memorial \"()lt^me. CeOLEBPvATION OK IIIK TWO HUNDREDTH ANNIVERSARY OK TIIK REMOVAL oFTHE CAPITAL OK rvlARVLAND FROM SI MHRTS TO RMRFOLIS, Kditki) i;v El.inr S. IMLKV, In(|.. (1i;iinii;m of the House Committee on Public Records, to wliich committee the House liad dele- iriited its part of the \\ork of preparation. The cliair- man was seconded, in absohite unanimity, by every member of the committee, in each portion of the pro- gramme. It is nu invidious distinction, on tlie part of the editor of this volume, to say that, if the incidental data and historical papers of this work are worth preservino;, then the State is indebted particularly to the enthusiastic and intelligent encouragement that Messrs. A. Fredkrick (teokuk and Tilghma.n J. Fahrnkv. members of the House Committee on Public Kecords, gave to the compiler, in the initiatory, steps to bring, to the attention of the House, the propriety of printing a memorial of the celebration. J. IlKMsr.KY .loHNsox, Esq., of the same committee, mover of the resolution to print, was one of the earliest advocates of the memorial volume, and the unanimity of the House upon the subject was a compliment to the patriotic grasp which the author of the order had on the yital subject of the preservation, and diffusion of our records to the peoj)le of the State. The neat typography' entirely, and, in many cases, the artistic arrangement of the subjects in book form, is due to the skill and quick perceptions of the competent State Printers, Messrs. J\ixg Bros., of Baltimoi-e. PRKFACE. V Ma}' the facts here gathered inspire all Marylanders with a deeper love and better work for our own Com- uionwealth, and may other States of onr most glorious Union catch, as in the past, inspiration from the history of a colony which wrought for God and man alike. ElIHU S. lilLEV. Annapolis, ^[arch 19, 1894. COXTEMTS. PAGK ^larylaud Legislature of 1694. . . 1 Maryland Legislature of 1894 :i Inauguration of the Celebration 11 Commissioners of Annapolis in 1694 20 Corporation of Annapolis in 1894. . . '20 OtHcers of the City of Annapolis, 1894 21 Committees of Arrangement, 1894 22 Meeting of Citizens of Annapolis 2;{ Invitation of Citizens' Meeting 26 Card to Citizens. 27 Official Program 27 The Day yo The Street Parade 31 Masquerade, lUumiuatiou and Ball 85 On the part of St. John's College :^6 On the part of the City of Annapolis and State of Mary- land m King William's School 40 Board of Visitors and Governors of St. .John's College 4;! Tlie Faculty of St. John's College 44 Prayer of Rev. H. H. Clarke 45 Address by Gen. H. Kyd Douglas 47 Address by James W . Thomas 63 Prayer by Kev. W. S. Southgate •. ... S4 Remarks by Thomas S. Baor S6 Address by Elihu S. Riley sj) Address by .\lfrcd P. Dennis IIS Letters 116 Annapolis in 1694 \'>[t Annapolis in 1894 1(;r> Notes, Incidents, Thanks 16K MARYLAND LEGISLATURE OF 1694, AT ANNAPOLIS THE GOVERNOR AND COUNCIL. UPPER HOUSE. FRANCIS NICHOLSON, Governor. Col. NICHOLAS GREENBERRY, Col. GEORGE ROBOTHAM, EDWARD RANDOLPH, Col. JOHN ADDISON. JAMES FRISBY, THOMAS BROOKE, Councillors. HOUSE OF BURGESSES, OR LOWER HOUSE. Foil TFiK CiTv OF St. Mary's. Catt. THOS. WANGIIOP. For St. Mary's County. Mr. KENP]r.M ClIISELYDINE, Mr. ROBERT MASON, Mr. PHILIP CLARKE. Cai-t. .IOHN BAYNE. For Kknt County. Coll. HANS HANSON, Mr. JOHN IIINSON, Mb. WILLIAM FRISBY, Mk. THOMAS SMITH. 8 Memorial Vuldme. MMt\i \M> I.i:i;isi,ATi'KK »ii- U!'.>4 — Contiuuec/. Foi; ( Ai.vKU'i CurNTY. Mk. (;K()ii(;K I.OUGHAM. Mk. 'I'lloMAS TASKKU. FoK Ann Aiundki, (\)1'nty. Cm't. .KMIN IIAMMOX!), Mk. .IOON SANDEKS, MA.t. hDWAiU) noHSEY. Von Chahlkk County. Mu. in. HAWKINS, Coi>L. JAS. SMALl.VVOOl), Cot. WILLIAM DENT. FoK BAl/miORK C^UUJSTY. ilR. EDWARD HROOKBY, Mr. FRANCIS AV ATKINS, Mr. JOHN FERRY. For Tai,bot County. Mr. ROBERT SMITH, Col. HENRY COUR3EY, Mr. THOMAS SMTTHSON. For DoRfUKSTER County. Mh. .JOHN POLLARD, Mr. THOMAS HICKS, Mr. THOMAS ENNALS. For CEcri, ('ou.nty. Coi,. CASFERIS A. HERMAN, Coll. W ILLIA .M FKEK(!K. ii,k()any County. James M. Sloan Merchant I^onaconinf^. Annk Akundki. County. liohert Moss Kd. and Lawyer.. .Annapolis. HaI/I IMOIM-, CODNTY. .John liiihner i*>uil(l(:r ('at.onsvillp.. Hai.timokk City. Firitt IHxtrict. (!harl(!sil. Kvans... .... Printer and I'lih. . 1710 K. Chfisc. Second Diatrict. Wni. Cattell Hrnrc Lawyer K((uital)l(; Huildinp. Third DiKtrict. 'I'lioiiiiis (!. Hayes I^awyc-r Kquilal)li' Miiildinj; 4 Memorial Volume. Makyi.anm) Lkc.isi.atiiuk of 1894 — Continued. Calvekt County. Thomas Parnui Farmer St. Leonard's. Cahomnk County. Thomas A. Smith Farmer Ridgely. Cakkoll County. Pinkney J. Bennett Farmer Westminster. Cecil County. Charles C. Ci-others Lawyer Elkton. Ciiaklks County. Lewis C. Carrico Farmer and Phys..nughesville Dokchestkr County Joseph H. Johnson Lawyer Cambridge. Fredeuick County. Jacob M. Newman Merchant Frederick. Gakkktt County. Robert A. Ravenscroft. . . Physician Accident. Harfoku County. William S. Baker Fruit Packer Aberdeen. Howard County. John (jr. Rogers Lawyer Ellicott City. Kent County. Wm. T. Ilepbron Farmer Kennedyville. Montgomery County. Hattersly W. Talbott Lawyer Rockville. Prince George's County. William D. Bowie Farmer Collington. Queen Anne's County. Woodland P. F'inley Farmer Church Hill. Removai. of State Capital. Marlyand Legislature op 1894 — Continued. St. Mary's County. Washington Wilkinson Merchant Holly Wood. Somerset County. Levin L. Waters Lawyer Princess Anno. Talbot County. Oswald Tilghman Lawyer Easton. Washington County. David Seibert Farmer Clear Spring. Wicomico County. E. Stanley Toadvin Lawyei Salisbury. Worcester County. John Walter Smith ] Smbe^Maa?"' [ «-- "'"• OFFICERS OF THE SENATE. JOHN WALTER SMITH, - - President. James Roger McSherry, Frank Shipley, Secretary. Journal Clerk. WiLLiA.M I. Hill, Wm. H. Riciiakohon, Reading Clerk. ' Sergeant-at-Arma. HOUSK OK DELKGAXES. Allegany C'ounty. .Jos. JJ. Stottlemcyer Farmer Little Orleans. William Sleeman Miner Vale Summit. John \\. Shuck I'ainter Cumberland. Hugh McMillan Miner .Frostburg. John H. .Tones R. R. Kinployec. . . Wcsternport. 6 Mkmoriai- Volume. MvuYi.AND I.Kc.iSLA'ri'iCK OK 1894 — Continued. Annk Akcndki, County. .lames Ji. liiiishcars Lawyer Annapolis. Geo. M. Murray Pack, and Truck. .Odenton. Chas. F. Sappington Farmer Welham's X l{oad». Geo. W. Hyde Farmer Galloway. fiAi.TfMOUK City. First Legislative District. Geo. E. Keeuan Attorney-at-Law. .815 Law Building. Edward 1). Fitzgerald Attorney-at-Law. .Daily Record Bldg. Joseph W. Ila/ell . Attorney-at-Law. .218 Courtland st. Geo. A. Vernetson Merchant 138 Aisquith. W. n. B. Fusselbaugh, of J.Merchant 423 N. Gay. Samuel K. Atkinson 18 N. Chester. Se/^ond Ijtgislative Dintrict. Thomas S. Baer Lawyer 308 Courtland. Charles H. Carter Lawyer Lex'n and Charles. Archibald Fl. Taylor I.,awyer 104 E. Lexington. Charles W. Field Lawyer \ Farmers' and Mer- / ■' I chants Bldg. John Uemsley Johnson Lawyer 386 Courtland. Jas. IJ . I'reston, Speaker. . . Lawyer 220 fit. Paul. Third Ijegidative DiHtrir.t. Dan'l W. Stubbs Carpenter Ill Hanover. Henry Hasenkamp Merchant 623 W. Lee. Joseph P. McGonigle Manufacturer 204 E. Randall. Philip Singleton Merchant 1201 Ridgely. W. I). Robinson Lawyer 839 N. Fremont. John F. Williams • Lawyer 34 Lexington. Removal of State Capital 7 Maryland Legislature of 1894 — Continued. Baltimore County. James B. Councilman Farmer Mt. Wilson. John C. Bosley. . Farmer Shawan. Frederick S. Myerly School teacher. . . .Black Rock. Osborne I. Yellott Lawyer Towsou. George S. Keiffer Book-keeper Mt. Winans. Thomas G. Carter Farmer Gardenville. Calvert County. William H . Dowell Farmer Sheridan's Point. w 11 /^ • v^ i 1138 N. Fulton Wallace Owinga t armer j ^^^^ ^^^^^ Caroline County. Henry 11. Lewis Lawyer Denton. Albert W. Sisk Broker Preston. Carroll County. Johnzie E. Beasman Farm, and Dairy. .Sykesville. Benjamin F. Selby Farmer Watersville. John W. Biggs Farmer Noah Sullivan Farmer Manchester. Ceofl County. Geo. S. Woolley Chesai)cake City. Frank 11. Mackic Physician Fair Hill. Richard li. Thomas Merchant .... .... Northeast. ('haklkh County. James A. Franklin (!ivil Engineer. .. .Pisgali. John E.Stone Lawyer La Plata. 8 Memorial Voi.umk. Mahylani) liKoisLATUUK OK 1894 — Continued. Dorchester County. Francis P. Phelps Fruit grower Mt. Holly. Wm. F. Applegarth Merchant Golden Hill. Levi D. Travers Banker Cambridge. Frederick County. MeMn P. Wood Merchant IMew Market. John R. Rouzer Farmer Thurraont. James P. Perry Frederick. Andrew A. Annan Farmer. Emmittsburg. Geo. \V. Crum, Jr Farmer Lander. Garrett County. A. Frederick George Carp, and Builder.Swanton. J. George Kolb { ^^ev Mfgr^."^." [ Friendsville. Harford County. Samuel S. Bevard Farmer Emmerton. Harold Scarboro Lawyer Belair. Thomas B. Hayward Physician Clairmount Mills. John O. Stearns Farmer Whiteford. Howard County. Louis P. Haslup Manufacturer Annapolis Junct. Humphrey D. Wolfe Farmer Glenwood. Kent County. Enoch G. Clark .Phys. and Farm. . Milliugton. Thomas R. Strong Farmer Eadsville. Removal of State Capital. Maryland Legislatuke of 1894 — Continued. Montgomery County. Elisha C. Etchison Physician Gaitliersburg. Wm. H. Lamar Lawyer Rockville. Robert M. Mackall Farmer Olney. Prince George's County. George M. Smith Farm, and Merch .Bowie. Joseph S. Wilson Attorney-at-Law. .Upper Marlboro. Dent Downing Teacher Aquasco. Queen Anne's County. Wm. Henry Legg Real Estate Agt.. Centreville. John O. Phillips Justice of Peace. .Chester. Charles W. Clements Merchant Crumpton. St. Mary's County. Wm. F. Chesley Farmer (»harlottc Hall. Jolin S. Jones Farmer Jarboesville. Somerset County. Oliver P. Byrd Oyster Dealer. . . Crisfield. Wm. A. Tull Merchant Marion. Philetus N. ('annon Merchant Monic. Talijot County. Ormond Han.mond j Farmer and Gen- [ j^^ j ^^ { era! Agent.. . . \ •' William Collins. Farmer La Trappo. Francis G. Wrightson Farmer Sherwood. 10 Mkmouiai. Vomimk. MAitYi.AND I.KOisi.ATtiUK OK 1894 — Continued. Washington County. Norman li. Scott, .J r Lawyer Hagerstown. John II. Harp Farmer Chewsville. Tilghman J. Fahrney Merchant Downsville. Jeremiah H. Cromer Farmer Hagerstown. Wicomico County. Thomab 8. Roberts Farmer Capitola. Albert W. Robinson Manufacturer Sharptown. Ebenczer (4. Davis Merchant New Hope. W'oKCESTKii County. Lloyd Wilkinson.. Lawyer Pocomoke City, Jerome T. I layman Farm, and Merch Eden. Peter Whaley Merchant Whaleyville. OFKICERS. JAMES H. PRESTON, - - Spmker. Benjamtn L. Smith, \Vii>t,iam S. Mekkick, Chief Clerk. Journal Clerk. Waltkk R. Townsend, Joskimi T. C. Kenly, Reading Clerk. Sergeant-at-Arvts, John R. Sui-livan, Chief Janitor, - - Annapolis, Md. John S. Kelly, Chief Doorkeeper, - - - Baltimore City. Kino Rkothers, Baltimore, Md., fitate Printers. TtiE InauDuration of tfie Celetiratlon- ON the 12th of October, 1893, at a regular session of the City Council of Annapolis, City Counsellor Elihu S. Ililey offered the following preamble and resolution : WnKKEAK, The two hundredth anniversary of the removal of the Capital of the State to Annapolis will occur on March 12th. 1894; Resolved, That the Mayor appoint a committee of three, of which he shall be chainnan, to take such steps as will properly celebrate this important historic event, and that the IjCgislature be requested to join iu appropriately noticing an occurrence that marked such signal changes in the political and commercial history of the State. The preamble and nssolution were unanimously adopted, and the following committee, in accordance therewith, was appointed: Mayor John II. Thomas, (chairman. City Counsellor Hiilin S. liiloy. aiirl Alderman ('harlcs (}. Feldmeyer. At a meeting of the committee, it was resolved that the Legislature of 1^94, January Session, be recpiested to par- ticipate in the celebration, and to appoint an orator to 12 Mkmokiai. V'ulumk. •deliver an address on tlu; occasion of the celebration. It was fnrtlicr resolved that Elihu S. Riley be appointed to act as historiographer of the Ilenioval ; Charles G. Feld- niejcr be made nuisical director of the program of cele- bration ; Frank B. Mayer, superintendent of a histrionic pageant to represent the event. It was subsequently resolved to invite St. John's Col- lege to participate in the event, since the initiatory legis- lation to establish KJng William's School, the progenitor of St. John's (Jollege, was begun in 1694. the year the capital was removed to Annapolis. The College and the gentlemen assigned to their sev- eral parts in the program of exercises, severally accepted the positions and parts allotted to them. On January 9th, 1894, the committee of the City Council of Annapolis, through Delegate James R. Bra- Bhuars of Anne Arundel county, submitted the following petition : Annapolis, January 9th, 1894. To the Honorable Speaker, President of the Senate and Members of the General Assembly : Your memorialists respectfully represent that they have been appointed a committee of the City Council of Annapolis, to provide for the proper celebration of the two hundredth anni- versary of the removal of the Capital from St. Mary's to Annapolis, which occurs March 5th, 1894; that the said City Council also requested in its resolution that the Legislature of Kemoval of State CAPtTAi,. IS the State take part in said ceremonies ; that the said committee of the City Council lias selected Frank B. Mayer to formulate and take charge of a histrionic pageant suitable to the occasion ; that it has chosen Elihu S. lliley, as the historiographer of said event, and has appointed Charles G. Feldmeyer to direct the musical part of the ceremonies; that the said committee has invited the authorities of the St. John's College to be represented, by reason of the inauguration in lGi)4, of its progenitor, King William's- School, in the celebration, and the said committee respectfully requests that the General Assembly will select an orator to repre- Bent said body on so memorable an occasion. Very respectfully submitted, JOUN II. TnOMAS, Mayor. Elihu S. Riley, Char. G. Feldmeyer. This invitation was referred to the Committee on Public Kecords, consisting of the following members : ME88K8. Thomas S. Baku, of Baltimore City. Jameb R. Bka8HEAR8, of Anne Arundel County. Harold Scarbouo, of Harford County. Norman B Scott, Jr., of Washington County. Gkorok E. Keen an, of Jialtimorc City. John O. Phillips, of Queen Anne's County. TiLGH.MAN J. Fahrney, of Washington County. A. Frederick (Jeoroe, of Garrett County. Joii.N Hkmslky JoifNKON, of Baltimore City. The committee, on tlie IStli of January, met, by appointment, the committee of the City Council, repre- sented by Klihu S. Riley and (MiarlcK (J. I'eldmeyer, and 14 MkMoKIAI V()l,l'Ml£. the committee on tlie part of 8t. .John's College, repre- sented by J)r. Thomas Fell, president of St. John's Col- lege. Mr. Riley presented the proposed celebration on the part of the city of Annapolis, and Dr. Thomas Fell, for St. John's College. The committee of the House, after the retirement of the gentlemen from Annapolis city and St. John's College, had a meeting, and nnani- mously resolved to accept the invitation given to the Legislature, and further resolved to send the subjoined message by the House of Delegates to the Senate, which was done that day. Mr. Baer offered the message. By tiik Housk of DeIjP:gatks, January 18th, 1894. Oentlemen of the Senate : We have received from John H. Thomas, Mayor of Annapolis, and others, a memorial, requesting the General Assembly to participate in a proposed celebration on March 5th, 1894, of the two hundredth anniversary of the removal of the Capital of the State from St. Mary's to Annapolis, by the selection of an orator to represent the General Assembly on that occasion, which memorial has been referred to the Committee on Public Records, and is annexed to this message. We request the Senate to refer the matter to a committee to co-operate with the said committee of the House of Delegates in the consideration of said memorial. By order, B. Jj. Smith, Chief Clerk. Which was adopted by the House. Removal of State Caimtai.. 15 The Senate responded with the following message, offered by Mr. Hayes: By Thk Sknatk, January 22d, 1894. Gentlemen of the Uoune of Delegates : We have received your message, with memorial attached, requesting the General Assembly to participate in a proposed celebration on March 5th, 1894, of the two hundredth anniversary of its removal of the Capital of the State from St. Mary's to Annapolis, by the selection of an orator to represent the General Assembly on that occasion, and we concur therein. The Senate has appointed Messrs. Hayes, Tilghman, Parran, Wilkinson and Moss to act jointly with your Committee of Public llecords. By order, .1. KodKU McSllKHUY, Secretary. Subsequently, tiie two committees, thus appointed, met in joint session, and unanimously agreed to invite Prof. Alfred Pearco Dennis, of Princeton College, a native of Worcester county, Maryland, to make the address on the part of the House. This invitation was duly accepted. The cf^nmittee, on the part of the City Council of Annapolis, also asked James W. Tiiomas, Esq., of Cum- berland, wJio had devoted considerable time to the subject, to read a paper on "St. Mary's ('ity." This invi- tation Mr. Thomas accepted. Adj.-General II. Kyd Douglas was invited by tho committee on the part of St. John's College to represent IC Memorial Volumk. that institntioii in the celebration. This invitation was accepted. Mr. Thomas was assigned by the committee of the City Council to read his paper in St. John's College part of the program. In the House of Delegates, Tuesday, February 27, on motion of Mr. Baer, it was — Ordered, That the use of the hall of the House of Delegates, on the evening of Monday, March 5th, be granted to the Mayor and City Council of Annapolis, for the celebration of the two hundredth anniversary of the removal of the Capital of the State from St. Mary's to Annapolis. In the House of Delegates, Thursday, March 1st, on motion of Mr. Baer, it was — Ordered, That the Superintendent of Public Buildings be directed to remove the desks from the hall of the House of Dele- gates on the evening of the 5th of March, and return the same to their places by 10 a. m., of the following morning, and that the floor and the arrangement of the seats upon the occasion, be under the control of the Speaker of the House, the President of the Senate and the Joint and Special Committees of the two Houses, on the celebration of the two hundredth anniversary of the removal of the capital. Mr. Johnson submitted the following order : Ordered, That the Committee on Claims pay to the Hon. John H. Thomas, Mayor of Annapolis, the sum of $250, to be applied to the defraying the expenses of the celebration of the two hundredth anniversary of the transfer of the State Capital to Annapolis. Removal of Statk Capital, 17 Which was read and referred to tlie Committee on Claims, and on Friday, March 2, was favorably reported from the said committee, and the order was adopted by the House. On Thursday, March 1st, Mr. Johnson submitted the following order : Ordered, That Elihu S. Riley be aud he is hereby requested to edit and prepare for publication a memorial volume of the cele- bration of the two hundredth anniversary of the removal of the Capital from St. Mary's to Annapolis, said volume to contain the pi'oceedings of the two Houses of the Legislature on the subject, and the several papers in full to be read on the part of St. John's College, the city of Annapolis and the State of Maryland, on March 5, and the Printing Committee of the House of Delegate* is hereby directed to have printed before the 21st of March, instant, one thousand copies of the same, 250 copies to be bound in cloth, aud 750 to be bound in paper, to be distributed by the Committee on Public IJecords as follows : One hundred copies, bound in cloth, to the State Library ; five copies, one of which shall be bound in cloth, to each of the Senators and members of the House of Delegates, for public distribution ; one hundred copies to St. John's College, twenty to be bound in cloth; twenty- five copies, one of which shall be in cloth, to each of the speakers at the celebration ; five copies to each of the members of the Joint Committee of the two Houses having the celebration in charge, and the balance to be distributed in the discretion of said Joint Committee. That said Kilcy bo paid the sum of tliree iiundred dolhirs for editing said work, and that the State Printer be paid therefor at the rate now allowed him by law for public printing. 2 18 MkMORIAI. VoLlMK. AVhicli was read, and referred to the Committee on Pnlilic Kecords. On Marcli 7, the Committee on Public Records made a favorable report on the above order, with the amend- ment that the said Riley be paid the sum of $250 for editing the vol nine. The order was adopted by the House by the following vote : Affirmative — Messrs. Speaker, Chesley, Jones of St. Mary's, Strong, Brashears, Murray, Sappington, Hyde, Dowell, Franklin, Councilman, Bosley, Myerly, Kieffer, Carter of Baltimore county, Hammond, Wrightson, Byrd, Cannon, Phelps, Travers, "Woodlcy, Mackie, Smith, Wilson, Legg, Clements, Wilkinson, Hayman, Wood, Rouzer, Perry, Annan, Crum, Jr., Scarboro, Stearns, Lewis, Sisk, Keenan, Vernetson, Atkinson, Baer, Carter of Balti- more city, Taylor, Johnson, Hasenkamp, Singleton, Scott, Jr., Fahrney, Mackall, Stottlemyer, Sleeman, Shuck, McMillan, Jones of Allegany, Beasmau, Biggs, Sullivan, Wolfe, Kolb. — 61. Negative — Messrs. Bevard, Harp, Davis. — 3. It will be observed that the date of the resolution passed in the City Council of Annapolis, was to celebrate the 12th of March, and the memorial to the Legislature names the 5th. This was a divergence that made no essential difference, as an exact date would vary as differ- ent minds looked at the events. Kkmovat- of State Capital. 19 The original proceedings of removal are recorded as having taken place in the House at St. Mary's, on Octo- ber 11th, 1G94-, and the assembly is stated to have met at Annapolis on February 28th, 1694. (Old style.) It was at a time when dates were written two ways, but it is undoubtedly so that it was on February 2Sth, 1694, (old style), the Assembly tirst met in Annapolis. If we omit the eleven days added by tlie change of dates from old style to new, it wouhl make the day of meeting here March lltli ; but the records reached Annapolis before that date, no doubt, so as to be ready for the Legislature. So there are three dates by which the celebration might readily be noted : Octol)or 1 Ith, lt;93, instead of 1G94, as found in the record ; the unknown day on which the records arrived in the winter of IGOl; and the 11th of March, 1G91, when the Legislature tirst assembled at Annapolis. ^^— COMMISSIONERS OF ANNAPOLIS IN 1694. Majou JOHN HAMMOND, Major EDWARD DORSET, Mr. JOHN BENNETT, Mr. JOHN DORSET, Mr. ANDREW NORWOOD. Mr. PHILIP HOWARD, Mr. JAMES SANDERS, Hon. NICHOLAS GREENBKRRY, Esq. CORPORATION OF ANNAPOIJS IN 1894. Mayor: JOHN H. THOMAi^, City Counsellor: ELIHU S. RIL^Y. Aldermen : Firxt »^ar(Z— CHARLES G. FELDMEYER, JOHN H. BRIGHT. Second Fard— ALLEN McCULLOUGH, LOUIS J. GARDINER. Third Fard— CLARENCE M. JONES, WILLIAM H. BUTLER, OFFICERS OF THE CITY OF ANNAPOLIS, 1894. Cleuk : THOS. HIMELHEBER. Treasureu: WM. H. RULLMAN. City Commissioner: EDGAR IIUTTON. Market Master: J. HICKS RUSSELL. Health Officer: Dr. FRAXK H. THOMPSON. Messenger: JOHN H. CAULK. ClIIKK OK 1*01, ICE: ARTlIUll MAIiTIN, I'oMCK Officers: EZEKIFJ. A. MITCHELL, JAMKS W. W ATKINS, R. VINTON THOMAS, JNO. R. TYDLNCJS, SAMUEL FUANTUM. WM. 'I'. l'.l{OOKS. Committees of Arrangement of the Bi=Centennial Celebration, March 5, 1894, ON THE PART OF THE LEGISLATURE. THOMAS G. HAYES, OSWALD TILGHMAN, THOMAS PAKRAN, WASHINGTON WILKINSON, ROBERT MOSS. THOMAS S. BAER, HAROLD SCARBORO, NORMAN B. SCOTT, Jr., GEORGE E. KEENAN, JOHN O. PHILLIPS, TILGHMAN J. FAHRNEY, A. FREDERICK GEORGE, JAMES R. BRASHEARS, J. HEMSLEY JOHNSON. ON THE PART OF THE CITY OF ANNAPOLIS. JOHN H. THOMAS, ELIHU S. RILEY, CHARLES G. FELDMEYER. ON THE PART OF ST. JOHN'S COLLEGE. NICHOLAS BREWER, J. SCHAAF STOCKETT, MARSHALL OLIVER, and Dr. THOMAS FELL, Ex Officio, President of St. Jokn^s College. MEETIM OF SITIZENS OF ANNAPOLIS IN THE ASSEMBLY ROOMS. Annapolis, February '23, 1894. At a meeting of the citizens of Annapolis, called by the committee of arranojemciits of the City Council, the following: business was transacted : On motion of Chas. G. Feldmeyer, Dr. J. M, Woitliiiij^ton was nominated for chairman, but bein*; unable to remain was excused. Mr. Frank A. Monroe was then noiiiinated and elected. On motion of the same genlleman. Dr. (ieorge T. Feld- meyer was named and elected Secretary. At the request of Mr. A. McCullougli, of the ('ity Council of Annapolis,. Mr. E. S. Riley made a ht;itemeMt, expl linini:,- the object of the meeting, the necessity of appointing committees^ and the duties pertaining to the same, giving a general outline of the proccssi(uis, and the exei'cises of the day. Mr. J. S. M. Basil,. 1 1'., then moved tliut there be a mat-(|Uei-- ade [);uade between 7 and S.;{() i'. .m., uiid that during that time the citizens be recpiested to illuminate their Ix^mesi and places of business, and that the line of processioi^ bo over the same route as that of the afternoon parade. 24 MeMOKIA]. Vt)LllMK Mr, Riley moved that a committee of ten be appointed by the chair, which biiall be the Committee on Finance. The Cliair appointed as follows: f. a. munroe, Geo. Moss, Jno. W. Nason, J. Howard Iglehart. S. B. Hardy, R. L. Werntz, Wm. M. Abbott, C. W. Martin, Jko. Hangartner, Malcolm Watson. On motion of Mr. A. McCulloujjli, the chair appointed following Masquerade Cornmitke: J. S. M. Basil, Jr., C. A. L. Wilson, •Jas. D. Feldmeyer, W. F. Basil, Edgak Hutto>;, Addie Stites, a Weiss, •James Strange. It was moved by Mr. Jno. Haniijartner and seconded, that this organization give a ball on the evening of the celebration, March 5th, and that the proceeds go towards defraying the expenses of the ball, the balance, if any, Removal of State Capital. 25 be handed over to the Finance Committee. Carried. The Chair appointed the foHowing Ball Committee : Jno. Hangautnek, Ernest Brock, Saml. Gates, Frank Myers, C. W. Martin, Zack Merriken, Frank Basil, David Jewell, Alfred Parkinson, Jas. Strange. On motion of Mr. A. McCuUoui^h, the Chief Marshal and his first assistant were ordered to wear orange and black sashes, and the assistants blue sash and white gloves. On motion of Mr. liiley, the Chief ALarshal was anthorized to make all necessary arrangements, and to make any change for tlie improvement of the parade. The meeting then, on motion, adjourned. l)i;. (ii:oii(;K T. I'Kr.OMKYKii, Secretary. The several committees met at various times, and fully perfected all their arrangements, entering into their M'ork with spirit and executing all the duties assigned them with skill and lidelily. The Chief Marshal, >\ lien McCullough, Ksq., and his lirst assistant, Mr. Jos( pli M. 26 ^^I•;M()UIA1- V'oLUMK. Basil, were most assiduous in their labors, and per- formed the exacting obligations of their positions with a keen appreciation of their duties and loyalty to tlieir demands. To the Chief Marshal's patient and unspar- ing efforts are due much of the success of the celebration. INVITATION. The following was the official invitation issued by the city of Annapolis : Annapolis, Md., February 27, 1894. My Dear Siu : You are cordially invited to be present March 5th, 1894, ta witness the celebration of the Two Hundredth Anniversary of the Removal of the Capital from Saint Mary's city to Annapolis, Maryland. The parade will start at one o'clock i*. m., and the exercises will close with a ball at night. F. A. MuNROE, President, Dr. G. T. Feld.meyer, Secretary, Citizens' Meeting. J. H. Thomas, Mayor, E. S. Riley, Counsellor, C. G. Feldmeyer, Alderman, Committee of Arrangements on part of City Council. A. ]\IcCuLLOi;6H, Chief Marshal. J. S. M. Basil, Jr., First Assistant Marshal. Removal of Statk (yAnxAL. 27 A CARD TO CITIZENS. Annapolib, February 20, 1894. The iindersigued, Committee of Arrangements for the colelna- tion of the 300th Anniversary of the removal of the ("apital from St. Mary's county to Annapolis, respectfully request our citizens to decorate their residences on March oth, with the colors of the State and Nation, and to illuminate their houses on the evening of the same, between the hours of 7 and 8.30 p. m. The Committee urges all of our citizens to lend their assistance to make the cele- bration a notable event. The Committee further respectfullj'^ requests all merchants and business men of every occupation to close their places of husiues& on March 5, from 12 noon, for the rest of the day, .John II. Thomas, Ei.iiii; S. KiLEY, CllAULE.S G. FELD.VfEYEK, Couiiaittee of the City Council. OFFICIAL PROGRAM. The following was the official iirograrn of the forma- tion of the line of procession : I'lltST DIVISION. Marshal in Charge — G. T. I'V-hlmeyer. Mounted Police. Han>l. ('ity ('ouncil. Ex-Muyors. Clergy. 28 Meisiokiai, Yolumk. Committee of the Mai'ylund IjCgisIature. Cadets of St. John's College. Public School Children. First Division will report on West street, right resting opposite Suit's Store, at 1.30 P. M. SECOND DIVISION. Marshal in Charge — Julian Brewer. United States Marines. Uniform Rank Knights of Pythias. Rescue Hose Company. Independent Fire Company. Water Witch H. & L. Company. Second Division will report at the city limits. West street, at 1.30 P. M. THIKD DIVISION. Marshal in Charge — F. A. Munroe. Independent Order of Odd Fellows. Improved Order of Red Men. Knights of Pythias. Junior Order of American Mechanics. General Society of Colonial Wars. Historial Society. Thinl Division will report at the Railroad Crossing, West street, at 1.30 P. M. MARSHALS. The Marshals of the Second and Third Divisions will keep a space of forty feet between the divisions, and also see that each Removal of Statf-: Capital. 29 organization will keep the proper position assigned them in the procession and have the line formed to move promptly at 2 P. M. By order of AlijEN McCullough, Chief Marshal. Line of Makch. The procession formed on West street extended at 1:30 o'clock, and moved down West street to Church Circle, to Duke of Gloucester street, to Green street, to Market Space, around Market Space to Main street, to Church circle, to School street, to right of State circle, to Mary- land avenue, to Hanover street, to Bridge, to King George, to Randall, to Piince George, to College campus, and dismiss. The members of the City Council, Ex- Mayors, Clergy, Committee of the Legislatui'e and the invited guests met at the Council Chamber at 1 P. M., and the Naval Academy band reported there at the same hour. The Day. MONDEY. IMRCH 5 1894. THE day dawned glorious for the celebration ; not a cloud dimmed the sk}', and the warm air made the atmosphere delightful. Tlie early dawn brought the stir of coming events. The stores were besieged by residents for bunting for decorations, and tiiese reposi- tories of bunting being soon exhausted, the citizens were driven to unique devices to satisfy their patriotic desires. From harbor as well as town floated flags and streamers, and from the venerable State House waved tlie Star- Spangled Banner with tlie sable and gold of Mary- land's flag. The effect was beautiful and inspiring, especially along Main street, which was one avenue of colors. The fealty to Union as well as State was evinced by the intertwining on the private residences, of the national and State colors. It was Annapolis' best ^and greatest of gala days. Every train brought its addition until a multitude filled the ancient capital. The bright weather, tlie charming decorations, the patriotic associations and the anticipation of coming pleasures Removal of State Capital. 31 made a cliecrful city, which ended as it began, with most perfect order and profound good will, a harbinger of love and respect that may forever remain amongst the noble and pairiotic people of ]\raryland. THI£ STREET PARADE. The lirst event of the day, and the chief spectacular one, was the afternoon paiade. Over six hundred per- sons, mounted, in carriages and on foot, took part in this, and were uKue or less decoi-atcid. The procession formed on West street, beyond the Annapolis, Washington and Baltimore depot, shortly after one o'clock. It was made up of the head and three divisions, as follows: (^hief Marshal, Allen McCullough ; assistants, Joseph S. M. Basil, L. J. M. Boyd, Dr. J. M. Worthington, S. B. Hardy, W. II. Rullman, Charles Duvall. All wore orange and black sashes, black clothing, derby hats and white gloves. Their saddle-blankets were white, with black borders. First Division — Marshal, G. T. Feldmeyer ; assistants, J. FI. Musterman, T. Brice, J. Trautweiii, V. Weiss, C. W. Martin, W. F. J^asil, J. E. Abbott, J. K. Scherger, Frank Thomas, Frank Stockett, Jr., M. M. Smith, .lohn Boessel, Edward Taylor, (t. T. Melvin, Oden Duvall, A. Phillips. 33 Memorial Volume. A squad of mounted police, under Chief Arthur G. Martin. The Naval Academy Band, Charles Zimmerman, leader. The officials of the Annapolis city government in car- riages — Mayor, John IJ. Thomas; City Counsellor, Elihu S. Riley ; Aldermen, Charles G. Feldmeyer, John H. Bright; William II. Butler. Ex-Mayors in a carriage — James II. Brown, Abram Claude, Thomas E. Martin and James Manroe. The clergy of the city— Dr. II. II. Clarke, of the Naval Academy; Eev. W, L. McDowell, Rev. Mr. Mcllvane, Rev. Watson Case, Rev, Fathers Lowekarap, Cunningham, Cook and Hanlej', of Annapolis. General societies of colonial wars, represented by Henry Stockbridge, Jr., Thomas Marsh Smith, William Ilan-ison Gill and George Norbnry Mackenzie, who rode in carriages. Maryland Historical Society, represented by Rev. John G. Morris, Henry F. Thompson and Edwin Wartield, who rode in carriages. Committee from the General Assembly — Messrs. Baer, Brashears and George. United States Marines, under Captain James M. T. Younjr. Remova.l op State Capital. 33 Battalion of Cadets from 8t. John's College, under Lieutenant Robert II. Noble. A lar^e number of Annapolis public school children^ with their teachers; the bojs carried a large flag, and the girls were driven in gaily-decorated wagons. Second Division — Marshal, Julian Brewer; assistants, Raymond Moss, F. Basil, R. G. Chaney, F. Slan)a, J. D, Feldmeyer, G. Gladen, Z. Merriken, Harry Brewer, A. Hopkins, Edgar Hopkins, John Kason, W. H, Smith, C. Ridout, E. F. Arnold, Burly Duvall, James E. Tate. Annapolis Drum Corps. Uniform Rank, Knights of Pythias, under Capt. P. El wood Porter. Rescue Hose Company, with men and machines, under Foreman, David B, Jewell. Independent Fire Company, with machines. Water Witch Hook and Ladder Company, men and machines, under Foreman, E. A. Shjourdan. Third Division — Marshal, F. A. Munroe, assistants, Harry Feldmeyer, W, II. Thomas, Guy Thompson, James Strange, Thomas Linthicum, J. B. Martin, W. H. Moss, A. Stites, C. A. L. Wilson, C. E. Meyers, J. P. Pettibone, Walter Clark, W. M. Ilolladay, Charles Petti- bone, C. Duvall, Jr., R. W. Tate, D. \i. Magruder. Woodberry Fife and Drum Corps. .^4 Mkmokial Volume. Independent Order of Odd Fellows, eight representa- tives from Metropoli^ Lodge, No. 17, as follows: J. W. Connoll}', Samnel Davis, D. O. Parlett, Daniel Medford, A. L. Baker, Lee Kalmcy, Wm. Gibbs and Wm. Red- mond. They were in regalia and rode in carriages. Improved Order of Red Men in two hacks, twelve mounted and altout thirty on foot. Those m carriages ■and mourned were in regalia. The mounted men wore painted masks. The former were Prof. A. J. Corbesier, R. Y. Clayton, Lewis H. Rhen, W. Henry Burtis, Percy Parlett, Brewer Gardner, Wm. V. Morris and Robert W. Clayton, Jr. Kniglits of Pythias, under Chancellor Commander Weems Ridout. Junior Order of American Mechanics, forty in num- ber, under Captain Frank Shaw. The procession moved down West street to Church Circle, to Duke of Gloucester street, to Green street, to Market Space, around Market Space to Main street, to Church Circle, to School street, to right of State Circle, to Maryland avenue, to Hanover street, to Bridge, to King George, to Randall, to Prince George, to College campus, and there dismissed. Crowds viewed the parade from every point along the route and cheered the various divi?ions. An unusually large crowd assembled about the St. John's College <;ampu8 to witness the disbanding. Removal of State Captial. 35 MASQUERADE, ILLUMINATION AND BALL. The masquerade, between seven and eight-thirty o'clock p. ^f., proved a most buccessful part of the day's program. Several hundred took part in the parade ; many of the characters were marked caricatures, and the complete procession a splendid conclusion to the pageants of the day. The enjoyment of the spectacle was largely interfered with by an accident at the electric light works that cutoff the arc lamps and put the streets in darkness. The illumination of the residences of citizens, during the hours of the masquerade, mitigated in some degree the loss of the street lamps, and gave cheerful color to the merry proceedings in the city. The ball, at the Masonic Assembly Rooms, was an enjoyable ending to the day's proceedings. There was a fairly, but not excessively, large attendance. ON THE PART OF ST. JOHN'S COLLEGE. The faculty of St. John's, the Board of Governors and Visitors, and alumni of the College, at the conclu- sion of the afternoon's parade, were escorted from McDowell Hall to the Masonic Opera House, where the following exercises were observed : Scripture Reading, Psalm I, and Prayer, by Rev. H. H. Clarke. D. D., Chaplain U. S. Navy. Song — "My Maryland," — The Children of the Public Schools of Annapolis, Md. Address — "An Early Sample of Free Religion and Free Educa- tion," — Adjutant-General II. Kyd Douglas, of Hagers- town, Md. Song — "Star-Spangled Banner." — The Children of the Public School of Annapolis, Md. Address— "The Capital of St. Mary's,"— J. W. Thomas, Esq., of Cumberland, Md. Song — "Hail Columbia." — The Children of the Public School of Annapolis, Md. Announcements — By the President, Thomas Fell, of St. John's College. Dr. Fell said that the Board of Governors and Visitors of St. John's College had arrived at the conclusion that they could only confer degrees at commencement day. The Board, therefore, wishing to honor some of its Removal of State Capital. 37 friends and alumni, directed hiin to say that (D. V.,) the Board would confer at its next commencement day, June 28th, the following degrees : Honorary degree of doctor of laws : Hon. John M. llobinson, graduated from Dickinson College; Chief Judge of the Court of Appeals, Mary- land. Hon. Henry D. Harlan, graduated from St. John's College, B. A., '78; M. A., '87; Chief Judge of the Supreme Bench of I'altiinore city. Hon. James Bevell, graduated from St. John's College, B. A. '49 ; M. A. '53 ; member of the Board of Visitors and Governors; Associate Judge of the Fifth Judicial Circuit of Maryland. Hon. Somerville P. Tuck ; graduated from the Univer- sity of Virginia, B. A., '67; St. John's College, M. A., '88; recently appointed .ludge of the International Court of Alexandria, Egypt. II()n(;rary Degree of Doctor of Divinity — Rev. Edward C. iMiicnichdl, of Pocomoke City, Md., graduated from Dickinson Theological Seininary, '74; member of the Wilmington Conference of the Methodist Episcojjal Church. Benediction hy Uev, Adolphus Pindell, an ahininus of St. John's College. Literary and Religious Ceremonies ON THE I'AKTS OP THE Kity of Annapolis and ^tate of Maryland, HALL OF THE HOUSE OF DELEGATES, Ivlo^^IDA"s^, ivtARCH 5, ise-4. At 8:30 P. M. PROQRAMJv^IE. Prayer by Rev. W. S. Southgate, D. D., Rector of St. Anne's Protestant Episcopal Church, Annapolis. 1. "Hail Columbia Happy Land." 3. Opening remarks by Thomas S. Baer, Member of Committee on part of House of Delegates. 3. " Yankee Doodle." 4. Essay, "The Removal of the Capital from St. Mary's to Annapolis," by Elihu S. Hiley, of Annapolis, Md. 5. " Maryland, My Maryland," words paraphrased to a hymn on our Public Schools. 6. Address, " The Catholic and Puritan Settlements in Maryland," by Prof. Alfred P. Dennis, of Princeton, New Jersey. 7. " My Native Country, Thee." Benediction by Rev. Father Lowekamp, Rector of St. Mary's Catholic Church, Antapo'is. Removal of State Capital 39 "Star Spangled Banner," as the audience dispersed. The Singing was by a Chorus from the Public Schools of Annapolis. Ushers — Messrs. Fenton Lee Duvall, Peter H. Magruder, E. Berkely Igleuart, John R. Magruder, T. Kent Green. Amongst the audience were: Captain R. L. Plu'thean, Superintendent of Naval Academy; Lieutenant Com- mander Uriel Sebree, U. S. N. ; Lieutenant Commander B. F, Tillej, U. S. N. ; Lieutenant Commander Asa Walker, U. S. N, ; Lieutenant Commander J. E. Craig, U. S. N.; Lieutenant Commander G. P. Colvocorresses, U. S. N., in full uniform ; invited guests of the com- mittee on the part of the city of Annapolis. Gov. Brown was also in attendance. The followinor teachers of the Girls' Pnhlic School were present to assist the pupils in singing: Miss Eliza- beth Dorsey, principal, Miss Milicent Redmond, Miss R. G. Camden, Miss Elenora W. Pindell, ]\Iiss Anna S. Brady, Miss Josephiiu? lieardon, Miss Cora Medley, Miss Bessie Tate. cX. i694- KING WILLIAM'S SCHOOL, For which the initiatory steps were taken in 1694, was the progenitor of St. Jolm's College. The earliest Board of Trustees of King AVilliam's School to be found in the records, is that of 1696, the laws of 1694, as a whole, having been lost, and the Board of Trustees witli it. The Board of Trustees of 1696 was: FRANCIS NICHOLSON, ESQ., Goverkob, Hon. Sir THOMAS LAWRENCE, Baronet, Cot. GEORGE ROBOTHAM, Col. CHARLES HIITCHINS, Col. JOHN ADDISON*, Of the Governor's Council. Rev. PEREGRINE CONY, Rev. JOHN HEWETT, ROBERT SMITH, KEN ELM CHELSELDYNE, HENRY COURSEY, EDWARD DORSEY, Kemoval of State Capital. -tl THOMAS ENNALS, THOMAS TASKER, FRANCIS JENKINS, WILLIAM DENT, THOMAS SMITH, EDWARD BOOTHBY, JOHN THOMPSON, JOHN BIGGER, Gentlemen. -uo^^^, i894- Boaid or Visitors and Governors 0[ St. John's CollBae. president: {Ex-OJficio.) His EXCELLE2CCY, FEANK BROWN, The Governor of Maryland, Annapolis, Md., 1892. {Under the Charter- elected annually,) FRANK H. STOCKETT,« Annapolis, Md., 1818. secretary: Hox. NICHOLAS BREWER,* Annapolis, Md., 1857. EX-OFFICIO. Hon. JOHN W. SMITH, President of the Senate, Snow Hill, Md. Hon. JAMRS II. PRESTON, Speaker of the House of Delegates, Baltimore, Md. Hon. .1. M. ROBINSON, Chief Judge Court of Appeals, Centreville, Md. Hon. W. SHEPARD BRYAN, Judge Court of Appeals, Bullimore, Md. Hon. DAVID FOWLER, Judge Court of Appeals, Towson, Md. Hon. JAMES McSHERRY, Judge Court of Ap))eals, « Frederick, Md. Hun. JOHN P. BRISCOE, Judge Court of Appeal.s, Prince Frederick, Md. * Graduated from St. .John's. Removal of Statk ('aimtal. 43- Hon. henry TAGE, Judge Court of Appeals, Princess Anne, M6. Hon. CHARLES B. R015EBTS, Judge Court of, Wt'stniinstcr, Md. Hon. A. HUNTER BOYD, Judge Court of Appeals, Cumberland, Md. ELECTIVE BY THE BOARD OF GOVERNORS AND VISITORS. JAMES MACKUBIN, Ellicott City, Md., 1852. Hon. DANIKL M. HKNRY, Cambiid/.e, Md., 1857. DANIEL M. THOMAS, Baltimore, Md., 1859. SPRIGG HARWOOI), Annapolis, Md., 1801. JAMES MUNROR, Annapolis Md., 18fi!). WILLIAM IIARWOOD. Annapolis, Md., 1873. J. SHaAFF STOCKKTT, Annapolis. Md., 1878. WILLIAM R. HAY WARD, M. D., Canibrilgo, Md., 1878. GEORGE WELLS, M. D,. Annapolis, .Md., 1882. Hon. JOHN S. WIRT, Elkton, Md., 1882. WILLIAM G. RIDOUT. M. D., Annapolis. Md., 1882. Hon. J. WIllT RANDALL, Annapolis, Md., 1882. RICHARD M. VKXABLI':, Baltimore, Md., 1831. RICHARD II. GREKX, Annapolis, Md., 1S«4. PHILEMON II. TUCK. Baltimore, Md., 1885. RICHARD M. CHASE, Annapolis, Md., 1887. MARSHAL OLIVER. U. S. N., Annapolis, Md., 18!)1. L. DOIISKY GASSAWAY, Annapolis, Md.. 1H!)1. 8PENCKR C. JONHS, Annapolis, Md., 18!)1. DANIEL R. MAGIMJDKK, Annapolis, Md., 18!'2. BLANCIIAIID i;ANI)ALIi, Ballimore, Md.. \n'Xl. JAMES RKVELL, Annapolis. Md., 1893. Thcso figures refer to tlio date of the election of the H«!veriil- members of tiic Boards. 44 Memorial Volumk. THE FACULTY. THOMAS FELL, A. M., Ph. D., LL. D., President, Professor of Moral Science and Ancient lianguages. JAMES W. CAIN, A. M., (Graduate of Yale College,) Professor of Political and Social Science. JOHN L. CHEW, A. M., (Graduate of St. John's College,) Professor of Mathematics. ROBERT H. NOBLR, LL. B., First Lieut. U. S. Army, (Graduate of University of Maryland,) Professor of Military Science and Tactics, and Lecturer on International and Constitutional Law. JOHN I). EPES, B. A., (Graduate of Randolph-Macon College,) Professor of English and English Literature. HENRI MARION, Professor of Modern Languages. GEORGE RIPLEY PINKHAM, A. M., (Graduate of Brown Uni- versity.) Professor of Greek. W. M. BERKELEY, B. A., (Graduate of University of Virginia,) Professor of Natural Sciences. JOSEPH R. WILMER, B. A., U. S. N., (Graduate of St. John's College and U. S. Naval Academy,) Professor of Physics and Mechanical Eng'neering. EDWIN D. PUSEY, A. M., (Graduate of St. John's College,) Assist- ant Professor of Latin and German. Rev. W. S. T. DEAVOR, Ph. D., (Graduate of Allegany College,) Assistant Professor of Mathematics. FRANCIS E. DANIELS, A. M., (Graduate of St. John's College). Assistant Professor of Botany and Biology, FRED. WILLING, A. M., (Graduate of Hobart College), Special Instructor in Charge of Candidates for the U.S. Naval Academy. JAMES P. BIAYS, Jr., B. A., Instructor in Preparatory School. KARL KUHL, Secretary for the President, OKKKliKD IJY REV. H. H. CLARKE, D. D., CHAPLAIN U. S. N., At the exercises on behalf of St. JohfCs College^ at the Masonic Opera House, on March 5, 1894-, in honor of the Bir Centennial Celebration of the initiatory mcvement to found King William'' s School, the p7'ogenitor of St. John's College. We thank thee, our Heavenly Father, that thou art the God of the world ; that thou art the Lord of the centuries, even as of the yearn. As we look into frag- ments, detachments of time, we can see thy plan, as we also l)ehold it, runninj^ through long j)eriods of coiitiim- ous history. Thy purpose of right-doing toward man- kind gathers to its(;lf incre.ising light, whether followed as it moves along the course of years or of centuries. Thou dost reign in justice and kindness, regarding the happiness of thy creatures, more than even llu; showing forth of thy glory. We praise thee for what thou hast done for this larxl of ours. In the heginning thou didst send the right incn to it; those who loved the truth ; those who were willing to suiTer and die for 46 ^fEMoiiiAi, Volume. it. They came with a deep love for what had been made known by consciences enlightened, by a sense of justice deepened, by a hope of human wel- fare and progress strengthened. Under thy guidance they did their work. They gave to us our original Com- monwealths; planted the steds of everything great and good in our whole loved land. We thank thee for the part taken by the Colony and the State of Maryland for the good of the whole people; that upon this soil were given such early and inspiring lessons of religious and political freedom. We praise thee for what education liere accomplished for these ends; that this institution was early planted on the shores of the Chesapeake to be a source of enlightenment and an instrument of good, ministering to what the State is now so justly proud of. May it be blessed more and more, widening in usefulness and influence in accordance with its venerable character and high purpose. Continue thy blessing upon its living graduates; help its president and its faculty in all their work ; let thy love and care be extended to each of its students; so let it prosper in the present and in the future. Upon all the exercises of this occasion may thy blessing descend. All of which we offer and ask, for Christ's sake, amen. j^nsr .A. n ID i^. ESS DELIVEUKO KY £y invitation of the Board of Governors and Visitors of St. Johns College, at the Masonic Opera House, March o, JS94, at the ceremonies that day on hehalf of the College, on the Bi- Centennial Celebration of the initiation of King WiUiarn?s School, the pro- genitor of St. JohrCs College. An Early Sample of Free Relizion and Free Education. For ten or more years we have had an epidemic of •centennials. Few events, over fifty years of age, have escaped it. Wo iiave had centennials and semi-centen- nials, bi-centennials and tri-centennials; and our recent quadro-centennial was one of the wonders of the a^e — the adinir.itiun aUke of (^Christendom and Heathendom. All this was very natural. N^ations are very like individ- nals because they are made u|) of individuals, and when they pass adolescence, they take great pride in their maturity and are anxious to celehrate it and have- a good time. The Americans, too, may be relied upon to try to <3o everything better and oftener than any other people, 48 Memorial Volume. and tlie States of the Union vie with each other in getting up sensational effects. Maryland, as is her wont, has kept up with the pro- cession, and to-day, as something of a variety, is combin- ing two or three such entertainments— a bi-centennial of the removal of the State Capital from St. Mary's to Annapolis — the bi-centennial of the foundation of King AVilliam's School, with a brief repetition of the centennial of St. John's College as the only heir at law and resid- uary legatee of King William's. This is very well. Maryland has never made enough of her past. What- ever may be said of other States, she certainly has never claimed the earth. In fact, she might have taken some valuable hints from other^ister Commonwealths, notably those founded by her early Puritan rivals, where skillful and partisan historians have well imitated the French cook who can make soup enough for twenty people out of the hind leg of a frog. Take any small event in the history of one of those States and you will find half a dozen local historians who will tell you all about it, with no end of apocryphal addeuda. And then they have such inimi- table adroitness in skating swiftly over discreditable places, with graceful gestures to divert attention and conceal the thinnesss of the ice and the muddy water beneath ! Whether it is better to be cleverly unscrupulous or stupidly indifferent to the record of one's State, I will Removal of State Capital. 4& Icfivc to experts in moral polemics. The sins of tlio literary sons of Maryland have been those of omission. She has liad scholarly and eloquent men of luisurc and fortune, whose hrilliancy and learning were of the liigh- cst standard, and yet with ahundance of material at hand, they seem to have lacked either the pride, or patriotism, or industry, to do what they might liave done to j^laco our State in its proper position upon the shelves of inter- esting historical literature. Many valuable historic facts have been hidden by rubbish and forgotten ; they should be brought forth and given to our people and the people of other States in logical arrangement and attractive form. It is not too late. The history of Maryland is brilliant with glories in forum and field — splendid examples in the records of Church and State. IV'i'haps there is some one in this audience who will catch the inspiration from this day's ])roceedings and hereafter build his own monument in the history of his native State. In 103.J, two little vessels, of blessed memory, the Ark and tlin Djve, brouglit from England into the Chesapeako Bay that small colony of two hundred adventurous eouls who settled the |)rovince of Maryland. From the first they began to build well. The first oath taken by the chief Governor of the Piovince in lOiS, contained a sentenco which has l)ecu transmitted tu us in our l>ill of lii;;ht8 — 50 Memorial Volume. "I will not, for fear, favor, affection, or*any other canse, let, hinder or delay justice to any." What could liave induced these same wise and far- •eceini^ statesmen, not much later to have taken such violent and unreasonable prejudice against lawyers as to have declared them "one of the grand grievances of the •colony," and to have passed a law in 1G74, "to reform attorneys, councillors, &c.," I can not imagine; indeed, I can not see how in the world, a reformed lawyer, or even a regular, kept from starvation, practicing law in the "woods among a few hundred scurvy impecunious refugees — I mean peaceful, impoverished law abiding patriots! But lawyers, like prophets and apostles and doctors, and many other christian gentlemen, have had a hard time of it in all ages; and only by the most unremitting industry and devotion to duty and ducats have they been able to take care of themselves. As eai'ly as 1G49, a law was passed in Maryland that "no one within this province professing to believe in Jesus Christ shall be any way, troubled, molested or discoun- tenanced for his or her religion or in the free exercise thereof." Speaking of the early settlement of this Colony, Bancroft has said without exaggeration — "its history is the history of benevolence, gratitude and toleration," and he elsewhere says, "here religious liberty obtained a home, its only home in the wide Kemoval of State Capital. 51 world. Every otlicr country had persecutin2; laws, till tliroiigli the benign administration of the Government of IMaryland, no person professing to believe in Jesus Christ was permitted to be molested on account of religion." The same celebrated historian places Lord Baltimore among the wisest and most benevolent law- givers of all ages. New England was colonized by Puritans fleeing from persecution, Maryland by Catholics seeking religious free- dom, Yii-ginia by Episcopalians of the Church of Eng- land. When tlic record of each is brought to light in this tolerant age, Maryland alone need not be ashamed. The Episcopalians of Virginia enacted severe legislation for tiie suppression of Presbyterians, Friends, Pui'itans and other dissenters, in order to force them out of the colony. The harsher and more cruol measuix's of New England ]*nritans, with whom exile, scourging, burning, tortue and death were common punishments, arc familiar to the readers of American history. But it is th(; pride of IVFaryland (and if you have heard it often it will not liariii you to hear it again), that upon her carh' history tlier(! is no such dark stain. At limes sporadic cases of inloleranc(j — the germs brought from England in their old clothes - seetned to threaten serious disease, but the air of Maryland soon provcjii a religituis disinfectant. 'I'hanlerma- nent establishment of Maryland, should stand upon the pages of history no less distinguished and renowned, as long as valiant service to eai-ly Mai-yland has an admirer, or civil and religions libei'ty a friend. Of the Protestant Revolution of ir)8'>, its causes and effect:*, and in which St. ^Mary's was the theatre of action, but little can be s:iid within the liuiits of this address. SulKce it to say, that it ivsulted in the e\acuution of St. Mary's, the downfall of the Pi-oprietary government, the subjugation of JMai-yhind by the Revolutionists, the assumi)tion of political control of the Province by the Crown, and hence the establishment at St. Clary's of a royal government in INFaryland, one of the ollicial acts of whi(;h, was that of overthrowing religious 74 Mi'.MOKTAL Volume. freedom — so long the pride of ]\[;\ryUnd, and consti- tuting, by law, the Church of EngUmd as the established church ()f the Province. In 1G04, Francis Nicholson, of Virginia, became Governor of Maryland, and signalized his induction into office by sounding the death knell of St. Mary's. He summoned an Assembly to convene, not at St. Mary's, but at Anne Arundel Town, now Annapolis. This act "fore-shadowed the doom" of St. Mary't^, and at that session of the Assemblj^ the removal of the capital was determined upon. The consternation which St. Mary's felt at this sudden, and to it, disastrous, riiovemcnt, can well be understood. It solemnly protested, pathetically appealed and gra- ciousl}' offered through its mayor, recorder, aldermen and council, in which, after dwelling upon the ancient rights of the old city, sustained by long enjoyment and con- firmed in the most solemn manner by Lord Baltimore, and upon the advantages of a site, with a commodious harbor and a beautiful and pleasant situation^ they pro- posed to obviate its alleged difficulties of access, but all to no purpose. Governor Nicholson had moved the capital of Virginia from its ancient seat to AVilliamsburg, and had come to Maryland resolved upon the same course towards St. Mary's. lie went through the form of submitting the address of the town officials to the Removal of Statk Caimtal 75 Assembly, from ulicncc it was returned to him — whose wishes probably M-erc well understood — with a reply con- ppicnons only for its vindietivc spiiit, bitter aciiniony and extreme cnai-seness, in which they ridiculed the idea of being bound by propiietary promises, denied the advan- tages of St. Mary's, mocked at its calamities, laughed at its proposals, and Ecorn fully declined further consideration of the subject. . • In February, 1G05, he ordered the archives and records to be I'emoved from St. Mary's and to be delivered to the Sheriff of Anne Arundel Town. This was accordingly done, and on the 28th of February, 1GD5, the General Assembly began its first session at tlie present capital of Maryland. The reason alleged for this change, was that St. Mary's, being on the verge of the Province, was difficult of access to the masses of the people. This may not liave been altogether without weight, but it was more probably due to the fierce political struggle and the bitter sectarian strife, which existed there at that time — between the advocates of the Proprietary and the adherents of the King — between the church of England and the ehurcli of Rome. It was, Bays Maryland's most eminent historian, Mc- Mahon, "the interest of the new government, to destroy, as far as possible, the cherished recollections which were 76 Mj;:m()Kiai, Volume. associated uith tlic departed Proprietary power; and there was no object so inteitwined with all these recollections, as this ancient citj, consecrated by the land- ing of the colonists, endeared to the natives as the first homo of their fathers, and exhibiting at every step the inonniiients of that gentle and liberal administration, which had called up a thriving colony out of the once trackless wilderness. The Catholics of the colony dwelt princi|)ally in that section of it; and nndcr the joint operation of these cause?, it had been distinguished dur- ing all the troubles consequent upon the civil wars in England, by its unshaken attachment to the Proprietary. Without these considerations to promj)t the removal, the recollections and the attachments, which centre the feel- ings of a people in an ancient capital, would probably have conti'ibuted to preserve it as such; until, by the denseness of the population, and the increasing facilities for traveling thereby afforded to the remote sections of the State, the objection to its location would have been in a great measure obviated, and the city of St. Mary's would at this day have been the seat of our State gov- ernment. The excitement of the moment made its claims to recollection cogent reasons for its destruction, and the public convenience came in as the sanction." After St. Mary's ceased to be the capital of the Pro- vince, it soon began to decline. The removal of the Removal of Statk Capital. 7T government officials in itself, serionsij diminished its population, and, in 1708, it ceased alto to be the connty seat of St. Mary's county, the last symbol of its official character. The same year it lost its pi*ivilcge of sending delegates to the General Assembly, and soon after lost its rank as a citj'. No longer the commercial emporium of the Province, with no manufacturing interests at that day to sustain its vitality, and completely stripped of its official impor- tance, it was left without means of support. Its popula- tion gradually departed; its old fort sank to the level of the earth; its houses — one by one — fell to ruin, and in a comparatively short tims nothing remained, save 82 Mkmokial Volumb. Maryland, the injured freedom of England found » refuge from the depredations of royal power ; here, the inherent rights of man found opportunity for growth to strength and vigor, away from the depressing tyranny of Kings; here, the ancient privileges of the .people that came down with the succeeding, generations, of our fathers from the morning twilight of Anglo-Saxon history, struggling through the centuries with varying fortunes, at last found a home and a country as all-per;- vading as the atmosphere around . them ; here, these principles and rights first entered into the practical operations of government ; here, was established the first State in America where the people were governed by laws made by themselves ; here, was organized the first ■civil government in the history of the Christian world^ which was administered under that great principle of American liberty — the independence of church and state •in their relations to each other ; here too, freedom of conscience, in all of its breadth and fullness, was first proclaimed to men as their inherent and inviolable right, in tones which, sounding above the tempest of bigotry and persecution, were to continue forever, from age to age, to gladden the world with the assurance of practical Christian charity, and ultimately find expression in the political systems of every civilized people." Such was the halo surrounding Maryland's early colo- nial metropolis, and yet the present generation asks Removal of State Capital. 83 when and where it was ; such the renown of Maryland's first capital, embodying in its history the germ of so much of that which gave grandeur and glory, as well as inspiration and pride, to the later annals of the State, and yet history has recorded its birth without a smile, and has written its epitaph without a tear. In desolation and ruin as it is, and though its hearthstone is buried beneath the moss of so many years, it should be revered as a hallowed spot sacred to the "proudest memories" of Maryland ; endeared in the pride and in the affection of its sons and its daughters ;. the glory of every American patriot, for it was the spot where first arose the radiant morning sun of our relig- ious freedom ; the spot where first broke and brightened into effulgent daylight the early dawn of our civil liberty. SCRIPTURE REHDIHG END PRHYER. By Rev. Wm. S. Southgate, D. D., Rector ok St. Anne's Chukcii, Annapolis, Delivered in tAe Hall of the House of Delegates^ March 5, ISQJf., at the Celebration Ceremonies of that date. The Lord our God be with us, as He was with our fathers. Let Ilim not leave us, nor forsake us ; that He may incline our hearts unto Him, to walk in all His ways, and to keep His commandments, and His statutes, and His judgments, which He commanded our fathers. (I Kings, viii, 57-58.) Almighty God, our Heavenly Father, who art always more ready to hear than we to pray, and art wont to give more than either we desire or deserve; pour down upon us the abundance of Thy mercy. Forgive us those things whereof our conscience is afraid, and give us those good things which we are not worthy to ask, but through the merits and mediation of Jesus Christ, Thy Son, our Lord. We beseech Thee, O God, save and bless our State, Give wisdom and power for good to our Governor, our Removal of State Capital. 85 Judges, the Senators and Delegates of the General Assem- bly, and to all others to whom is entrusted the authority of government. Grant tliat all their doings, being ordered by Thy governance, may be righteous in Thy sight, and for the good of all the people. Bless our land with honorable industry, sound learning and pure manners. Defend our liberties, preserve our unity. Save us from violence, discord and anarchy; from pride and arrogance and every evil way. Fashion into one happy peo'ple the multitude brought here out of many kindreds and tongues. Give us peace at home, and enable us to keep our high place among the nations of the earth. In the time of our prosperity temper our self-confidence with thankful- ness, and, in the day of trouble, suffer not our trust in Thee to fail. Direct us, O Lord, now and ever, in all our doings, with Thy most gracious favor, and further us with Thy continual help; that, in all our works, begun, continued, and ended in Thee, we may glorify Thy holy name, and finally, by Thy mercy, obtain ever- lasting life, through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen. i^ E nvE ^^ ]E^ k: s OP THOMAS S. BAER, Esq., On opening the proceedings in the Hall of the House of Delegates, on March 5th, 189Jf, in honor of the Bi-Centennial of the Removal of tlie Capital from. St. Mary's to Annapolis. It is one of the complaints of Ruskin against our country, tliat we have no antiquities. We have met to-night, to consider such antiquities as we have. To the citizen of the old world, two hundred years may seem a very short period in the history of a people, but on the virgin soil of the new world, it has witnessed the devel- opment of the most powerful nation on the globe. The special occasion which brings us together, is the 200th anniversary of the removal of the Capital of this State from St. Mary's to Annapolis. The town, from which the removal took place, has become so old, that it has disappeared from view more entirely than Thebes or Palmyra, while the young Arundel town, then proud of its new born dignity, is now widely known as the "Ancient City." On this historic spot, where, two hun- dred years ago, the first session of the Legislature in thia Removal of State Capital. ST city was held, the General Assembly has suspended, for the day, the business of the session, and has united with the municipal authorities of Annapolis to celebrate th& event. These are the closing exercises in connection with the celebration. We meet to look back at the con- ditions that led to the removal of the Capital, to listen to the lament of those who, with saddened hearts, fore- saw in that event, the beginning of decay, which ended in utter desolation, and to the rejoicings of those whO' felt that the establishment of the Capital here gave assurance of permanent prosperity. But above the interest, which attaches to the mere event itself, it is fitting that we should let the occasion serve to recall who the founders of our colony were, the conditions under which the settlement was made and maintained, and to trace the beginning and growth of that spirit of freedom in civil government and in relig- ious belief, which, when the fullness of time had come, sent the wisest of Maryland's sons to the Continental Con- gress, to participate in the creation of the great Republic, and the bravest to the field, to stay there until tli;it Republic was recognized by the Mother Country. It is my simple function, to night, to introduce to you the gentlemen, through whom we are to look backward two centuries in the hittory of our beloved State. 88 Memorial Yolumk. When they shall have performed their tasks, aud the work of the present shall be resumed, let iis look for- ward, and "nobly resolve" that the plant of civil and religious liberty, which our fathers planted and tended with such solicitude and devotion, shall continue"]' to bloom in consummate beauty during the centuries to come. REMOVAL OF THE CAPITAL FROM ST. MARY'S TO ANNAPOLIS, A Paper 7'ead, hy invitation of the City of Annap- olis, hy ELIHU S. RILEY, At the Ceremonies in the Hall of the House of Dele- gates, on March 5, 189^, in honor of the Two Hundredth Anniversary of the Removal of the Capital from St. Mary'^s to Annapolis. Gentlemen of the General Assembly and Fellow- Citizens : Comparisons may be odious, but they are the search- lights of truth. Tlie age, in which men and States lived, is the only background that will sharply deline their characters to posterity. When, by tile camera of histor}', the silhouettes of conteniporaneous events are thrown upon the canvas of time, then the chaste figure of Maryland shines like a star in the firmament of heaven. The day when the Pilgrim Fathers of Maryland landed at St. Clements, was the age of blood, intolerance, and persecution. The Church militant, no longer hidden in the catacombs of liomc, from the faggots of Nero, 90 MlMOKlAI. VOLUMK. had buckled on the sword of persecution, and was putting to its keen edge all who dared raise voice against hierarchical decree or sacerdotal authority. This spirit belonged to no sect and to no denomination — to no party, and no creed it was the age — the age of a terrestrial Infernes. The very demons incarnate, from the bottomless pit, seemed to have been let loose in the scriptural Babylon. Hus had been burned ; Savonarola destroyed ; the bones of St. Thomas a Becket exhumed and burned ; the ashes of Wycliffe scattered to the sea; Charles the First executed; an epoch when Thomas Cromwell, as minister to Henry the Eighth, gave the order for the trial and place of execution of offenders in one and the same paper; a period when every misfortune to an evil-doer was hailed with sanctimonious delight by the faithful as a just judgment of Almighty God for his impiety; it was an age when Catholics in England were not allowed to hold office; nor import the insignia of their faith; nor educate their children abroad in the principles of their religion ; nor receive the rights of their church in their own land, nor even inherit the property of their parents. Laud, Archbishop of Canterbury, had been slain oy the Presbyterians, and John Ogilvie, Jesuit, had been exe- cuted at Glasgow for high treason, for holding adverse opinion to the government and in saying Mass. Removal of State Capital. 9t Sir Thomas More's trial displays the spirit of the times in all their error and severity. "The charge con- tained in the indictment was — 1, that the prisoner had stubbornly opposed the King's second marriage ; 2, that he maliciously refused to declare his opinion of the act of supremacy (the act that made Henry VIII head of the church of England); 3, that he endeavored to evade the force of that statute, and advised Bishop Fisher, by his letters, not to submit to it; and 4, that upon his exam- ination in the Tower, it being demanded, if he approved the act of supremacy, he answered, that the question was like a two-edged sword; if he answered one way, it would destroy his hody ; and if the other way, his soul ; and these were said to be open or overt acts of treason of the heart^'' and Sir Thomas was accordingly executed. In the new world matters were no better. As late as 1662, in Massachusetts, Quakers were whipped whenever they could be found delivering their message. Men and women were tied to cart's tails, and scourged from town to town, and so it happened in New Ilampsliire, then a part of tlie bay. In Cambridge, a woman was thrown into jail without food or bedding. A Quaker brought lier some milk ; he was fined five pounds and put in the same jail. "The cases of these persecutions," says Mr. Bryant, "are too numerous to mention singly, and they all have a 92 MKMt)UiAL Volume. revolting sameness. Tliey lasted ten years, and did not come to an end until the King, offended by the prohibi- tion of Episcopacy, and of the reading of the Liturgy, issued sharj) injunctions against them." Wilson and Eobinson, previous to these minor cruelties, had been executed for the innocent offence of preaching the mild religion of the Quakers; Margaret Jones and Anne Ilibbens hanged as witches; Roger Williams driven to the wilderness for proclaiming liberty of conscience ; and the Salem Witchcraft horror was in course of evolution in the laboratory of bigotry, superstition, and pious fanaticism. Bryant, in telling the story of Connecticut, says: "Women were stripped for a whipping, one of them was whipped with a lately born babe clinging to her breast, and the record of fining, starving, imprisoning, banishing and miscellaneous cruelty becomes monotonous." Virginia Churchmen could not brook even the dis- senfer, and their harsh laws, rigorously enforced in 1643, drove the Puritan from the Old Dominion. From this sea of terror and merciless atrocities, arises the form of one that reflects the spirit of a new-born, heaven-inspired civilization. History will vindicate the assertion that George Calvert was the greatest man of his age — great in the pure nobility of his sturdy character, great in the wisdom of his stupendous grasp, in an age Removal of State Capital. dS of vindictive bigotry, of the sound problems of civil a«d constitutional government. He called a world's atten- tion to the sublime truth that liberty of conscience, m matters of religion, wa^ consonant with the loyalty of the subject to the highest or remotest interests of the State, and that that spot was most blest where no statute laws required obedience to creed, and that place in which these principles would have fair trial — was Maryland. It was in splendid keeping with such sentiments that, when Churchmen drove the Puritan from Virginia, Catholic Maryland gave him asylum, and sealed the compact with the immortal act of 1649, which was the first original legislation on American soil, guaranteeing the rights of conscience and of religion. It is revivifying to come, from time to time, to the springs of eternal truth, and there, rearing our altars of devotion, venerate the spirits of noble men, and drink in inspiration for duty, God and country. As Mary landers, let us once more read together this magna charta of Maryland liberties, wherein our sires made statute law, what had been the unwritten and common law of the province since its settlement: "Chapter 1, Acts of 1649, Caecilius, Lord Baltimore, William Stone, governor, "And wherca.s, the enforcing of the conscience in matters of religion, hath frequently fallen out to be of 94; Memokial Volume. dangerous consequence in those Commonwealths, where it hath been practised, and for the more quiet and peace- able government of this province, and the better to pre- serve mutual love and unity among the inhabitants, no person or persons whatsoever, within tliis province, or the Islands, ports, harbours, creeks or havens, thereunto belonging, professing to believe in JESUS CHRIST, shall from henceforth be any way troubled, molested, or discountenanced, for, or in respect of his or her religion, nor in the free exercise thereof, within this province, or the Islands thereunto belonging, nor any way compelled to the belief or exercise of any other religion, against his or her consent, so as they be not unfaithful to the Lord Pro- prietary, or molest or conspire against the Civil Govern- ment established or to be established in this province, under him or his heirs. And any person presuming con- trary to this act and the true intent and meaning thereof, directly or indirectly, either in person or estate, wilfully to disturb, wrong, trouble, or molest, any person what- soever, within this province, professing to believe in JESUS CHEIST, for or in respect of his or her religion, or the free exercise thereof, within this province, other- wise than is provided for in this act, shall pay treble damage to the party so wronged and molested, and also forfeit 20 shillings sterling for every such offence, one- half to his Lordship, the other half to the party molested. Removal of State Capital. 95 and, in default of paying the damage or line, be pun- ished by public whipping and imprisonment, at the pleasure of the Lord Proprietary." It rang out like the peal of liberty bells on this dark night of cruelty and intolerance, and was neither cant nor dead letter, for, as long as Lord Baltimore was pre- served in his rights, there freedom of conscience was guaranteed, and our ancient court-rolls contain the record that Capt. William Lewis, Catholic, was fined for con- temptuously speaking of the religion of his Protestant servants. J!^or are the praises of the liberal spirit of our fore- fathers left to our own State historians. Lord Baltimore ''laid," says Chalmers, "the foundation of this province upon the broad basis of security to property and of freedom to religion, granting in absolute fee fifty acres of land to every emigrant; establishing Christianity agreeably to the old common law, of which it is a part, without allowing pre-eminence to any par- ticular sect. The wisdom of his choice soon converted a dreary wilderness into a prosperous colony." Judge Story, in his Commentaries, speaking of the same subject, the colonization of Maryland, which ante- dated the Act of Toleration fifteen years, says: "It is certainly very honorable to the liberality and public spirit of the proprietary, that he should have introduced into 96 Memorial Volume. his fundamental policy the doctrine of general toleration and equality among Christian sects, and have thus given the earliest example of a legislator inviting his subjecta to the free indulgence of religious opinion. Tiiis was anterior to the settlement of Rhode Island, and therefore merits the enviable rank of being the tirslr recognition amongst the colonists of the glorious and indefeasible rights of conscience." William Cullen Bryant, in his History of the United States, wrote : "Enough remains of the annals of Lord Baltimore's colony to show most plainly those distinctive features which separated its founders sharply from aU the other strongly-marhed types, from which the varying races of the future nation sprang. Here were men trained in a different school from New Englanders or Virginians; men with a singular mixture of i-eligious enthusiasm, culture, practical shrewdness and liberal statesmanship, far enough in advance of their age to take warning from the errors of others, and, while they founded a province in which were mingled feudal and popular, despotic and constitutional institutions, to ad- minister it with such prudence that it grew strong and gained permanence more quickly and tranquilly than any of its predecessors." Says the learned Bancroft: "Sir George Calvert de- serves to be ranked among the wisest and most benevo- Removal of State Captial. 9T lent lawgivers, for lie connected his hopes of the aggrandizement of his fainilj' with the estal)Hsh»nent of popular institutions, and, being a papist, 'wanted not charity toward Protestants.' "Toleration grew up in the province silently as a custom of the land. Through the benignity of the ad- ministration, no person professing to believe in the divinity of Jesus Christ was permitted to be molested on account of religion. Roman Catholics, who were oppressed by the laws of England, were sure to find an asylum on the north bank of the Potomac; and there, too, Protestants were sheltered against Protestant intoler- ance. From the first, men of foreign birth enjoyed equal advantages witii those of the English and Irish nations." As these Virginia Puritans turned their faces toward the fair land of Marj', thoy saw -there the flower of- liberty blooming in the full fragrance of its primeval crea- tion ; and here they found refuge on this vei"y spot, on wiiich we are gathered to-night, and aptly and reverently called it "Pkovidknck." This was in 1640. Historians and intelligent men of all professions imvo been justly interested in the religious (loiiomiiiations of the men who laid tiie corner-stone and builded thi- fair walls of our State on such broad and most Christian basis. 7 9b Memorial VoLUMfc. The proprietary and the majority of the first eohMiists were Catliolics, but, in mutual love and respect, a goodly, though unknown, number of Protestants, united with them to lay the head of the corner deep in the eternal principles of constitutional and religious liberty ; it was a Catholic Proprietary and a Catholic House of Bnr- :;gegses that passed the act of toleration, but a Protestant Governor, who was undoubtedly largely instrumental in its enactment, three Protestant councillors, all appointed by a Catholic Proprietary, making, with the Governor, a majority of the Upper House, and a Protestant minority "in the House of Burgesses, assented to it. Thus, to their ■everlasting honor be it said, to Catholic belongs the chief glory of both deeds, yet, in the union of Churchman and Catholic, as they had laid the corner-stone, and, side by side, reared the pillars of the temple of liberty, so, the splendid renown of these twin deeds of immortal fame, that flashed like new creations in celestial space, outstrips the confines of sects and denominations, and belongs to all Marylanders ; for these noble men were our forefathers ; their blood courses in our veins ; and the honor of their deeds descends alike to every Marylander as a part of his magnificent heritage. One witch only hanged is the sole case in Maryland, in all this bloody night of insane and relentless persecu- tion, and one Quaker driven from the province by the Removal of State Capitai-. 99 Puritans of Providence, for refusing to take the oath of allegiance. These told, and set against that dynasty of ' terrors, is this matchless antithesis — in all the reigns of the three Lords Baltimore, a period of over sixty years, when persecution reddened every other quarter of the globe, not one single individual, Jew or Gentile, was ever molested in Maryland for worshipping his God according to the dictates of his conscience ; for, although the act of toleration limited religious liberty to Christians, the common and unwritten law extended, from the founding of the colony, its a»gis to all mankind of every religious faith. Have we not right to thank God for this record, and laud and magnify the men who made it, regardless of their creed ? Like the sentries at night along the Potomac, after a day of battle, during our mighty war between the States, who exchanged the tobacco of one for the coffee of the other, and discussed with fraternal feelings the conflict of the day, so we approach, with candor and fairness, the eventful annals which caused our ancestors the debate severe, the loss of vuliiable i)rivileges, the roar of buttle, and the sacrifice of heroe.s. In them all, th(; li;j,l(j of hoiinc that surrounds t\w chronicles of our State, increases in briUiancy as we draw nigh the temples of our liistory, ami inspect witii kecMier 100 Memorial Volumk. vision tlio noble lives of MaryliuKJ men, and place the annals of Maryland's colonists alongside contemporaneous American settlements, or challenge ev^en the records of time itself to present a land larger in liberality than that founded by the Prilgrim Fathers of Maryland. It was in that day, the only spot in all. the world where man "might worship God according to the dictates of his conscience, none daring to molest or make him afraid." Lord Baltimore anticipated his times a hundred years, when he required his officers to swear that they "would not directly or indirectly trouble, molest or discounte- nance any person whatsoever in the said province, pro- fessing to believe in Jesus Christ." The quarrels of the old world were shut out of the new, and Maryland became the "Land of the Sanctuary," where Friend and Puritan, Catholic and Churchman, dwelt together in happiness, pursued the avocations of peace, and rendered unto God the adoration of their consciences according to the forms of their faith and practice. Able to cope with his colonial iocs, so long as they confined their contests to questions belonging exclusively to the new world. Lord Baltimore found himself power- less to meet his enemies whenever they raised their banners crimsoned with the battles of internecine war- fare in England, or waived the standard of Old World, Removal of State Capital. 101 religions dissensions within the borders of the province. Claiborne and Coode yielded to his superior force and the might of right, but Bennett, championing the cause of Cromwell, and Coode, the rights of William and Mary, brought the sceptre of the L©rd of Avalon and the Pro- prietary of Maryland, to the dust, and, with its fall, the "Land of the Sanctuary" became a pandemonium of persecution. Such was the anterior history of Maryland, such the era of atrocity in which the State had birth; and these were the primary causes that led to the removal of the capital of Maryland from St. Mary's to Annapolis. Planted on any site, however inappropriate, a capital immediately throws out its tendrils, and takes root in the affections and traditions of the commonwealth. Deeper in the soil of the body politic, time thrust these roots, and diminishes the chances of their transphanting. History establishes the fact that capitals are not lightly removed from one place to another, and that a State clings to the site of its ancient scat of government with almost religious veneration. Maryland has had but two substantial changes of its capital. Several temporary removals have taken place, but friMii in.'}!-, the year of the settlement of the (jolony, to 1GS3, St. Mary's remained legally, and, most of the time, really, the venerated cai)ital of Maryland. 102 Memorial Volume. The first proof St. Mary's had that this treasured prerogative could be wrested from lier, was in 1G54, after the Commissioners of Parliament had reduced the colony to obedience to the Commonwealth, to which authority, indeed, it had never been* disobedient. Tiie General Assembly, called by the Puritan authorities, met at one Richard Preston's house, on the Patuxent river, to which place the documents and records of the colony liad been removed. In 1656, whilst St. Mary's remained the official residence of Lord Baltimore's Lieutenant in the Province, Gov. Fendall, Patuxent still continued the place of the regular meeting of the General Assembly. St. Mary's, in the year 1659, was fully restored to her ancient prerogatives, and, in that year, the session of the General Assembly was held there. St. Mary's remained undisturbed in her re-acknowl- edged honors until 1683, when through the remoteness of the town from the rest of the province, its inconven- ience and expense of access, which had always been "felt and often complained of," it was once more temporarily shorn of its laurels. The will of the Proprietary and feelings of the people had conspired to sustain the privi- leges of this ancient city; but the former, in 1683, yielded to the desires of a discontented people, and the Assembly was removed, with the courts and provincial offices, to a place called "the Ridge," in Anne Arundel Removal of State Capital. 103 county. One session only of the General Assembly was held there. The poor accommodations of the Ridge drove them hence, and the peripatetic capital took up its al)ode on Battle Creek, on the Patuxent River, from whence, after a session of three daj's only, it was again removed to its old site, St. Mary's. The Provincial Court found it necessary also to adjourn from the Ridge from want of accommodations. Once more settled at St. Mary's, the Proprietary gave the inhabitants a written promise that the capital "should not be removed aijain during his life." Resting under this assurance, the people of St. Mary's had reason to feel secure, for, at least, that uncertain period — a human' life; but political events defy all huuian calculations. Annapolis, yet called Pj«)VII}Knce, had evinced a desire for the location of the seat of government within its limits very early in its history, for, in 1074, when the Legislature was considering tiie propriety of erecting a State House, prison, and office, at St. Mary's, a member of the lower house stated, ;ind tlie Ikjusc sent tiit; message to the Governor and Council, that "there are several persons of (pialitie in Anne Arundel county, that will undertake to build a State House, prison, and ofhce, at thereown charge, before the city." The town also contained, this section asserted, excellent points of land, on whicli to erect fortifications to defend said shipping, and for the preser- vation of the ''public magazine and records of tho province." The fourth argument recited that the Capital ought not to be removed, because, by an act of the Legislature of 1662, land was bought, and, in 1674, the Legislature passed an act to build a State House and a prison, which cost the province 300,000 pounds of tobacco; and the next asserted that the inhabitants of St. Mary's had made a free-will offering of 100,000 pounds of tobacco to build Lord Baltimore a house adjacent to the town. The sixth and seventh paragraphs recounted the re- moval to the Ridge in 1683, and those inconveniences that brought again the Capital to the "antient seat of government." The eighth reason given was that, for the encourage- ment of the inhabitants to make provision for all who would be called to the Capital, Lord Baltimore promised that the seat of government should not be removed from St. Mary's during liis life. The ninth section states that "upon which encourage- ment given, several of the inhabitants of the said city have launched out, disbursed considerable estates to their great impoverishment and almost utter ruin, if they 110 Memorial Volumk. should be defeated of such, their promised encourage- ment, and not only so, but divers others, the inhabitants for several miles about, contiguous and adjacent to the said county', upon the same encouragement of his Lord- ship, have seated themselves upon mean and indifferent lands, and laid out their estates, and made improvements thereon, barel}' for the raising of stock wherewith to supply said city for the end and purpose aforesaid, which is now become their whole and only dependence for their future support and maintenance." The tenth paragraph depicted the advantages of St. Mary's — its convenience for masters of vessels and others coming in and going out of the province, the dispatch of letters and expresses, its accessibleness from Patuxent and Potomac rivers, and the Main Bay, beside the colony of Virginia, "with whom mutual intercourse and corres- pondence is most undeniably necessary and material." The eleventh reason announced that the Capital should not be removed, because Governor Copley had been required to enter upon his gubernatorial duties at St. Mary's. The twelfth set forth, "that scarce any precedent can be produced of so sudden a change as the removal of the antient and chief seat of government, iijpon the careless suggestion and allegation of some particular persons for their own private interest and advantage,'''' and to Removal of State Capitai,. Ill array Governor Nicholson upon the side of St. Mary's, the petitioners flattered him with the soft impeachment that the removal of the Capital was invested with him as their majesty's representative, and, at his Excellency's feet, ''continued the petitioners, ice humbly cast ourselves for relief and supjjort against the calamities and 7'uin wherewith we are threatened, and wholly relying upon your Excellency's grace and favor therein, with whom, we also conceive, should he good manners, in all persons, lirst to treat and intercede, before they presume to make any peremptory result, in case of so high a nature as this may be.'' The 13th and 14th paragraphs reminded the Governor that, in 1692, "it was put to the vote of a full house, whether the holding of tlie courts and assembly at St. Mary's were a grievance, or not, and carried in the nega- tive,'' and the petitioners "humbly conceive that house did well consider all difficulties and outlays, losses and expenses to be incurred in moving the Capital, besides the hazards and casualties of removing and transporting the records from one place to another, of wbicb already Bome experience hath been had." To meet all objections of inconvenience of travel, the petitioners offered to provide, as soon as possible, "a coach or caravan, or both, to go at all times of public meetinji^ of Assemblies and Provincial Courts, and so 112 Memorial Volume. forth, every day, daily, between St. Mary's and Patuxent river, and, at all other limes, once a week; and also to keep constantly on hand a dozen horses, at least, with suitable furniture, for any person or persons, having occasion to ride post, or otherwise, with or witiiout a guide, to any port of the province on the Western Shore." The sixteenth section suggested that the objection that St. Mary's was not in the centre of the province, and, therefore, not suitable as the capital, was conspicuously untenable from the fact tiiat the Imperial Court is held in London, "as far from the centre of England as St. Marie's in this province; Boston, in New England ; Port Royal, in Jamaica; Jamestown, in Virginia; and almost all other, their Majestie's American plantations, where are still kept and continued in their first antient stations and places, the chief seat of government and courts of judicature." To this were subscribed the names of the Mayor, Alder- men and Councilmen of St. Marie's, with the freemen thereof, among the latter being that of John Coode, the leader of the revolution that was to take from St. Mary's its chief glory — another proof that we may start revolu- tions, but we cannot stop them. Then followed an especial sop for the Governor, in which the same parties hoped that the reasons and Removal of State Capital. 113^ motives lierovvith offered to liis Excellency and th& Council, will prevent tlieir assent to the contemplated law, and affirmed that tliej placed tlieir reliance on "his Excellency's known experience, assisted bj so worthy a Council." They urged again that it was a royal preroga- tive only to change the seat of Government, and when that authority was invaded, "the State is in a confusion." Knowing their Majestie's respect for the rights of their subjects, as "sufficiently evidenced by their placing a person of your Excellency's known regard to the same at the helm of the Government^ the petitioners do humbly conceive that it is not consistent with the rules of grati- tude for so great a blessing, as to pass a law which, your petitioners are well-informed, is an apparent incroach- ment upon their Majesty's prerogative." A prayer, appended to this lengthy review of the case, showed how solicitous the people of St, Mary's were for the reputation of the State. "Least," said they, "the province may bo so blamed as to have it said that it was rinciple of the Roman Court, namely, allegiance to its authority. Yet it remained for these champions of self- magistracy in matters of faith to learn the first lesson in the j)ractice of religious toleration from the Catholic settlers of Maryland. Dr. Dexter in his History of Congregationalism, claims for Robert Browne, the leader of the ultra-Puritan Separatists, the proud distinction of being the iirst wiiter 142 Mkmdimai, Volumk. to state and defend, in the English tongue, the true and now accepted doctrine of the relation of the civil magis- trate to the church. The voice of Browne was as of one crying in the wilderness; there was no practical appli- cation of his theories among his Puritan brethren, either in Geneva or England or Massachusetts or Maryland. Geneva is said to have been at once the strength and weakness of the Puritan. "His strength, because here he saw his ideal realized ; his weakness, because it taught him to try to get his reforms through the State." Calvin instituted at Geneva a Theocracy, the like of which the world lias never seen. It was not a State church, but a church State. For self-control was substituted State control — a control that became inquisitorial, exacting, unjust. Laced in by catechismal formularies, the free circulation of new ideas was impeded. The Puritan was the last to see the injustice of purging away heresy by the shedding of blood, he was the last to perceive the inadequacy of force to crush a man's opinions. He inclined a complacent ear to the dogma of exclusive salvation for those of his own sect — persecution followed as a corollary. In the years of Catholic toleration in Maryland, the question of religious toleration in Massachusetts was decided in the negative. Adverse opinions were exposed by the Synod of 1637, and in the white light of Puritan orthodoxy, and became Removal of State Capital. 143 heresies most foul. These Puritans had eaten of tlie bitter bread of persecution, they had sailed the seas and subdued tlie wilderness as victims of religious intolerance. When, however, thev encountered a Quaker with wrong views — the}' proceeded to argue him into orthodoxy. Failing of this, they hung him. Intolerance and perse- cution do not stand upon the same plane. The one is rather a'thing of necessity, consequent upon positiveness of opinion. The otlier is a thing of expediency. In our own day the power of the sword has happily departed from every form of religions opinion. This triumph is based on expediency rather than morality. Persecution does not neccessarily imply low ideals of conduct. The best Roman Emperors, as Trajan, Decius, Julian and Marcus Aurelius, were precisely those who singled out the early Christians for persecution. The extremest bigots, as St. Dominic, Carlo Borromeo, Calvin and Caraffa, iiave been men of the purest intentions and of unimpeachable morality. As doubt is the antecedent of new knowledge, so a spirit of intolerance is a necessary condition of prog- ress. Men will not labor and incur sacrifice to discover the truth of subjects in respect to which they are perfectly content, .lolin the Baptist, the uncoiitli jnochiimcr of a new dispensation, was intolerant — denouncing unsjmringly the regime of the Scribe and Piiarisce. Isaiah, that otlier ^reat reproaclier and mouth piece of the desert, was intol- 144 Memorial Volume. erant. Paul, tlic orthodox Jew of the polite world, with the iiibrciikiiig of the light bccoincs a "pestilent fellow and a mover of sedition." Only the person who holds that religious beliefs are essentially uncertain or essentially unimportant, can sweepingly condemn the religious intol- erance of earlier ages. Persecution has few apologists and deserves none. We utterly condemn the narrowness of the persecuting Puritan, while acknowledging that it was a high,'' but not too great a price to pay for his splendid legacy to the cause of civil liberty. It was the political intolerance of the Puritan which overthrew the tyranny of hereditary power in England and in America. The Puritan who trod these walks boldly set about to redress the balance of the Old World — in the widening struggle for civil libert3\ The spirit of the Puritan spoke again in the rejection of stamped paper. It flashed anew in the destruction of tea in yonder harbor. It echoed once more in tlie ban put upon the claims of great East- ern States to Western territory. The toleration which rests upon respect for adverse opinion, lives on in the true courtesy of our citizens. For the U'tbility of a landed aristocracy, has been sub- stituted among the sons of Maryland, the nobler title of the "grand old name of gentleman." The generation is now passing away which bore the griefs and devastations of a long and cruel war. In these 3-ears of peace, some Removal of State Capital. 145 have arisen wbo have uever heard the call of grave political exigency; some who have never known the sac- rifice for which a great public crisis pleads; some who may never understand the priceless worth of the free institutions under which they live, unless with heart aflame, they read the cost of liberty in the devoted hearts, the noble purpose, the spent lives of the genera- tions tiiat have gone before. Men sparing not them- selves in years of eminent public service — men struggling to heal the awful breach between brethren — men relin- quishing friends and fortune as the champions of an alien race — men placing their lives in pawn for their country's liberties. Such have been the sons of this Commonwealth, known in the councils of their State and nation. Honored of the world. Genius, nobleness, patriotism, have ever found a meeting place on this historic spot. The deeds of the men who have made us what we are, l)ut mock the feeble breath of speech. Their work lives on, perpetuated by the strong men who even to-day gather within these historic walls. ■'Tho' much ia taken, much abides; and tlio' We are not now that strengtli which in oKl days Moved earth and lieaven; that which we are, we are; One equal temper of heroic hearts, Made weak by time and fate, but strong in will To strive, to seek, to hud, aud not to yield." 10 XjETTE1E?.S- Much of the correspondence was incomplete or inap- propriate to tliis volume. Such as was definite and per- tin(Mit has been inserted in this chapter. Annapolis, Fehr^iary S, 189Jf.. Prof. Alfred P. Dennis, Dear Sir: — ^It is my pleasant dutj to inform you, that you have been unanimously chosen by the General Assembly of Maryland as orator, to represent it in the celebration to be had in this city, on the 5th day of March, 1S94, of the removal of the Capital from St. Mary's to Annapolis. The celebration is under the con- trol of the municipal authorities of Annapolis, and they will communicate with you in reference to the order of ■exercises and such other matters as may be necessary. Yours respectfully, Thomas S. Baer,' Cfuiirman of Committee on Public Records of House of Delegates. Princeton, N, J., February 9^ ISOJf.. Hon. Thomas S. Baer, Dear Sir : — I beg leave to acknowledge the receipt of your letter notifying me of my election as orator for the Kemoval of State Capital. 147 celebration of Marcli 5th — and record my acceptance of the honor tlius conferred. I trust jou will pardon my delay. Have been confined in the College Hospital for ten days and could not earlier formulate a definite answer. Most respectfully yours, Alfred P. Dennis. Council Chambek, Annapolis, February 7, IHdlf.. James W. Thomas, Esq., Dear Sir : — I am instructed by the Committee of the City Council of Annapolis, to invite you to take part in our exercises on March 5th, in celebrating the 200th Anniversary of the " Removal of the Capital from St. Mary's to Annapolis," by reading a paper on St. Mary's City. You have been assigned to the exercises of the after- noon at St. John's College. 1 have handed this note over to Dr. Fell, President of St. John's College, who. will further communicate with you. Very respectfully, KlIMU S. KlLKY. 148 Memorial Volume. St. John's College, Pkesident's Room, Annapolis, Mix, 7th Fchrnary^ ISdIp. James II. Thomas, Esq., My Deak Sik: — By request of Mr. E. S. Riley, the City Counselloi', I have the pleasure to hand you the enclosed invitation to deliver an address on St Mary's, on the occasion of the celebration of the removal of the Capital from that city to Annapolis. As it is suggested that your address or paper, on the subject mentioned, be delivered in the afternoon of the 5th March, and shall form part of the program of the exercises, more particularly^ connected with the college, I write to say that we shall be much ])leased to accord you a place in our program, following the address of General II. Kyd Douglas, upon King William's School. It is proposed that the exercises shall commence about 4 o'clock p. m., in McDowell Hall, on Monday, the 5th March. Trusting that 3'ou may be willing to accept the invita- tion, and to accord with the arrangement just mentioned, I am, very respectfully yours, Thomas Fell, President of St. Johii's College. Removal of State Capital. 149 Cumberland, Md., February 10th., 1894- Dr. Teomas Fell, Annapolis, Md., Dear Sir: — I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of yonr esteemed favor of the 8th inst., convey- ing a communication from the committee of the City Council of Annapolis, requesting me to deliver an address on "St. Mary's City," the early metropolis and capital of Maryland, on the occasion of the celebration of the 200th anniversary of Annapolis a? tlie capital of the State. It will give me pleasure to participate in that interest- ing ceremony, and to make a brief address upon the historic, but the vanished and almost forgotten, city of St. Mary's. In thus conveying my acceptance through you to Mr. E. S. Riley, of the City Council, I beg also to express my appreciation of the courtesies extended by you in tliat connection as President of St. John's College. Yours very respectfully, James W. Thomas. 1 I KADQUARTERS MeADE PoST No. 27, (». A. R., Annapolis, Mo., March ^, 1891^.. Eliiiu S. Rii-i-:y, Esq., Dear Sir: — Your kind invitation to tliis Post to take part in the parade, Monday, March 5, 1S91, to celebrate 150 Memorial Volume. the Two Hundredth Anniversary of the Removal of the Capital of Maryland to Annapolis, received, and the Adjutant was directed to answer the same, informing your Honorable Body of the peculiar condition that exists in this Post which would make it almost impossible to attend in a body. Secondly, there are those of our members who are so employed that it would be impossi- ble for them to participate. TVishing the celebration much success and beautiful weather, I am, very respectfully, Your obedient servant, L. B. Smith, Adjutant Meade Post No. 27, G. A. R. 61 Gloucester Street, Annapolis, Md., FtJjrv.ary 20th, 1891f,. Dear Sir : — I regret being unable to accept your courteous invitation for next Monday, having several days ago made arrangements to fulfil two important engagements in Baltimore on that day. I have long felt deeply interested in the history and prosperity of "My Maryland," and most heartily wish Removal of State Capital. 151 jou a successful celebration of your Metropolitan Cen- tennial. Believe me, dear sir, Yours cordially, Decatur V. B. Morgan. To P^Linr S. Riley, Esq., Counsellor at Law, Court House, Annapolis. February, Hist, ISOJ^. Elihu S. Riley, Esq.. Annapolis, Md. Dear Sir: — I am directed by tlie gentlemen of the Council of the Society of Colonial Wars in the State of Maryland, to thank your Committee, throuf^h you, for their courteous invitation for this Society to participate in the Bi-Centennial of the Removal of the Capital to the city of Annapolis, and to convoy the acceptance of the invita- tion by the Society. Will you kindly inform me, by return mail, of the time and place of meeting and for- mation, and such details of the ceremonies as it may l)e convenient for you to communicate. Very re-4 MiMoKiAi, Volume. I beg, however, in advance of such presentation, to express to jon and the committee yon represent, the thanks of the Society for your recollection of it in your arrangements for the celebration. In the absence of the opportunity for more formal action by the Society, two of its officers will be requested to be present and repre- sent it on the occasion. I am, sir, very truly yours, Mendes Cohen, Corresponding Secretary. Annapolis, Md., March ^d, ISdlf,. Mr. E. S. Riley, Esq., Dear Sir : — We have received your invitation to participate in the parade on Monday, 5th inst., and regret to say that we will not be able to do so, as the time required to get the members together and make the necessary arrangements are too short. We can not have another meeting for two weeks. A^ery respectfully, E. H. Samuels, Post Commander^ Sheridan Post^ G. A. R. C. H. Smith, Adjutant. ■ Removal of State Capital. 155 The following congratulatory greetings were sent on the occasion to St. John's College : United States Naval Academy. March 3, 189 J^. Your invitation for the Academic Board to meet the Board of Visitors of St. John's College, at 3.45 p. m., March 5th, and proceed with them to take part in the celebration of the Bi-Centenary of King William's School, has been laid before the Board, and it will give them pleasure to accept the same. C. H, Chester, Comrnandei' U. S. JSfavy^ Commanding. Johns Hopkins University. Bai/iimore, Md., March 6th^ 189 J^. In the absence of the President of the Johns Hopkins University, the Academic Council sends its congratula- tions to tlio Visitors and (Tovernors of St. John's College on the occasion of the Bi Centenary of an institution that has done memorable service to the cause of education in this State, with best wishes for incroMscd [trcspi-rity and usefulness. Ika Ivkmskn, Secy. 156 Memokiai- Volume. -loii.vs Hopkins University. Baltimore, Md., March 5th, ISOJf,. Let me congratulate you upon the interesting historic anuiversarj' whicli you are now celebrating. Kindly accept this word from the Historical Department as a token of rejoicing with you in the honorable record of St. John's Colleore. H. B. Adams, Prof. Hist Johns Hopkins University. Baltimore, Md., March 5th, 189Jf. I am sorry not to be present at your Bi-Centenary. I am greatlj^ disappointed. I send congratulations to you on the auspicious circumstances under which you cele- brate this interesting anniversary. Edward H. Griffin, Dean. The Woman's College of Baltimore, Md. March 3d, 189 J^. The President and Faculty of the Woman's College send greeting to St. John's College, Professor Wm. H. Hopkins will attend the exercises on March 5th, as a delegate from the W^oman's College. Eemoval of State Capital. 157 Baltimore City College. March 5th, 189/f. I regret that our duties here will probably prevent the attendance of myself and colleagues. "We wish you a most successful occasion. F. A. Sopek, Principal. The Bisnop of Maryland, Rt. Rev. Wm. Paeet, B, A. I regret much that my duties and positive engagements will not permit me to be present at the 200th Anniversary of King William's School. You have my hearty wishes and prayers for still longer and stronger life work. And I beg you to assure the Board of Trustees of my interest in the College, and my wish that I could have found it possiljle to be present. William Pakkt, Bishop of Maryland. Cardinal ARcnuisnoi' of Baltimore. Baltimore, Md., Fclruary 28th, 1891,.. The Cardinal Ar(;lil)isli()]) of Baltimore regrets that his Lenten duties will deprive him of the pleasure of atten- dance on the occasion of the l»i-Centenary of King Wil- liam's School. Cardinal AKcnHisiioi- of JJaltimork. 158 Mkmorjal Volumk. Rev. Leighto^j Fakks, D. D. of Emannel Church, Boston. March 3, 18H. I trust that the celebration will be the success that it deserves, and that the future of the college may be bright and prosperous. Leiohton Parks. Rev. F. J. Keech, M. A. New Yokk City, March 5, 189Jf. Accept my hearty good wishes for continued and renewed prosperity of my alma mater upon this its Bi- centenary Celebration. F. J. Keech. ANNAPOLIS IN 1694. After forty-five years of growth, Annapolis, in 1694, liad under forty houses in it, and, it may be estimated, not over one hundred and fifty inliabitants. Within its precincts and in its vicinity were names that have linked themselves with every stage of progress of the "Old Line State." From the ancient rent-rolls are taken the names of the men who first settled in Annapolis and its vicinit-y, and whose posterity lived in Annapolis when it became the Capital of the State, with here and there some sturdy son of the virgin settlement who remained to see the steady progress and new honors of "the Ancient City." The dates show the years when the surveys were made and the land taken up for patent. RICHARD 15ENNETT, 1G50. THOMAS GOTT, 1658. WILLIAM GALLOWAY, 1659. JOHN COLIEIt, 1659. samup:l ruthkrs, hkh. In Middle Neck Hundred, between Severn and Sdiifh liivers: ZKPHENIAH SMITH, 1650. MATTHEW HOWARD, 1650. WM. CROUCH, 1650. JOHN HOWARD,- 1650. 160 Memokial Volume. RICHARD WARFIELD, 1G50. ALKX. WARFIELD, 1G50. THOMAS TODD, 1651. JAMES HOMES, IGol. ANN OWEN, 1G84. NICH. WYAT, 1651. SAM. DORSEY. RICHARD ACTON, 1G51. PETER PORTER, 1G51. JOHN BALDWIN, 1661. CHRISTOPHER OATLY, 1651. RICHARD BEARD, 1650. THOMAS HOWELL, 1651. WILLIAM HOMES, 1652. JAMES WARNER, 1651. HENRY PINKNEY. 1651. THOS. GATES, 1658. JOHN HOWARD, 1658. WILLIAM GALLOWAY, 1659. TOBIAS BUTLER, 1G59. NEAL CLARK, 1659. GEO. LAUGHER, 1650. SAML. WHITERS, ICGl. LAWRENCE RICHARDSON, 16G1. ANN CORELL, 1661. EDWARD HOPE. 1661. Col. HENRY RIDGELY, 1661. CHARLES RIDGELY, 1661. JACOB BENINGTON, 1G61. . WILLIAM FRIZZELL, 1663. E-EMOVAI. OF State Capital. 161 NEAL CLARK, 1663. EDWARD SKIDMORE, 1662. NICHOLAS WYAT, 1662 CORNELIUS HOWARD, 1662. SAML. HOWARD, 1662. JOHN HOWARD, 1662. CHARLES STEPHENS, 1662. WALTER SMITH, 1662. JOHN EDWARDS, 1662. PATRICK DUNK AN, 1663. JOHN HOWARD, 1663. CHARLES STEPHENS, 1663. RALPH SALMON, 1663. JOHN JAMES, 1663. HENRY SEWELL, 1663. THOMAS UNDERWOOD, 1663. EDWARD DORSEY, 1663. JOHN DORSEY, 1663. JOSHUA DORSEY, 1663. CORNELIUS HOWARD, 1663. JOHN EDWARDS, 16G3. RICHARD MOSS, 1663. THOMAS HAMMOND, 1664. WILLIAM GUMES, 1664. WILLIAM READ, 1665. JOHN C. MACCUHIN, 1665. ROBERT CLARK, 1664. THOMAS ROPER, 1664. JOHN BARTON, 1665. THOMAS BKLT,, 1665. 10 162 Mkmokiai. Volume. ill i>road and Tuun Neck IliiiulreU, betwtjon Sever u and Magotby Rivei>: ROBERT BIRLE, KiSO. ABRAM HOLMAN, 1650. RICHARD EWEN, 1652. THOMAS HOMWOOD, 1652. LEWIS lONES, 1652. JOSHUA MERIKEN, 1652. RICHARD YOUNG, 1652. JOHN CO WELL, 1651. WILLIAM DURAND, 1651. RALPH HAWKINS, 1652. JAMES HOME WOOD, 1652. NATH. UTIE, 1658. WaLI-IAM HOPKINS, 1659. PHILIP HOWARD, 1659. EDWARD LLOYD, 1659. JAMES RIGBY. 1659. W'lLLIAM FULLER, 16)9. ELIZABETH STRONG, 1659. MATTHEW CLARK, 1659. HENRY CATLINS, 1659. THOMAS BROWN, 1659. HENRY WOOLCHURCH, 1662. WILLIAM PYIHER, 1659. RICHARD DEVAIER, 1662. MATTHEW HOWARD, 1663. ALICE DURAND, 1662. ROBERT TAYLOR, 1662. ABRAM DAWSON, 1662. Kemoval [ARSH, IG63. THOMAS C. MARSH, 1663. JOHN ASKEW, 1663. JOHN GREEN, 1663. WILLIAM STAID, 1662. JOHN HAMMOND. 1663. EMMANUELL DREW, 1663 ELIZABETH DARRELL, 1663. CHRISTIAN MERRIKEN, 1665. THOMAS THURSTON, 1664. THOMAS (.'OLE, 1664. WILLIAM HILL, 1665. JAMES ORWICK, 1665. RICHARD MOSSEN, 1665. RICHARD DEVOUR, 166;^. JOHN BROWN, HiC.V JOHN CL.\RK, 1665. HERMAN SOLLINC;, 1665. ELIZABETH HILLS, 1666. (iEOR(iE YATE, KWlu. ROBERT I'KTTYBON, 1666. EDWARD BLAY, 1606. JOHN ROCKHOLD, 1666. I'AUL DORKKLL, 1667. MORRICE U.VKKU, 1667. ..FAMES CON NA WAY, KKlM. 16-t Memorial Volume. GEO. NORMAN, 1669. JOHN BURTON, 1667. WILLIAM DAWS, between 1667 and 167a. WILLIAM READ, 1665, HENRY PIERPONT, 1665. PHILLIP THOMAS, 1664. WALTER PHELPS, 1665. NICHOLAS GREEN, 1665. FRANCIS REASLY. 1666. ELIZABETH SISSON, 1666. WILLIAM HARRIS, 1667. JEANE SISSON, 1667. EDWARD DORSEY, 1668. THOMAS PHELPS, 1668. WILLIAM HOPKINS, 1669. GUY MEEK, 1669. RICHARD WARFIELD, 1669^. EDWARD GARDNER, 1669. ANNAPOLIS IN 1894. In^ 1845, Annapolis liad, after nearly two hundred years of growth, increased to 3,000 inhabitants. The ISTaval Academy gave it a slight impetus when it was established there at the lust named date, and Annapolis in 1S90 was reported as having over 7,000 souls. This does not include the Naval Academy and residents adjacent to the town, which would make the number nearly 9,000. Dignified with the seat of government in 1694, Aimap- olis had put on its honors with the stir of a new vitality. Its name was changed to its present one from Ann Arundel Town, ship yards were laid out, a parish church (the present St. Anne's parish and now the third church), a schoolhouse (King William's School, now St. Johirs Collegej, and a public ferry over the Severn, which was maintained until 1887, when it was superseded by a bridge, followed each other in rapid order. The city of Annapolis has not made j)rugress in wealth nor in population, but its development, on better lines, has been the pride of its people. With the arrival of the capital and a new element, came j)olitician8, lawyers, legislators, judges and scholars. Here grace and 166 Memorial \ ulumk. beauty gatliered, and in this prototype of an English- capital, wealth, leisure, beauty and refinement created a life of social gayety and voluptuous enjoyment that made the city famous throughout all the colonies for its fastidious pleasures, whilst the culture and elegance of its people gained for it the title of "'The Athens of America." Nor was the title undeserved. From its civilization were evolved Charles Carroll of Carrollton,. Charles Wilson Peale, William Pinkney, Daniel Dulaney, Reverdy Johnson and John D. Godman, in the last cen- tury, and in the present, Stewart Holland, the hero of the Arctic; James Booth Lockwood, of the Greeley expedition ; Stuart Robson, representative of the histri- onic art ; Dennis W. Mullan, the hero of Samoa — all of whom were born in Annapolis — and many others in both eras whose names belong to the liistory of the whole country. The spirit, character and patriotism of the people of Annapolis are written in deeds like these: The battle of the Severn, 1656; establishment of King William's School, 1096; founding of the Gazette, 1727; the merci- ful reception of the banished Acadians, 1755; erection of the first theater in America, in 1760; mobbing of Hood, the stamp act tax gatherer in 1765 ; the burning of the Peggy Stewart and her tea in 1774; furnishing two incidents in the bill of indictment of George III,. Removal of State Capital. ItJT in the Declaration of Independence; mobbing the Tories of 1812. who dared rejoice by a sermon and procession over the fall of Napoleon and the freeing of English legions to tight America, and in gaining the love of Washington next to his Mount Vernon home. The people of the "Ancient City" today, inheritors of the same blood, are legatees of the same spirit that characterized their forefathers, and are noted for their intelligent grasp of vital issues and their fearless vindica- tion of their free-i)orn rights. NOTES, INCIDENTS, THANKS. Among the representatives of the Maryland Historical Society taking part in the civic and military procession, was Edwin Warfield, Esq., of Howard county, who is a lineal descendant of Major Edward Dorsey, who repre- sented Ann Arundel county in the Legislature of 1694. In the House of Delegates of 1894, is Orraond Ham- mond, Esq., of Talbot county, who is a lineal descendant of Capt. John Hammond, who represented Ann Arun- del county in the Legislature of 1694. Fenton Lee Duvall, one of the ushers at the Hall of House of Delegates, on March 5, is a lineal descendant of Gov. Thomas Johnson, of Maryland, who nominated Gen. Washington to be commander of the Army and Navy of the thirteen united colonies. John R. and Peter H. Magruder, ushers, March 5, are lineal descendants of Gov. Francis Nicholson. All of the four speakers, on the occasion of the cele- bration, were Protestants, so the historical facts, recited by them, were not colored by religious bias. Nicholas Brewer, one of the Board of Visitors and Governors of St. John's College, and one of the com- mittee of arrangements, is a descendant of Nicholas Brewer, who gathered the boats together for Washington Removal of State Capital. 169 to cross the Delaware, the night he captured the Hessians. Senator Washington Wilkinson, of St. Mary's, is a descendant of Rev. William Wilkinson, rector of Poplar Hill Protestant Episcopal Church, in 1650, the first Epis- copal church in Maryland. Col. Casperus A. Herman, delegate from Cecil county, in 1694, built the first State House at Annapolis, in 1696. Elihu S. Riley, historian of the celebration, is a lineal descendant of Col. Henry Ridgely, the major of the armed troop of Anne Arundel in 1661, for the defense of the colony. Dr. A brain Claude, one of the ex-mayors of Annap- olis, who took part in the parade, is the grandson of Mr. Abraham Claude, who, with other citizens of Annap- olis, in August, 1765, successfully resisted here the landing of Hood, the stamp-tax collector. Charles H. Carter, Esq., member of the House, from the Second Legislative District of Baltimore, 189-1, is a descendant of Lord Paltimore. The masquerade procession was attended i)y a singular accifient. iVfr. John fxates was crossing West street, extended, on horsei)ack, when .Nfr. i''i-ank Small came up the street on another iiorse at a full gallop; the horses collided. SmalTs horse was killed outright, and (rates' 17<' ^l i: MILKMAN Volume. died shortly afterward. J^oth riders were injured and knocked senseless. Gates recovered consciousness in thirty minutes; Sniiill remained in a comatose condition for several hours. The former was only slightly injured ; Small was seriously hurt, hut finally recovered. THANKS OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF ANNAPOLIS. In the City (Council of A.nnapolis, on March 12. 1894, on motion of Oity Counsellor Riley, it was — Ordered, That the thanks of the City Couucil are hei-eby ten- dered to Allan McCullough, Esq., Chief Marshal, Mr. ,T. S. M. Basil, Jr., First Assistant Marshal, and the Assistant ]\[arshals, for the faithful performance of all the duties assigned them in the procession of March oth. Also, to all the organizations that assisted in forming the line of the procession, and to our citizens generally, whose hearty co-operation made the celebration exercises a marked success. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY Los Angeles This book is DUE on tlie last date stamped below. •ECD ^M Tn§39 DFCny Form L9-50m-4,'61(B8994s4)444 Ill iillii'l Tit '"'''''''''"^ _^A 001 159 168 2 |lf|iflllllllllllllllllllllllllll[III|iri|iililinn| 3 llSSOISoi'ig'oy