Al ; 0- 1 : 1 3 7 6 5 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA AT LOS ANGELES . * I. • • • I / ^/ c t-t^K^rv^^ SOUTHr ^'^^^ ^^'3 EXPORTS DECLARED IN AFRI.a. (In two divisions, Nortborn and Southern.) NORTHERN DIVISION. (Beg:iiining at the Canary Islands and ending at the Gnlf of Aden, the northern division of Africa embraces Morocco, Algeria, Tunis, Tripoli, and Egypt.) CAJVARY ISLANDS. TENERIFFE AND AGENCIES. (Agencies: Lanzarotte, Grand Canary, Orotava, Palroa.) TENERIFFE. Quarter ending March 31. Cocliineal, 144,30.5 pounds PO, 096 19 Quarter ending June 30. Cochineal, 32.014 pounds $8,519 04 Wine, 2,.531 gallons 1,141 25 Rags, 7,429 pounds 109 25 Bones, 13,853 pounds 103 18 Onions, 90,088 pounds 918 03 Potatoes, 94,000 pounds 940 00 Total 11,730 75 HUGH H. HAMILTON, Vice-Consul. PALMA AGENCY. Quarter ending March 31. Cochineal and granilla $.55,831 07 Sulphur 2, 1.35 49 Bones 2 eoo 00 Total (;0,5(!6 56 Quarter ending June 30. Cochineal : $26,429 21 r^ A\ <5^ ' JUAN RODRIGUEZ Y GONZALES, i i X O Consular Agent. 4 CONTINENT OF AFRICA. ITIADEIRA. FUNCHAL. Quarter ending March 31, 1883. Wine $5,150 74 Vine cuttings 63 55 Total 5.214 29 Quarter ending June 30, 1883. Wine $10,402 04 Wicker work 130 00 Total 10, .532 84 L. DU POXT-SYLE, Consul. 'ALGERIA. Quarter ending March 31, 1883. Algiers: 1,061 bales vegetable hair $3,935 22 Fancy articles, Algerian products 322 20 $4,255 42 Oran: 25,609 tons iron ore 48,657 10 2,551 bales vegetable hair 8, 139 41 200 dozen goat-skins 1,200 00 57,996 51 Total 62,251 93 Quarter ending Jnne 30, 1883. Algiers: 2,838 bales vegetable hair $10,366 00 Oran: 500 bales vegetable hair 1,856 28 12,222 28 ALEX. JOURDAN, ConsnL MOnOV.CO, TUNIS, AND TRIPOLI. Nil. EGYPT. CAIRO DISTRICT. Quarter ending March 31, 1883. Gum-arabic $37, 486 51 Senna 8,695 78 Sundries 8,619 75 Ostrich feathers 1,048 05 Raw skins 50, 727 09 Cotton rags 8, 190 91 Hides 690 80 Tortoise shells 198 80 Total 115,657 69 N. D. COMANOS, Vice- Consul' General in charge. 17 DECLARED EXPORTS FOR THE UNITED STATES. 5 SOUTHERN DIVISION. (The southern division of the continent of Africa m JIA follows: From Cape Verde on the Avest coast around , ^i Good Hope and down the east coast to Cape Guardafui. .»n- venience and for the better understaiuling of the large a\a ' ^d trade thereof, may be separated into three distinct com..* , •• ouudi- visions, viz, the West Coast, embracing Seuegambia, fiiftena, Upper and Lower Guinea, and the colonies therein; the south coast, embrac- ing the British possessions of Cape Colony and Natal; and the east coast, embracing the native states from Cape Colony to Cape Guar- dafui, together with the islands of Madagascar, Zanzibar, and the British and French islands of Mauritius and Reunion.) THE TVKST COAST. (The West Coast embraces Senegal (French), Gambia (British), Sierra Leone (British), Liberia, The Gold Coast (British), Gaboon (French), Lagos (British), the Portuguese settlement of St. Paul de Loanda, Ben- guela, Mossamedes and Ambriz, and the native states. The United States has consular representatives only at Sierra Leone, Liberia, Ga- boon, and St. Paul de Loanda.) CAPE V£RDE ISLAIVDS. SANTIAGO. Quarter ending March 81, 1883. Hides, 99 pounds §7 22 Goat-8kiu8, 7,765 4,900 83 Wool, 2,213 pounds 138 31 Old metal, 1,074 pounds 76 88 Goat-skins, 1,553 1,000 00 Duties and charges for shipping 477 72 Total 6,660 96 Quarter ending June 30, 1883. 6,876 Cape Verde Islands goat-skins 82,466 81 2 bales Cape Verde Manila hemp 10 40 Export duty and shipping charges] 264 74 Invoice certificate 2 50 Total 2,744 45 HENRY PEASE, Cotisul. SIERRA LEONE. Quarter ending March 31, 1883. Dry hides $37,922 57 Cam wood 227 75 Ginger 9,080 62 Rubber 421 21 Raw gold 254 40 Bones, $161.25; horns, $64.80; hoofs and piths, $13.93 239 98 Peanuts 50 04 Ivory 193 74 Composition and copper 121 77 Cotfee 51 00 Leopard, tiger-cat, monkeys, baboons, parrots, snakes, alligators, &c 507 90 Total 49,070 98 6 CONTINENT OF AFRICA. Quarter ending June 30, 1883. Dry ginger-root, 431,717 pounds $31,061 69 Dry hides, 14,219— 133,942 pounds 20,811 93 India rubber, 764 pounds 1303 66 Parrots, 197 372 12 Ground-nuts, 12,068 pounds 132 36 Ivory, 90 pounds 129 54 Old composition, 317 pounds 10 44 Old copper, 88 pounds 9 60 Bones, 5,370 pounds 26 88 Hoofs, horns, and horn-piths 7 68 Total 52,865 90 Per bark Monrovia to New York ; per schooner Navarino to Boston. JUDSON A. LEWIS, Consul. LIBERIA. (No returns.) OABOON. (No returns.) ST. PAUL DE LOANDA. (No returns. ) THE SOUTH CO^ST. (CAPE COLONY AND NATAL.) CAPE COEONY. CAPE TOWN. Quarter ending March 31, 1883. Ostrich feathers $68,609 51 Wool 43,060 15 Miscellaneous 3, 1 16 90 Total 114,786 56 Quarter ending June 30, 18b3. Ostrich feathers 166, 854 41 Wool 22, 152 90 Diaitionds, rough 2, 601 38 Wine 84 00 Total 91, 692 69 JAS. W. SILER, Consul, DECLARED EXPORTS FOR THE UNITED STATES. 7 PORT ELIZABETH. (All ageucy under Cape Town.) Quarter ending March 31, 1883. Skius, goat, kid, and cape ,'5;.')G, 502 10 Feathers, ostrich :5'2, .559 96 Hides :j,311 34 Wool 10:5,994 32 Iron, old 647 38 Total 197, 015 10 Quarter ending June 30, 1883. Skins, angora and goat $.53, 831 19 Wool .' 77,539 94 Feathers, ostrich 8, 947 94 Diamonds 749 53 Hides 617 80 Iron, old 744 50 Total 142,430 90 JNO. W. PHILIP, Consular Agetit. THE EA.ST COA.ST. (The East Coast, from Natal to Cape Guardafui, embraces the Portu- guese settlements of Delagoa Bay, Sofala, and Mozambique, the native States of Zanguebar and Ajan, and the outlying islands of Madagas- car, Zanzibar, Reunion, Mauritius, the Seychelles, &c.) ZAIVZIBAR. ZANZIBAR. Fractional quarter ending March 8. •■ Large ivory, 233 tusks $44,944 06 Ball ivory, 233 cut points 8,642 43 Scrivellos ivory, 64 tusks 1,266 96 Gum copal, 97 cases 14,701 68 Cloves, 1,802 bales 32, 188 00 Clove stems, 1,527 bales 5, 082 16 Red peppers, 63 bales 1,486 00 Goat-skins, 2 bales 116 50 Ebony, 1,584 pieces 639 98 Shells, 23 cases 395 08 Molasses, 2 casks 6 39 Total 109,469 24 LEONARD A. BACHELDER, Consul. From March 9 to March 31, 1883. inclusive. Gum copal, 85 cases S13, 018 00 India rubber. 56 cases, 28 bales 13, 469 43 Ebony, 524 logs 690 01 Dry hides, 22,560 45,227 59 Cloves, 223 bales 3, .598 03 Giam myrrh, 26 cases 1, 143 89 Goat-skius, 137 bales 6, 074 29 Salt hides, 4, 222 8,284 81 Large ivory, 66 tusks 15, 076 06 8 CONTINENT OF AFRICA. Ball ivory, 1 bundle $165 94 Scrivellos ivory, 7 bundles 1, 382 97 Eed peppers, 250 bales 4, 172 79 Total 112,303 81 Total for quarter 221,773 05 WALTER H. TEUMBULL, Vice-Consnl. MADAGASCAR. (Tamatave and the agencies of Andakabe and Majonga.) T AM AT AVE. Quarter ending March 31, 1883. Dry salted hides $149,654 34 India rubber 31,486 80 Coffee 3,893 71 Vanilla beans 520 37^ Sheep pelts 93 02 Rolia 25 29 Orchids 20 50 Total 185,694 03i R. M. WHITNEY, Vice- Consul. MAJONGA AGENCY. Quarter ending March 31, 1883. 22,709 dry salted hides $3.5,340 13 24,926 dry salted hides 49,993 20 20,655 pounds rubber 11,031 45 Total 96,364 78 P. W. TAYLOR, Acting Consular Agent. MAURITIUS. PORT LOUIS. Quarter ending March 31, 188;i. Sugar $30,027 88 Quarter ending June 30, 188:5. Sugar $263,675 07 THOMAS TRENTIS, Consul. REUR^IO^. (No ri'turus.) EXPORTS DECLARED IN AMERICA. BRITISH NORTH A-MIERIC^. DOMINION OF CANADA. PROVINCE OF ONTARIO. AMHERSTBURG. Quarter ending March 31, 1883. Cordwood §6,240 40 Staves 3,801 16 Stave bolts 2, 188 37 Charcoal 1, 187 00 Logs 317 00 Lumber 19,375 '^4 Piles 115 05 Lime 245 00 Beans 9,423 75 Wheat 7,691 38 Barley 297 6:i Fertilizer 72 80 Furn itnre *. 62 00 Breeding stock 1,395 00 Horse 75 00 Miscellaneous 526 00 Total 53,013 28 Quarter ending June 30, 1883. Cord- wood §2,841 00 Spokes 1, 000 00 Hoops 1,627 50 Raw furs 585 35 Lumber 18,846 14 Stave-bolts 1, 859 50 Staves 4,846 76 Railroad ties 19, 380 40 Logs 6,915 00 Charcoal 1,551 50 Barley 787 50 Beans 1, 400 00 Horses 665 00 Cattle 761 00 Timber 200 00 Piles 600 00 Miscellaneous 584 00 Total 64,450 65 JOSIAH TUENER, Consul. 9 10 CONTINENT OF AilERICA. BELLEVILLE. Quarter ending March 31, 1883. Barlev (249,580 bushels^ $193,684 59 Horses (73) 8, 656 25 Household goods (112 persons represented) 6,076 92 Live stock (cows and pigs) 584 50 Yresh tisli 548 88 Potatoes 453 75 Boues 360 00 Hides 510 00 Goods, the product of the United States 908 75 Miscellaneous 426 01 Total 212,209 65 Quarter ending June 30, 1883. Barley (110,417 bushels) $82,065 21 Rye ((56,213 bushels) 50,492 00 Lumber (14,350,213 feet) 178,081 84 Eggs 27, 143 06 Household goods (62 persons represented) 4, 399 00 Horses (35) 4, :J52 50 Bones 990 00 Skins 20,281 59 Miscellaneous 1, 100 75 Total 368,905 95- FEEDK. W. PEINCE, Consuls CHATHAM AND AGENCY. (Agency of Wallaceburg.) « CHATHAM. 4 Quarter ending March 31, 1883. Beans $70,179 44 Barley 1,461 15 Cord-wood 556 00 Clover-seed 15, 419 73 Furs 1,284 19 Hay 245 00 Lumber 1,615 22 Logs 60 00 Malt 1,644 44 Staves, hoops, and headings 12,633 58 Sugar-pipe staves 2, 808 00 Settlers' effects 5,552 00 Stock 7,096 00 Ship plank .^ 6, 300 00 Miscellaneous '. 3, 787 13 Total 130,641 8^ Quarter ending June 30, 1883. Beans $7,776 97 BoUh 3, 197 75 Barley 199 80 Cord-wood 7,950 50 Eggs 2.5,038 00 Hay 1,492 50 Logs 8, 870 00 Lumber 9,965 59 Malt 64,930 65. DECLARED EXPORTS FOR THE UNITED STATES. 11 Stock $4,581 00 Sngar-pii»e staves 'i, 184 00 Shipplauk 3,000 00 Staves, hoops, and headings 14,:$03 OS- Settlers' eflects 15,998 13 Miscellaneous -i, "^^ii 82 Total 173, :$44 74 H. C. BUFFINGTON, Commercial Agent. WALLACEBUEG AGENCY. Quarter ending March 31, 1883. September 30, 1882. Stave-bolts $2,455 00 Settlers' eflfects 637 50 Oak flitch 737 8:', Total. 3,830 33 Quarter ending June 30, 1883. Stave-bolts $23,433 Oa Cord-wood 24,935 25 Settlers' eflects -• 445 50 Logs 16,018 50 Lumber 5,936 37 Oak flitch 306 50 Railroad ties 6,030 50 Ship and round timber 2, 198 96 Miscellaneous 123 67 Total 79.428 2.5 D. C. HUNTOON, Consular Agent. CLIFTON AND AGENCY. (Agency of Saint Catherines.) Quarter ending , 1883. Barley $15, 701 45 Butter 40 00 Bones 230 63 Cattle 3,871 75 Flax 464 60 Fish (fresh) 359 55 Hay 267 91 Household goods 1,580 00 Horses 4,122 00 Iron (scrap) 227 50 Lumber 1,793 28 Mill-feed 7,374 70 Malt 1,763 51 Pulp (wood, dry) 3,705 79 Potatoes 180 00 Sheep 1,179 57 Turnips 523 27 Wood (poplar and spruce) 7, 764 85 Sundry manufactured articles 1 , 563 89 Total 52,714 25- JAMES LOW. 12 CONTINENT OF AMERICA. COATICOOK AND AGENCIES. (Agencies: Georgeville, Hereford, Linebro, Potton, and Stanstead.) COATICOOK. Quarter ending March 31, 1883. Animals $13,289 00 Barrels, empty 150 00 Bark, hemlock 1,38-2 00 Beans 11] 00 Brick 36 00 Butter , 1,832 00 Copper, fine 32,884 00 Cotton-waste 2,357 00 Goods, household 3, 682 00 Hav 2,205 00 Hides, green 1,528 00 Iron, old scrap - 4, 370 00 Lumber -. 1 .5,697 00 Oats 1,266 00 Piles 964 00 Poles, hop 153 00 Potatoes 1,4.'')9 00 Straw 190 00 Turnips 322 00 Tin sap-buckets and holders 76 00 Wood 2,223 00 Miscellaneous 48 00 Total 76,224 00 Quarter ending June 30, 1883. Animals $62,202 00 Bark, hemlock 4, 540 00 Barrels, empty 118 00 Beans 50 00 Beef 116 00 Boxes 112 00' Copper, fine 50, 053 00 Eggs 87 00 Flour 176 00 Goods, household 2, 815 00 Granite 288 00 Hay 541 00 Harness 48 00 Hides, green 2, 296 00 Irou, old 3,181 00 Lumber 26, 494 00 Oats 461 00 Piles... 543 00 Potatoes 1,406 00 Salt 95 00 Sleigh 3 00 Straw 120 00 Teeth, harrow 538 00 Ties, railroad 1,139 06 Timber, sliip 130 00 Wagons 88 00 Wheel, water 150 00 Wood 3,331 00 Miscellaneous 6 00 Total 161,127 00 J. G. ORAWFORT), Consul. DECLARED EXPORTS FOR THE UNITED STATES. 13 COLLINGWOOD AND AGENCIES. (Agencies: Orillia, Oweu Sound, and Sanlt Ste. Marie.) COLLINGWOOD. Quarter ending March 31, 1883. Livestock - *G,39G 00- Grain l,tJ'>7 75 Settlers' effects 1, OtW 25 Miscellaneous 142 HO Total 9.''i64 80 Quarter ending June 30, 1883. Lumber $62,448 31 Fresh fish 13,888 l(v Salt fish GIO .'')0 Settlers' effects 4,669 00 Miscellaneous 1, 321 40 Total 82,937 37 CHAllLES A. BOUSH, Consul. ORILLIA AGENCY. Quarter ending March 31, 1883. Lumber $6,876 78 Shingles 5,679 68 Barlev :i. 338 75 Raw furs 1,774 89 Hop poles 1,478 21 Potatoes 1,024 80 Settlers' effects 979 .50 Tan-bark 198 00 Butter 195 87 Sleigh poles 129 67 Poultry 39 OO Eggs 6 00 Total 21,721 15 Quarter ending June 30, 1883. Settlers' effects $4,201 50 Shingles 3,0.54 63 Eggs 2,625 00 Lumber 2, 123 23 Raw furs 1,256 85 Telegraph poles 478 20 Potatoes 460 00 Hop poles 272 24 Machinery 64 50 Anchors and chains 55 00 Cedar posts 35 37 Stuffed deer's heads 8 00 Dogs 5 00 Total 14,639 5>2 CHAS. COEBOULD, Agent. 14 CONTINENT OF AMERICA. OWEN SOUND AGENCY. Quarter ending March 31, 1883. Butter $21 00 Settlers' effects 19-'> 00 Total 216 00 Quartei- ending June 30, 1883. Cedar ties, posts, &c 812,560 00 Stallion 300 00 Eggs 192 00 .Settlers' effects 1,010 00 Total -• 14,062 00 EDW. TODD, Agent. SAULT STE. MARIE AGENCY. Quarter ending June 30, 1883. Live cattle $230 00 Rawftir 3,251 00 Fresh beef 453 62 Horses 700 00 Personal effects 1,107 00 Butter 82 65 Fresh fish 6,251 79 .() Barley 14, 729 ^0 Household effects 4,171 00 Lnmber, pine 134 r»0 Total 50,527 20 Quartei- ending June 30, 1883. Horses $4,435 00 Ba rley 700 00 Household goods 3,172 00 Salt 8,016 50 Miscellaneous 223 00 Total 17,148 50 K. S. CHILTON, Commercial Agent. STRATFORD AGENCY. Quarter ending March 31, 1883. Apples $785 20 Barley 123,83(3 20 Cattle, neat 10, 577 20 Eggs 4,729 00 Flax 24.475 34 Horses 41,-536 25 Lnmber 1,642 39 Malt 1,273 20 Potatoes 2, 108 45 Pease 322 00 Sheep and lambs 6, 436 10 Telegraph poles 663 50 Tow 20,641 23 Wheat 9,400 00 Miscellaneous 2,666 98 Personal effects 17,019 50 Total 268,112 54 Quarter ending June 30, 1883. Barley $29,477 75 Cattle 14, 778 00 Eggs 94,392 :r7 Flax 29,077 0<> Fish 1,831 11 Horses 10,511 00 Lumber 3,159 00 Potatoes 8, 879 ()9 Pease 1,152 00 Salt 810 00 Telegraph poles 3, 984 2'.> Turnips :n8 00 Tow 23, .533 28 Personal effects 15, 975 00 Miscellaneous 3, I89 72 Total 241 , 068 27 JAS. S. BENEDICT, Agent. 16 CONTINENT OF AMERICA. GUELPH. Quarter ending March 31, 1883. Barley $15,559 97 Bran 442 80 Buttons, vegetable ivory 193 24 Cattle 14,750 15 Horses 1,390 00 Lumber 200 00 Organs 1,850 00 Pease 2,047 50 Pease, split 1, 950 OO Personal effects 9,672 90 Sewing-machines 1,684 75 Tow and tow waste 615 39 Turnips 1,635 43 Total 51,992 13 Quarter ednlncj June 30, 1883. Animals $36, 726 50 Ashes 620 00 Barley 21,666 84 Bran 1,619 55 Eggs 73,437 00 Flour 687 50 Flax 7,194 43 Household effects 10,869 12 Lumber 4, 224 70 Malt 92,563 85 Potatoes 5, 530 82 Pease 8,515 74 Steel springs 423 98 Turnips 271 67 Tow waste 1,000 00 Miscellaneous 17, 773 83 Total 283,125 53 HARRY P. DILL, / Consul. HAMILTON AND AGENCY. (Agency: Paris.) HAMILTON. Quarter endhuj March 31, 1883. Animals $22,437 18 Apples 500 00 Barley 57 , 9 1 2 25 Bones 578 30 Cotton waste 2, 7.58 06 Household effects 7, 309 00 Lumber 5, 749 71 Malt .... 42,993 33 MachUicry 639 01 Sewiiig-raachincs 4, 737 60 Skins of animals 11,689 32 Scrap iron and steel 2,913 11 Wool 31,690 20 Miscellaneous 5,997 36 Total 197,904 43 DECLARED EXPORTS FOR THE UNITED STATES. 17 (Quarter ciidiiii/ Jaiic HO, 1883. Animals $7, 1)15 38 Bailey 3/^(51 .30 Cotton wast*' 2, 262 3() EggH 6,76y 40 Granite 594 H(J Lnuiber 9,934 94 Malt .''>3, 528 fi-.i Machinery 1 , 9(i2 50 Rye 5, (509 50 Sew ing-ina ell i lies 4, 339 10 Skins of animals 9, ()H8 56 Sera]) iron 272 00 Settlers' ell'ects . . '. 9, 783 00 Wheat 47, 791 50 Wool 30, 000 71 Misoellancons (!, 791 21 Total 200,228 15 FRANK LELAND, Consul. PARIS AGENCY. Quarter cndhuj March 31, 1883. Animals $16,973 48 Barltjy 99,595 22 Beans 3, 748 29 Malt '. 6, 937 07 Machinery 9, 908 75 Potatoes 572 55 Split pease 13, 365 20 Settlers' effects 5,253 00 Turnips 4, 906 57 Miscelianeons 3,957 60 Total 165, 217 73 Quarter ending June 30, 1883. Animals > , $20,874 50 Barley 18, 435 80 Eggs 10,202 72 Flax 4,711 60 Malt 30,712 19 Machinery 15, 492 55 Split pease 7, 209 03 Skins of animals 10,895 20 Settlers' effects 8, 2ti0 00 Miscellaneous 9, 356 65 Total 136,150 24 E. M. SHARP, Consular Affent. KINGSTON AND AGENCIES. (Agencies: Deseronto, Gauauoque, Napauee, and Picton.) KINGSTON. Quarter ending March 31, 1883. Barley, 50,621 bushels 837,732 76 Buckwheat, 1,787 bushels 804 03 Cattle 6,758 36 Furs, raw 6, 814 85 Horses 7,968 75 Hay, 944 tons 9, 243 32 Lumber 325 00 62 A— D E 2 18 CONTINENT OF AMERICA. M-^lt $20,603 39 Miscellaneous 1> 1)^1 ^^ Se«'d pease aud beans 1, 132 60 Phosphate, 50 tons pOO 00 Hop poles aud posts 1,290 00 Varnish ! ^^L 0^2 40 Total 125,316 86 Qiiiirter end'nig June 30, 1883. Barley, 51,758 bushels " - $36,913 50 Buckwheat, 505 bushels 277 75 Cattle, 217 head 4, .524 85 F u vs . ra w 19,07920 Hors'esj 64 head 7, 948 00 Hav, 1,461 tons 14,610 00 Lumber 26,370 06 Malt, 97,613 bushels 78,096 38 Hav press, I --^00 00 Hop poles ;'>0 00 Limestone 100 00 Old juuk ~S>7 75 Hides :^72 00 Iron ore, 8,020 tons 16,470 00 Personal effects 5, 310 00 Bones ---- 460 00 Skiffs, 2 135 00 Eye. 39,142 bushels 26,472 05 Railroad lies and posts 4, 179 00 Varnish 82, 873 98 Total 324,739 53 M. H. TWITCHELL, Gomnl. DESERONTO AGENCY. Quarter ending March 31, 18-<3. Lumber $396 50 Shinjiles 1,046 26 Charcoal ^ 5 00 Pitch 2 00 Sawdust 3 00 Barley 5,571 00 Total ^ 7,023 76 Quarter ending June 20, 1883. Lumber '■ $73,9^0 29 Pickets 204 20 Sash 90 00 Bed slats 79 50 Mouldin<,'s "-19 .50 Shingles 6,308 42 Posts 2,709 85 Lath 4,790 83 Railway ties 3, 909 20 Flour 97 50 Tim1.<-r 60 72 1 re;idi n^r 60 23 I'avinji Idocks 298 00 Broom-handles 520 2(> Doors 230 00 Tel<'}irai)li jioles 97 .50 Hop poles 3 04 Total 93,759 04 K. C. CAUTEK, Consular Af/ent. DECLARED EXPORTS FOil THE UNITED STATES. 10 GANANOQUE AGENCY. (^>uarttr ciitliuf/ March '.il, 188i}. 11, 040 Imslicl.sbiirley S7,y6«00 If) bulls (yearlings) 171 00 23 cows .')(),"> 00 :55 lioiul catlld (yeailiii};s and heifers) '.]')7 00 H horses .' /^O 00 (jy^ tons pressed hay (J'J,') OO 10 M feet lu'inloek" lumber 100 00 5, ;{00 feet pine lumber (dressed) [)'} 40 H,000 lath 14 40 ir>,0()0 shiii, 00 10,900 pounds hides, at 7 cents, $1,113; 200 decou skins, 1140; and 20 vi'ai, $19.47 1,272 47 ,2r)0 feet oak i)lank 126 50 4,289 feet pine plank 69 .56 3,11() feet pine logs 28 04 U>,90.") feet hemlock logs 65 43 300 standard hemlock logs 375 00 5,000 feet pine binders . ." 75 00 6,997 bushels rye 4.198 20 20,000 cedar shingles .51 4.5 21,070 feet round timber ,-50 UO Total 17,2(15 00 E. E. ABBOTT, Consular Aqent. NAPANEE AGENCY. Quarter eiuliixj March 31, 1883. B; I r I ey ,^142, 373 .32 Cattle 3, 351 15 Horses 2, 552 00 Oxen 360 00 Fish 45 00 Hides 1,. 500 00 Ibood mare 1«>0 00 IJrooil sow 15 00 Pork 79 50 Sewing machine 15 00 Harrow -20 oO \ Total 110,665 56 W. S. WILLIAMS, Consular Agent. PICTON AGENCY. Quarter ending Marcli 31, 18S3. Barley, 12,357 bushels $8,979 37 Cows) 23 bead 557 00 Fisb, 1,574 pounds (fresh) 71 88 Horses, 9 head - 1,000 00 Total 10,608 25 Quarter ending June 30, 1883. Barley, 24,561 bushels |17,322 75 Cows* 495 liead 12,242 .^0 Eggs, 121,309 dozen 17, 374 85 Fish, fresh, 2,773 pounds 83 25 Horses, 56 head 6, 085 00 Hop ])ole8, 15,778 571 32 Household goods 742 00 Hair, cattle's, 2,625 pounds .*. 58 00 Apples, evaporated, 500 pounds 85 00 Rye, 15,618 bushels 9,997 02 Stove bolts, 1,156 cords - 3, 452 75 Oil, 207 barrels 145 00 Telegra])h ]>oles, 33 pieces 33 00 Ties,' railroad, 1,004 pieces 255 20 Wood, 109 cords -• :'.45 00 Water wheels, 2 pieces 140 00 Total 68,932 64 IT CLAPP, Consular Agent. ROBEET CLAPP, MORRIS BURG AND AGENCY. (Agency : Cornwall.) MORRISBURG. Quarter ending Marcli 31, 1883. Barley *- |il3, 315 00 Pease 128 00 Horses 4,585 50 Personal ettects 809 50 Cattle 5,608 99 Hop poles 1,163 50 Potatoes 300 00 Hay 3,551 23 Eggs 540 00 Miscellaneous 215 77 Hides 495 27 Pai)er rags 3, 455 49 Household effects 2, 055 .50 Total 36,223 75 A. II. ELLIOTT, Commercial Agent. DECLARED EXPORTS FOR THE UNITED STATES. CORNWALL AGENCY. 21 Qnarlcr endiiuj March 31, 1883. Eggs $78 20 Cattle 2,:Wy-> 50 Hav 3,(»4H 26 Grain 808 06 Horses 6,012 00 Household efiects 2,374 50 Hoj) i)oles 11,6'J9 79 Miscellaueous 291 14 Sheep and lambs 13 00 Total 26, 68rt 95 United States manufacture returned 480 00 Machinery sent for repairs 137 .50 (Jnarter eitdhifi June 30, 1883. Eggs ig 1 4 , 0(59 60 Cattle 1,760 00 Skins hides 1,646 88 Grain 557 29 Horses 9, 333 00 Household etibcts 1, 863 65 Lumber 578 86 Miscellaneous 3.5 68 Machinery 197 12 Hop poles 1,257 50 Hay 2,044 52 Total 33,344 10 ilachiuery sent to the United States for rejiairs 115 00 Machinery returned 1, 570 00 HENRY W. WEBER, Consular Agent. OTTAWA AND AGENCIES. (Agencies: Grenvillo and Smith's Falls.) OTTAWA. Quarter ending March 'M, 1863. Kroediug animals SOOO 00 Bridge timber 1,024 41 Deals 85 35 Horst's 695 01 IIoj) poles 3, 782 04 Iron ore 2, 253 18 Lath 2s, 229 98 Lumber (sawn) 99,941 04 Match splints 1, lOr^ 95 Pickets 4,470 20 Poultry 505 00 Rye...' 19,91949 Shingles 303 00 Settlers' effects 2, 120 00 Miscellaueous 1, 160 02 Total 166,U»7 67 22 CONTINENT OF AMERICA. Quarter emliiuj June 30, 1883. Animals (for breeding purposes) §1.'>0 00 Box sbooks 4 , 4T2 6-> Bones (for fertilizing) 47 1 .')0 Butter deals 7,747 13 Dimension timber 3, 0(i7 31 E-vgs 9,354 19 Ffnc<' jKists 679 HO Hop poles 108 00 Horses 1 , G15 00 Lat lis 3, \)^o 89 Lumber (sawn) 703,013 41 Match splints and blocks 2, Ol.') 14 Pickets 5,71G 09 Railway ties 7,.'')94 00 Skins and furs 1,92.^ 00 Settlers' efieets 9,1.58 00 Telei>rapli poles 879 2.5 Miscellaneous 1, .522 83 Totnl 763, 474 8(i E. B. EOBBINS, Commercial Agent. GRENVILLE AGENCY. Quarter ending June 30, 1883. 1 1 ides ' $669 00 Eggs 700 94 Lumber (sawn) r)3, 805 44 Matcli spliutH . 4,860 84 Settlers- etfects 220 00 Total 60. 2.56 22 ALEXAiS^DER PEIDHAM, Consular Agent. PORT HOPE. Quarter ending .Mavoli 31, 1883. Apples $1,808 00 Barley 1 49, 895 52 Eggs 675 05 Emigrant effects 6, 892 95 Hides 1,731 11 Horses 8,041 50 Horses (breeding) 750 00 Lumber 2,913 38 Pease 43,343 71 Potatoes 1, 099 50 Wheat 1,530 00 Wool 3, 687 30 Miscellaneous 2, 939 32 iOtal 225,307 34 Quarter endinq June 30, 1883. 15ail.-v ' $118,819 25 Cattle 10,097 50 Eggs :U , 055 42 Emigrant elfects 4, 715 .50 Hides 6, 477 20 Horses 23, 410 50 Ijumbcr 267,565 17 Pe.ise 10, 294 89 Rve 38, 954 40 Sliingles 19, 941 25 Wheiit 97,2.53 00 Miscellaneous 8,897 22 Tolal 637,481 30 J. C. DUTCHEE, Conml. DECLARED EXPORTS F JR THE UNITED STATES. 26 PORT ROWAN. Quarter eiidhiy March :U, 188:5. Bark-.v §7;'), 4U0 0'^ Beans f,, ;,o:i 53 J}iick\vlieat 2, (il7 (i2 Cattle H, (If);-) 00 Ej?i;s l,.'i8, i;:;:} 25 Sheop iuul lambs :j, 1:51 40 Miscellaneous I,y:55 (].'> Value of goods ou emigrant certilicates, $5,895.75. Total 1:5:5,449 07 JOH^T F. JENNE, Commercial Agent. PORT SARNIA AND AGENCY. (Agency: Loudon.) PORT SARNIA. Quarter ending March 'M, 1883. Animals of all kinds 114,850 00 Bones :500 00 Engines and boilers 1, 007 00 Eggs 1,17(] 10 Fish 9r)5 00 Grain of all kinds :54, 202 72 Lumber and timber :345 hi Personal etfects :38, I'JO 00 Potasli 174 00 Potatoes 412 00 Paper stock 2. .527 00 Scrap-iron 445 50 Stone 172 9(5 Total 94. 988 09 SAML. D. PACPl LONDON AGENCY. Quarter ending March 31, 1883. Animals uf all kinds |i91,877 90 Barley G9, :504 04 Beans 468 00 Car- wheels, old 3. 283 .'')9 Flax 12,:5.50 42 Figs 87176 Fertilizer 493 :36 Hides and skins 4, 151 10 Household goods 9, 4:5:5 75 Lumber and staves 1, 750 75 Malt 2, 602 <)4 Manufactured goods :5, 094 07 Onions 1578 90 Oils S08 90 Potatoes 708 05 Pease 437 20 PouKt ry 670 24 Paper stock ;?79 dO Wool 2, 118 06 Miscellaneous 92 70 Total 205, 280 43 Correspoiuliug period, 1882 229, 126 06 Decrease 23. 845 63 \yy\. H. McCUTCHEOX. 24 CONTINENT OF AMERICA. PORT STANLEY AND SAINT THOMAS AND AGENCY. (Agency : Courtrigh t. ) PORT STANLEY AND SAINT THOMAS. Quarter ending March 31, 1883. Bailev $-2r.,0(il 40 Staves 16,345 01 Household effects 17,033 40 Horses 8,553 00 Rattau 7,804 30 Hoops 7,130 59 Apples 4,710 50 Clover seed 3, 975 80 Breeding stock 3, 277 00 Sheep and lambs 4,491 40 Potatoes 4, 618 00 Flax 1,834 77 Lumber 1,482 49 Cattle 1, 488 00 Scrap iron 1,273 77 Turnips 631 01 Miscellaneous 2,204 80 Total 112,005 24 Quarter ending June 30. 1883. Wheat $41,752 02 Staves 26,974 06 Malt 23,804 36 Hoops 18,444 46 Household effects 17, 805 00 Eggs 11,259 79 Lumber 10, 4K) 53 Cattle 5,971 61 Barley 5, 358 00 Bolts 3,630 50 Potatoes 3, 255 25 Pease • 2,641 00 Breeding animals 1,882 00 Flax 2,305 33 Tow 1,3.50 30 Sheep 1,280 00 Bran 1,227 00 Miscellaneous 6, 141 90 Total 185,572 11 PHILIP CAKROLL, Commercial Agent. COURTRIGHT AGENCY. Quarter ending Mareli 31, 1883. Live stock " .$911 00 Hides 308 95 Timl)er 1,386 00 i )resse(l meat IK) 43 Grain 54 00 Emigrant KH 00 Total 2,877 38 Quarter endinq June 30, 1883. Stock ■ $10,650 00 Kmigrauts 1,910 00 Fi.-sli meat 1()3 00 TiinlxT hikI liolts 1,^82 50 Grain 1,510 29 Total 16,115 79 F. W. BOBY, Consular Agent. DECLARED EXPORTS FOR THE UNITED STATES. 25 PRESCOTT AND AGENCY. (Agency: Brockville.) PRESCOTT. Quarter ending March 31, 1883. Butter Efigs Cuttle Furs, skius, bides Grain Horses Household ortects Luiubfr, sliiugles, &c Meat and poultry Whisky Hops Fresh lish Pressed hay Sheep and lambs Potatoes Straw Hop-poles Total !?fiG4 00 *2'>2 65 4,'2.-il 00 69tj 25 17,l(Jlt 7.5 l,84r, 00 300 00 2, 606 46 10 00 ] , 642 00 37.5 00 146 GO 3,.'j60 90 1,022 11 ):i,r.36 60 :'.06 25 H, 7.% 05 .-)2, 204 02 12, 1.52 .52 23, 706 62 i,oir> 00 3, 4.50 93 343 00 3,284 00 1,834 00 3,111 ('iS 11,750 88 25 00 330 00 2, 405 70 416 16 Quarter ending June 30, 1883. Pressed hay |2, 152 .52 Egg8 Cattle Furs, slsins, hides Grain Horses Household elTects Lumber, shingles, &c Potatoes Miscellaneous Mnehinery and ironware ■ Ti tnl)er, logs, &c Wliisky Total 53,825 54 HAERY L. SLAGHT, ConsnI. BROC E AGENCY. Quartei- ending March 31, 1883. Butter, 1,249 pounds ■*232 96 Cattle, 691 head 9, .506 00 Sheep and laiubs, 668 head 2, 3.55 00 Horses, 50 head 5, 561 00 Household effects . 5.412 00 Lumber, 23,668 feet 6,855 00 Miscellaneous, sundries 365 00 Machinery and ironware, castings L 74'- 00 Pickets, 41, 581 603 00 Shingles, 55 M 447 00 Lath, 24, 888 504 00 Potatoes, 2.519 bushels . 1 , 1 43 00 Wool, 17,727 pounds, 3,811 00 Hop-poles, 343,822 17,228 00 Rye, 33,960 bushels "..'...'. 10, iV.i'2 00 Buck wheat, 12,775 bushels •>,"20 00 Barley, 4,588 bushels ". 2,570 00 Poultry, :i,009 pounds 451 00 Buckwheat flour, 48,900 pounds 1 , 041 00 Beans .57 00 Total 86,281 96 26 CONTINENT OF AMERICA. Quarter ending June 'AO, 1883. Eg"s, 428, 15 ilozi-u .$65, 748 00 Cattle, 306 1ieu iinil poles : Logs, basswood, 12 cords 48 00 Balsam, 970,700 feet 3, .509 00 Birch, 133,700 feet 745 00 Spruce. 225,173 feet 1,123 00 Hop poles, 21,800 750 00 Lumber : Sawed, 2,954.3.50 feet 23,961 00 (jiapboards, 699,020 pieces 4, 268 00 Lath, 83,500 jdeces 345 OO Hogshead headings, 14,211 pairs 988 00 Pickets, 12..500 pieces 87 00 Shingles, cedar, 373,250 ()2(i 00 Posts, cedar, 2,052 252 00 Macliinerv returned for repairs, 1 lot 75 00 I'oiatoes, '3,401 bushels 1,620 00 I'lilp, gniinid wood, 223,851 pounds 3,354 00 •^hip-tunbcr, 111,000 feet 791 00 Ship-knees, 2,007 1. .- (lU Ashes, UK) l)UHhcls. . 40 00 Barl<, lieiiilock, r),47:{ cords 28,9:i9 0(1 Hooks, i:{ volimios ^ 26 00 Briik, M.OOO !•'> '^O Clotl), hviiss-wirc, old, 240 pounds t> 00 E^ss, 9:i0 dozen 142 00 Glue stock, 1,'JOO pounds 48 OQ Hay, 4] i tons 382 00 Hiiriicss, I set 25 00 Household <;oods, 18 lots 2,740 00 Hides, l)t'cf, calf, hoise, Aic, 1,7:50 2,740 00 Liiuo, 28,075 bushels 5, :{7:] 00 Live stock: Cattle, 17 57^3 00 Horses, m 7,180 00 Lambs 0T 80 Quarlei- ending June 30, ISS'3. Animals for breeding purposes $24,335 00 Horses 21, 047 50 Cattle 3,491 00 Barley 201, 015 84 Peas 37,853 08 Bones 4,963 35 Tea , 4,519 99 Cotton waste 10, *64 01 Wheat 165,310 15 Eggs 17, 825 80 I'urs, raw 35, 024 45 Hide^ and pelts 6, 025 24 Lumber 220, 002 48 ^Machinerv 3,844 68 Malt .' ♦. 282, .-'74 26 Teh-grapli-poles 7,901 80 Wool 11,&76 00 Potatoes 2, 12S 07 Kye 15,395 84 Miscellaneous 18,076 78 1,094,275 32 WM. C. HOWELLS, Consul. WINDSOR. Quarter endbuj March 31, 1883. Straw braid aud hats l|10,222 13 Animals 10, 114 00 Fish 9, 699 11 Charcoal 4, 96.-^ 00 liid(!s and skins 3, 9i-9 00 Tol.iioeo 2,763 00 Stiilled birds 1.600 00 I'<-r.soual ell'ectH 1,590 00 Wood 1,281 00 Malt 759 48 Flower seeds 574 25 Sjiiiits .503 88 I'lifiitcxjM 312 25 Apples :U5 00 Eggs 237 60 (Jiliiiig nets 226 70 Miseeiiaueoiis 1, 5f^2 7rt Total 50, 738 18 DECLARED EXPORTS FOR THE UNITED STATES. 29 Quarter endiu/j June 30. Animals 8^7,998 40 Malt 17, :5:{(] 97 Charcoal 6, OGvJ '22 Fish :{, G72 ">! Wood 8,104 00 Hides and furs Ji, 840 42 Lniiiber 2,090 49 Stave and heading bolts 2, 'M'A 2;") Logs M,3r.4 00 Personal effects 1,825 00 Spirits 1,922 35 Tobacco 738 00 Straw-braid and hats 1, 402 <)7 Eggs I,(i01 78 Ivory blocks 924 75 Cedar posts 2, 025 Otf Miscellaneons 2, 28-^ :\r, Total 91,574 25 CHARLES EWERS, Gonsul. mOVINCE OF QUEBEC. MONTREAL AND AGENCIES. (No returns.) QUEBEC. Quarter ending March 31, 1883. Articles. Quebec. Point Levi. Animals j $28,647 00 " ' 3, 793 00 Bark Butter I $1,030 45 Emigrants' oifects ],110 00 Fish 2, 069 01 Lumber 89 60 Wood pulp ! 120 00 Potatoes I Miscellaneous t 1, 924 37 Totals . 19, 047 53 1, 128 00 8, 947 06 3, 141 39 6, 343 43 , 64, 703 98 71, 047 41 Total. $28,647 00 3, 793 00 1, 030 45 1,110 00 2, 069 01 19,137 13 1, 248 00 8,947 06 5, 065 76 JNO. IT. WASSON, Consul. SAINT HYACINTHE. Quarter ending June 30, 1883. Bark, hemlock §17^ Beans Eggs Hay Hides Horses Lumber ... Oats Pickets Potatoes . . . Straw Sundries.. . Wood, slab §17,932 00 179 00 879 80 19,705 55 1,203 80 9, 370 25 15,529 75 909 87 It 00 205 00 1,829 75 848 20 209 20 Total G.-^. oi;o 17 30 CONTINENT OF AMERICA. Quarter ending March 31, 1883. Bavk, hemlock, 1,294 cords $6,(583 00 Beaus, 333 bushels 54H HS Books and stationery 94 70 Buffer, 625 pounds 136 7.5 E-rgs, 19,81.5 dozen 4,951 ,50 (inni, spruce, 366 pounds 109 10 Hats, straw, 300 dozen 190 00 Hav, 2,111| tons 20, .555 38 Horses, 9 1.058 00 Lumber, 594,-592 feet 5, 104 79 Machine, crochet, 1 20 00 Oats, 4,631 bushels 2, 687 40 Potatoes, 4,014 bushels 1, 966 75 Poultry, 50.121 pounds 4,719 45 Straw,' 448f tons 1,826 25 Sundries 262 50 Total 50,912 15 WAEREN A. WOKDEN, Commercial Agent. SAINT JOHN'S AND AGENCIES. (Agencies: Faruham and La Colle. ) SAINT. JOHN'S. Quarter ending March 31. Hay : -197 , 95 (J 4 Horses 38. 718 00 Oats 6,585 45 P(.tatoes 5, 054 23 Peas 3,615 40 Straw 3,170 24 Eggs 3,100 29 Cord wood 2, 375 00 Buckwheat 2, 3r;6 53 Lumber 1,800 60 Beans 661 75 Hfiuilock bark 606 00 II(.l)-poles 252 00 Sheep and lambs 240 00 Butter 208 80 Miscellaneous 894 85 1 Total 167,589 54 Quarter endinr/ June 30, 1883. ' Hav |<)7, 250 9(5 Horses 38,333 80 Lumber 9.439 80 Oats f^,379 09 Potatoes 3,230 69 Eggs 1 , 668 48 Catt Ic 1 , 589 50 Peas 1,122 20 Straw 789 5(» Hemlock bark 726 00 Sliiiigles 235 (il Miscellaneous 742 43 Total 133, .508 06 SILAS P. TIUJJIJIOLL, Consul. DECLARED EXPORTS FOR THE UNITED STATES. 61 FARNHAM AGENCY. Quarter endbii/ June 30, 1883. Hay ■ §25,(i.'jl '.»7 Lumber 4, I'M) Uii Horses 'A, 12^ ;")(» Hides :i,V.i.i i:> EgfTs 1 , :«i4 i:i Bark * \,^)•^^^ 00 Potatoes . . . , J r>4 2r> Grain 347 .')0 Personal effects 34r> 00 Brick :,(.' 00 Total 40, UU-.i :„\ VVM. L. HI13BATID, Consular Ayeiit. SOREL. Quarter endinq March 31, 1883. Bark, licnilock '. §3,660 00 Beans .* 'in 83 Buckwheat flour 27 00 Butter 10 00 Cotton waste (United States produce) 1)8 2.5 Eels, salted 33 00 Hay 2, 0.'j5 58 Lumber G28 49 Personal effects : (>0 00 Potatoes IfiO 00 Sleigh 20 00 Total 0,771 15 HAREY P. DILL, Commercial Agent. Quarter cndbuj June 30, 1883. Bark ." §f^70 OO Hay n. %7 64 Hemlock lumber .' 1 4, 2<)4 21 Miscellaneous 101 00 Oats :iOO 00 Household noods 200 00 Total 21,702 85 CHAS. A. RAND, Commercial Agent. STANBRIDGE. Quarter eiidiiuj March 31, 1883. Bark, hemlock 89,341 00 Beans .' 102 OO Butter 2, 092 00 Coal 4,200 00 Cattle l,lr71 00 Oats •.', 19:5 00 Potatoes 795 00 Peas 718 00 Sundries 167 00 Wood ti7y OO Total 1 19. 313 00 32 CONTINENT OF AMERICA. Quarter ending June 30, 1883. Bark, Iiemlock $4, 302 00 Broodmares 11,352 00 Coal, bituiniuous 6, 878 00 Cattle - 1, 9-24 00 Car- wheels 390 00 Dairy skius 15, 189 06 Esrgs • 2,468 00 Hay 73,860 00 Horses 32,882 00 Household goods 2, 493 00 Lumber 10,637 00 Lauibs 849 00 Total 163.230 00 F. HAKMON, Commercial Agent. THREE RIVERS. • Quartei- ending June 30, 1*:83. Bark, hemlock |;8,682 00 Bell metal 100 00 Cattle, horned 1. 074 00 Extract of hemlock bark 7, 470 15 Furs, uudressed 1 , 860 50 Hair, moose 2fl7 00 Harness ., 15 00 Hay 19,086 17 Horses 485 00 Household goods 343 50 Lumber 27,450 49 Laths 816 00 Mineral water (> 00 Posts, cedar .52 20 Kaiiwuv ties 28,880 45 Shingles 9, 308 51 Straw 99 00 Wagon 50 00 Wet wood-pulp 288 OO Total 106,313 97 Quarter ending March 31, 1883. Bark, hemlock ^3, 004 00 Butter 113 ()2 Buckwheat 300 00 Extract hemlock bark A 10, 750 36 Furs, undressed 2, 089 25 Fish, fresh 90 00 Hav 18, 342 25 Hoisrs 620 00 Househcdd goods 60 00 J^umljer 4, 773 03 Leather 272 50 Potato(rs 600 00 Shingles 3,563 09 Ties, railway ! 3, 7(52 00 Total 48,340 10 JAMES M. WILSON, Consul. DECLARED EXPORTS FOR THE UNITED STATES. 33 PROVINCE OF XOl'J SCOTIA. HALIFAX AND AGENCIES. •r^ (Agencies: Bariiugton, Hridgowater, Livorpool, Shelbnruo.) HALIFAX. ijimricr cndinij June '.W, IfeyiJ. Fresh tish $G, 94G '^r> Picklod tish 14,404 Id Drv \M 475 94 Caiuicil lo1)stors 18,956 tH» Cod oil :}, 88t> 70 Mauufactiucs of steel (chielly skates) 24, 247 14 Totutoes 14, 961 8:i Hides and skins 1(1, :j()f> ()2 Old .junk :i,241 41 Kotiu lied goods (chielly whisky, 15,471.14) 7, 405 04 Persoual effects '. 2, 118 00 Lumber :{09 00 Eg<,'8 740 39 Miscellaneous 2, 105 00 Total 147, ICO 02 W. G. FKYE, Consul-General. PICTOUAND AGENCIES. (Agencies: Cape Canso, Coav Bay, Glace Bay, Guysborough, Liugan, Louisbnrg, North Sydney, Port Hastings, and Port of Sydney.) PICTOIT. Quarter endiug March 31, 1883. Horses $1, 877 50 Quarter ending June 30, 1883. Coal, steam $1, 147 00 Coal, culm of 337 50 Calfskins 120 00 Freestone 800 00 Hair 455 00 Horses 1,186 00 Lobsters, canned 10, 764 50 Personal effects 88 00 Potatoes 472 50 Slats ; 137 00 Total 15,507 50 E. JOHNSON, Consul. CAPE CANSO AGENCY. Quarter ending June 30, 1883. 125,000 pounds Bank codlish .$3,750 00 2, 450 cases canned lobsters 12, 250 00 Total 16,000 00 THOS. C. COOK, Counular Agent. 62 A — D E 3 34 CONTINENT OF AMERICA. COW BAY AGENCY. Quarter endiny March 31, 1883. 574 tons of coal $1,005 00 Quarter endUuj June 30, 1883. ^ 8,053 tons coal $10,661 00 CHARLES ARCHIBALD, Consular Agent. GLACE BAY AGENCY. Quarter ending June 30, 1883. 4, 162 Jons culm of coal 112,120 00 DAVID McKEEK, Consular Agent. GUYSBOROUGH AGENCY. (No returns.) LINGAN AGENCY. (No returns. ) LOUISBURG AGENCY. (No returns. ) NORTH SYDNEY AGENCY. Quarter ending March 31, 1883. Raw hides l|923 00 Junk and old canvas 480 00 729 tons coal 1,640 25 Total 3.043 25 Quarter ending June 30, 1883. Rawhides *. |355 00 Cnlmofcoal 175 00 Total 530 00 W. PURVES, Consular Agent. PORT HASTINGS AGENCY. Quarter ending June 30, 1883. 1,212 barrels herrings li|i3,984 00 349 barrels mackerel' 3, 004 00 94^ barrels alewives 401 00 36 barrels cod-oil 900 00 Total 8.289 00 JAMES G. MoKEEN, Consular Agent. PORT OF SYDNEY AGENCY. Quarter ending June^iQ, 1863. 2,416 tons ronud coal $4,837 00 4,371 tons culm coal 4,407 00 J tons cojipcr ore 21 00 Tola) 9,265 00 F. E. LEAVER, Consular Agent. DECLARED EXPORTS FOR THE UNITED STATES. 35 WINDSOR AND AGENCIES. (Agencies: .) WINDSOR. Quarter ending June 30. Gypsum iJSO, 765 50 Potatoes 190 00 Manganese '. 1,780 00 Hani-wood plauk 4'M 50 Hemlock boards 565 00 Spruce boards 47 50 ;,: Z'a:. Total 33,786 56 D. K. HOB ART, Consul. PROVINCE OF NEW BRUNSWICK. SAINT JOHN AND AGENCIES. {Agencies: Frederlckton, Grand Manan", McAdam Junction, Newcastle, St. Andrews, and St. George.) SAINT JOHN. Quarter ending March 31, 1883. Fish •. $15, 918 58 Long lumber 12,919 96 Short lumber 5, 95() 50 Horses 9,533 01 Hides 10,862 42 Potatoes 1,106 50 Lime 1,027 05 Coal 720 00 Miscellaneous 7, 291 28 Total 65,355 30 Export of American lumber for quarter ending March 31, 1883, under Re- vised Statutes of the United States : Long lumber 57, 265 43 Short lumber 12,342 34 Total 69, uU7 77 Quarter cndhit/ June 30, 1883. Coal .' !i?l,610 00 Hides 8,980 93 Horses 11,367 60 Fish 29, 076 72 Kiln wood _ .. 2.803 75 Long lumber " 18, 444 19 Short lumber 31', 436 62 Potatoes 9,380 92 Miscellaneous 8, 7 14 22 Total : 120,814 95 Exports of American lumber for quarter ending June 30, 1883, under Re- vised Statutes of the United States: Long lumber .*.... 204,303 02 Short lumber 38,882 73 Total 243,185 D. B. WARNEE, Consul. 36 CONTINENT OF AMERICA. FEEDERICTON AGENCY. Quarter ending March 31, 1883. 8,547iV buslicls potatoes $5,146 50 1.500 cases cauued beef 6,750 00 917 M shingles 1, 834 00 Total 13,730 50 SPAF.FOED BAEKEK, Consular Agent. GRAND MANAN AGENCY. Quarter ending March 31. 'Coclfisli,1.56qmutals .' $968 50 Herriug (frozen), 979 M 8,564 69 HeiTing (smoked), 52,296 boxes 12, 332 00 Pollock, 700 quintals 2, 800 00 Total 24,665 19 W. F. ALEXANDER, Consular Agent. McADAM JUNCTION AGENCY. Quarter ending March. 97^ tons antimony ore $1, 950 00 1,056 cords hemlock bark 4,301 00 310,591 pounds extract of hemlock bark 3, 105 97 23,000 hoops 800 00 20,000 hoop poles 76 00 Lot household goods 217 90 1 horse 100 00 llj tons hay 117 00 20 tons ship-knees 190 00 7,823 bushels potatoes 4, 203 11 802,500 shingles 1,567 29 NEWCASTLE AGENCY. Quarter ending March 31, 1883. Extract hemlock bark, 1,080 casks $11,129 62 E. E. CALL, Consular Agent. SAINT ANDREWS AGENCY. (No returns.) SAINT GEORGE AGENCY. Quarter ending March 31. Red gi'auite, 63 cases, polished |728 50 Three horses 350 00 Total 1,078 50 BENJ. EANDALL, Consular Agent. SAINT STEPHEN. Quarter endinq March 31. Hardware .' $116 25 Household goods 650 00 Hooi)H 90 80 Horses 580 00 Molasses 2, 109 51 Oats 749 50 S 1 1 i p -k n (• es 1 , .525 00 Salt 17 50 Skins and ftirs . » 993 00 Spruce poles I>15 DO Totjil 7, M(i 56 PAUL LANGE, Consul. 4 DECLARED EXPORTS FOR THE UNITED STATES. 37 PBOVINCIC OF MANITOBA. WINNIPEG AND AGENCY. (Agency: Emerson.) WINNIPEG. (Quarter cndiiuj March 'M. Fish, white $2, 13(i 00 Furs, undressed '•^, -''UO 25 Hides 11,744 42 Lain)) coats 140 00 Loeoinotives (for repairs, to be returned) 110, 000 00 Wheat, iy,H4U bushels, in bond for export Ki, 9c<7 72 Total 144, (io:? :5y Quarter eiidhiff June 30, 1883. Egs cases $100 00 Empty beer easks 2,131 00 Furs, undressed 21, 402 00 Hides 6, 343 20 Miscellaneous 'j,500 92 Total 3(5.537 12 JAS. W. TAYLOR, Consul. EMERSON AGENCY. Quarter ending June 30, 1883. In bond for export: Wheat, 12,954 bushels .$10,133 00 For duty : Stock $2, 180 00 Miscellaneous •- 675 50 2, 855 50 Free: Stock 2,967 00 Miscellaneous 4, 440 00 7,407 00 Total 20,395 50 Quarter ending March 31, 1883. For duty : Stock $1, 475 50 Miscellaneous 98 50 $1,573 00 In bond for export: Wheat, 70,397 bushels 60,286 00 Flour, 200 sacks 615 00 f.O.lK)! 00 Free : Stock 100 00 Hides 360 00 460 00 Total (;2,944 00 C. S. DOUGLAS, Consular Agent, 38 CONTINENT OF AMERICA. PROVINCE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA. (No returns.) PROriNCE OF PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND. (No returns. ) NE WFO UNDLAND. (No returns. ) MEXICO. ACAPULCO AND AGENCY. (Agency: Tehuantepec.) ACAPULCO. Quarter ending March 31, 1883. Green fruit, 3,160 packages $10,703 24 Goat-skins, 10 bales, 2,527 pounds 361 10 Deer-skins, 25 bales, 8,811 pounds . 2, 518 90 Sweetmeats, 2 boxes 11 00 Total 13,594 24 Quarter ending .June 30, 1883. 5226 packages fruit $18, 010 98 5 bales goat-skins . - 88 50 Total 18,099 48 JOHN A. SUTTER, Jr., Consul. TEHUANTEPEC AGENCY. Quarter ending March 31, 1883. Cattle-hides, 4,332 pieces $12, 777 39 Calf-skins, 27 packages : 696 51 Deer-skins, 12 packages 780 80 Ores, 5 packages Specie, 2 boxes 4, 000 00 India-rubber, 2 boxes 157 00 Total 18, 411 70 Quarter endintj June 30, 1883. Cattle-bides, 2,9.55 pieces $8,676 50 Calf-skins, 60 packages 2, 104 .52 Deer-skins, 5 ]>ackageH 362 75 India-rublu;]-, 1 package 160 00 Coffee, 50 bags 825 00 Specie, 3 boxes 3,000 00 Total 15.128 77 ALB. LANGNER, Consniar Agent. DECLARED EXPORTS FOR THE UNITED STATES. 39 CHIHUAHUA AND AGENCIES. (No returns.) GUAYMAS. Quarter endhuj March 31, 1883. Hides, 2,im ^jiG, 017 80 \2 sacks seeds, 27 bundles sugar-cane 65 38 4 Vtoxes tomatoes 7 ;')() 13|^ dozen hats, 2 barrels crockery, and 5 bundles crockery 12.5 75 >"6 sacks si 1 ver ore 1, 807 .50 •,'0(1 bags silver ore 1, 104 80 Total 9, 128 73 Quarter cndiiKj June 30, 1883. 1,974 hides $4, 8.53 40 I case deer-skins 1-5 00 1 case, 2 pieces, old machinery 42 .50 1.5 packages dates ! 100 00 13 tons salt 134 .50 2, 529 head cattle 31, 999 70 120 head sh(>cp 120 00 1;^ head Mexican uiaix's 306 OU 10 stamp stems 254 50 47 packages merchandise in transit to Chihuahua 4.52 00 Total 38,277 60 A. WILLAKD, Consul. GUERRERO. Quartei- ending March 31. Horses and mules ^ $4,564 87 Beeves 21,131 ^6 Beef-hides, goat, kid, and deer skins 7, 257 96 Total 33,0.54 09 Quarter endbuj June 30, 1883. Horses, nuircs, and mules $2, 165 22 Beef-hides, goat, kid, and deer skins 5, 942 06 Beeves \ 331 54 Total 8,438 82 CHARLES WINSLOW, Vice- Consul. LA PAZ. Quarter ending March 31. Pearls S3, 610 UO 1.381 gre.-n hides 3, 023 25 liiO ])ouuds cheese 40 9t» 256.99 orchilla weed 1, 037 00 422 deer-skins 314 50 107 pounds human bones 52 50 Total 8,078 15 Quarter cndini/ June 30. Pearls S9, 912 50 1,227 green hides 2, 585 00 475 deer-skins 368 50 Mother-of-pearl shell 1,893 .50 100 orchilla weed 400 00 Total 15, 159 50 J AS. VIOSCA. Consul. 40 . CONTINENT OF AMERICA. MANZANILL'O. (No returns.) MATAMOROS AND AGENCIES. (No returns.) MAZATLAN. Quarter ending June 30, 1883. Bullion and specie $839,879 50 Brazil-wood 16,682 .50 Hides 3,272 73 .lewelry 10, 305 00 Miscellaneous 1, 174 21 Total 871,313 ;)4 EDWAED G. KELTOIs^, MERIDA AND AGENCY. (No returns.) MEXICO. (No returns.) MONTEREY. Quariei- evdhif/ June 30, 1883. Ten tous assorted ores (for test) No value. ROBERT 0. CAMPBELL, Consul. NUEVO LAREDO AND AGENCY. (Agency: Garita Gonzales.) NUEVO LAREDO. Quarter ending March 31, 1883. Corn, 10,500 pounds %U0 81 Beans, 222,835 pounds 8,143 90 Bullion. 1,275 ounces 1, 139 85 Hides and skins, 525,834 pounds 120,848 40 Lstle, 39,852 pounds 4,196 33 Lead, 526,469 pounds 12,136 23 Live stock, 5,916 head 44, 4;{5 20 Mexican dollars, 192,000 171, 648 00 Piloncillo, 208,770 pounds 11,475 38 Red pepper, 6,099 j)onuds 2, 442 22 Miscellaneous 10, 114 70 Total 396,721 02 Quarter ending June 30, 1883. Beans .1i;5, 162 16 Bullion 1,323 00 Hides and skins 86, 459 54 lstle 3,984 08 Lead 6,827 96 Live stock 24,413 67 Mexican didlars 15,876 00 Miscellaiieous ' • 8,466 25 I'iloncillo ■ 13, 387 83 Red pepper 2,337 52 Silver ore 191 74 Total 168,449 75 STEPHEN H. SMITH, Consul. DECLARED EXPORTS FOR THE UNITED STATES. 41 PASO DEL NORTE. (No returns.) PIEDRAS NEGRAS. Quarter ending March 31, 1883. Beans '. ^Glri 62 Corn' 833 bO Cattle 16, 049 43 Horses, mnles 18, rj31 74 Hitles, skins 3,292 17 Miscellaneous 1, 0r)3 69 Total 41,379 4.". Quarter ending June 30, 1883. Beans $99 47 Piloncillo 1 32 Horses, mules 16,081 67 Hides, skins 1,701 43 Miscellaneous 1 , 102 *i2 Total 18,986 11 WM. SCHUGHAKDT, Late Vice-Consul. PRESIDIO DEL NORTE. (No returns.) SALTILLO. Quarter ending June 30, 1883. Horses and colts; Mexican coin. $2,053 04 United States gold at 15 per cent, promium. J. W. WADSWOKTH, Co7isiiL SAN BLAS. (No returns.) SAN JOSPl. (No returns.) SAN LUIS POTOSI. (No returns. ) TAMPICO. Quarter ending June 30, 1883. Istle sl5, 9-6 60 Fustic l.=i, 422 80 Hides 5,453 97 Sarsaparilla 4, M.)8 69 Goat-skins 1, 691 10 Honey 1,540 00 Jalap" 1, 15*5 00 Decr-skius 1, 144 60 Horsehair 749 00 Rubber 180 00 H ule 63 26 Fruit 220 00 Total 47, 616 02 AUGUSTUS J. CASSARD, Consul. 42 CONTINENT OF AMERICA. TUXPAN. Quarter ending March 31, 1883. Chicle $42, 514 57 Cedar 15,273 46 Vanilla 13, 188 68 Honey 13,115 54 Hides 4,011 86 Ruljber 4,178 98 Deer-skins 1, 958 79 Specie 2,015 00 Fustic 1,649 79 Molasses 215 25 Sarsaparilla, $114.80; fruit, $297.25 412 05 Miscellaneous 3 08 Total ? ?-.. 98,537 25 J. J. THIBAULT, Vice-Consvl. VERA CRUZ AND AGENCIES. (Agencies: Coatzacoalcos, Frontera, and Miuatitlan.) VERA CRUZ. Quarter ending March 31, 1883. Coffee $360,789 13 Goat-skins 257,970 10 Salt, dry, and wet hides 62,510 63 Deer-skins 5, 319 77 Broom root 11, 625 50 Rubber 28, 971 49 Jalap 1, 515 44 Fustic 10,767 .s7 Cigars 8,729 04 Nickel coin 57, 070 52 Snoar 882 28 Tobacco 781 TAy Saltron 91 91 Istle 39 67 Earthenware 23 32 Household furniture and books 913 13 Minerals 715 42 Rice.. 400 00 Cacao 400 00 Chocolate 100 (X) Mats for baling coffee 4:?0 97 Zacaton 799 60 Marble 2, 207 06 Printed matters 104 55 Shoes 250 00 Feathers 1, 381 2<» Bones 2, 425 15 3risc.-ll;in.'f>us 1,510 00 Tut:. I 818,723 40 Quarter ending June 30, 1883. Bank shares $4,000 00 Books and rurnitnre 1,806 75 Cliocolatr 42 49 C i gars 7 , 203 32 Code.' 255,334 8r> Deer-skins 4,771 13 Dry hides 52, 5.59 !>i Essfsnccs 127 t W DECLARED EXPORTS FOR THE UNITED STATES. 43 Feathers S465 :}.S P^UHtic 6,018 30 Flowers (dye flowers) 7, 'A'M HI CJoat-skins 103,490 :^l Istle 6 4H Jalap 1,145 9r. Mexican curiosities 333 21 Mineral 885 57 Rubber 17,902 (W Sacks 102 34 Suoar 25(i 25 Tobacco 1,989 47 Vanilla 171,199 14 Wine 25 00 Zacuton 13, 078 35 650,174 28 BRUNO TZSCHUCK, Consnl. FRONTERA AGENCY. Quarter eiidhifi June 30, 1883. Maiioo-any S44, 191 97 Lo>;wood 785 tO Hides 9,950 22 Deer-skins 1,013 80 robaeco 2,597 HI Specie 400 00 Indigo 1, 443 22 Cotiee 1, 410 10 Total 62,392 (52 M. GIRARD. Consular Agent. CENTRAL Ji^IVEERIC^. COSTA RICA. SAN JOSfiAND AGENCIES (No return.) GUATE1TIAI.A. ^ GUATEMALA AND AGENCIES. (Agencies: Champerico, Coban, Izabel, Livingston, and San JosiS.) GUATEMALA. Quarter ending March 31, 1883. Beans $425 00 Cochineal 608 03 Coftee 44, 884 70 Deei-skins 981 27 Goat-skins 60 71 Hides, dry 11,340 99 India rubber 15, 462 79 Stationery 66 67 Suf,w...'. 12,097 38 Toliaeco 42 99 Total 86.569 93 44 CONTINENT OF AMERICA. Quarter ending June 30, 1683. Cacao $848 60 Chocolate 25 00 Coffee 61,038 06 Deer-skins 1,873 79 Goat-skins 58 39 Hides 19,930 04 Miscellaneous » 35 42 Personal effects ,-.- 250 00 Rubber 27,324 83 Silverware 1, 555 61 Specimens - 166 67 Sngar 6,338 55 Total 119,434 96 FRANK H. TITUS., CHAMPERICO AGENCY. Quarter ending March 31, 1883. Coffee ■- $279,556 58 India rubber 5, 885 76 Hides 603 36 Total 286,045 70 Quarter ending June 30, 1883. Coffee $164,4ri7 79 India rubber 777 38 Hides - 3,133 44 Cocoa 30 00 Merchandise 16 00 Total 168,444 51 Y. SOUZA, Consular Agent. LIVINGSTON AGENCY. Quartei- ending March 31, 1883. Coffee $29,968 54 Rubber 433 82 Hides 1,935 60 Ore 12,800 00 Indigo 1,742 00 Bananas 2, 767 09 Sarsaparilla 1,903 51 Mahogany 1, 778 23 Plants. -i^ 47 82 Plantains 6 Cocoanuts 40 00 Total 53,42H'«1 WILLIAM OWEis^, Acting Consular Agent. Quarter endinfj June 30. Coffee, 462,653 pounds .' $35, 811 96 Rubber, (i,922 pounds 2, 793 27 Sarsajiar ilia, 7^341 pounds 1,328 94 Hides, 16,505 pounds 1,573 12 Mahogany, 41,530 feet 2,649 91 Deer-skins, .520 pounds 10*.i 40 Plants, 160 pounds 6 40 fiird-skins 19 80 Fruit8 1,596 80 Total 45,882 70 J AS. F. SARG, Consular Agent. DECLARED EXPORTH FOR THE UNITED STATES. 45 SAN JOS£ DE GUATEMALA AGENCY. Quarter endiiuj June '.iO, 1883. . offee S%, lUT 85 Hides (V^H'M India rubber :{, OH? 2;'. Snyar 15, 86d 4G Total 115,71(2 50 JOHN STUAKT, Consular Aqent. HONDURAS. AMAPALA. (No returus.) RUATAN AND TRUXILLO AND AGENCIES. (Agencies: Bonacca, Puerta Cortez, San Pedro Sula, Truxillo, and Utilla.) KUATAN AND TRUXILLO. Quarto- enduif/ March 31, 1883. Sarsaparilla, $5,864; hides, ^9,76'^ $15,626 00 Doer-skins, $5,816 ; goat and tiger skins, $455 6, 271 00 Mahogany and cedar 2, 785 00 Cocoanuts 12, 373 00 Bananas 17, 815 00 Old copper 180 00 Oranges, pineapples, plantains, &c 1, 974 00 Shells. -1 85 00 From Utilla: « Bananas and other fruit 4, 865 00 Cocoanuts 8,320 00 Mahogany 262 00 Total 70, 55(i 00 Quarter endhiff Sepf€mT)er 30, 1882. From Ruatan and Bouacca : Bananas and other frnit 616,890 00 Cocoanuts 34, OM 00 From the Island of Utilla ; Bananas and other fruit 3, 7 15 00 Cocoanuts 18, 3-0 Oi) From Truxillo : Cocoanuts 3, 160 00 Hides and skins 3, (i89 00 Sarsparilla 7, 148 00 India rubber 2, OlS 00 Total 86,960 00 WM. C. BUECHARD, Consul. 46 CONTINENT OF AMERICA. BRITISH llOIVDURAS. BELIZE. Quarter ending June 30, 1883. Sugar 146,565 33 Fruit, nuts, &c 19, 128 71 India rubber 11,469 32 Hides 1.151 41 Sarsaparilla 895 13 Logwood 862 96 Deer-skins 56 80 LignumvitfB 100 50 Old copper 116 70 Total 80,346 86' Giughams returned to United States 149 07 Jlattiug returned 36 10 185 17 ALBEET E. MOELAN, Consul. IVICARAGUA. SAN JUAN DEL NORTE AND PUNTA ARENA AND AGENCY. (No returns.) SAN JUAN DEL SUR. (No returns.) SAI.VADOR. , LA UNION. Quarter ending March 31, 1883. 92 bales rubber, 22,166 pounds $6, 649 80 104 soroons Indigo, 16,044 pounds 16, 044 00 1,841 dry hides, 35,309 pounds 4,944 26 28 bales deer-skins, 5,465 pounds 1,630 50 1 bale alligator hides, 354 pounds 106 20 35 sacks silver ore, 3,282 pounds 2, 800 00 2 cases raw silver 1, 256 50 Total 33,431 26 Quarter ending June 30, 1883. 70 sacks coflee, 10,.500 pounds $1,0.50 00 26 bales decir-skius, 5,399 pounds 1, 619 70 1,83() diy hides, 31,7()8 pounds 4,447 .52 53 bales rubber, 12,640 pounds 3,792 00 777 sacks silver ore, 189,075 pounds 20, 400 00 Total 31,309 22 EMILO OOUKTADE, Consul. DECLARED EXPORTS FOR THE UNITED STATES. 47 SOXJa?IT tSlIVEERICA. UiVITJED STATES OF COLOITIBIA. BARRAN Q UILLA AND AGENCIES. (Agencies: Rio Haclia and Santa Martha.) BARRANQUILLA. Quarter endiuij March 31, 1883. Hides §38,881 63 Cottee 35, 319 4G Quina t^-i/iSO 84 Fustic 3,911 72 India rubber 1,924 17 Balisam 1,518 27 ,Straw hats 473 22 Goat-skins 193 40 Emeralds 144 02 Total.. 1 104,652 73 Quarter ending June 30, 1883. Hides $226,177 57 Cottee 190,438 96 Quina 79,692 88 Fustic 6,018 32 India rubber •. 14,222 96 Balsam 737 76 Deer-skins 246 9G Goat-skins 2, 323 36 Emerald 264 69 Cigars 246 90 Dividivi 134 74 Ivory nuts 740 46 Plants 115 22 Anato 113 68 Total costs 7,449 82 Total 528,702 23 Treasure, including gold, silver, gold dust, exported to the United States without invoice 22, 369 79 Total 551,072 07 THOMAS M. DAWSOi^, Consul. RIO HACHA AGENCY. Quarter ending March 31, 1883. Goat-skins S9, 710 70 Hides 8, 471 50 Deer-skins 224 75 Bones 2, 547 05 Cottee 487 20 Horns : 71 50 Porcupine skins 2.^ 35 Tiger skins 5 70 Total 21 , 541 75 Quarter ending June 30, 1SS3. Goat-skins §!7,435 00 Hides : . . 5 , 666 09 Bones 3, 678 52 Deer-skins 421 91 Coftue 609 00 Woods 962 22 Total IS. 772 74 Pv. CLARIQUEE, Consular Agent. 48 CONTINENT OF AMERICA. COLON. Quarter ending March 31, 1883. Bauauas $68,789 6(5 Ivorv nuts 505 80 Cocoanuts 10,609 30 India rubber 1, 353 30 Tortoise shell 3, 010 50 Old metal 050 50 Cotiee - 857 2() Hides ^ 152 50 Sundries 5, 23G r>5 Total 91,165 67 Quarter ending June 30, 1883. Bauauas §100,373 74 Ivorv nuts 2, 792 17 Rubber 6,231 95 Hides 2,9:^5 90 Cocoanuts 15, 994 54 Tortoise shell 623 35 Cocoa Ill 70 Rook ore 30 00 Coffee 2,943 50 Sundries 13,084 39 Total 145,119 15 F. W. EICE, Consul. PANAMA. Fractional quarter ending June 30, 1883. Rul)ber ; $55,742 64 Hides 12,020 11 Cocobolo wood 3,978 40 Skius 3,838 90 Coffee 2,276 98 •Straw hats 916 67 Ivorv nuts 613 44 Cocoa 341 98 Total 79,729 12 THOMAS ADAMSON, Consul. VE]\EZUEI.A. LAGUAYRA. Quarter ending March 31, 1883. Coffee ^ 1257,276 12 Cocoa - 12,694 59 Hides 27,020 45 Skius 23,538 40 Miscellaueoua 1, 534 05 Total 322,063 61 Quarter ending June 30, 1883. Coffee $240,954 29 Cocoa 10,4.58 16 Skins 3(J, 218 m Hides 11,741 51 Miscellaneous 1 . 327 ii'J Total 300,700 30 WIJJFIELD S. BIRD, Consul. DECLARED EXPORTS FOR THE UxNITED STATES. 49 MARACAIBO AND AGENCIES. (Ageucies: Coro, San Cristobal, uiid Valc.ra.) MARACAIBO. Quarter ending March :U, 188:1. Collee $54(5, OAC, 74 Cacao 2, daO ,664 22 Molasses 8, 703 14 Coffee ' 46 66 Pickled limes 104 78 Lime juice - 85 21 One barrel vegetables 1 84 GoMdust 6,153 40 Total 137,236 93 Quarter ending June 30, 1883. Sugar - $32,794 55 Cacao 134,450 68 Molasses 5,171 37 ri(^kle(l limes l-5r> 22 lyinie juice I'-^S 42 (Jold dust 13, 950 87 Old iron 2,502 50 Total 189,130 61 TIli:NRY BARNETT, Vice-Consid. DECLARED EXPORTS FOR THE UNITED STATES. 51 BRITISH CiVIANA. DEMERARA. Quarter ending March ol, 1883. Sugar'; ^l,dO'J,90:j 54 Molasses 7, r>74 HG Gum l,W'Z m Ballata 39;i 94 Copper 504 04 Brass 381 82 Lead 72 38 Yolluw metal 110 11 Hird skiiiH 52 25 Tonka boiius 15 65 Total • 1, 820, 311 58 PH. FIGYELMESY, Consul. BRAZIL. BAHIA. Quarter ending June 30, 1883. Sugar $701,149 70 Carbonates ' 11, 155 46 Rubber 6,034 26 Jiicorauda 6,586 91 Hird skins 1,201 83 Poisoned skins 51 56 Total 726,179 72 JOHN B. WEAVER, Consul. PARA. Quarter ending March 31, 188.3. Balsam copaiba $1, 152 00 Cream nuts 14,943 00 Cocoa 2, 700 00 Deer-skins 17, 114 00 India rubber • 1,601,160 00 Oxhides 4,195 00 Old metal 781 00 Ton ka beans 13, 559 00 Total 1,655,604 00 Quarter ending June 30, 1883. Annatto $1,870 00 Balsiim copabia 5, 570 00 Brazil nuts .59,190 00 Deer skins 31,429 00 India rubber 1,855,390 00 ( )x hides 10, 825 00 Peruvian bark 53, 390 00 TcuiKa beans 1,710 00 Miscellaneous 770 00 Total .* 2,020,144 80 A. C. miNDLE, Consul. 52 CONTINENT OF AMERICA. PERNAMBUCO. Quarter ending March 31, 1863. Sugar, 207,037 bags |1, 098, 491 42 Slieep-skiiis, 11 bales S63 75 Goat-sldns, 27 bales 2, 417 50 Total 1,101,772 67 Quarter ending June 30, 1883. Sugar, 31,747 bags $176,910 34 Okliron. - 2,.^45 27 Old iron scraps ^61 00 Boues and liorus '^f^4 47 Raw sheep and goat skins 20,452 04 Total 200,753 12 HENRY L. ATHERTON, Consul. RIO DE .lANEIRO. Quarter ending March 31, 1883. Coffee, 587,812 bags $5,574,667 33 Rosewood, 1,329 logs 30,027 14 Rosewood, 616 half logs 9,487 37 Old iron, 255 tons, 3 cwt., 2 qrs 2,383 16 Fish glue, 14 bags 380 59 Wood, 6 cases ^97 03 Sundries, 74 cases, 4 bales * . . . . 789 01 Advertising material, 3 cases (re-exportation) 256 50 Total 5,618,088 13 Quarter ending June :?0, 1883. Coflfee, .571,474 bags |;6,138,829 76 Rosewood, 466 logs 8, 317 86 Medicinal jtlauts, seeds, «fec., 29 bales, 3 cases 273 73 Total 6,147,421 35 C. C. ANDREWS, Consul General. RIO GRANDE DO SUL. (Quarter ending Mareh 31. The past (inartcv can scarcely be looked on with satisfaction in conuncrcial circles ill the province of Rio Grande (Brazil), and complaints are rife of "bad business," l)ad paynii'uts, and gcinjral "(ailing otVin trade." As regards imports this is easily iicc.ouiitfd for by tlie constantly increasing coi#t-ra- l)aud over tlic frontier and exct^ss of sup[)ly compared with (b^nuind, and witli respect to exports t<> the very high exj»ort duties levied by the central and provincial gov- erijments, heavy being tbnr with ilonr, one with an assorted cargo, and one with six locomotives and tenders from IMiiladelphia for the French comjjany that lias the contract for the con- struction and working of tlie railway in the south of the province, a very significant proof of the superiority of American manufacture and ailajjtation to the speciality of traffic. The railway is not yet opeuinl to the public, l)nt the work is progressing and its completion eagerly looked f(uwarast six month, 7.59 craft of all classes crossed inward and outward without any serious accident. Entries — Sailing vessels, 475; steamers, 170. Sailed — Sailing vessels, 475; steamers, 17. Exports. — Entries have shown a falling oft" of 30,000 head of cattle in theSaladeros as compared with last season, which was one of the smallest on record. The following have l)een declared at this consulate as destined for the United States: Dry cattle-hides, 7:?,7«i:{ ,f 260, 70«J 02 Salted cattle-hides, (),.'Si)4 29,109 88 AVool, 24r),:i91 kilograms 63, 256 39 Horse-hair, 124,040 kilograms .")4,262 48 Nutria-skins, 3 packages 468 60 Cattle-horns, 9,300 311 39 Horn piths, 7,695 75 15 Old metal, 3,661 kilograms 529 63 Total 408,722 74 The falling off in dry hides is notable, as in same period iu 1882, 108,759 were shipped; in l.-^.--'l, 14.'>,971. This decrease can only be attributed to the small mor- taliry amongst cattle iu the camp, besides the quantity sent over the frontier. The shipments of wool show an increase. Quarter ending June 30. In my last ciuarterly report of March 31, 1 remarked that it could scarcely be looked on witli satisfaction in commereial circles, and I regret to have to apply the same ob- servation to the quarter ended this day. A continued series of rainy weather has brought the season to a rather premature close, and if slaughter in the saladeros last year was exceptionally small, it is now even less by some 15,000, a fiict which con- tributes much to the great stagnation in trade. Imports from the United States have been limited to 3 cargoes of Hour from Rich- mond, and 2 assorted cargoes, chiefly composed of lumber, kerosene, and rosin from New York. B\' steam I havt; noticed no arrivals, but several lots of American Hour have ri.(l Idood 5,173 47 Cari.incho-skins 3,912 90 Ifornsand piths .500 00 Deer an Dry ox and cow hides and kips 401, 009 34 Gout-skins 188,894 41 Iforso-hair , 93,418 70 Nutria-skins » til, 844 34 Salted hiilos 30,191 75 Crnshed bones 15, 4'20 ()3 Bones 11,507 90 Carpincho-skins 12, 8*24 59 Deer and stag skins 7, 234 70 Cnttin^rg 2,2^8 00 Ostrich feathers 1,501 04 Paper stock 292 77 Total 1 , 3w9, 053 03 E. L. BAKER, Consul. ROSARIO AND AGENCIES. (Agencies: Parana and Santa F6.) ROSARIO. Quarter ending March 31, 1883. Dry hides and kips, 30,720 8109, 025 32 Goat-skins, 30 bales 1.3,517 06 Hair, 47 bales 10,397 14 Nntria-skins, 9 bales 3.528 04 Carpincho-skins, 2 bales 438 12 Total 137,500 28 ALANSON S. HALL, Vice-Consnl. CHILI. (No returns.) BOLIVIA. (No returns.) PERU. CALLAO. Quarter ending June 30, 1883. Paintings, &c $4,000 00 Antiquities 1,100 OO Hides 330 00 Cocoa leaves 284 9t> Total 5,714 90 J. H. MOORE, Consul. LAMBAYEQUE. Quarter endint/ June 30, 1883. Dry hides $498 20 ALFRED LAPOINT, Vice- Consul. 56 CONTINENT OF AMERICA. IQUIQUE. Quarter ending June 30, 1883. Nitrate of soda §547,859 80 Borate of lime 664 59 Jodine 14,440 63 Scrap iron 5,948 63 Empty quicksilver flasks 158 80 Total o(J9, 072 45 J. Vr. MEEEIAM, Consul. ECUADOR. GUAYAQUIL. Quarter ending June 30, 1883. Rubber $59,308 61 Cocoa 48,523 59 Cascaiilla 772 80 Specie 509 .52 Hides 17,174 72 Deers-kins 174 71 Total 126, 463 95 A. DESTRUGE, Vice-Consul. THEJ ^WBST INI3IES. BRITISH ^ EST IIVDIES. 1. Bahamas. 7. St. Christopiikr. 13. Barbadoes. 2. Bermuda. 8. Nevis. 14. Grenada. 3. Turk's IsLA>rDS. 9. Antigua. 15. Tobago. 4. Jamaica. 10. Monserrat. 16. Trinidad. 5. St. Lucia. 11. Dominica. 6. Virgin Islands. 12. St. Vincent. THE BAHAMAS. NASSAU AND AGENCIES. (Agencies : Dunmore Town, Governor's Harbor, Green Turtle Cay, and Matbewtown. ) NASSAU. Quarter ending March 31, 1883. Sponges $46,408 96 Fruit 1,530 41 Old metal and junk 467 20 Rawhides 317 49 Sundries 738 22 Total 49,462 28 Quarter ending June 30, 1883. Sponges ?129,328 66 Pineappl.s 939 21 Salt 172 2fi Raw bides 250 00 Sundries 000 05 Total 31,599 18 TUOS. J. McLAIN, Jr., Consul. DECLARED EXPORTS FOR THE UNITED STATES. 57 DUNMORE TOWN AGENCY. Quarter ending March 31, 1883. I'ineapples $16 70 Bananas - 499 50 CocoanntH 94 00 Grapefruit 2 00 Limes 2 00 Oranges 278 30 Shells, common conch 10 00 Sugar-canes 4 00 Shells, Queen conch 4 80 Sapodillas 18 60 Tomatoes 89 50 Watermelons 1 50 Yams 00 Total 1,026 90 Quarter ending June 30, 1883. Pineapples $5,760 00 Bananas 107 00 Cocoanuts 10 00 Grape fruit 3 60 Limes 3 00 Lilies 21 00 Oranges 3 00 Sapodillas 7 50 Old junk 9 .50 Shells, Queen conch 16 20 Tomatoes 51 60 Watermelons 4 80 Total 5,997 20 HENRY S. HIGGS, Consular Agent. GOVERNOR'S HARBOR AGENCY. Quarter ending March 31, 1883. Salt, bananas, and sheila* §283 22 Quarter ending June 30, 1883. Pineapples and shells $47,249 29 CHAS. A. BETHEL, Consular Agent. GREEN TURTLE BAY AGENCY. Quarter ending March 31, 1883. Oranges §1,830 00 Bananas 284 00 Coral 9 75 Sea fans 10 00 Conch shells 36 50 Sponge 4 .50 Limes 2 00 Grape fruit 1 20 Pineapples 2 42 Star-tish 35 00 Pumpkins 23 00 Yams 4 40 Total 2,242 77 58 CONTINENT OF AMERICA. Quarter ending June 30, 1883. Pineapples, quantities unknown. Coral ; $.5 00 Star-fish 1 75 Shells 2 75 Lilies 5 15 Lemons 50 Old junk 6 00 Total 21 15 UEIAH SAUNDEBS. MATHEWTOWN AGENCY. Quarter ending March 31, 1883. Guano, or cave earth $7.50 00 General cai-oo ex S. S. Athos, wrecked at Inagua on December 6, and re- turned to the United States in schooner A. L. Butler, and no invoice taken of same 38. 000 00 Total 38,750 00 J. I. SAEGENT, Consular Agent. BE EMU DA. HAMILTON. Quarter ending March 31, 1883. Liquors $115,477 94 Vegetables 44,109 93 Old metal 177 15 Total 159,765 02 Quarter ending June 30, 1883. Vegetables $378,081 98 Liquors 70,192 25 Varnish, shellac - 2, 887 80 Old metal 307 70 Mineral salt • 137 12 Empty casks 43 32 Arrowroot 551 59 Mineral water 298 07 Total 4.59,159 83 CHAS. M. ALl^EN, Consul. ANTIGUA AND AGENCIES. (Agencies: Anguilla, Dominica, Montserrat, Nevis, and Portsmouth.) ANTIGUA. Quarter ending March 31, 1883. Sugar liill,(;95 27 Wnlasses 429 47 Hides and skins 297 51 Turtle shell 114 00 Butter (returned to the United States) 113 45 Total 12,049 70 DECLARED EXPORTS FOR THE UNITED STATES. 59 Quarter ending June 30, 1883. Sugar §230,230 27 Molasses 20,033 17 Hides, skins, and beeswax 444 'JO Total 250,714 34 CHESTER E. JACKSOi^, Consul. ANGUILLA AGENCY. Quarter cndiuy March 31,^883. 1 'J, 095 bushels coarse salt $1,583 10 AVAGER REY, Consular Agent. DOMINICA AGENCY. Quarter ending March 31, 1883. Muscovado sugar §8, 91)5 99 Concentrated lime-j uice 2, 782 08 Cocoa 1,890 57 Laurel loaves 1, 189 09 Fruit 100 82 Old metal 94 94 Coffee 90 14 Cocoa-nuts 86 28 Cassia 26 92 Total 15,268 83 Quarter ending June 30, 188:?. Muscovado sugar $39,159 92 C'oucentrated lime juice 670 24 Bav leaves , 520 75 Bav oil 165 00 Cocoa 116 90 Cassia 106 70 Lime fruit 93 55 Oil of limes 57 83 Tamarinds -•- 35 60 Total 40,926 49 WM. STEDMAN, Consular Agent. MONTSERRAT AGENCY. Quarter ending March 31, 1883. Concentrated lime juice S~,984 00 Fruit 50 14 Molasses 678 58 Total 8,712 72 WILLIAM A. THURMAN, Acting Consular Agent. NEVIS AGENCY. Quarter ending March 31, 1883. 85 baiTcls Muscovado sugar ^l-u Tl 20 bajrrels Muscovado sugar «. 1:;3 95 Total 941 6Gg 60 CONTINENT OF AMERICA. Quarter ending June 30, 1883. 102 barrels Muscovado sugar, 25,720 pounds $898 67 22 barrels Muscovado sugar, 5,945 pounds 212 09 Total 1.110 76 H. R. CHALLENOR, Consular Agent. BARBADOES AND AGENCIES. « BARBADOES. Quarter ending March 31, 1883. Old metal $77 42 Skius 844 68 Samples 29 46 Sugar and. molasses 41,289 23 Total 42,240 79 Quarter ending June 30, 1883. Aloes $504 95 Arrowroot 1 , 984 24 Ale kegs 39 80 Cassava 132 00 Oldmetal 343 32 Old rag 13 84 Skins 859 34 Sugar and molasses 1, 329, 112 74 Yams 2 25 Total 1,332,861 80 ROBT. Y. HOLLEY, Consul. JAMAICA. KINGSTON AND AGENCIES. (Agencies: Falmouth, Milk River, Montego Bay, Port Antonio, Savannali-la-Mar, and St. Ann's Bay.) KINGSTON. Quarter ending March 31, 1883. Annotto $2, 865 31 Bananas 6, 493 95 Bitterwood 94 89 Coffee 37,135 31 Ginger 1,226 28 I-jides and. skins 1,880 43 Logwood 132 12 Miscellaneous and drugs 3,754 43 Oldmetal 3,375 93 Oranges 36,594 37 Pimento 218 81 Preserved fVnit 1,471 70 Rum 1,314 96 Sticks 919 07 Sugar 17,213 78 Total ^ 114,691 34 Corresponding quarter 1882 152, 881 50 Decrease , 38,190 16 DECLARED EXPORTS FOR THE UNITED STATES. 61 Quarter ending June 30, 1883. Annatto $1,112 03 Biiniiiiiis 20,823 42 Cofleo 22. 1H() 18 Ginger 3,311 53 Hi lies and skins 1, 412 G9 MiHciellaneons 1, 371 OG OrangOH .'>, 248 10 Pinuinio 4,r)82 67 Pineapples 2,958 58 Knni 805 03 Sticks 1,252 28 Sn^ar 51,530 10 Old metal 702 .53 Total -' 117,29(i 20 Corre8i)onding quarter 1882 116, 8h8 72 Increase 407 48 GEO. E. HOSKIXSOX, Consvl. Quarter endhig June 30, 1883. PORT ANTONIO AGENCY. Bananas, 127,816 bunclies $74,627 00 Cocoa-nuts, 204,000 4,459 00 Limes, 29 barrels 72 50 Lime juice, 6 puncheons 512 00 Oranges, 70 barrels, 108 boxes 52 00 Total 79,722 50 MONTEGO BAY AGENCY. Aunotto 'i?19G 55 Fruit, viz: Bananas '?3, 411 35 Oranges 21 89 Pineapples 6 07 Goat skins Ginger (dried) Hides Old metal Pimento Sugar 28,419 Total :; 439 '31 63 61 1 190 25 t)C 56 31 69 21 52 28 419 53 33, 429 02 ST. ANN S BAY AGENCY. Sugar ». $14,077 85 Pimento 40,882 95 Bananas Oranges Ginger Logwood Pineai>pl<'S Molasses Fnstic Satinwood Orange juice Li mo juice Total 1 625 71 1 021 59 1 706 19 {', 70:5 15 Sponge 400 71 Guano, 21,000 tons 21, 007 00 Total 27,110 86 N. K. SAWYER, Consul. COCKBURN IIAKIJOR AGENCY. Quarter- ending March 31, 1883. Salt, 80,77G bushels |5,038 61 Quarter ending June 30, 1883. Salt, 103,841 bushels $6,701) 16 J. W. TATEM, Consular Agent. SALT CAY AGENCY. Quarter ending March 31, 1883. Salt in bulk, 56,247 bushels $3, 5U5 24 Quarter ending June 30, 1883. Salt in bulk, 87,160 bushels $6,130 05 ALEXIS W. HARRIOTT, Consular Agent. FRENCH ^VEST INDIES. GUADELOUPE. MARTINIQUE, AND ST. B ARTHOLOM E AV, GUADELOUPE. Quarter ending March 31, 1883. Articles. Mnscovado sugar Ueine sugar Concrete sugar. . . Total sugars . heads. 2,482 197 50 Barrels. 251 121 2,729 372 Kilograms. 883 1, 552, 664 242, 378 42, 139 Value. $122, 808 67 17, 887 29 2, 6U5 11 883 1,837,181 143,301 07 Cacao, 15 baiTels, 1,021 kilograms Copper (old), 1 package, 5*J kilograms CotiVe, 5 kegs, 266 kilograms Lead (old), 1 package, 32 kilograms Lime-juice, 3 casks, 135 gallons Yellow metal (old), 1 package, 247 kilograms. Zinc (old), 5 packages, 740 kilograms 8211 97 y 50 ^ 9() 92 5 00 139 m 40 00 15 34 Grand total 143,819 46 Quarter ending June 30, 1883. Muscovado sugar. Usine sugar Concrete sugar . . . Total sugars . Hogs- heads. 8,055 1,935 346 Barrels, i Bags. KUograms. Value. 745 855 9,673 5, 136, 552 : ^38, 700 86 2,411,056 I 222,332 17 287, 034 I 23, 451 61 10, 336 1,600 , 9,673 7, 834, 642 , 6S4, 484 64 CHARLES BARTLETT, Consul. 64 CONTINENT OF AMERICA. MARTINIQUE AND AGENCY. (Agency : Fort de France. ) MARTINIQUE. Quarter ending March .31, 1883. Sugar 1280,392 32 Old sails from vessels 100 00 Rum 55 60 Total 280,547 92 Quarter ending June 30, 1883. Brown sugar , $724,061 83 Tamarinds in sirup 753 35 Total 724,815 23 W. H. GARFIELD, Co7isuL ST. BARTHOLOMEW. (No returns.) DANISH ^V£ST INDIES. ST. THOMAS AND AGENCIES. (Agencies: Fredericksted and Santa Cruz.) ST. THOMAS. Quarter ending March 31, 1883. Old metal §413 80 Goat-skins 94 50 Bitters 242 75 Total 751 05 Quarter ending June 30, 1883. Bay-rum $5,030 87 St. Croix rum 6, 132 44 Old metal 466 41 Total 11,629 72 V. V. SMITH, Consul. DUTCH ^1 EST INDIES. CURASAO AND AGENCY. (Agency: Bonaire.) CURAQAO. Quarter endinq March 31, 1883. Hides, skiuH, wool, &c '. |89,200 31 Dyewoods 3, 442 28 Coffee 8, 724 5(i Salt 1,750 00 Guano 8,800 00 Miscellaneous 17,332 00 129,255 15 Charges 2, 107 43 Total ! 131,362 58 DECLARED EXPORTS FOR THE UNITED STATES. 65 Quarter ending June 30, 1883. Hides, skins, and wool, &g SI 19, 7t)9 98 Dyewooda, &c 20,511 69 CoflFee 18,r)28 10 Salt 840 00 Miscellaneous 2, 698 39 162,348 16 Chargea 1,810 81 Total 164.158 97 ALMOST BAKNES, Consul. BONAIRE AGENCY. Quarter ending June 30, 1883. Salt, 10,600 barrels P, 188 48 Quarter ending March 31, 1883. Salt $3,461 20 L. 0. BOYE, Gonsidar Agent. SPANISH WEST INDIES. CUBA. BARACOA. Quarter ending March 31, 1883. Fruit $121,525 39 Quarter ending June 30, 1883. Fruit $388,959 41 Tobacco 279 50 Total 389,238 91 DATUS E. COON, Commercial Agent. CARDENAS. Quarter ending March 31, 1883. 30 413 hogsheads sugar; 500 bags sugar; 27,216 hogsheads molasses; 2,894 tierces molasses ; 130 tierces honey ; 108 hogsheads asphaltum ; 83 pipes asphaltum $2,747,325 17 Quarter ending June 30 1883. 53,129 hogsheads sugar ; 875 hogsheads melado ; 36,904 hogsheads mo- lasses; 3,955 tierces molasses; 265 tierces honey; 116,000 cigars; 31,321 cigars, 206,852 kilograms; 4 logs cedar $3,966,221 30 JOSEPH A. NUNEZ, Cojisul. 62a— D E 5 66 CONTINENT OF AMERICA. CIENFUEGOS AND AGENCIES. (Agencies : Trinidad de Cuba and Zaza.) CIENFUEGOS. Quarter ending March 31, 1883. Sugar $1,548,340 17 Molasses 70,234 34 Miscellaneous 14,380 56 Total 1,632,955 07 Quarter ending June 30, 1883. Sugar $2,659,984 10 Molasses 132,357 99 Miscellaneous 35, 092 09 Total 2,827.434 18 Quarter ending June 30, 1883. Articles. Cieufuegoa, Trinidad. Zara. Total. Sugar Molasses Honey Cedar and mahogany . Miscellaneous 52, 659, 984 10 j $445, 157 66 132, 357 99 i 49, 134 44 \ 4,344 40 1,784 21 35,092 09 ' $58 822 60 10, 400 00 $3, 163, 964 36 181, 492 53 4, 344 40 •e, 184 21 35,092 9 2, 827, 434 18 i 500, 420 71 69, 222 60 3, 397, 077 49 WM. P. PIERCE. Consul. HAVANA AND AGENCIES. (No returns.) MATANZAS. Quarter ending March 31, 1883. Sugar, 40,067 hogsheads, 43 boxes Molasses, 20,068 hogsheads, 2,132 tierces. Tobacco, 105 bales Mahogany, 224 pieces , 936, 365 91 699, 130 06 4, 172 85 1,235 00 Total 3,640,903 82 Quarter ending June 30, 1883. 50,146hhd8. and 382 bags sugar i|3,611,937 86 26, 745 hhds. and 2, 768 tcs. molasses 884, 890 39 356 tons guano 5, 596 00 132 ]»cs. mahogany 450 00 60 bales tobacco.' 3,251 20 Total 4,506,225 45 United States Consulate, Matanzas, June 30, 1883. DAVID VICKERS, United States Consul. DECLARED EXPORTS FOR THE UNITED STATES. 67 SAGUA LA GRANDE. Quarter ending March 31, 1883. Sugar, 19,13G hogsheads, 95 tierces, 200 bags $1, 350, 373 02 Molasses, 2,58(j hogsheads, 258 tiei'ces 109, 153 53 Melada, 190 hogsheads, 20 tierces 13, 384 83 Total 1,472,911 38 Quarter ending June 30, 1883. Sugar, 38,248 hogsheads, 188 tierces, 3,713 bags, 100 boxes, 1 barrel §2,785,957 59 Molasses, 8,011 hogsheads, 802 tierces 325, 649 39 Melada, 513 hogsheads, 60 tierces 3G^ 018 88 Honey, 23 tierces 1, 202 40 Total 3,148,828 26 CLARENCE C. FORD, Commercial Agent. SAN JUAN DE LOS REMEDIOS. Quarter ending March, 1883. 10,214 hogsheads sugar $764,643 83 522 hogsheads molasses, 48 tierces 19, 671 60 70 bales tobacco 2,305 00 Total 786.620 43 W. H. POLLEYS, Commercial Agent. SANTIAGO DE CUBA AND AGENCIES. (Agencies: Guantauamo, Manzanillo, and Santa Cruz.) SANTIAGO DE CUBA. Quarter ending March 31, 1883. 990 hogsheads, 698 bags sugar $7.5,347 76 1,652 bags, contaiuiug 220,700 cocoa-nuts 3, 621 69 420 logs, mahogany, cedar, and guayacan 16, 051 52 66 empty casks 85 tierces precipitated copper 3, 772 76 48 bags bones ; 1 box with $500 1 parcel with $100 25 casks, 3 barrels honey 937 03 3 cases mineral sampk^s 5 17 25 bales tobacco 833 68 Total 100,569 61 Quarter ending June 30, 1883. 7,234 hogsheads, 2,759 bags sugar $593, 469 47 1,838 bags, containing 182,300 cocoa-nuts 2, 8.54 9S 22 logs, mahogany, 720 lignum-vitje 1, (i47 67 16,000 pineapples 823 70 1 box mineral, 3 boxes brandy 16 90 3,000 cigars ' 100 13 Total .598,912 85 JOHN C. LANDREAU, Consul. 68 CONTINENT OF AMERICA. TRINIDAD DE CUBA. Quarter ending March 31, 1883. 11,180 hogsheads, 323 tierces, 260 bags muscovado sugar $110,890 10 405 hogsheads, 48 tierces muscovado molasses 15, 589 59 88 logs wood 8, 376 12 7 barrels coftee 281 97 140 tierces, 31 barrels honey 8,218 70 Total 343,356 48 Quarter ending June 30, 1883. 5,699 hogsheads, 587 tierces, 240 bags sugar $445, 157 66 1,418 hogsheads, 177 tierces molasses 49, 134 44 76 tierces honey 4,344 40 140 pieces cedar wood 1,784 21 Total 500,420 71 JOSfi PALAN, Consular Agent. POETO EICO. MAYAGUEZ. Quarter ending March 31, 1883. Sugar $162,038 38 Cotfee 159,395 04 Molasses 111,555 59 Oranges 14,809 38 Crude mineralized phosphate 3, 149 69 Cocoa-uuts • 2, 717 42 Hides 911 91 Wooden boxes 204 52 Pineapples 148 95 Honey 22 05 Total 454,952 93 Quarter ending June 30, 1883. Sugar $270, 668 33 Molasses 145,117 64 Coffee 25,371 61 Oranges 965 12 Cocoa-nuts 2,625 22 Pineapples 4, 307 61 Phosphates 919 65 Hides 1, 367 19 Achiote 602 17 Ginger 93 21 Tamarinds 44 25 Old yellow metal 61 55 Honey 32 48 Estropayos 47 80 Total $4,52,223 83 GORHAM E. HUBBARD, Commercial Agent. PONCE. Quarter ending March 31, 1883. Sugar $62,316 89 MwlaHses 355,034 63 Cottee 113,758 74 Rum 1,234 28 Fruit 1,005 50 Annotto 184 43 Total 533,554 47 DECLARED EXPORTS FOR THE UNITED STATES. 69 Quarter ending June 30, 1883. Molasses $.322,569 5.5 Coflcc, in transit 113,242 10 Sugar 77,'J94 49 Cotton 3,133 35 Annotto 90 50 Types 30 50 • Total §.517,086 49 E. E. WHITE, Commercial Agent. SAN JUAN AND AGENCIES. (Agencies: Aguadilla, Arecibo, Gnayama, Naguabo, and Viequez.) SAN JUAN. Quarter ending March 31, 1883. Sugar, 1,011 hogsheads $63,476 10 MoKisses, 265 puncheons 9, 229 66 Sugar, 300 bags 3,418 65 Bay-water, 6 casks 562 90 Total 76,697,22 EDW. CONROY, Consul. Quarter ending June 30, 1883. Sugar, 4,645 hogsheads $336,260 63 Molasses, 1,359 casks 43,727 88 Sugar, 2,332 bags 26,863 86 Bay-rum, 44 casks 3, 880 24 Sundries 422 00 Total 411,154 61 ANDRES CROSAS, Vice- Consul. AGUADILLA AGENCY. Quarter ending March 31, 1883. CoflFee $79,782 00 Sugar 158,930 00 Molasses and sundries 2, 350 00 Total 241 062 00 Quarter ending June 30, 1883. Sugar $156, 345 00 Molasses 5, 400 00 Cott'oe (bound for Europe) 23,255 00 Annotto '. 55 00 Total 185,025 00 AUG. GANSLANDT, Consular Agent. ARECIBO AGENCY. Qiiarter ending March 31, 1883. Sugars $49,915 19 Molasses 1, 181 57 Coffee 37, 223 70 Satin-wood 874 83 Total 89.195 29 FERN'DO FERNANDEZ. 70 CONTINENT OF AMERICA. Quarter ending June 30, 1883. Sugar $279,534 43 Molasses 12,653 84 Coffee 48,658 90 Hides 600 80 Satin-wood 923 76 Total 342,371 73 EDWARDO J. FERNANDEZ, Consul. GUAYAMA AGENCY. Quarter ending March 31, 1883. Molasses $104,269 96 Sugar 18,677 82 Bav-water 4,262 05 Specie 5,699 40 One marble bust 102 50 Total 133,011 73 J. c. Mccormick, Consular Agent. NAGUABO, HUMACAO, AND FAJARDO. Quarter ending March 31, 1883. Sugar and molasses $236, 563 97 Quarter ending June 30, 1833. Sugar and molasses $619, 046 39 W. HADDOCK, Consular Agent. VIEQUEZ. * Quarter ending June 30, 1883. Sugar and molasses - $42,463 67 J. CRERON LANGFORD, Consular Agent. HAYTI. CAPE HAYTIEN AND AGENCIES. (Agencies: Gonaives and Port de Paix.) CAPE HAYTIEN, Quarter ending March 31, 1883. Cocoa $36 20 Coffcf, 260 62 Hides 3,199 67 Horns 10 50 Honey 1,434 88 Logwood 100,225 29 Poppers 126 42 Tortoise-shell 236 36 Goat-skiuH 2,289 81 Total 107,819 75 DECLARED EXPORTS FOR THE UNITED STATES. 71 Quarter ending June 30, 1883. Cocoa .?1,405 67 CottV,o 57,687 76 Beeswax 24 15 Hides 3,660 25 Honey 2,266 16 Old metal 16 63 Logwood 31, 006 84 Pe])pors 168 68 Goat-skina. 1,869 05 Total 98,105 19 STANISLAS GOUTIER, Consul. GONAIVES AGENCY. Quarter ending March 31, 1883. Logwood, 4,269,600 pounds §30, 783 6U CoHee, 16,710 pounds 1,272 29 Hides, 30 pieces .54 00 Goat-skius, 487 pieces 158 85 Total 32,268 74 Quarter ending June 30, 1883. Logwood, 3,588,050 pounds $33, .575 23 Coffee, 531,877 pounds 60,981 44 Coffee in the hull, 437 pounds 44 09 Cotton, 15 bales 6.55 00 Hides and goat-skins 1, 225 37 Mahogany 41 06 Total 96.522 19 JOHN D. METZGER, Consular Agent. PORT DE PAIX AGENCY. Quarter ending March 31, 1883. Logwood $71,705 80 Quarter ending June 30, 1883. Coffee $7,650 00 Honev 26 50 Logwood 57,898 20 Total 65,574 70 AUG. SCHUMACHER, Acting Consular Agent. PORT AU PRINCE. Quarter ending March 31, 1883. Goat-skins, 125 bales, 28,632i pounds 810, 666 20 Logwood, 2,410,000 pounds 20,282 .50 Sugar, 442+ packages, 203,740 pounds 12, 4.<9 37 Hides, 2,969 hides, 37,554 pounds 5, 089 86 Honey, 654 barrels, 20,873 gallons 10, 360 59 Gum guiac, 89 boxes, 7,127 pounds 1,313 78 Orange peel, 1,249 bags, 68,934 pounds 2, 129 09 Bees-wax, 25i packages, 4,286 ijounds 1 , 174 29 Cocoa, 373 bags. 40,516 pounds 3, 746 03 Coffee, 2,488 bags, 328,530 pounds 29, 620 70 Ligmun-vitiB, 27 boxes, 3,700 pounds 706 90 72 CONTINENT OF AMERICA. Molasses, 30 barrels, 9,000 pouuds §487 90 Manila hemp, 5 bales, 784 pouuds 57 55 Dried ginger, 2^ barrels, 195 j)ounds 22 52 Old copper, 1,199 pounds 117 88 Ox shoes, 1 barrel, 1 hogshead, 459 pounds 14 11 Peanuts, 2 barrels, 159 pouuds. 8 62 Horns, 1 barrel, 1 hogshead, 402 pounds 12 06 Total 98,299 95 Quarter ending June 30, 1883. Logwood $16,063 94 Coffee, 2,544 bags, 342,985 pounds 33,888 27 Honey, 178 barrels, 5,916 gallons 2,753 98 Hides, 1,131 bales, 12,721 pounds 1,721 53 Orange peel, 49 bags, 2,378 pounds 117 37 Sugar, 198 barrels, 113,749 pounds 5, 364 23 Sisal hemp, 1 bale, 488 pounds 3 71 Oxtail, 1 bale, 208 pounds 3 35 Goat-skins, 127 bales, 6,306 pounds 3, 606 35 Gum guiac, 35 boxes, 8,132 pounds 1,775 17 Bees-wax, 7 boxes, 1,188 pouuds 300 04 Ginger, 2 boxes, 8 pounds 25 22 Molasses, 44 barrels, 1,382 gallons 1,128 03 Cocoa, 415 bags, 22,292 pouuds 2,495 81 Fustic, 7,350 tons 1, 136 21 Old copper, 2^ barrels, 500 pounds 18 00 Tolal 70,401 21 JOHN MERCER LANGSTON, Consul- General. SAN DOMINOO. PUERTO PLATA. Quarter ending March 31, 1883. Molasses, 35,900 gallons $8,975 00 Fustic, 8 tons 160 00 Honey, 1,608 gallons 837 80 Hides, 2,326 5,644 60 Goat-skins, 3,582 1,432 80 Sugar, 6,333 pounds 284 99 Total 17,335 19 Quarter ending June 30, 1883. Sugar $10,979 08 Molasses 1,890 00 Honey 388 60 Hides 7,462 40 Goat-sk ins 866 40 Tobacco - 517 45 Divi divi 832 20 Mahogany 4,098 01 Old metal 168 82 Total 27.202 96 THOS. SIMPSON, Cotisul. SAMANA. Quarter ending March 31, 1883. Cocoa-nuts $48 00 Do 37 92 Do 234 00 Sugar and molasses 4, 500 00 Cocoa-iiuts 240 00 Do.. 118 00 Total 5,177 92 DECLARED EXPORTS FOR THE UNITED STATES. 7i^ Quarter ending June 30, 1883. Cocoa-nuts $70 00 Sugar and molasses 3,2(32 00 Cocoa-ntit s 170 16 Books and clothing 2 50 Plantain Hour 12 50 Cocoa nuts 102 50 Sugar .....'^ 4,708 17 Fruit and cocoa-nuts 384 25 Specimens of birds and insects 52 50 Cocoanuts- 128 60 Gun, and attachments 2 50 Coffee 37 92 Cocoa-nuts 203 50 Sugar and molasses 3, 364 00 Sugar and copper 1, 318 75 Total 13,819 85 LELAND C. BACON, Consul. SAN DOMINGO AND AGENCIES. (Agencies: Azua and Macoris. ) SAN DOMINGO. Quarter ending March 31, 1883. Sugar, 4,639,894 pounds $202,567 11 Molasses, 44,490 gallons 6, 828 00 Honey, 30,720 gallons 10,683 63 Lignum-vitiB, 250.745 tons 5, 654 82 Mora, 10.115tons 141 61 Bera, 4.300 tons 51 60 Hides, 1,297 pounds 220 49 Lignum-vita) 133 20 Miscellaneous, lot of rope and scales 380 00 Charges 18,365 31 Total 245,025 77 Quarter ending June 30, 1883. Sugar, 8,199,909 pounds §357,654 32 Molasses, 55,220 gallons 9,787 97 Lignum-vita^ 938.545 tons 6,587 55 Honey, 23,865 gallons 9,304 90 Mahogany, 4,762 feet -. 197 33 Mora, 13 tons .' 156 00 Lignum-vitie gum, 350 pounds 70 00 Logwood, 125 tons 1 , 572 00 Fustic, 15 tons 180 00 Charges 32,637 27^ Total 416,147 34^ H. C. C. ASTWOOD, Consul. MACORIS AGENCY. Quarter ending March 31, 1883. Fifty (50^ hogsheads sugar, 86,441 pounds $4, 136 75 Quarter endiiig June 30, 1883. Sugar and molasses §43, 252 73 Sugar 10,554 85 Sugar and molasses 11,863 96 Sugar and molasses 38, 744 87 Honey 461 25 Sugar and molasses 5, 230 68 Total 110,198 54 JAMES W. MELLOK, Consular Agent. 74 CONTINENT OF AMERICA. AZUA AGENCY. Quarter ending March 31, 1883. 6,018 packages sugar, weighing 1,019,354 ijounds $39,876 32 112 ox hides, weighing 2,698 poimds » 345 39 2,732 sticks lignum-vitgB, 177|tons 3,993 70 Mahogany 160 00 73 barrels molasses, costing 2,550 gallons 1,370 00 39 boxes gum guaiac, 2,859 pounds 593 96 Total 46,339 37 Quarter ending June 30, 1883. 7,690 packages of sugar, weighing 1,028,413 pounds $33,795 92 32 barrels honey, measuring 1,160 gallons 610 89 223 tons lignum- vitfe 4,312 99 Total 39,719 71 H. CHANDRUC, Go7isular Agent. EXPORTS DECLARED IN ASIA. ASIATIC TURKEY. ASIA MINOR, SYRIA, AND PALESTINE. SMYRNA AND AGENCY. (Agency: Mytelene. ) SMYRNA. Quarter ending March ^1, 1883. Almonds $165 40 Carpets and rugs 16, 387 03 Emery stoue 36, 352 28 Goat-skins 657 42 Gum mastic 829 08 Gum tragacanth 7, 734 08 Licorice root '. 238, 464 93 Nut-galls 688 12 Opium 94,145 85 Pine-nuts 329 34 Rags 15,147 67 Raisins 5,261 26 Sponges 580 21 Sundries 78 57 Wool 57,950 83 Total 474,772 07 Quarter ending June 30, 1883. Carpets and rugs $64,798 91 Emery stone 17, 408 64 Figs 3 80 Gum mastic 308 30 Gum tragacanth 1 , 137 16 Licorice root -• 113, 390 30 Opium 27,632 14 Rags 7,456 06 Raisins 10 60 Sundries 55 35 Wool 46,393 61 Total 278,594 87 W. E. STEVENS, Consul. 75 76 CONTINENT OF ASIA. SYRIA. BEIRUT AND AGENCIES. • (Agencies: Aintab, Aleppo, Alexandretta, Damascus, Haifa, Latakia, Marash, Sidon, Tarsus, and Tiipoli. ) BEIRUT. Quarter ending March 31, 1883. Unwashed wool $30,034 20 Bitumen 7,621 33 Total 37,655 53 Quarter ending June 30, 1883. Nil. JOHN T. EOBESON, Consul. PAI.ESTINE, JERUSALEM AND AGENCY. (Agency: Jaflfa.) (No returns.) ADEN. Quarter ending March 31, 1883. Coffee - $93,443 88 Skins 141,394 52 Hides 21,908 46 Feathfirs 3,652 31 Shawls 296 45 Rugs 100 00 Gum r>00 Total --- 260,800 62 Quarter ending June 30, 1883. Coffee $158,203 57 Skins 115,499 72 Feathers 7,981 60 Gum 197 00 Total 281,881 89 JAMES S. WILLIAMS, Consul. MUSCAT. (No r(>.turiiK.) PEKSIA. (No returns.) DECLARED EXPORTS FOR THE UNITED STATES. 77 BRITISH IIVDIA. BOMBAY. (No returns. ) CALCUTTA AND AGENCIES. (Agencies: Akyab, Basseiu, Chittagoug, Madras, Moulmein, and Rangoon.) CALCUTTA. Quarter ending March ',il, 1883. Drugs $1,971,010 40 Fishing rods 404 80 Gunny-bagH 464, 012 00 Gunuy-cloth 44,530 80 Hides 325, 0()8 40 Jute 124, 575 20 Jute butts and rejections 1, 052, 446 80 Linseed 256,658 40 Oil 4. .538 80 Rags 22,221 60 Rubber 20,298 40 Saltpt-ter 1.52, 0^8 80 Silk aud seersucker piece goods 9, 0.59 60 Skins 351, 434 80 Seeds (other than linseed) 85 60 Tea 36,472 40 Miscellaneous 10,880 00 Total 4, 845, 736 80 H. MATTSOi^, Consul- General. Quarter ending June 30, 1883. Drugs 8340,644 00 Fishing rods 594 QO Gunny-bags f 411,624 00 Gunny-cloth 21,107 20 Hides 270, 364 80 Jute 97, 570 40 Jute butts and rejections 351, 313 20 Linseed 177,354 00 Oil 8, 233 20 Rags and paper stock 3(5, 9.57 -60 Rubber 47, 182 40 Saltpeter.. 113,352 00 Silk and seersucker piece goode 474 40 Skins 1.57,839 20 Tea 12,660 40 Woolen goods 481 20 Miscellaneous 7, 560 00 Total 2,055,313 60 O. C. BANCROFT, Vice Consul- General. 78 CONTINENT OF ASIA. CEYtON. Quarter ending March 31, 1883. Cinchona $2,506 00 Cinnamon 2, 424 00 Coffee 2,600 00 Coir yarn and fiber 13,815 00 Cocoanut oil 85,943 00 Citroncllaoil *) 11,446 00 tissential oil > Plumbago 69,337 00 Total 188.071 00 Quarter ending June 30, 1883. Cincnona $787 00 Cinnamon 2, 693 00 Cocoanut oil 50, 542 00 Coir 10,945 00 Coffee 7, .530 00 Ebony 247 00 Essential oil 12,252 00 Orchilla 421 00 Plumbago 72,749 00 Total 158,166 00 W. MOREY, Consul. STKAITS SETTLEMENTS. SINGAPORE AND AGENCY. (Agency : Penang. ) SINGAPORE. Quarter ending March 31, 1883. Tin '- $463,496 64 Black pepper 206,112 54 White pepper 8,313 11 Gambier 149,292 12 Rattans , 190,865 30 Tapioca (flake, pearl, and flour) 43, 724 39 Sago (flour) 18,326 91 Sago (pearl) ^ 1,804 94 Nutmegs — 54, .556 68 Cloves 4,929 36 Mace 1.253 97 Coffee 16,972 53 Gum copal 42,761 19 Gum damar 150 70 Borneo rubber 7,074 00 Essential oil (citronella and nutmegs) 3, 112 99 Cutch 5,489 10 Dragon's blood 726 00 Tobacco 12,162 38 Buflalo hides 8, 423 17 Putch leaves 1,147 90 Cubebs 11 47 Malacca and Pontianak canes 694 37 K]ah slioils 45 64 Silk 42 03 Total 1,241,489 43 DECLARED EXPORTS FOR THE UNITED STATES. 79 Quarter ending June 30, 1883. Tin $686,530 99 Black pepper 208, 294 09 White pepper 17, 153 17 Gambler ". 201,201 21 Cntch 495 84 Rattans 173,«J17 87 Tapioca (flake, pearl, and flour) 34, 548 36 Saj^o (pearl) 392 50 Sa^o (flour) 28, 876 64 Nutmegs 82,949 76 Cloves 10,786 16 Mace 5,481 99 CotFee 8, 875 14 Gum copal 29,541 10 Gum damar 1, 044 5o Gum benjamin 639 88 Borneo rubber 27, 831 58 Essential oil (citrouella) 5, 088 87 Mother of- pearl shells 5,168 27 Green snail shells 3,601 05 Buttalo hides 7,289 82 Malacca canes 1, 774 76 Tobacco 515 22 Sticklac 283 55 Tutch leaves 646 31 Dragon's blood 122 00 Cocoa 96 03 Sandalwood 64 93 Total 1,602,911 74 A. G. STUDER, Consul. PENANG AGENCY. Quarter ending March 31, 1883. Tin $334,977 72 Black pepper 25, 256 65 Sugar 13, 552 75 White pepper 8, 857 29 Nutmegs 7,940 71 Rattans 5, 724 33 India rubber 5,580 46 Hides (buffalo) 2,018 99 Tapioca 136 68 Nutmeg oil 84 00 Total 104,129 58 L. HCtTTENBACH, Consular Agent. Quarter ending June 30, 1883. Tin §238,238 55 Sugar 25 , ^•0 (> 84 Black pepper 12, 477 39 Nutmegs 6,508 33 Cloves , 3,055 74 Mace 2,70013 Rattans 1,781 50 Cinnamon 336 59 Total 290,905 07 JOS. HEIM, In charge of the Consular Agency. 80 CONTINENT OF ASIA. y DUTCH INDIA. BATAVIA AND AGENCY. (Agency: Soerabaya.) BATAVIA.* Quarter ending March 31. Guilders. Coffee 1,343,124 64 Sugar 143,2.51 00 Rattans 7,391 88 Nutmegs 48,344 27 Mace 2,091 54 Cassia 91 76 India rubber 8,700 00 Sticks, etc 440 00 Gum damar 17, 497 79 Gum copal 48, 373 21 Gum beujamin 1, 648 00 GumGieian 404 00 Bamboo hats 2,549 77 Falieagel 82 50 Hides 4,285 52 Total 1,628,275 88 At exchange. 40.2 $6.54,566 90 OSCAR HATFIELD, Consul. PADANG. Quarter ending June 30, 1883. Coffee $984,928 00 Rattans 12, 4«3 00 Cassia 13, 979 00 Nutmegs 31,710 00 Mace : 4,280 00 India rubber 4,603 00 Black pepper 1, 140 00 Hides 560 00 Cloves 1,994 00 Total 1,055,677 00 . L. M. BEELS, Vice- Consul. PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. MANILA AND AGENCY. (Agency : Cebu.) MANILA. Quarter ending March 21, 1883. Hemp - $1,293,029 64 Sugar 768,894 39 Cigars 9,932 65 M.O. P. shells 4,111 74 Hide cuttings 3,967 80 Hats 1,848 92 Ylang Viang oil 1,268 94 Sapan wood 1, 337 88 Gum copal 1,101 85 Cordage 737 15 Total 2,086,230 96 * Including Macassar, Celebes. DECLARED EXPORTS FOR THE UNITED STATES. 81 Quarter ending June 30, 1883. Sugar $l,2.'i2,.540 61 Hemp Coffee Hide cuttinga Cigars Iruligo Gum copal Sajjau wood Mother-of-pearl shells Straw bats Sundry , Total l,H74,6t)'2 70 R. D. TUCKER, Acting Consul. CEBU AGENCY. Quarter ending March 31, 1883. Sugar $246,776 23 Quarter ending June 30, 1883. Sugar S213,681 74 C. R. BLAIR PICKFORD, Consular Agent. 584 , 243 61 13, 443 20 6, , 340 26 r> , U70 as 5 ,416 57 3, ,U2'J (i7 1 ,819 32 900 37 818 94 89 80 JAPAl>f. KANAGAWA AND AGENCY. (Agency: Hakodadi.) KANAGAWA. Quarter ending March 31, 1883. Silk $1,280,201 69 Tea 242,740 30 Curios 31,634 55 Fish-oil 6, 790 64 Miscellaneous 2, 303 43 Bamboo poles 1, 919 75 Plants and trees 1, 851 35 Paper 1,452 34 Rags 1,282 88 Ginger 1,162 09 Faus 819 41 Shellfish 181 66 Quicksilver flasks 140 02 Total 1,572,530 11 GEO. E. RICE, Vice Consul- General. Quarter ending June 30, 1883. Tea $2, 287, HOP 72 Silk 791,795 82 Curios 75, 150 18 Miscellaneous 4, .57(5 25 Fish-oil 3,002 50 Paper 2, .549 85 Mushrooms 894 64 Plants and trees 621 25 Fire- works 457 33 Lanterns 221 :<5 Bamboo 171 72 Total 3,167,850 61 THOS. B. VAN BUREN, Consul- General. 62 A— D E 6 82 CONTINENT OF ASIA. NAGASAKI. Quarter ending March 31, 1883. Screens $20 OO Tea 22,714 28 Total 22,734 28 Quarter ending June 30, 1883. Tea $9, 704 6G Porcelain 205 21 Sundries 699 00 Total 10,578 87 ALEXANDER C. JONES, Consul. OSAKA AND HIOGO. Quarter ending March 31, 1883. Tea, 1,305,224 pounds $259,012 61 Fans 6,931 19 Curios 10, 763 ^ Vegetable wax 567 56 Antimony 742 90 Camphor 75,624 83 Eags 3,966 87 Whanghee canes 2, 306 46 Miscellaneous 9, 839 37 Total 369,757 06 Quarter ending June 30, 1883. Tea, 4,332,908 pounds |1, 108, 309 31 Camphor 107. 651 14 Rags 13, 566 54 Curios 11,790 70 Bamboo 3,053 45 Wax 2, 754 57 Soapstock 2, 704 18 Shells 2,.^51 01 Fish-oil 2,293 26 Antimony 1,450 43 Miscellaneous 11,611 70 Total 1,^67,736 29 J. STAHEL, Consul. SIAM. BANGKOK. Quarter ending June 30, 1883. Personal effects and curios $294 50 JOHN A. HALDERMAN, Consul- General. CHllSA. AMOY AND AGENCY. (Agency: Tanisui and Keelung.) AMOY. Quarter ending March 31, 1883. Formosa oolong tea " $200, 727 08 Amoy oolong tea 121 , 8(54 43 Total 322,591 51 DECLARED EXPORTS KOR THE UNITED STATES. 83 QiKtrttr iiidtiKj June 'M, 1883. Formosa oolong " $1,249,10.^, 89 Ainoy oolong 42, :«2 95 Ning Yong ooloug 12, O^W 4*^ Formosa anrl Aiuoy oolong 42, G22 M6 Formosa oolong and Anioy congou 6, 320 08 I'ersonal fll'efts ! 35 (0 Total 1,353,0.56 "^G . W. ELWELL GOLDSBOKOUGH, Consul... CANTON AND AGENCIES. (Agencies: Hoikow, Kinngchow, Pakhoi, and Swatow.) CANTON. Quarter ending March 31, 1883. Hhlck^Yoo(l ware $li 504 ^0 Bristles 1,954 33 Canes 1,224 42 Cassia 14,279 8t> Chinaware 8, 018 28 Fire-crackers 59, 101 28 Ginger 2,739 58 Latqnered ware 1, 287 54 I^anterns 86 24 Matting 77,239 34 P a hnleaf fans 3 , 988 02 Paper 758 0^ Preserves 2, 890 81 Rattan ware 2, 4.55 64 Raw silk 196,707 89 Rhubarb 191 67 Silk pi ece goods 18, 746 28 Soy 1,706 22 Star aniseed 478 75 Straw goods - 1,083 02 Sundries 231 68 Tea 627 46 Total 397,300 54 CHAELES SEYMOUR, ConsuL CHIN-KIANG. (No returns.) FOO-CHOW. Quarter ending March 31, 1883. Tea, 50,636 pounds *$8, 071 22 Quarter ending June 30, 1883. Tea, 327,654 pounds " *S82,784 85 J. C. A. WINGATE, Consul. HANKOW AND AGENCIES. (Agencies: Icbang and Kiu-Kiaug.) HANKOW. Quarter ending June 30, 1883. Teas, 3.233.10 piculs, = 140.100 pounds S124, 108 80 ISAAC F. SHEPARD, Consul, *Thi8 valne is in "American trade dollars" or "Mixicans. " V. S. gold has no fixed value here. $m 66 158 15 32 55 5(5 00 50 50 84 CONTINENT OF ASIA. NINGPO. Quarter ending March 31, 1883. ■Chinese embroideries Panama straw hats Eflects Tea Porcelain vases Total 385 86 Quarter ending June 30, 1883. Nil. EDWIN STEVEi^S, Consul. SHANGHAI. Quarter ending June 30, 1883. Cowhides $181,543 64 Goat-skins 21, 052 73 Musk 36, l-3 Wool, greasy 19, 4 12 49 Oi 1 stoves and heaters * 200 0( I Total 22,380 40 ' ' . O. M. SPENCER, Go7}sul-Gen<;ral. WE^V SOUTH ^VALES. S Y D N E Y AND A G K N C I E S . (Agencies: Newciistlc and IJriisbiine.) SYDNEY. Quarter ending March 31, 1883. Canned goods |;77() 90 f'oal 5,031 T2 Drugs ami medicines 428 ..(i <;lue stock 255 72 Hides 22,2l^2 15 * Of Amorip.Tii niniinfarturp, TO<'xi)i.rt<'(l. D£(;LARED EXP0RT8 FOR THE UNITED STATES. 87 Oil 1,125 20 Opium 162,8.7J 12 Pelts :{,2'jr) 11 Shell 2:i, 15:5 70 Soap stock 4, 320 18 Till 204,8'J2 34 Wool 1 27,153 10 455,513 30 Quarter ending June 30, 1883. Acacia seed $172 63 Apples (dried), American goods 2,714 76 Coal 63,7.56 09 Drugs 186 06 Glue stock 14143 Hide 25,198 37 Household goods 510 32 lv«Moseno shale 1, 1 19 37 Olive oil 1,707 24 Opium 153, 634 42 Pearl shell 1,560 09 Peaches (dried), Americau goods 1,542 .55 Salmon, Americau goods 3, 498 03 Silver ore 546 64 Soap stock 23, 940 80 Till 272, 082 77 Wool 4,008 75 Total 476,320 32 CHARLES KAHLO, C07lSUl. NEWCASTLE AGENCY. Quarter ending March 31, 1883. 2, .394 tons of coal |6, .585 00 1,924 tons of coal 5,290 00 1,480 tons of coal 4,070 00 1,500 tons of coal 4,125 00 1,035 tons of coal 2,845 00 958 tons of coal 2,630 00 1 , 955 tons of coal 5, 375 00 1,388 tons of coal 3,815 00 1,133 tons of coal 3,115 00 1,400 tons of coal 3,850 00 1.5,167 tons of coal 41,700 00 A. S. MOREY, Acting Consular Agent. QUEE]VSLAi%D. (No returns.) SOUTH AUSTRALIA. ADELAIDE AGENCY.* (No returns.) 1¥EST AUSTRALIA. ALBANY AGENCY.* (No returns.) 'Agencies under Melboome. 88 CONTINENT OF ASIA. TASMANIA. HOBART. Quarier ending March 31, 1883. Ingots of tin $4, 844 64 A. G. WEBSTER, Consul. NEIV ZEALAND. AUCKLAND AND AGENCIES. (Agencies: Christ Church ; Dnnediu ; Monganui; Russell; Welliugton.) CHRIST CHURCH AGENCY. Quarter ending June 30, 1883. Forty-one casks salted sheepskins |;3, 601 10 C. B. TAYLOR, Consular Agent. DUNEDIN AGENCY. Quarter ending March 31. W(.ol 139,731 41 H. DRIVER, Consular Agent EXPOETS DECLARED IN EUROPE. RUSSIA. HELSINGFORS AND AGENCY. (Agency: Wyborg.) (No returns.) MOSCOW. Quarter ending March 31, 1883. Camel-hair $54, 355 87 Wools 23,670 6& Paper cigarettes 94 92 Total 78,121 45 AUGUST WEBER, Vice and Acting Consul. ODESSA. Quarter ending March 31, 1883. Wo(.l $18,759 29^ Quarter nidhifj June 30, \^€i. 55 bales wool 83,108 9G Personal effects 3, 0U2 50 Total (i, 111 4fi^ FULTON PAUL, Consul. ST. PETERSBURG AND AGENCIES. (Agencies: Croustadt. Revel, and Riga.) ST. PETERSBURG. Quarter cndii.g March 31, 1883. Bristles 42,515 08 Isinglass 5, 510 10 Plat Ilia 12, 22(> 93 Seeds, druggists', &c 1 , IdO 9t> Vesiiiieiits fi>r church use 1, 171 ('5 Various ()9 f4 Total (12,594 30 Total in same quarter in 1S(!*2 ♦>? , 963 6S Decrease 5. 369 3d- 89 ^0 qONTINEXT OF EUROPE. Quarter ending June 30, 1883. Bristles $61,917 47 Brouzes 731 02 Church oruameuts aud vestments 1, 60.^ 00 Crash, duck, canvas, &c 12, 931 75 Isinglass 1,203 75 Platina 4,197 29 Rope and cordage 2b, 650 94 Seeds 614 12 Soap 215 15 Yarious 62 42 Total 110,171 52 Total in same quarter in 1882 154, .559 42 Decrease 44,387 92 EDGAE STANTON, Consul-General. RIGA AGENCY. Quarter ending June 30, 1883. Hemp $9, 100 35 liiqueurs 261 80 Horse-manes 2, 1 17 01 Total 11,479 16 Quarter ending March 31, 1883. 1,800 bottles of liquor $761 60 477 bales of hemp 15, 318 75 28 bales of horse-manes 805 00 Total 16,885 35 N. P. A. BOMHOLDT, Consular Agent. WARSAW. Quarter ending March 31, 1883. Plax textures $681 00 One-wheeled carriage 37 00 Plax textiles 285 00 Total 1, 003 00 JOSEPH EAWICZ, Consul. STI^EDEN AlVD NOR^ AY. SWEDEN. GOTTENBURG AND AGENCY. (Agency : Malmo. ) GOTTENBURG. Quarter ending June 30, 1883. Swedish iron |;345, 4.S9 16 Swedish calf-skins KJ, 272 25 Swedish mat (lies 7,438 :{5 Swedish i)iiiich 7,53 08 Swedish whisky 61 51 Swedisli juinted books 481 76 Swedish skin jackets 207 43 Total 370, 673 54 Same quarter 1882 526, 80(J '28 Decrease 156, 132 74 SIDNEY W. COOPER, Consul. DKCLARKD EXP0RT8 FOR IHE UXITKD STATES. 91 STOCKHOLM AND AGENCIES. (Ayifucicis : Cluistiaustetl, Gelle, Norrkoping, Sodcihamu, and Siiudsvale.) STOCKHOLM. Quarter vntliiKj March :U, 1883. Ariac |)iiiich $48 70 Call-.skiiis 5,075 85 Fil1('iiii;j; i)apei' 20(j 36 Iron : Bar.s and l)iuidles ^ 1 1'J, 7-i8 35 Haieiids 3:>2 83 Coils 88,877 59 C!oil,s of iiou wire 5, 3'i.'H 55 Coils of steel rods 5, 234 85 Pij; 12,901 34 Rough bars 275 91 Kazors 571 73 Total 231,552 12 From the consular ageuty of Gefle: Iron : Wire rods 8, 57(5 24 Quarter ending June 30, 1883. Arra(? punch $14 1 50 Books 2,989 92 Dynamite presses 217 32 Iron : Bars and bundles 247, 047 04 Barends 059 76 Coils 27, 877 56 Coils of iron wire 1, 444 73 Nail rods 44,325 03 Rivet rods 45, 151 13 Screw rods 4, 530 79 Wire rods 0, 259 r<3 Pig 18, 439 06 Razors and knives 2, 43t 88 Separators .593 74 Total 402,113 49 From Gefle : Wire rods 7,742 70 NERE A. ELFWING, Cotisul. NORWAY. BERGEN AND AGENCIES. (Agencies: Droutheiui anil Stavanger.) BERGEN. Quarter ending June 30, 1883. Cod-liver oil ■ .SLooO [M Skins 854 35 Bunks , 070 90 Herrings, cnre,l 443 75 Codtish, dried 291 40 Iron ore :!.55 25 Che. se 188 75 Anchovies 35 75 Sundries 21 (M) Total 4,407 ti5 F. G. GADE, Comul. 92 CONTINENT OF EUROPE. CHRISTIANIA. Quarier oidhuj June 30, 1882. Euiptv petroleum barrels $2,858 48 Books 2,768 39 Wood pulp 1, 62(5 16 Cod-liver oil 1,521 50 Sundries 1, 078 66 Total 9,853 19 GERH. GADE, Consul. CONSULATE-GENERAL OF FRANKFORT-ON-THE-MAIN. (Tlie district of the consulate-general of Frankfort-on-the-Maiu embraces the fol- lowing consular districts and agencies: Aix-la-Cbapelle and agency at Burtsclieid, Barmen, Cologne, Crefeld, Du.sseldorf, Elberfeld, Frankfort, Kelil, Mannheim, May- euce, Munich and agency at Augsburg, Nuremberg and agency at Fiirth, Souneberg, and Stuttgart. Following the statements in detail for the several consulates and agencies, a consolidated statement of the whole, prepared by the consul-general at Frankfort, is given.) AIX-LA-CHAPELLE AND AGENCY. (Agency : Bursheid. ) AIX-LA-CHAPELLE. Quarter ending March 31, 1883. Chemicals $209 04 Glassware 34,004 59 Gloves 38,324 59 Fancy goods 13, 589 20 Lead" 3, 606 05 Needles and pins 8, 834 44 Paper 4,039 74 Wire 7,420 23 Woolen cloth 188, 861 91 Zinc..*. 1,938 09 Total 300,827 88 The decrease, $139,863.34, is owing to the tariff discussion. Quarter ending June 30, 1883. Fancy goods " $11,315 48 Furniture (old) 102 61 GhisHware 30,449 25 Gloves 4,732 51 Machinery 478 30 Paper 8,682 20 Pins and needles 10,000 IB Steel rods 5, 145 84 Wire 26.937 76 Woolen ch)th 313,686 28 Zinc 52, (.78 09 Total 464, 208 50 JAMES T. DU EOIS, Conftul. DECLARED EXPORTS FOR TIIK UNITED STATES. 93 BARMEN. Six months dtiding June 30, 1883. Articles. Braids, bi ndings, and trimniinga Buttou.s and button stuffa Drciss and jtiooo ;;ood.s : f Jotton Silk and silk mixed Woolen and woolen mixed Dye.s and cboniicals: Aniline, alizarine, &c. Hatbands and ribbons Metal goods: Brass, bionzp, and fancy Hardware and cutlery Iron and steel Provisions: Hams, sausages, &c Various Quarter end- i Same period Quarter end- Same period ing March '• in precod- ing June in prei'od- 31, 1883r i ing year. 30, 1683. | iiig year. $187, 124 18 112,318 45 83, fi84 53 200, .535 32 60, 145 .39 200, 9y0 31 8,0,34 37 186, 002 43 07,444 51 4, 135 65 13,105 07 $147, .340 78 39, 517 09 1.250 40 95, 201 79 22.5, 2.58 75 34, 223 58 253, 151 24 22.000 41 191, 302 55 102. 102 40 3, 204 44 4, 978 78 $166,341 02 117,656 84 $185, .379 44 51,048 40 .58, 3.58 43 240, 703 58 49, 679 22 148, 189 89 I 24, 095 65 I 133. 259 35 | 195, 391 45 1 2, 507 46 10, .305 15 Total Total in preceding year. Decrease . 1, 130, 480 21 ' 1, 179 058 91 1, 179,058 91 ! 1,146,608 04 1, 308, 822 28 130,491 40 341, 102 74 2.5, 553 28 221, 270 81 24.934 10 1.54, f'Og 65 162,091 19 8. 005 08 4,047 19 1, 308. 822 28 49, 178 70 162, 214 24 WOLFGANG SCHOENLE, Consul. COLOGNE. Quarter ending March 31, 1883 B(>ok.s and stationery $1, ;^51 43 Ohfiuicals I'J, tc' 64 Cbemicah apparatus 631 84 Cologne water 3, 441 62 Dvos and colors 1,000 33 Iron 6, Olhi 80 Leather 41,5r}l 90 Mineral water 63, 346 32 Porcelain and earthen ware 9, 697 58 Red lead 57,202 06 Silks, ribbons, and velvet 28, 685 27 Silk hair-nets 7, 9H9 45 Soap 9,96^i 70 Steel 57,087 79 Sundries 5,494 31 Trimmings 11,800 32 Wine : 13,638 84 Total 331,278 18 Quarter ending June 30, 1883. Books and stationery $340 34 Chemicals l,7i;3 26 Chemical apparatus 231 42 Cologne water 2, 447 95 D ves and colors 695 31 Li-ather 36, 829 61 Ma(-hinery 3,716 54 Mineral water HI, 342 14 Porcelain and earthen ware 18, h37 U Red lead 87,443 79 Silks, ribbons, and velvet 113,513 79 Silk hair-nets 5,590 36 Soai) 1,667 31 Steel 12^1,197 32 Sundries 11,966 96 Tiiiumiiigs 2,944 87 Wine, liquors, beer 30, 806 02 Total 559, 294 10 SAMUEL SPACKMAN, Consul. 94 CONTINENT OF EUEOPE. CREFELD. (See page 109.) DUSSELDORF. Quarter ending June 30, 1883. Articles. Quarter ending June 30, 1883. , Same period in preceding year. Ammunition : Caps and cartridges Ai tides of art: Oil paintings, ciiromos, &.c . ... Books Braids, bindings, and trimmings Buttons and button stutFs Dextrine and starch Dress and piece goods: Italian cloths . Woolen and woolen mixed Liquors : Wines, spirits, beer, &c Metal goods : Hardware and cutlery Iron and steel Machinery Mineral water (natural) Miscellaneous , Porcelain Ultiamarine blue and colors Total Total for same quarter in preceding year Increase $4, 117 22 4, 462 13 392 28 2, 826 56 3, 363 55 7, 606 46 13, 877 65 53,423 37 791 65 70, 661 27 227,231 16 875 46 2, 302 88 3, 765 44 815 71 13, 682 54 $10,090 .59 1, 587 47 8, 971 45 3, 553 26 153, 035 67 66 25 52,763 37 120, 652 35 982 97 6, 566 71 24,453 73 4, 824 20 410, 195 33 388, 148 02 22, 047 31 388, 148 02 WM. D. WAMER, Commercial Agent. ELBERFELD. Articles. Quarter ending March 31, 1883. Same period in preceding year. Fraction of qnarter ending May 10, 1883. $5, 602 78 5, 135 09 $16, 577 97 324 10 1, 250 40 90, 180 64 60, 253 18 15, 939 32 69, 529 84 14, 403 56 233 59 $1,297 54 223 80 Dress and piece goods : 64, 876 40 44, 352 48 23, 647 58 57, 181 41 7, 765 90 873 55 33 069 04 20.947 14 14, 5ri7 61 14,290 72 1,272 14 396 08 Total 209.435 19 268, 692 60 268, 692 60 86, 054 07 59, 257 41 EMILE HEYER, Consular Agent. FRANKFORT-ON-THE-MAIN. Quarter ending March 31, 1883. Allnuris, books, and stationery ^8, 637 38 Agate ware 3, IW.''. 10 Coi)[K;r aii (ilasKwarc (hollow) I.'J.'jT 7i Hattei'H 'il.VJO 92 Hiiro's hair 17,:")')'^ IS Hair, prepared and raw 20, MiJ 5!^ Iron 4sy 29 Lead and zinc :i<«'J 64 Leather, hides, and skins I4n,r,(;y 79 Leather ^'oods 12, lO-^ 17 Linen, wotden, and cotton goods Hf), 121 32 Maehinery and tools 5, 7G4 30 Mineral water 11, 175 IS Mnsic, ninsical strings, and instrninents 2, 'M7 44 Oil j.aintiiigs 397 :i8 Platina wire and plate 13, 4^(5 27 Prunes, dried fruits, and nuts 37, r>9r) 2& Seeds 1 , 944 (K) Silk and silk goods 1,387 86 Slipiier fornis 2, 029 20 Soaps and perfumery 530 31 Steel (^manufactured) ^32 86 Sundries 2,770 31 Smokers' articles 7,675 88 "Wine and li(iuors. 16,788 40 Total : 543,978 95 Total for same quarter in 1882 584,395 89 Decrease 40,416 94 Quarter ending June 30, 1883, Alhums, books, photographs, &c §15, 462 21 Copper and brass 139 23 Clav (for pipes) 10, 301 16 Cloth 11,893 67 China, porcelain, and earthenware 19, 859 61 Dyes, drugs, and chemicals 67, 485 (J'S Embroideries 1,518 49 Fancy goods and toys 80,015 55 Fancy paper '. 2, 099 22 Glassware (hollow) 3,275 94 Hatters' fur 21,429 75 Hares' hair 28, 22t; 86 Hair, prepared and raw 2G, r)22 70 lustrnments 246 36 Lead and zinc 40;i 34 Leather, hides, and skins 157,20'; 96 Leather goods 11, !^2ti 44 Linen, woolen, and cotton goods 4t'i. 793 93 Machinery and tools >', 4 12 02 Mineral water 54.338 42 Music, musical strings, and instruments 4,591 22 Oil paintings 342 13 Platina wire and plate •">. 850 71 Prunes, dried fruits, and nuts 7, >73 39 Silk, plush, and silk goods 6, 986 60 Smokers' articles 2:5^ 00 Slipper-forms 1< ', ''ii}'i 'i& Soa |>s and perfumery L 435 18 Sundries ' 2,066 43 Wine, cherry jiiice, and liquors 42, 130 74 Total 651), 5H8 .55 Total for same quarter in 1 882 910, 156 61 Decrease 259, 618 06 FERDINAND YOGELER, ConsuIGeneraL 96 CONTINENT OF EUROPE. KEHL. Quarter ending March 31, 1883. Books, stationery, printed engravings $6, 501 65 Clocks 357 75 Cotton good (mostly printed) 32, 310 10 Drugs, chemicals, paints, color 10, 445 55 Olassware, sucli as watch and spectacle glasses 13, 616 00 Hair nets 6, 997 75 Hides and leather 121,507 20 Machinery 14,132 10 Paper, fancy goods, buttons, papier-mach^ ware, &g 7, 265 65 Pasteboard goods 2,014 85 Pastries 2,225 70 Porcelain and stoneware 981 70 Silk goods, plushes, ribbons, &c 54, 806 45 Snufif 1,631 50 Straw hats 2, 903 20 Wine, beer, and brandies 804 95 Wire textures 530 50 Sundries 1,650 30 Total 280.682 90 Quarter ending June 30, 1883. Books, stationery, printed engravings $8, 959 55 Cotton goods (mostly printed) 8, 147 40 Drugs, chemicals, paints, colors 37, 830 75 Olassware, such as watch and spectacle glasses 8, 881 50 Hair nets 4, 750 95 Hides and leather 90,546 80 Household goods 4, 480 47 Paper, fancy goods, buttons, papier-mach6 ware, &c 9, 027 85 Pasteboard goods 3, 04W 75 Pastries 1,472 75 Porcelain and stone ware 1, 587 34 Silk goods, plushes, ribbons, &c. .. . _ 52,698 15 Snuft . 1,623 49 Wine, beer, and brandies 746 00 Wire textures 606 35 Sundries - 2,372 90 • Total 236,781 00 FEANK W. BALLOU, Consul. MANNHEIM. Quarter ending March 31, 1883. Articles of art $1 , 062 00 Clocks an!, 2\2 80 Artif^les of art 1 6(5 95 Bed loiithers y, 7:\.\ 20 Clocks and clock materials 21(2 00 Cotton dress-goods, velvets, and furuisbings 19, (]{)7 Hr> Drugs, chemicals, ]taintH, oils, &c !?«, r»()7 65 Empty i)etroleuni Itarrols 2h:{ 05 Goldwji re, ntostly jewelry 1,'-^51 ZO Household goods ' 796 70 Land produce, fruits, pastries, preserved meats, cheese, &c 2,7:M 75 Leather, mostly calf, kid, and morocco 61, 741 h5 Machinery, cutlery, and other hardware 1,941 40 Musical iustruments and works 77:5 30 Paper ware 47:{ 50 Rags 2,5()7 55 Smokers' articles 4,lril 25 Stones. 177 45 Wines and brandies 9."), 90H 60 Woolen and worsted cloths and clothing 4,417 25 Total 396,81)8 10 WILLIAM KOSTER, Jr., Vice- Consul. MAYENCE. Quarter ending June 30, 1883. Wine and brandy $265, 131 32 Agate ware and imitation jewelry .57, 305 98 Leather 50,782 51 Chemicals .• 'M,029 98 Colors 1I,,S93 66 Portland cement 11, 748 14 Mineral water 10, .5J9 56 Glue 7,5^^3 98 Oil paintings 4,{il7 20 Isinglass 4. 337 55 Clay pipes 4, 145 81 Boneblack 2,446 58 Stoneware 2,010 12 Printed music 1,."j24 56 Cattle hair 1,508 17 Saws 788 80 Furniture 174 21 Tinfoil : 159 64 Quincaillerie 148 93 Wall paper •. 128 13 Beer 88 49 Total 470, H83 32 Total for quarter ending June 30, 1882 470, 446 50 Increase 436 82 JAS. HENRY SMITH, Commercial Agent. 62 A— D E 7 •98 CONTINENT OF EUROPE. MUNICH. Quarter ending June 30, 1883. Articles. Munich. I Augsburg. Artificial flowers Books and music Bronze powder Chroiuos Drv colors Plik Glass paintings Glasswares Gold, silver, and metal paper. Lambskin jiloves Lithojriapbic stones ilathematical instruments. .. Musical instruments Oil paintings Paper Porcelain paintings Photograplis Shoes Skins Stained glass StatnaTj- Springs" files, and tools Sundries White cow hairs Tobacco Total Total for corresponding quarter in year preceding . Increase . Decrease . .$1, 246 98 1, 949 70 6, 285 75 374 11 393 95 1,442 04 1, 187 24 3, 378 76 20, 408 98 5, 057 97 958 11 55, 336 54 3,217 88 1, 758 82 511 34 7, 578 29 2, 625 45 1, 035 54 7, 354 58 522 74 779 71 467 84 123, 872 32 75, 748 60 48, 123 72 $4, 676 90 1, 561 00 1, 324 00 7, 350 80 1,227 00 2,647 90 4. 458 60 2,407 30 25, 653 50 27, 516 53 1, 863 03 JOSEPH W.- HARPER, Consul. NUREMBERG. « Quarter ending June 30, 1883. Basket and basketware $50, 653 70 Beads and beadware 4, 387 40 Beer 10. '^96 10 Bronze powder and leaf metal 88, 32o 15 Buttons... 7,968 80 Colored and fancy paper 18, 767 75 Cotton, linen, and woolen goods 2*2, 819 80 Dfcalcoiiiania 21,663 :J.5 Drugs and medicines t 1, 649 .55 Gas-burners and lava gas-tips 8, 888 00 Hair pencils and brushes* 10,765 90 Lead pencils and lead in pieces 24, 360 25 Leonic ware 17, -298 30 Lithographic stones 25,216 90 Looking and window glass plates 375,428 60 Mathematical and physical instruments 9,224 70 Music wire '- H,800 45 Optical goods 1 11,165 30 Porcelain, glass and .stone ware 19,846 00 Slates and slate pencils 2, 803 60 Tapes! rv ;ind embroidery 1'^ 0.">6 90 Toys and fancy goods . .". 104, 494 30 Ultraninrine and other colors 7, 3-^0 5."> Wine 3,985 60 Sundries 21, 408 95 Total 891.155 9«) G. HENRY nORSTMANN, Consul. DECLARED EXPORTS FOR THE UNITED STATES. \)*^ SONNEBERG. Quarter tndiiuj March iJl, IHSIJ. Baskets t >i 1, V^i, .'j-i Brass laiiips 1 , 'Mlt 8 08 Paints 2,0t;3 99 Papier-niaehd and faucv goods 5, 541 34 Barytes ' 800 4») Seeds, plants, &c ^ 11,507 .8»J Slate pencils 2, 089 81 Smokers' articles 1, 280 63 Wafi^rs 153 01 Total 341,001 ^1 Total for corresponding quarter last year :{15, 202 59 Increase 26, 039 22 Quarter ending June 30,1883. Baskets 81, 400 10 Brass lamps 2, 110 43 China goods 320, 18*; 78 Dolls and other toys 200, .584 29 Drugs ■ 2,549 66 Fancy earthenware 2, 270 16 Glassware 1 3, 073 29 Guns 4,388 .57 Hard ware 2,217 84 Hosiery (cotton) 121, 383 87 Liquors 3, 100 13 Mineral water 3, 540 01 Miscellaneous Ill 96 Musical instruments 1. 579 50 Paints 7,528 81 Papier-mach6 and fancy goods . . 13, 296 .57 Barytes 423 76 Seeds, plants, »fec 415 76 Slate pencils 6, 778 79 Smokers' articles 1 , 520 94 Total 708,461 22 Total for corresponding quarter last year 605, 104 45 Increase 103, '.Mii] 77 GEORGE OKTELLI, Vice- Consul. The foregoing statement shows au increase of ^103,:i56.77 in declared exports to the United States over that of the corresponding qiuirter of last year, and as com- pared with the exports of ]>receding years, it shows that there has been a steady in- crease of trade with the United States since the establishment of the consulate. The prospelaiits. &c Slates and .slate pencils Silk, silk goods, velvets, ribbons, and bniids, &c Smoker's articles, snuff, cigars, and tobacco . . Soap, and perfumery Statuary and sculpture Sundries Steel (manufactured) and bessemer.. Tapestry and einbroidiTv ware, laces Wine, brandy, beer, and liquor Watches, clocks, and watchmen de- tectors ..'. 18,087 59 21, 429 75 26, 622 70 28, 226 86 246 36 4, 750 95 157,206 96 11, 926 44 402 34 90, 546 80 76, 688 05 57, 162 19 : 8, 147 40 8,412 02 54, 338 42 4, 591 22 4, 417 25 1,941 '46' 773 30 342 13 6, 850 71 7, 873 39 1, 472 75 166 95 2, 739 75 45, 462 65 137, 594 28 238 00 1,435 18 52, 698 15 1, 623 49 4, 181 25 2, 066 43 ' 10, 508 47 6. 557 95 I 1,518 49 42, 130 74 1, 508 17 1, 251 50 57, 305 98 61, 741 85 I 50, 782 51 10, 329 36 1,524 56 4, 145 81 4, 948' 46 788 80 746 00 95, 903 60 265, 219 81 ■J92 0(1 Total Total for corresponding quar- 296, 646 26 650, 538 55 910. 156 61 236, 781 00 396, 858 10 820, 903 05 470. 883 32 470, 446 50 'Increase 296,646 26 j. "259,'6i8'66" 236.781 00 '"424.044' 95' i 436 82 i 'Established May 10, 1883. t Established July 18, 1882. 102 CONTINENT OF EUROPE Exports to the United States from the dMrici of the United States consiilate-f/eneral at Frankfort-on-the-Main, ^-c. — Continued. Articles. Munich. I Naremberg. $30, 653 70 10, 765 90 88, 325 15 4, 387 40 Sonnebers $1,400 10 Stuttgart. Baskets and basket ware 1 Brushes and hair pencils Bronze powder and leaf metal i $1, 949 70 Bt-ads and head ware '■ Books, stationery, photographs, and ' paper ware . . .". '• 8, 406 12 | $3, 662 62 Button and button stuffs 7, 968 80 , 500 00 Clay (for pipes) ^ China, glass, porcelain, stone, and j earthenware.... 2,51124 19, 846 00 333, 260 07 { 3,638 20 Cotton dress-goods, velvets, and furn- I i ishings '< Corsets \ ; i 106,908 95 Cloth I Cologne water } | I Decalcomania 21, 663 35 Dyes, drags, chemicals, &c ] 374 11 9, 030 10 Fancy goods and toys 104, 494 30 Fancy paper ". ' 18, 767 75 Glass-plate, window and mirror glass .1 | 375, 428 60 Glassware (hollow), watch crystals, | spectacle glasses, &c ! j Gold, silver, and metal paper j 10,729 56 ' Gas-burners, lava gas-tips, brass I i 10, 078 47 216, 151 02 779 71 1, 227 00 lamps Hatter's fur Hatbands and ribbons Hair. pre])ared and law Hare's hair Instruments Jewelry and precious stones. Kid gloves Lead pencils and lead for pencils Leather, hides, and skins 2, 625 45 Leather goods 27, 987 27 Lead. zinc, and spelter Leonic ware Linen, woolen, and cotton goods Lithographic stones and materials. . . 5, 057 97 Machinery 4, 458 60 Mineral water Music, musical strings, and in.stru- menfs 3,606 01 Optical goods Oil paintings and chromos 61, 622 29 Platina wire and plates I'rnnes, dried fruits, nuts, land pro- duce. &c Pins and needles Kailway rails, iron ware, steel, cut- lery, itc Seeds, plants, &c 1 Slate anrl .slate pencils ' Silk, silk goods, velvets, ribbons, and j braids, , :J91 00 Musical goods '2'20,280 00 Sundries 2, 273 00 Total 5:52, 792 00 Total first quarter 1882 417,2r,l 00 Increase 11 .'>, r>41 UO Second quarter, 1683. Buttons and button goods '. 82t!, 918 00 Dress trimmings 314, 784 00 Embroideries 17, 679 00 Kid gloves 14,765 00 Laces 16, 236 00 Musical goods 150,014 00 Sundries 4,241 00 Total 544,637 00 Total for second quarter, 1882 203, 949 00 Increase 340,688 00 GEO. E. BULLOCK, Consul. BERLIN. Quarter ending March 31, 1883. Aocordeous i?17, 697 46 Albums. 42,205 63 Artilicial dowers 10, ,529 13 Basket and cane ware 2, 107 35 Books 2,809 15 Buttons 44,803 72 Chemicals (>(j, 737 80 China and glassware 2, 668 83 Chronios 1 , 871 09 Clothes, ready made 373, 178 24 Colors 3,001 78 Dress and piece goods : Cotton and cotton mixed 14, 2U2 53 Silk and silk mixed 4,927 06 Linen and linen mixed 2(), 2(>3 90 Wool anil woolen mixed 124, (»80 30 Velvet and velvet mixed 6, 141 05 Embroideries l,3:{t) 8 Li«|U rs, rcunt^ts, aTid beet 11,661 27 LinN<^ed oil 213 96 Metals and manufactures of metals 29,421 39 Paintings 10,.5.")5 30 Pajtcr and niannfactures of pa/per 57, 637 49 Photographs 23, ,538 56 FluHhes 120,534 45 DECLARED EXPORTS FOR THE UNITED STATES. 105 Rags and scrap inotals 5i29, 220 45 Trimniiiifijs 4,241 43 Worsted yarns, dyod and undyed Of), '.i^A 93 Miscellaneous .' 75,074 26 Total for qnarter ending Jnne 30, 1H83 1,310,441 46 Total for same quarter of preceding year 1, 0h7, 455 50 Increase 22i, 1>85 'M't MARK S. BREWER, Cunsul- General. BREMEN. Quarter ending March 31, 1883. Apparatus and instruments .$9, 879 14 AsphiiKum 2, SOCi 85 Barrels, empty 210,679 27 Books, music, pictures, &c 19, 692 60 Drugs, i)aiut8, chemicals, «fec 45, 157 17 Glass, china, earthenware, «fec 45, 748 84 Metal.s, including old iron 33, 883 82 Miscellaneous 4, 684 55 Provisions, dried fruits, &c 25, 361 04 Rags and payer stock 12, 158 94 Tobacco and cigars '. . 94, 288 46 Willow, straw, and wooden ware 6, 641 39 Wines, liquors, beer, «fec 17,814 78 Woolen goods 9,426 47 Total 537,923 32 Total for same quarter 1882 691,860 53 Decrease 153, 937 21 Quarter ending June 30, 1883. Apparatus and instruments §6,415 52 Barrels, empty 138, 052 37 Books, music, pictures, &c 25, 409 12 Drugs, ])aints, chemicals, &.c 39^208 36 Glass, china, earthenware, &c ;'. 1,894 00 Metals, &c 61,263 34 Miscellaneous 8,410 20 Provisions 21, 132 50 Rags 10,907 30 Tobacco and cigars 113,375 H Willow, straw, and wooden ware 7, 042 66 Wine, liquors, beer, &c 35, 432 49 Woolen goods 7,700 97 Total .*. .526,243 94 Total for same quarter, 1882 v 367, 360 61 Increase 158, 8Ki 33 JOHN M. WILSON, Coiuiul. BREMERHAVEN-GEESTEMUNDE. Quarter ending March 31, 1883. Barrels, empty " $109, 289 06 Beer 5,1-5 14 Birds and animals 12, 071 44 Chirurgical instruments and chemicals 1, 931 80 Clay 4,874 88 Cotton, linen-mixed goods 7. 1.57 07 Color, dry 405 14 Effects, personal 233 33 Heath brooms 390 71 106 CONTINENT OF EUROPE. Kainit, crude $15,293 44 Miscellaneous 3, 1:!, H25 83 India-rubber jjoods H, 002 45 Leather ^hives 3(1, 770 53 Looking-glass plates 2, 054 29 Manure salt .'. 10(;,893 99 Metal ware, machinery 7, 401 70 Miscellaneous 3, 004 4o Musical instruments 4, 3(W 40 Optical glasses 8, 001 50 Pai)er, manufactures of 2, 284 56 Portland cement 17,480 92 Prepared vegetables 1,.")50 83 Provisions 794 59 Rags 11,441 53 Raw skins 0, 541 89 Toys, fancy goods 17 , 841 62 Worsted yarn dyed 740 05 Total 340,288 54 Quarter ending June 30, 1883. Books, printed music s7, 144 25 Chemicals, dyes, ink, &c 103,084 0.> Chicory '. 23,770 25 China, glass, and earthen ware 12, 940 .52 Cotton velvets 12,081 31 Feathers 1, 1.53 Oi) Fruit iuice 23, 007 9r5 Gelatine '.... 1.015 69 India-rubber goods <>, 098 69 Leather and leather gloves 24, IfA 92 Manure salt 180,899 74 Metal ware 29,304 74 Miscellaneous 4,659 19 Musical instruments 9,730 8S Optical glasses 2, 740 91 Portland cement, asphalt 13, 579 51 Rags 12, 620 22 Raw beet sugar 12,731 82 Toys, fancy goods 47,207 40 Worsted yarn dyed 2, 353 62 Total 530,435 35 WILLIAM C. FOX, Consul. CHEMNITZ AND AGENCY. (Agency : Glauchau. ) CHEMNITZ. Second quarter, 1882. Chemicals >7 , 357 94 Cotton yarn 4, 305 59 Damasks 15, 507 88 Dress goods 122,176 40 Dress trimmings 19<>, 651 05 108 CONTINENT OF EUROPE. Embroideries $45, 580 13 Fancy goods 15, 502 31 Gloves, cotton 219,520 85 Gloves, kid.-. 62, 858 00 Gloves, silk 12, H71 90 Gloves, wool... 62,228 36 Hose, cotton 685,078 26 Hose, silk ^'^'^'P ''^ Hose, wool 7, 173 65 Laces 27,623 98 Machinery - 1,443 59 Miscellaneous 147,022 11 Musical goods 175, 155 28 Toys 25,903 35 Total 1 , 840, 934 33 Second quarter, 1883. Chemicals $5, 884 18 Cotton varn 3,530 52 Damasks 18, 863 64 Dress goods 66, 696 12 Embroideries 121, 053 65 Gloves, cotton 215,359 51 Gloves, silk 45,357 05 Gloves, wool 142,620 28 Hose, cotton 846,862 59 Hose, silk 30,952 89 Hose, wool 9,119 46 Machinery 3, 041 82 Miscellaneous 30, 201 57 Musical goods 14, 105 19 Toys 20,797 54 Total 1,574.446 01 Decrease 266,488 32 F. C. ZIMMERMAN, Acting Consul. GLAUCHAU AGENCY. Quarter ending March 31, 1883. Dress goods $187,739 00 Embroideries 34, 773 66 Fancy goods 942 3? Gloves, cotton 8, 043 58 Gloves, kid 1, 289 60 Gloves, silk 963 16 Hosiery, cotton -■ 226, 847 64 Hosiery, silk 9, 072 75 Hosiery, wool 1 12 22 Miscellaneous 1, 366 58 Total 471,150 56 Quarter ending June 30, 1883. Dress goods $66,696 14 Embroideries 44,961 75 Gloves, cotton 462 50 Gloves, silk 24 56 Gloves, wool 1,408 40 Hose, cotton 102,112 20 Hose, silk 3,852 05 Hose, woo! 391 75 Miscellaneous 26 85 Total 219, 936 20 C. BORNGKABEK, Consular Agent, DECLARED EXPORTS FOR THE UNITED STATES. 109 CREFELD AND AGENCY AT ESSEN. Quarter | Quarter For the year For tho year enuing June ■ ending June (ending .June ending June 30, 18«3. 30, 1882. , 30. 1883. 30, 1882. Articles of art, oil paintings, &c BraIdH, bindiugH, and triinniiugs Buttons and button stiitTs Canvas fur embroidery Cotton goods CliemicalH and dyes Litjuors and wines Miscellaneous Plush goods Plush and velvet goods (totals for year 1882). Paper- ware and labels Raw silk Ribbons : Velvet All silk Half silk Silk goods , Silk and cotton mixed goods Steariue and tallow Steel and iron machinery, wires, &c Steel rails steel blooms, ibrgings, &c Velvet goods Woolen goods , $3, 541 28 $9, 308 98 Total Total during preceding year. Increase . Decrease . 4,283 16 377 48 4, 324 89 5, 566 13 5, 557 00 90, 286 29 'i5,397 33 12. 604 53 5, 063 91 29, 726 82 243, 558 42 $2, 507 33 561 64 1, 325 76 12, 532 04 4, 062 89 557,331 06 I "l8,'845 31 i' 11, 925 65 1,045 82 15,303 34 50, 098 56 20, 161 65 272 73 880, 567 43 76, 635 37 3, 649 56 12, 22, 283, 509 47 387 41 372 20 628 32 75,115 04 607, 3.iO 64 62, 588 42 2, 423 313 482 02 232 60 973 91 69, 524 70 8, 176 55 24, 661 04 198, 320 52 1, 087, 565 61 $11, 789 72 987 14 14,848 43 45, 966 40 17,871 08 9. 391 90 404, 033 37 1, 819, 224 30 67.306 15 2, 235, 828 28 611, 131 81 2, 226 55 4. 848 57 6. 398 44 39.207 19 173, 387 37 1,152,482 77 9, i:^4 88 12, 435 98 1, 725, (j91 38 1, 165, 969 66 | I, 658, 673 20 1, 658, 673 20 j 492, 703 54 4, 746, 523 67 I 5, 512, 635 99 5,512,635 99 j 766, 112 32 The above returns include the exports from the agency at Essen, which was established April 1, 1883. J. S. POTTER, Consul. DRESDEN. Quarter ending March 31, 1883. Artificial flowers $2,487 91 Books I,3tt8 48 Ci<;arettes and tobacco 1,980 71 Drugs 12, -J 10 95 Fancy goods 4, OHO 94 Glass, porcelain, and china ware 41, 171 76 Laces and dress trimmings l,Hf<2 81 Linen and halt-linen goods 95,09') 33 Musical instruments and uuisic ware 4, ('81 55 Old metals - 2,709 23 Paintings and photographs !')05 75 Paper and paperware 1, f'19 70 Photographic paper 30, 3ti7 06 Straw plaits and straw goods 1,303 41 Watch movements 3, 387 93 Woolen goods 32,85(3 31 Miscellaneous 5,895 77 Total 243,151 60 iotal for the first quarter, 1882 26H, 151 36 Decrease 24, 999 67 Quarter ending June 30, 1883. Artificial flowers .?138 04 Books •'- 87 Cigarettes and tobacco 2, 728 61 Drugs 12, 348 85 110 CONTINENT OF EUROPE. Egg albumeu aud velks ^.. $'i, 074 96 Fancy goods ' 10,946 'i;J Glass, porcelain, and china ware 69, 428 19 Laces and dress trimmings 3, 308 55 Linen aud half-linen goods 31, 736 4*2 Musical instruments and music ware 8, 192 13 Old metals 755 98 Paintings and jjhotographs 2, 890 43 Paper and paperware 7, 462 63 Photographic paper 43, 012 oU Straw plaits and straw goods 1, 659 46 Watch movements 842 52 Woolen goods 15, 811 40 Miscellaneous 8, 293 59 Total 222,297 36 Total for the second quarter, 1882 190,153 11 Increase 32, 144 25 JOS. T. MASON, Consul. HAMBURG AND AGENCIES. (Agencies: Altona, Kiel, Liibeck, and Ritzebuttel and Cuxhaveu.) HAMBURG. Quarter ending June 30, 1883. Baskets aud cane-ware, whipsticks, &c $54, 756 93 Beet, grape, and raw sugar 23, 482 64 Bristles, feathers, and horse-hair 78, 442 84 Canned meats and fish 1 , 666 69 Chemicals, drugs, dyes, paints, &c 181, 172 .54 China, earthen, and glass ware 27, 183 0!< Cotton, and cotton-mixed goods 14, 846 38 Diamonds and jewelry 26, 845 73 Dried fruits aud vegetables 20, 582 50 Fancy goods, toys, and notions 10, 159 10 Grain, plants, and seeds 131 96 Human hair 8, 234 17 India and hard rubber goods 67, 312 90 Ivory and ivory goods 43, 890 10 Leather and other gloves 39, 338 58 Liquors, wines, and beer 28, 995 57 Manure salt 85, .522 43 Metal and metal ware 45, 478 00 Miscellaneous 7, 334 75 Musical instruments, parts 14, 628 04 Paper and manufactures of paper 3, 337 15 Percussion aud blasting caps 13, 887 21 Portland cement 1, 646 (^6 Raw hides, skins, and leather 25, 857 29 Rags, waste ])aper, old metal, &c 38, 536 32 Rennets, gjits, and bladders 13, 783 8:5 Tobacco and cigars 5, 412 76 Woolen and woolen-mixed goods 40,703 98 Zinc and spelter 16, 056 23 Total for qiiarter 839, 226 50 Total for same quarter in 1 Hl2 1, 250, 6.54 07 Decrease 311, 427 57 J. M. BAILEY, Consul. DECLARED EXPORTS FOR THE UNITED STATES. Ill ALTONA AGENX'Y. Quarter endiurj June 30, 1863. Cbair caue 81 , 30«) :iO Cotton, lineu, and woolen goods 3, "2^8 47 Drugs, dvcH, and cbeuiicals 'Z, 978 10 D'lxtiiut)' 10, 1100 40 Fish, meats, vegetableB, and salt 0, 335 25 Fruit and fruit juice 775 94 Glass, porcelaiu, and earthen ware "J, 771 50 Haircloth 339 GQ Human hair and buffalo b^ir 10, 027 70 India and hard rubber goods 5, 845 94 Iron and steel 42,916 02 Manure salt 34,102 08 Natural-history specimens 3, 06G G3 "Machines 4,527 01 Printed books, paper, cards, chromes, and oil paintings 2, 764 15 Portland cement 18, 637 69 Kiif;s, waste paper, and other paper stock 13, 636 07 Rol lers for embroidery patterns 3, 990 78 Tobacco (raw) 2,253 00 Wild animals, birds, and snakes 7, 338 96 Zinc oxide 2, 370 71 Miscellaneous 2. 937 42 Total -• 133,110 44 PAUL MOLLER, Consular Agent. KIEL AGENCY. Quarter ending June 30, 1883. Portland cement $70, 833 .53 Glazed paper 1, 296 00 Used household efifects (beds, clothes, pictures, &c.) 121 48 Total 72,251 01 AUGUST SARTORI, ConsnJar Agent. LtJBECK AGENCY. Quarter ending June 30, 1883. Household wares and furniture $426 13 J. MEYER, Jr., Consiilar Agent. LEIPSIC AND AGENCY. (Agency : Gera.) LEIPSIC. Quarter ending March 31, 1883. Books >39, 107 26 Bristles 42.458 24 Cotton and linen goods 44. '."M 08 Drugs 11,-21 06 Essential oils 11,329 U3 Furs and skins 139, .507 76 Kid and lambskin gloves 189,466 91 Laces and trinunings 43, 348 88 Machinery and iron wjire 2. 323 83 Musical and other instruments 33, 772 84 Music 10,4:6 30 112 CONTINENT OF EUROPE. Newspapers 16,686 4S Toys aud I'ancy ware 9, 120 00 Woolen goods 278,730 78 Miscellaneous 37, 191 31 Total 909,698 71 Corresponding quarter in preceding year 812, 9i')9 91 Increase 96,7:« rtO FREDERICK NACHOD, Vice and Acting Consul. Quarter ending June 30, 1883. Books $43,804 7'> Bristles 32, 043 70 Cotton and linen goods 40, 536 39 Drugs 9,949 60 Essential oils 22, 538 60 Furs and skins 20'), 446 16 Kid and lambskin gloves 68, 517 80 Laces and triuiniings 14, 561 l.S Machinery aud iion ware 4,346 68 Musi(!al instruments 36, 482 04 Music 12,990 39 Newspapers , 15, 371 36 Tovs and fancy ware 18,-26 43 "Woolen goods 158,427 17 Half woolen goods 3, 302 72 Miscellaneous 44, 686 58 Total 793,831 52 O. Y. TOUSLEY, Consul. GERA AGENCY. . Quarter ending March 31, 1883. Woolen dress goods $208,110 45 Musical instruments 18, 669 10 Leather yloves 35,547 37 Piano leather J. 5,646 79 Shoe findings 2,813 28 China ware 1,537 84 Diied flowers and grasses 2, 548 78 Seeds 548 85 Paints ■- 1,202 49 Miscellaneous 547 47 Total 277,172 42 Quarter ending June 30, 1883. Woolen dress goods $85,940 05 Musical instruments 19,523 94 Lea I her gloves 14,757 31 Chiuaware 5,424 .58 Piano icMther 1,980 63 iJriefl na'ural flowers 1,510 21 Slw.e findings 1,439 86 Miscellaneous 2, 630 33 Total 133, 406 94 CHARLES NBUER, Consular Agent. DECLARED EXPORTS FOR THE UNITED STATES. 113 STETTIN AND AGENCIES. (Agcnciea: Daiitzic and Koiiigaberg.) STETTIN. Qnarter ending March 31, 1883, Potash $4.')9 70 Colza-oil 1,423 29 Steel tile scrap 324 58 Cement ;'> 21 Hemp 2, 412 72 Rags 6,215 «2 Chemicals (ifi 63 Cherry -j trice 881 17 Amber goods 617 37 Total §12,405 49 GEO. F. LINCOLN, Consul. Quarter ending June 30, 1883. Amber goods $2, 352 71 Cattle hair 459 47 Cement lu, 937 78 Cherry-juice 23,424 31 Clothes, ready made 142 41 Oil of bitter almonds 103 17 Rags ' 9,419 94 Scrap-iron 7, 735 00 Spelter 7, 794 00 Woolen goods 108 90 Zinc oxide 1,H75 61 Total 64,353 30 JULIUS DITTMER, Vice- Consul. DANTZIC AGENCY. Quarter ending June 30, 1883. Old rags $4,082 50 Petroleum barrels 2, 995 77 Wrought scrap-iron : 3, 014 00 Total 10,092 27 Corresponding quarter 1882 6, 703 35 Increase 3, 3p8 92 PETER COLLAS, Consular Agent. KONIGSBERG AGENCY. Quarter ending March 31, 1883. Amber, raw $3,291 88 Bristles 11,207 77 Hemp 9,855 18 Metals 1,M6 H5 Rags 159,069 63 Seeds 17,500 70 Total 202.748 01 62 A— D E 8 114 CONTINENT OF RUROPE. QuartiT ending June 30, 1883. Amber, raw $1,545 75 Bristles 11,870 83 Fruit juice 4,092 87 Hemp 49,070 GO Metals 113 94 Rags 116, 349 85 Seeds 1,067 35 Total 185,111 19 CONRAD H. GA.1)EKE, Consular Agent. THE JVETHERI.ANDS. AMSTERDAM. Quarter ending March 31, 1883. Cacao butter $2,045 89 Diamonds * 66,550 01 Empty petroleum barrels 12, 061 08 Fish 2,481 97 Gums 7.257 92 Indigo 3,942 54 Potato flour 2, 454 29 Rags 6,829 38 Rubber 4, 142 48 Spices 3, 513 37 Sundries 6,584 09 Tobacco, Sumatra and Java 530, 437 22 Coflee 72,076 80 Giu and liqueurs 10,817 80 Hides 7,122 81 Vegetables 3, 745 50 Rice 22, 146 39 Seeds 8, 322 30 Tin 81,705 16 Total 854,237 00 Quarter ending June 30, 1883., Cattle $7,400 00 Coffee 78,749 96 Diamonds 68, 7 19 24 Empty petroleum barrels • 15, 808 16 Giu and liqueurs 18,297 67 GuiuH 10,713 20 India rubber 104,52(5 44 Rags 7, 754 00 Rice 37,445 09 Seeds 2,264 71 Spices ■ 24, 430 59 Sundries 15, 263 76 Tin ; 4,919 78 Tobacco 1,763,004 81 Total 2,159,297 41 D. ECICSTEIN, Consul. DECLARED EXPORTS FOR THE UNITED STATES. 115 R O T T E'R D A M AND A G E N C I E S. (Agencies: FliiHliing and Schiedam.) ROTTERDAM. Quarter ending March 31, 1883. Articles. Cfipsiiles Cho«8o C<>lleo yi;ix Gin Glycerine lli'iriiig Hiilea Iron Muilder ri iron 43, 618 28 Satin goods 15. t>07 70 Wines 17,305 05 Aniline 16,517 37 Miscellaneous goods 17, 400 20 Total Brnssels 2,367,904 71 Charleroi : Window glass 1, 932, 102 77 Plateglass 179,871 64 Glassware 1 243 84 Iron -. 2,233 90 Total 4,483,356 86 Total $865,294 47 ADOLPH STEIN, Vice- Consul. CHARLEROI AGENCY. Quarter ending March 31, 1883. Francs. Window glass 2, 073, 9u5 83 Plate glass 351,320 77 Iron 32, 4 10 47 Total 2,457,637 07 Quarter ending June 30, 1883. Francs. Window glass 1 , 932, 102 77 Plate glass 179,871 64 Glassware 1, 243 84 Iron 2, 233 90 Total 2, 115,452 15 CH. VANDEK ELST, Consular Ayent. 118 CQNTINENT OF EUROPE. GHENT AND AGENCY. (Agency: Ostend.) GHENT. Quarter ending March 31, 1883. Bristles $2, 615 30 Chicory 1,160 71 Flax 2,560 00 Human hair 826 48 Liquors 353 68 Manufactured goods 8, 490 46 Paper bags 50 64 Rabbit hair and skins 85, 952 84 Eags 25,343 76 Ultramarine blue 330 00 Total 127,683 87 Quartet' ending June 30, 1883. Chicory $4,171 12 Flax 1,695 00 Manufactured goods 1, 340 94 Plants 85 04 Rabbit hair and skins 143, 145 66 Rags, ropes, and paper stock ^. 22, 840 94 Total 173,278 70 ALFEED LEFEBVRE, ViceConsiil. OSTEND AGENCY. Quarter ending March 31, 1883. Photographic glass $96 50 Quarter ending June 30, 1883. Marble works $500 00 A. J. IS^EUTS, Consular Agent. THE UNITED KIIVODOI?!. BIRMINGHAM AND AGENCIES. (Agencies: Redditch, Kidderminster, and Wolverhampton.) BIRMINGHAM. Quarter ending March 31, 1883. Anvils and vises $30, .537 87 Buttons, Hliell,&c 77,334 48 Boot nialcrials 4,095 69 Chains, Ixx-.s, and scythes 14, 433 .59 Chemicals and phos])liorus 43, 752 HO Fancy goods and jewelrv 72, 548 69 Glass, porcelain, &c.... I ,50,801 64 Guns and materials 139, 106 30 Hardwani, cutlery, steel, and iron 191, 107 76 Metal for sh. iifhing, &,c 40,889 55 Nifk.'.l and cobalt 349 78 Pens and tips 30,683 40 Saddlery and skins 38,415 87 Sundries 2,002 90 Total for Birmingham 736,058 32 DECLARED EXPORTS FOR THE UNITED STATES. 119 nEDDITCH AGENCY. Needles, fishing-tackle, &c §ilO:j, 87(5 82 KIDDERMINSTER AGENCY. Salted skins, chamois, &,c §105, 353 73 Car])otH and nigs 45, :},233 08 Sauce 5,310 56 Linen yarn 5, 115 76 Tin i>lates 1,673 83 Sundries 3,849 00 ■ Total for Kiddermiuster 189,600 24 WOLVERHAMPTON AGENCY. Cotton ties, &c $60, 692 32 Iron sheets, roofing, &c 27, ()61 68 Ti ies, pottery, &c , 5, 739 38 Hardware 1,427 35 Glue 2,562 21 Cloth remnants 133 82 98,216 76 Total for Birmingham and district .i^ . . . 1, 127, 752 14 Total for corresponding quarter, 1882 1, 118, 944 33 Increase 8, 807 81 Quarter ending June 30, 1883. AuviJs and vises $16, 476 16 Buttons, shell, &,g 72, 427 44 Boot nuiterials 6,707 91 Chains, hoes, and scythes 15, 114 73 Chemicals and jjliosphorus 44,916 68 Fancy goods and jewelry 78, 099 68 Gla^8, ])orcelain, &.c ,50,646 42 Guns and materials .• 210,171 75 Hardware, cutlery, steel, and iron 256,244 67 Metal for sheathing, ifec 20,991 00 Nickel and cobalt 9, 003 15 Pens and tips 28, 220 97 Saddlery and skins 36, 835 27 Sundries 11, "92 35 Total for Birmingham t<57,748 18 REDDITCH AGENCY. Needles, fish-hooks, tackle, &g $78,360 30 KIDDERMINSTER AGENCY. Salted skins and chamois $8.8, 279 81 China and glass ware 28, 257 33 Sauce 6,195 65 Linen yarn ^, 123 94 Carpets and rugs 2, 650 37 Sundries 2,226 56 Total for Kidderminster 132,733 66 WOLVERHAMPTON AGENCY. Sheet iron, tin sheets iron, &c S:^2, 852 18 Cotton ties 61,991 79 Tiles <>,n9 99 Glue ~,o98 84 120 CONTINENT OF EUROPE. Hardware $1,825 65 Machiuery 992 14 Opticals ir.6 72 Total 111,537 31 Total tor Birmiugbam aud district 1, 1-0,379 45 Total for correspoudiug quarter, 1882 1,257, 801 82 Decrease 77,422 37 WILSON KIFG, Consul. BRADFORD. Quai-ter ending March 31, 1883. Buttons Camel's hair .. Card clothlug . Carpets . Chemicals ('otti'U goods.. Cow hair Dama.sks Elastic web... Hair cloth Iron and steel. Leatlier Macbiuery Miscellaueons Mohair (goat's hair) , Nails Oil Paper Reeds and bealds. Salted skins Shawls Silk goods Stnfts Waste Wool Woolen goods Worsted coatings Yarns $89 54 14, 08» 29 7, 159 53 45,942 82 5, 348 54 1, 314 52 1, 190 55 367 36 252 81 33, 669 94 11,642 76 6, 129 77 43, 732 21 282 99 7, 408 29 8,232 92 384 01 1,761 49 487 86 15,409 55 465 90 24,480 87 1,519,831 33 109.338 15 347, 039 29 46,676 22 215,074 78 19,339 00 Total 2,487,141 29 Quarter ending June 30, 1883. Carpets and rugs. Camel's bair Card clothing Cotton goods Chemicals Damasks, «fec Hair cloth Iron and steel Leatlier MisiHiUaneons Machinery Mohair (goat's hair). Nails Paper Reeds and healds Salted skins Shawls 5, '. 12. 5, 2. 27, 22, 7, 70, 10, 4, Silk waste /, Spun Hilk, silk yarn, &c 18, Stiifls (principally coat and sleeve linings) 304, Wool 154, 863 739 396 164 830 625 217 397 058 792 0(57 988 20(5 778 .575 442 332 199 343 499 976 68 03 08 30 86 38 38 06 49 40 64 63 82 76 71 73 82 71 .•SO 89 12 DECLARED EXPORTS FOR THE UNITED STATES. 121 Woolen goodH S-^4,429 60 Worsted coatings 254, 240 «8 Waste 71,:i7r) 65 Yarn 34, 60 Total 2,126,464 82 WILLIAM F. GRINNELL, Consul. BRISTOL. Quarter ending March 31, 1883. Books $973 2H Cloths 4,555 54 Cnrrants 2, (-01 30 Chemicals 9,7(i4 16 Cocoa 3,109 89 Cordage f.79 29 Calf-skins 2,57H 58 Fihh lines 1,192 39 Floorcloth 1,211 54 Glue 4,439 41 Hides 4, 160 21 Iron (scrap) 7 6,813 10 Iron (oxide) 835 64 Paper stock 3, 359 90 Sausage casings 673 40 Miscellaneous ."187 43 Total 47,575 06 Quarter ending June 30, 1883. Books $2,912 00 Bricks 2, 190 11 Chocolate 6, 804 23 Chemicals : 6,9.'.0 00 Cordage 744 38 Earthenware 568 75 Floorcloths 1,210 95 Paper stock 2,173 73 Tin plates , 8,307 14 Wines 313 75 Miscellaneous 1, 391 29 Total 33,566 38 LOREN A. LATHROP, Cons^tl. FALMOUTH AND AGENCY. (Agency: Scilly Islands.) FAL>IOUTH. Quarter ending March 31, 1883. 2,035 tons China clay .•Jie.SOa 59 Quarter ending JuneZO, 1883. 1,100 tons China clay $9, 100 25 HOWARD FOX, Consul. 122 CONTINENT OF EUEOPE. GLOUCESTER. Quarter ending March 31, 1883. Machinery and ironware - $4,731 30 Rose trees, ifec 158 08 Salt 4,879 68 Tin plates 18, 305 38 Woolen goods 19,223 54 Miscellaneous 169 38 Total 47,467 36 JOHN DAVIES, Commercial Agent. HULL. Quarter ending March 31, 1883. Ale $38,862 54 Black salts 12.107 22 Bristles 2,412 68 Cliff stone 2,771 72 Cattle hair 12. 949 20 Coals 2,193 30 Colors 13,823 85 Calf-skins 9,608 20 Crude phenyl acid 1, 792 52 Electroplate 138 58 Grease 1,398 38 Jet 44 98 Leather 1,353 84 Manure salts 732 86 Music 127 30 Paper stock 2,273 18 Soap stock 946 14 Washing blue 340 82 Total 103,877 31 Quarter ending June 30, 1883. Ale and beer $27,009 28 Black salts 15,042 96 Bristles 4,183 26 Cattle and cow hair 10, 060 66 Clothing 52 42 Cliff Htone 506 50 Chemical salts 1,275 00 Colors 29, 757 14 Ginger ale 297 34 Grease 695 50 n.'iiip 1,271 26 Marhincrv - 12, 546 08 Taper Htock 1,009 32 Soap stock 724 36 Show cards 695 58 Skins 5,447 62 110,574 28 EDWARD HOWARD, Commercial Agent. DECLARED EXPORTS FOR THE UNITED STATES. 123 LEEDS AND AGENCY. <" Agency : HuddersGeld.) LEEDS. Quarter ending March 31, 1883. Almanacs $405 68 Bri.ks 7, 1'JU 58 Bunflles, bars, and steel tires '>, 1(45 26 Burners (gas) 1,016 '24 Car|)et wool, cattle hair, and noils 26, 332 90 Chemicals 17, 628 92 Clotlis (union and wool) 20,761 32 Earthenware 4,531 70 Ecouomizera 9, 610 00 Grease 1,123 24 Hardware 100 00 Instruments (astronomical) 583 84 Leather 6,030 72 Linens 17,234 50 Machinery 22, 624 08 Oil (sod) 815 70 Pitch 4,583 52 Pins (round and flat) 213 00 Protectors ( boot) 45 58 Plough 1,085 24 Skins 19,632 46 Sundries 4, 707 66 Steam hammer 6, 179 66 Thread 10,132 88 Thread and varn 28, 377 84 Teazles ....' 192 76 Twines 761 76 Woolens 58,808 94 Worsteds 65,3(18 48 Worsteds and woolens 2, 610 48 Whetstones 837 24 Waste , 9,290 22 Yarn 10,862 00 Total 366,224 46 Quartei- ending June 30, 1883. Almanacs 3, 624 54 Ale finings 40 96 Bricks. 3,077 82 Bricks and tiles 1,697 96 Bundles and bar iron 2,2(i3 48 Casting and pipes 978 92 Cattle hair, &c 16,405 04 Chemicals 19, 548 50 Cloths (union and wool) 15,256 92 Earthenware 3, 178 62 Economizers 10, 325 96 Givs-burners l,8ril 54 Glue 622 90 Grease 5, 542 82 Grindstones and whetstones 367 78 Leather 9,360 92 Linens 10,530 38 Machinery 26, 373 18 OiWsoil) 1,007 16 Pins (round and flat) 11;;; 80 Sealskins 1"^7 83 Skins 29,752 86 Sundries 2, 155 74 Teazles 778 80 124 CONTINENT OF EUROPE. Threads $45, ia2 22 Twines 212 16 Waste 7,088 26 Woolens 68,313 82 W^)r.steds 62,945 50 Worsteds and woolens 2, 915 34 Yarns 22,376 78 Total 374,843 56 A. V. DOCKERY, Consul. HUDDERSFIELD AGENCY. Quarter ending June 30, 1883. Bricks $1,093 12 Calf hair 2,915 70 Card coverings 523 68 Chemicals and dyes 20,348 68 Chinese goods 1,522 00 Cottons 13, 120 95 Cottons and mohair 45, 835 04 Cottons, mohair, and silk 10,763 29 Cottons and silk , 1,971 60 Cottons (sewing) 17, 029 83 F n s t i a n s 7,942 62 Goat hair 5,364 70 Mohair 18,521 25 Plushes 2,560 60 Shawls 4,233 33 Woolens 292,495 43 Woolens and cottons 7, 065 91 Woolens and silk 2,270 66 Woolens and worsteds 6, 041 35 Worsteds 50,538 81 Yarn 2,378 56 Machinery 405 50 Miscellaneous 971 69 Total 515.914 30 C. W. WHITMAN, Consular Agent. LIVERPOOL AND AGENCY. (Agencies: Holyhead and St. Helens.) LIVERPOOL. Quarter ending March 31, 1883. Beer $37,937 82 Chemicals 1,465,758 08 Coal 103, 236 67 Dry goods 19, 007 m Eartlionware and glass 161,318 09 Fruit and vegetables 250,175 22 Miichmcry 6,277 76 Hemp 14,588 51 India rnblter ;?7,670 16 Iron 92,329 Hi) J lite liags and canvas 34,682 33 LtMtlirr and skins 410,590 16 Rags and waste paper 215, 355 21 Salt 298, 796 42 Slates and tiles 7,698 79 Steel 284,129 64 Tin plates 1,844,555 10 DECLARED EXPORTS FOR THE UNITED STATES. 125 Tin $20, IK; 09 Wire rope 10, 0:54 41 Wool : (]•A(),^\^^,'^ 57 Wood VJ,:i-)H 13 Pip iron 24o, 152 84 Cement 2;"), 708 91 Yellow metal (J, r.54 72 Grease and oils 2(5, :i70 95 Private efleetH 9, 440 20 Paint and varnlHli 'A, (i:>;j 27 Wines and spirits 2, '.V2ii 17 Cotton ir.2,972 10 Seed and plants 14,471 84 Granite 729 97 Hardware 58, 298 60 Rice 224, 573 36 Provisions 4, 185 17 Hair 91,4:54 76 Cattle 111,5:M 10 Iron ore :{, 002 63 Books and stationery 2, 856 62 Tea and coftee 3, 708 26 Felt 4,803 22 Precions metal 14, 453 48 Mannre (J, 944 39 Tar 1,080 36 Carriages 462 31 Straws 861 36 Ginger 228 72 Elephants' teeth 6,695 49 Barvtes 1,761 66 Drngs 21,046 30 Grindstones 467 18 Sugar 22,448 90 Silk noils 2,793 :i7 Gnm 10,481 79 Barrels 5, 119 04 Diamonds 1,002 49 Total 7,051,885 26 Total for previous quarter ending December 31, 1882 8, 524, 504 37 Decrease compared with previous quarter 1, 472, 619 11 Total for corresponding quarter ending March 31, 1882 8, 275, 113 55 Decrease compared with corresponding quarter 1,223,228 29 Quarter ending June 30, 1883. Beer $47,695 16 Chemicals 1,674,604 03 Coal 1:53,642 :}6 Dry goods 8,905 68 Earthenware and glass 250, 067 15 Fruit and vegetables 90, 490 95 Machinery 4,589 09 Hemp and flax 1,484 28 India rubber 690,657 48 Iron 131,310 90 Jute bags and canvas 31, 402 57 Leather and skins 255, 990 89 Rags and waste paper 2:55, 400 38 Salt 277, &Z{] 97 Slates and bricks 16,0:54 55 Steel 1 80 , 87 2 68 Tin plates 2,365,128 72 Tin 25,6:56 06 Wire rope 36, 390 23 Wool 459,444 95 Wood 17,650 24 Pig iron 414,493 23 Cement 128,755 89 126 CONTINENT OF EUROPE. Yellow metal $18,218 38 Grease and oils l;i,e8H 58 Pr i V a t e e tie c t s 8 , 67 6 95 Paint and varnish 2, 42h 38 Wine and spirits 7, 172 71 Cotton 24, 380 66 Seed 2,715 4i> Granite 87 59 Hardware 171,299 28 Rice 167,372 57 Provisions 2, 754 43 Hair 90,695 70 Cattle 95,5m) 02 Books and stationery 3, 975 92 Tea and cotfee 7, 44u 87 Felt 2,272 65 Precious metal ; 16, 243 86 Manure 501 24 Elephants' teeth 6,686 12 Shells 2,520 84 Straws 622 90 Was 65 46 Saddlery 1, 138 76 Drugs 9, 917 76 Silli noils and waste 10,881 33 Mi neral water 199 52 Carriages 1, 017 09 Barrels 11, Ofiti 25 Ginger 184 92 Minerals 5, 659 73 Ship stores 715 37 Oatmeal 243 32 Millstoaes 301 72 Sugar 7,780 78 Total 8,173,210 59 Total for previous quarter ending March 31, 1883 7, 051, 885 26 Increase compared with previous quarter 1, 121, 325 33 Total for corresponding quarter ending June 30, 1882 8,499,891 44 Decrease compared with corresponding quarter 326, 680 85 S. B. PACKARD, Consul. LONDON AND AGENCY. (Agency : Dover.) LONDON. Quarter ending March 31, 1883. Beer, wine, and 8j)irit8 $213, 780 18 Chemicals, sodas, &c 520,814 14 Books au'i stationery 467, 036 75 Dry goods, silk, woolens, cottons, laces, &c 1,830,590 87 Machinery and hardware 5, 900 88 Iron, steel, metals, «fec 3, 559, 135 82 Leather, hides, skins, furs, «fec 1,070,423 86 Rags and paper waste 173, 796 30 Wool 364, 045 69 Raw silk 364,045 69 Tea 19,953 20 Clothing 33,115 70 Precious stones 617, 513 S2 Hops 11,064 46 S ecds 121, 873 73 Feat hers 400, 961 95 Miscellaneous 2,576,985 32 Total 11,986,992 67 DECLARED EXPORTS FOR THE UNITED STATES. 127 Quarter ending June 150, 1^8;i. BfBr, wine, and npirits $102, I'.lO 66 Chemioiils, sodas, &c 410, 874 03 Books and stationery 5r>4, 51)1 76 Dry goods, silk, woolens, cottons, laces, &c 77:5,453 M3 Machnu'iy and hardware 37,272 97 Iron, steel, metals, &c 4, 3<»7, 423 39 Leatiier, bides, skins, fnrs, &c 1,311,101 12 Rags and paper waste 221 , 198 44 Wool 273, 6G0 99 Raw silk 5,710 84 Tea 55, 680 55 Clothing 35,615 34 Precious stones 569, 350 21 Hops 4,145 32 Seeds 31 . 294 15 Featliers 624, 872 63 Miscellaneous 2, 282, 776 6B Total 11,691,212 91 E. A. MERRITT, Consul- General. MANCHESTER. Quarter ending June 30, 1883. Mixed goods ?140,343 57 Cottons 1,588,230 98 Chemicals 309,28? 16 Rags and junk 159,405 65^ Machinery 497,173 49 Worsted stuffs 56,694 86 Leather and hides 26, 803 05 Wool 112,774 68 Linens 183,250 44 Hosiery 150,162 65 Carpets 14,133 53 Iron 29,027 1^ Silk 163,434 27 Paper 12,210 42 Steel 15,863 .33 Rugs, mats, and miscellaneous 80, 792 60 Granite 4,356 77 Musical instruments 3,310 60 Seal skins and furs 11, 274 30 1 Total 3,558,.525 74 ALBERT D. SHAW, Consul. NEWCASTLE-ON-TYNE AND AGENCIES. (Agencies: Carlisle, Old Hartlepool, and Sunderland.) NEWCASTLE-UPON-TYNE. Quarter ending March 31, 1883. Antimony $35,129 68 Bricks (lire) 2,396 28 Carpets 5,292 60' Cement 8;-)! 61 Chemicals 69,741 10 Coals 16,287 00 Furs and skins (hatters,) 27,414 76 Ghiss '^1,(197 61 Grindstones 3, lo9 72 Gypsum (included in chemicals). Iron pigs 19,911 04 Leather (dressed) 3, 877 26 128 • CONTINENT OF EUROPE. Paints and Venetian red $12, 815 40 Rags and old rope 4,995 84 Soda, l)icarbonate, ash, salts of, &c 128, b'M 90 Miscellaneous 9, 297 56 Total 363,754 36 Quarter ending June 30, 1883. Antimony $44,250 94 Bricks (tire) 5,721 74 Carpets 2,311 56 Cement 11, 677 26 Cheuiieals 37,654 56 Coals 2,027 08 Fnrs and skins (hatters') 62, 477 14 Glass 13,284 90 Grindstones 2.548 18 Gypsum (included in chemicals). Iron and steel rails, &.c 7,401 64 Leather 10, 806 56 Paints and Venetian red 41,218 76 Rags and paper-making material 6,508 50 Soda, bicarbonate, ash, salts of, &c 153, 658 08 Miscellaneous 1, 449 00 Total 402,995 82 EVAN R. JONES, Consul. CARLISLE AGENCY. Quarter ending March 31, 1883. Cotton, manufactures of $45,933 19 Iron pigs and spiegel 16,520 48 Steel rails 18, 336 46 Stone, building 2,923 61 Thread, linen 636 47 Trees, young 1,192 06 Total 85,542 27 Quarter ending June 28, 1883. Cotton, manufactures of $39,832 95 Spiegel 8,753 23 Steel rails 137,726 84 Stone, building 1,065 11 Thread, linen 2,578 59 Woolen goods (gloves) 2,455 82 Total 192,412 54 J. HEWETSON BROWN, Consular Agent. OLD HARTLEPOOL AGENCY. Quarter ending March 31, 1883. Patterns, hoists, and chains $264 55 Coals 2,304 56 Pig iron 6, 569 77 IJi.vcie 31 62 Oxalic acid 941 21 Steel rails and lish-plates 27,503 67 Wire rods 11, 407 51 Lost in decimals 05 Total 49,022 94 DECLARED EXPORTS FOR THE UNITED STATES. 129 Quarter cnd'uKj June 30, lPfi3. Chemicals (oxalic acid) .*"^, 283 03 Coals (gas) : ' 1 , 3-^0 03 Svveepiug-iuachines "id* 31 Pig iron 1-j, 4(Ji( 57 Hoists aixl cliains 124 SG Bloom ends 1 , 4 11 28 Ferro nianganese •>_ f 70 07 Cnidt^ arid prodiut for sheep-wash id/ (14 Steel rails and lish-plates 02, ti-2U (i? Spiegeleisen 72,7112 75 Ware, stone and China earthenware 3t;H 05 Wire rope, Bessemer steel wire rods 34, ^;')4 77 Total l'.»2, \'i:z (i;i C. NIELSOX, Consular Aqcnt. SUNDERLAND. Quarter endbuj June 30, 1883. <^'lass $1 , 778 39 Wire roi>e 0(51 60 Total 2,43'J 99 JAMES IIORAN, Consular Agent. • NOTTINGHAM AND AGENCIES. (Agencies: Derby and Leicester.) NOTTINGHAM. Quarter ending March 31, 1883. Lace goods $| , 8-12, 9G3 00 Hosiery 557, 307 00 Mnslins " e, 477 50 Linens 29, 846 00 Ale 3.7.')2 00 Elastic goods 5:!, <)hs 50 Machinery 14,371 00 Salted skins 14-J. 167 16 Silk 7, 635 00 Oxide of iron :<, ;i(i4 OO Cottons 32,046 00 Woolens 10, 2'A 00 China and earthenware 1 , t>j() 00 Leather VJ, ,-50 00 Colors 16,040 00 Miscellancons 7, 114 50 Total 2, 750, 34 1 (i6 Quarter endiu(j June 30, 1883. Lace goods .?8-58, 902 00 Hosiery 265, 186 00 Mnslins 5, hOi". 50 Linens 6,3(i6 50 Elastic goods 37, 710 00 Mach i nery 9, .559 1 >0 Salted skins 161, 6: .« OO Silk 4,v.'73 00 Oxide of iron 8, 542 HO Cottons 3,279 00 China and earthenware 7, ().>J0 (K) Leather 32,5l,-( 00 Colors 10,(117 00 Miscellaneous 7, 0.35 r.O Total 1.397,>'52 50 JASPER SMITH, Consular Agent. 02 A— D E 9 130 CONTINENT OF EUROPE. PLYMOUTH AND AGENCIES. (Agencies: Dartmouth, Guerusey, and Jersey.) PLYMOUTH. Quarter ending March 31, 1533. Wooleu goods §36)? 75 China clay 19, >^65 70 Peruvian guano 4, '^46 :>0 Vegetable pitch 124 40 Brushes 2:U 30 Shrubs and flower roots 77 74 A carriage 1.55 72 Heifers for breeding purposes 1, 703 27 Total 27,073 18 Quarter ending June 30, 1863. China clay $9,977 20 A black Newfoundland dog for breeding purposes 146 00 Bricks 48lj 65 Vegetalde pitch 502 95 Cat tie for breeding purposes 76, 535 45 Total 87,648 25 HEXEY FOX, Consul. SHEFFIELD. Quarter ending March 31, 1S83. Steel '. $415,908 66 Bessemer steel rails 98,395 73 Bessemer steel blooms 9. 902 04 Steel springs 2, 643 62 Iron bars 8 12 Anvils.... 1,561 81 Cutlery 305,313 33 Wooden, electro-plated, and other talde ware 1, 0^9 28 Files 13, 746 41 Saws 24 00 Edge and other tools 12,198 97 Garden tools 2, 090 24 Scythes 623 83 Sickles and grass hooks 1,686 48 Sheep shears : 19,884 35 Umbrella ribs 5,975 88 Siiootiug tackle and gun furniture 852 99 Dog collars and couples 25 74 Measuring tajR'S and chains, straight edges a«d rules 5, 965 68 Magnets 563 52 Optical goods 254 66 Brass goods, church furniture 458 99 Cojiix'r plates for engraving 242 65 Graining combs 958 73 Needles 391 88 Tc'iiter hooks 93 60 Salted skins 74, 117 41 Glue 16,266 78 Grease 838 25 Wax 4 62 Hair seating 809 53 (Jriudstfmes. 1, 397 62 Millstones )^.i 17 I laiisom cab and harness 474 48 Sherry wine 104 48 Stationrry and books 274 53 l'iii1)r<-lhi hauilles, lioru 488 25 Siimlrics 284 88 Total 995,955 09 DECLARED EXPORTS FOR THE UNITED STATES 131 Quarter ending June '30, 1883. Stool §441,314 73 B<'.-8omer steel rails 38,557 17 IJossemer steel blooms 31, 493 til Steel spriugs 378 11 Anvils 2,<;70 51 Stove-grates 167 78 Cutlery 3:jl,f;77 55 Kloctro-piated, woodou, and other table-ware r)M4 48 Files 2.J, 924 3y Saws 45 72 Edge and other tools 10, 7t)'J 88 Gardeu tools 1, 021 73 Sythes 158 71 Sickles and grass-books 368 27 Shoe]> shears 5, P12 18 Umbrella ribs .^ 1,207 25 Shooting tackle ami gnu turuiture 452 52 Measuring tapes, land chains and rule^ 8, 050 22 Surgical instruments 55 48 Optical goods 560 56 Magnets 206 48 I'.rass goods — church furniture 200 09 C'oiii)er plates for engraving 49 15 Rigging chain 133 04 Screws, bolts, and nuts 522 88 Tenter hooks 24 66 lirooches, horu 36 99 Rat-traps .' 5 51 Oriudstones 5, 439 32 Ciuoible clav 100 46 Hair seating 1,481 86 Salted skins 62, 137 31 Leather, polishing 10 16 Glue 18,536 23 Buffalo-horn tips 360 61 Sheep-wasli 3, 172 39 Paper 61 32 Brandy 293 60 Sundries 392 57 Total 995,345 47 C. B. WEBSTER, Consul. SOUTHAMPTON AND AGENCIES. (Agencies: Portsmouth and Weymouth.) SOUTHAMPTON. Quarter ending March 31, 1883. Livestock $7,324 08 Bristles 7h9 10 Live plants ' 272 52 Manufactured goods 210 40 Wearing apparel 118 00 Bibles 16«> 43 Total ^,880 53 Quarter ending June 30, 1S83. Livestock S:.7,987 89 Lace •^'>7 60 Wearing apparel 1-58 69 Total 3:*, 4H4 18 WM. TIIOMSOX, Consul. 132 CONTINENT OF EUROPE. TUNSTALL. Quarter ending June 30, 1883. Earthenware .|1, 434, 9.31 16 China 49,666 79 Majolica 50,280 63 Tiles 22,18-2 18 Parian 2,479 62 Colors 2,501 55 Paper 1 , 233 2 1 Machinery *. 4, 335 10 Potters' materials 1, 602 17 Cotton fabrics 423 73 Porcelain 95 20 Total 1,569,731 36 EDWAED E. LANE, Consul. iRELAisrr). - • BELFAST AND AGENCIES. (Agencies: Ballymeua and Lurgau.) CORK AND AGENCY. (Agency: Waterford.) i CORK. Quariei- ending June 30, 1883. "Whisky $435 11 Goiit-skins 510 98 Sausage-casiugs 262 79 Salt hides 2,530 58 Feathers 3,211 89 Calf-skins 7, 056 42 Total 14,007 77 JOHN J. PIATT, Consul. DUBLIN AND AGENCIES. * (No returns.) LONDONDERRY. Quarter ending March 'M, 1883. Veliicle and saddlery $335 05 "WhiskicH 535 (14 Ilouseliold goods 510 98 Tot al 1 , 381 07 A. LIVEKMOliT], Consul. DECLARED EXPORTS FOR THE UNITED STATES. 133 SCOTLAND. DUNDEE AND AGENCY. (Ageucy : Aberdeen. ) DUNDEE. • Quarter ending March 31, 1883. IJurliips 1008, 14« 51 Liuons 6%, 893 58 Yarn 143,124 11 H cin p 2, 023 G8 Hixjrs 13,983 11 Whisky 879 30 Padding 392 81 Flax 21,2()y 84 Clotliing 123 25 Paper-stock 65,109 26 Pressing rollers 173 99 Old sacks 34 96 School-bags 2, 054 58 Gauge glasses 2, 655 11 Canvas 612 08 Steam coal 17, 103 75 Old machinery 714 23 Scrim '. 254 95 Oakum 561 01 Carpets 2, 097 68 Twine 109 73 Towels 2, 907 91 Tow 3 , 636 23 Sail duck ; 3, 6.58 24 Silk 73 55 Double l)anding 421 24 Lantern-slides 164 66 Jute 1, 511 08 Plants ■ 271 21 Horse blanketing 342 81 Personal etfects, piano, and picture 146 01 Total 1,891,110 40 Quarter ending June '30, 1883. Burlaps $1,114,438 48 Yarn 214,498 54 Linens .502,924 83 Paper stock 50, 046 45 Towels ' 561 22 Flax 9,208 44 Jute 6,305 74 Tow 37, 108 22 Whisky • 199 28 Bagging 887 15 Canvas hose 129 46 Bags 6,038 28 School-bags 3, 092 82 Books on chess and other games 230 .55 Sail duck 2, 712 .50 Gauge-glasses 3, .33(5 08 Carpets 1.427 69 Horse-blanketing 2, 01 1 04 Hemp 8,070 68 Oakum 2. 254 59 Jute rugs 540 24 Decorticator machine 109 51 Pig iron 5,414 .54 Total 1,972,746 33 WILLARD B. \YELLS, Consul. 134 CONTIXEMT OF EUROPE. ABERDEEN AGENX'Y. Quarter ending March 31, 1883. Polished granite $17,491 43 Linen manufactures 15, 114 19 Paper manufactures 4, 130 53 Woolen manufactures % 1, 2>i9 18 Tweed manufactures 1, 0:>4 ^3 Whisky 1,109 (JO Total 40,169 76' Quarter ending June 30, 1883. Polished granite ' §28,001 53 Linen goods 16, 385 98 Woolen goods 6,593 'iO Paper goods 2, 620 13 Spirits 62 84 Total .- 53,663 68 JOflX RAMSAY, Consular Agent. DUNFERMLINE AND AGENCY. (Agency: Aberdeen.) DUNFERMLINE. Quarter ending March 31, 1883. Linen goods $502, 359 56 Cotton goods 95,403 32 Floor oil-cloth 38, 181 28 Total 635,944 16 Quarter ending June 30, 1883. Linen goods $302,815 40 Cotton goods 86, 778 27 Floor oil-cloth 29,461 79 Total , 419,055 40 H. RAY MYERS, Commercial Agent. GLASGOW AND AGENCY. (Agency: Greenock.) GLASGOW. Quarter ending March 31, 1883. Thread $463,683 .30 Cotton and linen goods 393, 107 60 Woolen goods 39. 302 34 Muslins 217,397 00 Laces and trimmings 201 , 0>*4 80 Carpets 25,031 30 Hats and caj.s 12, vl7 12 Furs and skins 10,274 15 Fishinggut 12 141 33 Itooks 3, 130 17 Pig iron 362,975 88 Ma«hinery and ironware 25,641 20 Wire goods 6,766 24 DECLARED EXPORTS FOR THE UNITED STATES. 135 Gum and jiaints I'aix-r and )tapor tttock .. Granite and stone goddw. Wines and liqnors Beer Scrap iron and steel. Tobacco pipes (clay) Shawls Fire-clay goods Cluinicals Glass and earthen ware 1 loises Miscellaneous 34, 11, 3;'., 1, rj'j. 77. 538 30 U'J3 :'.6 42c> k; 1-7 14 444 1(> 563 .Ofi 2(i2 40 '.»3v! 75 473 74 18H ')4 •j51 90 271 52 Total -i, -254, 508 h8 Quarter inding June 30, 18§3. Thread Ootron and linen goods .. Woolen goods Muslins Laoes and trimmings Carpets Hats and caps Furs and skins Fishing gut Books Pig iron Machinery and iron-ware. Wire goods Gum and paints Coals Paper and paper stock .. . Granite and stone goods.. Wines and liqnors Beer Scrap iron and steel Tobacco pipes (clay; Sliawls Fire-clay goods Chemicals Glass and earthen ware . . Horses Miscellaneous 81,141 473 Co 2(;(t HIO 15 14 929 22 204, 725 f^(» 112 824 72 3(» 3cl 90 22 406 26 15 726 16 5 152 68 3 212 22 254 526 00 22 961 58 10 748 22 24 558 04 1 657 90 44 204 32 852 66 7 799 25 .■j 730 75 7 056 04 11 141 99 21 904 62 20 340 02 16(i 822 70 30 104 56 45 540 00 89 919 04 Total 2,576,576 40 BRET HARTE, Consul. LEITH AND AGENCY, (Agency: Galashiels.) LEPrH. Quarter ttidituj March 31, 1883. Ale s!'. 774 12 Alum 1.4:!7 32 Biscuits 2. 527 60 Books 61. 115 88 Brass wire cloth 118 87 Canvas shoes 611 15 Cement 954 87 Chromo views 215 65 Coal -• 22.492 27 Fruit-tree stocks 217 49 Gelatine 21 , 283 27 Glassware , 202 08 Glue 5.58 55 136 CONTINENT OF EUROPE. Grass seed $545 66 Iron castings 3,211 89 Linens 145 '27 Maps 1, 853 20 Medicines 3, 762 55 Morphia 2, 817 80 Nets 533 23 Oatmeal 709 19 Oil paintings 286 76 Oxalic acid 2,703 77 Paper stock 21, 428 13 Preserved provisions 20 87 Piinting materials 891 66 Trees 138 76 Velvet 315 53 Waterproof coats 135 33 Whisky 590 83 Wine .' 280 43 Wool 4,721 48 Total 166, 601 46 Quarter ending June 30, 1883. Aerated waters $218 97 Ale 18,043 12 Alum 249 53 Biscuits 1, 532 36 Books 38,829 09 Brandy 171 85 Cement 2,862 11 Clothing 121 91 Coals 8,444 59 Engravings 576 74 Fishing nets 1 , 688 19 Gelatine 31,611 57 Glassware- 331 37 Grindstones 191 80 Maps and atlases 4, 497 92 Medicinal preparations 3, 102 88 Millstones 100 09 Morphia 6,597 42 Oatmeal 775 23 Oxalic acid 1,368 64 Paper stock 17, 344 61 Preserved ])rovisions 360 24 Printing materials 3,554 69 Saponifying oil 1,445 92 Stereotype ])lates 488 84 Trees and plants 236 63 Velvets 622 79 Vulcanite 569 02 Waterproof coats 4, 243 16 Whisky -'•^'J ^^ Total 150,940 86 J. A. LEONARD, Consul. GALASHIELS AGENCY. Quarter endinij March 31, 1883. Woollen goods, being tweed cloth $58, 232 78 Quarter ending June 30, 1883. Woollen goods, being Scotch tweed cloth $20, 452 41 lUCllARD LEES, Consular Agent. DECLARED EXPORl.S FOR THE UNITED STATES. l.'j? CARDIFF AM) AGENCIES. (Agencies: Ll:inelly, Millbrd Haven, Newport, and Swansea.) CARDIFF. Quarter eiKliug March 31, I66\i. Steam coal §17, 003 2r> Six Jersey cows 2, 91, Ol:{ .05 Total •>4, U32 bO • Quarter etnliuff June oO, lSr*3. Ste.-l rails §39, 2.".9 32 Fish plates, iron spikes, bolls, a,ii(l iron bridge work 19, 197 00 Galvanized telegraph wire *>., 123 00 On»* shaping machine 3ti4 TO Total (i4,944 42 WILLIAM WIKT SIKES, C 071 sit I. LLANELLY AGENCY. Quartet' ending March 31, lSd3. Tin plates 819,437 2o Quarter eyiding June 30, 18^3. Tin plates, &c 810,130 90 B. JONES, Consular A(jent. NEWPORT AGENCY. Quarter ending March 31. 1883. Roofing tiles ^'u 54 Salt 2,488 76 Homo. ro, 72r> 42 Steel rails 34, «>39 22 Machinery 374 22 Sheet iron ^, 431 40 Eicyele 37 H4 Black taggers 4,8450 92 Total l-!,44: :!<) Quarter ending June 30, 1883. Tin and terne plates 8l2r), 839 94 Black taggers 3, K94 86 Sheet iron 13, 702 26 Homo, rods •>, 929 92 Machinery 106 92 Kails and bridge work '>•*•, 1>9T 96 Total 208,471 Wi W. E. HEARD, Consular Ageiit. 138 CONTINENT OF EUROPE. SWANSEA AGENCY. Quarier endhifj March 31, 1883. Oxalic acid " $8,i>33 32 Tit) plates 30, 330 64 Manganese •2. H45 10 Bricks 4, "230 94 Steel plates 318 22 Shoes and dies 4 . 391 31 Ladles 562 47 Coal 1,038 07 Zinc cake 2, 642 13 Rotteustone 396 37 Indigo auxiliary 279 75 Total 55,968 32 Quarter eliding June 30, 1883. Tin plates $25,094 10 Man, 965 81 Dye 42 23 Glass 1,643 26 Gum ^74 65 Hardware 1, 638 18 Miscellaneous 98, 261 03 Oils 49, 542 77 Preserves and dried fruit : 27, 616 00 Preserved meat and sardines 45, 43(» 05 Prunes 83,490 18 Rags and paper 5, 125 91 Vinegar 3,176 38 Wine 403,721 50 Wool 3,511 52 Total 1,512,100 47 Quarter ending June 30, 1883. Argols and tartar $106, .563 75 Bottles and glass l,i)20 69 Brandv 32, .585 12 Calf sluns 12, 149 50 Corks 866 11 Drugs and niedicinc 9, 994 64 (»um 445 83 DECLARED EXPORTS FOR THE UNITED STATES. 139 Miscellaneous $74,002 9ti Oils I'^./fC '^4 Preserves aud dried fruit 2-, :{'|2 21 Preserved meat and sardines i>2, 102 76 Prunes l. ''^*^ -'^ Vinegar.."... l,42-» 39 AYiues 032,900 73 Total 1,000,404 r,7 GEO. W. ROOSEVELT, CojisuL II A V R E A N D AGENCIES. (Agencies: Brest, Clievbiuirg, Honlleur, and St. Malo. ) Quarter ending March 31, l':3S3. Books and en<:;raving8 S7dl 56 Calfskins, leather, and hides 13,246 36 Cheese 3,001 r<6 Chureh ornaments and metallic trimmings 25 00 Corks... n.t'l^ 66 Drugs and medicines 12, 317 81 Dye stuffs rj,546 05 Feathers and (lowers, artificial 12, 033 ^"i Furniture and cabinet woods 360 00 Gnano 00,004 55 Gloves 3,175 3B Glue 1,0U9 39 Hair, human 7, 225 53 Hardware, machinery, rails, pig-iron, and zii4c 18,241 80 Hats and hatters' goods 1, 150 50 Linen goods « 1. 888 52 Millstones, plaster, and cement 11,794 30 MiscelJaueous 5,717 3-5 Musical instruments 420 81 Oils 3,145 29 Ores 838 36 Paints , 653 95 Preserved fruits and vegetables 10, 5^9 95 Prunes, raisins, nuts, «S: c 1 , 240 84 Rags and old paper 3,318 29 .Seeds and plants 8, 131 26 Straw goods 1,211 25 Sugar and confectionery 18, 109 15 Toi let articles aud perfumerv 22, 222 44 Willows '..... 1,112 00 Wince aud liqueurs '. 10, 507 56 Woolen cloth 1,290 41 Total 272,012 02 Quarter ending June 30, 1863. Books and engravings $195 00 Brandy 047 93 Calfskins, leather, and hides S,298 02 Cheese 3, GOB 52 Corks 10,.587 9e Cotton goods 939 08 Drugs anv|i8uiii, talc, and liuie ' | l{air, animal 1 IJats, straw I ! Hides and gont skins, raw and tanned ' India nihl)(;r i I Pi l[- iron AI iscellaneous Kuts : Almonds , Walnuts and Alberts Oils: Olivo Sesame and other Paints and varnishes : Ocher, Jtc 1, 790 92 Marseilles. $2, 169, 13, 1, 935 46 175 OG 698 44 274 00 , 270 00 , 887 27 , 436 78 099 75 618 87 152 32 981 73 336 97 552 90 173 34 954 00 778 '1?, 041 90 202 66 104 40 461 19 908 00 3, 820 43 DECLARED EXPORTS FOR THE UNITED STATES. Quarter ending March 31, 1883 — Continued. 141 Articles. Bastia. Cette. Marseilles. Perfumery, pouiatuin and essonces for ' ' $27, 623 67 Preserved fruit and vegcitaWuK : 'I Capers and olives | 2.088 74 Dares I 2,077 8S Rhus , I 1,411 26 Salt ; $1,015 65 j 8, 686 47 Seeds, plants, and flowers : ' i Canary seed and other ' I i 13,382 45 Tliistl'es, immortelles, &c ' ! ; l,''>-5 71 Silk, raw !», 301 66 Soap, ordinarv | 19,122 2» Terra alba..; 6,021 69 I WiJios and liqtiems : i ! ' Ordinary wine 1 26,794 21 \ 18, .IRS 94 Vennouth \ 13, 157 96 Liqueurs ' 5, 031 61 Wood: ■ [ Walnut burrs .59, 079 91 Wool 43, 295 45 Total $2,400 CO 41,059 76 653,682 66 Quartei' ending June 30, 1883. Articles. Toalon. Cette. Marseilles. $32, 266 OO 1,382 70 Cbeniicals : 55 995 57 $3, 928 34 4,220 38 DrufTS and medicines : 24, 87? 30 i, i52 51 (iiinis and other drugs 10,242 14 Dyeins stuffs : 8,284 85 2,681 82 5, 661 43 78 177 50 12, 727 41 16, 307 50 3, 433 27 4, 736 78 230 00 Kuts : Filberts 8, 638 46 341 34 18,017 27 4,929 54 Ocber 976 31 Oils: Olive 40, fi."»6 75 8,923 .58 2,668 15 12, 805 35 Plants anil .seeds : Teasels, immortelles, bulbs, roots, &c $2,741 50 260 '66' 3, 429 25 1,7.19 93 I'reserved vcfietablts and fruit: Trutfles, caper.s, olives, raisins 1,851 74 2.231 89 1,315 94 Salt 1,842 08 3, 649 00 3, 703 47 6, 740 24 24,020 13 3, 740 00 28,191 10 Wines and litiueurs: 27. .528 78 17, 917 61 6,830 90 Wood : 40.521 57 Wool . . . 47, .546 11 Total 6, 435 32 50, 582 01 482, 101 35 H. A. TAYLOR, Consul. 142 C0NT1^■ENT OF EUROPE. NANTES AND AGENCIES. (Agencies: L'Orient and St. Nazaire.) Quarter ending March, 31, 1883. Nantes : Boots and shoes and leather $403 78 Preserved vegetables and sardines 9,292 25 Seeds and plants 27, 645 72 Wine 635 80 $37,977 55 Saint Nazaire Agency : Ore, iron 740 50 Wine 20 00 7t30 50 L'Orient Agency: Preserved vegetables and sardines 4, 904 78 Total 43,642 83 Quarter ending June 30, 1883. Machinery $604 81 Preserved vegetables 366 38 Preserved sardines 21, 816 24 Seeds 97 70 Wine 557 63 Total 23,442 76 Nantes 5, 993 75 Saint Nazaire 283 37 L'Orient (sardines) : 17, 165 64 Total 23,442 79 THOMAS WILSON, Consul. NICE AND AGENCIES. (Agencies: Cannes, Mentoue, and Monaco.) NICE. Quarter ending March 31, 1383. Glass, porcelain, and potteries $2.50 00 Toilet articles and perfumery 29, 795 33 Total 30,045 33 GEOKGE F. MOSIIEU, Consul. Quarter ending June 30, 1883. Francs. Pomade and essence 4, 9<15 00 Toilet water and oil 1, 0.52 25 Toilet water 2,817 00 A utiqne furniture 4, 343 95 Pomade 9,963 60 Oil (olive) 1, 442 10 f>il 4,393 45 Household effects 9, 429 75 Essence 48, 630 90 Ciiina (old) and antique furniture 6, 592 50 I'otterics 1,854 8.'i Powder (poudre) and extracts 12, 892 50 Oil and pomade 5, 176 05 Total 113, 553 90 Total $21,915 90 W. F. KOWLAND, Consul. DECLARED EXPORTS FOR THE UNITED STATES. 143 CANNES AGENCY. Quarter ending June 30, 1883. Class, i)orceluin and potteries. $'A44 HO Toilet articles and i)erfiimoiy ItTfJ r>i) Total 1,321 IK) TIIEO. 1). VALCOUKT, Consular Agent. PARIS. Quarter ending March 31, 1883. AUtuition $3, 8«1() Arools and cream of tartar lOo, 17(J Art, works of 1-29. 12^^ Books and engravings 'J'y, tW Boots, shoes and leather manufuotnres 22, 295 Brandy 4. 197 Bristles 25, 068 Buttons and trimmings 654, 8.o6 Calfskins, leather, and hi, 294 Dye stutis 67, 18<) Fancy goods .042. 311 Feathers aijd ilowers, artiticial and millinery 797, 669 Furniture and cabinet woods 9,377 Glass, i>orcelain and potteries 92, 438 Gloves 199,990 Glue 30,701 Hair, human 31,446 Hardware, machinery, rails, ami pig-iron 28, 727 Hats and hatters' goods and furs 238, 167 Horses and asses 19, 686 Hosiery 358, 5*0 India-rul ibor 807 Jewelry and precious stones 737, 831 Laces and tulles bl 1,007 Linen goods 90, .509 Merinos, cachemires and miscellaneous dress goods 5,478,355 Miscellaneous 63, .5:W Musical instruments 39, 920 Oils 2,563 Optical and scieutitic instruments 158, 151 Platinum 22, 776 Paints 30,461 Preserved fruits and vegetables 54, 201 Preserved meat and sardines 8,511 Prunes, raisins, nuts, Ac 4,413 Rags and old paper 13,205 Seeds and plants 31, 876 Shawls 19,969 Silk and velvet piece goods 25,577 Silk and velvet ribbons 19, 94J9 Soap, ordinary, and soap grease 16, 4.59 Sponges .' 3, .568 Stationery 11,516 Straw goods 47, OiV*! Sugar and confectionery 2, 4:J9 Tobacco '. 207 Toilet articles and perfumery 151. .543 Upholstery goods and wall paper 578, .551 Whalebone ". 53. 576 Wines and liqueurs ll.Hl Woolen cloth 107. 570 Total 13, 576. .'14 144 CONTINENT OF EUROPE. Quarter ending June 3(i, 1683. Albumen $716 Algols and cream of tartar 184, G76 Art, works of 577, 123 Books and engravings 67, 650 Boots, shoes, and leather manufactures 22,636 Brand V 776 Bristles •22,807 Buttons and trimmings 3a9, 847 Calf skins, leather, and hides 947,279 Carriages 9, 221 Chemicals 144, 'JOO Church ornaments and metallic trimmings 25, 125 Clocks and watches .' 42, 107 Corsets 44, 338 Costumes and dresses 68, 397 Cot ton j^oods 58, 266 Drugs and medicines 7, 290 Dyestutts 119,815 Fancy goods 419, 21o Feathers and flowers, artificial and millinery 347, 921 Furniture and cabinet woods 113,571 Glass, porcelain, and potteries 228, 030 Gloves 56,049 Glue 16,416 Hair, human 26, 264 Hardware, machinery, rails, and pig-iron 84, 042 Hats, hatters' goods and furs 326, 503 Horses and as^es 159, 012 Hosiery 190, 797 India-rubber 993 Jewelry and precious stones 1, 160, 135 Laces and tulles 310,965 Linen goods 44, 805 Merinos, cachemires, and miscellaneous dress goods . . . , 3, 396, 987 Miscellaneous 56, 274 Musical instruments 46, 516 Oils 694 Optical and scientific instruments 156, 41;i I'latiuum 33,994 Faints 39, 594 Preserved fruits and vegetables 8, 968 Preserved meat and sardines 20, 203 Prunes, raisins, nuts, »fec 857 Rags and old i>aper 8,327 Seeds and plauts 1, 293 Shawls 32,443 Silk and velvet ])iece goods 7,753 Silk and velvet rib) ions 11,412 Soap, ordinary, and soap grease 37, 705 Sp 95 Willows 11,730 77 Winort aud liquors &2U, 771 41 Total 954,904 46 Quarter ending Jnne 30, 18"53. Buttous aud trimmings §688 88 Corsets 509 44 Dye-atuirs 3,647 28 Hardware, machinery, rails, and pig-iron 7, 627 25 Merinoea, eashnieres, and miscellaneous dress goods 134,588 72 Miscellaneous 1,764 52 Preserved fruits and vegetables 1 , 754 82 Suoar and confectionery 1, 038 48 Willows '. 8,169 42 Wines and liquors 1,524,245 48 Total 1,684,034 29 JOHN L. FRISBIE, Consul. ROUEN AND AGENCIES. (Agencies: Bologne-Sur, Calais, Dieppe, Dunkirk, Lille, aud Roulaix.) ROUEN. Quarter ending March 31, 1883. Laces and tulles §449, 619 07 Merinoes, cashmeres, and miscellaneous dress goods 141,631 62 Upholstery goods and wall paper 65, 433 53 Furniture and cabinet woods 20, 607 00 Linen goods 15,868 16 Toilet articles and perfumery 12, 170 32 Woolen cloth 8, 437 90 Wool 7,774 00 Horses and asses 7, 584 00 Willows 2,785 30 Glass, porcelain, and potteries 2,668 00 Ores 1,474 68 Chemicals 1,2.59 00 Glue 1,064 89 Hosiery [fsii 00 Hardware, machinery, rails, and pig-iron 428 00 Miscellaneous 1 , 970 62 Total 741,753 04 A. KHODES, Consul. Quarter ending June 30, 1883. Utrecht velvet $65,738 67 Woolen cloth 26, 290 24 Cashmere 169,923 76 Horses for breeding purposes 33, fi88 00 Toilet articles 11,101 87 Willows 2,430 64 Liquor 470 10 Wool 22,462 00 Carpets 304 00 Linen goods 2, 625 82 Flax 1,701 00 Laces and tulles 289, 583 02 Chemicals 4,098 00 Furniture 20,132 00 Glass 674 00 Vegetable fiber 147 60 Miscellaneous articles 910 00 Total 652,480 72 CHAS. P. WILLIAMS, Consul. 62 A— D E 10 146 CONTINENT OF EUROPE. ST. ETIENNE. Quarter ending March 31, 1883. Silk (aud mixed) ribbons §84,221 52 Velvet ribbous 31,335 71 Elastic ribbons 296 91 Cravats (ladies') -- 1,730 21 Trimmings, braids, &c 16, 564 34 Laces, tuUf-s, &c 4,166 37 Cotton goods 2,4(17 72 Gloves (kid) 212, 402 75 Kid aud lamb skins :i,'fi27 37 Miscellaneous 2, 542 72 Total 359.196 12 Quarter ending June 30, 1883. Pieces of silk aud velvet goods $619 96 Silk (and mixed) ribbons : 81,562 70 Velvet ribbous 88,491 48 Elastic ribbons 190 10 Trimmings, braids, &c 24, 089 46 Laces, tulles, &.c 3, 314 29 Cotton goods 22,297 68 Gloves ^7,817 09 Kid and lamb skins 4,822 33 Miscellaneous 1. 601 12 Total 254,806 26 THEODORE HERTZBERG, Commercial Agent. SH^ITZEKLAND. BASLE AND AGENCY. [Agencj^: Chaux de Fouds.) Quarter ending March 31, 1883. Kind of goods. Silk ribbons Baw silk Watches and watch materials Anilinii colors Btiaw jioods Miscellaneous goods Pirst quarter of 1883. ^604,155 90 54,928 10 403,437 10 20, 829 51 Value of declared exports during fiscal year eud iug June 30. 1882 4li2, f\;o 98 Increase for fiscal year ending June 30, 1S83 22, 708 53 148 . CONTINENT OF EUROPE. Aggregate yearly summary of exports for years ending respectively December 31. 1880. 1881. First quarter . . . Second quarter . Third quarter . . Fourtli quarter , Total ...... $884, 241 06 , $661, 426 67 516, 654 31 I 319, 598 68 703, 878 15 i 488, 767 52 584, 076 07 ' 434, 612 66 $476, 254 85 320,773 60 566,432 21 444, 878 71 $762, 292 39 402, 820 98 775, 070 59 682, 720 99 2, 688, 849 59 j 1, 904, 405 53 1, 808, 339 37 2, 622, 904 95 WILLIAM T. EICE, ComuL ST. GALLE. Year ending June 30, 188.3. Quarters ending — Articles. September 30, 1882. December 31, 1882. March 31, 1883. June 30, 1883. Total. Embroidered goods : Hamburg trimmings, white and colored foundation. Tamboured lace curtians, vesti- bules, &c. Handkerchiefs, ties, colors, dresses, and other fancy arti- cles. Cotton goods : Loom triminings, in cotton Half linen loom trimmings and dress jjoods. Fancy articles : Francs. 4, 562, 257 89 508, 564 00 443, 168 00 32, 978 00 21, 493 00 7, 023 00 1, 709 83 3, 327 00 74,421 00 288, 057 00 31, 256 00 706, 733 00 6, 456 00 1, 647 00 68, 017 00 Franca. 10,521,785 14 370, 705 00 238, 371 00 269, 524 00 5, 823 00 39, 602 00 Fra}ic8. 8, 600, 608 91 304, 566 84 1, 434, 910 81 325, 084 28 Francs. 4, 537, 236 90 219, 571 12 625, 346 16 18, 253 17 3, 879 40 15, 356 36 FVaneg. 28, 221, 888 84 1, 403, 406 96 2, 481, 795 97 245, 839 45 31, 195 40 11, 139 70 73 121 06 1, 709 83 white foundation. Piece goods : 33, 213 00 782, 475 00 186, 280 00 14, 059 00 172,827 00 .52, 335 00 12,241 00 31, 344 00 36, 883 70 554, 544 83 142, 868 69 10, 299 00 240, 304 50 11,578 65 4, 499 95 19,884 50 13 843 98 fi7 2fi7 fi« Figured and dotted Swiss, &c.. Silk goods: Piece goods 5, 423 73 1, 416, 863 13 245, 491 05 862, 696 74 38 00' 55 652 no Embroidered articles, robes and robe trimmings, on cashmere and silk. Miscellaneous: 11,754 30 1, 209 00 7, 677 00 4, 933 40 1,131,618 80 71,578 65 Provisions (including con- densed milk). Sundries (including embroidery machines). 27, 061 95 134, 175 90 6, 757, 107 72 1, 304, 121 78 12, 731, 581 14 2, 457, 195 16 11 697 174 36 5,450,013 ,57 1, 151, 852 61 36, 635, 876 79 7,070.723 13 5,150,689 11 Total in United States gold coin . Total for the preceding year . . . 2, 257, 553 64 ncrease 1, 920, 033 02 EMOKY P. BEAUCHAMP, Consul. ZURICH. Quarte)' ending March 31, 1883. Silkfgoods, raw silk, and Hilk bolting-cloth $751,498 22 Straw good.s, hemp and bast plaits, &.c 89, 018 7 1 Mi.sccllaiicous 14,239 32 Total 854,756 25 JOHN SYZ, Vice- Consul. DECLARED EXPORTS FOR THE UNITED STATES. 149 Quarter endimj June \\Q, 18H;J. Silk goods $.'{93,085 98 Straw goods 10,249 12 MiscelliUieoiiH l.'{, 'S.W 21 Total 41(i, .%9 31 Siinie period iii 1882, iucludiug Ilorgen, which is reportetl separately since Ist July, 1882 1,104,883 12 s. IT. M. byp:rs, Consul. OIBRALTAR. Quarter endiny March 31, 1883. Carpets $44 50 Household ellects 488 10 Moorish curiosities 300 06 Portuguese crockery 129 43 Total ■ 1,02209 Quarter ending June 30, 1883. Moorish curiosities aud rugs $479 58 Gum 2'?2 3 1 Skius aud hides 179 03 Total 941 52 HORATIO J. SPKA&UE, Consul. SPAIN. ALICANTE. (No returns.) BARCELONA AND AGENCIES. (Agencies: Grao, Paliua, Port Mahou, Tarragona, aud Torrevieja. ) Quarter ending June 30, 1883. Articles. Barcelona Tarragona Agency. Grao Agency. Torrevieja Agency. Total. Wino $790 77 12, TKT 40 ■jm 20 $44, 170 85 $31, 138 88 $76, 106 50 Cork 8 12, 783 40 "s.sio 10 .;: :.::::....... •.'9'J 20 8. MO 10 198, 048 95 3, 003 55 2, 309 20 198, (M8 95 3.003 55 Saflfron •J, :i09 20 Salt $21,000 00 21,0(10 00 851 00 851 OO Total 13, 873 37 52, 686 95 235,351 58 21,000 00 3-.'2,911 90 7 FREDK. H. SCHEUCn, Consul. 150 CONTINENT OF EUROPE. CADIZ AND AGENCIES. (Ageucies: Algeciras, Hiielva, Jeres de la Frontera, Sau Luca de Barrameda, aud Seville.) CADIZ. Quartei- ending March 31, 1883. Wines $189, .504 24 Cork aud corkwood 93,691 92 Olives 11,816 00 Sundries 11,231 29 Iron ore 10, 563 26 C upreous suli)liar ore 9, 480 20 Salt 8,059 35 Olive oil 4, 148 00 Licorice paste 3, 048 34 Total 841, 542 60 Quarter ending June 30, 1883. Wines $SSS, 556 71 Salt 17,272 72 Cork and cork wood 37,466 97 Olives 8,457 14 Licorice paste 10, 889 42 Sundries; 13,711 78 Total 476,354 74 ERNEST L. OPPENHEIM, Cotisul. CORKUNNA AND AGENCIES. (No returns.) DENIA. (No returns.) GARRUCHA. (No returns.) MADRID. (No returns.) MALAGA AND AGENCIES. (Agencies: Adra, Almeria, Granada, and Port ofMarbella.) MALAGA. Quarter ending March 31, 1883. Raisins $202,347 37 Palniit-af hats 21, 938 69 Almonds ] 9, 21 43 Wine 6,323 04 Licorice root 5,090 90 Ergot 2,489 70 Oiivooil.... 1, 350 38 Orange peel 1,033 57 Sundries 763 99 Colocj nth 526 89 Raisin papers 243 76 Brandy 135 10 Total 261 45ii 82 DECLARED EXPORTS FOR THE I/NITED STATES. 151 (Quarter ending June 150, 1883. RaiHiiis r>9,l-^ :51 Licoiict^ ])ii.ste 13, 4r>4 10 Paliiilijaf hats U, 3IW 88 Wine H, 20") 30 Almonds 2,040 14 Oran<;e peel !>!'> 04 Siuxlries •'JOf) 72 Models 2|1 33 Earthenware 75 72 Total ,577 72 Iron ore 7, 755 57 Salt i^, 730 70 Wax 7,710 99 Cottee 5, 800 99 Gnm copal 5,045 41 Wine :Wl 90 Crude rubber 308 71 Total 259, 301 50 (Quarter ending June 30, lsb3. Corkwood ^197, 9r,'> 35 Elephant's tusks - 1, 30."< 57 Wine 084 03 Total 200,129 96 JOUN M. FRANCIS, Consul-Ointnil. 152 CONTINENT OF EUROPE. THE AZOEES. Quarter ending March 31, 1883. Straw Vraid and hats $3,144 98 Old metal 431 75 Fruit (oranges) 288 06 Embroideries 241 08 Miscellaneous 87 49 Wine 62 24 Total 4,255 60 Quarter ending June 30, 1883. Straw hats and braid $2,506 11 Old metal 513 25 Embroideries 443 32 .Total 3,462 68 S. W. DABNEY, Consul. ITALY. BRINDISI. (No return.) CASTELAMARE. Quarter ending March 31, 1883. Green fruit $70,305 79 Macaroni 12, 446 31 Wine 967 00 Oliveoil 295 69 Total 84.014 79 Qvarter ending June 30, 1883. , Green fruit $51,824 71 Macaroni 13, 585 73 Wine 804 80 Cheese , 246 00 Total 66,461 24 A. M. WOOD, Commercial Agent. FLORENCE AND AGENCY. (Agency : Cagliari.) FLORENCE. Quarter ending March 31, 1883. Straw goods $493, 595 19 Pictures 6,097 77 statuary 14,929 95 Alabaster works 432 00 Mosaics 762 50 Wine 298 31 Borax 1,326 83 Cliina and majolica 215 95 Soap ■ 3,239 05 Skins 662 12 Furniture 3, 892 20 Total 525,451 87 DECLARED EXPORTS FOR THE UNITED STATES. 153 Quarter ending June'dO, 1883. Straw goods §258, 2G4 91 Pictures 5:?, 523 72 Marbln statuary ;{?, .523 45 Alabastor works 1, IWl 11 Mosaics S, 144 7y Furniture and antiquities 7, l:J5 27 China and earthou ware 1, 'J4'J G2 Borax 1 _ 3()(] 78 Olive soap ><52 40 Miscellaneous 1, 132 (i2 Total 371,214 G7 WM. L. WELSH, Consul. CAGLIARI AGENCY. Quarter ending March 31, 1883. Marine salt $1,503 40 , Quarter ending June 30, 1883. Marine salt §14,464 68 Unwashed wool 13, 563 45 • Total 28,028 13 ALPHONSE DOL, Consular Agent. GENOA AND AGENCY. (Agency: Spezia.) GENOA. Quarter ending March 31, 1883. Cheese §7, 102 38 Chestnut extract "l,;>49 71 Citron, candied 2, 847 19 Filigree 4,037 01 Fruit, dried 173 70 Herbs, medicinal ( Hepatica nobili«) 1 , 752 60 Macaroni 11,904 »2 Marble work 201 22 Milk, condensed 4,637 03 Molds, copper, for macaroni 45 80 Oakum 4,095 71 Oil, olive 2,830 53 Oil, sesame 2, 923 32 Paper 1.2«»7 62 Rags 4,476 47 Rice 2, 3.7 54 Roots, rice 5, 480 30 Roots, gentian 8(i0 88 Sa usage of Bologna 905 63 Slate 363 80 Soap 808 00 Velvet :« 60 Water, mineral 133 00 Werranth 466 :«} Wine, all kinds 6, 427 77 Miscellaneous )"^(i 11 Total 68,592 10 J. F. IIAZELTJX, Consul. 154 CONTINENT OF EUROPE. Quarter ending June 30, 1883. Barrels, empty petroleum $1, 400 00 Cheese '. ' 3,r)r'4 39 Citron, candied 6,041 02 Filigree 1,660 13 Furn iture 332 r)0 Macaroni 4, 260 60 Mushrooms, truffles, pease, and tomato sauce 569 00 Mohis, copper, for macaroni 462 dO Oil, olive 6,432 00 Pictures, oleographic 667 50 Eags 4,910 00 Eice 1,219 00 Eoots, rice 4,323 00 Eoots, briar, gentian, and medicinal 300 00 Salt 1,156 00 Sausage of Bologna 934 00 Shell work , 325 00 Soap, common , 231 50 Stubl.le , 1,203 00 Talc, powdei-ed, white stone 2,369 50 Tamarind, extract 300 00 Tunny in oil 242 00 Umbrellas, silk ! 285 00 Vermouth 785 00 Wines, all kinds ^. 5,525 00 Miscellaneous *. 1,771 00 Total 51,228 14 A, P. FRANCIA, Vice- Consul. LEGHORN AND AGENCIES. (Agencies: Bologna and Carrara.) LEGHORN. Quartet' ending March 31, 1883. Alabaster works $4,211 67 Argols 18, 020 17 Briar wood 2, 361 17 Boracic acid 40, 213 66 Bees- wax 1,548 55 Buttons (corozo nut) 1,210 32 Candied citrons 54,582 65 Cheese 741 73 Coral (nianufacturcd) 550 39 Fine arts 289 50 Gen tiau root 30() 30 Hemp 1,322 24 Iron ore 15, 390 21 JiiiiijK'r berries 1,874 19 Marl)lc, in lilocks 103,370 82 M;, worked 6,538 18 Marble, statuary 8,332 18 Olivi; oil 28,209 91 Orris root 1,470 32 Pumice-stone 4, 757 31 Pnmice-stone bricks 408 45 Rags 47, 3()() 47 Soap 30,472 47 Soaj) stock 1(), 705 42 Sienna earth 4, 7()1 08 Sausag(\s 64 18 Umber earth 492 26 Wine 3,243 V9 MiscellaneoiiH 271 72 Total 399,080 81 DECLARED EXPORTS FOR THE UNITED STATES. 155 Quarter ending June 'M), ItiH'.i. Alabasterwoiks > ?4, 301 87 Ai-fiols 10, 1*75 88 Biiiir wo il 1 , 2t;(i :19 I5()iacic acid 75, (174 01 BecH-wax Hl4 :J5 Buttons (corozo nnt) l.yiO M2 Candied citrons (I'J, Hl)7 ;>7 Chalk 105 «)8 Chet'se 2r>:{ 79 Fine arts MO 40 Furniture l.<;40 50 Hemp (1,079 99 Iron ore 11, 415 95 Juniper berries 4".{9 57 Marl.le, block 70,558 19 Marble, worked 7,441 45 Marble, sawed l,:?:?:i 17 Marble, statuary 14, 942 98 on ve oil ' 28, 108 13 Orris root 1, K57 07 Pumice-stone 7,073 09 Raj^s , ■ 40, (;15 32 Soap 37,759 84 Soap stock 5, 571 76 Sien na ea rth 2, (509 81 Talc 590 69 Umber earth 3, 771 55 Wi u (! 0, 595 09 Miscellaneous 244 34 Total 420, 296 35 CHAS. P. BARNARD, Consul. BOLOGNA AGENCY. Quarter ending March 31, 1883. Hemp 812,8(53 60 Rags 19,303 26 Rice-straw plaitings 14, 079 35 Total 46, 246 21 ZANOTTI ZUIGIZ, Acting Consular Agent. Quarter ending June 30, 1883. Hemp §21,530 84 Medicines. ..^ 313 62 Sausages 568 01 Total 22.412 47 CARLO GARDIXl, Consular Agent. CARRARA AGENCY. Quarter ending June 30, 1HS3. 147 blocks of marble, 15,788 cubic palms §10,5(52 00 371 .slabs of marble, 769 cubic feet 1,450 00 37 cases worked marble 7;5(i 00 30 cases marble statuary 5, 122 00 Mi.scel laneous 8 00 Total 17,872 GO ULISSE BOCCACCI, Consular Agent. 156 CONTINENT OF EUROPE. MESSINA AND AGENCIES. (Agencies: Gioja, Milazzo, and Syracuse.) MESSINA. ^ Quarter ending March 31, 1883. Argols P, 145 00 Almonds 5,295 00 A8j)haltum 1,006 71 Brimstone 204,871 16 Canary seed 18,(581 64 Clieese 2,200 03 Dates 200 00 Essences 63, 403 62 Filberts 7, 1.^0 90 Fruit, lemons and oranges 1, 060,215 15 Lemon juice, concentrated 3, 439 00 Licorice root 5, 575 00 Olive oil 5,617 00 Pistachio kernels 420 00 Sumac 5,138 80 Silk : 4,642 00 Soap stock 1,619 00 Tomato paste 224 06 Wi ne : 996 00 Miscellaneous 530 00 Total 1,394,370 07 GEO. H. OWElN^, Consul. Quarter ending June 30, 1883. Almonds '. $3,471 00 Brimstone 140,589 90 Chees.- .516 10 Essences 69,895 48 Filberts 19,116 78 Fruit (lemons and oranges) 335,698 77 Licorice ])aste 2, .598 50 Olive oil 4,667 85 Sumac 6,363 30 Shoes 400 00 Wine 320 00 Total .583,637 68 LETTERIO PIRRONE, Yvoe-Gonsul. MILAN. Quarter ending March 31, 1883. Aquarella paintings $135 10 Cheese 4,3h3 85 Gloves 43,777 01 Hr)uscliold effects 540 40 Liilu.uiH 2,084 31) Miiiiulactured silk 30,059 49 Medicinal j)reparation8 304 16 Mistrcllaueous 1, 340 76 Quiiiino 3,474 2r> Kawsilk 420,977 23 Statuary 405 30 Straw fi.r bnishcs 1,196 45 Straw braids for hats 1,159 93 Total 509,838 32 DECLARED EXPORTS FOR THE UNITED STATES. 157 (Jttartcr endnnj June 'M, l«ti;{. Afiuiuclla i>aintiiif;n $il, IKJ 50 Cliccso Id-jl 10 GlovcH ;{(}_ «77 55 Li(in8 MiscoUaiU'ous t>. 171 79 Total 544,4:51 83 DUNHAM J. GRAIN, Consul. NAPLES AND AGENCIES. (Agencies: Bari and Rodi.) NAPLES. Quarttr ending March 31, 1883. Argols $67, 486 86 Gloves 54, 004 49 Kaf-s 36,003 88 Fruit 19,485 34 Licovice 13, 724 57 Olive oil 12,431 89 Tartar 4,364 26 Sundries 4, 260 55 Wino 2,184 50 Hninau hair 1,814 71 Macaroui 1,591 46 Olio al solfuro 868 74 Total 218,221 25 Quarter ending June 30, 1883. Argols $50, 347 27 Rags 28, 637 01 Gloves 14, 390 47 Olive oil 4,347 24 Bronzes (works of art) 4, Oi^tS 88 Sundries 3, 74.-< 96 Licorice 3, 424 75 Wine 2,326 65 Garlic 1, 320 36 Soap stock 909 (i5 Macaroui f^83 39 Human hair 500 20 Total 114,906 83 B. O. DUNCAN, Consul. PALERMO AND AGENCIES. (Agencies: Carini, Girgenti, Licata, Marsala, Terranova, and Trajiaui.) PALERMO. Quarter ending March 31, 1883. Brimstone $116,129 00 Canary seed 2.393 00 Cosmetics 1 , 765 00 Filberts 5,699 00 158 CONTINENT OF EUROPE. Fruits 567,957 00 Maiina 1 , 66(i 00 Macaroni 'S,7•2'^ 00 Oil of lemons 5,129 OO Sumac 87,942 00 AVine 1,»99 00 Miscellaneous 2,439 00 Total - 790,741 00 Quarter ending June 30, 1883. Brimstone ^1104, 788 00 Cosmetics 943 00 Fruits 780,865 00 Filberts - 5,605 00 Macaroni 2,853 00 Manna 3,418 00 Sumac 74,516 00 Wine 2,556 00 Miscellaneous 1 , 940 DO Total 977,484 00 S. p. BAYLY, Consul. CARINI AGENCY. Quarter ending June 30, 1883. Fruits $54,428 78 A. BARBARA, Consular Agent. GIRGENTI AGENCY. Quarter ending March 31, 1883. Brimstone .' $5,569 20 Do 12,994 80 Do 10, 006 60 Do 10,939 50 Do 7, 381 40 Do 7, ()66 66 Do 11,072 06 Do - 12,984 80 Total 78,615 02 Quarter ending June 30, 1883. Brimstone $14,205 60 Do 14, 169 62 Do 14,265 10 Do 12, 844 94 Do 35,208 00 Total 90,693 26 LEWIS (iRANET, Consular Agent. LICfATA AGENCY. Quarter ending Murclt 31, 1883. Brimstone $70,399 87 Quarter ending June '.W, 1883. Brimstone; $38,247 12 MICHAEL VERDERAME, Consular Aqent. DECLARED EXPORTS FOR THE UNITED STATES. 159 MARSALA ACiENCY. Quarter endi It;/ March '.W, 1883. Winc8 $2, 041 04 (Juarlir induxj June ','0, 1883. Wiii«N §8, ():?9 r,o Olive oil -jOC ^,^, Total H, 24(5 O.'i GEO. KAY SOX, Consiihir At/mt. TRAPANI AGENCY. Quarter iiuUur/ .]fitrcli 31, 1883. Salt §22,954 30 Quarter ending June '.10, 1883. Salt §27,370 29 LEONARDO MAHIIOXE, Consular Agent. ROME AND AGENCIES. (Agencies : Ancoua and Civita Veccliia.) ROME. Quarter ending March 31, 1883. Books and engravings 8U7G 47 Bronzes 2, 076 26 Fnrnit lue and tVauies (il6 16 Majolioii ware and potteries 273 29 Marble, wrought 1,910 12 Marl)le, statnary 4, 142 36 Mosaics 4(19 74 Paintings, oil and water color 2, 998 48 Sienna earth 66 20 Tapi'stries and stuti's 332 95 Wine 405 30 Miscellaneous 39 57 Total 14,446 90 Quarter ending June 30, 1883. Books, photographs, and engravings §1,014 79 Bronzes 3,788 40 Fill nit nre and frames ^ I, 364 12 Majolica ware, porcelain, and potteries 3, 045 ;i5 Marble, wronght 2, 224 52 Marliie statuary 16,779 81 Mosaics '. 799 02 Paintings, oil and water color 20, :}.~5 82 Plaster casts 4 1 1 67 Sienna earth <)37 48 Tapestries, rugs, stuft's, andsacred vestments 2, 21 1 39 Wine 2, 275 28 Miscellaneous 7.'j8 49 Total 55, 69(5 14 LEWIS KICILMOXl), ConsulGeneral. 160 CONTINENT OF EUROPE. ANCONA AGENCY. Quarter ending March 31, 1883. Asphaltum $1,980 00 TUEIN. Quarter ending March 31, 1883. Raw silk 128,800 28 Rice-straw plats 23, 495 80 Vermouth 15, 302 24 Gun stocks 140 79 Canned goods 50 75 Total 67,789 86 Quarter ending June 30, 1883. Vermouth $17,018 95 Rawsilk 12,296 10 Rice-straw plats 2, 907 54 Oil paintinjis 501 *80 Lucifer wax matches 270 20 Orgau-piano 84 92 Gunstocks ; 23 16 Total 33, 102 67 LOUIS DE FERNEX, Vice- Consul. VENICE. Quarter ending March 31, 1883. Glassware and beads $3, 018 00 Carved wood and furniture 1, 089 00 Paintings 2,890 00 Straw, manufactured 9,764 00 Hemp 10, 739 00 Bronzes 639 00 Photographs 145 00 Statuary 230 00 Miscelhineous 273 00 Total 28,877 00 Quarter ending June 30, 1883. Glassware and beads $3,386 00 Carved wood and furniture 4, 678 00 Paintings , 3, 070 00 Straw goods... 5,134 00 Hemp 10,484 00 Bronzes : 401 00 Instrinuents 160 00 Photographs 65 00 Jetgoiids 922 00 Miscellaneous 505 00 Total 28, 805 00 Mc WALTER B. NO YES, Consul. ITIALTA. (No returns.) DECLARED EXPORTS FOR THE UNITED STATES. Kil CONSULAR DISTRICTS AND AGENCIES. Quarter endiutj March M, 1883. Articles. Budapesth. Prague. Trieste. Vienna. $3, 973 94 1, 327 37 ToUl. Amber, ci-ude $3, 973 94 1,327 37 12,091 27 10. 308 94 1, 170 .56 358, 087 78 28. 160 97 21t, :iKl 70 :w l(i7 73 A It, works of 15od feathers $39 48 .$12,651 79 10. 368 94 1, 170 56 19, 388 82 7,615 68 1, 979 95 2, 266 50 1, 727 10 ... Biittoii.i 338, 698 96 20,418 85 6, 20;i 49 35,901 23 54. 506 01 1.5,292 33 11, 022 92 713 15 15, 982 47 126 44 187 90 $2i,6io 36 Fancy fjooils ami jowolry Fans r>«, 233 71 750, 204 86 11,022 92 208,510 44 24, flOX 91 70, (172 01 5, 42.-. 51 2. 907 20 18,748 78 78, 600 99 ]o 559 g5 127, 127 32 613, W5 21 Furniture 267, 797 29 8, 626 44 Gum 76, 672 01 5, 041 37 2, 907 20 384 14 Hops 18, 748 78 13, 902 00 4, 847 43 59,911 .56 9.274 24 142, 920 17 202 70 Lentils and beans 3,285 41 14"' 9''0 17 282 43 18, 858 35 485 13 22, 028 20 17 586 36 Mineral water 3, 169 85 17, 586 36 9, 806 93 " 6,' 698' 70 294 05 10 100 98 583 51 12, 168 34 12, 751 85 6, 698 70 53 077 ''9 Ozokerite 53, 677 29 23, .554 01 6, 212 74 284 74 ''84 74 Shawls 5, 760 52 29.440 20 25, 381 99 5 700 52 Silks and velvets 5,540 88 34,981 08 25 381 99 2, 654 86 2 054 86 Tartar, crude 54, 628 25 124 75 54 0''8 "JS Tobacco 1, 193 00 \317 75 2, 274 48 o '>74 4g Umbrella fixtures - - -- - -- 2, 332 69 3, 155 44 6,535 64 2 'Xil 69 2,371 86 310 39 '7.896 16 19, 079 16 5 837 69 7 890 16 Miscellaneous 5,994 16 31 008 96 Total l.'JS. 147 44 198,045 02 387, 526 89 513, 575 90 840, 847 17 (525, 327 00 884, 398 34 802, 0.J8 30 2, 265 919 80 2, 139, 006 28 215, .520 17 82. 340 04 126 913 52 44, 897 58 126, 049 07 JAMES KILEY WEAVER, Consul- a eneral. Quarter ending June 30, 18H3. Articles. Bndapesth. Prague. Trieste. Vienna. Total. $8,259 06 4, 579 48 $8. 259 06 4. .->70 48 $20,601 70 11, 264 31 221 85 18,201 42 8,541 95 5, .550 32 5. 091 67 709 80 "i," 432 08 353,450 58 3, 734 45 20, 0(11 70 Beer \\.\HA 31 221 1^5 207, 4.56 73 43, 696 75 17,678 .58 57, 79H 78 10. 050 56 225.658 15 .52,2.38 70 Drugs and chemicals Fancy goods and jewelry '""i787'96 $17,924 87 41.1.'i;j 77 o:i, twi 41 10, 700 42 17, 340 60 91, 709 35 lOit, 049 95 12, 629 07 5,682 35 3. 504 51 14.061 15 Zh9 132 93 79 55 7,318 .51 41.963 73 41.9tVi 73 Hair, human i 7, 920 70 7, 920 70 62 A— D E- -11 162 CONTINENT OF EUKOPE. Quarter ending June 30, 1883 — Contimied. Articles. Budapesth. Prague. $19,930 69 '$29,"849'63'j'"'7,'923'20' ... !!.!."!.".'' "i.ogi'es 58, 076 57 Insect powder Iron and steel manufactures Leather and skln.s Linen and cotton goods Mineral water Meerschaum, crude Musical instiuments Oils Ozokerite Petroleum barreLs, empty Porcelain and pottery Sardines Seeds Shawls Silks and velvet Smokers' articles Sponges ' j Tartar, crude , ' Tobacco ! Toys ! ! 10,730 90 441 14 2,404 55 Trieste. $16, 205 14 442"82' Vienna. $4, 259 82 32, 368 81 111, 876 62 291 60 1, 555 20 '31,' 787' 75 "''n 14, 727 87 12,747 14 6, 046 59 12,617 96' 6, 801 96 Wine. .*. ! 14,049 20 Wool Miscellaneous 4, 557 44 68, 784 33 36, 983 02 877 49 30,095 97 2, 508 98 2, 686 67 '"'2,' 677' 89' 11, 180 83 7,591 71 Total. $16, 205 14 4, -259 82 52, 742 32 111, 876 62 37, 772 83 14, 727 87 13, 838 77 1. 555 20 6, 046 59 31, 787 75 70, 094 53 3, 720 71 291 60 4, 557 44 75, 586 29 36, 983 02 877 49 30, 095 97 2, 508 98 10, 730 90 17, 177 01 11, 180 83 12, 674 15 Total Total same quarter, 1882 ... 62,398 54 ... 115,312 62 544, 124 53 554, 098 51 227, 468 58 449, 001 56 711,757 00 906, 983 82 1, 545, 748 63 2, 025, 456 51 ... 52, 914 08 9, 973 98 221, 592 98 195, 226 82 479,707 86 Vienna, July 16, 1883. WILLIAM HERZ, Vice Consul- General. TURKEY. CONSTANTINOPLE AND AGENCIES. (Agencies: Adriauo]3le, Dardauelles, Philoppopolis, Riistcbuck, Salouica, and Trebi- zoiide.) CONSTANTINOPLE. QiKtrter ending March M, I88."i. Attar of roses §14, 740 75 Tiirkisli embroideries and bazaar articles 9,557 78 Carpets and vugs 6, 186 .52 Wool (bed and carpet) 4,489 51 Silk :i, 959 51 Gum tra<;acantli 3, 571 68 Rags y, 071 :{6 Beans (Danube) 1, 8-29 65 Tobacco (leaf) 1,70:5 05 Scaminony 1, :{65 86 Goat-skins 374 37 Total 49,806 04 Quarter ending June 30, 1883. Enibroi(bries and Tiirkisli l»azaar articles $'22, 867 87 Rugs and carpets 17, 962 60 Attar of ros.-H 10, .546 99 Tobacco and cigarettes 6, (578 03 Gum tragacaiitb 2,961 20 Wool (goat's aud carpet) 1,(I0() 78 Walnut wood 932 98 Oil of gerauiuui 529 23 Sundries .5,129 08 Total 68,614 76 G. H. HEAP, Consul General. DECLARED EXPORTS FOR THE UNITED STATES, 163 GREECE. PATRAS AND AGENCIES. (Agencies: Cephalonia, Corfu, Piraeus, Syra, and Zaute.) PATRAS. Quarter ending March 31, 1883. Cumiuts §236,895 77 Quarter ending June 30, 1883. Currants .S'>2, 31.5 05 E. HANCOCK, C07ViUl. ZANTE AGENCY. Quarter ending March 31, 1883. CinrantH §41,395 62 ED. D. BAKFF, Avt'uuj Consular Agent. ROUinAMIA. (No rL'tunis.) POLYNESIA.. HAWAIIAN ISLANDS. HONOLULU AND AGENCIES. (Agencies: Hilo, Kabului, and Mahukona.) HONOLULU. Quarter ending March 31, 1883. Sugar §1,806, 3.t5 39 Rice 119,811 98 Hidonand tallow 21,2f.9 11 Wliale oil _ I-J.C-IO 00 IJaiianas -. s, 78H 79 Returned goods 7, 211 80 Molasses 5,550 38 Opium 5, 178 18 Colleo • 1 . 216 81 Copra 293 94 Tobacco 273 50 Total 1. 988, 589 88 Quarter ending ,func 30, 1883. Sugar §2, .')C)2, 852 68 Rice 171, 2;n 60 Hides 2f., 197 89 Wool 12, 194 50 I5auanas U', 932 80 Molasses 7,l>i>5 64 Oil 4, IKO 00 Coffee .... 813 26 Copra 744 05 Awa root 200 00 Miscellaneous 10,182 10 Total 2, .>-07, 806 52 ]). A. Mckinley, Consul. 184 CONTINENT OF EUROPE. KAHULUI AGENCY. Qxiarter eruUng May-ch 31, 1883, Sugars $171,559 65 Hides 3, 113 88 Tallow 238 54 Total 174,912 07 Quarter ending June 30, 1883. Sugar r.":r..r:'V.:. !?526,249 oo Hides 1,945 22 Tallow 112 00 Guava jelly 133 87 Total 528,440 09 A. F. HOPKE, Consular Agent. SOCIETY ISI^ANDS. TAHITI. Quarter ending March 31, 1883. Cottou, giuued, 73,229 kilograms $32, 953 05 Fungus, 10,448 kilograms 1,924 50 Mother of pearl shell, 25,647 kilograms 11,413 90 Tortoise shell, 51 kilograms 103 00 Vauilla beans, 153 kilograms 459 00 Desiccated cocoanut, 1,342 kilograms 136 67 Old metal, 98 kilograms 14 70 Old iron, 180 kilograms 4 00 Lime juice, 2,.'>97 gallons 515 80 Salted hides, 132 330 00 Goat skins, 121 60 50 Ship's knees, 1,642 4,302 04 Cocoanuts, 141.000 2,736 00 Oranges, 750,000 ...• 3,375 00 Total value 58,328 16 Quarter ending June 30, 1883. Cotton : G inned, 111,507 kilograms $49, 473 19 Seed, 18,000 kilograms 144 00 Mother of ])earl KJiell, 3rt,010 kilograms 17,018 95 Fungus, 4,249 kilograms 888 63 Soap stociv, -JO.OOO kilograms 100 00 Vanilla beans, 241 kilograms 819 50 Desiccated cocoanut 855 kilograms 82 82 Old mclal, 70 kilograms 11 10 Lime juice, H,->(i3 gallons 1 , 652 60 Ifuni," 15 gallons 20 00 Oranges, 1,156,000 -.. 5,467 .50 Cocoanuts, 190,:iOO 3,644 40 Tamanu logs, • llSlSi^l'^L^'Q'^^LLIBRARy FACILITY AA 001013 765 1 1 ,< 1