jXstor ?[cnox anh xTilhcn JFounbattons LIBRARY SCHOOL CLASS BOOK A 44^ imm^rcs^:^::^r^—~. '^ : - ' ~ — '^k'Z'^ Keep this book clean Do not turn down the leaves If injured, a fine will be required 'library ^ V UNIVERSITY OP CALIFORNIA SAN OICSO CATALOGUE 7EUBEN Hoar Library, /^/iileiih<^ Aftai=>'S. LITTLETON, MASSACHUSETTS. 1889. SUBJECT AND AUTHOR LISTS. ROSTON : Library Bureau. LAKEVIEW press: LAKKVIEW PRINTING COMPANY, SOUTH FRAMINGHAM, MASS. NEW YORK Public UBRAfli^ Circulation DCPARTMCNr TRAINING CLASS TRUSTEES. 1889. Hon. Geo. W. Sanderson, President. Miss H. P. Dodge, Secretary. Herbert J. Harwood, Treasurer. Rev. Wm. I. Nichols. Rev. W. J. Cloues. Rev. J. C. Staples. John W. Adams. LIBRARIAN. Miss Sarah F. White. \a Si 4 INTRODUCTORY. The Reuben Hoar Library, a gift to the citizens of Littleton by one who has preferred to be considered an unknown donor, was opened to the public in August, 1887. The number of books then ready for delivery was about 2,200; a number since increased to a little over 4,000 volumes. Of the original gift of $10,000, one half, by the terms of the bequest, forms a permanent fund to provide for future additions. The plan of classification adopted for the Library is that known as the Dewey, or " Decimal," System, devised by Professor Melvil Dewey, now secretary of the American Library Association and of the University of the State of New York. The decimals, which are an invaluable feature of the system where extended or minute classification is desired, have been used in comparatively few cases; mainly in the departments of History, Travel, and Biography. By use of a table ingeniously arranged by Mr. C. A. Cutter, of the Boston Athenaeum, the books of the different classes are placed upon the shelves in alphabetic order of author. It has not been considered practicable to print the system of classification in full, but the main classes and divisions have been given, and in the sub- ject index following them will be found a more complete guide to the books. Inquiry should be made at the desk for any book wanted, but not found in the catalogue. Any one preferring to do so may write the name of the book desired instead of its class and author number. PROPERTY OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK RULES AND REGULATIONS. Adopted by the Trustees. The Library shall be open on Wednesday from 2 to 5 P. M., and on Saturday from 2 to 5 and 7 to 9 P. M., except when the above days occur on legal holidays. 1. Any permanent resident of the town over twelve years of age, may take from the Library one book at a time, after signing a promise that he or she will observe all rules and regulations of the Library, provided no book shall be delivered to a minor until the parent, guardian, or other responsible resident shall have become surety for said minor. 2. Persons temporarily residing in town may enjoy the privilege of the Library on the same condition as residents, provided that, in taking books, they furnish a satisfactory guarantee, or deposit with the librarian the value of the book taken. 3. Every person entitled to borrow books from the Library shall receive a card bearing his name. This card must always be presented on taking out a book for home use, and also on returning or renewing a book. Each card holder will be held responsible for any book drawn by means of his card. 4. Application for books is to be made on printed slips provided by the Library. The name and address of the applicant copied from his card must be written on these slips, and both card and slip must be handed to the librarian. 5. Books can be kept three weeks unless otherwise marked. Any new book that is likely to be in great demand, may be marked to be retained one or two weeks only, and shall not be renewed or retaken by any member of the same family until it has been upon the shelves of the library at least one ibrary day. The fine for keeping a book over time shall be five cents for every library day. When a book is one week over due, notice of delin- quency shall be given by postal card, and after another week of detention it shall be sent for at the expense of the delinquent. 6. Injuries to books beyond reasonable wear, and all losses, shall be made good to the Library to the satisfaction of the trustees, by the person liable ; and no books shall be loaned to any person who has fines or penal- ties remaining unsettled. RULES AND REGULATIONS. 7. Special attention is called to the following law of the Commonwealth : — " Whoever wilfully and maliciously, or wantonly and without cause, writes upon, injures, defaces, tears or destroys any book, plate, picture, engraving or any statue, belonging to any law, town, city, or other public library, shall be punished by a fine of not less than five dollars, nor more than fifty dol- ars, or by imprisonment in the jail not exceeding six months for every such offence. — Approved Feb. 26, 1872." It must be borne in mind that the turning down of leaves, and the writing upon books, even for corrections of the press, is forbidden. Books lost or damaged must be replaced by the borrower. 8. A book is not to be lent out of the household of the person on whose card it is taken. 9. Reference books, marked " R " in the catalogue, cannot be taken from the Library . . . except by permission of two of the trustees. 10. Persons may receive books for consultation in the reading-room by making written application on the " Hall slips," furnished at the desk. Any one neglecting to return such books shall forfeit this privilege. 11. The librarian is required to exercise discretion in regard to the use of all books, especially in the case of minors, and in regard to books of great value or rarity, and may also, at discretion, refuse to change a book the same day on which it is taken out. 12. Only one book can be taken at a time, unless the work is in more than one volume, in which case two may be taken. 13. For teachers in public schools cards shall be issued on which three books at a time may be taken. Pupils' cards shall be issued, one for each teacher, on which six books at a time may be taken. These books shall be upon subjects connected with the studies of the school. Teachers shall be responsible for all books so taken, and shall return any such book immediately upon the written notification of the librarian. 14. All the books shall be returned for an annual examination at such time as the trustees may appoint. 15. Neither books, papers, nor magazines, belonging to the reading-room tables, can be taken from the Library. 16. No person except the librarian, assistant, or a trustee, shall enter an alcove or take any book from the shelves without special permission. 17. All persons visiting the Library will be required to conduct them- selves quietly, and to avoid loud and disturbing conversation. The use ol tobacco in any form is strictly prohibited in the portion of the building assigned to the Library. Any one abusing the privileges of the Library by improper conduct will be denied admission. CLASSES. 0. GENERAL WORKS. 1. PHILOSOPHY. 2. RELIGION. 3. SOCIOLOGY. 4. PHILOLOGY.* 5. NATURAL SCIENCE. 6. USEFUL ARTS. 7. FINE ARTS. 8. LITERATURE. 9. HISTORY. DIVISIONS. 000 General Works. 010 Bibliography. 020 Library Economy. 030 General Cyclopaedias. 040 General Collections. 050 General Periodicals. 060 General Societies. 070 Newspapers. 080 Special Libraries. Tolygra- 090 Book Rarities. [phy. 100 Philosophy. 110 Metaphysics. 120 Special Metaphysical Topics. 130 Mind and Body. 140 Philosophical Systems. 150 Mental Faculties. Psychol- 160 Logic. [ogy. 170 Ethics. 180 Ancient Philosophers. IfiO Modern Philosophers. 200 Religion. 210 Natural Theology. 220 Bible. 230 Doctrinal Theol. Dogmatics. 240 Devotional and Practical. 250 Homiletic. Pastoral. Paro- chial. 260 Church. Institutions. Work. 270 Religious History. 280 Christian Churches and Sects. 290 Non-Christian Religions. 300 Sociology. 310 Statistics. 320 Political Science. 330 Political Economy. 340 Law. 350 Administration. 360 Associations. Institutions. 370 Education. 380 Commerce. Communication. 390 Customs. Costumes. Folk- 400 Philology. [Lore. 410 Comparative. 420 English. 430 German. 440 French. 4.^0 Italian. 460 Spanish. 470 Latin. 4.S0 Greek. 490 Minor Languages 500 510 520 630 540 550 560 570 580 590 600 610 620 630 640 650 660 670 680 690 700 710 720 730 740 750 760 770 780 790 800 810 820 830 840 850 S60 870 880 890 900 910 920 930 940 950 960 970 980 990 Natural Science. Mathematics. Astronomy. Physics. Chemistry. Geology. Paleontology. Biology. Botany. Zoology. Useful Arts. Medicine. Engineering. Agriculture. Domestic Economy. Communication and Com- merce. Chemical Technology. Manufactures. Mechanic Trades. Building. Fine Arts. Landscape Gardening. Architecture. Sculpture. Drawing. Design. Decora- Painting, [tion. Engraving. Photography. Music. Amusements. Literature. American English. German. French. Italian. Spanish. Latin. Greek. Minor Languages. History. Geography and Description. Biography. Ancient History. f Europe. Asia. E I Africa. -{ North America. South America. Oceanica and Polar Re- gions. SUBJECT INDEX. Abbeys, history 942 Aborigines of America . . . 970 Acadie, Nova Scotia, travel . . 917.1 Accidents, medicine .... 617 Acts and resolves American statutes .... 345 English statutes .... .34fi Acute diseases 61 (J Adjutant General's reports . . 3.5.5 Adventures, travels, etc. . . . 910 Esthetics 701 Africa, travel . . . 916, 916.1, etc. Agriculture 6.30 Alaska, history 979 travel 917.9 Allegories 244 Almanacs 529 statistical 310 Alps, travel 914.94 America, discovery 973.1 history 970 Central, history 972.8 travel 917.28 North, history 970 travel 917 South, travel 918 Americanisms 427 Amusements 790 Artists, biography {>27.5 Astronomy 520, 523 Atheism, natural theology . , . 211 Athenian empire 938 Athletic sports 796 Atlases, geographical .... 912 historical 911 Australasia, travel 919.3 Australia, history 994 Azores, travel 914.6 Ballot 324 Banking 332 Bartholomew, St., persecution . 272 Bee keeping 638 Bees, insects 595 Beet-sugar, manufacture . . . 664 Behavior 177 Belles-lettres 800 Bermudas, travel 917.29 Bible 220 Bibliography 010 Bicycling 796 Biography 920-927.8 Am. Indians 970.2 Biology 570 Birds, zoology 598.2 Blacksmithing 682 Blights, agriculture 632 Blue books 328 Blue laws 345 Board of health 614 Body and mind 130 Books, choice of 028 Boston, Mass., history .... 974.4 travel 917.44 Botany 580 Bourbons, French history . . 944.03 British America, history . . . 971 travel 917.1 Business, ethics 174 methods 658 Butterflies 595 SUBJECT INDEX. California, history 979 travel 917.9 Cape Cod, history 974.4 Capital and labor 331 Catalogues, dictionary .... 019 subject 017 Cattle 636.2 veterinary medicine . . . 619 Caves, geology 551 Celibacy, sacerdotal 254 Census 310 Character, ethics 170 Charitable associations . . . 361 Chemistry 540 agricultural 631 Children, care of 649 education of 372 China, travel 915.1 Chinese immigration .... 325 religion 299 Chivalry, age of 940 Cholera, epidemic 614 Christ, Christology 232 Christian church 261-289 doctrines 230 history 270 Christianity, evidences .... 239 history 270-289 Church, institutions and work . 260 Churches, various Christian . . 280 Civil government, political science 320 Civil service reform 351 Civil war, U. S. history . . . 973.7 Civilization, history of ... . 901 Classics, Greek literature . . . 880 Latin literature 870 Climate 551 Coast survey 526 Coats of arms, heraldry . , . 929.8 Colleges and universities . . . 378 Collectors' manuals, biology . . 579 Color, optics ....... 535 painting 752 Commentaries, Bible .... 220 law 347 Commerce, sociology .... 380 Communication, sociology . . 880 useful arts 650 Compends, see subject Composition, rhetoric .... 808 Concordance, Bible 220 Confederation, Am. colonies . . 973.8 Congo, travel 916.7 Congregational church .... 285 Congressional debates .... 328 directories 328 Conscience, ethics 171 Conservatories, plants .... 716 Constantinople, travel . . . 914.96 Constitution, English law . . . 342 U. S. history 973.4 U. S. law 342 Consular reports 382 Conversation, errors of ... 428 ethics of 177 Cookery 641 Cooperation, political economy . 334 Correspondence, Am. literature . 816 Eng. literature 826 Cosmology 113 Courtesy, ethics 177 Cows, dairy 637 Crests, heraldry 929.8 Creation, evolution 575 Criminal trials 343 Criticism, literary 801 Crusades 940 Cyclopaedias, general .... 030 special, see subject. . . . Dairy 637 Dates, chronology 902 Debates, parliamentary . . . 328 Declamation, rhetoric .... 808.5 Deism, natural theology . . . 211 Delusions 133 Democracy, in America . . . 342 Demonology 133 Denominations, Christian . . 280-289 Dentistry 617 Derivation of words 422 Descent of man, biology . . . 575 SUBJECT INDEX. XI Description and travels . . . Devout miscellany Dialogues, entertainments . . Dictionaries, English language . Dispensatory, U. S Doctrines, theology Dogmatics Dogs, domestic animals . . . Domestic animals economy Domestic relations, political economy Drainage, agriculture . . . . house Drama, Eng. literature . . . . Germ, literature . . . . Drawing Drugs intoxicating, ethics . . . Duties, moral 17' Dwelling houses, architecture plans for Ear, diseases Earth, physical geography Earthquakes Economy, domestic .... library political Edinburgh, Scotland, travel . Education, general .... Educational institutions . . reports, public .... Egypt, ancient history . . . religions of ancient travel Electricity Elephants, mammals . . . Elocution Embroidery Emigration, political science . Encyclopaedias, general . . special, see subject. . . Engineering Engines England, history travel 910 244 793 423 613 230 230 636.7 636 640 323 631 628 822 832 740 615 178 0-179 728 692 616 551 551 640 020 330 914.1 370 378 379 932 299 916.2 537 599 808.5 746 325 030 620 621 942 914.2 English language literature Engraving, wood Ensilage, agriculture . . . . Entomology, zoology . . . . Epistles, Bible Errors of speech Essays, Am. literature . . . . Eng. literature special, see subject. . . . Eternal punishment Ethics Ethnic religions Ethnology Etiquette, customs ethics Etymologies Europe, history travel Evolution, biology natural theology . . . . Explorations Eye, optics diseases Fairs, agricultural Farming, agriculture . . . . Family, ethics histories political science . . . . Ferns Fiction follows Field sports Fiji islands, travel Finance, political economy Fine arts Fire arms, army Fish culture Fisheries, ownership . . . . Fishes, zoology Fishing, sports Florida, U. S., travel . . . . Flower garden, landscape gardening Folk-lore Food, domestic economy . . . Force, mechanics 420 820 761 633 595 227 428 814 824 237 170 290 572 395 177 422 940 914 575 213 910 535 616 630 630 170 929.2 321 587 891 796 919 336 700 355 639 333.9 597 799 917.5 716 398 643 530 SUBJECT INDEX. Foreign relations 3-27 Forestry G34.0 France, history 944 travel 914.4 Franco-Prussian war . . . 944.08 Free trade 337 French literature 840 French philosophy 194 French revolution .... 944.04 Fruit culture C34 Fungi, botany 589 Fungicides 632 Future life, theology .... 218 l)unishment 237 Games, amusements . . . 790, 793 Gardening, flower 716 kitchen 635 landscape 710 Gems, mineralogy 549 Genealogy 929 Geodesy 526 Geography, descriptive . . . 910 historical 911 physical 551 study of, eU 910 7 Geology 550 German history 943 literature 830 philosophy 193 God, theology 210, 232 Gospels, Bible 220 Government, political science . 320 U. S. and state administra- tions 353 Grains, agriculture 633 Grape culture 034 Grasses, agriculture 033 Great Britain, history .... 942 travel 914.2 Greece, ancient history . . . 938 travel 914.95 Greek classics 880 literature 880 Greenhouses 716 Guide-books, see subject. . . . Gulf states, U. S., history . . . 976 travel 917.6 Habits of animals 591 Hallucinations 1.33 Harvard college 378 Health, hygiene 613 public 614 Heat, physics 536 Heraldry 929 Heresies 273 Highlands, Scotland, history . . 941.1 History QQO ancient 930 constitutional 342 ecclesiastical 270 universal 909 of special topics, see subject. Hog, domestic animals .... 6.30.4 Holland, history 949 travel 914.92 Holy Land, ancient history . . 933 travels 915.6 Homiletics, theology .... 251 Horse, domestic animals . . .6,36.1 . shoeing 682 veterinary medicine . . . 619 Horsemanship 798 Horticulture 716 Hothouses, flower culture . . . 716 Housekeeping 640 Huguenots, persecutions . . . 272 Human race 572 Humor, Am. literature .... 817 Eng. literature 827 Hungary, history 943 Hunting, sport 799 Hygiene 613 mental 131 Hymnology, sacred theology . . 245 Ice age, geology 551 Ichnology 566 Idioms, English language . . . 423 Illusions 133 Immigration 325 Immortality 218,237 India, history 954 travel 915.4 Indiana, U. S., history .... 977 Indians, American 970.1 SUBJECT INDEX. xni Indoor amusements 793 Industrial schools 607 Infantry, army 356 Inquisition, persecutions by . . 272 Insanity, mind and body . . . 132 Insects, zoology 595 injurious to agriculture . . 632 Instinct, animals 591 Intemperance, ethics .... 178 Interior decoration 747 Ireland, history 941.5 travel 914.15 Japan, history 952 travel 915.2 Jesuits 271 Jesus 232 Jews, ancient history .... 933 Joinery, carpentry 694 Journeys round the world . . . 910 Judea, ancient history .... 933 Kansas, U. S., history .... 978 Koran, Alahometanism .... 297 Labor, political economy . . . 331 Landscape gardening .... 710 Language 400 Latin classics 870 Law 340 Legends, folk-lore 398 Legislative bodies and annals . 328 Letters, Am. literature .... 816 Eng. literature 826 Library economy 020 Light, optics 535 Literature 800 Local government 352 Logic 160 Machinery, engineering . . . 621 Magazines, general periodicals . 050 literary 805 special, see subject. . . . Mahometanism 297 Mammalia, zoology 599 Maine 917.41 Man 572 Manners and customs .... for local, see special countries. .Manuals, collectors', biology . . 579 Manufactures 670 Maps 912 Massachusetts, U. S., history . 974.4 travel 917.44 Mastodon 569 Materia medica 615 Materials, building 691 Measures and weights .... .389 Mechanic arts and trades . . . 680 Mechanical engineering . . . 621 Medicine 010 Mediaeval architecture .... 723 art 709 Europe 940 Memoirs, biography 920 Memory 154 Mental derangements .... 132 philosophy 150 physiology 131 Mercantile manuals 658 Metaphysics 110 Meteorology 551 Metrology 389 Mexican war, U. S. history . .973 6 Mexico, history 972 travel 917.2 Michigan, U. S., history . . . 977 Microscope, use of 578 Microscopy 578 Middle ages, European history . 940 Mind 150 and body 130 Mineralogy 549 Mines and mining 622 Missions, home and foreign . . 266 Mohammedanism 297 Monasteries, of the Levant . . 916.2 Money 332 .Moral philosophy 171 Morals 170 Mound builders 571 .Music 780 Musicians' lives 927.8 Mythology 291,292 Names of persons and places . 929.4 SUBJECT INDEX, Navies 359 Navigation, useful arts . , . . 656 Needlework, art 746 Netherlands, history . , . . 949 New England, history .... 974 travel 917.4 New Hampshire, travel . . 917.42 New York, history 974.7 travel 917.47 Newspapers, general . . . , 070 Nineveh, antiquities .... 913 Normans, European history . 942 02 North America, history , . . 970 travel 917 Nova Scotia 917.1 Nullification, law 342 Nursery, domestic economy . . 6i9 Oceana, history 990 Opium, medicine 615 habit, ethics 178 Optics 535 Orations, Am. literature . . . 815 Oratory 808.5 Orchards, agriculture .... 634 Orchids, botany 584 Oregon, history 979 Orthography 421 Ottoman empire 949 Ornithology 598 Pacific states, history .... 979 travel 917.9 Painting, fine arts 750 house, etc 698 Paleontology 560 Palestine, ancient history . . . 933 travel 915. (> Parents, ethics 173 Parliament, England .... 328 Parliamentary law 328 Patents 608 Pathology, medicine .... 616 Periodicals, general 050 on special topics, see subject. Persecutions, theology .... 272 Persia, ancient history .... 935 Peru, history 985 Pests, agriculture 632 Phanerogamia, botany .... 582 Philology 400 Philosophy 100 moral 171 Photography 770 Physical geography 551 Physics 530 Physiology 612 animal 591 mental 131 Planets, astronomy 523 Plants, landscape gardening , . 716 Poetry, American 811 collections 808.1 English 821 German 831 Italian 851 Spanish 861 Political economy ' 330 parties 329 science 320 Polar regions, travel .... 919.8 Pomology 634 Pompeii, description , . , , 913 Portugal, history 946 Poultry 636.5 Precious stones 549 Prehistoric archaeology . , , 571 Prisons 365 Protection, political economy . 337 Pseudonyms 014 Psychology 150 Pteridophyta, botany .... 587 Punic wars, Rom. history . . . 937 Punishment, future 237 Puritans, Mass. history . , . 974.4 Pyrenees, travel 914.4 Quaker laws 345 Quakers, sect 289 Queens, lives of 920.7 Quotations 808.8 Railroads, transportation . , . 385 Reading, books and 028 elementary education . . . 372 Rebellion, southern, U. S. history 973.7 SUBJECT INDEX. Recipe books, cookery .... 641 Reform, civil service .... 351 Reformation, religious history . 270 Religion 200 and science 215 Religions, Non-Christian . . . 290 Reptiles, zoology 598.1 Revolution, Am., history . . . 973.3 Eng., 1688, history . . . 942.00 French, 1789, history . . 944.04 French, 1848, history . . 944.07 Rhetoric 808 Rights, fisheries 333.9 Rome, ancient history .... 937 travel 914.5 Roses, wars of 942.04 Russia, history 947 travel 914.7 St. Bartholomew's day, persecu- tion 272 Sanitary affairs, public health . 614 science 628 Sanskrit literature 891 Satire, Am. literature .... 817 Eng. literature 827 Scandinavia, history 948 Schools, education 370 public 379 Sunday 268 Science and religion 215 mental 150 moral 171 natural 500 study, etc 507 Scotland, history 941 Sects, Christian 280 Self culture 374 Senses 152 Sermons 252 Sex in education 376 Shakspeare, Eng. drama . . . 822 Sheep 636.3 Short-hand (153 Siam, travel 915.9 Siberia, travel 915.7 Silos, agriculture 633 Skin diseases 616 Slang, English language . . . 427 Slavery 326 Smithsonian Institution . . . 506 Social ethics 177 science 300 Socialism 335 Society, ethics 177 Sociology 300 South America, travel .... 918 Southern states, history . . . 975 travel 917.6 Spain, travel 914.6 Spanish language 460 Spartan supremacy 938 Speakers, oratory 808.5 Species, origin of 575 Speeches, Am. oratory .... 815 Sports, out door 796 parlor 793 Statistics 310 Statute law, American .... 345 British, see Commentaries . Steam engine 621 Stenography 653 Storms 551 Suffolk deeds 974.4 Suffrage 324 Sun 523 Sunday schools 268 Surgery 617 Switzerland, history .... 914.94 Synonyms, Eng. language . . . 424 Tariffs ^ ... 337 Taxation 336 Teaching, methods, etc. . . . 371 Teeth, dentistry (>17 Temperance 178 Tennessee, U. S., history . . . 976 Theism 211 Theology 200 natural 210 Thirty years' war,German history 943 Thought, science of 160 Trade, domestic 381 foreign 382 XVI SUBJECT INDF.X. Trades, mechanic 680 Travels, general 910 scientific o08 Treatises, law 347 Trees, botany 582 forestry 634.9 Trial, criminal 343 Troy, ancient history .... 939 Turkey in Asia, travel .... 915. G Europe, history 949 Universities 378 Useful arts 600 Vegetables, agriculture . . . 635 Vison, mental faculty .... 152 optics 535 Voice, elocution 808.5 Volcanoes 551 Voyages, travels 910 scientific 508 Wages, labor and 831 War department, U. S. . . . 353 Wealth, political economy . . 331 Weapons 355 Weather 551 Weights and measures .... 389 Will, metaphysics 159 Window gardening 716 Woman, education 376 customs 396 Woman's position, etc 396 Wood engraving 761 Wool, manufactures 677 Working classes, political econ- omy 331 Yachting 797 Year books, statistics .... 310 Zoology 590 SUBJECT LIST, SUBJECT LIST. 000. GENERAL WORKS. 010. BIBLIOGRAPHY. 014. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF SPECIAL FORMS. CuSHiNG. Initials and pseudonyms. 1886. Initials and pseudonyms. Same. 2d ser. 1888. Frey. Sobriquets and nicknames. 1888. 017. SUBJECT CATALOGUES Bangor (Me.) Public Library. 1886. Buffalo (N.Y.) Library. Finding-lists. 1885-86 Dedham Public Library. 1888. Fitchburg Public Library. 1886. . Harvard University Bulletin. Nos. 40, 41 Littleton. Reuben Hoar Library. 1889. Milwaukee (Wis.) Public Library. 1885. Same. Quarterly index of additions. Nos. 1-12 New York Free Circulating Library. George Bruce Branch Newton Free Library. 1880. Paterson (N.J.) Free Public Library. 1886. Saco (Me.), Dyer Library. 1886. . Sai>ie. Class bulletin. 1888. West Rindge (N.H.) Library. 1886. PSEUDONYMS, ETC. R014.C95 R014.C95 R014.F89 019. DICTIONARY CATALOGUES. Ayer Public Library. 1886. . Belmont Public Library. 1884. Boston Public Library. Catalogue of English prose fiction and books for the young. (Lower Hall.) 1885 Charlestown Branch. 1880. Brockton Public Library. Fiction. 1889. Concord Free Library. 1875. Dover (N.H.) Public Library. 1884. Same. Bulletins. 1886-88. 017.B22 017. 1586 017.D36 018. F55 017.H26 017.R31 017. M64 017. M64 017.N42 017.N48 017. P27 ()17.D98 017.D98 017. W52 019.AY2 019.B41 019.B65 019.B65C 019.B78 019. C74 019. D75 019. D75 19 019 GENERAL WORKS. — DICTIONARY CATALOGUES. Lancaster Town Library. 1887. ..... Massachusetts State Library. Annual supplements 1886-88 Methuen, Nevins Memorial Library. 1887. . Nahant Public Library. 1875 New Bedford Free Public Library. Fiction. 1888. North Easton, Ames Free Library. 2v. 1875. . QuiNCY Public Library. 1878. .... Sudbury, Goodnow Library. 1887. Taunton Public Library. 1878 Same. Supplements. 1881, 1884. Toledo (O.) Public Library. 1886. 019.L22 019.M3S 019.N41 OlQ.Nli 019.N42 019.AM3 019.04 019.G62 019.T19 019.T19 019.T57 020. LIBRARY ECONOMY. Library journal. Jan., 1881-date. v. 6-date. . . . 020.L61 Library notes. Ed. by M. Dewey. Jan., 1886-date. v. 1- date 020.LG11 022. buildings. Harvard Public Library. Proceedings at the dedication. 1887 022.H26 Littleton, Reuben Hoar Library. Proceedings at the ded- ication. 1887. ...... 027. general libraries. Matthews. {Arthur Pemi) Home library. 028. READING AND AIDS. Abbott, ed. *Hints for home reading. 1880. MuzzEY. Books and reading. A lecture. 1857. . Richardson. The choice of books, 1881. . 029. literary METHODS. See 974.4-L73 In V. 3 of 640. A P5 Cutter. Alphabetic-order table. Dewey. Decimal classification, etc. 188."). 028.AB26 028. M 98 028. R40 029. C98 029. D51 030. GENERAL CYCLOPAEDIAS. Hedgeland, cotnp. Epitome of general knowledge. 1829. =lv 031. AMERICAN CYCLOP.KDIAS. 030. H35 American cyclopaedia. Ed. by Ripley and Dana. 1883. 16v ' R031.AM3 Same. Inde.x. By Conant. 1884. . . . R031.AM3 *For young readers. GENERAL WORKS. ENGLISH PERIODICALS. 052 Appleton's annual cyclopaedia. 1876-87. 12v. . . . R031.AP5 Champlin. Young folks' cyclopaedia of common things. 1886. R031.C35C Young folks' cyclopaedia of persons and places. 1881. . R031.C35P Johnson's (rev.) universal cyclopaedia. 1886. 8v. . . . R031.J63 Putnam, comp. The world's progress. 1883. . . . R031.P98 Wheeler, W. and C. Familiar allusions. 1887. . . . R031.W56 032. ENGLISH CYCLOP.EDIAS. Brande a7id Cox, eds. Diet, of science, literature, and art. 1875. 3v R032.B73 Chambers' encyclopaedia. 1884. lOv R032.C35 Encyclop/EDIA Britannica. 9th ed. 1878-87. 22v. . R032.EN1 For cyclopedias on any subject see the subject. 050. GENERAL PERIODICALS. MAGAZINES. Fletcher, ed. Co-operative index to periodicals. [Sup. to Lib. journal.] 1883-86 R050.F63 Poole. Index to periodical literature; brought down to 1882 with the assistance of W. I. Fletcher. 1882. . . R050.P78 and Fletcher. Same. First supplement : 1882-87. 1888 R050.P78 Griswold. O. p. Index annual. 1887. .... R0.50.Q4 051. AMERICAN periodicals. Atlantic monthly. Jan., lS89-date. v. 63-date. . . 051. AT6 Century magazine. [ Formerly " Scribner's."] v. 1-date. . 051. C33 Forum. March, 1886-date. v. 1-date 051. F77 Harper's new monthly magazine. June, 1850-date. v. 1- date 051. H23 Harper's weekly journal. July, 1887-date. v. 31-date. . 051.H23w *Harper's young people. Nov., 1882-85. v. 4-7. . . 051.H23y Littell's living age. July, 1887-date. 5th ser. v. 59-date. 051.L71 Nation. June, 1888-date. v. 46-date. .... 051. N21 tPANSY. V. 10, 11, a«^1.3 051. P19 *St. Nicholas. Nov., 1888-date. v. 16-date. . . . 051. SA2 Scribner's magazine. July, 1887-date. v. 2-date. , . 051.SCR7 fWiDE awake. June, 1886-date. v. 23-date. . . . 051. W63 For magazines on special subjects, see subject. 052. ENGLISH PERIODICALS. Illustrated London news. American ed. Jan., 18S9-date V. 4-date *For young readers. 052. L84 tFor children. 100 PHILOSOPHY IN GENERAL, 100. PHILOSOPHY IN GENERAL. 104. ESSAVS. LECTURES. ADDRESSES. Clifford. Lectures and essays. 1880 104 C61 109. HISTORY OF PHILOSOPHY. ScHWEGLER. History of philosophy in epitome. 1886. . . lOO.SCHO 110. METAPHYSICS. BowNE. Metaphysics: a study in first principles. . . . 110 B68 113. COSMOLOGY, FiSKE. Outlines of cosmic philosophy. 2v 113. F54 130. MIND AND BODY, Bain. Mind and body. 1884 . 130. B16 131, MENTAL PHYSIOLOGY AND HYGIENE. Carpenter. Mental physiology. 1886. . , . . 131. C22 LuYS. The brain and its functions, 1882. (Int. sci. ser.) , 131. L97 TuKE. Influence of the mind upon the body. 1884. . , 131. T81 132. MENTAL DERANGEMENTS. Butler. The curability of insanity. 1887 132.B97 Hammond. Certain conditions of nervous derangement, 1883. 132.H18 Maudsley. Body and mind as related to mental disorders. 1885 132.M44B Responsibility in mental disease. 1884. (Int. sci. ser.) . 132.M44r 133. delusions. WITCHCRAFT. MAGIC. Mackay. Memoirs of extraordinary popular delusions. Scott. Letters on demonology and witchcraft. 1843. , 139. PHRENOLOCiY. MENTAL PHOTOGRAPHY, CoMiiE, The constitution of man considered in relation to external objects. 1857 140. PHILOSOPHICAL SYSTEMS. 142. CRITICAL PHILOSOPHY. Watson. Kant and his English critics; a discussion of the critical philosophy. ....... 150, MENTAL FACULTIES, PSYCHOLOGY. Bain. Mental science. 1884, 22 133.M19 133.SC08 139.C73 142. W33 150.B16 PHILOSOPHY. THEORIES. PHILOSOPHY OF ETHICS. 171 Bascom. Principles of psychology. 1880 Spencer. Principles of psychology. Stewart. Elements of the philosophy of the human mind. 1855 152. sense. SENSE PERCEPTIONS. Bernstein. The five senses of man. 1886. (Int. sci. ser.) . Clarke. Visions : a study of false sight. 1880. . Clifford. Seeing and thinking. 1880. .... 154. memory. Miller. Mental gymnastics; or, lessons on memory. 1887. 159. WILL. FOTHERGILL. *The will power; its range in action. 1887. . 150. B29 192.SP3P 150.ST4: 152.B45 152.C55 152.C61 154.M61 159.F82 160. LOGIC. Everett. Science of thought; a system of logic. 1882. Mill. A system of logic. 1884 160. EV2 160. M60 170. ETHICS. BiERBOWER. *The virtues and their reasons. 1888. Chaney. *Everyday life and everyday morals. 18S5. Cicero. Cicero de officiis. Tr. by Peabody. 1883. Davidson. Talks with young men. 1884. Gladden. Plain thoughts on the art of living. 1868. Gow. *Good morals and gentle manners. Hughes. *True manliness. Comp. by Brown. Lecky. History of European morals. 1886. 2v. . MUNGER. *0n the threshold. 1886. Smiles. *Character. *Duty. 1884 Swing. *Motives of life. 1882 170.B47 170. C36 170. C48 170. D 28 170.G45 170. G74 170. H87 170. L49 170. M92 170.SM4C 170.SM4D 170. SW6 171. THEORIES. PHILOSOPHY OF ETHICS. Bain. Moral science. 1880 Blackie. Four phases of morals Hopkins. The law of love, and love as a law. LoTZE. Outlines of practical philosophy. Tr. and ed. by Ladd Maurice. The conscience. 1883 Peabody. Moral philosophy. 1887 Stephen. The science of ethics. 1882. See a/so K?iuU 193. K13. *For young readers. 23 171.B16 171.B564 171.H77 171. L91 171. .M 44 171.P31 171.ST4 173 PHILOSOPHY. FAMILY ETHICS. 173. FAMILY ETHICS. Jackson. Bits of talk about home matters. Orcutt. Parents' manual. Sherwood. Amenities of home. 1873. 173J13 173.0R1 In V. 2 of 640.AP5 174. professional and business ethics. Thayer. Tact, push, and principle. 1883. 177. social ethics. Art of conversation, [anon.] 1865. ..... Gladden. Applied Christianity : moral aspects of social questions. 1887. ...... Hardy. " Manners makyth man." ..... Hervey. Principles of courtesy Huntington. *Good talking and good manners, fine arts 1887 Maurice. Social morality. 1869 178. temperance, stimulants, narcotics Carpenter. Use and abuse of alcoholic liquors. 18-51. Clark. Temperance reform in Mass., 1813-1833. 1888. Day. The opium habit: with suggestions as to the remedy 1868 " GusTAFSON. The foundation of death. 1885. Hargreaves. Our wasted resources. 1886. Worse than wasted. 1885. ..... Jewett. Speeches, poems, eU., on temperance and the liquor trafific. 1849 LiVERMORE. Anti-tobacco. 1883 Oswald. The poison problem. 1887 Palmer. Temperance teachings of science. . Parton. Smoking and drinking. 1882. 179. other ethical topics. Massachusetts society for the prevention of cruelty to animals. Our dumb animals, v. 24. ... Same. 1887-date 174.T33 177.AR7 177. G45 177. H 22 177.H44 177.H92 177. M44 178. C22 178.C54 178. D33 178. G97 178.H220 178.H22W 178.J55 178. L75 178.0S9 178.P18 178. P25 179.0U7 179.0U7 190. MODERN PHILOSOPHERS. 191. AMERICAN PHILOSOPHERS. Bowen. Modern philosophy. 1885 192. BRITISH philosophers. Berkeley. Eraser. 1881. ( Philosoph. classics.) Butler. Collins. 1881. ( Philosoph. classics.) Hamilton. Veitch. 1882. ( Philosoph. classics.) * For young readers. 24 191.B67 192. B4o 192.B97 192.H18 RELIGION. — NATURAL THEOLOGY. 210 Spencer. First principles. 1887. (Synthetic philosophy.) . 192.SP3F Principles of psychology. 1887. (Synthetic philosophy.) 192.SP3p Stephen. History of English thought. 1876. 2v. . . 192.ST4 193. GERMAN PHILOSOPHERS. Hegel. Caird. 1883. ( Philosoph. classics.) . . . 193.H36 Kant. Critique of practical reason and other works on the theory of ethics. Tr. by Abbott 193. K13 Kant. Wallace. 1882. ( Philosoph. classics.) . . . 193.K13w See aha Watson. Kant and his English critics. 142. W53. 194. FRENCH PHILOSOPHERS. Cousin. Course of the history of modern philosophy. 1882. 2v. 194. C83 Lectures on the true, the beautiful, and the good. 1885. . 194.C83L 200. RELIGION. 201. PHILOSOPHY. THEORIES. METHODS. Martineau. a Study of religion. 1888. 2v. 203. dictionaries, cyclopedias. Benham. Dictionary of religion. 1887. .... M'Clintock and Strong. Cyclopaedia of Biblical, theologi- cal and ecclesiastical literature. 1879-85. lOv. Same. Supplement. 1885-87. 2v. .... ScHAFF, Jackson, and Schaff. Religious encyclopaedia : based on the Real-Encyklopadie of Herzog, Plitt, and Hauck 204. essays, lectures, addresses, etc. Abbott. The kernel and the husk. Letters on spiritual Christianity. 1887 Brllows, and o//iers. Christianity and modern thought. 1880, Bushnell. Building eras in religion. 188L . Clarke. Common sense in religion. 1888. . Flanders. Life's problems here and hereafter. 1887. 208. collected works. Dewey. Works. 1887. . Sanderson. Works. 1854. 209. history of theology. Allen. Continuity of Christian thought. 1887. 210. NATURAL THEOLOGY. Bushnell. Nature and the supernatural. 1885. . 25 201.M363 R203.B43 R203.M13 R203.M13 R203.SCH1 204.AB22 204. B41 204. B96 204.C55 204. F61 208. D51 208. SA5 209.AL51 210.B.96 210 RELIGION. — NATURAL THEOLOGY. Harris. The self-revelation of God. 1887 MuLFORD. The republic of God: an institute of theology. 1886 211. DEISM. ATHEISM. Clarke. Steps of belief. 1880 213. creation, evolution. Hark. The unity of the truth. 1888 215. RELIGION AND SCIENCE. Cooke. The credentials of science the warrant of faith. 1888. Religion and chemistry. 1886. ...... Draper. History of the conflict between religion and science. 1855 Drummond. Natural law in the spiritual world. 1886. . Gray. Natural science and religion. 1880. . . . . Smyth. Old faiths in a new liyht 217. prayer. Clarke, The Christian doctrine of prayer. 1880. 218. FUTURE LIFE. IMMORTALITY. ETERNITY. Alger. History of the doctrine of a future life. 1886. . Hereafter, The. Twenty-three answers to the question What are the strongest proofs and arguments in sup port of the belief in a life hereafter .-^ . Nichols. Whence, what, where ? Sears. Foregleams and foreshadows of immortality. 1884 Stewart and Tait. The unseen universe : speculations en a future state. 1886 Stockwell. Evolution of immortality. 1887. 220. BIBLE. GENERAL WORKS. Ladd. What is the Bible ? 1888 Smith. Dictionary of the Bible. 1885. 4v. . Walden. Our English Bible and its ancestors. Young. Analytical concordance. 1885 221. OLD testament, texts, etc. 222. historical books. Witherby. Book of Joshua 223. poetical books. NoYES, tr. New tr. of Job, Eccl. and the Canticles. 1880. New tr. of the Psalms and of the Proverbs. 1886. . 2r, 210.H24 210. M89 211.C55 213.H22 215. C77 215.C77R 215.D79 215. D84 215. G79 215.SM95 217.C55 218.AL3 218. H42 218.N51 218.SE1 218.ST4 218.ST6 220.L12 R220.SM6 220. WT4 R220.YO8 222. W77 223. N87 223.N87P RELIGION. CHRIST. CHRISTOLOGY. 232 224. PROPHETICAL BOOKS. NOYES, tr. The Hebrew Prophets. 1880. 2v. . 225. NEW TESTAMENT.' TEXTS, ETC. NoYES, tr. The New Testament. From the Greek text of Tischendorf. 1888 Vincent. Word studies in the New Testament. 1887. 226. gospels and acts. Bacon. Lives of the apostles. 1836. ..... Greenwood. Lives of the twelve apostles : also Life of John the Baptist. 1884 Nichols. Hours with the evangelists. 1860. 2v. Norton. Evidences of the genuineness of the gospels. 1880. Trench. Notes on the parables of our Lord. 1886. 227. epistles. Conybeare and Howson. Life and Epistles of St. Paul. 230. DOCTRINAL. DOGMATICS. Barrows. A Baptist meeting-house. 1885. . Clarke. Essentials and non-essentials in religion. 1886 Orthodoxy; its truths and its errors. 1884. Eliot. The doctrines of Christianity. 1882. Martineau. Studies of Christianity. 1882. . Metcalf. Letter and spirit. 1880. NoYES, ed. Theological essays. 1880. . Orcutt. Among the theologies. 1888. . Smyth. Orthodox theology of today. 1883. . Wilson. Unitarian principles confirmed by trinitarian testi monies. 1888. ........ 23L GOD. UNITY. TRINITY. Farley. Unitarianism defined. Scripture doctrine of the Father, Son and Holy Ghost. 1881. .... 232. CHRIST. CHRISTOLOGY. Abbott. Philochristus. 1878. BiERHOWER. The morals of Christ. 1885. . Clarke. Life and times of Jesus as related by Thomas Didymus. ......... Dole. Jesus and the men about him. 1888. .... Geikie. Life and words of Christ. 1884. 2v. . . . Miles. The birth of Jesus. 1878 MozooMDAR. The Oriental Christ. 1883 224. N87 225.N87 R225.V74 226. B 13 226. G85 226.N51 226. N82 226.T72 227. P28 230. B27 230. Coo 230.Co5o 230. EL4 230. M 363 230. Mo6 230. N87 230.OR1 2.30. SM 95 230. W69 231.F22 232.AB22 232.B47 232. C55 232. D68 232. G27 232. M 59 232. M 87 232 RELIGION. — CHRIST. CHRISTOLOGY. Norton. Statement of reasons. 1882. Parker. Ecce deus. 1882. Seeley. Ecce homo. 1886. . Ware. Life of the Saviour. 1884. Young. The Christ of history. 233. MAN. THE FALL, SIN, ETC. Clarke. Christian doctrine of forgiveness of sin. 1884. 234. salvation, regeneration. Eliot. Early religious education considered as the divinely appointed way to a regenerate life. 187(). . Sears. Regeneration. 1876 237. future state. Barrows. The doom of the majority. 1888. 239. apologetics. Farrar. Witness of history to Christ. 1883. Fisher. Manual of Christian evidences. 1888. Hopkins. Evidences of Christianity. 1869. . . . ' . 232. N82 232. P22 232. SE3 232. W22 232. Y OS 233. C55 234. EL4 234.SE1 237. B27 239. F24 239. Fo3 239. H77 240. DEVOTIONAL. PRACTICAL. 241. didactic. Ar.BOTT. In aid of faith. 1886. Clarke. Everyday religion. 1886. Merkiam. a living faith. 1886. Taylor. Holy living and dying. 1878. ToLSTOi. My religion. 242. meditative, contemplative Kempis. Imitation of Christ. 1876. 243. HORTATORY. EVANGELISTIC. Eliot. Lectures to young men. 1882. . Van Dyke. The reality of religion. 1884. Ware. Formation of the Christian character. 1883. 241.AB24 241.C55 241. MoS 241.T21 241. To8 242. K32 243 EL4 243.V28 243. W22 244. devout miscellany, allegories. Sunday school books, etc. Ames. Great thoughts for little thinkers. 1889. Bunyan. Pilgrim's Progress Eliot. The discipline of sorrow. 1882. ... Hale. Sunday school stories on the golden texts of the inter national lessons of 1889. 1889 244. A M3 244. B88 244. EL4 214.H13 28 RELIGION. MISSIONS. 266 Mifflin. Out of darkness into light; from the journal of a bereaved mother. 1888 244.M58 245. HYMNOLOGY. Whitmarsh. Hymns of the ages. . 245. W59 250. HOMILETIC. PASTORAL. PAROCHIAL. Gladden, ed. Parish problems : hints and helps for the peo- ple of the churches 25L HOMILETICS. preaching. Brooks. Tolerance. 1887 252. sermons. Bradford. Spirit and life : thoughts for today. 1888. Brown. fSunday stories. [From discourses to children.] 1881 Hedge, and others. Unitarian affirmations : seven discourses given in Washington. 1882. 1886. 1881. 1887 LiDDON. Sermons delivered in St. Paul's cathedral. Martineau. Endeavors after the Christian life. MUNGER. *Lamps and paths. 1885. Parker. Views of religion. 1888. Peabody. Sermons ; for the afflicted. 1887. Rainsford. Sermons preached in St. George's. Robertson. Sermons. 1869. 2v. Stanley. fSermons for children. 1887. ViN'CENT. The covenant of peace. 1887. Gates into the psalm-country. 1887. Walker. Sermons. 2v. in 1. 1884. Contents: \'ol.\. Reason, Faith, Duty. 2. Sermons. 254. CLERICAL SUPPORT. CELIBACY. Lea. Sacerdotal celibacy. 1867 250 G45 251. B80 252. B72 252. B81 252. H35 252. L61 252. M 363 252. M 92 252.P224 252. P31 252. R13 252. R54 2o2.ST22 252.V74C 252.V74G 252. W15 254. L46 260. CHURCH. INSTITUTIONS AND WORK. 261. the church. Thwing. The working church. 1888 266. MISSIONS. LooMis. Modern cities and their religious problems. Pierson. The crisis of missions 261.T42 *For young readers. 266. L87 266. P61 tFor children. 29 268 RELIGION. SUNDAY SCHOOLS. 268. SUNDAY SCHOOLS. Begi.nnin'G and growth of the Christian life ; or, the Sunday School teacher, [a/ion.] 18S4 268.B39 270. RELIGIOUS HISTORY. Allen. Christian history in its three great periods. 1 Early Christianity. 2. The middle ages. 3. Modern phases. 1883. 3v 270.AL54 Clarke. Events and epochs in religious history. 1883. . 270. C55 Fisher. History of the reformation. 1873. .... 270.F53 Milman. History of Christianity. 1883. 3v. . . . 270.M(33 Ranke. The reformation in Germany. 184.-). . . . 270. RIO Smith. History of the Christian church during the first ten centuries. 1886. 2v 270.SM6 271. monastic orders. Parkman. The Jesuits in North America. 1882. . . 271. P23 272. persecutions. Baird. History of the rise of the Huguenots of France. 2v. 272. B16 Lea. History of the inquisition of the middle ages. 1888. 3v. 272. L4G Smiles. The Huguenots. 1867 272. SM4 White. The massacre of St. Bartholomew. 1871. . . 272. W58 273. heresies. Hall. Orthodoxy and heresy in the Christian church. 1888. 273. H14 277. religious history of north America. Bacon. Genesis of the New England churches. 1874. . 277.B13 280. CHRISTIAN CHURCHES AND SECTS. 282. WESTERN OR ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH. Ranke. History of the popes. 1885. 3v 282.R16 285. PRESBYTERIAN. REFORMED. CONGREGATIONAL. The Andover case. 1887 285.AN2 288. UNITARIAN. Boston, Mass. West Church. Commemorative services on the 50th anniversary of its present ministry, and the 150th of the church. 1887 288. W52 289. MINOR CHRISTIAN SECTS. Sewell. Rise, increase and progress of the Christian people called Quakers. 1832 289.SE8 30 SOCIOLOGY. — ESSAYS, LECTURES, ETC. 304 290. ETHNIC. NON-CHRISTIAN RELIGIONS. Clarke. Ten great religions. 1886. 2v 290.C55 KuENEN. National religions, and universal religions. 1882. . 290.K95 Pressense. The ancient world and Christianity. . . . 290. P92 291. COMPARATIVE AND GENERAL MYTHOLOGY. BuLFiNCH. *The age of fable 291.B87 Gould. *Curious myths of the middle ages 291.G7.3 Murray. Manual of mythology. 1883 291.M96 292. GREEK AND ROMAN MYTHOLOGY. D WIGHT. *Grecian and Roman mythology. 1872. . . 292. D96 Gladstone. Juventus mundi. 1870 292. G45 KiNGSLEY. fThe heroes; or, Greek fairy tales. 1883. . . 292. K61 296. JUDAISM. Schindler. Dissolving views in the history of Judaism. 1888. 296.SCH3d Messianic expectations and modern Judaism. 1886. . 296.SCH3m Stanley. Lectures on the history of the Jewish church. 1885. 3v 296.ST2 297. MOHAMMEDANISM. Koran, The; commonly called the Alcoran of Mohammed. Tr. by Sale. 1870 297. K84 Smith. Mohammed and Mohammedanism. 1875. . . 297. SM6 299. MINOR NON-CHRISTIAN RELIGIONS. Legge. The religions of China. 1880 299. L52 Renouf. Origin and growth of religions as illustrated by the religions of ancient Egypt 299. R29 300. SOCIOLOGY. Bascom. Sociology. 300.B29 Spencer. Study of sociology. 1882. (Int. sci. ser.) . . 300.SP3 303.' DICTIONARIES, CYCLOP/EDIAS, ETC Lalor. Cyclopedia of political science, political economy, and of the political history of the United States. 1886. 3v R303.L15 304. essays, LECTURES, ETC. Croly. Glimpses of the future. 1888 304.C87 RusKiN. Crown of wild olive : three lectures on work, traffic and war. 1887 304. R89 *For young readers. t For children. 31 310 SOCIOLOGY. STATISTICS. 310. STATISTICS. American almanac. 1880, '82. 1885-86. Ed. by Spofford. 4v. Statesman's year-book. 1885-86. Ed. by Keltic. 2v. Whitaker's almanac. 1885-87. 3v 317. STATISTICS OF NORTH AMERICA. American almanac and repository of useful knowledge. 1860. Massachusetts state. Bureaii of statistics of labor. Census : 1875. 3v Contents: Vol. 1. Population and social statistics. 2. Manufactures and occupations. 3. Agricultural productions and property. Same. 1885. 2v. v. 3 wanting. ..... Massachusetts state. Secretary. Census : 1860. Abstract. Statistics of industry. 1845. 1855 United States. Interior dept. Census bureau. Seventh census: 1850. 1853 Same. Compendium. 1854. ...... Same. Report of superintendent : 1851-52. 1853. . Tenth census : 1880. 1883. 2v 320. POLITICAL SCIENCE. Bagehot. Physics and politics. 1884. (Int. sci. sen) . Lowell. Political essays. 1888 Nordhoff. *Politics for young Americans. 1879. Roosevelt. Essays on practical politics. 1888. . 321. form of state. MuLFORD. The nation. 1886. Thwing, Charles and Carrie. The family : an historical and social study. 1887. ...... 323. domestic relations. Strong. Our country 324. suffrage. Bushnell. Women's suffrage. 1869 Hare. Election of representatives. 1873 Mill. On liberty. 1865 Wigmore. The Australian ballot system. 1889. . 325. colonies and immigration. Seward. Chinese immigration. 1881 326. slavery, emancipation. Cable. The silent south. Wilson. Rise and fail of the slave power in America. 1878. 3v *For young readers. 32 310.AM3 310.ST2 310. W58 317.AM3 317.M38C 317.M38C 317. M38 317.M38I 317.UN3 317.UN3 317.UN3 317.UN3 320. B14 320.L954 320.N75 320. R67 321. M 89 321.T42 323.ST8 324. B96 324. H22 324. MOO 324. W63 325. SE8 326.C11 326.W69 SOCIOLOGY. CAPITAL. LABOR. WAGES. 331 327. FOREIGN RELATIONS. Chamberlain. Home rule and the Irish question. 1887. Foster. The crime against Ireland. ..... United States. State dept. Regulations for the consular service of the U. S. 1870. .328. legislative bodies and annals. Gushing. Elements of law and practice of legislative assem- blies in the United States. 1874 Massachusetts state. General court. Journals of each provincial congress of Massachusetts in 1774-75. 1838 Manuals: 1884-85. 1887-89 Robinson. {Warrington.) Warrington's manual. Skottov^te. Short history of parliament. 1887. Smith. Key to Smith's diagram of parliamentary rules. 1883 United States. Congress. Congressional directory. Comp by Poore. 1886 Congressional record : 1876-85. 53v., incl. indices. . Covode investigation. 1860 Wisconsin state. Blue book. 1887 329. political parties, conventions. Johnston. History of American politics. 1879. . Stanwood. History of presidential elections. 330. POLITICAL ECONOMY. Bonham. Industrial liberty. 1888. BowKER. Economics for the people. 1886. . Clark. Philosophy of wealth. 1886. Ely. *Problems of today. 1888. . Mill. Principles of political economy. 1885. Perry. PoHtical economy. .... Rogers. The economic interpretation of history. 1888 Smith. Inquiry into the nature and causes of the wealth of nations. 2v. ....... Thompson. Political economy Walker. Political economy. 1886 Wood. *Natural law in the business world. 1887. 331. capital, labor, wages. Atkinson. Distribution of products. 1885. . Ely. The labor movement in America Foreman, /j^wrt^. Big wages and how to earn them. 1887. Gladden. Working people and their employers. . Newcomb. *A plain man's talk on the labor question. . 327. C35 327. F81 327.UN3 328. C95 328.M38J 328.M38M 328. R56 328. SK5 328.S.M6 328. UN3 328.UN3C 328.UN3CV 328. W75 329.J64 329.ST22 330. B64 330.Br)7 330. C54 330. EL9 330. M60 330. P42 330. R63 330.SM5 330.T37 330. W15 330. W85 331. ATS 331.EL9 331. F76 331. G45 331.N43 *For young readers. 3 33 331 S0C10I.(K;V. CAIMIAI.. LABOR. WAGES. Smiles. *Thrift. 1884 Stebbins. *Progress from poverty. 1887. Sumner. What social classes owe each other. Weeks. Prisoners of poverty. 1881 332. BANKS. MONEY. CREDIT. INTEREST. Bolles. Practical banking. 1885. .... LiNDERMAN. Money and legal tender in the U. S. 1878. McAdam. An alphabet in finance. 1884. Newcomb. The A B C of finance Walker. Money. 1883. ISHAM. 333. LAND. ownership, RIGHTS, ETC. 333.9. fisheries. The fishery question. 1887 334. co-operation. Barnard. Co-operation as a business. 1881. Hale. *How they lived in Hampton *Sybaris and other homes. 1869 and others. *Workingmen's homes. 1875. 335. SOCIALISM AND COMMUNISM. Gronlund. The co-operative commonwealth : in its outlines an exposition of modern socialism. .... Ely. French and German socialism in modern times. . Rae. Contemporary socialism. 1887. ..... WoOLSEY. Communism and socialism. 1883. 336. finance. Bolles. Financial history of the U. S.: 1794-1885. 1884-86. El\\ Taxation in Am. states and cities. 1888. Massachusetts state. Gen. Court. Journal and doc'm'ts of the valuation committee. 1860 3.37. protection and free trade. HoYT. Protection versus free trade. . . . . Mongredien. Hist, of the free-trade movement in Eng. Stebbins. Am. protectionists' manual. 1888. Su.MNER. Protectionism. 188.") Taylor. Is protection a benefit ? 1888. 340. LAW. 331.S.M4 331.ST3 331. SU6 331.W41 332. B63 332. L64 332. Mil 332.N43 332.Wir> 333.0. 1 S3 334. B2o 334.H13H 334.H13S 334.H13W 335. G90 335. EL9 335. R12 335. W88 336.B63 336. EL9 336. M38 337.H85 337. M74 337.ST3 337. SU6 337.T21 Abbott. Judge and jury. Amos. The science of law. * For young readers. 1885. (Int. sci. sen) . 34 340.AB2 340.AM6 SOCIOLOGY. UNITED STATES STATUTES AND CASES. 345 BouviER. Law dictionary. 1886. 2v 340.B66 Dole. Talks about law. 1887 340.D68 Maine. Ancient law. 1887 340. M28 Smith. Elements of the laws. 1882 340.SMG Washburn. Lectures on the study and practice of the law. . 340. W27 341. INTERNATIONAL LAW. WooLSEY. Introduc. to the study of international law. 1886. 341. W88 342. CONSTITUTIONAL LAW AND HISTORY. Bagehot. The English constitution. 1885 342.B14 Bryce. The American commonwealth. 1888. 2v. . . 342. B84 CooLEY. General principles of constitutional law in the U. S. 1885. (Students' ser.) 342.C77 Dawes. *How we are governed 342.D32 GiFFiN. *Civics for young Americans. 1888. . . . 342.G36 Hamilton, and others. The Federalist : a commentary on the constitution of the U. S. 1885 342.H18 HoLST, von. Constitutional and polit. hist, of the U. S. 1828-50. 1881. 4v 342.H74 Macy. *Our government: how it grew, what it does, and how it does it. 1888 342. M 25 Massachusetts state. Constitutional convention. Journal of the convention. 1853 342.M38j Massachusetts state. Gen. court. Debates and proceed- ings in the convention of Mass., 1788, and which finally ratified the constitution of the U. S. 185G. . 342.M38 State papers on nullification. ...... 342.M38s MowRY. *Studies in civil government. 1888. . . . .342. M87 Parsons. Rights of a citizen of the U. S. 1875. . . . 342.P25 Story. Commentaries on the constitution of the U. S. 1873. 2v 342.ST7 Tocqueville, de. Democracy in America. 1882. 2v. . 342.T66 343. CRIME, criminal law. criminal trials. Goodwin. Trial of H. K. Goodwin for the murder of Albert Swan. 1885 343. G68 Pii'ER. Trial of T. W. Piper for the murder of Mabel Young. 1887 343.P66 Rorinson. Trial of Sarah J. Robinson for the murder of Prince Arthur Freeman. 1888 343. R56 345. UNITED STATES STATUTES AND CASES. Blue laws of New Haven colony, N. Y., Md., Va. and S. C. : also Quaker laws of Plymouth and Mass. 1838. . 345. B62 35 345 socu)i.o(;v. — united statks statutes and cases. Herrick. Powers, duties and liabilities of town and parish officers in Mass., with forms for conducting town and other meetings. 1884 345. H43 Massachusetts colony. Charter granted by King William and Queen Mary to the inhabitants of the province of the Massachusetts-Bay in New-England. 17.")i). . 345.M38c Massachusetts state. Acts and resolves of the province of the Massachusetts-Bay: 1692-1780. 1874-70. av. . 345.M38 Acts and resolves : 1887-88. 1888. 2v 345.M38A Charters and general laws of the colony and prov. of Massachusetts-Bay: 1814. 1845 345.M38CH Compact, charter, and laws of the col. of New-Plymouth. 1836 345.M38CO Perpetual laws of the commonwealth of Mass.: 1780-89. 1789 345.M38P Private and special statutes : 1806-1814. 1823. v. 4-5. . 345.M38PR Public statutes : 1882. 1882 345.M38pu Satne. Index : 1882-87. 1888. By Kellen. . . . 345.M38pv United States. Congress. Laws of the U. S. 1795-97. 5v. 345.UN3 347. treatises. American and English private law. Blackstone. Commentaries on the laws of England. 1885. 347.B56 Parsons. Laws of business for all the states in the Union. 1886 347.P25 350. ADMINISTRATION. MILITARY SCIENCE. 351. civil service. Civil service chronicle. March, 1889-date 351.C50c Civil service reformer. Jan., 1887-Feb., 1888. v. 3-v. 4 no. 2. 351.C50R 352. LOCAL government, city or town. Littleton. Annual report of the town officers for year ending March 1, 1889. 1889 352. L73 353. u. s. AND state government. United States. Congress. President. Message of the president [and doc'm'ts.]: 1849-.V2, 18r)4-56. 9v. 3r)3.UN3 354. FOREIGN states. Leggo. Administration of Frederick Temple, Earl of Duf- ferin, in Canada. 1878 354. L52 36 SOCIOLOGY. EDUCATION. 370 355. ARMY. MILITARY SCIENCE. Bartholow. Man. of instructions for enlisting and discharg- ing soldiers. 1864. ....... Connecticut state. Catalogue of Conn, volunteer organiza- tions. 1804 Demmin. 111. hist, of arms and armour. 1877. United States. War dept. Revised U. S. army regulations. 1862 Viele. Handbook for active service. 1861 Zogbaum. Horse, foot, and dragoons. 1888. 350. infantry. Casey. Infantry tactics. 1862 McClellan. Manual of bayonet exercises. 1862. 359. navy. Brooks. *Story of the American sailor. .... 360. ASSOCIATIONS. INSTITUTIONS. 361. charitable. Massachusetts j/sat(^. fYoung folks' ideas. 1885. . . 602.L43 Mateaux. *\Vonderland of work. 1883 602.M41 603. DICTIONARIES. CYCLOPEDIAS. Ure. Dictionary of arts, manufactures, and mines. 1853. . r)03.UR2 605. PERIODICALS. MAGAZINES. REVIEWS. Agriccltiralist. July, 1887-date 605. AGS 607. EDUCATION. SCHOOLS OF TECHNOLOGY. United States. Int. dept. Bureau of Education. Indus- trial education in the south. By Alayo. 1888. (Cir- cular of information no. 5, 1888.) 607.UN3M 608. PATENTS. INVENTIONS. Burnley. Romance of invention. 1886. .... 608.B93 Hale. *Stories of invention. 1885 608.H13 United States. Interior dept. Patent office. Report of commissioner: mechanical. 1852-53. . . . 608.UN3 609. HISTORY OF useful ARTS IN GENERAL. Bolles. Industrial history of the U. S. 1881. . . . 600.B63 RouTLEiKiE. Discoveries of the nineteenth century. 1884. . 009.R76 610. MEDICINE. DuNGLisON. Diet, of medical science. 1866. . . . 610.D91 Jackson. Letters to a young physician. 1856. . . . 610.J13 Thomas. Complete pronouncing medical dictionary. 1887. . 010.T36 Trousse.vi'. Lectures on clinical medicine. 1867-72. 5v. . ()10.T75 611. anatomy. Gray. Anatomy, descriptive and surgical. 1886. . . . 611.G70 MiVART. Elementary anatomy 611. M70 physiolo(;y. 612.D17 children. 612. physiolo(;y. Dalton. Treatise on human physiology. 1882. •For young readers. 48 tFor USEFUL ARTS. — MATERIA MEDICA. THERAPEUTICS. 615 Draper. Human physiology. 1883 Lewes. Physiology of common life. 1860. 2v. Mace. *History of a mouthful of bread. *Servants of the stomach. 1868. .... Rosenthal. General physiology of the muscles and nerves 1881 613. HYGIENE. GYMNASTICS. TRAINING. Allen. Physical development; or, the laws governing the human system. 1888. ...... BL.A.IKIE. *How to get strong and how to stay so. 1884. *Sound bodies for our boys and girls. 1881. Catlin. Breath of life. 1872 DowD. Physical culture. 1888 FoTHERGiLL. Diseases of sedentary and advanced life. 1885 Hall. Fun better than physic. Sleep : or, the hygiene of the night. 1870. Keen, ed. Health manuals. (American health primers.) 4 ser Contents: 1st ser. Winter and its dangers; Osgood. Summer and its dis- eases; Wilson. Sea-air and sea-bathing; Packard. 2d ser. Eyesight: how to care for it: Harland. Hearing: how to keep it; Burnett. The mouth and teeth; White. 3d ser. Long life and how to reach it; Richardson. The throat and voice; Cohen. The skin in health and disease; Bulkley. 4th ser. Brain-work and over-work; Wood. School and industrial hy- giene; Lincoln. Our homes; Hartshome. Mackenzie. Hygiene of the vocal organs. 1886. . McSherry. Health and how to promote it. 1884. Pavy. Treatise on food and dietetics. ..... Smith. The human body and its health. 1884. United States. War dept. Report of the hygiene of the U. S. army. 1875 614. public health. Massachusetts j'/rt/^. Board of health. Reports. 1873-75. 1878. 4v Sanitary commission. Report of a general plan for the promotion of public and personal health. 18.')0. United States. Treasury dept. Cholera epidemic of 1873 in the U. S. By Woodworth 615. MATERIA MEDICA. THERAPEUTICS. Beard. Stimulants and narcotics. 1871. ..... BiDDLE. Materia medica. Ellis, comp. Medical formulary FiSKE. Tobacco and alcohol. 1866 Hasheesh eater : passages from the life of a Pythagorean. [anon.] . *For young readers. 4 49 612.D79 612.L.58 612.M15H 612. M 15s 612. R72 613.AL.-i4 613.B57H 613.B57S 613. C28 613. D75 613. F82 613.H14F 613.H14S 613.K25 6 13. M 19 613. M 245 613.P28 613.SM6 613.UN3 614. M38 614.M38S 614.UN3 610.B38 615.B47 615.EL5 615.F54 615.H27 615 USEFUL ARTS. MATERIA MEDICA, THERAPEUTICS. NiEMEYER. Stewart. TOYNBEE. ViRCHOW. Watson. Headland. Action of medicines in the system. 1868. Still^. Therapeutics and materia medica. 1864. 2v. Taylor. Poisons. 1875. Wood and Bache. Dispensatory of the U. S. 1886. . 016. pathology, diseases, treatment. Aitkin. Science and practice of medicine. With additions by Clymer. 1868. 2v Bramwell. Diseases of the heart and thoracic aorta. 1881 Dixox. Guide to practical study of diseases of the eye. 1866 DOBELL. Winter cough, catarrh, bronchitis, etc. 1875. Flint. Principles and practice of medicine. 1884. Hammond. Cerebral hyperasmia. 1878. HoAVE. Emergencies Kane. Drugs that enslave. 1883 Laurie. Epitome of homeopathic domestic medicine. LooMis. Lessons in physical diagnosis. . Neligan. Diseases of the skin. 1866. . Text book of practical medicine. 1870. Brights' disease of the kidneys. Diseases of the ear. 1860. • Cellular pathology. .... Principles and practice of physic. 1866. Wi:lls. Diseases of the eye. 1869. Williams. Our eyes, and how to take care of them. 1871 Practical guide to study of diseases of the eye. 1862. Recent advances in opthalmic science. Boylston prize essay for 1865 617. SURGERY, dentistry. AN.ESTHETICS. Dulles. Accidents and emergencies. 1883 LONGMORE. Treatise on gunshot wounds. 1862. . Meredith. The teeth and how to preserve them. . Rivers. Accidents. 1845 Velpeau. Elements of operative surgery, v. 3. . 619. veterinary medicine. Every man his own cattle doctor. 1882. Relation of animal diseases to public health. 1884. Dadd. American cattle doctor. 1883 Law. Farmer's veterinary adviser. 1881 Mayhew. Illustrated horse doctor. 1884 United States. Dept. of agriculture. Contagious diseases of domestic animals. 1880. 1880-81. Rep'ts 22, 34. 620. ENGINEERING. Haswell. Mechanics' own pocket-book. 1884. 60 Armitage Billings. 615.H34 015. ST5 615.T21 615. W85 616.AI9 616.B73 616. D64 016.D75 61().F64 616.H18 616. H83 616. K13 616.L37 610. L87 616.N32 616. N5o 616.ST4 610. T66 616.V81 616. W33 616.W46 616.W670 616.W67P 616.W67R 617.D88 617.L86 617. M 54 617.R52 617.V54 619.AR62 619. B49 619.D12 619.L41 619.M455 619.UN3 620.H27 USEFUL ARTS. AGRICULTURE. 630 621. MECHANICAL ENGINEERING. Campin. Practical treatise on mechanical engineering. 1881. 621. C15 EvERS. Steam and steam engine. ...... 621. EV2 LUKIN. *Amongst machines 621.L96A *Boy engineers. ......... 621.L96b *Young mechanics. ........ 621.L96v Shelley- Workshop appliances. 1880 G21.SH4 Thurston. History of the growth of the steam engine. 1884. 621. T42 622. MINING ENGINEERING. HoLLiSTER. Mines of Colorado. 1867 Jones. Treasures of the earth. 625. RAILROAD AND ROAD ENGINEERING. GiLLMORE. Practical treatise on roads. 1882. . . . 628. SANITARY ENGINEERING. WATER-WORKS. Philbrick. American sanitary engineering. 1881. Plunkett. Women, plumbers, and doctors. 1885. Waring. Sanitary drainage of houses and towns. 1886. 622. H 72 549.J73 625.G41 628. P53 628. P74 628.W23 630. AGRICULTURE. Allen. New American farm book. 1885. American agriculturalist. July, 1887-date. v. 46, no. 47-date Andrews. Modern husbandry. 1853. . Blake. The farm and the fireside. 1855. CoPELAND. Country life. 1859. Coulter. Our farm of four acres. 1865. Crosier and Henderson. How the farm pays. 1884. Loudon. Encyclopaedia of agriculture. 1857. Magazine of horticulture, botany, and all useful discoveries and improvements in rural affairs. Ed. by Hovey 1856-57 Massachusetts state. Agricultural college. Twenty-sixth annual report. 1889. . Agricultural experiment station Annual reports of the board of control at Amherst, Mass. 1886-87. Board of agriculture. Annual reports of the secretary 1854. 1857. 1861-62. 1867-85. 22v. . Mitchell. {Ik Marvel.) My farm of Edgewood. 1872, O'Neill and Williams. American farmer's hand-book of agriculture. ......... *For young readers. 51 630.AL55 630. A M3 630.AN23 630. B58 630. C79 630.C83 630. C88 630. L92 630. M 27 630. M 38c 630.M38E 6.30. M38s 630. M 69 639. 0N4 630 USEFUL ARTS. — AGRICULTURE. Saxtox's rural hand-books. ISofi. 3 ser Contents: 1st ser. Horses: Richardson. Hog; Richardson. Hive and honey-bee: Richardson. Pests of the farm, domestic fowl and orna- mental poultry; Richardson. Cow: dairy husbandry, and cattle breeding: Milburn. 2d ser. Every lady her own flower gardener; Johnson. Elements of agriculture: tr. from the French, and adapted for schools; Skinner. American bird fancier; Browne. Essay on manures; Dana. Ameri- can kitchen gardener; Fessenden. American rose culturist. 3d ser. Horse's foot; Miles. Rabbit fancier; Bement. Bee manage- ment; Weeks. Vine dresser's manual; F4emelin. Bee-keeper's chart; Phelps. Chemistry made easy; Tophain. Stephens. Farmer's guide to scientific and practical agricul- ture. 1856. V. 2 Thaer. Principles of agriculture. 1858. .... Thomas. Farm implements and machinery. 1886. United States. Dept. of ai^ricHltti?-e. Report of the com- missioner for 1876. 1877. ...... Reports of the statistician : nos. 49, 53. 1888. Contents: No. 49. Distribution of corn and wheat. No. 53. Area of corn, potatoes and tobacco. United States. Dept. of the interior. Patent office. Reports of the commissioner of patents : agriculture. 1852-53. 630. SA9 630.ST45 (530.T32 630.T36 630.UN3C 630.UN3S 630.UN3P 631. SOIL, fertilizers, drainage. BoussiNGAULT. Rural economy in its relations with chemistry, physics and meteorology. 1851. Browne. Field book of manures. 1856. French. Farm drainage. 1884. Harris. Talks on manures. 1885. Johnson. How crops feed. How crops grow. .... Johnston. Elements of agricultural chem. and geology. 1857 Lectures on the applications of chem. and geol. to agricul ture. 1857 Lawes, and others. The soil of the farm. MuNN. Practical land drainer. 1856. Nash. The progressive farmer: a treatise on agricultural chemistry, etc. 1857. ..... Norton. Elements of scientific agriculture. 1857. StoCKHARdt. Chemical field lectures for agriculturists. 1853 St(Mc'/>L of agricidtiire. Report of the culture of the sugar beet and the manufacture of sugar there- from in France and the U. S. 1880 664.UN3 670. MANUFACTURES. 677. cotton, wool, sh.k, linen, etc. United States. Dept. of agriadhire. Report upon an ex- amination of wools and other animal fibres. By Mc- Murtrie. 1886 677.UN3 tFor children. 56 FINE ARTS. — ESSAYS. LECTURES. ADDRESSES. 704 680. -MECHANIC TRADES. Davidson. *Boy joiner LuKiN. *Amateur mechanics' workshop. 1880. Spon. Mechanics' own book. 1886. Waite. *Boy's workshop 682. BLACKSMITHING. HORSESHOEING. Fleming. Practical horseshoeing. 1884. Miles. The horse's foot. 690. BUILDING. 691, IVIATERIALS. TIMBER. STONE, ETC. Davidson. Our houses and what they are made of. 692. PLANS. SPECIFICATIONS. Wells memorial association. Prize plans for cottages. 1887. 698. PAINTING, GLAZING AND PAPER-HANGING. Masurv. House and carriage painting. 1881. 680. D28 680. L96 6S0.SP6 680. W13 682. F62 682. M59 691.D28 692.W46 698. M40 700. FINE ARTS. 701. PHILOSOPHIES. THEORIES, ETC. RusKiN. Art culture. Hand-book of criticism, etc., from the works of Ruskin. Selected and arranged by Rev. W. H. Piatt. 1885 701. R89 Van Dyke. Principles of art. 1887 701.V28 703. DICTIONARIES. CVCLOP.EDIAS. Waters. Hand-book of Christian symbols and stories of the saints. 1886 70.3.W31c Hand-book of legendary and mythological art. . . . 703.W31L Painters, sculptors, architects, engravers, and their works. 703.W31p 704. ESSAYS. LECTURES. ADDRESSES. Hamerton. Thoughts about art. 1882 704.H17 Hunt. Talks on art. Comp. and arr. by H. Knowlton. 1st and 2d ser. 1887-88. ...... 704.H91 Jarves. The art idea 704.J30 Art thoughts. 1887 704.J30a Morris. Hopes and fears for art. 1882 704.M83 Paget. {Verfwn Lee.) Juvenilia. 1887 704.P14 ♦For young readers. 57 704 FINE ARTS. — ESSAYS. LECTURES. ADDRESSES. RusKiN. Lectures on art. 704:.R89l St. Mark's Rest : history of Venice 704:.R89s Taine. Lectures on art, 1875. 2v 704.T13 705. PERIODICALS. Art union. 1851, '58, '73, '76, '78. 5v R705.AR7 709. HISTORY OF ART. Bell. {N. D'Aiivers) Elementary history of art. . . 709.B41 Reber. History of ancient art. 1887 709.R24A History of medifeval art. 1887 709.R24m Taixe. Italy: Florence and Venice. 1883 709.T13 710. LANDSCAPE GARDENING. Downing. Rural essays. Ed., with mem. of the author, by G. W. Curtis. 1857 710.D75R Theory and practice of landscape gardening. 1857. . 710.D75T Smith. Landscape gardening. 1856 710.SAI5 Waring. Village improvements. 1877. .... 710.W23 712. i'rivate grounds, lawns. 1885. Long. Ornamental gardening for Americans. Oakey. Home grounds Scott. Art of beautifying suburban home grounds 712.L85 In V. 1 of 610.AP5 1881. . 712.SC08 716. plants, flowers, etc. Anders. House plants as sanitary agents. 1887. . Barnard. My ten-rod farm; or, how I became a florist. 4v. in 1. 1882 Contents: 1. My ten-rod farm. 2. Ten per cent, on the investment; or, farming by inches. 3. A simple flower garden. 4. $550 net in- come; or, the strawberry garden. 716.AN2 716. B26 Church. The home garden In m. Fuller. Propagation of plants. 1887. . Heinrich. Window flower garden. 1887. Henderson. Hand-book of plants. 1881. Practical floriculture. 1883. Leuchars. Construction, heating, and ventilating of hot houses. 1857. ....... Lindley. Theory of horticulture. Ed. by Downing. 1852 Michigan state. Report of state horticultural society. 1886 Nicholson. Illustrated dictionary of gardening. 1887. 3y Rand. Flowers for parlor and garden. 1864. Popular flowers 720. ARCHITECTURE. Fergusson. History of architecture. 1885. 2v. 1 of 640. APS 716. F95 716. H36 716.H38H 716.H38P 716. L57 716. L64 716.M58 R716.N.J2 716.R15F 716.R15P 720. F38 FINE ARTS. RELIGIOUS AND ECCLESIASTIC PAINTING. 755 Parker. Gloss, of terms used in Grecian, Roman, and other architecture. 1882 720. P22 RusKiN. Seven lamps of architecture. 1884 720.R89 723. MEDI.EVAL. GOTHIC. RusKiN. Stones of Venice. 1887. 2v 723.R89 724. MODERN. Fergussox. History of modern styles of architecture. 1873. 724.F38 728. DOMESTIC. RURAL. VILLAS. Cleaveland, Backus, \V., and B.a.ckus, S. Village and farm cottages. 1856 728.Co9 Downing. Architecture of country houses. 1856. . . 728. D75 Gardner. Homes and all about them. 1885. . . . 728. G17 Holly. Modern dwellings. 1878 728. H72 Oakey. Building a home /« v. 2 of 640.AP5 729. OF SPECIAL COUNTRIES. HuNNEWELL. Historical monuments of France. 1884. . 729.H89 740. DRAWING. DECORATION. Cave. *Drawing from memory. 1878 740.C81 Hamerton. The graphic arts : drawing, painting, and en- graving. 1886 740. H 17 Knowlton. *Hints for pupils in drawing and painting. 1883. 740.K76 745. ornamental design. Complete guide to leather work. \^anon.'\ 1854. . . . 745.C78 Church. How to furnish a home /« v. 1 of 640.AP5 Rees. Home decoration /« v. 2 of 640.AP5 Home occupations /« v. 3 of 640. A Po 746. ART NEEDLEWORK. Hale, ed. Art needlework 746. H13 Harrison. Woman's handiwork in modern homes. 1881. . 746.H244 750. PAINTING. Keddie. The old masters and their pictures. 1887. . . 750.K23 Radcliffe. Schools and masters of painting. 1888. . . 7o0.Rll Waters. Outline history of painting. 1883 750. W31 752. COLOR. Cave. Color. 1882 752. C31 755. religious, ecclesiastic. Jameson. Legends of the Madonna. 1885 755. J23 *For young readers. 59 760 FINE ARTS. ENGRAVING. 760. ENGRAVING. 761. WOOD. Linton. Practical hints on wood engraving. 1879. 770. PHOTOGRAPHY. TowLER. The silver sunbeam : a text-book of sun drawing and photographic printing. ISG-t. \'OGEL. Chemistry of light and photography. 187."). Wallace. The amateur photographer, . Wood. .Modern methods of illustrating books. 1887. Haweis. RiTTER. Seiler. 780. MUSIC. Music and morals. .... Music in America. 1883. 784. \"OCAL MUSIC. The voice in singing:. 1884. 790. AMUSEMENTS. Beard. *What to do and how to do it: American boy's handy book. 1887 Beard, L. and A. *How to amuse yourself and others American girl's handy book. .... Campbell. *Anierican girl's home book of work and play 1887 Griffith. Boys' useful pastimes. 1887. Holf.rook. *How.'' or, spare hours made profitable. 1887 Thompson. *Boy's book of sports. .... ViN'CENT, comp. The home book. 1887. 793. IN-DOOR AMUSEMENTS. Fette, cojnp. *Dialogues from Dickens. 1870. 187.'). 2v. . Hale. *Fagots for the fireside. 1889 Williams and Frost. *Evening amusements. 796. OUT-DOOR amusements. Depping. Wonders of bodily strength and skill in all ages. 1885 Stevens. Around the world on a bicycle : from Teheran to Yokohama. 1888. v. 2 7'.»7. i'.oating and ball. Boston, Mass. Testimonial to Charles Paine and Edward Burgess for their successful defence of the America's cup. 1888 •For young readers. 60 761. L65 770.T6.5 770.V86 770. W15 770. W85 780.H31 780.R."51 784. SE4 790. B38 700.B381 790.C15 790. G87 790. H69 790.T37 790. V74 793.D5.5 793. H 134 793.VV67 796. D44 79().ST46 797. B65 LITERATURE. TREATISES AND COLLECTIONS OF POETRY. 808.1 798. HORSEMANSHIP. RACING. Baucher. Method of horsemanship founded on new prin- ciples. 1856 798.B32 799. FISHING. HUNTING, ETC. Gibson. *Camp life and the tricks of trapping. - . . . 799.G35 Walton a7id Cotton. The complete angler. . . . 799.W17 800. LITERATURE. 801. PHILOSOPHY. THEORIES, ETC. Home. {Lord Katnes) Elements of criticism. Ed. by Mills. 1847 802. compends. outlines. BoTTA. Hand-book of universal literature. 1867. . 803. dictionaries, cyclop.edias. Brewer. Dictionary of phrase and fable. . . . . Hand-book of allusions, references, etc. . . . . Wheeler. Dictionary of noted names of fiction. 1883. 805. literary periodicals. Literary news. Jan., 1887-date. v. 8-date. . . . . 808. COLLECTIONS. TREATISES. RHETORIC. Bain. On teaching English. 1887 Campbell. The philosophy of rhetoric. 1856. HiGGiNSON. Hints on writing and speech making. 1887. Hill. Principles of rhetoric. 1886 NiCHOL. English composition. 1884 808.1. TREATISES AND COLLECTIONS OF POETRY. Bain. Inquiry into the definition of poetry. 1887. Brackett and Elliot, comps. *Poetry for home and school 1885 Bryant, ed. Family library of poetry and song. Cooper, ed. Rhyme and reason of country life. Hart, cojiip. Class book of poetry. 1860. Peaslee. *Graded selections for memorizing. Pen and pencil pictures from the poets. \anon.'\ Whittier, ed. Songs of three centuries. 187G. *For young readers. 61 1856. 1881. 801.H75 802. B65 R803.B75D R803 B75h RS03.W^56 805. L71 808. B16 808. C15 808. H53 808.H55 808.N51 /«808.B16 808.1.B72 808.1. B84 808.1.C78 808.1. H 25 808.1.P32 808.1. P37 808.1.W616 808.3 LITERATURE. FICTION. 808.3. FICTION. Johnson, ed. Little classics. 18 v. in 9. Contents: J'ol. 1. Exile; intellect. 2. Tragedy; life. 3. Laughter; love. 4. Romance; frtystery. 5. Comedy; Childhood. 6. Hero- ism; fortune. 7. Poems, narrative; poems, Lyrical. 8. Poems, Niinor; Authors. 9. Nature; Humanity. ScuDDER, ed. fChildren's book. 1883 808.4. Ess.vYS. Putnam, ed. Prose masterpieces from modern essayists : Irving, Hunt, Lamb, and others. 18S('». 3v. 808.5. ORATORY. ELOCUTION. 1887 Fletcher, covip. *Advanced readings and recitations. Fulton and Trueblood, comps. *Choice readings. KiDD. *Ne\v elocution and vocal culture. ... Mathews. Oratory and orators. 1887 Shoemaker, ^<^. *Best things from best authors. 1881-84. 4v Note : V. 3 ed. by Mrs. Shoemaker. *Speaker's garland. 1884-85. 4v. ... 808.8. general collections, quotations, etc. 808.3.J63 .3.SCU2 808.4. P98 808.5. F63 808.5.F95 808.5. K53 80S.r,.M42 808.5.SH7 808.5. SP3 Bartlett. Familiar quotations. 1883 R808.8.B28 HoYT a7id Ward. Cyclopaedia of practical quotations. 1884. R808.8.H85 Morris, ^.^. Half hours with the best foreign authors. 1888. 4v. 808.8.M83 Contents: Vol. 1. Greek and Roman. 2. German. 3. French. 4. Italian, Spanish. 810. AMERICAN LITERATURE. compends. essays, collected works, etc. Cleveland. Social life and literature fifty years ago. 1888. 810. C60 Richardson. American literature : 1007-1885. 1887.. . 810.R40 Royce. Manual of American literature 810.R81 Underwood. Hand-book of English literature : American authors. 1886 810.UN2 Whittier. Prose works. 1860 810.W616 811. AMERICAN POETRY. Aldrich. Cloth of gold, and other i)oems. 1884. Mercedes, and later lyrics. 1884. Bryant. Poetical works. 1885. Carleton. Farm ballads. 1882. . Gary, A. and P. Poems. 1886. Cox. fThe Brownies : their book. 1887. tQueer people with paws and claws. 1888. Edwards. The chorister's mission. Tor young readers. 62 811.AL26C 811.AL26M 811. B84 811. C19 811. C25 811.C83R 811.C83Q 81LED9 tFor children. LITERATURE. AMERICAN ESSAYS. 814 1887. Emerson. Poems. 1886. Gannett. The old farm home. Harte. Poetical works. 1884. Hayden, Poems. 1887. . Hedge atid Wister, trs. Metrical translations and 1888 Holland. {Timothy Titcomb) Kathrina. 1807. Holmes. Poetical works. 1886. Before the curfew. 1888 Hudson. Poems of life and nature. 1883. Larcom. Poetical works. 1885. Wild roses of Cape Ann. 1882. Longfellow. Poetical works. 1885. Evangeline. 1848. ..... Lowell. Poetical works. 1886. Heartsease and rue. 1888. Moore, ed. Personal and political ballads. 1864. Perry. New songs and ballads. 1887. . Saxe. Poetical works. 188.3. . . . . Taylor. Poetical works. 1884. Trowbridge. The vagabond, and other poems. Whitney. Daffodils. 1887 Whittier. Poetical works. 1880. 3v. po 1887. 811. EMS 811. G15 811.H2.53 811. H32 811. H35 811.H714 811.H736 811.H736B 811.H86 811.L.32 811.L32W 811. L86 811.L86E 811.L954 811.L954H 811.M78 811. P42 811.SA98 811.T21 811.T75 811.W61 811.W616 813. AMERICAN FICTION. Note. American and English fiction, with translations from foreign languages, classed together. See page 73. 1887. 814. AMERICAN ESSAYS. Blake. Essays. 1887. . Burroughs. Birds and poets Fresh fields. 1886. . Locusts and wild honey. 1887. . Pepacton. 1887. Emerson. Conduct of life. 1886. . Essays. 1st and 2d ser. 1886-87 Lectures and biographical sketches. 1886 Letters and social aims. 188G. . Miscellanies. 1884. .... Nature. Addresses and lectures. 1885. Representative men. 1886. Society and solitude. 1886. Everett. Poetry, comedy, and duty. 1888. Fields. Underbrush. 1877. . Flagg. Studies in field and forest. 1857. Hale. What career? 1884. . 814.B58 814.B94F. 814.B94F S14.B94L S14.B94P 814.EM3C 814.EM3E 814.EM3L 814.EM3LE 814.EM3M 814.EM3N 814.EM3R 814.EM8S 814.EV2 814. F46 814. F59 814.H13 63 814 LITERATURE. AMERICAN ESSAYS. Hedgk. -Martin Luther and other essays. HiGGixsoN. Atlantic essays. 1871. Women and men. 1888. Holland. {Timothy Titcomb.) Plain talks on familiar jects. 1883 Same. Rev. edition. 18SG. Lowell. Among my books. 188G. 2 v. My study windows. 1886. . Mathews. Getting on in the world. 188."). Hours with men and books. 1879. Literary style, and other essays. 1888. Men, places, and things. Wit and humor : their use and abuse. 1888. Mitchell. {Ik Marvel.) Bound together. 1884 Wet days at Edgewood with old gardeners, old far and old pastorals. 1887. OssoLi. Art, literature, and the drama. 1875. Life without and life within. 1875. . Rees. Diversions of a book-worm. 1887. Repplier. Books and men. 1888. Whipple. Success and its conditions. 1885. sub 815. AMERICAN ORATORY. Choate. Addresses and orations. 1883 Johnston, ed. Representative American orations. 1884. 3v. Phillips. Speeches, lectures, and letters. 1884. . Webster. Speeches. Ed. by Whipple. . . . . 816. AMERICAN letters. Motley. Correspondence. Ed. by Curtis. 1889, 2v. 817. AMERICAN SATIRE AND HUMOR. Bangs and Sherman. New waggings of old tales. 1888. Clark. Mirthfulness and its exciters. 1870. Clemens. {Mark Twain) Adventures of Tom Sawyer. 1S87 Innocents abroad. 1884. .... Life on the Mississippi. 1883. . Roughing it. 1883 Cox. Why we laugh. 1876 Curtis. Potiphar papers. 1856. HoLLEY. {Josiah Allen'' s wife.) My opinion and Betsy bett's. 1887 Samantha at Saratoga. 1887. Holmes. Autocrat of the breakfast table. 1886. Poet at the breakfast table. 1884. Professor at the breakfast table. 1884. 64 Bob 814.H35 814.Hr)3A 814.H53W 814.H714 814.H714P 814.L954A 814.L954M 814.M42G 814.M42H 814.M42L 814.M42M 814.M42W 814.M69B 814.M69W 814.0S7A 814.0S7L 814.R25 814. R29 814. W57 815.C45 815J64 815. P54 815.W39 810. M85 817. B22 817.C54 817.C59A 817.C59I 817.C59L 817.C59R 817.C83 817.C94 817. H 72m 817.H72S 817.H736A 817.H73GP 817.H73GPR LITERATURE. — ENGLISH POETRY. 821 Irving. History of New York, by Diedricli Knickerbocker. Irving, W., and others. Salmagundi. .... Locke. {Nasby) Struggles of Petroleum V. Nasby. 1888 Mason. Humorous masterpieces. 188(1. 3v. Warner. Backlog studies. 1873. .... My summer in a garden. 1885 818. AMERICAN MISCELLANY. Club of one. [anon.] 1887. ..... Hawthorne. Tales, sketches, and other papers. 1885. HiGGiNSON. The monarch of dreams. 1887. . Irving. Sketch-book of Geoffrey Cra3'on. 1884. Woolfert's Roost, and other papers. 1865. Mitchell, {/k Marvel.) Dream life. 187G. Seven stories ; with basement and attic. 1884. Mowry. Talks with my boys. 1885. Our young folks at home Stowe. The chimney corner. 1884. WiNTHROP. Life in the open air. 1876. (Leis. hour ser.) 820. ENGLISH LITERATURE. COMPENDS. ESSAYS. COLLECTED WORKS, ETC Adams. Dictionary of English literature. Addison. Works : with notes by Hurd. 1883. 6v. Beers. Outline sketch of English literature. 1883. 2v. Burns. Complete works. Ed. by A. Smith. 1879. Chambers, ed. Cyclopaedia of English literature. 1883. 2v Fields. Yesterdays with authors. 1884. Goldsmith. Complete works. Ed. by W. Irving. 1836. Herbert. Works in prose and verse. .... RoYSE. Manual of English literature. 1885. . Taine. History of English literature. 2v. . Tuckerman. History of English prose fiction. 1882. . Underwood. Hand-book of Eng. literature : Eng. authors Whipple. Literature of the age of Elizabeth. 1876. White. Complete works. Ed. by Southey. 1837. Yonge. Three centuries of English literature. 1881. . 821. ENGLISH poetry. AiKiN, coinp. British poets. . . . ' . Arnold. Light of Asia. 1886. Pearls of the faith. 1883 Aytoun. Lays of the Scottish cavaliers. 1880. Bailey. Festus. 1872 817. 1 R8 817.IR80 817. L79 817. M38 817.W24B 817.W24M 818. C62 818.H316 818.H53 818.1 R8s 818.IR8W 818.M69D 818. M 69s 818.M87 818.0U7 818.ST77 818. W73 R820.AD13 820.AD2 820. C35 820. B93 R820.C35 820. F46 820.G57 820. H41 820. R81 820.T13 820. T80 820. UN2 820. W57 820.W568 820.YO8 821.AI4 821.AR63L 821.AR63P 821.AY9 821.B15 65 821 LITERATURE. ENGLISH POETRY. Browning, E. Poems. 1885. 4v. Browning, R. Poetic and dramatic works. 1887. 6v. Contents: I''ot. 1. Pauline; Paracelsus; Strafford; Sordello; Pippa passes, 8-21.B82 821.BS21 5. Dramatic lyrics; Thereturn of the Druses; A blot in the 'scutcheon; Colombe's birthday; A soul's tragedy, rtc. The ring and the book. Christmas eve and Easter day; Men and women; In a balcony; Dramatis persona-; Fifine at the fair, etc. Red cotton night-cap country; .-Xristophane's apoloqv; The inn album, etc. Selected poems. 1880-81. 1st and 2d ser. ICSSAYS. CRITICISM, ETC. Alexander. Introduction to the poetry of Robert Browning. 1889 Burt. Browning's women. 1887. . Corson. Introduction to Browning. 1886. Orr. Hand-book to Browning. 1886. Buchanan. Undertones. 1863. ) After Paradise. 2v 9. 3v Bulwer-Lytton. {Oweft Meredith King Arthur. 1871. . Lucile. 1884. . Burns. Poems. Byron. Poems and dramas. 1883. Campbell. Complete poetical works. Ed. by Gilman. 187 Chaucer. Complete poetical works. Ed. by Gilman. 187 Coleridge. Poetical works; with memoir, etc. Cross. {Geo. Eliot) Poems Dryden. Poetical works; with memoir. 1879. 2v. Goldsmith. Poems, plays, and essays. 1883. Herbert. Poems Hood. Poetical works; witli some account of the author 1882. 2v Ingelow. Complete poems. 1879. Macaulay. Poems. Milton. Poetical works. 1880. Moore. Poetical works. 1884. Pope. Poetical works; with memoir. Proctor. Poems Scott. Poetical works; with memoir Lady of the lake. 1838 Shelley. Poetical works; with memoir. 1885. 3v Spenser. Poetical works. 1878. 3v. . Tennyson. Complete poetical works. 1883. Locksley Hall sixty years after. 1887. Trumbull. Poetical works. 1820. White. Poems Wordsworth. Poetical works; with memoir. 3v. GG 1878. 1887 821.B821S 821.B822A 821.BS22B 821.B822C 821.B8220 821. B85 821.B87A 821.B87K 821.B87L In 820. B93 821. B99 821.C15 821.C40 821.C67 In 824. C88 821. D84 821.G.-)7 In 820. H41 821. H 76 821.1 N4 In 824. Mil 821. M 64 821.M78 821.P81 821.P94 821.SC085 821.SCOS5L 821. SH4 821.SP3 821.T20 821.T2r,L 821.T77 In 820. W58 821.W89 LITERATURE. ENGLISH FICTION. 823 822. ENGLISH DRAMA. Shakspeare. Dramatic works : with life, and notes. Based on the Singer edition. 1839. 7v. . . . . Contents: Vol.\. Life of Shakspeare; New facts, ^/c; Sliakspeare's will; Preface of the players: Tempest; Two gentlemen of Verona; Merry wives of Windsor; Twelfth night, or, what you will; Measure for measure; Much ado about nothing. 2. Midsummer night's dream; Love's labour lost; Merchant of Venice As you like it; All's well that ends well; Taming of the shrew. '?. Winter's tale; Comedy of errors; Macbeth; King John; King Rich- ard II; King Henry IV, part 1. 4. King Henry IV, part 2; King Henry V; King Henry VI, part 1-3. 5. King Richard III; King Henry VIII; Troilus and Cressida; Tim« of Athens; Coriolanus. 6. Julius Cssar; Antony and Cleopatra; Cymbeline; Titus Andronicus; Pericles. 7. King Lear; Romeo and Juliet; Hamlet; Othello. Shakspeare. Complete works : with life, explanatory and critical notes, and glossary. Ed. by Hudson. 1880. 20v. Contents: Vol. 1. Life; Comedy of errors; Two gentlemen of Verona. 2. Love's labor lost; Taming of the shrew. 3. Midsummer night's dream; Merchant of Venice. -4. All's well that ends well; Much ado about nothing. 5. As you like it; What you will. 6. Merry wives of Windsor; Measure for measure. 7. Tempest; Winter's tale. 8. King Henry VI, pt. 1-2. 9. King Henry VI, pt. 3; King Richard III. 10. King John; Richard II. 11. King Henry IV, pt. 1-2. 12. King Henry V; King Henry VIII. 13. Titus Andronicus; Romeo and Juliet. 14. Julius Caesar; Hamlet. 15. King Lear; Timon of Athens. 16. Antony and Cleopatra; Troilus and Cressida. 17. Macbeth; Moor of Venice. 18. Cymbeline; Coriolanus. 19. Pericles; Two noble kinsmen. 20. Lucrece; Sonnets. The Leopold Shakspere. From the text of Prof. Delius : with "The two noble kinsmen," and "Edward III." . 822.SHI 822.S'H1h 822.SH1L ESSAYS. CRITICISM, ETC. Beever. Book of reference to remarkable passages in Shakspeare. 1870 Donnelly. The great cryptogram. 1888. Hudson. Shakspeare; his life, art, and characters. 1886 2v Lamb, C. attd M. Tales from Shakspeare. Weiss. Wit, humor, and Shakspeare. 1876. . White. Memoirs of the life of William Shakspeare 1805 823. ENGLISH FICTION. 822. SH 10b 822.SH10D 822.SH10H 822.SH10L 822.SH10W 822.SH10WH Note. American and English fiction, w-ith translations from foreign languages, classed together. See page 73. 67 824 LlTKRATl'RE. ENGLISH ESSAYS. 824. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Arnold. Essays on criticism. 1883. .... BiRRKi.i.. Obiter tlicta. 1st and 26 ser. 1888. Cari.yi.k. Critical and miscellaneous essays. 1886. '2v Sartor resartus ; heroes, eU. 188(5 Cross. {Geo. E/io/.) Essays, poems, etc. 1885. . Contents: Sketcli of Geo. Eliot, by C. K. Paul. Essays; Leaves from a note-book; Poems; Brother Jacob; The lifted veil; Study of her memoirs, by E. S. P. Fkoi'DE. Short studies on great subjects. 1883. 4v Helps. Essays. 1879 LuKHOCK. Pleasures of life. 1887. Mac.a.I"l.-\v. Critical, historical, and miscellaneous essay poems. 3v. ...... AIai'KICE. Friendship of books. 188(i. . RusKiN. Sesame and lilies. 1887. ... Smith. Dreamthorp. 1889 Stevenson. Familiar studies of men and books. 1887. Th.vck I.RAY. .Miscellaneous essays. 1879. s and 824.AR()6 824. B53 824.C197 824. C 197s 824. C88 824. F93 824. H36 824. L96 824. Mil 824. M 44 824. R89 824.SMO 824.ST48 824. T32 82H ENGLISH letters. Cromwell. Letters and speeches. With elucidations by Carlyle. 188r,. 2v Gordon. Letters to his sister. Ed. by M. A. Gordon. 1885 2 copies. . . . . Taylor. Correspondence. Ed. by Dowden. 1888. 2v. Thackkkav. Letters: 1847-55. Ed. by Mrs. Brookfield. 1S87 827. ENGLISH SATIRE AND HUMOR. Cross. {Geo. Eliot) Impressions of Theophrastus Such. Hood. Prose works. 1878 Swift. Gulliver's travels. ...... Thackeray. Ballads, and The rose and the ring. 1879. Book of snobs. 1879. Burlesques. 1879 Christmas books of Mr. M. A. Titmarsh. 1879. Contents: Mrs. Perkins' ball ; Our street ; Dr. Birch and his youn; friends; Rebecca and Rowena; The Kickleburys on tl\e Rhine. Contributions to Punch. 1886. ..... Memoirs of Mr. Charles J. Yellowplush. 1879. Contents: The Fitz-boodle papers; Co.\'s diary; Character sketclies. Roundabout papers. 1879. 826. C88 826.G65 826. T21 82(;.T32 /;/ 823.C88F 827. H 76 827. SW5 827.T32B 827.T32BO 827.T32BU 827.T32C 827.T32CO 827.T32M 827.T32K 828. ENGLISH MISCELLANY Arnold. Turning points in life. 1873. . S.MILES. The art of living. Comp. by Cooke. 828.AR64 828.S.M4 68 LITERATURE. FRENCH FICTION. 843 830. GERMAN LITERATURE. Hedge. Hours with German classics. 1887. Prose writers of Germany. ...... HosMER. Short history of German literature. 1879. 831. GERMAN- POETRY. GoETHE. Poems. Tr. by Bowring, Aytoun, a«^(?/^^;-j-. 1883. Knortz, ed. Representative German poems. 1885. Schiller. Poems and essays. 1888 832. GERMAN DRA.MA. Goethe. Faust. 1883 Coitents: Part 1. Ed: and annotated by F. H. Hedge. Metrical v Miss Svvanwick, Prose tr. by Hayward. Part 2. Tr. by Miss Swanwick Faust. Tr. by Taylor. 2v Lessing. Nathan the wise. Tr. by Corbett. 1883. Schiller. Historical dramas. 1884. Romances and early dramas. 1884. . 833. GERMAN FICTION. JoURXALiSTEX, Die. Freytag. Ed., with English commen tary, by Toy. 1889 LiCHTEXSTEIX. Hauff Rabbiata, La. Das Mjidchen von Treppi . Die Blinden Heyse. 1873 Note. Translations from foreign languages classed with other fiction. Se. 839. MIXOR TEUTONIC LITERATURE. SATIRE AND HU.MOR. (DUTCH.) Erasmus. Praise of folly FICTION. See 833. Note. 830.H35H 830.H35P 830. H79 831.G5.J 831. K75 83LSCH3 S.32.G55 832.G55T 832. L56 832.SCH3H 832.SCH3R 833. F89 833.H29 833. Hoi page 73. 839. ERl 840. FRENCH LITERATURE. 843. FRENCH FICTION. Belle-Niverxaise, La. Daudet. Ed. by Boiele. 1889. . 843. D26 Confessions d'un ouvrier. Souvestre. Ed. by Super. 1889. 843.S08c Coktes biographiques. Foa. 1873 843. F68 Mari de Madame de Solange, Le. Souvestre. Ed., with English notes, by Super. 1889 843.S08M See 833. Note. 850 LITERATURE. ITALIAN LITERATURE. 850. ITALIAN LITERATURE. 851. ITALIAN POETRY. Dante. Divine comedy. Tr. by Longfellow. 1881-83. 3v. Dante hand-book. By Scartazzini. Tasso. Jerusalem delivered. Tr. by C. Smith. Same. Tr. by W'iffin. 853. ITALIAN FICTION. See 833. Note. 860. SPANISH LITERATURE. 861. SPANISH POETRY. LoCKHART, //-. Spanish ballads : also Chronicle of the Cid; by Diaz De Bivar. Tr. by Southey. .... 863. SPANISH FICTION. See 833. Note. 870. LATIN LITERATURE. 871. LATIN POETRY. Lucretius. Mallock. 1883. (Anct. classics.) Ovid. Church. 1883. (Anct. classics.) .... 872. latin dramatic poetry. Plautus and Terence. Collins. 1882. (Anct. classics.) . 873. latin epic poetry. Virgil. Collins. 1883. (Anct. classics.) .... Works. Prose tr. by Conington. 1880 Stories from. Church. ....... 874. latin lyric poetry. Catullus, Tibullus, and Propertius. Davies. 1884. (Anct. classics.) ........ Horace. Martin. 1881. (Anct. classics.) .... 875. LATIN ORATORY. Cicero. Collins. (Anct. classics.) De officiis. Tr. by Peabody. 1883 870. LATIN LETTERS. Pliny. Letters. Church <7;/(^/ Brodribb. 1883. (Anct. classics.) 851. D23 851.D23S 851. T18 851.T18W 861. L81 871. L96 871.0V4 872. P69 873.V81C 873.V81CO 873.V81SC 874. C29 874.H78 875. C48 171.C48 876. P71 LITERATURE. GREEK MISCELLANY. 877. LATIN SATIRE. Horace. Martin Juvenal. Walford. 1883. (Anct. classics.) . 878. LATIN MISCELLANY. C^sar. Commentaries of. TroUope. 1883. (Anct. classics.) LiVY. Collins. 1876. (Anct. classics.; ..... Stories from. Church. 1883. ...... Tacitl'S. Donne. (Anct. classics.) 880. GREEK LITERATURE. Jebb. Greek literature. 1884. (Lit. primers.) 881. GREEK poetry. Coleridge. Study of the Greek classic poets. 882. GREEK dramatic POETRY. yEscHYLUS. Copleston. 1883. (Anct. classics.) Aristophanes. Collins. 1883. (Anct. classics.) . Euripides. Donne. 1883. (Anct. classics.) Sophocles. Collins. 1882. (Anct. classics.) 883. GREEK epic POETRY. Hesiod and Theognis. Davies. 1882. (Anct. classics Homer. Gladstone. 1881. (Lit. primers.) The Iliad. Tr. by Bryant. 1880. 2v. Same. Collins. 1883. (Anct. classics.) The Odyssey. Tr. by Bryant. 2v. . Same. Collins. (Anct. classics.) Stories from. Church. 188.5. . 884. greek lyric poetry. Pindar. Morice. 1881. (Anct. classics.) 885. greek oratory. Demosthenes. Brodribb. 1883. (Anct. classics.) 888. GREEK MISCELLANY. JEsov. Fables. Tr. by Townsend. Aristotle. Grant. 1883. (Anct. classics.) . Herodotus. Swayne. 1883. (Anct. classics.) Ancient history. Ed. by Rawlinson. 1885. For boys and girls. Ed. by White. 1884. Stories from. Church. .... See 874 877.J98 878.C11 878.L76C 878.L76SC 878.T11 SS0.J34 881.C67 882.^8 882.AR4 882.EU7 882. S 06 883. H46 883.H75G 883.H75IB 883.H75IC 883.H750B 883.H750C 883.H75SC 884. P65 885. D39 888.^8 88S.AR4 888. H43 888.H43R 888.H43W 888.H43SC 71 888 LITERATURE. — GREEK MISCELLANY. LuciAN. Collins. 1883. (Anct. classics.) Plato. Dialogues. Tr. by Jowett. 187."). Plutarch. Lives Thucydides. Collins. 1884. (Anct. classics.) Xenophon. Grant. 1883. (Anct. classics.) . 888. L96 888. P69 See 920.03. P74 888.T42 888.X2 800. MINOR LANGUAGES. 891. MINOR INDO-EUROPEAN LANGl'AGES. DRAMA. (SANSKRIT.) Ka'lida'sa. Sakoontal.-i; or, the lost ring. Tr. by Williams. 1885 . FICTION. See 833. Note. 891. K12 72 FICTION A *Among the Tartar tents. Bowman. B68a Abbott : sequel to " The Amos Kilbright. Stockton. ST62a Monastery." Scott. SCO80 Anna Karenina. Tolstoi. T5S4a *AcHOR. Clark. ( Yensie Annals of a quiet neigh- Walton stories.) Co47a borhood. Macdonald. . M14an ADAiM Bede. Cross. In C886s Anne. Woolson. W8S5A Adela Carthcart. Mac- Anne of Geierstein. Scott. donald M14a 2 copies. .... SCOS.5A AofeLE. Kavanagh. . K17a Annie Kilburn. Howells. H83(;a Adventures of a house- Antiquary, Scott. . SC08.5AN boat. Black. . B56a Antonina ; or, the fall of Adventures of Philip. Rome. Collins. C693A Thackeray. 2v. T32a April hopes. Howells. . H83GAP Afloat and ashore. Arabian nights' entertain- Cooper C784a ments. 3v. . ARlL Agatha and the shadow. Argonauts of North Lib- Tenney. .... T2oA erty. Harte. . H256A Agnes of Sorrento. Stowe. ST77A Arius, the Libyan; an idyl Agnes Surriage. Bynner. B992A of the primitive church. AiMEE : a tale of the days Kouns. .... K844A of James II. Giberne. . G35a *Ark of Elm island. Kel- Alan Thorne. Moodey. . M773A logg. (Elm island stories.) K29a *Alec Forbes of Howglen. Arthur Bonnicastle. Hol- Macdonald. M14AL land H714A Alice Lorraine. Black- *ASBURY twins. Clarke. . C557a more. 2v. . . . B566A At the back of the North Alice's adventures in won- wind. Macdonald. M14AT derland. Dodgson. D665A At the councillor's. John. J6I4A All sorts and conditions At the Red Glove. Mac- of men. Besant. . B463A quoid. .... M244A Alone. Terhune. T27A *At the South Pole. Kings- Alroy. Disraeli. D63a ton. . •. . . K616A Alton Locke. Kingsley. K612A Aulnav tower. Howard. H8.32A AMERiCAN,The. James, H. J232A fAuNT Madge's story. *Among the lakes. Stod- Clarke. (Little Prudy's dard ST64A Fly-away ser.) C5o7fc •For young readers. t For children. 73 AURELIAN FICTION. AuRELiAN : sequel to Zen- obia. Ware. . W228A Autobiography of a slander. Bayly. B345A Autobiography of an old- fash i on ed farmhouse. Chamberlain. . C354A Autobiography of Mark Rutherford. Rutherford. R933A B Baby's grandmother. Wal- ford. (Leis. hour ser.) . W14b fBABY world. Dodge. D(i64B Bachelor's wedding trip. Sherman. SH521B Barchester towers. Trol lope. 2v. . . . T74b Barnaby Rudge. Dickens. 2v D55b Barriers burned away. Roe RG22B BARsinister: asocial study. Walworth. W178B Barry Lyndon. Memoirs of. Thackeray. T32m Beaton's bargain. Hec- tor. (Leis. hour ser.) H854B Beatrice. Kavanagh. . K17b Bedford-row conspiracy. Thackeray. /;/ T32c Bee-man of Orn. Stockton. ST62B Behind closed doors. Rohlfs RG32B Beleaguered city. Oli- phant. .... OL33B Ben-Hur : a tale of the Christ. Wallace. . WU54B Beulaii. Wilson. . WGOlB Betrothed. Scott. SCO80B Between whiles. Jackson. J13b Beyond the gates. Phelps; now Ward. W212B *BiDiNG his time. Trow- bridge T757b •Kor young readers. *BiRCHWOOD. Williams. . W673b *Black arrow : a tale of the two roses. Stevenson. ST48b Black dwarf. Scott. In SC085l Bleak house. Dickens. 2v Do5bl *Blind brother. Greene G83b Blithedale romance Hawthorne. . In H31Gs Border shepherdess Barr. B27b *Bound in honor. Trow bridge. . T757BO Bow of orange ribbon. Barr B27BO *Boy emigrants. Brooks E. S. B802b *Boy farmers of Elm isl and. Kellogg. (Elm island stories.) K29b *Boy knight. Henty. H40b Boys at Chequasset. Whit ney. WGIbo BRACEBRiDGKhall. Irving 1R8b Brave lady. Craik. . C844B Bravo. Cooper. C784b Bride of Lammermoor Scott. SC085BR Bride of the Nile. Ebers 2v EB3b Broken to harness Yates. YA23B f Brownie Sanford. May M452b Burgomaster's wife Ebers. EB3bu * B u R N H A M Breaker Greene. . G83bu Button's inn. Tourgee. T643B But yet a woman. Hardy H224B fBuz : life and adventures of a honey bee. Noel. NG8b By a way she knew not Robertson. R54SB c Caged lion. Yonge. . Y08c *Camping out. Stephens. ST43c tFor children. 74 FICTION. COUNT *Captain Bayley's heir. *Christmas wreck : and Henty H40c other stories. Stockton. ST62C t Captain Horace. Clarke. Chronicles of Carling- (Little Prudy ser.) . CooTpc ford. Oliphant. OL33C Captain Macdonald's *Chronicles of the Schon- daughter. Campbell. Clolc b e r g - C 1 1 a family. *Captain Phil. Thomas. T36c Charles. 2v. . C38c jCarrots : just a little *Chrystal, Jack & Co., boy. Molesworth. M73c a«fl' Delta Bixby. Mun- Case of Mr. Lucraft ; and roe. .... M924C other tales. Besant a7id Circuit rider. Eggleston. EG3c Rice B464c Citizen Bonaparte. 1794- *Cast away in the cold. 1815. Erckmann and Hayes. .... H326C Chatrian. ER2c *Castle Blair. Shaw. . SH24c *CiTOYENNE Jacqueline. Castle Daly. Keary. K21c Keddie K235C Castle Dangerous. *Clare Avery ; a tale of Scott. . . .In SCOSosu the Spanish Armada. Castle Richmond. Trol- Holt H743c lope. .... T74c *Classic tales. Edgeworth. ED.38C Catherine. Thackeray. . T32c Claudia. Douglas. D744C Cecil Dreeme. Winthrop. \V735c *Cliff-climbers : seq. to Chainbearer. Cooper. . /« C784s The plant-hunters. Reid. R273C Chance acquaintance. Cloister and the hearth. Howells. H836C Reade. 2v. . R225CL *Chance for himself. *Clover. Woolsey. W884C Trowbridge. . T7o7c Clytia. Hausrath. . H296C *Charlie Bell. Kellogg. Colonel's daughter. (Elm island stories.) K29c King, C. . . . K580C Chicot, the jester. Du- Colonel's opera cloak. mas. .... D89c Brush. (No name ser.) . B384C Childhood, boyhood. Conscript : story of the youth. Tolstoi. T.584C French war of 1812. Christian's mistake. Erckmann and Chatrian. ER2CN Craik. .... C844C Consuelo. Dudevant. D86c Christie Johnstone; and *CoRAL island. Ballan- other stories. Reade. . In R225P tyne. .... B21c Christmas books. Dick- Corinne; or, Italy. Stael- ens. .... Dooc Holstein. ST13C fCHRisTMAS child. Moles- CossACK-S, The. Tolstoi. T584CO worth. .... M73CH Counsel of perfection. *Christmas eve and Harrison. H247C Christmas day. Hale. . H13c *C0UNT Lucanor ; or, the Christmas stories. Dick- fifty pleasant stories of ens. .... Do5ch Patronio. Manuel. M31c *For young readers. (For children. 75 COUNT FICTION. Count of IMonte- Ciisto. Dumas. .... D89co Count Robert of Paris. Scott SC0S5C Countess de Charny: se- quel to " Taking the Bas- tile." Dumas. . . DSOcs Countess Gisela. John. . JC)14c *CouNTESS Kate. Yonge. YOSco Countess of Rudolstadt: sequel to C o n s u e 1 o . Dudevant. . . . D86co Country doctor. Jewett. J55Gc Country in danger. 17'.)2. Erckmann and Chatrian. I^R2co *Coupon bonds : and other stories. Trowbridge. . T757co *Cousin Grace. Clarke. (Little Prudy sen) . . CooTpc Cousin Phillis. Gaskell. . G21c Cousins. Walford. 2v. . W14c Cranford. Gaskell. . G21CR Crater; or,Vulcan's peak. Cooper /;/ C784w fCRUiSE of the canoe club. Alden AL24c *Cruises with Captain Bob on sea and land. Shilla- ber SH64C *CuDjo's cave. Trowbridge. T757cu *Cuore: an Italian school boy's journal. Amicis. . AMoc fCupiD and Chow-chow. Alcott. (Aunt Jo's scrap- bag.) .... ALloc D *Dab Kinzer. Stoddard. STG4i) *Daisy chain. Yonge. Y08d Daisy Miller. James, H J232d Daniel Deronda. Cross C886D Darnley. James, G.P.R J23d Daughter of Fife. Barr B27d Daughter of Heth Black. . Bo6d *For young readers. David Copperfield. Dick- ens. 2v. David Elginbrod. ."Mac- donald. . fDAVY and the goblin Carryl, pseud.? *Days of Bruce. Aguilar Days of my life. Oliphant Decameron, The. Boc caccio. Deemster, The. Caine. Deephavkn. Jewett. Deerbrook. .Martineau Dekrslaykr. Cooper. Delicia. Butt. Democracy. King, CI. Denis Duval. Thackeray Despot of Broomsedge cove. Murfree. Devereu.x. Bulwer-Lyt ton. Di.\ne Coryval. (No name ser.) *D(.'VRY of Kitty Trevylyan Charles. . *Dick Cheveley. Kings ton. Dickens dictionary Pierce. . *Dick o' the fens. Fenn Divorce; or, faithful and unfaithful. Lee. Doctor Breen's practice Howells. Doctor Claudius. Craw ford. *Doctor's daughter Clarke. . *Dr. Gilbert's daughters Mathews. Doctor Grattan. Ham mond. Doctor Sevier. Cable. Doctor Thorne. Trol lope. 2v. + For children. 76 FICTION. Doctor Zay. Phelps ; now Ward. ' . . . *DoiNG his best. Trow- bridge DoLLivER romance. Haw- thorne. .... Do.MBEY and son. Dick- ens. 2v. Don Quixote. Cervantes- Saavedra. *DoxALD and Dorothy. Dodge. .... Donovan. Bayly. . Dorothy Fox. Parr. DosiA : a Russian story. Durand. .... fDoTTY Dimple. Clarke. (Little Prudy ser.) . *DouBLE masquerade : a romance of the Revolu- tion. Talbot. *DOUBLE-RUNXER C 1 U b . Shillaber. Dove in the eagle's nest. Yonge. .... Down the West Branch. Farrar. (Lake and For- est ser.) .... *Drayto\.s and the Dave- nants. Charles. Dreamer, A. Wylde. (Leis. hour ser.j Dred : a tale of the great dismal swamp. Stowe *Drifted away. K . . Drift from two shores. Harte Drones' honey. Clarke. . Drummer boy. Trow- bridge. 2 copies. . Duchess de Langeais. Balzac Dynevok terrace. Yonge. .... *For young readers. W212D ] *Eakly dawn : sketches of T757d I Christian life in England j in the olden time H316D I Charles. . Earnest trifler. Sprague D.55DO East Angels. Woolson. *Eastward ho ! or, adven- C.335D tures at Rangeley lakes Farrar. (Lake and For D6G4D est ser.) . B345D Edelweiss. Auerbach. P244d *Editha's burglar. Burn ett D9.3D Egoist, The. Meredith. Egyptian princess C557PF Ebers. 2v. . *Eight cousins. Alcott. El fureidis. Cummins. T14d Elective afifinities Goethe. . SH64d Eliane. Craven. *Eliz.\beth ; or, the exiles YOSdo of Siberia. Cottin. Elsie series. Finley. *Elsie Dinsmore. F243d *Holidays at Roselands. *Elsie's girlhood. C38dr *Elsie's womanhood. *Elsie's motherhood. W97d *Elsie's children. *Elsie's widowhood. Elsie Venner. Holmes. ST77d Emperor. Ebers. 2v. KIId fENGLiSH channel. Abbott (Florence stories.) . H256d Equal to the occasion C557DR Mayo *Eric;. or, little by little T7r)7DR Farrar. . Eugene Aram. Buhver B21oD Lytton. . Eugenie Grandet. Bal YOSdy zac. C3 fORKXEY islands. Abbott. (Florence stories.) . . AB24fc *Other girls. Whitney. . W6I0 *OuR Helen. Clarke. . C55o- Our mutual friend. Dick- ens. 2v. ... D55o Our new mistress. Yonge. YOSo *OuR Phil; and other stories. Dana. . . D192o Our street. Clark. (Yen- sie Walton books.) . C5470' Pair of blue eyes. Hardy. 2v H228p Passe Rose. Hardy. . H224p Pathfinder. Cooper. . C784p Patience Preston, M.D. Raffensperger. . . R122p *Paul and Virginia. St. . Pierre SA26p Paul Patoff. Crawford. . C858p Pearl. O'Meara. . . 0M2p Pearl of Orr's island. Stowe ST77P Peckster professorship : a tale of psychical re- search. Quincy. . . Q43p Peg Woffmgton. Reade. . R225p Pelham. Bulvver-Lytton. 'I copies. B876P tFor cliildren. 84 FICTION. ROBERT Pen. By author of Miss Toosey's mission. . Pendennis. Tliackeray 2v Peveril of the Peak Scott. *Phaeton Rogers. John son, R. . *Phil and his friends Trowbridge. . *Philip Nolan's friends Hale. Philistines. Bates. PicciOLA. Saintine. Picked up in the streets Schobert. Pickwick papers. Dick ens. 2v. Pilot. Cooper. Pioneers. Cooper. . Pirate. Scott. *Plant-hunters. Reid ■fPLAY days. Jevvett. Popular tales from the Norse. Asbjornson and Moe. Portrait of a lady James, H. Prairie. Cooper. . Precaution. Cooper. President's daughters Bremer. . Prettv sister of Jose Burnett. . Pride and prejudice Austen. . Princess Amdlie. L — (No name ser.) Princess of Java. Higgin son. Princess of Thule. Black ■f Professor Johnny Williams. Prophet of the great Smoky Mts. Murfree. . *For young readers. P37 T.32p SC085P J63.3P T757P H13p B31p SA26p SCHGp DooP C784PI /;/ C784P SC085PI R273P J556P AS17P J232P C784PR C784PRE B75p B933P AU73P LIOp Ho33p B56p W673P 944p Prose tales. Poe. 2v. . *Proverb stories. Alcott. Prudence Palfrey. Al- drich. . . . . Prue and I. Curtis. Put yourself in his place. Reade. 2v. . Q Quaker girl of Nantucket Lee, Mary. Queechy. Warner, S. Queen Money. Kirk. Queen of Sheba. Aldrich Queen's necklace. Dumas Quentin Durward. Scott Quits. Tautphoeus. 2v R Rah, Marjorie Fleming, John Leech. Brown. Ramona. Jackson. . *Rasselas, prince of Abys siana. Johnson, S. *Raymond Kershaw. Cox Real folks. Whitney. Realmah. Helps. . *Red and white: a tale of the wars of the roses Holt. Re:d Rover. Cooper. Red Spider. Gould. Redgauntlet. Scott. Redskins. Cooper. Remember the Alamo Barr. Revolution in Tanner's lane. Rutherford, /.fi/«(/. Rienzi. Bulwer-Lytton. Rise of Silas Lapham Howells. *Riverside museum Williams. Robert Elsmere. Ward, Mrs. H. 2 copies. P7oP AL1.5P AL26P C944P R22.5PU L515Q W246G K232Q AL2(5q D89q SC085Q T19r BS12R J13r J635R C83oR W61r H364R H743R C784R G736R SC08.JR C784re B27r B933R B876r H836R W673R W21oR tFor cliildren. 85 ROBERT FICTION. Robert Falconer. Mac- Donald. *RoBiNSON Crusoe. De Foe iSame : in nionos3llables Schwacoffer. . Ron Ro)'. Scott. R oii E K I c K Hudson James, H. *Ro(;er Berkeley's proba tion. Campbell. Romance of a mummy Gautier. . Roman singer. Crawford Romany Rye : sequel to Lavengro. Borrow. RoMOLA. Cross. *Rose in bloom : sequel to eight cousins. Alcott. Rosemary and Rue C h a m p n e y. ( Round Robin ser.) fRoSY. Molesworth. *RoYAL Lowrie. Talbot *RoYAL Lowrie's last year at St. Olaves. Talbot. Rudder Grange. Stockton s St. George and St. Michael MacDonald. . St. Olaves. Stevenson. St. Ronan's well. Scott. *St. Winifred's ; or, the world of school. Farrar *SALTiLLoboys. Stoddard Salt Lake fruit. "Ameri- can." Sam Lawson's Oldtown fireside stories. Stowe Saracinesca. Crawford *Sara Crewe. Burnett. Satanstoe. Cooper. *Satin-wood box, Trow- bridge. . . . . *For young readers. M14r D363R D363RS SC085RO J232R C154R G23r C858r B04Gr /h C886mi AL15R C3o7r M73r T14r T14RO STr)2R M14s ST45S SC085S F24s ST64S AM3 ST77s C858S B93s C784S T757S Scarlet letter. Haw- thorne H316S Scenes of clerical life. Cross C886s *ScoTTiSH chiefs. Porter. P83s fScoTCH caps. Williams. W673& Seaboard parish : sequel to "Annals of a quiet neighborhood." M a c - Donald M14sE Sea lions. Cooper. . . C784sE. *Search for the star. Willett WG6s Second life. Hector. (Leis. hour ser.) . . H354s Second son. Oliphant. . OL33s Second wife. John. . J614s Sense and sensibility. Austen AU73s Septimius Felton. Haw- thorne /n H316d Seraphita. Balzac. . B21os Seven daughters. Douglas, D744s f Seven little sisters. An- drews AN26S Sevenoaks. Holland. . H714s Shandon bells. Black. . B56s *Shawl straps. Alcott. (Aunt Jo's scrap-bag.) . ALlos Shirley. Nicholls. . . Nol4s Sights and insights. Whitney. 2v. . . WOls SiGNOR Monaldini's niece. Tincker. (No name ser.) T49s Silas Marner. Cross. . In C886s Silence of Dean Mait- land. Grey, pseud? uttui G865S Silent partner. Phelps; now Ward. . . . W212s *SiLVER pitchers. Alcott. ALlosi Sir Tom. Oliphant. . OL33si t Sister Susy. Clarke. (Little Prudy ser.) . . C5r)7PB fSlSTER's bye-hours. Inge- low. .... IN44s tFor children. 86 FICTION. Sisters, The. Ebers. . EB3s *Six to sixteen. Ewing. . EW5s Sketches by Boz. Dick- ens. .... D55s Smoke. Turgenieff. . T84,s f Snap dragons : a tale of Christmas eve. Ewing. EW5sN Sons and daughters. Kirk. K632s Sorrows of W e r t h e r . Goethe Goos f Sparrow the tramp. Wesselhoeft. . . . W51s ■fSPEAKiNG likenesses. Rosetti R733s Springhaven. Blackmore. Bo66s Spy. Cooper. . . . C784sp Squire of Sandal -side. Barr B27s States general, 1789. Erckmann and Chatrlan. ER2s *Start in life. Trow- bridge T7r)7sT Steel hammer. Ulbach. UL12s Stephen Dane. Douglas. D744sT Stepping heavenward. Prentiss. . . . P912s Stepping stones. Doud- ney D742s Stillwater tragedy. Al- drich AL2ris Stories. Holm, pseud. 1st and 2d ser. . . H73 *Stories from life. Bolton. B63s Storie's from my attic. Scudder. . . . SCU2s Stories told to a child. Ingelow. [1st and]2d ser. IN44st Story of a New York house. Bunner. . . B884s Story of Avis. Phelps; now Ward. . . . W212s Story of Honor Bright. Talbot T14s Story of Kennett. Tay- lor T21s *For young readers. Story of Margaret Kent Kirk. Story of the Plebiscite Erckmann a)id Chatrlan Stout heart; or, the stu dent from over the sea Kellogg. (Whispering pine ser.) Strange adventures of a phaeton. Black. . Strange case of Dr Jekyll and .Mr. Hyde Stevenson. Stray pearls. Yonge. *Striking for the right Eastman. *Su.MMER in Leslie Gold thwaite's life. Whitney *SuMMER legends. Baum bach. Surgeon's daughter Scott. *Swiss family Robinson Wyss and Montolieu. Sylvia's lovers. Gaskell T Taking the Bastile : sequel to the "Queen's neck lace." Dumas. Tale of two cities. Dick ens. Tales of a traveller. Irving Talisman. Scott. . *Talking leaves. Stod dard. Taxcred. Disraeli. *Tanglewood tales Hawthorne. Tania-'s peril. Durand. Telemachus. Fenelon. fTELL me a story. Moles worth. ... Ten nights in a bar-room Arthur. . tPor 87 K632ST ER2st K29s Bo6sT ST48S Y08s EA7s W(?lsu B32s SCOSosu W99s G21c D89t D55t IR8t SCO80T ST64T D63t In H316T D93t F35T M73t AR77t children. TENTING FICTION. Tenting at Stony Beach. *TOM Brown at Oxford. Pool. . ' . P78t Hughes. .... H874T Ten years' tenant, and *To.Ai Brown's school days. other tales. Besant and Hughes H874TO Rice B464T *Tom's street. Clark. *Thaddeus of Warsaw. (Yensie Walton books.) . C547T Porter P83t f ToTO's merry winter. That lass o' Lowrie's. Richards. R393T Burnett. .... B933T Trafalgar. Perez Gal- *That queer girl. Town- dos. .... P412T send T666T Trail, The : more links to Their wedding journey. the Daisy chain. YOSt Howells. H836T Tried and true. Spen- "Theo." Burnett. . B9.33TH cer. .... SP34T Thomas Wingfold, curate. Triple "E." Clark. (Yen- Macdonald. . M14t sie Walton books.) C.j47tr Three feathers. Black. . B56t Troublesome daughters. fTHREE good giants. Rab- Walford. (Leis. hour ser.) W14t elais RllT *True blue. Kingston. . K616T fTHREE Greek children. *True tales for my grand- Church C472T son. Baker. . B176T Three musketeers. Du- Truth about Clement mas. .... D89TH Ker. Fletcher. F633T *Three scouts. Trow- Tsar's window. Hooper. bridge T757T (No name ser.) H765T Through green glasses. 'TwAS in Trafalgar's bay; Andy Merrigan's great and other stories. Bes- discovery. Allen. . AL53T ant and Rice. B464TW fTHROUGH the looking- Twenty years after. Du- glass. Dodgson. . D665T mas. .... D89TW Through unknown ways. Twice-told tales. Haw- Guernsey. G934T thorne H316T Thrown together. Mont- Two admirals. Cooper. . In C784PI gomery. 2v. . M7()2t Two chiefs of Dunboy : Tilting at windmills. an Irish romance of the Connelly. C763T last century. Froude. . F936T TiNKHAM brothers tide- Two daughters of one mill. Trowbridge. T757TI race. Behrens. B390TW Titan. Richer. ( Leis. fTwo little waifs. Mole.s- hour ser.) 2v. R414T worth M73TW *Toi5Y Taylor; or, ten *Two thousand years ago. weeks with a circus. Church C472TW Kaler K125T Two years ago. Kings- ToiLKR.s of the sea. Hugo. HS75T ley. .... KG12T To.M. Chaney. . C365T Tylney hall. Hood. H76t *For young readers. tFor children. 88 FICTION. WING-AND-WIXG u Uarda : a romance of an cient Egypt. Ebers. 2v EB3u TJx'CLE Tom's cabin Stowe. STTTu Uncle Tom's tenement Rollins. . R654U Uncommercial traveller Dickens. D.35U *Under the lilacs. Alcott ALlou *Undine. L a M o 1 1 e Fonque. . L19u Undiscovered country Howells. HS.SGu Unkind word ; and othei stories. Craik. C844U fUP hill and down dale Nichols. . N517U *Up the North Branch Farrar. . T24.3D V Vanity fair. Thackeray. 2v T32v Vicar of Wakefield. Gold- smith. Go7v Vicomte de Bragelonne Dumas. 2v. . DS9v Villa on the Rhine. Auer bach. (Leis.hourser.) 2v AU3v Virginia inheritance. Pen dleton. P372V Virginians. Thackeray 2v T32VI Vivian Grey. Disraeli. DG3v w War and peace. Tolstoi 2v T584W *Warlock o'Glenwarlock Macdonald. M14w War-time wooing. King,C K.")SOw fWATER-BABiES. Kingsley Kr)12w Water-witch. Cooper. C784w 'For young readers Waterloo : sequel to The conscript. Erckmann and Chatrian. . . ER2w Waverley. Scott. . . SC085W W.AYSof the hour. Cooper. /«C784pre We and our neighbors. Stowe ST77w *We and the world. Ewing. EW5w *We girls. Whitney. . WGlw Wept of Wish-ton-wish. Cooper. . . . . /n C784pr Westward ho I Kingsley. KG12we We two. Bayly. . , B345w tWH.A.T Katy did. Wool- sey W884w f What Katy did at school. Woolsey. . . . W8S4wh fWHAT Katy did next. Woolsey. . . . W884wk Wh.-\t people live by. Tol- stoi. .... T584wh What's mine's mine. Mac- donald M14wH Where the battle was fought. Murfree. . . M944w Which shall it be? Hec- tor. (Leis. hour ser.) . H3o4w * White cockades : an in- cident of the '45. Ste- venson. .... ST46w White heron ; and otlier stories. Jewett. . . J.").56w White wings. Black. . B5Gw *WlLD woods life; or, trip to Parmachanee. (Lake and forest ser.) Farrar. F243w *Wilfred Cumbermede. Macdonald. . . . M14wi Wilhelm Meister's ap- prenticeship and travels. Goethe G55w *Winborol'GH boys. Adams. . . . ' . AD133w Wind of destiny. Hardy. H224w Wing-and-Wing. Cooper, /n C784r tFor children. WINIFRED FICTION. *WixiFKEi) Bertram Charles. . *VViNNiNG his spurs. Kel loco' ♦Winning liis way. Coffin *WiNTER fun. Stoddard Without a home. Roe. Wives and daughters Gaskell Wolves and the lamb Thackeray. Woman in white. Collins Woman's kingdom. Craik Woman's reason. Howells Won by waiting. Bayly. *WoNDER-i;ooK. H a w ■ thorne. ... WONDEK-CLOCK. Pyle. fWoNDEK Stories for chil- dren. Andersen. . Woodstock. Scott. Wooing o't. Hector (Leis. hour ser.) *WoRK. Alcott. World went very well then. , Besant. *Wreck of the Grosvenor Russell. . *Wrecked on Labrador Stearns. . Wyandotte. Cooper. *For young readers. C38w K29w C(;56w ST()4w R62w G21w In T32l C693W C844 H836\v B34owo H316w P993w AN23w SCOSowo H354WO AL15W B463w R91w ST34w In C784sr Wych Hazel. Warner, S. and K W246W Y Year one of the republic. 1793. Erckmann and Chatrian. ER2y Yeast. Kingsley. K612Y Yensie Walton. Clark. (Yensie Walton books.) . C547Y YoLANDE. Black. . B56y *YoRK and Lancaster rose. Keary. .... K2lY *YouNG buglers. Henty. H40y *YouNG fur-traders. Bal- lantyne B21y *YouNG moose hunters. Stephens. ST43Y *YouNG Nile voyagers. Bowman. BG8y *YouNG ship-builders. Kel- logg. (Elm island stories.) K29y *YouNG surveyor. Trow- bridge T757Y *Youngest Miss Lorton; and other stories. Perry. P24y Zenobia, queen of Palm}-- ra. Ware. . . . W228i Zoroaster. Crawford. . C858z tFor children. 90 HISTORY. UNIVERSAL. 909 900. HISTORY. Creasy. Fifteen decisive battles of the world. 1885 CusT. Annals of the wars of the eighteenth century : 1739-59 1858. V. 2. . ■ Egglestox. *Strange stories from history for young people James. Dark scenes of history. 1874. .... YoNGE. *Book of golden deeds. 1883. 901 PHILOSOPHY OF HISTORY. Buckle. History of civilization in England. 1887. 2v. GuizoT. History of civilization in Europe from the fall of the Roman empire to the French revolution. 1885. 902. COMPEXDS. CHRONOLOGIES. 1884, Allen. Reader's guide to English [and other] history Haydn. Dictionary of dates. Ed. by Vincent. 1884. Labbertox. Outlines of history to the present time. Putnam, ed. The world's progress. Summary of English and French history. 1875. Waites. Historical student's manual. 1878. . Webb. Historical companion. 18G1. 904. essays, lectures, addresses. Arnold. Introductory lectures on modern history. 1874. Lea. Superstition and force. 1866. ..... Lodge. Studies in history. 1885. ...... Tolstoi. Power and liberty 905. periodicals, historical magazines. Magazixe of American history. Ed. by De Costa a7id John- son. 1882. v. 8, no. 12 907. STUDY AND TEACHING OF HISTORY. Freemantle. Methods of historical study. 1886. United States. Int. dept. Bureau of education. The study of history in American colleges and universities. By Adams. (Circular of information no. 2.) 1887. 909. universal history. Barnes. Studies in general history. 1885. Fisher. Outlines of universal history. . . Fredet. Modern hist, from the coming of Christ to 1867. 1872, Oilman. *First steps in general history. Mackenzie. The nineteenth century. 1885. Weber. Outlines of universal history. Worcester. Elements of history, ancient and modern. *For young readers. 91 900. C86 900. C96 900.EG33 900.J23 900.YO8 901.B85 901. G94 902.AL5 R902.H32 R902.L11 R902.P98 902. SU6 902 W13 902. W38 904.AR6G 904. L46 904. L82 904.T58 905.M27 907.F8'i 907. UN3 909.B26 909. F53 909.F87 909. G42 909. M 19 909. W38 909. W89 910 HISTORY. — GEOGRAPHY. TRAVEL AND DESCRIPTION. 910. GEOGRAPHY. TRAVEL AND DESCRIPTION. Ballou. Foot-prints of travel. 1889 910. B21 Beehler. Cruise of the " Brooklyn." 1885 910.B393 Blackwooix Letters from high latitudes. 1859. . . . 910.B568 Brassev. *Around the world in the yacht "Sunbeam." 1878. 910.B73a *In the trades, the tropics, and the roaring forties. 1885. U10.B73l COLTON. Deck and port. 188G 910.C72 Crowxixgshild. *A11 among tlie light-houses; or, the cruise of the "Goldenrod." 910.C88 Daxa. *Two years before the mast. 1886 910.D19 Hale. *Stories of adventures told by adventurers. 1885. . 910.H13sA *Stories of discovery told by discoverers. 1885. . . 910.H13sD *Stories of the sea told by sailors. 1880 910 H13ss Hartwig. The polar and tropical worlds. 1871. . . . 910. H25 Jackson. Glimpses of three coasts. 1886 910.J13 Mateaux. Peeps abroad for folks at home 910. M41 Nordenskiold. Voyage of the Vega round Asia and Europe. 1882. . '. "" 910.N75 Reclus. Bird's-eye view of the world. 1887. . . . R910.R24 Samuels. *From the forecastle to the cabin. 1887. . . 910.SA4 Seward. Travels round the world. 910.SE8 Spry. Cruise of H. M. S. "Challenger." 1878. . . . 910.SP88 STEPHEN'S. *The Knockabout club alongshore. 1886. . . 910.ST43 Tadlock. Bohemian days. 1889 910.T12 Taylor. At home and abroad. 1884. 2v 910.T21 TowLE. *Drake; the sea king of Devon. 1883. (Young folks' heroes of history.) 910.T65D *Magellan; or, the first voyage around the world. (Young folks' heroes of history.) 910.T65M *Marco Polo; his travels and adventures. (Young folks' heroes of history.) ....... 910.T65ma *Pizarro; his adventures and conquests. (Young folks' heroes of history.) ....... 910.T65P *Raleigh; his exploits and voyages. (Young folks' heroes of history.) 910.T65R *Voyages and adventures of Vasco da Gama. (Young folks' heroes of history.) 910.T65V Vekne. *Explorations of the world : Great explorers. 1881. 910.V59ge Same. Great navigators. 1880. 910.V59gn 910.7. geography in general, and study and teaching of geography. Crocker. Methods of teacliing geography. 2 copies. 1884. 910.7.C87 KiN(;. Methods and aids in geography. 1889. . . . 910.7.K58 * For young readers. 92 HISTORY. EUROPEAN TRAVEL AND DESCRIPTION. 914 Lifpin'COTt's gazetteer of the world. 1SS4 Murray. Encyclopaedia of geography. ISio. 2v. Parker. How to study geography. ..... fPHiLiPS' geographical readers. nos. ..... Contents: No. 1. First steps. 2. Pt. 2. Same. 3. Enp;., physical and political. 4. British islands, itc. 5. Europe, physical and political; Latitude and longitude; Day and night; The seasons, ti. The world; Interchange of productions; Climate. R910.7.L66 910.7. M96 910.7. P22 910.7. P53. 911. HISTORICAL GEOGRAPHY. Labbertox. Historical atlas. 1884 TozER. Classical geography. 1878. (Lit. primers.) Smiley. Scripture geography. 1834. .... 912. maps, atlases, plans of cities, ETC. Black's general atlas of the world England and Wales. Bartholomew. (Philips' ser.) Texas. De Cordova. United States. Descriptive atlas. .... R911.L11 911.T66 911. SM4 R912.B56 R912.EN3- R912.T31 R912.UN3 913. antiquities, arch.eology of special countries. Adams. Buried cities of Campania. 1870 913.AD13 Arch^OLOGICAL institute of America. Doric shaft and base found at Assos. By Clarke. 1886 913.AR2i> Gargara, Lamponia and Pionia : towns of the Troad. By Clarke. 1888 913.AR2& Notes on oriental antiquities. By Ward. 1887-88. . 913.AR2N Papers of the American school of classical study at Athens. 1883-86. V. 2-4 ' . . . 913.AR2p- Contents: Vol. 2. Epigraphical jnurney to Asia Minor; Sterrett. 3. Wolfe expedition to Asia Minor; Sterrett. 4. Theatre of Thoricus, prelim, rept.; Miller. Same, supplementary; Cushing. Greek versi- fication in inscriptions; Allen. Athenian Pnyx; Crow. Notes on Attic vocalism; Lewis. Preprints of the American journal of archaeology. 1889. . 913.AR2pr Contents: Newly discovered liead of Iris; Waldstein. Discoveries in the Attic Deme of Ikaria, 1888; Buck. Decrees of the Demotionidai; Tarbell. Reports: 1885-88 913.AR2r Dyer. Pompeii: its histor. buildings and antiquities. 1883. 913. D98 Lanciani. Anct. Rome in the light of recent discoveries. 1888. 913. L22 Layard. Nineveh and its remains. 1849. 2v. . , . 913. L45 Myers. Remains of lost empires 913. M99 Schliemann. Ilios, the city and country of the Trojans. . 913.SCH3 Smith, e'rt^. Dictionary of Greek and Roman antiquities. 1882. R913.SM6 Dictionary of Greek and Roman geography. 1878. . . R913.SM6 914. EUROPEAN travel AND DESCRIPTION. (including geography.) Benedict. *Stories of persons and places in Europe. . . 914. B43: *For young readers. 93 914 HISTORY. — EUROPEAN TRAVEL AND DESCRIPTION. BuTTERWORTH. *Zigzag journevs in classic lands. 1S81. *Zigzag journe\s in Europe. 18SG. . *Zigzag journevs in northern lands. 1884. *Zigzag journeys in the Orient. 1884. Carter. *T\vo girls abroad. 1888. Cassei.v. Pocket guide to Europe. 1887. CoLTON. Land and lee in the Bosphorus and .-Egean. Notes on France and Italy. 188(3. .... Crowxinsiiield. *The ignoramuses : a travel story. 1887 Field. From the lakes of Killarney to the Golden Horn. 1887 Guild. Abroad again. 1884 Britons and Muscovites. 1888 Over the ocean. 1881. ...... Hale, E. E. and S. *A family flight through France and Germany. 188.5. ..... Ha.mertox. a painter's camp. 1882. Jackson. Bits of travel. 1886. Longfellow. Outre-mer. Driftwood. 1880. .^LA.CGREGOR. *A thousand miles in the Rob Roy canoe on rivers and lakes of Europe. 1866. *Voyage alone in the yawl "Rob Roy." 188(1 Meriwether. A tramp trip : how to see Europe on fifty cents a day. 1887. . . . Taylor. Views a-foot. 1885. Trafton. *An American girl abroad. Waring. The bride of the Rhine. 1878. Warner. A roundabout journey. 1884. Saunterings. 1886 ..... Willis. Pencillings by the way. 1884. . See also Clemens. Innocents abroad. 817.C59i 914.1. SCOTLAND. Hall and Hall. A week at Killarney. 1858. HuNXEWELL. The lands of Scott. 1880. Reid. Art rambles in Shetland. 1809. . Stevenson. Edinburgh. 1889. 914.15. IRELAND. Black's guide to Belfast, Giant's Causeway, etc. Thackeray. Irish sketch-book. 1879. . 914.2. ENGLAND. Badeal". Aristocracy in England. . Besant. Fifty years ago. 188S. Black's guide to England and Wales. Borrow. Wild Wales. 1888. •For young readers. 94 1872. 9U.B98C 914.B98E 914.B98N 914.B980 914.C24 914C27 914. C72 914.C88 914. F45 914.G94A 914.G94H 914.G940 9U.H13 914.H17 914.JL3 914.L86 914.M17T 914.M17V 914.M.-)44 914.T21 914.T67 914.W23 914.W24R 914.W24S 914.W(i7G 914.1. H14 914.1. H89 914.1. R27 914.1. ST48 914.15. B56 914,15.T32 914.2.B14 9142.B4()3 914.2. B.->6 914.2.B64 HISTORY. EUROPEAN TRAVEL. ITALY, 914.5 Bradshaw's hand-book of Great Britain and Ireland. Emerson. English traits. 1885 Glover's illustrated guide through the Isle of Man. 1870 Hare. Walks in London. 1878 Hawthorne. Our old home, and Eng. note-books. 1885. 2v Holmes. One hundred days in Europe. 1887. HoPPix. Old England : its scenery, art, and people. 1886. Mateaux. Rambles round London town. RiMMER. Pleasant spots around Oxford. White. England without and within. 1885. . 914.3. GERMANY. Gerard. The land beyond the forest. 1888. Green. Pictures from the German fatherland. (Pen and pencil.) Kay. Austria-Hungary. 1880. Waring. Tyrol and the skirt of the Alps. 1880. . Watts. An art student in Munich. 1880 See aha MvRVHY. Down the Rhine /« 914.94.W62s. 914.4. FRANCE. Blackburn. Normandy picturesque. 1878. . The Pyrenees. 1881 Green. French pictures. (Pen and pencil.) ... Hawthorne. Passages from the Fr. and It. note-books. 1885 Marshall. French home life. 1884 MoLLOY. Our autumn holiday on French rivers. Roberts. France. 1881. Sanderson. Sketches of Paris in familiar letters to friends 1838 Thackeray, Paris sketch-book. 1879. 914.5. ITALY. Dickens. Pictures from Italy. Am. notes. Hare. Cities of southern Italy and Sicily. SieMy Florence. ......... Venice. ......... Walks in Rome. ........ HowELLS. Italian journeys. 1884. .... Tuscan cities. 1886 Venetian life. 1885. 2v Macmillan. Roman mosaics; or, studies in Rome and its neighborhood. 1888 Manning. Italian pictures. (Pen and pencil.) Norton. Notes of travel and study in Italy. 1860. Taine. Italy: Rome and Naples. 1874. See also Goethe. Letters from Italy. Hawthorns. French and Italian note-books. 9 95 /« Go5s t.4:.H310 914.2.B72 914.2.EM3 914.2.G0I 914.2. H22 914.2. H316 914 2. H 736 914.2.H77 914 2.M41 914.2. R46 914.2. W58 914.3.G31 914.3.G82 914.3.K18 914..3.W23 914.3.W34 914.4. B5G3N 914.4. B563P 914.4.G82 914.4.H316 914.4.M35 914.4. M73 914.4.R544 914.4.SA5 914.4.T32 914.5 D5o 9 14.5. H 22c 9-14.5. H22s 914.5.H22F 914.5.H22V 914.5. H22w 914.5.H836I 914.5. H836T 914.5.HS36V 914.5. M225 914.0.M31 914.5.N82 C145.T13 914.6 HISTORY. EUROPEAN TRAVEL. SPAIN. PORTUGAL. 914.6. SPAIN. PORTUGAL. Baker. A summer in the Azores. . Boiutow. The Bible in Spain. 1888. The Zincali; or, the gypsies of Spain. 1888. COLTON. Ship and shore. 1886. Field. Gibraltar. 1888 Hale. Seven Spanish cities and the way to them. 1883 Hale, S. *A family flight through Spain. Hay. Castilian days. 1884 Irving. The Alhambra. 1884. Spanish papers. Ed. by P. Irving. Manning. Spanish pictures. (Pen and pencil.) Stoddard. *Redletter days abroad. 1884. . 914.7. RUSSIA. Gautier. a winter in Russia. 1887. Hare. Studies in Russia. ..... Knox. *Boy travellers in the Russian empire. 1887 Wallace. Russia. 1881 914.8. SWEDEN. DENMARK. Davis. Norway nights and Russian days. 1887. . Du Chaillu. Land of the midnight sun. 2v. ... Lovett. Norwegian pictures. 1885. (Pen and pencil.) Taylor. Northern travel : Sweden, Denmark and Lapland. 914.9. minor countries of europe. Brassev. *Sunshine and storm in the East: cruises to Cyprus and Constantinople. 1880 014.91. ICELAND. Kneeland. An American in Iceland. 187(5 914.92. NETHERLANDS. HOLLAND. Amicis. Holland and its people. 1880 Boughton. Sketching rambles in Holland. 1885. Hare. Sketches in Holland and Scandinavia. LovETT. Pictures from Holland. 1887. (Pen and pencil.) Waring. *A farmer's vacation. 187(5 914.6.B17 914.(3. B64b 914.G.B64Z 914.6. C72 914.6. F45 914.6.H13 914.6.H138 914.6. H32 914.6. 1 R8a 914.6. 1 R8s 914.6. M31 914.6.ST64 914.7.G23 914.7. H 22 914.7. K77 914.7.W15 914.8. D29 914.8. D85 914.8. L94 914.8. T21 914.9. B73 914.91. K73 914.92. A AI5 914.92. B66 914.92. H 22 914.92. L94 914.92. W23 914.94. SWITZERLAND. Mackenzie. Switzerland. 1881. Manning. Swiss pictures. (Pen and pencil.) TvNDALL. Hours of exercise in the Alps. 1885. Whvmper. The ascent of the Matterhorn. 1880. Scrambles amongst the Alps. See also Goktkh. Letters from Switzerland. In G55s. *For young readers. 96 914.94.M19 914.94.M31 914.94.T97 914.94.W62a 914.94. W62s HISTORY. ASIATIC TRAVEL. INDIA. 915.4 914.95. GREECE. Mahaffy. Social life in Greece from Homer to Menander. 1883 914.95. M27 TucKERMAN. The Greeks of today. 914.95.T79 914.96. TURKEY IN EUROPE. Amicis. Constantinople See also Brassky. Sunshine and storm in the East. CoLTON. Land and lee in the Bosphorus and yEgean. 915. 914.9.B73. 914.C72. ASIATIC TRAVEL AND DESCRIPTION. (including geography.) Curtis. Dottings round the circle. 1877. .... Knox. *Travels of Marco Polo. 1885 Miller. *Little people of Asia. 1885 Taylor. Visit to India, China, and Japan ed. Central Asia. Travels in Cashmere, Little Thibet, etc. 1885 915.1. CHINA. Gray. China: a history of the laws, manners, and customs of the people. 1878. 2v Lee. *When I was a boy in China. Wilson. China : with a glance at Japan. 1887. 915.2. JAPAN. Greey. *The wonderful city of Tokio. 1883. *Young Americans in Japan. 1882 Kxox. *Adventures of two youths in a journey to Japan and China. .......... Lowell. The soul of the far East. 1888 Morse. *Japanese homes and surroundings. 1886. Taylor, ed. Japan in our day. 1883 915.3. ARABIA. Field. On the desert: with brief review of recent events in Egypt. 1888 Taylor, ed. Travels in Arabia. 1883 915.4. INDIA. Arnold. India revisited. 1880 Butler. The land of the Veda; personal rem. of India Butterworth. *Zigzag journeys in India. . Caird. India, the land and the people. 1884. Field. From Egypt to Japan. 1887. Knox. *Adventures of two youths in a journey to Ceylon and India. 1882 914.96.AM5 915. C94 915. K77 915.M61 915.T21 915.T21C 915.1.G80 915.1.L51 915.1.W69 915.2. G86w 915.2.G86Y 915.2.K77 915.2.L95 915.2.M83 915.2.T21 915.3. F45 915.3.T21 915.4AR61 915.4. B97 915.4.B98 915.4.C12 915.4.F45 *For young readers. 7 97 CIRCULAR •'-^^ ^- T!SAlN«a«8G CLASS ^ ^ICf|fT|JAI?E. /// i2^/?r scn#^ 915.4 HISTORY. ASIATIC TRAVEL. INDIA. Urwick. Indian pictures. (Pen and pencil.) .... Wilson. Tlie abode of snow : through the upper valleys of the Himalaya. 188G 915.G. TURKEY IN ASIA. BON.VR. The land of promise : notes of a journey from Beer- sheba to Sidon. 1858. ..... Bryce. Transcaucasia and Ararat. 1878. BuRNABY. On horseback through Asia Minor. 1878. . Curtis. The Howadji in Syria Field. Among the holy hills. 1888 KiTTO. Scripture lands. 1873 i\Iacgre(;or. *The Rob Roy on the Jordan, Nile, Red Sea etc. 1870 Mauxdrell. Journey from Aleppo to Jerusalem. 1836. Stanley. Sinai and Palestine. 1883. . . . . Taylor. Lands of the Saracens. 1883. Thomson. The land and the book : Southern Palestine and Jerusalem. 1886. 3v Warner. In the Levant. 1882 915.4.UR9 915.4.W70 910.6.B64 915.6.B84 915.6.B93 915.6. C94 915.6. F45 915.6. K65 915.6. M17 915.6.M44 915.6.ST22 915.6.T21 915.6.T38 915.6. W24 915.7. SIBERIA. Lansdell. Through Siberia. 1882. 2v 915.7.L30 915.8. AFGHANISTAN. TURKESTAN. BELOOCHLSTAN. BuRNABY. A ride to Khiva Lansdell. Russian Central Asia. 1885. 2v. . . . 915,9. FARTHER INDIA. Bacon, ed. Siam as it was and is. 1883. .... Knox. *Adventures of two youths in a journey to Siam and Java. 1882 916. AFRICAN TRAVEL AND DESCRIPTION. (including geography.) Knox. Rae. *Adventures of two youths in a journey through Africa. 1884 916.1. NORTH AFRICA. The country of the Moors. 1877 916.2. EGYPT. BuTTERWORTH. *Zigzag journeys in the Levant. 1886. CuRZON. A visit to monasteries in the Levant. De Leon. The Khedive's Egypt. 1878 Hale, E. E. and S. *A family flight over Egypt and Syria, *For young readers. 98 915.8.B93 915.8.L30 915.9.B13 915.9. K77 916. K77 910.1.R12 916.2.B98 916.2. C943 916.2. D37 916.2.H13 HISTORY. NO. AMERICAN TRAVEL. CEN. AMERICA. 917.28 Knox. *Adventures of two youths in a journey to Egypt and the Holy Land 916.2.K77 Lane. Manners and customs of the mod. Egyptians. 1871. 2v. 916.2. L24 Manning. The land of the Pharaohs 916.2. M31 Taylor. Egypt and Iceland in 1874. 1883 916.2.T21 Warner. My winter on the Nile. 1886 916.2.W24 Warren. Life on the Nile. Tour in Syria and Palestine. 1867. 916.2.W25 916.6. NORTH CENTRAL AFRICA. Richardson. Story of the Niger. 1888 916.6.R40 916.7. SOUTH CENTRAL AFRICA. CONGO. LAKE REGION, ETC. Baker. The Albert N'Yanza. 1885 Du Chaillu. *Lost in the jungle Knox. *Boy travellers on the Congo. 1888. . Livingstone. Last journals. Ed. by Waller. 1875. Stanley. The Congo and the founding of its free state 1885. 2v Through the dark continent. 1878. 2v. Taylor, ed. Lake regions of Central Africa. 1883. 916.7.B17 916.7. D85 916.7. K77 916.7. L76 916.7.ST2C 916.7.ST2D 916.7.T21 917. NORTH AMERICAN TRAVEL AND DESCRIPTION. (iNXLUDING GEOGRAPHV.) Smith. Stories of persons and places in America. . Warner. On horseback : a tour in Virginia, No. Carolina and Tennessee; with notes of travel in Mex. and Cal. 1888. 917.1. CANADA. BRITISH AMERICA. Butterworth. *Zigzag journe3's in Acadia. 1885. Campbell. Canadian pictures. (Pen and pencil.) . CozzENS. Acadia. 1870. Rae. Newfoundland to Manitoba. 1881. See also Stephens. 917.41.ST43. 917. SM5 917.W24 917.1. B98 917.1.C15 917.1.C83S 917.1.R12 917.2. MEXICO. Bishop. Old Mexico and her lost provinces. 1883. Charnay. Ancient cities of the new world. 1887. Hale, E. E. and S. *A family flight through Mexico. Ober. Travels in Mexico. 1885. .... Smith. White umbrella in Mexico. 1889. Stephens. *The Knockabout club in the tropics. 1884 Wallace. Land of the Pueblos. 1888. 917.28. central America. Brigham. The land of the Quetzal. 1887. *For young readers. 99 917.2.B54 917.2.C385 917.2.H.13 917.2.0B2 917.2.SM6 917.2.ST43 917.2.W153 917.28.B76 917.29 HISTORY. — NO. AMERICAN TRAVEL. WEST INDIES. 917.29. WEST INDIES. Dorr. Bermuda: an idyl of the summer islands. 18S6. 917.3. UNITED STATES. Arnold. Civilization in the United States. Bowles. Across the continent. 1860. . BuTTERWORTH. *Zigzag journeys in the Occident. Champney. Three Vassar girls at home. 1888. Hale, E. E. and S. *A family flight around home Manning. American pictures. (Pen and pencil.) 917.4. NORTH-EASTERN OR NORTH ATLANTIC 1883. 917.29.D736 917.3.AR6(> 917.3. BOS 917.3.B98 917.3.C357 917.3.H13 917.3.M31 NEW ENGLAND. Drake. Nooks and corners of the New England coast. . 917.4. D78 Fellows. *Boating trips on New England rivers. 1884. . 917.4. F33 Hawthorne. Passages from the American note-books. 1885. 917.4.H316 917.41. MAINE. Hubbard. Woods and lakes of Maine; with Indian place- names and their meanings. 1884 917.41. H86 ScuDDER. *The Winnipeg country; or, roughing it with an eclipse party. 1886. . ' 917.41. SCU7 Stephens. *The Knockabout club in the woods of Maine and Canada. 1885 917.41. ST43 Thoreau. The Maine woods 917.41. T39 917.42. new HAMPSHIRE. Drake. The heart of the White Mountains. 1882. . . 917.42.D78 King. The White Hills; their legends, landscapes, ^/t-. 1887. 917.42.K58 Thaxter. Among the Isles of Shoals. 1873. . . . 917.42.T33 917.44. MASSACHUSETTS. AUSTIN". Nantucket scraps. 1883. . Drake. *01d landmarks of Boston. 1876. *01d landmarks of Middlesex. 1870. Thoreau. Early spring in Massachusetts. 1884. Walden. 1881 Week on the Concord and Merrimac rivers. 917.47. NEW YORK. . 917.44.AU7 . 917.44. D78o 917.44.D780L . 917.44.T.39E . 917.44.T39w 917.44.T39WE Curtis. Lotus-eating. 1856 LossiNG. The Hudson, from the wilderness to the sea. Smith. Sunshine and shadow in New York. 1868. Warner. In the wilderness *For young readers. 100 917.47. C94 917.47.L90 917.47.SM5 917.47.W24 HISTORY, SO. AMERICAN TRAVEL AND DESCRIPTION. 918 917..J. SOUTH-EASTERN OR SOUTH ATLANTIC. Barbour. Florida for tourists, invalids, etc. 1887. . . 917.-5. B23 BuTTERWORTH. *Zigzag journeys in the sunny South. 1887. 917.5. B9S Keim. Washington and its environs : a descriptive hand- book. 1876 King. *The great South. 1887. . Ober. *The Knockabout club in the Everglades. Olmstead. Journey in the back country. 1800. Journey in the sea-board slave states. 1863. 917.5. K27 917.0. K.53 917.5.0B2 917.5.0 L5 917.5.0L5J 917.6. SOUTH central or gulf. Irving. The Crayon miscellany 917.6. IRS Contents: Tour on the prairies. Abbotsford. Newstead Abbey. Olmstead. Journey through Texas. 1859 917.6.0 L5 917.8. western or mountain. Custer. *Boots and saddles 917.8.C96b Tenting on the plains. 1887 917.S.C96t Dodge. Plains of the great West and their inhabitants. 1877. 917.8.D66 Irving. *Adventures of Capt. Bonneville in the Rocky Mountains and the far West 917.8.IR8a Murray. Daylight land. 1888 917.8. M96 Parkman. The Oregon trail. 1883 917.8. P23 Roberts. Shoshone, and other western wonders. 1888. . 917.8. R51 917.9. PACIFIC. Colton. The land of gold; or, three years in California. 1886. 917.9. C72 Irving. Astoria; or, anecdotes of an enterprise beyond the Rocky Mountains. 1882 917.9.IR8 Jackson. Bits of travel at home. 1886 917.9.J13 King. Mountaineering in the Sierra Nevada. 1879. . . 917.9.K58 United States. Census. Report on the population, industries and resources of Alaska. By Petroff. 1881. . . 917.9. UN3p Co>nmisswtt of fish and fisheries. The seal islands of Alaska. By Elliott. 1881 917.9.UN3E Congress. Report upon the customs district, public service, and resources of Alaska territory. By Morris. 1879. 917.9. UN3m Van Dyke. Southern California. 1886 917.9. V2S WiNTHROP. The canoe and the saddle. 1876. . . . 917.9. W73 Woodman. Picturesque Alaska. 1889. .... 917.0. W85 918. SOUTH AMERICAN TRAVEL AND DESCRIPTION. (including geography.) Agassiz, L. and Mrs. Journey in Brazil. 1886. . . . 918.AG14 Clemens. La Plata countries of South America. 1886. . 918.C59 *For young readers. 101 918 HISTORY. SO. AMERICAN TRAVEL AND DESCRIPTION. Kingston. *0n the banks of the Amazon. 1884. . Knox. *Boy travellers in South America. 1886. . Oswald. *Days and nights in the tropics 919. OCEANICA. POLAR REGIONS. 919.3. AUSTRALASIA. Knox. *Boy travellers in Australasia. 1889. 919.4. AUSTRALIA. Denton. Incidents of a collector's rambles in Australia, New Zealand, and New Guinea. 1889 919.6. POLYNESIA. CUM.MING. *At home in Fiji. 1886 919.8. ARCTIC REGIONS. De Long. Voyage of the Jeannette. Ed. by Mrs. De Long 1886. ' Greely. Three years of Arctic service. 1886. 2v. Hartwig. The polar world. 1869. Hayes. Arctic boat journey. Land of desolation. 1872 Open polar sea. . Knox. Voyage of the Vivian, 1883. 1885. MA^Gahan. In the Lena Delta. 1885. Schley and Soley. The rescue of Greely. Schwatka. Nimrod in the North. 1885. 1886. 918. K61 918. K77 918.0S9 919.3. K77 919.4.D43 919.6.C91 919.8.D38 919.8.G81 919.8. H25 919.8. H32a 919 8.H32L 919.8.H320 919.8. K77 919.8. Mi7 919.8.SCH3 919.8.SCH9 920. BIOGRAPHY. INDIVIDUAL BIOGRAPHY. Adams, John. Life ; by Morse. 1886. (Am. statesmen.) . 920.AD13 Ada.ms, J. Quincy. Life ; by Morse. 1885. (Am. statesmen.) 920.AD13S Adams, Samuel. Life ; by Hosmer. 1886. (Am. statesmen.) 920.AD136 Adolphus, Gustavus. History ; by Stevens. 1884. . . 920.AD7 Agassiz, J. Louis R. Life and correspondence ; by Mrs. Agassiz. 1886. 2v . 920.AG14 Alexander, M,?^r^^/. *History ; by J. Abbott. . . . 920.AL2 Alexander, Archer. *Story of, from slavery to freedom; by Ehot. 1885 920.AL22 Alfred, the great, king of England. *History ; by J. Abbott. 920.AL24 Alice, Prmcess. Letters and memoirs. 1885. . . . 920.AL4 Andrew, John A. Memoir ; with personal reminiscence ; by Chandler. 1880 920.AN23 •For young readers. 102 HISTORY. INDIVIDUAL BIOGRAPHY. 920 Arnold, Thomas. Life and correspondence; by Stanley. 1884. 920.AR66 AuDOBON, John J. Life ; by il/r-f. Audobon. 1883. . . 920.AU23 B Bach, Sebastian. Life ; by Poole. 1882. (Great musicians.) 920. B12 Bavard, Pierre Du Terrail, chevalier. *History of the good knight Lord de Bayard ; by Kindersley. 1884. . . 920.B34 Beacoxsfield, Earl of. See Disraeli, B Beecher, Henry Ward. Life and works; by Knox. 1887. . 920.B394 Beethoven, L. van. Life; by Nohl. 1881 920.B40 Bellows family. Narratives, traditions, and personal remin- iscences ; by Barnes. 1888 920.B415 Bismarck-Schoxhausen, K. O., prince von. Our chancellor; by Busch. 1884 920. B54 Bonaparte, Joseph. *History; by J. S. C. Abbott. (Ameri- can pioneers and patriots.) ...... 920.B642 Boone, Daniel. *Life ; by J. S. C. Abbott. (American pioneers and patriots.) ...... 920.B646 Bowne, Mrs. E. Southgate. A girl's life eighty years ago : extracts from letters of E. S. Bowne; ed. by Cook. 1888 920.B685 Bronte, Charlotte. See Nicholls, Mrs. C. B. . Brown, John. Life ; by Hoist. Ed. by Stearns. 1888. . 920.B812h Life and letters ; by Sanborn. 1885 920.B812s Browning, Mrs. E. Barrett. Life; by Ingram. 1888. (Fa- mous women.) 920.B82 Bryant, William Cullen. Life, character, and writings; by Curtis. 1878 920.B846c In memory of. 1878 920.B846i BucKLAND, Frank. Life ; by Bompas. 1886. . . . 920.B8o3 Bullard, Asa. Incidents in a busy life : autobiography. . 920.B874 BuNYAX, John. Life, times, and work ; by Brown. 1888. . 920.B886 Bushnell, Horace. Life and letters ; by Cheney. 1880. . 920.B965 Burns, Robert. Life ; by Blackie. 1888. 2 copies. . . 920.B936 c Cesar, Caius' Julius. *History ; by J. Abbott. 1877. . . 920.C113A A sketch ; by Froude 920.C113F Calhoux, John C. Life ; by Hoist. 1886. (Am. statesmen.) 920.C125 Carlyle, Afrs. Jane W. Letters and memorials ; ed. by Froude. 2v 920.C196 Carlyle, Thomas. First forty years ; by Froude. 1884. 2v. 920.C197fr Life in London, 1834-81 ; by Froude. 1882. 2v. . . 920.C197fs Carson, Christopher. *Kit Carson; by J. S. C. Abbott. (Am. pioneers and patriots.) 920.C234 'For young readers. 103 920 HISTORY. INDIVIDUAL BIOGRAPHY. Cary, Alice and Phoebe. Memorial ; by Hudson. 1885. Cavouk, Count. Life; by Mazade. ..... Chanxing, W. Ellery. Memoir : by W. H. Channing. 1848. 3v Satne. 1882. Iv Charlemagne. History; by James. 1882. ... CnA'R.i.^?, I., king of England. *History; by J. Abbott. Charles II., khig of England. *History; by J. Abbott. Choate, Rufus. Life ; by Brown. 188."). Clay, Henry. Life ; by Schurz. 1888. 2v. (Am. statesmen. Cleopatra, gtteen of Egypt. *History ; by J. Abbott. . Columbus, Christopher. *Life ; by J. S. C. Abbott. (Am pioneers and patriots.) *Life and vo3'ages ; by Irving. 3v. .... Correggio, Antonio Allegri, called II. Life; by Heaton (Great artists.) ....... CORTEZ, Hernando. *History; by J. Abbott. Crockett, David. *Life and adventures ; by J. S. C. Abbott (Am. pioneers and patriots.) .... Cross, M?-s. AI. E. Lewes. {Geo. Eliot.) Life, as related in her letters and journals; ed. by J. W. Cross. 3v. Crs.A.CK, Sister M. Francis Clare. The nun of Kenmare ; autobiography, 1889. Cushman, Charlotte. Life ; by Clement. 1882. Custer, Ge7i. G. A. Life ; by Whittaker. Cyrus, tke great. *History ; by J. Abbott. D Darc, or D'Arc, Jeanne. [Joan of Arc) *Jeanne, "the maid;" by Tuckey. 1883 Darius, the great, king of Persia. *History; by J. Abbott Dakwix, Charles. Life and letters ; ed. by Francis Darwin 1887. 2v Dick, Robert. Life; by Smiles. 1878 Dickens, Charles. Life ; by Forster. 1872. 3v. . D I mock, Susan. Memoir, [anon.] .... Disraeli, Benjamin, earl of Beaconsfeld. Lord Beacons field : a study ; by Brandes. 1880. Dodge, William E. Memorials; ed. by D. S. Dodge. . Dora, Sister. See Pattisox, Dorothy Drydex, John. Life; by Saintsbury. (Eng. men of letters. DuDEVANT, Mme. A. L. A. D. (Geo. Sand.) Life; by Caro 1888 Duncan, VV. A. Memorial addresses. .... 920.C256 920. C81 920.C36CH 920.C36CI 920. C37 920. CSS 920.C3S0 920.C'454 920.C575 920.C60 920.C726A 920.C726I 920.C814 920.C816 920. C87 920.C88O 920.C95 920.C954 920.C964 920. C99 920.D242 920.D244 920.D258 920. D54 920. D5o 920. D59 920. D63 920.D66O 920.D848 920. D86 920. D91 Edgewortii, Maria. Life ; by Zimmern. ( Famous women.) •For young readers. 104 920.ED33 HISTORY. INDIVIDUAL BIOGRAPHY. 920 'EnwAKV), the black prince. Life; by Creighton. 1877. . Edward, Thomas. Life; by Smiles. .... Eliot, George, pseud. See Cross, Afrs. ^l. E. Lewes. . Elizabeth Tudor, qjteen of Etn^Iand. *Hist.; by J. Abbott Ellis, Sallie. Miss Ellis' mission ; by Smith. 1880. Emerson, Ralph Waldo. Memoir; by Cabot. 1887. 2v. Emerson in Concord; by E. W. Emerson. 1889. Ericsson, John. *The miner boy and his monitor; by Head ley. (Young folks' history of the rebellion.) 920. ED9 920.ED9G 920.EL47 920.ELr,6 920. EM 35c 920.EM35E 920.ER44 Farragut, David G. Life ; by L. Farragut. 1882. . . 920.F24f *01d Salamander; by Headley. (Young folks' heroes of the rebellion.) 920.F24h Francesco d''Asstsi, Si. Francis of Assisi; by Oliphant. 1885 '. . . 920.F842O Little flowers of St. Francis of Assisi; tr. by Alger. 1887. 920.F842 Francis of Assisi. See Francesco d'Assisi, Si. . Franklin, Benjamin. *Life; by J. S. C. Abbott. 1887. (Am. pioneers and patriots.) ..... 920.F8oA Franklin in France; by E. E. Hale, and E. E. Hale, Jr. 1887. 2v 920.F85H Franklin, ^-zV John. Life ; by Beesly. 1881. . . . 920.F854 Frederick W., ihe greai, king of Prussia. Life; by Brack- enbury. 1884 " . . 920.F87B History of Friedrich II., called Frederick the great; by Carlyle. 1886. 4v 920.F87c Frederick William and Victoria, crown prince and princess of Gennany. Two royal lives ; by Roberts. 1887. . 920.F874 Galilei, Galileo : and the Roman curia ; by Gebler. 1879. Gallatin, Albert. Life; by Stevens. 1886. (Am. statesmen Gannett, Ezra Stiles. Memoir ; by W. Gannett. 1884. Garfield, James A. *From canal boy to president; by Alger, 1881 ' . Garibaldi, Giuseppe. Life ; by Bent. 1882. Garrison, W. Lloyd. Life and times; by Johnson. 1879. Genghis Khan. *History; by J. Abbott. Gladstone, W. Ewarts. Life ; by Smith. 1880. . GODOLPHIN, Mrs. Life ; by Evelyn. 1888. . Goethe, J. Wolfgang^yqn.^ Autobiography. 1883. Goldsmith, Oliver. Biography; by Irving. Gordon, Maj.-gen. C. G., called Chinese Gordon. Journals at Kartoum; ed. by Hake. 1885 *For young readers. 105 920.G13 920.G133 920.G152 920.G184 920.G187 920. G20 920.G284 920.G458 920.G542 920. G55 920.G57 920.G652 920 HISTORY. INDIVIDUAL BIOGRAPHY. GouGH, John B. Autobiography. 1871. .... Grant, Ulysses S. Personal memoirs. 1885. 2v. *Fight it out on this line ; by Headley. (Young folks' heroes of the rebellion.) Grant in peace: from Appomattox to Alt. McGregor; by Badeau. 1887 GuizoT, Francois P. G. In private life; by Witt. 1880. Guthrie, Thomas. Autobiography ; with memoir by D. and C. Guthrie. 1878 H Hague, William. Life notes ; or, fifty years' outlook. 1888. Hamilton, Alexander. Life; by Lodge. 1886. . Handel, George T. Life; by Marshall. 1883. (Great musicians.) ......... 'H.A'ii'iiiBXi^, the CarthageniaJi. Hist.; by J. Abbott. Hannington, James. Hist, of his life and work; by Dawson. Havergal, Frances R. Memorials ; by I\L V. G. H. 1886. Hawthorne, Nathaniel, and his wife. Biography ; by J. Hawthorne. 2 v. . ....... Haydn, Franz J. Life ; by Tovvnsend. 1884. ( Great mu- sicians. ......... Havdon, Benj. R. Life, letters, and table talk ; Ed. by Stod- dard. 1876. ( Sans-souci ser.) Henry lY ., king of France. History; by J. S. C. Abbott. Henry, Patrick. Life; by Tyler. 1887. (Am. statesmen.) Hogarth, William. Life; by Dobson. 1879. ( Great artists.) Holbein, Hans. Life ; by Cundall. 1882. (Great artists.) Hortense, queen of Holland. History; by J. S. C. Abbott. . Hudson, Mrs. M. Clemmer Ames. Memorial ; by E. Hudson Hugo, Victor Marie, vicomte. Life and works; by Shaw. 920.G72 920.G765G 920.G76OH 920.G76OB 920. G94 920.G984 920. H 128 920. H 18 Life; by M/ne. Hugo. 1864. 1881 020. H 193 920. H 194 920. H 196 920.H30 920.H316 920. H 323 920.H326 920. H 39 920.H396 920. H 672 920. H69 920.H78 920.H864 920. H87 920. H 87s I Irving, Washington. Life and letters; by P. Irving. 3v. 920. 1 R8 Jackson, Andrew. Life ; by Sumner. 1886. (Am. statesmen.) 920.JI3 Jackson, T. J., called "Stonewall." Military biography ; by Cooke. 1876 920.J136 Jefferson, Thomas. Life ; by Morse. 1886. ( Am. states- men.) 920.J35M Domestic life ; by Randolph. 1871 920.J35R ■*For young readers. 106 HISTORY. INDIVIDUAL BIOGRAPHY. 920 JoAX of Arc. See D'arc Johnson, Samuel. Life; incl. journal of a tour to , Hebri des ; by Boswell. 5v. . Jones, Agnes E. " Una and her paupers." Memorials of A E.Jones; by her sister. ..... Jones, John Paul. *Life and adventures ; by J. S. C. Abbott (Am. pioneers and patriots.) .... JosHEE, Dr. Anandabai. Life ; by Dall. 1888. JUDSON, /^^i/. Adoniram. Memoir ; by Willard. 1853. 2v JUDSON, Mrs. Ann, Mrs. Sarah, and Mrs. Emily. Lives ; by Stewart. 1854 920.J63 920.J71 920.J735 920 J783 920.J92 920. J 920 K Kemble, Frances Ann. Records of a girlhood. 1879. . . 920.K31rg Records of later life. 1884 920.K31rl KiDD, Capt. W. *Life ; by J. S. C. Abbott. ( Am. pioneers and patriots.) 920.K53 KiNGSLEY, Charles. Letters and memoirs ; ed. by Mrs. Kingsley. 1885 920. K61 Knox, John. Life; by Taylor. 1885 920. K77 L La Fayette, M. J. Paul, marquis de. *Life; by Farmer 1888. . La Salle, Robert Cavalier, de. his companions ; by J eers and patriots.) ..... Lawrence, Abbott. Memoir; by Hill. 1883. Lawrence, Amos. Life ; by W. Lawrence. 1888. Extracts from diary and correspondence; ed. by W rence Le Brun, Mme. Vigee. Souvenirs ;„- by Tyler. 1886. Leo XIIL,^ci/^. Life ; by O'Reilly. 1887. . Lincoln, Abraham. Life ; by Arnold. 1885. The backwoods boy ; by Alger. 1883. Logan, John A. Memorial addresses. 1887. Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth. Life; ed. by S. Longfellow 1886. 2v Final memorials ; ed. by S. Longfellow. 1887 Remembrance book, [anon.] . Louis XIV., king of France. *History ; by J. S. C. Abbott Louis Philippe, king of France. * History; by J. S. C. Abbott Luther, Martin. Life; by Kostlin. 1883. Life; by Sears ♦For young readers. 107 *Adventures of La Salle and S. C. Abbott. ( Am. pion- Law 920. L13 920. L33 920. L43 920.L432LA 920.L432LB 920.L493 920. L55 920.L63A 920. L63 920.L823 920.L86LO 920.L86LP 920.L8GR 920. L92 920.L920 920.L977K 920.L977S 920 HISTORY. INDIVIDUAL BIOGRAPHY. M Macaulay, T. B., /^r^. Life and letters ; by Trevelyan. 2v. 920.AniS Madison, James. Life; by Gay. 1885. (Am. statesmen.) 920.1M26 Mahomet and his successors; by Irving. 2v. ... 920.M27 Maimon, Solomon. Autobiography 020.M285 ALargaket of Anjou, queen of England. *History; by J. Abbott Marie Antoinette, 5?W6'^;/ of France. Life; by Keddie. 1883 *History; by J. S. C. Abbott Marshall, John. Life; by Magruder. 1886. (Am. states men.) ......... Martineau, Harriet. Autobiography; ed. by Chapman 1885. 2v ' . Mary, queen of Scots. Life ; by Strickland. 1883. 2v. *History; by J. Abbott May, Samuel J. Memoir; ed. by Mumford. 1882. Meissonier, J. Louis E. Life; by Mollett. 1882. (Great artists.) ........ Mendelssohn/^:;/?//)/: 1729-1847; by Hensel. MiLTOX, John. Life; by Pattison. (English men of letters.^ Mitchel, Ormsby AL *01d Stars; by Headley. 1861 (Young folks' heroes of the rebellion.) . Monroe, James. Life ; by Gilman. ISS.j. (Am. statesmen. Motley, J. Lothrop. Life; by Holmes. 1881. Mott, Valentine, M..D. Eulogy ; by Post. 1866. Mozart, J. C. Wolfgang A. Life; by Gehring. 1883. (Great musicians.) ...... 920. M 331 920.M334K 920.M334A 920.M353 920. M 363 920.M68S 920.M3G8A 920.M454 920.M474 920. M. 521 920. M64 920. M 70 920. M 7.-) 920.M856 920.M858 920. M 878 N Napoleon, L, emperor of the French. The first Napoleon by Ropes. 1860 *History ; by J. S. C. Abbott. . Napoleon and his marshals; by Headley. Table talk and opinions, [anon.] 1869. . Nero, L. Domitius. History; by J. Abbott. 1853. NiCHOLLS, Mrs. Charlotte Bronte. Life ; by Gaskell. 1857. 2v Nun of Kenmare. See Cusack, Sister M. F. Clare. 1886. 920. N 166 R 920.N166A 920.N166H 920.N1G6T 920. N35 920.N514 Parker, Theodore. Biography ; by Frothingham, 1880. . 920.P224 Pattison, Dorothy. (Sister Dora.) Blogra.phy; by Lonsdale, 1886 920.P276 Pepys, Samuel. Memoir, comprising diary, 1659-69, and se- lections from private correspondence; ed. by Bray- brooke 920. P40 *For young readers. 108 HISTORY. INDIVIDUAL BIOGRAPHY. 920 Peter I., the great, emperor of Russia. *Histor\'; by J. Ab bott Historical biography ; by Schuyler. 1884. •2v. Pitt, William. Life ; by Macaulay. . . ... Prescott, W. H. Life; by Ticknor. 1882. . Prentiss, Mrs. E. Payson. Life and letters ; by G. L Prentiss. ........ PuTXAM, Israel. Life ; by Tarbox. 1876. 'Pykkhvs, king of Epinis. History; by J. Abbott. 1851. R Raffaello, or Raphael Santi, or, Sanzio. Life ; by Grimm 1881 Raphael and Michael Angelo; by Perkins. 1878. Randolph, John. Life ; by Adams. 1880. (Am. statesmen Raphael. See Raffaello. Remusat, C. E. J., comtesse de. .Memoirs : 1802-1808 ; by P de Remusat. 1880. 2v KiCHk'Rii \., ki?ig of England. *Hist.; by J. Abbott. 1857. Richard \\., king of England. *Hist.; by J. Abbott. 18.")8 ^iCVi.K^v>\\\.,ki7ig of England. *Hist.: by J. Abbott. 1858 Robertson, Fred. W. Life and letters ; ed. by Brooke. 1884 Roland de la Plati^re, Mtne. M. J. P. *History; by J. S. C Abbott Romulus. *History: by J. Abbott. .... Rosslm, G.Antonio. Life; by Edwards. 1881. (Great mu sicians.) ........ Rossini and his school ; by Edwards. RusKiN, John. Praeterita. 1886. v. 1-2. S Sand, George, pseud. See Dudevaxt, Mme. A. L. A. D. Savonarola, Girolamo. True to himself; b}' Cooke. . Schiller, Friedrich. Life ; by Carlyle In v. Schubert, Franz B. Life; by Frost. 1885. (Great musicians.) Schumann, Robert. Life; by Maitland. 1884. (Great mu- sicians.) ......... Scott, Sir Walter, bart. Life ; by Yonge. 1888. . Sevigne, Marie de Rabutin-Chantal, marquise de. Life ; by Boissier. 1888 " Seward, William H. Autobiography. 1877. Sheridan, Philip H. Personal memoirs. 2v. 1888. . *Fighting Phil; by Headley. (Young folks' heroes of the rebellion.) *For young readers. 109 920.P44A 920.P44S 920.P687 920.P928 920.P912 920.P985 920.P99 920.R12G 920.R12P 920.R1,55 920.R28 920. R38 920.R.380 920.R381 920. R54 920. R64 920. R66 920.R73ED 920.R73EE 920. R89 920.SA95 2of 826.C88 920.SCH7 920.SCH8 920.SCO85 920.SE84 920.SE88 920.SH53 920.SH53H 920 HISTORY. INDIVIDUAL BIOGRAPHY. Sherman, W. Tecumseh. Memoirs ; by himself. 187G. *Facing the enemy; by Headley. (Young folks' heroes of the rebellion.) ....... Sidney, Sir Philip, bart. Life and times ; by Davis. 1885. Smith, Rev. Sidney. Life and times ; by Reid. 1885. . Smith, William and Lucy. Story of; ed. by Merriam. 1889 SoMERViLLE, Mrs. Mary. Personal recollections ; by M Somerville. 1885 Soto, Ferdinand de. *Lite ; by J. S. C. Abbott. 1873. (Am pioneers and patriots.) ..... Stael-Holstein, a. L. G. Necker, baroiine de. Study of her life and times ; by Stevens. 2v. . Standish, Miles. *The puritan captain ; by J. Abbott. 1872 (Am. pioneers and patriots.) .... Stanley, Arthur P. Life, etc.; by Oliver. 1885. . Strong, Theodore. Memoir; by Bradley. 1879. (pam.) Stuyyesant, Peter. Life; by J. S. C. Abbott. 1873. (Am pioneers and patriots.) Sumner, Charles. Life and letters ; by Pierce. 1878. 2v. Sweedenborg, Emanuel. Life; by White. 920.SH55 920.SH55H 920. SI 14 920. SM6 920.SM66 920.SO58 920.SO74 920. ST2 920.ST22 920.ST24 920.ST85 920.ST99 920.SUr35 920.SW35 T Taylor, Bayard. Life and letters ; ed. by M. Hansen-Taylor, ««^H. E. Scudder. 1885. 2v ' . 920.T21 Taylor, Rev. E. T. {Father Taylor.) Incidents and anec- dotes ; by Haven ««^ Russell. 1872. . . . 920.T211 Taylor, Henry. Autobiography : 1800-1875. 1885. 2v. . 920.T213 u Una and her paupers. See Jones, A. E. . V Van Buren, Martin. Life; by Shepard. 1888. (Am.statesmen.) 920.V278 Vane, 6"/^ Henry. Young Sir Henry Vane; by Hosmer. 1888. 920. V28 Velazquez, Diego R., de Silva Y. Life ; by Stowe. 1881. (Great artists.) 920.V54 Victor Emmanuel. Life ; by Dicey. 1882 920. VOG \ iCTOKi A, q»ee?t of England. Girlhood and womanhood; by Lippincott. 1883 920.V661 w Wagner, William R. Life; by Hueffer. sicians.) *For young readers. 110 1883. (Great mu- 020. W12 HISTORY. BIOGRAPHY. PARTIAL COLLECTIONS. 920.02 Ware, Henry, yr. Life ; by J. Ware. 1880. . Ware, Mrs. Mary L. Memoir; by Hall. 1880. Washington, George. Life; by J. S. C. Abbott. (Am. pio neers and patriots.) Life; by Everett. 1860. Life; by Hale. 1888. Life; by Irving. . Same. 5v. . Life; by Lodge. 1889. *Historical biography; by Scudder. 1889. (Riverside lib and his generals; by Headley. 1861. Webster, Daniel. Reminiscences and anecdotes ; by Har vey. 1882 Wesley, Susanna. Life; by Clarke. 1886. WiLHELMiXE, Frederica Sophie, margravine of Bairetith Memoirs ; tr. and ed. by Princess Christian. William L, king of England, the conqueror. Life; by Free man. 1888 History ; by J. Abbott. 1849 William I. and the German empire ; by Smith. 1888. . Wollstonecraft, Mary. Life ; by Pennel. 1888. WoLSEY, Thomas, cardinal. Life ; by Creighton. 1888. X.RKXE?,, the great. *History; by J. Abbott. . 920. W22 920.W222 920.W27A 920.W27E 920.W27H 920.W27IR 920.W27IS 920.W27L 920.W27S 920.W27HE 920. W39 920. W51 920. W64 920.W67F 920.W67A 920.W673 920.W834 920.W837 920.X26 COLLECTIVE BIOGRAPHY. 920.01. UNIVERSAL BIOGRAPHY. Hole and Wheeler. Brief biographical dictionary. 1881. R920.01.H71 Thomas. Lippincott's universal pronouncing dictionary of biography and mythology. 1886 R920.01.L66 920.02. partial collections. Bolton. *Lives of poor boys who became famous. . . 920.02.B63 Brooks. *Historic boys; their endeavors, achievements, etc. 1886 920.02. B80 Drake. Our great benefactors. 1884 920.02.D78 Ferris. Great singers. 1885. 2v 920.02. F41 Griswold. *Home life of great authors. 1887. . . . 920.02.G88 Hale. Lights of two centuries. 1887. . = . . . 920.02.H13 Irving, ed. Biographies and miscellanies 920.02. IRS Jeans. Creators of the age of steel. 1884 920.02.J34 MossMAN. Heroes of discovery. 1868 920.02.M8o St. John. Lives of celebrated travellers. 1884. (Harper's fam. lib.) 920.02. SA25 *For young readers. Ill 920.02 HISTORY. — BIOGRAPHY. PARTIAL COLLECTIONS. Smiles. Brief biographies. 1883 920.02.SM4b Men of invention and industry. 1884. . . . 920.02. SM4m Ward, ed. Men of the time. 1887 R920.02.W21 Waters and Hutton. Artists of the nineteenth century. 1885 920.02. W31 920.03. ANCIENT BIOGRAPHY, Plutarch. Lives. Ed. by Clough. 1881 920.03.P74c Our young folks' Plutarch. Ed. by Kaufman. 1885. . 920.03.P74k Smith, ed. Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology. 1880. 3v R920.03.SM6 920.04. BIOGRAPHY OF EUROPE. Brandes. Eminent authors of the 19th century. . . . 920.04. B73 Carlyle. Reminiscences. 1881 920.04.C197 Emerson. Representative men. 1886 920.04.EM3 Farmer. *Boy's book of famous rulers. .... 920.04.F22 Forster. Lives of eminent British statesmen. 1831-39. 7v. 920.04.F77 Hamerton. Modern Frenchmen: five biographies. 1882. . 920.04. H17 Harris. *Pleasant authors for young folks. 1888. . . 920.04. H24 HiNTON. English radical leaders. 1878. (Brief biographies.) 920.04.H59 King. French political leaders. 1878. (Brief biographies.) 920.04.Ko8 Lecky. Leaders of public opinion in Ireland. 1883. . . 920.04.L49 Men of the third republic 920.04.M52 Oliphant. The makers of Florence 920.04.OL33 Thackeray. The four Georges. The English humorists. . 920.04.T32 TuTTLE. German political leaders. 1880. (Brief biographies.) 920.04.T88 Walton. Lives of Dr. John Donne, Sir Henry Wotton, Mr. Richard Hooker, Mr. George Herbert and Dr. Robert Sanderson. 1845 920.04.W17 Ward, ed. Men of the reign. 1885 R920.04.W21 920.07. AMERICA. Appleton's cyclopaedia of Am. biography. Ed. by Wilson and Fiske. 1887. (iv R920.07.AP5 Boutwell. The lawyer, the statesman, and the soldier. 1887. 920.07.BG66 Drake. Dictionary of Am. biography; including men of the time. 1872 R920.07.D78 Frost. The Presidents of the U. S. 1889 920.07.F92 Goodrich. Lives of the signers to the declaration of inde- pendence. 1829 920.07.G62 Lewis. *Hidden treasures; or, why some succeed while others fail. 1888 920.07. L58 MuzzEY. Reminiscences and memorials of men of the revo- lution. 1883 920.07. M98 *For young readers. 112 HISTORY. NAMES OF PERSONS AND PLACES. 929.4 Peabodv. Harvard reminiscences. 1888. .... 920.07.P31 RiDKiNG. *The boyhood of living authors. 1887. . . 920.07.R43 Sanderson. Biography of the signers to the declaration of independence. 1823. 9v 920.07.SA5 Sibley. Biographical sketches of graduates of Harvard Uni- versity : 1873-85. 1885. 3v 920.07.SI13 Stoddard. *Taylor, Fillmore, Pierce, and Buchanan. (Lives of the presidents.) 1888. ..... 920.7. COLLECTIVE BIOGRAPHY OF WOMEN. 920.07.ST64T Alger. The friendships of women. 1868. Bolton. *Girls who became famous. Some successful women. 1888. Gordon. From Lady Washington to Mrs. Cleveland. Jameson. Memoirs of celebrated female sovereigns. 2v. (Harper's fam. lib.) .... Moore. Women of the war. 1866. Sainte-Beuve. Portraits of celebrated women. 1885. Strickland. Lives of the queens of England. 1886. Lives of the queens of Scotland. 1889 1884 5v. 920.7.AL3 920.7.B63G 920.7. B63s 920.7.G65 920.7.J23 920.7. M78 920.7. SA2 920.7.ST8Q 920.7.ST8QS 929. genealogy, heraldry, etc. 929.1. genealogies. Burke. Roll of Battle Abbey. 1848 929.1. B21 Durrie. Alphabetical index to American genealogies and pedigrees. 1878 929.1.D93 929.2. FAMILIES. Clark. Descendants of Hugh Clark of Watertown, Mass. : 1640-1806. By John Clark. 1866 929.2. C.M2 Hatch, Major Timothy, and his descendants. By E. Hatch Fletcher. 1879 929.2.H28 Lawrence. Histor. sketches of some members of the Lawrence family. By R. M. Lawrence. 1888. . . 929.2.L43 Rogers. Descendants of the Rev. Daniel Rogers of Little- ton, Mass. (New England historical and genealogical register.) 1885 929.2.R63 TuTTLE. Descendants of John and Joanna Tuttle of Ipswich, Mass. Comp. by J. W. Tuttle. 1885. . . . 929.2. T88 See also Traces of American lineage in England. /« 974.7.0L4 929.4. names OF persons and places. Bardsley. Our English surnames: their sources and signifi- cations 929.4.B23 *For young readers. 8 113 929.4 HISTORY. NAMES OF PERSONS AND PLACES. Massachusetts state. Secretary. List of persons whose names have been changed in Mass.: 1780-83. 1885. l)-29.r). HERALDRY. Clark. Introduction to heraldry. 1873. .... Whitmore. Elements of heraldry. 186G 929.8. coats of arms, crests. Book of family crests. \ano7i.'\ 1840. 2v Planche. Pursuivant of arms 930. ANCIENT HISTORY. Fredet. Ancient history from dispersion of the sons of Noe to battle of Actium. 1872. Lexormant and Chevallier. Manual of the ancient history of the East. 1870. 2v. ROLLlN. Ancient history. 2v. Smith. Ancient history of the East. 1886. History of the world. 1885. 3v. Thalheimer. Manual of ancient history. See also Herodotus. 888. H43. 932. EGYPT. Brugsch. History of Egypt under the Pharaohs. 1881. 2v. Church. *The story of Carthage. 1886. (Story of the nations.) Wilkinson. Popular account of the ancient Egyptians. 1874. 2v 933. JUDEA. 1887. ( Story of the na- HOSMER. *The story of the Jews. tions.) Josephus. *\Vorks. Tr. by Whiston. 1870. *Young folks' Josephus. Ed. by Walsh. 1884. *Story of the last days of Jerusalem ; from Josephus. By Church. ......... MiLMAN. History of the Jews. 1883. 2v Stapfer. Palestine in the time of Christ. .... 935. medo-persia. Markham. General sketch of the history of Persia. 1874. . Rawlinson. The five great monarchies of the anct. eastern world. 3v Contents. Vol. 1. Chaldea-Assyria. 2. Assyria, concluded. Media, Baby- lonia. 3. Babylonia, concluded. Persia. Sixth great monarchy : Parthia. Seventh great monarchy : Sassanian, or, New Persian. *For young readers. 114 935.R19S 935.R19SE HISTORY. EUROPE. 940 937. ROME. ITALY. Beesly. *The Gracchi, Marius and Sulla. 1884. (Epochs of anct. hist.) Capes. *The Roman empire of the second century. 1886. (Epochs of anct. hist.) ....... *Roman history : the early empire. 1886. (Epochs of anct. hist.) ......... Gibbon. Decline and fall of the Rom. empire: with notes by Milman. 5v. ........ Students' Gibbon. By Smith. 1886 Ihxe. *Early Rome. 1886. (Epochs of anct. hist.) LiDDELL. History of Rome. 1884. ..... Merivale. History of the Romans under the empire. 1880- 85. 7v. in 4 The Roman triumvirates. 1886. (Epochs of anct. hist.) Smith. Rome and Carthage. 1885. ( Epochs of anct. hist.) Walsh. Young folks' history of the Rom. empire. 1886. YoNGE. Young folks' history of Rome 938. GREECE. Cox. *The Athenian empire. 1886. (Epochs of anct. hist.) *The Greeks and the Persians. (Epochs of anct. hist.) . CuRTEis. *Rise of the Macedonian empire. 1883. (Epochs of anct. hist.) ........ Felton. Greece, ancient and modern. 1886. F^inlay. History of Greece. Ed. by Tozier. 1877. 7v. Mahaffy. *The story of Alexander's empire. 1887. (Story of the nations.) ........ Sankey. *Spartan and Theban supremacies. 1886. (Epochs of anct. hist.) ........ YONGE. Young folks' history of Greece. .... 939. MINOR COUNTRIES. Benjamin. *Troy. (Epochs of anct. hist.) .... Rawlinson. *Phoenicia. 1889. (Story of the nations.) 937. B40 937.C17 937.C17R 937. G35 937.G35S 937.1 H5 937. L61 937. M 54 937.M54R 937.SAI6 937. W16 937.Y08 938. C83 938.CS3G 938. C94 938. F34 938. F49 938. M 27 938. SA5 938.Y08 939. B43 939.R19 940. EUROPE. Bryce. The holy Roman empire. 1883 940.B84 Church. *Beginning of the middle ages. 1886. (Epochs of anct. hist.) 910.C47 Coffin. *The story of liberty. 910.C65 Cox. *The crusades. (Epochs of anct. hist.) 1886. . . 940.C83 Froissart. The boys' Froissart. Ed. by Lanier. 1884. . 940. F92 Hallam. Europe during the middle ages. 1873. 3v. . 940. H 15 *For young readers. 115 940 HISTORY. EUROPE. MiCHAUD. History of the crusades. 1881. 3v. . MiJLLER. Political history of recent times: 1816-75; with special reference to Germany. ..... Thalheijmer. Manual of mediaeval and modern history. White. Eighteen Christian centuries. 188(). Yonge. Three centuries of modern history. 1885. See a/so M\CKKNZ\R. 909. M19. 941. SCOTLAND. Browne. Hist, of the Highlands and Highland clans. 1878. 4v. Macarthur. *Hist. of Scotland. 1874. (Freeman's histor. course.) ......... Scott. *Tales of a grandfather. 1846 941.5. IRELAND. Duffy. Four years of Irish history. Froude. The English in Ireland. 1881. 3v. McCarthy. Outlines of Irish history. 1886. O'Connor. The Parnell movement. 1886. TowLE. *Young people's history of Ireland. 1887 See aha Foreign relations. 327. 942. ENGLAND. Berard. *School history of England. 1875. Dickens. *Child's history of England. . Dixon. Her majesty's tower. 2v. .... Short history of the English people. 1885. Hand-book of English history; with additions by Underwood. 1886. ...... ^Student's Hume. History of England to 1688 : con tinned to 1878 by Brewer. 1886. Knight. Popular history of E>ngland. 9v. . Montgomery. *Leading facts of English history. 1888 Palgrave. History of the Anglo Saxons. 1845. . Smith. History of English institutions. 1876. Stanley. Histor. memorials of Westminster Abbey. 1888. 3v Times. Abbeys, castles and anct. halls of Eng. and Wales. 3v Contents: Vol.l. South. 2. Midland. 3. North. YONGE. *Young folks' history of England. 942.02. NORMAN rule. 1066-1154. Johnson. *The Normans in Europe. (Epochs of anct. hist.) 942.03. the plantaganets, 1154-1399. Stubbs. *The early Plantaganets. 1886. (Epochs of anct. hist.) Green, Guest. Hume. 940. M58 940. M88 940.T32 940. W58 940.YO8 941.B81 941. Mil 941.SC085 941.5. D87 941.5.F93 941.5.M112 941.5.0C5 941.5.T65 942.B45 942. D55 942. D64 942. G82 942.G93 942. H88 942. K74 942. M76 942.P17 942. SM5 942. ST2 942.T48 942.Y08 942.02.J63 942.03.ST9 *For young readers. 116 HISTORY. GERMANY AND AUSTRIA. 943 Warburtox. Edward III. (Epochs of anct. hist.) . . 942.03. W20 942.04. LANCASTER AND YORK. 1400-1485. Gairdner. Houses of Lancaster and York. 1886. . . 942.04.G124 942.05. THE TUDOKS. 1485-1603. Creighton. *The age of Elizabeth. 1886. (Epochs of anct. hist.) 942.05.C86 Froude. History of England from the fall of Wolsey to the defeat of the Spanish Armada. 1879. 12v. . . 942.05.F93 Hopkins. The Puritans; or, the church, court, and parliament of Eng. during the reigns of Edward VI. and Queen Elizabeth. 1859-61. 3v . 942.05. H77 MOBERLY. The early Tudors. 1887 942.05.M71 942.06. THE STUARTS. 1()03-1714. Bayne. The chief actors in the Puritan revolution, 1879. . 942.06. B34 Gardiner. *The first two Stuarts and the Puritan revolution. 1886. (Epochs of anct. hist.) 942.06.G16 Hale. The fall of the Stuarts and Western Europe : 1678- 1697. 1883 942.06. H13 Macaulay. Hist, of England from the accession of James II. 1879. 5v 942.06.AI11 Morris. The age of Anne. 1886 942.06.M83 912.07. THE HANOVERIANS. 1714-1837. Morris. *The early Hanoverians. 1886. (Epochs of anct. hist.) 942.07.M83 942.08. VICTORIA. 1837-. KiNGLAKE. Invasion of the Crimea. 1875. 4v. . . . 942.08. K59 McCarthy. England under Gladstone. 1885. . . . 942.08.M12 *The epoch of reform. (Epochs of anct. hist.) . . . 942.08. M12e History of our own times. 2v 942.08.M12h 943. GERMANY AND AUSTRIA. Fletcher. History of Poland. 1845. (Harper's fam. lib.) 913.F63 Gardiner. *The thirty years' war: 1618-48. (Epochs of anct. hist.) 943.G16 Gould. *The story of Germany. 1886. (Story of the na- tions.) 943.G73 Lewis. History of Germany. 1886 943. L58 Longman. *Frederick the great, and the siven years' war. 1886. (Epochs of anct. hist.) 943. L86 *For young readers. 117 943 HISTORY. — GERMANY AND AUSTRIA. Robertson. History of the reign of the Emperor, Charles V. 1883. 3v 943. R54 S., E. O. Hungary and its revolutions. 1854. . . . 943. S12 Schiller. History of the thirty years' war, auti The revolt of the Netherlands. 1884 943.SCH3 YoxGE. *Young folks' history of Germany 943.Y08 944. FRANCE. GuizoT««^WiTT. History of France to 1848. 1885. 5v. . 944.094 jERVis. *Students' history'of France to 1852. 1883. . . 944. J48 YoNGE. *Young folks' history of France 944.Y08 944.02. CAPET AND vALOis. 987-1589. Masson. The story of mediaeval France. 1888. ( Story of the nations.) 944.02.M38 944.03. BOURBON. 1589-1789. Massox. Richelieu 944.03.M38 944.04. revolution. 1789-1804. Carlyle. The French revolution. 1880 944.04.C197 Morris. French revolution and first empire. 1886. • . 944.04. M83 Stephens. History of the French revolution. 1886. . . 944.04.ST4 Thiers. History of the French revolution. 1882. . . 944.04.T34 944.05. first empire. 1804-1815. Gardner. Quatre Bras, Ligny, and Waterloo. 1882. . . 944.05. G17 944.07. second republic and second empire. 1848-1870. Maupas. Story of the coup d'(f tat. 1884 944.07. M44 944.08. THIRD republic. 1870-. Leigiiton. Paris under the commune. 1871. . . . 944.08.L53 Ollier. Cassell's history of the war between France and Germany 944.08 0L4 Simon. The government of M. Thiers. 1879. 2v. . . 944.08.515 Washburne. Recollections of a minister to France. 1887. 2v 944.08.W27 945. ITALY. Hunt. History of Italy. 1884 945. H91 Oliphant. Makers of Venice. 1888 945.0L.33 S.medley. Sketches from Venetian history. 1844. 2v. ( Har- per's fam. lib.) 945.SM3 94G. SPAIN. PORTUGAL. Crawfurd. Portugal, old and new 946. C85 *For younc readers. 118 HISTORY. — NORTH AMERICA. 970 Hale. *The story of Spain. (Story of the nations.) Harrison. Spain. 1881 Irving. Chronicle of the conquest of Granada. 1884. . Poole. *The Moors in Spain. 1878. (Story of the nations.) Prescott. Reign of Ferdinand and Isabella. 3v. Reign of Philip II. 3v YONGE. Christians and Moors in Spain. 1878. See also Chronicle of the Cid. Ik 861.L81 . 947. RUSSIA. Dole. *Young folks' history of Russia. 1883. Marvin. Russians at the gates of Herat. 1885. . Rambaud. History of Russia. 1886. 3v 948. NORWAY. SWEDEN. DENMARK. Mallett. Northern antiquities : historical account of the ancient Scandinavians. 1882. ..... Otte. Scandinavian history. 1874. 949. MINOR countries of EUROPE. Bugbee. The Eastern question, histor. considered. 1877. . Freeman. The Ottoman power in Europe. 1871. Motley. Rise of the Dutch republic. 3v. .... The United Netherlands. 4v . Poole. The story of Turkey. 1888. ( Story of the nations.) Rogers. *The story of Holland. 1889. (Story of the nations.) Stillman. The Cretan insurrection. 1874 946. H13 940. H 24 946. 1 R8 946. P78 946.P92F 946.P92P 946.Y08 947. D68 947. M36 947. R14 948. M 29 948.0T8 949. B86 949. F87 949. M85 949.M85U 949. P78 949. R63 949.ST5 See also Fklton. Greece ; ancient and modern. Schiller. Revolt of the Netherlands. 938. F34. In 943.SCH3. 950. ASIA. 952. japan. Griffis. The mikado's empire. 1876 954. INDIA. Gr.\nt. Cassell's illustrated history of India. 2v. 956. turkey in asia. Russell. Palestine; or, the Holy Land. 1844. (Harper's fam. lib.) . . . . . - . 970. NORTH AMERICA. Mackenzie. America. 1882. Parkman. *Pioneers of France in the new world. 1883. * For young readers. 119 952.G87 954. G76 956.R91 970. M19 970. P23 "970 HISTORY. NORTH AMERICA. WiNSOR, ed. Narrative and critical history of America, v. 1-7 V. 1,1889. V. 6-7, 1888 970. W73 Yon(;e and Weld. *Aunt Charlotte's stories of Am. history. 970.YO8 970.1. INDIANS. ABORIGINES. Bancroft, H. H. Hist, of the Pacific states of N. America: Native races of the Pacific states of N. America. 1880. 5v 970.1. B22 Cotitents. Vol. 1. Wild tribes. 2. Civilized nations. 3. Myths and lan- guages. 4. Antiquities. 5. Primitive history. Brooks. Story of the American Indian. 1887. . . . 970.1. B80 Drake. *Indian history for young people. 1885. . . . 970.1. D78 Smithsonian Institution, Was/u'ngton, D. C. Bureau of etJmology. Third annual report. By Powell. 1881-82. 970.1.SM6 See also 'HiKTViv.v.. Early history of New England. 974.M42. 970.2. LIVES OF INDIANS. Brant and Red Jacket. *Life ; by Eggleston and Seelye. 970.2. B73 Montezuma. *Life ; by Eggleston d:«^ Seelye, . . . 970.2.M7G Philip, A^z«^. *History ; by J. S. C. Abbott. . . . 970.2.P52 Pocahontas. *Life ; by Eggleston ««^ Seelye. . . . 970.2.P75 Red Eagle. *Life ; by Eggleston 970.2.R21 Tecumseh. *Life ; by Eggleston and Seelye. . . . 970.2.T22 970 o. government relation and treatment. Jackson. Century of dishonor. 1886 970.5.J13 Manypenny. Our Indian wards. 1880 970.5.M31 970.6. special sut.jects. Custer. My life on the plains ; or, personal experiences with Indians. 1881 970.6.C9G Harrison. Latest studies on Indian reservations. 1887. . 970.6.H241 Jennings. {Kercheval.) Lorin Mooruck, and other Indian stories. 1888 970.6.J42 Smith. Remarkable occurrences in the life and travels of Col. James Smith during his captivity with the In- dians: 1755-59. Ed. by Darlington. 1870. . . 970.6.SM5 971. CANADA. Bancroft, H. H. History of the Pacific states of N. Amer- ica: British Columbia: 1792. 1887 971.B22 Bryce. Manitoba. 1882 971.B84 HATTONawrt' Harvey. Newfoundland. 1883. . . . 971.H28 Parkman. *Montcalm and Wolfe. 1885. 2v. . . . 971.P23 *For young readers. 120 HISTORY. UNITED STATES. DISCOVERY. 973.1 972. MEXICO. Bancroft, H. H. History of the Pacific states of N. Amer- ica: Mexico: 1516-1887. 1883-88. 6v. . North Mexican states and Texas : 1531-1889. 1887, '89 2v BiART. The Aztecs. 1887 Ober. *Young folks' history of Mexico. 1883. Prescott. Conquest of Mexico. 1882. 3v. . 972.8. central America. Bancroft, H. H. History of the Pacific states of N. Amer- ica : Central America : 1531-1887. 1882-87. 3v. . 972.B22M 972.B22N 972. B47 972. 0B2 972. P92 972.8.B22 973. UNITED STATES. Abbott. Paragraph history of the United States. 1884. Bancroft. History of the United States. 1879. . Berard. History of the United States Blaine. Twenty years in congress. 1886. 2v. Bryant and Gay. Popular history of the United States 1884-80. 4v Coffin. *Building of the nation Dodge. *Stories of American history. Egglestox. ^History of the U. S. and its people. Household history of the U. S. 1889. GiLMAN. History of the American people. Hale. *History of the U. S. for Chautauquans. 1887. HiGGiNSON. History of the United States. 1886. . Travellers and outlaws : episodes in Am. history. *Young folks' history of the United States. 1886. Johnston. *History of the United States for schools. McCuLLOCH. Men and measures of half a century. 1889. MacMaster. History of the people of the U. S. 1886. 2 Poore. Perley's reminiscences of sixty years in the national metropolis. 2v. . Richardson. *History of our country. 1886. Tileston. Hand-book of the administrations of the U. S.,also A record of contemporaneous Eng. history. 1871. Wright. ^Children's stories of American progress. 1886. 1888 1889 1886 973.AB27 973. B22 973.B45 973.B57 973. B84 973. C65 973. D66 973.EG3H 973.EG3HO 973. G42 973. H 13 973.H53H 973.H53T 973.H53Y 973 J64 973. MLS 973. M 22 973.P79 973. R40 973.T40 973. W93 973.1. discovery. 896-1607. Anderson. America not discovered by Columbus. 1883. . 973.1. AN22 Higginson. *Book of American explorers 973.1.H53 Santarem. Researches respecting Americus Vespucius and his voyages. 1850 973.1.SA5 *For young readers. 121 973.2 HISTORY. UNITED STATES. COLONIAL. 973.2. COLONIAL. 1607-1775. Coffin. *01d times in tlie colonies. .... Johnson. *History of the French war Lodge. Short history of the English colonies. 1886. . Markham. King Philip's war. Parkman. *Conspiracy of Pontiac and the Indian war 1883. 2v 973.2. C65 973.2.J63 973.2. L82 973.2. M34 973.2.P23 973.3. revolution and confederation. 1775-1789. Abbot. *Blue Jackets of '76: with narrative of the war with Tripoli. 1888 Abbott. *Revolutionary times. 1876. .... Coffin. *Boys of '76 Drake. *Burgoyne's invasion of 1777, with Outline sketch of the Am. invasion of Canada, 1775-76. 1889. . Ellis. History of the battle of Bunker's [Breed's] hill. 1875 Fiske. Critical period of American history : 1783-89. 1888 *VVar of independence. 1889. (Riverside lib.) Greene. German element in the war of American independ ence. 1876. Historical view of the American revolution. Johnston. Yorktown campaign and the surrender of Corn wallis. 1881 LossiNG. *Hours with living men and women of the revolu tion. 1889 Pictorial field-book of the revolution. 1860. 2v. Ludlow. War of American independence: 1775-83. 1876 Muzzey. Battle of Lexington; with per. recollections. 1877 (pam.) Scudder, ed. Men and manners in America one hundred years ago. 1887. WiNSOR. Hand-book of the American revolution. 1880. 973 3.AB25 973.3.AB27 973.3. C65 973.3. D78 973.3. EL5 973.3. F54c 973.3. F54w 973.3.G83G 973.3. G83H 973.3.J64 973.3. L90h 973.3. L90p 973.3. L96 973.3. M98 973.3.SCU2 973.3. W73 97.3.4. constitution. 1789-1812. Schouler. Hist, of the U. S. A. under the constitution 1783-1817. 1882. 3v 973.5. WAR OF 1812. 1812-1845. Johnson. History of the war of 1812-1815 LossiNG. Pictorial field-book of the war of 1812. 1869. 973.6. WAR with MEXICO. 1845-1861. Ladd. War with .Mexico. *For young readers. 122 973.4. SCH6 973.5.J63 973.5. L9a 973.6. L12 HISTORY. UNITED STATES. CIVIL WAR. 973.7 973.7. CIVIL WAR. 1861-1865. Abbot. *Blue Jackets of '61. 1887. Abbott. Prison life in the South. 1865. Campaigns of the civil war. 1881-83. 13v. . 1. Nicolay. Outbreak of the rebellion. . 2. Force. From Fort Henry to Corinth. 3. Webb. The peninsula: McClellan's campaign. 4. Ropes. The army under Pope. .... 0. Palfrey. Antietam and Fredericksburg. . 6. Doubleday. Chancellorsville and Gettysburg. . 7. Cist. Army of the Cumberland. 8. Greene. The Mississippi. .... 9. Cox. Atlanta 10. March to the sea 11. Pond. The Shenandoah valley in 1864. 12. Humphreys. Virginia campaign of 1864-65. 13. Phisterer. Statistical records of the armies of the United States. ....... Champlin. *Young folks' history of the war for the Union 1881 Cheney. *Young folks' history of the civil war. 1885. . Coffin. *Boys of '61. 1886 *Drum-beat of the nation. 1888. .... *Following the flag. 1889 *Marching to victory. ...... Doubleday. Forts Sumter and Moultrie. 1876. . Edmonds. Nurse and spy in the Union army. 1865. . Foster. New Jersey in the rebellion. 1868. Gerrish and Hutchlvsox. The blue and the gray. 1884 Goss. Soldier's story of his captivity at Andersonville, Belle Isle, etc. 1887 Guernsey and Alden. Harper's ill. hist, of the rebellion Hale. *Stories of the war told by soldiers. 1886. Johnson. Short history of the war of secession. 1888. Kieffer. *Recollections of a drummer boy. 1886. Livermore. My story of the war. 1888. LossLXG. Pictorial field-book of the civil war. 3v. Story of the United States navy. Mosby. War reminiscences. ..... N.wv in the civil war. 1883. 3v. . . ' . 1. Soley. The blockade and the cruisers. 2. Ammen. The Atlantic coast. 3. Mahan. Gulf and inland waters. Nichols. Storv of the srreat march. 1865. . 2v 973.7. A B25 973.7.AB26 973.7. C15 a 973.7. C 15b 973.7.C15C 973.7.C15D 973.7.C15E 973.7.C15F 973.7.C15G 973.7.CI0H 973.7.C15I 973.7.C15J 973.7.C15K 973.7.C15L 973.7.C15M 973.7. C35B 973.7. C42 973.7. C60B 973.7. C65D 973.7. C65F 973.7.C65M 973.7. D74 973.7. ED52 973.7. F81 973.7. G32 973.7.G69 973 7.G93 973.7.H13 973.7.J63 973.7. K54 973.7. L75 973.7. L90P 973.7. L90s 973.7. M85 973.7.N22A 973.7. N22b 973.7. N22c 973.7. N51 *For young readers. 123 973.7 HISTORY. UNITED STATES. CIVIL WAR. Parker and Carter. History of the twenty-second Massa chusetts infantry. 1887. ..... Pollard. The lost cause. ...... Porter. Naval history of the civil war. 1886. Richardson. The secret service. 18(55. SCHARF. History of the confederate states navy. 1887. SoLEY. Sailor boys of '61. ...... SwiNTON. The twelve decisive battles of the war. . Williams. The negro troops in the rebellion. 1888. WoRMELEY. The other side of war: letters from the head- quarters of the U. S. sanitary commission : 1862. 1889 97,3.7. P2-2 973.7.P76 973.7. P83 973.7. R40 973.7.SCH17 973.7.S04 973.7. SWG 973.7. W67 974. NEW ENGLAND AND NORTH-EASTERN STATES. 1886. Drake. The making of New England : 1580-1643 FiSKE. Beginnings of New England. 1889. . Mather. Early hist, of New England : with notes by Drake 1864 Palfrey. History of New England. 1884. 4v. . Winthrop. History of New England. 1634-49. 1820. v. 2, 974.4. MASSACHUSETTS. Austin. History of Massachusetts. 1876 Ellis. The puritan age of Massachusetts Hutchinson. History of the colony of Massachusetts Bay: 1628-1691. 1765 Massachusetts state. Gen. court. Records of Massachu- setts Bay: 1628-86. Ed. by Shurtleff. 1853-54. 5v. 2 copies. ......... Records of the colony of New Plymouth in New England : 1620-1698. 1855-61. 12v. in 10. NoU. Vols. 1-8 ed. by Shurtleff. Vols. 9-12 ed. by Pulsifer. Moore. Pilgrims and Puritans. 1888 ScHOULER. lAIassachusetts in the civil war. 1868. 2v. Young. Chronicles of the first planters of the colony of Massachusetts Bay. 1846 (towns, counties, etc.) Boston. Around the Hub. By Drake. 1882. Memorial history of Boston. Ed. by Winsor. 1880-81. 4v. Record commissioners' report : 1630- 1876-87. 20v. . Births, baptisms, marriages, deaths: 1630-99. 1. 2-10. Boston and Boston town records : Note. Includes Book of Possessions. 11. Charlestown land records. 12. Same. 2d edition. 13. Dorchester town records. 14. Same. 2d edition. 1634-1777. See nos. 3-4. 973.7.W90 974. D78 974. F54 974. M42 974. P 17 974.W736 974.4.AU74 974.4. EL5 974.4. H97 974.4. M 38m 974.4. M38n 974.4. M 785 974.4.SCH6 974.4.YOS 974.4. B65D 974.4. Ii65w 974.4. B65r 124 HISTORY. SOUTH CENTRAL STATES. 976 Boston. Record commissioners' report, continued. 15. "Gleaner" articles. [Hist, of estates on and around Beacon Hill. By N. I. Bowditch.] 16. Miscellaneous. 17-18. Old tax lists. Appendix. [Same as Old tax lists.] 19. Records of Boston selectmen : 1701-63. 20. Roxbury land and church record. Siege of Boston and the battles of Lexington, Concord and Bunker Hill. By Frothingham. 1851. Suffolk deeds. Liber L 'l^SO Cambridge. Two hundred and fiftieth anniversary. 188L . Cape Cod. History. By Freeman. 1869 Concord. Celebration of the 2oOth anniversary. 1885. . Centennial celebration of the Concord fight. 1876. . Dedham. Celebration of the 2.50th anniversary. 1887. . Same. Newspapers. 1886. ...... Lexington. Abstract of the history of Lexington. By Hud- son. 1870. (pam.) Proceedings at the centennial celebration of the battle of Lexington. 1875. ....... Littleton. Proceedings at the dedication of the Littleton Town hall and Reuben Hoar library. Coll. and ar- ranged by Harwood. 1887. ..... Middlesex county. History. By Drake, and ot/iers. 1880. 2v. Western .Massachusetts. History. By Holland. 1855. 2v. 974.5. RHODE ISLAND. Greene. Short history of Rhode Island. 1887. 974.7. NEW YORK. 1886. Moore. Battles of Lake Champlain and Plattsburg. (pam.) . ........ Olden time in New York. By a member of the New York genealogical and biographical society. 1872. Plattshurgh. History lo Jan. 1, 1870. 1877. (pam.) Volcano under the city. By a volunteer special. 1887. 975. south eastern states. Browne. Maryland. 1885. (Am. commonwealths.) Cooke. Virginia. 1885. (Am. commonwealths.) . United States. Congress. Dedication of the Washington national monument. 1885. . ... 974.4. B05f 974.4 B65s 974.4. C 14 974.4. F87 974.4. C74 974.4 C74c 974.4.D36 974.4 D36a 974.4. L59 974.4. L59p 974.4. L73 974.4. M58d 974.4. H 71 974.5. G83 974.7. M782 974.7.0 LI 974 7.P09 974.7. V88 975. B81 975. C77 975. UN3 976. south central states. Phelan. History of Tennessee. 1888. (Am. commonwealths.) 976. P54 Shaler. Kentucky. 1885. (Am. commonwealths.) . . 976.SH15 Note. For Hist, of Texas see v. 2. of 972.B22n. 125 977 HISTORY. NORTH CENTRAL STATES. 97< NORTH CENTRAL STATES. Carr. Missouri. 1888. (Am. commonwealths.) . CoOLEY. Michigan. 1885. (Am. commonwealths.) DuNX. Indiana. 1888. (Am. commonwealths.) HiNSDALK. The old Northwest. 18S8 {)7S. WESTERN OR MOUNTAIN. Drake. The making of the great West. 1887. Sprinc;. Kansas. 1885. (Am. commonwealths.) . 979. pacific states. Bancroft, H. H. History of the Pacific states of N. Amer ica: Alaska: 1730-1885. 1886. 2v. . Arizona rt«r/ New Mexico: 1530-1888. 1888 California : 1542-1859. 1884-86. 6v. Same. Interpocula: 1848-56. 1888. Same. Pastoral : 1848-5G. 1888. . Northwest coast : 1543-1840. 1884. 2v. Oregon: 1834-4S. 1886. 2v. . Popular tribunals. 1887. 2v. . Barrows. Oregon. 1886. (Am. commonwealths.; NoRDHOFF. Peninsular California. 1888. ROYCE. California. 1886. (Am. commonwealths.) 980. SOUTH AMERICA. 985. PERU. Markham. War between Peru and Chili. 1883. . Prescott. Conquest of Peru. 2v. .... 990. OCEANICA. POLAR REGIONS. Froude. Oceana ; or, England and her colonies. 1886. 994. AUSTRALIA. Trollope. Australia and New Zealand. 1873. 3v. in 2. 977. C23 977.C77 977. D92 977.H60 978. D78 978. S PS 979.B22A 979.B22AR 979.B22C 979.B22CI 979.B22CP 979.B22N 979.B220 979.B22P 979. B27 979. N75 979. R81 985. M34 985. P92 990. F93 994.T74 126 AUTHOR LIST. AUTHOR LIST. Note. — Dates of books, numbers of volumes, and fuller titles, when given, may be found in the Subject List. The letter R preceding a class number indicates that the work to which it refers may be found in the Reference Department. The absence of any class number preceding the author mark indicates that the work is fiction. Abbot, Willis J. Blue jackets of Mil. 973.7.AB20. Blue jackets of '76. 973.3.AB25. Abbott, A. O. Prison life in the South. 073.7. A B2G. Abbott, Benjamin V. Juclge and jury. 340.AB2. Abbott, Charles C. Waste land wan- derings. .504.AB2. Abbott, Edward. Paragraph history of the U. S. 973.AB27. Revolutionary times. 973.3.AB27. Abbott, Edwin A. The kernel and the husk. 204.AB22. Philochristus. 232.AB22. Abbott, Jacob. Alexander the great. 920. A L2. Alfred of England. 920.AL24. Charles I. 920. C38. Charles II. 920.C380. Cleopatra. 920. C60. Cyrus the great. 920. C99. Darius the great. 920.D244. Florence stories : 1. Florence and John. AB24fa. 2. Grimkie. AB24fb. 3. Orkney islands. AB24fc. 4. English channel. AB24fd. 5. Isle of Wight. AB24fe. 6. Florence's return. AB24ff. 9 Abbott, Jacob, continued. Genghis Khan. 920.G284. Hannibal. 920.H194. Julius Caisar. 920.C113a. Margaret of Anjou. 920..M331. Mary, queen of Scots. 920.M368A. Nero. 920.N35. Peter the great. 920.P44a. Pyrrhus. 920. P99. Queen Elizabeth. 920.EL47. Richard I. 920. R38. Richard II. 920.R380. Richard III. 920.R.381. Romulus. 920.R66. Science for the young : Force. 530.AB2. Heat. 536.AB2. Light. 535.AB2. Water and land. 55LAB2. William the conqueror. 920.W67a. Xerxes the great. 920.X26. Abbott, John Stevens Cabot. Am. pioneers and patriots : Benjamin Franklin. 920.F8oA. Captain Kidd. 920.K53. Chevalier de La Salle. 920. L33. Ch'topher Columbus. 920.C726A. Daniel Boone. 920.B64('). David Crockett. 920. C87. Ferdinand de Soto. 920.SO74. George Washington. 920.W27A. Kit Carson. 020.C234. 129 ABBOTT AUTHOR LIST. Abbott, J. S. C, continued. Miles Standish. 920.ST22. Paul Jones. 920.J735. Peter Stuyvesant. 920.ST99. Henry IV. "920.H39. Hernando Cortez. 920.C816. Hortense. 920.H78. Joseph Bonaparte. 920.B642. King Philip. 970.2.P53. Louis XIV. 920. L92. Louis Philippe. 920.L920. Madame Roland. 920.R64. Marie Antoinette. 920.M334A. Napoleon Bonaparte. 920.N1()(>A. Abbott, Lyman. In aid of faith. 24LAB24. ed. Hints for home reading. 028.AB26. Abercrombv, Ralph. The weather. 06LAB3. About, Edmond F. V. The fellah. Tr. by Sir R. Roberts. AB7f. Notary's nose. Tr. by H. Holt. AB7n. Adams, Charles F., jr. Railroads. 3S5.AD12. Adams, Henry. John Randolph. 920. R 155. Adams, Rev. Henry C. The Win- borough boys. AD133w. Adams, Herbert B. College of Wil- liam and Mary. 378.UN3. Study of history in Am. colleges. 907.UN3. Thos. Jefferson and the university of Virginia. 378.UN3A. Adams, W. H. Davenport. Buried cities of Campania. 913.AD13. Diet, of Eng. hterature. R820. AD13. Addison, Joseph. Works. 820.AD2. .(tsop. Fables. Tr. by G. F. Town- send. 888.^8. Agassiz, Alexander. Three cruises of the " Blake." 508.AGn. Agassiz, Mrs. E. Cary. Louis Agassiz. 920.AG14. Agassiz, Mrs. E. Cary, continued. joint author. See Agassiz, L.J.R. Agassiz, Louis J. R., and Mrs. E. C. Journey in Brazil. 918.AG14. Aguilar, Grace. Days of Bruce. AG9d. Home influence. AG9h. Mother's recompense. AG9m. AiKiN, John, covip. British poets. 82LAI4. Aitkin, William. Medicine. 61G.AI9. Alcott, Louisa M. Aunt Jo's scrap- bag : 1. My boys, etc. AL15mb. 2. Shawl straps. AL15s. 3. Cupid and Chow-chow. AL15C, 4. My girls, etc. ALISmg. 5. Jimmy's cruise. AL15ji. 6. Old-fashioned Thanksgiving. ALlSoL. Eight cousins. ALISe. Garland for girls. AL15G. Hospital sketches. AL15h. Jack and Jill. AL15j. Jo's boys. ALlSjo. Little men. AL15lm. Little women. ALL5lw. Modern Mephistopheles. AL15mc. Old-fashioned girl. AL15o. Proverb stories. AL15p. Rose in bloom. AL15r. Silver pitchers. AL15si. Under the lilacs. AL15l'. Work. AL15W. Alden, Henry yi., joint author. See Guernsey, A. H. Alden, W. L. Cruise of the Canoe club. AL24C-. Aldkich, T. Bailey. Cloth of gold, etc. 81LAL26C. Marjorie Daw. AL26m. Mercedes. 811.AL26m. Prudence Palfrey. AL2()P. Queen of Sheba. AL26Q. Stillwater tragedy. AL26s. 130 AUTHOR LIST. AUERBACH Alexander, Mrs., pseud. See Hec- tor, Mrs. A. F. Alexander, W. J. Poetry of R. Browning. 821.822a. Alger, A b b y Langdon, tr. See 920.F842 Alger, Horatio, jr. Abraham Lin- coln. 920. LG3. James A. Garfield. 920.G184. Alger, Rev. W. Rounseville. Friend- ships of women. 920.7.AL3. Future life. 218.AL3. Allen, A. B., joint author. See Stewart, John. Allex, Alexander V. Continuity of Christian thought. 209.AL.51. Allen, C. Grant. Colin Clout's cal- endar. 581.AL54. Common sense science. 504. AL.")4. Allen, F. M. Through green glasses. AL55T. Allex, Joseph H. Christian history. 270.AL54. Allen, Lewis F. American cattle. 6.36.2. A LoS. Allen, Nathan. Physical develop- ment. 61.3.AL.54. Allex, R.L. Farm book. G30.AL55. i^LLEX, W. F. Guide to Eng. history. 902.AL5. Allen, Willis B. Kelp. AL59k. American, An, pseud. Salt Lake fruit. AM3. Ames, Lucia T. Great thoughts for little thinkers. 244.AM.3. Amicis, Edmondo de. Constantino- ple. 914.96.AM5. Cuore. Tr. by L F. Hapgood. AM5c. Holland and its people. 914.92.AM5. Ammex, Daniel. Atlantic coast. 973.7. N22b. Amos, Sheldon. Science of law. 340.AM6. Anders, J. M. House plants as san- itary agents. 716.AN2. 13 Axdersen, Hans Christian. ( Mary Howitt, tr.) Improvisatore. AN23l Only a fiddler. AN28o. Wonder stories. AN23w. Anderson, Rasmus B. America not discovered by Columbus. 973.1.AN22. //-. See BjoRXSON, Bjornstjerne. Andrews, G. H. Modern husbandry. 630.AN23. Andrews, Jane. Seven little sisters. AN26S. The story mother nature told. 504.AN26. Armitage, George. Every man his own cattle doctor. G19.AR.52. Armsbv, Henry P. Cattle feeding. 036.2. A R5.3. Arnold, Edwin P. India revisited. 91.14. A R64. Light of Asia. 821.AR63l. Pearls of the faith. 821.AR63p. Arnold, Rev. Frederic. Turning points in life. 828.AR64. Arnold, Isaac N. Abraham Lincoln. 920.L63A. Arnold, L. B. American dairying. 637.AR(3. Arnold, Matthew. Civilization in the U. S. 917.3.AR66. Essays in criticism. 824.ARG6. Arnold, Thomas. Modern history. 904.AR66. Arthur, Timothy S. Ten niglits in a bar-room. AR77t. Asbjornsen, P. C, and Moe, J. Popular tales from the Norse. Tr. by Sir G. \\\ Dasent. AS17P. Atkinson, Edward. Distribution of products. 331.AT5. AuDOi'.ON, J/rj. Lucy. J.J. Audobon. 920.AU23. Auerbach, Berthold. Bride of the Nile. Tr. by C. Bell. AU3h. AUERBACH AUTHOR LIST. AiERRACH, Berthold, continued. Edelweiss. Tr. by E. Frothingham. AU3e. Little Barefoot. Tr. by E. B. Lee. AU3l. On the heights. Tr. by F. E. Bun- nett. AU3o. Villa on the Rhine. Tr. by J. Davis. AUBv. AuSTEX, Jane. Pride and prejudice. AU73P. Sense and sensibility. AU73s. Austin, G. Lowell. Massachusetts. 974.4.AU74. Austin, Mrs. Jane G. Nameless nobleman. AU76n. Nantucket scraps. 917.44.AU70. B Babcock, Emma W. Household hints. In v. 2, of 640.AP5. B.ACHE, Franklin, joint author-. See Wood, G. B. Backus, William and S. D., joint authors. 5'^^Cleaveland, H.W. Bacon, David F. The apostles. 226. BL3. Bacox, George B., ed. Siam. 915.9.B13. Bacon, Leonard. Genesis of the New England churches. 277.B13. Badeau, Adam. Aristocracy in Eng- land. 914.2.B14. Grant in peace. 920.G765B. Badlam, Anna. Language and read- ing. 372.B14. Bagehot, Walter. Eng. constitution. 342. B14. Physics and politics. 320. Bl 4. Bailey, Philip J. Festus. 821. B15. Bain, Alexander. Education. 370. BIG. Mental science. ISO.BIO. .Mind and body. 130.B16. Moral science. 17LB16. On teaching English. 808.B1C.. Poetry. In SOS.BIO. 1 Baird, Henry M. Rise of the Huguenots. 272.B16. Baker, C. Alice. A summer in the Azores. 914.6.B17. Baker, Sir S. White, bart. The Albert N'Yanza. 916.7.B17. True tales for my grandsons. B176t. Baker, W. M. {George F. Har- rington) His majesty, myself. B17SH. Baldwin, Henry. Orchids. 584. B19. Baldwin, J. School management. 37LB19. Baldwin, James. Roland. 398. B19. Ball, Robert S. The heavens. 620.B2L Ballantyne, Robert M. Coral isl- and. B21c. Floating light, etc. B21f. In the track of the troops. B21i. Lighthouse. B21l. Norsemen in the West. B21x. Young fur traders. B21y. Ballard, Julia P. Insect lives. 59.5. B21. Ballou, Maturin M. Foot-prints of travel. 9I0.B21. Balzac, Honord de. Duchess de Langeais. B215d. Eugenie Grandet. B215e. Seraphita. Tr. by K. P. Wormeley. B215S. B.A.NCROFT, George. U. S. history. 973. B22. Bancroft, Hubert Howe. History of the Pacific states of N. Amer- ica : Alaska. 979.B22A. Arizona and New Mexico. 979.B22AR. British Columbia. 971.B22. California. 979.B22c. Same. Interpocula. 979.B22ci. Same. Pastoral. 97i).B22cP. Central America. 972.8. B22. Mexico. 972.B22M. 32 AUTHOR LIST. BELL Baxcropt, Hubert Howe, continued. Native races of the Pacific states. 970 1.B22. North Mexican states and Texas. 972.B22N. North-west coast. 979.B22N. Oregon. 979.B220. Popular tribunals. 979.B22P. Bangs, J. K., atid Sherman, F. D. New waggings of old tales. 817.B22. Barbour, George M. Florida- 917.5.B23. Bardsley, C. W. Our Eng. sur- names. 929.4.B23. Baring-Gould, S. See Gould, Sabine Baring — . Barnard, Ch a rl e s . Co-operation. 334. B25. My ten-rod farm. 716.B26. Barnes, Mrs. Emily R. The Bel- lows family. 920.B415. Barnes, Mrs. M. D. Sheldon. Studies in history. 909. B26. Barr, Mrs. Amelia E. Border shep- herdess. B27j5. Bow of orange ribbon. B27bo. Daughter of Fife. B27d. Jan Vedder's wife. B27j. Remember the Alamo. B27r. Squire of Sandal-side. B27s. Barrows, Mrs. Isabel, ed. National conference of charities and cor- rection. 361.N21. Barrows, Samuel J. Baptist meet- ing-house. 230.B27. Doom of the majority. 237.B27. Barrows, William. Oregon. 979. B27. Barry, P. Fruit garden. 634.B27. Bartholow, Roberts. Enlisting and discharging soldiers. 355. B28. Bartlktt, J. R. Americanisms. 427. B28. Bascom, John. Psychology. 150. B29. Sociology. 300.B29. Bates, Arlo. The Philistines. B31p. Baucher, F. Horsemanship. 798.B32. Baumi'.ach, Rudolph. Summer le- gends. Tr. by H. B. Dole. B32s. Baylor, Frances Courtenay. Juan and Juanita. B344j. Bayly, Ada Ellen. {Edna Lyall.) Autobiography of a slander. B345A. Donovan. B.345d. In the golden days. B345l Knight-errant. B345k. We two. B345W. W'on by waiting. B.345wo. Bayne, Peter. Chief actors in the puritan revolution. 942.06. B34. Beaconsfield, Earl of. See Dis- RAELL Beale, Lionel S. Microscopic work. 578.B36. Beale, Stephen. Poultry. 636.5.B36- Beard, Adelia, Joitil author. See Beard, Lina. Beard, D. C. American boy's handy book. 790. B38. Beard, George M., M. D. Stimu- lants and narcotics. 615. B38. Beard, Lina and Adelia. American girl's handy book. 790.B381. Beehler, W. H. Cruise of the "Brooklyn." 910.B393. Beers, H. A. Eng. literature. 820.B40. Beesly, a. H. The Gracchi, etc. 937. B40. Sir John Franklin. 920.F854. Beever, Susanna. Shakspeare ref- erences. 822.SH10B. Behrens, Bertha. {W. Heimburg.) Her only brother. Tr. by Jean W. Wylie. B396H. Two daughters of one race. Tr. by Mrs. D. M. Lowrey. B396tw. Bell, Clara, tr. See Auerhach, Ebers, Tolstoi, and Perez Galdos. Bell, Cnrxe^r, pseud. See Nicholls, Mrs. Charlotte Bronte. 133 BELL AUTHOR LIST. Bell. Mrs. Nancy Meugens. (^V. D^Anvers.) The earth and its early explorers. 551. B41. Element, history of art. 709.B41. Bell.vmv, Edward. Looking back- ward. B413L. Bellows, H. W., and others. Chris- tianity and modern thought. 204.B41. Bejient, C. N. Rabbit fancier. In V. 3 of 630.SA9. BENEniCT, E. L. Stories of persons and places in Europe. 914. B43. Benedict, F. L., tr. See HuGO,Victor. Bexham, Rev. William. Diet, of re- ligion. R203.B43. Benjamin, Park. Age of electricity. 537.B43. Benjamin, S. G. Wheeler. Troy. 939. B43. Bent, J. Theodore. Giuseppe Gari- baldi. 920.G187. Berard, Augusta B. England. 042. B45. History of the U. S. 973.B45. Bernstein, Julius. Five senses of man. 152. B45. Besant, Walter. All sorts and condi- tions of men. B463a. Fifty years ago. 914.2. B4G3. For faith and freedom. B463f. World went very well then. B463w. a7id Rice, James. Case of Mr. Lu- craft ; and other tales. B464c. .Monks of Thelema. B464m. Ten years' tenant. B464t. 'Twas in Trafalgar's bay. B464t\v. BiART, Lucien. The Aztecs. 972.B47. BiDDLE, John. Materia medica. 615.B47. BiERBOWER, Austin. The morals of Christ. 232.B47. The virtues and their reasons. 170.B47. BiGELOW, Jacob. Useful arts. G00.B48. Bigelow, M. T. Mistakes in writing English. 425.B48. Punctuation. 421. B48. Billings, Frank S. Relation of animal diseases to public health. 619. B49. Birkell, Augustine. Obiter dicta. 824.B,-)3. Bishop, William H. Old Mexico. 917.2.B54. Bjorxson, Bjornstjerne. ( R. B. An- derson, tr) Fisher maiden. Bo5f. Happy boy. BSou. Black, William Adventures of a house-boat. BoGa. Daughter of Heth. B56d. In far Locliaber. B56i. Macleod of Dare. B56m. Princess of Thule. B56p. Shandon bells. B56s. Strange adventures of a phaeton. B56sT. Three feathers. B56t. White wings. B56w. Yolande. B56y. Blackburn, Henry. Normandy pic- turesque. 914.4. B5G3x. The Pyrenees. 914.4.B5(i3p. Blackie, J. Stuart. Four phases of morals. 171.Br)G4. Robert Burns. 920.B936. Blackmork, R. Doddridge. Alice Lorraine. BAGGa. Lorna Doone. BoGGl. Maid of Sker. BoGGm. Springhaven. Br)6Gs. Blackstoxe, Sir William. Com- mentaries on the laws of England. 347.B56. Blackwood, F. Temple Hamilton, earl of Dicffcrin. Letters from high latitudes. 910.B5G8. Blaikie, William. How to get strong. 613.B57H. Sound bodies for our boys and girls. 613.B57S. 134 AUTHOR LIST. BRAYBROOK Blaine, James Gillespie. Twenty years in Congress. 973.B.j7. Blake, James Vila. Essays. 814.B58. Manual training. .371. B58. Blake, John L. Farm and fireside. 630.Bo8. Bloxh.\m, Charles L. Chemistry. 540.BG2. Boccaccio, Giovanni. The Decam- eron. B63d. BoissiER, Gaston. Madame d e Sevigne. 920.SE84. Bolles, Albert S. Financial history of the U. S. 336.B63. Industrial history of the U. S. 609. B63. Practical banking. 332.B63. Boltox, Mrs. Sarah K. Girls who became famous. 920.7.B63g. Poor boys who became famous. 920.02. B63. Some successful women. 920.7.B63s. Stories from life. B63s. BOMPAS, G.C. F. Buckland. 920.B853. Bonar, Horatius. Land of promise. 915.6.B64. BoxHAM, John. Industrial liberty. 330.B64. BoxiFACE, J. X. See Saintine. Borrow, George. Bible in Spain. 914.6.B64B. Lavengro. B646l. Romany Rye. BG46r. Wild Wales. 914.2.B64. The Zincali. 914.6.B64z. BoswELL, James. Samuel Johnson. 920.J63. BOTTA, Anne C. Lynch. Hand-book of universal literature. 802. BGo. BocGHTOx, George H. Sketching rambles in Holland. 914.92.B6(). BoussiNGAULT, J. B. Rural econo- my. 631. B66. BouTWELL, George S. The lawyer, the statesman, and the soldier. 920.07. B666. BouviER, John. Law dictionary 340. B66. BowEN, Francis. Modern philosophy. 191.B67. BowKER, R. R. Economics. 330.B67, Bowles, Samuel. Across the conti- nent. 917.3.B68. BowMAX, Anne. Among the Tartar tents. B68a. Kangaroo hunters. B68k. Young Nile voyagers. B6Sy. BowxE, Borden P. Metaphysics. 110.B68. BowNE, Mrs. E. Southgate. Letters. 920.B685. BoYESEN, Hjalmar H. G u n n a r . B694G. Modern vikings. B694m. BoYLAN, R. D., /;-. See Goethe. "^oz, pseud. See Dickens, Charles. Brackenbury, C. Booth. Frederick the great. 920.F87b. Brackett, Anna, and Eliot, Ida, comps. Poetry for home and school. 808.1.B72. Bradford, Amory H. Spirit and life. 252.B72. Bradley, Joseph P. Theodore Strong. 920.ST8.5. Bramwell, Byrom. The heart. 616. B73. Brande, W. T., and Co.x, Sir G. W. Diet, of science, literature, and art. R032.B7.3. Brandes, Georg. Eminent authors. 920.04.B73. Lord Beaconsfield. 920. D63. Brassey, Anne, lady. Around the world in the yacht " Sunbeam." 910.B73A. In the trades, the tropics, etc. 910.B73I. Sunshine and storm. 914.9.B73. Braybrook, Richard, lord, ed. Me- moirs of Samuel Pepys. 920. P40. 135 BREMER AUTHOR LIST. Bremer, Frederica. (Mary Howitt,/r.) Browne, James. The Highlands. Home. BToii. The neighbors. B75n. President's daughters. B75p. Brewer, E. Cobham. Diet, of phrase and fable. R803.B75r). Hand-book of allusions. R803.B75H. BuiiXiKMAN, Thomas. Gardener's assistant. G35.B76. Brigham, W. T. Land of the Quet- zal. 917.28. B76. Brisbix, 6^^«. J.S. Trees. 634.9.B77. Bkocklesby, John. INIeteorology. 551. B78. Brodribi!, Rev. W. J. Demosthenes. 885.D39. joijit author. See Church, Alfred. Bronte, Charlotte. See Nicholls, Mrs. C. B. Brooke, Stopford A., ed. Life and letters of F. W. Robertson. 920. R54. Brookfield, Mrs., cd. Letters of Thackeray. 826.T32. Brooks, Charles T. Ansonius, and his poem Mosella. In 914.W2.3. tr. See Richter. Brooks, Elbridge S. Historic boys. 920.02.B80. In Leisler's times. BSOil. In No-man's land. BSOiN. Storied holidays. B80s. Story of the Am. Indian. 970.1. B80. Story of the Am. sailor. 359. B80. Brooks, Noah. Boy emigrants. B802B. Brooks, Phillips. Tolerance. 251. BSO. Brown, Howard N. Sunday stories. 252. B81. Brown, John. John Bunyan. 920.B880. Brown, John. Rab; Marjorie Flem- ing, etc. BS12R. Brown, S.G. Rufus Choate. 920.C454. Browne, D.J. Bird fancier. In v. 2 of 630.SA9. Manures. 631. B81. 941. B81. Browne, Phillis. What girls can do. C40.B81. Browne, W. Hand. Maryland. 975. B81. Browning, Mrs. E. Barrett. Poems. 821.B82. Browning, Robert. Poetic and dramatic works. 821.B821. Selected poems. 821.B821s. Brugsch, H e i n r i c h Karl, called BrugschBey. Egypt under the Pharaohs. 932. B83. Brush, Mrs. Christine C. Colonel's opera cloak. B834c. Brush, George J., joitit aiitJior. See Dana, J. D. Bryant, William Cullen. Poetical works. 811. B84. a7id Gay, Sydney H. Hi.story of the U. S. 973. B84. /;-. See Homer. ed. Family library of poetry and song. 808.1. B84. Bryce, Rev. G. Manitoba. 971.B84. Bryce, James. American common- wealth. 342. B84. Holy Roman empire. 940. B84. Transcaucasia and Ararat. 915.6.B84. Buchanan, Robert. Undertones. 821.B85. Buckle, H. Thomas. Civilization in England. 90LB85. Buckley, Arabella B. Fairy-land of science. 504. B85. Life and her children. 592.B85. BuGBKE, J. M. Eastern question. 949. B8(). Bulfinch, Thomas. Age of chivalry. 398. B87. Age of fable. 291. B87. Bulkley, L. D. The skin. In v. 3 of (;13.K25. BuLLARD, Asa. Autobiog. 920.B874. 130 AUTHOR LIST. Bl'lwer- Lyttox, Edward George Burhoughs, John, co/i/inued. Earle Lytton, /j-/ baron Lytton. Devereux. B876d. Eugene Aram. B876e, Harold. B876h. Kenelm Chillingly. B876k. Last days of Pompeii. B876l. Last of the barons. B876la. My novel. B876m. Pelham. B876p. Rienzi. B87Gr. BuLWER- Lytton, Edward Robert, 1st earl of Lytton. {Owen Mere- dith.) After paradise. 82LB87a. King Arthur. 821.B87K. Lucile. 82LB87L. Bt'NCE, Oliver B. {Censor.) Don't. 895. B88. BuNNER, H. C. Story of a New York house. B884S. BuxNETT, F. E., tr. See Auerbach,B. Bi'NYAX, John. Pilgrim's progress. 244. B88. Burke, Sir]. B., bart. Roll of Bat- tle Abbey. 929.1. B91. BuRXABY, F. Gustave. Ride to Khiva. 91.18.693. Through Asia Minor. 915.6.B93. BuRXETT, C. H. Hearing. /;/ v. 2 of 613. K2o. Burnett, Afrs. Frances Hodgson. Editha's burglar. B933e. Fair barbarian. B933f. Haworth's. B933h. Little Lord Fauntleroy. B933l. Louisiana. B933lo. Pretty sister of Jose. B933p. Sarah Crewe. B933s. That lass o' Lowrie's. B933t. "Theo." B933TH. BuRXLEY, James. Romance of in- vention. 608.B93. Burns, Robert. Works. 820.B93. Burroughs, John. Birds and poets. 814.B94B. Fresh fields. 814.B94F. Locusts and wild honey. 814.B94L. Pepacton. 814.B94P. Wake-robin. .j98.2.B94. Burt, Mary E. Browning's women. 82LB822B. BuscH, Moritz. Our chancellor. 920. B54. BusHNELL, Horace. Building eras. 204. B96. Nature and the supernatural. 210.B96. Women's suffrage. 324. B96. Butler, Frances Ann Kemble. See Kemble, Frances Ann. Butler, John S. Insanity. 132.B97. Butler, William. Land of the Veda. 915.4.B97. Butt, Beatrice M. Delicia. B'JS3d. Butterworth, Hezekiah. Zigzag journeys in Acadia. 917.1. B98. n classic lands. 914.B9Sc. n Europe. 914.B98e. n India. 915.4.B98. n northern lands. 914.B98n. n the Levant. 916.2. B98. n the Occident. 917.3.B98. n the Orient. 914.B98o. n the sunny South. 917.5.B98. Bynner, Edwin L. Agnes Surriage. B992A. Byron, G. Gordon Noel, lord. Poems and dramas. 82LB99. c Cable, George W. Dr. Sevier. CllD. Grandissimes. Clio. Old Creole days. Clio. Silent South. 326.C11. Cabot, J. Elliott. R. W. Emerson. 920.EM35C. Caine, T. Hall. The deemster. C122D. Caird, Edward. Hegel. 193.H36. Cairo, Sir James. India 915.4.C12. 137 CALDERWOOD AUTHOR LIST. Henry. Teaching. A. Object lessons. Calderwood, 370.C12. Calkins, N. 372. C12. joint author. See Kiddle, Henry. Camphell, Archibald. Capt. Mac- Donald's daughter, C151c. Campbell, George. Rhetoric. 808. CI 5. Campbell, Mrs. Helen. Am. girls' home book. 790.C15. Prisoners of poverty. 331. C15. Roger Berkeley's probation. ClSiR. Campbell, J. D. S., 7narqjiis of Lome. Canadian pictures. 917.1. Clo. Campbell, Thomas. Poetical works. 821.C15. Ca:mpin, Francis. Mechanical engi- neering. 621. C15. Candolle, Alphonse de. Origin of cultivated plants. 581. C16. Capes, W. Wolfe. Roman empire. 937.C17. Roman history. 937.C17R. Carey, Annie. History of a book. 650.C18. "CARLETON,"/.y")N. Old curiosity shop. D5.")0. Oliver Twist. D.").")0L. Our mutual friend. Doool'. Pickwick papers. Doop. Pictures from Italy. 914.5. D55. Sketches by Boz. D.55s. Tale of two cities. DoSt. Uncommercial traveller. D55u. Dialogues from. Fette. 793.D55. Dickens diet. Pierce. D550. Dickinson, Mrs. E. C. King's daughters. Do6k. Disraeli, B., earl of Beaconsfield. Alroy. D63a. Tancred. D63t. Vivian Grey. D63v. Di.xon, E. Saul. Poultry. 636.0.D648. Dixon, James. The eye. 616.D64. Dixon, W. Hepworth. Her majesty's tower. 942.D64. DOBSOX, Austin. Hogarth. 920.H67. Dodge, D. Stuart, ed. Memorials of William E. Dodge. 920.D66r). Dodge, Grace H. Letters to busy girls. G40.D66. Dodge, Mary Mapes. Baby world. D6G4i?. Donald and Dorothy. D664d. Hans Brinker. DGMii. Dod(;e, Nathaniel S. Stories of American history. 973.D66. Dodge, Richard I. Plains of the great West. 978. D66. 144 AUTHOR LIST, DUMAS DoDGSON, C. Lutwidge. {Lewis Car- roll) Alice's adventures, etc. D665a. Through the looking glass. D665T. DoLBEAR, A. E. The telephone. 537. DOS. Dole, Charles F. Jesus and the men about him. 232. D68. Dole, Edmund P. Law. 340. DOS. Dole, Helen B., tr. See Baumbach. Dole, Nathan H. Russia. 947.D68. DoxNE, William B. Euripides. 882. EU7. Tacitus. 878.T11. Donnelly, Ignatius. Atlantis. 572.D71. Great cryptogram. S22.SH10D. Ragnarok. 571. D71. Dorr, Mrs. Julia C. R. Bermuda. 917.29. D730. Doubleday, Abner. Chancellorsville and Gettysburg. 973.7.C1.5F. Forts Sumter and Moultrie. 973.7. D74. DouDNEY, Sarah. Stepping-stones- D742S. Douglas, Amanda M. Claudia. D744C. Modern Adam and Eve. D744m. Seven daughters. D744s. Stephen Dane. D744st. DowD, D. L. Physical culture. 613.D70. Dowden, Edward, ed. Correspond- ence of H. Taylor. 826. T21. Downing, And. J. Architecture of country houses. 72S.D75. Fruits and fruit trees. 034. D75. Landscape gardening. 710.D75T. Rural essays. 710.D75R. ed. Horticulture. 7L6.L64. Dr.vke, Francis S. Diet, of Am. bi- ography. R920.07.D78. Indian history. 970.1. D78. Drake, Samuel Adams. Around the Hub. 974.4. B65D. Drake, Samuel Adams, conthiued. Burgoyne's invasion. 973.3. D78. Heart of the White Mountains. 917.42. D78. Makingof the great West. 978.D78. - of New England. 974.D78. Nooks and corners of the New Eng. coast. 917.4.D7SN. Old landmarks of Boston. 917.44.D7So. - of Middlesex. 917.44.D78oL. Our great benefactors. 920.02. D78. and others. Middlesex county. 974.4. M58d. Draper, J. W. Physiology. 012.D79' Religion and science. 215. D79. Drummond, Henry. Natural law in the spiritual world. 215. D84. Dryden, John. Poetical works, 821. D84. Du Chaillu, Paul B. Land of the midnight sun. 914.8. D85. Lost in the jungle. 910.7. D85. DuDEVANT, Mme. A. L. A. D. {George Sand.) Consuelo. DSGc. Countess of Rudolstadt. D86co. DuFFERix, Earl of. See Black- wood, F. T. Duffy, Sir C. Gavan. Four years of Irish history. 941.5.D87. Dulles, Charles W. Accidents, etc. 017. D88. Dumas, Alexander. Chicot the jester. D89c, Count of Monte-Cristo. DS9co. Forty-five guardsmen. D89f. Marguerite de Valois. D89m. Memoirs of a physician ser. : Queen's necklace. D89q. Taking the Bastile. D89t. Countess de Charny, D89cs, Three guardsmen ser. : Three musketeers, [guardsmen.] DS9TH. Twenty years after. D89tw. Vicomte de Bragelonne. D89v. 10 145 DUNCAN AUTHOR LIST. Duncan, Martin. Transformation of insects. 59o.D91. DuNGLisoN, Robley. Diet, of medi- cal science. 610.D91. Dunn, J. P. Indiana. 977.D92. DuRAND, Mine. Alice M. [Henry Grt'ville.) Dosia. Tr. by M. N. Sherwood. D9.3d. Tania's peril. Tr. by G. D. Cox. D93t. DuRRiE, Daniel S. Index to Am. genealogies. 929.1. D63. DwiGHT. M. A. Grecian and Roman mythology. 292. D9G. Dyer, Thomas H. Pompeii. 913.D98. Eastman, Julia A. Striking for the right. EA7s. Ebers, Georg. Egyptian princess. Tr. by Eleanor Grove. EB3e. Emperor. Tr. by Clara Bell. EB3i:m. Bride of the Nile. Tr. by Clara Bell. EB3b. Burgomaster's wife. Tr. by M. J. Safford. EB3bu. Margery. Tr. by Clara Bell. EB3m. The sisters. Tr. by Clara Bell. EB3s. Uarda. Tr. by Clara Bell. EB3u. Edgkworth, Maria. Classic tales. ED38C. Helen. EDSSii. Edmonds, S. Emma E. Nurse and spy. 973.7. ED52. Edwards, H. Sutherland. Rossini. 920.R73EJ). Rossini and his school. 920.R73ee. Edwards, Peter C, jr. The choris- ter's mission. 811. EDO. Eggleston, Edward. The circuit rider. EG3c. The Greysons. EG3g. Hist, of the U. S. 973.EG3H. Hoosier schoolmaster. EG3ii. Egglestox, Edward, conthmed. Household history of the U. S. 973.EG3IIO. and Seelye, Lillie E. Brant and Red Jacket. 970.2.B73. Montezuma. 970.2. M76. Pocahontas. 970.2. P75. Tecumseh. 970.2.T22. Eggli:ston, George C. Red Eagle. 970.2. R24. Strange stories from history, 900.EG33. Eliot, George, psend. See Cross, Mrs. M. E. Lewes. Eliot, Ida, joiiit coin p. See Brackett, Anna. Eliot, William G. The discipline of sorrow. 244. EL4. Doctrines of Christianity. 230. EL4. Early religious education. 234.EL4. Lectures to young men. 243. EL4. Lectures to young women. 396.EL4. Story of Archer Alexander. 920.AL22. Elliott, F. R. Hand-book for fruit growers. G34.EL5. Elliott, Henry W. Seal islands of Alaska. 917.9.UN3E. Ellis, Benjamin, comp. Medical formulary. 61 5. ELS. Ellis, George E. Battle of Bunker's [Breed's] hill. 973.3.EL5. Puritan age of Mass. 974.4.EL5. Ely, Richard T. French and Ger- man socialism in modern times. 335.EL9. Labor movement in America. 331. EL9. Problems of today. 330.EL9. Taxation in America. 336. EL9. Em.inuel, Henry. Diamonds, etc. 549.EM1. Emerson, E. Waldo. Emerson in Concord. 920.EM35E. Emerson, George B. Trees and shrubs of Mass. 582.EM3. 14G AUTHOR LIST. FIELD Emerson, Ralph Waldo. Conduct of life. 8U.EM3C. English traits. 914.2.EM3. Essays. 814.EM3e. Lectures and biographical sketches. 814.EM3L. Letters and social aims. 814.EM3le. Miscellanies. 814.EM3m. Nature, addresses, and lectures. 814.EM3X. Poems. 811.EM3. Representative men. 920.04.EM3. Society and solitude. 814.EM3s. Erasmus, Desiderius. Praise of folly. 839.ERL ^ Erckmanx, Emile, and Chatrian, Alexandre. Citizen Bonaparte. ER2c. Conscript. ER2cn'. Country in danger. ER2co. Madame Therese. ER2m. States general. ER2s. Story of the Plebiscite. ER2st. Waterloo. ER2w. Year one of the republic. ER2y. Ernst, Louis. Span, course. 468.ERG. Evans, Augusta J. See Wilson, Mrs. A.J. Evelyn, John. Mrs. Godolphin. 920.G542. Everett, C. Carroll. Poetry, comedy, and duty. 814.EV2. Science of thought. 160.EV2. EvERETT,Edward. George Washing- ton. 920.W27E. EvERS, Henry. Navigation. G56.EV2. Steam and steam engine. G21.EV2. EwiNG, Mrs. Juliana H. Jan of the windmill. EWoj. Six to sixteen. EW5s. Snap-dragons. EW5sN. We and the world. EW5w. Farley, Fred. 231.F22. F A. Unitarianism. Farmer, Lydia H. Boy's book of famous rulers. 920.04.F22. La Fayette. 920. L13. Farquharson, Martha. See Finley, Mrs. M. F. Farragut, Loyall. D. G. Farragut. 920.F24F. Farrar, Capt. C. A. J. Lake and forest ser. : Down the West Branch. F243d. Eastward ho ! F243e. Up the North Branch. F243u. Wild woods life. F243w. Farrar, Frederic W. Eric. F244e. St. Winifred's. F244s. Witness of history to Christ. 239.F24. Fellow, A. Rochester, pseud. See SCUDDER, S. H. Fellows, H. Parker. Boating trips on New Eng. rivers. 917.4. F33. Felton, Cornelius C. Greece. 938. F34. Fenelon, FranQois de Salignac de la Mothe. Adventures of Telema- chus. F35t. Fenn, G. Manville. Dick o' the fens. F363D. Mother Carey's chicken. F363m. Fergussox, James. Architecture. 720. F38. Modern architecture. 724. F38. Fernow, B.E. Forestry. 6.34.9.UN3F. Ferris, George T. Great singers. 920.02. F4L Fessendex, T. G. Am. kitchen gar- dener. In v. 2 of 630.SA9. Fette, W. Eliot, comp. Dialogues from Dickens. 793.D5o. Field, Henry M. Among the holy hills. 915.6.F45. From Egypt to Japan. 915.4. F45. From the Lakes of Killarney to the Golden Horn. 914.F4o. Gibraltar. 914.().F4o. On the desert. 91o.3.F45. 147 FIELDS AUTHOR LIST. Fields, James T. Underbrush. 814. F46. Yesterdays with authors. 820. F4G. FiGUiER. Louis. Reptiles and birds. 698.F464. Vegetable world. 5S1.F464. FiNLAY, George. Greece. 938. F49. FiNLEY, Afrs. Martha Farquharson. The Elsie books: Elsie Dinsmore. F49oea. Holidays at Roselands. F495eb. Elsie's girlhood. F495ec. Elsie's womanhood. F49oed. Elsie's motherhood. F495ee. Elsie's children. F49oef. Elsie's widowhood. F495eg. Fisher, Frances C. {Christian Reid) See Tiernan, Mrs. F. C. Fisher, George Park. Christian evi- dences. 239.F53. Outline of history. 909.F53. The reformation. 270. F53. Fiske, John. Beginnings of New England. 974. F54. Critical period of American history. 973.3. F54c. Outlines of cosmic philosophy. 113.Fo4. Tobacco and alcohol. 613. F54. War of independence. 973.3. Fo4w. joint ed. See Wilson, J. G. Fitch, J. G. Teaching. 370.F55. Flagg, Wilson. Birds and seasons of New England. 598.2. F59. Studies in field and forest. 814.F59. Fla.mmarion, Camille. The atmos- phere. 551. F61. Flanders, George F. Life's prob- lems. 204.FG1. Fleming, G. Horseshoeing. 682. F62. Fleming, George, pseud. See Fletcher, J. C. Fletcher, Austin B., conip. Read- ings and recitations. 808.5. FG3. Fl?:tcher, E. Hatch. Maj. Timothy Hatch. 929.2.H28. Fletcher, James. Poland. 943. F63. Fletcher, Julia C. {George Fleming) Kismet. F633k. Mirage. FG33m. Truth about Clement Ker. F633t. Fletcher, W. L, ed. Co-operative index. R050.F63. joint ed. See Poole, W. F. Flint, Austin. Medicine. 616.F64. Flint, Charles L. Grasses, etc. G33.FG4. Milch cows. 637. F64. Foa, Mme. Eugenie. Contes biog- raphiques. 843.FG8. FooTE, Mary H. John Bodewin's testimony. F735j. Led-horse claim. F735L. Force, Manning F. From Fort Henry to Corinth. 973.7. C15b. Foreman, A, pseud. Big wages, etc. 331. F76. Forster, John. British statesmen. 920.04. F77. Charles Dickens. 920.D55. Foster, J. Ellen. Crime against Ire- land. 327.F81. Foster, John W. Prehistoric races of the U.S. 571.F81. Foster, John Y. New Jersey and the rebellion. 973.7.F81. Fothergill, Jessie. From Moor isles. F82f. Lasses of Leverhouse. F82l. Fothergill, John Milner. Diseases of sedentary and advanced life. 613.F82. The will power. 159. F82. FouQufi. See La Mottk, Fouqud. FowNES, George. Chemistry. 540.F82. Franzos, K. Emil. For the right. F85F. Eraser, A. Campbell. Berkeley. 192.B45. Fredet, Peter. Ancient history. 930. F87. Modern history. 909.F87. 148 AUTHOR LIST, GEIKIE Soubriquets, etc. Die journalisten. F9lL. Education of Boy's Frois- author. See Freeman, Edward A. Ottoman power in Europe. 949.F87. William the conqueror. 920.W67f. Freeman, Frederic. Cape Cod. 974.4. F87. Freemantle, Edward A. Methods of hist, study. 907. F87. French, Alice. (Octave TJianet) Knitters in the sun. F884k. French, H. F. Farm drainage. 631.F88. Frey, Albert R. R014.F89. Freytag, Gustave. 833.F89. Friis, J. A. Lajla. Froebel, Friedrick. man. 370. F92. Froissart, Sir J., bart sart. 940. F92. Frost, Annie, joint Williams, H. T. Frost, H. F. Schubert. 920.SCH7. Frost, John. Presidents of the U. S. 920.07.F92. Frothingham, Ellen, tr. See Auer- BACH, B. Frothingham, Octavius B. Theo- dore Parker. 920.P224. Frothingham, Richard. Siege of Boston. 974.4. B6.5F. Froude, J. Anthony. Cfesar, 920.C113F. English in Ireland. 941.0.F93. Carlyle. 920.C197fr. Same. 920.C197fs. England. 942.05. F93. Oceana. 990.F93. Short studies. 824.F93. Two chiefs of Dunboy. F936t. ed. Letters and memorials of J. Carlyle. 920.C196. Fuller, Andrew S. Forestry. 634.9. F95. Propagation of plants. 716. F95. Small fruit culturist. 634.F95. Fulton, J. A. Peach culture. 634.F9.56. Fultox, R. L., ajid Trueblood, T. C, eds. Choice readings. 808.O.F92. Gairdner, James. Lancaster and York. 942.04.G124. Galdos. See Perez Galdos. Gannet, Abbie M. The old farm home. 811.G15. Gannett, W. C. Ezra S. Gannett. 920.G152. Gardiner, S. Rawson. First two Stuarts, etc. 942.06.G16. Thirty years' war. 943.G16. Gardner, Dorsey. Quatre Bras, Ligny and Waterloo. 944.05.G17. Gardner, Eugene C. Homes. 728. G17. Garrett, Edward, pseud. See Mayo, L F. Gaskell, M7's. Elizabeth C. Char- lotte Bronte. 920.N514. Cousin Phillis. G21c. Cranford. G21cR. Mary Barton. G2Lm. North and South. G21n. Sylvia's lovers. G21s. Wives and daughters. G21\v. Gautier, Thcophile. Romance of a mummy. G23r. Winter in Russia. 914.7.G23. Gav, Sydney H. James Madison. 920. M 20. joint author. See Bryant, W. C. Gebler, Karl v. Galileo Galilei and the Roman curia. 920. G13. Gehring, Franz. Mozart. 920.M878. Geikie, Archibald. Field geology. 550.G27O. Text-book of geology. 550.G27t. Geikie, Cunningham. Christ. 232.G27. Geikie, James. The ice age. 551.G27. 149 GERARD AUTHOR LIST. Gerard, Mine. E, de Laszowska. Land beyond the forest. 914.3.G31.' Gerrish, Rev. Theo., and Hutchin- son, Rev. J. S. The blue and the gray. 973.7. G3-2. Giherne, Agnes. Ainiee. G35a. Among the stars. 523.G3."). Fathur Aldur. G3oF. Geology for beginners. 550.G35. Twilight talks. 502.G3o. Gibbon, Edward. Decline and fall of the Rom. empire. 937. G35. Gibson, W. H. Camp life and the tricks of trapping. 799. G35. GiFFiN, W. //v. Civics for young Americans. 342.G3G. Gillmore, Q. a. Roads. C2.").G41. GiLMAN, Arthur. First steps in gen- eral history. 909. G42. Hist, of the Am. people. 973.G42. Gilman, Daniel C. James Monroe. 920. M75. Gladden, Washington. Applied Christianity. 177.G45. Plain thoughts on the art of living. 170.G4O. Working people and their employ- ers. 331.G4.5. ed. Parish problems. 250. G4o. Gladstone, W. Ewart. Homer. 883.H75G. Juventus mundi. 292.G45. Gleason, Oscar R. Vicious horses. G36.1.G47. Goethe, J. Wolfgang von. Autobiog- raphy. Tr. by J. Oxenford. 920. G55. Elective affinities and tales. Tr. by R. D. Boylan. In G55s. Faust. Pt. 1. Prose trans, by A. Hayward. Pt. 2. Poetical trans, by Miss Swan wick. 832. G55. Same. Tr. by B. Taylor. 832.G55T. Letters from Switzerland and Italy. In G55s. Goethe, J. Wolfgang von, continued. Poems. Tr. by E. A. Bowring and of hers. 83LG55. Sorrows of Werther. Go-^is. Wilhelm Meister's apprenticeship and travels. Tr. by T. Carlyle. G5r)W. Goldsmith, Oliver. Poems. 82LG57. Vicar of Wakefield. G57v. Works. 820. G57. Goodholme, Todd S. Domestic cy- clopaedia. R640.G(3L Goodrich, C. A. Signers to the declaration of independence. 920.07.G62. Goodwin, J. H. Book-keeping. 657.GG3. Gordon, Maj.-gen. C G. Journals. 920.G65. Letters. 820. G65. Gordon, J. E. H. Electricity, etc. 537.G65. Gordon, Lydia L. From Lady Wash- ington to Airs. Cleveland. 920.07. GG5. Gordon, Mary A., ed. Letters of C. Gordon. 826.G65. Goss, Warren Lee. Soldier's story of captivity at Andersonville- 973.7.GG9. Gosse, Philip H. Romance of nat- ural history. 591. GG9. GouGH, John B. Autobiog. 920.G72. Gould, Sabine Baring- Curious myths. 291.G73. Red Spider. G736r. Story of Germany. 943. G73. GouLDiNG, F. R. Marooner's island. G735M. Gow, Alexander M. Good morals. 170.G74. Graham, Y^nm?,^ pseud. See Moles- worth, Mrs. M. L. Graham, ^/;'j. H. {Evuna Marshall.) Millicent Legh. G7Gm. Mrs. Mainwaring's journal. G7Gmi. 150 AUTHOR LIST. H. H. Grant, Sir Alexander, bat't. Aris- totle. 888.AR4. Xenophon. 888.X2. Grant, James. India. 954.G76. Grant, Robert. Jack Hall. G76;jj. Jack in the bush. G76ojA. Grant, Ulysses S. Memoirs. 920.G7r)5G. Gray, Asa. Botany. 580.G79. Natural science and religion. 215.G79. Gray, Henry. Anatomy. 611. G79. Gray, John H. China. 915.1. G80. Greely, Adolphus W. American weather. 551. G81. Arctic service. 919.8. GSl. Green, Anna Katharine. See Rohlfs, Mrs. A. K. Green. Green, J. Richard. The English people. 942.G82. Green, Samuel G. French pictures. 914.4.G82. German pictures. 914.3.G82. Greene, Francis V. The Mississippi. 97.3.7.C15H. Greene, G. Washington. The Amer- ican revolution. 973.3.G83H. German element in the war of Amer- ican independence. 973.3. G83g. Rhode Island. 974.5.G83. Greene, Homer. Blind brother. G83B. Burnham Breaker. G83bu. Greenwood, F. W. P. The apostles. 22(3. G85. Greenwood, Grace, pseud. See LiPPINCOTT, S. J. Greey, Edward. Tokio. 915.2.G86w. Young Americans in Japan. 915.2.G86V. Gregory, James H. Squashes, cab- bages, and onions. 635. G86. Greville, Henry, pseud. See DuR- AND, Mine. A. M. Grey, Maxwell, pseud. See Uttiet, Miss. Griffis, W. E. The mikado's empire. 952. G87. Griffith, Arthur. Lola. G876l. Griffith, Robert. Boys' useful pas- times. 790.G87. Grimm, Herman. Raphael. 920.R18G. Grimm, Jacob L. and Wilhelm K. Fairy tales. G88. Griswold, Hattie T. Home life of great authors. 920.02.GS8. Griswold, W. M. O. P. index. R050.O4. Gronluxd, Laurence. Co-operative commonwealth. 335. G90. Grove, Eleanor, tr. See Ebers, Georg. Guenon, M. Francis. Cows. G37.G93. Guernsey, Alfred H., and Alden, H. M. The rebellion. 973.7.G93. and Davis, I. P. Health. In v. 3 of 640.AP5. Guernsey, Lucy E. Through un- known ways. G934t, Guest, M.J. Eng. history. 942.G93. Guild, Curtis. Abroad again. 914.G94A. Britons and Muscovites. 914.G94b. Over the ocean. 914.G94o. Guillemin, Amedee. The heavens. 520. G94. GuizOT, Fran9ois P. G. Civilization in Europe. 901. G94. and Witt, Mme. H. Guizot de. France. 944.G94. Gustafson, Axel. Foundation of death. 178.G97. Guthrie, Charles J., joiiit author. See Guthrie, D. K. Guthrie, David K., andC. J. Thomas Giithrie. In 920.G984. Guthrie, Thomas. Autobiography. 920.G984. H. W., pseud. M. F. H See Jackson, Mrs. H. 151 H., M. V. G. AUTHOR LIST. H Frances R. Haversal. Sec . I\r. V. G, 920. H 30. Haderman, Mrs. J. R., pseud. Walworth, Mrs. J. R. HiECKE;L, Ernst H. Creation. 575.H11. Hague, William. Life notes. 920. H 128. Hale, Edward. Fall of the Stuarts. 942.06. HI 3. Hale, Edward Everett. Christmas eve and Christmas day. H13c. Fortunes of Rachel. H13f. G. T. T. H13g. George Washington. 920.W27H. His level best. H13h. History of the U. S. 973.H13. How they lived in Hampton. 3.34.H1.3H. In his name. H13l Ingham papers. H13ix. Lights of two centuries. 920.02.H13. Man without a country. Mr. Tangier's vacation. Philip Nolan's friends. Seven Spanish cities. H13m. H13ml H13p. 914.6.H13. Stories of adventure. 910.H13sA. -of discovery. 910.H13sD. -of invention. G08.H13. -of the sea. 910.H13ss. -of the war. 973.7. H 13. Story of Spain. 94G.H13. Sunday-school stories. 244. H13. Sybaris and other homes. 334.H13S. What career? 814.H13. and Y.. 'E.,jr. Franklin in France. 920.F85H. and Susan. Family flight around home. 917.3.H13. -over Egypt and Syria. 916.2.H13. -through France and Germany. 914. H 13. -through Mexico. 917.2.H13. rtWrtT others. Workingmen's homes. 334.H13W. . Hale, Edward Everett, Jr., joint aut/ior. See Hale, Edward Everett. Hale, Lucretia P. Fagots for the fireside. 793.H134. Last of the Peterkins. H134l. ed. Art needlework. 740. H13. Hale, Susan. Family flight through Spain. 914.6. H 138. Joitit aitihor. See Hale, E. Ever- ett. Hall, Edward B. Mary L. Ware. 920.W222. Orthodoxy and heresy in the Chris- tian church. 273. H 14. Hall, Florence H. Social customs. 395. H 14. Hall, G. Stanley. Reading. 371. H14. Hall, Samuel Carter rt:;/(^/ Anna Maria. Week at Killarney. 914.1.H14. Hall, W. \\. Fun better than physic. G13.H14F. Sleep ; hygiene of the night. 613.H14S. Hallam, Henry. Europe during the middle ages. 940. H 15. Ha.mertox, Philip G. The graphic arts. 740. H 17. Harry Blount. H172h. Modern Frenchmen. 920.04.H17. Painter's camp. 914. H 17. Thoughts about art. 704.H17. Hamilton, Alexander, atid others. The federalist. 342. H18. Hamlin, Augustus E. Leisure hours among the gems. 549. H 18. Hammond, William A. Cerebral hy- peraemia. 616. HIS. Dr. Grattan. H188d. Nervous derangement. 132.H18. Hand, Thomas J. Milch cows. 637. H 19. HAP(i0OD, Isabel, tr. See Hugo, V. M. Hardy, Arthur Sherburne. But yet a woman. H224b. 152 AUTHOR LIST. HAUFF Hardy, A. S., coniinued. Passe Rose. H224i'. Wind of destiny. H224w. Hardy, E. J. Five talents of woman. 396. H22. "Manners ma'^yth man." 177. H22. Hardy, Thomas. Far from the mad- ding crowd. H22r)F. Pair of blue eyes. H220p. Hare, Augustus J. C. Cities of southern Italy and Sicily. 914.5.H22C. Florence. 914.5.H22f. Sketches in Holland, ^/'6-.914.92.H22. Studies in Russia. 914.7.H22. Venice. 914..5.H22v. Walks in London. 914.2. H22. Walks in Rome. 914.5. H22w. Hare, Thomas. Election of repre- sentatives. 324.H22. Hargreaves, William. Our wasted resources. 178.H22o. Worse than wasted. 17S.H22w. Hark, J. M. Unity of the truth. 213. H 22. Harland, G. C. Eyesight. /;/ v. 2 of 613.K20. Harland, Henry. {Sidney Luska.\ Grandison Mather. H229g. Harland, M^xXon, psetid. See Ter- HUXE, Mrs. M. V. Harper, J. C. Interstate commerce. 380. H 23. Harrington, George F., pseud. See Baker, W. M. Harris, Amanda B. Door-yard folks, etc. 591.H24. Pleasant authors. 920.04. H24. Harris, Joel E. Nights with Uncle Remus. 398.H24N. Uncle Remus. 398.H24u. Harris, Joseph. Gardening. 635. H24. The pig. 636.4. H24. Talks on manures. 631. H24. Harris, Samuel. Self-revelation of God. 210. H24. Insects injurious to 632. H24. Woman's Spain, Harris, T. W. vegetation. Harrison, Constance C. handiwork. 746.H244. Harrison, James H. 946. H 24. Harrison, Jonathan B. Indian res- ervations. 970.6. H241. Harrison, Mrs. Kingsley. {Lucas Malct.) Counsel of perfection. H247C. Little Peter. H247l. Harrison, Thomas Y., joint author. See Kiddle, H. Hart, John S., comp. Class book of poetry. 808.1. H25. Harte, Francis Bret. Argonauts of North Liberty. H256a. Drift from two shores. H256d. Luck of Roaring camp. H2o6l. Poetical works. 811.H253. Hartshorne, Henry. Our homes. /// V. 4of 613.K25. Hartwell, E. .Muzzey. Phys. train- ing in Am. colleges. 371.UN3H. Hartwig, George. Aerial world. 551.H25A. Harmonies of nature. 500. H25. Polar world. 919.8. H25. Polar and tropical worlds. 910.H25. Sea and its wonders. 551.H25s. Tropical world. 551.H25T. Harvey, Isl., joint author. See Hat- ton, Joseph. Harvey, Peter. Daniel Webster. 920. W39. Harwood, Herbert J., covip. Dedi- cation of the Littleton Town hall and Reuben Hoar library. - 974.4. L73. Haswell, Charles H. Mechanics' own pocket-book. 620. H27. Hatton, Joseph, and Harvey, Rev. M. Newfoundland. 971. H28. Hauff, Wilhelm. Lichtenstein. 833. H29. 11 153 HAUSRATH AUTHOR LIST, Hausrath, Adolf. (George Taylor.) Headley, Phineas C. Facing the Clytia. H296C. Haven, Gilbert, and RrssicLL, Thom- as. E. T. Taylor. 920.T211. Haweis, H. R. Music and morals. 780.H31. Hawthorne, Julian. Nathaniel Haw- thorne and his wife. 920.H316. Hawthorne, Nathaniel. Blithedale romance. In H316s. Dolliver romance. H310d. House of the seven gables. H316h. Marble faun. HSIOm. Mosses from an old manse. H316MO. Our old home, etc. 914.2.H316. Passages from Am. note-books. 917.4. H316. Passages from Fr. and It. note- books. 914.4.H316. Scarlet letter. H316s. Septimius Felton. In HSIHd. Tales, sketches, etc. SlcS.HSlG. Tanglewood tales, hi H316t. Twice-told tales. H31Gt. Wonder-book. H316w. Hay, John. Castilian days. 914.6.H32. Hay, Mary Cecil. Old Myddleton's money. H32.5o. Haydex, Henry C. Poems. 811. H32. Haydn, Joseph. Diet, of dates. R902.H32. Hayes, Henry, pseud. See Kirk, Mrs. E. O. Hayes, Isaac I. Arctic boat journey. 919.8.H32A. Cast away in the cold. H32Gc. Land of desolation. 919.8.H32L. Open polar sea. 919.8.H32o. Haywakd, A., /r. ^^^ Goethe. Headland, Fred. W. Medicine. 615.H34. Headley, Joel T. Napoleon and his marshals. 920.N16Gh. Washington and his generals. 920.W27HE. enemy. 920.SHo5h. Fighting Phil. 920.SH53H. Fight it out on this line. 920.G765h. Miner boy, etc. 920.ER44. Old Salamander. 920.F24h. Old Stars. 920..M70. Heaton, M. Compton. Correggio. 920.C814. Hector, Annie F. {Mrs. Alexander). Beaton's bargain. H3o4b. The executor. H354e. The Freres. H354f. Her dearest foe. H354h. Heritage of Langdale. H354he. Second life. H354s. Which shall it be ? H354\v. Wooing o't. H354wo. Hedge, Frederick H. Hours with German classics. 830.H35H. Martin Luther, etc. 814. H35. Prose writers of Ger. 830.H35P. and'^ox.i'L., eds. Goethe. Works. and WiSTER, A. L., trs. Metrical translations and poems. 811. H35. Hedgeland, Mrs. I. Kelly, comp. Epitome of general knowledge. 030. H 35. Heim]?urg, W.,psend. See Behrens, Bertha. Helxrich, Julius. Window flower garden. 71G.H36. Helps, Sir Arthur, bart. Essays. 824. H 36. Realmah. H364r. Henderson, John. Grasses. G33.H38. Hexderson, Peter. Gardening for pleasure. 635.H38. Gardening for profit. G35.H38G. Hand-book of plants. 71G.H38h. Practical floriculture. 716.H38p. joint author. See Crozhcr, W. Hi'.nsel, Sebastian. Mendelssohn family. 920.M521. Hentv, G. a. Boy knight. H40b. Captain Bayley's heir. H40c. 154 AUTHOR LIST. HOLMES Hentv, G. a., continued. Facing death. H40f. Jack Archer. H40j. Orange and green. H40o. Young buglers. H40v. Herbert, George. Works. 820. H41. Herbert, H. W. Hints to horse keepers. 63G.1.H41. Herodotus. Ancient histor}'. 888.H43. Herrick, Christine T. Housekeep- ing made easy. 640.H433. Herrick, Sophie. Plant life under the microscope. 578. H43. Herrick, William A. Powers of town and parish officers in Mass. 345.H43. Herschel, Sir J. F. W., bart. As- tronomy. 520. H43. Hervey, G. Winfred. Courtesy. 177. H44. Heyse, Paul. La Rabbiata, etc. 833.H51. HiGGiNSON, Mrs. S. J. Princess of Java. H533H. HiGGiNSON, Thomas Wentworth. American explorers. 973.1. H53. Atlantic essays. 814.H53A. History of the U. S. 973.H53H. Same. Young folks'. 973.H53Y. Monarch of dreams. 818.H53. Travellers and outlaws. 973.H53t. Women and men. 814.H53w. Writing and speech-making. 808. H 53. Hill, Adams S. Rhetoric. 808.H55. Hill, H. A. Abbott Lawrence. 920. L43. Hill, Isabel, tr. See Stael, Mine. de. Hinsdale, B. A. Old Northwest. 976.H60. Hinton, Richard J. English radical leaders. 920.04. H59. Hitchcock, Edward. Geology of Mass. 557.M38H. 155 Hitchcock, Edward, contimced. Ichnology of New England. 566.M38H. Same. Supplement. 566.M38HI. Holbrook, Kennedy. How? 790.H09. Holbrook, M. L. Eating for strength. 641.H69. Holder, C. F. The ivory king. 599.H71. Living lights. 590. H71. Marvels of animal life. 591.H71m. Strange company. 691.H71S. Hole, Charles, and Wheeler, W. A. Biographical dictionary. R920.01.H71. Holland, Josiah G. {Timothy Tit- comb) Arthur Bonnicastle. H714a. Kathrina. 811.H714. Nicholas Minturn. H714n. Plain talks. 814.H714. Sevenoaks. H714s. Western Massachusetts. 974.4.H71. HoLLEY, Marietta. My opinions and Betsey Bobbett's. 817.H72M. Samantha at Saratoga. 817.H72s. Hollister, Ovando J. Mines of Colorado. 622. H72. Holly, H. Hudson. Modern dwell- ings. 728.H72. Holm, STuxt, pseud. Stories. H73. Holmes, Oliver W. Autocrat of the breakfast table. 817.H736A. Before the curfew. 811.H736b. Elsie Venner. H736e. Guardian angel. H73(3g. John L. Motley. 920.M856. Mortal antipathy. H736m. One hundred days in Europe. 914.2. H736. Poet at the breakfast table. 817.H736P. Poetical works. 811.H736. Professor at the breakfast table. 817.H736PR. HOLST Al'THCiR LIST. HOLST, Hermann von. Constitutional and political hist, of the U. S. 342. H74. John Brown. 920.BS12h. John C. Calhoun. 920.C125. Holt, Emily S. Clare Avery. H743C. Isoult Barry. H743l Lord of the marches. H743l. Margery's son. H743.M. Red and white. H743r. Holt, Henry, tr. See About, E. Ho.MK, Henry, {Lord Karnes) Criti- cism. 801.H7O. Homer. The Iliad. Tr. by W. C. Bryant. 883.H75in. The Odyssey. Tr. by W. C. Bry- ant. 883.H700B. Hood, Thomas. Poetical works. 821. H76. Prose works. 827. H 76. Tylney hall. H76t. Hook, Stella L. Little people and their homes. TiGo. H76. Hooper, Lucy H. Tsar's window. H76r,T. Hopkins, Louisa. Practical peda- gogy. 372.H77. Hopkins, Mark. Christianity. 239.H77. Law of love. 171. H 77. Hopkins, Samuel. The Puritans. 942.05. H77. HoPi'iN, James ."\L Old England. 914.2,H77. HoSMER, James K. German litera- ture. 830. H79. Samuel Adams. 920.AD13G. Story of the Jews. 933.H79. Young Sir Henry Vane. 920.V2(5. Hough, Franklin B. F o r e s t r y. 634.9.UN3H. HovEY, C. M., ed. .Mag. of horticul- ture. G.30..\I27. HovEY, Horace C. Am. caverns. 551. H82. How.VKi), Blanche W. Aulnay tower. H832A. Guenn. H832g. One summer. H832o. Open door. H832op. Howe, Joseph W. Emergencies. 61G.H83. Howe, Julia W. Sex and education. 376. H 8.3. HowELLS, William Dean. Annie Kil- burn. H836A. April hopes. H836ap. Chance acquaintance. H836c. Dr. Breen's practice. H836d. Foregone conclusion. H836f. Italian journeys. 914.5. H836i. Lady of the Aroostook. H836l. Minister's charge. H836m. Modern instance. H83()M0. Rise of Silas Lapham. H836r. Their wedding journey. H836t. Tuscan cities. 914.5. H8.36r. Undiscovered country. IlS36u. Venetian hfe. 914.5. H836v. Woman's reason. H836vv. Howitt, Mary, tr. See Andersen, H. C, and Bremer, F. Howsox, J. Saul,y(9//2/ author. See Coxybeare, W. J. HoYT, Henry M. Protection versus free trade. 337. H85. HoYT, J. K., and Ward, Anna. Cyclopasdia of quotations. R808.8.H85. Hu heard, Lucius L. Woods and lakes of Maine. 917.41. H86. Hudson, Charles. Lexington. 974.4. L59. Hudson, Edward. M. Clemmer Hudson. 920.H864. Hudson, Rev. Henry N. Shakspeare: life, ^/^. 822.SH1011. ed. Shakspeare. W o r k s . 822.SH1H. Hudson, James F. Railways and the republic. 385. H86. 156 AUTHOR LIST. JACKSON Hudson, Mrs. M. Clemmer Ames. Alice and Phcebe Gary. 920.C256. Poems. 811. H86. HuEFFER, Francis. Wagner. 920. W12. Hughes, Thomas. Tom Brown at Oxford. H874T. Tom Brown's school days. H874to. True manliness. 170.H87. Hugo, Mme. ]. A. Victor Hugo. 920. H87. Hugo, Victor M., vicojnte. Les mis- erables. H87om. Same. H875m. Same. Tr. by I. Hapgood. H87.5m. Ninety-three. Tr. by F. L. Bene- dict. H875N. Notre dame. H875no. Toilers of the sea. H875t. Hume, David. Students' Hume. 942. H8S. Humphreys, Andrew A. Virginia campaign. 973.7.C15l. Hunnewell, James F. Historical monuments of France. 729. H89. Lands of Scott. 914.1. H89. Hunt, Helen. See Jackson, Mrs. H. M. F. Hunt, Lucy B. Gymnastics. 371. H91. Hunt, William. Italy. 945.H91. Talks on art. 704. H91. Huntington, F. D. Good talking and good manners, fine arts. 177.H92. Hutchinson, Rev.]. ^., joint author. See Gerrish, Rev. T. Hutchinson, Thomas. Colony of Massachusetts Bay. 974.4. H97. Hutton, h:ivir&nct, Joint atithor. See Waters, Mrs. C. E. Clement. Ihne, J. A. F. Wilhelm. Early Rome. 937. 1 Ho. Lngelow, Jean. Fated to be free. IN44F. Off the Skelligs. IN44o. IxGELOW, Jean, continued. Poems. 821. IN4. Sister's bye-hours. IN44s. Stories told to a child. IN44st. Ingersoll, Ernest. Country cousins. 591.IN4. Lxgram, J. H. E. B. Browning. 920. B82. Irving, Pierre M. Washington Irving. 920.1 R8. Irving, Washington. {Died rich Knickerbocker.) {Geoffrey Crayon.) TheAlhambra. 914.6. 1 R8a. Astoria. 917.9.IRS. Biographies, ^/f. 920.02.IR8. Bracebridge hall. IRSb. Captain Bonneville. 917.8. 1 R8a Christopher Columbus. 920.C726ir. Conquest of Granada. 946. 1 R8. Crayon miscellany. 917.6. 1 R8. George Washington. 920.W27iR. Same. 920.W27is. History of New York. 817.1 R8. Mahomet and h i s successors. 920. M 27. Oliver Goldsmith. 920.G57. Salmagundi. See Irving W., and others. Sketch book. 818.IR8s. Spanish papers. 914.6.1 R8s. Tales of a traveller. IR8t. Wolfert's roost. 818.1 R8w. joint author. See Irving, William. ed. Goldsmith's works. 820.G57. Irving, William, and Paulding, J. K., and Irving, Washington. Salmagundi. 817.IR80. Isham, Charles. The fishery ques- tion. 333.9.IS3. Jackson, J/rj-. Helen M. Fiske Hunt. {H. H.) Between whiles. J13b. Bits of talk about home matters. 173.J13. 157 JACKSON Al'THOR LIST. Jackson, Mrs. H. M. F. H., continued. Bits of travel. 914.J13. Bits of travel at home. 917.9.J13b. Century of dishonor. 970.5.J13. Glimpses of three coasts. 910.J13. Hetty's strange history. J13h. Hunter cats of Connorloa. J13fiu. Mercy Philbrick's choice. J13m. Nelly's silver mine. J13n. Ramona. J13r. Jackson, James. Letters to a young physician. 610. J 13. Jackson, Rev. Samuel M., associate ed. See Schaff, Philip. ]AVi., pseud. See Williams, Annie. James, G. P. R. Charlemagne. 920. C37. Dark scenes of history, 900.J23. Darnley. J23d. Henry of Guise. J23h. James, Henry, jr. The American. J2.32A. Daisy Miller. J232d. Europeans. J232e. Portrait of a lady. J232p. Roderick Hudson. J232r. Jameson, Mrs. A. Bromwell. Le- gends of the Madonna. 755.J23. Jameson, Mrs. A. Murphy. Cele- brated female sovereigns. 920.7.J23. Janvier, Margaret. {Margaret Van- degrift.) Little helpers. J26cSl. Jarves, James J. The art idea. 704.J30. Art thoughts. 704.J30A. Jarvis, Charles, tr. See Cervantes. Jeans, W. T. Creators of the age of steel. 920.02.J34. Jebb, R. C. Greek literature. 880.J34. Jennings, Winifred. {G. T. Ker- cheval) Lorin Mooruck, etc. 970.6.J42. Jervis, H. W. France. 944.J48. Jewett, Charles. Temperance- 178.J55. Jewett, Sarah O. Country doctor. J55(')C. Deephaven. J.-)56d. Marsh island. J556m. Old friends and new. Jo-^iGo. Play days. J556p. White heron. J556w. John, Henriette F. C. E. {E. Marlitt.) (Mrs. A. L. Wister, /;-.) At the councillor's. J(i14a.. Countess Gisela. J614c. Gold Elsie. /;/ JG14o. In the Shillingscourt. In JG14a. Old mamselle's secret. J614o. Second wife. J614s. Johnson, A. H. The Normans in Europe. 942.02.JG3. Johnson, Anna. Education. 372. JG3. Johnson, George W. Diet, of mod- ern gardening, 63o.J63. Johnson, Louisa. Own flower gar- dener. In V. 2 of 630.SA9. Johnson, Oliver. Garrison and his times. 920.G20. Johnson, Rossiter. French war. 973.2.J63. Phaeton Rogers. J633p. War of 1812-15. 973.r).J63. War of secession. 973.7.JG3. ed. Little classics. 808.3.J63. Johnson, Samuel. Rasselas. J635R. Johnson, Samuel W. How crops feed. 631.J63H. How crops grow. G31.JG3hc. Johnston, Alexander. American poli- tics. 329.JG4. History of the U. S. 973.JG4. ed. American orations. 8ir).JG4. Johnston, Henry P. Yorktown cam- paign. 973.3.JG5. Johnston, James F. W. Agricultural chemistry and geology. G31.J64. Applications of chemistry and geol- ogy to agriculture. G31.JG4l. Chemistry of common life. 543.JG5- Johonnot, James. Teaching. 371.J6G. 158 AUTHOR LIST. KING JoxES, Thomas R. Animal creation. O90.J72. Jones, William. Treasures of the earth. 549.J73. JosEPHUS, Flavins. Works. Tr. by W. Whiston. 933.J77. JosiAH Allen's wife, pseud. See HoLLEv, Marietta. JowETT, Benjamin R., tr. See Plato. JuDD, John W. Volcanoes. 551.J88. K K., S. P. C. Drifted away. KIId. Kaler, J. Otis. {James Otis.) Little Joe. K125L. Toby Tyler. K12.-.T. Kalidasa. Sakoontala. Tr. by M. Williams. 891. K12. Kane, H. H. Drugs that enslave. 616.K113. Kant, Immanuel. Critique of prac- tical reason. 193.K13. Kaufman, Rosalie, ed. Young folks' Plutarch. 920.03. P74k. Kavanah, Julia. Adele. K17a. Beatrice. K17b. Madeleine. K17m. Kay, David. Austria-Hungary. 914..3.K1S. Keary, Annie. Castle Daly. K21c. York and Lancaster rose. K21y. Keddie, Henrietta. {Sarah Tytler.) Citoyenne Jacqueline. K235c. Garden of women. K235G. Huguenot family. K2.35h. Marie Antoinette. 920.M334K. Old masters, etc. 7.50. K23. Keen, W. W., ed. Health manuals. 613.K2.5. Kkim, De B. R. Washington and its environs. 917.5. K27. Kellen, W. V. Index to pub. statutes of Mass. 342.M38pv. Kellogg, Rev. Elijah. Elm island stories : Ark of Elm island. K29a. Kellogg, Rev. Elijah. Elm island stories, continued. Boy farmers of Elm island. K29b. Charlie Bell. K29c. Hard-scrabble. K29h. Lion Ben. K29l. Young shipbuilders. K29y. Good old time series : Good old times. K29g. Whispering pine series : Stout heart. K29s. Winning his spurs. K29w. Keltie, J. Scott, ed. Statesman's year-book. 310.ST2. Kemble, Frances Ann. Records of a girlhood. 920.K31rg. Records of later life. 920. K31rl. Kempis, Thomas a. See Thomas a Kempis. Kercheval, G. Trvim?in, pseud. See Jennings, Winifred. Kidd, Robert. New elocution and vocal culture. 808.5.K53. Kiddle, Henry, Harrison, T. F., and Calkins, N. A. How to teach. 371.K.53. Kieffer, Harry M. Recollections of a drummer boy, 973.7. K54. Kindersley, E. Cockburn. The good knight, Lord de Bayard. 920. B34. King, Capt. Charles. Colonel's daughter. K;j80c. Laramie. KoSOl. Marion's faith. K580m. War-time wooing. Ko80w. King, Charles F. Geography. 910.7.K.58. King, Clarence. Democracy. K582d. Mountaineering in the Sierra Nevada. 917.9. K58. King, Edward. French political leaders. 920.04.K58. The great South. 917.5.K58. King, Grace. Monsieur Motte. K584M. 159 KING AUTHOR LIST. King, T. Starr. The White Hills. 917.42 K:)8. KiNGLAKE, Alexander W. Invasion of the Crimea. 942.08. K59. KiNCiSLEV, Charles. Alton Locke. K012A. Greek fairy tales. 292. K61. Hereward. K612h. Hypatia. K612hy. Two years ago. K612t. , Water-babies. K612\v. Westward ho ! K612\ve. Yeast. K612v. KiNCiSLEY, Fanny E. G., ed. Letters of Charles Kingsley. 920.K61. KiNGSLEV, J. Sterling, ed. Riverside natural history. -TOO.KCl. Kingston, W. H. G. At the South Pole. K616A. Dick Cheveley. K616d. In the Rocky Mountains. K6I61. On the banks of the Amazon. 918. K61. True blue. KG16t. KiRBV, Elizabeth, joint author. See KiRBY, Mary. KiRBY, Mary and Elizabeth. Aunt Martha's corner cupboard. 643.K()3. World by the fireside. 508.K0.3. KiRBV, William, andSvMSCv., William. Entomology. 595. K63. Kirk, Mrs. E. W. Olney. {Henry Hayes.) Queen Money. K632q. Sons and daughters. K(;32s. Story of Margaret Kent. K632sT. KiTTO, John. Scripture lands. 915.6. KOo. Kneeland, Samuel. American in Iceland. 914.91. K73. Knight, Charles. England. 942. K74. KxORTZ, Karl, ed. German poems. 831. K75. Knowlton, Helen M. Hints in drawing and painting. 740. K7G. comp. Hunt's talks on art. 704.H91. Kxox, Thomas W. Boy travellers in Australasia. 91i).3.K77. -on the Congo. 916.7.K77. -in the Russ. Emp. 914.7.K77. -in S. America. 918.K77. Boy travellers in the far East : 1. Japan and China. 915.2. K77. 2. Siam and Java. 915.9. K77. 3. Ceylon and India. 915.4. K77. 4. Egypt and the Holy Land. 916.2. K77. 5. Africa. 916. K77. H. W. Beecher. 920.B934. Marco Polo : tnivels. 915. K77. Voyage of the " Vivian." 919.8. K77. Kostlin, Julius. Luther. 920.L977K. Kouns, Nathan Chapman. Arius, the Libyan. K844a. Kuenen, a. National and universal religions. 290. K95. L — , E. W. Princess Amdlie. LIOp. Labberton, R. H. Atlas. R911.L11. Outlines of history. R902.L11. Ladd, George T. The Bible. 220.L12. tr. and ed. See Lotze, Hermann. Ladd, Horatio O. War with Mexico. 973.6. L12. Lai. or, John J., ^^. Cyc. of political science, political economy, ete. R303.L15. Lamb, Charles and Mary. Tales from Shakespeare. 822.SH10L. La Motte Fouqud, F. H. K., baron de. Undine. Tr. by F. E. Bun- nett. L19u. Laxciani, Rodolfo. Ancient Rome. 913. L22. Lane, Edward W. Mod. Egyptians. 916.2.L24. tr. Arabian nights. ARIL. Laxe-Poole. See Poole, Stanley Lane-. Laxgley, Samuel R. The new as- tronomy. 523. L26. 160 AUTHOR LIST. LOCKE Lanier, Sidney, ed. Boy's Froissart. 940.F92. Boy's king Artliur. 398. M29. Lansdell, Henry. Russian Central Asia. 915.8. L.30. Through Siberia. 915.7. L30. Larcom, Lucy. Poems. 811. L32. Wild roses of Cape Ann. 811.L32w. Laurie, J. Homoeopathic domestic medicine. 616. L37. Law, James. Farmer's veterinary ad- viser. 619.L41. La WES, J. B., and othe7-s. Soil of the farm. 631.L41. Lawrence, Robert RL Lawrence family. 929.2. L43. Lawrence, Uncle, pseud. Young folks' ideas. 602. L43. Young folks' whys and wherefores. 502. L43. Lawrence, Wilham R. Amos Law- rence. 920.L432LA. ed. Diary and correspondence of Amos Lawrence. 920.L432lb. Layakd, 6"/;'A. H. Nineveh. 913. L45. Lea, Henry C. Inquisition of the middle ages. 272.L46. Sacerdotal celibacy. 2-54. L46. Superstition and force. 904.L46. Le Bru\, Mme. Marie L. E. Vig^e. Souvenirs. 920.L493. Lecky, W. E. Hartpole. European morals. 170. L49. Leaders of public opinion in Ireland. 920.04. L49. Lee, Eliza B., tr. See Auerbacii, B. Lee, Margaret. Divorce. L512d. Lee, Mary Catherine. Quaker girl of Nantucket. L-oloQ. Lee, Vernon, pseud. See Paget, V. Lee, Yan Phou. When I was a boy in China. 9ir).l.L51. Legge, James. Religions of China. 299. Lo2. Leggo, William. Administration of F. Temple. 354. L52. Leighton, John. Paris under the commune. 944.08. L53. Lexormaxt, Frangois, and Cheval- LiER, E. Anct. hist. 'of the East. 930. L54. Le Sage, Alain Rene. Gil Bias. Tr. by Smollett. L562g. Les.sixg, Gotthold E. Nathan the wise. Tr.byE. Corbett. 8.32.L56. Leuchars, R. B. Hot-houses. 716. L57. Lewes, George H. Goethe. 920.G55L. Physiology of common life. 612. Lo8. Lewes, Mary Ann. See Cross, Mrs. M. E. Lewes. Lewis, Charlton T. Germany. 943. L58. Lewis, H. A. Hidden treasures. 920.07. L5S. Liddell, Henry G. Rome. 937.L61. LiDDON, Rev. H. Parry. Sermons. 252. L61. LiEBiG, Justus. Chemistry. 540. L62. Lincoln, Mrs. D. A. Boston school kitchen text-book. 641. L63. Lincoln, D. F. School and indus- trial hygiene. In v. 4 of 613. K25. LiNDERMAN, H. R. Money and legal tender in the U. S. 332.L64. LiNDLEY, J. Horticulture. 716.L64. Linton, W. J. Wood engraving. 761. L65. LippiNCOTT, Mrs. Sarah J. {Grace Greenwood) Forest tragedy. L66f. Queen Victoria. 920.V661. Litchfield, Grace D. Hard-won victory. L71h. LivERAiORE, Abiel A. Anti-tobacco. 178. L7o. LiVERMORE, Mrs. Mary A. My story of the war. 973.7. L75. Livingstone, David. Last journals. 916.7. L76. Locke, David R. Struggles of P. V. Nasby. 817. L79. 12 161 LOCKHART AUTHOR LIST. LoCKHART,J.G.,/r. Ballads. 861. LSI. Lothrop, Mrs. H. M.Stone. {Mar- LoCKWOOn, T.G. Electric telegraph. 537.L81. Lodge, Henry Cabot. Eng. colonies in America. 97.^.2. L82. George Washington. 920.W27L. HamHton. !)20.H18. Studies in history. 904.L82. Lo.MMEi,, Eugene. Light. 535.L83. Long, Elias A. Ornamental garden- ing. 712.L8r>. Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth. Driftwood. In 914. L86. Evangeline. 811.L8()E. Hyperion. L86h. Kavanagh. In L86h. Outre-mer. 914.L86. Poetical works. 811. L86. ir. See Dante. Longfellow, Samuel. H. W. Long- fellow. 920.LS6LO. ed. Final memorials. 920.L80lp. Longman, Frederic W. Frederic the great and the seven years' war. 943. L86. LoNGMOKE, T. Gunshot wounds. 617.L86. LoNGSTREET, A. B. Georgia scenes. L8()8g. Lonsdale, Margaret. Sister Dora. 920.P27G. LOOMIS, Alfred L. Diagnosis. 61<;.L87. LooMis, Samuel Lane. Modern cities. 2(36. L87. LoRNE, Marquis of. See Campbell, J. D. S. LossiNG, Benson J. Hours with liv- ing men and women of the revo- lution. 973.3.L90H. The Hudson. 917.47. LOO. Pictorial field-book of the civil war. 973.7. L90p. - of the revolution. 973.3.L90p. - of the war of 1812. 973.5. L90. Story of the U. S. navy. 973.7.L90S. garet Sidney^ Five little Pep- pers. L91f. LoTZE, Hermann. Outlines of philos. Tr. and ed. by Ladd. 171. L91. Loudon, J. C. Agriculture. 030. L92. LovETT, Richard. Norwegian pict- ures. 914.8.L94. Pictures from Holland. 914.92.L94. Lowell, James Russell. Among my books. 814.L954A. Heartsease and rue. 81LL954H. My study windows. 814.L954m. Poetical works. 811.L954. Political essays. 320.L9,54. Lowell, Percival. Soul of the far East. 915.2. L9.5. Lowell, R. T. Spence. New priest in Conception bay. L955n. LowREV, Mrs.T>.li\..,tr. See Behrens. Lubbock, Sir]o\\vi,bart. Ants, bees, and wasps. 595.L96A. Natural history. 595.L9GC. Pleasures of life. 824.L96. Senses and intelligence of animals. 59LL96. Ludlow, J. Malcolm. War of Am. independence. 973.3. L96. Lukin, James. Amateur mechanic's workshop. 680.L96. Amongst machines. 621.L96A. Boy engineers. 621.L96b. Young mechanics. G21.L96Y. LusKA, Sidney, pseud. See Har- LAXD, Henry. LUY.S, J. The brain. 131. L97. LvALL, Edna, pseud. See Bayly, A. E. Lytton, Earl of. See Bulwer- Lytton, E. R. Lytton, Lord. See B u l w e r- Lytton, E. G. E. L. McAdam, Graham. Alphabet in finance. 232. Mil. 162 AUTHOR LIST. MAHAFFY D. R., 398.M11. Margaret. jr. Irish Scotland. Ens- McAnnally, wonders. Macarthur, 941. Mil. Macaulay, T. Babington, lord. land. 942.06.M11. Essays. 824.M11. Poems. /;/ 824. Mil. William Pitt. 920.P687. McCarthy, Justin H. England under Gladstone. 942.08.M12. Epoch of reform. 942.08. M12e. History of our own times. 942.08. M I 2h. McClellan, George B. Bayonet exercise. 356.M13. McClelland, M. G. Oblivion. M1340. M'Clintock, John, and Strong, James. Cyc. of biblical, theo- logical, and ecclesiastical litera- ture. R203.M13. McClure, R. Stable guide. 636.1. M13. McCoOK, Henry C. Tenants of an old farm. 595. MLS. McCuLLOCH, Hugh. I\Ien and meas- ures of half a century. 973.i\I13. Maccui.loch, John. Geology. 550. M 13. MacDoxald, George. Adela Cath- cart. M14a. Alec Forbes. M14al. Annals of a quiet neighborhood. M14an. At the back of the North wind. M14at. David Elginbrod. M14d. Home again. M14ho. Malcolm. M14m. Marquis of Lossie. M14ma. Robert Falconer. M14r. St. George and St. Michael. M14s. Seabord parish. M14sE. Thomas Wingfold, curate. M14t. Warlock o' Glen warlock. M14w. MacDonald, George, contimced. What's mine's mine. M14wH. Wilfred Cumbermede. M14wL Mace, Jean. History of a mouthful of bread. G12.M1.5h. Servants of the stomach. 612.M15s. MacGahan, John A. Under the Northern lights. 919.8.M17. MacGregor, John. Rob Roy on the Jordan, Nile, etc. 915.6. M17. Thousand miles in the Rob Roy. 914.M17T. Voyage alone in the Rob Roy. 914.M17V. Mackay, Charles. Popular delusions. 13.3. M19. Mackenzie, Harriet D. S. Switzer- land. 914.94. M 19. Mackenzie, Morell. Hygiene of the vocal organs. 613. M 19. Mackenzie, Robert. America. 970. M 19. The 19th century. MacLean, J. P. moth, and man. Mound builders. M'Mahox, Bernard. calendar. MacMaster, 909.M19. Mastodon, mam- 571.M22M. 571.M22MO. Am. gardener's 635. M22. J. B. People of the U. S. 973. M22. Macmillan, Hugh. Roman mosaics. 914.5. M225. MacMurtrie, W. Wools. G77.UN3. Macquoid, Katharine S. At the Red Glove. M244A. McSherry, Richard. Health. 613.M245. Macy, Jesse. Our government. 342.M25. Magruder, Allan B. John Marshall. 920.M353. Magruder, Julia. Magnificent plebeian. M273m. Mahaffy, J. Pentland. Alexander's empire. 938. M 27. Social life in Greece. 914.95. M27. 163 MAHAN AUTHOR LIST. Mahan, Alfred Thayer. Gulf and in- land waters. 973.7. N22c. IM.\HOMET. See Mohammed. Mai.mon, Solomon. Autobiography. 920. M 285. Maine, Sir H. J. Sumner, bijrt. An- cient law, 340. M 28. Maitland, J. A. F. Schumann. 920.SCH8. Malet, Lucas, pseud. See Harri- son, Mrs. W. Mallet, Paul Henri. Northern an- tiquities. 948.M29. Mallock, W. H. Lucretius. 871. L96. Malory, Sir Thomas, barl. Boy's king Arthur. 398. M29. Manning, Anne. See Rathbonh, Mrs. M. A. Manning, Samuel. American pict- ures. 917.3.M31. Italian pictures. 914.5. M31. Land of the Pharaohs. 916.2.M31. Spanish pictures. 914.6. :\I31. Swiss pictures. 914.94.M31. Manuel, Don Juan, prince. Count Lucanor. M31c. Manvpennv, George W. Our In- dian wards. 970.5.M31. Manzoni, Alessandro. I promessi sposi : the betrotlied. M31i. Markham, Clements B. Persia. 935. M34. War between Peru and Chili. 985. M34. Markham, Richard. King Philip's war. 973.2. M34. Marlitt, E., pseud. See John, Henriette, F. C. E. Marryatt, Capt. F. Jacob Faithful. M347J. Mr. Midshipman Easy. M347m. The mission. M347mi. Marshall, Emma. See Graham, Mrs. H. Marshall, F. French home life. 914.4. M 35. Marshall, Mrs. Julian. Handel. 5)20. H 193. Martin, Theodore. Horace. 874.H78. Martin, W. C. L., joi7it author. See YOUATT, W. .Martineau, Harriet. Autobiography. 920. M 363. Deerbrook. M363i). Martineau, James. Endeavors after the Christian life. 252.M363. Studies of Christianity. 230.M363. Study of religion. 201.M363. Marvel, Ik, pseud. See Mitch- ell, D. G. Marvin, Charles. Russians at the gates of Herat. 947. M36. Mason, Edward T., ed. Humorous masterpieces. 817. M28. Masson, Gustave. Medi.-Eval France. 944.02. M 38. Richelieu. 944.03. M38. Masi'RY, John W. House and car- riage painting. 698. M40. Mateau.x, Clara L. Peeps abroad for folks at home. 910.M41. Rambles round London. 914.2. M41. Wonderland of work. 902. M41. Mather, Increase. Early history of New England. 974.M42. Mathews, Margaret H. Dr. Gil- bert's daughters. M42od. Mathews, William. Getting on in the world. 814.M42g. Hours with men and books. 814.M42n. Literary style, etc. 814.M42l. Men, places, and things. 814.M42m. Oratory and orators. 808.5. M42, Wit and humor. 814.M42w. Words. 428. M42. Matthews, Janies B. {Arthur Penn.) Home library. In v. 3 of 640. APS. Maudsley, Henry. Body and mind. 132.M441?. Responsibility in mental disorders. 132.M44R. 164 AUTHOR LIST. MITCHELL Mauxdrell, Henry. From Aleppo to Jerusalem 915.6. M44. Maupas, Charlemagne E. de. Story of the coup d'etat. 944.07.M44. Maurice, Frederick Deni-son. The conscience. 171. M44. Friendship of books. 824. M44. Social morality. 177. M44. May, Alls. Carrie. Brownie Sanford. M452B. May, So^\\\e, pseud. See Clarke, R. S. Mayhew, Edward. The dog. 63G.7.M45. 111. horse doctor. 619.M455. Mayxard, Charles J. Butterflies in New England. R59.5.M45. Naturalist's guide. 579. M45. Maynard, S. T. Fruit grower. 634.M454. Mayo, Rev. A. D. Industrial educa- tion in the South. 607.UN3. Mayo, Isabella Fyvie. {Edward Garrett.) Equal to the occasion. M456E. John Winter. M4o6j. Mazade, Charles de. Count Cavour. 920. C31. Medh.wi, Putidita Ramabai Dongre. High - caste Hindu woman. 396. R14. Meech, W. W. Quince culture. 634. M47. Meehan, Thomas. Flowers and ferns of the U. S. R5S1.M47. Melville, George W. In the Lena Delta. 9I9.8.M49. Mexault, Ernest. Intelligence of animals. o91.M52. Meredith, George. The egoist. M54e. Meredith, L.P. The teeth. 617.M54. Meredith, Owen, pseud. See Bul- wer-Lytton, E. R. Merivale, Charles. Roman triumvi- rates. 937.M54K. Merivale, Charles, continued. Romans under the empire. 937. Mo4. Meriwether, Lee. A tramp trip. 914.M544. Merriam, C. H. Ornithology. 632.UN30. Merriam, G. S. A living faith. 241. M55. ed. William and Lucy Smith. 920.SM66. Merriweather, Magnus, pseud. See Talbot, C. R. Metcalf, Richard. Letter and spirit. 230. M 56. Michaud, Joseph F. The crusades. 940. My8. Mifflin, Mildred. Out of darkness into light. 244.M58. MiLBURN, M. M. The cow. In v. 1 of 630.SA9. Miles, Henry A. Birth of Jesus. 232.Mo9. Miles, Manly. Stock-breeding. 636. M59. Miles, William. The horse's foot. 682. M59. Same. In v. 2 of 6.30. SAO. Mill, J. Stuart. On liberty. 324.M60. Political economy. 330. M60. System of logic. 160. M60. Miller, Adam. Mental gymnastics. 154.M61. Miller, Olive T. In nesting time. 598.2. M61. Little folks in feathers and fur. o9LM61. Little people of Asia. 915.1. M61. Milman, H.H. Christianity. 270.M63. History of the Jews. 933. M63. Milne, John. Earthquakes. 551. M63. Miltox, John. Poetical works. 821. M64. MixoT, H. D. Land-birds and game- birds of New England. 598.2. M66. Mitchell, Donald G. (Ik Mar7'el.) Bound together. 814.M69B. 166 MITCHELL AUTHOR LLST. Mitchell, Donald G., cojitinued. Dream life. 818.M60d. Farm of Edge wood. 630. MG9. Seven stories, etc. 818.M69s. Wet days at E d g e w o o d . 814.M69W. MlVART, St. George. A n a t o m y. G11.M70. MOBEKLY, C. E. The early Tudors. 942.05.M71. Mohammed. The Koran. Tr. by G. Sale. Molesworth, Mrs. M. Louisa. Carrots. M73c. Christmas child. M73ch. Hathercourt. M73h. Little Miss Peggy. M73l. Rosy. M73r. Tell me a story. M73t. Two little waifs. M73tw. Mollett, J. W. Meissonier. 920.M474. Mollov, J. L. Autumn holiday. 9U.4.M73, Mongrediex, Augustus. Free trade in England. 337. M74. Montgomery, D. H. English hist. 942. M76. Montgomery, Florence. Misunder- stood. M7r)3M. Thrown together. M7G3t. Montolieu, J. Isabella P. de B., joint author. See Wyss, J. R. Moodev, Martha L. Alan Thorne. 1M773A. Moore, Annie, and Nichols, Laura- Overhead. 520. M78. Moore, Charles H. Battles of Lake Champlain and Plattsburg. 974.7. M782. Moore, Mrs. Clara J. {M7's. H. O. Ward) Sensible etiquette. 395. M 78. MooKE, Frank. Women of the war. 920.7. M 78. ed. Ballads. 811.M78. Moore, Nina. Pilgrims and puritans. 974.4. M 785. Moore, Thomas. Poetical works. 821. M78. MoRiCE, Rev. F. D. Pindar. 884.P65. MdRKis, Charles, ed. Half hours with foreign authors. 808.8. M83. Morris, Edward E. Age of Anne. 942.0G.M83. Early Hanoverians. 942.07. M83. Morris, F. O. Dogs. G36.7.M83. Morris, William. Art. 704.M83. MoKRis, W. O'Connor. French rev- olution. 944.04. M83. Morris, W. Gouveneur. Alaska. 917.9.UN3M. Morrison, Gilbert B. Ventilation, etc. 37LM833. Morse, Edward S. Japanese homes. 915.2.AIS3. Zoology. 590. M83. Morse, J. Torrey, jr. John Adams. 920.AD13. John Quincy Adams. 920.AD133. Thomas Jefferson. 920 J35m. ed. Am. statesmen series. MosiiY, John S. War reminiscences. 973.7. M85. AIossMAN, Samuel. Heroes of dis- covery. 920.02. M85. MoTLKY, J. Lothrop. Correspond- ence. 81G.M85. Dutch republic. 949.M85. United Netherlands. 949.M85U. MOWRY, W. A. Civil government. 342. M 87. Talks with my boys. 818. M87. MozooMDAR, Protap Chundar. The Oriental Christ. 232. M87. Mueller, or^ MOller, Max. Chips from a Ger. workshop. 410. MSB. Mueller, or, Muller, Wilhelm. Political history of recent times. 940. M88. Mulford, Elisha. The nation. 321. M89. f>6 AUTHOR LIST. NOYES MuLFORD, Elisha, continued. Republic of God. 210. M89. MuLLER. See Mueller. MuLOCH, Dinah M. See Craik, Mrs. D. M. MUMFORD, Thomas J., ed. Memoir of S. J. May. 920.M454. MuxGER, Theodore T. Lamps and paths. 252. M92. On the threshold. 170.M92. MUNN, B. Land drainer. 631. M92. MuNROE, Kirk. Chrystal, Jack and Co. M924c. MURFREE, Mary Noailles. {Charles Egbert Craddock.) Despot of Broomsedge cove. M94:4d. In the clouds. M944l Prophet of the great Smoky Moun- tains. M944p. Where the battle was fought. M944w. Murphy, Blanche, lady. Down the Rhine. In 914.94. W()2s. Murray, A. S. IMythology. 291. M96. Murray, Hugh. Encyc. of geography. 910.7.M96. MuzzEY, Artemus B. Battle of Lex- ington. 973.3. M98. Books and reading. 028. M98. Men of the revolution. 920.07.M98. Myers, P. Van Ness. Remains of lost empires. 913. M99. N Nasby, Petroleum V., pseud. See Locke, D. R. Nash, J. A. Progressive farmer. 631. N17. Neligan, J. M. The skin. 616 N32. Newco.mb, Simon. A. B. C. of finance. 332. N43. Plain man's talk on the labor ques- tion. 331.N43. Popular astronomy. 520. N43. NiCHOL, John. Composition. 808.N51. Nicholls, Mrs. Charlotte Bronte. {Ctirrer Bell) Jane Eyre. N514j. Shirley. N514s. Nichols, G. W. The great march. 973.7. N5L Nichols, Rev. L Hours with the evangelists. 226. N51. Nichols, James R. Whence, what, where. 218.N51. Nichols, Laura D. Underfoot. 551. N51. Up hill and down dale. N517u. johit author. See Moore, Annie. Nichols, W, R. Water supply. 543. Nol. Nicholson, George, ed. 111. diet, of gardening. R716.N52. Nicolay, John G. The rebellion. 973.7. C15a. Niemeyer, Felix von. Medicine. 616.N55. Nightingale, Florence. Nursing- 649. N56. NoA, 'L.., joint ed. See Hedge, F. H. Noel, Maurice. Buz. N68b. Nohl, Louis. Beethoven. 920.B40. Nordenskiold, a. Erik, baron. Voy- age of the Vega. 910.N75. NORDHOFF, Charles. Peninsular Cal- ifornia. 979.N75. Politics for young Americans. 320.N75. NORTHEXD, Charles. Teacher and parent. 371.N81. Norton, Andrews. Genuineness of the gospels. 226.N82. Statement of reasons. 232. N82. Norton, C. Eliot. Travel and study in Italy. 914.5.NS2. Norton, John P. Agriculture. 613.NS2. NovES, George R., tr. Hebrew prophets. 224.NS7. New Testament. 22o.N87. New tr. of Job, Eccl., etc. 223. N87. - of the psalms, etc. 223.N87P. 167 NOYES AUTHOR LIST. NoYES, George R., continued, ed. Theological essays. 230.N87. o Oakey, Alexander F. Building a home. In v. 1 of ^A^.K?h. Home grounds. In v. 1 of 640. APS. OuER, Fred, A. Knockabout club in the Everglades. 917.5.0B2. Travels in Mexico. 917.2.0 B2. Young folks' history of Mexico. 972. 0B2. O'Connor, T. P. The Parnell move- ment. 941.5.0C5. Ogden, John. Education. 370. 0G2. Oliphant, Mrs. M. O. Wilson. Be- leagured city. 0L33b. Chronicles of Carlingford. OL33c. Days of my life. OL33d. Francis of Assissi. 920.F842o. Hester. OL33h. Lilliesleaf. OL33l. Little pilgrim. OL33lp. Madam. OL33m. Makers of Florence. 920.04.OL33. Makers of Venice. 945.0L33. Second son. OL33s. Sir Tom. OL33si. Oliver, Grace A. A. P. Stanley. 920.ST24. Ollier, Edmund. War between France and Germany. 944.08.OL4. Olmstead, F. Law. Journey in the back country. 917.5.0 L5. -in the sea board slave states. 917.5.0L5J. -through Texas. 917.6.0L5. O'Meara, Kathleen. Narka. 0M2x. Pearl. 0M2p. O'Neill, F. W., atid Williams, H. L. Agriculture. 030. 0N4. Orcutt, Hiram. Among the theolo- gies. 230.OR1. Parents' manual. 173. OKI. School keeping. 37LOR1S. Teachers' manual. 371.0R1t. O'Reilly, Bernard. Leo XI IL 920. L55. Orr, Mrs. Sutherland. Hand-book to Browning. 821.B822o. Osgood, Hamilton. Winter and its dangers. /;/ v. 1 of 013. K25. OssOLl, S. M. Fuller, tnarchioness d'. Art, literature, the drama. 814.0S7A. Life without, life within. 814.0S7l. Oswald, Felix. Days and nights in the tropics. 918.0S9. The poison problem. 178.0S9. Zoological sketches. 591. 0S9. Otis, ]a.me.s,,pseiid. See Kaler, J. O. Otte, Elise C. Scandinavian history. 948. 0T8. Owen, Catherine. Gentle breadwin- ners. 641. 0W2. Molly Bishop's family. 640.OW2M. Progressive housekeeping. 640.OW2P. Oxenford, J., tr. See Goethe. Packard, Alpheus S.,jr. Half-hours with insects. 595. P12. Packard, John H. Sea air, etc. In v. 1 of 613.K20. Paget, Violet. ( Vernon Lee.) Juve- nilia. 704. P14. Painter, F. V. N. Education. 370.P16. Palfrey, Francis W. Antietam and Fredericksburg. 973.7. C15e. Palfrey, J. Gorham. New England. 974.P17. Pa LG rave. Sir Francis. The Anglo- Saxons. 942. P17. Palmer, A. B. Temperance teach- ings of science. 178.P18. Parkicr, Francis W. Geography. 910.7.P22. Talks on teaching. 371. P22. Parker, John H. Glossary of archi- tecture. 720.P22. 168 AUTHOR LIST. POND Parker, John L., «:«(/ Carter, R. G. Twenty-second Mass. infantry, 973.7. P22. Parker, Joseph D. Ecce d e u s . 232. P22. Parker, Theodore. Religion. 252.P224. Parkman, Francis. Conspiracy of Pontiac. 973.2. P23. Jesuits in North America. 271. P23. Montcalm and Wolfe. 971. P23. Oregon trail. 917.8. P23. Pioneers of France in the new world. 970. P23. Parr, M7-s. Louisa. Dorothy Fox. P244D. Parsons, Theophilus. Laws of busi- ness. 347. P25. Rights of a citizen. 342. P25. Partington, Mr^., pseud. SeeSnii.- LABER, B. P. Parton, James. Smoking and drink- ing. 178.P25. Pattison, Mark. Milton. 920.M64. Paulding, J. K., joint author. See Irving, W. Pavy, F. W. Food, etc. 613. P2S. Payne, Joseph. Education. 370. P29. Peabody, Andrew P. Conversation. 428.P31. Harvard reminiscences. 920.07.P31. Moral philosophy. 171.P31. Sermons. 2o2.P31. tr. See Cicero. Pearson, Emily. Gutenberg and the art of printing. 655. P31. Peaslee, J. B. Selections. 808.1.P32. Peile, John. Philology. 400. P35. Pendleton, Edward. Virginia in- heritance. P372v. Penn, Axih\xY,pse7cd. See Matthews, J. B. Pennell, Elizabeth R. Mary Woll- stonecraft. 920.W834. Perez Galdos, Benito. Trafalgar. Tr. by Clara Bell. P412t. Perkins, C. C. Raphael and Michael Angelo. 920.R18P. Perry, Arthur L. Political economy. 330. P42. Perry, Nora. Flock of girls. P425f. New songs and ballads. 811. P42. Youngest Miss Lorton. P425v, Peschel, Oscar. Races of man. 572. P43. Pestalozzi, J. H. Leonard and Ger- trude. P437L. Petroff, Ivan. Alaska. 917.9.UN3p. Phelan, James. Tennessee. 976.P51. Phelps, E. W. Bee-keeper's chart. In V. 3 of 630. SA9. Phelps, Elizabeth Stuart. See Ward, Mrs. E. S. P. Philbrick, Edward S. Am. sanitary engineering. 628.P53. Phillips, Wendell. Speeches, etc. 815. P54. Phisterer, Frederick. Statistical record of the U. S. armies. 973.7.C15M. Pierce, Edward L. Charles Sumner. 920.SU2O. Pierce, Gilbert A., and Wheeler, W. A. Dickens dictionary. D550. Pierson, Arthur T. Crisis of mis- sions. 266.P61. Pitman, Benn. Phonography. 653.P08M. Reporter's companion. 653.P68R. Planche, J. R. Pursuivant of arms. 929.8. P69. Plato. Dialogues. Tr. by B. Jowett. 888. P69. Plunkett, Mrs. H. M. Women, . plumbers, and doctors. 628. P74. Plutarch. Lives. 920.03. P74. PoE, Edgar A. Prose tales. P75p. Pollard, Edward A. The lost cause. 973.7.P76. Pond, George E. The Shenandoah valley in 1864. 973.7. CloK. 13 169 POOL AUTHOR LIST. Pool, M. Louise. Tenting at Stony Prescott, W. H., continued. Beach. P78t. Poole, R.L. Sebastian Bach. 920.B12. Poole, W. Frederick. Index to peri- odical literature. R050.P78. and Fletcher, W. I. Same. R050.P78. Poole, Stanley Lane-. Moors of Spain. 946. P78. Story of Turkey. 949. P78. PooRE, B. Perley. Reminiscences. 973. P79. comp. Congressional directory. 328.UN3. Pope, Alexander. Poetical works. 821.P81. Porter, David D. Naval history of the civil war. 973.7. P83. Porter, Jane. Scottish chiefs. P83s. Thaddeus of Warsaw. P83t. Post, Alfred C. Valentine j\Iott. 920.M858. Potts, Mrs. A. M. Longshore. Dis- courses to women. 649. P85. Powell, Enoch P. Our heredity from God. 575. P87. Powell, J. W. Report of bureau of ethnology. 970.1.SM6. - of geological survey. 557.UN3p. PoYN'TER, E. Frances. Madame de Presnel. P872m. My little lady. P872my. Prentiss, Mrs. E. P. Fred, and Maria, and me. P913i". Stepping heavenward. P913s. Prentiss, George L. Mrs. E. P. Prentiss. 920.P912. Prescott, George B. Dynamo elec- tricity. .'537.P92n. Electricity and the electric tele- graph. 537.P92E. Prescott, William Hickling. Charles V. /;/ 943.R.54. Conquest of Mexico. 972.P92. Conquest of Peru. 985. P92. Ferdinand and Lsabella. 946.P92F. Philip n. 946.P92P. PRESSENSit, Edmondo M. de. Anct. world and Christianity. 290. P92. Prever, W. Mind of the child. 370. P92. Prichakd, James. Man. 573.P93. Prince, John T. Teaching. 372.P93. Proctor, Adelaide L. Poems. 821.P94. Proctor, Richard A. Half-hours with the telescope. 522. P94. Other worlds tlian ours. 523. P94. Putnam, G. H., ed. Prose master- pieces. 808.4. P98. Putnam, G. Palmer, comp. The world's progress. R902.P98. Putnam, J. P. Metric system. 389.P98. Pyle, Howard. Robin Hood. P933m. Wonder-clock. P933w. Q Ouatrefages de Breau, J. L. A. de. The human species. 572. Q2. Quick, Robert H. Educational re- formers. 37L04. QuiNi'.Y, M. Bee-keeping. 638. Q4. OuiNcv, J.P. Peckster professorship. 043p. QuiNN, P. T. Pear culture. 634.Q4. R Rabelais, Frangois. Three good giants. RIIt. Radcliffk, Anna G. Schools and masters of painting. 7r)0.Rll. Rae, Edward. Country of the Moors. 916.1. R12. Rae, John. Socialism. 335. R12. Rai:, W. F. Newfoundland to Mani- toba. 917.1. R12. RyVFFENSPERGER, Mrs. Patience Preston, M. D. Rl22i>. Rainsfokd,W. S. Sermons. 2r)2.Rl3. Ramabai, Ptmdita. See Mediiavi, Pnndita Ramabai. 170 AUTHOR LIST. RIPLEY Rambaud, Alfred. Russia. 947.R14. Rand, E. A. Fighting the sea. R15f. Rand, Edward S., jr. Flowers for parlor and garden. 716.R15F. Popular flowers. 716.R15P. Randolph, Sarah N., ed. Domestic life of Thomasjeff erson. 920.J35R. RAXKE,Leopold. The popes. 282.R16. Reformation in Germany. 270.R16. Rathboxe, Mrs. M. A. Manning. Household of Sir Thomas More. R18.5H. Maiden and married life of Mary Powell. RI80M. Rawlixson, George. Five great monarchies. 935. R19. Sixth great monarchy. 935.R19S. Seventh great monarchy. 935.R19SE. Story of Phoenicia. 939. R19. ed. Herodotus. 888.H43. Read, Opie P. Len Gansett. R222l. Reade, Charles. Christie Johnstone. In R225P. Cloister and the hearth. R225cL. Hard cash. R22.">h. It is never too late to mend. R22oi. Peg Woffington. R225p. Put yourself in his place. R22.5pu. Reber, Franz von. Ancient art. 709.R24A. Mediaeval art. 709.R24m. Reclus, On^sime. Bird's-eye view of the world. R910.R24.' Reemelix, Charles. Vine dresser's manual. In v. 3 of 630. SA9. Rees, Janet E. Ruutz- Home decor- ation. In v. 2 of 040. A P5. Home occupations. /;/ v. 3 of 640.AP5. Rees, J. Roger. Diversions of a book-worm. 814. R2o. Reid, Christian, pseud. See Tierxan, Mrs. F. C. Reid, John T. Art rambles in Shet- land. 914.1. E<27. Reid, Capt. Mayne. Cliff-climbers. R273C. Forest exiles. R273f. Plant-hunters. R273p. Reid, Stuart J. Rev. S. Smith. 920. SM 6. Remusat, Paul de. Madame d e Remusat. 920.R28. Rexouf, p. Le Page. Religions of ancient Egypt. 299.R29. Repplier, Agnes. Books and men. 814. R29. Rice, James, joint author. See Bes- ANT, W. Richards, Mrs. Ellen Swallow, atid Talbot, Marian, eds. Home sanitation. 640. R39. Richards, Laura E. Toto's merry winter. R.393t. Richardson, Abby S. Our country. 973. R40. Richardson, Albert D. Secret ser- vice. 973.7.R40. Richardson, Charles F. American literature. 810.R40. Choice of books. 028. R40. Richardsox, H. D. Domestic fowl. In V. 1 of 630. SA9. The hive. In v. 1 of 630.SA9. The hog. In v. 1 of 630. SA9. Horses. In v. 1 of 630.SA9. Richardson, Dr. J. G. Long life. In V. 3 of 613. K25. Richardson, Robert. The Niger. 916.6. R40. Richter, Jean Paul F. Titan. Tr. by Rev. C. T. Brooks. R414t. Rideing, William H. Boyhood of living authors. 920.07. R43. RiDGWAY, Robert. North American birds. R598.2.R43. RiMMER, Alfred. Pleasant spots around Oxford. 914.2. R46. Rii'LEV, George, and Dana, C. A., eds. American cyclop asdia. R031.AM3. 171 RITCHIE AUTHOR LIST, Ritchie, Mrs. Annie I. Thackera}'. Old Kengsington. R513o. RiTTEK, Carl. Geography. 551. Role. Geographical studies. 551.R51g. RiTTER, Fr^d^rick L. Music in America. 780. R51. W Accidents. Two royal Shoshone, etc. Fiddler of Lu- RiVERS, Henry 617. R52. Roberts, Dorothea, lives. 920.F874. Roberts, Edwards. 917.8. R54. Roberts, Margaret, gau. R.')44f. France. 914.4. R544. Noblesse oblige. R544n. Roberts, Sh- R., tr. See About, E. Robertson, F.W. Sermons. 252. R54. Robertson, Margaret M. By a way she knew not. R548i5. Janet's love and service. R548j. Robertson, William. Reign of Charles V. 943.03.R54. Robinson, John. Ferns. 587.R56. RoniNSON,W. S. {Warringto7i.) War- rington's manual. 328.R5(). Roe, E. Payson. Barriers burned away. R622b. Face illumined. R622f. From jest to earnest. R622fr. Knight of the 19th century. R622k. Nature's serial story. R622x. Opening of a chestnut burr. R622o. Small fruits. 634. RG2. Without a home. R()22w. Rogers, J. E. Thorold. Economic interpretation of hist. 330.R63. Story of Holland. 949.R63. Roget, Peter Mark. Thesaurus of Eng. words and phrases. 424. R63. Roiii.KS, Mrs. Anna K. Green. Be- hind closed doors. R632i'.. RoLLiN, Charles. Ancient history. 930. R65. Rollins, Mrs. Alice M. Wellington. Uncle Tom's tenement. RGr)4u. 172 Romanes, George J. Animal intelli- gence. 591.R()6. Rood, Ogden. Colors. 53o.RG7. Roosevelt, Theodore. Practical politics. 320.R07. Root, L. C. N e w bee - keeping. 638. RG7. Ropes, J. Codman. Army under Pope. 973.7. Cir,D. First Napoleon. 920.N166R. Rorer, Mrs. S. T. Hot weather dishes. G41.Rr.9. Rosenthal, I. Muscles and nerves. 612.R72. Rossetti, Christina G. Speaking likenesses. R733s. Routledge,R. Discoveries. 609.R7G. RowLANDSON, Thomas. Sheep breeder's guide. 636.3. R80. RovCE, Josiah. California. 979. R81. RoYSE, N. K. American literature. 810.R81. English literature. 820.R81. RusKiN,John. Art culture. 701. R89. Crown of wild olive. 304.R89. King of the Golden river. R89k. Lectures on art. 704.R89l. Modern painters. 701.R89m. Pra;terita. 920.R89. St. Mark's rest. 704.R89s. Sesame and lilies. 824.R89. Seven lamps of architecture. 720. R89. Stones of Venice. 723. R89. Russell, M. Palestine. 9r)6.R91. Russell, T\\om^.s, joint author. See Haven, G. Ri.:ssELL, W. Clark. Wreck of the Grosvenor. R91w. Rutherford, Mark, pseud. Autobi- ography of Mark Rutherford. Ed. by his friend Reuben Shapcott. R933A. Revolution in Tanner's lane. Ed. by his friend Reuben Shapcott. R933R. AUTHOR LIST. SCOTT Ruutz-Rees, J. E. See Rf.es. Ryder, Annie H. Margaret Regis. R97r. S., E. O. Hungary. 943.S12. S., M. E. W. See Sherwood, Mrs. M. E. W. S-4FFORD, Mary J., tr. See Ep.ers. St. John, James A. Celebrated trav- ellers. 920.02.SA2o. St. Pierre, Jacques H. B. de. Paul and Virginia. SA24p. Sainte-Beuve, C. Augustin. Cele- brated women. 920.7. SA2. Saixtine, J. X. Boniface, called. Picciola. SA26P. Saintsburv,G.W. Dryden. 920.D848. Sale, George, /;-. See Mohammed. Samuels, Edward A. Our northern and eastern birds. 598.2.SA4. Samuels, Capt. S. From the fore- castle to the cabin. 910.SA4. Sanborn, Franklin B., ed. Life and letters of John Brown. 920.B812s. Saxd, George, pseud. See Dude- VANT, Mme. A. L. A. D. Sanderson, John. Biography of the signers to the declaration of inde- pendence. 920.07. SA5. Sketches of Paris. 914.4.SA5. SANDERSON,Robert. Works. 208.SA5. Sankey, Charles. Spartan and The- ban supremacies. 938. SA5. Santarem, Manoel Francisco de Bar- ros Y Souza, viscomte de. Amer- icus Vespucius and his voyages. 973.I.SA0. Saunders, William. Insects injuri- ous to fruits. 632.SA8. Sawyer, William E. Electric light- ing. 537.SA93. Saxe, John G. Poetical works. 811.SA98. Saxton, C. M. Rural hand-books. 630. SA9. ScARTAZZixi, Giovanni. Dante hand- book. 851.D23S. ScHAFF, Rev. D. S., associate ed. See SCHAFF, Philip. ScHAFF, Philip, ed., Jackson, S. .M., and SCH.A.FF, D. S., associate eds. Religious encyclopaedia. R203.SCH1. SCHARF, J. Thomas. Confederate states navy. 973.7.SCH17. Schele de Vere, M. Wonders of the deep. 504.SCH2. Schiller, J. Christoph F. von. His- torical dramas. 8.32.SCH3H. Poems and essays. 831.SCH3. Romances and dramas. 832.SCH3R. Thirty years' war, etc. 943.SCH3. Schindler, Rabbi Solomon. Juda- ism. 296.SCH3D. Messianic expectations. 296.SCH3.M. Schley, Winfield S., atid Soley, J. R. Rescue of Greely. 919.8.SCH3. ScHLiEMAXN, Heinrich. Ilios. 913.SCH3. Schobert, H. Picked up in the streets. SCH6p. Schouler, James. U. S. under the constitution. 973.4.SCH6. Schouler, William. Mass. in the civil war. 974.4.SCH6. SCHURZ, Carl. Henry Clay. 920.Co75. Schuyler, Eugene. Peter the great. 920.P44S. Schwacoffer, Mary A. Robinson Crusoe in monosyllables. D363rs. SCHWATKA, Frederick. Nimrod in the North. 919.SCH9. Schwegler, Albert. Philosophy. 109.SCH9. Scott, Frank J. Suburban home grounds. 712.SC08. Scott, R.H. Meteorology. 551.SC08. Scott, Sir Walter, bart. The Abbott. SC085. Anne of Geierstein. SC085A. Antiquary. SC085AN. 173 SCOTT AUTHOR LIST. Scott, St'r Walter, continued. Betrothed. SCOSSb. Black dwarf. In SCOSoL. Bride of Lammermoor. SC085br. Castle Dangerous. In SCOSosu. Count Robert of Paris. SC085c. Demonology and witchcraft. 133. S COS. Fair maid of Perth. SCOSof. Fortunes of Nigel. SCOSofo. Guy Mannering. SC085g. Heart of Mid-Lothian. SC085H. Highland widow. In SC085B. Ivanhoe. SCO801. Kenilworth. SCO80K. Lady of the Lake. 821.SC085L. Legend of Montrose. SC085L. Monastery. SCOSom. Old Mortality. SCO800. Peveril of the Peak. SC085p. Pirates. SCOBSpi. Poetical works. 821.SC085. Ouentin Durward. SCO80Q. Redgauntlet. SC085R. Rob Roy. SCOSoRO. St. Ronan's well. SC085s. Surgeon's daughter. SC085su. Tales of a grandfather. 941.SC085. Talisman. SC085T. Waverlev- SCO80W. Woodstock. SC085WO. ScuDDER, Horace E. George Wash- ington. 920.W27S. Stories from my attic. SCU2s. ed. American commonwealths. Children's own book. 808.3.SCU2. Men and manners in America. 973.7.SCU2. jointed. See Taylor, Marie Hansen. ScuDDER, S. Hubbard. {A. Rochester Fellow) Winnipeg country. 917.41.SCU7. Sears, Barnas. Luther. 920.L977.S. Sears, Edmund H. Foregleams and foreshadows. 218.SE1. Regeneration. 234.SE1. 1 Seebohm, Frederic. Protestant revo- lution. 940.SE3. Seeley, J. R. Ecce homo. 232.SE3. Seelyk, Lillie E., joint author. See Eggleston, E. Seiler, Emma. The voice in sing- ing. 784.SE4. Serviss, Garrett P. Astronomy with an opera glass. 523.SE6. Severn, Lawrence, /j^«(/. ^'i?^ Trot- ter, Ada. Seward, George F. Chinese immi- gration. .835. SE8. Seward, William H. Autobiography. 920.SE88. Travels round the world. 910.SE8. Sewell, William. The Quakers. 289. SE8. Shakespeare, William. Works. S22.SH1. Shaler, Nathaniel S. Kentucky. 97().SH15. Shaw, Flora L. Castle Blair. SH24C. Shaw, Francis A. V. Hugo. 920.H87s. Sheldon, Mary D. See Barnes, Mrs. M. D. S. Shelley, C. P. B. Workshop ai> pliances. 621. SH4. Shelley, Percy Bysshe. Poetical works. 821. SH4. Shepard, Edward M. Martin Van Buren. 920.V278. Sheridan, Philip Henry. Personal memoirs. 920.SH53i!. Sherman, C. Pomeroy. Bachelor's wedding trip. SH521b. Sherman, Frank Dempster, y^/«/ rt;«- thor. See Bangs, J. K. Sherman, W. Tecumseh. Memoirs. 920.SH55. Sherwood, Mrs. Mary E. Wilson. {M. E. IV. S.) Amenities of home. In v. 2 of 040. APS. Home amusements. In v. 3 of 040.AP5. 74 AUTHOR LIST. SMITH Shillaber, B. Penhallow. {Mrs. Partingto7i) Cruises with Capt. Bob. SH64C. Double-runner club. SH64d. Shoemaker, J. W., ed. Best things from best authors. 808.O.SH7. Short, John T. North Americans of antiquity. 571. SH8. Shurtleff, Nathaniel B., ed. Rec- ords of the colony of New Plymouth in New England. 974.4. M38n. Records of the governor and com- pany of the Mass. Bay in New England. 974.4. M38m. Sibley, J. Langdon. Graduates of Harvard university. 920.07. S 113. Sidney, Margaret. See Lothrop, Mrs. H. M. Stone. Simon, Jules. Government of M. Thiers. 944.08. S 1.5. Skinner, F. G. Agriculture. In v. 2 of G30.SA9. Skinner, J. S., joint mithor. See YOUATT, W. Skottowe, B. C. Parliament. 328. SK5. Smedley, E. Venetian history. 945. SM3. Smile.s, Samuel. Art of living. 828.SM4. Brief biographies. 920.02.SM4b. Character. 170.SM4c. Duty. 170.SM4r). The Huguenots. 272.SM4. Men of invention. 920.02.SM4m. Robert Dick. 920.D54. Thomas Edward. 920.ED96. Thrift. 331.SM4. Smiley, Thomas F. Scripture geog- raphy. 911. SM4. Smith, Adam. Wealth of nations. 330. SM 5. Smith, Alexander. Dreamthorp. 824.S.M.5. ed. Robert Burns. Works. 820.B93. 175 Smith, C. H. J. Landscape garden- ing. 710. S Mo. Smith, C. L., tr. See Tasso. S.mith, Charles Lee. Education in N. Carolina. 378.UN3S. Smith, Edward. Foods. 643.SM5. Smith, F. Hopkinson. White um- brella in Mexico. 917.2.SM6. Smith, G. Barnett. Gladstone. 920.G458. William I. and the German empire. 920.W^673. Smith, Helen Ainslie. Stories of persons and places in America. 917. S Mo. Smith, Col. James. Captivity with the Indians. 970.6.SM5. Smith, Margaret K., joint author. See De Graff, E. V. Smith, Mary P. W. Miss Ellis' mis- sion. 920.EL56. Smith, Matthew Hale. Sunshine and shadow in New York. 917.47.SI\I5. Smith, Philip. Anct. history of the East. 930.SM6E. Christian church during the first ten centuries. 270.SM(). Hist, of the world. 930.SM6w. Smith, Philip V. Eng. institutions. 942.SM5. S.MITH, R. Bosworth. Mohammed and Mohammedanism. 297. SM6. Rome and Carthage. 937.SM6. Smith, Thomas L. Elements of the laws. 340. SM6. Smith, Uriah. Key to Smith's dia- gram of parliamentary laws. 328. SM6. Smith, William. Diet, of the Bible. . R220.SM6. ed. Dictionary of Greek and Roman antiquities. R913.SM6. - of Greek and Roman biography and mythology. R920.03.SM6. -of Greek and Roman geography. R913.SM6. SMITH AUTHOR LIST. Smith, William, continued. Students' Gibbon. 937.G35S. S.MITH, William T. Human body and its health. 013.SMG. Smollktt, T., tr. See Le Sagf., Alain Rene. Smyth, Newman. Old faiths in new light. 2ir).SM9o. Orthodox theology of today. 230.SM9O. SOLEY, J. Russell. Blockade and the cruisers. 973.7. N2-2a. Sailor boys of '61. 973.7.804. joint author. See Schley, W. S. SOMER\TLLK, Martha. Mary Somer- ville. 920. S 058. SoULE, Richard. Diet, of Eng. syno- nym es. 424.808. SouTHALL, James C. Epoch of the mammoth. 571.808. SOUTHEY, Robert, tr. Chronicle of the Cid. In 8G1.L81. ed. H. K. White. Works. 820. WoS. SouvESTRE, Emile. Confessions d'un ouvrier. 843.S08c. Mari de Mme. de 8 o 1 a n g e . 843.S08M. Spence, William, joint a7itlior. See KiRF.Y, William. Spexckr, Bella. Tried and true. SP34T. Spencer, Herbert. Biology. 570. 8 P3. Education. 370.SP3. First principles. 192.SP3F. Psychology. 192.8P3P. Sociology. .S00.SP3. Spenser, Edmund. Poetical works. 821.SP3. Spoffokd, a. R., ed. Almanacs. 310.AM.3. Spon, Ernest. Mechanic's own book. 680. SPG. Si'KAGUE, Mary A. Earnest trifler. SP75E. Spring, Leverett 978.SP8. W Kansas, Spry, W. J. J. Cruise of H. M. S. "Challenger." 910.8P88. Spyri, Johanna. Heidi. SPOGii. StaIx-Holstein, Anna L. G. N., baronne de. Corinne ; or, Italy. Tr. by I. Hill. 8T13c. Stanley, Arthur P. The Jewish church. 29{).ST2. Sermons for children. 252.ST22. Sinai and Palestine. 915.G.ST22. Thomas Arnold. 920.ARG6. Westminster Abbey. 942.ST2. Stanley, H. M. The Congo. 916.7.ST2C. Through the dark continent. 916.7.ST2D. Stanwood, Edward. Presidential elections. 329.ST22. Stapfer, Edmond. Palestine in the time of Christ. 933 8T25. Stearns, Winfrid A. Wrecked on Labrador. ST43w. Stebbins, Giles B. Am. protection- ist's manual. 337.ST3. Progress from poverty. 331. ST3. Steinmetz, Andrew. Sunshine and shadow. 551. 8 T3. Stephen, Leslie. English thought. 192.ST4. Science of ethics. 171. ST4. Writings of Thackeray. In T32l. Stephens, C. Asbury. Camping out. ST43C. Knockabout club along shore. 910.ST43. -in the tropics. 917.2. ST43. -in the woods. 917.41. ST43. Left on Labrador. 8T43L. Off to the geysers. 8T43o. Young moose hunters. ST43y. Stephens, Henry. Farmer's guide. G30.ST4r). Sticphens, H. Morse. The French revolution. 944.04.ST4. Stephenson, Eliza T. St. Olaves. ST45S. 176 AUTHOR LIST. STRONG Stkrkktt, J. R. S. Asia Minor, v. 2of 913.AR2P. Wolfe expedition, v. .3 of 913. AR2p. Stevens, Abel. Madame de Stael. 920.ST12. Stevens, H.R. Ensilage. 63.3.ST46. Stevens, J. Austin. Albert Gallatin. 920.G1.33. Stevens, J. Lloyd. Gustavus Adol- phus. 920. A D7. Stevens, Thomas. Around the world on a bicycle. 796.ST46. Stevenson, Edward I. White cock- ades. ST4(5w. Stevenson, Robert L. Black arrow. ST48ii. Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. ST48s. Edinburgh. 914.1. ST48. Familiar studies, etc. 824.ST48. Kidnapped. ST48k. Stevenson, Sarah H. Boys and girls in biology. 570.ST45. Stewart, B., and Tait, P. G. The unseen universe. 218. ST4. Stewart, Dugald. The human mind. 150. ST4. Stewart, Henry. Shepherd's man- ual. 636.3.ST48. Stewart, John, and Allen, A. B. Stable book. 636.1. ST48. Stewart, T. G. Bright's disease. 616.ST4. Stille, Alfred. Therapeutics. 615.ST5. Stillman, W. J. Cretan insurrec- tion. 949.ST5. Stockhardt, Julius A. Chemical field lectures. 631. ST6. Stockton, Frank R. Amos Kil- bright. ST62A. Bee-man of Orn. ST62i!. Christmas wreck. ST62c. Hundredth man. ST6'2h. Jolly fellowship. ST62j. Late Mrs. Null. ST62l. Rudder Grange. ST62r. Stockwell, C. T. I m m o r t a 1 i t y. 218.ST6. Stoddard, H. H. An egg farm. 636..5.ST64. Stoddard, John H. Red-letter days abroad. 914.6.ST64. Stoddard, Richard H., ed. Life, letters, and table talk of B. K. Haydon. 920. H 320. Stoddard, William O. Among the lakes. ST64A. Dab Kinzer. ST64d. Saltillo boys. ST64s. Talking leaves. ST64t. Taylor, Fillmore, and others. 920.07. ST64t. Winter fun. ST64w. Stokes, Alfred C. Microscopy for beginners. 578.ST6. Stonehenge, pseud. See Walsif, J. H. Stoker, F. H. Agriculture and chemistry. 631. ST7. Story, Joseph. The U. S. constitu- tion. 342. ST7. Stowe, Edwin. Velazquez. 920. V54. Stowe, Mrs. Harriet E. Beecher. Agnes of Sorrento. ST77a. Chimney corner. 818.ST77. Dred. ST77d. Minister's wooing. ST77m. My wife and I. ST77mv. Oldtown folks. ST77o. Pearl of Orr's island. ST77p. Sam Lawson's Oldtown fireside stories. ST77s. Uncle Tom's cabin. ST77u. We and our neighbors. ST77w. Strickland, Agnes. Mary, queen of -Scots. 920.M368. Queens of England. 920.7. ST8q. Queens of Scotland. 920.7.ST8qs. Strong, James, Joint ed. See M'Clin- TOCK. Strong, Josiah. Our country. 323.ST8. 14 177 STRONG AUTHOR LIST. Strong, Theodore. Differential and integral calculus. 517.ST8. Strong, W.C. Fruit culture. 034. ST8. Laying out of a country home. In 634. ST8. Stuart, Arabella \V. The three Mrs. Judsons. 920.J920. Stuijhs, William. The early Plantag- anets. 942.03.ST9. Sumner, William G. Andrew Jack- son. 920.J13. Protectionism. 337.SUG. What social classes owe each other. 331.SU6. Swan, Annie. Gates of Eden. SW25(;. Swanwick, Anna, tr. See Goethe. SwAYNE, George C Herodotus. 888.H43S. Swift, Jonathan. Gulliver's travels. 827. S Wo. Swing, David. Motives of life. 170.SW6. Swinton, William. Twelve decisive battles. 973.7.SW6. T Clara Moyse. Bohemian Tadlock days. 910.T12. Taine, H. Adolphe. Art. 704.T13. English literature. 820.T13. Florence and Venice. 709. T13. Rome and Naples. 914.5.T13. Tait, p. G., joint author. See Stew- art, B. Talbot, Charles R. {Magnus Merri- weather.) Double masquerade. T14d. Honor Bright. T14h. Royal Lowrie. T14r. Royal Lowrie's last year at St. Olaves. T14r(). Talb(jt, Marian, y<7/«/ ^cj?. See Rich- ards, Mrs. E. S. Tarbox, Increase N. Israel Putnam. 920.P98O. Tasso, Torquato. Jerusalem deliv- ered. Tr. by C.L.Smith. 85LT18s. Sa7ne. Tr. by J. H.Wiffin. 8r)l.T18w. Tate, T. Education. 370.T18. Tautphq-:us, Jemima M., baroness von. The initials. T19i. Quits. T19q. Taylor, Alfred S. Poisons. r)L5.T2L Taylor, Bayard. At home and abroad. 910.T2L Egypt and Iceland. 916.2.T2L Hannah Thurston. T21h. India, China, Japan. 915. T2L John Godfrey's fortunes. T21j. Lands of the Saracens. 915.().T21. Northern travel. 914.8.T2L Poetical works. 811. T2L Story of Kennett. T21s. Views a-foot. 914.T21. ed. Central Asia. 915.T21c. Japan in our day. 9ir).2.T21. Lake regions of Central Africa. 916.7.T21. Travels in Arabia. 915.3.T21. Taylor, Edward. Is protection a benefit.? 337.T21. Taylor, George, pseud. See Haus- kath, Adolf. Taylor, Henry. Autobiog. 920.T213. Correspondence. S26.T21. Taylor, Jeremy. Holy living and dying. 241.T21. Taylor, Marie Hansen, atid Scud- der, Horace E., eds. Life and letters of Bayard Taylor. 920.T21. Taylor, William M. John Knox. 920. K77. Tenney, E. p. Agatha and the shadow. T25a. Tennyson, Alfred, baron. Locksley Hall sixty years after. 821.T25L. Poetical works. 821. T25. Terhune, Mrs. M. Virginia. {Mar- ion Harland.) Alone. T27a. Common sense in the household. (;41.T27. 17a AUTHOR LIST. TIERNAN Terhuxe, Afrs. M. V., continued. Gallant fight. T27g. Jessamine. T27j. Miriam. T27m. Moss-side. T27mo. Thackeray, Anna Isabella. See Ritchie, Mrs. A. I. Thackeray, W. Makepeace. {Mich- ael Angela Tit marsh.) Adventures of Philip. T32a. Ballads. 827.T32b. Bedford-row conspiracy. In T.32c. Book of snobs. 827.T32bo. Burlesques. 827.T32i;u. Catherine. T32c. Christmas books. 827.T32c. Contributions to Punch. 827.T32co. Critical reviews. In 914.15.T32. Denis Duval. In T32l. The four Georges. 920.04.T32. Great Hoggarty diamond. T32g. Henry Esmond. T32h. Irish sketch-book. 914.15.T32. Letters. 826.T32. Lovel the widower. T32l. Memoirs of Barry Lyndon. T32m. Memoirs of Mr. C. J. Yellowplush. 827.T32M. Men's wives. In T32c. Miscellaneous essays. 824.T32. The Newcomes. T32n. Paris sketch-book. 914.4.T32. Pendennis. T32p. Rose and the ring. In 827.T32b. Roundabout papers. 827.T32r. Vanity fair. T32v. The Virginians. T32vi. Wolves and the lamb. /;/ T32l. Thaer, A. D. Agriculture. r.30.T32. Thalheimer, Mary E. Ancient his- tory. 930. T32. Mediaeval and mod. hist. 940.T32. Thanet, Octave, pseud. See French, Alice. Thaxter, Celia. Among the Isles of Shoals. 917.42.T33." Thayer, William. Tact, push, and principle. 174.T33. Thickstun, Frederick, pseud. See Clark, F. Thickstun. Thiers, L. Adolphe. French revolu- tion. 944.04.T34. Thomas a Kempis. Imitation of Christ. 242. K32. Thomas, John J. Am. fruit culturist. (J34.T36. Farm implements. 630.T3G. Thomas, Joseph, M.D. Pronouncing dictionary of biography and myth- ology. R920.0LLr,6. Pronouncing med. diet. G10.T3G. Thomas, M. M. Captain Phil. T36c. Thompson, Daniel P. Green Moun- tain boys. T372g. Thompson, M. Boy's book of sports. 790.T37. Thompson, R. E. Political economy. 330. T37. Thomson, Robert D. Food of ani- mals. 636.2.T38. Thomson, W. McClure. The land and the book. 9L5.6.T38. Thoreau, Henry D. Early spring in Massachusetts. 917.44.T39e. Maine woods. 917.41. T.39. Walden. 917.44.T39\v. Week on the Concord and iMerrimac rivers. 917.44.T39we. Thurston, R. H. Growth of the steam engine. C21.T42. Thwinc;, Carrie, joint author. See Thwixg, Charles. Thwixg, Charles. The working church. 2(>1.T42. and Carrie. The family. 321. T42, Ticknor, George. W. H. Prescott. 920.P928. Tiernan, Mrs. Frances C. Fisher. ( Christian Reid.) Miss Church- ill. T442M. Tiernan, Mrs. Mary F. Homoselle. T444h. 179 TILESTtlX AUTHOR LIST. TiLESTON, E. G. U. S. administra- tions. 973.T45. TiMBs, James. Abbeys, castles, and ancient halls of Eng. and Wales. 94-2. T48. TiNcKiCR, M. Agnes. Signer Monal- dini's niece. T49s. TiTto.MK, Timothy, /.ft'W. Set; HoL- L.VND, J. G. TiT.M.VRSH, Michael Angelo, pseiid. See Thac KERAY, W. M. TocQUEViLLE, Alexis C. H. C. de. Democracy in America. 342.T5G. Ton, S. M. Sea and trout fishing. In 914.-2.G51. ToLSToV, Leo N., count. Anna Kar- enina. Tr. by N. H. Dole. T584a. Childhood, boyhood, youth. Tr. by I. F. Hapgood. T584c. The Cossacks. Tr. by E. Schuyler. T584CO. family happiness. T584f. My religion. 241. To8. Power and liberty. 904.T.")8. War and peace. Tr. by Clara Bell. 891.Tr)84\v. What people live by. Tr. by Mrs. Delano. 891.T584wH. ToPHAM, J. Chemistry made easy. In V. 3 of CSO.SAg. TORREY, Bradford. Birds. 598.2.T63. ToLRGEE, Albion W. Button's inn. T643B. Fool's errand. T643f. TowLE, G. Makepeace. Drake. 910.Tr)oD. Magellan. 910.T6.-)M. Marco Polo. 910.T6oma. Pizarro. 910.T6."')P. Raleigh. 910.T6ok. Vasco da Gama. 910.T(')5\ . Young people's hist, of Ireland. 941.r).T65. TowLER, J., M. /). Silver sunbeam. 770.T65. TowNSEND, George F., /r. See /E.S(>p. 180 TowNSEND, Pauline D. Haydn. 920. H 323. TowN.SK\n, Virginia F. Lenox Dare. TGG6L. Only girls. TG660. That queer girl. TliGGr. ToYXBEE, Joseph. The ear. GKJ.TiiC). TozER, H. F. Geography. 911.T66. Trafton, Adeline. American girl abroad. 914.T67. Treat, Mary. Insects injurious to vegetation. 632.T7L Trench, R. Chenevix. English, past and present. 422.T72e. Parables of our Lord. 226.T72. Study of words. 422.T72s. Trevelyan, G. Otto. Lord Macaulay. 920. M 118. Trollope, Anthony. Australia and New Zealand. 994.T74. Barchester towers. T74b. Castle Richmond. T74c. Commentaries of C?esar. 878. Cll. Dr. Thorne. T74d. He knew he was right. T74h. Last chronicle of Barset. T74l. Trotter, Ada. {Lawrence Severn.) Heaven's gate. T75h. Trousseau, A. Medicine. G10.T75. Trouessart, E. L. Microbes, fer- ments and moulds. 589.T75. Trowbridge, J. Townsend. {Paul Creyton) Biding his time. T757b. Bound in honor. T757bo. Chance for himself. T757c. Coupon bonds. T7o7co. Cudjo's cave. T757cu. Doing his best. T7o7d. Drummer boy. T757dk. His one fault. T757h. His own master. T757hi. Jack Hazard. T757j. Neighbor Jackwood. T7.">7\. Phil and his friends. T7")7p. Satin-wood box. T757s. Start in life. T7r)7.ST. AUTHOR LIST. VOLUNTEER Trowbridge, J. T., continued. Three scouts. T757t. Tinkham brothers' tide-mill. TToTxi. The vagabond, etc. 811. T75. Young surveyor. TTSTv. Trueblood, Thomas C, joint ed. See Fulton, R. I. Trumbull, John. Poetical works. 821.T77. Tlxkeraiax, Bayard. Eng. prose fiction. 820.TS0. Tlckerman, Charles K. Greeks of today. 914.95.T79. Tuckey, Janet. Joan of Arc. 920.D242. TuKE, D. H. Mind and body. 131.T81. Turgenieff, Ivan. Liza. Tr. by W. L. Ralston. 891.T84l. On the eve. Tr. by C. E. Turner. 891.T840. Smoke. Tr. by W. F. West. 891.T84S. TuTTLE, Herbert. German political leaders. 920.04.T88. Tittle, Joseph W., comp. Descend- ants of John and Joanna Tuttle. 929.1.T88. Twain, Mark, pseud. See Clemens, S. L. Tvler, Moses C. Patrick Henry. 920.H396. Tylor, E. B. Anthropology. 573.T97. Tvndall, John. Faraday as a dis- coverer. 537.T97. Forms of water. 551. T97. Heat a mode of motion. 536.T97. Hours of exercise. 914.94.T97. Light. 535.T97. Tytler, Sarah, /j-^«<^. See Keddie, Henrietta. u Ulbach, Louis. For fifteen years. UL12F. The steel hammer. UL12s. Underwood, Francis H. American literature. 810.UN2. English literature. 820. UN2. Urbanitsky, Alfred Ritter von. Electricity. 537.UR1. Ure, Andrew. Diet, of arts, etc. 603. UR2. Urwick, Rev. W. Indian pictures. ,, 916aUR9. ,,. ,.. «, .-'(-adli..«i, at V Van Dyke, Henry J. Reality of re- ligion. 243.V28. Van Dyke, John C. Art. 701.V28. Van Dyke, T. S. So. California. 917.9.V28. Vandegrift, Margaret, pseud. See Janvier, M. Veitch, John. Hamilton. 192. H18. Velpeau. a. A. L. Surgery. 6l7.Vo4. Verne, Jules. Great explorers. 910.V59GE. Great navigators. 910.V."')9gn. Michael Strogoff. Tr. by W. H. G. Kingston. V59m. Mysterious island. V59my. Viele, E. Active service. 350.V67. Vincent, John, ed. Home book. 790. V74. Vincent, Marvin R. Covenant of peace. 2.")2.V74c. Gates into the psalm-co u n t r y . 252.V74G. Word studies in the New Testa- ment. R225.\74. Virchow, Rudolf. Cellular pathology. 616.V81. ViRGir., P. Virgilius Maro. The /Cneid. Tr. by J. Conington. 873.V81CO. VoGEL, Hermann. Chemistry of light and photography. 770.V8(5. Volunteer special, pseud. Volcano under the city. 974.7. V88. 81 WADSWDRTH AUTHCMi LIST. w W'adswokth, Olive A., pseud. See Dana, K. F. Wagner, VV. Epics and romances. 39S.W12. Waites, Alfred. Historical manual. 902. Wl 3. Walden, Treadvvell. Our English Bible. 220. W14. Walford, Edward. Juvenal. STT.J'.lS. Walford, Mrs. Lucy B. Baby's grandmother. W14r. The cousins. W14c. .Mr. Smith. W14m. Troublesome daughters. W14t. Walker, Francis A. Money. 332. W15. Political economy. 330.W15. Walker, James. Sermons. 252.W15. Wallace, D. M. Russia. 914.7.Wlo. Wallace, Ellerslie, jr. Amateur photographer. 770. Wlo. Wallace, Lewis. Ben-Hur. W1.")4b. Fair god. W1o4f. Wallace, Susan E. Land of the Pueblos. 917.2.W153. Wallace, William. Kant. 193.K13\v. Walsh, J. H. {Stone/ienge.) Dogs of Great Britain and America. 636.7.W1G. The horse. 636.1.W16. Walsh, W. Shepard. Young folks' Roman empire. 937.W16. ed. Young folks' J o s e p h u s . 933.J77W. Walton, Izaak. Dr. John Donne, Sir H. Wotton, and others. 920.04. W 17. a?id Cotton, C. Complete angler. 799.W17. Walworth, Mrs. Jeannette R. (/. R. Hadert/ian.) Bar sinister. W178B. Wakhurton, William. Edward III. 942.03. W20. Ward, Anna h. joint ed. See Hoyt, J. K. Ward, Mrs. E. Stuart Phelps. Beyond the gates. W212b. Doctor Zay. W212d. Gates ajar. W212g. Gates between. W212ga. Gipsy series : Gipsy Breynton. W212gh. Gipsy's cousin Joy. W212gc. - sowing and reaping. W212gs. - year at the Golden Crescent. W212Gy. Jack the fisherman. W212j. Silent partner. W212s. Story of Avis. W212sT. Ward, Mrs. H. O., fiseiid. See Moore, Clara J. Ward, M>s. M. Arnold Humphry. Miss Bretherton. W215M. Robert Elsmere. W2ir)R. Ward, Thomas, ed. Men of the reign. R920.04.W21. Men of the time. R920.02 W21. Ward, W. Hayes. Oriental antiqui- ties. 913.AR2N. Ware, Henry, Jr. Christian charac- ter. 243. W22. Life of the Saviour. 232.W22. Ware, John. H. Ware, Jr. 920. W 22. Ware, William. Aurelian. W228a. Zenobia. W228z. Warlng, George E..,Jr. Bride of the Rhine. 9i4.W23. Agriculture. 631.W23. Farmer's vacation. 914.92. W23. Sanitary drainage. 628. W23. Tyrol, etc. 914.3. W23. Village improvements. 710. W23. Warner, Anna B., Joint author. See Warner, Susan. Warner, Charles D. Backlog studies. 817.W24B. In the Levant. 915.(;.W24. In the wilderness. 917.47.W24. 8'2 AUTHOR LIST. WHITE Warnkr, Charles D., continued. My summer in a garden. 817.W24M. My winter on the Nile. 016.2.W24. On horseback through \'irginia, etc. 917.\V24. Roundabout journey. 914.W24R. Saunterings. !)14.W54s. and others. Penology. 364.\V24. W.^KXEK, Susan. {Elizabeth Wether- ell.) My Desire. W246m. Oueechy. W24()Q. and Anna. Gold of Chickaree. W246G. Wych Hazel. W246w. Warrex, W. Wilkins. Life on the Nile. 916.2. W2.->. Tour in Syria, etc. In 916.2. W25. Warrington, pseud. See Robinson, W. S. Washburn, Emory. The law. 340. W27. Washburne, Elihu B. Recollections of a minister to France. 944.08. W27. Waters, Mrs. C. E. Clement. Char- lotte Cushman. 920.C95. Christian symbols. 703.W31c. Legendary art 703.W31l. Outline hist, of painting. 750. W31. Painters, sculptors, etc. 703.W31p. and Hutton. Artists of the nine- teenth century. 920. W31. Watson. John. Kant and his Eng. critics. 142.W33. Watson, Thomas. Physic. 616. W33. Watts, Mrs. A.M. Howitt. Art stu- dent in Munich. 914.3. W34. Wayland, Francis. Rev. A. Judson. 920.J92. Webb, A. C. Historical companion. 902. W38. Webb, Alex. S. The peninsula. 973.7. C 15c. Weber, George. Outlines of history. 909. W38. 505.AN7. The eye. Sparrow, See Webster, Daniel. Speeches. 815. W39. Webster, Noah. Dictionary of the Eng. language. R423.W39. Wedgwood, Hensleigh. Diet, of English etymology. 422. W41. Weeks, Clara S. Text-book of nurs- ing. 649. W41. Weeks, Helen. See Cami'BELL, Mrs. H. Weeks, John ^L Bees. In v. 3 of 6.30. SA9. Weiss, Rev. John. Wit, humor, and Shakspeare. 822.SH10w. Weld, H. Hastings, Joint author. See Yonge, Charlotte M. Wells, David A. Science of common things. 502.W46. ed. Annual of discovery. Wells, J. Soelberg. 616.W46. Wesselhoeft, Lillie F. the tramp. W51s. Wetherell, Elizabeth, pseud. Warner, Susan. Wheeler, Charles G., Joint ed. Sec Wheeler, W. A. Wheeler, William A. Diet, of noted names of fiction. R803.W56. and C. G. Familiar allusions. R031.W56. and Pierce. Dickens dictionary. D550. joint author. See Hole, C. Whipple, Edwin P. Literature of the age of Elizabeth. 820. W57. Success and its conditions. 814. W57. ed. Webster's speeches. 815. W39. Whitaker, Joseph. Almanacs. 3IO.W08. White, Henry. Massacre of St. Bar- tholomew. 272. W58. White, H. Kirke. Works. 820.W.58. White, Rev. James. Eighteen Chris- tian centuries. 940. W58. White, James W. The mouth, etc, /« V. 2of 613.K25. 183 WHITE AUTHOR LIST. \\'iHTE, John S. Boys' and girls' Herodotus. 888.H43\v. White, Richard Grant. England without and within, OU.S.WoS. Every day English. 4'28.W.j8t;. Shakspeare. 822.SH10wh. Words and their uses. 428.W58w. White, William. Sweedenborg. 920.SW3O. Whitmaksh, Mrs. C. Snowdon. Hymns of the ages. 245. W59. Whit.more, W, H. Heraldry. 929.8. WoO. Whitney, Mrs. Adeline Dutton Train. Boys at Chequasset. W61bo. Daffodils. 811.W61. Faith Gartney's girlhood. WGIf. Gayworthys. W61(;. Hitherto. W61h. Other girls. W61o. Real folks. W61r. Sights and insights. W61s. Summer in Leslie Goldthwaite's life. W61SL-. We girls. WGlw. Whitney, W. Dwight. Language. 410. W61. Whittaker, Frederic. G. A. Custer. 920.C964. Whittier, John G. Poetical works. 81LW616. Prose works. 810.WG16. ed. Songs of three centuries. 808.1. W61G. Whympkr, Edward. Ascent of the Matterhorn. 914.94. W62a. Scrambles amongst the Alps. 914.94. W02s. WiFFiN, J. H., tr. See Tasso. Wigmore, John H. Australian ballot system. 324. WOS. WiLKlNS, Mary E. Humble romance, etc. WC).54h. Wilkinson, Sir J. G. The ancient Egyptians. 932. W65. Willard, F" ranees E. How to win. 37(5. W()G. WiLLETT, Edvvard. Search for the star. W66s. Williams, Annie. (JAK.) Birch- wood. W673H. Fitch club. W()73f. Giant dwarf. WG73(i. Professor Johnny. W673i'. Riverside museum. W673R. Scotch caps. W()73s. Williams, George W. Negro troops in the rebellion. 973.7. WG7. Williams, Henry T., and Frost, Annie. Evening amusements. 793. W67. Williams, Henry W. Diseases of the eye. 616.W67p. Opthalmic science. 61G.W67R. Our eyes. GlG.W67o. Williams, H. L., joint author. See O'Neill, F. W. Williams, Monier,/r. See KXlidasa'. Willis, Nathaniel P. Pencillings. 914. W7G. Wilson, Andrew. Abode of snow. 915.4. W70. Wilson, Mrs. Augusta J. {Augusta J. Evans.) Beulah. WG91b. Wilson, Henry. Slave power in America. 326. WG9. Wilson, James C. Summer and its diseases. In v. 1 of G13.K25. Wilson, James G., and Fiske, John, eds. Appleton's cyclopaedia of Am. biography. R920.07.AP5. WiLSON,J. Harrison. China. 9ir).l.W69. Wilson, John. Unitarian principles confirmed by trinitarian testimo- nies. 230.WG9. WiNi:s, E. C. Prisons, etc. 365. W72. WiNSOR, Justin. American revolution. 973.3. W73. History of Boston. 974.4.B65w. ed. Narrative and critical history of America. 970. W73. 84 AUTHOR LIST. YONGE WiNTHROP, John. New England. 974.W736. WiNTHROP, Theodore. Canoe and the saddle. 917.9.W73. Cecil Dreeme. W735c. John Brent. \V735g. Life in the open air. 818. W73. WiSTER, Mrs. Annis Lee, tr. See John, H. F. C. E. joint tr. See Hedge, F. H. WiTHERBV, H. Forbes. Joshua. 222. W77. Witt, Mme. H. Guizot de. M. Guizot in private life. 920. G94. joint author. See Guizot, F. P. G. Wood, George B., and Bache, Frank- lin. U.S. dispensatory. 615. W85. Wood, Henry. Natural law in the business world. 330. W85. Wood, Henry C. Brain-work and over-work. /;/ v. 4 of 613. K25. Wood, H. Trueman. Mod. methods of illustrating books. 770. W85. V^ooD,Rev.].G. Aquarium. .590. W85. Birds. 598.2.W85. Homes without hands. 591. WSo. Insects abroad. 595.W85i. Insects at home. 59o.W85in. Mammalia. o99.W85. Reptiles, etc. 598.1.W85. Woodman, Abby Johnson. Pictur- esque Alaska. 917.9. W85. Woodward, C. M. Manual training school. 871.W87. WooDWORTH, J. M. Cholera. 614.UN3. WooLLEY, Celia P. Girl graduate. W881G. WoOLSEY, Sarah Chauncey. {Stisan Coolidge.) Clover. W884c. Eyebright. W884e. Little country girl. W884l. New Year's bargain. W884n. What Katy did. W884w. What Katy did at school. W884\VH. What Katy did next. W884wK. WooLSEY, Theodore D. Communism and socialism. .335.VV88. International law. 341. W88. WooLSON, Constance Fenimore. Anne. W885A. East Angels. W885e. For the major. W885f. Worcester, A. Training nurses. 649. W89. Worcester, Joseph E. Dictionary of the Eng. language. R423.W89. Elements of history. 909. W89. Words\vorth, William. Poetical works. 821.W89. Wormeley, Katharine Prescott. Other side of war. 973.7. W90. tr. See Balzac. Wright, Henrietta C. Children's stories of Am. progress. 973. W93. Wright, Mrs. Julia McNair. Com- plete home. 640. W93. How could he escape ? W934h. Wright, L. Poultry keeper. 63(>.5.W93. Wylde, Katharine. A dreamer. W97d. WYLiE,Jean, tr. See BEHRENS,Bertha. Wyss, J. R., arid MoNTOLiEU, J. Isa- bella P. de B , baronne de. Swiss family Robinson. W99s. Y Yates, Edmund. Broken to harness. YA23B. YoNGE, Charles Duke. Sir Walter Scott. 920.SCO85. Three centuries of English litera- ture. 820.YO8. Three centuries of modern history. 940.YO8. YoNGE, Charlotte M. Book of golden deeds. 900.YO8. Caged lion. Y08c. Countess Kate. YOSco. Daisy chain. Y08d. Dove in the eagle's nest. Y08do. Dynevor terrace. Y08dy. 15 185 YONGE AUTHOR LIST. YoxGE, Charlotte M., continued. Heartsease. Y08h. Heir of Redclyffe. YOShe. Lances of Lynwood. Y08l. Little Lucy's wonderful globe. YOSui. Our new mistress. YO80. Story of the Christians and Moors in Spain. 946.Y08. Stray pearls. YOSs. The trial. Y08t. Young folks' hist, of Eng. 942.Y08. - of France. 944.Y08. - of Germany. 943.Y08. - of Greece. 938.Y08. -of Rome. 937.Y08. and Weld, H. H. Aunt Charlotte's stories of Am. history. 970.YO8. YouATT, W., and Martin, W. C. L. The h02. 636.4.Y08 YouMANs, Edward L. Household science. r)40.YO8. and others. Culture demanded by modern life. 507.YOS. Y()UMANS,ElizaA. Botany. 580.YO8. Young, Alexander. Chronicles of the first planters of the colony of Massachusetts Bay. 974.4.Y08. Young, Charles A. The sun. 523.Y08. Young, John. The Christ of history. 232.Y08. Young, John. Physical geography. 551.Y08. Young, Robert. Analytical concord- ance to the Bible. R220.YO8. and SKiawuLBj ^.q^k PttBluAfiel- ' BR'^RLloons. 35o.Z5. DEPARTMENT TRAINI3*G CLASS 63(3.1.Y08^iPj. ELATION ZiMMERN, Helen. 920.ED3. ZOCiBAUM, Rufus. Maria Edaeworth. Horse, foot, and 186 NOTES. Note. For works published by Massachusetts state see the following classes : Agriculture. 630, 631. American statutes and cases. 34.5. Charities. 301. Constitutional law and history. 342. Education. 379. Finance. 336. Geology. 557. History. 974.4. Hygiene. 014. ichnology. 506. Legislative bodies and annals. 328. Public health. 614. Statistics. 317. Note. For works published by the United States see the following classes: Agriculture. 630, 632, 634. Census. 317. Chemical technology. 664. Commerce. 380. Description. 917.9. Education. 371, 378, 379, 907. Fisheries. 639. Forestry. 634.9. Geodesy. 526. Geology. 557. History. 975. Laws. 345. Legislative bodies and annals. 328. Manufactures. 677. Patents : agricultural. 630. Same. Mechanical. 608. Pests. Blights. 632. Public health. 614. United States and state govern- ment. 353. United States statutes and cases. 345. Veterinary. 019. 187 ANONYMOUS AND OTHER BOOKS. Anonymous and other books not by the Subject Index. iven in the Author List, witli such as may not readily be found Andovek case. 285. AN2. Appleton's cyclopaedia of American biography. R920.07.AP5. Appleton's home books. 040.AP5. Art of conversation. 177. AR7. Art union. R70o.AR7. Beginning and growth of the Chris- tian life. 268.B39. Book of family crests. 929.8.B64. Cassell's history of India. 954. G76. - of the war between France and Germany. 944.08.OL4. Celebration at the West Church, Boston. 288.W52. - of the 250th anniversary of Cam- bridge. 974.4.C14. - of Concord. 974.4.C74. -ofDedham. 974.4. D36. Centennial celebration of the battle of Lexington. 974.4. L59p. - of the Concord fight. 9t4.4.C74c. Club of one. 818.C62. Complete guide to leather work. 745.C7.3. First lessons in business matters. 658.F51. Girl's life eighty years ago. 920.B685. Habits of good society. 395. Hll. Harper's history of the rebellion. 973.7. G93. Hasheesh eater. 615.H27. Hereafter, The. 218.H42. History of Plattsburg. 974.7. P69. Nun of Kenmare. 920.C95. Olden time in New York. 974.7. OLl. Our dumb animals. 179. 0U7. Pen and pencil pictures of the poets. 808.1. P37. Prize plans for cottages. 692. W46. Saxton's rural hand-books. 630.SA9. Speaker's garland. 808.5.SP3. Statesman's year-book. 310. ST2. Summary of English and French his- tory. 902. SU6. Testimonials for defence of the America's cup. 797. B65. Two royal lives. 920.F874. Volcano under the city. 974.7.V88. 188 CORRECTIONS. Note. Owing to a change in classification made after the Subject Index was printed, Artists, biography, and Musicians' lives should be omitted from the same, and Biography 920—927.8 should read 920—920.7. Class 331. For Weeks read Camp- bell. {Au. no. Clo.) - 371. Read Mass. emergency and hygiene association. - 621. Read Shelley. - 630. O'Neill. Read 630.ON4. - 630. Read Reemelin. {v. 3 Of 630. SAO.) - 635. Read Bridgeman. - 680. Waite. Read Boy's work- shop. Introduction by Waite. - 808.3. Read Vol. l. Exile; Intellect. 2. Tragedy; Life, etc. - 883. Read Treppi. - 843. Read Contes. - 910. TowLE. Read Vasco da Gama. - 914. Read Cassell. -914.5. Hare. Erase Sicily. 914.5. H22s. - 919.8. For MacGahan read Melville. {Au. jio. M49.) - 920. Read Louis Philippe. {Seel..) Fiction. Read {found alphabetically) Burnham Breaker. Five little Peppers. Luck of Roaring camp. Left on Labrador. ^/j<7 after Life ior 2iV\ie, add: Lighthouse. Ballantyne. B21c. For Gky.x, pseud? {See Silence of Dean IVIaitland) read Uttiet. UT8s. Class 888. After Lucian, add - 919.8. After Knox, add: 919.8. M49. Author List. After Bartlett, J. R., add: quotations. R808.8.B28. After Dixon, W. H., add: Dobell, Horace. After Urwick, Rev.^.,add: Uttiet, .^/j-j, of Dean Maitland. UT3s. Plato. Collins. 888.P69C. MacGahan. Under the Northern Lights. Bartlett, John. Familiar Winter cough, etc. {Maxwell Grey) 616.D75. Silence 189 Keep this book Clean. Do not turn down the leaves. If the book is injured, or if this slip is torn or defaced, a fine will be required. UC SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARj' f^Jjj|-'^.. AA 000 910 016 5 0/7 /?4^ THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Sth Avenue and 42nd Street LIBRARY SCHOOL -]Sh This book is for the use of the faculty and students of the Library School only. 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