UC-NRLF B 2 66=1 00^ LIBRARY OF THE University of California. Class (SC>9 ! CASE ^ B ^ Clje CuDot jFacsimtle %tvts 1!DJe iHarriage of WBit anD Science Date of Original^ 1 569-1 570 [^7J&* Bodleian Library y Oxford^ Malone 231] Reproduced in Facsimile^ 1909 Under the Supervision and Editorship of JOHN S. FARMER CJ)e iflarriage of SKit ana Science 1569-70 Issued for Subscribers by T. C. & E. C. JACK, 16 HENRIETTA STREET LONDON, W.C. : AND EDINBURGH MCMIX ^^^/ ■^ ^ '€\ft JHarrtage of lEit anti Science Th's is one of a trio of " Wit " plays^ all of which are included in the present series of facsimile reprints, " The Marriage of Wit and Science " was licensed to W. Marsh in 1569-70. The only known copy is in the Bodleian Library^ Oxford. The photographic negatives used in the reproduction of this play, as also those of Bale's " Temptation of our Lord'^ and " The Beauty and Good Properties of Women,'' have been made by the Clarendon Press, Oxford, who have the sole right, and exercise it, of executing all such work in connection with books, manuscripts, and the like in the Bodleian. Mr. Fleming, the technical photographer in charge of this series, is not therefore directly responsible for the workmanship of the three plays in question. The result leaves somewhat to be desired. The reproductions for which he is personally accountable are unquestionably better in all respects. There is in the Oxford negatives a certain lack of " crispness " and " contact " which, though occasionally traceable in Mr. Flemings manipulation, are in his work reduced to a minimum. A careful and critical examination of this particular facsimile shows a marked improvement on the two other Bodleian items. The chief *''' fault " again is that it is not quite " sharp " enough ; otherwise it is a good piece of work. 15)165 ^i A typical example of this ''^ fault " will be found on [C» lt)» recto], in the first and second halves of the first eight lines of the speech of Science. The first halves of these lines correctly reproduce the original ; the second halves are not so sharp ; the rest of the speech is about right. I have included the two pages of script at the commence- ment of the volume. In the original these two pages are not recto and verso of one leaf as now given : they occupy the rectos respectively of two separate leaves preceding the title-page. JOHN S. FARMER. VI ^i^ //""T^c^^^u^^^^ //V^ .^^.^USiLii^SmMlim r 1 /^/> *:>^ f-r/o ■ M (' ^ i KwajViBi* 3^ature^ Science, Shame, Witte. %eafon, fdelnes, WilK Sxperience, fgnoraunce Studiel ^Re&eation^ Tedioujhes. diligence, "^iththreo^ ther ypomen * friJlmUion^jJrigerf. W^l 'i>mA*ti.>^jK>t*oi^^S^ n U\(jtture^ mne andrptll. IttabnoeUB)? mother of eoerpmo^fall d^^nge: l^arfe of tt^e tooUoe tonferaatpat of hpno Icaofe of cntreafe, of Ipfe ano foule t^e fp;fngr. Eat tD^ofefndincte^ttie noble ^eauen Dotfi tDinDr> Ico toboCe atoaro all Creatarea are affpnoe* % come in pl«e, to treate toitb t^ia mp ronne> ifo> i)Uaaa?U1)otDebetliepatl» mai?fpnDe, Wl)erbpl)t< Hace in bononr ^t ma? rnnne: Come tenoer Cl^tloe, t)nrppe ano gteene fo; age, an toljom ttie paret fettea bet djicf e or irte, TOitte ia t^? name, bnt farre from tolfoome fage, XCrll tracte of tpme D^all faoo^tie ano frame arpgtit, 3flDI)<« perelclTe bjapne, not pet f n perfect plpgbn ' IBut toben it fl^albe to^oagbf me tbinbea I (a Sl0 in a gtaire before bano toitb mp fpgbte a certaine perfect pecce of too)bein tbe, ano notD fo farre aa 3 geffe bp Cgnea ft»ome great attempte ta f prco in tbp b;ea: ^peabe on mp fonne toljcrto tbr barte inclpnea anb let me oeale to fet t^i^ bait at rctt, l^e ralaea x^t foje t1)8t bnotoea tbe pacient beu 08 3 boe tbee mp fonne mp cbief eft care, an iJDbom mt fpcciall pjapfe ana lope botb rett, STo me tl^rfoje tbefe tbongbtea of tljpne oedare VVittc. Aatar e, mp fctteraigne fllaene ano ptef paffpng «»ere Wore fo;ce 3 am inftijft to knoto ano bnotolcoge eaerp fe&ere, JCbiacareof mpnett>oog^itbeb>eao toitbin mp bjette, mt it it not (0 r^pe : aa ^tt to baeoe me great bnrctt, &oranne3toanbfro,toitbbapfucbea5 3 fP"J^\ ., ,fc,, r„.„h^ loto faft, note lofe, noto bot, note colo, t)ncottant aa t^at toinb, afeclempfelfeinlouepetnotuinamebifoj . int caoCea mone me note ano t^en, to let fncbe fanciea g^ •acS ll&e tSc napU t5» latl came in>i ojpoea t^ fbjmtr ott^ ^% WSii» The^^^dSrlage \ tm)txh^c m^ foftc is t^?B, tW it luouIDc pleafe yottr gracr, i XIo fettle tn\:i ^nfctlcDfccao in fome alTacf D place: s::o Icatic mc tbzouglj tbc tb^cfe, to gu^Deme a! tttt toape, SCO po^nt me txi^tre J ma^e atc^eae tn? moft (efprco p^^e* ifo; notoe agapne of late Bl k^mile in defire 0nD pleafurc p;f cbett) fourtt) mp ponttrto feele a greater fp?e, Ctaiiat t'oougt) 3 tie to poang to (i^etDet)er fpo^t o; t)aS tbon feene htt face. VVittc. i^o; tbts no; tbat,bG^ 1 bam menne talbe of bee apacg» Nature^ ^liatts^crnime/ > VVittc. Heafon i& bet ftre,Qhrperfence ber bamr, S!:be tiaope no\De tJ Uiber flotoers ano Science t< liertuimt^ i.ocl3Dbere (^0 DtDelU0>io tobere mp barteta all pollirff, l.oe Uibere mp bobte tooalD abpbe, lo tobere mp Toaleootb rclt ^ec baue 3 bo^ne gooD toplt, tbeCe manpe peares tofo^e^ 15Qt notpc Hit loogitb In mp tbougbt a buno;eD partcf t^t mo^e>. jano (Ince^i Doe perftuaDe mp fdftbat tbp^ji (|e CQbtcp ongbt abone atl eart^ topsbtet to be tnoft oeare to mt 9ilb Itme 31 tDOte not botoe to compaCfo mpbefp^e, 0no rince fo; d^imt 3 tan not noto no; mpno not to retp;e» l^elpe on 3 vou befecb anb b^fng tbp0 tbpng about WptboQt pottre bntte to m^ gre&te eafe^ano fet all oat of Donbte. ' • Nature, Sbon afbeS mo;e, tben to tn me to gpae* L 9o;e tbeh tbv tacfe, mom\)tn tbp ftatc ioiil beacg 1^ ^bep are ttoo tbtnga to able tbee to nue> ^' 0nDtoI(uero,tbatnQne(^oulobet^p peart, I, %^t fira f romme;p;oca^et|) enerft toberey. 3li ret fiiU (arrf goo foot ano bonglit fall oe art, jBf tbole tbat (ertte tbe f rntte tlierof to tltioe, SCO matct) ViU tljen tuttb ^Men» in Ocgra. SCO bnit ttat lutot, t|at eeiD map ria0 t)nto Hi tel t^e pla^iUfU li^ctfia not f n m^^ m^^ fll^oiilo S cbaUcnge t|)8t 3l cannot Dot IBnt t^on m nil takt anot^ t»av to lnoe» 0IU) btate tbp b^pna ano benoe tbp Curfoate l^eaOy SBotti r^be ano cnnne ano tranafle tm ano trot 3( tbott entf no tbat tamom 3>am( to toco. VVittc, ^on name i?onr Celfc tbe nab? of t(i0 too^Ib. Nature* BJttftrno. VVittf. anb can tberebe toftbfn tbto loo»lb,at!)tns fo^b fo) tff^ Nature. ^^ potoer it f0 not abfolnf e in ^ntit^taion $0% 3 cognife an otbet iio;b aboiir SDbat batb teceaneb Dnto W bfCpofitf an SDbe foale ot man tsbicb be of fpeciall ione ffo 0ptt0 ot grace anb Icatntng ebe ootb mode. d \»o^t fo tatre betonbe mi? teacb anb call, SCbat tn to part of p^apf e tottb b fio tettetberfnalterebfo)mpbeab> anb aa 31 ftrettoe a letlt goer Canfti^ft^tt ^<>^< fvariai^ to be himt 00 be commpttea to me bp tobom Hi mnS be lebbe oaabogntbeame nraanb(nmeguibe»tbereK» 0tttob(cbln tbetcbue coprfe ano fetnb arc fpeobe fl)f gtftearrommefucb aamapferuetbembett, SCO tbee fonne fcpltte be toUo me lo Infpfre jDbe lone of hnotolebge anb cert apne fabeo oeuine Wblcb gtonnb mis^t be a mcane to bjfng t^tt b< ""1 tjeiviartage C[5ood grontiDed ate tttoc, as tocU as are f6e foo^Sc Eljc rankea flotoer ipi!l affee a fpzf ng^ng t?me, ^0 i0 mans "tail tnpecfit at tbe ftril. VVittc. ^f connpng be t^e Kei? atiD toell of too^Dlp bl^ffe ^p t^inb(tt) goD mtg^t at § ff r S as toell enone al toitti tt)tDbore beaos are fragbt t6 rbtt CLbe meaner fo^te tbat notoe ercells in bertnes of tbe mtnbe> ^bonlb not be once accepteb tbere fcober nolo tbep fucco) fino ifo^ gret men (boulo be fpeboe of al t toolb bane nebe of none 0nb be tbat toere not bo^ne to lanb fl^oolbtielie to line bpon S^befe anb fine tbonfanb eattfes mbe ivbieb 9 folate to tcb SLbe noble bertae of tbe minb bane can feb tbere to btoell xsx^^txt none map bane 8cce(re» bnt fncb as can get in SCb.2ongb manp boble bo;es ,tti;ougb tieat 9tt);ougb colo , tb;iongb VVittc. (t^fcfcanbtiiinne. ^appofe B tDonlb aDb^elTe mp felfeto f^e ^ir out 0nbto refufenb'patnetbatUetljtf^ereaboat J^boulo J be fner to fpeoef Nature . fiTrnd me anb $ane no bonbt^ of Witt e andScknce^ Siev can0 not €Mt bat f p^f toitf) traoell aitb Inf t f) f r m e SC^icr^ t tDO are i"^ tW mntt osme Vitz Ho to to cittne Will. cniti ttand ano \3m tfnu, muS tliet tteOB to^e to one/ Nature. i^o^tfMtt no;tl)to canDotf)^g0dJft|)ei?betoltf alotte. Witt. %imt teo;betl) all toitb Mfe, anD grpaei tte ffr^aeeft o^ttt 3n ttmt Cbfte toater o;ope0 can l^oUotoe barOeS flpnc JSIgaftu . tnetli labo^ bp ft (tlfe^ great matters compatir b# €aen at a gf )0e in tier^? \fgttti timt o ; nont toee fa^ Wberfo;a in mp concede got) rcafon f e (s <^tber tbi« to(t^ ont tbat to IcDlir^o; tt^at ivicb out tbid. Nature . iMt tafe tbon Oi^tDit attcmpte to dpnte {dernafof bill Sakf tpmf fine bnno^etbtbonfanapers fidget if tboqtDttl Srotoett tboa to toucb tbe top tbere ot bp Sanopng ttiVL )3igatRt, fDO)ke oat tbi? bacte ano fpeno tbp felfe toltb torU VMt tpme fDltb all o? eUeo 31 oare affare tbe of tbe fopU WlttC. 9abame9 3 ttaS 31 b«ae i?onr Uc^ce ano poar leaat 9Mb I'oar gooo toCl t (0 macb beipe as ^a to mt cm g^ue ISittb f nrtbet a^e alfo> tvben poa Oial fpperoar trine. S^o mahe a p;o(fe to gf «e attempt tbUi tamoale btt to dimt 0iia nolo 3 bere reqoelt poor blel^g ano poor p^pec iFo; fore before 3inept 3 tottl to ponoer (o^te repalre Nature* 31 \MU tbee bore lottb al facb gtff u nattrre can beffoto . 8no fo; tb? raHc 9 iMolo tf^ tnere ti Qianpbi»n>^mof ^SCafcetbevtBltballtbtocbtlDe^tofiMipre topontbeHfl. SI bv)Oe of mi^ne fome kinne to tbee^bfii name i^ W3i\t\\, Wittc. Wellcome to me mp fnlU , tDbat Cernice canlt tbon boe» Will. SBntbfngeofo^ooflr, ffttDbenmelfSeaimmo^^. VVittc, XBat iD^ien toCIt tbon im^toben Bl tl^all m 31 trotoo Will. )EfMR0tf8t!^l«ribttemnresea;F«rado^ ^^^^: ^^ 7he Manage " VVittc. tiffiteii Bl f>^t KdDt)^ ot t^ee t^on tafU not feme me roe» ^ Will. Blf i?tt b?o me ranne, per^appe0 3 toill gee: VVittc, Cocb (onle tl)i0 iB a bofe fe; ttje nonfe amongeS t toenf fe moe, Will. % am plafne 3 teU pou at a too^De ant) a bIoe« VVitte. %itn matt 3tp;fche 70a cbdoe if con be D;otDnet) tn Hoittb Nature. *, - 0gTa pon ttoapne fo) 3 mntt tcane pon botb, ifaretoel mp (onnr. facetoel mpne oione goob Miil, Se rtUeO bp tSStitte^ano be obedient dill, ifo^e tbe3 cannttbnt as farre as Uee in me, 9 toil beipe ^v nia Set to make a goeo feruant of tbei ifarretoelt. Exit VVit^c flboe labp motbec toitb tbanUed fo; al poar peine iSno noto let me betbincbe mp feir againe t eke agaitt Co matcbe toitb Science ts tbe tbinge tbat 3 bane to^e in banie> matter of mo;e toeigbt 31 1^ >tben 9 d(d onDeraanoe tSStU mnit be toonne to f^is, 0; elu it toil be baro X32ld\ ma(t goe b^eabe tbe matter fird.o;^ el9 mp gaine iff macoe, ^ic bope are pon content to tabe fncb parte fo? me 00 goo (ball fence, ano belpe it fo^tb as mucb a^ Ipes in tbce. ^^^ Will. I^e a^spft^ bp b<0 looanDf 0; tH cut of bi0 beao. VVittc. Come tben f let b6 ttoo tenife tobat trace tDcre beS to (rebbe* ^atnre is on mp fpde ano rsapH m^ bore is faH^ sclera in no boabt BilbaU obtapne mp iopee at lait- Excnt Aftz,rcna.i» VVittc and Will. VVittc. y Vbat ^iii 31 fa? isswibopeicom^ againe f olid^e clfe *" r-f THE UNIVERSITY OF Sfcrveroo merc^nr^Dirareataliitauil^rclll^V ! VVittc, ...i; f l&oc^ 8 cobb;aine 80afcIr bntlU mp commlngr to be bepte* CCIblcb B! fufpem^e till tbp retarne ano tbm 3f (t (Ibe bcr nao^fblpppe to appoint me Uil^e anb foben- 31 U)1U toalte bpon ber glaftip ontDf Oanoe- VViH. &fr let me alone ponr mpnoe 3( bnocrff anb, 31 torn banoie tbe matter To tbat pon (ball o^eme tbanbea» ""1 he CAOaruge 25ttf tDfjaf (f ^t ftnoe fanlt tD((ij tbefe fpf nble fl^anhei Di eU U)f t^ tjjrte blaclu fpottcf on^onr nofe* VVittc. 3(n rapt(» (tr hoot tbiB tmt (eferottti mohwf . VViU. I^ou tDlU not iitffbit pone bed ferttant % (appofc if 0^ bp bi< na;le5 , anb bp bts f ingir0 roe. 31 U)Ul marrc poar manage (f i?en to dttter. VVittc. Bfp^ape the gort(n?tDapt0 and leaaetl)^ clatter. VViU. if rra (ba( Bl be fo boloto b^eake (o pod a matter. VVittc. f^^uHje tbon art oKpofeo to fpenbe too^ea in foaS, ;anD pet t^o bnotoeS tbia boftnea a&etl) ^alt VVil!. Sdot enen ttoo tuo^oes ,8nD ti)cn K am gon. -• ; VVittc ... BIf ame9 i^oio pou arc a Bac^iler a man map fone loin pon ^c tbin^s f ^ere t&tmnegfloi^fetotDd^ippe in poa^ ^e map laugb ano be mirp^at bo>0 anp at beooo» l^ou are not fo teSp as t^ofe tbat be t0eooe> S0plD in bebauio; ano lotb to fall ottt,- - J^on map tonne? pon map rpoe t rone rouo abont, 8»ii|) ttttaltb it?0at MU and aU tf^fNgs at Cif(, iTree fraitl» anD ^attii^« ffpeto pUafe* JBnt totien poo to cloig^ ano t|»eo b|? t|0 ttt, j^o fBffe t()attoa 0)81 nse Oaae paivcrto U t goft S^oit iDi U tell me anotlier leffon rotic a(Mr ' ' 0nD crp peccant to erc^t poor Ittcfcete tfie beetet: SC|ien?ar$to€lgooo(eU6tD(^pllen comeatacaU Sben toaf f f at an incfye ton fole bnanta aU» ^^en (parpns anbppnclif nga and nottilng^of gffC, i^o talhe Initt) one mafSer, but al fo; bis tb^Kt^ &olemne ano foioer ano angc? aa a toafpe, 0ltblngea mnlt br bept tnoer locbe ano bafpe^ Si t tbac toblcb loUl mabe me to fare tnl ill M. conr care (balbe to bamper poo;e tosU* i VVittc/ 3 toarrant tbe to; tbat taHc tbon no tbongbf, SDboa fl^alt be made of^toboroener be fet at noogbt 26 oere to me, aa m)?ne olnne oere b;otber> taobofoener be onc^tbon (bdt be an otber« Will yea bnt ^onr toi^re tDT>l plar tbe 4}eln>pe(0r it ii Qe tbatj fiart VVittc. SCb? meCTage tnpll ranfe ber fomef ano^ to beare, if 02 mp fabe ano tbp fobe ano fo; ber otnne UbetDyCe 3f tbon bfe tbp Teife oifcretlp In tbU enterp^pla . - Will, ^be batbafistber, a teSFfotoeroloman* 3 ooobt tea beanft-K. (bail tall oot notoe anb tban> VVittc. ^ne bpm fap^e fnopa^ifa^tfeare blm f 02 W age* fl^bon mnft con0oer bpm to be annclent ano (age, ^DbetD % felfeofipbllona ano fernirable fill, ano tben iballlCeaCon mabe berpmncbe o( CSlllU vWilK 3f ponr topfebe enercomplapnlng^ boto tben^ VVittc. 9p tDpfetocllbanenotblng to boe tnptb mp men. VVilh ;nant-fe|?ff# -^^ <^nD tjDt)cn i:ou once pcrcc^aefitr Homacke to nt^U^ SCben cut tjer (l^o;t at t^e 6ra anD poo O^all fee meruaploufe tiectae (ti ttiat meDifen to bee, C5tue t)er not t|)e b;iole fo; a ^eare o) tloa^ne iano i7oa Ojal fte bee b;tole it tottbont a refne, 25;cakc ber betimes anb b.:ing ber bn&er bp fo;ce £)) elles cbe grare ^are^tnU be tbe bettet bo^fe. VVittc. Kf tt)ou baue Done begone ano r^^enbe no timt (ntapne^ Will. CTfjcrc fl^al 3f f t nbe pon, tof^en 3I come %oAintl VVittc. 0t borne. Will. Ceo!) enongb fabe pour cafe let mc alone toCtb tW fearelpatrcafnceofiiU trtaTorcftttff, ^' . STo fcruc facb a mapltec,se ) btp? l^m to bee> 0nD to baue (ucb a fernant aa beiiatb of met, ifo? 3B am qutcbe^nimbell ,p»pec and mfe^ lf)e (0 ful goob, gentle, fober anb tu^fr* Ibe is futt lotb t»tb(]3eo;t to cbecttr, 2nb 3 am ais iJoUUnge to feme at a beclte, ^e n^txi me to^l arib fpesttes me fo f 8p;re £i:bat fo; bis fatte no traaapte $ma(t fpare, 3i5ut notoam 3E cometo tbe gateof tbfaiB,abpe, Bl tDpII paafe aisbple to frame mpne errante fpneipe 0nb toe tobcr ^t commetb pet totll 3 not come ttpe beVy Bat amongc t^efe fellotoeo lorl Blitanbe to e^e ber* A^.i fena %. Rcafon, Experience, Science and Will. Scicrcc. ^p patented pe hnotoe, botoe manp fall in lappet s:bat DO afcribe to me tbe eaufe of tbctr mxf^n^tBf l^otoc nianp fdcbe tbat come to (^ozt of tbeic befp?c^ feolne manp DO attempt tbat bapip iw retire:' l^otoc manp rone about tbe marhe on eaerp Tpbe:* l9o to manp iW^t to bit t»ben tbep are macb to ^^\iti 1^0 toe manp runne to f atre boto manp Kgbtto lotoe? ^otoe re toe to goob effete, tbeir tranaple do bettotoe. of Wttte and SctenctJ | 01)0 botse alC tfiefe impate tf^ef r loflDrs bnto mee. fsii^wX^ 3B iJaoe io?e to ti)(nbf of mariage notoe trotoe ^k \ om^tDott) tt)e iDO^e mi? lone alone fapt^e? « 310 bongl)t fo Dere t^ar ttfe anb gooDM fo^ itmaft pape ^tronge pootli matt fpenoe (t relfe,ano pet loben al i§ Done «stie bere of tetoe o^ none ttiat bane tbia Jtaop toonne. ' S^n me tbep mabe outcrpea anb ci)ar9e me tantb tbe bloao ^rtbofe tbat (o) mp fabe aoaentare Hfe anb gooD SDbia grf efe botb toonnb mp t^art rfr» ^ fnters ntoje aa pet 31 (e no canfe noa teaCbn tobp 31 t^olb aompt. Rcafon. 0b baog!)(er Tap not fo t^txt is great canfe anb fbfll, if o; tobf cb pon Ojolb mfriibe to Uoe bnmari cb ttna alone tEaHbat comfort can pon bane remapntngtbaa bnbnolone l^oU) f^ai tf)e common toealtti bp pon abnannreb be git pou abfoe enclofeb bere tobere no man map pou (et 3t f not fo^ ponr (tate>poncleU'e to tabe f be papne 011 ttranngera tbat refo^t to poo to entertapne SHo rnffer fr(e acceflte of all t^at come ano goe %o be f*t rc^e mannea cal to tranapU to ano tto» Mbat tbf ^rpnce gob batb ptaft (acb treafnre in ponr htttt ^^erixiitbfo manptbonrano tblnKebppon tobecefrel^t ^(SDea matt poa Ijane fome one of bpo anb fecret trntt ^p tDbom tbefe tbinga map be^toeU o^toerebanb bifcaHet ^0 bbemattbealinaU. si Experience. 1I0P loib ponr fatber tellea pon^rntli perbf e 0nb tbat (n time ponr (elfe fl^all fpnbe ano trpe. Science* BS conlb alebge mo^e tien aa pet 91 fjane fapbei !l!5at 31 mall pelbe^aiib pon matte be obapeb ^ if all oate aa ft tain fbere ta no belpe $fKi j^ome one o^ ott^et in time mott marp mce> 1 Will* 3[n time nap ont of banb.^abame if it pleaCe pon> SinfaptHbnolDeaponbertliat tDUlea(ep8n» ^)e Manage Ipudrc rottnge gentdman, 80 freOje as anr flotocr* SCI^at tD^U not (tkbe to marpc poo toittiin tt)(i ^otorr* Science, &uc^ baflte mi^gtt bapelpc tnrne to tDSlt to fum, 20ut5lp)apt|)eem? p^etpebope U)bcnce art tboo come. Will. q[f (t pUace ponre gooo Laoplbppe to arcepte me roo» 3 t)aas a folcranc mcdage to tel o; 3 goe» f^.ot anpe tbpnge tn ferretc poac bonoar to ff apne» ii5iitlntbcp;ef(nceanobtartngt ofpoatUKipne* Rcaion. ^pcalte. Will. STbc jlabpof tbta tDo^lotobicb iLaD?i^8ttirebpgbr» l^atb one a petrclcs Tonne tn U)bom (be tabetb t)dpgb^ ^'n bpm (b^ cbargetb mih to be antcnfeant ttrlU Iffotb bpnDc to bcr,br0 name (0 Mitte,tnp name f XWXt !rt)c nolle cbplODotb feeic tbe ra;ce of cappoea flame HnD fcnoctb nolo f 0; eafe bp counCel of bP0 i)ame , !^P0 motbcr taugbt bpm fpift to lone tobple be lDa0 pennge ^ibfcb (one t6 age encreafetb ro:e ano loaretb toono^oua aronga 5f 0; tierpe fame of fpla^ca poure bonntpe mo^e ano mo;e» ^otbopeof tbat tobpcb commenlpeootb otber (a(ter0monf, ^ut fficiD f Jtt gooD topU tbat nenec (ball relent, 0no tertoea fo;ce \ (bfnea In poo baoe b^m geoe tbf0 attempte. I^e batb no neane of l0ealtb,be U)ooe0 not fo) poare gooii , i^fa hpnreo f0 focb be neoe not to fcfee to matcb toltb nobleblonu, ^ucb (to;e of frpnoeo tbat tobere be lea be map commaunDe. ano none fo barop^o p^efome bp0 pleafore to uiCtbftanOy ^oure felf (t f 0^ poor bertae ano poort grace , l^onr ennoble gfffeo poute enoleop^apea f n euerp place, l^ou alone 3 rape tbe marhe tbat be tooulo bf t, SLbe bopeo f ope tbe Dearea pzap tbat can befaleto tofttf) Experience. 3 ^9i!iM not barDc a mepoage tiio;c trpmlec bone, Scjncc. [i fobatage arttboaoCmp gooo (bnne 9 ffi£tifi^yt«_ VVilU Reafon. ^e ta^t bene f nftntcteti t(^ erraim m 31 geOH. Science^ ■ .1 -'*?: i(:i' .; j; > l^oto olo (0 tH 0«tittlmaN fl^p miiatet ciiteitlwlillf ^enenf ene fiM^re abonte 3 to0trtiot t^er^ Ml. : Science. " * .'..;.. . ;■ , . m\flX KatnreoftDlwtmakFng tii|atbpimeoC^o;t bearer ^ ^ncb 80 i^onre 1Laoi?(b(pe can not tn^fty Mtt me. Well grotDenftDttmaDe, a tcfpltng tteanwQf tanle; VRet rano;eo> fomfntrnt blacb ano manlti^ ttieretDtttialy Bnb tbat con map con08debi?i perf«n>9c t^ebettir^ Eo beare of bvm tbebearpe ^ape ano Unelf ^t\xxt<^ %M^% batb be rente to von to tietw mm M bebonloef : ' ^'^^^ "^i v : 3 Dare aononcb no iopnt tberf n no 3ote to be contronlDe » ScietKC. : %n 000b fa)^ Bl f bancbe tbi? ma^ffer toftb m^ bart» . 3 percepne tbat Rature in btoi> batb Done ber part* Will. iFattber,lf j3t pone commannDment to anp place tftcre 0; neer9> %A baue bat a ffgbt of poor i.aop(b 3 befeecb pon appoint bim tbe place andtbe boboen pon C[ial Ce boto teoglp to pon be toll fconre. Reabn; a)ofoe. .' : Expctiencffk ^e (n anp foife bangber, fb^ beere pon mee > l^e femetb a rtfbtla^t^ano trpmme ponnge man to bee. Science^ Commenb me tben to ^aHltte^miD letlilm tmberHanDef Wm 3 accept ttrftb alt mp bart tbia p^eCent at bis banoe* . flnb tbat 3 tnonlb bf! c^ab, toben be botb lite bis t pmr, SElo beare ano (ebim Met t9 face, tottbin tbiabonfe btmpne SCb^iroiape be b^abe b<0 nil no ano talbe i»ttb me \\^ f ^lU _ , -^— ^ JJ CFlltien a^ctD botb t>ee anu eijoa mp« eotpne (tocte I(ttU W^* Excnt fcicncc^Rcafon Experience. Aft i.fcna J. 3t flattertng Sitteene,l^tfl neatli? (^c can (alfie l^otD min(onlv (^e tcpp0,totD faoipe O^e can tuaike 2123011 toant^nfetbetoare t^atpebe foano anorare, ifa]?;etoo;ce0are toont oft tfmc0,fap?c toomen to allure, /^olpe muS BF get me borne anD make report of tbi0: 2Lo bno; hi tonr fpgbt appeare. Rcafbn. i^ap mxiit, obnife pour fctfe and paofe a W^iXt, £>; eUtbu baftofpoori^loiU Fon begatle* Science. j^o bad bat good* tabe tpme and learne to fpsbte, iLearne to aSeuCt, Uarne tobetenbe a rpgf!)t: l^oor matcbe iB monttroai? to bcbonlbeanb ftiU ofmfgbff QSHbom pov mnS t)anqut(^, aoc bp fo;ce bat bp npgbt.- VVittc. l^abame (tanoe to poar pjompfe t( 3 to^nne 3 am fpeo^ 0m3not^ '^ Science. SPeatroIpe. \^iii; In(lru(^ion,Studic,Di]igcncc tbeft ffjjde, 0t i^onr commaanoement tn tbfs attempt fl^albe , ^zit i\itm ixK IteDe of t^s^ anD as tbe^ (^atl o^upfe, ^0 1)aroeI? caS^nr caroes in tbt5 enterp^pfe 31 tout (eno t^icm to poa> ano Uaue poa fo; nolo. VVittc. SCbe mo^e company ttie mcrf c r, bop to^at faia tbon^ Will. B(t iz a goob fanlte to baue mo;e t^en enoto^, B care not To as toe msp pul tbe fenanes ootonc^ 3C tpoulD toe tuerc at % 1 paae not boto fone. • VVittc. Jf Will. ilct ber be tDbat tHe IIQ, U)^ a defigannce fo? me: BituilUiepemeontor berreaebifBlcatf. Rcafon. Blf tbts marfage goe fo^toaro/tbott tmttt JteiKt m(KT. cartage o: martage not,t» d^tw me fftan, j;j i-, u- 3baaebutoncmafttfr,aii0 3ltolUferarnomoe, / Sno rf be anger me ,s to« fo;fabe b(m to. Rcafon . ^be l^al not bnrt tbe bmcCfe ber canfe be (flifer. ■ i;--*^:;-ji-) •j.^a'-' VViU. J5s ffje farft of mp boD^ ar,3 inttm not eo tratf Jer. Kcafoiu Will, SCaite me ^\a footnan t^ f alftes (o roanoip , SCfjat be fo t]ipre>tbaf teafon fo fooiiDlp: Sluit lobe Co narrotD, tdat (peabe fo QipU: SC^eir tDo^0 are not fo tntft, bat t(ie(r o^es are ai (It . Rcafoiu 3|t to but t|ip fanfp.B fa^ no f ac( ^in% in (er. VViU* I l^erliappeB pon Ijao nener occa0fon to tri? (ec. Reafbn* SCIiat ioere great mar oaplefnromani^l^earetf* VViIh fSf\t \9^ toonne tbe matter? of pon it appearef . VVittc. tSRell qnfet poor felfe t^n fl^al^ tals$ no to^onge^ ^ett)(nbe onretb^d^ companions tarpterp longi. A€t ^ fcna j. Inftniaion, StudiCjDUigcncc, Rcafon,VVittc,VViII. Inftru^iion, ^ii toe are come to bnoui poor pleafare* Reafon. S^on are come (n gooD tpme,Tnftruftion onrtreafaret %\^iA ^entUman crauetb pout acqaaf ntannce < apoe. Wbat pon map do fo2 bim let \iin not be oenapoe. VA^ittc, Welcome gooo feUotoes >tppU pe blneU foctfr me. Diligence. 3f all partes be pteafeD> content are toe. VVitte. Wellcome Inftru£^iontt^tl)almp Ijart* tia!lliat t|);e^ netoe fernanntM^n faretoett mp part. Iiiftniftion. 3 ^artelp tbanbe poa, ano lobe fobat 31 can boe> 3it C^albe altoap?^ reope to pleafnre pou. X fJH z^ VJJW Hiy^ ■ Rca(bn« Conffber •itt taltse togetfier \BiX% i^tti, 0no toa (^all fpnD f n poor f raaavie great (<. SHabe thereof ms before H taHf mp leaae, SC()($ glaffe or<^t)?ii(al cUarc tobUI) i poa geaat Accept (t anD referae ft fo) mi? fabe tnoa Ture, Ij^nct) good to pon In time ft map p^carr. ^cOdlopoac fclfctbsrta, and t)(eto ano pipe* ^acbe foijat ttftatB it luf t otfcouec ano D(rcrpe» £nD fo U)ptb i6(gementrvpe> ann cntloiiretpfy isr«t)at U a mpflie tn^eoo^to fapplpf9 ifareUitll. VVitte. ifarefDcU fo pon> rfgtjt^nearable fpr 0nD commetto me to xxi^ lone mp iMurtes Defp^ff net (ler t|)infcc on me tDben l^e fees me net ano topAe me toet Will. ITaretoel mapSct tlcafon>tl)tncbe tpon tSytol^en pon (or t0 not 3n0 (n anp topfe >ict not C^SpU be fo;got VVittc. ^tnce? mnf^taheaDu^re anocoanfellorponttiM^ 3 mod entreat poa 8!l>to b\oc(I in bonfe toptb me» dnb (ohe to^c o;Oer roa Ojall p;ercrtbe as naoefulU SCO hepe t(e fame poa t^aU fpno me as (looefoU; Come> InflraAioiU Come> VVilU. Coe* AA4.«rcDai. Witte, Will, Iiiftruftion,Stiidic, Diligence; Will. fiCnO^e tnlbe Bndratfton, pour talbe i0 of no (o)ce» i^ou tell t>0 a tale of a roltetrbo;(e; HClbrcb bp bpstDoanoe0 ereept toefef foff^ 0a fad aa tDeitialf«,tbf i^feltdttieitiipll tmoo tft STbcf r talbe it notbtng but foft ano fap^e ano tarp, 3?^ on ftAus> tWt tonnreU poa q^U neaer matf . an- Infttuction. jS:o foUotiie oar connfaple ronrc cisrge and p^om)^ teM » VVitte Bl tDovlD 1 6iO nener linotDen ^n bp t^e maOie. I|)afte ) loob< fo longe ano Ipeno m; If fe mptt) toi^Ie ^apefocryj lutU ctttcr U)piiiiett,e;tabetbero]^le. Studye. SCbf (arec i$ ronr groonDe, t^e better ? on (^ all beare it VViIh C^ronno b« no gronno^let t)(m totnne it and toearc Vt* Intlni^hoD* Cfooo a^ht raIeoanDleane(tiipeni(lftelfe» VVittc. 3 liao foen 80 leafe i?e bao me lianoo mp ilelfr» i^ane bim: no no 3 fnonio i;on all kneloe > l^onbebnt loptrtera tebim^mpVBIUtelleo mefrne* 3 conio be cotent Ui(tb a fnetoii^ea a montb o) ttoalnOi )5nt ^o> 4..peareo,niarp tbat Inere a papne» ^ lonffe to kope nie,ano Icclifco a ^ge. Will. life tnftfKUI mp bart Bilnonto not tD|?t(ie a Dogge. VVittc W^llatDeltefeme* Studie* i^tO* VVittc 0monfbc< Studir* IBteptber. ^ Wittc* Scadie. Inftru^on. ^0 noi fo mant i^^^ ^ . VVitte. S^fR«f»ellattfo;ao3lbope(o(b»fae« jUi^np^oncl^ni oiBiaeape >tf ibeaUoe, anbtrpebeminfattOgooDfeHotDesalltftjA, Coo tbPtbir>ontortanoanD take ponr cbannrel0|tpmco< Inftruftion, iFo2 mr part 31 bnoto 3 can 00 ron no gooo; ^ Will. I^on are a p:oper man of ^onr banoes b? f He KffiDr, ^tt toelfarc i)pm tbat nener litsmaifter fo^iabctb, VVittc. tauijatfapfft^ottStudic. Studict 9^licaoaketfr* VVittc. £)nt tpon tbe cotoarD: fpeahe Diligence; 0gapn(t Indmaions msn0;3 am lobe to go ^mttl ^ti 31 tof 11 matte one* rati^ec t^en son ibonio Iac!se» VVittc. |aer|)appe0 toe map f ^no t j)em at ttU t(me fn beOOrJ Will. ^0 mnc^ tbe tatlier lobe pon fo be fpeo, Carr fo; no mo?e,bat once to come \aW^in ber* jSnD toben ?oa baue Done: tben let anotber tofn ber. VVjttc* SDo come foftb^n ber cbtlD>bat means ^bon bp tbaf . Will. ^ne malTe fo; a penpe, pon bneto fobaf (0 iobat. VVittc. ^arb pon ener (acb a connreU of fncb a 3lac&e fp^of. Will, fzabp tic bo pe eb(nbe to boe anp goob, 3f pe aanoe in a corner l^e Hoben }itsin, ^ap pon maa aonte (t,anD face it out ioltb fdt httt. ^et on a goo countenauce^mabe tbe mo il of tbe leK* ®3bo foeucr fWppe fn,lotje to pour part, )anb tobple pou Uae betoare of a falfe bact* VVittc. S^otb blame anb (bame.raOie bolbnes botb bieebe* Will. I^on muff aonenfure botb,fpar0tofpeake,fpareto fpeeoe, / ®abat tcU pou me of Qjame ,tt (0 tl[)ame to tleale a bojfe. VVittc. ^n baa tjien gooo fpeeoe ^xm)xzs manp faro tje toojfe; mi}^, y^ eF THE UNIVERSITY OF oflVttte ana Science^ Will 15ttt \it fbat itk^zi not fucfi time to^fle lie ma?e; ^|)al leape at a tDi)ptf ng lo^en ((me fs a tuai^e* VVittc. }Bnt \it iW leaped before t)e lohe, good fonnc, spa^e leape in t^e m^^e^ano mpffe tDt)en Hie liat^ Done* Science. (»e tWnbe 3 l^eare tbc Uopce of 22UiU, Wittcs bope; VVittc. 3 fa ^er come,^er fojoto and m? Blope, £Pp falae* ano pet mp fo;e> mp comfort, anD mp ears, SCbe caufer of mp toonnD, and pet t^e \oi\ of mp Welfare: £) bapppe l»(gbt9 tbat bane tbe fapnte of pone reqaelt, ^boplesbopetbatboloetbmefeoi^tDbtcb Ube0me beff, SCtDfrte bope ano f eare3 Itanbesto marre o; etf to make> 2!:biit dap to be reltned quft,o; el0 mp deatb tDoitO to take. Rcafon* l^ere let t)0 red a tobpte and panfe ad tb^a^; Experience, {Dangbter fit dolnne^beUbe tbi0 fame f b^* VYiU. ' 35e of good ebere ftr be rnled bp me Momen are bett pleated , tpU tbep be bfed bomelp, Ho&e bcc f n tbe fare and tell pour tale ttontelp. VVittc. £)pearle of pa(ting p^pfe ,fent dotone from god on bpe, SCbe f tDctett beaatp to enttfe tbat batb bene fene toitb epe: Se tnel of tnealtb to aU>tbat no man dolb annope: SDbe bape of fttngedomed t tbe ftealeof ^ucrlaOtng (ope* STvbetce'afure andtbelloje, tobom a! good tbings began, SCbenurfeofHadp topfedottwlozctbc \in(^z of ma t ma. WiW tyojdes (bal me fa«Kee,to btter mp defpjet ^bat beate of talfee (bal 31 denife, fo? to erp.xeCTe mp fpec 3 burne and pet 3 frde:fe»S flame and coole as fatt, 3n bop« to iDPn and fo? to lafe mp penff aene0 dotlb laff, ^brlbonldmpdullcd fp3pC0,apal mp courage f®. jSD falne mp foje,o? i\k nic ciuitc,bp fapf ng tea, oj n©, ^cu arc tbe marbc at tobomc, 3! Ibot to bit o.i mlSfe, ^p Ufeit aape? on pou alone.to pou mp fnte (t t0, iamate L T^e Manage flmfffenof muc^tnmefe topt& poa fomegdcfcfofpnUf, 2Dame j^atures fonae/tn^ name is mttu i fancier^ ^oobp hintf, 0no bere 3 come tt}<0 Da^,to toapte anD to attenDe Jn l^o^c (0 tjaue m^ bopco p^ap, o; elles mp life to enOg* Science. U)bo ObniD tbto bargatne rne. VVittc. S 'u)(U be ftDo;ne bere folemnip befo;e pou botb* Experience. C2I!bo b;eahetb p^omf fe ,tDtl net ft tcbe ItUetopfe (0 buahe VVittc b^fcotl^e* 3U)pU be boanb in all tl^at euer S cm mabe. t CrFc# 7 1' ■■ • ■■•--- : * Experience. .? QapU ne^ttier p^omrts feraemo; ntht van htimiti. Will. 9^0 maittiv (9 a gentdman. 3 tell I'on anb lif s foojD, 3 iDoiilo tdii bmtte (t t^all tuUi) 1)U oeeoe0 acco;o« ^ : Reafon. We bnotu not tn^om to tra(l»tte loo;l9 f fo i\U Will. 3tn teoe (it u von fap pon ma? metiD tcleir pe topUf 35ot in gooo earnel^^aDam,rpealte of o) on, f^W toe fpeeoe at Fonc tranD,o;t dyaU toe begone, 3 loae not ti^froelftpef » (of fo (f uie fljaUliKie Foa> if notJav no^ano let anotlier craite ton* VVittr. j^ft anO Utm fir (fort* ?oa taOte poa foot not tolatf / Will. Can 7on alipoe to be o^tnen of toptb tbta anb tbat« Cflnfbrgff^f anr no^ tijen goob aSnraonce at Hont (aitdf . > Experience. •; ' SIU la note to If ttle fonne, as tbe matter(tanbc0> Will. 3f al be to Utie botb goooea anb lanbea * 9 linolo not tobat totll pUate ton,tr(ept {Darbfea banbei 3 bane an enem?,mi? firenb mttte a mortal to to me, ^no tbei1oltbaU4bo greateS pUgne Hat can befall to tie. Witte. «tttt3lfl?gtttD?t|ibtai, Reafotl. Can von fpgbt it naoe be. WilU Sf anp tntb tbing fau, coqnt 4(tciiBrge to me> SCcooble not tonr felfe. Wittc» ^Ottlb tilt peace elf e. Science. l&eteoBt mptaU,3 bane amo^taU (be; ]3D«tt • *'»" %\i\\ Itirfectb f n tlje tcococ^ tjf arbp a? rca ccmc n«^ jroe, 5i:t)i5 monttroas C(ant, bcarcs a groDge tc mc anD mf nc, iino topU attempt to bcpe tOf e bacftc , from \W nz\izi of rtj(ne# £i:t)c banc of voati) tt)e rote of rufne ano DeQrc^: ^euouringt()Cfe^atrae to mctiisnamcUH^cDfoofnea. ^0 foncr tie efppe 0, ttic noble CClltte bcgfmtc; s:o (Ip; an? papne ft felfe tbe lone of me to tcfnne* But fo?tl) t)c Ueppefi and toltb ftrong banos bp mfgtif anb mafne.- l> be ates ano bnffettes Dotoneabe fo;ce ano \\\xt\\.xii^ of b^afne. XiLtat bone tn bdepe bffpap;e. t)e b;iolDnt0 bim tstUanonflp, ^en tbonfanb f ntcrs in a pcre^ are rad aloap t^^erb^^. jj^otJD ff ^oar mfno bitarcl^e ftrcD foe, ^bat fo; no tople no;^ coff , m^ (one ron tdfll fo^goe. Betbinhe fOQ tDcU> anb of tbf0 moniler tahe gooD tja^bc, SZbcn map pon baiu imtb mcr,tu gresfrr t)ope to fpeeot- !H)£ rein \}re goob abuffe, to make pou (frong and ffont, SHo fenb ar.D bepe ttm of a Ishrle, tntUl ^f rage be out. ^^en tDben ^otr feetc ^our f£lfe>tfietlable to p;ena^Ic: t3pD ^ou tbe battelU anb ttiat fo rozagtoa ftp atfaplt* 3f pou can ixipn fl)e f(elo»p;e(f nt tm tDptb ^f0 ^ab, 31 af!te ttb mtiie andi fb^ttiUrtttm^ali be pone otrne tabcb^. VVittc. %\ mf gt)t % t^;f u(,«nb \iC^ ft^ac (fbea me beff , Bf % be not a fconrge to tifm.tbat b;ebeB pour tjnreflf. ^abim allare pour felfe. be (fiie0 not tn tbe Ian). %XX tb ts^om 31 iBoiilo not ttt ponr canre>emonntcr battb to|)inl. ^no 30 foi TedKHifncs t^tD;etcl).p0ac common foe« Let ma^ aloneitoe ttoapife Q^i cope before I fleape 3 tro^ Will. ilut!elp fpohen, let me data ttiee bp t^e badu: ^olDefflfpoa noto ftr, litre are tfi^eeagflpnSttDapnt^ Studyc. Co tbat go lit!, 3 tofll ^ borne remapne* ^tiauemo^endbe-foraheanajipstlimpbcbde* ^ Will, )Do foe anb Ijere pon coucbe a cobo;0 ^eao* Inf^ruftion# tKUdI ffnr f ft topi none ctbertopfe frame. |Let't}ij tiuapne^tuoteyt retsum fcomtufiens toe came. Studicy 03r«O. ' Exit. yvittc. ^nD let t)0 tMikhtH^z^ tmt felttea Hfte tntti* mntthclp tbfng^f are biouQ^t to paffe, bp courage noio^ ann t^en. $Pp topil be altoapes pitett^ano reaop at an pncbe. SCO (aae tbp (elfe to faaon) me, to beipe at eaerp pf ncbe. l^otb tboa^ne on eptber (^oe. affaoire bint (f pe can» 0nb pon tba( fee me f n tbe mtODca, botoe 3 toll plap tfje mati^ SCbpa <« tbe oeablp oennc, as tatx^ as 3 pciteauef ;; •; iau :i s? ; Slpp;ocbe toe neere ano balfantlp let bs tbe bnfet gene. Ccme fojtb tbon monSer f ell,i^ botb tbeebattail^ bib. Aft4.fcnai. Tcdioufhes,V Vittc, VViIl,DiIigencc, > ♦ i '. ; ; . ,, r Tcdioufnc$i „• : i. ; ' :^; „ ;: mat p;pncor bane tDcbem>tbat bared me e«effiQ4f« - SiUm pmte bop,anb tuineft tbou, agaf nft me tovKoatle. Soli (mat tDas be tbp ftenb^tubocuer fent tbe.bptber, ^o; Bl molt b^tne tbe bacbe tottb Qjame, o) Oap t\)tt altogetl^er, VVittc :..'...• C5reatboafmaUroft,3ltoarrftn (t. VVittc. ^HHell (^fftcb V VilUnoiD bane at tbeellr bnane. Tcdioufncs. ; . SCbf fe fttfcole^ fijal not fcroc ponr tournc fc; al ponr bannf « fo i^ob bob>btO 5 not ttll tbce tbon camtt to tt^p papne- (bjaue Diligence, , ;• 3^1 lpe,btlpe,belpe^ o»>r inai^cc l0 fldlne» VVilU l^elpej^elpe^belpc tf * Tcd'Oufncs. . , y^t tSSberc are tbcfe ii^evc blouo^,tl)-.f mafcc tbcfr m8fcbefeit?)mee> ^tte \m « partojnc f o? f^f ^n all,to loU« at »«d to i«. ^ ^ r %Q f eac^ t\itx[\ to confpf re aga^ntt m? fo^te wMv^d^t SCo p^omtre fo^ tt)ef r teomanfi loue^ to banqtti^e me in ti^ff iliotDe let tt)em goe ano crahe, l)otDe totfelpctliep ^aue fpeo, f^cct) (0 tb^ eno of ttiofe, t^ar Tebe tbts cnrloue sbame to loeo* ^Ol^t^Ol^l^ofl* Aa^^fena^. Will. Recreation^ VVittc. Will. iBnbanOc|)ato|)fni« ifo; gobOe0 lonebattyfeie loe iDberebeoott) lpe» Recreation* ^e tj not colo, Bl toarrant (f m,f ; Singe, i! <£5(ae a feggejene a^ atme,att^Ce. aitfe* ^ould t>p tb V beaD, Itft t)s tbi? eptfy laieggetoffanDDprfgbt* 2 an arme to f^gbt a mapne^ < I Cbe b^aD to i)oalD tbp b2a)i;ne0 in ^M^U t Cbe epe0 tblbbe«gsVtt^ j3 teahe te<)^oi]>nel>poi9«rf»» l^e fpzites fo} Dull ioptb tople: Itefpnetbrne tbfd careof ponrft SI no from oeao fleape recople* SCbinbe not tpon polnrlbtbrontt toifte « 25at acffe-ano DaancelDttl) b0 a plncke* Both fing giuc a Icgge, as is before. X WiW t!)ougbc t|on baC^ not b ' ' Singfetohe. atfnottb?fcfi^rero?ft, - airtnot(^prrenuedlamcn(» iLetnott!jriLaDkflrufurtt(J(ci5, j Jn fo'obcs ant) flgbes be fpcnt, [ SCbpfa^tljUpUgbtfojgetttnof, %\o\):t bee ano tl;e to bnf t tbe bnof . Sjnge. o/jrimanera^cmct^ %W ^^ no 00801? toottnO09 BEt mag be cnrcDtDell. ht liere ttrijat ]^t)f (l(be loe |aue f 0ntto» SCtipfo^otDestoeirpell. C V Vittc lyfting himfclfc vp,fitting on tijc grouiKfc SCtie toa? in plaint ,U)e marcbe I0 fai^^e^ ilooge not t^? felfe in oeepe Defpaire. VVilK faa^af not re (0 XW iW ringetj^ inm eareit, l^ec nopfe t^at gteneti» inp mpf^ap toicti teaced, 0^ mi; mi(^apmi?oe(peri(im(l^ap» Bin tDbom (U fortune ooarett) Dolnnet aH mf l^ap at a nappe, OTiiat d^all become or me .tobere f^al Bl bi?oe mp beao:^ ^^ tDbat a Deatb is it to liae fo;^ ^im tbat looald be ocao.^ ISdvA fince it c|)ancetb (0> tobat etter Wgbt tbon be, SCt^at fpnbetb me bere, in beanp pligbt^t^oe tel ber tfiig from m^. Canfle0 38 perifbc bere ,anti canCe to rnrfe Bl baae» SCbetime tbac erli Bt IpaeDtoione,anD nolB mni(Die ber flane^ %%t matcbe toas oner mncb fo; me>lbe t n])eri((DOe> 01a0 tobp tiatb d^e tt)i0 oelite, to lap in gfltles blode* ^otD bio Bl gine ^er caufe to (betoe me tbt0 oefppgbt, STo matcbe me tober (lie toid f nil foeUBl (^outo be flaine in fijuH* Bnt go ano tell bee pla^ne, altbougb to late fo; me, ^ccucfeo be i^z time ano botoer, tobicb tirtt Bl oio ber fte* 0ccnrreD be tbe topgbt > tbat toiloe me firft tbereto> 0nD cnrfeo be tbep all at once,tbat bao tberivitb to Doe. i^otoe get tbe bence in bait, anb fuf^er me to Die. M^om fco^nfnll c^annce 1 lalBle0 lone>l)aue flaine moli trapte* Recreation. Croufl^e iS) noble Wiittt tbe niicacte of (^ob.anb else of j^atnre: tU? car fell tbon tbp felfe, ano euerp otbcr creatnre. WmW ratifetb tbe tbine innocent oeare jtaDp to accufe/ tSQbo toonlD lament it mo;e tben f^e, to bere this toofnll netoe?* Wi%^ toplt tbon Dpe, tDberas tbon ma^d be fare of bealtbt* tl^Hberas tbon {^^ a pla^ne patl) ira^e^to too^a^ip ano to trcalt^ i^ot enerp fople Dotb mafte a fal. noj euerp fo?lc notb fi^ge, Comfort t|i^ felfe be fure tbp lucbe^ t^vH n^eno from Dap to Dai^e* Will.. %%i$ ficntil nelDe0 cf gooo ^illare come to mah$ rou founb, :— B^M. ^_ ^M— ^ Vf:feJVijmze o 2Cf)et? Unoii) foMcb tea? to falue tour Toje > ano ^oto to core poor Cmo Ctr be ruUD bp Ur tt)cn,auD pluch pour fptrffe to \»ou: (tuoufi jECberc t^ no Doubt, but ^ou f^all finD.poar lootng laDp true. VVitcc. fll)tinpllarttbeuallue,tl)atDotbmpbart feme cafe, Ebc K^tjt of tbc fiDcte bop, mp (ojotocs botb appcace: ^olg^aa t^oa (capte.totjat fo^tane tbe bcfcU.-* Will. 9lt teas no eroSiog to mp baitBcf ,mp Merles ti^ ferae me Ivel Bl H'an tuptl) open mootb? to crpe fo; bclpe amapne, dno ss fiol^fo^tone tjDOolD^H ^UtpontMetUiapne. VVitte. 31 t^nbe bott) tt^^ *nD tbetn, to^at iopll pe (anc me Do. Recreation S^o rpfe atiD Daonce a if tie Tpaee tsU^ \)b tlDO;' VVittc. Recreation. CbatDoncyrepap^eagapne to StucfieanblnflruAion, Sake better ^oalD bf tbeir aDa((c,ponr foe to fet t)poi?* VViitc. ^n anp rerompenre tecooer t^U mp falU Rccrcaciorj mv life to poar0 tt mu^ be raenoeD ali» VVittc. ^peabecnpU* VVilf. 31 f^oe no Doubt fir tt Qjal&e a0 poo tooulD lo((%e. VVittc. 2!5at pet tbis rrputfe of mpne.tbep topU lap in mv DiQ^e» RecreaCion» ^0 man (^all let tbrm hnoto tberof^^Ufte pour UUa Do it« VVittc. On tbatxonbtcfon a goba name, fall Ire to it* VV^iU. j^src QanDe loe to (t»anD let t)5 fall no mo;e- VVittr. trtll Daonf^yg fcrue, anb -5 Hll oaunccbntil mp tones bcfcje^ i^ppc b9 pp A ^riUaio mL'nltr^l to brgpnnc/ Let will call for daunccs, one after an other, Corns ^amfcU in gooo faptb atiD let me baae voa iti, jLct \)im pzadUe U\ uaanftng al ttjtngj to mabe Wmfelfe b^etljlef* Recreation. Cncna!) at an«> no\n laucanD let t)« part. VV^jttc. snt)i0 t^crcf re l)a:b oonc me gcDb^cnen to ttieberp^arf* net bs be bonio tDttl) r^a ntoje acqaaintatmce to tabe ^nDoaunce a rouno, ret once mo;e foim? fafir, C^noagc ts cncugbe, faretDcl^anD at ^ oor naoc- Clfc mv acqaamtaunce if tt ma^ ffanDe poa in SdrOe. Kigf)t tDo;tt)? S>amrclf bott)*3 bnotoe poo febe no gapneir, 3ln recompeme of tt)(sDefertpoart)nDc(eraeo papnea. ySut lobe toljat otbet tljtnge mp frrotce mape Dcoffe* %o d^etoe mv t^anbefull |)arte in anp cnterp;tife* 25e pe aa boloe tt)crtDpt^ .a« ) am bold on pon, iano tbn^ toF^l) ^^^^^ tbanbe^y 3 tab« mp (eaae &$ tiotoe» Recreation* IParefsell frino ISSitte^am) fiQcc pon are rel(ecieD> lEbpnbe not tipon poor fople, totiereat pon toere (o grteueD. 35ot tabe poor bai t to pon^ano gtue attempte once mo^e: 3 Uiarrant poa to (pecoe, mut^ better ttien before* V Vitte, V Vill, WIcncs, Ignorauncc. VVittc. UDneDannce to; tlie ano mee.mp bope come oiu VViU. I^annce poa tir if van pUaffyano 3( toil lobeDpon^ VVitte. SS^ geareboti) mabe mc f&jeate^anb b^eatb a pace. Idlcncs. f^it eafe poor felfe a tDbple> lieare iB a reStnge place«^^ VVittc. I^ome miW ano mabe m^ beObe>fo; 31 tci!I tabe a nappe. Ignoraunce, l^nre anb tt pUafc ponce maSerfl^ip liere in mp pame0 lap* Idlenes ► If^lcncs fyngcth* Come come Ir^ !)ounc anD tt)on Ddalte fee ^ ^on Ube to mce to cntertapne 9 ^f)^c bones anDt|)ceopp;teSUi?t|)pa?n^ Come come ant) eafe tlire in mi? lappe, 0no Ff it plcace tbce tahe a nappe* nappe tW (^all oeUg<)t t^ee foo* SDbat fandcs all tojpll t^ee (o;0oef Br e muf inste tt^U iol^t canit ttoa f^noe , ]Boc toantes of \d^\\ and reiHes mpnde , mpnoe t<)8t marrea and mangles all » 0nd breaoett) farrea to loo^beti^pfalley Come gentle ^itte 9 ttjee reqopre , 0nD tlion (^alt b^tt t^ cbf efe (efrte , SCbpcblefedefiretbpboopeDp^ai^e, ^ if^rtte eafe t^te f)ere ano tfjen atnai^ 9 VVitte. (Fallcdouncintoherlapp.) ^p bones are fl^ffano Bam toeaiteb foje* ^ 0nD fiUI me tbpncb 3 ^pnte ano feble moo^e anb moo^f ^abe mee agapne In tvmt fo^ 31 batte tblngea to boe 9 | dnb aa ran tof U mee fo; mpne eafe,! boe aflPrnt t^tttto , | « Idlciies, (Lul hyra.; CZHeUome toptb all mt barte: l^pr bope boalbe bere t^t^ fatff 0nb foftlp coole bla ^&te flepe (oionbtp gentleman , SUbra cbaper la cbareb loell noto Igno^aance mp fonne 9 < SCbou fees aU t^la botoe fittlpe tt iabotte , ^ ]SottDOtffetbonU)|)pe/ Jgnorauncc« ^apbnmfapemofbernot31> < oaieUSbDottetta agapett^o^cblttrtckeanbfrpmef' C^oulDe reioance mp |arte to cbannca cootes \vit^ lipm » Idlenes. {DoSetliottrememberbotomaiipBlliaaefetaeb^nttcUlsa fe}(e» Ignorauncc* 3t botbmpljattgoobfotbpncbeon tMal^o^tc Idfenes. Wi^Ut t^on fee tlipa p;oper fellotoe ferneb toe $ Igncrauncc CSioalbe gene ttoape pence to fee tt anb ebrap fence moo^e^ Idlcnct I Idlcncf. €om( Of (i)en9 let me rd^ rtiee (it tlip Doublet ano e^r liofe . Ignorauncc. I^on diiall fa a tatile feloto tnotl)er> 31 fnppofe, Id!cnc5. ^elpe of toftb tl)f 3 Heue foftlp, fo; feare of tnabfng, Wizt fljal leaae tl)e gentaman, in a putf e tabfnge. <£>fne me tt)p Cote, l)olo t^rs (n tl)p ijano: flails fellouie isoalD be marfco to^cienreSJtmDerffiO. 36nt 0; toe leaue btm toll me an otf)cr rate? ^oto let t)0 mabe bfm lobe, feme Uibat ff ale. severe lape ano tfjere bor^ttie p;oaerbe (0 tierCfieO^ 31 am nef tber lole, no; pet toel occapfco. Ignorauncc. ()9ottier mntt ) tsne t)f Cotet noU) motljer moS/ CN be a linclp laD,ttitb liep tlllpe toftp. Idlcncs* j&letpe foattb ano bdoe no carc,to occnpfettip beaD, 9i$ neare tnto tbp bobp noU),a0 If tbou baoft ben beab. ^0) ;belne0 batb tDonne,anb mbotlp tbc poirelt» ^nb btterip bfl^ableb t\iu from i^aoing tbp reqaeS* Come on toitb me mp fonne let tia goe coutcbe Bgainet 0nb let t|)to (nllp raining 9:^itte>bere ttbe a foU remapne. Aft.5rena i, VViCtc, Science, Rcafon» VVittc. ;ap anb to goe, tobp rlcape % bere fo fonnb: i^oU) r^l0 It out tbat ^ am left t)pon the nabeb gronnb. (Cfob grannt tbat all be toell^tobpleft H Ipe b;eamtng bere: I0e tblncbea all (0 not B0 tt tpa0,tio; 90 i tuoulo it tuere^ 0nb pet I toot not tobp^but fo mp fancies glnr mre SEbat fomc one tbinge 0; otber,(0 mp trper tbat greaes mee. JCbat are but fandee let tbem goe,to defence no'D topll 3, S^p fute anb baflnes ret once aga(ne,to labo; anb aplpe. Science. mw (0 become ttoto pa,of iMittt, onr fpoufc Ifjat tooulo be: Ria^n. &aug!jrer I tmt all \9 not u it ^- onib 1 ^. C.t. VVittc, i A VVitte. ^cd ^cd !)8tte \,t no Donbf,aU (0 ano O^albe loeU; Rcafon. t:ai)at one art tl)ou:'tberof botoe eanS fbon f elU VVittc. ■• ISeafon moS noble ftc,anD i^u mp !Lat)^ Deare: 1^0 to ^aae pon oone in all tiite time, nnce firll 31 fatoe ^n deref Science. fiube fcDie is mao 31 hieneyaanD bacbe anb toucl^ me not. VVittc. ^a fpeabe not ae pon tbinbe^oi banc ron me forgot. Science. B: neuet fato tbee in m? life,bntiltbtd time!! tootte, iDbou act Tome mao b}«ine>o^ fome fole> 0? fome bifgnifeb ^cot VVittc^ C5obg fill^e boDte^ ano bnotoe ?oa not mee. Science 3 bHb bene toell at eafe in btebe.to be acqaainteb to^td tf^ee,. VVittc, l^5opc baI(Da?9 mar? tbi^ is p^tet^ cbeere» 3 baue (oft mp felfe, ? can not teil tobere 0n oloe fapb fatoe it ts^anb to true H finoe* &one bottfone co(o,out of figbty out of mind. t^bat maboam> tobat meanetb tbis fooaine cbange^ tcibat meaner i\i{% (co;nefull (olte, tbi0 roontenare fo Srannge* %{ is tone fa(bion fo to bfe.tou? (oaers at tbe farH: ^^baue all toomen tbid bclite,to fcoulo anotobe curil. Rcafon. (I^03b felotB to^ence art tboa,l»bat iB tbp namef VVitte. BE tDrtne pe arc bifpofeb toma&e at me fome game* 31 am tbe fonne of laop i^atnre.mp name i0 ^itt^ Reason. S:boa 0^ fit; foe (onge enongb^ 0^ U)e bdene it* ScTCKCe. SEbou Mittermp tbott art fo»ie mabbe b;a(ne out of t^ toitr VVjttc. tanto poor felaesjtbia triaU 3! remit. jLobe an me better ,anD marba mp perfonne UieQi Offence* vj rr ii'f'C arm oiivniv^ Science* ^p lobe id U^ to one,tbat cams out of (dU Rcafon. 3[f ttiou be WSMtiti (et fo^^tot^at tohens tt)oii canS (ell. i^oto comft tbon firtt acqoatnteo ^erei'toijat fa^o tutt:' ^otooio toe Ubett)? futctobat tntertapnment maoe iDie^ VVicte. Mbattobend^ Science. Vea fobat tobcnt^^rpciiie ano let t)0 bttolDf VVittc. 5Coben5 gooo So^e 3 can reberre a rofoe* if frit as Bi UMw aoa((ieb» bp m? motber i^atu re: £)h? lacbe^ WUl>p?efenteo pou foitb m^ picture. Science. ^ap tbere:'no to loke boto tte Ce tUM faeetf agros- VVitte, E|iii8 i0 t^e ber? fame tbat ^n recepneo from mk> Science. if rem tb6^ tobr lobe,tbe? are no mo;e Ube: %\fin (balbeto cbeere,(ben blacbe to \D\jMt* Rcafon* Co put tbee out Of Doubt,ff tbon tMnbetoe fa^e nottrne^ 3t toeare sooo f o^ tf)ee>f n a sla ite tt)p face to i}f etue- VVittc. mtW rememb?eb,anD a glalte ^ bane in teeDe^ ClSlb^tb SlAflfe pou gaue me>to bfe at nceoe. Reafon. @aa tbon tbe glade.iobfcb 31 to ^itte d(d gru<^- VVittc. 31 bane it in nt? purfe^anb toill hepe it U)tile 31 tptie. Rcafon E^efe marbe« me mufcbotoe fl^onlD ^e come tljcrb^ VVittc. &ir mufe no mo;e foz it is euen HI- JLo iDbome \w gauc tbe 8latrc>anD bcreiti0» Reafon, mtt are content tboa trre t\i^ cafe bp tM?- . VVittc. Cpttjcr mr gUtre is tDonbcrfuUi? fpotteo. ID) el0 m^ (ace t0 loondetfollp btotreD. £E^t9 ts not mi? Cote, tobp tobcr ^ao 3S tbf«{ fo^De, XBp t^c Spaife 3t lobe libe a tcrp fojU In i e?De. ^ beapes of bappes ,£) rufull cbaunce to me, ^ ^Dlcneis \JDoo vuo^tt) tbc tf me.tbat 31 bias rnleD b? t|)e$» SZSHbp DID 1 la? mp bead^iuttbf n tb^ lappe to reft:* wk^ toag 3 not aoutfeo bp ber^tbat tof r(bt anD IdH me beff. £)te~n ttmcstroble blcfTcD trigbts, tobofe coupes (ngraae do Ive* JLbat are not Djiacn to beboulo, tbefe tojcicbeb carw tcbicb b SIgalnft tbe gooo aDntfetano Coonfellof tbp men* isibat ttfcreadon cto fo) tbe Jn tbrfe tbp rnf oil bappe?^ StaoboloetbeUconotpme^bonfcinntotbeUppe. ^ e.«l. Shame. j^ Shame. aibamecomctotijee. VVittc. ^Icf me bjeatta iDb^Ie.airt^olDt^|?]^eatf?i&atu; ^p gceuonfe fanUeB isUfi (^ame enoogbcBi tinDerflfanDe. SLaUe rat^e ano pfttfe^n mp plaint* ot el0 Bl am fo^lo^ne, tlet not tbe too^lo tontlmic tliad, in laagtifng mee to fco^ne* i^aoame (f 3be i)ee»to tol)om vou once Uiere benre> ^it|) tDtiom to rpenofoitt tfma, fometfme ton toere content* 3[f anp liope be left,if aqp recommence* S5e able to ceconer tbf s fo> paflCeo negligence, £> beipe mee note poje to^tcbe f n tt^fs molE beanp ptfgbty 0no farniOlie me t?et once agapne^toi^b Tcdioufnes to fpg^. Science. iFatberbegoob to tbeferonge tender peare^, &ee ^otoe ^z Dotty betoaple l)(0 follp paS tottb teareis » Keafbn* l^onlo nane tahe tbou \M Cofe t^% tbp labo;, t^e are content at ber reqaelt, to take poa to oar fano;> Come f n ant blDeU tottb t»0,ttt ttme (ball Utw 0no from 3;n(trud(on rule,Io^ tbat tbou nener rtoerne ^ptbtn toe (ball p^ouice, to ret pon tp once vmty S!Lbi0 (conrge batb taugbt pon, tobat oefanlte loaa tn pon fierefo- VViU. ^nce tn mp Hfe 3( bnte ,an ob banlfeboloer to fparec SEo eafc mp felfe of aU,mp traaade ano mp care. 31 ftoooe not ffUl (o longe tbfarr bapea ) toeene, ^nt ener mo:e rent fo^ttb on medages 31 bane bene* ^uci) truDgf ng anb fncb toplc> bp tbe maiTe toaa nener Ceene^ ^p boop 10 tDojne oat,anb fpent toCtb labo; deane. 0nQ tbfeft ts tbat mabes mc lobe fo leane. nat lettea mp gretb>anb mabes me (ecne a fqaall, ^I29bat titenaltbongbe mp ftatore be not tall, ^et 31 am (lis proper as pon;fo neate ano clenlpe* ;anD baue mp toi^ntes at commaanDement full ofactenftte, tJ^zX (l^odloa feruannt oo.iovtb all tbls f lefl^e anb bones, Cbat ma&ea tbem rnnne toltb leaoen beelea,! ftur cb^ni felf Utte ^fneme a proper rqnler ma^f) after mp pf tcbe ((tomes ;anD 1/ " ' " —-Ik !!inn marbc l^otoe be from place, to pCace fofll fqaffete* ^ if ^p;e o; f oule> ti)Uhe o^ t6(nne> m(re o; dttftp, j CIOUD0 o; rapne ^ig>'i^t o; Dacbe >cleare o; mj^ttUt i )SiDeo^cunne,tooMroe9baoDeo)0ooD> / ] SLWt great labo;e0 are nei?tt)er actf ue no^ lovfe, ELIjat fitoe tUl ttjf p flepe, anD rteape out ttieCr CBC5. ^0 beaup.fo Dul^ro Dntotoaro (n t^efr Do(nge, scbat it u a gooo Tigbt, to Cee tfjem leaue Uio^kf ng. BntaUtt)i0 U)tine,tx)t)ile B Handp^atliiglere. J ((c not mp madder ,31 (eft |)pm fno;ting |^re> A^ 5.(ena 4^ Science, VVittc,VVill, Inftruftion Studic Diligence Tedioufncs^ Science. j ^pne one ocare Mitte>tiie liope of mine aiiai(e> mv. care, mp comfo}t,mp tresTore an^ mp tritS> j 2:ake l)art of grace,oar ennempe to alTade. j liapt)ptt)efet()pnge0,lDl)p(^pout)aae OarDOtfcnit* ^0 Doinge,tnDoubt(ng(p poa can not faple. j fCo iDf nne tt)t fpelD to fcape* all ttiefe tinbappp (I^etoer09 %o glaD pour frenocg^to canfc poor foc0 to toaple. ^^ %o matcljc topt^ t)0. ano t^en t\)t gapne is poare«. Il^crc (n tW Clofef o"*^ fclf^ ^(1 fette anD C*, l^our manlp featfu, onD pour fuccelTf in fpgljt: ^tcthc Ijomc conragtourip, fo) pou anO ma, iLcar nc \i)!icr an^ !)oU)c to fenoe>anD botoe to fmite- 3n anp \DPfe,bc ruIcD bp tfjefe tf?;ce. S:i)cp l^ail Direct botlj pou, ano ©EtpU arpgtitt 5?arciucl(anDlet onrloningcounfcU bee atcucrp [)anocbpfo2cpou(n pourfpgljt, VVittc. i^^cre f n tnv ftgbt g©D 9^miam ff tf e ano tietoe %W tDbcn 31 lift, 38 map lobe bppe on poa. %iis face ma noble face,tl)i0 Uuelp bieto> ^bal barten mee.lbal n«ahe our enempc rite. jJDfaptbful mates, tbattjauetMfl care of meet Iiio'olbal3lcucrrccompence,poarpapnc0 vni'tb {TClbo?rnr» goe tben anb biDbe t^t batta^le ^pU« Will. Come outtbon monffcrfelI,ttatbaffber(retorpni» SLbe knot ano KnbeD loue, of fectence ano of CSHttte. Comi; trie tbe quarel in m feelo ,ano fpgbt \»it^ bs a fftte* Tc£liourncs,Wittc,VVilI,In(lruftion,Studic,DiIi5cncc, TcdiouCnes. Dongbtf i* Durte tbefe f aibopet toiU ooe« [ 3lu.iUcatetl)cmt'pmo;r(UtU)oanDttDO* _ f 5Ct0O i l^aD 3 tDta t))f0,9 tvoulb |)8ue lapeo on loade, 0nD bcate ttjr b^arne ano tb^tf mp cloobc togefborf li^cinie ^sbat ft toao tbat maoe tbce come agaen» SCbou (Ifthcft fome tobat better to tbp tahltng | fee^ leut tDbat> no ft^ce \t ate but jacb fp^ot Co mee. VVittc. I^ane bonloa ^eare to a mo;reI( fo;t tbee to eate> Studic, Inftrurtion. l^err U apelt to mahe poare hnmieo [jart freete» Diligence. SCbere t0 a bio toe able to f ( it a bogge» VVittc. Uno bere it a fopne belipnbe fo; a maobe bogge. 1 ct will trippc you downc. ^oolOe (ouloe tiooloe tbe lubber (0 DoU)ne> Tcdiournes* Will. j^r^lte iXW lieb tD|)rIe 3 boaoe 6pm bi> ttie crotone* VVittc. SLboa monff rous tD;tetrb) tbou ttTo;taIl foe to me anb m me» tSSMCi eiKrmoite at mp gooD (ncbe anb fortune of belt rcppniy SLabe bere tbp tuftebefertann papment fo^ tbp !)fre. SCbp beo tdtB bap Qiall mre prefer bnto mp bartcs ocrpK* Inflruciioii. tf) noble Mtte^t()e p^apfe; t^e game I0 ti)(ne) v Studie. ^oue tp W l)cat> bpoti vont fpcar«,rfee liere ft fo? full Wgne* Diligence. £)t}aUant!^fild^U.^conqac(!funofp;8ref* VVjII. jD bled of goo to (ee thefe t)appf e ^apeis. VVittc. |$Jou roa,mr f^ltftfull a)qafer0Dcrcrue« no lefTe, ^bofe trtco Uttti, locU bnotoen to mee in mv otdrc^. ^no certain bope of fonc tUt fa^tb, ant» faftc gooD ^ai, ^ ^aoe mc atrempt Ctfa famottre fatt ttioVt ntttfoU to fulfHN Slo roti S ^ea{o great tt)ancb0,to tne rcootcnos tbc gatne. ^O'D borne a pace, anD rtnge ft out. tt)at2CeOloufn^d isila^nt. ^at? all at once .SCecfontnes iB Uafnc Aft.5 fena, 5. ScicncCjVVittc. Science. ^fjeare anDf& tlietorfallnett'eg, tofterfnKfafjcbeUgfif, SZ:t)at ^cDtcu(ncsouriiiO2tal(foc.f0Ouerc)inetn ti^\)U 3 fee tbe Ugne of bf cto^pc, tbe H gne of manlineo: IT |)ehe3pe of bappptjappes; the anb 3 U>ill leao poa ln« VVitte. ff)'^ payne (s pale.uip gtaones to beglnne^ ^F tafbe is Done>mv liact la fet at x(H, opFifte and Science. g^fcr fabOafD,m?IL85pMloaepo(rcnP. 3 ttjancbc mp frcnb0,Uiijofc bcipe 3 baue af neetr^ 0no t^utf poa fectjolDc MHttt anD fedcncc arc air*d' ©SeetUjaJntftEmefo^tMncfouU, in boDrrsti»atnci5iu(f titecl Hctopfea PWcroaaUtottbmw,mB fr€i>owaiiofarcE«Uj«u FI3^IS. LOAN DEPT. the date to which immediate recall. LD 21A-50W-3 -e-^ (C7097el0)476B General Library . University of CaUfor^