z 64-61 A1U5 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS THE BIBLIOGRAPHY OF INTERNATIONAL LAW AND CONTINENTAL LAW BY EDWIN M. BORCHARD LAW LIBRARIAN WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1913 For nl« bj th* Bap«rlfi ten dent of Docurncnt* Oovcmmcut frlntltit; UfflLv Price l/5c THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES H.WGcLtii:: LIBRARY OF CONGRESS THE BIBLIOGRAPHY OF INTERNATIONAL LAW AND CONTINENTAL LAW BY EDWIN M. BORCHARD LAW LIBRARIAN \V/VSHIN(;T0N f;0\ I RNMKNT PRINTTN't; OKKU K \9\.\ • . ! . ' " " • • : • » > • • S'^/U'i'Hi:.!-.:^: -'i-' A Ki-:i-i L. C. card, 12 — 35015. • * * .! •*! • • • • • • • • • • .1 • • * • I • I • • • • •• ♦ , • • • • • \ .^ 2- PREFATORY NOTE This little volume is intended to furnish a guide to the bibliographic material on international law and continental law. The growing interest in these branches of law has made it seem desirable to present the bibliographies on the subject in such form that librarians and investigators may be aided in locating relevant literature. Bibliographies of Roman law, prior to Justinian's codification, have been omitted. This early literature of the Roman law is fully discussed in his- rj tories of the sources and literature of Roman law, such as ,^ those bv Kipp, Conrat, Kriiger, and K. C. Clark, and in works on Pandcktenrcchl like those by \'angerow and Windscheid. The literature of the civil law after the fall of the Western Roman Kmpire in 476 is noted in the bibliographies of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, which were the first of any importance. In discussing the bibliographies of modern continental law the general legal bibliographies dealing with the Continent as a whole have been first mentioned, followed then by national bibliographies of the autonomous countries of Europe. The method of treatment has beeti to discuss critically the l)ibliographic material available, taking up first V>ibliographies in the form of independent books; secondl\-, treatises in which hibliograjjliy is a prominent feature; thirdly, l)ibliogra|)hic information to be found in periodicals; fourthly, catalogues of law libraries, jurists, or publishers, having bibli- ographic value; and, lastly, l)ibliographies on special subjects. In llif matter of capitalization in tin- titles of books the A. L. A. catalogue rules have been followed. 3 m^-jo 4 PREFATORY NOTE This occasion is taken to express the author's thanks and appreciation to Mr, Charles Martel, Chief of the Catalogue Division of the Library of Congress, for his kindness in reading the manuscript and for his valuable suggestions, and to Miss R. L. T.ove for the preparation of the index. Edwin M. Borchard Law Librarian Herbert Putnam Librarian of Congress Washington, D. C, Febriuiry, 1913 CONTENTS Page. Prefatory note 3 Contents 5 Introduction 7 International law n Peace 23 Continental law: General 27 Commercial law 41 Publ ic law 42 Constitutional law 42 Colonial law 43 Administrative law 43 Criminal law 44 Canon law 46 Austria-Hungary 48 Bohemia and Croatia 49 Hungary 49 Helgiuni 50 Denmark, Norway, and Sweden 52 Iceland 52 Finlaufl 52 IVancf 55 Germany 62 Greece 72 Italy 73- Nctherlands 76 Portugal 79 Russia . , 80 Polanf! .81 Spain 81 Switzerland 83 Turkey . . .85 Index 87 INTRODUCTION The interest awakened in this country within the last few years in the study of international law, comparative law, and jurisprudence indicates that our law is in a new period of tk'velopment. The calling of the First Hague Conference in 1899 inaugu- rated a new period in the development of international law. At that conference, as also at the Hague Conference of 1907, and at the London Naval Conference of 1908, definite rules were established to regulate many of the more perplexing situa- tions and legal relations created by modern international intercourse, both in time of peace and of war. Besides these important events, the numerous conferences on private inter- national law, both in Europe and on the American Continent; the man)' congresses on special branches of the law, such as on maritime law, bills of exchange, copyright and patents; and the adoj)tion of methods to remove causes of international conflict and peaceably to settle dilTerences — with the conse- quent growth in the peace movement — have all helped to create a new interest in the study of international law, both as a body of legal rules and as a science. The efforts of na- tions and the labors of organizations like the Carnegie Kndow- ment for International Peace, the Institute of International Law, the International Law Association, and the American Society of International Law, together with the proposed Academy of International Law at The Hague, can only stimu- late a more intensive study of international law. 7 8 INTRODUCTION III tlif field of continental law evidence is to be found on all sides of a renewed interest in its history and modern development. It is hardly necessary to point out that the constant increase of intercourse of individuals and corpora- tions with foreign countries has brought the rules of positive law in those countries within the scope of the practising lawyer. Publications such as the 26-volume work "The Commercial Laws of the World," Kohler and Mintz's "Patent Lrawsof the World," and the Guides to foreign law published by the Library of Congress are created in response to the need for a practical knowledge of foreign law, first felt in the field of commerce. Again, in social science recent years indicate a fruitful emancipation from our insularity. Never before has there been manifest such a live interest in the legislative methods adopted by foreign countries to solve the social, indus- trial, and economic problems of the day. The investi- gations of the ^Monetary Commission; the study of foreign labor legislation conducted by the United States Bureau of Labor, and the American Association for Labor Legislation, and the practical use made of this research both in our national and state legislatures; the recent recommendation of the President for the adoption of a system of cooperative credit facilities, analogous to that of Germany, for those engaged in agriculture; the work of the comparative law bureau of the American Bar Association; the organization of the Institute of Criminal Law and Criminology, and the translations of leading European works on penology and criminology into the English language — all these are distinct phenomena, a few among many, indicating the extent to which foreign law and experience are becoming the subject of study. INTRODUCTION 9 Finally, our legal education is making strides hitherto unknown. Beginning with the pioneer work of a few jurists, the realization of our educational deficiencies in law has spread through the entire profession. Until recent years our law has been treated as an isolated body of rules, often re- moved from the experience of the past and again often im- pressed with archaic interpretations which ignored modern needs and the experience of other countries. The Association of American Law Schools has contributed greatly to bridge the gap between the past and the present by publishing the "Select essays in Anglo-American legal history" and now "The continental legal history series." For the first time the Anglo-American lawyer is enabled to examine the whole tree of legal knowledge — its roots in Roman and Germanic law, its growth before independent branches (like the Anglo-Saxon) left the main trunk, and the relation of the various branches to one another. The study of our present problems of super- fluous technicalities in procedure, and of the application of mechani cal ru les and outworn conceptions to changing social conditions, will, in the light of a past history in which ( he- same phenomena have occurred, oflFer experience and give promise for their satisfactory solution in tlic- future. The recognition of the aim and utility of law as a vital instrument fashioned to meet social ends and as a regulative agencv in the adjustment of individual interests finds us again turning to continental iCurope, where the liistory of legal thought through the vicissitudes of its various schools — the natural, the historical, the philosophical (in its various branches), and, finally, the sociological — helps us in arriving at a sound phi- losophy of law. Here again the last year or two has given us Pound's valuable contribution The scope and purfyosc of socio- loijical jurisprudence and the early volumes in the "Modern lo INTRODUCTION legal philosophy series," whose object is to place within the horizon of the American student and lawyer the history and development of juristic thought and the relation between law and social, economic, and industrial needs. This brief survey of recent events will show the wide range within which foreign legal institutions and conditions interest the American lawyer, legislator, and scholar. To place the literature of this vast field both in its history and in its modern development more systematically before the investi- gator, this guide to the first necessary step in scientific stud)-, the mastery of bibliography, has been prepared. THE BIBLIOGRAPHY OF INTERNATIONAL LAW AND CONTINENTAL LAW INTERNATIONAL LAW Biblioj^raphics of intcrnatioiuil law are not many in number. Hibliographic information on the subject is to be obtained largely in certain sections of the important treatises on inter- national law and in the periodical literature. A few biblio- graphic works were published in the eighteenth century; the majority of them are of little value and will be referred to but briefly. These works arc: The general bibliography of Groeninq,^ ]>nbli. A new bil>liography of international law, listing the works that appear in French, has been announced. It is to ' Oinplcda, D. H. L. F. Litteratur des gcsammtcn sowohl natiirlichen als positivcn volkcrrechts. Regensburg, J. L. Montag . . . 1785. 672 p. - Kamptz, C. A. von. Neue literatur des volkerrechts seit dem jahre 1784; als erganzung und fortsetzung des werks des gesandten von Ompteda . . . Berlin, Duncker & Humblot, 1817. 384 p. 3 Rivier, Alphonse. Note sur la litterature du droit des gens avant la - y publication du Jus belli ac pacis de Grotius (1625). Bruxelles, 1885. 75 p. * Gemma, S. Introduzionc alio studio del diritto pubblico interna- >' zionale considerato nel suo svolgimento scientifico. Fasc. i: La litteratura del diritto pubblico intemazionale nel suo periodo fram- mentario e nella sua prima sistemazione. Bologna, N. 2^nichelli, 1000. 48 p. INTERNATIONAL LAW 1 3 be issued quarterly, and will give contents notes of the prin- cipal publications.* A critical bibliography of the Argentine contributions to the literature of private international law is contained in Monsegur's' treatise on the private international law of the Argentine Republic. Select bibliographies of international law are to be found in a number of general treatises. Among the more important of those which appeared during the first half of the nine- teenth century is Professor Schmelzing's '' Sysiematischer Grundriss des praktischen europdischen Volker-Rechtes, volume one of which (pp. 58-65) deals with the bibliography of the science of international law, and volume two (pp. 277- 290) with the bibliographic sources of international treaties. One of the many editions of Vattel's celebrated work on international law was published in 1 839 by d'Hanierive * ; this edition contains a bibliographic compendium of inter- national law. Mini.fs's ^ work on European diplomacy contains in its supplement a bibliography of diplomacy. The Manuel diplcntiaiique of Karl von Martens, " published in 1822, included a select bibliography (pp. 577-620). The ' Bibliographic trimestrielle de droit international. Legislation cora- paree — diplomatic — colonisation, etc. Paris, 1912 ct seq. ' Monsegur, Sylla J. El derecho intcmacional privado en la Rcpiiblica Argentina. Apuntaciones bibliograficos. Riienos Aires, Bicdma, 1898. 136 p. ' Schmelzing, J. Systcmaiischcr grundriss^ des praktischen eiiro- paischen volker-rechtes. Rudolstadt, 1818-1819. 2 vol. • X'attel. Lc droit dts gens ... de Vattel. Nouv. Edition . . . avcc un comjiendium liibliographique du droit de la nature et des gens et du droit public modeme, par le comtc d'Hauterive. Paris, Rey &Gravier, 1839. 2 vol. • Miruss, A. Das europiiischc gcsaiidschaftsrechl, lubst cineni anhangc von dcm gcsandschaftsrechte des deiitschen bundes, eincr biiclier- kunde des gesandschaftsrechts und erlatitemden beilagen. I^'ipzig, Kngelmann, 1847. • .Martens, Karl von. Manuel diplomatique; ou, Precis Jes droits et des fonctions des agents diploniatiques . . . Paris, Treuttel & WCulz, 1822. 622 p. 14 BII3UOGRAPHY saino author's classic Guide diplomatique ' also contains a select l)ibliography of international law and diplomatic his- tory, subdivided according to class of material and by coiuitrv. It includes also a catalogue of maps. (r. F. de Martens's Precis, edition b\- Charles \'crge,- which appeared in 1858, contains in its introduction a bibliography of inter- national law (pp. 69-76), and at the end of volume two a bibliociraphie raisonnee classified by subject matter and ar- ranged alphabetically within the subject. The works of the second half of the nineteenth century useful for bibliographic purposes are more numerous. One of the most valuable is Mohl's Geschichte und Literatur der Slaatswissenschajien,^ published in 1855, of which volume one (pp. 335-470) discusses critically the international law litera- ture of the first half of the nineteenth century. Kluber's ^ treatise. must also be reckoned among the more important for the present purposes. The 1861 edition of his Droit des gens tKodeme de I' Europe contained in its supplement (pp. 419-468) a select bibliography of the subject; in the 1874 edition by .Ott, the bibliography covers pages 471-527. * Martens, Karl von. , . . Guide diplomatique; ou Traite des droits, des iramunites et des devoirs des niinistres publics, des agens diplomatiques et consulaires, dans toute 1 'etendue de leurs fonctions; precede de considerations generales sur 1 etude de la diplomatic; suivi d'un Traite du style des compositions diplomatiques, d'une Bibliographie diplomatique choisie, et d'un Catalogue systematique de cartes de geographic ancienne et modeme, redige par M. Cli. Picquet. Paris, J. P. Aillaud, 1837. 2 vol. in 3. -Martens, G. F. dc. Precis du droit des gens modeme de I'Europe. Nouv. edit, par Ch. Verge . . . suivie dune Bibliographie raisfjnnee du droit des gens. Paris, Guillaumin, 1858. 2 vol. ^ Mohl, Robert von. Geschichte und literatur der staatswissenschaften. Erlangen, Enke, 1855-58. 3 vol. * Kliiber, J. L. Droit des gens modeme de I'Europe. Avec un supple- ment cuntenant une bibliotheque choisie du droit des gens, par J. L. Kliiber. Rcvu, annote et complete par M. A. Ott. 2. ed. Paris, Guillaumin et C, Durand & Pedone-Lauriel, 1874. INTERNATIONAL LAW I 5 Renault's ' introduction to international law, published in 1879, contains at pages 55-80 a critical bibliography. This work, incidentally, while not used to any degree in this country or at the present time, is one of the best introductory treatises published. 1 1 olizendorfj' s - and Rivicr's well-known introduction to international law, published both in German and French editions in 1888 and 1889, respectively, contains a bibliographic sketch, " Esquisse d'une histoire litterairc des systetnes et methodes du droit des gens," which is important, particularly for the documentary material listed. This book constitutes volume one of Holtzendorff's well-known Iland- inich des Volkerrechis. The bibliographic essay summarizes the theory and philosophy of international law as portrayed in the works of the long list of writers since Grotius. Vincent ' and Penaud's Dictioyinaire of jjrivate interna- tional law contains an exhaustive general biljliography nt the beginning of the work and s}x?cial bibliographies under the various words in the dictionary. Holtzendorflf* s ' Handbuch des \ olkerrcchts, to which the leading scholars of Europe contributed special articles, contains much biblio- graphic information at the head ol each chapter. IMiilli- more's^ Commentaries, the third edition of which, in four ' Renault. Louis. Introduction d 1 '6tudc du droit international. Paris, \. Larose, 1879. 88 p. ^ Holtzendorff, Fr. von, & Rivier, A. Introduction au droit des gens, rccherches pliilrjsophicjues, historiques ct hiljlioKraphi(|ues. Ham- burg, 1S8X. 5.>4 J) Sanu. Gcruiun edition. Hruxelles, Muquurdt, 1888. 5,26 p. ' Vincent & Pi-naud. Dictionnairc dc droit international prive. Paris, Larose & Force 1. j888. Sanu. Supplement. 1889. * HoltzenrlorfT, F. J. W. P. Handbuch des vfilkerreclits . . . Berlin, C. Hal>el, 1885-89. 4 vol. Samr. Rcgisterbandchen. Hamburg, A. C, 1889. i0p. ' Philiimore, Sir R. J. G)mmcntaries u|H>n international law . . . jrdcd. London. Uutterwortli, 1879 188.^. 4 vol. 1 6 BIBLIOGRAPHY volumes, appeared in 1879 to 1889, also include select bib- liographies. Ernest Nvs in his various writings lays special stress on biography and bibliography. In Chapter ix, Volume i (pp. 213-328) of his Le droit internaiional ,^ he deals chronolog- ically with the authors of international law and their works, commencing with the precursors of Grotius and coming down to the present day. A somewhat similar method of treatment for the American names identified with interna- tional law is followed in his Les Etais^Unis el le droit des yens- (pp. 146-161). In the field of American diplomatic history, attention may be called to the "brief bibliography of American diplomacy" contained in Chapter VIII (pp. 241-293) of Albert Bushnell Hart's Foundations of Ameri-cnn foreign policy} Among recent works, Fleischmann' s * source book of international law, containing the important international treaties, agreements, protocols, and other documents, is useful for bibliographic purposes in that each document is accom- panied by references to relevant literature in which the document is discussed. Weiss' s ^ well-known treatise on private international law, in five volumes, of which the second edition began publication in 1907, contains considerable bibliographic information at the beginning of each subject discussed — for example, "nation- ality," "aliens," etc. ' Nys, Ernest. Le Droit intemationaL les principes, les theories, les faits. Bruxelles, Castaigne, 1904. 3 voL and ed., 1911. ^ Nys, Ernest. Les Etats-Unis et le droit des gens. Bruxelles, Rev. de Droit International, 1909. 166 p. Reprinted from the Revue de droit international ct de legislation comparee, 1909. ^ Hart, Albert Bushnell. The foundations of American foreign policy. New York, Macmillan, 1901. * Fleischmann, Max. Volkerrechtsquellen. Halle, 1905. ' Weiss, Andre. Traite theorique et pratique de droit international. priv6 . . . 2nd ed. Paris, L. Larose & L. Tenin, 1907. 5 vol. INTERNATIONAL LAW 1 7 Three popular manuals of international law, new editions of which have appeared within the last year or two, are those by Botipls,^ Despagn^i,- and 0/?penheim.^ Each of these works contains select bibliographies at the head of its chapter divisions. The select bibliographies at the end of each chap- ter and the long list of authorities cited in Amos vS. Hershey's * Essentials of international public law (191 2) are useful addi- tions to the bibliographic literature of the subject. The bibliographic references in the syllabus printed at the head of Scott's Cases on international laxv'' are of value. The printed cards for the complete collection of the books on international law and diplomacy in the Library of Congress can now be obtained from the Library. They constitute one of the best sources of bibliographic information, although the collection is somewhat weak in seventeenth and eighteenth century material. The most important source of bibliographic information on international law within the last 25 years has been periodical literature, of which there is now a not inconsiderable quantity. One of the best modern contributors to this form of literature, both on its technical and its bibliographic side, was the late Professor Fehx vStoerk, of Greifswald. In 1883 Professor Stoerk contributed an article on the bibliography of inter- ' Honfils, Henri J. I*. X. Manuel dc droit international privd. (■>. ed. ])ar Paul Fauchille. Paris, A. Rousseau, 1912. 1121 p. ■' Despagnet, !•'. C. R. Cf>urs de droit inlenialional public . . . .J. C-d. . . . ])ar Ch. de iJoeck . . . Paris, L. Larosc & L. Tiiiiii, lyio. J4.50 p. ^ Oppenhcini, L. I*". L. Iiiuniatioual law, a treatise . . . 2nd e- on international law. The same incompleteness may be noted in the case of the Revue du droit public et de la science politique (Paris, Giard & Briere, 1884 et seq.), which contains short bibliographies of the principal works pub- lished during the year on constitutional, international, and administrative law. The Revue generale de droit internaiional public (Paris, Pedone), published since 1894, undertook in two or three different years — for example, 1904 and 1906— to publish a general bibliograph}- of public international law; it included books and periodicals, but was not divided ac- cording to subject matter — authors and titles of books and articles, countries, and subjects being listed in one alphabet. Up to 1903 the editors of this periodical also published a sur- vey of the contents of the more imjiortant periodicals dealing with international relations. Among the best of the current bibliographic sources of international legal literature is the Revue de droit international priv/', founded by Darras (Paris, I.arose & Tenin, 1905 et seq.), and edited since his death by Professor de Lapradelle. It pul)lishes yearly an extensive systematic bibliography of international law which, while intended to be limited to private internatif)iKil law, has incorporated in the section known as "general works" practicall\- all the important treatises on public iiilcniational law as well. Us classification is that usu- ally adopted for i)riva(e iiilcrnational law. It is especially 20 BIBUOGRAPHY valuable for its lists of official publications, conferences, and congresses, di\aded by subject matter. The Rivista di diritfo iHiinuizionalc, edited in Rome by Professors Anzilotti and Ricci-Busatti, includes an annual Spoglio di periodici, or sur- vey of the contents, with descriptive and brief critical notes, of the principal periodical articles on international law, divided by country of publication (Rome, Bocca, 1906 et seq.). The Revue de droit international et de legislation comparee, pub- lished at Brussels since 1869, and now edited by Asser, West- lake, and Nys, publishes more book reviews than the other international law periodicals; otherwise its general bibUo- o-raphic information is not important. The Revue d'histoire diplomatique (Paris, E. Leroux), pubUshed since 1887, con- tained in each number a bibliographic bulletin of the books and articles on international lavv^ and diplomacy, arranged by country; this bibliographic feature of the publication ceased, however, in 1898. The Jahrhuch fiir den interna- tionalen Rechtsverkehr (Munchen, Rentsch, 191 2) contains an extensive bibliography covering the years 1910-11. Some of the American Uterature may be noted as more or less reliable sources for current international law bibliography. Jones's Index to legal periodicals, of which two volumes ap- peared in 1887 and 1899, respectively, will be brought down to 1909 by the early publication of the third volume (Boston, Boston Book Company); it indexes the American and Eng- lish periodical articles on international law under their spe- cific subjects. The Law library journal and index to legal periodicals, published by the Association of American Law Libraries (Chicago), which has been issued since 1908, indexes the American and English periodical articles under the gen- eral heading "International law." The Bibliography of legal science (the German edition of which first made its appearance INTERNATIONAL LAW 21 in Januan-, 1910; the American edition in January, 191 1) gives descriptive notes of current articles, English and foreign, on the subject. The A)?ierican journal of international laiv (New York, Baker, Voorhis & Co.. 1907 et seq.) has a few pages in each number listing recent periodical articles, English and foreign, on the subject. One feature of this journal is a section devoted to public documents relating to international law, which includes official publications of all countries. The Anierica7i political science review (Baltimore, Johns Hopkins University), published since 1907, includes among its bibliog- raphies in each number a section devoted to international law, both in the form of books and periodical articles. The Law viagazine and review publishes from time to time lists of recent books on international law, prepared during the last few years by Thomas Baty. The Association for international conciliation, whose headquarters are at Columbia University, New York, has since April, 1908, published a monthly bulletin of books, pamphlets, and magazine articles dealing with inter- national relations. A number of special bibliographies deser\^e mention. The three-hundredth anniversary of the birth of Grotius, who is popularly considered the father of international law, was the occasion for the publication b\- Roaaf ' of a descriptive bibli- ography of the works of that celebrated scholar. A catalogue of the works of Grotius and of books relating to liini was pre- sented in 1890 to the Holland Society of New York.- It is a reprint of what was originally a bookseller's catalogue, and ' RoKpe, H. C. Biblioteca Grotiana. Hnj!;onisGrotii opcntm descrijnio t>iljlif>Kraphica. Hagac Comitiiiii, NijhofT, 188;?. 78 p. 'Holland society of New York, Library. Catalogue of the works of Grotius and of books reiating to him presented to the Holland society of New ^'o^k by its president, Robert H. Roosevelt . . . October, 1890. [New York, The Society, 1890?] 28 p. 2 2 HIBLIOGRAPHY boUi ill coinpleleness and reliability is much inferior to Rogge's work. A bibliography on extradition, confined practically to American and English material on the subject, was issued in 1903 as a pamphlet by the Indianapolis Public Library.^ A general bibliography on extradition is to be found at pages iii-xxiii of Bernard's - work on that subject. A bibliogra- ph}- on prize law by Posse appears in the Zeitsehrift fiir inler- naiionalcs ReclU (vol. 21, 1911, pages 123-131). The Library of Congress has issued several useful publications on topics in international law. The one is a List of references on recognition in international law and practice,^ prepared in 1904; another a List of references on interrmtional arbitration,^ issued in 1908; and a third list deals with Interoceanic canals and railway routes,^ issued in 1900. The bibliography of international arbitration, which was promised by La Fontaine as part two of his Bibliogra phie de la paix, has not up to this time ap- peared. There are two useful bibliographic works on the Near Eastern Question — one, in French, by Bengesco,^ dealing with the books published in France and Belgium on that subject between 1821 and 1897; the other an extensive List of works * List of books and magazine articles on international extradition exam- ined and referred to in the proceedings to extradite James Lynch- ehaun. Pending before Charles W. Moore, V. S. Commissioner at Indianapolis. Aug. 24 to Oct. 31, 190,3. 2 Bernard, P. Traite theorique et pratique de I'extradition. 2. ed. Paris, Duchemin, 1890. 2 vol. •' Li,st of references on recognition in international law and practice. Compiled under direction of A. P. C. Griffin. Washington, G. P. O., 1904. 18 p. * List of references on international arbitration. Compiled under the direction of A. P. C. Griffin. Washington, G. P. O., 1908. 151 p. * List of books and of articles in periodicals relating to interoceanic canal and railway routes . . . By Hugh A. Morrison, jr. . . . Washing- ton, G. P. O., 1900. 174 p. ® Bengesco, Georges. Essai d'une notice bibliographique sur la qtiestion d'Orient. Orient evu-opeen 1821-1897. Bruxelles, P. Lacomblez, 1897- 3-7 P- PEACE 23 in the New York Public Library relating to the "near eastern question" arid the Balkan States,^ published in 1910. The bibhography of international peace is scattered through the bibliographies and readers' guides of the general periodi- cals. In book form we may note the following: A pamphlet by Edwin D. Mead,- of Boston, entitled the Literature of the peace movement; an extensive bibliography of peace, edited by the distinguished bibliographer and pacificist La Fontaine,^ published by the Institut International de la Paix of Monaco, as contribution no. 38 to the Bibliographia Universalis of the Institut International de Bibliographic of Brussels, which was preceded by the publication in 1891 of his Essai^ on the same subject; a volume entitled .4 library of peace and war,' which consists of lists of the one hundred best books on peace and war prepared in competition for prizes, four of these lists being printed in the volume; and a list of books on international peace, with references to periodicals, contained in the Brooklyn Public Library." Andrea Rapisardi-Mira- belli ^ has recently published a monograph on war which ' List of works in the New York Public Library relating to the near east- em question and the Balkan States, including European Turkey and modern Greece . . . New York, 1 910. 166 p. - Mead, Edwin D. The literature of the Peace movement . . . [Bos- ton | 12 p. ' I^ Fontaine, H. Bibliographic de la paix et de I'arbitrage interna- tional t. i: Movement pacifique. Monaco, 1904. 28op. cf. p. 22, supra. * I^a Fontaine, H. F^sai de bibliographic dc la paix. Bnixcllcs, T. Ivombaerts, 1891. 25 p. * A Librar)' of jjcacc & war. With an introduction by Francis W. Hirst . . . London, Printed by the North of England Newspaper Co. (Ltd.), Darlington, for the Speaker Publishing Co. (Ltd.) [1907?] 57 P- * International peace. A list of books with leferences to periodicals in the Brookl)-n Public Library. Brookh-n, N. Y.. Brookl>-n Public Library, 1908. 53 p. ' Rapisardi-Mirabelli, Andrea. La Guerra, con nota bibliograftca. Firtnzc, Sanson i, 191 2. 78 p. 24 BIBLIOGRAPHY iiichuics a critical bibliography. In addition, brief mention may be made of the following publications: A catalogue of the works on peace and international law in the Nobel Insti- tute, of which volume one, covering peace, has already been issued; a catalogue of the works on war and peace in the International Peace Bureau at Berne, covering 22 pages; and a supplement to the 191 1 volume of the Resolutions of the Council of the Interparliamentary Union, consisting of 15 pages of bibliography dealing especially with the publications of the branches of the Interparliamentary Union. Nor should we fail to mention the Annuaire de la vie internationale , founded bv A. H. Fried, the noted pacificist. This work is published by the Institiit international de la paix at Monaco (1905 et seq.). The first edition of Fried's Handbuch der Friedensbewegung (Wien & Leipzig, Reichenbach, . . . 1905), contained a ten-page bibliography (pp. 434-443), Only vol- ume one of the second edition of this work (191 1) has thus far been issued; in volume two, the bibliography presented in the first edition will undoubtedly take account of the growth in the literature on peace. A small bibliography of 1,000 news- paper articles written by A. H. Fried,' was published in 1908 by the Fricdens-Warte in\'ienna. Senator La Fontaine, of Brussels, is to take a prominent part in the publication of bibliographies issued under the auspices of the Carnegie Endow'ment for International Peace. Bibliographies on the effect of war on economics are now in preparation and will be followed jMobably by others. The Institute of International Law, in connection with the new Academy of International Law established at The Hague, will probably also undertake the publication of a bibliography of international law. ' Verzeichnis von 1000 zeitungs-artikchi Alfred H. Fried's zur friedens- bewegung (bis Marz 1908). Beriin, Friedens-Warte, 1908. Sop. INTERNATIONAL LAW 25 There are a few catalogues and publisher's lists which constitute bibliographic sources of value. The most impor- tant of these is the Bibliographic du droit international com- piled bv Marquis de Olivart ' of Madrid, which professes to be a catalogue of his own collection. This collection has now come to Hanard University. We may note in passing that it consists very largely of literature on political science. The Department of Slate has at various times published catalogues- of the works in the library of that department. From 1892 to 1902 this department published semi-annually a List of books, pamphlets, and maps received at tlie library ^ by purchase, exchange, and gift, with references also to arti- cles in periodicals relating to the law of nations, diplomacy, history, and political science, supplemented by a list of peri- odicals and newspapers received. Martinus Nijhoff at the Hague is one of the most active jiublishers in the field of comparative and international law. On the occasion of the meeting of the Second Peace Confer- ence at the Hague, in 1907, Nijhoff published a catalogue of the principal works on public international law, in fifty-two pages; this has been continued up to k^io by tlu publication (»f his monthly lists of I In- principal books on continental law, since which time a lisi of thc' new works apj)ears (juarterh' on hectograi)hed sheets. One section is devoted to inter- ' Olivart. Marquis dc. Bibliographic du droit international. 2nd. cd. Paris, A. Pcdone, 1905-J910. 4 part,s in one volume of 1280 p. Part I is a catalogue of Olivart 's Library up to i Sqc). The other parts con- sist of sujjplements and addenda. ■■' Ciitalognc of the wc^rks relative to the law of nations and diplomacy in the Librar>- of the Department of vStatc. May, 1881. Wiishington, O. P. O., 1881. Same. [1886] A. -C. nip. Same. 1897. 1 10 p. ' A list of books, pamphlets, and maps received at the lilir.ir) ul the Department of vStatc . . . 1892-1902 No. 1-26. 26 BIBLIOGRAPHY national law, and the principal current books on the subject may generally be found in it ; its bibliographic value is some- what lessened by the fact that the place of publication and publisher are omitted. At the end of 191 1 Nijhoff issued another catalogue of international law, which contains much of the more valuable material in this field. CONTINENTAL LAW In the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries legal bibli- ographies dealt with the legal literature of Europe in general and were not confuied to any particular country; only with the poUtical demarcations which took place after the Congress of \'ienna is there any real national division in legal bibliographies apparent. As late as 1850, however, the publication of general bibliographies on the law of all Europe was still frequent. In general, the authorship of these bibli- ographic publications has been confined to the Germans and the French, with the Germans always predominating. In the following sketch we shall consider first the general legal bibli- ographies, in their chronological order, taking up later those dealing with the national legal literature of the different coun- tries of Europe. The earliest modern bitjliographer of any note was Konrad (Vesner (1516-1565). His Bibliothccd universalis,^ which was first published in 1,54.^, has a division devoted to law. It is a good stmrce of information for (he legal literature of the middle ages. Sui)i)leinents and later editions api)eared uj) to 1585. The next l)ibli()graphic publication of any interest in law was ZUcttis- index of all the books of law. It first __^ - . ' Gcaner, Kcmrad. Bibliothcca universalis. Tiguri, 1545-55- 4 vol. in 2. .Supjjicmcnts under difTerent titles in 157.1 and 1583-5 and in intermediate years. ■ /ilelti, G. H. Index libroruni omnium nomina complectens, in ulroquc jure tani Pontificio quam Caesiireu . . . \'enetiis, 1559. 37 28 BIBLIOGRAPHY appeared in 1 559 and was published in later editions by other editors up to 1 585 ; it is incomplete and not considered espe- cially reliable. In 1680 Beughem^ published a similar bibli- ography of all the works which had appeared in Europe since 1 65 1 . I n 1 686 Simon ^ and Bruncan published a chronolog- ical bibliography of the principal authors on ciyil and canon law since the time of Irnerius, with critical notes of their works. In 1688 the fiftli edition of the extensive seven- volume bibliography of Funtana,^ generally known by the name of Amphitealrum legale, was published. ^ Beughem, C. A. Bibliographia juridica et politica novissima, perpe- tuo continuanda, sive conspectus primus catalog! librorum juridico- rum, canonicorum, legalium, politico-legalium, ut et politicorum . quotquot ciirrente hoc semi saeculo, id est ab aniio reparatac sahitis 1651 per universam Europam, in qua^ns lingua, oriental! turn graeca, latina, gallica, hispanica, italica, anglica, germanica et belgica, aut nov! aut emendatiores et auctiores typis prodiertmt. Undique acquisitis subsidiis adomatu et adomanda opera ac studio C. A. Beughem. Amstelodami, apud Janssonio-Waesbergios, 1680-1681. ^ Simon, Denis. I. Nouvelle bibliotheque historique et chronologique dcs principaux auteurs et interpretes du droit civil, canonique et par- ticulier de plusieurs etats et provinces, depuis Irnerius, avec les caracteres de leurs esprits ct des jugements sur leurs ouvrages. Kn semble 1 'idee d 'un bon juge et ime dissertation touchant les coutumes. Nouv. ed., Paris, Robert-Pepie, 1692 1693. -' vol. II. Supplement a la Bibliotheque de Simon, contenant le tableau des commentateurs dcs coutumes et la table dcs arrestographes, avec remarques, par Briineau. Paris, 1686. ■' Inmtana, A. Amphitheatrum legale in quo quilibet operum legalium auctor habet suam sedem ordine alphabetico collocatam, sue biblio- theca legalis amplissima in qua recensentur omnes auctores cum omnibus eorum operibus in jure editis, et in qua datur etiam sedes jjraecisa abecedario indice designata omnium et quarumcumque rerum, verborum ct materiarum, quae in Corpore juris Pontificii et Caesarei ac in supradictonim auctorum operibus, tam ex professo quam sparsim sed fuse pertractantur. 5. ed. Parma, Typis Joseph! ab Oleo et Hippolyt! Rosati, 1688-1694. 7 vol. (in 5). CONTINENTAL LAW 29 Undoubtedly the most important of these early bibliog- raphies of law is the classic Lipenius,^ the first edition of which appeared in 1679. The work was brought down as far as 1823 by later editors, who increased considerably the size of the work and continued it by the publication of supple- ments. It is often incomplete in its bibliographical informa- tion, but nevertheless is considered the best bibliography on early continental law. The work of Georg Beyer ' deserves special mention because he was the first professor, 1698, to give a course on the bibliography of law; the book first appeared in 1726, continuations being brought out by Jenichen in 1738, by Hommel in 1749 and 1750, and by Frank in 175.8. In 1725 G. Slevogi^ published a similar critical bibliography of rare books in law. Struvius,* a professor of law at Jena, is the author of a work which has retained its value to the ' Lipenius, M. Eibliotheca realis juridica, omnltim materiarum renirn et tilulonim, in imiverso imivcrsi juris ambitu occurrentiiini. . . . Francofurti ad Ma-nuiii, Johan. Fridcrici, 1679. Savie. post F. G. Stnuii curas . . . a G. A. Jenichen edita. Lip- siae, apud PVider. Matth. Frisium, 1736. Same. Supplemcnta, cmcndationcs et illustrationes ad Bibliothecam juridicam Lipenio-Jenichianam; auct. G. A. Lipenio . . . Lipsiae, J. C. Langcnhcinius, 1743.; — and 2 supplements, 2 vol. 1757. Same. Supplenitiita . . . coll. et dig. A. F. Schott. Lipsiae, 1775. Same. vSupplcmentonini . . . vol. 11, coll. et digessit Renat. Car. de Senkcnbcrg . . . Lipsiae, Fritsch, 1789. Same. Supplementorum . . . vol»iii-iv auctore Liid. God. Madihn. Hreslaji, Joh. Frid. Kom, 1816 & 1823. 2 vol. 'Beyer, Georg. De utili et nccessaria autorum juridicoruni et juris arli inservienlum nolitia schediasnia, exliibcns indiceni autonmi, quos recitandos et excerpendos sibi jmiposuit cum specimine futuri la>x)ris duas autorum decades sistentc. 11 editio jiriori pluriljus auctior et emendatior. Lipsiae, 1726. ' Slcvogt. G. Nachriclit von einigen atiserlesensten, grosstentheils raren, alten und neucn juristisclien biichcrn. Jena, 1725. * Struvius, B. G. Bibliotheca juris selecta secundum ordinem littera- rum di.six)sita et ad singulas juris partes direeta. Accesit bibliotheca selcclissima juris studiosorum. . . . Jena, 1703. 30 BIBLIOGRAPHY present day. His select bibliography, the first edition of which appeared in 1703, is still consulted by jurists; the work went through nine editions, the last appearing in 1758. In 1748 /. .4. Hoffmann^ published his select bibliography of all branches of the law. Other eighteenth century law books of a bibliographic char- acter are Ferraris' s ^ eight-volume bibliography of law, ethics, and theology (1746); Gerstlacher's^ Juristische Bibliothek (1758); Eisenhardt' s * literary history of law (1763); Pro- fessor Nettelbladt's ^ principles of the literary history of law (1764); HommeVs^ literature of law, the first edition of which was published in 1761, the second in 1779; Konig's'^ treatise on general legal literature, published in two volumes in 1785; and the four-volume Bibliotheqtie de Vhomme public (1790),* a critical analysis of the principal French and foreign works on politics, legislation, finance, commerce, and private ' Hoffmann, J. A. Auserlesene jedoch vollstandige juristische bibli- othek, worinne die auserlesensten wercke, biicher imd academisclic abhandkingen. Jena, Schultze, 1748. - Ferraris. Prompta bibliotheca canonica, juridica, moralis . . . Bo- noniae, 1746. 8 vol. Same. Later editions published every few years, last being pub- lished in Rome, 1888. 9 vol ^ Gerstlaclier. Juristische bibliothek. Stuttgart, 1758-62. * Eisenhardt. Institutiones historian juris litterarise. Ed. nova . . . Helmstadii, 1763. ^ Nettelbladt. Initia historic litterarise juridicae imiversalis. Halse Magd., 1764. Same. 2nd ed. 1774. •^ Hommel. Litteratura juris. Lipsiae, 1761. Same. 2nd ed. 1779. " Konig, H. J. O. Lehrbuch der allgemeinen juristischen litteratur. Nebst einem namen- und sachen-register liber beide theile. Plalle, 1785. 2 vol. " Bibliotheque de lliomme public . . . par M. le Marquis de Condorcet, M. de Peysonel, M. le Chai)elier ot autres gens des lettres. Paris, 1790-92. 4 vol. CONTINENTAL LAW 3 1 and public law. Attention may also be called to Dufour's ^ Questions illustres, a critical discussion of the curious books of the law, which contains an extensive bibliography of books of this character, and to Ersch's - literature on law, politics, and diplomacy, from the middle of the eighteenth century to the early nineteenth, a new edition of which was brought out by J. C. Koppe in 1823. This constitutes a part of Ersch's Handbuch der deutscJien Litcratur. In 1837 Kapplcr,^ who is perhaps most celebrated for his bibliography on criminal law, issued an index of the vari- ous monographs and dissertations, articles, and opinions on all branches of the law, except criminal law, which were pub- lished between 1800 and 1837. From 1840 to 1843 Schletter^ published in parts his handbook of the literature of law and political science. Marvin's'' Legal hibliogrnphy, while contain- ing notes on some of the continental treatises, is best known as a bibliograph\- of Anglo-American works. A bio-biblio- graphic work of considerable value for the jurists up to the * Dufour de Saint-Palhus. Questions illustres ou bibliotheque dcs livres singuliers en droit. Paris, Tardieu-Dareste, 1813. ^ Krscli, J. Litcratur dor jurispnidenz imd politik mit einscliluss der camcralwissenschaftcn siit der niitte des 18. jalirh. bisauf die neucsle zeit. Leipzig, Hrockhaus, 1833. ' Kappler. Fr. Jurislischco proniiituariuni: cin repertorium iiber alle in den jahren 1800 bis 1837 erschieueneu abhandlungen iiber einzelnc materien aus der gesammten rechtswissen.schafl (luit ausschlu.ss des criminalrechts). Stuttgart, .Scheible, 1837. * Schletler, H. T. HaiidbiKli (kr jiirLstist lien und staatswissen.schaft- liclien literatur. C'.riimiia, 1840-1843. ' Marvin. Legal bibliography, or a thesaurus of American, Knglish, Irish, and Scotch law books, together with some continental treatises, interspersed with critical observations upon their various editicms and authority. Philadelphia, 1847. 32 BIBI-IOGKAPHY nineteenth century is the work of Stepj,^ in four volumes; it is arranged alphabetically, but unfortunately was not carried anv further than the letter "K" in the alphabet. Several abortive attempts were made in the first years of the nineteenth century to publish legal bibliographic period- icals, but after a very brief existence they ceased publication. Three such publications which we may here note are the AUqemeines Literatur-Repertorium ,^ the Jurisiische Literatnr- zeitung,^ and the Kritisches Archiv.* Among the more modern general bibliographies we may mention Teichmann's'" bibliographic survey of Roman, Ger- man, French, and English law, which appeared in 1878. While essentially a vSpanish bibliography, we should not overlook Torres Campos' ^ studies on Spanish and foreign bibliography of law, which was the first modern bibliography of its kind published in Europe. It was rewarded with the gold medal of the Acadcmia Malritense del Nofariado; it includes general bibliographies, and special legal bibliographies, and then is divided both by subject and by country within the subject. In 1893 Dramard'' published his well-known bibliography of ^ Stepf, J. H. Gallerie aller juridischen autoren von der altesten bis aiif die jetzige zeit, rait ihren vorziiglichstcn schriften nach alpha- betischcr ordnung aufgestcllt . . . Leipzig, W. Lauffer, 1820-25. 4 vol. - Allgemeinesliteratur-repertoriumderrechts-staats-u. kameral-wissen- schaft. Red. J. Giinlher. Jena, 1842. ^ Jviristische literatur-zeitung. Hrsg. von Davelow, Maass u. Hoff- bauer. Halle, 1801. ^ Kritisches archiv der neiiesten jiiristischen literatur. Hrsg. von Danz, Gnielin. Tafinger u. Conner. Tiibingen, 1801-6. 6 vol. * Teichmann, A. F. A. Bibliographische iiebersicht des romischen, deutschen, franzosischen und englischen reclits. Bale, 1878. ^ Torres Campos, D. Manuel. Estudios de bibliografia espaiiola y extranjera del derecho y del notariado. Madrid, Eduardo Cuesta, 1878. 261 p. " Dramard, E. Bibliographie de la bibliographic generale du droit francais et etranger. Paris, Larose & Forcel, 1893. 120 p. CONTINENTAL LAW 33 bibliographies of law, which is probably the most complete of its kind ; a considerable part of the book is devoted to general bibliographies, and the special legal portion is divided both by country and by subject. Petzholdt's ' BihlioUieca biblioqraphka, still the standard work for the field covered by it, contains two fairly ex- tensive chapters devoted to the bibliographic literature of law and political science. Leon Yallee's Biblioqraphic des bibliographies (Paris, 1887) is much inferior to Henri Stein's -' Manual de bibliographie qenerale. The legal bibli- ographies mentioned in the latter are listed by country and subject and are accompanied frequently' by critical notes. Its lists are by no means complete. Courtney's'' Register of national bibliography devotes a few pages to law, but the list of bibliographies is very meager. La Fontaine's ^ Bibliographin sociologica, published in 1895 by the International Institute of Bibliography at Brussels, contains a separate section devoted lo law. The most important bibliographic sources of modern legal literature are certain periodicals. The most valuable of these is Kirchenhcim's Ccntralblatt jiir Rcchtswissenschajl, which Ixrgan its publication in 1881 (Stuttgart, Knke) and ceased its lalx)rs in 19 10, to the great loss of the legal world. Its prin- cipal feature was the considerable number of its book reviews, which were short and yet critical, and were arranged by ' Pc'tzholdt, Julius. niMioiJiccii l)il)li()fjraphica. Leipzip^, Knjijcl- maiin, 1866. ' Stein, Henri. Manuel dc- hiblioKrapliic g^n^rale. P;u-is, A. Picard, 1897. 3rd ed. ' Courtney, William P. A register of national bibliography. London, Cemstable, 1 905- 1 912. 3 vols. * I^ Fontaine, M. H., & Otlet, P. Hibliograjihia .sociologica. . . . Sociology and law. Soniniaire niethodique des trait^s ct des re- vues. . . . liruxelles, Larcier [iSfj5J. 2 pts. 170, 173-2O8P. C&'Utt*— 13 A 34 BIBLIOGRAPHY subject matter. Some of the divisions were: New books, editions of statutes, important foreign works, surveys of periodical literature, and the proceedings and publications of associations and congresses. Its material was compiled under the following subject divisions: Legal history, civil law, commercial law, procedure, criminal law, ecclesiastical law, constitutional and administrative law, international law, and related sciences. In 1885 the: Centralblatt published a series of bibliographic articles on the legal literature of the various countries of Europe during the period 1880 to 1884 or 1885. In 1894 a similar publication, called the Juristischer Littera- turbericht, was published as a supplement to the Centralblatt. It consisted of a critical discussion of the legal literature pro- duced during the years 1884 to 1894. German works, espe- cially, are emphasized, the various subjects being dealt with by leading authorities. The material in the work, which consists of some three hundred and sixty pages, was divided into the following subjects: Philosophy of law, comparative lav/, legal history, Roman law, draft of the German civil code, criminal law, procedure, commercial law, constitutional and administrative law, and international law. It is a matter of regret that similar critical surveys covering extended periods of time have not been published since. Muhlbrecht's annual Allgemeine Bibliographie der Staats- iind Rechtswissenschaften, issued in parts, (Berlin, Puttkammer & Miihlbrecht, 1868 et seq.) lists the important German and foreign literature on law. There are no subject divisions. In theWegweiser ^ of Miihlbrecht (1893-1901) the title entries in the annual volumes are arranged by subject matter and ' Miihlbrecht, Otto. Wegweiser durch die neuere litteratur der rechts- und staats uissenschaf ten. . . . Berlin, Puttkammer & Miihlbrecht, 1893-1901. 2 vol. (2nd ed. of vol. i). CONTINENTAL LAW 35 country, which makes the publication of considerable bibli- ographic value. Two well-known German periodicals whose attention is devoted particularly to legal literature arc the Juristisches Liter alurhl ait and the Juristischc Noviidten. The former, edited by Alfred Keil (Beriui, C. Heymann, 1889 et seq.), contains short bibliographies, as well as extensive book reviews; its lists include both German and foreign law. The Juristische Novitdten, which has appeared monthly since 1895 (editor, J. A. Barth; publisher, M. Dietrich, Leipzig), includes lists of recent books, both German and foreign. K. Frankenstein's Zeitschrift fiir Litterahir iind Geschichte der Staatswissenschajten (Leipzig, C. L. Hirschf eld), which began publication in 1893, contains extensive bibliographic data on various branches of social science and law. The German bibliographies on social science, in fact, arc of some importance i(ir legal literature and should not be overlooked. The Hiltlioifrdf^hic dcr Rechiswisscnschajl unci Volkswirtschajtslehrc has, since April, 1906, appeared as a monthly supplement to the Blatter fur vcrqlcichende Rechtswissenschajl u. Volkswirt- schajlslchrc (^Berlin, Decker, 1906, et seq.). The Kritischc Hlditter jur die gcsnmmlcn Sozialwissenschajten (Berlin, Zen- tralverlag) Ix^gan jmblication in 1905, dropping the first word from its title in k/jH. Since January, 1911, monthly num- bers of this j)ublication also appear in linglish under the title Bihlivcjraphy oj social scictu-r (Chicago, University of Chicago Press). The Zculralhlatt dcr Rechlyivixscnschnjt (Berlin, liibliographischcr Zciitralverlag, 1910, et seq.), which is the journal of llie IntertuitionaUs In\lHiil jiir liHtlwifraphu' der Rechtswissenschajl at Berlin, was intended to take over the activities of Kirchenheim's Ct ntralhlall. Its arrangement, however, is eiuirely dilTerenl from that 36 BIBUOGRAPHY work. It is divided systematically into broad subjects and then subdivided, and, besides books, the periodical literature of practicallv the entire civilized world is incorporated under appropriate headings. The legal classification follows that of the continental law. Since January, 191 1, an American edition under the title Bibliography of legal science has been issued (Chicago, University of Chicago Press). The Jahrbuch der internationalen Vereinigung fiir vergleichende Rechtswissenschaff u. Volkswirtschaftslehre (Berlin, Bahr; Mann- heim, Bensheimer, 1895 et seq.), began in 1896, in its second volume, to publish annual reports from all countries on the legislative movements in each country and the important legal literature which had appeared during the year. This is an im- portant source of information and may be emphasized because it brings reports from countries like Greece, Rumania, Bulgaria, Turkey, the Spanish-American countries, and others, informa- tion in regard to which is in general obtainable only with great difficulty. The Noxivelle revue historique de droit fraufais (Paris, L. Larose), founded as the Revue historique in 1855, began to publish in 1875 what was called a Bulletin- hiblio- graphique in each volume. This has now become an exten- sive section of the periodical. All periodical articles bearing on legal history are excerpted and in addition a bibliography of the publications of learned societies, divided by countries, is compiled annually. Books appearing during the year are arranged under the following subjects: Bibliography, philos- ophy of law, Oriental and Greek law, Roman law, canon law, history of French public law, history of French private law, and the history of foreign law. In some years further additions of subjects are made. The Rivista italiana per le scienze giiiridiche (Roma, E. Loescher & Co., 1886 et seq.) publishes each year a Bolletlino bibliografico, which lists, besides the Italian, the CONTINENTAL LAW 37 important French and German literature of the year. Its sur\^ey of national and foreign legal periodicals is a valuable feature of this publication. The annual l)ibliographies of foreign legal literature which are compiled for the Tidsskrift for retsvidenskab (Copenhagen, Gad; Christiania, Aschchoug), founded in 1888, cover printed books, arranged under broad subject divisions. In recent years they have been compiled by Dahl. The Annual bulletin of the Comparative law bureau of the American Bar Association (Philadelphia, International printing company, 1908 et seq.) contains annual bibliog- raphies of the important legal literature of the various coun- tries of Pvurope and America. It is, however, incomplete in its information. A useful index of the periodicals on law and social science is the Sozialwissenschaftlicher Zeitschrijtenjuhrcr ,^ published by the Internationales Institut fur Sozialbibliographie in Berlin. In 1909 the bar association of Barcelona- undertook to publish an index to the articles in the law periodicals in its library. They have excerpted most of the important French, Spanish, and Italian legal periodicals. X luimber of iiublisher's lisls and general catalogues warrant attention. In 1907 Martinus Nijhoff-' issued a list of the most iinijortant continental law books iiublished during 1907. This little work was continued by the publication of ' Sf)ziitl\visscnschciftlichcr zcitschriftcnfiilircr; cin intemationalcs hand- liu?li i<-''t' . . . Hrsj;. iiii aullragc dcs InU-nialionalen instituts fuiT sa}!ialbil)lio^a])hiL- zu Berlin von dr. Paul Dicnstag . . . Dresflon, (). \. HfH-hmiTl, 1908. .^65]). * Colegio dc alKJfjados dc Barcelona. CatdloRo de los principalcs articu- lc>s jmhlicados en las revistas dc la Biljliotcca. Afio 1909. [Barce- lona], Henricli h'jog]. 471 I>. ' .NijhofT. Martinns. A systfinatical list, of the j)rincipal continental law literature pulilishcd diirin>( 1907. The Ha^ic, Martinus Nijhoff, 1908. 136 p. 91890 38 BIBLIOGRAPHY Nijhoff's monthly list of the principal works on continental law, the material being subdivided by subjects. In 1910 the lists began to be published quarterly, and since 191 1 have been continued by the publication of typewritten sheets. Attention may here be called to Nijhoff's recent catalogue (191 1 ) on foreign law, which contains much material of value. A number of general catalogues are of interest. There is, first, the catalogue of the Comite de legislation etrangere,^ which has now by a law of July, 1910, become closely identified with the French Ministr}- of Justice. This library contains the largest and most important collection of comparative law in Europe. The catalogue was published originally in 1879, was brought up to date in 1889, and was continued by a sup- plement in 1902. The material is divided by country. The next important catalogue is that of the library of the Societe de legislation comparee in Paris," the second edition of which was published in 1899. The Japanese University librar\^ at Kyoto ^ contains a considerable collection of foreign law, which is listed in its catalogue of 1903. The French Pre- jecturr of the Department of the Seine ' published its cata- logue of foreign legal material in 1892. The Belgian Ministry of Foreign Affairs has two important libraries, one known as the ' France. Bibliotheque du Comite de legislation etrangere. Catalogue. Paris, Imprimerie nationale, 1879. 318 p. Same. 2nd cd. Janvier 1889. Paris, Imprimerie nationale, 1889. 718 p. Same. Supplement de 1902. Paris, Imprimerie nationale, 1903. 658 p. 2 Societe de legislation comparee. Catalogue de la bibliotheque . . . 2 ed. Paris, F. Pichon, 1899. 599 p. ^ Katalog der fremdsprachigen biicher in der Bibliothek der juristischen fakultat der Kaiserlichen Universitat zn Kyoto. K3-oto, Tokyo Tsukiji Kappan Seizosho, 1903. 952 col. * France. Prefecture du Ddpartemcnt de la vSeine. Catalogue de la Bibliotheque administrative (Section etrsngere). Dresse par A. Canot. Paris, Imprimerie nationale, 1892. 711 p. CONTINENTAL LAW 39 Library of the ^linistry ' and the other of the Bureau de Legis- lation;- each has issued a catalogue of its collection. In 1907 the Gary Library of the Northwestern University, which con- tains one of the most important collections on continental law in this country, published a brief list, by title only, of the contents of that collection. In October, 1900, the Dcparlmenl of Justice''^ published a catalogue of foreign books, in languages other than English, in the librar}- of the Department, arranged by country. The Massachusetts State Library * has recently done useful work in publishing a catalogue of the laws of foreign countries in that library. In 1901 this catalogue was appended to the Report of the Librarian for 1900, but in 191 1 an extensive catalogue (of over three hundred pages) of the statute law of foreign countries was issued. Every geographical district, Commonwealth, or »State, regardless of size or poHtical affiliation, is included in one alphabet. There are a number of works on special branches of the law which contain extensive bibliographies. In comparative law, an excellent work is Post's ^ treatise on the problems of general jurisprudence. It is, in part, a critical bibliography of ' Belgium. Minist^re des aflfaires etrangeres. Catalogue de la Biblio- thequc du Ministcrc des affaires etrangeres. Bruxellcs, E. Lhoest, 188Q-1898. \'<)1. 2-5 (1878-1898). ^ Hclgiiim. HihliothefjiH du ]?nrcan de legislation. i8q2. Bruxellcs, Hayez, 1892. 134 ji. Same. 1902. .^02 p. •^ I'nited States. Department of Justice. Catalogue of foreign ljo- of commercial law. For material of present-day importance it is especially useful. In 1880, O. Gracklauer- published a list of the literature on maritime law, consuls, marine insurance, and related subjects, published during the years 1855 to 1880. In 1885, there assembled at Antwerp the Inter- national Congress on Commercial Law. On the occasion of the meeting. Professor Albert Nyssens,^ of Louvais, with the cooperation of other scholars, prepared a bibliography of commercial law, emphasizing, beside-; the general works, the subjects of bills of exchange, maritime law, and the contract of affreightment; it is not a complete bibliography, but con- tains most of the important works of practical use in 1885. The first part of Goldschmidt's ' Handbudi des Ilandclsrcchis is entitled GcschichUich-liierarische lvinlci1uno. ' Scaduto, P'r. Diritto ecclcsitistico vigentc in liali.i . . . jud cd. Torino, liocca, 1893. 48 BIBLIOGRAPHY AUSTRIA-HUNGARY The early German bibliographic literature includes, as well, the law books published in Austria; and, indeed, it may in general be said that the German bibliographies of the present day include all works published in the German language, whether they appear in Austria or in Germany proper. Only after the appearance of the Austrian Civil Code, in 1811, did some bibliographers begin to make a distinction by treat- ing Austrian law separately; they were, however, few in number. One of the earliest of these is Vesque von Piittlingen's ^ Darsiellung der Literaiur des osterreichischen allgemeinen burger- lichen Geseizbuches , published in 1827. It is a critical and descriptive bibliography of books and periodical articles relating to the civil code of Austria. This was followed in 1S47 by the publication of Stubenrauch's - Biblioiheca juridica austriaca, a compilation of all the books and articles in Austrian periodicals from the earliest times until 1846. Enslin and Engelmann's Biblioiheca juridica, which came down to 1849 and was brought down to 1867 by Wuttig and to 1876 by Rossberg (see infra, under Germany), includes Austrian as well as German literature. In 1852 Damianitsch^ published the second edition of his work on the literature of ' Vesque von Puttlingen, Johann. Darstelluiig der literatur des osterreichischen allgemeinen biirgerlichen gesetzbtiches. Wien, J. P. Sollinger, 1827. 216 p. - Stiihenrauch, Moriz von. Bibliotheca juridica austriaca. Verzeichniss d. V. altest. zeiten bis zum schlusse d. j. 1846 in Oestcrreich (ausser Ungam u. Siebenbiirgen) erschien. druckschriften u. d. i. osterr. jurid. zeitschr. enthalt. aufsatze a. alien thin. d. rechtsgelehrs. Wien, 1847. ^ Damianitsch, Martin. Die literatur d. allgem. biirgerl. gesetzbuches im auszuge verfasst. 2. auflage. 1852. AUSTRIA-HUNGARY 49 the Austrian Civil Code. The firm of Manz & Co.,' the leading law publishers of Austria, regularly issue catalogues of impor- tant works on Austrian law, the last of these catalogues being dated 191 1. Up to 1885 they also published at regular intervals indexes of the best works on all branches of law, which, however, were confined to works then in print. The eighth edition of this Bihliotheca juridica appeared in 1S95. It may also be weh to call attention to the bibliography of the Government publications of Austria,- issued almost annually ; many of these are of interest in law. An interesting article entitled "The history of the political literature of Austria" {Die geschichte der politischen Literatur Osterreichs) by Dr. Ludwig Spiegel was published in the Zeitschriji jiir Politik, v. 4 (191 1), pp. 86-124. ^^ discusses critically the political history of Austria since 1848, princi- |)ally from the point of view of the literature bearing upon it . The legal literature of Bohemia and Croatia, published during the years 1880 to 1885, was discussed by Professor Prazak, of Prague, in Kirchenheim's Centralblatt fur Rechls- wissenschajt (vol. 5, No. lo-ii, pp. 345-350). The Bohemian literature on criminal law for the years 1906 to 1909 was discussed by August Miricka in the Zeitschrift fiir die gesamtc Shajrechtswissenschaft (1910, No. i, pp. 107- 117). The legal literature of Hungary may be found listed in a bib- liography •' of the books on law and political science in the ' T^ibliothcca juridica. Vcrzeichniss dcr vorziiglichstcii werke aus alien zvvcigcn der rechts- uiui staatswissenschaft, init eineiii nameii- register. 8. aufl. Wicn, Manz, 1885. - Katalog des vcrlagcs der K. K. Hof- und staalsdnickeni Wicn . . . Abgeschlossen mit ende dezeinlK-r i(>io. VVieii. K. K. Hof iind staatsdruckcrei, 191 1. 182 p. * Kudova, K. Jogi konyvtar. A jog es allainludoiiianyi irodaJDiii miiszavak szerint rtndezett konyvt-szcte 1807-iijio. lUulapesl, K.. Grill, 1910. 50 BIBLIOGRAPHY Budapest University library, which was issued in 1910. An article by Felix Stoerk, on the legal literature of Hungary, ap- peared in the Revue de droit international, 1880, pp. 1 31-136; 1 881, pp. 524-530. The literature published during the years 1880 to 1885 was discussed by Professor Nagy, of Klausenburg, in Kirchenheim's Centralhlatt fiir Rechtswissenschaft (vol. 5, No. 9, pp. 309-312). In the field of public law, a critical bibliog- raphy by I. Barcza ^ on the Hungarian law of parliamentary elections has recently been published (191 2). The Hungarian literature on criminal law is discussed in Prof, von Thot's article in the Gerichtssaal, 191 2, pp. 388-390. A Hungarian bibliography of social science, ^ compiled by Istvan Varro and classified according to the system of the International Institute of Social Bibliography, has been issued in parts (i 910 and 191 1) by the municipal library of Budapest. It will probably be continued annually. Attention may also be directed to the bibliography of the writings of Juhus Glaser, one of the most eminent jurists Austria has produced; this bibliography was prepared by Professor Unger,^ now chief justice of Austria. BELGIUM In discussing the legal bibliography of Belgium, there is little necessity of going beyond Picard ^ and Larcier's Bib- liographie generate et raisonnee du droit beige. It is one of the ' Barcza, I. A magyar parlamenti valasztojog legujabb irodalma. Budapest, Franklin, 1912. 51 p. 2 Varro. I. Mag>'ar tarsadalomtudornanyi bibliografia. Budapest, Kilian F., 1910. ' Unger, J. Julius Glaser. Bibliographisches verzeichniss seiner werke, abhandlungen, gesetzentwiirfe und reden. Wien, Manz, 1888. 102 p. * Picard, E. & Larcier, F. Bibliographic generale et raisonnee du droit beige . . . Bruxelles, F. Larcier, 1882-1890. 1354 p. (4 vol. in I — 1814-1889.) Same. Vol. 2 (1889-1903) par E. van Arenbergh, Fasc. 1-3. Bruxelles, 1906-1910. BELGIUM 51 best bibliographies published in any countn', and it is exhaustive in its information on Belgian legal literature. It is pro\dded with bibliographic and descriptive notes throughout. It begins with 1814, the date of the separation of Belgium from France, and the arrangement of its material is both b\- author and by subject. The last of its supplements brings the work down to 1903. In 1880 a bibliography of the works published in Belgium from 1830 to 1879 was published in Brussels.' The Revue dc droit beige, edited by Ser\^ais (vols. 1-5, 1886-1910), contains a BtUletin bibliographique at the end of each volume; the Revue is a supplement to the Pasicrisie beige. The Revue trimestrielle de droit civil (Paris, 1902 et seq.) prints regularly an extensive bibliography of current law books published in Belgiiun and France. The Belgian literature on criminal law is discussed at pp. 225-229 of von Thot's article in the Gerichtssaal, 191 2 (supra, P- 45)- Several Belgian catalogues may be mentioned as having bibliographic value. Attention has already been called to the catalogues of the two libraries connected with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (supra, p. t,3). The Ministry of Justice - published a catalogue in 1868, to which a supplement ajipcared in 1876. The library of the bar of the Court of Appeals of Brussels^ published a catalogue in 1S94. The library of the Bar Association of Liege ^ published a catalogue in 1896. ' Bibliographic jiirirlicnio bclRo. Cataloiiiu- dis (luvragi-s de Ifpisla- tion . . . impriniL'S en lielKifiue He i8?o h i87<). Hnixelks iS: Lifege, Dccq & Duhent, 1880. 131 p. * Belgium. Mini.sU-re de la Justice. Catalogue de la ltil)li<)tlii>. 228 ji. 52 BIBLIOGRAPHY The older catalogues, of which there are a few, hardly require mention. DENMARK, NORWAY, AND SWEDEN In 1876 Professor Aagesen,^ of Copenhagen, published a comprehensive bibliography for Denmark, Norway, Sweden, and Iceland, which also included some Finnish literature. The bibliography w^as divided according to the class of mate- rial and by country and subject matter. The review of Aagesen's work by Konrad von Maurer in the Kritische Vier- teljahresschrift, volume 19, pages 106-114, constitutes both an excellent review of that work and calls attention to some supplementary material. The catalogue of the private col- lection of Konrad von Maurer,- one of the most celebrated students of Scandinavian law, is in itself a comprehensive bibliography of Scandinavian legal literature. The collection was purchased by Harvard University. A bibliography of the large number of books and articles written by Von Maurer was compiled by Max van Vleuten for the Tidsskrift for retsvi- denskab, 1903, pages 17-29. The plan laid down by Aagesen in his bibliography was followed by V. A. Secher, another prominent jurist of Den- mark, in the periodical surveys of Danish legal literature published in 1884, 1889, 1895, and 1903 in the Ugeskrift for retsvaesen. Although limited in its title to Danish legal lit- erature, the remainder of Scandinavia is not neglected. As in Aagesen's work, one section deals with bibliography and lists the periodical and other sources of bibliographic information. Secher's work includes references to periodical literature and indicates often the location of book reviews of the works ^ Aagesen, A. Fortegnelse over retssamlinger, retsliteratur i Danmark, Norge, Sverigog til dels Finland. Kjobenhavn, Gad, 1876. 167 p. 2 Katalog der bibliothek des verstorbenen tmiversitats-professors Kon- rad von Maurer. Mtinchen, Druck von Junge & Solin, Erlangen, 1903- 304. 106 p. DENMARK, NORWAY, AND SWEDEN 'i'l listed. Seeker's ^ bibliographies were also issued as separate reprints. For the period 1880 to 1885 Dr. Platou, of Christiania, has given us a critical discussion of the Scandinavian legal liter- ature in Kirchenheim's Centralblatt filr Rechtswissensehaft (December, 1885, vol. 5, No. 3, pp. 89-95). Exhaustive annual bibliographies covering the legal literature of all por- tions of Scandinavia are published in the last part of the annual volumes of the Tidsskrijl for retsvidenskab (Copen- hagen, Gad; Kristiania, Ascheboug, 1888 et seq.). These bibliographies were begun by vSecher and continued bv Taranger, Dahl, Motzfeldt, Birch-Reichenwald, Granfelt, and vSchlyter. The Nordisk retsencyklopaedi (Kjj)bcnhavn, 1878-90, 5 vol.) contains under each of its divisions useful bibliographic infor- mation on Scandinavian law. A general bibliography covering Danish literature, legal and otherwise, from 1482 to 1830 is the Bihlioiheca danica^' published in three volumes, 1 877-1 896. Lists of Scandinavian law books were from the beginning of its publication a special feature of Kirchenheim's Ccniral- blatl and also occupy a regular place in Miihlbrecht's Allgc- meinc Bibliogrnfyhic dcr Siaafs- und Rcchtnvisscntchnjtcn . In 1904 Nijhoflf, at The Hague, issued a typewritten list of thi- important Danish legal literature, which was very meager and is now somewhat out of date. The firm of Gad ^ Co. in Copenhagen, probably the principal law publishers in Dcn- ' Sccher, V. A. Fortgenelse over den danske rets lifmitur 1S76-S1 . . Kj0benhavn, Gad, 1884. p. 113-129. Same. 1884-88. Kj^benhavn, Gad, 1889. p. io74-io(;4. Same. 1889-93. Kj0benha\Ti, Gad, 1895. p. 485-510. Same. 1894-1901. Kjj^ibcnhavn, Gad, 1903. 32 p. ^ Bibliotheca danica. 1482-1830. Kj0ljcnha\ni, 1877-1902. 4 vol. Retsvidenskab, i. vol., p. 601-743. Stats- videnskabeme, i. vol., p. 1045-1074. 54 BIBUOGRAPIIY mark, issue catalogues at intervals which list many of the important works on Danish law. A bibliography of Scandinavian legal history, including source books, statutes, and documents of every description of interest to legal historians, was compiled by Karl Lehmann and published in the Zeitschrifi der Savigny-Stiftung, Germa- nistische AbteUung, volume 7, pages 205-234, with supplements in volume 8, pages 170-173, and volume 10, pages 246-248. The Historisk tidskrijt publishes annually bibliographies of Danish and Swedish history, including legal material. The Scandinavian literature on legal history and philosophy is discussed in the course of Hertzberg's monograph contribution on Scandinavia to the first volume of the Continental Legal History Series {supra, p. 40). The vScandinavian literature of criminal law is exhaustively treated in Professor von Thot's article in Der Gerichtssaal, 191 2, pages 145-155 covering Den- mark, pages 201-202, Norway, and pages 203-224, Sweden. Apart from the above bibliographies dealing with all the countries of Scandinavia, distinct bibliographies of Norwegian and vSwedish legal literature are negligible in quantity. We may call attention to the small bibliography on the ancient laws of Norway and Iceland published in 191 1 by Halldor Hermannsson * as the fourth annual volume relating to Iceland in the Fisk Icelandic collection in the Cornell Uni- versity Library. This little book discusses its material under the headings of collections and diplomataria, individual texts, history and criticism, bibliography and biography. A praise- worthy feature of the work is a copious use of bibliographic, explanatory, and contents notes, and in the case of monograph ' Hermannsson, Halldor. Islandica. An annual relating to Iceland and the Fiskc Icelandic collection in Cornell University Library. Vol. 4. The ancient laws of Norway & Iceland . . . Ithaca, lyii. 83 p. FRANCE 55 material frequent indication of the sources of book reviews. Many modem works and periodical articles dealing with Scandinavian history or institutions are listed. Attention may also be called to the general catalogue of Norwegian literature from 1643 to 181 3, and of foreign books relating to Norway published in two volumes, 1899-1910.^ A bibliography of Swedish history covering the period 1875 to 1900, useful also for legal history, was published by Kristian Setierwall? Annual bibliographies of Swedish legal liter- ature are published in the Nytt juridiskt arkiv (founded in 1890). An important bibliographic article on Swedish law by Professor F. K. Neubecker, of Berlin, is to be found in vol- ume 22 (1908), pages 65 to 81, of the Zeitschrifi fur verglei- chende Rechtswissenschaft, edited by Bernhof t, Cohn, and Kohler (Stuttgart, Enke) ; it is entitled Das schwedische Recht und seine Literatur, and was written on the occasion of the appearance of Winroth's important treatise on Swedish civil law. FRANCE French bibliographies worthy of note did not commence until the end of the eighteenth century. Camus, ^ in 1772, published his select bibliography, of which new editions appeared until 1832. In 18 19, Dupin edited the fourth edi- tion of that work, with the hope of furnishing Frcncli jurists with a more complete and practical bibliograj)hy than those to be found in the German bibliographies of the eighteenth * Pettersen, Hjalmar. Bibliothcca iKjrvc^ita. Cliristiaiiia, Tliron- sen & Co., T-xpcdcrcs af Cainincnncvcrs boi^'liaiidcl. i.Son mio. 2 vol. in 5. * v'^tterwall, Kristian. .Svensk historisk hiljlin^rafi 1875-iyoo. Systcmatisk fortttkning ofvcr skriftcr f>tli uppsalscr. ann r/ira Sverigts historia. vStockholm, Fritzc, igoo. 43'M»' ^ Camus, M. lUbliothcquc choisic dcs livrcs do droit ...... td. par M. Dupin. Paris, 15. \Var6c, 1819. 690 p. Sarru:. 5th. ed. 1832. 56 BIBUOGRAPHY century, generally confined to works on Roman and Germanic law and to rare books. Lipenius and Struvius were among the few to include works on French law in their bibliographies. The fifth edition of Camus, published in 1832, consisted of two volumes, entitled Profession d'avocat (Paris, Gobelet) ; volume two of the book contains the select bibliography of law to which we have just referred. It contains critical dis- cussions, under their appropriate subjects, of the important legal literature. The last fifty pages of the book consist of historical, critical, and bibliographic notes on several remark- able books in French law, notable for their age or originality. The work discusses books only, and not periodical articles. Dupin, the editor of Camus, published in 1820 and ag* 1828 brief bibliographic notes intended as supplements to the 1 819 edition. The important material, however, was all included in the 1832 edition of the work. In 1854 Waree^ began what he called an "Index (Repertoire) of the works on law, legislation, and jurispru- dence," which had been published from 1789 to 1855. Several later editions of this work were issued by the firm of Durand in Paris. This Repertoire was intended to some extent to be a continuation of Camus and Dupin 's fifth edition of 1832; it dispenses, however, with most of the critical notes of that work. Waree's Repertoire and the continuations which were edited by Thorin^ became the basis for the Repertoire of French works on law and political ' Waree, B. Repertoire des ouvrages de droit, de legislation et de jurisprudence, 1789-1855. Paris, A. Durand, 1854. 105 p. Same. 1789-1863. Paris, 1863. 264 p. Same. Paris, 1870. 386 p. ^ Thorin, Ernest. Repertoire bibliographique des ouvrages de legislation, de droit et de jurisprudence en matiere civile, administrative, commerciale et criminelle . . . depuis 1 789 jusqu a . . . 1865 . Paris, A. Durand, 1 866. FRANCE 57 science published periodically by French law publishers.*- ^ In Waree's time the catalogue (for it is more of a catalogue than a bibliography) was not as complete as it is at the present day. Before 1895 these bibliographies or general catalogues of French law publications appeared at intervals of several years; after that date they appear annually.^ This publication is perhaps the most useful source of infor- mation for modem works on French law. Several indexes exist of the doctors' dissertations published at the universities of France. The first, by Foniaitic dc Kesbecq,* indexes the dissertations published from 1806 to 1857 and discusses critically those issued after 1851. This is followed by the work of Duhos,^ who continued the list from 1857 to 1885. Since that date the firm of Giard ct Briere have continued the publication of lists of doctors' dissertations. Periodical sources of French legal bibliography are not numerous. In 1853 an attempt was made to begin a journal devoted to critical bibliography;" it was edited by Charles ' Bibliographic ou Catalogue general et complet des livres de droit et de jurisprudence publics jusqu'au i. novenibre 1875; classe dans 1 'ordre des Codes, avec Tabic alphabetic|ue des mat iercs et des nonis (Ics auteurs places en tete du Catalogue. Paris, Marescq. 1875 70. ■■* Catalogue g^n^ral des ouvrages de droit, de legislation et de juris- prudence . . . publics en France . . . Prcc6de d'nn supple- ment et de la bibliographic des ouvrages de droit et dc jurispni- dencc publics en Italic. Paris, G. Pedonc Laurie I, i88^ ^t;, 268 p. ■■' Bibliographic g^n^rale des ouvrages de droit, de legislation el tie jurisprudence. Paris, 1912. * Fontaine de Resbecq, A. de. Notice sur le doctoral cii dniit, suivie de la liste g^n^rale des doctcurs admis dcpuis i8cx') jus<|u'A 1857 et du catalogue raisonnd des theses soutennes dc 1851 A 1S57. Paris, Uurand, 1857. '' Jhibos. Albert. Bibliographic des thesis de doctoral soiilfiints devant les facult^s de droit, 1857-1885. Paris, 1885. * Revue bibliograpliique et pratique de droit fran^ais tl iit,iii);ii . Par Ch f'jinoulhinc. I'aris, iH!;;-i8^7. .| vol. 58 BIBLIOGRAPHY Ginoulhiac. Its life was limited to four years. In 1869 a similar attempt seems to have been made/ but of this jounial only a few numbers appeared. The French literature for the period from 1880 to 1885 is discussed by Professor Lyon-Caen, the noted jurist of Paris, in Kirchenheim's Centralhlatt fiir Rechtswissenschaft (vol. 5, No. 4, pp. 121-131). The firm of Giard & Brieve "^ issues monthly a publication of a. few pages which they call Revue hibliographique of all books on law, jurisprudence, political economy, finance, and sociology. It contains short book reviews, lists of new books, surveys of the contents of French periodicals, and notices of second-hand books for sale by Giard iv Briere. Attention may also be called to the Nouvelle revue historique de droit jrangais {supra, p 36), and to the Revue trimestrielle de droit civil {supra, p. 51), as French bibliography occupies a regular place in both these periodicals. Several catalogues require mention. The earliest of value is the catalogue of the library of the Cour de Cassation,^ which appeared in 1819 and 1825 in two volumes. The bar association at Paris' published a two- volume catalogue of its library in 1866; a later catalogue of the same library'" was published in 1880. In 1884 a catalogue was published of the old and modern books in the library of the noted scholar • Rcviie hibliographique de droit et de jurisprudence. Paris, 1869. - Revue hibliographique des ouvrages de droit, de jurisprudence, d 'economic politique, de science financiere et de sociologie. Paris, Giard & Briere. ' Catalogue des livres composant la bihliotheque de la Cour de cassa- tion. Deuxieme partie. Jurisprudence. Paris, . . . 1819-1825. 2 vol. ■• Catalogue des livres imprimes de la Bihliotheque des Avocats a la cour imperiale de Paris. Paris, Durand, 1866-67. 2 vol. * Catalogue des livres imprimes de la Bihliotheque des Avocats a la coiir d 'appel.de Paris. Tome I. Theologie et jurisprudence. Paris, A. Durand, 1880. 486 p. FRANCE 59 Lahonlaye; ^ the first 209 pages of the book include the legal literature in that library. The Prefecture of the Department of the Seine, ^ whose catalogue we have already mentioned, published a catalogue of its French law books in 1898. We might also add that in 1890 to 1896 the National Library in Paris ^ published a four- volume catalogue of the briefs, pleadings, and other documents filed before 1790; it was edited by A. Corda, an assistant in the library. An exceedingly useful publication, not only for the actual statement of the law, but for the bibliography of everv important subject in law is the encyclopaedic work in 37 volumes Repertoire general alphabetiqiie du droit franfais* (1886-1905), to which supplements are now beginning to be issued. The essays on the various topics arc accompanied by extensive bibliographies. A number of works on special branches of French law art- useful for bibliographic purposes. For the literature dealing with the history of I'>cn::h law and its institutions, the work of Gavet^ published in 1899 is the most iinjiortanl; it is exhaustive in its discussions of early legal literature. Two other useful sources of literature on iMvnch legal liistoix' are Warnkoenig's" Franzosische Staats mid- Kiclilsin.sxliichii-, which ' Laboulayc, Kdouard. Catalogue rlt- livres ancicns it niocU-nics . . . Paris, 1884. 478 p. ^ France. Prefecture du dej)artenieiit de la vSfiiu'. Catalogue de la Hihliolhcque administrative. I'aris, Imp. Munieij)ale, i8()S. 3 Paris. Bibliotheque nationale. Catalogue dcs factums vi d'autres documents judiciaires ant^rieurs k 1870. Par A. Corda . Paris, Plon, Nourrit & Cic, 1890-6. 4 vol. * Repertoire g^-neral alphab^tiquc du droit franfais. edited by Fuzier-Herman. Paris, Larose & Tenin, 1 886- 190*). 37 vol. Sdnif. Supplement, .A .Arm, 191 1. •Gavet, G. vSources dc I'histoirc des institutions et (hi droit f ran - Cais. Manuel de bibliograpliie hist<»rique. Paris, Uirasc, 1899. 7«i I' ' VVamkoenig, I,. A. ik. Stein, 1-. l-ran/osi>.eIie htaats- und reclu.-> geschichtc. 2nd ed. ii.'ile, 1875. 3 vol. 6o BIBUOGRAPHY contains an extended bibliography; and Koenigswarter's ^ work on the sources of French law previous to the fifteenth century. Two more recent works on the history of French law by Glasson - and by V toilet ^ are likewise useful as bibliographic sources of information. The monograph on France con- tributed to the first volume of the Continental lyCgal History Series {supra, p. 40) contains bibliographic notes of importance, as does also the third volume in the series, Brissaud's * history of French private law. The enactment of the French civil code began a new era in the history of French law, and from that time several bibliographies on the literature of the civil law made their appearance. In 1809 Mauguin^ published his 12-volume work on the principal French and foreign works relating to the Civil Code, the Commercial Code, and the Code of Civil Procedure. In 1808 Seidensticker ^ published his intro- ' Koenigswarter, L. J. vSources et monuments dvi droit frangais anterieurs au XV. siecle ou Bibliotheque de I'histoire dn droit civil frangais deptiis la premiere origine jusqu'a la redaction ofBcielle des cou- tiimes. Paris, Durand, 1853. - Glasson, E. Histoire du droit et des institutions dc la France. Paris, P. Pichon, 1887-1903. 8 vol. ^ VioUet, P. M. Droit prive et sources. Histoire du droit civil fran^ais, accompagnee de notions de droit canonique et d 'indica- tions bibliographiques ... 3. ed. Paris, L. Larose & L. Tenin, 1905. 1012 p. ^ Brissaud, Jean. A history of French private law. v. 3 of the Con- tinental Legal History" Series. Boston, Little, Brown & Co., 1912. 922 p. ■' Mauguin, Frangois. Bibliotheque, ou Journal du Barreau et des Ecoles de droit, ou examen des principaux ouvrages frangais et Strangers qui ont rapport aux Codes civil, de commerce, de procedure . . . 1809-12. 12 vol. •^ Seidensticker, J. A. L. Einleitung in den Codex Napoleon, handelnd von dessen literatur, geschichte, plan und methode, verbindung rait der iibrigen franzosischen legislation, quellen, verhaltniss zu den alteren gesetzen und rechten, zu den supplementarischen dispositionen und zur doctrin, verbreitung. Tubingen, Cotta, 1808. FRANCE 6 1 duction to the Code Napoleon, dealing with its literature, history, plan, and method. The next important bibliograph\ devoted to civil law is Dramard's ^ work published in 1879. It is a bibliography with descriptive and occasionally critical notes, listing the French books and articles under thtir appropriate headings, the arrangement of the material follow- ing that of the French Civil Code. On commercial law, we have Pardessus' ^ bibliography, published in 1821, which was later incorporated into that same author's Corns de droit commercial. Remmard's ' treatise on bankruptcy contains in part one a history of the law of bankruptcy, and at the end of each chapter contains a bibliography on the subject of the chapter, with critical notes on the literature. On notaries, we have Amiaud's * bibliographic researches on French notarial law, of which part one contains a bibliog- raphy of works on French notaries, and volume two, the older and modem works relating to notaries, published anonymousK or abroad. On criminal law there is an extensive and critical discussion of French literature at pp. 229-285 of von Thol's article in Der Gerichtssaal , 191 2 (supra, p. 45). In 1886 R. Souhart'' published his bibliography on the law of the chase and hunting. ' Dramard, E. Bibliographic raisonn^e dti droit civil . . . Paris, Firmin-Didot & Cie, 1879. 368 p. -' Pardessus, J. M. Riblioth6quc dc droit commiTcial jirtc^dci- (I'lm discours sur I'originc ct Its jjrogrc-s de ce droit. Paris, Itiijjr A Egroii, 1821. ' Rcnoiiard. Traits des failliUs et l)iin(iucr<>utts. j, »(i I'aiis, (.".uillaiiniin, 1857. 2 vol. * Amiaud, Alb. Recherchcs bii)liograi)liic)iies sur le noUiriat fnmv.iis. Paris, Larose, 1881. 230 j). ■ Souhart, K. LJibliographie g6neralc des ouvrages sur la eliiusM.', la v^ncrie et la faucounerie ])ubli6s ou conijws^-s de]>uis le xv. sitVle jusqu 'd ce jour, en fran^ais, latin, allemaud, etc. Paris. Rou(|iii-ilr, 1886. 62 BIBLIOGRAPHY On administrative law we have La Peyrie's ^ bibliography, published in 1848, and Aucoc' s ^ work on the French Council of State before and after 1789. GERMANY. Germany has always been prolific in the publication of legal bibliographies. Most of the general bibliographies already mentioned, i)ublished in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, were edited by Germans. A few of the later eighteenth century bibliographies confining themselves to the German literature are the following : Starr's ^ work on German legal literature from 1771 to 1780; WestphaVs^ systematic introduction to the best books on law and related sciences, the second edition of which was published in 1779, followed by a later edition by Gruber in 1791; Fischer's-' bibliography of Germanic law, which appeared in 1782; and Hellhach's '' select bibliography, with critical notes, pub- lished in two volumes in 1787-1794. ' La Peyrie. Bibliographic administrative ou nomenclature methodi- que et raisonnee des Recueils de lois et d 'arrets, des instructions et reglcments ministeriels, des traites de jurisprudence et de doctrine administratives, sviivie d'une liste des doctiments officiels et des principaux ouvragcs publics en France sur les diverses matieres dc 1 'administration. Paris, Joubert, 1848. - Aucoc. Le Conscil d'Etat avant et depuis 1789 . . . Etude his- torique et bibliographique. Paris, impr. nat., 1876. ' Storr, W. L. Juristische litteratur der deutschen von 1771 bis 1780. Dessau, Frankfiu-t am Main, 1783-1787. 3 vol. ^ Westphal, E. Chr. Systematische anleitung zur kenntniss der besten biicher in der rechtsgelahrtheit und in den damit verbundenen wissenschaften . 2. aufl. Leipzig, 1779. 3. aufl. von J. F. Gruber, 1791. * Fischer, F. C. J. Litteratior des germanischen rechts. Leipzig, ■ Schwickert, 1782. " Hellbach, J. C. von. Entwurf einer auserlesenen bibliothck fiir rechtsgelehrte mit zueckmassiger kritik und ladenpreisen. Mit einem sach- und schriften-register. Erfurt, Keyser, 1787-1794. 2 vol. GERMANY 63 in 181 9 Ulmenstein * published his bibliography of civil law, with a list of the books published during the preceding 30 years. Enslin"= - Bibliotheca juridka, the second edition of which was published in 1840 by \V. Engelmann, lists all the useful books which appeared in Germany between 1750 and 1839; a supplement brought this work down to 1849. G. W . Wutlig ^ continued the work by publishing a supplement covering the years 1849 to 1867, the date of the origin of the North German Federation. In 1877 Ludwig Rossberg,* of Leipzig, published a second volume of this continuation. The work of Wuttig- Rossberg is an alphabetical compilation in two volumes of all the books on law and political science which ajipeared in Germany and Austria from 1849 to 1S76. ir. .V. Schulzc'" covered the period 1867 to 1874 by the publication of an alphabetical subject-bihliograph\', the material being arranged chronologically within the subject. .'Ml the works mentioned above after Rnslin contain subject indexes. In 1886, L.euckari'^ published the fifth edition 01 ' Ulmenstein, F. G. A. Handbibliothek des civilrechts nebst einem verzeichniss der in den letzen 30 jahren crschienencn juristischcT- scliriften. Berlin, Flettner, 1819. - Bibliotheca juridica. Hrsg. von T. C. F. Enslin. j. anil, von W . Ivngelmann. Ixipzig, W. Engelmann, 1840-1849. i vol. &supp. •^ Wuttig, G. W. Bibliotheca juridica. Handbuch der gesiinimtcn neueren juristischen u. staatswissenschafllichiMi litcratur. 1849- 1867. Leipzig, O. A. Schulz, 1867. 3.^° P * Same. Zvveiter band, die jahre 1867 bis mitte 1876 umfassend. Hcarb von Ludwig Rossberg. Ivcipzig, Rossberg, 1877. * Schulze. W. N. Die rcichsrechtlicho litcratur seil cntstchung dis norddcutschcn Inmdcs, 1867 bis ende 1874. in lexicalisch chn.n.. logischer ordnung aufgestellt. Mit materien -register. Leipzig. Stauffer, 1875. 95 p. ' Lcuckart. .Sy.stcmatischc ucbersicht der in IXutschland erscliieiu lun beiiK-rkenswerthen scliriften xibcr staals- u. rechts\vissen.sch;ifleii mit bcsonderer berucksichtigtnig der erscheinungen wilrhe sicli aiif den preussischcn staat unci das deiitsclie rcich be/ielur J5rc"jlau, 1886. 5. auH. 64 BIBLIOGRAPHY his systematic survey of the notable works relating to Prussian and German law. Wolf's Juristisches Vademecum, which i^eased publication about 1900, was a dictionary catalogue of ihe principal Gennan law books in print. It was issued periodically at Leipzig. Holtzendorff's Rechtslexicon (lyeipzig, 1876, 2 V.) contains useful bibliographic information under each article of the lexicon. In 1868 Otto Muhlbrecht/ of Berlin, began the publica- tion of his Uebersicht der gesammten staats- und rechtswissen- schajtUchen Literatur, which since then has continued in bimonthly numbers to list the legal literature of Germany and other countries of Europe in alphabetical order. In 1868 MuMbrecht - published his bibliography of Prussian legal literature. Reference has already been made to the publica- tion of Miihlbrecht's ^ Wegweiser, or "Guide to the modern literature of law," published in two volumes in 1893 and 1901. This is a subject catalogue of the literature produced in Ger- many between the years 1868 and the date of publication. Several important sections of the book are also devoted to foreign law, arranged by country. Other useful bibliographies we may mention are the edition of Mollat* and Weigel, a systematic index of the principal ' Mtihlbrecht, Otto. Uebersicht der gesammten staats- und rechts- wissenschaftlichen literatur . . . Berlin, Puttkammer & Miihl- brecht, 1869 et seq. 2 Miihlbrecht, Otto. Die literatur der preussischen staats- und rechts- wissenschaft. Uebersicht der in den jahren 1849 bis ende 1867 Deutschland im druck erschienenen bemerkenswerthen staats- tind rechtswissenschaftlichen schriften, welche sich auf den preiiss. staat beziehen . . . Berlin, 1868. 120 p. ' Miihlbrecht, Otto. Wegweiser durch die neuere litteratur der rechts- und staatswissenschaften ... 2. aufl. Berlin, Puttkammer & Miihlbrecht, 1893-1901. 2 vol. (vol. i, 2nd ed.). ■* Mollat, C. T. O. Weigel's systematisches verzeichnissderhauptwerke der deutschen literatur auf dem gebiete der rechts- und staatswis- senschaften von 1820-1882. Leipzig, Weigel, 1886. 106 p. GERMANY 65 works on German law produced between 1820 and 1882, and Manz's ^ Bib/iotheca juridica, the eighth edition of which was published in 1885. The Bibliotheca juridica,^ published annually by an association of law publishers, is a useful booklet, as it lists all the important German works, with their prices, by subject matter and character of the work — for example, treatises, commentaries, text editions, etc. ; it is edited by short title only and contains no other bibliographic information. During the years 1906 and 1907, Georg Maas,' formerly assistant librarian of the supreme court of Gennany and now Hbrarian of the Imperial military court at Berlin, published his Jurisprudentia germanue. It is a careful subject catalogue and bibliography of the literature of Germany for the years 1905 and 1906; unfortunately, the work was pub- lished for only two years. Maas is also the author of valuable bibliographies on German civil law (infra). Since 1906, when the second series of Kirchenheim's Cen- iralblatt jiir Rechtswissenschaft made its appearance, Hinrichs, the publisher of that periodical, has appended a quarterly supplement called Neue Biicher iiber Rechis- und Staaiswissen- schaflen. Hinricha' * Vierteljahrs-katalog der Neuigkeiten des deutschen Btichhandels , published since 1846, contains a sec- tion on law which since 1906 is also separately issued. There ' Bibliotheca juridica. Verzeichniss der vorziiglichsten werke aus alien zweigen der rechts- und staatswissenschaften. 8. ausg. Witn. G. J. Manz, 1885. - I'.ibliotheca juridica. Systematisches vorzeiclmiss der neuercn uiui gebrauchlicheren auf dem gebiele der rechts- und staats\vis.seu schiift erschienencn gesetzausgaben, etc. . . . Leipzig, Rossbcrg. ' Maas, Georg. Jurisprudentia Germaniae. J^.ibliographie der deulschen gesclzgebung und rechtswissenschaft . . . Herbn, W. Mtustr HJ06-7. (1905-6.) * Hinrichs, J. C. \ierteljahres katalog der neuigkeiten des eriods and l)y classes of material are important. The remarkable work by R. Stintzing on the history of German legal science ' (Geschichte der deiUschen Rcchts- wissenschajty merits a special place in a monograph of this kind. That work, brought down to 1700 by the original ' Frankfurt am Main. Stadtbibliothek. Katalog derneueren bestandc . . . Frankfurt a. M., Gebriider Knaue^, 1908. \'oI. 1. .3681). ■^ Weifllich, Cli. Geschichte der jetzt Icbendcn rech(.s-Kclehrlon in Teutschiand. Mcrscburp. Schul^artli, 1748. I'art i. 708]). Same. Nachrichten von den jelzt lebcndcn rechts-gelehrlen. Halli-, Kiininicl, 1757-65. (6 parts.) Same. Lexicon . . . Halle, Grunert, 1766. 202 p. Same. Biograjjhische nachrichten . . . Halle, Hemnunli .-<.<- 5 vols. •' Costa, Iv. n. Hibliogra|jhii- der deut.schcn rechtsReschichte. Kr.mii schweig, C. A. Schwetsehkc & S>hn, iS^H. ^42 ji. ' Mint/ing, K. Geschicht*- der deiiLsciien rcchlswissciischall. j vols. V. 3 and V. 4 by Dr. Ernst Landsberg. .Mtinehen, K. (.)ldcnburg, 1880-1910. yO BIBUOGRAPHY author, and continued until modern times by Dr. Ernst Landsberg, records the contributions of every prominent German scholar to the development of legal science in all its branches. For bibliographic purposes it is a mine of infor- mation. The bibliographic notes running through the essay on Germany in the first volume of the Continental Legal His- tory Series {supra, p. 40) are also useful in the field of legal history. Homeyer's ^ -bibliographic discussions of the law books of the Middle Ages and their manuscripts is an important bib- liographic contribution. For the early Hterature also, Stobbe's ^ Geschichte der deutschen Rechisquellen, published in two volumes, i860 to 1864, is an important work. In the field of public law, Putter's ^ Litteratur des teiUschen Staatsrechts, a critical survey of German legal literature, from, the beginning to the date of its publication, is important; il was begun in 1776, the fourth volume being pubUshed b\- Kliiber in 179 1. /. T. Roth* published a supplement to Putter's Litteratur in 1791. Nor should we fail to mention again Mohl's valuable work {supra, p. 42) published in 1855. During the present year (1912) P. Wentzcke^ has published a critical bibliography of the ephemeral and pamphlet literature on German constitutional law and ' Homeyer, G. Die deutschen rechtsbiicher des niittelalters und ihrc handschriften. Berlin, 1856. '" Stobbe, O. Geschichte der deutschen rechtsquellen. Eninswick, 1860-64. 2 vol. ' Piitter, J. St. & Kliiber, J. L. Litteratur des teutschen staatsrechts. Gottingen, 1776, 1783; Erlangen, 1791. 4 vol. ■• Roth, J. Th. Beitrage zum deutschen staatsrecht und zur litteratur desselben. . . . Rin nachtrag zu Piitter 's litteratur. Niimberg, 1791. ' Wentzcke, P. Kritische bibliographic der Hugschril'ten zur deut- schen verfassungsfrage 1848-1851. Halle, Niemeyer, 1912. GKRMANY 7 1 history, relating especially to the troublous period of 1848- 1851. In the field of civil law we have referred to the annual bibliographies by Gcorg Maas ^ which have appeared since 1888; they were bound in one volume from 1888 to 1898 and in another from 1899 to 1903. These bibUographies appeared annually until 1904 in the Archiv fur hiirqcrlichis Recht. Since 1904 this periodical publishes biennially a Civilistische Rundschau, or critical survey of recent literature in civil law. Reference must also be made to the bibliog- raphy of the official material on the Civil Code, published by Georg Maas'- in 1897. From 1898 to 1901, Otto Miihl- brecht ^ published three parts of a bibliography of the Ci\'il Code, discussing particularly the literature in Germany since 1877, the year of great legal reforms and of the codification of important branches of the law. It is useful for the litera- ture of the various commissions and the successive drafts of the German Ci^■il Code. In 1865, Watther ' published a bibliograph)' of German civil procedure. In 1884, Birkmeyer'' compiled an exten- • Maas, Georg. liibliographic des biirgerlichen rcchts. 1888-180S. Berlin, C. Heymann, 1899. 387 p. Same. 1899-1903. - Maas, Georg. Bibliographie der amtlichen inatcrialicii zum H. G. II. fiir das Deutsche Rcicli. . . . Berlin, J. Guttentag, 1897. 35 p. ' .Miihlhrecht, Otlo. BiI)liograpliic dcs biirgfrlidun gesol/.buclies fiir das Deutsche Reich und seiner neljengesetze. Hcrlin, I'ult kammer & .Miihlbrecht, 1898-1901. Pt. 1-3. (pt. i, 3rd cd/l * Walther, O. A. Die litcralur des gcmeincn civil-processcr, und si-ine bearheilcr l)is auf die zeiten dcs jiingsten rcichsabscliicds. I{in beitrag zur cuUurgeschiclitc des genicincn dcutschcn civil jm)- cesses iibcrhauj)!. Ncirdhausen, 1865. Same. Complete. Ivrlangen, 1866. ■^ Birkmeyer, Carl. Ziisaininenstellungdcrge.saniinten bis jct/t /iirrcichs civil-process orchiiujg crschicncncn litcralur, gc<»rdnet iiach der reihenfolge der gesetz-paragrafen. CIn Gruchot 's Reitrage, 1884, p. 179-241;. 72 BIBUOGRAPHY sive bibliography of the literature on the German Code of Civil Procedure, arranged in accordance with the sections of that code. The work was published in Gruchot's Beitrdqc (1884, pp. 179-241). An extensive annual survey of the literature on German civil procedure, bankruptcy and non- contentious jurisdiction is printed in the Zeitschrift jiir deut- schen Zivilprozess (Berlin, Heymann). For commercial law we may call attention to VoigteVs ^ survey of the literature from 1852 to 1875; and we may again mention the bibliographic lists contained in the annual x'olumes of the Zeitschrift jitr das gesammtc Handelsrecht founded by Goldschmidt (Stuttgart, F. Enke) in 1858. In the field of criminal law we have already mentioned the bibliographies of Blumner, Brunner, Bohmer, and Kappler in the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries. To these we may add the treatise of Feuerbach,^ one of the classicists of German criminal law; the fourteenth edition contains valuable bibliographic information. We may also mention a similar work by Boehlau ^ on the sources and literature of German and Prussian criminal law. GREECE. Bibliographies of Greek law are rare. The literature for the years 1880 to 1885 was discussed by Professor Costi, of Athens, in Kirchcnheim's Ccntralblatt jiir Rcchtswissenschajt (vol. 5, No. 8, pp. 269-273). An alphabetical list of tfic ^ Voigtel. Uebersicht der literatur des deutschen handels-rechts seit einfiihrung des allgemeinen deutschen handelsgesetzbuchs, 1852-1875, nebst verzeichniss der deutschen juristischen zeit- schriften und period, urtheilssammlungen. Berlin, Heymann, 1876. 191 p. ^ Feuerbach, A. P. von. Lehrbuch des gemeinen in Deutschland giiltigen peinlichcn rechts. . . . With notes by Mittermaier. 14 ed. Giessen, Heyer, 1847. ^ Boehlau, H. Quellen und literatur des gemeinen deutschen tmd preussischen strafrechts. Weimar, Boehlau, 1859. ITAI^Y 73 works published in Greece from 1886 to 1894 was pre- pared by Professor G. von Streit and published in Gemian translation, by title only, in Kirchenheim's Ccntralblait jitr Rechtswissenschaft (vol. 14, 1894, PP- 413-418). In 1908 Cesare Bertolini began the publication of a current bibliography on ancient Greek and Roman law, which is printed annually in the BulleUino delVIsiituio di Diritto Romano, of Rome. In the Bulletin bibliographiqtie of the NouveUe revne historiqiie de droit fran^ais (supra) one section deals with Droit oriental et droit grec. In the 1883 volume of that periodical G. Bar- rilleau contributed an article on the sources of Greek law (pp. 6 1 3-657) . Professor von Thot's article in the Gerichtssaal (supra) devotes several pages (286-291) to the literature of Greek criminal lavr. ITALY. The useful bibliographies of Italian law may be quickly mentioned. (For a more complete record the student may be referred to the Bibliotheca bibliogruphica of Ottino' and Kumagalli.) In 1851 Orlando'- published his bibliogra])hy of ancient vSicihan law; and in 1883 Redone- Laurie/,^ of Paris, devoted a section of their catalogue of works published in France, to a list of law books published in Italy. The Italian literature published during the years 1880 to 1885 was discussed by Professor Serafmi, of Pisa, in Kirchenheim's Ccntralblait jUr Rechtswissenschaft (vol. 5, No. 57, p]). 19O-204). Lists of recent Italian legal literature appear in .Miihlbrecht's ' Ottiuo, G., and Fumagalli, G. Bibliotheca bibliographica italica. Roma [etc. J 1889-1902. 2 vols, and 4 sujjjjI. (the 3d and 4tli bv E. Calvi). - Orlando, Diego. J5ihliotcca di ;uitica ^'iurispnidLii/a v,icili.iii.i Palermo, Pietro Morvillo, 1851. 204]). ' Catalogue g6n<*ral dcs ouvrages de droit de iegislalioii el de jurisprii deuce, . . . ])ublits en i'Vanee. . . . Precede dun supjilenieul et de la bibliograjjliie des ouvrages de droit et de Jurisiiruclcnce j)ublies en Italic. Paris, G. Pedonc-Lauriel, i88.j. 55, 268 j). 74 BIBLIOGKAPIIY Allgemeine Bibliographie der Staats- und Rechtswissenschaften and in Kirchenheim's Centralhlatt fiir Rechtswissenschaft. In 1884, E. Detken^ published a bibliography of Italian and foreign law, which was intended to be a monthly period- ical; it existed for a very brief period only. Probably the best periodical in Italy for legal literature is the Rivista italiana per le scienze giuridiche, which contains in each num- ber a Bolletiino bibliografi<:o, and emphasizes Italian law throughout (Rome, Loescher, 1887 et seq.). In the year 1 886, pages 71-108, this review published a critical article on the bibliography of Italian civil law; but it seems not to have been continued in subsequent years. The Ginrispru- denza italiana (Torino, Unione Tip. Editr.) publishes annualh' a subject index which contains bibliographic notes. The first number (May, 191 2) of the Bibliografia giuridico- sociale, published by the firm of Ermanno Loescher & Co., in Rome, is accompanied by the announcement that this bibliography of recent Italian works on law and social science will be issued at intervals of about six months. The bib- liography is arranged by subject matter. Ihe legal history of modem Europe finds many of its original elements in Italy. The bibliographic information contained in the first volume of the Continental Legal History Series {supra, p. 40) will be found useful. On Italian legal history the bibliographies contained in the various chapters of Schupfer's " Manualc di sioria del dvritto ifaliuuo arc the most complete of their kind. The statutes of the mediaeval Italian cities, which include the collections of local customs, ordinances, and other elements, * Detken, E. Bibliografia giuridica italiana e straniera, boUettino mensile dei libri, periodici, ecc. di giurisprudenza. Naples, Detken, 1884. '^ Schupfer, Francesco. Manuale di storia del diritto italiano. 4th ed. Citta di Castello, S. Ivapi, 1908. 783 p. ITALY 75 are one of the important sources of Italian law. Practically each city had a "Statute" of its own. The bibliography of these statutes has been the subject of research by a number of writers, to whom attention is here directed. Francesco Bonaini published an exhaustive study on the subject, Alcuni appunti per servirc ad una hibliografia degli statuti itnliani, which appeared in the Annali dellc I'mvcrsita Toscane, vol- ume 2, 1851 (pp. 141-234), and volume 3, 1854 (pp. 5-42). This was followed, in 1858, by the monograph of Berlau} In 1876 Manzoni- published a valuable bibliography on Italian legal history, dealing principally with the city statutes. Lozzi's^ bibhography of Italian history begins with a long chapter (pp. 1-87) on the Italian city statutes. Other bibliographies of history also include these statutes. In 1888 La Mantia* published a bibliograph\- of the various editions of the Italian city statutes. In 1891 Gonetia'' pub- lished a bibliography dealing with the statutes of the arts, trades, and crafts guilds, the oldest of the organizations of Italy, whose charters and statutes became an important com- ponent part of the city statutes, in that Italian conmiercial law finds its basis in these sources. A bibliography dealing with the legislation of the city of Venice alone was published in 1880 by Valsecchi.'^ ' Bcrlan, Fr. Statuti italiani. Saggio bibliografico. . . . Vciiczia, Tiji. del coinmercio, 1858. 151 p. •' Manzoni, Luigi. Ribliogralia statvilaiia c slorica italiana. l?oliij;ii.i, Romagiioli, 1876 g. i vol. in 2. ' l.ozzi, Carl<^. Ribliotcca istorico dclla antica c nnova Italia. Sa^inin
  • l> * Mibliothfcu juridica. Catalogus van allc botkrii scdcrt 18^7 in hcl krminkrijk dcr Nederhmdcn verschciunovtrsl;uit.s\veti'nschap|)en. wetgoving en richtsgelccrdluid. . 's Oravenhage, M. NijliofT. 1874. 2cx; \>. 78 BIBLIOGRAPHY the books published in Holland on law and political science from 1837 to 1874. In 1880 the Supreme Court of Holland ^ published a catalogue of its books; a manuscript supplement brings the catalogue down to 1909. The resources of the University Library at Amsterdam - were listed in catalogues issued at various times. A subject bibliography, arranged chronologically, of the dissertations and academic monographs published at the University of Amsterdam^ from 1787 to 1887, with a supplement from 1887 to 1892, was published in two small pamphlets in 1887 and 1893, respectively. A catalogue of all the theses defended at the universities in Holland from 1700 to 1898 was published in 1898 by Burgersdijk and Niemians in Leiden. The department of justice of Holland^ published a catalogue of its library in 1891; in 1908 a new edition was issued, annual supplements bringing the work down to 191 1. The catalogue is carefully divided by subject matter and appears to be the best of the recent Dutch cata- logues; it is also useful for work in comparative law, as its resources in the law of other countries are quite considerable. ' Catalogus der bockerij van den Hoogen Raad der Nederlanden. Opge- maakt in 1880. 184, 2 p. Same. Supplement (In manuscript). 1Q09. - Amsterdam Universiteit Bibliotheek. Catalogus van boeken over rechtsgeleerdheiden staatswetenschappen . . . Amsterdam, Stads- drukkerij, 1882. 10 p. Same. 1896-7. Amsterdam, ... 61 p. ^Amsterdam Universiteit. De academische rechts-literatuur van Ams- terdam. 1787-1887. Met eene \oorrede van T. M. C. Asser. Amsterdam, 1887. 32 p. Sam^. I. vervolg, 1887-1892. Amsterdam, 1893. 23 p. ■• Netherlands. Departement van Justitie. Catalogus der Bililio- theek . . . i. deel. 's-Gravenhage, 1891. 772 p. Same. New ed. 's-Gravenhage, 1908. 891 p. 1. supp. " 190Q. 31 p. 2. " " 1910. 50 p. 3. " " 1911. 53 p. NETHERLANDS 79 The Bar Association Library in Amsterdam ^ published a catalogue of its books, by subject matter, in 1901, with a supplement in 1903. The libraries of M. H. Godefroi- and of J. C. De Koning,'' both rich in legal literature, were donated to the Universitv of Amsterdam, which published a catalogue of their contents in 1887 and 1902 respectively. Frederik Midler & Co.* pub- lished in 1905 a catalogue of books on Roman-Dutch and old Dutch law. The National Library at The Hague ■' pub- lished in 1908 a list of its reference works; under the section on law will be found most of the importrmt legal literature of Holland. In 1910 there was published a catalogue of the works in the LTniversity Library at Amsterdam " on the sub- ject of notaries, which also includes practically all the impor- tant legal literature of Holland. The best legal literature of Holland, with emphasis on legal histor)', is referred to in the footnotes of Prof. Van ' Catalogus der Bibliolheek behoorende aan dc Practizijns-socictcit ti- Amsterdam, iqoi. 2or p. Same. Alphaljctisch rcgi.stcr op den Catalogxis . . . l<)o^ Same. Supiilemciit . . . 1Q03. 2 Catalogus van een belangrijk gedcclte der boekerij van rcclitsgekerdluid en staatswetenschaj) verzanield door Mr. M. H. Godefroi, .\iiisttr dam, Stadsdrukkerij, 1887. 216 p. ' Hibliotheek der Universitcit van Amsterdam. Hoekerij van wijlen Mr. J. C. De Koning met andere aanwinsten oj) hct gelncd dir staats- en rcchLswetenschappen en der nienwe letlereii. Ainsti r dam, Stads-Dndckerij, i()02. 2 |2 p. * Muller & Co. Catalogus van Iweken. Romein.seh en oud iioliandstli recht. .Amsterdam, Muller&Cn., kjos. 76 p. * Netherlands. Koninklijke Hibliotheek. Lijst van dt- lioekwerken en tijdsehriften in de leeszaal en hiiar gaanrlerijen gejiiaatst ten geliniike van de hezoekers der Lecsziuil. 's (iravenliagr, Heliii fante, 1908. 151 ]). " Catalogus van de hoi ken l)tlrckkel> k liet notarial (in liie Iniversity Library at Amsterdam). Amsterdam, druk. " 't Koggescliip," j(>io. 382 p. 80 BIBUOGRAPHY Hamcl's contribution on tlie Netherlands in the first vohime of the Continental Legal History Series (supra, p. 40). Prof, von Thot's article in the Gerichtssaal, 191 2, deals at length (pp. 173-201) with the Dutch literature on criminal law. On the occasion of the Publishers' Convention at Amster- dam, in 1910, Martinus Nijhoff published a catalogue (191 1) of all the books published in Holland since the eighteenth century. PORTUGAIv There is a dearth of bibliographic information on the legal literature of Portugal. In 1900 Brito Aranha^ published a brief alphabetical catalogue of Portuguese works for the study of the history and institutions of Portugal; among others some of the legal works are listed. There exists a two-volume Bibliographia juridica portugalensis by Alves De Sd, published at Lisbon; this work is reported by Antonio Mesquita de Figueiredo, of Lisbon, but no imprint is given, and the writer has been unable to secure further information about it. Senhor Mesquita de Figueiredo ^ prepared for the Library of Con- gress a select bibliography of Portuguese law, of some 49 pages, which is probably the best legal bibliography obtainable ; it is in typewritten form at the Library of Congress. The Portuguese literature on criminal law is discussed by Prof, von Thot at pages 350-355 of his article in the Gerichtssaal, 191 2. RUSSIA Russia's legal literature did not begin until about 1830. Bibliographic information is scanty; what we have we owe largely to Professor Engelmann, of Dorpat. In a biblio- graphic article in Kirchenheim's Centralblatt jur Rechtswissen- schaft (vol. 5, No. 12, pp. 409-419), Professor Engelmann ' Brito Aranha. Bibliographic des otivrages portugais . . . Lisbonne, Impriinerie nationale, 1900. 90 ]j. 2 Mesquita de Figueiredo. Bibliotheca juridica portugalensis. Lisbon, 1911. 49 p. (Ms. not published.) RUSSIA 8 1 undertook to discuss critically the Russian legal literature from 1880 to 1885, but, as a matter of fact, he gives valuable information on all the important literature published from 1830" to 1885. Professor Engelmann for many years contrib- uted annual bibliographies of Russian law books to the Ccn- tralblati fiir Rechtswissenschajt. In 1 896 .4 . Poworiy^sky ^ published a systematic guide to Russian literature on the judiciary system and on civil and criminal procedure. In 1909 a catalogue of the University Library at St. Peters- burg ^ was published, devoted especially to the resources of that library in legal bibliography and criminal law. The Zentralblatt der Rechtsmissenschajt {supi-a, p. 35), besides publishing a Russian edition, reports current Russian legal literature and excerpts the articles in Russian legal periodicals, with German translation. The literature on Russian criminal law is reviewed by Prof, von Thot at pages 381-384 of his article in the Gerichis- saal, 191 2. The pubUshing house of Prawo, of St. Petersburg, publishes each year what professes to be a complete catalogue, by sub- jects, of all Russian legal publications. It is probably tlu- most complete source of information on Russian legal liter- ature taken as a whole. An extensive bibliography of the legal literature of Poland published during the nineteenth and twentieth centuries has recently been issued (191 2) by A. Suligowski.' ' Povorinskn, A. Sistematitcheski! ukazatel ' rus.ski)T litcratviry po sudoustrolstvtt i suclDproi/vocIstvii, grazhclaiiskoinii i UK<"liivii<»iim. St. Petersburg, 1896. 2 St. Petersburg. Universitcl. ...Catalogue il.nr.tlii<|uc. St. P^tcTsUjurg, i^cy;. 133 p. (In Russian. ) ■■'Suligowski, Adolf. Hicliografia j)ra\vnicza ]M>lska xix i .\x wieku. Warsaw, Arct, 1912. 538 p. 05302°- la — 82 BIBrvIOGRAPHY The Polish legal literature published during the years 1880 to 1885 was discussed by Prof. Kasparek, of Krakau, in Kirchenheim's Centralhlatt fiir Rechtswissenschajt (vol. 5, No. 10-11, pp. 350-358)- A bibliography of Polish works on inheritance law which appeared during the years 1878-1889, was published in 1891.^ SPAIN Undoubtedly the most useful Spanish legal bibliography is Torres Campos' s ~ two-volume work. Volume one covers the legal literature by subject matter from 1800 to 1880, and volume two from 1881 to 1896. This work is complementary to his studies on Spanish and foreign legal bibliography pub- lished in 1878 (supra, p. 32). A bibliography of early Spanish legal literature is contained in the "specimen of a catalogue of the books on foreign law lately (1847) presented by Charles Purton Cooper to the Society of Lincoln's Inn";^ the various works are provided with extensive descriptive and bibliographic notes. On the history of legal science in Spain, an important work by Urena, the history of Spanish legal literature (Historia de la literatura piridica espaiiola*) was published in 1906. It is a useful source book of early Spanish law and legal philosophy. The period covered ends at about the fourteenth century. ' Botwinski, Bibliografia prawnicza obejmujaca dziela z dziedziny prawa. (1878-1889.) Lwow, 1891. ^ Torres Campos, Manuel. Bibliografia espanola contemporanea del derecho y de la politica . . . 1800-1880 . . . Madrid, Fernando Fe, 1883. 208 p. Same. 1881-1896. Madrid, Fernando Fe, 1898. 168 p. ^ Lincoln's Inn, Society of. Specimen of a catalogue of the books on foreign law lately presented by Charles Purton Cooper. Tendon, C. Roworth & Sons, 1847. Sop. (Spain.) * Urena y Smenjaud, Rafael de. Historia de la literatura juridica espanola. 2nd. ed. Madrid, Estab. tip. de I. Moreno, 1906. 2 vol. SPAIN 83 The two volumes of biography of Spanish jurists Juriscou- sultos espanoles ' pubUshed by the Real Academia de Juris- prudencia y Legislacion, have only a slight bibliographic value. A bibliography of important Spanish legal literature, with an historical outline of the laws of Spain and descriptive and bibliographical notes on the early codifications and compila- tions, is contained in the introduction (102 pages) of Schmidt's ^ The civil law of Spain atid Mexico. Altamira's contribution on Spain to the first volume of the Continental Legal History Series (supra, p. 40) covers this same ground, besides presenting notes on Spanish legal literature which are of value. Spanish literature for the period 1 880 to 1 885 is discussed by Prof. Oloriz, of Valencia, in Kirchenheim's Centralblatt fiir Rechtswissenschaft (vol. 5, No. 5, pp. 157-160). Imprints are omitted. Annual reports of the new works in Spanish legal literature have always been a feature of the Centralblatt fiir Rechtswissenschaft. Muhlbrecht's Allgemeine Bibliographie der Stoats- und Rechiswissenschaften likewise periodically prints lists of the new works on Spanish law. The history of the Spanish literature on criminal law is dis- cussed at considerable length (pp. 356-377) by Prof, von Th(')l in his article in the Gerichtssaal , 1912. vSeveral catalogues warrant mention. The catalogue of the Council of State ^ was published in 1877; the catalogue of the Department of Justice ■* was issued in 1SS5; the Bar ' Jurisconsultos espafioles. Biografias dc los ex-Prcsidentcs dc la Acad- emia y de los jurisconsultos antcriores al siglo xx inscritos en sus lapidas. Madrid, Hernandez, 191 1. 2 vol. ■^ Schmidt, Gustavus. The civil law of Spain and .Mexico. New Orleans, Rea, 1851. 376 p. ' Catalogo de la Bibliotcca del Consejo de Estado. Madrid. Ciiiiida, 1877. 421 p. * Spain. Ministcrio dc Gracia y Juslicia. Cat^dog() dc lu Hil)liotcca . . . Madrid, Ministcrio de Gracia y Jii-slicia, 1885. 303 p. 84 BIBUOGRAPHY Association Library of Madrid ^ published the first volume of its catalogue in 1889. In 1908 the Bar Association of Bar- celona - published a voluminous alphabetic subject cata- logue of its library, with author index. Firms like Victoriano Sudrez,^ Hijos de Reus,* and Gon- gora ^ publish their catalogues at frequent intervals. The two latter firms are the principal law publishers of Spain, and between them have brought out many of the important works. Mention has already been made of the index to periodical articles prepared by the Bar Association of Barcelona in 1909. SWITZERLAND Swiss bibliographic information is contained in many of the general bibliographies and catalogues to which attention has already been called. Professor Eugen Ruber's ^ work on Swiss private law gives extensive bibliographic information in volumes i and 4. Prof. Huber, to whose brilliant labors the new Swiss Civil Code is largely due, prepared for Nijhoff a select bibliography of Swiss law, which the latter distributed in typewritten form in 1904. In 1879 Aloys OrelW^ published a monograph on the legal literature of Switzerland. The Zeitschrift fur schweizeri- ^ Catalogo de la Biblioteca del Ilustre Colegio de Abogados de Madrid . . . Vol.1. Madrid, Tip. de los Huerfanos, 1889. 481 p. 2 Barcelona. Colegio de abogados. Catalogo de las obras existentes en la biblioteca. Ano 1908. Barcelona, Hinrich. 486 p. ^ Libreria de \'ictoriano Suarez. Catalogo de legislacion, jiirispru- dencia, economia politica y administracion. Madrid . . . 144 p. * Hijos de Reus. Catalogo de las obras y publicaciones de la ca,sa editorial Hijos de Reus. Madrid, 1908. * Gongora. Catalogo del centro editorial de Gongora. Madrid, 1909. ° Huber, Eugen. System und geschichte des schweizerischen privat- rechtes. Basel, C. Detloff, 1886-93. 4 vol. ^Orelli, Aloys. Rcchtschulen und rechtsliteratur in der vSchvveiz vom ende des mittelalters bis zur griindung der Universitaten von Ziirich u. Bern. Zurich, Schulthcss, 1879. 107 p. TURKEY 85 sches Rccht, founded in 1852, has, since 1882 (when the Utera- ture of the years 1874-1881 was reviewed), included an annual bibliography of Swiss law. Numerous articles on the sources of law in the various cantons, which have from time to time appeared in this periodical, are useful also for bibliographical purposes, in particular for legal history. A bibliography of Swiss periodicals, including law, by Brandstetter ' appeared in 1896. He also published - in 1892, an index to articles in periodicals and collections, 181 2-1890, continued 1891 -1900 by Barth ; section 7 of this index is devoted to Verfassungs- iind Rechtsqeschichte. Two important catalogues may be mentioned. The most valuable, perhaps, is that of the Library of the Federal supreme court at Lausanne,-' which was published in 1898, with a supplement in 1903. The catalogue of the National Librarv ^ in its section on law includes practically all the important Swiss legal literature. TlKKHV In 1908 Miss Pratt -^ prepared a list of works in the New York Public Library relating to Mohammedan law; much of ' Brandstetter, Jos. L6op. Bibliographic des revues, gazettes et ahna nachs suisses. Berne, K. J. Wyss, 1896. 302 j). - Brandstetter, J. L. Repertorium iiber die in zeit- u. sanimclscliril"t«.n der jahre 1812-1890 cnthaltencn aiifsiilzc u. mitthcilungen. . . . Basel, Gcring, 1892. •Saiiu. 1891-1900 . . . von Hans Barth. Basel, 19CX). ' Bibliolhck des schweizerischen BundcsgcricliUs. Kalaiog dir Bih- liothek ... I. (vom 31 Dcz. 1897), 2. (SupplenKul-voin 31 dr/. 1903). Lausanne, Ch. \'irel(k-n ton, 1898-1903. 319 l>. * Switzerland. Biblioth^cjuc f<;deralc. Catalogue de la bibliothi-tiur federale centralc. 1899. I-Vibourg, Delasprc & I'ils, 1899. 85.4 P- Same. i. Siii)pleinenl, 1899-1903. Bern, 1903 "''7 P- Same. 2. " 1903-1908. l.aiisanne. 1908. 172 ji. '• List of works in the New York F'lililii- Library relating lu iMiiliaiiimailaii law. Prepared l>y Miss I. A. I'rati m j. 86 BIBLIOGRAPHY the important legal literature of Turkey is included in that list. The Nouvelle revue historique de droit frangais in its annual Bulletin bibliographique lists the new works in Turkish legal literature. Prof, von Thot's article in the Gerichtssaal (191 2) discusses briefly (pp. 386-387) the Turkish literature on criminal law. With this we conclude our account of the formal printed liter- ature on the bibliography of international and of continental law. It does not profess to be absolutely complete, but it is hoped that nothing important has been omitted. Before leaving the subject attention may be called to the select manuscript bibliographies of foreign law which have been prepared upon the request of the Library of Congress by eminent scholars and jurists in every country. These bibliographies have been of invaluable assistance in bringing to the Library of Congress the best legal literature of the civilized States of the world. INDEX Aagesen, 52. R. Academia de Jurisprudencia, 83. Academy of int. law, 24. Administrative law, 19, 34, 43. Comparative, 43. France, 62. Affreightment, 41. Allgemeines literatur-repertorium, 32. Altamira, 83. Alves De Sa, 80. American ioum. of iut. law, 21. American political science rev., 21. Amiaud, 61 . Amphitlieatrtun legale, 28. Annuaire de I'inst. de dr. int.. 19. Annuaire de la vie int., 24. Annual bull, of the comp. law bur., 37. Anzilotti, 20. Aranha. 80. Arbitration, int., 22. Archiv f. biire. recht, 71. Archives diplomatiques, 18. Arenberuh, 50. Amdls, 66. Asser, 20, 78. Assistance, public, 43. Association of Am. law libraries. 20. Association for int. conciliation, 21. Aucoc, 62. Austria-Hungary, 48 fl. Bankruptcy (France). 6r. (Germany). 71. \ Bankruptcj'— procedure, 40. Barcza, 50. Barreau de la Cour d'appel. CuuIdkuc dc la bibliothcciuc, 51. Biirrilleau, 73. Uiirtli, 35. 67. »S- Baty. 21. Belgium, 50 IT. BCIIRCSCO, 22. Bcrlan, 75. Bfniiird, 22. n«Tnhoft, 55. Hcrtolini, 73. Beughem, 28. Beyer, 20. nililioerafm i:iuri-srx'iulc, 74. Bibliographia juridica purtugulcnsis, 80. Bibliographia luiiversalis, 23. Bibliographic dcr rechtswisscnschaft (Zen- tralblatt d. rechtswiss.), 35, 80. Bibliographie der rechtswissenschaft u. volkswirtschaftslehrc, 35. Bibliographie fionc'raledesouvragesde droit, delcg. et de jurisp., s7. Bibliographie juridique beige, 51. Bibliographie ou Catalogue gtJndral ct coni- plet des livres de droit. 57. Bibliographic trimestricUe de droit inler- national, 13. Bibliography of ksal science, 20, 36. Bibliography of social science, 35. Biblioteca del Consejo de estado. CatAlogo, 83 Biblioteca del ilustre Colegio de abogados dc Madrid. Catdlogo, 84. Bibliothcca bibliographica, 73. Bibliotheca danica, 53. Bibliothcca juridica (Hnsliu), 48, 63. Bibliotheca juridica (Mauz), 49, 65. Bibliotheca juridica (Nijhoff). 77. Bibliothcca juridica (Rossbcrg), 63. Bibliothcca jnriihca (Wiitlig), 63. Bibliotheca juridica austriaca, 48. Bibliotheca norvcgica, 55. Bibliotheek behoorende aan dc Prurtizijiis- socictcit te Amsterdam. Catalogues. 7c) Bibliotheek der Univcrsiteit van Amstcr- ilam. Bockerij van wijien Mr. J. C. lu- Kuning, 79. Bibliothi-ek di-r Univcrsiteit van Ajilslcr- dam. Catalogus, 78, 79. Bibliothek des Kiinig. Prcu.ss. Minisleriuui!> desinneni. Katalog, 68. Hibliotlick des Kcichsccrichts. Katalog, 68. Bibliothek il. Kcich^iMsli7amts. Katulog.^H. Bibliothek d. Kcicll^t.lL;c^^. Kataiog, (>S. Bibliothek d. Schwciz. HiindesKCrichtcs. K at a log, 8,s. Bil)liothi'<|uedelaburreuu de l.iege. Ciita- logur, i;i. Bilili4. I'crraris, 30. I'cucrbach, 72. Finland, 52. Fischer, h2. Fleischmann, I'l. Fontaine de Kcsbccci. 57. I'ontana, 2S I-'rancc, 37, SS f^ I'Vank, 29. I'"rankcnstein, 3V F'ried, 24. Handb. d. IriodcnsbewcKung, j.t. Fricdcnswartc, 24. Fumagalli, 7). Fuzicr-Herman, 59. Gad & Co., 53. Game laws (France), 61. Gary library of the Northwestern UuiversitN , 39- Gavet, 59. Gemma, 12. Germany, 62 ff. Gerstlacher, 30. Gesner, 27. Gewerblicherrechtsschu(z u. urhcbcrrccht, 42- Giard & Briere, 57, 58. Ginoulhiac, 58. Giurisprudenza italiana, 74. Glafey, n. Glaser, 50. Glasson, 60. Gmelin, 32. Godcfroi, 79. Goldschinidt, 41, 72. Handb. d. handclsrcchls. 42. Gonetta, 75. Gongora, 84. Gonner, 32. Gory, 43. Grabowsky, 42. Gracklauer, 41. Granfelt, 53. Greece, 36, 72 ff. Grocning, 11. Grolius, 21. Grubcr, 62. Giinther, 32. Halle handclskaninivr biiili erei. \ir zeichnis, 68. Handelsgeselze des crdballs, 41 . Hamel, 80. Hart, 16. Hastie, 76. d'Hautcrivc, 13. Hellbacli. 62. MerniannsMjn, 54. Hcrshcy, 1 7. lirit/bcfK, s.| liinrirhs: Nciic bmliiT, "s. N'icrlrljnhrcvkatalog, Os. Hirsl. 13. Historisk tidskrid, 54. History, diplomatic, 14, 16. Hisliiry, IceuI, 18,25, jOi3<(i 3*. AO. Denmark, 54. France, 36, 59 ff. Germany, (iS ff. Italy, 74-75- Netherlands, 79. 90 INDEX. History, legal— Continued. Norway. 54-55- Portugal, 80. Scandinavia, 54 il. Spain, 82. Sweden, 54-55. Hoepli. 76. Hoffbauer, 32. Hoffmann. 30. Holland society of New York, 21. Holtzendorff: Handb. d. volkerrechts, 12, 15. Introduction au dr. des gens, 15. Rechtslcxicon, 64. Homeyer, 70. Hommel: (Beyer), 29. Litteralura juris, 30. Hoogeu Raad der Nederlanden. Catalogus der boekerij, 78. Huber: (Nijhoff), 84. System, 84. Hungary, 49-50. Hunting, Law of (France), 61. Iceland. 52, 54. Indianapolis public library, 22. Industrial property, 42. Inheritance law (Poland), 82. Institut de dr. int., Annuairc, 19. Institut int. de la paix (Brussels), 23. Instut int. de la paix (Monaco). 23. 24. Institute of int. law, 19, 24. Insurance, marine, 41. International arbitration, 22. International institute of bib., 33. International labour office, 43. International law, 11 ff., 34. International peace, 23-26. International peace bureau, 24. Internationale krim. vereinigimg, 44. Internationales institut f. bib. d. rechts- wissenschaft, 35. Internationales institut f. sozialbiblio- graphie, 37 luteroceanic canals & railway routes, 22. Interparliamentary union, 24. Istituto di diritto romano. Bullcttino, 73. Italy, 37. 73 ff- Jahrbuch d. int. vereinigung f. vergl. rechts- wissenschaft u. volkswirtschaftslehre, 36. Jahrbuch f d internationalcn rechtsver- kehr, 20. Jahrbuch f. gesetzgebung, verwaliunx u. volkswirtschaft, 18. Jahrbucher d. ges. deutsch. jur. lit., 66. Jcnicbeu, 29. Jones, 20. Journal d. dr. int. prive, i8. Tables gcncrales, 18. Joiu"nal of criminal law and criminology, 46. Judiciary (Russia), 81. Jurisconsultos espanolcs, 83. Jurisprudence commerciale des P''landrcs, 42. Juristische literatur-zeitung, 32. Juristische novitaten, 35, 67. Juristischer litteraturbericht, 18, 34, 67. Juristisches literaturblatt, 35, 67. K. K. Hof- xmd staatsdruckerei, Wein. Katalog, 49. Kamptz, 12. Kappler: Handb. d. lit. d. criminalrechts, 44, 72. Juristisches promptuarium, 31, 72. Kasparek, 82. Keil, 35, 67. Kipp, 3. Kirchenheim, 33. 34. 50. 53. 66, 74, Si, 83. Kluber: Droit des gens, 14. (Putter), 70. Koenigv\arter, 60. Kohler, 55. Konig, 30. Koning, 79. Koninklijke bibliothek. Lijst van de boekwergeu, 79. Koppe. 31. Korporation d. kaufmannschaft. Katalog- der bibliothc-k. 6S. Kritische blaettcr f. d. ges. sozialwissen- schaften, 35. Kritische jahrb. f. deutsch. rechtswissen- schaft, 66. Kritische ueberschau d. deutsch. gesetzge- bung, 66. Kritische vierteljaUresschrift f. gesetzge- bung u. rechtswissenschaft, 66. Kritisches archiv, 32. Kriiger, 3. Kudova, 49. Labor law and legislation, 43. Laboulaye, 59. La Konlainc, 22, 24. Bib. de la pai.x, 22, 23. Bib. sociologica, 33. La Mantia, 75. Landsberg, 70. La Peyric, 62. Lapradelle, 19. Larcier, 50. Law library journ. & index to legal period- icals, 20. Law magazine & review, 21. INDEX. 9> Le Chapelier, 30. Legal history, 18,25,30,34736,40. Denmark, 54. France, 36, 59 £f. Germany, 68 ff. Italy, 74-75; Netherlands, 79. Norway, 54-55- Portugal, 80. Scandinavia, 54 fif. Spain, 82. Sweden, 54-53- Legal philosophy, 15, 34, 36, 40, 45. Italy, 76. Scandinavia, 54. Spain, 82. Lehmann, 54. Leske, 40. Leuckart, O3. Library of Congress, 32,65. Library of peace and war, 23. Lincoln's Inn, Society of. Specimen of a cat. of the books on foreign law, 82. Lioy, 76. Lipenius, 29,56. Liszt, 46. I,oescher & Co., 74. Lowenfeld, 40. Lozzi, 75. Lyon-Caen, 3S. Maas: Bib. d. amtlicben materialien zum R. G. B.. 71. Bib. d. biirgerlicheu rechts, 71. Jurisprudentia germaniac. 6;. Maass, 32. Maassen, 47. .Madihu, 29. Manz. 49,65. Manzoni, 75. Marescq, 57. Marine insurance, 41. Maritime law, 41, 4j. Germany, 42. .Marriage, 40. Martens, G. I*, dc, k. Martens. K. v.: Guide diplomaliquc, 14 Manuel diplnmaticiuv, i.<. Marvin, .?i . Massachusetts state library, 39. Mauguin, 60. Maurer, •,' Aagesen, 52 Kat. d. bibliothek, 52. .Mead, 33 Meistcr, 11. Mesquita de Figueiredo, 80. Miller, W. G.. 40. Ministere de la justice. Catalogue dc la bibliotheque, 51. Ministere des afTaircs ctraugires. Catalogue de la bibliotheque, 39. Minisierio de gracia y justicia. C^talogodc la biblioteca, 83. Miricka, 49. Miruss, 13. Mittermaier, 72. Mohammedan law, 85. Mohl, 14.42,70. Mollat. 64. Monsejtur, 13. Morrison, 22. Motzfeldt, 53. Miihlbrecht: Allgenieine bibliographiei L'ebersichl d gcs. staats- u. rechtswisscnschaft. lit 34.5.1-64.74.83. Bib. d. biirg. gesetzbuches, 70 Literatur d. preuss. staats- u. rethts- wissenschaf t , 64. Wegweiser, 34.64. Mulder, 43. Muller & Co., 79. Mulher, 40. Nagy, 50. Near eastern question, 22. Netherlands. 76 fl. .\ettelbladt, 30. Neubecker. 55. Neuebiicher. 65 New York public library, 23,85. Niermans, 78. Xijhoff . 25. 26, 37, 38, 45. 53 , 77, 80, 84. Nobel institute, 24. Nordisk rclscncyklupacdi, 53. Norway, 52 fT. Notaries ( France 1, 61 , (Xethcrlands). 79. Nouvcllc rev. hist. d. dr. it.iiivui:.<, iy..)(>,s.'^. 73. 8<). .Nj-peU, 44 Droit iutrin.ilionHl. 10 l-:tats-l'nis rl Ic dt . dcs gen^, to. Kcv. dc dr. int., 20. Nysscns, 41. Nytt juridi&kl arkiv, i;<^ Olivart, 7%. Oloriz, 8j Ompteda, 12. Opi)cn, 77 Oppcnhcini, 17. Orclli. 84 INDEX. Oriental law, 36,73. Orlando, 73. Otlet, 33. Otl, 14. Ottino, 73. ragliaini, 76. Pardessus, 61. Parliamentary elections (Hungary), 50. Parteicn, die, 43. Pasicrisie beige, 51. Peace, international, 23-26 Pedone-Lauriel, 73. Penaud, 15. Petit, 46. Pettersen, 55. Petzholdt, 33. Peyssonel, 30. Phillitnore, 15. Philosophy of law, 15,34,36,40,45. Italy, 76. Scandinavia, 54. Spain, 82. Pieard, 50. Picquet, 14. Platou, 53. Poland, 82. Political parties, 43. Politics (Austria), 49. Poor relief, 43. Portugal, 80. Posse, 22. Post, 39. Povorinskil, 81. Pozl. 66. Pratt, 85. Prawo, 81. Prazak, 49. Prefecture du departeinent de la Seine, Catalogue de la bibliothcque, 38-, 43, 59. Presburg, 77. Prize law, 22. Procedure, civil, 34.40 France, 60. Germany, 71-72. Russia, 81. Procedure, criminal (Russia), 81. Public assistance, 43. I'ubliclaw, 42. Germany, 70. Htingary, 50. Punishment, capital (Italy). 76. Putter, 70. Railway routes, 22. Rapisardi-Mirabelli, 23. Recognition in international law & prac, 22. Renault, is. Renouard, 61. Rc'pertoire general alphabet, d. dr. fraufais, 59- Retsvideuskab, 53. Reus, 84. Revue bib. d. dr. et de juris., 58. Revue bib. d. dr. franjais et etrangtr, 57. Revue bib. des ouvrages de droit, 58. Revue d. dr. beige, 51 Revue d. dr. int. et d. leg. comp., 20. Revue d. dr. int. privc, 19. Revue d. dr. pub. et de la science pul., I'j. Revue d'histoire diplomatique, 20. Revue gcnerale d. dr. int. pub., 19. Revue hist, de dr. francais, Nouv., 19, 36, ,-.'<, 73, 86. Revue trimestrielle de droit civil, =; 1 , 58. Ricci-Busatti, 20. Rivier: Holtzendorff s Handbuch, 12, 15. Introduction au droit des gens, 15. Note sur la lit. d. dr. des geus, 12. Rivista di diritto int., 20. Rivista italiana per le scienze giurididie. 36. 74- Rogge, 21. Roman law, 32, 36, 47, 73. Riimer, 11. Rossberg, 63. Roosevelt, 21. Roth: Litteratur der staatsverhaltnisse, 11. (Putter), 70. Rumania, 36. Russia, 80 ff. Sa, Alves de, 80. St. Petersburg Universitet. Catalogue de la bibliotheque, 81 Sasse, 77. Sawyer, 39. Scaduto, 47. Scandinavia, 52 ff. Schletter, 31. Schlyter, 53. Schmcl-^ing, 13. Schmidt. G, 83. Schmidt, R, 42. SchmoUcr, 18. Schott, 29. Schulte: Geschichte d. quellen d. lit. d. canon- ischen rechts, 47. Geschichte d. quellen u.lit. rl. cvange- lischen kirchenrechts, 47. Schuiz, 6,l teclilswissi-iiM h;ifl 1 liili ilrr Kechlsw isM-iisrhiid I. u . ^»- i Zilcttii, 27. o UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY Los Angeles Tliis book is Dl'E on the last date stamped below. PLEAit DO NOT, REMOVE THIS BOOK CARdS AlLlBR#{Ya^ University Research Library a - 1 t ;' «) m