UC SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY i| i| III I II! Ill 'I' AA 000 621 695 6 Issued August 15, 1912. U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, BUREAU OF STATISTICS— Circular 3^ VICTOR H. OLMSTED, Chief of Bureau. HOP CROP OF THE UNITED STATES, 1790-1911. COMPILED UNDER THE DIRECTION OF GEORGE K. HOLMES, Chief of the Division of Prodtidion and Distribution. WASHINGTON : GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE : 1»ie ADDITIONAL COPIES of this publication ■xi- may be procured from the StJPERiNTEND- ENT OF Documents, Government Printing Office, Washington, D. C, at 5 centr per copy. SRLF YRL HOP CROP OF THE UNITED STATES, 1790-1911. Intelligent use of the following table dej^ends upon observing these explanations: Year.— For production, the year mentioned is that of planting and growth. For exports and imports the year begins October 1 (of the growth year) during the period 1790-1842 (1842 is a 9-month year); July 1 for 1843 and subsequently. Area.— Of production, contiguous United States; of trade, contiguous United States, and, subsequent to their annexation, Alaska, Hawaii, and Porto Rico; of total consumption, contiguous United States, no allowance being made for the production and trade of Alaska, Hawaii, and Porto Rico because too small, if anything, to affect the result. Production.— 1839, 1849, 1859, 1869, 1879, 1889, 1899, Census; 1847, 1853, estimates of the Commissioner of Patents; 1862-64, 1877, estimates of the Department of Agri- culture; 1844-45, commercial estimates in Hunt's Magazine; 1890-98, commercial estimates for the States of New York, California, Oregon, and Washington in the American Agriculturist; 1900 and subsequently, commercial movement for years beginning July 1, computed from exports, imports, and Internal Revenue data for hops used in brewing. Total farm value. — Production multiplied by farm price per pound; 1899, Census. Farm price per pound. — 1847 and 1853, estimates of Commissioner of Patents; 1849, 1889, 1899,* Census; 1896-8, 1900-5, American Agriculturist; 1906 and sub- sequently, Bvireau of Statistics, Department of Agriculture. Domestic exports. — Including reexports 1790-1801, not including reexports 1802-19, American State Papers; 1820-1908, Bureau of Statistics, Department of Com- merce and Labor. Imports for consumption. — Imports for consumption 1865 and subsequently, Bureau of Statistics, Department of Commerce and Labor. Consumption.— Xo account taken of stocks at beginning and end of year. The figures are obtained by adding the imports for consumption to production and deduct- ing domestic exports, and do not stand for consumption for any certain year. Consumption of hops per capita. — The indicated per capita consumption of hops, by 5-year periods, based upon area and population of contiguous United States, fol- lows: 'l891-95, 0.52 pound; 1896-1900, 0.36 pound; 1901-5, 0.48 pound; 1906-10, 0.49 pound. Five-year averages. — The percentages of production retained for consumption are weighted averages; farm values per pound and export values per pound are means. Gold values. — All values haA^e been reduced to gold for 1861-78. Beer brewed. — 1795 from Pabst, the Brewing Industry; 1810 from George Ehret, History of American Beer; 1839, 1849, and 1859 from Census; other years from Internal Revenue reports. Figures for 1862 cover 9 months beginning September 1, 1862. Internal Revenue and Census figures are for all fermented liquors; subsequent to 1896 figures include fermented liquors removed from breweries for export free of tax. 51498°— 12 3 HOP CROP OF THE UNITED STATES, 1790-1911. 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S c:: I^ § 00 '^ CO c CO '«^ "2 = CO (3 cc' o So lO 'T 3 so ■^ o lO •a g ^3 »o" CM CO CO* CM Sh 2 . >^ T* If 'r^ rj c c V c^ ''I * IT 5 CI or I c>c > — 'c 1 c 3 tr '^ r- *00 c5 '^ '.O o -^ S cor* t^r^ t^ . t^ t^ t^ 1^ t' . i^ x 00 00 oc ] ssggggggg CO OO GO 00 OC ) OOGOOOOOC/ ) CO 00 00 QO. y 3 CO CO' X CO y >- H T- 4 »- r- 4 I- ^ H 1— y- H r- ■1 r- "" " H •— ' "" ■* "" '' ■" * ^ < r- ' "^ HOP CROP OF THE UNITED STATES, 1790-1911. 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