NOTES ON THE PRINCIPLES OF PURE AND APPLIED CALCULATION; AND APPLICATIONS OF MATHEMATICAL PRINCIPLES TO PHYSICS. LIBRARY .jj-TJNIVK'nsiTY OF i| (MltFOENIA, ffamtrtfcge: PRINTED BY C. J. CLAY, M.A. AT THE UNIVERSITY PRESS. NOTESiJNfv, ON THE ' PBJNC1PLES ' ; bfr ; 'ft ii-n d 'ptx -u s, i c..s PURE AND APPLIED CALCULATION; AND APPLICATIONS OF MATHEMATICAL PRINCIPLES TO THEORIES OF THE PHYSICAL FORCES. BY THE EEY. JAMES CHALLIS, M.A, F.R.S., F.RA.S. NIVERSI ^^i PLUMIAN PKOFE3SOE OF ASTEONOMT AND EXPERIMENTAL PHILOSOPHY IN THE UNIVERSITY OP CAMBRIDGE, AND LATE FBLLOW OF TRINITY COLLEGE. AXXa Travra /x^r/ay Kal dpiO/j,^) Kal erra^y St^ra^as. WlSD. xi. 20. CAMBRIDGE: DEIGHTON, BELL, AND CO. LONDON: BELL AND DALDY. 1869. [All Rights reserved.} THE AUTHOR desires to express Ms grateful acknowledg- ments to the SYNDICS OF THE UNIVERSITY PRESS for their liberality in granting him the whole expense of the Printing and Paper of this Volume, TO LIEUT.-GEN. EDWAKD SABINE, R.A., D.C.L., LL.D., President of the Royal Society. MY DEAR GENERAL SABINE, I AM glad to be permitted to dedicate this Volume to you, because an opportunity is thus given me of publicly ex- pressing the high opinion I entertain of the value of your scientific labours, especially those relating to Terrestrial and Cosmical Magnetism, which I have had peculiar means of appreciating from the use I have made of them in my Theory of Magnetic Force. I feel also much gratified by the circumstance that in availing myself of your permission I dedicate the work to the President of the Royal Society. The special object of my theoretical researches has been to arrive at a general physical theory by means of mathe- matical reasoning employed in accordance with principles and rules laid down in the philosophical works of Newton. But I am well aware that any success I may have had in this un- dertaking has altogether depended upon those experimental inquiries into the facts and laws of natural phenomena which it was the express object of the original institution of the VI Royal Society to promote, and in the prosecution of which the Society has since borne so prominent a part. I may say, for instance, that the complete exhibition of my general theory has become possible only since the publication in the Philosophical Transactions of your researches in Magnetism and those of Faraday in Electricity. Under these circumstances I venture to express the hope that this dedication to you on personal grounds may, in consideration of the office you hold as President of the Royal Society, be also regarded as a tribute of respect to the Society itself. I have the more reason for giving expression to this wish, because during the twenty years I have been a Fellow of the Society, I have contributed only one Memoir to the Transactions, and may, therefore, seem* not to have shewn as much zeal for promoting its objects as might be expected from the author of a work like the present. This has happened, as I have explained at the end of the Introduction, partly for reasons unconnected with the Society as a body, and not inconsistent with a due regard for its honour and interests, and partly because my theo- retical views eventually assumed a character which required that the whole of them should be exhibited in connection by means of a publication expressly devoted to the purpose. I am, My dear GENERAL SABINE, Yours most truly, J. CHALLIS. CAMBRIDGE, February 9, 1869. LI l' RARY r N i v CONTENTS. *,* In the absence of numerical indications of Articles, it is hoped that the reader will be sufficiently directed to the particular subjects mentioned in the following Table by ivords printed in Italics in the specified- pages. INTRODUCTION , . v Ixiii Preliminary information respecting the origin, objects, and cha- racter of the work . v ix * EXPLANATIONS, historical notices, and occasional remarks, relating to the subjects treated of under the head of " Principles of Pure and Applied Calculation " ...... ix xliv On the treatment of the subjects in logical order .... ix Principles of Arithmetic and Algebra. On proving inductively the law of the permanence of equivalent forms .... ix xii On the Calculus of Functions, and derivation of the Differential Calculus. Exact expression for the ratio of the increment of a function to the increment of its variable . . . . xii xiv Principles of Geometry. Eemarks on the discussion in pages 7088 relative to the application of abstract calculation to Geometry. Distinction between geometrical reasoning and analytical Geometry xiv xvi Spherical Astronomy. The science of Time. Discrepancy of state- ments in pages 91 and 127 relative to the uniformity of the earth's rotation accounted for xvi xvii Eemarks on the explanation of the Aberration of Light . . xvii xviii Principles of Statics. General equation of Virtual Velocities. Principles of Hydrostatics xviii Dynamics of bodies in motion. Fundamental facts of experience. Necessity for the application of differential equations to calcu- late motion generally xviii xix VIII CONTENTS. Pages Physical Astronomy. Whewell on the difference between Kepler's ,.- Laws and Newton's Law of Gravity. General statement of the character of physical theory . . " . . . . xix xx Correction of a misunderstanding in pages 120 124 relative to the observations from which Newton first deduced the law of gravity xx On an inquiry into the signification of the occurrence of terms of indefinite increase in the solution of the Problem of Three Bodies. Narrative of the particulars of a discussion relating to this point. On the inferior limit to the eccentricity of a mean orbit . . . xxi xxviii Dynamics of the motion of a Eigid System. Principle involved in the mathematical theory of Foucault's Pendulum experi- ment xxix xxx Hydrodynamics. Imperfect state of this department of applied mathematics. The insufficiency of the received principles proved by their giving absurd results. Eefusal of mathemati- cians to admit the logical consequence. To evade it recourse had to conjectures. Importance, as regards physical theory, of rectifying the principles of Hydrodynamics . . xxxi xxxvi Discovery of the necessity for a third general equation based on afprinciple of geometrical continuity. Consequences of arguing from the new equation. No contradictions met with. Laplace's method of treating hydrodynamical problems defective in principle . xxxvi xl On applications of the three general equations in the solutions of various problems, and on the co-existence of steady motions . xl xliv SUMMARY of the hypotheses and mathematical principles of the Physical Theories contained in the second part of the work, with historical notices, and references to different views . . xliv lix Principles of the Undulatory Theory of Light. Hypotheses re- lating to the aether and to atoms. The same hypotheses, and no others, adopted in the subsequent Theories . . . xlv li Eefusal of physicists to accept the undulatory theory of light as based on the hypothesis of a continuous ffither. Preference given to a theory which refers the phenomena to the oscilla- tions of discrete atoms. Contradiction of the oscillatory theory by facts. Arbitrary assumptions made to sustain it . xlvi xlvii Historical notices. Fresnel's hypothesis of transverse vibrations. Cauchy's hypothesis of an isotropic constitution of the tether. Attempts to explain phenomena of Double Eefraction on these CONTENTS. IX Pages principles unsuccessful. Better success of the theory ex- plained in pages 375 383j which rests on the hypothesis of a continuous aether and finite spherical atoms. Unreasonable rejection by physicists of Newton's views respecting finite atoms . . xlviii liii On the nature of Heat. Light and Heat different modes of force. The principles of the Mathematical Theories of Heat and Molecular Attraction. On a general formula for the transla- tory action of setherial waves on atoms. Its imperfection . liii lv The mathematical Theory of the Force of Gravity, as deduced from the general formula. Opinions of different physicists respect- ing the nature of gravitating force . . . . . lv Ivi t On steady motions of the aether, and on the origin of those to which the theory attributes the attractions and repulsions of Electricity, Galvanism, and Magnetism 4^i The principles of the Theory of Electric Force . . . . Ivi Ivii The principles of the Theory of Galvanic Force. The mathematical conditions of this theory imperfectly known .... Ivii The principles of the Theory of Magnetic and Diamagnetic Force. On the origin and variations of Terrestrial and Cosmical Mag- netism. Publications from which the facts of Electricity, Galvanism, and Magnetism have been drawn . . . Iviii lix STATEMENTS in conclusion on the objects and contents of the Intro- duction, the actual state of theoretical physics, and the method of philosophy advocated in this work lix Ixiii Experimental physics in advance of theoretical. Necessity of mathematical theory for determining particular correlations of the physical forces. How the present theory does this. Its imperfections and their correctibility. The adopted method of philosophy opposed to that of Comte, and to methods of deduction from general laws, accounts for Conservation of Energy, is not speculative. Distinction between theory and speculation . . . . .' .- , / * . lix Ixii The mathematical principles of hydrodynamics contained in this Volume asserted to have the same relation to general physics as Newton's mathematical principles to physical astronomy. Conditions on which it is proposed to maintain this assertion by argument * t . . Ixii Explanation of the circumstance that no portion of these physical theories has been communicated to the Eoyal Society . . Ixiii Bearing of the contents of both parts of the work on the mathe- matical studies of the University of Cambridge . . . Ixiii CONTENTS. Pages NOTES ON THE PRINCIPLES OF CALCULATION . . 1320 General principles of Pure Calculation . . . , . . 1 2 The different kinds of Applied Calculation. Their logical order, as determined by the application of calculation to the ideas of space, time, matter, and force . . . .... 3 4 NOTES ON THE PEINCIPLES OF PURE CALCULATION . . . . 4 59 The Principles of Arithmetic . . 420 Foundation of Arithmetic in number and ratio. The general arith- metic of ratios as contained in Euclid^ Book v. . . -. 4 5 Quantitative measures. Quantity expressed generally as the ratio of two numbers. Incommensurable quantity so expressible with ad libitum approach to exactness . . . . . 5 8 Proportion denned to be the equality of two ratios. The ratio of two given quantities of the same kind found (Prop. i.). De- duction of Def. v. of Eucl. v. from the definition of Proportion (Prop. ii. and Corollary). Proof of the converse of Def. v. Eemarks on Eucl. v . . . 8 14 Proofs of the rules for finding a given multiple, a given part, and a given integral power of a given quantity . '- .- . . 14 15 The principle on which fractional indices are necessary in a general system of calculation. Proof that a x may have values as nearly continuous as we please if x has such values. Meaning of a logarithm . . ...... . . 1617 All forms of continuous expression of quantity derivable from the two forms x m and a* by substitution and the usual rules of arithmetical operation ... . . . 17 18 Bules of operation necessarily founded on arithmetical considera- tions. Investigations of the usual rules of general arithmetic. A quotient and a fraction expressible by the same symbol as a ratio 1820 The Principles of Algebra 21 37 Distinction between general arithmetic and algebra. Algebraic use of the signs + and - . Principle which determines the rule of signs t . , ' , f i . 21 Proofs of the rules of signs in algebraic addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division . . ._,, ... ..'. . . 2224 Distinction between real and algebraic quantities. Origin of im- possible quantity .... . 2425 CONTENTS. XI Pages Proofs of the rules of operation with indices in general arithmetic. Algebraic generalizations of the rules. Necessity of negative and impossible indices arising out of such generalization. Proofs of the rule of signs in the algebra of indices . . 25 28 Algebraic series, converging and diverging. Method of indeter- minate coefficients. Proposed mark for distinguishing identity of value from special equality. The proof of the binomial theorem dependent on 'ordinary rules of algebraic operation. The expansion of a x dependent on the binomial theorem . 28 31 On the solution of numerical equations. (See Appendix, p. 688.) . 3137 Principles of the Calculus of Functions 37 59 All arithmetical and algebraical representations of quantity em- * braced by the Calculus of Functions. The variables of a function. Different degrees of its generality according to the number of the variables 37 38 (1) The Calculus of Functions of one variable . 3851 Explicit and implicit functions. Primitive and derived functions. Principle and proof of Taylor's Theorem. Applications of the Theorem 38 42 Derived equations. Elimination of constants. Successive orders of derived equations. Eeverse operations for finding the primitive equations. Particular solutions by primitives not con- taining arbitrary constants. Method of Variation of Parameters 42 46 The Differential and Integral Calculus founded on Taylor's Theorem. Differential and differential coefficient defined. (See Errata, and p. xiii of the Introduction.) Integration. Definite and indefinite integrations between the limits zero and infinity . 46 51 (2) The Calculus of Functions of two or more variables . . 51 57 Expansion by Taylor's Theorem. Differentials of functions of two variables. Proposed notation for partial differentials. Equa- tions of partial derived functions. Elimination of arbitrary functions. (See Appendix, p. 691.) . ' .. . , . . 51 56 Miscellaneous notes on the calculus of functions of three or more variables, on maximum and minimum values of algebraic functions, and on the Calculus of Variations. (See Appendix, p. 694.) 5658 Summary of results relative to Pure Calculation . . . . 58 59 NOTES ON THE PRINCIPLES OF APPLIED CALCULATION . . . 59 320 General remarks. Each department of Applied Mathematics dis- tinguished by definitions which are the basis of the calculation. The results of abstract calculation to be regarded as axioms with respect to any applied science 59 60 XII CONTENTS. Pages The Principles of Geometry ........ 6090 Different kinds of geometrical definitions. The definitions in Euclid of a square, of parallel straight lines, and of similar segments of circles, not strictly such. Proposed definition of parallel straight lines 61 63 Definition of similarity of form. Proof of Eucl. Def. xi. Book in. Postulates and Axioms. Proof of Axiom xn. of Book i., from the proposed definition of parallels . . . . 63 65 Theorems and Problems. General remarks on the character of the reasoning in Euclid. Arrangement in logical order of Pro- positions on which a system of Geometry might be founded. Argument to shew that Def. v. of Book v. is not necessary for the proofs of Propositions 1 and 33 of Book vi. 65-*-70 Necessity of measures of length in Trigonometry and Analytical Geometry. . Principle of the calculation of areas. Eucl. i. 47 employed to calculate the hypothenuse, from the given sides, of a right-angled triangle. The principle of measures necessary for thjs purpose. Distinction between reasoning by geometrical diagrams and by analysis. The latter alone proper for calcu- lation . ' . . . . . . . . . . 7074 Argument to shew that all the propositions of Trigonometry and Analytical Geometry of two dimensions are deducible by analytical calculation from the self-evident equality of two triangles one of which has two angles and the included side respectively equal to two angles and the included side of the other 7488 Calculation, in part ; of the relations of the sides and angles of tri- angles. Calculation of areas of triangles and parallelograms. Principles of algebraic geometry of two dimensions. Measures of angles 7682 Application of the differential calculus to find the direction-angle of the tangent to a circle, or any curve, and of the integral calculus to find the functions that the cosine and sine are of the arc. Trigonometrical formulae. Complete calculation of the relations of the sides and angles of triangles 82 88 General calculation of areas. Contacts. The essential principles of Geometry of Three Dimensions not different from those of Geometry of two dimensions 88 90 The Principles* of Plane Astronomy 9098 The problems of Plane, or Spherical, Astronomy essentially geo- metrical, but the determination of certain arcs involves the element of time. The science of Time depends on Practical Astronomy 9091 CONTENTS. XIII Pages Right Ascension and Declination, the former obtained by the intervention of time. Corrections, instrumental and astro- nomical, required for measuring arcs and the uniform flow of time. The sidereal time of any place. Bessel's formula for the Sun's Mean Longitude at a given epoch. Relation between sidereal time and mean solar time. Calculation of epochs and intervals of time 91 96 Explanation of the aberration of light. The different amounts for a fixed and a moving body 97 98 The Principles of Statics 98104 Measures of quantity of matter and of statical force. Weight. Pro- perties of a rigid body. Definitions of equilibrium . . . 98 99 Proofs of the Parallelogram of Forces. Lagrange's investigation of a general equation of Virtual Velocities. The principles on which it rests supplemented by a definition of equilibrium. Inference of the Parallelogram of Forces from the Principle of Virtual Velocities 100104 The Principles of Hydrostatics 104 108 A fluid defined by its properties of pressing and of easy separability of parts. Measure of fluid pressure. The general law of equality of pressure in all directions deduced from the defini- tions of properties . . 104107 Investigation of a general equation of the equilibrium of fluids . 107 108 The Principles of the Dynamics of Solid Bodies in Motion . 109 170 Definition of hiertia. Uniform velocity. Analytical expressions for variable velocity in a given direction, and for the resolved parts in three rectangular directions . . . . 109 111 Definition of constant accelerating force. Analytical expression for variable accelerative force. Experimental Laws. Deduction therefrom of the composition and resolution of constant and variable accelerative forces .,..,,. Ill 117 Momentum and moving force defined and their analytical ex- pressions obtained 117119 Physical Astronomy, regarded as the Dynamics of the motion of a free material particle 119152 Gravitation. Discovery of its law by Newton (see p. xx). Kepler's Three Laws. Newton's dynamical explanation of them . . 119 134 Principles involved in the processes of solution of the Problem of three or more bodies. The method of Variation of Parameters. Remarks on the inverse Problem of Perturbations the solution of which led to the discovery of Neptune, and on the con- XIV CONTENTS. Pages sequences of an exact mathematical determination of the acceleration of the Moon's mean motion. Possible retardation of the Earth's motion about its axis by the Moon's attraction of the tidal waves 124127 Discussion of the meaning of terms of indefinite increase occurring in certain cases of central forces, and in the Problem of three Bodies. Inference from them that the motion is not neces- sarily periodic, and proof that every process which gets rid of them introduces the hypothesis of a mean orbit .... . 128 138 Determination of the inferior limit to the eccentricity of a mean orbit ; ... > .... .- , . 138-151 First approximation to the motion of the nodes of the Moon's mean orbit . 151152 The Dynamics of the Motion of a Rigid System .... 153 170 Beason given for D'Alembert's Principle. Deduction from it of the. Law of Vis Viva by means of the principle of virtual velocities. Solution of a dynamical problem by an equation of virtual velocities , . . . 153 157 Investigation of six general equations for determining the motion of any rigid system acted upon by given forces. Application to the case of a hoop rolling on a horizontal plane .'.'.. . . 157 166 Solution of the Problem of Foucault's Pendulum Experiment . 166 170 The Principles of the Dynamics of Fluids in Motion '. , . 170320 The definition of a perfect fluid at rest assumed to apply to the fluid in motion. Prop. II. Proof of the law of equality of pressure in all directions for fluid in motion .... 171 173 Axiom that the directions of motion are subject to the law of geo- metrical continuity. (Adopted rules of notation). Prop. III. Investigation of the general equation (1) of geometrical conti- nuity 174175 Prop. IV. Investigation of the general equation (2) of constancy of mass 176177 Prop. V. Investigation of the general dynamical equation (3) appli- cable to the motion of fluids. Remarks on the three general equations. Proof that the direction of the motion of a given element cannot change per saltum. Definition of a surface of displacement 177181 Prop. VI. Deduction of a general equation (4) embracing the prin- ciples of (1) and (2) v .' , t : . , . . . . 181185 Prop. VII. Inference of rectilinear motion from (1) antecedently to any given case of disturbance of the fluid, by supposing udx+vdy + wdz, or \(d\[/), to be an exact differential . . 185188 CONTENTS. . XV Pages Prop. VIII. Investigation of a rule for calculating rate of propaga- tion. Lagrange's method involves a violation of principle . 188190 Prop. IX. General relation between velocity and density in uni- form propagation of density ... .... 190 192 Prop. X. General laws of the variation, with change of time and distance, of the velocity and density in uniform propagation . 192 193 Example I. The problem of the propagation of plane-waves attempted without taking account of the equation (1). The solution leads to absurd results, and a relation between the velocity and density inconsistent with that from Prop. IX. Details respecting a discussion of this question . . . 193 197 Example II. The problem of the propagation of spherical waves similarly treated. A result obtained inconsistent with the law given by Prop. X 197199 Course of the reasoning when the three general equations are used. Supposition of a general law of rectilinear motion along an axis independent of particular disturbances of the fluid . . 199 200 Prop. XI. The laws of motion along a rectilinear axis, due to the mutual action of the parts of the fluid, \(d\f/) being an exact differential. The motion found to be vibratory, and the pro- pagation of waves of all magnitudes to be uniform. Kelation obtained to terms of the second order between the velocity and the condensation ......... 200 207 Prop. XII. The determination to quantities of the first order of the laws of the motion relative to an axis at any distance from it, \(d\f>) being an exact differential. The motion found to consist of vibrations partly direct and partly transverse . . 207 211 Prop. XIII. Proof of the coexistence of small vibrations relative to the same axis, or to different axes 211 213 Prop. XIV. Determination of the numerical value of the rate of propagation. The result of comparison with observation inconsistent with attributing any effect to the development of heat 214225 Prop. XV. Investigation of the laws of the spontaneous vibratory motion relative to an axis, to the second approximation. Sig- nification of this use of the word ' spontaneous' . . . 225 228 Prop. XVI. Determination of the result of the composition of spontaneous vibrations having a common^axis, to terms of the first order .*.... 228230 Prop. XVII. The same problem solved to terms of the second order. Extension of the last two solutions to the case of the composition of vibrations relative to different axes . . 230239 XVI CONTENTS. Definition of steady motion. Prop. XVIII. Determination of the laws of the steady motion of a compressible fluid. Case of the integrability of \(d\f/), and general formula for steady motion independent of particular conditions. Proof of the law of the co-existence of steady motions 239 243 Examples of the application of the foregoing Principles and Propo- sitions 243 316 Example I. Solution of the problem of the propagation of plane- waves to the first and second approximations. Application of the principle that arbitrarily impressed motion is compounded of spontaneous jnotions relative to axes. The state oj: the fluid as to velocity and condensation propagated uniformly and without undergoing change. The contradiction in page 195 got rid of. Proof of the possibility of the transmission of a solitary condensed or rarefied wave . , . . .243 248 Example II. The problem of spherical waves to the first approxi- mation. Investigation, on the principle of the composition of spontaneous motions, of a general equation (29) applicable to . * given cases of motion. Expressions for the velocity and den- sity in spherical waves at any distance from the centre. The condensation varies inversely as the square of the distance. The contradiction in page 198 accounted for . . . . 249 254 Example III. Exact determination of the laws of the central motion of an incompressible fluid . ' . ' . . . . 254256 Investigation of a general approximate equation (31) applicable to motion produced under arbitrary circumstances. Formula (32), (33), (34), for motion symmetrical about an axis. Proof that \(d\f/) is an exact differential for vibratory motion pro- duced arbitrarily 256 260 Example IV. Problem of the resistance of an elastic fluid to the vibrations of a small sphere. Approximate formulae for the condensation and velocity of the fluid. Its backward and forward flow compensatory at all times. Kelation between the effective pressure (p'} and the condensation in composite mo- tion 260266 Expression for the acceleration of a ball-pendulum in air or water, resistance and buoyancy being taken into account. Compari- sons of the results with experiments by Du Buat, Bessel, and Baily. The difference between the theoretical and experi- mental corrections of the coefficient of buoyancy mainly attri- butable to the resistance of the air to the motion of the sus- pending rods. Bemarks on the erroneous principle of a pre- vious attempt to solve the same problem. (See Introduction, p. xli) . 266273 CONTENTS. XVII Pages Example V. Problem of the resistance of fluid to the vibrations of a cylindrical rod. Approximate expressions for the con- densation and velocity of the fluid. The forward and back- ward flow compensatory. Expression for the acceleration of the rod supposed to vibrate about one extremity. Comparison of the result with experiments by Baily and Bessel -, * . 273 279 Example VI. Approximate determination of the motion and pres- sure at any point of fluid the vibrations of which are incident on a fixed 'sphere. The mean flow of the fluid is not altered. To this approximation the accelerative action on the sphere is the same for compressible as for incompressible fluid . . 279 287 Attempt to take account of the effect of compressibility by consi- derations respecting lateral divergence due to transverse action. Consequent formula for the accelerative action of the fluid on the sphere 288 296 Example VII. The same as Ex. VI. except that the sphefe is moveable. Approximate formula. Attempt to include terms of the second order. Inference of permanent motion of trans- lation from terms of that order. Argument to shew that the motion of translation due to given waves will be uniformly accelerated 296306 Circumstances under which the motion of translation might be from or towards the origin of the waves. Independence of the motions of translation produced by waves from different sources. Variation of the accelerative action of the waves according to the law of the inverse square. Further consi- derations relative to the simultaneous vibratory and tfansla- tory 'action of waves on spheres ....'.. 307 313 N.-B. Examples VI. and VII. are more satisfactorily solved in pages 441 452. Example VIII. Accelerative action of the steady motion of an elastic fluid on a small fixed sphere. Formula for the accele- ration. Applies very approximately to a moveable sphere. Calculation of 'the accelerative effects of two or more steady streams acting simultaneously . . . . . 313 316 General statement of the relation of the results obtained by ma- thematical reasoning under the head of Hydrodynamics to the Physical Theories contained in the subsequent part of the ; work . 316320 THE MATHEMATICAL PEINCIPLES OF THEOEIES OF THE PHYSICAL FOKCES 320676 Intention to discuss the Theories with reference only to funda- mental principles, and those necessary for the explanation of classes of phenomena . . . ... . . - 320 XVIII CONTENTS. Pages The Theory of Light on the Hypothesis of Undulations . . . 320 436 The aether defined to be a continuous elastic fluid pressing propor- tionally to its density. Explanations of properties and pheno- mena of light deduced exclusively from the qualities of the ........... 320356 (1) i Kectilinear transmission. (2) A ray of common light. Its vibra- tions defined by formulae. (3) Uniform propagation in space. (4) The non-dependence of rate of propagation on intensity. (5) Equality of the intensity of compound light to the sum of the intensities of the components. (6) Variation of intensity according to the law of the inverse square by divergence from a centre. (7) Composite character of light and its resolvability into parcels. (8) Distinction by colour. (9) Distinction by phase. (10) Spectrum analysis, or resolvability into parcels of different colours. (Eemarks on Transmutation of Eays). (11) Co-existence of different parcels without interference. (12) Interferences under particular circumstances . * . 321 329 Theory of transverse vibrations. Their mode of action on the parts of the eye. (13) The non-polarized character of light as initially produced, the transverse vibrations in such light being symmetrically disposed about an axis. (14) The resolution of common light into equal portions polarized in rectangular planes. (15) The non-interference of rays oppositely polar- ized. Proof, from the interference of the direct vibrations under the same circumstances, that light is due to transverse vibrations. (16) The non-dependence of the combined inten- sities of two oppositely polarized rays having a common path on the difference of their phases. (17) The proportion of the intensities, under given circumstances, of the parts of a polar- ized ray resolved by a new polarization. (18) The distinguish- ing characters of plane-polarized, elliptically-polarized, and circularly-polarized light , ....... 330 338 (19) The effects of compounding lights of different colours. The mathematical theory of the composition of colours given at considerable length, and compared with experiments, in the sections numbered from 1 to 8. (20) Phenomena of Diffrac- tion. The usual mathematical treatment of diffraction prob- lems accords with the Undulatory Theory expounded in this work. Evidence from the explanations of the phenomena (1) (20) of the- reality of the aether ..... 338356 EXPLANATIONS of phenomena of light depending on relations of the motions of the eether to visible and tangible substances . .856421 CONTENTS. XIX Pages Foundations of the reasoning in the remainder of the Theory of Light, and in all the subsequent Theories. Assumed atomic constitution of substances. Assumed qualities of atoms. No other kinds of force than the pressure of the aether and the resistance to such pressure by the atoms. Force varying with distance not inherent in matter. Newton's view of the nature of gravity. Newton's and Locke's views of the quality of atoms. Hypotheses respecting atoms and the aether necessary foundations of physical science. Their truth established by comparison of mathematical deductions from them with expe- riment. Imperfect verification of the hypotheses respecting the ultimate constituency of substances ..... 356-4^62 Problem I. Laws of transmission of light through non-crystalline transparent media. General formula for the rate of trans- mission in a given substance. Modification of the formula by the mobility of the atoms. Effect of the elasticity of the me- dium. Condition of transparency. Consequent formula (j3) applicable to homogeneous light ...... 362 370 Modification of formula (/3) to adapt it to light of different refran- gibilities. Theoretical explanation of Dispersion. Formula (7) for calculating the relation between /* and X. Numerical comparison of results with experiment ..... 370 375 Problem II. Laws of transmission of light through crystalline transparent media. Assumed difference of elasticity in differ- ent directions. Application of formula (j3). Equation of the surface of elasticity. Only polarized light transmissible. Equation of the wave-surface 375 382 Inference (1) that the rate of propagation is the same in every plane through an optical axis, and in all directions in it, if the transverse vibrations of the ray be perpendicular to the plane; (2) that the transverse vibrations of a polarized ray are per- pendicular to the plane of polarization 382 383 Problem III. The laws of the reflection and refraction of light at the surfaces of transparent substances . . . . . 383 415 Proof of the law of reflection. Loss of half an undulation by inter- nal reflection accounted for. Loss and gain of light by trans- mission through a plate. Explanation of the central dark spot of Newton's rings. Polarization of common light by reflection. Partial polarization. Generation of elliptically polarized light by reflection. Eeflection of polarized rays. Formula for the amount of reflected light .... 383 391 Theory of refraction at the surfaces of non-crystalline media. Conditions of regular refraction. Auxiliary discussion of the a 2 XXT CONTENTS. Pages character of composite rays. The precise action of the refrin- gent forces unknown. The law of refraction determined by reference to a principle of least action : . . . . . 392 401 Laws of double refraction at the surfaces of crystalline media. Bifurcation of an incident non-polarized ray. Construction for determining by means of the wave-surface, and the principle of least action, the courses of the two rays. Refraction out of a medium inferred from that into a medium by the law that light can travel along the same path in opposite directions. A hydrodynamical reason given for this law .... 401 404 Co|$muation (from p. 391) of the theory of polarization by reflec- tion. Auxiliary investigation of the ratio of the condensations of a given wave before and after intromittence, on the hypo- thesis that the proportionate space occupied by atoms is incon- siderable. Equality of the condensations when the tangent of the angle of incidence is equal to the index of refraction, i. e. for the polarizing angle . . . . . . . . 405 406 Incidence of common light on the surface of a crystallized medium. Estimated quantities of reflected light. Comparisons of the theory with Jamin's Experiments. The polarizing angle of opaque bodies. Inference from the theoretical explanation of the polarizing a'ngle "that \he proportionate space occupied by the atoms of all known substances is very small . . . 406 410 Incidence of polarized light on the surface of a crystallized me- dium. Formulae for the quantities of reflected light. The theory decides that the transverse vibrations of a ray polar- ized in the 1 plane of incidence a*re perpendicular to that plane. Fresnel's empirical formulas for the intensities of reflected rays especially adaptable to the proposed undulatory theory . 410 411 Theory of the total internal reflection of common light, and of plane polarized light. Generation in the latter case of ellipti- cally polarized light. Fre&nel's Ehomb . . . . 411 412 Theory of the coloured rings formed by the passage of plane-polar- ized light , through thin plates of crystal. Complete explana- tion of all the phenomena of this class by the proposed undu- latory theory. Failure in this respect of the " vibratory" (or oscillatory) theory. (See Introduction, pp. xlvii xlix) . . 412 415 Additional explanations of phenomena. Colours produced by the passage of light through glass in a state of mechanical con- straint. The colours of substances. Eegular and irregular reflection. . Law of . brightness of bodies seen by irregular reflection. Absorption. Epipolic dispersion, as due to change of refrangibility . . . 415 421 CONTENTS. XX{ Pages Addendum to the Theory of Light . ..- . . . ' '421^-436 More correct solution of Example VII. p. 296, to terms of the first order. Correction of the expression in p. 298 for the accele- ration of the sphere. Corrected formulae (ft') and (7') for the calculation of dispersion. Comparison of results from (7') with experiment' . .- . . . . . . .422 427 Calorific and chemical effects attributable to direct vibrations of the rays of the solar spectrum. Chemical as well as luminous effects produced by the transverse vibrations. The formula for dispersion for a composite medium of the same form as that for a simple medium. Rays of nearly the same refrangi- bility as (F) neutral as to calorific and chemical effects . . 427 432 The formula for dispersion applied to a gas. Bright spectrum lines of an ignited gas. Theory of the dark lines of the solar spectrum. Inference that the lines of a composite gas consist of those of the components. Possible reversal of the order of the spectrum colours of a gas. Imperfection of the Theory of Dispersion 432 436 The Theory of Heat and Molecular Attraction .... 436 485 General principles of the'Theo'ry. The fact that light-producing rays are also heat-producing accounted for. Heat-waves pro- duce both vibratory and translatory motions of atoms. De- pendence of the mathematical theory of the translatory action of waves on terms of the second order. An argument, apart from symbolical reasoning, to shew that waves incident on a small sphere necessarily cause a permanent motion of transla- tion 436439 Principles of a solution of Example VII. to terms of the second order more correct than that given in pages 296 306. For- mula obtained for the' acceleration of the sphere involving two unknown functions H l and ff s of m and X. Proof that a uni- formly accelerated motion results. Its direction from or towards the origin of the waves dependent on the values of HI and H. 2 . Waves of the smallest order always repulsive from their origin. Theory of repulsive and attractive effects of waves of different orders. Coexistence of the translatory actions of waves from different origins 439 459 Theory of the forces by which discrete atoms form compact masses, viz. caloric repulsion and a controlling molecular attraction. Generation of secondary waves by the incidence of the prima- ries on atoms, and by the reaction at their surfaces. The repulsion of heat attributed to the translatory action of secon- dary waves, supposed to emanate equally in all directions XXII CONTENTS. Pages from each atom of a mass. The mutual action of neighbour- ing atoms always repulsive. Molecular attraction attributed to waves of another order, resulting from the composition of those of the first order emanating from a multitude of atoms. Radiant heat distinguishable by the order of its waves from caloric repulsion 459 465 Theory of the solid and liquid states of bodies. Increment of density towards the interior in a thin superficial stratum of every liquid and solid substance. Difference between the liquid and solid states. The atomic repulsion of aeriform bodies not controlled by molecular attraction. Theory of latent heat. On the conservation of the caloric of large masses. Collision of a,toms impossible 465 468 Investigation of the relation between pressure and density in gaseous bodies. The measured pressure of a gas mechanically equivalent to its atomic repulsion. Temperature of position as determined by radiant heat. Relation between pressure and density, inclusive of the effect of variation of temperature. Change of temperature by sudden changes of density more sensible in closed than unenclosed spaces. Theoretical ve- locity of sound 469474 Theory of the relation between pressure and density in liquid and solid substances. Equilibrated action of atomic and mole- cular forces at and near their boundaries. Different from that in the interior. Illustrative experiment. The general relation between pressure and density the same in liquids as in solids. Large masses to be regarded as liquid. Reason that the mean figure of the earth corresponds to that of the ocean- surf ace. Formula obtained for the relation between pressure and density in liquids and solids. Applied to determine the law of the earth's interior density ........ 474 481 Considerations relating to the mechanical equivalent of atomic and molecular forces. Independent pressures of different gases in the same space. Reason for the different elasticities of equal weights of different gases in equal spaces. Brief notices of the bearing of the general theory on chemical and crystallographical facts ........ 481 485 The Theory of the Force of Gravity 486 505 An explanation of the modus operandi of gravity necessarily in- cluded in a general theory of physical force. Reference of gravitating force to pressure of the aether. Elucidation of a point of analysis relating to the equation (e) in p. 443. Diffe- rent orders of molecules and of the waves emanating from them 486490 CONTENTS. XXII t Pages Bepulsive and attractive effects of waves of different breadths in- ferred from an equation (at the top of p. 455) involving the factors H l and H 2 . Values of H l indicative of a repulsive effect. Change of the repulsion into attraction by increase of the value of H 2 Considerations, apart from the analytical reasoning, of the signification of this factor. Inference that it is always positive and greater than unity. Keasons given for concluding that it is a function of X, and that for gravity-waves it exceeds 1 490498 Comparison of the theory with known laws of gravity. The theory too imperfect for demonstration of the laws. But primd faciz evidence of its truth given by the comparisons (1) (6) with ascertained facts. Non-retardation of masses (as planets) moving in the aether with a velocity nearly uniform. Argu- ment shewing that the constant K in the formula for the refractive-index (p. 367) is very small for gravity-waves, and inference that such waves are very little refracted. Evidence that they undergo some degree of refraction deduced from local irregularities of gravity. Magnitude. of the ultimate gravity-molecules. Gravity-measures of quantities of matter . 498 503 Instability of stellar systems if the action between the components be solely attractive. Inference from the hydrodyraiiical theory of gravity that the law of attraction may chf ng 3 by distance, and that neighbouring stars may be mutually re- pellent. Control in that case of the repulsion by a n f IK- class of gravity-waves. Consequent explanation of periodic proper motions of stars . . . . . . . . 504 505 The Theory of Electric Force . . . . . . . 505555 Extension given by modern experimentalists to the meaning of "Electricity." Accounted for theoretically by the common relation of the physical forces to the aether. Proposal to use the terms Electric, Galvanic, and Magnetic, as distinctive of classes of phenomena. The class generated by friction treated of under the head of Electric Force . , . , '- . .505 507 Theory of molecular Forces (F) of the second order, attractive and repulsive. Their equivalence to the mechanical forces in the Statics and Dynamics of rigid bodies. Definition of the electric state, as maintained by atomic and molecular forces. Production of the electric state by friction al disturbance of superficial atoms and the simultaneous generation of second- order molecular forces. Theory of two kinds of electricity, vitreous and resinous, or positive and negative. Keason given for the production by friction of equal quantities of the opposite electricities . 607-515 XXIV CONTENTS. Case of the positive or negative electric state of a globe. Hypo- thesis that the second-order molecular forces emanate equally from all the elements of the interior, and vary inversely as the square of the distance. Transition to the case of a spherical shell. Explanations of facts from which it has been inferred that electricity is confined to the surfaces of bodies. The con- ditions of electrical equilibrium in bodies of any form. Con- ductors distinguished from non-conductors by the property of superficial conduction.- Theory ef the superficial distribution of electricity. Case of a cylinder with hemispherical ends. Explanation of the accumulation of electricity at sharp points. 515 521 Theory of electricity by influence or induction. Induced electricity attributable to the action of second-order molecular forces. Hypothesis that their setherial waves traverse substances freely, the forces varying according to the law of the inverse square. Proof that equal quantities of opposite electricities are induced by a charged conductor on a neutral one. Reaction of the induced electricity on the charged conductor, and neu- tralization of induced electricities by discharging or removing this conductor. Effect of connecting the neutral conductor with the ground in presence of the other charged. (Auxiliary discussion of the distinction between primary and induced electricity.) Theory of the observed effects of breaking the connection with the ground and removing the charged con- ductor. Accumulation of primary electricity by an electric machine 521532 Additional facts explained' by the theory of induced electricity. (1) The neutral state o.f a sphere, after the, separation from it of electrified hemispherical caps. (2) The phenomena of the electrical condenser. (3) Electrifying a non-conductor by in- duction. (4) Induction by contact, and phenomena of the Leyden Jar. (5) Influence of the air on electrical phenomena. Discharge through the air accompanied by crepitations and the electric spark. Loss of electricity by conduction through the air. Theories of the brush discharge and the electric egg. Conductiveness of moist air. Accompaniment of an electric discharge by heat 539544 Theory of electrical attractions and repulsions. Not referable to the translatory action of second-order molecular forces. Hypo- thesis of the action of currents. Interior gradation of the density of a body electrified inductively. Consequent genera- tion of secondary streams by the motions of the earth relatively to the aether. Electrical attractions and repulsions ascribed to the secondary streams . . . . . . . . 544 548 CONTENTS. XXV Pages The mutual attraction of two spheres, one electrified originally, either positively or negatively, and the other electrified by it inductively. The mutual attraction of two spheres, both elec- trified originally, and with opposite electricities, and their mutual repulsion when electrified with the same electricities. Explanation, of the attractions and repulsions in the gold-leaf electroscope. Mutual repulsion of two bodies after being brought into contact by attraction. Explanation of the elec- tric wind observed to flow from a point connected with an electrified conductor. Accordance of the theory with Coulomb's experimental determination of the law of the inverse square for the action of an electrified sphere on small bodies . . 548 555 The Theory of Galvanic Force. . 555604, Difference between Electric and Galvanic disturbances of the equi- brium of superficial atoms. Galvanic disturbance produced by atomic and molecular forces brought into action by the chemical relation between a liquid and solid in contact. Dis- cussion of two fundamental experiments establishing this law. Indication of galvanic- electricity by the electroscope. Theory of the galvanic battery and of the currents it generates. Direction of the current shewn to be from the zinc plate to the copper plate . 555 563 Preliminary considerations respecting the action of conducting bodies as channels of galvanic currents. Mathematical treat-' ment of the case of a steady stream symmetrical about a straight rheophore of wire. Inference that streams along cylindrical wires move in spiral courses. Theory of the stop- page of a current at the terminals of a circuit not closed. Explanation on the same principles of the confinement of the current within conducting channels of irregular form. Theory of the flow of the current upon closing the circuit . . 563 572 Definition of the intensity of a galvanic current. Proof that the intensity is the same at all parts of the same circuit. Pre- sumptive evidence of the hydrodynamical character of galvanic currents. Maintenance of the current by continuous galvanic impulses. General formula for intensity involving the specific conductivities of different portions of the current. Ohm's Law. Inference from it that the resistance due to spiral motion varies inversely as the square of the radius of the wire. 572575 Explanation of the heat and light emitted by a rheophore of fine wire. The increment of temperature shewn to vary inversely as the fourth power of the radius and to be uniform through- out wire of given radius. Mathematical argument to prove XXVI CONTENTS. Pages that the developed heat varies as the square of the intensity of the current 575_577 Inferences from the general formula for intensity that for a given couple the intensity is less as the length of wire is greater, and that if the circuit be short the intensity is nearly proportional to the size of the zinc plate 577 578 Theory of the electric discharge produced by the approach of the terminals of a galvanic circuit. Electric and galvanic dis- charges distinguished by the theory, and by experiment. The theoretical conclusion that a galvanic current cannot flow in vacuum confirmed experimentally. Discharges in Geissler's tubes. Theoretical explanations of the coloured light, the stratification, and the glow at the terminals .... 578 582 Theory of the voltaic arc. Volatilization of matter at the positive terminal, and its transfer to the other. Greater heat at the positive than at the negative terminal. Brightness of the arc dependent on the size of the plates, its length on the num- ber of couples. Transfer of matter both ways in quantities depending on the volatility of the terminals. The form of the arc accounted for 582586 Theory of the analysis of liquids by galvanic currents. Decompo- sition of water. Analysis in definite proportions explained by the theory on the- hypothesis of Grotthus. Theory of Faraday's law that[the decomposing action of a current is the same at each of several sets of terminals. Theory of chemical decom- position by frictional electricity. Eeason given for its amount being very small compared to that by a galvanic current. Ex- planation of an experiment by Faraday illustrative of galvanic action at terminals. Theory of the maintenance of a galvanic current when the rheophores terminate in the ground . . 586 592 Theory of the mutual action between galvanic currents. Attraction or repulsion between two parallel rheophores according as the currents are in the same or opposite directions. Eepulsion between a fixed and a moveable rheophore placed end to end. Motion along a rheophore of sinuous form inclusive of the effect of centrifugal force. Case of the solenoid. Neutraliza- tion^ a sinuous rheophore of any form by a rectilinear rheo- phore. Mutual action between two of Ampere's solenoids as due to the spiral motions about the axes of the wires. At- traction and repulsion between two solenoids placed end to end. Inference from experiment that the spiral motion along a cylindrical rheophore is always dextrorsum. Incapability of the theory to give a reason for this law 592 599 Probable rate of propagation of limited currents, like those gene- CONTENTS. XXVII rated in Bending messages by a Galvanic Telegraph. Theory of Faraday's induced currents. Generation of an induced current by' sudden interruptions, or sudden changes of inten- sity, of an existing current. Also by sudden changes of its distance from a neutral rheophore. The case of the contiguity of two coils. Augmentation of the inductive effect by increasing the number of turns of the secondary coil and insulating them, . and by producing the primary currents in rapid succession, as by Kuhmkorff's apparatus. General conclusion that galvanic phenomena are governed by hydrodynamical laws . . . 599 603 Theory of currents called thermo-electric. Their origin in grada- tion of interior density caused by heat. In other respects not different from galvanic currents. Their phenomena shewn by Matteucci to be connected with crystallization. Probable in- ference that the elementary circular motions of galvanism, and their direction, are determined generally by disturbance of the crystalline arrangement of atoms. Generation of a differential current hi Seebeck's experiment. This class of facts peculiarly indicative of the production of currents by gradation of interior density 603604 The Theory of Magnetic Force 604 676 Hypothesis of the existence naturally in certain substances of gra- dation of interior density without disturbance of the state of the superficial atoms. Direction of the gradation of density dependent on the form of the body. Case of a magnetized steel bar. Generation of secondary circulating streams. In- dication by the arrangement of attracted iron filings about the bar that magnetic force is due to the dynamical action of such streams. Inferences. (1) The magnetism is equal on the opposite sides of a middle neutral position. (2) Each part of a divided magnet becomes a magnet. (3) The intensity of the current is as the size of the magnet and degree of its magneti- zation directly, and as the length of the circuit inversely. (4) Positive and negative poles. Like poles repel and unlike attract . 604608 Theory of the mutual action of a galvanic rheophore and a mag- netic needle. Oersted's experiment. Eeasons given for the axis of one being transverse to that of the other in case of equilibrium. Proof that stable rotatory equilibrium results from the mutual action of two rheophores when their axes are parallel. Laws bf angular currents ' 608 612 Theory of Terrestrial Magnetism. The earth's magnetism due to secondary aetherial streams resulting from its motions relative to the aether. Influence of the form and materials of the earth. XX VIII CONTENTS. Pages The directions and intensities of the streams determined by observations of magnetic declination, dip, and intensity. Proof from the explanations of two experiments that the earth's magnetic stream enters the north, or marked, end of the needle, issuing consequently from the earth on the north side of the magnetic equator, and entering it on the south side. Theory of the directive action of terrestrial magnetism. The south end of the needle the positive pole, or that from which its own current and that of the earth both issue. Total intensity of- the- magnetic force deduced from oscillations of the needle about its mean position. Inference of total inten- sity and dip from measures of the horizontal and vertical components. Theory of the action of a solenoid on a magnet, and of the directive action of the earth's magnetism on a solenoid 613618 Theory of magnetic induction, or magnetization, by natural mag- nets. By the earth's magnetism. By a galvanic current. Change of the plane of polarization of light by the influence of artificial magnets adduced in support of the theory. Differ- ence between the magnetization of Steel and soft iron. The directions of the. magnetizing and induced currents coincident in magnetism, opposed in diamagnetism. Explanation of the transverse position of a bar of bismuth suspended between the poles of a magnet. Consequent points 618 622 Theory of the attraction of iron filings by a magnet. Additional mathematical investigation of the dynamical effects of com- posite steady motion. Case of the attraction of a small pris- matic bar (or iron filing) by a large magnetized bar, the direc- tions of their axes coinciding. Formula obtained for the resulting moving forces. Inference from it that iron filings are attracted at both poles. Application of the same formula to account for the effects of diamagnetic action. Also to ex- plain why the earth's magnetism is solely directive, and why non-magnetic bodies are uninfluenced by magnetic attraction . 622 629 Explanations of experiments by Faraday shewing the influence of magnets on ferruginous solutions. Supposed coincidence of Faraday's lines of magnetic force with the curvilinear courses of the magnetic streams. Theoretical reason for the diamag- netism of a piece of bismuth in a powdered state being nearly the same as when it is whole 629 631 Attraction of iron filings by a galvanic current. Inference that a galvanic current is capable of inducing magnetism. Theoreti- cal explanation of this action. Difference, according to the CONTENTS. xxix Pages theory, of the attractions of iron filings by a Bolenoid and a magnetized bar 631 634 Theory of magnetization by frictional electricity. Generation of a feeble continuous current by an electric machine. Reason given for the non-production of frictional electricity by gal- vanism or magnetism 634 636 Phenomena of the mutual action between a magnet and a mass of copper. Proved experimentally by Faraday to be referable to the induction of galvanic currents by magnetic currents. Elementary experiment. The intensity of the induced current proportional to the galvanic conductivity of the metal. Fara- day's" experimental results expresse'd in' a general law not . deducible a priori. The phenomena explainable by the appli- cation of this law on hydrodynamical principles. Hypothesis of elementary and composite circulating motions of the aether. Consequent explanations of experiments of this class made by Faraday, Gambey, Herschel and Babbage, and Arago . . 636 644 Theory of the variations of terrestrial magnetism. Mean solar- diurnal variation of declination. Induction by Sabine, from observations in the north and south magnetic hemispheres, of the occurrence of maximum and minimum deflections at the same local hours. Hypothesis that the solar-diurnal variation is due to magnetism of the atmosphere generated by gradations of its temperature and density caused by solar heat. Theore- tical explanations on this "hypothesis of the main features of the diurnal variation of declination in mean and in high latitudes.;- , ;; 644650 Theory of the annual inequality of the solar-diurnal variation of declination. Attributed to the changes of distribution of the solar heat, and of atmospheric magnetism, consequent upon of the sun's declination . . . '".. ". . 650652 Disturbances of the declination by variations of atmospheric tem- perature and magnetism due to local causes. Earth-currents. Theory of the Aurora, so far as it is attributable to disturb- ances of a local character. Determination by Sabine of the existence of a local hour of maximum disturbance-variations of the declination. Indication by this fact of extraneous magnetic action . . 652654 Regular diurnal variations of dip and intensity attributable, like that of declination, to solar atmospheric magnetism. Evi- dence from the Greenwich observations of a diurnal variation of vertical force. Annual inequalities of the diurnal range of dip and intensity due to the changes of the Sun's declina- XXX CONTENTS. Pages tion. Reason that the atmospheric magnetic effects due to solar heat are not greatest when the earth is nearest the Sun . 654 657 Detection by Sabine of variations of the magnetic elements obey- ing the same laws in both hemispheres. This class of varia- tions attributed by the theory to changes of terrestrial mag- netism due to the variable velocity of the earth in its orbit. Mathematical argument in support of this view . . . 657661 Theory of the lunar-diurnal variations of the magnetic elements. Hypothesis that they are due to magnetism of the atmosphere resulting from gradations of its density caused by the Moon's gravitational attraction, Explanations of the phenomena on this hypothesis 661665 Observed changes from year to year of the mean annual variations of the magnetic elements. Necessity of referring such changes to external or cosmical agency. Proposal of a theory of cosmical variations. Hypothesis that the Sun, like the earth, has its proper magnetism. Evidence supposed to be given by the zodiacal light of the existence of solar mag- netic streams extending to the earth. The magnetic variation called the nocturnal episode probably due to these streams. Variations of the sun's proper magnetism ascribed to gravita- tional attraction of the solar atmosphere by the planets. A solar-diurnal disturbance-variation of declination referred to this cause. Its law of periodicity different from that of the regular solar-diurnal variation . . . . . 665 671 Additional theoretical inferences. (1) Dependence of the amount of disturbance-variation on the configuration of the Planets. The cycle of about ten years, inferred by Sabine from observa- tion, probably referable to the fact that 13 semi-synodic periods of Venus are very nearly equal to 19 of Jupiter. (2) Theory of the observed periodicity of solar spots. The coinci- dence of their period with that of the disturbance-variation accounted for by supposing them to be generated by planetary magnetic influence. (3) Magnetic storms considered to be violent and transitory disturbance-variations due to solar local causes. Observation of a remarkable phenomenon confirma- tory of this view. The larger displays of Aurora attributed to these unsteady sun-streams. The local hours of maximum of magnetic storms the same as those of the more regular dis- turbance-variations. (4) A possible cause of the secular variations of the magnetic elements suggested . . . 671 676 GENERAL CONCLUSION. Remarks on the character and limits of the proposed Physical Theory, and on the evidence for the CONTENTS. XXXI Pages truth of its hypotheses. ' Objections to it answered. Con- siderations respecting the relation of the method.of philosophy advocated in this work to metaphysical enquiry and to Theology . . . , > . . . . . 677687 APPENDIX. I. Proof that every equation has as many roots as it has dimensions, and method of finding them. II. Formation of equations of partial derived functions by the elimination of arbitrary functions. III. On the occurrence of discontinuity in the solution of problems in the Calculus of Variations. . 688 696 The Diagrams referred to in pages 63 82, which the reader was re- quested to draw for himself, it has been thought better to add at the end of the volume. All other requisite Diagrams and Figures will be found in the Physical Treatises or Memoirs cited in the text or the notes. EEEATA. Page ixf, line 5, for only read mainly xiii., line 11 from bottom, dele and the succeeding ones Iviii., line 6 from bottom, read The periodic variations of the Sun's proper magnetism are, &c. 11, last line but one, for ^ j- read ' J cd cb 47, lines 13 and 14, for dx read 2dx, and for d .f(x) read 2d . f(x) 83, line 4, for dy read 2dy,&ndfor dx read 2dx 84, line 11 from bottom, for x read - 89, the formula in line 15 should have been obtained by Taylor's Theorem used as in p. 47. 145, last line, for r' 4 read r 4 229, line 6, for d 2 in the second term read dz* 298, line 11 for c read C in both places 365, line 1, for read . This mistake of the author, and i 'ii the inferences from it, are corrected in page 501 372, the values of A, B, C should be 10,046655, 1,635638, 13,433268 373, lines 5, 7, and 8, the values of X by calculation for the rays (D), (F), (G) should be respectively 2,1756, 1,7995, 1,5954 373, the values of A, B, C should be 4,569309, 0,660934, 4,483938, and those of X by calculation for the rays ((7), (D), (F), (G), 2,4280, 2,1764, 1,7949, 1,5923. (The correct values, in both cases, of "excess of calculation" are used in p. 427.) 378, line 8, in the expression for B, for /i 2 e 3 read /t 2 e 2 461, in the' running title, for LIGHT read HEAT 494, line 6 from bottom, for 5a' read 6a' L! ': INTRODUCTION. IN order to account for the Title that has been given to this Volume a few words of explanation will be necessary. The printing of the work was commenced in 1857. I had then only the inten- tion of going through a revision of the principles of the different departments of pure and applied mathematics, thinking that the time was come when such revision was necessary as a preparation for extending farther the application of mathematical reasoning to physical questions. The extension I had principally in view had reference to the existing state of the science of Hydrodynamics, that is, to the processes of reasoning proper for the determination of the motion and pressure of fluids, which, as is known, requires an order of differential equations the solutions of which differ altogether from those of equations appropriate to the dynamics of rigid bodies. I had remarked that although by the labours of Lagrange, Laplace, and others, great success had attended the applications of differential equations containing in the final stage of the analysis only two variables, the whole of Physical Astronomy is, in fact, an instance of such application, the case was far different with respect to the applications of equations containing three or more variables. Here there was nothing but perplexity and un- certainty. After having laboured many years to overcome the difficulties in which this department of applied mathematics is involved, and to discover the necessary principles on which the b VI INTRODUCTION. reasoning must be made to depend, I purposed adding to the dis- cussion of the principles of the other subjects, some new and spe- cial considerations respecting those of Hydrodynamics. The work, as thus projected, was entitled " Notes on the Principles of Pure and Applied Mathematics," the intention being to intimate by the word " Notes" that it would contain no regular treatment of the different mathematical subjects, but only such arguments and dis- cussions as might tend to elucidate fundamental principles. After repeated efforts to prosecute this undertaking, I was compelled by the pressure of my occupations at the Cambridge Observatory, to desist from it in 1859, when 112 pages had been printed. I had not, however, the least intention of abandoning it. The very great advances that were being made in physics by experiment and observation rendered it every day more necessary that some one should meet the demand for theoretical investiga- tion which the establishment of facts and laws had created. For I hold it to be indisputable that physical science is incomplete till experimental inductions have been accounted for theoretically. Also the completion of a physical theory especially demands mathe- matical reasoning, and can be accomplished by no other means. When, according to the best judgment I could form respecting the applications which the results of my hydrodynamical re- searches were capable of, I seemed to see that no one was as well able as myself to undertake this necessary part in science, I gave up (in 1861) my position at the Observatory, under the convic- tion, which I expressed at the time, that I could do more for the honour of my University and the advancement of science by de- voting myself to theoretical investigations, than by continuing to take and reduce astronomical observations after having been thus occupied during twenty-five years. The publication of this work will enable the cultivators of science to judge whether in coming to this determination I acted wisely. Personally I have not for a INTRODUCTION. Vll moment regretted the course I took ; for although it' has been attended with inconveniences arising from the sacrifice of income, I felt that what I could best do, and no one else seemed capable of undertaking, it was my duty to do. It should, farther, be stated that after quitting the Obser- vatory, and before I entered upon my theoretical labours, I con- sidered that I was under the obligation to complete the publica- tion of the meridian observations taken during my superin- tendence of that Institution. This work occupied me till the end of 1864, and thus it is only since the beginning of 1865 I have been able to give undivided attention to the composition of the present volume. In April 1867, as soon as I was prepared to furnish copy for the press, the printing was resumed, after I had received assurance that I might expect assistance from the Press Syndics in defraying the expense of completing the work. In the mean while I had convinced myself that the hydrodyna- mical theorems which I had succeeded in demonstrating, admitted of being applied in theoretical investigations of the laws of all the different modes of physical force, that is, in theories of light, heat, molecular attraction, gravity, electricity, galvanism, and magnetism. It may well be conceived that it required no little intellectual effort to think out and keep in mind the bearings and applications of so extensive a physical theory, and probably, there- fore, I shall be judged to have acted prudently in at once pro- ducing, while I felt I had the ability to do so, the results of my researches, although they thus appear in a somewhat crude form, and in a work which in the first instance was simply designated as " Notes." Had I waited to give them a more formal publi- cation, I might not, at my time of life, have been able to accom- plish my purpose. As it is, I have succeeded in laying a foun- dation of theoretical physics, which, although it has many imper- fections, as I am fully aware, and requires both correction and Vlll INTRODUCTION. extension, will not, I venture to say, be superseded. In order to embrace in the Title page the second part of the work, the original Title has been altered to the following : " Notes on the Principles of pure and applied Calculation; and Applications of mathematical principles to Theories of the Physical Forces." The foregoing explanations will serve to shew how it has come to pass that this work consists of two distinct parts, and takes in a very wide range of subjects, so far as regards their mathe- matical principles. In the first part, the reasoning rests on defini- tions and self-evident axioms, and although the processes by which the reasoning is to be conducted are subjects for enquiry, it is presumed that there can be no question as to the character and signification of definitions that are truly such. The first part is not immediately subservient to the second excepting so far as results obtained in it are applied in the latter. In the second part the mathematical reasoning rests on hypotheses. It does not concern me to enquire whether these hypotheses are accepted, inasmuch as they are merely put upon trial. They are proved to be true if they are capable of explaining all phenomena, and if they are contradicted by a single one they are proved to be false. From this general statement it will appear that in both portions of the work the principles and processes of mathematical reasoning are the matters of fundamental importance. There are two general results of the arguments contained in the first part which may be here announced, one of them relating to pure calculation, and the other to applied calculation. (1) All pure calculation consists of direct and reverse processes applied to the fundamental ideas of number and ratio. (2) " All reasoning upon concrete quantities is nothing but the application of the principles and processes of abstract calculation to the definitions of the qualities of those quantities." (p. 71.) Having made these preliminary general remarks I shall pro- INTRODUCTION. IX ceed to advert to the different subjects in the order in which they occur in the body of the work, for the purpose of pointing out any demonstrated results, or general views, which may be regarded as accessions to scientific knowledge. I may as well say, at that the work throughout lays claim to originality, consisting only of results of independent thought and investigation on points chiefly of a fundamental character. The first part is especially directed towards the clearing up of difficulties which are still to be met with both in the pure and the applied departments of mathematics. Some of these had engaged my attention from the very beginning of my mathematical career, and I now publish the results of my most recent thoughts upon them. I take occasion to state also that the commencements of the Physical Theories which are contained in the second part of the volume were pub- lished from time to time in the Transactions of the Cambridge Philosophical Society, and in the Philosophical Magazine. They are now given in the most advanced stages to which my efforts have availed to bring them, and being, as here exhibited, the result of long and mature consideration, they are, I believe, free from faults which, perhaps, were unavoidable in first attempts to solve problems of so much novelty and difficulty. In the treatment of the different subjects I have not sought to systematize excepting so far as regards the order in which they are taken. The order that I have adopted, as arising out of the fundamental ideas of space, time, matter, and force, is, I believe, the only one that is logically correct. All that is said in pages 4 20 on the principles of general arithmetic rests on the fundamental ideas of number and ratio. As we can predicate of a ratio that it is greater or less than another ratio, it follows that ratio is essentially quantity. But it is quan- tity independent of the magnitudes which are the antecedent and the consequent of the ratio. Hence there may be the same ratio X INTRODUCTION. of two sets of antecedents and consequents, and the denomination of one set is not necessarily the same as that of the other. This constitutes proportion. Proportion, or equality of ratios, is a fundamental conception of the human understanding, bound up with its power of reasoning on quantity. Hence it cannot itself be an induction from such reasoning. The Elements of Euclid are remarkable for the non-recognition of the definition of proportion as the foundation of quantitative reasoning. The fifth definition of Book v. is a monument of the ingenuity with which the Greek mind evaded the admission of proportion as a fundamental idea. By arguing from the definition of proportion, I have shewn (in page 1 3) that Euclid's fifth definition may be demonstrated as if it were a proposition, so that it cannot in any true sense be called a definition. It is high time that the method of teaching general arithmetic by the fifth Book of Euclid should be discontinued, the logic of the method not being defensible. In Peacock's Algebra (Preface, p. xvii.), mention is made of " the principle of the permanence of equivalent forms." The word "principle" is here used where "law" would have been more appropriate. For it is certain that the permanence of equivalent forms is not a self-evident property, nor did it become known by intuition, but was rather a gradual induction from processes of reasoning, the exact steps of which it might be difficult to trace historically, but which nevertheless actually led to the knowledge of the law. In the arguments which I have adduced in pages 15 20 I have endeavoured to shew how the law of the permanence of equivalent forms was, or might have been, arrived at in- ductively. In the rapid review of the principles of Algebra contained in pp. 21 28, the point of chief importance is the distinction be- tween general arithmetic and algebra proper. In the former certain general rules of operation are established by reasoning INTKODUCTION. XI involving considerations respecting the relative magnitudes con- cerned ; in the other these rules are simply adopted, and at the same time are applied without respect to relative magnitude. In order to make the reasoning good in that case the signs + and are attached to the literal symbols. . The use of these signs in the strictly algebraic sense is comparatively recent. It was imper- fectly apprehended by Vieta, who first used letters as general designations of known quantities. The rules of signs were, I believe, first systematically laid down by our countryman Ought- red. Regarded in its consequences the discovery of the algebraic use of + and is perhaps the most fruitful that was ever made. For my part I have never ceased to wonder how it was effected. But the discovery being made, the rationale of the rules of signs is simple enough. In pp. 22 24 I have strictly deduced the rules for algebraic addition, subtraction, multiplication, and divi- sion, on the single principle of making these operations by the use of the signs independent of the relative magnitudes of tJie quantities represented by the letters. This principle is necessary and sufficient for demonstrating the rules of signs in all cases. As far as I am aware this demonstration had never been given before. In p. 25 I have remarked that algebraic impossible quantities necessarily arise out of algebraic negative quantities j the former equally with the latter being indispensable for making algebra an instrument of general reasoning on quantity. It would be extremely illogical for any one to object to impossible quantities in algebra without first objecting to negative quantities. The rules of the arithmetic of indices are demonstrated in pp. 25 27, on the principle that all modes of expressing quantity with as near an approach to continuity of value as we please must be included in a system of general arithmetic. It is then shewn that an algebraic generalization of these rules gives rise to negative and impossible indices, just as negative and impossible algebraic Xll INTRODUCTION. expressions resulted from the analogous generalization of the rules of ordinary arithmetic. In p. 28 I have proposed using the mark HI to signify that the two sides of an equality are identical in value for all values whatever of the literal symbols, the usual mark = being employed only in cases of equality for particular values of an unknown quantity, or particular forms of an unknown function. The former mark contributes greatly towards distinctness in reasoning relating to analytical principles, and I have accordingly used it systematically in the subsequent part of the work. The Calculus of Functions (p. 37) is regarded as a generaliza- tion of algebra analogous to the algebraic generalization of arith- metic. In the latter, theorems are obtained that are true for all values of the literal symbols j in the other the theorems are equally applicable to all forms of the functions. "Under the head of the " Calculus of Functions of one Variable" I have given a proof of Taylor's Theorem (p. 40), which is in fact a generalization of all algebraic expansions of f(x + h) proceeding according to integral powers of h, involving at the same time a general expression for the remainder term. As the function and this expansion of it are identical quantities, the sign IE is put between them. The co- efficients of k, h 2 , &c. in the expansion contain as factors the derived functions f'(x), f" (#)> &c. It is important to remark that the Calculus of Functions does not involve the consideration of indefinitely small quantities, and that the derived functions just mentioned are all obtainable by rules that may be established on algebraic principles. It is nevertheless true that by the consideration of indefinitely small quantities the Differential Calculus is deducible from the Calculus of Functions. The possibility of making this deduction depends on that faculty of the human intellect by which, as already remarked, it conceives of ratio as independent of the magnitudes INTRODUCTION. Xlll compared, which, the ratio remaining the same, may be as small as we please, or as large as we please. This is Newton's founda- tion in Section i. of Book i. of a calculation which is virtually the same as the differential calculus. Having fully treated of the derivation of the differential calculus from the calculus of func- tions in pp. 47 49, I have occasion here to add only the fol- lowing remark. In p. 47 I have shewn that the ratio of the excess of f(x + h) above f(x Ji) to the excess of x + h above x h, that is, the ratio of a finite increment of the function to the corresponding finite increment of the variable, is equal tof (x)+f" (x) -^ +&c., in which there are no terms involving f"(x\ &c. Usually in treatises on the Differential Calculus the expression for the same ratio, in consequence of making x apply to a position at the begin- ning instead of at the middle of the increments, has/"" (x) h in the second term. As far as regards the principles of the differential calculus, the logic of the foregoing expression is much more exact than that of the one generally given, because it shews that the limit of the ratio of the increment of the function to that of the variable is equal to the first derived function whatever be the value of f" (x\ even if this second derived function and the succeeding ones should be infinitely great. When the expression for that ratio has a term containing f"(x)h y it is by no means evident that that term vanishes on supposing h to be indefinitely small, if at the same time the value of x makes f" (x) indefinitely great. For this reason, in applications of the differential calculus to concrete quantities, when an expression for a first derived function is to be obtained by a consideration of indefinitely small increments, the only logical course is to compare the increment f(x-\-}i) f(x A) with 2h ; which, in fact, may always be done. This rule should be attended to in finding the differentials of the area and the arc XIV INTRODUCTION. of any curve, and in all similar instances. It has been adopted in the present work (as, I believe, had not been done in any other) both in geometrical applications (pp. 83 and 89) and in dynamical applications (pp. 110 and 112). The differential calculus as applied to a function of two varia- bles is analogously derived (in pp. 51 55) from the calculus of functions of two variables. In the course of making this deduc- tion I have expressed, for the sake of distinctness, the partial differentials with respect to x and y of a function u of x and y by the respective symbols du and d y u. This notation is particularly applicable where every differential coefficient, whether partial or complete, is regarded as the ultimate ratio of two indefinitely small increments. I might have employed it with advantage in my hydrodynamical researches ; but on the whole I have thought it best to adopt the rules of notation stated in p. 174. Under the head of "the principles of geometry," (p. 60), I have discussed Euclid's definition of parallel straight lines and its relation to Axiom xn. These points, as is well known, have been very much litigated. I think I have correctly traced the origin of all the difficulty to what I have already spoken of as the non-recognition in the Elements of Euclid of our perceptions of equality, and equality of ratios, as the foundation of all quantita- tive reasoning. This foundation being admitted, there should be no difficulty in accepting as the definition of parallel straight lines, that "they are equally inclined, towards the same parts, to the same straight line." (p. 62.) Equality is here predicated just as when a right angle is defined by the equality of adjacent angles. Euclid's definition, that parallel straight lines do not meet when produced ever so far both ways, is objectionable for the reason that it does not appeal to our perception of equality. Moreover, if the proposed definition be adopted, the property of not meeting is a logical sequence from Prop. xvi. of Book i. ; for, supposing INTRODUCTION. XV the lines to meet, a triangle would be formed, and the exterior angle would be greater than the interior angle, which is contrary to the definition. In p. 64 I have shewn that by means of the same definition Axiom xn. may be proved as a proposition. Another instance of a definition in Euclid being such as to admit of being proved, is presented by Def. xi. of Book in., which asserts that " similar segments of circles are those which contain equal angles." This is in no sense a definition, because it is not self-evident, nor does it appeal to our perception of proportion. Def. i. of Book vi., inasmuch as it rests on equality of ratios is strictly a definition of similarity of form, but applies only to recti- linear forms. By adopting (in p. 63) a definition which involves only the perception of equality of ratios, and applies equally to curvilinear and rectilinear figures, I have proved that " similar segments of circles contain equal angles." In p. 70 I maintain that the proportionalities asserted in Pro- positions i. and xxxin. of Book vi. are seen at once by an unaided exercise of the reasoning faculty, and cannot be made more evident by the complex reasoning founded on Def. v. of Book v. The use made of that definition in proving the two Propositions is no evidence that it is a necessary one. The object of the discussion commencing in page 70 and ending in page 88 is to shew that by the application of abstract calculation all relations of space are deducible from geometrical definitions, and from a few elementary Propositions the evidence for which rests on an appeal to our primary conceptions of space. This argument was, in fact, required for proving that the genera- lization announced in page viii is inclusive even of the relations of pure space. In page 82 I have been careful to intimate that the discussion was solely intended to elucidate the fundamental prin- ciples on which calculation is applied in geometry, and not to inculcate a mode of teaching geometry different from that usually XVI INTRODUCTION. adopted. At the same time I have taken occasion to point out a distinction, which appears not to have been generally recognised, between geometrical reasoning, and analytical reasoning applied to geometry. The former is reasoning respecting the relations of lines, areas, and forms, necessarily conducted by means of diagrams, on which account it is properly called " geometrical reasoning." But it involves no measures of lines and angles, and in that respect is essentially distinct from analytical reasoning, in which such measures are indispensable. By many minds geometrical reason- ing is more readily apprehended than analytical, and on that account it is better fitted than the latter to be a general instru- ment of education. Regarded, however, as a method of reasoning on relations of space, it is incomplete, because it gives no means of calculating such relations. The method of analytical geometry, on the contrary, is not only capable, as I have endeavoured to shew by the argument above referred to, of proving all geome- trical theorems, but also, by the intervention of the measures of linos and angles, of calculating all geometrical relations. In short, analytical geometry is the most perfect form of reasoning applied to space*. In page 90 I have employed the terms " Plane Astronomy" as being in common use ; but I now think that " Spherical Astro- nomy" would have been more appropriate, inasmuch as applied calculation in the department of Astronomy which those terms designate consists mainly in finding relations between the arcs * 1 quite assent to the propriety of that strict maiatenance of the distinction "between geometrical reasoning and analytical geometry which is characteristic of the Cambridge system of mathematical examinations ; but I am wholly unable to see that this is a ground for the exclusion of analytical geometry to the extent enjoined by the recently adopted scheme for the examinations. According to the schedule the examiners have no opportunity, during the first three days of the examination, of testing a candidate's knowledge of the application of algebra to geometry, and it is consequently possible to obtain a mathematical honour without knowing even the elementary equations of a straight line and a circle. INTRODUCTION. XV11 and angles of spherical triangles. The arcs are such only as are measured by astronomical instruments, either directly, or by the intervention of time. The element of time makes a distinction between the astronomical problems of this class and problems of pure geometry. The purpose of the notes in pages 90" 96 on the science of Time is to shew how measurements of the uniform flow of time, and determinations of epochs, are effected by astro- nomical observation, and depend on the assumption of the uni- formity of the earth's rotation about its axis. In page 91 I say, " there is no reason to doubt the fact that this rotation is per- fectly uniform." But in page 127 I have admitted the possibility of a gradual retardation resulting from the moon's attraction of the tidal waters. This inconsistency is attributable to the cir- cumstance that the reasons adduced in p. 127 for the latter view became known in the interval from 1859 to 1867, during which the printing of the work was suspended after it had proceeded to p. 112. The simple and satisfactory explanation of the Aberration of Light given in pages 97 and 98 was first proposed by me in a communication to the Phil. Mag. for January 1852, after attempts made in 1845 and 1846 with only partial success. That Article was followed by another in the Phil. Mag. for June 1855 referring more especially to the effect of aberration on the apparent places of planets. The explanation wholly turns on the facts that instru- mental direction is determined by the passage of the light from an object through two points rigidly connected with the instru- ment, and that, by reason of the relative velocity of the earth and light, the straight line joining the points is not coincident with the direction in which the light travels. One of the points is necessarily the optical centre of the object-glass of the Telescope. Although this explanation has now been published a considerable time, it has not yet found its way into the elementary Treatises XV111 INTRODUCTION. on Astronomy, which continue to give nothing more than vague illustrations of the dependence of the phenomenon on the relative motion of the earth and light. This being the case, I take the opportunity to say, in order to draw attention to what is essential in the explanation, that if the cause of the aberration of light were set as a question in an examination, any answer which did not make mention of the optical centre of the object-glass would not deserve a single mark. Under the head of the Principles of the Statics of rigid bodies (pp. 98 104), I have shewn that Lagrange's beautiful proof of the general equation of Virtual Velocities, after the correction at one part of it of a logical fault (p. 102), rests (1) on the funda- mental property of a rigid body according to which the same effect is produced by a given force in a given direction along a straight line at whatever point of the line it be applied ; and (2) on the definition of statical equilibrium. These are the funda- mental principles of Statics, whatever be the mode of treatment of statical problems. In stating the principles of Hydrostatics (p. 104), a fluid is denned (1) by its property of pressing, and (2) by that of easy separability of parts. The second of these definitions has been adopted on account of its having important applications in Hy- drodynamics, as will be subsequently mentioned. The law of the equality of pressure in all directions from a given fluid element is rigidly deduced (in pages 105 107) from these two definitions. In the statement of the principles of the Dynamics of solid bodies in motion (pp. 109 119), I have adhered to the terms which came into use at and after the Newtonian epoch of dyna- mical science, although I should be willing to admit that they might in some respects be improved upon. But whatever terms be adopted, all reasoning respecting velocity, accelerative force, momentum, and moving force, is founded on certain elementary INTRODUCTION. XIX facts which have become known exclusively by observation and experiment. These fundamental facts are the following : (1) in uniform velocity equal spaces are described in equal times ; (2) a constant force adds equal velocities in equal times j (3) the ve- locity added by a constant force in the direction in which it acts is independent of the magnitude and direction of the acquired velocity ; (4) the momentum is given if the product of the mass and the velocity be given ; (5) the moving force is given if the product of the mass and the accelerative force be given. It is especially worthy of remark that although these facts were not discoverable by any process of reasoning, it is possible by reason- ing to ascertain the function that the space is of the time in the case of variable velocity, and the functions that the velocity and space are of the time in the case of a variable accelerative force. Since in these cases functions are to be found, it follows from the principles of abstract calculation that we must for that purpose obtain differential equations. The processes by which these are deduced by the intervention of the facts (1), (2), and (3), are fully detailed in pages 109 117. In this investigation Taylor's Theorem has been used in the manner indicated in page xiii. In the Notes on Physical Astronomy commencing in page 119, I have, in the first place, adverted to the essential distinction which exists between the labours of Kepler and those of Newton in this department of science. This distinction, which holds no place in Comte's system of philosophy, is constantly maintained in Whewell's History and Philosophy of the Inductive Sciences. I select the following passage from the History (Vol. n. p. 181): " Kepler's laws were merely formal rules, governing the celestial motions according to the relations of space, time, and number; Newton's was a causal law, referring these motions to mechanical reasons. It is no doubt conceivable that future discoveries may both extend and farther explain Newton's doctrines ; may make XX INTRODUCTION. gravitation a case of some wider law, and disclose something of the mode in which it operates ; questions with which Newton himself struggled." In accordance with these views I have noticed that Kepler's observations and calculations do not involve the consideration of force, and that the laws he discovered were really only problems for solution. Newton solved these problems by having found the means of calculating the effects of variable forces. This was his greatest discovery. By calculations made on the hypothesis that the force of gravity acts according to the law of the inverse square, Newton gave dynamical reasons for Kepler's laws, which may also be called causative reasons, inas- much as whatever causes is force, or power, as we know from personal experience and consciousness. The principle which is thus applied to physical astronomy I have extended in a subse- quent part of this work to all quantitative laws whatever. I have maintained that all such laws, as discovered by observation and experiment, are so many propositions, which admit of a priori demonstration by calculations of the effects of force, founded on appropriate hypotheses. This, in short, is Theory. In making the remarks contained in pages 120 124 I was under the impression that the first evidence obtained by Newton for the law of gravity was derived from comparing the deflection of the moon from a tangent to the orbit in a given time with the descent of a falling body at the earth's surface at the same time, and that he did not have recourse to Kepler's laws for that pur- pose. This, at least, might have been the course taken. But on consulting Whewell's History of the Inductive Sciences, I find that the inference of the law of gravity from the sesquiplicate ratio of the periodic times to the mean distances, as given in Cor. 6 of Prop, iv., Lib. i., and the converse inference of the sesquiplicate ratio from the law, preceded historically those computations re- lative to the law of action of the Earth's gravity on the moon, INTRODUCTION. xxi which Newton finally made after obtaining a corrected value of the earth's radius. A discussion of considerable length (contained in pages 128 152) is devoted to the determination of the physical significance of the occurrence, in the developments of radius- vector and lati- tude, of terms which increase indefinitely with the time. The consideration of this peculiarity of the Problem of Three Bodies falls especially within the scope of the present work, inasmuch as it is a question to be settled only by pure reasoning, and points of principle are involved in the application of the reasoning. As this question had not received the attention it deserves, and as I could be certain that the clearing up of the obscurity surround- ing it demanded nothing but reasoning from the given conditions of the problem, and would, if effected, be -an important addition to physical astronomy, I felt strongly impelled to make the attempt, although my researches had previously been much more directed to the applications of partial differential equations than to those of differential equations between two variables. My first attempts were far from being successful, and it was not till after repeated and varied efforts that I at length ascertained the origin and meaning of the terms of indefinite increase. As the decision of this point is necessary for completing the solution of the Problem of Three Bodies, I thought it might be regarded of sufficient in- terest to justify giving some historical details respecting the steps by which it was arrived at. My attention was first drawn to this question by a paragraph in Mr Airy's Lunar Theory (Mathematical Tracts, art. 44*, p. 32, 3rd Ed.), where it is asserted that the form of the assumption for the reciprocal of the radius-vector, viz. u = a{\+e cos (cO a)}, " is in no degree left to our choice." It is then shewn how that form may be obtained by assuming for u the general value a (1 + w) ; but the principle on which this assumption is made is not ex- xxii INTRODUCTION. plained. My first researches were directed towards finding out a method of integrating the equations by which the above form of u and the value of the factor c should be evolved by the usual rules of integration without making any previous assumption. Having, as I supposed, discovered such a method, I offered to the Cambridge Philosophical Society a communication entitled " Proofs of two new Theorems relating to the Moon's orbit," respecting which an unfavourable report was made to the Council, and not without reason; for it was a premature production, and had in it much that was insufficiently developed, or entirely erroneous. The paper, however, contained the important differential equation at the bottom of page 145 of this Volume, arrived at, it is true, by imperfect reasoning, and also the deduction from it of the ,. 2 , Ch* m* , . , . . , , equation e = 1 T + ~ were followed by a more elaborate paper on the Problem of Three Bodies, read before the Royal Society on May 22, 1856, and printed in thsir Transactions (1856, p. 525). This treatment of the problem applies more especially to the Planetary Theory. INTRODUCTION. XXvii The method of solution I adopted relative to the Moon's orbit is characterized by successive approximations both to the mean orbit and the actual orbit, proceeding pari passu. The former approximations are made on the principle of omitting terms con- taining explicitly the longitude of the disturbing body, which is the same as the principle of omitting in the Planetary Theory periodic variations of short period in the investigation of secular variations. The solution of the problem of three bodies in the Philosophical Transactions is a direct determination of the actual orbit only, peculiar in the respect that by making use of the equation (A) the approximations are evolved without any initial supposition as to the form of solution. The expressions for the radius-vector and longitude are the same as those obtained by Laplace. I may as well state here that I had no intention in my researches in physical astronomy to furnish formulae for the cal- culation of Tables. I have perfect confidence in the principles on which those that have been used for this purpose have been investigated. My concern was solely with the logical deduction of consequences from the analysis which, although they do not affect the calculation of Tables, are important as regards the general theory of gravitation. In pages 128 152, I have collected from the above-mentioned papers, all the arguments which, after mature consideration, I judged to be valid, (1) for explaining the nature of terms of indefinite increase ; (2) for determining the limiting value of the constant e. On the first point, I have come to the conclusion that by terms admitting of indefinite increase, the analysis indicates that in the general problem of three bodies, the motion is not necessa- rily periodic, or stable, and that the motion of a particular planet, or satellite, is proved to be stable by finding, after calculating on the hypothesis of a mean orbit, that the resulting solution is xxviii INTRODUCTION. expressible in a series of convergent terms. This conclusion is, however, more especially applicable to the Minor Planets, because they are not embraced by the known general theorems which prove that the stability of the motions of the larger planets is secured by the smallness of the eccentricities and the inclinations. With respect to the other point, by the approximations to the actual orbit and to the mean orbit, and by determining (p. 147) certain relations between their arbitrary constants, I have been m* finally conducted to the equation e s = e o 2 + - at the top of p. 148, which, however, was obtained on the supposition that both e and m are small quantities. Since e* is an arbitrary constant necessa- rily positive, this equation shews that if e 2 = 0, we have e 2 = and m* = 0, the last result agreeing with that mentioned in p. xxvi. The equation proves also that e 2 may have different arbitrary THj values, but all greater than the limiting value -^ . In page 141 I have obtained the value of e lt the eccentricity of the mean orbit, which is, in fact, what is called the mean eccentricity, being independent of all particular values of the longitude of the disturbing body. It is shewn also that e*=e*, if e and m be small. Hence it may be inferred from the foregoing limit to the value of e 2 , that p is an inferior limit to tJie mean v ^ eccentricity. This theorem, which may, I think, be regarded as an interesting addition to the theory of gravitation, has been arrived at by patiently investigating the meaning of an unex- plained peculiarity of the analysis, in perfect confidence that an explanation was possible, and could not fail to add something to our theoretical knowledge. It should, however, be noticed that the theorem is true only for the problem of three bodies. I have not attempted to extend the reasoning to the case of the mutual attractions of a greater number. INTRODUCTION. XXIX In the Notes on the Dynamics of the Motion of a Rigid System (pp. 153 170), there are three points to which I think it worth while to direct attention here. (1) In page 153 I have endeavoured to state D'Alembert's Principle in such manner that its truth may rest on a simple appeal to our conception of an equality. It has already been remarked (p. xiv.) that a principle or definition which satisfies this condition is proper for being made the basis of quantitative reasoning. (2) After deducing (in p. 154) the general equation of Yis Viva by means of D'Alembert's Principle and the Principle of Virtual Velocities, I have remarked (in p. 156) that there is impropriety in speaking of the principle of the conservation of Vis Viva, as expressed by that equation. For since the equation is a general formula obtained by analytical reasoning from those two principles, it is properly the expression of a law, it being the special office of analysis to deduce laws from principles and definitions. The distinction will not appear unimportant when it is considered that the law of Vis Viva has been relied upon by some mathematicians as if it were a principle of necessary and universal application, whereas the applicability of a law is deter- mined and limited by the principles from which it is derived. To speak of the principle of Virtual Velocities is not in the same manner incorrect, because, for the reasons stated in page 102, the general equation of Virtual Velocities rests only on the funda- mental principles of Statics, and may be regarded as the expression of a single principle substituted for them. (3) All problems in the Dynamics of Kigid Bodies admit of being solved by means of the six equations given in page 157. When the known values of the impressed moving forces for a particular instance have been introduced into these equations, the solution of the problem is a mere matter of reasoning conducted according to the rules of abstract analysis. All circumstances XXX INTRODUCTION. whatever of the motion are necessarily embraced by this reasoning. I have been induced to make these remarks because it is usual to solve problems of this class by the initial consideration of angular motions about rectangular axes. This method is, no doubt, correct in principle, and is generally more convenient and elegant than that of directly integrating the differential equations. But it should be borne in mind that the latter method is comprehensive of every other, and that all the equations involving angular mo- tions about rectangular axes are deducible from the integrations. To illustrate these points I have attacked the problem of the motion of a slender hoop (pp. 157 166), by first adapting the six general equations to the particular instance, and then integrating for the case in which the hoop has a uniform angular motion about an axis through its centre perpendicular to its plane. I have emphasized at the top of page 164 the inference that "when a hoop rolls uniformly on a horizontal plane, it maintains a con- stant inclination to the plane and describes a circle," in con- sequence of having noticed that in the usual mode of solving the problem, this inference, being regarded as self-evident, has not been deduced by reasoning. Nothing that can be proved ought to be taken for granted. The mathematical theory of Foucault's Pendulum Experiment (pp. 166 170) is prefaced by a remark which may serve to ex- plain why this problem had not been mathematically solved before attention was drawn to it by experiment. By reason of the earth's rotation about its axis, there is relatively to any given position an equal motion of rotation of all points rigidly connected with the earth about a parallel axis passing through that position. This circumstance ought in strictness to be taken into account, when it is required to refer motions, such as oscillations due to the action of gravity, to directions fixed with respect to the earth. This, it seems, no mathematician had thought of doing. INTRODUCTION. XXXI In the subjects that have hitherto been mentioned, I have succeeded, I think, in shewing that in some few particulars they admitted of additions to, or improvements upon, the processes of reasoning that had been applied to them by my predecessors and contemporaries in mathematical science. But in the subject of Hydrodynamics, (which occupies the large portion of this work extending from page 170 to page 316), I found the reasoning to be altogether in a very unsatisfactory state. After accepting the fundamental definitions on which the propositions of Hydro- dynamics are usually made to rest, I discovered that methods of reasoning had been employed which were, for the most part, either faulty or defective. The following statement relates to an in- stance of the prevalence of a faulty method of reasoning. My first contribution to the science of Hydrodynamics was a paper " On the theory of the small vibratory motions of elastic fluids," read before the Cambridge Philosophical Society on March 30, 1829, and printed in Yol. in. of the Transactions. That paper contains (in p. 276) the first instance, I believe, of the determination of rate of propagation by differentiation, the prin- ciple of which method is insisted upon in pages 189 and 190 of the present work. At the very commencement of my scientific efforts I was unable to assent to Lagrange's method of deter- mining rate of propagation, although it appears to have been accepted without hesitation by eminent mathematicians, and con- tinues to this day to hold a place in elementary treatises. I per- ceive, however, that Mr Airy in art. 24 of his recently published work On Sound and Atmospheric Vibrations, has employed a method equivalent to that of differentiation, and I have reason to say that other mathematicians have now discarded Lagrange's method. But no one except myself seems to have discerned that as that method determines by arbitrary conditions a quantity that is not arbitrary, it involves a violation of prfacipk. This, from XXXH INTRODUCTION. my point of view, is a very important consideration ; because if principle has been violated in so simple a matter, what security is there that the same thing has not been done in the more advanced and more difficult parts of the subject 1 My researches have led me to conclude that this has actually taken place. The evidence on which I assert that reasoning has been usually employed in Hydrodynamics which is defective in principle, and requires to be supplemented, is in part given by the solution of Example i., beginning in page 193. Without any departure from the ordinary mode of reasoning the conclusion is there arrived at that the same portion of the fluid may be at rest and in motion at the same instant. "When I first published this reductio ad absur- dum, Professor Stokes attempted to meet it, (as I have mentioned in page 196), by saying that the analysis indicated something like a breaker or bore,' forgetting, so it seems to me, that as breakers and bores are possible natural phenomena due to special circum- stances, they cannot be included in an investigation which takes no account of those circumstances, which, besides, is found to lead to an impossibility, or to what is per se a contradiction. I have adverted also (p. 196) to similar views advanced by Mr Airy in a communication which by his own admission " does not con- sist of strict mathematical reasoning, but of analogies and conjec- tures." It will suffice for pointing out the character of these surmises to refer to the passage in the communication (p. 404) in which Mr Airy speaks of " the probable sensational indications " of the physical phenomenon "interruption of continuity of par- ticles of air," such as a hiss, a buzz, &c. Admitting the possible applicability of these conceptions under circumstances which were not taken into account in the antecedent investigation of the differential equation, I deny altogether that the analysis in the present case indicates any interruption of continuity of the par- ticles, inasmuch as, according to its strict meaning, after the INTRODUCTION. Xxxiii above-mentioned contradiction is consummated, the motion goes on just as smoothly as before ; which is only another phase of the absurdity. Since, therefore, strict mathematical reasoning, which neither of these two mathematicians has controverted, has shewn that the differential equation on which their views are founded leads to a reductio ad absurdum, it follows by necessary logical sequence that the equation is a false one, and that analogies and conjectures relating to it are misapplied. That same equation is discussed by Mr Earnshaw in a paper On the Mathematical Theory of Sound, contained in the Philoso- phical Transactions for 1860, p. 133. At the time of the pub- lication of his paper the author was well aware of the argument by which I had concluded that the equation is an impossible one. In the course of the discussion there occurs (p. 137) the singular assertion that a wave, after assuming the form of a bore, "will force its way in violation of our equations." Now the only in- terpretation that can possibly be given to this sentence is, that Mr Earnshaw conceives he is justified in supplying by his imagi- nation what the equations fail to indicate, whereas it is unques- tionable that we can know nothing about what the wave does except by direct indications of the equations. For the foregoing reasons I think I may say that Mr Earnshaw has applied a false method of reasoning to a false equation. It is not surprising that his views are approved of by Mr Airy (Treatise on Sound, p. 48) and by Professor Stokes (Phil. Trans, for 1868, p. 448), since they are the same in principle as those which had been previously advocated by themselves. But Mr Earnshaw in the sentence above quoted has divulged the mental process by which the ex- istence of a bore, &c. is inferred, and has shewn that it involves an exercise of the imaginative faculty *. In a Lecture on " The Position and Prospects of Physical Science " delivered by Professor Tait of Edinburgh, on November 7, 1860, mention is made of the XXXIV INTRODUCTION. The contradiction above discussed is not the only one that results from reasoning founded upon the principles of Hydrody- namics as usually accepted. The solution of Example n. in page 197 leads to another contradiction. Perhaps the evidence in this instance may be made more distinct by remarking, that in the integral for every point of any given wave (p. 206), and consequently that the waves undergo no alteration by propagation. This with regard to future applications is a very important result. The analytical expression for K, terms of the second order being neglected, is ( 1 H a) ) as found in p. 206, which, since e is always positive, is greater than unity. Thus the rate of propagation, as deduced exclusively on hydrodynamical principles, is greater than the con- stant a. Also this rate is independent of the maximum conden- sation of the waves ; but without determining the value of e ^ , 7T there is no reason to assert that it is independent of X their breadth. It is necessary to find that value in order to calculate theoretically the velocity of sound. INTRODUCTION. XXXIX For a long time I thought I had succeeded in solving this question in a communication to the Phil. Mag. for February, 1853, having relied too much on an accidental numerical coincidence. But eventually I became convinced, by the expression in p. 289 which had been obtained by Sir W. R. Hamilton and Professor Stokes for the values of f corresponding to large values of r in the series (20), p. 210, that I had used erroneous values of that func- tion. (See Camb. Phil. Trans. Vol. ix., p. 182.) I then made another attempt, in the Phil. Mag. for May, 1865, employing this time the values of/ given by the above-mentioned expression. The value of K which resulted is the same as that obtained in p. 224 of this volume by the argument commencing in p. 216, which, however, makes no use of that expression, the values of r belonging only to points immediately contiguous to the axis of the motion. This last is the best solution I have been able to give of a very difficult problem, of which, possibly, a simpler or a truer one may still be discoverable. The velocity of sound deduced from it exceeds the experimental value by 17, 5 feet. (See the note in p. 317.) Perhaps the difference may be owing to the hypothesis of perfect fluidity, which cannot be supposed to be exactly satisfied by the a,tmosphere, especially near the earth's surface. It is unnecessary to add anything here to the reasons I have adduced in pages 225 and 317 of this work, and elsewhere, for concluding that the velocity of sound is not increased by the developements of heat and cold accompanying the condensations and rarefactions of a wave. I may, however, state that my diffi- culty in apprehending Laplace's theory was long anterior to the investigations which led me to the inference that the excess of the velocity above the value a might be accounted for hydrodynami- cally. The same kind of difficulty must, I think, have induced Poisson to abandon Laplace's a priori views, and to substitute for them the bare hypothesis, that the increments of temperature xl INTRODUCTION. by the developement of heat are at all points of a wave instanta- neously and exactly proportional to the increments of density. The advocates of the usual theory are bound to shew in what manner this entirely gratuitous hypothesis can be connected with experiments made on air in closed spaces. The two examples, the solutions of which on the received principles of Hydrodynamics led, as before stated, to contradic- tions, are solved in pages 243 254 in accordance with the reformed principles. No contradictions are met with in this method, which conducts to the important results, (1) that plane- waves, or waves limited by a prismatic tube, whether they are large or small, are transmitted to any distance without alteration, either as to condensation, or velocity, or rate of propagation ; (2) that a solitary condensed or rarefied wave can be propagated uniformly from a centre, the condensation and velocity varying inversely as the square of the distance from the centre. In both cases the discontinuity of the condensation, and by consequence that of the motion, is considered to be determined and limited by the fundamental property of easy separability of parts, as explained in page 248. It results, farther, from the new principles that the limited method of treating hydrodynamical problems employed by Laplace, and since extensively followed, is defective in principle. There can, I think, be no doubt that the method of commencing the reasoning by obtaining general equations on general principles, as adopted by Euler, Lagrange, and Poisson, is logically exact, and in other respects far preferable *. * The question has been recently raised as to whether a fluid which when at rest presses proportionally to its density, retains this property when in motion. That it does so is simply an intelligible hypothesis, the truth of which can neither be proved nor disproved by a priori reasoning. Already a presumption has been established that the hypothesis is true, at least quam proxime, by comparison of results deduced from it mathematically with facts of experience; such results, for instance, as those relating to vibratory motions. Utterly absurd results obtained from such an hypothesis do not prove that the hypothesis is untrue, but that some fault has been committed in the reasoning. INTRODUCTION. x The solution of Example iv. in pages 200 272 consists of a lengthened discussion of the problem of the motion of a ball- pendulum and the surrounding air, embracing both the applica- tion of the appropriate analysis, and a comparison of the results with experimental facts. In page 272 I have stated that in my first attempts to solve this problem, I erroneously supposed that the prolongations of the radii of the vibrating sphere were lines of motion of the fluid. Here again I relied too much on a numeri- cal coincidence, viz. that of the result obtained on this hypothesis with Bessel's experimental correction of the coefficient of buoy- ancy. Subsequently I was confirmed in the error by a misappli- cation of the general law of rectilinear ity, which, as stated in page xxxvii, I deduced from the new general equation, and which I supposed to be applicable to the motion impressed by the moving sphere. These views are corrected in the present volume in pages 256 259 (see particularly the note in page 259), and the differ- ential equations obtained for solving the problem, viz. the equa- tions (33) and (34) in page 258, are identical with those employed in Poisson's solution, with the exception of having K 2 a 2 in the place of a 2 . This difference has arisen from the circumstance that all the antecedent reasoning takes account of the indications of the general equation (1), which was clearly the only correct course of investigation, the truth of that equation being supposed to be admitted. On the ground of this admission I am entitled to say- that my solution is more exact, and rests on truer principles, than any that had been given previously. After effecting the above solution I have inferred (in p. 264), what I believe had not been noticed by other mathematicians, that a vibrating sphere causes no actual transfer of fluid in the direc- tion of its impulses, just as much flowing backwards at each in- stant as it urges forwards. (I convinced myself of the reality of a backward flow by the experiments mentioned in page 272). Con- xlii INTRODUCTION. versely it is shewn by the solution of Example vi. (p. 279), that when plane-waves are incident on a smooth sphere at rest, as much fluid passes at each instant a transverse plane through the centre of the sphere as would have passed a plane in the same position if the sphere had been away (p. 284). These results, which I arrived at only after extricating myself from misconception and error, are applied in a very important manner in the part of the work de- voted to physical theories. It seems to be not uncommonly the case, that those who possess the power of carrying on independent research, and trouble themselves with exercising it, fall into error before they succeed in advancing truth. In pages 267 271 I have entered into experimental details with the view of accounting for the difference between Bessel's correction of the coefficient of the buoyancy of a vibrating sphere, which is very nearly 2, and the theoretical value, which is 1,5. The result of the enquiry is, that the difference is mainly to be attributed to the effect of the resistance of the air to the motion of the wire or rod by which the ball was suspended. The solution of Example v. (p. 273), a problem which, as far as I know, had not been before discussed, gives the means of calculating the resistance of the air to the vibrations of a slender cylindrical rod. The object of the solution of Example vi. (p. 279) is to calcu- late the distribution of condensation about the surface of a smooth fixed sphere, when a series of plane-waves are incident upon it, and considerations are adduced in pages 288 296 relative to the way in which the distribution is modified by transverse action, or lateral divergence, of the incident waves. In the solution of Example vn. (p. 296) like considerations are applied to the case of waves inci- dent on a moveable sphere, and an attempt is, besides, made in pages 298 306 to extend the reasoning so as to include terms of the second order. The result of chief importance is, that when INTRODUCTION. xliii only terms of the first order are taken account of, the motion of the sphere is simply vibratory, but when the calculation includes terms of the second order, the vibrations are found to be accom- panied by a permanent motion of translation of the sphere. This conclusion, and the inferences and Corollaries contained in pages 307 312, have important bearings on some of the subsequent physical theories. It must, however, be stated that on two points of much diffi- culty, the effect of lateral divergence, and the translatory action due to terms of the second order, the solutions of Examples vi. and vn. are neither complete nor accurate. While the work was going through the press, I discovered a more exact mode of treat- ing Example vn., which is the more important problem of the two, and this improved solution, as far as regards terms of the first order, is given in pages 4=22 and 423, with reference to its application in a theory of the Dispersion of Light. The more complete solution, inclusive of all small quantities of the second order, is taken up at page 441, and concluded in page 452, under the head of " The Theory of Heat," the analytical determination of the motion of translation forming a necessary part of that theory. In this new solution some of the difficulties of the problem are overcome, but others remain, as, especially, that mentioned in page 453 relative to finding expressions for the constants H^ and H z . The determination of these functions would, it seems to me, require expressions to be obtained, to the second order of small quantities, for the velocity and condensation at all points of the fluid, whereas the investigation to that order of small quantities which I have given is restricted to points on the surface of the sphere. This generalization of the solution I have left (p. 453) to be undertaken by more skilful analysts who may feel sufficient confidence in the antecedent reasoning to be induced to cany it on. It may, however, be here stated that from considerations xliv INTRODUCTION. entered into in the solution of Proposition xvn. (p. 230), I am of opinion that it would be allowable to suppose udx + vdy + wdz to be an exact differential, although the motions would not be wholly vibratory, and that from the first approximation obtained on that supposition it would be legitimate to proceed to the second by the usual rules of approximating. At the end of the solution of Prop. xvn. the remarkable con- clusion is arrived at that if udx + vdy + wdz be an exact differen- tial to terms of the second order, the total dynamical action of simultaneous disturbances of the fluid, so far as regards the pro- duction of permanent motions of translation, is the sum of the effects that would be produced by the disturbances acting separately. Under Proposition xvm. (p. 240) a demonstration is given of the coexistence of steady motions. This law had not, I think, been noticed till I drew attention to it. It is an essential element in some of the subsequent physical theories. The solution of Ex- ample VIIL (p. 313) serves to determine the dynamical action either of a single steady motion on a small sphere, or that of two or more steady motions acting upon it simultaneously. These results also receive important physical applications. I have now gone through all the particulars in the first portion of the work which I thought it desirable to advert to in this Introduction. As to the Physical Theories constituting the re- maining portion, the new investigations and new explanations of phenomena which they contain are so many and various, that it would be tedious, and occupy too much space, to speak of them here in detail. I can only refer the reader to the Table of Contents and hope that on all the physical subjects there indicated sufficient explanations will be found in the body of the work. What I pro- pose to do in the remainder of the Introduction is, to sketch in INTRODUCTION. few words the leading principles of the several Theories of the Physical Forces, and to take occasion at the same time to state some facts and circumstances relating to theoretical physics, which have come under my notice during a long course of devotion to scientific pursuits, and which seem to me to be proper for illus- trating the modern progress and existing state of Natural Philo- sophy. My object in recording the facts and reminiscences I shall have occasion to mention, will be to shew that a great deal of misapprehension has prevailed respecting the true principles of physical enquiry, and to endeavour to correct it, with the view of gaining a hearing for the method of philosophy advocated in this volume. The Theory of Light, contained in pp. 320 436, rests on hypo- theses of two kinds, one relating, to the qualities of the aether, or fluid medium, in which light is supposed to be generated and transmitted, and the other to the qualities of the ultimate consti- tuents of the visible and tangible substances by the intervention of which phenomena of light are either originally produced, or are modified. The hypothesis respecting the aether is simply that it is a con- tinuous elastic medium, perfectly fluid, and that it presses propor- tionally to its density. Out of this hypothesis, by sheer mathema- tical reasoning, I have extracted explanations of twenty different classes of phenomena of light, namely, those enumerated in pp. 321 354, which are all such as have no particular relations to the qualities of visible and tangible substances. Among these are the more notable phenomena of rectilinear and uniform propaga- tion, of composition and colour, of interferences, and of polariza- tion. It might have been supposed that to have to account for the transmission of light all the distance from the fixed stars without its undergoing any change of character, would have put in peril the hypothesis of a continuous fluid. But the mathematical xlvi INTRODUCTION. reasoning above mentioned gives results completely accordant with this fact. There is just reason, I think, to say that the number and variety of the explanations of phenomena deduced by strict reasoning from this simple hypothesis establish a very strong presumption of its truth. But my mathematical contemporaries will not allow of the very reasonable hypothesis of a continuous fluid medium. This is to be accounted for, in part, by the anterior refusal (p. xxxvi) to admit the logical consequence on which I ground the necessity for reforming the principles of hydrodynamics, and, as matter of course, the non-acceptance of the reformed principles, on which, in fact, the explanations which attest the reality of such a medium depend. The opposition is, however, mainly due, I believe, to another cause, with which certain historical details are connected, which, as being illustrative of the course of scientific opinion on this subject, I shall now proceed to give. To Mr Airy is due the great merit of introducing by his Pro- fessorial Lectures the Undulatory Theory of Light as a subject of study in the University of Cambridge. I had the advantage of attending the lectures, and, from the first, felt no hesitation in accepting that theory in preference to the theory of emission, which still held its ground. In 1831 Mr Airy published the sub- stance of his Lectures as part of a volume of " Mathematical Tracts," and gave therein an able exposition of the merits of the Undula- tory Theory, accompanied by a fair statement of its difficulties and defects. In the Preface he distinguishes between " the geo- metrical part" of the theory, which is considered to be certain, and "the mechanical part" which is conceived to be far from certain. This distinction I have difficulty in comprehending, a physical theory, according to my view, being altogether mecha- nical, as having necessarily relation to force. My conclusion on reading Mr Airy's Treatise rather was, that the theory was satis- INTRODUCTION. xlvii factory so far as it was strictly undulatory, that is, rested on hydrodynamical principles, and that the difficulties begin as soon as the phenomena of light are referred to the vibrations of discrete particles of the aether. After this modification is introduced into the theory it ought to be called oscillatory rather than undulatory, the latter word applying to a wave, or a congeries of particles in vibration. I was quite confirmed in the above conclusion by what is said at the end of the Treatise in Arts. 182 and 183 (editions of 1831 and 1842), where it is admitted that the oscil- latory theory does not distinguish beween common light and elliptically polarized light, although they are proved by facts to be distinguished by difference of qualities. In consequence of this contradiction by fact, it follows, by an acknowledged rule of philosophy, that the oscillatory (not the undulatory) theory of light must be given up. I say this with the more confidence from having proved (p. 338) that the undulatory theory, placed on a hydrodynamical basis, does make the proper distinction between the two kinds of light. That the oscillatory theory is incapable of distinguishing between these lights is only made more manifest by Mr Airy's attempt to escape from the conclusion. To do this he assumes that the transverse vibrations are subject periodically to sudden transitions from one series to another accompanied by changes of direction ; but as it is not pretended that these changes are dedu- cible from the antecedent hypotheses of the theory, and as no attempt is made to account for them dynamically, the assumption can only be regarded as a gratuitous personal conception. The advocacy of similar ideas by Professor Stokes (Camb. Phil. Trans. Vol. ix. p. 414), does not in any degree help us to conceive of a cause for the transition from one series of vibrations to another. I am not aware that such views have been adopted by continental mathematicians. Xlviii INTRODUCTION. When in 1837 I commenced Professorial Lectures on Physical Optics in continuation of those of Mr Airy, I judged it right to point out the failure of the oscillatory theory, and to endeavour to place the undulatory theory on a more extended basis of hydrody- namical principles. I was blamed at the time for goiDg against the current of scientific opinion. But what else could I do 1 Whatever views others might hold, I felt that I could not dis- regard the consequences of the above-mentioned application of a rule of philosophy. All that has occurred relative to the Theory of Light in the last thirty years has only convinced me that I was right in the course I took, which will also, I think, be found to be fully vindicated by the success with which the Theory is treated on hydrodynamical principles in this Volume. Professor Stokes, when he succeeded me in lecturing on Optics, recurred to the oscillatory hypothesis. I must here be permitted to express the opinion that the adoption of a different course might have contributed towards forming at Cambridge an independent school of philosophy on principles such as those which Newton inaugu- rated, which in recent times have been widely departed from both in England and on the Continent. When Fresnel first ventured to make the hypothesis of the transverse vibrations of discrete particles, he stated that he did so on account of " the incomplete notions respecting the vibrations of elastic fluids that had been given by the calculations of geome- ters." (Memoires de VInstitut, Vol. vn. p. 53). Had it been known in his time that transverse vibrations were deducible by calculations properly applied to a continuous elastic fluid he might, perhaps, not have had recourse to this method. As it has happened, that hypothesis, together with the isotropic con- stitution of the aether, imagined by Cauchy, has obtained a very firm footing in the theoretical science of the present day. I think, however, that this remark applies in less degree to the mathe- INTRODUCTION. xlix maticians of France than to those of other countries. It is well known that Poisson did not accept these views. A very eminent French geometer, in the course of a conversation I had with him at the Cambridge Observatory, only said of Cauchy, " II ne con- clut rien." It is by British mathematicians especially that these hypotheses have been unreservedly adopted and extensively ap- plied. It does not, however, appear, as far as regards the Theory of Light, that the success in this line of research has been propor- tionate to the magnitude of the efforts. I say this on the autho- rity of Professor Stokes's elaborate and candid Report on Double Refraction in the British Association Report for 1862. After giving an account of the profound analytical processes applied to that question by several eminent mathematicians, and of the use made of Green's very comprehensive principle, he expresses the opinion, that " the true dynamical theory of double refraction has yet to be found." I think it must be allowed that from my point of view there is reason to say, that the failure thus acknowledged, which, in truth, is apparent from the whole tenour of the Report, is attributable to the radical vice of an oscillatory theory. The foregoing statements may sufficiently indicate the chief cause that has operated to prevent the acceptance of the hypothesis of a continuous sether. The contrary hypothesis of a discrete isotro- pic constitution of the medium, which was invented by Cauchy to account for the polarization of light by transverse vibrations, obtained such extensive recognition, that mathematicians, influ- enced by authority and current scientific opinion in greater degree, perhaps, than they are themselves aware, are unwilling to sur- render it, although, as above stated, it has failed to explain pheno- mena, and is actually contradicted by fact. It will thus be seen that I have been thrown into opposition to my scientific contem- poraries, first, by maintaining the consequences of applying a rule of logic (p.xxxvi), and, again, by contending for the strict applica- 1 INTRODUCTION. tion of a rule of philosophy. I cannot forbear saying that under these circumstances the opposition on their part is unreasonable, and that, in my opinion, it very much resembles the opposition in former times of the Aristotelians to Galileo, or that of the Carte- sians to Newton. History in this respect seems to repeat itself. Cauchy's isotropic constitution of the aether is relied upon in the theory of light, in the same manner as the vortices of Descartes were relied upon for a theory of gravitation, and what Newton said of the latter hypothesis, " multis premitur difficultatibus," is equally true of the other. I hold myself justified in thus strenu- ously contesting the two points above mentioned, inasmuch as they are like those strategic positions in warfare by gaining or losing which all is gained or lost. If the rules of a strictly philo- sophic method be not maintained, philosophy will become just what those who happen to have a scientific reputation may choose to make it, which, I believe, is the case with respect to much that is so called in the present day. In page 354 it is stated that the explanation of the phenomena of diffraction is incomplete, owing to mathematical difficulties not overcome relative to lateral divergence, which, as mentioned in page 292, I have left for the consideration of future investigators. Poisson regarded the problem of the propagation of a line of light (" une ligne de la lumiere ") as one of great physical importance. (I remember to have heard this said by the late Mr Hopkins ; but I have not myself met with the expression of this opinion in Poisson's writings.). The possibility of such propagation appears to be proved by the considerations entered into in pages 290 and 291, the object of which is to shew that composite direct and transverse vibrations contained within a cylindrical space of very small trans- verse section might be transmitted to any distance without lateral divergence ; but they do not determine the law of the diminution of the density towards the cylindrical boundary. The general deter- INTRODUCTION. li mination of lateral diminution of condensation under given circum- stances, is a desideratum with respect to the complete explanation of other physical phenomena as well as diffraction. There is nothing, however, in these views opposed to the method in which problems of diffraction are usually treated on the undulatory hypothesis. The explanations in pages 362 436 of phenomena of light which depend on its relations to visible and tangible substances are prefaced (in pages 357 and 358) by certain hypotheses respect- ing the qualities of the ultimate constituents of the substances. These constituents are supposed to be inert spherical atoms, ex- tremely minute, and of different but constant magnitudes. Except- ing the spherical form, the qualities are those which were assigned to the ultimate parts of bodies by Newton, and regarded by him as " the foundation of all philosophy." According to hypothesis v. (p. 358), no other kind of force is admissible than the pressure of the sether, and the reaction to that pressure due to the constancy of form of the atoms. Hence the sether at rest is everywhere of the same density. I wish here to draw particular attention to the circumstance that in the explanations of phenomena of light, and in all the subsequent theories of the physical forces, no other hypotheses than these, and the former ones relating to the aether, are either admitted or required. Although the evidence for the reality of the sether and its supposed qualities, given by the explanations of the first class of phenomena of light, adds much to the confidence with which those of the second class may be attempted, the latter explanations do not admit of the same degree of certainty as the others, on account of the greater complexity of the problems, and our defective know- ledge of their precise mathematical conditions. The theory of Dis- persion is given in pages 362 375, and again in pages 422 427, after introducing the correction spoken of in page xliii. The Hi INTRODUCTION. results by the two investigations differ very little (p. 427), shew- ing that numerical comparisons, in the case of this problem, afford scarcely any test of the exactness of the formula. The Theory of Double Refraction on the undulatory hypothesis is briefly given in pages 375 383. It accounts satisfactorily for the fact that "one of the rays of a doubly -refracting medium, if propagated in a principal plane, is subject to the ordinary law of refraction *' (p. 382). In the Report on Double Refraction before referred to Professor Stokes admits (p. 270) that "this simple law " is not accounted for on the principles of the oscillatory theory. It appears also from the same Report (pp. 256, 259, 264, 268) that on these principles inconclusive results are obtained as to the direction of the transverse vibrations of a polarized ray relative to the plane of polarization. The theory I have given determines without ambiguity that the direction is perpendicular to the plane of polarization (p. 383). These particulars are here . mentioned because, while they confirm the assertion in page xlix, that the oscillatory theory has failed, they shew that the pro- posed undulatory theory of double refraction is entitled to con- sideration. The theories of reflection and refraction at the surfaces of transparent bodies are given at great length in pages 383 415. In page 411 it is found that the direction of the transverse motion in a polarized ray is unequivocally determined to be perpendicular to the plane of polarization, as was inferred from the theory of double refraction. The hypotheses respecting the qualities of the ultimate con- stituents of bodies have been as little accepted by my scientific contemporaries as those relating to the aether. For instance, in the Phil Mag. for July 1865 (note in p. 64), Professor W. Thom- son has expressed an opinion decidedly adverse to " finite atoms," and in the Number for July 1867, p. 15, has not hesitated to pro- INTRODUCTION. liii nounce views admitted by Newton relative to the qualities of atoms to be "monstrous." As 1 have already said (p. viii.), I need not concern myself about a mere opinion, however strongly expressed, respecting my hypotheses ; but I am, entitled to ask for a fair consideration of the mathematical reasoning founded upon them, and of the results to which it leads. These results alone determine whether the hypotheses are true or false. All the explanations of phenomena in this Yolume (the phenomena of light of the first class being excepted) depend on the hypothesis of finite atoms, the reality of which, when the number, variety, and consistency of the explanations are taken into account, can scarcely be regarded as doubtful. Professor Thomson not only rejects Newton's atom, but puts another in its place. He considers that results obtained by M. Helmholtz in an elaborate mathematical investigation * respecting vortex-motion (see Phil. Mag. vol. 33, p. 485) indicate motion of such "an absolutely unalterable quality" as to suggest the idea that " vortex-rings are the only true atoms." From my point of view I can readily grant that investigations of this kind, regarded only as solutions of hydrodynamical questions, may admit of important physical applications. I have, in fact, given the solu- tion, although by a very different process, of a problem of vortex- motion, which I had occasion to apply in the theory of galvanic force. (See in pp. 563 569.) But I cannot see that there is any reason for putting "the Helmholtz atom" in the place of Newton's foundation of all philosophy. The Theory of Heat in pp. 436 462 answers the question, What is heat 1, by means of mathematical reasoning applied to the aether of the same kind as that which applied to the air enables us to answer the question, What is sound 1 The perceived effects are * This is the other "great improvement" in Hydrodynamics referred to in the note in p. xxxiii. e liv INTRODUCTION. produced in the two cases by vibrations obeying the same laws, but acting under different circumstances. Heat, accordingly, is not a mode of motion only, as lias been recently said, but essenti- ally a mode of force. Light is also a mode of force, the dynamical action which produces it being that of the transverse vibrations accompanying the direct vibrations which are productive of heat. For this reason I include light in the number of the physical forces. With respect to the mathematical part of the theory it may be stated that the reasoning contained in pp. 441 452 is much more complete and satisfactory than any I had previously given. The principal result is the expression in p. 452 for the constant accele- ration of an atom acted upon by setherial vibrations, the investiga- tion of which takes account of all terms of the second order, and therefore embraces both vibratory motions and permanent motions of translation of the atom. The general theory of the dynamical action by which repulsive and attractive forces result from vibra- tions of the cether, depends on this formula. But the information it gives is imperfect because, as the functions that H l and H a are of m and X have not been determined, the values of the expression for different values of these quantities cannot be calculated. It can, however, be shewn that caloric repvtsion corresponds to waves of the smallest order, and that these waves keep the atoms asunder in such manner that collision between them is impossible. (See pp. 458 and 468.) In the Theory of Molecular Attraction, in pp. 462 468, the attractive effect is supposed to be produced by waves of a new order resulting from the composition of all the waves from a vast number of atoms constituting a molecule. The values of m and X resulting from the composition are assumed to be such as make the above-mentioned expression negative ; but the theory is not suffici- ently complete to determine the values for which the expression changes sign. INTRODUCTION. Iv The theory of atomic and molecular forces is followed by an investigation in pp. 469 485 of the relation between pressure and density in gaseous, liquid, and solid substances, (particularly with reference to the state of the interior of the earth), together with some considerations respecting the different degrees of elasticity of different gases. The Theory oftJie Force of Gravity, in pp. 486 505, depends on the same expression for the acceleration of an atom as that applying to the forces of Heat and Molecular Attraction ; but while in the case of the latter the excursion of a particle of the sether may be supposed to be small compared to the diameter of the atom, for waves producing the force of gravity the ex- cursions of the setherial particles must be large compared to the diameter of any atom. For large values of X it appears that HI = \ (p. 497) ; but since the function that H 2 is of m and /\ is not ascertained, the theory is incomplete. Nevertheless several inferences in accordance with the known laws of gravity are deducible from antecedent hydrodynamical theorems. (See pp. 498 and 499.) For a long time there has prevailed in the scientific world a persuasion that it is unphilosophical to enquire into the modus operandi of gravity. I think, however, it may be inferred from the passage quoted in p. xix. that the author of the History of the Inductive Sciences did not altogether share in this opinion. Not long since Faraday called attention to the views held by Newton on this question, and proposed speculations of his own as to the conservation of force and mode of action of gravity, which, how- ever, he has not succeeded in making very intelligible. (Phil. Mag. for April, 1857, p. 225.) Faraday's ideas were combated by Professor Briicke of Vienna, who, in arguing for the actio in distans, introduces abstract considerations respecting " the laws of thought," such as German philosophers not unfrequently bring to Ivi INTRODUCTION. bear on physical subjects (Phil. Mag. for February, 1858, p. 81). I have discussed Newton's views in p. 359. It would have been a fatal objection to ray general physical theory if it had not been capable of giving some account of the nature of the force of gravity. So far the aether has been supposed to act on atoms by means of undulations, whether the effect be vibratory or translatory. In the three remaining physical forces the motions of translation are produced by variations of condensation accompanying steady motions. The mathematical theory of this action on atoms, which is given as the solution of Example vui. p. 313, is very much simpler than that of the action of vibrations. It is necessary, however, to account for the existence of the steady motions. Here I wish it to be particularly noticed that this has been done, not by any new hypothesis, but by what may be called a vera causa,- if the other hypotheses be admitted. It is proved in pp. 544 548, that whenever there is from any cause a regular gradation of density in a considerable portion of any given substance, the motion of the earth relative to the aether produces secondary cetherial streams, in consequence of the occupation of space by the substance of the atoms. These streams are steady because the operation producing them is steady, and to their action on the individual atoms the theory attributes the attractions and repul- sions in Electricity, Galvanism, and Magnetism, the distinctions between the three kinds of force depending on the circumstances under which the gradations of density are produced. In a sphere the density of which is a function of the distance from the centre the secondary streams are neutralized. In the Theory of Electric Force, in pp. 505 555, the internal gradation of density results from a disturbance by friction of the atoms constituting a very thin superficial stratum of the substance. The law of variation of the density of this stratum in the state of INTRODUCTION. Ivii equilibrium is discussed in p. 466 under the head of Molecular Attraction. A large proportion of the theory of electricity, extending from p. 507 to p. 544, is concerned with the circum- stances under which this equilibrium is disturbed, and new states of equilibrium of more or less persistence are induced, and with the explanations of electrical phenomena connected with these changes of condition. In this part of the theory it is supposed that attraction-waves and repulsion-waves intermediate to the waves of molecular attraction and gravity-waves are concerned in determining the state of the superficial strata, but not in causing electrical attractions and repulsions, which are attributed solely to the secondary streams due to the interior gradation of density. In The Theory of Galvanic Force, in pages 555 604, con- sideration is first given to the relation between the electric state and galvanism. It is admitted that electricity not differing from that generated by friction is produced by chemical affinity, or action, between two substances, one a fluid, and the other a solid, and that the interior gradation of density thence arising originates secondary streams, as in ordinary electricity, but distinct in character in the following respect. The galvanic currents, it is supposed (p. 598), result from an unlimited number of elementary circular currents, analogous to the elementary magnetic currents of Ampere, but altogether setherial, and subject to hydrodynamical laws. These resultants, after being conducted into a rheophore, are what are usually called galvanic currents. The investigation in pages 563 569, already referred to, shews that the current along the-rheo- phore must fulfil the condition of vortex-motion, but it does not account for the fact that the whirl is always dextrorsum (p. 598). The explanation of this circumstance would probably require a knowledge of the particular mode of generation of the elementary currents. Ivlii INTRODUCTION. The above principles, together with the law of the coexistence of steady motions, are applied in explanations of various galvanic phenomena, for experimental details respecting which, as well as respecting those of electricity, reference is made to the excellent Treatises on Physics by M. Jamin and M. Ganot, and to the large Treatise on Electricity by M. De La Eive. The Theory of Magnetic Force, in pages 604 676, embraces a large number of explanations of the phenomena of ordinary magnetism, as well as of those of Terrestrial and Cosmical Magne- tism. With respect to all these explanations it may be said that they depend upon principles and hypotheses the same in kind as those already enunciated, the only distinguishing circumstances being the conditions which determine the .interior gradations of density. It is assumed that a bar of iron is susceptible of grada- tions of density in the direction of its length, with more or less persistency, in virtue* of its peculiar atomic constitution, and in- dependently of such states of the superficial strata as those which maintain the gradation of density in electrified bodies (p. 604). The same supposition is made to account for the diamagnetism of a bar of bismuth, only the gradation of density is temporary, and in the transverse direction (p. 621). The proper magnetism of the Earth is attributed to the mean effect of the asymmetry of the materials of which it is composed relative to its equatorial plane (p. 613). The diurnal and annual variations of terrestrial magnetism are considered to be due for the most part to gradations of the density of the atmosphere caused by solar lieat (pp. 645 651). The Moon, and, in some degree, the Sun, generate magnetic streams by the variation of density of the atmosphere due to unequal gravita- tional attraction of its different parts (p. 662). The Sun's proper magnetism, and its periodical rariations, are in like manner pro- duced by unequal attractions of different parts of the solar at- mosphere by the Planets (p. 669). INTRODUCTION. Hx This theory of Magnetism is incomplete as far as regards the generation of galvanic currents by magnetic currents, as men- tioned in pages 636 638. The reason is, that we are at present unacquainted with the exact conditions under which the ele- mentary circular currents, which by their composition produce galvanic currents, are hydrodynamically generated. The difficulty is, therefore, the same as that before mentioned with respect to galvanism. The proposed theory of Terrestrial and Cosmical Magnetism agrees in a remarkable manner with results obtained by General Sabine from appropriate discussions of magnetic observations taken at British Colonial Observatories, and at various other geo- graphical positions. In the treatment of this part of the subject I have derived great assistance from Walker's Adams-Prize Essay (cited in p. 645 and subsequently), which is a good specimen of the way in which theory can be aided by a systematic exhibition of the past history and actual state of a particular branch of ex- perimental science. For the facts of ordinary magnetism I have referred to the works already mentioned, and to Faraday's ex- perimental Researches in Electricity. In writing this long Introduction I have had two objects in view. First, I wished to indicate, by what is said on the contents of the first part of the work, the importance of a strictly logical method of reasoning in pure and applied mathematics, with respect both to their being studied for educational purposes, and to their applications in the higher branches of physics. Again, in what relates to the second part, I have endeavoured to convey some idea of the existing state of theoretical physics, as well as to give an account of the accessions to this department of knowledge Ix INTRODUCTION. which I claim to have made by my scientific researches as digested and corrected in this Volume. On the state of physical science much misconception has prevailed in the minds of most persons, from not sufficiently discriminating between the experimental and the theoretical departments, language which correctly describes the great progress made in the former, being taken to apply to the whole of the science. Certainly the advances made in recent years in experimental physics have been wonderful. I can bear personal testimony to the skill and discernment with which the experiments have been made, and the clear and intelligible manner in which they are described, by the extensive use I have made of them in the composition of this work, many of the experiments being such as I have never witnessed. During the same time, how- ever, theoretical philosophy arrived at little that was certain either as to the principles or the results. This being the case it is not to be wondered at that experimentalists began to think that theirs is the only essential part of physics, and that mathematical theories might be dispensed with. This, however, is not possible. Experi- ments are a necessary foundation of physical science j mathe- matical reasoning is equally necessary for making it completely science. The existence of a "Correlation of the physical forces" might be generally inferred from experiment alone. But the deter- mination of their particular mutual relations can be accomplished only by mathematics. Hoc opus, hie labor est. This labour I have undertaken, and the results of my endeavours, whatever may be their value, are now given to the world. The conclusion my theoretical researches point to is, that the physical forces are mutually related because they are all modes of pressure of one and the same medium, which has the property of pressing proportion- ally to its density just as the air does. It is a point of wisdom to know how much one does know. I have been very careful to mark in these researches the limits INTRODUCTION. Ixi to which I think I have gone securely, and to indicate, for the sake of future investigators, what I have failed to accomplish. Much, I know, remains to be done, and, very probably, much that I suppose I have succeeded in, will require to be modified or cor- rected. But still an impartial survey of all that is here produced relative to the Theories of the Physical Forces, must, I think, lead to the conclusion that the right method of philosophy has been employed. This is a great point gained. For in this case all future corrections and extensions of the applications of the theory will be accessions to scientific truth. To use an expression which occurs in the Exploratio Philosophica of the late Professor Grote (p. 206), "its fruitfulness is its correctibility." Some may think that I have deferred too much to Newton's authority. I do not feel that I have need of authority; but I have a distinct per- ception that no method of philosophy can be trustworthy which disregards the rules and principles laid down in Newton's Prin- cipia. The method of philosophy adopted in this work, inasmuch as it accounts for laws by dynamical. causes, is directly opposed to that of Comte, which rests satisfied with the knowledge of laws. It is also opposed to systems of philosophy which deduce expla- nations of phenomena from general laws, such as a law of Vis Viva, or that which is called the " Conservation of Energy." I do not believe that human intelligence is capable of doing this. The contrary method of reaching general laws by means of mathe- matical reasoning founded on necessary hypotheses, has conducted to a meaning of Conservation of Energy not requiring to be quali- fied by any "dissipation of energy." From considerations like those entered into in page 468 it follows that the Sun's heat, and the heat of masses in general, are stable quantities, oscillating it may be, like the planetary motions, about mean values, but never permanently changing, so long as the "Upholder of the universe Ixii INTRODUCTION. conserves the force of the sether and the qualities of the atoms. There is no law of dcstructibility; but the same Will that con- serves, can in a moment destroy. In the philosophy I advocate there is nothing speculative. Speculation, as I understand it, consists of personal conceptions the truth of which does not admit of being tested by mathematical reasoning ; whereas theory, properly so called, seeks to arrive at results comparable with experience, by means of mathematical reasoning applied to universal hypotheses intelligible from sensa- tion and experience. After the foregoing statements I am entitled, I think, to found upon the contents of the theoretical portion of this work the claim that I have done for physical science in this day what Newton did in his. To say this may appear presumptuous, but is not really so, when it is understood that the claim refers exclusively to points of reasoning. If I should be proved to be wrong by other reasoning, I shall be glad to acknowledge it, being per- suaded that whatever tends towards right reasoning is a gain for humanity. The point I most insist upon is the rectification I have given to the principles of hydrodynamics, the consequences thence arising as to the calculation of the effects of fluid pressure having, as I have already said, the same relation to general physics, as Newton's mathematical principles to Physical Astronomy. I am far from expecting that this claim will be readily admitted, and therefore, presuming that I may be called upon to maintain it, I make the following statement, in order to limit as much as possible the area of discussion. I shall decline to discuss the principles of hydrodynamics with any one who does not previously concede that the reasons I have urged prove the received prin- ciples to be insufficient. Neither will I discuss the theory of light with any physicist who does not admit that the oscillatory theory is contradicted by fact. There is no occasion to dispute about INTRODUCTION. Ixiii the hypotheses of my physical theories, since I am only bound to maintain the reasonings based upon them. These conditions are laid down because they seem to me to be adapted to bring to an issue the question respecting the right method of philosophy. It is much against my inclination that I am in a position of antagonism towards my compatriots in matters of science, and that I have to assert my own merits. It will be seen that the contention is about principles of fundamental importance. Nothing but the feeling of responsibility naturally accompanying the consciousness of ability to deal with such principles has induced me to adopt and to persevere in this course. It may be proper to explain here why I have contributed nothing in theoretical physics to the Transactions of the Royal Society. This has happened, first, because I thought the Philo- sophical Magazine a better vehicle of communication while my views were in a transition state, and then, as I received from none of my mathematical contemporaries any expression of assent to them, I was desirous of giving the opportunity for discussion which is afforded by publication in that Journal. About two years ago I drew up for presentation to the Royal Society a long paper giving most of my views on theoretical subjects; but finding that it necessarily contained much that would be included in this publication, and might be therein treated more conveniently and completely, I refrained from presenting it. I have only, farther, to say that in the composition of this work I have all along had in mind the mathematical studies in the University of Cambridge, to the promotion of which the dis- cussion of principles which is contained in the first part may con- tribute something. The subjects of Heat, Electricity, and Mag- netism having, by the recently adopted scheme, been admitted into the mathematical examinations, it seemed desirable that they should be presented, at least to the higher class of students, not Ixiv INTRODUCTION. merely as collections of facts and laws, but as capable of being brought within the domain of theory, and that in this respect the Cambridge examinations should take the lead. It is hoped that the contents of the second part of this volume may in some degree answer this purpose. It was with this object in view that the physical theories have been treated in greater detail than I had at first intended, especially the theory of Magnetism. CAMBRIDGE, February 3, 1869. A ITY o . NOTES PEINCIPLES OF CALCULATION. CALCULATION is either pure and abstract, or is applied to ideas which are derived from observation, or from experiment. The general ideas to which calculation is applied are space, time, matter and. force. General principles of pure calculation. Pure calculation rests on two fundamental ideas, number and ratio. By numbers we can answer the question, How many? By number and ratio together, we answer the question, How much? The calculus of numbers may be performed antecedently to the general idea of ratio. Under this branch of calculation may be ranged, Numeration, Systems of Notation, Diophantine Problems*, and, in great part, the Calculus of Finite Differences. Arithmetic, Algebra, the Calculus of Functions and the Differential and Integral Calculus, the Calculus of Variations and the Calculus of partial Differentials, &c., are successive generalizations of pure calculation. These different parts constitute one system of calculation, in which quantitative relations are expressed in all the ways in which they can occur, and in different degrees of generality. The leading principle in seeking for symbolical representa- tions, or expressions, of quantity, is that all quantities may be conceived to consist of parts. This is a universal idea derived from experience and from observation of concrete quantities. * The Greek mathematicians made greater advances in calculations restricted to integer numbers than in general calculation. One reason for this was probably the want of a convenient system of notation, such as that now in use, in which the place of a figure indicates its value. 1 2 GENERAL PRINCIPLES Quantities may be altered in amount by addition and sub- traction, or by operations which in ultimate principle are the same as these. An equation consists of two symbolic expressions of equal value. The equality is either identity under difference of symbolic form, and therefore holds good for all values of the symbols ; or it is only true for values of the symbols subject to certain limitations*. The first kind arises out of operations founded on the principles of pure calculation : the other arises out of given quantitative relations. The ultimate object of all pure calculation is to furnish the means of finding unknown quantities from known quantities, the conditions connecting them being given. Hence in pure calculation there are two distinct enquiries. First, the in- vestigation of quantitative expressions with the view of forming equations from given conditions : and then the investigation of rules for solving the equations. Arithmetic is employed to find unknown from known quantities : but the given conditions are generally so simple that it is not necessary to designate the unknown quantity by a literal symbol. The solution of an algebraic equation gives determinate values, either numerical or literal, of the unknown quantity. The solution of a differential equation containing two variables is an algebraic relation between the variables, deter- minate in form, but generally involving arbitrary constants. The solution of a differential equation containing three variables is a relation between the variables involving func- tions of determinate algebraic expressions, but the forms of the functions themselves are generally arbitrary. Differential equations containing four variables occur in the applications of analysis. Their solutions are still more comprehensive, involving arbitrary functions of algebraic ex- pressions arbitrarily related. * It would be a great advantage to learners if these two kinds of equations were always distinguished by marks. I propose to indicate the former by the mark = , and the other by the usual mark =. OF CALCULATION. 3 The different kinds of applied calculation. The application of pure calculation to the ideas of space, time, matter, and force, gives rise to various branches of mathematical science*. 1. Calculation applied to space is called Geometry. This is the purest of all the branches of applied mathematics. Calculation cannot be applied separately to either time, or matter, or force, because time and matter cannot be numerically measured independently of space, and force cannot be numeri- cally measured independently of matter, or space and time. 2. Calculation applied to space and time is the science of motion and of measures of time. Under this head comes Plane Astronomy, the application in this instance being restricted to the motions, apparent or real, of the heavenly bodies. 3. Calculation applied to space, matter, and force, is the science of Equilibrium, or Statics. The Statics of rigid bodies, and Hydrostatics, differ only in respect to pro- perties of the matter considered. 4. Calculation applied to space, time, matter and force, is the science of the Dynamics f of Motion, or the science of motion considered with reference to a producing cause. The matter to which this science, as also that of equilibrium, relates, may be rigid, elastic, or fluid. In the last instance, it is called Hydrodynamics, Physical Astronomy is the science of the motion of the heavenly bodies, considered with reference to a producing cause, gravitation. * This science is properly called mathematical, because in every instance of such applications of pure calculation, the object is to learn something respecting the mutual relations of space, time, matter, and force. t It is singular that a word which does not express motion, should have been so generally employed to distinguish a branch of science necessarily involving motion from one which is independent of motion. 12 4 THE PKINCIPLES OF Physical Optics is the science of the phenomena of Light, considered as resulting from some theoretical dynamical action. Common optics is, for the most part, a special application of pure calculation to the courses of rays of light, and may, therefore, with propriety be called Geometrical Optics. The Principles of Arithmetic. A heap of stones (calculi) is formed by the addition of single stones. Numbers result from the addition of units. The first step towards a general system of calculation is to give names to the different aggregations of units, and the next, to represent to the eye by figures (figures, forms) the result of the addition of any number of units. The figures now com- monly in use answer this purpose both by form and by position. A figure represents a different amount according as it is in the place of units, tens, hundreds, thousands, &c. The progression by tens is arbitrary. Numeration might have proceeded by any other gradation, as by fives, or by twelves, but the esta- blished numeration is sufficient for all purposes of calculation. By numeration an amount of units of any magnitude may be expressed either verbally or by figures. But for the general purposes of calculation we require to express quantity as well as quotity. To do this the idea of ratio* is necessary. The fifth Book of Euclid treats especially of the arithmetic of ratios. It would be incorrect to say that the reasoning in that Book is Geometrical. It contains no relations of space. Straight lines are there used to represent quantity in the abstract, and independently of particular numbers. Towards the close of it there is an approach to an algebraic repre- sentation of quantity by the substitution of the letters A , B, C, &c., for straight lines. But the reasoning throughout, * It is worthy of remark that this word also signifies reason. Probably the adoption of the term in arithmetic may be accounted for by considering that ratio and proportion are ideas derived from external objects by the exercise of the power of reasoning. Without reason there would be no idea of proportion. A just estimate of proportions indicates a high degree of cultivation of the reasoning faculty. PURE CALCULATION. O though independent of particular numbers, is essentially arithmetical. It is universal arithmetic. When two quanti- ties are expressed numerically, we can say that one is greater or less than the other, and how much : when expressed by straight lines, we can still say that one is greater or less than the other, although without the use of numbers we cannot say how much. But when two quantities are expressed by A and B, as in algebra, there is nothing to indicate which is the greater. As the subject of the fifth Book of Euclid is pure calcula- tion, logically it might have preceded all those which treat of the relations of space. Probably the reason it is placed after the fourth is, that the first four books require only the arithmetic of integer numbers. The sixth Book is the first that involves the application of the arithmetic of ratios. Perfect exactness of reasoning from given definitions is the characteristic feature of the Books of Euclid, which makes them of so great value as means of intellectual training. But after admitting this, it cannot be asserted that the definitions themselves are in every instance the most elementary possible^ or such only as are absolutely necessary. An advanced stage of mathematical science gives an advantage in looking back upon elementary principles which the ancient geometers did not possess, while at the same time their works have the great value of indicating, and very much circumscribing, the points that remained for future determination. One such point is the following. Is the fifth Definition of the fifth Book of Euclid a necessary, or an arbitrary, foundation of the doctrine of proportions ? This question will receive an answer in the sequel. Let us now enquire in what manner quantity may be generally expressed by means of numbers. For this purpose, following the method of Euclid for the sake of distinctness of conception, I take a straight line to be the general represen- tative of quantity. Although a particular kind of quantity is thus employed to designate quantity of every kind, the 6 THE PRINCIPLES OF generality of the reasoning will not be affected. For of the four general ideas to which calculation is applied, space, time, matter, and force, the last three do not admit of measures independently of the first. Hence the principles on which any portion of a straight line is quantitatively expressed by means of numbers are applicable generally. Moreover as space must be conceived of as infinitely divisible and infinitely extended, every gradation of quantity, and every amount of quantity, may be represented by a straight line. In order to measure a straight line, it is first necessary to fix upon a unit of length, that is, an arbitrary length repre- sented by unity. Then by the use of integer numbers we can express twice, three times, &c., the unit of length, but no in- termediate values. To express every gradation of length it is absolutely necessary to introduce the idea of ratio. Suppose a straight line to be equal in length to the sum of an integral number of units and part of a unit more. How is that addi- tional quantity to be expressed by figures ? First, it must be regarded as being related to the unit by having a certain ratio to it. Next, to express the ratio by numbers, the unit itself must be regarded as consisting of as many equal parts as we please. The possibility of conceiving of a continuous whole as made up of any number of equal parts, which conception is a general result of our experience of concrete quantities, is the foundation of all numerical calculation of quantity. If then, for example, the additional quantity contain seven parts, fifteen of which make up the unit, the two numbers seven and fifteen express by their ratio how much of a unit is contained in that portion of the straight line which is additional to the portion consisting of an integral number of units. Let the number of units be 6. Then since by supposition each unit contains fifteen parts, six units contain (by integer calculation) 90 parts. Then adding the 7 parts, the whole line contains 97 parts. Thus by the two numbers 97 and 15, the quantity in question is exactly expressed : and it is necessary for this purpose to exhibit the two numbers in juxta-position, which PURE CALCULATION. 7 97 is usually done thus, , the lower number indicating the JLo number of equal parts into which the unit is divided. This example suffices to shew the necessary dependence of the expression of quantity on the idea of ratio. The same symbol 97 expresses the ratio of the number 97 to the number 15. 15 Hence a numerical ratio is the expression of quantity with reference to an arbitrary unit. Generally if a quantity consist of a units and b equal parts of the unit such that the unit contains c of those parts, the quantity is symbolically expressed thus : , where ac + b means the product of the integers a and c increased by the integer b*. Thus quotity is expressed by one number, but to express quantity generally, two numbers are necessary and sufficient. It might be objected to this mode of expressing quantity generally, that space, time, matter and force are necessarily conceived of as continuous in respect to quantity, and conse- quently may occur in quantities which do not admit of being exactly expressed by any integral number of parts, such ex- pression proceeding gradatim. This, in fact, is the case in such quantities as the diagonal of a square, the side being the unit, the circumference of a circle, the radius being unit, &c. ; that is, the ratios in these instances are incommensurable. The answer to this objection is, that as the unit may be conceived to be divided into an unlimited number of equal parts, we can approach ad libitum to the value of a quantity which cannot be exactly expressed by numbers. Thus in this early stage of the subject, we meet with a peculiarity in the application of calculation to concrete quantities, which perpetually recurs in the subsequent stages. I shall not now enter upon considera- * It should be remarked that letters are here used in the place of numbers, because the reasoning of the preceding paragraph applies whatever be the numbers. This use of letters may be called general arithmetic, and is distinct from the use of letters in algebra. 8 THE PRINCIPLES OF tions from which it would appear that this is a necessary circumstance in arithmetical calculation, and that it diminishes in no respect the exactness and generality of its application. At present it will suffice to say, that we can represent any ^ quantity whatever as nearly as we please by the symbol -^ , A and B being whole numbers. In other words, this symbol is capable of expressing any amount of continuous quantity with as much exactness as we please. It has been shewn that if any quantity be exactly repre- j sented by -^ , it contains A of the equal parts into which the unit of measure is supposed to be divided, the unit containing B of them. But each of these parts may be conceived to be subdivided into any number (ri) of equal parts, in which case, by the arithmetic of integers, the quantity will contain nA of the smaller parts, and the unit will contain nB. Hence, by what has gone before, the quantity is expressed by the symbol ^ . Thus it appears that while two numbers are necessary to express quantity in general, the same quantity may be expressed by different sets of two numbers. This result is symbolically expressed thus : A n A . . B = -nB (a) - By parity of reasoning, A _mA B~mB' Hence, because it may be assumed as an axiom that " things equal to the same thing are equal to one another," it follows that, nA mA ~ The foregoing principle of the equality of ratios, or quantities, expressed by different numbers constitutes proportion. The PURE CALCULATION. last equality represents the most general composition of any proportion the terms of which consist of integer numbers. PROPOSITION I. It is required to find the ratio of any two given quantities of the same kind. A C Let the two quantities be -~ and -^ . Then by the reason- A ing which conducted to the equality (a), the quantity -^ is the AD , ^ G ^ CB u same as -7- and the quantity - the same as - . Hence conceiving the common unit to be divided into BD equal parts, the first quantity contains AD of those parts, and the other contains CB. Hence from the primitive idea of ratio, the two numbers AD and CB determine the required ratio, which AD consequently must be expressed by the symbol -^75 Although the ratio of two quantities of the same kind is independent of the quality of the quantities compared together, it may still be regarded as quantity, because we may assert of any ratio that it is greater or less than some other ratio, for instance, a ratio of equality. This kind of quantity for dis- tinction may be called abstract quantity. The foregoing expression for the ratio of two quantities of the same kind informs us that if the second of the quantities considered as a unit be divided into CB equal parts, the first consists of AD of those parts. Thus the ratio of two quantities of the same kind may be regarded as quantity relative to an abstract unit; and the rules of operation which apply to quantity of a given species, are true of abstract quantity. The quantity^- is^> times the quantity , because, the unit of both being divided into the same number of parts j5, the first quantity consists of pA of those parts, that is, of p times the number of parts that the other consists of. 10 THE PRINCIPLES OF A A A The quantity -^ is^ times the quantity -=, because -^ is equal to -^ , and consequently, the unit being divided into A pB equal parts, -^ consists of pA of those parts, that is, p times ^ the number of the parts that ^ consists of. The foregoing conclusions will enable us to prove that the equalities (a) and (j3) are true when A and B represent quan- C1 (* tities instead of numbers. For j- and -^ being any quantities, u cL we have by what has been shewn, na nad b bd nad __ ad nc neb neb cb ~d ~U a But the ratio L = by Proposition I. c cb a na Therefore I = L . c nc d ~d Now the quantities -j- and -r- are respectively n times the ft (* quantities -= and -, . Hence if the latter quantities be repre- sented by single letters A and j5, the former may be represented by the symbols nA and nB. Consequently AnA A tnA . . nA mA 80 PURE CALCULATION. 11 PROPOSITION II. If four quantities be proportionals, that is, if the ratio of the first to the second be the same as the ratio of the third to the fourth, then any equimultiples whatever being taken of the first and third, and any whatever of the second and fourth, the ratio of the first multiple to the second is the same as the ratio of the third multiple to the fourth. ft f* P Ct Let T > -7 > f and j- be the quantities, and let a e 1=1. A an( i B being whole numbers. Un- less this were the case the value of the expression could not be known. The reduction is effected by the rules of arithmetic. It does not fall within the scope of these Notes to enter at length upon the investigation of the rules of arithmetical operation. To do this would require a formal Treatise. It will suffice to remark that all the operations are derived from the simple one of addition nearly as follows. The result of adding two integers A and B being the integer C, the operation is expressed thus : A + B = C. If A and B represent respec- tively the quantities and ^ , then since is the same n ' n PURE CALCULATION. 19 quantity as , and %- the same quantity as , the sum nq q qn results from the addition of the parts mq and pn they respec- tively contain, nq of such parts making up the unit. Hence the sum must be written ^ , which accordingly is the nq quantity that C represents in this case. On the principle that what is added may be taken away, we may take from C the quantity which was added to A, and the remainder will plainly be A. This is subtraction, and being just the reverse of the direct operation of addition, the rule for performing it is thereby determined. By subtraction we answer the enquiry, What is the result of taking a certain quantity from a certain other quantity ?, and as the answer to this question must be quantitative, for this reason alone the operation by which it is obtained must be included in a general system of calcu- lation. Similar considerations apply to the operations of multipli- cation and division. A quantity added to itself is taken twice, added again, is taken thrice, and so on. This is strictly multiplication. But the same term is employed when a quantity is not taken an integral number of times, but a certain quantity of times, and the symbolic representation of the operation is the same, viz. AB = C. We have already had occasion to investigate the rule for obtaining the product C when A and B are given quantities. The reverse operation, division, obtains A or B, when C and B, or C and A, are given. Division answers the enquiry, How much of times one quantity contains another ?, and as the answer is quanti- tative, the operation belongs to a general system of calculation. In the case of whole numbers, the rule for obtaining the quotient is immediately derived from the direct operation by which the product was obtained, subtraction taking the place of addition. As it was shewn that the product of the two quantities j- and -, is T-J 5 it plainly follows that j- is the pro- LIBRAE 20 THE PRINCIPLES OF duct of j-j and - . because ^^ = 7 . Hence ^ contains - the bcL c oac o o c quantity of times 7-5. This determines the rule for finding the quantity of times that one quantity contains another. As division determines generally the quantity of times one quantity contains another, that is, from the primitive idea of ratio, the ratio of the one quantity to the other, the operation of division may be represented by the symbol that represents a ratio. Thus -^ , the ratio of A to B, is also A divided by B. It may also be remarked that & fraction, whether proper or improper, is a ratio, and may be represented by the same symbol. The involution of integers is the multiplication of any number by itself, the product by the same number again, and so on. By evolution, we answer the question, What is the number which by its involution a certain number of times will produce a given number ? The rule for the operation, whicli is virtually the reverse of the direct operation of involution, is abbreviated by the aid of general arithmetic, the proposed number being supposed to consist of parts indicated by the involution of the general symbol a + b. As it has been shewn that any integral power m of a m n in quantity 7- is -7^ , the m th root of -7^- is found by extracting separately the m th root of a m and the w th root of b m , according to the rule applicable to integers. The value of A q , A being any quantity, is found either by extracting the q ih root of A and raising the root to the p ih power, or extracting the ^ th root of the /> th power of A. Those operations of division and evolution which, not being exactly the reverse of operations of multiplication and involution, do not terminate, may be made the reverse of direct operations as nearly as we please. I proceed now to the next generalization of calculation. PURE CALCULATION. 21 The Principles of Algebra. In Algebra*, as in general arithmetic, quantities are represented by letters, but for a different purpose. The object in the former is not to investigate rules of operation or forms of expression, but to answer questions which involve quantitative relations. All such questions are answered by means of equations. But till the quantity which answers the proposed question is found, it is represented by a letter and called the unknown quantity. This letter must be operated upon according to previously established rules in order to form and to solve the equation which by its solution gives the answer. But being unknown, it cannot be affirmed of it that it is greater or less than some other quantity from which, according to the conditions of the question, it may have to be subtracted. In the former case the operation would be impossible. But it must be symbolically represented in the same manner, whether it be possible or impossible. Some expedient is therefore required to make the reasoning good in both cases, that is, to make it independent of the relative magnitudes of the Quantities. This is done by means of the signs + and . The symbol + a means that the quantity a is added: the symbol b that the quantity b is subtracted. These symbols express, there- fore, both quantity and operation. Thus an algebraic expression is not to be regarded simply as quantity, but as an exhibition of operations upon quantity, and under this point of view the expression holds good in general symbolical reasoning, whether or not the operations indicated are arithmetically possible. By convention the symbol a is called a negative quantity. This is only a short way of saying that the quantity a has been subtracted. All quantity is necessarily positive. As the terms " negative quantity" are convenient, for the sake of * This name was given to the science when it was almost exclusively directed to the solution of numerical equations, and before a general system of symbolic operations was known. 22 THE PRINCIPLES OF distinction I shall call quantity regarded independently of the signs + and , " real quantity." Let c be the difference between two real quantities a and b. Then if a be greater than b, a b is equivalent to b + c b or f c. But if a be less than Z>, a b is equivalent to a a c, that is, to c. In this manner the symbols + c and c are defined, c being supposed to be a real quantity. It is next required to ascertain the rules of operating on these symbols by addition and subtraction. Let d be any real quantity larger than the difference between a and b. Then if a be greater than &, the result of adding a biodisd + a bl>y general arithmetic. Also if a be less than b the sum is represented in algebra by the same expression. Let a = b -f- c. The algebraic sum is then d + b + c b, or d + c. But by the definition above + c has been added. Hence the result of adding + c to d is written d + c. Next let b = a -f c. Then the algebraic sum d + a b is d + a a c, or d c. But by definition c has been added. Therefore the result of adding c to d is d c. Hence algebraic addition is performed on the symbols + c and c by attaching them with their proper signs to other such symbols. If a b be subtracted from d, a being greater than &, the remainder by general arithmetic is d a + b. And if a be less than b the algebraic remainder is represented by the same expression. Let a = b + c. Then the value of the algebraic remainder is d b c + b, or d c. But in this case, by definition, + c has been subtracted. Therefore the result of subtracting + c from d is d c. Let b = a + c. Then the value of the algebraic remainder d a + b is d a + a + c, or d + c. And as in this case < c has been subtracted, it follows that the result of subtracting c from d is d + c. Hence algebraic subtraction is performed on the symbols PURE CALCULATION. 23 + c and c, by attaching them with signs changed to other such symbols. If the quantities to which the signs + and are attached be not unknown quantities, but gixen quantities represented generally by letters, the same rule of signs applies, because so long as the quantities are represented generally, their relative magnitudes are not expressed. The results of the reasoning are thus made independent of the relative magnitudes, and can be applied to particular cases. The rule of signs in multiplication is established by analogous reasoning. Let the difference between the real quantities a and b be e, and the difference between the real quantities c and d be/. Then if a be greater than b, and c be greater than d, the result of multiplying a b by c d, is by general arithmetic a times c d diminished by b times c d, that is, a quantity less than ac by ad, diminished by a quantity less than be by bd, which is written ac ad be + bd. The algebraic expression for the product is the same whatever be the relative magnitudes of a and b, and of c and d. Let a = b + e and c = d +/. Then the symbols multiplied are + e and +f, and the result is found by substituting b + e for a and d+f for c in the expression ac ad be + bd, and obtaining its value arithmetically. But by arithmetic ca + bd=(d+f) (b + e) + bd = db + de + fb+fe + bd sm&ad + bc=d(b + e)+b(d+f)=db+de +fb + bd. Hence subtracting the latter quantity from the former the result is +fe, which is thus shewn to be the product of the symbols + e and +/ The symbols in this case being both positive, this result might have been at once inferred from general arithmetic. Let b = a + e and c d +f. Then the symbols multiplied are e and +/, and the result is found by substituting a + e for b and d+f for c in the same expression as before. But by arithmetic 24 THE PRINCIPLES OF ca + bd=a(d +f) +d(a + e) = ad + af+ ad 4- de ad+bc = ad + (a + e) (d+f) = ad + af+ ad+ de + ef. Hence subtracting the latter quantity from the former the result is ef subtracted, or ef, which is thus shewn to be the algebraic product of the symbols e and +f. By parity of reasoning the product of + e and / is ef. Let b = a + e and d = c +f. Then the symbols multiplied are by definition e and f, and the result is found by substituting a + e for b and c +f for d in the expression ac ad bc + bd. But by arithmetic, ac + bd = ac + (a -\-e) (c -f f) ac + ac-\- af+ ec + ef and ad + be = a (c +f) -f c (a -f e) = ac 4- ac + af+ ec. Hence subtracting the latter quantity from the former the result is + ef, which is thus shewn to be the product of the symbols e and f. Consequently in multiplication like signs produce + and unlike . By means of this rule the operation of multiplica- tion may be extended to real quantities affected with the signs + and . The rule of signs in the reverse operation of division follows at once from that in multiplication. In general arithmetic a letter always stands for a real quantity, and if in the course of the reasoning a single letter be put for a &, or any other literal expression, it still repre- sents a real quantity. In algebra it is necessary for the purposes of the reasoning to put a single letter for a b and like expressions ; but the letter will not now always represent a real quantity, because in algebra a b may be equivalent to a real quantity affected with a negative sign. Yet the letter must be operated upon, and be affected with the signs + and subject to the rules already established, just as if it repre- sented a real quantity. For it is the distinctive principle of algebra to adopt without reference to relative magnitude, all the rules and operations of general arithmetic which have been established by numerical considerations. On this account PURE CALCULATION. 25 in algebra such an extension must be given to the signification of a letter, that + x may represent inclusively a negative quantity, and y a real quantity. It may also be remarked that if a letter be substituted for a negative quantity and after any number of operations be replaced by the negative quantity for which it was substituted, the result is the same as if the negative quantity had all along been operated upon. Impossible quantities. Since the product of + a and + a, as well as that of a and a, is +a 2 , it follows that a quantity affected with a negative sign has no square root. Yet it is necessary to retain the symbol V b or ( &)*, be- cause as b may stand for a negative quantity, b may be a real quantity. If b have a real arithmetical value, V b can no longer be quantity, but merely expresses impossibility. By convention it is called an impossible quantity. Impossible quantities may be represented by single letters and be operated upon as if they stood for real quantities. p Addition of indices. Let a 9 = N. Then cf = N q , and a np np p nP = N"*, n being an integer. Hence a nq = N, and /. a? = a*. p r p gr From this it follows that a? x a 8 = a? x 9 % which is equal to . a gs , or a q \ Negative indices. If m and n be whole numbers and a any quantity, then by general arithmetic the ratio is a m ~ n if m be greater than n, and ^ if n be greater than m. If the indices OL *) "7* 70 be - and - , p, q, r and s being any integers, and if *- be r a q cP 8 (o? 8 ^ greater than - , then the ratio = = ( ) = (a p8 ~ qr ) qs = S e . \Ct / p ps qr p _ r ~. T dfl 1 a~**~ = a^~'. So if^ be less than -, = __. Thus the q s '-' r j>_ a* as q subtraction of one index from another originates in the 26 THE PRINCIPLES OF principles of arithmetic, and in that science is always performed so that the remaining index is real. But if we assume that a = a m ~*, without reference to the relative magnitudes of m and n, we pass from arithmetical to algebraical indices, and this generalization gives rise to negative indices in the same manner that passing from arithmetical to algebraical subtrac- tion gave rise to negative quantities. Since when the indices are algebraical = a m ~ n whatever be the relative magnitudes of m and n, if in the course of reasoning a single letter be substituted for m n, this letter must be taken to represent either a real or a negative index. This extension of the signification of a literal index is a necessary consequence of the algebraic generalization of indices. m in Again, by previous notation a" x o7 l x &c. to p factors is m mp (a") p , and by addition of indices the same quantity is a"". m mp m p Hence (a^) p a^. Also by previous notation (a n )is the q ih root of the p ih power of a", that is, by what has been just mp mp 1 proved, the q ih root of a""", or (a""")*. But this quantity is mp equivalent to a, because each raised to the power qn gives mp mpxqn mp 1 the same quantity. For (a*) gn =a * n =a mp ; and {(*)*}* mp m P mp = (a""")* = a mp . Consequently (a w )* = a n< * . This is multiplica- tion of indices in general arithmetic. This operation being extended to the algebra of indices, a rule of signs must be established; which may be done as follows: ^ _ " f-m\-n _ _ n mn _ -mx-n ~(O^~a-" w ~ Hence the rule of signs is the same as in common algebra. PURE CALCULATION. 27 The rules for the division of indices follow from those of multiplication. To perform the reverse operation to that of affecting any quantity with the index - , or extracting the $ th root of its j> th power, is to extract the p th root of its q ih power, that is, to affect it with the index - . As the direct operation m p_ was represented by the notation (a n )% let the reverse opera- t f~m tion be represented by the notation // a n . Then from what has been said, i m mq This operation being extended to the algebra of indices, the rule of signs follows from that in multiplication of indices. The involution and evolution of indices arise out of analogous considerations. If a represent any numerical quantity, by what has been shewn (a a ) a = a" 2 ; (a" 2 )" = a" 3 ; and so on. These operations suggest the reverse one of finding an index such that when a quantity is affected by a given power of it, the result is the same as when the quantity is affected by a given index. Let /3 be the given index, and k the given power, and let of = aP. Then a* = 0, and a = /9*, the required index. Thus the extraction of roots in the general arithmetic of indices arises out of a re version of operations analogous to that which led to extraction of roots in ordinary general arithmetic. This part of the subject might be pursued farther, if the object of these Notes required a more lengthened consideration of it. The extension of the extraction of the roots of indices to algebraic indices gives rise to impossible indices, for the same reason that a like extension in common Algebra gave rise to impossible quantities. In general calculation it is necessary to have regard to such indices, because the symbol a^~ b may represent either a real or an impossible quantity, b being an algebraic symbol and therefore representing either a negative 28 THE PRINCIPLES OF or a positive quantity. Also when b is positive, a combination of such symbols may be equivalent to a real quantity. In the form a x , the index x may now, for the sake of generalization, be supposed to stand for an impossible quantity, as well as for a positive, or a negative quantity, and with this extension of its signification it must still be operated upon by the rules that apply to a real index. Algebraic series. If the trinomial A+Bx + Cx* be mul- tiplied by the quadrinomial a + bx + cx* + dx 3 , the terms being arranged according to the powers of x, the operation is per- formed in a certain order, and although the same result would be obtained by arranging the terms differently, it would not be obtained so conveniently. This arrangement of the terms according to the powers of a guiding letter, is more especially requisite in the reverse operation of division in order to avoid needless operations. If, for instance, it were proposed to divide the product of the two polynomials above by one of them, the arrangement of the terms according to the powers of x would secure that the operation would be precisely the reverse of the multiplication of this polynomial by the other according to the same arrangement, and the quotient would thus be obtained in the most direct manner. If the polynomials contained other letters affected with indices, any one of them would answer the same purpose. But on the principle of extending and generalizing opera- tions it may be proposed to divide one algebraic polynomial by another, although the former may not have resulted from the multiplication of the latter by a third polynomial. In this case the operation cannot terminate, and however performed will leave a remainder. The truth of the operation depends solely on the fact that the dividend is identically equal to the product of the quotient and divisor, with the remainder added, so that one side of the equality is equal to the other, whatever real quantities be substituted for the same letters on both sides. Thiskind of equality I have proposed to indicate by the mark =^ PURE CALCULATION. 29 The object of performing the operation may be, in the first instance, to put the proposed ratio under another algebraic form. But if the order of the successive steps be determined by a selected letter, another object is answered. The proposed quantity is thrown into a series, consisting of as many terms as we please, arranged according to increasing or decreasing powers of the guiding letter. The terms of the remainder contain powers of the guiding letter higher by at least one unit than the power contained in the last term of the series. A series so formed may be useful for the purposes of calculation. For suppose the guiding letter to represent a very small quantity and its powers to increase : the terms of the series will go on decreasing in value, and the remainder, being multiplied by a high power of a small quantity, will on that account be very small. By increasing the number of terms we may dimmish the remainder as much as we please, and the series deprived of it will for all purposes of calculation be equivalent to the proposed ratio. This is a converging series. In other cases the series is diverging and the equivalence of the two sides of the equality does not hold good without taking account of the remainder terms. A diverging series is of no use for arithmetical calculation, unless it can be converted into a converging series by transformations. Like considerations apply to the extension of the extraction of roots of polynomials to cases -where the polynomials have not resulted from involution. The operation being performed by the same rule as if the polynomial were an exact power, the root is thrown into a series the terms of which proceed according to the powers of one of the letters. If P be the proposed polynomial the n ih root of which is to be extracted, and Q the sum of a certain number of extracted terms, then there will be a remainder R such that P~=^ QT+R. The least power of the guiding letter in R will be higher the farther the operation is carried, and if the guiding letter represent a very small quan- tity, and the operation be carried far enough, the remainder may for the purposes of numerical calculation be omitted. 30 THE PRINCIPLES OF In diverging series, and in series non- converging, the remainder is necessary to constitute the identity of value of the two sides of the equality, and cannot be left out of con- sideration. But a converging series consisting of an unlimited number of terms, is identical in value without the remainder with the quantity of which it is the expansion, the remainder being indefinitely small. By division it is found that l+x ' l+x n being any even number. If x 1, the left-hand side of the equality = J, and the right-hand side reduces itself to the remainder term, which for this case becomes \. Thus it appears that the identity of value of and its expansion .1 "j SO does not hold good when x = 1 without taking account of the remainder term. This is also true if x have any value greater than 1. But if x be less than 1 by any finite value however small, by taking n large enough we may make the remainder term less than any assigned quantity, and the identity of value of the two sides of the equality may subsist as nearly as we please when the remainder is omitted. The value for x = I is the critical value between divergence and convergence. Such critical values have no application in physical questions unless the remainder can be calculated and is taken into account. The quantities in any series which multiply the powers of the guiding letter are called coefficients. There cannot be two converging expansions of the same quantity, proceeding according to the same guiding letter, the coefficients of which are not identical. For let A + Bx + Cx* + &c. = a + Ix + ex* + &c. whatever be x. Then if x = 0, A = a. Consequently B+ Cx + &c. = b + cx + &c., whatever be x, and if x = 0, B=b. And so on. PURE CALCULATION. 31 The above Theorem is the foundation of the method of expansion by indeterminate coefficients. This method applies whether the series be converging or diverging, because the law of expansion is independent of the relative magnitudes of the quantities represented by the letters. The value of the remainder, after obtaining any number of terms of the expansion, must in general be found by operating reversely on the sum of those terms, and subtracting the result from the quantity expanded. The binomial and multinomial theorems, which are methods of expressing generally the law of the coefficients of an expansion, give the means of obtaining the expansions for particular cases more readily than by employing the operations of division and extraction of roots. The investigation of the binomial theorem may be effected by the method of indeterminate coefficients ; but for finding the first and second terms of the expansion in the cases of fractional and negative indices, it is necessary to have recourse to the operations of division and extraction of roots performed in the ordinary manner. The investigation of the multinomial theorem may be made to depend on that of the binomial theorem. The expansion of a x in a series proceeding according to the powers of x is effected by means of the binomial theorem and the method of indeterminate coefficients. Numerical Equations. Any question relating either to abstract or to concrete quantities being proposed, the answer to which may be obtained by the intervention of Algebra, the given conditions of the question lead to an equation of this form, x n n representing the dimensions of the equation, x the un- known quantity, and the coefficients p, q, &c. P, Q, being real quantities positive or negative. Also if there are several unknown quantities and as many different equations, the 32 THE PRINCIPLES OF equation resulting from the elimination of all but one of them is of the above form. Surd coefficients with the sign +, and coefficients under an impossible form, are got rid of by involu- tion. Consequently the answer to the proposed question, if it admits of a real quantitative answer, is obtained by extracting from the final equation a real value of the unknown quantity x which will satisfy the equation. It is found that negative and impossible quantities, that is, numerical expressions under an algebraical form, when substituted for x and operated upon algebraically, will satisfy equations. Every value or expression which satisfies an equation is called a root of the equation. In a few instances roots of equations may be found when the coefficients are literal. But in general only equations with numerical coefficients can be solved, and these for the most part require tentative or approximate processes. The quadratic equation a? 2 +px + q = is equivalent to (#+?) -^- + (7 = 0. and is satisfied if x be equal either to \ 2/ 4 ~~ 9 "*" \JtL ~ $ or * ~~ 9 ~~ \/A. ~~ ^' Calling tne se two quan- tities a and /3 we have the identical equation This identity holds good whatever be the relative magnitudes of p and q. But if q be a positive quantity greater than 2 , \ 2 2 ^ , it is evident that the equation (x +-|j -^ -f # = cannot be true for any real value positive or negative of x, because for such value the left-hand side will be the sum of two positive quantities. In fact the roots a and fi are shewn in this case to be impossible by containing the symbol If A/ j q, that is, the square root of a negative quantity. If in the expression x* +px + q, q be positive and greater than ^ , this expression possesses the property of not changing PURE CALCULATION. 3B sign whatever consecutive real values, positive or negative, be substituted for x. The general theory of the solution of equations rests on principles analogous to those which apply to the simple case of the quadratic. By direct multiplication it is known that the product of n factors x a, x /S, x 7, &c., is an alge- braic polynomial of the form x n +px n ~ l + qx n ~ z + &c. + Px + Q, and that if a, /3, 7, &c. be real quantities positive or negative, the coefficients p, q, &c. P, Q, will also be real quantities positive or negative. Any polynomial with numerical coeffi- cients which has actually resulted from such multiplication being given, it is always possible by tentative methods to arrive at the values of a, /S, 7, &c. In fact, if consecutive numerical quantities separated by small differences, and ex- tending from a sufficiently large negative, to a sufficiently large positive value, be substituted for x, among these must be found the values of a, /3, 7, &c. nearly. Their actual values may be approximated to as nearly as we please by interpolation. If the number of such values be not equal to w, this circum- stance will indicate that two or more of them are equal. Let the proposed polynomial contain /factors x 6. Then it may be shewn by algebraic reasoning (given in Treatises on alge- braic equations) that the polynomial nx n ~ l + (n 1) px n ~* + &c. + P contains / 1 factors x 6. Consequently factors which occur more than once are discoverable by the rule for finding greatest common measures. Thus the reverse operation of resolving a proposed polynomial which has resulted from binomial factors into its component factors is practically possible and complete. But on the principle of extending algebraic operations for the sake of generality in their applications, it may be proposed to resolve into binomial factors a polynomial x n +px n ~ l + qx n ~* + &c. + Px +Q, which is not known to have resulted from the multiplication of n binomial rational factors. The process of solution must be 3 34 THE PRINCIPLES OF just the same as in the former case, and if after going through it and finding the factors which occur more than once, the total number of rational factors be some number m less than n, it must be concluded that the proposed polynomial contains a factor of n m dimensions which neither vanishes nor changes sign whatever rational values positive or negative be put for x. This polynomial must be of even dimensions, otherwise it would vanish for a value of x between an infinitely large negative and an infinitely large positive value. In the manner above indicated it is shewn that the follow- ing identical equation is general, viz. x n +px n ~ l + qx n ~* + &c. + Px+Q=s=: X(x-a] (x -/3) (x -7) &c., p, q, &c. and a, yS, 7, &c. being real numerical quantities positive or negative. If the residual factor X be of two dimensions with respect to a?, and be assumed to be identical with the product (x k) (x l), then from the reasoning al- ready applied to a quadratic factor, we have & = + V &, and l=a V b, b being a real positive quantity, and a being a real quantity positive or negative. If X be of four dimensions and be assumed to be identical with (x k) (x 1) (x m) (x n), by the ordinary solutions of a biquadratic equation it may be proved that k, I, m, and n are reducible to the forms a 4. V J, a V b, a + V b', a V '; so that in this case X is identical with {(x of + b] {(x a') 2 + b'}, a and a' being real quantities positive or negative, and &, b' being real positive quantities. The same direct reasoning cannot be extended to a residual factor X of six dimensions, because no general solution of an equation of six dimensions is known. The above two instances, however, suggest the general Theorem, that a rational polynomial which does not contain any rational binomial factors, is resolvable into rational qua- dratic factors. It would be beyond the intention of these Notes to attempt to give a general proof of this Theorem. Two remarks may, however, be made. First, if a polynomial be resolvable into quadratic factors of the kind above indicated, it possesses the property of not vanishing or changing sign what- PURE CALCULATION. 35 ever real values positive or negative Ibe put for x, which is the distinctive property of the residual factor X in the theory of equations. And again, if there exist factors x k,x l, &c., the product of which is identical with a polynomial which does not contain real binomial factors, then as &, I, &c., must have impossible forms, it may be assumed h priori that the forms are a V b ; because it can be shewn independently of the theory of equations that every impossible expression is reducible to those forms. In fact every algebraic expression, when the 'letters are converted into numerical quantities, is reducible to the forms A V B, A being any numerical quantity affected with the positive or negative sign, and B being a real positive quantity. If the expression be real B = 0. According to the foregoing considerations, the method of finding by the solution of an equation, an unknown quantity subject to given quantitative relations, is in every respect complete. It not only finds the unknown quantity if the con- ditions of the question be possible, but it also ascertains whether proposed conditions are possible. When the condi- tions are possible the answer to the question is a real positive root ; or if the question admits of several answers, there are at least as many real positive roots of the equation. But if the equation is found to contain only real negative roots, or, only real negative roots having been found, if there remains a residual factor incapable of vanishing or changing sign for any real values of x, it must be concluded that the conditions of the question are impossible. The same conclusion must plainly be drawn if there are no real roots positive or negative. If it be enquired how negative and impossible roots can result from the conditions of a question which are possible, the answer is that the operations by which the equation is ob- tained in a rational form being algebraic, are necessarily per- formed on the symbol x not as representing quantity only, but as representing quantity operated upon. Hence every 32 36 THE PRINCIPLES OF numerical expression under an algebraic form which, operated upon algebraically according to the conditions of the question, satisfies the equation, must be represented by x. It some- times happens that the algebraic operations by which the equation is formed introduce real positive roots which are not answers to the proposed question. The following instances are intended to illustrate the pre- ceding remarks. (1) Let it be proposed to find a quantity which together with its reciprocal makes up a given quantity greater than unity ; the solution of the equation formed in accordance with these conditions gives two real positive roots, because the question admits of two answers. If the given quantity be less than unity the roots are impossible, because the conditions of the question are impossible. (2) If the question be to find a quantity which together with its square root makes up the number 6, the solution of the equation gives two real positive roots 4 and 9. But the latter number answers the proposed question only algebraically, one of the algebraic square roots of 9 being 3. (3) If it be required to find the number which multiplied by a number less than itself by 2 gives the product 3, the equation answers 3 and 1. The latter answer is algebraically true, and for this reason was comprehended by the equation. (4) Kequired the number which is exceeded by its cube by 6 : that is, let x* x 6 = 0. The question is answered by the number 2. Hence we have the identical equation The factor x 2 + 2x+ 3, not changing sign nor vanishing whatever real values positive or negative be put for x, shews that there is but one real answer. The equation x* + 2x + 3 = 0, PURE CALCULATION. 37 gives "by its solution two impossible quantities 1 + V 2, which, operated upon algebraically, must by substitution in the equation x 3 x 6 = satisfy it, and for this reason are symbolic roots of the equation. The Calculus of Functions. Any algebraic expression which contains a letter x is said to be & function of x, and when this circumstance is to be stated without reference to the particular form of the expres- sion, the symbol usually employed isf(x). Under this symbol may be included all the forms which have their origin, in the manner already indicated, in the principles of general arith- metic, and in the principles of algebra. Consequently any reasoning which can be applied to such a symbol, will com- prehend all the forms of expressing quantitative relations which we have hitherto discovered. This reasoning may be called the Calculus of Functions. As the algebraic calculus was independent of numerical values and relative magnitudes, so the functional calculus is independent of particular algebraic forms of expression. It must be borne in mind that in seeking for literal and general representations of quantity, the principle that deter- mined the forms of representation was that of expressing degrees of quantity with as near an approach to continuity as we please. Consequently as well the simple forms thus arrived at, as all compound expressions resulting from operations upon them in general arithmetic and algebra, must be regarded as susceptible of values varying from one degree to the next by as small differences as we please. The variation of value of any ex- pression may depend on the variation of value of one of the letters which it contains, or of two, or of more. Accordingly it may be & function of one variable, a function of two variables, or a function of several variables. Each such function may contain at the same time any number of constants. The Cal- 38 THE PRINCIPLES OF culus of Functions consists of parts rising in degrees of gene- rality and comprehensiveness according to the number of variables which the functions are supposed to contain. (1) The Calculus of Functions of one variable. We shall designate a function of one variable by the sym- bol /(x). Putting y for any value of the function, we shall have y=f(x), or yf(x) = 0. The sign = is here properly used, because this is not an identity, but an equation. In this instance y is an explicit function of x. But we might also have such an equality as (x, y] = 0, the symbol on the left- hand side indicating that the function contains in some manner both y and x. If this equation be regarded as solved according to the theory of equations, y being the unknown quantity, then we should have y =f(x] , or y an explicit function of x. But prior to such solution y is called an implicit function of x. The Calculus of Functions consists of two distinct parts, analogous to the two parts into which, as we have seen, algebra is divisible. The first part is concerned with properties of functions and operations upon them : the other is analogous to that part of the algebraic calculus, which relates to the abstract formation of equations and the solution of them. The Calculus of Functions, although it does not involve indefinitely small quantities, is the foundation of the Dif- ferential and Integral Calculus, which, as the terms imply, is essentially concerned with quantities regarded as admitting of indefinitely small variations or increments. By the Dif- ferential Calculus, properly so called, an equation is formed from certain data with the view of obtaining from it an un- known function: by the Integral Calculus the equation is solved and the form of the unknown function obtained. The solution of an algebraic equation gives a certain quantity: the solution of a differential equation gives a certain algebraic expression. PURE CALCULATION. 39 On proceeding to reason generally on functions without regard to their form, which is what is proposed to be done in the Calculus of Functions, we may take for granted all the results of the algebraic calculus. A very general and important enquiry respecting any function is the following : How may the value of it be ex- pressed when the variable receives any given increment? If h be the given increment of the variable x, it might be required to find a symbolical expression which shall be equi- valent to the new value f(x + h). In fact, from the prin- ciples of algebra we know that any such function may be thrown into a series proceeding according to integral powers of A, and that if a remainder term E be taken into account, we shall have the identity, f(x + A) =/() + Ah + Btf + Ch 5 + &c. + R, A, B, 0, &c. being functions of x. The principles of algebra furnish the means, in every particular instance, of deriving the coefficient A from f(x). This coefficient is called the derived function, and is expressed generally by the symbol f'(x). The rules of obtaining f'(x) in particular cases from the primitive function f(x), are often given in elementary Treatises under the head of Differential Calculus. This is not logically cor- rect, because the dependence of f'(x) on /(a?) is simply a result of algebraic analysis, without any reference whatever to differ- entials. Rules for deriving the coefficients B, C, &c. from f(x) are obtainable by algebra in some cases in which the forms of the functions are given. But no general rule independent of the forms of the functions can be deduced from algebraic principles alone, although from algebra we may gather that these coeffi- cients are always in some manner dependent on the primitive function f(x). This generalization is the proper office of the Calculus of Functions, and the process by which it is effected is next to be considered. It is required, first, to find the derived function of the 40 THE PRINCIPLES OF product of two functions. Let f(x) and $(x) be the functions. Then f(x + h) =/() +f(x)h + Bh z + &c. (x + h) =c (x) is f(x) (x) +f(x)(j>(x). I proceed now to find the general de- velopment of f(x + h). For this purpose let us take the identical equation, Putting z for x + h we shall have the following identical equation containing z and x, z ~~ x substitute (z, x), since that quantity may be regarded as a function of z and x. Then In this equation if z be considered constant, and x the only variable, the identity of the two sides still remains for every value of x. Hence any operation on one side will be equivalent to the same operation on the other. Take the derived function of each side with respect to the variable x. Then, having regard to the value just obtained of the derived function of the product of two functions, we shall have =,=/() + f (*, x) (z - x) -(z, x). Again, representing by dashes attached to the letters /and , the order of the derived function, and taking successive de- rived functions with respect to x, we obtain PURE CALCULATION. 41 =/" (x) + 4>"(g,x)(*-x)- 1$ (z - x) =/"'(*) + f "(, *) (-*) -3f (, ). Hence substituting in succession the values of '(z, x) &c., it will be found that This series, after putting x + k for z, may plainly be general- ized as follows, f(x+h) =/(*) +f(x)+f'(x) + &c . which is Taylor's Theorem*. The law of derivation of the coefficients of A, A 2 , &c. from the primitive function, which it was the object of the investigation to ascertain, is here plainly exhibited. The last term is the representative of the remain- der term, which according to the principles of algebra was found to be necessary in general to establish the identity between the two sides of the equality. This term may be assumed to be insignificant when k is very small, because the smaller h is the nearer each side of the identity approaches to f(x). It may also be remarked that the principle of investi- gating the above series by commencing with an identity is strictly appropriate, because the algebraic operations, of which the above process is a generalization, are all identical operations, and the final result is an identity. Taylor's Theorem has two important and extensive appli- cations. First, it is used to investigate JVIaclaurin's Theorem, from which Lagrange's and Laplace's Theorems are deduced, and accordingly it serves to generalize the developments of functions of one variable whether explicit or implicit. Again, it is the foundation of the method of forming differential * This proof of Taylor's Theorem is given at length in Arts. 98100 of the Treatise on the Differential Calculus by Baily and Lund. 42 THE PRINCIPLES OF equations for the purpose of finding by their solutions unknown functions which answer proposed questions. It is not necessary for the object I have in view to speak of the first application, and I shall, therefore, pass at once to the consideration of the other. Derived equations. If y =f(x) , or, more generally, if (x,y) = 0, we have an equation containing two variables, and if the form of the function be given and arbitrary values be assigned to one of the variables as x, we can find corresponding values of the other, real or symbolical. The number of such co-ordinate values of x and y may be unlimited ; but the values themselves are restricted by the condition of satisfying the given equation. If, for the sake of illustration, x be repre- sented by a geometrical abscissa, and y by the corresponding rectangular ordinate, the extremities of the ?/'s trace out a curve. Values of x may be assumed corresponding to which there are only impossible values of y. No point of the curve answers to such values, which are only symbolically related to each other. Let y be equal to a given function of x, and let y ', y [ ', y"\ &c., represent the successive derived functions of y. Then by previously established rules we can find the function of x which is equal to any derived function of y, for instance, the third. Let X be this function. Then we have the derived equation y"' = X. As an example, let y = a + bx* + ex*. Then y" 6b + 24cx. This is the simplest process for obtain- ing a derived equation, and gives the simplest form of such equations. The reverse operation of remounting to the primi- tive equation from a derived equation of this form, is suggested by the direct operation, and on this account, according to a principle already stated, is to be included in a system of general calculation. In fact, in the applications of analysis a derived equation can be formed of which the primitive equation is unknown and is required to be found. The reverse operation is therefore a necessary part of calculation regarded as an instrument of research. The rules for performing the reverse PURE CALCULATION. 43 operation are known only by its being the reverse of the direct operation. On this principle they have been investigated and are given in elementary Treatises under the head of Integral Calculus. It should further be remarked that as f(x) is equally the derived function of f(x) and f(x) + c, c being a constant of any value, in passing from any function to its immediate primitive, an arbitrary constant should be added to the latter for the sake of generality. In the case in which y is an implicit function of x, that is, when (x, y) 0, let, as before, y', y", &c. represent the successive derived functions of y regarded as a function of x. Then if we take the derived function of (x,y), it will in general contain in some manner x, y and y', and may be represented by ty(x, y, y\ so that (j)'(x, y) zx= ^(x, y, y). Now it may be shewn as follows that the same corresponding values of x and y that satisfy the equation (x,y) = satisfy also the equation (x, y) = 0, so that the equation becomes {x, %(#)} = 0, we shall have an identical equation. Hence the same operations on both sides of it will give the same results. Consequently $'{x, x(x)} = 0. This equation will be true if %(#) represent any of the other values of y. Hence putting the general value y in place of %(#), we have '(x, y) 0, or ty(x, y, y') = 0. Similarly it may be shewn that (j>"(x, y) =c <&(x, y, y', y") = ; and so on*. In this manner from a given primitive equation may be derived successive orders of derived equations. These ought not to be called differential equations, because the formation of them has required no consideration of differentials, or in- definitely small increments. Since the corresponding values of x and y are the same in * See Baily and Lund, Art. 42. 44 THE PRINCIPLES OF all the equations thus derived as in the primitive equation, the equations immediately derived may be combined with the primitive in any manner consistent with algebraic rules, and various other derived equations be formed all related to the primitive equation. The object of forming and combining such equations abstractedly, is to ascertain rules for remounting from a derived equation to its primitive, when, as is usually the case in the applications to concrete quantities, the derived equation only is given. As these rules are essentially rules of reverse operations, they must be found by first performing direct operations and drawing inferences from them. Just in the same manner abstract algebraic equations may be formed ad libitum, and rules for solution be obtained to be afterwards applied in solving equations formed according to the conditions of proposed questions. The primitive and its immediate derivatives may be em- ployed to eliminate constants. In general the number of constants that may be eliminated is equal to the number of the derived equations, or to the number indicating the order o the resulting equation. The greater the number of constants thus eliminated, the more the resulting equation is independent of particular relations between the variables, and the farther is the form of the primitive from being known. This process of elimination is, therefore, the direct method of forming equa- tions containing two variables, one of which is an unknown function of the other. In the reverse operation, by which the solution of the equation is effected, the form of the unknown function is ascertained, and the eliminated constants reappear as arbitrary constants. Another kind of elimination may be effected by means of derived equations. Let the primitive equation be <(a?,y, u) = 0, u being some function of x and y. Then u being the derived function of u considered as a function of a?, the equation immediately derived will be of the form M+ Ny' + Pu = 0, Jf, N and P containing in general x, y and u. Now if u be such that it makes P vanish, the elimination of u between the PURE CALCULATION. 45 primitive (x, y, u) = 0, and its immediate derivative M + Ny = 0, will give the same resulting derived equation as if u had been a constant. Hence it appears that in certain cases the same derived equation of the first order may have two primi- tives, one of which contains an arbitrary constant, and by that circumstance is distinguished from the other, which contains no arbitrary constant. These primitives are so related that they give the same value of y' for the same corresponding values of x and y. The foregoing reasoning shews that when the primitive <(#, y, c) = 0, which contains the arbitrary constant c, is known, the other primitive may be obtained by eliminating c between <(#, y, c) = 0, and the derivative taken with respect to c only. In applications it often happens that the equation containing the arbitrary constant or parameter, is given by the given conditions of the proposed question, in which case the relation between the variables which answers the question is obtained by the direct process of elimination just indicated. If the elimination of c t and c 2 from the equation <(#, y, c v C 2 ) = and its first and second derivatives, give the same derived equation of the second order, whether c t and c 2 be constants, or be certain functions of x and y, that derived equation has two primitives, one containing, and the other not containing, arbitrary constants ; and these primitives give the same values of y and y" for the same values of x and y. And so on for derived equations of higher orders. From the foregoing considerations it appears that by the Calculus of Functions, the ultimate object of which is to ascertain the forms of unknown functions, two kinds of functions are obtainable, either definite functions containing only given constants, or functions containing arbitrary con- stants. The arbitrary constants necessarily have their origin in reverse processes ; but the definite functions, being in no respect arbitrary, may be obtained by direct processes. If there be n derived equations of the same order between n + 1 variables, these may be reduced by direct processes of 46 THE PRINCIPLES OF elimination to a single equation between two variables. The function that one of these variables is of the other may then be deduced by the solution of this resulting equation. Similarly the function that any one of the other variables is of the same variable may be found. The method of obtaining in certain cases the primitive of a derived equation by the Variation of Parameters rests upon the foregoing conclusions. Let the known primitive of ^r(a:, y, y, y"} = 0, be (x, y, c 19 c 2 ) = ; and R being a given function of x and j/, let the primitive of ty(x,y,y',y") = R be of the same form, c^ and c 2 being now variable. Then assuming, in accordance with what is shewn above, that the first derived equation may be the same whether c x and c 2 be constant or variable, in the latter case let the derivative be Then we must have P^\ + Q^\ = 0, and M^ + N^' = 0. Let the derivative of this last equation be *(*, y, y', y", ** O + PJ\ + QJ* = o. By the elimination of y and y" between this equation and the equations M t -f N^y = 0, and -*Jr(x, y, y, y") = jR, there will result an equation of this form, Pc\ + Qc' z = JR, P and Q being given functions of x, y, c^ and c 2 . Lastly, eliminating y from this equation and from the equation P^c\ + Q\ = 0, by means of <(x, y, c 1? cj = 0, we shall have two equations of the first order between the variables c t , c 2 and x, which, as shewn in the last paragraph, determine the functions that c^ and c 2 are of x. I proceed now to make use of Taylor's Theorem for laying the foundation of the Differential and Integral Calculus. By Taylor's Theorem, if the variable x of any function f(x) receive an increment A, the consequent increment of the function is given by the equality -f(x) =fWk +f'(x) +f'(x) + &c. + R, ; PURE CALCULATION. 47 and this being an identical equation, we have also by putting h for h, fix-h)-f(x)=-f(x)h+f'(x) -f"(x) + &c Hence by subtraction, 03 f(x + h) -fix - h) =/'(*) 2*+/ ~ 4- &c. + JZ, - S 2 . Now since the terms on the right-hand side of this equality after the first are multiplied by h 3 , h 5 , &c., and E v R z may be multiplied by as high a power of h as we please, it follows that h may be taken so small that the first term shall be in- comparably greater than the sum of all the other terms inclusive of R t R 2 . This is true in certain cases even when the values of /""(a?) and succeeding derived functions are in- definitely great. Hence representing by dx the indefinitely small portion 2h of the variable #, and by d.f(x) the corresponding portion of the function, we have as nearly as we please, d.fix) =f(x)dx. The quantity d.f(x) is called the differential of the function f(x), and dx is the differential of the variable x. Hence the above result may be thus expressed : The differential of any function of a variable is identically equal to the product of the first derivative of the function and the differential of the variable. This Theorem is the foundation of the DiiFerential Calculus, and connects it with the Calculus of Functions. The Theorem is true, as the reasoning by which it was arrived at proves, with as near an approach to exactness as we please : and, as already remarked, it is only in these terms that we can assert of calculation in general that it is true*. As d.f(x) and dx, however small they may be, must, according to the principle of their derivation, be considered quantities and treated as such, we have * This general Theorem and its application in calculations relating to concrete quantities, was the great discovery of the Newtonian epoch of mathematical science. 48 THE PRINCIPLES OF Since it may be shewn by arithmetical reasoning that two numerical quantities, taken as small as we please, have always a ratio to each other, the left-hand side of the above equality may be called the ratio of the differential of the function to the differential of the variable ; and the equality proves that the ultimate or limiting value of the ratio is the first derivative of the function. For this reason the ratio is called a differential coefficient, because it is equivalent to /'(a?), the coefficient of h in the expansion off(x + A)*. By the same reasoning as before, d.f(x) =f'(x)dx. Hence multiplying by dx, dxd.f(x)=3=f"(x)dxdx. Assuming now that dx is invariable, the differential off(x) dx will be dx d.f'(x), which is consequently equal to the differen- tial of d.f(x), or d.d.f(x). Hence d.d. t f(x}^f(x}dxdx. Putting dx* for dx dx, and indicating the order of differentia- tion by a number attached to d, dx 1 :/ ^ x dx n *** ' The above results will be seen to be of great importance when it is considered, that the answers to questions relating to concrete quantities are in a great variety of cases given by functions of a variable, and that in order to find the unknown functions it is necessary in general to form in the first instance differential equations by reasoning upon indefinitely small * It should be remarked that in the foregoing reasoning a distinction is made between increment and differential. PURE CALCULATION. 49 increments*. These equations are always convertible, by means of the above equalities, into derivative equations, the solutions of which may be effected by rules the investigation of which belongs to the Calculus of Functions. If we substitute a single letter y for /(a?), the successive differential coefficients of f(x) will be written, , - -j~ . As the identity of differential coefficients and derived functions has been proved, the notation for the former may be used to express the latter. The differential notation is especially appropriate in the applications of analysis, because in them arises the necessity of reasoning upon differential quantities. In applications it often happens that an unknown function of a variable may be expressed generally and explicitly in terms of the differential coefficients of another function of the same variable, so that when the latter function is given the unknown function may be found by differentiation. Such ex- pressions, however, are obtained by reasoning upon indefinitely small quantities. This remark is exemplified in geometry by the theory of contacts. Integration. We have seen that h may be taken so small that Substituting in this identical equation x + 2h for x, we have f(x + 3A) -f(x + h] = *hf(x + 2A), so f(x + 5 A) -f(x + 3 h) =t= 2hf(x + 4&) f{x + (2w - l).h] -f{x + (2w - 3). h} 3= 2hf[x + (2w - By adding all these equalities together, * The modern history of applied mathematical science shews that this mode of reasoning is indispensable. 4 50 THE PRINCIPLES OF f{x+ (2w- If we suppose that x h = a, and x + (2n l)h = 5, we shall have b a = 2w^ ; so that the difference between the values b and a of the variable x is divided into n parts or increments each equal to 2k. The n terms on the right-hand side of the above equality are the values of the n corresponding increments of the function f(x) . Consequently f(b) -f(a) is equal to the sum of those increments, the number of which must be in- definitely great, because 2h is by hypothesis indefinitely small. This result is expressed as follows : that is, the sum of the differentials d.f(x) which lie between the limiting values a and b of x is equal to the excess of the function f(b) above the function /(a)*. Hence to find such a sum between given limits, which in the applications of analysis is a frequent and an important operation, it is only necessary to obtain by the Calculus of Functions f(x) from its derivative f'(x) supposed to be given. The meaning of the term Integration, which is the reverse of Differentiation, is in this manner apparent, when a differen- tial coefficient is given as an explicit function of the variable. But in the different orders of differential equations, in which the differential coefficients are implicit functions of the variable, the applicability of the term is not so obvious. It may suffice to say that in these cases the arbitrary constants evolved by integrating the equation give the means of satisfying proposed conditions. There is often occasion to find the value of an integral be- tween the limits zero and infinity of the variable. As infinity is an indefinite limit, this value can be obtained only in case f(x) converges to zero in proportion as x is increased. Thus, as is well known, * See Todhunter's Integral Calculus. Chap. i. Arts. 19. PURE CALCULATION. 51 /oo /oo e~ ax cos xdx = and I e~ ax sin xdx = 1+a 2 J rt 1 + a 2 ' a being any positive quantity however small, if only ax becomes eventually an infinite quantity when x is indefinitely increased. For in this case e~ ax cos x and e~ ax sin x ultimately vanish. But if a be absolutely zero, this is no longer true, / 00 / 00 and the integrals I cos xdx and I sin xdx become indefinite J o J o on account of the indefiniteness of co . Such integrals cannot, therefore, have any application in physical questions. (2) The Calculus of Functions of two variables. The step from the Calculus of Functions of one variable to the Calculus of Functions of two independent variables, is a generalization of the same kind as that from the algebraic calculus to the former. The abstract questions to be answered respecting a function of two variables are analogous to those already answered respecting a function of one variable. Representing generally a function of two variables by the symbol /(a?, y), we have first to ascertain in what manner its value may be generally repre- sented when the variables receive given increments h and k. This enquiry may be answered by means of Taylor's Theorem. For, supposing at first that x changes to x + h, y remaining constant, we have by Taylor's Theorem, f(x + h, y)=f(x, y) +f(x, y) - +f"(x, y) + ... But it must here be remarked that the above notation does not indicate that f'(x, y), f"(x, y), &c., are derived functions taken with respect to x only. If, therefore, the functional notation be retained, it will be necessary to add some mark of distinction, as Lagrange has done in his Galcul des Fonctions, Legon xix. Since, however, we have proved that a derived function and a differential coefficient are identical, it will be 42 52 THE PRINCIPLES OF more convenient to adopt at once the differential notation. For this purpose put u for f(x, y) for the sake of brevity of expression. Then -j- may represent the derived function, or differential coefficient, of u, taken with respect to x only, and -j- that taken with respect to y only. These are called partial e!/ differential coefficients of u. The above series thus becomes, , ,x , du h , d 2 u ft d n u h n f (x+ h,y)=u + ^- l + ^ T - 2 + ...+_____ +ftA - This being an identity we may change y into y + k on both sides, and the identity still remains. But by this change, as above, , du k d*u k 2 Becomes + + . +...+ < , du 72 du j 7 U . -j j d . -y- 72 du , du dxk dx k becomes and so on. By substituting these values in the first equality, we obtain the well known expansion of 'f(x + A, y + k) . It will , du ~d~~ be seen that the coefficient of We in this expansion is --_?. If we had supposed that# first changed to y +k, and then x to 7 du H~ x + h, the coefficient of hk would have been ^ . Hence as dx the expansions in the two cases must be identical, we have , du j du d.-j- d.-j- dx ay dy ~ dx This equality is usually written for the sake of brevity, dx dy ~~ c dy dx ' PURE CALCULATION. 53 The notation above employed is very generally adopted, although as a differential notation it is defective, and is at- tended on that account with some obscurity and inconvenience. It has been agreed that the ratio of one quantity to another shall be represented by placing the former above the latter //?/ with a line between. Consequently the symbol -y- must mean the ratio of the differential of u to the differential of x y and so long as it retains the form of a differential coefficient, it may serve to indicate at the same time that the differential of u is taken with respect to x only. But if the differential dx be removed by any operation from the denominator, there is nothing to indicate that du is taken with the above limita- tion. On this account solely, and not from any principle of calculation, -=- must retain the form of a differential coefficient. dx But this restriction may easily be got rid of if we distinguish by notation what in the calculus of differentials is actually distinct. Having u a function of two variables x and y, we may be required to distinguish the differential of u on the supposition that x only varies, from its differential when y only varies. In fact, a necessity for doing this often occurs in the applications of analysis. I propose to represent the former differential by the symbol d x u and the latter by the symbol d y u. I am aware that the same notation has been employed to signify differential coefficients, with the intention of getting rid of representations of indefinitely small increments. But a notation for this purpose is liable to the objection that it tends to perpetuate a confusion between the principles of the Calculus of Functions and those of the Differential Cal- culus. Lagrange has fully shewn that the consideration of indefinitely small increments is not essential to the Calculus of Functions, and in accordance with this view makes no use of the letter d, which is the appropriate mark of a differential or indefinitely small increment. There is inconsistency in using this letter and at the same time excluding the consideration of differentials. 54 THE PRINCIPLES OF The proposed notation being adopted, -^- and -j- will be quantities under a fractional form, which may be operated upon according to the rules applicable to fractions. Hence, since the variations of x and y are independent so that both dx and dy may be constant, we shall have and _^_ dy dx Thus, since dy dx = dx dy, it follows that d v d x u = d x d v u, or that the order of the differentiation is indifferent. We might now go on to shew how the expansion of f(x + h, y + k) by Taylor's Theorem may be employed to establish rules for expanding functions of two variables : but the purpose of these Notes rather requires us to deduce from that expansion the differential of a function of two variables, as we have already deduced from the expansion off(x -f A) the differential of a function of one variable. Using the proposed notation, we have d r u , d..u -, d x u 1? d y d x u dx* 1.2 + + &C. This being an identity will remain such if h and k be changed to h and k on both sides. Hence d*u h 2 d y d x u , , dyU k z i '~dx I ~l^ Jt "3yd~x +~df 172 &c. PUKE CALCULATION. 55 Consequently by reasoning as in the case of a function of one variable, h and k may be taken so small that we have as nearly as we please, Let d .f(x, y] represent the differential of the function corre- sponding to the differentials 2h and 2k of the variables, and let the latter quantities be represented by dx and dy. Then 7 , N d x u 7 . d..u , or, as the equality may also be written, du rrr d x u + d y u. This result proves that the complete differential of a function of two variables is the sum of the partial differentials taken with respect to the variables separately. By an extension of this rule, and so on. If d x u ^x=-pdx and d y u du =apdx + qdy. Also if dp ;3= rdx + sdy and dq n= sdx + tdy, by what has been shewn, s = s. Hence d 2 u re rdx* + Zsdxdy + tdy*, and similarly the succeeding differentials may be formed. By means of these equalities an equation resulting from the consideration of partial differentials (such as frequently occurs in the applications of analysis) is always convertible into an equation between the partial differential coefficients p, q, r, 5, t, &c., or, what is equivalent, into an equation of. partial derived functions. The answer to the question proposed to be solved by forming the partial differential equation, is then obtained by finding the primitive of the equation of partial derived functions according to rules established by the Calculus of 56 THE PRINCIPLES OF Functions. We have, therefore, to enquire how these rules are discovered. Equations of partial derived functions. Let z =f(x, y), or more generally let z be an implicit function of x and y, so that (z, x, y) 0. Then, taking the partial derived function with respect to x, and putting p for -= , we shall have ^(z, x, y,p) = ; for it may be shewn precisely as in the case of an equa- tion between two variables, that these two equations hold good for the same corresponding values of z, x, and y. So %(z, x, y, q) = 0, q being put for -- . The two latter equations y may be employed to effect an elimination of a higher order of generality than the elimination effected by derived equations of two variables. By these, constants of arbitrary value were eliminated. By the partial derivatives of an equation between three variables, one of which is regarded as a function of the other two, we may eliminate arbitrary functions, provided they are functions of expressions containing the variables in a given manner. Thus let z =zx* + *. Then P = So Hence eliminating f'(x* + y 2 ), py qx 0. This is an equa- tion of partial derived functions arising from the elimination of the arbitrary function /(a? 2 + y 2 ). By proceeding to partial derived functions of the second order, two arbitrary functions may be eliminated ; and so on. It is clear that in this manner an unlimited number of partial derived equations may be formed, and may be arranged in orders and their composition be examined, with the view of obtaining rules for performing the reverse operation of passing from derivative equations to their primitives. These abstract processes, not requiring the consideration of indefinitely small quantities, form a part of the general Calculus of Functions. Their use will be apparent by considering that in the applica- PURE CALCULATION. 57 tions of analysis equations of partial differentials are in the first instance formed Iby reasoning upon indefinitely small quantities, and that these, being converted into equations of partial differential coefficients, are identical with equations of derived functions. Their primitives, which answer the pro- posed questions, are consequently obtainable by the previously established rules. The forms of the arbitrary functions in the primitives are determined by satisfying given conditions ; and as the solutions are more comprehensive than those of equations of two variables, the conditions to be satisfied may embrace a proportionately larger number of particulars. In fact, the abstract processes by which the two kinds of differential equa- tions are formed, are determined by the principle of making the one as independent as possible of particular values, and the other of particular algebraic forms. It should be especially noticed that the functions of arbi- trary form contained in the primitives of partial differential equations of three variables, are functions of algebraic expres- sions containing the variables in a definite manner. The forms of these expressions are determined by the solutions of the equations, and are in no respect arbitrary. If a differential equation contains four variables, the arbi- trary functions of its primitive are functions of two independent expressions containing the variables. And so on to still higher orders of generality. Differential equations containing two variables, as well as equations containing three or more variables, frequently do not admit of exact solution, when formed according to the conditions of proposed questions. An equation, however, containing three variables, which does not admit of a general exact solution, may sometimes be exactly satisfied by a parti- cular relation between the variables. There are means of solving by approximation equations of every class that cannot be solved by exact processes. The maximum and minimum values of algebraic functions, whether of one, or two, or more variables, are obtainable by 58 THE PRINCIPLES OF known rules, the investigation of which, requiring- the con- sideration of indefinitely small quantities, is properly put under the head of Differential Calculus. The object of the Calculus of Variations is to find, functions whether of one, or two, or more variables, which possess maximum or minimum properties. This Calculus is, therefore, of a more comprehensive order than the calculus of maximum and minimum values. With these miscellaneous notes I conclude the consider- ation of the principles of Pure Calculation. It is not pretended that the subject has been treated with any degree of complete- ness, but enough has been said to enable me to state the principles of the application of calculation to the ideas of space, time, matter and force, and the modes of investigating relations between these quantities in answer to proposed ques- tions. But before proceeding to the head of Applied Mathema- tics, it will be proper to give a summary account of the main results arrived at respecting Pure Calculation. A system of Pure Calculation may be established by rea- soning on abstract quantity antecedently to the consideration of properties of space, time, matter, and force. The results of such reasoning may subsequently be applied to each of these kinds of quantity. The leading principles on which Pure Cal- culation rests are: (1) The representation of quantity by numbers with as much exactness as we please, and different degrees of quantity with as near an approach to continuity as we please. (2) Direct and reverse operations on such repre- sentations of quantity, analogous to, and arising out of, the fun- damental operations of addition and subtraction. (3) Symbo- lic generalization for the purpose of including in the reasoning as many particulars as possible. From these principles are derived numerical, algebraical, and functional forms of ex- pressing quantity. The rules of operating on quantity are first established by numbers. The reasoning on literal, or algebraical, expressions of quantity consists of two parts : in the first, the arithmetical operations are generalized so as to PURE CALCULATION. 59 be independent of particular values, and rules for expressing the same quantity in various symbolic forms are investigated ; in the other, these rules are applied to representatives of un- known quantities, or to general representatives of known quan- tities, for the purpose of forming equations by the solution of which the unknown quantities become known. In the former, the equality between two expressions of the same quantity is indicated by the sign =0= ; in the latter, the equality of two expressions involving the unknown quantity is indicated by the sign =. The establishment of rules for operating upon and transforming algebraic expressions necessarily precedes the formation and solution of equations. The Calculus of Functions of one variable is in like manner divisible into two parts, the first treating of operations upon, and transformations of, functional quantities, and the other containing the applica- tion of these rules of operation in the formation of equations, with the object of finding by their solutions unknown functions. And so on, with respect to the Calculus of Functions of two or more variables. The Differential Calculus, which is indispensable in the applications of analysis, rests on the general proposition proved by the Calculus of Functions, that the ultimate ratio of the indefinitely small increment of a function of one or more variables, to the corresponding indefinitely small increment, of one of the variables, is identical with the first derivative of the function with respect to that variable. General Principles of Applied Calculation. Each department of applied mathematics has its appro- priate definitions, by which it is distinguished from every other. The definitions are the basis of applied calculation, or reasoning. What is defined is simple matter of fact or expe- rience, and is not arrived at by reasoning ; although the case may be that a definition admits of being deduced by reasoning 60 THE PRINCIPLES OF APPLIED CALCULATION. from other more general principles as yet undiscovered. The object in general of the applied reasoning is to trace the con- sequences of the definitions for the purpose of comparing the mathematical results with observed facts, and referring the latter to their elementary causes. By this means the facts are explained, and brought under command for purposes of utility. The reasoning is nothing else than the application of those principles and rules of abstract calculation which have already come under consideration, and which may be regarded as the axioms of any applied science. It is admitted that we may apply to concrete quantities the ideas of number and ratio which have been shewn to be the basis of abstract calculation, and that we may reason upon such quantities by the rules of calculation which were abstractedly deduced from those fun- damental ideas. Thus, for instance, all the complex proper- ties and relations of space are deduced by calculation from simple properties which are immediately perceived and must be defined. And so with respect to time, matter, and force. It is true that these three species of quantity are generally considered in connection with space, and the reasoning applied to them, taking for granted properties of space, is sometimes said to be geometrical. But it must be borne in mind that the geometrical properties have become known by calculation, and that, consequently, there is no reasoning on concrete quantities which does not virtually involve the principles and the rules of abstract calculation* . The principles of Geometry. The science of Geometry embraces all relations of space however ascertained, and must, therefore, be taken to include not only the Propositions in the Books of Euclid ordinarily * These considerations may serve to shew the propriety of naming by the word ratio (reason), that which is the foundation of all calculation, the simplest form of ratio, the ratio of equality, being included. Abstract numbers are collections of equal units, and therefore involve the conception of a ratio of equality. GEOMETRY. 61 read (exclusive of Book v.), but also Trigonometry, Analytical Geometry of two and of three dimensions, and the various properties of curves and curved surfaces commonly treated of in the Differential and Integral Calculus. These different di- visions of the subject all consist really of deductions by calcu- lation from certain elementary principles which first of all have to be stated in the form of Definitions. The initial principles and definitions of Geometry will be best studied by referring to the Elements of Euclid. Geometrical definitions are of three kinds: (1) Those which express our primary ideas of space, such as the defini- tions of a straight line, an angle, a plane, &c. (2) Those which by means of the first class define certain simple forms, the triangle, the square, and the circle, from the properties of which all calculation of relative positions and superficial mag- nitudes is derived. (3) Definitions of other forms, as the rhombus, trapezium, hexagon, ellipse, &c. the properties of which are found by the application of theorems obtained from the definitions of the simple forms. A definition ought to exclude whatever differs from the thing defined, and to include nothing that can be proved. Euclid's definition of a square, viz. that it is " a four-sided figure which has all its sides equal and all its angles right angles," is not exactly conformable to the second part of this rule, because a figure of four equal sides which has one angle a right angle may be proved to have all its angles right angles. Euclid's definition of parallel straight lines has up to the present time been a subject of discussion. The questions that have been raised respecting it appear to admit of answers on the principles above maintained, as may be seen from the following considerations. It has been argued that calculation of abstract quantity rests on the ideas of equality and of ratio. Hence definitions of concrete quantity embrace equalities and ratios which being immediately perceived do not admit of being inferred. Thus a right angle is defined by the equality 62 THE PRINCIPLES OP APPLIED CALCULATION. of two adjacent angles. On the same principle, after defining an angle to be " the inclination of two straight lines to one another," parallel straight lines might be defined in these terms : Two straight lines equally inclined to any the same straight line towards the same parts are said to be parallel. Or this form of the definition may be used : Parallel straight lines are equally inclined towards the same parts to any the same straight line. The equality asserted in this definition is a simple concep- tion not requiring nor admitting of proof. Euclid's definition of parallel straight lines, viz. " that being produced ever so far both ways they do not meet," is rendered unnecessary by the proposed definition. Besides, it expresses a property of pa- rallel straight lines which may be deduced as a corollary from the demonstration of Proposition xvi. of Book I. For if in case of parallelism according to our definition, the two lines could meet, a triangle would be formed, and the exterior angle would be greater than the interior, which is contrary to the hypothesis. This property, admitting of being thus inferred, cannot logically be made a definition of parallel straight lines. But it may be urged that the proposed definition is itself proved in the Prop. xxix. To this objection I reply, that the proof of that Proposition is not effected without the interven- tion of Axiom xn. Now if that axiom be properly made the basis of such reasoning, it should be included among the definitions. But it does not profess to be a definition. It is, in fact, a proposition capable of proof by means of the defini- tion of parallel straight lines for which I am arguing, as will be presently shewn. The definitions of a parallelogram and its diameter, usually attached to Prop, xxxiv. of Book I, might apparently have been placed with the definitions preceding that Book. Of the definitions preceding the other geometrical Books, the greater part are special, coming under the third of the classes above mentioned. But there are some which are expressions of general conceptions respecting rectilinear forms, and on that GEOMETRY. 63 account rank with those of the first class ; as, for instance, that which defines similar rectilinear figures to be "those which have their several angles equal, each to each, and the sides about the equal angles proportional." (Def. I. B. VI.) There is nothing in this statement that admits of proof, the definition merely giving expression to our conception of form as being independent of actual magnitude. As ratio is a fun- damental idea applying to quantity generally, so it may be applied specially to define similarity of form. The definition of like forms may be generalized so as to embrace curvilinear as well as rectilinear figures. For this purpose it suffices to conceive of two similar figures as similarly situated with respect to a common point. Then the figures are such that a straight line drawn in any direction from the point to the outer figure will be divided in a given ratio by the inner figure. Definition xi. of Book in. asserts that " similar segments of circles are those which contain equal angles." This is not strictly a definition, because it ad- mits of being inferred from the above general definition of like forms, by means of Prop. II. of Book vi, as may be thus shewn. Place the bases AB, AC of the segments so that they coincide in direction, and one extremity of each is at the point A. Draw any straight line from A, cutting the arcs in D and E, and join DB and CE. Then because by hypothesis AD is to AE as AB to AC, by the Proposition cited DB is parallel to EC. Hence the angle ADB in one segment is equal to the angle AEC in the other. The Postulates which are prefixed to Book I. require us to admit that certain geometrical operations may be performed, without respect to the manner of performing them. In fact they appeal to our conceptions, and for all the purposes of reasoning might be expressed tims : Any two points may be conceived to be joined by a straight line. Any terminated straight line may be conceived to admit of unlimited extension. 64 THE PRINCIPLES OF APPLIED CALCULATION. A circle may be supposed to have any position for its centre and a radius of any magnitude. The following is another postulate of the same kind, which we shall have occasion to refer to hereafter : A straight line passing through any point may be con- ceived to be parallel to another straight line. Although the words postulate and axiom do not differ in signification, the former might, for the sake of distinction^ designate axioms that relate to space, while the word axiom might be exclusively applied to abstract quantity. According to this distinction, the axioms vin. x. and XI. of Book i, which assert that " magnitudes which exactly fill the same space are equal," that " two straight lines cannot enclose a space," and that " all right angles are equal," would come under the head of postulates. Like the other postulates they require us to admit the existence of properties of space not capable of demonstration, but of which, by experience, we have distinct conceptions. Whether or not this division of axioms into two classes be adopted, the two classes are really separate, because the remaining axioms (excepting the twelfth) relate to abstract quantity, and do not more belong to geo- metry than to any other department of applied mathematics. The twelfth axiom of Book I. can neither be called a pos- tulate nor a definition, because it admits of demonstration on principles which have been already stated, as I now proceed to shew. " If a straight line meets two straight lines, so as to make the two interior angles on the same side of it taken together less than two right angles, these straight lines being con- tinually produced, shall at length meet upon that side on which are the angles which are less than two right angles." Let the straight line ABC* meet the straight lines BD, CE in the points B and (7, and let the angles DBG and ECB be together less than two right angles. Let it be admitted, according to a postulate previously enunciated, that a straight * The reader is requested to form a figure for himself. J, 1 i.i iv A i UN i V K US 1 TY O GEOMETRY. 65 line BF, passing through the point B, may be parallel to the straight line CE. Then by the definition of parallels the angle ABF is equal to the angle BCE. Hence adding the angle CBF to each, the two ABF and FBC together are equal to the two FBC and BCE together, and the former being equal to two right angles, the latter are also equal to two right angles. But the angles DBG and BCE are together less than two right angles. Hence by Axiom v. the angle FBC is greater than the angle DBG, and consequently the straight line BD is inclined from BF towards the straight line CE. But by the definition of parallels, BF and CE are inclined by the same angle to any the same straight line towards the same parts. Hence if BD be produced far enough it will be inclined to CE by an angle equal to FBD and towards the same parts. Hence BD produced must cross CE produced. Although the axioms of Euclid that relate to abstract quantity, viz. I. VII. and IX., contain only affirmations of the simplest kind, yet the principle upon which the terms double and half occur in them, may be extended to quantitative expressions of every kind, whether numerical, literal or func- tional. In fact, as already said, any part of abstract calcula- tion which admits of being applied in the determination of relations of space, is axiomatic with respect to Geometry. On this principle the Propositions of Book v. are applied in Book VI. The reasoning in the Elements of Euclid is remarkable for requiring the use of very few and very simple quantitative expressions. As much as possible the reasoning is conducted by means of equalities and ratios of graphic representations of lines and figures, and the order and logical connection of the different Propositions are chiefly determined by this circum- stance. This character of the ancient Geometry appears to have been partly due to the rigid exactness which the cultiva- tors of it endeavoured to give to their reasoning, and partly to the imperfect knowledge they had of symbolical and abstract calculation. 5 66 THE PRINCIPLES OP APPLIED CALCULATION. The Propositions of Euclid are divided into Theorems and Problems. In the former properties of space are enunciated and then proved to be true ; in the latter geometrical construc- tions are first described and are then shewn to be proper for effecting what the Problem required to be done. After the statement of the construction, the reasoning by which the required conditions are proved to be satisfied is just like the demonstration of a Theorem. In the Propositions of both kinds, the reasoning is what is called Synthetical ; that is, the enunciated property of space is shewn to be true, but is not arrived at deductively, and the given construction is proved to be the solution of the Problem, but by what steps it was, or might be, discovered is not made apparent. The other kind of reasoning, the Analytical, by which properties of space are investigated, and solutions of Problems arrived at, is necessarily conducted by quantitative symbols, and may be rendered in a great measure independent of sensible represen- tations of lines and forms. The analytical method is especially adapted for research, and for extending our knowledge of the multifarious relations of space. The truth of a geometrical Theorem and the demonstration of its truth are not dependent upon our being able to perform any geometrical construction. The solutions of geometrical Problems by constructions are rather to be regarded as appli- cations of previously demonstrated Theorems to purposes of utility and special research, and are analogous to solutions of equations in abstract calculation. In fact, the solution by the analytical method of a geometrical Problem is generally given by an equation, from which an appropriate geometrical con- struction may be inferred. Although the Propositions of Euclid, like all other geo- metrical propositions, are virtually only deductions from the geometrical definitions by the application of the principles of abstract calculation, yet this fact is not obviously exhibited in the Elements of Euclid on two accounts : first, because the reasoning is synthetical and ill adapted to present the process GEOMETRY. 67 of deduction, and again, as no use is made of any symbolic expression of quantity, the reasoning is necessarily conducted by graphic representation to the eye of the quantities con- cerned. These two circumstances determine, for the most part, the character of the reasoning and the order of the Pro- positions. Now it may be admitted without hesitation that in point of strictness of reasoning the ancient geometers left nothing to be desired, and that the Elements of Euclid must ever be regarded as perfect examples of reasoning from given principles, and the best possible illustration of the art of logic. But when the question is concerning the intimate nature of the processes by which the human mind has acquired in these times so great a command over the complicated relations and properties of space, the modern analytical methods cannot be left out of consideration. By taking these into account it is found that after establishing a few elementary propositions by a direct appeal to definitions, all others are deducible by analytical reasoning, and that the order of deduction is not the same as that of Euclid. To illustrate this remark by an instance, Proposition 8 of Book I. enunciates the equality of two triangles under certain positive conditions. But the demonstration of the equality is effected by means of a reductio ad absurdum. This kind of proof, although con- vincing, cannot be regarded as indispensable for proving a proposition of that kind. By the analytical method the same equality is deduced from the given conditions in a direct manner, but in a more advanced stage of the science, as I shall have occasion to shew ^further on. The difference in the order of deduction is due to difference in the process of rea- soning. It may here be remarked that the analytical method never requires the introduction of the reductio ad absurdum proof, and in this respect appears to be more complete than that of Euclid. The proper office of that kind of proof is to detect a false hypothesis, or false argument ; but for estab- lishing an actual property of space, it would seem that there must always exist some direct process. 52 68 THE PRINCIPLES OF APPLIED CALCULATION. I proceed now to indicate in the order of logical deduction Propositions of Euclid on which a system of Analytical Geo- metry of two dimensions might be founded. I omit all reference to constructions, on the principle that in proving Theorems they may be regarded as Postulates. Book I. Prop. 4. The proof of the equality of two tri- angles, one of which has two sides and the included angle respectively equal to two sides and the included angle of the other, depends on no previous proposition, and appeals only to the simplest conceptions of space. I. 5 and 6. These depend only on I. 4. I. 26. The former part of this Proposition (to which alone I refer) demonstrates the equality of two triangles, one of which has two angles and the included side respectively equal to two angles and the included side of the other, and might, like I. 4, be proved by the principle of superposition. In Euclid it is proved, with the help of I. 4, by a reductio ad ab- surdum. This proof can hardly be regarded as any thing more than putting into formal evidence the impossibility of not perceiving immediately the equality of the two triangles when one is applied to the other. I. 13 and 15. The equality of any two adjacent angles to two right angles, proved in the former of these propositions, is really a deduction, though of the simplest kind. But the equality of opposite angles when two straight lines cross each other, is perceived immediately from the very conception of straight lines and angles, to which an appeal might at once have been made without intermediate reasoning. We have here an instance, like others that occur in the Elements of Euclid, of superfluity of reasoning. I. 29. If parallel straight lines be defined as proposed in p. 62, the equality of the alternate angles follows from I. 15. I. 32. The exterior angle of a triangle is proved to be equal to the two opposite interior angles, and the three interior angles are proved to be equal to two right angles, from the defi- nition of parallel straight lines and by I. 29, with the aid of GEOMETRY. 69 the Postulate, that a straight line may pass through any point parallel to another straight line. I. 34. The proof that the opposite sides and angles of a parallelogram are equal to one another, and that the diameter bisects it, depends on I. 29, I. 26 and I. 4. i. 35. The equality of parallelograms on the same base and between the same parallels is proved by the definition of parallels, and by I. 34, and I. 4. I. 37. The equality of triangles on the same base and between the same parallels is proved by I. 35", and I. 34. 1. 41. That a triangle is half a parallelogram on the same base and between the same parallels is proved by I. 37, and I. 34. I. 43. Proved by I. 34. I. 47. This is essentially an elementary Proposition of Geometry, and such, consequently, are all those that are necessary for the proof of it. The proof depends immediately on I. 4, and I. 41, and on the definition of parallels. II. 4. The Propositions employed in the proof are I. 29, 5, 6, 34, and 43. II. 7. Depends on I. 43, and II. 4. II. 12 and 13. These are proved by I. 47, II. 4, and II. 7. On these two Propositions depend the mutual relations of the sides and angles of a triangle, as treated of in Trigonometry. in. 16. This is an elementary Proposition of a particular kind. It ought, perhaps, in strictness to be regarded as a definition of contact, involving considerations which are. appro- priate to the Differential Calculus. The reductio ad absurdum proof applied to it serves to give distinctness to the conception of the definition. In addition to the above there are the elementary Proposi- tions VI. 1, and VI. 33, which are proved by the fifth Defini- tion of Book v. Having called in question the logic of that definition, I shall now give reasons for concluding that the use of it in the proof of these Propositions is unnecessary. With respect to parallelograms between the same parallels, it 70 THE PRINCIPLES OF APPLIED CALCULATION. has been shewn in Book I. that they are equal to rectangles on the same bases and between the same parallels. But two rectangles between the same parallels are to each other in the ratio of their bases, as will be perceived immediately by con- ceiving them placed so that an extremity of the base of one coincides with an extremity of the base of the other, and the larger rectangle includes the less. This is a case in which the same kind of appeal must be made to our conception of ratios applied to space, as in the definition of similar rectilinear figures. Any train of reasoning, like that founded on the fifth Definition, is superfluous, seeing that the equality of the ratios is as immediately perceived as any steps of such reasoning. The rectangles being in the ratio of the bases, the parallelo- grams may be inferred to be in the same ratio. The same argument applies, mutatis mutandis, to triangles between the same parallels. Similar remarks may be made on Prop. 33 of the same Book. It is not possible to insert any argument between the statement that two arcs of the same circle, or of equal circles, are proportional to the central angles which they subtend, and a rational perception of the truth of the statement. The pro- portionality is seen at once by an unaided exercise of the reason, and consequently there is no room for the application of reasoning such as that founded on Def. 5. The above enumeration includes all the elementary Propo- sitions required for the foundation of Analytical Geometry of two dimensions. If we except Proposition 16 of Book in., all the others may be divided into two classes, those relating to the determination of the relative positions of two points, and those relating to the determination of areas. . It is now the place to make a remark which has an impor- tant bearing on a general enquiry into the principles of applied calculation. The above Propositions, though usually referred to as the foundation of Trigonometry and Analytical Geometry, do not contain all the elements of these branches of Mathe- matics. If, for instance, it were required to find the length of GEOMETRY. 71 the hypothenuse of a right-angled triangle, the lengths of the sides being given, the Elements of Euclid do not enable us to answer this question, except by mechanical construction. It is no answer to say that the square standing on the hypothe- nuse is equal to the sum of the squares standing on the two sides. To deduce the required quantity from this equality, it is absolutely necessary to be able to express by numbers, both the length of a straight line and the area of a square the length of the side of which is given in numbers. Thus the general application of calculation to space requires the intro- duction of a principle which holds no place in the ancient geometry*. The necessity for this additional principle is an important part of the evidence for the truth of the generalization which it is the main object of these Notes to establish, viz. that all reasoning upon concrete quantities is nothing but the application of the principles and results of abstract calculation to definitions of their qualities. The manner in which the length of a straight line is ex- pressed in numbers by reference to an arbitrary unit of length has already been sufficiently stated in page 6. The following are the principles on which a rectangular area is expressed in numbers by reference to an arbitrary unit of area. The re- ference unit of area must be a square, because it must involve no other linear quantity than the unit of length. First, sup- pose two adjacent sides of the rectangle "to contain each an integer number of units of length, as 5 and 9. Then conceiving straight lines parallel to these sides to pass through the points * The general use of a cumbrous system of notation by the Greeks and Romans may possibly account for their not introducing into Geometry the principle of mea- sures. If we admit that they were acquainted with this principle, and if we also admit with M. Chasles (Comptes Rendus Jan. 21, 1839), that the device of place in numeration was not unknown to them, the facts still remain that the old notations were not superseded, and numerical measures were not allowed to come within the precincts of their Geometry. The rapid progress that geometrical science has made since the time of Descartes, when the representation of lines by numerical mea- sures and algebraic symbols was fully recognised as an instrument of reasoning, is in some sort a proof that this manner of reasoning is an essential principle of applied calculation. 72 THE PRINCIPLES OF APPLIED CALCULATION. which divide them into the aliquot parts, the rectangle will be divided into spaces which may be shewn, by Propositions already established, to be squares each equal to the unit of area. The number of the squares is plainly 5x9, or 45, which number consequently expresses the ratio of the super- ficies of the rectangle to that of the unit of area, or, as this ratio is called, the area of the rectangle. If now the sides containing 9 units be increased in length by the fractional part f of a unit, and the dividing lines parallel to them be equally extended, by completing the rectangle there will be formed 5 additional spaces each of which has the ratio f to the unit of area*. The whole area of the rectangle will thus be 5 x 9 + 5 x f . Let now the sides containing 5 units be increased in length by the fraction f of a unit. Then, for the same reason as before, the area of the rectangle will be in- creased by 9 x |, and, in addition, the column of fractional spaces will be increased by the fractional part J of one of these spaces, that is, by a space which has the ratio f to a space which has the ratio f- to the unit of area. But by Prop. I. (p. 9), the quantity which has the ratio f to the quantity 3x5 whose value is f , has the value - - . This last quantity 4: X I being put, in accordance with the reasoning in p. 15, under the form f x f , the whole area of the rectangle will be which is what results by the rule of multiplication from that is, from the multiplication of the quantities which express the lengths of the sides of the rectangle f. The same result is perhaps more simply arrived at thus. * This is assumed on the principle stated in p. 70. f This instance serves to explain the distinction which was made in abstract calculation between taking any quantity a number of times and a quantity of times. The last expression, which, taken abstractedly, is not very intelligible, here receives a definite meaning. GEOMETRY. 73 Conceive the unit of length to be divided into 28 equal parts, that is, a number of parts equal to the product of the denomi- nators of the fractions f and f. Then one side of the rectangle contains 9 x 28 +-f x 28, or 9 x 28 + 5 x 4 of those parts, and the other contains 5 x 28 + f x 28, or 5 x 28 + 3 x 7. Hence by the same reasoning as that above, the whole rectangle contains (9 x 28 + 5 x 4) x (5 x 28 + 3 x 7) small squares such that the unit of area contains 28 x 28. Consequently the ratio of these two numbers, which is the area of the rectangle, is (9 x 28 + 5 x 4) x (5 x 28 + 3 x 7) 28x28 ~' or, (9 + f-) x (5 + 1), as above. As the same reasoning might be employed whatever be the ratios which express the lengths of the sides, the conclusion may be stated generally in these terms. If a and b be the lengths of the sides of a rectangle, expressed numerically by reference to an assumed unit, then the numerical quantity ab is the area of the rectangle referred to a square unit the side of which is the unit of length. In the case of any square area a = Z>, and the area = a*. Hence, if , b, c be the lengths of the sides of a right-angled triangle, by Euclid (i. 47) we have 2 = &' 2 +c 2 , a being the length of the hypothenuse. When b and c are given in num- bers, the right-hand side of this equality is a known numerical quantity, by the extraction of the square root of which a is found. To obtain this result it has been absolutely necessary to make use of the principle of measures. The opinion is held by some mathematicians that a dis- tinction should be scrupulously maintained between pure Geometry, that is, the Geometry of the Elements of Euclid, in which the reasoning is conducted by equalities, ratios, and diagrams, and analytical Geometry, which employs symbols of numerical measures of lines and areas. But though there is this difference between the sensible means by which the reasoning is carried on, there is no difference in ultimate 74 THE PRINCIPLES OF APPLIED CALCULATION. principle between the two kinds of reasoning, the deductions in both being made from the same definitions, and from a few elementary Propositions the evidence for which requires a direct appeal to our conceptions of space. It must, however, be observed that the method of Euclid is essentially incomplete, failing for want of the principle of measures, (as in the instance just considered), to give answers to questions which must necessarily be proposed. The analytical method, on the con- trary, is quite general, and is comprehensive of the other. There is consequently no logical fault in the practice, frequently adopted in mathematical Treatises, of joining reasoning con- ducted by geometrical diagrams and constructions, with reason- ing by symbolic representatives of lines and areas*. The former kind of reasoning, except in the elementary Propositions above referred to, is not indispensable ; but it frequently has the advantage of aiding our conception of the process of de- monstration, and is capable of arriving at certain results with much greater brevity than the general method of symbols. As it appears that measures are indispensable in Geometry, let us adopt this principle in limine, and enquire in that case what are the elementary Propositions on which analytical Geometry of two dimensions might be founded. I wish it, however, to be understood that in entering on this enquiry my object is not to propose a method of studying Geometry different from that ordinarily taught. Excepting that, as I have already urged, the reading of Book v. of Euclid might be dispensed with, I see no reason to deviate from the usual practice of teaching the elements of Geometry from Euclid. The sole object I have in view in pointing out a course of demonstration different from that of Euclid, is to ascertain the essential principles of the application of calculation to Geometry. The initial Propositions of Geometry relate either to the determination of the relative positions of two points, or the Excepting only that in giving the demonstrations of Euclid it would be im- proper to write AB 2 for the square of AS, because the Elements of Euclid contain no numerical measures of lines. GEOMETRY. 75 calculation of areas. The former depend on properties of the triangle and circle, the other on properties of the square and rectangle. The properties of the triangle are first to be consi- dered. As abstract calculation was founded on equalities and ratios, let us commence the consideration of the triangle with the application of these conceptions. It may be admitted as self-evident, that two triangles, which, when applied one to the other, are coincident in all respects, are equal. Also Euclid's definition of similar rectilinear figures, viz. that they have their several angles equal, each to each, and the sides about the equal angles proportional, may be regarded as a necessary and fundamental definition of Geometry. Being strictly a definition, it is properly made the basis of reasoning. There are various Propositions in Geometry, which relate to the conditions of the equality of two triangles, but the following, which is strictly elementary, is the only one which is appropriate to the course of reasoning I propose to adopt : If two angles and the included side of one triangle be equal, each to each, to two angles and the included side of another triangle, the two triangles are equal in all respects. This Pro- position is proved by the principle of superposition, neither re- quiring, nor admitting of, any other direct proof. For if one triangle be placed on the other so that the equal sides and equal angles are coincident, the coincidence and consequent equality of the other parts may be perceived immediately. By the aid of the foregoing Proposition we may find ele- mentary conditions under which two triangles are similar. Let the triangles A and B have two angles of the one respectively equal to two angles of the other, and let C be another triangle similar to A. Then because A and C are similar, by definition, the angles of C are severally equal to those of A. Hence G has two angles respectively equal to two angles ofB. Also since by the definition of similar rectilinear figures, the similarity is independent of magnitude, it may be supposed that C has a side equal to a side of B, and that the equal sides are adjacent to the angles that are respectively equal. But in that 76 THE PRINCIPLES OF APPLIED CALCULATION. case, by what is shewn above, C is equal to B in all respects. And C is similar to A. Therefore B is similar to A. Hence it follows that two triangles which have two angles of the one respectively equal to two angles of the other, are similar. We can now proceed to calculate the length of the hypo- thenuse of a right-angled triangle, the lengths of the other two sides being given. Let ABC be a triangle*, right-angled at A\ and conceive another right-angled triangle, having its hypothenuse equal in length to AB, and an angle equal to the angle ABC, to be so placed that that angle coincides with the angle ABC, and the hypothenuse with AB. Then its right angle being at D, BD will be part of the straight line BC, and ADB being a right angle, by the definition of right angles ADC will also be a right angle. Hence each of the triangles ADB and AD C has two angles respectively equal to two angles of the triangle ABC. Consequently, by what has been proved, each of these triangles is similar to the triangle ABC. Now let the lengths BC, AC and AB be respectively represented by the symbols of quan- tity a, b, c. Then because the triangles ABC and ABD are similar, by the definition of similar rectilinear figures BD is to BA as BA to BC; or BD c Q given in the other kind of measure, then that ratio is equal to AB expressed in the same measure. The latter case is first to be considered. Let s equal the length of the arc CE, radius being the unit. Then representing AB by the symbol cos s, because s is now the measure of the angle A, we have to solve the following Problem : To find the function that cos s is of s. As the answer to this question is a function, according to the previous explanation of the principles of abstract calcula- tion, the function is to be sought for by means of a differential equation. The following will consequently be the course of the reasoning*. Let x and y be the co-ordinates of a point of any curve, the form of which is determined by the relation between the variables expressed by the equation y=f[x). And suppose the curve to be cut by a straight line in two points whose abscissae are x h and x + h. Then if y l and y z be the ordinates of the points of section, by Taylor's Theorem, y, = - Although this process of reasoning would be altogether unfit for teaching Geometry, it may yet be proper for elucidating the principles on which calcula- tion is applied, and might be advantageously attended to by those who have learnt the science in the usual way. GEOMETRY. 83 Hence y, - y, = Therefore putting dy for y^ y l and dx for 2A when A is indefinitely diminished, we have Now the ratio ^ 2 , ^ determines generally the angle of di- rection of the cutting line relatively to the axis of abscissae. But when the points of section are indefinitely near, the secant becomes a tangent, and the ultimate ratio ~ determines its direction-angle. It may be remarked that in the above method of finding that ratio, the first of the omitted terms contains A 2 , and consequently the equation is true even when f'(x) and the other derived functions are infinitely great*. Another remark may also be here made. The secant in its ultimate position as tangent, must still be regarded as passing through two points of the curve, otherwise its position is not determined in any manner connected with the curve. Hence it follows that for an indefinitely small portion, the curve is ultimately coincident with the tangent and may be regarded as rectilinear. Thfts although we may be able to conceive of the curvature of a curve as absolutely continuous, so far as calcu- lation is concerned the curve must be treated as if it were made up of indefinitely small rectilinear portions, approach- ing to continuity of curvature as nearly as we please. This is an instance of that peculiarity of calculation alluded to at the very beginning of the subject (p. 7), according to which numerical values necessarily proceed gradatim. * This is not shewn in the processes by which the value of -^ is usually obtained in Treatises on the Differential Calculus. 62 84 THE PRINCIPLES OF APPLIED CALCULATION. By these considerations it will be seen that if ds be the differential of the curve, the ultimate relation between it and the differentials of x and y, is d?=d&*chf Hence ds z = dx\l + [f (x)}*} (#) representing the unknown function that 5 is of x. This is the differential equation by the integration of which for any given curve s becomes known. In the instance of a circle of radius , and consequently dx Va 2 a; 2 ' The integration of this equation according to rule gives C If the arbitrary constant c be determined on the supposition that x = a when s = 0, it follows that c = a; and as - = cos s, it may readily be shewn, if e be the bas of the Napierian Logarithms, that e*V~i + e-V r ~i cos s = - - - . 2 This result answers the proposed question. The function is not, however, suited for numerical calculation ; but by alge- braic expansion of the exponentials we obtain coss= !_ a series which is always eventually convergent. GEOMETRY. 85 It suffices for making good the argument to have indicated how by the application of pure calculation, the value of the function cos s for any given value of s may be found, although the Tables of cosines of arcs have been actually calculated by processes different from this. 11 I H? The ratio - , or \ / 1 5 is the function of the arc s which a v a / / Y - is called sin s. Since sin s = A/ 1 5 = Vl (cos s)*, it will be found that sin s = By a reversion of this series according to the method of inde- terminate coefficients, s is obtainable in a converging series proceeding according to powers of sins, and by putting sin s = 1 , the numerical value of a quarter of the circumference of a circle whose radius = 1 might be calculated. Suppose that by this calculation the ratio of the circum- ference of a circle to its diameter were found to be 3,14159 &c. Then dividing the circumference into 360 x 60 x 60 equal parts the number of these parts in an arc of the circle equal in length to the radius is ascertained by a proportion to be 206265 quamproxime. If, therefore, the measure of any angle be given by a certain number of the equal parts into which the whole circumference is divided, the ratio of the arc con- taining that number of parts to the radius of the circle is known, and as that ratio is the quantity s, cos s may be calcu- lated as before. This completes the explanation of measures of angles, and of the methods of calculating the ratio cos A. The sole object of the foregoing reasoning has been to derive from elementary principles, by a logical course of deduction, the necessary processes of calculation applied to Geometry. 86 THE PKINCIPLES OF APPLIED CALCULATION. Trigonometry. This part of Analytical Geometry is prin- cipally concerned, as the name implies, with the relations of the parts of triangles. But under this title is also placed the investigation of certain formulce relating to arcs, which are useful not only in calculations applied to triangles, but also in a great variety of other applications. These formulae may be divided into two classes, the first of which consists of ex- pressions for the trigonometrical lines tan s, cotan s, sec s, cosec s and versin s, in terms of the two lines sin s and cos s, the relations of which to the arc s and to each other have already been investigated. The value of versin s is radius cos s. The values of the other lines in terms of sin s and coss are obtained according to their definitions from right- angled triangles by simple proportions. These different functions of the arc are all used, not from necessity, but for the sake of brevity, both in symbolical and numerical calculation ; and to expedite the use of them in obtaining numerical results, they have been calculated and tabulated for arcs differing by one /-v nt minute, or one second, of arc. Since cos s = - and sin s ^- , the a a signs of these functions in the four quadrants of the circle are determined by the algebraic considerations which have been already applied to the co-ordinates x and y. The signs of the other trigonometrical lines are determined by their analytical relations to these. The whole circumference being represented by 2-7T, and the radius being = 1, the values of sin s for the arcs 0, , TT and , are seen immediately to be 0, + 1, 0, 1, and those of cos s to be +1, 0, 1, 0. The corresponding values of the other trigonometrical lines are derived from these by means of their analytical relations to sin s and cos s. The other class of trigonometrical formulas are expressions for the sines, cosines, &c. of the sums, differences, multiples, and submultiples of arcs, values of the sums and differences of sines and cosines, &c. These are all deducible from four fundamental formulas, viz. those for the sines and cosines of GEOMETRY. 87 the sum and difference of two arcs in terms of the sines and cosines of the simple arcs, which are usually proved by the intervention of a geometrical diagram. It is, however, a sig- nificant circumstance with reference to the principles of applied calculation, that this method of deriving them is not indis- pensable. They admit of a strictly analytical deduction, as may be thus shewn. If 6 and < be any two arcs of a circle whose radius = 1 , then from what has been proved, "^1 sin d = e^ l - e~^^ and 2 cos == e^ and so for the arc <. Also by putting 6 + < in the place of 0, 2\T^~T sin (6 + )= e( e Hence by inference from the algebraic formula, * ab we have 6 e\Ci e ^ ) vrT_g-.0V^i e -0V~i =:= 2\/^] sin 6 cos $+2*J~l cos 6 sin ) sin 0eos $> -f cos $ sin <>. The other three formulae may be obtained in an analogous manner. Since by the principle of the investigation of these formulae the values of 6 and < are not restricted, we may sub- stitute for either of them the semicircumference 'TT, or any multiple of it. Let TT be substituted for 6 in the formula for the cosine of the difference of two arcs, viz. cos (6 (j>) = cos 6 cos <> 4- sin sin fc. Then taking account of the values sin TT = and cos TT = 1 , we shall obtain cos (TT ) = cos . 88 THE PRINCIPLES OF APPLIED CALCULATION. We may now recur to the equations obtained in p. 78, ex- pressing relations between the sides and angles of a triangle. The angle B being acute, it was found that I 2 = a 2 + c 2 - 2ac cos B, and the angle C being obtuse, that c 2 = a 2 + I} 2 + 2ab cos (TT - C) . But by what has just been shewn, cos (TT C) cos C. Hence Consequently the forms of the expressions are the same in both cases. We have thus finally arrived at an equation which suffices for calculating all the relations of the sides and angles of a triangle. If, for instance, from the equation C S = ~ we obtain sin C, and from the analogous value of cos B we obtain sin B, it will be shewn that sin B and sin C are to each other in the ratio of the opposite sides b and c. Also we might obtain sin (A + B) and sin C as functions of the sides, and it would then appear that sin (A + B) = sin (7, and con- sequently that the sum of the three angles of a triangle are equal to two right angles. As this relation between the angles of a triangle has not been used in the previous course of reasoning, it may be regarded as being strictly deduced in this way by analytical calculation from elementary principles. Calculation of areas. The general calculation of areas might be made to depend, as is usually done, on the calcula- tion of the area of a rectangle. But as we have deduced by a strictly elementary process the area of a right-angled triangle from that of a rectangle, the former may be assumed to be known in the investigation of a method of ca ] culating areas generally. If the extremities of two ordinates of a curve be joined by a straight line, the area bounded by this line, the two ordinates, and the portion (h) of the axis of abscissae GEOMETRY. 89 intercepted between the ordinates, will coincide, when h is indefinitely diminished, with the corresponding area bounded by the arc of the curve ; because, as we have before seen, on passing to differentials the arc and chord must be treated as coincident, or as having to each other a ratio of equality. When h has a finite value, the first term of the series express- ing the difference between these two areas contains h z . Let y, and y z be the two ordinates. Then the rectilinear area is made up of a rectangular area hy v and the area of a right- angled triangle ^ ^ . The whole area is therefore ~~^ 1 ---^- ; or, putting y for the mean between the values of y l and ?/ 2 , the area = hy. Hence if dA represent the differential of any area ^r (x) expressed as a function of the abscissa x, and dx the corresponding differential of the abscissa, we have dA ,. . #H*-fH From this differential equation the function \j/ (x) is found when y is a given function of x *. Contacts. The simplest case of contact, that of the curve and tangent, has already been considered. In this instance, the value of the first differential coefficient of the ordinate y of the point of contact, given by the equation of the tangent, is the same as that given by the equation of the curve, and the curve and tangent have two points in common indefinitely near each other. The next order of contact is that of two curves, the equations of which give the same values of the first and second differential coefficients of the ordinate y of the point of contact, the curves having three points in common indefinitely near each other. And so on for higher orders. The contact of the second order between a circle and any * For the function y = the reasoning fails when x is indefinitely small because h 2 in that case ty'"(x) --- + &c. becomes indefinitely great. (See De Morgan's Diff. and Int. Calc. Chap. XX. p. 571.) 90 THE PRINCIPLES OF APPLIED CALCULATION. curve is of special interest, because the radius of the circle is an inverse measure of the degree of curvature of the curve. We might now proceed to apply like considerations to Geometry of Three Dimensions, inclusive of Spherical Trigono- metry ; but as the reasoning would be analogous to that applied to Geometry of two dimensions, and no new principle would be evolved, for the sake of brevity I shall pass by these con- siderations and proceed to other applications of calculation. The Principles of Plane Astronomy. As the sole object of these Notes is to inquire into principles of calculation, very little is required to be said on Plane Astronomy, which, as these terms may be taken to imply, consists mainly of Problems in Geometry, the solutions of which are obtained by calculations the principles of which have already been considered. It is, however, to be remarked that the geometrical Problems of Plane Astronomy are founded on actual observation, and that the science is eminently prac- tical. There is also another distinctive feature which separates it from pure Geometry, namely, the introduction of the element of time. If all the heavenly bodies maintained at all times the same apparent relative positions, the consideration of time might be dispensed with in assigning their positions, although even in that case one of the spherical co-ordinates, (Right Ascension,) might be most conveniently determined by the intervention of the apparent uniform rotation of the heavens. But since observation has shewn that all the heavenly bodies undergo movements, apparent or real, by which their relative positions are changed, it becomes ne- cessary when the position of a body is stated, to state also at what time it had that position. The manner in which this is done for the purposes of astronomical calculation deserves particular attention, because astronomical measurements of time and determinations of epochs are equally necessary in all other calculations which involve the consideration of changes GEOMETRY. 91 which depend on the lapse of time. The science of Time is essentially a part of Plane Astronomy. Right Ascension and Declination. The apparent positions of the heavenly bodies are determined by two spherical co- ordinates, one being the arc of the Equator intercepted be- tween the first point of Aries and the great circle perpendicular to the Equator which passes through the place of the heavenly body, and the other the arc of this circle between the body and the Equator. The latter co-ordinate, which is the De- clination^ is practically found by a Mural Circle, which mea- sures, first, angular distances on the Meridian from the Zenith of the Observatory, and then, after ascertaining the latitude of the Observatory, angular distances from the Pole of the heavens, or from the Equator. The other co-ordinate, the Right Ascension, is obtained by means of a Transit instrument, which after being properly adjusted, is adapted to finding the instant, as shewn by a Clock, of the passage of a heavenly body across the Meridian of the Observatory. Now it is presumed, and there is no reason to doubt the fact, that the Earth's rotation about its axis is perfectly uniform. Con- sequently, the stars being supposed to have no motion real or apparent, except the apparent diurnal motion, the returns of the same star to the meridian will be separated by a constant interval, that in which the Earth completes a revolution about its axis. This interval being divided into 24 hours, and the circle of Right Ascension into 360, one hour of time will correspond to 15 of arc. Hence the interval between the passages of two stars across the meridian being known, the difference of their Right Ascensions is found by a simple proportion. But the measurement of the time-interval must depend on an astronomical clock, and as no clock can be mechanically made to go with perfect uniformity, it is ne- cessary to make use of some means of ascertaining the devia- tions from a uniform rate. The rating of the clock might, in the first instance, be effected by noting the times of con- secutive transits of any star, or stars, across the meridian, the 92 THE PRINCIPLES OF APPLIED CALCULATION. deviations of the noted intervals of consecutive transits of the same star from 24 hours, being considered to be the clock's rate. Repeated observations of this kind with a selected number of stars would serve both to rate the clock and to tell the differences of the Right Ascensions of these stars. If we chose to fix the origin of Right Ascension at the point of the Equator cut by the circle of declination passing through one of the stars, the absolute Right Ascensions of all the others would become known. By subsequent observations of these known stars, not only might the clock be rated, but the unknown Right Ascensions of all other celestial objects might also be obtained. It must, however, be remarked that the foregoing sup- position of the permanence of the apparent relative positions of stars is not strictly true. By continued and exact observa- tions it is found, that time as measured by their returns to the meridian is not perfectly uniform. One of the disturbing causes has been discovered to be a movement and nutation of the Earth's axis, which has no effect upon the uniformity of the Earth's rotation about the axis, but alters the apparent positions of stars. Another cause is the aberration of light, in consequence of which the measured angular direction of a star differs by a small arc from the direction of the passage of light to the eye of the observer, and to a different amount at different times of the year. The law and the magnitude of each of these disturbances have been well ascertained by ob- servations appropriate to the purpose, and the corrections they render necessary can be calculated for any given observation. After taking account of these corrections, by which the apparent Right Ascensions of the known stars become more exactly known, the observation of transits of these stars affords a uniform standard for measuring time. There only remains a possible source of error from any motions peculiar to the stars themselves. Such proper motions have in fact been detected, but as their amounts can be ascertained by comparisons of observations made at distant epochs, their effect on the mea- sures of time may be taken into account. GEOMETRY. 93 It is further to be remarked that for reasons which will be presently stated, astronomers fix the origin of Eight Ascension, not as supposed above by reference to a star, but by reference to the first point of Aries, the direction of which is defined at any time by the intersection of the plane of the Earth's Equa- tor with the plane of the Ecliptic. This line moves relatively to stars on the plane of the Ecliptic, and, on account of nutation, by an irregular motion. If, however, Right Ascen- sion be referred to the mean position of the first point of Aries, this irregularity would not affect the uniformity of the sidereal measures of time. But it has been agreed by astronomers to call the sidereal time at any place, the arc intercepted between the actual first point of Aries and the point of the Equator which is on the meridian of the place, converted into time at the rate of 15 to an hour. According to this reckoning as- tronomical sidereal time is not strictly uniform. No sensible error, however, arises from this circumstance, because the fluctuations of the first point of Aries about a mean position (called the Equation of the Equinoxes) are very slow, and much slower than the fluctuations to which the rate of the best con- structed time-piece is liable from extraneous causes. The particular advantage of this conventional reckoning is that the sidereal time at which a celestial object passes the meridian becomes identical with its apparent Right Ascension. The calculated apparent Right Ascensions of the known stars are accordingly referred to the true Equinox. The error of the clock being the difference between its indication and the cal- culated Apparent Right Ascension of ^a known star, it follows that the time-piece is regulated to point to O h whenever the first point of Aries (affected by aberration as a star) is apparently on the meridian. Also the intersection of the Equator with the Ecliptic is fixed upon for the origin of Right Ascension, because the exact position of this point can be determined from time to time by observation, as I now proceed to shew. Suppose that for several days before and after the vernal Equinox, the Sun were observed on the meridian both witli 94 THE PRINCIPLES OF APPLIED CALCULATION. the Transit and the Mural Circle, the Transit clock being regulated by known stars whose Right Ascensions are re- ferred to some arbitrary origin. Then the sidereal time at which the Sun's declination was zero, might be ascertained by interpolation. That sidereal time is to be subtracted from the assumed Right Ascensions of all the known stars in order that the position of the first point of Aries may be the origin of Right Ascension at that time. The movement of the first point of Aries in Longitude, and the Nutation of the Obliquity of the Ecliptic, being known, by applying to the Right Ascensions of the known stars corrections depending on these variable quantities, the same point is made the origin of Right Ascension at any subsequent time. It is evident that like observations made near the Autumnal Equinox would de- termine the position of a point just 180 from the vernal Equinox, and might, therefore, be employed to find the posi- tion of the first point of Aries. When this point has been found very approximately in the manner just indicated, a more exact determination might be made by comparing a large number of meridian observations of the Sun with the Solar Tables constructed on the theory of gravitation, such compa- rison furnishing data for correcting the Elements of the Tables, and inferring the position of the origin of apparent Right Ascension. Bessel, the illustrious astronomer of Konigsberg, by a comparison of his own observations of the Sun in 1820 1825, and those of Bradley in 1753 and 1754, with Carlini's Solar Tables, obtained the Sun's mean longitude at a given epoch, from which the following element used in the computations of the Nautical Almanac was derived * : At the Greenwich Mean Noon of January 1, of the year 1800 + 1, the Sun's Mean Longitude (M) is 280 .53 / .32 // ,75-f^.27 // ,605844+^ 2 .0 // ,0001221805-/.14 / .47 // .083, See the Astronomische Nachrichten, No 133, and the Nautical Almanac for 1857, p. vi. GEOMETRY. 95 wh ere f denotes, for the nineteenth century, the number of years from the year immediately preceding 1800 + tf, wjiich is divisible by 4 without remainder. It is to be observed that this value of the Mean Longitude includes the effect of aberration. A sidereal day is defined in Astronomy to be the interval between two consecutive transits of the first point of Aries across the meridian of any place. A mean solar day is the interval between two consecutive transits of a fictitious Sun supposed to move in the Equator with the Sun's mean motion in Longitude, or Eight Ascension. From the definition already given of sidereal time, the following equation will be true : The Sidereal Time at Mean Noon = Sun's Mean K.A. 4- Nutation in E.A. This equation serves to establish a relation between sidereal time and mean solar time by means of the following process. From the calculations of Bessel already referred to, it was found that the mean motion of the Sun in 365,25 mean solar days was less than 360 by 22",617656 : whence it follows that the sidereal year, or complete revolution of the Sun with regard to fixed space, is 365 d . 6*. 9 W . 10 8 ,7496, or 365,256374417 mean solar days. Taking the mean amount of the precession of the equinoxes in the t years succeeding 1800 to be t . 50",22350 + t*. 0,0001221805, the mean length of the tropical year 1800 + 1 is 365 d . 5*. 48 m . 47,8091 - t . O a ,00595 or 365 d ,242220013 - 1 . O d ,00000006686. Dividing 360 by the length of the tropical year, the mean motion of the Sun in Longitude in a mean solar day will be found to be 59'. 8",3302, and consequently the mean motion in Eight Ascension expressed in time, 3 m .56*,55548. Hence by 96 THE PRINCIPLES OF APPLIED CALCULATION. the equation above we have for the Greenwich mean noon of any day (n) of the year 1800 -f t, Sidereal Time = -= + (n-1) . 3 wl .56",55548 + Nutation in K. A. lo It appears by this equation that from one mean noon to the next succeeding, the sidereal time increases by the mean quantity 3 m . 56 8 ,55548, and consequently that 24 A of mean time are equivalent to 24\ 3 m . 56 8 ,55548 of sidereal time. By means of the above equation the sidereal time at the mean noon of each day of the year may be readily found ; whence by Tables of equivalents of the hours, minutes, and seconds of the two kinds of time, the sidereal time correspond- ing to any given mean time, or the mean time corresponding to any given sidereal time, may be calculated. The latter operation is facilitated by first calculating for every day of the year, (as is done in the Nautical Almanac for the meridian of Greenwich) the mean time corresponding to 0* of sidereal time, or the time of transit of the first point of Aries. From the foregoing discussion of the calculation of time, it appears that all measures of the uniform flow of time depend on the uniformity of the earth's rotation, and that the current of time is indicated by a clock regulated by the observation of stars. The sidereal time thus reckoned serves in the first instance to record the exact instant of any astronomical event on any day. But when different events are to be referred to a common epoch, the intervals from the epoch are most conveniently expressed in time the divisions of which are years, months, and mean solar days, these divisions, derived originally from obvious celestial phenomena, being long established and in general use. Accordingly it is the practice of astronomers to change the record of an astronomical event in the sidereal time of any day into the mean time of tlte day, and to add the year, month, and day of the month*. * As all calculation, whether in plane or physical Astronomy, depends on data furnished by observation, the accuracy attainable by calculation must be limited by the accuracy of the observations, and especially of those made with the GEOMETRY. 97 The Aberration of Light. Much has been written to little purpose about the cause of the aberration of light. The laws of the phenomenon, so far as they are required to be known for astronomical calculation, were long since ascertained ; but the attempts to give the rationale of it have not been suc- cessful. This, I conceive, has arisen from not remarking, that direction is determined by an astronomical instrument by reference to two points rigidly connected with the instru- ment, through both of which the light by which the object is seen at the instant of observation actually or virtually passes. One of these points is the optical centre of the object-glass, and the other an arbitrary point in the field of view of the Telescope, which may be marked by the intersection of visible lines. The instrumental arrangements are made so as to determine the actual direction, relative to fixed planes, of the line joining these points at the instant of any observation. But the light does not travel in that direction, because the first point, after the light has passed through it, is carried by the earth's motion out of the path which the light must traverse in order to pass through the other point at the instant of observation. The angle which the straight line joining the two points makes with the path of the ray is found by cal- culation founded on the known velocities of the earth and of light, to be equal to the whole of the observed amount of aberration, and consequently the phenomenon is sufficiently accounted for by this explanation. In addition to aberration from the above cause, which applies to a star or fixed body, there is an aberration arising from any motion of translation in space, by which a body is carried out of the direction of the ray by which it is visible Transit and Mural Circle. Hence the correction of instrumental errors and errors of observation is essential to the advancement of astronomical science. Those sources of error are most injurious, and, if uncorrected, most likely to affect theoretical deductions, which always tend in the same direction, such as the wear of the pivots of a Transit, and the flexure of a Mural Circle. The latest improve- ment in Practical Astronomy is the making use of optical means for correcting instrumental errors of this nature. 7 98 THE PRINCIPLES OP APPLIED CALCULATION. at any instant, in the interval the ray takes to pass from it to the spectator. If the spectator and the body have exactly equal and parallel movements in space, it is clear that the body's motion will bring it into the direction of the line joining the two points above spoken of, and that, consequently, there will be no aberration, or the two kinds of aberration destroy each other. In any case, therefore, of a moving body, let us suppose the Earth's motion in space to be impressed on the earth and the body in the direction contrary to that in which it takes place. By what has just been proved, this common motion produces no change of aberration. But on this supposition the earth is reduced to rest, and there is no aberration of the first kind. The aberration is wholly due to the motion of the body relative to the earth's motion, and is determined in amount and direction by the quantity and direction of the relative motion in the interval light takes to travel from the body to the earth. In other words, the aberration is the change of the body's apparent position in that interval. Hence is derived the rule, familiar to astro- nomers, by which the aberration of a planet is taken into account, viz. to reckon the real direction at any given time to be the apparent direction at a time later by the interval light takes to travel from the planet to the spectator*. The Principles of Statics. The department of mathematics which next comes under consideration is the science of the equilibrium of bodies. Here time does not enter, the elementary ideas being space, matter, and. force. The term Statics is restricted to the equi- librium of rigid bodies. Matter has form and inertia, and being attracted to the earth by the force of gravity, has weight. The force of gravity being given, the weight of a body measures its quantity of matter. * See the Articles on the Aberration of Light which I communicated to the Philosophical Magazine, N.S. 1852, Vol. HI. p. 53, and N.S. 1855, Vol. ix. p. 430. STATICS. 99 It is not necessary for the purposes of calculation to define force, but it is necessary to define measures of force. The unit of the measure of force in Statics is the weight of a certain size of a certain substance under given conditions. The standard of weight in this country is called a pound. All measures of force in Statics are numerical ratios to this unit. A perfectly rigid body does not change form by the appli- cation of any force. It also possesses the following property, which is perhaps only a consequence of perfect rigidity : A given force acting along a given straight line, produces the same effect, at whatever point of the line, rigidly connected with the body, it be applied. Experience has shewn that these properties exist in many bodies approximately. .,In Statics they are assumed to be exact, for the purpose of ap- plying exact mathematical reasoning. If two equal forces act along the same straight line in opposite directions, they counteract each other. For according to what has just been stated, the forces may be conceived to be applied to the same point, and in that case there is no reason from experience to conclude that one would in any instance prevail over the other. Definitions of Equilibrium. When any number of forces are in equilibrium, the effect of each one is equal and op- posite to the resulting effect of all the others. Hence if any one of the forces be changed in magnitude or direction in ever so small a degree, the others remaining unchanged, the equi- librium is destroyed. The following is another definition of equilibrium, the use of which will be exemplified hereafter. When any number of forces are in equilibrium, if ever so small an additional force be applied in any direction, motion ensues. In the latter definition it is supposed that the additional force does not act against a fixed obstacle, or that for the resistance of the fixed obstacle an equivalent force is sub- stituted, the point of the application of which is capable of movement. 72 100 THE PRINCIPLES OF APPLIED CALCULATION. The foregoing principles, combined with certain funda- mental equalities of the same kind as that above considered, suffice for the basis of all calculation applied to the equilibrium of rigid bodies. The first Proposition of a general kind required to be proved from these principles is that relating to the composition of forces, usually called " The Parallelogram of Forces." The proof of this Proposition by functional equalities, as given in some Treatises on Statics, is ill adapted to shew what are the elementary and essential principles of the science. Perhaps the most elementary proof of the Proposition is that which deduces it from the properties of the Lever*. The fundamental equality from which the reasoning relating to the Lever commences is, that equal weights suspended at the extremities of the equal arms of a horizontal lever balance each other. After deducing from this principle and from the properties of a rigid body above stated, the general equation applicable to the equilibrium of two forces acting on a lever, the proof of the parallelogram of forces follows from a course of reasoning which requires no other basis than the definition of equilibrium. Duchayla's proof of the Parallelogram of Forces f is not perhaps as elementary as the foregoing, but with regard to the reasoning is as unexceptionable, and equally shews that the Proposition rests on that property of a rigid body ac- cording to which a force acting along a straight line has the same effect at whatever point of the line it be applied. The fundamental equality from which the reasoning commences is, that the direction of the resultant of two equal forces acting on a point, is equally inclined to the directions of the forces. As the Proposition thus proved does not require the antecedent demonstration of the properties of the Lever, it may be employed to answer such a question as this: What * Whewell's Mechanics, Second Edition, Chap. I. and n. f Pratt's Mechanical Philosophy, p. 7, and Goodwin's Elementary Mechanics, p. 71. STATICS. 101 is the single force equivalent to two parallel forces acting perpendicularly to a straight rod at its extremities and towards the same parts ? The answer is obtained by conceiving two equal forces to be applied along the line of the rod at its extremities in directions tending from its middle point. There will then be two pairs of forces, the resultants of which will meet in a point, and have a resultant through this point, which must be the resultant of the two parallel forces, 'because the two additional forces just counteract each other. The Mecanique Analytique of Lagrange commences with a general solution of all statical problems by means of the Principle of Virtual Velocities. The virtual velocity of any point to which a force is applied, is the projection on the line of direction of the force of any movement of the point which is consistent with its relation to the other points of the system. If P be any force, and Sp the virtual velocity of its point of application, the equation of Virtual Velocities is 2 . PBp = 0. Equal forces acting in opposite directions (such as tensions) are excluded from this equation, because for every + PSp there will be a PSp. The resistances of fixed obstacles may be included if the points of resistance be con- ceived to be moveable, and the forces of resistance to remain the same. If then P x be any applied force, and P 2 be any resistance of a fixed obstacle, and if Sp 1 and Sp^ ^ e the re ~ spective Virtual Velocities, the general equation becomes 2 . P^ + 2 . Pp 2 = 0. But whenever there are movements of the system consistent with the supposition that each Bp 2 0, we shall have 2 . Pfp l = 0. In such cases there are two equations of Virtual Velocities, one including, and the other independent of, the resistances of fixed obstacles. Lagrange arrives at the general equation of Virtual Velo- cities, by conceiving in the place of each force a compound pully to act, consisting of two blocks between which a string passes, in directions parallel to that of the force, a number of times equal to the multiple that the force is of the tension of 102 THE PRINCIPLES OF APPLIED CALCULATION. the string. One of the blocks is fixed and the other move- able. The same string is supposed to pass over all the com- pound pullies, and at the end of it a weight (w) is supported, which measures its tension. An equation is obtained on the principle that whatever movements the moveable pullies and points of application of the forces undergo, the length of the string remains the same ; or, I being its length, 1 = 0. It is evident that this equation will be true when the movements are wholly estimated in the directions of the forces, whatever finite intervals there be between the blocks, provided that the movements be indefinitely small. Hence by considering only indefinitely small movements, the virtual velocities are inde- pendent of the intervals between the blocks, and thus the principle is introduced, that forces have the same effect what- ever be the points of application along their lines of direction. Again, as each force is a multiple of w, the forces are com- mensurable, and any alteration of w alters all the forces in the same proportion. Hence w may have any magnitude what- ever without affecting the equilibrium. Another principle necessary for establishing the equation of Virtual Velocities is stated by Lagrange in these terms. " In order that the sys- tem drawn by the different forces may remain in equilibrium, it is evidently necessary that the weight (w) should not de- scend by any infinitely small displacement of the points of the system ; for as the weight always tends to descend, if there be a displacement of the system which permits it to descend, it will descend necessarily and produce this displace- ment of the system." Respecting the peculiar considerations by which it is here inferred that w does not descend, it may be said that they are not strictly physical, nor in accordance with the principles of mathematical reasoning, which consists entirely of deductions by calculation from definitions and fun- damental equalities. Also it does not appear by such con- siderations why w does not ascend. This logical fault may be corrected by making use of the definition of equilibrium already stated, viz. that when a system of forces is in equili- STATICS. 103 brium, any additional force, however small, produces motion. The virtual velocities may accordingly be supposed to be the effect of the application of an additional indefinitely small force, on which supposition the other forces, and by conse- quence the tension of the string, will remain unchanged. On this account the finite weight w neither ascends nor descends *. The Proposition being proved for commensurable forces may be extended to incommensurable, on the general prin- ciple of abstract calculation, that incommensurable relations may be approximated to by commensurable as nearly as we please. As the equation of Virtual Velocities may be considered to be an a priori solution of all statical problems, and as we have shewn that the principles on which it rests are the same that were stated to be the foundation of the inductive method of solving such problems, we have hence a proof that those principles are both necessary and sufficient. The following is the process by which the Parallelogram of Forces is arrived at by the equation of Virtual Velocities. Let three forces P, Q, R, acting in the same plane on a point, be in equilibrium. Then the point may be caused to move in any direction by an indefinitely small force acting in the same plane. Let the directions of the forces make the "angles 0, 0', &' respectively with a fixed line, and let the arbitrary direction in which the point is made to move, make the angle a with the same line. Then $s being the amount of move- ment, the virtual velocities are respectively scos(0 a), Ss cos (& a), and 8s cos (#" a). Hence by the general equa- tion of Virtual Velocities, Pcos (0- a )+Q cos (ff- a) + R cos (&'- a) = 0. As this equation is indeterminate with respect to a, we must have Pcos e+Qcosff+fi cos 0"= 0, and Psin + Q sin ff+ R sin 6"= 0. * See on this subject an article which I communicated to the number of the Philosophical Magazine for January, 1833, p. 16. 104 THE PRINCIPLES OP APPLIED CALCULATION. These equations determine the direction and magnitude of one of the forces when the directions and magnitudes of the other two are given. The equilibrium of elastic bodies may be treated in the same manner as that of rigid bodies, because when the equi- librium is established they may be assumed to be rigid. The object of these Notes does not require more to be said on the principles of the Statics of rigid bodies. The Principles of Hydrostatics. The application of calculation to cases of the equilibrium of fluid bodies, rests upon the following definitions of proper- ties by which such bodies are distinguished from solids. Definition I. The parts of a fluid press against each other, and against the surface of any solid with which they are in contact. Definition II. The parts of a fluid of perfect fluidity may be separated by an indefinitely thin solid partition bounded by plane faces, without the application of any assignable force. These definitions apply equally to an incompressible fluid, as water, and to a compressible fluid, as air. The pressure of a compressible fluid is generally a function of its density, the temperature being given. The first of the above definitions is the statement of a general property of fluids known by common experience. The other is equally drawn from experience, being at first suggested by the facility with which it is found that the parts of a fluid may be separated. As all known fluids possess some degree of cohesiveness, none answer strictly to this defi- nition. The hypothesis of perfect fluidity is made the basis of exact mathematical reasoning applied to the equilibrium and motion of fluids, in the same way that the hypothesis of HYDROSTATICS. 105 perfect rigidity is the basis of exact mathematical reasoning applied to the equilibrium and motion of solids. The numerical measure of the pressure at any point of a fluid, is the weight which is equivalent to this pressure sup- posed to act equally upon all points of a unit of area. Thus, if a barometer be taken to any position in the earth's atmo- sphere, the weight of the column of mercury, supposing its transverse section to be the unit of area, is the measure of the pressure at that position. This quantity is usually designated by the letter p. The first use to be made of the foregoing definition is to investigate a certain law of pressure, which is common to all perfect fluids, however they may be specifically distinguished. The law is found as follows, the fluid being supposed to be at rest. Suppose an indefinitely small element of the fluid to be separated from the surrounding fluid by indefinitely thin solid plates, and let the form of the element be that of a prism, the transverse section of which is a right-angled triangle. By Definition II. the pressure is in no respect altered by insu- lating the element in this manner, since this may be done without the application of any assignable force. Also by Definition I. the element presses against the solid plates with which it is in contact : and these pressures must be counter- acted by equal pressures against the element. But the plates, being supposed to be indefinitely smooth, are incapable of pressing in any other directions than those of normals to their surfaces. Hence the directions of these mutual pressures are perpendicular to the plane faces of the element. Conceive the plates removed : the pressures will remain the same. Conse- quently the element is held in equilibrium by the pressures of the surrounding fluid perpendicular to its surfaces, and by the impressed accelerative forces. Now let h be the length of the prism, a, /3, 7 the sides of the triangular section, a and /3 including the right angle, and let p^h, pfih, p 3 yh be the respective pressures on the three 106 THE PRINCIPLES OF APPLIED CALCULATION. rectangular faces. The element being indefinitely small, the pressure may be assumed to be uniform throughout each face. Suppose the impressed accelerative forces*, resolved along the sides a and /3 in the directions towards the right angle to be 2/J and 2f 2 . The impressed moving forces in the same di- rections are ftpafth and f 2 pa/3h, p being the density of the element. These must be in equilibrium with the pressures on the rectangular faces resolved in the opposite directions. The pressure resolved in the direction of the side a and tending from the right angle is /? P*fr x , or (p, -p z }Ph. The pressure resolved in the direction of the side /:?, and tend- ing from the right angle, is Hence, (ft-fl,)^/*^/^, or p, -p a =f lP a, and (Pi-pjah^ftpaph, or ^ -^ 3 = Consequently, as a and /3 are indefinitely small, the right- hand sides of these equations are indefinitely small, unless f^ and f a be indefinitely great, which is assumed not to be the case. Hence p 1 =p z =p s . By supposing the position of 7 to be fixed, and those of a and ft to vary so as always to remain perpendicular to each other, it may be inferred from the fore- going reasoning that the pressures in all directions from the element in a given plane are the same. Supposing another plane to pass through the element, it may be similarly shewn that the pressures in all directions in this plane from the ele- ment are the same, and consequently the same as the pressures * The terms accelerating force and moving force are here used by anticipation, not having been yet defined. This apparently illogical use of them would be avoided by treating Statics as a particular case of the Dynamics of Motion. HYDROSTATICS. 107 in the former plane, because the two planes have two direc- tions in common. And as the second plane may have any position whatever relatively to the first, it follows that the pressures are the same in all directions from a given element, or from a given point. This is the law of pressure which it was required to investigate. This law of equality of pressure has been taken by some writers on Hydrostatics as a property by which the fluid is defined. But as it has been shewn that the law is deducible from another property, that of perfect separability, it can no longer be regarded as a definition : for a definition which can be deduced by reasoning, ceases to be such. Also it will be shewn hereafter that the property of perfect separability is necessarily referred to in the mathematical treatment of cer- tain hydrodynamical questions. The same property serves to establish at once the following Theorem in Hydrostatics : If any portion of a fluid mass in equilibrium be separated from the rest by indefinitely thin partitions, and be removed, the partitions remaining, the equilibrium will still subsist. The above principles may be applied as follows in obtain- ing a general equation of the equilibrium of fluids. Let the co-ordinates of the position of any element of the fluid referred to three rectangular axes of co-ordinates be a?, y, z, and be supposed all positive, and let the form of the element be that of a rectangular parallelopipedon, its edges dx, dy, dz being parallel to the axes of vco-ordinates. Then if p be its density, and X, Y, Z be the impressed accelerating forces acting on the element in directions respectively parallel to the axes of co-ordinates, and tending from the co-ordinate planes, the impressed moving forces in the same directions are Xpdxdydz, Ypdxdydz, Zpdxdydz. These are counteracted by the excesses of the pressures on the faces of -the element farthest from the origin above the pressures on the opposite faces. Let pdydz, qdxdz, rdxdy be the pressures acting respectively parallel to the axes of 108 THE PRINCIPLES OF APPLIED CALCULATION. x, y, z on the faces nearest the origin. Then the excesses of pressure tending towards the co-ordinate planes are -J- dxdy dz, -^ dx dy dz, -=- dx dy dz. But by the law of equality of pressure just proved, p, q, r differ from each other by infinitesimal quantities. Hence substituting p for q and for r, and equating these pressures to the impressed moving forces acting in the opposite directions, the resulting equations are dp v dp v dp 7- = -A, 7 = JL , 7- = ZJ. pdx pdy pdz Hence, since (dp] = -f- dx + -f- dy + - dz, dx dy ' dz we have \dp) -\r -i -\r 7 rr ^ = Adx + J- dy + Zidz. This equation, being true of any element, is true of the elements taken collectively, the mass of fluid being assumed to be continuous. And although for the sake of simplicity in the reasoning, the co-ordinates x, y, z were supposed positive, by the principles of the algebraic representation of geometrical quantity, the equation is true without this restriction. Also as it was obtained prior to any supposed case of equilibrium, it is perfectly general in its application. This is all that need be said on the principles of calcula- tion applied to the equilibrium of fluids. We shall now proceed to the consideration of the Dynamics of motion, that is, to Problems which involve time as well as force. The body whose movement is considered will first be supposed to be solid and rigid. DYNAMICS. 109 The principles of the Dynamics of solid bodies in motion. The first step in this department of applied mathematics is to define a universal property of matter called its inertia. It is found by experience that all bodies maintain a state of rest, or of uniform rectilinear motion, unless they are acted upon by some force. This statement defines inertia suffi- ciently for our purpose. With respect to what is denominated force in this definition, we may affirm that it is essentially the same quality as force in Statics; but into its intrinsic nature there is no need to inquire, because in treating of the principles of the calculation appropriate to problems of equi- librium, or of motion, we are only concerned with measures of force. In cases of equilibrium, as we have seen, force is measured by weight : in those of motion the measure is of a different kind, having reference to the property of inertia just defined. In the Dynamics of motion, force is measured by the quantity of motion of an inert body which it either generates or destroys. This statement will become more explicit after explanations have been given of the terms velocity, accelerat- ing force, momentum, and moving force. Velocity, or rate of motion, when it is uniform, is the space traversed by a body in a given time, which for the purposes of calculation is the unit of time, for instance, one second. Let F be this quantity expressed in linear measure. Then we say that the velocity = F. But the velocity being uniform, it is evident that if s be the space described in any y interval t referred to the same unit of time, the ratio is s 1 F 1 s equal to the ratio - ; or == - , and consequently F= - . v S v L When, however, the velocity is not uniform, more general considerations are necessary for obtaining a symbolical ex- pression of its value. In this case the space described in a 110 THE PRINCIPLES OF APPLIED CALCULATION. given time is no longer proportional to the time, but must be regarded as an unknown function of the time. That is, sym- bolically, s=f(t). Hence, s t and s 2 being respectively the spaces described at the epochs t T and t + T, we shall have by abstract calculation, v ds (Ps T 2 d?S T 8 and o 2 j ^i/ -p * / e T ~j. s 2 s t _ ds d z s r 2 p *' ~~^~~~dt + d?'~6 + By what is said above, the left-hand side of this equality is the rate of describing the space s 2 ^ with a uniform motion in the interval 2r, however small r may be. But by taking T indefinitely small, this mean velocity may be made to ap- proximate as nearly as we please to the actual velocity at the intermediate epoch , the change of velocity being as- sumed to be continuous. And when T is indefinitely small the right-hand side of the equation ultimately reduces itself to the first term. Consequently in variable motion the velo- city at any time t is expressed by the differential coefficient of the space regarded as a function of the time. That is, putting V for the velocity at the time t, we have It may be remarked that this equality is true even if -j be Cbv infinitely great, because the first omitted term of the series contains r 2 . If a point be conceived to move in a straight line in space with the uniform velocity V, and a, /?, 7 be the angles which the direction of motion makes with three axes at right angles to each other, then the rates of motion with which the point DYNAMICS. Ill recedes from three planes at right angles to the axes are Fcos a, Fcos ft, Fcos7; because these are the quantities by which the distances from the plane are increased in the unit of time. In the case supposed these expressions have the same values for any length of time. But if the motion be neither uniform nor rectilinear, it may still be conceived to have a determinate rate and a determinate direction at each instant, and the above quantities will express the rates of motion from the planes at the particular epoch at which the velocity is V and takes place" in the direction determined by the angles a, /3, 7. Now the position of the point in space being assumed to be a function of the time, it follows that the co-ordinates x, y, z which determine its position must be separately functions of the time. Hence by reasoning pre- cisely analogous to that by which we obtained a general symbol for F, it may be proved that Accelerating force. It has already been stated that a body which moves from rest, or does not move uniformly in a straight line, must, on account of its inertia, be acted upon by some force, such as the force of gravity. The agent, as experience shews, is extraneous to the body, and from the observed effects is properly described as accelerating or re- tarding. But so far as regards calculation, "accelerating force" always means the numerical measure of the action of some force, and its symbolical expression includes both ac- celeration and retardation. For the sake of simplicity let us first consider the case in < which the body moves in a straight line, but with an increasing or decreasing velocity. In this case the direction of the action of the force must be coincident with the straight line of motion. The velocity, not being uniform, may be regarded as a function of the space s passed over, and as the space passed over in any case of continuous motion is a function of time, the velocity may be assumed to 112 THE PRINCIPLES OF APPLIED CALCULATION. be an unknown function of the time. Let therefore F= Hence V l and V 2 being respectively the velocities at the epochs t r and t + r, we shall have by abstract calculation, T7 M* \ V dV v = '-* - T d 2r Now a constant, or uniformly accelerating, force is defined to be a force which adds equal increments of velocity in equal times t, and its numerical measure is the velocity added in the unit of time, as one second. Hence if f be this measure, and v be the velocity added in the interval t, by the definition f I v we shall have --> or /=T, whatever be the magnitudes .v t t V V of v and t. Consequently^- - 1 in the foregoing equation is the numerical value of a constant accelerating force, which acting during the interval 2r would add the velocity V z V lt But suppose this velocity to be actually added by a variable accelerating force. Then assuming that the force does not vary per saltum, by taking T indefinitely small, the constant or mean accelerating force may approach as near as we please to the value of the variable accelerating force at the inter- mediate epoch t. But when T is indefinitely diminished, the right-hand side of the equation ultimately reduces itself to the first term. Hence the value of a variable accelerating * It may be remarked that this substitution for the purpose of obtaining a differential equation the solution of which gives the form of an unknown function, is analogous to the substitution of a letter for an unknown quantity, the value of which is to be found by the solution of an algebraic equation. f Galileo discovered that the descent of falling bodies at the earth's surface presents an actual instance of this law. Prior to this discovery the process of calculation applicable to forces could hardly have been imagined. DYNAMICS. Ho force at the time t being represented by F, we have The reasoning shews that this symbol applies if the force be indefinitely great, because the first of the omitted terms contains r 2 . ds Since it has been proved that F= -T- , we have also , ds_ "dttfs '' dt ~ df This is the general symbol of the measure of force by space and time. In the case in which the motion of a body is not in a straight line, whether or not the velocity be uniform, the body must be acted upon by some force. Now with respect to this action a law has been ascertained by experiment, which it is absolutely necessary to know prior to the application of cal- culation to the general case of variable motion. An experi- mental law relating to variable motion in a straight line has already been announced, viz. that a constant accelerative force adds the same velocity in the same time whatever be the acquired velocity. When the motion is not in a straight line, a constant accelerative force acting in a given direction adds in a given time in the direction in which it acts a velocity which is independent loth of the amount and the direc- tion of the actual velocity. It follows as a corollary from this law that two or more constant forces acting simultaneously in given directions add, in the directions in which they respec- tively act, the same velocities as if they acted separately. Composition and resolution of accelerative forces. In the reasoning which follows no account is required to be taken of the dimensions of the accelerated body, which may, there- fore, be supposed to be an indefinitely small material particle. Let us, first, consider the case of a material particle acted 8 114 THE PRINCIPLES OF APPLIED CALCULATION. upon by two or more constant accelerative forces in a given direction. Let V v F 2 , F 3 , &c. be the velocities which the given forces F^ F^ F y &c. acting separately would add in any interval t reckoned from a given epoch, and V be the total velocity added. Then by the law of independent action above enunciated, dV dV. dV^ dV e and therefore = - +- + But by what has already been proved, dV, dV, dV, ' ^'-* -&'* ^df' &c " and if x be the distance of the particle at the time t from a fixed plane perpendicular to the direction of the motion, ^ dx , dV dx V r > ancl .*. =- = -T-S dt ' dt df Consequently, This result proves that two or more constant accelerative forces acting in a given direction have the same measure as a single force equal to their sum acting in the same direction. We proceed next to find the force equivalent to two con- stant accelerative forces acting simultaneously on a material particle in a given plane and in directions at right angles to each other. By the same law of independence of action, the accelerative forces add in the directions in which they respec- tively act, in the interval from the time T to any time T+ t, velocities which are independent of the magnitude and di- rection of the velocity at the time T. We may, therefore, abstract from this velocity by conceiving an equal and oppo- site velocity to be impressed on the particle at that instant so DYNAMICS. 115 as to bring it to rest*. Then if f l and / 2 be the given forces, the velocities in the respective directions at the end of the interval t, will be fj and fy. By the composition of velo- cities the resultant of these velocities is yj 2 + / 2 2 . t, and its f direction makes an angle whose tangent is -~ with the di- Ji rection of the force . Hence the single force F, which is equivalent to the two forces /j and f a acting in directions at right angles to each other, is the force V/j a +f* acting in the direction determined by the above angle. That is, the re- sultant equivalent force is represented in magnitude and di- rection by the diagonal of a rectangle the sides of which represent in magnitude and direction the component forces. If a third force f s be introduced, and be supposed to act always in the direction perpendicular to the plane of the other two, by the same reasoning the resultant of _Z^andj is VP 2 +f 3 2 > and consequently the resultant of the three forces is *Jfi+f*+f 3 2 ' This resultant is proportional to, and in the direction of, the diagonal of the rectangular parallelopi- pedon the sides of which are proportional to, and in the direction of, the forces f v / 2 , and / 3 . The equivalence of three forces, acting in three directions at right angles to each other, to a single force determined in magnitude and direction by the magnitudes and directions of the three forces, having been proved, we may conversely resolve any given force into three forces acting in any rect- angular directions. The given force being F, and its direction making the angles ct, /3, 7 with the three rectangular direc- tions, the resolved forces are plainly Fcos a, Fcos /?, and Fcosy. It should be observed that a force strictly uncom- pounded may be legitimately resolved in this manner, the * To shew the legitimacy of the process of abstracting from given velocities, or accelerative forces, by conceiving to be impressed equal and opposite velocities, or accelerative forces, it is sufficient to appeal to the experimental law of the independent action of accelerative forces, from which the process is a direct inference. 8-2 116 THE PRINCIPLES OF APPLIED CALCULATION. resolution having no physical significance, but being merely a step that may be taken on the principle of equivalence. The preceding results give the means of finding the re- sultant of any number of constant accelerative forces acting simultaneously on a material particle in given directions. For each of the forces being resolved in the directions of three rectangular axes, the sum of the resolved forces in the direction of each axis is equivalent to a single force in that direction, and the resultant of the three equivalent forces, which is known by what is proved above, is the resultant in magnitude and direction of the original forces. If the accelerative forces acting on a material particle, instead of being constant in magnitude and direction, as supposed in all the forgoing reasoning, are variable with the time, the same results still hold good; as may be shewn by the following considerations. It will be assumed that the forces do not vary either in direction or magnitude per saltum, rnd that the law of independence of action is true as well for variable forces as for constant. Then the velocity which each variable force adds in the given interval r, in the direction of its action at the middle of that interval, may be conceived to be added by a constant force acting during the same interval in that direction. Now the equivalent resultant of these supposed constant forces is given by the rules already proved, which are true however small the interval r may be. Let us, therefore, suppose the time to be divided into an unlimited number of very small intervals, and constant forces to act in the manner above stated during each. In that case the successive values of the constant forces may approach as nearly as we please to continuity, and to coincidence with the values of the actual forces both as to magnitude and direction. And as by hypothesis they add the same velocities as the actual forces, they may be regarded as ultimately equivalent to the latter. Consequently the laws of the composition and resolu- tion of variable forces are the same as those of constant forces. DYNAMICS. 117 It will appear from the preceding discussion that the rules for the composition and resolution of forces are the same in the Dynamics of Motion as in Statics, although they are deduced in the two cases from totally different principles. In Statics the reasoning by which the rules were obtained had reference to a body of finite dimensions, and depended on the experimental fact, that a force acting on a rigid body produces the same effect at whatever point of the line of its direction it be applied. In the dynamics of variable motion the investi- gation of the resultant of given accelerative forces rests wholly on the law of the mutual independence of action of the forces, and that of their independence of acquired velocities. In fact, these laws, known or suggested by experiment, are the basis of all calculation applied to determine the motion of a material particle acted upon by given forces. The terms velocity and accelerative force having been de- fined, and symbolic expressions of their values obtained, we may now proceed to treat similarly of momentum and moving force. Momentum. This term depends for its signification on the general property of inertia, being employed exclusively with reference, to an inert body in motion. "We have hitherto regarded velocity and variation of velocity .apart from the quality and dimensions of the moving body. But when we perceive a body in motion, its essential inertia suggests the * enquiry, How might it acquire velocity, or be deprived of it ? From what has been said of the action of accelerative force, it follows that the motion of a body may be both generated and destroyed by such action. Also experience shews that velocity may be suddenly communicated to a body, or taken from it, by the impact of another moving body. There is reason to conclude that even in this case the observed effect is due to accelerative forces acting violently during a very short interval. The term impact denotes this action apart from the considera- tion of time. The observed effect of impact is proper for measuring momentum, that is, the efficacy of an inert body in 118 THE PEINCIPLES OF APPLIED CALCULATION. motion. Now by experiment it is found that the measured effect of the impact of a given body is doubled, trebled, &c., if the velocity be doubled, trebled, &c., and that the different measured effects of different bodies impinging with the same velocity are in proportion to their masses. In this statement the mass of a body is that quantity which is measured by its weight, apart from magnitude, experiment shewing that bodies of the same magnitude may have different weights. Hence, regarding the effect of the impact of a body as identical with its momentum, action and reaction being equal, it follows from the foregoing experimental law that the momentum of a body is proportional to the product of its mass and velocity. Consequently if M be the mass referred to an arbitrary unit of mass, (as the weight of a cubic inch of distilled water of given temperature), and V be the velocity referred to a unit as before stated, the numerical measure of the momentum is the product of M and V. That is, for the purposes of calculation, momentum = M V. Moving force, in its scientific acceptation, has the same relation to momentum that accelerating force has to velocity, signifying the measure of the change of momentum. That which moves a body from rest, or alters the velocity which it has acquired in any manner, would in common parlance be called a moving force. Thus gravity, inasmuch as it is observed to produce such effects, might properly be called a moving force. The same kind of effect is known to result from another mode of action, viz. by the pressure of one body against another. Conceive a perfectly smooth body to be placed on a perfectly smooth horizontal table. Then by the pressure of the hand, or other means, the body might be made to move with a velocity either uniformly or variably ac- celerated. The effect in this case is of the same kind as in the action of gravity, and possibly the modus operandi may differ from that of gravity only in respect to being matter of personal experience, or direct observation. But apart from any consideration of the nature of the causes of motion, for PHYSICAL ASTRONOMY. 119 the purposes of calculation moving force means conventionally the measured effect of pressure, or some equivalent agency, in producing change of momentum, as accelerating force is the measured effect of the same kind of agency in producing change of velocity*. The appropriate measure of moving force is known only by experience and observation. By ex- periment it is ascertained that if the pressure against a given mass be doubled, trebled, &c., the acceleration of the mass is doubled, trebled, &c.; and that the pressures required to accelerate to a given amount different masses are proportional to the masses. Hence moving force is proportional to the product of the mass and its acceleration ; and if M be the mass referred to a known unit, and F be the acceleration numerically estimated as already mentioned, then, for the purposes of calculation, moving force = MF. Physical Astronomy. The principles of the Dynamics of motion thus far con- sidered, suffice for the solution of those problems of Physical Astronomy which relate to the motions of translation in space of the bodies of the Solar System. Problems of this class generally allow of abstracting from the dimensions of the moving body, and regarding it as a material particle free to obey the impulses of an accelerative force. The only force that comes under consideration in Physical Astronomy is that of gravitation, which is assumed to have the property of emanating from every portion of matter, to be constantly the same from the same portion, and to be the same from different portions having the same mass. The accelerative force due to the gravitation from a small elemen- tary mass at the unit of distance from it is taken for a * It would not be possible to reason upon moving force, i.e. cause of motion, except by the intervention of its measured effect. It is on the ground of this necessary relation that the terms accelerative force and moving force are applied to the general symbolic expressions of the measured effects, in conformity with an admitted use of language. 120 THE PRINCIPLES OF APPLIED CALCULATION. measure of the mass. This measure is different in kind from the measure of mass by weight which was before spoken of. The latter measures the effect of the gravitation of an external body assumed to attract every particle of the given body; the other measures the effect of the body's own gravitation as- sumed to emanate from every one of its constituent particles and to act on a given particle. These two measures must be to each other in a fixed ratio, because each is proportional to the number of particles of the given body. Another characteristic of gravitation is its variation with the distance from the body from which it emanates. Prior to any knowledge of the cause of this variation, the law which it obeys has been obtained by a combination of results from observation with theoretical calculation. Newton, to whom belongs the honour of this discovery, obtained the law in the following manner. The space through which a body descends from rest towards the earth's centre by the action of gravity at the earth's surface during a given short interval, as one second, is known by direct experiment. The distance of the falling body from the earth's centre, that is, the earth's semi- diameter, is ascertained by measuring the actual length of a certain number of degrees of a meridian arc. Also by obser- vation of the moon's apparent diameter it is found that her orbit is guam proxime a circle having its centre coincident with the earth's centre; the radius of the circle is deduced from observations of the moon's parallax; and the time of completing a revolution in the orbit is known from the results of observations with the Transit instrument of an Observatory. From data such as these Newton calculated the deflection of the moon from a tangent to her orbit in the same interval of one second. He then supposed, in accordance with dynamical principles previously established, that this deflection might be due to an attraction tending towards the earth's centre; (ft*\ from the formula s = j that the deflection in a given time is to the descent of a falling body at PHYSICAL ASTRONOMY. 121 the earth's surface in the same time in the ratio of the force of the attraction at the Moon to the force of the attraction at the earth's surface. This ratio was found to be nearly that of the inverse squares of the respective distances from the earth's centre. Such calculation, though only roughly approximate, thus gave a prima facie reason for supposing gravity to vary inversely as the square of the distance from the points of ema- nation. The exactness of the law is proved by the accordance of a vast number of results calculated on this assumption with direct observation. It thus appears that the law of the variation of gravity in space is established by observation and calculation combined. The law might be hypothetically assumed, but without ob- servation and appropriate calculation, it could not be proved to be a reality. Although, as matter of fact, Newton verified his hypothesis by means of determinations, by observation, of the magnitude of the earth and the orbital motion of the moon, it is yet interesting to enquire what means might have been used if the earth had not been attended by a satellite. In that case the observations of Kepler would have sufficed for the purpose. Kepler's observations and calculations do not involve the consideration of force; but the laws which they establish furnish data from which the law of gravity might have been inferred in his day, if the calculation proper for enquiries relating to force had then been known. The follow- ing is the process, according to the Newtonian principles of philosophy, by which the law of gravity is deduced from the results of Kepler's observations*. Kepler ascertained (1) that the planet Mars moves about the sun in an ellipse, the sun's centre coinciding with a focus of the ellipse ; (2) that it moves in such manner that the radius vector drawn always from the sun's centre to the planet sweeps over equal areas in equal times. The second law symbolically expressed is d . area = kclt, * See Pratt's Mechanic^ Philosophy, Arts. 25G-258. 122 THE PRINCIPLES OF APPLIED CALCULATION. h being a certain constant. Referring the place of Mars at the time t to rectangular axes drawn in the plane of the motion through the sun's centre, and naming the co-ordinates x and y, that differential equation becomes ,\ , xdy ydx = hdt. Hence by differentiation, the increments of time being constant, d?y d*x x -rr yi-s = 0. df J d? Now making the hypothesis that the planet is acted upon by some accelerative force and is free to obey its impulses, this force, from what has been shewn (p. 115), may be re- solved into two forces X and Y acting parallel to the direc- tions of the axes of co-ordinates, and having values expressed d*x d 2 y by the differential coefficients ^ and -~ . Hence by substi- * nt nt * U/l/ U/l/ tution in the above equation, x_X y~Y' It is thus proved that the single equivalent force acts in a direction passing through the origin of co-ordinates, or the sun's centre. We have now to make use of Kepler's first law, relating to the form of the orbit, to find the law of the force. By calculation appropriate to forces emanating from a centre it is shewn that if u =/(#) be the equation of the path which a particle describes under the action of such a force, u being the reciprocal of its distance r from the centre, the expression for the force is In the case of the ellipse, ua (1 e 2 ) = 1 + e cos (6 a). Hence it will be found by the direct process of differentia- tion that the expression for the force becomes in this instance tf I PHYSICAL ASTRONOMY. 123 or that the force varies inversely as the square of the distance from the centre. This argument shews that the law of gravity was de- ducible from two of Kepler's laws, although it was no't actually so deduced by Newton. In philosophical treatises on the principles of Physical Astronomy great prominence is usually given to the Three Laws of Kepler, as if the induction of these laws from observation exemplified a principle of scientific research*. The history of the progress of Physical Astronomy would rather seem to indicate that it is the pro- vince of calculation to discover or demonstrate laws, while it is the province of observation to furnish the data necessary for applying the results of calculation to matter of fact, and to shew that the laws deduced by calculation have a real and positive existence. It is true that the law of the inverse square could not have been discovered by observation alone, or by calcula- tion alone; but after it was proved to be at least approximately true by a combination of calculation with observation in the manner already stated, it required only the knowledge of the proper rules of calculation to deduce by a brief process from this hypothesis the three laws which cost Kepler so many years of labour to establish. It was possible for Galileo to find the ratio of the area of a cycloid to its circumscribing rectangle by carefully weighing two pieces of lead which exactly covered the two areas; but would he have adopted this method if he had known how to calculate the area of the cycloid? So Kepler might have been spared the trouble of deducing laws from his observations, had it riot been the case that in his time the science of observation was in advance of the science of calculation. It is not intended by these remarks to depre- ciate in any degree the labours of Kepler; but rather to in- dicate the precise relation in which his three laws stand to the discovery and the theory of gravitation. They were not, it is * This is particularly the case in the Philosophy of Comte, who dwells much more on the inference of "positive" laws by Kepler from observations, than oil Newton's a priori deduction of the same laws by calculation. THE PRINCIPLES OF APPLIED CALCULATION. true, expressly used for inferring the law of gravity; but it may be doubted whether cosmical gravity would have been thought of, or its law sought for, unless the Laws of Kepler had been proposed as problems for solution. The publication of these laws naturally provoked enquiries as to their cause, and various attempts were made to discover it; till at length Newton succeeded in referring them by calculation to the action of force, the force of gravity. The science of calcu- lation, as applied to the motions of the heavenly bodies, was thus placed in advance of induction from observation, and assumed its proper office of deducing and demonstrating laws. Previously, not only Kepler's laws, but others relating to the Moon's motion, as the Variation, Evection, Annual Equation, &c. were inferred by astronomers from observation alone. But from the date of the publication of Newton's Principia there has been no need for the practical astronomer to do more relatively to the moving bodies, than determine their apparent positions as accurately as possible, and place his determina- tions in the hands of the theoretical calculator. These data are by the latter used for calculating, (1) Elements of Orbits; (2) Ephemerides for predicting the positions of the bodies from day to day, that by comparisons of predicted with observed places, data may be obtained for correcting assumed elements; (3) if there be more than two bodies, the effect of their mutual attractions in producing periodic and secular deviations of their orbits from the mean orbits at a given epoch. In the problem of the motions of three or more bodies acted upon by their mutual attractions, it is usual to abstract, in the first instance, the motion of one of them, and to calculate the motions of the others relative to the motion of that one. This is done by conceiving, first, that a velocity equal and opposite to that which the selected body has at a given instant is impressed upon it and upon the other bodies, and that subsequently accelerative forces equal and opposite to those by which the same body is acted upon are impressed continually upon all. Under these operations the relative. PHYSICAL ASTRONOMY. 125 motions will remain unaltered, the selected body will be at rest and may be supposed to have a fixed position in space, and the motions of the others may be referred to that position. Then in order to calculate the actual motion of the body conceived to be fixed, we may suppose the velocity of which it was deprived at the given instant to be restored to it, and the accelerative forces that were neutralized, to act upon it in their proper directions. Now since from the previous cal- culations these accelerative forces and their directions become known functions of the time, the position of the body at any assigned time may be calculated, the velocity initially impress- ed being a datum of the calculation. Thus its absolute posi- tion in space will be known; and the positions of all the others relative to it having been already found, the absolute positions of all are known. The fixed body in the Lunar Theory is the Earth, and in the Planetary Theory, the Sun. In the case of the Sun it is not necessary to impress a common velocity; because, as there is reason to conclude that all the bodies of the Solar System are moving through space at a certain uniform rate in a fixed direction, that common velocity may be supposed to be compounded with this uniform motion, and the resulting motion of translation of the System, which is of unknown amount, may be left out of consideration, or be abstracted by conceiving it im- pressed in the contrary direction. The above mentioned cal- culation will then determine the path described by the Sun's centre, commencing at the position it occupied at the given time. It has been found that this path is always confined within narrow limits not exceeding the Sun's dimensions. The relative positions of the bodies of the Solar System are not affected by this orbital motion of the Sun. The above considerations embrace all the fundamental principles required for the calculation of the motions of Planets and Satellites. The bodies are regarded as free material particles, and at the same time as centres of force, and the problem, stated generally, is to determine the motions 126 THE PRINCIPLES OF APPLIED CALCULATION. produced by their mutual attractions, the attractive force of each having a certain constant amount at a given distance, and varying with distance according to the law of the inverse square. After the formation of the differential equations of the motion according to dynamical principles and given con- ditions, the solution of the problem is a process of pure calculation, which, however, when the number of the bodies exceeds two, is attended with considerable difficulties in the details of the operations. As an exact solution is unattain- able when there are three or more bodies, methods of approxi- mation are employed requiring particular attention to the magnitudes of the quantities involved, the values of 'the coefficients of successive terms, and the augmentations of these values produced in certain cases by integration; as is fully explained in express Treatises on the Lunar and Planetary Theories. On this part of the subject there is no occasion for me to dwell: 1 will only remark farther, that the employment of rectangular co-ordinates in the Lunar Theory*, just as in the Planetary Theory, seems to be the simplest mode of treatment, and that the method of variation of para- meters, which in principle is only a process of integration, is equally applicable in both Theories. The separation of the secular inequalities from the inequalities of short period is allowable in the Planetary Theory, because the changes of the former are so slow that the effects upon them of the positive and negative fluctuations of the other inequalities may be considered to be mutually destructive. This reason does not equally apply in the Lunar Theory. The reverse problem of perturbations by the solution of which Adams and Leverrier detected the planet Neptune from its disturbance of the orbit of Uranus, although it was the first of its kind, and required for its successful treatment a peculiar extension of theoretical calculation, did not involve principles that were unknown to Newton. Also the question * See a Memoir by Poisson in Tom. X. of the Memoires de I'lnstitut. PHYSICAL ASTRONOMY. 127 raised by Professor Adams* relative to the calculation of the acceleration of the moon's mean motion, is purely a mathema- tical one, involving no new physical principle; in which re- spect it resembles the old difficulty as to the theoretical amount of the motion of the Moon's apse, and admits in like manner of being settled by a strictly legitimate process of calculation. As in such a case a permanent difference of opinion would tend to throw discredit on theoretical calculation, it is a satisfactory result of the discussion to which the question gave rise among the most eminent theoretical astronomers of the day, that the legitimacy of Professor Adams's process has now been generally recognised. But the acceleration of rn^in motion which the calculation gave, which was subsequently confirmed by the researches of M. Delaunay, is only about half the amount inferred from the records of ancient eclipses. To what cause, then, is the other half due? Are we to attri- bute it to the action of a resisting medium ? M. Delaunay has recently proposed to account for the difference by an effect produced by the mutual attraction of the Moon and the Tidal Wave. As observation shews that High Tide is always behind the passage of the Moon across the meridian of any place, since the opposite Tidal Waves are prominent on opposite sides of the plane passing through the Moon's centre and the meridian, it follows that the mutual attraction of the Moon and the Tide acts as a kind of couple on the earth, always tending to retard the motion about its axis. The length of the day will thus be continually increasing, and the moon's mean motion, supposed to be actually uniform, when estimated by the angular motion in a given number of days will be continually greater, and consequently be subject to an apparent acceleration. The total observed acceleration might thus be accounted for by the sole action of gravity, and though it would be difficult to calculate exactly the amount due to the Tides, it is possible to shew by approximate * Philosophical Transactions, Vol. 143, Part III. p. 397. 128 THE PRINCIPLES OF APPLIED CALCULATION. considerations that an adequate amount is quite within possi- ble limits*. I proceed now to the consideration of another point in Physical Astronomy, the discussion of which falls within the scope of these notes, inasmuch as it involves an enquiry into the physical signification of a certain peculiarity in the analysis, namely, the occurrence in the developements for radius- vector and latitude of periodic terms having coefficients that may increase indefinitely with the time. These terms it may in the first place be remarked, arise out of a strict application of the rules of approximating and integrating. As they occur not only in approximating by series to the solution of the Problem of Three Bodies, but also in like approximations for the case of a central force varying as some function of the distance from the centre, it will simplify the enquiry into their origin to take, first, an instance of the latter kind. Suppose the central force to be ^ yu-V, r being the distance from the centre. Then, putti ential equation for finding the orbit is distance from the centre. Then, putting u for - , the differ- To effect the integration of this equation by regular ap- proximation proceeding according to the powers of //, it is necessary to begin by omittifig the last term. A first integra- tion will then give A and B being the arbitrary constants. This value of u is next to be substituted in the last term of the differential equation, that term is to be expanded in a series proceeding * See an Article by M. Delaunay in the Comptes Rendus of the Academy of ' Sciences of Paris, Tom. LXL, 11 Dec. 1865: also a discussion of the question in the Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Vol. XXVI. p. 221235, by the Astronomer Royal, who gives his assent to M. Delaunay's views. PHYSICAL ASTRONOMY. 129 according to the powers of A, and the powers of the cosine are to be transformed into cosines of multiple arcs. When tMs has been done a second integration can be performed however far the series may have been carried. The operation may then be repeated with the new value of u\ and so on. It is to be observed that we have here expanded strictly accord- ing to a rule which is independent of the relative magni- tudes of the quantities involved, and that consequently this process gives the general form of the developement, although it may not give a convergent form. It should also be noticed that as no step in the process implies that pr is small compared with - z , the former force, which is repulsive, might be greater than the other, in which case the distance would indefinitely increase, and the orbit have no resemblance to an ellipse. The terms of the developement could not in that case be exclusively periodic. If the analysis be restricted to the first power of A, we have by the second integration the last term increasing indefinitely with 0, so that this value of u may diverge to any extent from that given by the first integration. There are various ways in which this form of an integration that is convergent may be avoided ; among which I shall first notice the following. Multiplying the differential equation by 2du and integrating, we have If the value of dd given by this equation be expanded accord- ing to the powers of fjf, and only the first power be retained, the result is _ hdu - - AVjTf ' 9 130 THE PRINCIPLES OF APPLIED CALCULATION. Here a step has been taken which is so much the more accurate as the ratio of the force to the force fjuu 2 is smaller; and this equation shews that if that ratio be very small the value of ~~ cannot be very different from that which would be due to the latter force acting alone. Accordingly on integrat- ing this equation to the same approximation as before, and designating the arbitrary constants by the same letters, it will be found that As this result shews that the values of u are periodical and restricted within limits, it may be regarded as a true approxi- mation to the orbit on the above supposition respecting the ratio of the forces, it being also supposed that the orbit, so far as it depends on the force /-tw 2 , is an ellipse. The expression for u may be made to consist of terms proceeding according to the powers of // by expanding the cosine, and in that case this form of solution ought to agree with that which is obtained by approximating according to the general rule. As far as is indicated by the expansion to the first power of JJL'J the two expressions are clearly identical*. The fore- going reasoning shews that terms of indefinite increase are got rid of in this instance by an operation which introduces the condition of periodicity : A method of avoiding terms containing the time (t) as a factor, in principle the same as that of the preceding example, I have employed with success in a general approximate solution of the Problem of Three Bodies given in a communi- cation to the Eoyal Society (Phil. Trans, for 1856, p. 523). In that solution, however, there appears in the expression for * See on the subject here discussed two Articles on "The Theory of the Moon's Motion" in the Numbers of the Philosophical Magazine for February and March 1855. PHYSICAL ASTRONOMY. 131 the eccentricity of the disturbed orbit a term containing t as a factor, from which the periodicity of the variation of the eccentricity has to be inferred by special considerations. The method of the Variation of Parameters has the ad- vantage of entirely getting rid of the consideration of terms of indefinite increase by the hypothesis of the instantaneous ellipse, which secures the analysis against such terms, or rather subjects it to the condition of periodicity. By that method also, on the same hypothesis, the slow variations of the elements are proved to be periodic*. Another method of avoiding non-periodic functions is to introduce in the earliest stage of the investigation the factors usually called c and #, on the ground that they are necessary for satisfying the results of observation t. This process, which has the appearance of being arbitrary, is proved to be legiti- mate by subsequently integrating the differential equations of the motion so as to determine the functions which express the values of these factors in terms of given quantities. There is still another process which ensures the condition of periodicity, and at the same time determines approximately the values of c and g\. This method, the principle of which is not satisfactorily explained in Treatises on Physical Astronomy, is such as follows. After obtaining in the usual manner the equations * The Planetary Theory is throughout treated in this manner in Pratt's Mechanical Philosophy (Arts. 349 392), and consequently no considerations like those in Art. 334 ot his Lunar Theory are required. In the latter part of Airy's Treatise (Arts. 102145) the Variation of Parameters is employed: but a different method in the earlier part necessitates the consideration in Art. 91 of terms involving an arc as a factor. f- Pontecoulant, Theorie du Movement de la Lune. Chap. I. No. 5. t See Airy, Lunar Theory t Arts. 44 and 44*; and Pratt, Lunar Theory, Art. 334. 92 132 THE PK1NCIPLES OF APPLIED CALCULATION. the periodic terms involving the longitude of the disturbing body being omitted, for ae cos (6 a) and k sin (6 7) are substituted respectively u a and s, which are their equiva- lents by the first approximation. This being done, the re- sulting equations, since they contain no circular functions and no terms indicative of the position of the disturbing body, refer to a mean orbit. Hence integration of those equations gives values of u and s which differ from the true values only by periodic quantities, and are consequently real approxima- tions. There will presently be occasion to advert again to the principle of this reasoning. It may here be remarked that all the different methods of ensuring the periodicity of the expressions for radius-vector and latitude lead to exactly the same approximate solution of the Problem. It is important to observe that as the processes of approxi- mation which conduct to terms of indefinite increase are strictly legitimate and according to rule, the forms of solution they give must have physical significance. With reference to this point it is, first, to be remarked that these terms make their appearance previous to introducing any limitations as to the relative magnitudes and positions of the disturbing and disturbed bodies. Consequently, since expansions containing such terms are really more general in their application than those which consist exclusively of periodic terms, they must include the latter. In fact, as in the instance of central motion above considered, so also when there are three or more bodies mutually attracting, if the motion be wholly periodic, the non- periodic terms arise from expansions of periodic functions, and from the former the functions may be arrived at by certain analytical rules, the investigation of which has been given by Laplace*. Now the application of such rules is independent of the magnitudes of the quantities represented by the symbols, inasmuch as the analytical form of expan- sion according to the powers of any symbol remains the same whatever be the ratio of the quantity it represents to any * Mecanique Celeste, Liv. n. No. 43. PHYSICAL ASTRONOMY. 133 other quantity involved, the degree of convergency or divergency of the expansion being alone affected by that ratio. Hence it must not be inferred from the convertibility of the expansion into one of which the terms are all periodic, that the motion itself is in every case periodic. I am aware that it has been the opinion of some mathematicians that the Comet which is considered to have approached Jupiter to within the orbits of his satellites, and to have suffered great perturbation from its proximity to the Planet, will in the course of ages be again in the same predicament. This idea rests on the assumption that the developement of the general analytical solution of the Problem of Three Bodies can contain no other than periodic terms. But the terms now under consideration contradict this assumption, their existence constituting the analytical evidence that the motion is not necessarily periodic. They may be taken as indicating, in the instance just mentioned, that the motion of the Comet might have ceased for a time to be periodic, and only after a complete change of the orbit become periodic again. We have no right to conclude, because in the usual approximate solu- tion of the Problem the arbitrary constants are equal in number to those which would be contained in the exact solu- tion, that the approximate solution is of general application. The criterion of its applicability is the convergency of the series into which the integrations are thrown, and this can only be tested by numerical calculation. It is true that in the applications to bodies of the Solar System (such a case as that just adverted to being excepted), the condition of con- vergency has been shewn by numerical calculation to be ful- filled. This amounts to a proof d posteriori of the legitimacy, as far as regards the Lunar and Planetary Theories, of the several processes by which, as we have seen, the condition of periodicity is arbitrarily imposed. But in some of these very applications there are cases of slow convergence (as in the Lunar Theory and in the Theories of certain of the Minor Planets), which point to the possible existence of circumstances 134 THE PRINCIPLES OF APPLIED CALCULATION. under which the series would become divergent, and the mo- tions consequently be non-periodic. As far as I am aware, the solution of the Problem of Three Bodies has not hither- to been attempted by a method so general as to be capable of determining the limits between periodic and non-periodic motions, or of indicating the character of the processes to be adopted for computing the latter. Any method of suc- cessfully effecting the computations for the case of non- periodicity would, I conceive, involve the retention, without alteration, of terms containing circular arcs as factors, or some equivalent proceeding: but until an instance actually occurs for which the usual expansions are found on trial to be divergent, it is hardly worth while to endeavour to ascertain the precise nature of the calculations which such an instance would demand. What I am now contending for is, that the occurrence of the non-periodic factors proves that the motion is not necessarily periodic, and that special opera- tions are required to adapt the expansions to periodic motions. The following mathematical reasoning is here added for the purpose of illustrating some points of the foregoing argument. The exact differential equation, relative to the radius- vector (r) and the time (tf), for one of three bodies mutually attracting, viz. -, dt r j dt dr ' having been obtained in the usual way*, the first step in ap- proximating to the value of r is to integrate this equation after omitting the terms which contain the disturbing function R. By this integral, combined with that of the equation r*d6 = hdt, the coordinates r and 9 of the disturbed body can be expressed as functions of t thrown into series ; and like expressions may be obtained for the coordinates of the disturb- ing body. The rule of approximation requires that these values of the two sets of co-ordinates should be substituted in the omitted terms containing R ; after which another integra- Airy's Planetary Theory, Arts. 7783. PHYSICAL ASTRONOMY. 135 tion can be effected. This might be done by multiplying by 2d.r*, and the integral thus obtained would be equivalent to that which I have made use of in the Paper already refer- red to (Phil. Trans., 1856, p. 525), where it is shewn that by this mode of integration non-periodic functions are avoided, because, in fact, it introduces the condition of periodic variation of the radius- vector. But the following process*, which is also legitimate, for the opposite reason does not exclude such functions. Let r = r l + v ; and as we have here two new variables let us suppose that v and the disturbing force vanish together, or that the value of v contains m as a factor. Hence putting v = 0, we have for determining r t the equation and r 1 is consequently the value of the radius-vector found by the first approximation. On substituting r t + v for r, v* is to be neglected, because by hypothesis it contains m' 2 as a factor, and the second approximation only includes the first power ofra'. The equation may consequently be put under this form, the usual mode of expressing the disturbing function being adopted. The approximation, proceeding primarily accord- ing to the powers of m, is now made to proceed second- arily according to the powers of e the eccentricity of the un- disturbed orbit. In that case it is allowable to substitute in the second term par 3 , or n*, for fwy 8 . Then putting the dis- turbing function under its general developed form, the equation becomes Now it is the integration of this equation for the purpose of approximating to the value of v that gives rise to a term * Airy's Planetary Theory, Arts. 8991. 136 THE PRINCIPLES OF APPLIED CALCULATION. having t for a factor, one of the terms of the disturbing function being of the form Pcos (nt + Q). On reviewing the foregoing reasoning it will be seen, that while rules of developing have been followed which are applicable independently of the relative magnitudes of the quantities involved, no step has been taken which ensures that -7- shall have small periodic values, or that r shall have a mean value. This circumstance, as already explained, accounts for the appearance of a term that may increase indefinitely. It may also be remarked that if we suppose v = and /TOM -j~ = when t = 0, the integral of the foregoing equation will be found to give, for determining the increment v of the radius-vector in the small time t, the equation v Pf v = - 2 . cos Q. ^ r i This expression for v includes the term Pcos (nt + Q), and may therefore be regarded as giving the true value of the increment of the radius- vector in the short interval t y whether or not the motion be such as to make the variations of the radius-vector periodic. The foregoing discussion relative to the occurrence of terms of indefinite increase in the solution of the Problem of Three Bodies has been gone into, because it has an im- portant bearing on the interesting question of the stability of the Solar System. The stability of the eccentricities and inclinations of the planetary orbits has been usually inferred from the known equations 2 . m Ja e* = c, 2 . m N /a tan 2 1 = c f . But it is admitted by M. Le Verrier* that although such an inference may be drawn from them for a planet the mass * Recherches Astronomiques, Chap. IX. No. 6, in the Annals of the Paris Observatory, Tom. II. PHYSICAL ASTRONOMY. 137 of which " constitutes a considerable part of the sum of the masses of the system of planets," an analogous conclusion is not applicable to a planet whose mass is a small fraction of that sum*. The general argument for the stability of the planetary motions is of this kind. The analytical operations which get rid of terms of indefinite increase consistently with satisfying the differential equations of the motion prove the possibility of expressing analytically the values of the radius- vector, longitude, and latitude in periodic terms. The method of the Variation of Parameters does this in such manner as to shew that even the slow variations of the elements of the planetary orbits are expressible by periodic functions. But the periodicity of these expressions, provided they are con- vergent, and therefore numerically, as well as analytically, true, indicates fluctuation of value between restricted limits, which is the proper evidence of the stability of the motions. This reasoning, in short, establishes the abstract possibility of a stable planetary system. In order to ascertain whether the Solar System is stable, it would be necessary to substitute the numerical data furnished by observation for each body, in the system of equations from which the variations of the elements are calculated, and to ascertain within what limits the equations are satisfied by variations from the given values. M. Le Verrier has, in fact, done this for all the Planets, except Neptune and the Minor Planets, and has found that the actual eccentricities and inclinations are subject to variations only within narrow limits, so that being small at the present epoch, they will always continue to be small t. M. Le Verrier con- cludes the investigation with these remarks : " This conse- quence, the importance of which is so considerable relative to the stability of the planetary system, is, however, found to * A proof of the truth of this statement by numerical calculation is given in the Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Vol. XIII. p. 252, where it is shewn that the above equations only ensure the stability of the orbits of the four planets Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. f Recherches Astronomiques, Chap. IX. Nos. 1015. 138 THE PRINCIPLES OF APPLIED CALCULATION. be established only for the ratios of the major axes which have been considered, and we are ignorant of the conse- quences that might result from other mean distances of the planets. It is to be regretted that we do not possess a general expression for the limits of the eccentricities and the inclina- tions susceptible of an analytical discussion. Unhappily it appears very difficult to form such an expression." It may be noticed that these views are in accordance with the tenor of some of the foregoing observations. There is still another point in the Problem of Three Bodies which demands explanation, although, as far as I am aware, the difficulty it presents has not been noticed in express treatises on the subject. The nature of the difficulty will be best exhibited by reference to the mode of solving the problem which I have adopted in the paper in the Philosophical Trans- actions already cited. At the beginning of that solution an equation* which is necessary for the present purpose is ob- tained by the following investigation. Supposing, for sim- plicity, the three bodies to be in the plane of xy, we have the usual equations d*x fix dR_ d*y fiy dR _ ++ ~^ + + ~~ d*y d*x dR dR . x d/-yw +x dj- y ^="- By changing the co-ordinates x, y into the polar co-ordi nates r, 9, and integrating the last equation, dR d6 dR dR. d0 dt - * The equation (7) in p. 525 of the Phil. Trans, for 1856. PHYSICAL ASTRONOMY. 139 JO/2 Hence substituting for -^ in the first equation from the second, and neglecting the square of the disturbing force, dr* h* 2ji 2h dE tdR dO dR dr 7/3 But since on the right-hand side of the equation -3- may be put for -5 , it follows that dt tr T J \dt \J dB ) dt dt The approximate solution of this equation is to proceed according to the powers of the disturbing force, and conse- quently the first step is to integrate after supposing R to vanish. Let us assume that when this is done the values obtained for r and 6 apply to elliptic motion, and let a be the semi-axis major and e the eccentricity of the ellipse. Then tfC we shall have a and e 2 = 1 ^ > an ^ consequently that Ch? assumption imposes the conditions that C and 1 ^~ ^> e positive quantities. When the known values of r and for elliptic motion are substituted on the right-hand side of the equation to obtain a second approximation, it will be seen that all the terms must have e for a factor. (See Art. 9 of the paper referred to.) Consequently if e = 0, or /* 2 = W C, the above equation becomes Since C is positive, this equation can only be satisfied by a circular orbit of which ^ is the radius ; in which case there o can be no disturbing force. Hence in the case of a disturbing 140 THE PRINCIPLES OF APPLIED CALCULATION. force there must be a certain limit to the value of the arbi- trary constant e*, to find which is the object of the following enquiry. The radius-vector of the path of the disturbed body is thus expressed in Art. 16 of my solution of the Problem of Three Bodies : -4- terms involving the longitude of the disturbing body. For the present purpose we may consider only terms in- volving the first power of e, and neglect the eccentricity of the orbit of the disturbing body. Also for the sake of brevity 1 shall suppose the ratio of the arbitrary constant a to the like constant a for the disturbing body to be very small. Then for the calculation of A, E,f, N, and II in the above expression for r, we have (in Art. 16) A- _l 2 ' _ __ n 2 ' da ' 4ft 2 ' da* ' ~2rcV da ' N= n +*- d A* n = w-/' ^ + -1 d * A } t na' da ' \^a' c&* 2n' da*) ' 1-1 .L- 2 L f fl *i A r m' m'd* in which equations n is put for 3 , and A Q for r ^ tt a 4a terms involving higher powers of the ratio of a to a being omitted. Hence if ri* = -75 and m=^ 7 , the following results may be obtained : da 2 ' da * This remark is made in Art. 5 of the Paper in the Philosophical Trans- actions, which, however, contains no investigation of the limiting value. The reference at the end of that Art. to note (A) is not to the purpose, because the reasoning there relates to the eccentricity of the disturbed orbit solely as affected by the eccentricity of the orbit of the disturbing body. PHYSICAL ASTRONOMY. 141 w 2 \ - 3wi 2 e , T f1 2N J, e/=- , AT=w(l-w 8 ), Consequently for the part of r which does not contain the longitude of the disturbing body, we have, to the first power of the disturbing force, r = a ( 1 + ~ } - ae ( 1 + -r-J cos \Nt ( 1 - -^ ) -f e - & I + &c. V * / \ o / l\ 4 / J This value of r may be considered to belong to a mean orbit. If j (1 - ej and a t (1 + ej be the apsidal distances of this orbit, the above expression gives Hence = al-+- and ( 1 + -^- J . Since 6 X is the eccentricity of the mean orbit, the last equation proves that e is proportional to that eccentricity. By squaring we have nearly, and if the product eW be omitted, e* e*. Now as far as regards the expression for the complete value of r given by this solution, which is the same, excepting the form, as that given by Laplace's and other solutions, there appears to be no reason why the constant e should not be zero. But the com- plete value of r consists partly of terms which do not contain e, such, for instance, as that which in the Lunar Theory is the exponent of the Variation. If, therefore, e = 0, the orbit will not be an exact circle. This inference seems contradictory to 142 THE PRINCIPLES OF APPLIED CALCULATION. that drawn above from the equation (A) ; and as no argu- ment, as far as I am able to discover, can be adduced against the latter inference, we have here a difficulty which requires to be cleared up, and which, probably, has not hitherto at- tracted attention, because, in fact, very little notice has been taken by theoretical astronomers of the equation (A). But to overlook the clear indications of that equation would be nothing short of error, and it is, therefore, necessary to meet the difficulty. This I propose to do by the following argu- ment. It has already been shewn that the occurrence of non- periodic terms in the integrations may be got rid of by the supposition of a mean orbit, that is, an orbit which is inde- pendent of particular values of the longitude of the disturbing body. The following reasoning will, I think, shew that the point now under consideration admits of being explained by making the very same supposition. The masses of the central, disturbed, and disturbing bodies being M, m, m', fi being put for M+m, and P for (x - a;') 3 + (y - y'Y + (z- z'}\ we have the known equations, As the object of the present investigation is not to obtain an exact solution of the problem but to exhibit a course of reasoning, it is allowable to make any supposition that will not affect the validity of the reasoning. I shall accordingly suppose, for the sake of simplicity, that the disturbing body describes a circular orbit of radius a in the plane of xy with the mean angular velocity v. Hence PHYSICAL ASTRONOMY. 143 x' = a' cos (v't + e'), y' = a' sin (vt + e'), s' = 0, dx' = -v'y'dt, dy' = v'x'dt. By taking account of these equations, and putting a' for r', the following result is obtained : ffx Hence, representing by the angle between the radius- vectors of the two moving bodies, we get by integration dx* dy* dz z _ , dy _ , dx n It thus appears that the problem of three bodies admits of an exact first integral on the supposition that the dis- turbing body moves uniformly in a circle, given in magnitude and position, about the central body*. To simplify the analysis farther, suppose the three bodies to be in the plane of xy, and let 6 be the longitude of the disturbed body. Then and the above integral may be transformed into the follow- ing: dr* tW . 2m f 2r r z \ * + - 1 j cos + -72 . a \ a a 2 J * This theorem was first proved in a communication to the Philosophical Magazine for December 1854. 144 THE PRINCIPLES OF APPLIED CALCULATION. AI . dO d$ , , Also since -j- = - + v , and at at d. dt Jt it follows that w(I) / \ dt +V m'rsi sn a r 2 ^) -^ h a / By expanding the trinomial affected with the indices - and to terms including the fourth power of , the fol- lowing equations are found : dr* -77 + dt 2 ' dt 2m a -75- (3 cos + 5 cos 30) t 4 + - ^ (9 + 20 cos 20 + 35 cos ' dt dt sin 20 v r 74- (sin + 5 sin 30) - r ( 2 sin 20 + 7 sin 40) (C). If the ratio of r to a' be not very small, it might be neces- sary to make use of all the terms of these equations. But in PHYSICAL ASTKONOMY. 145 the present investigation it is not proposed to carry the r* approximation beyond the terms containing -^ , and accor- dingly, in order to use the equations for finding the mean orbit, it is only required to obtain the values of r 2 cos 2 and r 2 sin 2 as functions of the time ; which is to be done by successive approximations. The first approximation gives elliptic values of r and as functions of t, which values, ex- panded as far as we please in terms proceeding according to the powers of e, are to be substituted in r z cos 2 and r 2 sin 2. Without actually performing the operations it will be seen that the expressions for both quantities will consist wholly of terms containing the longitude of the disturbing body. Also, integrating the second equation, squaring the result, and omitting the square of the disturbing force, we have where, again, ir 2 sin 20 dt contains no terms that are inde- 7/1 pendent of v't + e. Hence, eliminating -^- from the first equa- tion and suppressing the terms containing periodic functions of v't + e', the result is dr* W 2j, mr* If we now alter the designations of the arbitrary constants to indicate that they involve the hypothesis of a mean orbit, we have for determining that orbit, and the motion in it, the equations dr> h mr* d0 , rdr or, dt= j- =7 . s 146 THE PRINCIPLES OF APPLIED CALCULATION. To integrate these equations put a 1 + (r a x ) for r in the term containing ^ , and expand to the second power of r a r Since a l may be taken for the mean radius, (r aj 2 will be of the order of e*, and the approximation will consequently embrace terms of the order of m\*. After the above operation the equations will become , rdr r*dO dt = -^= _. _ . =-?, and we shall also have, putting ri z for -75 , By integrating the two equations the following results are obtained : a, (1-6,003 ^r), ,i3 (*+ TJ =^r + ^ sin 1/r, , Let us now put a Q for and e 2 for 1 -- V^ so that These values of a and e belong to the first approximation to the mean orbit, which, by hypothesis, is an ellipse. Hence, for the same reasons as those adduced in the case of the first approximation to the actual orbit, the arbitrary quantities C and 1 -- 5-y 5 - must both be positive. Now let I* / 2 1 W ^ = 7i , and = m, a* n PHYSICAL ASTRONOMY. 147 Then it will be found that /, * h ' i = .(!+), f -= In obtaining these results terms involving m 2 e* are omit- ted for a reason which will be stated presently. To proceed to another approximation to the mean orbit it would be neces- sary to substitute in the equations (B) and (C) for r and < their values obtained by the second approximation to the actual orbit. After this substitution new terms independent of the longitude of the disturbing body make their appear- ance on the right-hand sides of the equations (B) and (C), and consequently on the right-hand side of the equation resulting from the elimination of between them. When in this last equation, and in the equation for calculating 0, the terms containing vt + e' are suppressed, the integrals of the resulting equations give a closer approximation to the mean orbit. It is necessary to proceed to this new approxima- tion in order to find all the terms containing m z e* t on which account such terms were not retained in the previous approxi- mation. This course of reasoning indicates that the determi- nations of the actual and the mean orbits proceed pari passu. It is next required to find the relations of the arbitrary constants a and e of the actual orbit to 'the arbitrary constants a and e of the mean orbit. This may be very readily done since we have already expressed the mean distance a l and the mean eccentricity e L as functions of each set of constants. We have, in fact, j = a (l + ^ J and a t = a (1 + m z ). Hence a = Also 6 = 6* and e* = c* + . 102 148 THE PRINCIPLES OF APPLIED CALCULATION. Hence e2 = e o 2 +i7' (fi Since hf = /A O (1 - e 2 ), and ft = pa (1 - e 2 ), it follows that v . v i-v i-v Hence, omitting terms containing m* e*, h = h. The re- lation between the constants G and C follows from that be- tween a and a . For a = ^ and = ^ ; so that Hence we have Consequently, omitting ^-^-, e a = e 2 + ^- , as before*. The foregoing results give the means of solving the diffi- culty stated at the commencement of this discussion. Since e* is necessarily positive, if e 0, we must also have e = 0, and m = 0. That is, the orbit is a circle, and there is no disturbing force. Consequently, if there be a disturbing force it is not allowable to suppose that the constant e can vanish. As we have shewn that e is quam proxime the mean eccentri- city of the orbit, it follows that by reason of the action of the disturbing body the mean eccentricity cannot be zero, but has a limiting value obtained by putting e 0, namely, j= . It is worthy of remark that the eccentricities of the Moon's orbit * The equation e s = 1 5- + - was originally published in a communication relative to the Moon's orbit in the Philosophical Magazine for April 1854. See the Introduction. PHYSICAL ASTRONOMY. 149 and of the orbits of Jupiter's satellites approach very closely to the limiting values. For the Moon -=. 0,0529, and the known eccentricity of her orbit is 0,0548. The orbit of Titan, however, which has a large angle of inclination to the plane of Saturn's orbit, has an eccentricity nearly equal to 0,03, which is much larger than the value of -j= due to the Sun's V2 perturbation. The approximations have hardly been carried far enough to allow of application to the eccentricities of the orbits of the planets. It may, however, be affirmed that the 77? limiting value as expressed by the formula ^ will always be very small for the planetary orbits. Supposing the disturbing body to be a mass equal to the sum of the masses of Jupiter and Saturn, and its distance from the Sun to be the mean between the mean distances of these planets, if the disturbed body be Venus, the value of = is 0,0024. M. Le Verrier has V2 found 0,0034 for the minimum value of the eccentricity of the orbit of Venus*. Since, to the degree of approximation embraced by the preceding reasoning, r 2 d6 = hdt, it follows that the motion of the disturbed body is the same as if it were acted upon by a /2 central force. In fact, supposing ^ - to represent a cen- T 2i tral force, the usual process gives which is the equation that was employed above in the case of disturbed motion. It may, therefore, be worth while to enquire what results are obtained relative to the eccentricity when the problem is simply one in which the force is central. * Recherches Astronomiques, Tom. n. p. [29]. 150 THE PRINCIPLES OF APPLIED CALCULATION. In the first place we have, putting u for - , which can only be integrated by successive approximations. If the steps of the approximation proceed according to powers of ri'\ and if the term containing this quantity be very small compared to the other terms under the radical, a true approxi- mation will be effected. But in that case the first step is to integrate after putting n' 2 = 0, by which operation the first approximation to the orbit will be found to be a conic section. If we now assume that the conic section is an ellipse of which the semi-axis major is a and eccentricity e, we shall have a ^ and e z = 1 j- The arbitrary constants C and h CJi 2 will thus be subjected to the conditions that C and 1 - z - are positive quantities, which conditions they necessarily ^fulfil through all the subsequent operations. The second approxi- mation may be effected so as to avoid non-periodic factors by substituting for u in the term involving ri* from the first approximation, expanding to terms inclusive of e 2 , and elimi- nating the circular function by its elliptical value in terms of u. When this is done the equation becomes 7/j hdu do = - . V - 6" + 2^'w - #V C', //, and h' having the same expressions as in the case of the disturbed orbit. Hence, supposing a l (1 ej and a, (1 -f e t ) to be the two apsidal distances, and putting ?rafor -j= , the results V^ will be PHYSICAL ASTRONOMY. 151 CJi 2 Here it is to be observed that since 1 -- g~ is a positive quantity, e l cannot vanish unless m 2 vanishes, and that the least value of ^ is -p, omitting w 3 , &c. This limit to the eccentricity is the same as that obtained for the mean dis- turbed orbit; which shews that the limitation of the eccentricity of the disturbed orbit is so far due to the disturbing force acting as a modification of the central force ^ . It is to be noticed that, although the disturbed orbit can in no case be an exact circle, such an orbit is always possible when the force is central and attractive. This, however, is an isolated and unstable case of motion, from which it cannot be inferred that there may be gradations of eccentricity from zero to ~ . The eccentricity of the disturbed orbit, as well as that of the orbit described by the action of the central force, is arbitrary when it exceeds the limiting value. I propose to conclude the Notes on Physical Astronomy by obtaining a first approximation to the mean motion of the nodes of the Moon's orbit by a method somewhat resembling in principle the above process for finding the mean value of 0* 2J7* the eccentricity. If terms involving 4 and 4 be neglected, the usual differential equations may be put under this form : " p being the projection of r on the plane of the ecliptic, and O' t 6, being the true longitudes of the Sun and Moon. If 152 THE PRINCIPLES OF APPLIED CALCULATION. we now omit the last term in each equation, and put for r, r' their mean values a, a in the terms containing the disturbing force, the Moon will move in a fixed plane, and be acted upon by the central force z ( \ ^73) 5 so that the orbit will be an ellipse, in which the periodic time will approximately be 27ray wV\ V ( 4/W V ' The forces expressed by the omitted terms of the first and second equations have the effect of causing periodic variations of this motion without permanently changing the plane of the orbit. But the force - ^r produces a continual alteration of 2a that plane, because by the action of that force the period of the Moon's oscillation perpendicular to the plane of the ecliptic is caused to be different from the period in the orbit. After putting for r its mean value, or supposing the orbit to be circular, the third equation becomes and the mean period of the oscillation in latitude is therefore 2/ia'V ' which is less than the 'Moon's period by -==- . -, . Hence. v //. 4ytta if p and P be respectively the periodic times of the Moon and the Sun, the regression of the node in one revolution of the Moon is the arc 2?r x -^ , which is the known first approxi- mation. Since, if the oscillation in latitude be small, its period is independent of its extent, the regression of the node is nearly the same for different small inclinations. DYNAMICS OF A RIGID SYSTEM. 153 The Dynamics of the motion of a rigid system of points. The dynamical principles hitherto considered are applicable only to the motion of a single point acted upon by given forces ; or to the motion of masses of finite dimensions sup- posed to be collected at single points. Such is the case with respect to the masses whose motions are calculated in Physical Astronomy, excepting that in the Problem of Precession and Nutation it is necessary to regard the mass of the Earth as a system of connected points. The class of problems in which the motions of a system of points are to be determined, require for their treatment, in addition to the principles on which the motion of a single point is calculated, another which is called D'Alembert's Principle. It would be beside the purpose of these Notes to give an account in detail of particular applica- tions of this principle, such as those which form the subject- matter of express Treatises on Dynamics : but it will be proper to discuss and exemplify its essential character, and to shew how a general law of Vis viva is deducible from it. The truth of D'Alembert's Principle may be made evident by the following considerations. Suppose a system of points constituting a machine to be moving in any manner in conse- quence of the, action of impressed forces, and at a given instant the acceleration of the movement to be stopped by a sudden suspension of the action of these forces. On account of the acquired momentum every point will then continue to move for a short interval with the velocity and in the direction it had at the given instant. But the same effect would be pro- duced if at each point of the machine accelerative forces were impressed just equal and opposite to the effective accelerative forces. For such impressed forces would not alter the direction of the motion, but would prevent its increment or decrement. Since, therefore, these supposed impressed forces have the same effect as a suspension of the actual impressed forces, they must exactly counteract the latter, if both sets of forces 154 THE PRINCIPLES OP APPLIED CALCULATION. act simultaneously. This counteraction can take place only as a result of those laws of force and properties of rigid bodies which are the foundation of statical equilibrium. Hence these forces are in equilibrium according to the principles of Statics : which, in fact, is D'Alembert's Principle. On account of the statical equivalence of the two sets of impressed forces, they must be such as to satisfy the general equation of equilibrium given by the principle of Virtual Velocities. In this case the actual motions of the several points may be assumed to be their virtual velocities, being evidently consistent with the connection of the parts of the machine. Let us, therefore, suppose the effective accelerative forces of d?x d*x f the material particles m, m, &c. at the time t to be -j^ , =-5 , d*y d?y f &c. in the direction of the axis of x, -j^, fi> &c. in the 7g 72 / direction of the axis of #, and -j-^, ^ , &c. in the direction of the axis of z ; and let the resolved parts of the actual im- pressed forces acting on the same particles be X, X, &c., F, F, &c., Z, Z', &c. Then, the signs of the effective forces being changed, the equation of virtual velocities is d*x \dx r \ dz .,__ This equation gives by integration, We have thus obtained, by the intervention of the prin- ciple of virtual velocities, the general equation which expresses the law of Vis viva. It may here be remarked that neither in discussing D'A- lembert's Principle, nor in deducing from it the law of Vis DYNAMICS OF A RIGID SYSTEM. 155 viva, has any account been taken of the pressures on fixed axes due to the rotation of masses about them. The centri- fugal force of each particle revolving about a fixed axis must be counteracted by an equal force in the contrary direction, depending on the reaction of the axis, and supplied by the intervention of the rigidity of the mass. These forces tending towards axes may be regarded as effective accelerative forces, relative to which the reactions of the axes are impressed forces. Consequently the forces of this kind are embraced by D'Alembert's Principle, and might be introduced into the general equation furnished by the principle of virtual velocities. But it is clear that, as their virtual velocities are always and in every case zero, they would disappear from this equation. This is proof that the effects of centrifugal force and of the reaction of fixed axes require separate con- sideration; which, however, they cannot in general receive till the motions of the system have been previously deter- mined by means of the equation of Vis viva. On reviewing the steps by which the general equation which expresses the law of Vis viva has been obtained, it will be seen that they involve, first, the usual principles of the dynamics of the motion of a single particle; secondly, D'A- lembert's Principle, which, as is shewn above, is inclusive of the property of vis inertias, or conservation of momentum; thirdly, the principles on which the formation of the equation of virtual velocities depends. It has been shewn in pages 101 103 that that equation rests (1) on a definition which expresses the fundamental idea of the equilibrium of forces in Statics ; and (2) on the property of rigid bodies according to which a force acting along a straight line produces the same effect at whatever point of the line, rigidly connected with the body, it be applied. This property is to be regarded as a law of rigid bodies, and as such capable of deduction from the anterior principles which are proper for accounting generally for rigidity. Thus an d priori theory of the rigidity of solids would furnish an explanation of the whole class of facts 156 THE PRINCIPLES OF APPLIED CALCULATION. embraced by the general equation of virtual velocities, and besides these, as the foregoing argument shews, of the facts embraced by the law of Vis viva. The process by which the equation expressing that law was arrived at depends on no other property of a rigid body than the one in question, in addition to the property of vis inertias common to all bodies. In Treatises on Dynamics it is usual to speak of the con- servation of Vis viva as a principle, and similarly of the con- servation of areas, &c. It seems preferable to designate as a law whatever is expressed by a general formula obtained by mathematical reasoning, and to apply the term principle exclusively to the fundamental definitions or facts on which the reasoning that conducted to the formula is based. The solution of a problem may sometimes be conveniently effected by employing immediately the equation of virtual velocities; as in the following example. A given mass /, suspended by a fine thread, and acted upon by gravity, descends by the unwinding of the thread from a given cylinder revolving about its axis, which is fixed, and the centre of gravity of the cylinder is at a given distance from the axis : it is required to determine the motion. Let a be the radius of the cylinder, h the length of the perpendicular on the axis from the centre of gravity, and a the angle which this line makes with a horizontal line at the time t. Also let the perpendicular on the axis from any element m make the angle with a horizontal line, and its length be r. Then, -T- being the angular velocity of the cylinder, the virtual velocity of the particle m is r -=- , and its effective accelera- 72 tive force r TT- Relatively to the force of gravity the virtual velocity of m is r -j cos 6. Hence the equation given d/t by the principle of virtual velocities is d 2 a den da. cfa. \ da DYNAMICS OF A RIGID SYSTEM. 157 The mass of the cylinder being M, let 2 . mr z = M7c*. Then, since 2 mr cos = Mh cos a, we have, after striking out the P da. common factor -y , at d*a _ Mgh cos a + figg* W Mk* + /*a' ' by the integration of which equation the motion is determined. By applying, in conformity with D'Alembert's Principle, the laws of statical equilibrium to cases of the motion of a rigid system acted upon by given forces, six general equations are obtained, which suffice for the solution of every dynamical problem. Let x, y, ~z be the coordinates of the centre of gra- vity of the system at the time t, referred to fixed rectangular axes in arbitrary positions, and let a/, y, z be the coordinates at the same time of any particle m referred to parallel axes having their origin at the centre of gravity. Also let S . mX, 5 . m Y, 2 . mZ be the sums of the impressed moving forces parallel respectively to the three axes. Then the six general equations are conveniently expressed as follows*: The following problem has been selected for solution for the purpose of exhibiting a mode of applying these equations directly, without the consideration of angular motions relative to rectangular axes. A hoop in the form of a uniform circular ring of very small transverse section, acted upon by gravity, rolls on a horizontal plane the friction of which prevents * See Pratt's Mechanical Philosophy, Arts. 428 and 429. 158 THE PRINCIPLES OF APPLIED CALCULATION. sliding : required its motion and the path it describes under given circumstances. The axes of rectangular coordinates being taken so that the axes of x and y are in arbitrary positions in the horizontal plane, and the coordinates of the point of contact of the hoop with the plane at the time t being x and y, let the normal to the path of the hoop make at this point an angle a with the plane of the hoop, and an angle {3 with the axis of #, the latter angle being supposed to increase with the rolling. Also let a be the radius of the hoop, and the angle which the radius to any point makes with the radius to the lowest point. Then it may be readily shewn that x = x -f a cos a cos /3, y = y a cos a sin /?, z = a sin a, x a cos cos a cos /3 a sin sin {3, y a cos cos cc sin ft a sin cos /?, z' = a cos 6 sin a. Again, if V be the rate of motion of the point xy of contact, and s the arc described at the time t, we have, in consequence of the rolling, rr ds de v =dt= a df Also, the angle /3 increasing with the motion, and the curve being concave towards the axis of x, dx ds . Q dy ds n -JT = -77 sin p, -f- = -j- cos p. dt at dt dt Let F be the moving force of the friction acting in the di- rection of the normal towards the centre of curvature, and F' that of the tangential friction acting in the direction contrary to that of the motion of the centre of gravity ; and let P be the pressure on the horizontal plane. Then, supposing the moving forces F, F', P to be embraced by the sign 2, DYNAMICS OF A RIGID SYSTEM. 159 S . m X= F cos 13- F sin /9, M being the mass of the hoop. Consequently the first three general equations become for this case, df~ MV dt MV dt * d*y_ F dx_J^_ dy_ / 2 x de MV ' dt MV dt ' ' { h --+ ;- If now o/ , ?/ , s' be the values of a?', /, s' for the lowest point of the hoop, we shall have, by putting 0=0, x Q = a cos a cos /3, #' = a cos a sin /3, z' = a sin a. Hence, since a/, #', ^' are referred to the centre of gravity of the hoop, the following results are obtained, the moments of the forces F, F', and P being supposed to be embraced by the sign 2 : 2 . my'Z= Pa cos a sin /3, 2 . mz r Y=Fa sin a sin ft + F'a sin a cos /?, 2 . ws'JT Fa sin a cos + .F'a sin a sin /?, 2 . waj'^T = Pa cos a cos /?, 2 . wx' Y= (Fsin ft + F' cos /3) a cos a cos /3, 2 . my'X = (J^cos P - F' sin /3) a cos a sin /9. Consequently the three equations of moments are, (4), (5), 160 THE PRINCIPLES OF APPLIED CALCULATION. (6). -j- -j Since the differential coefficients -j- and -j^ , applying to a given element, may be eliminated by the equation -j- = a -7- , Cvv Ctu and the trigonometrical functions of 6 disappear by the inte- grations indicated by 2, it follows that the foregoing six equa- tions contain only the seven variables a, x, y, t, F, F', P. They suffice, therefore, for obtaining, as functions of t, the values of a, x, y, which determine the position of the hoop, and the values of the forces F, F' P. Also by eliminating all the variables except x and y, the differential equation of the path of the hoop is found. The eliminations required for completely effecting the general solution of the problem become extremely complicated. It is, however, to be observed that the six equations (1), (2), (3), (4), (5), (6), take account of all the mechanical conditions of the question, and that what remains to be done is merely an application of the established rules of analysis. The conside- ration of revolutions about axes, which is usually employed in problems of this class, does not involve any additional mechanical principle, but is to be regarded as a means of simplifying the analytical treatment of the differential equa- tions. To illustrate this point I shall now proceed with the analytical processes required for the direct solution of the problem, and after advancing so far as may be practicable in the general case, shall apply the results under particular restrictions. In the first place, from the equations (1) and (2) we have dyd z x dxd*y _FV dt d? dt d'f~"W dxtfx dd? F'V If now we substitute in these equations the values of DYNAMICS OF A RIGID SYSTEM. 161 -T5, and -r|, deduced from the foregoing expressions for x and y, the results will contain the angle /3 and its first and second differential coefficients with respect to t. These may be eliminated by means of the equations dx Tr n dy - __ dt p ' at pdt p 2 <& ' p being the radius of curvature at the point xy of the path. This having been done, the two equations give the following values of F and F : F V* / a \ da* . d*a ^= ( 1 - cos a - a cos a -55 a sm a -j , M p \ p J dr dr F dVf^ a \ Fa/ . da dp 17=*- ~ji U - -cos a) -- 2sm a-^+cos a M dt \ p J p \ dt Also by substituting a sin a for z we have from equation (3) P . d^ d*a _ = ^ slria _ + aC o S a^. Again, from the equations (4) and (5) we get, dx ^ ( ,tfz , d z y\ dy^ I , d*x , d?z'\ -j-*- m (y -j7T ~~ z TJT +-* .miss -TX x rjyr] dt \ y dt' dt 2 J dt \ dt* d? J = Va (P cos a ^ sin a), = - Va F' sin a. After substituting the preceding values of P, F, and F' in the right-hand sides' of these two equations and the equation (6), we obtain a first set of values of the left-hand sides, viz. 11 1C2 THE PRINCIPLES OF APPLIED CALCULATION. ( F 2 / a \ d 2 a\ May \g cos a - 1 1 -- cos a + a -^ \ , ( P \ p <*t ) IT (f-, <*> \ dV Va f . da. cos 8 adp\) -Ma\(l -- cos a cos a -j- + sm 2a -j- + -- - )\ . Up / at p \ dt p dtJ) Another set of values of the same quantities is formed by substituting in their expressions the values of x, y ', z' t and of the second differential coefficients with respect to , which substitutions give the quantities as functions of a, /3, 0, and 7/1 F, V being put for a -j- . These are simple operations, and not very long if care be taken to suppress terms containing sin 20 and cos 20, which will evidently be caused to disappear by the integrations with respect to 6 from 6 = to = 2?r. After performing these integrations and eliminating /3 by the same means as before, the three quantities will be found to have the following values : a \ dV f a . MaV4 '^ C in which case the two values are equal. The value of b is impossible if tan a sec a be less than If a be considered the unknown quantity, and its value be required as a function of V and Z>, we shall have, after putting u for cos a, m for Q ^ T7 --g, and w for , the following biquad- OOC r oCJ ratic equation : w 4 - 2nu* + (m 2 + ?i 2 - 1 ) w 2 + 2wu - ^ = 0. The sign of the last term shews that the equation has at least one positive and one negative root, and, whether m 2 + n* 1 be positive or negative, the signs of all the terms indicate that there is but one negative root. The other two roots are either impossible, or possible and both positive. Since it ap- peared that according to the dynamical conditions 2b must be greater than - - cos a, that is, cos a less than - - or n, it '-i oCl follows that the equation must have a positive root between u = 0, and u = n. This, in fact, is found to be the case ; for on substituting these values in the equation, the left-hand side becomes respectively w 2 and mV. The case of an indefinitely thin disk of radius a rolling along a circle of radius b being treated in the same manner, the equation applicable to the steady motion is found to be 3& 5a \* 3-^ cosa j * This result does not agree with that given in p. 200 of Mr Routh's Treatise on the Dynamics of a System of Rigid Bodies. I am at present unable to account for the discrepancy. 166 THE PRINCIPLES OF APPLIED CALCULATION. It may here be remarked that if it were proposed to deter- mine under what conditions a hoop acted upon by gravity might slide uniformly along a circle on a perfectly smooth horizontal plane, the question would be one of Statics rather than of the Dynamics of Motion, the action of gravity being just counteracted by centrifugal force. It may, however, be treated by the- same process as that applied to the preceding problem, but as the angle 6 for a given element would not 7/3 vary with the time we should have -j- 0. In this way it CLii might be shewn that the required conditions would be ex- pressed by the equation V 2 (. 3a \ a = -^(b- cos ccj , differing from that applicable to the rolling motion only in having b in the brackets in the place of 2b. Having sufficiently illustrated by the preceding discussion the method of directly employing the general dynamical equa- tions for the solution of problems, I shall conclude the Notes on this department of applied mathematics by the solution of a problem the treatment of which requires a particular con- sideration, which appears to have received attention for the first time only a few years ago. I refer to the problem of the oscillations of a ball suspended from a fixed point by a cord, and acted upon by the Earth's gravity, the motion of the Earth about its axis being taken into account*. It is not necessary in dynamical problems of motion to take account of the movement of the Earth's centre of gravity, because all points both of the Earth and the machine equally partake of this motion, and we may conceive it to be got rid of by im- pressing an equal motion on all the points in the opposite direction. But the case is not the same with respect to the Earth's diurnal motion, by reason of which different points * See an Article entitled "A Mathematical Theory of Foucault's Pendulum Experiment," in the Philosophical Magazine for May 1852, p. 331. DYNAMICS OF A RIGID SYSTEM. 167 move with different velocities and in different directions. This circumstance ought in strictness to be included in any reasoning relative to the action of gravity, whether the ques- tion be to determine motion relative to directions fixed with respect to the Earth, or motion relative to fixed directions in space. This may be done by the following process in the case of the problem above enunciated. Conceive a line to be drawn through the point of suspen- sion of the ball parallel to the axis of rotation of the Earth, and a motion equal ajad opposite to that which this line has in space at any instant to be impressed on all particles of the Earth inclusive of the cord and ball. The relative motions of the Earth and pendulum will thus remain unaltered, the line will be brought to rest, and all points rigidly connected with it will begin to move as if they were revolving about it with the Earth's angular motion. Consequently, the direction of the force of gravity, being always perpendicular to the Earth's surface, will revolve about the same axis. Thus our problem is identical in its dynamical conditions with the following : To determine the motion of a ball suspended by a slender cord from a point in a fixed axis, and acted upon by a con- stant force in the direction of a line making a given angle with the axis and revolving about it with a given angular velocity. Suppose to be the point of suspension, and OX, Y, OZ, to be rectangular axes fixed in space, of which OZ (drawn downwards) coincides with the axis of rotation. OA is the direction of the action of gravity, making a constant angle AOZ(\) with OZ, viz. the co-latitude of the place where the pendulum oscillates. P is the position of the centre of the ball, OP a the length of the cord, and #, y, z are the co-or- dinates of P at the time t. Let o> = the Earth's velocity of rotation, and consequently the angular velocity of the plane A OZ about OZ; and let cot the angle which the plane A OZ makes with the plane YOZ at the time t. 168 THE PRINCIPLES OF APPLIED CALCULATION. The force of gravity being g, the resolved parts in the directions OX, OY, OZ are g . cos A OX, g . cos AOY, g . cos A OZ; or, g . sin X sin cot, g . sin X cos cot, g . cos X The accelerative force of the tension of the cord being T, the resolved parts in the same directions are Tx _Ty^ Tz a ' " a ' ~ a Consequently, d*x Tx -jp- = g sm \ sin cot -- , ~ s= g sin X cos cot -- - , (it/ Of Tz These are the differential equations of the motion referred to fixed axes in space. In order to determine strictly the motion relative to the Earth's surface, it is necessary to make the investigation depend on these equations, and to transform the co-ordinates x, y, z into others x, y', z fixed with reject to the Earth. For this purpose it is convenient to take for the origin of the new co-ordinates, the axis of x at right angles to OA and in the plane A OZ, which is the plane of the meridian of the place, the axis of y' perpendicular to that plane, and the axis of z coincident with OA. Also it will be supposed that for a place in North Latitude x is positive towards the North, y positive towards the East, and z posi- tive towards the Nadir Point. Then, regard being had to the direction of the Earth's rotation, the following will be found to be the relation between the two systems of co-ordinates : x (z sin X + x cos X) sin cot y cos cot, y == (z sin X + x cos X) cos cot + y sin cot, 2 = 2' cos X x sin X. DYNAMICS OF A RIGID SYSTEM. 169 These values of x, y, z are to be substituted in the fore- going differential equations in order to obtain differential equa- tions of the motion in which the variables are x, y, z. It will now be supposed that the ball performs oscillations of small extent, so that -j- is always very small ; and as co is also a small quantity, terms involving the product a> x -j- and dt the square of co will be neglected. Thus the result of the sub- stitution will be as follows : d*x' Tx' ^ dy' -T# --- 2o> cos \ -f- , df a dt ' d*z' Tz' . _ dy' -T~S- a --- 2o> sm \ -f- . df u a dt Adding these equations together after multiplying them respectively by 2dx f , 2dy', 2k', we get by integration, since x'dx' + y'dy'+z'dz'^O, dx* dy' 2 dz' 2 + + -* = Again, multiplying the first of the three equations by y and the second by x ', and subtracting, we have , , x '' ' x Hence by integration, dtf AY x' =| - y' ^ = H + cos X, by which the angle 6 is continually increased. Thus relatively to the Earth there is a uniform angular motion of the ball from the axis OX' to- wards OY', that is, from North towards East, and conse- quently in the direction contrary to that of the Earth's rotation. As a cos X is the resolved part of the Earth's angular motion relative to a vertical axis, it follows that the oscillations of the ball really take place in a plane fixed in space, or, if we regard the actual motion of the point of suspension, in planes parallel to a fixed plane. The Principles of the Dynamics of Fluids in Motion. The department of applied mathematics on which I now enter differs essentially from the preceding one in the respect that the parts of which the mass in motion is composed are not rigidly connected, and are capable of moving inter se. Under the condition of rigidity the differential equations to which the dynamical principles conduct are all eventually reducible to a single differential equation between two vari- ables. But when it is required to determine the simultaneous motion of unconnected particles in juxtaposition, this is no longer the case, and the investigation necessarily leads to dif- ferential equations containing three or more variables. Such equations are as far removed in respect to comprehensiveness and generality from differential equations between two vari- ables, as the latter are from ordinary algebraic equations. For this reason their application in physical questions requires new and peculiar processes, the logic of which demands very close attention. I have, therefore, thought that the arguments relating to this application of mathematics would be best conducted by reference to express definitions and axioms, and by the demonstrations of enunciated propositions, and that by this means the character of the reasoning will be HYDEO DYNAMICS. 171 clearly exhibited, and an opportunity be given for the discus- sion of points that may especially require .elucidation or con- firmation. Some of the propositions and their demonstrations have been long established, and are given here, in conjunction with others that are for the most part original, only for the purpose of presenting the reasoning in a complete form. The two following definitions of the qualities of a per- fect fluid are sufficient foundations of the subsequent mathe- matical reasoning applied to the motion of fluids*. Definition I. The parts of a fluid of perfect fluidity in motion may be separated, without the application of any assignable force, by an infinitely thin solid partition having smooth plane faces. Definition II. The parts of a fluid in motion press against each other, and against the surface of any solid with which they are in contact. The first of these definitions is the statement of a general property of fluids, which, though not actually existing, is suggested by the facility with which the parts of a fluid, whether at rest or in motion, may be separated. As all known fluids possess some degree of cohesiveness, strict conformity to this definition is not an experimental fact. The hypothesis, however, of perfect fluidity may be made the basis of exact mathematical reasoning applied to the dynamics of the motion of fluids, just as the hypothesis of perfect rigidity is the basis of exact mathematical reasoning applied to the dynamics of the motion of solids. A comparison of numerical results ob- tained by calculating on that hypothesis with corresponding results deduced from direct experiments, would furnish a mea- sure of the effect of imperfect fluidity, or viscosity, such as that which is found to exist to a sensible amount in water and in air. The causes of imperfect fluidity are of such a * These are the same Definitions as those which in p. 104 are made the foun- dation of Hydrostatics. They are assumed here to hold good for fluids in motion, and are, therefore, reproduced in terms appropriate to the state of motion. 172 THE PRINCIPLES OF APPLIED CALCULATION. nature that it does not seem possible, in the present state of physical science, to bring them within the reach of d priori investigation. Numerical measures obtained in the manner above stated may contribute towards framing eventually a theory to account for them. The other definition is also a statement of a general pro- perty of fluids known by common experience. The pressure of fluids is subject to a law, ascertained by experiment, ac- cording to which in fluid of invariable temperature the pres- sure is always a function of the density, so that whether the fluid be at rest or in motion, the pressure is the same where the density is the same. The relation between the pressure and the density forms a specific distinction between one fluid and another. In the case of water the variation of density corresponding to a variation of pressure is so small as to be practically inappreciable. This physical fact has suggested the idea of an abstract fluid, which, in the mathematical treatment of its pressures and motions, is regarded as incom- pressible. In fluids that are compressible, such as air of con- stant temperature, the variations of pressure are assumed on experimental grounds to be exactly proportional to the varia- tions of density. I proceed now to the demonstration of the law of pressure for fluids in motion. Proposition I. The pressure at any point in the interior of a perfect fluid at rest is the same in all directions from the point. The proof of this Proposition has already been given in pages 105 107. The Proposition is enunciated here in order to exhibit distinctly the steps of the reasoning by which the law of pressure is proved for fluid in motion. Axiom I. If a common velocity, or common increments of velocity, be impressed on all the parts of a fluid mass, and on the containing solids, in the same direction, the density and pressure of the fluid remain unaltered. HYDRODYNAMICS. 173 This axiom, the truth of which is self-evident, is used in the proof of the next Proposition. Proposition II. The pressure at any given instant at any point in the interior of a perfect fluid in motion is the same in all directions from the point. Conceive the velocity which a fluid particle has at a given point at a given time, to be impressed at that instant upon it and upon all the parts of the fluid and the containing solids in a direction opposite to that in which the motion takes place. The particle is thus reduced to rest. If also its effec- tive accelerative forces at each succeeding instant be impressed on all the parts of the fluid and the containing solids in the directions contrary to the actual directions, the particle will remain at rest. By Axiom I. the relative positions of the particles of the fluid and the pressures at all points are in no respect changed by thus impressing a common velocity and common accelerative forces in common directions, the only effect being that the motions of the fluid are no longer referred to fixed space, but are relative to the motions of the selected particle, and are referred to its position at the given time. Since, then, the particle continues at rest, we may apply to it the same reasoning as that employed in the proof of Pro- position I., the effects of the state of motion of the contiguous parts, and of the variation, in time and space, of the density of the particle being neglected, as being infinitesimal quanti- ties of the same order as the impressed moving forces. Hence, the effective accelerative forces being assumed to be always finite, the law of equal pressure results precisely as in the case of fluid at rest. Being shewn to be true of any selected particle at any time, it is true of all particles at all times. Consequently the law of equal pressure in all directions from a given position has been proved to hold generally both in fluid at rest and in fluid in motion, having been deduced with as much exactness for the one case as for the other from the fundamental definitions of a perfect fluid. 174 THE PRINCIPLES OF APPLIED CALCULATION. Axiom II. The directions of motion in each element of a fluid mass in motion are such that a surface cutting them at right angles is geometrically continuous. The motion of a fluid mass differs from that of a rigid body in the respect that the relative positions of its com- ponent parts are continually changing. The above axiom asserts that consistently with such changes the directions of the motion are subject to the law of geometrical continuity. Unless this be the case, the motion is not within the reach of analytical calculation : on which account the axiom must be granted. "N. B. The following rules of notation relative to differen- tials and differential coefficients have been adopted in all the subsequent reasoning. A differential is put in brackets to indicate that the differentiation is with respect to space only, the time not varying. A differential coefficient with respect to time is put in brackets when it is the complete differential coefficient with respect to both space and time. Differential coefficients not in brackets are partial. Proposition III. To express by an equation that the directions of motion in any given element are in successive instants normals to continuous surfaces. Let ijr be an unknown function of the co-ordinates and the time such that (d^) is the differential equation of a surface to which the directions of motion in a given element are normals at a given time. By Axiom II. such a surface exists. Hence -~ , ^ , - are in the proportion of the velocities u, v, w resolved in the directions of the axes of co- ordinates. Or, X being another unknown function of the co- ordinates and the time, . dty dty dfy u \ -f- , v = X -~ , w \ -y- . ax ay dz Hence, (dtyr) = - dx + r- dy + dz 0. A, A *" A, HYDRODYNAMICS. 175 This equation expresses that the directions of motion in the given element are normals to a continuous surface at one instant. That the motion may be such as to satisfy this condition at the succeeding instant it is necessary that the equation 3 < = should also be true, the symbol of variation 8 having reference to change of position of the given element, and therefore to change with respect to space and time. On account of the independence of the symbols of operation 8 and d, that equa- tion is equivalent to (d . &/r) = 0. But dt dx dy ' dz and because the variation with respect to space has reference to change of position of the given element, &c = uSt, $y = vSt, Sz = wSt. Hence, and by integration, Consequently, by substituting the foregoing values of w, v, w t and supposing the arbitrary function of the time to be included in we have which is the equation it was required to find. It may be remarked that although the reasoning applied to a single element at a particular time t, since the element might be any whatever, and the time any whatever, the above equation is perfectly general. In fact the function -\fr may be supposed to embrace all the elements at all times. We have thus 176 THE PRINCIPLES OF APPLIED CALCULATION. arrived at one of the general differential equations of Hydro- dynamics, the investigation of which, it will be seen, has only taken into account space, time, and motion. Axiom III. The motions of a fluid are consistent with the physical condition that the mass of the fluid remains constant. This axiom must be conceded on the principle that matter does not under any circumstances change as to quantity. By the following investigation an equation is obtained, which expresses that the motion of the fluid is at all points and at all times consistent with this condition. Proposition IV. It is required to express by an equation that the motion of a fluid is consistent with the principle of constancy of mass. It is usual to obtain this equation on the supposition that the mass of a given element remains the same from one instant to the next ; and as the same reasoning applies whatever be the element and the time, it is inferred, just as in the above investigation of the first general equation, that the resulting equation applies to the whole fluid mass. For the purpose of varying the demonstration I shall here conduct it on the principle that the sum of the elements remains constant from one instant to the next. The density being p at any point whose co-ordinates are x, y, z at the time t, the whole mass is the sum of the elements p DxDyDz, the variations Dx, Dy, Dz being independent of each other and of the variation of time. Hence the con- dition to be satisfied is, 8 (p DxDyDz] - a constant, or S . S (p DxDyDz) = 0, the symbol 8 having reference to change of time and position. On account of the independence of the symbols of operation B and 8 t the last equation is equivalent to 8 (S.p DxDyDz) = 0, HYDRODYNAMICS. 177 which signifies that the sum of the variations of all the ele- ments by change of time and position is equal to zero. Now B . p DxDyDz=p(DyDzDSx+DxDzDSy+DxDyD$z) And since &e, By, Bz are the variations of the co-ordinates of any given element in the time &t, we have Sx = uBt, By = v Hence, ~- Consequently, by substituting in the foregoing equation, This equation is satisfied if at every point of the fluid which is the equation it was required to obtain. The investigation of this second general equation has taken into account space, time, motion, and mass, or quantity of matter. Proposition V. To obtain a general dynamical equation applicable to the motion of a fluid. Let x, y, z be the co-ordinates of the position of any element at any time t } p the pressure and p the density at that position at the same time; and let X, Y, Z be the impressed accelerative forces. The form of the element being supposed to be that of a rectangular parallelopipedon, and its edges parallel to the axes of co-ordinates to be &c, By, $z, conceive, for the sake of distinctness, the element to be in that portion of space for which the co-ordinates .are all posi- 12 178 THE PKINCIPLES OF APPLIED CALCULATION. tive, and let x, y, z, p, and p strictly apply to that apex of the parallelopipedon which is nearest the origin of co- ordinates. It is known that the generality of the analytical reasoning is not affected by these particular assumptions. It will further be supposed that the pressure is uniform through- out each of the faces which meet at the point xyz> because any errors arising from this supposition are infinitesimal quantities which in the ultimate analysis disappear. Let, therefore, p Bx By be the pressure on that face of the element which is turned towards the plane xy. Then by the law of pressure demonstrated in Proposition I., the pressures on the faces turned respectively towards the planes xz and yz are p Bx Bz and p By Bz, the pressure p applying equally to the three faces. Since p is a function of x, y, z, and t, the pressure at the same instant on the face parallel to the plane yz and turned from it, is (,+J Hence the moving force of the pressure in the direction towards the plane yz is -J- Bx By Bs ; and the mass of the element being p Bx By Bz, the accelerative force in the direction fjff\ of the axis of x is ~- . So the accelerative forces of the pax pressures in the directions of the axes of y and z are re- spectively *r and - . Now by Axiom I. the element pdy pdz may be supposed to be brought to rest, and to be made to continue at rest, by impressing, in the directions contrary to the actual directions, the velocity it has at a given time, and the increments of its velocity in successive instants, on all parts of the fluid and the containing solids. In that case, by the principles of Hydrostatics, the sum of the accelerative forces in the direction of each of the axes of co-ordinates is zero ; so that we have the following equations : HYDRODYNAMICS. 179 dp fdu These equations would evidently result from the im- mediate application of D'Alembert's Principle, the pressure being considered an impressed force. By multiplying them respectively by dx, dy, dz, and adding, we obtain (dp) ( v (du\\ , ( v fdv\\ , , ( 7 AM) v /ON ^t^( Although the reasoning referred to a particular element, since the same reasoning is applicable to any element at any time, the equation may be regarded as perfectly general. This is the tfiird general equation of Hydrodynamics, the investigation of which, it will be seen, has included all the fundamental ideas appropriate to a dynamical enquiry, viz. space, time, motion, quantity of matter, and. force. The equations (l), (2), (3), with the equations . d-dr dty d^lr U = \-~, V = \-Y-, W = \-j L - , dx ' dy dz and a given relation between the pressure p and density p, are equal in number to the seven variables ^, X, u, v, w, p, and p, and therefore suffice for determining each of these unknown quantities as functions of x, y, z, and t. It might be possible to deduce from the seven equations a single dif- ferential equation containing the variables ty, x, y, z, and t, i|r being the principal variable; and this general equation ought to embrace all the laws of the motion that are in- dependent of arbitrary conditions, and should also admit of being applied to any case of arbitrary disturbance. But it would be much too complicated for integration, and for being 122 180 THE PRINCIPLES OF APPLIED CALCULATION. made available for application to specific instances; and happily another course, not requiring the formation of this equation in its most general form, may be followed, as I now proceed to shew. But before entering upon this stage of the reasoning it will be necessary to make some preliminary remarks. Assuming that the above mentioned equations are necessary and sufficient for the determination of the motion of a perfect fluid under any given circumstances, in applying them for that purpose according to the method I am about to explain, it will be important to bear in mind three considera- tions of a general character. (1) The indications of the analysis are co-extensive with the whole range of circumstances of the motion that are possible, so that there is no possible circumstance which has not its analytical expression, and no analytical expression or deduction which does not admit of interpretation relative to circumstances of the motion. (2) Any definite analytical result obtained without taking into account all the three general equations (1) (2) (3) must admit of interpretation relative to the motion, although the application of such interpretation may be limited by certain conditions. (3) Analytical results which admit of interpretation relative to the motion prior to the consideration of particular dis- turbances of the fluid, indicate circumstances of the motion which are not arbitrary, depending only on the qualities of the fluid and on necessary relations of its motions to time and space. Such, for instance, is the uniform propagation of motion in an elastic fluid the pressure of which is proportional to its density. These three remarks will receive illustration as we proceed. There is also a general dynamical consideration which may be properly introduced here, as it bears upon subsequent investigations. The accelerative forces which act upon a given particle at any time are the extraneous forces Jf, Y, Z, and the force due to the pressure of the fluid, the components HYDEODYNAMICS. 181 of which in the directions of the axes of co-ordinates are, as was proved above, ~ , f-> ^-. Now all these forces pax pay pdz are by hypothesis finite, and consequently the direction of the motion of a given particle cannot alter per saltum, since it would require an infinite accelerative force to produce this effect in an indefinitely short time. Thus although the course of a given particle cannot be expressed generally except by equations containing functions of the co-ordinates and the time which change form with change of position of the particle, the course must still be so far continuous that the tangents at two consecutive points do not make a finite angle with each other* Hence also the directions of the surfaces which cut at right angles the lines of motion in a given element in successive instants do not change per saltum. It follows at the same time that any surface which cuts at right angles the directions of the motions of the particles through which it passeSj (which I have subsequently called a surface of displacement), is subject to the limitation that no two contiguous portions can ever make a finite angle with each other. For if that were possible it is evident that the directions of the motion of a given particle might alter per saltum* The equation tyf(t)=-0, which is the general equation of surfaces of displacement, may be such as to change form from one point of space to another, and from one instant to another; but the tangent planes to two contiguous points of any surface of displacement in no case make a finite angle with each other. Proposition VI. To obtain an equation which shall ex- press both that the motion is consistent with the principle of constancy of mass, and that the directions of the motion are normals to continuous surfaces. This may be done either by independent elementary con- siderations, or by means of analytical deduction from formulas already obtained. For the sake of distinctness of conception, 182 THE PKINCIPLES OF APPLIED CALCULATION. I shall first give the former method, and then add the method of analytical investigation. Conceive two surfaces of displacement to be drawn at a given instant indefinitely near each other, and let the interior one pass through a point P given in position. On this surface describe an indefinitely small rectangular area having P at its centre, and having its sides in planes of greatest and least curvature. Draw normals to the surface at the angular points of the area, and produce them to meet the exterior surface. By a known property of continuous surfaces these normals will meet two and two in two focal lines, which are situated in planes of greatest and least curvature, and intersect the normals at right angles. Let the small area of which P is the centre be w 2 , and let r, r be the distances of the focal lines from P. Then if Sr be the given small interval between the surfaces, the area on the exterior surface, formed by joining its points of intersection by the normals, is ultimately rr But as the direction of the motion through P is in general continually changing, the position of the surface of displacement through that point will vary with the time. Hence the positions of the focal lines and the magnitudes of r and r' will change continually, whilst the area m 2 may be supposed to be of constant magnitude. Let r and r represent the values of the principal radii of curvature at the time , and let a and (B be the velocities of the focal lines resolved in the directions of the radii of curvature, and considered positive when the motion is towards P. Then at the time t + St the values of r and r' become r a&t and r'ftSt, and the elemen- tary area on the exterior surface becomes 2 (r + $r - ogQ (r + Sr - which, omitting small quantities of an order superior to the second, is equal to , HYDRODYNAMICS. 1 83 (r+Sr)(r' + 8 This result shews that by rejecting small quantities of the second order, a and /3 disappear, and the area is the same as if the position of the focal lines had been supposed to be fixed. If, therefore, V and p be the velocity and density of the fluid which passes the area ra 2 , and V' and p be the velocity and density of the fluid which simultaneously passes the other area, since the differences of V and F', and of p and p, may without sensible error be supposed constant during the small interval St, the increment of matter between the two areas in that interval is ultimately But this quantity is also equal to m*Sr x - $t. Hence, dt since p'V' = pV+ 'j 8r, it follows that +-- .......... < The other mode of investigating the equation (4) will be sufficiently understood from the following indications of the principal steps of the process.* The equation ^ the principal variable in the differential equations subsequently obtained. According to the principles on which the general equation (1) was founded, a factor - always exists A by which that differential function may be made integrable ; so that the supposition of its being integrable of itself in- troduces a limitation of the general problem. Now, as we 186 THE PRINCIPLES OF APPLIED CALCULATION. have seen, X is determined by the solution of a partial dif- ferential equation, and its general expression involves arbi- trary functions of x, y, z, and t. The forms and values of these functions must be derived from the given conditions of the particular problem to be solved, and the integrability of udx -\- vdy + wdz will consequently depend on the arbitrary circumstances of the motion. For 'instance, that quantity is an exact differential if the motion be subject to the conditions of being perpendicular to a fixed plane and a function of the distance from the plane, or if it be in straight lines drawn from a fixed point, and be a function of the distance from the point If, however, definite results can be deduced from the purely analytical supposition that udx + vdy + wdz is an exact differential, made antecedently to any supposed case of motion, such results, according to the preliminary remarks (1) and (3), must admit of interpretation relative to the mo- tion, and indicate circumstances of the motion that are not arbitrary. The solution of the next question conducts to an inference of this kind. Proposition VII. To obtain an integral of the first general equation on the supposition Jhat udx + vdy + wdz is an exact differential. Since X (d^) = udx + vdy + wdz, if the right-hand side of this equation be assumed to be an exact differential, we must have X a function of -^ and t. Let -~- represent the ratio of corresponding increments at a given time of the function ^ and of a line s drawn always in the direction of the motions of the particles through which it passes, and let x, y, z be the co-ordinates of a point of this line at the given time. Also let V be the velocity at that point at the same instant. Then, since generally HYDRODYNAMICS. 187 we have dty _ d-fy dx d^f dy d^r dz ds ~~ dx ds dy ds dz ds _dty u dty v dty w ~"dxT*~(hj ~V*~dz V _ tf + v 9 + w* _ V \V ~X* But by the general equation (1), t+?-- Hence, substituting the above value of F, d^r d^_ ~dt* K ~ds*~"' Making, now, the supposition that X is a function of ^ and tj the integration of this equation would give f =/M). Consequently, The value of ^ obtained by this process is subject to the limitation of being applicable only where udx + vdy + wdz is an exact differential, but in other respects is perfectly general. Hence the expression for (&|r) given by the last equation is in general the variation of ^ (under the same limitation) from a given point to any contiguous point ; so that if we suppose the variation to be from point to point of a surface of displace- ment, in which case (\/r) = 0, we shall have But the multiplier of (85), being equal to -^, and there- fore proportional to F, does not vanish. Hence it follows that (&?) = 0. This result proves that the lengths of the 188 THE PRINCIPLES OF APPLIED CALCULATION. trajectories which at a given time commence at contiguous points of a given surface of displacement, and terminate at contiguous points of another given surface, are equal to each other. Hence, so far as the condition of the integrability of udx -f vdy + wdz is satisfied, two surfaces of displacement, whatever be the distance between them, are separated by the same interval at all points. But this cannot be the case unless the trajectories are straight lines, and the motion con- sequently rectilinear. We have thus obtained a definite result, namely, recti li- nearity of the motion, solely by making the analytical suppo- sition that X (d^) is an integrable quantity, which supposition does not involve any particular conditions under which the fluid was put in motion. This result, according to the prin- ciples enunciated in p. 180, must admit of interpretation relative to the motion; but inasmuch as it was arrived at without employing all the fundamental equations, we are not allowed to infer from it that the motion is necessarily recti- linear. Since the argument was conducted without reference to arbitrary disturbances, the general inference to be drawn is, that this integrability of udx + vdy + wdz is the analytical exponent of rectilinear motion which takes place in the fluid by reason of the mutual action of its parts. Motion of this kind may be modified in any manner by the arbitrary con- ditions of particular instances ; but because it has been indi- cated by analysis antecedently to such conditions, it must necessarily be taken account of in the application of the general equations to specific cases of motion. This will be more fully explained in a subsequent stage of the argument. I advance now to propositions relating to the laws of the propagation of velocity and density. Definition. The rate of propagation of velocity and density is the rate at which a given velocity or density travels through space by reason of changes of the relative positions of the particles due to changes of density. HYDRODYNAMICS. 189 Proposition VIII. To obtain a rule for calculating rate of propagation. Let the total velocity F at any point be equal to F(p), jj, being a function of the time t and the distance s reckoned along a line of motion from an arbitrary origin. Then, ac- cording to the above definition, s and t must be made to vary while F remains constant. Hence, since F=.F (//.), Here & is evidently the space through which the velo- city F travels in the time St. Consequently, if o> be the rate of propagation, we have dp Ss dt "-sr-$- ds This is the formula required for calculating the rate of propagation of the velocity; and clearly an analogous rule applies for calculating the rate of propagation of the density, or any other circumstance of the fluid expressible as a func- tion of s and t. Let us suppose, for example, that the rate of propagation is the constant co 1 . Then since the function /JL is required to satisfy the partial differential equation * + f =0 , 1 ds dt it follows that fj, = (* CBjtf). Hence F-JF'W-w.O] -/(-,) Conversely, if any process of reasoning conducts to an ex- pression of the form f (s at) for the velocity, or the density, or any other unknown circumstance, by differentiating this function with respect to s and #, the rate of propagation would at once be determined to be the constant a. 190 THE PRINCIPLES OF APPLIED CALCULATION. The above method of determining rate of propagation by differentiation, the principle of which is obviously true, I have indicated in a Paper dated March 30, 1829, contained in the Transactions of the Cambridge Philosophical Society (Vol. in. p. 276). A different method, given in the Mecanique Ana- lytique (Part II. Sect. xi. No. 14), and adopted by Poisson (Traife de Mecanique, Tom. II. No. 661, Ed. of 1833), is em- ployed to this day in the Elementary Treatises on Hydro- dynamics. By this process the determination of rate of pro- pagation is made to depend on the arbitrary limits of the initial disturbance ; that is, a circumstance which is not arbi- trary is attributed to arbitrary conditions. This is evidently an erroneous principle, and I shall have occasion hereafter to shew, that the adoption of it in hydrodynamical researches has led to false conclusions. Proposition IX. To find the relation between the velocity and the density when the rate of propagation of the density is constant. For the sake of greater generality the proof of this Pro- position will take into account the convergence, or divergence, of the lines of motion, and it will be assumed in conformity with the principle of continuity already adopted, that for each element of the fluid these lines are normals to a continuous surface. Accordingly let us suppose the fluid to be contained, through a very small extent, in a very slender tube whose transverse section is quadrilateral, and whose bounding planes produced pass through the two focal lines referable to the geometrical properties of the surface. Let P, Q, E be three positions on the axis of the tube separated by very small and equal intervals. Then since the lines of motion are not sup- posed to be parallel, it is required to solve the following general problem of propagation : viz. to express the rate at which the excess of fluid in the space between Q and R above that which would exist in the same space in the quiescent state of the fluid, becomes the same as the excess in the space HYDRODYNAMICS. 191 between P and Q. It is evident that the rate of propagation determined on this principle is not the same as the rate of propagation of a given density, unless the lines of motion are parallel. Let F be the mean velocity, and p the mean density, of the fluid which in the small interval &t passes the section at Q, and V ', p be the same quantities relative to the section at R. Let the magnitude of the section at Q be m, and of that at R be ra', and the interval between them be Ss. Then the increment of matter in the time Bt in the space between Q and R is ultimately VpmBt - V'p'm'Bt, the motion taking place from Q towards ft. Let this quan- tity be equal to the excess of the matter which is in the space between P and Q in consequence of the state of motion, above that in the space between Q and R, at the commencement of the small interval St. The expression for this excess, sup- posing the density in the quiescent state of the fluid to be represented by unity, is (p 1) mBs (p 1) m'Bsj small quantities of the second order being neglected. Hence, passing to differentials, we have d . Vpm _d.(p \}m Bs ds ~ds '&' fN which equation gives the expression for the required rate . ct If this rate be supposed equal to a constant a', we obtain by integration V p = a > (p -l) + m. The principal radii of curvature of the surface of dis- placement at the given position being r and r, m will vary 192 THE PEINCIPLES OF APPLIED CALCULATION. as the product rr. Hence the last equation may be thus expressed : Vp = a '( p -l)+*ff .............. . ...... (6). We have thus arrived at a general relation between V and p on the hypothesis of uniform propagation of the kind above enunciated. It will be seen that if p = 1 the expression for the velocity V coincides with that which would be ob- tained by the integration of the equation (5), which applies to an incompressible fluid. In this case, as there is no change of density there is no finite rate of propagation either of den- sity or velocity. If r and / be infinitely great, the motion is in parallel lines, and we have As this result shews that V is a function of p, V is propa- gated, as well as p, with the constant velocity a. Proposition X. The lines of motion being supposed to be normals to a continuous surface, and the rate of propagation to be constant, it is required to find the laws of the variations of the velocity and density due to the convergency of the lines of motion. Let a be the given rate of propagation. Then the solu- tion of the question may be effected as follows by means of the equations (6) and (4). After obtaining ^- from the ckir former, and substituting in the other, it will be found, since * =1 dt dr ' \r r which, it may be remarked, is the same result as that which HYDRODYNAMICS. 193 would be obtained if (t) = 0. This equation admits of being exactly integrated, the integral being p-i-^S^ w- Hence y a.F(r-a t ) ^ rr rr * ' These equations give the laws of the variations of F and p, as resulting from the hypothesis of a constant rate of propaga- tion, and from the convergency of the lines of motion. The proofs of the Propositions vi., VII., Till., IX. and X. have not involved the consideration of force, having reference only to laws of the velocity and density which depend on the relations of space, time and matter, but are independent of the action of pressure. I proceed now to the discussion of questions in which force is concerned, and which consequently require for their treatment the third general equation to be taken into account. For the purpose of illustrating and confirming the new hydrodynamical principles advanced in the foregoing part of the reasoning, two examples will, in the first place, be given of the treatment, in the usual manner, of problems in- volving pressure, no reference being made to the first general equation, and subsequently it will be shewn that the results thus obtained indicate the necessity of having recourse to that equation. Example I. Let the relation between the pressure and the density be expressed by the equation p a?p, and let the velocity be in directions perpendicular to a fixed plane, and be a function of the time and of the distance from the plane : it is required to determine the motion, the fluid being supposed to be acted upon by no extraneous accelerative force. Assuming that the fixed plane is parallel to the plane xy 9 we have fdv\ d . pu d . pv A dy 13 194 THE PRINCIPLES OF APPLIED CALCULATION. Hence the equations (2) and (3) become for this case a*, dp dw dw r^ + -ji + w -J- = > pdz at dz dp dp dw A - J 3i + w-%- + -T-=0. pat pdz dz To obtain integrals of these two equations, substitute 7 If ~- for w. Then by integrating the first we get dz which, if $ = <'- 1% {*)<&) and consequently w=~f ) be Hence, eliminating p from the other equation by this last, the result is d* ( , d HYDRODYNAMICS. 199 We have thus obtained by different courses of reasoning two different values of the same quantity. As it is certain that the second value results from necessary relations of space, time, and matter, we must conclude that the former is incon- sistent with such relations*. We are consequently again brought to a reductio ad absurdum. If it be objected to this conclusion that the reasoning has not embraced the expression for the velocity deducible from the given conditions of the problem, the logical answer is, that the absurd result was obtained by strict reasoning from admitted premises, and cannot, therefore, be set aside by other reasoning from the same premises. The processes by which the solutions of the above two hydrodynamical problems have been attempted, are in accord- ance with the principles that are usually applied to cases of the motion of a fluid. What then, it may be asked, is the reason that these processes have led to contradictions? To this question I make, first of all, the general reply, that this mode of treatment takes no account of the first fundamental equation, and of the law of rectilinearity of the motion deduced from it in Prop. VII. As that equation and the deduction from it were shewn to be antecedently true, they cannot with- out error be excluded from consideration in subsequent ap- plications of the general reasoning. To establish fully the validity of this answer, it is required to point out the course of reasoning which is necessary when the three fundamental equations are used conjointly. This part of the argument I now enter upon. In the first place it is to be observed that the law of rectilinear motion inferred from the general equation (1), would not be satisfied by the supposition that antecedently to the imposition of arbitrary conditions the motion is in parallel straight lines, or in waves having plane-fronts; for if such * See the arguments relating to this point in the Philosophical Magazine for December, 1848, p. 463, and in the Number for February, 1849, p. 90. 200 THE PEINCIPLES OF APPLIED CALCULATION. were the case, no contradiction would result from the reason- ing employed in Example I. And similarly, the law is not satisfied by supposing that the rectilinear motion takes place, independently of the character of the disturbance, in straight lines passing through a centre, or through focal lines ; for then the solution of Example II. would not have led to a contradiction. There is still another supposition that may be made, viz. that the general law of rectilinearity applies to motion along straight lines, which, with respect to the state of the fluid as to velocity and density in their immediate neighbourhood, may be regarded as axes. The consequences of this supposition will be next investigated, the following preliminary remarks being first made. The reasoning is necessarily of an indirect character, be- cause the general equation of which ty is the principal variable is so complicated, that it cannot be employed for drawing any general inferences relative to the motion or the density. As, however, the object of the present research is to determine laws of the mutual action of the parts of the fluid that are neither arbitrary nor indefinite, it is certain, if the research be possible, that there must be a unique course of reasoning appropriate to it, and that every other will lead to contradic- tions. Notwithstanding that the general equation cannot be integrated, the investigation of laws that are not arbitrary may be presumed to be possible for the following reason. What is proposed to be done is to satisfy the general equa- tions by a solution between which and the complete inte- gration of the equations there shall be the same kind of relation as that between the particular solution and complete integral of a differential equation containing two variables. As the particular solution is of a definite character, not in- volving arbitrary constants, so the solution with which we are here concerned is definite in the respect that it can contain no arbitrary functions, and should, therefore, admit of being discovered without previously obtaining by integration the complete value of ^. It is now proposed to conduct this HYDRODYNAMICS. 201 research by making the hypothesis that the rectilinear motion deduced from the general equation (1) is motion along a recti- linear axis, and taking into account the second and third general equations. Proposition XL Assuming that p = a?p, and that there is no impressed force, it is required to determine the relation between the velocity and the density, and the law of their propagation, when the motion takes place along a rectilinear axis. As the hypothesis of a rectilinear axis is based on an in- ference drawn from the first general equation by supposing udx + vdy + wdz to be an exact differential, the same supposition must be made in the present investigation. Also we are to express analyti- cally that the motion is along an axis. These conditions are fulfilled by assuming that (d.f) = udx + vdy + wdz, and that/ is a function of x and y, and

-j- , v = $ -j- , w =f-, and eliminating u, v, w, and p from the five equa- tions, the following result is obtained : dx 2 da? dxdydx dy dtf <> Since these equations apply only to points on or con- tiguous to the axis, the terms involving -4- and -J- are in- finitely less than the other terms. Again, as the value f 1 results from the values x 0, y = 0, which make -j- and -j- vanish, we may conclude that that value is either a maximum or minimum. The supposition of a minimum would be found to introduce subsequently logarithmic expressions inapplicable to the present enquiry, and by that analytical circumstance it is excluded. Since, therefore, /has a maximum value where x and y = 0, it follows that for points on the axis HYDRODYNAMICS. 203 6 2 being an unknown constant. Consequently, omitting in equation (10) the terms involving -- and -jr , and putting /= l, we have for determining the function ^> the equation After obtaining the value of by integrating this equa- tion, the velocity w along the axis is given by the equation w = -jT- , and the density p by the equation + +J'(*)=0 ........ (12). It should here be remarked that as the purpose of this investigation is not to satisfy arbitrary conditions, but to ascertain laws of the motion which are independent of all that is arbitrary, if the investigation be possible no such arbitrary function as F(f) can be involved, and consequently this func- tion is either zero or an arbitrary constant. The meaning of this inference will be farther apparent at a subsequent stage of the reasoning. Putting, therefore, F' (t) = 0, the equation (11) is now to be employed for finding an expression for <. It does not appear that an exact integral of this equation is obtainable : but an integral applicable to the present research is deducible as follows by successive approximations. Taking, for a first approximation, the terms of the first order with respect to <, we have If now we put p, for z + at, v for z at, and e for % this equation may be transformed into the following : -a 204 THE PRINCIPLES OF APPLIED CALCULATION. The integral of this equation does not admit of being expressed generally in a definite form ; but if we integrate by successive approximations, regarding e as a small quan- tity, the complete integral will be obtained in a series as follows : G(v) where (v) dv, &c. As the arbitrary functions F and G satisfy the equation independently, it is allowable to make one of them vanish. Let, therefore, F(jj)=0, so that >= a +^ + + we have to ascertain whether it admits of a particular and exact ex- pression. Now this will plainly be the case if forms of the function G can be found which satisfy the equation J.g.M pg w dv for every value of n ; since for such forms the above series is the expansion of exact functions of z and t. Now and consequently by the above equality dv* The integration of this equation gives the required forms of the function G. By taking the upper sign a logarithmic HYDRODYNAMICS. 205 form is obtained, which is incompatible with any general law of the motion of a fluid, and is therefore to be rejected. Taking the lower sign and integrating, we have 6f n (z/) = A cos (kv + B\ which determines the form of the function G n for any one of the values 0, 1, 2, 3, &c. of n. In conformity with this result let G (v) = m^ cos (kv + c). Then it will be found that containing arbitrary functions, the argument would have fallen to the ground. As it is, the above circular function is to be interpreted as indicating a law of the mutual action of the parts of the fluid. By means of this first approximate value of there is no difficulty in deducing from the equation (11) successive approximations. The result to the third approximation is cos - - sin - -- - - - cos i 2 1\ - - -J 206 THE PRINCIPLES OF APPLIED CALCULATION. o f being put for z aj, + c, and q for . If m be substituted A for gm^ , and KCL for o t , we shall have to the same approxi- mation, The expression for the condensation may be derived from the equation which is what the equation (12) becomes when the arbitrary function F() is supposed to vanish. Since it follows from the foregoing value of $ that if the velocity -^ = 0, we shall also have -~ = 0, and the equation above is satisfied if p = 1, which is taken to be the density of the fluid in its quiescent state. Hence it appears that the vanishing of F(t) signifies that so far as regards the mutual action of the parts of the fluid, the velocity along the axis and the corresponding condensation vanish together. This is the explanation of the vanishing of F'(t\ referred to at a previous part of this argument. Supposing now that p = 1 + <7, it will be found from the foregoing equations that to the second approximation = m K sing?- * s2tf+~( K *-l) sin 2 gg...(16). These results determine the laws and mutual relation of the velocity and density along the axis, and shew that each is propagated with the uniform velocity a x . HYDRODYNAMICS. 207 Corollary, From the equations (14) and (16) the relation between w and a- to terms of the second order is found to be (17). Since e, being put for $ , is necessarily positive, the equation (15) shews that tc to the first approximation is greater than unity. Hence the above equation informs us that the condensation corresponding to a positive value of w is greater than the rarefaction corresponding to an equal w* negative value by (/e 2 1) $ . The reason for this law will be apparent by considering that as the motion is wholly vibratory, the forward excursion of each particle must be equal to its excursion backward, and that this cannot be the case unless at each instant the variation of a ^- + -3r = > a Tr+T77= - dx dt dy dt dz dt 208 THE PRINCIPLES OF APPLIED CALCULATION. Hence by integration, d. la-dt a j dx i a dx a-dt d . I crdt ~dz~~> where 0, (7, C" are in general arbitrary functions of x, y, z not containing the time. Consequently, representing -ofjvdt by 0, we have = + = + = e&e ~" cfoj dx ' c?y d/y efo/ ' dz dz dz ' It thus appears that udx + vdy + wdz is not an exact differential independently of all that is arbitrary unless (7, (7, and O' are constants ; that is, since we may always leave out of consideration a uniform motion of the whole of the fluid in a fixed direction, unless (7=0, C'=0, and <7" = 0. Hence no part of the velocity is independent of the time. Now this is the case if the motion be vibratory. The hypothesis, therefore, of vibratory motion satisfies the condition of the integrability of udx + vdy + wdz assumed in the enunciation of the Proposition. Also this inference is in accordance with the antecedent expressions for w and is a circular function of z and t, and since ^the velocities u 9 #, w are respectively J- , $ ~ , and f-3- , it follows that the whole of the motion is dy d/z vibratory. Thus the supposition that udx -f vdy + wdz is an exact differential for points at any distance from the axis is justified by finding vibratory motion, and the supposition that the differential may be expressed as (d.f), is justified by obtaining an equation which determines fto be a function of x and y. To complete this investigation it is now required to find the particular form of the function / appropriate to motion 14 210 THE PRINCIPLES OF APPLIED CALCULATION. resulting from the mutual action of the parts of the fluid : which may be done as follows. Since the equation (18) is of exactly the same form as the equation (13), the same process that conducted to a particular expression for , will conduct to a particular expression for /. In fact, by this process we obtain which value of/ evidently satisfies the equation (18), if the arbitrary quantities g and h be subject to the condition f + h* = 4e. If we substitute 2 Ve cos 6 for ^, we shall have h = 2^e sin 0, and the above integral may be put under the form /=acos{2 Ve^costf-f #sin0)} ............ (19). By deriving from this equation -Jr- and -~ , and substi- tuting in the expressions -j- and ~ for u and v, it will be seen that the motion parallel to the. plane xy is parallel to a direction in that plane depending on the arbitrary value of 0. Consequently this value of f implies that 6 is deter- mined by some arbitrary condition. There is, however, an integral of (18) which removes this arbitrariness from f by embracing all directions corresponding to the different values of 6. For since that equation is linear with constant coeffi- cients, it is satisfied by supposing that /= 2 . a&d cos {2 */e (x cos + y sin 0)), W being an infinitely small constant angle, and the summa- tion being taken from to = 2?r in order to include all possible directions. By performing the integration, substi- tuting r* for a? a + y 8 , and determining a so as to satisfy the condition that /= 1 where r = 0, the result is i..a".8- + &a (20) ' HYDRODYNAMICS. 211 This value of f, containing no arbitrary quantity whatever, expresses a law of the mutual action of the parts of the fluid. The equation which gives the condensation a to the first order of approximation is fe v + /f=o. By substituting / from this equation in (18), striking out a factor common to the three terms, and putting 4e for a , the result is From what was argued relative to the equation (18), the particular integral of this equation appropriate to the present investigation is = k (^ + ^h + f 3+ &c -)> Jc being some constant. 214 THE PRINCIPLES OF APPLIED CALCULATION. Proposition XIV. To find the velocity of the propagation of vibrations in an elastic fluid the pressure of which varies as the density. Since the equations (14) and (16) prove that the velocity and condensation on an axis are functions of f, or z aj + c, and constants, it follows, by the rule proved in Prop. VIII., that each is propagated with the uniform velocity a,. Also K being the ratio of a t to a, we have, by equation (15), 2-1 ^L { " As j- is a small quantity of the second order, and e is a Cb positive quantity, this equation shews that when quantities of that order are omitted K* is greater than unity. Conse- quently, on proceeding to the next approximation, the third term in the above equation is positive, and thus the rate of propagation, as determined by purely hydrodynamical con- siderations, always exceeds the quantity a. It is the purpose of the reasoning that follows to determine in what proportion it is greater, and whether K be an abstract numerical quantity independent of spatial relations. With reference to this last point it may here be remarked, that the term in the above expression which contains ra 2 would seem to indicate that the rate of propagation depends in part on the maximum velocity, or on the extent of the excursion, of a given particle. When, however, it is considered that the present argument is wholly independent of arbitrary disturbances of the fluid, there ap- pears to be no reason to affirm of m that it has degrees of magnitude ; and accordingly the only appropriate supposition is that it is an absolute constant of very small but finite mag- nitude. The mode in which vibrations of different magnitudes are produced under different given circumstances will be dis- cussed in a subsequent Proposition. At present it will be supposed that m has a fixed ratio to a, so that, as far as regards that quantity, the value of K? is independent of linear HYDRODYNAMICS. 215 * magnitudes. Moreover it should be observed that the last term of the expression for /e 2 is to be omitted if the investi- gation does not extend to small quantities of a higher order than the second. f &? Thus we are required to calculate the quantity f 1 H ^ By referring to the proof of Prop. XI. it will be seen that the 6 a I 2 constant e, or $ , originated in putting ^ for the value of *Ctf Cl -~ 2 + ~TT f r points on the axis. This constant, therefore, has not an arbitrary character, but depends only on properties of the fluid and independent laws of its motion; on which account it should admit of determination on the principles em- ployed in the foregoing investigation. In short, the numerical calculation of the rate of propagation resolves itself into the discovery of the proper mode of determining the value of that constant. This I have found to be a very difficult problem. My first attempts to solve it were made on the principle of comparing the transverse vibrations at a great distance from tHe axis with vibrations along the axis resulting from two equal sets propagated in opposite directions*. I afterwards ascertained that erroneous values of the large roots of /=0 were employed in the investigation, and also that the compa- rison itself of the transverse with the direct vibrations was not correctly made. These errors are rectified in a communication to the Philosophical Magazine for May, 1865, and a new value of the constant K is obtained. Subsequently it appeared to me^ from a consideration of the way in which the constant e originated, that the determination of its value should admit of being effected by having regard only to the state of the fluid on and very near the axis ; and accordingly the solution I am * See the Philosophical Magazine for February, 1853, p. 86, and that for August, 1862, p. 146. t See at the beginning of an Article in the Philosophical Magazine for Jane, 1866. 216 THE PRINCIPLES OF APPLIED CALCULATION. * about to give is conducted on this principle. It leads to the .Same numerical value of K as the method in the above mentioned communication, but the reasoning is here more direct, and in respect to details is more fully carried out. From the results arrived at in the proofs of Propositions XL and XII., it follows that the equations, to the first approxima- tion, applicable to the motion and condensation at small dis- tances from the axis are these : /= 1 er* t u = The vibrations defined by these equations are resolvable into two equal sets in the same phase of vibration, having their transverse motions parallel to two planes at right angles to each other. The following is the proof of this property, which has an important bearing on the subsequent reasoning. Since the angle 6 in the equation (19) is arbitrary, the dif- ferential equation (18) is satisfied by f l = QL cos 2 Je x, and^= a cos 2 Jey. The former equation gives- 7/ -jrj = 2 Je sin 2 Je x aex nearly. fjf Hence < ~* = - 4aeo^ = 2au ; and supposing that 2a = 1, we have < -^ = u. So -j* = v. ux dy Also / 1 = |cos2Ve^ = i-rf, and /, = \ cos 2 Ve y = I - qf, nearly. Hence /,+/, = 1 - e (J + tf = l-er* =/ HYDRODYNAMICS. 217 Again, let a\ +/ t = 0, and aV 2 +/ 2 = ; so that But it has just been shewn that / 1 +j^=/ Consequently 0^ + 0-2 = and f may be conceived to be com- posed of two equal sets defined respectively by the functions <, f lt and <, f 2 ; and that each set satisfies the equations (13) and (18). On this account it is allowable to take one into consideration apart from the other, as is done in the succeed- ing part of this investigation. Since this resolvability of the .original vibrations has been demonstrated by means of forms of the functions 0, f, f^ / 2 , which were arrived at independ- ently of arbitrary conditions, we may conclude that it is a general law or property of vibratory motion relative to an axis, and may, therefore, be legitimately employed in the pre- sent enquiry. It should also be noticed that this resolution is not possible if the value of f be taken to more than two terms, and that consequently the application of the reasoning is restricted to points very near the axis. Supposing, therefore, the transverse vibrations to be pa- rallel to the axis of x, we have w ! -3- cos 2 Je x sin q (z teat + c), , df. m Je . t- . . u = <> -- 1 = sm % WIK / , . aa = - ~ cos 2 >Je x sm q (z icat + c). QJ dt 2 Let, now, an exactly equal set of vibrations be propagated in the contrary direction, and let w, u, v be the velocities and condensation resulting from the two sets, their coexistence being assumed from what is proved in Prop. XIII. Then measuring 218 THE PRINCIPLES OP APPLIED CALCULATION. z from a point of no velocity, and substituting ^j , or q, for A/ K\! C 2 tje t K for , and c for - , the following system of equations A/ K may be formed : w = in cos q'x sin qz cos q/c (at c'), u' = cos g sin ^'a? cos qx (at c'), aa = 772/c cos q'x cos ^2 sin /e (at c'), = cos gs cos ^'cc sin q/c' (at c). Hence for points contiguous to the axis the direct and trans- verse velocities are expressible by analogous formulae, and the condensation can be expressed by corresponding formulas. If we substitute r--^ for e in the value of K, we have /c so that /c' 2 = -5 - . In order to determine K it is required to obtain another relation between K and K which I propose to do by the following considerations. From the foregoing values of w and u it appears that the ratio of the direct and transverse velocities at each point is in- dependent of the time (since qK=q'tc'), and that consequently the lines of motion have fixed positions. To determine their forms we have the equations dz w a tan qz q*z , = = * ^_ J^_ nearly, ax u q tan a; q x the arcs qz and qx being by supposition very small. Hence by integration, HYDRODYNAMICS. 219 The different lines are obtained by giving different values to the arbitrary constant G. They are all convex to the axis of x if X' be greater than X, and convex to the axis of z in the contrary case. It might easily be shewn that the trajectories of these lines are similar ellipses having a common centre at the origin of co-ordinates, and their axes coincident with the axes of co-ordinates, those coincident with the axis of x hav- ing to the others the ratio of X' to X. t '2 "\ 2 Since , = ^2~ = rTa , it will be seen, by putting x=z, that XU Q Z X Z X 2 the ratio of u to w at equal distances from the origin is ^. A< Designating by the ratio of the velocities subject to this condition, we shall have tea = a 1 1 H ) . It is evident that V w V the ratio of u' to w' is that in which the transverse and direct motions contribute to the changes of condensation at the origin. This is also the -ratio in which the transverse and direct velocities contribute to the changes of density at any point of the axis of z when a single series of vibrations, defined by the foregoing values of w, u, and in any direction transverse to the axis, and the condensation o- may be readily found : j. . 2/cVa w = mf sin q% -- - - cos 2^f, m df K 5 m z da . 6) = -- -f- cos at - -- j~ sm 2qt. dr * Ba dr KW m* f ~ . 2 1 df* 0. = -- h 4-x I/ 2 sin qt ri a 2/cV \ 4e dr 2 In these equations 4 and 4e have been substituted for - and (/c 2 1) ^ 2 , to which they are respectively equal. By assuming that mf m 2 Ag . B being put for V 2 2 ^ in accordance with equation (14), and h being assumed to be a function of r, a series for A may be similarly obtained, and the approximation thus be carried to terms involving m 3 . I have found by this process that the first two terms of the series for h, like those of the series for / and g, are 1 er*. This result is confirmatory of the original supposition that for points near the axis ^ =/, f being a function of x and y, and a function of z and t. As the 152 228 THE PRINCIPLES OF APPLIED CALCULATION. successive approximations may by like processes be carried on ad libitum, we may conclude that for this kind of vibra- tory motion udx + vdy + wdz is a complete differential for the exact values of u, v, and w ; and as this result has been ob- tained antecedently to the supposition of any disturbance of the fluid, we may farther infer that the motion is of a sponta- neous character, or such as is determined by the mutual action of the parts of the fluid. The equations which express the laws of a single series of vibrations relative to an axis having been found, we may proceed next to investigate the laws of the composition of such vibrations. Proposition XVI. To determine the result of the com- position of different sets of vibrations having a common axis, to terms of the first order. The proof of the law of the coexistence of small motions given under Prop. XIII., required that the motions should be expressed by quantities of the first order, and also that they should be vibratory. The spontaneous motions which have been the subject of the preceding investigations were found to be vibratory ; so that, to the first order of approximation, the law of the coexistence of small motions is applicable to them. Hence an unlimited number of sets of such vibrations, having their axes in arbitrary positions in space, may coexist ; and for each set the quantities / and which define the motion are given by equations of the form But here it is to be observed that since the quantity Z> 2 is equal to -^- (/e 2 1), and /c 2 has been shewn to be a nume- A. rical constant, that quantity has a different value for every HYDRODYNAMICS. 229 different value of X, and therefore for every different set of vibrations. Let us now suppose that there are any number of different sets having a common axis. Then since the vibrations coexist we shall have . ~~ ( > These equations prove that the composite motions are not of the same character as the separate motions, except in the particular case of , and therefore X, being the same in all the components. In that case / will be the same for all, as it contains only the constant e ; and assuming, for reasons al- ready alleged, that m has a fixed value, the values of will differ only in consequence of difference of values of the arbi- trary constant c. Thus we shall have 2 . w = - S . R and 8 being functions of r and constants, the expressions for which may be obtained for each value of^ by the method of indeterminate coefficients. 232 THE PRINCIPLES OF APPLIED CALCULATION. Having found for ty an expression applicable to composite vibrations relative to a common axis, we may deduce the values of the direct and transverse composite velocities (w and w'), and the composite condensation (cr'), by means of the equations (25). The results will be as follows : w' = mS [/sin j?] - 2 [3 cos 2 2 r] + m 2 , cos - sm 2 + m df 2 - 2 a Here m z -^- is put for dz J 2 [/,// sin q, & sin g/ J>] so that Q' is a quantity which may be expressed in the form sin + + 8' sin K and /S" being determinate functions of r and constants. Reverting now to the values of w, w, and a- obtained under Prop XV., we have the following equations : Hence we may infer that on proceeding to terms of the second order with respect to m, the composite velocities and condensa- tions are no longer equal to the sums of the simple velocities and condensations, but differ from such sums by quantities of the second order involving the functions Q and Q'. Respect- ing these functions it is to be observed that they are periodic HYDRODYNAMICS. 233 in such manner as to have as much positive as negative value. But it is chiefly important to remark that while w and a>' are wholly periodic, the part of /*'? & any two sets of different values, the sum of the other kind of terms will be found to be - sn cos These terms are also periodic. It may be observed that both kinds of terms may be supposed to be included in the last expression, if for the case of s = s' the result be divided by 2. If n be the number of the different sets of values, the number of terms of both kinds will be 2n + 4 . '^- '- or 2w 2 . Also n r since the expressions for 2 -f- n and 2 -- -. , a^ ac are obtained in exactly the same manner, the whole number of terms, expressing the value of that part of the equation (24) which is of the second order, is 6n 2 . From the foregoing reasoning it follows that the equation (24) may be integrated to the second approximation by as- suming that mS - cos q% If sin 2^f + -ZVcos 2^f + Psin (q + q&) + Q sin + E cos + + fif cos HYDRODYNAMICS. 237 For since the terms of the second order in (24) have been explicitly determined by the preceding investigation, by substituting the above value of ifr in the equation, and equating to zero the coefficients of the several circular func- tions, differential equations will be formed from which the values of M, N, P, Q, R, S may be found by the method of indeterminate coefficients. On obtaining from the expression for ty the values of Hie 9 ~dy> He' it will be found that these velocities are periodic quantities, having as much positive as negative value. Thus vibratory motion results from the second approximation as well as from the first. We have now to obtain the condensation (cr) to the second approximation by means of the equation dy = ^ds, dz = j,ds. Hence, since a? (dp) _ (/udu\ fvdv\ fwdw\\ds -*jr " Jean + (dt) + \~~dr)} v (d.V* d. V* ds\ ds^ ~\ dt ds dt) 2V' dV, Id.V* = -j- ds - - j ds. dt 2 ds HYDRODYNAMICS. 241 Therefore, by integration, . Log p =/(a? , y , * , ) # , i/ , 2 being supposed to be the co-ordinates of a certain point of the line of motion at the time t. Now in the case of steady motion j- = and -j- = for every line of motion. Hence, the arbitrary function does not contain t, and is determined by given values of p and V at the fixed point 2? y 2 . Thus in a case of steady motion taking place under given circumstances, it is generally necessary to determine the arbitrary function for each line of motion from the given conditions. There is, however, a supposable case in which the arbitrary function would be the same for all the lines of motion, viz. that in which F=0 at some point of each line, and p a constant p for each of these points. In that case the relation between p and V would be and this equation would be applicable to the whole of the fluid in motion at all times. I now proceed to shew that the case here supposed is that for which udx + vdy + wdz is an exact differential for the complete values of u, v, and w. a . dUf.dv.dw. * Since -j- = 0, -j- = 0, -j- 0, we have at at at a*dp pdx du + U dx + du v -j- + w dy du as- ' a*dp dv dv dv Jay ~\ w 7 "T ax dy ~dz~ ' a*dp dw dw dw pdz U ~dx v j r W dy ~dz ~ 16 242 THE PEINCIPLES OF APPLIED CALCULATION. But by the equation (26), a? dp -rj-dV du dv dw j == -r- 7 - = -w-j -- v-j -- w -j- J pax ax ax ax ax and similarly for J- and y~. Hence by substitution in pdy pdz the above equations and adding them, the result is , v (dv du\ . N (dw dv\ . N (du dw\ (u-v) [-T- --j- ) + (v-w) -j -r)4- fa *) T--T~ H - ' Vtffo <%/ ' \d^ dk/ ' \^ oa?/ This equation is satisfied if dv du dw dv du dw _ dx dy dy dz dz dx that is, if udx + vdy + wdz be an exact differential. It may hence be inferred, on the same principle as that applied to -II vibratory motion, that the equation p = p^e 2 2 expresses a general law of steady motion, so far as the motion is inde- pendent of particular conditions, such as those relating to the limits of the fluid, and to containing surfaces. Another general law of steady motions, relating to their coexistence, may be demonstrated as follows. Putting (d%) for udx 4- vdy + wdz, in order to distinguish this case of integrability from that for vibratory motion, and proceeding to form the general hydrodynamical equation of which ^ is 7 72 the principal variable, we shall have = 0, and -^ = ; and also JF"(tf) = 0, since it has been shewn generally that F(t] is zero or a constant when there are no arbitrary con- ditions. Thus the equation will become the terms of the third order being omitted. HYDRODYNAMICS. 243 If 2&, ^ 2 , ^ 3 , &c. be different values of % applicable to different sets of steady motions taking place separately, and if we suppose that % = %! + % 2 + %a + & c -> ** * s ey id en t that this value of % will satisfy the above equation, and that we shall also have &=&+&+&.+&,,, ax ax ax ax and analogous expressions for -% and ~ . Hence it follows that different sets of steady motions may . coexist, and that the velocity of the compound motion is the resultant of the velocities of the individual motions. It also appears, since the resultant velocity and its direction are at each point functions of co-ordinates only, that the compound motion, like that of the components, is steady motion. Hence if p represent the density, and V the velocity, for the composite motion, we shall have by equation (26), / V'\ r, p' = p (1- ^fj nearly ......... (27). The foregoing investigation determines sufficiently for my purpose the laws of the steady motions of an elastic fluid. The preceding eighteen Propositions, and the principles and processes which the proofs of them have involved, are necessary preliminaries to the application of Hydrodynamics to specific cases of motion. Having carried these d priori investigations as far as may be needful for future purposes, I shall now give examples of the application of the results to particular problems. The selection of the examples has been made with reference to certain physical questions that will come under consideration in a subsequent part of the volume. Example I. The relation between the pressure (p) and 162 244 THE PRINCIPLES OF APPLIED CALCULATION. density (p) being ^> = a 2 p, and no extraneous force acting, let the motion be subject to the condition of being in directions perpendicular to a fixed plane, and the velocity and density be functions of the time and the distance from the plane : the circumstances of the initial disturbance of the fluid being given, it is required to find the velocity and condensation at any point and at any time. It will be seen that this is the same example as that following Prop. X., the attempted solution of which led to contradictions on account of defect of principles. It will now be treated in accordance with principles and theorems that have been established by investigations subsequent to that attempt. At first, for the sake of simplicity, only terms of the first order will be taken into account. We may suppose the fluid to be put in motion by a rigid plane of indefinite extent caused to move in an arbitrary manner, but so as always to be parallel to the fixed plane. The disturbing plane is conceived to 'be indefinitely extended in order to avoid the consideration of the mode in which the motion would be affected near the boundaries of the plane if it were limited; a problem of great difficulty, and requiring in- vestigations that I have hitherto not entered upon. Since by the general preliminary argument the principle is established that arbitrarily impressed motion must in every "case be assumed to result from the composition of primary or spontaneous motions, we must, in this instance, suppose the motion to be compounded of an unlimited num- ber of spontaneous motions having their axes all perpendicu- lar to the plane, and distributed in such manner that the transverse motions are destroyed. It is here assumed that any arbitrary function of z icat + c may be expressed by the sum of an unlimited number of terms such as , - . 27T , m/sin (z /cat + c), A< HYDRODYNAMICS. 245 vri being put for mn* in accordance with what is proved under Prop. XVI., and the three quantities m ', X, c being con- sequently all of arbitrary magnitude. This hypothesis may be regarded as axiomatic, inasmuch as there is supposed to be no limit to the number of arbitrary constants at disposal for satisfying the required conditions. This being understood, we may next infer from the analytical expressions of the components, that the impressed velocity, independently of its magnitude, is propagated at the uniform rate /ca, and that it does not undergo alteration by the propagation, the lines of motion being by the conditions of the problem straight and parallel*. Also by reason of the same conditions the velocity V l at any point and the condensation da- dV K?O? -=- + -T- = 0, dz dt is applicable at any point of the tube, z being reckoned along its axis from an arbitrary origin. The action of the sides of the tube, which have the effect of neutralizing the tendency to transverse motion, accounts for the factor /e 2 , by which this equation is distinguished from the analogous one applicable to free motion. This action, being transverse, leaves the rate of propagation the same as for free motion, and simply re- places the transverse neutralizing effect of the composition. Now if the axis of the tube, instead of being straight, were 250 THE PRINCIPLES OF APPLIED CALCULATION. to become curvilinear, and if s be a line reckoned along it from a fixed point to any other point, then, supposing the transverse section still to be uniform, the above equation with .9 in the place of z would remain true, because the sides would, just as before, neutralize the tendency to transverse motion, and would also have the effect of counteracting the centrifugal force arising from the curvilinear motion. Again, if instead of being uniform the transverse section varied from point to point at a given instant, so, however, that the sides of the tube may be inclined by indefinitely small angles to its axis, the same equation would still hold good, provided the curvature of the surfaces to which the lines of motion are under these circumstances normal, be always and everywhere finite. For we have seen that the composition of the motion in effect changes the elasticity of the fluid from a 2 to # 2 a 2 when the lines of motion are parallel, whether they be rectilinear or curved. When they are not parallel, for the same reason that in free motion the effective accelerative force in the direc- 27 tion of a line of motion is 7- whatever be the curvature ds of the surface of displacement, in constrained motion the effective accelerative force is j independently of the same curvature, supposing always that it is finite. Now in every instance of the constraint of motion by arbitrary cir- cumstances, the whole of the fluid may be assumed to be composed of curved tubular portions of the kind above speci- fied, the axes and the sides of the tubes always following the courses of the lines of motion. Also the axis of each tube, while it may consist of any number of lines defined by dif- ferent equations, must at each instant be continuous so far as not to vary in direction per saltum; for such a change could only be produced by an infinite accelerative force. From the foregoing reasoning I conclude that the equation KV ^ + ^=0 (29) ds dt v ' HYDRODYNAMICS. 251 applies at every point of the fluid, when caused to move under given arbitrary circumstances, and that by this equation the principle of the composition of spontaneous motions is taken into account. I proceed now to apply the above equation to the example in hand. The disturbance of the fluid is supposed to be such that the motion is constrained to take place equally in all directions from the centre, so as to be a function of the dis- tance from the centre. It will suffice in this case to consider the motion in a slender pyramidal tube bounded by planes passing through the centre as its vertex ; and if F and a- be the velocity and condensation at the distance r from the ver- tex, we have by the equation (29), < Also for this case the equation of constancy of mass becomes to the same approximation, By eliminating ), which is an infinite quantity, if r be supposed infinite. Consequently an infinite amount of mo- mentum may be generated in a finite interval of time. This peculiarity of incompressible fluid in motion appears to be analogous to what is called " the hydrostatic paradox." Before proceeding to the consideration of other examples, it will be proper to introduce here the investigation of certain equations applicable generally to instances of motion due to arbitrary disturbances. It has been already proved that the equation (29), viz. da- dV applies generally to such instances. Now da _ da- dx da- dy da- dz ds ~~ dx ds dy ds dz ds da- u da- v do- w HYDKODYNAMICS. 257 and since F 2 = w 2 4- v 2 + w 2 , dV _du u du v dw w Tt ~~ dt T + dt V + ~3JL ~V' Hence by substituting in that equation, da- dw This equation is as generally applicable as the equation (29). If each of the terms be multiplied by Bt, the factors uSt, v&t, w&t may be considered the virtual velocities of any element the co-ordinates of which are x, y, z at the time t. Hence the equation may be regarded as formed both on D'Alembert's Principle and the Principle of Virtual Velocities. When it is employed in a particular problem, it is necessary to intro- duce into it any relations between w, v, w, that may be deduci- ble from the given conditions of the problem. If the relations between these velocities depend only on the mutual action of the parts of the fluid not immediately disturbed, and must consequently be determined by integration, the equation re- solves itself into the three following: 20 da du _ 22^;, ^" _ n 2 z da dw _ Tx*~dt~ l dy* dt~ l 'dz + 'dt~ If the given conditions furnish one relation between u, v, w, there will be two residual equations, and if they furnish two relations, there will be a single residual equation. The equa- tion, or equations, thus resulting will have to be employed, together with the equation of constancy of mass, for obtaining a partial differential equation by the integration of which the solution of the problem is effected. For instance, let the case of motion be that of Example II. Then we have _ Vx = Vy _Vz w y y furnishing the two relations v = ^ w = x ' x ' 17 258 THE PRINCIPLES OF APPLIED CALCULATION. Hence the equation (31) is equivalent to a single equation ; which, since du dV x , dcr da x -j- =-77 - , &c. and -r- = - - &c., dt dt, r dx dr r is readily found to be the equation applicable to central motion which was employed in the solution of that Example. As another instance, let the motion and condensation be symmetrically disposed about a rectilinear axis, and let U and W be the resolved parts of the velocity along and per- pendicular to any radius-vector drawn from a fixed point in the axis. In this case V 2 = U* + W*, and the condensation a is a function of the. polar co-ordinates r and 6 referred to the fixed point as origin, and to the axis of symmetry. Hence dV_dUU dWW dt ~ dt V + ~di 7 ' do- do- dr da rdO da U da^W dr V + ri6'V' Consequently by substituting in (29), - a dt J rdO dt W=0 ...... (32). The equation of constancy of mass to the same approxima- tion is da- dU 2U dW W /OON -77 +-T- + - +jn + cot0 = ......... (33). dt dr r rdd r If no relation between U and W be deducible from the con- ditions of the problem, we shall have to combine with this last equation the two equations 2 2 da dU 2 2 da- dW . . /cV -j-+ :yr = 0, ic a * Tfl+'-TT- = ....... (34). dr dt rdd dt HYDRODYNAMICS. 259 From the three equations U and W may be eliminated, and an equation be obtained containing the variables <7, r, #, and t, a- being the principal variable. If the origin of co-ordinates instead of being fixed, be a moving point on the axis of symmetry, we may still express a, U t and W as functions of r, 6, and t. But since in this case the co-ordinates r and 6 of a given position in space vary with the time, the value of -y- will contain the additional da dr , dcr rdO . . . . dr , rd6 , . terms -^ r and -^ -7-, the velocities -=- and - T - being eft* eft tw dt dt dt known from the given motion of the origin. And so with dU , dW . . _ respect to -, and 7 . bupposmg this motion to be a UA, (it quantity of the same order as the velocity and condensation of the fluid, these additional terms will be of the second order, and may, therefore, be neglected in a first approximation. Hence the foregoing equations are equally applicable whether the origin be fixed or moving, if the motion be small. It is important to make here another general remark. When there are no relations between u, v, w, given imme- diately by the conditions of the problem, and the equation (31) consequently resolves itself into three equations, it may be in- ferred from these, just as was done in page 208 from the analo- gous equations for free motion, that udx 4- vdy + wdz is an exact differential when the motion is exclusively vibratory. In the reasoning referred to, vibratory motion of a particular kind, partly longitudinal and partly transversal, was deduced by an d priori investigation founded on the supposition of the integrability of that differential quantity; but here the inference is, that if the motion consist of vibrations having an arbitrary origin, that differential is still exact*. This might, possibly, * For a long time I maintained (in the Cambridge Philosophical Transactions, and in Articles in the Philosophical Magazine) that the a priori proof of the inte- grability of ud# + vdy + wdz -for the primary class of vibrations did not establish its integrability for vibrations produced under arbitrary conditions. But the argument 172 260 THE PRINCIPLES OF APPLIED CALCULATION. have been anticipated from the circumstance that the arbitrary vibrations may be regarded as resulting from the composition of primary, or spontaneous vibrations. By the same argument, when the -motion is symmetrical with respect to an axis, and the arbitrary disturbance is such as to cause vibratory motion, Udr + WrdO will be an exact differential. Example IV. A smooth sphere of very small magnitude performs oscillations in an elastic fluid at rest, its centre moving in a given manner in a straight line : it is required to find the velocity and condensation of the fluid at any point. The equations to be employed for solving this problem are (33) and the two equations (34). From what is shewn in page 259, we may suppose the origin of the co-ordinates r and 6 to be at the centre of the moving sphere, its vibra- tions being small. Then the elimination of U and W from the three equations gives 1 d\ar d\crr 1 d\ ar d.< A particular integral of this equation may be obtained by supposing that err = ^ cos 0, and that ^ is a function of r and t. For on substituting this value of or the equation is satisfied if the function ^ be determined by integrating the equation The exact integral of this equation contains terms which have an exponential factor of the form e'**, and on that account disappear after a short interval, Jc being in this application very large. It will therefore suffice to assume that Then by substitution it will be found that the equation is satisfied if the unknown constants /-i, \, and c be determined by the following equations : 2-Tra' mb* 27T& X 2-7T Since the general value of j^ is the same function of r at as the particular value thus obtained is of b at, we shall clearly have for the general values of f lt f, and/', / = p sin (r - at + c) , 2?r HYDRODYNAMICS. 263 It will now be supposed that the oscillations of the sphere are such that the value of X is extremely large compared to b, and powers of -- above the second will be neglected. X Then mb s Accordingly the general values of or, U, and W are given by the equations, , ("jrb 3 2-7T , , v 27T 2 & 3 , 2?r , , .} a a- = l j cos - (r a t) + -^ sm (r a t) > mcos 0, I XT* X X T X J W = ! s sin - (r at) + r 5 cos - (r at) [ m sin 0, ( 2r' X XT* X J U=\( 5 + -^ jsin -- (r a't)-\ T cos- (r a't)\ m cos 0. I \ a- X /* / A ^ * a /v ^ ^ I * (_\ ? AT*/ A Ar A J Again, it will be supposed that b is so extremely small com- pared to X, that values of r which are large multiples of b are still very small compared to X. Thus ;~( = - x ;r) i g X \ T X/ a small quantity of the second order. On these suppositions the coefficients of the circular functions in the above equations will all become of inappreciable magnitude where r is a large multiple of &, although at the same time r is small compared to X. On this account it is allowable to substitute f . 2?rr ,, . for sm - and cos - their expansions to one or two X X terms. When this has been done and terms incomparably less than those retained have been omitted, the results are Trmb* %7ra't ,_ mo 3 . %7rat . a 2 fa 2 (1 +/cV) cos 6 sin 6 dQ, taken from 6 = to 6 = TT. On substituting the foregoing value of aVcr, this integral will be found to be j- . o cH Hence if A be the ratio of the density of the ball to that of the fluid in which it oscillates, the accelerative force in the same direction is r ^ . Let x be the distance 2A at of the centre of the ball from the lowest point, I the length of the simple pendulum, and g the force of gravity, and let the extent of the oscillations be so small that x is always very small compared to I. Then since the accelerative force, when buoyancy alone is taken into account, is _gx ~ I by adding to this the accelerative force of the resistance, we obtain ^___ _ ___ dt ~ " ~ ; dT d 2 x _ gx dt* = "T HYDRODYNAMICS. 267 If L be the length of the pendulum which would oscillate in the same time in vacuum, we shall have In this formula A may have any value greater than unity. In making a comparison of the above theoretical result with experiment it must be borne in mind that in the theory the fluid is supposed to be unlimited, whereas the experi- mental oscillations were almost necessarily performed in en- closed spaces, or in limited masses of fluid. But from the considerations entered into in page 265, it is probable that the comparisons with the experiments I am about to adduce are little affected by that difference of circumstance. The first I shall cite are those of Du Buat, contained in his Principes d* Hydraulique (Tom. II. p. 236, Ed. of 1786). These experiments were made with spheres of lead, glass, and wood, of different weights and diameters, oscillating in water. The diameters in inches* were 1,08, 2,82, 4,35, and 7,11, and the time of oscillation varied from 1 second to 12 seconds, and in one instance was 18 seconds. The vessel in which the spheres oscillated was 54 inches long, 18 inches wide, and 15 inches deep, the spheres were entirely immersed to the depth of about 3 inches below the surface, and the threads by which they were suspended were as fine as the weights would allow of. Although the dimensions of the vessel and boundary of the fluid are smaller, relatively to the magnitudes of the spheres, than is strictly compatible with the theory, the law of the movement by which the fluid that passes at any time the vertical plane through the centre of the sphere fulfils the condition of being equal to the quantity displaced by the sphere, might still be very * In this, as in all other instances, foreign measures are converted into English. 268 THE PRINCIPLES OF APPLIED CALCULATION. nearly independent of those dimensions. On this account it may be presumed that the results of the experiments ad- mit of comparison with the theory. Now Du Buat found that a quantity which he calls n, for which he gives an expression identical with (A-l) (-= - I J , had nearly the same value under all the different circumstances above men- tioned. This is precisely the law which is indicated by the theory. Also the mean value he gives for n is 1,585, which differs little from the theoretical value 1,5. In the same work (Tom. II. pp. 283 and 284) Du Buat has recorded three experiments with spheres oscillating in air. The diameters of two of the spheres, which were of paper, were 4,31 in. and 7,07 in., and the lengths of the threads by which they were suspended 78 in. and 102 in. respectively. The smaller performed 100 oscillations in 151 seconds, and the other 50 oscillations in 92 seconds. The third was a sphere of bladder, its diameter 18.38 in., the length of the suspension- thread 92 in., and it performed 16 oscillations in 58 seconds. The values of n obtained from the three experiments were 1,51, 1,63, and 1,54 respectively. The author has not stated whether the spheres oscillated in an enclosed space ; but if, as is probable, the experiments were made in a room of ordinary dimensions, the value of n might not be affected by the limited space, notwithstanding the large size of the spheres, and the experiments may thus admit of comparison with the theory. The mean value of n resulting from these experi- ments is 1,560, which agrees closely with that deduced from the experiments in water. This, again, accords with an indi- cation of the theory, which gives the same value of n for air as for an incompressible fluid. The experiments I shall next adduce are those of Bessel contained in his Untersuchungen uber die Ldnge des einfacJien Secundenpendels (Berlin, 1828). These were made by noting the times of oscillation of two spheres, one of brass, and the other of ivory, each 2,14 in. in diameter. Two series of ob- HYDRODYNAMICS. 269 servations were taken with each sphere by attaching it in succession to two suspension-wires of fine steel, one longer than the other by the exact length of the Toise of Peru, and the shorter one as nearly as possible of the same length as the seconds' pendulum. The length of the longer pendulum was therefore 11 6,1 in., and that of the shorter 39,2 in. Every circumstance that might affect the accuracy of the determina- tion having been attended to, it was found that the experi- ments with the two spheres gave very nearly the same value of the factor 1 +&, (the same as that we have called ,) arid that the mean result was 1,9459. It is, however, to be noticed that the calculation of this quantity was made on the assump- tion that n had the same value for the two pendulums. In the Astronomische NacJirichten (Tom. x. col. 105) Bessel has slightly corrected the above determination, and has also given the results of a new set of experiments. In this second series, instead of the spheres, a hollow brass cylinder, two inches in height and diameter, was attached to the same two lengths of wires, and was caused to oscillate both when it was empty, and with three pieces of brass of different weights enclosed in succession within it. Also various other sub- stances of different specific gravities were severally put into the hollow cylinder, and the times of oscillation were noted. Equations of condition, formed separately for the two pendu- lums, from the observations with all the substances, on the suppositions that the value of n was independent of the spe- cific gravity of the oscillating system, but was different for the two pendulums, gave results consistent with these suppositions. It was found, by appropriately using all the equations given by the two series of experiments, that by the earlier set the value of n was 1,9557, and by the later set 1,9519 for the longer pendulum and 1,7549 for the shorter. These results seem to shew that the cylinder suffered nearly the same retar- dation as a sphere of equal diameter. (To this point I shall recur after treating as a separate problem the case of the re- tardation of a cylindrical rod). But apart from the form of 270 THE PRINCIPLES OF APPLIED CALCULATION. tlie attached body, the later experiments appear to indicate that the suspension-wire suffers resistance to such an amount that the time of oscillation is sensibly affected by it, and in greater degree as the length of the wire is greater. It should be observed that in all Bessel's experiments the oscillations took place in an enclosed space, the horizontal dimensions of which were comparatively small. Bessel also observed the times of oscillation of the brass ball in water, using the same two pendulum-lengths. The water vessel was cylindrical, and about 38 in. in diameter and 11 in. deep, and the arc of oscillation was 2. The value of n found for the longer pendulum was 1,648, and that for the shorter 1,602. These numbers approach closely to those of Du Buat. It remains to mention the results of the experiments of Baily contained in the Philosophical Transactions for 1832 (p. 399), so far, at least, as they bear on the object of the present discussion. Pendulums consisting of spheres fastened to the ends of wires, were swung within a brass cylinder about five feet long and six inches and a half in diameter, from which the air could be extracted by means of an at- tached air-pump. The value of n was inferred from a com- parison of the times of oscillations in vacuum with those of oscillations observed after admitting the air into the cylinder. With spheres of platina, lead, brass, and ivory of 1^ inch diameter, the mean value obtained for n was 1,864, and with lead, brass, and ivory spheres of 2 inches diameter the mean value was 1,748. The experiments shewed that this factor depended on the form and magnitude of the oscillating body, but not on its specific gravity. The length of the wire was that of the seconds' pendulum, or about 39 inches, and, there- fore, the same as the length of Bessel's shorter pendulum. The extent of the oscillations was always very small. Baily also made additional experiments with three pendu- lum rods 58,8 in., 56,4 in., and 56,4 in. long, swinging them first without attaching spheres, and then with spheres of the HYDRODYNAMICS. 271 diameters 1,46 in., 2,06 in., and 3,03 in. attached successively to each. The general expression he obtained for the quantity of air dragged by a pendulum consisting of a sphere of dia- meter d, and a wire of length Z, is 0,002564Z-f 0,123d 3 , I and d being expressed in inches, and the mass of air in grains. This formula proves that the air dragged by the wire may have a sensible effect on the value of n, and that this effect is cceteris paribus greater as the wire is longer. This inference accords with the results obtained for the two pendulums in Bessel's second series. In fact, if we assume the influence of the wire on the value of n to be proportional to its length, since the wires in these experiments were very nearly in the ratio of 3 to 1, by subtracting half the difference of 1,9519 and 1,7529 from the latter, we get 1,653 for the value of n freed from the effect of the wire. This result applies strictly only to the experiments made with the hollow cylinder, but may be taken as very approximately applicable to the experiments with the spheres, when it is considered that for the longer wire n was nearly the same in the two series. Also the above result agrees very nearly with that obtained for oscillations of spheres performed in water, in the case of which the re- sistance of the air on the wire would be comparatively very small on account of the specific gravity of air being so much less than that of water. The general inference to be drawn from the preceding dis- cussion is, that the experimental value of n, after eliminating the influence of the suspension-wire, approaches closely to the theoretical value 1,5, but is still somewhat in excess. Accord- ing to Baily's experiments (Phil. Trans, for 1832, pp. 443 and 448) n is greater the less the spheres, the suspension-rods being the same. This difference must be owing, in part at least, to the comparative effect of the retardation of the wire being greater the smaller the sphere; and it may also be partly due to the confined dimensions of the cylindrical space in which the pendulums oscillated, which would tend to faci- litate the backward flow of the air, and thus diminish the 272 THE PRINCIPLES OF APPLIED CALCULATION. resistance, and the more so as the sphere is larger. What remains of the excess of the experimental above the theoreti- cal value of n may be attributed to the neglect in the theory of the effect of friction, and to the fluid having been considered to be perfect. In my original attempts* to solve the problem of the simultaneous movements of a ball-pendulum and the surround- ing fluid, I assumed that for vibratory motions produced under arbitrary circumstances udx + vdy -\-wdz might be such as to be only integrable by a factor, .and on the supposition that the lines of motion in this instance are prolongations of the radii of the sphere, I obtained the factor -^ . Having found by this reasoning the correction of the coefficient of buoyancy to be 2, I concluded that the solution was supported by the near agreement of this result with Bessel's determination 1,956. But it has now been shewn that this support fails, the preced- ing discussion having sufficiently accounted for the excess of the experimental value of that coefficient above the value 1,5 given by Poisson's solution. Also, as was before intimated (p. 260), I have for the first time in this work adduced an analytical argument which proves that udx + vdy + wdz is an exact differential, as for spontaneous vibratory motions, so also for vibratory motions produced arbitrarily. In order to test experimentally the course which, according to the theory, the fluid takes in the neighbourhood of the sphere, I tried the effect of causing a globe to pass quickly forwards and back- wards close to the flame of a candle, and found that the flame decidedly indicated a rush of the air in the direction contrary to that of the motion of the globe, in accordance with the foregoing value of W (p. 264). The experiment was made with globes of three inches and ten inches diameter, both in the open air, and in rooms of different sizes, sometimes oppo- * The investigations here referred to are in the Cambridge Philosophical Transactions, Vol. v. p. 200, and Vol. vii. p. 333; and in the Numbers of the Philosophical Magazine for September, 1833, and December, 1840. HYDRODYNAMICS. 273 site to an open window, and at other times with doors and windows closed, and under all this variety of circumstances the reverse movement of the fluid appeared to obey the same law, and to be of the same amount, conforming in these respects to the indications of the theory. The next Problem, relating to the resistance of a fluid to the oscillations of slender cylindrical rods, is one the solu- tion of which, as far as I am aware, has not been previously attempted. Example V. A slender cylindrical rod performs small oscillations in a fluid in such manner that its axis moves transversely to its length in a fixed plane : required the mo- tion communicated to the fluid by the rod, and the resistance to the motion of the rod from the pressure of the fluid. It will be supposed that the rod is of indefinite length in order to avoid the consideration of the motion of the fluid contiguous to its extremities. Let its axis be in the plane zx, and, at first, let it always be parallel to the axis of z ; and let a be its distance from that axis at any time t. In that case w = 0, the motion being wholly parallel to the plane xy. Since the relation between u and v depends only on the mutual action of the parts of the fluid, the equations for finding to the first approximation the pressure and motion are " + =o, rf-^+l-o, t+ + ?-a dx dt dy dt dt dx dy By eliminating u and v we obtain -dV = , 2 /dV dV\ de ~ \jbt*-*N- It will be convenient to transform this equation into one in which the co-ordinates are r the distance of any point from the axis of the rod, and 9 the angle which the line drawn from the axis to the point makes with the plane zx. Thus we shall have, putting x for x a, x r cos 0, y = r sin 6, x' z + y* = r\ 18 274 THE PRINCIPLES OF APPLIED CALCULATION. After effecting the transformation by the usual rules, it will be found that Also, U and W being the velocities resolved along and per- pendicular to the radius- vector, we have to the same ap- proximation .& dU &r a ~j~ + ~J7 ~ > a tfr eft As the diameter of the rod is supposed to be small, and its motion extremely small compared to a', the motion of the fluid will be very nearly the same as if it were incompressible. We may, therefore, omit the term on the left-hand side of the first of the above three equations, and we have then to integrate the equation d*o- da- 1 d*o- _ dr* + rir + ^~d&~ It is, however, to be observed that in order to ascertain the law of the motion as resulting from the mutual action of the parts of the fluid, it is not the general integral of this equa- tion, but a particular solution of definite form that is required. f/Q\ Let us, therefore, assume that a ~ . Then by substitu- tion in the equation it will be found that Hence the following results are readily obtained : f(ff) = Pcos (nd + Q), a = ^ cos (n0 + Q), dU _ , 2 go- _ na'*P P and Q being generally functions of t. Now if m$ (t) repre- sent the velocity of the axis of the rod at any time t, we shall have for any point of the surface, HYDRODYNAMICS. 275 U = m (t) cos 0, 7- = m(f>' (t) cos 6. Hence, Z> being the radius of the rod, /2 T) ra<' (t) cos == -rUr cos (nO + Q). That this may be an identical equation we must have n = 1, $ = 0, and P = ^- <' (t). Hence at any distance r from the axis of the rod, i t*\ a ., *(*)<* ft ^ Hence, also, 7.2 and by integration, Z7= -^- < (^) cos and by integration, W- ^- (0 sin 0. In the above integrations no arbitrary functions of space have been added, because by hypothesis the motion is wholly vibratory. The above expressions for U and W evidently make Udr + WrdQ an exact differential. By putting 6 = , and r = 6, the value of TF becomes 2 m (t) ; which shews that the motion of the fluid in contact 77* with the rod at points for which 6 - is just equal and oppo- 2 site to that of the rod. The quantity of fluid which in the small interval &t crosses a plane passing through the axis of the rod at right angles to the direction of its motion is, for a given length L of its axis, Lt I $ (t) dr taken from r = I to r = infinity. This is ZLbm (t) &t, which is clearly the quantity of fluid which a portion of the rod of length L displaces in the same indefinitely small interval. Thus the 182 276 THE PRINCIPLES OF APPLIED CALCULATION. motion of the fluid caused by that of the rod satisfies the same condition as that which was found to be satisfied in the case of the vibrating sphere. It may also be remarked that al- though a particular form of expression was assumed for f (t). Hence A being the ratio of the specific gravity of the rod to that of the fluid, the accelerative force of the resistance m Suppose now the cylindrical rod to be acted upon by gravity, and to perform small oscillations in air about a hori- zontal axis passing through one extremity. In this case, since the rod has an angular motion, the above investigation does not immediately apply. But it may be presumed that if we take an element of the rod of length 82 at the distance z reckoned along the rod from the point of suspension, the foregoing reasoning will give very approximately the resist- ance on this portion, supposing the oscillations to be of very small angular extent. Hence if I' be the rod's length, and m(f> (t) the velocity of its extremity, the accelerative force of the resistance on the element at the distance z is ^ which, if be the angle made by the axis 'with the vertical, 72 c* is equal to -^ -3^ . Consequently, tfSz being the elementary mass of the rod, by D'Alembert's Principle, HYDRODYNAMICS. 277 Hence integrating from 3 = to z = I', putting g ( 1 ^J for 2i' g' on account of buoyancy, and substituting I for , which o is the distance of the centre of oscillation of the rod from the point of suspension, the result is It follows that for this case the theoretical value of the factor n is 2. This result admits of being tested by means of the ex- periments on vibrating cylinders recorded by Baily in the Paper already referred to (Phil. Trans, for 1832). He has there calculated (p. 433) the values of n for two cylinders each 2 inches in diameter, one 2 inches and the other 4 inches in length, which were made to vibrate by being attached to the ends of rods 39 inches long. The value of n obtained for the short cylinder is 1,86. We have seen (page 269) that Bessel's determination for a cylinder of the same dimen- sions under the same conditions of vibration was 1,755. On account of the short lengths of the cylinders, these results can scarcely be compared with the theoretical value 2, ob- tained for a rod of indefinite length. When the effect of the lateral action due to the abrupt terminations of the cylindrical surface is considered, theory might lead us to expect that for the shorter cylinder n would not differ much from its value for a sphere of the same diameter ; and this, in fact, is found to be the case. But there are no grounds from the theory to conclude that the difference of form has no effect, and that n has exactly the same value for the cylinder as for the sphere, although the before-cited experiments of Bessel (page 269) seem to indicate such an equality. In the case of the cylinder 4 inches long, the experimental result is 2,03 ; which agrees more closely than that for the other cylinder with the theo- 278 THE PEINCIPLES OF APPLIED CALCULATION. retical value 2, apparently because by the increase of length the conditions assumed in the theory are more nearly satisfied. If, however, the effect of the suspending rod were eliminated, it would probably be found that the experimental value of n for the longer cylinder is really less than 2, owing to the influence of the lateral action at its extremities. For additional verification of the theory, I caused a cylin- der of about half an inch in diameter, and nine inches long, to pass and repass the flame of a lamp, just as in the previous experiments relative to the vibrating sphere, and I found that the reverse movement of the air was indicated by the flame even more decidedly than in the case of the globe. Baily has also given the results of experiments made, in the same apparatus, with plain cylindrical rods, the diameters of which were l in -,500, O in ',410, O ln ',185, and O in -,072, and the respective lengths 56 in> ,2, 58 in -,8, 56^,4, and 56^,4. The values he finds for n are 2,29, 2,93, 4,08, and 7,53. Excepting the first, these are much in excess of the value 2, and by a larger quantity as the diameter of the rod is less. As the limited dimensions of the apparatus would not be likely to produce such effects, it seems that the excesses are to be attributed to friction, or, rather, the dragging of the air by the rod in consequence of capillary attraction. With respect to the fourth rod Baily states that it was the finest steel wire he could operate with, and that the vibrations of a pendulum of this kind soon come to an end. If we suppose the quantity of adhering air to be proportional to the surface of the rod, the accelerative force of the retardation from this cause will vary inversely as its radius. In fact, if we subtract 2 from each of the above values of n, the remainders multiplied by the respective diameters of the rods give the products 0,435, 0,381, 0,385, 0,398, which are so nearly equal as to afford presumptive evidence of the reality of the cause assigned for the excess of the experimental value of n above 2, and of the exactness of the law it was supposed to follow. Upon the whole the preceding comparisons of results of HYDRODYNAMICS. 279 the theory with experimental facts may be regarded as satis- factory, the apparent differences between them having been shewn to admit of explanations on admissible suppositions. The next problem, which, relatively to the application pro- posed to be made of these researches, is of much importance, is treated on the same principles. Example VI. A given series of plane-waves is incident on a given smooth sphere at rest : it is required to find the motion and condensation of the fluid at any point. Since the motion, as in the case of the vibrating sphere (Example IV.), is symmetrical about an axis, the equation (35) in page 260 is again applicable. But the arbitrary con- ditions in the present problem require to be satisfied in a different manner. I have found, in fact, that the equation derived from (35) by differentiating it with respect to is proper for this purpose, as will appear in the sequel of the reasoning. The equation thus obtained, putting P for da- . r d0>* d z P d*P 1 d*P dP By assuming that P= fa sin 6 + < 2 sin 6 cos 0, and that fa and fa are each functions of r and t, it will be found that the equation is satisfied if those functions be determined by inte- grating the equations the former of which has already occurred in the solution of Example IV. It will be supposed that the incident waves are defined by the equations V = V = m sin ~ (a't + r cos + c )*, Ai * It should be observed that, excepting for the primary vibrations, the coeffici- ents designated as m, m, &c., have arbitrary values. 280 THE PRINCIPLES OF APPLIED CALCULATION. the direction of incidence being contrary to that for which 6 = 0. As in the applications proposed to be made of these researches, the sphere will always be extremely small, it will be assumed that, while the distance r x from the centre of the sphere within which its reaction on the fluid is of sensible magnitude is very large compared to b the radius of the sphere, it is very small compared to X the breadth of the incident waves ; so that ~ x , or - is a small quantity of the second order. Hence, since on that supposition the values of r may be limited to those for which gr is very small, it is allowable to expand the above sine in terms proceeding according to the powers of r. We shall thus have to terms of the second order, V' = a'ff" = m sin q (at -f c ) + mqr cos 0cos q (at + C Q ) gV cos 2 6 sin q (at + c ). The conditions which the particular solution of the equa- tion (36) is required to fulfil are, (1) that these approximate equations be satisfied where r is very large compared to b and very small compared to X ; (2) that Z7= where r b, that is, at the surface of the sphere. Since the equation (36) is verified by supposing P to be either t sin 6, or (f> 2 sin cos 0, or the sum of these two quantities, let us first suppose that P=(j> l sin 6. Then regard being had to the integral of the equation (37), the following results are obtained : cos 6, W E a >/i bein g P ut respectively for f(r-dt], -, and jfdr, HYDRODYNAMICS. 281 7 77f r> and F,F\F l for F(r + a't), --,- , and \Fdr. Since from the conditions of the problem no part of sin qa t cos 9 | 5-- sin q (r + cj -- cos q (r + c/) [ cos qat cos 0. At the same time the foregoing equations for finding c x and c/ give very approximately cos qc^ -r- , sin qc^\ cos qc^ = , sm qc^ = * - . By having regard to these values of c t and c/, expanding the sines and cosines according to the powers of qr t and omitting insignificant terms, the above equation becomes 3m' . , 3m' Substituting these values of m t and m/, we have for the con- densation at any point whose co-ordinates are r and 0, HYDRODYNAMICS. 283 ! + ^V (qr + |pj cos q (at + c ) cos 0. The first term within the brackets is due to the incident waves, as may be seen by putting b = 0. The other term expresses the law of the variation of the condensation pro- duced by the reaction of the sphere. For the condensation at any point of the surface of the sphere, the equation gives 3m' 7 , \ / cr = cr t -f TTT go cos q (a t + cj cos 0. 2a Also from the equation ,,,. + y- = 0, we find for the out/ dt velocity along the surface, Sm' 1^=,-- sin q (at + c ) sin 0. With respect to these values of cr and Wit may be remarked, that from them the values applicable to the case of a small sphere oscillating in fluid at rest may be obtained as follows. Let the incident vibrations of the fluid be counteracted by impressing equal and opposite vibrations, and let the same vibrations be impressed on the sphere. Then the fluid is reduced to rest, excepting so far as it is agitated by the oscillations of the sphere. But by these impressed velocities W is diminished by m' sin q (a't + c ) sin 6, and or is diminished by the amount of condensation due to the state of vibration of the incident waves ; that is, by c^ + - b cos 6. After subtracting these quantities the remaining values of cr and W are those which were obtained in the solution of Example IV. The derivation of the general approximate values of U and W from the equations a*d 2 sin 6 cos 6. The integration of the equation (38) by Euler's method gives f+F f + F' f + F" ^-75*T -r- + ' / and F being any arbitrary functions respectively of r at and r + at. Retaining both functions, the following results are obtained by processes analogous to those applied to the former value of P: o- = o- _ (f+ F / + *" if"+*"'\ cos 2 W '"} cos a l^r- r* 3r 2 3r As this integration is independent of the former one, it is not necessary to suppose that f and F have the same values as before. For this reason we may have U where r = b without respect to the former value of U. Since from the previous integration it may be presumed that two sets of HYDRODYNAMICS. 285 values of / and F will be required to satisfy the given con- ditions, let us suppose that f= m 3 sin q (r at + C 8 ) + m' 3 sin q (r at + c' 3 ), F= m 4 sin q (r -f at + c 4 ) + m\ sin ^ (r + a't + c' 4 ). On substituting these functions in the above expression for U, it will be found that the condition that U vanishes where r = b is satisfied if m 4 = m 3 , c 4 = c 3 , w' 4 = w' 3 , and c' 4 = c' 8 ; and if c 3 and c' 3 be determined by the equations These equations give very approximately By substituting in the foregoing expression for a- the assumed values of/ and F, and taking account of the relations between the constants, the result will be sn f+c + - ~ - cos f+c m cos 3 ) + (-3 ~ ?- J cos q (f+c 8 ) [ ' 8 ) ~ (^ ~ L) sin^ (r+c' 8 ) h 0. After eliminating c 3 and c' 3 by the equations above, expanding the sines and cosines of qr, and neglecting insignificant terms, the equation is reduced to the following : ( ~=- -f ^ 3 ) (m 3 sin gat + m' s cos qa') cos 2 \4o loo/* / Then, supposing r to be very much larger than 5, neglecting in consequence the second term within the first brackets, and equating the resulting value of a ^ to the term of and the velocity along the surface deduced from this value of *r* f> 3 r* -f 1 /> r 2 4- 4- frr j-i-er + - 2 + ii 1 h being an unknown constant factor depending on the transverse action, the part h vanishing if the fluid be incom- pressible. Precisely the same reasoning is applicable to that integral of the equation (36) which involves the function 2 ; so that from the result obtained in page 286 we may infer that when transverse action is included, the superficial pressure indicated by this integration is 5# 2 5 2 A , , . / , N 9/ . -- ^ am sm q (a t -f c ) cos 0, h' being an unknown constant factor, depending, as well as 1 - h, on the transverse action. The corresponding velocity along the surface is -^ m cos q (at + cj sin cos 6. o Now this integration is independent of the previous one obtained by supposing that P = (^ sin 0, inasmuch as it only satisfies the equation (36), whereas the first integration satisfies (35) as well as (36). Hence the circumstances which determine h' may be assumed to be different from those which determine 1 h. Since the superficial velocity and conden- 296 THE PRINCIPLES OF APPLIED CALCULATION. sation given "by the seeond integration both vanish where 7T = , it might "be allowable to suppose that the factor ti applies exclusively to the transverse action relative to the second hemispherical surface, and that there is no correspond- ing transverse action relative to the opposite surface. Until a more complete investigation shall have determined whether or not this be the case, we may, at least, assume that that factor is not the same for the two hemispherical surfaces. Taking, therefore, h' to represent its value for the first surface, and h" that for the other, the pressure on the sphere due to the condensations on both surfaces, and estimated in the direction of incidence, will be found to be 57rq*b 4 a ,,, ,. , . / V, \ -~ (h h ) m sin q (a t -f c ). 12 v Adding to this the resultant pressure deduced from the first integration, namely, 27rb 3 qa (\h}m cos q(dt-\- c ), and dividing the sum by the mass of the sphere, the total accelerative action of the fluid on the sphere is (1 - h) m' cos q (a't + c ) + (h 1 - h") m'smq (dt + c ). This result is necessary for effecting the solution of the next Example. Example VII. A given sphere is free to obey the im- pulses of the vibrations of an elastic fluid r it is required to determine its motion. I first called the attention of mathematicians to this pro- blem at the end of an Article in the Philosophical Magazine for December 1840, and after a long series of investigations relative to the principles of Hydrodynamics, I attempted the solution of it in the Number of the Philosophical Magazine for November 1859. I consider it to be a problem of special interest on account of the physical applications it may pos- HYDRODYNAMICS. 297 sibly be capable of; but in respect to its mathematical treat- ment it presents great difficulties, which I do not profess to have wholly overcome. The solution here proposed follows as a Corollary from the foregoing expression for the accele- rative action of the vibrations of an elastic fluid incident on a sphere at rest. To make that expression applicable to the present Ex- ample, I adopt the principle that the action of the fluid on the sphere in motion is the same as that of waves, the motion in which is equal to the excess of the motion of the fluid above that of the sphere. Let x be the distance of the centre of the sphere at the time t from an arbitrary origin, and be reckoned positive in the direction of incidence, and let the excess of the velocity of the fluid at that distance above the velocity of the sphere be , dx dt According to the above principle this quantity holds the place of m' sin q (at -\- c ) in the former Example. The centre of the sphere being supposed to perform small oscillations about a mean position, if for x within the brackets we substitute its mean value, or put for x -f c the constant (7, only quantities of the second and higher orders will be neglected. And since the motion of the sphere is, by hypothesis, wholly vibratory, and the vibrations are due to the action of the fluid, it follows that -7- is a circular function having the same period as that of the incident waves. We may, therefore, assume that m sin q (at + c ) = m sin q (at + (7) -4- . Hence, by differentiation, mqa cos q (at + c ) = mqa cos q (at -f- C) -y^ . Now since -^ is here the acceleration of the sphere due to waves 298 THE PRINCIPLES OF APPLIED CALCULATION. the relative velocity in which is expressed by m sin^ we may substitute for it the foregoing amount of accelerative action of such waves on the fixed sphere, and the equation must then be identically satisfied. These operations lead to the following equations, qco being an auxiliary arc : 5ql (Ji - h") n , m 2A cos go) After substituting the values of m and c given by these equations in the left-hand side of the foregoing equation, and neglecting terms involving the square of qco, which are of the 72 order of 2 , it will be found that A. d'x Sqa'(l-h) IF - 3l If, therefore, V= a S msin q (a't+ (7), V being the velocity and S the condensation of the incident waves, and if H and K represent numerical coefficients the values of which are known if A and h be given, we have finally = H(l - h) + Kfb (K- A' V& The acceleration of the sphere has thus been determined so far as it depends on the terms of the first order in the values of the velocity and condensation of the incident waves ; and it will be seen that the above value of it is wholly periodic, having just as much negative as positive value. Hence it follows that the action of the fluid, as deduced from terms of the first order, causes vibrations of the sphere, but no motion of translation. From this first approximation we might proceed to include terms containing m 2 . But since these terms are of very small magnitude compared to those which have been considered, we may dispense with going through the details of the second approximation by making use of a general analytical formula, according to which if f(Q) be a first approximation to an HYDRODYNAMICS. 299 unknown function of a variable quantity Q, the second ap- proximation is f(Q) +f (Q) BQ. By applying this formula d*x to the above expression for -^ , we have to the second ap- proximation, 1 h and h' h" being assumed to be constant, It is next required to ascertain the values of the increments . at It has been proved (p. 246) that for plane-waves to the second approximation F F 2 S = -,+^- 2 . a a a'*dS ,dV jr dV Hence, --= = a -r- + 2 F -j- . ax ax ax But from the reasoning under Prop. XVII., combined with that in p. 246, it may be inferred that for plane-waves to the second approximation V=f(x a'i), the propagation being supposed to be in the positive direction. Hence f =/(*_'<) __ L, **. dx J v a dt Consequently __^d8_dVf 2F\ dx '" dt ( a ) a' 2 dS dVf, V\ and - f G = -=- 1 + nearly. (l+S)ax dt \ a J The left-hand side of the last equation is the effective accelera- tion of an elementary portion of the fluid of density !+>, the constant a' 2 taking the place of a 2 because of the composition d*x dV of the motion. Now in the foregoing value of -=^ , 8 . -=- is dt at dV the increment of -j~ for plane-waves, consequent upon includ- 300 THE PRINCIPLES OF APPLIED CALCULATION. ing terms of the second order. And the above result proves that in that case the accelerative force of an element of the fluid is expressed to terms of the second order by adding VdV -y- to the expression of the first order. Hence a ^ * dt a dt ' The increment SS of the condensation is that due to terms of the second order for plane-waves. Hence its composition and value may be inferred from results obtained by the dis- cussions given under Prop. XVII. It is there shewn (pages 237 and 238) that in composite motion relative to a single axis the condensation due to terms of the second order is partly expressed by periodic terms having as much positive as nega- tive value, and partly by terms which do not change sign. It is also proved that when there are any number of different sets of vibrations relative either to the same axis, or to dif- ferent axes, the condensations expressed by the latter terms may coexist ; so that the resultant of these condensations is the sum of the separate condensations. Hence in the case before us of plane- waves assumed to result from the com- position of different sets of vibrations having parallel axes, the value of &S consists partly of periodic terms, and partly of terms which do not change sign, which, in fact, as appears from the expression obtained in p. 239, are always positive. dV After this discussion of the values of 8 . -j- arid BS, we may proceed to infer the motion of the sphere from the foregoing . f d?x expression for ^ T . First, it is to be remarked that the two terms of which that expression consists may be treated independently of each other, inasmuch as the first term is derivable either from the equation (35) or from (36), whereas the other can be obtained only by means of the latter equation. Also the first term is HYDRODYNAMICS. 301 independent of the magnitude of the sphere, whilst the other contains the factor &, being of the order of the first multiplied by - . Hence in case X were very large, we might have an X accelerative force of sensible amount expressed by the first term, whilst that expressed by the second would be wholly inappreciable. In short, the second part of the accelerative force is especially applicable in cases for whicli X is so small that the variation of condensation of the waves at a given time in a linear space equal to the diameter of the sphere may be considerable even when m is not large ; whereas the first part is effective, if m be not very small, when X is so large that the variation of the condensation of the waves in the same space is extremely small, and the excursions of the fluid particles are comparable with, or even exceed, the sphere's diameter. For these reasons we may consider separately the effect of the accelerative force expressed by the first term. d 2 x* Calling this force ~ , and substituting the value of Cut * dV T, ~~ ' WC 6 But since fdV\dV ~" dx~ dt dV\dV dVdV, _V\ L a')' we have V and consequently by substitution in the foregoing equation, Assuming that x has the mean value T O , it is supposed that x - x = (*j - * ) + (x u - ar ), and consequently that d*x d?x\ (Pa* 5?" dP + dt* ' 302 THE PRINCIPLES OF APPLIED CALCULATION. Before applying this equation in the case of the incidence of waves on the sphere, it will be proper to consider that of the incidence of streams. Since the motion of the fluid in a stream may be regarded as a case of vibratory motion for which X, the breadth of the waves, is infinite, while m remains finite, we may suppose this case to be embraced by the above equation. And again, if the motion be in a uniformly acce- lerated stream, it may be regarded as a part of a vibration for which X and m are as large as we please, and may for this reason be included in the same equation. Let us, there- fore, suppose (1) that Fis constant. Then the equation shews d z x that -y-2 1 = 0, and that the velocity of the sphere is conse- quently uniform. Hence the distribution of condensation on the hemispherical surface upon which the stream is incident, as indicated by terms to the second order, must be similar and equal to that on the other hemispherical surface*. Under these circumstances we have also 1 h = 0. Consequently the state of uniform motion, or of rest, of a sphere is not altered by the action upon it of a uniform stream. And con- versely a sphere may move without suffering retardation, and therefore move -uniformly, in an elastic fluid "at rest. This might also be inferred from the fact that when the motion of the sphere is uniform the motion of the fluid is constantly the same at points which have successively the same position relative to the centre of the sphere, so that there is neither loss nor gain of momentum. Suppose (2) that Fis uniformly accelerated. Then f ) d*x is constant ; and the equation (A) shews that ^ , the acce- di leration of the sphere, is also constant if we omit the term of the second order. This may be done in the case of a slowly accelerated stream, to which the. result of this reasoning is * See another method of obtaining this result in the Philosophical Maga- zine for November, 1859, p. 323. HYDRODYNAMICS. 303 subsequently applied ; in which case also, the factor 1 h, although it does not vanish, becomes extremely small. Thus the effect of a stream uniformly but slowly accelerated is to produce an acceleration of the sphere very nearly uniform ; and conversely a sphere caused by any extraneous action to move with a uniform but slow acceleration in the fluid at rest is by the fluid uniformly retarded. I proceed now to apply the equation (A) to determine the motions of the sphere which are produced by the action of waves. As that equation contains the complete differential coefficient (-T-) , it admits of being immediately integrated, giving by the integration dt f*f\-rtcs4-ar\'t- o-vvkvoaoTn o tli A train A f\t dx C is an arbitrary constant expressing the value of when F 2 7=0. The factor F+ is F(l + 8) nearly, and by (28) in p. 246, is equal to a (S + SS), if S represent the conden- sation to the first order of small terms, and SS the additional condensation expressed by terms of the second order. It may be here remarked that the quantity F(l + S) is at each instant proportional to the momentum of a given breadth, Ace, of the fluid (supposing the waves undisturbed) at the position where the centre of the sphere is situated, and that the above equation shews that the variable part of the momentum of the sphere is always proportional to that part of the momentum of the fluid. In the case of the first ap- proximation the momentum of the corresponding portion of the fluid is proportional to V x 1. Hence the second ap- proximation is obtained by substituting for the latter mo- mentum of the first order that which is exact to quantities of the second order. This process, as being antecedently 304 tHE PRINCIPLES OF APPLIED CALCULATION. reasonable, tends to confirm the argument by which the dx second approximation to the value of -r 1 was arrived at. From what has been proved in pages 236 and 246 respect- ing the composition of vibrations to terms of the second order, we may assume for the case in which the components have all the same value of X, that V= m sin q (at x + c) + Am 2 sin 2q (at x + c'), A being a certain constant. In the present application of this value of F, x is the co-ordinate (x^) of the centre of the vibrating sphere at the time t. Consequently, leaving out of account at present any non-periodic motion the sphere may have, x v will differ from a constant value by small periodic quantities of the first order the values of which are known by the first approximation. "Hence it will be found that V may be thus expressed : V= m sin q (at +0)4- Am 2 sin 2q (at + C'}, A, C, and C' being new constants. By means of this value F 2 of Fwe have for that of V-\ ,- , 2 m sin q (at + C) + AW sin 2q (at + c) + ~ sin 2 q (at + (7), which may evidently be put under the form 2 m sin q (at + C) + |^, + AW sin 2q (at + C"). Consequently by, substitution in the value of -^ , -jjfc = C + H (1 - h) f + periodic terms. It thus appears that in addition to the arbitrary velo- city <7 , and the vibratory motion expressed by the periodic terms, the sphere has the velocity H(l-h) ~, due to the HYDRODYNAMICS. 305 immediate action of the incident waves. This result proves that the action of the waves has the effect of producing a permanent motion of translation of the sphere, and that this motion is in the direction of the incidence of the waves, or the contrary direction, according as h is less or greater than unity. The following reasoning will, I think, shew that the sphere actually receives, not a uniform, but an accelerated motion of translation. First, it is to be observed that in the preceding reasoning we assumed that the centre of the sphere oscillates about a mean position without permanent motion of translation ; whereas, according to the above result, the oscil- lations accompany a motion of translation expressed by In order, therefore, to satisfy the assumed condition, it is necessary to impress this motion both on the sphere and on the fluid in the opposite direction. The motion of the sphere will thus become wholly vibratory, and we shall have the case of a uniform stream incident upon it, in addition to the action of the waves. By the foregoing argument (p. 302) relative to case (1), the state of rest, or uniform motion of the sphere, will not be affected by the incidence of this stream. Thus the action of the waves will remain the same as before, and will operate independently of the impressed uniform velo- city in communicating to the sphere a motion of translation, inasmuch as the action of the condensed portions of the waves will still be more effective than that of the rarefied portions. Hence to maintain the above mentioned condition the non- periodic velocity must be impressed on the sphere, not at one instant only, but at successive instants, and the fluid will consequently have an accelerated motion relative to the oscil- lating sphere. Hence actually the sphere will have an accele- rated motion of translation in space. It is plain that the acceleration will be uniform, since the series of waves is 20 306 THE PRINCIPLES OF APPLIED CALCULATION. uniform, and their action will be the same at one epoch as at m 2 another. From this reasoning it follows that H (1 h) , is not a velocity communicated once for all to the sphere, but is equal, or proportional, to the rate at which the non-periodic part of the sphere's velocity is increased. By reference to the discussion in p. 303 of the case (2) of a uniformly accelerated stream, it will be seen that while the sphere is uniformly accelerated by the action of the waves, it is uniformly retarded by the resistance of the fluid, so that the acceleration on the whole is equal, or proportional, to .ZJj and /i x being new constants analogous to H and h, and the latter such that 1 A t is exceedingly small. Dx If -=-* represent at any time the non-periodic part of dx -~ , we have according to the above results Cut -j being an unknown constant factor. By integration so that T is the interval, or unit of time, during which the velocity of translation of the sphere is increased by dx Dx Since the values of - and -^r- 1 do not involve the dimen- at JJt sions of the sphere, both the vibratory motion and the motion of translation are the same under the same circumstances for spheres of different magnitudes, HYDRODYNAMICS. 307 The origin of the factors 1 h and 1 \ has already been discussed in pages 293 295. I propose to add here some considerations respecting the magnitude of h, and the circum- stances which determine its value to be greater or less than unity. Suppose m and X for the incident vibrations to be very large. Then since the transverse vibrations are brought into action by the disturbance which the plane-waves undergo by incidence on the sphere, the motion of the fluid will par- take of the character of direct and transverse vibrations rela- tive to an axis, the axis in this case being the prolongation of a straight line through the centre of the sphere in the direction of propagation. But for motion of that kind it has been shewn that the transverse vibrations have the effect of increasing the condensation on the axis, compared with that for the same velocity when the motion is in parallel lines, in the ratio of 2 to 1. By similar transverse action the con- densation on the farther side of the sphere might be so in- creased as to exceed that on the nearer side ; in which case li would be greater than unity, arid the motion of translation of the sphere would be towards the origin of the waves. On the contrary, for very small values of m and X the defect of con- densation on the farther side might be only partially supplied by the lateral confluence, so that h would be less than unity, and the translation of the sphere would be from the origin of the waves. The conditions under which the two effects respectively take place cannot be determined in the present imperfect state of the mathematical theory of the lateral action. Corollary I. Since it was proved (p. 233) that the con- densations of the second order to which the permanent mo- tions of translation of the sphere are to be attributed, may coexist when there are different sets of vibrations originating at different positions in space, it follows that simultaneous undulations from different sources may independently produce motions of translation of the sphere. 202 308 THE PRINCIPLES OF APPLIED CALCULATION. Corollary II. If the sphere be acted upon by spherical waves, that is, waves the axes of the components of which all pass through a fixed point, the mode of action on a very small sphere will be the same as that of composite plane- waves. But the amount of action which causes motion of translation will be different at different distances from the central point, varying with the distance according to a law which may be thus determined. We have seen that the ac- celerated motion of translation of the sphere varies as the non-periodic part of the condensation of the composite waves, which part, according to the reasoning concluded in p. 233, is equal to the sum of the non-periodic parts of the primary component waves. Now this sum is cceteris paribus pro- portional to the number of the components, and therefore to the number of their axes included within a given transverse area. But when the axes diverge from a centre the number within a given area at a certain distance from the centre varies inversely as the square of the distance. Consequently the accelerative action of the waves varies according to the law of the inverse square. This law seems to be also deducible in the following manner. It is shewn in p. 230 that when an unlimited number (n) of sets of primary vibrations have a common axis and the same value of X, and are in all possible phases, we have for points on or contiguous to the axis, to the first ap- proximation, -2.0' = n^m sin q (z at + 0), /c m being the constant maximum velocity common to all the primary vibrations. If we suppose the n different sets of vibrations, instead of having a common axis, to have their axes uniformly distributed within a small area, whether the axes be parallel or diverge from a centre the vibrations will still coexist, and the value of S . cr will remain the same, because for points very near an axis / is very nearly equal to HYDKO DYNAMICS. 309 unity. By the uniform distribution of the axes transverse motion will be neutralized within the small area in which they are included, so that the direct motion will be the same as that in composite plane-waves. Hence if W and S be the resultant velocity and condensation we shall have W= tcaS = KC& . a- = K?ntm sin q (z - at + 6}. Now from what has already been proved the acceleration of the sphere by these composite waves varies as (/c 2 n^m)*, that is, as n, because K and m are constant. Hence since in central waves the number n of the axes in a small given area varies inversely as the square of the distance, the accelerative action of the waves varies according to the same law. Corollary III. If from the same centre another set of waves were propagated having a different value of X, their acceleration of the sphere would be independent of that pro- duced by the first set, and would in like manner vary in- versely as the square of the distance. Hence the sum of the two accelerations would vary according to the same law ; and so, by consequence, would the sum of any number of different sets. We have now to discuss the second term of the expres- d 2 x . sion for -^ in page 298. Before drawing inferences from this dt term, I propose, for the sake of illustrating the course of the reasoning, to refer back to some of the previous steps. In the case of waves incident on a fixed sphere, the centre of the sphere was taken for the origin of the polar co-ordinates, and the equations giving the velocity and condensation of the waves to the first approximation were V= a'S msiuq (at + r cos + c ). It being assumed that in the space within which the disturb- ance of the waves by the sphere is of sensible magnitude qr Is very small, instead of the above value of a'S the approx- 310 THE PRINCIPLES OF APPLIED CALCULATION. mate value ~ was employed. The first two terms indicate that the excess of the condensation above the value m sin q(at + c ) is nearly proportional, at any given instant, to the distance r cos 6 reckoned from the centre of the sphere along the axis of the motion. That excess is, therefore, equal with opposite signs at corresponding points on the opposite sides of the centre. The integration of the equation (36) obtained by supposing that P = fa sin 6 only takes account of the dynamical action of a variation of the condensation, arid of the accompanying pressure, according to this law. It was found that this variation of the pressure tends to produce an acceleration of the sphere having the same period as that of the acceleration of any given element of the waves. If instead of being fixed, the sphere were free to move, the same kind of acceleration results from the relative motion of the sphere and the waves, and the consequent vibrations of the sphere were found to be synchronous with those of the fluid. It was then argued (p. 295) that the effect of transverse action, (which is not in- cluded in this reasoning), is taken account of by multiplying the acceleration resulting as above stated, by an unknown constant factor 1 h. Lastly, it was shewn (p. 304) that on including terms of the second order in the relation between V and $, the vibrations of the sphere were accompanied by a permanent motion of translation, positive or negative accord- ing to the sign of 1 h. But the effect of the third term in the foregoing ap- proximate value of aS is ascertained by that integration of the equation (36) which was obtained by supposing that P=fa sin 6 cos 0. Now that term has equal values at cor- responding points on opposite sides of the plane passing through the centre of the sphere (supposed fixed), and con- sequently cannot give rise to any tendency to either accele- ration or motion of the sphere. This, in fact, is the result HYDRODYNAMICS. 311 obtained by the reasoning concluded in page 287. But when the effect of transverse action due to the disturbed state of the waves is considered, the equality of the pressures on the opposite hemispherical surfaces no longer subsists. It ap- pears from the reasoning in page 295, that the effect of trans- verse action is taken into account by multiplying the pressure on the first hemispherical surface by a constant factor k r ; and the equal pressure on the second by another constant factor h", the two factors depending on the unknown law of lateral divergence. Hence the expression for the resulting pressure has the factor ti *- h"; and as this factor originates equally with 1 h in the transverse action, it may be pre- sumed that the two factors change sign under the same cir- cumstances, and that we may consequently suppose h' h" to be equal to h' (I h), h r being always positive. This being understood we may proceed to discuss the inferences that may be drawn from the second term in the value of -Tg- obtained in page 299. d 2 x Calling this part of the accelerative force -p- , and put- ting h' (1 - h} for h' - h", we have ,72 ^= Kfbh' (1 - h) a' 2 (8+ 88). Since the condensation S to the first approximation is wholly periodic, if we omit $S the acceleration of the sphere is also periodic, and its motion may consequently be wholly vibra- tory; as, in fact, it was assumed to .be when the relative velocity of the fluid and sphere was expressed (in p. 297) by a periodic function. But, as has been already remarked (p. 300), 88, representing the terms of the second order, con- sists in part of terms that are non-periodic and constant. Hence the above equation shews at once that by reason of these terms the sphere is constantly accelerated. It is, how- ever, here to be taken into consideration, just as in the dis- 312 THE PRINCIPLES OF APPLIED CALCULATION. cussion of the expression for *- , that the relative motion of the fluid and sphere in this case takes the place of the absolute motion of the fluid in the case of the fixed sphere, and is there- fore supposed to be wholly vibratory. To maintain this con- dition it is consequently necessary to impress on the sphere and the whole of the fluid in the contrary direction this acce- leration of the sphere ; which it is legitimate to do, because, as was argued in p. 305 with reference to the first acceleration, the action of the waves on the sphere will not thereby be sensibly altered. By this impression of velocity the fluid is accelerated in the reverse direction relatively to the mean position of the sphere. Or, conversely, the mean position of the sphere is uniformly accelerated relatively to the fluid. d 2 x Corollary I. Since the expression for ^ contains b as a factor, it follows that the accelerations of different spheres of the same density by the same waves are proportional to their radii, so far as the motion results from the second d*x part of . Corollary II. In the case of waves diverging from a centre, the argument applied to the force , 2 J is equally applicable in the present case, shewing that the force -yy also varies inversely as the square of the distance from the centre. It is, however, to be observed that this law is no longer exact if the constants h and h' should be found to be susceptible of change from any cause depending on distance from the centre. From considerations which I shall not now dwell upon, I am led to expect that h would be slowly modi- fied by the decrement, at very large distances from the centre, of the number of axes in a given area, even when X is very large, and that for very small values of X, both h and h! may HYDRODYNAMICS. 313 change with distance from the centre in such manner as con- siderably to alter the law of the inverse square. Having thus carried as far as appears to be practicable in the present state of the mathematical theory of fluids the in- vestigation of the dynamical action of undulations on small spheres, it remains to consider in what manner they are acted upon by steady motions of the fluid. Example VIII. A small sphere is surrounded by elastic fluid in steady motion : it is required to find the action of the fluid upon it. Conceive, at first, the sphere to be fixed. Then since the motion of the fluid, taken apart from the disturbance by the sphere, is constantly the same and in the same directions at the same points of space, the circumstances will be identical with those of a uniform stream impinging on a sphere at rest, excepting that the lines of motion, instead of being parallel, may be convergent or divergent. In the case, however, of a very small sphere, to which alone this investigation applies, the distribution of density on its surface, so far as it is caused by the impact of the stream, will not be sensibly affected by the non-parallelism of the lines of motion, provided the sur- faces of displacement of the fluid be always of finite curvature. Hence from what is shewn in page 302, this distribution of density will have no tendency to move the sphere. The only cause tending to produce motion is the variation of density and pressure from point to point of space due to the condition of steady motion. It is true that this variation of density, the effect of which is taken account of in the following investiga- tion, is partly dependent on the degree of convergence or di- vergence of the lines of motion. It will be supposed that the fluid is of unlimited extent, and that each line of motion may be traced to some point at an indefinite distance where the density (p) is equal to the constant p , and the velocity ( F) vanishes. Under these cir- cumstances the equation (26), obtained in page 241, viz., 314 THE PRINCIPLES OF APPLIED CALCULATION. is to be employed for calculating the accelerative action on the sphere. As Fwill always be supposed to be very small com- pared to a, instead of this equation we may use F 2 Conceive, now, the line of motion to be drawn whose di- rection passes through the centre of the sphere, and let s be any length reckoned along this line from a given point. The sphere being of very small magnitude, it will be assumed that for all points of any transverse circular area the centre of which is on the line of motion, and the radius of which is not less than the radius of the sphere, we have with sufficient approximation p =f(s). Let s^ be the value of s correspond- ing to the position of the centre of the sphere, and let 6 be the angle which any radius of the sphere makes with the line of motion. Then, the radius being equal to b, we have for any point of the surface s = s l b cos 0, and P = /( 5 i ^ cos 0) =/( s i) /' ( 5 i) ^ cos nearly. The whole pressure on the sphere estimated in the direction of the line of motion is 2?r la z pb* sin 6 cos Odd, from = to 6 = TT. This integral, on substituting the above approximate value of p y will be found to be _47T&V 3 J W- Hence, A being the density of the sphere, the accelerative force is If /3 t and V l be the density and velocity corresponding to the centre of the sphere, HYDRODYNAMICS. 315 a s t Hence by substituting for /' (sj in the above expression, the accelerative force = Q ^ - . A ds l If we assume that p Q = 1, A will be, as in previous for- mulae, the ratio of the density of the sphere to that of the fluid. This expression proves that the accelerative action on the sphere has a constant ratio to the acceleration of the fluid where the sphere is situated. If the sphere, instead of being fixed, be supposed to be impressed with a uniform motion, its acceleration by the fluid would, at each position, still have the same constant ratio to that of the fluid in the same position. For, as has been shewn (p. 302), the uniform motion does not alter the accelerative action of the fluid on the sphere. But the stream actually causes an acceleration of the mo- tion of the sphere, and from what is proved in p. 303, the sphere suffers in consequence a retardation proportional to the acceleration. But this retardation, the formula for which is of the same kind as that in page 306, will, in the cases to which it is proposed to apply these researches, be incomparably less than the acceleration ; so that we may conclude that the ac- celerative action of fluid in steady motion upon a sphere free to obey such action, is with sufficient approximation the same as if the sphere were fixed. The effect of two or more steady motions acting simul- taneously on a given sphere may be thus determined. It has been shewn (p. 242) that different sets of steady motions may coexist. Hence if the velocities which they would separately produce at a given point of space, and the directions of these velocities, be given, the resultant velocity and its direction may be calculated in the usual manner. Then since the re- 316 THE PRINCIPLES OF APPLIED CALCULATION. sultant motion is also steady motion, if p and V be the resultant density and velocity, we shall have whence p may be calculated when V is known. This for- mula is to be applied in the case of a sphere acted upon by several sets of steady motions at the same time, in the manner indicated above with respect to the analogous formula for a single steady motion. For the sake o'f illustration, let the directions of the velocities V^ and V z of two steady motions make the angle a with each other at the position where the sphere is situated. Then we have r a =r i 8 + F a s + 2 7,7, cos a, and / \ P ' = p (I - ,) very nearly. From these equations it will be seen that the velocity V is greatest, and the density and pressure of the fluid least, when a = 0, or the two streams coincide in direction ; and that V is least and the density and pressure greatest when a = TT, or the two streams flow in opposite directions. I have now completed the portion of these c Notes ' which I proposed to devote exclusively to processes of reasoning. All that precedes is reasoning founded on self-evident, or admitted premises. This is not less true of the Propositions and Ex- amples in Hydrodynamics, by which so large a space in the foregoing part of the work has been occupied, than of the treatment of the other subjects. The properties of mobility, divisibility, and pressure of two hypothetical fluids, one of which is supposed to be wholly incompressible, and the other to be susceptible of variations of density exactly proportional to the variations of pressure, have been taken for granted. The argumentation is in no manner concerned with any discussion HYDKODYNAMICS. 317 of these properties, but only with the mathematical processes proper for deducing from them conclusions relative to the motion and pressure of the fluids under given circumstances. Although there is no direct evidence of the existence of fluids possessing these properties exactly, there is experimental proof that water is compressed with extreme difficulty, that the pressure of the air varies very nearly proportionally to its density, and that both these fluids possess in a very high degree the property of mobility. Consequently, conclusions to which the mathematical reasoning leads relative to the hypothetical fluids, admit of, at least, approximate comparison with matter of fact, and such comparison may serve as a test of the correctness of the mathematical reasoning. For in- stance, the near agreement of the velocity of propagation in an elastic fluid, as determined by the solution of Proposition XIV. (in pages 214 225), with the result of observations*, may be regarded as giving evidence of the truth of the new hydrodynamical principles by means of which that deter- mination was made. I do not admit that this inference can be invalidated in any other way than by detecting a fallacy in the course of the reasoning by which I have concluded, first, that the theoretical value of the rate of propagation is not the quantity a, and then that it is a quantity having to a an ascertained ratio greater than unity. Till this reason- ing is set aside, any attempt to account by experiments for the excess of the observed velocity of sound above the value a is unnecessary. Besides, as I have urged in page 225, the experiments hitherto made with this view have failed to indicate the modus operand* by which development and ab- sorption of heat affects the rate of propagation. I have ad- verted to this question here, because it has an essential bear- ing on the applications that will subsequently be made of the foregoing hydrodynamical theorems. * Dr Schroder van der Kolk obtains 1091,8 feet per second, which is less than the theoretical velocity by 17,5 feet. (See the Philosophical Magazine for July, 1865, p. 47.) 318 THE PRINCIPLES OF APPLIED CALCULATION. Under the head of Hydrodynamics 1 endeavoured to ascertain the true principles and processes required for the mathematical determination of the motion and pressure of an elastic fluid under given circumstances ; and for the purpose of exemplifying the general reasoning, I added the solutions of various problems, selecting them, as has already been inti- mated, with reference to subsequent physical researches. The application, which I am now about to enter upon, of the hydrodynamical theorems and problems, constitutes a dis- tinct part of the work, the object of which is, to account for certain natural phenomena, and laws of phenomena, theo- retically. The reasoning it involves is therefore essentially different from that in the preceding part, inasmuch as, having reference to theory, it necessarily rests on hypotheses, and the hypotheses are such that their truth can be established only by the success with which the theories founded on them explain phenomena. The theories that will come under con- sideration are those of Light, Heat and Molecular Attraction, Force of Gravity, Electricity, Galvanism, and Magnetism, respecting which I make the general hypothesis that their phenomena all result from modes of action of an elastic fluid the pressure of which is proportional to its density. The theo- retical researches are consequently wholly dependent on the previously demonstrated hydrodynamical theorems. For the establishment of a physical theory there is a part which is necessarily performed by mathematical calcula- tion. This remark may be illustrated by reference to the history of Physical Astronomy. Galileo's experimental dis- covery of the laws of the descent of a body acted upon by terrestrial gravity was, it is true, a necessary step towards the discovery of the mathematical calculation proper for deter- mining the motion and path of a particle acted upon by given accelerative forces ; but the latter discovery, which was ef- fected by Newton, was indispensable for establishing the theory of the motions of the moon and planets. (See the remarks on this point in pages 123 arid 124). What Newton did, expressed HYDRODYNAMICS. 319 in the language of modern analysis, was, to form the differ- ential equations proper for calculating the motion of a single particle acted upon by given accelerative forces, to integrate these equations, and to interpret the results relatively to the motion and path of the particle. The problems of this class are all solved by the integration of a differential equation of the second order containing two variables, or a system of differential equations reducible to a single one of that order containing not more than two variables. This is the case also with respect to the problems which relate to the motion of a system of rigidly connected particles. The methods of answering physical questions by the solution of differential equations containing two variables characterized the epoch of physical science which commenced with Newton. What has since been required for the advancement of Natural Philosophy is the farther discovery of the processes of reasoning proper for ascertaining the motions and pressures of a congeries of particles in juxtaposition forming an elastic fluid. At least, the knowledge of such processes is necessary for testing the truth of the above-mentioned general hy- pothesis relative to the medium of action of the different physical forces. The motions and pressures of a fluid require for their determination the formation and integration of partial differential equations, that is, of equations which in the final analysis cannot contain fewer than three variables. This greater number of variables, while it gives greater compre- hensiveness to the equations, increases the difficulty of draw- ing inferences from them. Having long since perceived that the science of Hydrodynamics was in an incomplete and unsatisfactory state, and being at the same time convinced that the progress of Theoretical Physics, especially the theo- retical explanation of the phenomena of Light, absolutely demanded a more exact and advanced knowledge of this de- partment of applied mathematics, I have during a long course of years made efforts to overcome the difficulties that beset it. The part of this work devoted to Hydrodynamics contains 320 THE MATHEMATICAL PRINCIPLES OF PHYSICS. such results of my labours as appeared to possess something like certainty; but I am well aware that much remains to be done in this direction, and that some parts of the reasoning, especially where it relates to the extension of the calculation to terms of the second order, are incomplete, and may require modification or correction. With, however, such materials for theoretical research as I have been able to collect, I shall now attempt to give ex- planations of phenomena of the various kinds specified above, and of laws which the phenomena are found by observation and experiment to obey. For reasons which will appear in the sequel, the subjects will be considered in the following- order: Light, Heat and Molecular Attraction, Gravity, Elec- tricity, Galvanism, Magnetism. Also as I am unable to re- gard any Theory as deserving that name, the hypotheses of which do not form an intelligible basis for mathematical calculation, the hypotheses which I shall have occasion to propose will all be made to fulfil that condition: on which account I entitle this section of my work THE MATHEMATICAL PRINCIPLES OF PHYSICS. This title has been adopted with reference to that of Newton's Principia, the principles of the reasoning being of the same kind as those of that work, although they com- prehend a wider range of subjects. It should, moreover, be stated that the different Physical Theories will not be dis- cussed completely or in any detail, but solely with reference to what is fundamental in principle, and necessary for the explanation of classes of phenomena. The Theory of Light. The following Theory rests on the hypothesis that the phenomena of Light are visible effects of the motions and pressures of a continuous elastic fluid, the pressure of which is proportional to its density, the effects being such only as are cognisable by the sense of sight. This hypothesis brings the THE THEORY OF LIGHT. 321 facts and laws to be accounted for into immediate connec- tion with hydrodynamical theorems demonstrated in the pre- ceding part of this work. In the instances of several of the more common phenomena, the theoretical explanations are so obvious that little more is required than merely referring to the pages containing the appropriate theorems. With respect to others, it will be necessary to introduce some special con- siderations. It is to be understood that since the hydro- dynamical theorems rest on principles and reasoning alto- gether independent of this application of them, the success with which they explain phenomena is to be taken as evidence, of the actuality of the hypothetical medium and of its assumed properties. I shall, at first, confine myself to those pheno- mena which have no special relations to visible and tangible substances, but depend only on qualities of the medium in which the light is generated and transmitted. This medium will be called the JEther. The phenomena of reflection, refrac- tion, dispersion, &c. are reserved for consideration after the explanations of the other class of phenomena have tested the reality of the aether and its supposed qualities. (1) One of the most observable and general laws of light is its transmission through space in straight lines independ- ently of the mode of its generation. This fact is theoretically explained by the rectilinear axes of the free motion of the aether, and by the circumstance that the motion resulting from a given disturbance is, to the first power of the velocity, com- posed generally of vibratory motions relative to such axes. The proof of the existence of rectilinear axes is given in pages 186 188 under Proposition VII. The character and composition of the vibrations result from the demonstrations of Propositions XL, XII. , and XIII., and from the solution of Example I. in pages 244 246. (2) The law of rectilinear axes of free motion having been deduced as above mentioned^ the mathematical reason- ing then conducted to specific analytical expressions for the- 21 322 THE MATHEMATICAL PRINCIPLES OF PHYSICS. motions and condensations relative to these axes, antecedently to the supposition of any arbitrary disturbance. This rea- soning is contained in pages 201 211. The axis of z being supposed coincident with an axis of free motion, w being the velocity transverse to the axis at the point xyz distant from it by r, w being the velocity parallel to the axis, and or the condensation at the same point, the approximate values of &>, w, and o- of the first order are given, for small values of r, by the following equations : ~ = m sin -~ (z /cat + c), /= 1 - er 2 , (pages 206 and 2 1 0) dz A . df e\r 2?r , w = 9 -j- = m cos (z /cat + c), cti 77" A* w =f - = (1 er 2 ) m sin -^-(z /cat + c), dz A f d, w, and = > ^ + T- = i dz at dt dz it follows that the law of coexistence holds good with respect both to the condensation and the velocity. Therefore if , w, and cr, indicates regular periodicity in the dynamical effects of the undulations; and as we know from experience that such periodicity in respect to sound corresponds to the sensation of the pitch of a musical note, there is reason to conclude analogically that regular periodic vibrations of the sether have the effect of producing the sen- sation of colour. The kind of colour depends on the number of vibrations in a given time, which again depends on the relative values of X and the constant velocity tea. Conse- quently the linear quantity X, which had its origin in the dj priori reasoning which conducted to the above mentioned circular function, may be regarded as the exponent of colour. This explanation is confirmatory of the adaptability of the results of that reasoning to phenomena of light. THE THEORY OF LIGHT. 327 (9) So also the linear quantity 6, which is known if the velocity (wj at a given point of the axis be given at a given time, and is usually named the phase of the vibrations, corre- sponds to a physical reality, as will appear from what will shortly be said respecting the coalescence and interference of different portions of light. It should here be noticed that the phase of each compo- nent of a composite series of vibrations relative to an axis was indicated (p. 229) by a quantity c analogous to 6, but that observed phenomena do not depend on the phase of one of the large number of components rather than on that of another, and are, therefore, independent of the particular phases. Hence when phase is spoken of, it is always to be understood as relating to composite vibrations. (10) According to the previously established hydrody- namical principles, any vibratory motion arbitrarily impressed on the fluid may be assumed to be composed of vibrations of the primary type, the number of the components, the direc- tions of their axes, and the values of /, X, and 6 being at disposal for satisfying the given conditions of the disturbance. Hence on applying this theorem to light-producing disturb- ances of the asther, it may be inferred that the light may be composed of rays not only differing in intensity and phase, but also having different values of X, and, therefore, differing in colour. The components may either have certain values of X, or values of all gradations within the limits of vision, the circumstances of the disturbance determining in which of these ways the given conditions are satisfied. This theoretical inference respecting the composition of light is confirmed by the fact that a spectrum is produced when a beam of light -is refracted through a transparent prism. It is to be observed that the separation, by this experiment, of light into parts having different values of X, which is termed an analysis of it, is distinct from the separation into parts mentioned in (7), which was supposed to be unaccompanied by change of colour. 328 THE MATHEMATICAL PRINCIPLES OF PHYSICS. The two classes of facts are in strict agreement with the indications of the theory respecting the composite character of the getherial undulations. Since the aether might be disturbed not only by the original production of motion, but also by interruptions of motion previously produced, it would not be inconsistent with the theory if the breaking up of waves having values of X out of the limits of those proper for vision were found to give rise to luminous waves, and that too whether the breadths of the original waves were larger or smaller than those adapted for vision. The Drummond light produced by the incidence of an oxy-hydrogen flame on lime appears to be an instance of such transmutation of rays, the change in this case being for the most part into rays having values of X less than those of the original rays. The experiment by which Professor Stokes obtained visible rays from rays of the spectrum of too great refrangibility for vision presents an instance of transmutation of the opposite kind*. It does not belong to the part of the theory of light now under consideration to enquire under what circumstances the two kinds of transmutation might occur ; but it is important to remark at present that each kind may be conceived to be consistent with the antecedent mathematical theory of the vibrations of an elastic fluid |. (11) The mutual independence of rays of light, exhibited by the fact that the same parts of space may be simultaneously traversed by rays from different origins without perceptible disturbance of each other, is at once and satisfactorily ex- plained by the law of the coexistence of small vibrations demonstrated by Proposition XIII. (p. 211). This law ap- plies to the setherial undulations of the present theory, be- cause the equations which express their properties were Philosophical Transactions, 1852, Part 2, p. 463. f Respecting the Theory of the Transmutation of Rajs see an Article in the Supplementary Number of the Philosophical Magazine for December, 1856, p. 521, and some remarks in that for May, 1865, p. 335. THE THEORY OF LIGHT. 329 deduced from linear differential equations with constant co- efficients. (12) The same law of the coexistence of small undula- tions serves to explain the observed interference of rays of the same colour under certain circumstances. To take a simple example, let two sets of composite undulations have coincident axes and the same value of X. Then, according to that law, the velocity at any point of the common axis at any time t will be given by the expression /* sin (z - feat + 0J + /-t 2 sin - (z icat + 6). A A It will be seen from this expression that if the phases l and 2 be the same, or differ by an even multiple of - , the two sets of undulations are in exact accordance, and the resulting value of the maximum velocity is the sum of /^ and //- 2 ; but if the difference of phase be an odd multiple of - , that the undulations are in complete discordance, and the resulting maximum velocity is the difference of /^ and /* 2 . In the latter case, if ^ = //, 2 , the velocity vanishes at all points of the axis. Also the general values of co t w, and a- shew that in the same case the direct and transverse velocities and the conden- sation vanish at all distances from the axis included within the limiting value of r. Consequently the combination of the undulations under these circumstances produces darkness in- stead of light. Not only have these theoretical results been verified experimentally by the combination of rays of light traversing paths which differ in length by known multiples of - , but experiment has also indicated the same interference of undulations of the air under like circumstances, at least so far as regards direct vibrations*. * See a Paper by Mr Hopkins "On Aerial Vibrations in Cylindrical Tubes" in the Cambridge Philosophical Transactions, Vol. v., Part n., p. 253. 330 THE MATHEMATICAL PRINCIPLES OF PHYSICS. Before proceeding to other comparisons of the theory with facts, it must now be stated that from experiment we are led to conclude, as will be fully shewn hereafter, that the sensa- tion of light is not due to the direct velocity w, but depends exclusively on the transverse velocity &>, This must be accepted as a fact resting only on experience, inasmuch as it relates to the mode of action of the astherial undulations on the constituent atoms of the eye, of which theory is at present incapable of giving an account. Also we have reason from experiment to conclude that light is produced by transverse movements of the aether within distances from the axis very small compared to X, it being a known fact that spaces very much narrower than the breadth of an undulation have been made visible by powerful microscopes ; which would not be possible unless the effective transverse dimension of the ray were much less than X. If (T^ be the condensation and ^ the maximum velocity in a given composite ray, from the expression for 2 . cr given n__ under (3) we have, putting ffor - (z /cat + 6), X a\lcr df . and -j = Kfji^a sin = 2/c/^er sin f, Hence the transverse accelerative force of the fluid varies cceteris paribus as the distance r from the axis. Now in the case of plane-waves, in which the transverse motion is neutral- ized, there is no transverse accelerative action ; but when a limited portion passes through the pupil of the eye and is brought to a focus on the retina, the different axes of the com- ponents are made to converge to a point, and the transverse action, being no longer neutralized, is brought into play, causing the sensation of light. Also if the different axes do not converge with mathematical exactness to a point, since the separate transverse actions would in that case vary THE THEORY OF LIGHT. 331 as the distances from the respective axes, it is readily seen that the resultant would be a transverse action varying as the distance from a mean axis passing through the centre of gra- vity of the component axes. Thus a bundle of rays would act transversely like a single ray. This result appears to give a physical reason for the above accelerative force being effec- tive for producing light only at small distances from the axis, the distinctness with which images of external objects are de- picted on the retina being dependent on the fulfilment of 'that condition. (13) Hitherto we have had under consideration only such undulations as are symmetrical with respect to axes, the ana- lytical expressions for which contain no constant quantities that can be immediately satisfied by arbitrary conditions. It may accordingly be supposed that this form of undulation is always produced by an initial disturbance, independently of the particular mode of the disturbance; for which reason I have called it the primitive form. The characteristic of such undulations, namely, the symmetrical arrangement of the direct and transverse velocities and the condensation about the axes, is at once explanatory of the term non-polarized applied by experimentalists to rays which have no sides, that is, no relations to space in directions perpendicular to the axes. In conformity with the theory experiment shews that this quality belongs to all rays that have been subjected to no other conditions than those of their original generation. (14) But that this symmetry may be subsequently dis- turbed by arbitrary conditions is theoretically proved by the analytical circumstance that the value of the factor / may be determined by the integration of the partial differential equation In p. 210 I have obtained a particular solution of this equation which indicates that the transverse motion is symmetrical 332 THE MATHEMATICAL PRINCIPLES OF PHYSICS. with respect to a plane the position of which depends on an arbitrary angle (6) introduced by the integration, and that it is perpendicular to this plane. Hence we may theoretically in- fer that to produce such transverse motion it is only necessary to impress on undulations of the primitive type a disturbance symmetrical with respect to a plane. It is found, in fact, that rays of common light submitted to such disturbances are, either wholly or in part, polarized, and the plane of symmetry of the disturbance is the plane of polarization. Such modi- fication, for instance, light undergoes by reflection at polished surfaces. Also it is shewn in pages 216 and 217 that when primitive undulations are so modified, equal portions are po- larized in planes at right angles to each other. This theoreti- cal inference is confirmed by experiments. (15) A polarized ray, the transverse vibrations of which are parallel to the plane of xz, is defined by the equations given in page 217, which, by expanding the sine and cosine of 2 Ve x, omitting powers of x above the second, and substi- tuting f for q (z - Kat + c) become f. and the transverse accelerative force is ., d, &#-,**, &$-+&,. S dx r dx >S dx Y dx Now supposing the transverse velocity of the original ray, (assumed to be parallel to the axis of x), to be expressed by -f- , the left-hand sides of the last two equations will express the velocities in the bifurcated rays resolved parallel to the same axis. But the right-hand sides of the equations 7/ are the velocities resulting from resolving -f- in the direc- (IX tions parallel and perpendicular to the new plane of polariza- tion, and then resolving these parts in the direction of the axis of x. Hence the velocities in the bifurcated rays, being parallel and perpendicular to that plane, must be equal 7/1 JJ? respectively to < -^- cos 6 and $ -j- sin 6. That is, they are equal to the resolved parts of the velocity of the original ray parallel and perpendicular to the new plane of polarization. Thus the second condition is also satisfied by the equations (x) sin (z feat + c) and fity (y) sin (z icat + c'). A A/ Then, supposing #, y, z to be the co-ordinates of a given particle of the aether at the time t, we have In obtaining from these equations the projection of the path of the given particle on the plane of xy, the variations of z may be neglected; and we may also leave out of con- sideration, since the reasoning embraces only quantities of the first order, the changes of x and y in the coefficients p (x) and fju'^fr (y) due to the small changes of position of the particle. By integrating the above equations, and eliminating t from the results, an equation between x and y of the fol- lowing form will be obtained : This equation shews that if c c' be zero, or any multiple of - , the left-hand side of the equation is a complete square, 22 338 THE MATHEMATICAL PRINCIPLES OF PHYSICS. and the path of the particle is a straight line. For these par- ticular cases the compound raj is exactly equivalent to the original polarized ray. It also appears that in general the path is an ellipse, and that for the particular cases in which c c= X, it is a circle. These theoretical results ex- 4 plain the characters of the different kinds of light which have been named plane-polarized, elliptically-polarized, and cir- cularly-polarized. (19) There is still another class of facts the explanation of which depends exclusively on properties of the setherial medium, viz. the effects of compounding lights of different colours*. In the following argument it is assumed that simple colours, such as those presented by a pure spectrum of sun-light, are functions of X only. Certain phenomena ac- companying the absorption of rays of light in their passage through coloured media, which were thought at one time to be opposed to this law, have been accounted for consistently with it since the important discovery was made of the trans- mutability of rays into others of different refrangibility. (See the remarks and references relative to this point in page 328.) The theory of composition I am about to propose will, at first, refer exclusively to the colours of the spectrum. The analytical formula which expresses that the vibrations of a ray are compounded of the vibrations of two or more simple rays having different values of X, is the following : v = fju sin (z /cat + 6} + fjf sin 7- (z teat + &} + &c. A, X Assuming, now, that the composition of colours corresponds to the composition of aetherial undulations of different breadths, the theory gives the following explanation of observed facts. * See a Communication in the Report of the British Association for 1834 (p. 644), an Article in the Philosophical Magazine for November, 1856, p. 329, and some remarks in the Number for May, 1865, p. 336. THE THEORY OF LIGHT. 339 1. The general fact that colours admit of composition and analysis is referable to the law of the coexistence of small vibrations, on which the above formula depends. 2. The result of compounding any number of undula- tions for which X is the same is a series of undulations ex- pressible by the formula , A, in which V is the algebraic sum of the separate velocities, and M is a function of m, ra', &c., and of the phases c, c', &c. of the component undulations. Hence the composition of rays, or portions of light, of a given colour produces light of the same colour, as is well known from experience to be the case. If fji = mn^j fjf = mri*, &c., and there be an unlimited number of components, we have by the reasoning in page 229 M = m (n + ri + n" + &c.)* = (mV + mV + mV + &c.)*. Hence in this case it results from the measure of intensity previously adopted, that the square of the intensity of the compound ray is equal to the sum of the squares of the in- tensities of the components. But in general M involves the phases of the components. 3. If the values of v at a given time be represented by the ordinates of a curve of which the abscissae are the values of x, this curve will in general cut the axis of x in a great number of points with irregular intervals between them. When this is the case, the irregularity of the intervals is incompatible with the sensation of colour, but does not prevent the sensation of light ; so that the result of the com- position is white light, and the degree of whiteness, it may be presumed, is greater the greater the irregularity. There is here a strict analogy to sound-sensations. As sounds are not all musical, so light is not all coloured. It is reasonable to 222 340 THE MATHEMATICAL PRINCIPLES OF PHYSICS. suppose that as colour in a simple raj is due to regularity of wave-intervals, so in every instance of the production of colour the sensation is due to some species of regularity of recurrence in the waves. It may also be remarked that the irregularity to which whiteness is due exists whatever epoch (t) be selected, and independently of the particular phases of the component undulations. This is known to be the case from experience. 4. The effect of compounding two simple colours is ex- pressed in this theory by the formula v = fj, sin - (z /cat -f C) + JL sin 7- (z Kat + C'). X A l \ j ! ! ft l \ r, + -.), and 7 = -(--^). Then, the time being given, the expression may be put under one or the other of the two forms . ~\ ftlTZ ~\ = 2fj, sin l-j- + (LJ cos l-j- + <7J . , . /2-7T2! ^\ /27TZ ~\ . f%7TZ ~ ,\ v = <2p sm l-j- + A cos f -y- + C 2 J + z/ sin f + (7 S M . Leaving out of consideration, at present, the term containing v, the other term shews that the axis of z will be cut by the curve at a series of points separated by the common interval L, which is an harmonic mean between X and X', and at another series of points separated by the common interval L As the ratio of the greatest and least values of the breadths of light-undulations is nearly that of 3 to 2, Z will be at least equal to 6L. Hence the second series of recurrences will always be slower than the first, and in case X' be not much larger than X, they will be much slower. The effect of the second trigonometrical factor is to cause the maximum velo- cities of the undulations expressed by the other factor to vary THE THEORY OF LIGHT. 341 periodically from zero to 2m. This effect is analogous to the production of beats, or discords, by the union of two series of aerial vibrations. Now it is known from experience that if a stream of light received by the eye be interrupted during very short intervals, the sensation of light and colour is still continuous, by reason, it may be presumed, of a temporary persistence of the luminous impressions. It may hence be inferred that when the vibrations, without being actually interrupted, are subject to periodic variations of intensity, the eye is insensible to such variations, and only perceives light of the colour corresponding to the regular intervals between the recurrences of maximum velocity. Accordingly we may conclude from the above expressions relative to the compo- sition of two simple colours, that the eye will perceive the colour corresponding to the wave-length L. As this length is intermediate to \ and X', the theory accounts for a law announced by Newton as a result of experiment, viz. that " if any two colours be mixed, which in the series of those gene- rated by the prism are not too far distant from one another, they, by their mutual allay, compound that colour which in the said series appeareth in the midway between them." M. Helmholtz states that "Newton's observations on the combinations of every two prismatic colours coincide with his own results." (Phil. Mag. for 1852, S. 4, Vol. 4, p. 528.) 5. The intermediate colour corresponding to the wave- length L is strictly produced only in case v 0, or p fju. If /Ji = mn* and /jf = mri^, we shall have for this case n n; so that the number of the rays of each kind, and consequently the intensities of the two portions of light, will be equal. Hence to produce the intermediate colour an adjustment of the quantities of the components is required, as is known to be the case from experience. If v does not vanish, the light represented by the additional term will affect the tint of the compound, and according to the value of v there may be every gradation of tint from the colour corresponding to X, through that for which v 0, to the colour corresponding to X'. The 342 THE MATHEMATICAL PRINCIPLES OF PHYSICS. production of such gradation of tints by varying the propor- tions of the components is matter of experience. 6. The following is the explanation, according to this theory, of complementary colours of the solar spectrum. We have seen that when the ratio of X to X' for two colours does not differ much from a ratio of equality, the result of com- bining them is the intermediate colour corresponding to the wave-length which is an harmonic mean between the wave- lengths of the components. But it is evident that this law may cease to hold good when that ratio exceeds a certain limit. For in proportion as X and X' differ from each other the value of I becomes less, and the recurrence of the maxi- mum values of the factor cos f-| h Cu more frequent. As- suming that the beats thus produced have a tendency to destroy the sensation of colour without destroying the per- ception of light, a limit will be reached at which the result is white light, arid the colours become complementary to each other. Since this limit depends on the particular conditions required for^ the production of the sensations of light and colour by the action of the aether on the particles of the eye, it does not admit of a priori investigation, and must conse- quently be determined experimentally. This desideratum has been furnished by the following experimental results obtained by M. Helmholtz by an ingenious arrangement for viewing the combinations, two and two, of the different gradations of colour of a pure spectrum. (See Poggendorff's Annalen, Vol. xciv.) Colour. J9 Ked.., 'ave-lenj 2425 2244 2162 2120 2095 2085 2082 j.i.1. Complementary -IT Colour. ... Green-blue ... ... Blue .. r aye length. 1 CM Q Ratio of wave-lengths. Orange , 1809 1 24.0 Gold-yellow ... Gold-yellow ... Yellow ... Blue 1793 1 20fi ... Blue 1781 ... . . 1 190 ... Indigo-blue... ... Indigo-blue... ... Violet . 171 A 1 991 Yellow 1 70fi 1999 Green-yellow... 1600 . , 1.301 THE THEORY OF LIGHT. 343 These results shew that the disappearance of the intermediate colour takes place for ratios of the wave-lengths varying from about that of 4 to 3 for red and green-blue, to about that of 6 to 5 for gold-yellow and blue. It is worthy of remark that the ratio of the wave-lengths is less for the brighter parts of the spectrum than for the extreme and duller parts; appa- rently because increase of intensity tends to diminish the perception of colour, as is known to be the case from inde- pendent experience. Whether it be for this reason or not, gold-yellow and blue are complementary for a ratio of wave- lengths less than the ratio for any of the other complementary colours. This circumstance may be regarded as explanatory of the fact, deduced by M. Helmholtz from his experiments, that prismatic blue and yellow combined do not produce green, or only a greenish white. The existence of green, in however small a degree, is a phenomenon which the theory has to account for, the sensation of green being so entirely different from that of blue or yellow; and this, in fact, it does account for by the foregoing formula for composition ; but theory is incapable of determining the amount of the sensation. It should, however, be observed that the above ratios may depend in part on the particular circumstances of the experiment, and in part also on the particular capabilities of the observer's eye, it being a known fact that different observers have different perceptions of colour. Again, it appears from the above results that the colours whose wave-lengths lie between the numbers 2082 and 1818, the difference of which is about one-third the difference of the numbers for the extreme wave-lengths, have no comple- mentary colour. This fact seems to admit of being explained by the consideration that the ratios of their wave-lengths to the wave-lengths of the other colours, might all, when in- tensity is taken into account, be too small for the neutraliza- tion of colour. 7. I enter now upon the theory of the composition of 344 THE MATHEMATICAL PRINCIPLES OF PHYSICS. impure colours, such as those of pigments and coloured pow- ders. With respect to these it is certain that green may be produced by a mixture of yellow and blue. The following passage occurs in Sir John Herschel's Treatise on Light in the Encyclopaedia Metropolitana (Art. 516) : " Blue and yellow combined produce green. The green thus arising is vivid and rich ; and, when proper proportions of the elementary colours are used, no way to be distinguished from the pris- matic green. Nothing can be 1 more striking, and even sur- prising, than the effect of mixing together a blue and yellow powder, or covering a paper with blue and yellow lines drawn close together, and alternating with eaeh other. The ele- mentary tints totally disappear, and cannot even be recalled by the imagination*." According to this statement, which I have verified by my own observations, a mixture of blue and yellow powders has the same effect as a mixture of blue and yellow lights ; for in the second mode of making the experiment it is clear that the eye receives a mixture of blue and yellow rays. Sir J. Herschel adds : " One of the most marked facts in favour of the existence of three primary colours, and of the possibility of an analysis of white light distinct from that of tire spectrum, is to see the prismatic green thus completely imitated by a mixture of adjacent rays totally distinct from it both in refrangibility and colour." The theory I am expounding rather tends to shew that there would be no reason to conclude from the production of a per- fect sensation of green by a mixture of yellow and blue, that the green of the spectrum is a compound colour. I admit, however, that the theory ought to account for the great dif- ference, as to fulness and vividness, between the green ob- tained by the composition of pigments, and that resulting from * It would seem that some eyes have a peculiar inaptitude for seeing green when it is composed of yellow and blue. Mr Maxwell states generally that "blue and 5 yellow do not make green, but a pinkish tint, when neither prevails in the combination; " and in the particular instance of "viewing alternate stripes of blue and yellow with a telescope out of focus," he finds the resultant tint te be "pink." (Edinburgh Transactions, Vol. xxi. Part n. p. 291). THE THEORY OF LIGHT. 345 the composition of the yellow and blue of a pure spectrum. To this point I now propose to direct attention. But I must first premise that I found the statements of experimenters on the composition of colours so perplexing and contradictory, and apparently so much influenced by an anticipation of the resolvability of the colours of a pure spec- trum, that I had recourse to personal observation to satisfy myself on certain points before comparing the theory with experiment. The details of these observations are here sub- joined. (a) Having painted on white paper a small circular space with a mixture of ultramarine blue and chrome yellow form- ing a good green, I looked at the compound colour through an ordinary equiangular prism at the angle of minimum de- viation. The green circle was seen to be resolved for the most part into two circular images- overlapping each other, one yellow and the other blue. There was an admixture of other coloured images, owing to the pigments not being pure colours, but these were comparatively faint, and did not pre- vent the tracing of the outlines of the yellow and blue images. It was readily perceived that the colour of the space common to the two images was a bright green. The remaining spaces were respectively yellow and blue. Consequently the green effect could not be attributed to any absorbing action, but must have been produced simply by the combination of yellow and blue rays, each parcel of which was of nearly definite refrangibility. The same effect resulted from using in the same manner a mixture of ultramarine and gamboge; and also when a circular green patch, formed by mixing blue and yellow chalk powders, was viewed through the prism. (/3) On white paper I placed in diffused day-light a rect- angular piece of non-reflecting black paper, and on the latter a rectangular slip of the white paper one-twelfth of an inch broad, with its longer edges parallel to edges of the black paper. On viewing the two pieces through an equiangular THE MATHEMATICAL PRINCIPLES OF PHYSICS. prism at the angle of minimum deviation, with its edges parallel to those of the papers, the usual internal and external fringes were seen at the borders of the black paper, the former consisting mainly of blue and violet light, and the other of red and yellow, but neither exhibiting green. The same fringes were formed in reverse order at the borders of the white slip, and overlapped in such manner that the blue of one fringe occupied the same space as the yellow of the other. The total effect was a kind of spectrum consisting apparently of only red, green, and violet rays. The green was very vivid, and without doubt was produced by the mixture of the yellow and blue rays. (7) I marked on white paper by chalk pencils alternating yellow and blue parallel spaces of not inconsiderable breadth, and found that even when the eye was near enough to dis- tinguish the spaces easily, the whole appeared to be suffused by a tinge of green. This effect, which was probably due to the angular spreading of the lights by diffraction, shewed that the eye was affected with the sensation of green by a mixture of yellow and blue rays, quite independently of any absorbing action on the day-light incident on the coloured spaces. To make this more evident, I covered three quite broad parallel spaces with alternate blue and yellow colours, the yellow being in the middle, and looked at them after retiring to a considerable distance. The green tinge was then very apparent, but upon intercepting the light from the middle space it wholly disappeared. The chalk pencils used in this experiment furnished, by scraping, the coloured powders used in experiment (a) ; whence it may be inferred that their predominant colours were respectively prismatic yellow and blue. (8) I also tried the effect of combining colours by means of revolving circular disks, the disks being divided into equal sectors covered alternately with the two colours to be com- pounded. On using the same yellow and blue chalks as in THE THEORY OF LIGHT. 347 experiments (a) and (7) I obtained a green colour, but the green was not so vivid as in those two" experiments. The colours of these chalks were far from being homogeneous, but the predominance of prismatic blue and yellow, demonstrated by experiment (a), seems to have determined the resulting colour in this experiment*. (e) On viewing in the same direction the yellow and blue pigments and chalks employed in experiments (a), by trans- mission of one colour through plate-glass, and by reflection of the other at the same, according to the method employed by M. Helmholtz (Phil. Mag. for 1852, Vol. 4, p. 530), I cer- tainly discerned green, but it was a very dull colour, and could only be seen in strong day-light. The foregoing series of experiments seem to justify the conclusion that blue and yellow parcels of ordinary day-light, not of prismatic purity, may produce green by simple com- bination, and independently of any modifications, by absorp- tion or otherwise, which they may have undergone since their original generation at the Sun, and that this green is much more conspicuous than any resulting from the com- bination of the blue and yellow of a pure spectrum. I shall now endeavour to give a theoretical reason for this difference, which is observable not only with respect to these two colours, but, in less degree, in the composition of other colours of the spectrum t. (Helmholtz, Phil. Mag. pages 525 and 526.) * The colours on the revolving disk by which Mr Maxwell attempts to shew that blue and yellow combined do not make green had scarcely any resemblance to the colours which I employed. I suspect, therefore, that if analysed by the prism they would exhibit no preponderance of blue and yellow, and that on this account the result was a neutral tint. f The theory of the composition of colours here given differs in some points from that which I proposed in the Article contained in the Philosophical Magazine for November, 1856. According to the present views the factor which is called m is originally the same for all rays; so that unccmpounded rays do not differ from each other in intrinsic intensity, and the difference of intensity of compound rays depends on the number of the components. In consequence of these views, the interpretation given in page 341 to the term in the formula for composition which contains v> is different from that proposed in the Article referred to. 348 THE MATHEMATICAL PRINCIPLES OF PHYSICS. By means of the expression for v in page 340, it has been shewn that if in the composition of two bundles of rays of prismatic purity the quantities be so adjusted that v = 0, and the difference between X and X' be small, the result is an 2XX' intermediate colour corresponding to the wave-length - r-y . . A -|~ X Experiments confirm this theoretical result so far as regards the production of an intermediate colour, but shew at the same time that the colour becomes pale and diluted on in- creasing the difference between X and X', till for a certain difference, depending on the positions of the components in the scale of prismatic colours, it very nearly or wholly dis- appears, and the result is neutral or white light. (See page 342.) The limiting difference is least for the rays that are in the brightest part of the spectrum, and appears, therefore, to be determined in some degree by the intensity of the light. But apart from the influence of intensity, the intermediate colour is qualified by some cause operating alike on all the different kinds of light ; and as the theory points to no other qualifying circumstance than the frequency of recurrence of the beats which are represented by the factor cos ( 1- C, \ X I shall for the present regard this as a vera causa. This being understood, let us now consider the result of compounding two impure parcels of light, that is, two parcels each of which consists of simple rays having an unlimited number of 'different wave-lengths included within certain limits. If fjb represent the maximum velocity resulting from the composition of all the simple rays in one parcel having the wave-length X, and fju that from the composition of the simple rays of the other parcel having the wave-length X', and if // = //- + v, the result of compounding the two parcels may be thus expressed, if // be greater than p,, 27T2 . /27T3 i'sm( THE THEORY OF LIGHT. 349 or thus, if fi be less than ft, S., = iSyrin^+C') cos( 2 f? + (7") + S.,sin( 2 ^ + 0"') , being put for i (I + ^ j , and ^ for - (- - -,j , and X' being supposed greater than X. First, it will be admitted that the quantities of the two parcels may be so adjusted that the light or colour corresponding to either aggregate of terms contain- ing v may be made to disappear ; that is, a distinct colour may be produced free from any tinge of the colour of either of the components. This adjustment would evidently be effected if for every combination of two pure composite rays the number of the simple rays is the same in each, so that fjb = fi and v = Q. On this supposition the total number of simple rays would be the same in the two parcels of light. Again, it is possible and allowable under these conditions to group the two series of values of X and X' (which, by hypo- thesis, are restricted within definite limits), so that the har- monic mean between a value of X from one series and a value of X' from the other may be very nearly the same for every set. Taking one such set, we have at any given time for the resulting velocity, supposing v = 0, Having regard, now, to only a limited portion AZ of the axis, it is evident, since I is much larger than L, that within this portion the changes of the first trigonometrical factor are much more considerable than those of the other. Hence if z =* the mean of the values of z in this space, and if r, represent any one of the factors analogous to 2/j, cos f ^ + c" J , and <7/ any one of the arcs corresponding to <7', we shall have very nearly 350 THE MATHEMATICAL PRINCIPLES OF PHYSICS. This expression, as is known, may be put under the form (S . w. f + 22sw cos (0.'- = 2 . VT 8 COS the right-hand side of which is constant at a given time for a given value of . Consequently within the small interval Az, and for a given value of z , the result of the composition is equivalent to a pure ray the wave-length of which is L ; and we have now to enquire what change D undergoes by a THE THEORY OF LIGHT. 351 change of z . By differentiating the above equation with respect to D and Z Q it will be found that ~ ^ 2 . SCT S sin Ca x 2 . iz-g cos C s ' 2 . ^ 8 cos C,' x 2 . -sr 8 sin C 8 r oU = T^ji 7T7\2 7^ ' /^"\ 2 * Hence, since f27TZ n ~,A T *. 47T//-3 . /27T n ~,A ^ OT, =2/4, Cos ( j - + L> 8 1 , and 0^= j sin I ^ - + O 8 I oz , it will readily be seen that the terms of the numerator of the above fraction are all sines or cosines of arcs, with coeffi- cients attached, and that those of the denominator are of the same kind, with the exception of the terms 2 . 2/it/. Now the sum of these last terms is greater the greater their number, while, for the reason given above, the probability that the sum of the others in the denominator, or the sum of the terms of the numerator, is of considerable magnitude, is less the greater their number. Hence since the number of terms embraced by 2 is not limited, we may conclude without sensible error that SZ> = 0, or D is a constant arc. Consequently the above expression for 2 . v is true at a given time for all values of z, and therefore true in successive instants at a .position corresponding to a given value of z. Thus the theory shews, conformably with experience, that two impure parcels of light of different colours may combine to produce an intermediate colour which is sensibly pure and of uniform intensity. It is particularly to be noticed that the resultant colour depends on the quality of impurity in the component parcels. Since in this case there is no generation of beats, as in the combination of two rays of prismatic purity, the verification of the foregoing theoretical inference by expe- rience appears to justify the supposition made in page 348, that the occurrence of beats is the cause of the diminution, or destruction, of colour in the complementary combinations of pure rays*. * This theory seems to me to account for the green colour seen in the experi- ment described by Sir J. Herschel in the Proceedings of the Royal Society (Vol. x. 352 THE MATHEMATICAL PRINCIPLES OF PHYSICS. 8. Various other phenomena may also be explained by the mathematical theory of the composition of colours on the hypothesis of undulations ; principally these which follow. The extreme colours of the spectrum, red and violet, are not obtainable by composition (Helmholtz, Phil. Mag. p. 532). The theoretical reason for this fact is, that the wave-length of the colour resulting from composition is necessarily inter- mediate to the wave-lengths of the components, and, there- fore, cannot be the same as that of either of the extreme colours. Dr Young maintained that the three primitive colours, or sensations, are red, green, and violet, by means of which, as experiment shews, all the colours of the spectrum may with more or less precision be imitated. The present theory ac- counts for the possibility of doing this, inasmuch as the inter- vals between the wave-lengths of red and green, and of green and violet, are not too great for the production of an interme- diate colour, especially if the experiments be made with pig- ments, or rather, parcels of light that are not of prismatic purity. Since all the spectrum colours may be imitated by mix- tures of red, green, and violet, from the fact that spectrum colours combined make white it may be inferred, that white, or neutral tint, is producible by mixtures of those three colours : and by experiment this is found to be the case. On the other hand, according to experiments mentioned by Mr Maxwell (Edin. Trans. Vol. XXL, p. 291) the result of com- binations of red, yellow, and blue, could not be rendered No. 35, p. 82). In a spectrum formed by two Fraunhofer flint prisms, and received, after being concentrated by a lens, on a white screen, when looked at by reflection at a black glass to diminish the intensity, the yellow was seen to be encroached upon by " a full and undeniable green colour." This green, which, I presume, was decomposable by a prism, might result from the composition of impure rays, the effect of partial impurity of the spectrum, being increased by the concentration of the rays by a lens. Possibly, also, the diffusion of the green may have been caused to seme extent in the same manner as in the experiment (y) described in p. 346. THE THEORY OF LIGHT. 353 neutral. The reason seems to be that the spectrum colours cannot all be imitated by these three, indigo and violet being excluded. It is found by experiment that yellow may be formed by a combination of the less refrangible rays of the spectrum in- clusive of green, and blue by a combination of the remainder. Hence by comparison with the theory it may be concluded that each of these portions consists of two parts that are not too impure to produce by their combination an intermediate colour. The result, however, of combining the blue and yellow thus produced is, as is known, white light ; most pro- bably because these components are too impure for producing an intermediate colour*. It is evident that if from the more refrangible portion we take away the indigo and violet, the result of combining the two portions would not be a neutral tint. (See the preceding paragraph.) Judging from the analogy of colours to musical sounds, the undulatory theory would lead to the expectation that the sensation of colour would result from impulses that fulfil the condition of regularity however produced. Now the ratio of the wave-lengths of red and violet is very nearly that of 3 to 2, and the combination of wave-lengths in this ratio gives rise, as is known, not to beats, but to the regular recurrence of maxima of the same magnitude. Accordingly it is found by experience that mixtures of red and violet produce purple, a decided colour in which the eye seems to distinguish the components as the ear distinguishes the components of a harmony. Possibly rose colour may be a harmonious result * When, however, Sun-light is received on white paper so as to be contrasted with the whiteness of the paper, it always appears, at least to my sight, to have a tinge of.yellow. From this fact I should say that the result of combining all the colours of the spectrum partakes in some degree of the colour of that component which as to quantity is in excess, and which as to position divides the spectrum into two parts of nearly equal intensity. Seen from a sufficient distance the Sun might be classed among the yellow stars. To account for stars being of different colours it is only necessary to suppose that the quantities of the components of their spectra are in different proportions. ' '' 354 THE MATHEMATICAL PRINCIPLES OF PHYSICS. from a mixture of red and blue having wave-lengths in the ratio of 4 to 3. On reviewing the foregoing comparison of the mathema- tical theory of the composition of colours with experiments, it may be seen that the explanations which have been given all rest on the hypothesis that the colours of a pure spectrum are uncompounded. The number and variety of the explana- tions would seem therefore to have established the truth of that hypothesis. (20) The phenomena of Diffraction come under the same category as those which have been hitherto considered, inas- much as experiments shew that they depend wholly on pro- perties of the medium which is the vehicle of light, not being in any degree determined by the particular constitution or intimate qualities of the diffracting body. But since the ex- planation of these phenomena rests on the law of limited lateral divergence, and this law has not yet been mathemati- cally ascertained, I am not prepared to treat with strictness this part of the Undulatory Theory of Light. It is, however, to be said that the empirical principle usually adopted in the theoretical calculation of the phenomena of diffraction, viz., that of dividing the front of a wave into elementary portions, and attributing to each a limited amount of lateral divergence, is (as I have intimated in p. 292) consistent with the laws of composite motion to which my hydrodynamical researches have conducted ; and, as far as I am aware, no other proposed foundation of the theory of light is in the same manner and degree compatible with that principle. I consider, therefore, that I am entitled to regard the theoretical explanations of phenomena of diffraction that have been given in the usual manner according to Fresnel's views, as belonging exclusively to the Undulatory Theory of Light expounded in this work. I have now completed the comparison of the Theory with the first of the two classes of phenomena mentioned in page 321, namely, those which are referable solely to the properties, THE THEORY OF LIGHT. 355 as mathematically ascertained, of the aetherial medium. The comparisons are comprised in the sections numbered (1) (20), which include about as many different kinds of phenomena. For the sake of distinctness and facility of reference, the facts and laws which the theory has accounted for are indicated by being expressed in Italics. The number and variety of the explanations afford cumulative evidence of the truth of the fundamental hypotheses. It is especially to be noticed that together with the more obvious phenomena the theory has accounted for the composite character of light, its polarization, the transmutability of rays, and not less satisfactorily, 1 think, for the effects of compounding colours. It should also be remembered that these facts, so various and so peculiar, are known to us only through the medium of the sense of sight, and that prima" facie there would seem to be no probability of any relation between such a sensation and the movements of an elastic fluid. The case is, however, precisely the same with the sensation of sound, which is something utterly di- verse from movements of the air ; and yet we know, as matter of experience, that sound is generated by such movements. This experience, without which it is scarcely possible that the undulatory theory of light could have been imagined, sug- gested that as vibrations of the air acting dynamically on the parts of the ear produce sound, so the vibrations of a more subtle elastic medium, acting on the constituent parts of the eye, might produce the sensation of light. Hence the hypo- thesis of an gether was adopted, and the necessity arose of determining its movements by mathematical calculation, in order to compare them with the observed phenomena of light. The requisite mathematical reasoning having been gone through under the head of Hydrodynamics, and the appropri- ate comparisons made in the foregoing sections (1) (20), the points of analogy between the light sensations and the laws of the movements of the aether are found to be so many and of such particularity, that scarcely less than positive proof is obtained of the actual existence of an elastic fluid such as the 232 356 THE MATHEMATICAL PRINCIPLES OF PHYSICS. aether was assumed to be. It is inconceivable that the analogies can be accounted for in any other way. Resting, therefore, on this argument, I shall, in subsequent physical researches, regard the sether as a reality. This position having been gained, we are prepared to enter upon the consideration of phenomena of light of the other class, those, namely, which depend on particular rela- tions of the motions of the aether to visible and tangible sub- stances. The theory of these phenomena necessarily rests on hypotheses respecting the properties and constituency of such substances, as well as on those that have been already made relative to the aether. In framing hypotheses of the former kind I shall adhere strictly to the principles enunciated by Newton in his Eegula Tertia Philosophandi (Principia, Lib. III.), and for the most part I shall adopt the views which he has derived from them respecting the qualities of the ulti- mate parts of bodies. In Newton's Third Eule three distinct principles of physical enquiry are embodied. First, that hypotheses are not to be made arbitrarily, or from mere ima- gination*, but according to "the tenor of experiments;" that is, as I understand the expression, they are to be such only as are suggested by experience, or may be supported by reasons drawn from the antecedent and actual state of experi- mental science. Secondly, that only such qualities are to be attributed to the ultimate parts of bodies as are cognisable by the senses, and by our experience of masses. Thirdly, that the universal qualities of the ultimate parts of bodies admit of no variation as to quantity ("intendi et remitti nequeunt"), and are inseparable from them ("nonpossunt auferri"). The following are the hypotheses which, guided by these rules or principles, I have selected for the foundation of reasoning both in the remaining part of the Theory of Light, and also in all the subsequent Physical Theories. The reasons for selecting them will be given at the same time. * "Somnia temere confingenda non sunt." This rule has been very little attended to by some theorists of the present day. THE THEORY OF LIGHT. 357 I. It will be supposed that all visible and tangible sub- stances consist of extremely minute parts that are indivisible, and are, therefore, properly called atoms. The adoption, hypothetically, of this very ancient idea respecting the con- stituents of bodies, is justified by the facts of modern chemical science, the ascertained laws of chemical combina- tions being very reasonably accounted for by supposing the ultimate parts of bodies to be invariable and indivisible. II. All atoms possess the quality of inertia. This hypo- thesis is made on the principle that the experienced inertia of masses is due to the inertia of the constituent parts. I accept the doctrine of Newton that inertia is not a quantitative, but an essential quality. He calls it " vis insita," and affirms that it is " immutabilis." In fact, it does not appear that inertia is susceptible of measurement : there may be more or less of inert matter, but not more or less of inertia. Accord- ingly all atoms have the same intrinsic inertia. III. All atoms have magnitude and form. Since from experience we have no conception of matter apart from mag- nitude and form, we necessarily attribute these properties to the ultimate parts of matter. Both the magnitude and the form of an atom must be supposed to be invariable, because in the properties of ultimate parts no quality of variability can enter, inasmuch a's these properties are fixed elements from which the laws or modes of variation in masses are to be determined by calculation. It may, however, be sup- posed that atoms differ in magnitude. IV. To the above hypotheses I add another, not in- cluded among those of Newton, namely, that all atoms have the spherical form. In adopting this hypothesis regard was had to facts of experience, such as the following. The pro- perties of bodies in a fluid or gaseous state are in no respect altered by any change of the relative positions of the parts, 358 THE MATHEMATICAL PRINCIPLES OF PHYSICS. This fact, which seems to indicate that the mutual action be- tween atoms has no relation to direction in the atoms, is, at least, compatible with their being of a spherical form, but can hardly be conceived to be consistent with any other form. Again, light is found to traverse some substances without undergoing any modification, or change of rate of propagation, upon altering the direction of its passage through them ; and although this is not the case with others, it is reasonable, since the latter are known to be crystalline, to infer that the changes are entirely attributable to the crystalline arrange- ment. Also the supposed spherical form will subsequently be made the basis of calculation, by comparison of the results of which with experiment the truth of the supposition may be tested ; on which account it is the less necessary to sustain it by antecedent considerations. The fundamental ideas respecting matter embraced by the foregoing hypotheses may be concisely expressed in the fol- lowing terms : All bodies consist of inert spherical atoms, extremely small, and of different, but invariable, magni- tudes. V. The fundamental and only admissible idea of force is that of pressure, exerted either actively by the aether against the surfaces of the atoms, or as reaction of the atoms on the aether by resistance to that pressure. The principle of de- riving fundamental physical conceptions from the indications of the senses, does not admit of regarding gravity, or any other force varying with distance, as an essential quality of matter, because, according to that principle, we must, in seek- ing for the simplest idea of physical force, have regard to the sense of touch. Now by this sense we obtain a perception of force as pressure, distinct and unique, and not involving the variable element of distance which enters into the perception of force as derived from the sense of sight alone. Thus on the ground of simplicity, as well as of distinct perceptibility, the fundamental idea of force is pressure. If it be urged that THE THEORY OF LIGHT. 359 the progress of physical science has shewn that when the hand touches any substance there is no actual contact of parts of the hand with parts of the substance, I reply, after admit- ting this to be the case, that by touching we do in a certain manner acquire a perception of contact as something distinctly different from non-contact, and that as this is a common sensa- tion and universally experienced, it is proper for being placed among the fundamentals of a system of philosophy which rests on the indications of the senses. (This point will be farther adverted to in a recapitulation of the general argu- ment, which will be given at the conclusion of the work.) In conformity with the above views Newton says, at the conclusion of Hegula III., that he by no means regards gravity as being essential to bodies ("attamen gravitatem corporibus essentialem esse minim e affirmo "), and assigns as the reason, that gravity diminishes in quantity with in- crease of distance from the attracting body. This reason is completely valid on the ground that the fundamental ideas of philosophy are not quantitative, and that all quantitative relations are determinable by mathematical calculation founded on simple or primary ideas. Thus from the mere fact that the expression of the law of gravity involves the word square, it may be inferred that that law. is deducible from antece- dent principles. These considerations will sufficiently explain why in the second part of the Theory of Light, as well as in all the other Physical Theories, the aether is assumed to be every where of the same density in its quiescent state. All the different kinds of physical force being by hypothesis modes of action of the pressure of the ajther, it follows that the aether itself must be supposed to be incapable of being acted upon by them. When the aether is in a state of motion the variations of the pressure are assumed to be exactly proportional to varia- tions of the density, because this law is suggested by the relation known actually to exist between the pressure and density of air of given temperature, and is besides the simplest 360 THE MATHEMATICAL PRINCIPLES OF PHYSICS. conceivable. With respect to the aether the law can be proved to be true only in proportion as mathematical inferences drawn from it shew that it is adequate to explain phenomena. After Newton had inferred, from principles virtually the same as those adopted above, the qualities of the ultimate constituents of bodies, he added, " This is the foundation of all philosophy*." Elsewhere in the Principia he disclaims making hypotheses (" Hypotheses non fingo"). It is evident, therefore, that he did not regard the qualities he assigned to the ultimate parts of bodies as hypothetical in the usual sense of that word, but as foundations necessary for physical research, ascertainable by a priori reasoning, and necessarily true if there be truth in philosophy. These ideas were also main- tained by Locke, and, in fact, characterized that epoch so remarkable for advancement in science. Individually I have never had any difficulty in giving them my assent, neither can I imagine any reasons for objecting to them. Since, however, some of my contemporaries, without giving reasons, have expressed very strongly their dissent from these principles, I have adopted the line of argument which follows, although I do not allow that the a priori reasoning by which Newton and Locke sustain their conceptions of the existence and essential qualities of atoms is invalid or insufficient. Waiving the reasons assigned in paragraphs I., II., III., and IV. for the qualities ascribed to atoms, as well as the reasons subsequently given for the supposed properties of the aither, I propose to regard the qualities of both kinds as merely hypothetical; and I maintain that as such they cannot reasonably, or logically, be objected to, inasmuch as, being expressed in terms intelligible from sensation and experience, and forming an appropriate foundation for mathematical cal- * " Hoc est fundamentum philosophise totius." See an Article on this dictum in the Philosophical Magazine for October 1863, p. 280; also two Articles on the " Principles of Theoretical Physics," one in the Supplementary Number of the Phil. Mag. for June 1861, p. 504, and the other in the Number for April, 1862, p. 313. THE THEORY OF LIGHT. 361 culation, they fulfil every condition that can be demanded of hypotheses. The only arguments that can be adduced against such hypotheses are those which might be drawn from a comparison of results obtained from them mathematically with experimental facts. They would be proved to be false by a single instance of contradiction by fact of any inference strictly derived from them, or, on the other hand, they might be verified by a large number of comparisons of facts with such inferences. I take occasion to remark here, that the evidence given by the reasoning in the first part of the Theory of Light for the reality of the aether, would not be invalidated by the failure of the second part to satisfy pheno- mena, as such failure would only involve the consequence that the atoms or their supposed qualities must be abandoned. But a perfectly successful comparison of the second part with facts would confirm the previous evidence for the reality of the supposed properties of the aether, and at the same time establish the actual existence of the atoms and of the qualities attributed to them. Before proceeding to the second part of this Theory, it will be right to draw a distinction as to kind and degree between the verifications which the hypotheses relative to the sether, and those relative to the ultimate constituents of bodies, respectively admit of in the present state of physical science. The verification of the former, as we have seen, is effected by direct comparison of results deduced from them by rigid mathematical reasoning with observed phenomena. But the other class do not in the same manner or degree allow of this kind of verification, because the theoretical explanation by exact mathematical reasoning of phenomena depending on the intimate constitution of bodies would require in general the knowledge of the mutual action between the aether and the atoms, and of the comparative numbers, magnitudes, and arrangements of the latter. This knowledge cannot be imme- diately furnished by experimental physics, and ought rather to be looked for as the final result of physical inquiry pursued 362 THE MATHEMATICAL PRINCIPLES OF PHYSICS. both experimentally and theoretically in different directions and by all available means. These preliminaries, the greater part of which apply to physical theories in general, having been gone through, we may now advance to the consideration of the other class of questions relating to phenomena of light. It is intended to enunciate these as separate Problems, and to attempt their solutions by means of hydrodynamical Propositions and Ex- amples, which, mainly with reference to this application of them, have already been under discussion. Problem I. To account for the observed laws of trans- mission of light through non-crystalline transparent media. Omitting at present the consideration of the circumstances attending the incidence of light on the surfaces of transparent media and its entrance into them, let us suppose that a portion of homogeneous light has already entered into a certain medium, and, for the sake of distinctness, that the entrance took place by perpendicular incidence on a plane surface of the medium. Under these conditions experiment has shewn that the intro- mitted light may differ in no respect from the same light before intromittence, excepting that it is propagated with less velocity. The theory has, accordingly, to account for these two facts, the possibility of transmission of light in the medium without change of quality, and the diminished rate of propagation. In consequence of the preliminary hypotheses the medium must be supposed to consist of an unlimited number of minute spherical atoms, and the eether in the spaces intermediate to the atoms to be everywhere of the same density as in the surrounding space outside the medium. Also the atoms must be in such number and so arranged as to have the same effect on the motion of the waves in whatever direction the light is propagated. The retardation of the propagation may be attributed to the obstacle which the presence of a vast number of atoms opposes to the free motion of the aether, this being THE THEORY OF LIGHT. 363 an obvious and perfectly intelligible cause of retardation ; and that it operates in the manner supposed will appear from the following considerations. In the first place, supposing KO, to be the velocity of pro- pagation of the intromitted waves, it is plain that a certain number of waves which out of the medium had the aggregate KCL breadth z t . would in the medium have the breadth z x , KO, KZ or l . Hence if X be the breadth of an individual wave K before entrance, and V be its breadth after, we shall have n\ = z i and n\' = * ; so that -, - . Also by the hypo- K A/ K thesis of uniform propagation, and the known relation in that case between the velocity (V) and condensation (or) of the waves, supposing them to be plane-waves, V /c'acr = m sin - (icat z + c). A Now if o- be the condensation at any point of a wave out of the medium, and a the corresponding condensation of the same wave within, since in the two cases the variation of condensation follows the same law of the circular sine, and the total quantity of condensation of the wave remains under the supposed circumstances the same, it follows that (a) Sa sin ~ (/cat - a - z + c ), the integral being taken through all the values of a for which (a) has sensible magnitude. Now considering that the velocities from which (a) is derived all have the multiplier -5 *, it is evident that for values of r which are large multiples of 5, cj) (a) must be exceedingly small. Therefore, also, the total value of / $ (a) Sa is obtained very approximately by integrating between limits a t and + a t such that c^ is a large multiple of b. But on account of the extremely small size of the atoms, a large multiple of b may be very small compared to X. Hence the integral would be very nearly the same, if a in the trigonometrical function be supposed to have its mean value, which is zero. Consequently putting K for f _ dx '''' r C' d.x* > ~djj~~ r ' d.f Hence the equations ^ = and -jj = are respectively satisfied by x and y = ; shewing that the elasticity in the direction of the axis of z is a maximum or minimum. The same is evidently the case with respect to the other two axes. It thus appears that every crystal which satisfies the assumed law of symmetrical atomic arrangement has three axes of maximum or minimum elasticity at right angles to each other. Next let the elasticities in the directions of the three axes of #, #, z be respectively e*, e 2 2 , e 3 2 , and suppose that the force which is brought into action by a given displacement of an atom in the direction of an axis, is equal to the elasticity in that direction x displacement*. We have now to find the * This is equivalent to the supposition made in p. 368, where the expression for the force is e 8 . Also, as there shewn, e 2 is the same whether the dis- ax placement be relative to the surrounding atoms in motion, or to the same atoms fixed. THE THEORY OF LIGHT. 377 elasticity in any direction making the angles a, /3, 7 with the axes. For this purpose let us regard, as heretofore, the crys- talline medium as being composed of discrete atoms held in positions of stable equilibrium by attractive and repulsive forces, and assume that each atom, in accordance with the law of the coexistence of small vibrations, can perform inde- pendently simultaneous oscillations in different directions. On this principle a displacement (Br) in the given direction, (sup- posed for the sake of distinctness to take place relative to the surrounding atoms fixed], may be considered to be the result- ant of the three displacements Sr cos a, Sr cos /3, $r cos 7 in the directions of the axes. Now these displacements, by hypothesis, give rise to forces in the directions of the axes equal to e* x Sr cos a, e* x Sr cos /3,. e* x Br cos 7. But the original displacement (8r) will riot generally be accompanied by a force of restitution in the line of displacement, because, excepting in the case of an axis, the resultant molecular action of the surrounding atoms is not generally in that line. It may, however, be presumed that so far as the force of resti- tution acts in the line of displacement, it is equal to the sum of the parts of the above forces resolved in the direction of that line ; that is, it is equal to (e? cos 2 a + e* cos 2 /3 + e 3 2 cos 2 7) x Sr. Hence since this force of restitution is wholly due to the elasticity resulting from molecular action, if e 2 be the elasticity in the given direction, we have e 2 = 6* cos 2 a + 6 2 2 cos 2 ft + e* cos 2 7. In this equality e 2 has the same signification as in the equa- tion (j3) in p. 370. It will now be supposed, in conformity with the indica- tions of experiments, that for a given value of X the values of //,* in crystals never differ much from a mean value. The equation (0) shews that a like supposition must also be made with respect to the values of e*. If then /z 2 and e* be the 378 THE MATHEMATICAL PRINCIPLES OF PHYSICS. respective mean values, and we assume that $ ^ + /j,' 2 and e* = e* + e' z , p* and e' z will be small quantities the powers of which above the first may be neglected. Accordingly by the usual process of approximation it will be found that the equa- tion (ft) takes the form A and B being put respectively for - , ' 3x?a 2 f k\ and Lj for shortness' sake, standing for -r- ( 1 ^ j . Hence A and B are positive quantities if /cV be greater than /^ 2 e 2 . At the same time from the foregoing value of e 2 we obtain ' 2 , c' 2 be the apparent elasticities of the aether within the medium in the directions of the axes THE THEORY OF LIGHT. 379 of co-ordinates, and r 2 that in the given direction. Then for light of a given colour we have the three equations together with the equation If the three equations be respectively multiplied by cos 2 a, cos 2 /3, cos 2 7, and the sum of the results, after taking account of the foregoing value of e' 2 , be compared with the last equa- tion, it will readily appear that 1 _cos 2 a cos 2 /3 cos 2 7 7~~a^ ~b^~ ~^~' This may be called the equation of the surface of elasticity, and will be subsequently cited by that appellation. It is plain that if a surface be constructed the radius vectors of which drawn from the origin of the rectangular co-ordinates are proportional to r, the surface will be an ellipsoid the semi- axes of which are proportional to a', b r and c. Although the above equation gives the effective elasticity of the aether in any direction in the crystal, we cannot imme- diately infer from it velocity of propagation, because we must take into account that the waves propagated in the crystal are composed of ray-undulations (which, for "brevity, I have also called rays), and that we have to determine under what conditions such undulations can be propagated in the medium. First, it is evident that the transverse motions cannot be the same in all directions from the axes, inasmuch as this con- dition cannot generally be fulfilled if the effective elasticity be different in different directions. But ray-undulations in which the transverse motions are symmetrical about axes are the exponents of common light. Hence it follows that common light cannot be transmitted through any substance the elasti- city of which varies with the direction ; and it is, therefore, 380 THE MATHEMATICAL PRINCIPLES OF PHYSICS. incapable of transmission through a doubly refracting medium, the doubly refracting property being assumed to be due to the elasticity changing with direction. But a polarized ray is found by experience to traverse such substances. This fact is, therefore, to be accounted for by the theory ; which I propose to do as follows. For the basis of this enquiry, the principle will be adopted that a polarized ray is unique in its character, and that under all circumstances its rate of propagation is that due to the effective elasticity of the medium in the direction of propaga- tion multiplied by the same constant K. In fact, it is only on this principle that the motion in the ray satisfies the condition of making udx + vdy + wdz an exact differential. Since, from what has been previously shewn, it suffices to have regard only to the motion contiguous to the axis of the undulations, let that line be the axis of z, and let the transverse motion be parallel to the axis of a?, so that there is no motion parallel to the axis of y. Now it has been shewn (page 218) that for points contiguous to the axis the direct and transverse velo- cities are expressible by similar formulae, and the condensa- tions in the two directions may also be expressed by analogous formulae. Also, X and X' being respectively the breadths of corresponding and simultaneous direct and transverse undula- / X 2 \^ tions, it was found that K ( 1 + r 2 ) , the elasticities in the two directions being the same. Suppose now that the elasti- cities in the directions of the axes of x and z are respectively a* and c*. Then the change of elasticity from the value c x 2 to a* in the transverse direction will change the rate of the virtual propagation in that direction in the proportion of c^ to a r But from what is shewn in page 363, the total condensa- tion of a given wave, and, in fact, the motion and time of vibration of a given particle, are the same within the medium as in free space. Hence if X ' be the value of X' for the case of uniform elasticity, we shall have generally X' = - LJL . Also THE THEORY OF LIGHT. 381 the foregoing expression for K shews that X will be altered in the same proportion ; so that if X be its value when a x = c t , the general value is -^-^ . Hence, since the time of the direct vibration of a given particle remains the same, it follows that the rate of propagation in that direction, which is the rate of actual propagation, becomes KC^ x = /ca t . Thus it depends entirely on the elasticity in the transverse direction. It is now required to shew how a* may be calculated. Conceive the surface of elasticity, the equation of which is given in page 379, to be described about any point of the axis of z as its centre, and to be cut by a diametral plane per- pendicular to that axis. Since the surface is an ellipsoid, the section will be an ellipse, and the radius vectors drawn from its centre will represent the elasticities in their respective di- rections. But on taking into account the condition of sym- metrical action which must be satisfied relative to a plane of polarization (as indicated in section (14), page 331), it will be apparent that the two directions coincident with the axes of the ellipse are alone applicable to the present enquiry; for with respect to these directions only are the elasticities symmetrically disposed. There will, therefore, generally be two planes of polarization at right angles to each other, and two values of a, 2 . These values are the semi-axes of the above mentioned elliptic section, and to obtain them from the equation of the surface of elasticity is a geometrical problem, the well-known solution of which it is unnecessary to give here in detail. The direction cosines being cos a, cos /8, cos 7, the quadratic equation from which the two values of a* may be obtained is the following : _L 1 /sin 2 a sin 2 ft sin 2 7\ cos 2 a cos 2 /3 Cos2 7_ The positive values of a t derivable from this equation are the two rates of propagation, in the given direction, of two 382 THE MATHEMATICAL PRINCIPLES OF PHYSICS. rays polarized in the planes of greatest and least trans- verse elasticity. By putting E*, or x z + y* + z 2 , for a* and D > D > ~o respectively for cos a, cos /3, cos 7, there results M Jtt M the equation in rectangular co-ordinates of a surface, the two radius vectors of which drawn from the centre in a given direction represent the two rates of propagation in that di- rection. This is the known equation of the wave-surface. If , ,, ,, , r l 1 , cos 2 7 sin 2 7 a = o , the two values of -^ are and ~ -\ 7 . R a a c It is unnecessary to pursue this investigation farther, as it will only lead to consequences which have been long esta- blished, although upon very different principles. I will only add two obvious deductions from the theory*. (1) An optical axis is defined to be such that the section of the surface of elasticity by a plane at right angles to it is a circle ; so that, according to a known property of an ellipsoid, there are generally two such axes. A principal plane is any plane passing through an optical axis. By the theory, the effective elasticities in all directions perpendicular to an optical axis are equal. Consequently if a ray be pro- pagated in any principal plane of a uniaxal, or biaxal, crystal, and its transverse vibrations be perpendicular to the plane, the velocity of propagation will be the same in all directions in the plane, and the same also in every plane passing through an optical axis. This result accords with the known fact that one of the rays of a doubly refracting medium, if propagated in a principal plane, is subject to the ordinary law of refrac- tion. (2) If the principal plane of a uniaxal crystal be called the plane of polarization of the ordinary ray, it follows from * The law expressed in the first of these deductions has not, I believe, been demonstrated in any previous theory, neither had it before been determined in an unambiguous manner whether the vibrations of a polarized ray are perpendicular or parallel to the plane of polarization. See Professor Stokes's " Report on Double Refraction " in the Report of the British Association for 1862, pp. 258 and 270. THE THEORY OF LIGHT. 383 the theory that the transverse motions of a polarized ray are perpendicular to the plane of polarization* . Problem III. To investigate the laws of the reflection and refraction of light at the surfaces of transparent bodies. It may be assumed that when a series of plane-waves, which obey the law V= Kacr, is incident on any medium, this relation between the velocity and condensation is suddenly changed by the obstacle which the atoms of the medium op- pose to the free motion of the aether. From the results of the solution of Example VI. (page 279) it may be inferred that the disturbing effect of the atoms extends to a very minute distance (extremely small compared to X) from the confines of the medium, and decreases very rapidly with the increase of distance. Suppose, first, for the sake of simplicity, that the waves are incident directly on a plane surface. Then the effect of the retardation, at and very near the surface, will be to increase suddenly the condensation of the condensed part of a wave, and the rarefaction of the rarefied part. For in the case of condensation, a particle of the gether just beyond the sphere of retardation will move more freely towards the medium than a particle within its influence ; and in the case of rarefaction, a particle just beyond the same limit will move more freely from the medium than one within the limit, the retardation always acting in the direction contrary to that of the motion. In the one case the mutual distances of the par- ticles are diminished, or the condensation made greater; in the other the mutual distances are increased, and consequently the rarefaction is also made greater. If, on the contrary, the series of waves pass directly out of the medium into vacuum, the effects will be reversed, acceleration taking the place of retardation on account of the waves being suddenly released * The foregoing theory of the transmission of light in crystallized media is fundamentally the same as that contained in a Paper in the Transactions of the Cambridge Philosophical Society, Vol. vin., Part iv., pp. 524 532, and in the Philosophical Magazine, Vol. xxvr., 1863, pp. 466 483. 384 THE MATHEMATICAL PRINCIPLES OF PHYSICS. from the obstacles to the motion caused by the atoms. In the case of condensation, a particle within the medium and just beyond the limit of acceleration, will move less freely towards its boundary than one within that limit, and con- sequently the condensation will be suddenly diminished; and in the case of rarefaction, a particle in the medium just be- yond the influence of the acceleration, will move less freely from the boundary than one within its influence, and con- sequently the rarefaction will also be diminished. Analogous considerations are applicable when the direc- tion of incidence is not perpendicular to the reflecting surface. As the atoms are only passively influential in producing such effects as those described above, it may be assumed that the change of condensation or rarefaction is always proportional, at the virtual surface of reflection, to the condensation or rarefaction that would have existed there if the waves had been undisturbed. This is known to be the case when waves of air are reflected at the plane surfaces of solids, or at the closed or open ends of tubes. The mathematical solution of the problem of reflection of light depends on the introduction of this condition into the reasoning. Let us now suppose that plane-waves are incident in a given direction on a plane reflecting surface. From the hydro- dynamical theory of the vibrations of an elastic fluid (Propo- sition XIII., page 211), it appears that when there is no im- pressed force, and the motion does not satisfy the relation V=K.acr, it is composed of two or more sets of vibrations each of which satisfies this law, and that the velocities and condensations of the components coexist. In the instance before us there is no impressed force, inasmuch as we are considering only the effect which the medium produces on the motion of the aathe- rial particles as an obstacle acting or ceasing to act abruptly, and not as a continuous cause of retardation. The effect is supposed to take place at extremely small distances from the reflecting surface, and before the waves have actually entered or quitted the medium ,- and it is conceived to be independent THE THEORY OF LIGHT. 385 of the particular action of the separate atoms of the medium on the intromitted light. In short, this investigation applies to the external reflection at the surfaces of opake bodies, as well as to the external and internal reflections at the surfaces of transparent bodies. In accordance with these views let the state of density of the aether at or near the surface be supposed to result from two sets of waves, whose directions of propagation are in the same planes perpendicular to that surface. Let the origin of x be an arbitrary point of the intersection of one of these planes with the surface of the medium. The motion in every plane parallel to this will be the same. Then, x being measured along the line of intersection, 6 and ff being the angles which the directions of propagation make with that line, and the respective condensations being 390 THE MATHEMATICAL PRINCIPLES OF PHYSICS. shewn above, the reflected light consists of a non-polarized part 20-j and a polarized part <7 2 n__ q being put for and for z Kat. Hence 2 . u = {cos q 2 . (x - ccj cos qc t sin ^J'S . (x x^ sin If, therefore, . x X we obtain S.M = [{2 . (x - aj sin ^} 2 + {S. But since it has been shewn that the phase of the resultant is the same as in the case of a common axis, q& is the same arc as qQ in page 229 ; so that we have S . (x Xj) sin qc t _ S . sin qc 1 2 . (x a?J cos qc\ ~ 'S, . cos qc^ ' Hence for any given value of a;, 2 . # sin 2 . sin c . ^ cos qc t S . cos qc t ' THE THEORY OF LIGHT. 395 Let us now suppose that there is a value x of x for which 2 . u = 0, whatever be the values of z and t. Then from the above expression for 2 . u it follows that 2 . (oJ xj sin qc^ = 0, 2 . (a? 05 t ) cos ^ = ; and consequently that _ 2 . as, sin c t _ S . a?, cos qc^ S . sin ^ 2 . cos ^Cj This last equality, inasmuch as it is identical with the one obtained above, proves the possibility of always satisfying the condition 2 . u = by a certain value of x. In exactly the same way it may be shewn that there is a value y Q of y which satisfies the condition S . v = 0. Hence we may conclude that # and y Q are the co-ordinates of a virtual axis of the compound motion. By putting x 2 . sin qc^ for 2 . a5 t sin ^ and x S cos ^c t for S . a5 t cos qc^ it will be seen that 2 . u = (x X Q ) {(2 . sin qc^f + (S . cos gqj)*}? cos # (f + 0). The analogous expression for S . v is evidently obtained by putting y y Q for a; X Q in that for S . w. Hence 2.M X X These results prove that the composite motion relative to the virtual axis whose co-ordinates are X Q and y is just the same as that which was before assumed to be relative to an actual axis common to all the component rays. Hitherto the com- ponents have been supposed to be non-polarized ; but the case of polarized components is included in the above reasoning and does not require a separate treatment. In fact, since it was proved that there is a value X Q for which S . u vanishes, it may be inferred that when the components are polarized and have their planes of polarization all parallel to the plane yz, and very close to each other, the resulting transverse motion is relative to a virtual plane of polarization the position of which is determined by that value of x. 396 THE MATHEMATICAL PRINCIPLES OF PHYSICS. As a consequence of the foregoing results we may now give a more general definition of a composite ray than that which is contained in page 230. We may consider it to be a resultant ray composed of an indefinite number of primary rays in every variety of phases, the axes of which are either coincident, or, being confined within certain restricted limits, are indefinitely near each other. If the axes, instead of being parallel to each other, as is supposed above, are in the direc- tions of normals to a continuous surface, the foregoing argu- ment would remain the same, and we may, therefore, regard the above definition as inclusive of the case of convergent or divergent axes. A composite polarized ray may analogously be defined to be the resultant of an indefinite number of simple polarized rays in all possible phases, having their planes of polarization either parallel to each other, or sepa- rated by indefinitely small angles of inclination, and restricted within certain transverse limits. Since a polarized ray is in every instance produced by the bifurcation of a ray originally not polarized, it may always be considered to have an axis ; about which, in fact, the condensation is disposed in a manner depending on the conditions under which the bifurcations take place. For example, when a non-polarized ray is divided into two equal plane-polarized rays, we may presume that in each of the latter the condensation is so disposed at all distances from the axis as to be symmetrical with respect to two planes at right angles to each other, one of which is the plane of polarization. To determine, however, in a general manner the condensation at any point of a ray-undulation that has been polarized under given circumstances, is a problem of considerable perplexity, the solution of which need not here be attempted, because so far as regards phenomena of light we only require to know the motions and condensations contiguous to the axis, which, happily, can be ascertained without difficulty*. After * In page 291 I have asserted that at remote distances from the axis " the laws of the motion and condensation may be the same for resolved as for primary THE THEORY OP LIGHT. 397 this discussion of the character of composite rays we may resume the consideration of the theory of refraction. Conceive the plane-front of the incident waves to be cut by two planes of incidence indefinitely near each other, and the included portion of the wave-front to be divided into an indefinite number of equal rectangular elements, containing the same number of axes of ray-undulations. Then, from what is shewn in the last paragraph but one, the resultant of all the transverse motions relative to the axes of any element, will be transverse motion of the same kind relative to a virtual axis situated at the mean of the positions of these axes. It is evident that as the elements are incident in succession on the refracting medium, they will all be affected in precisely the same manner, and that their virtual axes will be equally bent from the original direction and pursue parallel courses. But by reason of the interruption of the plane- front caused by the refringent action, the wave will be broken up into independent elementary parts, which we may suppose to be the elements just mentioned. The physical reason for the independence of these parts is, that the plane- wave is composed of simple and independent ray-undulations (see page 244), and is resolvable by disturbances into its compo- nents, or into particular combinations of them. The reasoning here is of the same kind as that employed in the theoretical calculation applied to phenomena of diffraction, in which the front of a wave, after a portion has been abruptly cut off, is in like manner conceived to be broken up into elements that become independent centres of radiation within restricted angular limits. According to the present hydrodynamical theory, this lateral action simply consists in the production of more or less divergence of the axes comprised in each inde- pendent element. In cases of diffraction the degree of diver- vibrations." This assertion is made conjecturally, not being supported by ante- cedent reasoning. At the beginning of a Theory of the Polarization of Light in the Cambridge Philosophical Transactions (Vol. vin. p. 371), I have entered into some considerations relative to the condensation and motion at any distance from the axis of a plane- polarized ray-undulation. 398 THE MATHEMATICAL PRINCIPLES OF PHYSICS. gence is much greater than in those of refraction, because in the former there is a complete interruption of the wave-front, while in the latter the continuity of the front is maintained, and there is a gradual, although rapid, transition laterally from the condensation outside the medium to the augmented condensation within. Also since this augmentation takes place in the planes of incidence, and the condensation at a given instant along any straight line perpendicular to these planes is uniform, we may conclude that the divergence of the axes is wholly in the planes of incidence. These inferences being admitted, it follows that axes belonging to different elements might meet at the same point within the medium, and that this circumstance, just as in cases of diffraction, must be taken into account in calculating the total condensation at the point. Now that there must be plane-fronts of the intromitted waves is evident from the consideration that otherwise the medium is not transparent, that is, does not allow of regular refraction at emergence, which like that at entrance requires the incident waves to have plane-fronts. We have, therefore, next to consider in what manner this condition is satisfied under the above described circumstances of divergence of the ray-axes. First, it is to be observed that the effect of this divergence will be taken account of by supposing each point of the plane which limits the distance within the medium to which the refringent action extends, to be an origin of divergent ray-undulations in the same phase, the angular extent of the divergence being very small. For in that plane the axes have acquired their final directions, and the divergence must take place in the same manner and degree from all points of it. Again, if the plane-front of an incident wave and the plane-surface of the medium be cut by a plane of incidence, and the lines of section meet at the point A at the given time Jj, and at the point B at the subsequent time 2 , each point from A to B will be in succession a centre of ray-axes. The locus, at any time, of the positions at which the phases of the THE THEORY OP LIGHT. 399 undulations are the same on the axes from a given centre, will, in non-crystallized media, be a portion of a spherical surface. If a ray-undulation starting, from A at the time t l9 has reached the point C at the time 2 , the straight line BG will be the locus of points in the same phase from different centres : for another undulation starting in the same phase as the first from an intermediate point P at the time , and pro- ceeding in a parallel course, will in the time t z t describe a length of path which is to AC as BP is to BA. In a par- ticular case, namely, that in which BC is perpendicular to A (7, and consequently a tangent to the above-mentioned spherical surfaces, the condensations along BG will have maximum values, because in that case either the whole, or the greatest possible number, of the undulations diverging from the points of AB will reach that line in the same phase at the same time, the arcs and tangents being considered for very small spaces to be coincident. It is evident that under the same circum- stances the continuity of the wave-front is maintained. These conclusions are independent of the distance between A and B, and therefore hold good when that distance is supposed to be indefinitely diminished. It remains to prove that the refracted ray actually takes the course here supposed ; which I propose to do by the following argument. It is evident that the directions finally given to the refracted rays depend entirely on the refringent forces which operate in the small space within which the wave-front is curved, and that these forces determine the amount of refrac- tion for a given angle of incidence and a given substance. But this amount does not admit of exact a priori calculation, because the particular modes of action of the forces are un- known, being dependent in part on the number, arrangement, and magnitudes of the atoms of the refracting medium. Experiment has, however, shewn that there is a certain law of refraction for non-crystallized media, which is the same for all angles of incidence and all such media, and which may, therefore, be legitimately ascribed to a general mechanical 400 THE MATHEMATICAL PRINCIPLES OF PHYSICS. principle. Now the foregoing discussion points to a principle of this kind, inasmuch as it has indicated circumstances under which the refringent forces, whatever be their specific action, modify the waves in such manner that after intromittence the sum of the condensations of a given wave is a maximum, and therefore differs by a minimum quantity from the sum of the condensations of the same wave before incidence. This may be regarded as a principle of least action, and as such may be employed generally for determining the direction of a refracted ray. In the case of a non-crystallized medium it has been shewn above, that if this principle be adopted, the straight line BG will be a tangent to the partial waves diverging from the points of AJB, and that consequently BG and AC are at right angles to each other. Whence the law of the constancy of the ratio of the sine of the angle of incidence to the sine of the angle of refraction may be inferred in the usual manner. Perhaps the foregoing reasoning may be further elucidated by the following considerations. Conceive the finite space in which the refringent forces act to be divided into an indefinite number of intervals by planes parallel to the surface of the medium, and the retarding forces to be uniform through each interval, but to vary abruptly from one interval to the next. Then we may suppose that the direction of a ray changes per saltum at each separating plane, the course through each interval being rectilinear. In that case the total refraction will be the sum of these differential refractions. Assuming that the above stated principle governs the directions of the refracted rays, if <^, < 2 , 3 ...< M+1 be the successive angles of incidence, we shall have, by the same reasoning as that above, sin (^ = m t sin < 2 , sin $ 2 = ??^ 2 sin < 8 , ... sin n = m n sin < n+1 . Consequently sin ^ = m^ m z m s . . .m n sin < n+1 = fi sin w+1 , which proves the law of refraction. This reasoning would still be applicable if the gradations of the refringent action should be due in part to a gradual variation of density of the substance in a very thin superficial stratum ; which variation, for reasons THE THEOKY OF LIGHT. 401 that I shall subsequently adduce, may be supposed to exist at the boundaries of all solid and fluid substances. If the incident waves have a curved instead of a plane front, and the surface of the medium be curved, the law of refraction would still be proved in the same manner ; for since it was shewn that the points A and B might be as near to each other as we please, a very small portion of a curved front might be treated as if it were a portion of a plane-front, and a small portion of a curved refracting surface as if it were a plane. I now proceed to investigate the laws of refraction at the surfaces of crystallized media. At first it will be supposed, as before, that the waves are composed of non-polarized rays, and that they pass out of vacuum into the medium. The principles involved in this investigation are in several respects the same as those for the case of non-crystallized media. The incident waves being supposed to have plane-fronts, and the surface of the medium to be a plane, let the intersection of the surface by a plane-front cut a certain plane of incidence at the point A at the time ti and .at the point B at the time t 2 . Also conceive to be described about A as centre the wave-surface whose equation is obtained in page 381, and let its dimensions be such that the radii from A are equal to the distances passed over by propagation in the medium in their respective direc- tions during the interval 2 ^. In general there are two radii in the same direction corresponding to the rates of propagation of two rays oppositely polarized. Suppose & plane to pass through that intersection of the refracting surface by ^ wave- front which contains 5, and let it revolve about this line till it touches the surface described, as above stated, about A. In general there will be two such planes touching the surface in two points, which let us call C and G'.. Then AC and AC' will both be directions of propagation in the medium after the refraction of the portion of the wave incident at A, and, for the same reason as in the case of ordinary refraction, may be taken as the mean directions of two bundles of axes 26 402 THE MATHEMATICAL PRINCIPLES OF PHYSICS. diverging from A. The incident ray is separated by the refraction into polarized rays, because, as is explained in page 379, the medium is only capable of transmitting such rays ; and the parts are equal and oppositely polarized because they are derived from the bifurcation of a non-polarized primitive. In the instance of a uniaxal crystal one of the lines AC, AC' is in the plane of incidence and obeys the ordinary law of refraction, while the other is in general inclined to that plane ; and in the case of a biaxal crystal both lines are generally out of the plane of incidence. The rays take the two directions A C and A C' in conformity with the above-mentioned principle of least action (or minimum disturbing effect), the individual rays of each of the two bundles whose axes are AC and AC' being always in the same phase at the same time in the respective tangent planes, which accordingly become plane-fronts of waves of maximum condensation. The refracted plane- fronts are necessarily perpendicular to the planes of incidence. Therefore, since, with the excep- tion of the ordinary refraction of a uniaxal crystal, the axes of rays propagated in crystals are inclined to the planes of incidence, they are not perpendicular to the plane-fronts. But the transverse motions of the individual rays must in every case be perpendicular to their planes of polarization ; for it has been shewn (page 381) that the rates of propagation wholly depend on the effective elasticities in these transverse directions. Now when it is considered that there are an unlimited number of axes parallel to a given direction of propagation in the medium, it may be concluded that the transverse motions in each plane at right angles to that direction will neutralize each other, and that this will be the case although the individual rays are not generally in the same phase in that plane. For under these circumstances there is just as much probability that the resulting transverse motion at any point would be in one direction as in the contrary direction, and we may therefore infer that there is no THE THEORY OF LIGHT. 403 resulting motion in either. Thus there remains only the motion in the direction of the axes, and consequently the refracted waves differ from those in ordinary refraction in the respect that the direction of the resultant vibratory motion is not perpendicular to the plane-fronts of the waves. Hitherto the waves have been supposed to be refracted by entrance into a medium. The contrary case of refraction by passage out of the medium might be treated, mutatis mutan- dis, according to the same principles. But it will suffice to infer the explanation of the phenomena in the latter case from that in the other, by referring to a general law which light is found by experiment to obey ; namely, that any path which it traverses it can traverse in the opposite direction. A hydro- dynamical reason for this law may be given in the present in- stance by making use of the general equation (29) in page 250. Assuming that the retardation due to the medium is always proportional, cceteris paribus, to the effective accelerative force of the aether, and acts in the opposite direction, we may represent the retarding force generally by the expression dV and fa are comple- mentary arcs ; and if m l be the particular value of the ratio of sin to sin fa for that case, the corresponding value of is given by the equation tan = m l . Thus there is generally a value of for which the incident and intromitted waves (the 406 THE MATHEMATICAL PRINCIPLES OF PHYSICS. above suppositions being admitted) have the same condensa- tion, although they have not the same breadths. These results apply both to single and to double refraction, if in the case of the latter o^ is the condensation of either of the re- fracted waves, and cr half the condensation of the incident wave. Let us now consider more particularly the incidence of a non-polarized ray on the surface of a crystallized medium, and let 7, I f , I" be respectively the angles which the incident ray and the two refracted rays make with a perpendicular to the surface at the point of incidence. Then, supposing the inci- dent ray to be represented by 2$, and to consist of two equal parts completely polarized in planes parallel and perpen- dicular to the plane of incidence, the reflected ray, by the same reasoning as that in page 390, will also consist of two parts, which I shall call #< (/, 1') and fty (/, /"), and as- sume to be respectively polarized in the same planes. It is, however, to be remarked that since the refracted rays are one or both generally out of the plane of incidence, and the action on the aether which produces the reflection cannot conse- quently be strictly symmetrical with respect to that plane, we may not suppose that either the two parts composing the inci- dent ray, or the corresponding two parts of the reflected ray, are accurately polarized in and at right angles to the plane of incidence. In fact, Sir David Brewster has shewn experi- mentally that the position of the plane of polarization of the reflected light may, under particular circumstances, depend very much on the azimuth of the plane of incidence and on the positions of the planes of polarization of the transmitted rays. But in the usual circumstances of reflection, in which, according to our theory, the retardation of the medium pro- duces the reflectent effect for the most part before the ray has entered the medium, the deviations of the planes of polar- ization from the positions above assumed do not appear to be of sensible magnitude. (See Philosophical Transactions, 1819, p. 145). THE THEORY OF LIGHT. 407 Since the above expressions for the reflected rays involve /' and /", which vary with the azimuth of the plane of inci- dence, neither of the rays will be of constant intensity for a given angle of incidence. But experiment has shewn that the total quantity of reflected light is the same in all azimuths for the same angle of incidence on a given surface ; that is &/>(/,/') +#K/, -n =2S X (i). First, let S(f> (I, 7') be that reflected part in which the trans- verse motions are perpendicular to the plane of incidence. Then in the corresponding incident part there is no alteration of the transverse dimension of a given wave -element by the intromittence (since a= aj, and while the element changes its dimensions in the other two directions, there is no angular separation of the planes of polarization of individual rays, these planes remaining parallel to the plane of incidence. These circumstances appear to account for the observed fact that the function

= m 2 was theoretically deduced on the hy- pothesis that the space occupied by the atoms of the medium is very small compared to the intervening spaces (p. 405), the confirmation of the law by experiment justifies the con- clusion that this hypothesis is true even for substances of great density. Let us now take the case of the incidence on a crystalline medium of a ray completely polarized in a plane making a given angle (6) with the plane of incidence. Representing by S the intensity of the incident ray, we may, by the same reasoning as that in page 391, resolve this ray into $sin 2 6 and 8 cos 2 9 polarized in planes parallel and perpendicular to the plane of incidence. Then the former will produce the reflected ray $sm 2 0 (I, /'), and the other the reflected ray 8 cos 2 0A/r (/, /"). If another equal ray completely polarized in a plane at right angles to the plane of polarization of the THE THEORY OF LIGHT. 411 former ray, be incident in the same direction the reflected rays will be 8 cos 2 $ (/,/') and 8 sin 2 0f (/,/"). Hence the total reflected light is which is the "same quantity as that assumed in page 406 on the supposition that the component incident rays are polar- ized in and perpendicularly to the plane of incidence. It is to be understood that the two parts of the incident light are in each case in the same phase. The foregoing theory of reflection is consistent only with the supposition that the transverse motion of a ray polarized in the plane of incidence is perpendicular to that plane, and therefore unequivocally determines the direction of the trans- verse motion to be the same as that inferred in page 382 from the theory of double refraction. I have not attempted to find by a priori investigation the forms of the functions (/, /') and ty (7, 7"). The con- siderations by which Fresnel's formulae have been deduced, being in great measure empirical, might as readily be adapted to the present theory as to any other ; and in one respect no other theory has equal claims to appropriate these formulae. The polarizing angle, which is a constant and distinctive feature in the phenomena of reflection, is in this theory re- ferred to the condition of equality between the condensations of the incident and refracted waves, and the law that the tangent of the polarizing angle is equal to the index of re- fraction is consequent upon this condition. No such distinct physical explanation of the phenomenon has been given on any other theory, because no theory, as I maintain, which does not regard the aether as a continuous medium susceptible of variations of density, is capable of explaining it. The phenomenon of total internal reflection is referable to the general law demonstrated in page 403, according to which light can always traverse the same course in opposite direc- tions. Since the angle of refraction for external incidence 412 THE MATHEMATICAL PRINCIPLES OF PHYSICS. has a maximum limit, if the angle of internal incidence ex- ceed that limit, in consequence of that law the light cannot after the incidence have its path exterior to the medium, and must therefore be propagated wholly within. Hence the cir- cumstances which determine its course after incidence are the same as those of ordinary external reflection, and the law of reflection is proved by the same reasoning as that in page 385. If the incident light be completely polarized in the plane of incidence, the whole will still be reflected ; and the same will be the case if it be polarized perpendicularly to that plane. But from the same considerations, mutatis mu- tandis, as those entered into in page 391, if these two polar- ized rays be in the same phase at incidence, a difference of phase will be produced by the reflection. Consequently since common light may always be supposed to consist of two equal parts oppositely polarized, if in the present case the incident light be common light, the reflected light will con- sist of two equal components, polarized in planes parallel and perpendicular to that of incidence, but differing in phase. But because the components are of equal intensity, they will under all circumstances undergo complementary changes, and their joint luminous effect, notwithstanding the difference of phase, will not be perceived to be different from that of com- mon light. If, however, the incident light be plane-polarized, and the plane of polarization make an angle 6 with the plane of incidence, it may, as usual, be supposed to consist of the two parts $sin 2 # and $cos 2 # polarized in and perpendicularly to the plane of incidence. In that case, as these two parts are unequal, the alteration of phase produced by the reflection will cause the reflected light to be elliptically polarized. Fresnel's Rhomb is a well-known exemplification of this theoretical inference. The coloured rings, formed by subjecting plane-polarized light which has passed through a thin plate of crystal to a new polarization, are explained by this theory as follows. For simplicity let us take the case of a plate of a uniaxal THE THEORY OF LIGHT. 413 crystal bounded by planes perpendicular to the axis, and suppose the plane-polarized light to be incident in directions either parallel, or nearly so, to the axis. Then if the light be incident in planes parallel to the plane of its polarization, the crystal produces no bifurcation, because only ordinary rays are transmitted ; and if incident in planes perpendicular to the same plane, there is also no bifurcation, because only extraordinary rays are transmitted. In each case the trans- mitted ray, after incidence on a completely polarizing reflector at its polarizing angle in a plane perpendicular to that of the original polarization, is not reflected. When the incidence on the crystal is in any other plane passing through the crystallographical axis, making an angle with the plane of original polarization, we may suppose the incident light to consist of two parts Ssm 2 and Scos?0 polarized in and perpendicularly to the plane of incidence. These parts re- spectively give rise to ordinary and extraordinary rays, which traverse the crystal with different velocities, and issue from it in different phases. For every ordinary ray proceeding, after emergence, in a direction making a given angle with the axis, there will be an extraordinary ray proceeding in the same direction, but differing in phase to an amount which depends only on that angle. If the difference of phase be an exact multiple of - , it follows from the argument in pages 336 and 337, that the result of the composition of the two rays is a plane-polarized ray, equal in intensity to the original ray (excepting loss by reflection), and polarized in the same plane. Hence this compound ray, when incident on the above-mentioned polarizing reflector, gives rise to no reflec- tion. In the cases of all the other differences of phase, the compound light will be elliptically polarized, and the two components, each of which may be supposed to be resolved into rays polarized in planes parallel and perpendicular to that of original polarization, will be equivalent to the result- ants polarized in these two directions. The resultants polar- 414 THE MATHEMATICAL PRINCIPLES OF PHYSICS. ized in planes parallel to that of incidence will be extinguished by the reflector, and the others are more or less reflected. The amount of this reflection is greatest, in a given principal plane, when the difference of phase exceeds an exact multiple of - by - , and the light is in consequence circularly polarized. Also the maximum values of these different maxima are in the principal planes inclined by angles + 45 and 45 to the plane of original polarization. The above theoretical results fully account for the phe- nomena witnessed in the case of the passage of homogeneous light through a uniaxal plate, namely, alternate rings of com- parative brightness and darkness, intercepted by a dark cross the axes of which are parallel and perpendicular to the plane of first polarization. The effect produced when the light is composed of rays of different refrangibilities may be inferred from the superposition of the several effects that would be produced if the components were employed separately. Con- siderations analogous to the foregoing may be applied to explain the phenomena witnessed when the light is made to pass through a thin plate of a biaxal crystal. If the light, after passing through the crystal, were re- ceived by the eye before incidence on the reflector, no varia- tion of the intensity would be perceived, because the two emergent parts, 8 sin 2 6 and S cos 2 0, being oppositely polar- ized, would act upon the eye independently, and produce a total effect proportional to their sum $sin 2 #+ $cos 2 0, or 8. Hence the intensity of the transmitted beam will be the same at all points. Also if the incident beam were composed of common light, no variation of intensity would result from in- cidence on the reflector, because the original light may be assumed to consist of two equal beams of oppositely polarized light, the effects of which after the incidence would be exactly complementary, and the result of the combination would con- sequently be light of uniform intensity. The foregoing argument may suffice to shew that the pre- THE THEORY OF LIGHT. 415 sent theory is capable of explaining all the phenomena of polarized rings. The theoretical treatment of this problem in Arts. 144174 of Mr Ahy's " Undulatory Theory of Optics " (Mathematical Tracts, 2d Ed.), is, as far as regards the ma- thematical reasoning, as complete as can be desired. But the attempt made in Arts. 181 183 to give the physical reasons for the phenomena proves nothing so much as the inadequacy for this purpose of the vibratory theory of light. (I designate as "vibratory" the theory of light which takes account of the vibrations of discrete particles of the sether, to distinguish it from the one I have proposed, which, as resting exclusively on hydrodynamical principles, and employing partial diffe- rential equations for calculating the motions, is alone entitled to be called undulatory). The supposition made by Mr Airy in Art. 183 to account for the phenomenal difference between common light and elliptically polarized light is arbitrary in the extreme, having no connection with ante- cedent principles, and the necessity for making a gratuitous assertion respecting the character of the transverse motions in order to prop up the vibratory theory, may legitimately be regarded by an opponent of that theory as only giving evi- dence of its failure. The foregoing explanations, which essentially depend on treating the sether as a continuous sub- stance, distinctly indicate the reason of the failure of the vibratory theory. Having discussed the chief problems in the second part of the Undulatory Theory of Light, namely, those relating to the transmission of light through non-crystallized and crys- tallized substances, and to its reflection and refraction at their surfaces, I shall only give the explanations on the same prin- ciples of a few additional phenomena before I pass on to another department of Physics. (1) It is found that colours are produced when a beam of polarized light, after being made to traverse a rectangular piece of glass, unannealed, or otherwise put into a state of mechanical constraint, is subjected to a second polarization. 416 THE MATHEMATICAL PRINCIPLES OF PHYSICS. The piece of glass is put in the place of the crystal in the experiment which produces the polarized rings. To account for the phenomena due to the state of constraint we may suppose that in the ordinary state the arrangement of the ultimate atoms of the glass is such as to have the same effect on transmitted light in whatever direction the transmission takes place, and that by the constraint the atomic arrange- ment is in such manner and degree altered as to become a function of the direction. The most probable, and at the same time most general, supposition that can be made re- specting this function is, that throughout a given very small portion of the glass it satisfies with more or less exactness the condition of symmetry attributed to crystals in page 376, namely, that of being symmetrical with respect to three planes at right angles to each other. On this hypothesis each small portion of the glass will act upon light in the same manner as a crystal, and the appearance of colours re- sembling those of the polarized rings will be accounted for. There is, however, this difference between a crystal and constrained glass, that whilst in the former the atomic ar- rangement is the same throughout, and the phenomena have reference, not to position in the crystal, but solely to direction, in the latter the atomic arrangement will in all probability change in passing from one small portion of the glass to the next, and consequently be a function of position relative to its boundaries. Observation confirms this theoretical inference, it being found that the polarized colours exhibited by con- strained glass are arranged in lines which have evident re- ference to its shape and dimensions. (2) The theory gives the following account of the colours of substances, and of the phenomena of absorption. We have seen that reflection at the surfaces of bodies is produced by the sudden retardation of the motion of the aether by the resist- ance it encounters from the atoms, and that this cause operates before the incident waves have actually entered into the medium, being the result of the aggregate resistance of the THE THEORY OF LIGHT. 417 * atoms, and therefore extending to a sensible distance from the superficies of the medium. Hence the reflectent effect is produced in the same manner and in the same proportion on rays of all refrangibilities ; for which reason light of every colour is regularly reflected at the plane-facets of all bodies, both black and white, or whatever may be their proper colour. The non-reflected part of the incident wave enters into the medium, whether it be an opake or a transparent substance, but is differently affected afterwards, according as the sub- stance is of the one kind or the other. Let us, first, suppose the medium to be transparent. In that case the incident wave is regularly refracted and trans- mitted according to laws which we have already investigated. There is no sensible reflection from the atoms of the medium in its interior; because, as we have seen, the sole effect of such reflection .is to convert the proper elasticity of the aether into an apparent elasticity having to the former a given ratio. Thus there is no propagation of secondary waves within the medium so long as no change of interior constitution is en- countered by the original waves, and the number of atoms in a given space and their arrangement remain the same. These conditions must be satisfied in every perfectly transparent sub- stance, whether it be crystallized or non-crystallized, although in the former the effective elasticity of the aether is different in different directions. But the same conditions cannot be satis- fied at and very near the confines of the medium, as will appear from the following considerations. When an atom in the interior of a homogeneous medium is held in equilibrium by attractive and repulsive forces, the forces of each kind will be equal in opposite directions, there being, by the hypothesis of homogeneity, no cause of in- equality. But this is no longer the case when the atom is situated within a certain very small distance from the super- ficies. It is evident that here the resultant attractive force acts in the direction perpendicular to the surface and towards the interior, and must be just equal and opposite to the re- 27 418 THE MATHEMATICAL PRINCIPLES OF PHYSICS. sultant repulsive force. The atomic conditions of this equi- librium will come under consideration in the subsequent Theory of Heat and Molecular Attraction ; at present it suffices to say that there will be a gradual increase of density of the atoms through a small finite interval from the super- ficies towards the interior, analogous to the increment of density of the Earth's atmosphere arising from the coun- teraction of the repulsive force of the air by the force of terrestrial gravity. In consequence of this gradation of den- sity, besides the regular superficial reflection which we have already discussed, there will be another kind of reflection which for distinction may be called irregular, consisting of non-neutralized reflections from individual atoms, and origi- nating at all those that are situated within a certain small depth below the surface. Under these circumstances, when the mode of reflection of condensation from an individual atom (as determined by the solution of Example VI., p. 279) is considered, the secondary waves reflected from the atoms at different depths will evidently issue from the medium in all possible directions. It is by means of this irregularly re- flected light that a body becomes visible from whatever quarter it is looked at. For ( instance, when a transparent polished substance is exposed to diffused day-light, so that waves are incident upon it simultaneously from all surrounding objects, at the same time that it sends to the eye by regular reflection rays by which those objects may be seen, it is itself, as to colour, shape, and contour, made visible by the irregular reflection from a very thin superficial stratum of atoms. Supposing that it is perfectly transparent, allowing of the transmission of rays of all refrangibilities, since the rays of irregular reflection proceed from points at sensible depths below the surface, it may be assumed that these also will consist of rays of all refrangibilities. In that case the sub- stance will appear to be white. If, however, a transparent substance allows of the passage of rays of certain colours, and stops all others, according to the same law the secondary THE THEORY OF LIGHT. 419 rays that are of the same kind as the transmitted rays will be either exclusively, or most copiously, reflected. Hence the colour of a substance which allows of rays of certain ref Tangi- bilities to pass through it, is generally the same as the resultant of the colours of these rays. This theoretical inference is con- firmed by experience*. Thus the blue colour of the sky, which is perceived mainly by means of irregularly reflected light, shews that the atmosphere transmits most readily blue rays, and, similarly, the redness at sun-set shews that the vapour of water, suspended in an invisible form in the lower regions of the atmosphere, transmits by preference red rays* If the reflecting substance be opake, the theory of the phenomena is such as follows. The laws of reflection, both regular and irregular, and the laws of refraction, may be sup- posed, within a certain very small depth below the surface, to be the same quam proxime as in the case of a transparent sub- stance. But if beyond that depth the continuity of the wave- fronts is not maintained, and the composition of the waves is broken up, the result is opacity. Supposing that in this manner rays of all refrangibilities are completely extinguished by a very thin stratum of the substance, the same will be the case, according to the law before assumed, with respect to the rays of irregular reflection; and thus the substance will appear completely black. But if the medium permits some waves to penetrate to greater depths than others before being broken up, we may suppose that like preference will be given to the irregularly reflected rays of the same kind, and that these will be allowed to issue from the medium while they are yet in a form proper for vision. By this process the opake body makes a selection of the secondary rays and appears coloured. This theory of the dependance of the proper colours of bodies on an action which is operative only within a very minute superficial stratum, is supported by the fact that the inten- sities of the colours are perceptibly diminished when the bodies are reduced to fine powders. The property of trans- * Herschel's Treatise on Light, Articles 498501. 272 420 THE MATHEMATICAL PRINCIPLES OF PHYSICS. mitting some rays in preference to others, which, according to the theory, determines the proper colour of a body, depends on the constituency and arrangement of its atoms in a manner which, in the present state of science, does not appear to admit of d priori investigation. With respect to the emanation of irregularly reflected light from the surfaces of bodies, rendering them visible in all directions, it is matter of observation that the brightness of an object thus seen is the same whatever be the inclination of the direction of vision to the tangent-plane of the surface. From this fact it follows, as is known, that the intensity of the emanating light varies as the sine of the angle of emana- tion. This law is clearly not inconsistent with the mode of reflection of condensation, as theoretically determined, from the surfaces of spherical atoms, and apparently might admit on this principle of mathematical investigation. In fact, supposing waves in the same phase to be incident equally from all quarters on the outer hemisphere of an atom situated at the boundary* of a medium, and the secondary condensation at any given point of the surface of the atom, due to any given wave, to vary as the cosine of the angular distance of the point from a perpendicular to the wave through the atom's centre (see p. 283), it may easily be shewn that the resulting reflected condensation at any point the radius to which makes the angle 6 with the surface of the medium varies as sin 6. This is true if the incident waves are not in the same phase, provided each series be compounded of simple waves in all possible phases. The phenomena of absorption are intermediate to those of transparency and opacity, and are referable to causes which differ only in degree from those which were adduced to account for opacity and the colours of bodies. Certain sub- stances, which allow of the entrance and transmission of dif- ferent kinds of rays, extinguish them gradually, and the " The law is probably modified by reflections from atoms situated a little below the surface. THE THEORY OP LIGHT. 421 absorption is at a quicker rate for some rays than for others. The colours of such substances, as seen by transmitted light, depend on the thicknesses traversed by the light*. In other cases rays which have penetrated into the medium to a cer- tain small depth, there undergo a transformation by which they are actually converted into others of such refrangibilities that they are capable of traversing the medium without again passing through a like change. This phenomenon, which was called by Sir J. Herschel epipolic dispersion, has been explained by Professor Stokes on the hypothesis of change of refrangilility, by whom also the discovery has been made that in this manner rays the wave-lengths of which are much too small for vision, may give rise to visible rays. It has already been noticed that this transmutation of rays is con- sistent with the mathematical theory of the vibrations of an elastic fluid as given in this workf. Farther, it may be remarked that since condensations once generated are not destroyed, except by regular interference, the condensations of the luminous waves are not actually annihilated by absorp- tion, but rather they are so changed, and distributed in the interior of the medium by the absorbing process, as to be mixed up with the aggregate of undulations to which, as will be subsequently explained, the forces of heat and molecular attraction are due. Addendum to the Theory of Light. After nearly all that relates to the theory of light had been printed, being obliged by other occupation to suspend for a time the preparation of manuscript for the press, I took occasion in the interval to review the propositions on which the theory depends, and found that some parts of the mathe- matical reasoning might be made more complete, and others required corrections. These amendments I propose to add * See Articles 484504 of Herschel's Treatise on Light. f See the remarks and references on this subject in page 328. 422 THE MATHEMATICAL PRINCIPLES OF PHYSICS. here before proceeding to the theory of heat and molecular attraction,, on which, in fact, it will eventually be shewn that they have an important bearing. (a) The principle adopted in page 29T in order to pass from the solution of Example VI., in which the waves are supposed to be incident on a fixed sphere, to that of Example VII., in which the sphere is moveable, was assumed hypo- thetically in default of exact reasoning. The following argu- ment dispenses, I think, with making any assumption, and at the same time shews in what respects the one adopted is inaccurate. A small sphere being caused by the impact of a series of undulations to< perform small oscillations about a mean position, conceive its actual acceleration to be impressed at each instant both on itself and on the whole of the fluid. Under these conditions the sphere is- reduced to rest, and the action between it and the fluid remains the same as when it was in motion, because the circumstance that the fluid per- forms small oscillations bodily will not alter the relations of its parts, nor affect the propagation of waves through its mass, the only consequence being that a given condensation will arrive a little sooner or later at a given point of space. The effect of this inequality is a quantity of the second order and may be neglected in a first approximation. Hence the imme- diate action of the waves on the sphere is the same as when the sphere is fixed, and the expression for it is at once ob- tained from the solution of Example VI. But there is, besides, to be taken into account the mutual action between the vibrating mass and the sphere at rest. Now this is clearly the same as when the sphere oscillates and the fluid is at rest, the differences of momentum arising from different condensa- tions at different points of the mass being quantities of the second order. Hence the expression for this retarding force, to the first approximation, may be deduced from the solution of Example IV. obtained in page 264. (b) The expression in page 296 for the former of the above mentioned forces contains in its first term the factor THE THEORY OF LIGHT. 423 1 A, which depends on transverse action, and was assumed to be of this form because the condensation on the first half of the surface of the sphere was supposed to be unaffected by that action. But as this supposition is not supported by rea- soning, and the composition of that factor is at present un- known, it will be preferable to call it \ A/ and to consider \ to apply to the first -hemispherical surface, and h t f to the other. Also, for the sake of distinction, A 2 h z ' will be put in the place of ti h" in the second term, A 2 and hj referring respectively to the first and second hemispherical surfaces. (c) These alterations being made, and V being put for m sin q (at + c ), the expression for the first of the two forces considered in paragraph (a) is 3 dV ^ 1 ** x If -7Y be the acceleration of the sphere, the other force, Cut which is equal to the retardation due to the fluid deduced in page 266 from the solution of Example IV., is -- - -^ esti- mated in the same direction. Consequently we have d*x 3 , dV , 2 r df = 1+2A dt ' ft x This value of -^ should take the place of that given in page 298, which was obtained on the principle that the action of waves on a moveable sphere i& the same as the action on a fixed sphere of waves in which the velocity is equal to the difference of the velocities of the actual waves and moving sphere ; which principle is proved by the foregoing reasoning to be not strictly true. 424 THE MATHEMATICAL PRINCIPLES OF PHYSICS. If a =TT2A' and *=a(TT2A)' "o that H and K are functions of A only, we have, since Va'S, + Kfl (k.-K^S. This result does not differ in form from that given in page 298, but the values of H and K are now more correctly deter- mined. If the fluid be incompressible, the second term vanishes because q = ; and at the same time h t h\ = 1 , or (see p. 295) ; so that = j- . Hence if A = 1 the fluid and sphere be of the same density, this equation be- d*x dV comes -jrj- = -TT- , as evidently should be the case. (d) With respect to the acceleration of an atom due to the molecular forces of the medium of which it is a constituent, I see no reason to depart from the principles adopted in page 368 to obtain an expression for the accelerative force brought into play by the relative displacement of the atoms. By the same reasoning as that in paragraph (a). it may be shewn that the action of the setherial waves on the atom is unaffected by the motion given to it by the action of the molecular force. By this motion, however, the retardation of the asther is changed. But if -^ be the actual acceleration of the atom, the effect of molecular action being included, the retarding 1 d*x force of the aether will still be ^-r -TJ Hence, adopting the expression for the molecular force obtained in page 368, we shall have Now the condition of transparency, according to the reasoning in pages 365370, is, that the ratio of - to F be constant, THE THEORY OF LIGHT. 425 dx or that V 7- have a constant ratio to V. But this condition at is not satisfied by the above equation unless the second term on the right hand side be so small as to have no appreciable effect. That term, which, since q'a' V is a quantity of the dV same order as -j- , and q'b has been assumed to be an ex- tremely small quantity, will in general be very small compared to the preceding one, may possibly be the exponent of the gradual absorption or extinction of light which is found to take place in all substances, however transparent, when the spaces traversed by the rays are very considerable. Neglecting, therefore, the second term, so far as it relates to the theory of dispersion, and integrating the equation, we have for a given series of waves It will now be supposed, regard being had to the considera- tions entered into in pages 370 and 371, that the factor \ h' t ( &'\ is equal to k f 1 -^J . The reasoning in page 371, from which it was inferred that the quantity in brackets should contain \ in the place of V appears to be invalid, inasmuch as in the general series for 1 f, X is the actual wave-length independently of the elasticity of the medium. Thus, since Hence, admitting that the value of V -7- is accurately (Jut given by the above equation to the first approximation, and that the apparent elasticity of the aether within the medium, calculated as in pages 364 367 for the ease of fixed atoms, is 426 THE MATHEMATICAL PRINCIPLES OF PHYSICS. dx to be altered in the ratio of V r to V when the atoms are at moveable, the formula for dispersion becomes : it 2 1 dx It may be remarked that if the equation ((3) in page 370 be expanded to the first power of the factor l h lt and if that factor be equal to k I 1 j- J , the two equations become iden- tical, provided also be so small a quantity that it may be neglected in comparison with unity, The equation (?) may be put under the form and if, for brevity, n* be substituted for (l + ^ , it will be found that w In the instances of the two substances to which the calcula- tions in pages 372 and 373 refer, by employing, as there, the values of M and X for the rays (J9), (E); and (H), the following results were obtained : For the Flint Glass, ^ = 14,54906, = 0,44611, 0=8,20984; For Oil of Cassia, A= 9,35876, .5=0,33595, (7 = 6,28431. With these constants I have calculated from the formula (7') for each substance the value of X corresponding to the given values- of p for the other four rays> and compared, as follows, the results with the observed values of X. The results given by the formtda (7) in page 372 are similarly compared in THE THEORY OF LIGHT. 427 order to furnish some means of estimating the weight due to this numerical verification*. Flint Glass No 13. Excess of the Oil of Cassia. Excess of the calculated value of X. calculated value of X. Bay. By formula 03). By formula (p). Kay. By formula ($. By formula (/?'). (0)...- 0,0016. -0,0016 (0)... + 0,0017 + 0,0025 (D) . . . - 0,0030 - 0,0028 (D) ... - 0,0022 - 0,001 1 (F) ... + 0,0022 + 0,0021 (F) ...-0,0024 -0,0038 (G) ... + 0,0031 + 0,0029 (G) ... 0,0000 -0,0028 It will be seen that the differences between the calculated and observed values of X are in some degree less by the second formula than by the first for the Flint Glass, while for Oil of Cassia they are in greater degree greater. The dissimi- larity of the excesses for the two substances seems to point to errors of data as the main cause of the differences between calculation and observation, and as the given values of //, are likely to be much more accurate for the Flint Glass than for the Oil of Cassia, the more trustworthy comparisons may be regarded as favourable to the second formula. When it is, besides, considered that the above differences scarcely in any case exceed amounts that may be attributed to erroneous data (see p. 373), we shall, I think, be justified in concluding that the foregoing comparisons are not inconsistent with the truth of formula (/3'), and with its being deduced from exact principles. This conclusion will receive confirmation from certain physical consequences which I n d*x v d*x v d*x * These experiments are cited in Jamin's Cours de Physique, Tom. m, p. 430. 430 THE MATHEMATICAL PRINCIPLES OF PHYSICS. v& v n e n x n= jx N "3F' N dt z ^ ' N df df Then since the rate of propagation of the astherial waves in the medium is affected independently by the different kinds of atoms, and by each kind in proportion to their number and mobility, it follows that the condition of transparency dx requires that -y- should be proportional to F, and therefore -jz proportional to -j- . But by adding together the several do dt equations applicable to the n different kinds of atoms, it will be seen that this last condition is not satisfied unless e* in the second of the above equations be absolutely constant. Such a constant must therefore be regarded as .characteristic of a composite medium which is transparent either with respect to all rays of the spectrum, or to certain rays. These two con- ditions being fulfilled, if we substitute Nk for vfa + vjc z + . ., + vje n , Nkk': for vjtfc + vjc&+ ... vjcje.', and add together the foregoing n equations, we shall finally obtain an equation of exactly the same farm as (/3'). That equation may therefore be used whether the medium be simple or ^compound. Now since it may not be assumed that the before-men- tioned change from a repulsive to an attractive action of the setherial undulations takes place with respect to each kind of atom for exactly the same value of X, we cannot affirm that the calorific action of the direct vibrations in a composite medium ends where the chemical action begins. Admitting, however, that the mean, or aggregate, translating action of setherial -undulations propagated in such a medium must pass through ser for some value of X, it may be presumed that .- < * ' ' / 7 ' 2\ this will fee the case when the quantity It (l ~-J vanishes, k' having the value appropriate to a compound medium, as THE THEORY OF LIGHT. 431 determined by taking the ratio of the above expression for Nick' to that for NJc. These theoretical considerations are in accordance with experimental results obtained by Becquerel, as exhibited by means of a very instructive diagram in Jamin's GOUTS de Physique (Tom. III. p. 428). From this diagram I gather, as far as regards the direct vibrations, with which alone we are concerned in a theory of dispersion, that the transition from the calorific to the chemical action occurs where the value of X is nearly equal to that for the ray (F). Although, as already intimated, this transition may not take place for a certain value of X independently of the composition and intrinsic elasticity of the medium, yet as experience seems to indicate that such is the case approximately, the truth of the theory may in some degree be tested by tracing the conse- Ic'u? quences of assuming that 1 ^ = when the value of X is X that for the ray (F). The following results were obtained on this supposition in the two instances of the Flint Olass No. 13 and Oil of Cassia, the values of /JL for the ray (F) being taken from the data in page 373, and the adopted values of A, B, and C being those given in page 426. By the formula ('), when 1-^ = 0, ^=l+?8. Hence, since for the Flint Olass /*= 1,64826 for the ray (F), it will be found that H8 = 1,71676, and that n*(=0-l -ITS) =5,49308, 0,01326. 1 + 2A V 3&V At the same time the value of X obtained from the equation X 2 = &7fc 2 is 1,7994, the observed value for the ray (F) being 1,7973. The excess of the former is, as it ought to be, the same as that given in page 427. 432 THE MATHEMATICAL PRINCIPLES OF PHYSICS. For Oil of Cassia, the value of //, for the raj (F) being 1,6295, like calculations give HS = 1,65527, n 2 = 3,62904, k k'- 1,21147, - - = 0,01539, and \= 1,7935. The excess above the observed value of X is 0,0038 as in page 427. These numerical results confirm by their consistency the hypothesis that the change from the calorific to the chemical action of the direct vibrations corresponds to a change of k'u? sign of 1 -. It is to be observed that the quantity Jc is A not determined independently of A ; but since for an incom- pressible fluid its value is unity, it will not in any case differ very much from unity for the aether. Hence we may infer k from the above numerical values of ^-r- that A is a large quantity. With respect to the constant n 2 it is important to remark that 7? //?, which is the denominator on the right- hand side of the equation (ft'), is positive in the case of the Flint Glass for values of /-t less than 2,3437, and in that of Oil of Cassia for values less than 1,9050. These limits much ex- ceed the respective maximum values of //, for visible rays in the two instances, and probably the same would be found to be the case in any instance of a solid or fluid substance. Let us now enquire what may happen with respect to the value of w 2 p? when the formula (ft') is applied to a gaseous body. By recent experiments it has been ascertained that a large number of substances, when looked at in a vaporized and ignited state with a spectroscope, exhibit, generally with a faint continuous spectrum, certain bright lines of definite refrangibility. On theoretical grounds it may be presumed that these rays have their origin in the disturbance of the aether caused by violent and rapid vibrations of the atoms of the gas in its state of ignition. The number and positions of these lines are constantly the same for the same substance, and may be regarded as characteristic of it. It is a still more remarkable circumstance, that many of the dark lines of the THE THEORY OF LIGHT. 433 solar spectrum are found to have exactly the same refrangi- bilities as the bright lines of the aeriform bodies thus experi- mented upon. It appears from observation that certain of the solar lines are produced by the passage of the Sun's rays through the earth's atmosphere, and the remainder are with much probability attributed to passage through a solar atmo- sphere. Hence it has been reasonably inferred from the above-mentioned coincidences of the refrangibilities of the dark and bright lines, that the terrestrial and solar atmo- spheres contain the very same gases, or vapours, as those employed in the experiments. But this view, in order to account for the solar lines being dark, requires to be supple-- mented by the hypothesis that a gas in its quiescent state has the property of neutralizing those rays in their passage through it which in its ignited state it is most capable of emitting. Now although we may not be able with our present knowledge to ascertain why the vibrating atoms of a gas generate in the aether waves having particular periods of vibration, it may yet be possible to explain theoretically in what manner the solar rays which vibrate in the same periods are caused by passing through the gas to disappear from the spectrum. The explanation I am about to propose is founded on the antecedent theory of dispersion. Conceive an atom of the gaseous medium to perform vibrations of a certain period about a mean position by the action of its proper molecular forces, as brought into play by the circumstances which cause the state of ignition ; and let -- be the molecular force at the distance x from the mean position and tending towards it, e 2 being a constant of the same signification as that we have already had in the fore- going investigations, and 1? another constant depending on the period of the vibrations. Then, taking into account the resist- ance of the aether to the motion of the atom, we shall have d^x c?x 1 d?x d^x $ \.t? ~rH = '1* ~2A d?' r ~df + (1 + 2A)J 2a!=:0 ' 28,^ 434 THE MATHEMATICAL PRINCIPLES OF PHYSICS. Also if x be the distance from its mean place of a particle of the aether vibrating in the medium, wS have ftiTKat \ d 2 x 4wVV , _ x = m cos , he; and .'. ^ -\ ^ x Q- \ A. / CLi A If, therefore, in accordance with the above-stated facts, the period of vibration of the atom be the same as that of a par- ticle of the aether, it follows ( since 7 = ) that \ A A / 4-TrW ~^~ As it appears from the experiments that for the same gas, even if it be simple, there may be several bright lines, we must suppose that each atom is susceptible of complex mo- tions consisting of co-existing simple vibrations for each of which the value of I is different. Hence, as the left-hand side of the last equation is absolutely constant for a given simple medium, it follows that for every such value of I there is a corresponding value of X. Also, since the atom acting on the sether by its vibrations generates setherial undulations that produce light, its motion might be exactly like that of a particle of the sether in light-producing waves. Let us, therefore, suppose that 271^ = ^, 27r/ 2 = X 2 , &c., so that Hence n 2 = 1 for these particular values of X ; and since for a gas fjb differs very little from unity, it follows that the deno- minator n 2 fj? in the equation (/3') becomes extremely small. There is, in short, a breach of continuity in the values of /*, given by that equation when X has these values. This result 1 take to be an indication that the rays corresponding to the bright lines cannot be transmitted in the medium. Assuming that the solar rays pass through various aeriform substances either composing the solar and terrestrial atmospheres, or suspended in them, the existence of dark lines in the spectrum may in this manner be accounted for. THE THEORY OF LIGHT. 435 If the aeriform body be composed of atoms of different kinds, we may at first regard the atoms of one kind as con- stituting a simple medium capable of extinguishing rays of certain refrangibilities in the manner above investigated. The sether within this medium may then be treated as a fluid like the actual sether, but of somewhat less elasticity, and as being incapable of transmitting those particular rays ; and the waves of this modified aether may be supposed to be pro- pagated in another simple medium, consisting of atoms of a second kind, and having, , like the first, the property of extin- guishing certain rays; and so on. Thus we may account for the observed fact that the fixed lines of a composite gas consist of those which characterize the components. It has already been .stated that the value of n 2 for liquid and solid bodies is probably always greater than the greatest value of [j? for the visible rays. Hence, according to this theory, we should not expect dark lines to be generated by the passage of light through such bodies ; and, as far as I am aware, no lines have been ascertained to be generated under these circumstances. So long, also, as n z exceeds //, 2 , the order of the colours of the spectrum will be the same for all substances. But we have no ground for asserting that n* /ji? is always a positive quantity for vapours and gases, in which, therefore, it is theoretically possible that the order of the colours may be reversed. In fact, M. Jamin has cited experi- ments which shew that this is actually the case in the refrac- tion of vapour of iodine. (Cours de Physique, Tom. ill. p. 440.) The foregoing is the best solution I am able to give of the difficult problem of Dispersion. 1 am aware that it is imper- fect, and that its complete verification requires an exact d priori investigation of the expression for the factor h^ h{ depending on transverse action. Although the expression I have employed was not strictly so deduced, it seems to be verified, at least approximately, by experiment, and so far may serve to indicate in what manner the Undulatory Theory 282 436 THE MATHEMATICAL PRINCIPLES OF PHYSICS. of Light bears upon the determination of the nature of the forces which act on the ultimate atoms of matter. It was with a view to this application that the theory of dispersion has been so long dwelt upon. I proceed now to the theory of those forces, The Theory of Heat and Molecular Attraction. The first part of the preceding theory of light may be considered to have established with a very high degree of probability the existence of an sether, which, so far as regards phenomena of light, may be treated as a continuous medium pressing proportionally to its density. In the second part various phenomena were explained on certain additional hypotheses respecting the ultimate parts and constituency of visible and tangible substances, and these explanations, while they strengthened the argument for the existence of the aether, also rendered probable the supposed qualities of the ultimate parts of bodies. The Theory of Heat and Molecular Attraction, which are forces so related that they may be included in the same investigation, will be made to rest on the very same hypotheses. It is proper to state at the commencement of this research that its object is not to give explanations in detail of the observed effects of heat and molecular attraction, but to answer the questions, What are these two forces, and in what manner do they counteract each other? I understand mole- cular attraction to be a force which has its origin in a mass, or congeries of atoms, towards the centre of which the attraction is directed. The general physical theory I am propounding does not admit the existence of the action of force through space without the intervention of a medium. It assumes that atoms are incapable of change of form and magnitude, and, therefore, passively resist any pressure on their surfaces tending to produce such change ; but all active forces are supposed to be modes of pressure of the setherial THE THEOKY OF HEAT. 437 medium, subject to laws which may be deduced from the mathematical principles of Hydrodynamics. The problem proposed for solution is, accordingly, to ascertain in what manner, and under what circumstances, the pressure of the aether may act like the forces experimentally known as repul- sion of heat and attraction of aggregation, the reasoning being conducted by means of hydrodynamical propositions demon- strated in the antecedent part of the work. It is well ascertained that light-producing rays may also be heat-producing. This is so remarkable and significant a fact, that a theory of light which does not account for it may be said to fail in an essential particular. Since in the theory I have proposed the transverse vibrations of rays always accompany direct vibrations, and it was concluded (p. 334) that the sensation of light is entirely due to the former, we are at liberty to refer the action of heat, or other modes of force, to the direct vibrations. There is, however, this dis- tinction to be made, that in the theory of light only terms of the first order with respect to the velocity of the astherial particles were taken into account, and the motion resulting from the pressure of the aether on the atoms of substances was- found to be wholly vibratory ; whereas the forces of heat and molecular attraction are known to produce permanent mo- tions of translation. Hence, taking into consideration the hydrodynamical results obtained in pages 305 and 311, the theory of these forces is to be inferred from terms of the second order relative to the velocity and condensation. Be- fore proceeding to this enquiiy. it will be worth while to introduce here an argument from which it follows, apart from the results of the mathematical investigation, which is con- fessedly incomplete, that a spherical atom free to obey the impulses of the setherial undulations necessarily receives a permanent motion of translation. It may be assumed that if a series of undulations be incident on a small solid sphere in a fixed position, the variation of condensation at any point of its surface obeys the 438 THE MATHEMATICAL PRINCIPLES OF PHYSICS. same law as the variation of condensation, at a given point, of the original undulations ; and also that if the diameter of the sphere be extremely small compared to the breadth of the undulations, the phase of condensation will be quam proxime the same at the same instant at all points of the surface of the sphere. But the amount of condensation or rarefaction at each instant will vary from point to point of the surface, and in consequence of such variation the waves tend to move the sphere. If at each point the sum of the successive con- densations be exactly equal to the sum of the successive rarefactions, the waves will tend to give to the sphere only a vibratory motion ; for the action of the condensed and rarefied portions of each wave will produce equal and opposite effects. But this equality between the condensation and rarefaction does not strictly subsist in a wave of the sether, inasmuch as the motions of its particles, as may be inferred from the equation (14) in page 206, are wholly vibratory ; which could not be the case unless the moving forces in the condensed part of the wave were greater than those in the rarefied part, or the condensations greater than the corresponding rarefactions. (See the Corollary in page 207). It hence follows, the atom not being susceptible, like the fluid, of variations of density, that the accelerative forces due to the condensed portion of a wave are more effective than those due to the rarefied portion, and that thus there will be an excess of action in the direction in which the condensation tends to move the sphere. If the sphere be now supposed to be free to obey the impulses of the waves, we may conceive its motion to be impressed at each instant both on itself and on the whole mass of fluid in the opposite direction, so that the sphere is reduced to rest. The condensations are in no respect changed by a motion which all the parts of the fluid partake of in common, so that the waves are incident on the sphere, and the condensation is distributed about it, just as when it was supposed fixed. There is, however, the difference that the times of incidence of the same condensation in the two cases THE THEORY OF HEAT. 439 are separated by a small periodic interval, owing to the vibratory motion of the mass. This inequality gives rise in the case of the moveable sphere to a periodic condensation of the second order, having as much positive as negative value, and therefore incapable of producing permanent motion of translation. Thus there remains an excess of accelerative force due to the condensed part of the wave, in obedience to which the sphere will perform larger excursions in one direction than in the contrary direction. If, moreover, the resistance of the fluid to the motion of the sphere be taken into account, since its effect will be to diminish in the same proportion the accelerations in the two directions, the ex- cursions will still be in excess in the direction of the action of the condensed parts of the waves. Thus there will be permanent motion of translation* . I return now to the mathematical reasoning relating to the motion of a small sphere acted upon by setherial undula- tions, with the view of ascertaining the conditions which determine the direction of the permanent motion of transla- tion, this investigation being a necessary preliminary to a theory of attractive and repulsive forces. Having found upon reconsideration of the reasoning already devoted to this en- quiry that it may be extended with more exactness to quantities of the second order, I shall here briefly recapitulate the previous argument in order to introduce this modification of it. The equations (34) and (35) of the first order obtained in pages 258 and 260, being applicable to motion symmetrical about an axis, were first employed to find the motion and pressure of the fluid caused by given rectilinear vibrations of a small sphere, and also to find the motion and pressure * It is desirable that this inference, which seems to be strictly deduced from admitted dynamical principles, should be tested experimentally by means of the action of rapid vibrations of the air on a small sphere. Although the effect would in this instance be extremely small, modern experimental skill might suc- ceed in detecting it. 440 THE MATHEMATICAL PRINCIPLES OF PHYSICS. resulting from the incidence of a series of waves on a small fixed sphere. For solving these two problems a particular solution of the equation (35) was employed which satisfied the given conditions to the first approximation. It was seen, however, that although the e]asticity of the fluid was taken into account, the resulting action on the sphere was the same that would have been obtained if the fluid had been supposed to be incompressible, all its parts, consequently, in the second problem vibrating equally. Having discovered that the equation (36) in page 279, derived from equation (35) by differentiating with respect to 0, was satisfied both by the same particular solution as (35), and also by an additional one, I found on applying the latter to the second problem that I could thereby embrace a term in the approximate expression for the condensation of the incident waves which was not included in the former integration. (See in pages 284 286). But it was still found, although the new term has no existence unless the fluid be compressible, that the action on the sphere did not differ from that of an incompres- sible fluid. The explanation of this result may be stated as follows. The equations (34) and (35) are founded on the equation (29) in page 250, which takes account of the prin- ciple of composition of spontaneous motions, and is true only when the composition is such as to neutralize transverse motion. Now when the regularity of a series of waves is interrupted by incidence on a small sphere, transverse action is necessarily induced, unless the fluid be either incompres- sible, in which case there is no transverse vibration, or so extremely elastic that the transverse vibrations accompanying direct vibrations of the order taken into account have no per- ceptible effect. Accordingly the equations (34) , (35) and (36) are applicable only in these two cases, and when thus ap- plied they may be employed to determine the motion and pressure at all points of the fluid. It is, however, to be said with respect to the fluid that is compelled to move along the surface of the sphere, that its THE THEORY OF HEAT. 441 motion conforms to the conditions on which the equation (29) was investigated, the sphere itself "by its reaction neutralizing transverse motion. Hence if the .application of the three equations be limited to the fluid immediately contiguous to the sphere, they may be used to determine the pressure at any point of the surface of the sphere. This has been done to the first approximation by means of the reasoning com- mencing in page 294, according to which the value of the first part of the superficial condensation is obtained by multi- plying the expression for it given in page 283 by a constant factor L h, and that of the second part by multiplying its expression in page 286 by another constant factor h' h". These are the constants called h'^ h^ and h 2 h^ in page 423. It is proper to state here that the reasoning referred to, while it establishes the reality of these factors, does not prove that they consist of parts applying separately to the first and second halves of the spherical surface. I propose, therefore, to designate them in future as H^ and H z , and to trace the consequences of regarding each as applicable to the whole of the surface. This being understood, I shall now attempt to give a solution, inclusive of all small quantities of the second order, of the problem of the motion of a small sphere acted upon by a series of undulations. The accelerative force of the fluid will, at first, be determined supposing the sphere to be fixed. It will be assumed, as in p. 279, that the incident waves are defined to the first approximation by the equations V a a-' = m sin q (at + r cos + c ), and that V ' = aV = m sin q(at-\- c ). Also, in accordance with what has just been stated, the expressions, to the first approximation, that will be adopted for the superficial con- densation, and for the velocities along and perpendicular to the radius- vector r, are the following : cosQ cos 6-H+ ~ sin Qcos 2 0, 442 THE MATHEMATICAL PRINCIPLES OF PHYSICS. U= - m'H 1 (l - - 3 J sin $ cos - m'H a qr (l - -5] cos Q cos 2 0, Q being put for q(at + c ). Since these equations are to be applied only to points for which r is very nearly equal to b, U is an indefinitely small quantity. It having been proved by the argument concluded in page 239 that udx + vdy + wdz is an exact differential for the resultant of any number of primary vibrations relative to dif- ferent axes, when expressed to terms of the second order, and as the motion and pressure in the present example are to be regarded as resulting from such vibrations, it follows that we may suppose that differential to be exact on proceeding to the second approximation. Let, therefore, (dfy = udx + vdy -f wdz. If we now assume, in accordance with principles already advocated, that the dynamical equations applicable to com- posite motions in which transverse action is neutralized, are the same as those applicable to simple motions, excepting that a' 2 holds the place of a 2 , we shall have a^dp (du\ _ a' 2 dp fdv\ _ a' 2 dp fdw\ _ pdx + (dt) 7^T + (df) ~ ' ~pdz~ + \dt) ~ provided these equations be applied only to the fluid con- tiguous to the sphere. Consequently, with that restriction, the equations to be employed for the second approximation are of exactly the same form as (24) and (25) in page 226 ; and when adapted to the case of motion symmetrical about an axis, and transformed from rectangular co-ordinates to the polar co-ordinates r and 6, the centre of the sphere being origin, they are changed to the following : d\r4> l/f.rj, . "~d" * a )~ d*dt~ a"dt d d + ^ sin 3(9 + ^ sin 46> > JKj, B z , R^ RI being known functions of r and t. This ex- pression for the small terms being substituted in the differen- tial equation, an exact integral of it may be obtained by supposing that P= ^ sin 6 + >Jr 2 sin 20 4 ^ 3 sin 30 + fa sin 0. In fact, on substituting this value of P the following dif- ferential equations result for determining T^, ^ 2 , -\Jr 3 , ->^ 4 : dr* _ 1 _ 3 _ , " a " a " "* * ' * rfr" r a r 2 " 2> ofr 2 r 2 I have ascertained that these four equations admit of being exactly integrated*. It is, however, to be observed that the * The integrations may be effected by means of multipliers, as is shewn by Euler in his Cafe. Integ. Tom. n., Art. 1226. See Peacock's Examples, p. 411. 444 THE MATHEMATICAL PRINCIPLES OF PHYSICS. expression for P will be required for no other purpose than to calculate I j- sin cos 6 dO, and since - = - \ -j- dO, it J n dt dt r j dt follows that the terms containing sin 20 and sin 40 disappear by the integrations, and we have only to determine the values of ^ and ijr 3 . By means of the first approximation to W we get R, = - m'Hrfr* (l + J) sin Q-?*. Hence taking account, at first, only of terms involving the first power of in, we have to integrate If jR 1 ' be put for the right-hand side of the equation, the integral is which in its complete form contains two arbitrary functions of the time. It is, however, unnecessary to introduce these, as they may be considered to be included in the first ap- proximation ; so that the integration gives Thus to terms containing the first power ofm, According to the rules of approximation, new values of 1 [dP 7 these terms, since -^ = - I -^- dv, give rise in the value of -~ to terms which, when b is put for r, contain the factor (fb 3 , and may, therefore, in the present problem be omitted. Hence with sufficient approximation, putting b for r, we have and consequently for our purpose Now since to terms of the second order 446 THE MATHEMATICAL PRINCIPLES OF PHYSICS. we have next to calculate - (a'V - W 2 ) by employing the first approximations to or and W, after substituting in them b for r. We shall thus have, putting Ffor aV , J _.- re,,,)' 1 /3#F . 5tf& 2 I a'V sin 6 cos 6 d6, is equal to cos( > -7- J ) dt terms which would disappear by the integration being omitted. Hence, the mass of the sphere being -^- , the accelerative o action of the fluid will be found to be &ff d v r ir ( /a ^\ i 7 d v r fir ( /a ^r I+ TO + I ^U If we suppose the unknown constant H 1 to include as a factor q*b* Vd V \ + *r- , and neglect quantities of the order 2 2 which contain m' 2 , we must recur to the value of P to the first approximation, viz., and differentiate it with respect to r and as well as V, 29 450 THE MATHEMATICAL PRINCIPLES OP PHYSICS. sidering that these co-ordinates change with the time for a given position in space. It is readily seen that when r and vary with the time under that condition, we have dr ZHf rdO Hence putting the expression for P under the form dV Bf t (r) Fsin 6 + H,F 2 (r) 2 sin aft and taking account of the above differential coefficients, it will tPP be found that the terms of -Tr which contain m' 2 are If we represent these terms by JB/ sin 6 + EJ sin 26 + E^ sin 30, we may infer from the above reasoning that R t f and ^ 3 ' each contain the factor gV.. Substituting now in the last term of the equation (e) the values of U and W given by the first approxi- mation, the term in that of U containing the indefinitely small Z> 5 factor r 5 being omitted, the result, as in the case of the fixed sphere, will be of the form E" sin + j? 2 " sin 26 + ^ 8 " sin 3d + R^' sin 40, and, as in that case, jV is a factor of each of the coefficients RI and R 8 ". Hence retaining only those terms the conse- quences of which are not subsequently cancelled by integra- tion, we have THE THEORY OF HEAT. 451 From this result we might proceed to calculate by a second integration the terms of P containing m* that do not eventu- ally disappear by integration. But, just as in the previous case, these terms give rise in the final value of -^- to terms which, as containing the very small factor which was supposed to be transmitted instantaneously in the directions of the radii produced, and to be unaccompanied by condensation. The present more complete investigation has 462 THE MATHEMATICAL PRINCIPLES OF PHYSICS. shewn that the part of the velocity due to the reaction of the sphere, so far as it is the same as that for an incompressible fluid, varies inversely as the cube of the distance from the centre of the sphere, and, moreover, is not in the direction of a produced radius (see p. 284). The parts of such velocities resolved transversely to the directions of the radii may be supposed to be neutralized by the composition of undulations from different sources, so that there remain only resulting velocities in the directions of the radii varying inversely as the cube of the distance. But the action of the momentum of the fluid due to velocity of this kind, besides being extremely small, would only produce (since there is no propagation of accompanying condensation) aperiodic effect on the surround- ing atoms, and may, therefore, be left out of consideration. In the mathematical theory now proposed the repulsive force is wholly due to the condensation which, being generated by the reaction that takes place at the surface of the sphere, is thence propagated in the directions of the prolongations of the radii (the law of rectilinear transmission (p. "188) being here applicable), and varies with the propagation inversely as the square of the distance (p. 193), Hence at the distance r from the centre it may be expressed as - 3 cos ^> so ^ ar as it is due to a single series of incident waves. The conden- sation resulting from an unlimited number of series incident from all quarters may be represented by the expression , , 6 disappearing. Also the relation between the propagated condensation and the corresponding velocity, whether in the composite resultant, or in each component, is, to the second approximation, that given by the equation (28) in page 246. The theory of the repulsive force of heat having thus been sufficiently exhibited, it is now required to shew in what manner the repulsion is counteracted by a molecular attraction. For this purpose let us suppose that waves of THE THEORY OF MOLECULAR ATTRACTION. 463 condensation of the kind above considered are propagated from all the atoms of any visible or tangible substance that are contained within a spherical surface of radius r, and that the amount of the condensation is the same in all directions from each atom. Then the condensation resulting from the composition of the waves emitted from the atoms may be assumed to vary at any distance (E) from the centre of the spherical space, very large compared to r, as the number of atoms in the space, that is, as r 3 , directly, and as JR Z inversely, the mean interval between adjacent atoms being given. If we now take another space of larger radius r, and another position whose distance (R) from the centre is such that r r "# = ~W ' ^ e con densation a * * ne fi rs * point being to that at r 3 /3 the second as == to -^ > will also be as r to /, or as R to E. Hence, however small may be the condensation propagated from a single atom, the resulting condensation from an ag- gregation of atoms contained in a spherical space will be of sensible magnitude at distances from the centre of the space very large compared to its radius, provided the space be not less than a certain finite magnitude, and the atoms contained in it be not fewer than a certain finite number. It will now be assumed that this condition is always satisfied in liquid and solid bodies. Further, it may be argued that as the motion at the distance R is composed of vibratory motions, it must itself be vibratory. Hence, since the original small motions are unlimited in number, and may within certain limits have values of X and c of all gradations, it must be admitted that there are combinations of these quantities which make the resultant velocity and condensation zero for certain values of R at a given time, and maxima, positive or negative, for certain other values at the same time; for otherwise the resultant motion would not be vibratory. It is evident that the intervals between the points of zero and maximum values of the velocity and condensation must be 464 THE MATHEMATICAL PRINCIPLES OF PHYSICS. very much larger than the values of X for the original waves. Hence, the compound motion being still such as results from the laws of spontaneous vibrations, if we express, as is required by those laws, the vibratory character of the motion by the equations of the first order, rt V=a'S=2.m sin ' (B-a't + C), X X having gradations of value between certain limits, it must be supposed that all these values of X, as well as the value of w, which may be supposed to be common to all the waves of this class, are quantities of much greater magnitude than the analogous quantities for the original waves. In other respects the two classes of waves are exactly similar, both being equally independent of particular modes of disturb- ance. And it may reasonably be admitted that in their ac- tion upon the atoms of substances they produce contempo- raneously dissimilar and independent effects. This, in fact, would be the case, according to the reasoning in page 457, if, while the values of X for the first class are so small as to Jc k make the factor fc--r|-f r| positive, those for the second X X class are large enough to make it negative. Thus the theory, at the same time that it accounts for the repulsion of heat, shews how the very waves that have that effect, may by their combination subsequently assume a form proper for producing the controlling effect of attrac- tion. I call the latter molecular attraction because it exists only under the condition of the emanation of waves from the individuals of a mass of atoms. It is true that according to the same theory there might be produced composite waves having such larger values of X k k as would make the quantity \ * + A again become posi- X X tive. We have seen that the theory of the dispersion of light (p. 428) renders it probable that this is actually the THE THEORY OF MOLECULAR ATTRACTION. 465 case. Such waves may possibly account for certain effects of radiant heat, as distinguishable from internal caloric re- pulsion. May not the suspension of a drop of water close to a metal plate heated to a white heat be attributable to a repulsive action of this second class*, and is not the same force concerned in the enormous expansion under the sun's heat of the tails of some comets? The manner in which the repulsion of this order is controlled by another order of attraction will be hereafter considered in treating of the force of gravity. I proceed now to another important part of the theory, namely, that relating to the conditions under which bodies are solid, liquid, or aeriform. Considering that the values of \ for light are about the fifty thousandth part of an inch, and that from the fact cited in page 456 they must still be very large compared to the sphere of activity of the atomic and molecular forces, it will be seen that the dimensions of the molecules themselves from which the molecular attrac- tions proceed must be comparatively of extremely small dimensions. For the sake of precision of idea I supposed (p. 463) the form of the molecules to be spherical; but the argument would remain the same if it were supposed to be cubical, and in that case a molecule might be regarded as an elementary portion of the liquid or solid substance. Taking, then, the centre of each such element to be a centre of attrac- tive force, the effect of molecular attraction might be calcu- lated by the process usually applied to forces acting sensibly only at immeasurably small distances from their centres. The same process is evidently applicable to the atomic forces. It results also from the account the theory gives of the origi- nation of these forces and their limited spheres of activity, that 1 in the interior of any substance of uniform density, the atomic forces acting on any atom are equal in opposite di- rections, and that the same is the case with respect to the * Report of the British Association for 1845, Transactions of the Sections, p. 27. 30 466 THE MATHEMATICAL PKINCIPLES OP PHYSICS. molecular forces. But if the atom be situated at or very near the boundary of the substance, the circumstances of its equilibrium are no longer the same, and it becomes neces- sary to inquire particularly what in that case are the condi- tions under which the equilibrium is maintained. * Conceive, at first, the atom to occupy a position exactly at the boundary of the substance, and suppose the boundary through a small extent to be a plane. It is evident that the resulting attractive and repulsive forces will both act in di- rections perpendicular to the surface, the former towards the interior, and the other in the opposite direction, and that these forces will be equal. Now since caloric repulsion is in general a much more energetic force than the attraction of aggregation, that equality between the forces cannot sub- sist if the density of the substance be the same throughout. We must, therefore, suppose that there is a gradual diminu- tion of density from the interior to the boundary through a very small superficial stratum, till the repulsive action is so reduced by reason of the increment of the mean interval between adjacent atoms, that it becomes equal to the attrac- tive force. It is evident that equilibrium of the atom must result under these conditions, because the amount of repul- sive force is much more diminished by the superficial dimi- nution of density than that of the attractive force, on ac- count of the much larger sphere of activity of the latter. Selecting, now, an atom within the boundary situated at a very small distance from it, it is clear that the repulsive force urging the atom towards the boundary will be the dif- ference of two opposing repulsions, while the attractive force will be very nearly the same as before, being very little altered by the comparatively small difference between the positions of this atom and the former one. Hence in order that the difference of the repulsions may be so nearly equal to the total repulsion in the former case, there must be an increment of the density of the substance from the boundary towards the interior. This increment of density will go on THE THEORY OF MOLECULAR ATTRACTION. 467 to a depth below the surface equal quam proxime to the radius of the sphere of molecular attraction, where both the opposite attractions and the opposite repulsions neutralize each other. The gradation of density thus produced is ana- logous to the variation of the density of the earth's atmo- sphere caused by the earth's attraction*. This gradual increment of density in a very thin super- ficial stratum is a necessary condition both of the liquid and the solid state of a substance. The difference between the two states is partly accounted for by supposing the control- ling attraction to be feebler in the liquid than in the solid. But besides this, the mobility of a liquid appears to depend essentially on the circumstance that a disturbance of the superficial atoms does not call into play any atomic or mo- lecular force in directions parallel to the surface. When any substance, as water, passes from the liquid to the solid state, its atoms may be supposed to assume a crystalline arrange- ment, and probably it is a consequence of such arrangement that the atomic and molecular forces resist any disturbance given to a superficial atom, both in directions perpendicular to the surface, and also in any direction parallel to it. From the fact that water expands while its temperature is descend- ing towards that of ice, it would appear that coincident with the tendency of the atoms towards greater stability of position by a crystalline arrangement there is an increment of atomic repulsion of such amount that within certain limits it ex- ceeds the diminution due to the fall of temperature. In the case of aeriform bodies the waves of atomic re- pulsion do not, as in liquid and solid bodies, pass by compo- sition into those of molecular attraction, apparently because the mean interval between the atoms is so large that the value of X for the composite waves of the second order ex- k k ceeds the greatest value for which \ ~ z + ~ 4 is negative. A* A * I proposed a theory of superficial molecular action very similar to this, in an Article on " Capillary Attraction and the Molecular Forces of Fluids," contained in the Philosophical Magazine for February, 1836. 302 468 THE MATHEMATICAL PRINCIPLES OF PHYSICS. The atomic repulsion of such bodies is controlled by an extraneous force as gravity. The explanation that the theory gives of caloric repulsion readily accounts for the loss of heat which is said to occur when a body passes from the liquid, or solid, to the gaseous state. The loss is simply caused by the sudden reduction of the number of atoms in a given space, and the consequent diminution of the number of centres in that space at which the repulsive force is generated. As soon as the number of atoms becomes the same as before by the restoration of the gas to the liquid or solid state, the generation of atomic re- pulsion recommences, and heat becomes sensible. In this way the theory accounts for what is called latent heat. The loss of heat arising from the continual radiation of heat-waves from all bodies into space, is supplied, according to this theory, from the secondary waves generated by the reaction at the surfaces of the atoms. It is true that radia- tion from the sun, and in some degree also from the planets and stars, is the original source of heat-waves ; but the supply from this source is conserved and multiplied in the interior of bodies by the effect of atomic reaction. If the external supply of heat be increased, the atomic repulsion is increased also, and the body is thereby caused to expand, till by such expansion the repulsive force is so much dimi- nished on account of the augmentation of the mean atomic interval, as to be just counteracted by molecular attraction, or the force of gravity. And on the other hand, if the supply falls short, the body is caused to contract by the superiority of the attractive forces, till in consequence of the decrement of the mean interval between the atoms, the atomic repul- sions become adequate to counteract the attractions. It may here be remarked that according to these views there are no circumstances under which the forces of nature can act differentially on two neighbouring atoms to such a degree as to overcome their mutual repulsion, and that conse- quently the collision of atoms is an impossibility. THE THEORY OF MOLECULAR ATTRACTION. 469 The foregoing theory of atomic and molecular forces gives the means of investigating the relation between the pressure and the density of substances, as depending on the gaseous, liquid, or solid state. With respect to gaseous, or aeriform, bodies, we have only to take account of atomic repulsions, because, as already stated, the molecular attraction ema- nating from a mass of atoms of such bodies contained within a space not extremely large is of insensible magnitude. When a portion of a gas is in an enclosure, the boundaries of which are solid, an atom at the boundary, whether it be- long to the gas or the solid, is kept in equilibrium by the resultant of the atomic and molecular forces of the solid acting in the direction towards the gas, and that of the atomic repulsion of the gas in the opposite direction. In order that the former resultant may act towards the gas, it is necessary that the atomic repulsion should exceed the molecular attraction. But since the contrary would be the case if the gas had no effect, it follows that the atomic re- pulsion of the gas so far presses together the extreme super- ficial atoms of the solid (the density of which, as was shewn in page 466, is very small), that the atomic repulsion be- comes greater than the molecular attraction. Now this effect is precisely what is measured by the experimental means which determine the pressure of a fluid against a solid. And as action and reaction are equal, the pressure so measured must be in exact proportion to the resultant of the atomic repulsion of the gas. It may, in short, be called the mecha- nical equivalent of the caloric repulsion. Suppose now an additional quantity of the gas to be put into the same space so as to increase the density by Ap. Then assuming that on account of the rarity of the atoms, the emanation of waves from each atom, the temperature remaining the same, is not sensibly increased by this addition to the number of atoms in a given space, it will follow that the increment of resultant atomic repulsion is in the same proportion as the increment of density. But the former increment is measured by the 470 THE MATHEMATICAL PRINCIPLES OF PHYSICS. increment Ap of the pressure. Hence, ~k being a certain constant, Ap = &Ap ; and by integration p = Jcp + c. The same result may be obtained by the following con- siderations applied to the earth's atmosphere as acted upon by terrestrial gravity. Conceive the atmosphere to be di- vided into strata by surfaces concentric with the earth's sur- face, and let the density throughout any stratum be uniform, and equal to the mean of the actual densities in that stratum. Then if we suppose the thickness of each stratum to be a quantity As greater than the radius of the sphere of activity of the atomic repulsions acting on a given atom, this thick- ness will still be so small that the difference of the densities of two contiguous strata may be treated as an infinitesimal quantity. Now let F represent the mean repulsive action upwards at the upper surface of a given stratum, and F' that at the upper surface of the next higher stratum. Also, as- suming that the two strata have the same temperature, let us suppose, in order to fulfil this condition, that the emanation of waves from individual atoms is to the same amount in both. Hence F and F' will differ from each other only on account of difference in the quantity of the atoms in a given space, and will be proportional to the respective quantities, that is, to the densities of the strata ; so that, p and p being the densities, we may suppose that F= Gp, and F' = Gp'. Since Az is equal to the interval between the middle points of the successive strata, it follows that p' = p+-^Az, and cLz that FF' = G-f-kz. Now since the forces F counter - dz act the effect of gravity acting on the superincumbent column of air, their mechanical equivalent must be the weight of the column as measured by the pressure at the upper surface of the stratum. Hence if p be this pressure, and p' the pres- sure at the upper surface of the next superior stratum, F F' will vary as p-p t r ~~ ~ ^ z - Consequently, k being a THE THEORY OF MOLECULAR ATTRACTION. 471 certain constant, -j- kz = Jc -~ As. Hence, if the temperature be given, whatever function p or p may be of z we shall have dp = kdp, and by integration p = kp + c. It is to be observed that in obtaining this law for the relation between the pressure and density of a gas, it was assumed that the emanation of waves from a given atom which might be called its proper caloric is not dependent on the number of surrounding atoms of the gas in a given space, but is due exclusively to the incidence on the atom of waves coming from extraneous sources. The waves pro- ducing this effect are of the class to which, as explained in page 465, radiant heat is attributable. A thermometer placed within the receiver of an air-pump will indicate, after a portion of the air has been extracted and the equilibrium of heat is restored, the same temperature as before ; and this will be the case however far the exhaustion be carried. There is, therefore, what may be called a temperature of position, depending upon the radiation of heat from all bodies sur- rounding the position within large distances. The waves of this radiant heat comport themselves very nearly in the same manner as waves of light (which, in fact, may be classed among them), being similarly reflected and refracted, and passing freely through certain substances whilst by others they are stopped and absorbed. In the case of the substances that are diathermous, these waves produce little or no effect on the amount of the proper caloric of the atoms; but in other substances they are converted in greater or less degree, by transmutation of the vibrations, into waves of the order proper for atomic repulsion. This conversion may possibly be only a resolution of the waves into their components, which, according to the theory in page 463, mainly consist of waves of that order. But it is evident that among the radiations from sur- rounding substances which in this manner contribute to pro- duce the temperature of the position, those proceeding from 472 THE MATHEMATICAL PRINCIPLES OF PHYSICS. the gas itself ought to be taken into account, and that their effect will be greater as the density of the gas is greater. Thus the factor k in the foregoing formula is not wholly independent of density. If, for instance, we take a position in the higher regions of the atmosphere, the proper caloric of an atom, since it must depend very largely on the radia- tions from the surrounding fluid, will, on account of the diminished density, be considerably less than that in the lower regions, and the temperature of the position and value of Jc will consequently be less also. It has been found ex- perimentally that the relation between pressure and density, inclusive of the effect of variation of temperature, is expressed, at least very approximately, by the formula p = kp + c, if Jc = K (1 -f oc0), being the number of degrees of tempera- ture above that for which k K, and oLZTthe increment of k for every 1 increment of temperature. Since, according to the theory, if the density be given, the pressure varies as the proper caloric of the atoms, or the atomic repulsion, it follows from the above expression for Jc that the increments of proper caloric are in the same proportion as the increments of temperature. Also, since it results from the theory that in large gaseous masses, such as the earth's atmosphere, the pressure varies, cceteris paribus, not simply as the density, but in a somewhat higher ratio, the relation between pressure and density might be approximately expressed in such cases by the formula p = K'p l+m + c, m being a small fraction, and the factor K' varying with any changes of temperature that may occur from other causes than that of change of density. When the quantity of air in an enclosed space is suddenly added to, sensible heat is produced by the sudden increase of the number of atoms in the space, and the consequent increase of the number of centres of the secondary waves of atomic repulsion, these waves forming by their subsequent combina- tion (see p. 465) waves of the order of those of radiant heat, by which, as was argued above, the temperature of a given position is determined. In the present instance the effect is THE THEORY OF MOLECULAR ATTRACTION. 473 augmented by the circumstance that the additional waves of that order cannot at once escape from the enclosure, being par- tially reflected by its solid boundaries, so as to be made to tra- verse the space probably a very large number of times. The increment of the temperature of the space produced by this means is dissipated in a very short time after the exciting cause ceases to act, and thus the equilibrium of the atoms situated at the boundaries is quickly restored. In like manner, if the quantity of the air in the space be suddenly diminished, there will be a sudden decrease of the number of centres of secon- dary waves, and a consequent abstraction of some portion of the larger composite waves by which the temperature of the space is maintained. As these abstracted waves contributed towards the temperature of the position by repeated reflections in the manner just described, it follows, as in the former case, that the amount of the depression of temperature is increased by the circumstance that the extent of the fluid is limited by solid boundaries. It would seem, therefore, that changes of temperature consequent upon sudden condensations and rare- factions might be much more sensible in closed spaces than in unenclosed, and that from the changes in the former those that take place in the latter cannot be legitimately inferred. When, for instance, waves of sound are propagated in the lower regions of the atmosphere, where the temperature of the position depends much more on the radiations from the earth than on those from the atmosphere, it does not seem possible that the changes of density which accompany the aerial vibrations can sensibly affect the amount of the caloric of individual atoms, inasmuch as these condensations arid rarefactions are very small compared to the total density, and, as appears from the argument by which the equation p kp-\-c was obtained (p. 469), the total density itself de- termines only to a small amount the proper caloric of the atoms. Supposing, therefore, that caloric to be sensibly the same at different points of the aerial waves, the temperature will also be the same at different points, and there will be no 474 THE MATHEMATICAL PRINCIPLES OF PHYSICS. appreciable increase of the rate of propagation such as would result if, as has been supposed, momentary changes of tem- perature were produced at all points of the waves in exact proportion to the changes of density. (See p. 225). The above conclusion from the antecedent theory of heat receives confirmation from the comparison of the rate of propagation in an elastic fluid, as mathematically determined, with the observed velocity of sound. (See pages 224 and 317). The relation between the pressure, density, and temperature of the air being expressed generally by the equation the mathematical reasoning gives for the rate of propagation > K being a numerical factor, the value of which is obtained on purely hydro dynamical principles by the reasoning concluded in page 224. Since this rate is found to differ very little from the velocity of sound as determined by observation (exceeding it by a few feet possibly because the fluid was supposed in the theory to be perfect), we may infer that the effect of temperature is fully taken into account by the factor 1 -f a0, which depends exclusively on the tem- perature of the position, and that, as the above theory in- dicates, no effect is attributable to momentary changes of the temperature of the fluid due to the changes of density. It is now required to investigate the relation between the pressure and density in liquid, and solid substances. In the first place, I remark that the difference between a liquid and a solid depends, according to the foregoing theory, mainly on the mode of action of the atomic and molecular forces by which the atoms at and very near the boundaries of the substance are held in equilibrium. In liquids, as already said (p. 467), there appears to be no action in directions parallel to the boundary, and the resultant molecular attrac- tion in the perpendicular directions is comparatively feeble. In solids, on the contrary, the superficial atomic and mole- cular forces act so as to resist both extension and compression THE THEORY OF MOLECULAR ATTRACTION. 475 in directions perpendicular to the surfaces, and at the same time are opposed to any separation of parts in the transverse directions. The latter resistance, which most probably de- pends on crystalline arrangement of the atoms, is overcome by cutting or breaking the substance, but immediately re- sumes its sway in the new surfaces which these operations produce. It has already been explained (p. 465) that in the interior of bodies, both liquid and solid, so long as there is no gradation of density, the opposite atomic repulsions acting on a giving atom, as well as the opposite molecular attractions, are equal to each other, so that as far as regards the equilibrium of an internal atom, there is no difference between a liquid and a solid. In the solid bodies, however, that are crystalline, the arrangement of the atoms may have the effect of making the forces differ in magnitude in different directions, at the same time that the opposite forces, both atomic and molecular, neutralize each other. Both solids and fluids offer great resistance to being com- pressed within a smaller space. This resistance is due to the repulsions of the superficial atoms, and to the sudden in- crement of repulsive force which any compression of these atoms brings into action. It is a matter of experience that after a solid substance has been separated into parts, in general the parts strongly resist being joined together so as to form the same continuous mass as before. This fact is theoretically accounted for by the consideration that the gradation of density which exists at the boundaries of the parts must be destroyed before the separated portions can be perfectly united. It is^ however, conceivable that the mechanical compression of fragments, whether or not they have the same relative positions as before the fractures, may, by acting in aid of the molecular at- tractions, suffice to get rid entirely of the gradations of density, and thus effect a perfect union. In fact, the experi- ments of Professors Tyndall and Huxley detailed in the Transactions of the Eoyal Society (Vol. cxlvii., pp. 329331), 476 THE MATHEMATICAL PRINCIPLES OF PHYSICS. are an actual instance of the production of this effect by crushing together fragments of ice*. The foregoing theory of the conditions of fluidity and solidity accounts for a fact relating to the Figure of the Earth which does not seem to admit of any other explanation. What is the reason that being apparently solid, the earth takes the form which allows of its being covered to a great extent, and to a comparatively small depth, with fluid the spheroidal surface of which has the same axes and ellipticity as the mean spheroidal surface of the solid part? The answer which the theory gives to this question is, that the mass of the earth, taken as a whole, must be regarded as fluid, and that the rigidity of the superficial crust, while it has the effect of maintaining local elevations and depressions, has no sensible influence on the general figure. By the effect of internal pressure, the distinction between solid and fluid parts would be caused to disappear probably at no very great depth below the surface ; for the vast amount of the pressure of the superincumbent mass at considerable depths would crush out, as in the experiment just referred to, the gradation of density which is a necessary condition of the distinction of parts, and thus all difference between contiguous portions in respect to fluidity and solidity would be obliterated. According to these views if the crust of the earth be a rigid envelope surrounding a fluid nucleus, its thickness must be considerably within the depth at which the distinction be- tween liquid and solid parts ceases. Or, if this be not the case, the crust merges gradually into a plastic interior, from which the same form of the earth results as from a fluid nucleus. The same theory of atomic and molecular forces, considered with reference to terrestrial gravity, leads to the inference that there must be limits to the heights and acclivities of mountains, and to the depths of ocean-basins, depending on * Like considerations might be brought to bear on the theory of the motion of glaciers. I have briefly adverted to this question in the Philosophical Magazine for February, 1860, page 90. , THE THEORY OF MOLECULAR ATTRACTION. 477 the energy of the superficial molecular attraction. The divi- sion of large masses into parts by faults and fissures, by increasing the quantity of containing surfaces, appears to render a greater amount of superficial irregularity possible. If these irregularities and the effect of centrifugal force be disregarded, large bodies, like the sun and planets, would necessarily, according to this theory, take the form of a sphere. The form of a very thin plate, like that of Saturn's Rings, would also be compatible with the theory; but it does not appear that any form very unlike these could be maintained by the molecular forces. The preceding considerations relative to the condition of the interior of the earth have been gone into on account of their bearing on the question of the relation between pressure and density in liquid and solid bodies. It is only in masses of large magnitude that the pressures and densities are suffi- ciently different at different parts to serve for verifying a theo- retical determination of the law of their mutual relation. For this reason reference is made to the earth's mass in the subse- quent investigation, and considerations are employed analo- gous to those which were applied to the atmosphere in obtain- ing the relation of pressure to density in gaseous bodies. The earth being supposed, under the conditions mentioned above, to be spherical, and its density to be a function of the distance from the centre, let us conceive it to be divided into concentric strata of uniform and mean density, the densities of successive strata varying gradatim, and let the thickness of each be greater than the radius of the sphere of sensible activity of the atomic and molecular forces. Then the upward resultant actions F and F' of these forces at the upper surfaces of two contiguous strata will vary not only as the number of atoms in a given space, that is, as the densities of the respective strata, but also as the proper caloric of each atom. In the case of a gas the latter quantity was considered to be de- rived from extraneous sources, and to be very nearly inde- pendent of the emanations of caloric from the atoms of the 478 THE MATHEMATICAL PRINCIPLES OF PHYSICS. gas. But in a liquid or solid mass such as the earth, this can no longer be the case, the proper caloric of each atom depend- ing almost exclusively on the emanation of waves from the surrounding atoms. In proof of this law it suffices to state that if the supply of caloric to the earth from extraneous sources were entirely cut off, the heat of the interior would for ages remain very nearly the same, dissipating very gradu- ally into external space. Hence it may be supposed that the proper caloric of each atom, which in this case is the excess of repulsive above attractive emanations, depends wholly on the waves emanating from the surrounding atoms, and is cceteris paribus proportional to the number of the atoms in a given space, or to the density of the medium at the position of the given atom. Consequently if p and p be the densities at the middle points of the two strata, we may suppose that F= Gp x p, and F' = Gp x p'. Hence since, if As be the common thickness of the strata + ~ , ,, it follows that dz As. But if p and p be the pressures where the upward result- ants of the atomic and molecular forces are F and F', they will be the mechanical equivalents of these forces. Hence F-F' will vary as p - p', or - As. Consequently A., .,;,; Ic being a certain unknown constant; and by integration p = Jcp 2 + c . It should be observed that according to this investigation the proper caloric of the atoms increases with the depth below the earth's surface in the same proportion as the density in- creases, and that, consequently, the above relation between p THE THEORY OF MOLECULAR ATTRACTION. 479 and p includes the effect of the internal temperature of the earth, it being assumed that such temperature is the exact measure of the proper caloric of the atoms. Let the relation between p and p obtained by this theory be expressed relatively to the earth by the equation p = fc (p 2 S z )j S being the mean density of the substances at the earth's surface, a limit to which density is imposed by the action, proper to each substance, of the superficial atomic and molecular forces. (See p. 467). The constant &, as is shewn above, takes account of the effect of temperature, and there- fore has the same value for the whole interior mass, supposing it to consist of homogeneous material throughout. If, now, the density p at any distance r from the centre be < (r), the attraction (A) at a given distance R will be ~ taken from r to r = E. This integral being expressed as i|r (E) -\IT (0), if M be the Earth's mass, c its radius, and g the usual measure of gravity at the surface, and if the attrac- tion be referred to the same unit of measure as g, we shall have Hence since dp = 2kpdp = Ap dB, and d . t|r (R) = it will be readily found by differentiating, that if q 2 be sub- stituted for -- The integral of this equation gives the law qrp = D sin qr, D being the density at the centre. After calculating the mass of the earth by means of this relation between p and r, and putting A for the mean density, it is found that A 3 480 THE MATHEMATICAL PRINCIPLES OF PHYSICS. The numerical value of ihe right-hand side of this equa- tion has been ascertained by calculations in the theory of the Figure of the Earth which rest on the hypothesis that the relation between the internal pressure and density is that which has resulted from the foregoing d priori inves- tigation. The observed values of the Earth's ellipticity, and of Precession and Nutation, are found to be very approxi- mately satisfied by the theory if qc = - ; whence it follows 6 that -K- = 2,4225*. Now if the value of 8 be assumed to be o that which Mr Airy has adopted in the calculation of the Earth's mean density from his experiments in the Harton collieryt, viz. 2,50, the resulting value of A is 6,056. The experimental determinations of the same quantity by Caven- dish, Reich, Baily, and Airy, are respectively 5,448, 5,444, 5,675, and 6,566, the mean being 5,783. The close approxi- mation of this to the theoretical value may, I think, be regarded as confirmatory of the principles of the theory of heat and molecular attraction from which the relation between the pressure and density was deduced. It being assumed that the equation p = k (p 2 S 2 ) gives the general relation between p and p in the Earth's mass, the ve- locity (V) of propagation in the material at the surface, where the mean density is S, will, by a known formula, be Hence, since Jc = -Jj^- = f , it follows that l/3 ~qc( By calculating with the foregoing values of qc and T , and o * See Pratt's Mechanical Philosophy, Art. 545 and 549. Also a paper on the Ellipticities of the Planets which I communicated to the Philosophical Magazine for September 1831 (p. 200). t Transactions of the Royal Society for 18G6, Vol. CXLVI. p. 342. THE THEORY OF MOLECULAR ATTRACTION. 481 taking # = 32,1908 feet, and c = 3596 miles, this velocity is found to be 11022 feet in a second, which is nearly the rate which experiments give for propagation of vibrations in cast- iron and brass. It may be remarked that this result depends essentially on the determination by theory of the relation be- tween^? and p. It has been assumed in the foregoing investigations that the setherial forces emanating from the ultimate atoms of bodies have a mechanical equivalent, that is, admit of being counteracted by forces measured by their action on masses. The following considerations are intended to elucidate and justify this assumption. Conceive a substance such as the atmosphere, or the nucleus of the earth, to be divided into very thin parallel strata, and let the density of each stratum be throughout the same, and equal to the actual density at its middle points, or the mean density. Then, taking an atom at the common boundary of two contiguous strata, let it be kept in equilibrium by the upward resultant (F) of the forces ema- nating from the atoms below the boundary, the downward resultant (F') of those emanating from the atoms above the same, and an extraneous force (6r) acting downwards perpen- dicularly to the boundary ; so that F F' = G. Further, let us assume that the thickness of any stratum is equal to, or not less than, the radius of the sphere of sensible activity of the atomic and molecular forces which act on an atom either at the upper or the lower boundary. From a previous argu- ment (p. 470), it appears that such thickness may be treated as an indefinitely small quantity relatively to the dimensions of the earth or its atmosphere. Also, z being the distance of any boundary from a fixed concentric surface, it will be assumed that F= (z} -\ ' J As. dF Hence F F' = Gf = -j- As ; ,, , dF Gpdz dp so that j- p Az = -^ = j dz dz dz Hence the law of equivalence between the resultants F of the forces of heat and molecular attraction, and the mechanical pressure p, (the existence of which law has been proved by experiments) requires that /oAz should be a constant quantity. This condition seems to indicate that the forces F must have, as well as p, relation to a unit of mass, and that one unit has to the other a fixed ratio. Since As, if it exceeds the before mentioned limit, is in other respects arbitrary, it may be presumed that the required condition can always be fulfilled, and that each substance will have a characteristic value of this constant. Let, therefore , p Az = K. Then by integra- tion, K(FF }=p, it being supposed that F Q is the value of F due to the action of the atomic and molecular forces at the boundaries of the substance, and that p is due exclusively to the action of extraneous moving forces, such as weights, blows, &c. \ I propose to conclude this department of physics with some considerations respecting the different degrees of elas- ticity of different gases. Taking, first, the case of a simple gas, it is known from experiment that if there be a certain quantity Q in an enclosed space of given temperature, and the pressure be P, when an additional quantity q is intro- duced into the same space, the pressure becomes P + . Also -j would be the pressure if the space were occupied THE THEORY OP MOLECULAR ATTRACTION. 483 solely by the quantity q. It appears, therefore, that a given quantity of gas enclosed in a given space produces the same pressure, the temperature being given, whether or not other gas of the same kind be enclosed in the same space. Expe- rience also shews that if gases of different kinds occupy the same space, each produces the same pressure as if the others were not present, provided they do not act chemically on each other. The explanation which the present theory gives of these facts is such as follows. The temperature of the posi- tion being given, the quantity of the repulsion-waves ema- nating from an atom of a particular sort is given. Hence the resulting action, on any one atom, of the repulsions from the atoms of that sort, will be proportional to the number in a given space, or to the density of such atoms, it having been proved that each set of emanating waves produces independent translatory effects. Now by what is shewn in the preceding paragraph there is a certain amount of pressure which is the mechanical equivalent of these atomic repulsions, which, there- fore, will always be the same for the same number of atoms of the same sort in a given space if the temperature be given. There will, however, be a certain limitation to this law, be- cause when a given number of atoms are pressed very closely together the relation between the pressure and the density becomes modified, approximating to that for a liquid, or a solid. It has been ascertained by experiment that the pres- sure of air varies proportionally to the density without per- ceptible change of the law up to the pressure of 36 atmo- spheres. The quantity of the waves emanating from a given atom will depend, the temperature of the position being given, on its magnitude, and will therefore not be the same for different simple gases, which in this theory can be supposed to differ only in respect to the magnitudes of the atoms. According to the mathematical reasoning the condensation of the second- ary waves at the surface of an atom of radius r varies as 312 484 THE MATHEMATICAL PRINCIPLES OF PHYSICS. r x 2 . . Therefore at a given distance R from the centre A 7* "77? of the atom the condensation will vary as -^ x 2 . . Hence if two equal enclosed spaces of the same temperature contain the same number of atoms of simple gases, and the radius of the atoms in one be r and that of the atoms in the other r', the resulting atomic repulsions, and consequently the pres- sures, will be in the ratio of r 3 to r' 3 . This is also the ratio of the quantities of matter, or weights, of the gases in the two spaces. If, therefore, the weights are so adjusted as to be the same, the pressures will also be the same, and we shall thus arrive at the conclusion that the pressures of equal weights of two gases contained in equal spaces are equal. Thus all gases, although differing as to the magnitudes of the atoms, would have the same elasticity. But this, as we know, is not a law of nature, and it is, therefore, necessary to enquire what other circumstances there are which may deter- mine differences of elasticity. To this enquiry I reply, in the first place, that besides taking account of the waves emanating from the atoms, we must also consider what their action will be on a particular atom, and how it may be affected by the magnitude of the atom. The complete answer to the question requires, there- fore, an exact determination of the form and composition of the function which has been called H^. In page 457 this Jc k quantity was assumed to be equal to \ ~ + -f , and reasons A* A, were added for supposing this to be its proper form. By recurring to the series for 1 / in page 370, it will be seen, since H^ applies only to points at the surface of the atom, that the only line involved in its expression besides X is the radius (c) of the atom. Consequently, as H v is of no dimen- sions relatively to space, it may be put under the form THE THEORY OF MOLECULAR ATTRACTION. 485 Hence it may be inferred that the repulsive action of the waves on any atom depends on the magnitude c of its radius, and accordingly that the elasticities of equal weights of dif- ferent gases in the same space differ in consequence of the dif- ferent magnitudes of the component atoms. Since 8^ = - -^ (&,' -^- ) , H v is greater, and by con- A. \ A / sequence the elasticity of a simple gas is greater, as the mag- 2k 'c 2 nitude of the atoms is less, if & 2 ' exceed A- , which most A, probably will generally be the case. This theory seems to indicate that the forces which pro- duce chemical combination and analysis, depend for the most part on differences in the atomic and molecular forces as to intensity and effect, due to differences in the magnitudes of the atoms of the substances concerned. The facts and laws relating to crystals, as pointing to definite arrangements of the ultimate constituents of sub- stances, may, I think, be regarded as being consistent with the atomic hypothesis of this theory. I should refer the forms of crystals and the existence of planes of cleavage, first, to particular arrangements of the atoms, and then to the maintenance of the atoms in equilibrium, in the positions suitable to such arrangements, by the action of the atomic and molecular forces; these forces differing in amount in consequence of the different magnitudes of the atoms, and having also different resultants in different directions on ac- count of the arrangement of the atoms. Having thus very briefly touched upon the connection of the proposed theory of heat and molecular attraction with chemical and crystallographical facts, I forbear to pursue the subject farther, because there are various questions relating to the laws that govern the action of the sether within sub- stances, which require to be mathematically settled before this extensive field of research can be securely entered upon*. * I have given a " Theory of Molecular Forces" in thQ^Philosophical Magazine 486 THE MATHEMATICAL PRINCIPLES OF PHYSICS. The Theory of the Force of Gravity. There are the same reasons for theoretical investigations respecting the quality and laws of gravity, as for theories of light and heat, all three being physical agencies known to us by their effects, and alike capable of transmission from distant bodies; and so far as evidence has been given that light and heat are transmitted by an intervening medium, a presumption is established that gravity is transmitted by the same medium. In short, the general theory of physical force which I have thus far advocated, would have no foun- dation to rest upon if in the nature of things it were inappli- cable to the force of gravity. (See the preliminary discus- sion in pages 356 362.) It is, therefore, essential to the general argument to prove that it applies to this as to other forces. With this view I proceed at once to refer the action of gravity to the motion and pressure of the getherial medium, employing for the purpose results obtained by the previous solutions of hydrodynamical problems. The extension given in the course of this work to the mathematical reasoning appropriate to this question, will give the means of discussing it more accurately and completely than I did in my first attempt contained in the Philosophical Magazine for Decem- ber 1859. Before, however, entering upon this investigation I pro- pose to advert to a step of the mathematical reasoning which without farther explanation might seem to have been taken arbitrarily. I refer to the circumstance that instead of the equation (35) in page 260, which from the mode of its derivaT tion might be thought to be generally applicable to motion symmetrical about an axis, I have employed for the case of for February 1860, which differs from that now produced chiefly in what relates to the details of the mathematical reasoning. The conclusion towards the end of the Article, that " the elasticity of a simple gas is greater the smaller the atoms," depends on assuming that condensation propagated from a centre varies inversely as the distance from the centre, instead of which law I have here adopted (for the reasons stated in pages 199 and 253) that of the inverse square. THE THEORY OF THE FORCE OF GRAVITY. 487 the incidence of waves on a sphere, whether fixed or move- able, the equation (36) in page 279, obtained from the other by differentiating with respect to 0. And similarly in the solutions of the same problems to terms of the second order, I use the equation (e) in page 443, derived, by differentiating with respect to 0, from an equation (at the bottom of page 442) which might be supposed to be of general application. The reason that was assigned for this step is, that the equa- tions (36) and (e) give the means of satisfying certain con- ditions which do not admit of being satisfied by the other equations. But this is a reason a posteriori, and if it be valid, we ought to be able to give an antecedent reason for these differentiations with respect to 0. This, I conceive, may be done as follows. Taking account, at first, only of terms of the first order, we have, from the equations at the bottom of page 442, . ._ W t0 ) a'W~ If now it be required to form the equation of which the un- known function W is the principal variable, it is only neces- sary to differentiate the first of these equations with respect /i TXT i 11 i d.rd> d.r*W to 6. We shall thus get, since ^f > au do which equation is identical with (e) in page 443 deprived of its last term, P being equal to r*W. Now since the inte- gration of this equation determines generally the function that W is of r t 0, and , the equation is one that is necessary for the general solution of problems in which the motion is symmetrical about an axis, and consequently the differentiation with respect to by which it was obtained was a necessary operation. 488 THE MATHEMATICAL PRINCIPLES OF PHYSICS. The same argument holds good, in the cases of disturb- ances of the fluid by a fixed or moving sphere, when terms of the second order are included, provided the equations be applied only to the parts of the fluid contiguous to the sphere. For under this restriction U' 2 in the last term of (e) may be omitted, because when the sphere is fixed, 17=0 and -y- =0, d 2 . U 2 so that ' 7 vanishes, and when the sphere has a small auat vibratory movement, the same quantity is of the third order. Thus the equation contains only the variables W, r, 6, and t, the principal variable being W. The equation of which a is the principal variable is formed by differentiating the first of the foregoing equations with respect to t, and substituting for from the third. These operations give d*. a-r 1 fd z . or . d . The arbitrary function in the last term may be got rid of in two ways. First, by differentiating with respect to 6, whereby an equation is produced in which if for ' its d.r*W equivalent -- '-^-^ be substituted, the result is the same as a at that obtained by differentiating the above equation (77) with respect to t. Hence by integrating this differentiated equa- tion, the final result is identical with the equation (rf), no arbitrary function of r and 6 being required to be added, because by hypothesis no part of W is independent of t. Again, the arbitrary function in the above equation is eliminated by substituting a + / for , and that the distances of A and B from a fixed plane at right angles to the direction of the straight line joining them are z and z -f Ag, we shall have Ap k A# . AD r 1 = - T-TF; - TTT -j = # T~' ver y nearly, p Az 1 + A; (Z> - 2? ) Az As because, "by hypothesis, k (D Z> ) is an extremely small fraction. But -- jr- may be considered to be a mean accelerative pA0 force urging the fluid in the positive direction of z, that is, the direction in which the density of the body increases. Hence since that force is shewn above to be equal to ha* -r , which, on the supposition that the density increases uniformly, is a positive constant, it follows that throughout the space in which this variation of the density of the body operates, the fluid is urged at each point in the direction of the increase of density by a constant force due to the variation of its own density. Consequently a secondary steady stream is generated in that direction, which remains steady as long as the original stream is uniform. If we conceive to be impressed on the asther and the atoms of the body motions equal and opposite to that of the original stream, the aether will be reduced to rest, and the body will move through it with a uniform velocity. We have already concluded (Note, p. 500) that under these circumstances there is no permanent transfer of any of the fluid in the direction of the motion of the body, as much flowing backwards as its atoms displace. Hence it appears, since the impressed motion produces no change of relative motion, that the same THE THEORY OF ELECTRIC FORCE. 547 secondary steady stream is generated as before, and in the same direction relative to the moving body. A necessary condition of this effect is that the motion of the body be uniform. But clearly the result would be the same if instead of moving in a rectilinear course it revolved uniformly in a circle of large radius compared to its linear dimensions. Also if the motion, although variable, be com- posed of uniform motions, as, for instance, when it consists of simultaneous uniform motions in a straight line and a circle, the steady secondary motion will still be produced, because, as is shewn in pages 242 and 243, steady motions due to independent causes may coexist*. Hence in the above instance the resulting secondary stream is the sum of the streams which the rectilinear and the curvilinear motions would gene- rate separately, the previous reasoning having shewn that a secondary stream is generated by forces which are independent of the angle made by the direction of their action with that of the original stream, being determined both as to amount and direction solely by the gradation of density of the moving body. The foregoing results are immediately applicable to the case of an electrified body, -supposing the variation of internal density to be that which, according to the theory, always accompanies induced electricity, and the secondary streams to be produced by the stream which relatively passes through the earth in consequence of its motion about the sun. To the effect of this stream may be added, as the foregoing reasoning shews, the comparatively small effect of that due to the rotation of the earth about its axis, as well as the effect of the relative stream passing through the earth in consequence of the motion of the solar system in space, which, for a very long * This law is proved generally by shewing, as may readily be done, that in any du dv dw case of the steady motion of a compressible fluid -v- + -3- + -7- = 0, if terms of the third and higher orders be omitted. In the proof cited above, the reasoning 5 restricted to the case in which ittix + vdy + wdz is an exact differential. 352 548 THE MATHEMATICAL PRINCIPLES OF PHYSICS. period, may be regarded as uniform and rectilinear (see p. 505). Accordingly, each of these three motions being supposed to generate a secondary stream by the agency of the gradation of density in the inductively electrified body, the resulting stream is the sum of the separate streams, and is sensibly constant, because the sum of the three motions is very nearly constant, it being evident that the secondary streams will cceteris paribus be proportional to the primary streams. This result agrees with the observed general constancy of electrical translatory action under the same conditions at different epochs. The explanation I propose to give of electrical attractions and repulsions depends essentially on this generation of secondary steady streams, the preceding theory of which is a strict deduction from antecedent principles without involving any new hypothesis, and the reality of which will be subsequently confirmed by its being applied in accounting for phenomena of Galvanic Force and Magnetic Force. It remains to shew in what particular manner the attractions and repulsions result from the action of the secondary streams. For the sake of distinctness suppose the two electrified bodies to be spheres, and one to be originally electrified either positively or negatively, and the other to be electrified by its influence. Then the electricity of the former is partly primary and partly inductive, and that of the latter wholly inductive. The primary electricity of the first sphere will, as we have seen (p. 516), be accompanied by a gradual variation of the density from the centre to the surface equally in all directions from the centre. This gradation of density gives rise to no streams, because opposite pyramidal portions of the sphere having their vertices at its centre will produce equal and opposite effects. But the induced electricity of each sphere will be accompanied by a gradual variation of density from plane to plane perpendicular to the straight line joining their centres, because the resultants of their second-order molecular forces act in this line. (See pp. 509 511). Also since the adjacent parts of the two spheres are oppositely electrified the THE THEORY OF ELECTRIC FORCE. 549 increase of density will be in the same direction for one as for the other. These variations of density will generate in the interiors of the spheres secondary streams, whose mean direction is opposite to the direction of the increase of density. Now without attempting to calculate the velocity at any point resulting from the secondary streams, we may assert (1) that the total motion will be symmetrical about the line joining the centres of the spheres ; (2) that the velocity due to the action of each sphere will be less on any given radius prolonged the greater the distance from the centre, and on any spherical surface concentric with the sphere the points of its intersection with the axis of the motion will be points of maximum velocity ; (3) the velocities due to the actions of the two spheres coexist, since each of the two motions is steady. Also with respect to each motion it may be assumed that on every line of motion there is a distant point at which the velocity may be considered to be zero, and the density to be that of the fluid in its undisturbed state. Hence by the reasoning in pages 241 243, an equation such as (26) in page 241 applies to each motion, and an equation such as (27) in page 243 applies to the motion resulting from the compo- sition of the two motions : that is, if p represent the resultant density and V the resultant velocity, we have ' " *^ -Z2 / -y*\ p = p*e ** = Po (l - jjjjjj very nearly, p being the undisturbed density. This equation indicates that the density, and therefore the pressure, is greater as the composite velocity is less. It is next to be observed that for each sphere the lines of motion of the secondary streams will be symmetrical with respect to a plane through its centre perpendicular to the axis of the motion, and the velocities will be equal on the opposite sides of the plane at corresponding points of the lines. For while the variation of the interior density of the sphere acts as a constant force maintaining the steady motion, the fluid at 550 THE MATHEMATICAL PRINCIPLES OF PHYSICS. any distance from its centre on the side from which the motion proceeds is accelerated by variations of its own density due solely to its inertia, and the fluid on the other side is retarded by variations of its density equally due to its inertia. These two forces, being referable to the same cause, and alike related to the disturbing action, will be equal in amount at equal distances from the centre of the sphere, and will consequently produce the above-mentioned symmetrical motion. It hence follows, from the equation (26), that the density also, so far as it depends on this motion, will be the same at corresponding points on the opposite sides of the above-mentioned plane, increasing equally in both directions from that plane. But when the coexistence of the secondary streams of the two spheres is taken into account, if on the axis of the motion any two points be chosen equally distant from the centre of one of the spheres, the velocity at the point which is the nearer of the two to the other sphere will be more added to by the stream of the latter than the velocity at the more remote point, because the velocity of the stream is less the greater the distance from the centre of its originating sphere. Thus if the velocities at the two points due to the sphere between them have the same value V l , and those due to the other sphere be F 2 at the nearer point and V z r at the more remote, the composite velocity V l -f F 2 at the former point will be greater than the composite velocity V l + V^ at the other, because F 2 is greater than F 2 '; also if the densities corresponding to these composite velocities be p and p', we shall have , /, (p.+r.n , / (v t +v P-P'V "a? J' f'f^ 1 -& and consequently Since F 2 exceeds F 2 ', the right-hand side of the last equation is negative, so that p is less than p', or the density is greater at the remoter point than at the nearer. It may be remarked THE THEORY OF ELECTRIC FORCE. 551 that for a given distance between the points p p is a greater negative quantity as the excess V z F 2 ' and the sum F 2 -f F 3 ' are greater, and also as F z is greater, which quantity depends immediately on the amount of induced electricity of the second sphere. The general inference from the foregoing result is that the above-mentioned symmetrical increase of density on the opposite sides of the transverse planes through the centres of the spheres, is altered so that the increase becomes less rapid in spaces included within the planes than in the cor- responding spaces outside. This point being ascertained, we can now determine the dynamical action of the steady composite waves on the spheres. It is evident that their action on the individual atoms is the same as that which is treated of under Example viii. in page 313, and we may accordingly at once adopt the conclusion arrived at in page 315, namely, that the accelera- tive action on an atom has a constant ratio to the accelerative force of the fluid where the atom is situated. Hence it fol- lows that the atoms in the two nearer halves of the spheres, in which the increase of the density of the sether is less rapid than in the other two halves respectively, will be urged from each other in less degree than the atoms of the latter halves are urged towards each other. Upon the whole, therefore, the spheres will be attracted towards each other. As the reasoning has all along been equally applicable whether the electricity of the originally electrified sphere were positive or negative, we may conclude that in both cases the spheres attract each other. A fortiori there would be attraction if the two spheres were originally electrified with opposite electricities, because the addition of primary elec- tricity to the induced electricity of the second sphere would have the effect of increasing the inductive electricities of both. Let us now suppose that two spheres, both positively electrified, are brought within each other's influence. Then their repulsive second-order waves will cause the electricities 552 THE MATHEMATICAL PRINCIPLES OF PHYSICS. to be minima at the nearest points of their surfaces, and maxima at the most distant Since the tendency of these repulsions is to push the spheres farther apart, the interior variation of density from plane to plane perpendicular to the axis through the centres of the spheres, will in each sphere be an increase of density in the direction from the middle point between them. The secondary streams due to these varia- tions of density will consequently flow towards that point, and, therefore, in opposite directions. Also, as in the previous case, apart from the effect of their composition, these streams will be symmetrical as to velocity and density with respect to planes through the centres of the respective spheres perpen- dicular to the axis of the motion. This symmetry will be disturbed by the composition of the contrary motions in such manner that the increments of the velocity of the aether, and the consequent decrements of its density, in the directions towards those planes, will become more rapid in the adjacent hemispheres than in those more separated. The spheres will, therefore, on the whole be urged asunder, or the electric action will be repulsive. If the two spheres be negatively electrified, the second- order attractions will tend to draw them towards each other, their interior densities will increase in the directions towards the middle point between them, and therefore, as before, the secondary streams will flow in opposite directions. Hence by just the same reasoning as that above the electric action will be repulsive. The theory has thus shewn, in conformity with experience, that when two spheres, one electrified either positively or negatively, and the other either in a neutral state, or oppo- sitely electrified, are brought within each other's influence, they mutually attract; and that two spheres, both electrified either positively or negatively, mutually repel. If, however, the electricity of one of these spheres be small, its primary electricity may happen to be less effective than the electricity induced by the other, in which case there would be attraction. THE THEORY OF ELECTRIC FORCE. 553 Although the preceding reasoning is restricted to the mutual electric action of two spheres, it may serve to indicate the principles on which electric attractions and repulsions between bodies of other forms might be investigated. For instance, in the gold-leaf electroscope (Jamin, p. 410), the strips of gold-leaf diverge whether electrified positively or negatively, because their second-order waves, repulsive or attractive, produce gradations of interior density increasing in opposite directions, and, as consequences of these gradations, oppositely flowing secondary streams. The velocity in each stream is a maximum at the middle points of the originating strip, and has equal values at points equally distant from the two faces. Under these circumstances the gradations of den- sity due to the composition of the velocities may be shewn, as in the case of the two spheres, to exceed in the space between the strips those in the spaces outside; and conse- quently, since the former gradations tend to separate the strips and the latter to bring them together, upon the whole they will be made to diverge, and that too whether the elec- tricity be positive or negative. It might seem to be an ob- jection to this explanation that the gold-leaf is so thin that the interior variation of its density would be insufficient to generate the secondary streams. But relative to this point it is to be considered that the opposite superficial disturbances of the atoms at the opposite faces of a plate by the second- order waves, and by consequence the total variation of in- ternal density from face to face, are independent of the thick- ness of the plate ; so that the interior gradation of density is the more rapid, and therefore the more effective, the thinner the plate, but acts during a proportionally less time on a given particle of the sether. For this reason it may be pre^ Burned that an extremely thin plate might generate perceptible secondary streams. When a small body in a neutral state has been electrified inductively and attracted by a large electrified body, on coming into actual contact with the latter it is observed to 554 THE MATHEMATICAL PRINCIPLES OF PHYSICS. be quickly repelled. This fact is to be accounted for by the communication of electricity from the larger to the smaller body in the manner explained in page 535, in consequence of which they are charged with the same kind of electricity and become mutually repellent. The electric wind observed to flow from a point connected with the conductor of an electric machine admits of the fol- lowing explanation*. The conductor communicates to the air in contact with it a portion of its electricity, according to the law explained in page 536, and the quantity received from any part of the surface is in proportion to the electricity jat that part. Hence as the pointed form tends to intensify the electricity, the air will be electrified in greater degree at and near the point than at other parts of the surface of the conductor. Now as the air is a non-conductor this excess of electricity does not spread by superficial conduction, and will only be subject to some degree of internal conduction. Con- sequently two bodies in contact, the air and the solid point, have the same electricity, and, therefore, by the intervention of their secondary streams they become mutually repellent. Thus the air is driven off, and as it is immediately replaced by the flow of surrounding air, which in turn is electrified, a continuous stream is produced. Also, as the effect is the same whether the conductor be electrified positively or nega- tively, it follows that if a point be brought near the conductor so as to be electrified by induction, the electric wind should be produced in this case just as in the other. This result accords with experience, it being found that in both cases the air flows from the point. It remains to account for the law of electric attractions and repulsions as determined by experiment. With refer- ence to this enquiry, it is first to be remarked that the second-order waves of the theory tend to produce motions of translation of a mass, and that they are attractive or re- * See Jamin, Cours de Physique, Tom, i. p. 405, and Ganot's Physics, trans- lated by Atkinson, Art. 651. THE THEORY OF GALVANIC FORCE. 555 pulsive according as tlie body from which they emanate is electrified negatively or positively. But since, as we have seen, electrical attractions and repulsions do not conform to this rule, it must be concluded that the translatory force of the second-order waves is very small compared with that of the streams which they generate by the intervention of the internal gradation of density of the atoms. It would appear that with respect to the motion of translation of the mass this mediate action is much more effective than the immediate action of the waves on the atoms. Since this inference de- pends both on the degree of elasticity of the aether and on the ratio of the space occupied by the matter of the atoms to the intervening space, it could not be deduced solely by d priori investigation. It follows from this consideration that electrical attrac- tions and repulsions are very nearly in proportion to the amount of gradation of density produced by the action of the second-order waves. Supposing, therefore, the waves from a given sphere to be incident on a small body at rest, since their disturbances of its superficial atoms would vary in- versely as the square of the distance from the centre of the sphere, the gradation of density generated in the body would vary with its mean distance very nearly according to the same law. Hence the attraction or repulsion of small bodies at rest by an electrified sphere varies inversely as the square of the distance from its centre. The experiments by which this law was ascertained by Coulomb were made under the circumstances supposed in the theory. (Jamin, p. 354.) The Theory of G-alvanic Force. In the theory of Electric Force the phenomena treated of were only such as are produced originally by friction. On that account they are properly called electrical, and are distinctly separated from the class of phenomena the theory of which I now enter upon, which, as having been first noticed by Galvani and Volta, will be termed for distinction 556 THE MATHEMATICAL PRINCIPLES OF PHYSICS. galvanic or voltaic. In both classes the superficial atoms of substances, and, as a consequence, their interior atoms, are put into abnormal positions, differing by very small quantities from those which, as being occupied anterior to any disturbance, may be called their natural positions. This displacement of the atoms results in galvanic phenomena solely from the contact of two dissimilar substances. It appears, however, from experiment that the contact, or sol- dering together, of two solids has no such effect in any perceptible degree, and that for the production of galvanic phenomena one of the substances must be a fluid. The case which ordinarily occurs is that of acidulated fluid in contact with a metal, the admixture of the acid having the effect of either originating, or increasing, the galvanic action. It will be assumed theoretically that the forces by which a solid and a fluid in contact disturb each other's superficial atoms are those which I have named atomic repulsion and molecular attraction of the first order. The phenomena of capillary attraction may be regarded as giving evidence that such forces are brought into action by the mere contact of a fluid with a solid. The kind and degree of the mutual action between the two substances will evidently depend much on the laws of chemical affinity, whether or not it result in actual analysis. I have already stated (p. 485) that I do not profess to give in this work a theory of chemical analysis and synthesis, although I believe that for propounding such a theory it would be required to take account only of the magnitudes and arrangement of atoms, and of the action of the atomic and molecular forces the laws of which have been the subject of previous mathematical investigation. As far as regards the bearing of chemical affinity and analysis on galvanic phenomena, the facts of experience will be cited without attempting to give a priori reasons for them. It is proper to state here that in the following theory of galvanic action I assume, for the reasons stated in the theory of electrical action, that any disturbances of superficial atoms THE THEORY OF GALVANIC FORCE. 557 from their natural positions are accompanied by related dis- turbances of the interior atoms, producing regular gradations of the density of the substance, and that simultaneously with the disturbances the second-order molecular forces proper for maintaining the atoms in their disturbed positions are called into action. Before proceeding with the theoretical considerations, it will be necessary to determine by reference to experiments what is the seat, and what are the conditions, of galvanic action. For this purpose I cite, first, the following experi- ment described by M. De La Eive in his Treatise on Elec- tricity (Tom. II., p. 785). In two separated and well in* sulated vessels, containing the same acidulated liquid, the extremities of a zinc and copper couple are plunged, the two metal plates being soldered together at their upper parts. The liquid of the vessel in which the zinc plate is inserted is connected with the ground by a platinum wire, and by means of another platinum wire furnished with an insulating handle, the zinc, the copper, and the liquid in the other vessel, are brought successively into communication with a Volta's condensing electroscope. . By this means it is shewn that while the liquid in the first vessel is rendered neutral by the connection with the ground, the zinc, the copper, and the liquid in the other vessel are negatively electrified. The platinum wire forming connection with the ground is then transferred to the liquid in which the copper plate is inserted, and the consequence is that this liquid, the copper, and the zinc become neutral, and that the other liquid is positively electrified. Evidently, therefore, the seat of the develop- ment of the electricity is not at the junction of the zinc and copper, but at the points of contact of the acidulated liquid and the zinc. From this experiment it may also be inferred that by the mutual action between the liquid and the zinc, the liquid acquires positive electricity, and the zinc negative electricity. This is so important an inference that to confirm it I shall 558 THE MATHEMATICAL PRINCIPLES OF PHYSICS. adduce another experiment*. A zinc capsule containing dilute sulphuric acid is placed on a disk of moistened paper in contact with the upper plate of a Volta's condensing elec- troscope. The liquid is connected with the ground by dip- ping in it the extremity of a platinum wire, and the lower plate of the condenser is also connected with the ground by being touched with the moistened finger. On breaking the connections and removing the upper plate by its insulating handle, the gold leaves are found to be positively electrified, and consequently indicate that the zinc is negatively electri- fied. In order to account for this phenomenon the following considerations are proposed. By reason of the chemical affinity between the sulphuric acid and the zinc, it may be presumed that atomic and mo- lecular action tending to produce, if not actually producing, a chemical analysis of the fluid, takes place at its points of contact with the zinc. In consequence of such action the atoms in a thin superficial stratum, whether of the zinc or the fluid, do not continue in their natural positions, the change in each substance being such that the gradation of density in the thin stratum becomes at all points either more rapid, or less rapid, in a given small interval than it was before the disturbance of the natural state. Without an exact knowledge of the forces concerned in chemical affinity and of their laws of action, it is not possible to determine by theory alone the precise character of the changes that take place in the state of the superficial atoms of the two sub- stances. I shall, therefore, now make the provisional hypo- thesis that in cases of such action as that between the zinc capsule and the dilute sulphuric acid, the liquid and the parts of the metal in contact with it are positively electrified, and that the opposite side of the zinc is negatively electrified. The truth of this hypothesis will subsequently be tested by the applications that will be made of it in explaining * This experiment is described in Atkinson's Edition of Ganot's Physics, Art. 081. THE THEORY OF GALVANIC FORCE. 559 phenomena. But an a priori reason for adopting it may be drawn from the considerations entered into in pages 507-510, where it is shewn that the traction of a body by a cord applied at any point of its antecedent part may give rise to a positive electric state on that side, and a negative electric state on the opposite side, the former accompanied by second- order repulsive waves, and the other by second-order attractive waves, both acting in the direction of the impressed force. Also the mutual action between the cord and the body may be taken to represent the immediate action between the acid and the zinc due to chemical affinity, inasmuch as the simul- taneous stretching of the cord and of the parts of the body to which it is applied, corresponds to that diminution of density of the contiguous superficial parts of both the sub- stances, which theoretically co-exists with the positive electri- cities ascribed by hypothesis to both. It is true that in the case of galvanic action the substances are not moved bodily as in that adduced for illustration; but if we suppose that by such action an analysis of the fluid, and an actual transport of constituent atoms, take place, there would then be an effect corresponding to the movement of the body as a whole, and in some degree equivalent to it. According to this view it might be argued that proper galvanic action is always accompanied by chemical analysis, because otherwise the liquid and metal in contact could not both be positively electrified. From the application of the foregoing hypothesis to the second of the two experiments adduced above, it follows that the liquid and the contiguous side of the zinc capsule are positively electrified, and the opposite side negatively elec- trified. This being admitted, it may be assumed that the positive electricities both of the liquid and the zinc will be abstracted by the platinum wire which communicates with the ground, while the remaining negative electricity of the zinc is imparted to the upper plate of the condenser, the conduction being facilitated by the intervening moistened 560 THE MATHEMATICAL PRINCIPLES OF PHYSICS. paper. This electricity acts through a covering of varnisli inductively on the lower plate, the induced positive electricity of which is retained, while the negative electricity is ab- stracted by the connection of the under part of the plate with the ground. Thus on breaking the connection there remains only positive electricity, causing the gold-leaves to separate just as if the original electricity had been frictional. It should, however, be observed that the electricities we are here concerned with are much feebler than those usually pro- duced by friction, and particularly it should be noticed that the retention of the negative electricity of the capsule after the liquid is connected with the ground is effected by the insulation of the condenser and the galvanic action between the liquid and the zinc, which still goes on after that connec- tion has been established. The theoretical explanation of the first experiment above cited may now be given as follows. Since the zinc plate forms part of a galvanic couple, the action of the liquid on it is influenced by the copper plate to which it is joined. The mode of this influence appears to be such as follows. Since, by hypothesis, the galvanic action between the liquid and the zinc on one side of the latter electrifies oppositely and equally the opposite sides, and a like effect is produced by the galvanic action on the other side, it follows that the electric state of the zinc is rendered neutral. There remains the positive electricity of the liquid, accompanied, as usual, by second-order repulsive waves. These waves are propa- gated from the liquid towards the zinc on both sides in equal degree. Those propagated in the direction from the copper to the zinc have no effect on the copper because they originate in liquid separated from it. But those propagated in the opposite direction, being incident on the copper plate, elec- trify it on both sides according to the laws of electrical induc- tion ; that is, the side towards the zinc is electrified negatively and the other positively. The copper in this state reacts upon the zinc, electrifying positively the adjacent side and nega- THE THEORY OF GALVANIC FORCE. 561 tively the farther side. Consequently the positive electricity of the gold-leaves of the electroscope when the liquid in con- tact with the zinc is connected with the ground, is accounted for in this experiment precisely as in the other. The positive electricities of the liquid and zinc being abstracted by the connection, the negative electricity of the latter is diffused by the laws of conduction over the zinc, the copper, and the liquid in contact with the copper, and is retained by means of the continuous galvanic action between the liquid and the zinc and the insulation of the second vessel. This electricity in the three substances is detected by the condensing elec- troscope. After transferring the platinum wire to the liquid in con- tact with the copper, the negative electricity of each of these substances is abstracted by conduction; and the copper be- coming neutral has no longer any influence on the zinc, which, therefore, from what is argued above, itself also becomes neutral. This explains why under these circumstances the electroscope indicates that no other electricity remains than the positive electricity of the liquid in contact with the zinc. It is to be observed that this electricity is retained by the continuous galvanic action between the acid and the zinc, and the insulation of the vessel in which the operation pro- ceeds. In the foregoing explanation it has been assumed that there is no galvanic action between the acid and the copper. If there should be such action, or if for the copper a metal be substituted on which the acid acts more energetically than on zinc, the sensible electricity would result from the differ- ence of the two actions. The foregoing explanations of these two fundamental ex- periments may be regarded as giving prim & facie evidence of the truth of the hypothesis I have adopted relative to the superficial conditions of the contact of a solid and liquid between which there is chemical affinity, and of the conse- quent distinction between frictional electricity and galvanic 36 562 THE MATHEMATICAL PRINCIPLES OF PHYSICS. electricity*. The hypothesis will receive confirmation by the application I now proceed to make of it in giving a theory of the galvanic battery, and of the currents it generates. It will suffice for indicating all that is essential in the theory to take the case of a single couple consisting of a plate of zinc and a plate of copper partially immersed in dilute sulphuric acid, with faces opposite and parallel. To the upper part of each plate a metallic wire is attached, arid the galvanic circuit is closed or opened according as the two wires are brought into contact, or are separated t. This arrangement differs from that of the experiment described in page 557, in so far as the plates are immersed in fluid con- tained in a single vessel, and insulation is unnecessary. But on the same hypothesis respecting galvanic action, the account given in page 560 of the mutual action between the liquid and the zinc, and of the effect of the influence of the copper, applies equally to both experiments. Consequently the zinc is electrified positively on the side facing the copper, and negatively on the opposite side, and the copper is electrified negatively on the side towards the zinc, and positively on the other side. Hence since the interior gradation of density is always from negative electricity, and towards positive elec- tricity, and the secondary streams always flow towards the denser parts, it follows that the galvanic action tends to pro- duce a current in the direction from the zinc to the copper. The original positive electricities of the liquid on the two sides of the zinc tend to produce equal currents in opposite directions and therefore neutralize each other, and the liquid in contact with the copper is by hypothesis originally in a neutral state. But the inductive action of the zinc electrifies * In conformity with the practice of experimentalists, and because the electro- scope shews that galvanic action and friction may produce identical effects, I desig- nate the effect in either case by the same word " electricity," although it properly applies to that produced by friction. The term "galvanic" will be used as opposed to "frictional" when it may be necessary to distinguish between the two modes of generating the electric state. f See the figure in Art. 682 of Atkinson's Edition of Ganot's Physics. THE THEORY OF GALVANIC FORCE. 563 positively the liquid in contact with the copper on the inner side, and negatively that on the outer side ; and the inductive action of the copper electrifies positively the liquid in contact with the zinc on the outer side, and negatively that on the inner side. Hence the effective electricity of the liquid tends also to produce a current from the zinc towards the copper. But by experiment it is found that no current flows unless the two metallic wires are put in contact, and that as soon as the current commences the galvanic action is increased. We must next endeavour to account theoretically for these two phenomena. Assuming that the galvanic currents of experiment are identical with the theoretical setherial currents, it follows, according to experimental indications, that a good conductor allows an astherial current to permeate freely through its interior, and that its bounding surface contains the stream within limits just as a closed channel of any shape contains a stream of water. It would seem too from experiment that the aether flows through some substances more readily than through others, and that, according to the general law of streams, it takes the course in which it can flow most freely. I shall not attempt to account for the difference of conducting powers of bodies relative to galvanic currents, this being a property of the same class as, and apparently connected with, the conducting and non-conducting qualities of substances relative to factional electricity. But it is possible, I think, to explain by considerations such as those I am about to adduce, in what manner conducting bodies are in effect chan- nels of galvanic currents. With this object in view I propose, first, to submit to mathematical treatment the case of a steady stream disposed symmetrically about a rectilinear axis, and to investigate the laws of such motion, this hydrodynamical problem not having been discussed in the earlier part of the work. I begin by asserting that the motion cannot be wholly parallel to the axis and at the same time be different at different distances 362 564 THE MATHEMATICAL PRINCIPLES OF PHYSICS. from it, because in that case, according to the laws of steady motion, the pressure would generally be less where the velo- city is greater, and consequently there would be variation of pressure in directions transverse to the axis, which would destroy the parallelism of the lines of motion. Let us, there- fore, assume that at any distance r from the axis the motion is compounded of the velocity F(r) parallel to the axis, and the velocity /(r) in circles the planes of which are transverse to the same. Then supposing the axis of x to be coincident with the axis of the motion, we have It may readily be shewn that these values of u, v, and w satisfy the equation du dv dw _ dx dy dz " Also by substituting the same values in the equation dp du du du du j + ^r + j~ u + ^~ v + -j-w = 0, dx dt dx dy dz and the two analogous equations . , dy dz since the motion is supposed to be steady, the resulting equa- tions will be found to be Hence dr It thus appears that the proposed kind of motion satisfies the second and third general hydrodynamical equations inde- pendently of the particular forms of the functions F and /. THE THEORY OP GALVANIC FORCE. 565 But according to the principles of Hydrodynamics I have heretofore maintained, it is, besides, a necessary condition that the lines of motion should always and everywhere be normals to surfaces of continuous curvature ; which principle is analytically expressed by saying that udx + vdy + wdz must either be integrable of itself or by a factor. The sub- stitution of the foregoing values of w, v, and w shews that the equation is not integrable of itself, so that we must conclude that the supposed motion is not possible unless the equation udx -f vdy -f wdz = be integrable by a factor. The condition of such integrability is, as is well known, that the values of u, v, and w satisfy the equation dv dw\ fdw du\ fdu dv\ - ^---j-)+v(-j -- -7-+w-7---r-=0. dz dyj \dx dz) \dy dx) The result of substituting these values is the equation I - f(r) F'(r] -F(r) /(r) + = 0. Ifence by integration, /(*-)_ a F(r) r> a being an arbitrary constant. This result establishes a re- lation between the functions f(r) and F(r) which must be satisfied by the supposed kind of motion. By taking account of this relation the equation udx + vdy + wdz gives dz = - rpp) (y dx - *%) = p ( xd y ~ v dx )- Hence by integration, z a tan" 1 - -f 5, x which is the general equation of the surfaces of displacement. By changing the sign of the constant a the direction 'of the circular motion about the axis is changed. 566 THE MATHEMATICAL PRINCIPLES OF PHYSICS. The above relation between f(r) and F(r) would have been equally obtained if the axis had been supposed recti- linear only through a very small length, and may conse- quently be considered to be applicable to the case of a curvi- linear axis. The preceding reasoning has proved the possibility of the flowing of a steady stream symmetrical with respect to a rectilinear or curvilinear axis, and has indicated that such motion must be compounded of uniform rectilinear motion parallel to the axis and uniform circular motion about the same. The resulting motion is therefore spiral, as appears also from the foregoing equation of the surfaces of displace- ment. The mathematical investigation has conducted to a definite expression for the ratio of the components f(r) and F(r), and as this result was obtained independently of any particular mode of disturbance, it may be considered to denote a law of the mutual action of the parts of the fluid. If the problem were solved with the requisite degree of generality, the forms and values of these functions would be deduci- ble from given conditions of the motion. But since in the existing state of Hydrodynamics such general solution does not appear to be practicable, I shall only attempt to deduce from the preceding argument some definite conclusions rela- tive to the case in which the axis of the motion is the axis of a metallic wire known from experiment to be capable of transmitting galvanic currents. The setherial stream being supposed to be steady, and such that the same quantity of fluid passes in the same time every section transverse to its mean course, it is evident that any contraction of the channel will increase the velocity of flowing. Hence when a stream flows within and contiguous to a metallic wire, the atoms of the wire, so far as they con- tract the channel by the occupation of space, increase the velocity of the stream. The augmented velocity will be the same at all parts of the interior of the wire where the density of the atoms is the same ; and consequently at those parts THE~THEORY OF GALVANIC FORCE. 567 the pressure of the fluid will be uniform, or (dp) = 0. Hence it appears from the foregoing value of this differential that / (r) = 0, or that there is no circular motion. It must not, however, be inferred from the relation between f(r) and F (r) that the latter function also vanishes, inasmuch as that rela- tion depends on udx + vdy 4- wdz being only integrable by a factor, whereas for the motion now under consideration this differential is integrable of itself. Or, we may say that f(r) = because the arbitrary constant a vanishes when the velocity parallel to the axis does not vary with the distance from the axis. But when the variation of the density of the atoms, which necessarily exists within a thin superficial stratum of the wire, is taken into account, it may be shewn as follows that this physical circumstance may be accompanied by circular motion of the fluid. For the decrement of density towards the super- ficies, by causing the effective channel of the stream to in- crease from point to point in that direction, produces a dimi- nution of the velocity of the stream, and, in consequence of the steady motion, an increase of the density of the fluid, also towards the superficies. Thus there is generated an accele- rative force urging the fluid towards the axis ; and as, by hypothesis, no motion takes place in that direction, this force must be counteracted, if not in any other way, by centrifugal force due to circular motion. Let us, therefore, now assume that the accelerative force due to variation of pressure in the direction of the radius r is exclusively counteracted by centrifugal force. Then the equation (dp) = {f(r)Y dr r is applicable at all distances from the axis, because it is a necessary consequence of that assumption, the right-hand side being the centrifugal force. But this equation requires to be differently treated according as it applies to parts of the fluid within the wire, or to the parts exterior. With respect to 568 THE MATHEMATICAL PRINCIPLES OF PHYSICS. the fluid within the wire bounded by a cylindrical surface the radius of which is equal to the .distance from the axis at which the superficial gradation of density commences, it has already been argued that F(r) is constant, and (dp)=0; so that f(r) = 0. From that distance to the extreme boundary of the wire, the variations of the longitudinal velocity and of the pressure of the fluid have been supposed to depend only on the variation of the density of the atoms of the wire in the thin superficial stratum. Consequently if the latter variation were given, the quantities F (r) and p should admit of being calculated for all points of the stratum. And p being known, /(r) might be calculated for all points. These calculations being assumed to be effected, let F(r^ p^ and /(rj be the values thus obtained for the extreme boundary of the wire, r l being its radius. It is next to be considered that the relation obtained in page 565 between f(r) and F(r) antecedently to any supposed conditions of disturbance, applies only so far as the mutual action of the parts of the fluid is concerned. Hence the equation express- ing that relation is not applicable to the fluid within the wire, the motion and pressure of which have already been differ- ently determined; but is to be applied solely to the fluid at, and external to, its extreme boundary. Accordingly we have which equation determines the arbitrary constant a, / (rj and F(r^ being supposed to be already known; and for any point outside the wire at the distance r from the axis, Supposing, for the moment, the form and value of F(r), or w, to be known, the last equation gives f(r), the constant a having been determined. Hence u and v become known, as also -~- , so that p can be found by integration. Thus THE THEORY OP GALVANIC FORCE. 569 the circumstances of the motion would on this supposition be wholly ascertained. With respect to the determination of x the value of F(r) for any value of r, as depending on the particular values /(rj and F(r^ we have here a problem analogous to that of limited lateral divergence of vibrations discussed in pages 288 292. In the case of vibrations it was shewn that un- limited lateral divergence is prevented by the composition of vibrations which are partly longitudinal and partly trans- versal. In the present case of a stream symmetrically dis- posed about an axis, it appears that the like effect results from the composition of circular motion about the axis with the longitudinal motion parallel to it. In the one case, as in the other, the longitudinal motion varies laterally according to a law depending only on the mutual action of the parts of the fluid, (that for the stream being expressed by F(r)), but in neither case can the law be ascertained except by methods of solving hydrodynamical problems which in respect to com- prehensiveness are in advance of those adopted in this work. Although, however, the foregoing solution of the present problem is on this account incomplete, we may yet legiti- mately draw from it the important conclusion that cetherial streams along cylindrical wires are accompanied by transverse circular motions, We may now proceed to consider why the stream is stopped if the galvanic circuit is not closed. Eesuming the case of the zinc and copper couple immersed in sulphuric acid, it appears from what has been argued, that the galvanic action between the liquid and zinc gives rise to a stream of aether, which after flowing through the liquid between the plates and through the copper plate, is concentrated in the wire attached to the copper, this being the channel in which it can most readily proceed. When the current, by propa- gation of the original impulse, has reached the extremity of the wire, it is stopped, or sent backwards, for the following- reasons. In the tirst place, it ceases to have an axis for the 570 THE MATHEMATICAL PRINCIPLES OF PHYSICS. circular motion, which, by the previous argument, is neces- sary for maintaining the steadiness and limited transverse extent of the stream. If then it actually flowed beyond the extremity of the wire, being no longer guided and kept within limits, it would tend to diverge in all directions from that position as from a centre. The motion may, in fact, be com- pared to that which would be produced by impulses from the preceding half of a small sphere moving in the fluid. Now in the case of the sphere it has been proved (p. 264) that the movement does not on the whole transfer any portion of the fluid, just as much as the sphere displaces being sent back- wards by a reflex action due to the inertia of the fluid mass. The same reflex action, on account of the divergence of the lines of motion, will take place in the case of motion before us ; and as the reflected stream can flow without divergence only along the wire as its channel, it is restricted to this course, and consequently stops the original stream first at the end of the wire, then through its whole length to the copper plate, and finally at the zinc plate. At the same time the galvanic action between the liquid and the zinc tends to draw the aatherial fluid along the wire attached to the zinc, and the effect of the traction at the extremity of the wire on the adjacent aether is comparable with that resulting from the motion in an elastic fluid of a small sphere, the following half of which, while it draws the fluid after it, produces on the whole no transfer of fluid in the direction of its motion. Accordingly by the reaction due to the inertia of the aether and the con- vergency of the lines of motion at the terminal, the stream is neutralized along this wire also. Simultaneously with the stoppage of the streams the circular motion also ceases. Thus no dynamical effects result from the action between the liquid and the zinc, the tendency to produce such effects being stati- cally opposed by the reaction of the inert mass of aether*. * The Theory of Galvanic Force which I proposed in the Philosophical Maga- zine for December, 1860, agrees in all essential respects with that now given, except as to the reasons assigned for the return current. I there say incorrectly, " the current is driven back by the insulation of the battery and the non-conduc- THE THEORY OF GALVANIC FORCE. 571 KB. The wire attached to the copper plate will be called the positive rheophore, and its extremity (P) the positive pole; and the wire attached to the zinc plate the negative rheophore, and its extremity (N ) the negative pole. Whatever two metals constitute the couple, the positive pole is the extremity of the wire out of which there may be reason to conclude that a galvanic current tends to flow. By the argument just concluded, so long as the circuit is open, there is neither efflux of fluid from P, nor influx at N. The considerations that have led to these results relative to the points P and JV, may be extended to the angular points and edges of all rheophores, (i. e. conductors of galvanic cur- rents) and, in fact, to any points of their surfaces, because in the absence of an axis of steady motion the fluid could not issue at any point except as a divergent stream, nor enter at any point except as a convergent stream, and therefore by reason of the reaction from inertia it neither issues nor enters. It is plain, however, that there is an exception to this law in the case of the stream flowing from the zinc plate and into the copper plate (p. 562). By the very process of generation this stream is caused to issue from the zinc and to enter into the copper: but it is a necessary condition of the flowing, that the intermediate liquid be a rheophore of some degree of con- ductivity*. After entrance into the copper the courses of the lines of motion are influenced by the convergence of the stream towards the positive rheophore. For the above reasons the plates, the liquid, and the wires may be regarded as irregular channels, of different degrees of conductivity, confining the galvanic current as an irregular tiveness of the air." At that time I had not recognised, in the case of the motion of a small sphere in a fluid, the reflex effect arising from the inertia of the fluid. See the remarks and the Note on this point in page 492. * The degree of roughness of the surface of the plate may also have effect. It is stated in Ganot's Physics (Art. 683) that a current flows from cast zinc to rolled zinc. The action of the former might be more energetic than that of the other because, on account of the greater roughness of its surface, the amount of effective surface might be greater. But supposing an equality in this respect, the stream incident on the smoother surface would be less obstructed than the other. 572 THE MATHEMATICAL PEINCIPLES OF PHYSICS. solid tube confines a stream of water. This would be true also if the external rheophores, instead of being wires through- out, were made to consist in part of interposed conducting bodies of various forms. For according to the foregoing argument, aetherial steady streams are capable of flowing through such bodies as channels without suffering dispersion or diminution. These theoretical results admit of being applied in the explanation of various galvanic phenomena and laws, as I next proceed to shew. Let us, first, suppose the circuit to be closed by bringing the ends of the two rheophores into contact. It is not neces- sary for this purpose to put the wires end to end so that the axis of one shall be continuous with that of the other; it suffices if their surfaces be made to touch each other in any manner. The reason for this is, that at the instant of contact the negative rheophore becomes a channel for the stream which is ready to issue from the positive rheophore, and as soon as the channel is furnished, the resistance from the inertia of the surrounding fluid to efflux from the positive rheophore at any point, and to influx into the negative rheophore at any point, is neutralized at the points of contact. At these points, therefore, the stream passes out of the positive into the nega- tive rheophore, and the fluid through the whole circuit is set in motion. The motion is steady because the stream flows, as we have seen, in a constant channel, and is maintained by a constant action between the zinc and the liquid, operating so as to analyse the latter by a process of which some account will be given at a subsequent part of the theory. From these considerations we may now draw the import- ant inference that when the aetherial current is established, however irregular and heterogeneous the conducting channel may be, the same quantity of aether passes each section of it in the same time. If the quantity of aether which passes a section in a unit of time be assumed to be what experimental- ists call the intensity of the galvanic current, we shall thus have a theoretical explanation of the experimental law, that THE THEORY OF GALVANIC FORCE. 573 " the intensity is the same in all parts of one and the same circuit*." This comparison of the theory with experiment particu- larly points to the hydrodynamical character of galvanic currents. It appears that the intensity of the current is the same at all sections of the circuit for the hydrodynamical reason that the same quantity of incompressible fluid must at each instant pass every section of a confined rigid channel, independently of any transverse circular motion the fluid may have about the axis of the channel. But the calculation by theory alone of the intensity of a galvanic current under given circumstances is a difficult problem, to the solution of which physical science is not yet adequate. I propose, however, to bring forward here certain considerations, which may, at least, serve to shew what kind of research may be required for effecting a complete solution. Let us take the simple case of a current flowing in and along a homogeneous cylindrical wire from the copper plate to the zinc plate, and endeavour to ascertain on what circum- stances the intensity depends. We have already seen that the current has its origin in the galvanic action between the liquid and the zinc, and that after traversing the liquid and entering the copper, it passes out through the wire, and thus returns to the zinc. But it is here to be remarked that the current is not capable by its own impulse of either issuing from the zinc or entering the copper, because, from the cir- cumstance that the conductivity of the liquid is less than that of either metal, a resistance from the inertia of the aether has to be overcome the same in kind as if no liquid were interposed, but in degree proportional only to the differences of the con- ductivities. Hence if the galvanic action were to cease, the current would not continue to circulate as water does in a close re-entering channel after receiving a momentary impulse, but would instantly be stopped. This being the case, continuous * See Jamin, Cours de Physique, Tom. m., p. 102, and Ganot's Physics, Art. 701. 574 THE MATHEMATICAL PEINCIPLES OF PHYSICS. galvanic impulses are necessary for maintaining the current. Evidently also the momentum, estimated along the axis of the stream, of the whole of the fluid that is at each instant in motion, will be in some direct proportion to the galvanic motive force. Supposing, now, the velocity parallel to the axis to be a function of the distance from it, let I t be the mean quantity of fluid which passes through a unit of area transverse to the axes in a unit of time, and ra 2 be an area such that I i x m z is equal to the whole quantity of fluid which at any instant passes a transverse section. This product is what was before defined to be the intensity of the current, and is, therefore, the same for a given couple at all points of the circuit. Hence, / being this intensity, and X the length of the circuit, the product /X is the above mentioned momentum ; so that if G be the specific galvanic motive force, and A be the area of the zinc plate> we have. ~ A I\ T Gc.A GA = , or J= ^ , Cj X the factor c, representing the specific conductivity of the wire by whatever conditions it may be determined. In these formulae X is to be taken only through a portion of the circuit for which c t is the same, and, therefore, in the present instance does not include the interval between the plates. Since we found that / is constant under different forms and conditions of different parts of the channel, if c i> c \i c i'> ^ c> > be * ne specific conductivities of portions whose lengths are X, X', X", &c., and GA be the total galvanic force, we shall have the general formula I It is now to be taken into account that so far as regards the current along the wire, the lines of motion are spiral (see p. 566), and that the conductivity of the wire, as ex- pressed by the quantity c t , depends as well on this circum- stance in the motion of the fluid, as on the specific quality of the wire as a galvanic conductor. The more the lines of THE THEORY OF GALVANIC FORCE. 575 motion are spiral, the less will be the effective conductivity, because /, which may be regarded as the projection of the mean spiral stream on the axis, will be in the same proportion less for a given value of GA. It is, further, to be observed that the motion is wholly generated by the galvanic action, and that the forces acting in planes perpendicular to the axis only divert it into spiral courses; but the amount of this diversion, or the ratio of the mean spiral motion to the mean motion parallel to the axis, cannot, as I have already inti- mated, be calculated theoretically for want of the appropriate physical data and mathematical reasoning. Yet we may, I think, infer from the argument -maintained in page 568, that this ratio depends only on the ratio of the circular motion f(r^) to the longitudinal motion F (r^ at a distance r^ from the axis equal to the radius of the wire. In that case the required ratio will be a function of r t , and supposing c to represent the specific conductivity of the wire apart from any effect of the motion of the fluid, we may put c(j> (r^) for c r Consequently IX = GrcA (r^). In this formula the part of the circuit between the plates is left out of account. Having thus proceeded in the theory as far as appears at present to be practicable, I shall now adopt, as established by experiment, Ohm's Law respecting the intensity of a galvanic current. According to this law*, if co be the transverse section of the wire, /A, = GrcAay. Hence, by comparison with the the- oretical formula, < (r t ) = co. It is thus found that the conduc- tivity, so far as it depends on the spiral motion, varies as the square of the radius of the wire. Or rather, con sidering resistance to be the inverse of conductivity, the resistance depending on the spiral motion varies inversely as the square of that radius. It is known from experiment that a fine wire along which a galvanic current is transmitted emits heat and light, if the current is not of low intensity. The present theory gives the following explanation of this phenomenon. We found (p. 567) that the variation of density subsisting in a thin super- * See Jamin, Tom. in., pp. 103 105, and Ganot's Physics, Art. 701. 576 THE MATHEMATICAL PRINCIPLES OF PHYSICS. ficial stratum of every solid substance, produces in the case of a wire traversed by an aetherial current a variation of the density of the aether within the stratum, the density increas- ing towards the exterior surface. The effect of this variation on the aether itself is counteracted by the centrifugal force due to the circular motion. But the same gradation of density must have a motive effect on the superficial atoms of the wire, urging them inwards. This disturbance necessarily excites atomic and molecular forces by the action of which the atoms in a thin superficial stratum are put into a state of continual vibration. The rapidity or intensity of the vibrations will plainly increase, in a wire of given transverse section, with any increase in the intensity of the galvanic current. It is assumed in this theory that these vibrations by disturbing the aether generate the observed heat and light. According to this explanation the developement of heat is due to the same forces as those which produce the resistance consequent upon the spiral motion. Hence the one effect will be proportional to the other, and from the law found above for the resistance, we may conclude that the heat developed varies inversely as the square of the radius of the wire, the intensity of the current being given. The heat thus gene- rated at the superficies, after being diffused through the sub- stance of the wire, will produce an increment of temperature varying as the quantity of heat directly and as the transverse section of the wire inversely, and therefore varying inversely as the fourth power of the radius. This law may be extended to a wire the different parts of which have different transverse sections, the intensity of the current being supposed to be the same at all parts. For according to the laws of the atomic and molecular forces concerned in the equilibrium of heat, the temperature at any point will depend on the action of aetherial waves emanating from atoms whose distances from it do not exceed a very small interval*. * The law of increase of temperature at different parts of the wire, as ascer- tained by experiment, is stated in Ganot's Physics, Art- 703, in terms exactly THE THEORY OF GALVANIC FORCE. 577 It is ascertained by experiment that the increment of tem- perature is the same at all parts of a wire of any length, if its radius and the intensity of the current be the same through- out*. The theory evidently gives the same law. We have found that the heat developed in any wire by a current of given intensity is proportional to the wire's resistance, and therefore varies inversely as the square of its radius. The resistance and the size of the wire remaining the same, what would be the effect of changing the intensity? The experiments of Joule have proved that in that case the amount of developed heat varies as the square of the intens- ity t. Perhaps this law may be accounted for theoretically as follows. It^has been argued (p. 576) that the accelerative effect on the aether itself of the gradation of its density which disturbs the superficial atoms of the wire and generates the heat, is counteracted by the centrifugal force due to the cir- cular motion at the distance r l very nearly. This force is Now it was found (p. 568) that /(r t ) = - F (r^ ; so that the centrifugal force is equal to 3 {F(r^} z . But since r i within the wire the velocity parallel to the axis is F(r^) very nearly, and outside the wire we have it follows that F(r^) varies nearly as the mean velocity parallel to the axis, and, therefore, as the intensity /. Hence the heat- producing force, being equal and opposite to the centrifugal force, varies as / 2 , the radius r, of the wire being given. From the equation I\ GfcAco we may infer that for a given couple and given radius of the wire, the intensity of agreeing with this theory. According to a formula employed by Jamin, (Tom. lit., pp. 181 and" 182), the increment of temperature varies inversely as the cube of the radius. Ganot's Physics, Art. 703. f Jamin, Tom. in., p. 172, and Ganot, Art. 703. 37 578 THE MATHEMATICAL PRINCIPLES OF PHYSICS. the current is less in proportion as the length of the wire is greater. This law agrees with observation*. Hitherto we have only treated of the course of the current through the conducting wire joining the copper and the zinc. If we now neglect this part of the circuit and attend only to that between the plates, very simple considerations will suffice. For here there is no circular motion, or it is so small that it may be left out of account; and the intensity esti- mated along the mean direction of the current, that is, the direction perpendicular to the surfaces of the plates, is still the quantity /. Hence if \ be the distance of the copper from the zinc, the momentum of the aether between them is I\, and if this were the whole of the momentum, it would be equal to the total galvanic motive force ; so that I\ = GA. This equation shews, since Cr is absolutely constant, that if \ remain the same, I is increased proportionally to any increase of the area of the zinc plate. The same inference may be drawn from the general formula in page 574, the quantity in the brackets being supposed to be constant t. I come now to an important part of the theory of galvanic force, requiring for its discussion some considerations that have hitherto not been brought forward. From experiments that will be presently cited it appears that on approaching the terminals of a galvanic battery an electric spark passes, indicating the presence of electricity properly so called. Now it seems evident that the terminals do not derive their elec- tricity by conduction from those of the plates with which they are respectively connected, because the wires do not require to be insulated, and when they are touched by a con- ducting substance the electricities are not carried off. How then, it may be enquired, are these electricities generated and retained? To answer this question, I remark, first, that it has been shewn, in the instance of a couple (p. 574), by rea- soning which may be extended to a battery, that the galvanic * Jamin, Tom. m., p. 182, 4. f Jamin, Tom. HI., p. 182, 5; Ganot, Art. 701, v. THE THEORY OF GALVANIC FORCE. 579 motive force is at each instant equivalent to a momentum ex- pressed by /X, / being the intensity of the current, and X its length, reckoned from the positive pole through the battery to the negative pole. When the current is open, / = by reason of the reaction of the aether at the terminals, as already explained. On making the terminals approach this reaction is partially neutralized, and the current begins to flow. At the same time by the impulse which causes it to flow, the fluid surrounding the positive terminal is impressed in such manner that a decrement of density and accompanying acce- lerative force are produced in directions diverging more or less from the the terminal. The same impulse acting in the same direction by dragging the fluid in the negative rheophore, produces at its terminal a decrement of density and consequent accelerative force in the fluid surrounding it, in directions more or less converging towards the terminal. In fact, it is the action of these two accelerative forces at the ends of the mass. of fluid between the terminals, that overcomes its inertia, and sustains the current. It will be seen that under these circumstances the accele- rative force of the aether at and just within the positive, ter- minal will push out its extreme atoms, and thus generate an excess of molecular attraction of the first order above the atomic repulsion, which excess, in case of equilibrium, just counteracts the disturbing force. By this process positive electricity is induced. So at the negative terminal the acce- lerative force of the aether pushes in the extreme atoms, till it is counteracted by an excess of atomic repulsion above mole- cular attraction of the first order, by which means negative, electricity is induced. It is particularly to be noticed that the equilibrium of the atoms does not in these cases require the action of second-order molecular forces, on which account these electricities are not susceptible of being conveyed away by conduction, and in that respect are distinguished from frictional electricities. From these theoretical considerations it may be inferred 372 580 THE MATHEMATICAL PRINCIPLES OF PHYSICS. that after the generation (by chemical affinity between a metal and a liquid) of the state of tension proper for producing a galvanic current, on the approach of the terminals the reaction of the aether abates, and the current commences flowing before actual contact ; and at the same time the positive terminal is electrified positively and the negative terminal negatively. These electricities tend to neutralize each other by the inter- vention of the air, as in the case of frictional electricity (p. 539), and a discharge takes place when the accelerative forces, which, as explained above, maintain both the electric state of the terminals and the flow of aether between them, are dimi- nished to a certain point in consequence of the diminution, by the approach of the terminals, of the quantity of aether to be moved. Davy states in his "Elements of Chemical Philosophy" (Vol. i., p. 152), that with the same battery an electric dis- charge took place in air of ordinary density between charcoal points distant from each other about one-thirtieth of an inch, and in rarefied air which supported one-fourth of an inch of mercury, the sparks passed through nearly half an inch : also that in the former case the constant or galvanic discharge passed in the heated air through a space equal at least to four inches, and in the latter through a space of six or seven inches. These facts prove experimentally, not only that air resists the passage both of electricity and of the galvanic current in greater degree as its density is greater, but seem to shew also that the galvanic discharge may go on while the battery is in a state of electric tension. This inference is in accordance with the present hydrodynamical theory, which distinctly separates the electric from the galvanic discharge, inasmuch as it indicates that an electric discharge is the dynamical effect of aetherial vibrations which produce a sudden return of superficial atoms in disturbed positions to their natural state, whilst a galvanic discharge is the continuous flow of a stream of aether due to a state of constraint of interior atoms. For the maintenance of the current the elec- THE THEORY OF GALVANIC FORCE. 581 trical conditions of the superficial and interior atoms of the plates are necessary; so that we must suppose such condi- tions to be kept up in the required degree, after closing the circuit, by the continuous galvanic action between the acid and the active metal plate. Discharges of great length may be passed from the ex- tremity of one rheophore to that of the other within glass tubes of small bore very nearly exhausted, such as Geissler's glass tubes referred to in page 543*. These discharges are dif- ferent from the electric egg spoken of in page 543, which is strictly an electric phenomenon. Experiments by Mr Gassiot (Phil. Trans. Vol. 149, page 156) have proved, in accordance with what the hydrodynamical theory indicates, that a gal- vanic current cannot flow in a perfect vacuum. It seems, however, that while dense air is a non-conductor, air, or any gas, in a very rarefied state admits of the flow of considerable currents. In Geissler's apparatus the length of the discharge is promoted by the form and quality of the tube, which are favourable to the maintenance of the spiral movement, with- out which the current between the terminals could not subsist. The coloured light in these tubes may be caused by the vibra- tions of the gaseous substance enclosed within them, the atoms of which in its state of extreme rarity may be made to perform large excursions by the dynamic action of the current, and reciprocally may produce agitations of the aether rendered sensible in the form of light. The stratification of the light may be due to the positions of maximum and mini- mum vibration which always result from exciting vibrations of elastic gases in cylindrical tubes. The colour may very probably be ascribed to the particular quality of the gas. The glow at the terminals appears to have a different origin from that of the stratification, being possibly due to the agitations of the aether caused by the sudden changes of the stream on issuing from, and entering into, the terminals. The difference of the luminous appearances at the terminals may very well * See Ganot's Physics, Art. 771. 582 THE MATHEMATICAL PRINCIPLES OF PHYSICS. be accounted for by the difference between the circumstances of a stream when it diverges from, and when it converges towards, a narrow channel. The appearances favour the hypothesis that the stream is from the positive towards the negative terminal. The phenomena of the voltaic arc* may be explained on the principles of this theory as follows. The small electric discharges perceived when the terminals of a battery are brought very nearly into contact, indicate that during the galvanic action the terminals are in a state of electric tension. Hence, according to the theory explained in page 579, when the circuit is a little open, and as soon as the galvanic cur- rent has commenced, accelerative forces due to gradations of density of the aether at and near the terminals, act repulsively from the positive terminal, and attractively towards the nega- tive terminal. If, therefore, the points are placed near and opposite to each other, these forces urge outwards the extreme atoms of the positive terminal, and inwards those of the other. At the same time the atoms of the terminals are maintained in vibration by the displacements thus caused and the anta- gonistic action of the forces of aggregation, and consequently heat is produced. Also heat might result from successive small discharges through the air, causing partial returns of the superficial atoms of each terminal to their natural state, and alternating with resumptions of the normal state of elec- tric tension. Since the tendency of the generated heat is always to diminish the cohesiveness of the extreme particles by opposing the attraction of aggregation, it may be presumed that the above-mentioned accelerative forces are capable by their joint action of continually detaching some of the extreme atoms of the positive terminal, and transferring them to the other. It is found, in fact, by observation that the substance of that terminal continually wastes by a process of volatiliza- tion. (A like effect has already been adverted to in the ex- * See Jamin, Tom. in., pp. 188192; and Ganot, Art. 704 THE THEORY OF GALVANIC FORCE. 583 planation given in page 543 of the electric egg.} These con- siderations will also account for the circumstance that the positive terminal is more heated than the other, it being rea- sonable to conclude that atoms urged outwards to the point if undergoing separation from the mass will be more agitated, and thus generate more heat, than atoms compressed by equal forces inwards. The light accompanying the heat accounts for the luminous appearance of the terminals. As soon as the volatilized matter is detached, the galvanic current begins to flow more freely, because that matter, con- stituting a conducting medium, acts as a rheophore* '. The resistance being thus diminished, the galvanic action is in- creased, and the gradations of density of the aether at the terminals become on the whole larger, and extend to greater distances. Hence, if the interval between the terminals be increased, although the resistance from the inertia of the intermediate aether becomes larger at the same time, the cur- rent will go on flowing till the distance reaches a limit im- posed by the amount of reaction of the aether. Experience shews that this is the case, the voltaic arc admitting of large extension under the supposed circumstances. The detachment of matter at the positive pole, and its transfer towards the negative pole, receive confirmation from the fact (Jamin, p. 189), that when the positive pole is directly over the other, the limiting length of the arc is greater than in the contrary case. Evidently the explanation which the theory gives of this fact is, that when the positive pole is above, gravity assists the action of the disruptive and trans- latory forces, and opposes it when that pole is below. This explanation is decisive as to the direction of the galvanic cur- rent being from the positive to the negative pole. The brightness of the arc may be supposed to be caused by the agitation of the aether resulting from the rapid transit of disengaged atoms, and, therefore, to be in some direct pro- * The term rheophore. or electrode, will be used for distinction according as a substance is regarded as conducting a galvanic current, or frictional electricity. I 584 THE MATHEMATICAL PRINCIPLES OF PHYSICS. portion to the velocity of their motion and the number which pass any transverse section in a given time. Now both these quantities will, cceteris paribus, be greater the greater the intensity of the current ; and as, in the case of a single couple, the intensity is increased by increasing the size of the plates, the brightness of the arc will also be thereby augmented. Experiments cited by Jamin (p. 192) agree with this result, and at the same time shew that the brightness increases but very little with the number of the couples. The reason for this most probably is that while the surface of galvanic action is enlarged by adding to the number of couples, the resistance to be overcome in the passage of the current through the liquid and the plates is augmented in nearly equal degree. But it appears from experiment that the length of the arc is greater the greater the number of couples (Jamin, p. 188). This fact may be accounted for by considering that when the arc has its greatest length, the motive forces of the aether at the terminals just suffice to overcome the resistance from the inertia of the intermediate aether, and at the same time are equivalent to the galvanic motive forces which maintain the current through the battery. (This will be expressly shewn subsequently.) But the latter forces are greater, for a given intensity, the greater the resistance to be overcome, and, there- fore, increase with the number of couples. Hence the former forces augment under the same circumstances, and can thus sustain a longer voltaic arc. From experiments adduced by Jamin (p. 190) it appears that matter is transferred from the negative to the positive pole as well as from the positive to the negative. This fact obviously seems to indicate that volatilization takes place at loth terminals, in consequence of the great heat they are sub- ject to from the aetherial vibrations excited by their own atoms, and from those due to the transported matter of the voltaic arc. Admitting this to be the case we may, farther, assume that the volatilized matter generated at a terminal, and remaining for an instant contiguous to it, will partake of THE THEORY OF GALVANIC FORCE. 585 its electricity (see pages 535 and 536). Consequently, not only will there be repulsion between each terminal and the contiguous volatilized matter (see p. 554), but each will also attract the oppositely electrified matter volatilized at the other terminal. Thus there will be transfer of matter loth ways, and, it may be, in equal quantities, as far as this action is concerned. But the before-considered effect of the flow of the galvanic current from the positive to the negative terminal will tend to make the transfer preponderate in that direction. This argument would remain the same if it should happen that the detached atoms immediately combine with the oxygen of the air. The quantity of transported matter will plainly depend also on the degree of volatility of the terminals, and if they consist of different substances, and the particles of the nega- tive one be more susceptible of disruption than those of the other, it may happen that the transfer of matter from the negative terminal will be equal to, or even greater than, that from the positive one. Again, from what has been already argued, the brilliancy of the arc will be in some direct pro- portion to the total quantity of matter transported in the opposite directions, and will, therefore, be greater when the less tenacious of two substances is at the positive, or more energetic pole, than in the contrary case. Thus the arc is found to be more brilliant when the current is from a silver to a charcoal terminal than when it passes in the contrary direction, apparently because silver is more subject to atomic disintegration than charcoal. (See Jamin, Tom. III., p. 190.) The form of the arc seems to depend on the translatory action of the galvanic current, as distinct from that due to the electrical state of the terminals. Since the galvanic current is a steady stream diverging from the positive pole, and con- verging towards the negative pole, its velocity will be least and the condensation of the aether greatest, at positions about mid-way between the poles. Hence each of the opposite streams of volatilized matter will be retarded by the eether 586 THE MATHEMATICAL PRINCIPLES OF PHYSICS. and made divergent through the first half of the course, and be accelerated and made convergent through the other. The boundary of the stream will thus be a curved surface the transverse section of which is greatest about the mid-position. It is also to be considered that the course of the stream may be influenced by the resistance opposed to it by the air, and that, if the line joining the poles be horizontal, the rising of air rarefied by the generated heat might cause the courses of least resistance to be such that the axis of the stream would be curved upwards. This, in fact, is found to be the case. From the foregoing theory of the voltaic arc, we may now proceed to the theoretical consideration of the analysis of liquids by galvanic currents. As, however, I have not given a mathematical theory of chemical action, I am not prepared to treat of this subject completely, inasmuch as the operation by which such analysis is effected depends generally on a chemical relation between the liquid and the plates of the battery. Yet in some important particulars the present theory of galvanic force may be brought into comparison with expe- rimental facts of this class. I take, first, the experiment by which Carlisle and Nicholson decomposed water*. In this instance, although chemical affinity is concerned in the generation of the galvanic current, the analysis of water at two platinum terminals, which chemically are neutral to- wards it, appears to result solely from their electrical state, as accounted for in page 579. It was there argued that for main- taining the current there must be a sudden decrement of density of the gether outwards at the positive terminal, and a sudden decrement inwards at the negative terminal. These variations of density are distinct from those resulting from the con- traction, at the terminals, of the channel for the galvanic current, the latter being decrements of density towards the terminal in both cases, and, it may be presumed, in equal degree; and as producing on that account equal and opposite * Jamin, Tom. in., p. 46; Ganot, Art. 709. THE THEORY OF GALVANIC FORCE. 587 effects, they may be left out of account in respect to the phenomena under consideration. But the variations of density necessary for the maintenance of the current will have the effect at the positive terminal of pushing the extreme atoms outwards, and at the negative terminal of pushing the ex- treme atoms inwards. To counteract these disturbing forces there will be an excess of first-order molecular attraction above atomic repulsion at the positive terminal, and an excess of atomic repulsion above first-order molecular attraction at the negative terminal. It has already been explained that in the production of this state of electrical tension, the second- order molecular forces are not concerned as in frictional electricity. Now it may be laid down as a principle in this theory that the chemical analysis, or synthesis, of substances can only be effected by forces of the order of those by which the constituent atoms in their natural state are held in positions of equilibrium, the forces, namely, which I have called first- order molecular attraction and atomic repulsion. This being admitted, we may suppose that the excess of first-order attrac- tion acting beyond the limits of the positive terminal on the constituent atoms of the adjacent water, draws the atoms of oxygen in greater degree than the atoms of hydrogen, reasons having been given (pages 484 and 485) for concluding that the attraction of this order accelerates small spheres in dif- ferent degrees according to their magnitudes*. If the differ- ence of the attractions of the atoms of oxygen and the atoms of hydrogen exceed the attraction of aggregation, an analysis of the liquid will take place, such as is exhibited in the * If the reasoning in page 485 be good, the atom of oxygen is larger than the atom of hydrogen. Whe'her as being the larger it would be the more attracted, the mathematical theory of the first-order molecular attraction is not sufficiently complete to determine. The above supposition, that the oxygen is attracted at the positive terminal in greater degree than the hydrogen, is supported by the fact that when the circuit of the usual zinc and copper couple is open, bubbles of hydrogen are seen to adhere to the zinc plate. This plate, which acts as an analyzer like the positive terminal, seems thus to have abstracted from the bubbles their oxygen. 588 THE MATHEMATICAL PRINCIPLES OF PHYSICS. experiment by the rising of bubbles of oxygen from the positive terminal. At the same time the excess of atomic repulsion extending beyond the limits of the negative terminal may be supposed to repel in different degrees the atoms of the contiguous water, and, as in the case of the attractive force, to act more energetically on the oxygen than on the hydrogen. In this way it is possible to account for the observed fact, that hydrogen is set free at the negative terminal and rises up in bubbles. We have, farther, to take into consideration that as by a chemical law oxygen and hydrogen are combined in definite proportions to form water, the analyzed portion must contain the constituents in the same definite proportions; as is found to be the case by experiment. The physical views I advocate admit of accounting for this law of decomposition by the hypothesis of Grottlms*, according to which the hydrogen equivalent from which the oxygen at the positive terminal is liberated unites with the adjacent oxygen equivalent, the hydrogen combined with which passes over to the next oxygen equivalent, and so on, till the oxygen is reached from which the hydrogen was set free at the negative terminal. By this process the analysis necessarily takes place in the definite proportions of the composition. It would seem that the same conditions of the aether determine both the course of the stream from the positive to the negative terminal, and that taken by the successive decompositions and recomposi- tions of the atoms. It may be concluded from the above theory that the quantity of liquid analyzed in a given time is in a certain proportion to the intensity of the current, or to the quantity of aether which in a unit of time passes out of the positive terminal, or into the negative terminal. Hence if there were * Jamin, Tom. in., p. 78; Ganot, Art. 713. The same hypothesis applies to the remarkable experiment (Jamin, p. 81; Ganot, Art. 712) by which Davy demonstrated the passage of constituent atoms in opposite directions along the same rheophore. THE THEORY OF GALVANIC FORCE. 589 two or more sets of terminals in the same current, although the intensity would not be the same as for a single set, since, from what has been shewn (p. 573), it would be the same throughout the current, the results of the analysis of a given liquid would be the same at all the sets. The amount of de- composition of the liquid at the plates is to be included in this law, because, although the total moving force of the current depends on the chemical relations of the liquid to the plates, the amount of analyzed liquid depends on the quantity of aether which flows out of a positive plate, or flows into a negative plate, which quantity is the same measure of intensity as that which flows at the terminals. This is the law referred to parenthetically in page 584. It is one of the laws of galvanic analysis discovered by Faraday. (Ganot, Art. 714.) Experimentalists have inferred the identity of "common electricity" and "voltaic electricity" from the fact that chemical decomposition may be effected by the former. Ex- periments recorded by Faraday in his Experimental Researches in Electricity (Vol. I. Arts. 309 331) seem to establish the fact. But whatever frictional electricity and the galvanic current may have in common, it is certain that in some respects they are widely different. For instance, the amount of chemical decomposition that can be effected by a current of frictional electricity is so extremely small compared to that produced by even a feeble galvanic current, that there must be some great diversity in the two modes of operation. I shall now endeavour to indicate, by means of the foregoing theories of electric force and galvanic force, the circumstances on which this difference depends. In the first place it is to be remarked that the electrodes in Faraday's experiment require to be strictly insulated, and in that respect differ from a galvanic rheophore*. The electric machine does not send a stream of aether along the electrode, but generates a certain state of its superficial atoms, which is * See the Figure in Jamin, Tom in., p. 58. 590 THE MATHEMATICAL PRINCIPLES OF PHYSICS. transmitted along the electrode by conduction, and on this account insulation is necessary. The electricity continuously generated by the machine, being conducted by the first platinum wire to the liquid drop, or moistened paper, after traversing the same by conduction, enters the other platinum wire, and is conveyed to the earth. Now it may be presumed that by this operation some degree of electric polarity is pro- duced at the end of the first platinum wire, both on account of its pointed form, and the difference between its electric con- ductivity and that of the liquid. This end accordingly be- comes a positive electric pole, differing from a galvanic pole in the respect that the electric state is maintained by second- order attractive waves, accompanied by internal gradation of density of the wire. Hence, by the laws of frictional elec- tricity (pages 522 and 544), the end of the other wire is electrified negatively by induction, and a stream of aether is caused to flow in the direction from the positive to the negative pole. This current, it seems, can be detected by a galvanometer, but is found to be very feeble. Since, however, a current exists, although it does not originate in chemical affinity as in the case of a galvanic current, it may yet be expected to produce, in proportion to its intensity, chemical decomposition at the two poles, just as this effect takes place at the ends of the platinum wires in the experiment for decomposing water. And such is found to be the case in per- ceptible degree. This theory, I think, explains why only a very small amount of decomposition is detected, and in what respect this action differs essentially from galvanic action. The following experiment by Faraday is also readily ex- plained on the principles of this theory*. From one end of a delicate balance a piece of copper- wire of the form of U was suspended and equipoised, and its ends were deeply immersed in mercury contained in two separate .cups. On passing a galvanic current from the mercury in one cup through the * Ganot, end of Art. 724. THE THEORY OF GALVANIC FORCE. 591 wire into the mercury in the other, the wire rose very per- ceptibly, and sank again when the current ceased. Now the increments of the density of the aether at the extremities of the wire, so far as they are caused by any difference between the conductivities of the wire and the mercury, are, according to the theory (p. 579), equal and in opposite directions relative to the direction of gravity. Hence the accelerative forces due to these variations of density will produce no translation of the wire. But since, apart from this accelerative action re- quired to overcome resistance, the galvanic current is an instance of steady motion, and the pressure is consequently less where the velocity is greater, there will be a decrease of pressure towards the end at which the aather enters, as well as towards that from which it issues, because in the former position its velocity is increased by entering into a narrow channel, and in the other it is diminished by issuing from the same. Thus at both ends there is an accelerative force acting upwards, and capable, it seems, of raising the wire. The space through which it can be lifted is limited by the increase of the weight to be raised as the wire emerges from the mercury. A galvanic current is maintained when the rheophores connected with the poles of the battery, instead of being brought into contact, are made to terminate in the ground. The reason appears t$ be, that the earth may be regarded as a conductor of unlimited extent, in which the current may diverge, or converge, in innumerable channels none of which end abruptly. There is no stoppage, or revulsion of the current, from the inertia of the aether contiguous to the ter- minals, because the fluid is actually conducted along the diverging or converging courses by the materials of the earth. Thus the motion of the current through the battery is the same as that of a re-entering one of the same intensity. Supposing the total galvanic motive force to be be represented as before by I\ what, it may be asked, will be the value of X in this case? To answer this question 1 remark that if a 592 THE MATHEMATICAL PRINCIPLES OF PHYSICS. large number of points of the rheophores, or of points in connection with them, be in contact with materials of the earth, there will be equal facility of ingress and egress of the getherial fluid, in the manner above stated, at all the points. Hence the stream, entering and emerging in curved courses at an unlimited number of points, will cease to be of sensible magnitude at small distances from the terminals estimated in its mean direction. On this account X will but little exceed the length of the current between the terminals. I proceed now to the theory of the mutual action between galvanic currents. Experiment shews that two rectilinear and parallel rheophores, placed near each other, and traversed by galvanic currents, are mutually attracted if the currents pass in the same direction, and mutually repelled if they pass in opposite directions*. These facts admit of being explained as follows by the hydrodynamical theory of currents contained in pages 564 569. According to this theory, the galvanic current along a cylindrical metallic rheophore is composed of steady circular motion about its axis and a steady current parallel to the same. Each, motion is a function of the dis- tance from the axis, and decreases with the increase of dis- tance, and, consequently, the resulting spiral motion is a function of the same quantity, and is less as the distance is greater. But, by Hydrodynamics, in steady motion the pressure is a function of the velocity^ and is less as the velocity is greater. (See page 243.) Hence the pressure is a function of the distance from the axis, and is greater as the distance is greater. These inferences apply to a single rheo- phore. Let us now suppose two straight and parallel rheo- phores, traversed by currents in the same direction, to be brought near each other. Then again by Hydrodynamics * The details of the large class of experiments that arose out of Ampere's discovery of the mutual action of galvanic currents, and relate for the most part to their mechanical action under different circumstances, are given in Jamin's Leron 70 (Tom. HI., pp. 195222), and in Ganot's Physics, Arts. 723739. I shall attempt to explain theoretically only the more elementary facts and laws. THE THEORY OF GALVANIC FORCE. 593 (p. 243), the two sets of motion coexist without interference, and the pressure is less where the resultant velocity is greater. Hence since by the composition the velocity becomes greater at any point in the space between the axes of the wires than at a point equally distant from either axis in the spaces out- side, it follows that there is a decrement of pressure in and near each wire towards the intermediate space, and therefore urging the individual atoms in that direction. Thus the wires are apparently attracted towards each other. If the currents were in opposite directions, the resulting velocity would be less, and the pressure greater, at points between the axes than at corresponding distances outside ; so that the de- crements of pressure within the wires will be in the directions from the intermediate space, and the wires will consequently be repelled from each other. It should, however, be observed that the circular motions by themselves would produce just the contrary effects, because when the currents are in the same direction, these motions in the space between the axes of the wires are opposed to each other, and conspire when the currents are in opposite direc- tions. It must, therefore, be concluded, since the foregoing results agree with experience, that the circular motion has less effect than the motion parallel to the axis. Also the relation /(r) = - F(r) shews, that whatever be the law of de- crease of the latter motion with distance from the axis, the circular motion decreases in a higher ratio. If a rnoveable rheophore and one that is fixed be placed with their axes in the same straight line, and the ends be separated by a small interval, on passing a galvanic cur- rent in either direction, the moveable rheophore is repelled from the other*. The explanation of this fact is, that by the break of continuity of the rheophore, the action by which, as stated in page 567, the superficial stratum sustains the cir- cular motion is interrupted, and in such manner that the * Jamin, Tom. ni., p. 200- 38 594 THE MATHEMATICAL PRINCIPLES OF PHYSICS. motion In the intervening space expands laterally and di- minishes in magnitude. Hence the pressure has a maximum value between the ends of the rheophores, in consequence of which the decrements of pressure at and near the end of the moveable one put it in motion and repel it from the other. When a sinuous form is given to a galvanic rheophore, certain remarkable consequences are found to result, which I shall now attempt to explain theoretically. For the sake of simplicity it will be supposed, at first, that the rheophore has the form of a regular helix with a rectilinear axis. It has been argued (p. 566) that an setherial current may flow along a curved cylindrical rheophore, the motion being partly in lines parallel to the axis, and partly such motion combined with circular transverse motion. But it is evident that the motion cannot be in all respects the same as that along a rectilinear rheophore, because the curvature of the course gives rise to centrifugal force, the effect of which it is neces- sary to take into account. In the instance of the helix, there must be centrifugal force relative to its axis, apart from that due to the circular motion about the axis of the wire, because the motion of a given aetherial particle compelled to move along the curve is resolvable at each point into motion parallel to the axis and motion about it in a transverse circle. Now it may be presumed that the circular motion immediately im- pressed by the helix affects the fluid generally in such manner, that the total motion may be regarded as a case of steady motion relative to a fixed rectilinear axis, namely, the axis of the helix. Consequently the general formula rf(r) = aF(r) is applicable to this case, the compulsory motion along the helix being one of the conditions which determine the arbi- trary quantities. If r 1 be the distance of the helix from the axis, and a be the constant angle which its course makes with the direction of the axis, we have, since /(rj and F(r^ are in this case resolved parts of the velocity along the helix, l tan a = - ; and .'. a = r l tan a. THE THEORY OF GALVANIC FORCE. 595 The constant a being thus found, if F(r) were known for all values of r greater than r l9 the whole of the motion exterior to the helix might be calculated by the process indicated in page 568. Within the helix, that is, at distances from the axis less than r^ there is no cause producing either circular motion or variation of pressure ; so that, as in the analogous case considered in pages 566 568, the velocity is wholly parallel to the axis, and equal to F(r^}. The velocity of the current in the rheophore is Ffr^ sec a, or/(rj cosec a. Hence if &=-, the velocity is f(rj, and F(r 1 ) = Q; so that the motion along the rheophore is wholly in circles of radius r r The velocity at any distance r from the axis greater than ^ depends on the form and value of the unknown function F(r\ The case in which a is nearly equal to - is that of a Solenoid* which has the turns of the helix very close to each other. If a = 0, the velocity along the rheophore is Ffa), and f( r i) = 0; or there is no transverse velocity due to the spiral form. In this case the value of F(r^ is the velocity along the axis of a rectilinear rheophore. There is reason to sup- pose that for all values of a not very near to - the value of F(r^} is the same, inasmuch as on this supposition the following fact can be accounted fort. A galvanic current sent along a helix is made to return by a rectilinear continua- tion of the same coincident in position with its axis, and this duplex rheophore, arranged so as to be moveable about an axis, is brought to be near and parallel to a fixed rheophore. On passing a current through the latter, no attraction or repulsion of the first is produced such as is treated of in pages 592 and 593. The reason, on the above supposition, evi- dently is, that as the same value of F(r^) applies to the axis * Jamin, Tom. HI., p. 224; Ganot, Art 735. f Jamin, p. 200; Ganot, Art. 725. 382 596 THE MATHEMATICAL PRINCIPLES OF PHYSICS. of the helix and to the straight wire coincident with it, arid the current passes along them in opposite directions, they neutralize each other with respect to the fixed rheophore. It should, however, be observed, that the function F(r t ) represents not only the velocity along the axis, but, as was before explained, that along any parallel less distant from it than the helix ; and also that outside the helix the law of decrement of the velocity is expressed by the general function F(r) as for a rectilinear rheophore. For these reasons the neutralization of a helix by a straight rheophore will be the more exact the less the distance of the helix from the axis ; as is found to be the case by experiment. If the sinuous rheophore be of any irregular form, and no part be distant from the axis, or be abruptly inclined to it, the neutralization by a rectilinear rheophore will still take place. For each small portion may be regarded as a part of a helix, and as for each portion FfrJ will have the same value as for a rectilinear rheophore, it will have this value for the whole. Jamin states (p. 200), as a result of experience, " that we may always replace a rectilinear current by any sinuous one having the same mean direction, provided the latter deviates very little from the other." The mutual action between two of Amperes solenoids, so far as it depends on the motion of the aether parallel to the axis of the wire, is readily shewn to result from the law obtained in page 593, namely, that two parallel currents at- tract or repel according as they are in the same or opposite directions*. But according to the hydrodynamical theory, these motions are accompanied by circular transverse motions, the effect of which is also to be taken into consideration. The necessity for so doing will be expressly shewn when the theory of the mutual action between galvanic currents and magnets is under discussion. At present I propose to investi- * Explanations of the action of a straight current on a solenoid, and of that between two solenoids, are given on this principle in Jamin, Tom. in., Le^on 71. See also Ganot, Articles 736 and 7/39. THE THEORY OF GALVANIC FORCE. 597 gate the influence of the transverse motion only with respect to the mutual action of solenoids. The turns of the solenoid being very close to each other, planes transverse to them will all pass, quam proxime, through its axis. The consequence will be that since, as is shewn in page 242, the circular motions coexist, the parts of them resolved parallel to the axis coalesce within the solenoid, and in greatest degree along the axis, and partially neutralize each other outside, while the parts resolved perpendicular to the axis everywhere neutralize each other. The result is, therefore, a stream parallel to the axis, and of greatest in- tensity where it is coincident in direction with the axis. But coexisting with the circular motions there will be the motions parallel to the axis of the wire at each of the turns. Now these neutralize each other within the solenoid in such manner that their resultant is zero at the axis, and small at small distances from it ; while outside the solenoid they conspire. Thus the total motion agrees with that obtained for a cylin- drical rheophore by different considerations in pages 567 569, and the more nearly as the transverse section of the solenoid is less. It may also be observed that in this case, as in that just referred to, the values of f(r) may vary discontinuously, or even per saltum, if only the variations of p do not vary per saltum. A stream, accompanied by diminution of pressure, being thus excited along the axis of the solenoid, there will be con- vergent lines of motion at the end where the stream enters, and divergent lines at the end where it issues. Consequently if two solenoids be placed with their axes in the same direc- tion and the ends a little apart, there will (by hydrodynamics) be repulsion between them if the streams issue from both, or enter both, and attraction if the stream of one enters, and that of the other issues. These effects may be such as to conspire with those of the mutual action between the solenoids which results, as stated above, from the influence of the currents parallel to the axes of the respective wires. 598 THE MATHEMATICAL PRINCIPLES OF PHYSICS. But in order that the effects of the longitudinal and trans- verse motions may be of the same kind, a condition is neces- sary which demands particular attention. It is necessary that the spiral motion about a cylindrical rheophore should always le dextrorsum, that is, looking in the direction of a horizontal current, that the motion above the axis be from left to right. It might, in fact, be assumed on abstract grounds that these circular motions, if they exist, are determined as to direction by certain physical conditions. Also it may be supposed that the direction is given to them ab initio, that is, by the chemi- cal action at the seat of the galvanic motive force. Here, then, the theoretical evidence for the necessity of actual chemical analysis for the production of galvanic currents seems to be complete; for without chemical analysis, or trans- fer of atoms, it is presumed that the circular motion is not generated, or determined as to direction, and without circular motion there is no permanent current. Presuming, therefore, that the forces which determine the circular motion to be dextrorsum rather than sinistrorsum are those concerned in chemical action, I shall not here attempt to give a mathematical theory of them. It may, however, be said that the circular motion about the rheophore can be con- ceived to be the resultant of a vast number of very small circular motions generated at the points of chemical action, Their composition might be supposed to produce this result in the manner exhibited by a diagram in Art. 740 of Ganot's Physics, which refers to the composition of molecular currents in Ampere's theory of magnetism. It is, however, to be understood that the elementary currents of aether applied thus in the present theory are quite distinct from the molecular currents of Ampere, inasmuch as they only account for circu- lar motions about a rheophore, whereas Ampere, after having employed his currents to account for the motion about a solenoid, transferred the conception of them to the pheno- mena of magnetism. In the theory of magnetism I am about to propose there is nothing analogous to molecular currents. THE THEORY OF GALVANIC FORCE. 599 The direction of the circular motion about a rheophore being assumed to be dextrorsum, it will follow that the cur- rent generated in the manner above described along the axis of a solenoid the turns of which are also dextrorsum, will have the same direction as the original galvanic current, that is, it will enter and issue at the same ends as the latter. But if the turns of the solenoid be sinistrorsum, the direction of the current along the axis will evidently be changed and the two currents will enter and issue at opposite ends. Hence if a dextrorsum and a sinistrorsum solenoid be placed end to- wards end, there will be attraction or repulsion between them according as the directions of their galvanic currents are opposite or identical. But the case is the same with respect to the attraction or repulsion due to the currents along the wires. So far, therefore, as two solenoids are concerned, there is no circumstance to distinguish one effect from the other, or to determine the ratio of one to the other. The theory that will subsequently be given of the mutual action between a solenoid and a magnet will demonstrate that the effect depends largely on the current along the axis of the solenoid. The rate of propagation of the beginning and end of an astherial stream within a wire is obviously very different from the rate of flowing of the stream in the wire, the latter being the velocity of the aatherial particles, and, therefore, very small compared to the velocity of propagation. The sending of messages by an Electric Telegraph is effected by the generation and propagation of streams of limited lengths. At the ex- tremities of a given stream the variation of the condensation of the aether may be comparable with the variation in a soli- tary wave of condensation or rarefaction for which the value of \ is very much larger than for waves of light. Hence the retardation of the rate of propagation by the medium may be so small that a stream of limited length may be propagated in a metallic wire at a rate very little inferior to that of propa- gation in vacuum. (See in pages 501 and 502.) 600 THE MATHEMATICAL PRINCIPLES OF PHYSICS. The account given in the preceding paragraph of the cha- racter of currents of limited length is preliminary to the fol- lowing theory of the induced currents discovered by Faraday*. It seems that in all cases of the generation of such currents, either the beginning or the end of a current sent along a rheo- phore acts so as to induce a momentary current in a neigh- bouring rheophore. Hitherto we have regarded the currents as instances of steady motion, which it is allowable to do, so long as the reasoning is confined to established currents. But it is evident that at the beginning of a current an setherial particle acquires by degrees its eventual permanent velocity, and at the end of the current loses by the same degrees the same velocity. Hence at the beginning and end of each limited current there is a portion in which the variations of velocity are directly proportional to the variations of condens- ation, in accordance with the law expressed by the equation V= a S. The same equation applies to the intermediate parts of the current, the condensation S being positive if the current be produced by pushing the fluid forward, and nega- tive if produced by drawing it backward. The portions in which Fand S are variable are propagated at the rate proper to the rheophore, which, for the reason assigned above, pro- bably differs very little from the rate of propagation of light in vacuum. Hence the time during which a given particle passes from a state of rest to that of uniform velocity, or from uni- form velocity to a state of rest, is extremely brief, and at the positions where the transitions occur the fluid may be con- sidered to receive sudden impulses. These are, in fact, the im- pulses which originally set the current in motion and limited its extent, only modified in a certain manner and degree by the circumstances of their transmission to the positions in question. Now, according to a hydrodynarnical law which has al- ready been several times applied, these impulses produce reaction of the surrounding fluid by reason of its "inertia. The * Jamin, Tom. in., pp. 273 275; Ganot, Article 752. THE THEORY OF GALVANIC FORCE. 601 kind of reaction in this case may be appropriately illustrated by the before-cited instance of impulses given to a fluid by a small sphere moving in it. It appears that whether the sphere be moving uniformly or variably, there is a return current in constant proportion to its forward movement ; and although in this instance the amount of backward flow is doubled by the form of the sphere, it is yet wholly the result of resistance from the fluid's inertia. In the case of a limited galvanic current the reactions at the ends neutralize each other, if no other channel than the rheophore is furnished for the streams which the reactions tend to produce. But during the brief interval the impulse lasts, there appears to be nothing to prevent a partial reflection of the stream into the opposite direction, if only a contiguous rheophore be provided in which the reflected portion can permanently flow. This, in fact, is done in every case in which an induced current has been detected. It is evident that the reflected current may be supposed to partake in every respect of the character of the original one. At the following end of the inducing stream, a sudden impulse, transmitted from the original disturbance, puts a stop to the motion of a given particle, and therefore acts in the direction contrary to that of the stream. This impulse, just as in the case of that at the preceding end, produces by means of the reaction of the fluid a momentary stream in the opposite direction, which is now the direction of the original current. It has hitherto been supposed that the inducing stream is a condensed one, that is, that S is a positive quan- tity. The same argument applies, mutatis mutandis, and the inductive results are the same, if the stream be a rarefied one. The foregoing theoretical inferences agree with well known laws of induced currents. It is an evident Corollary from the above theory, that if the intensity of an existing current were suddenly increased, or suddenly diminished, a current would be induced in a con- tiguous rheophore in precisely the same manner as when 602 THE MATHEMATICAL PRINCIPLES OF PHYSICS. there is no previous current, and would be proportional to the increase or diminution of the intensity. This is found to be the fact. (Ganot, Art. 753.) It is also found that an induction current is generated on diminishing or increasing the interval between a rheophore along which a current is transmitted, and a parallel one which is neutral, that is, one which does not form part of a galvanic circuit, and consequently has no circular motion about its axis. (Jamin, p. 273.) The neutral rheophore, however, acts as a channel for the stream, and has the effect of increasing the con- ductivity. By applying here Ohm's Law, as expressed by the formula I\ = GrcAc* (p. 575), we may infer that as the neutral rheophore does not add by spiral motion to the resistance, it has simply the effect of increasing intensity by increasing the virtual transverse section a) of the conducting wire. Since the velocity of the current diminishes with the distance from the conducting rheophore, the effect of the neutral one will be greater the less the distance between them, because it will be traversed by a stream of greater velocity. Hence by sud- denly varying that distance the intensity / may be varied at pleasure, and induction currents be by that means produced. This theory may also serve to explain why on inducing a current by the contiguity of two coils*, the effect is increased by increasing the number of turns of the secondary coil, and insulating them ; for these arrangements augment the quan- tity of reflected current which the secondary coil is capable of appropriating and transmitting. Although a galvanic stream is not conductible from a rheophore by contact, as frictional electricity is conducted from an electrode, there is reason from experiment to say that some amount of con- duction takes place by mere contact of the rheophore with a galvanic conductor ; on which account the enveloping of the wire with a non-conducting substance, as silk or shellac, tends to maintain the intensity. It is also evident from the theory that the quantity of induced current will be increased by any * Jamin, Tom. in., pp. 275277; Ganot, Art. 752. THE THEORY OF GALVANIC FORCE. 603 arrangement, such as thatinRuhmkorfFs apparatus, by which primary currents of limited length may be produced in rapid succession. I have now, I think, sufficiently exemplified the principles and processes involved in the explanations which this theory gives of the facts of galvanism. It would be possible to ex- tend its applications much farther ; but enough, perhaps, has been advanced to justify the conclusion, that galvanic pheno- mena are governed by hydrodynamical laws. Before proceed- ing to the theory of Magnetism, I propose to say a few words on thermo-electric currents. Since, according to the views I have been advocating, a current of the aether is produced wherever there is a regular gradation of density in the interior of any substance, it might be expected that a lamina of metal heated unequally at the two ends would generate a current ; and experiment shews that such is the fact. If a closed circuit of any metal be heated at any point, currents, according to this theory, will be generated in consequence of the different degrees of expan- sion of the metal at different parts, and as they will be caused to flow in opposite directions, if they be equal they will neutralize each other. But if by any mechanical means they are made unequal, as by contortions of the metallic circuit, the result is that a current is detected by the galvano- meter. Since these currents act on the galvanometer, they will, according to the theory, be accompanied, like galvanic cur- rents, by transverse circular motions. It must, therefore, be admitted that there are other means besides chemical action by which the circular motions can be produced. Various methods of generating thermo-electric currents in a single substance are given by Jamin (Tom. in. pp. 3940), which seem all to point to the conclusion that besides the condition of gradation of density induced by heating, there must be some circumstance determining the circular motion and its direction. The connection shewn by M. Matteucci to exist 604 THE MATHEMATICAL PRINCIPLES OF PHYSICS. between the phenomena and crystallization allows of the sup- position that the circular motion may be due in every case to a distortion of the crystalline arrangement of the atoms. Perhaps even chemical action operates in this way. When the circuit is formed by two metals soldered to- gether at their extremities, and heat is applied at one of the positions of junction*, inequality of the opposite currents may be supposed to arise from difference of the capacity of the two metals for generating the proper currents, owing to difference in their atomic constitutions. It is found, in fact, that under these circumstances a differential current is generated. Such currents, however, are distinct from galvanic cur- rents,, because chemical action is not concerned in producing them ; and they are also distinct from the currents of fric- tional electricity, because the interior gradation of density is maintained by heat apart from any electrical condition of the superficial atoms. The existence of these currents is pecu- liarly corroborative of a theory which ascribes the immediate generation of currents by any substance solely to variation of its interior density. THE THEORY OF MAGNETIC FORCE. In the preceding Theories of Electricity, Galvanism, and Thermo-electricity, the generation of secondary setherial cur- rents from the primary ones (see in pages 545 548), has been ascribed to a gradation of interior density produced by exter- nal agency. In electricity the agent is friction; in galvan- "ism, the mutual molecular actions of dissimilar substances in contact ; and in thermo-electricity, the application of heat. In the Theory of Magnetism which I now enter upon, the fundamental hypothesis is, that in certain substances a gra- dation of interior density exists independently of any such * Seebeck's Experiment, respecting- which see Jamin, Tom. HI., p 41, and Ganot, Art. 777. THE THEORY OF MAGNETIC FORCE. 605 agency ; that it exists, for instance, in iron found in nature in a magnetized state, and without being accompanied by an electric state of the superficial atoms. It is assumed, in short, in this theory that the gradation of density is maintained solely by interior atomic repulsions and first-order molecular attractions, the particular atomic constitution of the substance allowing to a limited extent these forces to be in equilibrium in its interior consistently with the gradual variation of dens- ity. Also it is supposed that the direction of the gradation of density depends on the form of the magnetized body. By experience it is known that the magnetized state may be in- duced in steel by mechanical means, with different degrees of permanence ; and that it may be momentarily induced in soft iron. All the subsequent reasoning will rest on these fundamental hypotheses and facts, the antecedent reasons for which, since they relate to the intimate constitution and qua- lities of magnetic bodies, will not come under consideration. Taking, first, the case of a bar of magnetized steel of the form of a rectangular parallelepiped, let us assume that there exists permanently a uniform decrease of its atomic density from the end^l to the end B. By the argument in pages 545 548, the aether within the bar will in consequence be urged by a uniform accelerative force acting throughout its length from B towards A. To the accelerative force in that half of the bar which terminates at B may be ascribed the agency which overcomes the inertia, or reluctance to motion, of the aether with- in and without the bar on the side of B, and to the accelerative force in the other half that which overcomes the resistance opposed to the flow of the current by the inertia of the aether on the side of A. Thus the motion will be maintained so as to be symmetrical with respect to a neutral position JV, mid-way between A and B, the lines of motion converging towards parts about B, and diverging in like manner from parts about A. The density of the aether will be least, and its velocity greatest, at N, and the density will increase, and the velocity decrease, in both directions from this point by the same gra- 606 THE MATHEMATICAL PRINCIPLES OF PHYSICS. dations. Hence the spherical atoms, by reason of the excess of pressure on the halves of their surfaces turned from N, will be urged on both sides towards that position, and the total moving forces in the opposite directions will be equal. Thus the accelerative forces of the sether will have no tendency to produce a motion of translation of the bar. Also as there can be no permanent transfer of the eetherial fluid in the mean direction of the motion through the bar, it must be concluded that the fluid returns by a slow stream, distant from the bar on all sides, in such manner that the motion is altogether circulating. But experiment shews that motion ensues if a magnetized bar be placed in iron filings, these being immediately attracted towards it. It is found also that the filings arrange them- selves about the bar in tufts, chiefly at the two ends, but in equal degree on each side of the middle part, where there are none. (This effect is exhibited by a diagram in Ganot's Physics, Art. 582.) The kind of action by which iron filings are thus attracted will be a subject of future enquiry; at pre- sent I am only concerned with remarking that their arrange- ment about the bar corresponds closely with the directions of the lines of motion of the aether which resulted from the fore- going theory. This analogy affords a presumption, which will be fully confirmed by subsequent investigation, that mag- netic force is identical with the dynamical action of steady secondary streams of the cether, generated, as already stated, by a regular gradation of density of the atomic constituents of the magnetized body. I proceed, next, to draw some imme- diate inferences from these premisses. (1). The theory accounts at once for the well-known fact that the magnetism of a steel bar is equal and opposite on the opposite sides of a middle neutral position. (2). It also follows, conformably with experience, that if a magnetized bar be divided into two or more parts by being cut transversely, each part becomes a magnet, it being assumed that the gradation of density in each from end to end THE THEORY OF MAGNETIC FORCE. 607 is the same, and in the same direction, as when it formed a part of the whole bar. (3). Since reason was given above for concluding that a magnetic stream generated in a rectangular steel bar is re- entering, its intensity may be estimated in a manner analogous to that adopted with respect to the current in a galvanic cir- cuit. (See pages 573 575.) There is the same hydrodyna- mical reason in the one case as in the other for the intensity of the stream being constant throughout the course. Hence if I be the intensity of the magnetic current, defined just as that of a galvanic current, \ the length of the circuit, Ma, constant proper to the substance of the magnetized bar, but in a given bar always proportional to the accelerative force due to the change of density in a given space, I the length of the bar, and m* its transverse section," we shall have on this principle I\ = Mlm*, and .'. 7= . A. It follows from this result that, cseteris paribus, the intensity is proportional to the transverse section of the bar. The value of M in a given bar, being proportional to the rate of change of its density in a given length, is the exponent of the degree of magnetization. When this rate is the greatest that the atomic constitution of the substance admits of, the bar is mag- netized to saturation. Supposing two bars of the same sub- stance, but of different lengths, to be magnetized in the same degree, both, for instance, to saturation, the intensities of the currents will be nearly the same, because if I be increased beyond a certain small length, X must be increased in very nearly the same proportion. It may, I think, be affirmed that these results accord with experience. (4). The mutual attractions and repulsions of magnetized bars are accounted for by the same hydrodynamical laws of steady motions as those already applied in explanation of electric and galvanic attractions and repulsions. (See pages 551 and 592.) Let A, A' be the positive poles of two mag- netized bars, i.e., those from which the currents flow, and 608 THE MATHEMATICAL PRINCIPLES OF PHYSICS. B, B the negative poles, or those into which they enter. Then if either A, A' or B, B' be turned towards each other, by the coexistence of the opposing streams the equality and sym- metrical distribution of the densities on the opposite sides of the neutral positions are in such manner destroyed, that the forces urging the bars from each other become more effective than those urging them in the contrary directions. Ap- parently, therefore, the bars are mutually repulsive. If either A be turned towards B, or B towards A', the streams be- tween the adjacent ends have the same mean direction ; in consequence of which the bars are urged from each other by forces that are less effective than those which urge them towards each other, and they appear, therefore, to be mutually attractive. These results agree with the experimental law, that like poles repel, and unlike poles attract*. From the foregoing theory of magnetic currents com- bined with the previous theory of galvanic currents, we may now proceed to give an account of the mutual action be- tween a galvanic rheophore and a magnetic needle (Oersted's Experiment)!. Conceive a straight horizontal rheophore to be fixed in the plane of the meridian, and a current to flow through it northward; and let a horizontal magnetized needle, moveable about a vertical axis, be placed directly underneath, and parallel to, the rheophore at a small distance from it, with its positive pole also northward. It will be assumed that the influence of the earth's magnetism on the needle is counter- acted by appropriate means. Since the motion and lines of motion of the magnetic current are symmetrical about the axis of the magnet, and the motion of the galvanic current resolved parallel to the axis of the rheophore is the same at all equal distances from the axis, it follows that so far as regards the dynamical effect of the pressures due to these motions, there is no force tending to move the needle out of the plane of the meridian. * Jamin, Tom. i., p. 479; Ganot, Art. 583. f- Jamin, Tom. in., p. 4; Ganot, Art. 698. THE THEORY OF MAGNETIC FORCE. 609 But by the theory of galvanism, the stream along the rheophore is accompanied by circular motion about its axis in the direction from above towards the right hand of a person looking along the axis northward (see page 598). Thus the circular motion produces a stream which crosses the magnet from east to west. With respect to the north portion of the needle, this stream opposes on the east side, and flows with on the west side, the parts of the issuing magnetic streams resolved horizontally and at right angles to the axis of the needle. There is consequently an increase of density and pressure on the east side, and a diminution of the same on the west side, and the needle is consequently urged towards the west. About the south portion of the needle, where the entering streams converge in curved courses, the parts re- solved horizontally at right angles to the axis of the needle flow with the circular streams on the east side, and oppose them on the west side. The greater density of the aether is therefore on the west side, and the south end of the needle is consequently urged towards the east. Thus since the mo- menta of the forces acting equally on the two halves of the needle tend to produce rotation in the same direction, the result is a deviation of the north end towards the west. The positive pole of the needle still pointing northward, if either the direction of the galvanic current be reversed, or the needle be placed above the current instead of below, it may similarly be shewn that the deviation of the north end would be towards the east. These inferences from the theory agree with the well- known facts of the experiment. It is, however, to be said that they strictly apply only to the initial motion of the needle. As soon as an angular separation takes place be- tween the axes of the rheophore and magnet, it fcright be ex- pected that the mutual action of the parts of the currents parallel to the axes would, according to a known law of " angular currents" (Ganot, Art. 724), check the separation, and prevent its exceeding a certain limit. But there are 39 610 THE MATHEMATICAL PRINCIPLES OF PHYSICS. reasons for concluding that this action is very small. In the first place, the lines of motion in the magnetic current are wholly different from the spiral lines of the galvanic current, inasmuch as there is no circular motion in the former, and all its lines of motion, if the magnet were symmetrical about an axis, would be in planes passing through the axis. The courses of these lines are determined generally by the law of circulation, adverted to in page 605, which is a neces- sary consequence of the resistance of an unlimited mass of fluid to the permanent transfer of any portion across a fixed plane. The particular forms of the curves will depend partly on the transvere dimensions of the magnet, but chiefly on .its length. According to experiments by Coulomb, cited by M. De La Eive (Tom. I., p. 184), the distribution of magnetism in rods, or bars, of different lengths, is exactly the same in all through four inches from each extremity, but through the intermediate interval, of greater or less length, there is no perceptible magnetism, and iron filings are not attracted. (See p. 606.) Since in order to maintain the curvature of the lines of motion there must be decrements of density of the fluid in the directions towards the centres of curvature, it is a conse- quence of the re-entering courses (see the figure in Jamin, Tom. I., p. 477), that the density contiguous to the above- mentioned intermediate part is less than the mean density. It seems, therefore, allowable to conclude that where there is no perceptible magnetic attraction, an equilibrium is estab- lished between the density of the aether adjacent to the mag- net and of that within it, and that the forms of the magnetic curves are partly determined by the fulfilment of this con- dition. Also since consistently with hydrodynamical principles the different filaments of a rectilinear steady stream may differ in any manner as to velocity if the pressure be every- where the same, it is possible that the magnetic stream, where its attraction is imperceptible, may not extend beyond the limits of the magnet. In this respect it would differ alto- gether from a galvanic stream along a rheophore. THE THEORY OF MAGNETIC FORCE. 611 Again, it is to be considered that the courses of the lines of motion towards the ends of the magnet (in the above experi- ment) are favourable to coincidence with the motion about the rheophore on the farther side, and to opposition on the other, after the angular separation of the axes. This circumstance, taken in connection with the foregoing considerations respect- ing the character of the magnetic current, may suffice to ac- count for the observed fact that the separation increases up to 90, independently of the intensity of the current. It is plain that when this angle is reached all the lines of motion are symmetrically disposed relatively to the two axes, and there can be no further tendency to motion. The reciprocal action of a magnet on a moveable rheophore may be considered with reference to the same hydrodyna- mical laws, that is, by taking account of the variations, from point to point of space, of the density of the aether resulting from the coexistence of steady motions. It is evident that if in Oersted's experiment the magnet be supposed fixed, and the rheophore moveable about a vertical axis, the distribution of density will be the same for the same angular separation of their axes as in the contrary case. Hence, from what is argued above, the galvanic current will tend to repel the magnet, if the angle of separation be of any value less than 90. But it does not appear legitimate to infer conversely that under the same condition the fixed magnet will repel the moveable rheophore. For that repulsion comes into operation only when the magnetic stream so alters the symmetrical dis- . tribution of density about the rheophore as to cause an excess of density on the side turned towards the magnet ; but it can- not be affirmed, without taking account of the intensity of the stream and the courses of the lines of motion, that such would be the case for every angle of separation less than 90. To ascertain this point theoretically, it would be necessary to bring both the galvanic and the magnetic streams under exact mathematical treatment, which I am not prepared to do. But although the present theory is on this account incomplete, it 392 612 THE MATHEMATICAL PRINCIPLES OP PHYSICS. is yet not inconsistent with the experimental fact, that " a moveable rheophore immediately begins to turn when a strongly magnetized bar is held in any direction below it, and stops after some oscillations in a plane perpendicular to the axis of the magnet." (Ganot, Art. 731.) It will be proper to point out here the difference between the action of a fixed galvanic rheophore on a magnet, the theory of which is given above, and its action on another rheophore holding the place of the magnet, and moveable in like manner about a vertical axis. In the mutual action of the two rheophores it may be supposed, from what is said in page 593, that the coincidence or opposition of the currents parallel to their axes is much more effective in producing variation of density than the coincidence or opposition of the transverse circular currents. The moveable rheophore being supposed to be parallel to the other, and a little below it, and the currents to be in the same direction, by the consequent opposition of the circular currents in the space between the rheophores, a maximum of density will be produced there ; but as the density will be equally distributed on the opposite sides of a vertical plane through the axes, no horizontal motion will result. If, however, the moveable rheophore be separated from the other by a small angle, the tendency of the pressure due to the circular motions will be to increase the separation. But the attraction due to the motions parallel to the axes will prevail over this force, and the rheophore will consequently be made to perform small oscillations about the original position parallel to the fixed rheophore, which, there- fore, is a position of stable equilibrium. These are just the opposite effects to those produced when the rheophore acts on a magnet, in which case, as we have seen, the variations of pressure are due mainly to the transverse motions, repulsion takes place when the axes are parallel, and stable equilibrium when the axes are at right angles to each other*. * The theoretical proof of the "laws of angular currents" (Ganot, Art. 724), which was omitted under the head of Galvanism, might readily be supplied from the considerations contained in this paragraph. THE THEORY OF MAGNETIC FORCE. 613 On proceeding now to give a theory of terrestrial mag- netism, I make the preliminary remark, that no other hypo- theses are admissible than those on which the preceding theories of the physical forces have been based. It will ac- cordingly be assumed that the earth is composed of spherical inert atoms of different constant magnitudes, and in different states of aggregation, and that the gether pervading its in- terior has the same mean density as in the external spaces. With respect to the motion impressed on the aether by the moving mass of the earth, the very same argument may be employed as that which is applied in pages 545 548 to any aggregation of atoms constituting an aeriform, liquid, or solid substance. The effect of interior gradation of density is to be calculated in exactly the same manner. In short, the earth may be regarded as a vast magnet, which generates secondary streams just as any other magnet does, that is, in consequence both of internal gradation of density, and the primary streams that relatively pass through it. These streams, as is explain- ed in page 547, are due to the earth's motions in its orbit and about its axis, and the motion it has in space in common with all the members of the solar system. It is, however, to be taken into consideration that if the form of the earth were perfectly spherical, and the density were a function of the distance from the centre, the gradation of density would produce no secondary streams, because the accelerative forces would be just equal and opposite in op- posite directions from the centre. In consequence of the law of fluid reaction which has already been several times applied, the sether would, under these circumstances, relatively per- meate the interior of the earth, without being in any sensible degree transported in the direction of the earth's motion. By reason of the same law the motion of the earth about its axis would produce no rotatory motion of the asther. But the earth has, in reality, the form of an oblate sphe- roid, and the normals to the surfaces of equal density do not generally pass through its centre. Also the form of the super- 614 THE MATHEMATICAL PRINCIPLES OF PHYSICS. > ficies is very uneven, and the materials of the crust are very irregularly distributed as land and water. Under these con- ditions it may be presumed that secondary streams will be generated by the residual effects of gradations of density. In fact, according to this hydrodynamical theory of magnetism, the directions and intensities of these streams are actually ascertained by the experimental determinations of magnetic declination, dip, and intensity. It may be supposed that terrestrial magnetic streams are constantly the same as to direction and intensity at the same positions relative to the earth, if its structural circumstances and its motions in space and about its axis remain unchanged, for the same reason that the magnetism of any magnetized body has fixed relations to its form and structure independ- ently of any motion we may choose to give to it. This is known to be true generally. There are, however, periodic and secular changes in the indications by magnets of the direction and intensity of the earth's magnetism, of which some theo- retical explanations will be proposed subsequently. I proceed, in the next place, to make certain applications of the theory, which will serve to determine in what direction the cetherial currents pass through the dipping needle. For this purpose the experiment illustrated by a figure in Art. 732 of Ganot's Physics will be first employed. This experiment proves that a vertical galvanic current, moveable about a vertical axis, places itself in a position of stable equilibrium . on the east side of the axis in a plane perpendicular to the magnetic meridian, if the current be ascending, and on the west side if it be descending. To account for these facts let us suppose that the terrestrial magnetic current (supposed to be wholly rectilinear) enters the north or lower end of the needle, and issues at the south end. Then if it be resolved vertically and horizontally, the vertical part will ascend, and the horizontal part will flow in the magnetic meridian south- ward. The former will, therefore, meet a descending galvanic current ; but as it will not alter the symmetrical distribution THE THEORY OF MAGNETIC FORCE. 615 of density about its axis, it has no tendency to produce mo- tion about the axis of rotation. The circular motion about the rheophore being dextrorsum, and the current descending, the part of the terrestrial current flowing southward meets it on the side which is to the left hand of a person looking northward, and concurs with it on the opposite side. It fol- lows that the rheophore cannot be in equilibrium unless it is in the plane perpendicular to the magnetic meridian, and to the right of the axis of rotation, that is, on the east side. If the current be ascending, the rheophore may in like manner be shewn to be in equilibrium only in the same plane on the west side of the axis. As these results agree with observa- tion, they confirm the hypothesis that the magnetic stream enters the north end of the needle, passing, consequently, out of the earth. Similarly it may be argued that on the south side of the magnetic equator the terrestrial magnetic current enters into the earth. The same inference respecting the direction of the earth's current is deducible from another experiment, which exhibits the action of terrestrial magnetism on a horizontal galvanic current. In this instance the galvanic current, after ascend- ing to the horizontal rheophore by a vertical column enclos- ing its axis of rotation, and proceeding to equal distances along the opposite arms, descends by two vertical rheophores. (Ganot, Art. 733.) From the theory of the preceding ex- periment it appears that the descending currents, being equally distant from the axis of rotation, tend to produce equal rota- tory motions in opposite directions, and thus neutralize each other. Also the horizontal component of the terrestrial cur- rent, by acting on the circular motions of the rheophore, tends only to make it rotate in a vertical plane, and is con- sequently ineffective as regards horizontal rotation. Thus there remains only the action of the ascending vertical com- ponent on the horizontal arms. That component, supposing the horizontal currents to be directed eastward and westward, will meet the circular currents of the eastern arm on the south 616 THE MATHEMATICAL PRINCIPLES OF PHYSICS. side, and those of the western arm on the north side. Thus a motion of rotation will be produced from east through north towards west. If the currents proceed from the ends of the arms to the axis of rotation and so down the vertical column, the rotation will be in the opposite direction*. The directive action of terrestrial magnetism on a magnet supposed to be moveable in any direction about a fixed central point, may be explained as follows on the same principles. Let us suppose, at first, that the axis of the magnet coincides with the direction of the terrestrial current; and let the positive pole of the magnet, that is, the one from which its streams diverge, be southward. Hence the stream of the magnet along its axis will have exactly the same direction as the terrestrial stream. Now let the axis of the magnet be caused to deviate a little from its original position in any direction whatever, and let its streams and the earth's stream be both resolved parallel and perpendicular to the new position. The portions resolved parallel to the axis will evidently not tend to produce any motion of rotation of the magnet. Attention being given to the divergent courses of the streams at the positive end of the magnet, and the con- vergent courses at the other end, it will be seen that the respective portions resolved perpendicular to the axis will be everywhere opposed to each other on the side of the magnet which is farthest from the first position of the axis, and will everywhere coalesce on the opposite side. Hence the pres- sure will be in excess on the more remote side, and will urge * In Atkinson's Edition of Ganot, Art. 733, the rotation is stated to be "from east to west" in the former case, and from "west to east" in the other; which gives no information. In Jamin, Tom. in., p. 222, the direction, as in- dicated by a diagram, is from west through north towards east. But in M. De La Rive's Treatise (Tom. I., p. 256), I found the following explicit statement : " When the current is directed from the centre of rotation to the free extremity, the direction of the motion is such that, supposing the free extremity to be west- ward, it is at first towards the sonth, continues its course towards the east, then towards the north, to return to the west and recommence as before. The contrary is the case if the current is directed from the circumference to the centre." This agrees with the theory. THE THEORY OF MAGNETIC FORCE. 617 the magnet towards the position from which it was displaced. As the displacement was supposed to be in any direction whatever, this argument proves that the terrestrial stream is directive, tending always to place the axis of the magnet in coincidence with its own course. By like reasoning it might be shewn that if the negative end of the magnet were southward, and its axis were placed in coincidence with the direction of the terrestrial stream, just the contrary effects would result from a small displacement, the magnet being caused to deviate more and more from the first position, and settling finally with its positive end south- ward. As the foregoing results agree with observation, it follows as a Corollary from the theory that the mean direc- tion of the proper currents of the dipping needle always coin- cides with the direction of the terrestrial current, and the south end of the needle is the positive pole. The degree of magnetization of a magnet being given, the directive force of the earth's magnetism, as inferred from the time of small oscillations of the magnet about its mean posi- tion, is a measure of the velocity of the terrestrial current, or of the total intensity of the terrestrial magnetic force at the place of observation. Instead of taking observations for directly determining the total intensity and dip, these ele- ments might be deduced, as is usually done, from observations of horizontal magnetic force and vertical magnetic force, the total intensity being the resultant of these two forces, and the ratio of the latter to the former being the tangent of the Dip or Inclination. The directive action of the earth's magnetism on a solenoid is analogous to that on a magnet. We have seen (p. 597) that by the combination of the circular motions transverse to the axis of the rheophore throughout the turns which con- stitute the solenoid, a current is produced along its axis, with divergence of streams at one end, and convergence of streams at the other. In virtue of these streams two solenoids act on each other like two magnets, and exclusively by these streams 618 THE MATHEMATICAL PRINCIPLES OF PHYSICS. a solenoid acts upon a magnet like a magnet (see in p. 599). By acting on the same streams just as on those of a magnet the earth's current gives direction to the axis of the solenoid*. On taking account of the exterior circular streams about the axis of the solenoid (discussed in page 597), it will be found that the resulting action due to their coexistence with the earth's current tends to give a motion of translation to the solenoid, but not to change the direction of its axis. Before entering upon the subject of magnetic induction, it is proper to state that I regard the explanations which the theory has already given of magnetic phenomena as affording very strong presumptive evidence that the magnetic condition of a body is always such as it was defined to be by the initial hypothesis ; namely, that it is a regular gradation of its in- terior density, but not depending, as in the case of an electri- fied body, either on second-order molecular force, or on a particular state of the superficial stratum of atoms. The ques- tion as to the modes of action by which this gradation of density is generated and maintained, as it relates to a specific property of the body depending on its atomic constitution, I do not profess to be able to answer completely : but some views on the subject will here be proposed, with the intention of employing them in the subsequent exposition of the theory of magnetic induction. According to the theories of heat and molecular attraction given in this work, the atomic repulsive forces, and the forces of molecular attraction, which by their action on any atom in the interior of any substance keep it at rest, are separately equal in opposite directions, the density being supposed to be uniform, and no extraneous force acting. (See p. 465.) But it is also conceivable that the atom may be in equilibrium by the action of the interior forces, when the density, instead of being uniform, varies uniformly with the distance from a fixed plane in the substance. For in that case it suffices Jamin, Torn. TIL, pp. 226229; Ganot, Arts. 737739. THE THEORY OF MAGNETIC FORCE. 619 for the equilibrium, if the resultant attraction towards the denser parts be equal to the resultant repulsion towards the rarer parts, and both act perpendicularly to the above-men- tioned plane. Let us, therefore, assume that this kind of equilibrium can take place in certain substances within very restricted limits of the gradation of density, and that such substances are by that circumstance endowed with the property of being magnetic. We may then conceive of magnetization as being an operation by which a transition is made from the ordinary equilibrium of the atoms which exists when the density of the substance is uniform, to an extraordinary equilibrium con- sistent with a uniform variation of its density. It appears from experiment, as might perhaps have been anticipated from this view, that the change from one state to the other, in whatever degree, takes place simultaneously at all parts of the substance. The various modes of practically magnetizing a body susceptible of the magnetic state seem all to be means of locally altering the relative positions of its atoms. In the " method of touch" by powerful magnets, the poles of the magnets are applied to successive points of the surface of the body to be magnetized, apparently because the efficacy of the process depends on the magnetic streams being divergent, or convergent, and, therefore, accompanied by gradations of the density of the aether. The " method of single touch," in which the magnetizing pole is passed along the bar al- ways in the same direction, gives but a feeble result. In Mitchell's "method of double touch" the effect is produced by the passage of a stream from the positive touching pole through a portion of the bar into the negative one, and the two magnets may be moved in conjunction in either direc- tion. (Epinus added greatly to the efficiency of this method by inclining the two magnets at small angles to the bar in opposite directions, and making at the same time its ends rest on the contrary poles of horizontal magnets. By this 620 THE MATHEMATICAL PRINCIPLES OF PHYSICS. arrangement two sets of streams, of increased intensity, pass in the same direction, each through an inclined and a hori- zontal magnet and the intermediate portion of the bar. The positive pole of the magnetized bar is found to be at that end out of which the magnetizing streams issue*. When a bar of steel, or soft iron, is placed in the direc- tion of the dipping needle, it is found to be magnetized by the earth's magnetism t. In this case, the terrestrial stream passes through the bar with an accelerated velocity on ac- count of the contraction of the channel by the atoms, the acceleration being produced by gradations of density due to the entrance of the stream in converging courses at the north end. At the south end the stream issues in diverging courses, and the consequent retardation there is equal to the previous acceleration. Hence, as in the foregoing case, the bar is traversed by a magnetic current, and at the same time is subject to local action from the convergence and divergence of the lines of motion ; so that the process of magnetization may be considered to be the same in the two cases. Again, a steel bar is strongly magnetized by being placed along the axis of a helix through which a galvanic current is sent. (Jamin, p. 252 ; Ganot, Art. 742.) The effect ap- pears in this instance to be attributable to the circular motions transverse to the path of the helix, which, if the turns be very close, produce by their composition a current along the axis, with converging courses at one extremity and diverging courses at the other (see p. 597). Thus in all the three methods the magnetizing streams have the same character, and it may be presumed that they all disturb the atoms of the magnetized body in the same manner. The fact discovered by Faraday (Experimental Researches in Electricity, Series XI x), that the plane in which a sub- * See Jamin, Tom. HI., pp. 524527; Ganot, Arts. 606609. If in Ganot's Fig. 429, the letter A be at positive poles, the direction of the currents is from the left to the right hand, and a marks the positive pole of the bar. f Jamin, Tom. i., p. 529; Ganot, Art. 610. THE THEORY OF MAGNETIC FORCE. 621 stance polarizes light may be changed by the influence of powerful artificial magnets, may be appealed to as giving evidence that the relative positions of the atoms of bodies are alterable by the action of galvanic streams. But the precise mode of the alteration, as depending on the magni- tudes and arrangement of the atoms, does not admit of being exactly investigated in the present state of theory ; and for the same reason we cannot account theoretically for the fact that steel and soft iron, although capable of being magnet- ized by the same means, differ widely as to the power of retaining the magnetism. It seems that the atoms of steel, after being put by a disturbance into positions of extraordinary equilibrium, are kept there by the intrinsic forces of the sub- stance, whilst the atoms of soft iron retain such positions only so long as the disturbance lasts. Neither can a theoretical reason at present be given for the fact that the direction from the negative to the positive end of a magnetized bar of steel, or soft iron, that is, the direction in which its proper streams flow through it, is the same as that of the magnetizing current. That this fact de- pends on the particular constitution of iron may be inferred from the circumstance that there are certain substances whose proper streams generated under the same magnetizing circum- stances are in the opposite direction*. Such substances are called diamagnetic^ . Although the exact processes of mag- netizing and diamagnetizing are alike unknown, on the principles of the present theory it may be pronounced that in both cases a regular gradation of interior density is produced, differing only as to direction. It is also to be noticed that the diamagnetism of bismuth, like the magnetism of soft iron, is temporary ; on which account a bar of bismuth, suspended horizontally between the poles of a sufficiently powerful magnet, takes a transverse position, since if it deviated in * An account of experiments by Tyndall which fully establish this fact is given by Jamin, Tom. HI., pp. 262264. + Jamin, Tom. in., pp. 258261; Ganot, Art. 776. 622 THE MATHEMATICAL PRINCIPLES OF PHYSICS. either direction from this position, the generated poles would be repelled by the poles of the magnet. In magnetizing steel bars, certain irregularities which have been named consequent points, are found to occur, espe- cially if the bars be long. They present themselves as poles intermediate to the extreme poles, and alternately positive and negative. (Jamin, Tom. I., p. 525.) Such effects might, according to the foregoing theory, be expected to result, if the gradation of density, instead of being uniform from end to end of the bar, have alternate maximum and minimum values at certain intermediate positions. It is known from observation that consequent points slowly disappear. This mode of dis- appearance is such as might be accounted for by a gradual distribution of the irregularities of density throughout the length of the bar. The preceding theory of magnetic induction gives the means of accounting for the attraction of iron filings by a magnetized bar. The streams of the magnet passing through the iron filing magnetize it inductively in the manner de- scribed in page 619, and by reason of the gradation of density thus induced the filing becomes a small magnet having its own streams. By what is shewn in page 620, these streams flow in the same mean direction as the inducing stream, and consequently if the latter proceeds from the positive pole of the magnet, the more remote pole of the small magnet is also positive. Hence opposite poles of the two magnets are turned towards each other, and, as usual, attraction ensues. If the inducing stream flows towards the negative pole, the nearer pole of the small magnet is positive, so that opposite poles are oppositely directed, and, as before, attraction is the result. The theory thus accounts for the adherence of the iron filings equally at both ends of the magnet. It also explains the adherence of iron filings in succession one to another; for all the filings are converted in greater or less degree by the magnetized bar into small temporary magnets, with like poles all turned in directions towards the bar, so that THE THEORY OF MAGNETIC FORCE. 623 they are prepared for mutually adhering by the contact of unlike poles. It is here appropriate to remark that the magnetic streams through a magnetic bar are (by hydrodynamics) accompanied by a decrease of astherial density towards both ends, and it might at first sight be supposed that the accelerative forces thence resulting, would account for the attraction of the iron filings. But if this were true, there would be no reason why bodies of all kinds should not be attracted, as is the case in electrical attractions. Since magnetic streams act on bodies as being subject to the induction of magnetism or diamag- netism, it follows that the gradation of density of the aether from point to point of space, so far as it is only due to the original stream, is much less effective than the gradation of density due to the coexistence of the secondary stream of the magnetic or diamagnetic induction. We have here a physical circumstance analogous to that adverted to in page 529 relative to electrical attractions and repulsions, which, according to the theory explained in pages 544 552, are the results of streams having their origin in gradations of the densities of the electrified bodies induced by second-order forces, although the immediate translatory action of these forces is compara- tively very small. As the point just referred to is of primary importance, I shall here adduce, for the purpose of elucidating it, some addi- tional mathematical investigations respecting the dynamical effects of composite steady motion. (See Proposition xviii. p. 240, and Example vili. p. 313.) The motion being sup- posed to be steady, the general equations for a compressible fluid become du dv dw dp dp dp ~r + -j- + -J- + u ~ r + v j + W J = 0, ax ay dz pdx pdy pdz a*dp du du du a?dp s a?dp p r L + U-T- + V-J- +w =0, /- + &c. = 0, - r + & c>= o. pdx dx ay dz pdy pdz The last three equations shew that the last three terms of the 624 THE MATHEMATICAL PRINCIPLES OF PHYSICS. first equation are of the third order with respect to the velo- city. Hence omitting these terms, that equation is reduced to its first three terms. (This is the reasoning referred to in the Note in p. 547.) If now u^v^wj u z , v a , w 2 ; &c. be the resolved velocities of several sets of steady motions due to separate disturbances, we shall have and by adding the several equations, d. (M 1 + M a + &c.) t d. (i? t + . . 12 . dx dJT ~~^~ That this last equation may be applicable to the motion of a fluid, it is only necessary that the resultant of the several steady motions, assumed to coexist, should be steady motion. But plainly this will be the case, because the components being constant as to magnitude and direction, the resultant is in like manner constant. It is thus shewn that steady motions may coexist consistently with satisfying the condition of con- stancy of mass. Hence the general hydrodynamical equation at the top of page 241 is applicable to composite steady motion if = 0, and Hb- = 0, and V be the resultant velocity at any dt dt point. The equation in that case may be put under the form _ Z! / y\ p = p Q e >* = p Q {l- 2 J nearly ; p Q being the constant value of p at a given point along a given line of motion. In the application of this equation to magnetic streams it cannot generally be assumed that udx + vdy + wdz is an exact differential. Let us now take the case of a large magnetized bar, sym- metrical about an axis, attracting an iron filing of the shape of a small prismatic bar, the latter being magnetized inductively by the large magnet. For the sake of simplicity let their axes be in the same straight line, which, consequently, will be a line of motion. Then if V l and V 2 be the velocities of the THE THEORY OF MAGNETIC FORCE. 625 aether due to the large and small magnets respectively at any point within the latter, F/ and F 2 ' the corresponding velo- cities at a point equally distant from the neutral plane of the small magnet on the opposite side of it, and if the densities at the two points be p l and />/, we have (as in page 550), 3 and since by symmetry F 2 ' = V 2 , , ,:' ' ~ ft' = - ^ (FI ~ F;) (2 F * + Fi + 7;) - If F! and /! apply to the point which is nearer than the other to the large magnet, so that Fi is greater than F/, it will follow that the right-hand side of the last equation is negative, and p^ is less than /?/. Hence the symmetrical arrangement of density which would subsist relatively to the neutral plane of the small magnet so far as depends on its own streams, is destroyed by the composition of the motions, and on this account that magnet is moved by the differences of the opposite accelerations of its individual atoms on the opposite sides of the neutral plane. This effect is greater the greater F^ F/. F 2 , and F x + F/ are. In order to determine more precisely the manner in which the iron filing is attracted, I shall now calculate the acceleration of an atom in each of the two above mentioned positions. For this purpose the expression for the accelerative force which was obtained in page 315 may be employed. Let s and s be the distances of the atoms from a fixed point on the line of motion, reckoned positive in the direction from the large to the small magnet, and let this also be the direction of the streams of both. Then the accelerations of the nearer and farther atoms in the positive direction are respectively But by reason of the symmetry of the motion proper to the 40 626 THE MATHEMATICAL PRINCIPLES OF PHYSICS. small magnet, F a '= F 2 , and-~=- - 2 . Hence, putting (JiS CLS fj, for the mass of each atom, it will be found that the sum of the moving forces in the positive direction is The same reasoning is applicable to any number of pairs of atoms equidistant from the neutral plane. Respecting this expression it is first to be remarked that the term (V l F/) ^ is positive, because V l is greater than F/ CvS dV and - is positive, the maximum value of F 2 being at the neutral plane. Hence so far as this term indicates the iron filing T fdV! dV,\ . is repelled. I he term F 2 ~ + ^ is negative because 2 ds as J , . ,^ . , _ . both , , and ~ are negative ; and tor the same reason ds ds the two remaining terms are negative. These three terms, therefore, indicate that the iron filing is attracted. We have next to consider what circumstances may determine the amount of attraction to be greater than that of repulsion. If V 2 = 0, that is, if the small body be non-magnetic, the last two terms within the brackets will express that attraction (spoken of in page 623), by which the streams of the magnet might act on the atoms of a substance of any kind. Experi- ence shews that this attraction is very much smaller than that exerted on a magnetic body ; but for a reason which will be presently stated, it cannot be pronounced in any case to be of no amount. The chief exponent of magnetic attraction must, therefore, be the term containing F 2 as a factor. Eespecting this quan- tity, which represents the velocity of a given getherial particle at any point of its course from one end to the other of the small magnet, we may affirm that it depends, cseteris paribus, THE THEORY OF MAGNETIC FORCE. .627 on the degree of induced magnetization of this magnet ; but its amount cannot be theoretically calculated. It is, however, reasonable to admit that the given particle rapidly acquires velocity as it enters the magnet, and loses it as rapidly on quitting it, and that the maximum velocity, acquired at the neutral plane, may be comparatively of large amount. On this ground it might be assumed that the mean value of F 2 for the whole length of the small magnet is much larger than the mean of the co-existing values of F x , because the latter apply to parts of the stream of the large magnet which are exterior to it and remote from its neutral plane. But for the very reason that F 2 has a large maximum value within the . iron filing, =-* will have small values, and on this account the positive term containing this quantity as a factor may be insignificant compared to the sum of the negative terms. These appear to be sufficient reasons for concluding that the observed attraction of iron filings by a magnet is in accord- ance with the theory. Although we have only considered what takes place along the axial line of motion, it is easy to see that by reason of symmetry the result would have been of the same kind if all the lines of motion had been taken into account. If the iron filing were acted upon by streams converging towards the negative pole of the magnet, F x and F/ would be negative, and at the same time F 2 would change sign. Hence the terms above discussed will have the same signs as before, and the action of the magnet on the filing will for the same reasons be attractive. In order to pass from a magnetic to a diamagnetic effect, it is only necessary to suppose the direction of the induced streams to be contrary to that of the inducing streams, or to change the sign of F 2 . In that case the term involving V z becomes positive, and the remaining terms within the brackets will be negative. If the positive term exceeds the sum of the negative, the action of the magnet will on the whole be 402 628 THE MATHEMATICAL PRINCIPLES OF PHYSICS. repulsive, and the substance acted upon might be called dia- magnetic. In short, theoretically considered substances are magnetic, diamagnetic, or indifferent, according as the quan- tity in brackets is negative, positive, or of insensible magni- tude. Faraday's experiments (Series XX.) have shewn that most, if not all, substances are more or less magnetic or diamagnetic. It is for this reason that, as was remarked in p. 626, it does not appear possible to separate the direct action of magnetic streams on the atoms of bodies generally, from the indirect action due to their having the magnetic or dia- magnetic property. The theory also explains why the earth's magnetism, although it determines the direction of the magnetic needle (p. 616), has no tendency to give it a motion of translation. For the expression for the magnetic accelerative force, ob- tained in page 626, is applicable in this instance, the earth being the large magnet, and the needle the small one ; and since the terrestrial magnetic current may be regarded as moving uniformly in parallel courses, we have F x = F/, =-i = 0. and TT" = 0. Hence that expression vanishes, and as as there is neither attraction nor repulsion of the needle. It was shewn (p. 620) that the earth's current is capable of magnetizing a bar of soft iron placed in the direction of the dipping needle, and the effect was attributed to the convergence and divergence of the lines of motion resulting from the disturbance, by the contraction of the channel, of the regular stream in its passage through the bar. The secondary stream thus generated is distinguished from that due to gradation of density, by the circumstance that it is not maintained by a uniform acceleration from end to end of the magnet; and its maximum velocity will most probably on that account be very much less than that of the other. For the same reason as in the case of the latter, it will produce no sensible motion of translation by coexistence with the earth's current. It seems also that when the lines of motion of the THE THEORY OF MAGNETIC FORCE. 629 primary stream are convergent or divergent, this secondary stream (all its values of F 2 being probably very small) gives rise to no motion of translation such as that resulting from the magnetic secondary stream ; for otherwise bodies that are non-magnetic would be attracted by a magnet. Faraday states as a result of his experiments (Series xxr., 2356), that " even the solutions of the ferruginous salts, whether in water or alcohol, were magnetic." The theory would, therefore, lead to the inference that the iron contained in the solution imparts to it in a certain proportion its own property of compelling the atoms, under the influence of a magnet, to take new positions of equilibrium consistent with a regular gradation of interior density. This seems more likely than that the atoms of the iron alone take such positions, while the other atoms remain quiescent. In either case, however, the solution after being put into a glass vessel and placed between the poles of a magnet (2363), would be attracted towards both poles in the same manner as any solid magnetizable body of the same form and magnitude is at- tracted in the same position. The amount of attraction will plainly be proportional, caeteris paribus, to the quantity of the iron in the ferruginous solution. Faraday also found (2367, 2368) that closed tubes, con- taining the ferruginous solution in different degrees of strength, when they were suspended either vertically or horizontally between the poles of the magnet so as to be capable of moving freely in the above-mentioned solution, were attracted or repelled by the poles according as the strength of their solutions was greater or less than that of the solution contained in the glass vessel. This fact may be explained on the principle that the amount of the induced magnetism of the solution, that is, the rate of the gradation of its density, is proportional to the quantity of iron which a given portion contains. Thus if the solutions in the tube and the vessel be of the same strength, their densities in the same positions would vary at the same rate ; so that the solution in the tube 630 THE MATHEMATICAL PRINCIPLES OF PHYSICS. would be attracted just as if it formed a part of that in the ves- sel, the effect of the separation of the fluids by the containing tube being inconsiderable. But if the solution in the tube be stronger than that in the vessel there will be an excess of the gradation of the density of the former which will account for its being attracted relatively to the fluid in the vessel. And if the solution in the tube be the weaker, the gradation of its density may be conceived to consist of a gradation the same as that of the surrounding solution, together with a gradation in the opposite direction, equal to the deficiency. By reason of the latter the magnet will act on the solution in the tube just as if it were a diamagnetic body, and the tube will conse- quently be repelled from either pole.* Another fact of a very singular character has also been established by Faraday's experiments (Series xx., 2283, 2302 2305), namely, that bismuth and other diamagnetic bodies, whether they are in one piece or in very fine powders, exhibit the diamagnetic property very nearly in the same degree under the same circumstances. To account for this fact, which at first sight might be thought to be out of the reach of explanation by the present theory, the following considerations are offered. Assuming that the theoretical lines of motion, or curvilinear courses of the setherial stream pertaining to a given magnet, are identical as to direction with the lines of magnetic force which Faraday deduced from his experiments (Series xxvm.), it will follow, that the primary current of the magnet induces magnetism in mag- netizable bodies, as iron filings, in the direction of tangents to these lines ; that is, the induced gradations of density in the pieces of soft iron are transverse to the lines of motion. As the iron filings in which this induction is observed to take place cannot be supposed to have initially any special rela- tions to the inducing magnet, it may be concluded that the * I consider this explanation to be preferable to that which I have given in Art. 20 of the Theory of Magnetic Force in the Philosophical Magazine for February, 1861. THE THEORY OF MAGNETIC FORCE. 631 gradation of density is induced independently of the condition of magnitude, or form, or position of the iron filing. (At the same time it is true that the mutual action between two filings by means of the secondary streams consequent upon the induced gradations of density does depend on such con- ditions). Also it may be admitted that the rate of the induced gradation of density of a given substance is always the same where the velocity of the primary stream and the degree of the convergence or divergence of its lines of motion are the same. These considerations may be extended to the induction of diamagnetism, which is only negative magnetism. This being understood, it will be seen that if a piece of bis- muth be placed with its centre of gravity in a certain position relative to the poles of the magnet, first in a compact state, and then in a state of fine powder, there will be induced in the two cases very nearly the same amount of gradation of density in the same directions, the quantity of matter being the same in both. In the powdered state the resulting secondary stream, generated as usual by gradation of density, will be very nearly the same, on account of the small spaces between the minute particles, as if the body were compact. Now in the mathematical investigation respecting the acceleration by a given magnet of magnetic or diamagnetic substances (in pages 624 and 625), it was shewn that the attractive or repulsive force at a given position depends only on the velocity (F 2 ) in the secondary stream. And although that investigation was restricted in its conditions, it is not difficult to see that a general investigation would conduct to a result expressible in the same terms. Hence as the whole and the powdered bismuth have nearly the same secondary streams, they will be nearly equally repelled by the magnet. Iron filings are attracted in large quantities by a wire immersed in them, so long as it is traversed by a galvanic current, but become detached as soon as the current ceases. (Jamin, in., p. 252 ; Ganot, Art. 742). This fact, discovered by Arago soon after the publication of Oersted's experiment, 632 THE MATHEMATICAL PRINCIPLES OF PHYSICS. discloses something that was not indicated by that experi- ment, namely, that a galvanic current is capable of inducing magnetism. A theory of magnetism which does not account for this significant phenomenon fails essentially. The present theory furnishes the following explanation of it. Although the centrifugal force resulting from the spiral motion of the galvanic current causes the density of the aether to increase with the distance from the wire, and thus pro- duces accelerative forces of the fluid tending towards the axis of the current, these are not the forces which sensibly attract the iron filings ; for if they were, non-magnetic bodies would be equally attracted. The observed attractions are attributable to a different and more effective operation, as, I think, may be thus shewn. Conceive, for the sake of dis- tinctness, one of the pieces of iron to be a small prismatic bar, with its axis in a direction perpendicular to the axis of the wire, and to be separated from the wire by a very small interval. Then the axis of the bar will at all points be cut at right angles by spiral lines of motion. Now it is evident that the streams which pass transversely through the bar will be accelerated at entrance and equally retarded at exit on account of the contraction of channel by the occupation of space by the atoms. Thus the velocity at any point within the bar will be greater in a certain ratio than that at a point outside equally distant from the axis of the wire. As the circular motion f(r) and the longitudinal motion F(r) will be increased in the same proportion, the same equation f(r) = -F(r) applies both within and without the bar, and the motion within conforms to the law of spiral motion (p. 565). Let k be the ratio of the inside to the outside f ff r \ ]2 velocity. Then for the fluid outside we have dp = **f^ dr 7.2 f ft\ ]2 (p. 564), and for that inside dp'= IJ v n dr. Hence if there were no cause of disturbance at the ends of the bar, the THE THEORY OF MAGNETIC FORCE. 633 difference of the pressures at two points within would be to the difference of the pressures at two points without the bar at the same distances from the axis, in the ratio of k* to 1. The pressure within the bar is at all points less than that at the same distance from the axis without, on account of the greater velocity within. Let us, for the moment, leave out of account causes of disturbance at the ends of the bar, and let e 2 be the excess of the exterior above the interior pressure at the farther end, and e l that at the nearer end. Then if A/? be the excess of the exterior pressure at the farther end above that at the nearer, it is easily shewn that e 2 e^= (& 2 1) A^>. Hence since Ap is positive and Jc greater than unity, e z is always greater than e t . But evidently the excesses of pres- sure gj and *. On the above theory of irregular variations of the declina- tion an explanation may be given of the Aurora Borealis and Austr ah's. It has already been maintained that, according to hydrodynamical laws, magnetic currents are necessarily cir- culating, or re-entering. Thus the principal streams, after issuing from the northern regions of the earth, and performing courses which attain their maximum distances from the earth's surface in or near the plane of the magnetic equator produced, return by like courses and enter at the southern regions. For the same reason there will be return currents both of the regular-variation and the disturbance-variation currents, the former more steady and of larger extent than the latter. Both sets will return at considerable distances from the earth's surface, generally exceeding, it may be, the height of the atmosphere. Now under these circumstances it would seem reasonable to attribute the phenomena of the Aurora to the crossing of these streams by the principal terrestrial streams. But ac- cording to the hydrodynamical theory of light contained in this work, no luminosity would be thus produced if all the streams were steady or nearly steady, because in that case the term -5- in the expression for -~- would vanish or be ex- * I venture to express the opinion that earth- currents, which, according to the results of observations made at the Greenwich Observatory, appear to affect simultaneously magnets and galvanometers, may be irregular magnetic streams having a local origin of the same kind. See the Abstract in the Proceedings of the Royal Society, No. 99, p. 249, of a communication on this subject by the Astronomer Royal. 654 THE MATHEMATICAL PRINCIPLES OF PHYSICS. tremely small. On this account it is probable that the ap- pearance of Aurora is in no sensible degree attributable to the regular- variation streams, but is in all cases due to those pro- ducing the disturbance-variations. These, however, will not give rise to the phenomenon unless they are in a state of unsteadiness ; on which account Auroras will be oftenest seen at places where, as at Point Barrow, the disturbances are fre- quent, and the return currents are liable to continual changes. It should also be observed that the mutual agitation of cross- ing currents will be greater the more exactly the courses are transverse to each other, and that for this reason, as well as on account of greater variations of temperature, Auroras abound in the polar, much more than in the middle and tropical regions. The agitations of the magnetic needle which are observed to accompany the appearance of an Aurora may very well be ascribed to the production, by changes in the return- ing disturbance-streams, of more or less unsteadiness of the principal streams ; although, as appears from the observations at Point Barrow, it is true that Auroras are often seen without being accompanied by any prominent agitation of the needle. (Phil. Trans, for 1857, p. 513.) In such cases the pheno- menon is probably due to the minor streams of local origin. But, apart from this kind of disturbance, an Aurora might become visible by the crossing and perturbation of the prin- cipal streams by streams of extraneous origin. This point will be referred to farther on. From appropriate discussions of observations at various places, General Sabine has inferred that there exists a local hour of maximum disturbance-variation of the declination, not related in any general manner to the local hours of maximum easterly and westerly regular- variation. The latter, as we have seen, are in each hemisphere nearly the same for all latitudes and longitudes, whereas the former appears to de- pend on the locality and on extraneous magnetic action. (See Phil. Trans, for 1857, p. 507.) The disturbances considered above are solely due to irregular atmospheric magnetism. THE THEORY OF MAGNETIC FORCE. 655 The regular atmospheric magnetism which, according to the theory, produces the solar-diurnal variation of declination, will necessarily give rise to corresponding variations of the dip and intensity. But there is no theoretical reason for asserting that this magnetism acts entirely horizontally, so as to affect the dip and intensity only by altering the horizontal force. On the contrary, it seems to follow necessarily from the mode of generation by solar heat of the unsymmetrical gradation of atmospheric density which is supposed in this theory to pro- duce the magnetism, that this effect takes place in vertical as well as horizontal directions. In fact, the results of observa- tions taken at Greenwich in the years 1842 1847 and 1849 - 1857 prove the existence of a diurnal variation of vertical force having epochs of maximum and minimum approximately con- stant throughout the year *. Hence consistently with the theory it is found by observation that the three elements of declination, dip, and intensity are all subject to regular diurnal variations, having one maximum and one minimum value in 24 hours, the epochs of which, it appears, are not the same for the different elements f. Also the same cause that produces the semiannual in- equality of the diurnal range of declination, namely, the change of the distribution of the solar heat by the change of the Sun's polar distance, will account for a like inequality of the diurnal range of the dip. For the daily changes of this element, as well as those of the declination, will be in some direct proportion to the diurnal range of tempe- rature, which in tropical and middle latitudes is greater as * Phil. Trans, for 1863, Art. xin., on the Diurnal Inequalities of Magnetism at the Greenwich Observatory, by the Astronomer Koyal. See particularly Plates xxn. and xxni. f- See in Walker's Essay, pages 171 176 and 269 274, an account of the evi- dence for these laws collected by General Sabine from observations at Toronto, Hobarton, St Helena, and the Cape of Good Hope. Evidence of the same kind, deduced from the above mentioned observations at Greenwich, is exhibited, as far as regards the declination and horizontal force, by the curved lines in the Platea xvm. and xix. of the Phil. Trans, for 1863. 656 THE MATHEMATICAL PRINCIPLES OF PHYSICS. the season is hotter. It has been found, in fact, by a dis- cussion of observations taken at Toronto and at Hobarton that the diurnal range of the dip is at each of these places greater in its summer than in its winter months. (Walker, p. 175.) For the same reason, also, the diurnal range of intensity will be greater at a given place in the summer than in the winter. From observations taken at Toronto and the Cape of Good Hope it has been inferred that at the northern position the range is greater in the April-September than in the October- March period (see the Table in Walker, p. 271), whilst at the southern position " the diurnal range is rather greater in the October-March than in the April-September period." (Wal- ker, p. 274.) It may be thought to be a necessary inference from the foregoing explanation of the variations of terrestrial magnetism, that, if so produced, they will all be greater, cceteris paribus, from October to March than from April to September, because the Earth is nearer the Sun, and receives from it in a given time a greater amount of heat, in the former six months than in the latter. It might, for instance, be expected that the semiannual inequality of the diurnal variation of the declina- tion would be greater at a south latitude than at an equal north latitude, on account of a higher temperature in the southern than in the northern summer months. But observa- tion does not confirm this inference (see Plate II. of Sabine's Rede Lecture}. For, in fact, there does not exist that differ- ence between the effects of solar heat in June and December which would result from a calculation made by supposing the heat to vary inversely as the square of the distance from the Sun. On the contrary, Professor Dove has concluded from thermometric observations made at different seasons and in different positions remote from each other, that the mean temperature of the whole surface of the earth in June con- siderably exceeds that in December; which he accounts for by the excess of heating effect of the greater amount of land THE THEORY OF MAGNETIC FORCE. 657 in the northern than in the southern hemisphere*. The same cause may be supposed to augment all effects of solar heat at the earth's surface while the Sun is north of the equator, and thus compensate for the opposite influence of the increased distance of the earth from the source of the heat during that interval. Having considered the variations of terrestrial magnetism so far as they seem to depend on variations of the temperature of the atmosphere, i now proceed to another class, the laws of which have been elicited by General Sabine by discriminative discussions of observations taken at the Magnetic Observa- tories of Kew, Toronto, Hobarton, St Helena, and the Cape of Good Hope. "The phenomena," he says, "maybe briefly stated to be an increase of the Dip and of the Total Force, and a deflection of the north end of the Declination magnet towards the West, in both hemispheres, in the months from October to March, as compared with those from April to September." (Phil. Trans, for 1863, p. 307.) These mag- netic variations are distinguished from those previously con- sidered chiefly in respect to their obeying the same laws at the same epochs in both hemispheres, and being, consequently, independent of temperature and the changes of the Sun's polar distance. Although they are generally very small com- pared to the variations of the first class, their existence and laws appear to be satisfactorily established by the above- mentioned observations t. The proposed hydrodynamical theory of magnetism accounts as follows for these phenomena. The earth's magnetism, according to this theory, is due to its motion relative to the aether, and will consequently vary, cceteris paribns, proportionally to the variations of its orbital See Sir John Herschel's Outlines of Astronomy, Articles 368370- f It should be noticed that the curves in the before cited Plates attached to Mr Airy's communication in the Phil. Trans- for 1863, include the variations of both kinds, and that the great difference between the summer and winter curves in Plates xvm. and xix. is chiefly to be attributed to those variations which, according to the theory, are due to the agency of atmospheric temperature. 42 658 THE MATHEMATICAL PRINCIPLES OF PHYSICS. motion (p, 613)*. Hence there will be a maximum of inten- sity when the earth is at its perihelion, that is, about the time of the winter solstice, and a minimum about the time of the summer solstice. And, generally, the mean intensity in the winter months will be greater than that in the summer months. This agrees with the above experimental law relative to the Total Force. Again, increase of the velocity of the setherial magnetic streams will increase the extent of the circulating courses, so that the course of a stream which issues from the earth, or enters it, with a certain velocity, will be exterior to that of one which issues or enters at the same place with less velocity. Hence the inclination of the north end of the needle in the north magnetic hemisphere, and that of the south end in the south hemisphere, will increase with the intensity, and have the same epochs of maximum and minimum values. In short, the theory is in exact accordance with the inference from the same observations, that " the annual variations of the dip and intensity have epochs of maxima and minima coincident, or nearly so, with the solstices." (Ibid. p. 307.) It might, however, be urged that, if this explanation be true, the ratio of the difference between the greatest and least intensities to the mean intensity due to the orbital motion, should be equal to the ratio of the difference -between the greatest and least velocities of the earth in its orbit to its mean velocity; whereas observation shews that the annual variation is much smaller than it would be according to this proportion, even when the motion of the solar system is taken into account. This argument admits, I think, of the follow- ing answer. The Theory of Magnetic Force which I gave in the Numbers of the Phi- losophical Magazine for January and February 1861, although fundamentally the same as the present one, differs in some important particulars relative to terres- trial magnetism, mainly because I had not then ascertained that the earth by its motion does not carry with it any sensible amount of the a3ther. There is no foundation for "gyratory motions" generated in the manner supposed in Art. 27 of that Theory. THE THEORY OF MAGNETIC FORCE. 659 Adopting the results of the mathematical investigation contained in pages 545 and 546, we have the two equations, v-v \\ + k(n-D}} a * Ap - ^ V )h P **~-\+k(D-Dj) A*' The second equation gives an expression for the accelerative force of the gether which produces those secondary streams that are, in fact, the magnetic streams of the theory. If we call this force F, we get by means of the first equation, ka?V AZ> F= __ _. Let D represent the proportional part of space occupied by atoms, and V Q the velocity of the primary stream, at a fixed point of the earth regarded as a magnetized body, and let D and V be the same quantities at any point situated on a line (z) drawn through the first point in the direction in which the value of D increases. The motion of the earth in its orbit, by changing the velocity of the virtual primary stream, changes V Q and V\ but Z> , D, and -r remain the same. Also it must be supposed that the factor k (which is always positive, because V increases with D) changes at the same time with F , although it may be pre- sumed that the variation corresponding to that of F in the course of the earth's orbital revolution, is very gradual and of small amount. This being admitted, we shall have for the change of F resulting from change of the earth's position in its orbit, 2 A 4F. or = a -r o . -=- . kz On substituting in this equation the foregoing value of F, it will be seen that if k were absolutely constant, we should have &F=0; that is, there would be no change of the earth's magnetism due to motion in the orbit. It is found, in fact, that there is but very little change ; so that the above assump- tion of a gradual and small variation of k is supported by observation. Let us, therefore, assume k to be variable with change of 422 660 THE MATHEMATICAL PRINCIPLES OF PHYSICS. the earth's velocity; and let F ' and D ' be the values of V and D at a certain point of the earth not far distant from that to which F a arid D 9 were supposed to apply. Then since V k (D - D ') = 1 - -rf, it follows that k changes only by change ^0 y of the ratio -^-, . Let F be greater than F & ', and let us 'o y suppose the ratio 7 to change so as to increase in value as "o F increases. (The contrary supposition is inadmissible, be- cause the equation - = kV -r shews that in passing at a given epoch from F ' to F , the gradations of the value of F for a given increment of z are greater as F is greater, and vanish if F = 0, in which case there are no magnetic streams). Hence, since the above expression indicates that k is greater Y as -p^ is greater, it appears that k also increases with F & , and "o JcV that, consequently, the variation 8 . -== is greatest when F is "o greatest, that is, when the earth is at perihelion. The same quantity has its minimum value at aphelion. Accordingly &F, which is the exponent of the annual variation of the magnetic intensity, has, as was supposed above, its maximum and minimum values about the times of the solstices. The westward deviation of the north end of the needle is referable apparently to the same agency, since it may be- pre- sumed that, together with the dip, the declination will be affected by a change of the intrinsic intensity of the earth's magnetism. From the facts of observation we may infer that on tracing a line of motion of the setherial stream from its issuing out of the earth in the northern hemisphere to its entrance in the southern, the course is caused by an increase of intensity to incline throughout eastward from that which the stream would have followed if the intensity had not changed. Consequently the line of motion strikes the earth's THE THEORY OF MAGNETIC FORCE. 661 surface at a point of entrance the more eastward from a mean position the greater the excess of the actual intensity above the mean. If the intensity be less than the mean the devia- tion from the same point is westward. Now these facts indi- cate that the courses of the magnetic streams, (which, so long as the intensity is constant, have a constant relation to the earth), are disturbed by a change of intensity so as to be shifted in the direction of the eastward motion of the earth about its axis while the intensity is increasing, and in the contrary direction while it is decreasing. This result is apparently in accordance with what might have been antecedently supposed, namely, that the slower the stream is the more its course will deviate westward, or fall behind relatively to the direction of the earth's rotation. The discussion of magnetic observations taken both in the northern and southern hemispheres has established the exist- ence of a periodical variation of small amount, which is called the lunar-diurnal variation, because its periodicity at a given place is found to depend on the transits of the moon over the meridian*. From this fact it would seem to be allowable to infer that the moon has either proper or induced magnetic streams, or both kinds, extending as far as to the earth, and that by these the earth's magnetism is modified. Although it cannot be affirmed that such action is wholly excluded by the observational results, the laws which they give most promi- nently appear to be irreconcileable with it. The general results may be thus stated: "The three magnetic elements bear concurrent testimony to the magnetic influence of the moon at the earth's surface. In the case of each we find a * I refer more particularly to the results obtained by Sabine in the Phil. Trans. for 1856, 1857, and 1863, from observations at Toronto, Hobarton, and Kew respec- tively, and those in the Introduction to the " St Helena Observations," Vol. n., from observations at St Helena, the Cape of Good Hope, and Pekin. The general summary in pp. cxlvi cxlviii of the last named work should especially be con- sulted. The Volume of Greenwich Observations for 1859 contains the " Reduc- tions of the Greenwich magnetic observations referred to the Moon's place " for the years 18481857. See also Walker, pp. 109 HG and 286-289, with Plate 4. 662 THE MATHEMATICAL PRINCIPLES OP PHYSICS. double progression in each lunar day. The declination has two easterly and two westerly maxima, and the inclination and total force have likewise each two maxima and two minima in the same interval, the variation in each case passing through zero four times during the lunar day." (Walker, p. 110). To account for these facts I make the supposition, that they are due to magnetism of the atmosphere resulting from gradations of its density caused by the moons gravitational attraction. This attraction, supposed to act on the atmosphere at rest, would produce a maximum of height at the point to which the moon is vertical and at the point opposite, and a minimum of height at points distant from these by 90. In the actual case of the revolution of the earth about its axis, these maxima and minima are still produced, and have very nearly the same positions relative to the point to which the moon is vertical. (See the observations cited next page). In fact, this point is the apex of a wave of elevation, which is propagated uniformly over the earth's surface, and, except- ing from incidental causes of irregularity, undergoes no altera- tion. This being the case, it follows, according to a general law of such propagation, that the effective accelerative force of the fluid due to gradations of its density in directions parallel to the earth's surface, has a constant ratio to the impressed disturbing force of the moon in the same directions ; that is, if 6 be the angle at the earth's centre subtended by the arc joining the apex of the wave and any point of the surface, the accelerative force of the fluid at that point varies as sin 20, and tends always to produce a confluence of the fluid towards the point of greatest elevation. As far as regards the production of motion in directions perpendicular to the circle in which the apex moves, (which, for simplicity, will be supposed to be the equator), these forces neutralize each other. But because they tend always towards the moving position of the point verti- cally below the moon, they will have the effect of producing motion of the fluid parallel to the motion of this point, and causing the propagation of the wave with its apex to take THE THEORY OP MAGNETIC FORCE. 663 place in the same direction. The wave will thus be symmetri- cal with respect to a plane passing through the apex and the poles of the equator. On the opposite hemisphere there will be a similar and equal wave symmetrical with respect to the same plane produced. At points distant from the two apices by 90, there is no circumstance which determines either the motion or the accelerative force to be in one direction rather than the contrary, and consequently at such points the fluid will be momentarily at rest. The accelerative forces towards the above defined plane are greatest at octants, and vanish at syzygies. The motion of the fluid is at all points in the direction of the moon's apparent motion, and is greatest at syzygies. Hence the condensation depending on the square of the velocity is least at syzygies and greatest at quadratures. But it does not follow that the barometer will give a higher read- ing in the latter positions than in the former. For we have to take account of the disturbing force of the moon perpen- dicular to the earth's surface, varying as cos 2 6, which lessens at the same time the weight of the column of air and that of the column of mercury. Hence if we suppose the density of the air at the earth's surface to be the same at syzygy as at quadrature, since the aerial column in the former position con- tains more matter than in the other, it will require to be counterbalanced by a proportionally longer mercurial column. And again, if the two aerial columns contain the same quantity of matter, but have different densities at the earth's surface, the heights of the mercurial columns will be proportionally different. It has been found by barometric observations near the equator, that a maximum height occurs at the lunar hours and 12, and a minimum height at the hours 6 and 18, and that the difference is O in -,005*. This quantity, according to the theory, may be the result of differences both of density * This is the mean of results deduced by General Sabine in the Phil. Trans. for 1847, p. 45, from observations at St Helena, and by Captain Elliot in the Phil. Trans, for 1852, p. 125, from observations at Singapore. 664 THE MATHEMATICAL PRINCIPLES OF PHYSICS. and column, and, therefore, does not prove that the density is greater at syzygy than at quadrature, We are, therefore, at liberty to suppose that by the effect of lunar gravitation on the revolving atmosphere of the earth, the density increases in all directions from the point to which the moon is vertical, and from the point diametrically opposite, and that it has a maximum value at all points distant from these by 90. This hypothesis being admitted, the generation of magnetic streams by the gradation of den- sity is accounted for by reasoning so exactly analogous to that employed in pages 647 649, relative to the effect of the gradation of density due to solar heat, that it need not here be given at length. It will suffice to state that by this reason- ing it may be shewn that there will be a maximum westerly deviation of the north end of the needle in the northern hemi- sphere, and of the south end in the southern hemisphere, at the moon's superior transit, like the mid-day solar-diurnal maximum of variation, and that it will be similarly preceded by a maximum easterly deviation. But between the lunar and solar magnetic variations of declination there is this difference, that, whereas the latter are altogether devoid of symmetry and have only two principal maxima in a solar day, the former, on account of the symmetrical action of lunar gravitation, have four maxima alternately easterly and west- erly, at intervals of six lunar hours. These theoretical infer- ences, which assume that the moon moves in the equator, agree with the mean laws of lunar-diurnal variation of decli- nation stated in page 661, which were derived from observa- tions taken during a large number of lunations. Also the accelerative forces which cause the alternate elevations and depressions of the aerial columns will give rise to vertical gradations of the density of the atmosphere, which, not being functions of the distance from the earth's centre, may be expected to generate vertical magnetic streams. These would produce variations of the inclination and intensity, having their turning-points at the epochs of greatest magnetic THE THEORY OF MAGNETIC FORCE. 665 action, which will occur, not when the columns are highest or lowest, but when they are changing fastest, that is, at octants. The effects will be of the same kind, either maxima or minima, at opposite octants, because the column at a given place either ascends or descends at both, but of different kinds at adjacent octants, because the column ascends at one and descends at the other. These views agree in the main with the facts stated in pp. 287 289 of Walker's Essay. If the laws of lunar-diurnal magnetic variations, stated in p. 661, be truly accounted for by this theory of gravitational magnetism, it evidently follows that the magnetic influence of the moon, so far as it acts according to those laws, does not sensibly vary from year to year. It is, therefore, confirmatory of the theory to find that General Sabine has arrived at the same conclusion by discussions of four years' observations at Toronto, and eight years' observations at Ho barton*. From the foregoing theory of the phenomena of diurnal, annual, and monthly variations of terrestrial magnetism, it would seem to follow that the mean results remain the same from year to year. But observation has shewn that the annual means are subject to large variations. This is very conspicuously indicated by the curves in the Plates xvi., xvir., XX. and XXI. in the Philosophical Transactions for 1863, by which the Astronomer Royal has exhibited the mean diurnal changes in magnitude and direction of the horizontal force, and in magnitude of the vertical force, from observations at Greenwich during the years 1841 1857, the means of each year being represented by a separate curve. These curves change from year to year both in form and magnitude ; and there is also reason to say that the changes are periodical^. The present theory of terrestrial magnetism has thus far Phil Trans. 1856, p. 499, and 1857, p. 1. Walker, pp. 113115, and Plate 4. f- The curves for the 17 years do not obviously indicate periodicity, but in a Report read before the Greenwich Board of Visitors on June 6, 1868, Mr Airy stated that "the forms of the curves for 1863 do not sensibly differ from those in 1841." 666 THE MATHEMATICAL PRINCIPLES OF PHYSICS. attributed the phenomena to operations immediately connected with the earth, and it does not appear that there is any re- maining influence of this kind to be taken into account. Hence this new class of phenomena must be referred to ex- ternal agency, which for distinction will be called cosmical, and the theory is next required to point out the origin and character of this agency. But before the theory can well be thus applied, it is necessary that the laws of these phenomena, and the lengths of the periods of their recurrence, should be ascertained by observation. In cosmical magnetism, just as the case was with respect to the gravitation of the solar system, the obser- vational determination of laws must precede the theoretical explanation of them. The only result of this kind that has hitherto been announced is, a decennial or undecennial period of the disturbance-variation, which is considered by Sabine, Hansteen, and other physicists to be deducible from observa- tions of declination, dip, and intensity continued through a sufficient number of years. The Astronomer Eoyal has, however, stated*, that the curves above mentioned, extended to the date of 1863, indicate no such period, and that it is not exhibited by the large disturbances, or " magnetic storms " of the years 1858 1863. With respect to those curves it is to be noticed that they were formed by simply taking the means of the hourly variations after abstracting the largest disturb- ances, and that it seems possible to separate the remaining diurnal variations into two systems obeying different laws, one that of the regular variations already discussed, and the other a system of disturbance-variations. Moreover it is not unlikely that as far as regards disturbances riot of the largest class, the curves may synchronise in part with periods of different lengths, and that 1847 1848 may have been an epoch of accumulative maximum. These, however, are points which probably require a long course of observation for their * In the Report referred to in the previous note. THE THEOEY OF MAGNETIC FORCE. 667 decision. In the meantime I propose, with some reservation, the following theory of the cosmical variations. In the first place it may be argued from the previous theory that by the Sun's motion in space and revolution about its axis, solar magnetic streams will be generated analogous to those that result from the earth's translatory and rotatory motions (p. 547). According to the law expressed in p. 607? the intensities of the magnetic streams of two similar bodies are proportional, cceteris paribus, to the squares of the linear dimensions. Hence, although the Sun's motion of translation in space is less than the sum of the earth's motion in its orbit and that which it has in common with the Sun, on account of the Sun's vast magnitude the solar magnetic streams may be immensely more intense than the terrestrial. The same law of circulation will govern both ; so that, on the hypothesis of symmetry, the solar streams, after issuing at different inclina- tions from all points of one hemispherical surface, will enter at the same inclinations at the corresponding points of the other. All the courses will be symmetrical with respect to the plane which contains the Sun's equator, those of the streams which issue and enter near the poles being diverted so as to cut that plane at very remote distances from the Sun's surface. (See p. 653). Accordingly the portion of the aether agitated at a given time by these streams will have the form of a double convex lens the middle point of which coincides with the Sun's centre. Now it seems allowable to assume that the 'Zodiacal Light gives evidence of the existence of these streams, its form being found by observation to be that of a double convex lens having the Sun at its centre and its principal plane in- clined at a small angle to the plane of the ecliptic. The same plane appears also to deviate but little from the plane of the Sun's equator. The luminosity is accounted for on the prin- ciple (already adopted in p. 653) of the generation of luminous vibrations by disturbances of the aether arising from the coex- istence and mutual collisions of steady and unsteady motions, 668 THE MATHEMATICAL PRINCIPLES OF PHYSICS. the unsteady motions in this case being the vibrations of sun- light, and possibly also vibrations of other orders. That the zodiacal light extends to the earth and still farther is proved by the fact that it has been seen " simultaneously at both east and west horizons from 11 to 1 o'clock for several nights in succession*." On this assumption, therefore, the magnetic needle will be directly acted upon by solar aetherial streams, and possibly also to some amount by terrestrial streams induced by these. If we conceive the earth to revolve in a circle about the Sun in the principal plane of the zodiacal light, the combined effect of these two sets of streams will be to modify, in the same degree throughout the year, the solar-diurnal variations. But evidently these modifications will not obey the same law as the variations due to solar heat, which, as was shewn in pages 647 649, have one principal maximum and one prin- cipal minimum in 24 hours, whereas the streams now con- sidered, being equally effective by night and by day, will produce two maxima and two minima in the same interval. It may, therefore, be presumed that the phenomenon of a subordinate maximum, called the nocturnal episode, results from the coexistence of these streams with those to which the regular diurnal variations are due. (See the remarks in Walker, 72, p. 130). Supposing, now, the earth to revolve in an elliptical orbit in the same zodiacal plane, and the intensity of the solar mag- netic streams to be a function of the distance from the Sun's centre, there will be produced by change of distance a small annual inequality, which will probably not be distinguishable by observations from that which was considered (p. 660) to * Respecting this and the other facts here stated, see an Article entitled "A Theory of the Zodiacal Light" contained in the Philosophical Magazine for February 1863. At the end of the Article mention is made of observations of a luminous arch of uniform breadth and intensity, seen at night to stretch along the ecliptic quite across the sky. This phenomenon appears to be analogous to the zodiacal light, being probably due to the crossing of the terrestrial magnetic streams by the gravitational and other vibratory motions emanating from the earth. THE THEORY OF MAGNETIC FORCE. 669 result from the varying velocity of the earth. And lastly, the earth moving in its actual orbit in the plane of the ecliptic, the inclination of the principal plane of the zodiacal light to this plane will produce a small semi-annual inequality of the diurnal variations, which may be supposed to be mixed up with that which was attributed (p. 650) to the inclination of the earth's equator to the plane of the ecliptic. The varia- tions resulting in the above three ways from the solar mag- netic streams will, consequently, not have the effect of altering the annual magnetic means. To account for the changes from year to year which, as already stated, observation has detected, I make the hypothesis that they are caused by solar magnetic streams generated ~by the gravitational attraction of the Sun's atmosphere by the Planets. That the Sun has a very large atmosphere is proved by phenomena witnessed during a total solar eclipse, as well as by the very sensible diminution of the brightness of the disk at parts contiguous to the periphery, which may with reason be ascribed to loss of light caused by the passage of the solar rays through the lower strata of a thick atmosphere. The attraction of such an atmosphere by the Planets would gene- rate magnetic streams exactly in the manner already described (p. 662) relatively to the attraction of the earth's atmosphere by the moon; and on account of the large magnitudes of some of the attracting bodies, and the vast extent of the solar atmosphere, it may be allowable to suppose that the circulat- ing streams thus generated are of such intensity as to have, by propagation, a sensible effect at the distance of the earth from the Sun. The fact that the zodiacal light is observed to vary from time to time in brightness may be accounted for by supposing that its luminosity is due in part to these streams of planetary origin, which plainly must vary in in- tensity with the varying relative positions and heliocentric distances of the planets ; although it would be difficult to ascertain in what proportions they and the streams before considered contribute to the luminous effect. 670 THE MATHEMATICAL PRINCIPLES OF PHYSICS. From what has already been shewn relative to the streams which produce the lunar-diurnal variations (p. 663), the pla- netary streams will be nearly symmetrical with respect to the plane of the Sun's equator, and will circulate in the direction opposite to that of the motion about its axis, and therefore to that of the earth's motion in its orbit. Also the directions of the before mentioned streams constituting the Sun's proper magnetism, will cut the principal plane of the zodiacal light, and, therefore, nearly the plane of the ecliptic, at right angles. Hence the combination of the two acts of streams will produce a resultant action the magnitude and direction of which will vary chiefly by reason of variation of the intensity of the planetary streams. The direction of the resultant will clearly be always parallel to a plane perpendicular to the earth's radius-vector, and be inclined to the plane of the ecliptic by an angle which is constant so long as the ratio of the in- tensities of the two streams is constant. This being the case, it follows that the direct action of these streams on the needle (even if we include the modifications they may receive by their passage through the earth, which, probably, would be of small amount) will appear as a solar-diurnal variation of the magnetic elements. If we call these effects disturbances, to distinguish them from the regular solar-diurnal variations due, according to the theory, to atmospheric temperature, the conclusions that may be drawn from the above reasoning may be stated in the very terms employed by Walker (p. 90) relative to the general character of the disturbance-variation of declination as de- duced from observation : (1) "The disturbances, when con- sidered in their mean effects, are subject to a Law of Perio- dicity, the period being a mean solar day. (2) This law is totally different in character from that which governs the diurnal motion of the needle when undisturbed." To investigate mathematically the laws of the disturbance- variations would require the solution of the following pro- blem : To find the resultant action on the needle of two THE THEORY OF MAGNETIC FORCE. 671 streams, one the proper terrestrial stream having at a given locality a given intensity and direction relative to the earth, and the other the composite solar stream above defined. As neither the intensity of the latter, nor its inclination to the plane of the ecliptic is known, an exact solution of the pro- blem is not at present possible. It seems, however, legitimate to infer from the theory upon general considerations, as far as regards the declination, that there will be at a given place both easterly and westerly deflections of the needle in 24 hours, having each a prominent maximum, but in other respects dissimilar in type both on account of the obliquity of the ecliptic and the asymmetry of the lines of declination relative to the earth's axis. These inferences accord with observation. I think, too, it might be anticipated from the conditions of the problem that the same types might occur at different localities and different local hours. It is found, in fact, that the disturbance-variations at Kew, Hobarton, St Helena, and Nertschinsk present very similar types, although the type of the westerly deflections in some instances agrees with that of the easterly in others*. I forbear to pursue this subject through more details, because I consider the preceding arguments and explanations to be sufficient for my present purpose, which is only to give primd facie evidence that the proposed theory of magnetic force is capable of embracing the intricate facts and laws of Terrestrial Magnetism without having recourse to any other principles than those on which the general physical theory is founded. A more complete theory of the phenomena may be expected to be attainable on the same principles by means of an extension of the observations and a more exact application of mathematical reasoning. A few additional inferences may, however, be drawn from the theory in its present state, which appear to me peculiarly to entitle it to confidence. (1). Since the theory attributes the cosmical disturbance- * See the Rede Lecture, p. 11 ; Proceedings of the Royal Society, Vol. x. p. 633; and Walker's Chap, iv., On Disturbances, pp. 80100. 672 THE MATHEMATICAL PRINCIPLES OF PHYSICS. variations to solar magnetic streams which originate, in part, from the gravitational attraction of the Sun's atmosphere by the planets, it follows that there will be changes of effect and epochs of maximum depending on their synodic revolutions and in some degree on the eccentricities of the orbits. By the same argument as that in page 669, each planet will generate two equal and opposite solar atmospheric waves, the crests of which will be nearly in the plane passing through the planet and the Sun's axis. Hence, in consequence of the Sun's revolution about its axis, the waves will be propagated along the surface in the opposite direction with the relative angular velocity of the Sun and planet. This uniform propagation involves the conditions (p. 664), that the velocity of the atmospheric particles in the direction of propagation be a maximum, and their density a minimum, at syzygies, and the density be a maximum, and the velocity zero, at quadratures. The gradations of density will tend, as always, to produce setherial streams by forces directed towards the denser parts ; and, just as in the case of the terrestrial streams due to the moon's attraction, these forces will cause circular streams to flow in the direction contrary to that of the Sun's rotation, such that their velocity will be intermittent, the maximum occurring at syzygies and the minimum at quadratures. Now the theory assumes that the influence of the streams thus generated extends to the earth, and that in conjunction with the intrinsic solar streams, they produce the disturbance- variations of the magnetic needle (p. 670). But since the vari- able part of this effect depends on the square of the sum of the velocities due to the different planets, and since each of these velocities has maximum values at points in the direction of the planet from the Sun and the opposite direction, it is evident that the disturbances will fluctuate in magnitude according to the -changes of the relative directions of these maxima. There- fore, apart from an exact determination theoretically of the periods of these fluctuations, which may not at present be possible, the existence of periodicity, and of maxima and THE THEORY OF MAGNETIC FORCE. 673 minima in the magnetic effect of these streams, strictly follows from the foregoing reasoning. Consistently with this in- ference, General Sabirie has concluded from a large number of observations in different localities that the disturbance- variations go through a cycle the length of which he considers to be about ten years. (Walker, pp. 95 100.) It is not likely that the eccentricities of the orbits can sensibly affect the duration of this cycle, which is probably a composite synodic period, involving the periodic times of Jupiter and Venus, inasmuch as the magnetic streams generated, in the manner supposed, by gravitational attraction, and being effective at the earth, must be mainly due to the attractions of these two planets together with that of the earth. It is, therefore, in this respect worth noticing that 13 semi-synodic periods of Venus exceed 19 semi-synodic periods of Jupiter by only six days. Consequently, as far -as regards the influence of these two planets we might expect to find a cycle equal in length to 9 \ synodic periods of Jupiter, or 10,4 years ; which accords with the above-mentioned inference from observation. (2). The observations of solar spots by M. Schwabe during the years 1826 1864 indicate that in respect to the number of groups and frequency of their occurrence, these phenomena are subject to periodic variations, and that the period is between ten and eleven years. (See the table in Walker, p. 102.) In a (% + yJITl) = Q. Hence in any case in which y = 0, the equa- tion ^(*) = 0, or <(o;) = 0, is satisfied by a real value of x, that is, it has a real root. All such real roots may be found by a process which is sufficiently indicated in page 33. Let z 19 * a , z 3 , &c. be the roots thus found. Then by ordinary algebraic division it is shewn that (x) !/() x (a: - a,) (x - * 2 ) (* - * 3 ) &c., * 44 690 -APPENDIX. f(x) being another rational polynomial of lower dimensions than <(#) by the number of the roots z^ z 2 , &c. We have thus suc- ceeded in partly resolving < (x) into binomial factors. It remains to effect a like resolution off(x). By exactly the same reasoning as before, this is to be done by obtaining values of z and y which satisfy the equation f(z + yj 1) = 0. This equation may be put under the form and as we know already that y cannot be zero, we have by reason of the impossible symbol, ty (z, y 2 ) = and x (z, y*) = 0. These equations suffice to determine z and y 2 , which, according to the foregoing principles, must have one or more sets of corresponding real values which satisfy both equations, and therefore the equation f (x) = 0. Each set furnishes a pair of roots off(x) = 0, because + y and y are equally applicable. Hence if z f and y be one of the sets of values, f(x) will be divisible by x z' y' (x) = 0, the above reasoning has shewn that an equation has as many roots as it has dimensions. The proposition is sometimes proved by employing sines and cosines of arcs ; but as in a question which is purely abstract these functions can only stand for numerical ratios having * See on this subject three Articles which I contributed to the Philosophical Magazine in the Numbers for February and April 1859, and January 1860. APPENDIX. 691 no geometrical signification, the proof so conducted does not differ in principle from that produced above. In the Berliner Jahrbuch for 1841, p. 281, Encke has given a general method of finding all the roots of an equation, on the principle of separating it (as above) into two parts for determining the impossible roots. II. In the course of making a few remarks on equations of partial derived functions, I say (in p. 56), 'by proceeding to partial derived functions of the second order, two arbitrary functions may be eliminated ; and so on.' It had not occurred to me to question the possibility of effecting the eliminations, because they require only direct operations, and I took for granted that such operations, whether in algebraical calculus, or the calculus of functions, are always practicable. But I might have known from the discussion of this question in Peacock's Examples (pp. 209 213) that although the elimination is always possible, a partial differential equation of the second order is often hot obtainable, and that whenever this is the case the elimination conducts to two partial differential equations of the third order. I find also that Mr Airy, at the end of his Elementary Treatise on Partial Diffe- rential Equations (1866); has shewn that after performing the partial differentiations to the second order, there will be six func- tions and not more than six equations, and hence he infers that " we cannot eliminate these six functions so as to leave an equa- tion between z, a?, y, and the partial differential coefficients of z with respect to x and y of the first and second orders." As this argument carried no farther might seem to indicate that the elimi- nation is in no case practicable, I propose to give here a method of elimination, which, although it may not be the only one or the best, will succeed in finding either a differential equation of the second order, or two differential equations of the third order. Let one of the arbitrary functions be obtained as an explicit function of the other and of z, x, y, and after differentiating it partially with respect to a?, and then with respect to y, divide one result by the other. By this means that arbitrary function is eliminated, and there remains an equation containing in general the other arbitrary function and its first derivative. Next obtain this derivative, as an explicit function of the other quantities in- volved in the equation, and differentiate it partially with respect 692 APPENDIX. to x and y. Then on dividing one result by the other it may happen that all the arbitrary functions disappear from the equation thence ariaing, and that the required partial differential equation of the second order is thus arrived at. But if not, there will, at least, be an equation containing the arbitrary function and its first derivative, by means, of which equation and the previous one con- taining the same two functions, both may be obtained in terms of z y x, y, and partial differential coefficients. Then the separate eli- minations of these functions by partial differentiations will produce two partial differential equations of the third order. In the two following instances the process conducts to a differential equation of the second order. dz dz d 2 z d a z .. -7-t ~r> :r~2> j / > j~ * dx dy dx dxdy dy Example I. Let Then, Differentiating first with respect to x, andihen with respect Hence, by eliminating <^' (xy), Consequently, differentiating with respect to y, and differentiating with respect to x, x 3 r sx z x* /\ x , APPENDIX. 693 By equating these two expressions for the same quantity the result is an equation which is satisfied by the given formula. Example II. Let z = (j> (y.+ ax) $(y- ax). By the differentiations, as before, p za\l/'(y ax) Hence, putting for brevity, ^ and ^f for \j/(y-ax) and i// (y - ax), we obtain By partial differentiations of this equation, Hence it is readily found that (r-a a t)z + a s q*-p 2 = Q, which equation is satisfied by the given formula. It is observable, in these two examples, that on equating the two expressions for the second derivative of the second arbitrary function, all arbitrary quantities disappear from the resulting equation. This appears to be a condition necessary for obtaining a differential equation of the second order. On applying the rule to the example z = x$ (x + y) + y*\j/ (xy\ that condition was not fulfilled, and the elimination of the arbitrary functions led to one or the other of two complicated differential equations of the third order. 694 , APPENDIX. III. In the few words I have said on the Calculus of Varia- tions in page 58, I omitted to mention that the functions which the rules of that Calculus give may be discontinuous ; that is, if the answer to a question be, for instance, a geometrical line, this line may consist of continuous portions of two or more different lines, joined end to end, and inclined to each other at any angles at the points of juncture. There is the more reason for adverting to this principle, because the verification of it is necessary for establishing fully the property of comprehensiveness which I have much insisted upon in this work as characteristic of analytical calculation. All quantitative relations, whether continuous or not, are deducible by appropriate methods of calculation, when the necessary data are furnished. Hence if in the nature of things there be discontinuous maxima or minima, these should be de- ducible by analysis. As far as I ain aware the first instance of the solution of a problem in the Calculus of Variations of this kind is one which I proposed in the PhilosopJvical Magazine for January 1834 (p. 33) ; viz., To find the shortest course of a ship from one given point to another, its velocity being supposed to be a function of the angle which the direction of its course makes with that of the wind*. The solution of this problem according to the usual rules, as given in the paper just mentioned, leads to the result, that the course must consist of not fewer than two straight lines inclined at sup- plementary angles to the direction of the wind. The ship has to tack, or pass abruptly from one straight course to another. I have also treated of the same problem in the Phil. Mag. for September 1862, where I have discussed more particularly the rationale of the discontinuity of course. The following problem involving in a somewhat different man- ner the principle of discontinuity was proposed by Mr Todhunter in page 410 of his ' History of the Calculus of Variations' : To find the greatest solid of revolution of given superficies, the generating line consisting of ordinates perpendicular to the axis at two given points, and of a curve connecting them. Adopting the * This problem, although it involved a new and important principle, did not obtain a place in Mr Todhunter's History of the Calculus of Variations. In an Article in the Phil. Mag. for September 1866, he has apologized for the omission. APPENDIX. 695 principle of discontinuity, Mr Todhunter proved that the curve must join on continuously with the ordinates, and that the ordinates must be equal. Although an equation between the co-ordinates x and y of the curve is not obtainable, a relation between the arc 8 and ordinate y can be found, from which it may be inferred that the curve is that which is described by the focus of an hyperbola which rolls on a straight line. (See an article which I contributed to the Phil Mag. for October 1866.) The principle of discontinuity is also involved in the well- known problem of finding the greatest solid of revolution the sur- face of which is of given extent and cuts the axis in two given points. Particular interest is attached to this problem because mathematicians have expressed the opinion that the Calculus of Variations fails to give a solution of it. Not being able to admit that there can be such a thing as failure in analysis, but rather regarding every supposed failure as simply indicating that some point of principle required to be cleared up, I made many at- tempts to remove the difficulty that has been felt in this case. One attempt was the following. Assuming the usual expression for the function u which is to be a maximum or minimum, viz. we have, as is known, for determining the required function the two equations A = 0, Ap = 0. Although there are many instances in which these two equations lead to exactly the same function (as, for example, in the problem just referred to, which is, therefore, distinct from the present one), it cannot be admitted that the equations are always equivalent ; for then the symbolic dif- ference between them would have no signification, which from the nature of analysis is impossible. Adopting the principle of discontinuity, I supposed the equation Ap = Q might be equivalent to A = and p = 0, and thus found for the required solid a cylinder with hemispherical ends. Mr Todhunter, in the Phil. Mag. for September 1866, exposed the fallacy of this reasoning by proving that the form in question does not give a maximum, other forms which he pointed out giving larger solids. It resulted incidentally from this discussion that as there are degrees of th magnitudes 96 APPENDIX. given by surfaces of different continuous forms, there must be one form which gives the maximum solid, and which ought to be discoverable by calculation. After being convinced of my error, I perceived at length what the explanation of the difficulty is which this problem has given rise to. There are, in fact, two kinds of maxima which satisfy it, one discontinuous and the other continuous, and the rules of the Calculus of Variations, on the principle of the comprehensiveness of analysis, necessarily embrace both. The discontinuous solution is sufficiently discussed by the Astronomer Royal in the Phil. Mag. for July 1861. He finds the generating line to be partly recti- linear .and coinciding ultimately with the axis of revolution, and partly a semicircle. This result is deduced from the equation Ap = 0, treated as an ordinary differential equation admitting of being exactly integrated. The continuous solution, the reality of which is demonstrated above, is to be deduced from the equation A = 0, which for this instance becomes X X?/tf 2?/4. zZ = 0, VI +P' (!+?) p being put for -~ and q for -y^ , and X being a certain constant. This equation does not admit of exact integration, its integral being obtainable only in the form of a series which is not the development of a definite function. It cannot, I think, be ques- tioned that by methods of approximation the form of the line given by that equation might be elicited, and thus the required form of the maximum solid be obtained. But I have not the leisure to pursue this research, my present object having been attained if I have given reasons for concluding that in respect to this problem analysis has not failed, and that it is not true, as some mathematicians have assumed, that Ap = and -4 = are always equivalent equations. CAMBRIDGE : PRINTED BY C. J. CLAY, M.A. AT THE UNIVERSITY PRESS. THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW AN INITIAL FINE OF 25 CENTS WILL BE ASSESSED FOR FAILURE TO RETURN THIS BOOK ON THE DATE DUE. THE PENALTY WILL INCREASE TO SO CENTS ON THE FOURT^ DAY AND TO $1.OO ON THE SEVENTH = OVERDUE. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY I Jill