cunctis fidelibus fiat tua petitio. Cum sanctorum agminibus locet eos cum gaudio. |[ Advesperas. Hymnus. Vos deprecor humiliter intuitu pietatis omnes sanctos, et pariter Sanctas, vt intercedatis pro cunctis reis taliter quod in fine cum beatis collocentur benigniter ante thronum Trinitatis. f[ Ad completoritim. Circundederunt me gemitus mortis : dolores inferni circundederunt me. O 2 , 9 6 APPENDIX IV. Hymnus. In manus tuas, Domine, commendo spiritum meum, ut, sicut sine crimine Hominem, te credo Deum, Qui precioso sanguine redemisti mundum reum : Sic hominem de crimine salua, qui formasti eum. y. Requiem eternam dona eis, Domine. ~B?. Et lux perpetua luceat eis. |[ Recommenaatio. Has horas, Christe, metricas cum bona deuotione Tibi dico canonicas, et cum pia ratione Ut animas catholicas tua miseratione efficias glorificas tua sancta visione. Benedicamus Domino. Deo gratias Fidelium anime per misericordiam Dei requiescant in pace. Amen. f[ Gratio Innocentii qtiinti dicendapost horas canonicas. Sancte et indiuidue Trinitati, lesu Christi crucifixi humanitati, et beate Marie virgini, ac matri Regis altissimi : sit sempiterna gloria ab omni creatura per infinita secula seculorum. Amen. Finis. II. LECTIONES DE COMMEMORACIONE BEATI THOME MARTIRIS. Lectio i. Ad memoriam eciam reuocemus et si non omnia memorie commendemus. (iii. p. 447.) $. Studens livor (i. p. ccxlix.) V. Ordo sexus. Thome. Lectio ii. Beatus igitur Thomas . . . gloriosus translates est (iii. p. 447.) R. Thomas manum mittit. (i. p. ccxlix.) Lectio iii. Die etiam Martis dilectissimi . . . gloriosum reportaret triumphum. Tu autem (iii. p. 447.) #. Jacet granum. (i. p. ccxlv. cf. ccl.) FORMULAE QUAEDAM DE COMMEMORATIONIBUS. 197 (It will be observed that these three lessons are formed out of one of the longer lessons, the 5th, provided for the feast of the Translation of St. Thomas, 7th July, in the Great Breviary of 1531. The Responsoria are those of the first nocturn for St. Thomas' Day, 2Qth December. A fuller order for the weekly commemoration of St. Thomas of Canterbury will be given presently from one of the later breviaries.) III. LECTIONES DE COMMEMORACIONE BEATE MARIE. Lectio i. O alma virgo . . . datur locus, (ii. p. 305.) &. Sancta et immaculata virginitas. (ii. p. 298.) Lectio ii. Quoniam fidem . . . nobis ostende. (ii. p. 306.) $. Beata es Maria, (ii. p. 299.) Lectio Hi. Orando a nobis . . non possis sacratissima Virgo, (ii. p. 306.) $. Felix namque. (i. p. dccclxxxi. ; iii. p. 598.) Item alie lectiones. Lectio i. Nos qui hoc credimus . . . aduenisse salutem (ii. p. 306). Lectio ii. Et qui fatemur . . . tua sancta oratio nobis. (ibid.) Lectio iii. Adiuua nos . . . superas dignitatem, (ibid.) Item alie lectiones. Lectio i. Cum nouo et inaudito miraculo . . . unus Emmanuel, (ii. p. 307.) Lectio ii. Exaudi nos gloriosa . . . signaculurn vioiaret, (ibid.) Lectio iii. Tibi Spiritus Sanctus . . . nobilitas populi Christiani. (ibid.) Item alie lectiones. Lectio i. O regina mundi . . . optineant diuine pietatis. (ubi supra.) Lectio ii. Delepeccata . . puerperio genuisti Saluatorem. (ibid.) Lectio iii. O beata Maria, quis tibi . . . aditum inuenit. (ii. p. 308.) Item alie lectiones de S. Maria. Lectio i. Loquamur fratres aliquid . . sufficeret nullus (ii. p. 3 10.) 198 APPENDIX IV. Lectio ii. Abysso profundior . . . redemptionem adduxit. (ibid.) Lectio Hi. Mater enim generis . . . suum peperit Salua- torem. (ibid) Item. Lectio i. Que enim hec uirgo est . . . porta in domo Domini clausa. (ubi supra) Lectio ii. Ad hanc namque . . . commercium mundo prebuit. (ibid) Lectio Hi. O felix Maria, et omni . . . ante tempora conditorem. (ii. p. 31 j.) [Doubtless some such direction as the rubric of the Great Legenda of 1 5 1 8 ' legantur tres lectiones ex istis sequentibus per ordinem ' was understood to apply to the foregoing six sets of lessons provided for the weekly commemoration or plenum seruicimn de Beata Maria. In the printed Great Breviaries there are likewise six alternative sets, but they are of greater length. In fact the foregoing (i-vi) are only a portion of sets 1-4 of A.D. 1516, 1531. They appear to be drawn mainly from St. Augustine's Sermones de Sanctis, 18 and 35 = Appendix Serin. 208.] (D) In the York Breviary the Rubrica de Commemorationibus (i. 673702) prescribes a Commemoratio de Domina, die sabbati Commemoratio de S. Willelmo, feria tertia ; et Commemoratio de Apostolis (Petro et Paulo), feria quinta. The rule at York ' de Apostolis ' was to be a guide for the com- memoratio de festo loci in aliis ecclesiis (p. 692.) A General Council, held at York 29 Oct. 1478, prescribed that the two last should be said in Advent, Septuagesima, and Eastertide (p. 692). Three alternative sets of lessons are provided in both cases. To the foregoing is added in the York Breviary, pp. 702-706* a service In Commemoratione Omnium Sanctorum. It is founded upon the York service for All Saints' day, but is evidently intended for a weekly commemoration to be used where requisite. It differs entirely from the parallel form which we have just given (p. 190) from the St. John's MS. of Sarum use. FORMULAE QUAEDAM DE COMMEMORATIONIBUS. 199 (E) The office provided in the Sarum Breviary III. pp. 277390, In commemoratione S. Pauli Apostoli, was intended not for a weekly commemoration but for a yearly service, and (like the All Souls' office) owes its name to being in some sor: subordinate to, or dependent upon, a great festival on the previous day. However, with curtailment of the mattins and other necessary modifications, it no doubt supplied a weekly service for churches dedicated in honour of St. Paul the Apostle. These (the single dedication apart from St. Peter, and discarding those dedicated in honour of the Breton St. Pol de Leon, Pawl Hen of Wales, and Paulinus) are few St. Paul's Cathedral in London, St. Paul's, Bedford, Malmesbury Abbey Church, Woburn in Bucks, and two or three others were all that were known to Precentor Venables in 1880. Two saints who held a high place in popular devotion, St. Christopher (25 July) and St. Erasmus (2 June), 1 met with little or no recognition in strict Sarum use, being overshadowed it may be by other saints whose honour occupied those days. But both of them had a mass in Commemoratione in the appendix or supplement of the Sarum Missal (ed. Dickinson), pp. 899*, 903*. A MS. psalter in the British Museum (Bibl. Reg. 2 B. I.) has, after the Litany of the Virgin, the following suffrages. 1 Among additions inserted in a small Roman missal printed at Venice by Fr. Renner de Hailbrun in 1481, in Dr. J. Wickham Legg's possession, is a * Missa de Quatuordecim Auxilatotibus? These are Saints George, Blaise, Erasmus, Pantaleon, Vitus, Christopher, Denys, Ciric, Achatius, Eustace, Giles, Katharine, Margaret, and Barbara. Henry Bradshaw observed that the rise of the cultus of St. Erasmus, in England, must be dated about 1485-90. The sixteenth century protestant writers have frequent allusions to such special cultus. ' St. Job for the pox, St. Roch for the pestilence, St. Germain for the ague, St. Apolline for the teethache, St. Gratian for thrift losing, and St. Barbara for gunshot.' Bale's Image of Both Churches, cap. viii. v. I. 4 They teach the people to pray to saints : to St. Luke for the ox, to Job for the pox, to Rocke for the pestilence, to Sith for things lost, to Christopher for continual health, to the Queen of Heaven for women with child, to Clement for good beer. 3 Roger Hutchinson, The Image of God, or Layman's Book, 1550. Works, p. 171-2. As the heathen 'had Esculapius to save them from diseases, so had we St. Roke to supply that room. As they had Mars to help them in warfare, so had we St. George to make us win the field.' Ja. Calfhill Preface against J. Martiall, on the Cross, 1565. Similarly in the Third Part of the Sermon against Peril of Idolatry in the 2nd Tome of Homilies 1 562-3. ( When you hear of our Lady of Walsingham, our Lady of Ipswich, our Lady of Wilsdon, and such others, what is it but an imitation &c. . . Terenlius Varro sheweth, that there were ynjupiters in his time, there were no fewer Veneres and Dianas : we had no fewer Christophers., Ladies, and Mary Magdalens, and other Saints. . . The Sea and Waters. . . had Gods with the Gentiles, Neptune, &c. : In whose places be come Saint Christopher, Saint Clement, and divers others, and specially our Lady, to whom shipmen sing Ave mans stella. Neither hath the fire 200 APPENDIX IV. jDe sancto Christophoro. [If. 85 b - Gaude martir Christofore qui portasti Dominum, Gaude valde fructuose, 1 qui fers mundi precium : 2 Gaude mente speciose, qui es salus hominum, 2 Gaude Deo graciose calcans undas fluminum, Gaude virens. virtuose. 3 non timens periculum. Perfruens deliciose sis nostrum 4 remedium. "JT. Ora pro nobis sancte Christofore ty. Ut fruamur tecum sempiternam requiem. scaped. . . For instead of Vulcan and Vesta. . . our men have placed Saint Agatha, and make letters on her day for to quench fire with. . . Scholars have Saint Nicholas, and S. Gregory, Painters, S. Luke; neither lack Souldiers their Mars, nor Lovers their Venus, amongst Christians. All diseases have their special Saints, as gods the curers of them. The Pox, Saint Roche, the Falling-evil Saint Cornells, the Tooth-ache Saint Apollin, &c. Neither do beasts nor cattel lack their gods with us, for Saint Loy [Eligius] is the Horseleach, and Saint Anthony the swineheard, &c. Where is God's Providence and due honour in the mean season ? . . . We join to Him another helper, as if He were a Noun Adjective, using these sayings ; such as learn, God and Saint Nicholas be my speed : such as neese, God help and Saint John : to the Horse, God and Saint Loy save thee. . . . Such an one in a tempest vowed to Saint Christopher, and scaped, and behold here is his ship of wax. Such an one by Saint Leonards help brake out of prison, and see where his fetters hang.' 1 fructifere : Fitzwilliam Museum^ Cambridge, MS. 25 (Horce, cir. 1500). See below. 2 2 omit. Horae Fitzw. 3 fructuose : Horce Fitzw. 4 nostrum sis : Horce Fitzw. Churches appear to have been dedicated in honour of St. Christopher at Carnmenellis, St. Christopher-le- Stocks in London (1462), Lympsham, Pott Shrigley, Willingale Doe, Winfrith Newburgh ; and at * Ewenny ' (? Redruth), in Cornwall, SS. Rumnon and Christopher. (Borlase, Age of the Saints^ p. 68.) The fresco of St. Christopher at St. John's Church, Winchester, discovered and unfortunately destroyed in 1852, was on the south wall of the nave, not far from the door which is at the western end of that wall, so that this gigantic figure would have impressed itself upon the sight of anyone leaving the church, and would have been to his left hand. It would likewise be the first object visible to anyone entering by the north door, now blocked up. At Stoke Dry, in Rutland, this saint's figure is to the left hand as one leaves the church from the Digby chantry on the south of the chancel. There was a church of St. Christopher at Rheims in the sixth century which was con- verted into the Abbey of St. Remigius. Dugdale Monast. vi. p. 1098. An altar with his dedication stood in the nave of Lincoln Cathedral. (Maddison's Vicars Choral, pp. 37, 42." His effigies in mediaeval glass are still to be seen in York Minster, and at King's College Chapel, and in wall paintings brought to light from time to time (e.g. at Stoke Dry, Rutland, and at St. John's, Winchester). The very early dated print or block picture of St. Christopher (A.D. 1423) in the Spencer (Rylands) collection will not be forgotten. It is pasted (with a cut of the Annunciation) in the MS. Laus Virginum, in the collection now at Manchester. (See E. Gordon Duff's Early Printed Books, p. 3.) To have seen a St. Christopher was a kind of insurance against accidents for the day ; while the cultus of St. Erasmus, who had passed FORMULAE QUAEDAM DE COMMEMORAT1ONIBUS. 201 Oremus. Oracio. Deus qui beatum Christoferum martirem tuum vir- tute constancie in passione roborasti, quique Unigenitum tuum Dominum nostrum Ihesum Christum in suis humeris mirabiliter sedere voluisti ; concede propicius, ut qui eius commemoracionem agimus, ipsius mentis et precibus ad celestia regna peruenire feliciter mereamur. Per Christum Dominum nostrum, Amen. \De S. Georgia martyred [If. 86*- Oratio. Salue martir gloriose, Aue miles preciose, Christi flos milicie. O Georgi graciose, Germen stipis generose, Gentis cappadocie. Salue crucis vexillator, Et virtute triumphator Celestis signiferi. Per quern sola regis nata Est a fauce liberata Draconis pestiferi. Salue miles summi Dei, Per virtutem sancte spei Superans demonia. Et pro Christo mente leta Huius mundi pompas spreta Dispersisti omnia. Salue victor vere mentis Fide constans in tormentis Spreta ydolatria. Post tormenta decollatus Et cum sanctis exaltatus In celesti patria. through great bodily agonies, was one of the patent medicines of the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries. 1 The Feast of St. George the Martyr (23 April) was one of 2 1 appointed by the Council of Oxford to be kept as a holiday ab operibus minoribus setvi- libus, in 1222. (See Hardouin, Concilia vii. 117 ; Coleti Cone. xiii. 1070.) K. Richard I. had defeated Saladin upon that day in 1192. In 1344 the Most Noble Order of St. George (the Garter) was instituted. In 1414 Abp. Chicheley enjoined that St. George's Feast should be kept like the Christinas holiday. Wilkins Cone. iii. 376. St. George's Guild and Feast flourished at Salisbury, 1306-1523. 202 APPENDIX IV. Salue martir, spes Anglorum, Dux et decus bellatorum Honor te colencium. Alme Christi preliator Sis benignus defensator In te confidencium. Ora Christum, Christi care, Et Mariam deprecare, Ut, deuictis hostibus, Hie possimus triumphare Et post mortem conregnare Tecum in celestibus. Antiphona. Sacratissimum electi Dei Georgii triumphum unanimiter celebrantes, diuinum poscamus subsidium : quo, ipsius. intercessionibus adiuti, palma celesti cum ipso perfrui valeamus in secula. Versiculus. Ora pro nobis, beate Georgi. ty. Ut digni efficiamur promissionibus Christi. Oremus. Oracio. Omnipotens sempiterne Deus, qui deprecanciurn voces benigne exaudis, maiestatem tuam suppiices exoramus ut,, sicut per gloriosum sancti martins tui Georgii trumphum pesti- ferum draconem superari, et puellam a morte saluari voluisti, ita nos famulos tuos, ipsius gloriosis intercedentibus meritis, ab hos- tium nostrorum visibilium et inuisibilium insidiis saluos ubique conseruari digneris. Per. A memoria ' de sancta Ursula ' follows, ' Gaude, virgo Ursula/ In the Fitzwilliam Museum at Cambridge in a book of Hours, written about A.D. 1500 (MS. 25) there is at p. 268 another form of the suffrage of St. Christopher. After lines I, 2, 4-6 of the metrical antiphon, ' Gaude martir I given above, follows Christoferi sancti speciem quicunque tuetur Illo nempe die nullo languore grauetur. Martir Christofore J per Saluatoris honorem 1 Fac nos mente fore dignos deitatis honore Promisso Christi quicquid petis optinuisti Da populo tristi bona que moriendo petisti. Confer solamen, et multis tolle grauamen. Judicis examen mite 2 sit omnibus. Amen. 1 ' Probably we should read ' pro Saluatoris honore,' and in the next line- * deitatis amore.' 2 mitte : MS. Fitzw. FORMULAE QUA ED AM DE COMMEMORATIONIBUS. 203; Oremus. Concede, quesumus, omnipotens et misericors Deus, ut qui beati Christoferi gloriosissimi martiris tui, cuius memoriam agi- mus, piis meritis intercessionibus que a subitania et improuisa morte liberemur. Per te Ihesu Christe saluator mundi. Quern ipse meruit in brachiis portare. Qui cum Patre et Spiritu sancta viuis et regnas Deus per omnia secula seculorum. Amen. Besides a suffrage in honour of K. Henry VI. 1 there is in the same book of Hours the following : fDe sancto Georgia. O Georgef, Deo care, Saluatorem deprecare Ut gubernet Angliam Ipsum et te quid amare Valeamus, et laudare Deitatis graham. 1 The suffrage in commemoration of K. Henry VI. Fitzwilliam MS. 25 p. 282, is as follows : Ant. Rex Henricus pauperum et ecclesie defensor ad misericordiam pronus, in Caritate feruidus, pietati deditus, clerum decorauit, quern Deus sic beatificavit. y. Ora pro nobis deuote Henrice. ]^. Ut digni efficiamur promissionibus Christi. Oremus. Orario. Deus sub cuius ineffabili maiestate uniuersi reges regnant et imperant, qui deuotissimum Henricum anglorum regem, caritate feruidum, miseris et afflictis semper compassum, omni bonitate clementiaque conspi- cuum, ut pie creditur inter angelos coinnumerare dignatus es ; Concede pro- picius ut eorum omnibus sanctis interuenientibus hostium nostrorum superbia. conteratur ; morbus, et quod malum est, procul pellatur ; palma donetur, et gracia Sancti Spiritus nobis misericordiam tuam poscentibus ubique adesse dignetur. Qui uiuis et regnas Deus, Per omnia secula seculorum. Amen. Mr. Maskell has printed two forms of suffrages de Beato rege Henrico, in Monumenta Ritualia, iii. pp. 367-370 (ed. 1882). The former, taken from the larger Sarum hora (the quartos of 1516, 1520, &c.), is entirely different from that which we print here. The other, a form * composed by Pope Sixtus IV.' (1471-84), and printed from Harl. MS. 5793, has the same Antiphon, ' Beatus rex H. pauperum, 5 &c., but a different y., I. and Orison. Maskell gives also (pp. 370-71) a 'salutatio gloriosi militis Christi, Henrici regis Anglie sexti, cum oratiuncula brevi.' which again is entirely different. K. Henry died 21 May, 1471. May 22nd was the day set apart form's honour, although he was never formally canonized. 304 APPENDIX IV. Tu qui noster aduocatus Etf ius tui patronatus Defendasf ab hostibus. Et Anglorum gentem serua Pace firmaf siue genera 1 Tuis sanctis precibus. Arma gere contra Turcos, Hostes notos ac ignotos, Fer nobis auxilium. Esto custos tue plebis, Et N? nostri regis Extollens preconium. Per vexillum miles fortis Et sis tutor nostri sortis Contra Turci furiam. Nos defendas armis crucis Et Turcorum gentis trucis Conterensf superbiam. Gloriosa spes Anglorum, Audi vota famulorum Tibi nunc canencium. Per te nostrum et patronum Consequamur vite donum In terra viuentium. A constitution of Henry Chichele, Abp. of Canterbury in 1415, ordered the observance of the feast of St. George ' tanquam patroni et protectoris nationis Anglicani specialis/ and is included in the Canon law of England. (Lyndewood Provinciate ii. pp. 8, 69 ed. Oxon. 1679.) Preces et Suffragia pro Henrico Rege VII. By an easy transition we pass from the commemoration of K. Henry VI. to some prayers on behalf of K. Henry VII. which concern us here in as much as they will be found to throw a little light (though only of a negative character) upon the Sarum Missa capilularis. We may gather from such passages as the Sarum Mamiale (Surtees Soc. vol. 63), p. 74*, and Missale (ed. Burntisland), pp. 859*, 86 1*, that on ordinary days a missa in capitulo pro defunctis was said before terce, and in fact as a rule immediately after prime (but if some commendatio animarum was required to be said * Professor Middleton confirms Mr. Procter's reading of the letters in this corrupt passage. Perhaps ' fide uera ' was intended. 2 The initial or mark, which looks like 22, may serve for * Ricardi ' or ' Hen- rid ' (or for * Edwardi ' if occasion arose). FORMULAE QUAEDAM DE COMMEMORATIONIBUS. 205 1 a toto choro cum nota ' then the commendation followed the hour of prime and the capitular or other mass for the Departed came immediately after such ' commendation '). In a MS. which has now come into the possession of the Bishop of Salisbury and is known by the name of ' Miscellanea et Statuta quoad Sarum/ 1 there is among other curious papers a formal undertaking on the part of the Dean and Chapter of Salisbury (adapted likewise both for the Abbot and Convent of St. Mary's Abingdon, and for some Austin Priory in the same diocese by a few alternative interlineations). The parties engage themselves to make prayers for the happy and prosperous state of His Majesty K. Henry VII. They grant him, in terms com- monly found in letters of fraternity, the benefit of all masses, prayers, fasts, vigils, disciplines, abstinences, indulgences, alms- deeds, labours and other good works which are done in their communities, and they engage (i) during his lifetime to say or sing daily ' cum nota ' by some priest of their body at the greater or high altar of their church the following orison : " Quesumus omnipotens et misericors Deus, vt rex et fundator noster Henricus septimus, qui tua miseracione," &c., and the Secret " Munera quesumus, Domine, oblata sanctifica," &c., and Postcommunio " Hec quesumus, Domine, salutaris," &c., as in the alternative Mass for K. Henry VIII in the Sarum Missals of 1512, 1520. ed. Burntisland 786* n. 2 (2) ' Cum vero ab hac luce migraueris, deinde in qualibet principal! missa ad maius, siue summum, altare Ecclesie cathe- dralis (sive prioratus, vel monasterij) predict', per aliquem nostrorum vel successorum nostrorum, aut alium sacerdotem (confratrem, s. commonachum confratrem), vel ministrum quem- cunque celebranda, Celebrans ipse, quicunque pro tempore fuerit, singulis diebus imperpetuum pro salute anime uestre solemniter et cum nota leget et dicet oracionem sequentem, viz.,. " Inclina, Domine, aurem tuam," &c., vnacum hoc secreto " Animam famuli tui Regis Henrici septimi fundatoris nostri ab omnibus vicijs," &c. Et cum hac postcommunione "Annue nobis, Domine, ut anima," &c. (as in Missale Sarum pp. 876*, 877*, ' pro trigintalibus '). 1 Miscellanea et Statuta quoad Sarum (penes Episcopum) fo. 55 a -59 a .. This letter to the king may have been drafted in 1485-6 when the Deanery was vacant. - A mass for K. Henry VIII. (with the title which his daughter Q. Elizabeth rightly refused, * in terris ecclesie Anglicane supremum caput'\ and for his Queen Anne, is added in manuscript in two surviving copies of the Missalc- Hcrfordense, 1 502. See Dr. Henderson's preface, pp. iii, iv. Or. Quesumus, Omnipotens et misericors Deus, ut famulus. Seer. Munera, quesumus, Domine, oblata sanctifica. Postcomm. Hec, Domine, quesumus salutaris sacramenti. 206 APPENDIX IV. (3) Concessimus insuper, et per presentes concedimus adinuicem sacratissime vestre maiestati, vt in qualibet missa capitular! ad aliquod altare Ecclesie cathedralis (vel prioratus, sive monasterij) predict' per aliquem nostrum vel successorum nostrorum/ aut alium sacerdotem (confratrem, v. com- [If. 57 b . monachum confratrem) vel ministrum quemcunque celebranda, statim post fractionem hostie et decantacionem vel leccionem Per omnia secula seculorum, et ante inchoacionem Pax Domini y Celebrans ipse, vna cum stbi assistentibus ministris, et chorus prostratus similiter inter se, pro salute et incolumitate ac prospero et felici statu maiestatis vestre, singulis diebus quoad vixeritis psalmos et sufTragia singulos dicent et legent, viz. Ps. Exaudiat (xix?), et Ps. Dominus in virtute (xxl) cum Vers. Gloria, &c. Sicut, &c. ad finem utriusque Psalmi, vna cum Kyrieleyson. Pater noster, et Aue Maria. Deinde Sacerdos celebrans dicet, et Chorus, vt moris est, respondebit, " Et ne nos," &c., " Sed libera," &c. Exurgat Deus, &c.,/ Domine, saluum fac Regem, &c. Mitte ei, [If. 58 b . &c. Esto ei, &c. Nichil proficiat, &c. Drie, fiat, &c. Dfie, exaudi, &c. Dfis vobiscum, &c. Oremus. Da quesumus, &c. (the same prayer as that for the King in the Preces in prostra- iione in Missale Sarum p. 634, but with an inserted clause "et de hostibus triumphum, vt bonis," &c.) (4) Cum vero ab hac luce migrauerit, extunc in omni supra- dicta missa capitulari per nos (vel, <3r.) et ministrum quemcun- que ad aliquod altare in ecclesia Cathedrali (monasterio s. prioratu) predict' celebranda statim post fractionem hostie, &c. Celebrans/ ipse cum sibi assistentibus, &c. singulis [If. 58 b . diebus imperpetuum leget et dicet psalmos et suffragia sequent', viz. Ps. Voce mea (exit.) Et ps. De profundis (cxxix.) cum V. Gloria, &c. (Kyrie, Pater, and Ave, as above, but followed by) Requiem, &c. A porta, dfc. Credo videre, &c. Drie, exaudi. Dfis vobiscum. Oremus. Adiuua nos, Deus salutaris noster, et beatissime, &c. The prayer pro amico defuncto in the Sarum Missale p. 874*. The phrases " ad aliquod altare Ecclesie cathedralis," &c , and " ad aliquod altare in Ecclesia cathedrali," &c, occurring in the above extract with reference to the missa capitularis, may suffice to dispose finally of the notion, which on other and independent grounds has been losing its prestige, that this mass was said in the Chapter House at Salisbury or elsewhere. 1 * In capitulo ' or ' capitularis ' as applied to the mass in the cathedral church after prime, had only by accident any connotation of locality. It was as independent of the unity of place as the papal * conclave/ or FORMULAE QUAEDAM DE COMMEMORATIONIBUS. 207 the ' court ' of K. Charles I. There is, so far as I am aware, no evidence that our Chapter houses were ever used for the celebra- tion of mass, and it appears that the ' missa in capitulo ' at Salisbury was said sometimes at one altar, sometimes at another, only not at the high altar. 1 It seems by no means improbable that the name of this mass is of earlier date than the building of our Chapter Houses. 2 The Chapter Mass was, as a general rule, a Requiem Mass said in commemoration of the Departed. It followed the Chapter Office after Prime (and after the ' Com- mendatio Animarum ' when that was recited), and it preceded the High Mass. Sometimes when the proper mass of a Sunday or a Vigil could not be said as the principal mass of the day, 1 l Even this exception, if we may trust the account of the ' Rites of Dur- ham' as written down in 1593, was, as we shall see presently, no exception at Durham. The terms * missa capituli] ' missa capittdaris ' and ' missa in capitulo ' are all found in the Sarum rubrics. ' post Primam, ante missam capituli pro defunctis ' Brev. I. xlviii. The commendatio animarum is said on all ordinary ferias in Lent * statim post Primam ante missam capitularem. . . nisi in crastino duplicis festi,' Brev. I. dlxxxix. Cf. * Nulla feria in Paschali tempore dicitur missa capitularis pro defunctis, nisis c. Missal 860*. * Missa ferialis in capitulo pro defunctis,' * ante Tertiam dicitur missa in capitulo pro fidelibus defunctis cum diacono et subdiacono albis cum amictibus indutis tantum ' Missale 859*- 86 1*. But 'quando corpus adest presens,' and on Bishops' anniversaries, ' tune ad altare authenticum (the high altar) aliquando ad alia altaria, juxta quae cor- pora eorum requiescunt humata.' The following also are from the Breviary * Vigilie mortuorum quotidie, cum missa in crastino in capitulo. . . et in ipsa iii. feria (ante Pascha) fiant Vigilie mortuorum cum ix lee. in conuentu cum missa in crastino.' When a Canon dies it is the rule ' xxx dierum in conuentu obsequium fieri ' and each of his brethren to say * xxx psalteria separation ' I. xlv. . On Christmas Eve, when it falls on Sunday, 'missa dominicalis in capitulo post Primam vel Tertiam et ante processionem dicatur. Et missa de Vigilia dicatur post sextam in choro ad autenticum altare.' I. clxiv. Under certain circumstances 'missa dominicalis Adorate in aliquo festo ix. lectionum in Capitulo cantetur,' and under certain others both Omnis terra and Adorate ' in Capitulo cantentur.' I. ccclxii. When Corpus Christi falls on St. John Bapt. Day the procession at 2nd vespers goes to St. John's altar ' si habeatur,' and on the Sunday following St. John's mass is ' in capitulo.' I. mlxxvi, mlxxxii. In the rubric of the Missa pro Defunctis II. 526, Missale 865* we have the phrase 'quando dicitur missa ferialiter in capitulo^ vel alibi] which certainly if it stood alone would suggest the idea of place. In the Proprium Sanctorum we find the rule that the mass of St. Andrew's Octave is to be said ' in capitulo ' when it occurs on Saturday ; and likewise of St. Laurence's Octave when on a Sunday. III. 39, 708. ('In capitulo' occurs of a service which was held in the Chapter House in III. p. 986.) Missa in Capitulo is found likewise several times in the Pie of two commemorations, and exceedingly frequently in that of three. See above pp. 1 06, 150, 119, 120, 122, 124. 2 The Chapter House at Lincoln is said to have been finished about 1250, that of Salisbury in 1280, that of Wells in 1300. The Lincoln statute may be dated perhaps as early as 1214 or 1236. 208 APPENDIX IV. provision was made that the displaced mass should be said for ' missa in capitulo/ on the same or some other convenient day. We find instances also of a Vigil mass said ' in Chapter.' At St. Paul's, the Chapter mass was said by one of the two minor canons, or Priest Vicars, who were called cardinals. At Lincoln it was the duty of the vicars (as well no doubt as of the canons) to attend it, as a general rule, and it counted for them as equivalent to one of the little Hours in 1309. The celebrant at Lincoln (cir. 1267) was a canon (appointed for that occasion by the precentor) and he was attended by deacon and subdeacon * revested,' at least when celebrating for the anniversary of a deceased canon, or the like. (Kings and Bishops of Lincoln alone had their anniversary mass at the high altar.) The old thirteenth century statute at Lincoln laid down as part of the duty of the Treasurer that he should provide " ad missam in capitulo duos cereos." (Black Book, p. 289.) When the precise and lawyer-like Bp. W. Alnwick was revising this passage in 1440 in hopes of improving the Lincoln Statutes in point of perspicuity, he altered the words ' in capitulo ' into 4 capitularem! This circumstance is worth noting, because it establishes beyond dispute the identity of ' missa capitularis * with ' missa in capitulo.' At Durham, we are told, the * Chapter mass ' was celebrated at the high altar, at 9 o'clock, when the business in the Chapter house was done, and special mention was made of benefactors in the ' Memento' (Rites of Durham, p. 82.) At Exeter, in 1337 (Ordinale, fo. 8 b ) two choristers were required to attend the ' missa in capitulo.' A further regulation must be quoted from the same source (fo. i8 b ). After chapter business, and the correctiones capitular es : ' Et si debeat dici missa aliqua de vigilia, vel alias dominicalis vel de sanctis, in capitulo, i[d est] post capitulum ante terciam assignentur aliqui de quolibet gradu, ita quod adminus sint octo, exceptis ministris indutis, qui [ejidem intersint misse, ne in- honeste, vt aliquociens contingit, missa dicatur capitularis : quia ipsa ita est ordinaria sicut et magna, missa.' Whether we put a comma after ' terciam ' or not, it is plain that * in capitulo ' was considered to need a gloss, * post cap- itulum, ante terciam,' as being in itself ambiguous. And Bp. J. de Grandisson at Exeter, like Bp. Alnwick a century later at Lincoln, inclines to the word ' capitularis.' In the last generation several students of the rite of Sarum supposed that the capitular mass was celebrated in the Chapter- House : e.g. C. Seager Brev. Sar. (1843) p. xlvi. commenting on Pr. p. i., J. D. Chambers Divine Worship (1877) p. 86, and A. H. Pearson Sarum Missal in English in the Jirst edition (1868), FORMULAE QUA ED AM DE COMMEMORATIONIBUS. 209 pp. xxviii, xxix, 571, 575 &c. However, in the more recent edition of his Missal (1884, pp. xix, xx) Mr. Pearson expressed a modified opinion. Mr. F. H. Dickinson, in the preface to Missale ad usum Sarum y drafted in 1873 and published in 1883, pp. vii, viii. note n., calls the Missa in capitulo * a great puzzle.' He admits that we are tempted to translate it " in the Chapter-house," but he adds that, for certain reasons, it is ' almost impossible ' that it should have been said in that building. He refers most pertinently to a short chronicle published by Dr. Sparrow Simpson for the Camden Society in 1880, in which is mentioned, p. 56, that in 1339 two Altars, north and south of the High Altar, were consecrated along with it, and that they ' were called Capitularia. It seems obvious that these were placed there with a view to the celebration of the Missa Capitularis! As to the fundamental question, the origin and history of the term capitulum itself, Mr. Dickinson inclined to that derivation * which connects it with the French word " Chevet," la partie de i'Eglise qui est derriere le maitre autel, et qui est plus elevee que le reste and it is possible that the Capitulum was the Eastern part of the Presbytery, and the Missa in Capitulo said behind the High Altar at another Altar.' While accepting that locality as the most probable and most suitable for this mass, I rather think that the term ' in capitulo y in this case does not connote place at all, or only accidentally, but that it means the mass which is said while the canons and others are assembled in their capitular character. And I would give ' capitulum ' as regards the mass much the same sense as ' conventus ' has with respect to certain choral offices : observing further that, while we may speak of the one as ' choral? although it is sung extra chorum, or at some distance from the structural choir, so we may call the mass in question l capitular 1 or say that it was ' sung in chapter] although it was celebrated anywhere but in the Chapter House. (See above p. 165.) The Bishops' Council (' Decanus et Capitulum matricis ecclesiae ') in Cathedrals of the ' Old Foundation ' had held their meetings, capitulariter congregati, et capitulum facientes, as the phrase runs, for many years before they had a regular Domus Capitularis y specially constructed for those meetings, and called after their own body ' Capitulum' When Chapter Houses at length grew up, the business meetings were transferred to them along with such conventual offices as the reading of the obit- book, the Martilogium, and Collationes Patrum, and the Maundy washing. But the Capitular mass lingered at the Altar in some chapel or dignified but secluded part of the church where there was accommodation for the ritual of a mass with deacon MAYDESTONE. P 2r o APPENDIX IV. and subdeacon, and for the dignitaries and other members of the Cathedral staff who congregated to it, and where at the same time its semi-private character, as a gathering of the family of confratres et concanonici, cum ceteris minis tr is ecclesie cathedralis, could be well secured and maintained. Thus (I would, with some diffidence, suggest) it may have come about that a missa in capitulo was said at some distance from the domus capitularis, as a ' Vestry-meeting ' is often held in some room quite distinct from the ' Revestry ' of the parish church, or as a sitting of the 'Queen's Bench' division of the Judicature takes place where the Sovereign did not repose while awaiting Coronation. (F) In the printed Sarum Breviary 1556 the Commune Sanc- torum ends with Commune unius Matrone, and is followed by the services In Translatione S. Cedde In Commemoratione S. Ethelrede virginis non martyris Eliensis diocesis (cf. Brev. Sarum ii- P- 557> fr m Portif. 1525-6). Then follows (i) IN COMMEMORATIONE SANCTI THOME MARTYRIS. AD VESPERAS. Ant. Iste sanctus. (ii. p. 37 1.) 1 Capitulum. Omnis pontifex. Hymnus. Martyr Dei (ii. p. 372.) Versus. Gloria et honore. Ant. Pastor cesus. (i. p. ccxlvi.) Ps. Magnificat. [Hucusque ut in iii. 445.] Oratio Deus pro cuius ecclesia. (i. p. ccxlvi.) Memoria de aliquo sancto, si habeatur. AD MATUTINAS Invitatorium. Adest Thome martyris memoria Virgo mater iubilat ecclesia. Ps. Venite. Hymnus. Martyr Dei. (ii. p. 372.) Ant. Summo sacerdotio. (i. p. ccxlvii.) Ps. Beatus vir. et cetera, prout infesto eiusdem (29 Dec. i. pp. ccxlvii-cclxi.), Natalis Domini (25 Dec.), et translations eius (j Julij, iii. pp. 445451) sunt notata. V. Gloria et honore. (cf. iii. p. 340.) 1 The references (in parentheses) relate to the Cambridge edition of the Sarum Breviary of 1531. FORMULAE QUAEDAM DE COMMEMORATIONIBUS. 211 Lectio prima. Dormiente cum patribus ... in beato Thoma impletum est. (ii. p. 315.) 1. R. Studens livor Thome supplicio Thome genus domnatf exilio. Tota simul exit cognatio. In tempore Paschali. Alleluia V. Ordo, sexus, etas, conditio : Nullo gaudet hie priuilegio. Tota. Lectio ii. Promotus ergo electusf Dei pontifex, sacreque .... monachi adimpleret opus et meritum. 2. R. Thomas manum. &c. (ii. pp. 315, 316.) Lectio in. Et qui exemplo baptiste . . . sed a Deo gloriam quere- bat. 1 3. R. lacet granum. &c. (ii. pp. 316, 317.) V. [Ante Laudes\ Ora pro nobis beate Thoma. [R. Ut digni efficiamur promissionibus Christi.] IN LAUDIBUS, una tantum antiphona. Cetera prout in festo eiusdem, Natalis Domini, et Translations eiusdem sunt notata : preter antiphonam ad Primam super Psalmum Quicunque, que erit Te iure laudant. [ii. p. 49.] Tamen IN TEMPORE PASCHALI quando de hac commemoratione sancti Thome fit seruitium AD VESPERAS : super Psalmos Ant. Lux perpetua minor. P salmi feriales. Capitulum. Omnis pontifex. (ii. p. 386.) Hymnus. Martyr Dei, qui unicum. (ii. p. 372.) In fine hymni dicitur Quesumus Auctor omnium et Gloria tibi Domine, Qui surrexisti. (i. p. dccclix.) V. Tristicia uestra. Ant. Pastor cesus. (i. p. ccxlvi.) Et finiatur cum Alleluia. 1 The 3rd lesson here is a few lines shorter than that in the Great Breviary of 1531 (which notes the date and age of St. Thomas, and concludes with the Ascription), but it agrees with the Clare College Cambridge Norwich MS. Breviary, and with the Great Legenda of 1518, where these lections are called ' In commemoratione sancti thome martyris lectiones per annum? It will be observed that the 3 responsories for the commemoration are taken from the ist fcocturn of the festival in December. P 2 212 APPENDIX IV. Ps. Magnificat (ii. p. 221). Oratio. Deus pro cuius. Completorium de Tempore non mutatur. AD MATUTINAS : Inuitatorium. Adest Thome, et finiatur cum Alleluia. Ps. Venite. Hymnus. Martyr Dei. (ii. p. 372.) Super Psalmos dicitur hec sola Antiphona Summo sacerdotio [i. p. ccxlvii.] et finiatur cum. Alleluia. P salmi Beatus uir (i. p. 5). Quare fremuerunt gentes (ii. p. 7). Domine, quid multiplicati. (iii. p. 7.) Versus. Tristitia uestra. Hi predicti P salmi, cum predicta Antiphona, et Versus, dicuntur quotienscunque de hac Commemoratione tempore Paschali dicitur. Et non dicuntur alij P salmi, nee alia Antiphona, nee alius Versus. Lectiones et Responsoria sicut prius. Ante Laudes V. Vox letitie. (ii. p. 357.) IN LAUDIBUS : hec sola Antiphona Granum cadit. et finiatur cum Alleluia. Ps. Dominus regnauit. Cap. Omnis pontifex. (ii. p. 386.) Hymnus. Deus tuorum militum (ii. p. 384) in fine dicitur Quesumus Auctor. et Gloria tibi Domine, Qui surrexisti. (i. p. dccclix.) V. Gaudete. Ant. Opem nobis. (i.p. cclix.) et finiatur cum Alleluia. Ps. Benedictus. (ii. p. 35.) Oratio ut supra. AD PRIM AM et ad alias Horas omnia fiant sicut supra dictum est, preter Responsoria et Versus ad Tertiam, Sextam et Nonam t que erunt de Communi Unius Martyris siue Pontificis Paschalis temporis : ita tamen quod omnes A ntiphone super Primam et alias Horas finiantur cum Alleluia. Quotidie per totum annum dicantur Vespere et Matutine de S* Maria in chore vel extra. &c. (ii. p. 283.) (ii.) St. Osmund who died in 1099 was not canonized until 1456. A form for his weekly commemoration appears among the services for July i6th in the Sanctorale in some of the later printed breviaries (ed. Cantab, iii. 485-490.) e.g. 1519, 1531, 1556. (iii.) Like the Sarum Breviary of 1531 the portiforwm of 1556 has a form (immediately before the Dedication Offices). FORMULAE QUA EDAM DE COMMEMORATION1BUS. 213 In commemoratione S. Cedde episcopi. It gives the following lessons which are nearly identical with those of the 1st nocturn of the festival (2 March) ; Lectio i. Temporibus igitur Oswaldi . . . faceret episcopum. (iii. p. 196.) Lectio ii. Cum adhuc Wilfridus . . . ordinatus episcopus. (ibid.) Lectio iii. Consecratus igitur in episcopum Cedda . . . unde .ordinandus discesserat rediit. (iii. pp. 196, 197.) This service is worked out in 1556 more fully, on the whole, than in 1531. But the antiphone in ferialibus diebus are not noticed. (iv.) The form provided in 1556, in the Sarum portiforium, In commemoratione S. Etheldrede virginis non martyris Eliensis diocesis, is identical with that which we have printed in extenso (from a portiforium of 1525-6) as an appendix to the Psalterium of the ,Sarum Breviary, pp. 557-8. It runs thus : Oratio. Deus qui eximie castitatis. Cetera Unius Virginis non martyris. Lectio i. In presentis vite . . . certum est exultare. Lectio ii. Succurre domina : succurre . . . gratulenturf .adeptos. (leg. ( gaudeamus ' Ii. 10, pro ' gaudemus.') Lectio iii. Respice benignissima . . . secula. Amen. Cetera de communi Unius Virginis non martyris. (G) A LIST OF CATHEDRALS AND SOME COL- LEGIATE CHURCHES IN GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND WITH THEIR DEDICATIONS. (The secondary Commemorations are added where these can be ascertained.) Aberdeen. St. Machar's Cathedral, at Old Aberdeen (ruined except the nave, which is now used for Presbyterian worship). St. Andrew. Commemorations of St. Andrew, St. Thomas Martyr, and B. Mary. Brev. Aberd. P.E., &c., de tempore xiiip. Psalt. fo. cxv b ., cxxxi b . For St. Machar, see ibid. P.E. 12 Nov. sanctorale, fo. cliiii-clvii.) .Achonry. St. Crumnathy. Finian founded it in 530, and gave it to his disciple, St. Nathy (' Cruimther '), whose name it bears. 2i 4 APPENDIX IV. Aghadoe (Tralee). ' St. Canice/ according to Mackenzie E. C. Walcott's Cathedrals. Some early remains. Annaghdown. ? In ruins. Ardagh. Said to be called after St. Mell (its founder, nephew of St. Patrick). But it appears as 'the church of St. Patrick, dio. Ardagh ' in the Patent of Dean Ro. Richardson,. 27 May, 1595. {Reliquary Jul. 1891. See Royal Pres n - Patent Rolls, Chancery of Ireland.) In ruins. Ardfert. The * cathedral church of St. Brendan.' In ruins. Ardmore. ? In ruins. Argyll, see ' Lismore ' and ' Cumbrae.' Armagh. The cathedral church of St. Patrick. Bangor. St. Daniel. (' St. Mary and St. Daniel ' Willis.) Bath Abbey. Con-cathedral church with Wells. Pre-Reforma- tion, St. Saviour, St. Peter and St. Paul ; commonly ' St, Peter's/ (Ded. 13 Oct. Brit. Mus. MS. Add. 10628.) Brechin. Holy Trinity. (Presbyterian.) (Ruined, except the nave, which, partly rebuilt, is now used as the presbyterian parish church). Bristol Abbey. St. Augustine. An Augustinian church, raised to cathedral rank by K. Hen. VIII. in 1542, under the designation of ' the Cathedral Church of the Holy Trinity.' Bury St. Edmunds Abbey. (Commem. of St. Mary, St. Edmund, and St. Benedict. MS. Harl. 2977.) Ded. on 18 Oct. 1032. Caithness, see ( Dornoch.' Canterbury. The Holy Trinity, but commonly called ' Christ Church,' 1 and formally 'the cathedral and metropolitical church of Christ, Canterbury.' (Ded. 4 May. Saxon Chron. Arundel MS. 155. The crypt, or lady chapel, 16 Aug.) For commem. masses in 1285, see above, p. 174. Carlisle. St. Mary's Priory. The dean and chapter incorporated by K. Hen. VIII. under the title of the D. and C. of the Cathedral Church of the Holy Undivided Trinity. Cashel. St. Patrick. (His commem. ordered in 1348.) The older Cathedral is in ruins. In 1749, when the old cathedral was abandoned and the see transferred to the church of St. John Baptist, Cashel, it was directed that the new cathedral should be designated ' the cathedral and parochial church of St. Patrick's Rock and St. John Baptist Cashell.' Chester. The cathedral church of the Mercian bishopric, when temporarily settled at Chester, was dedicated in honour of St. John Baptist. In 1541 a new see was founded in the 1 All older mediaeval dedications popularly called ' Christ Church ' are really dedications to the Holy Trinity : as for instance Christ Church King's Court at York, Norwich and Waterford cathedrals, Christ Church, Dublin, &c. [T. M. F.] DEDICATIONS OF CATHEDRALS, ETC. 215 Benedictine monastic church of St. Werburg [and Oswald]. And on 4 Aug. 1541 K. Hen. VIII. incorporated the Dean and Chapter of the Cath. Church of Christ and B. Mary, V. (Dugd. Monast. ii. 366, 396.) Chichester. (The former cathedral at Selsey was dedicated to St. Peter, as is the antient parish church there.) Prc- Reformation : The Holy Trinity. Unchanged, and now, formally, 'the cathedral church of the Holy Trinity, Chichester.' (Never termed ' Christ Church.') Ded. 1 2 Sept. 1199. (Owen, Sanctorale Cath.) Clogher. St. Macartin. Clonfert. St. Brendan. (Commem. of St. Patrick.) 'The cathedral church of St. Brandon.' In 1745 W. Crome was appointed dean * of the cathedral church of Kevin dioc. Clonfert.' Irish Patent Rolls. Clonmacnoise. St. Kieran. In ruins. In 1741 Patent of Dr. J. Owens, dean of ' St. Kiarans.' Cloyne. St. Colman. (Commem. of St. Patrick.) Connor. (Old dedication not known.) St. Saviour's parish church, Lisburn, consecrated in 1813. The old cathedral is destroyed. (Chapter constituted in 1609. K. James I.) In 1709, Patent of Dr. Owen Lloyd, dean 'of cur Holy Saviour in Connor.' Cork. St. Finbar. (Commem. of St. Patrick.) New cathedral, 1870. [Coventry. Pre- Reformation, St. Mary, St. Peter and St. Osburg : con-cathedral church with Lichfield. Now destroyed.] Cumbrae. Collegiate Church of the Holy Spirit, serving as a cathedral for the limited diocese of Argyll and the Isles. It was constituted the cathedral of the Isles (not, however, of Argyll) by bishop Mackarness. Derry. St. Columb. The present building does not stand on the site of the ancient cathedral. Dornoch. The cathedral church of the diocese of Caithness, St. Mary's. Mainly rebuilt in the early part of this century and used as the presbyterian parish church. Down. Holy Trinity. The old church A.D. 440 ; a college of Secular Canons. Here St. Patrick was buried, and sub- sequently it was dedicated as St. Patrick's Benedictine Priory. K. James I. changed the dedication from ' St. Patrick ' to ' the Holy Trinity.' (Lewis, Top. Diet. Ireland.) Some consider that this was a return to the earliest dedica- tion. Re-built and re-consecrated 1826. Dromore. Christ the Redeemer. The old church A.D. 500. Re- built by Jeremy Taylor, after the Rebellion, and conse- crated 1 66 1. Formally constituted or recognised as the 216 APPENDIX IV. cathedral of Dromore, 21 Geo. II. Patent of Dean Singe, 1634, ' of the cathedral of Christ the Redeemer de Dromore.' Dublin (i) Christ Church 'the Cathedral Church of the Holy Trinity,' otherwise ' Christ Church ' (see above, p. 214 n.), A.D. 1038. Restored, 1878. Commem. of St. Patrick. Wilkins' Concilia ii. p. 750. A.D. 1348. Is a con-cathedral with Dublin (2) St. Patrick's. At first a parish church, made a collegiate church, re-built and consecrated 1191. Made a cathedral 1213. Restored 1865. Dunblane. St. Blaan (the choir hitherto used as the presby- terian parish church ; but quite recently the entire building has been roofed over and is in use). Dunkeld. St. Columba (partly ruined, the choir used as the presbyterian parish church). Durham. Pre-Reformation, St. Cuthbert and St. Mary. K. Henry VIII., 4 May, 1541, incorporated 'the dean and chapter of Durham, of the cathedral church of Christ and blessed Mary the Virgin.' Edinburgh. Modern cathedral church of St. Mary. The old collegiate church of St. Giles. Raised to cathedral rank by K. Charles I., 29 Sept. 1633. It so continued till the ' abolition of prelacy ' in Scotland, when it was divided into three separate parish churches (in choir, south transept, nave). Restored 15 years ago, and now in use as one presbyterian parish church. Elgin. Holy Trinity cathedral church of the diocese of Moray (in ruins). Elphin. B.V. Mary. Ely. Pre-Reformation monastic church of St. Peter and St. Etheldreda. 1 K. Henry VIII., 10 Sept. 1541, erected the late monastery into a ' cathedral church of the Holy and Undivided Trinity of Ely/ Dugd. Monast. i. pp. 483, 469. (Commem. of S. Etheldreda V., in portiforio Sarum, 1 509, &c.) Ded. 17 Sept. 1252. Emly. St. Aelbeus, Alibeus, or Elibeus, teacher of St. David of Wales. (Commem. of St. Patrick.) Taken down after the disestablishment. Enachdune, see Annagdown. Eton College. Our Lady. Also commem. of St. Hugh, Bp. (Bp. Longland's Visitation 1527.) Exeter. St. Peter. ' eccl. cath. beati Petri Exon.' Still 1 Ely had been dedicated in Dunstan's time on Feb. 2nd or 3rd, the ' titulus B* Petri' placed ' in capite ecclesie,' and the ' memoria ' of the B. Virgin to the south. In still earlier times the church was St. Peter's, and contained an altar of St. Etheldreda and her relicks. Liber Eliensis ii, capp. 52, 5,4- DEDICATIONS OF CATHEDRALS, ETC. 217 unchanged, ' the cathedral ch. of St. Peter in Exeter.' Commem. of B. Mary, Peter and Paul Apostles. (Ordinale Exon. fo. 2i b , 49, 54 b .) Ded. 21 Nov. MS. Harl. 6979. Ferns. St. Edan, otherwise (St. Moedoc or) Mogne. (Commem. of St. Patrick.) Patent i Eliz. of J. Garvie, dean ' of the cathedral church of St. Edain of Femes.' Fortrose. St. Peter and St. Boniface. Cathedral church of the diocese of Ross. Only a small side aisle now in use, as a burying place. Galloway, see Whithorn. Glasgow. St. Kentigern, otherwise St. Mungo (used as a pres- byterian parish church). Ded. 6 July, 1197. (Owen, Sanc- torale Catholicum.) Glendalough. St. Peter and St. Paul's. In ruins. Gloucester. St. Peter's Monastery. Holy Trinity Cathedral. Formerly a monastic church dedicated to St. Peter. Bishopric established here, 1108. In 1541 K. Henry VIII. gave it the style of 'eccl. cathedr. S. et Indiv. Trinitatis. Gloucestriae.' See Dugd. Monast. i. 555. (Dedic. 15 July, noo, Florent. Wigorn.) Hereford. St. Ethelbert. Commem. of St. Ethelbert. St. Thomas Confessor. (Hereford Breviary.) Ded. n May. (Kal. Missalis Herf.) Feast of Relicks, Dom. post vii. Jul. (ibid.). Inverness. St. Andrew. (Serves for united dioceses of Moray, Ross, and Caithness.) Locally within the diocese of Ross, lona. St. Mary (in ruins). At one time cathedral of the diocese of Sodor, or the Isles. Kildare. St. Brigid. (Commem. of St. Patrick.) Restored. Kilfenora. St. Fachnan. (Commem. of St. Patrick.) Kilkenny. ' The cathedral church of St. Canice.' (Commem. of St. Patrick.) Cathedral church of the diocese of Ossory. Killala. St. Patrick. Killaloe. St. Flannan. (Commem. of St. Patrick.) Kilmacduagh. St. Colman. * The cathedral church of St. Coleman.' In ruins. (Commem. of St. Patrick.) Kilmore. Possibly $t. Fedlimid, A.D. 540. (' St. Phelim's.') An old church made the cathedral in 1442. A new cathedral was built in 1859-60. The Patents give 'St. Phelan of Kilmore/ 1634; 'St. Phelim dio. Kilmore,' 1661, of 1664; ' St. Felin in Kilmore.' 1692. Kirkwall. St. Magnus. The cathedral church of the diocese of Orkney, and in use as a presbyterian parish church. Leighlin. St. Lazarian. (Commem. of St. Patrick.) Lichfield. B.V. Mary and Chad. (His Commem. Sarum porti- forium, 1 509, &c.) Formerly con-cathedral with Coventry. 218 APPENDIX IV. Limerick. St. Mary. (Commem. of St. Patrick.) Patent of J. Smith, 1666, ' of the cathedral of our blessed Lady in Limerick.' Lincoln. B.V. Mary. (Commem. of Blessed Mary V. and St. Hugh Bp. Their commem. in Rolls of Re and Ve 1278, &c.) Ded. 3 Oct. (Mr. R. Owen gives '9 May, 1092,' in Sanctorale Catholicum p. 226.) Fest. Reliq. Sunday after 7 July. Lisburn. Christ's Church. In 1662, the cathedrals of Down and Connor, both being in ruins, K. Charles II. incorporated the church of * Lisburne alias Lisnegarvie the cathedral church of the bishoprics of Down and Connor, to be known as ' Christ's Church of Lisburne al's Lisnegarvie.' Down- patrick Cathedral having since then been restored, Lisburn Cathedral has served for Connor only. Lismore. St. Moluac. (Killmuluag.) The cathedral church of the diocese of Argyll. A very small building. Lismore. St. Carthage alias Macodi. (Commem. of St. Patrick.) [Liverpool. St. Peter. A district chapel, made parochial in the 1 7th century. Raised to cathedral rank in 1880.] Llandaff. (?) SS. Peter [and Paul]. Dubricius, Teilo, and Ondoceus. London. St. Paul. (Ded. I Oct. 1240.) Manchester. B.V. Mary, George and Denys. Made collegiate in 1422. Raised to cathedral rank in 1848. Q. Eliz. by charter incorporated the chapter as * Warden and Fellows of Christ Church in Manchester.' So also K. Charles L, and they became thus ' Dean and Chapter of Christ Church ' in 1848. [Meath. St. Ultan at Ardbaccan. Simon Rochfort, 1st Norman Bp. of Meath, dedicated the Cathedral of St. Peter and St. Paul, Newtown, near Trim. Now in ruins. (His successors did not recognize it as a cathedral.)] Moray, see Elgin. [Newcastle. Parish church of St. Nicholas, raised to cathedral rank in 1882.] Norwich. Holy Undivided Trinity. (Ded. 30 Nov. Waverley Annals. Fest. Ded. 24 Sept. Rev. E. S. Dewick's 15th cent. MS. portiforium.) Pre-Reformation ' Holy Trinity Norwich,' vulgo, ' Christ Church Priory.' Orkney, see Kirkwall. Ossory, see Kilkenny. Oxford. Pre-Reformation monastery of St. Frideswide. Sup- pressed in 1524. In 1525 K. Henry VIII. granted the site to Wolsey for his College of ' the Holy Trinity, the B, Virgin Mary, St. Frideswide, and All Saints.' K. Henry refounded it as ' the Cathedral Church of Christ and the DEDICATIONS OF CATHEDRALS, ETC. 219 Blessed Virgin Mary,' and again later as * the Cathedral Church of Christ in Oxford.' Peel. The cathedral church of the diocese of Man (erroneously called ' Sodor,' i.e., the Isles, ' and Man.') Pre-Reformation St. German. In 1670 'eccl. cath. St. Germani Peelae in insula Monae.' (Bp. Bridgeman.) Now in ruins. Perth. Modern cathedral church of St. Ninian, for diocese of St. Andrew's, Dunkeld, and Dunblane. Locally in the diocese of Dunkeld. Peterborough. Monastery of St. Peter. (Ded. of choir 29 June, 1143 ; of nave 28 Sep. 1237 ; Fest. Reliq. 21 Oct.) Made a cathedral without change of name. Raphoe. St. Eunan, i.e. Adamnan. Patent of Dr. Capell Wiseman, 1676, as dean ' of St. Evans Raphoe.' Patent of Dr. Arthur Smyth, 1742, dean 'of Evanus alias Eunan.' Ripon. Pre-Reformation, SS. Peter and Wilfrid. His commem. edited by Whitham and Thistle 1893. A collegiate church, refounded by K. James I. Raised to cathedral rank in 1836. Rochester. Pre-Reformation, St. Andrew. (Ded. 8 May, 1130, Flor. Wigorn. ; 5 Dec. 1240. MS. Lansd. 935.) K. Henry VIII. reconstituted it with a secular chapter which he placed in ' the cathedrall churche in the house of Criste and our lady sancte Marye in our citie of Rochester.' (Gervase Cantuar. gives another day in May.) Ross (Rosscarberry). St. Faughnan, or * Faughan,' Fachnan. (Commem. of St. Patrick.) Ross, see Fortrose : cf. Inverness. Rothsay. St. Mary. After lona was abandoned, the see of the Isles was transferred to the church of St. Mary, Rothsay (now ruined). It was the only Post-Reformation cathedral church of the bishopric of the Isles. St. Albans. St. Alban. (His commem. mentioned in 1338. Dugdale Monasticon iii. p. 365.) Ded. 28 Dec. ; Fest. Reliq. 27 Jan. Brit. Mus. Reg. 2 A. x. A monastic church, sup- pressed at the Reformation, and made parochial. Raised to cathedra] rank in 1877. St. Andrews. St. Andrew (in ruins). Ded. 5 July, 1318. (Jo. Fordun.) St. Asaph, otherwise Llanelwy. Pre-Reformation. St. Asaph (and Kentigern). Unaltered. 1 St. Davids, otherwise Llandewi. St. David. Unchanged. Salisbury. B.V. Mary. (Her commem. and St. Thomas M., 1 The cross-keys, now used as the arms of the see of St. Asaph, and sug- gestive of a dedication in honour of St. Peter, are a blunder of modern date for a key and crozier in saltire. [T. M. F.] 220 APPENDIX 2V. on Saturdays and Thursdays respectively.) Ded. kept on 30 Sept. ; Fest. Reliq. Sunday after 8 July. See pp. 133-5. Three eastern altars ded. by Bp. Ri. Poore, 28 Sept. (iiij. kal. Oct.) 1225. High altar ('of the Assumption') ded. by Abp. Boniface 29 Sept. (iij. kal. Oct.) 1258. Flores Historiarum^ Rolls Series, iii. p. 249. Sodor and Man. See ' Peel.' Southwell. Prc-Reformation, 'St. Mary' or 'our Lady.' Called in 1763 'the collegiate church of the Blessed Mary the Virgin of Southwell.' Raised to cathedral rank in 1884. Tuam. St. Mary. Patent of James Wilson, 1669, dean " of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Tuam.' [Truro. B. V. Mary. A parish church, raised to cathedral rank in 1877, and in process of building. Ded. of the choir, 3 Nov. 1887.] [Wakefield. All Saints. A parish church, raised to cathedral rank in 1888.] Waterford. B. Trinity. (Commem. of St. Patrick.) Wells. Con-cathedral with Bath. Pre-Reformation, St. Andrew. Unchanged. (His commem. Ordinale 'Wellen. 27, 50.) Ded. ' in fest. S. Romani mense Novemb.' probably x kal. Nov. i.e. 23 Octob. ; Fest. Reliq. 15 Oct. Westminster Abbey. St. Peter. (Ded. 28 Dec. 1065 ; Fest. Reliq. 1 6 July.) Whithorn. St. Martin (al. St. Ninian'). Diocese of Galloway. A portion of the ruin has been used recently as a presby- terian parish church. Winchester College. B. Mary V. (Rz* plenum servicium men- tioned in Statutes rubr. 29.) Winchester Old Minster. Holy Trinity, St. Peter and St. Paul, 25 Dec. A.D. 648 (known as 'Petres hus:' St. Paul men- tioned by Bede H.E. Re-dedicated in 903 Holy Trinity, B. Virgin, and St. Peter (Bramston and Leroy Historic Winchester p. 19, cf. pp. 30, 212). Again, 20 Oct. 980 'St. Peter and St. Paul, and St. Swithun.' According to others ' St. Birin, St. Swithin and St. Ethelwold ' originally. ( Tanner?) ' Edotius ' also venerated there. (Dugd. Monast. i. 213.) St. Swithin's name popularly in use. K. Henry VIII. refounded it 28 Mar. 1541, as 'the cathedral church of the Holy and Undivided Trinity.' Documents Kitchin and Madge, -p. 38. Ded. 20 Oct. (Holland, St. Ethel- bert.) Windsor. Royal Free Collegiate Chapel of Blessed Mary V., St. George and St. Edward King and Confessor. (Commem. of B.V. Mary mentioned here in an inventory, 1384-50 DEDICATIONS OF CATHEDRALS, ETC. 221 Worcester. S. Mary, Peter, Oswald, and Wulstan. 1 (Ded. 7 June, 1218.) Refounded by K. Henry VIII. as 'the church of Christ and the Blessed Virgin Mary.' York. St. Peter. Unchanged. Formerly styled ' the cathedral and metropolitical church of St. Peter of York. Had com- memorations of SS. Peter and Paul, and St. William. (Com- mem. B. Marie V., et S. Willelmi, et Apostolorum, Breviarium Ebor. i. 675-702.) Ded. First Sunday in July. Ibid. ii. 781 ; Fest.Reliq. 19 Oct. 2 1 The high altar at Worcester ' ded. in honore S. Marie et S. Oswaldi ; et medium in honore S. Petri et Wlstani. 3 Annales Wigorn. (Wharton, Anglia Sacra I. pp. 483-4.) 2 For some assistance in making or revising this list I am indebted to the Right Reverend John Dowden, D.D., Lord Bishop of Edinburgh. He cites as authority for the old dedication of Aberdeen a bull of Adrian IV., Aug. 10, 1167, quoted in Collections for Hist, of Aberdeen and Banff (Spalding Club) p. 145, cf. p. 148. For information regarding the churches in Ireland I am indebted to Dr. G. T. Stokes, and to my former colleagues, Dr. MacDonnell, sometime Dean of Cashel, and Dr. H. Jellett, Dean of St. Patrick's. Mr. T. M. Fallow, Editor of the Reliquary^ and likewise the Rev. E. S. Dewick, have kindly aided me considerably in this compilation. APPENDIX V. OF COLLEGIATE CHURCHES MENTIONED BY CLEMENT MAYDESTON, (i.) Winchester College, a. Benefactors. b. Liturgical Colours. (2.) St. Katharine's by the Tower. (3.) St. Martki le grand. (4.) St. Stephen's, Westminster. (5.) St. George's and St. Edward's, Windsor. OF COLLEGIATE CHURCHES MENTIONED BY CLEMENT MAYDESTON. I. COLLEGE OF ST. MARY WINTON, BY WINCHESTER. (i.) The Benefactors. (i.) The author of the Defensorium, probably himself a Wyke- hamist, has mentioned (cap. 3, p. 6) the custom of the clerks of the Colleges of Winton and Oxford, and the limits of their obli- gation to observe Sarum rule. (a.) Fifteen years ago Dr. Westcott, now Bishop of Durham, showed me in the Cathedral Library at Peterborough a folio Sarum Missal, printed by Rembolt, 21 Jan. 1513, and containing a MS. insertion on vellum to fit the book (which is printed on paper) for use in some society which had at least a * general ' obligation to observe the Sarum rites. More recently the statutes of Winchester College have been printed for the first time in Mr. Kirby's Annals of Winchester College (1892), and while these pages have been passing through the press it has occurred to me that the book now at Peterborough must have belonged originally to one of William of Wykeham's Colleges. The Christian names of the persons commemorated prove this unmistakably, when compared with those mentioned in the Statutes (rubrica xxix.) in Kirby's Annals pp. 503-5. The Winchester Statutes were drawn up in 1394, or earlier, and were subscribed by the society in the Chapel 1 1 Sept. 1400. In rubric xxix. the Founder gave his rules de modo dicendi missas, matutinas, et alias horas canonicas in capella Collegii memo- rati, et de ordine standi in choro capelle predicte. These services were to be executed, by the fellows in priest's order and by other chaplains and conducts, 1 'cum cantu et nota . . . 1 The term ' conduct ' for a stipendiary chaplain, removable with due notice, ' clericus conducticius ' as distinguished from ' socius perpetuus,' long survived at Eton and King's College, Cambridge. The boys were allowed to sing and perform mattins and other divine service according to the custom of Sarum on the feast of Holy Innocents or Childermas. MAYDESTONE. Q 226 APPENDIX V. secundum usum et consuetudinem ecclesie Cathedralis Sarum.' Mattins on ordinary days were to be sung between 4 and 5 o'clock. After mattins and the service of prime appointed for the day, seven masses de certo 1 were to be celebrated in college chapel every day throughout the year, Good Friday alone excepted. Mass i. at the high altar. De sancta Maria, according to the Sarum rules, with 5 collects, viz. a. The orison proper to the Lady Mass. b. The prayer Rege, quaesumus, Domine famulum tuum W., &c. (as in Missale Sarum p. 8 1 6,* pro episcopd) for the Founder during his lifetime, and afterwards for his successor in the see of Winton for the time being. On Saturdays, and on other occasions when the Mass of the Blessed Virgin would come naturally as the mass of the day see No. iii, below the first mass and its collect shall be either Salus populi, or pro Pace, or else de Cruce, as in the Missal pp. 741*, 783*, 748*, or for any Saint that occurred for celebration on the day in question, c. The prayer Quaesumus, omnipotens Deus, for the healthful state of the King, see Missal, p. 785*. d. Either for the estate of the Church throughout the world (' pro statu uniuersalis ecclesie '), or pro Pace ; and lastly, e. The prayer Fidelium Deus, for the Founder's parents and all faithful souls, see Missal, p. 879*. After W. of Wykeham's death (which took place 27 Sep. 1404) c and d were to share the third place in turn, and the fourth place was to be occupied regularly by the prayer Deus qui inter apostolicos (see Missal p. 870*, pro episcopis defunctis) for the Founder's soul. 2 Mass ii. at the high altar a Requiem mass with 3 collects, viz. a. for the Bishop- Founder's soul, Deus qui inter apostolicos, as above. b. the prayer Inclina Domine and c. the prayer Fidelium Deus, Missal pp. 876*, 879*. This was the office Requiem, for the souls of K. Edward III., Q. Philippa of Hain- ault, their son Edward the Black Prince, of Aquitaine and Wales, K. Richard II. and Q. Anne of Bohemia, also for the Founder himself, his parents John and Sibilla Longe, and for Ralph de Sutton, Knt., John de Scures, Knt, Thomas de Foxle, Andrew Gerveys, John Wodelok, and other benefactors of the College and for all faithful souls. Mass iii. at the high altar. De die. (This is expressly called the High Mass in the corresponding chapter of the Eton Statutes which K. Henry VI. drafted on the Winchester lines.) It was, of course, the Sarum mass for the day. 1 de cerlo : fixed specifically, is opposed to missae votiuae (properly so- called). 2 W. de Wykeham founded also a chantry at Southwick priory for his parents' souls. See Life of W. de W. by G. H. Moberly. ON COLLEGIATE CHURCHES. 227 Mass iv. For the soul of Sir Ralph de Sutton, Knt. with 3 collects, viz. a. Deus cut soli. b. Inclina, D online > and c. Fidelium Deus. Sarum Missal, pp. 873*, 876*, 879*. Mass v. For the souls of Sir J. Scures, Knt, T. Foxle, Andrew Gerveys, and J. Wodelok, with 3 collects as aforesaid. Masses vi, vii. Two masses pro Fundatore, with the collect Rege quaesunius, as in Mass i. during his lifetime, and after his decease with the 3 collects a. Deus qui inter apostolicos, b. Inclina Domine, and c. FzJelium Deus} The same collects were to be recited also for the Royal personages and benefactors by priests on the days when they were not engaged as celebrants in their course. The list of persons commemorated is remarkable, and even touching. Besides honouring his parents (his yeoman father and his ' gentle ' mother), the Founder shows his gratitude to the memory of K. Edward, who had appointed him his chaplain, had given him his first preferment in 1349, and had employed him as a surveyor at Windsor. Thomas Foxley had been constable of Windsor Castle (quod * fecit Wykeham ' as he oracularly phrased it) and died (probably of the plague there) in 1361. Richard II. and his Queen had both been living when Wykeham drew up his statutes, but died respectively in Feb. 1400, and in 1394, before these regulations were subscribed by the senior members of the new foundation. Ralph de Sutton was presumably (as Mr. G. H. Moberly observes) Wykeham's earliest patron at his country home in Hampshire. John de Scures had given him his schooling at Winchester Priory School, and then about 1339 had employed him to write, in his fair clerkly hand, 2 at Win- chester Castle. The two other names, Andrew Jervis and John Woodlock, are not known to us with any certainty ; but I observe that there was a boy named John Gerveys of FareJiani admitted a scholar of Winchester College in 1437. Wykeham leaves ioo/. in his will to a married cousin (' consanguinee ') Alice Wodelok, and one William Wodelok of Wherwell entered College in 1472. Wykeham had bequeathed 20 marcs to the abbess and convent of that place. No doubt there was some feeling of affectionate gratitude, which prompted this recognition of a personal regard, in these as in the other commemorations for which he made provision. It was not indeed with the noble-hearted statesman Wykeham 1 Wykeham provided for four commemorations in his memory yearly at both his colleges, one to be on a free day towards the end of each quarter in the year (now known as k Founder's Com.') besides his obit or anniversary of his decease ('Founder's Ob.'). 2 Mr. G. H. Moberly has given a facsimile of his later handwriting in his Life of Wykeham. Q 2 228 APPENDIX V. as with some aged donor and benefactor, in whom (as Dean Mansel pathetically described such a case in his P Jirontisteriori] " the long-neglected feelings claimed once more their moving part, And the pent-up tide of bounty forced its passage through the heart," And who, " Severed from the bonds of kindred, taught his lonely heart to school By his Father's chastening kindness, or his Church's sterner rule." But yet, no doubt, Wykeham had something of a kindred feeling, when he began in a ripe old age to realize at last the deliberate design, so often thwarted, although never laid aside ; and in some measure it was true of the great and noble Bishop of Winchester also, that " Oft to spots by memory cherished, where his earliest love began In his age's desolation, fondly turned the childless man." One by one the friends and patrons of his youth had passed away ; but they could not leave him altogether comfortless, for he could leave a name c better than of sons and daughters,' and in the faith and fear of One, who should * see His seed ' and should * prolong His days,' Wykeham beheld a happy and blessed con- summation of his work. Through the kindness of Dr. Stephen Phillips, precentor of Peterborough, I have now before me a photograph of the vellum leaves which, as I have before mentioned, are inserted in the Sarum Missal formerly in use in Winchester College Chapel. 1 At the top of the first leaf of the open page, 4 lines are ruled and left blank for the insertion of some prayer of which only the initial, which I take to be an N } is written. Then follows the collect Inclina, Dentine, aurem tuam, the Secrete A m'mam famu/z tui Henrici septimi regis nostri ab omnibus vicijs, and the Post- communio Annue nobis, written at length for the soul of the late King at the date when the missal was new (cir. 1513-20) as in the ordinary Sarum trental in the Missale (ed. Dickinson, pp. 876*, 877*.), followed by the Psalms Voce mea ad Dominum clamavi : voce mea ad Dominum deprecatus sum 2 (cxlj.) Gloria Patri and De profundis (cxxix.), the latter alone being too familiar to need copying for the celebrant in extenso, likewise 1 The mention of four Winchester benefactors including A. Jervis and J. Wodelock (as well as the absence of the commemoration of John Bokyng- ham, Bp. of Lincoln) shows that the book belonged not to New College, Oxford, but to the sister, or shall we say nursing mother, college of St. Mary, Winton, * prope Winton? See Moberly's Life of Wykeham, ed. I, p. 208. 2 This Psalm, Voce mea .ii. (cxlj.) is appointed in the Sarum Manual for Lauds of the Dead between All Souls' Day and Wednesday before Easter, to precede the versicles, Requiem c., and the collects. ON COLLEGIATE CHURCHES. 229 with Gloria Patri, Kyryeleyson &c. Pater noster, Ave Maria, Et ne nos, Requiem eternam, A porta, Credo videre, Domine exaudi, &c. Oremus. Adiuua nos, Deus salutaris, &c. (the collect pro A mico defuncto in the Missal, p. 874*, adapted here for K. Henry VII.) The opposite page we must give in full, as it stands, merely premising that nothing is here said of masses i.-iii. because they were respectively de Beata Maria Virgine (as a general rule), 1 de Requiem, and de Die (as we have said above) : QUilibet sotius et conducticius /^Uarta missafiet specialiter pro huius collegij tenetur in \J anima sinsrulis eorum missis, in secundo momento specialem habere Radulphi. 10 memoriam corum quorum nomina ^VUinta missa fiet specialiter pro immediate hie subsequuntur in \J animabus hoc primo culmine videlicet. T , . ,, . , ,, Johannis. 11 Andree. 13 Willfhi. 2 Thome. 12 Johannis. 14 Ed wardi. 3 Q Exta missa spec i a ii ter pro f un . Philippe. 4 ^ datore nostro 1 Edward. 5 Ricardi. 6 OEptima missa specialiter pro Anne. 7 ^ fundatore nostro 1 cum speci- Johannis. 8 ali memoria pro anima Sibille. 9 Michaelis. 15 Radulphi. 10 Johannis n /jCtava missa specialiter pro Thome. 12 ' animabus Andree. 13 " Roberti 16 " (insertion). ]ohannis. l4: Ricardi. 17 1 i.e., when the Lady Mass did not happen to be required as the missa de die, in which case, e.g., on the Purification, or on Saturday commemorations, a mass pro Pace or pro Rege was sung at the high altar as the morrow mass. 2 William of Wykeham, founder of Winchester and New College, born in 1324. Bp. of Winchester, elect. 24 Oct. 1366, but cons. 10 Oct. 1367. Chancellor of England :, resigned, 1371 ; again Chancellor under K. Richard II. 1377 : again resigned 1391. Died 27 Sept. 1404. 3 Edward III., King of England, &c., who employed W. of Wykeham as clerk of the works at Windsor Castle, made him his chaplain, and presented him to the rectory of Irstead, in Norfolk, in 1349, and Pulham, Norfolk, 1357. Was crowned i (al. 2) Feb. 1326-7. Died 21 June, 1377. 4 Philippa of Hainault, queen of K. Edward III., was crowned 2 Feb. 1328. Died 15 Aug. 1369. 5 Edward the Black Prince, born 1330. Prince of Aquitaine and Wales. Fought at Creci, 26 Aug. 1346 ; Poitiers, 19 Sep. 1356. Died 8 June, 1376. Wykeham appears to have had no opportunity for becoming intimate with him. Life, by G. H. Moberly, p. 70. 230 APPENDIX. 6 K. Richard II., son of Edward the Black Prince, born 1366. Crowned 16 Jul. 1377. Dethroned 29 Sep. 1399, and died shortly afterwards, about Feb. 1400. 7 Anne, of Bohemia, queen of K. Richard II., was crowned 22 Jan. 1382 or 1384. Died 7 June, 1394. 8 9 John Longe (yeoman of Wickham, near Fareham) and Sibilla(Bowade), parents of William of Wykeham. 10 Sir Ralph de Sutton, probably of the family of Sutton Scotney, who had endowed Southwick priory near Wickham, was doubtless the Bishop's earliest benefactor. Cf. Life of W. of Wykeham, by G. H. Moberly (ed. 1 887) pp. 5,6. 11 Sir John de Scures, sheriff of Hants, lord of the manor of Wickham, put W. of Wykeham to school with his own sons to learn French and grammar at the high school, or great grammar school of St. Swithun's priory, Win- chester, west of the Cathedral close. Sir John made him his secretary at Winchester Castle, where Bp. Edingdon presented him (aet. 22-23) to K- Edward, in Oct. 1347, after the fall of Calais. 12 Thomas de Foxle, constable of Windsor (quod ''fecit Wykeham''}. Thomas was of Bramshill, North Hampshire. He died in 1361 at Windsor, probably of the plague. Wykeham kept up a friendship with his son. Life, by Moberly, pp. 20-23. 13 Andrew Jervis, or Gerveys. Perhaps of Fareham, near Wykeham's nome. 14 John Wodelok, a name which occurs at Wherwell, Southants. Perhaps husband of the Founder's cousin Alice, mentioned in his will. 15 Michael Cleve (seventh Warden of Winchester, 1487-1501) was probably the last Warden deceased before this list was made. He was one of the benefactors of the college. He was a native of Oxford, and became fellow of New College. His obit was kept on Oct. 9th, for which a payment of 3/. I2J. i id. appears in the accounts printed by Mr. Kirby (Annals of Winchester^ p. 265). Item ' for a mass called septima missa, il. los. 4^.' He endowed his own obit (with 1467. 13^-. 4 iv. Injirmitatem, Or. , 46, 69, 73. Infra canonem, 16. ! ' InfrcmuitJ 17. Ingham, Jordan de, 167. Ingrediente Dno. , 5 L. In memoria eterna, y., 16. Innocents, Holy, 164. ' In primis gloriosae s. virginis Af., 1 6. In principio historia, 115, 120, 123, 132. In resurrectione, 154. I In spiritu, 52. Intercurrat festum, 63. Introitu chori, 57, 64. Intus plena, &c., 17. Invent David, Offert., 78, 80. Inventio crucis, 3 Mai., 59, 70. Inventor rut Hi, 52. Inuitatorium, 67. Invitatorium triplex, 13, 14. ' IrriguitJ 17. Isaie prophetia, 19, 151. Isleworth, birthplace of Clem. Maydestjn, xxvii-xxix. Iste sanctus, Ant., 71. Ite missa, 52. Jactus thuribuli, 37. Jam lucis orto cantus, 14. Jeiunium, 9; de jej., 58, 124. Jenkinson, F., 133. Jeronimi, 30 Sept., 74, 80, 124, 133. Jesu, Octaua, 43, 73 (Dulcissimi Nominis, 7-14 Aug.) Job, historia, 151. INDEX. Job, patriarcha, I99. Johanne Bapt., 24 Jun., 31, 64, 71, 102. Johanne et Paulo, 26 Jun., 42, 64, 65, 71- Johanne Evan. , ante port, latin, 6 Mai, 70, 137. John Evan., his altar, 16^11. Johannis Bapt. ecclesia, 13, 214; altare, 164, 184. Johannis Beverlac, 7 Mai., 9, 78;*., 108, 113, 121, 137. John XX, Pope, 173. Jordan of Lincoln, 168. Jube, Dne, benedicere* 152. Judith, historia, 151. Juliani, 27 Jan., 46, 67, in, 119. Jumieges, Rob. of, 161. Junionbus precedentibus, 52, 53. Juramentum clericorum (Winton), 6. Justo, 1 8 Oct., 105. Justus germinabiti R7. , 44. Katherina, 25 Nov., 17, 77, 164, 199*2. Katherinae, S., Coll. iuxta turrim, 7, 231. Kava, Roger de, 168. Kempe, J. Archiep. Ebor., xxvi, xxxvii, 19, 236. Kenelmi, R., 122. Kentigern, St., 217. Kieran, St., 215. King's Coll. Cambridge, 1 80. ' Knackynge,' denounced by Wyclif, xv. Kyrie \ehison\ 63, 67, 152. Kyrie Deus Creator^ 54. Fans, 54. Rex genitor, 54. Lady Day ( ' Seint Marie dai in Leinte ' King's Coll. MS. 13. 2), 164. ' Laetania,' ' Laetabundus ' &c. See 'Z/.' Lamberto, 17 Sep., 13, 116, 124, 143, 144. Lamentationis causa, 156. Langdon, West, St. Thomas, l8o. Langton, Stephen, 163. Lauda Hierusalem, Ant., 32. Lauda Jerusalem, Ps. cxlvii., 62. Laudate Dominuni omnes, Ps. cxvi. , 154. Laudo, de S., 21 Sep., 104. Laurentii, 10 Aug., 43, 44, 73, 123. Laverstock, 164. Layer Marney, 181. Lazarian, St., 217. Lectio in capitulo, 41. Lectiones binatim, 6qn. Lectiones de biblia, xxv, 19, 21. Lectiones mortuorum, 16, 78, 79. Lectiones proprie, 28. Lectionum ordo, 20, 21. Lectionum pluralitas, 19. Leeu, Gerard, printed Maydeston's tracts at Antwerp, 8l. Legenda, 21. Legenda propria, 63. Legg, Dr. J. Wickham, xiiiw. , xxiii, xxv, Leichtenstein, P., printer, xxiii. Leland, J., 133, 164. Leodegarii, 2 Oct., 124, 138, 146. Leofric's Missal, 162. Leonardi, 6 Nov., 17, 74, 2OOW. Leone, de S., 28 Jun., 102. Leonis vigilia, 27 Jun., 39. Letabundus, seq., 16, 67. Letamini in Dno, If., 46, 69, 73. Letaniarum ordo, 60. Levavi (Ps. cxx.), 8. Libera nos, Ant., 34. Liber Pastoralis, 48. Libri antiqui, 18. Libri de vsu Sarum, 31. Libri falsi, 57, 64. Libri moderni, 9. Libri multi, 41. Libri plures, 1 6. ' Licet ' verbum, 41. Lichfeld' diocesis, 78, IOO, 120, 177, 213 Lincoln College, Oxon., 170. Lincoln diocesis, xiii, xliv, 167, 170, 177, 208. Lincoln St. Mary's, 173, 2347*.,. 237- Lini, 148, 151. Littera dominicalis, 119. Littera falsa, 17. Littera vera, 16, 79. Little Office of B.V.M., 165. Locutus y R7., 113. London, capella Regis, 173. London diocesis, xliii, 208. Longe, John and Sibylla, 226, 230. Longland, J., Bp., 170. Loquebar, Off., 76. Loy (Eligius), 2OOW. Luca, 105, I7iw, 2OO. Lucem tuam, Ant. (Brev. Sar. ii. p. 237), 27 ; cf. 257, corrig. Lucerna clara totius Angliae, 10. Luchini Dominici, Ordo per petuus, $6. Lucia, 13 Dec., 106, 150. Luciani, 126. Luke, 105, 17 in., 2oon. Luna, quando currit, &c., 126. Lunaris numerus, 119. Lux perpetua. Com., 78. Lux perpetua (minor), Ant., 70. Lympsham, 2OO. Macartin, St., 215. MacCarthy, Count, 135. Macchabeorum historia, 151. Machar, St., 213. Machuti, 15 Nov., 11, 77, 105. Macodi, St., 218. INDEX. 249 Magna rubrica, xli, 5, 66, 133-4. Magnificat, Ps., 41, 56, 62, 63. Magnus, St., 217. Majestati laus divinae, Seq., 172. Manuum lotio, 52. Marcelli, i6Jan., 119. Marchae, xxxii, annuales, 6. Marci, 25 Apr., 54^, 61, 69, 113. Margarete, V., 20 Jul., 164, 199;*. Marie, beate Virginis Annunciatio, 25 Mar., 35, 49, 54^, 68, 120, l8l. Assumptio, 15 Aug., 5, 6, 14, 33, 66, 137, 181. Commemoratio, 29, 102, 106, 143, 165, 182, 187, 197. Conceptio, 8 Dec., 67, 80, 150, 1647*. Ecclesia dedicata in honore, 140, 214-21. Natiuitas, 7-8 Sept., 5, 6, 28, 74, 79, Octava, 65, 106, 116, 137. Purificatio, 2 Feb., 14, 17, 47, 67, in. Marie, horae de S. extra chorum cum memoriis, 12. Matutinae de, 99. Memoria, 106. Missa, 160-181, 184, 226-31. Officium parvum, 165. Versus de, 140. Marie Magdalene, 22 Jul., 17, 33, 34, 123, 164. Marney, Layer, 181. Martini, 18 Nov., 39, 77, ic6, 119, 125, 147. Martini altare, 52. Martini, ecclesiae S., 13. Martini le Graunde, capella, 22, 232. Martinus adhuc, Ant., 77. Martyres, ad, 164*2. Martyrs, 175. Martyrum altare, 164. Matilda, Queen, 237. Matthaei, 104. Matthaei vigilia, 151. Matthie, 23-24 Feb., 9, 28, 100, 120. Matutinalis missa, 162, 177, 178. Mauricii, 22 Sep., 146. Maydeston, Clement, x, xix, xxvii, xxxiii, 27, 31, 33- Maydeston, Thomas (father of Clement), xxvii. Medie lectiones, 28, 67. Mell, St., 214. Melori, I Oct., 124, 146. Memoria, 20. Memoria ad vesp. de S. Maria, 46; cf. 106. Memoria de Ascensione, 59. Memo, de dominica, 38. Memoria de festo loci, 21. Memoria de Resurrectione, 54. Memoria de Trinitate, 12, 34. Memoria nulla de commem., 14. Memo, sub silentio, 36. Memoria loco vesp. ii., 46. Memoriam fecit, R7., 153. Memorie due, de Dom. et de Trin., 12. Memorie omittende, 40. Merit is et precibus, I55. ' Merito annotatur,' 19. Michaelis, altare, 164. Michaelis ecclesia, 179- Michaelis in monte Tumba, 16 Oct., 75. Ministri altaris, 60. Mirabilis Deus, f. t 46. Missa de dominica, 12. Missa de Requiem, 6, 8. Missa de S. Jo. Beverlaco, 78. Missa de Trinitate, 160, 184. Missa dominicalis, 12 ; in processione, 121. Missa dominicalis cum regimine chori, 6. Missa dominicalis differtur, 5. Missa dominicalis in fest. iii. lee., 21. Missae communes, 160. Missae dominicales plures, 125. Missa in capitulo, 6, 44, 106, 119, 206-210 j missa capitularis, 6, 209. Missa matutinalis, 162, 177, 178. Missa principalis, 162. Missa simplices mortuorum, 78 ; pro de- functis, 1 60. Missa pro Regibus, 163. Missa Salus populi, 13, 14, 184. Missa summa, 44. Missa votive Salus populi ; et De Cruce (Nos autem}, 13. Missalia diuersa, 1 1 . Missalia nouella, 9. Missalia multa, 7, 28. Moderna tempora, 18. Moderni libri, 9. Modicum (AlVa) y 57. ' Modes' non 'modules,' 17, 80. Mogne, St., 217. Moluac, St., 218. Monasterijs, fontes in, 34, 235. Monies Gelboe, Ant., mw. Mortival, Roger de, Bp., 168. Mortuorum exequie, 37. Mortuorum lectiones, 16, 78, 79. Mortuorum missae simplices, 78. Mortuorum obsequium, 9. ' Motetis of holouris, ' xvii. Mungo, St., 217. Music, space for notes, xxxix, xl. N. or M., I7ow. Narrabo, R7., 101, 114. Natalis Dni, 25 Dec., 79. Nathy, St., 213. Nativitas, R7., 124. Nativ. Dni. 25 Dec., 12, 126. Natiuitatis octa., 14. Natiuitas B. Marie, vigilia, 74 ; Dies, 79. 250 INDEX. Natiu. B. Marie, 8 Sept., 28, 79, 124;*. Natiuitatis, B.M. octa., 65, 106, 116, 137. Nativitas Mariae in Dom., 5, 6. Nevyll, G., preb. of Salisbury, xxx. Nicholai, 6 Dec., 106, 149, 170, 2. ; Transl. 9 May, 138 ; his altar, 164 ; 218. Nichomede, I Jun., n, 70, 116. Nihil de dominica, n. Nihil de tertia commemoratione, 101. Ninian, St., 219, 220. Nocturne, cum, 28, 119. Nocturnorum ordo, 33. Nocturnus medius &c., 42, 43, 44. Nominis Jesu, festum, 7 Aug., 138 ; missa, 181. Non conttirbetur, R7., 114. Nonne cor (Alfa V.), 59. Nonvos relinquam (Alt' a), 61. Nos autem gloriari missa de cruce, 14. Nota ; officium sine, vel cum nota, 14, 175. Noviomagio, Ri. de, printer at Venice, xii, 135. Nuptiae, quando prohibentur, 137. O beatum, R/., 77, 125. Obits, 168, 227, Obscuritates et dubia, 66. Obsequie quotid. mortuorum, 31. * Obsequium, Ad,' xxviii. Obseruantiae antiquae eccl. S. Pauli, 16. O celebre convivium, Hymn, 189. O Christi pietas , Ant., 170. Octaua dies, 42, 45. Octauum diem non habent Pasch. et Pent., 1 8 ; cf. xxxi. * Octaua' Pasche, xxxi, 54, 101, 120. * Octaua ' Pentecostes, xxxi. Octava Nativ. B. Mariae, 137. Oculi omnium, 156. * Oculus SacerdotisJ xliv. Offerentur (major) Offert. 75, 76. * Officii diuini recitandi ordo sive director- ium,' xxiv. Officium parvum, 165, Officium plenum, 165. O Hippolyte, R7., 123. Omelia non dicitur, 79 ; omelin, 80. Omnibus Sanctis memoria de, 46, 190, 198 ; missa, 174. Omnipotens semp. Ds. populi, Or., n, 77. Omnipotent sem-biterne Ds., qui dedisti, Or., 37. Omnis terra, Off., 46, 1 19. Omnium Sanctorum, I Nov., n, 12, 75, 76, 105, 174; dedic., 218, 220. Omnium Sanctorum antiphonae, 32, 162 ; altare, 164. Omnium SS. dies in Dom., 6. Omnium SS. tuorum, Or., 46. Ondoceus, St., 218. O Petre pastor, Ant., 65. O quam gloriosum, Ant., 32. O quam grata, Ant., 17 in. O quam sitaiiis, Ant. , 63. Orate, fratres, 52. Orationes iiij. in exequiis, 7- Oratio secunda, 12. Oratio v. 'Collecta.' Ordinale, 41, 67, 73, 128, 149. Ordinale Exon., 174. Ordinale quoddam, xxxiv. Ordinale Sarum, 5, 7, 9, 10, 19, 20, 21, 28, 35, 69, 70, 80, 92, 97, 119 ; attacked by Wyclif, xiv. Ordinale, Short, xii. Ordinale Wellen. , 178. Ordinalis sensus pervertitur, 7. ' Ordinarius/ x. Ordinem, responsoria per, 106. Ordo antiphonarum, 53. Ordo dicendi, s. recitandi, xxiv. Ordo feriarum, 56 ; ordo nocturnorum, 38, 63. Ordo or Ordinarius, x. Ordo preposterus, 76. Ordo Resp. et Ant.. 38, 62, 106. Orientem, ad (versus), 10, 48, 51, 67. sacrum. Ant., 63, 64. sapiencia, Ant., 106, 126, Osburg, St., 215. Osculando terram, 60 ; formulas, 60 ; altare, 60. Osmund, his altar, 164;*. Osmund, his commem., 183. Osmund, hisDepos.,4 Dec., 138, 183. Osmund, his Transl., 16 Jul. 138, 183. Osmund, St., xlvii., 127, 183, 212. Oswaldo, 5 Aug., 115, 215, 221. Osythe, V., 7 Oct., 169. Ottery St. Mary, 174. Oxford St. Michael's, 179. Oxon, Collegia, 6. Ypolite, R7., 44. Pace, missa pro, 161, 226, 229;?. Pale, the red, Westminster Almonry, 97;*. Palmas benedicens, 10. Panem de celo, ~f., 10, 29, 62. Pantaleon, 28 July, 1997*. Parasceve, 51, 79. Parasceves dies (Friday), 159. Paris, Bibliotheque Nationale, 131, 135. Parrochianis, collecta pro, 7- ' Pars Oculi,' xliv. Paschale (al. Pasch. tempus), 9, 33, 42, Pasche solennitas, 1 8. Passione, Dom. in, 49 ; infra, 5> IO - Pastoralis, liber, 48. Patenam teneat, 236^. INDEX. 251 Patent omnia, 48, 58, 66. Pater noster, 52, 152. Pater pec cavi, R7., 120. Patrick, St., 214, 215, 218, 220. Pauli commem. S., 30 Jun., 31, 65, 72, 109, 114 ; cf. 199, 182. Pauli conuersio, 25 Jan., 27. Pauli ecclesia London, xliii, 10, 15, 208, 218. Pax ab altari non a calice, 37. Pax non detur pro defunctis, 37. Peccatis, missa pro, 161. Pelues argentei, 48. Penitentium reconciliatio, 51. Pentecostes dies, 16, 60, 102. Pentecostes hebdo., 35. Pentecostes octava, xxxi. Per eundem, 37, 79. Peterborough, St. Thomas' Hosp., i8o. Peter Damian, 165. Peterhouse, Cambridge, MS. Brev., xii, 134, 140. Peter, St., his altar, 164; dedic., 214, 216, 219. Peto Dne (hist. Thobie), 103, 104, 116, 124. Petre, amas me, Ant., 65. Petri ad Vincula, I Aug. , 79. Petri Cathedra S., 22 Feb., 68, 68., 100. Petri et Pauli, 29 Jun., 71, 72, 214, 217-21. Petri et Pauli Octa., 18, 137 ; eorum commem., 174. Petrus apostohis, Ant. , 65. Phelim, St., 217. Philippa of Hainault, Queen, 226. Philippi et Jacobi, I Mai, 54^., 59. Pica de Adventu, 148. Pica Ebor., 94^. Pica mensis Octobris, 75. Pica pro iii commem., 126. Pica Sarum, x, 66, 74, 75, 76, 93, 97 ; in breviario, xli, 135. Pica, the pie, xw., xxxi, MSS. of, 237. Pie, List of editions of the, xlvii, xlviii. Pittleworth, Ri., specialis amicus Coll. B.M.V. Winton, 230. Pixicle, Corpus Dni in, 50. Placebo, collecte ad, 31, 41. Plenum servicium de B.M., 29, 165. Plenum servicium, 61, 68, 74. Pointon, 1 74/2. Pollard, Geof., 168. Polychronicon, 127. Poore, R., Bp. of Sarum, 128, 163. Popule meus, 51. Portiforia diversa, n. * Portos,' portiforum, xii/z., xli. Post partum, J., 64. Post Pascha, 56. ' Post Tres Personas,' 151. Posuit fines, ~f>, 10, 29. Potenciana, 19 Mai, 113. Pott Shrigley, 2OO. Praesepe, ad, 164;?. Prandium, gratiae ad, 152. Praxede, 21 Jul., 115. Precentor of Windsor, 235. Preces nulle, 56. Preciosa est, 41, 53- Predixerat Dfis, 80. Prefatio de Apostolis, 107. Presbyter Ysaya, 79. Presta quesumus, Or., 58. * Presul pre alijs,' &c., 74. ' Primum, qui principium,' 70. Frisco, i Sept., 115, 143. Priusquam te, R7., 65, 71, 109, U4., 122. Processio, 116; causa venerac., 49. Processio ante crucem, 63. Processi et Martiniani, 2 Jul. et 9 Jul., 65, 122, 138. Processio in conceptio, 67. Processio in dom. inf. Oct. , 64. Processio in Pascha, 52, 53. Processionale Sarum MS., 133. Processione, missa in, 121. Processionibus ad altaria, rubrica de, 15. Prolixitas temporis, 5, 34. Prolixum tempus, 45, 65. Prosae, 34, 6t> ; in Pascha, 53. Prosa Rex sanctorum, 34. Prostratio in choro, 6. Psalmus : Ad te leuaui, cxxii. , 8. Beati omnes, cxxvii. , 62. Benedictus, 18, 41, 63. Confitebor, ex., 62. De profundis, cxxix., 206, 228. Deus venerunt, Ixxviij., 6, 176. Dixit Dominus, cix., 62, 64. Edent pauperes t xxi. (ver. 27)., 152. Exattdiat, xix., 206. Exaiidi, Ixiii., 80. Haec dies, cxvii. (ver. 24)., 153. Latida Hiertisalem, cxlvii., 62^ Leuaui, cxx., 8. Magnificat, 41, 56, 62, 63. Quicunque Tntlt, 34, 63. Te Deum, 47. Venite, &c., 64. Voce mea, cxli., 206, 228. Psalmi feriales, 9, 28, 64, 71. Psalmi xv., 48. Puer, 48, 76. Piter qui natus, Ant. , 32. Pulsatio ad collationem, &c., 48. Pulsatio ad completorium in xl ma , 1 8. Pulsationibus, v. vel. iiij. ad vesp. rubrica de, 15. ' Pupilla Oculi? xliv. Purificationis B. Marie, dies, 2 Fel , hebdomada, 14, 17, 47, 67, ill. Pye, or pie, the rules for the concurrence 252 INDEX. and occurrence of moveable and im- moveable feasts, &c. See 'pica Sarum.' Pynson, R., printer of Maydeston's tracts, xlviii, 8 1. Quadragesima, 48, 49. Quadragesimae, epistola in ii. Sabb., 17. Quam pulchra, Ant., 66. Quatuordecim Auxiliatores, 199;*. Quatuor temporum, rubrica de termino, 15. Quethiock, 174;?. Quicunque vult, Ps. , 34, 63. Qui dat escam, 1 54. Quide Virgine, J., 27, 39, 62. Quignon, Cardinal de S. Cruce, xxv. Quinquagesima, 46, 47. Quintini, dies S., 31 Oct., II. Qui sates, JF., 39. Qui tecum, 37, 79. Quiventurus, R/., 126. Qui viuis, 37. Quis mihi tribuet, 79. Quod chorus, hymnus, 67. Quorum reliquie in vniuersali continentur 'ccdesia* (this phrase condemned), 72. Quotation marks, xxxix, 3. Ramis palmarum, dominica in, 50, 100. Ratdolt, Erhard, printer, xxii. . ' Rationale Divinorum ' (Durandi), 18, 5r. Raynton, Jo. xxxvi, xxxvii, 40?*., 80, 118, 127. ' Recede? 16. Reconciliatio penitentium, 51. Rectores chori, quot, 36. Rectoribus choir quatuor, rubrica de, 15. ' Reduces? 16. Re et Ve, Lincoln Rolls of residence ('ra:edendiet z^niendi '), xiiiw., 167. Regale, R7., 124. Regibus, missa pro, 163. Regimine chori, cum, 27. Regnum mundi, R7., 11472. Regula de historiis, xiiw., 119; (septem) 131, ad inveniendum, 140. Regula generalis, 53 ; cf. xxvi, 5. Regula pro choro, 41. Regula Sarum, 39, 43. Regula specialis, 43. Regula specialis pro versiculis, &c., 42. Regula vera, 57. Regum anniversaria, 31. Regum caelorum, Ant., 125. Regum Liber, 20. Religionem, ad, xxviii. Reliquiarum commem., 72, 174. Reliquiarum Fest. (vide p. 72^.), post 7 Jul., 70, 72, 102, in, 115, 122 ; altar, i64., 172. Reliquias proprias ecclesie cuiuslibet, 72. Remigii, 124. Repetitio frequens antiphonarum super Benedictus &c. , 62. Requiem eternam, y., 6, 78, 155^., i8i r 226. Respejiit Helyas, R/., 64. Respice quaesumus, Domine, siiper, 156. Responsiones canonicorum, xxv, xxxii r xxxiv, 27. Responsiones versiculorum cum, Alleluia , 42. Responsoria dominicalia, 120. Responsoria in festis trium lectionum, 7. Responsoria pro festo Martyris et Abbatis, Responsoria ferialia, 38, 119. Responsorium feriale, 8, 120. Resurrectione, memoria de, 54, 69, ioi r 120. Resurrexi, Officium, 170;?. Resurrexit Dns, ~fr., 55. 1 Rete frustra jacitur,' 39. Retribuere dignare, Or. , 155. Rex autern Uauid, Ant., inw., 123. Rex genitor (Kyrie), 54. Rex sanctorum, prosa, 34. Rex Sanctorum, 52. Ricardi, 3 Apr., 80, 100, 107, 120, 137. Ricardi, Transl., 16 Jun., 38, 80, 173. Richard II., King, 226, 230. Robert, Abp., 176. Robert of Jumieges, his missal, 161. Roch, 1 6 Aug. ,138, 1 99 . Rogationum feriaij., 58. Roger of Salisbury, 22n. Rolls of Re et Ve, 167. Romanum Directorittm, xxiii. Rorate officium, 164, 165, 170. Roscarrock, Nic., 133. Rotheram, T., Bp. of Lincoln, A p. of York, xxxviii, 170. Rubricae, 15. Rubrica generalis, 5. Rubricae cerimoniales, xxvi, 5, 6, I5//. Rubrica magna, xli, $n., 66, 133-4- Rubrica vacat, 6. Rubricae verissimae, 127. Rubrica viciata, 7 Rubricarum species, xxvi, 5. Rufo, 27 Aug., 115, 123. Rumnon, Sabbato Ant. et R. de, 30. Sabbato, commem. in, 42, 166. Sabbato, convocatio capituli in, 276. Sabbato sancto, 52. Sabbato, vesp. in, 45. Sacerdos, 48, 76. Sacerdos, Ant., 64. Sacerdos Dei, Ant., 77. INDEX, 253 Sacerdos Dei, Offic. , 78. Sacerdos Martine, Ant., 77- Sacerdos parochialis, 13. Sacerdos stipendiarius, 13. Sacramentalium irrisio, 35. Sacris solenniis hymnus, 10, 62. Salisbury, 184, 219-20. See'Sarum.' Salisbury Lady Chapel, 163. Saltando, 20 ; sal turn per, 21. Salva nos, Ant., 10. Saluator mundi, hymnu?, 27, 62, 65, 7 1 - Salvatoris, Festum Sancti, 24 May, 174 : commem., 189. Cf. 214, 215. 'Salve' Chapel, 163, 165. Salve festa dies, 53. Salve sancta parens, officium, 163, 170. Salue quem Jesu (cantus in lee. prophetica, in Ramis palmarum, cf. Missale, p. 259, Process. Sar. p. 50), 50. Salue Thoma, Ant., 72. Salus populi, 13, 14, 125, 126, 161, 176, 176^., 184, 226. Sampsone, 28 Jul., 115. Sancti Dei omnes, Ant. , 46. S. martyris tui Quintini, Or., II. Sanctis Omnibus, de. See ' Omnibus. ' Sancto loci, Ant. de, 162. Sanctorum suffragia, 163, 164. Sanctus Deus, 52. Sanctiis, 63, 67. Sandwich, St. Thomas' Hosp., i8ow. Sapientia, Ant., 62. Sapientia laudabit, Epist., 76. Sapientia (qui Christus est), missa de, 1 60, 161. Sarum Breviary, A.D. 1483, iv, 129. Sarum choro, 14, 30. Sarum Dedication Festival, 30 Sep., 132, 145- Sarum ecclesia, 28. Sarum ecclesiam, secundum, 10. Sarum, non est, n. Sarum rites at Windsor, 236. Sarum rubrice, 28, 30, 35. Sarum, secundum, n, 13, 17, 18, 155. Sarum vsus, xxix, 6, 8, 9, 16, 18, 177, 187, 206; cf. 'Consuetude,' 'Custumarium,' 'Ordinale.' Scapulars, 234^. Scriptura sacra, 39 ; cf. ' Biblia. ' Scrope, de martyrio Ricardi, xxvii;*. Scures, Sir J., 226, 227, 230. Seager, Dr..C., xii, 208. ' Secede,' 16. Sedit angelus, Ant., 55, 57. Sedulius, 1637*. Scipso, pro, 162. Senescallus de Coll. Windsor, 236. Septuagesima, &c., 46. Septuagesima non habebat commemora- ciones, 1 8. Septuagesima Sequentia in, 16. Sepulchre habendo, rubrica de, 15. Sepulto Dfio., 52. Sepultura in die Parasceues prohibetur, 51- Sepulturam eligentes, 231, 235. Sequentia, 30, 37, 38, 63, 78^. Sequentia, Adest nobis, 74. Sequentia, Ecce panis, 38. Sequentia, Exultemus, 76. Sequentia, Letabiindus, 16, 67. Si ambtilem, Grad., 9. Si bona, (historia Job.) 115, 123, 132. Sicardus of Cremona, 160. Si consurrexistis , 152. Si enim, R7., 114. Silentio, sub, 31, 32, 36. Siluestri pape, 31 Dec., 42, 126. Similatio magna, 34. Simile est regnum eel. thesauro, Euan., 76. Simile judicium, 31. Similibus (de) simile judicium, 19. Sinistra Pars Oculi, xliv. Si oblitus, Rr., 10 1. Sistus, Sixtus, Xystus, 123. Sit nomen, 154. Skeat, Rev. W. W., xw. Solem justicie, R/. , 67. ' Solennitas specimen, ' non ' speciem ' (in iii. lee. S. Petri ad Vincula), 79. Sonent munde mentis, Seq., 171. Sopwell Convent, 174, 177. Southwark, St. Thomas' Ho=p., i8o;z. Specialis amicus collegij, 230. Specie tzta, Grad. , 76. Speciosa, Ant., 53. Speciosa facia, Ant., 66. Sperat Israel, Ant., 32. Spes nostra, Ant., 34. Spiritum in nobis, Or., 153- Spiritu, S. memo, de, 40, 60. Spiritu S. missa. de, 160, 161, 175-84. Stamford, St. Thomas' Hosp., i8ow. ' Stando ' (non sedendo) 52, 60. Stantes, nee genuflectentes, 51. Statuit ei, Off., 78. Statuta ecclesie Sarum, 6. Stephani Coll. S., apud Westm., 7, 232. Stephani, M., 26 Dec., 141. Stipendiarii sacerdotes, 13, 14. Stoke, Dry, Rutland, 200^. Sub tuam, 36. Subsidium Terrae sanctae, 176. Suffragia sanctorum postulanda, 161, 163, 164. Summae Trinitati, R/., 77? I2 5 Supper, grace at, 152. Surrexit Dns, Ant., 55. Surrexit Dns de sepulchro, y. t 58. Surrexit Dns vere, jr., 55, 120, 12 1. Sustinuimus, Ant , io6w. 254 INDEX. Sutton, Sir Ralph, 226, 227, 230. Swithuni, 9 Jul. (Trans, 15 Jul.), 65, 122, 220. Sylvestri dies S. (31 Dec.), 7- Symbolum in missa, 33. Synagogue days, 159. Syon, Brigittine convent at Isleworth, xxix, I33< 189. Tabula hebdomadalis, the * wax-brede ' at Exeter, 23 5 . Tecla, 23 Sept., 75, 124, 144. Tecum principium, Ant., 12. Te Deum (Ps.), 47. Teilo, St., 218. Tejure, Ant., 62, 63. Te luciS) hymnus, 10, 39, 68. Tempus breve, equale, prolixum, 45, 65. Tempus paschale, 53. Tetras, feria iiij. 159. Theodori, 9 Nov., 6, 77. Thoma Apost.,2i Dec., 106, 109, 150. Thoma, Cantuar. transl. M.,7 Jul., 72, 114, 174, 180, i8ow.,iq6, 2io;eiuscommem., 1 1 8, 150, 213 ; cum Edmundo, 175. Thomas Cantilupe, Ep., 179. Thunder in January, 138. Thurbern, Rob., Warden of Winchester, 230. Thuribula, 60. Thurificatio chori, 36. Thurificatio corporis defuncti, 41. Tibi Christe, hymnus, 75. Tibi Dne commendamus, 8. Tiburcio et Valeriano, 14 Apr., II Aug., 100, 115, 121. Titulatio feriarum, 20. Tituli dominicarum &c., 21, Tituli lectionum feriarum &c., 19, 21. Tobiae, historia, 151. ' Totum ' pro totalitate, 39. Tractus, 31, 60. Transfigurationis festum, 12372., 137. Transubstantiationis festum, 171;*. Treasurer of Windsor College, 236. Tribulatione, pro, 161. Triginta dierum servicium, 9. Trigintalia, 'trentals,' 7, 29, 33, i8iw. Trinitate, collecta de, 37. Trinitate, memoria de, 34 ; missa, 160, 184. Trinitatem, post, 35, 36. Trinitatis dies, 61, 102 ; festum, 61 ; dominica, 40; dedic., 214-16, 2 1 8. Trinitatis octa, 38. Troperium, 236. Tu autem, 153. Turba multa, Evan., 50. Ultan, St., 218. Undecim milium Virginum, 21 Oct., 42, 75- Urban, P.M., 25 May, 121. Ursula, V.M., 21 Oct., 202. Usum Sarum, 36, 37. Valeriano, vide 'Tiburcio.' Vedasti et Amandi, 6 Feb., 47, 120. Velo quadragesimali, rubrica de 15, 48. Veneracionis causa, processio, 49. Veneris die, gratiae in, 152, 156. Venice, Breviary printed at. See ' Novio- magio.' Vent Creator, hymnus, 60. Venite, Ps., 64. Vetttilabrwn in manu, id est libellus, 81. Ventilata bene, 80. Ventomorbido, Coll. de, J. Verba Ysaye, 21. Verbtim caro, R7. V., 42. Verbum supermini, hymnus, IO. Veritas mea, Offert., 78. Versiculi, 42. Verum cum adhuc, 79. Vesperas i. tantum, 35. Vespere de Dom., 45, 49. Vespere et completorium extra chorum, 69, Vespere, even-song, 27, 45. Vespere vtreque, 27, 35. Vesperis caret, 38. Vesp. et mat. deB.M., 40. Vesp. quotid. de S.M., 46. Vestimentorum rubrica de diversitate, 15. Vexillum, 53. Vicarii de choro ; their stalls, r 237. Videte, vigilate, Euan., 78. Vidi Dominum (Historia Ezechielis), 8, 76, 77, 103, 105, 125, 132. Vidit Dominus, Ant., 66. Vidit Johannes ) 45. Vigilia Ascensionis, 57, 58. Vigilia Assumptions, 14 Aug., 32, 44. Vigilia Epiphaniae, 5 Jun. , 35 . Vigilia Laurentii, 9 Aug., 43, 44, 49^. Vigilia Leonis, 27 Jun., 39. Vigilia Nat. B.M. (7 Sep.), 9, 28. Vigilia Matthiae, 23 Feb., 28. Vigilia Pasche, 52. Vigilia Pentecostes, 59, 1 08. Vigilie, 9. Vigilie mortuorum, 48. Vigilie mortuorum ferialiter, 18. Vincentii, 23 Jan., 45. Vir erat in terns Hits, 21. Virgae bajulus, 236. Virgine beata, 160. Visitationis B. Mariae, festum, 2 July, 138. Vitali, 28 Apr., 108, 137. Vitus, M., 15 Jun., I99. Voce mea, Ps. cxli., 228. INDEX. 255 Fas estis sal terre, 80. Vota quaestimus. Or., 46. Vulfranni, Ep. C., 15 Oct., 124, 138. Vulneribus, missa de quinque, 181. Vultum, Officium, 164, 165. Wagstaffe, T., nonjuror's bishop, xxxv. Walden, Roger, Abp., 180. Watson, C. Knight, or ' celtej i6n. Weale, W., his Bibliographia, xxii;z. Wellensis ecclesia, 8, 177. Wenefrede, V., 3 Nov., 8, 76, 105, 125, 1 60. Werberg, 215. Weseham, Roger, Bp., 178. Westminster Abbey, 175. Wilfrid, non Sarum, 12 Oct., 138, 219. William of York, 171 n., 179. Willingale Doe, 2oo, Windsor (de Vento morbido), 7, 170; College of St. George and St. Edward, 233. Winfrith, Dorset, 2OO. Winton Collegiorum, 6, 225. Wisdom, Book of, 151. Wodelok, J., 226, 227, 230. W T orde, Wynkyn de, xl, 22, 81, 82. Wordsworth, Dr. Chr., Master of Trin. Coll., xiv, xvii. Wordsworth, Dr. John, Bp. of Sarum, on Prayer for the King, 256. Works Altar, 164;*. Wulfram, Ep. C., 15 Oct., 124, 138. Wulstani, 19 Jan, ,45. 220. Wyclif, J., his tracts against the Sarum Ordinal, xiv. Wydynton, Stephen, 1 68. Wykeham, W., 22., 180, 225-8. Ympnum cantate, R7., 114. York Breviary, 179. York, St. Thomas' Hosp., i8ow. York Use, xlviii, 19, 94*2., i$Sn., 19. York, William of, 179. Ypoliti, 13 Aug., 43, 73, 123. Ysaye prophecia, 19. ADDENDA ET CORRIGENDA. Page 7, lines 5, 6. * Collectam pro regibtis et reginis* In addition to what has been aid above on Prayers for the Sovereign, at pp. 228-30, 234-5 text and notes, it may be observed that by an antient canon of a Council in Scotland, A.D. 1225, cap. 70, the second of five prayers at mass on ordinary days was said for the King, Queen, Royal Family, and People. Wilkins' Condi, i. 617, iii. 42 foil. In time of war prayers were offered pro Rege, temp. Edw. I. Ibid. ii. 197. So also for Charles the Great in 781. A. A. Pelliccia, De Christianae Eccl. Prece pro Principibus (Neapoli, 1778) p. 338. See also the Benedictine custom in Concordia Regularis, p. 162, above, and cf. Addresses on the Holy Communion, by the Rt. Rev. John Wordsworth, D.D., Bishop of Salisbury, ed. 2, 1892, pp. 102-9, 255. Page 12, line 8, delete " t." Page 1 6, note,/0r Bensley, read Bensly. Page 17, line 28. ' Intus plena vero die nescit vbi veritas.' This, which Maydeston pronounces to be the right Sarum reading in the hymn Estimauit ortolanum, is found in the Sarum portiforia of 1519, 1557, &c., and in the St. John's Coll. Cambridge, MS. ' nisi ' is printed by Chevallon in 1531. (Brev. Sarum\\\. p. 515??.) Page 27, add note for line 13: 'alium Lucem tuam. qui ' appears to be a mistake in the original editions for 'anam Lucem tuam. que ' (Caxton, in fact, has 'alium . . . que') :' Lucem tuam' being the Trinity antiphon at Compline. Brev. Sar. ii. p. 237. Page 39, line 7, for ' 4 A ' read 4 D. Page 39, lines 7, 8,/or Albano [17 Jun. 5 G], mz