A a; i o! ! 8 i 7 i 6 i 1 i 2 i 7 I Tliwport Bistorkal Society Loan Exhibition of ladies and d^rlooms Catalogue 25 cents LIBRARV OF THK NIOVPOKT IIIXTORIfAL SOCIKTV KHEOTKl> ISXia ^LOAN EXHIBITION OF Relics and Heirlooms UNDER THE AUSPICES OF THE Newport Historical Society July 17, 18, 19, 21 and 22 1913 NEWPORT - - RHODE ISLAND MERCURY PUBLISHING COMPANY N EW PORT, R . I. ^.ff PATRONESSES Mrs. R, Livingston Beeckman Mrs. Mrs. William Binney Mrs. Mrs. William H. Birckhead Mrs. Mrs. Harriett Brownell Mrs. Mrs. William P. Bupfum Mrs. Mrs. Charles M. Bull Miss Mrs. John W. Burgess Mrs. Mrs. Nicholas Murray Butler Mrs. Mrs. French E. Chadwick Mrs. Miss Elizabeth H. Clark Mrs. Mrs. Charles M. Davis Mrs. Mrs. Arthur B. Emmons Mrs. Mrs. George B. Deforest Mrs. Mrs. Richard C. Derby Mrs. Mrs. Stuart Duncan Mrs. Mrs. Elisha Dyer Mrs. Mrs. Maude Howe Elliott Mrs. Mrs. Robert Ives Gammell Mrs. Mrs. Frederick P. Garrettson Mrs. Mrs. Laurence L. Gillespie Mrs. Mrs. Joseph Howland Mrs. Mrs. Samuel E. Huntington Mrs. Mrs. Henry Barton Jacobs Mrs. Mrs. Arthur Curtiss James Mrs, Miss Caroline 0. Jones Mrs. Mrs. Charles P. Kling Mrs. John LaFarge Thomas A, Lawton Charles Warren Lippitt Stephen B. Luce John J. Mason Louise Ward McAllister Edwin D. Morgan William Rogers Morgan E. Rollins Morse Bradford Norman Marsden J. Perry J. Fred Pierson Edward S. Rawson Thomas 0. Richardson George L. Rives C. L. F. Robinson T. Shaw Safe William Watts Sherman R. Manson Smith Albert Sterner Harriet L. Stevens Roderick Terry French Vanderbilt Schuyler VanRensselaer Hamilton Fish Webster Geo. Peabody Wetmore LIBRARY iiMVT-in.srrY of California NEWPORT HISTORICAL SOCIETY Incorporated 1854 Daniel B. Fearing, Roderick Terry, Robert S. Franklin, Frank K. Sturgis, John P. Sanborn, George H. Richardson, Henry C. Stevens, Jr., Edith May Tilley, Edwin P. Robinson, President 1st Vice President 2d Vice President 3d Vice President Recording Secretary Corresponding Secretary Treasurer Librarian Curator of Coins and Medals Directors Mrs. Thomas A. Lawton Mrs. E. French Vanderbilt Hamilton B. Tompkins George L. Rives Mrs. William R. Morgan Jonas Bergner C. L. F. Robinson George V. Dickey Mrs. Harold Brown Mrs. Richard C. Derby William S. Sherman Job a. Peckham The Rooms of the Society are open daily, from 10 a. m. to 4 p. m., Saturdays until 1 p. m. In order to increase the income and enable the Society to care for the collections and make them available, it is desired to enlarge the membership, the dues and fees of which are as follows : Life membership . . . $50 Sustaining membership . . 10 per year Annual " . . 2 " '• Associate " . . j^ <« . ^(•J^- .Vv ^c^-^ m^tk.^ 'i, r&e^/i. itA-ZK. u »t /o ;. :'iJ>ii ti^Y\. k >-r <^^^ ■' !t - I „/. ^> I e> M.( <■ /f ' 1 '"' / y .« 1 !il<;lNAI. Hr.VKNTII DAV ItAI'TIST MlOWTINti HOI-HK Kni; irait NOW Till', .MI-!-ii;r.M OK Till'; NIOWI'OKT IIISiTOKK '.Vl. •^o< iirrv 17 Oil portrait of John Caswell Stoddard of Newport, at the age of 19 LeRoy T. Hazard Facsimile of warrant to execute King Charles I of Eng- land Print, King Charles I Miss Edith May Tilley Engraving, The British Surrendering their Arms to General Washington after their Defeat at Yorktown in Virginia, October, 1781. Drawn by Renault "The New Steam Carriage, 1828 " The "Enterprise" steam omnibus "A Tandem of the Past." Arthur Curtiss James Photograph of silver butter-boat used for many years by Judah Touro Walter Eliot Thwing Memin Prints Mrs, Hannah Carrington Cabell Hon. William H. Cabell, Governor of Virginia, 1805- 1808, Judge of the Court of Appeals of Virginia, 1811- 1842, President of the Court of Appeals of Virginia 1842 until his retirement in 1851 Col. Nichols Cabell Walter Coles Cabel Chart of Newport Harbor, showing French Fleet, 1778 Com. Arthur Curtiss James Map of Narragansett Bay, 1780, showing fortifications Mrs. French Vanderbilt Silhouette of Col. John Cooke Silhouette of Priscilla Cooke, daughter of Col. John Woodcut, 1771 Old engraving of Mary, Queen of Scots The Misses Watson Portrait of Thomas Townsend, proprietor of the oid coffee house, by Stuart William B. Vernon Old print, " Reading the Scriptures " Miss Deborah Stoddard Photograph. Swinburne and Peckham's old building. Torn down to make room for the Government Landing Job A. Peckham 18 WEARING APPAREL 235 Quaker bonnet and veil 236 Quilted Petticoat Miss Emma Chase 237 Bonnet, 1813 Mrs. David Pinniger 238 Parasol brought from China before 1800 Miss Elma Elizabeth Smith 239 Old quilted petticoat Mrs. J. Alton Barker MINIATURES 240 Francis Maguire, who introduced block printing on calico in America Miss Elma Elizabeth Smith 241 Hon. Ray Greene, grandson of Colonial Governor Wil- liam Greene, of Rhode Island, and son of Revolution- ary Governor Greene. By Malbone Miss Annie S. Turner 242 John Bannister, 1767 243 Silas Dean, about 1815 244 Memorial to Silas Dean Miss Mary A. Sayer Miss Sarah Hammett T. T. Pitman 245 A curious miniature 246 Collection of miniatures 247 Abraham Touro Newport Historical Society 248 John La Farge, father of John La Farge, the artist Mrs. John La Farge INDIAN RELICS Miss Ella Brownell 249 Battle club 250 Bead chain 251 Bead bag 252 Wampum Miss Mary A. Hazard 253 Portrait of Keokuk, Indian chief 254 Portrait of Le Loup, Indian chief These portraits were painted by Charles B. King when the chiefs visited Washington about 1803 Miss Georgiana G. King 19 255 Blanket basket 256 Stocking basket, made in Uncas family 257 Key basket 258 Bead bag Mrs. Ida L. Greenman 259 Collection of hatchets, arrowheads, hammers, skinner, pestles, sinkers, of Rhode Island Indians George H. Richardson 260 Two Pima baskets 261 Three Apache baskets 262 Two Klickitat baskets, very old and valuable 263 Two Aleut baskets \ Alaskan Indian tribes 264 Two Quillionte baskets f ^'askan Indian triDes 265 Apache wedding basket, "The Broken Ring," very old 266 Deerskin ornament from Siberian Esquimox girl 267 Yaki ma basket 268 Navajo rug 269 Apache vase 270 Santa Domingo vase Mrs. Ralph Hazard 271 Head of tomahawk, dug up in Portsmouth, R. I. Col. Reginald Norman 272 Paddle 273 Water bottle Robert S. Franklin 274 Winnowing pan made by Hoopi Indians 275 Smaller basket used for cooking Mrs. Felix Peckham COINS AND MEDALS Anglo-Saxon Coins 276 Canute penny, 1016 277 Edward the Confessor penny, 1042 English Coins 278 Edward I penny, 1272 279 Henry VII Angel-gold, 1485 280 Henry VIII Groat, 1509 281 Edward VI shilling, 1547 282 Philip and Mary shilling, 1555 283 Elizabeth shilling, 1558 Dr. Edwin P. Robinson 20 284 Two coins, 1813 Mrs. Charlotte Sisson 285 Andrew Jackson campaign medal Robert S. Franklin 286 Washington medal Mrs. John W. Burgess 287 Indian peace medals Mrs. French Vanderbilt MISCELLANEOUS 288 Jagging wheels Mrs. Thomas A. Lawton 289 Sixteenth century courier's money box Mrs. Maude Howe Elliott 290 Alpenstock used in climbing the Rigi in Switzerland Mrs. Ralph Hazard 291 Two old fire buckets Howard G. Ward 292 Horn spoon made in Ireland over 100 years ago John W. Burnett 293 Britannia spoons, over 100 years old 294 Knife and fork, over 100 years old Mrs. Charlotte Sisson 295 Paper money, 14 shillings Miss Mary A. Hazard 296 Paper money Mrs. Charlotte Sisson 297 Pair of scissors made from an early issue of a copper cent 298 Silver snuff box John W. Burnett 299 Silver snuff box 300 Patch box Miss Ruth B. Franklin 301 Snuff box 302 Patch box T. T. Pitman 303 Paper weight brought from Rome, made from the marble from the palace of the Caesars The Misses Watson 304 Gavel made of cedar from the original door of the old State House 305 Adams campaign box Robert S. Franklin u Q •# <>RI<:iNAI, mi.I'IT AND SOINDINO BOARD OF Till OLD SKVKNTH DAY DAPTIST ii- ■riii.; mi-isim-m <»r Tin-: ni:\\ f< ii<-i II i>i'i'« >K i< -A I, >s« »( -I r/i-^- 29 447 Three photographs Commodore Matthew C. Perry, U. S. N., in Touro Park. Gift of Mr. Behnont to the City of Newport. Ward, sculptor Memorial to Com. Matthew C. Perry, erected a few years ago in Japan The unveiling of the same, with portrait effigies 448 Three old prints. Battle of Lake Erie. 449 Photographs of birthplace of Commodore Oliver Hazard Perry, Narragansett 450 Photograph of Oliver Hazard Perry's statue, Newport, before it was placed on its pedestal. William G. Turner, sculptor 451 Photograph of tablet over Mrs. Perry's pew in Trinity Church, Newport 452 An envelope showing Perry property on the Mall, man- sion and former garden, now hotel 453 Photograph of Com. Oliver Hazard Perry's grave and the monument erected by the State of Rhode Island 454 Probate notice of will of Mrs. Oliver Hazard Perry, 1858 455 Five steel engravings, one woodcut, portraits of Com. Oliver Hazard Perry 456 Two written memoranda of Com. Oliver Hazard Perry's fighting jacket worn at the Battle of Lake Erie, and of the sword presented by City of Albany, both owned by the Rhode Island Historical Society 457 Broadside, Com. Perry's Fagship Lawrence on exhibitio" near Machinery Hall, outside the Centennial Grounds. Sergeant Baker in charge 458 Old engraving. Dr. Usher Parsons of Providence, one of the last survivors of the Battle of Lake Erie. He was surgeon of the Lawrence 459 Three photographs, taken in Newport Harbor : The San tee and the Constitution, moored at Goat Island The Naval Academy Squadron, showing the Macedo- nian, Marblehead, Savannah, Saco, Winipec, and yacht America, about 1866 or 7 The Constellation moored at the Training Station 460 Old steel engravings. Stephen Decatur. Richard Dale, William Bainbridge, John Barry, Johnston Blakeley, James Biddle, Commodore Barney, Isaac Chauncey, William Henry Allen, Charles Stewart. All Naval Officers in the War of 1812 30 461 Old engraving, Charles Wilkes, Commander U. S. N., (his wife is buried in the Idand Cemetery, Newport) 462 Engraving, James Fennimore Cooper 463 Com. John Rodgers 464 Original enlistment paper of Robert Ferguson. One of the full set owned by George C. Mason, Esq., and given to him by his aunt Mrs. Perry. This one given to Miss Powel by Mr. Mason 465 Old map of America, showing the seat of war on the Canadian Frontier from 1812 to 1815. Inset chart of Lakes Erie and Ontario Miss Mary E. Powel 466 Life of Oliver Hazard Perry, by Lieut. A. Slidell Mac- Kenzie, U. S. N. Miss Annie Lawton 467 Oil portrait of Com. Oliver Hazard Perry, by Jarvis Mrs. H. Fairfield Osborne 468 Com. Oliver Hazard Perry Congressional Medal. Battle of Lake Erie 469 Com. Oliver Hazard Perry Medal from State of Pennsyl- vania to the Lake Erie survivors 470 Com. Oliver Hazard Perry Medalet. Extremely rare Dr. Horatio R. Storer SIMPSON 32 FRANKLIN STREET Antique and Imported Clocks and Watches SKILFULLY REPAIRED Established 1884 ohn H. Kazanjian & Co. I Importers of Oriental Goods fO Bellevue Ave., Newport, R. I. L'Ompliments of tJiitchie the florist ^elepAones : 7869 Store ^ JU70 Tiouse CIRCULATING LIBRARY 59 BROMFIELD STREET BOSTON, MASS. Branch: 20 Bellevue Ave., Newport, R. I. W. F. ADAMS Auctioneer and Appraiser Aquidneck Hall 83 MILL ST. Tel. 9974 House 1218 Will sell your goods at your house or at the Auction Room Auction Sale Thursdays at 10 a. m. FOR GENEALOGIES and TOWN HISTORIES WRITE TO Goodspeed's Book Shop 5a Park Street, BOSTON, MASS. We carry a large stock of Portraits and Views Newport Historical Society JUST ISSUED Oliver Hazard Perry and The War of 1812 PRICE 35 CENTS ANTIQUE JEWELRY and SILVERWARE We carry at all times a very interest- ing line both genuine and reproduction HERRMAIVIV 204 THAMES ST., NEWPORT, R. I. Pearls Attractive Jewelry French Enamels Gift Silverware Fine Leather Novelties Trophies UDALL & BALLOU Jewelers and Silversmiths Bellevue Ave. Newport, R. I. 574 Fifth Ave. New York. GORHAM SILVKRWARE BLAINE S46 Thamks St. All the Music of all the Wor If you have a COLUMBIA GRAFONOU Grafonolas from $20 '•> $500 COME IN CHARLES S. PLUMMEi Opp. Government Landing Auctioneer and Appraise NOTARY PUBLIC Eugene C. O'Neill COLONIAL FURNITURE ANTIQUES and CURIO 34 Pelham St., NEWPORT, R. ira$irri| Mori FIRST-CLASS CABINET WORK FURNITURE REPAIRED and STOREE Crockery and Furniture Packed and Shipped J. W. HORTON & col 42 CHURCH STREET AMERICAN CATALOGUE JUST ISSUED OVKR lOO ITKIVIS FREE UPON APPUCATION SCHOLTE'S Book Store "^ ^- ''^ewTork V'o THE LIBRARY SOUTHERN REGfnL°/ ?^"'°^"'a 305 De Neve Drive p°a?£n'l^?''"' ^^^^'L'TY Return th'^' ''''^^^' ' ^''^O^N^^^^