EXCHANGE ELECTROMAGNETIC OSCILLATIONS FROM A BENT ANTENNA ROBERT CAMERON COLWELL / ELECTROMAGNETIC OSCILLATIONS FEOM A BENT ANTENNA A DISSERTATION PRESENTED TO THE FACULTY OF PRINCETON UNIVERSITY IN CANDIDACY FOR THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY BY ROBERT CAMERON COLWELL PRESS OF THE NEW ERA PRINTING COMPANY LANCASTER. HA. 1920 Accepted by the Department of Physics, February, 1918 '. '.;', ! f ,' r ' t ; -', ELECTROMAGNETIC OSCILLATIONS FROM A BENT ANTENNA The purpose of this investigation is to find the mathematical equations for the electromagnetic oscillations from a bent an- tenna, which is known to send out directed waves. The method used is that of Pocklington 1 which has been developed by M. Abraham 2 and particularly by G. W. Peirce 3 who has recently published a remarkable research on the radiation resistance of a flat top antenna. This article is based upon the work of Peirce and Abraham, but the equations are worked out for the funda- mental and not for the forced vibration. The application of the formula is new. The following assumptions are made: 1. That any antenna may be considered to be made up of a large number of Hertzian doublets placed end to end. 2. That the earth is a perfectly conducting plane. 3. That the waves propagated high into the air eventually return to the earth. The reason for this assumption will be shown in the section dealing with the horizontal part of the antenna. Let a flat top antenna have a vertical part h and a horizontal part d, Fig. 1. It will be necessary to discuss the effect of the EARTH'S SURFACE FIG. 1 radiation from this antenna in three parts. I. The radiation due to the vertical part h and its image h. 1 Pocklington H. C., Camb. Phil. Soc. Proc., 1898, p. 325. 2 Abraham, Theorie der Electrizitat, Vol. II. 3 G. W. Peirce, "Radiation Characteristics of an Antenna," Proc. Am. Acad. Arts and Sciences, Vol. 52, No. 4, October, 1916. 3 ELECTROMAGNETIC OSCILLATIONS II. The 'radiation from the horizontal part d and its image d. III. The mutual action between the vertical and horizontal parts. I. RADIATION FROM THE VERTICAL PART Let the point where the vertical part enters the ground be the origin of co-ordinates, and choose the axes as shown in Fig. 2 FIG. 2 where the x axis is parallel to the direction in which the free end of the horizontal antenna points and the vertical antenna coincides with the direction OZ. The azimuth and co-latitude angles have their usual designations. Let P be any point in space whose polar co-ordinates are r, , 6, where r is very great compared to the height h of the vertical part of the antenna. P lies at a distance r from the point P r which is the position of one of the Hertzian doublets postulated in the first assumption. The effect of the doublet at P f on the point P is given by the theory of Hertz 1 CD where f(t) = the moment of the doublet edz, r length PP f and V = velocity of light. E is expressed in electrostatic and H in electromagnetic units; r Q and 6 appear in place of r and 6', as is legitimate because of the great magnitude of r in comparison with OP. If the total length of the antenna is / = h + d there must be a node of current at + / and /. For the fundamental vibra- 1 Hertz, Electric waves, Chap. IX, Trans. D. E. Jones; Bateman, Elec- trical and Optical Wave Motion, p. 8. FROM A BENT ANTENNA 5 tion, the current i at any time expressed in terms of I the maxi- mum current must be i = I sin pt cos -r (2) A where X = the wave length of the system, 2x7. p = r is the angular velocity A No w and the current i is the rate of change of the charge e on any doublet, that is de di d 2 e l = dt' Tt = df Therefore d>e di 2x71 2x7* 2x2 ^ = ^ = -r~ cos ^r cos ir (3) Substituting (3) in (1) we get p/sinfl / r zcos0\ 2xz , dE a = tyi cos p (t -- y - 1 cos -r- dz (4) in which -r is given the shorter form p, and r z cos 6 is A written for r as these are approximately equal. The doublet 1 at OP f has an image at z and this doublet will have an effect at P given by the equation pi sin 6 ( r + z cos 6 \ 2x2 dEi = p cos p [t -- y - Icos -y- dz (5) The effect due to the two doublets on the point P is found by adding (4) and (5), and the action of all the doublets and their 1 Theory of Images: Jeans, Electricity and Magnetism, Chapter VIII; Maxwell, Electricity and Magnetism, Chapter XI; Webster, Electricity and Magnetism, p. 303. 6 ELECTROMAGNETIC OSCILLATIONS images, by integrating from to h. Then ind C h 2irz[ \ ( r \ , pz cos 6 - -y~ & cose The terms in the square brackets are of the form [Cos (x + y) cos (x y)] may be simplified by use of a well-known trigo- nometrical formula: then 2plsm8 / r \ C h pzcosd 2vz , ~^^y cos-r-ds (7) The integral in (7) is a standard form and is found in any table of integrals. Integrating and putting in the limits we get for the integral of (7) fph cos0 2Trh\ ( , 2Trh\ in I y r 1 sm I ph cos H r- I This reduces to sin -^- (cos 1) sin -^ (cos ~ (cos 0-1) v (cos 0+1) A A Adding these fractions we get for the integrated term X J ^rx i cos 2?r sm 2 0[ Substituting in (7) 27 (2V sm ^ Xro |_ A X cos ( -T cos \l/ } H- cos -r- (Vt r ) f 2^ /2^ \11 X j cos ^ sm -T- sm I -r cos ^ 1 (19) Upon equations (8) and (19) are based all the conclusions regard- ing a bent antenna. The total flux of force is obtained by com- pounding EQ of (8) with the E^ of (19) in such a way as to get the complete electric intensity E, and the corresponding magnetic intensity H. Although the doublets which give rise to E e are perpendicular to those producing E$, it by no means follows that E# and E e are at right angles; in fact, they make an angle (a) with one another which varies for every point on the particular sphere under consideration. Professor Peirce, of Harvard Uni- versity, has shown that this difference in direction gives rise to a third term in the power radiation { the other two come of course from (8) and (19) } of the form sin \{/ cos 8 cos 2 cos aE & E&, where cos a. = 1 r-^-r x 1 sm 2 8 cos 2 4> The average value of this term, when multiplied by F/47T, he FROM A BENT ANTENNA calls the mutual power. In the problem under discussion 2K cos cos 4> . 2irhZ J 11 4?r X sm sin 0(1 sin 2 cos ) "" L \r Q [ sin ( cos sin cos 2irh 2wh cos ^: cos T --- cos A A 2irh . ir2h cos (9 . /rtm -r- sm - r- f (20) A A where for convenience K is put equal to 7 2 /7rFr 2 . This equation is true only for the average value of (V/2ir) cos aE e E^ so that the term cos 2 -T- (Vt r ) = \ and sin (Vt r ) cos r- (Vt r ) = A A A SECOND PART NUMERICAL CALCULATION The power radiated per unit area in certain zones at distances 2,000, 6,000 and 9,000 meters above the earth's surface, and at a distance 10,000 meters from the origin will now be calculated by means of equations (8), (19) and (20). In these equations let h = 10 meters, d = 100 meters, X = 4(& + d) = 440. Then the power radiated from the vertical part may be expressed by (8) in the form : V E? 47T = K jcosf -r- COS0J sin-r- cos sin ( ~- cos 0) cos ~^- 10,000 M. jwoo jr. "^6000 M., ASOOOM. FIG. 5 The values in Table II are calculated from this equation: 12 ELECTROMAGNETIC OSCILLATIONS X = 440M h = 10M r = 10000M VERTICAL TABLE II Height 9000M 6000M 5000 2000 .0049K .0160 .0164 .0196 .0196 The calculations of E 9 2 (V/4:ir) for the horizontal part are by no means as simple as this. The value of the angle in formula (19) changes for every point on the zone at the height 9000, 6000 and so on. This change must be calculated. In Fig. 6 ABC FIG. 6 is a spherical triangle with sides 8, \l/, irj '2 and angle < given. Then from a well-known formula in the trigonometry of triangles: Cos \l/ = sin 6 cos The power radiated from the horizontal antenna through the zone Z = 9000, 6000, etc., will vary for different angles of , that is, the bent part of the antenna has a directive effect on the oscillations. In equation (19) 5in , f 2rZh } VW I Xrn I f 2nd 2ird j cos 2 -T- r 1 + cos 2 \l/ sin 2 -r 47T = K sin 2 \l/ 2ird 2 cos -r cos \ 1 2 cos 1 2 cos \f/ sin sm cos XX From this equation the values of Table III are calculated for the different zones and different directions. The operations are long and tedious but not difficult. The horizontal part of the FROM A BENT ANTENNA 13 antenna has a slight directive effect perpendicular to the direc- tion in which it points. This is contrary to what one would expect: because all experiments show a directive effect in the direction away from the free end of the antenna. However, it has been shown by Pocklington that a circular wire radiates more power perpendicular to its area than in any other direction and the form of equation (19) shows that Pocklington's method of doublets applies to this problem and that the solution is correct to the approximations made. HORIZONTAL PART TABLE III Height < 7? 2 V ^5 9000 .0097 180 30 .0094 150 45 .0092 135 60 .0097 120 90 .0107 90 6000 .0022 180 30 .0028 150 45 .0031 135 60 .0040 120 90 .0047 90 2000 .0004 180 30 .0001 150 60 .0003 120 90 .0000 90 It will now be shown that the power arising from the mutual effect (eq. 20) tends to modify the directive effect at high points in the atmosphere in such a way as to give a fore and aft directive effect. The values of Table IV are calculated from equation (20). MUTUAL EFFECT TABLE IV Height. 5^ 47, 4> 9000 .0027K 180 30 .0022 150 45 .0014 135 60 .0005 120 90 90 6000 .0030 180 30 .0023 150 45 .0015 135 60 .0009 120 90 90 2000 Negligible 14 ELECTEOMAGNETIC OSCILLATIONS Adding up the vertical, the horizontal and the mutual effects contained in Tables II, III and IV, we obtain the complete power radiated through unit area of the zones. The results are given in Table V, in which K has been set equal to an arbitrary value. Plate B is plotted from Table V. In Plate C, the dis- tribution at 9000 M is compared to a curve obtained experi- mentally by Fleming. TOTAL EFFECT TABLE V Height p 4> 9000 .0173 180 30 .0165 150 45 .0155 135 60 .0151 320 90 .0156 90 6000 .0212 180 30 .0211 150 45 .0206 135 60 .0209 120 . 90 .0207 90 2000 .0206 180 30 .0197 150 60 .0199 120 90 .0196 90 The symmetry of the curves developed from the theory can be reconciled with the asymmetrical curve found in the experi- ments by supposing that the electrical waves brought back to the earth from high in the atmosphere are more intense toward the bend in the antenna than at the free end. Zenneck (Zenneck, Phys. Zeitsch., Vol. 9, p. 553, 1908) has shown that this difference may be due to imperfect conductivity in the earth's surface. SUMMARY First : The equations developed by Pocklington, Abraham and Peirce have been applied to an antenna with vertical and horizontal parts in such a way as to find the energy given out for the fundamental vibration: X = 4(fc + d) Second: The intensities so obtained are plotted and are shown to have a fore and aft directive inclination. The intensity fore and aft is symmetrical and not asymmetrical as required by the experiments. FROM A BENT ANTENNA 15 Third: Close to the antenna the intensities are symmetrical in azimuth agreeing with experiment. Fourth: The conclusion is that the fore and aft asymmetry of a bent antenna is caused by the difference in conductivity between the atmosphere and the earth for the electromagnetic oscillation. Fifth: The forms of the resulting equations show that Peirce's assumptions regarding the current satisfy Pocklington's criterion for the use of Maxwell's Equations. ADDENDUM The Integration of Equations (18), p. 10. The integrable part of (18) is I sin { Vt r Q -f- x Cos \//} cos -r- (h + x)dx Expand and multiply, thus: n. 27T. T . 27rxCost , 27r.__ . 27rxCost~] sin-r- (Vt r ) cos -- r -- + cos (Vt r ) sin -- A A A A 2irh sin 2 [2irh 2irx 2ir cos-^cos^ -sm r2ir ,. 2wh 2irx Cos \[/ 2irx . sm (Vt r Q ) cos^r cos - r - COS-T ax (21) A A A A 2ir 2wh C d . 2irx Cos \l/ 2irx , + cos -r- (Vt fo) cos -r- sm - r - cos -T" dx (22) A A ,/Q A A . 2ir . 27rh C d 2wx Cos ^ . 2wx sm^r- (Vt TQ) sin^r cos -- 7 - sm-^r- dx (23) A A J A A 27r /T _ . 2irh r . 2jrxCos\l/ . 2wx cos -T- (p t r ) sm -r- sm r - sm dx (24) A A t/o A. A The integration of (21) is the same as that of (7) on page 4 and gives X 2wdcos\l/ . 2wd . 2wdcos\l/^ 27rd~\ 2ir sin 2 \// \_ X X X X J The integration of the integral part (22) comes under Form 360 16 ELECTROMAGNETIC OSCILLATIONS in Peirce's Table of Integral and simplifies into 2wd cos . + sin . 2irh sin - cos (26) (23) comes under form (360) but in a different way from (22). The complete integration follows: To find 2irx 2irx Cos r sin cos (Form 360) sin mx cos nx ax = cos (m n)x cos (m + ri)x Let 2(m - n) 2ir 2ir cos 2(m Then integration gives 47T 2w sin' _X 47T 27T(Z COS \I/ (1 + COS \l/) \ COS COS -- r - A , A 2nd . 2irdcos\l/ + sm ^ sin - T A A 2nd 2ird cos ^ (1 cos \p) \ cos -r- cos - - - A A 2wd . 2ird cos \1/ sm -r sin A 2ir sin 2 FROM A BENT ANTENNA 17 2ird 2ird cos , (27) 2ir sin 2 \p . 2ird . 2nd cos ^ + cos \f/ sin -r sin r 1 A A The integrable part of (24) r2wx Cos \l/ . 2irx , sin r sin dx A A is also a standard form and becomes finally 2ird cos \l/ . 2ird . 2ird cos \L 2nd ] >s^cos r sm^r sm COS-T ) (28) A A A A J Substitute 25, 26, 27 and (28) in (21), (22), (23) and (24). Then insert the result in (18) and obtain: 4wl sin \// . 27rZh X f-^Ji ~~~ Tr-\ Sin 7% . a T , 27T 2irh I 2nd cos ^ . 2ird sm -T- (Vt r Q ) cos ^ j cos sin ^~ , 2nd Cost Ivd] cos \l/ sin cos -r f A A J 27r /T . 2irh I 2nd cost COS y (Vt r ) COS -r j COS ^ COS . 2,ird cos \[/ . 2wh + sin -- r- -- sin -- cos \[/ f , 2