^ THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES ■'/ >/ ACTS AND STATUTES Made In a PARLIAMENT begun at Dublin, the Twenty-fecond Day of 06hbcr, A/mo Dom. lySi, in the Firft Year of the Reign of ourMoft Gracious Sovereign Lord, King GEORGE the Thii'd. B E F O R E His Excellency Dunk Earl of Halifax, Lord Lieutenant General, and General Governor of Ireland. And continued under Plis Excellency Hugh Earl oi Northum- berlandy Lord Lieutenant General, and General Governor of Ireland, by feveral Prorogations, until the Eleventh Day of OStober, 1763. Being the Second Seffion of this prefcnt PARLIAMENT. D V B L I N: Printed by Boulter Grierson, Printer to the King's Mofl Excellent Majefty. MDCCLXIV. -5- S" ^^■, ■< ,-. , lIL- -t- THE CONTENTS O F T H E SECOND SESSION O F King GEORGE III. CHAP. I. N A(5l for granting and continuing to Ms Majefty an Additional Duty on Beer, Ale, Strong Waters, Wine, Tobacco, Hides, and other Goods and Merchandizes there- in mentioned ; and for prohibiting the Importa- tion of all Gold and Silver Lace, except of the Manufacf ure of Great Britain. Page 3 CHAP. c~t r— «->M-< ,1 ! — ^iie - CONTENTS. CHAP. II. An AS: for granting to his IMajcfty the feveral Duties, Rates, and Impofitions therein ex- preilccl, to be applied to pay an Intereft at the Rate of Four ix)unds per Cent, per An- num, for Part of the Sums therein Pro\ Ided for, and an Literell: at the Rate of Five Pomids per Cent, per Annum, for the Refidue of the Sums therein alfb Provided for, and towards the Dilcharge of the faid Principal Sums. Page 2c> • A ^ CHAP. III. An A(5l for Allowing further Time to Perlons in Offices or Employments to Qiiallfy them- felves purfuant to an A(^, intituled, An AB to prevent the further Growth of Popery. 69 C H A P. IV. An A(5l for Llcenflng Hawkers iind Pedlars, and for F.ncouragement of Enghjh Trotefiant SchooLi. 77 C H A P. % The CONTENTS. CHAP. V. An Ad for difcharging, without Fees, Perfbns who (hall be acquitted of Offences for which they are or (hall be indi6ted, and for making a Compenfation to Sheriffs, Coalers, Clerks of the Crown, and Clerks of the Peace, for iuch Fees. Page 91 t H A P. Vt* An A6t for continuing and amending an Adl, intituled, An Ad: for making the River Lagan. navigable, and openiug a Pallage by Water be- tween Loughnea^ and the Town o£ Belfaft in the County of Antrim. 105 CHAP. VII. An Ad for regulating the Proceedings of Grand Juries in the preparing and forming of Pre- fentments for the levying of Money^.,^ ^ .:\,\ 3 CHAP. vm. An Ad for amending an Ad, intitukdy An Ad to explain and amend an Ad pafled in the b fixth The CONTENTS. lixth Year of the Reign of His late Majefty King George the firft, intituled. An Adt for the better regulating the Parifh Watches, and amending the Highways in this Kingdom, and ^si'fbr preventing the Mifapplication of publick f- -Money. Page 1 2 i CHAP. IX An A(ft for explaining an A(5t, intituled, an A(5l for better fupplying the city of Dublin with Corn and Flour; and alfb an Ai^i, intituled, an Ad: for aniending an A6t, intituled , an Ad for v^- better fiipplying the City of Dublin w^ith Cofrt i'"and Flour. 1 27 C H A P. X. An Ad for the more effedual canning into Exe-- cution an Ad, intituled, an Ad for the Relief of the Creditors of the Bank lately kept by ^^■John IVillcocks and ^ohn Daivfon, and of the -''Creditors of the Bank lately kept by Jofcth Fade I and John JVillcocks, and of the Creditors of the Bank lately kept by Jofeph Fade, Ifachar ^Fillcocks and John TFillcocks, iind of the Cre- ditors of the Bank lately kept by Jofeph Fade ; rand for railing out of the Fftates real and per- 'fcnal Qf Richard Brewer^ late the Caih-kecper The CONTENT S. of the faid John TVdlcoch and John Dawfon, the Sum due by the laid Richard Brewer to the faid John 0^illcocks and John Dawfon. P- 1 3 3 CHAP. XL An A(5t for ahering and amending an A^t, inti- tuled, an Ad; for amending an A(5t, intituled, an Ad: for Encouragement of Tillage, and bet ter Employment of the Poor ; and alfb for the more eifedual putting in Execution an Ad:, intituled, an Ad to encourage the Draining and Improving of Boggs and unprofitable low Grounds, and for eafing and difpatching the Inland Carriage and Conveyance of Goods from one Part to another in tliis Kingdom ; and alfb for laying feveral Duties upon Coaches, Berlins, Chariots, Calallies, Chaifes, and Chairs, and upon Cards and Dice, and upon wrought and manu- fadnared Gold and Silver Plate, imported into or made m Ireland, for the Puipofes therein mentioned ; and alfb for repealing the Duties payable upon the Exportation of VVool, Bay- Yam, and Woollen-Yarn, out of this Kingdom £or England. 177 c H A p, . xn. An Ad for continuing the Encoui*agement given by former Ads of Parliament to the Flaxen and Hempen Manufadures. 1 8 9 CHAP. The CONTENTS, CHAP. XIIL An A(5l for the more efFedual preventing Bri- bery and Corruption in the Elections of~ Mem- bers to ierve in Parliament, and the Magiftrates of Cities, Boroughs, and Towns Corporate. Page 20^ CHAP. XIV. An Adl for directing the Application of the Sum of Eight thoufand Pounds granted to the Dub- lift Society^ for the Encouragement of inch Trades and ]VIanufa(5b.ircs as fliould be dii-ed:ed by Paiiiament. 219 CHAP. XV. An A(^ for vefting further Powers in the Lord Mayor, Sheriifs, Commons, and Citizens of the City of Dublin, for the iecurlng of f hips trading to the Port and Harbour of Dublin. 225 CHAR XVI. An A 61 for continuing and amending fcveral Temporary Statutes,' and for cfthcr Purpofes therein mentioned. 2 5 1 CHAP. The CONTENTS. CHAP. XVII. An A(ft for continuing and amending certain Tem- porary Statutes heretofore made for the bet- ter Regulation of the City of Corke, and for enlarging tlie Salary of tlie Treafurer, and for the better regulating the Sale of Coals in the faid City, and for erecting and continuing Lamps in the fame, and fm* the better pre- ferving the Streets and Highways therein, and for confirming and eflablifliing a Court of Con- fcience in the faid City, and for regulatings the AfTize of Bread therein, and for fecuring the Quays by Parapet Walls.. Page 271 CHAP. xvni. Vji,^ w :/J \yv An A(5t for the better Difcovery of ^H^itatle Donations and Bequefls. 149 CHAP. XIX. An A (ft for Indemnifying all fiich Perfens'as^liave been, or fhall be aiding in the difperfing of Riots, and apprehending the Rioters. 355 c ' .rr;(>b:i;ri>.C^MiAl''P. The C O N T E N T* S. CHAP. XX. An A(5l for Continuing fevcral Temporary Sta- tutes. iVigc 361 CHAP. XXI. An A&. for continuing and amending two (cveral Ad:s of Parliament therem mentioned, and for the more effectual preventing oi' Frauds in His Majefty'sCuitoms and Exciie, and foi" other Purpofcs therein mentioned. :^6j CHAP. XXII. An A(ft for Difcliarging all arrears of Quit, Crown, and Compofition Rents, which ha\e been . ,gi*owing due for twenty Years laft paft, on "" the Terms and in the Manner tliercin men- tioned. 395 CHAP. XXIII. An A(5t for the better Prefervation of the Game. CHAR XXIV. An A(5t for the Encouragement of the Fi(heries . of this Kingdom. 4 1 9 CHAP. The CO N T E N T S. CHAP. XXV. .■■: .'• riA An AS: to amend and explain an A6t mad^ in the thirty third Year of the Reign of Hefiry the Eighth, Intitukd, An Aft for Tithes, and for other Purpofes therein mentioned. Page 437 CHAP. XXVI. '-^fninimq ^bi fcl orl'J f)i \vA .An Aft for Confirming the Titles, arid for (|iSet- ing the PofleHionofProteflants, and for giving Time to Converts from Popery to perform the Requifites of Confonnity prefcribcd Ly the Laws agalnfl Popery. , 451 CHAR XXVII. -'^ ^^^ An Aft to amend and continue ail Aft, m'ltuhd, an Aft to prevent the excellive Piice of Coals in the city of Dublin. )ji^n\:ySi ^^^^jwi- CHAP, xxviri. An Aft for better preventing the Severities and unjiifl Exaftions praftifed by Goalers againft their Priibners, and for more effeftually fiap- porting Profecutions at the Suit of tlie Crown, in cafes of Felonv and Treafbn... A 'io r'snioj^-j i C HAP. The CONTENTS. CHAP. XXIX. An Acft for the more effectual preventing the pernicious pradice of bmning Land. V. ^ho CHAP. XXX. An A61 for the more effedual amending and re- pamng the Road leading from the City of Dnh^ I'm to the Bridge of DunUcr in the County of .y-Loxuth, and for the better fecnring the Debts •(^filiow due, or which Ihall hereatter becoiPiC due ^'rt1:o the Creditors of the (aid Road. 503 CHAP. XXXI. An Ai5l for the more efFe^lually amending and repairing the Road leading from the Tc'v.n of Diimialk in the County of Loivth, to Bann- ..^^JSridgc in the County of Down, and for tlie better Iccuring the Debts now due. oy vhich fhall hereafter become due to the Ci editors of the faid Road. 551 CHAP. XXXII. bm> yry ■ An A61 for altering, amending, and making more cffexftual, the Laws for the repair of the R(\\d leading from the City of DrM/ty through tlie ; -Towns of Kiladlen and Cailow^ to the City of Kilkenny. 591 CHAP. The CONTENTS* CHAP. XXXIII. An A6t to prevent Frauds in the Tanning of Hides, in the cuiTying of Leather, and the Making of Shoes and Boots. Page 6i 5 CHAP. XXXIV. An A«5l for the better Regulation of the Linen and Hempen Manufadlures. 627 CHAP. XXXV. An A 61 to explain and amend the feveral Laws made in this Kingdom, for the effedual Pre- fervation of Salmon Fifh. 7 1 5 CHAP. XXXVI. An A61: for making more convenient the Ap- proaches to the City of Dublin^ by making a new Tumpike Road on the South Side, the Weft Side, and the North Side of tlie faid City, to commence at the Road leading from Dublin to Donnybrook, and to terminate at Ca- vendijh Street. -725 d CHAP. The CONTENTS. CHAP. XXXVII. An A^ for reviving, continuing and amending, an Ad parted in the feventh Year of the Reign of His late Majcfty King George the Second, intituledy An AcS for Repairing the Road lead- ing from the Town of Kumegad in the County of ireflmcath^ to the Town of Athlone in the iaid County. Page 765 Private Bills. An A<51 for Ncfting in Tmftees certam Lands, Tenements, and Hereditaments, the Eflate of Garrett Moore Efquire, in tlie County of Mayo and Khig^ County^ for railing a liifficient Sum of Money for the Payment of Debts afieding the fmic ; and for enabling the (aid Garrett Moore to inakc Lcafcs of all or any Part thereof for the Term of three Lives, or thirty one Years, at the l)efl: improved Rent in Pollelfion. An' Ad: for the Relief of the Creditors o^ Edward Sncyd of the City o( DubliHy^ late INlcrcIiant. An The CONTENTS. An AS: for the Relief of the Creditors o£lFilUam Br') an, Samuel Bryan, ^iwd Arthur Bryan, of the City of Dublin, late Merchants ; and of George Carleton, of the fame City, late Merchant. An hS for confirming certain Agreements be- tween Sir Edward O'Brien, Baronet, and Lucius O'Brien, Efquire, his eldeft Son and Heir appa- rent ; and for the more effectual Security and immediate Payment of the Debts of the faid Sii" Edward O^'Brien, and for providing Portions for the faid Sir Edward's younger CbiJdren, and for otber purpofes. jrl] ;:■' An Aift for the Relief of Mary Knowks- and Com- pany, lateof the Cityof/^rt/^/yor^, Merchants, and of their Creditors, 'loj'jji J An A<5t for vefling the Eflate of Theophilus Clements of Rakenny in the County of Cavan, Efquire, in Truflecs to be fold for the Payment of Debts and Incumbrances affecting the fame, and for fettling the Refidue according to the Will and Codicil of Theophilus Clements of the City o'i Dublin Efquire, dcceafed, with Power to the Tenants for Life of fiich Refidue to fet- tle a Jointure thereout on fuch Wives as they litayc or fhall marry, and to make freehold Lcafcs. An The CONTENT S. An AS: for the Relief of the Creditors of ^W^^/ Kelly, late of tlie City of Lbncrick, Merchant. An AS. for tlic Relief of the Credltoi-s of Paul Benfon and James Benfon of the City of Corke^ late Merchants. An hS. for vefting in Triiftees certain Lands, Te- nements, and Hereditaments, the Eftate of Alexander Saundcrfon ofCaJlle Saioiderfon In the County o^Cavan, Efcjnirc, for raifing a lufficient Sum of Money for the Payment of Debts af- fet^ing the fame, and for encreafing the Por- tions of the younger Children of "the faid Alex- ander Saundcrfon by Rofe his prelcnt Wife. An A61 for the Relief of the Creditors of David ^ohnfon and ^ohn Seaton of Dublin^ late Mer- chants. A N A N AC T FOR Gratiting and Continuing to His Majefty, an additional Duty on Beer, Ale, Strong Waters, Wine, Tobacco, Hides, and other Goods and Merchandizes therein mentioned ; and for prohibiting the hnpor- tation of all Gold and Silver Lace, except of the Manufacture of Great Britain. DUBLIN: Printed by Boulter Crierson, Printer to the King's Mofl Excellent Majefty. Mdcclxiv. Chap, I. (3) AN ACT FOR Granting and Continuing to His Majefty^ an Additional Duty on Beer, Ale, Strong Waters, Wine, Tobacco, Hides, and other Goods and Merchandizes therein mentioned; and for prohi- biting the Importation of all Gold and Silver Lace, except of the Manufac- ture of Great Britain. CHAP. I. '^^T^ pout ®ajeflj)'!ai moft 3)utifulCHAP. ▼ ▼ tnonS of Ireland, \Xi ^W(M\\\tXit ;5i(rcmbleD, l)at)mgf a iuft ^enfe of pout J^oral Care fo;? tbe |&;?orperitp of aU i>out: :$)nbjc(ts, anD tbell ftnotbinir tl)at t!)e M- cucit;? of tiiio pottc Jaealm, ant) tbe Con- tinuance of tl)e manp laieffm^s UDe enjop ^ Anno R^gnl teitlo c H A p. tmtict: pout tmlD auD aufpicious IRcigti, I- DepcnD on tl)c :^uppo?t of poiic ©at^ftp'S ''^^^^ OotJctntnent, Do iiioft l)uml)lp befccch f ouc ;®ajeft)? tj)at it map be €naacC) ; :^nti be it €ita(tjcC^^p t!)c !3tmt)fS©oft excellent j®a- leftp, bp anD tbit!) tl)e ZD'om anD Confent of tl)e lLo2t(s ^pititmX ant) m:cmporal, anD (iTomnionS in t|)i«5 p;efent ^5atlianient affemblet), anCi bp tl)e ^utbo^ttp ot tl)e fatne, tbar t{)rre^a,l, aui^ rcfpemtje -^Ddittonal mateSr, l^wties anD Sjinpofitions, on all ©ect, ^ix, ^trongr Oiaiaters, Online, spirits, tobacco, anD ot^cc (15ooDs anD ^ercban- Dtfe0, IJbbitb bp an ^ct of l^rliatiunt ra^De anO ^lalfeD lu tftis HiaccDoin, in tU ;^econD geac of pput ®ajeftp's meign, ^n^ title-D, All A(5t for Granting, and Continuing to His Majefty an'Additiojial Duty on Beer, Ale, Strong Waters, Wii-^e, Tobacco, Hides, and other Goods and Merchandizes, therein mentioned; anD fo^ p^ol)!bitincr the ^^wvo^t^twn of all <15olD anD ^iltiet Jlate, eitept of tbe ®a^ 'tin fact tire of Great Britain, tbcte CStantcDanD (EwtmueD unto ^out ®ajeftp, until tU " ^U)entp fiftl) SDap of December, in the pear of oitr ?to?D ipne Xt)oufanD fe\3en l)unD^D anD ^utp^l>2ee inclufibe, be fuctl)cr c!3ran= tzJOy OEontmueD, maifcD, CollectcD, ileUicD, anD paiD unto pout ®a|eftp, pout f^eirs, anDj^^ucccCTo^, from t!)e i::U^entp fiftlj^^ap of Georgii Tertil Regis. 5 of December £Dne tJ)otifanD feV>eti i^unD?cD^ " ^ p a no ^ixtp tl);?ee, until tj)e Xtbentp fift!) ^:^^^ 2Paj> of December One t|)oufanD feVien ^^^^^"^ l^unCi;>eD anD :$ixtp fiUe inclufitje, StnD be it futtj)et: CnarteD, hy> t\)Z Zutf)o^ tity> afo;?faiD, ^J)at all anD fingulac tj)e faiD Duties becebp d^tanteD anD ContinueD, ftjall be iaaifcD, HetJieD, CollecteD, anD |&aiD unto pout :®ajeftjj, Pont l^eicsi anD ^m-^ ceffo^s, Dtitinff tl)e tierm afo;?efaiD, obec anD abotje all otftet SOuties l^aj^able fo;j tl)c fame, b}> Wiittttz of an ^tct maDe in t^is laingDom, in tbe foutteentj) anD Sfteentf) fzatQ of tl)e iaeijjn of fStinir Charles tj)e ^CtonD, 3itttJt:leD, An Acl for the Settling the Exc'ife or new Impoft upon His Majelly, His Heirs and Succeflors, according to the Book of Rates therein inferted ; 0;? bp ^ittue of one 0= t\)tt ^ct maDe in t!)e foucteent!) anD Sfteentj) 5>ear5 of tl)e iaei^rn of tl)e faiD fBting Charles the ^econD, glntltleD, An Aa. for fettling the Subfidy of Poundage, and granting a Subfidy of Tunnage, and other Sums of Money unto His Royal Majefty, His Heirs and Succeflors, the fame to be paid upon Merchandizes imported and exported into or out of the Kingdom of Ireland, according to the Book of Rates hereunto annexed. ^ l^^obiDeD 6 Anno Regni tertlo Chap. ^^^otJiDeD altba^s, ant) be it Uittl)tt Cuatf- ^- eD by tht autbo2itp afo^cfaiO, 3:i)at if the faiD OTincs, 5>trongr Matcts, :^pint5 pcc: fertl)) maOe, anD :^pii:its tnaDc auD DiftillcD of Q21!mc anD 2l5^^^D):', o; Spirits abotjc tl)e £lualit)) of :^mgic ^pities, upon tbbich tbc faiD aODitional SDutics ate €l)atcrcD, rtjall aftet l^aj^ment tbetcof, o;? ^ccutitp cumn fo;? the fame, be agam €ipo?teD bp anp :^etcl)anc 02 <®etc6ant$, tl)at is 0? ate a ^^tibjert 0? ^ubjerts of tJ)is filealm, 0^ anj> oti)ct of pout ®atcCt))'s S)ommion9, lbitl)= itv Xlbentj? j?out laalenDat j®ontl)0, 02 bp <®etfl)ant ^ttangets tbitDm ZXhd\)z !!Xa^ lenoat j®ontl)S aftet ti)e ^mpo^jtatioii tl)eteof, anD Due |5?oof fitft inaDe, by €ati^ ficate ftom tbe ib^opet £)fftcct, of the Due €nttj? of fucJ) Mines, i^ttong OTatcts, :g)pitits petfcctlj) luaDe, anD ^pitits tnaOc anD SPifttUeD of Wimt, B^anDp, 02 :^pitits abo\)e tl)e €lualit)> of :$>incrle ^pitits, anD of tj)e \&a5?ment of tbc faiD aDDitional E>u= tics l)eteb)>(]5?anteD anD Cl)argeD tl)cteon, oi 0? JRctbarD, le paiD o;? aUotbeD unto fncD ^ercbant o? ®ettl)ants fo exporting tJ)e fame, tl)it!)iu one ®ontl) after SOematiD tl)creof, 0(? tj)e ^ecucit)? fo;j tbe TaiD aOtitio^ nal 3>uties l)?) t[)i6 ;^ct cJ)ac5feD ft)aU be \)acateD o? OifcbatgeD, as to fo tuutb tl)eceof as fl3aU tie fo €xpo^teD; an^ tbmg herein tontaiucD to t{)e contcacj? uottt)itj)ftant)inj9f. :^uD be It futtDet CnacteD bj> tj)e ;^tt' tbo^itp afo^efait), t2:i)at fo? a fuctDet :$up= plj) to pout ®ajeap, tj)e futtl)ei: ;3DC)ici^ onal l>nt)) of Ctbentp ^^billingS sterling on etjctp l^tuiCi^eD OTcigbt of j®olafres, anCitl)c furtl)er ^^DDitional HDutp of ^tbentj> :g>l)illing[S sterling on eljer^ l^unD^eD 2Meiigr^t of Xrcacle, 0)l)icl) in anD bj? tbe faiD ;^ct of parliament, maDe anD pafTeD \\x tl)is EingDom in tJ)e :^econD pear of pour ;®as jeG))S laeign, tbere ^rranteD anD continueD unto potir :®a]eft>>, until t|)e Ctbentp 5fiftl)l>a)) of December £)ne tboufanD feben SunD^cD anD fiitj) tl)ree inclu(it)e, be furt!)er 5:ranteD, confirmeD, collecteD, raifeD, leDietJ anD ^3aiD unto j?our j^ajeGp, pour l^eirs anD j^nccefTo^s, from tl)e faiD Ctbentp iPiftl) SPap of December £)ne tj)oufanO fet)en j)un' 23 2 o^eo 8 Anno Regni tertio Chap I. t)2cD anD fiitp tJ)ccc, until tl)c srtbent^ 6ftb Jpap of December £)ne tl)onfanD fc\)cn bun- 0;?eO ano futp 6\)c mclufi\)c» ;3nD be it furtDec CnacteD bj? tbe ^^uthojit)) afo^cfaiD, %f>at fo? attti tottiatDs a futtl)ec :$)upplp to pour ®aicftp, an aDiDitional SDu- tp of j^iipence per patD fo;? aiiD upon all foreign :$)tuffs tallcD iRomalls, anO all j®anufaaurc5 matie of Cotton, oi of Cot:= ton anD 2.inen tniieD, tbl)etl)ec plain, pamtcD, 02 j^taineO, tbbtcl) HbaiU be luipo?^ teD into tbis S^ingdom fcom anp ^SJarts be^onD tl)e ^ea3 (except tl)e ®anufactuteof Great Britain) anD alio an aDOitional ^ut}> of j$)iipence per patD otec anD abote tbe pre= fent E>utie«5 fo? all Catnb^icfes (not of tl)e i®anufactute of Great Britain) tbbicl) ll)clU bc mtpotteD into tbts IStmgrDom excecDiucr a parD IbiDe, anD tbbicl) Ibere by> tbe faiD ^:^(t, paffeD in tbe fcconD peat of pout ^^ajcQv^s ^ti^n, gcantcD anD continucDtopouc ^a- ^eCip ftom tbe Clbent^ fiftb ST^ap of j:)ccem- ber ^ne tboufanD feten bunD^eD anD fiitp one, to tbe ttbentp fifcb I>ajJ of December ^ne tboufanD fetjen bunD^eD anD fittp tb^cc, be futtbet firranteD anD continueD to pout <©a|eftp, Pout l^cits anD ^uccefro20, to tbe Xtbentp fjftb Daj) of December One tbou^ TanDfetJCtt bwn^.-^cD anD fixtpto, mclnfiDe. ^nD Georgii Tertil Regis. 9 :^nD be it furtt)ec CnacteD bp tl)e ;aut{)o^c h a p- tit}) afo^efaiD, XJ)at a fttttJ)et additional i- Dut)? of Xl)ree i)cncc per patD upon all ^"^ ' ^amb^icfts anD JlaUins (not of tj)e Ma- nufacture of Great Britain) tbj)icl) (l)all be unpojteD into tl)is ItingDom from anD af^ tec t^e Xtbentv Sftl) 2Dap of December £Dne tboufanD feben l)UttD^eD anD dxtv t^ree, anD U)l)icl) b)) tbe faiD S[ct maDe in t\)t ^econD peac of pout j®ajeftj)'0 Eeijjn, Ibece grtanteD anD continucD till t\)z Xtbent}? 6ft!)2Dap of December !©ne tl)oufanD fetjen bunD^eD anD iixty tl)ree, be fuctbet crcanteD anD continue eD to pout ;®aje(lp, pout i^tit^ anD ^uc^ cefl'o;>9r, from t{)e faiD iTtbentj) fxftj) l>aj> of December One t^oufanD fetjen l)unD,^eD anD fiXtp tl)rce, to tbe %Xbtnt}> mth 3>ap of De- cember €)ne tboufanD letjen !)unD?eD anD fiitp fitje inclufitJe, ot)et anD abotje all oti^tt Duties paj?able fo? tl)e fame» ::3tnD be it furtDet CnacteD hp tl)e ^u= tl)outj) of Xbrce pence per parD upon all arauibricfts anD 2latbns (not of tfe j^a- nufacture of Great Britain) tbbic?) ll)all be tm? po?tcD into tf)i^ EingDoiu from anD after tl)C Xtbentp fiftj^ DajJ of December One ti)oufanD feben bunD^eD anD fixtj) tl)ree, anD tt)!)icb bp tj)e faiD ;act maDe in t\>t :^econD C pear I. 10 Anno Regni tert'io Chap, ^t^t of fout aj? of December £Pnc t!)oufanD k\)m l)utt= D(?eD anD fut)? tbcce, be furtbec crranteD anD continueDto pout ®ajeftjj, pour Wrs anD :$>uccc(ro^3, from the f<^iD ntientp 8ftl)5Pap of December i^nc t^oufanD fcDcn l)nnD^eD anD iixty three, to the irtbentj? fifth 2Da^ of December j^ne thoufanD fetjen htinc^cD anD ftxtp fit^e inclnfiDe, otjer anD abo\je all other E>uties payable fo? tl)c fatne. ;anD be It further €nacteD Dp the Sfutho^ ritj) afo^efaiD, Xhat fo^ a further ^upplp to pour j^ajeftjj, an aDDitional l^utj? of ^11 pence per l^iDe, fo^ anD upon e\)crp ralb anD untanneD l^iDe tbljich ^)^^^ ^^ expo^teD out of thi3 KingDom to 0arts bcj>onD the :^eaS, (except to Great Britain) anD IhhlCh b^ the faiD :act maDe m the ^econD pear of pour :®ajeGp'$ ifteign, there granteD anD continueD to the ttiDentj? fifth 2Dap of De- cember One thottfanD fet)en hunD^D anD iittv three, be further granteD anD conti^ nueD unto pour j®ateftj?, pour i^eirs anD :^ucce(ro26, frotit the faiD tilhent)) fifth 3>a)J of December Otit thoufanD fetjen htinD^eD anD Cxtr three, to the lElhentp fifth S>aj) of December £)ne thoufanD kXttn hwnD^eD anO fixt? fi\)e inclufit)e. ;5nD Georgli Tertii Regis. 1 1 ^tit) be It imt\)tt €nactet) (jp tl)e ^titl)o- c h a ? ?itp afo^efaiD, xbat fo? a furtlb^c ^upviy> to f ^out: j^ajed)^, an aDDittonal Wut^ of €)ne ' ' ' ^hilltufr fo^ et)etj> iai)eam of l&apec (obec atiDaboDe t|)e Duties tiotb payable tl)eceott) Xh\)it\) bp tl)e faiD ^ct maDe in the :^econD peat: of pout ®ajeftj)'6 laeign, tbete gtan- teC) auD continued to t!)e €:tbentj) 6ftl) S>aj> of December C>ne tl)ottfanD feben j)ttnD?eO anD fixtp tl)cee, upon all l&aper impoaj> of December €>ne tl)ourand fetjen l)und?ed and fixtp 6be mclulit)e« ;^nd be it fuctl)et €narted by> tl)e ;3utl)o^ tit)) afo^efatd, '€l)at tj)e additional iaatesi and Duties on Coffee, ^ea, Chocolate, and Cocoa ^uts, tbi)icl) tbete granted and con- tinued to pour ©ajeftp, tbe faid ;5ict in t|)e Second pear of pour ^ajeftp'S IReign, and tbbicl) are t|)erebp furtl)er granted and continued to pour ©ajeftp, and all ©o? ntes arifing t^erebp, itall be !&aid to tDe Xrufteeg appointed fo^ t[)e -©anagement C 2 of 12 Anno Regnl tertio Chap. of ti)e C^euipcti auD jflaxen ^Manufactures ^ of this StttigDom, to be bp t!)cm applfcD to "■^""^ encourage anD ^uppo;?t tl)e faiD ^anu^ faaures anD tU Xtatt tl)creof m t|)t3 fking-rom, anD that t\)t faiD aDCitional l>iit!Cy on tatti anD untanneD K^iDes, anD all 0^ouer> arifnig tl)etebp, Tiiall be paiD to the faiD €ruftec«5, to be bp them appUeD tolljarDS v^ncouratrmigf the tafingr of Jrlax^ ^tiD in this H^ingDom, anD that the faiD laft tucntioneD further aDDitional Dut)) of tiEhree pence per pa?D upon all Canib^tchS anD !lalhnS, anD all ®one)> arifmcr there^ hy>, il)all be paiD anD applieD to the Wt of the (I5o\3ernO(j anD aiompanp, fo? carrj^ing: on the OTainb^icft ^Manufacture tn Dimdalk, o;j eUelhhcre in this I^in^Doiu. ;^nD be it CnacteD bp the 5(utho2itv afo^e- faiD, Xhat all anD e\3er^ the feljeral anD refpectiDc aDDitional laates anD Duties here- by ffrantcD 02 contmucD, (l)all be ratfeD, an:: ftbereD, collecteD anD paiD unto ^our j^a^ jeG)), Pout l^eirs anD :^uccc(ro?s, Durniflr the ^erm afo^cfaiD, at the fame Xiiuc, anD in the lifte i®anner, anD b^ fuch Mars, ®e.ins anD iSBcthoDs, anD bp fuch JRules anD 5i)irea50US,anDunDet fuch penalties anD jfo^fciturrs, anD Ihith fuch po\bcrs, as ate appointed, DirecteD anDeip^jedcD, in anD by>t\)t faiD Georgii Tertii Regis. ig ((lit) ^ct inaDe in t\)iQ ftiucrCioin, itt tl)C c h ^ p, jroiittcent!) anD jfiftecntl) pears of ti)e iHeiffti ^^ of Bitigr chai-les the ^ecoaD, 'JntitleD, An Aa '-''^^'^*' for the fettling of the Excife or New Impofl, upon His Majelly, His Heii-s and Succeflbrs, ac- cording to the Book of Rates therein inferted, 01 br> atip ot^ec Itatb notb in fo;tz relating: to tbe 5let)enue of €xcife in t\)i^ WiinsHom, as f«U)j anD effectnallp, to all intents ant) ^urpofesr, as if tl)e fame tbere pattitn-- laclp mcutioneD, exp;?effeD anD enacteo agrain m the BoDp of tbis p;?efent :^ct. tbitl) t^e liftcIRemeOjJof -Appeal, to anD fo;?t!)e partp jgrtietjeD, as in anD bj) tl)e faiD :^ct of Cicife, 01 mv otj)er Itatb o? Hatbs notb m being-, relating to t\)z SDuties of Cicife, is o; ate P?0\)lDcD. :5CnD be it further CnacteD by t\)z ^utf)o^ rit)>afo^eraiD, %b^t t!)e ^ix pence per i^otinD, anD all otJ)er jFees tbl)icj) ft)aU oi ma^ be ^aj^able to tbe ^ice Xreafurer, 02 Wtz Xreafttrers, papmaGer 0^ Jaeceiljer d^eneral, upon iffuing anp ^um o? j^ums of j®o? nej), tbl)trl) i^all 0;? map arife out of tl)e ^iD0 (I5?anteD t!)is DefCon of ^Datliament, 0? up:: on fffuing: anp :§>um 0^ :$umS of i®o= nep, tbl)icl) ft)all 0? map be bo;?otbeD pur^ fnant to anp act of parliament, 0? ^ote of C?eDit tl)is :$effion of l^arliament, ll)all 3> be Anno Regnl tertio be teceiteD bp t\)z TaiD ^ice 3Crcafutcc ot Btce titcafucccs, i^ecciljet, o;? ^^ajJiimftcc (15enctal, fo;t\)t nfeof pouc ^a]c(ly, font l^eits anD ^^ucccffo^s, During t^c tlEc^m a-- fo;jefaiD, anD ft)aU be DtUp accounteD fo;? bj> l)im o;? tbem to pout j©a|eGjj, pout J^eitS anD ^uccciro;?5, as a futtj)et anD aDDitioual 9iiD betebp gi\3en anD gtanteD. ^nD be It futtj)ct €nacteD bp tl^e 3[utl)o= ?itp afo^efaiD, 5ri)at the federal ^unis l)ctc^ in aftet mentioneD, be paiD out of tl)e a^ fo^efaiD aDDitional ^Duties anD ^iDS, crran? teD anD continueD to pout ©ajeftj? bj) t!)i6 p^jefent :^a, to tl)e petfons bctcm attet mentioneD : ( tl)at tS to fap ) 1i:J)e :^um of Xtb0t!)0UfanD\&0UnDS pel annum, fo^ Xtbo pats, from tl)C XVbtnt)) fiftl) Way of De- cember j^ne tboufanD feten l)unD(?eD anD fiXCP tl)?ee, to tbe XCbCnt^ 8ftl) Da>> of De- cember £Dne tl)oufanD fetjcn i)unD?cD anD Cixtp ftbe inclufitJC, to tl)e Xtuftccs appoint teD fo? tl)e ©anagerncnt of t\)t J^cuipen anD jFlaien Manufactures of tt)is Buitr^ Dom, fo;j €ncouracrm0 anD raifing fuf6= cient Quantities of l^^emp anD jTlai m tl)is IBimgDomj anD alfo the futtbet :$um of Xtbo tl)OUfanD pOUnDS per annum, fo^ tltbo pears, from the faiD Xlbent^ 8ftD "^ar of December QnZ t\)onUwD kUtl j)UnD^CO anD (iixtp Georgli Tertli Regis. ig iixty t!)efrion of parliament; tj)e :^tim of jFlDe httnD;?eD PounDS to Edward Sterling anD Henry Alcock €fquire0, Clerfts of the i^oufe of Commons, as a JaetbarD fo? their ;attenDance anD ^ertjice thtS :^effion of 2r> i par= p. t6 Anno Regni tertio Chap, ^^atliauieiit ; tl)c ^mu of tXho 4)nnt:Kt^ ^* ^OUUDS to Anthony Sterling ClCCft ^M- "^""^"^ tant, as a iRclDarD fo;j biS ^ttctiDance atiD :$^et\)icc tl)i!3 j^cffiou of l^arlianieuti tl)e ^lun of font l)unt);?cD antJ tU)cnt)> fix ponnCiQi tJ)!tteen ^billmgro anD font j)encc to James Bailie, Cfq; ;^ccjcant at ;atms, as a laetbatD fo? I)t5 ^tnuDance anD ;^ert)ice t()!S :^effion of l^arliaincnt; the ^u\u of tbcee ^luiD^eD ant) fift^ poiintis to Benjamin Higgins ant) James Browne, tl)C viTlCtUS attcnOmg t^e aionmiittee of ;<{ccounts anD tht otl)ec OTomtnittccs of tl)c K^oufc of €onu nions, as a iaclbarD fo? tl)iiv ;^ttcnDancc anD ^ettjicc tj)is :$c(fion of l&atliament, to be equally DiDiDeD bettbecn than ; tl)e ^um of One bunD;?eD anD ttbclDe ^ouncs, to Abraham Bradley fo^ ^^^inting tl)C PabllCfe atconnts laiD before tbe l^onfc of Cilotn- nions tbis :^cffion of patliatnent; tj)e :^UIU of fifty) ^OUnDS to Hulton Bradley, aS a JaelbacD fo;? Ws trouble anD ^ttenbance in Dclibetmg tl)e ^lotcs to tbe ©cnibcts of t\)t l^oufe of aiomiuons tl)is ^cffion of ^aacliament; tht :^um of cigi)t>' ponnDS to James Savage anD Tliomas Gilmor E>OOr=!$cepCtS to tht l^oufe of Commons, as a J^ctbarD foj tbeic attenDance anD^etbice tbis :^effton of l&arliamcnt, to be cquall)? DibiDcD bctlbecn tj)em; tJ)e ^um of )©nc IjunD^^D auD 6ft)) pounDs ^ Georgli Tertii Regis. 17 l&otmtis to tl)c mififbt (honourable tj)e ^peaft^ c h a p. ec of tDe i^oufe of CoinmotiS, to be bj) l)im > — ^ tiViiteD atnonsfft tj)e 2aacft=t)oo;j Beepers anO !^cffcnger«5 attetiCimg tj)e l^oufe of Com^ nionS, beiiigr tbitteen in dumber, in fricJ) j^anntt as Ije fljall Direct; ti)e^um of four l)tmtJ-?eD pOUnD6 to John Wctherel aS a CvC:: ItiatD fo? I)i6 gfnCiuarp anD €xpente in p2e^ pacing: anD jTrammg tl)e ^etb f ntenDeD Booh of iaates; tlje ^um of irtbo tl)0U' fanO Stje l)unD;?eD |5ounD5 to tbe Co?po?a= tion fo2 promoting anD carrj^mu on an gn^ lanD i1^at)igation in Ireland totbarDs tnafe= ing tht ^Mt Shannon jRat)ijgrable from tDe OTltp anD P02t of Limerick tO t\)Z %oVbn of Klihloe, to be bp t})em accounteb fo^ to i&ar^ liament; tl)e ^um of €)ne tj)o«fanD ftt)e ^unD2eD pjounDS to tl)e Corporation fo? promoting anD carr^injgr on an SInlanD j§a^iigration in Ireland to be by rj)em ap^^ plpeD tolbarDS mahinig: tJ)e JaitJer Bar- row ^atiigable from t})e XiDe 2Hater at ^t, Muliins to tl)e Xotbn of Monaftere- ven m t\)t €ountp of Kildare, to be atcoun^ teD for to l&arliament; tl)e i^um of :^nc tDoufauD fitje t)unDreD l&ounDS to tf)e OTor^ poration for promoting anD carrying on an §nlanD #al)igation in Ireland totbarDS mafting tbe iRitierNore iltlaV)igable from t!)e Cttp of Killvcnny tO t\)Z li^otbn Of Inifleague e in i8 Anno Regnl tertio c M A p. itt tht€om\t}> of Killcnny, to be by t\)tm at- I countcD fo? to ^acUainent ; tl)e ^tm\ of ^^-^ ipne tl)oufanD ftVic i)tinD;!eD \&ounD53 to John Smith €fq«ire •©ajJO?, Francis Ro^vland auD William Coles CfquiceS, :^beClff5 of tl)C OTttJ) of Cork. iS0t. James Morrilbn, ®r» William Fitton, ;3lOetllian Bradfliaw, ©eCftS. George atltJ James Piercy, ^e(rt0« James atlO Paul Benfon, j^eCCtfil. Jofeph DevonQiire auD Tho- mas Strettle, j®C. Chriftopher Cai'leton, ®r. Hugh Lawton, j®r. Francis Carelton, j®C, Stephen Durroch, j®C» Peter Cambridge, j®t» Jolm Digby, ailD ®r, Francis Gray j®et^ Chants, anO James Harnet Cfquirc, o; SI- txv ft^e of tbem, fo^ tleatitig anD tnv Vlto\>m tl)e €J)attttel of Cork l^atbour, fcom tl)e OTuftom J^oufe ^uav to tl)c i&lacc calleD Black Rock, to be accoun- tcD fo? to l^atliametit ; tJ)e j$)um of £)tte t^oufatiD fiiie !)unD;?eO l^ouncs; to Thomas Eyre Cfqtlite, atlD George Hamilton €fq:nt:c, t|)e ItttifteeS appointed fo? tl)e O^icauig a ^etb l&iec at Balbriggan, to re- ittinutfe t!)em tj)e ^onep tl)ej) j)al3e aO^ \}<)r.(:0 in tDe Ciecutton of tl)e faiD dEio^ii, anD totbatos ftni(|)ing tl)e fame aqfrecdule to a V>lan laiD before tl)e J^oufe, fo; tbbicb tbep ate to be ;3ccountable io2 to i&atliajucnt ; t!)e ^um of Ctbo tt)ottfauCi ^ounO$ to t|)e Co^po;(ation to? Georgll Tertii Regis. 19 fo,^ r;2otnot!itrr ant) tatc^mjj on an ^ « ^ p- gluIauD ^a\3igattOtt ril Ireland, totbari3«5 ,_J:^ malung tl)e Woct Lagan ^atJiS'able, ano opciiuiir a paffagc bj? OTater fcotn Lough- neagh, to tl)C Xotbtt of BelEaft, tO 1)0 atCOtItt' teD fo,' to l^aclianicnt; tj)e ^run of jFotit: ti)oiifautJ pountis to t{)e aro?po;?atioii fo? i:2oinotmg: auO carr)?mfir on an 3^nlanD ill>at)tiratioii in Ireland, totbatD«3i maftinigr anD orompleattng a ^atJigation fo; ^})ip0 of <^iK l)unDKD ta:iuis btirtj)en, from Fathom Point near Ncwry, to Drumglafs CoUietp in t()c Countp of Tyrone, to be accountcD ioi to patliatnent; tOc ^um of €)ne tJ)ottfanD il^oant)3 to tl)e <15ot)ecno?0 of ^aint Patrick's l^ofpital, totbatDS enabling tj)em to me= ccit)e ant) :®aintain a great Mnmbti of ¥>atient3; tj)e :^um of One tl)oufanD pOtinDS to Thomas Eyre, Anthony Green, atlO George Martm, 01 an^ ttbo of t|)em, forim of Dne t|)oiifant) l&oiinDf5 to t!)e Co?po;?attiott fo? p>omotutff ant) cartjJinff on an S^- lant) fI^a\)igation in Ireland, to be by tj)ctn applrcD totbarti^ maftinjgr anO 6:= niftjinir a l^arbour at wicldow, to be ac- counteD fo; to parliament; tl)e ^um of jFour tf)otifanD pounDS to t!)e Ito^O ®aj5o?, :^Dcnef«5, Commons;, ano €itu € 2 3ett55 Anno Regnl tertio p. 3cnS of tl)c OTitp of Dublin, totbatCis €ua- blmcr t\)tm to cacrp on tl)e Ballaft C)ffice= tiiSflaU, to be accountcD fo^ to ^arliatiicnt ; the ^ntu of C>nc t!)ouranD pounDs to tj)c ^imftcc anD Olbutrl) QKHartJcnS of t5)c ^a^^ nil) of ^amt John, Dublin, to bc applieD b)) tl)cni totbatDS laebttilDintr tl)e ail)urcl) m tDe faiD pani'h on account of the ^Inabilitj) of tbc \5anft310ners of tl)e faiD patiil) to rebuild the faaic, anD to be bv tj)em ac:= countct) fo? to patliaiuent ; the ^um of £Pne t^OUfanD pOimDS to William CoKill, Samuel Civil, anO Arthur Bi7an, to SifTlft tl)em Itt leffcning tJ)e great OTxpence t\)ty> J)abe been at m Cotupleatincr a l^i}> E>ocft in the Olis tj) of Dublin; tl)e ^utu of ^ix tJ)oufanD feten l)unt)^cD anD ^inetp tig\)t JDounbSf, ttticlt)c ^^^hiUings anD nine l^ence, to Abi-aliam l^radlcy, the €oG Due fo;j P?itt= tmg anD BinDinjj the feconD €Ditioti of the journals of t^e J^oufe of OTom^ mons in clc\)cn liloUunes, anD an :^U phabctical ^b;«i:rr»«tnt of t!)e fame fo^ the are of t\)z ^i.-bn^; the :^um of £)ne l)!(nu?cD anD titrv ttbO PounDs to Timothy Dytoa, g)(?tVitCt of thc Dublin Gazette, to te= luit'trfe him the @onej? he tbas out of ^o(Ha b\) tufcrtmu in hiS Gazette the ^air.cc of the 3fnfolbent S>cbto?s in the fe\Jeral CSoals of t|)is I^ingDoin, m purfu= ance iGeorgii Tertii Regis. ai ance of t\)z ^ct of |&acliameut nmtt m tl)at g hap, Cafe ; tl)e :$utn of ^ne tboufanb l&ouuDs i to tbe (Botjectto^s atiD (I5uatt)ians of tj)e "^^ — ' C^ofpital fo;? tJ)e l^eUef of J5oo? IjJitijj m OTiomeu m Dublin, to enable tj)em to €xteuD atiD 3lmp tJ)em applj?eD in tact^Jing on t!)e (Bcanb Canal frotn tOc Citp of Dublin, thtongl) tl)e 2l3ocr of Allen tO tl)e J^lUci: shannon, anO to be bp tl)cin accountcD fo^ to l^acliament; tl)e ^nm of One tl)oufant) ^ounDS to tl)6 !aig!)t D^onourable Nathaniel Clements &- QUtCe, ^il* Ralph CJore iaarouct, anO William Burton oEfqutre, as CruQeeS to enable Thomas anb Andrew Neibit, Paul auD James Benfbn j©r.rcl)antS, anD Acheibn Irwin ^U quite, to erect vE^atc4)o!U"e$ anD 2i3ovlcc0, anD fo^ j;?c*oiDmg :©atctfc7ls to extend anD tarrf on tl)£ OT.i)alc jriiijerp on ti)e ilt!o^tl) OTcft CoaO: of t))!5 3i^mgt3om, to be bp f tl)euir 22 Anno Regni teitio Chap. tj)em accotintcD fo2 to l^ailrantcut ; tl)t ^' :^nm of One thoiifanD l^ointos to t^e ' """^mitat attD €l)tirtDOTarticn3 of t5)c Patiil) of Saint Catlicrlnc, Dublin, to Oc appIlCD bp tjictu totbarD5 tinift)ing t\)t ^luircl) in t\)z fait) pariil), to be accoimteD fo2 to Paiha' nicnt;tl)e'^um of €igl)t thonfatiD pounds to tl)e (JTo^po^ation fo^ p^otnotincr anD cat- tyhitf on an S^nlatiD ^atjifration in Ireland, to enable tl)cin to rebailD johnVBiidge anD Green's-Biiclgc in t\)t of Kilkenny, anD Bcnnct's-Biidgc, Thomas-Tow n-Bridgc, anD Caftlccomcr-Biidgc, in tl)eCotinty of Kilkenny, anD to repait tJ)e 2i9 tl)eni ;^c= counteD fo? to patliamcut; t|)e ^um of (2EiS[l)t l)«nD;?CD PonnDS to flemy Cotting- hani anD James King, to reiuibticfe t!)etn fb? tl)c ftofTcs bp tl)ctn :^ii(lai!icD bv the %u^ inulttiouS p^oceeDinrrS of ti)c late ©obs; tl)e ^uni of X\)2tt ^luiD^eD anD fo?tp pOunDS to Richard Le\inge, Thomas Kings- bury anD Robert Mears CfqillireS, Henry Dar- ley anD Edward Croker Gentlemen, f02 OTliDening t!)c palTatre fcoin Anglelea-Street to College-Green, tO be acCOtmtcD i"o? tO Pat' Itatnent; the ^uni of Xl)Ke tbonfanD fet)en l)unD^eD anD feljentv one ponnDs, to tDc (!3o\)erno^s of tj)c S3Ho>!t Donfe, to Dif^ tljatcre t!)e S>ebt contcacteD bv tl)etu fo t!)e Xe^m of tliSjentp one pears at l)i5 ottJti €ipcncc; tl)e ^uui of l^tbo tl)0nfauD ^0«Ul$ CO tl)e Dublm Society, tO enable tl)em hi a mo^e ample j®attuct to ¥^?otuote anD <2Etuout:aigfe ^ig:ricult«re, ^ttss attD ®anufact«te0, bp p>;?emitnns atiD 2r>ount!e>3,- tl)e ^mn of €ii9:J)t tljotifanD ^otint)6 to tbe Dublin Society, to be applieD bp tl)cm fo^ tl)c Ciicotiraircment of fuel) Xraoc3 ant) j®auufactiiic0, anD lu fucft mmim, auD Subject to nul) laegulations, a^ i^all be mcecteD hy pacliameut; tbe ^mu of fm tl)oufanD l^ounDS to t^e CoiiuniCfioners appointeD hv ^ct of |&atlia= nient, foj nialimg a Ai)iDe anD convenient lMay, Street anD f^afTagc, from Eilex-Bridge to tibe Caftle of Dublm, toli}atDS pajnrig fctjeval perfous from li)l)om tl)e dS^ounDS anD l^onfcs neccfi'arv fo^ compjeatmg: t\)z ^tmt IcaCingr from Eilex-Bndgetotj)e CaGle 24 Anno Regni tertio c H A P. of DubUiilbetepurcbafcD, auDalfo totbatos ^- tJeftapmg tl)e aTipcnccs of cact^mg tJ)cfaiD ^""""^ Za into €rccutton ; tl)c ^um of iaPne tljou^ faiiD poiiuDS to tl)c faiD Commiffionet^ appomteD bp ^ct of \&acliaiucnt fo^ ma- ftmg- a tbiDc atiD conVJcment Wiay, ^ttzzt aniD \&afraire, ftom Eilex-Bikige to tl)e Caftle of Dublin, tolbards Ibibciiing tl^e ^bafTagc leaDmtj- from tl)e inns-Qiiay, to Arran-QLiay at t\)t jHo;jt!) CuD of tf)t Old-Bridge, Dublin, tO be aCCOUlltCO foteD into tbiS EmgDom in anp ^\)i^ 0? yUefTel tb!)atfoeber, utiDt} tbe jaerialtj) of tbc j?o?feiturc of all fncb Hace, anb VLtz^ ble tbe ^alne tbercof, anb tbe :^bip o? Beffel in lbl)icb tbe ^atne iliall be iHm- po?tcb, tbit!) all ber (Bans, Xachle, j?ur^ mtute, ^mtnunition anb :^pparel; one j®oietp of tbbicl) j?o2fcitures i\)all be anb remain to pour ®ajeftr, pout l^eits anb i^ucceCro2S, anD tbe otber moietj? to bt»i o^ t!)em lb!)o il)all :^ei3e anb ;$>ue fo^ t\)c Tame, Georgii Tertii Regis. 25 fame, bj) action, aaill, plaint, 01 gtifo^j^cn ap. matlOtl, in t|)e Cotitt of Exchequer, tbDeceiti no OTagec of Itatb, \&?otec= tioti, Cffoiigrn, 0; otl)ei: Cilato^i) l&lea, fl)aU be aUottieO. A N A N ACT FOR Granting to His Majefty the feve- ral Duties, Rates and Impolitions, therein Exprefled, to be applyed to Pay an Intereft at the Rate of Foiu' Pounds per Cent, per Annum, for Part of the Sums therein Pro- vided for, and an hitereft at the Rate of Five Pounds per Cent, per Annum, for the Relidue of the Sums therein alfb Provid ed for, and towards the Difcharge of tlie laid Principal Sums. DUBLIN: Printed by Boultrr Grierson, Printer to the King's Moft Excellent Majefty. Mdcclxiv. ( 29 ) AN AC T FOR Granting to His Majefty the feveral Duties, Rates and linpofilioiis, tliereln ex- prcileci, to be applied to ipzy an Intercfl :X he Rate of Four Pounds per Cent, per Annum^ for Part of the Sums th.ere^n Provided for, and an Intcrefl; at the Rate of Five Pounds per Cent, per Annum, for the Reficiue of the Sams therein aho Provided for, and towards the Difchargc of the faid Principal Sums. CHAP. II. Wi^^ia€;a^bj) art;5fct of i&at^cHAP, Uament tnaOe anD palTeD m tj)e n. il^econD peat of pout ©ajeQjj's "^^^^^ Ifteign, -JutttlcD, .An Aa for granting to His Majefty the -'everal Duties, Rates and Iiiipofiti- ons, therein expreffed, to be applied to pay an (^ " Intereft go Anno Rcgni tcitlo Chap. Intereft, at the Rate of Fhe Pounds /at cent. pc, ^^- annnm^ for the feveral Sums tlicrein provided ^"^^ ' for, aiid towards tlic Dilchargc of the laid Prin- cipal Sums, :^e\)cral ^iDs" and aDCitional ^Duties tbete frranteD to pone ^ajcftjj, fcom tl)e Xtbcntj' fiftj) S)aj> of March ;C>ne thoufauD fe\)en l)uttD2ct) auD {\xty ttbo, until t\)Z t!E\bent)) fiftJ) SDa)? of December i^wt tl)oufantJ fcljen !)unD?eD ano fixtp tlvcc ^nclufi\)c, anD no longer, to paj) an gntctcft at tl)e iRate of ^M l^onnDS per centum per annum, fo? tl)e i§)Um of ^\)}tt \)\XXi^ D?cD anO fiftjj tJ)oufanD ^ounOS, iw tl)e faiD teciteD ^ct pacticulatlp tnentioncD, anD alfo tl)c liftc gintctcft foimis of ®oney, not eiceeCing in t|)e lbl)olc t!)e :^uni of Jfouc I)imD?cD tl)oufanD founds, as Hjall be actuallj) |)aiD into pout j®aicft))S irrcafutp, at tbe f nftancc of l^iS €xtcllcncp tl)e %o^x^ ILieutenant, o? otbec Chief C5ot)e;?noee, ts to cattp tl)e Itlte S^ntercG ftotu tl)e STttienrp fifth SDa;? of March One tj)oufan0 fe\)en })unDaeD anD fixtj? fout* :^nD Ibbcteasf tJ)e fe\)etal 3(iD$ anD S>utie3 crtantcD to pout i^ajeGj?, m anD h}> tu faiD tcciteD ^ct, l)atje not p;joti- eD ftifftcient to ^a)? anD Difcl)atjje t\)t laiD principal iS^unis of j?it3e j)unD^eD anD fiftj) tboufanD pounDS anD Dne Jomu DkD thonf.inD iDounDS, anD tl)e SJntcteft ti)eceof, but tS)e lDl)oIe, o? t^e ^rteateft \$ 2 patt 3a Anno Regni tertlo c H A p. i^gict of tl)c raiD ^^mcipai :^aiua ttiiU "• remain tmpaiD aiiD uuiatisfieD on t\)z '""'''^ faiD tJEtbentJ) 6ft!) 2Dap of December £)ue tbouIatiD fe:^en buuD^cD an:^ (ixty tl)?cc; oaae, tl)e?cfo?e, pouc ^ajeftjj's moft Cinti:= ful anO lo^al :i>nl)jea5 tl)e Commons of Ireland m patUatuent affvinblcD, ^o mod l)timblp Oefeetl) pout ©ajcftp tl^at it xwav be CnactcD, atiD be it CnartcD by t!)e lating'j moG €tteUent ©ajeftp, bv anD Ibitl) the ^DtJicc anD OTonfcnt of the Eo^DS Jjpitttual anD 3rempo^^l anD OTommonS in tlbis p^efent parliament affcmblcD, anD bp tt)e :aat!)o?itp of tbe fatue, tbat fo; tl)c laiD :$)um of J?iV»e !)unD;jeD anD fitftp t^ottCanD l&ounDO, o? fruj^ ?^ait tl)cteof asi ft)aU temain unpaiD on tDc ^tbcntp ftftl) S>aj) of December jDnC tJjOUfatlD fC^ XKtx J)unD;?eD anD futp tl)^cc, tbece fljaU be paiD at t6e meceipt of fout iS0ait(\yQ Yj^- chequer, bj) t!)e l^anDs of tl)e ^ice 'CTrea^ futec 0? pap ;®aftct: d^eneral, ^ice Xtea^ futetSr 0} paymaftets (General, l)is o; tt)t\t iDeputp 0? Deputies, at tl)c €nD of etiecj) ^ix ItalenDat j®ont^s, from tbc faiD '5^:ibentp fiftJ) Daj) of December £)ne tl)0tt' lanD fet)cn l)unD;?cD anD fiitp tl)?ee, to tj)e pction o fiftb Dap of December ^nZ tboufanb feV)en l)unD;?eD aiiD fjxtjj tj)?ee, auD fo? tbe ^um of lltbo j^unD^eD tboufaiiD pount)0, i^att alfo of tJ)e faiD j^um of jFitje l)nnD;?eD atiD fiftp tl)ou? fanO l^ounDs, an '^ntzuQ^ acco^Dmigr to tl)e Eate of fl\)t ^OWnDS per centum per an- hum, from tbe fatO irtbentp fitftj) 3>ap of December One tboufanD fetjen J)unt)?eD anD {ixty> tteee, anD fo;» tJ)e faiD :^um of ^ne J)ttnt)ap of March £)ne tftotifanD feten j)nnD;jeD anD ftitj> t|);>ee, an fnteceft at t^e Eate of JFit)e |&ounDs per centum per annum, to conuiience ftom tj)e srtbentp eftl) SPa)) of March One tl)ou=^ fanD fetjcn ^nnD;jeD anD fixtp fout, tbitj)^ out anp j?ee 0; CJ)att)[e, anD free from all DeDuctionS, 2DefaUation3 anD 9ibaur^ 3 wents 54 Anno Regnl tertio CHAP-utents Ibatroctjct, from atiD after tl)e faiD "• tJEtbentp tiftl) 2Pav of December J^nc tl)OW? ^^ fatiD feVJeu l)unCi;?eD atiD fiitp t\)izt, anD tdEVbentp fiftl) 2Dap of March €>ne tbou^ CantJ kXfcn l)«nD;eD anD fiitj? four refpec= tiMy, until fuel) Xime as tl)ejj (Ijall be rcfpe(tit)elp paiD tl)eir J^^tncipal ®onep at one mtire l^aj^ment* ;3nD be it furtDer CnacteD, bp tDe Zutho^ ritp afo^faiD, Xl)at fo? t^e afccrtainingr Ibbicb of tl)e Debentures o of March One tl)o«fanD fetjen l)unD;jeD anD (iitp four, caufe tl)e jltlumbers of all t\)t faiD Receipts om thoufanD fcbcn IjunD^eD anD fut^ t^ree, anD Georgil Tertli Regis, 3^ mX) U)J)!cl) (l)all ccinaiu iiattfatisfieD on tl)e c h a p. TaiD tlJDenrp 6ftb 2Daj> of December ^ne ^J^ tl)onfanD fet)etil)tmD2eD aiiD fiitj? tJ)tee, anD the §>mmt\)zmn rcfpcftiWj? contameD to be tbntteu on feljeral irichets o? pieces of ]^arcJ)tuettt, anD to be JaoUeD anD ^etfeeD up anD put into a 2iaox 0? ^cn, anD tbell nifxcD tocrctlhcr, anD an mCiffetenc petfon il)aU pttblicftlp bctlbeen tJ)e l^oucs of ^ine in tl)e j?o;?cnoott anD j?ouc in tl)e ^ftet^ noon, of a Way> to be bp tj)e TatD Hicc Xrcafjirei: 0; Micz srceafucecs, \)i<& 0^ tbeic ^cputp 0^ l^eputies!, publicfelp ^^D- tJettlfeD m tht Dublin Gazette fo;j tj)at l&ttt^ pofe (at leaft ttbentp Daj^s before at t|)e jC>f8ce of tJ)e ^ice "^teafurer, 0^ ^ice Xceaftirets, in tl)e CaOle of Dublin) D?aU3 out of fucJ) W'ox 02 Brn as rnanj? of the faiD iTichets 0? i^ieces of p>arcJ)inent, as tl)e ^ums t()etein ContaineD (l)aU amotint to tl)e ^«m of ^tbo ()unD?eD tt)otiranD i^ounDS, anD tlje l^crfon 02 l^etfons tl)e jHuuibet of UDl)ore Debenture 02 ifteteipt il)aU be fo D?>ittin, j)is, ber, 0^ t!)eit €xecuto;?S, 31D= nimiftcato^s, 0^ ;^rfignes, il)aU be psnx> ftom tJ)efaiD €tbent)) fiift^ Daj) of Decem- ber £)ne tboufanD feVicn bunD^cD anD fixtj) tl)tee, an Si«teteft acco^Ditijj to t!)e iaate of 5Flt>e \5ounDS per centum per annum, fo? ti)en: faiD ixfpeai\)c ]!5;?incipal ^ums tbbicb 5 2 fljaU ^6 Anno Regni tertlo c H A r.il)aU be fo titatbn, until fucJ) time a$ t!)e^ "• il)aU be refpectit)d)> |&aiD tbeic |5;?iucipal '^""'^"^j^oiiej) at £)txe entire p>aj>ment, anD tbat tfe ibetfon o? ^ecfons tbDo ll)aU be ^ntit- leD to ruct> of ti)e faiD ^Debentures oi iae- ccipts as it)aU remain unDratbn, (l)aU be ^atO from tl)e faiti ttbentp ftftl) 2Daj? of December £)ne tl)oufantJ fet)en l)unD;>eD anO fittp tl);jee, an Entered acco^tiing to tl)e IRate of j?OUC \§OUnDS per centum per an- mim, io2 tl)eit faiD fe\)eral principal ^uuis Uil)tcb il)all be fo untiratbn, until fuel) time as thtv i^all be refpectiVielj) ^aiCi tl)cic ^;?intipal j^onep at one entire l&apment ;3nD be it furt!)et €nactet) bj? tl)e ;^utl)o- 2itjj afo^efaiD, tjr^at eacl) anD etjerj) perfon ^ntitleDtoanjjpartoftbefaiD^um of tl)rec ^unD;>eD ant) fifty thonlan^ l^ounDS, tfe^icb tl)all remain unD?atbn as afo^efait), i^all 'i>tU\)a 02 caufe to be 2I>eli\)ercD to t\)t Bite Xreafurer, o} Hice Xreafurers, !)is o^ tbeit Deputp 0? ^Deputies, all tl)e iaecetpts o;j ^Debentures, tb!)ercbj) fuel) perfon o? \&er? Tons refpectitjclj? is o? are fntitleD to anp part of t\)z faiD ^um of Xbree l)unD?cD anD ftftp t!)oufanD pounDs, U)!)icl) faiD S)eben= ture anD Debentures, laeceipt anD iSeccipts, tl)e faiD Bice X;jeafurer, oi Bice lircafu^ ters, !)is o, tl)eit €xec«to;$, ^Duimtfttato;?3; anD ^ffigns, tt)l)o iDall Dditjer, 0;? caufe to be Deli^ereD, fuel) former a)ebentui:c6 0^ laeceipts ioi tl)e ^u\m contamet) in fuch fo;?mer debentures 03 laeccipts, tbitj) ^ntereft foncthonfanDict)enJ)unD;?eD anD ftxtv tl)?ee, n iliaU 38 Anno Regni uercio c H A r-i^not be \iDillingcocoutituicthfir faiu pim^ i^- opal ^ttins at tbc "Entered of nxjc ^ouiiD5 ' per ceaoim per .mnim:. atlD font t-'^i^nDS per centum per amium, rcfpcCtiVcIr a5 uViiaiD, then aat in ti)at viZafc tbc Idcrfon 02 l^crfons. lis, fccr. 0: thnc ^.tccuto:3. ^Dnnnihrfitojs, 02 ^{figns. Ibho iliall not uc tbiUmg- to con- tmuc tbcir faiD ^2incipal :^nni9 at the faiD ttlpcait): iA.ate6 of four ponuD^ anD fit): ^OtmDS pe:- cen:. per cumuin. lljall Upon -^p^ pbcatjonto tbc nice xafufcc 02 Utcc HTca-- (uccre. bi5 o2tbcit xXpntv 02 Deputies, at anv time bcfo2c the ftrS Dav of Febrjar}- Otic tl^onfanD ktitn hunD2i;D anD uXtv font, atiD upon tbc ^ffi^ninu of tbcic tmfatis^ &eD DcbctttuciS 02 iTxrccipts to th: Uitc Xtcaturec 02 Uicc xtcafnrcrs. bi5 02 tbcir £>cpatp 02 Deputies, be paiD tbc P2innpal ^tttn 02 ^nnis Due to tbcm rcfpcaiticlp on rt)c faiD tlbcntp 5ftb Dav of December Ooe ti>oafanC Cctxti i)nnD2cD anD drtv tbtee. anD all 5utctcli Dae tbcreon at tbc Cune of fucb l^anncnt. anD tbc faiD Uicc xcca^ facet 02 Qice ilceafucers, bi5 02 tbcic £>:, putT 02 Deputies. Il)all anD mav :3irig-n kicb iaeccipts 02 ^cbctxtntt5 to fucb |5crfon 02 l^rCons Ubbo (l)aU ^Dtjance tbe i52ina= pal i^onep. anD tbe -Jntercd Dm on Ac- count tbcreof. at t^ STimc of fucb Affirm- mf nt. U^bitb iftcceipt ot DcDcnture fo to'^ tc aifi^ncD Georgii TertJi Regis. 39 ^rficrtict) bp t\)c faiD Uicc X:reafnttc o?cka? Bice 5:rcafnrer5, fy5 02 time Dcputr 0^ ^■ Pcpntic5. (Ijall 'Jntitlc the ^fficrntc rJicrcof ^'^'^^ to th: ^jmcipal^tgonrr Dnc tl)ercon. anDto all -Jftterea ^m io2 d^e fame, from t\)t xToClltr ftftb Dap of December OrC t!>Ott- fanO fcticn bnnCiKti anD fitrp tl)rcc. acco2D' mcr to ti): rcfpcaitK iaatc5 of -Jntcccft tjt- fo^e uieutioncti. -^ntJ Itihcccas it map be ttcccfTarP; tbat a fnrtbcc ^um 02 ^nm$ of ibgoncp it)oulD l3C Oo2:otl)cD to fupplp fuel) Diftcicncics a5 map anfc m the SiDS gcantcD t!)i5 ^fGon of ^arliamcHt, fo2 tbc ^nppo.^ of pout j^aicftp's GoDctnmcnt. anD fo: garment of t\)c fc\3cral ^ums g-rantct) t^is :^cfGoti fo2 catering on ^ublich wQo:^ of ttus BmgtJom : I3c it fnrthcc >£nactcti bp tf)c ^u= tl)o2rtp afo^cfaiD, £hat fo:all anDcbtrp im\) tuttl)cc ^nm anD ^rims of igoncp, not cu cccDmgin the Cclbolc tfi: ^tim of One hnn^ D:cD tboufanD ^ottnDs. as itiall be actuailp paiD bp anp pctfon 0: ^trfons into pout ^aicftv 5 ireafurp. at the f nftance of im .^icellencp tfyc ilo>D ilieutcnant, 02 othct Chief Oobetno: 02 <3ol)erno?6 of this Sting- Dom f-oj the €mie being, to ^upplp fuel) x>enciencie5 as rt;all 0: map atife m the 5iDS gtante-D this ^effion of l^atliamcnt 40 Anno Regni tertio ch a p.fo;j tl)c :$uppo;?t of Pout ©ajeftj) 5 c!I;o^ ^i- tetnment, anD fo? \&apment of tl)e fctctal '"^''^ ^nms KtantcD in t!)iBi :$)erfton fo^ catering on public^ OTo^fts in t^is fS^ingrDom, there a)aU be pjaiD at tbe iacceipt of pout ©a- jeftp'S; Exchequer, bp tl)C C^anDS of tbc Viltt Xtcafurct o?pa^maftet(l3enetal, ^iceHtea^ Tutets o;> ^5aj)maftets d^enctal, l)is 02 tbeit ^eputp 0? a>cputfC6, at t\)z €nO of ct)ctp fix IBtalenDat ®ontl)S, to be coniputeD from tl)e refpectit)e tiimes of fuel) pa)?mcnts, to t^e perfon o^l^etfons fo |5aying 01 Elentimg t^e fame, l)is, l)er, o the ;5utl)o^ 2itp afo^efaiD, ts:i)at fuel) lifte Debentures, 02 Jaeceipts, il)aU be giUcn bp tl)e £)f6^ tets of Pour j®ajcfty's tircafurj?, fo;? all anO e\3crj) ^um anD ^ums of j^onej? to be paiD into t\)c iaeceipt of pour j^aje- {ij)"S Exchequer, on account of t^e faiD m^ tent^eO lloan, not exteeDmcr the ^um of €)ne l)unD?eO t!)oufanD J^ounos, as there gitjen Georgii Tertii Regis. ^X (ritjcu o;> ft)aU be giVicti, in putfuantc ofCuAF: tl)is ^ct, fo? the fc\3ccal ^ums at)\)anceD n. on account of tJ)e faiD ^um of jFite '^^"'"'^ ]bunC)?eD auD ftft^ tj)ottfanD pounos, ano iiPnc !)unD2cD tl)oufanD pounDS l)emn bcto^c incntioneD, anD to be ^umbnc l)unO?eD t|)ous fanO founds, patD into pout ;®aje(lj>'S Creafut)? on tl)e tJEtbcnt)' fjiftl) 2Dap of March £)ne tl)oufanD fcVJcn i)unD(?eD anO inty t\)2tCy 0^ an)^ ^att tl)eteof, anD t!)at all anD c\)cip \&crron o? perfons, to U3j)om ^Debentures 02 i^eceipts il)all be s:it)en pursuant to tl)is ^ct, bis, l)cr, 0? tS)eic executors, ;^Dminiftrato?3 o;j affiornS, map, bv fnDo^fcinents on fuel) 3>ebentut s o? laeceipts, ttawsfec t\)z iaigl)t anD 2i3ene6c of tl)e ^.um 2Due on fuel) SPebentuteS 0^ aacccipts, Ibbicl) giuDojfcmcnts, upon 0O:= ticc to tl)c ulice Creafutet 01 Bice ^tea^ fuiecs, l)is 0^ tl)cit UDeputj) 0? ^Deputies, attO an €ntcj) 0^ j^emo^ial tl)ereof tuaDe It in ^2 Anno Rcgni tei'rio c H A p. lit tl)e fait) malice rceaCutecs £>[ficc, lbJ)icl) ^- t^e faiO ^ice Xtzaiimt o^ 'B\cc Xreafucct^, '^^^'^^ j)tS onnx fo Hcaasfectct) 0^ ^clfOcrneD, anD tl^at tJ)e faiD ^Debenture, 0; sacceipt, map in lifte mannec be affi^fneD 0? Xtanf:: fetreD bp huh -^ffignee, l)i$ 02 l)ec €1^ teutons, ^Dminiftrato^s 0;? SJfficruS, anD fo toties qiioties, auD t!)at aftec fuel) ^U fignjuent, it il)aU not be in t{)e l^oHbec of tbe pcrfon 0^ pcrfons \bl)o maDe fuel) ;^fngament, to mahe llo?D, laeleafe 02 SDifcbartre, tbe faiD ^fficrnment, 02 to 3)if^ tl)acije 02 iaecciVje tl)e ^inu t\)trcb)) i:tanf= fetteD, 02 ;ilffi5:neD, 02 anp patt tbcte^ of. Mh to the €nD anD ^Intent tl)at t!)c f n^ teteft of fuel) Pcitt of tl)e [aiD ^um of j?ibe l)iinD2cD anD fifty tJ)oiiftinD JDouuD^ anD tDe fum of One l;nnD2eD tl)onfanD ^ounDS, Ibbic!) Vom PaiD into pone j®a= leOj^'Si ^reafnip on t^e X:\bcntp fiftl) SDap of Georgii Tertii Regis. 40 of Maixh £)nc ti)oufauD k\)tn j)ttni:j^ecic h ap. ant! fixtp tj) Dap of December tb^icj) il)aU be in t^is p^efcnt pear of our Ho^D ipue tl)onfanD fet)en IjunDjeD anD fiitp tWt, tbere (!)aU be tteou^bout pour ^^a- jCftp'S BincrDom of Ireland ^aifeD, Hetjp? CD, d^^anteri, CollecteD anD |5aiD to pour ^ajcUp, pour J^eirs anD ^ncceffo;?^, un^ til ti)e QLXUWty ftfrl) ^av of December 0 a furtlxc aODitional SD'utp of ^ix jpOtlllDS per Xuii io2 atiD upoii all ^o?t$ of 2HmC of t\)t (Brotbtl) of France 0^ Spain, anD X\>2a ponnDs per T,\\\x io} anD up^ on all :^o?t2i of mxxxxt of tDe C^tolbtl) of Portugal, anD of jplDc PonnDS per Xun fo? anD upon all otl)cc inclines t^at ll)aU be gjjiipo^tcD into tl)is B^uicrtoui fcotu anD afteC tl:e xtbcnt)' ftftl) SDaj) of De- cember £>ne thoufanD fcVicn hmiD^cD anD ftitj) t})^^c, anD alfo an aDDittonal Dut)) of J?ouc \5oiuiD5 :^rcrlmcr per \DotinD (I12Heig:l)t fo? anD upon all ^lUiDcts anD ^a^ nufaaurcs uiacc of o^ JuitcD tbttb ^il!t, (^ICept t!)Ote of Great- Britain, China, Perfia, anD tl)c Kaft-indies) tl^at iliall be fnipo?^ teD into t|)is IBiingDom from anD a free tl)e CtDcntp fiftl) S>av of December C>ne tboufanD fcbcn l)tinD;?cD aiiD fiitv tl^cc; an aDDitional HDntv of £Dne l^alf pcnnp per poEUiD OTcirrbt fo? anD upon all l^ops tj)at Georgii Tertil Regis. 4g tDat ft)aU be fmpo^teD into thi^ IBtiUff^ c h a p. Ciom from atiD aftec t!)e Ctbentp ftftj) "• 2)a)) Ot December j^Dtte tJ)oufatiD fetjeti ^"^^'"^ j)unf?eD anD fixtp tl);>ee; ati aotntional I>tltp of JFi\)e \&OlinD$ per cenUim, fo^ anD upon all ari)ma, €attj)ett, f apanitcD 02 HaquereD QKOIate, as \3alueD o? rateD fo? €uaoui I);) tl)e 2aoo& of iaates, tDat (!)aU be impo^tetJ into tl)t0 EiugDom ftom anD aftec tbe faiD €H)entp fifti) SDap of December £>t\z tj)oufanD fet)eu l)anDutp of Cbirtp il)ill!ngs per tJCtin, fo? anD upon all ^o2ts of tmmegat tj)at il)aU be 3lm:= po^teD into t!)is Ems-Dom fcom anD af- tec ti)e faiD Xtbentp ftft{) 2Dap of Decem- ber C^ne tl)ottfanD feljen ^wnD^eD anD fixtp tl)^ee ; a itxtt\)tt aDt)itional 3>ritj? of %\bo ^^ence per d^allon fo? anD upon etJecp d^allon of Aqua vitae, j^tcon^T ui2Hatec0, anD ^picits t\)sit fljiall be niaDe o? Dif^ tilleD tbitDtn tbis BiucrDotn fo 46 Anno Rcgni teitio ch APtbottfatiD fetcn bunDjeD atiD fixt>' ti);>ec; a II- 3>Utp of %tn :^blUingS per annum, to be ' ""^ l^aiD bp eV>et>^ pctfoit tl)at Cotl) o;? iljall ;$>eU 0^ Cap out bp iHctail anj) ^>Dcr, at anj) '^Eime bctlbccn tl)e TaiD Ctbciitp fiftl) l>ap of December £>m tboufatlD fct)Cll IjUtts D;jeD ant) fiitj? tl)^ee, anD tl)e Xtbeiitp fiftl) SDaj? of December One tl)oa[anD feUcn btm- tj^eO anD iixty Tm inclufi\3e ; a SDtit?) of ^nc pcnup per dSallon fo;j anD upon all (tV^tt ti)at il)all be :§olD o;? SCappeb out bp lactail, to be paiD bj? tl)e l&etfon tbbo {l)all ^ell 02 tSEap out t\)t fame bv detail, from anD after tl)e faiD dbcntj) 6frl) SDap of December Qixt tl)oufanD fc'ocn l)unD;>eD anD fjitp tl)?ee; an aDDitional 2D>utp of Hlbcntp killings to be patD bjj e\)cc>' pier- Ton fo;? eljccj? €oaci), OTbariot, Berlin, oTa- la(l), 0? Cl)aife Ibttl) j?our OTbccl5, tbbitl) fuel) ^etfon il)aU Ucep m biS o^l)cl: H&of- fcffjon, (except f^atUncp o> clicc^' ^etfon fo? e\)ecp CoacD, oiljariot, Berlin, (jlalail), 0^ Georgll Tertii Regis. 0^ OTbairc \mt)fout Qal)cels, tbl)icb rutl)c ;5cifou i!)ciU fteep hi 1)10 o? ^ec l&offeffion, except as afo^elaiD) at anp tsctme bettbeeii ne faiD XlbentJ) ftftl) SDap of December >iie t})ourattD fc\)eu !)uttD^eD ant) fixtj) out, ant) tDe faiD tJEtbentp fiftl) l^ajj of December 0m tl)onfanD fcten J)unCi^eD aao (ixtp fitJe incluC^C; an at)t!itional iii)»tv of Xl^o il)UlmflfS per Xun, fo? anD II ^on eVicrp %un of ^oap^boj)lecs OTaGe, a 'ID Co in i5;?opo?tion fo;j a gceatec o^ leCTet £lriantitp, tbat (l)aU be OTxpo^teD out of tDiji Emg-Dom to l^arts beponD tlje <§ea0, frotn ano aftct t\)t €tbentj> fiiftj) l>ap of December 0m tl)oufanD fctjen J)unD^eD auD fixtp tl), ti)at il)ciU be exported out of tjbis !3tmg== tiotu to parts bejJonD tl)e :^eas, from anD aftet tj)e XtbentJ) 6ftl) SPap of December 0m tl)ouranD fe\)cn l)tinD?eD anD fixtp tj)?ee* :5rnD be it futtbet CnacteD by tbe ;^ut!)o^ rit^ afo2craiD, '€\)at if tj)e faiD OTines anD ot^cc ^cicl)anDi3es j)erein before tncntioneD, upon tbl)ic|) tl)e faiD ;:^Dt!itional Wiitiz<;i are berebp tl)arfrcD upon tlje ftnpo^tattoit tl)ercof, iljaU be again €xpo?teD bp anp 0Stt^ ^ 2 t\)mt, 48 Anno Regni tertio c H A p.cl)attt o;j ®etci)ant$ tl)at 10 0; ate a ^tibjctt ^^' 0} Subjects of tDi»5 iaealm, 0? mv otl)ec potic ^-"^"^^ ©ateft^'S SDotnmtons, \Xtit\)m Xtbentp font IBialentiac ®ont|)S>, o;jbp®ercl)ant Strang- ets U)it!)m irU)el\3e EalcnDac ®out{)S, aftet tl)e importation tbeteof, anD tj)at Ciiiep^ool be fitft matie b^ Certificate from tU proper £)fficet$ of tbe Due €ntrv> anD paj^metit of ti)e faiO ^Dt)!t!oiial l>aties I)ctcb)) gran- teD, ant) tbat all otj)ct mcriiiifitcs ftiall be pctfo;?meD, tbl)icl) ate bp ?latb requtr'eb to be petfo;?mcti in tl)ofe Cafes tbt)erctl)e2DutifSof €tcife are to be laepaiD, tl)at tben tl)e faiO ;aoDit!onal ^titteo; j)ercb)) g^mpofcD il)all, tbitj)out anp ilDclaj? or JRetbarD, be repaiD 0? aUo\l3eD unto fuel) i©!:tcl)ant 02 j®cr=: cbantc; Co Cipo^tintr tl)c fame U^itJiiii one £©ontl) after 2DemanD thereof, 02 tDe^ccn- ritv fo? tbc faiD ;?it)Ditional Antics Op t\)\^ ;3rt rlvirgct) iliali be tHacatcD, ar? to fo nuicD as 11)^11 be fo ^xpo^tcD; an)> tlv.?.rr licrcm coutatncD to tl)e contt.K^ notlbittdantinfj-. Zwh be it further €uaxtct) I7 tbe ;:(atl)0^ titv afo^cfatb, i2:!)at fioni oitD after t^c XX^llltV fiftb Da)' of December £^JiC (1)01^- f.Tut) f:bcn J)r::'iD^cti anD fiup dice, uo ^^ctfon 02 peirMis Ibbarrocbcr (Jirli ;;;/:n o,' Vapour by liUrail anp CpDct 1ImJ;!!i t!5i3 liXmrrOutn, b:t o-il)^ {116) a^: li^M! be }Lt'^ ccnfcD Georgll Tertii Regis. 49 ccnfct) acco^tJincr to tU l>iccction3 of tbiS Sfct, c h a ?, luiDecfudjJ^cnaltp a3i)etcmafrectsexp;?ctreD. ^_J^ :3iiD be it futtbcc €nactetJ \)}> tJ)e ;5iitl)o= tit)) afo^efaiD, ^i)at fcom anO aftet t|)e tZrtbetltp fiftl) Dap of December One tY>OU^ fauD fetjeti l)nnDKD anD {ixty> tbcee, it (l)aU antJ maj) be ilatbful to anD fo s €xctfc in tbtic fet^ecal anD tefpectitje 2Dif^ tricts fcomtitne to time to iCfue anD gtant fuel) HicenccS fo;? tpe :$eUin3i anD Cappmsr out CjjDcc bj) laetatl, anD tJ)at fo? etjetp fucB Htccnce To to be crcanteD tbe ^um of :^nc ^billittflr anD ^nz l&ennp, anD no mo?e, ft)aU be paiD 0? DemanDeD as a j?ee fo? ti)t fatue ; anD if anp ]i&etfon 0? j^etfons? ft)all fcom anD aftet t\)t Ctbentjj ftftJ) 2Daj) of December, One tl)oufanD fe\3en l)ttnD?eD anD fiitp t()cee, ^ell 0? Itap out €v^tt bj) iaetail, tbitJ)out fucJ) Hicettce as afo^efaiD, ct)erp fucJ) l&ecfon To ofiFenDinir ft)all, fo? e\)ecp time be 0? i!)e il)aU fo offenD, forfeit anD paj) tj)e :$um of JFitJe }^ounO0. :^nD be it futtbet CnactcD hp tbe :5utbo- titj) afo?efaiD, STbat fo? tbe better 0?Derin5 anD oroUectmg tbe faiD Dutjj of One J^ennjj per dUaUon fo? anD upon all CpDec tbat M <|)all Anno Regni teitlo • iljaU be folD 0? tappcD out by JTutail, it i^all atiD ma^ be latbful to ant) fo2 tl)c (Baugcc outp of £Dne H^ennp per dJallon acco^Dinglp. :^nD be it furtbet €narteD b^ t\)t :^nt!)o= tity> afo2efaiD, %f)eit from anD after tl)e faiD HtbentJJ j?!ttl) S>a>' of December i^nc tl)Ott- TanD fc\)en J)unD^eD anO ^ixt^ tl)rec, e\)etj) metailer of C^Der il)aU il)etb to the d^augec 0} £i>fftter6 of €jccife, on SDemanD, all l)is o; Det i^totft of €vm then on t^anc, anD in Olafe mv fticb Retailer o^ iRctailcts of €yttx, 02 his, her, o; theit ^^crtjant o? :$e^ tjants, in Cafe futh J^etailer o? lactailets ft)aU not be p?efent Ibhen the d^auger o? €)ffitcrs of €xnfe il)all cotuc to fucb lae- tailer's l^oufe to taftc :^tocft as afo;?efaiD, i^all refufe to mafte 2Declaration, anD il)elb all H A P. II. Georgli Tertii Regis. tt all l)ie 0^ \)cx :^totrf of OTj^Dec tl)eu on C^anD, ^ etjcip fuel) iaetailec ll)aU fo;? cDecp fncb £Df= ^ fence fo^feitanOlofetfce^^um of ^ettl^ouuDs, auD if fuel) cHjaugci: o? £)f8cets of €xtik il)all, aftef S^cclaiation maDe as afo^efaiD, fitiD aajj €y>ttt m tl)e Idoffefrtou o;? (ZTuaoDp of fncb laetailet: o? iactatlece, otiec auD abotje tl)e £luantitv fo iljetbn anD E>eclaceD, fucD metailcc ii)aU liftctbife j?o?feit auD lofe tl)e i^um of iHm ^ounDQ. ::^uD be :t fmt\)tt CnacteD bj) tl)e ;^atl)o= ntp afo;?efaiD, X^at fo^ tbe better Collectmjgr ti)e faiD 2Dutj) cl)arB-eable on z\)tty> j&erfon t]bl)o il)all Iteep anj? Cacciaps tbitl) fonc TOl)eels (except as before €xcepteD) eViecj) ^crfon tb!)o, from anD after tl)e artbent^j feftl) S>ap of December £)ne tl)oufanD feten l)unt)^eD anD fixtp tl)?ee, il)aU l)at)e o;j fteep an J) oioacib, all)aciot, Berlin, atalaiti, o? ar|)aife UiitD four (mi)eels, i^all thitfyn tl)ree Ba- lenDar ®ontl)S after t!)e faiD Xtbentp fiftl) Dap of December, o heep anp fuel) €oacl), ail)ariot, Berlin, €aiai% oi €l)aife t!)it!)four aaa^eels, bp OHatitmgunDet ^is 0^ l)er l^anD (Eertifp to tl)e Collector of tl)c Diftrict tbj)ere J)e o? l!)e (IjaU tefiDe o? Dtt>ell, a true Account of eterp fuel) Coacj), ai:i)ariot, Berlin, Calai|), anD (EDaife tbitl) ^ 2 font ^2 Anno Regnl tert'io Chap, fotit toJ)ecls, tbl)icl) De o; f^z ft)4U l)a\)c 02 "• ftecp (except i^achucp omaftcc5fo?^alc) Ibitb tbe ^ame of the place atiD paciil) of 1)15 o; l)ec ufual mefiDence 0? ;ai)ot)e, tbbicl) faiD orcctiecatc il)all be ftept bp tl)e rerpe(ti\)e CoUeao;j5 of t!)e fetetal SDiftricts in this JSLmgrOout, noH) 0;? hereafter to be appointcD b)) the Conmuffiouers of !^i6 :#ajeftp$ jae\)enue m this IBiincrDotu, 0? my t\);tc 0^ tno?e of them, anO il)aU be alfo €ntercD m a 2idoofe to be b? t!)em refpertibel^ hept fo;j tl)at pntporc, anD a iRumber ftjall be €tii tereO on each Ce?tt6cate regiftereD, anD that tl)e faiO CoUecto;!S refpectihelj? il)all, nnDec their i^auDS, on 0; befo^^e the tlbentp fifth ^at> of December in eDer^ pear, gihe a true Hift of all Oloaches, Chariots, Bcillns, Ca= lai^es, anD Olhaifes tbith four Mheels, from time to time returneb to them refpcctitjel}? in fuch Cettiecates, IbitJ) the ^ames of the ^^erfons ano palaces of tl)eir ;3bobe refpec= tiVielp mentioneO m fiuj) rcfpectibc arertifi' rates to the perfon tbho fo^ tl)e time being ftiall be ;5ppointeD bp t^e Comnuffioners of l^is ®aieftj)'s Jaebenue of €tcife, 02 anp t\>2tz of them, to OToUea anD iaeceitje the faiD E»titie!3!, anD tl)at ftich pcrfon anD ^erfons as [\)M be appomteD bp the faiD Commiffioners of Cxcife, 0; anp th?cc of tj)em Georgii Tertil Regis. 53 them, to OToUctt tl)e faiD E>uticS ou ^ " /" '• aroacl)c0, Cbaciots, Berlins, Calailies, auD ^;^ OEhatrcs tPbitO foiK QBDeels, il)aU !)a\)e full p^otlbec auD ;^utl)o^ttp to Collect auD JRcceitje tl)c fame, anD ft)aU rcfpcc^ titoelp %ii anD DelitJcc ^Acquittances U)it!)^ out ftz 0; JRetbarD fo; tt)c fame, anD ii)all fteep SDupltcates thereof in a Boolt to be ftept io2 tl)at pucpofe, in t\)t fame <®annet as ^Acquittances ate jjitjen anD ftept io2 tDc Dutp of J?ice i[^eartl)S, anD ft)all tcfpectiDclj? tctutn tl)e 21500U contain- mfir tl)e SDupltcateS of fuel) -Acquittances to fucD ^Secfon anD l&erfons, anD at tl)e fame Ctmes, anD to be DifpofeD of in t^e fame fanner, as 2iaoohs containmigr t^e S^uplicatcs of Acquittances fo? t!)e faiD 2C)utp on jFicc f^eat:t!)S ate tetutneD* anD be it furtl)et €nacteD by tl)c Aut5)o^ titp afo^efaiD, %l)at if any |5erfon 02 ptt^ fons Itiall l)a\)c o;j fteep anj) €oacl), €l)ariot, Berlin, Calail), 0? CJ)aife tbitl) fouc illQUDecls, cl)arffeable tbitl) tl)e faiD S>utp bp Bictue of tbis Stct, tbl)icl) il)aU not be mectifpeD in -©annec as afo^efaiD, tl)en anD in fuel) €afe et)et:p fucb \&ecfon anD i^terfons fo l)atinflf 02 keeping fuel) Coacl), Cbaciot, Berlin, Ca- laft), o> OTDaife tbitl) four OT{)eelS, not cectifpeD as afo^efaiD, il)aU fo? fucj) Neglect i© fo;}feit 54 Anno Regnl terrid ch A p. forfeit tl)c ^uiu of JFit)c l^ouuDS: }5;ot)iCcb ^^- iie\)crtJ)cicf5, tl)at e\)ec;) pcrfon (ciccpt as be- """"^"^ io2t €xccpteD) l)a\)mj9: in J)i!3 02 \)tt I^cepingr 0} podeffioii mv Coatb, Cbariot, Berlin, (jUaiail), 02 viTbaife tbitl) four OTJ)cel«5, hu lontting to another, il^all be tI)arcrcD fo;? eUct'p fuel) Oloacl), Chariot, Berlin, (Ealail), 0? Cbaifc ttoitJ) folic ;iKIIl})celsi, tbitt) t\)t faio ^utp liiipofcD bp tl)i2i 9lct, m tl)e fame j^aimec as tl)e ^tbnct: 0;? l&;op;jieto? that^ of ii3 o afo;jefaiD, Xbat all anD eDetj) t^e ii Tetjecal anD tefpcmijc aDDitional anD o-'^^''^ ' tbcc ^Duties \)ztchp gtanteD, ii)aU he Wiau feD, ;anW)ci:eD, CoUcctcD anD l&aiD unto pout ®ajeftp, pout l^eics anD ^ticccf^ fo?Qi, Dttcmg- ti)c 3i:etm afo afo^efaiD, 5rJ)at neit!)ec tl)e :$iii pence per pounD, no;? anv otl)et J?ee, ft)all be ^Sap able to, 0^ be DeCucteD o? teceitjeD hy, tf)t Wiitt Cteafurer o? Wiitz Xreafutets, 5le^ tett)et o;? paj'Uiaftet (Bzmtal, Cletft of t!)e i&clls, 02 anj) otl)er ^fft'cet o^ €)fStecs of tl)is llinsrDom, fo? o? on Account of tl)e giCfuincr o? ^a;?ntent of anp :$5um o? ^ums^of j^onep acifing by, o? tbl)ic!) il)aU be tecci\)eD fo?, o? en account of tl)e ^iD l)ecebj) granteD to pout ^aieftj^, o? fo? o;j on account of anp ot\)tt -3iD grantcD, o? to be gtanteD, to pout ^a|eftj> tiuting tWS ^effion of parliament, o? of anp ^apment to be utacie in p>utfuance of tl)i$ ;act» ;3nD be tt futtl)et €nacteD bj) tbc autl)or citp afo^efaiD, ^l)at tlt)e feVieral ^Duties anD :^im \}m\)y> granteD unto pouc ®ajeft^ l^all in the fitft folate be applieD ano paiO bp tl)e Bice Xteafucet o; Mm Hrea^ futets, 1)1$ 0? tt)cit SPeputp o? 3>cputics, to tt)e 2Difcl)arge of the gintctcQ of the faiD :$um of ifiDe l)unD?eD anO ftftp tl)oiifanD pountis, Georgli Tertii Regis. ry ISouuds, 0? fucE l^att tl)eceof as ft)ail te-^ c h a ?. mam tmpaiD on t\)Z fatD Ctbeutp 8ftl) n. 2Dap of December in tJ)e Peat of our lLo;jt) ^^'~^''^^ ^ViZ t^.oufanti fetjcn l)iinD^eD anD ftxtp tJ)cec, auD alfo to tl)e Mc!)atg:e of tl)e fti? teteft of tl)e fait) ^um of i^ne JbutiD^eD t{)oufanD l&outiDO, tt)l)'tD il)aU incut o^ (jrol'^ Dwe fcoin anD after tJ)e Htbentp fiftl) i:'*** of March ottt ®ajeftj?, otjct anD abot)e tbl)at l^iaU be fufficicnt to Diftj)atg[e tl)e Sinteteft of tj)e faiD feljeral anD rcfpectiije l&^incipal j^ums alreaDj) bo??otbeD, anD tbat (l)all be bo^j^^ ;?yUHD in putfuante of t\^\% ^ct, i|)aU in t5)e firft palate be applj^eD totbatDS tj)e 2D!fcl)acgre of tl)e faiD \^;incipal :^um of Xtbo l)unD3eD tj)orifanD j^ounDS tbl)icj) is to iacmain at an ^ntereft of jFitJe l&ounDS per centum per annum, 0? fttCj) j&att t|)eteof )^ as ^8 Anno Regni tertlo Chap. a<5 i^all temaitt unpaiO on t\)c tutcnt^ " ftftl) SDaj) of December OlK thoufauD Ic^^ "^^ '\3eii l)anD?cD anD fixtj) tY)^a, auD from auD aftet the ^ciymcnt of tl)c faiD p^tncipal j^uni of Ctbo j)uuD2CD ti)oufauD pounds tolbacDstbe ida^tneiit anD ^ik\)^tgt of t\)z faiD jpJ^mcipal :^U!n of £)ne l)tmD;jcD tbou^ faiiD ipoimDs, XU)it\) 15 to beat an ^lu teCcCt of j?l\)e |&OUnDS per centum per an- num, fcom tl)c tltbcntj) fiftl) 2)ap of Mai-ch £)ne tboufanD fcbcn J)nnD.2cD anD fixtp four, anD from anD after payment of t^e faiD %\bo tefpecttVie p;?mttpal ^tmis of 31030 !)unD> t!)i5 ^ct is( to carrj) an wintered at tj)e mate of jfpout PounDS per centum per annum, 0^ fo mtlCJ) thereof as il)all remam unpaiD on ti)e Xtbent)) ftftl) S>ap of December £)ne tbou^^ fanD fcben bunD;?eD anD fut^ tl)?cr, anD alfo tolbarDS tbe payment of fuel) ^um 0? ^ums, not exceeDinrr m t^c OTbole ti)e ^«m of ^ne f)unD;cD tI)oufanD pounDS, as (l)all be aauallp paiD mto pour ^a= teQjJS Creafur;', at tl)e gnOance of l^is €x- Georgii Tertii Regis. go ^rcclleutj> tl)e ILo^D Eietitenant, o? otl)et: c a a p. C^ief (Botietno? o? <5o\jcnio;?0 of tSi$ ,Ji^ EingDoin fo;j ti)c Xiuie being, to fupplj) fiici) SDefiEciencicS aS maj? arife in tJ)e ;^iD$ gcauteD tl)is ^cffion of l&acliamcnt fo^ tbe ^uppo^t of pout ^aieft^'s arit)!l atiD j®ilitat)) €Gabli(!)ments, anD otj)et: Mt- cefTatj? €ipcnce3 of cBotjecnuicnt, anD fo3 tDc ^apuient of tl)c fctjeral ;^uuis gtanteD in tl)i5 ^effion of i^arliament fo? catty- incr on pnblicft OTo?l^0 in t!)is Eincr- Com, :ant) be it ftutbct oEnacteD bj) tbe ;5futbof titp afo;?efaiD, tjfl^at from anD aftet \&ap^ nicnt of tJ)e ^tttercft of t!)e faiD fel)eral anD tefpcctitje ^ums bcfo^je nientioneD, anD tbi^eti anD as often as anj? :^utplus o? €iceeDinjj of t\)z ^iDS auD SDutics \)ttibp ijranteD il^all be receiVieD bp tl)e Bice Cteafutet o;> imice Xreafucers, 1)13 o? tljeirDepntj) o^SDeputieS, anD tl)at fuel) ^^itrplus 02 CxceeDmg il)all amount to tbe :^nm of j?it)e tDoufanD pounDS, tl)at tl)en tbe tdice Xteafutet 0? Sice deafurers, J)iS o; tbeit ^Deputy 03 SDepiities, i^iall caufe tl)e ^umbets of fucb ^Receipts 02 S>ebentutes amountinigr to tl)e faiD principal ^um of %\ho l)unD?eD tl)ou' fanD iDounDS, tUI)tcl) l&urfuant to tJ)is ;^ct is to beac an 3)nteteft at tj)e laate of jFitje p 2 l&ounDgr 6o Anno Rcgni tertlo C H A p J&ounC)!3» per centum per annum, aitti t\)t " :^um6 tbetem tontaiueD, to be tbnttcu on "'"■^"^ fetjeral iTicftets o^ Jgiicces of patcj)uictit, ano to be IRolleD anD :^etbcD up auD put into a Box o^ ^illrtt anO XUM niixcD together, anD an mtiiffcient pctfon il)aU publithl>' bettbeen tl)e Jj^ours of ^eti anD XtbelDe in the jFo^enoon, of a ^av to Le bp the faiD ^ice iTreafucec o^ cHicc ^tea^ furecs, his o? theit SDeput)) 02 ^Deputies, publlCftl)? :^DhettI3eD m the Dublin Gazette ioi that ^utpofe, at lead srihentp SDapsi before, at the Office of the ^ice Creafurec 0} Mm orteafucecs in the Caftle of Dublin, ?)ebentutes 0; Ee^ ceipts ft)all be fo D^atbn, hi5 0? theit €xetuto?s, StDtuiniftrato^s 0^ ^ffigns, l^iaU tbithin Xthentp 2Da)JS aftet the faiD Xicftets 0;? pieces of parchment (hall be D^atbn, be paiD hy the ^ice Xrea- furet 02 mice STteafurcrs, his o? their 3)eputp 0? Deputies, the Principal ^ums to hint, her, 02 them refpcctihel^ Due, thith ^ntereft fo^ the fame at the iaate of JFite ^OUnDS per centum per amium till paiD, anD (hall Georo-il Tert'ii Regis. 6i il)aU upon papmcut thttzot Mi\)tt hi'S, c h a p. Jxr, auD tl)eic fcl)eral anD refpectitje ^e= " bentttree atiD iaeccipts to tbe faiD ^tce ^"^ Xceaftuer o? ^icc tJEteafiicets, l)is o^ tbeic Deputv 01 Deputies, to be cancelleD, tbl)ic{) J)e 0^ tl)ep ate !)erebp requiceD to cancel acco^Diugl)), aiiD tJ)e ^nteceft pa^^able bp Birtne of fuel) Debentures o? l^eceipts ii)aU ceale from tl)e expiration of XXXtm- tj) Davs, to be accountet) from tj)e Dap of ^Mtbing: tJ)e faiD Cicftets o? pieces of parcl)ment, anD from anD after tl)e |&ap=^ ment of tDe faiD Jd^tncipal ^um of irtbo bunDjeD tbonfanD l&ounDs carrjjinsr an 'ijntetefl; of JflDe PounlDS per centum per an- num, tl)en t0e ^ice Xreafurer 02 Bice Crea= furers, !)iS o;> t|)eir Deputj) o; Deputies, ft)aU, as often as tJ)c faiD :$urplns 0^ €xceeD=^ ing m tbeit l^anDS ft)aU amount to t\)t lifte :g)um of Jrite tl)oufanD \&ounDs, caufe tj)e ^Rumbers of all tl)e laeceipts 0? Debentures fo;j tl)e fatD ^um of iPne ^unD^eD t!!)oufanD ll&ounDS aDUanceD anD paiD into pour iS&a- jeftp's Xreafurj) on tbe faiD Xtbentp eft!) Dap of March <^nz t\>ou(mt) fe- \)en !)unD^eD anD fiitp tl)?ee, tb!)ic!) bp tDis ;5ia a;je to bear an fntereft at t^e Jaate of jfite l&ounDS per centum per an- num, to be 2iaalloteD fo^ in lifte fanner, anD ttiitl) lifee Notices, as l)erein before H is Anno Regni tertlo i9 DitecteD, anD to caufe fo manp of tj)e faiD Xichcts as il)aU amount to t6e :^um of j?it)c tljoufauD pounds to be D^atton, ano t\)c Petfon o;? petfons, tl)e jl^uuibcc of tb^ofe SPcbentute o?atbmgr, be paiD as afo^efaiD tht P?inci^ pal ^ums to \)\m, l)er, antJ tbeni rcfpec= tiMy Due, tbitl) Entered at tl)e iaate of 5Fl^^ |D0Unt)3 per centum per annum till pait), anD l)e, ilie, o;? tl)ep, Ibbofe XifUet 0^ SCicfeets il)aU be fo DMtbn, H^all Deli\)ec to tl)e ^ice tJEteafwtec o^ ^ice Xceafutets, l)iS o;j tl)eic SDeputp 0? ^Deputies, bis, t)er, anD tf)C!t federal anD refpectilje ^Debentures o^ laeccipts to be cantcUeD as afojefaiD, anD tl)e 5«' tereft payable hy Virtue of fucb 5Debcn= tares, o^ laeceipts, il)aU ceafe from tbe expiration of Xlbentp SDaps, to be account eD from tl)e Dap of 3)2atb' ing t^e faiD tlicftcts o^ Pieces of parcb^ ment; anD from anD after tl)c payment of tl)e faiD principal :$>um of £)ne bunD^eD tboufanD pounDs, bearing an ^Intereft at t!)e laate of JFitje ponnDS per centum per annum, tl)en t\)t vEllCe ^tcalutec 02 ^licc Xreafurers, !)is o^ tljcir Georgli Tertii Regis. 63 tl)cit ^cptttp 0^ ^Deputies, ll)aU, as^HAP. often as tbe TaiO Surplus 0^ Cxceeditiff "• m tt)cit: l^auDs il)aU amount to tj)c ' ^^^^ lihe ^um of j?it)e tl)ouranD l^ounDS, cauic tJ)e ^umbers of all t\)z WiZtcipt^ 02 S>ebeutnre$, tbl)icl) bj) tWs ^ct are to beat an 'Jntercft at t\)z laate of jfouc pounD5 per centum per annum, tO ht 2l5aU lottcD fo> in l!fte j®anner, anD \hitf> hU jfiotice^, as berein befo;?e 19 DirecteD, ant5 to caufc fo manp of tj)e faiD €:icftetei as ll>til aniorint to tl)e :^«m of jlpitjc tl)oufatto ponnt)5 to be D^atbn, anD t^e ^ctfoti 0? petfonsi ( tj)e ^umbet of tbDofe S^ebenture o;> Receipt a)aU be fo t!?atbti ) l)is, bet, 0;? t5)eii: €iecutoJ0, ^cminiarato^5 0? ;^ffign$, il)all, tbitl)^ in tDc ^pace of ^tbentp S>ap5 after ftrcb ©Miibirtg, be paiD a$ afo^efaiD t\)z f^Hti'iti^l ^uins to bim, j)er, anD t!)em ref^jea!\3ci)) Due, tbitb gjnteteft at tj)e JRate of J?oilC jDotinDS per centum per antium till paiD, anD j)e, il)e, 0? tftep, IfcflK'Fe t!t!cS[Ct 0^ t:tchets i^all be fo D^atbn, l!7*ll Dcli\)ct to t\)z Mitz ^ceafutet o? ®tte itrcafntets, bis, 0? tbeic SDeputp 0;? ii>:ptitic3, bis, bet, anD tbeit fet)etal aittd refpetti\)c S^ebcntures 0? ^Receipts, to be caticcUcD as ^fo;?cfaiD, anD t\)z '^n^ tercfi pajE'able bv Virtue of fuc!) Deben- ipi 2 tutes 64 Anno Regni tertio Chap. tutcS 0^ IReccipts ft)aU ccafc fcom tU ^J^ expiration of Cttient)? Daps, to be com:; puteo from tl)e Daj) of ti?aU)ittflr tl)e faiD Xicftets 0? \&teces of \&arcl)ment» ;2jnD be it furtbet CnacteD bj) t!)e <3ut!)o^ ;?itv afo^efaiD, Xbat if my part of tl)e faiD |&;jmcipal -^umsi, !)ereb5) p;?oV)iDeD fo?, (tiall be Due anD unpaiD on t\)z faiD tJEUDtntp 6ftl) Dap of December, tbl)l(l) ll)aU be in tl)e pear of our llo^D ^ne l6oufanD fc\3en i)unD?eD anD dtp fitje, t^e fame il^all be tbell anD trulp fatis? fiieD anD paiD unto t\)i fet)eral anD refpectitoe l&erfons, tDeir executors, 3[D^ miniftrato;?^, anD ZlUgtxQ, tefpectitjelp, to tbl)om tbe fame ftiall be tl)en Due, to? getf)cr U)it!) fuel) gintereG fo? tl)e fame as fl)all be tl)en Due, at tl)e mates a^ fo?efaiD, tb!tl)out anp DcDurtion, Defalk cation, o;j abatement tbtjatfoet^er* ;^nD be it'furtj)er CnacteD bp tl)e ;3ut!)o:: ;?itpiafo;?efaiD, tn:{)at from anD after tl)e taiD ^tbentp fiftl) Dap of December i^ne tboufanD fetien J)unD;?eD anD ftxtp tftree, a fcpscate anD Diftmct ;3ccount ft)aU be h^pt Ip t!)e p;?oper £)fgcer of tDe ;^iDS, Duties, anD €axcs, srranteD bp tl)is 3[tt, 0? anp otl)er act of i&ariiament notb in Georgii Tertii Regis. 65 in 5?o;jee in tibiS BingOom, anD app;?op^i^ c h a p, atcD to particulat Mk^; anO tbat tl)e^_^ CotntnifOouers of l^is ®ajeft)>'0 iaeucttue l^ill tetutn tlotit OTechlp ^bfttacts from t\)t fet)ecal aroUecto;?^ to tl)e ;^ccoutp^ tant (!5eneral, anD t!)at tbe ^ccotnptanc (I^cnctal iT)aU return a feparate Account of tl)c fetieral ^Duties anD tJEaxes, fo app^op?tater, to tl)e ilice Creafutet 0? Btce tJEceafwrerij, J)!2; o;j tl)eic l)eptttj? 0^ ^Peputicfii; anD tibat et^erj? Collector 0? Jaete!\)er of ti)e faiD Duties anD Slaies Do tafte a feparate iReceipt fo;2 tl)t fame tbl)en paiD into f^is 0^a|eftj)'$ Xreafurp, tbi)icl) faiO Jaeccipt tj)e mice Creafurer 0? mite XteaCurete;, bis 0^ tl)cir Deputj? o| Deputies, fS anD are i)erebp recjuireD to Bi\)z acco^Dinglp,. in AN A N ACT FOR Allowing further Time to Perfons ill Offices or Employments to Qualify themfelves purfuant to an Acfl, intituled, ^n ^d to pre- vent the further Growth of Popery, DUBLIN: Printed by Roulter Grierson, Printer to the King's Mod Excellent Mnjefty. Mdcclxiv. Chap, III. (^9) A N ACT FOR Allowing further Time to Perfons in Offices or Employments to Qualify them- f elves purfuant to an Ad:, intituled, An A6i to prevent the further Growth of Topery. CHAP. IIL W{!^ € m € -^ ^ federal ^ecfotiS c h a p. Ibell a(fcctcD to l^is ©ajcavs i"- dSotJccnmcnt, atiD tDe Olfurcl) of """^ ' Ireland aS l)p ^aib ^ftalJliil)cD, ximy Datje, tt)coiij9fl) SI?Ji*^^a^f^> ucglcaeD 02 been p?e= tjenteD Dp ;i>icftuef9, o;> ot})ec unatoiDaulc ^ a ocaufes. yo Anno Regni tertio c H A p.cttaufes, from taking auD fn'ofciiLinfr tJ)e ni. ^atl)5, atiD uiaUing auD fubfcnbfng xH u^v--^ declaration, aut) from rccci\}incr the £5)a' cramcnt of tbe ilo^iD's Supper, acco>t>!ugr to tDe Diteaions of an ^rt mate !ii tl>i!5 i3LmcrDom, iti tl)e :$)ccont) peat of tJ)6 Jacign of l^ct late ©ajeftp Cl?icc;i Ann, gIntltlliCD, ;s\\ Act to prevent tlie tiiither Growth of Popery, aoD b>' tl)Cir itiat\)CC- tencp maj? l)a\)e mctuccD great ft-fiialtfcs: 2ae It €uaaeD b}? tl)e Btiig'^j molt ^xccl= lent j®ateftj?, Op atiD ttntb tl)c -^D'oite atiD ;iEonfent of t|)e ?loKS ^pttttual atiD tletnpo^al auD Commons in tbB ivcfcut parliament alTemblctJ, anD bv the .^r.tJ^o^ titp of tbe Came, €l)at all aho tuerv per^ Ton o;j l&erfons, tbl^o l)aV3e lucarrcD anj? penalties anD incapacities lu tbe faiD :^ct, 3)ntitttleD, an k& to prevent the furtlicr Growth of Popery, mentiottcD, bp nerrlea- ing to ^ua!it)? tl)emfell)e5 acco^dng to the TaiO ^ct, i^all be anD are bcrebv fiiDcmnp fteD, j?reeD, anD iDifcbargcD of anD from all ^Incapacities, l^ifabilitics, forfeitures, anD l^enalties, mcwrrcD bj) reafon of fucb £)miffion or Neglect as afoKfaiD, anD tbat no ^(t or stas Done bp them, o? anr of tl)em, or bp Stutboritp Deri\)cD from tbem or anp of them, anD not pet aDoiCeD, iliall be queftioneD or a\)oiDeD bp reafon of fnch ^,eglcct Georgii Tertii Regis. 71 ^.ecrlert 02 Omiffion, but all fucb ^cts iljallc h a be, atiD ace l)etel))j SDcclareD anD CnacteD to hi. be, as crooD anD Cffecttial, as if all aiiDe-^ — ^^ t)ccp fuel) Action atiD ^ccfons baCJ taften anD fubfctibeD tl)e laiD £)atl)0, anD rcceibeD t\)z faiD ^acratnent, anD maDe anD fubfccibeD the faiD Declaration, in manner as afo^e^^ faiD; anp Xbmgr in t!)e faiD ;^ct to tbe contrary nortbit^QanDins:: p>?ot3tDeD fuel) perfon 0? ^crfons Do anD il)all tahe anD fubfcnbc tJ)e faiD £)atl)S, anD teceibe the faiD Sacrament, anD mafte, repeat, anD fubfcribe tbe faiD ^Declaration, in fuel) j®anner anD j?o?m, anD ia fuel) ililace anD l^laceS, as are DirecteD anD appointeD b)? tl)e faiD ^Ct to prevent the further Growth of Popeiy, on 0;? before t{)e jFirft 3>a)> of Auguft, UdI)icI) i\)ii\l be in t\)Z pear of £)ur IL02D One t!)oufanD fel?en ^unD^eD anD fixt^ four, anD tbbereas federal of i^is ^ajearss :g)ub]ccts are often p;jeferreD in tbe ;^rmj) teflDing in Great Britain, bp tbl)ic!) t!)ep are, by tU Hatbs in J?o;?ce in tl)at IBting;: Dom, obligcD to j^ualif^ tl)enifelt)es in fome I2>art of Great Britain, bp rcceit)ingr t\)z Sacrament, taking tl)e iSPatbs, anD fubfcnbing tl)e ^Declaration tbitbin tl)e HCmie mentioneD in fuel) Hattis: ;anD tl tbj)erea«5 72 Anno Regnl tertio cha p.\t)j)erca6 tl)c laccriuicnt o? iRcfriuient^, I"- in tbbicb fuel) Officer o? Officers \)cVoc '■^''^^ Olomiinffioiio fo {r^lnteD to tl)etn, are often o^DereD into tJ)iS EingDom, anD put upon tl)i5 €ftabliil)ment, bj? tbJ)icb a ST^oubt lias arifen, Ui^etbcr fticb :C>fficet 02 Officers, nottbitl;ftanD!ng I)c o^ tl)ep ^atimg £lualifieD tbemfeltjes in Great Bri- tain fo? fucb Commiffions acto^iDincr to tl)e fatO liatbS, are not bp tj)e ?lal6s m j?o;jcc in tl)is lamigrCiom obligeD ro £luali^ fjj tbemfclVies after thtit <^rri\)al l)cre fo: fucb OTommiffionS, acco^DIng to an ;?lct of parliament palleD in tbis fainffdoni in tl)c :$econD pear of tl)e JRcicrn of l^cr late j^ajeCtp £Xneen Ann, ^ntituleD, an Acft to prevent the Growth of Popciy: 2l3e it €nacteD hy t\)z ;3utl)o?itp afo;?craiD, '€J)at no Officer 02 Officers fo p?cfcrreD in Great Britain, Vb\)0 il)aU l)a\)e jQliall:: fieD !)im 02 tl)einrel\)cs fo; fuel) ^otiimif:: fion 0? oronmuffions, acco^Dmg to anD tbitDin tl)c ^itne limiteD bp rl)c faiD ILalbS maDe in Great Britain, il)aU be obliged to j^tialifj) !)itu 0; tbeinfeltjcs iti this BmgCiom fo? fuel) aronuiuffjon 02 afonuniffions fo ff^anteD to l)iui 02 tlxtu in fucb Clegmient 0? JHegmients, after their .^rrtol in this BingCcm, anD be^ mg put upon this €(iabliil)inent; anp flatb Georgii Tertii Regis. 73 Hatb, Bfaije, 02 Cuftom, to ti)e conttatj) c h a p nottbitDftauCimig:. i"- lD^ot)iDeD altbaps, Cftat t!)is ^ct, o;> mv %f)ms \)ttzm containeD, il)aU not ex- tenD to refto;>e 0; intitle auj^ petfoti 0;? l^etfons to anj) €)ffice o;> alrcaCi)) filleD up bp anp ot!)ec l&etfon, but tl)at fuel) £)fate o;j Cuiploi^meitt (l^all be anD remain in t|)e laetfon 02 l^etfons tbl)o is 0? ace notb intitleD in Hatb to tl)e fame, as if tl)i^ 5(ct J)ati been nebet tnabe» C 2 AN C H A Po IV A N ACT FOR Licenfing Hawkers and Pedlars, and for Encouragement of Englifh\ Trot e/i ant Schools « DUBLIN: Printed by Boulter Grierson, Printer to the King's Moft Excellent Majefty. Mdcclxiv. (77) A N ACT FOR Licenfing Hawkers, and Pedlars, and for Encouragement of EngUJh Tro- t eft ant Schools. C H A P. IV. W(^€ia€^:$ tJ)e contmtiinjgr tbe^^^^ Cttcotttajjctnent fo^tncclp to En- ^^ gliOi Proteftant :^Cboole(, IDiU be "^ of great laenefitt to tl)i$ BingCom, atiD it 13 ceafonablc tl)at fome l^iiblicft j?unD fl 2 lf)OWlD 78 Anno Rcgiii fertio c H A p. il)oulD be applicti anD fct apart fo^ tl)at IV. purpofc: 2iBe it tbercfo^e €nactcD bp tU "-^""^ nm'^ moft excellent ®afcaf, Dr ^KD tbitb tbe ;ao\)ice ant) OTonfent of tl)e Ho^jtis Spiritual anD XempoMl anD Commons m tbis p;?cfent pacltament aCfemblet), anD hv t\)t ;autl)o;?itp of tl)e Tame, Xbat from anD aftet tbe Ctbcntj) fouttl) 2^ap of June £)ne tboufanD ret)fn l)"nD;?eD an6 futp font, until t\)t tutbetitj) fotirtJ) "^a^ of June ^ne tboufanD fekn bnnD^cD anD fit- ty> fit, tDece fl)all be anflbeteD anD paiD unto pour ©ajeQj), pour J^eirs anD ^uc- cefl"o;?6, bp eterp l^albfeer, peDlar, pcttp- Chapman, 0? otber traDing- l^erfon, o? ¥>er[on6, going from ^oXhn to iToliatf, 02 to otbet ®cn^6 f^oufes, anD trcVWtiit]^ either on J?oot, 02 IDitl) i^o?fe, i^o^fe^, 03 otbettbife, in tbis EingDom, (extetit as l)erein after mentioneD) carrying to ^ell, 02 expofing to :^ale, anp dSooDs, OTai^s, 02 ®erfbanD!3es, a E>utp of tllbentp ;$)btUings bp tbe pear, anD tbat ct^crp l^crfon fo traljellmg tbitb a i^o^fe, ^fe ■02 ®ule, 0? any otber Bead bearinfr 0;? D?aDbing 2i5urtben, ft)a!l pav tl)c :^nin of srtbent'p :$^biUtng5 bp tbe Pear, from tl)e ^llDentp fourtb 3>av ot June One tbou- fanD fcVien bunD?eD anD fixtp four, to tl)e ^ttbcntp fourtb 2Dap of June £Dnc tbou= fanD Georgii Tertii Regis. 79 fant) r:t)ctt l)iait)?eD atiD Oxtj) Or, fo;j eatj) ^ « ^ ?- beartuff o; o?atDiitg Butt|)eti, |)e, 0? ft)e, ' ^^ il)all f^' ttaUl libitJ), o\)cc anD abolje t^e fira !iicutioucD l)utj) of SCtbentj) :$l)iU? iugs bp r!)e pear, U)l)icj) faiD iaates atiD S>nt!es ll)aU be collecteO bp fuel) l^erfoti auD prtron0, anD in fticl) :®anner, atiD b):) fuel) OTav0 auD ®eans, as tl)e Dutj) ))apabie fo;? Hicenfe^ to fteep ;^le K^oufes hj caifct) anD coUecteo, bp toirtne of an ^tt niabc in t!)!S BingDom, m tj)e t[)trtp tWtD 5>eat of t!)e meign of J^is late :®ajeftj) ?Ktn(T George tbe il>econD, intitulcD, an Aa for l)ctter regulating the Collection of His Miijefty's Revenue, and for preventing of Frauds therein, anD fo? repcalinigr an ^ct iiiaDe t})e laft :§>erfion of ^^arliament, in- tltllleD, an Act for continuing and amending feveral Laws heretofore made relating to His Alajefty's Revenue, and for the more effectual preventing of Frauds in His Majefty's Cuf toms and Excife, anD t\)Z iz\)ttal ;^ct$ anD :^tatutes tbl)!cl) ate tnenttoneD in t\)z faiD ^a, anD continueD thtttby as ftiUj) to all intents anD l&tirpofes, as if t\)z P]io))iiioii^ m t\)t faiD ^ct fo? t\)at pur^ pofc VDcre particularljp mentioneD anD ep P2^^^^, anD CnacteD again in t\>z 2aoDp of tbi3 p2e[cnt M. % ^nti 8o Anno Regnl tertio Chap ^v- ;^nD be it fuctber €nacteD bv tJ)e ^w ^ ' rl)o;?itt' afo^efaiD, 5:J)at cDet)) iscmac, i^alb:^ her, pettp arbapuian, aiiD ot!)cc tratimgr ^erfon o? |5crfon5 fo tratjelling ao afo?e- faiD, ftjall before tl)e tllbcutjj fomt\) ^av of June £>ne tbotifauD k\)cn !)unC;?cD anD fixt^ four, auD fo liftetbife in cXfCty pear, DiliDcr, 0? catife to be 0eli\)creD, to ti)e QloUerto? of Cicife of t\)c Difttict tbbere J)e, 0? rfie, il)aU 5leriDe o;? Dtbell, a iRote in OTritmg unDet l)is o; hit l^anD, o;j unDer t\)c J^anD of fouie ^crfon bj> l)ec 0? !)im antJ)o?i3eD in that behalf, botb anD in lbJ)at banner, be, o C^o;jref3, ^f0, 0? aiTeS, j®ule, o? ®ales, o? anj) otbet mta^ beatmflr o^ D^atbin^ idurtben, fo^ biS 01 ber fo trabcUinjj anD traDmsr, fo;j \bbttb be 02 (b^ il)aU tbcreupon paj?, o? caufe to be paitJ, unto fucb OTolleeto^, tbe pearlj) I^ntj) bcrem before DiretteD to be payable fo;? tbe fame, anD tbcreupon a Hicenfe ft)aU be s:;?antcD tinto bmi oi ber, fo to ttabel o? traDc, bj) fucb Collect to;, ;3nD be it furtbct CnacteD hp the ^u^ tbo^itp afo^efaiD, li:bat if mv fucb l^atb:: fter, Georgii Tertii Regis. 8r her, peDlcK, 02 pettj? OCDapman, fcom anD c h a p. after tJ)e Cait Xltientj) fouctl) Dap of June ^^ £Pn6 tJ)onrani) TelJcn !)unCJ?eD anO fiitp ' ^^ four, be fouriD trarjinsr as afo?efaiD, tbi;J> out 0^ contrarp to fucJ) Htcence, fucJ) ^crfon ll)aU fo;j cac{) anD etierp fncl) €>f' fence, fo?ft!t t!)e ^tim of j?!l)e i^ounO^, one j®oietp tl)ereof to tJ)e ^^-'^^^^n^t, anD t!)e otl)cr <®o!etp to t!>e §nco,?po^?atetJ :§o= Cietp in Dublin fo; p^OUlOttnS: EnglHli Pro- teibnt :^Cl)OOl0. :^nD be it fnrtl)er €nacteti bp the :^ut!)0:=' ?itp afo?efatD, C!)at it ft)aU anD map be laUDftil to anD fo? ti)e faiD Collectors of tY>t k\)ttcil Diftricts in t^is BinjjDom res: fpectit^elp, anD tl)ev are ^erebp refpectitelp DirecteD, appomtcD, anD recjuireD, upon t!)e -Cerms afo.?efa!D, anD ujpou tj)e fileccipt as afo^cfaiD, to sr^ant a ILicence unDer tj)eir rcfpectitje J^anDS to eijcrp i^atbfter, i^eDlar, pettp C[)aptnan, 02 anp ot!)er traDingr l^er- fon, fO(? bnn ofcs, ^(Tes, ®ules, 0? aaeafts, tb!)!C^ ^e, il)e, 0? tbep ft)aU trat}el tbitl), as tj)e orafc i^all require, fo? SbDich ^licence t!)ere {^all be tahcn bp fuel) aTollctto^s fo? tl)eit otbn Bfe, £Dne i>l);ll!ncr anD no mo^e, tx^ cept fuel) l^atbfter, ^eDlar, 0? pettp orijap- man, i!)aUttat)el tbitj) !^o;?re, ^fs. 01 ^uk, t 2 01 82 Anno Regnl tertlo c H A p-o^ anv otbcr 23eaft beacmg o; CMlbiutr mm ^^■^ t^en, anD m tl)at Cafe tl)ece fljall be paiD to ' ' ' fttcb Collectors for tl)cic olJbn tUc, for lucb lltcence Ctbo ^biUmffS anD no more, o\)ec anD abot)e tl)c ^Duties aforcfaiD, auD tl)at t^e faiDCollertorsfl)aUftcepfcpai'atc anD Dif:^ tina Accounts of t\)t ^Duties l)eceb>' crr^m* tcD, anD pa^ tbe ®one)) arifinjgr tJ)ercb5?, into pout ®a]6ftj?'6 irteafntj^, as otl)et j©oncj) tccei\jeD Up tl)cin for t\)z Mk of pout ®a|c(lj?» ;3nD be It futtl)et €nacteD by the ^utbo^ aitp aforefaiD, X^at tU faiD Collectors il)aU be accountable to pout ^ateftj? for tbe SDuties l)eccbjj uranteD, anD iljall be fub= Ject to t!)e liftc l&enalties anD forfcitutcS, for not tenDettngr a ttue Account tDeteof, anD pajJing tl)e fame tn mannec afore^ mentioneD, as t!)ep ate, anD ftanD liable unto, for not tenDeting a ttue Account of anj) ®onej) tccei\)eD bj? tl)em for the ^fe of pout ;®aieft J). :^nD be it futtl)et €nacteD hy> tl)c ^u^ tl)oritj) aforefaiD, %\)^t tl)e ®onics acif^ tttff from tl)e faiD 2Puties l)etcbp srr^mtcD, ft)aU ftom iTime to Ximc be brought m^^ to tj)e laeceipt of pout j^aieft^s Exchc- quer, anD ft)all ftom Sarnie to Xime, tbitt)- out Georgii Tertli Regis. 83 ! out any jree 0^ Deduction tbJ)atfoetet, beCHAP, paiD by tl)e Bice Xtcafurer, o Coun= tecftir, 0^ caufe to be JFo;?0cD 0? Coun= tctfcitcD anp ?licente 01 ?licenccSr, fo^ the Purpofc afo^efaiD, 0;? tratjel tbith fuc^ j?o?rreD 0; €o«utecfeiteD Hicence 0? Hicen? CCS, hnolbincr tl)e fame to be 5?02flreD o;5 OtountcrfcitcD, fuel) pccfon iljaU JPo^feit ti)e ^um of jrift)? 15ounD0, one S^oizty tbcteof to t!)e Stincr, anti ti)e ot!)et ®oi^ tty to })iin lbl)o ft)aU p^ofecute 0;? fue fo? tl)c fame, to be recobereD by miction of Debt, 2aill, plaint, 0; information, in any of pouc ®a|eftj)«3 Courts of iae^ C02D, at tbe Four Courts in Dublin, in XWtl) no CfToin, iD^otection, 01 tbaijec of ?lalb, 02 mo?e t\)an one fmpatlance, iljall be allolbcD, anb iljall be j$>ubje(t to fuel) ot\)tt I5ain$ and l^enalties, as f tnay 84 Anno Regnl tertio. Chap jnap bc iuflictcD on ¥>crfon9 fo? JFc»^ S[nt) be it futtbet €nactcD bv tlx ^ti^ tl)o?!tp afo;?efaiD, d)at if titiy> pcrfon 0? i&erfons rf)aU be ^utD, QBolcfiiD, 0? ^roubleD fo;j putiitfir in Ciecuttou an^^ of t^e \&otbcts contamet) m tl)i3 ^ct, 0? fo;j tJoittff anj> fatter 02 Xl)mg pucfnant t^xrc- to, Uxt\) ^Dctfon antJ ^Dctfons il)all auo maj> ^leaD tl)e d^etiecal S^Cfiie, anO crit^e tl)e :$>pecial ®attet in €t)iOcncc; anD if tU l&laintiff o;j p^lamtiffs iViall be non^: fuiteO, 01 3luDgment be gi\)en agauift l)nn, 01 tbem, upon Dcmurrct: o;j otbcrlbifc, 0; a BectiiGt pafs fo;? tl)e SDefcnOant 0? 3)efent)ant$, 01 a SDifiuifs upon a aiit)il Bill, fuel) SPefenDant oj 2DcfenDant0, il)aU l)a\)c 1)10, l)cc, 02 that Xrcblc Cofts, to be tecobereD by> fuel) :®anncc, as Ibberc bp Hatb Cofts are iribcn to SDcfcn^ Oants. ^nD be furtl)ec CnactcD bp tbe ^n- t\)o}it^ afo;?efaiD, ^l)at if anp viTonftablc fl)aU mefufe 0;? Neglect, upon tuc 0o^ tice, 02 on l)i5 olbn Bielb, to be ^iDincr anD affiftmg-, m tbe ^lecution of this ZCt, bcinsr tbercunto rcquircD, c\)cr)) fuel) Conflable bemgr tl)e?cof ConbictcD bp tDe £)atl) Georgli Tertii Regis. 8^: £)atl) of one 02 mo?e cretJible CHUittters o^c « a ? MlitncCfes before mv glufiice of tl)e |5eace iv, fo? tl)e OTountp 0^ ^^lace tbJ)cre futj) ^U'-^ — ' fence il)aU be committeD, (l)aU forfeit fo^ each anD cVjerp fuel) :0>ffence, contcatj) to thiS ^ct, tDc ^«m of jFo^tj) ^J)iUtnsfSf, to be ICoitD by> SDiftccfs anO ^ale of tj)e £D?Fentict$ (SooDs, bj? OTattant untiec t^e l^anD anD :^eal of fuel) fuftice of tfte peace; one :©o!ctp llDhereof to be paiD to tl)e faiD fiico^poMteD :g)ocfetjj, t!)e ot\)zt <®o!Ct;' to the Slafojinet:, Wo ft)aU P(?o= fecutc fo^ tbe fame, tcuDeringr tl)e iPViec- plus t\)mof to rj)e :^l]bnec, if anp be. :^nD be it farther CnacteD bp the ^u- tho^itv afo^efaiD, Chat it il)aU ano niaj> be lalbftil fo; an^ Perfon 0? |e>erfon0 H)l)ntfoc\)er, to fef3e anD Detain anp facl) i^alhhcr, peDlar, pcttv^aThaprnan, 0; other XraDincr pa{on o> l^erfons as afo;?efaiO, anD alfo the dHooDs thep il)aU be founD XtaDmg Ibith, laitil fuch Xiuie as i)e, i^e, 02. thcv, il)aU p2oD«ce a Hicence in that Behalf, if he, i%c, 0? thep, hatje anj): ;^nD if he, ilie, 02 t\)ty, iHjall be founD llraDinfr Ibithout fuch ^Licence, contrary to tl)Vo ;?ict, that then it il)aU anD lua^ be iatbfnl to anD fo;? fuch pcrfon 0;? \^erfonS, fo :^^ei3{nn: a?5 afo^efaiD, taftmg: to l)is oi p 1 thca S6 Anno Regni tertio Cm AP.tbcir ;3Cfiftauce fuel) ^dcrfou 02 ^ciTorjS IV. 30 i)c, 02 tbep il)all tijiuft fit, to carrv the -^'^^^^ ll^ccruti fo (e!3cD, as aUo tl)c faiti GcotiS, befoi': fottie one of f^is ®a|cft):''S 5i«f^ifC5 of tJ'C H^cacc of tbe Countp 02 piacr, 0^ bcio.H rJ)e atollecto^ of l^^is ©ajcfiv'-s iRc- tiTiti, fo? tbe SDiGcict tbhcce fiich iOficuce to '^I nces il)aU be tonumttcD, Itihuh faio g?!u- It of the |5eace auD Collccto:, rcfpct^ tiulp, ate Y^mbv fttictlp rcqmreD citj)cc uDo-i t\)t iiionfeffion of tlje ^artr offcuti: iuor, o;j Due |5:oof of a ^^Hitucfs upon iJDati), IbbitJ) the J) ate J)ctel)p tcfpcttit-cij? im^^osiDetcD 10 ^ miniftet, that the pct= Ton fo brought before fym hab fo ttabcD as afo;?pfaiD, unlefs tuch ilicencell)aU be p2o; DuceD bp fuel) Offender before the laiD ^uftice 0? Collector bp OTatrant nnber l)is l^atiD anb ;g)eal, to caufe the ^uui of 5Fi\)e pounbS to be fo?thlbith IciicD by SPifttcfs auD fale of t!)e £)ffcnDcc 02 £Df:; feuDers d^oobs, vB^Hares, 02 ®erchaiibi3es;, tenbctiiifir the 0hetplus, (if an)) be) to the Olhnec 02 ^Ibneto thereof, after teouct^ ing the reafonable Charge fo2 taftmg the faiO 2Diftref6„ anb out of the faib '^ale, to pap tl)e penaltp anb jFo^feiture afo^e:: Taib. p^o\)ibeb allbaps, anb be it €narteb by the Georgii Tertii Regis. 87 the autbo^itp afo^eraitJ, %^at tJ)is; M, 0^ c ha p. mv ^ftJiiff 5S)ecem contameD, iljall not a- ^J^ tetitJ to p?ol)!bit anp l^ecfon from fellinjgr of anj) 3ttt3 of parltament, JFo^ms of ^?aj)et, |&?oclamations, Cl5a3cttc0, ;5lma^ nacfts, 03 otDec p;?mteD papcts; 0? anp f\\% ftuit, 01 mictual0, no;? to Dtndet an^ ¥>ecfon 0^ ^Sexlons, tbi)o are tl)e real uSUo^ftctsi 02 ® afters of anp (Boom 03 ^ares tbttl)in tl)!^ mmgDom, 0^ Im, 02 tJ)eir S^ife 0^ OTitJes, ;app^eutice 0^ ;^p^ p;?ent!ce$, from tarrj^itis: at) of tl)e faiD (ll5ooDS and Wiau^, of l)isi, ber, 02 tl)tit maftmg in anv puWitft fairs, j®arftets, 0? eIfcU)j)ere, no;j anp €mftcr, Cooper, (I5la3ier, pimnh-^ er, {^arnefs^rtienticr, 0^ otJ)cr Perfons, ufu? allp iE:raDing in tnendinflr of IBtettles, tziubs, i^oufebolD^crooOs, 0;? i^arnefs lbJ)at- foetjer, from going about, 02 carr^^ing tbjtl) i)im 0;? tDem proper Materials fo^ menD^ tng t^e fame* ^&;jo\)iDeD allbajJS, anD be it CnacteD bp tl)e ^utbo?itp afo;?cfajD, %f)at tl)n5 ;5ct, 0? anp r!)ing b^rein contameD, (ijaU not eitenO to Ctibjett mp ?5erfon 0? perfons, tbbo il)aU cacr)) ratb anD unmanufartureD SSloo!, 0? jFr!3cs, 02 ^tocftings maDe of OToolkn parn, from one part of t!)eEing^ 5 Dom K^TY^U 88 Anno Regnl tcrtlo. Chap, tjoui to t^c otl)cc, 02 expofc t\)c fauie to ^^'- ^^k, in anp 5?aic, ©arftet, o? ot!)ec palace in tl)is BiiicrDom, to anp of t\>c ^Duties o;j Penalties Jjetem before tnentioneO, fo as fucJ) pcrfon o;? p^etfons, il)aU not at tl)e fame Xtiiie cattj? o^ eipofc to ^aic, anp otDcc (15ooDS, M!ate«5, o? ®erci)anDi5cs, tx^ cept tj)e faiO ratb auo unmanufactureD imool anO tl)e faiO JFti3es anO j^tocft- ings maOe of 2KliooUen Parn. P2o\3iDcti alCo, anD be it CnacteO hy> tbe :^utbo^ttp afo^efaiD, Xl)at this -^ct, 02 anp thing Decern tontameO, ft)aU not extent) to p;!ohibit 01 reftrain anj> l&etfon 02 \&etfon3 ftom felling 0^ expoftng to :$ale, m anp place 02 places ttihatfoetet, anp fUx, Xolb, H^emp, jFlaxen^parn, l^empen^pacn, tlicften, plain, ftcipeo, chequeteD, pamteO 02 ClaineD ?Linens, Bucferains 0? CanDas, fo as fuel) pecfon o; pecfons ftjall not at tl)etamc €une caccp o;{ expofe to :^ale anj) other dpooDS, OTaces, 02 :®erchanDi3es, except fuel) j?lax, Xotb, C^emp, jFlaxen- $>acn, l^empen^parn, Xicften, plain, fttipeD> checQuereD, painteD 0^ ftaineO ?Linens, juaucfecanis 02 OTant^as as afo?cfaiD» P2o\3iDcD alfo, anO be it €na(teD b^ the ^ut!)o;jitp afo.HfaiO, X!)at tl)is ^ft, 02 anp A P. Georgii Tertil Regis. 89 any> tl)inig: tbcrcm contameD, i1[)aU not ci^ch^ mil) to fubjett my pccfoti o;> l^erfons, iv 11)1)0 fl)aU tcucy an)) pots 0? (l!^a\, [0 as fuel) pecfon 0? petfons il)aU not at tl)e fame €ime catrp 03 expofe eo ^ale, anp otbcc cBooDS, QUares 0? ®ctcl)an:: O13CS, except tl)e faiD pots anO d^^iDOles, matie of caft ^ron ^etal p?o\)iDeD alfo, anD be it CnacteD hy t\)t S^ntY}02itv afo^efaiD, Xi)at it il)aU anD map be latbful to anD fo^ t^e Com- miffionecs of f^is j^ajeftp's iae\3eniie, 0^ anp ti);?ee 02 mo^e of ti)em, fo^ tl)e time being, to ojDec anD Diiect to be paiD out of tJ)e ©onies raifeD bp tl)is ^ct, to tl)c faiD ai:olle(to;js, tl)eic OllerHs, o; anp otJ)ec pccfons, fuel) :^ums of j®onep as tJ)ep 01 anv of tl)cm fl^all 0^ map reafonablp DcferVie fo? tf)eic :^ec\)ice, 0? il)all o;j map 5 :i j)at)c ^o Anno Regnl tcrtio cha p.i)ai)e expeut)cD in t\)z Execution of o? in ^J^ telation to t!)is ^ct> 1&2otiCicD alfo, anD be it f«rtj)ct Cnact^ eD bj5 tl)c ;autl)o;jitp afo^efaiD, £l)at tl)!6 ;^ct, o;? anjj tiding |)e^cm containeD, ftiaU not citenD 02 be tonftrucD to gil^e anp ^otbct fo^ Hitcnfinsr anj) l^atbUcc, l&eD:: lar, 0? ^5ett^'€l)apman, to fell o OTitp, 2i3o?ouig:l), STolbn Olo^jpo^ite, 0? ®arhct Xotbn, ttiitl)in tl)is Jaealm, an^ otl)ecH)ife than |)e o' be latbfnl to anD fo;j et)et)) ;?{rtl)bifl)op, 2i3iil)op, anD to anD fo;j zXttty> 3)ean, ;2(rcbt)eacon, Dijjnitat^, l&?e? benDat^, iaecto?, ^licar, anD CcclefiaQical pecfon tt)l)atfoe\3er, tbitb t\)c Confeut of t\)z ^rcl)biil)op 0? 2aift)ops of tj)eit refpet:; ti\)c ^lotcfe, fignifteD unDer tbe l^anD anD ^tiii of frul) ;^ccl)biilj)op anD Bifljop re- fpectiDclr, anD to anD fo^ c\)cr)? Perfon be^ incr fci3eD of an €ftatcfo? Hife m pofTcffioti of anp ^anD Vb\th gjmmcDiate Jaciuainr^et oDec Georgli Tertti Regis. pi oXitt to j)!Si ^ffne in Hail hp DeeD o^ c h a p. SDecDs, tefpectit^el^ to ijrant in poUMon iv. aofolutelp, 0? m j?ee=jFatm, in anp ^uan= '^'^^ tit)) of ILanD to t!)etu tefpectitJel;> beloit^:^ mcr, not exceecingr Ctbo :^cre$ l&lantation j®eafute, to the faiD 'Jnco;?po?ateD ^ocif- ty> anD t})etc ^uccello^?^ fo;j tut : ;3nD tj)at all (I52ant«3 To to be maDe, ft)all be 0OOD anD effectual agraiiift tbe :^ucce(ro;j!5, of etJetj) fuel) ;3rcl)bi(!)op, 2iBiil)op, Dean, ;^ctl)Dea' con, il^i0nitacp, ^^jcbenDat^, Jaecto^ W:: car, anD otl)tt €cclefiaOical l&ecfons te- fpectitel?; anD ajgramft all l^ecfons claims ing 02 to claim anp €Gate, iRij3:l)t, Hi- tile, 02 f nteteft in fuel) HanD, bp Hir= tue of 0^ unDec anp ^limitation laemam? Dec 0^ laetJEtrion, expectant upon fwcj) Cftate fo;? ILife. * a a AN A N ACT FOR DIfcharging without Fees Perfons who fliall be acquitted of Offences for wliich they are or fliall be indicted, and for making a Compenfation to Sheriffs, Coalers, Clerks of the Crown, and Clerks of the Peace, for flich Fees. Chap. V. ) DUBLIN: Printed by Boulter Grierson, Printer to tiie King's Moll Excellent Majefty. Mdcclxiv. (95) A N A C FOR Difchargiiig without Fees Perfons who (hall be acquitted of Offences for which they are or ihall be indid:ed, and for mak- ing a Compenfation to Sheriffs, Coalers, Clerks of the Crown, and Clerks of the Peace, for fiich Fees. CHAP. V. Wl»? € E €^ ^ te\)etal Action's tbDo cua p. are acciuitteo of tj)e Ctimes fo2 v. \\)\)\t\> tl)ep are iuDirteD, are ^^^^^^ from Xum to ^ime cotttmueD m tj>e fe^ \)etal CT'oalG of tly.^ liXtUj^Dotn, fo? not papmcr fticl) 5?ees as are due from tl)em to the ;^^eiiif, (©oaler, Clcrft of tS)e la U Crottoii, p5 Anno Rcgrii tertio ch AP.Ctolbtt, 'arurft of the ^eacc, JitS 02 tbm V. Deputies, Ibbicb j?ees man)' of tDem ate ' — ''"^ unable to Citfcl}arrrc : ;3uD ItDlvcteas fnch pcrfous hv contimiincr m Coal, not oiu Ip conttact l^aUitQ of ^Dlcucfs, but alfo fcom the baD CianiplcG tbcy meet \bitl) iu faiD (3oalS, fceqncntftp become Drflolutc auD abcinOoueD: 5ro2 5?'emeDj? Ihhcrcof, BC it vSruacteD \}y the HXincrs l39oft excellent j^ateft^ bp auD \biti) the Q[D\)ice anD Confeut of the llo^c.3 spiritual anD Temporal ant) Commons m tlMO v?^- [mt |5aoliament alTcittbleO, anD bp tDe ;^(itho?itv of the fame, srhat ftouv anD aftec the tiEthentj? fifth 3>ap of March Xbh^ch' il)all be m the ^^cat of £D;ir ?lo2D One thoufanD fe\)en htinO^eD anD futp foac, tt (Ijall anD map be lalhlul to anD fo? the fe\)eral (!5,MnD ^(jiines of the re\3etal Counties, anD OIonntiCG of Cities, anD Counties of Tothns lu thi-j lixing- Dom, anD at the uluaitec ^eflicns of the Count)) of Dublin, anD Coitntp of the Cttp of Dublin, if thCV lliall th'WlK proper to p?€fcnt on the refpecti\)c County, County of a Citp, 02 Countp of a "Colhn, ' ^- the Cu(^ou!acp anD Jlcgal jFces Due fiom anp \5erron 0} ^etfons afraiaft Uvoom anp ^I'l of 'JnDi(tment is founD, 02 \\)M be founD. anD Ihho il)aU be acqnineD at tloc A P. Georgii Tertii Regis. 07 the fcTiD fctjcral M'^^c^, aiiD £lnattct ^r c h . fioti^, or the €ri\m 0; Qit\VM^6 c[)ar0tD m ^^ fud) 5JiiC!Ctuuur. ^-'"^'^ pjo'yiticD alio, anCJ be it €«acteD bp tl)e ^intJ)o?!tp afo^efaiO, 5ri)at no f«cb p^ercmiiicnt il)aU fe maCc bp faiD fetjeral (!52aiit) gunc^j, fo^ tl)e fcc^' of anp ^ec? fo-i aqnittcD, mxldo ti)c 0ctt^ giiit;p bc^ fo^: IbDoni faiD pcifon iluiU be tr^eD, ftiall ccct!t> tmCcf t|)c l^auD of thut fo^cnivd to the (3muD fufp afo^cfaiD, at tl)e ^ime t\):v iljail rcinm tDeic «aer= tit to the oroiiit, ti)at fncJ) 13 a proper : £i)i:^^ct of tm x^cmfit of tm ELalib, anDi alfo tiulci'S faiD CS^iaD girjrirs be refpec- ti\):lM lufo^mcD of the ida^ttctUars auD Vol)ole ^tcoant of imb 5?ec 03 j?ee3, fo to be p?c;rent:r5 by Mit^tW, maOe bj> tj)e'. Oil cit of tbe Crotbu of in f I) Count)?, o^ Coriiuv of:a i^itj^, anD m ti)e Coimtp auD vionut'y Oi tJ)e €l!p of Dublin bj? t\)Z €Uf!t o^^tbe ^race of faiD OTonntp, 03 Comitp of v^itv, attiucr l^epat)? 02 De^ pnrfe-3, tl)U tlKit it luav m U\\hful to. auD fo? tbe TatD (B^anD juries to p?tfcnt faltJ frees a ^ afc^efaiD, tbi)icl) }&?efent^ utem5 the ^nOgco of -:j((ri3c, anD ^tifti^; ce'^ tjf the \^^ac€ of tte c^ionntp ann oiontt' tp'uf ti)e dtp 01 Dublin, iiiap confitut if' 223 b z tl)ep p8 Anno Rcgni rertio Chap, tbcjj Hjall tl)inft p^opcr, nnD foall app^e^ V. ^eiiD that t\)t fvetfons acquimD ace ^-'■^'^ p?opcc Qujccte; of tl)e 2i3cnc6t cftl)is Halb, auD tl)at iinmcDiatdp after faiD p^cfcn^ ment a)all be conftnutD by tl)e iJUDges 0^ f Tiftices of the p^cacc refpcctitjel^, fuel) ^;jifonec 07 p^ifouers, in lbl)ore j?a\)onc tUv iliall i)a\)e been maDe, fl)aU fo;tl)l«3Jtb be Difcbargeb, anD that no ^raticrCc to futb p^cfcutmcnts ftjall be receiUeo op t\>z dToHtts. ;5fnD be it iutt\)tt CnacteD by t\)t ^u- tl)o;>itp afo^efaiD, Xhat from anD af«cc t^e irtJbetltp filth 2Dar of March, X^hul) (^all be in tl)e pear of Out ELo^D One thoufanD feljen l)unD;cD anD dxty four, €:i)at no jTee 0,' jfees, ^um 02 ^mw^ of ®one)', (liaU be CcmanreD o> tcceit)eD from anp pcrfon 0^ perfono tbI)o 10 0^ il)aU Ce mCictcD, anD Ibho il)aU be acci^nt- teD of tbe OTrime 0? Crimes ciiattreD m fuel) ^JnCiictments, at tJ)e (General ^uar= tec :^elTions of the peace to be helt) fo? anp Count)?, 02 Count)? of Cit)>, 0; Countp of a ITolbn iJ)^oucrl)out tbis Bing= t)om, t!)c OTountv of Dublin, anD Countp of tJ)e Cit)) of Dublin cicej:tcD as afo;efaiD, but fucb t^?i(otiec o> |c\>f' fonecs fonbtbith on I)i5 0; tijeir ;5cquittal Georgii TertiiR egis , go tliall Ibe Ciifcl)ari9[CD tbitl)out J?ee0; auD ifcHAP. any ^!)enff, cBoaler, 02 Cletft of tj)e ^ ¥>eace, biS o;> their SDepntr, 0? SDeptities, 02 anj) otjjec l&ecfou ItibatroeVier, il)aU af^ tec tt)e faiD Xtbentv ftftJ) 3>ap of March, lD{)icl) ft)aU be in tY)t feat of C>«c Eo^ti C>ne tl)oufauD fc\)eu |)nnD?eD auD futp four, reccitje, otcafton ttibatfoeljcr ex= to?t from anp p;?ifoner 0? |D;?ifoncr6 unDer l)is OTare, my 5Pee 0? fees, :^ttm 0? :^utu$ of ^one^, otJ)er tl)an fuel) a0 are tbarrautcD bp ?tatb, e\)cr;) fuel) l&erfon fo offending, A)aU, fo;j e\)£rp fuel) :C>flFettte, fo tl)e Eing, l^ts i^eirs anD ^ueteffo^s, anD tl)e otber j®oietp to l)uu o;j tl)em tl)at rtiall 0;? tbiU fue fo? the fame in anp of i^lS ^ajeftp'S Four Courts in Dub- lin, b^ I3!ll, i&lamt, 0; 5nfo;?mat!on, in ttjj)ie6 no ClToin, OTagcr of Halt), 0? |&?otection, 0? tno^a tl)an one 3»^parlanee ft)aU be alloDbcD: 15, o l^ecfons, tbj)o iljall !)ate been tcpeD anO acquiteo before tl)ctti, atiD tbl)om tDcp il)all tl)!nl^ unttioap of March, U)l)itl) iljall be in tbe peat of ilPut iLo;?D C>ne tl)onfanD k\)cti SunD;?eD anD futj) four, fo? tl)e fc\)eral <5;?anD juries of t!)e fetjeral Counties, anD Counties of Cities, anD Counties of XolDns of tDiS BmgDom, at tbe .3ffi3eS l)elD fo? tl)e fet)eral Counties, anD Counties of Cities, anD Counties of Xolbns iinmeDiatelp next foUolbmig- the <]5enetal Quarter j^effions of tl)e peace, at tbl)ic)) fuel) VLtyM ft)all be l)aD, to p^efcnt a ^um not eiceeDing tl)e ^uiu of Cen pounDS, if It be a Count? at Harare; no^ GeDrgii Tertii Regis. loi no^ exceeDing: t!)e §>mn of ft\)t ponnm, c h a p. if It be a €ount}> of a €it)> o; €ountv of '^• Xotbn, to hz p?opo?ttoneD bp tl)e tefpec= ''^ ' ttU (B^anD SJuries of faiD OTountm to ti)e ^unibct of l&erfons t)ifcJ)arig:eD as a^ fo^efaiD at tl)c ^effions tbitl)out jTce0, of tbbicl) tl)e faiD (Bfficets l)etein befo2e mcntioneD, in tl)e p^(?opo;jtiou in fibbic?) tj)ep i)ecetofo;>e OooD mtitleo to fuel) j?ee0. l^joViiDeD altbajJS, anD be it €nacteD hv rJ)e ^titl)o?itp afo^efaiD, Xbat tljis :^ct, 0? anp ^Wng contameD J)erein, il)aU not citenD to, o; be conGtueD m fuel) ®annec as to Dep;?it)e tl)e SluDgeS o? Sfuf- tices of tl)e peace of anp potbec tj)at tl;e)) l)at)e bp tj)e ilatbs notb in being, of committing o? keeping m con^nement any petfon tb^o il)aU be fo conftneD as a- fo^efaiD* p?ot)iDcD alfo, anD be it fuctbec €nacteD bV tl)e 9iutho2ity afo?efaiD, tiDat it (^m not be ILalbful fo;? anp (B^mt 3^^V, ^}> \)ittue of t!)is .<{(t, 0^ anp tl)ing !)erem C c 2 contameD, 102 Anno Regnl tertlo containet), to raifc, o;j p^cfent to le rai feD, at my> one ^iri5e5 fo? the l^iuDofes afo;>etait), my :^uin of i©onc):>, cicceD- ing in a Qlonnty at Harije, tJ)e :$>um of Xtbentp l&otutue;, no;? m a Olountj? of a OTit^, o;j OTonntj) of a tZEotbn, Xcn pounDs, ciccptinjgr onl^ tl)e Cotintp of Cork, the cl5?anD ^utj) of tbhtch uia)? raife, o^ p;?e^ fcnt to be raifeD fo;j t\)Z l^utpofes herein mentionet), anj? :^tttu o;? ^ums of ®onep, not exteetJing in the thl)ole the :$um of tihittj) l&ounDS at my one -^(ri$e6; anp Xhitig l)erein containeD to tl)6 contrary ttotO)itl)QanDin^, A N A N Chap, VI. ACT FOR Continuing and amending an Acft, tntitiiled, an Adt for making the River La- gan Navigable and opening a Pallage by Water between Loiighjieagh and the Town of Belfaft in the County of Antrim. DUBLIN: Printed by Boulter Grierson, Printer to the King's Moft Excellent Majefty. Mdcclxiv. { 105) A N ACT FOR Continuing and Amending an AS:, intituled, an Ad: for making the River Lagan Navigable, and opening a Paflage by Water betw^een Loughneagh and the Town of Belfaft in the County of Antrim, CHAP. VI, XTTT'l^Ciae;^^ bp an ;^(t paireDc \I/ m tj)e srtbentp feDentl) $>eac of vi ▼ ▼ tt)e iaeis:ti of i^is late ;®a= jeftj) Bing: George t[)e ^cconD of (15lo;?iou5 ;®eino 2 pofition0, HAP, io6 Anno Regni tertio c H A K poCtionS Xhztt ijcantet) to €f is fciiD VI- Ute ;®4i£a)) iSUnjj Geoi:gc tl)e j^cconD, ^""'''^ fo? tbe ^fe of tl)c OIo^poMtioit foj p^o- tnotiriff anD Cattyinigr on an 3i«l^«^ ^at}igation in Ireland, to be bp tl)eiu laiO out anD etpenDeD in maftinsr tl)e iRiliet Lagan ^at)iSfaWe, anD opening a ^^affage tV Qisaatet bettbeeft loughneagh aftD tBe HoUin of BelEiil: mtllCCountp of Antrim: ^nD tbbeteas tj)e faiD <^ct is to expire on tl)e CtbentJ) tiftj) SPaj? of December £)nc t^oufanD fcben |)Mnt)?eD anD fixt)? font: ^nD tt)j)etea6 a great iPamibet of pcrfons liable b^ tl)e faiD ;act, to tl)e |^.i anient of tl)e faiD Duties (tbat istofap) the fn? j)abitants of part of tl)e d^atijjets^il^alfts of Belfaft, Lifburric, Moyra anD Hllllborough, tbitbin tl)e DiQrict of Lifbmne; ate XMU inganD Defirous tl)at t5)e fame i^allbccon^ tinueD in o;jDer to cartp on anD accom:= Dlifl) tDe faiD jRa^igation ; mt it €nacteO bj) tl)e Bing'S inoft excellent ^ajcGp, hV anD tbitl) tbe Zt\)iu anD Confcnt of t()e ILoiD^ Spiritual anD Xempo;?al anD Commons in t!)is p^efent l^a^liamcnt ;^f- fembleD, anD hy tj)e ^utl)o;?itp of tl)e fame, tbat tl)e fe\)etal anD refpectibe l>tttics anD gjmpofitions, in anD bp tbe faiD ^ct granteD to t^is ©ajcftp, o? c!)atgeable in tl)e ©annet t^ecem mentioneD, from t\)z Xlbcntp Georgii Tertii Regis. 107 Cl\)ent>i Sftl) 2Paj? of December €)ne tl)Ott' Chap. faiiD fctieu l)!mD^eD ant) tift^ tb;ee, to tbe ^i. '^IWcnty Uft\) ^a)? of December €>l\Z tj)0tt' ^"'^^'^ fanO fetJCtt OmiCijeD anD Grtp fouc, be fnt^ t\)ii frianteo, continued, raifeO, coUecteD, llc:o)^et), anD paiD unto J^is ®ajeftp, i^is f^c!i-9 anD :^ncceiro?0, fo? jl^me peats froril the irroent^ gftj) Daj? of December iPnc €J)onfanD feben J)nnD?eD anD fiitp four, to t|)e irtbCntp fiftl) 2r>aj? of Decem- ber £)ne tboufanD fetjen |)tmD;?eD ano Ce\3Ciitp tl)?ee, anD no longet, in anD tteo?icrI)ont fuel) l&atts of tl)e cBaugrerS^ MalftS of Belfaft, Lisburne, Moyra anD Hillf- borongh, thlthitl t\)t faiD MQxict Of Lif- bmne, as ate not l&att anD l&atcel of tl)e j®anno?^ of Hillfborough, Kilwarlin, Caftle- reagh, anD siatneals ', t^z fame to be taifeD anD appl^cD to anD fo;j tf)e Hfe of tl)e Cor- poration fo? promoting: anD catt^injg- on an fnlanD jHa\3rs:ation in Ireland, m o;?Det to actompliil) t^e faiD iRatJiijation, anD to be paiD in tbe fame j(©annet, anD tbitft t!)e iifee potbcts, ^&?ot)ifoe0, anD Claufes, m tbe faiD ;^ct contameD, except fucjb Al- terations anD ;^menDuients as ate Y^ztZi^ after mentioneD. .:3nD be it CnacteD b^ t!)e liutf^o^itp afo2efaiD, €l)at in cafe anp 2aeer, ;3le, a- C C quavitJe, io8 Anno Regnl tertio c H A p. quavitse, ^troug Ol^atcts, o? ^piritS, fo^ VI- ib^icl) t\)t fdiD ^clDdittonal E>mie5 02 'Jtti- --■''--' poCitious il)aU o' tl)e fame to t()e totnmon 2i3;>ell)cr, Bictuallcr, 0;? Di^ ftiUet, of fuel) 2i5cec, 2lle, 0? :^p!rit6 ; Pio. tjiDcD altba^'S, tl)at l)cfo;>e fucb iacpa^^ ment be inatic, tl)c faiD ii5;?elbcr, Bictualler, 0? 3>iftiUet, Co p;?ot)ute to tl)c OiTollccto? a Certificate uiiOet tbe l^anD of tht (Saugec of tl)e ^Kiflalfe, in tbhicl) fuel) 2i5;?etDec, TOctuallec, o; 3)iaiUct refidcQ; Ibat l)e tl)e faiD (I5augec, l)aD p?ct)ious Notice of fuel) Beer, ;aic, anD Spirits, bemgr to be eipo^tcD, o) fcnt out of tbe ^alh, expi^effmg the iCmie of bi^ teecit)^ tng fuel) iHottee anD liuantitj? fo to be eipo^teD 0? Cent, anD tbe po;?t o^? plaee to tbbiel) tl)e faiD 2i5ecr, ;aic, anD Spirits, are to be cipo;jteD 02 Cent, anD t\)c piaee of ;5lboDe anD iRaiue of tl)e pcrfon to tbboin, anD alfo tbc €imc li)l)en, t!)cp tt)ete intenDeD to be fo cxpo^teD 0^ fent, anD Georgii Tertil Regis. 109 anU atfo nialtc Datb before tbe CoUecto^c hap. tbl)o IS bcccbp impotbcrcD to acmimaec ^^ tl)e faiD £)atl), tl)at ti)c faiD aaeec, ;aie,'^^^^^ ant) ^^pitits, l)a\3e been rcallj) atiD bona fide expo;?teD, 02 caccjcD otit of t^e faiD ^alh, confo;?niable to fuel) Notice, anD tl)at J)e tjcrilp belietjcs that tl)ej) l)at3e not been, auD are noc intenDeD to be, b?ougl)t barh into anp of tJ)e faiD (MalftS to; Con- fmuption. Zixh be it €nacteD bj> tj)e ;^utDo?itj' afo?cfaiD, tibat tWs ;:a(t i^all be aD- jiiDijcD, DcemeD, anD tafteii as a publicft ;^ct, auD i^all be jiiDiciallj' taften i^o- tice of as fuel) bp all f tiDgeS, ^uGiceS, anD otl)ec ^^etfons tt)l)atfoet)et, U)itl)ottt fpctfaUj? pleaDingr t!)e fame. :3nD be it futtl)cc CnacteD bj> tl)e Zw^ t\)02\ty afo^efatD, Xj)at tl)!S Zct il)aU con- tmuc anD be in j?o^ce fo? ^ine peats, from tbe Xtbent^ fitj) l>ap of December £)uc XboufanD fe\)en l)WttD;?eD anD fittp four, to t\)t Ctbentj) Sftl) Da^ of Dcccm- >iei £)nc t^oufanD fetjen l)unD;?eD anD fe- \3entp t\)ia, anD no longer* l&?o\3iDeD altba^s, anD be it CnacteD bj> tl)e S(utl)o2!t>> afo?efaiD, €!)at if at anj> € e 2 %imz no Anno Regni tertio, ci^r. Chap. XttHC DtitiniT t\)c €oi\tmnmtt of tins ^ct, VI- tl)c Olo^po^attou fo2 catrpmg on an 3l"laiiD ' — ''^^ 5l^aV)igatiuu m Ireland il)otilD l)at)c paiD off all i^imis of ;®one)), Ibljicl) thtv »^ap ba\)e lio2?oltieD fo^ tl)e better cattj^incr on tl)e faiD fliatJig-atton, auD fljoulD be cettiS= CD tl)at t!)e faiD ^a\)igation betltiecn Bel- t'aft ano Loughneagh is compleatcD atiD ttnift)EC), tben antJ in tl)at Cafe, upon Notice gitjen bj) tl)e faiD €0(?po;jation, to tDe €oUecto t\)t Ii^lug0 ^^^- ®oa €icellent j©ateap, by anD U)itl) tl)e ""^^^^ ^Dt)ice anD OTonfcut of tl)c ?lo.?D9 ^pi^ ritual aiiD Xcmpo^al aiiO Comtuous m tl)i6 p^jefent p>atliainent afTcnibleD, anD bp tl)e S(titbo;?!tp of tJ)c fame, €l)at from anD aftec tj)e tjrtbcntj) foiutJ) iTap of June ^ne tboiifanD feVien l)tinD^cD auD fixtj) font no p(?cfcnttnent, eiccpt j&?crcnt; tncnt«$ fO(? 2a?eaD fo? |&;?ifoners, o^ fo2 tl)c Jaepai?ingo? ^trcng:tJ)cninir (I5oalo, anD fo2 Bolts 0^ :^l)acUles, :$:>tocft0, OT^ippingr l&ofts, SDuthtng j^tools, anD i£'illo;jics, anD alfo exceptinigr p?efentmcnt$ fo^ conDcj?:: ingr of \5etfons accitfcD fo2 anp ^ccafon 03 5felonr, to t!)c OTountj) ci5oal, putfuant to an ^ct of pacliament inaDe in tbis i^ing:^ Dotn, in tbe ^ctjenteentj) peat of l^is late j®aje(lp IBiinff George tbc ^cconD, ft)aU \)e conftrtueD, unlefs ^e\)cn 3>a^!$ Notice (Diftinginil)in9: t\)min tht iBaronp to be CbatijcD bp fucb p^efentincnt if to be a Baton? ar!)arge at lead) thereof i^all be gi\)en to the Xreafurer of t\)c Countp p;jeV)ious to tl)e affises;, in Ibbicb ^pplt^ cation ft)all be maDe fo^ fucb |5;jefentment, anD tbbicb Notice fl)aU be gitjen in OTrit^ ing anD poftcD up bj? tbe faiD Xrcafurcr, 01 in Olafe of biS being DifablcD by> :^icltncf5 01 ;^brence, bp fucb l&erfon ao he il^all ap^ point Geomii Tertli Rems. ir> gis. 115 poiitt to petfo^m ti)c fame on the SDoo^chap. of tj)e €otxtxvp s^ouct 4)0!ife, j?otic S^aj'S v" before tS)e faiD ;:^a'i3C£., auD m tj)e g^aiiD '■^^''^ gnrjj-room, on tl)e JFitft Dav of tl)e faiD ^Cfi3C5, of all U)l)tc^ tlje fatD Xreafurec, 0^ fac!) p>erfon as he fljall in Cafe of ^ichucfs o, as the Cafe il)all happen, is hetebp tequiteD to tCvUD the fame publicl^ljj in open Cottct, on the ^econD l>aj> of the ^CfiBes before anp othtt 2i3ttnnefs ts p^oceedeD on, anD ft)all at the laecjueft of anj) fuftice of the ^eace fo;j the faiD Countj? During the acff^es DeliUec unto fuch fuftice, thhen he (hall recjuire the fatuc, 0? U)ith all con- (B gr \)tnmt ii6 Anno Regni tertio Chap. Detticut §>T^tct aftziXoatm, a faic antJ ^- tttie itlift tit OTntms" of all fuel) Notices, ''^'■"^fiich ^wftice pa^vAg unto l^iiu a Biitlfli :^!xptnce anti no niojc fo2 l)i5 tirtou- We. ZtiX> be It fttt:tl)et CuactcD bp tJ)c ;3u^ tDo;}it5) afo;?efaitJ, €l)at m cafe fuel) Xtea- fater, o^ if l)c lljaU be ficli, fuel) petfon as \)z ft)all appoint, il)aU omit o? neglect to C)o o;? pecfo;?m lb6at is |)ccein before tequircO of l)ttu o? e!tj)et of tbcm, tben tt)e faiD Xreafurer ft)aU fo;? e\3crp ftul) £Dffence fo;?fcit tl)e :$mn of VLm pounDS, ant) m cafe tl)e Clerft of t{)e €rotbn, 0^ l)i!5 2^ej)utj> in cafe of j)is abfence, upon tecettJing from t\)c titeaftitec tbe faiD Hift of all fuel) ^otrces as afo;?efait), ft)aU omit o;{ neglect to Oo anD pecfo2m tbl)at ts l)ece!n before reQiuceO of l)im, 0? ettl)et of tDem; t!)en tl)at t!)e faiD Cletft of tl)e €totbn (l^all fo;? etcrj) fuel) £Dffence forfeit t\)z lifte ^um of STen 5(nD be It futtl)ec €nactet) bv ^^^ ^u^ tl)o;5!tj) afo^efaiD, Xbat tl)e fait) jFo^ feituces (l)all be reeoViereD in a fummatj? U)ap bj) OTitJil 23ill by anj) pcrfon o? pet;: fonS n)l)o fl)aU ecft fue fo2 tl)c fame at tl)e Georgii Tertli Regis. 117 m next (general ^(Toes; fo? t!)e faiDcHA Cotintp. VII l& to tl)t Countt) of Dublin. H A p. Gg 2 AN If A N ACT FOR Amending an Adl intituled, an Acfl to explain and amend an A6t palled in the Sixth Year of the Reign of His late Majefty King George the Fii^lt, intituled, an Aiht for the better regulating the Parifli Watches and amending the Highways in this Kingdom, and for preventing the Mifapplication of Publick Money. DUBLIN.- Printed by Boui.ter Grierson Printer to the King's Moft Excellent Majefty. Mdcclxiv. Chap VIII. ( «2« ) A N A d t FOR Amending an AS: mtitukd, an Aft to explain and ammend an A6t pafled in the Sixth Year of the Reign of His late Majefly King George the Firft, intituled, an A6t for the better regulating the Parifh Watches, and a- m ending the Higliways in this Kingdom, and for preventing the Mifapplication of Piiblick Money. CHAP. VIIL K^Ciac;^!^ l&;o\)ifioii Das beeu^Vr/' tnat)c li>> tl)e faiD :5(ct fo;j nmftmgo-yv^ ?l\oaCi5 from one it©arftet Cotbit to ano^ tr^ci: m Oftect HineS; Zr\ry tb^eteas t[)e faiD 122 Anno kegni tertlo c H A p. :^ct tioes not extcnD to the (JTotnit)? of VIII. Dublin, as t\)ttc are no 5ilTi3C3 t)clD fo^ tbe ^^^^faiD CountP; ^nt Ibbereas it is reafonable tj)at t\>z faib Count)) l|)oulD l)aV)e tht Benefit of tl)e laitJ \&;ot3irionei, as lioeU as anp ctDec Countj): jpoi t!)!)itl) purpoi'e, 25e it enacted bp tj)e ftmgr's inoft Cxrellcnt <®ajeft^, bp anO ^tbrtl) t!)e ;at)^fce a«D OTonfent of t!)e ^lo^ds j^pttitual anD t!Eempo;?al anD Commons in tl)is p^efent l&atliament affemtjleo, ant) bp t\)t 2iut[)o= ?itp of tbe fame, CJ)at from anD aftet t!)e '5FitG SDap of May :^ne tboufanD fe^^ ten i)UttD^eD anD (ixtp four, it {|)aU anD map be latbful to anD fo? tj)e (l52anD 3utp of tl)e Countp of Dublin, m Hillaiy anD Trinity Terms m z\>ttp pear, to mafee fuc6 p^efentments fo;j ^ctb moaDs, as tbe cI5;janD ^iitic^ of otl)et Counties arc im^ potbereD to Do bp tj)e faiD ;5(t, fubtect net)ertl)elefs to fucb Craberfes as m the (aiD ;^ct IS mentioneD. ;XnD be it CnacteD bp tbe ^ut!)o^iti) afo^efaiD, €:j)at from anD after tht j?irft 2>ap of May ^nz tl)ouranD fcben l)imD^cD .1 A anD atty four, it (]^aU anD map be latb? .1" fttl to anD fo? tl)e d^^janD furp of anp - ^^ Countp at tl)e ^ff^es, anD fo;? t!)e CB^mD 3lutp of tlje Countp of Dublin m tbe faiD tttctms. Georgii Tertti Reglso 123 %tm\ID moat), it il)aU be latbful fo? fuel) pec^ fon to tca\)etfe fuel) p^efentment at tl)e next ;X(It3c6, 0^ at tbe :$eeonD ^fC3eS after, 02 if in tDe County of Dublin, m tl)e next Herm 0^ tbe :s^eeonD Xecm af- tec fuel) P(?cfentment G)aU be maiDe, anD fuch XraUerfe il)aU be tneDbp a Jut)?; anD in ea[e fuel) p^efentment i^all not be tta- \}erfet), 0^, if trat)ecfet), a BecDia il)aU be fornit) fo^ tJ)e i5 pctfou can be intitleD ' ^ ' to a l^^emium fo? btmsfiujgr Co^n o^ jFlouc m ft to 1 28 Anno Regni tertio c H A p. to the Citr of Dublin, li)l)ere tJX' lilacs ^^- fcotn tbl)cucc the fame 15 D3on5fl:)t i5 not '^'"'^^ fcill jFiVe ®eIc3 Ciftaut from tbe €irp of Dublin, oV)et: anD aDot}e Xa\ :®ilev; ant) aUo tblxtDer i^eacl 2i3acltv tie intitlcD to any la^mfrun miDcc cl)e fatO ^ctG: 5?o2 tbecemo\)mgr of Ibbicb Doubt??, be it <:£u- artct) D)J tl)c Emcr 5 ®oa excellent i^ga- jeftp, b}? atiD Itiitb tbe ^DDice auD €on- fcnt of tl)e ?Lo;?Cj3 :^piritnal anD ircin- poMl anD Conmions in tlMS p^efcnt pau Ijaiuent ^aCTetnblcD, nntJ t}> tl)c ;autl)o?itp of tl)e fame, €:i)at from anD after tbe jlirft SDajj of June One tl)oufanD fe\3en bnnr^tO anD firtj) four, t\)n cWy |5erfon intitleu to receive anj> of tl)e I5>of Dublin, l^all be intitleD to tbe Itfte |&^cmmm, a^ io} ®ault, upon performing tbe feberal Wit^ quiOtes in t!)e faiD <^ct mcntioneD. ^nD be it fttrtl)et €nacteD by tJ)e ;3fn= t\)o;ity> afo;efaiD, Cbat from anD after tbe faiD jFirft Dap of June One tl)o«ranD feben Georgii TertilR egis , 1 30 fc\)eii l)uiiiD^cD aiiD fixtjp four, no \btttoti crap. (l)aU be mtitleD to reccitje anp p>^emium }^; gcanteD bp tl)is 02 tl)e fo?mec Stcts fo;j ^^ b?fnirmg of €o;?u, jFlouc, j®alt, 0^ |5eacl Barlep to Dublm, uuleCs tl)e ^tbnec tl)ete' of, 0^ fotne pctfoit emplo^'cD b^ J)tm 0? l)cc to tafte cate of tJ)e fame tbbere it grctb 0^ ltia3 maDe, Do, before tY>z fame is b^origbt to Dublin, tnaHe fuel) ^ffiDatJit befoK a f«Gice of t|)e ^eace of tj)e Coun= tj) from tb^etice it is to be b^owj9rl)t, anO obtain fuel) Cettiftcate aS is requiteD bp tOe former :3cts, anD i^all ftbeac be- fore fucb S)tiftice, tl)at ueitbec l)e, no^ any otOer petfon, to !)is »Uef, Das teceitjeo anp |6;>emium fo; tl)e lame, 0;? maDe aup ^^ffiDaUit but t!)e p^efettt, to intitle j)im to a }^?emium to tl)e fame* A N M A A N A C T FOR The more efFet^ial carrying into Execution an A6t, ifitHnled, an Aft for the Relief of the Cre- ditors of the Bank lately kept by 'Jolm TVillcocks and John Dau'Jon, and of the Creditors of the Bank late- ly kept by Jofeph Fade and John Willcocks, and of the Creditors of the Bank lately kept hy Jofeph Fade, Jfacbar Willcocks and John Willcocks, and of the Cre- ditors of the Bank lately kept by Jofeph Fade ; And for raifing out of the Eflates Real and Perfonal of Richard Brewer, late the Cafli-Keeper of the faid John Willcocks and John Davjfon, the Sum due by the faid Richard Brewer to the faid John TVillcocks and John DawJ'on. DUBLIN: Printed by Boulter Grierson, Printer to the King's Molt Excellent Majefty. Mdcclxiv. ( i33) A N ACT FOR The more effectual carrying into Execution an Aft, hititu.* led, an a6t for the Relief of the Creditors of the Bank lately kept by Jolm Willcocks and John Darvfon, and ot the Creditors of the Bank lately kept by Jofepb Fade and John Willcocksy and of the Creditors of the Bank lately kept by Jojeph Fade, Jfachar Willcocks and John Willcocks, and of the Creditors of the Bank lately kept b}^ Jofcph Fade ; And for raifing out of the Eftates Real and Perfonal of Richard Brewer^ late the Cafh- Keeper of the faid John Willcocks and John "Daivfrny the Sum due by the laid Richard Brewer to the faid John Willcocks and John Daiufon. CHAP. X. W i&acliament made m tWs HmjjCiom xw x. t\)Z Xtbstitp nitxtl) peac of tj)e Jaeigu of l^is" '"^^ late ® aieftp Eing George tbe ^ecouD, mtitti^ It X leD, Anno Regni t^rtio • led, an Ad for the Relief of the Creditors of the Bank lately kept by John fVlllcoch and John Daw/on, and of the Creditors of the Bank lately, kept by Jofeph Fade and John inilcocks, and of the Creditors of the Bank lately kept by Jofeph Fade, Ifachar JFillcocks and John JVillcocks, and of the Creditors of the Bank lately kept by Jo- feph Fade, and for railing out of the Eftates Real and Per{bnal of Richard Brewer, late the Cafli-keeper of the iaid John JViUcocks and John Daw fen, the Sum due by the (aid Richard Brewer to the faid John JFillcocks and John Daxufeon ; Mi- chael Chamberlain, Jofeph Green, Thomas Read, ailD Matthew Weld, CfquiCeS, Charles Howi- fbn, Robert Montgomci7, atlD Ellis Price, j®et' cDants, o? anp tb?ce o;» tno?e of tl)em, o} of t^e :$)tic\)i\)o;js of tj)em, tbere tl)erebp appotnteD Commiffionets to J)eat atiD t)e=: tetmme tbc fetjcral Claiiiis, anD to fettle attD aDjaft tl)e federal Accounts tdatinsr t^iereto, o? cottcccninjj tbe fame, anD to tnafte int\) €)^t)cc!3, ^DjuDicationS, anD SDetetminations, as t^t^ tbete t{)etein af^ tct :^tttl)o?i3cD anD ^ImpotbeceD to niafte, (oncecningr tbe €ftates t^efteD in tl)e ;3f^ fignecs tberem after appomteD : ;^nDtbj)ere' as m anD hy^ tl)e faiD ^ct, it tbas amoncrft otl)ec i:j)in0S CnacteD, tl)at tl^e faiD John Wiilcocks anD John Dawfon, ft)0lllD refpec= U\)tiV on 0? before t})e JFltft SDay of De- cember Georgii Teitii Regis. 135 ltft)> fix, MiSyct 111 upon ^atl), 0^ bemgr ^_^ of t\)t people callet) Qiiaker^, upon Solemn "-^"^ :^ifiaiu^tion, to tl)c faiD Cominiffiouecs, 0? anp %'mz o; ino;c of t|)em, a mie, exact; auD pa^"It^lac Zttount of tDcit refpectttje €ftat:3, illcal ant) |5erronal tl)erebt) tJefteD, 02 lutcuDeD to be tjeftet), in tJ)e faib ^^ffig^ ItceS, Xh))it\) ti)ep ti)C faiD John Willcocks anO John Dawfbn, o^ Ibilfttl €onceal= utent 0? £)ini(rioii, tbe ncceCTacj) tbearinflr apparel of tl)e faiD John Willcocks anD John Dawibn onl)^ CKepteD, anD tj)at tl^e faiD John Willcocks anD John Dawfbn lt)OuiD re[pect{\3:I)\ upon jHotice to tDcm refpctibe^ Ip grilJcu bj) t\)c faiD (EomuiiCf!onec0, 01 an^ €Ll)2ee 0;? iuo2e of tl)ein, U)itl)in STett W^y^ alter fuel) Notice fetUeD. DelilJet tin- to tbe faiD cjrontniiirioner'5, 0? anp €^^ee 0^ tuo^c of tbem, all ®o;tgages, 2aill0, 2i5ouD9, ^otc0, anD ^ec«titie0, tb!)icft be> loufieD to tbe faiD 2©anfee», 0^ an^ o^ ei^ tl)Cr of tl)em, 0^ to tbe faiD John Willcocks auD John Dawfbn in tWt cefpectitJC Jaii9"j)t0, ® nx mtf 156 Anno Regni tertio Chap. aUD all 2l500ft6 Of ;^CC0HUt9! Itl t\)tit aTuftoDp X- 0^ ^otbec tefpeai\)el^, aiuD tl>n it rtioiilo ' — ^ ' be lalbful to atiD fo;? tl)e fatD aToinnuf^ fiotiecs, 0; anv '^!)?ee 0? nio;?c of tDnu, to examine from Xime to €iinc, anD as often as t\)tv il)oulD fee €)ccafion, the faiD John Willcocks anl) John Dawfon upon Qat\)i , 02 folemn ^fifirmation, toncernincr tl)c rcf= peetit)e €Gates, iaeal anD perfonal, by tU faiD -^ct V)efteD, 0? intenDeD to be \)efteD in t^e faiD :3ffignees, anD tbat upon tl)e faiD John Willcocks anD John Dawfon, tefpcaitje- tp Delitjetmjgr 0? jjitnng in fuel) ;acconnt as afo^efaiD to t\)t Satisfaction of tbe faiD CommifTioners, 0;? anp Xl)tce(ttons of tbe faiD ^ct of l&atliament, anD fuel) of tl)eiU, t!)C faiD John Willcocks anD John Daw^ fon, Ibbo i^oulD fo confo;jm a«5 afo^efaiD, anD tl)at fucb of tl)em, tf)e faiD John Will- cocks anD Jolin Dawfon, tbbo l^OUlD ob= tarn fuel) Cectiicate of hut) Confo?mitj> as afo^efaiD, anD all fticb €Qate as tl)e ^ecfou 02 P^etfons obtainmjj fuel) Cettifi[< cate, ft)oulD anp tbap i)a\3e, p>ttt£j)are, 0? acviuire after tfec obtaining ftul) Certificate, ft)oulD be abfoliitelp freeD anD Difcl)ar5reD - of anD from all ^nm anD ^nms of ^©0- nc>> Due anD olljiug: to anp l^erfon tbl)at^ Coctjct: ;5nD UjhereaS in anD by tbe faiD 9i(t of idartiaiuent, all anD fmgulat t^e :®ano^3, llanDS, Xenements, anD ^tz- Ditamenrs, ments, Jaeterfions, Jaetnaitt:^ Ders, Bfes, anD 3E:tua0, tb!)!c!) t|)e fatD Jofcph Fade tDas att rl)e tiittie of Dis Deatl) feiBcD of, 02 intitlcD nnto in jfee ^impk, ftz Xatl, o;? fo? Hife 0? 2li\)e2i, either i4i ® m ? ItaW), i^S Anno Rcgnl tertio Chap. Hatt), 0? ^Qtutj?, atiD all Wihf^j Ibfcicf) X. i)aD not tt)etctofo^e htm bona fide paiD o> ^^'"'"^ DifchatcreD, aun Ibcie t\>:n tm to \)\ni 02 tbl)icl) 1)e tbas intitleD tnito, auD Iihclbifc all otDet tl)e €ftate, iaeal ano |5erfonal, tbi)iCl) tj)e fait) Jofeph Fade ticD fci3CD, poffeiTctJ of, 02 interefteD 111, c^ mtitlcD unto, except fuel) :^um o? :^um'3 of £©0- nep as ^at) before tl)e ^mie of tbe paf- fingr tl)e faiD ;^(t been ceallp ano bona fide applieo to tl)e l&a^iuent of l)i3 2Dcbt3 01 Itegacies, anD fuel) p^att of l)is pccfo:: nal €ftate as baD been bona fide, anD foj t)aluable dTonftteration folt), anD alfo all tDe ©ano^s, HanDS, Xeucinents, anD i^ereDitaments, iUcnts, mcucrfions, memainDers, mfes, anD tjituas, MM) t!)e faiD John Willcocks anD John Dawlbn, 0^ ei^ t^et of tl)em, tbere upon t\)t x\)itt SDap of March One tl)oufanD fcVien l^culD^"D anD eftp fibe, 0? fjnce fei3eD of, 02 intit^ leD unto, in jTee :^imple, 02 j?ee tiiail, 0? fo;j Hife 0? Hitjes, citbcc in Ealb o;j OTquitjj, anD alfo all JDebts lbl)icl) baD not been tl)et:etofo;e reallj) anD bona fide paiD 02 DifcbatgeD, anD tbere tl)en Due to rDcnr, 02 either of t\)tm, as pactnets tbitb eacl) otl)ec, o;j to tDe faiD John willcocks, as ^attner tbltl) tbe faiD Jofeph Fade anD Ila- chaf Willcocks, 02 to tl)e fatD John Willcocks, as Georgii Tertil Regis. lOp as l&artuec Itiitl) tj)e faiD jofeph Fade, anti c h a p. otl)ecU)ife, all otbec t|)e €ftatc, meal auD ^■ l&etfonal, of tbbicl) tl)e faiD John vvilkocks '^^'^^ aUD John Dawlbn, 0^ tit\)tt of tbcill, JJbaS o;? tbete fei3eD, pofTefTeD of, mteceaeD in, 0? intitleD unto, on t\>t faiD %\)itD 2Dap of March C>ne tJ)o«fanD fetjen j)unD;?eD anD fiftjj fttje, o;? aftettbacDs, except fuc^ Sium 02 :^ums of j®onep as !)aD before tl)e paffingr of tbe faiD ;5rt been uMv anD bona fide appliet) to tl)e l^ajjuient of ti)eir, 0? eitl)ec of tDeic 2Debts, o; expenOeD in ^uitQ 01 otl)ec aaufinefs telatiUe to t\^z tail €ftate6 of tl)e faiD John willcocks anD John Dawfbn, o? in tj)e CoGs 0^ Cxpcnces of pafTinjgr t!)e faiD ^ct, o;? in tbe neceffacp ari)arcres of tj)eic ai:ioatl)mg', Maintenance, ano {^otifeheepingr, anD alfo except iut\) ^att of t\)cit 0? citbet of tljeit l^erfonal €ftate0 as 6aD been before tbe paCTing of tl)e faiD ^ct bona fide, anD fo^ \jaluable ConfiDera- tion folD; anD alfo all tl)e ®ano^0, ILanDS, Cenenients, anD K^eceDiramente, fileuts, Be\;)ccftons, !aetnamDet0, tUlfes, anD XruftS, XhlOUh tlje faiD Richard Brewer tbas fei3eD, poUcfleD of, intetefteD in, oi intltleD unto, on tj)e Xlbelftl) "^ap of Fe- bruary €)ne tl)oufanD fet^en {)unD;?eD anD 8ftp aitje, 01 aftettbacDi;^, except fuel) :^uiti anD ^ums of ^onep as DaD Uzn before 140 Anno Regnl tertio Chap. t\\t ^affuicT of tJ)c fajD ;?(ct of S^^tiiamettt ^- tcallj) auD bona fide appliCD to [tl;e |da^= ^^^ snent of l)ts S).l)t0, 0^ cxpcnCicD m tl)e tieceCfan' €!)ar(\xs of the Cloatl^ing auD ®a in ten a nee of tl)e faiD Rrchard Brewer, tMS OTife atiD ail)ilD?eu, 0^ m ^uits w iatl\)e to tbe fait) OEftateS of tJ)e faiD Ri- chard Brewer, 02 i^cCcuce of. bis Perfon 0? caate, anO acept fuel) pact of j)is i^et^ fonal €Gate as tefo;?e t\)z paffmg of tl)c faiD 2((t I)aD been bona fide, anD fo; a t)altiable ConfiCieration folD, tl^ece t)efteD in tl)e :^ei3en anO poCfefFion of George Rochfort anD Tlieobald Wolfe CfquiteS, anC Robert clibborn ®ercl)ant, bein^ ^irignees appointeo fo;? tl)e ^ntciefts anD putrpofes in tl)e faiD : t\)tn U)ere in tl)eir CuftoDv 0^ ^olber, to tj)e ^attsfartiou of tbe faio aroumiiilioncrs, to be applicD to tt)e Mcq of tl)e faiD ;act of l^arliatuent, auD DiD alfo Dth\)zt unto tl)c faiD (EomnufTioners all t()e refpccti\3e Xitle DeeD0, auD ^ecurtties fo2 ®onep, XUM) tbere m tl)eir, 0^' eitl)er of t!)eft CuftoDp 03 <&otber, anD DiD tnafte a true anD faitl)ful HPifcotjerp to tbbom, upon tt)|bat Account, 0^ fo2 U)l)at ConfiDeration, tbe i^efiDue of tbeir faiD refpectibe Cdates anD effeas baD been DifpofetJ of; anD tDe faiD John Willcocks ant) John Dawibn refpecti\)elp confo;?uieD to t\)z DirertionS of tl)e faiD ;5ct of l^atlfauient, tbbercupon tbe faiD Com- miffioners DiD on tbe Xtbentp nintb 2r>ap i5f oaober in tbe Pear €)ne tboufanD re= ijtl n 2 t3en 1 42 Anno Regni tertio Chap, bctt butiti^cD aiiD fjxtp tttmt, uwttt ti)eit X. !^ant)«5 anD ^eals, thz oronfo^mitj) of tDe '^^'*^-' faiD John Willcocks atlD John Dawfbn, tO t^e IDitectious of the faiD ^ct of |&arlianient: ;3nD tt)!)ettaS the faiD Richard Brewer, DiD upon WS £>atD CehtJcr mto tJ)e faiD Com= inilTionets, before tl)e jFirft 3>aj? of Decem- ber £)ue tJ)o«fanD fet^ett l)unD?eD anD fiftp fix, an :^ccount bj? J)im ftbo^n before tl)e faiD Comtniffionets, to bt a true, exact, anD patticulac ^account of l)i$ real anD petfonal Cttate: ^nD tbt)ereasi tl)e fatD John Willcocks anD John Dawfbn DID ptltfU' ant to tj)e faiD ;^ct of parliament, on De^ balf of tl)emfelt}es anD tfjeir CreDito;?s, be= fo?e tbe 5?irft 2!>ap of December £Dne thow- fanD feten l)nnDitection5 of tj)e faiD ^ct of l&at- liament, all fucb Claims ano SPemanCS upon, 01 out of all 0^ my> of t[)e faiD tea! ant) perfonal €ftates, UeGeD as afo^e= faiD in t\)z faiD ^aCfigneeS, 0)l)icl) !)aD been entcteD anD cxWtteDanD p;?oceeDeDupon pur^ fuant to tbe faiD :^a of patliament: <^nD t)bj)cceas ti)e Cftates anD effects real anD :perfonal of tl)e faiD Richard Brewer, meu- tioneD anD fpecifieD in anD bp tl)e faiD ^c- xount retucncD bp l)im upon j2E>ati) to tl)e faiD olommiffioners, is not near fufftcient to pap anD fatisSe to t\)z CreDtto^s of t\)t faiD Richard Brewer, tl)e j^tunS of i®0' nej) aDjugeD to tl)em bj) t!)e faiD arommtf= Xionecs upon tl)eit: fe\3eral anD iefpecti\3e Claims, anDalfo t\)z faiD ^um of fixtp fe^ t)en tl)oufanD €)ne l)unD?eD anD £)ne ^ounDs fjxteen ^Ijillings anD fetien pence i)alf:pennj7, aDjuDgeD to be Due bp tj)e faiD .Richard Brewer tO tj)e faiD John Willcocks :anD John Dawfon: ^nt} tb!)ereas tj)e faiD :<(ffignees DiD, in ^att, execute tl)e fetjetal -XruGs bp tj)e faiD-^ct of l&atliament repofeD iD in 144 Anno Rcgni tertio c H A p. itt tJ)etn, auD J)abe folD anD Difpofet) of fc ^- tjeral ^atts of tbe faiD real ant) perfonal ^^■^^^ €ftatco, auD J)at)e taileD in, fncD fo?, rccot)eteD anD cotnpomiHeD fetiecal of t!)e fait) SPebts tb!)itl) lljete tme to tl)c faiD Jo(eph Fade, John Willcocks, John Da^^fbn, anD Richard Brewer tefpecti\)el^, anD j)aV)e ont of t^e j®onep arifing bp t\)t teal auD fepa- rate pcrfonal €ftatc of t\)z faiD Jofeph Fade, anD b)j tl)e Banh anD |5artneril)ip €ftate anD effects of tl)e faiD Jofeph Fade, paiD anD fatisfteD all tl)e feparate 2Debts, anD alfo all t^e2i3anft anD ^&artner{l)ip SDebts of tl)e faiD Jofeph Fade, tb})icl) tbcte Duc at t\)c €ime of Ibis 2Peatl), anD rctnaineD iinpaiD, anD ljbl)icl) faiD Debts tbere tlaimcD anD aD- luDgeD putfiiant to t\)t faiD ^^ct of ^&at= lianicnt, anD tl)e faiD ^ffiirnees l)at)e out of tl)e faiD feparate Cftate anD Effects of t^e faiD John Willcocks anD Jolin Dawfon paiD to tl)e refpe(tiV)e feparate €?eDito^s tbeit fe\)eral feparate Debts tbbicl) tbere claimeD anD aD^uDgeD purfnant to tbe faiD ^ct of ibarliaincnt, anD ba\)e out of tl)e ^HefiDuc of tDe fatD €ftates anD €ffeas of tbe fatD jofeph Fade, John Willcocks, auD John Dawi^n, ijefteD as afo^cfaiD in tl)e faiD HU ftgnees, paiD bp feberal |^a)>ments to fuel) of tl)e fa!D2i3anft CreDito^s, aS hatjc callcD fo? t\)z fame, fifteen ^\)i\\m$Q anD four pence til G^orgii Tertii Regis. iac m tl)e l&owtiD of tbetc principal Debts, c h a p. at)|ut)getJ to t|)em ptirfttant to tJ)e faiD x. 5act of i^arliametit : ;anD tbbeteas t{)e faiD^^^'^ ;:afij9:ttees bai^e tnade up, aiiD tJcIibetcD to tbe faiD ComniifOottecs, a juft atiD fait Zt- count of all tl)e ^unts bp t\)tni rccei\3eD out of faiD €ftatcs by tl)e faiD ;^tt of ^acliatuent \3eGeD in t!)eui, auD of f^z jj&a^mcttts anD Difbutfeuients Up tl)em matie in pucfuance of tl)e faiD ^ct of ]|at^ liament, tbbitl) ;^ccount l)atf) been p;joceeDi eD upon, examineD anD fcttleD Dp t^e faiD (Eottuuiffionecs in tbe ®annei: DicecteD bp tl)e faiD 3[ct of l^atliarnent: StnD tbbereaiS t^etc Gill temains m tl)e i^anDs of tj)e faiD 9tffignees, unapplicD anD unDifpofeD of, cec^ tain ^mm of j®onep Ibbicl) l)aV)e been raifeD by tl)em out of tJoc €MttQ fo tjeGeD in tl)cut as afo^efaiD, anD tl)c faiD affignceS fo;> tl)e aaencftt anD ^DtJantage of tt)e faiD Banfe Ce effectual fecutities fo;? tl)c l^apnicnt at fu= mtc %inm of fcbetal of the Debts tbl)icj) tbere t)efteD m tl)em bp tf)e faiD :^(t of l^at^ liattient, Ibbicl) Securities Gill remain unfa? tisfieD m tbc i^anDS of tbe faiD^ffigneeS, anD tbere alfo retuain t)iGeD in tlje faiD :^ffignees fet)£ral unfatiiafteD Securities anD Debts tbl)icl) tbere Due to tj)e faiD Jofcph Fade^ John Willcocks, John Dawfbn, anD £>0 2 Richard 146 Anno Regni tertio Chap. Richard Brewer rcfpcctitelj) : ZwD XbY)ata l)at)e alceati)) teceibeD, of eighteen ^biHingS in t\)z pounD in full Satisfaction of t^eit faiD p;?incipal SDebts, tj)at m cafe all tj)e teal anD petfonal €ftates anD €ffeas of tbe faiD jofeph Fade, tbl)itl) not!) temaitt wnapplieD anD unDifpofeD of b^ tbe faiD ^^ffignees, anD alfo all tl)e ref;)ectit)e teal anD petfonal €ftates anD effects of tl)e faiD John Willcocks anD John Dawion, men- tioneD anD fpecificD in t\)c faiD Account De; liV^ereD in hy> t^em to tl)e laiD Commif:: fionets, tbbict) notb temain unapplieD anD unDifpofeD of bp t^e faiD J^fTignees, anD alfb Georgii Tertli Regis. 147 aifo all tl)c real anD pecloual CQates c n a p« auD effects of tbc faiD Richard Brewer X. noib rcmaiuinrr tuiapplicD anD unDffpofeo ^^"^ of, atiD alfo all ^inm of ©one^ uotb in tl)e l^auds 0? I^olbet: of tl)e CaiiD ^rftgnees, 0? tll)o of tlycm, ll)J)icJ) ^atb acifen frotu, 02 o!Jt of tl)c faiO €(latcs auD €ffect6 fo Vk:(1cD in tl)cm a^ afo^cfart), 0? aixy> p>ait, 0? l^arro^ parts tl^etcof, anD noU> remains untiilpoftD ant) unapphed to the ufes of tl)c fasD ;^ct, auD alfo all t!)e faiD nc\b ^e^ ffiritjcs tahen as afo^cfaiti bp tl)e faiO ;^f:: fignces \h\ntl) mnnm tmfatisQeD, be ttansfcrreD unto anO ^eilcD in i)im tbe faiD Robert Birch, J)fS C^CltS, €jteCtttO^S, anO ^Duiinidrato^^S, tbat l)c tU liit Robert Birch, Ibill on 0^ before tl)e %\hztxty> ftftj) ^ay of March 0nt t()oufanD felien J)utt- t)?cD auD fitt^ fttJc, bj? anD out of tl)e faiD €aatCS ailD effects of tl)e faiD Jofeph Fade, Jolm Willcocks, anD fohn Dawfon, anD tl)e i®onc)) ftill unDifpofeD \Wt\) l)atl) arifen koni t\% fame, anD tbe fatiD netb Securities Vb\)it\) !)a\)e been taften fo? anp l^att 02 ^^aits t!)ereof fo to be transferreD unto anD UcCtcD in him t\)C faiD Robert Birch, 02 h}) 02 out of tl)c i3;?oper euate anD €6Eeas real anD pcrfonal of l)mi, tbe faiD Robert Birch, pav anD fatmfic unto eacf) anD e\)etp of the faiD :^anlt arteDito2S, to tbe Amount tbitD W3l)at Anno Regnl tert'io t|)cjj Dai^ealteaDp ceceitjeD, of cigl)ttt:n §^}oih lings ui tl)e \&ount) of tbeic faiD p2inc!pal 2r>ebt, U)l)icl) J)at)e been aCjttDgeD to tbcm bj) t})e faiD Conuuifftonecs purfiiaut to tl)e jDttedions in tl)e faiD :^a of l^arliamcutj ailD t^at \)Z ti)Z faiD Robert Birch, l)lS l^etcs, €xecuto;j6 atiD 5(Dminiftratoc« ToiU tuafte futb Application of tJ)e Cftatcs ano CffeCt!2» of t\)t faiD Richard Brewer, fo to Dc tefteD in tiun, t\)Z faiD Robert Hircli, l)iS» J^eits, executors anD :aDmmifttato;>s, as ts J)etein after tnentioneD anD DireacD con^ tetning tfte fatue: AnD tbl)etca$ at a -©cet^ ing of a ©ajo^itj) in Halue of tl)e faiD 2i3anft arceDtto;?fi;, anD tj)e faiD Affigneee, anD tl)e faiD John Willcocks anD John Dawlbn, t\)t faiD ap of March, m thz prar Onz tl)oufanD feljen l)unD2eD anD Ufty fix, tnen- tioneD lu tbe faiD Act of parlianunt, anD l)at)ing m purfuance thereof paiD a large ^um of ®onej) to tl)e faiD AffignccQ : Bc It Georgii Tertli Regis » 145^ it €ua(teD b^ tht l^mg^ ®oG excellent c h a i i^a|eft^\ hp anD \bitj) t^ at)\)rce atiD Con-^J^ fent of ti)c ^o;?Ds :^pintual anD ^empo?al anD Coinmous iti tbis p^efent ^Jatliament alTeuibleD, ant) b^ tl)e ^utl)o?itj) of tj)e fame, at tJ)c l)unible l&etitton of pont ^aicQfQ moft tsutlfttl :i)Ul)|e(t6, Jofhua Paul, CfQUItC, S)aine Elinor Bradftreet, Cxectttta ant) De= t)tfec of t\)t pccfonal €Gate of ^it Simon Bradftreet Batonet, tieteafeD, James Dunn, CfCiillte, Thomas Cooke, anD Hans Bailie, ;^lDertncn, anD Richard Phepoe j©etej)ant, in bcl)alf of t!)emfel\)e0, ant) tbe otbcr €izc t!ito23of tl)e faio Wmh, anD of tDe ^JCffignees appointcD hp ^a of J^arliamcnt fo;j t\)t WiZliti of tbe faiD OTreDito^s, anD of t^e faiD John Willcocks, anD John Dawfon, tbat all tl)e €aate<5 anD €ffect0, teal anD petfonal of tl)e faiD Jofeph Fade, tbj)sc}) notb tcuiatn tinap^licD anD nnDjCpofeD of bp t|)e faiD saffignecs, anD alfo all t\)t rcfpeaibe teal anD petfonal CftateS anD CffertS of tl)t fatD John Willcocks, anD John Dawfon, men^ tioneD anD fpecifieD m t\)t faiD ;^ccount DelflfcrcD in bp tl)etn to t\)z fatD OTommif^ fioners tbl)icli) notb temain unapplieD anD KUCifpofcD of bp t\)z faiD ^fftgnecei anD alfo nil tbe real anD petfonal €ftates anD ^^(d'o of tj)e fatD Pvichard Brewer, notb te- ntmuiui^ unapplteD anD tinDifpofeD of, alfo p V ^ all I go Anno Regni tertio Chap. all ^lum of j^oticj) tiotb III tl)e i^^auDs X. 0^ l&otbcc of the TaiD -^(Tignces, o;? tlbo of "^^""^ ti)cu!, lbl)!tl) l)atl) anfen frctii, c? ciu of tl)e faiD €ftate6 anD Effects fo \)cftcD m t()cm asafo^efaiD, 02 anj> part 0? l&arts tlrereof, anD uotb remains unapplicD aiiD unDif- pofeD of to tl)e Bfe«3 of tl)e faiD ;Hct, anD alfo all tl)e faiD uetb :^ecuiitic3 tahcu as afo;jefaiD bp the faiD ^fficrnecs llil)id) cc^ mam imfatisfieD, ant) alfo tl)c full i5e^ nrfitt anD ^Dbantagc of tl)c fatD decree 03 ;3DjuDtcation of tl)e faiD arointmrftoncis fo;j ti)e ^um of fixtp febeu tboufanD ^ne J)unD;?eD anD £!)ne ponnD, fiitccn .^l)illinfrs anD febcn pence Ijalf pcnn)?, acrauift ti)e TaiD Richard Brewer, anD all 2Dcbt$ anD ^e^ entities fo;j 3Debts tbbicl) Ibete Dtic anD otb^ ing to t))e faiD Jofeph Fade, John Willcocks, John Dawibn, anD Richard Brewer, 0^ to an^ tl)2U, 0} troo, 0^ anj) one of tlxiii, anD Db^icl) ftill remain Due anD unfatisffeD be VjefteD anD DeclareD to be \)efteD m tl)e :^ei3en anD ^^offeffion of tl)e faiD Robert Biich, l)is l^eits, €iecnto?5, anD S(Dmint-' (fcato;?6, m as f«l anD ample ®annec to all 'Jntents anD purpofcs, as the fame are, o^ Ibece V)efteD m tl)e faiD ;^ffignccs bv tt)e faiD ^(t of t!)e Xtbcntp nmtl) pear of tl)e iAeign of f^is late ®ateay la^mg George tl)e -S^econD, 0? otherlbife upon ^ru(f. A P. Georgii Tertli Regis. igi ^tuft, iic\)ett!)elef!3, anO to tl)e intent antjc h a ^5urpofe tl)at tl)e fatD Robert Birch, (l^all x- tnalte fucj) Slpplicatton tl)ereof as is i)erem ' after mentjoueD contetniug tt)e fame. ;^titJ l)e it futtl)et €nacteD bp tj)e ;^u= tl)o;jitp afo;?efaiD, €!)at tbe faiD Commit ftonetsanD ^cCffignees in t!)e faiD tettteD ^(t tiameD, Do atiD fl)aU tbitj) all conbenient fpcct) after t|)e palTutjj of tj)is ^ct, Delito, 0^ caufe to be tJeliV^eteD ober, bj) tj)eit te- fpcctilie laeijiQet o? mejjIQet'S, OTlerft o? arier&0,anD ;^uentS,tOtl)e faiD Robert Birch, all 23oc«hs, Papers, Mltitings, ^eeOS, Se- curities, auD €\)iDences, tbj)ic^ are in tl)eir, 0? anp of tl)eir CuGoD)? o^ #otber, atijj tbaj) relating to t!)e afo^efaiD, real oi perfotial CftaCeS hUt\}V tJCGeD in tl)e faiD Robert Birch, j)is l^cirs, executors, o? ^Dmmiarato of the P(?oceeDtnffS anD ;aD(nDtcationS of t\)z faiD Commifi'iotiers, in €teciition of tl)e Xrnfts repofeD in thtm hy> tht faiD rcciteD ^ct of Parliament, 0? mp Wk relating tf^zttnnto ti)at are m tJ)e polb= er, CuftoD^, 02 pofleCTion of tbe faiD Com= mtfrtoners anD srffignees, 0? an;>of tl)em,o;j an?) otJ)er perfon 02 pcrfons emplo^eD bp tbem, except t\)t mooho2 2i5oofes tb^rem are enteteD t|)e Claims maDe bp tfte CreDito;?s anD 1^2 AnnoRegni tertio Chap. ti)e ;:^t)jntiication3 matt t\)ttton bj? tj)e fatD ^- Commifftonets pnrfuant to tl)e SPitcctions """"^ of ti)e faiD reciteo Set. $anD be It €nactet) by tht -^utl)o?!tjj afotc- faiO, ^l)at tl)e faiD Coniini{rionct6 m tl)e TaiD teciteti ^ct natneC, o^ tl)?ce o;? ino;?e of t^em, it)all tbitl) all tontenieut :$>peeD, af- tec tl)c palTmff of tl)iSi ^a, caufe a fait Copj) to be tnate of ti)t faiD 2aooft o;j 2©oofes, containmjgr tl)e Entries of tj)e faiD Claims anD ;^DjuDfcatton0, Dbbitl) faiD oiop)) ll)aU be Cjgrnct) by tl)cm, o? Xl)^ec o^ tno;?e of tfteni, anD t)eh\)er o? catife tbefamc to be tJellbeCeD to tbe faiti Robert Birch, to be bj) ^im ftept fo? l)is olbn ^fe, tt)})icl) faiO oiopj) fo :g)igfneb bj? tl)c faiD ConmulTionets, o? tb^ee 02 mo?e of tj)em, (l)all l)at)e tl)e fame jTojce atiD Effect, ant) a)aU be con- OtieteD as full anD fuffinctit €t)iCcnce of Cue!) entries, as t\)t faiD ^^^iig-mal 21300ft 01 2aoofts: ^nO tl)at tl)e faiD qUom- miCTionets, o? tl);?ee o? mo?c of tl)em, (^aU Ibitl) tj)e lifee convenient :$>peeD after tl)e paffing of t!)ts ^ct, Delit^er unto anD Oepoflte tbitl) tl)e faiD John Willcocks anD John Dawfon, o2!9final 21300& 0;? 2i5oofts, ton^ taming tbe faiD entries of t^e faiD Claims, to be ftept bj? t!)e faiD John willcocks anD John Georgli Tertii Regis. icc^ Jolin Dawfon, aiiD the ^urtjibo^ of tben!,c n a i to]it\>z Mc atiD mntfit of the laiD aUelito^s, x atiD that all ano t\)ctv of the faiD €vchi: ^-"'^ to;?s i^all anO ma^, at all rcafonalle Ximes, haUe free accefs to anD mfpect the fame, atiD h'^^e fiuh othct mk thereof as ll)all o;j maj> be reqtiifite to p anp of theic 2Debte, aojuDircD to them hj) the faiO (Eommiffionecs as afo;efaiD» ;^tiD be it further CitacteD hv the ^u^ thoritp afo^efaiD, srhat the faiD OTommif^ 0oivets anD ^(Tigtiees m the faiD recitcD ;3(t uameD, atiD the faiD John wilicocks, mt John Dawfon atiD their anD eDerj) of their ^etrS, executors, anD ;aDinmiGrato?s, anD their refpectitje €ftates real anD per- fonal, ma J) be herebj^aDiaDgeDanDDcclareD to be abfoltitel)) freeD anD DtfcharcreDof anD from all anD et^erj) of the faiD Xrufts, anD of anD from all Claims anD SPemanDs tbhatfoeVjer that can o^ map be maDe to 02 upon them, o; anp of them, fo? o? on Stccount, 02 bj> laeafon, 02 in Confequence of m)> 2Pecree, ^(DjuDication, £)?Der, C^pinion, 0;? Direction p;jonounceD, maDe, 0^ cn\)en b}> the faiD Olommiffioners, 02 anp of them; c;j on account, 0;? bp reafon, 02 m ton- fequence of Ihhat the faiD ^(Tignces in the faiD rectteD :^ct nameD, 0^ the faiD John a q ^ Will- 1^4 Anno Regni tcrtlo c H A p-Willcocks, atlD John Dawfon, 0? attJJ of t!)em, X- tit), o l&etfons tb^atfoet)cc entploj^ct) bt) tl)cm, o;j anj) of tbem, ixi t\)% execution of tl)e faiD reciteD -^ct; ano alfo of anD fcom all Claims anD DemanDs tbl)atfoet)et tl)at can o reafon o? in confequence of anj> Compofitton o; Compofitions, maOe o? cnteteo into bp tfte faiD ^CTi crnees, fo? o;? concetning anp of the CGates, teal o? perfonal, tjcft^ CD ivi tbcm as afo^efaiD bp tl)e faiD ccctt- eD 3[ct; 0? fo?, 02 bp teafon, o;? tn confe:: quence of the Neglect, ®i5bc6abiottc, o? ^nfolUencj) of ^wy> ;3jjent o? Agents, lae^ cei\)ec 02 iaeccit)ecs, nameD, employee, o? ap^^ pomteD bp tl)em t^e faiD ^CTigneeS, o? anp of tbem, to collca o? rcccj\)e tj)c Pebts, 0? anp li^act thereof, tbhicl) ftaD been DcQeD as afo^eCaiD tn t!)e faiD ; ^pplftatioii tj)eteof, oj an^ laart 02 pact^ tDcreof, bp tht faiD ;af^ Cigitvcsi o> aiip of tl)em, it fl)aU not be ucccHarp to tnafic t\)t faiD :3a"ifrnce0 0^ ail)? of tfycnx, 02 t\)Z fatO John Willcocks, auU John Dawfon. 01 citbct of tl)eni, tl^eic 02 anv of tl)cii: C^cirs, Cxecuto^^, o^ :^D^ ni!Uilltato?3, 0^ iDe a]:reDito2$ of tl)e faiD late 25auhCC0, o^ of Richard Brewer, o; Of an>' of tUn\, iCaities o? pactv; but tbat in eVtcrv fuel) :^Uit9 tbe faiD Robert Birch, DlS {!^cit3, €icctito2{5, auD 3[DmmtGrato2S, ft)aU b: ii ri)eic places, atiD t})at all ^uits l)ci:etofo-?c conimcticeD, atiD nott) DepenDiitgr lu an>^ tM>^ relatitje to t^g j&^etiulTes, may auD iTiall, bp leatJc of tj)e tcfpcrtiV>e Co!irt3 tl)Decem fucb i^uits Do DepetiD, be t^ofccnteD auD DefcuDeD m t\)z jl^ame of tl)C (ait) Robert J^irch, I)l5 f^CltS, CXCCU- to2$, S^Dmnn(l?ato20, o^ ^ffigiis, 02 in t!)e ^aiUC of ftld) jHoilUtlCC of tl)e faiD Ro- bert Birch, asi is [)etein aftec rnentioueo. i Anno Regni teitio ^tiO be It furtDer CnaaeD hy> tU ^u^ thonty afO(?efaiD, tl)at t\)t faiO Robert Birch, l)is i^citQ, €xcctitO(?5, 0) 9[Dtnin!arato;j0, i\)M v^V ^ti^ fatisfp all t!)C CoUS aiiD €xpence3 of paffingr tl)i3 ^ct. ant) all S>if^ biirfemcnts telatmij tl)cteto, auD all aaiU anO laiUg of Coftsi, lbl)ic|) tctnatu Due auD unpaitJ to any Cerent o? Agents, ^tto?ncp 0^ ^tto^ntes, :^ollicito? o; ^oUitito?^, \)ut^ tofo>e nommateD o;? appoiittcD by tbe faiD affignees, in t\)c faiD reciteD ;j(ctnameD, o;? by my %XXio oi mo^e of tl)cm, to p;jos fecute 0? DcfenD an)? ^utt o;? ^nitQ at ILaU), o;j in €qtut)>, relattt)e to tl)e Cftates, teal o; pecfonal, t\)tnby tcfteD o^ intenDeD to be l)eftcD in tj)eni. StnD be It inttf^tt Cnactct) bp tl)e ;^u- t\)02\ty afO(?efaiD, tftat tbc faiD Robert Birch, l)is J^eits, Cxecuto^o o; ^^tiiiiiniftta' to of tl)e Debts btie on tl)e :$)ecutitie6 ftetebp \)cftcD in l)im, anD alfo tafec anD teccibe, 0? fue fo2 anD reco\3cr, at l)is anD tl)cit: lifte Cods anD €l)arge0, t\)t ^^offclTion of all 02 any of the JlanDS, Xcnctncnte;, \^u^ Ditaments, anD l^^emilTes bcrebj? t)eftcD in \>in\, 02 t!)e Jiaents anD profits tl)creof; anD Georgii Tertli Regis. i^y ant d)at all ^mi% eitbec at ILatS^ 02 in c h a p. Cqiiitp, fo;? tliat purpole, map be com= _x- nicitced auD p;ortcutcCi, in i\)Z f^mxz 02 iRanies of any |5erfon 0; i^ecfons to be noiiiinateD fo;^ that H^utpofe 'cy t\)t faiD Ro- bert Birch, {)i3 ^zit% ^xeciito^s 0? :^tmi^ niOrato?0, auD tl)at all {^,>occetiii|j-0 m tl)e jRainc 0? Barnes of ftici) !&:tloti o;j |5ec^ ioixC) (o to be uotiuiiateo, il)all be as srooD aiiD effectual to all ^^if^utsaiiD i^nrpofes;, a5 if Cnd) j^uit?? auD I^MecDiUj^s l)aD been catncD oil m tl)e jHaine of tbe faiD Ro- bert Bircli, l)is!^ctr5, €xecnto73, o? ^Dmt= niftrato?3, ant) in cafe of t!ie Deatl) of anp ^ctfon o? pecfons fo nominateD, anotbec perfon o^ pccfons tljall 02 nmybt noniinateD hyt\)t faiD Robert Birch, l)ts l^eice, Ciecnto^s, 02 ^DniiniOrato^s, anO ftic]) :^uit 0? ^thts a)all not abate bp t^e IPeatI) of anp fuel) ^eifon 0? ^eifons, but il)all p^oceeD in tl)e j^atiie o^ Raines of fuel) otl)et: ptu Con 0(j perfon?, aS ft)all be nominateD as afo.^eraiD* l&^^\)!Det) altba)j0, anD be it CnacteCi bp t\>t ^ntl)02\t}> afojefaiD, €:i)at tl)efait) Ro- bert Birch, 1)15 If^cjts, €xecuto;?s, anD ;^D^ nuuiftrato20, iljall l-eat anD tdmv all ^ofts, ^l)atge3f, anD orxpenceS, tbDicI) tl)e JaiD fohn Wilicocks anO John Dawlbn, 0^ ia c 2 eitl)et 1 58 Anno Regn'i tertlo Ch A p.eitl)et of tl)eni, 0? t\)z Tait) ;5l(riguccs nam- ^- eD atiD appomtctJ in aiiD by t!)e faiD rccit:^ '^-^^^^eD ^ct of parliament, o> anp of tl)em, ft)aU o;j map hereafter be put to, fo^ o? bj> meafon, o;? m Confequencc of tl)cir 01 anv of tl)cir being maDc ^art)? 0^ parties, l>efenoant 0? 2)efcnDattts, to any ^uit 0} §^uit^y eitbcr at 2lalt) 0? Ccimtr, rol)ic|b are alteaOp commenced, 02 map Ijicreaftcr be inftituteti fo;j 0? concerning-, 02 any tbap relatingr to all 0? anp of tl)e ^ftates 0? €f: fecto ?)erebp ijefteD 0? mtcnCcD to be t)cG= eD in ti)e fait) Robert Birch, l)lS D^CitS, €x^ etuto^S, 02 :30mmiftrato;?5, except onlp fuel) C0Q6, Ol^arcres, o?€ipences, ao map here- after be occafioneD bp anp Ibilfnl IPefault of tl)cm tbe faiD JohnWillcocks, John Daw- fon, anD tl)e faiD SKTiirnccs o^ anp of t!)em, ant) tl)at {)C tl)e faiD Robert Birch, l)iS i^eirs, €iccnto?5, 0? ^Cmimftrato^s, ^M in ILitn anD j^atisfartion tJiereof batje anD receitJe to l)i6 auD tl)eir otbn We, all fuel) ^ofts, orbarges anD €x= pences, as tn tDe p^ogrefs 0? €bent of fuel) :$>uit 0? ^uits at JL^Xh 0? in €quitp, ll)all beaDjuDgeD, o;?DereD, o^DecreeD, to t\)t faiD John Willcocks anD John E)awlbn, 02 zit\)tt of tDem, 02 to t\)t faiD ;^ffignecs, o;j «np of tl)em. ;^nD ^.^^vx; Georgii Tertii Regis. itn :^nD be It Uitthtt CnacteD bj> tl)e au? c h a p. tl)o?it>' afo;?efatO, 5Cl)at no l^ccioit o^ |5et= x. Cons lbJ)o il)aU be fueD citl)et: at Hatb o? in Cqtnt;?, bj) tl)e faiD Robert Birch, 1)15 i^eirs, €ictuto^$, 02 Sibmmiarato:^, 0? bp anj) pecfoti 0? ^ecfons to be appomteD bp J)mi 0^ tj)etn, 02 anj) of t})em, to fue as afo^craiD bp ^ittue of all 0^ atip of t^e ^olbers gitjen bj? tbis 9{a, i^all !)at)e anp ^notlcDigre as ^embet 0;? ®embe;?5of eitl)et l^o?:fe of \&acliatnent, fatjing as to t^e #ecfons of fuel) <©embcrs; anp tl)m^ l)ete:; i» before containeD, o;j anp ILaU), Mfaije, 02 Cuftom to tl)e contrarp tl)ereof, m anp tbife nottbit!)aattt)in9-. :^urj be it furtDec CnacteD bp tfte ^tt:= tbo^itp afo>efaiD, %Y>Ht tbe faiD Robert Birch, })is l^cics, Cxecttto^s, anD -^Dmmi:: ft;?ato?s, tb^ilG tbe faiD Cftates, Securities, 0^ Debts, 02 anp of tl)em, temam DefteD in i)im, o? tfeem, 0? anp of tl)em, bp ^it= tue of tl)is ^ct, iliall be at Hibectp to fue fo^ in j®annec afo^jefaiD, anD tecotjer tl)e faiD Cftatcs anD tl)e mcnts tl)e^eof, anD tl)c j®oncp fccuceD by, anD Due, anD otb- incr on t})e faiD federal Securities, anD tfce SDebts Due on tl)em, 0? anp of t^eut, not^ tt)itl)ftanDing anp Statute 02 Statutes of 2lnuitation !)e;>etofo^e uiaDe to tl)e con- S i trarp, i6o Anno Regni tertio c H A p ttat^; Htit tj)at no ^utntt of ILimitaUoti X. t^U be pleaDcD, mfifteD o? telnet) on, o? ^"''■''*^ an?) tba?) allolbcD 02 matJc Bfe of m any OTotict of HaXb 0? €quit)?, to l^ac 0? in anp fo?t affect tDc faiD €Gate2i, Securities o? Debts, 0? my of tl)ein, tt)l)ilft tbe fame, 02 anp of tbeni, l)at)c been t)eacD in tl)e CaiD ^afliigrnecs in tJ)c faiD ceciteD ^ct men^ tioneD, 0^ tt)l)!lft tj)e Came, o;j anj) of t})em, l^all teinaln ViefteD in tl)e fait) Robert Bh-ch, Dts f^ics, €iecuto;js, 0? ^acnuniftrato^S, bp Hictue l)eteof l^?ot)iCieti altbays, anD be it CnactcD hy tl)e ;3utl)02itp afo^efaiD, Xl)at notlnntr in tbis :^ct containeD ft)aU extenD, 0? be condrtieD to eitenti, to bar, ftmDec, 02 p^etJent anp ^etfon U)l)atfoc\)ec from bauing fad) Be- neftt ant) aotjantage of tl)e Statutes of limitation, 02 any of tj)em, as fuel) pier= fon l)at), 02 might })at)e J)at), at the %mt of pairing: tl)e faiD rcciteD 5i(t, in as auu pie anD beneficial a banner as if tl)is 5^(1 t>aO netjet been mat)e« :^nD be it furt!)er €nacteD br tDc :^u^ tbo^it)) afo2e[aiD, Xbat tl)e faiD Robcit Birch, biS i^eirs, €xecuto2S, 01 -^Dminiftra^ to2S t)o, anO ft)aU on 02 befo2c the ^tben^ tp fiftl) S)ap of March, tbl)ic{) Ibill be in tDe Georgli Tert'ii Regis. 16 1 tj)e pear of £I>ut llo?D Onz tboufauD c h a p. fetjeti l)unD?eD auD rut;> 6t)e, b^ anD out of ^■ tl)c €ftate anD -iffifects of tl)e faiD Jolbpji "^^^ Fade, John Willcocks, anD John Dawlbii, auD tJ)e j®oue)' GiU tmcufpofeD of tbbiel) l)atl) actfcu from tl)e fame, atiD tl)e fatD jRetb Securities Uibicb l)a\)e bceti tafteti fo;? aup ¥>art 0(? parts thereof, l)erebp tefteD in htm ti)e faiD Robert Birch, l)is i^eirs, €xe^ mto^s, anCJ -^CminiGrato^Si, anD bj) anD out of tbe proper €ftate anD Cfccts, real anD pcrfonal, of \>im tl)e faiD Robert Birch, paj? anD fattsfp ttnto eaci) anD et)etp of t\)t faiD aaanh OTreDito^s, ftic)) §>um anD ^nm3 of j®onejj as ttiill, tbitl) tbe garments alreaDj) maDe to t6em refpec- mziy hp tJ)c ^lliffnees in tl)e faiD reciteD l{a nameD, maftc up anD amotmt to tht i^um of €igDteen S^iUmgiJ in tDe pounD, m fall Satisfaction of tl)eir, anD eacb of tbcir fctseral anD refpectite l^^nncipal Wtbt^, XWtt) tbere a^t^DgeD to tj)em by t\)t faiD Commiffioners, purfuant to tj)e Direct tion^ in tbc faiD teciteD ^ct ; anD in €ntz ti)e faiD Robert Birch, l)iS J^eitS, €xeCtltO?S, anD ^cininiftrato;?S, iljall m^kct to paj> to anp of t\)z faiD 25anfe CreDito^s to tl)e Amount afo^efaiD, tbl)cn tl)e fame fi)all be DemanDcD of bim tl)e faiD Robert Birch, l)iS It^eics, €xctuto;js, 0; ;^DminiQrato?s, S f 2 upon i62 Anno Regnl tertid Chap upott tJ)e faiD tEtbettt)? 6ftl) Da)? of March X. in th^ Vtat One t!)oufanD fct)en })tinD^eD ^■^^'^ ant) fiitp ftDe, o? at anj? Xiiue Ibit^m %\>2tc peats aftettbatDS, that t!)en, anO in futb <2lafe, it (l)aU anD map be latbful to atio io2 eacl) anD ct^etv of tl)e faiD 20anfe OTteDito^s to tb!)om tl)e faiD Robert Birch, l)i«3 l^cics, €xecuto?s, anD ;?tDmini^ fttato t\)t IReco^Det of ti)e €ity of Dublin, in fuel) ilgannct as is DicectcD m anD bp an -^ct of patlia- tnent pafTeD in tj)is ItingDom m tl)t Cbits tp fitft peat of tDe iaeign of {^is late ®a^ jeGj) f^ing George tl)e :$)econD, intittileD, An A6t for the recoveiy of finall Debts in a Sum- mai7 way, in the City of Dublin and the Liberties thereof, fttCl) :$uin o;? :$unts of ®onejj as be anD tl)ep il)aU neglect to pap as a= fo?efaiD, anD alfo t\)t full oTofts anD aii)atges tbl)icl) ft)aU be laiD out, onit 02 ^um, togetbec Vbith the latb:^ c h a p. ful ^iutereft of lucl) ^um o; ^ums of ^;^ j^onej?, as |)e t\)t faiD Robert Birch, l)iS i^eiC5, €xecuto as afo;?cfaiD, Ibbicl) Sintered il)aU be compnteD, anD commence at anO • from tl)c 5i:tmeof fucl)S>cmanD asafo^cfaiO, being made to o,? upon tt)e laiD Robert Birch; ^13 l^eits, executors, 0? ;aDminiQrato;s, un- til c^e fame il)all be recoVJeteD as afo^efaiO* ^nO be it fuct!)et €nacteD hv tbe :^u^ tl)o^itp afo^efatD, Cbat t{)e afo^efaiD fe\)e^ tal anD tefpectiUe :^ums of j®onej> to be paiD as afO^efaiD b^ tj)e fatD Robert Birch, ^iS i^eics, €xecuto;jS, 02 ;aommiftratoS, (Viall immeDiatelj) from and after t^e paffing of tl)is ^ct, be alien, anD cl)argeD, anD c!)argeable upon all t[)e laeal €Gate of \)m tbe faiD Robert Birch, until tl)e fame il)all be paiD to tloc faiD refpectibe 2i3anft €reDito;?S, 0? be ot()erttMfe barreD 0; Dirc{)argeD as herein after men= tioneD^ ^nD tbbereas in anD bp tj)e faiD reciteD ;3ct of t^e Xtbentp nintb peat of tbe \ laeign of f^is late ;®ajeftp llmg George t\)z :$econD, it is CnacteD, CDat in cafe € t tj)e 164 Anno Regni tertio Chap. t\)t tict l&^oDticc of tl)e faiD Cftatcs of tl)e ^- faiD John Willcocks anO John Dawfon ft)OUlD, ''^^'"^ot)et anD abotje tl)e ;3Uotbance tbcreaftcc tnat)e, be fufficient to paj? tl)c faiD part- nerft)tp aitet)tto;$ of tl)e faiD John Willcocks anD John Dawlbn, t\)t :$^nm of ^iitecn ^i)illmg0 in t\)t }^ount fo? tbcit refpcctiljc SDebW, t|)at t^en eacb of tl)cm, tl)c faiD John Willcocks atlD John Dawfbn, ft)oulD be allotbeD tbe :^tim of ^ctcn l&otinds fo^ eacl) l^iitiD^eti \&oun05 out of fuel) net }&;?oDute, to be paiD b}> tl)e faiD ;3ffignte5 0? titbo of t!)em, fo as fuel) :^e\)cn pounds fo? each J^unD;ct) (tiall not amount in tl)e tb|)ole to abot)e t^e ^utn of ti:i)?ee t!)0U' fanO i&ount)S to eacb of tl)em tl)e faiD John Willcocks anD John Dawfbn, anD tbl)erea6 it is notb tuanifeft that t!)e net l&^oDuce of the faiD Cftates of t\)c faiD John Willcocks anD John Dawfbn, oDec anD abobe tj)e faiD ;aUotiDancc, ate mo;?e than fufficicnt to pajj tl)e!C faiD l&attnetil)ip OTrcDito^s tl)z :g)um of :g»iiteen ^l)tUings iti tbe ^^ounD io} tDe refpectite Debts, anD tl)at tl)e faiD ^um of :$>et)en PounDs fo? eacl) J^unD^eO pounDs out of fuel) net l&;?oDuee, to be paiD to eacl) of tbem tbe fatD John will- cocks anD John Dawfon as afo?efaiD, Dot!) fuUp amount to tt>t ^utn of X!)?ce t!)0U' Georgii Tertii Regis. 165 tboufauD pounDs fo t^t TaiD ^^CTiffitees, ft)aU tnafee up ttttto eac^ of tj)em t^e :^ttin of iTb^ee tboufaiiD |5ounDS sterling, m full :^ati6' faction of tl)e afo;efaiD ^llotbance p?o\)iDeD io; tbem bp t\)t faiD reciteD M of JDarlia- ment. ;^nD be it fuctl)et €narteD bp tJ)e :^u^ t()o;jitp afoz paOinff of tl)i55 SHa, fell anD Difpofe of to t!)e bed aDbantage fo? ®onep, all tbe real anD petfonal €ftate6 of t|)e faiD Richard Brewer, tb{)icl) tetuains unDifpofeD of, anD is l)ecebp t)efteD in !)irn, tDe faiD Robert Birch, j)is i^etts, €iecuto;jS, anD ;^DmmiGtato?5, anD il)all collect, fue fo?, anD recover, 0? compounD, all 0? fo rnucl) as j)e ft)all be able of tf)e SDebts IbDicl) tbere Due to the faiD C t 2 Richard 1 66 Anno Rcg-nl tertlo t) Chap. Richard Brewer, auD retuaiii tiiifattsft'ct) antJ ^- ace l)CCebj> DcfteD m tl)e fattJ Robert Birch, ""^ ' J)i3€iecuto;j6anDaC!nimiQrato?s. ant) tl)ac t^e faiD Robert Birch, blS l^CItfS, €iectltO?S, 0? ;aDmmiftrato?5, il)aU tbitb tl)e j®oncv to be catfeD as afo;?efaiD oat of tJ)e Cftatcs anD €ffett«5 real anD petfonal of tj)e faiD Richard Brewer, Xb\)it\) ate tlieit^ ttoneD anD fpccifieD ui tl)e faiD Account OelitJeteD bp bmi to tl)e faiD aroiimiifrioner«, pap tl)e l)ebt3i of t!)e faiD Richard Brewer, tbl)icb l)at)e been atitiCgeD bp tl)e faio Commiffioners, anD tbbicb temam tinfatis^ fieD, acco;jDmg to t\)ttt Mature, ^morint, anD \&;?io?itj?; anD m cafe t\)t fame il)aU not be fufftcient fo;j tl)at jDurpofe, tl)at tl)en t\)t faiD Robert Birch i!)aU pap t6e Clafs of fuc^ ar?eDito?$ Vbl)ete fntb SDefittencp il)all begin, tateablp, anD m equal l&^opo^tions, iti fuel) ®annet as is in anD bp tl)e faiD te= citeD ;act DitecteD concetnmflr tl)e fame* \&?ot)iDeD altbaps, <^nD be it ftetebp De- tlateD anD enacteD by> t\)t ^ut!)o?itp, %\)at t\)z faiD Robert Biixli in fucl) 15ap= ments to be maDe as afo;?efaiD, bp anD tbitl) t|)e ®onep to be caifcD out of tl)e €Gates anD refects teal anD perfonal of t^e faiD Richard Brewer, lt)l)lCl) ate lUCn^ tioneD anD fpecifteD in t\)t faiD !^tcount Dc- libereD O^YAJ Georgli Tertli Regis. ,i 67 ii\3etet) hy> l)im to t^e faiD Coiiuni[fiotiets is c h a p. auD iljall lie coufiDcreD as a CreDito? of tl^e ^ fait) Richard Brewer, fo;j tl)C TaiD ^tlUl of fiitp kUn tboufauD £)iic l)unD?eD anD€)ne IDounDS fiiteen ^|)illtngs aiiD kUn pience l)alf^peutt)?, ![)erctofoe Di^ recteD ll)itJ) refpect to tj)e otl)et CceDito^?^ of t|)e faiD Richard Brewer. lp)?o\)iDeD net)ett!)elefs, anD be it €nacteD b)? tj)e ;^utl)o;?itp afo^efaiD, X!)at in cafe tl):rc i^all at anp Xtme l)ereaftei: Dif= co\3ereD anj? €ftate 0? CflFects of t;)e faiD Richard Brewer, not C0mp>l3CD Ut, 0^ fpcClfieD bp, t\>t faiD ^^ctount Deli\)ereD bj? J)im in, unto tl)e faiD aTommiffionetS nameD in tl)e faiD reciteD :^ct, t|)at tj)en anD in fuel) Cafe no \&att of tbe faiD Cftate 0? €(fCCtS of tl)e faiD Richard Brewer, tbl)icl) ii)all l)eteaftec be fo DifcotjeceD, 0? r^e p?oDuce tl^eceof, (!)aU be anj? tba;^ ap- plieD 0? applicable to t\)z l&aj^ment of anp feart of tbe faiD j$)um of fiitp fe\)en tl)ou= fanD €)ne l)unD?eD anD €>ne pounDS fix^ M u teen 1 68 Anno Regni tertio Chap, teen jg>j)iUmg« anD fetoen l&ente !)alf'peiinjj, ^* to ti)e faiD Robert Birch, but tl)at t^e tiet ""^ ' pjfoDuce of all fuel) €ftate anD effects of tj)e faiO Richard Brewer a3 l^all bctcaftec be Difco\)eceD, not exceeDtng m tl)e tbbolc tibe ;3mount of fo mucl) j®onej> as to= getDet tbitl) t!)e net ^&?ot)uce of tbe €ftate and effects of tl)e faiO Richml Brewer, mentioneO atiD fpecifiet) m ano hy tl)e faiD <^ccount belitjereo bj) l)i«i to tbe (aiO Coiu^ mirfionets, (tiall mafte up tl)e afo;jefaiD ^um of fittj) fet)en tl)ouranD ^ne l)un' D^eD aliD One l&ounDS fixteen ^biUmgs anO fetJen ^Sence balf^pennj?, ft)all be paiD anO applieO bj) t6e faiO Robert Birch, j)iS l^eits, €iecuto;{S, o? ^^DminiGtato^s, to anD amongft tl)e faiD €teDito^s of tl)e faiD Richard Brewer anD tl)e faiD 2i3anft CteDi^ to?S, tateablp anD in equal l^;jopo?tions, of anD fo? ti)e fet)etal ST^ebts tbbicl) l)al)e been aDjuDgeD to tl)em b^ tl)e faiD Ccanmiffion^ ets, otjet anD abobe tl)e ^um of eigj)teett :$l)iUtngs in t\>t #ounD to be ntaDe up to t\j)t faiD 23anl^ OIceDitoi^S as is l)etein befo;?e DiceaeD. ;3nD be it fttttl)ec CnacteD bp tfte ^utljo- ijitp afo;jefaiD, iC;i)at futb l&art anD |&arts of t[)e faiD €ftates real anD pecfonal of tl)e (aiO Jofeph Fade, John Willcocks, anD Jolin Dawfbn, Georgii Tertii Regis. 169 Dawfon, bCCebp tJeftcD in tj)e faiD Robert Chap. Birch, i)!S J^eits, Cxecuto^S, anD -:at)mmi; x. Gtato?6, 0^ Cttc^ l&act 0? ^arts tl)eteof as ' ^'^ ft)aU temaiti uttDifpofeD of hy tl)c faiD Robert Birch, |)t$ l^ettS, €XeClUo;?S, 0^ :^D^ minifttato^s, fball, ftom atiD aftet fucj) Xtme as tJ)e faiD Robert Birch, l)iS i^CttS, €xecuto?5, 0? ;5Dnimiftcato?0, piirftiant to tj)e SDicectionS of t!)is ^^ct, l^all t)at)e paiO to eat!) atiD etjetp of ti)e faiD 2i5anft Cce- Dito^s im\) ^um ano ^tims of ®one^ as tbill tbitl) t6e l&ajjments alteaDj) maue to tftcm refpectit)el;>, bj> t|)e fatO ;3irignees in t^e faiD teciteD 3C(t nametJ, mafte up atiD a- mount to t!)e ^um of cijgf!)teen :$)!)iUingsin tl)e \5ounD of tbeir ant) eacl) of t!)eir fetjetal anO tefpectitje p;?incipal l>ebtstb})ic!) tbereaO- ]ttt)ffeD to t!)em bp t\)z faiD CornmilTioners putfuant to t!)c SDttections in t!)e faiD teceiteD act, ft)aU be anD remain to anD fo;j t()e fole mCe, Benefit anD »!)oof of t!)e faiD Robert Birch, l^is {^eits, €xecuto;js, StDminiftra- to?s, anD aCTiigrns, fteeD anD DircJ)ar0eD from all Claims anD SDemanDS fo? 0; bp tcafott of mv of t!)e 2Debts of tj)e faiD Jofeph Fade, John Willcocks, anD John Daw- fon, 02 anj) of t!)em» StnD be it furt!)et €nacteD bj) t\)z ^ut!)o; ?itp afo^efaiD, •Cl)at eacD anD e\)erj> of tl^e Wi u 2 (aiD 170 Anno Regni teitlo ch A p.fatD laanft circdito^s, il)all in tl^te pears X- after ti)c faiD Xlbentj^ fifti) ^av of March ^^^^^ €)ne tboufauD fcVieti bntiD^cD auD fiitv ftue, mafte a ciciuanD of Uil)at ft)all Ic then tm to TuCl) CtcDlto^O, bp tl)e faiD Robert Birch, ^iS l^eics, €iecuto;?s 0? 5(tin!miftrato23, hy Virtue of tl)i5 ^ct, atiD tiiat on failure of mafttng fuel) SDcmanD as afo^ciaiD e\)cr)) fuel) €;?eD!to?, biS ^lecuto^s anD ^^Omini^ arato;?s, il)all fo2 cDer be barreD anD p^c- cluDeD from fumg fo^j fuel) Debt, eitl)cr m ILatb o Cuftom, to tl)e conttarp notlbit!)ftanDinigr. 3(nD be It furtbet CnacteD hy> tDe :^utl)0' ^itj) afo^cfaiD, Xl)at tl)i6 ^ct, anD all anD etjerp OTlaufe anD Ollaufcs tisercin con; tameD, anD eDcrp n&art tl)ereof, il)all be DeemeD anD taften notice of, in all Counts of ILatb anD €quttj? in tbis IS^inigrDom, as a publicft 3(ct of parliament. l&^obiDeD altbaps, anD be it €nacteD bp tbe ^utl)o^itp afO(?cfaiD, tlbat no^ tbmff m tbis ;^(t contameD fljall cxtenD, 0? be Georgii Tertii Regis. i-71 be cottfttueD to extciiD to affect anp of tl)e c h a p. Iteg>itces 0;? I>cl3ifecs of tji)e faiD Jofeph Fade, x. t6e faiD John Dawfbn CICCptCD, tbl)0 j^atC "^"^^^ clainieD ano p^o\3eD tJ)cit ^eiuauos* auD might iti Uitl) ®anner as tbas m ant) bp tl)e faiD reciteD ;3ct of the Xtbent)? umtj) J)eat of tbe iaeign of t^ts late ;®ajeftj) Bmff George tl)e ^ecoiH) CiitcctcD coitccm^ tng tJ)e CcebltO^S of t\}Z fatD Jofeph Fade» l^^otJiDeD alfo, ant) be it €uactetJ hyf tl)e ^utl)o;itp afo;efait), ts:i)at notDmgi in tl)i5 act containeD i\)M extenD, o^? be ConGtueD to eXtenD, to affect Mai7 Brewer^ Mfllfe of t|)e fait) Richard Brewer, 0} to Bat^ SDefate, 0? J^jjettiDice anj) i^igbt, Ollatm, Xitle 02 fntereft, tbj)icl) it)e, tl)e faiD Mary l)att) p^obeD in t\)t "©annex DicecteD b^ tl)e faiD xeciteD ,^ct, tj)at ft)e l)at), 0? map ftatoe, to anp \&art of tbe teal jF?ee6olD 03 pecfonal €Gates of tl)e faiD Richard, unbec cettain <^tttcles beating S>ate tJ)e ^Daj) of oaiober ^ne tl)oufant) k\)tn J)un^ D;ieO ant) fo;?tp £)ne, allebgeb to be enteteO into, anD perfecteO b^ t!)e fait) Richard Brewer of ti)e ft'CCt |5att, Mary Maughan ^pmffex of tl)e (econO |5act, anO Mary Maughan Wiu Dotb of tl)e tl)itD piaxt, p?et)iotts to, anD in confibetation of, i)i^ ^ntetmatriage tbitl) ti)e faiO Mary» fx anO 172 Anno Regni tertio ;^UD tt)l)crea$ Rkhcml Brewer, tl)e late Cafl)!Ct: of t!)e faiO |ohn Wilkocks aiiD John Dawfoii tbas lU tbc !©ontb of March, lu t\)z peac JoDnc tJ)otuanD feDeti J)unD?eD anti fift)? ft\)e, conmiitteCi a }^;i- fonet to the Marflialiea of t\)t Four- courts at tl)e ^uit of tbe faiD joim will- cocks atlD John Dawfon, atiD ttottbttbftanD' ingr tl)at all tl)e €ftatc6 atiD Effects teal anO perfonal of tbe faiD Richard Brewer, lt>l)icl) fte 0^ aup l^crfou 02 Perfons in XtuG fo? l)im, 02 to |)is ^fc 02 26cl)oof, tba6 fci5eD, polTcireC, 02 tntcteacD in, 03 intitleD unto, on tl)c iribclftl) 2Daj) of February One tl)otiranD feV)en l)«nt)?eD anD fiftv 6t)e, o;? fmce tbece b}> tl)e faiD :^ct of ^atliatnent \)eacD m tl)e ^[fftgnces tl)erc' in nameD to auD fo? tbe gfntents anD l^tir- po^es tbetcin mentioneC, ant) tl)at no 2Dif? cot)ec^ ioath l)c?n maDe of tbe Caid Richard Brewer's hatjing fecretcD 02 conccahD anp pact of Di6 faiD CQates 0? €ffects fo tcfteDin t\)t faiD aiTitriiec^i, tbe faiD Richard Brewer e\)ec Once \)z Ibas fo comiuitteD to tbe faiD Marihaliea, b^tb been, ant) dill IS, a p^ifonec tbcccin at tbc ^mt of tbe faiD John Willcocks anD John Dawfon : iBe It €nactcD bp tbe ^«tbo2!tj> afo^efaiD, Cbat tbe faiD Richard Brewer be f02tb' Ibitb Georgll Tertii Regis. i^^ tbitl) DifcI)arfrttJ ftom bis faiD gjmpjifon; c h a p ftient, at t\)Z :^'U!t of t\)t faiD John Willcocks ^• ant) John Da\vf6n, auD ti)at tl)e IDerfon of ""^^"^ tl)C faiD Richard Brewer be fo^ cVieC M- fbarci'cD from tJ)c idallance aCjuDgeD by> ti)e Cc!r;milItoiiec0, m tl)e faiD ^ct nameD, to l)a\)c Oceti tf)eii i)ue bp !)mi the faiD Richard Brewer tO tl)e faiD John Willcocks ailD John Dawfbn, anD aifo of auD from all atiD c\)tt)? iDcbt ant) s^ebts Due o;j otoiiiij b)> tl)C faiD Richard Brewer tO auj^ l^ecfoil 01 pcrfons tt)l)atfoel)er; ^a\)iucr altbaj^s, to tl)e laincr's @oft excellent ®ajcGr. auD to all auD cDctj? otijiec |5ecf6it atiD pec^ foiis, 2i5oDie3 pohticli auD Co^po^ate, (ex^ cept tbe faiD ^^ffiguecs in t!)c faiD reciteD :^(t namcD, anD fuel) pecfon anD |5ecfons as Claitu 0^ Deii\)e unDec tj)e faiD Jofeph P^adc, John Willcocks, John Dawfbn, anD Richard Brewer, 0? anp 0ap of May i^ne tbowfano Cctjen |)ttnti?eD 178 Anno Regni tertio Chap. aitD fiftj) ttbo, uuitcD atiD ercctcD into £r>ne XI- Compaii>\ BoDp politicft 0? (£o;?poratc, ^^'^^ by t\)c iRamc, ^tile anD Xitle, of tl)e €0?= po?atiott fo^ ^ms on ait SinlatiD ^aVJijjation in Ireland, to l)al3e perpetual ^uctcffion, tbitb fetoccal \&oHDer2i anO ;5utl)o;?ities, lbl)ic!) m anD by tbc faiD ;5ict, are particnlatlp mentioneD anD ci; p^eCTeD: r^nD lbl)eteas it i« among otbet Xljings €nacteD, m anD by tfce faiD act, tbat tYK TaiD aro ^f^ fembl^, at fonie tonUenient l&Iace m tl)e Citp of Dublin, four ITimesi m et^crp pear on tj)e foUotbtng l>a^s: tl)ati3to faj? on eDer^ Monday luuneDiatelj' next after the 5?irft 3>a)> of May, eV)crp j?irft 21>ar of Aiigiift, cVier^ J?irft 3>aj^ of November/ anO el)erp jFirft SDapof February, rcfpcctitelr, anD oftncr, as tl)e fatD aro;?poMtfon, €lcV)cu 0? nio?e of tbeui being p^efent, ftjoulD fee £)ccarton, anD"tt)at tt)z faiD ai:o;?po>atton, €lct)cn o;? mo2e of thtm being p^fent, migl)t anD (l)oulD at t^eit General £litat= tets Meeting, tbbic^ iljoulD be y)elD the Monday after tbe jFirft S)ar of Febmary next cnfumg the paCfmg the f^iD -^rt, ano fo on Monday next after the JFird 2^ap of February m cVictp fucceeDmg pear, CouRi; tutc Georgii Tertii Regis. 179 tutc ant) ^vvoint oat of auD from tbem^cHAP. fclDeS, Cttocrttp four CommiiTioucrs, to 'oe ^^• calico ^mrtaiits, mic\) fato ^maants -^^^ U)eie to be cl)o(in in iT^auner as ':)> t-hc Cait) Za 1$ DiccteD, ano t^c faio ^tCTiftants fo^ the %xnic bcjagr, 0; aa^ 6t)e 02 ino^e of tl)em, tljcre tl)erel)p fUipottsercD to meet auD aCTcmblc tJ)cmfelioe5 toprctl)cr, at one of tl)e tlbo i^iaces tb!)erc tbe fatD aio;?Lio2arton i)aD rifuallp met in tiyt glTit?) of Dublin, (to tbii:) i^!$ ®aieftr'0 Caftlc of Dublin, 01 tl)c ^arliamait i^oufe, anD as often as tUv il)oulO tbmlt pwtt: ;anD tbl)ctea$ tl)e tU)o ^5lac'6 mentioneO ant) appomteD br tbe faiO recitcD ^a fo2 tl)c ©eetmij auD ^(Tcmblincr of tbe faiD ^^ITiftants, 01 anp 6Vse 0? mo?e of tftem, (to tbit) J^is ®a]e- ft)?'s oTaftle of Dublin, 01 tU l^atliament i^ouie, l)aDe becnfoimo incontjenient: Beit (2raactcO bp tl)e Einrs ®oft Excellent j^aieft)?, b)) aut) tbitl) tfte ;5bbice anD OTi^uifcnt of tbe llo;?bs Spiritual anD Xeuiro^al anD Commons in tl)isp?efent paciiament aCTembleD, anD bp t|)e ^u^ tbo2itp of tbe fame, tJTbat from anD aftet tbe ^aUrajr of tftis M, it iljall anD ma? be Italbfal to anD fo? tbe faiD irtbentj> fotir CotmmfTioners, o; ;^frtftants, fo? tbe -^ime being, 0; anv fi^e 0^ mo^e of rbcm, from €ime to Xtme, atiD as often as 5 3 tbev i8o Anno Regnl tcrtlo cha T.thty il)all thinfe l&,^opcr, to meet aiib nt^ ^^- femule tnemfclu.s tocrctbcr, at my conDc^ ""^ ' nitnt place m tU OTitjj o) €ount)> of Dub- lin, accoijtJincr to tJ)cit l)ifccction fo? tDe purpoic of cicctiting: all fuel) PoVbero anC» ;3ufl)o?ities, as are gitjen atiD ^rantcD to them Up tl)e faiD tetiteD -^ct. :5InD be It ftitt|)et CnacteD bp tbe ^u= tbo;?tt^ afo^cfaiD, tl)at it il)all ant) map be lalbful to aiiD fo^ t!)e faiO OTo^jpo^ati: on, fo^ p^omotmg anD carr^'mjj ou an ^n^ lanD .utie5 t^edcD m them bp ;3tt of l^acltament, as (l)all be neceffarp fo? builtiing a contJentent t^oufe Ibitbin the (£ttp o;j Countp of Dublin, anD fucni(l)injgr the Tame Ibitb P^opet ^^ttommotiations fo;j the laeception of tl)e fatD OTo^poMtion anD ;a(riGants, to meet anD affemble in, fo? putting in Cietntion the feberal pothers anD Authorities ijefteD in them bp Hatb, anD until fuel) l^oufe il)all be built anD futniiljeD as afo;efaiD, to applp fo much of the faiD Duties as Hiall be nc- ceffarp fo? the JRent o? f^ite of a (^oufe tbithin ti)t faiD Citp o? Countp of Dub- lin, ttttinflr anD proper fo? t\)c\t ;5ccommo- Dation. AnD Geofgil Tertli Regis. iSV ;?lnti tbbetcas tbe aHonmiifTfonetS ap^: c h a p> poiutcD b^ the faiD fet^cral :^aQ to; put^ xi^ ting tl)c fame m execution, at tbeic fe\)e= "^"^ ral anD tefpectitje Meetings to Cio aawfinef^, are tJieteUp CifableD fccut acting unlefs OEle^cu 0? tno^c of tl)etu be p;?efent: ^nD iijbeccas tl)c alTcmblintr fo great a flum^ bee to t5o the o^Dinarp anD neteCTatv isdu^ fuiefs of the laiD Corporation j)a^' hun fouuD t)er^ Difficult, anD great SPtfappomt- meats anD Velars ha\)e fceQuentlp fob IoUdcD from a fufficient iRumbet not meet^ tng at the tJEimeis apposnteDfo^ th^itpnt^ pofe: 2ae it €naaeD bp the^^uthotitpafo^jc^ faiD, X j)at from anD after the j?irft 3)aj) of May next, fevicn o? mo?e of the faiD Co?= poMtion being p^efent, l^iaU at all Ximesf hereafter haVse full l&otbec anD ^utho?itp to Do all fuch '^ct0, as anj> eleV^en o? othet Quoi-iim or dumber of tlje faiD Co^po^ ration uught ha\)e Done b^ tUlirtue of the feVietal Statutes m tl)at Cafe maDe anD protiDeD: Cicept to grant monej) fo? t\)t tacr):'ing on of SKHorli^ noth hzgun o? l)cteafter to be begun. :^nX^ in ^P^^et to enable t!)e faiDCorpora^ iion to cart)? on anD l&?ofecute the • 532 M!o?&S 1 82 Anno Regni tertio chap.'Mo^M itolb uuDcttafecti, 01 httafm XI. to be imDcrtaiicti bp tJ)em, in the inofl: ^^^^'^ effectual ano futficietit ©aumr, be it €no'(teD by thz :^ut\)o^itv afo^cfaiD, %hat from auD aftet tDe j?irft Wav of May j^ne tDouTauD fetoen bunD^cD auD iiity> four, It (i)?M aiiD n\ay> U \aMiii to atiD fo;? c\)ecj) C)t)ftfeet appomtcti Iji the faiD €o;{poMtton, o^ my ^tXan o; ino;?c of t|)eut, to tl)e ^are auD 2Ditertion of tl)e ^lo2li^ bp tl)cm catricD on, anD fo^ fuel) ^jcCCon o;j l^ecfonis as fuel) €)\)etfcec il)aU from Ettne to Xum appoint, hy> ^^Dec of tl)e faiD Composition, 02 anp ^cbcn of tl)cm firft obtained fo^ tl)at |5urpofe, to open an)?^uactp o) €luacties, (ll;?a\)el, o^ ^anD, 0? oilaP'Pits, 0? (B;?at)el, :$>anD, o?ailappit0, auD tDeceout to raife, Oigg, anO cratbec Atones, (B?aV)el, j^anD o, XhWh ^Satisfaction m"-''^ — cafe t!)e fame cannot be at)jaftcD h}> tl)e ¥>art!e3(, il)aU be finally afceitaincD by> a '^uxy, in fuel) :®)annct a^ h^ the .^ct of ti)e ^tbcnt)? ftftb or Cfis late )®a|eap is tJirectcD fo;? tnafting :^at!Sfaction foa fuel) dS^otintiS as (Ijall be OamaireD m inaUtngf 02 finiltimcr an^ €anal, o;j in inahmg anp iRitjet natiifablc* ::^nD in o^tiet to p?efett)e anb fteep in re^ paic tl)e fe\)ccal Xtach^roabs, Ibbic}) note ace, 0.' l)ereaftet ina^ be maDe alons: an;> OTanal o;? ^atJigable laiber bj? tl)c ^icertfon of tlje faib Co afo;?efaiD, Cbat from anD aftec t\)c jTirft 2Da^ of May £Dne tl)otifanD fet^en f)nnD^D anD iiity four, it (lt)aU anD map be laUbful to anD fo;? tl)e faiD ;Eo?po;ation, 0? my i^cXtcn 02 luo^e of tl)em, 0;? fuel) l^erfon o^Dcr of the faiD €o;po:a= vl a a tiou 184 Anno Regni tertio c H A p.tiott, fl)cill ht iimDc aloiicr 0^ on tbe Wnnh^ ^^' of anv Canal 0^' iRaVngrablc il\i\)cr, auD ' ""^ alfo fucb CoU4)oufc 0? XoU l)oufeg, as tl)ep il)aU jutJcrc nccerrar>% auD tl)e latD qio;pO(?ation, 0^ anp ^e\)en 0? iiuvc oi tl)e!n, fljall anO map from Hiuic to Xiuie appoint fuel) ^oU anD Antics, to be tl)rre OcmanDet), recciUeD, anu tahcii, 0; tiiav compount) lV)itb anv l&erfoii 0^ pcrfons fo;? tl)e fame, befo2C anv l^o?fe, ^are, (SelDmg, ^fs, 0? ®iile, Cattle, Coacb, »tlm, Ci)anot, Calall), CDaife, Cl^air, QlSUaggon, Qisaain, OTart, «irarr, 0? orbcc Cattiage, not ktXnng 02 belpintr an)? ^Iicf:^ fel m pafTrngr up 0? Colbn tlie faiD oTanal o?lA!\3Ct, ft)all be petmittcD to pafstivongrh fuel) cl5ate 02 ITucnpifee as t\)(v il)aU tbmft fit anD teafonable, anb all tU Xollo 02 Duties tbbicl) i^ball be rcccibcD 0; collcrteD as afo^efatb, tl)e neceCfar)? Charges of col? lectincr tht fame to be afcertaiucD b>> tl)e faiD Corporation, 0? an^^ ^ctcn 02 more of tl)em, bcmg liift DcDuctcD, fliall be ap^ pUeb to cepatc anb hecp np tl)e faiD Cloab, anb if not Ibanteb for tlMt ^Ue, to fuel) ctbec mz for tl)e »nefit of ti)e Mo^fts unbcrtaftcn, or to be tinbettal^en, bj) tbe faiD Corporation, as tl)e faio Corporation, or anv ^euen of tl)cm, fl)iU tl)n\h propcc anb ton\)cment, anD t\)t faiD Co;pora:: tion GeorgilTertli Regis. i8r tion, 02 any ^t\)tn o;> mo^t of tl)ew, ate c h a p j)ercb)j lutpolbcrct) b^ tl)c mfelt3e«5, 02 an)> ^^^ i^etfon o; |&erfonS bjj t|)etit, o; anj) :^eV)eu 0? mo;>c of t|)em, untJec tj)eic {^anDs aiiD ;^eal6 tbeteunto autl)o;?i3eD, to let)j) tl)c Xoll oerfons tb|!)o ou9:l)t to "pa)3 tl:)e fame, ano map Detam atiD feeep tJ)e ^ame nnttl huh ^oU 0^ l>«tp, Xhitl) the reafonable ^l)atge6 of fncJ) difttaiiiing 0^ Hecpiug: 1*1)311 be paiD, atiD aftet the :^pace of 6t)e S^aps aftet fuel) ST^iftccfs iiiaDe auD taftcn, to fell the cBooDo fo tiiftrameD, rctutniug tbe Otetplus, ifanp, upon Ciemant) to tl)e ^Ibnet t\)acol ^tiD Ibbeteas b)? a fo;>mec ;^ct it iS €u; acteD, %\)cU no l&etfoti 0^ l&ctfons ll)all. tJurinig: tl)e tJEetm in tl)e faiD ;5lct men- tioueD, kt tiv, 02 excrcife tl)c Cmploj^mcttt of mafeturr CatDS, m anp STolbuo^ place m tl)i5 EiiugDom, cicevt in tl)e OTitics of Dublin 0^ Cork: :5(ntJ \b!)erea0 fntcc tl)e pairing- tin Uih :^a, paper mills IvVoe xl a a ^^ bceti. i86 Anno Regni tcitio, i afo>e= faiD, tuijat from anD aftcc t\)c fad^a)) of Augiirt next, It fljall anD iiiav be lalbftil to ant) fo;? anp jbctfon o^ <£)crfon$ to fet tip anD ciercife tlje employment of mabing of €arD5 in t\)t Olitj) of lAmcnck, 02 the ILibctties tI)ereof, upon gi^Jinij [ut\) Notice to t!)e Collector of tl)e |5o2t of ify: faiD Cttp, as IS cequiteD by ti.e faiD 3fa in tbe Cities of Dubrm anD Cork; fiibirct neljer- tl)elefS to fuel) JIVegularions, U\eftri(tions, anD penalties, as in tl)c faiD ^ct is men- tioneD, tbitl) rcfpect to CarD^mahets m t\)t OlltieS of Dublin anD -Cork. A N A N Chap. XII. ACT FOR Continuing the Encouragement gi- ven by former A(fts of Parliament to the Flaxen and Hempen Ma- nufactures. ^'^ si^ 1 ^P^^^^-^V ■.'■^^A.~Vr"r''^KJ 5 ^%^ I DUBLIN: Printed by Boulter Crierson, Printer to the King's Mofl Excellent Majefty. Mdcclxiv. ( i89) A N ACT FOR Continuing the Encouragement given by former Adls of Parliament to the Flaxen and Hempen Manufacftures. Wl^ne ^!)iUmjgr ano ^ir- 2© b d i pence i^o Anno Re^i tertio Chap, pcute per ^atD 11)35 laiD on all lb!)ite, XII. painteD, atitJ GameO Olallicoes, anD :^ii' ' — ""^ pence per patD on all fo?t«5 of ?Linen ttiDitl) ft)oulD l)e tmpo?teD mto tj)i5 I9iins[l)om tbitl)- in t!)e :^pace of feben peats, commencing fcom t\)z €nD of tj)e t^en next ^effion of parliament, ant) ftom t^e €xptcation of t\)z faiO Xetm of miif, J'eatsi, to rt)e ^no of tj)e next :§e(rton of l&atliament ^nfuing, to be appliet) to encowtaue tl)e I^empen anD jFlaxen ®anufa(tuce«5 of tl)i5 IBimgOom, anD to be ^^ubjcct to tl)e SDifpofal, €)?Der, anD j®anasfement of t{)e STtuftees ap^ pointeD fo;j t!)e Encouragement of t^ J^empen anD jFlaxen ;®?trtufactuttr0"tft tDiS fBtingDom; tb!)ic!)TatD^2Dttf!e5lDet« fur^ t^er continueD bp an ^et palTeD m t!)e :gieconD pear of tbe laeign of l^is j®a= teftp ISting George t!)e j?irG, intituleD, An Aa for continuing the Encouragement given by fonner A6ts of Parliament to the Ifeten^ ami Hempen Manufa^ures ; anD fo;> tl)e . ftt'tt|)er ^mp?ot)ement anD laegulation )|f /tl)e fame During tl)e laemamDer of tl)e faiD ficft Xerm of feben peats, anD alfo Dur^ ing tbe iuttptt Xertn of feben peats, from t^e expiration of tl)e faiD fonner llerm of feben Pears, anD from tl)encc to tj)e €nD of t\)t :§>en'ton of l^arliament tl)en next follotbing; anD tbbic!) faiD SPuties tbcre iuttljct Geo rgii Tertli Regis. ipi fttttbci: contimiet), Out tbitl) an €xcBptfou c h a p. to tbe ®anilfactute of Great Britain, bjjati ^'"• ;^ct paCTcD in tl)e teutl) pcac of tU IReign '^^"^■' of ifeiS i^ajCPiP Btrng George tbc fllTt, intittUeD, An Ad: for ameiKllng the feveral Laws new in force for encouraging the Flaxen and Hempen Manufadiires in this -Kingdom, and for tlie hiiprovement thereof: 3(nD UD!)erea$. bp an ^ct I affeD in the firft f^cac of tl)c iReigu of 1^13 late ^ateft^ lamgr George tl)C ^ecOUD, mtltuleD, An Ad foi- the further Improvement of the flaxen and Hempen Ma- Hufadurcs of this Kingdom, ti)C fatti SDutiCS Ibere fnrtJ)ct contmucO, anD an atititional Dtit)) of £[)ne ^btUtng auD :^txpence per jMrD tbas laiD on all pamteD anD (laineD ^gtiflmS tmpopititual ant) xn. tJEetn^o^al anD aToniniond in tJ)iSi p^e- '""''^ fetit ^^arliament aCTcmbleD, anD b^ tl)e :^ut\)oi\t}> of t()e fame, 5i;})at all ttil)ite, painteD anD ftaineD aralicoe«5, anD all painteD anD ftaineD ;®uQmS, except fucD OTalicocs anD ®ullm5 as are patnteD anD ftaineD in Great Biitain, anD all fo;}t3 of Itinen tbl)icl) i^all be iinpo?teD into tWs EmgrDom, extept tbe^ be of t^e j®anufarture of Great Britain, o;j be painteD 0? ftameD in Great Britain, at anj) Xime tbitbm tl)e ^pace of tuibentj? one 5)eat«5 fcom tl)e CnD of tl)i0 p;>efent :$)ef= fton of l&atliament anD from thence to tDe €nD of t!)e ^efCion of laatltatncnt tl)en next enfumg, i^iall anftbcr anD pap unto ^is ®a^ jeGp, l^is l^cits, anD ^>ticccfl"o;?«5, tl)e Cctjetal mates anD Duties foUolbing, (tl)at is to [ay,) €)ite :$>I)iUtng anD J^itpcnce per parD fo? t\)tt^ patD of llil)ite, patnteD anD ftamcD Calicoes, pamteD anD ftamrD ®uflms, except as afo^efaiD, tbbid) iljall be mipo^teD into tl)is BingDotii IbitDiu t\)c HTiine afo^efaiD, anD i^ixpcnce a patD fo^ cDerp parD of anp fo;jt of ?lincn, except as afo^e:: faiD, \Wi\) il)all be unpoKcD into tl)ts IQimgDoni During tl)c %iine afout!eS laiD auD iiirpofeD b}> tl)t3 ^a on all XWtt, painteD ant) GameD oialicccs, ant) painteD anD ftaineD j®uQms ano ?Linen €lotl)S, (^hU, Dutin gr tl)e OTontinnante tijeteof, be ap- plieD to the Hfe of tl)e l^etnpen anD jFlaien ^anufacttues in t^is IBitngDom, anD to no otl)et Tife tbbatfoeDet ; anD tl)at tbe leuetal ^mm of j®onep atiflng ftom tU faiD ^utitQ fo gtanteD il)all from Cmte to '€nm he paiD Up t\)z Mia T^ a- C c c 2 iui't; 1 94 Anno Regni tertio CHAP.furer, o? tDe mcceitiec d^ener^l of tl)i5 XII. l^mgDour, to tl)c faiD iTruftces fo? tl)c ""^"^^^ Xmie being, uvon a SKU arrant imtier tl)cic l^anDs, 01 t\)t l^ants of anv fitjc o; mo^c of tl)cm, ll)itl)ont anp otl)cr o^ ftirtjier WiiUtmt to be fiieD fo?, l)at), o> olitaineo, III tJjat 2ac])alf. :^nt) be it furfJ)cr€naftet) bv H)z $^utI)o: ;?it)) afo?efaiD, €l)at no D^albbaih o^ '^tc bentuce (!)aU be allolbcD, patt), o? gi\)CH b>' anp Collectors, 02 anp otlKr £DiTitcr$ of 1^15 ®at:ft^6 JRctenne, to anr perfon o> perfons fo? 0? on Account of fxpo;>t= ing of anp OTalicoe, ®nfiiu, J^oUanD, :^ail'€lotl), 0? Hinen lbl)atroc^cr out of tbis BincrCotii, ejiccpting facb as arc of ti)c ^Manufacture of, 02 painteD o^ llatucD in, Great Biitain; an^ fo:iuer ilall), Wcigc, 02 Cuftou!, to tl)e contrary tl)ercof n\ a up tbife ttotlbitl)ftanOing : 3(nD tt)!)ereas m 02t)cr to cucourarrc t!)e 5mpo2tation of gooD futuiD fo^cicrn iKinp: feeo ano 5?lax feed into tl)i5 i^^incrCom, at talv ano rcafonaOIc l^ateo, a ^2 J«'Wi" of ftVic ^l)illinfrs a l'^ocril):aD f)at\) been gr2 fUxMn of thz G?oU)th of Ruflla, Germany tj)e Netherlands, tbe ^afr Counrrp, 02 atij? of thz Engllfh }&laittatiouv5 tn America, fo^ feljetal fuC' cellitje Xcnns of pears, tbe laft tib!)eceof tbill expire tbitb tDe €nD of tl)is p^efeut :^c[fioti of ^atltanieiit; ano tt J)at6 been fouuD bp €iperrnce. tl)at tJ)e bed f^mip^ fccD anD j?lai::feeD, ma)> be l)ati ftom tj)e po;?ts i)erem after inenttoneD, anD t\)at tbe faiO encoiiraffemetit fo? t|)e gfmpo^ tatioti of crooD founO J^emp^feeo auD 5?lai=CeeD (l)oulD be continueD fo> a fur- tber ^erm : Be it enacted bp tfce ^tt= tl)ontv afo^efaiD, sri)at tbt)oe\jct il^all im:^ po;?t on fucccctimjgr j^eCfion of ^atliauient t\)<:ty> j®ircl)ant ti3l)o ll)aU €xpo;t an}) J^cmp^fccD o^ jFlax- feeo a^all, fo? cUecp {^ogil)caD tl)cteof fo cipo^teD, pap ftVje ^l)iUincr5 Cuftom to the l^ing, C^is C^citg, ano ^uccclTo^s, un^ Icfs £Patl) be maOe before tJ)e Coiuiuiffion^ ecs ^uD-^ouunifTionccs o^ £)ffitct of tl)e ^&o<2t tl3!)ctc fuel) jTlaX'fecD o^ l^ctup^fceD rt)aU be expo^teD, tl)at tlie fame tbaS of t|)e from ttil) nee be belieDes tl)e fame tbas unpo^tcD, anD that l)e Dcrilj) bclieDes tj)e fame to be founD anD gooD, anD of thz (B^olbtl) of t!)e ;$uiumcr tjien next p^e- ceDrng: -^nD )bl)cteas in o^Dcr to entourage tl)c laaiCing of 5?lax feeD anD flax m tins Georgli Tertii Regis. jny MvA^tiom a l^^tiunm of f^az ^hiliincf acH a p. ajBalijel hatl) beeu gcatiteD aiiD contmtiet) ^"• hy [eyecal ^ct9 of ^arl'ament palTeD m "^^ tlifS gjtmsftiom m tl)e iaeigti of i^i^ji late f:0ajeftp HXing George t^c ^ecoiiD fo? tUty 2i5uil)el of frooD fouuD mertbantable j?lcU feeD of t|)c (ll^?oUoti) of tj^io Hmgom, rent ou ;^>I)ip'UoarD from thz §>oat\)ttn ^an of t|)!^ l^iugDom to the ^o^rbccti ^^art t}):ceof, fo} kmui fiicccffitje ItetuiS of peats, tj)e laa tl:)!)ctcof ItiiU expire \bitb tl)e €nO of t!)!9 piitnimu fo; a futtl)ec 5i:etm, Vbill gteatlr mcteafe tl)e ILmtn ®autifacture ; be It fuafteD fcf tl)e ^m\)02ity afo^efaiD, XJ)at fo;? tl)c :^43ace of Clbentp ^nt peats from tl)c €uD of t\)i^ p^fent :§effion of ^atliaiucut, iinti from tbeitce to tl)e €tiD of tl)c then next ^effion of pattiauient, tbl)cti rrooD founo anD tnetci)antable jFlax^ feeD of tl)e C5(?oUul) of tj)is EmjOfDom 1$, 02 fl)aU be, put on ^j)ipiboacD m fottnO Caslts at Dundalk, 0^ anj) otbet l&o^t of t!)is Is^mgDom ^oiit()lbatD tl)ereof, bp anp ^crcl)ant 0? oibcc JDetfon 0;? j&etfons tbl)o ftjall tual^e €)atb before tbe Collector, i$)Utbe;'o;>, 02 elanDOTaitec of fucb J5o;t, U>l)o ate betebp impotbeteO auO tequiteD 2> D 2 to ip8 Anno Regni tertlo c H A r. to atituiniftec the fame, tJ)at be, to tj)e xn. i)eft of 1)15 fftiU auD fetiotblct:crc, bclie\)es ^-'"'^'^ the TaiD :^GeD to be fotinD auD gooD, aiiD ti)at no premium Ibas et)ct recettJcD there- on, anD that tl)e fame iS of t})c (I5;oU)tl) of tl)!3 BtngDom, tbe Collector of tl)e ¥^o?t tbbece tbe faiD ^eeD il)all be put on ^hip boatt) as afo>efaiD, il)all, on icDatb maCie as afo^efaiO, giU U3ttj)out j?ee o? laetbnD, wnto fuel) ^betfon o? perfons as afo?efaiD, a Certiftcatc li)I)erein il)aU be eip^effeD, tbe ^tiantitj) of ^eeD fo il)ippeD, ano the dumber of fount) Casfts Vhhere^ in the fame is containeD, anO the 3)a^ of the ®onth anD peat tbhcre the fame thas 5)ippcD, anD that Oath has been maDe bcfo;?e httn as afo?efaiD, that then z\)ztv fuch ^ecfon anD petfons upon lanDiug the faiD §^ttD in founD (iTashs in anp |Do;?t of th?s liincrDom fitoe Heaijues 0} mo^e il^o?thlt>arD of the faiD po^ of Dundalk, anD DeltVietfngr the faiD Cetti= fitate, anD mafting- Oath befo;?e the Cob lecto?, :$utl)e^o?, o; HanD tbaitct of the ^o^t, that the faiD ^eeD fo lanDeD is the fame ^ceD mentioneD in the faiD Certificate, Ihhich Oath the Olollecto?, :$urVii7or, o? lLanD4haiter of the |Do?t IS hcrebp impotbereD anD tequiteD to aD= minifter, anD upon leonD bemg: giDen hy etjerp Georgii Tertii Regis. ipo eDerjj fuel) <©ercJ)ant o? ot^et l&etfoti in c h a p. the ^nm of srtbetitj) ^DillitiffS fo? eberp xir. 2i3irrel of fuel) jTlax-feeD anO fo in ^^o^ ^^^^^^ portion fo? el)etp gceatec ^^uantitp tl)at tJ)e faitJ :^eeD is srooD, fonuD, anD inercl)antable j?lax=feeD of t!)e (I5;?otbtl) of tj)i«3 iSimgOom, anD il)aU not be relanUeD 0? fent into anj> po?t of tj)is EinjjDom, more ^outl) t})an fiiDe Heajjues ^o;?tl) of Dundalk, il)all be intitleD to, anD teceitJo ftoin tbe OTollecto? of tj)e l&o})illinff fo? et)etj> :?5u(l)el fo lanDeD, cleat anD free ftom all 2Dutie«5 pa??able upon tbe €ipo?t of jFlai-feeD, to be paiD hv fuel) €)ffitet o? £)fficers in fucj) j®annet as S)?atbbacfts ate ufuall? paiD» € e e AN A N AC T FOR The more effecftual preventing Bri- bery and Corruption, in the Elec- tions of Members to ferve in Par- liament, and the Magiftrates of Cities, Boroughs, and Towns Cor- porate. DUBLIN: Printed by Boulter Griersom Printer to the King's Mofl: Excellent Majefty. Mdcclxiv. ( 203 ) A N ACT F O R The moi*e efFecflual preventing Bri- bery and Corruption, in the Elections of Members to ferve in ParUament, and tlie Magiftrates of Cities, Boroughs, and Towns Corporate. C H A P. XIIL WK^^^mc;^^ it ie^ fount) h^ €jtpe'CHAP, rieiice tj)at tl)e ilatbs alreaDj? in hting ^"^• j)aD6 not been fufficient to p2et)ent co^^npt' ""^ anD illegal l^^actices, in t^e election of Jgeml)etSitoferDeinl^arliawent;fo;jJJiettieDj) f f f t!)etefo?e 204 Anno Regnl teitio Chap tljetcfo^e of fo ffLcat an €tJil> auO to t\)z xnr. euD t|)at all elections of j^emliccs to }5ar^ '^'^'^ liatneut tuaj? Ijeieaftec be fieel)) auD inCiiffeccntlp llDit!)out Olbargc o^ Cxijeiue: 25C It OEnactcD Ijp tJ)e I^tng s ©ofl; €icel= lent i^ajeOv, hy anD Ibitl) t})e acDice ano Content of tl)e ?lo?DS ^^picftnal, anD Xempo;}al anD Cotutuons in this p^fent pacliament affeinbkD, anD b^tl)e^ut6o?it^ of tl)e fame, Xi)at from anD aftcc tj)e jFitG 2Dap of June in tl)e peat of out Co;jD £)nc t!)oiifanD fel^en l)unD;?cD anD fixtj) four, upon eVietp election of anj? ^tm^ bee 0? j®embets to fecte fo? tl)e aTonunons in parliament, elierp jprecbolDet, aiiti3en, jFreeman, Bttrgefs, 02 perfon, Da\3incr, 03 claiminsr to baVie, a ^aigbr to tjote 0,' be polleD at fuel) €leaton, il)aU before be is aDmitteD to poll at the fame election talte tDe follotbmg iDatl), (02 being vf the people falleD €Iuafters, ll)all mahe the folemn Affirmation appomteD fo^ £lciafe- ers) in cafe the fame (i)cill be DemanDeD h}> eitDer of the olanDiDatcs, 01 anp tlbo ^of the eierto^s: (tl)at is to fap) ' .. T. A. B. do Swear (or being of the People called Qiiakers, I A B. do fblemnly Affirm) I have not received or had by my lelf, or any Perfbn whatfoever in Trufl: for mc, or for my .Uie A r. II. Georgii Tertil Regis. 20 n U/e and Benefit, or for the Vie and Benefit ofc h a any of my Family or Kindred, to my Knowledge ^l^^- or Belief, directly or indired:ly, any Sum or ' ^"" " Sums of Money, Office, Place or Employment, Gift or. Reward, or any Promifc or Security for any Money, Office, Employment or Gift, in. order to give my Vote at this Eleftion, and that I have not before been polled at this Eledlion. ;JInD be it CttactcD hy tU :^nty)02itf afojefaiD, tbat t\)z ^^tm 0^ C^fjcers p^e^^ TiDing: at fuel) €le(tion0, il>iU appoint a f tifttceof tDe l^eace fo> t!)e IDtirpofe of 30=^ miniGriug t\)t fait) €)ati) c^ afficuiatioii in open €otut, fo as tbe poll il>iU not be tbecebp tetatDeD, anD tbe faiD f uftice of t^e J&eace (l)aU, m tj)e l^^efence of four c? tno^e lections to be nominated hy> eacl) CantJiDate, aDmmidcc tbe faiD £Dat|) to e\3etp &tao2 Moiz (ml) €leao2 iljail be atJUUtteD to poll, if tj)e fame fljall be DcnmutieD m afo^n>jD, anD if tU £D^icei: 0^ €)lftceC6 p^efitJinrr at fuel) €lea?on il)al! tefufe to appomt a fudice of tht l^eace fo? tl)e ^utpofe afo.^efaiO, 0^ ?f tbe faiD fuf- tice ll)aU reftifc to aDniiUfftec tbe fame d^tatis, if DeinanDeD as afo^efaiD, ftub £Pf^ ficer, 02 gjuftite of tbe ?5eace, ftjall fo;s'fett jFiftp pount)^ to any pttiotx tbat (l)aU fue Jf f f i to? 2o6 Anno Regni tertio c H A P. fo; tDe fame, to be teco\jereD, togetber Ibitl) ^i"- full OTofts of :^tiit, by :^a\on of SDebt, 2i5il!, "-^"^ i&laint 0} f rtfo?tuation, m my of l^is ®aieftj)'6 Olourts of laeco^D in Dublin, tt)l)crcin no CCfoign, J2)^orcction, Wlaga of ?latt), o;?tno;?e tban one imparlance ft)aU Uc atimitteO o? allotbeD, anO no l^ctfon ft)a!l be abmittcb to poll till \)z \)hI> taften anD repeateb tbe faib £Datl) in a public^ fan- ner, in cafe tl)e fame il)all be OemanbeD asf afo^efaiD, before fuel) SIriftitc of tl)e Ideate as ftjall be beputet?* ;5Inb be it fttctDet €nactcb by tbe :^u^ tbo^ttj) afo^efaiO, tbat if any §>Y)ttif^, ®a^^ 0^ 25aiUff, o;? ofbet tcturning €)fFiccr, il)aU abmit my ^etfon to be poUeb liaitbout talking Xncb Oatl) o? ^^tfitmation, if demanbeD as afo;jefait), fuel) returning Of- ficer l^all forfeit tbe ^um of €)ne bnn^ ti^cb pounds, to be tecotjeteo in banner afo^efaib, togctbct Ibitb full (ITofts of i^uit; anb tbat if an^ l^crFon fljall liote 0} poll at futb €lt(tion Ititbout batjuig 6tft taften tbc €)atb, o? if a £luahcr balding mabe bts ^fiFirmation, a Dcmanbeb as afojcfaiD, fucb i^crfon fl)all incur, tbe fame pcnaltv tbhicb the iDfficcr IS U\h]:a to fo,2 tbe C>f!ence abot)e mcntioucb. Georgii Teitli Regis. 207 ^uD U it intt))tt CnaaeD hv tlje ;3{u;Chap. t\)oiitv afo^efmO, Xi)ateto7^bci'iff, ®a^:: xi"- 0;?, 2daiit^, ^enertj)al, 02 ct^er perfou, ^^'^ being t|)e tetnrnuig €>^!cct of auj? ®em- t'Ct to fcr^e lu ^arlianicrit, il)aU imnielt- atclp after tl)e rea^iiiir of t|)c QlSlfit 0^ ^;?e' cept io^ tl)e Clerdou of fiul) ®etn5er, tafee anO CiiiJicnlie tl)e foliolPbmg C*atlj: I y^. ^. do folemnly Swear, that I have not directly or indiredly received any Sum or Sums of Money, Office, Place, or Employ- ments, Gratuity, or Reward, or any Bond, Bill, or Note, or any Promlfc, or Gratuity whatfbever, either by myielf or any other Per- fbn to my Uie, or Benefit, or Advantage, or to the L'le, Benefit, or Advantage of any of my Family or Kindred, or to my Knowledge or Belief, for making any Return at the prefent Eledion of Members to ferve in Parliament, and that I will return fuch Perfon or Perfbns as fnall, to the beft of my Judgment, appear to me to have the Majority of legal Votes. i^l^itl) €)iiil) an'p ^uHitz 01 giriftices of t\)z peace of tlje fasD €ounty>, €tt)% €o^ ])o?ation, 0? JJdojon^l), lb|)etc Uit\) €leftfott (liall be nmCJC, 0^ in \)i^ o; t\)m ;^bfcnce, ani? t^rce of tl)e €lecto in force rclatmcr to the Clectintt of {S^embcts to fctue III |5arliamcnt fo^ tj)e felicral 2©o- totighs in tbi3 EmgDoui, tbbcre t!)c lE\igJ)t of \)otinff is t)eaeD in tl)e |C>?oteftaut ffn^- ftabftant5 m crencral of fuel) 2i30(?oucrD5, ^aVie bv experience been foiino \)er^ tefec^ troe, aniD thmh'p OTlectiou^ ui fome of fuel) Bo?ongb3 l)aV)e been p^otraaeD to an im? teafonnble ilength of irinic, to the great SDctnnient of botl) sITattr}? nates anD elec- tors: fo) l^emeOp IbJ.ercot, be it €na:tet) b)? tJ)e ^iitl)o?itp afo2efa!D, X:l)at no \&ct= fou U3l)atroe\)cr, il)aU afrec the j?irft SDaj? of May ncit be aCiuittcD to \3ote on mv €Ieftion, fo2 anv Member 02 ilBcinbcrs to fect)e m parliament fo? anp 2i5o2ough m tl)iS BingDoui, llDhere the iaight of \)oti ing is \3eOeD m the p^otcQant ^^nhabi- tants in general, until fuch Perion«ii fo tendering his^otem Cafe of an^ ipb|:c= tion mace thereto by> an)) of the CanDi- tiaces 02 their Agents, I'hall taUe the fol- lott)ing Oath, 0^ if a :Clwafecr, Affirma- tion : Xhat 15 to fap : I AE Geoigli Tertii Reglsc 209 I A. B. do (wear, or if a Qiiaker, do AfRim, C h a p. that I am an Inliabitant of (l)Clt Udttt' X^^^- nicr tbe l^lace M)zxt iiu\) oclcaion n) ^"^''^ .and Iiave been fb for thefe Six Months lail pad, and that 1 am not, nor have not with- in thefe Six Months lall paft, been an Inmate or Lodger, with any other Pcrfbn in faid Borough, but have paid the ufiial Taxes and Ceiles in faid Borough as an Houfeholder, and that I did not come to refide in iaid Borough iince the prelent Vacancy happened, and that 1 am not a Papift, nor married to a Papift, and do not educate, or fuffer to be educated, , any of my. Children in the Popilh Religion, klni 01 returniucr C>jficec of f«c|) 2i3o? tougl) ty \)zttbv unpotbcteD anD OirecteD itoaOminiftettofncJ) TlHotsr, at thz IReqinefl: of nixv of tbe ^EantiiDates oKbeic Agents, ant) on facb HHorcr fo uhms tl)c faiD £Patb, (0?, tf a ^aa^er, tbe taiti Miu mation) tbeti, auD not before, tbe f^iD ^e^^ uefcbal, 02 tctnrutng: C^tTiccr, fl)?ll taU DoVmx fiicb ^ote, aitD tbe l^i') C>atb 02) ^tfttmatioit if a ^iiahit) '^bW. H Stial anD conelnfitjc to tf)c faiD S>tmi0^l, 02 tctutntns: . 'fficec, of fiub Bo?oucrb> anD t\)ay> fucb ifurtbex j^ccutmp 0? examination Itibat- atB 01 ;^ffi[iniatioii l)crcm before mcutionct), il^all be guilty of l^ilfnl and u^upt peijncr» 0? of falfe :^ffirniiug, auti ic il)creof con- tirtcD b;' due courfe of tlaVo, iliall uicuc and fuffcc tDe l^auiS and ^Dcnalticsi, limbic}) \)}> JLaXh arc enacted and inflicted in Cafes of llJilfnl and co.vwpt pcijurj\ :^nd be it €nacted by the liuthontv a^ fo;?efaid, Xl)at no l^etfon coul)iaed of tbil= ful and co;>upt perjcup, o; il>ubo Ctoion of any ®embct o;? j^euibcrs to fccDe in parlia- iuent. :^nd be it futtj)ec €nactcd hy the :^n^ t\)02ity afo^cfaid, x:l)at if anv ficrfon tbl^o Jjatl), o;? claiinetl) to l)a\je, o; l)cccaftcc i"i)aU fatJc, o; claun to l)a\3c, any iRicrl)t to \)otc in my fuel) election, iljall from and af- tct tl)e faid firft Daj? of June, tbbicl) il)aU be m t\)t feat of ^uc lLo;D Cmc tl)ou= land fetJen l)und;?cd and Uxty tout, aeft, recei\3e. '.-/"y^O Georgil Tertll Regis. 2 1 1 rccci\)e, 0^ tafte my •©ottep 0;? otl)et JRe c hap. U)aicD, bj) tb.ip of (Sift, ?Locin, 0? otl)er ^^J^ ^c\)ice, 0^ arrrec 0? contract fo? anp ®o- ne)>, CBift, Office, gfiuplopmeut, 02 ot{)ct mclbarD Ibbatfoetjer, fo^ \)m\kU 0? ati)? of 1)13 j?ainilp 0;? EmD^eD, to gi\)e i)!S ^lote, 0? to tefufe 0^ io;UsLt to gitje J)i$ zmote, m aup fuel) election, 0? if anj? ^S^ecfon by> l)im fclf, 02 an)) l5ctfon €tiiplo^eD bp l)im, Dotbo? fl)all b)? anj? d^ift 0;? iaelbacD, 0^ bv an)> ^^0 iiiife, 02 ^crreement, o;?^ec«ritp, fo;? anpcBift 02 iaelbarD, coffence, j?o^ feit tl)e :^um of j?it3e l)unt);jeD |&0Mnt53 Sterling, to be tecotJCteD as before titerteD, totrct!)et \toith full €oftS of :^tiit; auD e= tecp ^ecfott offenDins" in anj) of tbe Cafes afo;?efaiD, from atiD after ^uVi^imnt ob- taiueD acrainft l)itu in my fncD -Action of SDcbt, 2i3ill, l^laint, 0? ginfo^iiiatiou, 02 ^innnuny Action o^"i- tl)cu il)all, 0^ at ?A\v '^nnc after lizards ' — '^^^^maV) be mritlcD as ^cmltt of anp Cit^ iBc2o»gh, 02 ^otbii oLo^po^ite, as if U\t\) pcrfon tbas uatnrallv dc^iD. :^tiD be it furtbec €nacteD hy tht :^ii' tl)o;?itp afo^^faiD, 3ri)at if aii^ 't-ctfon tbDo batl) o;? daimetl) to hal)c, o,^ ^;Cveaftct ft)all ^a\)e 02 claim to l)a\)e, auv lllig:l)t to t?otc lit an>' election fo? {©agiftrates m anp dtp 02 €oU)ii Co2Po?ate m tl)is !Bnitgr- Doiit, (^all from anD after tbe jfitft "S^ay of June, Ibbic!) il)all be in tl)e pear £)ue ttoufauD fet):n J)mi02eD anD fixtp fotir, ash, receiVie, o;j tahe anp ®oucp o? otbcr melbarD, bp XXt^y of (15ift, ^oau, 02 otl)er 3)eViice, 0^ agree 02 contract fo2 any ^o- nty, (Sift, £DfSce, €niplo)iueut, 02 otl)er JHettfacD tt)l)atfocDcr, fo.' IntnfLlf 02 anp of j)!S 5?ainilp 02 EinD2cD, to gite l;is Bote, 02 to rcfrife 02 fo2bcar to gitJc bis Bote in my fuel) election, 02 if anp pecfon bp l)itufelf, 0; anp pcrfon cinplop- eD bp l)im, Dotl) 02 itiall bp any t:pt 02 p2ociire any perfon 02 pcrfons to rri\3e l)iS 02 tl^eic Bote 02 Botes, 02 to fo2beac to gi'oc Ijis 0? t!)eir Bote 02 Botes m Georgli Tertii Regis. 21 a in atip fuel) Election, rud)?>erfou ofetitiua c n a p. lit au>^ of tbe cafes afoKfaiD, iljall, fo^ e^ -"i- t)ccj? fnch £)ffentc, forfeit tl)e ^um of fif^ ^^^ t^ IdoundSi Sterling, to l)e tecoDecet) as be^ fo?e CirecteD, togetDec ttntf) full €oas of ^uit; aiiD eViecp i^erfon ci9FcuDmcr in anp of tl)e OTafes afo^efaiD, frotu auD aftec ^iitigment obtaiiteD againft Unx m my fuc!) Action of Debt, Bill, ^Uint, o; 3lttfo;?ma^ lion, o;j ^ummatj? ;^ction, 0? |^;jorccution, 0? bemcr an^ otl)ertl)ife latbfuUp conViiacD tijercof, (\)M fo^ e\)cc be DifableD to l)otc ut anv> election, anD alfo ajall foe e^ecttial ol ferbance of t\)i^ ^rt, be it €nacteb hy tlbe-^ntbo^itj? afo^efaib, Xhat all ano c\)crp tl)e Sheriffs, ®apo;?s, ant) otl)ec C>ffi[cers, to Ibboiu t\)t &au'- tion of anv 212Bcit, 02 p«2ecept, fo^ eleaing any ^©euibcc 02 :®enibers to fettje in Par^ anient, ftjaU belong o;j appertain, il)ail auD are l)erebp tequiceD at tl)e ITiitie of fuch €!cct{on, niuiieDiatcl^ after tl)e rcaD- mir fnch Stint 0? I^^f^cept, ceaD 02 ciuie if b D 2 to 214 Anno Regni tertlo c H A p. to le teaD opcnb, lcfo;e tbcClccto^^s tl)crc XIII. alTeinblcD, tl)is p^cfcnt ;^ct auD ("ony claiifc * — '^^ tl)ei:cin contamcD, auD tl)e fame il)aU alfo opeulp be rcaD once in e\)crv pear, at tbc Hent -^fri3e3 to be l)clD iii t))ttv Coimtp, OTountp of a Cit^ 02 OTount^ of a ITotbn, ano at t\)z General ^uattec ^cffions of tl)e peace, to be bolDcn ucit aftec Eafta- fo? tl)e €tt)) of Dublin, auD at eViec^ €lcc= tion of tl)e OThief j®a5:tftrate in anp QL\t}\ moiouc^l), 0;? Holbn Olo^po^ite. ;3nD be it futtDec CnacteD by t\)t .^u^ tl)o;{it)? afoKfaiD, irbat e\):c^ :g)l)eCffiF, rm- Oec :^I)etiff, ®aro?, auD otbcc ipfficer, to tbl)om t!)e execution of anv Mitit 02 precept, io2 tl)t electing: of ©einbets to ia\)z in Patliauient, Ootb belong, fo^ t- nay tbilful £)ffenc: contraiv to tl)i$ ;^ct, iliaU j?o^feit t})e ^imi of fiXit \)\n\t2cr^ pounOs, to be rccotjeteD, togctbcc lijitl) full Olofts of :^iHt m tl)c j©annec befo^^c ti^ recteo. p;?ot)iOeD allba)?iJ, and be it {)ercbp tieclaceo anD enacteD by the ^utI)o= 2ity afo^efaiD, X!)at no ^^erfon QjoulD be made liable to anp "^ntcivntity, 2Pif= abilitj>, Jfo^feiture, 0? penalty b^ tbis ;5lct laiD, 01 iiupofeD, unlefs p^ofecu^ tioi|\ Georgli Tertii Regis- 2ir tioti hz commenceD tbitj)m X\ho pcacscHAP. after fuel) glncapant^, l)ifabilitp, 5? 0;?= xm. feiture, 0^ penalty (l)aU be mcurceD, 02 "^^""^^ iti cafe of a J^^ofecutiou, tbe Taiue i^all be cartieD on U3itj)out ttiilful 3>elap; anp Cbing beceiti coutameD to t!)e contracp tiotlbitl)ftanDinjgr» tL 9 t i AN A N ACT FOR Direcfling the Application of the Sum of Eight thoiifand Pounds granted to the "Dublin Society ^ for the Encouragement of fuch Trades and Manufadlures as fhould be diredled by Parliament, Chap. XIV. DUBLIN: Printed by Boulter Grierson, Printer to the King's Moft Excellent Majefty. Mdcclxiv. ( 219 ) A N ACT FOR Dirediing the Application of the Sum of Eight thouiand Pounds granted to the Diihl'm Society^ for the Encouragement of iuc4i Trades and Manufactures as Ihould be diretfted by Parliament. CHAP. XIV. tl)l3 it^cflion, mtituleD, an Aa. for x"v/' granting and continuing to His Majcfly, an ad- ^.^.^ ditional Duty on the leveral Goods and Mer- chantdizcs tlierein mentioned: ^t IS atnonc): B ft U ofiya 220 Anno Rcgni tertio ch A p.otbct €l)!ng3i ^SiiaacD, i:!):U tl-e ^ttin of ^^^^"^ t0^t\)Z Dublin Society, fiV t])r C^ntOfttaCfC-- incnt of fc'.tl) Xraccs auD nBanufaftnrc3 as fijonlD Oc DiccctcD by parhamcnt: 'Ju o^• t)cc tOctcfo^c to direct anl3 ncrnlafc tl)e ::jtpplicattou of tl)e faiD ^niu, be tr €n^ aftcO bp tl)c iAtng's )®oa vfcicclicnt ^a- jeftp, b}? ano Uoitl) t|)c .^.D\)!Cc aiiD OTonrciit of the ^Lo^to i^p'Cifual auD ^empo;nl aiit) cloiimious 111 tl)c p?efeiit |^al•l?anicnt adcmblcD, aiiD b^ tl)e ^uti)o;!itp of tl)e , lame, d)at it ^?M ant) may be \itc Xhoii- >^'^"- fano Ict'tn l)uut)2cD auD ftrtr four, icfolVic "" auD tctcruiiiic \)o\h jiuul) of iljc faiD ^lun of OEtgbt tboufatiD pomiDS il)all Oc applicD fo? the Encouragement of ml) of tl)c faiD rcrpcat\)c ®anufartures, anD il)aU caufe Int'o iHefoiiition to be entered in tbcir 2l5oo!^3, anO publlftjeO n\ tj)e Dublin Gazette. :^i\ti \)t it CnacteD hv tin :^ntl)o?itr afo.'CfaiD, 1II)at tj)e faiD Dublin Society, l^all OU 02 before t{)e %mt\) Da^ of December, 0ne tl)aufattD U\)cn l)unD;cD anD fiitpfour, tccrulatc anD fettle in Ibbat fanner tl)e icIpectiDe §>inm, XU)it\) aiall be fo ah iottcD as afo^efaiD, fo^ tJje Cncoiitageincat of tl)e faiD refpccttDe ®auufactnre«3, fljall be paiD anD DiftnbuteD, anD ft)aU canfe fuel) laefoltition to be entereD in thtit B00[t5, anD pitbl!ll)eD in t\)Z Dublin Ga- zette: i^^otiDeD altbaps tj)at no petfou i^all be capable of receitJing anj? |i^art of t\)t faiD ^nms, fo^ anj> d^ooDs li)l)icJ) niall not tc manufactnrcD o; tuaDe ftrbfequent to tl:e jTttft E>a)> of June, ilDne tI)otifanD fcl^cn l)unt>eD anD fiitp four: p?o\)iDcD alio, tl)at fntl) ^i(lribtit!on fo to be tuat'e, fl)nU be inare acco^Dino- to tJ)e ^mntity anD j^ual'.tpof tl)e (I5ooD5 fotobemanufactrucD. JBi U It 2 ;;?!aD 222 Anno Rcgiii tcrtio, d^r. c H A r. ;^itD be it €nacteD t}y> tl)c Sfnti)o,ntp -"^"i- afo;?cfaiD, X!)at it Cgall auD in^v lie lalliful "^^^"^ to anO fo,? tl;e fait) Dublin Soc'cty, to maiie fuel) :^ art Zri pafTeD iiichap. W tl)i3 EingDom tit tbe ^\xt\> pear xv. of tJ)e mcrgn of C^:c late j®ajcGp J^weeti ' — ^ Ann, intlttlleD, An Ad for cleanfing the Port, Harbour, and River of Dublin, and for ereding 1L\\2 a Anno Rcgni tcrtio a Ballaft-office within the (aid City, tbc lL02t 3en3 of tbc faiD ^Zltt>^ aic cor.fatntcD atiD o;jDaincD keepers anD qCoafcr^jato;^ of t\x i&o;jt of Dublin: ^^ttD tl)bcrcci9 tio cffcftual i5^ot)ifioti l)atl) been maDc ly tht faiD :Xct fo? D;cV)cnting tl)c juau)^ anD great ILof- fes bappcnmg froifi tt)e QKHaiit of shtlful ^5!lot5 to tahe c^arijc of ^t/rs tcaD^ tngr to tl)c faiD po;t, anD from t'oe CBaut of l^aben maOers to rerrulatc the placinrr of fucb ^l)!ps 0^ tUcfTcls a<5 are tl)crLin, no2 fo^ p^eVJcntiag the jFraats auD ^^ ^ufes committcD b>^ Pirrons cuipIoreD in !lig!)ter0 tbitbm t^c faiD po:t ; jro> re^ iwtDy tbhcrcof, bcit^nacteD D)>thc Bmg's j®oft excellent £©ajcftp, bv aiiD llD-tl) the ;5tDt)icc anD Confent of tbe Elo^Ds Spi- ritual anD tJTctnpoMl anD Coranion'5 la tl)is p^cfcnt pathament affcmblcD, anD b)> t^e ^utbo^it^ of tbe fatuc, £l)at from anD after tbe JFitft Paj? of May £>nt tj)oufanD fe\jcn btmD^cD anD ftxtj^ four, It ft)all anD map be lalbfiil to anD fo2 I A n J tl)c ILo^D ®apo^ SJ)ecitf5, Commons, '"': anD €tti3en5 of ti)c €\t}> of Dublin, anD tl)ep ate t)ttc\)y> impotbeceD from xime to Xime, anD m tbe fanner httchi DirecteD, to licence anD appoint, Dutmig: tbcir Wiill anD pieafute. anj' iRmnbec of sftilful pi- lots Georgii Tertli Kegis. 227 lots not excectiing j?iftp tti tbe M)olt, fo^ c h a p. tJ)e ^^urpofc afo^efaiD, at anD titiDet: fuel) xv. parl^ OTajgres anD Salaries as il)aU be ' arcertaineO m tj)c j®annec l)trem aftec DirecteD; anD t'mtt\)z Ho^D i®aw» :^^c^ iiffs, Coinnions, anD €itt3en6 inaj?, anD tl)cp are Ixrcu^ alfo impoltJeceD to, appoint anD aut|)o^i3c, in tl)e j^annet: ])ecein aftet DirecteD, p^opcc t^ecfonS not mo^e ti)an Xtbo as l^aten'tuaftcis in tl)e C^atbottt of Dublin, 11d()o t'i)all contuuie in tl)eic TaiD C)f6ce During tbe SlSHill anD ^^leaftice of tbe faiD ?lo;D <©apo2, ^l)eciffs, Com^ tiions, anD OTitisens, at anD luiDec pcatlj) vlMages anD :$alaries, to be afcertameD as l)ecein after DitecteD, anD Xhho (i)aU, as tbe ^titp anD 2ianfinefs fo^ Ibbic^ fuc^ Salaries are to be paiD, ta!te care t!)at 2i5uoj)S anD floating l&crcljes, (l)aU be placeD anD conftantlp (iept up on t^e ^o^tl) anD ^outl) €nDs of tl)e 2aanft calleD t\)t Kiih, anD on tl)e Codling Patch, anD on tl)e 2aanftS calleD t\)t North Grounds, fo^ tl:c better tireaion anD fecuritj? of ^a- t^igration to anD from tl)e faiD i^atbour, anD il)aU alfo regulate anD Gatron t|)e traDmg :^l)lp5, HelTels, atiD ILij9r{)ters, \XiitUn tl)e faiD i^atbour, J® m m ^no 328 Anno Regni tertlo Chap. ;xut) fo? tl)e bcttec cnablin^r tl)em fo to ^^- regulate tlje fame, be it CnacteD hv tl)e ' — """^ ^ut^o^itp afivefaiD, Xliat it fl)aU atiD niav be latbftU to atiD fo^ tj)e faiD C^at)cn- ntaftecs o? cttl)ec of tbem, to o;?Dei: anD caufe to be placeD, o? ccinoVieD, j^ijips o? ^efTelS lbit!)iu tbe faiD {^arbour, tbhcrc Uith ^i)JPS o;> iillcdels tan nio;je con\)e= nientlp nioo2 02 lyt, 02 oitgI)t to iy>t ; auD in cafe anj? 09aaet 0^ £Dtbner of fuel) :^j)ip 0? cUcfTcl, il)aU tefnfe tcmoUingr as afo2e= faiD, anD contiime fo to Oo aftet rcceitJing fuel) C>?Ciec from the faiCi i^atjcn iiiancrs, 0? £itl)ct of tl)em, fo? tl)e i^.pace of Ctbelt)e l^ours next after rcceiVimtr fuel) £)?ber, tl)en anD in that cafe it il)aU anD ma)> be latbfiil fo;j tbe fdiD C^atJcn^maftcrg, 02 citber of tl)cm, to i)ire anD cmplop proper l&erfons to temo\)e fuel) ^\)i\) 02 ^cUcl, to fuel) Part 0(? Place m t^e faiD C^arbour, as tl)e faiD f^a\)en^ma(lers, 02 eitl)cr of tl)em ft)aU appoint, anD that the Cxpence 03 Claire of fuch perfons fo emploj^eD m the faiD :^erDicc, il)all be paiD anD bo?n bj? the ©after 02 £>\hner of faiD ^hip 0; Bef:; fel, together Ihitl) a ^um nor cxceeDing 5?i\)e pounDS, as a jTine 02 Penalty? fo? fuel) iHeglcct 0? laefufal, the faiD OThargcs anD penalty to be rcco\)crcD as herein after DirecteD, V-^v"-. Georgii Tertii Regis. 220 tiitectet), anD paiD before anj? OTlearaitcc o^cka p. l>ifcJ)acge il)aU be allolbeD 0? qrcantec fo? ^^' f«c{) :^Dip 0? mcffel; anD alfb tl)at the faiD l^aV)en'maftci0, 0? eitl)ec of tl)cm, il)aU anD !na)> be tiiipctS3ereD in cafes of urgent ^eceffitr, auD fo^ p^etjeutmg tl)e llofs of anp ^Ijip 0} ^elTcl, to cut tJ)e laope 0? arable of any ot\)tt §>\)\\) 02 WM iyung^ tb!t|)in tJ)e faiD |^02t 0? l^atbouc of Dublin, (not bcincr any of l^is ®ajeft))«5 ^l)ip9; of (MI3at) tb^icj) inaj) obftruct tj)e jP,abiijatiort 0^ enoancret tlje ,^afetp of anp ot\)tt tlcU fcl :5fnD be it CnacteD hy the ,^ut!)o?itp a^- fo;?efaiD, %\)at if tl)e faiD i^aDcn tuaGecs, 0^ eitbec of tl)ein, 0; an>) otbec Iderfon 01 perfons Duly !irinceD anD autl)o?i3eD tti purfuance of tb?s ^ct, iljall be obftructeD in Y)iQ Wuty 0? 2i5ufmef0 b^ an^ l^erfon 0^ ^ecfons, fucJ) ptdon 0? pecfonS fo obftcuct:^ tng: tbe faiD i^fficers 0^ ItccnceD pecfon«5, \%a\l feDerallp pa)? fo? fttcl) C>ffcnce o; ^U fences, anD fo often as fuch C)ffence 02 £Pffences il)aU be by il)em comtnitteD, anv S>mn not eiceeDms: t!)e :$»uin of jFitj'c l^ounDS Sterling, to bc paiD ty eacJ) l&artp p?ot3eD (juilt)? of tlje fame, anD to be re- coVieceD anD lelij^eD as \>cmn after Direct teD. J® ni n\ 2 ^nD 230 Anno Regni tertio Chap. :^nD U it €uactcD t)) tl)e r^tUbo;?!tj) XV. afo;?cratD, 'Chat it fljall be HecmeD felon)) '^'^'^ in anv iDcrfou 0? petfone^, except tbofc tibbo nuy> it lalbfnll)? itnpotbctetJ fo^ that purpofe, Xh\)o lijall t*oilfullp cut atbaj) anv W>uov 02 Bnov-IHope, frotn my ^n^ cbo;? Ill tl)c l^act'OUf, 0? caft loofc 0^ cut alDaj) anv ^bip, iligl)tcr, Bcffel, 0^ OTt)ecrp fcotn tDcti: j^oojmgef, 02 tcfacc, cat, 0} tahe albav ah)? jTloatmg Buo)», 0;? ^eccl), o;j ftnolbn ^ca ^ath. Zx\^ be it fuctbcr €nacteD bp tbe^titbo:: ;?it)) afo^eraiD, €l)at the Rafters 02 iPlbn- ets of eaci) anD t\)av trading ^l)ip 02 Bedel laDcn Dbitl), 0^ caicpuig ^tn\)cixu Oi3e coiiuncr to, 02 gomrr from t!)e faiD i^atbout oi Dublin (except fuel) as \nay> be laten \h\t\) €oM 02 Olo^n tiaCing Coaft tbaj'S) il)aU be obligcD to receitjc anO tafee on iiaoatd fuel) ^hip 02 BclTcl, a Pilot licenCeD a^ Tucl), in putfuancc of tl)iS -^rt, anO fo^ eacl) anD etjerj? fucb ^btp anD meffel, tl)e a^aftct: 02 Olijsnet there- of il)aU pa)', 02 cauie to be paiD to tl)e 25aUaft {©after of tl)c iaallaft i^ffice of tl)e po2t of Dublin fo2 ti)e piirpofes of tl)i5 ^ct at anD after tl)e mate 02 iRatcs follolt»ng: j?02 all 5Fo2cign ^i)lps tl)e iS^iuu of t\iDo ^htUingO per foot, fo2 pilotage o\)er Georgii Tertll Regis. o'^i oter tbe Barr, atiD the ^laii of One c h'a p. j^J)illinrr per foot, fo; P'lotacre from Pool- xv. begg to the £lrivix5; fo;? Biiuih i^htpe, tr>e "^^^ ' ^utu of €)ne ^billing per jl^oot, fo? l|5i- lotage otjcc the 25firr, anD tht ^tim of :^ixpence per jFoot, fo^ l^ilotacre from Pool- begg to tl)e i^na^3; the fame laatee to be paic fo^ Pflotagc onttbatDS: 2at:t in cafe an^ i34)(p commgr in, o> gomgr out, il)all not be olilfCTvCi to come to an ^ncf)o^ m Poolbe,^^g, ohiniittr5 per foot fo? 5?o;?etg-n ^htps, anD €)iie J^hlHinjJ per foot fo foreign :^hip oi ^cflel, o^ fuch as (^all not belong to anp of {^is *®aieQp's Subjects in Great Britain, Ireland, o^ the 5R n tt 15lan= 232 Anno Regnl tertio ch A p. Plantations; ^that is to fap) the ^nm XV. of Clbo^pcncc fo2 cad) aiiD i\)ny Zun of '^^'^futb ^hip 0^ ulcffcl's :!i3nrthcn, anti on et)ccj) ^o^atrc Ibbicl) fuel) <|>h!p 0? 5Iler= fcl l^all tuafte to tJ)c faiD i)arLoiir of Dublin, anD tj)at fo2 t\)tty ^J)ip 0^ <::Uf^ fel bcloncrincr to anp of i^is ®a|cftv'2i ^ubtects tbhiff) il)aU arri\5e fictn fo.^igu P>art9 (Ciccpt Great Britain) tlxrc lliall be ocuianDcD anD paiD the §>nm of one IDenn^ fo? car!) anD cXitvy tUnn of fuel) §i\)\V o; Heffels Btirtben, anD on each ^ojjage maDe to the fatD l^^atbour of Dublin, anD that fo2 et)cr)? :^hip 02 ^cf^ fel atn\jing in the faiD l^arboiir from Great Britain, 0? ttaDinu Coaftlhayo anD laDcn tbith ©ctchants dl^ooDs, there a)aU be Dc- uianDeD anD paiD the ^mu of ilPne C^alf^ penn^, fo? each anD etjecp Xtin of fnth :g)hip 02 ^tCfels 2anrthen, the faiD mates 02 I)utic5 to be paiD on each anD cDerv TUlojjagre that fuch oi anj? ^hip o; ^cdcl as afo?efaiD I'hall mafte to the faiD l^acbour of Dublin, anD the 2i3tirthen of all fuch ^hips o^ BcfTels il)all be DeetncD anD taften acco?cmcjr to the ^cafutement chacffcable thereon hy> the 2iBallaft OfiFiccof the Olitp of Dublin (ex= tept fo? ^hips 02 imeffels laDen tbith OTo^n o? (ttoals, 02 the greateft part of their Car: goes Co;>n o;? Oloals) euerp fuch traDinqr ^hip Gcorgil Tertii Regis. 2'2'2 ^Dip 0? Bcffil to be free on pa;)injj tbec hap. :^um of €)ne pcuuj' fo; cacl) auD el)er)? xv. Xutt of fuel) ^l)ip 02 mefTcl's; Burtl^en '^'^^ once a peat onlj?: id^oDiDcD tbat m Cafe an)? :^l)ip 0^ ^eiTcl ufmqr tbe OTo^n o^ ^ Coal HcaDe, ft)aU at an^ €ime b?ing otl)er (l5oot3S o? ®crcl)anDi3cs, o; the g^cat-^ eft Part of tl)e Catcro bang' of fucb ot\)zt cl5ooDg 0? :®ertl)anDi3e; tl)at then anD in fucb Cafe tl)e faiD ^>l)!p o; mefTel i^all be cbarcreable ttiitl) t!)e lifte iaate o^ SPu^ tj> lt)l)icb tl)e ^bip 0? mefTel tboulD be obligrcD to paj? \>at) tl)c fame not ufeD o> foUotbeD tl)e Co?n o^ Coal XtaDe* P2ot)!DeD altbajjs, Xbat no Coafttngr ^efTel, 2i3oat, o? mhttty, l!)aU be cl)arg:e= able tbttb anp of tbe SDuties afo;?efaiD, Xbbicl) il)aU be unDec tj)e 26urtj)en of tl)ictj) tJEuns. ant) be It €nattcD bp tbe ^utbo^itp afo;je- faiD, Xbat It ft)all not be latbftil to o; fo? tbe €)f6cets of i^is ®ajeftj)'s iReVie? ttue, 0^ anp of tjbem, in tbe 15o;t of Dublin, to clear anD Difcbargre anv ^j)'P o? tmefCel outtbarD bounO, o? to permit an^ ^fy^ 0} BefTel to fail until tbe ©after 0? C>tbnet tbereof ft)all batje b?ougbt a 3)ifcbatge from tbe faiD 25aUaft j®after, ^ n n 2 teftifp^ 2':^4 Anno Regnl tertlo c H A r. rcaifmng f;icl) ^hp o,^ acffcl to hat)c bcm x^- cl:arcii a:;D dtrcbarg-cD. V\vth ^ircbarge ' — ftoui tl)c faiD 2]3aIlaarv3anfrai.iU be mune^- tJtatelv ffianrcD, cic:pt ti en a)otilO he !alb- f»l Caufe to the coiirrary; uiC) m oTafc of IlUfnial 02 SDclav t.'Kii tb: faiD laab laQ Q^aOec il>iU jro;>fcit ttjc ilnuu of ten |5oiltlDf5 Sterling. :^nD be it €nacteC hv the ^ntl)o?;tv afo^e- faiD, %\)at t\)t faiD iLo2t) fi3^vo-, ^bcn^fg, oronmions, auD CiriBju?", i!)all ibc, auD t!)cp are hereby impolJjcrcD to trraut ilv cences to fuch iligbteniien o? ilPlbners of ILigl)ter6 o;? Beffcls aboDr tbe Btirri)cu often XiniQ as il)a:i be cmplo>eD to carr^ ci5oot!S 0? ®ercDaiitt3e to o? frctn anj) j^^ips 02 Bcffel5 in the faiD l^arbottr of Dublin: \5^o\)iDeD the £Dll>nct'3 of fnch Hightecs o? ^effels fo^ this purpofe fl)aU J)at)e cntereD into ij^cfutitr 02 ^rcutittcs, in the :^nm of ttbo hnnD^eD pounco be- fore tl)c Ho^D j®a^o2 of the €\tv, anD conDitioneD to Iteep up their faiD ilitrhters 02 BeCfelS in gooD ^Mt anb vHoncition, anO to atiDe anD be nctenuineD by f«ch teafonable anD actnftoineD laates fo;? j?teicrht 0; OTartiapfe of (!5ooDg Ibitlm the CaiD l^atbour as bp the Committee her^n after: Georgll Tertll Regis. 235 afteMUcntioueD, auD Ijtuh'p coul^ituteti, c h a p. iWciy te ftxeD auD aorreeD upon :it tl)e^^'- gcautmgr oi [ricJ) licence 02 lliteuces ; auD^^''^^ rl)at u aup ILi^lyttt 0,3 WUcl abotJc the 2ii5ncr!beii of ttn iiiiug a9 afojefaiD ftjall be foimD latJcu U>!tl) (BooDSi 0^ ^mh^nti^z r)!tl)ra tbe faiti l^acoour, auD tl)at iT)all not be Co licenced, 0^ tl)at t\)z O^Mtt^ of fiicD ?liijDtec3i 01 BcCI'cls il)a!l refufe to entet into :^ecucit^ auD perform tU ^t^ QmCitcS enjo))i!cD bp tl)isi Stct aS afo^cfaiD, tbit t!)eit anD fo> cl'crp fiid) Offence tbe iDlbnec 0? Rafter of fuel) 'iLi^hta 01 Ulcficl iljall forfeit tDe ^inn of fitjc ^ouut)^5 Sterling, to be tecol^creO in a ^imi:: jnai7 dcBap bcto;e tl)e €\)Kf ©ajjiftrate of tl)e faiD €ity) of Dublin, to be leU)>cti on !)!$ OTaicant bp IlPidrcfSi auD by ^ale of t^e !©aenDec3 <5ooti2 anD ar!)attles. ;^'nD be It fnnl^tt CuaftcD b)> tl)e :^n- t])o;tty> afo^efaiD, tH:i)at all auD cDct)? t!)e :^rnn anD ^un\^ of ®oite>' aiifinsr, gtotPb^' ing Dae, olicD roloctrDS can^incr ou tl)e :^oiitI) iHSBall, comuioiilj) calletJ tl)e laallaft £)tfice iE'iaU, m tl;e IfatbOllC of Dublin. ^?ot)iDcD alttja>^0, tl^at the la\i 2.o;?D j®apo?, :^!)ecittS, aTommonai, auCi aiiri3eue, ll)all once in cUcc>' tb^ee pearo lap before t^e Ho^D 'Cieutcuant, 0;? otJ)ct (2Ii)icf (Bo- Dctno^ 0? c5ot'CCuo;js of ti)!3 BingDom, ant) tl)c il)?i^,v Council of tbe fame, fuel) true anD pccfcct -Account of t\)z iacccipts anD ;^ppltcation of tl)e feljccal ^mm of ®onev paiD anD recei\)cD in puifuance of tbis ^ct, as tbep t|)e faiD llo.>D j^apo?, :^t»ectff5, Coumions, ant) €ai3cns, ate re- quiceD to t)o by> Vm faiD reciteD ;^ct of the lixtl) of ^ueen Ann, toucl)»ncr the ironies anftntr l-v 5?o;?ce of tl)e faiO lad uieutioneD :^a, auD wam tl)e liUe pcualtp fo^ 2Pe= fault tj)ereof. Stnti fo2 tl)e tno;e convicnient ant) con- ftant <©anacrcmcnt anti tranfactmrr of tt)t fc\3etal patters neccCTarp fo^? tl)e cac^ .tj^injgr mto execution t\)t jg-ooD purpofegf mtenCcD Georgli Tertii Regis. 237 iuteuDeD Ijp ti)i^ ^a; hz it euacteD h^ tj)ec hap. :^rutl)02ity afo^efaiD, ^Dat I53it|)in ten IDa^s ^^• aftet tl)e fttG Da;? of May, in if)z peat ''^^^^ Cne t^oulauD fe\3eu I)nnt);?eD ant) fmp four, tl)e Ho^D j©apo^ of tl)e €it}) of Dub- lin, {i)aU m il)e uiual -©autiec contjene asi < a]:o,?po^ltio^, corumonl)) cal!= eo rDe c^iulD of j®trc?)ants of tlje faiD Citp, (Ijail alfo at fome cou^etiient ^itue t^!t{)iu tbe fatO ten Daj^s, Dp pnblith fio^ tice to be gtbeu fo? tl)at ^urpofe in tbc Dublin Gazette, Convene at tl)c com 5 nion l^all of tl)e fails (SailD an ^(Tcmbi?) of fuel) of tl)e ^©embers tl)creof, as il>iU as ^gcrc!)auts ba^e at tl)e Ciuie of l)olCinff iiiCi) ZfXtmhl)) tl)c ;^lloU)attce of fix antJ ten per Cent, at t^e CuO;om-l)o«l'e, auD at tl)e faiD tefpcctitJe -^ireniblies of tl)z iaiD Common Comuil, ant) of fuel) jFrcc:^ men of tl)z (!l;mlD of ®eccl)auts fo Qua= liSeC as afo^efaiD, Wcz perfcms iijall be eled'ct) hp tht aaoaiD of :^lDetmen, 0^ tj)e uffial Quoaim of tl)cm fioiu among hi6) of tl)e ;^lDettneu as il)aU at t|)e 3:mie of fuel) election l)a\)e, anD be intitleD to tl)c Tait) .^UoDbance; auD tbe €ouuuous of t|)e faiD OTommon Council, o; tl)C Ufual Quorum of tl)em, ^002 a)all 238 Anno Regnl tertlo Chap. ^3^11 alfo clcct tcii pecFon^j from atnoii^: ^^'- fucD of tiKii: 23oDv, nci iljall r^t tl)c iTiine "■^^"^of fuel) C-lcftion be m liHc )(n3aniui: qua:; lificti; anD tl)c fait) jrrtenicn of tbe C5inlD of ®cccl)auts, not bciticr Icfo m jl^iimbec tban tbittp pcrfons ti)cii u^crcnt, fl>iU elect fifteen pecfons fron; aniong fiuJ) of tl)cir 2i3oti)' as not beiucr t|)ru of t\)z 2i3oart) of - of tl)e Connnons of tl)c Cominou Council, il)a!l at tl>: Xime of fuel) O^lectioa l)at)c, auD fo^ tl);?ee peac3i next before iljall l)a'oe contiuueD to balJC the 2i5eueftt of the faiD ;^Iloll).ince, ID^icl) faiD fi[\)e, ten, auD tifteeii perfoue;, fo to be reft)':ctt\)clv elcctcD, 11)311 tofretJ)cr Xtiitb tl)e ILo;?D $^a)^o?, ant) ^-luii;T^ of t^ie faiD €it}) fo? tl)c xmie beturr, be auD ace \)ttcby> couftitritcD a aroiinuitrcc fo? tl)e purpofc l)crem uieutionel), attD ii)aU cou; tfnue fo to be until tl)e tl)uD l^ay after tl)e ftrft d^eneral €lnartetl)? ^ffembl)) of tl)e arouuuou Council of tbe liit €ity, lb!)icf) ftjall be l)elD m tDe pear £:);ie tbonfauCi fe^ \)m \)u\\tr<'^ and imy fix, at Voljfcl) Cdc- neral ^CTeuibl^ of tl)e faiD Ql\ty, t^t IL02D ^a^o? anD 2aoaiD of ^IDetuien, 0; tl)e nfual Qiionim of tl)ctu, anD the ^benffs auD Counuons of the faiD aiouuuon Council, 0: the Ufual Quorum of thciu, f\)ii\i refpecti\)elp elect to be of the faiO Ccinuuttce Georgil Tertll Regis. 2qo Committee fo manp atiD fuel) petfoti'S foe ha p. as afo;?cfa!D qualiftcD as tl)ep ace betcm xv. before cefpccti\3clj? iinpotbeitD anO DirecteD' — ^ — ' to elect fO(? tl)at |2>ncpore and on t^e S>a>) next itnmeDiatclv follolbiug tl)e SDap ou libhici) the faiD dSenecal -^(Temblj:) of tl)c fait) OTitp iliaU be l)elD, fuel) jFcee:: men ot t^e faio d^uilD of -®ercl)aut0, fo as afo^^fviiD QuahfieD, fo;j l)a\)inir tl)e Benefit of t!)e laiD ;^llolbante, ftjall be conlJeneD bp tl)e j®aftec o^ ^aftets of t()e faiD (5inlD, anD being fo afTembleO anD con\5eucD anD being in jRumbet not lefs tl)an tl)irtp, il)iiU Clrct to be of t\)z faiD oroiimiittee fo luaup anD fuc^ ^et^ fons fo as afo;?efa!D qualitteD, as tl)ep are l)etein before impolbctreD anD DiceaeD to elea fo^ tl)at i^ucpofe, Xbhith faiD fetieral ^erfons fo to be elcaeD iefpecti\)elp bv ti)e ^02D ^ay>02 anD ^iDcrmen b^ ti)e i3)l)erif^> anD Commons, auD bp tl)e fai^! freemen of tl)e (BuilD of i^crt^ants, a)aU together Wtl) tl)e faiD rio?D ®apo?, auD ^l)criffs fo? tl)e Craie bcjng, be a (jLOimmttce fo2 tbe ilHirpoies l)etem men- tioncD, iliail continue fo to be fo^ t^ t\)t fame i^anner of Election be cenelbeD from t\)itt pears ro tlncc J^ears 240 Anno Regni tert'io CHAF.fo? e\)ci' hereafter, tl)e ILo^D ^a^^o? ?nti ^^' ^bertf3 of the faiD €\tv being alXb^^ '■^'^^ ^embers tijcreof; anD tbl)ene\3er awp ^n^ caiup il)aU happen bcttbeen tli)c Ximes i)ecem befo;?e appoiiiteo fo2 tl)e (Beueral Election of tl)c ^^einbec^ of the faiD €onu mittee bp tl)c IDratb of aup fncb ^:m- bec 0^ bv bis refufiug to be 0;? to coutiiujc a j®eiiibcr, tbcn ano fo often as» tl)c Cafe ll)ciU l)appen, ant) tt)itl)in fourteen "i^nyQ after it iljall fo happen, that BoDp 02 Clafs of ^lecto?s lbI)o n)a II ha\3e electee t\)t j^cmber bv Xhhok '£>Ciith 0; mefuf<)! fuel) Hacanc)) ftiall be occafioneD, ajdll fo;j the filling up of the fcime elect in the ©anuec herein befo2e CirecteD, foine other \&etfon Dulp qualifieD as afo^efaiD, fcDcn ^apS notice being p?e\)to«0p gi\3en in the Dublin Gazette, Of t\)t XlUie Of fUCh €leC- tion» :3nD to the j^Jhd that none tut fnch as ft)aU be Ciulp QiiahaeD fljall be appoint- eD l&ilots 01 l^a^en inaftcrs 02 Oc licenccD as Hightermen in purftiancc of this ^ft: » it CnartcD bp the Sitttho^itp afo^e^ faiD, tjEhat all ano etcrj:) the ^erfons fo hereafter to be appointee, o> hcenfeD, il)all p2eA)iotts to fuch appomtuient, o; to the granting of fuch licence, ano in ^P^eer thereto Georgli Tertii Regis. 241 thereto be feberall^ nomitiateD bp tl)e fait) c n a p. Committee to t\)z ILo^D ^ayo; of tftcfaiD xv. QLity, tbbo IS \)m\)y impolbereD atiD re- quicet) IbitDtn :$el3en 3)a^5 aftec c\3et)) fuel) ifeommation fo maCe auD tettiructi to hin\, to mahe out 0;? canfe to be maDc out a One ^Appointment 02 ^licence, nntJcc tl)e (Eitv ^cal atcoctJing to fucb jl^ommation, uniefs lt)itl)m tbe faiD :^et)en 2Da):'6 Com^ plamt i\)?M be maOe to l)im in Writing, imtJit tJ)e l^anDs of anp tlibo 0^ mo^e j®embccs of tl)e faiti OTommittee, tl)at my imb domination bat) not been Dulp anD tcgniatly n\3M bv tl)c faitJ Committee, as not l)at)ing been maDe by a (Competent ^Bumbct of t\)t ;®eml)ers thereof, 0? upon Due Notice giDen, anD tl)l)cn, anD as often as any fuel) Complaint il)all be maDe t\)t faiD ?lo^D :®a^o? il)aU, tbitDnt :^.e^en DajJS afrcc l)c iljall recei\)e tl)e fame, conlJene an ;:3(rembl}j of tbe Common Council of tj)e faiD Cit^, tfeI)o ftttincr togetbcc in one iaoom fo? tl)is PutpoCe, iljall l)cac anD De- termine tl)e ©attct of fud) Complaint, anD if tt)e fame il)all not appear to ti)em to be Dulp p^oVieD, tUy are i^tuhy rcquireD to conftrm tt)e domination fo complaineD of, anD to ma!te an Appointment 03 grant a Hicence acco>Dinglp : AnD tl)e faib Com- mittee are \)mby tntt\)ct impotbereo to 6x J& p p a ano .yy^j 242 AiinoRegni tertio c rt A 1 . aut) afcertaiu t\)c ytatlp ;§aUaiics to be ^Z; . V^i^ to fticf) jbflot^ asiO l^atJciMiiaacr^ refpccii'oei}', not cxceeCincr tl)c y>catl^ :$)nm of j?02ty :^i)!ilmgi3 fo^ caci) pibt, atiD :§i.ttp potiut)3 io2 cad) i5a^eu-4naGer, aiiD to outset auD Diiect to he pit) to anp pilot o;j l-^jiot^i, 114)0 iljall actnallv Pilot auj? ^!)ip 02 :^l)ipy into o pcrfons, tDbo not tlKu artmg as a liccnfcD pilot 03 pilots, il)aU m Georgli Tertii Regis. 243 !tt €!tne^of Diftrcfs, aiD, ndift, 0^ Uhtci^^r. €l)arge x)f anp ^\)\\) 02 Heffcl bcimD lu^ xv. to, o; out of tije faiD l^acbouc of Dublin, ^^"^' anp ^nin not eicectiittg j?iDe ^onut)0, as ail extraojtmary laelbarD, obct aiiD abo\)c aiip ii^uni lbl)tcl) fiu!) ^camau 0;? ^ea- men, ^erfou 0? l&ctrono;, map be otl)etlb!fe h}) IL^Xh lutttlfD to rccc!\)e ; atiD tj^e faiD arommitne arc I)ercbv alfo luipotbetcD fiotn %v.m to ?:;iuc to inahe fcicl) iiP.'Decs auD JHejTulatious a0 to tl)cm iT)aU fecm fit auD ucccffar)), to be oOfcmo by all fuel) pilots, lfa\)eit uiaaec0, anD iligbtetmen, fo? tl)e tarc^mg- on and pjoinotinsr tbe purpofcs inteuDeD Op tbts ^ct, aiiCi map fo? tl)c en- forcing the C>DfetV)aace of all fuel) C^^Dcrsi ant) Ecgalatious, annex teafonable l^cnal- ties to tl)e aa^eatl) tl)eteof, to be fpecifieD in fuel) £l^,'Dei:3 o;j l^egulattons, not ex- ceeUing tl)e ^um of 5ri\)e poimtis fo;? eacl) £){fcnce, auD map alfo fo? juftOTaufc iljetton to tl)em, upon couiplaint maDc of anp jReglect 0? ;#i9bci)aDiouc nt anp fuel) l&ilot, i^avien-maftec, o^ Itigbtcnuan, toucl)mg tbe 3>utp 0? 25urinefS! of l)!S faiD €mplop= tuent, fufpenD 0^ temoDe ftotu l)!«3 faiD Cmplopmcnt tbe l^etfon fo offending, anD map appomt fome otl)ec fit \&etfon to act in l)ts l^lace, tt)l)o is l)etebp autl)o?i3ct) fo ^0 Oo, until a Due Appointment fljall be ^ q q maDe 244 Anno Regnl tert'io CHAP.maDe Dtirrnant to tJre 2)!cectiou of tl)ts XV- $act: ::3uDfo^tl)c tranfactmtr of tl)e fcberal ^^^^^ j^attcts afo>efaiD, the faiD Conuiuttee i\)aU meet at fotue con\)enieut fitxeD |51ace tbitjim tl)e €it^ of Dublin, on feme certam 2Dap aiit) C^out, once in elict^ j?o;tni(rl}t, 01 oftnet if neceCTaip, tjili^ee SDa^^s Notice being gitJen ot fuel) crtrao^dnac)? Meeting bp tl)e II02D ®a)'0;o\3iDejD Georgii Tertil Regis. 24K Chap. ^^obiDtt) allDa^si, ^Ijat all ®eetm(j$ xv. of t\)t fatD Committee, to be j)at) 0? l)elD ^^^ in ptirftiance of tijts ^ct, my ^umbec of ^etuber^ pjcfent not b:iug Icfs tl)ati i^e\)cutcen, iljall be a dumber fufficient fo? o^Dctiugr, mauafremenr, aaD tranfactingr of all patters reiatit)e to tije nominate iitgr ant) Difplaciufr of l^al)eii^tnaaet$, Pilots, auD ?Licri)tcrmen, ano to t\): ma^ ftfucr oi Q^ttt^Tj auD iacgiilations fo;j tl)e SPircctioii of tbeic CouCnct, anD to t^e tnahtugr oj illtiiuff €)^t)et:g fo;j tbe ^^ay^^ mcnt of <^oiuy>; anD tl)at a ^Rmnber, not lefs tl)au vlEleUen, fljall be fufficient fo? all otl)ec tbeic mo^: o?cmar^ 2i5ufinef«, anD tbat all anD etiecv fuel) j^eetniff 0^ ©eet- ingrs, tl)e ?lo^D j©apo; tbben p^efent il)all p^eCiCe, anD in cafe of t)i^ -^bfence, tbe iltSemliersi thzn p;?cfent bemgr a iRumlJec competent fo? tl)e ^afinefs tl)en to be tranfactcD, ii)all appoint a l^^efiDent fo? .tl)at iTtme. :^nD be tt fuxt\)tt CnacteD by> tl)e :7ixu t\)02\ty afozefaiD, %hat. all J&enalties im- pofeD by tl)is ^ct, anD Dbbicb Hjall be im^^ pofcD m putftiance of anj> }^oWt 0? ^ti- tl)oiftref5 aiiD ^^ Ibitbin tbis Bin^boin, Ibitboiit be- incr fpcciallv plcaDcD, anD that tbe €xp:n' CCS of paffinrr tbe fame, iljail be paiu out of tl)e ftrft £^oinc5 to be raifcD m bit.uc thereof; aub jf an>> Action il)aU l^e b?ougl)t, 0? ^uit coiiunenccb arraiurt aiiv pcrfou 02 perfons, ioj anv iCbmg bone in put- fuance of t!)is ^ct, o^ m relation to tbe \5?enuffes, o? mv of tl)em, cXnty fucD ^c^ tion ilviU be laiO o;> bionv;\)t Ibitljin €l);>cc i®onti)0. l&' Vicftcb, by \3irtne of the faib herein befo2e reciteb ^ct, 02 ot^ertbife in t\)t ILo^h j®a)?o^ Sheriffs, OToniuions, anb ariti3cns of tlu €\ty of Dublin, 0^ in my Of^ta Dul}? autl)o;?t3cb by tlxm. :5rnD Ibhereas b^ tbe faib recitcb ;Jtct, -the CaiD 11020 ®a)io2, i^l)criffs, Conitnons, ,anb Citi3cns, are uupolbercD to uial\c fuch £D2becja; Georgli Tertii Regis. 247 -aP^Decs, JRules, anD hv lLa\b^, fo;? tl)ecHAP. fccutingr of all ^j)ips tbJ)it{) ll)all come in- ^v. to t\)z faiD ^o^t, as (i)cill from iTime to '^'^ tiEime be app^oDcc, ratifieo, anD confttmeD, Ijp t!)e ?lO(?D ?licutenant, 0? ot^et arj)ief (15o\)ecno^ 0^ (15ot)erno;3 of t!)is Bm^Dom, anD ^11 02 mo;e ot tl)c }f^2i\)y> OTouncil of tl)e fame: 2J5e it €naacD bp tj)e autl)o an^ "by ILaVb, 0? bj) Itatbs, tb!)ic[) iljall l)ereaftec be maDe bj? Dittue 0? in pucfnance of tl)e faiD reciteD -^ct, anD tbitl) tbe Sipp^obation tbetebp tequiteD, Vb\)ttt fuel) penalties (l)aU not eiceeD t!)e :^utu of Xen ^5ounDs fo^ eacl) £)ffence, (^all anD map be fneD fo;j anD recoljeteD bp CitJil 2i5ill, to be b?ou9"l)t tn tbe ^ame of tl)e 2aal- laft ©aftec of t\>c 2iaallaa Office of t^e faiD Citp, before anp ^uDjje 0? gjuDges, 0^ in anp €outt bathing- §ntif:= Diction, to i)eac anD Determine €it3il 2aiUS fo? tbe Countp, dtp, 0? €o«ntp of a €i- tp, tbitj)in XWtf) anp fuel) €)ffence it)aU l)atie been committeD, anD t!)at all :^ums anD ¥>enalties fo to be reco\3ereD, ft)all be applieD to tj)e ¥>rirpofes of tl)e faiD reciteD 9ia. m r r AN A N /Chap. XVI. ACT FOR Continuing and Amending feveral Temporary Statutes, and for other Purpofes therein mentioned. DUBLIN: Printed by Boulter Grierson, Printer to the King's Moft Excellent Majeily. Mdcclxiv. nl I ■ - T J "T f J T •<■'? (250 A N ACT FOR Continuing and Amending feveral Temporary Statutes, and for other Purpofes therein mentioned. CHAP. XVI. Wl^e^at:^ ^ an ^ct paffcD in Cuap, tDe ^Dtrt>^ftift feat of l^ts late xvi. i^c^tdy) laing George t\)t ^e^^ ' — ''^ ronO, iUtituleD, An Ad for the better fiip- plylng the City of Dublin ^^ ith Coals, and for the better Encouragement of the Collieries of ^ C i this 252 Anno Regnl tert'io chpa this Kingdom: :^iiD IbDcrcmsi it tbas €n' ^^'^- ' acteD tJ)at tl)c laiO 3[.t iljoulD continue lu "^"^ 5?oKc until tl)c jrita S^ap of May, tbhicl) IbiU be m tl)e pcac of out '^o;D £Dnc tboufant) fcbcn l)nHC»:cD ariD ftxtj? fix, ann from ti)cncc to the citD of t!)e tl)cn next i)Cffion of l^atlianicut: anD U)lKrcaG ir 13 tl)ougl)t €on\)cnient tl)at the fait) act lie furtlicc continueD: 2!3c rt O^nactcD b)? the liingi3 nioft Excellent ^^'©ajcfi^, bv anD tbitl) tl)c ;aDl}icc anD OTonfcnt of the elo?05 :^pintual auD ^etnpo?al anD oTonmions in thi'o p> of May, lt3hich fi)all be m the pear of our iLo;D One thoufanD fe\)cn hunC):eD anD feticntv four, anO froiu thence to t'v: enD of t\)t then next j^effion of parliament. anD be tt further ^nacteD hv the ^^tu- tho;jitp afo^efaiD, Hhat Ibhcreao an act pafleD m the JFirft peat of th: ileicrn of l^^is late ©ajeftp famg George the ^cconD inti; tuleO, an AS: for the more ealy Recovery of Tythes, aiid other Fxclcfiaftical Dues of (hiall vahie, tbhicl) faiO ^ct Ibas tctjiUeD anD contmueD bp an :^a uiaDe m the J?iftb pear of l^is late ;®ajeftp, mtitulcD, an as for Geoigll Tertii Regis. 2g3 for continuiiig fevcral Temporary Statutes made Chap. in this Kingdom, and now neai' expii"ing, and ^^^• for the Amendments of the Statutes therein ""^ ^ mentioned, atiO Ibas fiitt|)ec cotttinueD b>^ anotJ)er ^(t tiuiDc iti tbe ^e\)entl) pear of ^\% late ^ateft^ mtlttllCt), for continuing leveral Tcmporay Statutes, and for other Pur- poies therein mentioned, Utttil t})C tJEtbetltp fifil) of March ^\\z t})oufauD fclieti \)Va\' Ci?eD atiD fo>t^ atiD from tt^encc to x\)z €nD of ti)e tljicti nctt ^cffion of J^arliament : :5tiD fo^iQiiiiiicI) a9 tl)e faiD ^fcts of tJ)e jFicft aut) jrifti) pears of l^i$ late ^©ajeft^ fo fat as tbej? relate to tl)e laecotJerp of X)?tbe5 anD otI)cr ^cclefiaftical Dues of fiimU Balue, Ibere continueD h^ an otl)er 3[ct mace in i\)i fiftccuil) pear of ^\% late !®ajeft}^ futtl)et contmiieD fo? €le\3eu pears from tl)e i:ib:ntp fiftl) SDa^ of March iSlDne tl)oafa«t) fe\3en !)uuC;?eD anD fo;?r^ tli:jo, anD from t[)ence to tl)e €nD of tl)e tl)cn next :^e(rion of l^arliament: $2tnD Xbl)etea5 ti)e faiD reciteD ;^cts tbere bp an ;j((t of tl)e Clbentp ftftl) pear of l^is late i^ajeft;?, intftuleD, an Ad for continuing fe- veral Temporary Statutes notb neat expir^! ing, contmueD fo> tl)c Xerm of €le^ V)en pears from tl)e Xlbentj) fiftft I^aj? of March C)ne tl)onfanD fe\)en j)unt)^eD anD ^ f f 2 jfjftp 254 Anno Regni tertlo c H A p. filtp t\)2cc, niiD from tl)cncc to t\)t €nt) x^'i- of il)c t!)cu next :$^cirion of parliament: ^uD IbbcrcasitfS thought cipcDicnt tbat tl)e faiD S(rtS ajoiilD be coatmueD : 2i3e it ^n- artcD 0)' tl)e ^utl)o?it)>afo2clatD, i:i)at tht faiD recttcD -^ctci, maDc iii tl)c j?ira, jriftbauD ^e^ Dciitl) pearo of l^i3 late -®a j:(f)\ auD all auD cVier^of tl)evi:iaufc5,^rtitlLS, anD l^2oDifoe!5 tbcrctu coataincD, fo far as t\)'^y> relate to tb: iaeco\)crr of iT^thcs, au^j orl)cr ecclefu aftical iDne^j of fmall B.Miic, ft>ill be con- tinuzD m full j?02ce fo? tbe Ccrm of O^le- t)ci: pears from tl)c clUjciu)- fifth H>a)) of March 0ac tbouiauD fcDeu bunD,?cO atiD iixty four, anD frojn trcnce to the euD of tl)e tbea ucrr :^:liioa or f:cir{iaiucnt : ;3nlll!l)ereaGb)j an ;^ct pafTeD tu the jrirft pear of D/ij p?CiCUt r©aj:r.)'Q i'lcicru, m^ titlllcr, an Ae'l: ibr the reviving, continuing and amending le\cral Teniporaiy Statutes, and for other Purpolcs theicin ir.cntioned, V.VOO Ollaufesrelatiucr to .^rolliers, TiBiaero, ^\u; men, anD 2i3iivcr3 of Coal, Ibac hy the faiD reciteD ^a ciZnacieD, anD iv a ^20^ Difoe m t\)t faiD ^ct it lljas -^^'i aacD b)' tj)e :^!itl)s'?it^i afo^cfaiD, 3:i)at the -^^ faiD €tbo oriatifes, ant) fo timcJ) of faiD ;^ct a5 tclatc ro Colliers, ©titecs, oTannctt, auD i3nvccy of Oloals, ftjall be coutiuucD in full jrojce to t|}c jTirn ^ay> of May, IbDlcl) I'oiU be III tl)e pear of otic tlo;D, ^i\t tbotifaiit) (et)eu l)!iuiD^cD auD fc\3entjj fix, auO from tlxtice to tl)e €ut) of t\)c tfceu ticjct ^^eCTioii of J^adiamenr. ;XnD li3l)erea$ b)? an ^a of parliament, rnaCie in tl)e €l)irt^ tl)itD peat of tj)e iaeigrn of li^is late i^ciyc^^ mng[ George tl)C ^eConD, tntltuleD, an Ad for the more effeftual enlightening of the City of Dublin., and the Liberties thereof, and for the ere^ling of publick Lights in the other Cities, Towns Corporate, and Market-Towns in this King- dom, It 10 €nacteD, Xbat a ^um of C>ne tbonfanD fiu l)unC)3eD p^onnDs sterling, ft)aU be caifcD anD kXtytti of t^e 3!n{)abi^ tant6 of the €ity> of Dublin, to be applot^: teD as m tl)t faiD 3(ct mentioueD, anD paiD into tbe l^anDS of sir Charles Burton, Baronet, anD James Dunn, Efq; in Cttlft, tO be bp tDem applieo ao bj? tJ)e fatD ;^ct io Ditecteo, % t t Znt) 256 Anno Regnl tertlo Chap. ^x\t) ttbctcas t\)t faiD tccitcD ^mt ot ^^^^; tl)e faiD ^ft rclatitje to fait) fiun of £>nz ^'""''^ tborifatiD fibe J)nnD.?cD pount)5 sterling, tec|ftirc3 fome :^tnenc»nent6 as tl)e faiD ^nm of iPne tl)ouI'anD fi\)e l)unt);?eD ponnCi0 Sterling coulD not be uifeD Dp Bittne of tJ)e fatD filccitet) ^ct, atiD altiioft t\)c tbbole of tJ)e faio ^utu of ^ne iri)ou; fanD ftDe J)unD?eD l&ounDS ftiU temains Due to tl)e fai\) Hituftees : j?o? laciueDj) lbl)creof, be it €nactiD bp t6c -^utl)o?itp afo;?eraiD, tbat tt)e faiD sir Charles Burton, anD James Dunn, tj)e Ctnftccs m t!)e faiD ;51ct namcD 02 tbe ^!ir\)i\)o? of tl)cin, o;j tl)e €xec«to?5, ;SDmini(irato;j!3, 02 -^CTicrns, of rucl) ^ut\)it)o?, il)aU from atiD immcDi= atclj) after tbe pairing of tj)i5 .^ct, by 0o^ tice unDer tl)eir 0;? an)? of tj)eir l^anDg, re^ quire t\)t IL02D !SQ^yo2 of tbe Citp of X)ublin, fo^ tJ)e tZTtiue bcinff, to applet tl)e faiD futn of £Pne tl)ouranD fit)e ^unD;eD ^ounDs sterling, upon anD atnongft tbe fe\}cral l^anrtjcs in t\)t Olttj) of Dublin, anD t\)z ?libertic5 t!)creof, tbitDin anp :$'pace of tjiime not lcf$ than Ccn 2Daj)!3 from tl)e 2Pap of tl)e -^crljice of fuc^ iRoticc ; tbe :^uti)02it)5 afo^e-- fait), Xl)at tbe faiD ILo^t) ®a)?o; of tl)c OTitp of Dublin, tt)J)o il^all be Co kiXftt) \hiti) fticl) Notice, il)aU tbitl)m tbe ^iine limitteD bjj fucbiRotice, o> fatb futtber ^itne a0i|)all be fo^ tj)at l^ucporc allotbcD b^ tbe faiD Xruf^ tees, applet tbe faiD ^um of £)ne tbotifanD fi\)e buuti;?eD pounDs sterling, anD fntb f«r> tbec ^niii to be aDOeD tbereto, not exceeD- ittjET :^ix ^ence in tbe pounh fo2 tbe ex- pend ant) Xtonbte of collecting- fait) ^ntn of !2Dne tboufanD fi^jc bniiDKD ^ounDs, as tbe fato lto?o j®apo? il)all feem meet, upon, aiiD amongft tbe feVJetal pari(!)e$ in tbe fatD Cttp of Dublin, attD tbe Hiberties tbeteof, tateablp atiD in t&?opo^tion to tU tbe annual :^uni, patD bj? eacb l^atift) in tbe fait) €it)j of Dublin anD tbe Hibccties tbete- of, to tbe i®tn!fters of fwtb rcfpectibe j^a^ tift)es, 0^ fo^ vKdatcb'tuonej), o; acco^Ding to fiicb i^ule as bas been ur«all,v fol^ lolbeD in tbe 9(pplottncnt of publiclt OTbatgres upon tbe fetiecal pariil)es in tbe faiD OTitj? of Dublin, anD t^e ^liberties tbeteof» ;5nD be it furtbec CnacteD b;j tl^t :^\x' tbo^itp afo;>eraiO, ^bat aftec fncb ^pplot^ tnent, tbe faiD ILo;>t) ®apo? il)all upon SDemant) of tbe faio Xtuftees, 0? tbe ^^uc^ 31: 1 1 2 \>\\)oi .. 258 Anno Regnl tertlo CHAP.Viibo^ of t!)Cin, 02 t\)z €xccuto2Si, ^Dtuiuic: XVI. ftcato23 0? ^ffttrtici of fucb ^nt\)t\)o?, 0; '-^■^^^ of fomc p>crfou Diilv anti)on3eD by tbciu, . 02 fouic oi thaw, ttliXitt a €opv of fiicJ) applotuunt Ov bim tbc fatt) ?lo^t! ©avo.2 r fubfcribct), auD tuiticc tbc :§cal of t\)c faib OTttp of Dublin, to t\)t faiD tJEtliftccS, 03 otte of tbciu, oMbc ^iu\)!\3o? of tbctu, 02 thz executors, atsnitntftraro^s, 02 ^(Tigns, of fuel) ^u\3ino2, 02 to fncb Kcrfou as il)aU bj) t!)em, 02 aup of tbcm, be cmlp autl)o^' ti3eD to 2DcnuiuD atiD tcceiUe tl)c fame* ;^nD be it fnrtt)ct: €nactcD b)> the :^u; t\)02itv afo^efaiD, X:Dat t\)c faiD Xrtiaees, 02 tl)e :^iicVsiDo? of tbcni, 0? the €ifC«to;?s, ;5tDmmt(lrato2$ 0^ ^fftcrns of fiul) ^ut^ Di\)02, ft)<^U bp notice m d^Dlritincr bp tt)cm, c? tj)e :^ar\)it)o? of tbciu, 0? tl;e Ciccw- to^S, ^Duiiniftrato26 0? '?{ffijpriis of fuel) ;g)Utt)tt)02, fubfccibcD at the 5?oot of ttue Olopiesof fucb 3(pplotnicttt fo maOebp tl)e fatD Ho^D ®a)Jo?, requite tl)e OIDutcl)^ C123att)etis fo tDetcof, tt)l)o ace 02 i^^^ill be 5>ubtea to tbe ¥>ap'' Georgil Tertii Regis. 3-59 t&a^nncnt of Hatnp ^onzy> thithhx fotnc c « a r. certain Ciuie in fuch iHotice to be fpetiScD, ^J^ not lets tban lOne HalenDac -®out|) aftct tl)e ^ec^iCe tJ)creof. 5(ttD be tt CnacteD bj? tDe :^nt\)otity> a- fa,?efatD, X!)at t[)c aiJ)utcl)^OTatDcn«3i of e\)cc^ of fiicl) \5arii!)cs tfciI)o ft)aU be fo fetVieD as afo^efaiD, o;? tj)eir ^uccefTo?3, il)aU \lDitl)!ii tbc faiD fpace of Xune 0? Cucl) fut:: tl)ec fpace of tiime as tl)e faiD Xtuftees ma)? fo^ tl)at l^iupofe allotb tbem b^ anD Ibitl) tl)c ciToitfent of tbe reft of tl)e pattil); loners of fucb refpertit)c ^acil^es, 0? tl)e 'greater ^a^t of cbetn m Beftr^ aCfeiubleD, trnD tbbicl) tl)e :®m!ftet of eacl) tefpectiDe pariil) iljall call, if fucb Confcnt l^all be ol3taineD, x)^ if not, Ibstbont fuel) confent alfefs upon all antJ cticrp tl)e inhabitants tbitl)iu fuel) tefpccti\)e IDanajcs fuel) |5?o^' ponion of tl)e ^um fo bp tbe ?lo?D i©avo^ to lu applottcD upon fuel) refpcctiue pariii)e6 as cad) of tl)e faiD gnDabitanto ought to p^ap ratcablp anD in p^jopo^tion to tl)e Hamp j©onep, payable bp eac[) of .tl)efaiOJn!)ab!tants> :»nD be it CnacteD by> tl)e ;3utl)o?itjJ ar^ fo^cfaiD, %hat true Copies of fuel) tt- Ipectiije rafTcffiuents ftgneD anD lealeD bp ;^-5r:j Muu tl)em. 26o Anno Regnl tertio G H A P. tbcm tht ChmthmcitDtwQ of tl>: (^\t> ^'^^i- rcfpcrtiUc paniljcs, o,' tljcic ^ucccfTo^jc, fpc ^'^'^^ tifpiug tl)c P2opo2tfoii of thz ^un\ fo Oj? tbe ^o2D il3v^ro2 to (je applottcD upon tbe faiD rifpcitiijc panOics, XhWxl) each S!?ii).i= bitaut thereof fiibiect to the partiient of iian\Xi'£&o\uy ought to pa)\ ll):ill after fiich refpcattje Offfeffiucuto HvW it uiaDe, be returiuD, anD De4it3efcD bv the f^iiD rc; fpearoe ChurehOarDenG to -the fait) Xruftees, o? the ^'tirbibo^ of thcin, c? the (2Exccuto?o, ^2Dtnmi(irato25, o^ .^ffig-n^ of fuch ^nri)ft)o^ 02 to fouic perfoii 02 |5cr^ fond bj? them 02 fome of them bv iHQlrftmgr uutict: i^atto and ^eal tuly Sutho2i3eD to recei\)e the fautelbithiu fir ^5. actnmtftrato^s o; :^mgnQ of fucb ^tttijibo;, fubfctibeD atiD fealeo m t^e l&jefcnce of ttl)o 0? mo;?e trctiible TOitnefTes, be autbo;i3eD to reteiUe tl)e fame, fntb refpectitie :^mn anD ^tuns of ®onej> fo to be applotteD anD affeffeD upon tbem as afo;?efaiD, anD in Default of i&aj>ment tl)eteof fo? tl)e ^pace of fe\)cn Daps aftec petfonal DemanD thereof, 0? E>einanD in Anting bp tfce l&erfon 02 |&ecfons fo Sfu- tbo;ji3eD to collect tbe fame left out at tbe l^lace of ^boDe Ibitbm tbe faiD refpectitoe parilties of fucb i&etf<>n 0? l^ecfons fo afTelTeD, tY>Sit tben anD m fuc^ Cafe tbe Win U2 CaiD 262 Anno Regni tertio CHAP.faiD tcfpcrti\)c ^tuns of j©ouc^ fo to be x^'i affefrcD \)v the faiD ^buccD ai^'mtDens uiall ^"""^^ be fucD ^ fo2 anD recoticreD from t\)t faiD ginbabitants bp tbe pcrfon o ^^JftgnS of fucb ^urt)i\)02 nn t()o>i3cD to rccciV)c the fame, in fuel) ^an- nee, anD bp fiul) GuHavs anD £0ccii\^ to all intents auD piitpofcs, as the ilamp- luoncv notb pavable hy tbe ^(jiibabitants of tl)e faiD Citp of Dublin, auD tl)C llv bcrties thereof, can bp the faiD lecitcD ;^a be fueD fO(? anD recot)ercD bv the €olUao;{6 thereof, 0^ l)v anp l&erfcn 0? perfono Dbhatfoeber, asi aniplp ae if the ^arts of the faiD rccfteD -^rt rclattbc to the rccoiierp of ilatiip j^^oncv J)aD been herem infertcD. anD the fame ^others by cxmi^ M\o^tQ, \3efteD m the l^erfon anD V^crfons fo to be appomteD by the faiD ^tlrnftcesto collect tj)e faiD ^mm- l^^obiDeD altbaps, anD be it ^nacteD ; bp the -^ritho;itv afo2cfaiD, Xhat fatD tlruftecs, anD tl)eir,(Eollecto? o? aTolleao^e, ll)all giV)e CreDit anD ^llolbancc orit of the i^ums fo to be applotteD to the refpcctibc inhabitants of the faiD (Eity of Duhilii, anD t!)c Eiberties t!)creof, fo^ all fuc^ ^ums GeorgilTertu Regis, 263 ^n\m as Y^aU been bp tfteu! refpectitjeli), c h a p. 02 tl)e fo?mec 5ul)ab!tant5 of tU fame ^^i. i^onfes, paiD to tl)e faiD Xciiftees untiec 0^ ^■^'-^"^ iti Coiuphance Hbttl) tl)e faiO tecitet) -^ct» :3ttD tbl)etea3i it ftequcntlp J)appen$, tl)at ^atet^Cotitfesi bv Ibl^icl) Cities are flip- plieD Ibitj) OTatec ate petmitteD to run to SPecap anD are often obftrtirteD to great gjnjur)) of tbc f nDabitants of fcuD Cities ; jfFo3 iReuieD)? thereof, be it €nacteD bp tbe ^tuDo^itp afo;>efaiO, t!i)at tj)e i®ajJo?, ^U tcrmen, anD i^ep^efentatiVses of et?et)j Citp in tl)is BingDom, fo? tl)e ITiiite being, ex- cept ri)e Citp of Dublin, l!)all be €ominif= fioners fo tl)?ee 02 itio2c of tlxm, rt)aU l)a\)e full i^ottier anD Zuthont}> to repair all fticb ulSJater^ OTourfes, anD to rciuobe all 0b(!ructions lu tl)e fame. anD to talK Dolbit auv 2aanft 0? S>am Vo\)it\) (h^M be maCe to Dit)ert the 2®later from iht fame, anD to Do all other :^ftci anD Xhings lohicl) il)all be necellarp fo? malting fuch vESHatciiCourfes effectual, fo2 tl)e l&urpofes of con\)eping 212Hater to tl)e faiD refpecti\3e Cities: ^nD it ft)aU anD map be lallDful to anD fo? t|)e (15rauD juries of the refpectit^e Cities, at f X X the 264 Anno Regnl tertlo c H A p.tl)e ^{ri3CS to VI AM from Xunc to %in\t x^i- fuel) ^um 02 sums to be raifeD in tj)eit "^•^ ccfpectrUe Cities, as iljail be ucceffacp fo? tl)c Hcepitiflr tl)c ccfpectiUe raater^^iTourfes ill depait, auD fo? pa>'incr a j®an, to fu- pecmtenD auD take cate of tl)e fauie, fo as t^c faiD i^nius il)aU not excccD m an)> one peac tl)c ^um of ^lbeiit>) pounCs, tl)c fait) ^ums to te paiD to the faiD oTonu miffiouets, ot anp ftuc 0? nio?e of tbem, auti t\)z 'JuDgeS of Stffi^es iViall confttm fuel) p^efentmeuts lu tl)c fame j®annet as otl)ec ld2cfcutments of a lil^e jRatute ace to be couftrmcD, atiD tl)e ^ums fo p^e= fenteD i^all be ie\)icD m tl;c fame ®amiec as otljec publicU ®oucp» :^t[X) be it ^luicteD bv the ^'uti)o,ntv afo^efaiD, i:|)at from anb after tbe firft ilDav of May ue.u, u anv ^crfou o; perfons fl)all IbiUfuUv t5o aiiv il^amaftc to fjich QKHatet^Courfe, 0? obaract ti)e Padage of tl)e OTater tl)crciti, rtjall forfeit fo^ cXicty fuel) Offence rl)c il^nm of fi\): pouuDS; to be tcco\jercD bv auv perfou \bi)o a)aU fuc fo^ tl)e fame bp ciViil 15!U, upon P;?oof of tbe fame b\> tU Oatb of one 0^ mo?c tcebiblc seiitne'ffes, tbe llibolc of t\)c jFo^ fcitnre to go to t!)e Siufo^mcr. P2o\)iOeD Georgil Tertll Regis. 265 l&^obiDct) altba^s, t!bat notbiitgr beteittCH ap. coatamet) ftjall be conftiueD to giVie thz ^^^• fatD Cotituiiftoncts anj) potbec to pnll "^""^^ tiolbu anp j^iUDatn, 02 to mipctie tl)e coii\)e))mg of Matec to an^ ®iU notb ececteD lU fuel) Satinet as !)as been jKte^ tofo?e accuftomeC)* p;>o\)it)eD alfo, i:i)at if an)? perfoii il)all be TtieD fo? aup tl)tng l)e fl^all Do lu put^ fuaucc of this ^ct, ^e ma)? pleaD tY)t cKe^ ueral 'JfTiie, atiD gitJe tj)e fpccial j®attet: in CbiDencc* ft ;^nD tlibcceas it ts expedient that tl)t (S?auO fur)? of the (Eountv of Cork, ftja'U haUe poXbct to p^cfait a greatei pearly? ^um fo> the irr'^afrirec of the faiD ^otintp, than the)> b}> the 2.atl)S uolh in f o^ce ate impotheceD to 00, the faiD €oiintp being of large €itent, anD lecjtiitfng a 'Crea:; lutei: \)tt:y couDerfant in Accounts anD Ibho can gitJe ^ecurit>? fo? the latge :^ums ^eceffatp to be raifeD lu that €ount^i Be It €uacteD bp the :^m\')o;it}> afo^cfaiD, ^hat fcotu anD after the Srft ^aj? of May £)ne thonfanD fcl^en hunD^eD anD firtp font, the d^^inD ^urp at tlje Mi^tQ to be l)elD fo;j t\)z faiD €oimtp from Ciine %XX2 to Anno Regni tertio to ^itnc i^all J)a'oe ^olber, if tbev t^ nft fit, to matte p?cfenttueiit!3 iii the niu.\i jS^anncr fo2 t\)t raifmg an^ ^um not exceeDincr fiftp ^ouiiDs a pcac io; tl)c 3S:tcafiirec of tl)e faiD ^otiut>' fo^ tbe Xmie bciiKT, ol^ec aiiD abotic the j^^ums Ibhicl) the c53auD SJutj? of the faiCi ^oim? tv iS impolhcttD D)? the lialbs nolb m 5po^cc to V2tkvx io2 fuch ^reafurct, auD the f uDgcs at fuch ^fUBCS rt)aU auD maj? Confirm the faiti p^cfcntntctit. ::^nD Ibhercas fe\)ct:al |5ccfon6 hat)c been namcD iii ^a^ of parltament maCic m thi5 BiugDoiu f2oin iTiJue to tliine, as (5o\3ei'tio^s o;; ^?ufteeo of fctjetal chant- able j?oisut!atioup: -^tiD Ihhcrcas fcVieral othet peiiouG r.yoii tl)c iDeath of (I5oDci = no?$ auD CcuQico. haUebc^u Tinrc cieacceo: t)ccao,2S 02 x^uitwy of fisfh jrotaiDat!OU2f!i putfuance of t? e pol'oei^ lu the faiD ^^a^ coutamcD: ^uD Ibhe^cas CiVseial of the X^uftecs 02 C3ot)iruo2'3 fo naiiicD aitD ckcteD ate 02 luav be p2c'ucntct) attcnCitiff the Bufmefs of fuel) charitable f o«tiDa= tious, either bv their ^^tre, ^jutinnities, 02 other ;affaii6, Ibhere'jv the ii5fifuicfs relating to fuch €hacitable jronnDatiouS majj be greatl)) Dela>ieO, atiD the gooD 3^- tents of tj)e faiD 3(as in a ^rcat O^cafure DefeatcO, Georgii Tertii Regis. 267 bifeatcti: ^nO tbl)ercas it ma^ be DoubtetJ^ " ^p- tbbetl)ct fuel) dpoDcrno^ 02 Xtuftee, fo m- ^^^• ca|3it!ateD can refign fuel) biS £>fiFice, 0? '"^'''^ lt)!)etl)ct tr)e Corporation of tbl)icl^ fuel) (Bo- \3ciuor or irtuftce IS a :®embet can €lect anotl)cc of tl)e faiD -^cts, at an^ Corporate -^cetincrof fncl) (I5ot)etnor0 or Xcuftee«5, ti)l)ercof fiul) perfon ig or ft)aU be a j®em:: bet, to riirrcnDcc anD matte \)oiD, unDet bis i^anD anD ^cal, I)i3 place or£)fftceof (Bo^ tiecnor or Ctriftee of fuel) Cl)aritable jFoun- Dation, on gitimg Notice in Wititmsto tj)e (So'occnors of fuel) Corporation, of tb!)icl) l)c IS a ©cinbet eorporatclp aCTeinbleD, at lead £)ne <®ontl) before fuel) biS ginten= tious fo to Do, anD tl)ei:ettpon tl)e (Bo\)zt^ nors or Xtuftecs of fuel) tlorporation in beuitr, or a fuffietent ^umbec of tj)cm p?cfecibcD \}y> t\)tit Different Cbartecs or ^ct5 to eonditute a 2i5oarD, are f)f^tc\)}> itnpoUurcD from Ximc to '€i\m to ac= p p p ccpt 268 Anno Regni tertio, &a Chap, tcpt of futl) iTvcfiirnatioii 02 ^lurent^cr, XVI. SLWD to p;?ocecD to tl)e Clertion of another ^"^■^"^ dUotjcttio? 0? Cruftce to Za m the ^Uce 0; ^uaD of tj)e l^etfon fo rcOgumg, as; if fuel) l5etfon tbas naturally 2>eaD, at:: to^Ding to, ano in putfnance of iutf) Regulations as are contameD in tl)t 5(t of l&atliament conGitutinigr the Corpora- tion tl)l)ereof the ®eniber fo rcfignmigr ^a$ been a (!5ot3ernor 0^ %tni\tc. AN A N ACT FOR Continuing and amending certain Temporary Statutes heretofore made, for the better regulation of the City of Cork, and for en- larging the Salary of the Treafurer, and for the better regulating the Sale of Coals in the (aid City, and for ereding and continuing Lamps in the fame, and for the better pre- fcrving the Streets and High-ways therein, and for confirming and eftablifhlng a Court of Confcience in the faid City, and for re- gulating the Adize of Bread therein, and for fecuring the Qiiays by Parapet Walls. DUBLIN: ,^rinted by Boulter Grierson Printer to the King's Mod Excellent Majefty. Mdcclxiv. ( 271 ) A N ACT FOR Continuing and amending certain Temporaiy Statutes heretofore made for the better regu- lation of the City ofCorke^ and for enlarging the Salaiy of the Treaiiirer, and for the better regulating the Sale of Coals in the faid City, and for erecting and continuing Lamps in the {ame, and for the better prefcrving the Streets and High-ways therein, and for coiafirming and eftablilhing a Court of Confcience in the ^id City, and for regulating the Alfize of Bread ' therein, and for lecuring the Quays by Parapet Walls. CHAR XVIL W jFira pcac of the meigti of i^iS v^^' tX-o fcnt ©ajeft):', intitnicD, An a a for the more eafy and equal afleffing all Money prefent- 5 3 3 ed 2/2 Anno Regni tertio C H A p. ed by the Grand Jury of each AlTizes to be XVII. |-,gj(j f-Qj. ^i^Q Q\^y^ ^j-jj County of the City of ^"^^^"^ Cork, and for putting the Coaches, Chaiies, Chairs, and Sedans, that ply for Hire in the faid City, under the ]ike Regulations, for the Benefit of the Work-houfe of Cork as the}' are in Dublin^ and aHb for the better vr.mlating the Harboui- of Cork, 'mth bCCll foullD h^ experience to be of prcat ^C\3antag-e to the Cltp aitD Count)? of tbC Olltj? of Cork: ZnD ll)l)ccea6 tl)c fcDcnil allanfes tl:ctem relative to tl)c affclTiug-, aitci applotrmcr, auD taifin^^ publictt j^^onev, ace liniitcD anO maDe to continue fo2 X.\bo pears, ftom t|)e jFirft 2Da^ of June ^ne tbonfanD fe\)en ^utiO^eD anD fiitp tlbo, anD from tl)ence to tl)e €nD of tbc next ^cfiion of l^arliamcnt, be it €nacteD hy> tJ)c '^mcr's <®oft Citellent ill^ajcft^, bp anD tbitl) t^e ;5lDt)ice anD Otonfcnt of t\)z llo:D$ ^gjpintual anD i:cmpo2al anD Commons in tl)i6 p?efent l&arliamcnt alTcm IcD, anD bp t\)t autbo^it)) of tl)e fame, Xf)at tl)z (aiD ^ct, anD the fcbcral Claufes thereof, be maDe perpetual, Ibitl) the fc\3cral ^menD^ mcnts anD explanations i)ereitt after men= tioncD. <^nD Ihhcteas it maj> become a ST^oubt, Vbhvther li^acHnej?=cbaifeo, other than pod^^ chuiics, Georgli Tertii Regis. -^7/5 cj)atres(, atiD Chaits D^attin hp C^o^fes, ate c h a p. tomp,^el)etiiDeD Ibitbiii the faiD reciteD ;^ct xvii. of l&adiainetit, be it enatteD anD Declacei) "-^"^^ bp tl)e ^utho;jit^ afoatbii b)> l^o?fe«, qiall be ItcettfeD in fuel) ®annet, anD pap to tl)e cSoDcrno^S of the Mio^hhoxik efta- bliil^eD m i1)e faiD OTitt', anD tj)ctt ;g)tutef' fo,?9, fttcb JFines anD pearlp Jaent, as orbaitSi bp tl)e faiD act ate o;jDameD to Do, t :^ttD tbbeteas fetetal ©tbnets anD l^eep^ tcs of tbe l^acftnev=coatl)es, poftcbaifesi, anD l^o^fe cbaits, tbbo heep t\)t fame foj ^ite in the fatD Citp of Cork, babe omit- teD anD tcfufeD to ta&e out ILicences purCuant to tbe faiD ^ct, anD to pip to; i^iu tt>itj)m tbe OTotintp of tbe Citp of Cork, be It €nacteD bp tbe :3iutl)02jtp afo^cfaiD, 5ri)at fcom anD after tbe jFitft 3)ap of May flDne tboufanD fetjen bunD^cD anD ftxtp fout, all anD etjerp perfon 0^ J&etfons tertDrn^* tbitbui tbe Citp 02 Cotintp of tbe €\tv of 5332 Cork, 274 Anno Regnl tertio c HA p. Cork, tbl)o.ii)aU fecep, D^i\3e, o? let out fo; XVII. i^ite atip l^achucp'Coacj), ^oft o; otl)cc '■"^^'^ ai:i)aifc, o;> l^o^e cl)att, citj)ct to places Vbit\>in tl)c faio Olitp, o? OTomtt)?, o?i\)cc of a OToac^, \&oft 0^ otI;ec CDaife, 0;? i^o;fe:cl)a»: tbitl)m the faiD OTitp of Cork, o; t\)z E-ibectieS tJ)ereof, fo;j t\)z Hettmigr out tl)e fame to i^ire, il^all from anD after tDe 6rft 3>ap of May €)ae tbottfanD fetcit l)unD;cD anD fitt}> four, ref«fe to pip fo^ l^ice tbitljm t^e faiD €it]> 02 OTountp of tDe faiD €ity, t\yttv fiuD €>lbuer, Eecper, o;? 2D?it)et, {!)aU io2 eVierp fUcD Offence forfeit tDe :$>um of Xtbentj? ^DiUittffS, auo tDat if an)> fucD icDttoner, iS^eeper, 0? S>oft, 0? otDer CDaife^ 0? J^o o? tDc Hi-- berties tDercof, il)all after the %mt afo^e= faiD neirlett o; omit to gi\)e tDc i®apoi of tDe faiD Citp a true Account anD iae^ turn m OHnritmg of Dis #ame anD I5lace of :3boDe, anD tDe jHumber of Dis CoacDco, l&oft'CDaifes, 01 otDer CDaifes, €Dair0, anD I^o?re0, on tDe fetjeral anD refpectit)e 4 ;3 l>ap0 276 Anno Regni tertlo CnApJ[5aj)0 afo'cfatO, 0? to tafte out Uith ILu XVII. center as afo^cfaiD, eber^ fucb £>Dbntr 02 ^-^■^'^iStcepcr, fo? etjetj? ^ime j)e il)aU neglect 0? oitiit to iitafte Incl) iaetucn as afo;ie- faiD, auD alfo fo? tUerp ^ontJ) J)e ft)aU neglect to omit to taftc out fuel) ?li^ ccncc, il)aU forfeit t|)c lifte 5)um of Xtbentp :^l)tU!n5i5, tl)e faiD fet)etal ^&enal^ ties to be tccotJctcD and let)j>eD upon Com:: plaint bcinfir maOe before tbe ®a)?o;j of ti^e faiD €ity> of Cork, tn fucb ®annec, anO fo;? fuci) afes anD l&urpofes, anO hz t)iftcr^ buteD as tj)e febetal otl)et ^etuniatj) l&enalties tnflicteD bp t\>t faio ^a on €oacj)men, \&oG'Cj)airemicn, anO €l)ait^ men offencmg ate appomteD to be re- cot^eteD anD IMcD, ;^ttD tbDereas tbe Xteafutet of t\)c CaiD Citp and ^ountp of tbe faiO Cit? of Cork, is notb intitlcD to a pearlj^ j^alatj) of ttbent)) pounos onlp: ^nD tb^cteas tl)e C>ffice of tl)e Xreafur^ et of t!)e faiD Cit;), anb OTount)) of tJ)e faib €ity>, iS srrotbn tjetp ILabo;jiotiS anD J3uttl)enrome, bp Ecafou of tbe -^ncrcaCc of the faiD Citp, anD of tl)c fet^eral ilatbs anb IR emulations io^ letjpmg of public^ 0^ ' : 2ae It enacteD by the ^utY>oUty . %t>at from anD after tDe fitft 2>ap Georgii Tertli Regis. 277 S>a^ of May j^nc tboufantJ fe\)cii !)ttttti^et)c h a r. ant) fittp four, it ft)all be latbful to aito xvii. fo? t\)z (B^ano Slutp of tJ)e federal ^CTises, ^-^^^^ to be |)elD fo;? tl)e faiD Cit)? ano County of tl)e faitJ €itp, to p;?efcnt anjj ^um not cxcecDing fo;tj) J&ounDS, fo^ tl)e peatl^ jg^alacj) of t|>e Xreafuter of t\)t faiO Citj> auD Countj) of tj)e TaiD ^ttj», to be alTefreO, applotteD, antJ raifeO m fut^ ®aunec, anO tbitj) ftitJ) l^otbetfii, as ti)e publtcft j®onej) p;jerenteD bp tj)e <^;?atiO juries; of t!)e fato fetjeral :^iri$es, b^ t^e afo2erait) ;^(t, maDe tti tj)e Stft peat of l^t« p^efent ©afeftj) Iting George tl)e XI)irD, is appoittteD to be affeffeo, applotteD ano raifeo ; ^nD tbl)erea$ Teberal {^erCons itt tl)e faiO Citj) of Cork, mafte a \&;jac' tice of bu^Jing «p tJerj? large £ltianti; ties, autJ often entire Cacffoeg, of Coal« befo;je tJ)e fame are b?ottgl)t up to t^t <^uaj>, o;j |5ublicft anD ufual HantJing ^&late«3, anD br> tbcfe ^eans cngrofs large ^luantities; of Coals, anD aftettbatDS retail tl)e fame at exorbitant |&?ices: ;anD tb^ereas bp tl)e fetjeral frawDS p;?a(tireD in t!)e Coal HTraDe of tf)e faiD Cit^j, tl)e l&oo;j of tl)e faiD aritj) Date been teciiiceD to great 2DiGrefs: jFo? lae- mcDy U:)!)ereof, be it enacteD bp tl)e 9[u= 4 ;5 1 tj)o;itp 278 AnnoRegnl tertio c H A p. tbo;?!tj> afo^cfaiD, %\)at itoin anD after ^^'^^- t\)t fuft I)a>) of May iiPnc tbotifaiiD fc\3cn '^^^ ^uuD?eD auO fittp four, no ^^erfon a)all be allolbeD to pricdjafc €oal5 fo^ ^.ile, 0^ luep aup JparD o> Celiac fo^ fellingf Oloals, 0^ to <^ct as j?acto?, pmfer, o ^umlMic of fifteen, auD fl)all tte\)er bup xv«. atip OToals to fell agmit, atiD tJ)at no "■'"^'"^ fuel) JFacto?, |5utfet, 0? ^^gcttt, (!)aU bup * ill aiip one Pear, fo? i)tS otbn OTottftmip- tiou, a greater Jiiuantit^ tban ttbent^- Xutifif, aiiD el)ctp p^erfon Ibbo ri)aU^eep an^ ; pato 0? Cellar fo? fcUmg Coals in fatl>? Olitp 0^ the Hiljerties tl)ereof, ll)itl)o«t' etft obtaining fuel) ; Eicence, auD etop jfacto?, piirfer, 02 -^gcnt, tb!)o iljaU buj> anp OToals to fell agam, il)ail lo? eVierp fticl) £P6fence fo;>fett one l)uuo?eD #oimt)i5. :^\xi} be tt Cnaxtct) bp tbe :^uti>02itf] afo^efaib, %f)iU el)erp facj) jFattojj, i^urferv anD :^gent, ll)aU take an ;2Pati), to be aD- miniftteD by tJ)e ^ayoi of tpe faiD City,- \bl)icl)OatJ) tl)e faiCJ ®a)>o? is l>tebj) im=: potbereD to abimniftet, t|)a(t be tbill not. During t!)e tJEiuie of J)i«3* being jFacto?- ^utfer, 0^ ^gent, b«>) any Qts^m to fell again, ano tbat l)e IbiU exerclfe tbe failj C>fftce faitbfuH?', Diligently, anD inu partialis, betlbeen t|)e tellers anb ^w^ers of Coals. ;Xnt)be it€nacteb b)) tbe ^utbo?it)j afo;je= laiD, ^batno |5erion i|)alll^eepaCoal;))arD, x>i Cellar, o; being concerneD as jFacti^-, ;i|2)urfer, or -^gent, l|all feeep au? Higijttr, 4 ^ 2i3oat, 28o Anno Regni tcrtio cti A p. Boat, 0^ GabDarD, fo? t\)t ptrrpofe of tat- ^^^^ c^mg OToals, auD tl)at no l^ctfott (^all "■^■^fttcp ftic!) ?licrl)tcr, i3oat, o? (SabbarD, Xt)itl)otit l)aV}ing: a ILmntt fo; tl)at \&ur- pofc fijjiKD b)' the j©avo? fo? t\)t tJTime bemg-, anD to be in j?o?ce Dtirmgr jjooD »l)at)iour; fo2 tbbich Elicence, one i^bil- ling anD no nio^e il)aU be paiD, anD et)erp pcrfon tbbo iliall offenD beccin il)all fo? e^crj) rati) £^ffence fo;?fe!t 6(tp p>ounD0» ;5nD be it €nacteD b^ tbe :^iitI)o;?it)> afo?efaiD, ^i)at the ®a(tec of etjcrjj ^e^- fel btmgmg Coals to the fatD Citp, fl)all be obligee immeDiatelj? in t\y: ^rriV»al of cWje) fuel) ^efCcl at anj:' of the ^iiaj'O, 02 pablicft, 0? uffial !lant»tng places of t^e faiD €itt», to bang at t\)t a^aft- of 1)19; faiOHleCrel, o^ af tDe HigDtcr, iBoat, oir-^'d^abbatD, in 'tbbicl) Coals i'l)all be bjougbt up to the faiD^naj^o o? Eantiing ^Uces, a 2aoacZ) tbttl> tl)e true ^arne of tl^e ^lace ftoin- li^berice tix faiD Coals Itierc iljippeD ant) bjongbt, itirittcn o^ paintcD tl)erenpon in large legible Clia- ratters, anD e\3erj> perfon Ibbo fliall hcep a Paro o: Cellar, fo? felling Coals in tl)e faitJ Citv, fliall l)ang at the ??oo? of tbe faiD ParD 02 Cellar, a BoarD \bith tl;e ^e- nomination of the Coals t|)i:n rontamcD in t\)z faiD pact) 0? Cellar, painteD 0; \bnt= ten Georg'ii Tertii Regis. 281 ttn tf)ereon in large legible CJ).ua(te;?3f,CH a p. anO etjecp l&erfoii ofenDittg \)itixn il)aU xvii. forfeit tl)c :^uin of X\hct\t)> n&omiDs, anD ^^^'^ c\)ctv <®aftec, jFafto^ o) f«c!) Offence forfeit t\)t ^nm of tl)irtp pounCCr. ;^nD fo^ tl)e p?e\3enting unlattiful Combi^ nations to catfe t\)t P^fce of Coals in tl)e faiD Cit^, be It furtbet €nacteD b^ tl)e Zu- ti)ontv afo^efaiD, X\)at all Contracts 0^ ;^gteemcnts betlbeen anp Coal Olbnets, Rafters, 0? £Dlbncis of ^bips, Coal jFac^ to2S, 0^ otbcr l^erfons concerneD in tl)e Coal CraDe, for raifing tt)e i^^ice of Coals, 0? fo; retraining anp l^erfon o; le^crfons from freelj) felling, bti>ing, unloaDing, o} Ciifpofiug of Coals, fatje as is l)cretn be- fo^c p^o\)iDeD anO ^nacteD, il)all be Declare et) illegal anD t)oiD, anD t!)at if anp |^er= fon 02 ^Derfons rt)all ma^e, enter into, ^ct, Q2 be ftnotbmglp concerneD in anp furl) Contract o;> Agreement m tl)e faiD €it}> 02 Countp of the Cit;) of Corke, e\)erp perfon fo offending iljall fo? etjerp fad) C)ffence forfeit £Dnc bunO^cO ponnts, to 4 i5 i be JsB'i Anno Regnl terdo ch !• A.be recol)cteD hy fuel) ^uit o^ -Action as> ^^'^^- hcKinaftec menttoueo* ^tiD be It ^iiacteD hy> t})e ;^titl)0:i ;}tt^ afo^cfait), t!rj)at one i^oict^ of t^e . afo;?cfaiD fclicfal penalties cbntaitteC ttttiDet fo ntucl) of this ^ct as relates to the recrulatitig of the ^ale, HanDingauDCraDc of €oals, iljall.go aiiD be patt) to the 3u= former, aiiD the othcc j00oietj> thereof to the Xreafurer of tj)e S^Uo^ft-l^otife, efta^ Wiil)etJ m the fatD OTitv of Cork, fo? t\)z mife of t\)t faiD OTo^h il^oitfe, and tl)at the faiD penalties, o? fuel) of them as are not otl)erttiife ojOaineti, [\)M an^ n\nv be reto:: tereo bv Action of S?ebt, :!i5tll, piamt o} 3lnfo^mat!on, in any of {^is j®atcft>)'s Courts of laecojD m the €\ty of Dublin, 0? bj? ;3etion of E>ebt, o;> piamt, to be commenccD anD p^oteeCieD upon, n\ the ufual fanner befo;?e the ^aj^o? anO ^he= tififs in the OTourt of iaeco^D of the qiit^ of Cork. anD fo;j p^ebentmcr of jFraubs hy {©ea- furers, po^teis anD viTartiun of Coals, in the faiD (Eity anD Itibertics thereof: Wo. it €nacteD by the ^uho^itp afo^efaiD, Xhat! the ^ayoi anD Contuton Councl of the taiD €it^, 02 any ten o? tno^e of them, the io&ayo^ fo2 the Xuwc beinir to be al- Dba^S one, (l)aU J)abe poUut from 3:mic to V-ZVX^ Georgii Tertii Regis. 283 to ^ime to maUe fuel) mules, C^^^OctS, antJCH a p. i)jj HatbS fo,? exmgtJ)e OTagcs, auD re^^^^j gtilating tbe Contiuct of fucj) j®eafurcts, i5o?tccs, anD Carmen, emploj^eD in tj)^ OTarriage 02 j^eafuteuicnt of OToalS, a0 tl)ej> il)aU t})!nlt fit. ;3nt) tbl)crca3i ti)e ksyctal :Xct^ of ^at^ liatuent noU) in jforcc nx tl)i-3 laingDom, fo? Cnligbtning- Cities anD Xo\l3n«3, !)a\3C been foiinO ineffectual tbitl) celpect to tlbe Ctt)) of Cork: » It CnaaeD bp t^e ;autbo?it)? afo^efait), Xl)at ftoin anD aftec t^c j?i^ftS>ap of Anguil:, laDuc t|)oaianD{et>en J)unC(?eD anD fixtp four, tbe l^aiiiljioners of tbe feV>eral \5ariil)es of tbe Citj? of Cork, anD fliberties tbeceof, Ibbeteof anp part lies tbitbm tbe faiD Citp, 0? tbe Suburbs tbereof, i^all anD ate berebp requireD to Iigbt tbe Hamps in fucb l^atts of tbeir tefpectitje paiiiljes as are Ibitbm tbe faiD OTitj) 0} Suburbs tbereof, anD tbat fucb cont)entent anD fufficicnt dumber of (Blafs ILamps i\)all tbitb all contjcnicnt ^peeD be p?ot)iDeD, ereaeD, anD fixeD in tbe :^treets, Hanes, paffageS, anD on tbe Cua^'S of tbe faiD j&cuiil)es, as to tbe Cbnrcb-tbat^ Dens, anD fucb i&art of tbe patiU)ioners as bp tbts ^a il)all be liable to tbe paj?^ nient of lLan\\)momy, anD ^IlualiftcD to t)ote at Ileftrtes to be belD bp Hirtue 4C of AS 2^4 Anno Tlcinn tcrtio ^: MA p. of tbrS ^(t, 02 tbc iMcijoc Pc7it of tlxm, ^^^^- fball fcciii tnccr, Ibbtcb f.iiD Ucattco (ti-jll ^'^ be b'lo III the faiD refpcctiDc parulics, on tl)c f lift Dap of May, Ont tl)onf(7nDfct)cu f)iinO;eD aiiD fixtp four, o; if tl)e fame rt)all bappcn on a Suiiday t\)t Dap after, ano continneD bv ., Siinday's CICCptCD, until tbcr n)aU f)aV)c conrliiCcD anD toinpleatcC the federal lllecrnlationo herein after luentioneD, anD that fnrh ?la»nps fl)all be liprhteD, p^epateD, ant) inaintameD, in fuch ^D'lnncr as to the Churchlbac; DcnQ ant) ftich refpembe inhabitants as afo2eraiD, of the faiD rcfpertiljc i.:a2irt)esat a iilcftrj^, to be helD from Cimc to ^iiue on tUtp .5?U"ft Daji of May, f|f Simchiy ; on the Da^ after, anD by ^bjournmcnt from Da)> to Wiiy> (Sundays ercepteC;in each Pear, ftjall from Cime to i:ime fcem meet anD etpeDient, Ihhith defines the -Ggini- fters of t\)C\:v parifl) Ihithin the faiD €itj) of (ork anD the :^tibmbs thereof, are hereb)^ reoinreD to call, anD on their De= fault il)aU notlhifhOanDiupr aHemble, anD that the faiD Elampo rt)all be of fuch ^o^t, as to the 03avo^ aiiD oiommun aToiiucil of the €\ty of (ork il)aU fciin proper, anD that the !Cl9a)'02 of (ork fo; the p^cfent pear, befo2e the Xlhentp fifth Da)' of March next, Hjall o;Ocr a Hampo^ riamps of tjcorgli Tcrtil Regis. 285 <»f im\) i5^o:t iint) J?aQ)iou ao fl)aU bccuAi app;o\)cD of by the faiD iS^ayo^ anD €on\: x\'ii. moil (jtlotmcil of rj)c faiD ^it^ of Coik, to ' '^^ be DcpoQtcO III t\)c ^\)o\ki of tl)c faiO Cit^, fo^ the 'ilnfpcctioii of t\)c ail)nrcl)= IbarDciis awD pariil)ioiicr0 of t!)e rc\)ecal auD tcfpcailie pariil)Lg. :^nD be it €nactcD hy the ^nthonty afo2cfait), Xbat the faiD ilainpu n)aU be crccteD anO tircO to 02 near att^ l^oufc 0^ a^mlDmn", 02 on poQs 0^ ^^ons, 0^ oti)ec:: tbife, anO at fuel) -aDiftaiue one from ano- ther, not cicccDing ^hirtp ^>arDo, tranf- \)crfelp on both Ja^iOcs of the fc\)cral j^trcets. Hancs, paflagcs anD 4iIiiia)'S, m the rcfpcai\)c l&arift)LS of the faiD Olit;' anO j^ubutbs, anD il)aU p^ojert Xtbo J?oot anD an l^alf into the fame, anD that the faiD ilamps il)all be hcpt lighteD anD burning, from a illiuartcrx)f an ll?out after 5)un fettmjr, to a Quarter of an D?our bc^ fo2e i§)un rifing, from the jFirft ^ay of Aui^nn to the Jpitft Daj> of May in cDerp pear. 3fnD in o^Dct to Defrav the tirft €^ pence of buj?ing: anD erecting f»ch ?lamp0, j^oas, 0^ Sjrons, anD alfo the pearlp Charges of lighting, fuppl^mg, maintain' mg, anD repairing the fame; be it ^n-- 4 C 3 acteo ^86 Anno Regnl tcrti© :chap. artct) b)j tJ)e 3rnt[)o;?itj? afo2cfait), €l)at the XVII. (2:i)wtcl)'l]b:irC)ens, o? a ail)«rcl) tbarOeu of ^-^""^ c\)Qv ^^aciil), il)all p^efitJe atj tl)e fetjctal ^Slcftcico to te l)elD lu pu rfiiauce of tljis; ;?(ct m tht faiD tcfpcctil^e jDaculjes, anD e\3erjj gjitl)abitaut beinrr tl)e i^eaO of a j?aaiilp, anD bcmcr fiDrciipiCC of a C^onfe tbEtf)ia fuel) l^afiil), anD Ibitbin tl)e faiD €\ty> 02 t\)z :^ubnrbs tI)cceof, anD It^itbin the Extent of tbe ILainps, aftet tl)c fauieft)aU be 6xeD, of tDe peatlj) ^alne of JFit^e ^ounDS anD tiplbarDs, anD no otl)er, nmv attenD anD giUc l)i5 IReafons anD t)ote as an f n^abitant, anD tl)at at tl)e fetjeral ;iaeftnes to be l)elD on tbe jFirft HDar of May, C>ne tboufanD feljen btinD^D anD fiitp four, 0^ feme .^Dpucnttient thereof to be DelDaSafo.^cfatD, tn t{)e faiD feV)cral J^ani^es, tl)e ari)utcl)dbarDen0, anD ®a]02 pan of tbe 5nl)abitant!3 p^efent, qualtfieD as afo^efatD, (l)all agtee upon anD Determine, bj) an i^2Der in 3123ritmg to be fig-neD bp tbe Olburcb'-lbarDcns, 02 one of tbetn, tbe dumber of ?latnps to be erectcD anD fiiicD m tbetr fetJeral pariiljce, anD in tbbat Places anD ©annrr, anD in tbbat £^i^ ftances tbe fame rt)aU bcfttcD anD crcctcD, in tbe fc\)eral anD rcrpccti\)e ^taets, Hanes, > ^alTaffcs, anD upon tbe £lriaj'6 in the refpe(ti\)e J5ariil)es, fo as no £D^Dcr iljatl DC Georgii Tertii Regis. 2B7 U tuaDe bp tbein inconfi(ieut Dbith this c h a ?. ;a(t, auD (l)aU tl)eit alfonu^lte an €ainiatc ^^'"• in OTntiugr to be fig-ncD \}^ tl)e €l)tucl> ^-^--^ ^(inart)cn0, 0;? one of tl)cm, of tloc €oag of iucl) Hamps, anD of tin €xpcnce ol erectittcr thereof, ant) all otbtc €,tpcucc6 re- latitje to tbe licrhting ano inamtammcr ti)e latue to t\)z 5?irft "^ay of May, ^ue t!)o!i^ XanD feDen j)nnD;jeD anD t\xt}> ftbe, anD alfo 4)f tbc iRate anD i^^opo^tron to be paiD by tU tefpeaiDe patnties cf tl)c ilgoucp aDioanceD bv tl)e j®a))o^ anD qirotiucil of the Cirp of Cork, as Ixcein after 15 inentior.eD, lo> uimcDiatelp li^htmi? tl)e faiD arit>^: 2i3e it iurtl)cr CnattcD b)? the ^ntl)o;it}) afo,?eraiD, ^bat at tl)c febecal dearies to be l)elD on e\)etj) ftrft ^a^ of Mav, alter tl)c pear iSPne tl)ouranD fc\)cn biuiD^cD anD ftxt^i four, 0; foiue aDfourntnent thereof ^0 be helD as afo^faiD, the OThnrth sBlarDens anD ®a- p2 ^a?t of the gnhabitants qualifieD as afo^efaiD, il^all anD niap from pear to pear, niahe furh €)2Dct$ auD ^Alterations tbith refpea to the j|tli?inbcr, places, anD Diftances, of the ILain^s to be fixeD in tDe rerpeiti\)e ^ariiljes, as thc^ il)all thmft fit, not mconfiftent libith this ^(t, anD iljall then alfo inahe an €ftmiatc of the ^ofis of altermcr, repairing-, lighting-, anD niain^ lajmngr the ilainps m their refpccti\)c pa:: 4 D riil)es, 1288 Anno Regni tertio ch a p.riil)e0, to tl)e jfird l^a^ of May in tl)c ctt:: ^^ fmncr pcac. UnVi be It ftirtber <2^nacteD b^ the :^u- tl)o?it)^> afo$, to balue anCi cfttmatc t()e ytatlp Balue of tUty i^oiife, tlcnetncnt, €)ut= D^oufe, €)(f!ce, OlcUar, uKDlarc Jbonfc, :$>t02e:^ ^oiife, anD :^to;c:^>\arD, Ibitl) tJuir Sppnr= tenanccs in fuel) pariil> anD tbitl)!n tl)E fait) OTitj) anD :^iibucos tbcicof, fo fat as tlOtv il)aU be o^OereD to be licrJ)tcD by the ^eftries of (m\) pariii), ll-bicl) \jaluation tbe faiD Baluato?s fo appointeD as afo?e= fait), 0? tl)e inajo? part of tlicnt, il)aU bc^ fo?e tl)L tltbcntr fotittJ) S>a^ of June £Pne tbonft-nD fet)cn l)nnt);?cD anD Uxty four return in SBrrtmcr unC>er their f^aurfs, fettingr foHb tic fcVicral ?iots anD Con:^ terns as fepcrarelj^ anD DiOinct!)' as con= t)enicntl)> may be, anD tl)e Mantes of the .fet)eral £Pccupierg ti)creof, to tj)c Chiirch= IbarCicns Georgii Tertii Regisc 289 IbattJCi;^ of fl)e faiD ccfpectitje ^ni!ll)e0, ^' " ^ ''• anD i^all at tl)e jFoot of fucb metutit ^^"• ma&e aii ^ffidaiJit, 0; if of t\)t J^eople tall-^ ""^ IcD Quakers, a foleiiiu ^ffirtnattou ii\ WitiV tttg:, before fticl) €bttt:d);U)arDcn5 0? iC^ne of t\>m\, tbljici) tbe faiD Olbuccb^teartienij ate |)erebj) tmpo\bereD anD rcqiuteD to tahe, t})at tJ)e fame is a juO-, fair, fnll, atiD impattml ^aluanou to tbe Deft of t\)tit ^UtU aiiD 31tiDflrt!icnt, anD tbat iti •taCe no facb ^leftr^ iljail adetiible, 02 haDiucr aK'ctnbicD il)all omit to natne anO appoint foci) ^aluato^S, 02 it t\)t Ba!na- to;s fo appomtcD i^iait rcfufe, neglect, 0^ omit to maHe fiul) Valuation, WiCtum, anD :^ffiDat).t a9 afo:efaiD, before t^e Xtbcutp fourtJ) E'av of June iPne t|)onfanO fetDen limnDjeD aut) fixtp fonr, m e\3ecp fuc}) cafe, tJ)e ^aj^o^ of ti)e faiD €itp of Cork fo;j tl)e ^ime being, il)?M nominate anD appoint ^l)?ee 0^ mo^e ?5"aiilfiU ^ntabi^ tants of fuel) }5ariil)e3Bainato,?0, toUalue anD €ftimare fuel) Iconics, XcnementS, £)«t'l)oufes, €>mcc0, €eUac0, Mare^l)oufe0, ^to^e'l)ou(es, anD il^torc^j^acDs, Ibitl) tl)6 ::^ppuctenance6 m fficb idaciil) as afo2e> faiD, anD to mahe anD return fnch Va- luation thereof as afo;jcfaiD, Uibicl) tlc'lua^^ tion tl)c ^^erfons fo to ! e appointed bt> tDe ^a^o; of Cork, 03 the majo^ l^act of tb^m, 4 ^ z \\)M 1^0 Anno Regn'i tertlo ch AP.(i)aU maftc ant) rcttim, Ibitl) fuel) Mitia- XVII. ^,t5 ^g afo^cfaiD at tl)e j?oot thereof, to ""^ ' tfte arbncclrttiarccns of tt)6 rcfpccti\3C ^a^ ttft)e5 afo2cl'aiD, at o^ before the J^itft 5Pa^ ofAngurtOuc tl)outauD fe\)cn l)nnl;^^D atto fixrp four ;3nti be it ftutbct €nactcD bj? the ;^tt t\^o2\tv afo;efaiD, €i)at m cafe aup ^erfon o;? ¥>^cfon^, Idbo ii)all be nouunatet) auD appomtctJ tj be a ZHaluato? o^ ^aluato;?s m anj) of tbe faiD ^^fiUtljcs m purfuancc of tOiS Sict, lW)ethet l)e 02 thc^ ajall be fo tionunateD ly> tl)e faiD refpcctitje ^eQtres, 02 bp the ®aj)o;? of Cork, il)aU tcfufc to tahe upon hinx 0? tl)ein[cl\)e^ the faiD Oh fice, 0;? ll)aU ouitt 01 luglcct to execute the fame, to tbe bed of hi3 abI!lt^^ fUill, attD !BlHo\blcDge, thatetjec)) perfon fo offenDiiicr, ftjaU forfeit tl)e :^um of STett l&ounbs; atiD tl)at m cafe tl)e perfons Ibho fljall be nonimattO anC appointcD ^alnato^s of anjj tbe afo;?efaiD paiiil)cg, 02 the tnaio; ^att of thciu, fl>aU omit 0; ncgUrt to maUe fiuh lUeturn aiiD ^ffiDa\3it, 02 ^fifir^ matioii as afo^efaiD, before the Xlbeurv fourth I!^av of June 02 the jFirft "^ay of Augud £)ue thoufanD k\)tn hrmc^cD auD futp four, as the (JTafe requires, that then anD m fuel) Cafe, cViccv of the claluato^s -of Gcorgii Tertil Regis. 291 of tutJ) l^ariil) fo offenDmcr, (l)all Sfo^kitc h a r. tl)e §>unx of Xtbcntp ^^omiDs, to be te^^ xvn. totjeccD auD DifporeO of as5 l)cceiii after "^^^^^ tiicccteD* ;^nD be It fnttj)ec CnacteD bp tl)e ^u= t\)oiity> afo^elaiD, ^i)at aftet ftKh ^ffiCa^ t3it auD Baluatiou as afo^efaiO 1*1)311 be tnat)c anD retunuD to tj)e iS:i)utc|)'tbar' Dens of ti)e fatO refpectiHe ^mi\)t^, tl)ej) (l)aU fo>, ffti)cptbinft ftt, o^l:er tj)e retttrmug Ofticcf of fuel) Comt to iinpau= nel auD return a ^iny> fo^ a ^r^ii of atip ©attccs of fact, auDaftec "iiiciDict 02 otheclliife, iljall, anO mar nltec ant) co22e(t fuel) TUlaltiations m tbe points coinijlaiueD of, 0} cottftriTi t})e fame, auD ijtfmifs facb tcfpertiue Appeals, aut) iljall atibatD XJJben^ tp :^!ji!!!nrry b}> Toa^ of ^eualt)? arraiuft ckrp appellant tbljofe -Appeal tl)e)> rtjail Difmifs, to be leliieC) anD applirD m fuel) ®annec a-3 I)ctein aftcc mcntioneD; anD fuel) ^alnat!on3 as i1)aU Oe ftiiall)? fettlct) auD agrcct! trpcii bv tl)e faiD iiTourt lu (2rafe of anv appeal, ant) m Cafe of no Appeal, fuel) tlaluations as ilj.ill i:e rctucneD by tl)c ^aluato^0, to be appointee in purfu:: ante of tl)i3 ^(ct, after jTifteen 5Da)^5 from .tlilotiee Ceinrr giVien to tf)c parii'titoners as afo^efait), rt>iU be final anD eonelufi'oe to tl)c refpectt\)c OVoners anD P2op?ieto/s of tl)e refpectilie ["^oafes, tS'cnemenrs, anD p^emifes afo^ciaiD, as to all Pnrpofes of tbis ^ct, anD tl)e tefpectiDe Baluaticns of tl)c faiD fcDcral ^^anflieo, after tht fame ate e(labliil)eD as afo;?efaiD, il)all be tranf= eribeD anD recnftereD at tl)e €xpence of the refpectit)c partft)es, in a Book 02 JRegif:: up Georgli Tertii Regis. 293 tt}) to be (tept m t\)t Ofm of tijc tZToHbU; c « a p. clerh of t\)t faiD ar{t>> auioncr tl)e IReco^Ds ^^'i^- t5)eccof, 111 ll)!)ic!)2i3oo!t one 0^ luo^c blanii ''^^^ !lea\3e3 il)ali be left bcttbeea tl)e iaesfiacp of the tlaluation of tl)e fc'oetal |^aci(l)es, fo? tJje ^lupofe of tna^mg ^utCEcs tbereiu of tl)e ftitucc Baltiations of i^^tVo BtiilD' itiijs, as l)eceiii aftec is DiteaeD. :^ni) be it fuctbec €nactcD b)) tJ)e ^tt=: tl)o?it)) afo^^faiD, '^bat t\)z €\)tm\)'VbatticnQ aitD f nl)abttants of tl)e fait) refpecti^e l^a- nil)e6 qiialiRcD as afo^jcfaiD, tljall at t\)^ afo,'efaiD IHeftncs to be calleD on tl)e ficfe 2Dap of May Qnz tj)oufanD fclJcU ijuno^eD auD (ittp tour, 0? at foine SiDjoticnnicnt tl)eteof, atiD at tl)e Ccijetal lleacies to be aftettbacDs calleD ano affembleD from peat to pear, on e\)erp jTirft ^a>' of May^ 0?, if a Sunday, on tht Daj? follolliing, 0; the inajo2 l^^^ti: of thcin, in fiub ^auuet as afo^cfatD, il)aU auD map from peat to Vcat €lcct auD appoint iTlbo 02 mo^e Dif= erect ^3;il)abitants of c\):rp of t^r: faiD \H^ niljes, to be ^pplottets auD ODcrfccrs fo2 oVierfccmg ti)e fe\3cral contracts tJ)at iljali be maCie fo^ erecting, mamtaiuincr, Iigljt^ ingr, o;> repairing- tU ilamps, anO fo^ ap^^ plotting on tl)e fc\)cral l^oufcs anO p2^- uuffes liable tt)cteto, a p^opo^nionablc part 4^2 of 294 Anno Regnl tertio CHAP.oJtl)e €tpcucc6 attcuCimcr the altering, ^vii- atiD maiutaiuiug, auD lighting the Hainps, '^^■^^^in the refpcctiDc pariiljies fo;? the enfiimg pear, anD in Olafc ^ny> of the faiD pariil)es fl)all neglect o^ onnt to appoint fuch £)- V)erfcet:3 anD ^pplottecs, \t3ithm fifteen ^Daj^S aftec tl)e fiid ^av of May m anp pear, the <©a^02 of Cork fo2 the Xime being, iljall fo^thlhith nominate atiD appoint %\ho o; tuo>c Oifcrcet inhabitants of the tefpectitje pariil)es, neglecting to iitaltc ftith ;:5(ppomtment to ercciitc the faiD C)ffice5 of £D\)crfeecs anD :^pplottcrs Ihithin fuch pci- ciiljeo foi that pear. :^nD be it further €nacteD b^ the ^w^ tho>it^ afo^faID, Xhat the fe\3eral ^erfonS thho fljall be noimnateD as Ot^erfeers anD ;5lpplotters as afo^efaiD, thithm the faiD refpetti\)e pariil)es at the fc\)cral uleftries, to be aOfeuiblcD on the f irQ S>av of May £Dne thonfanD fe\)en hunD^eD anD Uxt^p four, o; in iDefault of f fuel) Parii^, to tl)e faiD f ltd 2Da)> of May €ne tl)ou^ lanD k\)zxx i)tinD?eD auD fixtp 6\3e, auD al^ fo fo? tl)e mates ant) ^?opo?tions to be pafO lip fuel) rcfpectitJe |5arul)es, of t|)e j^onep aOtJanceD bp t!3e ©a)'oeD anD {ixty four, iljall from pear to pear as foon ascon\)cnientlp map be after tbe ref= pecti\)e dominations, anD at fart!)eft before t^e Xtbcntp fonrtf) S^ap of June m e\3erp pear, affefs anD applot ftic^ ^nm 02 :^nms of ®onep as il)aU be eftimateD anD appointeD bp tl)e refpectitJe Beftries in etJerp pear, to be raifeD m tf)eir refpectitje ^ariil)es fo? alrcringr, repairing, mamtain^ tug, anD ligl)ting tl)e ilamps in fuel) pa^ tildes to tb: J?irft SDap of May follotDrng, anD tf)at t"0e federal SKTefi'ments anD $ap= plotimnts to be inaDe m purftmnce of tJ)iS 4 St M, S96 Anno Regni tertio c H A p. ;3ct, ft)aU be niaDc ratcablj> auD in V7ovop xvn. tion to tl)c 'JUaluatiou of t{)c fcV)eral "^"^ i^oufce, ieucincnts, Qut^boufee, €)fticcs. Cellars, ©Hare botifeo, ^to^c4)oiifes, aiiD ^to^c^j^acDs, tbitl) t\)ut appurteuancee, Ijbliicl) il)aU be inaDe, retucncD, anO cfta:^ bliil)cD, m the faiD refpcctit)e i^anil^cs as bcrcm oi6dencies of t\)t j?nnti6 raifcD m tbe faiD rcfpectiDe ^arul)e5 in e= \)erp fo^egotnjg: J>cac, il)aU from ^mic to Xune be abCeD to, 0^ DcbuttcD from, tbe tcfpcmDe ^inns Vbbici) iliall from peat to pear be eftimatcD to be raifcD, as tBc Olafe i\)M l)appen, before tl)c fame are 0; (l)aU be applotteD ant) aCfcCfeD fo? tbe enfuing pear, anD tl)at t\)z fctjeral afTcfTments anO applottncnts to be maDe as afo^efaiO, ft)aU en tl)e Xttocnt^ nmtf) SDaj? of September ^ne tboufanC) fcben bunD^eD anD fut>> four* anD in eUer^^ pear aftertbarDS on tbe tzrtbentjj fourtb SDap of June, o; tbitb- in Ccn '^ayQ aftrr (ucb rcfpectitjc ^aps, be returneD b^ tbe feberal -^pplotters, to tbe Cburcb'lbarDens of tbcir ref^^ peaibe |&ar»il)cs, fepcratel;? anD Didinrtlp luaDe upon tbe febcral ilT^ccupiers anD 'Jn^ bai'itants of l^oufes anD otbcr l5;emif^ fes liable to tbe faiD mates, in QKHritrng unDet tbe f^anDS of tbe tcfpeaitje -^applot^^ tets Georgli Tertii Regis. 297 terS!, 0^ tl[)e iTiajo;? l^att of tl)etu, to be '^ " * ^^ leDieD asi J)eretn after iS tiitectcD, tiMtj) an J^, affiDatlt, 0? if of tl)C \^eople callcD Qua- kers a foletim 3(fficmattoii, in OTtfting at the 5?oot tl)eceof, to l)c maiDe bj? tDe faiO 5#tpplottec0, tJbl)tcj) tj)e faiD €i)utcb-tbar^ Dens ace betebj) requiceD atiD impotbcrreD to tafte tbitl)out j?ee 0? iaettiatD, fetting fo;?t{) tbat tl)e fame is a twft, fair, full, anD impartial -^pplotment to ti)e bed of tl)eir :^ftiU anO 3"^9:i"^nt» ;^ttD be it further CnactcD hp tfte ^u^ tbo^itp afo^efaiD, tll)at et)er^ p^crrou tb{)o ft)all be appomteD an €>t)erfeer anD ;3p^ plotter of Hamp ®onej>, citj)cr b^ t^e meftt)) of anj) |&atiJ|), 0^ tbe i©a^o? of Cork, purfuant to tl)is ^ct, anD l!)aU re- fute to tafte fuel) €)ffice, o fuel) Cafe, eac|) anD eber;> of tl)e applotters of fuel) |&ari(^ fo;j tl)at pear fo offenDing, i^all forfeit tDe 4 5f 2 j$>um 298 Anno Rcgni tertlo Chap. ^titii of Tctt pouittis. \h\)ii\) fc\)cral }lbt' ^^^'- naltics ate to be ccco^jercD iitiD applied ae» '"^''^ j)cretii after 10 CicecteD, auD tl)at tl)e €otbn^ tlerft of the olitv of Cork, 02 l)i5 Depntp, 0? an}? ^Ibo otl)cc ^crfono to be appoint^ CD bp tl)e fait) CtJlbn-'cUrU 0^ S>eput^ tljall applot t{)c ?Lamp mateo of fncb ^aanil) fo? that pear, attD after the faio Xeticrai ;^pplotmeut5 it)all be rcturueD to thz refpcctiDe Olhttrth^tiartiens, t\):tv of the |eiariil)ioner$ fl)3U l)a\)c -^cccfs thereto, ant) ttJithiu fe\3en I>a)?s after fnch^Return, a trne OTopp thereof il)aU be poQeD on one fit!C of the arhnrch3>oo2 of the refpcctil^e pariii)es, anD there renuim fo2 $eUen 2I)a)>s, anD in qiTafe any ^erfou 02 ISerfono ftiall thmft hini 02 themfel\3e$ acrcrrie\)cD therein, he 02 the^ n\iiv thithiti j?ifteen Way^ aU m fuch poftmg, loccre futh -Appeal to the j®aro2 anD :$>heriffs of Cork m their Court of iaeco2t), as before is DirecteD thith rcfpect to the Valuations of panaieo, Ibho il)aU thereupon hear auD tier rniinc the ®critG thereof, anD finally fettle inch ^p- plottuents in fuch manner as herein be^ fo;je iS DitecteD Dbith refpcrt: to the fdiD Valuations; fatie that no penaltv rtjall be alharDeD anra?nft Appellant, m Cafe his Appeal iViall be DifumTci', anD the fe^^ Hjeral ^pplotmeuts after thc}' iljall be efta= blirt;c.D Georgil Tcrtll Regis. 200 blifl)eD a«5 afo^efaiD, iliall be tcanfccibeoc n a p, atiD tcgiaetcD in 2i3oo!tQ to be ftept bj) tl)e xvii. ori^arcl) Vtia- Oens in t\)t faiD tefpccti\)e |&a= ' — ^^ rift)cs, \t\)\t\) Woolt il)aU fcom €ime to "ZniK be l)inDcD tiolbu, aiiD tranfmtttcD bv ti)e ccfpcct!t)c oTbuccblbatDetts to t!)eic :$ucceO'o;?s, auD catcfuUp Hept alou^: tbitj) t!)e otl)ec |5ariil) 23oohs» StntJ be it ftirtbec ^nartcD h}> tl)c ^tt= tl)o?itp afo^cfaiD, irbat tj)e feljeral ^uuis tt)l)icl) ft)all be applotteD m pticfuance of tj)is 5(ct, il)all be a ari)ar0c on tl)t f n!i)a= tants anD Occupiers of i^onfcs, '€tnt-- ttients, €)nt::l)oufes, £)ffices, Cellats, OTate4)oufe$, j^to^e^boufes, anD ^to^t-- )?acDS, ll)itj) tl)eii* Appurtenances in tijeic refpectttje ^ariil)es afo^efaiD, ano let^j^eD as Ijereafter is CirecteD. \&;oV)iD:D allbajJS, iri)at no ^;>op?ieto^ l^oufe, tlTcncuient, 01 otbet Concern, fituate abotje Xen parDS beponD ti)e Extent of t^e laft ILanip m anj? ^arift), fl)aU be liable to paj) an^ of t^e faiD iaates, anD t!)at if anp 31n!)abitant itiaU tegifter t!)eir 5l^ames in ti)e paciil) 4 (B 2i3ooft goo Anno Regni tertlo cnAP.23ooU of tbc rcfpccti\)e pacul)ee;, antJ tiu XVII. gaffe to ti)cic refpccti\je Cl)ucd)'roarDcn5 '^^^^Up tbctc 23onD, 0? pcual ^lU of fotic ^ounD3, conDitioueD to lig^l)t one o^ mo^e D^iUatc (3lol)e, ?latnp o^ ILatitps, tV)itI)tbeic ?Li(rl)tQ twtneD to tj)c Streets, ilaucs, palTacrcs, o> £liiajJS, fubjca to tJ)e faiue Regulations Xhith tht pubhch Hattips, and to pap fo> ili(3:l)tinfr the fame, tm\) '3n!)abitant il)aU be exeiuptcD from paj^mg one ^alf of t\)t ^U'eCTinent fo^ tl)c ^uppo^t of tl)e publim llampo, lUjicI) tJ)ep IboulD otii)erU)ife be liable to paj'. Mt) be it CnactcD by tl)e ^ntbo^itp afo,'e= faiD, tJEbat It i'l)an anDma)> be lalbfnl fo? t\)c arinuch'lbarccns of tl)e refpcmtje panil)i0, Ibitl) tDc :3lDD!Cc auD OTonfcnt of tl)e panfljio^ nets, 02 tDe ®a jo? ¥>art of tbem, minieDiate- Ijj aftec tJ)e afo^faiO StCefTinents it)^^^ ^^e made and cfta'oliiljcd as afo>cfaid, b)' :^p= pointment, under tl)e J^ands and ideals of fuel) ailnitcb'llDardens o; one of thctu, to nominate, elect, and appoint, from ^eat to fCiU, a fubftantlal and rcfponfu ble inhabitant, m eat!) of tlieic refperti\)e ^artil)es, to collect and rccei\3e t\)c fcVicral ;3ffe(rments and ^ums made pa^ible bj) tbe feUctal SCpplotments, to be made as afo^efaid h}> each f ttl)abitant of fucb j&a- till), and tDe oiollccto^s \bJ)o il)aU be fo c!)ofen, Georgli Tertii Regis. goi ari)ofen, ft)aU be Collecto? fo^ C^tte J>eatc hap. autJ no mo;?e, atiD fljall collect aut) tecci^je x^^^- tl)c fame l^alf::j)carl^% of anD fcotn all p^c- "^^^^ fotts liable to pa^ the fame, atiD all p^ec- fons ll3l)o il)all be cDatgcD tijecetbitl), o? be tl)ereunto liable, iljall pap fuel) ^ums fo affefTeO auD applotteD, to fuel) refpecti\3e OEollecto^s fo? tbe Xime beiucr, bp ttbo i^alf^j^eatl)? pajmentg, ftu!) Olollecto^js jjiD^ ing from Xime to Xime laeceipts gratis if teciuiteo, anD tl)at eVJecj? fuel) OToUecto^ ft)all at tl)e meftt)) at tbljicl) l)e iljall be fo cMen, 02 \bitl)iti tl)e ^pace of Xtben= tj) one SDaj?s tl)eu neit cnfumir, befo;?e tU CI)urcj)'ttiatoen$ of tl)c faiD patift), fo;? Vbfytl) l)e iljall be fo cl)ofeu Collector at fuel) Cmie anD i^laces as fuel) €!)ure^= lliiacOens il;aU appoint, tahe anD fubfecibe tl)e folloHDmjj £Datl), 0? foleum :^^mxia^ twn (bcincr of thz l&eople ealleD Qiiakers) fo? the nm anD fait!)ful €xeeutiou oftj)e faiD jsDffiec: I ^. j&. Do Sware or Affii'in, That I will ac- cording to the beft of my Abilities, Skill, and Knowledge, diligently, and impartially, well and truly perform and execute the Office of a Lamp Collector within this Parifli, during the continuance of my faid Office. So help me God. 4 cl5 2 tbl)iel) 202 AnnoRegni tertlo c K A f-ibbicl) tl)e ari)urcl)4barDcns of etet)? of tl)e xvir. tctp^cti\?c patiiljes arc \)mhy> impotbereD ^^^"^ to ^Dnuuiftcr, anD if any Olollccto? fo cl)0' Ten il)aU tcfiifc 02 neglect to tahe tj)e faiD £)atl) o;? ^ffiruiatioti, 02 to tafte upon l)unfelf tl)e faiD Office, 02 tafturrr upou ^iiufelf ti)e laiti ;^ffite ll)all neglect 02 re? fufe to fcttje the fame, l)c il)aU jFo;?feit ti)c :^um of Xlbcnt)? |5ounD6, to tic rc^ coDetcD bp tl)e perfon in t\)c fame ^^an- net, anti fo? t!)c ^fe tbat tbe J?o?feitiire on ^aluato?s anD ^clpplotters arc l)erem after turectco Up t!)i5 ^rt« :3nD be it f«rtl)ct €nacteD bp t!)c ;:3u:^ tl)o?itp afo^cfaiD, Xl)at tbbcn anp perfon fl)aU refufe 0? neglect to taftc ttpon l)im tDe faiD Office of a oioUecto; of Hamp i^onep, Ibben cljofen tBerennto, 0? to exe- cute tl)e fame, 02 Qjall Depart this Hife, 02 abfconD from l)is OlrcDito^s before be basi finifl)cD l)i!5 Collection, it il)aU anD map be lalbful fo? the a:i)urch \barDen5 of the K&arii!) fo? t\)t Ximc being, m et^erv frici) Cafe, tbith the ^D\jicc anO Confent of the |^ari(l)ioner$, 0? the majo? part of them, bp ^[ppointment unDcr the l^anDs anD ^eals of fuch arh«rch4harDcn, to nominate anD appoint fomc other |5erfon Ibithin faiD pa^^ tilt), ^D collect all fuch ;^um3 of jSQo^ nep Georgli Tertii Regis. 303 itty as (l)aU temaiti Due auD tmpait) of c hap. tucl) affcirtncnt as afo^eraiO, tbbicl) ^5et= xvii. foil fl)all l)e liable m Cafe of refufal o;> ' — ^^ neglect of Dutj?, to fuel) penalties anO forfeitures as t!)e former Collectors tbece liable unto. ^^roWtiet) altbajjs, and be it CnacteD bj> tl)e Znt\)oiit^ afo^efaiD, tn:!)at notljinsr betetn containeD (|)all be conGcueD to ei- teno to oblige anj^ petfon to fette t!)e faiD C)ffice of Collector, tbl)o bp tj)e ?latbS notb in bemff ts exempteD from fettjinjgr anp pati^ Office* :^nt) be ic fmt\)tt €nacteD b^ t!)e ;^U' tl^oritj) aforefaiO, Xbat tDe faiD fetjeral Collectors for t\)z tlEune beinig-, l^iall as of- ten as tl)ej) ft)all be lefpectitJelp reqiuiretJ, anD on ^etjen Da^^s il^otice in vUltiting, gi\)en to or left for t!)em refpettit)elp, at 1)16 or tbeic ufual place of SiboDe, bj) tl)e CI)utcb'tbatDens of tl)e refpectitje pani^es ID^crein fuel) Collector ftjiall liV)e, tcU\)tt m upon £)atl) or Affirmation, if thereunto tequireD, unto t!)e faiD CI)uttl>tt)atDens, at fuel) lEime anD place tbitj)in tl)eir te^ fpectitie parirt)cs, tt)l)icl) C»atl) or Affiina:^ tion tl)e faiD Cl)utcl);U)atCiens ace \)cttb}> impottjeceD to ^dminiGer, a true, exact anD 4 ^ xttka 304 Anno Regnl tertio c H p A. perfect <^ccotint tn 2l23citincr, unOec tbe rc^ x^"- fpectitjc i^anOiS of fuel) OToUccto?, of all :^nnis "-^"^ of ©oncj? tbl)icl) l)c 0? tl)cj' tl)all J)at)e rc^ ceiViet) bjj teafou of Dis 0? tbeit £)(fice, atiD alfo a true Hift of tl)e Barnes of all l^er^ Cons in tDeit rcfpectit)e pati(l)C0, tbl)o ri)aU l)aV)e neglectcD 0? tefufeD to pa^ tl^e afTelT:: ments laiD on t!)em as afo^efait), ano t{)c letJecal ^g^ums on tfy:m tefpeetitjelp iDue anO in ;5ltrcar, to tl)e gintent tj)at tbe fame maj> be fpceoilj) fueD fo? anD rccolJcteD, anD if an)) Collector aftet fucJ) Notice giUen iljall neglert o; cefufe to b;?mg ftis ^accounts ai^ afo^efaiD, 0? to account fo;? anp :$^nt!t l)j) |)im collected antJ teceit)CD, anD to paj* t6e fame, ano z\>tty> ^&act t})ereof, as 10 becebp appointeO, it iljall ant) ma^ be latb^ ful to anD fo;^ t!)e ®apo? fo;? t\)t Xime bcinsr upon OTomplaint maDc, anD OTon- ticttott of fuel) iReglea 01 iRcfufal, to com= mit fuel) CoUcrto? to tl)e €\tv (Soal, tl)cre to temam t]bitl)out 23ail 0? ;®antp;i3e tm^ tU l)e itall l)alK; tenDereD anD maDe true anD perfect ;5lccount anD j^aj^ment as afo;?c^ faiD» ;^uD be it furtl)er CnacteD bp tbe :^n^ fDo2itv afo2cfa!D, €l)at if any ^ecfon 0? ^etfons rtviU nittlcct 0? tefufe to pap tl)c :^um 0^ :^ums of :®onep on f)\m 02 tl^cm affeffeD Georgii Tertii Regis i 305 adeffeD as afo^efaiD fo;? tl)e ^pace of febenc hap. ^Daj'S after petfonal SDemauD tljeccof, 0? x^"- 33r)emantJ m 2l23riting left at tj)e place of '""^'"^ ;abot:e of fucb i&ecfon, 0^ fiieti at t|)e 2Doo^ 02 (15ate of the place Ibithm t!)e fatO pani^ oti Ifefticb fttc^ mate is afTcireD, tl)at tl)eti anO in e\3etj) fuel) sEafe it ii)aU anD tnaj> be Itatb:: fal to anD fo^ fucj) CoUecto;? 0? CoUecto;jQ fo appointeD, to receitie tl)e faiD Eates atiD ;3fl*cQ'incitt5 bp Qliattant unDet tl)e J^anD auD j^eal of tl)e j^a^jo;? of Cork, 0^ anj) otbec fuftice of t\)t Peace of t!)e OTttj? of Cork, tb!)ic!) QHIHartant tbc faiti j®aj)o^ anD gjuGices are hetebj> tmpotbereD to errant bv anD tbttj) tl)e ;:?tiD anD :^miimtz of a Conaable of tlje faiD pari(t), tbbo i$ Ivacbp reQtareD to be aiDinjj- anD aCTifting to enter into anp part of t\)c p^emiffes fo alfcffeD, anD to Diftrain t\)c d^ooDS anD Cbattlcs of tl)e €)ccupiers tl)ereof tl)ere foiuiD, anD if tl)e fame l^iall not be repletiieD o;? tl)e ©onies paiD tbitl)in fix Da^^s after fticl) SDiftrcfs maDe, togetljcr tbitl) tj)e Cofts of mahmtr f«c!) DiGrcfs, to be afcertam^ eD bp tDe ®a??o? of Cork, then to app;?aife 0? fell t\)t fame, 02 fucb part tl)ereof as (tiall bs fafficient to ^ay t6c ®onep affeffeD on fuel) p^cmiffcs, toiret})cr ibitD all CoQS anD €l)ari^es attenDingr t[)e faiD 2DierefS rcttunm^r tj)e €)\)erplu0, if anp, to tbe 4 J^ 2 £)U)net go^ Anno Regni tertio Chap. j^tbtlCt 0) ^tbtlCrS Of fUC!) 00t!6 OJ XVII. ai:i)attle<5, atio m auj> OTate anj^ laeplctJin ^^"^^ ft)aU be b,?oufi[l)t fo? tDe CBooDS atiD ebat- ties fo tiiQcaineti, tl)e faiD ©ajjo? of tU Cit5> of Cork fo;j t\)z %um beitijgr, ftjall auD is i)etebp impotbeteD atiD teqwiteD to ifTue a :^ununon3 in tbtitinjj to all l&attieS to Deac auD Oetetmitie tJ)e ®attec in l>ifptue, tbl)etlb^t tl)e fame fl)all DcpenC) upon a Claim of ¥>?opert^ b^ a :$transrec oi ot\)m tbtfe, in t^e moft fpeetJj> anD fummatp OTiap, \)V examining: l&arties anO ^Bit^ neffes upon €)atl), tb^icl) \>t t«5 fteceb^ «n= tJotbeceD to Cio, anD to atbato iaetiirn of t\)z dSoobs fo OiftcaineO, o? a ^alc tJ)ercof fo;j l&apment of tbe faiD iHatcs, unlefs fuel) 2^iGcefs be fo^tJ)tbitJ) rebcemeD, anD l)is Determination (l^all be final anD con- cluG\je to all p)atties ; anD in Cafe tJ)e faiD i®a)J02 fl)all tl)in& it Pi^opec upon anp tixtY> Difputes to ttj) anp ®attcc of 5Fa(t bj> a 3!ut^, be 1^)^11 aDJoutn tbe fame to tbe next Couct of WittoiD to be l)elD fo^ t6e Citjj of Cork, anD at t\)z Dcfire of t\)z j^ajjo^ tj)e pap of July £Pne ti)oufanD fcl)cn I^unD^cD anD Cxtj? four, anD on 02 before ti)e firft Dajj of June in c\)tty> otl)er ?>ear, to afcertain t\)z p;?icc of eaci) Hamp, anD of lligl)tinsr, !$^nuffmg, oTieanftnir, anD ^upplpmg* t^e fame. :^n^ be it furtl)er €nactcD bp tfce :^ut!)d= ?itp afo?cfaiD, 'Cl)at tl)c (Sburtb tl^arDenS fo^ tl)e iime being m eaci) refpectibe pa- rill) of tbe faiD €ity> anD ^tibnrbs of Cork, bp anD tJ)itl) tl)e Confent of tj)e ^PijerfeerS 4 3 anO 308 Anno Rcgni tertio c H A p-anD ^pplomce of fuel) panii), 02 the :©ajo? XVII. pact of t\)tm fo? tl)c Ximc bciucr, fi)aU ^■^"^^ anD map pcarlp atiD cDccp p:ac, bettbeca tbe ficft ^av of May auD the ticft Da)? of Augufl, tontcatt anD acrrce tbitl) auv ^crfoti o; \&ctfous fo2 tbe jRmnbec of Stamps netcCfat)) to be fet up m tbe refpcctit)e ^ariil)es, atiD fo? crcctiucr anD rettmg up tbe fame, auD fo2 ^tigbtuis-, 3S:cimmmg:, :i.nuffin(T, Ollcanfiucr, :$:up; l)l)?mgr, ^amtammgr, atiD filcpatcing: lucb jRumbec of ?lamp6, as tbe Cbutcb4t)ac' Dens anD ^aiifboners, 02 tbe ®ato? l^att of tbeni, in eacb Paciil) Beftrp affcinbleD in purfuance of tbiS s;ct, fljall from ^une to ^ime Deem icqmrite fo? Ilitrbtincr tbcic tefpectt\3e n^atiftjes, upon tbe beft Xerms tbep tan ; p;o\)iDeD fucb Contcart be maDe fo^ tbe :^pace of one peat, anD no !no tbe fj0apo?, Sheriffs anD dTommon (Eouncil of tbe faiD €itv as afo^cfaiD, anD tbat all Contracts io: otbcc j®a= tetials anD particulars (^ali be rcDuccD to QKdritinff, anD conftruieD bv tbe ^ayoi of tbe faiD Citv of Co]k fo2 tbe Ximc being, Georgli Teitii Regis. goo hem, niiDec l)is i^anD, anc fnbfttibcD toCH ap. fncb aionttcict, auD t)cclatin(r, tl)at ^e x^"- ratift'csi anD coiiftrms tl)c fame; atiD p^o= '^-^"^^ *4)iOcD alfo, ti)at no ^'l)utc|);t)bat:Den2i, £Dtici:^ fcer, -^pplottcr, o? othtt |5ariil) £Dfficcc, tnriucr |)i5 anD t\):it continuing- in fuel) iPi'Qce, 0^ anj) pccfon lu tnift fo^ ^im, t'ocui, 0? anp of tDciii, il)aU l)at5c anp f n^ tcrcft m anv OTonttact fo? ligl)ting ti)e faiD tcipcctiDc pariil)c0, 02 fo2 \5?oiiiD!ncr, fa- ing, 0(? JRepairincr anj? of t\)t faiD Itainpg, 0^ otlbcr ilgaterial3 neccCfatj? tJjeccto. :^nD be It furtljcc €nactcD bj) tl)c :^u- tho2itv afo;?cfaiD, 'C|)at upon anv Com- plamt matie to the €}^nttYr-\hattcm in tt)cic rcipcctftJe panil)C2; of anp neglect of iPutj? Ill tY)t federal €ontraaoj3 Xhitl) fuel) Ol^urcb^lliaitiens, 0? m tl)e ^erfoii o be laVbful fo? fuch Chutch^libatDens, anD the>> are \)m\)}> re= QutreD upon iXiCty fuch Complaint, to caufc the |5attv accufeD to be fummoneD to appear, at a Cime to be appointeD in fuch j^ummons, bcfo impotbercD anD rcqmicD to examine in a ^ummarp thap OTitnclTcs upon €)ath. 0} if of ti'e people calleD Qiiakcrs upon 4 31 '" theit^ gio Anno Regni tertlo c H A p-tDcic folemu ::affitmcition, toucbiugr ti)e XVII. ;^attet of fuel) Oloniplamt, anD if tlxrc? ' — ^"^^tipon t\)t j©atter complamcD of il)aU hz X^joUD to tbe Satisfaction of tJ)e faiD ^avo?, tl)e Contcarto? 02 Coutcacto^s i^ali forfeit fuel) Sum o;j Stuns of j®o- tiep as to tbe faiD 09aj?o2 fljaU fecm rcafotiable anD juft, atiD tl)e fame ftjall be ticDucteD fo? tl)e Benefit of tl)e tcfpectitjc ^&actft)es out of tl)e mates, |&?tces, 02 ^ages contcacteD to be paiD to fucb OTontracto^S* :^nD be it €nactcD bj? tj)e :^ut\)02it}> afo^e? fait), 1i:i)at if an)? i^erfon 0^ leserfoiis fl)all from l)encefo?th ttDilfuUp 02 malfcioufip b^eaU, tl)?otl) Dolbn, 02 cumguiil) an^ ILamp 0? ?Lamps, notb 02 l)ereaftec to be fet up to lifi[l)t tDe Streets, ?lanes, paf^ fages, 0; ^lua^S, of tDe faiD €it^, o? IbilfuUp damage tl)e poas, f ;jon, 02 otj)ct 5?ucniture of tl)c fame, it i^all be latb= ful to; anp perfon 02 pctfons to arccft anD Detain fiui) iPffcnOer o? £DffcntCtS, until l)e, fl)e, 02 tl)e)^ maj) be carrrcD before t!)e ®apo2, 02 fomc other fufticc of peace of tl)c faiD Citp fo2 tl)e Hime being, anD etetj) ^5erfon fo £r>ffenDmg anD being tl)cre^ of con\)icteD b^ tj)e OatjB c>f one 02 mo2e Mlitncfs 02 OTitnefCes, 02 bp t!)e oTonfef- fion Georgil Tertii Regis. 311 fiort of tl)c pattp accufet) before t{)eCHAf. j®a>^o,\ 0^ ait;' otber 'Jaftice of |5eate fo? ^^^^• tDe faiD Cirp, rt)all fo;? tbe 6rft ilDfifente "^"^^ forfeit tl)e ^tmi of fo?t)? ^biUings fo;? eacl) Hamp, atiD fo;? t!)e feconD €)ffcnce tj)e :^iuu of eft;? ^l)iUmg$ fo? eacf) Hainp, auD fo; tbe tbicCi C)ffence tbe :$)um of tl);?ec Pounds fo? eacl) Hamp, to be re^ to\)eccD aiiD IcVJicD bp SDiftcefs auD :^ale of tbe C>ffcnDcc's dBooDo, ant) applieD m fuel) j®annct ao l)etcin after i«3 DttecteD tbit^ tcfpect to ot^ec pecuniatp ^^enalties iti- aicteD br> fuel) l^art of tbis ^ct as relate to tlje ll!irJ)tinflr of tj)e faiD Cit^ofCork. ^uD be it ftut})er €nacteD bp tl)e :5utJ)0' ?itv afo?£faiD, ^bat it ft)a!l atiD map be latb- ftil fo? tbe ®apo? ant) ^betiflfs of tbe faiD Citp of Cork, 0? anp tlbo of tj)em of tbbom tbe ®apo? IS to be one, in tbe Court of iacco?D of tbe faiD Cttp, to bear anD Deter- mine of all £)ffences, £Dmiffion2», anD Jae- fufals, tbbtcb are bp anp |&art of t\^i9f ;^ct relatincr to the flamps to be erecteD in tbe faiD oittp of Cork maDe puniil)able bp mv Pecuniary |&enaltic6, fatie fucb as are otbetlbife CirectcD bp tbts ^tt, upon anp information exbibiteD 0? Complaint maDe m tbat 2i5ebalf Ibitbm one ^ontb after i^fence committeD; anD to fummons 4 n tbe gi 2 Anno Regni tertio c H A P.t{)e l&artp 02 faeries acciifcD, ant) m\tc xv^J- neffeS on cithet fiDc to artcnD at tbe neit ^^''^ Oloutt of mcco^D to be l)clD fo; thz faiD Cit)?, anD if tl)e partj^ o? ^attics acciifeD ft)aU l)e latbfuUj) conV)ictcD to tre i^ati^c faction of t\)t (Eourt, of fuel) Offence hp tbe ^atb of one 0? ino^e (B^ttnefo 0; Wiitnefrcsi, tbl)tcJ) £)atb t!}e faiCi Court 1-3 J)erebp iinpotbeceD anD ccquircD to acmi^ niGec, 0? on OTonfclTion of tbe l^art^ cbargct) tbitj) fuel) £)ffeucc, tl)c faiD OTourt iljall jjiDe fucft 5w^9^»^^tt^» Sentence, anD 2De^ tecminatton thetcon as i5 coufo^niable to tl)e ^eno2 anu true ®eaningr of tj)!$ ;^ct; anD t\)t faiD ©aj^o? il)all tl)ctcn|}on iffue a MJatrant o; QSUatcanto fo? leljving ti)e f^enalties 0? jFo^fcittircs To aOttirtrcD on t\)Z (SooDs anD ar|)attles of tht £)ffcn= Dec, anD to canfe a ^nk tlKrcof to be tnaDe in cafe tj)ep ft)oulD not be tcDecmeD in 8t)e 2)a^<5, tcnDctintt tj)c ^artv tbe £Pt)erplus m Cafe an? tbcrc be maDe, anD m Olate anp ^erfon 0; l&ctrons fiiall be tonV)i(teD in the j®annct bcfo;?e p'cfctjbcD of 2©?eaRinff, XbMbmS" DotDu, 02 ^ittn- gmilimg anp Hatnp tf)at rtjall be ctecteD in ^utfnance of tbis ^ct, 02 bj) any p2i= t)ate ^^ecfon VJbitbin tl)e faiD Cit;' 0? ^ti- butbg, anD no d^ooDs o^ oiDartles of the l^ecfon Co OffenDmcr can at tbe ^inic of fucj) ConUiaion be founD, tJ)cn it iliaU be laltiftil Georgii Tertii Regis. gio latbful fo^ t!)e faiD ^apo^ 02 3fuftice c h a p i)earmgr fuel) Complaint to comtuit fuel) ^^"• £)ffenDet to the f^onk of Co^^eaion, thcte ^ ''^ to be Itept to l)arD labowc fo? an?) %inu not IdQ tban one ®ontl), ano not exceeD:: ing fix ®ont|)9;, until fucj) l&enaltv 0? jfo;?fciturc il)aU be paiD, anD in Cafe no (1500D6 0? CDattlcs of an^ of tl)e ot!)ec €)ffent)et o;? jcOftendets, \bl)o i!)aU be con- VJicteO of anj) of tDe ot!)er C>ffenceo, Owi^ fions, 0? iaefufals inaDe punii^able \)}> pemniatj) i^enalties bj) anj> otl)ec \&att of tftis ^tt telatinff to Hamps, ft)aU be tounO tbitl)in ^tbentp font i^otics aftec ^ITutngr fticJ) tOSlarrant as afo^efatD, t!)cti it ft)aU be latbful fo? t|)e faiD ®apo? 0? :$)f)ctiffs, 02 an^ ttbo of tJ)em, to tCCue tf)ut Warrant, in jfeature of an execution, to tafee tf)e iaoD^ of fuel) ^ffenDet anD com- mit l)im to tbe (Boat of t!)e faiD Citp anD CountjJ of t^e faiD OTitj? of Cork, to be DelD in €xecutfon until fuel) p^enaltp anD fo;?feiture l!)all be fatisScD anD paiD; ^;?ot)iDeD neV)ectt)elef0, tbat if anp ^erfoti o; ^erfons fl[)aU tl)intt l)itu, Dec, 02 tl)em^ felbes a5'gciet)cD in the gluDcrment of tl)e faiD Couct of laeco^D, 02 of t!)e ®aj)o? of Cork, o;j otl)ec gluGice of l^eace, tj)at fuel) l&etfon o;? petfons map appeal to t!)e fuGice of t\)t l&eace, at tDe 4 11 2 next 214 Anno Regnl tertio Chap. neit (Scnecal 02 ^uatttt ^cffiorts to ^c XVII. j)eiD fo> tJ)e faiD al!t>) of Cork, aut) 11)31' ' — ^"^ auO nia>> be OifcbargcD ont of oiuftoDv, upon ffit)tng fnffiacnt bail to appear at faiO ^clTions, anD t\)t '^u(\iiz'5 of jDeace at fuel) ^cfTions are j)creb)> inipolbeteD on eitl)et fiDe to fununon anD eramme ^itnefTeS upon £i>atb, anc finaW}) to ^eat anD Dcternune the ®erits of Un'o appeal, anD uiafte fuel) £D?Der tbcrcm as (i)aU be asrreable to tj)e p;?ot)ifton auD i^eaningi of tJ)!S ^ct, anD to tl)e jRature anD OTircumGance of tbe Oiafe, anD m Cafe of OTonljiction to iffue a CD^arrant 02 QHUarcants fo? let)j'mff tbc IDcnalties 02 jFo afoutj) of (iToutrat^ to?$, tt)!)jcj) iliall be lbl)oU^ applicD fo;? tl)e 2i3ene8t of t!)e tcfpecti\3e patii^es afo;e^ faiD. ;^nD be tt fattl)et €nacteD bj) t!)e ^u^ tbo^itp afo?efaiD, 3rj)at in OTafe t{)e malu^ ation intenDeD to be rnaDe in |&utf«ance of tm ^(t, of anv l&arii|) o^ |&atiil)es VbitY^m tDe Olitr, 0? :$«b»cb5 of t\)t faiD OTitj), of Cork, il)all be p?e\JcnteD bp t\)t SPefault of tl)e ©inifters, ar!)utcl) tbarDens, gin^abi^ tants, 01 Haluato^s of fuel) refpectitJe |^a= rti^es, 02 Delaj'eD be^onD tlje uttnoft Cittie ^)etein before liinitteD fo^ tl)at ptitpofe, t!)at in e\)et)) fuel) Cafe it (|)aU anD maj? be latbful at anj) STime l)eteafter fo;? t^e ®a)?o^ of Cork, fo;j tl)e Xime being, bj) OTacrant unDet l)is f^anD anD ^eal, to appoint fiDe 02 xnoit sftilftil anD Difcreet ¥)ecfonS of tl)e fame 0? anp otl)ec pariO), IbitDin tl)e faiD Citj) 0? ^ub«^0. to umfte anD return fuel) Valuation of fuel) l&a^ rift) 02 \&anft)es, fo onnttcD in fuej) j®an- ner as is before DirecteD Ibitl) refpect to tj)e original Valuations, anD after fuel) ima' 4 It luation gi6 Anno Regnl tcrtlo c H A p-iuatioti ft)aU be fo made, as iG laft Diiert^ ^^"- CD, tj)e j^aj^o^ of Cork ily^n aitD nia)> ' 'conttctii tJ)e fame unDec })!S l^anD auD j^cal, 0^ o;?Dec a netb Baluatfon of fuc^ panfl), tb!)icl) i)e ma^ lu lihc <©auucc coti: firm 02 tetect, anD fuel) Haluation ftjall be conStmet), tl)e fame il)aU be rcginercD m tj)e fait) 2i3ooft, to be heptbp tjic Xotbn^ (ttletfe of tbe OTttj) of Cork fo? tl)at ptu= pofe, anD aftct fuel) Valuation a;aU be fo cegiGereD, :^pplottet2i, £)laei:feers, anD CoUeeto^S of Elamp^monej', il)aU anD uiap be cMen, namcDanD appointcD, anD Itamp-- tuonej) (liaU be rateD anD coUcctcD m fuel) tefpectite l^atifljes, from ^ime to %mz m lifte j®anner, to all SIntcuts anD jduc:: pofe«, as if fuel) ^atiO) o; ^atn\)tQ DaD been o^iginallj? tjalueD anD ratcD tbitl) ?Lamp=mortej>, in tl)e faiD peat £Dne tbou- fanD fel)en bunD^eD anD fixtp four, in put- fuanee of t^is ^ct. ;^nD be it futtl)ec CnactcD bj? tl)e Zu^ tl)o;?it)) afo^efaiD, tZEbat if anp p^etfon o; ^^ecfons fi}teD Georgli Tertli Regis. 317 tranlpo^teD to one of i^is :@aje(l)>'$ ^laii; c h a p. tattotis in America fo? §>t\)m peacs, 0^ ^^"• a)aU be ptiblicftl;) Ubbipt at tht SDifcretiou "^^ of the f uDg:e U:)l)o il)aU pafs f uDjjment on [ml) £)ffenDer« ;^nt) be tt Cnacteti h}> tl)e ;^tttJ)o;?it^ afo?efaic, tl)at all l&arii^ionets (!)aU anD niav J)aDe fcee atcefsi, at all convenient Sliuies, to tl)e tefpectiDe Boofts of malu^ atton ant) :^(re(rinent0, of t^e fatD te^: fpe(ti\3c Partil)c«3; in t{)e C^anD^ of t})c ta:otbn=s Clerft of tl)e faiD oCitj) of Cork, anD tlje ari)urcl)=lbarDenS of tbe faiD l&atill)e0 te^ fpcrtftielp, anD to niafee Copies t\)moi at t\>i\t olbn €xpence» ^nD be it intt\)tt CnatteD hp t!)e ;^tt^ tbo^itv afo^efaiD, tl)at as often as anp m\h i^oufes, STeneinents, Otit-boufes, Cel^ lars, Sffilate;l)oiifes, ^to;e-l)onfes, 0? ^to2t'- j)atDs, il)all be ftoui Xime to %hm l)ere:= aftec intilt, etecteD, 0? eftablift)eD, tlDitl)ia tj)e faiD €itp of Cork, o;j tJ)e ^^ubutbs tbereof, XW\)m tl)e €xtent of tl)e HigDts 03 tbe ILampS to be etecteD at mp %hm !)ete= after, in pucfuance of tbis Z(t, tUtp fucD nelb built, etecteD, 01 eftabliil)eD l^oufe, %t^ neuient, £Dut l)o«fe, Cellar, OTace;l)oure, ^to?e-l)oufe, anD :^to^e^j)atD, tbitl) t^eit 4 it a anD giS Anno Regnl tertlo CHAP-ant) e\)etj) of tbeic ^ppticteuaiites, fljall xvii. ano map be V)altteD eacl) ^car, bp the '-'''^^ i2Dt)etfeet«3 an Stpplottecs of ^Lamp^nio^ nep to be appointeD tn t\)t refpectilje \&a= ti(i)CS bp aittue of tj)i!3 ^ct, H)l)o il)all retuttt fuc^ nelb Valuations c\3erp pear, to t^e tefpe(tit)e Ci)«tcl)'tbatt)ens in OTnt- ing iittCier t^eit C^anDS, o? unOcc tbe i^mm of t^e ma|o? pa;jt of tl)etn, Ibttb an ^ffi^ Ciat)it 0? ;^{ficutation, tf ntatie bp one of tjbe Ideople calleD ^wafters, at tl)c foot thereof, tt)!)!Cl) t!)ep are bcccbp impolbeteD to tafee, tj)at tDe fame is a fuft ano 'Jmpactial Haluation to tl)e beft of tbeic ^bill anD gjuDgment, anD fuel) ;applottecs il)aU gilje iRottce of ftul) malwatton to tl)c refpectitje £)tibners o;j C>ctupiecs of fuel) netib built 0? erecteD l^oufesi anD ^^^cmifl'e'S, anD tl)e <©tbnet«3 anD C>ccupiets tl)eceof, iliall l)at3e tl)e fame iHigbt of ;^ppeal, anD upon tl)e fame Hermsasate l)erem before appomtcD in CafeiS of ^Pcicrinal viHaluations bp t|)e fe- bcral Baluato^e», to be appotntcD in Mite tue of tftis ^ct„ anD after fuel) netb Valu= atton il)all be eftabliilieD in fuel) j^anncr as ^e?ein before is DirecteD, tl)e refpecti\)e ari)utcl):tbacDcns l|)all return tl)c fame, to tl)e Xotbn Clerft of tl)e faiD dtp of Cork, lbl)o llb^ll mafte a Due €ntrp thereof, anD aDD tDe fame to tl)e ^^riffinal iHaluations of A P. Georgll Teitli Regis » qirt of tbc rcCpectitje paiiil), in a Booh o^ iae-c h irifttp J^crcm !l)efo;je appoiiiteD to Oe fteptfo? xvn d)at ^utpofe, and U)at etetp i^oufe, tie^'-^^ nenient, i^nthmk, Cellar, v312]lace=J)OMfe, ^to?e-bonfe, auD ^torc^j^arD, fo !)crebp ba-^ liieD, rettirnet) anO eftab!ia)et), il)aU iu all ;^pplotmcut5 anD ^^ffefTmentei to be af* teilbatds inaOe atiD teturttcD, iit put- fnancc of t\)i5 M, be tateD auD cl)at(rel^ anCi cbacgeablc acco^tiinir to fuel) Baltic ation tl3crcof, auD tl)e €>ccupiec t})cceof^ rt)aU pa)>, dj ou lacfufal o> ilPniifi'wn i^all be conipclieD to pa;> t!)e §>um fo cl)aci9reD ano tateD tl)etetn, iit tl)e fame ^anitcc a« tbe C)ccupicr$ of othzt i^otifes, atiD Con- tmxvi €2lv^lnally^ \}alweD, are accorDmir to tl)c ^ireaious of tl)is :^(t compellable to pav> tbe fame, atiD if b^ incrcafc of fncl> uelti bujit i^ot^fes, 03 otl)er p^jemiffeij, il fhall be fonnD cout^emeiu to erect a greater ^timber of 'Camps, ano atmi) tJ)e fame further in any ^ari(i), in et)er)' fuel) Cafe it tl)all be latbful fo? tl)e tefpecttV)e ^e- ftries l)ereaftet, to be affembleD in ^^urfu^ ante ot t})is» ^ct, to tnaftc ^^tierS fo? tl)at ^urpole, auD tl)e fame i^all be purfueD auD carrieD into Ciecution, in tj)e fame, as if fuel) stamps tbere o:icrmally» o^ueteD to be ereaet) at tbe refpeitite ^eftties tc* be aiTembleo on t!)e jfira l!!>ai> of May 4 ® :^ne 320 Anno Regnl tert'io cHAP.£Dtte t!)oufanD feteti l)unt);?cO ant) Gxtr^ ^c/v^v; ;^nD tbl)treas tbe 09ajjo? atiD Cotnmon Council of tt)e TaiD oiitp of Cork, J)at)e fo? tl)e imineOiate liffl)ting of tbe faiD €it>% agteeD fo?t!)tt)itl), out of ti)e cottnuon jfunDe; of tl)e. OTitj?, to erect iLamp$, ano to lijjbt tl)e fame purfuant to tbe tcue j^eaning- of tl)is ^(t; notbto the cnD t^at tSe faiD j®a^o;^ ant) Conunon €ouu= cil be rcpatO fuc^ :^uni3 of :®onc)? as tl)e)) ft)aU fo iinmeDiatclj) o^ l)ereaftei: er- penD fo; tl)e afo^efaiO ^ucpofe: 2i5c it €ii^ acteD by tl)e .^utbo^itj) afo^cfaiD, ^l)at ti)e fetJetal CbutcD^tbartiens of tl)e faiD tcfpcc- tiV)e l^ariit^s, il)aUout of t\)t iaates aiiD ;3ffef6ment6 to be rcccitjeD unt)cttl)i5 ^ct, m t^eftcft l&lace, pa)> anD tefunD to tbe :@ap' o;j ano Couunon Council, tatcablj> anD ^;jopO(?tionabl)j to tbe ^ffcCTmeuts to be tnaOe on tbe faiD tefpectiVie i^ariiljes, at anD m putfuance of tl)e €);Decg; to be luaDe at t\)i fetjctal BeGnes, to be l)elD on tlje JFicft Dap of j®aj? :^ne tf)oufanD fcVien SunD?eD anD Cxxty four, anD after tl)t ^a^ luations anD ^applottnients ft)aU be iixciht in purfuance of fuel) £);Dct!3, fuci) :^um anD ^unie; of ^onep, as tl)c faiD j©a>io> anD Common Cotuicil Hiall (o lav out anD Georgli Tertli Regis. 02 1 atit) cipent), fo> aitD toCbattis tj)e immet)i=c h a p. Ciate licr!)t!njgr of faiD €ity. xvii. O'WJ :^x[t) tbl)ctca2; nottbitl)ftani:mg tDc federal :^aQ of parliament male m tbio IBimgtiom, to p;jet)ent unlatbful ^ITemblies attD OTombi' nations of ^ctiScet0, ':(50ucne^mcn, ^VVW- tices, Haboutcts, and i®anufart«rers, fuel) OTotubinationS anD unlatJoftil ^CTcmbUes, l)a\)e of late gteatl^ tncteafeD in t\)t TaiD Citv of Cork, anD liberties tl)ereof: ;3nD U)l)ercas it l)a3 been foiinD \3ctj) DifFicrilt, to Cietcct anD contjict fuel) i^PffenDers, Uj) laeafon tl)at fuel) unlatbfnl aiTembliesi ace jjenerallp l)elD fectetlp anD in prit)ate places, tn tbe l^onfes a:iD |5?efence of j&er^ fons lh\)ok Xeftiiaonp cannot be l)aD as tl)c llalb GanDs, tbcj) tl)emfel\)e6 being guiltp 0;? }^atxv in fuel) ^Defences : » it CnacteD, bj? tl)e -^utbojit)? afo^efaD, ^bat from anD after tl)e jrirft 3)ap of May, €)ne tl)oufanD feUen l)unD?eD anD (jirtp four, it ft)all anD map be latbful to anD fo? tl)e ;®apo?, 0; anj) otber ^uGice of t|)e ^5eace of tbe C!tp of Cork, upon Examinations upon £Oatl) being git)en, 0^ -^ffiDa\)it maDe befo;je tj)em, 02 anj) of tl)em, of anp fuel) OTombination 0? unlaU)fal ; of tl)e l^crfons ac- cufeD 0} fuipeaeD, anD to aDminiGer an 4 fl© 2 mtY> g22 Anno Regnl tertio Chap. £)atl) to fttcl) of tl)e ^ccfous fo Ctmi' XVII. nioncO, as be tu DiSi SDifccetion il)aU t\)mh '"^'^ fit, lbl)icl) €>at!) tU faiD ;a3aj?o?, auD tbe ot))cr i^agiftrates are l)crcbp impotbcreD to aDininifter, auD etjcrp fucb ^erfott il)all ftbcac to anftbet all fuel) £iiicftiou5 as il)all be bcnianDeD of bittt, toucbmcr fuel) Combinations, o? unlatbful ^ffcniulics, anb ft)aU ;5(nftbcr all fuel) ^lueaions, anD l!)all bifcobec tbe 5Rames anD l^lates of ;3(bobc, to tj)e beft of bis, l)er, o? tbeic Bnolbleticjc anD Belief, of t!)e fcbetal ]pe^ Tons tbl)o !)abe acteD 03 been conccrneD in any fuel) OTombinations 0? nnlatbful ;^f^ Temblies, anD l!)all not bj) anp plea o? Demur, tober, 0? conceal tl)c fame, anD fuel) examinations il)aU be rcDuceD into ot\)tt j®acriftrate before tbl^om tj)e fame are taften, anD bp t\)t part^ 0? parties fo ei^ amineD, anD i^all be rcturneD to the next £iuarter ^cfTions 0; ^SfTocs, anD fucb PerfonS fo cxamineD (l)all be bounD bp 3aeco5:ni3ance in a ^um not cxceeDincr Xtbcnt>' pounDS, to appear at t\)t next £luatter ^^eHions 0? :^fri5es, in tl)t ufual j©anner at tbe Election of t\)t ^ayo; 0? otber j®ag:iftratc bcfo^je Ibbom fucb examination iljall be giben, anD to p^ofe:: cute tl)e pecfon 02 Perfons cbarcreD by than Vbitl) Georgii Tert'ii Regis, ^23 tbitJ) beiticr conceruet) in fnc|) tmlaltifttl c n a p. aromb'-aationf5 o?:5!Q'"embIie«5, anDmcafean^ x^'"- inth pzdon o} petrous foftmitnoucD i^all ' ^^ itetrlrrto.nefafe to appear befo;?e fncl)i®agi' ftr.ne, 0? to taltefncl) £)atl)S asafo^efaiD, 0^ 0i\): 1)10, l^er, 03 tbetc ^eftimonj), auD be ex^: aiiuncD in fanner afo^faiD, 02 to ftgn ftu|) C*iatU!iiatious, tl)e CatD ii!9apo? 0? otlbet i®agtO:rate fhall i!Tne one 0? mo^e OTac- taut 0? ©Marrants, atiD caiifc fnci) l^etron 0? pectous to hz irnp^ifoneD in t\)t OTitj) dBoai ioi Xl^et ^Sontl)^, 02 fent to m;itz^ tbell, 02 tl)z i^onfe of Olo^^eetion, t!)et:e to be ftept at IjatD Habonr toi €>ite ®ontb, auD m cafe fat!) l^erfoti fo exammeD il)aU tiecrlect o> refstfe to gilje tbeir XcCtimonp attl)e ^cHiouaio^ :^By.^, tbDeret^e^ il)aU be botuiD to appear, in el}etp ftul) Cafe ti)c ^riDcre of 9tm3es, at tDe Mi^t^, anD 3ltifticcs of thz Ideate of tDe Conntp of tJ)e €it^ of Cork in tbeir ^tiartec ^efr!on0, %iU refpertitjel)) fo?tMLbitl) tipoti fncJ) De= fauit 03 mefufal ifme l)is 0? tbeit S^ar^ ranro> Miatrauts, to app?e})f tiD aiiD tietaitt m €iccntion in t\)t Citp ' auD :^aii$fv tl)c ^^enalt;? of t})eir tefpetti^e EecosT.i3ance,to be anplteDanDpaiD 4 ^ o\)er 324 Anno Regni tertio Chap. oUt to t\)t <15o\)cmo^6 01 t\)t M!o;?ft-l)oufe x^Ji- of t\)z faiD Olitp. J&crfcno \W)o ujall Oc fununoncD o? cx- atumcCjas afo;?cfaiO, auD rtjall afrcrll)arOe» appear on that rcfpc(tit)e iaccogin5ance, auO ititJe tJEcfjuionp at tl)e ^((1303, 0? dnartet ^cfftoiisasafo^elaiCijifrcquiccD bj? tl)c OTourt 0^ P^ofccuto? fo to do, il)aU be acqniteO auD t)ifd>ii:s-cD from all fiutbcc ^?ofccutiou,anD fconian>>^nmil)uient, 5?o;jfiit«rc, oji^cnab tp Xli\)\t\) !)e, il;e, o2t\)c}'> hath 0? l)a\)e inciuc^ eD, fo2 o;j Up reafon of an)^ £Dffciue, i^attcr, 0? ^miicr, Ciifco\3eceD!U thut lerpcctitje €X' amlnationiS 0? Xcnimonv, anti that etjecp fuel) ^ecfon fo exammcD auO OomiD oXizt xmv anD il)all, if rcQturctJ bp tl)c oTonrt 0^ ^Mcctito?, te cxanuncD as a QlQlitiiefs o;j vHSHitucffes agamft al! other ^crfons cou^ cerncD in, 0? cbargct^ \hit\) aixp fuel) nnlaUDfiil Combmatious 02 ^Cfcmllies as afwefaiti; aup S.alb o;> Hfage to tj)e con- trary' notlbithftancms-. r?o\)itct)airo, tljat if m\y pcrfon o?pct^ fous Xbl:o fl)c"tll Ic fntiiiuoucD anD examine CD a5 afojefatD, concciaing the tiko\)av of an>' fuel) imlalV)ful Couibiuation 0? ^f; fembl}', njall in anp fuel) €xauunation as 4)aU Georgii Tertii Regis. jsj (l)aU be talteti in putfuatice of tl)i$ act, o? c h ^ p in t\)tit iTeftimonp upon tDe ^i^jal of J^^ aiip pjetfoii 03 pccfons, fo;j o? concerning any hii\) unlatbftil qUomlunations 03 Siii femb!^, coiuiiiit anv :®annet: of tbilful 0^ co?2iipt perjitrp, tljat e\3ccpfucl)£DffenCec 02 £>9EenCiecs, beincr thereof lalbfull)? indict^ eD auD cont)(CteD, iljall lofe anD forfeit fuel) ^mn auD :^utn5 of ^oner, anD fntt\)zt il)aU be p^oceeDcD acrainft, imp^ifoneD anD ItanD upon t\)c l&illo^^, anD be fubjcct to (uth oti)er |5uniil)tnent$ anD SDifabilities as n\ atiD bj> a Statute maDe in t\)i^ ItingDom, in tl)e JReign of ^mtn Eliza- beth, IS enacteD anD o^DaiiteD. :5(nD ll)l)ereas fel^eral of t|)e Cfigl)tba)^s, :^treets, auD }^aS)zD OTa^s, in tl)e €ttp anD County of t\)z Citp of Cork, require frequent repairing, anD fel^eral 2i5j)=U)a)?s tl)erein are, anD ^um out of j®inD i)at3o been, of lefs ^areaDtl) ti)an !)ereafter mentis eD, anD Do notll)itt)ftauDmg fo;? tbe €afe of t\)z ^ubliclt, require to be Itept m iaepair : 3(nD lbl)ercas no :^onep can be g,MnteD by> p^efentiuent fo? repairing the fame, bp meafon of their not being of the l5reaDth reqtureD h}> the Statute notb m jFo^ce fo> repairing D^ightba)?^: Be it CnacteD bj) the ^utho^itp afo^efaiD, that from henceforth 4ll^ i It 326 Anno Regni tertio Chap, fojtl) it il)cill tiot tt utcetfarj) m tl)e x^"- ^ffiDabit 0; P;?efentment fo^ rcpaicmcr ' — ""^ an^ moaD 0; l^i5fl)tba^ m tljz OTitp antJ €ounty> of tl)e Cir^' of Cork, to fett fo2tb tl)at fuel) i^!jgrj)lbap3 0? JRoatis are to be of tl)e BreaCJtj) of CUieiuj) one j?eet betttiecn ^nclofuce atiD 3«tiofare, 0;? to be tnaoe jFoucteen JFeet tt)iDe, but inftcaD tl)cteof, tj)at It ft)all be riitficicnt tJje faiD affiOa\3it anD j^?efeutmeiits fet fo;?tJ) the tcne 2id?eaC!t!) of tbe fame, bett'oeen f n= clofure anO ^nclofure, anD l)otb niucl) tJ)eteof It tbill be necelfarp to repair. ;:^nD fo? tl)e nio2e effectually feecping tl)e faiD j^trects antJ OTia^S from Cncroacbmeuts and ^Httfances; be it €naaeD bp tl)c ;^u; tbo^it)) afo^efaiD, XJ)at from aiiD after tl)e j?irft l^ay of May, JcDne tl)oufattt) feten 6uut);?eti anD fixtv four, it rt)all be latbful fo? the faiD j®a^o^ auD ^bcriSs of t\)t OTitj) of Cork, to remolje all ^ncroacbmeitts 0? ^u= fances, iii mahmg SDoo^s 0? ^taitiS of €cU larsp2otc(tins: into the :^treet6o? ?lane0, bp Ciclit^ermg: an £D?Cer m (KUnting to the refpec^ titje Ccnauts anD £)ccu piers of the refpcaitie i^oufes anD Cellars, fettmcr fo;?th anD Dircct:= mg in Ibhat :^anncr all fuch SPoo^o, Stairs, anD palTagres, that are ^iirntroachmcnta 02 ^ufances m fuch ^tttets 02 Shanes, fijall ic Georgli Tertii Regis. 327 be altetetJ, 02 m Ibbat j®aunec fet bacft,CHAF. 02 to cemoV)e all 3necoatj)tuent0 02 Mn^ ^vil fances of :^j)op:tbmDolibSi, smmtiotb^lliut^^-^^^ ttr0, JFcatnes, :^tanOmgs, 0? otJ)et Xl)injj6 iu 02 upon fucj) j^tceetsi 0? Hanes, antJ in cafe t^e Cbief Xenant of fuel) CellatS, auD tDe C>t]bnecs of fucJ) l^oufes, :^l)op2r, anD Cellatsi, Hiall tefnfe 02 ne- Silect to comply UntJ) fuel) SPitectionsi of tY)t <®ayo? antJ :^|)eriff0, 0? refufe to retnotje, 02 caufe to be remotJeO, all fuc^ €ntcoad)ment!5 ano jl^ufances, fo? tj)e j^pace of XUjeittj) one Daj^s aftec fuel) iSP^Ciec as afo?efaib, in fuel) ^afe it ll)aU be tl)zn latbfwl fo;j tl)e j®apo2 anD :$^e? tiffs of tl)e fait) €itj) to emplop Wio2'h^ men, anD alter, anD temotje, anD tafte atbap tl)e fame, anD to compel tbe faiD Xenants 02 :SPtbners to paj) all t^e ai:i)acges tl)ereof bp Diatefs anD :^ale of tUit (l5ooD«3(, to be lebieD bj) OTacrant unDer t|)e i^anD anD :^eal of t!)e faiD j®aj>o?; p?ot)iDeD tl)at if anj) ^etfon (|)all app;jel)enD tl)emfelt)cs aMfietJCD bj) anp fuc^ £)2Det anD 2)itection a$ afo;jefatD, tl)ep map appeal to tbe SJuGices of tl)e Ideate in tl)eic next ^eUions to be i)elD fo? tDe faiD Citj?, tbJ)o are l)erebp impotbereD anD tequiteD to i)ear anD ftnaUj> Determine t^e fame, anD tf)eit ^Determination fl)aU 4 i^ be 328 Anno Rcgni tertio c H A p. be final atiD conclufiVie to all |&attic5, aiiD ^^"* in tf)t mean Xmu all otj)ec P2occct)ing$ '^'"'^ upon fwcl) C>;?Dei: fo appealeD ftom il)aU ccaCc. :3nD be It iuttY^tt CnacteD bv t\)t 3rutl)o; 2itv afo^jcfaiD, ir^at it ll)aU ht latbful foj anp pecfon 01 l^erfonS to tafte anD carrp allja? anv 2D«nflr, j®ucft, ®oo;?ing, 0^ 0= tj)ec Manure, JanbDtil), 0? jfiUmff, tDe? ft^all fiuD laiD in anp l^igljtbar, ;$.tceet, 0^ a.ane, tbit!)m t{)c €itv o; ^ub:= titbs tl)creof, 0^ Ibitbm jFifteen j?eet oft^e (Eentet of anp JaoaO 02 l^!9:l)tbaps out of t!)e faiD OiTitp anD :$)nbtub6, anD tbitbm t\}z Countj) of t!)e faiD Olitj), anD tl)c fame to applj? to tbctc oCbn ^fe, anD m cafe anp j&ecfon il)all obGturt 02 l)mDec tl^e taftmg tbe fame, 0;? in cafe anp ^cr^ fons it)all t^(?olt) 0? lap, o;j ft)aU taiife 0? fuffet to be tb^ottjn o^ laiD anp Coal^ al^es, 2>nfl:, Witt, laubbill), SDung:, o^cntcv<5 (Boot^, anD to go, x^ii. one j©oiet)? tl)ercof to tbe paton tbJ)o' — ^^ fueo 02 pMecutes, anD t^e other to tj)e ¥)oo? of tj)e l^ariil), ano tf)e ^e^fou fo of^ fcntJingr, if unable to paj> tl)e faiD JFitie, fl)aU be comtiutteD to Piiion fo^ a :$>pace not crcceDing one OTeeft; p?ot)iDeD tj^at notbingr l)erein contameD ll)aU extenD to ^Derfoiis tbl)o in repacingr 02 btiilDing mp i^oufc o;? otOet BuilDinsr, ft)aU tl) 2 Der V/V-N^ 230 Anno Regni tertlo Chap.dcc fuel) ariattfesi, JaeQcicttons, l&enaltie<5, XVII. ^^otbets, anD Oittt^, o} ot!)ertbire, as to — 't\)t faiD ®apo? anD Conunou Council, 0? tl)e nia|o;jiti? of t!)em in Council affem- bieD ft)aU feem meet anO expedient, anD t^at tl)e um not ei- cecDingr fiU ¥>o«nDS, fo? tl)e ^allacp of cacj) of fuel) :§ca\)inj9:ec«» Zut) be it furt!)et CnacteD bp tl)e :^u^ t!)o;jitp afo?efaiD, %\)at if anp petfon D;i\)- tnff anp Carr, D?ap, 0? Catt, tfeougl) anp of tDe Streets, l^igj)tbap0, lE^afrages, o^ Hanes in tbe faiD dtp of Cork, 02 Su- burbs tDeteof, ft)all tiDe upon fuel) €art, S>tap, o;j Catc, not J)aV)mj9f fome petfon on j?oot to guiDe tj)e fatue, 0;? ifiall D;it)e 02 leaD tbe fame in fuc[) ;^annet as to en- Danger tl)e HitJes 0? ?l»ubs of tl)c \baf^ (cngrecs, it ft)aU be latbful to anD fo? anp l&etfon o; l^ecfons, on Bictb of anp 2D;?ibcc 02 SD^ibets, HeaDec 0; ILeaDecs of anp €arr 02 Carts, 2P;{ap 0? Cart offenD^ ing l)erein, to fei3C upon fuel) 2r>?ap, 02 Cart, anD to cattp fuel) SD^iber anD Carr, 2P;jap, 0? Cart, before tl)c :®apo?, 0? anp otl)er 3lu== Oice of tl)c peace of t\>t faiD Citp of Cork, Georgli Tertil Regis. ogi Cork, auD tl)at iXfttv fiul) €)ffenCiec bcmjjCHAP. tl)ereof coii\)!Ctc£) beto^e the 0Mv^2 o? otl^ec ^^'"• f uftice of tht ptcut of the faiD €ity, bp ^"^ aroufclTion 02 t\)t €>cU\) of :C>ne cteDiblc other (15ooD3 belonging to l)im, bj? OTac:: tant untict tbe i^anD anD :§eal of t|)e faiD <®apo;? 0^ otbct gluftite, li)l)(cj) tj)ej) ace !)etebj) requfteD refpectiuelp to grant; €)ne iS&oittp to tl)e l^crfon U)l)o iljall fue anD p;?ofecute fo? tDe fame, anO tl)e otl)er :®oietp to tl^e ^00? of tDe ^arii^, 02 t\)z i&crfon fo oU fencing il)aU be fent to tj)e l^oufe of Co^ rection, t^ere to be feept to !)atD labour fo? anv Xime not exceeding ft\)e Way>^, 02 be puulicKl)? Vbl)ipt tteougB tbe ®am Street, of tl)e faiD €ity>, at the SDifcretion of t\)z Ui^ ®apo? 02 ot|)er guftice, if tj)e l&er= fon fo offenDing fl)aU not paj> t[)e faiD JFine tbitbm ttbo flours after be iS artefteD fo? tDe faiD €)ffence. ir ' ■ -'^^ ^nD tbl)erea6 tJ)e Court of Confciente l)elD befO(?e tl)e ®apo;? of t|)e faiD Citp, anD before eacl) of t!)e ^IDertrten'of t^e dOllatD of tDe faiD €ttj>, foj tietetminiiiir Caufes in all finall SDebte; bettftfeetfl&^rtjb 4l^ anO 232 Anno Regni tertio c H p A. ^t\t ^&artj), unDcr tht Balt?c of fivtj> ^^"- :^!)iUings, bao been of gteat Bfc; » it '^^^^ €nacteD Dj) the ^autbo^ity afojcfafD, Chat tl)e 'JurifDtrtioii tl)ereof le ePfcibliil^cc, ra- tiSeD, anD conftrmeD; p^otJiDeriallliii)'^;, tbat no pecfoti il)aU be longer coutinct! by ^ic-- tue of an)) OTattattts 03 Coimnitttncnt b;) ti)e faiD ^ayo2 02 aiCeitucn of the WiatD, unDci fncb ^utbo^it)) o,^ SJunf; Diction of tl)e faiD Court of ConiCjaice, fo;j any S>ebts not ciceeOincr m tl)e Ibbole XXbtnty :^t)iUmffS>, tl)an rh?ce istalenDac j®ontbs, to be computeD from tl)c 6cft 3>a)) of fuel) Conimittnient, anD tJ)at no l&ctfon ft)aU be lonigret con6neD b;> tj)e ;3tttl)o^itp afo^efaiD, fo^ anp 3>ebt0 ei^ ceeOing Ctbentj) ^l)iUmgs, anD unDet fo?tj) §>Wm^y tOan tt)e Cerm of fix IBialenDar ®ont()0, to be comptiteD as abotje, anD that from anD after t\)t re- (pectitie 3>etertninatione; of ftict) (^Tonfine- ments, tj)e 2Debt 0^ Debts, fo;? tb{)icl) faiD ^ctfon 0? l&erfons (!)aU I)at)c been Co con- uneD, ft)all be totallj) Dirct)argcD to all intents anD purpofes, as if fucb Debto? 0; Debtor l)aD actuallp paiD t\)t fame* ' ;3nD tb!)ereas by an :^a of l&atlianient, pafTeD in tbis l^ingDom, m rbe ttmt^ peac of 1^0 late ^ajeftj? Wung George tbc :S)econD, Geoigil Tertii Regis. gg^ :$eCOnD, IlttltUlcD, An Ad: for rebuilding the Chap. Cathedral Church of Saint Finbary^ in the City XVII. of Cork, and for ereding a Work-houfe in ' ' the City of Cork, and for employing, and maintaining the Poor, puniihing of Vagabonds, and for providing for and educating Found- ling Children, it U)as therein enacteD, autong otbet Xhiitgrs, tr)at fo^ all fo>t5 of Oloal ant) alii-lm, tbbicb fcom aiiD aftec t^e fait) ficft Dap of May £)ne tl)oufanD fcben l)ttnD?eD aiiD tbtttp fix, i!)all be impo^teD, lanDeO, 02 t)ircl)at:{reO, tJbitbin tj)e faiD , t|)ete ^all be paiD Dutmg tl)e iTetm of tl)ittj) one pears, bp 213^ap of Jmpontion tj)eceon, otjec ant) befiDe all otl)ec SJmpofttionei anD Duties pa))able tl)eteon, t\)t aDbitional mate o;j Dutj) of one :^l)!llingr per Xwn, tbl)icl) faiD S)mpofition 0? Dutj?, ilmll be anftbereD o;j paiti to tjie etjerp Rafter, €)tbttet 02 £Dtbnecs, 0;? ot!)ec \&etfon 0;? l&etfons, taftingr Charge of an)) ^l)ip 0;? BefTel, thhereupon fuel) Coals 0? Culm ll)all be laoen, before thep ft)aU b?eaft 3i9ttlft, o? tielit)ec out anp Coals 0;; Culm. 4 l& 2 anti , 32^ Anno Rcgnl tertio Chap.. ^UD lbi)CCCa5 t\)C fttllM fo2 fupP'.VtP.lCr xvii- tJ)c faiD 2Bt>2lt'l)oufc arc fcaice rt'ificiLnt "■^"^^fo;? t^U purpoiC, anD tJ)c iiPntics pivaLle unDcr, vinO bp Virtue of ti-e faiD tccrtcD Claufe, ace one of tbe principal i^iippo^jts tl)ereof: 2i3e it enartcD b)? the '^mho}\t}> afo;?efaiD, Xbat tl)e faiD cccitcd Clanfc, ant) tl)c ^lUicQi pa^ible tmier, auD liv T^ittm of tl)e fame, iljall be continucD, anD be, anC ccmam in full jro2cc fo? tl)e ;iafe anD »ncfit of tl)e faiD OTo^U^I)oufe, from tbc faiD fitft Dap of May, Xhhitly XMl be in tl)e 5>eac iPne tI)oufanD fc'oen him- D^eD anD futp fetjcn, fo? anD Dunucr tj)e fuctl)er ^ccm of tlJictv one pcato, from tl)cncc fo;>tl) fiillp to be tomplcat anD enDeD, at, anD unDcr, anD fijbjcrt to tl)c fet)etal \5otbet$, anD in fanner as in t\)t faiD tecitcD Clatife is fet fo?t!), :^nD tbbeceas it is of tj)e titmofl Con:: fequence to t^e Olitp of Cork, anD tbill conDuce to p;jefetbc t\)i HitJes of manp of tl)e 3ln!)abitant6 tljeteof, anD of otl^ers tcCo^tingf thereto, t[)at a |&arapet mall, 02 Clails be built oi erecteD on tl)e fcbecal £luaps, anD on tl)e CDigres of tl)e fe\jcral 5l>))ftes anD Cannals tl)ercin, anD in tj)e :^ubtttbs tl)ereof, as great lumbers of Georgll Tertii Regis. oo< of l&etfons ba\)e loft tbeic ILitjes bp UlU c h a ?* inrr o\)et: tl)e faiD ^uapei, aitD i^o^fes atiD xvii. aiarciagrefi l)at)6 fallen into t\)z fatD Dpftcs "^"^^ anD Canals: Be it CnacteD bp tl)e ^^u- t^o;?!tj) afo;?efaiD, t!r!)at it fl)all anD map be latbftil to ant) fo^ t\)z ®apo? anD Council of tl)c faiD Citp of Cork, to o;jDet anD Direct tl)e BuilDin^ of l^arapet MiallS of tY>t l^ctgbt of four jfeet, anD B^eaDtJ) not excceDing ttbo j?eet, on tl)e fet)cral iiiuaps, anD on tbe €Djjes of t^e fetjetal S^pfees anD Canals of tfte faiD Citp anD <|>uljurbs, lca\3ins: V2om C>peninijS con^^ \)entent fo2 thz ^ftipptng anD CanDing C^ooDS, anD j®erc!)anDi3e, bp jjiting notice in (SSHntincr to tl)e cDief ^Tenants, ini)abit' iagr 02 Dtbclling: in tj)e feberal l^oufeS, 03 occupying tl)e Cellars anD ot\)tt :Ji5mlDinflfS on tht faiD :€luap6 anD 3>pcDcs, 0? in Cafe tbe faiD l^oufes be (Eiafte, 02 anp part of tl)e imenrions afo?c- fait), tbith :^tone o;j 2i5^ic^ aiiD JLimt, anD j^anD, alouigr t\)t €Dge of tbe faiCi ^na))0, 0? SPpftes, fronting bis o; t\)tit mefpectit^e j^oufes, anD Concerns, anD if tl)c fame are fituate on t|)e Co;?ner5 of anj? of tl)e faiD £Itta^«3, roimD fuel) Oloaners as far as tl)eir iaefpectitje J^oufes, Cellars, 2i5uflDi in^fS, 0^ vBSnafte ci5tbner, o; otliet ^^erfon mterefteD tn anp lut^ OTafte K^oufe, o^ (S^ounD unOuilr, Mo2t tb!)ofe p^emifTes mv furl) £)pcnincr iliall be left, ri)all altbaj^s, except in Ximes of :^l)ippinflr, o? 2lanDin0 dSootis, tl)cre feeep fuel) £)pening jjuaroeD bj) ttbo 21211ooDen iXails o^ 3?on 2i5ars to extenD acrofs fuel) C>pening m tl)e faiD l^arapct iHSaaU on eael) ^iDc. !5;?ot)iDeD altbaj'S, srbat if anr of tl)e faiD 5nl)abitants, C>lbnets, o^ £)ccupicrs of f^oufes, 0; otDer p^emilTes fljall tl)inft fit to erea 5ron iRails on tl)e €Dges of t!)e faiD ioluajjs, before t\)tit f^oufcs 02 Xenemcnts Georgli Tertii Regis. 307 'dmmittit^, of the I^cig5)t of jFout fctty c h a p. that It i|)aU ht UVbhil auD fufficient fo? xvn. tl)em fo to t)o; anD in cafe anjj cl)ief' — ^"^ tenant 03 €)ccupiei: of anp fuel) i^oufe, Olellar, 0? otl)et iauilDing^, 0? tj)e £[>0)net 0^ ot^ec perfoii intetefteD m my> fuel) tibade J^oufe 0? f^lot of dStoutiD unbuilt, il)all neglect 0? refufe bj) t j)e ^pace of ^tbo j®ontl)9 after Notice gitien m OTlritm^r to buiti fuel; l^acapet QEIlaU in :®annei: l)erem before tiitecteO, 0? to etect anD ftx fuel) iaails as afo^efaiD inlleaD tl)eteof, e^^ net)? fuel) gjctfon il)all forfeit €:tbentp jg)l)iUmgs fo;j eDet)? ^pace of Ctfeentp one 5Feet of fueb MiM t^at il)aU be fo omit' teD to be built, anD tl)e lifte ^nn\ fo? e^ t)er)? ®ont}) aftettbacDs tJjat tl)e fame fl)all be fo omitteD, anD fo in p;jopo;?tion fo^ an^ otl)ec lef9 ^paee of Xime, 01 of <]$?ouuD, fuel) l&enalt^ to be reeot>ereD be- fo;?e tl)e ©aj'o? of tl)e faiD Olitp, b)? tl)e €)atl) of One o; mo^e OTIitnefs 02 OTit= neffes, 0; bp tl)e aTonfeffion of tl)e l^artp, anD upon OToubiction to be leViieD bj? SDif- trefs anD :^ale of t\)z O^enDets dSooDSf, 0? of tU C5ooDS of an)j l&erfon founD in 02 upon tl)e i^oufes, Cellars, ^auilDingrS, 0? cl5>ounD, before U)l)ie^ fuel) OTall^i ft)aU be fo neglecteD to be built, bp 212Harrant uuDer tl)e i^anD anD :i>eal of tl)e faiD 4 j^ 2 ^ayoi 338 Anno Regni tertio Chap, ^^a^o?, tt)l)!cl) (H^Hatraiit be is \)m\)y iixv XVII. potbereO to K^ant, atiD to be to tbe Bfe '^^'^^^ of tbe Poo? of the pa till) in tbbitb tbe faiD £Dffcnce ft)aU be conunitteD, atiD oDec anD abot)e tbe faiD penalty, it ^M atiD map be lalbful to atiD fo? tbe fait) j®aj?o? to p;?o\)iDe Materials, anD emplop anD fct ©afons to tbo?ft, to buiO anD finift) tucb parapet OTall as afo;jefaiD, anD tbereupon (^all compell tbe tbief ^Tenant in fuel) l^oufes, anD t\)c C>ccupier6 of fucb OTellats 0; otbec BmlDings, anD tbe £)tbnet: o; otlxc petfon intetefteD in fuel) tbafte J^oufe 0? (15;?ounD unbuilt refpec- tiM^y to paj> tbe teafonable p?ice fo;? builDmg fucb parapet OTall, anD tbe <®atctials tbereof, bp ilTuincr b»s Wav^ rant fo6FenDer5 (15ooD3, 02 tbe (BooDS of any perfon founD in 0? upon tbe J^oufcs, Cellars, otbet 25uilDings, oi cB^ounD before tbbitb fucb (3iai!alls Iball be fo neglecteD to be raifeD, to be folD, as IbiU pap fo2 tl)t fame, anD if anj> Perfon, before tbbofe p^cmiffes anp fucb opening, a)aU be left, ft)all neglect 0;? rcftife to ftecp tbe fame guaxDeD Ibitb tlbo IbooDen iaails as afo^efaiD, except at tlimcs of ll)ipping 02 lanDing (SooDS tbere, ePerp perfon fo offenDing iljall to? Georgil Tertii Regis. oqg (oi ebcrp tmh ^f eucc fo;?fe!t UU ^hiih c h a p. iixph to be reco^jeceD auD applied in ®an' ^^"- net afo^efaio. ' ^^ p?ot3!DeD al^ii^^, auD be it ^uacteD hp the ^iitDo^itp afo.?cfa!D, ta:i)at if anp Utti) ari)!cf Xenaut laljaliitin^r o^ cccupmg anj? fuch l^ouie, Cellar, o^ ot!)ec Wuiltma^^ oi ititeteftcD m fuel) Made C^^ounD as afo^e^ fatD, be onlv a "Cenaut at Wiill, o? a ))eacl)j Xcuaut of t})e fame, o? if no tno?e tDati ttbo peac«3i of J)io ?Leafe o? ^ntcreft be unexpiceb, tl)at m ebecj) fuel) Cafe, fuel) STenants at OTiU, o;? jjeatlj) tenant, o? %mmt to2 ttbo peats, ft)atl anD tiia? retaiu in |)ts o;> i)ec l^anDS, out of t\)z ment tl)en due, o? to be aftettbatDs t3ue, fcom bun to l)is next iumietiiate EatiD- lo^D, fo muci) of fucb JReitt as tbill be fufficteut to cemibutfe bim tl)e ^©ottejj ei- penticD on j)is pan of tl)e faiD l^arapet ^all, anD tl)at in Cafe tl)e pcrfon o? ^etfons tbJjo fl)aU builD anj) fuel) l&ara^ pet OTall at tl)e lEime tl)e fame ll)aU be compleateD, il)aU l)aV>e in tl)e {^oufr, C^oafes, 02 ot!)et: l^^etnilTeS, o? belonging to tbbicl) fuel) OTall a)all be built, an fn^ tereft exceeDing ttbo 5>eats, anD not Icfs tj)att fi\yz peats, tl)at in fuel) Cafe fuel) |&et^ fon 0? H^etfons ll)all anD map retain ttee 4 ia fourtDs 340 Anno Regni tcrtio c HA p.fouttbs of t()e €xpcnce c^f taidno^ fuel) x^"- OTall; auD in cafe of an 3lutcreft not tx^ "^ ^^ cecting fitJe pears, anD not l:i5 tban ten peare^ 0;? one itifc, tl)at fnci) f^cifou 0^ pcrfons map retain one l)aU of tl)c ^'Bi= l)ence, anO in cafe of an ':Jnterefi: ciccet)ingr ten pears, anO not lefs tban fotirtecn pears, o;j tlbo ?li\)es, tl)at fuel) ^ecion 0;? \&erfonS maj? retain one fonrt'o of the €x= pence from t\)t next immcDiate ?Lantlo?D, anD eVicrp immeDiate IlanDio^O from Xhhonx t^ere i^all be an>^ fuel) iiietamer, anD all otber ?tanDlo^D6, iljall anD map refpcctit)clv retain from tl)eir next mimetiiate ?lanDlo;?D 01 ltanDlo;?DS, in fuel) |5;?oponion5 as a- fo^cfaiD, ^Relation being l)aD to t))e SPiira^ tion of tl)eir fckral auD cefpccti\)c gn* terefts at t\)t Xime of fuel) QKiUaU being finut)eD anD conipleateD, anD tl)at etetp ^erfon 0^ perfons intitl:D to mahe anp fuel) iaetainer in tjirtue of tl)is ^ct, {\)M anD map pleaD fuel) laetamer m 2i5arr fo;j fo nxmh to anp Action, 02 other iRemeDp b2ought bp l)is faiD ^anDlojD againft l)im fo?the iaeco\)erp of IRent, 0^ otberlbife a\)ail i)imfelf thereof aS if l>e haD actually paiD tbe fame m {©onev; anD if anv l^erfon 03 ^erfons il)all b?eaft 0? pull Dolbn the faiD i&arapet OiSllall 0;? anp part thereof, 0;? pull anp j^tone 02 Atones out of the fame. v./'V^J Georgil Tertii Regis. o^i fatuc, t\)zty iBetfon fo oflfenDintr, iljall fo^cn a p. eVseip CncI) C)feuce forfeit t|)c :^ntn of 6t)e ^y^^- j^bitl!ug0, to be le^ieD aul^ appltcD as a^ fo?ela.!0, aiiD if no dl^ooUS of tie CffctiDec can l^e fotaiC!, l)c, ilje, 02 tbep, il)aU be rent to tbc l^ocife of ^iTo.^^ertion, then to be Itept at l)acD Habont bp tl)e ^pace of tl):ec iJi>a))S, anD ifan^^ pztlon 0^ perrons* foal! at tl)e Mi^ht €:ime fteal anD cacr^ ali^ap, 0;? ot5)erll)ife Dearop 0? ptUl from its ftitfire, anp groii IRails tl)at il)aU be fireD on auv of ti)e faiD j^uaps, 0;? anp QlQlooDen illail 0? mails, 0^ fron 2i5ar 02 25ars, to be fireD m ti)e ^penmcrs to be left III tl)e faitJ OTall, 0;? an}> Eocft 01 ';^rous fo;j fan^eniucr :^ticlt0, laailS, etJerp perfon fo offouOitig-, i^all upou ContJictton be aOjnDfr^D ixnilty of j?clonp, anD iljall cither be tranl'po^jteD ioi feDen pears, 0^ batueo lit tbe i^ant?, o^^ publicifelp tbl)ipt, at tbe ii>i[creriou of t!)e giuOge Ui|)o il)aU trj) fuel) £Dffenbei:» -^tiD tbbereas crreat ^^bttfes are Dailp p^ictifeD anD committeD b>' tl)c 2i3ahers of tl)e faiD €\t}> of Cork, in 23ahmfr B^eaD fo^ ^ale fo^ Ibant of proper encourage- ment, anD fnfFicient :^llotI)ance being: mabe to tbe 2i3a!ters of t\)z faiD Olitp, anD in rejgrarD tbe £liiartec of ill^beat, 4 la 2 U)Den 342 Anno Regnl tcrtio c H A p.tt)l)eu baheD into J^onfebolD m^t^t, is ^^"- fonnf not to p t!)e ^utl)02it>' afo?cfaiD, Xl^at from auC aftec tbe ficQ ^Dav of May iPne ti)oufanD fetJeu j)utiti?eD anD fixtp font, the ®a^o^ of t^c faiD €ity of Cork, be anD 1$ bctebj) DirecteD, to gi\)c tbe BaUcts in tl)e faiD Citj) ant) ILilcrties tI)creof, an aUolbance of nme ^l)iUingrs on eacJ) £luamc of aro2n, fo? [^otifc4)olD 2a^eaD, b^ aCiDing tl)e fame to tl)e ®iDCile P(?ice of OTl)eat, to be calculatcD as i5 CirccteD J)erem anD bj) an ^ct of |2»atliament pafTeD in t\)t Cleljentl) pear of tbe laeijrn of i^is late ©ajeftp Biugr George tl)e :^econD, intituleD, An Ad for buying and felling all forts of Corn and Meal, and other things therein mentioned by Weight; anD io; tbe nio^e Ctfecttial |^;c\)ent!ncr t\)z 5F2auDS, committcD in the Buying anD Spelling tl)ereof, anD fo^ rccrulatmg tl)e |&;?ice anD ;?tffi3e of B^eab, anD fo^ better regulatmiT tbe j®arfeets, 10 Di:: teaeD anD to be fet acco tho^itp afo^efaiD, Xhat the :®apo?, anO oromtnon aToimcil of the fait) €itj> of Cork, fo;? the x:ime beiucr, iljall as often as thej> inDgre HtlecelTacp, mums: the Continuance; of this ^ct, nmhz any furthet teafonable ;3Uolbance to the aaafeers tbithiti the faiD Cttr, anO ^Liberties of the €itp of Cork, as in th^ic SPifctetions thej? ll)aU thinit fit, on et)er^ iHtiattec of OTheat niaCe ano bafteD in tbe faiD €itp, into X^otif^ holD 2S^eat3, in fuch ®annet as the fo^ met ^^llotbances, 0;? to mafee any furthet ;^Uotl)ance as the il©a^x>^ of Cork, as Chief J®a0iGrate of that OTitp, tuig-ht h<^^e mane before this ^ct. :5(ut) be it further €nactcD b^ the Ziv tl)02itv afo?efaiD, tSEhat m all Cafes, tbhere anj) 5leplet)in il)all be b^ouirht fo? mv of Cork, in purfuanee of an ;^ct of parliament maDe m tl)e fourtl) pear of l^is p?efcnt ®ajeftp, Georgii Tertii Regis. 3^5 "O^ajeftp fo? iRecrulation of faiD OEttj?, c h a p. anti tbat tl)e ®aj)ott £)fficcc rbJ)o il)all mahe tj)e fame* ;^nD be it furtbct CnacteD bp tl)e ^ntl)0:5 2ity> afo;?efaiD, X^iat t\>i^ Zct ftjall in all Courts 0^ l&laces be CeemeD to be a pub:^ Itcfe ^ct, anD il)all be jubiciallj) tal^en notice of bp all ^jubges, f uftices, anD Courts tb!)atfoeber, tbit^out fpeciall^ pleaD^ ing t^e fame ; ano if anp ibetfon il)all be fueD 0^ molefteD fo> anp tl)inflf Done bp Virtue 0^ m purfuance of tl)i«5 act, rut|) |5etfon map pleaD tl)e (General gllTue, anD giDe tbis :^ct anD t\)z fpecial ©attet m €\)iDence io; |)i!3 ^Defence, anD if tl)e IDlainti^s i\)all Difcontinue tl)eit ^Hction, 0? be ^onfuit, o; if Slwbgutent il)a!l be firiben againft tbem on HerDirt 0^ l>e= mutrc, tibc DefenDant (l)all recoViet Double Cods of :^uit, 2tnD be it €nacteD bp tj)e ;^utI)o;>itp afo;?efaiD, XI)at tbe federal Claufcs of tl)is ^ct, fo^ \Xi\^it\) no Continuation is decern before mentioneD, map continue anD 4 :^ 2 remain 34^ Anno Regni tertio, oS^r. c H A p.temaitt iu f«U jFocce auD Hictuc from t!)e ^^Y".6tft "^^p of May £)ne tboufanD fe^eti ^^^J)unD;?eD anD fiitj) four, fo? tbe Xecm of tbittj? one peats, anD from ti)cnce to t^e €aD of tj)e tl)ett next ^effion of l^atlia^ ment AN A N iC H A r, XVIIL ACT FOR The better Dlfcovery of Charitable Donations and Bequefts. DUBLIN: Printed by Boulter Grierson, Printer to the King's Moft Excellent Majefty. Mdcclxiv. ( 349) A N ACT FOR The better Difcovery of Charitable Donations and Bequefts. CHAP. XVIII, Wl^ € IBt € :3 ^ tl)e l&ious f ntcntions; chap. of manj) €J)aritable J&erfons ate xviir. ftequentlp tJefeatcD bp tbe Concealment o? "-^"^ ®ifappl!cation of t\)tit ST^onations o? »- queftsto publicly o^ p;jit)ateCl)atitie0intDis 4 % mns^ gro Anno Regni rertio Chap, mttiigftioin: J&z it €n^atD by t\)t Bin^'5 ®oa XVIII. excelleut ®ajcap, lip auD JJbitt) tl)e ;^t)t)icc ^^■^''^ anO Confcnt of t\)t ILotm :^pii:ittiat anD ircmpo?al anD Olommons in tl)i5 p^clcnt parliament alTembleO, anD bp tl)c ^ntl)o?itp of tl)e fame, ^!)at ftom anD after tJ)e Xtbcntp fift^ S>ap of June, C>ne t})oufanD fet)en DunD^eD anOCitp four, tl)e laicac (Bencrail o;? bts :$urroffate, anD tU iRegiftec of tbc ]^^erocratit)c, iljall maUe a laetarn to tjie 2i3iil)op of t\)t SDiocefe, o; to |)is derate t^e :^rcl)t)iil)op of Armagh, tefpertit)elj? on 0^ in etierp pear at tl)e ^finual Bifsta= tion, 02 Uettbeen tJ)e ^rtbcntp fiftl) 5)ap of March aiiD t|)e ^tbentj) fourtl) 3)a)) of June, in etKtp pear, of et)erj> cl)ar!tabl6 SPonatton o;} »qtieft containeD m anv 2!2fliU, tbl)tc() il)aU be entereD in tbe €)f^ fice of fucb ^icat dSeneral, Surrogate, * 0^ i^efftfter, IbDicD Return il)aU liftetbife contain tbe ^ame of the tZEcftato?, tDe 5Rame o? panics of tDe l^erfon o? t&erfonSr, to Vbhom a p?obate of anj> fuel) Wiill 02 ILetters of :^Dtmniftration, tbiti) fucb Q)©iU anneieD, il)aU be granteD, Ibitl) tl)e 33Pate of fuel) OTiU, P;?obate, o;j ^aDmmiftrati^ ' on, anD OTopieO of fuel) mctums, upon ^atb, rtjall be loDgcD tl)c bcginnincr of tl)c fucceeDinjr j^cffion of l&arliament mt\) tY>z ClecU of car!) l^oufe, anD c\)crj> fucj) Georgli Tertli Regis. gci fuel) C>fiFitcr as afo^cfaiD, rbbo il)all uc^^-hap. gleet to mafte fuel) laeturn as afo^erato, x^"i- ft)ail forfeit tl)e «>u!u of fi\)e ^ountis "^"^ Sterling, to be teeotcteD by> anp J&etfon tbbo ft)aU fue fo? tl)e fame, b^ olitJil 2i3ill Defo,?e an^oftbe giti^ps of ;a(fi3c m tl)cfc re= fpectitoe OTireuits. o; bcfo;^e tj)c iReeo;?Det of tbe Olitjj of Dublin, auD tl)e |5etfon o ^^^"1- pecfon tbat (l)all Cue fo^ tj)e fame, bp ac- 'tiott of 3>ebt, Bill, l&laint, o? 5nf<^Wa:= tion, itt anp of l^is ;®ateft^'6 Courts of laeco^o, m tbbicD no Cffoign, o il)aU be aUotbeO, o; tno^e tt)an one Simpatlance* ^ A N A N ACT FOR Indemnifying all fuch Perfons as have been or fhall be aiding in the difperfing of Riots and appre- hending the Rioters. GUI DUBLIN: Printed by Boulter Grierson, Printer to the King's Mofl Excellent Majefty. Mdcc lxiv. ( 355) A N ACT FOR Indemnifying all fuch Perfons as have been, or fliall be aiding in die dif^ perfing of Riots, and apprehending the Rioters. C H A P- XIX. •\^J^i^^^ of SluGices of tfte 4 f l^eace, 35^ Anno Regn'i tertio Chap. ^&cace, auD of tl)c :^l)cc!ff, ant) unUt §>hZ' ^ix- tiff of tl)e ai:ouut)\ tt)l)ecc auv imlaDbfal ^■^"'^^ JRiot 0? ttnmiltuous ;Hfrctnl]lp ft)aU le, tafemg ttiitJ) tl)cm, if necD be, tj)e pdtict of tl)c arountj), to atteft t})e £)ffcuDcr6 fo as to b;i«g tlxrn to 3«aice, be itti)etefo^c€u^ acteo bp t|)e Bing«5 i®oft CircUeut ^a- jeftp, bp antitbitl)tDe ^SCjIjicc aiiDConfent of tj)e ?lo?Wi Spiritual atiD 3Ccinpo?al auD oronmious n\ tl)is p^efent ^^atUatnent af- fcmbleD, atiD b):' tl)e ^utl)o otl)ec perfoii auD perfous of, fo?, 0? coucecniiig" tbe feiUingr, maim:= iuigr, 0;? {)urtiag atip' rncb pecfou o;j pet^ fous fo unlatbfnllp, riotoufij?, atiD tunuil= tuouHp StlicmbleD, tl)at il)all happen to be (0 lulleD, uiaimeD, o;? l)urt as afo^efaiD, aitD tbat no p^ofccritiou ttibatfoet^cc ll)aU be l)aD o;? cartieD on agamft fuel) '^xx^xu 01 ^uftices of tbe peace, :^l)etifr, undet ^becta; ®a)?o?, Baili6^, DeaD Officer, 0? otber peace C)fft'cer, o; perfon fo aiDing 0? aHiftmg as afo^efaiD, on account of an?> fticD lullincr, nmiuuncr, 0? l^urtmcr, unlefs tl)c fame il)all be commenceD U:iitl)m ttbelt»e ©ontts next follotbmgr* :^nD be tt alfo further €nacteD b^ tl)c -:^iitt)o^!t)? afo^efaiD, Xbat all anD et)erp gjuftice of tDe peace, :^l)eriff, under ^\)t^ 4 f 2 riff, 358 Anno Regni tertlo Chap, h^^ pccice Offtccr, 0^ ot\)tt ^bitfoii tb[)o J^ l)ast3ecn l)crctofo?e iti Xiinespaft concctneD, aiOtng, 0^ aCfiftmg in the tiifpccfiag, o^ tl)c eitC)ca\3ounufr to ciifpccfe au)? riotous oi ttinuiltiious ^fl'ctnbl)^ m tl)t tiomtr of liDDicl) It ma^ l)at)e l)appeneD tJ)at fome pcr[on 0(? I&crfons l)at3e been ftiUeD, tnahm eD, 0^ butt, il)aU be alfo in Itftc ®an= tier, anD fo;j etec fceeD, DifcbarjjeD, auD in? DetnntSeD of, fo^ o;j toncerninig', all fuel) ^tiling-, manning', o; l)«ttin(r, if no p^ofe? cation fo-- tal fife auo fit to be continueD, be it 4 5> a CnacteO ^62 Anon Regni tertlo CHAP.€natteD h}> tJ)c Bmg's iSBoft €iteUcnt XX. ®ajeftj?, bv anD tbitb tl)c ^CiVnce auD '^/"^"^vEonfent of t])c Jlo^DS j^pititual ano xcrn^ Ijo^il atiD orouunonsi in tf)i5 vi^att par- liatnent affembleO, auD bj) tl)e ^utbo^jtp of tfte fame, %\>at m ^ct i)afrcD at tj)e t!EJ)tcD peat of C^iS late ®a]eft>) Einrr George tf)e :$etonD, mtitUleD, An Aa for the Diicovery of Jndgments iai the Courts of Kinj^^s Bench^ Common PleaSj" ^IkI Exchequer 2t Dublin, and for the greater fecurity of Purchalers, ailD tbl)ic!) fait) '^ct J)4^ been continueD by fe- tjetal ;^ct!5 of patliament, but is iiolb neat eipitinig-, il)aU anD map be contimicD to} eletjen Peat0, from tl)e Ctocntp ffftl) SDap of March <^wz tl)oufant) fctjen Xwxw^ ti^eD anD (tit)) fout, ano to tl)e €nD of tDe tben neit :$e(rjon of ^^atliameut, after t\)z €ipitation of x\}t faiD Xerm of elcUcn Peats* :3rnD be it Cnacteu bp tl)e aiitl)o?ir)) a^ foijefaiD, Xl)at an -^ct pafTeO in tj)c %\htiv tp ftftj) peat of i^iSi late :®a1cftp iiiug: George tj)e ^^econti'S l^cign, mtituIcD, An h&. for the more effcdn.ial Execution of Orders of Courts of Juftice for giving and quieting Pof felTions, and alfo for the more effeditual Bring- ing to Juflicc liich Perfons as fhall inllil His Majeftv's Subjects to ferve as Soldiers in foreign Ser\ice Georgii Tertii Regis, 36-2 Service without Licence, att«) Ibbifl) faiD ^ct C h a p. tiias Uy> an ^rt iiiaCie m tl)e liJ)ittp grft xx. l^va of tl)e Eeigti of l^is fatD late ®a= "^^^"^ jciip, cotttftiucD III fo2tz foi k\)cn Peac0, from tl)e ficft SPaj? of June One ti)oiifanD feVien butt'^^eD anD fiftj? c?g})t, anO to ti)e €tiD of tl)e tl>it next ^eCTtoit of l^atlia- nieut, l!)aU and niav be coutitttieD to^ fe= Un pears ftom tl)e nrft 3>aj) of June next, atiD to tbe €nD of tl)e tl)ett next :$efl"ioti of ^^atliauient aftet ti)e Cxpitatton of tl)e CaiD 3e:etm of fetjeti peat:«a^. 4? AN ^s /v N A C i F O R Continuing and Amending two feve- ral A(Sls of Parliament therein mentioned, and for the more Effedual preventing of Frauds in His INTajefty's Cuftoms and Excife, and for other Purpofes therein mentioned. ^^f^'^ f^ 'M- -. DUBLIN: Printed by Boulter Grierson, Printer to the King's Moft Excellent Majefty. Mdcclxiv. Chap. XXI. [367] A N ACT F O R Continuing and Amending two feveral A6ts of Parliament therein mentioned, and for the more Effectual preventing of Frauds in His Majefly's Cuftoms and Excife, and for other Purpoies therein mentioned. CHAP. XXI WTT^^^^^^ bj? an M palTeDcHA W/ *^ ^^^ ^^^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^ ^^ ^^^' ▼ T tJ)e meijjn of Wi^ late j®a^' — ^ ]eftjj Eing George tDc ^econD, in< tttulcD, An Acl for the better regulat- ing the Colle<5tion of His Majefty's Re- 5 ^ venue 368 Anno Rcgnl tertlo C H A p. venue, and for pre. cntlng of Frauds therein; XXI. auD fo2 rcpcalinc): an ^ct luatie t\)z laft *^^^^ j^efftou of |2)ac!ia!ncut, lutitiiler;, An Aa for Continuing and Amendiiii; feveral Laws heretofore made relating to His Majelfy's Re- venue, and for the more effe(5tual preventing of Frauds in His Majefty's Cuftoms and Excife ; auO tl)e fc\3cral ^cts auD ^tatnte5.U3J)fil) ace uicutioneD in tJ)e faiD ^a, anB con^ tiiuuD tl)ci'cb)? antJ b}> one other ^ta of parliament, paffeD m tl)e fcconD pear of ti)e laeign of lt^i$ p?efent j^ajcft^ i3iingr George tbe ^J)irD, intftllleD, An Aa for Continuing and Amending an Acl, tntitlilcD. An Ad for the better Regulating the Collection of His Majefty's Revenue, and for preventing Frauds therein; anD fo? repcaliHtT an ^a uiaDe tl)e laft ^cffion of i^arlMnenr, m- titUlcD, An AS: for Continuing and Amending leveral Laws heretofore made relating to His Ma- jefty'sRevcnue, and for the more eiiechial prc\ent- iug of Frauds in His Majefty's Cuftoms and Exciie ; anD the federal ^cts anD i^tatnteo Itihicl) arc mcntioneD tn the laiD 'xia, anD con- tin ticD thcrcOp, feticcal p^ot^'fiono tbcre tnaDc fo2 rccrtdating the ^^HoIIcrtion of l^^is ®.itcft>^5ll\ct)enne, anD p;eticntincr f ranDs therein, ttihich haUe been foiuiD to be of general (lire, but arc nolb near ctpinnq-: lie It €naaeD bp tl^e icings iJ^oft ^rtcl:: lent Georgll Teitii Regis. g^o lent ®4|e(tp, by attD U^itl) t\)t ^^DbicccHAP. auD Coufeut of tl)e Ho^Ds Spiritual anD xxi. Xempojal, aiiD Commons m tbis pjefcut "^'^ parliatncut alTcmbleD, atiD bp t|)e ^u- tbonty of tl)e fame, '€l)at tl)e faio t\V)o rectteD ^cts, auD all anU c\)er)> t\)z €!aufeg« tDeccm rcfpcitt'oclp contaitieD (cicept fuel) ^art^ thereof as ace altereD bp tl)i0 p^ of June Qt\z tl)oufanD TeUeti l)unti Emg George tijc ^ccoiiD, Certain €xcifcable Com^ moDities t})erein particularly enrnnerateD, on bcr.ig: carrieD o^ coutiepeD into t|)e m^: lanD ^arts of t\)i^ IXingDom, are liable to :$>ci5ure by> my of tf)e iPftcers of C^is ©a- jeftp'3 ^c\3enne, anO to be fo,?feiteD as run (15ooDs, inilcCs the Carrier o? perfon tl)at cont)e);)3 thz fame i!).^ll actually p^oOuce a Permit oi ?Let pafs, git)en by t\)z proper :^{ficer of ti)e CleDcntie, fo? t!)e Carnajgrc of the faiD C5oot!g, if 0emanC3eD 02 reciriireD To to Cio bp t|)e faiD £)ffirct; be it furtl)ec 5 ;a 2 €naaeD 270 Anno Rcgni tertio c K.A p.q£tia(teD b^ tl)e :^nt\)onty> afo^cfait), tlbat XXI. all aiiD c\3cr)> tl)e l^^oVufjonc anD SDirectious ^^■^"^ m the faiD ccciteD ;3(t, rciatitjc to |5etiuits o; JLet'palTes, fo? tl)e Gootis tl)crciu par; ttculatlj? enuinerateD, il)aU citcnD, anD ace \)cuby CieclaceD to extenO, to all EinDS of ^iiuff al}o\)e tl)e OTcigbt of fottt l^ouuDS, t()at il)all be carncD o^ coiitjcpcD into tl)e inlanD |&att«5 of tbis EincrDom, as full)? anD abfolutelp to all g^ntents anD l^urpofcs, as if ^nuff baD been inentioneD 02 tnfetteD in tbe faiD reciteD ;^ct amongr t\)z fe\)etal otl)ec c!5ooDS tl)erem cnunie' rateD. ;^nD lbl)eteas hy tl)e faiD reciteD M, !^a^e iw t^e €l)n:tp thicD peat of l^is faiD late -a^atcftr'3 meicrn, tl)ere is a f)cnaltp o^ j?o^feitiue of tceble tl)e ViaUiz of anp (BooDS o;j <®ercl)anDi3cs iljippeD to be ex- po2teD, fo2 tbl)fcl) anj? ^Ilolbance is to be maDe, o^ a),'atl)bach critJen, m cafe tbe fame il)oulD afterlbacDs be unlallifull>) uti- ft)ippeD o;? te4anDeD in the EingDoni of Ireland: be it fnrtl)er €nactcD bp tbe ^lu tl)o^it)) afo;?cfaiD, ^bat oDcc anD aho\)c the faiD penalt)) o fuel) dBooDS anD ®crcl)an^ D13CS (tomiuonlp calleD S^ebentnte Ooocs) ^ t!)at Georgll Tertli Regis. 07 1 tl)at n^all l3c nnlatbfuUp iiniljippeD o;?chap. relauDeD m tl)c EiugDoin of Ireland, after xxi. l)a\3ing been i'i)ippet) fo,^ exportation, iljall ' — ^"^ l)e fei3eD auD fo^feitcD in t\x fame ^mntt as cl5ooD^ lauDeD tl3itl)out paj?ment of tbe Duties Due aiiD payable tl)eceupoti are, by thz ILaDbS uott) m beinij, to be fe!3eD auD forfeited. ;3tiD be it fun\)zt (SttacteD b^ tU ^u^ tl)o;>it)) afojefaiD, ^J)at all anD t\)ttv ^a^ fter, l^tirfer, 0? otj)er J5erfon l)at)ing Charge 0? OTouunant) of anj) ^l)ip 0? ^elTel traDs iug in 0? to anp of t^e pons of tj^is BingCiom, il)all accommoDate fuel) i^flFicer 02 :^cFicer«5 of t\)t iae^enue, as itiall be placet! on :saoatD fuel) ^l)ip oatl), tbhith Oatl) the Com- mffionero ant) ^ub^arommiffionets in tl)cir federal anD refpectiDe SDiftnas, 0;? tl)e mato;j \&act of them, are l)etebp aMt!)0' ti3eD to aCimtnifter, ;^ntJ lftl)erea9i bj> the faiD ceciteD 3((t, ntatie in t!)e 1i:hittp tJ)irD pear of t\>i laetgn of C^is faiD late j®ajeftp Eingr George t\)t ^econD, It ts p^otiDeD, Xhat anp Ibetfon 0? I&erfon0 tbho il)oulD Difiil ^pi- nts. Aqua vitae, o? Gronflf 3121Iater6, fo;j i)is 0? their otbn ^fe onlp, anO not fo^ j^ale, m!0l)t mafte Hfe of anp :^till, 2i5laclt ¥>ot, o;j ;aiembicft, lljhich fi^oiilD contain no greater 0? larger ^uantitv of i3)Dai% 0;? pot=;aie than tzrtbctbe d^allons in Georgii Tertii Regis. 070 in thit rcfpectiVie places of ^botic: ;^nDCH a p. riDbeceas p;?it)ate SDiftillers fo? ^ale, ni xxi. £D^Dcc to eDaOe the p>a^aicnt of J^ig j®a- ^■^'^'^ teft^'S ^Duties, baDe futniftjeD tl)8mfelt)es tbitb a ^umbec of p^iDate ^ttUs, no one tbbcreof is fufScient to contain a gteatec jduantit)) of QSlail) 0;? pot'=;5le ttjatt tDbel\)e (SaUons, Op i©eans tbbcceof fetje^- tal jfratiDs J)at)e been committeD, anD are Dail)? PMCtifeD bp fwc^ p?it)ate DiftiUers fo;» :$ale, to tl)e great SDetrmtent of i^is ®a- jcft)) «5 mctjenue ; 5Fo? lacmeDj) tbl)ereof be it furtDer CnacteD bp t!)e .^utj)o^itp afo^je- fait), Xbat from anD after tl)e CtDentj) fonrtl) 3>ap of June €5ne tl)oufanD fetjen btinCi^eC) and fiitp four, no 0erfon 0^ j&ers tons fl)all l)a\3e o;j Iteep in biS, !)er, 0? tbeir OTtiGoDp o;j l&olTeffion, 0? i^all mafte Bfe of mo^e tban one ^tiU, Blacft pot, 0;? ;:aiembicfe, of t()e SDInienfions of ttbelUe (Gallons 02 wncier, (otber tJ)an anD except a 25?a3!er o;j otbcr Manufacturer in j®etal) 02 i^all batje 0? fteep at anp one Xirne m 1)13, Ixr, 0;? t!)eir p^offeffion, a £luantitp of l^ot'^aie 0? Wi^\% exceeDing (jxt^ cs>aU Ions, anD tbat if mo?e ti)an one j^tiU, Wach l&ot, 0? aicmbicft, of tbe 2>ituen=: lions of tlbeltje d^aUons 0;? unDer, (|)aU be founD in tDe poffeffion of anp perfon, except as afo^efaiD, 02 if a greater ;^uan= 5 ^ 2 titp 374 Anno Regni tcrtlo Chap, titj) Of l|&Ot^^lC 02 M\M% tl)ail fltt^ (BaU ^xf Ions Hjall be foiiiiD in tl)c ^olFcITion 02 '"^'^^ OIuftoD^i of an^ Ibcrfon (crccpt common 2Piftillcc3 io2 ^ale) tl)cn auD rn that cafe all fuel) Stills, 2aiacft Pots, o> ^IciubicUs, il)all anD map l-e fci3cO, auD fljall he fo^ fciteD, ant) it :l)all anD map be lalbfcil fo> anp ^fficec of tlje Jac\?enne to fpill all Tuc!) pjot'^le 02 OTai|) tl)at iljall be foiuiD 02 Ciifco\)erct), o\)tt anD abot»e t\)z ^uautitp of fixtp (Gallons, anD tl)e pcrfon 0^ l^crrons in \^\)ok ;2rnftoDp tl)e fame iljall le fonnD, {l)all be DeemcO anD tahen to be a common a^jfttUeco^ common S^iftiUers fo^ ^ale, anD be fubjea anD liable to tJ)e payment of SDutieS, anD all otixt penalties, Jfo^fer tntes, anD IRcgulations, as common HDi^ (lillecs to2 :^ale are, bp tl)e ?Latbs nolb in 7SS>tins, fubjcct anD liable unto. ;:j(nD be it fmthtt CnacteD bp tbe ^u- tl)02itp afo^efaiD, €:i)at from anD after t\)z Ctbentp fourtl) 2Dap of June, ^nc ^bow- fanD fetjen !)unD;eD anD fixtp four, etjerp j^tiU, Wacft Pot, anD ^lembicft, fo;? maft- ing 0? DiQillmg Aqua vita; 02 Spirits from ^ot^^le, ^Hgar aSHail), 02 DetapeD QlSlines, tbl)icl) cannot contain mo^c t^an tll)elt)e (Gallons, (l)aU, before t\)z fame is fet at Wi02h, be entercD anD legiGeceD m tl)e V. Office Cleorgii Tertii Regis. 07 r £pffice of &ttk of tl)e 'Wtdtia lib!)erem<^^" '^^ fuel) ^till, Wacft l&ot, 0^ <:?llenibicft is m^ ^^^• tenDeD to oe fet at lace tt)J)e?e fuel) ^tiU,. mUzh pot, 0? ^^aiemOick tS fixeD, o;j intcnD^ eD to be SxeD, anD tl)e Dap of tbe j^ontf) lUbcn (ncl) laigriftrp is tnaDe, anD tj)e m-- fiicet of ^xcife il)aU tl)ereupon grant a Cec^ tiScate thereof, anD if anp ^tiU, Wacfe Pot, o> ;aietnb!C&, IbfticJ) ll)aU not be fuf- ftcient to contain mo;?e tJ)an tlbelDe av of June, €)ne tboitfanD fetjen lbun= D^eD anD fut? four, be foiinD 0? DifcoDer- eD in t\)c !^ufe 0^ poffeffion of any> }^tt^ ton 0;? perfons (otl)et t\)an anD except at 26M3ier 0? other Manufacturer in ®etal) not entereD 0? recriftcreD in fanner afo;?e= faiD, then tX\ttv fuch :^tiU, math pot, o;j ;^lembicU, (l)aU be fei^eD anD fo^feiteD, anD all Mai^ anD pot^^le tbbtch fljali be foruiD therein it)aU be fpilleD, anD all lotb WBmt'5 anD ftrong OTaters tbhich fljall be fotinD therein ft)all be lifeetbife fo^ feiteD, anD aUo the :^uiu of fitie pounDS Sterling. 37^ Anno Regni tcrtio ;^iiti be It fixtt\)ct enacteD b^ the S(i^ t\)02itv aio^^fciiO, t!rj)at ftom atiD after tbe Clbcutp fouctl) Dap of June, C)ne ti)o«' fano fcV)ett {)unr;eD aub Ottv font, ct)ctj7 2)intUec 0? ®afeec of lotb Clllincs, ^piiits, Aqiui Vita:, 0^ fttOUCr Crater .5 fO(? j^alc, 0? tl)c ^^erfon o^ perfons cmploveD bj) bim, l)cc, 0? t))em, to ittenb bi'5, J)cr, 02 tl)cic i^ttll=l)omc, il)ail from tjimic to Xmie, anD as often as fncJ) 2DifttUct il)aU be requite CD bp t\)z Officer 0? Cfficers appomtcD to iDiclb, gruaire auD ta&r an account of fuel) lotb CTlueS, Spirits, Aqua \ita.% cj ftcong saiatcrs, fl)ell) to fuel) Officer 02 j^fficecs all tj)e :^toc!t tijen on l^anb of :^pitits, Aqua Vita, 02 Orong OTatets, be- longrmgr to fticb Difttllcr, unber t\)t ^t- naltp of ten ¥>^nnbs, in cafe of iaefufal, to be forfeited bp fuel) IPiftiller, anD fit)e ^ounDS to be fo?fciteD hy> the ^etbaat oi ctl)er pcrfonattenDmg tl)e faiD ^tiU l)ourc; anD mcafe fuc!)C)fficer 02 j&Dfficers tt)aU af^ tertbarDs 6nD anp :$^ptnt5, Aqua vit^, oi ;$ttongf SHaaters ot t\)c ^tocft tl)en in l^anD, ot)er anD abot)e tbe j^uantitp fo il)clbn as afo^efaiD, that tl)en all fuel) :^pirits, Aqua vitx, anD ftrong OTaters, rtjall be lo^- feiteD, anD fuel) Diftiller ft)all forfeit the ^m\\ of ttbcntp ^!)!llmsrs fo? cDcrp dual:; Ion V^/VXJ Georgii Tertil Regis. ^77 ion of :^ptrits, Aqua vita:, c fo il)£lPbn as afo^efaiD* ::^nD be it f«ttl)ec €na(teD bj) tbe Sfu- tJ)o?itp afo^efaiD, '€i)at from anD after t\)t faiD Ctbent^ fouctD SDaj^ of June, One tboiifanD feDen hunts^eD and fixtp four, no 3)ift!Ucr 02 HPiftiUcrs fo^ :^ale i^all fet in J):S, l)cr, 0? tbeic i5acfes, offencc, to be lecoUtet) m j^annet j)etem aftet meu-^ tioneD. 5(nD be tt intt\)tt CnacteD b^ tbe Zn-^ tl)o?itp afo^efaiD, 5rbat from ant) after t!)e Xtbentv fourtl) l^aj? of June j^ne tl)ou^ fanO feV»en l)unD?eD anD futj? four, aU CQiail;, pot::2tle, lotb Mines, Qronir cmiaters, anO Spirits, tbl)icb ft)aU be foiuiD in anp jFielD, d^arDen, OTooD, 2aocr, 02 fountain of t!)i6 BinffDoni, anD all anD et)crp Bedel anD BefTels, in XhM'O t\)t fame itall be founD, i^aU be ad^ 5 C 2 juCiijeD 378 Anno Regnl tertio c H A p.jatJfretJ, fo^fcitcD, ano il)all mD imy> be XXI. fej3eci auci carneD atbap Oj> aup O^icet oi '■""'^ii^ifi ;®a]cft>''0 met)enue. 3rnD ht it futthtt €nactcD hy> tht ^n^ tbo^itj) afo^efaiD, tn bat ftom anD aftct tj)c faiD %Vbmt^ fourtl) 2^aj) of June, £Dnc tbouratiD fetjctt J)uttD^eD auD fjit^ four, all ^ail) auD ^ot^^lc «3j)itl) iljall be fouuD iti any J^oufe, £)ut::J)oufe, 03 otbec |5Jacc, (not ticlouirjncr to a common S)E(l{Ucr of :^pivtt$. Aqua viu', 0^ ftrong SQIaters fo^ jgyale) auD l^!)ecc no ^ttll, Blac^t pot, 0? ;^lembult 13 fet anD 6ieD fo^ ^lOiU ng of tl)e fame, il)aU be fpiUcD bp aur Of:: ficet of ^iG ©ajeftps meV}ennc of Cicife, tbbo il)aU fino 01 Ciifcot)et tl)c fame, im^ lefs tl)e j^iim of ten li^cuce foeais of tht Sacign of f^lS ^mdy iting Charles tl)e ^etonD, tntltUleD, An Ad for the better Ov- dcvuyy Georgii Tertii Regis. 070 deling the Selling of Wines and Aqua Fa^,C hap. together with all Sorts of ftrong Waters by XXI. Retail; tt ts CuactcD atiioitg: ott)er tilings, '^'"^^ that t'otty IRcrailcc of Aqua vita?, 0? otBec laimD of ftcotig- S2Hatcc9 U)l)atfoe\3er, l^iaU be obiigrcD to tahe out a Hicence fo? tl)at ^ucpofc, anD (\)m, fo? fuel) Eicence pa^ fucJ) ^utu as ft)aU be agcecD upon, fo as none Do pa)> Icfo t5)ati tl)e :$uiu of ten j^'hUltngrsj'eatlj), anD none be compelleD to pap mo^e in tbe Citp anD Countp of t!)e OTitp of Dublin, tl)anten l^ounDS peatlp, anD in all otl)cc places tl)anfxtje pounDS peatlp. :anD Ibbeceas tbe dumber of :$>pitit mctailers, anD t^e OTonfumption of lotb p;?iccD anD noxious Spirits batje of late gricV)ouflp incceafcD in tl)e OTitp anD bounty of Dublin, to t!)e manifeft encouragement of S)cuultenncfs, anD all ^o;?tS of 2I>ifo;jDets, to tl)c iauin of manp Valuable CraDes anD j^ganufactures, anD to t|)e great SDettimeat of tbe (^ealtl) of l^is ©ajeftps ^ubJeM: j?o? iaemeDp tbbeteof, be it €na(teD bp tl)e :3utbo?itp afo^jefaiD, Xl)at from anD immeDiatelp after the pafftng of tbiS 3[(t, there (l)all be payable to D^is ©ajeftp, J^is l^eirs anD ^uccefTo^S, fo;? etjerp Hicence to be granteD fo^ felling Aqua vitae, 01 anp BiuD of ftrong SKDJaters 02 :$>pirits tbl)at^ 5 3> foet)et gSo Anno Rcgni tertlo c H A p. foe\)ei: hv detail m t\y: faiD Oliir, anD ^^^' tbitbin fouc iO^ilco of tJ)C xboirel of t\)z ' — ''^ fatD Olitp, as \bcU liDithnt jfraitcbiics !it of tj)c fe\)eutcciitl) and Cfcj-l)tccntb of Charles t^e J^ccouD, fo as none do ^ay \Z'(i ttau t^e j^um of fotit Pounds vtailp, anD none il)aU be tompcllcd to pjiv nio^e than ten Jg^ounds ycailVy an)? ?lalb to tbc ton= ttatp m anj) tbtfe nottbitbftandmg', ;and tbl)cteas tbcte ate at p^cfcnt gnat £luantities of lotti priced and noxious jg^picts fold in obfcute and unliccnfcd C^oufes, and t\)t incrcafmg tht 2Dut>? up: on ^pirtt Iticences, Ibill be an additional Slemptation to perfons to fell ll)iti)ou£ Hicence: ^nd tbhereas 5tbufes of ti)is WUrxD do frequentl)) pafs uupuniil):d, in £);jdet tbccefo^^ fo^ tl)c mo^c expeditious de- tetmining and effectual p^tenttntr tbe Tame: 2iae it €nacted by> tl)c <^t»tl)o?itp afo?efaid, 3ri)at it fljall and tuav be latti^ ful to and fo? an^ one 02 nio^e of the cbief ^oiutuiCfioners of Cicifc to bear and determine all OToniplamts, and to lc\)v all j?o;>feiturcs that il)all be made, o; incurred by> 01 acrainG: any pcrfon 02 l&crfons fo? TellinK Spirits tbithout Hiccnce, in the fatuc i©annec A p. Georgll Tertii Regis, 381 jg^auner, auD as effectually to all Sftttent^c ua anD ^ucpofec?, as any €l)?ee of tht faid ^^^ tlottf arotiitiufftoners arc nolb impotbereD' to tJo, tbitl) iihe laeincDp of 5(ppeal, as j)crein after uientioncD* ;^uD tbl)ereas by tbe faiD reciteti 9((t, V.\^th m t\)t £l)itt;) t!)irD pear of tl)e meigu of l^is late ;®ajeftj^ IBtinff George t!)e :^econD, iRecoj9fH!3auces ate to be en^ teret) into t)j) ^etfons applying fo? Hicences to fell Victuals, »et, aie, Mime aiiD fttonsr Waters in ©annec? as \)}> ti)t faiD Stct IS tiirerteD, anO fuel) j?ees onlj) ate to be paib fo;? tl)e fame as ate allotbeb bp ttbo fetjeral ^cts of l&atliament mabe in tl)e Jaeijjn of Bingr Charles ti)e :$econD, in t6e fatb ;a(t of t!)e ^j)irtp tbito peat of fBimpr George tl)e :^econD, patticttlatlj> tectteD, :^nO Ibbeteas tbe j?ee allotbeb bv t!)e farb 3[ct to tbe orollecto^js of tbe Dtitj> atifing: from Hicentes, is after tbe laate of ttbo ^billings fo? eterj? pear tbbicb ll)OMlb be comp 2 lectors 382 Anno Regnl tertio H A p.iecto?e{ ate not to exact 02 tccci\)c froii*. an}^ XXI. ^5etfon to be licenteD, my ^un\ of i®one^, '■^''^jFce 02 mcll)atD fo; tl)c faiD mecogni- 3aucc, ilicence, 02 -Acquittance, oil)er than as afo^cfaiD, upon }^m\ of forfeiting: tl)e :^uni of ten l^ounOs stciTmg, auD bcinff put ftoui !)i6 loDffice* ;anD lbl)eteas tJ)e SDitectionS in t\)t faiD teciteO aa of tl)e tlbirtp tJ)ttD pear of tbe Jaeign of IBtingr George tl)e :^cconCi, con; cetninff tbe taking of iaecogmsances antJ granting of ^licences l)a\3e occafioneD a great additional trouble anD Cipence to tj)e Collectors of tl)e Wuty ariftng from llicences, particularly in tl)e 3)iftrict of Dublin, anD tj)e JFees allotJbeD by> lL l^otife, acco^D- '^"'^ mcr to tJ)e 5»^^"f anD leaning of t^e faiD rctiteD ^ct; anv Xhinrr lu tl)e (aiD :?{ct3, 0^ au^ of tl):tiC to t{)c contcatj) not- IbitPanDinij* ^uD Vc it Cnaacc bp tbc ;^ntbo^ ;?itp afo^efaiD. irhat from auD after tl)e €tbciitr fourtf) '^.i]> of June, £)ne tDott- fanO febcu J)tint>?cD attD fixtj) four, no ^bcrfoii o> l^erfons tbl)atfoc\3cr iljall be lutitleD unto, 0; inaintaitt ati)> Canfe, :^ctionr 02 ^uit, fo;, 0? rctoljct: citl)ct iit Hatb'o^ €cifiitp, ait)? ^nm 02 §ti\m of !©onGr, 2Dcbt, 0;? S)ctnaiiDs tlil)atroc\3a, fo? 0? on Slrcount of anj^ fpinrnoiis ?liquo?0, unlcfs fuel) 2Pei3t il)aU babe really been, anD bona fide coiitrartcD at one Xhik to tY^z ;3mount of fiDe ^biUmg-s 02 uptbatDSj no? il)aU anp parttcnlar article 0? item^ in anp :^ccount 0? DcmaitD fo2 f^irituous 2Ltq[U0?s be allolbeD 0^ tnalutaiucD, Vb\)£tt t\>t lLiC[no2<5 Deli\3creD at one Xime, anD mentioneD in fuel) Article 02 item, ftjaU not amount to tbe full Balue of 6t)e j^billmgs at tbe leaft, anD tbat ttiitbout JFtauD 02 Cotin, auD \bbcrc no pact of tbc ILiq[Uo;?3 fo folD 02 rcli\3creD, il)ali baVje been teturneD 0? agceeo to be rctnrneo 5 € Oiccalp 384 Anno Regni tertio ch AP.tiitcctljJ 0} mticcctl^; auD m cafe ax\y> lae^ ^^^ tailec of fpicituous Hiquo^s il)aU tahe 0? ''^"'^^^teccitjc anv ^^albti o^? picDge from anp pa- ion 0; pccfons lbl)atfocV)cc, by tbap of ^c- cutitr, foj? tl)e ^^apmcnt of mv ^um 01 §)Utm of j^oncj?, otbiug" b^ fuel) pcrfon 02 pccfon$ fo^ fuel) fpirituotis ILiqiio^^ 02 ftrong OTaters, e\)erp fuel) ^erfon o? pet- fons offenbiitff bcrein il)all forfeit anD lofe tl)e ^«m of fonv ^biUinig-s fo^ cacl) anD eUet)) l&aflDii 02 pledge fo tabcn hi, 0? tc- teibeD bp j)itu o? tl)etn, to be Icbieb anD tECotjeret) b)> ^atrant untct tl)e C^anD aitD :$eal of one ^w^tt^ ^^ ^\>^ P^^^^ tb^ere the Offence 1$ committeb, anD that one j®oietp thereof il)all be to the «fc of the poo? of the ^5arift) tbherc ftuh €^ffencc ts committeD, anD the other ^oittp to the gjnfo^mcr 02 3iif<^^«ictS, auD the |2serfon o? jSerfonS to tbhom anp fuch Palbn o? i^lcDge Doth 02 il)aU belong, il)aU habe the fame IRemeD^ fo? recobcrmgr fuch Palbn, 0? the lillalue thereof, as if it haD nebcr lesn pleDgeD. 3(nD be it €nactcD bj) the ;a«tho2it>^ a= fo^cfaiD, £hat no ?licence (l)all be stnitcD fo? the retealmgr of fpirituous Ciciuor?, »cr, ;:^le, OTine, CyDec, o? other llv- quo?6 tbithin anv dBoal, p^ifon, l^oufc of Co??cction, 212ilp?R^h'^wf^? ^^2 l^cuf: of ^n- tertainment Gedrgli Tertii Regis. 385 tcctaimueut io) aiip partil) ^00:, atiD tbaitc hap all llictuces gcantcD, 02 to be ffcantcD, xxi. (ontcacj) to tl)i3 |&^otiifion, iljaU be tjottj"^"^' auD of no €6fect, from anD after the faib Clbeuty fouctl) Dav of June ^ne tDoufano fcDca i)miD^eD and fixtv four» ^uD the tiu\^c cfFectttallj' to p;e\3ent tbe ctuimug of ^^cd, Xbhul) 16 ^rciictaHj) Done III fiiiall pacha gc5, be it furtl)cc €na(teD \jv tin ^nt\)02ity afojcfaiD, iri)at fcoui auD after t\)c Clbcntp foiictl) Way of June €)ne tJ)oijfauD feUcii btinO^eD auD futp four, tio idEca il)aU be nupo?tcD 0? b package tblbatfoeVfer, tl)at il)all not l[)olD 0? tontam at il)c leaO; ten pomiDs McicrDt of %ta, upoii pam of fo^feitmrr all fut^ Cea as ft)all be iinpo^teD 0? b^otiglu into tj)is ilXtngDoiu m a Icfs paclias:e tl)an ten poanD OTeigj)t, 0^ tl)e ^aliie ti)ttz- of. 3(nt) tbbeceas fcbetal ^etcbants, aftet papment of cl)e SPutics Due anD pa^^ablt on (SooDs, C12Ilacc6, anD :®ercl)anDi3e!5 iinpo^teD into tl)e po?t of Dublin, fuffet tj)e fame co lie a confiDeiable %m\t on tbe Cuftomboufe ^uay of tbc faiD po^t, to tiic fifceat £)bGr«(tion anD l^inDetance of ctl)et 5 € 2 petfon0 Anno Regnl tertio, l^ctfoMS l)a\3incr (Bootis to lanD on tl)c fviiuc ^uay>: fi02 iRcmcDj? lbJ)crcof be it enactcD hy> the aut!)o?it^ afo^efaiD, Xl)at ftom atiD after tl)e i^tbent)? fotirtl) 2l>ap of June iiPne tl)onfaut) fe\)cn J)fmiD lontrec ^pace of Xtmc tl)an ten 2Da)J5 after tl)c fame il)aU fcaVic been lanDeD, and if an^ perfon 02 ^etfons (i)^ih contrary to tj)e Direaions m t\)\^ ^ct ntentionet), pcrniit 02 fuffet bis, i)et, 0^ tl)eic d^ooDs, CKHares, o^^etcbant- tt3es to remain on tl)e faiD £lua)) fo; a longer ^pace of €imc tban as afo^efaiC tl)cn, anD in tbat cafe, all anD eberp pcr^ fon anD perfons fo offenDing-, iljall forfeit tl)e ^nn\ of j?o^tp ^lUinjjS Sterling, fo? ebcrp 2r>ap l)e, ft)e, 02 tbej? iliall fnfter biS, bet, o;j tbeir cBooDS, (IKIHares, 0? ®ercl)an= D13C2; to be 02 remain on tl)e faiD j^riap, after tbe Expiration of ten 3Da^s, to be computeD from tbe S>a>' of lanDing- t\)z fame, tbbic!) faiD leienalt)? fljall anD ma^ be recobereD by €ibil 25ill before tbe iae:^ co?Der of tbc €ity> of Dublin, 0;? tbe peifon appointcD to bear Cibil 2iaiU5 m biS ^0- fence, auD {\)M be fo? tbe fole cUc of tbe pcrfon 02 pcrfons Ibbo (l)aU Ibitboiit jrratiD 02 v../^v~vy Georgli Tertii Regis. 387 0? tc'oin titft (iK fo3 tJ)e fame, p>obiDcD c h a • tiiXhavs, tl)rt tl)e C>lbucr of cl5ooD!3 lanD^ ^^^• er-, on a 2aiU of tliictb, il)all not lie liable '^^ to tl)e |5enalt!es afo^efaiD, until ten l>aps after tl)e fame il)aU be enteceD* ^nD lb|)ereas hy an 2{a maDc in tJ)e feljcnteenti) anD eiffbteentj) pears of the Ulcicrn of Eincr Chailes tbe fcconD, intitnleD, An additional At:!: for the better orderins and collecVing the Revenue arilmg by Health Mo- ney, !t ibas (amon(rotl)er^l)!nig'6) enaacD, %i)at It il)oulD anD m!gl)t be latbfal fo;j t^e iLo2ti lieutenant, Eo^U SDeputj?, 0^ ot; ec OTliief cl5ooerno2 02 cl5o\3erno^S of tbttii HingDom fo2 ti)e i:mie bemrr, anD Olo uuil, to conflitnte anD appoint fuc^ ^ccfon anD perfons as t\)tp fljoulD t^inft meet, to be t\)c £)fftcec 0? Officers fo? the recei\3ing anD coUectmir tbe SDutp arifingr bp i^eartl)S, jFirmg l^laces, anD :^to\3cs, bp Bittiie of the fatD 2((t, anD of one other -^ct maDe in the fourteenth anD fifteenth Pears of the faiD mmg's meiijn, intituleD, An Act for eftablifliing an additional Revenue upon His Majefty, His Heirs and Suc- cellbrs, for the better Support of His and their Crown and Dignity ; :^nD It thas further en' afteD m anD b^ the faiD firft mentioneD ;^ct, Xhat It ft)onlD anD misrJ)t be lathful q88 Anno Regnl tcrtio c^HAP.fo;? t\>t fdiD ?lo>D Itieutctuitit, Ilo?D E>C:= ^xf- putj^, 0? other €hici c3o\3enio2 o^ (5o\3cc:= ^•^^^^ no^S, anD Council of tl)!y BiugDom fo? tj)e Xmic being-, from iTmie to ^Tnue to appoint fticj) ^crfons a5 tbcp rtioulD tl)fufe fit to Do, erectite, anD pcrfo:ni, all anD eDctjj tl)e 03attets anD Cl^mcrr;, tbhicl) bp tjie faiD reciteD ^ct Ibece to be Done, cxe^ cuteD, 0^ perfo2ineD bv 'Jnftices of thz p)eace, 02 Clerlts of tl)C peace of tbiS lamgDoui ; anD Ibhercas fo anfing hy l^rartbs, j^inng l^laces anD ^to\)es, l)a\)c leen ap^ pomteD tp tf)e OloumuCfioners of l^i3 ®a= jepft's IReljentie, in pntrtiattcc of tl)c |Dolb^ ers anD ^utl^o^itieo cri\)en anD crranteD unto tl)em, tn anD bp the fe\)eral betters l&atent, 0? CouuuifTions tuiDer the great :$)eal of this EmgDoin, thhich haDe from tlime to iTime been patVeD, conditttting anD appointing the fetjeral perfons in the refpertit)G ilettcrs Patent iiientioneD to be CommilTioners of l^is ©ajeav'S iaeDenue in anD throughout the IRealm of Ireland: QfnD thhcreas it hath been qiieliioncD, Ihhether the Appointment of Officers fo? the recei\)ing otumi(riou0 be Gcictl^ Icttal ; xxi. jfo? taSt!upr attjap all Moults coiicernmgr -^'^^^ the rame, 0: it ^tiactcD b)) tl)e ^utiK>?!t)) afo,?efaiD, tlbat all aiiD t\)ay> t\)c OIonmiiD fious 02 ^ppomtment3 H)l)icl) baVic beceto:: fo2C been cxccntcD unDer tbe {^anDS atiD :^eal6 of tiie ConmnCTionecs of ]^i5 ^a- ]eQj:>'5 me\3enue, 0^ anp tl)^ee o^ tno^e of tl)etn, 03 lb|)!C?) iliall be ciccuteD hv tl)em, 0; an)? tb.'ee 0? luo^c of tl)em, Diirmnr tbe Coittiuiiancc of t\)m pnfetit aS^orinntfTion, couftirutmgf anO appointing tbe feljeral anD teipecti\)c ^erfons uameD 02 mentioneD m fud) CouurufTtonS o;j ^ppomtinents, tbe j^fficcr 02 £P^icecs, ^oUecto? 02 OTollcctoj^i of tbe Dut)? acifiiig from l^eactbs, jFiring places, autJ ^tobes, fljall be anD are l^ere^ hy> CieclaretJ to be Srm, tialiD, anD ctfeaual lu tbe ILalb, to all 3!ittent3 anD jdutpofes tbbatfoet^er* ;^nD be it fttttbet €uacteD bp tbe ^titbo- titv afo?efaiD, l^bat it iliaU anD maj? be lalbful fo;? l^is ®aieQp, {^1$ l^eirs anD j^t!CCc{ro?s, bp one 0;? mo^e CominiCTion o;j arouttitifTions unDet tbe (I52eat ^eal oftbis BmrrDoin, to ^ntbo:i3e aiiD fnipotber tbe (HomtutfTioners of ^uftoms anD €xcife, 0} anv t!)?ec 02 nio^e of tbem, to appoint 5 f 2 fuel) 3^0 Anno Re^ni tertio Chap, fud) \&etfon auD V^etfoiis as t\)tv fl)aU x^f- tl)mft ftttiug to De the €)(f!ccc o? €)fficer0, '^'^^''"^ aiollccto? 02 oToUcao.^s, fo? rcccitJitiir anti collcctiiicr tbe Wnty cuifiug Ov o? from l^eactj)^', finug places, auD i^toDcs, U)J)icl) laiD ipffictts auD CoUccto^^ fo to be ap= poiitteD, il)aU l)a\)e all rutl) poVoets anD :^utl)o?itte6, as if tj)e)) l)aD been fc^jetallj? appotnteD, acco^Oinrr to tbe ^Directions of tl)e faiD tecitcD ^ct of the fetjeutcciitl) anD eigl)teentb peats of t\)t JReicrn of Eing Charles tl)e i^econD ; p^oDitieD allbaps, tbat in cafe i^is ©ajeft)?, f^is i^cits anD ^uc- telTo^S il)all not tbmft fit to ^uthon^z anD fmpolDec tl)c aronnuifTioncts of Cuf- totns anD Cicife, o; anp tl)?ec o? ino?e of tbeiii, to conftitute anD appoint fuel) C>f^ ficets anD ^^ollecto^s as afo^efaiD, tt)at tl)cn anD in fiub cafe, all anD cXtttyf fuel) Officers anD Collccto Georgii Tertii Regis. OQi tieftinelp imuo^teD into tl)iS IBitngDom from c h a p. tJ)e ^fle of Man, il)aU be anD ate \)tnbv De= ^i. clateD aitD aojuogcD to be ^uU auD HoiD, "^-^^^^ atiCi of no effect, no^ il)aU anp ^tiit be tJ)cte= upon maintainable m anj? Court of HaVb 0? €quitp in tl)i«3« BingCiom* :3nO be it iixtt\)tt €nactetJ bp tbe ^u^ tbo;?itj) afo^efaiD, X!)at from t!)e Xtbentj? foutti) 2Daj) of June £)ne tJ)onfanD feDen ^ttnD;?eD anO dxtv four, no :®etcbant o^ otj)et \&erfon o;j l&erfons tb!)o il)aU itupo^t into tl)i6 BinsrOom fo^eisrn ^ilftsf, not of tj)e ^anufartUte of Great Britain, (|)aU be intitleD to anj> l)?atbbacft Ibbatfoe^^et on eipo^tmjj o; te(|)ippin0 tj)e Tame* 5 (B AN 0(it iiil :r,0(JX'J A N ACT FOR Difcharging all Arrears of Quit, Crown, and Compofition Rents, which have been growling due for Twenty Years' laft part, on the Terms and in the Manner therein mentioned. Chap, XXII DUBLIN: Printed by Boulter Grierson, Printer to the King's Moft Excellent Majefty. Mdcclxiv. ^ ".] C '"■ . ::;; yui;.;x:rlDliQ ••.-i-.i./rrivjD bflfi 4i//0'O i oub ^li :'//'0- 1^ rrjaJ ovf^rl VA znno' r 'iib no ,j';..' jij;l •LofiohriDfii i.i'jTjrh ni;i ( 395) A N ACT FOR Difcharging all Arrears of Quit, Crown, and Compofition Rents, which have been growing due for twenty Years laft pafl, on the Tenns and in the Manner therein men- tioned. CHAP. XXII. W\$ew,ez^ feDeral Hantis, mec^ to^p, ;5bi}ej?,i5;jio2^^onafttp Hants;, %yt\)tQ, JFaits, Xenemcnts, atiD f^tuW taments, cl)arg:eable tbitl) ^uit laents, Crotbn JUcnte, Contpofition l^ents, as ot\)a c!)ief ments paj^able to l^is^^ajeG?^, l^iS 5 C^ i^eit3 396 Anno Regnio tertio ch A p.j^citSauD ^ucceffo^s, l)a\)c been fo? mm^ XXII. peats paffcD returueD by the Collectors of "-^^^^ i^3 j^ajeftj>'s ifttt)ettnc, to lijboiu fcul) jRents l)aue been giDeu in c'oarcre as not to l)c founD, ant) fuel) I'lents l)al)c been conftantl)? cacrtet) on anD returnee in ^r^ rear, bp means U)l)ereof fcul) Arrears Do nolt) amount to confitierable ^ums of i®one^, anD tbill be (treat incumbrances onfuc^ llanDS, Jaecto?^, Zbbty, ^rio^p anD j®onaGrp HanDs, tZE^tOes, jrairs, Xene^- ments anD l^ereDitaments, in cafe tl)e fame {i)oulD be l)eteafter DifcotjereD: ^nD ll)l)ere^ as it is app?e!)enDeD from tl)e great Hengrtl) of €ttue, tj)at fuel) ;?lrrears |)at)e been cacrieD on, anD tl)e Cbangres of 5l^at«e« t!)at t)at)e bapuencD m fcteral of tt)e fatD HanDs, merto?j), :^mt}\ p?io?r, j®onaftrp ?LanDS, XjJtbes, jTairs, Xcne^ ments, anD l^ereDitaments, that tiK ^lU co\)etj) of fuel) HanDS, mecto>r, ;Xbbej?, lb;?io?p, anD ^onafttp HanDS, irptl)es, jFairs, tienements, anD H^ere^itaments, anD tbe iaecot)erj) of fuel) Arrears, tbill become eV)erj)3)ajjmo;?e2Difftcult anD€rpenfi\)c, anD t^at git)tng an encouragement to t!)e p;?efent £)U)netS of fuel) 2.anDS, lRecto;j>, ;:abbcj>, ^?io?j), ^onaGerp, EanDS, ir>'tf)es, fairs, Cenements, anD l^reDitamcnts to Difcotjet tbe fame, fo aS tDat tbe jg-rolbing ments payable to J^s ;®ajea?, l^iS l^eirs, anO Georgii Tertli Regls^ c^p*^ anD if)ucce(ro20, map Ic l)ereaftct: puuctU'<^ h a p. allr paiti, tibill lucreafe C^is ®aieGj)^s Be- ^x"- tjeniie : Be it ^iiacteD bj? t!)e W^in^'Q ^-^-^ £©oft <2JxccUent 0^ajeftp, bp auD Ibitl) t!)e ;:HDtiice anD Cotirent of t!)e Ho^Ds :^pirp tual auD Xciiipo^al auD ai:ommon9imt|)n5 pjcrcut parliament aCfembleD, anD bp tibc ;^utl)o;?itp of tbe fame, iibat it ft)aU anD map be laltDful to anD to? ebccp l&etfon anD ^^crfons, BoDies polfticft anD Co^po^ rate, at anp Cnne before tl)e %V)tnty fifti) S)ap of March, tbl)!c{) IbiU be in tl)e peac of out fLo2D ^ne tJ)oiifanD feVien 6unD?eD anD feiijentp, to p;cfec J)t«, J)er, o? tl)ei!: petition o; petrtions to J^iS j®a jeftp'S Court of Exchequer, tt)ecebp fctting fo^tb tljat all 02 fomc of tDe ?LanDs, -laecto^p, :^bbep, p?io;jp, j^onafirp HanDs, %^t\)Z'3, jFaits, Xene.^ mcnto, anD l^eteDitaments, tbftereof j)e, (l^e, 02 tl)cr, 13 0? ace fe!3eD, i9 02 ace fubject 0? liable to fome certain ^uit Wttnt, Crotbn lacnt, Compofttton WiZnt o; otber liibief Eent, papable to l^i6 ®ajeftp, l^is l^eirs anD :^uccea'o?6, tbt)icl) l)ati) not been paiD bp him, her, 02 t!)em, 0? tt)ofe unDer tbJ)om tf)ep reipectiDelp Deritje, fo? tl)e ^pace 0! ttbentp pears next immcDiatelp p^oceeDmu tl)e Itttientp nintl) Dap of September, in tbe pear of our IL02D ^Dne tf^oufanD k\xn l)anD?eD anD fictp four, parttcularlp De? fctibiug m fuel) l^ctition t})e HanDfiJ 5 1^ 2 liable 398 Anno Regnl tertio ch A p. liable to tbc f>aj?ment t!)ercof, as Ibcll h}> xx^i- t^eic p^cfcnt as ioimct jRamcs auD 3>cno= '^^^^ mmatfon, anD tbcccbj? fiUmiittmcr to paj? all fticD annual £liut l\cnt, Crolbn laeut, aroutpofitiou IRcnt, 0;? otlxc cl)icf ?acnt, tbbitl) (l)aU become Due from anD after tl)c faiD ta:U)entp ntntl) 2Da)? of September, anD p^a^ing to l)at3e fucb Elants, merto^j', ;^t= bep p;?io?p, ®onaftr)?E.anDs, tJE)^tl)es, jraits, tZTenemcnts, anO l^ereDitaments, Difel)argeD of anD from all Arrears of fuel) JTxeut incutrcD, Due before t\)z faiD Htbentp nmtl) 2Dap of September ^nt tboufanD fe\3en l)unD?eD anD fiitp four, tbl)!Cl) petition 0;? petitions ft)aU be en^roCTeD on parcl)ment, anD figneD bj) tl)e partj) 0; patties pajjs at tl)e leaG before t})e l)aj) appointeD fo^ j)is maftinff fuel) oTettificate ; anD tl)e faiD ^auDito;? CBenetal, o? j)is SDe- puty, IS Detebj) requiteD to mahe fuel) ;g)earcl)es, anD to tectifp.to t^e faiD Court of €icl)equer, ttibetber it appears to l)im t^at Uitb ments l)al)e been paiD o^ ac- counteD fo;j to i^is ®ajeftjj, o; l^is l&;?eDecef- foijs, lbitl)in t^e :^pace of ttbent^ pears next befo;>e t!)e STtbentj? nintl) 2r>ap of Sep- tember €)ne ti)oufanD fet)en !)unD?eD anD fiitp four, fohillinfl'S anD Sixpence, anD no tuo^e, anD fo? Ibbicl) Certificate t^e ^um of fix :^l)illings anD eisrl)t pence, anD no nio^e, anD fo;? entrp of a 3)ifcJ)arge of fuel) -Arrears out of tl)e laent molls 5 3 tj)e Anno Regnl tcrtio tl)e ^um of t\)2tt ^J)illings ano font pence, antJ no mo?e, ft)aU be paiD to tl)e faiD ^u^ Oito? (l!5cncral ; anD if upon IRettirn of fuel) OTectificate, anD upon eiaminingr into the tlrut^ of tbe-^Ueffations of fuel) |5etition o? I&etitions Ijp tbe TaiD Court of Cicbeqticr, m a ^umma?j> tbaj), it ft)aU appear to the faiD OTourt ti)at tj)e ^allegations containcD in fuel) J&etition 0? l&etitions are true, 02 if it ll^all appear that no £luit laent, Crolijn laent, Compofition JJlent, 0? ot^er oihief ment parable to i^is ^ajeft?, I^is i^eire;, anO j^ucceffo^s, l)atl) been paiD fo? 0; out of fuel) HanDs, Jaecto;?)?, Mbtp, p?io;?j), ©onaftrjj itanbe;, €:j)tt)e6, jFairg, tenements and C^erebitaments, 0? hatl) been accounteO fo? to tl)e Colle(to?s of i^is ©ajeftp'fl^ metjenue fo? the 3>iftriet tbherem fuel) HanbS, IRccto^p, Qbbejj, ^2to2Vy ©onaftr^ Hanbs, tjr^thes, tuene^ ments 02 l^ereOitaments lie, Cbithin the ^erm of ttbentj? pears next before the 3rtbcntj> ninth Dap of September £)ne thoufanb fe\)en l)unD?eD anb fiitp four, then anD in fuel) ^ITafe the faiD OTourt of exchequer is hereby autho;i3eD, uiu potbcreD, anD requireD, to mahe an 0;i^tt on fuch Petition 0? petitions, that the faiD HanDs, iaecto^p, -^bbep, P^iojp, i^o^ uaQtp ItanDS, XptheS, jfairs, Xene^ menrs Georgli Tertii Regis. -^^i ments o^ J^ereCiitaments uientiotteD mCHAP. fuel) Ibetition o? petitions, atiD tj)e |&et- x^"- fon5 ft)Do from tlime to ^tme rrfpcc=' ^^ titJel^ l)elD aiiD enjo)?eD tl)e fame, ftiall be abfo!utel>^ freet) anD tifcbargeD of ano from all fticJ) laents atio ^^rrearcf Due o^ i\\ :^trcac at attj? ^ime before tJ)e f^tD ^tbent^ ntntb S)ap of September C)ne thoiifanD fetjen btinD^eD anD futt> four, anD fhall o?Der t{)e faiD -^uDtto^ cll5cneral to firi\}e m cl)arge fuel) grotbing IRents as» tbe faiD HanDS, laccto^j), abbej?, 1&?io?p, <®onaftr)) llanDs, €)>tj)e$, tenements, 0? C^ereDitamcnts, (IjaU appear to be cDargreD o? c^argable tbitJ), tbbicb fljiall be^ come cue from anD after tJ)e faiD vtbentp nitttl) DajJ of September €)ne t|)oufanD feVien bunD?eD anD fiit^ four, to t\>z €oU ' leao;? o? Collectors of tl)e S^iGrict o;j SDif^: trtcts Ibbere fuel) HanDS, laerto^j), :3bbej?, M>2io;p, ®onaftr^ Hancs, ^j>tl)es, jfairs, tJEenements o;? J^ereDitamcnts, Do lie, to ti)e fntent tbat tl)e fame map be Dulp coUecteO for tbe future, anD tl)at fucj) :^r^r fl)aU be an effectual Difcl)arge againft l^ts j®ateftp, l^is C^eirs anD ^uccelTorS, as to fuel) Arrears* SCnD be tt furtl)er €nacteD bp tl)e :^u? t|)oritj) afojefaiD, 5ri)at t!)e Collectors of 5 3 i l^iS 402 Anno Rcgni tertlo Chap. 1^1^ gjajeftp's laeuenue m tl)eic feticral atiD ^■^"' terpcctitje Diftnct^ before t\)z neit General '^^^'^ arfi3ts tb^icl) ftall J)appen ncit aftec t\)z fitft SPap of Maich, tbl)!Ci) tbill be in t^c ,.i>eac of ^uc Ho.'D €)ne tj)onfant) feDen StinD^eD auD fixtp fttie, fo;> tl)e tefpectit)e Olountics in tbbicj) t^eic refpectibe mi- ,tcirt$ lie, to uiahe o^ caufe to be niafe exact Hifts of tbeiRaineS of all tj)e ?lanDS, meao^jj, ;ai)be^, ]^?io?p, ®onanr)? HanDg, 'Cj)tl)e6, J?ait5, tenements o? i^ecebita^ ntents, fituate in tl)eit tefpertitje Diflcirts (DatgeaWe tbiti) anp £lutt laent, Crolbn mcnt, Compofition Iftent, o^ otibec CWef ment, paj^able to i^is j®ajeftj), feis theirs anD :S>«ceeiroas, anD X^\)ttcout no fucj) jaent l)at!) been paiD fo;j ttbentj) peats before t^t Xtbentp nintj) S>ap of September ^ne tl)oufanD feben l)unD;?cD anD {my four, toptJ)ec tbitj) tl)e annual j^uit iaent, Ctotbn laent, Compofition dent, o^ otl)et (ttbief laent payable out of fuc^ Eanbsf, ^taoip, M\3Cy, J5?io;j), ©onafttp ILanDs, 5:ptl)eer, jFaics, tienemento o^ l^creDita- luents, to l^is j®ajeft)?, f^is l^eics anD j^uccclTo^Sf, antJ alfo tj)e Amount cf tbe ;5lcrcar«5 Due foi tl)e faiD ?lanD$, mccto^p, ;^bbep, Woih ©onaftrv HanDs, ll^tbcs, J?aic5, tenements o;j l^ereDitaiuents, rc= fpectibelp at tlje ^iiue of nmfemcr fticl) ?lift6 A p. Georgii Tertii Regis. 403 Htfts, ttibicl) fcim iiiftcj ii)all be publicftlvcH affiicD on tl)e ^cffionbotife SDoo^s of the >^xn rcrpecti\3c Comities ll);)ctcitt fticl) Blanco, "^^"^ Herto^p, Mhty, ^&;!o^)^ ^oua(lr>) HauCi^^ Xj'tlvs, 5?air5, Xcucmcnts oizz next follotbingr ;^cri3esi, tbj)icft ll)aU be l)elD fo;j tj)e tefpectite Counties tbl)erein tj)eit: refpectitie 2Diftri(ts ate fituate* 5 ISt" AN A N ACT FOR The better Prefervation of the Game. GUI. ^^^^J: DUBLIN: Printed by Boulter Grierson, Printer to the King's Mod Excellent Majefty. Mdcclxiv. Chap. XXII. hTj{ 407^^ (^■■■: 80J. - .lir/7 A N A C T FOR J ^4 The better Prefervation df the Game. ; ^oji/xi 'to CHAP. xxm. ^,j ICi Wi^eiR€^^ tDere is teafon toap^^cHAP. p;jel)enD, from tl)e p^efent J>catcitp ^^"i- of tDe (15arne, tbat tl)e feDetal ILatt)3 J)ete^ "^^^^ tofo^c enactcD fo to tl)c d^ame, on t\)tit rcfpecti\)c €ftate$ anD ?tanD0, tnaj? J)cncefo?tl) be better hnotbn anDafccrtainet), ant) map be tl)e lefs liable to 3lncroacl)ments o;j 5ln^afion5 of otJ)cc0, be it €nacteD bp t^e mmrt'^^oft Cicrtlent ^ajiftp, bp anD tbitl) ^e ^DtJice ano €onfent of the ILo^^Q :$)piritual anD Xeinpo^jal anD OTotninons; in tbis p^efent parliament affembleD, anD bp tj)e ::antl)02itp of t()e fame, iZEDat all anD e\)ecp tl)e articles anD OTlanfes in tbe llatbs nolb m jFo^ce in tl)is BincrDom fo? tbc bett^ JS^eferljation of tbe dSame, Ibl)i(l) i^ 0;? ate hot l)erebp altereD, UaricD, 02 re:: pealeD, ft)all J)at)e anD retain tl)c fame 5?o;jte anD Duration as lefo;?e t\)t making- of tl)is ^ct ; anD tJ)at from anD after cl)e firft l>a)) of May, in the pear j^nc tbonfanD fetoen l)unD afo^efait), %\)at fcom anD aftec tl)e acft HDap of May in tl)e peat ;^tie tl)oiiraiiO fcucn J)fmD;eD anD fixtj? four, no pecl'ou o: pecfous H)6atfoeV):r:, except tbofe i)eccm aftct p^oUitict) fo^ il)aU go o? entec upon tl)c ?lattD of anp otDet l&etfon oj pctfon^ to looh fo;,fet, fpcingr, ii)oot, ftart, courCe, bunt, l)atbft, o;? otbetltoifc purfue 0^ tahc an)? ^o^t of cKame, unlefsi m €om^ pan)) Ibitj) t^e £Dibnec, o; Tome one of ti)e £)a)ner!3i (if tl)ere be mo^e tban one) of tl)e SinDcritance of fuel) HanD, o? tbitft tl)e ^Tenant 02 tlenants fo2 i^Life of fuc6 Cant), not iubjta to an)) iaent (Clutt o;j Ccolbn iRcnt onlp ercepteD) 0^ b)? a Hi^ cence fo? tl)at purpofe, unoet tl)e l^anD of fucO f iil)crito? 01 tenant fo;? ?tife, txcft |)aD anD obtaineD, anD tj)at eacl) anD e- Vjerv l^ecfon anD |5ecfonS offenDing in anp of tDe \&art»cular3 herein fet fo^tj), being: thereof contJicteD at the l^^ofccution of fucB 5»l)criro2 0(? Cenant fo^ ?life, 0^ of tl)e i9ccup?ei: of (nth HanD before ttbo 0? mo;?e giufticco of the peace of the Count)) Ibhcte fiuh £)ffcnce iljall be committeD, eitl)ec on 5 It i tDe ^10 AnnoRegni tertio c K A p.tl)e offentJtnsr ISiarties otbn OTonferfion, o<^iit XXIII. <;})g ^^t\> of one 02 mo?e cceDible OTitnfs "-^^^02 MlitneffeS, il)aU fo^ e\)ecjj fuel) Offeitc forfeit t^e ^um of tzceti pounds, to be e^ tieD bp CQlacrant of fuel) ^nftice of tie ^^eace befo tbete be) to tl)e pactp cifttamti, tl)e one j®oietv of fuel) p^enaltp anD l&ti- alties to be paiD to l)im tbbo ft)aU p 5?ee 5Facm fteafe, offence committet), anD t&t t^e p^ofecuto^ 0? ibart^ conticteD map apeal from tt>zty> fuel) ^DjwDication to t\) neit going gfuDges of ^fli^z fo^ tj)e C'untp tbl)ere fucj) j^ffence i'k)aU be com- mtteD, tbJ)o are |)erebp autJ)o;ji3eD anD require eDto j)ear anD Determine et)etp fuel) Appeal* 5?oVJiDeD aUo, ^l)at no coUufibe l&^ofe? cuion l^all barr anp otJ)er |&erfon ^erebp quiliSeD to carrj> on a l^M^cution ioi 5 ® tDe 412 Anno Regni tertio Chap. t\)t Mt) C^fcnce, fttcl) otj)ec 1|^2ofccution ^xi"- being tarticD on Xhitlm t\)z faiD t|)^cc ' — ^""^ ®ontl)5 aftec t\)z £)ffence p^jofccuteD. ^?oV»iOetJ altba^jQi, X!)at no one <©ffence r^all be tttiice punii'i)eD, anD tl)at tbDere an)? €>ffcnt)er ii)aU be once puniil)cti bp jfojjce of tl)i«5 '^ct, l)e ft)aU not again be liable bj) Virtue of any ot\)zt Halt) to an= Ubec agam to; t\)t fame ^^znu. }^;o\)it)zD alfo, X5)at notbinn- l)etein con? taineO (tiall fcibject anv perfon o? I^erfons, tJulj? qualiScD bp t!)e jtatbs notb in being, to |)nnt fo? 0? to HiU (Same, !)i5, 02 t\)zit j^etl)ant$ 0? neceffarj? ^attenDants, to anp of tJ)e pam^ 02 l^enalties l)eteb)> inEtctcD fo^ foUolbing 0? pucfuing tbcic \iltsCS, (l)aU l)atie auD entop tl)e Tame iaig})ts auD S&;iDilegcs concecningr t\)z (Bmxt, UDit()in t\)tit refpec- ti\)e ®ano?!5 0? moj^alties, as fu!lp anD amplp in zUty> particular, as if tl)is ;^ct J)aC) uetjer been rnatie* :^nD tl)e better atiD mo^je effecttiallp to P^e^ent tl)e billing attDDeftroj^iug- tl)e cl5am6 at improper iTimes, be it €nacteD bv tl)6 ;^ut!)o2it)? afo;2efaiD, Xl)at from auD after t^e firft 2Paj? of May ;^ne tboiifauti feteti ]btmD;>eD atiD fixtp four, no l^erfoit il)aU tal^e, l^ill, 02 Deftrop, anj> ^atriDge 01 igUuail. from tl)e 6tft of February tO t\)t firMt of September in eacl) gear, 0^ an^ (15?0Ufe from tbe fitrfl: Dap of February to tJ)e ftrft Dap of Auguft in anp pear* :^nD be it CnacteD bp tl)e :^utl)o?itp afo;?e- fait), Xbat e\)erp pcrfon tl3l)o ftjall tal^e. Ml 02 Oeftrop, 0^ tbl)o il)aU fell o ™!\ tJiQtcfs auD fale of tj)e Goods of tl)e €)f^ fenDcr, auD m cafe of 3Jnfolt)enc>% tj)e pattp ofifenDtitjj ft)aU fuffec glmp^ifomneut fo? tJ)aee j®ont!)0, ;^nD be it CttacteD bj) tj)e ^iitl)o;?ttp afoijefaiD, %\)at no J&ecfon ll)all lbit!)in tbe Xime afo^cfaiD bup, 0^ caule to be bous:ht, fell, 02 eipofe to fale, anp J^are, from tl)e ScG "Wav of Febniary to tl)e 6tG Dap of oaober iti mv Peat, untJet tl)e \&cnalt)) of fi\)Z l&ountifi; fo;? eacl) l^ate Co bougl)t o;j folD, to be recotjeteo as J)etem aftcc ti^ tectet). ;3ttti be It futtbec CnacteD, by tl)e Zn- tV^o^itv afo^efaiD, %Y)at etjerj? l^icrlcr, coiit^ moti Carrier, 0? :^tage Coacbman, in tbbofe l^offefCon any PatnCigc 0? £luail ft)all be fount) after tbe fiirft £>aj? of May i^netbottfanD fet)en bnnti^eDanDfixtpfoar, at my Cime bettbeen tbe ftrG of February anO tbe ftrft of September in each pear, i>l in tbbofe ItJoCTelfton any <^;ouk (ball be fotinD after tbe 8rft 3^c:>; of May €>nc tboufanD fetjen bunti^cD anO iixty four, at my ^ime bettbeen tbe fitft UPap of February anD tbe 6rft 3>ap of Aiiguft in eacb P^ar, 0? in Ibb^fe j&oCTcffion anj> l^arc Georgli Terdi Regis. i^x^ J^ate (tiall be foutiD after tl)e Srd S)a^ ofc u a p. May €)ne tl)ouranD feUen l)imD(?eD atiD ^^"i- fiitp four, at anp Cime betlbeeit the fita """"^ l^ap of February auD tl)e 6rft 2Da)) of oaober lit eacl) pear, ll)aU forfeit fo? e\)ec^ fuel) l&atttDge, £luail, d^^oufe, auD (^are, ttbentp :$)|)iUmff5, to be tecot)etet) as J)etein after 10 tJirecteO^ ^ni) be It €naetel5 bj) tj)e srutfjo^itjcj afo^efaiD, Xl)at all Offences againfi tbis ^ct, ii)all be cnquircO into atiD Oetermined, eitl)er bp tj)e €)atl) of €)ne creDible mi\t-^ nefs, 0;? b^ t{)e aTonfeffion of t|)e j&arties accufet) before anj> one gltiftite of t^e l&eace fo;j t!)e OTountjj tbl)ere t!)e jC>ffence il)aU be cornmitteti, 02 ttij)ere tl)e ^^afentier l^all be founD, anD fuel) f uGice is ^ere- bjj impotJbereD to iffue l)i6 QHHarrant fo? tbe Difttaimng anO :^ale ot tl)e (Boots of tl)e ^artp j^ffetiDinigr, in o f$;j tl)e Cime befo;>6 limitteO to tl)e Co«ntp (15oal. ;5rnD be it €tiacteD b^ t!)e atit^o?it^ afo^efaiO, %bat all jFo^feitures to be in^ ttttreD fo^ anj) ^Dffence to be committeD 5 ^ a5:ain(i 41 6 Anno Regnl teitlo c H A p.asraiuft t\)i^ ^ct, fljall, tl)l)eti tecobtcet), \^ XXIII. paij, to t\>c 3nfo;tmty o; ¥>?ofecuto?. StttD be it fttttbet CnacteD b^ tbe :5a- tl)o?it)? afoa? of May, in tj)e feat £[>ne tt)oui fano Cetjen !)ttno?eD atiD Oxtp fouc, lbl)cc€ anp 2Do0 o? SDogs of tb!)atioe^er ;§pcac0, belongitigr to an^ l^erfon o; l&erfons not legallj? qualifiicD o? a«tJ)o?i3eD to ifeeep Cetting 3>05rS o? {^ounDS, (^aU be ftnotbn to Dtdtov anp ro;^t of (Same, o? to feiU ol)icb in mv otf)tt tefpcct p^i>e a ^ufance, on 3lnfo;jmation thereof giUen upon tU €)atl) of one cteDible 21©itnef6, before a ^uGice of tJ)e l^eace, fo? the Countp tb!)ete fucJ) SDog o? SDogs fl)aU bappcn to be, it Q)aU anD waj) be latbful fo? fuel) giuGfce to fuwrnon tjje £)ttinet of fuc^ 2Dogr o;j 2Dog0, to appeat before l)im, ant) aftec a full Cnquicp to tfTue \)x9i ilMactant fo? Defttoj^ingr fuel) Dog o? 3>o06 as (tiall be info^meD againft, m cafe be fl)all fee fufiicient Caufe fo;» t!)e fame, but not otl)ettbife» l&?ot)iCieD netjettbelefsi, t!)at nothing |)etem contameD f^iall p^etJent anp pcc:= ion Georgii Tertii Regiso 417 fon 02 l&ecron5 from obtattiinu iutl) fttc^ c h a p. tiott 02 otber J^eDrefs, fo^ anp SDamage J^^™* Ib^itl) t)e 0? tbe? ll)aU ruftain b^ ®eaiis of anj) fuc6 3>oij 0? 3)og«5, as !)e 01 tl)ej) niaj? be itititleD to hv t^e Itattis alteaDp in fo^ce* l&?ot)iDeD alfo, tl)at tDis ;^(t i|iaU con^ tinue m jFo;ce fo;j ttbo pea«, fcom tf)t fitft 2Da^ of May 0nz tj)oufattti Ceben !)iin^ D;jeD aiiD fiit)) four, atiD fcom tj)ente to tDe €nD of tj)e tDen next :$effion of l^ar^ Itament. 518* AN Erf* ^0 m .b-ct tm ^ ft 2 A N ACT FOR The Encouragement of the Fifli* eries of this Kingdom, Chap. , XXIV, D U B L I K: I Printed by Boulter Gkierson Printer to the King's Moft Excellent Majefty. Mdcclxiv. 420 Anno liefgm* tfertio c H A p.of cmplojJiug: anD p?o\)iC!ing: fo? great jRnnu ^^^^- bets of mDuftcioiiSL ^5oo;j, awD 3n\p^o\)Z:^ ""^"^mmt of l^iS ®ajeQ))'Si iRet^eniie, anti a ^jtlarfcr^ fo;> :$5eameii fo;? the ^a\5p of Great Britain, atiD ma^^ Itlielbife bt a ^©eans of p;?ctJentinsr tj)e cytcat ^uutbet: of j?ceucl) j^!)ip& auO j?iil;inc^ i3oats, 11dI)v^ fre^ quentlp^ 5?iH) upon t^e Coafts oi tl)is ISlingtJoni, tl)ecefo2c fo? t{)e Cncoararre^ tnent of fuel) l^erfons as are tbiUmg: to builO 2i3uCr£6 0^ otUt Uleffels, ftt fo^ fiflj- insr m Deep 212Iiatet/ant) faltmg futb J?ia> on Boarci as i't)aU be tafeeii: Be it €n^ acteD bp tl)e lling'S ®oft <^iceUent. m^ lefl^, li^ attJDL ltat4) tfpe ,mm& an^^^tt: lent of tDe ILoM ^^pirituail araD Xempo^ tal anD Commons m tJ)is p^efent par? liament a(rembleD^_attli by tU ^^uu^l^^^ of tf)t fame, X])at a 20oimt>) of tlbentp j§l)illmsrs per ^on iljall be patD annnallj) out of C^is ^laicKjJ'S'ift-eDientjes, untier t\)z i^anagement of tY)z Commiffioners of tl)e met^enue, to tl)e ^tbncc o;? Oltiners of fttcft mentis, o;? t{)£it ^pnts, a«s fl)all fieteafteU lie built m Great Biitain o;j IrelcVid, mt> manncD auiD na^iratetJ as Up t))c ILaXb^ noil) m jFo^ce is tiiteeteD, an^ iKrc^: after mo^e particuJ;atlj:> ^kcibcO it^ My m^ on tf)c Coafts of ti)iS EincrDom, anD ttat e\)erp fuel) 25ufs o? ^cfTel tDat fl;aU be Georgii Tertli Regis. 42 1 be cmt)lo>^eD m tl)e faitJ fi^mc^, 01 tbfcofec hap. Olbucrs iljall be mtitleD to tDe fait) ^^^^• 2i3ouutv of tlhtnty !§h\\Un^Q per 3roti, bp' ^'^ ^I^ltitue of tbis ;5(rt, it)aU be a DeclteD Bins 0,3 BeCTcl, built III Great Britain 0; Ireland, after tht Couuueiiceinent of tl)i5 ;3ct, not tuiDec tl)e 2i3mtl)en of ttbeiitp "^ono, no? il)aU tJ)c faiD 2i3ountp te paiD fo? ino>e than One bnnD^eO Xons Btit- tl)en, ano rt^cill p? cecD on the faiD j?fil)e' ties from fvine \5o?t in Ireland, aiiti before fuel) 2i5ufD 0;? ^eficl p^ocecD on fuel) Boj)^ ap, 0? be intitleD to rl)e Benefit of t{)i6 :Sct, fl)e fl)all be tJifiteD bj) fuch Officec 0? Officers of t!)e laeDenue belonging- to fuel) l5o?t, 11)1)0 iliall be appointcD b>i tl)e Cotnnuffioners of i^i$ j©a|eft^'6 iaetenue, 0^ anv tD^ee 0? ino;?e of tl)etn, to examine into fuel) 2auf5 0? ^eCel, anD tbbo iliail tafte an -^iccotmt of tl)e ^unage t!)ereof, bp ^^Ctnearurenient, ant) iljall certify fuel) l)i3 02 theft ^ifitation, Ciainmation, anD ^Dmeafureinent, to tl)e aroinmifTi' oners of l^is ®atc(l)>'6 iHebenue, ano tl!)at ilic i3 a p2v'pcc 'die (Tel to be employee in t\)z fait) fiil^zvy) ; anD upon it<5 furtl)er ap? pearincr bp the ^atl) of One 02 mo^e Olbner 0? Oltincr^ 0^ tl)eir ;5gfent, a no of tl)e ©after 02 an)!ef Officer of fuch Bufs 0,^ clelTel, tbntten at t!)e jFoot of 5 P tl)e 422 Anno Regnl tertio CHAP.tbe faiD (iTectiftc ic, anD maDc bcfoK tbe XXIV. CoUcrto2 .•>aro'nptroUccof futb ?5o^t, H)l)o "^^^^^ace \)atby- .caiMy unpoliberco atiD tc- quitcD to ..juiiniftet tl)e fcniic, tijat it !3 tuiily auD ttn\y> tl)eir firm piapofe, aiiD tictcmuncD laerolti t!MU> tijat [lul) idttfs o? (Uleffcl iljMl p.^ccecD lljcil tnauntO, ftirmft)- cD auD accoiitrcD, to fill) upou fonie one 0? Juo^e of tl)e Oloafto of tl)!6 1!3i«n9"t)om, 02 lttirt)m iri)irt>) fitje llcagitcs of tl)e Came, anD tl)at a glonrual i1)all be hcpt of all t6ctc p^ocectimcrs, anD an^Tconntof tl)e £iuantitic3 of j?iil) tbhfcl) il)all be tahcn on cacl) THIo^jage, anD if after Un\) OTerti^ fiicate l)aD anD C>atl) maDe as afo;?cfatD, tbe C>tbner o;? Clbners, £®aft»:r, o^ Olbief £)Iicer of fuel) iSufS o;? IlefTcl, Do p;?o= Ducc t!)e 5'^"fii3l of tbcir |C.:oceeDintro, at tl)e enD of eacl) cl3o)'agc, atttOcD ly tl)e jfiDatl) of tJ)e ^aaer o; chief iPaTjcer of fuel) 2i&urs 0^ Bfffel, to p2o\)e tl)at ilje Ibas einplojH'D m tl)e faiD JFiilur)^ rnir.JB- thz :^earon, tben all fuel) iacQuifn 9 bcmg full)? pccfo|uieD, 11)^11 entftle tl)c Olbncr o? ^Ibnets to tl)c faiD Bountr, anD be it further CnarteD bp tbe ^utlio?it)) afo^e^^ faiD, that no ^ets il)all be fl)ott o> Ibett fo2 the taftinigr of l^etnngs iii tl.c 2Da)? ^ime, unDer a penalt>> of 6l)e l^oj.n^o, to be reco\jereD a^ainft the Olbncc o^ £rUDner3 of Georgli Tertli Regis. 423 of Tcicl) jRct, 0;? of t5)e faiD Btifs o^c h a p. Ulclfle. anO to be le\)j)eD b^> Diftcefs auD ^^i^- :^ale c l)is 0^ tJ)cir (SooDs anD ari)attel6, ^^"^ hy Mlircant iinDec t!)e i^aiiD atiD ^eal of a 'Jtiflicc of Ideate of tJ)e €otintv, Vt)l)crciu tbe \&artj' 02 parties Co tefice, an«D before \i3l)oiu tl)e £D(fence iljall be p^oDcD, bv Coufeffion, 0^ the Qath of ttbo crcDi:: ble (Mittuffce, llDhitb penalty tl)l)eti rceo- \)crct) il)aU be applieD in j®aimcc follotb, ing: (tbat is to fa^ one ®oit;) tJ)ereof to tl)e Wt of the p)oo^ of tl)e pariil), tbl)ere tl)e ^crfon 0; perfons fo fo;jfcitfnfr il)aU reftDe, anD t\)t otbet ^oiet^ to tDe Wc of t\)c perfon 0^ pctfons tbbo il)aU Cue fo^ t^e fame* ;:juD be It fntt!)et €itacteD hy> tht :^n. tl)o?itp afo;?efaiD, Cbat no jltlets I'^all be il)Ot, no^ anv 2iaoats rro out to looh fo^ 5llt) from ^un fCt on an)? Saturday ^igbt nutil after i^tin fet on Sunday jHigbt, unmeCiatel)) foilotbinq-, unDcc tt)c lilie penalt)? of Woz l^ounCs, to be tecolicri eD anOapplicD in lilie -©annec as teem be^^ fo^e is mentioncD, 3(nD be It fuctDct ^iiacteD bp tbe :^ntl)o= t\)02ity> afo;efaiD, €l)at if anp jHumbet of 15cifon5 fljv^U entec into a je»actiteril)ip, 0? 5 P '- ft)aU 424 Anno Rc^nl tertio, ch A p.(i)aU beteaftct be lucc.po^ateD hy (Tbamr, XXIV. o;j otl)ettbife, fo? cacrj^incr on a jlt^t) tr on "-'"''^^ t6e Coafts of tH3 iiBiiagfroni by> to^-uon jg)toc& 0? ^abfcnption, auD tbat anr of the partners;, l)!*^, i)er, 0;? tl)esi: '^xniit.02^, 02 SfDmmiGcato?'^ inall tefafe 0? nLgicct to pap, biS, j)ir, o> tl)eic p^opo;tiou uf fucb j^uni 0} ^uins of 0Boaep, as iljall be calleD fo;? t)? the i^ajo^itp of the J&artttct0, in fnth totirmou ^tor& 0? j^ttbfcriptton, at tj)e STimcs tbhen the fame it)aU be appomteD to be paiD, j1t!otice of fuch call beins" gilxn in the Duulin Gazette, bp the ®ajo^itv of the fatD ?&artner$, at lead thittp SDars before the Dap appotnteD fo;> fuch l^aptiicnt, it i^all be lathtul fo^ the ©ajo^itp of (tuh amng l&att of tbe faiD OTottipanv, to tell ano tiifpofe of fo nmt\) of the ^\)att 0? ^toclfe of the pctfon 0? Petfons To nccrJectingr 02 rcfufing, as (l)aU p?oDncc the :^«m tbl)it!) fttch l^etfon 0? perfons ourrht to hatJe paid on futh call, anD tf anp Ohcc- plus il)all temain, to pap the fame to the right Olbnet 0^ C)tbner$ thereof; anD that it ft)all alfo be lalhfnl fo? tl'e faiD acting: ®aio?itp, if fo mmDcD, to compel the pap^ ment bp Action of Debt, plaint, 0; laill, in anp of l^is :®ajeftp'S OTonrts of 2latb, to be laiD 02 b?ougl)t in t\jt i^.anic of faiD Oeorgii Tertii Regis. 435 f^iD Co't^panv, 02 tbe dPoVJerno; tbercof,CH ^ p. agm^ tht ^ubrcubccs, t\)tit executor, xxiv. ant) 3ommiftrato;?s, of all ^mm tbj)icl) ^ "^^ ft)r:U De riibfcnbetJ to the fait) 5Fill)ct^, oz tilth S^att tt)crtof as tbe acting part of tl!)c fait) OTompaa)? il)aU tl)infe p^o;. et to call m wpon a OTcttten Notice, fetljeD npott the fiiurcnbintr pactj?, of tJ)e :^wm fo caHcO fo^ atiD not paiD tbirbin one ®otitt) after t\)z fame baD been bue, as if t^e faiO ^iibrcribcrs l)aD paileD tl)cit fcbcral ^d^nOs f^i t!)e fame* ;5(ntJ be it fnnlott ^narteD bjj tbe :^n- t\)02itv afo;?efait), XDat fo? an €n^ coiiraijemcnt to all l&erfonS Ibbatio- etjer, as tbell 2i5obiiS l^oliticU, ano Co^^ po?ate, as otl)ers, ftjall eigra^e tn tbe fatb if!ft)eries, there, (l)ill be pa»b out of l^is ®atcft)>'"5 teebcntie, unoer tl)e *®anagrrment of tl)e Commtfftoners of ti)e eiebcnae, a ^dotintv of ttbo ^billtnrrS io2 ebetv 2i9ariel contatningr %\>nt^ ttbo dS.iUons, Ibbetein gooD foimD ano tbell curcD Mi\)m l^errtngs ft)all be racfeeD, ttp 'n tbe i^irportation thereof; a 2i£5oiintp of tlbo :^biliings anb Sixpence on ebcrj? 23atrel of tl)e fame Contents, tbbercm froob, founb, aub Ibell cureb j®-cfearcl fJiaU be pacUcb, upon exportation; a 5 H 2iaowntj) 426 Anno Regni tertio Chap. BOUtttt) Of fiUC ^blllinffS fOl t\)tt^ fijC XXIV. ^fjjjjg ^f jiytic^^ tafeeti on tl)e Coaft^ of ' ^^ tm BingDoui, upon tDe exportation tbereof; a l5onnt)) of tDounbs per lion, ioi j^il exttacteD from OTljales, anD thiny> j^^illings per iron io; tj)e €)il exttacteD from otber jTttt) taften on tbe Coafts of t|)iS BmgDom, anD manufac= tureD t!)erem; a 2i5ount^ of fout l&ounDS a bunD^eD OTeigl)t fo^ a!l jFittS of OTl)ales, commonlp calleD tI1211b<^l^ Bone, taften on tbe OToaftS of tbn$ EmjjDom, anD manufactureD tt)ztm* :3{nD Ibb-rrea^ tbete is reafon to app?e= benD, tbat OTl)ales map be p^cbenteD from frequenting tl)e CoaGSr, bp ^erfong tbantonlp :$)booting at tJ)em from fmall 2i5oat5: m It CnacteD bp tl)e siutbo^itp afo^efaiD, Georgii Tertii Regis. 427 afo^efaiD, Xbat if anj> ^tdon 0? petfons inc h a r. fmall ^effels not DecfteD, anD not be- ^^^^• longing to fome ^i)ip artuallp emplo))eD ^^""^ in tl)c tDSHbale fiilierp, il)aU ft)oot from d^uus; at aup 2^l)ale0, tl)e^ ft)aU fo? etictp futb C>ffetice forfeit to l^is ©afeaj? tbe Boat lit tObbicb fuel) C>ffeiice tbas com^ mittet!, tog:ctl)et Uiitl) tJ)e l&enaltj? of tti3cnt;> l^ounDS, to t)$ tecotJercD anD ap- pliet) as afo^efaiD. MD to p?etent an^ SDifputes tbWcj) jna)) atife, tb!)etbec a mrffel Oe p^o^ perl^ qualiftet), ant) Dulp 6tteD out, fo? cattjJing on a $\(\^zty>, acco^Oinjg: to tl)e true intent anD ^©eantnigr of t|)i!5 S(ct, anD intitleD to fucb OTectiScate, a0 I)' tcin before is mentioneo, from tj)e Cuf- tom^boafe ^fftcets; 2i5e it €ttaaeD bj) tbe ^utJ)02it;) afo?efaiD, i:i)at etjerj) fuel) Heffel i^all be a DecfteD TOlTel, built in Great Britain 0,^ Ireland, aftet tl)e €on\mzntZ^ ment of tl)i3 5? a, anD rf but of ttbentp XonO, i\)all l)aV)e not Icfs tj)an fix ®en on2i5oacD, anD if ofgreatet 2aurtl)en, fl)all ot)et anD aboDe tl)e fix j®en afo?e- faiD, l)aV)e one :®an fo? etjecj) eigbt Cons, tb!)icl) il)all exceeD %Xbtntv ^on0 2i5utt^en» 5 £1 2 ;3nO 428 Anno Regni tertio ^vviV* ^^'^ ^^ »^ ftttt|)cr CttactcD b^ tDc ;?fu- ii^tDo^itj' afojefaiD, Chat oit JTMtmn of fuel) BuiS, 0? TUleCTel, into anp po;?t of Ireland, fo? J)ec Difc|)atge tbe cbief iPfiitccc of tl)e Cuftoms, o;j fuel) otbec ^Ma of tJ)e Ctidoms as !)e (l)all ap- point at fucj) ¥>o^t, ft)aU imnieDiatelj) rtpaic on 2i5oarD fuel) 2aufs 0^ HcfTcl, ano tjietb tl)e Condition of fuel) ^cf= fel anO bee ilatJinsr, ant) to certiSe t\)z fame, togrrtl)et tbiti) their ^^bfcnjations thereon, ano alfo tU teal Xunnap-c of tf)z fatt) 2i5uf5 0? Hefffl, ant) tl)e f mD C>fficets ate alfo to tafte an Account of tl)e parties of t\)t -©after, anO other perfons on :©oarti, anD to certtfie tl)e fame, anO the Rafter l!)all nuU €)atb before the Col= lrio;j 0? Comptroller 0^ fuel) po?t, tbho ^xt f^ittvV te^peciVJclv impotljcrct) auD reciuiriD to at)mmtft':r the fame, tl)at fuch Belfcl tout out to ^ea on \&i:rpofc fo;? 5Fiil)tncr, ant? fo^ no other l&nrpofc lbl)atfoet)er, anD tb- s not on atjv other Borage, except fo? the ^ifpif^ri of fuch $i(i) a?5 (i)Z haD tautiht, ant) fo? an)> jFteight fl): m^y b^ing in tetKf:n fo; the fc'^tnc, no? purfucD anp ether ^cficrn, 0? tii?th of p;joftt; anD that the T;e(f;ranr: €vM DiD remain 5Fifl3ing fo? fuel) a jfttngtl) of Xime, as fl)all be fpecifieD Georgii Tertli Regisi 429 fpcctfi'etJ in faiD ^^ffitiabit, acco^Din^* to t})ec h a p, SPiccctious of this ^ct, anD tl)e jRuinbet of xxiv. fftcet oti BoacD fuel) Uleffel, tl)at tl)e fame contains a ttuc account of all tl)e!C l&^joceebings; all tt)!)ich Ccttifitcate, gournal, anD £)atJ), togetbtc tbitl) a ttite -Account of tfe ilCluantitp, anD tlje particular :^pecies of of fill) taheu b)? tl)e faiDUcffel, il)all be tranunitteD bp tl)e Collector 0^ ComptroU let of fuel) po;jt, to tl)e €ouituiftonets of i^is i®ajeaj>'S laetjenue; anD tl)e faiD aicmnufCtoncrs being ftillj) fatisfieD of t^e faitl)fnl l^ealincrS anD tiranfattions of t^e faiD ©after, anD otber i&erfons emploj^eD in fucD HelTels, tbitl) refpect to fucb mo)?age anD jFiftjing, il)all on DemanD caufe pa))ment to be tuaDe of tl)e tefpecti\)e Bounties, l)erein before DiretteD, to be maDe to the Otbner 0? i^tbners of fuel) liduCfes 02 mefTels, 0^ to DiS, 02 t^eir ;5ifficrns> out of C^is ©ajeftjj's JaetJenue unDer t\)zit ©anagement, anD i^all Direct, tl)at a particular anD Diftinct ^^ccount be ftept of tl)e fame. 5 ^ ^nD 43Q Anno Regni tertio Chap. ;3nt) \)p jt futthtt CttacteD ht tijc .^w= XXIV. tJ)o?itj) afo^efaiD, %f)at t\)t £)tl>necs of fuel) ^^""^^ 5?!il) as il)all Ue taften, acco>Ding to tl)e 3)!rections of tl)i6 ^(t, il)all on maliins: a Due atb tbe ]^oit tbtv ace DefigncD fo?, atiD ft)all alfo become bouiiD ttiitb tlbo ftifficient ^ntttk5, m ti)e penaltj) of fuel) :$um, as il)aU be cQiial to tteble t\)z 2aountj> on t})e 5:unnage of Ijis UeCTcl, intenDeD bj) t|)is -^ct, ano alfo tteble tl)e ^alue of fuel) laoimties as l)e o? tl)e)? il)aU receitje, o? be intttlcD to, hy> Bittiie of t!)is :^ct, conDitioneD not to celanD tl)e fiil), intenDeD to be expo^teD, m an^ ic^o^t, ^aV)en, o;? Cteeft, 02 ot\)tt idlaces in ire- land, unlefs in Cafe of SDiftcefs, Ibbicb ll)aU be immeOiatelp made ftnolbn to foiiie one 02 mo^e of tl)e €)fficccs of tl)e Cnftoms of tbe 1&0(?t neaceft to tbbece fuel) tHeffel i^all be GcanDeD, IbDicb 23onD tijc CcUecto? of tl)e ^o;?t is j)eceb)> ceciniceD to tafte, anD tl)e faiD 2i3onbS ace !)eccb;j DcclaceD to be STOOD anD \)aliD in the Hatb, fo? tl)e ^«ms ccfpeaiV)elp containeD thecein, anO il)all be in 5?o;?ce, fo;? t\)t ^pace of tl)?cc peats, againft tl)e Obligors tl)etcm men? tioneD Georgli Tertii Regis. 401 tiotieD, tl)tic i^eics, €iecuto?0, anD ^ti= c „ ^ p. mmiO;rato?0» xxiv. ;^tiD fo? p?ct)entmij m}> j?rauDs tbat inav be atteuiptcD, bp claimmgr anj) of tl)e afo^cfaiD 2i5otmties fo;j an^ J?ift) catneD to foreign ©ad^cts, Ib^icl) 0at)e not been cauB;l)t upon tJ)e Coafts of t^ts Bingrtioin, Xbit\)m tl)e ^iftances i)etctn before tJefccibeD: 2ae it CnacteD bj> tl)e an^ tbo.^itp afo2efaiD, €f)at no ^mntt 0^ iPlbnets, of mv lnt\) j?iil), i'l)all be intitleD to an)) of tl)e 2i3ountie6 afo^efait), unlefsf fuel) JFiil) foaF!cetanti j^fficecs ate j)eteb5> iinpotbereD to aDmt^ niftet) to l)a\)e been caught upon t})e aroafts of tl)is BinsfDom, tbitj)in tj)e mU t antes t)erem befo.?e DefccibeD, anD t\)t tatX} CoUecto? 0^ otJ)ec Oficet il)all tj)en certiSe unt5e2 1)13 i^atiD, t})at tl)e faiD j?iil) tbas fi'cft lauDeD in, ant) tl)en etpo;?teD from the faiD ^o?t of tl)!5 EingrDotn, in \h\)tt\> Cet.- tifitate iljall be fpeciScD tl): ^^uantitp ant> ^naiitv of tl)e jTiil) fo eipo^teD, anD thtn anD m that €afe the ^fffiDatJit of furl) fo.^eigti ii©eic!)atit, to Wooni t!)e Beffel 432 . Anno Regnl tcrlio Chap. \fy^^Q cottftguet), tticiDe befo;2e tl)e olbfcf ^v^ ^^^^' gifttate of tbc l^^on Ibbcre l)c ccfiDes, o foreign :®atket, togetl)et Uiitl) t l)c ;3ffiDaV)it of t6e Rafter, 02 otbec Olbicf Officer, of fuel) ^cCFel on l)et return to heiand, uiaDe before tl)e OloUeao? 0? CcniptroUcr of t^e ^o?t Ibbcre i^e ft)all arri\)e, (ibho are \)iw bp tefpembel)) mipolbcreD ano rcquireb to abmimfter t|)e fauie) tbat be ibas p^efent, anb biD fee tbe foreign i©crcbant (men- tioning f)is ^ame) fign anb ftbcar tbc faib ;^f6babit, befo;?e tbe Olbief j^agiHrate of tbe fo;?eign po?t, 0? Brltifli (itoiiful refibing tbere, anb upon belibering to tbe Cob lector of tbe P>o?t in Ireland, tbbere fuel) BefTcl l!)all arribe, tbe faib ttbo ;3fft* babits, anb perfo^nung all otbet tbe l^u rections of tbis M, nititle tbe ^tbnets to tbe feberal 2aounties refpectibelp men- tioneb, ^^obibeb altbaps, Xbat tbe 2i?ounties bcreb>) allotbeb anb gibcn on Olou forming to tbe Regulations afo^cfaiD, ftjall be paib buring the ^pace of fix pears from tbe CoiTunenfcuient of t|)is ^rt, anb no longer; p^obibeb jGeorgll Tertii Regis. 433 HAP. :xiv. 16?o\)it)eD alfo, iTDat notbing in thi<^ ^ct^ ^^[l extenD, 0? be conftcucD to citcnD, to ^^] cxcluDe anp of l^is j^atcft^'s ^nh'> je(t6 ftom j?ifl)ing:, 0;? catt^mg: on tl)e 212ai)ite l^cttmgr, anD otbec fiiljccics, m (uc|) ®amicc as tl)ep uucrDt Da\)e Done, m cafe t!)is ^ct J)aD neVJec been made* 5 ^ N A N ACT T O Amend and Explain an AcH: made ill the Thirty third Year of the Reign of Henry the Eighth, intituled, An Atl for T'ythes and for other Turpofes therein men- tioned. Chap. XXV. DUBLIN: Printed by Boulter Grif.rson, Printer to tlie King's Moft Excellent Majcfty. Mdcclxiv. I [ 437 3 A N ACT T O Amend and explain an Ad: made in the Thirty third Yeai' of the Reign of Henry the Eighth, intituled, An A61 for Tithes^ and for other Turpofes therein mentioned. W CHAP. XXV. l^€ia€;a:$ bj) an 9[(t of pat\ia^^^\/' ment maUe in t\)iQ BingDom, in "^^^• t\)z XWtrtp tl)irD peat of tl)e laeisrn of Bitter Henry t!)e€ig!)tb, ItltlttUeD, AnAdfor 5 % Tythes, 43^ Anno Regni tertlo ch A p.Tythcs, It IS amongft otl)ec XbiniJS enact- XXV. j^j,^ " Qi\)at all auD fmcrnlcc perfons of t^fS ^^^^ HanD, of tb^at €ftate, E^e^tee a? ototiDt- tiott foetJec tl)ep be, (|)aU fuUr, ttul^, auD effectually^ Det)iOe, fct out, j^eilD o? pap all anD fmgulec €})tj)cs anD ;apffenugs, ac^ co^timg to t|)e lattifull Cuftoms anD afuacrcs of tl)e l2)acocj)es aitt) l^laces tbbcre fuel) Xptbes 0^ SDuties iT)all gcolb, atife, anO become Due : ' ;^nD Ibbeceas t\)t srooD gjnteuttonsof tl)e faiD :^a |)at)e Ueen in a great ^eafute tefeateti bp tl)e jFtauDs of tbe l^etfous tbl)o ou0l)t to pap fuc}) Xptl)ee, iti not gfiDmg teafonable Notice to the l&ecrons intttleD to receiDe ti)e fame, ano otbet OTonttibances tb!)en Notice l)as been a-i\)en, anD tl)c petfons attenDing to receive fuel) iTptbes pucfuant tl)eteto : 2i3e it €n^ acteD bp tbe fiingr'3 i®oft excellent ©a- leftp, bp anD tJbitj) tbe ^Dbice anD (!lon=^ fent of tbe lLo2tQ :^pititual anD Xem= po^al anD Olommons m tl)i3 p;?efent l&ar- liament affetubleo, anD bp tbe ^utl)o;itp of tl)c fame, X|)at cberp C>tbnec of OLo^tx, i^ap, 0? |2>ea(e, o o;j pcafe, o; 2i5ean«5, gibe iltlotice in OTrit= iug to t!)e pecfons intitleD to teceibe fuel) ^CptDce, 0? l)is Unotbn l^^oao? o^ j^ana:: get. Georgii Tertii Reglso 430^ qcty of tl)e tlimc of fettiugr out fnci)CHAP. ^pt|)es, jFo?tp eicrl)t i^ours at icaG l)cfo;?e ^x^- faci) lutenOeD Xime of Tettmsr out tj)c ^^^ fame, tbl)tfl) fl^ottce tljall lie tielit3creD to tl)e Jdetfon fo lUtitleD torcceiVie int\) %^t\)c5, o> bis ftnoCbii ^2oaoi 0? :©anaget, 0? m cafe neitj)er of tl)cui cau be founD at 1)10 i^oufe 0? ufual l&lace of ;3boDe ttiitljm tl^e fai*5 l^atill), fuc6 iHotice i^all be gi\)tn to fonie pecfon liljuig ttt fuc6 l^oufe tbJ)o is» abo\)e tl)e ^gt of Sixteen peats, atiD t\)nt all l^crfons tbI)o grttje fucb jRotice, ll)aU tibitl)out j?raut), OTotJm, 0? tbilful S^ela?', ttul^ anD effectually D!V)iDe, fet out, anD tielipet fuel) €:}?tj)e6 to tU IDetfous tntit- leD to teeeite ti)e fame, lbl)o il[)all atteno fo? tl)at l&utpofe pucfuant to fuel) Notice, anD tt)at it ii)ali be lalbful fo;? tj)e l^erfotiSi rcceitjmg fut^ ST^tljcs, to malfee tbe fame in ^totft«5, o; otOettbife, on tj)e 5ielD U)})ete tl)e fame gcetb, tbl)ece tbe fame map temain anD be p?efetteD fo lonigr as tbe teG, 0? anp patt of tj)c teft, of t!)e Co?octo?, ^ate no l&lace 5 51: 2 of Anno Regni tertio of iRcfitJcitce in the faiD parill), o? tf manp patfil)cs be uiuteD bj? ^iitiie of anp Bnion in one of t\)t faiD unitcD Patift)C6, t^at tben and in fuel) cafe it (l)aU be fuf:; ttcicnt to giXit tl)e faiD iRotice of tbe Xinie of fcttincr out tbe ^))tl)cs, bp afSxmg: tl)e fame on tbe "^002 of tl)e l&atilt) C^iutcl) j?02tp eifrl)t l^oiKS before tj)e Xime of fetting out the faiD X}?tl)efir» srnlJ tiDbcrcas tl)e OTlercr)? in ^uit«5 fo;? fubtraaion of p ti)e ;?.ut})o.^it)) afo;?efaiD, srj)at it ft)all be fuf^ ficient fo? eUcrp Ccclcfiaftical pctfon, 0^ Hap g!nip2op2iato? m anv ^uit fo^ tl)e fubtraaion of iDteDial Xptl)e3, to p?o\)c ttiat fuel) l^erfon Ibas, anD is tcputeD to be an Encumbent 0; 3^^^V7ov2^^to; of fuc^ ^atuti, anD l)aD artcD as fucj) at 0;? befo2c tbe Xtuic tbe ^aigbt of tbe Xptbes fucD fo;j accrneD, tbitboi^t p^oDucmg 02 P2o\)ing anv other Xitle, except tbe Xitle of tbe ^crion p^oinotiug fuch ^uit iljall be con- tcoucrtcD, anD it iljall be pleaDcD bv tbe Partp Georgli Tertii Regis. 4^1 j&artj> Co fueD in iutY^ toufes, t!)at tbe^^^r. i&ecroti p^ofecutmgr fuel) ^uit is not tl)e ^^^• tme ano legal Encumbent 0^ 3lmP(?opM= ^"^ to^ ;3nD lbl)erea2i b^ t\)c p^cfettt ®et!)oD of p tl)e ;^ut{)0(?it3? afo^e- fatf, XDat fo;j tl)e JFutute in all eafes of fubtcaction of l&;?eDial %yt\>t^, tbl)etc t\)z l&ccfons eiteo l!)aU not appear putfuant to tl)e firft Citation, tl)e futJflre of tl)e Court ft)aU upon t{)e Return of fuel) Cita^ tion, anD Due |&;oof mate of t!)e :$ert)iee tl)ereof upon €)at!) in ^ritinjgr on tl)e i3ae!t of, 0^ anneieD to fueb Citation, tieeree one otl)cr |&?oeefs 0? Citation to ifSnt agrainft fueb perfon retitingr fuel) fo;?met Citation, anD intmiatmjgr tl)at tbl)etl)er l)e (l)all appear 0;? eontumaeioullp abfent l)imfelf, tl)at \)z tl)e faiD giuDge tbtll neVJertbelefs p^oeeeD to l)ear anD De* termine fuel) Caufe, tl)e ;^bfenee 0? Con^ 5 m tamacp 442 Anno Regnl tertio Chap. tunmcj) of fticl) ^^ctfon ttottb!tl)ftant5mff5 XXV. aiiD It iljall anD map be latsjful fo? fuel) " — ''^ f uDcre to p?oceet) to l)ear auD Dctetmiue fuel/ Olanres, itt t!)tttp 2Daps after mie P;>ouf inaUe befo2e {)im on £Dat!) of thz X>m fcc\)!ce of fuel) feconD |&?ocefs o? oTita^ tiou as before inentioneD, in fuel) ©amiec as if t\)t petfon fo citeD l)aD been eitom^ mtmicateO fo? fticl) l)is Contempt m not appearing* ^gi?o\)it)et) allba^s, tiDat tl)e i^atties fo citeO entering an Appearance citber bp \)inv felf 0? l)is p»j?octo?, m tl)e megiftrj) of t\)t Court into tb!)!Cl) fee is citet, anj? Xime befo;?e tl)e Court SDap next foUotbing tbe ^ay appointeD fo? l)is Appearance in fucj) Citation, o? tl)ittp SDaj^s after fuel) Court l>av, ll)aU be CieemeD anD talien to be sl fufficient Appearance fo? t\)t faiD p^attj?, ant) fo? tl)e 'Judge of tbc faiD Court to p?oceeD on fuel) Caufe* AnD tbl)ereas it is hv the faiD Act maDe in tl)is Eingtiom; in tl)e tl)irt)v thirc pear of tl)e iaeign of Henry the OEigbth, further €nacteD, '' tJL^cit m ctjcrv Caufc o? ®a ter fo? Detain^ ing 0? llDithbolDing €:)'tl)cs o? £Dffrrings, tl)c 31»^ffc baomg thetr parties o?rbcirlaU)^ ful ^?ocurato?s befo?e i)im, il)aU anc majj p?oceeD Georgil Tertii Regis, ^3 p^oteeD to tbe Cxaiuinatioit, l)cat;mg, atiD^"^^- Deteruiimns-of e\)erj)fucj) OTaufc 02 i^atter ^^^• o;>t)!uiril)^ 0) iummmly accosting- to thz''^^ ' Co icCe of tbc Eitig'S Ccclefjaftical HaMf :^uD Vb5)eceas tiottbitpani^insf tl>e fciitj ILaltf, ^U!t3 fo> toCiial €:)5t|)t« ace tat^ rieD Oil ill tbe €ctleftaO:ical €outt, in a plenac)? ^atmec, to tJ)e jjreat ITroablc atiD Ctpence oi tl)e l^etfou fo tmX>, aiiD ofteti fo> \)ci)? UuciM §)iitm of j©oitej): » It <2Eita(teD bv tJ)e ,^iitl)o,?ity afoiefaiD, Xl)at ti)e Cccleftaftical ^uW m all CaufeS fo^ ^nbtcaction of l^jeDial tJEj^tbes, Wmn tbe Witg^U to tl)em is; not contco\)ecteD, il)all aftec a Hibel 1$ ^fbett in attt) "JfTiie joitiet), 0^ in i^aiii of tl)e Coittempt of t!)c P)act^ citeD, in Cafe of l)is ^on ^ppeatauce after tl)e ^et\}ice M CttcJ) Citations a55 ate l)erein before nun<^ tionet), anD tm l^^oof matie t!)eteof, at tl)e ]^ctitioit of eit|)ec of t\)t |&artie0, p^^o^ teeD to l)eac anD Determine fticl) Ca«fe$ ant) i©atter0 in a fnmma?j? fanner h^ Cxaiiiiuation of MitnefTe^, viva Voce, m^ tilth otbec leiral \&?oufs as il)all be ofereii to l)!tn, anD p2oceeC! tl)ereupon to $i\)c 8nal Sentence in t^c fame. Hi: J 444 Anno Rcgni tcrtio Chap. Znt U)J)erea$ it is b^ t\)t faiD m \&att XXV. tetiteD ;^ct fntthtt €natteD, " %\)at if an^ ^''■''^fttt^ l&etrott 0^ ^^etfons, aftet jg^eutcnce Oe^ fifnititje ^i^zn ag-amft t\)m\, obainatel^, atiD tDiUfuUp refufe to pajj tj)eir 5r;tl)e3 0? ^Duties, o;? im\) §>un\Q of j®oncp fo aC)jttDgeD, lbJ)ercin tY}zy> be condetimcD fo;j t^c fame, tbat ti)en ttbo fuftices of tj)e i&eate fo^ t\)z fame ^Wce, tbl)ercof one to be of t^e ^©uotum, il)aU l)a\je ;^«tl)o^it}? bj? t!)i«5 ;^ct, upon gnfoentence, to caufe tj)e ^attj? fo tefufeD to be attacl)eD anD committeD to tt)e ntxt (15oal, anD tDete to remain ibitj)^ out Bail 02 ®ainp2i3e, till l)e o? tl)e)? ft)all l)at)e founD fufficient iS^ecuntfes to be bounO bp mecogni3ance, o^ otl)crtbife, to tl)e !9iing, to perform t\)c fame defini? titje :^entence, o; fndgment: ;^nD tbbere:= as tbe fttict feetution of tl)e faiD tzriaufe tboulD be tjerp incon\)enicnt to tht 3x1- Oices of tl)e Peace. tbl)o muft meet to grrant fuel) OTatrants, anD alfo to t{)e i^ecfons tbbo are to be fo attacbeD : Be it CnacteD bp tl)e ^ntl)o fuel) ^uftices c h a i of tJ)c l&eace, but tbJ)cre aitj) l&etfon o;j ^^^J- ^^crfonS ace ronDemneO in anp ^um o^ '"'^ :g>tim5 of ®onev fo? p^eDial 5i:j?tl)e$ o^ CoQs of j^utt in an^ fuel) Caufe, atiD tl)e ^attjj fo contJemneD 11^^11 t^fwfe 02 neglect, after :^ert)ice of a j^onition iot t\)U l&ucpofe from tl)e Court tbl)cre fuc^ :$5cntence t5 0? il)aU be gitjen, anD l2>^oof niatie upon C>ati) of t{)e Due :^ert)ice tjjere- of l)j? tl)e ^pace of fifteen 3)aj)S after fuel) j^cttJice, to fatisfp anD pap to t^e partp obtammgr furl) Sentence fuel) j$um 02 ig^ums as il^all be fo DecreeD, it (t)aU anD map be latbful fo? tl)e perfon 0;? ^er= fonS, fo obtaining fuel) :^entence 0;? i>tn^ tences, to fue fo^j t!)e j®onep fo DecreeD bj> CiViil iaill, before tl)e next gomir f uDges of :^ffi3e fo;j tl)e Countp tb^ere tl)e pattp againfl; tbl)om fuel) Sentence tbas p?o= nouneeD l!)aU cefiDe, 0? m anp otl)er Court tb!)ere CiDil 2iPiUs are 0? ftjM be allotbeD to be b^ougbt, in fuel) ®anner as ^uits bjj €it)il aaiUs are notb allotbeD to be b2ougfl)t, fo as tl)e fame Do not exceeO t\)z ^tmx of ttbentp l&ounDs, anD a true Copj) of fuel) Monition unDer rl)e :$eal of tl)e Court from tbl)ence tl)e fame iCTucD, anD 15;?oof upon €)at^ of el)e Due ;$)ectiiee tl)eceof, jFfteen DapS at leaft be^ 5 I fo^e v-/oro 446 Anno Rcgni tertio c H A I-. Co;?e t!)e ^ime of !)caring fucj) ali'oil I3ill, XXV. j^^ii ^J(^ )iit)0CD fuffiticnt anD concliifitJe '^^^ €t)iDence of tl)c ^um Due, atiD the ^ar^ tj) obtaining a Electee in fuel) :$>nit ft)aU be irttttleD to fuel) Execution anD p^ocefs, tbitl) tf)e ufual inig!)t l)etctofo;?e j)at)e Done finee tbe mafemg of tl)e faiD :3ct, tnaOe m tbe ^bict^ tljirD peat of t\)z meiflrn of Hemy tl)e €ijg:i)tj). \& l)is fenotbn l^^otto? 0^ j®anajjet Georgil Tertli Regis* ^7 ©anagec upon OatI), upon gitJingrreafott-c ha i- able Notice to tDc piaintt8E oi fuel) ^^octo^ ^^v. tJ)at bis ^ttenDance ts expecteD at tl)e i^eac^ ^""""^ injj of fuel) OlitJil 2aiU. \&rot)it)eD alfo, tl)at nothing !)etem con= taitieD i!)aU extenO, oopiil) JReliirion, auD foetefo^c ^^"^^ n\ay oit account of tl)c (BatieUing QLlauk in tY)t Stct of t\)Z ^ecotiD peat of tl)e meifrii of Jduceti Anne, ant) of otJjcc oriatifes in t|)at 3lct, auD alfo m ti)c ;^(t of tl)e €ijjJ)tl) peat of tl)e mcsgn of £lneen Anne, be betcaftcr niftnciicD bp tio;juiant 3lRigl)t$ claimed h}) j?02ce, anO untiec Colout of tl)e faiCi ^ct!3, tbl)erelJp tbe mtlt^ of l^is ©ajcftj^s Proteftant ^ubjects arc renCcieD mfecuce: »ie tl)ei:efo;}e Pone a^aicftp'S ®oft Dutiful anti ILoj^al Subjects, tl)e dTommons of Ireland iti ^acltauicnt allembleD, Do nioft |)uniblp befeccl) pout ®ajeftp t|)at tt uiaj) be €? nactet), anD be it €naaeD bp tj)e l^mgs ®oft excellent -©ajeft)?, bj) anO tbitb tbe 3(ti\)ice anD OTonffnt of ti)e ?to?ti!3i :^pititual anD tEempo^ 2al anD (Eotiimono; in tl)i5 p^efeut \Darliamettt affeuibleD, anD bp tJ)e ^u= tl)o;?it)j of t!)c fame, Hij)at t\)z m^ tie, pofreCTion, €ftate, o? gintereft, of anj^ p^otcftant in oi to anp j^ef^ Tuagre^f, ILanDS, tenements, o; l^ete^ Ditaments, in t\)iQ l^ingDom, fliall not be a\3oiDeD o; impeacl)eD bv tbe ;^iD of tj)e llaliD55 maDe in tl)ii2i Eing? Dom Geofgli Tertii Regis* ^^c-y torn to p?et)ent tbe (B^oMf) of Po.chap. peiy, 02 bp t\>t Ztt) of anp of tte xxvi. faiD ilatbs bp ®eans 02 bj? Colour '^^^^^^ of anp miflr!)t 0? p 2\ty afo^cfaib, £l)at all fiub idctfon o? jettons as l)a\3e . Ijeretofo^e obtaincD tfee 2i5til)op's Ccttiticate of tl)cit Confo^mit)), anO from ant) after the obtaining the fail e l)a\3e v^ofclTeD the Proteflant Jae- Ifgrion anD ha\)e coiitmneD Protcftants, anD hat)e not pcrfo^mec all the othec legal lacqtuQtcs of €oufo^mit)\ anD il)all perform the fame before the firft ilDa)? of December, m the pear C>nr tboufanD feiien hnnb;?eD anD fixtj) e\)e, i^all from the HTime of his, her, o? V: theic Georgil Tertii Regis. 455 tbeit Confo?tii!t)) from tl)e Popiili to tbe ^ J" ^ •'• Proteftant IRchgion, be tJeemeD atiD tafteu o^^ to be Proteftants of tl)e €Gabliil)eD CJ)tttcJ), to all gntcnts auD |5wrpofeS. |53o\)iDcD altbaj's, VL\)^t notl)in9: \)ttm coutafucD, i^all 2i5ar, SDeftat, 0? ^^eju? t)ice anp gluDgrtuent 02 2Dccree !)ctetofo;?e obtameD, bj? anj) \5erfoti 02 l&etfons tbl)at' foet)ec m anp OTotttt of flaXb 01 Cquitjj, ocat £Dik thou- faiiD fe^n l)uuti?eD anDftitpume, alt^from thence to t6e enD of t^'e tl)en neit ^'efTioti of parliament, H)ttl)tl)e follotbmir^^mcnti^ mento: m it enaitetJ bp tbe ?utho?irp afo^cfaiD, Chat Icom anD aftet tl)e X*^cnrp fiftt) Way of March ncxt, lbbcnc\)er anD as oftc^ ag It a>ali^ hapSPti^tDat tbc i^5;Ice of :oai§, m t!)(J OTfi)) of Bubjin ft)cili''rtr(^ft Ye gMe 'o;J lato df'^i^W^^ !^tnm^ Je Attn, tfeat tYit }^ibht C^Uparb 0^ OToaiparDS, m Cafe tDcre il)aKA^e tiio^e tban €>ne, iliaU be ftcpt open ftom t^e l^ouT-of teu4n tl)e ®otrijns:.liULiDUC in tbe Afternoon on etjecp ^ap, Sunday anD chriftmas-Day ottlp excepteD, Durmg tbj)ic!) Xmie t!)e Dicectoutp, tbat t\K faiD l>ircao? anD Comptroller, anD eacl) of Georgli Tertii Regis. 461 of tbetn i^all forfeit fo? etjerp fncl) €>ffeitce c h a p. tl)e ^um of ^en pounDS, to de recotieteO xxvii. in a :^ummat)j tbaj) l))> €i\>il 2aiU, to be^""'''^^ h2ons\>t btk^c tt)e I^cco^Oet of tDe (Eity of Dublin, pucftiant to tj)e :$>tatute m that Cafe mace anD p^oijiDeD, t\)z ^um (0 to be recot3C?eD to be to tj)e ^fe of futj) i&etfon tbbo iliaU ficft fue to;? t!)e fame, fuel) l&ccfon ftcft maktnsr £)atl) befo;?e t^e CaiD fileco^tJer, tb!)tcl) ^mb \)z t«5 ^etebp impolbereD anD tequiceD to aOminider, ti)at fuel) €t\3!l Bill Ibas not b?ottsrl)t Dicectlp 0;? intJiteai^ in Xrtift fo^ tl)e faiD 3>icecto? 0? Comptrollet* ^&;?oDiOeD altba^s, tDat fuel) OTitJil 2I3IU a)aU be hiouo[Y>t li)itl)tn t!);jee ®ont!)s; af- ter fuc!) Offence committeti. ;3nD be it €nacteD bp t!)e Zuti^o;itv afo;?efa!D, t!)at in Cafe a Electee i^ali be obtatneD ajjaind fuel) 2Ditecto;j 0? Comp^ tcoUet fo;? not attending, 0? fo;? neglectinjgr ^is faiO €)ffice, tj)at in etjerj) fucj) Cafe, t^c £I>ffice of fwcj) I)icecto? 0^ ComptroUet (liall be null anD Ijoid, to all fntents anD ^atpofes, from tl)e Cime of obtaining futj) Deccee, unlefo tl)ece (|)all be an Appeal fcom fucj) Dcccee, anD tj)en from t\)z 6 215 ^ime 461 Anno Regnl temCf Chap, ^rjiiie of affimimff ti)e TaiD IDctrec, tir XXVII. j^^f^ fUg f^j^^g (^^i[ be affitineD. ;3nt) be it €uacteD b^ tl)e ^utbo^it)> afo^cfaiD, 3ri)at t!)e ?Lo^d JLienttnant, 0? ot^ct* €i)ief (15o\3ecno^ o;r €t)ief Ootjerno^s of tl)is BLtugtiom, io; t\)c Xhut bciucr, iViall appoint fome ot\)tt }^niot\ iii tbc }5lace of tl)e2Di recto;? o;> Comptroller, Dbl^ofe Offtce fl)aU be fo \)acatcD as afo^efaiO, ;:HnD be it DeclarcD ant) €nacteD bp tl)e ^ittl)o;?itj> afo^efaib, Z^at t\)z ^ecuritj? bp ttie faiD Sict, rcqmtcD from the fait) SDi- tecto^ antJ aTomptrollcr, il)aU be cnrereD into bj> tj)em tcfpectiVJel^^ before tl)e Eo^D i®apo? of t\)Z Olitp of Dublin. ::anD be it €nacteD bv tDe ^utbo^itj) afo;?efatD, tl)at fnci) ^ecurttj' il)aU be entcr^ eD into on 0? befo>e ti)e jFicft l^a)? of June next, anU tl)at m olafc the fait) SDi- recto? ant) Comptroller, 0? either of them, iliaU fail o (15o\3ecno,^3 fo;j xxvii. tbe %ixx\t being-, iljall appoint fome ot^ec ^^^ #erfou to be ComptcoUet o; Ditetto? in the |5la(e of tl)e perron fo failingr 0? ne= glectinsr* :^nt) be it €ttacteD bp tJ)e ^Utl)02it^ afo;?e' faiD, Xhat tl)c fallacies of t&o l)nnD;?eD l&onncs yearl)), anD of tjjictp poimOis y>tntly fo2 a Clcrh, 02 fiitp |5ount)S j^eatlp, if it ll)a!l be foimD nccelTacj) to fteep mo;z t^an one, il)all be paiD to tl)e faiD SPirecto?, toptj)er tbitl) a :^rim not exceeD= ing pearl)) t!)irtv pounDs to be allotbeO fo? one €oal=parD, not exceeDingr t|)e ^um of fiitp l^ounDS pearlp in cafe'^ t^ere ft)aU be tno?e tl)an one, tb|)!C}) faiD fet)eral jg^alarie^i anD ^mm il)aU be paiD to tlje faiD SPirecto;? bp l^^alf^pearlp j5apment$,^on etJerp Srft S>ap of December anD 8rft ^ap of June pearlp, Dp \)i^ ®ajeap'S meceiber (General, to li)l)om tl)e iaeceipt of t|)e faiD ^irecto tl)e ^utbo;?it? afoeatljj l^aj^ments to be maC)e,a$ fo?tl)e fitft of December in tJ)e peac €)ne tl)oufanD fetjen l)unD^eD anD ftitp ttbo, :3nD to p;?ebent an^ 3>iffic«ltj) o;j ilofs of Xime in €)btaining tbe Certiftcatesi in tJ)e fait) ^ct mentioncti : 2iBe it CnactcD bp t6e aut!)o, map be bamajjeo bp remainmsr in tl)e faiD OToal^patDS fo? a itengtj) of Xime : » it CnacteD bp t\)t 9tutl)o^itp afojefaiD, li:j)at tl)e faib SDirerto?, bp anD tbit^ t\>t ^pp;jo^ bation of tl)e ?to?D ^lieutenant, 02 ot^c cbtef (!5otJctno;j 0? cbief cI5obetno?s, anO ^l\\yv Council of tl)is EinjjDom, ficft l)aD ant) obtaineD fo;? tbat f^ucpofe, map fell out tJ)e faiO Coals at fuel) %mzQ, anb at fuel) ^^^ices, as i^all be appomteb bp tl)e faib 2.o?b ILieutenant, 0^ tl)e cl)ief dUoi t)erno? o;j (15oVierno;?S, anb lD^i\)p Council; anD tl)e ®onep arifuiigf bp tl)e :^ale of fuct) Coals ft)all be paiD into i^is ©ajeftp'S 3£:ceafutp, ZnD be It CnacteD bp^sVtt)^ ^«" t!)02itp afo2efaib, Xl)at tl)e lloib ®apoa 6 c anb 466 Anno Regni tertio Chap. auD BoatD of ;aiDecuien fljall fconi £mie XXVII. (p Xitnc, Uj? ^nQrumeiit m OTntincr uaDec ^■^^'^ tl)tit {^auCis anD ^cals, Direct auD appoint m tbbat plate 0; plates tl)c TaiD publitft Coal^facD o> pnblicli OEoal ;^arti5, if thej? rt)aU finD It tieceCfatp to l)a\3e tno;?e tban i2Pne, il)aU be ftept, anb lbl;at mcttt iljall be paib fo;? tbe fame, not cxccctiug ti:e ;3llotbanfe afo;?efaib, and m cafe t\)t faiD SDitecto? (l)all after tbe GrG SDa;? of June next tahe 02 uk any> place, as fo; a pub- licft parb, tbitl)out fucb ^ppomtinent, !)e Iliall fo2fett fo fuel) icDffetice, t^e :i)«tn of ^ue l)unb;?cb pouubs, to be re^ cobereb as afo^efaib. ;3nb fce It €nactcb bp tbe ^utl)02it>? afo^cfaib, €bat if anj? pcrfon 0? perfons JJbbatfoeber, 0? ^Inbabitant of t^is Wnn$^ bom, ftjall buy) o; contract fo^ my Coals coming b)' :^ea, to be folb m o2fo2tl)e Cit)) of Dublin, after fuel) OToal ll)all arribe tbitbiu tl)e Po^t 0(? l^arbour of Dublin, anb befo;?e tl)ejj Il)all arribe OTcfttbarb of tl)e tZIotbn of Rings-end, fucl) pcrfon 02 pcr^ fons ftjall forfeit fo? ebcrp fuel) £Dffence, tY>t §>un\ of fift)) pounbs, to be recobercb bp Cibil 2i5ill, before tl)e Siubgc 02 '^utgcQ tabing ^unfbiction to l)ear anb Determine fim %Uj3, IbDere fuel) £DflFcnce il)aU be ;. " ' committeb, Georgii Tcitii Regis. 467 conmiitteD, anD ti)at all Contcacts fo? c h a p. Coals maDe 0? ettttcD into, contract to tbe ^xvii. 2Dtcections afo2cfaiD, antJ before futb Coals ^^^''^ ii)all artitJe OTefttbatD of RingVend, (|)all be uttctlj) DoiD to all ^wtcnts anD }^ut^ pofes, atiD tl)at the ilo^D ®a^o? of tfte Citj) of Dublin, iti tafc be i^iall l)atje reafon to fufpcct anp Contracts fo^ tbe bu^ingr 0;? fellnig- of Coals to babe been entcceD into contratp to tbe SPitectionS afo^efaiD, l)^ ft)all babe l&otbct to fummon anj> Sinbabi^ tant 0? f nbabitants of the Citj' of Dublin before bun, tbbo map be able to gibe bim 3lnfo> tenD to accufe bimfelf 0? fub= ject bimfelf to anp penalty* <5 C 2 AN A N ACT FOR Better preventing the Severities and unjuft Exactions praftifed by Coalers a- gainll: their Prifoners, and for more effec- tually iupporting Profecutions at the Suit of the Crown, in cafes of Felony and Treafbn. DUBLIN: Printed by Boulter Grierson, Printer to the King's Moft Excellent iMajefty. Mdcclxiv. Chap. XXVIII. (471 ) A N ACT FOR Better preventing the Severities and unjuft Exadions pra(5tlfed by Goalers agamft their Prifbners, and for more effedually liip^ porting Profecutions at the Suit of the Crown, in cafes of Felony and Treafbn. CHAP. XXVIII. WI5 € la € :^ :^ manp iFratit)«5 c h a p. anO <^bufes l)at)e htzn conunit^:^^^^ teD I))) d^oalccs exactmsr exo?di= tant fees, b^eXbmg of D;?ml$, auD baUmjgr of 2!&^eat), XW^\> tl)ej) oblige t\)tit l&^ifo^ 6 S) 2 ners 472 Anno Regni tertio Chap, ttccs to taftc ftoiu thetii at their otbn XXVIII. iaates, atiD by keeping tbcic (Soals in a filtbp uulbDolfomc fanner: ;^nD tbticre- as man)? SDoubtS l)a\)e acifcn on a Qiiiink tontamcD in an Sict of |5arli:iucnt paffeD in tDiS Eingtiom, in tj)e tbitd piac of tJ)c meicru of l^is late :®ajca)) mn^ George tl)e J$>eConD, intitUlcD, Arx A^: for continuing fevcral Tejiiporary Statutes made in this Kingdom, and now' near expiring, and for the Amendment of other Statutes therein mention- ed, particnlatl)), tbj)etj)ct t\)c f uDsree on tbeit (Etctuits are itnpotbcreC) to tonftim ^^efentments ntaCe bj> (B^lnD 3uric3 to; ^etiicines p;?oDiDeD fo^? poo;? p^jtfoiiets coneinct) in t\)t fetieral cSoals of tl)i3 Bmg- t)om: MX^ llDl)cteaS t\)c 2a?cao appointeD l))> t|)e faiO :^a to be boiis:!)t fo^ t\)t Wik of tl)e poo^j |&;jifonet!3i J)at{) been, contrarp to t\)z intention thereof, gitjcn gudif:: crtmmatelv to all tbc ^^jifoncrs confincD in tl)e faiD (Bom, anO is often lifttibutcD among tbe faiD l^^ifonerg by tJ)e dSoaler, anO not bp tl)e ®miftct anD Olutate, as dirertetJ by> t\)t faiD ^tt: -^nD Ibbeceas (Boalers frequently pa)? large ^ums, o? engage to pa)? a iRent to fuel) ^^crfon o? ^crfons tbbo baVie tbe polbcr of appoint:- ing tbem, anD tberebp app^cbcnD tbe)? babe a laigbt to continue tberein inDepcnOant of Georgii Tertii Regis. -^y^ of the ^ut})o?itp of tl)e l^ecfons fo ap- c h a r. pointing tl)cni, auD ufe cUty uutbartanta- ^xviii. Ijle ^catiQ to tcmibucfc ti)cmfell)es the '-'^"'^ !§>mm by tl)ein patD, o? tl)e IRent acrceeD to be paiD fo? tl)c fatD Offices : Wz it €naa= CD bp tDe laincr'Si j®oa €tceUeut ®ateft^, bv anD tbitl) the ^ti^jiee auD Confent of the Ito^os Spiritual and tlempo^al aiiD Conuuons; m tj)i0 p;?efent l&arliament af^ feinbleD, atiD bp tl)e :^utl)o?itp of tl)e fatnc, Hbat from anD after tbe ficft S>a)? of /^uguft ilPne thoufanD fetjen !)wttD;jeD anD fiitp tout, no :$>!)ettff, o? otljct pecfon oi ^crfons, boDies €o;?po?ate 02 ^olititK i)at)ing l&otbecs to appoint a (Boaltt^ il)aU by> tbemfcH3c0, o? anj? otl)ec ^etfon in li:cuft foz tl)em, tafte any> ftz 0? (I5?a^ tutt^, 02 tzkt\)z my iRent payable out of an^ fucb d^oal fo2 fuel) :3ppointuient, unDec tDe penalty? of jFiV)e J)unD;?eD ^^ounDs, one ®otetp thereof to be paiD to tl)e HXing, t^e otDec to tl)e 3!nfo2Jtter, tbitl) full Cofts of ^u!t, tbbo J^all b;) Bill, plaint, o the iRe.- to?Det in t^e Countp of t!)e Olitj?, atto;?Di: ingtot!)en: Mccetion, anD fo^thtbith |)ofteD Dp fuch d^oalec m t!)e inoG piiblich |5lacc of his (Boal, anD iibetbtfe in the €otitt anD ;^erfion'houres, anD in the <15;anD 3^^V' room, at etKtj) <^ffi3es anD :^effions, tj)e fame to be ftept 5Pair, anD renclbeD as often as it map be DefaceD, upon patn of J?o^: feitinff the ^nm of fo^tp :^hiUings fo? t\)t^ tp fttch ^Default o? ^eglea m fuch (Boaler, to be recotJereD bp €it)il Bill, bp fuch ^ti- former as (t)aU fttft fue fo? the fame. ;3lnD be it further CnacteD bp the ^u- tbo^itp afo;?efaiD, %\^t if anp (Boalcc ft)all tabe Georgii Tertli Regis. 47^ tafte ^nv otj)et jFee 0^ ^um, empt tbofe^"^'- atUotbeD ano appomteo bp tl)e faiD tHablc, ^xviil tl)c faiD (Boalec a)aU forfeit tl)e :$)ttitt of ""^ fo;?tp ^J)iUmgs, to be recotJeceO l)j?CiV)il 2aiU bj) t!)e 3ufo^mer. ;anD tbbereas tJ)e j^lntftet anD €l)ttrc|)= IbarDctiS of t\)z cefpecti^e l&anft)es tbbeteitt oaler3 teturnmg jRames of |5;>ironec6 as tn tbeic CuftoDj), anD m tbant of B^caD, tbbo teall? are not, anD bp baftinir t\)tit oVbn 26^eaD, maftmflr it of fttcl) 2Kaeiff J)t auD fo?t as tl)ep tj)inft p^opet; jFo? memeO^ IbDeteof, be it enarteD \jy> tl)e ^utDo;?it? afo^efaiD, ^j)at no <5oaler, 0^ anp )^ec(ott tn XruG fo;? J)im, i^iall b J&lacc b?elb 02 balie fo? ^ale, 02 fteep anj) ^j)op fo2 tbe rellincr of 2i5ffence, to be te* totjeteD in the uf«al fanner bj) CitJil Bill, hv the p^etfon Ihho it)aU inform of anO fue fo;? the fame. a no be It Cnactet) by the ^utho;itj> afo^efaiO, %\)at the ^iniaer, 0; Curate, 6^2 i\)M 476 Anno Regnl tertlo Chap. i^^M sSJccftlv Oclitjcc 2i5?catJ, to bc hv thtth XXVIII. p^ e!tl)et of rDem bougrbt upon tbe Deft ' — ^ ' Xetms tbat 2i3;eaD is ufuallp TolD fo? m the ^acifl), to fucj) of tbe faiD ^.^ifonecs conftncD in CBoal, as fecm to l)ini 0? tbcm to be m Ibant, anD to no otbcr, anD tbat et)er>) ©inifter 0; (Eucate fl)aU frotn Xime to Uttnc, as be ft)aU fee C>ccafion, \)tftt ant) tjielb ti)e l^^ifoners in (Boal, anD if anp ^5?ifonec appears to be afflirtcD tbirl) j^icftnefs, anD to ftanD in ^eeD of ©e- Dicines, tj)e fatD ^iniftet 0? Curate is f^ttthv impotbereD to cmyioy> a |&l))3fic;an, SpotJ)ecar^, o;j burgeon, anD to pav fo the ^utDo^itp ^fo;?efaiD, Xl)at from auD after the Coni= tttencemcnt of t^is ^(t, no (Boaler, 0? my> l&etfon einplo^eD b^ !)im, (l)all p^efuuic on an^ -Account to fteep in ti)c faiD cBoals, 0; tj)e patD, 0? J^oufes aDjoinincr thereto, anD p2o)3iDeD fo? the ^fc of ftuh p?if oners, anp i^og-s, (Eoths, 0; other OTattle, uriDcc the i^enalt^ of fo?t)) :^hiUtnsrs fo? fuch J^otr, €oth, 0? other Beaft ftcpt m the faiD (!5oal> 02 |D;?!fon, o;j m the Paro o^ l^oufcs thereto belong-mrr, fo? each iDaj?fuch l^oir, Coth, 0,^ other 2iaeaG ftjall be ftcpt rhercm, the Georgii Tertii Regis. ajj tbe fame to be rccotereD b^ Cit^il m\\, m c h a ?. tt)e ttfual i©anncr, \y^ anp l^erfon ibi)oxxviii. itiall inform tJ)ci:cof. ^ — ' — ' ^nD ttibcreas inattj) infectious l>ifo;?tiet0 are Ciailp p;?ot)iiceD b^ t!)e OTonftnement of ^luubccs \\\ clofe l&^ifoits, tt>l)erciinto tl)ece is no bach patD aD|oining, anu tl)e Hitjes of li?is ®aitft;)'s Subjects ate cnoangeteO b):> tl)e b^infringr of ^^tfonets into publicft ^^tceets f o;? :m ; 2ae it CnacteD bp tl)e ^tttl)o^ ;?it^ afo^efaiD, tJEI)at eVierp (l5?anD 3liu^ at tl)e :^ffi3es 0? iUuacter ;^efftons, afo;?efaiD, map be enableO, anD tl)ep ate berebp tcqtiiceD anD DitecteD to contract eit|)ec b;> Heafe, o^ to ptircbafe a \&iece of ^^ounD next ;^t!jointnflr rDe ci5oal, o? as neat as cont)enientlp can be l)aD tl)ereto, anD caufe to be ececteD H^e- ceffarv (^otifes, anD a QUall fufficient fo;j x\)z ^cciiritj? of the faiD p^ifonecs. Q(nD be It furtJ)et €nacteD bp x\)Z ^utbo- ;it):> afo.^efaiD, Chat t\)z faiD dB^iuD ^lutieS at XX)Z ^ffi3e$ o? Quarter :^effions afo;e^ faiD, ?cs^\\ ^^z. anD tbej> are becebp im^ pollKteD to raife bp ^^efentment, to be conSrnuD b)? ti)e f ucp at fucb ^lli3es, 03 b)? tl)?ee of t^e fuftices m tl)e Citp of Dublin, anD bp tl)e iacco^Der of tbe €it^ of Dublin in t\sz ^^Iountp of tl)e faiD Citp, 6 f anp 478 Anno Regni tertio Chap, attj) ^tuu to be le\)tcD of tJ)e Conntj? at XXVIII. i^fg.^ ^^Qt; exceeding £Dne bunO^eD pounds, '^'^ ^io2 tbe |5utcl)afe of fucb (B^mD, auD builDing hu\) l^oufes anD 31©lall, 0? anj) yearlj) ^um fo? t!)e l^a^uiGnt of fuc!) laent i not eicecoinij ten |2>o«nC)5. Mt) tbbeceas it often l)appen0, tbat prc^ fons of infane j®inD anD oattageotis 2ae= l)at)iout, are connmtteD to l^^ifon fo2 ^f- faults, 0; otJ)et Ctuues not Capital, tbbtcj) petfons go notb m comnton tbiti) tl)e otl)ec p^ifonets: 2i3e it CnacteD by t\)z ;^U' tbo2!t^ afo^efaiD, Xbat tl)z ' to be bad, fit fo? tbe J^eception of fucb Perfon 0^ ^etfons, and Ibberem tl)e (Boalet il)all be mtpotbcred by a TOarrant from tbe neit "Jm^i^^ of tbe ^5eace fo;j tbe Count)? Ibbcrem fucb dBoal il)all lyt, to confine any fucb l&crfon, "Jnfo^jiuation up= on :C>atb batJing: firft been iji\3cn to fucb 3Jnftice of tbe |5cace of tbe "^^luuty 02 otber outragrious »ba\)iour of tuty imi) p,?ifoner. ^nd Georgli Teiti'i Regis. 470 :^tiD be it €itacteD bp tl)e Zutho^itv c h a p. afo^cfaiD, XUt tbefaiD (15?attO furies ll^aU xxvm. at tl)c faiD ^(r!3c3 atiD ^uattec ^effions; ^^"^ afo^cfaiC) be inipolbcceD, anD tj)ej? are J)ere' b>^ impotDcreDto raife bp p?erentinent, to be coiiftrincD as afo?cfaiD, of tl)e OTountp at large anp §>tim not exceeCmgr tl)e ^um of tl)!rtp pountJS fo? builOmjj Tucl) a iR.oom» ^nD be it furtJ)er €nacteD bp tl)e ^^TutDo- 2ity afooals tbiU at p?efent aDmit of fuel) a 2Diftiiictiou, map be obligeD to fe= parare anD top apart t!)e Different j^exes; p?o\3iDcD tbe fame map be Done tbitbout anp iRifque o^? danger of au Cfcape of anp of tDe faiD |&2ifoncrs, of Vb\)itlo if app2tuacteD bj) tJ)e ^utt)02itjj afo;?e^ (ait), Xbat the faiD f uties il^^U be im- polbercD to taife anD let)p bp \2>^cfcntment, to be couStmcD as afo;?e(aib, an^^um not exceebmg €>nt l)unD;cD }&ount)5, fo? aU tecmgr tj)e <15oalS alreabp built in ©annet afo^faiO. ;^nC) fo? t!)e bettec anD mo^e effeaual J^e- lief of tbe tinbappv \5ecfofi5 m any dJoal 02 ^(?ifon £)tuiU5[ ti)cic OTouftneiuent: 25 it CnacteO bj? tl)e 2(ntl)02!t)? afo^efaiD, sri)at at c\)cxy> iUuattec ^effions bclD m 0? fo;j tbe refpecti\)e Counties, OTountics of Cities anb Counties of iTotbns m tbis Bingbom, tl)e Goakt 0;? |&(?ifon=hcepec fo^ etjetp te- Tpettibe (5oal 02 p^ifon fo? fuel) County, Citv, 02 iTotbn, il)all furniil; tbe SiuQices, XbDo il)all p?efiDe at fucb ^effions, tbitb a true ?^alenOac of tbe l&etfon 0? jettons artuallp in l)is Cuftob)?, ano tj)e faiD ^uftites nmy, if thtv tbmli proper o^ber tl)c ^?ifonct 02 \5nfoners to be b20U9;l)t into tl)e Court, p2o\)iDeD fucb ^cfftons are helD m tbe Citp 0;? Xolbn Ib^irein fuel) CSoal 0^ |&?ifon Gcorgll Tertii Regis. 4"* p^tfoJi {l)aU be hcpt, auD there cxainttic tl)cm xxviii' toucl)mg aixv jrratiD, :^eVJcr!t^, o; €xattiou ^--v-^' of anpfuclxBoalcc o^ je>^iron;fteeper, atiD if any im\) il)till appeat upon |5;!oof, tJ)e faio gjufticee iljall auo may tigimfy t\)z fame bp OTritmcr imDec tl)cic l^anDs to tl)c{^ig|) §>Y^t-^ riff o;?l)i3 Deput}?, o?ot[)et perfon o^ perfons tb^o uftiall^ nominate o;> appoint fuel) C^oal- ec 0? p;jUon;ticcpGr, tbl)o is o^ ace J)cceb^ re- qmreti to nominate anD appoint anotl)ei: pcrfon, to tahc care of an>i fuel) clBoal o;j i5;?ifon, m tbe moom of furb ^^erfon as ^M be fo objerteD to b? tl)e faiD f uGices, ano m cafe anj> petfon fo ufuallp nomi- nating 02 appointing anp fucj) dSoalet o^ p^ifon^feeeper il)aU rcfufe o? neglect to m as tacm before DtrecteD, it fl)all be latbful fo? tt)c xitxt going 3ntc^z of :a(ri3e in etoetp fneb €ountj), QLitv, 02 ^otbn, 02 fo2 tj)e faiO ^uftiees in tj)e Countp of Dublin, 02 tl)c fait) filceo2Cet in tl)e County of t!)e fafD €it)), to impofe a 5?ine 02 l^enaltp upont^c ^crfon fo neglecting 02 refufing, not lefs tl)aa ten ^ountis, unlefs itil)aU appear to fucD fuDge tj)at fuel) laemoDal 02 netb ;5lppointmcnt coulD not be maDe ttiitl)out manifeftl^angec to t\)t ^ecuritp of ti)c faiD (5oal. 6 (B ;jrnO 482 Anno Regni tcrtio Chap. ;^itD U it ^iiactcD bp tbe ;Xut!)o;?itj) xxviir. to tl)c j®mifter, 0? Curate, fo? B2eaD o;j otDet ^eteCTa:^ tics, as p^cfccibcD l)}> tl)e laiD ;5a of tl)e tIDirD pear of C^ts late ^ajeftp mng George tl)e ^cconD, anD l)etem tcfo?e par- tictUatlp mentioneD, il)all be actounteo fo? in open Court as bp t!)c faiD 9lct is ti^ recteo. :^nt) be it €nacteD bv tbe :^utho;?itj) afo.^efait) €:j)at tbe refpcctiVie dSranD giuncs of tbe refpectibe Olonnties, Counties of Ci- ties, anD Counties of Xotbns, map if tbcp tbinh l&^oper, gitje to tbe ©iniftcr, o;j to tbc Curate, bp \&;?efcnttttent anp ^un\ not ei- tccDingtcn^ouuDspearlp, to^ tbc inojecarci fuUpanDcffertuallp attenDingtbc SDutprc- quircD bp tbiS M* m it hftctbife €narteD bp tbe ^utbo^itp afo;»efaiD, tibattbe ®iniftero^Curateoftbe parifbes tbbcrcin fucb d^oals iljall be, I'ball Dcligentlp pctfo;jiu tl)c tbc feberal S)uties, rcquircD bp tbiS ^ct, anD b^ tbe faiD re- titcD M of tbe XbirD pear of ][^is late i^atcftp, anD fo;> non performance tberc^ of, il)all be liable to fucb penalties as are mentioncD in tbc faiD rccitcD ^ct, to be rc^^ cobcrcD Georgii Tertii Regis. 483 col)eteD atiD DifpofeD of as tj)ecem meu^cHAP. tionctJ, xxvm. ^nt) be it CuacteD b^ t{)e ^^utDo^itjj afo^efaiD, XJ)at tj)e faiD ci5?auD f uncs il)aU be luipol^ereD to raife anD letp bp ib;>e^ fenttneut, to be confttmeD as afo^jcfaiD, aitp ^xun not exceeding ten PounDs aO^ tiitionat ^allatj), foi t\)z febecal (l!>oalets III tl)i0 iains:Ooun ;5intJ tbl)e?cas matip l&etfons accufeD of auD crailtp of ^reafon anD jFelonj? cfcape tU #nntii)in£nt Due to fucb Crmies, bp tl)e ^5oUert)' of tljcic p?ofecuto?s, Xb^o ac= tuallr forfeit tj)eit: JaccoigrniBances tatj)ec tl)att tmtiercro tl)e lots of tl)eir ^labour, aiiD t{)e una\)0!Dablc Cxpence thzy m«ft be at b^ ^ttcnoancc at tj)e ^fTiBCS: » it OEuactcD b^ tl)e ^utj)02ft)? afo^efaiD, X|)at if ti)e friticris of -^(TiBes atiD dSeuetal (Hjoal l^elibcir, ill anv of tl)e Counties tn tbiS MtnofDom, iljall ceconmienb fncj) ^ecfonS fo atteuDrng to \&;jo[ectitc as p;o^ pec £>b5c-:ts, to IjaVie au ^HolDauce fo> tl)eii: Xituc atiD ^^bocation fcom t\)cit iLa> bout, tl)at tt {\)M anD ma^ be lalbful fo^ ti)e (B;mD 'Juries of ti)e tefpectit)e Ccuntie^i to p2cfent an^ :^um, not exceeD- incr tlbo a)iUtngf5 per Way, fo; fuel) l^crfons as iljall be fo Detaineb fcom tljeii Eabont 6(B2 auD 484 Anno Regni tertlo, ch A p.ano 2i3ufitief0, auD uecellacilp attcuOitijgr XXVIII. to p^ofccutc. QtnD tbbcreas it often happens in Cti^ mnial ^s^ofectitionS at thz TeDetal Allocs, tbat t\)c l^^ofcruto? i\)all appear at tU jFicft afl'3C$ anD t^e ^timinal mafte C)c= fault, nDl)ereiipon tl)e Jaccogrni^aitce of tJ)e ftrft IS at an enO, anD tl)at of t!)e £Dffen= t)e;> is eftreateD, anD at tlje next :^a"i3e$ t\>t €)ffenDet Appears, anD upon tj)c non ;?lppearance of tbe l&^jofecuto? is acquitt^ CD, upon OTettificate of tbJ)itl) Acquittal f)is CGteat IS reDuceD to foine inconfiDcr^ able ^um, all \b\)it\) ®attecs ace gcne.- rall^ cartieD on by> a OTombiuanon bettbeen tl)e Criminal anD tbe l&^ofecuto^ to tl)e ma- mfeft p^cjuDice anD ib^ebention of f uftice in tl)iS Bins'Dom, mt it tl)ecefo?e ^n- acteD b)j tDe ^utl)o?itj) afo^efaiD, tl)at in fuel) Cafes tl)e gfuDge 0^ f uDgcs of ;:afri3e, upon ^^ppearance of t\)z <5Mecuto? 0? ^^ofccuto^s at tj)e 6rft ^fl"i3es, anD ti)e non Appearance of tl)c airmunal, iljall bmD tbe faiD l&^ofecuto; 0^ l&?ofccuto^o in a neli3, o tl)c original ilelTecs, l)at)e founD crrcat "^i^i:^ culties m fuiug fo t\)c ^nt\)o2ity> ^^^^• of t{)e fame, Ct)at from anD aftec tl)e ^ "^^ jrita SDap of Auguft, U^Dicl) DbiU be in t^e fzat ^ac tbofilanO Cet)en l)unC)?eti auD lixt)) font, tbat m all Olafes tbl)atfoe\)er, tbl)ctl)et tl)e j^oil o;j :^utface of an^ HanO fl)aU be burneH 02 pcrmittcD to be bucticD bp tJ)e o?iSitnal fLefTee 0? JLeffees, o^? bj) tbe £Pccn>3icc 0;? C>ccapier$ of fuel) HanO, anD tb^eve tl)e Original Hedo? of fncl) ?LanD a^all uot |)at)e confer.tcD to fuel) Butu^ mtr, ill :@annet: as in tl)e faiD ^ct i$ men= tioneD, tl)at t\m auD in fucl^ Cafe It i^all anD may [:e laMul to anD fo;j ttbo 02 mo;je of l^is ;®ajeftj)'s ^uftices of tl)e ^eace, H)itl)in tfceic refpectitje ^utif- Diaion, to l)eac anD Determine m a ftimmarp I'oaj) all C)fiFcnces committeD againft tbe true fntcnt anD j^eaninjj of tl)e faiD '^cts, anD fo;j t|)at putpofe np= on 3i«f<^?»^3fi^^ upon €)atl) jji^jen befo;?e tl)em bp tDe o;?iginal HeCfo;, l)is o;j l)ec l^eirs 0; ^ffigns, o;j one o; mo?e creDi- ble OT.itnefs 02 Mlitneffes, on l)is 0? t!)eit Bebalf, of tl)e Offence of fuel) perniciousi 2autntng of HanD, to :^ummon before an)) tVbo 02 mo?e of tl)em, tbitl)in tl)e!C faiD g!urifDi(t!ons, anp \&a^tp 0? |5artie«5 fo accufeD as afo;>efaiD of being an C>ffenDec 6 51 2 01 492 Anno Regni tertio c H A p.o;j £)fiFenDcr5, atramft ti)e true intent anD XXIX. ^caning- of tl)e raid ^^tts, aiiD in Cafe the ^^^^^^l^artp o; ij^arties accufeD il)aU not aptcat on fuel) i^uttnnons, 02 o be la^bfnl to antJ fo? ti)e faiD ttbo 02 mo2t ginfticcs as afo;jefaiO, to ifTuc tbeic OTarcant 0? OlQ^ar:: rants unDec tbeiti^antis anD ^ealS, iv2 the apptel)enDing tl)e |5art^ o;? paraes fo at- cufeD as afo^efaiD, U)it!)in tl)e refpectiDe gutifDictions, anD upon theic appearmgr, 02 in Cafe !)e, ll)e, 0;? tbe^, fi)a\l not appear, anD cannot be app,u!)enDcD on a tC31!arrant (rranteDaga!nftJ)ini,l)cr, o^tl)cm, as !)etcin bcfo;jc is DirecteD, tl)en upon Mo-^ tice in (Hailritingr being gi\)en to 0? left fo? bnit, l)er, o;j t'oem, at J)iS, l)er, 0;? t!)eit ufual place of aboDe, anD fuel) Notice bcmgr p;ot)tD upon €>atl), tj)en anD in an^ fuel) Cafe, anj) tlbo fuel) 0? mo?e Sluftices of tl)e ^&eace, W)?tl)!n tl)cic tcfpeaiue funfDim- ons, it)aU anD tnaj*, anD ace bercbj? author ciscDanD rcquiteDco p;?oeeeD to maftc uiquirj) touching: tl)e afo;jefaiD patters coinplaineD of, anD to examine mv OTitncfs 02 20it? nefTes tbbo i"l)aU be offcceD on cither fiDe, on €)ath as afo^cfaiD, anD Ibhich Oath anD C>aths afo?efaiD fuel) ^uftices of tl)e Georgii Tertii Regis. ^pg tl)e peace are \)mh^ autbo^'seD anti te^cHAP- qiiircD to atiininiaer, atiD aftcc Y^tmns of ^^^^• tl)e Parties \h\)o il)aU appear, anD tfte" "^^ ^KlHitncffes tbbo il)all be oftereD on eitbec fiDe, fucb gtiftfces of tJ)e peace as afo pe- nalties tii the fatD teciteD :^cts, o^ anp of tbem nientionet), togct^et tbitf) t\)t €oft of fnt^ej^mn t!)e gLanD To btirneD, auD if t\)t penalty 0? pettalties iitflicteD hp t\)z afojefaiD Zct oi ^tts, anD to be tecotjer^ in tl)e fummarr tba;' bcreiu DirecteD, ll)aU not be pait) tbit^in tj)e :^pace of Clbentp font;, Clouts after mv f«c{) Contjiction, tDcn tbe faiD ^uftices of t\)t peace fo con= \)ictmg tl)efait) Part^ o? parties, ll)aUtl)ere- npon idae a W.arrant o? Warrants, untiet t|)eir i^antis anD ^cals DirecteD to anp peace £>fficer o; £D(ficeis, tbitj)itt tDeit re^^ fpecti\3e ^uttitiaionffcnDer iljall con\)e^ atbaj> ftis dBooDS, out of tl)e SfurifDicttonS of fucD gjuaices before t)b|)om !)e tbas con^: \3icteD, 02 fo nmcl) thereof, t!)at the penaL- tp cannot be le\)icD, tben an^ Cbief j®a^ giftrate o? f iiftice of the peace, \hit\)m Ibbofe furtfciiGtton t!)e ^ffenOec il)all ba^^e 6 !& tetno\)eD 4P4 Anno Regni tertio Chap. tcuioVict) 1)113 GooDS, Ihall bdcft t\% CEl^atJ ^^^^- rant jjtantcD hy> tl)c laiti f uftitcQ of ti)e "^^^^^ l&cacc, l)cfo;?e UDl)om tl)e Con\)iction tbaci fo ^aD as afo?cfaiD, auD tbcreupou tbe penalty? o^ ptnaXtit^ fo^feiteD, tc^^ctl^cc tDitl) t\)t CoG of fucte^tug as afo^cfaiD, i|iaU be le\)ieD on ti)e faitJ £)ffcnccts (SooDS atiD €!)attlc6 b?) JPiftrefs atiD :^ale tl)etcof; anD if lbitl)m fit)e SDays from tbe 33DiGtefs being taftcn unDcc t\)c laiD M3atrant of tl)e faiD ^w^iccs of H&eace, tj)e ©onej? fo^fcitet) ft^all not be paiD, tl)e cI5ooDs rci3eD llt)aU be appt:ai3cD and folD, tendering tj)e £Dt)ccplu0, tf an)?, t)et)uctmgtl)e\5enaltj?o fuel) £DffcnDei: (ball rcfiDc 0; be, on tl)e Stpplication of an)) p;o(ccu=: to;? o> p^ofecuto;?^, anD p.^oof uiaDc of tj)c Conbiction anD jRon payment of tl e faiD Georgii Tertll Regis. ^pe rait) ¥>ettaitjj, aloft, anD€t)atst5,bpmat-CH a^. rant unta l)iQ o^ tl)eic l^anD aiiD :^eal, xxix, to commit eViccp hith €)ffcnt)ei: o; ^ffen^ ^^""^^ Decs to tj)e comtuott (l5oal, tbitl)!n t|)e Cit)), Counts, 0? Place tbl)ere t!)e faiD jfiPffentJec fl)aU be found, tJ)ete to remain fo^ tl)e jg^pace of tj);?ee ©ont!)0, unlefs from tl)e Xmie of fuel) Commitment ^ap^ ment ft)all be maOe of tl)e fatD penalt)> anD j?0(?feiturc befo;?e t!)e €ipitatton thereof* :^nt) be it futt[)et CnacteD bj) tl)e ^tt= tl)o?it)? afo^cfaiD, Xj)at tJ)e faiD ^Juftices of t^e |5eace, before n3j)om anj) furJ) l&erfon 01 ¥)crfon6 fl)aU be con\)ictcD in banner p^efcribeo bp t!)is act, il)aU caufe fucj) te^ (pectitJe ContJiction to be ti^atbn in tl)e 5?o;?m, auD to t\)z effect foUotbinK: tl)at is to fap, to tbit, Be it remembred that on this Day of in the Yeai^ of the Reign A. £. is convifted before His Ma- jefty's Juftice of the Peace, for the laid Coun- ty of or for iis the Cafe (liall happen for the pernicious burning of Land, to' wit, the Qiiantity of and we do therefore adjudge him or them to pay and forfeit for the iamc, the Sum of toge- ther with the Coft of for lurveying the 6 JBt 2 fame. 49^ Anno Regnl tertio Chap. :^ine. Given under our Hands and Seals the XXIX. £)^y ^jiti Year aforelaid. 9 ^&>o\)iDeD altba^s, ant) \t iS j)ereb}? further €nactcD, Xl)at if aitp Perfoti o? |5crfon$ conlJiftcD of anp fuel) Offence piuuiljable as afo^efaiD, il)aU tl)inft l)inr, l)cc, o? tbcm- fclt)eS agjjciDcD bv tJ)e gftiDgtnent of fuel) JIuftictS of the ¥>eacc before ltil)om l)c, il)c, 0? tbep fljall J)aVie been cant)icteD, fticl) l&ecfon 0} perfons iljall l)a\)e ilibert^, from ^tme toXime, to appeal to tl)e 'Jtifticcs at t^c (I5eneral o^? ^Inattet ^elTions of tl)c ^eacc, unlefs tJ)e faiD Conliiction fljall be ttiitl)in tin 2C)apS of t\)z faiD (General o? Quartet ^effions, anD then at tl)c next :^effioni3,02 tbe neit foUottimg to tj)at, at tbe £)pt!on of tl)c l^iattj? con\)!Ctct), \h\)it\) (l^all be helD fo; tY>t CaiD County, (Jlitv, o> Dotbn tbe §>um he, fl)e, 0? tbep, ll)all ba\)c been aDjuDgeD to forfeit, tog-ctber Ibitb fucb Olofts as tbe fuftices at tbetc faiD d^eneral 0? £luartec ^effions albarD to be paiD to tbe H^iofecuto^ fo? De= f raving tbe dpcnces fuGatneD b^^ iReafoii of anv fucb ^Ippcal, anD m "^dauh of tbe ^rpcllants par'ing tbe fatue, mw tlbo facb ginaces, 0? an^ one ^i^igiftratc o> gluftice of tbe pLMcc, ba\)ing 5«tJi^JC^f<'^ii 'n tbe \&lace into U^bicb aii^ fucb Appellant lliaU efcapc, 02 tbbcrc be, il)e, 02 tbep iliall refilc, il)all auD niav, bv QHHarcant unDer tbeic IDanD ciuD ^cal, o^bis il^anD anD ^eal, com- 6 11 lUlt 498 Anno Regnl tertio Chap, \x\it c\)ctv fucj) ^ppcUaiit 0? ^^(ppcllatttS! to XXIX. j|)(> couinion (!5oal of the ^oimtv, OEitp, ^^^'^^ 0? Place U3!)ccc l)e, fl)e, o? tl)c^ rt)aU be ap:: p^ehcuDcD, until l)e, il)c, o? tl)er ft)all uiafte ibaj'incut of fuel) penalty, auD of the qiTofts atiD iEl)argc5 lbJ)tcl) fl)aU be fo aDjiiDcrcD totl)e faiD p?ofccnto2; but if tl)e -Appellant 0^ -Appellants, in an^ ftub Appeal, fljall mafte gooD J)!S, l)er, 02 t\)m Appeal, anD be t5fc})arcrcD of tl)e faiD OTonVnction, rea= fonable ^ofts (tiall be atDarDcD, to t\)c Ap:: pellant o? Appellants acrainft fuel) p^oCe- cuto;? 02 p?ofectito2S tt)!)o IboulD, in cafe of fuel) arontiiction, hsi\)c been intitleD to tl)e penalt)? to l)a\)e been recotiereD as afo?e= faiD, tbbicl) Coft il)all anD nia>> be reco= tjeccD bp t()e Appellant 0? appellants acrainft fuel) pjofecuto;? o> p?orecnto?s, m lifte itl)itt t^ce ®ont!)S ncit aftec tl)e Ximc l)erebj) g^anteD to tl)e o;?ii9:inal ILtHtc. 6 JL 2 A N A N ACT FOR The more effe(ftiial amending and repairing the Road leading from the City of Dublin to the Bridge of Dtmleer in the County of Lowth, and for the better fecur- ing the Debts now due, or which fliall hereafter become due to the Creditors of the faid Road. GUI DUBLIN: Printed by Boulter Grierson, Primer to the King's Moft Excellent Majeflv Mdcclxiv. .t\. ( 503) 1 h :i y.yy. A N ACT n FOR hi The more eff'edlual amending and re- pairing the Road leading from the City; of Dublin to the Bridge ofDunleer in the County of Loivthj and for the better Securing the Debts now due, or which fhall hereafter be* come due to the Creditors of the faid Road; ,'? ; -»-**i ■ gin CHAP. XXX. <^- f :■■ W inat)e fo? tl)e repairing of t\>t laoaD xxx. * ^atJing from tl)c Olttp of Dublin to ti)^ o'v^ Xolblf of DunlecT III tj)e dTottHtJ? Of Lowth, 6 J® 2 |)at)e 504 Anno ^^gHi tfertio CHAP.l)at)e not effectually anflbcrcD tU \5nrpo' XXX. feg intcnCcD tl)acby, atiD it 13 fomiD ci- ^^"^ peDient to tepeal the fame, ant) to inaftc t^e fetjeral |&(?o\)ifion3 l)ercm after luenti- oncO, fo^ t!)e uio;?er effectually' amending anO cepairmg tl)e faiD IRoaD, Ueigmnutg at whitelii ILane in^Dorict Street. lu tbe raiD €ih> of Dublin ; attD fo^ t\)t fetntmgr t^e l>eltt«3 note Due 0;? tbbich il)all l)ece^ aftet become Due to tj)e CicCito^s of tl)e faiD moaD, be itMiamtt) by tbe IBimg's <®oft excellent ©ajeft^, b)> anD tbitl) t\)z aottce anD Confent of t!)e ilo^Ds ^piti^ tual anD ^enipoMl anD oiouinions m t^is pjefe^t l^cirlr^nrent affembleD, anD bp t^e <1[tttl)'o^itj) of the fame, €l)at ftom anD aftet tl)e 6c(t SDap of May, m t!)e peat of ^ut lto;?D C>ne tboufanD feUen btm^ D?^D atio fitt^ four, an ^(t of ^^arlmmcnt mabe in tl)e fiftl) peat of tl)e lacirj-n of J^is late ®aieftp IStrngr George tl)e :$>• cotiD, intitUleD, An AS: for repairing the Rond lead- ing from the City of Dublin to the Town of Dunleer in the County of Lowtb^ anD one 0^ tl)et ^ct of |5atliaaient luaDe in tbe fe^ tJentl) peat of tbe i^eign of f^is faiD late i®ajeftj) iBiing George tbe ^ccotiD, uitituleD, An Ad for making more clfedu.il an Act pal- ^ ' ^ fed in the fifth Yeai" of the Reign of His late Majefty King George the Second, intitUlcD, An Georgii Tertii Regis. ro^ An Aft for repairing the Road leading from the Chap- City of Dublin to the Town of Dunleei- in the ^XX. County of Lowth, be tepcaleO anD niaOc ' '"^ i^uXX anD ^oiO. :3(nD fo; tl)e better fnr\3c^iitcr, anicuD? irt0, anD repatriitff tj)e faiD moaD, anD fo? tbe fecucing tl)e faiO l>ibt0, be it futtl)ei: CnacteD \yp tl)e ;^ntl)orit;> afo^c- feit), XJ)at It il)aU anD tuap be UMnl to anD fo^ J)i3 (I5?ace tJ)C ^.OJD Primate of all Ireland, l)ts (I5?ace tl)e -^rcblMiliop of Dublin, t!)e C50^erno;?S of Cuflodes Rotiilorum, anD Bnig-bts of tl)e :^l)irc fo^ tJ)c OTounties of Dublin, Meath, anD Lowth, i\)t iSep^efen^ tatt\)e6 in |5atltatnent fo^ thz €\t)> of Dub- lin, anD 2iao?OUCrbC; of Swords, Drogheda, anD Dunleer, tbe Jlo?D J®aj>0> of tl)C Qilty> of Dublin, tl)e ®aro;j of Drogheda, tl)C }^02' trief of Swords, anD il>o\)erci(rn of Dur.lecr, tl)e !ae(to^3 anD ^icar^ of tfy: fii>cral ^n- tili)eS Ul tl)e ^aatOUie^ of Balrothery, Coo- lock, anD Nethercrols in t!;C ^2l\>unrr of Dub- lin, of Duleck m i\)t Comit;i of Meath, anD of Atherdee anD Ferrard m X]): bounty of Lowth, all fo? tht €'iine beinrr, anD tj)c IRight l^onoucablc John Ho^jD il^iton Bo'.ves of Clonlyon ?lo,2D l^^irrJ) i^I^aiiCcUoj of Ire- land, X\}Z iSigbt honourable Edward «<£aii of Meath, James Cat I of Clanbrafil, Thomas ro6 Anno Rcgnl tertio. Chap. JLo}^ XAlkoUHt Headfcid, John JLo^T) 215a' XXX. ton Bcllcw, tDC iaigl)t l^onoiuatlle Charles ^^^^'Gardiner €fqtnce, :^li: Harry Cavendilh Baro^ net, ^If Marcus Lowthcr Crofton 2JDaronCt, ^IC Compton Domvile 2l5aConCt, ^ir Heniy Echllii J5atoner, ^IC Archibald Achefbn 213a= ronct, tbe iRctJereuD :^ic Phillip Hoby 215a' ronet, the 5\igl)C l^onourablC Arthur Trevor <2Erqnice, tl)e l^ouotirabie ^r. giufticc Ten- nilbn, tU IRlcrbt i^onontaUle Phil-.p Tisdal CfqtllCe, tbe (honourable Anthony Brabazon COiniUOnl^ CallcD fio^D Brabazon, William Buiy CfCllure, Alan BcUingham Cfquire, Heniy Bell- inghani (ZErQUlCC, Samuel Blacker Cfcirute, Wal- lop Brabazon CfQlllCS, Robert Bolton 2E!"cinire, Alexander Carrol ^fqiurc, Richard Dawfbn (3(£fqtttrc, Dennis Doran crquiL'C, J'rabazon F.ccleilon Cfqiiirc, George Evans Cfquirc, Siddeiiham Singleton viirfqilire, t\)C iHctJCCCnD 2^0(t02 Thomas Foller, William Folkr OCto;j Henry Ware aub Ber- nai-d Ward ^fquitc, ailD all 1^13 ^ajcft^'3 guUiccs of tl)e peace m i\)z fc\)eral Otoun^ ttC0 V.^'VNJ Geoigii Tertii Regis. qoo ties of Dublin, Meath, auD Lowrh, tbl)0 areCn a p. htnhy uotnmateD anD appointeD ^cnftecs xxx. of ti)c faiD laoaD, autJ tJ)e ^nttJit^o^s of ^ '^^ " tl)em, 02 anv fct)tu o;? mo;?e of tj)cin, o? hxt\) |2>crfon o? J&crfons as tbep o? an^ fc\)en 02 mo^^ of thmx il)all atul)02i3e atiD appoint, to C2cct o^ caule to be crccteD one 0,^ tno?c C5ate o^ Crates, i:urii}:ihc o? i2:uru= piftes, in, upon, o? atcofs any ^att 02 parts of tJ)e faiD l^i9rl)tba^ 0^ IRoaD, (fatje auo except in tl)e faiD i:otbn of Dunleer anD tbitfein ![)alf a ®ile tf)eceof ) anD alfo one 0^ mo?e ^oU=l)oiife 0? Xollboufesi, anD there il)aU CiemanD, rcceiVie, anD tafte tl)e XoUs anD ^Duties follolPbing: before anr C^o;?re, :®are, dSelDing, ;3fs, 0^ j^tile, Olattle, aioacl)> »rlin, Oibariot, OTalai^, Cbaife, ari)air, JiUaggon, OTain, Cart, 0? otl)et Carriage, il)all be permitteD to paf3 tl) Coach, »rlin, Chariot, Cala4 Chaife, 02 Chair, DMtbn by four i^o^fes, (I5elDings, )®areo, c? ®nle0, the ^um of one i^hiliitig anD fix pence; anD fo^ eijerp Coach, Wrlin, Chariot, Calail), Chaife, 0; Chair, D^atbn ly ttbo i^o?fes, ^ £) (!5elDinff0, 5IO Anno Regni tertio c H A p.c5clDincrs, {©aic5, o; £!©alcs, tU §>nn\ of ^x^- ouc^J)illiiig-;anofo2eV)cr;'(3l2Hag9:on,OTain, ""^^^"^OTart 0^ «tarriairc I'oitl) four ai2ai)ccls, t!)e 2i5(?eaC)tl) tt)tttol Ucmff nine ^ncbcs at tbe :^olc, auD tl)c :^tahcG tl)creof fct on tbitl) aat 0^ rofc JKaDcD jl^ails, D^alDn by thitz o; nio;e l^o>fcS, tbe :$ etier^ OTaggono? Sixain loitl) ttbo QKnbeels narrotbcc than nine ^mcl)Ci5, l)aXnng[ rlbo 0; nio?e i^o^fes, t{)e :$)um of Sue ^l)iUmgfS; fo2 eDerp €acc o;j Olatt, I)a\3m(r but one l^o;?re, j®ate, o; clI?elCingr, tl)c B^eaDtl) of t\)t OTDecls thereof being tl)?ee "Snt^otQ at tl)e :^oIc, anD the ^treafts thereof fet on Ihitl) Bat 0^ rofc hcaDeD ^.ails, the :^«m of th?ee halfpence; fo? cXfttv Care 02 Olart Ihith QfiUheels narrolber than th?ee inches, the ^m:\ of one :^hillingr, at each anD ebetp Xurnpihc (Bate on the faiD laoaD, anD fo;j eUerp OTacnage, comuionlp caUeD a t\)ait 01 Georgli Tertii Regis. rn 0^ €J)aife t)^Utiu by one l^o?[e, ^are, (Bdti c h a p. mt^, 0? £©ulc, tbc ^imi of :^!tpeiue; anD ^^x. fo^ e\)ecj? l?o;fc, ®are, dBelDing, ®tilc, o? '^"''^ 2(5, laDcn o cVJcrj:' l>^otje of Caltefir, l^ocrs, :^t»ecp, 0? ?lanib6, the ^ntn of i:en*pcitce bv tbe :^co^e, aiiD fo in P;?opo^ tiou fo;? any greater o; lifTct jjtiimiUcr atiD fo^ t'ozty oTarrtage tbbereou rt>iU be carneD o; bo2n an^ ©lUftone o; j®illftone0, tlDo :^J)illing5 atiD ^ir pence, ant) fo;j e\)erp l^o^fe, ®are, (BelDing, Cattle, Coacj), 2i3erl!U, Cbartot, Calailj, CI)aire, Cbait, OTaggon, MX^n, Cart, Cart, o? ot!)ec Carriage, traVielltng on Sundays from ^un rife to ^un-fet, t)oub!e tbe afo;?efaiD XoUs fo to lie paiD b^ tbem on otl)et ^ay^; ibbicb fatD refpeaitje ^um anD ^utm of ^©one)' ri)aU be DemanDeb anb tahen in tbe iRatne of, 02 as a IToU o;j trolls, anb tJ)e ®one^ rbeteb;' to be raifeb anb coUecteb is anb il)aU be t)efteb in tbe faiD Cruaees, ftibjcct anb liable to tbe payment of t\)c Debts notb b«e to t^c Ctebito> \5art tl)ereof, ftjall be applteD auD DifpofcD of, anD affigneD to anD to^ tl)e fe:: \)eral Ialfc«5, fiitents, auD piupofes, anD in fuel) ©annet as \)mm after iS men:: tioneD auD DeclateD ant) tl)e^ the fait) Xruflees, o;jan)' fe\3en o,^ uio^e of tbetn, are f)crebp inipotbereD hy> tljeiiifelVies, o? anp il^erfon o; perfons ly tfyiw, o; m}> fe\)en 0? mo;?e of t\)m\ tl)ere«nto autJ)ov t|)e itolls bp t[)i3 ^ct laiD upon any fuel) iserfon o^? |5erfcns V?bo fljaU after Demand thereof mate, ne{rlcct o;? tefufe to pa>' t\)t fanie as afo^efaiD, bp Dtftrefs of anr i^o?fe, dBeltnig:, ®arc, ©ule, o^ otber OTattle 0? (Boom, upon tlil)icl) fuel) XoUS ate bv tl)is ^(t unpofeD, o? upon an)> ot\)zt of t!)c (SooDs anD Olbattles of fuel) l&erfon 0^ p>erfons Ibbo oug:l)t to pap tl)e fame, anD map Detain anD lieep tl)e fame, uh^ tilfucb ^oUs, tbitl) tl)c teafonable OlbargeS of fucfe Detammigr anD fecepingr, il)aU be paiD; anD It il)all anD map be latbful to anD fo;? fuel) l&erfon anD \&erfonS fo Diftraininsr, after t()e ^pace of four Daps after fuel) SDiftrcfs maDe anD talien, to fell tl)e faiD Cattle 0^ CBooDS fo DiftraineD anD tafeen, returningf tl)e £Dt)crplus, if anp tl)erc be, upon DemanD to t{)e ^Ibnet o^ :ePtbners thereof, Georgii Tertii Regis. 513 thereof, aftet fntl) Tom auD teafoitablec « a p; ai:J)acioreS fo? tiiftraftiing ant) fteepinsr tJ)e ^^^' fatne il)all be DeDticteD atiD paiD: ^^iJoDiOeo'^''"' ' tbat no jFifb^carrtacrc, tbbtcj) (!)aU |)a\)e ino?e tl)an tlbo OTl)cel«5, auD (l)aU be em- plopcD oulp ill cartjjitiij jFift) to tDe ^sit^ feets of Duhlin, from an^ ^ea=po^t, 9)aU be liable to pap anp of tl)e XoUs; impofeD bp tDis ;^ct, but all fuel) Carciajgres com- ing to, auD teturning from tj)e faiD €itp of Dublin, fl)all anD majj pafs SS:oU4ce6 on, all patts of t!)e faio laoao. ;3nD be it futtDec €na(tet) hv t\)t ^w^ t\)oT!itv afo?efaiD, Xl)at it l^aU ant) mai> be. latbful to ano fo? tl)e faiD XruGeeS, 0^ my fct)en 0? mo?e of tl)em from Cime to; Slime, tiucing tj)e OTontinuance of tj)i5 p^efcnt ;3ct, to mafte out TOartantS o? :^^bers m iJSriting untiet tl)eit: J^anDS Di? terteO to tl)c Xreafucec 0? Jaeteitjet of tj)e faiD Mollis, tbereb)) requiting i)im to pap thereout to t^e ^erfon 01 l^erfonaf named, in fuel) OTarrant 0^ Q^Dtt, tfteit €xecuto;?0, 5ar5unniftrato?5, anD .^f(ign5», t!)e grotbing Entered of ti)e ^um of j®onep mentioneO iw fuel) 212llarrant 0^ ;^?iDer, as tj)e fame ft)aU from Xime to STime become Due, un- til fuel) ^ime a6 t{)e P;jincipal ^rnn mentioneD in fuel) toaaattant 0? :eP?Dec l^all 6 1^ tie 514 Anno Regni tertio c H A p. be patD off, auD OifcJ)at5reD at otic intitc XXX. pajJtnent; p;?o\)iOcD tl)at no ^accattt o;j '"^ i^^tjer, to be tCfuctJ to tl)c faiD Xreafnret: 0? Jacccit)ec bp ^Slictuc of tl)is ^ct, il)aU be fo? au)j greater ^un\ t})an tt)e principal :^ttm of 6ftj) JdounOS* ;^nD be it fnttYjtt €nacteD bj? tl)e :^tttl)o^ lit^ afo^eCaiD, £bat all anD ebetp ^erfon 02 perfons, to Ibbom fuel) 21Q!arrant5 02 £)^t!et$ il)aU be gitjen, l)is, l)er, 0? thcic deciito;?5 0; acmmiftrato^s, map bj) f n= tJo;>feincnts on fuel) £D^Det5 0? laeceipts, ttatisfet ti)e l^igl)t anD aseneftt of the ^um mentioneD m fuel) ulSIlattants 0^ €)^' tjets, tbl)ieb 5lnCio;?fement6 upon notice to tfte tJTreafurcc, o 0^ j®e»to?ial t})eteof maDe m a 2i3ooh, to be ftept fo? tl)at p>ut^ pofe, lbl)icl) €ntc)? o^ ®emo?ial, tl)e faiD Cceafurer o^ laccdlicr, iljall upon iUcqueft Vbit\)out €l)am, J?ee 0? melbatD tuafte aeeo;?Dmgl>% anD fljall on thz lilte iacqueft, permit to Ije tJiclfecD at reafonable l^ours tS)itl)ottt J?ee 02 l^etbarD, i^aii intitle rl)e fnDo^fee 0? <^frignee, biS 0;? l)cr (m\) ^CTigtiee, !)i5, o^ c h a p. ^ec €iecuto^3, o; ^Dmimftrato^s, auD fo ^x^- totles quoties, atiD t\)at aftcc fiic^ -^fficru^ ^^"^ inent it ll)aU not be m tl)e potbec of t\)z: - - l&er[on o^ \&ctrou0, tt)l)o maCic fuel) ^fiign^} nicnt, to tnaftc toiD, releafc, o; Difcl)arjg-e ' t\)z faiD ^ffifrnmcut, o^ tl)e ^um tl)eteup transfettco o^ ^(figucD, o^ anp pact t\)zw of. . 3fnD be It fiutDec CitactcD bp tbc ;^ut|)o; ?itp afo;?efaiD, Xbat tin OTlcth, Xreafuret, 02 5accG!t)ec of t6c faiD Colls, Il)all aritj)- mcticallp jRtitnbei: all tl)e OTactants o? £)^ders, Ibbicb il)all be jjil)en o;j Dclit^creD out m ptttfuante of t\)iQ ^ct, as tl)cp l^all be DclflJcrcD out, comineucmsr bp ^urnbet: one, anD fo continuing tl)e!iltlumbet0, till tj)c lbl)olc be ^ritl)meticallp numbeceD. :^nh be it CnacteD b)) tbe ^utl)o?ttp afo^e^ fait), Cljat all tl)e OTatcants anD i^^Dets bcrctofo^e ifTueD anD granteD bp tl)e Xcuftees of tl)e faiD laoaD, in putfuancc of tbe faiD tlbo fct^eral ^as fo tepealeD, oi t\t\)zt of tbem, (l)all ftanD anD rcmam in tl)e fame pli5fi)t anD ConDition, anD be of as full j?o2ce anD Effect, fo;j tl)e 2i5encfit of t\yz perfons intitleD to t|)e fame, as if t!)is^. ^(t l)aD neDec been maDe. 6^2 ;^nD ^l€ Anno Regni tertio Mt> be it furtj)et CnacteD hv tl)e 3(ntbo=: ;it^ afo^efaiD, Xl)at tl)c feUeral XoUs auD 3>utie$ h^tcb^ matt payable, fl)aU be applic eO auO paiD to tl)c ^ifcbatge of tt)c SlntereO' of tl)c faiO 3>ebts fo Due to tbe (jl^etJito^s of tl)e faiti IR-oaD, anD tl)e ^ntereft of facj) otl)ec o;j futtY)Zt ^um o;? :g)um55 as iiyM te Deceaftec bo;?At]beD fo^ t\)z Wc of tl)c faiD laoaD, ano after payment of tl)e faiti ^Jn- teteft totSDartJS cepairmg* ant amenOmff tl)e faiD laoati, ano tbat all tl)e j^arplus of tl^e faiD Xolls atiD ^utic^ Ixtebj) inatie paj^able o\)et auD abobe ll3l)at il)all be Cuf:= ficieut to DifcDarcre the faiD ^utcreQ, anD to amenb ant) tepatt tl)e faiti 5loaD, Hjall be appltco totbarDs t*)e l)ifcJ)arge of tl)e |&;?iucipal of the CaiD l>ebt0, anD of fticl) f)t\)t\: auD fuctl)et: ^ums a5 il)all f)eceaftet be bo;j2otbeD as afo^efaiD, m j®annct !)ete^ after uientioneD, (viz.) tl^atisto fa??; tbl)eii auD as often as tial) ^ntplas receiUcD bp tfte faiD Creafuter 02 laecciber, (l)aU amount to tJ)c ^um of ttbo l)unD?eD IpounDS, tl)at tj)en tl)e (aiD Xreafurcr 02 lacceitjer ft)aU ranfe tf)e iHuuiber of all tfte Warrants 0^ £D^Dets, tbWcI) j)eretofo?c j)ate been g^anteD in l^urfuance of the faiD ttbo fctjetat :3cts, 02 citbet of thetn fo re- pealeD, anD tbl)it!) (^all beteafter be iffucD anD Georgll Teitli Regis. ^rxy anD DclitoeD out lu ptirfuaucc of tl)i$c hap. ;:^ct, anD tbe ^iiui tbeccm contameD, to be xxx. lljcittcn on fcUeral Xithcts o^ j^icces of "^"^^ parcbmciit to be coUcD auD fcaleD tip, auD ptit lutp a 2130X 0^ ;Hni, anD tbcU mixeD togrctl)cc, anD an uiDiffcrcnt p^etfon to be appomteD l)v tl)c faiD iCruftecs, o^ anpfeDen f^l nio^c of tl)cin, il)aU publichl)? bctlDccn tl)e i^ours of ten anD tlbclDc m tl)e forenoon, or a ilDap to be bp tl^.c faiD Xceaftirec o? iiccei\)ci' pubUcftlp aD\3crti3eD in tbe Dublin Gazette fo^ tj)at Pucpofe, at leaft ttbentp 2Dav6 befo^2c, at tl)c ThoHel of the €itj? of Dublin, DMlb out of fdcl) i5oi 0^ ^tn, as inan^ of t\)t faiD Cichets o? |&ieces of |^atcl)iueut, as tbe ^utns therein con= tameD iljall amount to t!)e faiD ^ums of t\bo l)unD^eD ponnDS, anD tl)e pecfon o; pcrfons the ^nmbec of tbl)ofe OTiar= rants 02 £D2Der3 iljall be fo D^atbn, biS, 0? tl)eic €xccuto23, ^^Dmimarato^S, 0? ;?j[lTi()fns, il)aU tbitl)in ttbentp 2r>aj)3 after tbe f^'^D Qi2Harrants o? C^^ers iliall le D, auD tDe ^Intcreft — ^^^ payable h^ Virtue of fuel) Martante 02 €)?0ec6 rt)aU ceaCe from tU Expiration of ttbentj) 2Par«, to be acconnteD fcom t\)t 3)ap of t)?atbinff tl)e faiD Xichcts o> |&icces of i&accbntent, ZtxD be It futtJ)et EnacteD bj? tbe ;5(u^ tl)o?itj) afo^efaiD, Xj)at if an? ^etfon 02 l&etCons Ib^atfocter, otbntng, renting, 0? occupjJing anp iLanD,neai: unto my> Siutn- pifte l)etetofo2e erectcD 0? to be erecteD, in purCuance of tbis ^ct, il)all fo;? gain, re; tbarD, 03 otbcrltife, tbillinglj) permit anp pcrfon 0? perfons UDl)atfoeV)er to pafs tD^ouffb mv C5ate, l^affagre, o;j miap; tbitb anp OToacl), »rlm, CJ)atiot, Calail), Olbaife, 0? ari)air, Oain, Cart, aTarriage, o;j riDingr, o?D?it)ingan)? (^o?fe, afs, :®«ie, 0} mv fo;t of Cattle, to at)oiD tl)e jDap= ment of t!)e ^oll l)erebp appointcD to be paiD, ano be thereof coutictcD upon €)at(), b£fo;?e tbe faiD irruftees, 0? anv fePen 02 mo?e of tl)ein, 0^ before one o) mo^e giuftice 0^ gnftices of tU ^Dcace fo? t^e Count)) Xb\)zmn fuel) £Dffcnce 0;? OfiFcnteS fl)aU be comtnitteD, Ibbo are 6erebj) im= potbereo and reqm^eD to aCmmifter fuel) C>atl), eljerj) fuel) l^crfon ll)all forfeit ano pap Georgii Tertii Regis. 519 Xi^y to t\)z Xr«ftce3 autJ)o;ji5eD to put c h a p. tt)is ^ct III Execution, tbe ^nm of ten ^xx. :g>l)!limcrs, to be Ictict) b))2DiGcefS anD:$)ale ^-"^"^ of tJ)e S^ffcuDcrs cBooDS, bp ilffilatrant un^ Det tl)e]^aiiD ar.D^eal, 0^ unOec t!)e l^anDs atiD :^eal5 of tDe faiD Slcuftees, 0^ anp fetjen 02 tno^e of tj)ent, o;j of fucb ^tiftice 02 3?wftifcs cetioermg- tbe :C>t)erplus, if att^ be, to tl)e C)tbner, tl)e leaD- mg out of t\)z faiD moaD, anD €:oU f^oufe, o;j ^oU'4)oufe5, a«D tbere to receitje anD tafee fuel) €oU as i3 appointeD bj? tj)is; :^ct to be taften, fo as tbe fame Do not extenD to a Double Cbacge, m Cafe of paCTinrr tb^ouffi) an^ other of tbe Cum- piltes to be ererteD Dp tJirtne of tijig M. ;?{uD be It further €nacteD hv tl)e ^u- tl)o;>itp afo?efaiD, %\)SLt t\)t faiD Xrufteesi, o;j anp fetjcn 0? uio^e of t!)etn> at tbeic 6 ;a 2 firft C20 Anno Regni tertlo c H A p. Gift Meeting o^tmv facceeCiugr j^ecting Lp XXX. iTKnntrngr unccc tlxic l^antJS anD ^eals, "^^"^^^11)311 anO tiia)? elect, nominate, o> appoint, one 02 tno^e pctfon 02 perfons to be ^ceafnrec 0;? STceafucecs, OToUeetoj 0^ orollccto^s of fuel) i^onep, in tl)c jltiaine of fuel) 110U 0? 2Dut)) as rt)aU k Due anD paj^aMe bp iJirtue of tlois $Sct, anti alfo one 0; uto;?e fit perfon 0? perfon, to be a j^uc\)e)50? o;> i|)urV»ej)o;0 to fee tl)e ConOi* tton of tbe faiD i^igl)ll)aj) 0;? iaoati, ano to fee t^at tl)e fame be repaiteD anD amenDeD, anD that tU ®onej? anfing anD expenCeD bp \)ictue of tl)is ^^ct, be Duljj applieD, anD from Cime to Ximc, to un\o\)t fuel) irreafucers, CoUectoiJS, anD :^url)e))o;?'3, 01 anj) 0^ eitl)cc of t^eui, as tl)ej) il)aU fee Occafton, anD appoint netb ones, m <2rare of S)eatl), 0? of fuel) rcmo= ml, anD fuel) perfon 0? V^erfons as is o;> are bv tl)is ^ct liable to pa^ tl)e faiD ^oU 0,^ '^ut}\ IS anD ace Y)mhy tcQutreD to pap tl)e fame, after tl)e IRates afo^e- faiD, to tl3e faiD Xreafurcr 02 tZEteafurers, ^olleao^ 02 OTollecto^s of tl'e faiD ^oll 0? M>m)\ m tl)at be!)alf from i2:iine to tjEime appomteD as afo^efaiD, anD tl)c |?erfou 0? ^berfons fo appointcD as afo^cfaiD, (l).ill upon £Datl), if tl^ereto requircD hy t\)t faiD QTrufteeS, o; anj) fe\)en 0^ mo^e of tl)em, 0? Georgli Tertii Regis. ^21 0? btfo2t one 02 tno^e ^uftice o; fuGjceiJ c « a i-. of tl)e 15eace, refiDing: neat tj)e i^iijj)tbaj) x^^- o;j laoaD afo;>efaiO, tbljic}) €)at{) t^e fatO"^" — ' Xcttftees, 0^ anj) fet)eti o;j mo?e of t|)em, 0? fuel) Sluftice atiD Sliiftices, is auD ace J^eccbp impotbcccD anD requiteD to aOmitii' Qec oil tl)e 6r(l Tuefday itt etjecj) ®ont^ 0} oftnct tf reqtiiteD, Outinig: t\)z Contmu^ aiice of tl3i3 ^rt, g^iXit in a true eiact, ano perfect -Account in MXtiuncf untzt t^eic refperti\)e l^anins, of all ^oniz^ tbj)ic{) De atiD tljep, anD etjerp o;j an}> of tj)em a)all to fttcl) Xime l)at)e receit)eD, paiD, anO UifbutfeD b)? tJirtue of tl)is^ct, 1)jj JReafon of tbcic refpectitje £Dffices fo? tbbicl) £DatJ) no 5?ee 0? -CleltiarD i'l)aU be taften; auO in Olafe any ^onej? (0 tecetbeO fl)aU tetnaitt in tbeic 02 my of t\)zit i^antJS, t|)e fame mall be paiD to tbe faiD Xcufteeis, 0^ atip febcn 0^ mo;je of tl)cm, 0? to fuel) J&et^ fon o;> ^erfotis as tl)e faiD STruftees 02 atip feueu 0;? iuo2e of tl)cm (as tbep are quali- fieD to :^ct) il)all bp anj> OTriting 0? OTttit- iriKS wntier tl)eir C^anDS and ^eals aut!)o?i3e auD iinpotber to tecettje t!)e fame, tbj)icj) ft)all be CifbwrfeD auD laiD out in ametiD^^ tncr ariD repairingr tl)e faiD {^igbtbajJS 03 laoaDS, acco^Ding to tbe true fntetit anD ^eaniti? of tbtS ;^ct, anD not otj)ertt)ife; ano t!)e faiD Xruftees, o;j anp fet)en 0^ moje 6 la of 522 Anno Regnl tertlo c H A p. of tl)em, to tbbotu fuel) ;accownt$ il)aU be XXX. ^,\3en, ^s anD moaDs to be amenDeD anD tepatceD, bp aDtoancmgr 02 laj?= incr out anp ;®oniesi 02 otbctlliife relatmgr tt^eteunto, as to t!)etu i1)aU fcem cBooD, fo as fuel) ;^Uotl5ance 0? -^llotbances to fuel) Cteafutec o;j Cteafucets, (Eollecto;? 02 €oU lecto;?6, Do not annually eieeeD in the tbbole tl)e ^um of fo^tj? ^ounDs, anD to fuel) :^uttej?o^ 02 :$)utt)epo2S, t!)e ^mn of tl)2ce ^l)iU!ns:S per Diem, Duting: fiicb Ciuie o' p^erfon o? l^etfous not being a CSattien, £D^cl)atD, o; ^atc 1&atfe==parD, plantcD QiQlalft o? TOalfts, o^ 5at)enue to a i^oufe, tbl)ece anp fuel) ®a^ terialS ate oeeupfer, anD tije faiD "Ccuftees, touehtng the ^aluc of t!)e j^atecials ano 2Damage afo^cfair, tJie giuDges Georgli Tertii Regis. 525 f uDfreS; of ^m^e, 0;? tbe 3lufticcs of t^eCHAP. peac , at tbe next ijenetal ^1X1305 ano ^^x. jjenci-al 6oal tielitjccp, 0^ ^uactet :^e{rt=^"^^^ ons fo be ijolDcti in tf)e County tbhete tS)e faiD j®atettais (Ijall Oe ciggeD, raiCeD, 0^ 5!atl)cteD, anD from \bl)icl) tbe fame (l)all be caccieD atbar,maj) anD Hiall aDjuDjje, aUefe^, aiiD finally Dctecmiue tl)e fame, auD m Cafe m^ ftuD €)U)nec 0;? €)cc«piet of tl)e <15?ounC)S lt)i)ere fuel) Materials map be i)aO, 02 anjj otbec pccfoti i|)aU oppofe 02 i)mT)ct tl)e \&etfou 0^ li'eifoiis, fo as afo;?efaiD autl)ori3eD, in katt\)in^ fo?, raif- tnflf, tiiggring, 0? cacc^ing atbap atip cl5?a? tel, j?ur3e, ^attD, atones, 02 otj)ec ;®ate? tials, eViecj) fucb p^ecfon o;j pecfotis fo of- fetiDingr, bemg tbeieof cont)iftcD upon :C>atl) before one 02 mo?e f uftice 0; gluftices of tbe peace fo; tl)e faiD €ountp, tbl)ete fuel) €)ffencc il)all be committeD, il)aU fo^ etjetj) fucJ) £Pffence fo;?feit t{)e :^um of ttbentp :g)J)iUini9:0, to be paiD to tl)e faiD ts:ruGeee;, anD letJieD bp l^iGtefs anD :^ale of tl)e faiD OffenDecsi (BooDs anD €l)at^ ties, m fuel) ®annet: as tl)e l^enalties l)etem befo;?e menttoneD are appointeD to 6e le^ieD. anD be it CnacteD hy tl)e autl)o;ttj) afo^efalD, tl)at it il)aU anD maj) be laDbful :$ 6 to ^26 AnnoRegni tertio Chap. to auD fo? t\)t §)ntXity>02 o; :^ur\)cvo2$, ^^^- ant) fuel) l^ecfon 02 H&crfons as l)e 0? thc>^ "^^'^^ 0? the faiO 5:rra»cc5, 0? anj^ rcticn of tl)em, i^all appoint from xunc to Ximc, to te$uotJC anO p^ebcnt an>' ^nuoj^antes oit anv pact of tl)c faiD l^igbtba^s 0? iHoacs j>eccbp mtendeD to be tcpaneD by jriltl), SOuncr, 3[il)cs, iaubbiil), TOatcr-concfcs, :^inft0, o;j l>?aius, running- into tl)c faiD i^igbtt>aj?s 0^ iaoaDSi, anD to Clcanrc anp S>!tcD 02 Wiatittomk^, attoimntj- to tj)c faiD l^oaDS, 0;? to cut i3olbn, lop, 0? top, anp Xrecs, 0? 2i&ua3e5, crf<^W)uig: m tDe faiO i^ij9rl)tt)a^s, 0? m i^ctigco, 0? 2i3anhs at^tacent to the faiD l^!gbiDa)?0, anD to rahe anD tarrp aXhay tl)e fame, tl)c €tbners; 0? £)tcup!ers ncglcrtmg to tut Dotbn fncb tJErecs 01 Buii)e0, 0? to rc:: mo\)e fuel) other ;3nnovancc0 fo^ the ^pace of ten SDapS after ^Hotice m QlQlritmg, trilien fo^ that purpofe unDer the l^^anDs? of fe\)en of the faiD XruRces, the Charges thhereof il)aU be reimbnrfeD, thefaiD ^utc V»c)?o? 0? .^ur\3e))o?s hy fuch £)lhner3 0^ €)ccup!er3, negleamcr to cut Dotbn the faiD iTrees 0? 2i5uil)cs, 0^^ to remote fuch other ^nnopances as afo^efaiD, anD if af- ter rcmo\3al of anp fuch ^nnopances anv ^erfou 02 \5erfotis li^all again offeuD ia the liStc UinD, eDerj) fuch perfou o^ petfons f Georgii Tertii Regis, /r27 fo ofentimg, anD Ijemcr tl)ereof 'con\)icteCc ha f. upon €)iith l3efo?e one 02 ino?e ^jRftice o? ^^x. ^ttftices of tl)e ^'^eacc, fo? tl)e laiD €Qimtv ' — ^ — ' WyM fuel) ipa'cncc iljall be •comuiittcD, iljall fo;? e\3eL7) hn\) £Dfeuce forfeit atiD Dav unto tbe faiO Xctiftcc^i tbijece hub ^t- fence iljdl be committeD, t\)z ^tim of ten j^i)!l!ntB:0, to be kWD in ®auttet ato^e= fatD. ;^ntJ be tt inttl)tt €imcteD bj? ti)e ;:^u= tj)o?itp afo?efaiD, t{)at it i^all anD tnap be latbftil to anD fo? tl)e faiD :^nt\)epo? 0? ^nr\)epo?0, b^ £)?t)et of t!)e faiD Xtuf'^ tees, 0? an^ felscn 0? mo?e of tj)em, to inafee 0? caufe to be maDe Caufetbaj^s, anD to cnt auD inafee l>?am6 tJ)?ougD an)) tone thereupon, anD alfo to IbiDeu anp of tl)e nanxjlb Patts of tbe faiD l^icrDtbaj50 0? iaoaDs, to t\)t 2aceaDtl) of j?o?t^ tlbo JFeet in t^e cleat, bp oprningr, clearing, anD la^^^ tng into tJ)c faiD i^i9:J)lba^S 0? i^oaD^, anp(13?ormDsof anp |5erfon 0? pcrfons lp=: inigr contiguous to fuel) l?igl)tbapS 0? iaoaDs, not being a planteD OTalft 0? ;^t)enne to a {^oiife, anD alfo to caufe l>itcl)es 0^ ^renc[)es to be uiaDe in fuel) fanner, as fuel) 5f)ur\3e)^o? 0? j^urtjejjo^s 6^2 bp 5a8 Anno Regn'i tertio c H A p. bp €)2tict of tbe TaiD XruGees, o^ au)^ fet)en XXX. 0^ ix\02c of t^cjn, fljall adjiiDjc ncceCTatj) ^"'^'^^ fo;} tbc better ameiiDing- ano heepiug tl)e faiD i^igl)tibay3 02 moaDs in gooD me^ pair, inahmg: fucJ) rcafonable ^atisfactt^ oti to tl)e €)tt)ner 0? Occupier of futj) cI5^ounCi, lbJ)icl) il)aU be fo laiD in 0^ unto tJ)e faiD {^igl)tt)a^6 0^ IRoatSi, o; tl)?oug|> tbl)icb an)? fuel) D tJ)e SDauiageS fobicj) be 0; tl)e)j fljall 0; map t[)creb^ fudain, as i^all be afTefTeO anD aDjuugeD, in OTafe tU fame cannot otl)er\bife be fcttlcD, bp tbe next going fudge 0? gjuDges of t6e ;if- fi3ec, 0,^ fufticcs of tl)e |5eace, 0; tbe ina^ ]o^ part of tbcm, at tbe neit i^uarter ^efTioniSi boiceu fo^ tbe Count)) in U)l)icS) fuel) (S^oimD il)all be lait) into tbe faiD l^ig!)tba)^3 0^ i^oaDS, ant) tb^ougb tbbicj) an)? nctb IRoaD, 3);jam 0? S)?am5, 2Ditcl) 0? S)iches, iliall be cut 0? niatie, 0? on tbbitb fuel) ;^rcl) 0^ ;5ircl)e« livaU be erctteD 0^ uiaDe, 02 fuel) €aufe= tbaps tuaCe m Cafe of an)) Difference concerning tbe fame, anD if my> Olbnec 02 Occupier of mv GElater-CourfeG, Ditcb, 02 I>!tcbes, adjoining to tbe faiD f^igb- lt)a)'5 0? laoads, il)all neglect 02 rcfufe to fcour 0^ cleanfe fucb vIMatercourfeer, and to mahc fucb SPitcbes fo deep, and in ^-/V\J Georgii Tertii Regis. t26 in fuel) ®anncr as tl)c ^urioo'o,? oj^.u^ch a p. l3epo^9 iljall aDjat)gc pioptt auD con\?ent:= xxx. ent, after ten S>a)?5 iBotice il)a!l be ir?ben fo^ t})at ^^ntpole b^ fnc^ :^ittt)epo? o^ :^utt)epo?3 to U appomtcD, o;>lucl)|^erfotto;j ^ecfotis as i!)all be appomtetJ bp l)im o;j them, to flic!) ^t!3uet o^ £DlS3nct0, it iljall auD map be laWtii to auD fo? t!)e ^nt:: Xny>oi 02 ^nfofpoi^ to fet anj? :^an o^ j®eu to Wioih to fconr, oj cleanCe, o^ mahc tl)e fame, atiD bp HHacraut from a«p fe^en o^ mo?e of t|)e faiD XruClees, to IcVip tl)e Cljarge t|)eceof upon tl)e l^ecfott'Sf (!5oocs 0? Cftates of t!)e ^ttmet o^ €)U)tt= ec0, Occupier o> £Dccupiers;, of fuc»^ OTia^ ter-aroiirfe, E'ttcl) o^ ^itcljes, bp Diftrefs anti ^ale of l)!S, Der, auD t|)eir (H^ooDS attD QL\)attkQ, reuDetiugr tl)e Overplus (if aup be) to tl)e icDlbucr 02 €)ccupier, after all €J)ar3fes paitJ, ;^uD UiDereas ti)at l^jart of tl)e faiD laoat) Vol)jcl) lies bctltieen t\)z fe\)en j®ile= none, antJ tl^c ^igu of tl)e i^o^fe auDCart fituate bct'ODeen t\)z Sfteeutl) auD fixteentl) i®i!e=aoncs on t^e faiD EoaD, anD alfo tDat p.nt of tl)e faiD moaD tbbicj) lies be^ tlbcen tl)c tl^eutp fecouD ®tle^(lone on tj)e CatD laoaC;, auD t!)e ITolbn of Drogheda, iS extteamlp croolteD anD l)iUp, anD lucon- 6 c isement 530 Anno Regni tertlo, c H A p.t)cnient to Xratjciurs, auD tl)c faiD iftoaD XXX. nugi)t be carneD bctVbeen tl)e faiD \5oiats '■^''^^UjJ a ninth ftraig-l)tcc aut) a nio^e lc\)el oroiirfe, lt)l)ccebp tl^c faiD lHoaD IIjouID be toiificccaUl)' ft)o;?teneO, auD t^;e li^illsi otjcc tbDici) It notb paffes, in fuel) parts t!)ece* of altogetl)ct aDoiOeO: Be it tl)crcfo;?c ftir^ tDcc CnacteD bp tl)e Znt}^o;\ty> afivcfaiD, XDat It fl)all ant) map be lattiful to aiiD fo2 tl)e faio Xt:uftee<5, 02 my feVien 0? iiio^e of t\>tn\y atiD tJ)ep, o^ any k\)cn 02 n\02z of thtn\ ate berebp tequireD, m cafe tl)ej> il^all be enableD tl)eteto bp tl)e Colls of t\)t faiD ^oaD, 02 can bo^^oto tno?c -®onep fufficient fo? t^at pucpofc, to mafte tl)e faiD JaoaD from the faiD fcljeu ©ile^ftouc, auto t^e faiD ^itrti of tl)c l^o^fc aut) OTacr, fitii- ate as afo;?efatD, bctlbccii tl)e ftftccntb auD fixteentl) ;®ile'ftouc$ ou tl)e faiD laoaD, anD from tl)e faiD tlbcntp fccouD j®ile^ Qouc ou t^e faiD iRoaD, to tl)c XoUdu of Droghcda, in a ft)o;?t auD tircrt Eliue 0^ lliues as map be; auD in o?Dcc tl)ereto, it fl)aU auD map be latbful fo^ tbe faiD Ctuftees, 02 fetJeu o tj)e We of t^e netb pacts of t{)e faiD moaO be built on, auD tt)at t\)c fame be not ^&art of any) jjlanteD SSalft 0? ^\3enue to a l^oufe, o; of a i&arft o;j l&aODock tbl)icj) has been unDet 3>eei: before tlje €oininencement l)et:eof, anD t^e faiD Ccuftees, o^ anj> fcDen oi moit of tbem, ace| \)tuhy futtj)et: autbo^jiseD to treat anD agree tbit^ thz C>U)net!3 anD otbcrs intcrefteD m tl)e faiD otj)er 9mpeDiment cannot, 02 ot!)ertt)ife j)otbfoe- Der ft)all refufe to Difpofe of tj)eir refpec- tite Slnterefts in fuc6 HanD, m fuel) i®anner as tht faiD Cruftees, 0? an^ fe= ten 0? mo^e of tl)em fljall tj)inft conl^enient io2 tl)e ft)o?tening tl)e faiD JRooD, in 6 C 2 etjerjj cop, Anno Regnl tertio CHAP, e^etp fuel) Cafe t})e fatO STiuOec^, 02 anj? XXX. ^g^^j^ (,jj ijip^c of tj)cm, ate l^crebp autl)o^ ''^^'^ ;ji3cD anD impottieteD to \SS.ixz fo?tb tl)cir (imarcaut 0? OTattants to tl)e :^l)eriff 03 jg)l)eriff$ of tj)eai:ountp tfel)etemfucJ)(I5,^oi!ttO tjotl) Ij^e, to impatiuel atiD tcturn before tJ)s faiD ^ttiGees, 0? aup feticn 0;? tno;?e of t|)em, at fuel) Xtme and place rottljm tl)e faiD OTountp as (l)all be appomteD in futl) OTiatrant 02 tllSHatrants, pjotJiDet) ftub Xime iS not lefs tJ)an tlbentp Da>'«5 from t|)e ifftimg fucj) (Biactants, anD tJ)at no- tice tl)eteof be giVien to tbe C^tbncte 02 iIEenantS of tl)e faiD ?lanti5, o? t^c |5er= fonS in l^oHeffion of tj)e fatiie, UDitbin t\m ^^ps; aftet t1)e iffuiucr tl)c faiD Mlac^ rants, a fufficient fur>\ lbl)o tipon tl)Cfr iIDati)S, lbl)icj) faiD C>at^)S tl)e faitJ ^cuf^ tees, 0? fe\)en o? mo^e of tl)ctn, ace i)erebj> impotteccD anD reqniretJ to adtninifter, ft)aU enQiure into tbe %rtie anD real ^a:? lue of fuel) (S^ount), to be tuatie nfe of fo2 fuel) netb part o? parts of tDe faiD l^ig|)tl)ap 0? JRoaD, anD fuel) tmerticts anD ^nquifltrons as (!)a!l be fo founo antJ re- tttcneo \sy tl)e faiD "i^wiy, afeertatning tl)e Halue of fuel) dS^ount), upon fuel) ^lilue being paiD to -SDtlDners of faiD EanC)^, 0? in cafe of tbctr refufing to accept tDe fame, to fuel) perfon 0? perfons as t\)z faiD ^ruftees Georgii Tertii Regis. 533 ^rtiQce0, 02 kUn of t\)ttn, ft)aU appoint fo;>c « a p. t^etc ufe ft)aU be final anO conclafiDe, as ^^^• tbcU to tl)e faiD iTtuGees?, as to t|)e febetal ^^ anD rcfpccti\)e €)tbnet6 auD l&^opcieto^s; of fuch (I5?ounD, anD all l^ctfons clamtinff anv €ftate, m!(rl)t, o!rabjlitp, 0^ gincapacitp lbl)atfoet)er, in t!)e iPlUners o not at p;jefent be fuffinent fo^ tl^e itiaUtn^ of fuel) netb \^arts of tl)e faiD iaoaD, anD fo;?amenDittgr o;jfeeepittjj in repait tU othct parts tl)eteof t 2ae it tDetefo^e fur- ther CnacteD bp tl)e :^tttl)o;>itp afo;?efaiD, ic:i)at H)t faiD Ctuftees, 0? anp fifteen 01 mo?e of tl)em, l!)all anD map, anD ate l)ecebp impotbereD fcotn Xime to ^ime, bp iSJUlritinij unDer tl)eit refpectit)e l^anDs anO ^eals, to afftgn otjer tDe faiD XollS o? S>uties j)etebp granteD, 02 anp l&att t!)ere^ of, tbe JHofts anD ari)arps tb!)eteof to be bo?n anD patD out of fuel) €oll 0^ Dutp, fo? anp i:erm o? Cime During tl)e Continuance of tl)is ^(t, as a :§)eeuritp fo? anp ^um 0? :^um5 of ^onz^, to be bp tl)em bo??otbeD, to fuel; l^etfon 02 l&erfons, 0? tDetr %ru^ 6 m tees. 534 Anno Regni tertio c H A P. tees, Ibbo iljall aotance o? lenD tl)e (awe, ^^^- fo? tl)e i^aj^mcnt tI)eceof, tbttj) lattiful 'Jn- ^^"^ teteft, 0? Icfs if tl)e Tame can be fo i)aO, tDl)icl) faiD i!©onep fo bo^iJoHieD, fljall be appliet) artD OifpofeD of, in tbe maftmg anD mtlofinflf tlje faiD nctb part o;? l&actsi of tl)c faiD iaoaD anD builCmg i5;>itigc5 o? ;:3t:c^es, tbDere it iljall be juCigeD iReccfTat}?, otjet t\)z fet^ecal laibets antJ 31©laters tj)at maj) ctofs t!)e faiD netb pact o; pacts, fo? cepaicmg anD it)o?tcnmg of the faiD iRoaD, anD as tJ)e iToll o? l>ut)) is bjj tl)is ^ct to be applieD anD DifpofeD of, anD to no otJ)et: pucpofe tl)l)atfoet)ec, ^nD be It iutt\)tt CnacteD bj? tl)e ;^titl)o- ?itj) afoijefaiD, Xj)at tl)e olD pacts of tl)e faiD JaoaD, bettbeen tl)e points becetn be- fo2e mentioneD, tb!)cce tl)e faiD netb Pacts of tl)e faiD laoaD, ace to begin anD enD, (tiaU fcom anD after tl)e Xime tl)at fuel) netb pacts of tj)e faiD JaoaD a)aU be compleatlp 6nit|)eD anD opcneD fo? tzrcal^cl- lees, anD no foonec, ceafe to be pact o? Pacts of tl)e faiD ^Tucnpifte moaDS, anD to be anj) longer unDer tbc OTare anD (Bot}crn- inent of t6e Xruftees appomteD fo? put^ tmg t[)is r^ct in execution, ;^nD V-Z-VV Georgli TertU Regis. rgc ;3ttti be it futtDet €na(teD bp t\)z 3(utl)o^ c h a p. ritp afo^efaiD, C^at t!)e fatD moaD fo leao- ^^x. itljj from White's Lane ill t\)t CltJ) Of Dublin, ^'^'" " to tbc B^iDije of Dunleer afo;jeraiD, fl)aU be DitJitieD into tlbo ^atts, anD t!)at fo tnuc^ of tj)e faiD JaoaD as lies ttiiti)m tfte Countj) of Dublin, atiD reaches from white's Lane in t!)e €itV Of Dublin, tO tj)e Jtl5;>iDg[e of Gormanftown, Otl t\)Z fait) IftoaO, ft)aU beteaftcc be Diftingui(|)eD auD ftnotbn bj) t!)e jRame of tl)e :$>out|)ecii 2Pit)ifion of tbe faiD laoaO, anD fo mucj) tbeteof as readies ftoiu t[)e faiD laciOjje of Gorman- flown, to tl)e faiD la^jiDjje of Dunleer, (l)aU |)ereaftei: be DiftmsruiltieD attD ftnotbti b^ t|)e jRatne of tl)e j]!lo?t!)etn 3)tt)ifion of faiD laoaD* ^uD be it futtj)et CnatteD bp t\)z Zu-^ tDo^itp afo?efaiD, ^j)at no l^erfoti o;? l&er- fons il)all be obligeD to pajj anj> of tj)e 'Colls l)eceiti before tneittioneD mo?e t!)ari once m tbe fame Daj? tbitl)m eitf)et of tj)e 3>iV)ifions of t\)Z faiD laoaD, but etetj) ^zu fon hatJingr paiD tfee Coll o? l>utj), l)erebp tmpofeD at anj) one of tbe (I5ates etecteD, o? to be etecteD on tbe faiD iRoaD, bettljeen tj)e Citp of Dublin anD t|)e 2l5?iDj|e of Gorman- ftown, on p;?oDucing a il^ote oi tiicftet tl)eteof, (tt)!)icD tl)e iaeceitjet o? iaecet\)ets of 6 m 2 ij)e rod Anno Regnl tertlo ch a p.tfte faiD IToUs arc l)m\)}> ccqtnrcD to gt\)c XXX. tbit^ottt jFee o^ melbarD, (l)aU be termite '-^!^'!^^ teD to paf3 ftec t!)?ougl) all the feVKcal >'v Crates on tl)e TaiO \&art of t|)efaiO moaD, at any HTime Ounng: the SDa^ m tb^^rcj) jE)£ ^as once paiD tl)e faiD XoU as afo^c^ faiO, atiD fo m li!ie fanner, l;al)!ncr oure paiO tbe faiO ^oU, at an^ one of il)e d^atcs on tl)e faiD otjKc p^att of t!)e moaD, be^ ttbeen Gormanftown 2d;?{DgG, atiti ti)e B^iDcre of Dunleer, fl)aU, Oil p;?o0ucfn3 fucj) Xichet 01 jl^ote tl)eceof, be admitteD at anv Xixuz tJutmsr tl)e faiD 3>ap, to pafs tJ)?oncrf) tl)e otl)ec (Sates, on t!)e faiD peitt of tbe faiD laoat), but it 10 tj)e ttm 3-itent ant) i^eanmjj of tDis; ^ct, t!)at et)cr)) pcrfon (l&all pa^ ttbice on t!)e fame Way>, m cafe l)e ff)aU ttaW oPec mo;je of tl)e faiD laoaD, t^ati IS contaitteD in one 2i>it)irion of t\)t fame, ^nO fo;j p^ebentingr jFtauCs anD 3(bufe0, tbit^ tefpect to tj)e fatD CoU o^ 3>utp, be It fttttl)et CnattcD bj> tbe ^titDo^itp afo^efaiD, 5:})at if anp K^ecfon ot)cc to at)oiD tbe |^a;>mettt of t\)c (aiD iToll o;j Dutp, eVierj) fuel) |&etfoii git)ms", DirpoOngr, oi offetinsr, anD tbe |5ecfon teceitimigf tut^ ^ote 0? tZEichet, jRotes o^ STic^etsi, auD be- ing tl)eceof conUictcD upon €)atj) befo;?e t\)t TaiD Xruftes, o; anp feV)cit o;j mo;?e of tj)em, 0^ befo;?e an^ one o^ mofiFenceSi H^all be co»untt= teD, tb{)ic|) ^atj) tbe faiD XcuGees, anD t!)e faiO SIuGice o; ^uftites, are J)erebjj itn- polPbeteD to aOmmiGer, il)aU refpcctitjelp forfeit auD pap tht ^tim of un ^l)iUm00, to be leDieO, recotJereD, anD DifpofeD of, as anp orl)ec |5enaltp o;> jFo^feitiue is Di- reacD to be lc\)ieD, teco^eceO, o^ DifpofeD of bp tl)is $act, anD be it f«ttl)ct €naacD bp tDe :^U' tJ)o?itp afo^efaiD, CDat t\>t fait) Xtufiees o> :§niu 01 :^utnS of ®otie^, to be paiD quarterly, from Cimc to Xitue, after fncl) ;^0recment il)all be maDe* \5?oliit)eD alfo, ant) !t is Derebj? DeclareD, Xlrit no ^erfott ft)aU be c^argeD tDitD anp of tl)e -^oUs 02 ^Duties afo;!efaiD, a^bo ft)aU pafe tlx'ou^l) anp of tl)e Curnpilics to be crectcD bj> tl)t6 ;3a, tbl)o i^all tarrj) an^ «aiiantitj> of :^tonc6, (I5?at)el, 0? otkr j®a:; tcrials, fo? tlje iHepatrmg of t\)t faiD moaCiS, 0; ciixy of tf)e J&ari(|)e$ tbl)ercitt t^e fame tio lie, 02 m anp of tht neigb- bouringr pariil)e6, no? (l)aU anp l&erfou 02 ^5erfons be chargeable tbitj) tl)c faiD Coll 02 3>«t)?, fo3 anp oiarts, Cans, 0;? Mag= gons, loaDcD tbitl) €o?n in tl)e ^traU) onlj?, no? fo map be carricti in o^der fo? tl)e rifing 02 repairing of tl)e fame, in t\)z fctjeral patiil)es in tbWcl) tl)e faiD C^igl)tba)?5 0? !aoaC)3 l)crcbp intenneD to be repaireD Do l)ie, no? iljall anp Xoll 0? 2Dntv be De= manCeo 0? talien, at anj? of t!)e Xurnpiftcs to Georgil Tertil Regis. ron to (le erccteD as afo^efaiD, fo? anp S^o^fe, c h a p. ^^are, (BelDincr, ^f$, :®nle, o? otl^cc Cat- ^"^^x- tie, groingr to OTatcr o; paQmz, o^ fo^ au^^-^^'^ J5oa'l)o?fe, catc>'mcr t!)e ®ail 02 Cachet, 0^ to? fuc^ i^o^fe as is 0? ft)all be tifcD onlp to rttie on by tht ^IDnct 0^ 2P;jtt)et: of atip caia5:9roti, Cart, o %on 02 S^utp be DcmanCicD o? taften from anv> ^oik 0? l^o^fes of ^olDiets paffmig^, tbat ace upon tl)eit ;®atcj), 0? fo? an^ OTlas-^ Srons, Carts, Carts, 0? otber Catnaijcs attenDing thtuh 0? to? feojFcs, Mias-gons, Carts, Carts, 0? otber Carriages tratjcl:: Imtr U3Jti) vUlaiTrants feut b^ ipalTes, 0? Ibitl) p?i[oncrs tranfmittetJ from one i&art of tj)e Emjjtiom to another . :ntmg t^e Xerm of fotty^ one pears* ^^otiiDeD neljertbelefs, t|iat if at anp Xime before tl)e expiration of t!)e faiD 6fz UCerm gijo Anno Regni tertlo c H A p.xetm of jFo^t^'one ftat^ all ^atts of t!)e XXX. (^,0 laoaO il)aU be fufficietttlj) anieuDeD ''''^"^anD repaircD, auD (l)all be fo aOiutigeD by t^e ®ato?itj) of tbe draftees appomteD, 02 hereafter to be c^ofen, bj) Xnttm of tY)iQ Zct, by> an ^OjuDicatioti unDet t\)iit i)anD'5 and i-ealS, tbat tl)eii anD ftom anU after fucb ^DtuDicatiott matJe ano JRe-paj'ttient of fuel) ^onty, as ft)aU !)a\)e been aDUan^ ceD auD bo;j?otbetJ tbitl) ^nteteft fo? t|)e fame, anD t|)e Cofto; ant) (JTbatps thereof, t^e €oUs anD Dtities (l)all ceafe anD De== tcrmme^anp thing j)erein containeD tot|)e conttacp nottbitl)GanDinjj» 3CnD be it ftitt|)ec €nacteD b^ ti)e ;^utl)o:J ^t)j afo?efaiD, t^at fo? ti)e continuing a fuffitient 0mnhzt of fit anD able ^crfons to be tiruftees fo? puttinsr in Execution all anD c\)tty tl)e |5otbet5 in tJ)i!5 ^rt con= taineD fo? anD Dutingr t\)z Continuance tj)etcof, It ft)all anD tnap be latbful to anD fo? tJ)e faiD XcufteeSr, 0? mp feVjen 0? mo?e of tl)em, upon t\)t SDeatf) of anp of tt)e faiD ^tuGees, 0? of tj)eic ^niot)al 0? tefuftngr to act in t|)e faiD ITruft, bp anp Qisacitmg: 0? Mcitings unDct t\)zit l^anD<5 anD :^eal'j{ from Xime to Xinie, anD at all Xtmes l)eceaftec During tj)e %mc afo?c^ faiD, to elect, nominate, anD appoint m tt)e ^oom Georgli Tertli Regis. cai iRoom of ftuB £cuftee o; tituGees fote-CHAP. ceafeD, rcmoteD, o? refuOng to ^ct, otbct ^^^• fit antJ able l&erfon o Bictue of tl)!S -^(t, anD all anO t\)ttp perfott anD l^etfons, fo to be t^okn %tuU tee 02 Xruftees to join in putting tj)is ^ct in execution, aS t\)z}> ate J)etem before qua- lifieD to Do, il)all anD ma^, anD are l)ete^ bj) impotbereD to act to all ^wtents anD l&tirpofes in as full, large, anD ample i®annet, as tl)e fatD CruGees are bj) tjis ;3ct itnpotbereD to Do, anD fo toties quoties, as often as C>ccafion il)aU be anD re- Quire* :3fnD be it further CnacteD b^ tl)z ^ut\)o- 2itv afo;?craiD, iThat it ft)all anD map be lalbful to anD fo^ tbe faiD XtuGeeS, o;j 6 p fetjen 44^ Anno Regnl tertio Chap, fetjctt 0^ ttto^e of t!)em, atiD tl)e faiD STtuf:: XXX. fees, 01 fe\)en 02 nio?e of t!)em, are l)ecel))) ' ' ' requtceO to meet on tlje 6tft Monday m t^e j®ontl)S of April, May, aitD June, in etJecp peat, m o^Dec to ijrant ©one? fo? tj)e amending anD repairing of tbe laiD jaoat), anD io2 tl)e Doing anj? ot^er ne- ceCTar)? Jaufmefs telatitje to tl)e faiD moaD, anD tj)at no j®one;jit)aU be granteD at anp ^BBoarD foap, anD that he DiD attenD the faiD 2iai!o;?h Diligentlp anD carefuUp, anD fl)aU p;joDnce to the faiD 3!u(!ice, 0;? to the laoarD, an exact Stccount of the iRumber of Georgii Tertii Regis. 4^':5 of ®en, (^o;jfes, auD Carrs entploj^eD^ " ^ p* eacl) 2^ap at t|)e faio QHHo^ft, atiD iljall ^^^• cnjeat to the Xtutj) of tbe faiD :^tc " "^ count, anD tJ)eit, aiiD not before, tl)e faiD gufttce, 0? tbe fatD 2SoatD, i\)M fftbe an o;?t)ec to fuel) Otjecfeet o;j tl)e ^reafutet fO(? tj)e pa^jment of t\)z ^monnt of tbe faiD Account; p^oDiDeD |)otbcber, tlbat if It il)aU appear to ti)e faiD STrtif- tee0, 0^ anj) fct)cn o;j mo;?e of tl)em, tj)at all 03 anp of tl)e aboUe pattictUacsi i)ete^ hy matz ^etelTar^, p^etiiouei to tfte grcanting 0? pacing m^ ®onej> fo;j tbe Amendment anD IRepaits of tpz faiD laoaD cannot be complieD IbitJ) in t^e maftincr of fucj) netti parts, of t\)z faiD 5aoaD, as are l)erein before DefcribeD anD tnentioneD, tl)ett anD in fuel) Cafe, tbe faiD n&articulars; 02 fuel) of t!)em, a9 cannot be complieD tbitl), ll)all anD tna^, at t^e Difcretion of tl)e faiD Cruftees, be DifpenfeD HDit!)» :3nD be it €nactcD b^ thz ;^utl)o?itp afo^efaiD, €l)at tl)e faiD Xruftees, o;? anp fifteen 0^ nio;e of t!)em, (l)all meet at tj)e Tholfel tn the CitJ) of Dublin, on t\)Z feconD SPap of June next, anD t|)e faiD tSTtuftecS I'^all aftertbarDs meet tftere, o;j at anp otl)er \&lace 0^ places near t^e 6 p 2 faiD 544 Anno Regnl tertlo £ H A p. (aiD J^icrbtbars 02 laoaDS, to be te- XXX- patrcD, ibbic!) tl)c faiD tzrtuftees, 0? an?) """^ letocu o;? juo^e of tl)cm, ft)all tbmft pi^opcc 0? conUeitient, as oftert as it iljall be ^eceffac;', fo? tl)e puttintr tljis ^ct into execution, ant) if it (l)aUi)appen t|)at tbere (l)aU not appear, at anv Meeting liDl)icl) il)aU be appomteO to be j)aD 0^ j)elD bp tl)e faiD Hcuftees, fetJeti 0? nio?e of tbe CaiD Xtuftees, lb!)o are !)etebp appomteb a Qiiorum io) pUttlUff tj)is ^ct into Execution, except m fuel) Cafes tt)l)ere a greater dumber is exp?eflp requireD bp tl)is ^ct, tben anD iti fuel) OTafe tl)e orierU to tl)e faiD Ctuftees bp Notice in Wiutincf to be affixeD, at tl)eit re^ fpectibe (Sates 0;? ^CurnpiUes, at lead Xtbentpione S>aps befo^je the next ©eet- ingr, itall appoint tl)e faiD tEruQeeS to meet at t!)e K^oufe tbbere tbe i®ceting: of tDe faiD iLtuftees Ibas laft appoint teD to be !)aD 0? at tl)e Tholfd afo^e^ faiD, 0? at fome other contjenicnt l^oufe near tbe faiD iRoaD, anD tl^ faiD XruQees at tl)cir firft getting, anD all otber fubfcqricnt ;®cetincrs, iliall Defraj) t^eir olbn (iEljartres anD €x^ penccs. ^nD GeorgliTertli Regis. 54c ;3nt) be it Ctiacteu by t\)z :^m\)o'>ity c h a p. afo^erato, %\)at m :^a nmtt m tl)e ^^^^■ %Vbmtv t\)M ftat of tJ)e Jaeigti of l^pis "-^^^^ late ®atcft)> Itmigr George tJ)e ii^ecouts, illtltuleD, An A(lt for the more efFed:ual amending and keeping in repair the feveral Turnpike Roads in this Kingdom, atlD fo^ t\)z bettet fccutiucjr tbe OTrcCitoif^ of tU faiD iaoaD, auD all anD etscrp t^e Idottiets, ;:aatj)o;ttie0, Articles, iatiles, penalties, atiD aLlaiifeo;, (except tbl)at ate ][)cteb5J alteteD) itiall be of full 5?o?ce auD effect, auD il)all coutmne auD be eiccttteo anD obfertieD, bp t|)e felsccal -CrwfteefS j)ete!U before iiameD, atiD tljeir j^ucceffo^s, fo^ atiD Ducins: t{)e Contiuu- ante of ti)i!5 p?efeitt ; to be appointcD bp t&io ;act, a srttiftee o; Ccuftees, io2 pttttinjj tl)i53> .^ct m €xe? ctition, il)all l)aVie, 0^ accept of anp ^lace of 15jo8t atifinsr out of, 0? bp 5Reafoti of tj)e iToU 0? i)utp bp t!)i3 ^ct laiD 0; ffcanteD, but fuc^ petfon o? ^ecfotis il)aU be mcapable from tU %\nu of acceptinir anO contiuumjgr to 6 } enjop 54^ Anno Regni tertio Chap, eitfoj) fttc!) l^lacc of ^?o8t, of attittjgr ;^nt) be It ftittl)et €matt> Oj) t^e ;3r«= t!)o?it)> afo^falD, €l)at if anp ^uit (|)aU be commeuceD againft anp l&ecfon o^ \&ecfons, fo? atip tj)infl" Done m |&ar- Itiance of tl)is ^ct, in e\)erj) fuel) Cafe tj)e Action il>ill be laiD m tbe faiD oToun^ t)) of Dublin, €ountp of Meath, Couiltp of Lowth, 02 Cottntj) of tl)e Xotbn of Drogheda, aitD iiot elfelbl)ere, anD t\)t SDefenJ^ant o? SPefenDants m {m\) action 0? :^ction6 to be h;ons\)t, map pleaD tl)e (jencral giTue, anD gitje tbis ^ct anD t^e fpecial ®attec m €^iCience at m}> tJCrpal to be |)aD tJ)ereapon, anD tl)at tf)e fame Ibas tione in pritfuance anD bv t\)t :^u^ t\)o;itv of t})i$ act, anD if it l^aiU appear fo to be Done, o) tl)at fwcj) artion o;j :3ctions itiaU be b3o:icrI)t in anj) ot!)er County tl)at tJ)en tbe 31iitj> (liall finD fo? tl)c 2)efcnDant o? 2DefanDants, anD upon fuel) mercict, 0? if tl)e plaintiff l\)all be non-fuiteD o? Difcontinue l)is taction aftec t\)t DefenDant 02 E>efeuDant$ il)all haU appearcD, 0? if upon anp SPemucrer, giaDgment il)aU be sfiben agamft tf)t VMatntiff tJ)e 5PefenDant 0; SDefcnDants, ll)aU anD map tecoDec Xteble Otofts, anD l)a\3e ^^rv^ Georgii Tertli Regis, 547 j)at)e tl)e lifte laemeDj) fo;? t j)e fame as c h a p. aii^ 2)efeiiOant 0;? SDefetiDatits l)atj) c? xxx. })at)e m an? otDec Cares bp Itatb^ ;^nD be it tuxthtt CtiactetJ bj) tl>e ;^u- ti)o?it)) afo;>efaiO, €l)at tDiS ;^(t (]^aU be tieemcD, adiugreD, anD taften to be a vuh^ Itcft ^ct, aivD i|)all be juDiciallj) tal^eti notice of as fuel) bp all HuO^es, fuGiceS, anD otl)ec <&et:fons tbj)atfoet)et, tbitjjout fpeciaUjj pleabmjj tj)e (awe* ^52 AN A N ACT FOR The more effecTtually amending and repairing the Road leading fi-om the Town oi' Diindalk in the County of Lowth, to Bann-Bridge in the County of Downey and for the better lecuring die Debts now due, or which fhall hereafter become due to the Creditors of the laid Road. DUBLIN: Printed by Boultkr Gkierson Printer to the King's Mod Excellent iMajefty. Mdcclxiv. Chap. XXXI. (55«) A N AC T FOR The more Effedlually amending and re- paring the Road leadmg from the Town ofDundalk in the County of Loivth, to Bann- Bridge m the County ofDowne, and for the better fecuring the Debts now due, or which Ihall hereafter become due to the Creditors of the (aid Road. CHAP. XXXI. w A P. iWciht fo? repaicms: t^e laoaD ^^^^• hatunsr from tbe Xotbtt of Dun dalk, m tbe Countp of Lowth, to a 2i3?it)flre otjec tl)e W^Mt Bann, commonlp caUeD 7 21 2 Bann- ^^2 Anno Regnl tertlo c H A p.Bann-Biidge ill t\)t €oimty> of Downc, h^U XXXI. tiot effccttiall)? anflbcccD ti)e purpcrc'3 iw- ^^^^tcntit i-^crebr. ^^^ <^ iS fotmD cxpcDtcut to iRcpeal t\)z fame, anti to niafte ti)e fcljcral H&^oDifions J)etem afttc nientfonet), fo? t|)c nio^e eSFectuallp ^mcnOmg anD IRcpairmigr tDc fattJ lHoaD, anD f^ tj)c better fccurmgr tl)e Debts notb Due, o^ tibbub fl)aU l)ereafter become Due to t\)t ZtcDito;^ of tbe farD moaD . 2i5e It €nacteO bp tl)c Emg'0 ^oa €rccllent ^ajellp, bp anD tbitj) tl)e ^D:: t)ice anD oTonfent of t!)e IL02D if pintual anD temporal anD Commons in tl)i5 t)?efcnt J&atliament alfembleD, anD bj) t|)c v^utt)o^tp of tbe fame, 3ll)cit froju anD aCtet tl)e 6cft Daj^ of May m tl)c peat of om JLo;?D, C)ne tl)oufanD fcVjen l)unt;;jcD ^nD fijctj> four, an :^a maDe in tl)e kUntl) |?eat of tlje iaeigrn of l^i«3 late ©a^eftp ^mjj George tl)e ^econD, intituleD, An AS: for Repairing the Road leading from tlie Town of Dmidalk in the County of Lowth, to a Bridge over the River Bann, com- monly called Bami-Biidgey in the County tjf Dotvfiey be repealed and made null and void. r-anD be it furtl)er CnatteDbj? tj)e ^utl)o;it)> afo^efaiD, tbat fo? tl)e better furljej^mcr, 0^^ ^ting, amenDmff, anD fteepmff in iaepair tj)e Georgli Tertii Regis. gt^ i\)c fciiD l^^tcrbroa^ 0? iRoaD, tin CBobccno^^s; c h a p\ cinci Cuftodes Rotulomm, of tl)e CoutlttCSi ^^XI- of Lowth, Armagh, anD Downe, tl)e l^Uigl^tS ^"^'"^ of tl)e j^l)i2e io} t\)z faiD Coiattics of Lowth, Armagh, atlD Dovv'nc, auD tl)e lacp^cfctl; tatit)c3 !U pacliaineut ioi ti)c 2i5oztcb}> nommateD anD ap; pomtcD iTcnftees of tl)c faiD laoaDs, anotbe :^uct)it)o?3 of tl)ent, t^cj?, 02 anj? fit>e 0? nio?6 of tj)eni, 0; fuel) |5erfon 0;? |5ecfons as t!)ep 0? anp fitJe 02 mo^e of tj)em il)all aut^o: ;ji3e anD appoint, iljall anD map ctctt, ci taufc to be ecerteD, one 02 tuo^e (15ate 0^ e\)er)) <2i:oatD, 2aerlm, (El)ariot, Calafl), C^aife, 02 €haity D?albn bp fix i^o^fes o^ ino^e, tt)e «•?><» l)e ^um of one ^J)illmgr anD ftiibence; anD fo^ ctJcrp OToacI), 2iaerlm, ari)ariot, ara= i7il), ^baifc, 02 €l)air, D^atbu bp ttbo l^o?re0, one ^^bilHnsr ; fo? etjerj:) ci®5a5:s-on, l^ain, OTarr, 02 OTarriage, tbtti) four OTll)cel0, tl)e iarcaDtJ) tDereof beincr nine gjncl)£6 at t|)e il>ole, anO tl)c ^^treafts thereof fet on Ibitl) flat 0^ rofe-l)eaDeD .^ail0, DMtbu b;> tb^ee 0? mo^e O^orfes, four j|5encc;fore\)crp tCSJairs^on, (MBain, Cart, 02 OTarriagc, tbitf) tlbo OTDeels, tl)e B^eaotl) tl)creof being nine '3ntl)e6 at t})e j^ole, a«D tl)e ^treafts thereof fet on Itoitl) flat 02 vofe'!)eaDeD jl^ailsi, tttso pence ; fo^j ebetj^ (ESiacrgou, 2123ain, o;> Cart, tbitl) four SB!)ecl3, nacrotbec tl)an nine fncbcs, ten :^DiU!ngf3; fo^ £t)etj) (3]2flaj?g-on, 0? OTain, Xbitl) tlPbo OlQlbeel^, narrotber tban iRine 5liul)e9, l)a\)m5r ttbo 0;? mo;?e i^o^fes, titje Winnings ) fo? etJctj'Carr, 0^ Cart, J)ai)mg 7 20 2 but Ky^'^KJ 556 Aniio Rcgnl tertio Chap, but oiic l^o?fc, <^J)c{U, 0? (15clCiug, thz XXXI. :ia,2caCtb of t\)c 3K3l!)eel5 t\)ttcoi bcmcr tl^ce ' 3lncl)cs at tt)c ^ole, aiiD tl)c ;^tccaU3tl)ccc' of fet oil ttiitb flat 0;? rofc;()caDcD iRails, one peniiv I)alf pcnn;?, fo^ cVicr>' dlarr, 0: OTact, tbitl) Ql^^cels nartotl)GC tbaii tlx'cc gncbcs, at eaci) auD etjer^? tEnrnpihe^ (r»atc in tl)is lamgDom, one j$>l)illincr; fo? ct)cr^ Carciaije commonly' calleD a ari)air 0? Olbaife, tbitl) one i^o^fe, ®are o^ (BciD- intr. fu pence, fo^ cVJerj) i5o;?fe, ®ate, cl5clD; in^r, 0^nlc, o;? ;:af0, latien o;? unlaDcn, anD not tMlt^iucr, one pennj?, except t^o^fcs, ®ares, (BelDingc;, ®ules, o? aCfes, laDcn Ibitb ^tiif anD not D;?atbincr, anD fo? eDcrj? l^o^fc, ®are, (BelDmg, ®nic, o^ ^fs, laDen tbiti) VLntt onlp, anD not D;?all3!ncr, one balf^pennp fo? et)ct)[) D^olx of £>xcn 02 neat battle, tbe :$^um of one :$)l)iUing anD eigl)t l&ence bj? tl)e ;^co?e, anD fo in ^b^o- ^o^tion fo^ an)? crreatec 0? IcfTet ^l^uniber, fo;? e\)er)) 2>^oDe of CaltJes, l^ocrgs, ^i)ecp, 02 ILamUs, tDe ^imi of ten l&ence bjj tbc ^co?e, anD fo in l&?opo^tion fo? anp fifteatec 0;? leffec ^I^umber, anD fo fitUe 01 mo;je of them, unDec tbcit i^anDs anD :^eals tbcre^ unto autbo?!3eD, to U\)}> tbe tlToll 0? Dtt= t)) becebp ceqtiireD to be paiD, upon an)> ^erfon 02 laecfons, tbbo il)aU after De? iiianD maDe tbeteof, neglect 0;? refufe to ?)a)j tbe fame, bj? SDiftcefs of anp i^o^fe 01 i^o^fes, 02 otbcc Cattle 02 d^ooDs, upon ibbtcb futb XoU, 02 ^rtttjj, is bj) tbis ^ct iuipoicD, 02 upon an^ otbet of tbe d^ooDS anD Cbattles of fucb l^ecfon anD l&ecfons, tbbo oucrbt to pa^ tbe fame, anD ma^ Detain anD heep tbe fame, until fucb XoU 02 SDutjj Ibitb tbe reafonable Cbarge of fucb Diftraminsr 02 heeping ll)aU be paiD; anD It il)all be latbful to anD fo2 fticb l^ecfon 02 |5ccfons fo Diftraining, after tbe 7 C :^pace 55^ Anno Regni tcrtio c H A r. ^pace of four S^aj'S after fucb 2!)iftref$ ^^^^- tnatJe anD taften, to fell tbc c!5ooDs fo tiU "^""^ trameo, returning ti)e oVjerplus (if mp be) upon demanD to tl)e £Dtbner thereof, after fuel) XoU, SDutj^, anD rcafonable Charges fo^ Deftraing- anD ftcepuiflr tj)e fame, il)aU bt DeDucteD anD paiD. ;:anD be it further CnacteD b^ tJ)c :^n- tl)o?itp afo^efaiD, tl)at out of t!)e ftrft i®one^ arifinflr from tl)e l^2otitsi of t>)e fetjeral Xurnptftcs to be erecteD, tbe faiD Xtuftees, 0} any fitie o^ uio;?e of tbein, ft)aU 6rft pap anD DifcJ)arp:e tj)e €xpence of procuring tl)i6 ^ct of pirliament, anD of etecttncr fuel) llurnpihe o^ Xurnpiftcs, o; builDing- furl) Xolhl)oufe o? SToll^ ^oufes, anD frotu anD after fucf) Olbarges anD Ctpences il)aU be fuUp fatisfieD anD paiD, that t\)in anD from t|)encefo?tl^ t^e ^?ofits arifing-, anD tbe XoU to be toUecteD, at an)? Curnpihc o? Xurnpiftes to be etettcD o; fet up on tbe faiD iHoaD leaDingr from tJ)e S^otbn of Dundalk m tbe Countp of Lowth, to Bann-Bridgc in the County of Down, 113a U be applieD fo;? tbc Pavment of tJ)e ^cbts nott> Due, anD tl)c gjntereft tliereon, anD totbaroe tl)e ^^uienD- ingr anD iRerairmg of tj)e CaiD iaoaD onlj?, anD not eUc\]b!)ere, 5anD Georgli Tertii Regis. 559 ;5{nD be it f«tt!)et: CnacteD hv tl)e :^«=^"^/. tDo^itv afo^efaiC, Xj)at tl)e faiD laoatiji^ fo leaCimsr from Dundalk to Bann-Bridge afo;>eCa?t), iljall U t3j\)iDeD into ttbo |&atts, auD t^at fo itmcD of tj)e faiD iHoaD as lies lictltjeen tbe faiD tlotbii of Dundalk anO tl)c XoVoii of Newiy, il)aU J)cceaftet be tiiQuiguul)eD anD ftnolbti hp tj)e jl^ame of tl)c :^outI)etti Dibifion of tbe faib moat), anD fo tmul) tl)eceof a$ lies Ue= ttbeen the faiD XolDn of Newry anD Bann- biidge, il)aU J)eteaftet Oe OiGmguti^eD anD {jnoibn Dj) tbe ^ame of tl)e ^o?t!)etn 5DM(ion of tl)e faiD laoaD. ;^nD be it fnn\)tt €nacteD bj? t!)e :^up t\)02ity> afo^efaiD, Xl)at if anj? ^etfon o? \beciou3 lbi)atfoct)ec, otbninjj, rcntmfl-, 0? occtip;^ingr aup ?tanD near unto anj? ^urn:= piUe to be ctectcD in putfuance of ti)i2( ;a(t, il)all fo^ gam, retbarD, 0^ pt!)eclbife pcctnit aii^ l^etfon 0; \5erfous »)J)atroet)et to pafs tteowgrl) anj? (I5ate, paflage, 0? QUa??, imtl) anp oroacl), 2aetlm, CJ)atiot, OTalaii), CDaife, 0^ €|)aic, TOaggon, OTam, Cart, Olacr, 0? otl;er OEatrtage 0^ i;iDmir, 0^ D^itj- ingr anp J^o^fe, afe, 02 ®iile, o; mv io2t of orattlc, to al3oiD tl)e payment of tbe XoU !)erebp appomteD to be paiD, anD btins J € 2 ' tj)eteof ^6o Anno Regni tertio c n A p.tbeteof contjicteD upon £)atl) Mo;c t()c faiD XXXI. ^rtuflces, o 2r>iftref2i anD i^ale of tl)e £)ffcnDct'S (!5ooD«3, \)y> OTacrant unDer tl)e i^anD anD i^cal, 01 unDec tl)e l^anDiS anD :^eal0 of tl)e faiD Xruftees, 02 anp fitbe 0^ moje of tlxui, 02 fuel) fuftice 0? 5iuft!ccs tcnceruijcr tbe £[>\3ccplu3 to tl)e £)lbncr, if anp be, tiie Olbatcres in tafting anD Difpofmgr of t^e faiD CBoolSi being: ftca DeDuaeD» ;3nD be it fartbcc CnacteD hy t\)t ^u- tl)o;?it)> afo;>efaiD, tl)at it fl)aU anD maj? be lalbful to anD fo;? tl)c faiD Xruftees, o;> anj? av>c o;j nio^e of tl)cm, to erect one o;j nio^e Crates, iXurnpilte 02 Curnpihe^, on tl)e fiDe of tbe faiD 10^igl)lba))3 0;? moaDS crofs an)) ?Lane 02 Miav leaDiug out of tl)e faiD JaoaD, anD Colll^oufe 0;? XolU i|)oufes, anD t\)ttz to receibe anD tafte fucb tJEoU as is appointeD by tl)ts ^ct to ijbe taUen, fo as t\)z fame Do not extenD iosj to Georgii Tertii Regis, r^i to a trouble €i)atv;c, m €ak of palTmiffc'^ii a p. t|)?ougi) m}> othtt of t|)e CurnpiUes to xxxi. be ececteD Dj) Dtrtue of t()i5 ;^a, fcotu tlje ^"^ faiD Xolbn of Dundalk to t\)Z €otJ)tl of Newry: p^oDiDcD altbaj^s, tl)at no dSatco^ Stttcnpihe be ctecteD o;j placeD upon tbe faiD IRoaD, ncarec to tl)e faiD i:olt)tt of Dundalk t[)an one ®ile anD an l)alf, :5fnD be it €nacteD bj> tDe <^titl)o^it^ afo^cfaiD, X!)at t{)e faiD Xtuftees, o; any ftfteeu o mo^e fit l^ecfon o3 of fuel) ®onep, in tl)e jRame of fuel) XoU 0? HDutp as il)aU be Due anD payable bp Ijictue of tbis S(ct, anD alfo one o; mo^e 6t ^ecfon o;> l&etfons, to be ^utt)epo? 02 ^uctjepo^S to fee t\)z ConDi^ tton of tbe faiD J^igi)lS)ap o^ laoaD, anD to fee t^at tl)e fame be cepaiteD anD auicnDeD, anD tijat tbe ®onep anfins: anD expentieD bj> t)ictue of tl)is -^ct be Dulp applieD; anD from €ime to Xime to cemoDe fuel) irceafucecs, Collectors, anD ^uribepo^s, o^ anp o? eitbec of tj)cm, as tl)e)) Qjall fee j^ccafion, anD appoint netb 7 1> ones \..r^r\j 562 Anno Regnl tertlo Chap. outS III €afc of SPcatJ) 0? of fucI) jRcmciW ^™- t)al, auD fnci) \5ecfon o^ perfons as is ^0;^ ace hy t\)i5 ^a liable to paj? t!)e faiD SloU o; '^uty>, is anD are l)et:cbv tcqtiitcD to pap tl)e fame aftec tl)c laates afo2c= fait) to tl)e faiD ITteafuret: o? Creaffiters, OToUectoj 0? Collectors, of tbc faiD XoU 02 mity m t^at l)el)alf from tiEiuie to ^imc appointeD as afo^efaiD for rcccilitng tl-)z TaiD ll^oll or Dutp; auD fuel) :^ur\)evoro? ;^iu\5C)?ors as aforefaiD, (l)all upon C>atl), if tl)ereto rcquircD by tl)e 'ftruftees, o? anp fitie or more of tbem, or before one or moje 3^i^tr^ <^? '^u^itc^ of tl)e iL^cacc, re- fiDiag near tl^e l^^igbtbap or iHoaD aforc^ faiD, tbDicD CatD fucj) STruftccs, 02 aivp t^r^^ «^? Ji''^?^ "^f f^^"^ ^? ^»f^ ^J'^^Jte or ^ufticcs, is anD are l)erebp impot'oereD anD requircD to aDminifter on tbe ftrft Tuefday in eVierp ®onti), or oftncr if requireD, Dur- ing t\)t orontinuance of tl)is ^(t, gM m a true, exact, anD perfect 3[cconnt m ^caariting, nncer t\)tit refpectibc J^ants, of all ilgonies lbl)icJ) l)t anD tbep, anD f\)cr^ or any of tl)cm ft)all to fuel) Xmic l)al5e tecei\)eD, paiD, anD DifbnrfeD hy tiirtne of tl)is :^(t, b)? laeafon of tl)eir refpccti\)c £)f' ficcG, for IbDicD i^Patl) no j?ee or IRett)arD fl^all be tahen; anD in OTafe an>) ^owcy Co receitjeD ft^all remain in t\)cit or any of tl)ClC Geoigii Tertii Regis. rgo tlxit i^autis, tl)z lamt ilyail de paiti to thtc n fi rr»D lEcullccs, 02 aup SVsc oj mo;?e of t^eui, xxxi 02 to fuel) |5ecCou o any> uSHrit- tticr 0^ OTattntrs iiuoer tftcii: l^anDS aiiD ^ealS atitbc3f3e auD impotijet to reteitJe thz fame, ll)J)icl) tl)aU be DiCbitcfeD aiiD laiD out in anummg: t\)z TaiD i^i|rbi^a)?s o;j laoaDS, accojcmg to tl)e trtie gintcnt atiD i®cari!Ufr of tJ)is ^ct, atiD not ot|)ecll)ife ; atiD tht fait) i:tuftces, 0? anj? ftbe 0^ nio aDbancinrr 02 iav- latt out anp "©onep, 0? otbectbife relating tl)£rcunto, as to t|)em fl^all feem gooD, fo as fucb ^Hlloibance 02 -^llottiances to fuel) 'Crcafurcr 0^ tjircafurers, Do not annual- Ip eicecD in t\)z lb!)ole t|)e :^uui of tl}irtp 7 1> 2 ]^oun t\)z ""^'"^W'ciy. Dutms: fucb tZTime 02 iIEmies a^j j)e anti tl)cp il)aU be tefpcrtil5el^ eniploj'ct) m tbc mcpaic of tl)e faiD iftoaos, anD fo as fucJ)^Uolbanceo?^UoU)aute3 to anj?otl)ec pction 0? perfonei, tbho il)aU be ciiiployeD bp Virtue of tbiS ^ct, Does not cxceeD t^e :^um of eftceti pounds ^catl^ to eacl) Pecfon, anD m Cafe tbe faiD €;rea5 farce o;? STtcafuters, OTollLCto^ 0^ oloU ledo?s of tbe afo^efaiD ^oU 0? ^uty, c2 anp of tbcm, il)aU not tnalie fucb ^f= count anD pa>nuent unto fuel) pcrlon 0^ peclonS, acco?Ding to tl)e J^^jcers anD DiicctionS of tbc faiD tlruftecs, 0; anp fiDc 0;? tno^e of tbetu as afo;jefaiD, tbat tbcti tbe faiD fufticcs of tbe peace, at anp fpecial j^ellions 0; ®eetingr of tj)eni, to be bolDen fo? tbe Count)? m Ibbicb tbe faiD tlEteafucec 0? irreafurecs, aLoUccto; 0; aroUccto;?s ba\)e acteD 02 been emplo^eD, anD luaDe fucb S>efault as afo^efaiD, il)aU anD ate l^tul}^ ccquireD anD lUtpolbereD to mafte enquitjj, anD finally? to Detenuine of, anD concctninigr fucb ^Default, as tbcU bp ConfcfTion 02 Cxannnation upon €>atb of tbe faiD parties tbemfelt)es, as by tbc €:eftunon^ of one 0; mo?e creDible OTit^ uefs 0? OTitnefTcs upon £)atl), tbbicb ^atl) Georgli Tertii Regis. ^^gr £)attl) tl)ep are i)ttz'Q}> impotticteD attD u-chav. qutreD to atmuniGec tbit!)out Jfee o^ Mt- ^^xi. tbacD, anD if anp l^ecfon o? IberCottS il)aU' — "^^ be cou\)!CtLtJ tl)eteof b^ CucJ) ^Mm^, tY)t fait) ^tiftices il)all upon fncj) €on= t)!Ction touunit tbc ?pattp o^ JSarties to tf)c common (Boal of iYk Comity, tt)J)ere TiicJ) C>ffencc0 (l)aU be committeD, t^ere to icmaiti ttiitbout Bail o? ®amp;!3e, until l)e o;j tl)cj? itiall ?)aljc maDe a tiueanD perfect Account auD l^aj^ment as afo^efaiO* ;:HuD be it furtl)er ^natteD h^ tj)e ;^ti^ tl)o^tt)J afo^efaiD, tJEbat it i^all aiiD map be lalbful to and fo? tt)e (aiD ^urtjepo^ anD ^ur\)ej)o?0, anD fuel) l&erfon o; p>erfon6 a$ be 0^ tbejj i^iall appoint, to Diig-, raife, gather, tahe, anD cartp albap mv (B^aM, 5fttr3e, ^anD, Atones, o^ otbet ®ate:: rials, out of tbe fet)eral ccupici: of t\)c (B^omiD ' ^^ from rohcnce tt)c fame il)all Ce CicrcrcD, caifcD, 9-atl)cccD, anD catricD atbap, as tl)e 3Cru(^cc6 appomteD 01 to be appointed to put this -^ct m execution il)aU aDjudgc reafonable, and m Cafe of any SDiffctcncc bettbeen fucb €)tbnet 02 £Pccupier, aiiD tj)c faiD ^cuftecs toucbing- the SPaiuacre afo^e- CaiC), tl)e gjuDges of a 1X130 at t\)c next dSeneral Mi^tQ atiD general (I5oal Oeliljcrp to be bolden m tl)e aiotmt)) ltiJ)ere fucj) -Materials il)aU be tiiggeD, raifcD, o; ga^ tfterct), auD from tt)!)ence t\)z fame d^aU be cattieD atbap, maj? anD i^M aDjuDge, affefs, and finally cctetmme tl)e fame. anD be it €na(tcD bp t!)e ^utbo^itj) afo;?efaiD, X\)at it ll)aU anD ma^ be latbful to anD fo;? tl)c ^utue^o^? 0^ :$)nrbe>'o;?s, anD fuel) ^etfon anD J&etfons as l)e 0; t^ej? ft)aU appoint from Xime to ITime, to temotje anD p^etjent ^^nno^ances on any> \5art of tl)e faiD l^igDtbajJS 0? moabs ^ereb^ intenDeD to be repaireD bj? Jriltl), SDuug, 2lil)es, Eubbill), Q, o? tti l^eDges, o^ ^^xj.' 2i3anlts acfacent to tl)e faiD i^iffJ)H)aj)S, ^^'^^ auD to taftc anD cartp alJbav ^^^e Tame, tl)c QXhwa^ 02 €)ccupiet6 neglecting to cut DoVbn tilth €tec6 o? 2i5ml)e6, o? to re^ mo\3e fticl) ;3nnoj)anceS fo^? t|)e ^pace of ten ^aj?5 after jHotice in OTtiting trilJen fo; tbat l&utpofe unDec tbe i^anDs of fiXft of tJ)e faiD Xcwftees, tbe OTDarges tbbeicof il)aU be reimbutfeD to tl)c faiO^ut- )Dty>02 0? ^urDepo^S bp fuel) £)ttinet«3i o;? i^ccupiecs neglettrnjj to cut tJotbn tj)e faiD ii:ree6 02 mt^c^, 02 to remotie fucj) ot!)ct: ^nnojjances as afo^efaiD, anD if af= tec removal of an^ fuel) ^nno))ances as afo^efait), anp \&ecfon 03 ^ecfous ll)aU again offenD in li&e hinD, e\)erp fuel) pcr^ foil o,j l&erfons fo offenDing, anD being tt)ereof conbiaeD upon £)atl) before one 0^ ino^e Sluftice 0? ^uGfces of the l&eaee, fo^ tl)e Olountp \\)\)m fuel) Offence ft)aU be comtnitteD, fl)all fo? et)et;) fuel) €>ffene6 fo.'feit anD pa^ unto tbe faiD Xruftces tea ^billings, to be leV)ieD in ;®anncc afo2er, faiD. ^g ^nD be it furtl)cr €nactiD bj) t!)e ^^u-' tl)o;!tp afo;?efaiD, ill)at it rtjall anD may be. latbful to anD fo?tl)efaiD:$ut\)epo^o?^ut- 7 € 2 \3epoij' r68 Anno Regni tertio Chap. \)ei>o £>?Dec of tht f^iD Xiuftccgi, XXXI. 02 attp fitJc 0? ino;?e of tl)ctii, to iiial^e ^""^^^0;^ caufe to be maOc ^aufetlsaj^s, auD to cut atiD luafec HD^aino tl)^HigD an^ cS?oimD5 l^insf contiguous to tl)c faiO ^oaD6, anD to erect <(ccl)C3 of 23?icft, ^^imbec, o-? j^toite tbcrcupou, anD aUo to IbiDeu anp of tl)e uatrolb j^aits of t!)e faiD \^tg}o\\:iciy^ o^ lIloaDs, to tfte 2iateaOtl) of j?o;>tj? tU)o jTcet iii t^e clear, bp openincr, clcarfticr, auD la^= ing into t^e faiD if^icrhtbaj^s o^ iHoatis, anp cl5?o«nD of anv l^trfon o^ ?:^erfo«6 i^^ iusr contiguous to fuel) l}^fgl)tba^5 u;j ^oaDs, not being an i^D^cbaro, patD, planteD 512Salft, o?;^\)enue to an (^oufc, anD alfo to caufe Dttcl)es o;? 3C^rencl)es to be maDe in fuel) J&laces, anD in fuel) ;®anner, as fuel) ^utt)ejJo;j 02 ^nt\)tvo2Q l^v C>?Dcc of tl)e faiD ^ruftees, o; anp fttJe o;? ino?c of t^em, fl)all aDjuDge neceffar^ fo2 tU better atuenDing anD ftecpmg of t^e faiD i[^igl)tbajJS 02 laoaDS in gooD me- pair, maftmg fuel) rcafonatlc ^atisfacti- on to tl)e £Dtbnet 02 Occupier of fuel) <15;?ounD, Ibbiel) il)aU be fo laiD ni 02 unto tbe faiD f^igl)tbips 0^ moaDS, tlvougD tb!)ic!) anj) fuel) S>^am 0? Drains l!)aU be cut, 0^ on tbbicl) anp fueb 5(rel) 0; -^Jrebes ft)aU be utaDe, fo^ t\)t SPamages \X>\)\t\) he 0^ Georgll Tertii Regis. ^69 0^ t?)et? {^Mo2 uiaj> ti)etebp ftiflam, age ha p. iljall hz alTcfiet! auD tnDgcD bp tl)c next ^^^f- bp tl)e SJiiftites of tl)e peace, 0^ tj)e tna= JO? pact of tDciii, at tbc next d^enetal :^U a3es 02 £luattec ^cfTions to be V^oitzn fo;j tl)e €uimt>' in tb!)ic[) fncb (K^ouuD il)aU be laiD into t\)t faiD I^i5;l)tibap5 o;? iSoaDS, auD t\)2ong\) tb!)!c5) anp fuel) ^;jaiii 0? Drains, Switch 0? S^tcbes, il)all be cut 0;? JuaDe, 0; on rtil)!ci) fuel) <^ccB 0? ;5tct)es ft)all be ereeteD o> niaOe, 0? €aufe= tba^JSi !nat)c, m €afe of anj) E>i(feience concetningr tJ)e fame, anD if my £Dtbuet 02 £)ccupict of mv Mlatet^coucfes, 2Ditci), 02 2Pitcl)e0, aDjoininir to ti)e faiD f^igrj^:; ttiaps 03 ia.oat)S, il)aU neglect 0? tefufe to fcout 02 clean fucJ) vKiaatet^coutfes, anD to mafte fuel) Ditcbes fo Deep, anD in fuel) £©anner as tj)e :^ut\)ej)o? 0? :$ur= tejjo^s iljall aDtuDge p?opec anD contje- nient, after etctl)t E>a})S jltiotice ll)aU be gi\)t\x fo? tbat putpofe bp fuel) ^uctjepo? 0? :$utl)epo?0, to be appointeD bp {)tm 02 t^em to fuel) Otbnec 0? C^tDnets, it ll)aU atiD map be lalbful, to anD fo? tbe S>utc: tepo? 0? ^uttepo?5 to fet anp ®an 0? !®en to tborft, to fcout, 0? cleanfe, anD maUe tl)efame, anD bp OTarcant from anp W. 0? mo?e of t!)e faiD €tuftees to leUp t\)z 7 $ CDarge 570 Anno Rcgnl tertlo, ch A p.qil)acgc thereof upon tl)c ipscrfouo; d^ooDS, XXXI. 0^ €ftatc of tl)e Qimtt 02 :ePll)iicie, €t^ ^-^'^^' cupicc 02 £PccupicC3 of fad) ClSlatcr^cotir^ fes, 3>ircl) 0? 2Pitcb:S, ^v SDtrmf^t auD ^alc of i)is, l)er, auD tbcic (]3ooD0 anD orbattlcs, reuDenngr tl)c 0\3crpltis (if mp be) to tl)e faiO iPtouec 0^ £)ccupiir, aftec aU €|)atKe2i paiO, ::jlnD llDl)ereas tbe faiD I^i3-I)l?3a^ o; iaoaD, leaDitig from t\y: fait) aotbu of Diindalk tb^^U(Tl) tl)t tlolSjUS of N'ewry anO Loughbrickland, to Bannbridge, lUap be confiokablp il)o;tcncD 0^ nuvoz miuf) tno?e conV)cnient fo;j ta;ta\)ellcc0, if tl)c fame tbete cacricCJ (icaigljt, 0? m a nio?e cou'oe:: uient !lme, to atooiD f^eep i^iUs, tbbere tbe fame is nolb ccooftcD 02 hiWv • j?o^ iRcmelDp lbl)eccof, auO tf)at all juft auD ccafoiuv ble Satisfaction map be rritjcn fo^ tl)e ?lanD mat)e ufe of in maj^ing- tlje faiD IS oat); » it futtbet CnacteD bj? tbe ^^titbojitp afo;?efaiD, Xbatit Ilt)all auD ma)) be lalbful, to, anO fo? tbe faiD €:rriftce5, 0^ aup fifteen 0; mo?e of tbcm, to afcertain, ticfcnbe, anD fct apart fucb a pact auD p^oponion of tbe itanD aOjoinincr 02 contignous to tbe faiD f^ifrblbaj? 02 HoaD, not bcmcr an O2- tbatD, pacD, plantcD OTalk, 02 Mains, 0^ ^JlDentie to a t^oufe, as t\)c^ tbe faiD Crnaces Georgii Tertli Regis. ty\ Xtt5(!ee0, 02 nnv fifteen o^ mo2t of t\)t\n^ ^ ^ p- ajall jtiDcrc nccellai7 ioi carc^Jinjgr tl)e fame ^^^^• Giajgrl't, o? in a ino my fifteen o^ mo^e of t\)m\ il)ail tt^inh fit ant) teafon^ able; anD in cafe my l^erfon o^ iDerfons; f^all neglect o^ reftife to treat anD agree as afo;?efaiD, o? t()?ong!) any Pliability by Nonage, OTolJcrture, o oianartauts, a fnfficient •^ur;), lbl)o upon tbcic '^.nl)^, tti!)icl) £>atl) tbc faiD Xruftees, 0; anv fi\)e 0? nu^c of tl)cm, are berebp mipolbcrcD auD rctimrcD to atimmiftcr, iliall enqmrc into tJ)e true atiD real Halite of fuel) (15;>oauD to be tnaCe ufe of fo;? tl)e faiD i^igl)lliav 0; laoaD, auD fuel) <3crDicts 0^ ^nquiftttons, as floall be fo fonntJ auD te^ turncD bv tl)c faiD '^n^\ afcertaiuincr t\)t Halue of fuel) (B20UUD, itjall be final anD conelufit)e, as tbell to tbe faiD Xtuflecs, as to tl)e fe\)etal anD tefpectitje iDlbners, aiiD \&?opjieto?s of fuel) <5?ounD, iiottbithlranD^ incr anp S>ifabil!tj) 0? Jneapaeitp ltil)atfo= eljer^ ^ ;^nD fo^ as muel) as tDe ©otiies fo to be eollectct) hv fuel) Receipt of tl)e faiD ^oU tbill not at p;jcfetit be fuffietent fo^ tl)e fpeeDv anicuDmtr ant) laepairtng of tl)e fatD l^igbtbaj'S o) liaoaDS, anD fo? paj^mj tl)c :$)um5 notb Due on tl)c faiD laoaD: » It furtl)cr €naaeD by t\)t :^ntl)02ity afo^efaiD, "QLhat tl)e faiD Xtuftees, 0; my fifteen 0^ uto^c of tl)en?, il)all, anD map, anD Georgll Tertli Regis. ^73 auD are \)ctthy impotbereD ftom Xime toCHAP. tHime, b}> OTnttng nnDet tl)eit tefpectitje ^xxi. I^aitcs anD ^eals, to affiffii otjec tbe faiD ^^^^^ fepacate tioll 0? Dutp bereb^ grantet), 0? anp Pact thereof, tl)e €oft«5 anD ari)atg:es tbbereof to be bo^n atiD paiD out of fuel) feparate tJEoll 0;? Duty, fo;j anp Xenn 0? tCtme, dtirmg tbe Continuance of tbio ^ct, a5 a Security fo;? tl)e ^mw of ®onep notb Due, 0} ioi mv ^um o;j ^iuu3 of ®oney bj) t^em to be bo;??otbeD fo2 that purpofe, to fut^) l^erfon 0;? pet^ fons, 0? tl)eir irruQees, lbl)o il)aU at)t)ance anD IcuD tDe fame, to fecure rl3e laepaj^- ment thereof tbitJ) latbful ^ntereQ, 0^ lefs if the fame can be fo haD, tbbicb faiD i^onep bo32otbeD (\)ciil be appltcD anD Dif^ pofeD of, as the Coll 0? Dutj? ts by this :^(t to be applieD anD DifpofeD of, anD to no othet Bfe 0^ J^urpofe Ihhatfoetier. 3(nD be It further CnacteD by the ^utho; 2ity afo^efaiD, Xhat it fl)all anD may be latjbful to anD fo^ the faiD iTruGees, 0? any fifteen o be It ftutt)ci: €nactcD b^ t\)t ^u:^ tl)o?ttp afo^efaiD, Hbat all anO ttjcr;) pcr^ fon anD »^crfon$, to lbl)oin fncb QHHaccants; 02 O^Ders il)all be giVicn, l)t5, l)cr, 0? tl)cic Ciectito^s 0(? aDl^!ntfttato^:5, :nap bv 5^n= tJo^fements, on fuel) €^ier«s 0? Clcccipts, tcansfet tDc IRig^t anD »ncftt of tl)c 5>um menttoncD in fuel) OTarcants 0? iSP?t)et$, tbDifh 5^nC)o^fctncut5 upon jl^o^ 'ttce to tl)e Cteafucer of tl)e faiD tZTolle, anD €ntrj) 0? ^emo^ial thereof, uiaDe m a 2i3ooft, to be ftept fo? tl)at idurpofe, tbbicl) the faiD ^tcafurct il)aU upon IRequcft, tbitborit OT^arge, jFce, 0? iRelbaiD maftc acco^Dinglp, anD il)all on iRcqucft permit t!)e fame to be tjictbeD at JRcafonablc l^ours, Georgii Tertli Regis. eye Odours, \i3itl)oat jFee 02 CletbarD, \\)a\l in-c haf. t!tle tU -JnCo^rec, 02 ^CTirrnee, l)is, 0;? |)ct ^^^^• Ociectitojs, ^t)tiimifttato;3, 02 aiTigno, ^--^-^ to tl)e fole 2i5cuc6t of tJ)c ^um tcanQfcr= teD 0} affigncD, anDtj)at the faiD QHHarrant 0? C>^Dec map iit lifte ©annet be affij^neD 0;? tcatisferteD b^ fuel) ^Utguee, biS anO \)tt €xecuto^5, 02 SiiDinmiGcato^s, and Co totics quoties, atiO tl)at aftet fuel) ^fftg-n- ment it il^Hii not be in tbe l^otber of tbe |^et* fou 02 l^ccfons tbJ)o maOe fticl) Sifftgutncnt to mafte DoiD, releafe, o? Difcbatigre t\)z faiD ^(Tignment, 02 tl)e ^tuu tbereb)) transfep teD 02 alTijgrneD, o afo^efaiO, tjcbat tbe iTceafucec of tbe faiD XoUo, il)all ^citbtnettcall^ dumber all tbe Ol^^iaactants 02 C>;?tiet«3 tbbtcb il)all be gi\)en 02 DeltUeret) out in i)utfuance of tbiS ^ct, as tbe)? il)all be DelttjetcD out, tommencmg bp ^umbec ^ne, anD fo contmumgr tbe lumbers 'till tbe tbbole be ^tithmeticallj? numbeteti. -3nD be it fuctbec €na(tet) bp tbe ^u^ tbo^itp afo^efaiD, tbat tbe fc\)eral %om mhWntitQ bccebj) maDe pavable,.il)aU be applieD anD pait) to tbe SDifcbac^e of tbe §nteceG of tbe ;®onej? notb due, anD of 7 (5 i fucb cp(y Anno Regni tcrtio ch AP.fucl) ®oner> as (Ijill be boj^olbcD \\\ piir^ XXXI. {uance ot this ^(t, atiD tottJarDri the iRe= ^^'"'^'^ paiting the faiD laoacs, auD that ail the jgjwrplus of the faiD IToUs <\\\t "Duties here^ bp uiaDc pa^^able, oDec aiiD abo\)c \hhat i^all be fuffictent to Difchaigc the faiD ^^{n^ tereft, aub tepatc the faiD liloats, il)aU be applieD m t!iftl)arge of tl^c principal i^onep notb tiue, 02 that ^)i[\\ be fo bc^ rotbeO, iti the ®antier hereafter tneutioiu eo, (viz.) that U)l)cn, aub as often as luch :^urplns tecei\)cD bv the faiD Xrea^ Cuter ft)aU amount to the ^uut of Htbo bunb^eo ^ounbs, that then the faiD Xrea- furer (t)aU caufe the il^nmber of all the OTartants 02 ;^;>bers, tbhich hat)e been tfCueb, 02 fl)all be ilTueb anb relibcreb out, in i^utfuance of this ^^ct, anb the ^uiu t^etem containeb, to be tbritten on feVieral Xtcftcts o;j Pieces of parchment, anb to be toUeD anb Cealeb up anb put into a 2I50I 0^ ^rn, anb Ibell miieb torrcther, anb an mbifferent perfon ii)aU publicftlj) betlbeen t!)e l^ours of ten anb tlbelDe o'Clocft in the fro^enoon, of a ^^y to be bp tl)e faib Xreafurer publicftl^ ablJcr; tifeb \W ti)e Dublin Gazette, fo^ that PUt' pofe, at leaft tlbent^ SDa^s befoox 0? ^rn, as luany of the fatb Xichets Georgii Tertli Regis. tyy dttcfects 0? pieces of ji^atcbmettt as t!)ecHAP ^\x\\\% tl)ecem eoutaiuet) ajall amount to ^xxi. ti)^ fait) ^ntn of Hlbo |)nuDjeD l^ouncg, ^ — '^ auD tl)e ^crfon o;? petfons tJ)e ^umDet of Ifehofc Giaarraitts o^ £);?Dec«5 ll)all be fo D^atbu, l)is 0? ti)eit €xe(nto IPaj'^i after tl)£ faiD OTatrauts o;> £D;t)ers it)aU be D?ali)n, be paiD bp tJ)e faiO ^tea- fucec, tbe principal ^huhs to J)irn o^ tl)em tefpeaiVielj) t)ne, Ibitl) t! e f ntetefi: fo;? tl)e fatne till paiD, atiD il)all upon l^a^^ment tl)creof i)cli\)ec up bis atiD tl)eit feVieral auD tcfpectit^e 2KI3acrant$ o> O^oecs to tj)e faio Ctcafrnet to be caitcelleD, »)?)!cj) t)e is t^ereb)? reqiiiteD to tanccl acco^tiinijlp, atiD ti)e Entered paj^able b)? ^ictue of fuel) u^Bactauts o^ ^^Ders i1)all ceafe from tl)e Crpicatiou of tlbentp SDaj^s, to be at- counted from tbe SDaj? of D^atbinigr t!)e faiD Xichets o? ]^ieces of J&art!)ment» 15;jo\3iDeD altbaps, i:!)at in OTafe tl)ete {^all be mo^e tl)an one d^ate o;j Xucnpifte accofs o;? on tl)e Qoe of t!)e faiD i^igl)- tbaj) 0? iRoaD, bettbeen tl)e faiD Xolijns of Dmidalk anD Newry, nO |5etfon 0^ ^iV fons l)al)ingf paiD tl)e faiD Xo!l o? SDutp at tbe fitft (15ate o? STutnpil^e, tl)2ougl) tt)l)icl) fuel) l^etfon o^ i^erfons 7 l^ il)aU ryS Anno Regni tertio c H A P. 1-1)311 paCfJ, anD p^oDucmg- a ^otc o;» XXXI. xicftct, that tl)e (aiD iToll o^ SDn.tv lba«3 — — 'paiD, Voi)!Cl) ^ote o? Xithct tl)e iaeccincc 0^ mcceitJccs, OloUccto? o;j OloUccto^s, i3 anD are hcrebp rcqmrcD to gi\)e gi-atis, ft)aU be liable to pap anp tJLoll o^ iputp at anp otiiet of tl)e faid (I5atcs o? x'nnr^ piftes, upon tl)c faiD l^ijg-l)U3ap 02 3aoaD betttoecn Dundalk anO Newry, fiul) ^^ccfou o;j pctions t)cli\)ecingr the TaiD jHote 0? Xichct to tl)e faiD ii^;ecci\)cc 02 3lRccei\)ccs, Collector o IS tai^cn, anD \b\)o {J)a!l re= t«tn the fame Dap upon 02 ttiith the fame i^o^fe, :©are, oi (BelDrng, ;^fs, j©nle, Cattle, Coach, Chaciot, ideclm, Chaife, Chair, Calatlj, CiCaacrffon, Cart, Carr, 0^ other Carnage, except Carts auD Carts, Ibith S^hccls uarrolDcr than three gnches, i^all be liable o; compellable the fame Dap to pap the faiD x.o\\ 02 D«tp more than once on the fame l\oaD; anD alfo, that no IbetCow or |5erfonS hating paiD the faiD Xoll or Dntp at the tirft d^ate or Xiirn- pihe, through Ihhich f»ch Perfon or per- fons i^all pafs betll^een Newiy anD Bami- Bilclgc, Georgii Tertii Regis. 579 Bridge, anU p^oDruirtST fucl) ^ote 0? Tithtt^ " A p. a^ji afojefaiD, iljail Oc liable to pap anj? ^^^^• XoU 0^ Dutp at aup otj)et of tl)c faiD ^-^^"^ dSates 0? x:ticnpifecs upon tt)e faiD i^is:^^ tbap o;j 5\oaD bcttbeetl Newiy atiD Bann- Bridge, ftic!) l&ecfott 0^ ^^ecroiis OehVictiUjgr tlbc faiD iRote 02 Xicftet to t!)c laeceitjei; 0; mcccibct^, oTolleao^ 02 Collt(to Dutp bp tl)is ^ct gtanteo anO maDe paj?able, ano l)abinff fuel) jRote 0? tJEicftet, ^otes 0? tHic&ets, aS l)etebp tJicectcD, il)all s:i\}e 0^ tJifpofe of tl)e fame to anp pttlon 01 |&ecfonS, in o^Dec to aDoiD tl^e i&apmcnt of t{)e faiD HoU 01 l^nt^, e\3etp fuel) petfon t^itiing^, Cifpofing, 0^ offecinigr, anD t\)z J^ccfon ceceit)mg fuc^ ^ote 02 -^ichet, iRotes 0^ ITicftetS, anD be= 7 J^ i injgr c8o Anno Regnl tertio c H A p.iucr thereof con\5i(tcD upon €)atl) Icfo^^ tl)e ^^^^ (aiD srtulKcs, 0^ an?) ftUe 02 uio^e of tl:cuT, '-^^'^ 0,' btio^c ciny one 0^ uio^c gjtidicc, 02 giu- ftices of tl)e Peace, fo? tJ)e ffences n3aU be cotzmiit^ teD, IbbicD iPatj) tbc faiD 5i:rnftec$, aiiD tlje faiD giuftfcc 0(? 'Juftices, arc bcrebp mi^ polbcceD to atnuntffcr, rt)aU refpect03cl)> forfeit atiD Vciv t\)c ^um of ten :^l)iUiuc)iO, to be IctJieD, rcco\3cret), anD tiifpofeD of, as my ot\)tt penaltp o; jTo^fcitutc fS Oi- rccteD to be letJieD, reco\3ereD, anD DifpofcD of by tl)!3 5(ct» 5(nt) be it fitttbet CnacteD bp tl)c ^u- t5)02!t^ afo^cfait), tlEI)at tl)c faiD Xruftecs, 02 anp ftt)c of t\)tn\, map ant) arc hacb}> iinpotbcrcD from Xiinc to ignite, as tl)ep iljall fee coutjenicnt 0,' t!)inh fit, to coiu^ potinD 02 acr?ce b>' tl)e pear, 0;? other:: ti3!fc, tbitb anj? perfon o;j |&erfons tifing to ttat)el tl)2oiicrl) tl)c Ctirnpifte o Berlin, Ca- lafh, cbaife, OTbair, OTaggon, OTart, Carr, 02 otl)cr OTarriagc, fo2 anj^ :^nin o; §^nn\^ of j^oncv, to be paiD tiiiaitcrlp, from v,ime to Ximc, after fuc^ .uttc$ afo;jefaitJ, \kho ftj^u ' — ^'^ paf!5 tl)^oucri) anp of tl)e tJEumpiftes to be cceacD Dp tl)i3 ^ct, Ibbo i'l)aU cact? an)) j^uantttv of :^tone0, (I5?atJcl, 02 othct ^atccials fo? lacpaititigr tJ)e faiD iaoabs, 0? an?) of tl)e moaos in tDe <^arii|(t6 IbDeccin the fame Do he, 01 in ani> of tjie neigbboticmg ^atiilies, no^j {l)aU anj? I&et- Con 0? pecfons be cj)arffeable tbit^ rjie faiD €:otl 03 3>«tj), fo;? an?) OTatts, €arr0, o> OTaggons, loatieo tbitl) a]:o;?n in tl)e ^tratb onl??, no? fo? an?) l^lougbs, i^atrotbs, 0? otbec implements of J^usbanD;??), in o?Dec to tDe nfiug 01 repairing of tl)e fame, iti the fe\)eral ^arutes in U)l)itb tl)e faib ^ig\)Vbay>Q 02 EoaDs; J)erebp intendeD to be repaiceb Do l?)e, no;j i!)aU an?) 3loU 0? 3)ut?) be DemanDeD 0? talten, at an?) of t{)e Xurnpfaes to be erecteD, fo^ an? ^o?fe, j^are, d^elDing, ^fs, 0? j^tile, 0? ot|)et Cattle going to QlQUatet, 0;? foi ati?) poft^ |)o?re, catr??ing tj)e ®ail 01 )^ac&et, oj of fuel) f^o^fe a$ 16 0? ft)aU be ufeD onl?) to tiDe on b?) tbe ^Ibnec 0; l^ii\)tt of tl)e OTaggon, Cart, 0? Carriage; p;?oUiDeD fncl) l^o?fe paf6 tl)?ottgb tbe faiD Cwrn«= pU 0; srurnpiftes tbitj) f«c!) OTlaggon, 7 3( ^^f^» icSfll • Anno Regni tertio CHAP.Catt, 02 ^a triage, no;> it)aU an)> XoU XXXI. 0jj 2Dutj, be DemanCcD o? taheti fo;? tbe '^^^'^ J^o^feS of ^olDiers paffing, tl)at ate upon — -^ tf)tit ®accl), 0? fo? uiaaffgons, Carts, Carte;, o;? otl)et aTartiajjes attentimg tj)cin, 0? fo? I^o^res, QUasfgons, Carts, Carts, 0? other Carriages ttaV)eUing tbitb ^a^ gtatits fent b^ paffes, o;j tbitb |5?ifoncrs tranfmitteD^from one \&art of t{)e EingDom to anotJ)et. ^T :^nD be tt ftittbet CnacteD b^ tl)e ;3it' tl)o;?itp afo;>efaiD, ^bat tbe Xoll o? Dutp |)erebj) granted, ft)aU tafte l^lace ano J)abe Continnance fom anO after tbc firft Dap of May in tj)e peat of £Dur iLo;?D One tl)0U' CanO ieben j)ttnb?el) ano ftitp four, fo^? anD Ciwring tj)e Xerm of j?ortp one pears. «- ^&?obibeD nebertl)elers, tl)at if at anp aiime befo;?e t!)e expiration of tj)e faiD Xetm of 5fo;jtp'one pears all i^arts of t^e (aiD iaoabs il)aU be fufiFicientlp atnentieb anD tepaireo, anD fo aCjuDgcD bp tj)e ^a- io^itp of tj)e faiD Xruftces appomteD, 02 l)eteaftet to be cbofen, bj> birtue of tbis :^(t, tben, upon anD after fucj) ^aDjuDicati^ on maDe anD ^ae-papnient of fuel) ®onep, as il)aU babe been aDbanccD anD bo?;olbcD Ibitj) Sinteteft fo^ t^e fame, anD tbe Cofts anD Georgii Tertii Regis. 583 antJ CJ)atigfe$ ti)eceof, t!)e CoUs ant) Du^c h a p. tie«5 (t)aU ceafe atiD Detetmme; aup tbtng ^^^i- Iberetti contameD to tj)e contcarp nottbitl)^* — ""^ ftauDiusr* $atiD be it furt!)ct €tia(teD h}> tbe ^ut()o= ?itp afo^efaiD, t^at fo^ t!)e continuing a fufficient jRumbec of fit anD able ^erfon^ to be Criiftees fo? putting itt execution all anO e\)ecp t\)t potbets m thi^ ^ct con- taineD, fo? anD Outmg tbe ^ntmuance tj)eccof, It il)aU anD maj> be latbful to anD io2 tj)e faiD Xcuftees, o;j an)? fifteen 0; mo?e of tj)etn, upon tl)e 3)eatl) of anp of tl)e faiD XtuGees, J)ecein appomteD bp ^ame, 0^ upon tl)eit o^j anp of tbeic lae- motal 0? refufingr to act in t\)z faiD irtua, b)> anj) 212atiting o;> OTcitinffs; unDet tl)etr l^anDS anD :^eals, fcom Xime to Xime, anD at all Ximes J)ereaftec, During t\)c %ttm afo?efaiD, to elect, nominate, anD appoint in tl)e laoom of fuel) SI^tuGee 01 XruGees To DeceafeD, temotoeD, 0? refufing to act, foma^ ny n\o;z fit anD able p>etfon 0? l&ecfons li\)ing in t\)t faiD Counties of Lowth, Ar- magh, 01 Down, to be joineD tbitl) tl)e faiD XrufieeS, in tl)e execution of all anD et)etv of t|)e \5otbec anD l&otbet$ in tl)ern repofeD hy> Mittm of tl)is l^ct, anD all anD e\)etp pecfon anD l&erfons fo to be cl)ofen 7 5J 2 muGee 584: Anno Rcgni tertio c H A p.Xtttftee 0; ^cuftces, to torn m pttttingr tbiis XXXI. ^ct in ofrcciition, as t\)t}> ace hcixm before "^"^"^ qualifieD to Do, il)aU, auD map, auD are Y^mhy iinpotbeceD to act, to all Si"tcnts atiD pucpofcs, in as full, larcre, anD ample i©anner, as tl)e faiD /Studies ace bp tl)is act impolbecet) to Do, auD fo toties qiioties, ' as often as occafioa iljaU ce^ lij^tiice* -^nD be.it ftutbcc CnacteD b^ tl)e ^u- tfto;?tcj) afo^eiaiD, Xl)attl)e faiD rentes. 03 any fifteen 0^ mo of June neit, anD tbe faiD ^ciiftccs, tl)cn il)aU aDjoucn tl)emfclbes anD aftec= tbacDs meet at an)? othtt ^lace 0? |?laccs, neat t\)t fatD l[^iirl)lba)) 0^ ffioaD to be ce- paiteD, tj)at tbe faiD £cuftees, 0^ an}> S\)e 0;? mo;je of t^etu il)aU tlnnli p;orct anD contjenient, as often as it il)all be ncceffacp i02 tbe P)tittiag tl)is ^rt m Ciecution, ewept m fuel) €afes Xbbece a gceatcc f^unv bet is ixvitdv trquiceD b^ tl)is ^ct, anD that tbe faiD i:cufttes, 0? anp fitje 0? mo;e ^f them, ft)all meet at tl)e faiD Colibn of Newry, on tlOC ficft Monday in the i^ontJ) O.f April, tDe ffCft Monday m t\)t "©ontb of May, anD t\)c firft Monday in t()e ®ontI) of June, m eV)etp pear, Dutmjgr t!)e Ccrm 3: afo^e^ Georgii Tertll Regis. rQc afo2efair), fo perches at t()e laate of fo itmc^ b}> the jbctch, aiiD that a fniallet ^nm IMl not be ftifficient to laepait the fame, atiD no ®oncj) ii)aU be paiD bp the Xreaftirer to anj) ^Dljetfeec, «n= lefs th^ faiD Otjctfeet mafteth £)ati) bcfo2e fotiic ^Mfticc of the J^eatc, o^? before a moatD of the faiD Cruftecs, that the faiD ^nni hath been faithfiiUp anD honeftlp eipcuDcD tu autenDlnij o^ repairing fo manv Perches of the faiD laoaD, anD fo^ his ul^Hagcs bcincrfomuch bp the Da)?, anD that !)c DiD atrenD the faiD OTo^ft Dili= pntlp anD carcfnU)% anD fl)aU p;oDuce to the faiD giafticc, o^' to the faiD i^oarD an exact Account of che dumber of ®en, ^02k^, anD Olaris, emplo^D each S>ap at the f^iiD OT02&, anD il)all ftheat to the ^tnth of the faiD Siccoimt/ anD then, anD not before, the faiD fnliice, oiU giUc an ^^Dct to ftich nDt^crfeet on the Urcafetrer fo^ the pajJtnent of the 7 E ;:^motmt 586 . Anno Rcgni tertio Chap. ;^mowiit of t^e faiD SJffount, auD if it XXXI. j^^ji i^^ppcn tl)at tUu itiall not appear ^^^^^ at att>^ j®eetincr tbbicl) \\)a\i ht appoint- D to be DaCJ anD J)elCi ^v tl)e far:) Xtttftccs, a ftiffittent ^tiinbci* of Menaces to act at fuel) !©ectmjj, anD to aCtotun to aur' otbcc ^ap, tl)tn, anD in fuel) €ak, the this Z(t a Htuftee 02 tjiruftccs fo^ putting tW ^ct in Execution, il)aU !)at)e, 0? accept of anj) place of p?o'at acifing out of, 02 bjj laeafon of tbc Xoll 0;? 2r>utp bp tl)is act laiD 02 crrantcD, btit fuel) ^&ctCon 02 perfons il)all be inca^ pable, from tl)e ^imc of accepting anD continuing to enjop fuel) l&lace of p^oftt, of acting as a l^cuftee. ^nD Georgii Tertli Regis. ^Sf^ A p. :^nh be it fart^ct: Cttactct) bp tl)e :5(tt= c h tl^om afo;?efai?), -(iLDat if anp ^uit l|)all xx^ be commcirCcD at?airt(t m^ ^kcfon o;j ^-^^'^ j^ctfouu, fo? aitp tDiajg* tJorre iti (gmrCu- ante of tJ)J3 ^rf, tl)aftm et)etp fttc^ (lEarfe tl)e Action iliall be laiO i* tbe faiti €ottit;i ties of Lowth, Armagh, t^f DdWri^' O^Otfe it them, anD not elfelbl)erc, anD tl)e SOe^^ fencant o? Defendants in fucb Action 0^ Actions to be b?otig:j)t, map pleaD tj)e general ^^tie, anD gibe tDis ^a anD t^e fpecial fatter in €biDcnce at anp Crpal to be !)aD t!)ereupon, and tJ)at tl)e fame Ibas tJone in putfuance anD bp t^ :^c tl)o;?itp of tf)is ^ct ; anD if it (l)aU appear fo to be Done, o? tJ)at r«cl) Sfction o;j -^^aious il)aU be b^o«gJ)t in anp otl)er OTountp, tbat tl)en tbe giiitp 0)311 finD fo? tl)t DefenDant o^ 2PefenDants, anD upon fucj) BerCict, o^ if tl)e |5laintifiF fl)aU be uon futteD 01 Difcontmtie l)is Action after tbe S^efenDant o;? SDefenDants il)aU \)a\)C appeareD, o? if on anp Demurrer; ^uDg:^ tnent il)aU be gi))zn againd tj)e l^lamtiff , tl)e Defendant o? DefenDants li)aU anD map recoVicr STreble (iToas, anD 6at)e tJ)e lifee IRcmeDp fo? tl)e fame as anp Defen- dant 02 DefenDants l)atl) o;> l)at»e in anp otDcc ^afes bp Halb. 7 ISt 2 :5ti^ 588 Anno Regni tertio &c. Chap. ;3nti bc It fttrtl)et CnatteD bp tbe ^^u^ XXXI. tl)o?itj) afo^efaiD, ^l)at tl)is :^(t rtjall be .^-'^^'^ UeemcD, aOjugeD, anD taften to be a i)ub^ licft ^ct, anD be juDiciallp taften notice of a5 fucD bj) all giubges, SluQicei5, anD otl)ec J&ecfonsi tb!)atfoe\)et, ttiitj)out [pecial- l^ pleaDing tt)e fame. A N A N ACT FOR Altering, Amending, and Making more cffecftual, the Laws for the Repair of the Road leading fi'om the City of Dub- lin, through the Towns of Kikidlen and Carloxv, to the City of Kilkenny. DUBLIN: Printed by Boulter Grierson, Printer to the King's Mofl Excellent Majefty. Mdcclxiv. C H A P. XXXII. C 591 1 A N ACT FOR Altering, Amending, and Making more EfFe6lual, the Laws for the Repair of the Road leading fi-om the City of Dublin, through the Towns of Kilctdlen and Carloiv, to the City of KUke?iny. CHAP. XXXII. W(^€iae;a:^ au act paileo iti tj)ecHAP. %\y\it pear of tJ)e meip-ti of {^isxxxii. Hate ®a|eGp Bmgr George tl)e ^ecoiiD, m=' — ^"^ titUleD, An Ad for repairing the Road leading from the City of Duhl'm to Kile idle n-Brldge in the 7^2 County ;;92 Anno Regnl tertlo c'h A p. County of KiViare: ^^wXy anot!ut Q((t palTeD ^^"- \w tlje :^c\3cnt|) peat of i^is faiD ^aicGp^s ^^^' ' Jacrgn, intrtnleD, ATi Ad for making more effedual tlie (aid AS:, palled iii the Tliii'd Yeai- ^ of His faid Majefty's Reign, and for repairing the Road leading from Kilcullcn-Brldge to the Town of Kiknllcn in the faid County of KUdare : 5%nD alfo one otl)ec ;^ct palfeD in tbe jTjftl) pcac of C^is late ^aieftj^s mcicrn, mtltulcD, An A6t for repairing tlie Road leading from the Town of Kilcidlen in the County of Kildarc, to the City of KUkenny : ^llD a fmtl)Ci: :^a paffeD III tl)e ^iutJ) peat of tl)e laeiig-ii of 1^1$ faiD late ^ajeGp, intitulcD, An Aa to explain, amend, and make more effetftual the faid Ad pafled in the Fifth Year of His faid Majefty's Reign: ;3nO tbl)Ctea6 it tS fouUD b;? Cipetience, tbat tbc trolls anD Duties J)etetofo^e {tranteD, anD luaDc payable, bj^tbc faiD fetctal 5(ct5 of i^atliameut, paffeD fo^ tepaiting tJ)e laoaD, leaCJingr ftoiu tbc olitp of Dublin, tl)2Otl0j) tl)e tlottinS of Kilcullen anD Carlow to t[)e ^Itp of Kilkenny, l)at)e not been rnfTicicrit to pa^ tl)c ^ntereft of tJ)e 3)clt6 conttaftcD fo;j inahmjj tbe faiD iRoaDo, anD alfo to fteep tl)c fame m fuf^ Rcient O^Dct anD l^epait; auD tJ)at not- tDitbQauDiugr ti)c fame, t!)e faiD 5loaD is noH) m a laiuotis OTonDition, anD t\)z faiD Relets J)a\)c not efTcitnallp anftDctcD tj)e puc^- pofes; Georgil Tertii Regis. cp5 pofes intenDeD tj)etebj); ant) it 10 foimD tx^ c ,. a p. pcDient to tnal^e tl)e fetjeral P;?ot)ifion3 j)cre= ^^>^ii» inaftec metitiotieD fo; tl)e nio?e effeauallp ^^^ amentJing aiiD repaicing: faiD i^oaD, auD fteepmg: tJ)e fame in ijooD ^^Oec anD iae= pair, anD fo? tl)e fecwtmjj tJ)e 3)ebt5 notb t)ue, 0^ tbbicl) l|)aU l)et:eaftct (jecotne Due, to t\>z J)oaeft anD fait €tmtoi$ of tl)e faiD iaoaD : mt It €nacteD bp t\)c W^mQ j®oft Cicellent ^ajcftj?, bj? anD tbitj) t^e ^DDice anD Content of tbe 2.oaD3 :$pir!tual anD Xempo^il anD Commons in tl)i3 p;?efent l^atliament affemOIeD, anD hy tl)z ;^tit!)o^ titp of t\)t fame, Xbat from anD after tj)e ftcft S>ap of May, in tJ)e peat of £)ut Ilo.:?D £)net!)oufanDfet)en l)unD?cD anD fixtp fotit, tl)e fe\)cral %tufitc^ nameD anD appointeD in anD unDec tS)e faiD fo^mct ;^(t0, except as l)ecem=aftei: nientioneD, anD t!)e XtuQeeS l)ecein'aftct nameD anD appointeD, 0;? mv ^t'otn 0^ mo;?e of tl)em, in tl)eit anD eac^ of tbcir tefpectit)e Di\)irions, 0? fuel) perfon 02 l&ecfons; as il)aU be by t^em, o;j anj) j^cVien o' the faiDtEoUs, by tl)is ^ct chatcreD auO appointed to Ijc coUectGD aun i"ccei\)cD: (tl)at i3 to fa^) tbe faiD ^CruftecSr, nanicD ano appomteD bj) auD miOcc the LiiD fo^niec 5((ts fo^ iiiaftingr aiiD rcpairins: tl)e i^oaD IcaOmg ftom t\)z €ity of Dublin to tl)c iolbn of Kilcullcn, o?aft, tlvce ^I)iUmg6; fo? t^ttp OTacf:^ cron, Mam, Cart, 02 Olartiagc tt)itb ttbo OTDeels, D^1lbtl Dp ttbo l^o?fc0, dBelOinsrs, one- i^o^k, dJclDmcr, -©ate, 0? <©nle, JFotic- 5.tnce; fo? cV)etj) Cart, Carr, 0;? ot6et Cat? tiage, l)at)incr b«t one l^o.^fe, :®are, cl5elD- ittsr, ©tile, ^(s, 0? »aft of 21>?aft, tb;jee' l)alf pence; fo? eljcrp i^o^fe, ^are, dHclDing', igule, ^fG, 0^ »afl: of 2i5tittl)eii, D^l»)' insr, laDeu 0;? unlaDen, tl)^ee J)alf \&ente; fo? e\)et)? 2D^o\3e- of Oieti, Cotbs, 0^ iRcat Cattle, ttbo ^\)\\lmo(^ atiD ^tipettce bj> tJ)e :^co?e, ant) fo in l&?opo?tion fo? anp greater 0? lefTer ^timber; fo;j etjetp SD^jotie of Calces, C^oggrs, :^l)eep, (i5oat$. 0? ILanM, one ^l)iUing ant) t|)2ee l^ence, anD fo in |5?opo;tion fo^ mv grreatet 0? lefTet ^Mtn^^ bet,- anD fo? e\)etj) Cartmire, tbberem fl)aU be carneD ol)iUings anD ^ix-pente ; anD that tJ)e faiD Ctfiaees, herein a ftet in tljis p^efent ^(t natncD anD appointeD fo? maftingr anD re- pairmir t\>: laoaD, leaDingr from tl)e ^otbn 7 flg 2 of C96 Anno Regnl tertlo C H A p. of Kilcullen to t\)C Colbtl of Carlow, 0? an? xxxii. ^e\)eiv o; mo?c of t{)cni, 0? fuel) }^aion 02 ^^•^^^ l&ecfons as ftiall be bj) anp ^^ctjeu o? mo^e of t\)cm autl)o^i3eO 0? appotitrcD, iliall te= ce!t)C tl)c tloUs o;j Duties follotbmcr, befo;je anp i^o^fe, ®are, 3[f0, jggule, Olattie, aroacO, Berlin, ari)atiot, Calailj, Cbatfe, (El^aic, OTaggon, QKaam, Cait, €atv, o; ot^ec Cacriage, il^aU be petnuttcD to pafo thiou^h tbe fame, (viz:) fo2 cDct)? oHoatJ), 3U5eclm, Chariot, CaJafl> ail)aifc, o^ ail)air, Oijatbn bp fix i^o Carriage of tlbo Mljccls, D^atbti b)> tlbo D?o?fes, cl5elDing0, ®arc$, ^ulcs, ^CTes, 02 2iBeaOs of D;?aft, :^ir'pcnce; fo? e\)erp Carnage, commonlp caUeD a Cbait o^v\> Georgii Tertii Regis. c^gy 02 €|)a!fc, DMtbtt bp one l^o?fe, cI5eltiittjj,c hap. j®ace, o;? i®ule, ^u=pcnce; fo;jetoj) Cart, xxxii. dTacr, 0? otJ)ei: Carnage, l)at)!n0 but one l^o^fe, ©are, cSelDmg, ^tile, <^fs, o;j2aeaft of 2D?aft, tlbo ^5ence, except OTatrs and otl)ec OTarriages laDen Ibitl) Xutf onlp, ano D^albn bp one i^o;?rc, d^clDing, ®are, <®ulr, 2(fs, 0? wM of S)?aft, tt)J)itl) are l)erebj) excepteD from an? of tl)e faiD XoUs; fo^ e\)er? i^o^fe, ®are, dljelDmg, j®ttle, o? ;^r3, Itiitl) an)) i^erfon riDmg thereon, ttl)o l&cnte ; fo^ e\)er? i^o;>fc, j®are, (II?elt)mg, i©ule, o;? Z{^, laden o^ unladen, and not d^7ltlIng 0^ l)at3ing anp perfon riding ti^ereon, tl)^ec l)alf ]pcnce; fo; etet)? SD^obe of iiPxen, Colbs, o? ^eat Cattle, ttbo :^J)tlling3 and :^ix=pence, and Co in |&?o^ portion fo? an J) greater o;? leffer jRumber; foj e\3crp S)2ot)e of Call)e0, C^oggs, ^beep, (3oat6, 0^ Itainb^, one ^^billing and tY^izt ^^ence b? the :^co;?e, and fo ix\ |5?opo;tton fo? anp greater o? leffer iRumber; and fo? co:rj) Carriage, tbDereon il)all be carried on o2bo?nc anp j®ill ftone, ttbo ^l)illing0 and j^iX'pencc; and t!)at tj)e faid CruGee0, named and appointed under t^e faid fo?met ^a^ fo> mahing and repairing tl)e l^oad, leading from ti)e Xotbn of Carlow to t|De Citp of Kilkenny, 0? anj> fetjen 0} mo^e of t!)cm, 0? fuel) perfon o} |&erfon«5 as il)aU 7 fi te 598 Anno Regni tertlo c H A p. be b)) tf)cin, o; anp kXttii o ^o;k, ^ate, (I!>elDintr, £[9, -ggule, OTattle, OToacI), lacrlin, Cbatiot, CaJail), Cbatfe, Chair, Magrrou, ul2iiairi, Catt, Catr, 0? otl)ec oracciagc, iljall be petuutteD to pafs ti);onc)fl) tl)e fatue: ^hicb faiD rcfpc(t?VJC :$>um anD :^tim3 of j^Bonej) ft>aU be DcmanDeD anD taftcn te^ CpcaiVicl)) tn tl)c ^ante of 0^ as a rcfpcmDe XoU 0;? X0II3 ; anD tbe ^oi\t^ to be tl)ercl^j> raifeD anD coUcaeD, is anD fliail be tcrpccti\)elp \3cftcD in tbe faiD refpcctiVie iIEtaftces acco2Dingr to tl)cir anD cacj) of tbeic tefpecti\)e Djt)iUons; anD the fame anD eV)crv part thereof il)aU be applicD anD Dif- pofcb of to anD fo; the feVjeral Bfes, ^n^ tents, anD purpofes, anD in fuch :®annrr, as bv the faiD former .^cts auD this p^efent ;^(t are pattuiilarlj) mentioneD am nc:: clarcD Georgli Tertii Regis. rpo clareD ihitl) rcfitct to eacj) pacttculac auO c h a ? :^nD be it fnrtJ)ec €nactet) bj) tl)e ;^tt= tbo.^it)) afo;cfaiO, €l)at tl)e €oU$ o? Da^ ties t)ctcbv crranteD ft)aU tafte l^late fcom ano after tl)c 6ift S?ap of May next, ano J)a\)e continuance ti)encefo^t() fo^ anO hm< ing t\)c ^ecm of jFo2tp=one peats, auD frotn ti)ence to t!)e (^nD of tl)e tj)en n:xt j^effion of Parliament, fo? tl)e intents ano i^urpofes m tljis- p^efent anD fai^ to^met ;^ct6 mentioneo* :^nD Ibbcreas the €:ra[ftees of (atD laoaD IcaDincr from Kilcullen to Carlow, not bitng* able to raife ®oue^ on tl)e oTtetJit of tl)e faiD iaoaD, tb:re oblrgeD to contract Ibitb John Dillon Cfqttite, CieceafeD, io; tU in.^Umgf of tl)c faiD iRoaD, on S)up nn- reafonable aiiD extra\jagant ^^^fces bw tbe #ercl), on Condition ti)e faiD John Dillon tbotilD tafte ^Debentures fo2 tl)e fame on the faiD ^aoao, anD accojtJmg:!^ t^e fasD John Dillon maDe moft 0^ a confiDerable ^5-Ut of tf)e fame, anD ^aD l)ebenttires (Iruclt to l)!m, 0^ to l^erfons fo? J)iSi Hfe 02 ii3£ne6r, to a V)er;> large Amount, anD ti)c faiD Dillon, 0^ tbofe DentJingr unDer bim, l)aV)e alTigneD o? otf)er«)ife transferteD tbe 7 j]tl 2 faiD 6oo Anno Regni tertio Chap. fait) Wt\)mttm<5 to fe\)eral l^ecfotts fo? XXXII. §iun\ accepteD of, ftttotbiuff tl)at tDt TaiD Dillon, auD tl)ofc DetiDincr titiDct 6itn, obtaiiieD t\)t faiD SPclentnreS itt fanner afo^cfaiC, anD uotlbitljftanD; iitg tl)e fatnc, tl)e faiD fct):ral pccfoiis notb claim to be €tcDito^6 ou tj)e faiD IRoat) fo;? tl)e tbi)olc ^imis containet) m t^e fait) DebentiiteS, aiiD l)a\)e ctccibcD conftticrable ^nms of ^onej? as tl)e giu teceft of t\>z farO debentures, at tl)e l)icr[) laate of fix ^oiuitisb)? tl)e l'^imt);?eD bp tl)e peat: ^uD lbj)crea5 t()c faiD illoaD 15 be^ touie tiiinotis, auD tl)e x:oU!3 of tl)c fame ate bv no <®ean$ fuffictent to hccp tl)e faiD Eoat) m JRepair, anD pay tj)e gnte- reft of fo large a Debt, ant) tl)e follolbmgr l^erfons, W)l)o are })oncft anD fair CrcDfto;?5 on tDe faiD CloaD, fo? a confiDerable ^um of j®onep, to ^vit, tl)e ^cp^efentati\3C3 of Samuel Fairbrother, fo;? tl)e :^um of ^ne tl)ourattD tlbo j)nnD?eD anD fctjcntccn ^ounDS, fourteen ^ijtlimgs anD ten pence; William Brown €fQUire, fo^? a J^UtU of i^nc l)ttnD;:eD anD XtbentV'fi\)c pounDs, Maiuice Keating Cfquire, fo? a ^lUU of iSDne l)unD^eD pounDs, tl)e li:U'p^eftntar!\)cc; of Thomas Aihe Cfquite, fonm of ^e\3cutp fi\)e i^^ounUS, Jolm chcr- xxxii. ry io2 a ^mu of ^t^entp 6\3e |&ounD«5, ^^^^^ William Ryves CfqUlCe, fo? a :^um Of iribentp fit)e POUIIIDO, atlD Thomas Walfh, fo^J a ^n\n of Ctbcntp^ftUe 1&onnt)2i 0? tl)ore tie^ ni3mgnnDectl)em, batje a ffteat ;arreat of ^itteceftDucto tbemontbeit fatO Debts, atiD l)at)e tiot been paiD but a \)tty fmall j^at^ tcr on ;3ctount of tl)e faiD glnteteft fo? fc\)ccal pears paG : 26e it €nacteD bp t!)e ^utI)0(?itpafo?eratD, t|)at ti)e perfons f)ztm aftec uameD, anD none otj)ec, fl)aU be tfte ia:rtiftees fo? putting tl)is p^efent ;5lct anD tl)c faiD former <^Gt$, palTeD in tbe ftftb anD nmtl) peats of ^is late i®a|eftp'S ^cjgu, mto execution, tbitj) refpect to tl)it ^act 0? DttJifton of the faiD moaD, leaDiurr fcotn tbe faiD Xotbn of Kilcullen to tl)e faiD ^otbii of Carlow (tl)at is to fap) t})e ^arquifs of Kildare, €acl of Dro^hcda, Ocarl of Milltown, ILo?D Balting- glafs, tJ)e !^igl)t {honourable John Ponfonby i|>pia!ier of tl;e {l^onoutable l^oufe of Com- ino:i$, tbe l^l^fbt l^onourable Benjamin Bur- ton, la^ir Fitzgerald Aylmer 2l3aronet, ^iC Kildare Dixon Burrows 2i3aronet, ^ir Richard Butler laaronet, Richard Fitzgerald (^ElQUire, Arthur Poineroy ^fqtnre, Thomas Butler (^f- quite, William Burton CftJUite, Maurice Keating ^^EfQUIte, Beauchamp Bagnall Cfquite, 7 O John 6o2 Anno Regni tertlo C H A P.John StLegcr ;lcfQUire, Thomas Eyre Ciqnire, XXXII. Edvvai-d Stratford €fquire, John Bourke &- ^ "^"^^ ClUiU, Redmond Morres ^fquice, Richard Lev- ing ^tClUltZ, Arthur Jones Nevill v^fquire, Mam-ice Keating tl)e JJOlUtffCC Cfquirc, John Burrows Cfquite, Henry Bunbury ^fqiUCe, Benjiunin Bunbury CfquiCC, George Graydon (JlECqUlte, Robert Fifli CfqtUCe, Robert Brown of Carlow €fqtUCe, Samuel Yates Cfquice, tl)e i^Cl)etCttD Robert Dixon Burrows, Thomas Bunbuiy Crqtlire, tl)e iRetCtcnDCadogan Keat- ing, tj)e iac\)CCenC) Jolm Batty, James Dexter Ciquire, Richard ^el^on CfquttC, Thomas Vincent €fquite, Henry Boyle Carter &- quite, Thomas Ryves CfqtlltC, James JM'Ro- beits Cfquire, Walter Bagot CfquitC, John Rochfort tbe JJOtmgret efqtllCC, John Bailie Cfquite, William Brown tJ)C J'Oungcr iti- quiCC, Thomas Bunbuiy of Kill '^[q'lttr, Abell Wall €fquire, William \icars Cf- qutCe, John Hamilton €fqtlire, William Ftev.- art CfquiCC, Edwai-d Wall €fqfut:.\ James Hamilton Cfqilirc, William Brereton ^^^QiiiCe, Thomas Duckett dSCUtletliau, John Higgon- bothain (BCtttlctuau, John Humphry Gentle^ man, Benjamin Haynes tj)e J^otUiffCC GCH- (leman, James Welding Gcntlctuau, Jonas Duckett <5entleman, Richard Shacklcton (Bax^- tleman, Joleph Taylor (Beittlcniau, Benjamin Haughton djCUtlematl, Ephraim Boak Gentle^ man, anOWilliam Duckett, auCi William Walters Gcutlciucu, Georgli Tertli Regis. 60^ d^entletnen, auD all C^iS :®ajcft^s SfnOice^c ha j of t\)t l^eacc fo3 tU kXnul Counties tD^ongl) ^^x" ll3l)itl) tbe faiD IRoaD cutis; and tbe iaio ' '^ CcuJft^s j)ecem before natneo, tl)aU be ano ace l)ecel))> fe\)ecall)> anO ccfpectit)eljj intefteD Dbitl) all t()e l^olbfcs anD ;5utl)o?ities, m t^e faiO fo^uiec ^cts auD tj)is p^efent :3ct gil)en aiiD euartcD, Dbitl) cerpect to tl)at jjbact 0^ l>iV)ifiou of tl)e fatD iaoao fcom ti)e Xotbtl of Kilculien tO Carlow, to all f titents auD l^utpofes; in tl)e faiD ;3(t6 metitioneo, as tf tl)e fame l&otbecs anD ;^ut!)o?ities {rcanteo anO 0il)en bp tl)e faiO -^cts, tbece J)eceiti again cepealeD anD enacteD in tl)e 2aoD)) of tbiS p* <^nD be It fttctl)et €nacteD h}j tbe ^a^ tl);?it)? afoijefaiD, t!r^at tbe faiD 5loaD leaD- iiXCf fcotU Kilculien to Carlow, anD tl)C XollS acifing: t{)eceout, be anD ace l)ecebp abfo? liitelj) fceeD anD fo;> et)ec Difel)acgeD of anD fcom all :®o^tgagres, Debcntuccs, 0? ^e? cucities l)ecetofo;e ftcucft 02 gtVien bj) t\)t faiD Xcuftees of tl)c faiD SioaD, anD of anD fcom all f nteccft Due o; claimeD to be Due on tbe fame, except 3>ebentutefli anD :$)ecucities giUn 02 ftcucft to anD fo? tj)e faiD Samuel Faii-brother, fo? tj)e CaiD 7 £) 2 ^m 6o4 Anno Regni tertlo Chap, j^tuii of Qut tl)oufauD tloo l)imt)?eti anD XXXII. (et)cnteen pounds fourteen ^feillings anD ^"''^^^ tttX pence, Maurice Keating fo;j the faiD jg>um of C>ne l)unD?eD pounds, William Brown fo^ t!)c faiD :iiuni of £I>ne Ijuiid^cD and tlbentp fiitje pounds, Thomas Afli fo? t^e faid ^um of jTlftp PounCS, Alexander Sparrow fo;? tl)e faid :$)tuu of ^etjentp Wot pounds, John Cheriy fo^ t\)t faid ^UIXX of ^tbentJJ ete ponnlS, William Ryves fo^ t\)z fatd ^mn of Xtbentp 6\)e lounds, and Thomas VVelfh fo> t\)c faid :^um of i:U)entp fi\)e pounds, p?o\)ided altba^s, %\)at tbe faid laG mentioned Xcuftecs in tj)is p;>efent ;^(t named, o^ an^ eletjen o} mo;e of tj)em, (!)aU fcate full potbet and ^utl)o?itp, and ace beccdj) required to looft into and eia- mine t{)e :^ccounts of all and tUty per^: fon 0} perfons, U)l)o nolb l)aV)e a Claim to be intitled to anp fuel) ^Debenture o? Debentures, o^ otl)er :^ecurities, excrpt as afo&R faiD laoaD, 0) io2 paCTmcr tj)e faiD ;^ct2;;CKAP. 02 in ^afe tbe faiD I^ebentwrefii o;? ^etutt?'^^*^- ties, 0? att)? of tl)em, il)all appeat to ^at)C ^''"'^^ been affigncD to pa^ anv |&ecfon o^ l^etfons fo2 Valuable Conficetation, alfo to ftrtfte nell) l>ebcnttice!3(, 02 git)e netb ^cctttttes in fal)out of fuel) ^^fTiffneesi, fo;? fuel) ^^ttttt 0;? :^ame! of :®onej?, as (l)all appear to be teall)) antJ bona fide aDt)anceD apoft fuel) ^^fTigtuncnt 0^ ^affignments, ttitj) ^ntereft at tl)t ^^ate of ftte l&ounOS fo| tJ)e l^unD^eD bp t!)e peat, fo;j fuel) :$ttm anD :^ums fcoiu tl)e refpectiVJe ^imes tl)e fame tbere fo adbaneeD, 0? laiD out, 03 afTigneD as afo?efaiD; tl)e faiD l&etfon oj l^etfons giving OIceDit fo^ fuel) ^ums a0i tbep l)aVie receitjeD on aecount of tje rame» ^jotiDeD altbajjs, tl)at fueD Sfnteted ft)all not beeomc anj) l&art of tl)e 1&;?incipal :$>utn 02 :^ums in tl)e faiD ^Debenture 0^ debentures l)ecebp impotbeteD to be fttucft, fo as to bear o;> eattp anj) Entered fo? t!)e faiD ^ntercft, anD in cafe anp l&etfon o| pcrfons il)all tl)inl^ f)im, hzt, 02 ti)emfeiue« agrgriebcD bp anp 3(ecount, ^tt, 02 ^ter^ mniation, tuaDe 02 fettleD bp tl)e faiD tZtruGees in tl)e l^^emifTes, it i^all anD map be latbful to anD fo? anp petfon 02 7 1^ l&etfonS, 6o6 Anno Regni tertlo c H AP.|^erron«ai, intercfteD m tbc \&?cmi(rc$, to XXXII. appij, in a fuinmarj) OTaj? bp ^^critfou to ^'''''""^ an)? Olontt of €quit)) in thtS laingiDoui; tbhicl) Court ftjall (late and fettle fuel) accotinte, antJ l)eat: anD Dctctminc tl)e i^attcrs complaincD of; ant) tl)at all ^c- counts ftateD, ano HDctctmniation to be tuaCie m tl)e l^^cuiiCTes, il^all be final anD tonclufitje to all patties: \5;?oli!CicD facD ;3ppeal be b^oujjbt tbit!)in fix ®onths af- ter fuel) SPetermmation of tJje faiD €tuf= tees* ::3nD be it ftitt\)tt Cnactet) b^ tbe ^u= tl)o?itj) afo?efaiO, %Y}at tDc Xolls anD 2)u^ ties Jietebp maDe payable, anD DirccteD to be raifeD anD leViieD on tl)e faiD ccfpcctitje 2Dit)ifions 0? patts of tl)e faiD JRoaD IcaD^ ingr from Dublin to Kilkenny as afo2cfaiD, ft)all be applieD anD paiD to tl)e Difcl)arcre of tl)e gntcreft of the faiD S^ebts fo Due to tt>c €reDito?s of tbe faiD mcfpcctitjc S>iMons 0? parts of tDc faiD moaD, except tj)e 2Debts Due, as afo^efaiD, to tl)e (atD John Dillon, anD tl)e SIntercft of fuel) further anD otl)ct ^uui o^ ^uuis as i1k)aU be l)ercafter bo?,'otbeD fo? tl)e Hfe of t\)t faiD fe\3etal anD rcfpcctibe I^iiJifions o? parts of tl)e faiD IRoaD, anD atter pa^- meat of t\)t faiD ^(ntcreft tol<)arDs repair^ ing: y.y^Y^\J Georgll Tertli Regis. 607 ittgr atiD amenDmg t!)c faiD federal atiD te=:C h a p. fpeditje 2Di\)iftonSi o; ^atts of tl)e fatD xxxii. moao, aiiD tl)at all tl)c :^utpl«s of t^e faiD XoUs auD Duties Dcccb)? maDe j)aj)= able as afo?efaiD, otjec atiD abote tbl)at ft)all be fufficicnt to tiifcl)atge tl)t faiD gntereft, auD to amcnD anD re:» paic tl)e faiD laoao, il)aU be applieD to= \t)ai::)S t!)e Difdjarffc of tl)e |&?mcipal of tl)e faiD Debts, except t!)e Debt t)«e as afo^efaiD to tbe faiD John Dillon, an,D of fuel) ftutbec atiD otbet ^ums as (l)aU l)eceaftec be bo;>?otbcD as afojefaiD, in ^annec as in tl)e faiD feDecal ^cts of ^&.Kliatnetit, auD tl)is p^efeut ^ct, ate DicecteD atiD appointeD* :3nD be it futtftet CnacteD bj> t\)t :^n' tpo]iity^ afo^efaiD, Xl)at ftoin anD after tl)e fitft Daj? of May €)tte tl)oufattD fetjen l)«u- D;?eD auD fixt;? four, no Debentures, ®o;?tff 5:ages, 0? ^ecuriries tb{)atfoeber, maDe a (jri)arge 0? ftcuch, 0? tbbicb il^iaU l)ereaftet be maDe a aTbarjje 0? ftrucfe, upon all o? anp Part of tl)e Xolls anD Duties of all 0;? anp part of tl)e faiD mcaD leaDingr from t\)z €\tv of Dublin t\)tougl) tl)e tlotbnS of Kilcullcn anD Carlow to tj)e a l)igl)ec 7 p 2 S!"tereft 6o8 Anno Regni tertlo c H A p.^nteteG tl)aii at tl)e mate of titie l^ounoe XXXII. Bjj t\)t j)unD;?cD Up tJ)c pear. ;5lttD tti^crcas tl)e Xruftees of t\)z faiD fe\)etal 2>iViifion«5 o? part of the faiD moaD, leatJinff from t\)t €itv of Dublin tteougj) tj)e XotbnS of Kilcullen auD Ccirlow, to tj)e CttjJ of Kilkenny, |)al)e conttactcD tbltl) fe:= toeral l&ctfons fo;? tl)e anienDingr anD fteepmgr in repair tht tbJ)ole o;j a (onfiDer^ able part of tl)e faiD SloaD at i)erp l)igl) <^?tces, atiti tl)e faiD oiToutcacto^s l)atje not amenOeDant) ftept in repair tbe faiD laoaDS as ti)t}> ought to !)at)c Done, by ^cans tbbcreof ft is notb become necellarp to critjc t!)e faitJ laoao, o? tl)e ffteateft l^art thereof, a tl)o;?ougb repair; anD it is fotinD eipe- Dient to refcinD all tj)e faiD oTontracts anD Heafes of t\)t li:oUs of et)erp j&art of the TaiD IRoaD: 25e it therefore CnactcD bp tl)c :5l«tl)o;?itp afo2eraiD, irhat all lleafes o? SPemifes of all o^ anp |dart of the Coils 02 2r>tttic5, 02 ^Contracts tbhatfoetjer fo;? tbe amenDing o; fteepmg in repair all 02 anp l&art of the faiD laoaD, leatmsr frcm the €ity> of Dublin, through the tJTol^ns of Kilcullen anD Carlow, to the OTltp of Kilkenny, from anD after tl)e faiD firft 3>ap ot May £>ne thoufanD fet)en l)nnD?eD anD fixtp four, be, anD t!)e fame is, l)ctcbv DeclareD null anD Geoigii Tertii Regis. 609 auD \3oiD, to all giittetits aitD ^tupofesc h a p. lbJ)arfor\}er; anD tl)at all ConttactfS fo2 xxxil hrrpmcr aiiv Part of tl)c faiD iRoaD from ^^^^^ Dublin to Kilkenny lU tcpaic fo^ mv ieCtU eicccDrng: ouz pear, iljall be l)eteaftet tuatic upon fiicl) ptiUlich iRotice, ^oftmg, anD a ant, ao is paiticiilatl)^ turectetJ t^ ti)e <^ct of pailiament l)crem aftec nientionct) of tl)c iTlbcntv tl^irt) of (^is late ^ajeft^'S iac>.v;n, tliitl) rcfpect to tbe mafemg- an;) ilcdk 02 SDetuife of tl)e CoUS 0^ 3)tttie0 cl an^ tJEucnpthe moaO in tj)is Em^r- loin. ;anD be It CnacteD hy tl)e :^utJ)o;it^ afo^rfiiD, Xbat tt ll)all anD niaj) be latb- ft'l lo? tl)c faiD Xtuftees, o^? au^ fetjen 02 uo2t of tbcm, in tbcit faiD febecal auD ifTpectitje 3>iV)ifions 0? Parts of tl)e faiD M> oaD leaDmg: from Dublin to Kilkenny as a'o^efaiD, to erect iToll srates on an^ part of tl)t faiD iRoaD, Ibbere tu tl)eir Difcretion the^ fl)all tl)inh tnoft proper anD cont)cnicnt ,• anD tbcfaiD Xruftees, 02 an;? fctjen o^? mo;?e of tbetiT, arc \%ttty rccjuireD to meet in rbeir faiD rcfpectitjc Si^iViifions on t\)t 6rft Monday m tl)e ®ontl)3 of April, May, anD June, m t\)zty pear, tn o^Der to grant ;®o= ne^ fo? tl)e i^epaitmgr anD ^^menDing of tbc faiD laoaD m tl)e faiD refpe(tit)e SDitJi- 7 ^ fjOttS, 6io Anno Regnl tertlo CHAP.ftonS, anD fo? thz Oomsr any otl)cc nc^ XXXII. ceirac)> Biifinefs cclatit)e to tl)e latD moaD; '■^^''^auD tl)at no ©onej' il)aU be srranteo at auv 2idoacD fo2 tDe ^HutenOmgr ant) iacpainncr anp part of t\)t faiD JRoaD, tinlcrs it ft>iU appear, upon t()e ^tFiDal^it of tlbo crecible |g)crfou5, tbat it is ncccffarp to tnaftc o; repair To luanp percJ)es of the faiD laoaD at t^e iAatcof lomucb bp tl)e perd), anD tj)at a fniallec :^uiu tbiU not be fufificicnt to ameuD o;? repair tbe fame; anD no !®onep d)aU be paiD bj? my Creafutet to anp isDtjerfecr, tinlefs t\)t fait) £D\3etfeer inahct!) ioDatl) before fomc gluQice of tbe peace, oitieSr, ^^rtitles, Eules, penalties, anD ClaufeS, except U)l)at ate l)ccebp alteceD, il)all be of full j?o;>ce anD effect, anD ftjall continue, anD be exe= cuteD, anD be obfect)eD bp tl)e faiD fetJeral tiEcuftees anD tl)eic ^ucce(ro;0, in t\>zit fatO re\)eral anD tefpectitje DitJifionS, ioi anD Dutmg t!)e continuance of t j)i«5 p^efent ;3ct» 3tnD be tt CnacteD bj) tl)e ^utF)o;?icj) afo;jefaiD, ^bat tl)is p;?efent ;5ct fl)aU be DecmeD» aDjuDgeD, anD taften to be a pub^ licU ^(t, anD i^all be tuDiciallp tafeen notice of as fuel) bj) all ^uDjjes, SluQices, anD all otDec ^^etfons tb!)atfoeDet, tbitDout fpeciallp pleaDinff tl)e fame* 7^2 AN A N ACT T O Prevent Frauds in the Tanning of Hides, in the currying of Leather, and the Making of Shoes and Boots. DUBLIN: 'rinted by Bour.TiiR Gkikrsoh Printer to the King's Mod Excellent Majefty. Mdcclxiv. c II A *; xxxin. w 0~^ (6i5) uio A N ACT T O Prevent Frauds in the Tanning of Hides, in the currying of Leather, and the Ma- king of Shoes and Boots. CHAP. XXXIIL W^€Wi €.:^ ^ fetjeral JFtatiDS l)at)ec hap been committeti in ti)e tawnmigrxxxiii. anO tmn^ of J^iDes fo;j €xpo;jtation, tbbicj) is a great fujutj) m CtaDc; fo;j 7 Ja 2 laemeDp v.-rVNj 6l6 Anno Regni tertio ch A'p.iacmetjj tbbcrcof, be it €uartcD h^ t\)z XXXIII. f^ing'ig; ^oft €icclltnt ®a]cft>', by aiiD '""'''^ ttrtt j) tbc ^otJice anD OTonfent oftht Ho^os :§»pirttiial anD irenipo2al antJ Commons in tl)JO p^efent ^atlianient alfembleD, anD Ijj) ti)e SLiitl^o?it)) of tl)c fame, ^r^at from anD afteC t\)t fttft E>a^ of September !^nz tJ)oufanD feten bwnD^eD anD Uxty four, c? tecp '£:anner o? otbcc pctfon cniplo^^cD m tl)c Xannrngr of i^tDcS, iljall flcil) tl)e ft^ite of cljerp Colb, icDx, anD idiiil, lutenDeD to be tanneD Oj? !)!m, in a clean merchantable -®anner, anD fljall alfo cut out the €ar3 bp tbe ©oots, anD iWl cut oif tlK^a^ttcl) ^lece, t\)C jRofe anD ?ttp3, anD tb: ilDelb ariatb«5, befo;?e !)e Hall put fuel) O^itc into tl)e Xann-ptt, anD c^etp l^erfon offcnrmgr in mv of tbe abotje l&atticnlars, fl)a!l fo^? feit fo? eterp l^iDe tbbicb il)aU not be fo tnmmeD, tbe ^uiu of tlbo :$^billnicrS anD Cii l&ence, to be tccot)ei:eD as i)am after is mentioneD, ;3nD be it €nacteD b^ tbe ;^utbo;jitp a= fo^efaiD, ^bat froiu anD aftct tbe Xime afo;{efaiD, no s:annct o^ otbct ^^erfon (i)M eipofe to ^ale anj? tanueDl^iDc, unlcfotbe fitft Hctter of tbe Olfei^ian ^auicanD ^ir^ name at lencrrb, anD tbe Colbn in o; near Ibbicl) be ?li\3cs, in latere anD lerrible Cba^ cactets Georgil Tertli Regisi 6i^ raaets of tibc Xaituec of fuci) f^itt, Hk^Uchap, be (tainpcD on t\)z €olkt of imh \})m,^^^^^h an?) if li): fame De the J^iOe of a mull, vn- "^^"^ le[0 the saio^D (Bull) be ftampcD on the Collet of tl)e fame; auD etJet)' |5er[oti of:= fenDitxcr nx mv of t})e faio lad tucn- tioueD |5acticulars, ,ll)aU fo? etccj) tauneD i^lDe fo crpofeD to ^alc, tbitbout being rtatnpeb as afo^efaiD, fo;?feit t{)e §>um of tlbo ^biUiugs anD fu pence, to be terot)ereb m tl)e fanner J)erein after mentioneb* ;^nD be it (Enacted by tf)e ^^utbo^itp a= fo;?efaib, %h^t from anb after tbe Xime afo^efaib, it iliall not be latbftil fo? an?) l^erfon oi l^erfons to b«p o;? fell any tan^ neb C^ibe o;> i^ibes fo;j €icpo?tation tbitbin tht €itp of Dublin, 02 tl)e Hibevties tbere? unto abjoj^nintr, unleCs at foine public^ Crane tbbicb is notb ufeb, o? fljall l)creaf= ter be appointeb fo? Ibeigbing of ?Leatber, anb tbat eberj? |5crfon ibbo il^all fell anp tanncb C^ibe o? l^ibes fo? (i!^rpo?tation, at an^ otbcr 0lace Ibitbin t!)e faib €ity>, o? tbe ^liberties thereunto abjoj^ning, (jriaU forfeit fo? eberp W/iU fo folb tbe !i>um of ttbo :^billings anb fir i&ence, to be re- tobereb a$ l)erein after mentioneb* 7 ^ ^nb 6 1 8 Anno Regnl tertio c H A P. 3[uD be it Cnactcti by t\)t ^ntl)02itj' a^ XXXIII. fo^cfaiD, d>'*t from auD after the ^ime "^^ afo^efaiO, no tianner o^ other pcrfon fijall expofc to fale emy tantteD l^iDe Ihbicb fljall not Oe tbell ano fnfficientlp tanucD aiiD t)?iet), anD in Cafe anp E>!ffcteiicc iljall a- tile betlbeen the 25u,ver o? teller con- cecmngthc i^annaije o^ 2D;))nef6 of any fuel) ftiDe, t!)e fatiie il)aU be DctcrmmeD b)' tlbo eUiUul perfons, one to be choFen by each of tj)e l^arties, anD m OTafe tht7 Hjall not agree, that t\)m the perfon 02 perfons thho ft)aU tj)inh \)m\ o; tl)etnrclUc6 ag- gnet^eD, ft)all applp to the II02D ®aro? of the Cit^ of Dublin, 0^ to the chief ©agif^ trate ot t\)tty otj)er palace Ihhere fuch 5Pif- fcrence il)aU I)appen, lhl)ich faiD ILo^D j®a)?o? 0? chief il©agiftratc ftjall uiitnebiate:; iy fuumion the faiD l&arnes as thell as tl)e faiD lacfetees before hint, anD the faiD Ho^D ®apo? 02 f!)ief ^agtdcate il)aU there name one ^,'oteftant banner fuel) as he (l)aU thmh fit, as a IRcfcrree, aloncr thith t^e faiD tlbo |e>erfous \h\)o il)aU be thofen by the faiD 2i5u^et anD iclkt as afo^efaiD, anD I'^aU ftheat the faiD tfeee meferrecs to Do equal gjuftice betlbeen the Parties, auD t!)c SDetermmitiou of Tuch t\)2zz laefetrees, 0; olany tlbo of tl)em, ri)all be Georgli Tertii Eegis. 6ig be final auD conclufilje to all patties, ante hap. in Cafe tl)e faiD l^erfons fo cbofen as lae^xxxm. fectecsbj? the faicaauj'ec c?:§eUet, 0)^11 ne^ '^''^^ jjlert 03 cefufc to obep tl)e afoijefatO ^um= mons, 0? t!)at thci:> 0,^ the fatD mefectees, tbl)o (l)all as afo?efaiD be nameO hy the laiD ?lo;?D ®apo2 0} chief ©agifttate, {l)all neglect 0^ tefafe to Detetmme ftuh SPifetence tbithin iltbentj? fout flouts af^ tec ti)tv ft)aU be flbo^n as afo^efaiD, that then each aniD e\)erp of fuch l&ciTonS fo offcnbiuflr, iljall forfeit the :^um of tlbentp jg)h'llingfS Sterling, to be IctiieD bj? OTat^ rant, unDcr the C^anD ano :^cal of the faib ILo 0^ fuch chief ©afrtfttate, of the (Boobs of fnih £>ffenber, anD to be bp fuch 2^o?D i^c^yoi o; chief ^aigriGtate, paih obet to the arhtJcch^OTarbens of the ^atill) a^hete fuch S^iffecence firft atofe, to be biftcibutetJ among the l^oo;? of the faiD p>ariil), anO the faib llo^D ®a^o? o^ chief ©agiftrate, il)all then name ttbo 0^ thjee petfons, fuch as he ft)all thinft fit, anD ftbeac them as afo^efaib, to betec^ mine the 3>ifputes afo;jefaiD, anb m Cafe anp i^ibe 0? I^ibes il)all be conbemneb in the ^annet hctein before menttoneO, as tiot fufficientlj> tanneb 0;? b;?^eD, etJerp Xannet o;j othet pecfon Ibho il)all habe offeceb fuch ^ibe 0^ l^ibes to fale, iljall 7 ^ ^ fo? 620 Anno Regni tertio Chap, fo^ t\)ttp fUCj) J^iC)C fo OffCCeD tO fdlC, foji XXXIII. fcit tl)e §>nn\ of ttbo ^i)iUing:S atiD fix l&ence, to be recol)eteD as herein aftec mejitiouctJ ; anD m Cafe anp 05erc5)ant 0? otbec l&ecCon fl)aU bj) coUnfiou t?:>iti) anp scanner o? otbettbife, tup auj? C^jrjc o? i^ioes fo? exportation tbljicl) ll)all not be j®ctcbantablj) tanueD antJ tiytti, tlbat fuel) i®etc!)ant iTiall fo;j c\)ctp ftitJ) £Df> fence fo;jfeit tl)e :$>utn of ttbo ^i)iUjng:s anti fix licence fo? eacl) unmctchancaltc i^iDe 0? i^iDes a$ afo^efaiD, to be recoDcteO as !)et:em aftec nientioneo* ::anD be it CnacteD hy the ^utl)o?it^ a-- fojefaiD, '€j)at etjerp ^etcDant o? otbec ^etfon tbDo i^all attempt to €xpo?t mv l^iDe 0? f^iOes not tnathet) o? ftampeD as {)et:e!n before is DitecteD, o? tbl)o ft)aU ne^^ fflcct to entec tj)e f^iDes fo b?o«gl)t in tbe Cranet'S Booft in tf)tit olbn femes at lengrtb, i^all fo? ttittp fuel) l^iDc fo at* temptet) to be expo2tcD, o? Ibbicl) ft)aU not be fo enteceD as afo^efaiD, forfeit t^c ^um of ttbo ^billtngs anD fix pence, to be tecoVieccti as l)ercm after iS mentioneD, anD be It €nacteD by t\)t :^utho2itr> a- fo?cfaiD, ^bat e\)erp j^ercDant, Ibijo iliaU b«j) J^ibes at tjje faiO i&ublicft Crane, Georg'ii Tertli Regis. 621 il)aU ccmoVie tbc fame from fticl) Crafne chap. in ioity tig^Dt D^oiico after tj)e fame ajalixxxiii be fplD to l)im, if tj)e TOcatl)cc Ibill pec^" nut tije fame, luider tl)e penalty of pap^ ing a Pemip fo3 eacl) lOfiDc bp tl)£ 2>ap, fo^ e'occj) Pajj l)c iljall faifec tl)cm to cemaiix in tl)c faiD Crane, after tl)c ej^piratton of fo^tp cicr!)t i^ours as afo^efaiD, :^uD be it fttttl)er CaacteD bj? tl)c :^u^ t\)oiit}) afo^efatD, %l)at no Ctaner, 0^ 0= tt)ec |5er[oii emploj^eD bp Jjim, i^all bup 01 fell an>) tamict) 0? cnrneD ?leat^er tb|)id) ii)all be b,»ou5r|)t fo? fale to tl)e fait) Crane, itnDer t!)e iDeualtj? of fo^tp :^|)illmg!ai fo^ e\)erp Xime be o; t!)ep il)aU fo bup 0^ fell, anti tl)at fuel) Crauer il)all feeep a public^ 23ooft in fuel) Crane, tbl)erein il)all be entereD in fait anD legible Cl)aracter0, all tanneD anD eurrieD lltathtt b^oag^t to fuel) Crane, Ibitl) tl)e ^an:e$ of fuel) l^etfons to tbl)otu t!)ep belong, anD tl)e ^auie 0^ Manxes of tl)e |5crfons tb^o il)oulD blip tl)e fame, unDet a p»cnaltp of fxV)e ^billings fo;j eHerp Neglect 01 f^mil- Hon in tbis partieular, to be reeobereD a^ f)cmn after 1$ mentioneo. ^nb fo^ p?ebenting of jFtaub^ in t!)C manufamiting of eurricb lleatDer, be it 7 ta; €nacteo 622 Anno Regni tertlo Chap. CitactcD l)p tl)e ;3ut|)o?itp afo;?efair), '€\)<\t XXXIII. ffom anD aftcc ti)e 6tft 2Dap of Angiiit ^^"^^ £Piic tl)onfauD Tetjen l)unt);?cD anD fixtp four, ctJerj) OTurrier, o? |5crfon cniplopeD ih curcymg OTalDes ^hms o? Eips, il)all tntty> tl)c fatue Ibitl) jjooD Oj^Ie anD Dub- mn, o;? Callotb niircD tbit}) Dubbin, anD not tbitl) Jaadt, (B^eafe, Bttcben ^tnfF, o? 3i:arr, anD t{)at cl)etp i&erfon tbbo iljall cuccp mv €alt)c ^Ittn o? Bip otJ)ecll)ife, f^all forfeit fo? ebcrp Caltjc :$&in o? IB^ip Vt)()ich il)aU not be fo cutcieD, tl)e ^um of fix pence, to be recotjeceD as I)ereaftec is uicnttoneD* ;^nD be it CnacteD bp tl)e '^utl)o;>itp a- fo;!efaiD, Xbat fcotu anD aftet tbc %m\z afo?efatD, all Merchants ^ftins iljall be taften Dotbn et)en m tbe l^eaDs anD 0cth'5y anD tbe jrlcit) il)aU be taften clean off tbe BoDles anD^l)anft3 of fucb ^l\m<5, except onlp fuel) ^eatbcc as il)all be D^effcD foj Coacl)maUero,l^acncf5:mafeer0, o^ ^aDlecs, anD tbat all rounDeD ^hm^ il)all be cut off at tbe €pel)oles, anD tbe j^^banfes ctit off at t5)e Bnees, anD ebetp l^erfon Ib'no il)all not ®anufactute anD trim fiub :^ItmS m tbe ®annet l)erein DicectcD, (cx^ cept as beceni before excepted) il)a!l fopfcjt foj cbccp viTalf :^hm o? !aip Ibljici) l^all not GeorgU Tertli Regis. 623 not le fo manufactureD, atiD fo2 cljerj? c h a p. rountieti ^hm Vbhitl) iljall not be fo trmi:; xxxm. eD, tl)e j^utn of fit pence ; to be recoVsereD "^"^^ as Ijierein aftcc 15 mcutioneC :^nD be it €nacteD bj) tl)e ^tu^o;itp a^^ fo^^faiD, %l)at from anD after t\)t Citne afojefaiD, no aial\}e ^ftins o;> Bip iljall be eipofeD to fale m t!)e €itp of Dublin 03 tJ)c ^libetties tfeereunto aDjoininff, unlefs the fame fl)aU be Deli= ^)er^ thereof, iiit\) DiCFetence fl)aU be Deter? tnineD in ti)e fame {©anner as is Jberein liefojc DicecteD tbitl) tefpett to tanneD l^iDeS* SnD to i)2el3cnt jFrauDS in t\)t maftingr vi !^\)oc^ anD Jiaoots, be it €nacteD bp tbe 7 € 2 Slutj)0' 624 Anno Regni tertio, <^c. ^^^^■:^\\t\)o}\ty afo^efaiD, '€l)at from ant) aftec xxxiii.|.|^^ ftrft "^ay of Augufl; next, no Pecfon ^■^'^^ a^all fcU 0? expofe to fale m\y :^I)oes 02 l?ioot5ji, nulefs tJje ^aiue of tl)e j®aftcc of ftici) i£?oots 0;? ^l)ocs iljall l3c ftanipcD up; vn tl)e fmfitJe of t})e tlop of fncl) 2iaoot0, anD t':;e ^nODc of tJ)e S.ap of fuel) ^!)ocs, in plain ano legible orhacactccs; anD m Cafe anj) pcrfou I'^all fell o^? expofe to Talc, anp 2i3oot5 o> ^t)ocs not ftampeD as afo^jefaiD, ftid) perron il:)aU fo? eV)ecj? fuel) paic of 26oot0 a no :i5l)oe$ fo folD 0? eipofeD to fale, fojfcit tl)c §>n\\\ of tllDO Pounds fix :^f)iUing'S, to be rccoDcccD as l)ecein after is utentioncO. ;5{nD be it €nacteti bj) t|)e ;^utl)o?it)) a= fo>efait), 32:i)at tl)e faiD Tetjeral penalties fl)aU be rccoDeicD tipon OTonlnttion bp tl)e OTonfeffion of tbe partv, 0} bp tj)e £)atl) of one creDible OTitnefs, befo^^ one gjuf^ tice of tl)e Peace of tl)e place Ibl^cte tl)e iPf^ fence il[)all be coiumittcD, anD il)aU be let^jj- eD b^ lOap of SDiftcefs upon tl)e (15ooDS of tl)e iSDfEenDec, bp QHHatcant unDet t!)e l^anD anD :^cal of t!)e giuQicc before lb})oiu fuel) €on\)iaion ftjall be, tctucninigr tije £>\)et^ plus; tl)e faiD jFo^feituces to cro to tbe 3nfo?nicrs. AN A N ACT FOR The better Regulation of the Linen and Hempen Manufacftures. C H A F. XX XIV. DUBLIN: Printed by Boulter Grierson, Printer to the King's Moft Excellent Majefty. Mdcclxiv. .mn^ {6i7) A N ACT FOR The better Regulation of the Linen and Hempen Manufadlures. CHAP. XXXIV. A P. W(^ € ia € a ^ tbe federal ;^ct$ of c h parliatnent l)ei:em after mentioneti, xxxiv l)at)e been maCie iti tl)i«5 Emjjtiom footje= ment of tJ)e ?lmen atiD l^empen :®anui 7 il 2 factutes: 628 Anno Regnl tertio c H A pfactures: (that 16 to far) an ;^ct ntaCe m XXXIV. j^^ nmetecutl) pcac of tj)c mei^n of ^{^ '"'^'^ late ®aieftp i^mcr George tJ)e :^ccouD, in- tlttllCt). An Ae^ foTTepeaimg the feveral A(^ls of Parliament made in this Kingdom, for the Encouragement and hiiprovemcnt of the Hempen and Flaxen Manufactures, and for the better regulating, improving, and encouraging the faid Manufadures : ^tl ^Ct lUatie in tl)e Xlljentp tDicb pear of tl)c meiijii of I^iS faiD late :®ajeav l^incr George tl)e :^eCOnD, lUtitulcD, An Act for the further Improvement and Encouragement of" the Flaxen and Hempen Manufac^lurcs ; ^U ^Ct tuade Itl tl)c i:!)itt^'ttrft peat of tbc iReigti of C^is faiD late ®a]eft)) lining George t^c ^econD, intttuleD, An At!:!: to prevent Frauds in Lap- pers and others, and to prevent Abufcs in the Manufadure of Kelp, and to prevent Combina- tions in Weavers and others : ,<(n ^Ct tliaDe ill tl)c Xl)ittt)^tl)irD peat of ti)e JRcign of l^is faiD late ©ajcQ)) Bmg George t\)t fecouD, tntitllleC), An AiSt for altering and amending the Laws in relation to the Flaxen and Hempen Mauufidures, and the other Manu- faClurifftcultj> ant) Coti^c h a p fufion tl)at may anfe from a j®ultiplici:: xxxiv. tj) of ^(ts of patliametit, celatttje to t^e ^-^''^ faiD Manufactures, it is founD eipeDient to repeal tJ)e faiD fetjeral ^cts, antJ to make one nelb ^a contamtn^- all fnc^ parts of the faiD reciteD ;acts, as are proper to Oe contmueD, tbit!) fucj) ^alterations, ^mendtnents, anD ;3Dt)itions, as are l)erein after contameD: mz It €nafteD bp t!)e ladings ©oft €x' tellent ®ajeftj?, b? ano IbitJ) tl)e StotJice and Content of t\)t Ito^ns Spiritual anD Ceinpo;?al anO Couunons m tl)is p;jerent \&arlia«xettt affembleD, anO bp tl)e -^tttl)Oi ;?!tj) of tl)e fame, Xbat all tl)e faiD acts, anO e\)erp Claufe in tbetn containeD (except t\>z Claufe m tbe faio ^ct of tbe nine^ teentb pear of tbc laeign of l^is faiO late ©ajeftv fo2 repealing tbe fe\)eral ^^cts of parliament tbcrcm particularly mentr- ontD) (Ijall be repealed, ano made null antr \joiD. :^nD be it €nactcD hy tbe ^utbo^i^ t\-> afo^efaiD, Xhat from anD after tbe firft 2)ap of Auguft, C>ne tboufanD re\)cn bunD^eD anD futp four, no perfon o? per? (onS ll)all impo.'t, o;? caufe to be impoeeD if) l^i^mp^^eeD, upon pam of fo^rfeiting - i luc!) 6^0 Anno Rcgni tertio XXXIV. itic tl)ci-cof: ^tiD alfo, the ^rim of t\)itt ^^"^^ ^OUllDS Sterling, fo> t\)ZtV (^Ofr:l)CaD of fuel) §>tcD, ant) fo ui p^opo^tion fo? anp lefTec ^auantitp : ^^o^idcD, if hah Jflax= ;^eeC) o;? i^enip;:^eeD il)aU, Icfo^c the fame il)aU be reinoV)cD o^ carneD aXhav f^om tjje po;jt U)l)crc tl)e fame il)all be laiiDcD, ap^ peat to be DaniacreD o^ imtit fo;? foll)iusr, t^e \5ct:fott 0^ pecfoiis importing 02 cauf^ ingr tl)e fame to be impo;?teD, iliall not be liable o;> fubject to t\)t faiCi j?o?fcitiirc o;> ^eualtj), in cafe be, fl)c, 0? they, fljall, before tl)e fame (l)aU be cacticD atba^ from t^e l&o2t oatnage Uia3 occafioneD in tl)e iiConVje^ance bj' ^ca, auD giUc fuffi= cient i^ecuritr tmto fucb ^fuftice of tbe peace o;> cbief ^Bagiftrate, tbat fuel) ^eeD fl)aU not be folbn, but ftjall be luade mto Oil, 01 eipo^teD fcom tbis Eincrbom, P2o\3iticD aUo, anD be it €nactcD bp the ;autl)02itp afo^efaiD, Xbat if aup flax^^eeD 0^ l^emp^ceD, impo^teD as afo^efaiD, il)all be baD, luixeD, 02 DaiunifteD, 02 otbertbifc improper anD unfit fo? foUnncr, tbe 'Jm^ po^rcc tbeccof il)aU not be fuotcct o> liable to Georgil Tertli Regis. d^i to my> }^maU}> 02 jFo^feiture inflictcD as^^^^p. afo^efaiD, in Cafe fnc|) 31tiipo;tet i^all be-"^^^^^ fo?e !)e il)iiU fell 0^ difpofe of fEUl) ^eeD, 02 ex^ ^ "^ pofe t\)t fame to ^alc, Sfil)c im\) hmtt' ent ^ectttitp as afo^efaiD, tbat fwt}) j^eeD il)ail not be fotbn, but iliall be inatse into i^il, 02 expo^teD front tj)is iam^tioni. ;3nD that from antJ after tl)e faio firft Daj> of Auguft, £)ne tJ)otifanD fel^en l)unD2CD ant) flit)) four, no l^erfon 0^ perfonsi!)aU mix, 02 caufe to be mixeD, Different parcels of j?lax-^ecD, 0^ Different i^arceis of i^emp'j^eeD, of tl)e cI5?otbtl) of Different Countries, 0; of Different pears, tocretl)er; npon l^am of j?o:?fetting all fuel) :^eeD aJ« ft)aU be fo mixeD, o; tj)e Balue tl)ereof; anD alfo, tl)e :^um of t^e l&ounDS fojj t\)tty> l^ofl:il)eaD tl)at il)all be fo mixeD, anD fo m p^opoerfon, cip^effing trtilp XXXIV. t|)e ^uatititj) anD |D;?tce of t!)e ^ceD fo '•^'^^^ (olD, auD tDat t!)e fame Ibas fo folD m o?t)ec to be fotbn; anU if the fame {l)aU be of fo^mn \5?oDurtion, the ^02t from tbbence tl)e fame tbas tmpo;?teC), anD the ^ame of tJ)e Olountcy libbecc it crrclb, aiiD tDe peat of its (!5;otbtI); ant) if fticD :$)ccD i|)ali be of tDe \^;?oDuce of tl)is Bingdom, t^e ^ame of tbe County? Vohm it crtctb, anD t^e peat of its (!52otl:)th; upon ]l&ain of forfeiting fuel) :^ceD as il)all be fo foID tbitbout fuel) Certificate as afo?cfaiD, o;j tbe Halue 02 ^7iu tDereof; anD alfo the §>nn\ of three |5onnD6 fo? t\)a}> i^ogil)caD tj)eteof, anD fo in p^roportion fo? anj? lcf= let ^umtitv'y anD if anp fucb j?lax=:Ss^ceD o? C^emp=:^eeD il)aU be of a Different (Srolbth 02 Stge, from tbhat il)aU be exprelTiD in hah Ccrtiftcate, the ^erfon that il)aU habe fclD t!)e fame, il)aU forfeit the ^^rice or full Ba:: lue thereof to the \5erfon that i!)aU habe bought t!)e fame. ;^nD that from anD after the faiD firft Way of Aiigiift C)ne tl)o«fanD fcben hun- DreD anD fut^ four, no |e»erfon or ^erfons ft)aU fell, or offer to fell, or eipofc to :^ale, any baD, mueD, or DamnifieD JFlax= ^M or l^cmp-:$)eeD for fotbing, or in orDec Georgii Tertii Regis. 633 o?t)ec to be folbeo ; upon J&ain of fo;jfeitmgC h a ?. fucj) :^eeD, 02 t\)t \)alue tDeteof ; anO alfo,^^^^^. t{)e :^um of t{)?ee l&ounDS Sterling fo;j' ^^^ . etjecj) i^ogil)eaD of fncb ^eeD, atiD fo in p^opo^tion fo? anp lelTet £tuantit^» ;anD thn no 5?lax o;j f^emp r^all be fteepeO 0^ Ibatcreo in anp Jaitec, j^tream, 0? 2iB nux tbitb anp laiDct, Stream, jH5;?oofe, 0^ tunning QHaatet, uhtil after t})e ^tft of October in anj> pear; unlets tl)ece ft)all happen foonec to be a JFlooD fufficient to catc^ off fuel) imp^egnateD ^Kiriatcr tbitbout co;?;?upting fuel) tunning oailater ; upon pain of forfeiting all fut^ ' jflai anD l^eiup, o^ t^e Balue thereof. ZnD at tl)e Xime of pulling t!)e jFe= male o^ §^\)t \$tn\p, no ®ale l^emp ft)aU be puUcD tberelbitb ; anO t^at no j?emale 01 ^\)z C^cmp ft)all be mixcD tbitl) t!)e <®alc (^luip eitl)et m tbatetmg, C^clTing, 0} for ^ale, unber t\)z penalty of tm 7 P ^billings 634 Anno Regni tertlo Chap. ^I)iUhlS'S Sterling, fo; cVlCtp {^lUlti^CD XXXIV. 3iQiu0l)t of {^cmp t\)At i^all be fo titiieD, ■^^^^?^^^ anD fo III p;opO(?t!ou fo? anrlcfTcr i©nau= ^ titp, to be fo^fciteO Up tl)e £)l]bnec tl)creof. ;anD that all b^olbu, 0? titibleacl)ct), o? pnrgeD ?Linen, 0? l^cmpcu parn, that rtjall be folD 02 GxpofcD to ^ale lbitl)iu tl3i5 BtnsrOom, fljall be Ibell aiiD fuflFicientlj> ^pm\, anCi niaCe up into l^anhs, not ex^ cccDinpf one poimD anD a half ni^Iictcrht in eaci) i^auh; anb ft)all be regularly Oi^ \)\UD into tlto 0? iiio^^ |?art3 ; anD that each fuel) ^5a?t in et)erp fuch l^anft il)aU l^e feparateD, as the fame fljail be rceUeD, anD not aftertt)atDs; anD that m the laeelmgr of fuch itmen 0;? f^empen^ patn, no mo;e than one tih;?taD at a ^Ximc fh^U be tccleD; anD t^at all the J>arn containeD in e\3erj) fuch C^anfe, ft)aU ,lc 5,'laicn4^acn onl;^, 0? ilotti Pam onlj', Jp^ l^empen^paru onlp, of the fame f tnc^ nefs throughout fiuh l^auh; anD that no fuch parn iljall bz coiubeD, 0? CauipcD Xb!th iSSater, 02 i?^alt anD OTater, o? anp ?othcr 5lngrclicnt to intreafe the SHUight *thacof; auD that no fuch parn il^all be :D;jcO o\):c o> ncac a jFice m o^Dct to lefTcn iti5 natural (I^Height; anD that no fuch .p^JUi.i^aU IcutaDe up in the Clopedlia)', Georgu Tertii Regis. 635 bnt ii)aU be tnaOe up in tl)e Hinft tbap, 02 c h a p. jFoiti'folci^lbap, To tj)at cDccj) part of fut^^^^i^- parn niaj? be eaftl)? fceii auD examinet); ^^'^^ auD t!)at all B^ottin, 0? imbIeacJ)eD, o; DurgeO ilmen, o;> i^etnpcti4^acit, U)l)ic|b ft)aU exceeD ttijo 2Do3en in t|)e ^ounD ^eig!)t, 02 Ibbtcl) ft)a!l exceeD tl)e flalue of one ^!3illmg anD ten J&ence t\)z l&ount), (l)all be tiiaDc up in C^aufesi 0^ I>o3en6, eacj) i^anft o> 2r>o3en to confift of ttbelt)c OTnty, anD no mo;e; anD tl)at etjerj? Tucl) (ZTtit (l)aU contain one l!^tmD;?eD anD ttDcntp VL\)2cat<5, anD no mo;e; anDtj)at c\3etp fncl) l^anli 0^ S)o3en (l)all be one pacD anD a iUuarter in Icngrtb, auD no tiio^e; anD tl)at ti)e ^tanDacD=iaeel of tbis !Biin5:Dom fo^ 2a?ott)n 0,' unbkacbeD Hi- nen^parn, i!)aU be ttbo pa^DS anD a l^alf in Ctccumference. anD no moje; anD tl)at all ?Linen 0^ {^cmpenpam, t^at l^all be DampcD 02 D?ieD as afo^cfaiD, 0; t!)at (IjiaU not be rceleD anD maDc up acco^Ding: to tl)e 3>irections afo;rfaiD, Hjall be fo^fctteD: ;anD tl)cit if anr Ouncils ft)all be maDc ufe of in anp jFaic o? ^arftet in £P^Dec to Diftmnrtiii'l) 02 afcectain tbe :^o?t, 02 De- nommatton, 0^ Meijjl)t, of an;? ILinen 0^ i?cir»pen;parn, excceDiug in Haltic tlbo :^))!Uincr'3 tBc poitnD ^D2nei3:l)t, fiuj) £)un= ctlc ft)all be fo?feiteD, anD eViecp pecfon 7 p 1 luafeing 636 Anno Regni tertio Chap, maftiitg uft of t!)e fame as afo;?erait), il)aU XXXIV. forfeit tU ^uin of ten ^j)illmg:si, fo? etecp " — ^^ %imz \)t 01 (t}t il)aU fo tnalie tife of t\)z fame. ;3[nD tj)at no l&erfon tn ma&ing Xtbine, mopes, o;j aCo;jDage, il)aU mir anp olD J^emp 02 ifeetnpen pacn tbitl)m netb (^emp, o;5 fl^all tuix 02 tbo^ft up toflretl)ec anp J?laten ^oUd antJ l^emp, 0^ ft)aU fell o;? eipofe to fale, mv laopes, Xtbine, 0? Co^Dage, maCc up of olD anD neU) C^emp, 0? of l^emp anD jFlaxen Xotb, upon l^ain of forfeiting all fuel) laopes, Xtbine, anD Co^dajje, anD alfo tl)e :g)um of ten jg)l)illm0S fo? £\)etj) l^accel of tl)e fame. StnD tl)at all tb[)ite o;j unbleacDeD €!)?eaD, commonly calleD Count €l)reaD, maDe of Double J?laren patn, fl)all be teeleD on a laeel of tl)ictjj ^ncbes, 0? mo;?e in (Eircumfetencc ; anD il)all be DitiiDeD in^ to :^l^cms, eacl) ^Uein containing ten 3i:i)?eaDs, o; mo^e; anD tbat all tiD^eaDs maDe of Double jTlaxen pacn, commonlp callcD €)unce €l)?eaD, il)all be reelcD on a iaeel of tibictp tiDe f ncbes, 0;? mo;?e, in Circumference; anD f^all be DttJiDeD into ;g»ftcinS, eac^ :^feein containing fo;?tj) si:j)reaDS, 0? mo^e; anD t!)at all :!iaofs, maDe Georgii Tcrtii Regis. 637 tnaDe of Double j?laieu parn, (i)aU bee hap. teeleo on a iaccl of JFo^tp^tlObo 3!ncl)e«5, 0? xxxiv. nio?e, in Circniuference, anD ft)aU be Ct- ^"^^''^ UiDeD into ^fteins, cacl) :^l^ein contaminsr Sftp C^^eat)3, 0^ uio?e. :^nt! tl)at all colonteD 0^ unbleacbeD i2El)2eaDS, commonlp calleD Caplo^'s Xl)?eaD0, (tiall be reeleD on a iS.eel of futp gfncl)e0, 0;? mo?e, in OTirtumfecente, anD (^all be Dt\3tDec into ^.fteuis, eacj) :$>feein containing fixteen lib^eaDs, 0^ nio;?e; anD tl)at e\3ec)) :®anufa(tm:ec of ^toaD0, of anj) EinD tlbi)ate\3cr, fljall tbtite, 0^ ptl)ectbife affix, on eberp ^ac&acre, l&aper, 0? ^aud of ^J)?eaD, b)) f)mt folD, of tj)e Halue of 6De ^l)iUmgf3i, 0? mo^e, ^1$ €\>;i^ian anD j^i^name, anD place of :^^ boDe, anD if refiDent in tl)e Citp 0? Conn- tp of ti)e Citp of Dublin, tbe jRame of tj)e ^ttat U il)aU ti)en cefiDe in. 9rnD tbat all m\)itz S^iapet 0? ttbilleD ^apeS maDe of fmg:le flaxen parn, com^ tnonlp calleD l)iapec |^nftle0, i^all con^: tain ^l)itt>''tl)?ee €:h;jeaD6, o; mo^e, in B^caDtJ), auD iliall be inaDc tip in pieces, eacJ) piece containinsr i:!)itt^;fix fatt^, 01 mo^e; anD tbat all Vbbite Diapec 0? tlbilleD Xapes>, comuionlp calleD Diapec j^illettintr, 7 5 iljaU 638 Anno Regni tcitio CHAP.fljall contain fixtp Xj)^eaDs, 0; iiio^% tit XXXIV. 2jj^j.^j,fj^^ anD (l)all be inaDc up in Pieces, ' ' 'eatl) contammcr X!)itt^fixparD$, 0^ mo?e; anD tl)at all tbl)tte plain Xapes maDc of fmnrlc iflaxen Pacn, comnionlp calleD cHhatt^y 31«^l^S. 0? jrilletttngr, iliall be luaoe up m \&ieces, eaci) piece containing 3C:i)ittj)=fix partJS, 0;? ino<2e; anD tl)at fucB OlDatts il)aU contain tDitteen ^b^eaDS in 2iB;?eaDtD, fn^les ll)all contain Xtbentj?^ one CI)?eaD!5 m B^eaDtl), naccolb fillettmg ft)all contain 5i:l)ittp;th?ee ^b;eaDs in 25 02 of j?laten parn mixeD tbitl) ^\\h o]> 212noarDs tn eacl) J&iece» :^nD tbat all Capes anD i&obbin, tl)at (l)aU be U)ot)en m t\)t Hooms, commonlp callcD Dutch Engines oir, tbat is not confo;?mable to tht llt^i(^ hs, aia^eatJtJ)^, ano laules afo^faiO, 0? if tpe fame ft)all be founD m tj)e ar«rtoD;i 0? ll'Of:: feffion of any 2123eat3er, ^l)ophccper, }5ett^ €\)avmm, 01 Retailer, tl)en ano in hub Cafe tbe fame ft)aU be fo;2ftiteD to fuel) }^ni fon 02 l&etfons as il)aU fei3e tl)e fame, anD inform tl)ereof, in i©annei: l)erein anD after mentioneD, 3tnt) t!)at z\)tty> ^aftec of vlI211ea\3ingr JaeeDS ll)aU equallj^ Di\JiOc all tl)e :^plits m eacl) ant) etjetj? JaeeD hy> hnn maDc o;j folo, 0^ expofeD to fale, anD iTiall liftelbife matti 02 caufc to be macftec Ibitj) an gl)iU ^"'"'"^ ling-5 fo; etjccp fuel) JaeeD not eqiiaUp w tjitict) m tlje j^plits, 0? not macfteD as afo;?efaiO» :^nD t!);it no Hinen OTIeater, o;j Hmeu j®anuta(turec, f^all inal^e ufe of, 0? fteep, 02 huotbins'lp fiiffec to be ftept, in l)i5 J^oufe, 0;? in anp £)ttt J)oufe, 0? l&lace to Ibnn bclongtngr, anp (M!eat)ing IReeD, tj)at d)all not be equally) Dit)tUeD into :g)plit«3i, anD macfteD as afo;jefaiD, upon ^ain of fo2feiting etcr^ fuel) laeeCJ to be b^often, anO alfo tl)e ^iim of ten ^l)ilimgsi sterling fo? e^jetp fuel) iaeeOt :5{nD tl)at e\)etj) Ittnen tnafleate, 0? Hinen -Manufacturer, i^aU acrofs eacl) €nti of e\)et)> ^lete of ittnen €lotl) bp Wm, !)is; 3(ournej)man, o;j ^pp;?entice, tboten, tbeatJe, 01 caufe to be ttjotJen, ttbo coarfe %\)itat)9, o;j €o?DS, tiiftant from eacl) otl)er about ontAomtY^ l&art of an ^^^fb, ano (tiall al^ fo tbcite, 02 caufe to be tbtitten, tbitj) |&en atiO Jnft, clofe to fuel) coarfe C|)(?eatJ!5 olt)nec 0? i9lbnec«5 of ftitj) pacn, tbe full Balue, o; tl)e fall ^?ue ag^eeD upon fo? Vbcat)ing fuel) Parn. ;^nD tl)at no J^etfon fljall entertain an^ 3outnej?iiian Hinen Cil21!ea\jec, !nl)abiting m tbisi iungtJom, m an^ €mj)lo)5ment as a llinen , o^ f lef ^a^ A P« Georgii Tertii Regis./, 643 '©agiftcate in mv €o?pp^ate Xo\^n tbl^cce^ h fucb ©after mbalnts, fucft 3ufint ol xxxiv. ^^eace, 0,' tDief ^ajjiftcate, il)aU Ceuo foj '^-^'^ fwct) j®after, auD upon l)is Appearance ft)all require from j)im tbe iHearoti, tbl)j) fufl) Slotiruepuian t2 refufeD bis spif- charge, anO in cafe fuel) j®aGer (liaU tbtlfaUj? Decline to appear befo;?e fuel) f u= ftice of tDe l^eace, 0? thief ©agiftrate, o? upon l)is Appearance, fuel) ^ufticc of t})e j&eace, 0? cl)ief ©acriftrate, il)aU finD t\>at tl)e Caufe of laefufal of fuel) Certificate is not fuffictent, tl)en, anO in eitl)er of t^z faiO Cafes, fuel) f uGice of tbe l^eace, 03 c^ief ©agiftrate, nmy, anD is i)erel)j> re^ duiretJ to gi\)e to fuel) ^ournej^iuan, a Cer? titrate of fuel) caufelefs ^aefufal; tbfticl) Certificate h}> fuel) fuftice of tl)c peace, 0? cl)ief ©agriftrate, ll)aU be as effectual as if a Certificate l)aD been jg:il)en bj) fucft i^after, and il)aU be giben tbitl)out j?ee 0? iaelbart), anD t^all fuUj) t)ifcl)arge fuc^ giournepman to all ^nttnt^ anD j^ur^ pofes; anD tl)at if anj? J&erfon (l)all fo;?j9re 02 counterfeit anj) fuel) Certificate, 0^ H^all p^oDuce an)) fuel) Certificate, ftnotbtng tj)e fame to be fo;?geD 0? counterfeiteO, fucb V^tt- ton, upon being inCitteD anD cont)i(teD thereof, (l)aU futfer one pear's ^mp^ifonment, Ibiti):: out I3ail 0? :®ainp;?i3e. 8 A 2 AnD 644 Anno Rcgni tertio c li .^ T, :5(nD that no ?tmen 2121!cat)ec, 02 Hintn XXXIV. ^^imfartyccr, il)aU emplop j)is Stpp^en^ ^'^^''"^tite fo^ anp unteafonable ^ime m l^uf- banD?)>, 0? an^ otl)ct OTo?^ o;j Habouc not relating to t\)z 2a«finefs 0? tSLcaDe of a Hinen ^eaV}er, except onlj? tmnttflr tlbentp fouc Wa^Q in i^art)eft in et)etj) f>ear ; upon p>a!n of fo^jfeiting fo? t\)t ScG €)ffence tl)e ^um of ten :^J)iUingi3, anD fo2 t\)z feonD Offence the :^nm of ttbentj? :$)l)itlins'6, anD fo^ tJ)e tbicD ilDffence, rucl) ;^pp;jentice rtjall anD maj?, if \>t Defices tj)c fame, be Difcl)argeD from fettjing tl)e re:: maining: Xime of l)t$ ;3(pp?entiil)ip; anD alfo \)a\)z MM ^pp?entice'j?ee tbas gitjen l)p, 0? tbitl) })«n to fucb ittncn 312Ileat)er 01 Manufacturer, returneD to l)im» :3nD be it further CnacteD hv tDc :3uti)o?itj> afo^efaiD, X!)atifan^^5erfon iljalirummon, 02 caufe to be fummoneD, by 2l2aritinff 0? otbertbife, any Manufacturer, STrtificer, OTlea\3er, gfournej^man, ^pp^cnticc, 0? Ha- bourer, ufuallj) emplo)?eD in any 2ia>anc!) of tl)e ftinen, C^empen, 0? Cotton Manu^^ facture, 02 in anj> Manufacture UDl)ere' in an)) Hinen, C^empen, 0? Cotton parn o;r tib^eaD fl)aU be mixeD 02 \htong\)t up, 02 i\)aU fpmmon, 0^ caufe to be fummoneO, bp MUtitmjj ocfaiD, tending to fix t5)e p?ice of Mlaps of ^.abour 0; (IlQio^!mianft)ip, 01 !t)aU iCTue 0? caufe to be ilTneD, ticli^er oj eaufe to be OelitocD, an)) Xic!ict, €erti6= rate, o,?Xo!tcn, otl)crtl)cin auD except fuel) Xrcltet o> Certificate a5 iljall 0^ uia^ be UehtiereD b^, o> hv tJ)e €>2^zt of t!)e €o;?po^ ration, lt)t)creof fuel) ©anufaanrer, ;:^rti^ ticer, OTleatJer, S^ourncpnian, ^pp?entice, 0^ llabonrer, is 0;? iljaJl be a :®eu!ber, to aupfucJ) ^Manufacturer, .?:rt!fttcr, WtmXitt, ^ourneviuau, ;3pp^eutice 0^' Jtaboarer, of l)is bcin^r licenfeD to \h02lt at t)iQ 02 tl)eir refpeft!t»e Cratie 02 Xrat^es, 02 il)all tnahe 0? jom in lualtmcr anp J^ule, €);?Der, o> JRegulation, relating to the l&^tccs 0,? Mlages of ll^bour 0; OTo^It- maniljip, in aiip Part o;j B^ancl) of tl)e iLinen, i^empeu, 0? Cotton ^Manufacture, 02 of auf :®anufacture6 uiaDe up of Cotton, s 25 it^euip 646 AnnoRegiii tertio Chap, j^ctup, 01 JLmm, 0^ \X^f>ttm an)? {^emp, XXXIV. ^,^e^, o^ OTotton, are o? fl)aU be miicb, ^^^^^ 02 III atip part o^ 2a?anc!) of atij? otl)er Xtacc o2iccs asi Dc 02 tbe?? ft)aU agree fo2 tbitb ^is 02 tl)cit rcfpcctitie €niplo)>et«5, etjerp fuel) pcrfon being t})crcof latbfuUp conticteD bp tDc itcftitnou)?, upon ^PatJ), of one 02 mo2c cretJible vIBitncfs 02 vIlQlitneiles, 02 bp t!)e oronfefficn of t\)t perfon cj)argeD tbiti) fuel) £)ffence, befo2e anp one gittfttcc of tl)e Peace, 02 an)) t\)id ©agiftratc, tbit!)in tbeir re- fpeai\)c furtfOictions, IDDicl) £Datl), fiid) ^uftjce 02 t\)id ©agiftrate iS \)atby> mu polbcret) anD requireD to aouimifter, it ll)aU ant) luav be lalbful to anD fo2 fuel) ^u^ (lite anD cJ)icf ®agiGrate, refpe(til)ei)>rbp ^IBatrant unDer \)\q J^anti anD :^eal, to coiutuit tl)c perfon 02 perfons fo contiaeD, to dSoal, tl)ere to be ftept tbitI)out Jiaatl 02 ®amp2i3e, fo2 tl)e :$)pace of fix j©ontb5; anD alfo to 02Der tJ)e petfon 02 perfons, fo conlitcteD, to be tl)2ee %imc^ \)nhUtl\ly> Xbl)ippcD, at fome publicft place 3Dbitl)in tl)e giurifDiaion of fuel) ^ufticc of tl)c peace, 02 cl)ief i®agiGrate* ;3lnD Gcorgii Tertii Regis. 647 Znt) tl)at if anj) fuel) ®anufactuter,c hap. ;:^rtiScci:, 2®lea\)et, goucuejjman, app^cn^^xxxiv. tice, 02 Haboiircr, as afo;?eraiD, ft)aU tafte "^"^^ an ^atl), o; cnttt into an}? Combination 02 3[ffteetncnt, to afcettam 0? Gx tl)e l^^ice of OTages 0? CMllo?lunanfl)ip, 0^ tafee anj) £)atl), 0;? cntec into an)) Combination, not to Xhoflx fo;? anp particular j®aftec 0? j^vifrccs, €mplopet 01 Cmploj^ers, anD a)all be tDcreof contJirteD bj) t!)e tjEeftimonp, upoti £)atl), of one 0^ mo;?e cceDible \Mit^ ncf3 0^ (H^HitncfTcg, 0^ by t\)t Confeffion of tj)c pccfon cl)at:gfeD Xhith fuc{) Offence, befo;je anv one giuftice of tl)e \&eace, 0? anj) C^ief ©agifttate, tbiti)in t\)tit refpectitje ^^utifDictionS, tbDicj) i^atl) fuel) gjuftice, 0? CD^ef j^agiUcate, is })etcb)) impolbeteD anD rcciutteD to aDmmiftet; it (l)aU anD ma^ be lalDful to anD fo? fuel) giufiice, o;? C!)ief )©agiftrate, bj? OTiarrant unDec |)i0 l^anD auD :^eal, to commit the ^crfon 0? H&et^ [on?5, fo contiicteD, to dSoal, tl)cte to be feept lbitl)out Bail 02 ®ainp^i3e, fo? tl)e :$pace of fix ;®ontl)S; anD aifo to o.^Det tU "^tt^ foil 0;? pettons, fo con\3icteD, to be tl);?ee Xtmcs publicftlp tt)J)ippcD at fome public!t 5t)lacc tbiti)in tbe ^utifDiaion of fuel) ^juftfce 0; €\)kf ©amfttate a)aU t!)m!i Proper, 8 25 2 ;^ttD 648 Anno Regni teitio Chap. ^xxX> tDat if aiiv pctfou 02 i^cttuns iljall ■ XXXIV. i)^ 2;)ap o? bp j1^ig!)t l)?ea!t into iiwy i^onk ' '02 :^l)op, 0^ cntcc bp jro^cc into anp It^oiife oj :^))op l?)it!) intent to cut o? Oeftrop anj? Ilinen, i^empen, o? OTotton Patn, o? anp S.inen, Cotton, o; il^empen OTlotl), o? aup j®anufactuce matie o? niiict) tibitl) iLnm, Cotton, 02 {^empeu ^atn, o^ anp Xools cmplo)?cD in maftinigf tDeccof, o? an)) Bap 02 v!I211oollcn parn, o;? anp ^Manufacture tPbl)ercin anp 2i3ap o^ QKUoollen parn ft)all l3c ufeO c^ tl),?ouirJ;t up, o> anp 3lool3 erji^ plopeO in tl)e maJiing tl)mof, o? il>i!l ital^ fuUp 0^ maljtiouflp cut 02 ticfirop anp Ilinen, 02 i^cmpen, Cotton, 02 cE^HooUcii :^anufactute, 02 anp Manufacture mate 0^ uuxeD Ibitj) jtincn, O^cmpen, Cotton, 0? OTiooUen parn, 02 iljall tbilfullp anD ma- liciouflp l)^ea!t anD ceftcop anp Xools ufcD m mahmcr 02 nianufacturmg of tl)e fame, not balJing tl)e Confent of tj)e £)llDnec fo to tio, e\)erp fuc^ £)^enDer, bcincr tJ)crcof UXt^ fuUp contJCteD, ftjall Ic atjuDgeD guiltv of 5?elonp, anD il)all fuffer E^catl), as in Cafes of jfelonp, U)itl)oi;t Benefit of Cler5:p» ,^nD tbat eberp !®aUer of C^achlec, §>m' nm OT})eel5, mceli?, OTieatJin^- 3a ecus, 0,3 ClC^.ea^Jius- Georgii Teitii Regis. (5^q ilMea\)msr ILooin^, atiD aifo eberp M\i^etc u a p. 07 ®aunfi!ct«tcr of Uttien 0^ ii^empen xxxiv. ClotD, auo et)ecj) i^acftlct oj S>?elTci: of 5; lax ^^""^^ 0? ^einp, il)aU, auD mar, auD is l)eccjp a!itl)o;?i3cD to exercife thz fa:D refpccii\)e XcaDcs m aup ^ttj? o;> Xoti)n €o?po?ate Ibit!)!!! th!3 ItmgDom, Itiitbout ant) ?ta o;j J^iuO^anic from an)? ^^ecfon n)l)atfoeUcr, ant) lliitt)out bciuDr cJ)argeD 0^ cj)ars:eable tbitJ) the pajJtnent of anp ^onej? 0;? ^utj? H)l)atfoet)ec fo? o;> m refpect of J)is foUoUj- ing fuel) iIEraCJC 0^ 2i5ufiiiefs» ^nD tl)at uo perfon i^all fell 0? expofe to ^ale anp pfiece of l&laiu ?lmcn OTlotl^, bciufT of 0? cicceHincr tJ)e :^et of jFoiirtecn i^rjuD^cD, inaDe 02 intenDcD to beof t\)z De^ nomination commonlp calliD patD OTiOe, t!)at f^all not be lt>|)en 2i5^otbn, anD befo;>e t^e fame il)all be bleacI)£D, thitty k\)tn 3ncl)e3 anD a l)alf b^oaD at leaft, anD lbJ)icl) il:)aU not be Ibben bleacl)ctJ t!)irtj) four 3lucl)e0 b^oao at lead, upon pain of fo^feitinfl- fuel) Piece. ;^nD tl)at no J&erfon iljall fell 0? expofe to fale anp |5iece of plam Hinen Clot{) being of 02 cxteetiincr t})e ^ct of ^tlDcllJe J^unD^eD, uiaDe 0? intenocD to be of tl)e SPenomination commonlp calleD fetJen B c cij9fl)t!)g; 6^0 Anno Regni tertio cf AP.c*(Tl)tI)S at Itaft, auD Ibbich iljail not be tb})eu DieacbcD, tliictp gticJ)es b;?oaD at leaft, nips^a ^"?m of forfeiting fucJ) piece. $ano tJ)at no petfon i\)ail fell o^ eipofe to rale anp l^iece of plam ?linen aiioti), being of 0? etceenmg tbe ^et of ^ix l^iittO;?eD, tnabe o? intenbeD to be of t\)t Denotiuna' tioti commonljj calleD tb^ec quartets OTibe, tl)at il)aU not be tbben b?otbn, anbbe^ fo?e tj)e fame il^all be bleacl)eD, ttbentj> eigDt ^ncl^esi b;?oab at leaft, anb IbDicft il)aU not be tbl)en bleacl)eb tVbtntv fi^e gincl)es b^oab at leaft, upon pain of fo^ feiting fuel) J5iece, ^nO tl)at no i^iece of tbbite o? bleacbeD plain Hmen OTlot^, (i)all be folD o^ expofeD to :^alc tDat a)all not be tHient^^^fitJe 3fnc!)e!5 batn, 01 of Cotton anD Htnen patn tntxeD, ft)all be folD, 0? expofeO to ^ale, o^ pacheD up, 0; enteteD fo? exportation, tbl)icl) ft)all be tbicftec 02 ftnec in tl)e :^el:: Dage tljan in tbe aaoO)? of lucb l&iece, o? tbl)icD ft)all not be of ecjual jFinenefs ano X^icbnefs tl)rouigfbout eDcrp i&att of t!)e Hengti) anO aa^eaotl) of fuel) l&tece ; anD tl)at no piece of b^otbn or unbleacbcD plain Itinen ClotD, of tl)e ^et of €is-l)t ^unDreD or upliDarOSi, iljall be folD, or eipofeD to :^ale lbitl)in tl)e prol^mce of Ulfler, tbbicl) if tl)!ttp^Cix, tl)itt^::fe^en, or t!)ittp;eis[!)t 3!ncl)e5 broaD, ft)all contain 8 c 2 anp Vy^v^vJ 652 Anno Regnl tertid c H A P. an)) m^ttt Mnnxhtt of faxt^ in ?lcu(rt|) XXXIV. (.^3ti tlbent^ ftVie pacDs, upon lt)a?!i of fo?? f jtmsr ftul) Piece, auD alfo thz ^tnii of fo?tj) ^^lUings t))> tl)e perfcii fcllutcr 0^ eipofincr fncj) p^iece to :^ale, 0^ paching tip 0^ eutenujor tl)e fame fo^ Exportation. ;^utJ tDat eterj) ¥>iece of h2olU\ 02 tin- bleacl)eD ilineti Clotl), tbat il)c:ll be b?ongl)t to any jFaic 0? ;®arhet, o^ t!)at il^all be folD, 0^ eipofeD to if ale, il)all be fo brou5fI)t, lolD, 02 expofiD to :^alc, m open jrolDS, anD no OTa)?3 ticD at eitbec €nD, 02 in tl)e j^iDtile ; anD tl)at eiierp fuel) l&iece, excepting fuel) as are generally Unoltin b)) t|)e jjtlauics of ^Pfnalyigs o;j l^olblaCTes, iljall be alfo crifpeti ; anD ttat cVierp ftngle IS^iece of fuel) Einen (sTlotJ), not containing mo^e tl)an ttbcntj^^fitie paciDS in a^engtl), iliall be in jFolbfS not exceeding ttbentp feDen 3(ncl)cs; in Hengtl) m each 5F0JC1; anD that et^cr^ Double piece of fuel) Hmen oriotl), not containing uio;e tDan fiftp patDS in Jlcngtl), fl)all be m 5?olD5 not excccDing tl^irtj^fix fucbes in llcngtl) m cad) 5?olD; anD tl^at c^cr^ Double Piece of furl) Hmcn QlTlotl), ron- taming mo?e than tiftp faxm m Ilcngtl), 11)311 be in 5?olDs not cxceeDing fo^t^' liDe 3ncl)cs m cacl) jrolD, upon paiu of fo^ fciting Georgll Tertii Regis. 653 fcitmgr fncl) piece; aiiD tbat if anp |5etroitc h a p. ilball bap, 02 oSEcc to blip, anp \^iccc of^^^^^- b^olDtt 02 unblcacbeD ILmn Clot I) in atip tbife yy^Xy tieD, o;? otl)ertl)ifc tl)an ctifpct), anD lu open j?olD5, fuel) pccfou (l)all fo;?feit tl)e ^um of tl)^ee pountis fo^ ctjecp fuel) piece of Clotb fo bougl)t, o;j offecet) to be ^ouj9:!)t as afo^efaiD. ' r, <3(nt) tl)at all ILiueti, Cotton, anD i^em- pen Clotl), auD all Clotl) uuxeD tbitj) Hmen, Cotton, o^ l^empen patn, ll)all be iueafuretJ bettbeen :^eal anD ^eal; anD tfyn baD anD infutficient CnDs il^all not be tafeen into tl)e ?lengtl) tl)eceof; anD fl)all be bougbt anD folD bp no otj)er :®eafure but tl)e ^tatute^pacD, containinflr tfirtp=fir 3lnc!)e0; anD tl)at no extcao;?Db narp ®eaface 02 Stllotbance, except tl)e aa^eaDtl) of a Cl)umb, as is notb gene^^ rallp p:actifcD, to eterp pacD in tl)e mea^ fucmgr tl)ereof, il)all be maDe t!)etein bp tl)e pellet to tl)e Bupec, 02 tequireD, 02 ac^ cepteD of, 02 tahzn, bp t6e Bupec from tl)e :^cllec ; anD tbat no pact of the p^ice 02 malue tl)eceof ii)all be ftoppeD, DemanDeD, 02 cecci\3eD, bp tJ)e 2i5upec from tl)t :^eller, unDcc Colout of anp ^g:recment 02 Mtagt tb!)atfoc\)cc, upon pain tl)at et)erp petfon fo bMpmg 0^ fellmsr fuel) d^ooDS, contmrp 8 D to ■ 654 Anno Rcgnl tert'io c H A p. to t!)e true gjntent anD ©eaningr of t\)i^ XXXIV. ^ct, il)aU forfeit all ftub ct^ooDs fo Do«g!)t ^^"^^0? folD, anD alfo tlbentj) :^!)illmi9:s; fo? eDetj) fticl) Offence* ;5rnD tbat no l&ccfon iljallftnotbinsrlpfeU 0? cxpofe to :^ale, an^ l^icce of b2otbn 03 unbleacbcD ?lincn 02 l^empen (Elotl), an)> \&att ll)l)cteof il)all baVie been Oj^eD 02 (lameD eitj)et lu tbe J>arn o? ariotl), tbit^ Bean HeatJes, iBarft, EamO-blacft, oibar:: coal, 3nD!S-o, bnrneD ;^ticft, 02 cKun^potb^^ tier, 02 anp otJ)ec j®atecial \h\)it\) !)a$ a XenDenc^ to renDer tbe p>art, fo ftaineO 02 DjjeD, Difftcrilt to bleacf), upon pam of for- feiting fuel) l&iece, ant) alfo tj)e ^nin of ttbentp ^l)iUing!3 fo;j etetp fuel) l&iece ; anD t^at t\>ztv ftui) |5iece of Clotl) (|)aU be cut into pacts, not ejcceeDing fout patDS in ILensrtl) in anj) one l&act 3CttD be It €na(teD bjJtj)e ^ut!)o2itj) afo^e- faiD, X^at no l&ecfon in tbe l&^obmce of uifter (l)all tnafee ^fe of, 02 !)at3e m bis CuftoDj) 02 ^olTeffion 02 ftnotbinglp fiiffcc 02 periutt to be hept in bis i^oufe, o? place to \)\m belongingr, my cl5la3mg ^acbinc, ^ill, 02 engine, fo; gla3ing 02 finootbmg un= bleacl)eD 02 b2olbn Hinen, 02 C^entpen Clot^; in o2Dec to mafte tbc fame I00& tj^icftcr Georgii TertH Regis. 6^c thithtt; upon pain of fo^feitm.qr t\)ttp fitc!) c h x p. <15la3mgr j^atbmc o? :^@ill, attO aUo ti)e xxxiv, faiD OTlotl) tbat il)aU be fo sh^tD, a^t^H'"^^'^ alfo tl)e ^um of tl)^ee l^ounOs* ;; rj^-- ;^nD tbat no pjctfon f^M mafte ^fe of Hum, ^oavct^ 2D;c0S, o? I&ijjeon'ie? 3Dunff,- m tbc 25lcacj)ing: o; mhitzning of fLinen, 02 i^empen €lotf), o^ ?lmen o;? l^empea- f>arn, except fticj) |5erfon o anp tttje 0? mo^e of tl)cm, to tnahe ^fe of lluue m bleacl)in5 fuel) l^ieces of Itinen Clotl), as il)aU be pacticulacl^ o^DeceD 0? DeliDereD to fuel) ^5etfon 0^ l^etfons bp t\)t faiD STtuGeeSf, o;j anjj 6t)e 0? nio?e of t|)ent, fo^ t})e pur^ pofe onlp of maamg-Cxpaimentsi ^olb fac ilimc maj' be fafelj? ano aDtJantajjeouflp tifeD inmcatfyng; upon pmx of fo^feitmsr fuel) OTloti) 0? parn, 0? tDe Balue t{)eteof, anD alfo tl)e ^um of fi\)e l&otmbs fo;j mty> l&iece of Hinen Clotl), anO Sbc ^DiUincrs fo?ejgr0, o? l^i^-eon's SPung-, ll)aU be ufcb tbitl)out fuel) I)ireetion asf afo 2 ^ttO 656 Anrio Regni tertlo Chap. Zwt) tl)at HO pctfoti l^all \x\ix aw^ XXXIV. atones, ^anD, 0? (lI5^iDel amongft Stelp, "'''^^m tbc burnmsr 02 nianufaaunnij ti)eteof, 0;? l^all fell, 0? expofe to fale, anj) Bclp aDultcrateD tbttb ^tont^, :^anD, 0? d^^it^cl, upon l^am of jfo^fciting all fticl) Ijtelp as fl)all be fo mixcD 0^ aOultcrateD, anD alfo t6e ^um of tb^ce pontics fo^ eljcrp one J^unt);?cD Mleigl)t tl)ereof; anD tl)at fuel) Belp, as ft)aU Oe fo imreD 02 aCultecatcD as afo;?efait), itiall be b^joUen into f-rnaU Pacts, anD tl),^otbn out fo? ®anure on any ?LanD, except fuel) llmt as ll)aU bc:^ long to tl)e perfon Cieterminntjj fncj) QU fence, ,:anD tl)at it (l)all anD map be latbful to anD fo? c\)etp perfon 0? perfons tbl)at^ foebet, being fei^eD m poCTefTion m ?LaU) 0} €quitj) of an €ftate m jFee^tail, 0? fo? his Itife, tbitb imtneDiatc iaeniamDec o\3ec to, 0? m Xruft fo? l)is f fftie, to Dettiifc any part of tbc ?lanD IbDeceof l)c o? tbep Jljall be fo fei3eD, bcingr no pact of tbe 2r>eiiiefne ttfually occnpieD Ibitb l)iS 0? tbeic ^m-^ fionH'^ourc, anD not excceDing fifteen .^cces plantation ^cafucc, fo? one 0? luo^e ?life 0? ^i^es r:iiclbablc fo? cl)cc, 0? fo? any €:ecm of peace, at tbe full inip?o\jeD yeatly yialiic Gcorgil Tertii Regis* 6/;^ lUiiluc of hitl) ILan^v, to be fct to aC"AP. folbeut '^lenant, at t\)c €tme of iuahmcr^^>^>^iv. fuel) Hcafr, fo^ tl)c l^ticpofc of maJttucr a ^^'^ Blcacl)=pai'D 0^' mU:it\)-^(B2ccii t\)tttoiu o;» of pjcfeCmuff ant) coutiiuuncj: a 2i3leaci)= Paii3 0^ iaicach'd^^ecn alrcaD)? luatic there:: Oil, aiiD fiinmljing aToitbcincnnes fo? tl)e aSQIoahmcu anD \Detfouo cniplopcD, 02 to be cmplopet) tbcrcm; auD in cafe tJ)e ?LantiS! To OeinifeD, tb!)crcon no 26Ieacl)'PacD o;j 2iDlcatl) <5^eeii J^atJ) been alrcat))? made, o;j a ^biit) part tijereof, ft)all be fo ?life, il)aU be intitlcD to fuel) HanD at tl)e ^ime of malting fuel) 'iLmc. 8 e $anD 658 Anno Regni tertio Chap. :^i\X) tl)at if ati^ l^eiroii il)ail IbilfuUp XXXIV. ments tbcrcru, 0? bp tl);?oltiing d^^aVicl, ^anD, 02 S^irr, into anj> mubbmff ^oatDs, jFurnacc, o^ Mlart)- iggill, lObhicl) il)aU le ufeD m ftub lalcacD^ pato, 0? bp mixtngr SDj^e^^^tuffs, 0? ot!)ct imp^opec -©atccials, Dbitb tbc ?Lyc3 0^ ^oucs XWt\> it)aU be UfeD iti fuel) Bleacj)- j>atD, 0;? m anp otI)cc j®anucr llibatfoe^ \)er, el)etj> fuel) J&ctfoii bciucr t^Gt:eof latb- fuUp cotttictcD upon '^iiDianicut, a)all be aDiuDjjeD guiltp of 5?clonj>, aiiD ftjall be tranfpo^teD as a jTelon to one of l^is -©ajeftp's ^Plantations in America, fo? fe^^ Den pears. StnD tj)at no l&etfon emploj^eD to taftc Cate of 0^ OTo ILinen, J^eiupen, 02 Cotton Clot^, o;j anp ILinen, i^empcn, 02 Cottcn parn, 02 anp ^Manufacture niixcD tbitl) anp ?Lin^ en 0,' ^(^cmpcn^patn, in o;jDet to blcatj) 0^ ll»l)iten, 02 otBettbife iu!p;jo\)e tl)e fame, U)itl)out t!)e BinolV)leDig:e 02 P2i\)itp of J)iS, j)ec. Georgii Tertii Regis. 659 bee, 0? tl)eir i®aftct 0; j®iftref$, 0^ !^\hiX'^^^ "^ ^v ec of ftttJ) 2i5leacJ) PatD, upon ^am of fo^ ^xxiv. feitmg to t{)e ^\bnct of fuel) Blcacl)^patD, ' ' tl)e i)um of fo;?tp :^l)iUins[S fo^ etjetj) pcce of fuel) Oltotl), auD tltio ^^^illiugs fo;j eljerp l^anft of lut\> patu tl)at il)aU be fcautJulcutlp tahen in as afo^efaiO, ;^nD tl)at e\3ecj) je^crfon emj)lopeD to tafee OTarc of, 02 tbo^h in anp Mtat\)'f^tDy tl)at ll)all Unolb of anp SDamacre to batJe been coumiittcD tbitl) rejjarD to an^ Clotft 02 pain in fuel) Jaieaeb^Paco, il)aU tbit^in fix SDaj'S, after l)is 0;? Ijet ftnoUnnsr ti)e fame, giVse ttue ginfo<2niation of all l)e 0? ft)c hnotbs, 0^ Das eceDiblj) beatD eoneein- iug tl)e fatue to tl)c C>tbner of imJo 2aieael)' j>atD, upon pain of fo^feitmgr to tl)t C>H)n- ec of fuel) 2aieael)4^atD tl)e fuU ^alue tDat fuel; Clotl) 02 pacn Ibas of, immeDi^ atelp before fueb I>atuage» :^nti tl)at no l^etfon emploj^eD to ttio^k in anj? BleaeD-PatD, iliall, tiutin^: tl)e ^itnc tl)at be 0? fl)e il)all be biceD to IDo^ft therein, unlefs in Cafe of ^leftnefs, una\3oiDable iReeeffitp, 02 tl)c lLta\)c of the £)\jecfeer, 0^ tl)e ^DDbncr of fueft BlcaeJ)- pacD, abfent l)inifelt 0? bccfelf, ftom fuel) 2i5leael)=PatO, upon |&ain of fo?feitinij to B € 2 tDe (i()0 Anno Regni tertio ch A p-tbe Otbnec of fuel) Weacb'l&acti, fo? i\Mt)> XXXIV jr)atj t^at ^e o? (1)C rt^all be foabfcnt, tl)e full '^^^' (images 02 l^ite tl)at I)e o? ft)e Ibas to Datje fo? one omeeft's ai2aO(?ft» ;5(nD tDat et)ecp l&erfon fteepiiig o;? occu- ppmg a 2J5leacl;=pacD, il)aU macFt o^ aamp, 0? caufe to be marfteD o^ aampeD m legi^ ble Hetters tbitj) Hampblaclt, o? ^etuiil^ lion, 0? ^tone :!i5lelb, anO ^i3e bis o? l)ei: (Ebcifttaii ^ame, anD ^\t jitlame, ano l&lace of aboDe, tbitl) t!)e aticiition of t|)e tiiQlo;?ti Bleacher on each €nt) of eDecp ¥)iece of Clotl) bp \)\\\\ oi \)ct blcatbeo oi tb^itneO, befo;je U ^? ^^ rtjaU fell o? ex- pole tl)e fame to fale, o^ ticlitjec tj)e fame to tl)e Otbnec tl)eceof, upon pain of for feiting t\)t ^um of tlbentp j^hillmgs fo3 eViet)) ^lece of Clotl) tl)at il)all be bleacheD bj) (ucD l&erfon, anD not tuacftetJ as afo their othn 3(tcount, anD pap the £Dlbnei: Georgii Tertli Regis. 66t t)]i £I>tI)ticc<5 tbeteof t\)c full Bahie tftat^HAP. ftici) patu ?o^ €lotl) tbas tbo^tj) tt)l)eti ^^xiv. 5{nD tbat no J^etfoit o^ J^etrons tbf)atfo^ cbet il)all ftcep, emploj^, o? mafee ufe of my publiclt 23leatD=pacD tbitJ)m tl)e Citj) of Dublin, 0? fiU ®ilcs tl)creof, ibitbottt tainet! fcom tl)e ^rtiftees pftein afrcc men- tioned, ftom tl)t %mz being:, o^ any 6t)e c? tno^e of tj)em, on }&ain of fo;>feitinflr the ^nin of tlbo l)imt);?eD pounDs, to ibe paiD to fuel) l&ecfon o^ |^ecfon«5, anO fo;? fuel) ufes, as t^efaiD Ctuftees o^ anj> ^U 02 mo?e of tl)em ft)aU tl)inft Proper, anD t^at no J?ee o? iaetbatD il)aU be tahen to; fuel) ?licence o? Iticenceg* ^nD ti)at all B^otbn o E-incn 02 i^empen OTlotl), Einen o; ^tmp-^ en parn, t|)at iljall be folD in anp place in tl)ts EtngDotn, except in tl)c €!tj? of Dublin 02 :^uburbsi tl)ereof, bj? anjj pec^ Con 0^ perfons otber tl)an laefiijent ®ec^ cl)ants 0? :^l)op^!tceper3 Dealing in fuel) Cloth 0^ Pacn, 02 othtt tban anD except fuel) llincn 0;? l^empen parn as (|)aU be j^olD tn a (tDat is to fart in one i^uantitp 02 j^atcel to t!)e 8 5f ^alue 662 Anno Regni tertlo c H A p. ;[iialuc of ttbcutp l&ountis o; u})\hail>^ XXXIV. ^P ^,^e ^etfon, ll)aU be folD l^ublicUlp '^""''"^in Come open ®ar^et o; J?aic betlbcen tbc {^ouro of €!igr!)t of the Olloth m the 5fo;{cnooii anD j?out of thz »iIlocft m ti)e ;afteruoott, fo;j 2.!ucn auD (^cinpcu $>acn, anD bettbeen tl)e flouts of Xeu of tbe OTlocft !u tj)e j?o;?enooit, anD jfouc of t^e oriotft in tbe Afternoon, fo? b^olbn o;j im^ blcacDeD Hinen o;j l^empen €lotl), on tl)e tefpecti\)e 2Dap 02 SPaj^s on lbl)icl) fuel) m DajJS before tj)e 2r>aj> on ttil)icl) anp j?aii: i2» appointeD to be t)elo, except tJ)e jFaitS of Lanelborough auD Stroak= ftown, fo^ Cbbicb fix 3)aj>«5 before t!)e l>a^$ on VbY)lt\) tj)e faiD JFaiCS of Laneiborough anD stroakftown ate tefpeait)elj> appointeD to be l)elt), anD no lonpt %mt fl)aU be eiU lotbeD fo;j bu^mff anD felling llinen patn, in anj) JFaics tbitWn t|)e ^^o\)ince of Con- naught; anD if anp l^etfon 0? petfons i^aU act conttatj) to tl)e direction afo^efaiD, in huyin^ o; felling of llinen ?>arn tbitj)in tbe faiD ^^^oViince, eberp perfon offenDing t^erctn, il)all, fo^ ebecj? fuel) iSDCfence, fo^ fcit tl)e ^niu of tl);jee pouuDS Stedlng, p;?o^ \)tDeD tl)at tl)e aboue ?l imitation of iTime fl)all not extcnD to anp pecfon 02 J^etfon^j fteeping open :^l)op in anj) Cotibn, 0? buy- ing anD felling in fuel) :^J)op» ;anD tbat if anp p>ecfon, not being a te- fiDent j®ercl)ant 0? J>l)opfeeeper, Dealing in Hinen 0? f^empen Clotb, o;j Cottons, 0;? C|)eciuet$, 0? an^ j®an«factutes ititxeD tbitl) Itinen, l^empen, 02 Cotton patn, ft)all buy b)) l)iiu 0? berfelf, o fait 02 ^arhet,^"'^'"^ 02 oti)ec Place tbl)atfoe\3er, unlets; tj)e per- fon Co fcUincr o? expofintr to Tale ft)aU p^e= Diou0 tbeteto l)a\)c tculp Ibcote, 03 cauleD to be \ibrote, bis 5l^ame tbitj) fnft on t|)c Bacft 0^ sputnoc of cDerp fuel) piece, lbit|) tJ)e aoDition of tj)e OTo^D Buyer undec ti)e :^eal of ti)e :^eal=®aftec upon pain of fo^feitiucr eDetp fucj) Piece. ;^nD tl)at no petfon il>iU fell 02 eipofe to fale anp b?otbn 0;? unOleacbeD Hinen 01 i^caipcn Clotj) fo^ l^iie 0^ JaetbatD, unlefs p^etjious to l)isi felling- fuel) Clotl), tlje jRame of fuel) pecfon fo felling be tbritten in a legible ©anner, tbitl) gfn&, unDec t^e ^mp^elTion of tl)e :^eal=®aftet'0 ^eal, maoe on tbe 2aac!t of fuel) Clot}), tbitl) ti)e aotiition of t()e OTio;jti Seller; anD if an)) petfon ft)all, fo? (^ice 02 laetbarc, fo fell anp fuel) ?linen, not l)at)ing l)i9i o; \)tt jRame tbritten t^eteon as afo^efaiD. jbe 0? i^e fl)all, fo2 e\)et)) futj) j^fFence, fo^ feit tl)e ;^um of fo^tj? :^l)illinga :^nD t!)at no petfon i^iall fell, 02 ag?ee to fell, 02 bu)?, 0? agcee to bur, anj> ILinztt i^acn b;?ottg!)t from tl)e Counttj? to t!)e 8 (25 Citp GG6 Anno Regni tertio Chap. Olitj) of Dublin, no;? U)itl)m iWz ^\\i^ XXXIV. tl)eccof, in ivtJcc to be folD m ^\\y> |:^Iacc ^^^'^ tbitbm the l OTotton, o;? anp Clotl) maDe of Jlinen o;? })?empen o? Cotton parn, o;j Clot!) luatse of Hinen, o? I^cmpcn pacn, anO Cotton ntiicD, IS^elp, n Pot'^ft)eS, OTl)cel!3, mcels, l^arfeles, o? JLooins, fo? o;? bj? 5\earon of tl)eic beincr brougl)t to, o^ licpt in anv ^ar&et o;? j?air, o;> fo? tJ)e l^alTage of t^em, o;? anp of them, oViec anp 2i3;?iDp, o;j tboMffJ) anp Citp, Xotbn, o? place tbbatfoeDec (dirnpifte (Sates onlp eicept:= eO) anD t!)at if anp pecfon il)all tcmanD, exact, o^talteanp %^\\, Cuftom, o?2Dutp, tb^atfoeto, contcacp to t!)e tciie S^ntent anb i^eaninff I)eceof, eterp fuel) petfon fo offenbmcr, il)aU, fo? ebetp fticb Offence l^y- tett tl)e ^um of fo'?, fo;j 0? on Scconnt of tl)e expojtinff aitp Einen, o? C^cmpcn Clotl), maoe oj m.^uufaeturcD in ti)i3 EingDom ; auD tl)at no B>utj) fl)aU be DemanOcD, letJieD, o^ taikD to tht mk of \$iQ ®ajc(l)^ C^is CECILS, 02 ^ucceffo^S, fo? o^ bj) iaeafon of the nnpo^ting anj; W^ooti, 02 QBeeD^^illcs of anj? BinD ufcD in Olcacl)ing, 0^ anv Tdlnt CalleD Smaits, 0? an>' £Dll of Vitrioi, o;j JBluh :^oap, o? anj» 2aieat[)et'3 fut- naces, 0? anj? OTcatJingr^Eooin ; anD tj^at no '^itt}> iljall be tiemanDeo, toieD, 0? raifeD to tht Hfe of ifts i@a|eft>', i^i55 I^C!r^ 0^ ^ticcclto23, fo^ 0^ b}^ laeafon ot the impo.2tmc)i' au)> gooD anD fonno j?lax- :§eet!, 0? l^enip-^ccD, of ti)e cB^olbtl) of RulTia, Germany, tl)e Netherlands, t|)e Eaft- Conntiy, 0^ aiipof t\)z Biitiih plantation^ {U America. ::cnt) tJ)at if an)> 3!Q3ca\5cr, 3!!5leatl)ct, Carrier, j^eal^^alier, CalcnCer^rj^eeper, Happer, 0? otber Iderfon ll)batroet)et, ui- trulieCJ tbitl) aup Itincti 0? H^etupen-patn, 02 anp ILmcn oj i^^empen vtlot6, o? anj) Catenate o? Voojftiuct ^ools io2 inanu- tactutiuf t!)c fame, iliaiU ftauOidenti)' fell 8 (15 2 0? ooo Anno Regni tcrtlo c H A p.o;j embe3le tbe fame, o? an^ i^att thereof, ^^^^^•of tl)e ^alue of £Dne j$>J)iUtng:, 02 ttp= ^■^'''"^ tbacO^S, fuel) saeat)er, Wcacl)er, Catttec, :$>eal=^aacr, arallcndci: Becpet, Happer, 0? otJ)ec ^erfott, atiD t!)e iRccciUct 0? iac- teitjcrs t|)eteof, imotbinigr t!)e fatne to be ctnbc3leO, iljall forfeit to tj)c ^etfon o? i&erfone aggcietjeD tl)erebp, four ii:micstl)e malue of fucb Patn, 02 (Elotb, 02 -©a- terials, 0^ tfeo^Huicr Xools fo ctnbe3let)» ^nD to tbe €tiD tl)at tj)e fct)ctal ^P^iDetS ant) laecjrulations bereitt contameD, fo^ tj)e ^mp;jot)einent of tl)e ?lmen aitD l^enipeu ^anufactutes, ma)? be etfectual, anD cat> tieD into Due Execution ; auD tbat all ftul) duties anD ^uins of ®onc^ as ace nol!}, 02 f^all be J)ereaftei: tiicectcD to be applieD to tl)e mfe of tl)e faiD Manufactures, map effectually anftbec tl)e putpofcs fo? tb^icl) t!)ej) ate 02 ft)all be intcnDeO, » it Cnactet) bp ti)e Siut^o^itp afo;?efaiD, %\)at tl)e federal pcrfons nominatcD anD appoint^- et) fo2 cacl) of tbe fout |52o\3inces of tDis !9itns:Dom, Ctuftees fo2 entoutagincr tl)c TatD j®anufactures, putfuant to t})e polb- ets in fome of tl)e faiD ;^as containeD, ft)all antJ map continue "^cuftceo fo? en- coutaginij tbe faiD j®anufactucc«5, tbitb tbe potbets anD 3Lutbo?itics bcccin aftcc iJcfteD Gcorgll Tertii Regis. 66,^ \)efteD ill them, auD tbat \h\)m atiD 05 c hap. often as a:i>^ of tbe faiD l^ruftces alceaD^ xxxiy. notumateD 0^ appointet), 02 j)ereattcc to be" itouiinateD 0^ appoiutcD, it)aU ijappeu to t)ie, tl)at 111 CiuJ) anD no ot!)ec Cafe, t^c ?i.o>D iLtcutcnaut, 0^ otbcr Cl)ief (I5ot)et^ no2 0? <15ot)crno?s of tl)i3 irinrrdom, fo;jt!)e Xime beincr, il)all anD maj>, anD is anD ace berebp cnableD fconi %m\z to Cime, to nominate anD appoint fuel) otl)ei: J^et:: fou 02 ^^erfons to le a Cruftee 0? %tu{^ tees, io: encouraging: tJ)e faiD j^anufac- tuces, in tl)e l&lace anD IRoom of fuel) of tl)e faiD Xcufteesasacc nolb DeaD, 02 i^all bappcn to Cic, to be altbays nommateD anD appointeD as afo^jefaiD, fo? tl)e fame p^»\)!nce of tl)!S EinttDom, fo? tbl)icl) tj)e refpcaitje l&ecfon 02 p>ecfons, notb DeaD, 02 iKtcaftec to Die, Ibas 02 tbece fo^metlj^ ap^ pointcD; anD that t\)z faiD tSruGees fo? the i^ime being, 0^ anp fit)e 0^ mo^e of them, tl)all auD ma^ from Xmie to Xime, as often ' fhall thfnh mod expeDient fo? the eftabhiijing anD carrying on the faiD ^a- nufacturco, anD fo,^ p?cV)enting all j?tauDS ^ l^ anD 670 Anno Rcgni tcrtio Chap. autJ MultQ tl)at tuaj) bappcn m the fame, XXXIV. (,2 gin^ m2ant\> tl)ercof; aiiD that tl)c faiD ^"'"'^ Xtuftecs fo2 tl)e STiine Ucmrr, 0? tJ)e nia^ |oatt not Dcmsr lefg t^an feV>en m iHiimbcr, iljall anD niaj? from Xime to Hime appoint, Dutincr tbcir pieafute, a Clerft, S>oor:Uccpcr5, anD otl)ci: neccfTat^ ^crtjants to attcnc thscm; anD alfo i^fficecs, f aao^s, anD ^ctV)ant$ to attcnD anD eictiite the 2aufincf5 of tbe ltmen::i^aU, pant l^all, jFlat anD C^Linp- ®arl^et, anD aialcnDcr^^oiifc, anD afcer^ tain anD Direct p t\)t purpofcs in tbis -^ct ; anD tbat tl)e faiD XruGees fo^ tbe t:nnc betncr, o; t\)z mato? t&art of tbem, p?efcnt at anj) fucb ®eeting, furl) ma jo? Part not bemcr lefs tl)an feben m ^t^umber, o? tl)cir oiler ft fo? tl)e Xime being, tp tl)c €>ita of fuel) majo;j Part of tl)cm, iliall anD ma^ enter into an)) Contract 02 Contracts tbitl) any perfon 02 perfons, fo: tl)e carrying on rl)e faiD llmen anD l^empen ®anufaaurr^, 0;? an? 2a;ancb 0;? 2i5?anci)c5 thereof; tbbicl) OTontuct Georgii Tertii Regis. 671 OTontrart 02 ^onttaa^ (l)all, as to tl)e faiCi<^^ hap. tsruftces 0^ tbcic Ollcrft, be bintung onlp^^xiv. upon ant) anflbcrcD out of t!)e fait) ^w-^^^^^^^ ties; anO tj)at no ILooins, ^pinning^ vlll|iec!5, iacels, t^acftlco, CalenCcts, 02 l&.'cffcs, 02 any of tl)ein, tbbicb t\)t TaiD Xrtiflees il)aU lenD, o> caiife to be lent, to anp l^ctfon 02 l&erfons io2 carr)?ing on tl)e faiD j®aniifaaure«5, 0? an^ 2i3;ancl) of tbem bemgr fealed, 0^ (lainpeD tbitl) tl)e ^eal 0^ j$)tamp appointcD 0^ ufeD bj? the faiD %tut- ees fo^ tl)at ^tirpofe, i'\)a\l be DiftraineD fo? laent 02 {^eartj)^®onep, 02 on anj? otl)et ^account H)!)atfoeV)er, 0^ il)aU be feiseC bp ZHittue of anp p^ocefs 02 execution bp anp ^\)m% :^cnefcl)al, 0? 2aailiff, 02 otDec ji&erfott H)!)atfoe\)er. :5lnD fo;j tbe mo?c effectual p^elientingr of all jFtauDs anD ;abufe6 in tl)e faiO Manufactures, anD in et)etj? 25;anc^ tl)tw of, 2i5e It €nartet) bp t\)t ^ut\)02it}> a[o2z^ faiD, X!)at It ft)all anD map be latb- ful to anD io2 t\)z CaiD Hi;t:uftees fo2 t\)t Citne being, 0; anp fiit)e 0^ ino;je of tl)em, from Cinie to Xime, to li= cence anD appoint During t\)cit p>leafuce fuel) 8t anD p;jopei: l&ecfonS, anD m (ucj) l^laces as tl)ep ft)all JuDgc cont)enient, to 8 i^ 2 be 6yi Anno Rcgnl tertio Chap, be l^acfeccs of c^^(^cD {^cmp, o^ sfeal i]S)a' XXXIV. (t^jg (,f b^otbti 0? unlilacbet) linens, o? ' ""^ flappers of lbt)ite ?Lincus; anD tlnit tDe faiO t;cnaec5 fo^ tl)e ITiine being, o; the ® iioougl)t t!)creto, o^ loDgeD thecan, anD all ^i^fFicers, j?aao;s, anD ^c^^jants emploK^ rn o^ about tl)c faiD ?Lincn l^all, ?>arn#all, 5?lax anD l^cmp=OTatei)oufc, o;? CalenDct^i^onfe, anDalfo fofficers, .^erDanto, ^eal^ -©aGcrs, anD Happcrs, tl)at ate o^ ft)all be appointeD bj? tl)ctu as afo;c= faiD, as t\)iy> tl)c faiD tlrudecc-, o? fucD majo^ pait of tl)em, il)all tfcuih p.-opcr; anD tl)at e\)erj? fuel) allcclt, pacUcr, ^cal:!®.^ftet, Happct, C)ffiecr, j?jao?, o? ^ec\)ant fo appointcD, fl)aU be fubjcct to anD obfct\jc all fuel) \^\\\i^. O^Dcrs, anD 3>itectiono, anD unDec fuel) j?inc«5 o? pe- nalties, Gebrgli Tertii R egis. ^^^3 naltiee;, not emtbrng tXbmty |5omtO$ fo^pH ap. auj? one Ofimtt, as tl)c fait) Xcuftees-'^^^i^- fo^ tl)c Cime bctttcr, 02 fiicj) maio;? p^art of ""^^^^ t|)cm, il)aU fo as afo.'cfaiD mafee, condi^ tute, 0? appoint; anD tbat tj)e faiO "Ecuf^ tecs fo3 the Xmie being, 0? anj? Sue 0? mo?e oft'oem, iu.ip, anD ace t)ecebj> atttJ)o^ ?!5eD, anD mipotberet) to tafte fucJ) ^ecuritj) 02 :^cc«ritie0, bv 2i3onD 0^ ot!)erU)!fe, in t\)z ^aiue 02 jfeauies, 0? of anp one o? mo>e of thent, 0? in t!)e jRame of tbeit (Elcrh fo? t^e Xime being, fo? the Due €)b- fert)Tncc of all fuel) iatilcs, £I>?Det6, anD B>ircttfon5 a3 afo^efaiD, bp etjetj) fuel) orieil^, Pacher, ^eal^^aftec, ?lapper, ^f= ficer, facto?, 0? :^ecV)ant refpectttJelp, as tj)e faiD ituftees fo? t\)z %mc being, 0? anp ^t)e 0? ino?e of tl)etu il)aU Diccct auD ap- point : :^nD tbat it il)aU anD map be latb; fell to anD fo? t|)e faiD XtuGees fo? tj)6 ^imc being, 0? anp fitie 0? ino?e of tl)em, to aDtniniftcc to etjecp fucb aTletft, pacftet, j^eal^^aftec, Itapper, Officer, JFaao?, anD :$^cr\)ant refpectiVielp, anjP €)atl> fo? tftc faitl)ful Execution of tttit tefpertitje ^i^ fitcQ; anD tj)at if anp aTomplamts i|)aU be uiaDe againft my> fuel) (JTlctft, packer, ;g>cal-©after, ?lapper, £Dffieer, facto? 0? !giecV)aiit, fo? anj) f cauD, ®i2;bel)at)iour, 0? ^Reglect m i)isi faiD Offiee, t!)at it il)aU 8 3) be 6^4 AnnoRegni tertio Chap. be i^Mul to atiD fo;> tbe faiD ^tuf^ XXXIV. t^^5 fo^ t|)e xiine being, o? anp fiDe oi ^ mo;e of tl)ein, oti €xanimatioii upon j^atJ) of tbe Pattie^J, anD fuel) OTitneffes a«3i i^aU appeac o? be p;?oDnceD befo;?c tl)em (tb!)icl) €)atl) t!)e faiC Ctuaccs fo? tl)e Xmie being, o? anj) fi\)c o^ ino?e of tDeiu, a?c \)mby> tmpotbeceD to aDiuuiiftec finals Ip to |)cat anD Determine tl)e fame, ant) to impofe fruD jTine upon anp fucb Ollecft, l&achec, ^eal-® after, IL appcr, £)f- ficer, JFa(to^ o;j ^ertjant, not eice«Diug tl)e j^um of Xtbentp l^ounds fo^ an^ one ;^ffence; anD to be pait) to fuel) li^erfon 02 petfons as tj)c faiD 'Sruftees fo? tl)e Xime being, o; anp fiDe o; mo^e of t!)cm f^all jtttige proper; anD tijat it il)aU anD map be latbful to anD fo;> ti)e faiD ^r^uf- tees fo? tbe Xime being, to commence, p^o- fecttte, anD DefenD, in tl)e ^ame of tbei? Olletft, fo? tl)e tJEime being, anp ^uit eitj)cr in Hatt) o;? €quit)?, toucl)mg o^ concern- tng m^ Contract 02 ^g;jecmcnt, Ijeretofo^e maDe 0? entereD into, 02 l)ereaftcr to be maDe o; entereD into by tl)e faiD Xruftces, 02 anp fet)en o;? mo^e of tljcm, 0;? tl)cir Clerft fo? tj)e tlime being, bp fuel) O^Dec as a!o;jcfaiD; anD t|)at all ^uits anD p;o^ ceeDingiS in anp Court of ?Lalb 0; ^qui^: t?, m- tl)e jl^ame of fuel) Clerlt, iljall be as Gejorgil Tert'il Regis. ^j^ as 0'ooD anD efifcctiial to all gntcttt^ HnH- " a p. ^ucpofio, as if fuel) i§>uits atiD i^.;?orceti'^^^i^' in 00 l)aD bccu touuncnccD, p;?ofccntcD, ot'; '^'^ fcnOcD, 02 caiTieD oit m tl)c iRames of t\)z faiD tJEcnftccs, 02 mv of tl)ctn; anD ni qilafe aii)' Bill o^? petition ft)all be filet) 02 cxl)ibitcD in anj) Otourt of Equity, airainft tl)c faiD iTcuftccs fo? tbe Xtnie beingr, 0,? anp of tl)cai, 0? tj)eic €kth ioi t|)e Xime bcincr, fo?, 02 on ;accottnt of an^ j®attec 02 tJTljjinff, b)? tj)c fatD €t:«fteesi, 0;? anj> of tftein, made 0^ Done in execution of tl)e |2)olbcrs, ;^utDo?itief3i, 02 Xcufts Deretofo^e 02 Y>tuby tefteD m tl)em, tl)ej) t\)z faiD 'CrtiRees, 0^ an)> of tl)em, it)all not be obligeD to anftber fuel) mil 02 petition, but tj)attl)e ^nftbcc of fucbClerft to fuel) XjiM 01 i^etition l!)all be DeetneD anD tafteti to be tl)e ^nftbcc of tbc faiD Xcuftees, anD il)all be binDinsf npon tbem to all gfn- tents anD ^utpofes ltil)atfoet)et; anD in cafe fuel) Cleth rtiall l)appen to Die, 0? be temoticD tbbtlft fuel) ^uit il)all be DepenD:: iug, tl)at t^en anD in fuel) cafe fuel) :$uit iliaU not abate b)? tl)e SDeatl) o;j iaemotial of fuel) oiletl^, but il)all be cartieD on in t^c ^ame of t\)t fueceeDingr Cletft, anD il)all ftanD to all intents anD purpofes in tl)e fame l^lig-bt anD ConDition, as it tbas inuneDiatelp befoeatl) o;j iae= 8 3 z moi)al ; y66 Anno Regni tertio Chap, tttotal ; aiiO tl)at tJ)e faiD Xtuftees, o;j an? XXXIV. tj)^ee o;> nxw of t()em, il)all anD iuaj> '''^'^ meet t!)e ftrft Monday m et)etj) ®ont!) of May, AugLiil, November, anD February, fo^ t^e i&ucpofe onlp of [)earmg: anD Detetinin- insr all Complaints tl)at il)aU o? map be maDc agamft fuel) €letft, fathers, :^eal= j®aGci;5, Happets, €>fFicers, jraao?0, o? :^et^ant$, o^? anp of t!)em; anD (Ijall anD map fit fcom I>ap to 5Dap, until all fucb Complaints ate ftnallp DetcrmmcD; anD tl)at anp l&etfon o? j^ecfons lbl)o il)all t^inft l)fm, J)er, o4ct)cn 3fncl)csi; anD if fuel) ISiece rt)aU not contain mo?e tban 6ftj? pact)0 in ILcntrel), tben no fuel) JFolD tl)eteof a)aU erecct) tl)!rt>i^fir glnc!)e$ ; anD if fuel) 15iece iliall contain mo;?e tl)an 6ftp PacDs in ilengtl), tl)cn no fncb JFolD tl)ereof il)aU eieccD fo?t)?;6\)e 'JncDes; anD tl)at none of fue'n folDS on eitl)ec i|)iDe$ fl)aU be inclofeD, 02 inDol\)eD, o;? U)l)at is tommonlj' calleD lochcD; anD tl)at 6cft o;j outfiDe jFotD of ctierv fuel) l^icce i^all begrin ftom one of t^e enDS of fuel) l^iece, anD t!)at €nD il)aU not in anv ®anncr be folDeD in ; anD tbat e\)LCv fuel) :^cal=®after il)aU affir a fait ^mpjcffion of fuel) ^eal, as fl)aU be ap^ pointcD fo;? l)!m bp tl)e faiD ITruftees fo^ tl5c Xituc being, o? anp fit)e o? mo;?e of tftem, tbitl) Eaiupblacft o;> ZElcrmiUion, o;? ^tone= Blue, anD il>i3c o pattJS in Hengtl) ; anD that lucl) :^eal=®aftei: ftjall affix a fait 5Jin^ p^elfion of im\) ^eal> tbitb f«cl) gngce* Dients as afo^efaiD, on eacj^ of tl)e €ncs of ctjetj) fnc6 l^iece, anD il)aU liftctbifc niarh tt)itl) fuel) f ngteDicnts as afo^cfaio, on tU Bacft 0;? C>utfiDe of etjetp fuel) Piece, t^e iLengtl) of fuel) piece, anD tbe iRimu bet of 3Jnci)cs it contains in 2i3?eaDt^, anD alfo tDe J^alf f ncl), if tDe fame a)all be in 2i32eaDtlb l^alf an f neb nio^e tl)an an^ ^uiubet of gjnebes, tbitl)out JacgatD to an)) lefTet jFtactions of an fncl), anD ti)e ^ame of fuel) :^eal'®aftet, anD t^e Count)) tbbetein \)z tefiDes; anD that if an)) pacts of fuel) Piece iljaU be DaniageD 02 faultv, but not fo DaiuageD 0^ faultp as to cenDec t!)e fame unmetcbantable, etjcc)) fuel) DamageD 0? fault)) part il)all be fairl)j eipofcD in tbe Hap 0^' 2i5ofom of fuel) Piece, fo as tl)at tl)e fame mav be eafil)) fccn, anD tl)at oppofite to fuel) Da^^ magcD 0^ fault)) part upon the iaofom of et)ec)) fuel) piece, fuel) :^eal £^aftcr il)aU aCfii an Simp^eCfion of l)is :^eal, Ibitb fucj) Georgii Tertii Regis. 679 fuel) Sii^SrteDrents a9 afo^eraiD, to Denote C" a f. fticb DauiageD 0^ ianltv pact j ano that xxxiv. no im\) ^Ziil^aittt i'l)aU bti^, oicce of green 0;? unbleacbeD ?linen 02 i^eiupen €lotl), containing tlbentj^^fttJe parDs 0^ iinDer, tbat il)aU be by> f)im fealeD as afo;?eraiD, anD fo in l&^opo fuel) :^eal;®after ft)aU, fo? e^erp fuel) £)ffenee, fo;?feit fuel) j$)um not lefs t^an tzn :^i)tllings, noffenees, iViall, upon t!)e OTir^ cuiuftanees of t!)e Cafe, aDjuDge anD De^ termine. :3nD t!)at no l&erfon ft)aU fell, 0;? expofe to :$)ale, 02 pacft up, 0? enter fo;? €xpo^tati^ 8 It 2 on, \ 68o Anno Regni tertio Chap, oti, 0? Uup, 0? affcec to Du)), attp ^iece of XXXIV. ^j.gen Q^ unbleacl)eD Hinen o? i^empeti ^^^^^^ Ollott), tDat iljall not be at tl)e STime of Cellinsr, o? expofinflr tl)e fame to §>aky o; of pacftittjgr up, o^ entetlng fo;j exportation, fealeD anD inacftet) as afo^efait), upon \&am of fo^feitmfif tl)e ^um of fi\3e l&ounds fo? etietp fuel) l^iece* ;^nD t!)at c\3erj) Happet of tbbite o? l)leaci)eD Hinen, o? i^empen Clotl), ap= pomteD, o;j to be appomteo as afo^efaiO, &)aU carefuU)? tJietb, eiauiine, ant) nieafuce e\)ecp l^iece of lt)l)ite o;? bleacj)cD ?linen, 02 J^etiipen OllotJ), tl)at l^all be p?ot)uceD anD offereD to be lappeD; anD if ti)c fame ft)aU appeat to l)im to be !nercl)antable, anD to be confoijmable to tbe ^Directions afo?efaiD, tlben, anD not otl)ectDife, furl) ILappec i\}M anD tnajj lap anD mafee up tl)e fame, m fuel) fanner, anD in fuel) JfolDS, as tl)6 faiD Xcuftees, 0? anp 6\3e 02 mo^e of tl^em, il)aU, fo;? tl)at \5urpofe, Direct o^ appoint; anD tbat e\)erp fuel) ILapper, fl)aU, tbitb BetmiUion, 0;? ^tone=bluc anD ^130, marft on e\3crj) fucb ^lete the Hengtb tl)ereof, anD the ^tunbct of entire gincDcs, anD alfo tl)e l^alf SJ^rl), if tl)c fame rt)aU be m :Ji32eaDtl) l^alf an ^nt\> moalc, one l^auD^eD Meigl)t, 0;? mv ffteatec :^uautttp of D^cffcD i^emp, of tl)e (I5?ott)tb of tl)i5 ?! ie>oiinDS; anD tl)at an :^ti\)ettife^ tiient io2 tl)at ^urpofe, pnbhft)cD four l^uneO fuCCe(r!t)elj> in tl)C Dublin Gazette, l^)aU be fwfficient CtiDence acrainft fuel) l&acfter, :^eal'j®aftcr, 0? Elapprr, of ftic^ ^ix>tt anD Notice tl)ereof; anD tl^at etjerj) l&acfter, :^eal ®aaer, 0^ Eappct, XXii)ok §>za\ 02 :^tatnp il)aU be oe 0} ix\02t of tbetu, {l)all, Ibitbin ttbo j®ontbs after tl)c laft iRotire, publifi)eD as afo^efaiD, taufe l)i0 ^cai 02 ^tainp to be tielitoeD to tl)c Clerlt of tht faiD irruf^ tees fo^ tbc ITune bemg, upon }dain of fo;?- feitmg tl)e ^um of 5:tbeut>> pounbs ; anD tl)at no l&acfeer, ^eal^paller, 0? itapper, il)aU fell 0; lenb l)i3 :$>eal 0? ^tainp, 0? fuffer the fame to be nfcD by my other \&crion IhhatfoetJer, upon pam of foi' icaions 02 O^Dccs as tl)e faiD Crpfteesi, or an)? fi\3e or more of tbcm, il)aU from Xituc to Zimt tnafte as aforefaiD, to be otjfccVieD bp anp l^acftec, :$>eal'®aftets, 0^ ftappers, anD contmueD in fuc^ Gazette for font fucceCTitje STimes, ftjall be CJeemeD to ail 'Jntents anD purpofes full anD fuf^ ftcicnt iHotice to all Cachets, ^eal-^aClers, anD ilappecs, tbat fucb £Dr^ct5 anD M^ rcaions tbece maDc bp tJ)e faiD CtuGees, 0? 6tie or more of tljtm. anD Ibbcreas tl)e faiD Xruftees, or fiU or more of tl)em, in the execution of tl)eit faiD (ittufts, haXic frcQucnt occafion to rcnDcc or reciuire Cectiftcates, figneD bp a Slufticc of tU !?eacc, or €\)id 4^agiGcate, or one of t\)z (ait ^rciftecs, r^nD alfo ^S\^ Da\3its maDe before fomc guftice of tl)e Peace, or €l>id i^agidiate, 02 one of t^e faiD irruftces, to b: laiD before tl)em: be it B j@ CnacteD 686 Anno Rcgnl tertio c H A p.CnacteD bp tl)e :^ut\)02it}> afor^'aiD, XXXIV. xi)at !t ft)aU anD ma^ be Idlofjii, to "■^^^anD fo; Mtp ^juOfce of tl)£ peace, .miD ci)ief ©agiftrate, aiiD ctjctj? one of t^c faiD ^cuftecs, to aominiftcc an ^a.l) to, ant5 tal^c an -^ffttiaDit frotn any '.urfi ii tbl)atfoe\)er, toucl)msr o Diftcefs anD ^ale of tbe £)f fenDec's cI5ooDs (t!)e £)t)crplus ttibeteof ii)aU be renDeteD to tl)e Otbnct o tl)e refpeaitje l&enalties; 02 j?o;?feitm:eS bj? fuel) OffcnDccs incurreD, tbl)ic^ tbJ)en leDicD il)aU be paiD to tbc real g|nfo;?met o? p^ofectito? in a!l (JTafes, tx^ cept tbl)ete t!)e fame are J)ercbp otbcttbife DirecteD to be applieD, firft DeDuamg t\)tu^ out tDe ^um of %\bo ^hilUn^Q m tj)e ^ounD, to be paiD to t!)e ^onftable o^ Con- Gables fo;j executiuij fucb OTarrant; anD in cafe no fufficient 2Diftrcfs can be founD, t()cn anD in etcrp fuel) cafe it i!)aU anD xwav be lalbful to anD fo^ tJbe fcljeral pct- fons \>tttby> itnpolbeceD to bear anD De- tetuiine tl)e faiD Offences refpecti\)elj>, b)) thet refpectite vI12I!arrant6, to conmiit fuel) OffenDer o; OffcnDers to tl)e D^oufe of Olorcection, o? neit (Boat, fon\)t treble Olofts. p?o\3iDeD aUt>ap«3, ^hat notbincr bcrein containeD fljall ectenD to cbar^c anp pcr= fon 0? perfons lt)itl) anp penaltp, jFo^fci^ tuce, 0? puniil)mcnt, fo? 0? concermncr anp Offence 0? 2i3?eac!) of 0? a^ama tbis ^ct, s M nnhfg 690 Anno Rcgni tertio CHAP-tiulcCS be, il)e, 02 t|)ep fo oeEeutJing: iljall XXXIV. j3(. complaincD of, 0^ info^mcD agamft, to ''^^^^^th^ perfou 02 per[ons Utthyt mipclbcrcD to tietcrmme fuel) £r>ffence5, Itttiiiu (ix ;®out!)5 after fuel) Offence 0^ i^^catl) i^ali l3c Done ant) coniuutteD, ;^nD tbat if anj? Complaint 0^ gjnfoaiua^ tion il)aU be maOe 0;? giUen agamft anp OTeaDer, -©anufacttitet, 0^ ^cal=maftcr, fo2 my €>ffence agamft t^is- '^ct, it fljall auD map be latbful to anD fo^ tbe l^ccfon 03 \5ci:fon3 \)ttcm before impoVbeccD to tt^ tcrmine hitl) Offence, in OTafe it l|)aU ap; peac to l)ftu 02 t!)cm tbat (ucb Coiiiplaiat 0? 3?nfo2mation tbas lU fotmDeD, anD Unti)- oiit iuft (23:auie, to aDjiiDge the ^erfon 0^ per[ou5 malimg 03 iri^ing fuel) aTotnplamt 0? 'information, to pap to tf)e l&ecfon 0? ^erton^ fo complaiucD of, 0? info^meD agauift, anp ^mu not lefs tban ttbo s>i^iU lings, no^ exceeDing ten :^I)i!lings, to be letJieD anD tecotJcceD by [nth Miay^ anD ©eans as ace bercm before DirccteD, tbitb rcgacD to Penalties, not ciceeDing fix PounDs in ilalue. :^nD tbat it ftall anD map be latbful to anD fo? tbe petfon anD pccfons berebp itm })ott»;ccD to beat anD Detecmmc Offences agamft Georgii Tertii Regis. 691 agaiuft tt)is ^a, Ijp tbcitmg nntja hi^ 02<^' n ^ p. t|)CfC l^atit), 0;? l^antsQ, to fmmuou anO^-^^i^- biJOcr tbe ^^pp^eutictr, ^^ccVant, 02 3oiraie>'^ "^""^^^^ man, of an?> ^acctJ-mahcr, OTeaticr, 0? r^auufactucec of ILnmi o; ^tiwvcn Ciotl), BleacJ)cc, o;j E^apec, 0^ jrlax^^^ccD j®cc' tJ)ant, 02 aup otber ^ecfoti o> l^crfons ro!)atCoc\)cc, to appear before J)im 0^ tl)cm, auo upon l)is 0? tJ)eit -Appearance, to c):=; amine \)ini 02 tbem itpon C>at!) as to l)!S o? tbcic Enoll?lcDigre, concerningr mv ^i- fence 01 213^'eacl) of o? aflrainft anp Part of t\)\% ;Hct ; anD tu OTafe rucl) ;App?entice, j^eruant, '^ourne^Jinan, 0^ otl)er |5erfon, being fuuimoncD, iljall UDilfnU)^ refttfe to appear purftMnt to fnch Summons, 0? appearing iljall rcftife to lie cxanimeD upon £^atl), to tbe ptupofe afc^efaii), tl)at tbeii it fljall auD map be laU)ful to anD foj fuch i^erfon 0;? ^erfons impolbereD as a- fo,>eraii:3, to commit ftitl) ^pp^entire, ^er^ t)ant, Jiouraepman, 0^ other perfon to tj)e li^oufe of aro, il)aU footiet fnlimit to be exammeD as afo^efaiD: ^^otiiOeD t\)at fuel) p>:rfoii as il)aU be fo examinee, (Ijall not be liable to anp ^enaltp, j?o^feiture, 0? i^imiiljuicnt; relating to t})e ^^ffcnce iJ jH 2 UlDlCl) 692 Anno Regni tertlo Chap. Xb\)\t\) 1)6 0^ Hjc il)aU oti fiicl) Crauutiat:^ xxxiv. tjr,i| cifco\3er. StnD tbat no jFeloti conbicteO acco^tiing to the Coiirfe of tDe lLa\h anD Statutes of tl)i3 IdiinjjDom of Qealing of Hinen, l^empen, o; Cotton pacn, o? ?ltncn o? l^empen Clotl), o? Clotl) maOe of ILincn anD Cotton patn, 02 anj) Materials 0? Btenfils ufeD in bleac^ingr ti)e fame, abotje tl)c tllalae of titjc :$l)!Umgs, from 0;? out of anp Bleacl^pacD, 2i5ucfe=^tioufe, o; viMo;?^^ l)onfe tl)ereimto belonging, tl)l)ctJ)cc tl)e j?act be tomtnittcD b)? 2Dap 0? ^igj)t, iT)aU not be allotb^D t\)z BeneSt of Clecgi?, Q^.nD tbat if anj) pcrfon 0? petfons ll)aU tcfcue, o;> talic bj? jro^ce, anj> il^cuip^fcet), jFlax-fccD, 5flax, l^cmp, Xtbme, mopes, €o>tJage, is:i);?eaD, i^ofs, ^apes, €J)att5, ginfelcs, j?tlletttng, B^atcs, j?ettetting, :^l)oc lace, pomts, 2aobbin, Hmen^jjaru, i^ctupcn^^arn, 2Knea\)!ng'tceD, Hincn-clotl), 02 i^cinpcn=clotl), out of tl)e CuftoD)> 0^ poffefTion of anp petfon 0? !&erfoa6, U)^;0 ft)aU !)a\)e fci3cO tl)c fame, fo? being ma^ nageD, ufeD, o^ uiaDc, contcatp to the i!>i= tections afo^efaiD, cXietp fticl) l^eiTon, fo rcfcinng 0^ talking bp jFo^ce, ftjall forfeit tl)e ^Mim of foctv) ^l)jlling0, anD alfo the full Georgii Tertii Regis. 693 fnll tHalne of tbe (Booti^ fo tefctteD atttjc n a p. tdtxm as afo^efaiD, xxxiv. :5iiD tl)at t!)c ^ppo!ntnicut0 of all fuel) £)f«CGcs, JFarto^s, :$>cn)ant$, t^acltctsf, ^eal^maacrs, ano ftappets, anD all fuel) laules, iI>:Dcr5. ano 3>irection5, as ^atJe l)ecn alrcaDv mat)c hp ti)t faiD Crnftees, purfuant to tl)e polbcts teGeo in tl)em br tl)c faiD rcciteD ^cts, 0? fonie of tbem, fball be ao t>aliti anD of as mucb jFojcc anO €ffcct, to all f ntcnts and l5ucpofcs, as if fttcb -Appointment, laules, ^^bets, anD ^Directions, Ibere mabe bj) tt)e faiD XtuQees, purfuant to t|)e |5otbers bp tbiS 3(ct t)efteD in tbem ; anD tl)at all futb OTon:: tracts as l)atje been alteaDp cntereD into bp tl)e faiD '^Iruftees, 02 bp anp l&erfon o? pctfons bp tl)eit C>?Der, anDfo? anD on tl)eir 2i5cl)alf, purfuant to the polbers \)cfteD in ti)Gin b)^ an jj'^a of parliament notb m 5?o?ce, i^all babe the fame J?o?ce anD €lfcct, to all parents anD f^utpofes, as if tl)is ;3ct l)aD ncVJcr been maDe; an^ t|)ing herein contamcD to tbe conttatp t\)mot m anp tbifc nottt)it!)ftanDinj9r» ;AnD tj)at it ft)all anD maj? be latbful to anD fo2 tl)e faiD Uruftees fo? tl)e li:ime bemg, in tbc iRame of tl)eic €lerft fo? tl)e s £0 Xim^ ;. 694 Anno Regni tcrtio c H A p.xtmc bcinff, to Tue fo? in a fuinmar^ XXXIV. 2i2iiaj) by cimi Bill, atiD ccco\)ccagamft mrp ^^""^'"^ ^acftcr, ^cal-rnaftec, 0;? Happcc tcfpcai\)c^ Ij), ano tl)eic rcfpcctitje ;^ccurit?) 0? Securi- ties, all fucj) Sum antJ Sums of j®onej) as l)aUe been unpofeD fince tbe ficft HDaj? of May C>ae tJ)oufanD ret)eti l)unD^eD ano fifty^ fiit)e, 0;? ft)all be from iTune to ^ime J)eteaftet impofeD bp tl)e faiD Xruaees as afo^efaiD, bp OTap of jFine 02 J&enaltp on fuel) |2)acftcr, Seal-maftec, o? ?Lappec» anO tl)at it il;aU anD map be latbful, to anD fo? tl)e faiD ITcuftees, oarn- l^all, anD into all orbcc Sl)ops, Stalls, anD places, tbberem anp Hincn parn, not ILtnen €lotb, il)all be folD 0? cipofeD to falelbitl)intl)eai!tp of Dublin, o?tbit!)!n tl)c ^Liberties of Saint Sepulchre's Thomas-Court, anD Donorc, anD to ki3e all gtecn 0; un^^ bleacbcD Hinen pacn, anD all plain ILinen sillotb, Xbl)fcl) fl)all be there folD 02 cxpofeD to fale contrarpto tbe 3)iteaions oft!)is 9i(t, anD to carrp the fame before the faiD KtnU tees, Georgli Tertii'RegiK.; 605 tce3, 0^ any tJ);?ce 02 mo^c of t\)Ci%%^(} ^ti c h a *. l):r:'0)j tcqutrcD to ciamme into all €)ffettcc3 xxxiv. coitmtltteo III fuch Hmcn patn 0? Hmeu ^""^""^ Clotbagramatbis^^ct, 0; auj? Part t[)cteof, atiO to atjaCcrc ftitb jfoKeitutcS, anD inflitt hrtD IcU)) fttcl) penalties, as arc b^ tl)ii act jDircctcP fo) fo2 1)}3 faitl)ful Wiichav^c of tf)e £)^!cc of i3>ealmiafter, 02 from tl)c j®a- nufartucer 02 uflHeaUer of fuel) Piece, m cafe fuel) Piece il)all not before tl)en 6at)e been boug'ot bj? anj? perfon; anD in cafe tl)e fauie ft)all batje been before t!)en bo«ij!)t bp anp Perfon 02 Perfon 5, tl)en from tj)c 2i5up:rof fuel) Piece, tl)c full Haluc of t^e itoiS 0? I>amage fo fuflaineD, anD alfo any ^um not lefs than fitjc ^billmtrsf, « O 2 no2 6^6 Anno Regnl teitlo Chap, x^q^ cxcceCiug fo2ty> :^l)iUmg5, to be Dcternii- xxxiv. j^j^j, ij^ (j^^ pccfou 0? \5erfons b^ t!)i5 .^tt ''^^'^ impotbcuD to Detcnmnc fuel) £)ffences. '''^!SnD tbat if anj) perfoii fl)aU fudaitt any itofs o^ SDamaffc, bp j®cans; of anp jFtaut) m t!)e lapping anp piece of Hincti 0? l^empen €lotf), o? by> any DamasreD patt beittff concealeD m tl)e jFolDS tbeteof, 02 bv its ,bemir totten o^ unmercl)antable, 02 b]p its not aiiflt)erin{r t\)c ®cafure as to ti)e Hettgtl) o^ ia^eaCtl) mar&eD t!)cte^ on bp fuel) ILapper, tt (l)aU ano map be lalbful to anCi fo? fucf) petfon to fue ei^ tbec tl)e llappet of fucb piece, o? t!)e per- fon 0? petfons ttil)o (l)aU, at tbe STime of lapping anD fcaling tDe fame, be bounD as ^ecutitj) 0^ j^ecurities fo;j j)is fait5)ful SDifcl)arge of tl)e €)ffice of Happer, o? tl)e petfou o;j pctfons tbbofe ^ame o^a= per, tl)e full ^alue of tl)e Hofs 0? Da^ mage fo fuftamcD, ann alfo the ^um of ttbentp :$)l)illmgs, in cafe fuel) Eofs 02 S>amage i'i)aU not eieeeD 6be l!)illings; ant) in Cafe fucb ^ofs 02 Damage iljaU erceeD fit»c ^biUiugs, tl)cn tl)e j^um of 6ue pounds fo? e\3erp fuel) Piece, tl)e fame to Georgu Tertli Regis. 697 to be ccco>xrcD if not erceeOing- tlbcnt)> c h a p. poaitt5S, bjj €\\y\l mii, anD if uptbartiis^^'^^^' of tWnty )OonnD0, then the fame tc be"^""^^ recor^eteD in anp of l^is ©ajeftp'S Courts of lReco;?D iX\ Dublin. iS^obiDe^ that if tbe faitJ Xruftecs ft)aU ioa^je fitieD ftub :^eal-maGet 0? Ijis :$>ec!t= nt^, 0^ fful) Happec 0^ !)is ^ecutitj?, foj fuel) £Dffence, anD receive ti)e jFme o;j I&g- naltp irnpofeD hy> tl)em fo;? fuel) €>ffcnce, befo;je fuel) :$)Uit eommcneeD, tl)at tj)en fuel) ^eal^mafrct: 0;? l)is ^eeuritj), ®a^ nufactutec, OTcatJer, 0? ^uytt rcfpectitelp, 0} fuel) Happcc 02 bis ^eeurit^, 0;? fuel) Draper, (l)all not be fueD fo;j fuel) SDamaije 0^ Hofs as afo^efaiO. ;5fnD tl)at in all Complaints, f nfo;?ma:: tionS, ^uits, OEitJil 2aiUs, 0; mictions, to be maDe, l^ougbt, eommeneeD, 0? p^ofeeut^ eD agamft anp |&aefeer, ^eal-mafier, 0^ ILapper, founDcD upon tl)is ^ct, a Ccrti8:= eate of tl)e Clcch of tl)c faiD ticruaees fo? t!)e Ximc being", untiet tl)e f^anD anD :^eal of fuel) Clecft, il)aU be talten, oeem- £D, anD arjuDcreD full anD fuffieient Ct)i= Denee, tl)at fuel) \5erfon iS tl)cit Cleric, anD tl)at tl)e leserfon^ therein fo^ tl)at purpofc nameD, liDcre refpeitiMp anDDulj^appomtcD 8 1^ IDaefeccs, 698 Anno Rcgni lenlu c H A p, j&acftets, ^eal^utaftcrs, o;> Happcts, by XXXIV. (j)(, (^jj, tZTtriRees, anD IjaD nctcD as fuch ^^''''^ tu tbe federal ®attecg m fuel) ^iTcctificate contaiueD, auD tl)at t!)e J^erfous tl)ete!ii fo;? ti)at ptitpofe mcutioneD, tbere i^ecun- tic3 fo^ TticD |5acfter0, :$ieal-inaftecs, 02 Happecs cefpcctiMj); auD that the jFine 01 jfmes, petialtp 02 }^n\2efrer, m the ^atue of the laecD-uiaher, GgneD 02 tnarl^eD on anj) 5aceD, putiuant to the ^iiections herein before containc'o, il)all be full anD fu(ficient €\)iDence, that fuch iiceD Ibas mai^e bj? the pcrfon thhofe ^aiue is figneD 0/ inarheD thctcon; anD tl)c iRamc of ti;C MeaVicr 02 ^Manufacturer ftgncD 02 uia.'heD on an^ piece of ILinen 0? l^cuipcn Cloth, i1>ill be full anD fufffcient «2Ei:iDence, that fuch piece tbas XhotJen 0;? inanufacturcD b^ the perfon Georgii Tertii Regis. 609 l&etfoti ttbofc iRame 10 ligneD 0? ntarfteDc hap tbeccon ; ariD tl)e fl^ame of tbe j^^eal- xxxiv. maftct figticD o? tnarfeeD on anj) ^lece of Hiticii 02 i^cinpeu Clot}), il)aU be ftiUanD fuffictcnt €\)iDence, tbat tucb l&iete tbas fealcD bj) t!)c pcrfou tb!)ofe ^.ime 15 macl^cD 0^ fiffueD tl)creon; atiD tbat t^e ^ame of tbe 2i5uj)ct, tbcore on anp piece of ?littiu 0;? D^etiipen Clotb, ll)aU be full auD fnfficient €\jiOcuce tbat fucb Piece tbas bouffbt b^ l)mi ; auD t!)at ti)e jRames of tl)e 2i3leacl)et antJ ILapper, fiirneD o;j tnatftcD on anp piece of Htnen 0^ Ifcinpert Clotl), ftjall be lefpectiljel)? full anD fufff- ctent €\3!Dence that fuel) piece \Mq bleach- eD anD lappcD bp ti^t perfons; tefpectiljclp tbbofe Sanies ace figneD 01 inacfteD tbeceon ; anD tDat tl)e ^ame of t\)t I>;?apec, fiSrncD 0? uiacUeD on an>^ piece of Elinen 0? l^cinpen OTlotl), (l)all be full anD fuaFi:^ cient eVJiDence t[)at fuel) Piece U)a$ bleacbeD foi tl)e ^fe anD 2i3ene8t, anD Ibas t^e P;jopectp of tl)e pecfon tb^ofe jl^atue i$ figrneD 0;? macheD tjjeceon as t!)e D?a^ per» :^nD be it CnacteD b^ t!)e 9futl)o?itj) a= fo^efaiD, ^l)at from anD aftec tlm a con= tenient piece 0;? parcel of (I5;?ounD, l^inj anD bemjgr m tbe ^\)m 0; Countp Xolbn 8 p 2 of 700 Anno Regni tertio CHAP-of anp Count)?, tbit!)!U tl)e ^;jot)iiifc?^ of ■ XXXIV. L^.j^^f]-ei-^ Munller, ^nD Connaught, flj), p be ' ^^ IptttcbafcD, contoej^eD, o; ot\)d\h\k alluieQ, tbit|) tl)e Approbation of tht (SranC^^ •;^ui:p at tbc :^ffi3es beici fo^ lurJ) OTonntp, to anp Ipetfon o^ ^erfons, J)iS, o^ that i^eits, upon iTcuft, anO to tfee ^^ntenf tb^n a publttU OTate l)oufeo;j ^arhct^bouCe fijoulD be etecteD anD built tl)creon, fo^ tY:z loDg^ ing in antJ cxpofing to ^ale my fUxzn 02 i^empen patn, jflax 0? K^emp, jrlax- fecD o;> i^emp'feeD, t|)at t!)en it it^^^l'l ^"D m^V be lalbful to anD fo,? tj^e (B?anD giurj) of fuel) Countp tbj)ere fuel) riccc o? \&at= eel of dB^ount) il)all be fo purehafeD, 02 otl)ettbife afTuteO, fo? tl)e ^fe anD to tj)6 ^ntent afo^efaiD, at t^e jjeneral ^fii^t^ to be l)elD m anD fo? fucb oTountv, to p^efent anp §ium 02 ^uniQ of ©one)?, not execeDing in tl)e OTt)olc tDe ^um of tl)?ee l)unDreD pounDS, to be lct)feD, raifeD, anD paiD m tl)e fame anD in hht ®annet as otl)ec publie^ j^onep i^ raifeD anD paiD in fuel) arount)> ; anD li)l)en fuel) ®o? ncv i3 fo t^ifeD anD paiD, tl)c fame to be applieD in tbe erecting anD builDmg fuej) publieU Q121!are^f^oufe 02 ®ar?5ct=l)oafe on fuel) ^icee 01 l^areel of (B^^unD, fo^ t\)c feVieral Bfes anD l^urpofes afo^cfaiD; anD after fuel) OTare-Jboufe 02 ®arftet'l)oufe fljaU Georgii Teitii Regis. ^Ofi- (1)^11 tie built ano crcctcD, it fljall atiD nia^c » a p. be iaVofiil to atiD fo? tl)e dB^auD gitir^r ofx>^'^i^'- tt^c faiD Countr, Ibbercm fuel) Mateboufe "^^"^ 0? a^atlict 4)oule iljiall be fo erecteD, at ti)e crcuccal My:^ to \): l)elD m auD fo; fuel) OTouut)), to p^efcut a ^utn, not cxcccDmg- t\)t i^lUW of ftfiecil t>OUnClS per Aimum, fo^ tl)e ^alac>i of au £Dffirtc to attend fuel) ^^arc!)oure, o; i©acl^et :j)oufe» -<{iiD Ibbctcas tDe ^(r!3es fo; fouic €oun^ ties \?Dltl)m tl)e P;o\)mceS of Ldnftcr, Mun- flcT, auD Conniiiight, ate j)elD Ibitbm tl)e t^^cciticts o; ?l!inito of Counties of Cities, ano orountft'S of Cotbns, in fdlaces appoint:; eD anO particularly p?o\;iCcD fo; tl)at |?>ac? pofc, anOexcluDrt) from being J&att of fucb OEounties of Citfcs, anD Counties of XolbrtS, b)i laeafon Ijbbereof it nia^ l)ap? Tiitn t\)at no con\)enient (B;ounD can be purcl)afeD o; otherltjife obtameD, fo? erect:^ incr anD builDing: fucb uBare^boufe o; -^arl\ct4)0!ire, m tl)e |5laee3 Ibhete fuel) ;affi3^^S are l)elD, fo as to be ttiitbin tl)e fame Countv > anD m cafe fuel) iPifputcs ma)) arife lbl)at €ollin fljall be DeemeD anD taltcn to be tl)e ^\)itc o; Counr)) ^olbn ; to p;cl)ent tl)Lrefo;e fuel) ^^nconVJcmen^ eies, ano to oblnate all fuel) SPifferenecs: 8 £1 i5c v^y^VXJ 701 Anno Regnl tertio ch AP.jige it cnactcD by the ^ut\)02itp afo^efaiO, XXXIV. 3^j)3(. (j^g refpcctiDe (B^anD ^juries of fiicb OlountieS, tDltbm tl)e l^^oUmceS of Leinfter, Munfter, ant) Connaught, lVil)ere tbc r:afri3C2r ate iKlJ^ lbitl)m t\)t #?ccina$ 0^ Himits of anv Countp of a Cit?, o;j Count)? of a XotbU; if a contenient piece 0;? ^^atcel of (li5;?o«nD can be l)at) 0? obtained m futb Countp of a Cttp, 02 Co«nt^ of a ^otbn, by> \but' (Dafe, 01 ot\)tt ^aCTucante to tj)e putpofcs afo?cfaiD, ma^ p?efent fuel) ^um 0? ^nn\^ of ^onev as afo;?:ra!D, fo? tl)e builomg anD ecertingr fntl) piiWicfe 212]3ate-l)oufe, 0? :®ar- ftet-boufe, fo? tl)e faiD Hfes anD purpofes, ant) fo;? tl)e ^alarp of t\)z £)fficec attend- ing tl)e fame; anD futj) ^are-j)oufe o;j j®arhet-l)onfe, t]bJ)cn built, l!)aU be eQeerncD anD taften to be tJ)e \&ublicft MJare-})oufc anD :^acftet-l)oufe of t!)e Countj? eteding t^e fame, in as full a ®anner as if fuc^ S211are-l)oufe 0; ®atftet-l)oufe tbas built m tbc ^l)ice-€otbn, anD ft)all ftom tJEinic to ^tiue be repaireD b^ fuel) Countp b^ p?e- fcnttncnt of tbe C^MnD '§uty, nottbitl)- ftanDing fuel) vII2Uate^i)oufe 0; j®arftct;l)oufe lies m a Diffetent Countj?; anp turner bcre- in containeD to t!)e tonttacp notlbit^GanD^ ^nD Georgii Tertii Regis. 703 Zwt tt)l)crca3 bj? an 5((t of parliament c hap. pafTeD m England iti tbe tl)itD anD fourtj^^^^^^- |)eac$ of tt)e laeigti of J)cc late j^aKGj? ""^"^^ £llieeil Anne, lUtltuleD, An AS: to permit the Exportation of Irilh Linen Cloth to the Planta- tions, and to proliibit the Importation of Scotch Linen into Jreiami, it Ibas cnaaeD, ^\)at tt tl)oiilD Oe lalbful to expo^ from Ireland Oii ccctlv to tJ)e Britiai plantations, all :^o?tS of tbhite anD ut tl)itD anD fouctb pears of j^neen Anne, fo fat fo^tb as t\>z fame rc= lates to tl)c Exportation of irifh Hmcn Cloths to tbe faiD Britidi l&lantatious, a)oalD hz anD Cbas tljeteb^ contmueD m full j?02ce, fo loner as t\yz ©erc^ants anO Ot^et |5CCfon6 of Great-Britain tbete 0? 0L)Ol\\Xy be perniitteD to impo2t into Ireland, free from all Duties, ftich tbbite anD b^otbn Brltifh ?linen Cloti) as fl)otilD be maOe anD nia- nufaCtureD m Great-Britain. :^nD tbbeteas hy^ an ;^ct paCfeD m tl)is llingDoiu m tl)e fotitteentb anD Sftecntl) peats of iBlmtt Charles tbe feconD intitulcD, hw- Act for fettling the Excife or new Impofb upon His Majefty, His Heirs, and Succeflbrs, ac- cording to the Book of Rates therein inferted ; all Britiai Jiinen €lotb impo^tcD into tl)is iXmgDom is fubject to an €icife o? 3>«tj> ^f fix ^biUmgs fo^ etjctp ^unD^eD eus: .^no Georgii Tertii Regis. 705^ ;3ttD tbbereas by an <^(t palTeD in tbis c h a p., BuigDoni m tl)e faiD foutteeutl) ant) fif^ xxxiv. teentt) peacs of Ws faiD late ®ajeftp Etngr "^^ Charles tl)e :^eCOUD, lUtitUleC), An Atl for fettling the Subfidy of Poundage, and grant- ing a Subfidy of Tunnage, and other Sums of Money, unto His Royal Majcfly, His Heirs, and Succellbrs, the fame to be paid upon Merchandizes imported and exported into or out of the Kingdom of Ireland, accord- ing to a Book of Rates thereunto annexed, all Britifli lihieu €lotl)i3 impo^teD into tj)i$ IRingDoni, Ibece fubject to a furtbcc Dutp of fix i^billincrs fo; cDcrp l)«nD afo;?efa!D, %l)at Vbhtn gooD, founD, anD metcl)antable J?lax'feeD, of tl)e d^^otbtl) of tJ)is !9i!nrrt)oin, 1$ 0^ il)aU be at fit)e :$)()iniitg«5 per 25nil)cl 0^ unDct, eVicc^ ^a^ cl)ant 0^ ot!)ec p>ecfon tbl)o il)aU put on ;^l)ip;boatD to export, 0? caufe to be etpo?t= eO, from t|)e 1&o;?t of Dundalk, 02 an^ otbcc Po;jt of t|)iS I^iingDom :^0Utl)lbatD of Dun- dalk, to an)?po;?t be^onti tl)c ^ea, an^ ^aiiuan:: tttj) of jFlax fecD of t\)t of tl)is Bing^ Dom, (t)aUb;?mgaCettiScate m vKHrituigun- lietl)i5 o^t^citl^anD 0? f^anDG, containmgr tj)e £luantitp ot jFlax-fceD fo il)ippeD, to tbe Cotttmiffioner<5, OTollccto^s, 0? otl)ct pcrfonS appomtet), 02 to be appointeO, fo;? tl)c Xime being, to collect tbe SDuties anD iRateS tbitbm anj) fucb po?t, ann upon ^atl) matie of tl)c Xrutli of fuel) Certificate, bp an)> cretiiUle pcrfon, befo;?e an^ of the faiO £Dfficcr6, ibl)o are if)mbv itnpotbcreD to at- mmifter tbc fame, auD tl)at tbe fame 1$ gooD, fouuD, auD meccl)antable jflax-feeD of Georgil Tertii Regis. 707 of tJ)e ;opo Pact of tbis Bmi^Dom, ctocc)) fticl) ^ei:cl)ant fo il)ippinjgr of anj) i^uantitp of [nth ^eeD, mafting €)at[), anD cri\3mg fucb Cetciffcate and 2i3onD as afo^efaiD, i^all j)ai)e aitD receive, clear anD free of all 2>utics payable upon tht €ipo?t of 5?lax^i|)eeD, tbe ^uin of €)ne ^!)iUin5: per 25«i^cl as a l^reminm fo;? t\)tty fuc^ mn\)d of fncl) ^eeD, to be paiD bp f«c^ Q^itct 0^ Officers, ano in fuel) j®anner as S>^ilbbac!ts are uCuallp paiO. :3nD be it fHrtl)er CnacteD bj) the ;:^tt- tbo?ttv afo^efatt), Xl)at it {l)all anD map be latbful to anD fo? all anD eterp of t^e ^ufticcs of tl)e ^^eace fo? tl)c fet^eral anD refpectitje Counties, from lt>j)ence JFlax:; 8 la 2 :$»eeD 7o8 Anno Regnl tertio Chap. ^ttt> {^aU atiD nxHV l)ei:caftet be cxpo^teD, XXXIV. ^jij, ti)ep arc Derebp itiJoinetJ antJ teciuiceo, ^^^^^ at t\)zt}> thtit iiauartcr'^elTions, to gitje in CJ)arjgre in open OLoutt to t!)c (15?anD ^urp tDcn alTemblet), to mafte €nquirj> ano |&?efentment upon t\)t\t €)atl)6 of tl)e common j®atftet P2uz of J?lax i^eeD, as t^e fame fl)aU be commonljj b^oucrbt anD folt) in cV}erp fticJ) Olountp, tbbicj) fnquirj) anD p^efentmcnt tl)e faiD ci5?anD glutp ate J)etebp impotbeteD ano tcquiceD to mafec. ;^nt) be it futtbet €nacteD bj? tlje -^utfto- ;jitj? afo;jefaiD, ^^at fuel) p^efentmcnt Jl)aU be matJe m open OToutt, anD il)all be certi- 6eD bj) tl)e faiD gluftices in OTntmsr to l^is i®aieft^'!3 €l)ief C>fficec anD €ollecto;?efentment, at anj? of t!)eit faiD £iuattec::^c(rion«3, in fuel) Cafe, no 1&?c:: mium i|)all be paiD tbitj)in fuel) Coimtp l; upon GeorgilTerdi Regis. 709 upon tl)e afo^tfaiD €ipo^tation, until acH a p. ^^^efentment ft)aU be maOe h^ t!)e cS^anD^xxiv. gucv of rucl) Coimtj', at t!)eic €luamt^ ^^^^^^ :^efrion9r, fo2 afcettaitrnigr t!)e ^&;?icc of jFlax^^eeD tbitl)m tl)e faiD ^ountj?, m :®annei: afo^cfaiO* p?ol)iDeD altbaj'S, anD be it fttttj)ec €nacteD b)> t[)e ^utbo^itp afo^efaiD, VL\)at no fee 0^ laetbatD tbJ)atroet)ec i\)m be paiD to, 01 ceceitJeD 0? oemanDeD bp anj) Cttftom'i)oufe, o;? iRctjenue-ipfficct, fo? o;j on Account of ti)e fljippingr, exporting, 0;? landing anjj j?lax^^eeD of tj)e 02it}> afo;?e= faiD, Cl)at from anD after t{)e 6rG 3)a^ of Auguft, 0ne XDoiifanD :$e\)en l^unD;jeDanD §>ixtV'iom, tl)ere ft)all be paiD to all o) anj) of t|)e l&atentee £Dff!cers, 0? anj? oti)er €>flFi' ter 02 C>fficerg of i^is :®ajeGjj'0 Cuftonis; 0? 5ae\3enue, tl)cir Clerfes 0? :g>er\)ants, fo;? 5?ccs, 0? upon an^ pretence, 0? fo? an^ Caufe tt)l)atfoeV)er, fo^ anj) one €ntr^ of Itinen 0? i^cmpen ClotD of tbe ©anu^ faaure of ti)is ISiingDom, t!)at iliall be ep 8 ^ po^teD K^ry^KJ 710 Anno Regnl tertio c HA p. po;jtet' 0? entered fo? €xpo^iatiou, toiit.^in; XXXIV. jjjg^ j^f5 tj^ati tiftp eitrDt |5{ccc3, one peun)) anC no it?o.'e, aiit) fo?cfaiD, temaut) 0; rccci\3e any> irrcatec jfec tJ).m as afo^efaiD, \)t 02 thzv To of enCJ= ing-, letncr Onl)? conbicteD rNrrof, u:ou 9nt.i(tnient o;j 5ttf'^ereupon forfeit \)\^ employment, ano be tnrabable etJcc aftectbatcio of l)at)^ ing anp OtFice 0? Cmplo^meut in t\)c i^t^ \)cnuc of tl)is EinctiDom : p?oV)i^cD altba^§, XDat information upon OatJ) of fticl) €)frnte ll)aU be ig'ft)en to feme ^ufticc of tf)e !&eace, 02 €^ief OBarriftcate, tbitl)in tl)eic tcrpectitje glnnfDictions tbitt)m one ^ontl) after fuc5 iPffence fl)all be committeD. ;:SnD tbJ)ereas biters; l^erfons to ebabe tht pa)?inj of SDutjj fo? fo;?eign ^.V:U Ollotb b(?oi:0})t into tl)is Bmgbom, mafee tl)c fame up into :$ail9» on boacD ti)iir 5^ip5, anD frequentl)^ fell tl)e fame to otbet ^hv'^in t\)t fatne |&02t; and often jraat iUuaumies of futi) fo^ei^^n ^ail^ ^Jiriotl) Geoigii Tertil Regis. 711 OllorJ) ate t:iu, ant! immcOiatel^ aftic to c h a p. coaccal tly: fame, are malDe upiuto j^atle: xxxiv. jro? inemctJv rohcreof, lie it ^nactcD t^p ^^^^^ tU .^nt\)o:it}-> afo^efaiD, ta:hat all nclb ^ail3 matic of fo?cicrn i^ail-ClotJ), fouuD on boarD anp :^lnp 0? 2i3oat, except n)l)at are fo2 tl)c ^Ue of ftich i^l)!p o0* tl)e Xl)ict^eta peac of t!)e meig:n of l^i$ late 5©ajeGj) mng George tj)e :$econD, intltlileO, An Ad to explain and amend the B tl z feveral 71 6 Anno Rcgak t)crtio CHAP.feveral Laws in this Kingdom, for the effc(5tu- XXXV. ^ gfefejryatiott - of Sdm on -j^fe ., 4t-4»-^W0^ ^^ — "^ ot^ecl^mffSi CnatteD, €5at ftom ano af= m t\)c %\tomty>Mtp ^av of March, jSPne tJ)otifanD fctjen J)tmfceD ant) fiftp eijjl)t, no ^ecfoti tbl)atfoel»et: l^oulD, at an;? Xime bettbecn tl)e tllDelftJjL 2Daj) of Augufl, anD fimWiv of Fcbruitry jii ati)) peac, fill) m anv diVJct IbitD att^-^ct, J?ii!)m9^'-IRoD, oj ctl)ec gfnfttument, o? tatty on tl)c 2aanlt of anp Cliticc anp <15afiF, ?loop, Met, ILit- ter, 0^ ^pcar, o? ^rij^' otl)cc ginftcuineut fo? ftillmg of :^altnon, unoet tl)e ^enaltj? of fil)e l5ount)S Sterling fo^ fuci) £)ffencc ; ^nli. ft i\^U^S tj)e}:ie:l^p alfio Itutfee;? Cnactcli, tlijat ^Juerj) f ^p^ieto;? o; fatiiut of anp 5>almon JFut)etj?, o^ otl)et l&erfpH tbJ)ati foeticr, tbl)o rt)otUD at attp tHimc tettbeeii ti)e tliDelftj) 3)a^ of Augnft, atiD tirft 2Daj> of Febmary in aiij) pcac, fttll o;? tafte, 02 be aitJinSf, abetting*, o;j acccCTarj? to t\)c Miing 02 taking: of :^almon, in any JRi- Dec, being ti)eteof contJicteD, il)otUD fo^ et)ecp fuel) :^almon fo ftilleD o;j taltcn fo;?fcit t})e •^ \'" :^um of io;ty :^l)iUtncr2i, anb tl)c fcUecal j?o?feitute5 to be fueb fo;, letJteD, anb teco^ tjeceb, m fucb fanner as hy tbe faib ;3(t is biceacb but bp tbe faiD ^ct it is p?0' tJibcb, tbat nothing in the faib 3tct con= tameb itoulb extenb, o; be conftrticb to ex= tenO, Georgil Tertii Regis. 71-7 te?.iD, to tl)C milJeCS Rathmelton, Lackagh,C h a p. Donegal, Bondroufc, all ill ti*)e Countv of ^XXV. Donegal; tl)e iRite of Sligo, tl)e mibec Shan- ^^^ non, from tl)e :^ca to the f flaitD of su Thomas, abo\)c tJ)c ^aluieti Mcac Oelc.nrt= in to tl)C Citp of Limerick, tI)C i^lXlCt Boyne Lougli, Lough Lane, tl)e J^ltierS Lanne atlD Carragh, m thz Couut)) of Kerry, tt)Z JRi- \3er Lee lbJ)ith runs to t\)Z €ity> of Cork, anD tl)c iRiliec Bulk ill the OTonntp of Antrim, t\)Z IKllieC Newport, m tl)C ComitJ) of Mayo, in tbbtcl) faiD iRi\)crs ^altiiott fS III ^ealon t})ious:l)out tl)e pear, t>iit t\)z abo\3c tncntioncD p^o\5ifoc. anD excep- tion, tbat uotl)!U9: ill tl)c faiD ;^ct con* tamcD il)onlD exteuD to the faiD iRil)er$, 1$ foiuiD \)cr^ l&(?citiDiC!al to tbe refpecttuc P2op2ieto3!3 anD jFarmers of tl)e faiD fe\)e- tal 5ai\)ers, a9 tl)c)> are bp tDe faiD l^;o^- \)!roe fo far DebareD anD p^elJenteD from l)aDintr tU ^idcnefit of tbc ^ct fo^ p^efetti- ing tbcir ©otber anD ^palbnin^: ^ah uion, tl)at tl)e J?o^feiturc of fibe pjotinDs cannot be IcVjicD of \&cople ofFenDincr m hilling tl)e 09otl)cr 0^ ^palbnmg :^al' mon int^efaiD refpectitje iai\3ers: jFo^? Wit- tiKhy tbbereof, be it CnacteD bp tl)e Emcr'31 j®oft excellent ®ajeftp, b)> anD tbitb t!)e StD\)ice anD Content of tbe Ho^DS spiri- tual anD Cempo^al anD Commons m tl)is 8 B P^efent 5^ 1 8 Anno Regnl tertio CHAP.p^efent l^atlmincnt arTemblcD, auD b^ tbe xxxv.^utl)02itj) of ti)e fame, Cl)at from auD af:: tec t!)e ficft 2Pa^ of ^ap, £)nc xlionfauD fel)eu l)nnt);?eD anD fut>» four, no K^erfoti tbhatfoetjec, except the refpectit)e p^op^ie^ to?s anO jFacmccs of tbe faiD refpectitie mitjeis auD ^almou jriiftenes, iljall at anv %nnt bettbeen the tlbelft}) 2Pap of Auguft, ant) Srft 2Dap of February ill ailj) \^eac, fill) in anj? of t\)c faiD miners (o;j m t\)z i^iVici: F/arn, o;j i^alu'.ou jFiiT)er}? of Ballyfbannon, betlbeetl tl)C ttbclftJ) 2Daj' of Auguft ant) tl)e fitft 3)ap of May, Ibitl) anp ^et, 5aoD, 02 an>i otber ^uftrimient Ibberebp :^aluion j?irt) luav ^^ taften o? hilleD, o;? cacc^ a JaoD, dSaff, lLoop=5Ret, ILiftec 02 ^pear, o) unv oti)ec ^Jluftrtmicnt, IDb^etebj? j?iil) iitaj? be UiUeD o^ tahcn, on tDe :?i3anfe6 of an^ of tl)e faiD iRitjcts, auD if anp |5ctfon il^all offenD Ijcrem, ebetj) fucb ^fifenDec beinjgr t})eteot conlMaeD bj) ConfelTton 02 bj? tl)e Xeftmion^ of anp one ccetiible 212Hitners upon ^at\>, befo;?e foiue one gjuilice of t^e locate fo^ t^e County tbbcre fuel) Offence i'l)aU be com- mittcD (tbbuD Oatl) fuel) fuftice of tj)e peace 13 berebj) impolbercD anD requireD to aCiuuniftetj i^iall ^0? eDcrp fuel) £)ffincc fo;jfeittl)c ^utu of Sue \5ounD<3 sterling, obcc ano abot)e tl)e 2i3oat anD ^cts, t!)e fame to Georgli Tertii Regis. 71^ to be leVitcD by tlyc 312Harrant of fucJ) fu^cn ap. (lice bv 2)«ftrcf?5 cint) ^alc of tl)c OercndefS -^'x^^'- (t5ooti'^, auD to be paiD to tl)e 3litfo;jmct 0^ — ' ' gnfo^ucrs, auD if no fufficictit SDifttcfs can b^ foutiD, tbe ^ffeuDcc it)aU b)) t^c liUe <2Slinrant be coumuttcD to tU tonnty lefs tl)an one ®cntl), a'j fntb ^nfticc i"l)aU appoint, unlcfS fncj) jro2feiturr fl)aU lu tl)c mean l^nnc be paiD, in W3!)icj) Cafe tj)e ^DffenDec ft)aU be enlarijeO, StnD tbl)eteas tJ)c fe\)etal l^^op^ietcj^s anD j?acmcc0 of the federal :^almon 3FUl)ecieS tt)itl)tn tbis ItingOom, in jjenetal, are con- tinuallp DifturbeD in tl)e P;?opectj> of tj)eii: faiD fetjcral i^almon JFiil)crics,anDfticj) ^20- petties, anO :^almon J?ift)eiies OeQco^^eC; bjr fetjecal ^5etfons on |5;?ctence of taftinff fmallet anD otl)et: Bint)«5 of f\[% tli!tl)m the laounDS of the faiD feDetal :^almon 5Fii\)cricS tfeoticrhout t!)is Binig-bom m general: Wz it tl)erefo?e CnacteD by tbz ;autbo2it)) afo^efaiD, tl)at from ant) after the ftrft 2^a^ of May, C>ne tl)oufanD feljen j)unti^cD anD fixtp four, no |5erfon o^ pjerfons tbhatfoeVier (except the P;jop^reto^$ anO jTatmers of tbe faiD fet^eral :^almon 8 m 2 j?iil)erie5 y^ fn(f> €)ffcnDer, being tl)ereof toubictcD ao afo^e^ laiD, l|)all forfeit the ^m\\ of fi\3c ^SorniDS Sterling, togethec IDith tl)e 25oat 0^ saoats, ^ct 0? ifectSr, itjitJ) all anD e\)ecp otl)er gjnftctmicnt maCie iife of m committing fuel) £Dffence, tl)e fante to be tecot)ereti antJ Dtfpofeti of m fanner herc^ iw before DicectcD; anD tl)at the Iliniits anD 23onnD5 of all anD elJctp 5§almon jriilictp in tbis IB^ingDom, is anD arc herebv Deem- eD anD unCeraooD to be fiit!) as l)ale been fe\)erallp anD refpectiyjelp hclD, pof;; feffeD, anD enjo^^eD, bp the fc\>eral anD refpcitJtDc P;op^ieto>s, anD t\)z fetjcral anD tcfpectiDc jFacmers DctitJing imDcc tl)enr, fo;j Sil)ittj3=onc pears pad. ^nD Georgii Tertii Regis. 72-1 3lnD lt)!)erc' other ^narument tbhatfo^ etjer, tbhcretbith Salmon map be taften 0^ feiUeD in the faiD iRi\3cr, from the :^almon OTear, abotJe the Xothu of sllgo, Dolbn to the £))'fter fUanD; anD if anp perfon ft)all offenD herein, ctietj? fnch £DftcnDer fo? i\)crp ftifh £)9fence, il)aU fo?fett the ^nm of fitoe pounDs Sterling, together tbith the 2!3oat O2 2i3oat0, ^et 0? ^ets, anD all other ^o.n9» of fnaruments ufeD bp them m ftich 0i^ fence, to be tecoV)ereD anD DifpofeD of m ;®anncr herein before mentioncD. ^nD tbheteas in the IRiter of Longhfoyk in the ConnttCy of London-Deny, Donegal, anD Tyrone, j^almon 5Ftil) m the 03onth9 of July anD Auguil arc luiolbn to be in the « % gceatcft f2l Anno Regni tertio cha p. jjtcateG l&lentj) anO fticrbeft ^eafott: Tz It XXXV. g^nacteD bj? t^e ^utbo;jitp afo^:fa«^ t '^•^^^ tt ft)aU anci tna^ be latbful fo? it ^:: p^ieto^s of t{)e federal j?ii1)ertes in tl)e CaiO jai\)Cr of Loiighfoyle, aiiD fo? t^e pctfou2p emploj^eD b)? o;> actmsr nntiet t|)em to con^ tmue to fill) until tJ)e fitft Daj? of Scp-- tember iw et)ecj) j^eat, t)entefo^tbatD ; anp tj)mg J)ecem befo;?e contamcD to tl)e con- tratp t[)eceof in anp ttiife nottt)iti)Ganti5 inF* A Hr zrc A N H A P. ' XXXVi; ACT FOR \ Making more convenient the Ap- proaches to the City o^ Dublin, by inakhig' a New Turnpike Road on the South Sidcj the Weft Side, and the North Side of the| faid City, to commence at the Road leadingl from Dublin to Donnybrook, and to termi- nate at Cavendijh Street, DUBLIN: \ Printed by Boulter Grierson Printer to the King's Mofl Excellent Majefty. Mdcclxiv. (7^5) A N ACT FOR Making more convenient the Ap- proaches to the City of Dublin^ by making a New Turnpike Road on the South Side, the Weft Side, and the North Side of the iaid City, to commence at the Road leading from Dublin to Donnybrook, and to terminate at Cavendijh Street. CHAP. XXXVI. Wt9 ;^ ^a € a ^ tbe ;5pp;joacbeS to t\>ZQ « ^ ^ Citr of Dublin atc at p;?efcnt t)etp xxxvi! tncouDcniciit to I^js ®ajeft;>'3 Subjects, v.^vxj anD t\)z malt!iirr a ^ctb IRoaD on t!)e 8 p ^outb 726 Anno Regni fertio Chap. j^iOe, tbc 2!23cft ^iDc, atiD tbe ^o;tl) ^iDe XXXVI. pj (j^ f^it) g[r,tp, U5tU la a gttat j®caf«te ^^^ rettioV)c fuel) fticonUenicncc, by opening a Cafe anci eafp aToummnication bettbeen tj)e (15,HMt CMllcftcrn, ^otubccu, anD 5Bo;jtbern moaDo of tbis BmgDom, anD tl)e 2Dif^ fecent 4^art$ of tbc ^j^u;) of Dublin, ibj)ere:: by gceaf ^Uilttj? anD Bgneftt tbiU atff€, not onlp totbe 3lnl)abitant«of tht ^it^ of Dublin, but to the gjnbabitanrs of t!)e federal aD- pcent Olonnties, m^ to tl)e publicft m general; tl)e ^^uicipal ^beneUbs leading to rl)c ^^tp ibiU tl)ercb)) be enlarged, tl)e PdlKtn&wt© of tDe ^ttats (bill be tnucl) :|>2efecUeD, anD tJ)e man^ C^bfttuaiono tl)ete:; tn bp iTatnages «i a great ^eafute re^ ma\Mi5i, bttt io2 as nnn\) a« ti)c fei^ecal purpoCeeafojefatD, cannot be aufi/pfS'^DanQ wrncD into €tetution, nnlefs V^>^iGoll 15 tuaDe bp a CToll, 0? otbertbife, fo? tl)e pnrcbafing o;> bicmg of tbe febcral 0^0- p2«to2S, a l&afTage tl) le it therefore CnactcD b^^ the UiH^^ .Tvx/./.^^(^ €iceUent ^oinitp of Dublin fo? t|ie 5^ P 2 Xitne 7^8 Anno Regni tertio c H A p.tliine beitiff, Edmond Sexton Peij CfQuire, XXXVI. (jj(,|QjieJ Robert Cunningham, Agmondifham ^-""^^^ Vefey €fquice, Henry Mitchell CfquitC, An- thony Eorller i^fqutte, 'Redmond Mon'es CC^ quire, h^^* :^etjeant Patterfbn, John Hatch Cfquice, l^onoucable John Butler Cfqtttre, Lucius O'Brien S^fquite, John Monk Mafon (ZEfqmre, John Fitz Gibbon ^fqutre, Thomas Waite Cfquire, Thomas Eyre €fquire, Tho- mas Cobb Cfquire, Henry Lyons €fq«lCe, Hamilton Gorges Cfquite, Graves Chamney (iBfqture, Thomas Monk €fquire, Eyre Trench crqnire, Arthur Pomeroy <^fquire, Colonel Richard Fitzgerald, John St. Leger Cfqture, John Darner Cfquire, John Magill €fquire, Maurice Copinger Cfquite, S>OCtO? Clement, Colonel John Pomeroy, Heniy Sandford re- quite, William Harward Cfquite, Thomas Lehunt Cfqtllte, Charles O^Hara Cfquite, Edward NichoHbn Cfquite, John Paniel ^f^ quire, {honourable Barry Maxwell €fquire, James Smith Cfquire, CoUcctO;? of Dublin, James Fortelcue Cfquire, Michael Dally CC- qutrc, Robert Fitzgerald Cfq 'lire, Peter Holmes Cfquire, Robert Patrick Cfquire, anO George Hart Cfqiure, anO all i^is ^ajeGj)'o luU ticeg of tl)e I5cace fo^ tl)c OTountv of bub- blin, anO ti)C "Tltp of Dublin, ll)clll te nO' niinateD, conftituteD, ant) appointee %tul tees fo2 maUing anD Uecpinig" m i^epaic Georgii Tertii Regis. 729 t\)z fciiD Hoat), auD fov patting into (itxt- c h a p. cutiou the fe\3etal l2>oU)et6 a«D ^tit^oai^^^^^^* tics mcntioncD atiO coutameD m ti^i^"-^^^^ QfuD be it €iiactet3 hy> tJ)e 5autbo;?it)) a^ fo?efaiD, €I)at tl)e faiD £triftees, auD fuel) otbec pcrfon anO iDecfons; as il[)aU })cceaf=' ter be appointeD ^luftccs! m purftiance of tl)i3 ^^ct, 01 anp k'om 01 n\o;c of tbem, a)aU \)a\)z full p^otfcec atiD ^ut|)o?ttp, anD they are l)itcb)) autljo^iscD, auD lu^ potbercD, anD tcquftcD, to open ant) niafte anti to licep m repair, Durmgr the Xerm l)ereafrcr nientioneD^ a nelb laoaD on t\)z tDe ^cntl) :§)iDe, t!)e OTeft :^iDe, auD ^o^tl) ^it)e of tt)e faiD Citp, to begin anD comrtience at tl)c little 2a^iDge oppofitc tlje 5Ho>t?) OTcG ^ncrle of ?to^D cl)ief f uftice Afton's 212lall, upon tJ)e ia.oaD leading from Dublin tO Donnybrook, from t\)mtt to a Pair of ^tone piers leaDmg into Swans Gai-dens upon tj)e Milltown I^oaD, from t!).nice to crofs t()e Rathmines IRoaD, lea\)ingf Portobello on tl)c ^outt), from tl)ence to Caftlc-rag Lane mtO t^e Rathfarnham iaoaD, from tbence t!);2onjj^ Roper's Reft, Watergate jFielDS, Rahober Lane into Dolphuvs Barn iRoaD, from t!)ence tl);onttl) tl)e Commons of Kllmainham to tl)e il^oufe 8 5 callcD 730 Anno Regnl tertio Chap. callGD Foxes l^oiirc, fCotll tj)ence to Golden XXXVI. Bridge on tl)c l^oaD leat^mrr itom Kilmain- "-^""^^ ham to tf)C Xurnpifte OU tl)e Rathcoole laoaD, anD from Golden Bridge in a Gceicr!)t l^i^t to t!)e iRoaD leaofitg fcom Dublin to Inchicore, anD from tl)cnte to CCofS tJ)e Wiltitt Anna Liffey, anD to be con=: tiinu^ to tl)e CioaD leading from Dublin to Finglals, in iiitl) SDircaiou as tJ)e faiD ^tuftees 0? any fifteen 02 mo^e of t!)em ft)all Deem moft OTontJcnient fo;? tl)c Pu\)^ Itch, anD leaft ginjatiotis to p;il)ate P;o= l)ectp, anD to Ije contmucD a crofs tj)e faiD i^oaD mto Mc DonclRs Lane leaDing into Dorfet Street, anD from tl)ence to p^o- ceeD m a (Iraisrbt JLmc into Cavendlfli Street, anD to open a paHacre to anD mafte tbiDe tbe faiD ?Lane, anD all otDec \&arts of tf)t faiD ^RoaD, in ftul) j®annet: as tUv ^\>^ f^iD Xrnftees 0;? an?? fct)en 01 of tl)em il)aU t()tn& moft aront)en!ent, tbl^icl) faiD iSoaDS, anD tl)e faiD Eane fo to be maDe tbiDe anD openeD, fl)aU be fiitp 5eet tbiDe at tl)e leaft, anD fo^ tl)at J&ur= pofe, tl)e faiD XcufteeS ma)? anD are ^erebp autl)02i3eD anD impotbetcD to v^M Dolbn anD remobe fuel) JauilDings, anD laj) into tl)e faiD moaDs fucb Smarts of iDe . ilanDs anD C^^ounDs tl),?ougb tbl^ich tDe faiD CloaD ft)all pafs, as tbe^ c; anp fe=: tjen G eorgil Tertli Regis. yot kii o> ino?c ortl)cm il)all tl)inft nccca'ar^,c h\ p. ft'rft mat^tiKT rcafouatlc i^vKtisfaafon to xxxvi. t\)z per[oii lt)l)o ajall fnaaiit an^ S)a^ '^^'^'^ niatrc t!)etcb)?, lu fuel) <®atiucc as ts l)cc^' after uicutjoiuD : p?o^iDcD tl)at no ^rocU= nig;i;)o«fcs o> ^fijces, o;? (5artien$ t^^eretm= to beioiicrincr, il)aU be immcDiatcIp puUeD tioU)u 0^ palTeD ti)?ou(tl), tbit^out t^e OTonaut ol tl): OttJuec o? €)tbttet0» p?o\)!tcD altbars;, ^l)at uo ^art of tl)e nell) intenticD IRoaD, from t!)e xRojD leaD^ ittigr to Inchicore ailD cnDinjJ in Cavendifh Street, tliall be tarricD tl)^ou5fI) anr pact of tbc (^?t:itt of tl)e laiffbt {honourable tl)C Co?D Palmerftown, 0 l)aD, tl)e faiD !lo?D Palmerftown anD Henry Monk being t\)t onlj) pctfons U)!)o j)at)e petitionee aigrainG tJ)e faiD l^eaDS of a m\V \&;jobitieD altbajjei, STbat it ft)aU atiD maj) be latbful fo;? tj)e faiD Xcuaees, to tuafee Diftmct anD fepetate ^^ojtjg-ajjes of tl)e 3:oU5 of t^e :^outJ)ern anD iltlo;?t!)erti Hine, anD alfo to cartp on t\)z lame asr Diffecent W^oi\i% anD bp anD out of Dif- 8^2 tin(t 732 Anno Regni tertlo c H A p.tiuct anlJ fcpatctc j?unDS, if tijej? (l)viiU ^^^ tljiuh proper, ;^nD be it fattJ)ct €nactcD hv tbe ^n= tbivitp afo;?cfaiD, X})at tbe faiD tJEruCeesf, o;? any febcti o^ tno^e of tl)em, o? (ruj) ^ecfou 03 pctfonS as tbe)?, c? anj? k\jcxi 01 tuo;?e of tl)em, il)all ant!)o^f3c auD ap? point, il)aU atiD majj etect 02 catife to be ereacD, one 02 luoiz cBatz 02 d^ates, tiuni^ pilte 0^ Xiuiipifte« m, upon, 0;? accors aap i^art 0;? pacts of tbe faiD iRoacs 0? ILanes, auD alfo a Xoll^Il^oufe 0; XoU^ i^oufes, auD tbete (l)all OcmatiD, tecett)e, atiO talte tbe Xolls auti duties foUotbmg, before my> l^o?fe, ®ate, 0? dJclOing, €at' tie, Coacl), Beclin, ^banot, Calailj, Cbair, t^a(r?c?n, OTiam, Cart, Catt, 0? otbec oracticicre (!)aU be permittcD to pafs tbe tame, viz. fo;> et)ec)) Oloatb^ 2aerlin, Olba^ tiot, Calai'b, <2rbaife, 0? Cbair, o^atbn bj) fix l^02fcs 0^ laeafts of Buttben, 02 ino?e, tbe ^iinx of one ^billing; anD fo;? t\)tt^ Coatb, 2iaetlui, Cbatiot, iralaft), Cbaife, 02 €bair, D^alton bp ief$ ^miiber tban fii autJ mo^e tban ttbo, tbe ^um of nine pence; fo2 etjccj? €oacb, 2i3crlin, Olbatiot, Calait), arbaife, 0^ (JIbaic, D?albn bp ttbo i^o,>fc5 fix pence; fo? et)cc)? Mlain, OTart, 0^ ^Tatciage Ibitb font OTbccls, tbe i|)um of Georgli Tertii Regis, 733 of ttbo ^i)illmjgr3 auD fix 15ence; fo? c\)ct^ c n-fS^ mxanu Cart, 0? Cacriage tbitJ) ttbo^^xvi;.- Mlfciccls, l)a\)mfr mo^c t\)an one li^o^fc, K^^^^^^ ®ate, cSclDinjgr, o?ol3e of j^ien 0? neat't Cattle, tj)e §^um of ten iScnce per :$>co;je, ^ auD fo in p^opo;?tion fo? anp greater 0^ UV/^ kt dumber; to; etjerp 2>?o\je of OTaltiees,! Ifoggs, :^J)eep, 0? ?laml)0, tbe ^uni of,? fi\3e }^zntz per :^co?e, ant) fo m p^opo^tioti-^^ io; any greater 02 leCfer jjtlumber; fo^ e- " tier;? €oacl), laerlin, Cbariot, (iTalalJ, ar()aife, 03 CJ)air, eDerp Cart, Carr, o^; otl)et Carriage, anD fo fetJtn 0^ mo^e of t\)tn\, unDet tbeir l^anDS anD :^cals ti)cteunto atit!)o;?i3eD, to k\)y tj)e 3i:oll 0^ SDtitj) ftcrebp rcquireD to be paiD upon mv H^etfon o^ ^erfons Vb\)o &)aU after DenianD uiaDe t!)ereof, ixtsUct 01 l^efufe to paj) tbc fame, bp Dtftrefs of anp i^o?fe o;? C^o^fes, o? anp Cattle o;j dSooDS, upon Ibbicl) fucb Coll o^3>utpiS bp tl)iS ^ct impofeD, o^ upon anp otbet of tj)e dSooDS anD €|)attles of fuel) l^erfon o? ^^erfons Vbl)o ou5:l)t to pap tbe fame, anD map Detain anD fteep tl)e fame until fuel) ^oll 0? 2Dutp tbitl) ti)e reafonable ai:i)ar9-e$ of fuel) Diftraininsr o? fteepingf n:)all be paiD, anD it (tiall anD map be latbfnl to anD fo;{ fuel) l&etfon anD i^ierfons fo Diftrain^ ing, after tl)e ^paee of fibe SDaps after fuel) 3)iftrefs maDe anD taften, to fell tbe dBooDs fo DiftraineD, teturnmci: t\)c €)ber^ plus (if anp be) upon DemanD to t!)e £)tbner thereof, after fueb Xoll, ^uty, anD reafonable OTDar^es fo;j DiQrammgr anD Georgii Tertii Regis. 735 anD heepinrr t\)z fame il)aU be tJetiucteti ^ " ^ p- aiiD pait)^ xxxy. p^otiDeD altba)?0, atiD be it futtj)et €ti^ artcD bp tl)e Stiul)o;?itj? afo^efaiD, %\)at no perfoii iTiall be liable to pap HToll uio?e tl)aii once, tt)i)o fl)aU pafs, tepafo, 0^ retutti tl)^oitg:b all 0;? anp of fuel) Cutnpiftcs to be crecteD b)? tbe autljo^itp of tj)is ;^ct tl)e fame Daj? to be comptiteD fcotu %\hti\)z of tl)e Clocft at nigrbt, to ttbelDe of tfte Clocft 111 tfte fufceeDmjgr flight, tbitl) t^e fame OToacI) o;j otDet Cacriagfe, {^o;?fe, oi otj)et Cattle, anD il)aU viotntt a Cicfeet, t|)at tbe Coll tbas paiD at my> of tbe faiD Xutn= pihes, tbl)icl) ^ote 0^ Cicftet tl)e Witttmt 02 laeceiUets, Collector o;> CoUe(to^0, is, anD ace \>tubv rcquireD to git)e gratis, upon iaeteipt of tl)e faiD Coll; anD if anj) #et? fon l)aUing paiD €oU, anD l)at)inj9r fticl) ijliote 0? ^Ticfeet, as iS ^ecebj) DiteeteD to be igritien, iliall gitJe, offer, o bo?;jotbeD, 0? to be boouaDS, o;j i^crcDitamcnts, fo;? tbe purtbale tl)ereof, 0^ by tba? of annual Witnt fo> tl)c fame. 0? otI)erlbifc, as t\)c faiD refpeaiDe HTruftees oj an)* fe\3en o;? tno.'e of tl)em iljall tl)inft 6t, ant) lihelbife fo? ti)e lofs 0? Damage fuc^ £)lt)ner5, P>3c»p?ieto;5, €)rcupiers, anD IDet- fons intereQeD, 0? my> of tJ)em, (^a\l 01 majj anp Xtta^s refpectit3elj? fnftain by ftub opemnij, maftmg-, anD repairing" t\)z faiO ueU) intentieD IRoaD, anD out of t|)e IToUs collecteD 0? to be coUecteD by Virtue of tbiS ;^ct, 02 out of anp ®onej) bo^jotbcD, 0^ to be bo??otbeD on tbe CreDit of tbiS ;5ct, to pap fo? t!)e l&urfl)afe of fiicJ) EanDS, ^Te^ uements, C^oufes, aauilDings, O^ounDs 01 ji^ercDitaments, 0? fo? fuci) Itofe o;? 2Da= mage, fucb <§um 0? S-ums of ®onep o^ annual iftent, as il)aU be agreeD upon be^: tttieeu fuel) iPtbnets, ^;?op^ieto^S, €)cctt' picis, anD i&erfons intecefteD as afo^efaiD, anD tDe faiD refpectitje tsirufteeS, o bc it fiittbct CttactctJ \)v tl)e :^Ui XXXVI. t|)o;Ht?' afo ""^^"^^bc lalbful to auD to^ all Bodes l^oliticft, Co?po^ate 0; CoUeiriate, €o2po2attous aff; jjceflratc 01 tole, anD all jfeoffees m £tuft, Ciecuto^s, ^clOuumftcato^s, (BuarCiians, Committees, 0^ otl)ct ilcuftees lbl)atfoetJct:, fo;, 0; on bebalf of an^ ^wf^ttts, Fcmesy Covert ?luuatiCh5, ^CcotS, 0tbncr, l&roprietor, occupier, Htuftee or Xctifteec?, OTommittee or Coininitteesi, 2aot)ie0 polit!c!t, Corporate or Collegiate, aggregate or fole, or anp otl)er ^^erfon or i^erfons in anp tbife interefleD tn anp fuel) HanDS, tenements, Jdtiilcings, l^oufes, (!5ro«nD0, or l^etetiitamcnts, upon fourteen "^^^^^ no- tice totl)em gi\)en, or left in tmntmg at tbe Dltellmg i^oufe or l^oufes, or |5lace tsi places of ^boDe of fuel) ^etfon or PcrfonS, or of the l)eaD C>eficer or Officers of fuc{) BoDp \&oliticft, Corporate, or Collegiate, ^ffffregate or fole, or at tl)e i^oufe of tJ^e tenant in l^ofTelTton of fuel) JlanDS, Xz- nements, i^oufes, 25uilDtng0, d^rounD^, anD J^eceDitaments, i!)all neglect or reftife to treat, or il)all not agree for tDe |^urcl)afe of anp fuel) ^anD6,Cenement0,l^oufes, BuilD^ 9 213 2 ingsi, 740 Aniio Reghi tertio c H A p.ingS, (B^oimt)^, aiiD J^eretitamcnts, o^ XXXVI. atip i^att 02 pacts thereof, 02 fo? tbeir ^w^ '"^'^ teteU tl)ecem, 0^ fo2 anp annual 5acnt to be paiD fo? ti)e fame, 0? bp reafon of ^^b- Tence ^M be p^eVienteD from xreaiins" as afo^eratt), tl)ett auD m fuel) oiaie tl)e faiD tefpecti\3e XtuQees, 02 an^ fe\3cn 0^ mo^e of tl)etn, (!)all caufe it to be enqmrcD into, auD afcertamet) bj>, ant) upon tl)e £)atl) of a glutp of ttbeltje inDiffetent ®en of tbe Olountp of Dublin, tbl)ic!) ^atl) an)? rl)?ee 0;? mo?e of fuel) cefpectitje Xtuftees ate l)eteb^ ini- potbeteD ant) tequiceD to aDuiiniGet, Ibhat 2>amaigfe!3 tbill be fuflameo b)?, ano tbl)at IRecompence anD i^atisfaaion i^aU be niabe to fuel) €)tl)necs, Occupiers, 0? p?op^ieto;?s, 02 otl)ec petfon 02 l&ecfons intccefteD fofet)etto?mo2e of tl)e«i tefpectitJelp, ace l)eceb)) impotbeceD auD cequiceD fcom €ime to €;ime, as tl)ete ft)aU be £Pecafton, to fummon anD call be= fo?e tl)e faiD 3«t>\ anD examine upon lOatl) all perfons Ibbatfoetec tbl)o ft)aU be tbouffbt iReceCfac)) 0^ p^opcc to be eiammeD as TOitneffes tout^mg 02 concermncr tj)e p;?euu(res (lJbl)icl) Datb anp tl)?ee 0;? mo;e of fuel) ccfpcttit)e ^rcudees ace becebj? uupotbec- eD anD cequiceD to aDmmiftec) anD if an^ of tl)e Patties inteceOeD rtjall cequeft tbc fame. Georgii Tertii Regis. 741 fame, fl)all alfo caure tbe faiO gluty to bictb c h a f. t\)z ^lace 0^ \5lace«5 m ilueGion, aat) i^all xxxvi. ufc all ot|)er lalbful Maj^s ant) j®can0,^^^^ as IbcU ioi t\yt\t otbn as fo^ t\)z faiD fimcs better 3!tifo?tuatioum tl)e P);?em!ffes, in fuel) ®annec as the;) tht faiD refpecti\)e Xruf- tees, 0? at!)) fet)en 0^ moum o> tbe 3uc^ fo^ fuel) ^Succbafcs, 0^ fncl) annual laents as afo^efaid, to be paiD to tl)e }&etions tnterefteD in fucj) HanDs, ^Tenements, 2i5uilDui9-s, f^oufes, (I!>^ounDS 0; i^ereDitanients, acco;jDin0 to tl)e ^etDict anO ^Inquifition of fuel) 3lutj>, H)l)icl) faiD HetDict 0^ f nquifition, anD t6e €>2ttx anD -^DjuDication fo !)aD anD maDe, ft)all be final anD conclufiDc, to all ^Intents anD |2)ucpofes, againft all ^9atties o, as tbell abfent as p^efent, ^Infants, Femes Covert, ilnnaticfts, ^Deots, anD ^ecfons unDer anp otDcc Dif:: abilitp tJbbatfoeDcr, aaoDies politicH, €01^ 9 C po?ate, 742 Anno Regni tertio CHAF.po?ate, 0? Collegiate, agrg^eflrate, o? fole, XXXVI. ^^ yjeu as otDet l&ecfoti o^ l^etfons Xi^honu '"^'^^^ foeVjer ; anD all aitD ebei j? fuel) OlDitets, ;^ccupiccs, anD l&?op2ieto;j6, auD all anD et)erp l^etfon anD l&etrons inteceftcD in fuel) HanDS, ilenemcnts, 2i5U!lDmgrs, i^otifes, (!5?ottnDs;, 0? l^ereDitatticnt^, fo ptirtl)afcD as afo?efaiD, fl)all tl)eceb)) be from tl)encc- io2t\) to all Slntcnts anD iDurpofes Ci\3cOeD of all iaigl)t, OTlaim, Jnteceft o? p^opcitp of, into, 0? out of tl)e fame, anD fo? tt)e fumntonmg: anD tetutnmg of fuel) gfucj) anD Sluties, t!)e fatD tefpcctibe ^rufiees o^ mv f^^^ti 02 mo?e of tl)eni ace l)crcl))) im- potbereD from Xtme to €itne, to iCTue t^eit (H^acrant o? OTatcants to ti)e ^!)criff of tl)e faiD Count V, tbetebp requiring ban to impannel, fummon, anD return an in^ Different ^urp of ttbentp four pcrfons, to appear befo;?e tl)e faiD refpectiVie Xruftecs, oi my fetjen o? mo;je of tl)em, at fuel) tiEime anD ^lace as m fuel) Warrant iliall be appointeD, of tti|)iel) €ime anD plaee all \5arties intereQeD a)all l)at)e fourteen 2Da)?S ttottee gitjen 02 left in ;®anner afo^cfaiD, anD tl)e faiD ^benff is hmby reciuireD to impannel, fummon, anD return, fuel) Xtbent)? four pcrfons aeeo?Cingl>', anD out of tl)e p>erfons fo impanntUeD, fummoneD anD teturneD, 0^ out of fuel) of tljem as (l)all Georgii Tertii Regis. 7^3 ii)aU appear, atco^timcr to, 0; upon futl)CHAP. Tummous, t\)t faiD iTcuftees, 0^ mv feDetixxxvi 02 iuo;je of tJ)em, il)all caufe to be rtbo?ti '-^^^'^ ttbclbe, tbl)o a)all be tr)e f iicj) fo;? tfte Ibut:: pofcs afo^efatD, anD fo^ SDefault of a inU ftcietit ^umbet of ^ut}>'tmu, tj)e faiD :$)l)etiff il)all return fo nianp of tl)e ^t^tt- tcts hp, a6 ftjaU be neteffatj) to niafte up tl^e dumber of Xttielbe to fer\)e on Cutj) 3!urr» l&^ot)iOeD altba^S, anD be it further Cn- artet) bp tl)e .^utbo^itp afo^efaiD, Xj)at all l&etfons concerneD il)aU from %imt to Ctme l)aDe tl)eir latbful dTDallenges (but not to CDallenffe tlje ^rraj) of t()e l^an^ nell) afiramft an}? of tj)e faiD ^urj^men tbl)cn tl)ep come to be ftbo;?n, anD tj)e fatD tefpertibe Xruftees, 02 anp fetjen 0? mo?e of tl)em, artingr in tl)c l^^entiffee, itall batie l^otlier from Xime to Cime to impofe anp reafonable JFiue 0^ J?inesf oit fuel) ^Dertap, idailieFs, 02 Agents, maftmfir Default in t!)e ^;jcmi(res, anD on any of tl)c Igjcrfonsr tl)at fl)all be fummoneD anD returueD on fuel) §nvy, anD itiall not ap; pear 02 reftife to be ftborn on ti)e faiD fcirp, 0? to gi\}t tMt Mnhid in any fanner, tbilfuUp negleetinig' rpeir ^uty therein, eontrarp to t^e true 5"^^^^^ ^^^^ 9 C 2 -©eaninsr 744 Anno Regni tertio Chap, j^eaititig of tl)is ^ct, anD on an^ of tbe XXXVI. petfons tbho, ()eing required to gitie €tii' ^^^^^ iDence tout^mj t|)e l^^emiircs, fl)aU tefufe to be eiammeU o;? gi\)e CViiDence, auD from Slime to Xitne to iffue tbert 21CIarcant to k\)y TucJ) j?ine ant) fines of tl)e (15ooD9i anO Cbattles of fuel) i^erfou auD pecfons; fo fineD, fo as tl)at no fuel) J?ine iljall tx^ ceeD tl)e ^um of fo;jtp :$)|)iUings upon anp one petfon, fo? anj) one iaDffente. P2ot)iDeD allbajJS, ant) be tt ftittl)ct Cn- acteD b^ t|)e :3tttl)o;?it)) afo^efaiD, €l)at ti)e 5lecompence o;> ^^atisfamon tbbicj) fljaU be mat)e to l^is ®ajeft>^ i^is l^eits anD ^uccefro;?6, 2iaoDies ^oliticlk, OTo^po^ate o;j (ttoUeffiate, €o;?po?ation6, agjjteijatc o? fole, o> anp other l^ecfon o? ^erfons U)l)ore HanCiS ate Imiitteti in ^ttirt :^et= tlement, tbcic l^cits, €iecuto;?s, :^mmu Qtato^s 0? :^ucce(ro;?6, 3lirue o? Eeffee, tefpectiWp, fo;j t!)e (15?onnD tb!)icl) ft)aU be tafeen bjj t!)e TaiD llrnftces, in o;?t)et to ttiafte fuel) laoaD as afo^cfaiD, map be bp tPbap of ;5innuitp o? annual l^ent, 0? bp a ^um to be pait) m (15;?ofs, eitbet out of tj)e XoUs, o;j tl)e j^onep to be bo^ ^otbeD on t\)z faiD Xolls, at t\)t SPifcreti- on of t!)e faiD XruGees, o? anp feDen oi mo?e of t!)em. ;5lnD Georgii Tertii Regis. yj^^ :3nD he it fmthtt CtiacteX) b^ tfte llTti^CH a p. tDozitp afo^cfaiD, €:i)at all ftic^ :gjums ot^xxvi. ^onep, ConfiDetraticrit Jaent, iaecomipetrce """"^^^ 0^ Satisfaction, as ftjall be agrecD fo;? o^ affcffcD as afivff'iit', fo? tl)c p«rtl)afe o; f^icc of fuel) (B^ounD fo to be tafizn atib mat)c ^^att of t()e faiD ^etb moaD, liiall be, atiD is, auD arc bcccbj) cl)arjjeD anb Cbacjjeable upon tl)z Colls belottjjmiff to tl)e faiD jjtlelb laoaD, anD i|)aU b^ paib thereout, o^ out of tj)e ®onies bO(?;jotbeti upon tl)e CccCiit of tl)e fame, to tf)e te^ fpectitoe ^etfonS intitleD tl)creto, anb tl)at upon ida^ment of fucj) ^um o; ^ttis, tt)J)icl) ft)aU be fo aCTcireD fo? fucp Hanbs, to be putc!)afet) as afo^efaiD, o"? tenbec tbeceof, anb refufal to accept t^e* fame, o? m cafe any [ml) pzvfon o;? |5ec^ fons after fit l>a?s /Notice to be -grrtjen to^ IHni, !)er, o? tl)cm, o;? left at tl)e l^oufc of tl)e C>ccapier of tl)e |&?emilTes, il)all te- fufe 0? neglect to receibe t!)e fame, tl)ett" . upon IcatJing: t!)e fame in tbe C^anDS of tl)e Xrcafnret to t!)e faiO refpertibe Xru5 tees, to be paib upon bemanb to fuel) ^etfon oj perfons, o? after fuel) $2fnnuitp" 0? annual 5lent (!)all be fo affetfeD as"" afo^efaiD, it i^all anD maj> be latbful fo? tl)e faiD rcfpecti\)e Xruftees, o? anp fetjen 9 2E> P? 74^ Anno Rcgni tcrtlo chap.o;^ xno2t of t!)em, tj)etr ^uccea*o;}Sr, OTo;?ft? XXXVI. jj^j>„ f^2 :3(jent0, to taftc tiolbti fuel) l^ourcsi, * ' ' 2i3utlDm5rg, ano ^eneinentsi, ano to lap tl)e jjcouttD tbJ)ereoti t{)e fame tbere etecteD, anO alfo fuel) otl)ei: (I5(?oiinD0, ILant)S(, o; ^crcDitamcnts as afo^efaiD, o? fuel) l&a?t tl)c?eof a«3 tl)ep (^all tt)in!t fit, mto ti)c faiD ^etb JaoaD, anD to Do all aiiD et^etj? fuc^ 5act, ®attec, ant) Cbmg, Ibitl) relation tofucl) !Lanri0, Xencmeuts, f^oufcs, ^auilD:: ings, cI5?ounD2r, o? f^eteDitaments, anD to SPttcl), 2D?ain anD 5?ence, out of tDe fame, as t^e faiD refi3eitit)e ^mQiCz^, 02 anv feben 02 n\02t of tl)em l^all t!)inli St fo? cacrj)^ inff tl)i!5 ^ot into Execution, anD fuel) HanDS, tenements, (152ounDs anD l^ereDi- tamcnts, aftec t|)e ©onej) fo eonttarteD anD agteeD fo; 0; fo affefTeD anD aDjugeD, fo; fuel) putc^afes as afo^efaiD, il)all Oc paiD, tenDeceD, 0; left, as Ijetein DicecteD, anD aftec t!)e fatD l^^einifTes ll)all he fo DitebeD, D^aineD, anD feneeD, 0; fuel) patt tl)eceof as tl)e faiD Xtuftees, 0; anp fct)en 0? mo;e of tl)em, l|)all Direct, iljall to all ^intents anD purpofes lbl)atfoeUer beeome anD ba a OTommon f^ig!)tbap, anD ii)all be repaireD anD l^ept m repair, m fuel) j®anner as is herein before anD Ijereaftet autl)o;i$eD anD Directed Georgii Tertii Regis. 747 StntJ be It futtUt €naictetJ hp tl)e ^u-chap. tJ)o?itp afo?cfaiD, Xbat tl)e faiD ;:Xnntiitte6 xxxvl 0? Annual iRents, To to be ajjcceO fo;j o;j ^"^^ ^ aCTcCTeD as afo;?erait), il^all be patD from tHime to Cime, as tl)e fame (l)all become Due, out of tt)e Colls of tbe faiD JRoaD b)j ^uarterl^ j^a^ments, anD in tj)e ficft ^lace to tl)e pccfon oounD in cafe tl)is ^ct l)aD neViec been maDe, anD in S>efault of |5apment tl)et:eof b)) tl)e faiD Xruftees tbitbin tl)irtp SDaj^s aftet tDe fame rtjall become Due, (being DemanD- eD of tl)e Creafuret 0^ Cceafurecs fo? tj)e ^iuie being of tl)e faiD telpectitje iCcuftees, it i*hall anD map be latbful fo;j tl)e l^etfon 0;? p>ecfons lbl)o ft)all from Xime to Cime be intitleD to tl)e faiD ;5lnnuities, 0^ SJn- nual IRentS, 0? anjj of tl)em, to Com^ menee 0? p^ofeeute one 02 mo^e -Actions at Hatb on tl)e€afe 0? in 2Debt, agamft 8 D 2 tl)e 748 AnnoRegni tertio CHAP.ti)e Creafurer 01 tzcreafuters of t!)e faiD XXXVI, j^oaD, ott :3fccount of fuel) ^^imuttj) 0^ ^'^'^'^ Annual laent, auD a)all auD map up^ on Tttcl) ruction 0? :^ction<5 tecotjec ti)e <®o^ nep tDeti tJue, tojgfett)ec tbitl) l)i0, l)er, o;t ^zit fttU CoftS of ^uit, auD l)a\)e fuc§ laemetJieS fo? t!)e fame as are allolbcD bp Itatb iti otftet OTafes, tbbicl) faiD j^onep atiD €oGs fo recoljeceD, tbl)en paiD, l^aU be allotbeD to ftub Xreafutct in {)i«5 -Ac- count ttittj) tbe faiD refpeaiije srtuftee^* ;3nD be it f«ttl)er €nacteD bp t\>t :^u^ t!)oatl) befo;?c rj)e faiD ticufteesi, 0; an? fe\)cn 0? mo^e of tl)em, 0^ before anp one f wftice of tfte ^&eace fo IDift; cfo auD -^^>^'vi. ^ak of tl)e £Pfi[cuDefS (5ooi)0, bp OTat^ ^^ tant uticec tl)e ii^anD anO ^eal, o;j im^ Dec tl)e l^anDS ano ^eals of thz CaiD XruQees, 0;? mv titje 0? uio^e of tl)ein, o;j fttcD S^uGice of tbe l^eace, rentiecmgr tj)e :^\3ecplus to tl)e ^Plbner, if any be, tl)e (2rJ)atgre$ of ta&mcr atiD difpofing of t^e taiD (l5ooDs bem^- 6'cft DetiuaeD^ Zn^ be it futtJ)ec CnacteD hv the :^u^ tl)o?itjJ afo2efa!D, '€l)at it il)aU auD titap be latbful to anD fo;? tl)e fait) ts;cuGee«5, 0^ anp Cet^eii 0? mo;?e of t[)em, to etect one 02 tno;je dSate 0^ cI5atc0, Cutnpifte 01 XucnpiHes, on t\)t ^iDe of tl)e faiO C^igf)- Xtiajj 0? iaoaDs, ctofs anj? Hane 0^ OTap leading out of tf)e faiD iaoaD, and Xcll= |)oufe anD XoU^feoufes, anD tfcere to re- tettJe anD ta&e fuel) tiEoU as is ap^ pomteD bp tj)is ^ct to be tal^en, fo as tlje fame Do not eitenD to aup of tJ)e great iaoaDS notb IcaDmg into t!)e (Eitv of Dub- lin, no? to create a Double Cbatge tu cafe of pafrmgr tl)?ou9r[) anp ot!)ec of tJ)e ^urnpiftcs to be erecteD bp tictue of tl)iS ;^ct, bettbeen t\)z €itp of Dublin anD anp of tj)e aDiacent Counties. 9 € $anD 7SO Anno Rcgnl tertio Chap. ^^^ ^^ «^ fuctftec CnactcD hy the ;^ri= XXXVI. tl)o^itj> afo^efaiD, Xbat tl)e faiD Ctuaces ^--v-^o;j anv fctjeu o^ tno?e of them, on tl)eic 6cG ^ceting o? an)) fucceetijncr Meeting, bj) Mtitmgf nriDec tj)eit l^anDS atiD ^eals, may> elect, nominate, anD appoint a fit prfon to be Creafurec of t\)z laiD IRoaD, tbJ)o IS to reccit)c tJ)e ^onep frotu tl)e (Eollc(to;?s of tl)e faiD XOU0, anD to ac^ count fo^ tl)e fame tbitj) tbe faiD Xtuf= tees, 0? anp feten 0^ tno?e of tbem, anD to appoint a :^alat^ fo^ fuel) tureafuter, pa^^ able out of t\)t faiD Xolls, not eicecDing the ^um of fo;?tj) f)ounDS sterling ty ti)e Peat, to; J)is trouble in fuel) Ofifice. ^;jol)iDeD altbajJS, anD be it further €n= acteD bj) the ;^utho;it^ afo^efaiD, Xhat the faiD ^ruftees, o; any> felJen 0? ino^c of theiu, ft)all, anD thej? are herebp requireD to taftc £)ne thoufanD p^ounDs ^ecurttj? fo? fuch Xteafurer fo to be appointcD b^ this 5act, fo^ the Due Execution of this ^^m. ZwD be it further CnacteD bj? the ^utho-- 2itv afo^efaiD, IThat the faiD Xruftces, 02 an)) fe\)en 0; mo^je of them, at their firft ©eetinigr 02 anj) fuccceDincr •©cctinig', bj? TOritinij unDer their (^anDS anD :^cals?, il)all Georgii Tertli Regis, yci i1)aU, ant) n\ay elect, nominate, anD ap^cnAP. ^oint one o? mo;?e fit l^ecfon 02 l^etfonS to ^^xvi. be JReceiDec ^; iaecei\)ers, Collector 0? Virtue of tbis ^ct, anD alfo one 0;? mo?e fit ^crfon 0? l^etfons to be :^ritl^ej>02 o?^tirVJepo;?s, to fee t^e Conrjtionof tj)e faiD i^!gl)tbap 0} laoaD, anD to fee tl)at tU fame b; repaiteD anD amenDeD, anD t|)at tbe ^one)> atifinB: anD eipenDeD bp Virtue of t^iS ^ct be Dulp applieD, anD ftom Cime to ^nne to tcmoVic fuel) iZEteafuter, Col^ lcct0(?'5, IReceitecs, anD ^titbepo^S, 0? anp of them, as t\)iy ft)aU fee C>ccafton. anD appoint nelb ones in Cafes of 2Peatl) 0;? of {nth iaemotjal, anD fuel) |&etfon 0;? J^etfonS as iS 0;? are hy> tl)is ^ct liable to pa)) t^e faiD ^oU 0} 3>ut)), is anD ate \)?uhy> te- quiteD to pap tl)e fame aftec t6e iSates afojefaiD, to tl)e faiD laeccttjet 0} ^^eceibecs. Collector 0;? orollecto^s, of tbe faiD Xoll anD '^{xty^ in tl)at bel)alf, fcom Xime to Xime appointeD as afo?efaiD, anD tl)e faiD ^^erfon anD pcrfons fo appointeD as afO(?efaiD fo^ teceibing: tl)e faiD tioil 01 Dutp, anD all :$utbepo2 o^ :^ut\)epo^s as afo^efaiD, J!)aU upon ^atlb, if tbeceto requireD bp tf)e tlcuftees, 0? anp fetjen 0^ mo^e of t!)cm, 03 before anp gluftuc of tl)c i^eace refiDing 9 € 2 neat 752 Anno Regni tertio Chap. neat tbe i^igl)n)ap o;? iaoaD afo,?ifaiO, XXXVI. tbi)icl) :C>atl) tl)e I'aiD Ctuftces o? my t\)^tt "•^^"^ 02 mo;?e of t\)tm, o? fttcl) '^Ui^litz of the l&eace, is anti ate foecebj) impoUbctttJ auD re^: qttireO to atmuniftet, on the firft Tueiaay in et>ecp ®ont|), o? oftner if rcquireD, out? mg tl)e Continuance of tJ)is ^ct, cnt)e lu a %mz anU perfect -^ccotmt m Mcirmtr rm= oet tfteic cefpertitJe i^^titis, of all ®ouies tbl)ic^ l)e, anO t!)ej^, anD et)et)) o teafon of t\)tit refpectitje €)ffic.s, fo? tbl)tcD €)at>) no jFee o? iaetbarD (Ijall be taften ; anD in cafe anp j®one)) fo receitJcD i|iall remain in tbeit o^ anj? of tbeic C^anDs, tt>e fatne fliaU be paiD to tl)e faiD XcuGees o;? anp feVien o? mo?e of tbem, o? to tbe faiD tJEreafucer of tbc faiD IRoaD fo ap= pointeD bj) t|)em as afo^efaiO, U)|)icl) :^ums &)all be laiD out anD DifbucfeD m anienDing tbe faiD i^iflri)tt)aj? 02 iaoaDS, acco;?Dmg: to tbe true intent anD leaning of tl)is ^ct, anD not otl)cctbife ; anD t\)t faiD Cruftees, 02 anp 6^e 02 mo?e of tl)etu, to tbbom fuel) :3ccount il)all be giten, fl)aU, anD ma^, ont of tl)e j®one)> atifing bp tbe faiD ti"oll 02 Wuty, utafte fuel) ;3llotbance unto tl)e faiD mecci\)ct o;j laecei^ets, €ollcao;> 0? oiollcc^ to?s, anD t!)e :^tttt)ej?o? 02 ^utuepo^s, fo^ anD Georgn Tertli Regis.- 7/^3 anD hi €onfit)erat!on of biSi anD tl)eir €arc c h\ p. auD !^am5 rerpecttl)cl>^ taacii iii tl)c ^xccu'^^^^^- tioit of l)is aiiD ti)m £PaFice auD {Dffices, "^^"^ auD to (tu!) otljec ^crfou 0;? petfons tbl^o l)abe been, 02 itiall be afTirnng- in anD about p?ocarincr t!)e faiD l^iprljlba^s ?Mti ?RoaD-5 to (je amcuDeD anD repaireD, bp aD- V)ancing' atiD lapinrr out an^? ^©one)^', o;j otI)ecllD!fe relating t|)eienttto, as to tl)em i^all feem gooD, anD in cafe tJ)e faiD i^e- cci\3ct 02 IKeceiliers, €oUccto? 0^ €ol"ecto^^0, of tbc afo^jcfaiD Xoll 02 '^ntv 02 anj? of t\)mi, Ojall not nuihe fuel) Account anD |&aj?iiient taito fiui) ^ceafiicct as afo^e^ faiD, tl)at t})cn anp ttbo 0? mo^e f nfticesi of tl)e Peace of tl)e faiD Count)? of Dublin, 0)311 at t5)e 5n(lanccanD meqneft of tj)e faiD ^r«ftee0, 0^ anp fi\)t oj tno^e of tl)em, 0? of tl)e faiD Cteaffuer, mal^e Cncjatrp of anD concerning fuc!) Eiefault, as tbell bj) €on- felTion of thz fatD parties t!)emfelt)e0, as hy tl)e Xedsmonp of one o^mo^e cteDible OTitncfs 0? ?E215itnefres upon €)atl), IbDic^ £)ati) tl)ep are l)erebp impotbeteD auD re= quireD to aDunniftec ll)it|)oat j?ee 0^ 5^e- IbacD, anD if anp perfon 01 perfons iliall be con\)icteD thereof bp fuel) giuGiccs, tl)e faiD 3wftices il)aU upon fucJ) Coij^Jictton, commit tl)e pattp 0^ patties to tl)e com:; mon (Boal of tj)e Count)? »)J)ere fuel) iPf= 9 Jf fence 754 Anno Regni tertio Chap, feucc fljall'bc coiiiuuttcD, ti)cre to rentairi XXXVI. tbftbout Bail o;? ®ampiU I)a\)e mate a Xtiie ants perfect Account anO payment as is afo^efaiD. 0uti be It Unthtt €nactcD by the :^m ti^oit\ty> afo^cCaiD, ^5)at it 11)311 and map be latbful to ant) fo^ tj)e latD i^urbej^o? anD ^ucDejJo;?3(, anO fiicb perioii auD ptt^ fons as j)e o^ tbep iliall appomt, to dig-, raife, gatl)er, talie, anD carrj? albav anj? (IBaatJd, 5Fur3c, j^auD, Atones, 02 otf)tt -®atctial3 out of my Made, 02 OTotumon, of my patid), iToltin, '^IiUagc, 0^ l^^antlet, in o; neat U)i)icl) my founDccous o;> tut- nous l&laces of ti)e laiD (l^iig:l)tlDa)5S 0^ laoaDs Do Ipe, anD to; Ibaut of fufficient (II5Mt)el, 3?ur3e, ^anD, il^tones, o; ot!)cc jGgatetialS tj)ere to Dig, ttatbcr, taifc, tahe, auD cartp atbap t!)e faiue, out of t!)e OTafte 0? Couuuon of anp neigWout^ insf patifl), 5:otbn, '^Uillap o;> i^auUet, tbitl)out paj^ing my tl)incr fo;> tj)e fame; anD lb!)cte tbere is not fuffiricnt of futj) Materials in an? Comuions o; Ibafte (l5^ouuDS neat aDjoinmg, it iljall anD map be lalbful by o^jDct of tl)e faiD Xtuftees, 0? anp txVJC 0;? luo^e of tl)cm, to Dig-, taifc, anD gat!)ct tJ)e fame, tn tl)c fcl)eral (Ii5;?ounDS of anp |5etfon 02 l^ctfons, not being Georgii Tertii Regis. 755 being a c^^aiticu, ^2thiitti, JpactJ 0^ :^ea=CHAP. Coll), olaufCD SKUallt 0? QSHaiHS, 0^ ;5\)cti«e^^xv^- to a IMife, UDUccan^^Cucl) j©atcrial3are o^^"^"^^^ map tie fomio, auD ftotu I'fiuc to Huue to cai rp fuel) atiD fo uuuJ) t'peteof, as tl)e far^ ^ar\):po> 0^ ^utbe)?o?s in tJ)eic re= fpcrtf' ;c plates il)all juDgre nercQac;?, fo? tj)e repairing' auD amenDmg il)c faiD l^igj)' tbays 02 HoaDS, pajjiiig (ucl) 3Rateo fo2 futb j^aterials to tl)e olbuet 02 €)ccapiet: of tbe on tj)e CreDit of tl)c Colls to tbcm granteD by tl)is ^ct, anD ma)? ap- pi)) tDe faiue in Defra)>tnj9: t!)e €ipences of obtaimnigr anD carc)'injg: tl)is ;^ct into €x^ 9 J? 2 ecutton, y^yG Anno Regni tertio c H A p ectitiou, anD aCffgn ot)ec toe faiD ^oll o^? XXXVI. ^^jip j&art d)eceof, bj> \5)r!tnig tittCec tl)^!?: '■"'''^o? anp fe\)eti o;? mo?e of tlieic l^anD^ auD :^eal6, fo^ anp Xtmc o^ Ccrin tmrmg t})e Continuance of tt)!$ ^ct, as a ^ecn- titp fo? aup ^utn 0? :^ji!n3 of ®onef to be aC)\)anceD, o^ lent to t!)em on 'ti)e €ie- Dit tbeceof, pa)?able to fiicb !5ecron anD ^decfons tbl)o ii)aU fo lenD tj)e fame, Mx^ fucb tate of 'Jnteteft, not excecDincr the le- iral gntereft \^y> tDe l^unD;?eD, a$ the fatD ^ttiftees 0? anp fi:\)en o;? tno^e of tl)cm (l)all bp OTcitint): untei: tl)eic l^ancs anD :^eals, Jb^omife o;? atr^ee to pap fo;? tl)e faiD ©onep fo to be bo^?ol?}eD on tl)e surcc- Dit of t!)e faiO XoU^, ttiDicI) Entered il)aU be fpattJ l)alf yeaclp bp tl)e ^Treafut- er of tl)e faiD laoaD, acco^Ding: to t^e :3cr^eement of tl)e faiD Xcnftccs, o? anp feicn 0? mO(?e of tl)em, as afo.ufaiD* anD be It fuctl)ei: €nacteD bp t!)e 3[u- tl)o;2itp afo;?efaiD, Xbat no |&art of tl)e 2.anD2i ll)i)tcl) iljall be ptircbafeD bp t^e ^utl)o?ttp of tl)i5 act, fo? niaftinir anp Ibatt of t!)e faiD moaD, o? anp patt of tbe ItanD? tl)2oug:b tbJ)itb tbe faiD iaoaD s^dXX paf?i, i\)aU be maDe ufe of fo? tbe ecectrncr of anp BtiilDtnrr tbbatfoeDcr, otbec tban of (ucb €oll boufes, as map be ercctcD bp o^Dec Georgii Tertii Regis, '^75? o^Det of tbe faiD tJEttiQees, atiD t^at nocHA>. 26ttilDing Uil)atfoet)cc, except fuel) SToU-xxxvi. l^oufc, i^all De cicctcD tiDitl)iu Ctentprtitje '•^'''"^*^ ifeet of tl)e faiD HoaD on eitljet COe, auD tbat no 2auilDintr tbi)atfoe\3er, except i^oiifcc tbbofe Mails il)aU be fet)enteen jfett l)!gl) at t{)e leaft, ano built of ^tone 01 2i3 ^att of Cue!) netb JaoaD ll)all be pat)eD conttac):> to tje ttm intent anD ^©eaninflr of t|)i3 ^^rt, tl)e fame it)aU be DeemeD cotnttion iRns" fance«5. :3nD be it fntt|)ec CnarteD bj) tl)e ;^tt? tbo^itp afo?efaiD, %\)^t no ^etfon o? \&er^ fons iKcpinflr anp 3)nn, ^aie Doufe, o? otDet Jl^oufe of public^ €ntettaininent, o? tb!)o i^all fell ;5le, Qisaine, 2a?anDy, o;^ ot!)et :^ptcituous %mo2^, il)aU be capable of 9 (15 taftmjgr, 7^8 Anno Regni tertio c H A p-taftitiij, Doldinsr, 02 en wing mv l^lace 0^ XXXVI. »^^(0gi of tiErttft 01 l&^ogt unUec t|)is SttiD be it furtl)et CnacteD bp ti)e ;^u- t!)o^ttj) afo?efaiD, sri)at tbe 5i:oU 0? SDutj) ^eicbj) gcanteU, (l)aU tafte place, ariD l)a\)e continuance onlj>, from ano after tbe fitCl Da)? of *®aj?, in tl)e peat of out IL02D £)ne tj)oufanD feben l)unD;?eD aiiD ftxt)) font, anD Dutinjgr ti)e Xetm of jfo^tpoue l&eats. ;anD be it furtl)ec CnacteD b^ tl)e ;an^ t!)o?it^ afo;jeraiD, 3i:j)at fo be latb; fttl to anD fo;? t\)z fatD Xruftees, o> anjj fe\)en 0? nio?e of tbeni, upon tl)e S>catl) of anp of t|)e fatD Xtuftees, 0? rcmo\)al, 0; tefufing to ^ct in tDe faiD %tu{t by anp tWBtitmg 02 OTiritings unDer ti)cir IfanD^i anD :^eals, from Cime to Ximc, anD at all ^imes l)ereaftcr, During tJ)c 3lerm afo;jelatD, to elect, nominate anD appoint, in tl)e iHoom of fuel) Xtuftce 02 Xruftecs To DeceafeD, retnot)eD, 0? refuftng to i9> ^ct, anD all anD ebetj) J&erfon o;j perfons fo to be cbofen €:i:nGee 0? Cctiftees, to join in puttinjj tbiS ^ctm execution, fl)all anD ma^ anD tl)ej) ace l)ecebj) itnpotbereD to ;^ct to all intents anD l&utpofes, in a$ full, large, anD ample fanner, as tbe faiD Cruftees are bp tl)is ;3ct impotbereD to Do, anD fo toties quoties, as often as £)ccarion il)all be 0? require, :^nD be it furtDer CnacteD bj) tl)e :^utl)0' 2itj> afo?efaiD, ^()at tj)e faiD tiruftees, 02 any> fe\)en 0? mo?e of tl)em, il)all meet at Kilmalnham m t\)t €ountJ) of Dublin, t^e firft 2Dav of June, in tl)e pear of our ?to?D iSDne tl)oufanD fctjen !)unD?eD anD fixtj) four, anD tbe faiD €:ruftces l^^^l tl)en aDJourn tbemfelties, anD aftertbarDsmeet tl)ere, 0; at an)> ot\)tt i^lace 0? l&laces near tbe faiD in? tenDeD nelb laoaD, as tl)e faiD Xruftees, o; anvfctien o2mo?e of tl)em a)all tbinft proper 02 conUmient as often as it il)allbe neceffar;) fo^ putting tbiS ^ct in execution, anD if it 9 (B 2 ll)aU 760 Anno Rcgni tertio Chap. ftaU j)appett, tftat tj)ete (|)aU not appear at XXXVI. ^„j, ^zctm tt>!)ic& ll)aU be appomteD to '^'^^ be DaD oaj>, t^en anD m fuel) Cafe tl)e Cletl^ 0? Cceafutetto tl)e faiD tJEcuOeeS bp Notice in ;Mtitm^ to be affixeb attl)e tefpectitjed^atesf, o;j CucnpiUes, at leaG ten 2Da)'S before tl)e next j®eetinflr, ft)aU appoint t j)e faiD ^tuftces to meet at tl)e f^oufe ll)l)ere tl)e ^©eetinjgr of tl)e faiD CcuGees tbas laG appointeD to be l)elD, 0; at fome otl)er cont)enient f^oufe neac t^e faiD intenDeD nelb laoaD, on fucj) 3)aj) as l|)aU be mentioneD in tht faiD Notice, anD tl)e faiD ITtuGees at tl)eit 6tft !®eetinsr, anD at aUt!)eic fubfequent j^ect- injjs, a)aU Defcap tj)eu: oUin ai:!)ats:es anD €xpence$. ^;jotiDeD alU)aj>«3f, anD be it iutt\)tt €n^ acteDbp tl)e .^tttJ)o?it)) afo;?efaiD, Xj)atno \&etfon 0} \&etfon5 appomteD 0? to be ap^ pointeD CcuGees io2 puttmsr tbis ^(t in execution, f^aU l)at)e 0? accept of anp place of |Sj;}oSt aciCngr out of 0^ hy> ceafon of t^e iToU o;? Dutp bj) tbtS ,^ct laiD, o;j jj^anteD, but fuel) l&etfon 0? pecfons l|)aU be incapable from tj)e 3S:i«ie of acceptmjj ., anD Georgli Tertii Regis.' 761 auD totitmumff to enw fitcj)i l&lace ^(c h ^ ^v ^d^ofit of acting as a irrwGce* J oj i/.rjii^ xxxvl ^itD be it further €nacteD bj) tfte '^Cti^ tJ)o t6e fepences atifmg thereby, out of the XoUs coUecteD 02 to be toUcrteD bp tl)e :^tit\>02tty> of tl)i6 ^ct; anj> t -ing |)erein contameD to t^e contrarp tt)eceofin anp Ibife nottDitl)ftanDinffi .xu ;^nD be It furtDet CnarteD \)p tbe ^oI^a tDo^ity afo2efaiD, ^bat if mv ^uit il^all fcc conuuenreD againft anj? laecfon 02 ^ec? Tons, fo;? any Xhmg Done in iJucfuante of tbis aa, that in mty> fuel) Cafe, tJ)e Action 0} ^iiit i\)all be cominenceD tbitlnn fix lialenDat ®ontl)3 next after tbe fact fl)aU be coiimiitteD, auD not aftertbatDS, anD il>iU be laiD in tl)e faiD OTountp of^ Dublin, anD not clfctbhcce, anD the SPefen-- Dant 01 SPefeuDants in fuch ;aaion 02 ^Jia* tions to be brought, ajall anD may pleaD the general ^CTn^^ ^nD gi\3e t!)io M anO 9 ^ t!)e 762 Anno Rcgni tertio, d^-r. p.Hi^p.t^e Tptcial H&^ttzt in €Wentc at anp ^xvL xtjjal to be DaD tbetetipon, anD tbat tl)e ^■^^^^^ fame tbao Oone in pucfnance atiD hy> t^c :3ttt!)o?itp of il)i!5 -^(t, anD if it l|)aU ap^ peat Xo to l)a\)e been Ooue, o;j tDat fucb Mton o; Smit tbas h^oug\^t aftec t!)e sctine befo;je limited, 0? in anj) otbet €onn= tp o;j place ti)an in t!)e faiD Cotmtp of Dublin, tj)at t^en tl)e ^utp (!)aU ftnO fo HetDict, 0? if tl)e l&lainttff ft)aU be nonfttiteO, 0? tufcontinue l)is Action aftec tl)e 2r>efenDant 0} Defendants ft)aU batje appeateO, 0;? if on mv Detimccet SJwdg- ment ft)aU be gitien againft tbe l^laintiff, tJ)e Defendant o 'JutltU leD, An Acl: for repairing the Road leading from the Town of Kiinwgad in the 9 31 County 766 Anno i^Cgti^ tertio C H A P. County of PKeftmeath, to the Town of Athlone XXXVII jj^^h^, (aid County; ^eV)eral iCoUei atiD 3)«:= ^"""^ ries Ibetc granteD anD maDe pa??able fo^ tepairing tl)e faiD i^aO : ^nt) tbl)eceas tl)e Xtttftceci appointctJ b put tXst faiD ;^(t into €iecutiott, l)at)e bo^^otbeD federal ^^tuus of ®oue)? on tl)e €ceOit thereof, tbl)icl) ftiU temaiti unpaiD, anD i)at)e ap^ plieD tl)e fatne, to^zt\)tt tbttj) tl)e Xollsi anD E>ntie6 coUecteD bp Virtue of tl)e faiD ;3(t, fo\M peats, anD tjje faiD iRoaD cannot effectu- allp be Ucpt m IRepdit, o;? the ©one)? fo bo?^otbeD, 0,' anr ^um of ®onep tbhich iljall Ijc heteaftet boo}\tM, :^ix,v ties, Claufes, ano penalties t!)erem con- tained, fl)aU be anD remain in full 5Fo;ce anD effect from anD aftet t!)e Cipitation of t!)e faiD iTetm of ^bitt^^one peats, fo? ant) During tl)e furt!)er ^erm of Xbirtp^ one pears, fo to all 3lttf"its anD J&urpofes, as if tl)e faiD i&olbers, au^ t^o;?ities, :?(rticlcs, ^I'laufes, anD l&enalties, granteD anD tjix'ozn br the faiD :act, Cbece herein again repeated anD reenatteD in tbe 2aoD)? of tJ)iG P2cfent :^(t ; anj? tl)mg m tbe faiD fo;?iiicr ^ct containeD to tl)e contrary tJxreof notllDit!)ftanDing. S(nD be it CnacteD hv tY)t ^utbo^itj^ afo?efaiD, t£l)at tl)c furuiDing l&crfons no^ mmareD anD appointcD in anD hy tl)c faiD fo;^nicr ?cCt, tl)e i^crfon anD pcrfoti5 clecteD anD appointcD hy VAitm of tl)e faiD fo?= met ^ct, aiiD alio all his j®at:flp"S gluGices of i\)z peace fo? tl)e aionntp of Weftmeath, ft)all be CcuaecS fo> putting 9 3 2 t!)e 768 Anno Regni tertio c H AP. (|)e faiO former ^ct atiD tbts pt jdotbers auD ;^tt- '^^"^^^ tl)o?itiefi» tl)etem anD bcreiti gitjeti atiD enacteo, to all intents anO putpofeg, as if tj)ep l)aD been nanieD iu t^is ^ct; anti in cafe anp of t!)e Artifices namcD in 02 elccteO, nomittateD, 0;? appomtco bp ^irttie of t!)e faiD former ;^ct, ft)aU l)appeit to tJie, 0? tefufe to act, tl)at tl)cn it i])aU anD map be lalbfiil to ano fo;j t\)t faiD Sltuf? tees, o; anp 6De 0^ ino;je of t\)m\, Durittjor t!)e Continuance of tljc faiD former ;?ict, 02 of tl)is p;?efent ^ct, to elect, nominate, auD appoint in tj)e iRoom of fucj) pccfon 02 l&etfons fo Dping 02 reftiftng: to ^ct, fo man}? mo;>e fit anD able l^crfon anD ^er^ fons ceCDing: in tj)e faiD County' of Weft- meath, to be joineD tbitj) tl)em, anD to be Xcuftees fo? tbe execution of tbe faiD fo?= met anD tl)is p?efent act,- anD ail anD e\3erp petfon anD l^ecfons fo electcD, no^^ mmateD, anD appointeD, il)al! auD maj?, anD ate becebp itnpolbeceD to aa as Xcuf::: tees to all fntents anD putpofes, as tDe faiD XcuClees bp tj)e faici fo;?mec M are impotbeteD to Do, anD fo from ^ime to Xime, as often as tl)ere ft)all be i^cca- Cion. ^nD Georgli Tertii Regis. 769 ^at) he it CnactcD bp tl)e Qint\)02itp c h a p. afo;?efaiD, 5:i)at out of tbe l&^oSts to atifexxxyir. bp tDc XoUs atiD Duties to be coUecteD "-^"^^ pucfuaut to tl)e faiD former ^rt, tj)c faiD XtuGces, 0^ anp fitic 0? mo^e of t!)cm, a)aU ftcft pap anD Oifc^atge tbe CoQs anD €xpeuce5 of obtammig: tl)is ^(t of parliament, anD from anD after fuel) CoQs anD €xpcnce5 il)all be fullj) paiD anD fati68eD, tj)at tUti anD from t{)ence:^ fo^tb tl)e X0U3 anD Duties maDe paj'able \}}> tDe faiD former ;act anD bp tj)i$ p^efent Stct, ft)aU be applieD to anD fo? tt)e fame fifes anD purpofcs as are DirerteD anD appointeD of anD concerninjg: t\)t fame in anD bp tj)e faiD fo^jmet ;3ct» 3|&?o\)iDeD ttet)ett})elefs, '€l)at if at anp ^ime before tl)e dpiration of tJ)e Hetm of Xbirtp^one pears, all l&arts of tU faiD JaoaD (l)aU be fufficientlp amenDeD anD tepaircD, anti fo aDjuDgeD to be bp t\)c ®aio2itp of tU Xtuftees appointeD o;j J)ereafter to be cbofen bp Hirtue of tl)e faiD former 02 tbis p^efent <^(t, bp an -^D^ juDication unDet tbeir f^anDs anD ^eals, tbat then anD from anD after fuel) ;aD|u^ Dieatvon maDe, anD repayment of fuej) :®onep as 1)^1) been beretofo^e 0? il)all be 9 I^ hereafter yjo Anno Regni tertio c H A p.|)eteaftet bo^^otbeo fo^ t!)e l^urpores in tbe XXXVII. faiO former ;^ct mentioneD, tbitj) 3lnteteft — ^^ fo;j tjbe fame, anD tj)e Cofts anD OTbarges thereof, tl)e TaiD XoU anD SDtities il)aU ceafe anO tJetecmme ; an)? Xl)mgf l)eccm coataineD to tl)e cotitcatp nottti!t!)ftanD=: S(nti be it CnacteD b)? tl)e -^utl)o?!tp afo l^lace o? Olontcact of l&;>ofit, acifing out of o;? b^ reafon of tl)e tjrolls anD Duties bj? tl)e faiD former .^ct 0^ bp tl)is p^efent ^^rt laiD o? ijcanteD, but fuel) \&etfon 0? I&ecfons ft)all be incapable fcom tl)e Cime of entenncr into fuel) Con= tract, 0? accepting fuel) l&lace of P;joftt, of acting a«5 a 'Cruftee. ;3nD be it €nacteD bp t!)e ^utl)o?itp afo;jeraiD, tn:i)at if anj> ^uit il)all be com- inenceD againft anp jberfon o? perfons fo;j anp Georgii Tertii Regis. yyi anp Cl)mg: lone ia purfuancc of tl)e faiD^ " ^ ?• former act 0^ tl)i3 p>cfent aa, tbat m^^^^" ctjcrv fuel) €afc tl)e Action iljall be laiD m "^"^ tJ)e faiD Countp of Weftmeath, atiti not clfelbbece, anD tl)e SPefenDaut o^ Dcfeii:: Diuts m fuel) Action o? :^ctions to be b;ougl)t, map pleaD t\)z CHeuetal ^ITue, auD giue tl)i5 ^(t ano tl)c ^^pccial ©attet lit CUiDencc at anp illrval to be ^aD thereupon, aiiD tl)at tbe fame tbas tJoite in purfuancc anD Up tl)e ;^utJ)omec act, o^? of tl)!S p^efent ;^ct; anD if tt il)aU appear to hat)e been Done, o^ t^at fuel) action o; actions i^iall be b;ougi)t in an)? otbet Count)?, ti)en tj)e gfurj? fl)aU fitnt) fo;? the 3)efenDant o? SDefendants, anD upon fuel) IQIetOict, o;? if tl)e \&lamtiff (l)aU be nonfuiteD, o? difcontmue |^i«5 ;action after tl)e 2r>efenDant o^ 3>efenDant!5 ft)aU l)aV)e appeareD, o? if on anp De^ murrer ^w^S^^^^nt it)all be gitcn ajjainft t!)e ^lamtiff, tbe ^Defendant o? Defen^ Hants map anD fl)all l)at3e anD recotjer treble Cofts, anD l)at)e tl)e lifte laemcDp fo;j the fame, as anp SDefenDant o^ 3)efett' Dants !)atl) o? I)at3e in otl)et Cafes bp !latt)» 15?ot)iDeD altbaps, li:i)at notl)incr herein containcD il)all impotbet tl)e Xruftees to 9 % 2 erect 772 AnnoRcgni tertio, 6-r. c H A p.etett an J) Xarnpifte o? ^nrnpiftes in tj)e XXXVII. f^j^, tZEotbtt of Athlone, 0? t^e Itibetties 0nD be it CttacteD bp t[)e ;3tttl)o?iti) afo?eraiD, Xl)at tl)is <:^ct a)all be DeemeD, adiuOjet), auD taften to be a publicft ;^ct, atiD be fubitiall?) taften Notice of as fuel) bj) all SluOflres, fuQiceSr, anb otDec l^erfong tbbatfoeUet, tbit^out fpeciall? pleabmigr tl)e fame* FINIS. REC^i LlURl This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. ID APR?n'S67 ^^N 6 1986 Form L9-100m-9,'52(A3105)444 t PLEACt DO NOT REMOVE 'this book card^ ^^VUBRARYQ/. University Keseu.^ '^SH ^:- ^!