% or thk Division Range Shelf- : , Received 187 University of California, < u wv on 18 p i 7 + 2xz + z 2 ) =* (Arts. 5 & 6) 2.^ + 2^(xz) + 2zdz. Comparing these values of d.y 2 , we have 2d.(xz) = 2xdz + 2zdx ; or d.xz — xdz + zdx. Hence, d.xyz = xd.yz + yzdx == xz/^z + rrzdy + yzcfo. Again : d.xyz _ dz dy dx xyz z y x and the same thing may be proved, whatever be the number of variables. Art. 8. To find the differential of x n , n being a whole positive number. It is obvious that x n = x.x.x.x to n terms. Hence, by Art. 7, d.x n dx dx ndx — — = h — + &c. to n terms = : wherefore, by clearing of fractions, d.x n p nx xl ~ ] dx. x Art. 9. To find the differential of — , both numerator and denominator being variable. 16 PLANE TRIGONOMETRY. Put z = - ; y wlience, y% — x, and, (Art. 7), ydz + zdy = dx : consequently, dx—^ d% ^ ^—Z^M = & = ydx — x dy y y y l ' , J that is, d.'~ — ydx — xdy y y m Art. 10. To find d.x", m and n being positive integers. m Put y = a? ; then, . . . y n — x m ; and, (Art. 8) ny n ~hly = mx m - } dx; whence, mx m ~ } dx m x m ~ l m —~\ Art. 11. To find the differential of a? _n = — . x n then yx n = 1. But 1 being invariable, its differential is 0; therefore, d.yx n = 0. Or, yd.x n -f x n dy = ; that is, nyx n ~~ ] dx + x n dy = : whence, j — nyx n ~ x dx x n ~ ] dx — ndx d y = "Ji = — n -^ir =^+r=— nx — ^dx; or, <7.ar~ n = — nx~' n ~~ ] dx. From this article, and Arts. 8 and 10, it is evident that INTRODUCTION. 17 d.x n = nx n ' x dx, whether n is integral or fractional, positive or negative. Art. 12. Let the two ascending series, Ax* + Bx b + Cx c + Dx d + &c, and Mx m + Nx n + Px p + Qx* + &c, be always equal ; so that whatever value may be assigned to x, we shall still have, Ax a +Bx ,b + Gr s + Da: d + &c. = Mx m + Na: n + Pa: p + Q^ + &c. ; then, a = m, b = n, c = p, &c. ; and A - M, B = N, C = P, &c. For, if possible, let a be less than m, and divide the equation by # a ; then A + Bo*" 11 + Gc c " a + Da " 8 + &c. = Mx m - & + Nx"-* + Px p - a + Qx- q - a + &c. But as the series are both ascending ones, b, c, d> m, n, p, q, &c. are all greater than a. Hence, if x = 0, all the terms of this equation, except the first, will vanish ; hence in that case A = 0, which is evidently absurd. Therefore, a is not less than m ; and in a similar way it may be proved that m is not less than a;, therefore a = m, and the above equation be- comes A + Bx b ~* + O c - a + Dx da + &c. = M + Ntf n - m + P^ p - m + Qx*~ m + &c. And making x = 0, A = M. Consequently, A# a = Mx m ; wherefore, Bx h + Cx* + Dx A + &c. = Nx n + Pa: p + Q^ + &c. Then, by the same process of reasoning, we find b = n; and B = N. Hence the proposition is manifest. Art. 13. An important application of the property just announced may be exhibited in the demonstration of New- ton's binomial theorem. It is evident that in the general development of (1 -f- x) n , the first term must be 1 ; for when x = 0, (1 + x) n = l n = 1. We may therefore assume (1 + x) n = 1 + Ax p + Bx« + Cx T + Da? 8 + &c. 3 B* 18 PLANE TRIGONOMETRY. in which A, B, &c., are unknown, but determinate coeffi- cients; and p, q, r, &c, unknown exponents, integral or fractional, positive or negative. Suppose x a variable quan- tity. Then, differentiating both sides of this equation, and dividing by dx, we have, % ' «.(1 -f xf" 1 = pAx^ + qBx-*- 1 + rCx T ~ l + sT>x*~ l -f &c. Multiplying bj I + x, rc.(l + ;r) n = pAx»~ l + qBx*" 1 + rCx r ~ l + sDx 8 - 1 + &c. pAx» + qBx* + rCx T + s&x 3 + &c. Then, from first equation, multiplying by n, n{\ + x) n = n -f nAx p + nBx q + nCx r + &c. These equations being identical, we have by transposition, pAx'- ] + qBx*- 1 + rCx T " 1 + sDx" 1 + &c. = n + (n — p) Ax p + (n — q) Bx Q + (n — r) Cx T + (n — s) ~Dx 9 + &c. ; and by comparing, first the exponents, and then the coeffi- cients, (Art. 12,) we have p — 1 = Q ; q — 1 = p; r — I — q ; &c. ; or, p = 1 ; q = 2 ; r = 3 ; s = 4; &c. : and a t> n — 1 a n — l n n — %v> n— In— 2 A=w;B=— g— A=n. — g- ;C= — ^— B=n.—^-.—^-; &c. Consequently, w — 1 c w — In — 2 , (1 + x) n = 1 + n# + n. — Q—ar+ w -~o — • — q~~ ^ + & c - From this we readily obtain the development of (a + by. For, (a+by = a«(l + -)"; in which we have — instead of x in the preceding. Conse- quently, , 7V ( , b n — \ b* n— In— 2 P . ) INTRODUCTION. 19 = a n + na n - } b + n. —^~a n - 2 b 2 + n. —^— . — ^— a n ~W &c. As the equation d.x n — nx n ~~~^dx, on which this demonstration is founded, is equally correct whether n is integral or frac- tional, positive or negative, it is evident that the preceding development of (a + b) n is also correct, whatever may be the value of n. Of Logarithms. The calculations which are connected with Trigonometry are much facilitated by the use of logarithms ; it will there- fore be proper, in a treatise on that science, to explain their nature and use. Art. 14. If we take a series of numbers in geometrical proportion, beginning with a unit, as 1, a, a-, a 3 , a 4 , a 5 , a fi , a 7 , &c, it is manifest that the product of any two of these terms is a term whose exponent is the sum of the exponents of the factors. Thus, a\a? =a a 7 ; a m .a n = a m +\ If then A = a m , and B = a", , AB = a m + n : A 2 = A.A = a m + m = a 2ra : On the other hand A 3 = a m + m + m a= a 3m , &c. id, a 1 . A ^* ; B a m = — = a m - n ; 1 m A' 2 = a 2 ; 1 m A 3 = a 3 . Hence it appears that a, being assumed equal to any num- ber at pleasure, if we can find such values of m, n, &c, that a m = A, a n = B, &c, A, B, being given numbers, then calling m the logarithm of A, n the logarithm of B, &c. ; the loga- rithm of AB will be the sum of the logarithms of A and B. 20 PLANE TRIGONOMETRY. The logarithm of ~ will be the logarithm of A diminished by the logarithm of B. In other words, the business of multiply- ing and dividing by given numbers may be effected by the addition and subtraction of their logarithms. As a m = A, a given number ; we readily perceive that, by assuming different values of a, we shall change the value of m ; that is, we shall have different numbers to denote the logarithm of a given number A, by varying the value of a. Thus it appears there may be an indefinite variety of systems, according to the various values which may be taken for a. This quantity a is called the radix or base of the system. Art. 15. To investigate a formula by which the logarithm of any given number may be computed, we may assume a x = y ; y being any given number whatever ; then x = loga- rithm of y : and the object in view is to find a general expres- sion for x in terms of y. If we suppose x to be variable, it is manifest that y — a x must also be variable. In the first place, if x — 0, then y '= a — 1, whatever value may be assigned to a ; it is therefore evident that the loga- rithm of 1 is in every system. Now, let y' = a x + h = a x .a h = ya b : and, to reduce this second member to a more manageable form, put 1 + b = a ; then, (Art. 13,) ^=y(l+5) fc f=y+y | hb+h.^bHh! 1 -^. — P + &c. | Therefore, y- - y = y \ hb + h~b- + h!^. ~V + &c. j ; and, consequently, y' — y c. h — 1_„ h— I h — 2, h ( 1 it — i 7C , n — i it — ^., e ) INTRODUCTION. 21 Now, when h = 0, the series in the second member of this equation becomes b — W + W — W + l^ 5 — &c.; and this is the value to which this series approximates as h is diminished, and to which it arrives only at the instant when h = 0. Put, then, b - W + ±V-\V + #J. &c. = ~; and it will be V_Zll = 1-. h m Hence the ultimate ratio of h to y —~ y is the ratio of m to y, dy y consequently, j- =s — ; or, =4i'i& (A) In this equation, the value of m depends upon the value of a ; and as a may be assumed at pleasure, we may assign any value we please to m. This is more convenient than to as- sume a value of a, and from that assumption to find the value of m. It is usual to call m the modulus of the system. When m is taken = 1, the logarithms thence deduced are called hyperbolic logarithms, because they correspond with certain areas contained between the curve and asymptotes of an equi- lateral hyperbola. In Briggs', or the common logarithms, the radix a is assumed = 10 ; but m is computed by a method hereafter explained. Art. 16. As no general method has been discovered by which to express the logarithm of a number in finite terms of the number itself, we are obliged to have recourse to infi- nite series. When numbers are to be computed by means of such series, it is of importance to have the series constructed in such manner that the successive terms shall become smaller and smaller ; so that, a limited number of terms being intro- 22 PLANE TRIGONOMETRY. duced into the computation, the rest of the Series may be rejected without sensible error. To find the logarithm of a + *,. a being constant, and z variable. By Art. 15, if x — log. of?/, mdxi dx= — -. y Assume, then, log. of a + z = log. a + Az n + Bz p -f Cz q +Dz r + &c. ; in which the exponents to, p, q, &c, as well as the co- efficients A, B, C, &c, are indeterminate. In this equation, if z = 0, we have log. a = log. a, as it evidently ought to be ; and the quantities to, p, q, A, B, C, &c, being susceptible of any value, positive or negative, integral or fractional, the above equation must express the log. of a + z, if it can be expressed at all in terms of z. Differentiating this equation, and dividing by dz, we have 7YI ■ — — = nAz n ~ l + pBzP" 1 + qCz*- x + rDz'" 1 + &c. a+z i ■ By multiplication and transposition, naAz n -~ l + poBz"™ 1 + qaCz«-~ l + raDzH + &c. ) _ Q — m-\- nkz n + pBz p + qCz q + &c. I ~ Equating the exponents and the coefficients respectively of the corresponding terms, to — 1 = 0, jo — 1 = to, q — I =p, r — I = q, &c. togA — m=0, paB+TOA=0, qaC + pB=0, rdD + ^C=0, &c. Hence, to = 1, p = 2, q = 3, &c. ; and A = -,B= — -—0=^-^,0 = — -<— ;, &c. a 2ar Sa* 4a { Consequently, *•:■■> , TOZZ TO2Z 2 TO2Z 3 7TOZ 4 log. (« + ,) = log. a + -- 2^ + 3^-3^+ &c. Putting — z for -f z, INTRODUCTION. 23 , • x , mz mz 1 mz' ] mz i £ log. (a — z) == log. a -— , — 5-3 j-j — &c. Therefore, log. -- = 2m i — + ~ + - r — ( + &c. ° a — z la 3(1* 5a' J When a = 1, io g .;_±H m j 2+ ! + ! + f + &c. To find a number in terms of its hyperbolic log. In this case, if x = log, y, ? = . Jl^ = .0511525224 ; in which A is the preceding term ; B, C the preceding terms without the divisors, 3, 5. To the log. of f add the log. of 8, or three times the log. of 2 ; the sum .9542425093 = log. of 9 ; and its half, or .4771212546 == log. of 3. From these logarithms, the logarithms of all the powers of 3, and of all the products of 2 and 3, and of all the products of their powers, may be obtained by multiplication and addition. As a second example, let the log. of 49 or T 2 be required, the log. of 48 being known from those of 2 and 3. Here, 1 + z p = 49 ; q = 48 ; , = || ; and z = ^. Hence, R 97 ' *'(97V a 4 c log. of i% \ = — + J.T^r = .0089548426 ; 26 PLANE TRIGONOMETRY. to this add the log. of 48 ; and the sum = 1.6901960797 is the log. of 49, and its half = .8450980398 is the log. of 7. Art. 19. Although the methods already explained are sufficient to enable the student to compute the logarithm of any given number, yet there are other expedients for abridg- ing the labour of such computations; one of which is the following : Let «, b, c, be three equi- different numbers, whose common difference is 1 ; so that a — b — 1, and c — b + 1 ; then ac =* b 2 — 1, and ac + 1 = 6 2 ; consequently, ac+l _ b* ac ~~ ac' If now we put the first member of this equation in place of?/ 1 + 1 — 1 + z or ^ in the general equation, (Art. 16,) we shall have 1 z = 2ac + V a quantity which will converge more rapidly, the greater a and c are. Finding, then, the log. of ac + l we have the log. of ac l l ac If, now, the logarithms of any two of these numbers a, b, c, are known, the log. of the third is immediately determined. For, put A=log. of a ; B=log. of b ; C==log. of c ; and S=log. of ; ac then, since ac+l _b* ^ ac ac 1 INTRODUCTION. 27 it follows that S = 2B — A — C ; whence either A, B, or C being required, is immediately de- termined by means of the others. As the series for computing the log. of ac+l converges more rapidly, when a, &c. are large numbers, than when they are small ones, the labour is frequently abridged by computing the log. of a power or multiple of the number whose log. is required. Let the log. of 1 1 be required, those above computed being considered as known. Here we may take a — 98, b — 99, and c = 100 ; whence 1 1 Z ~2ac+l~19601 ; and S = log. of ^±^ = j^. =.0000443135, ° ac 19601 the other terms being rejected, because they do not affect the result short of the fourteenth decimal. Now, the log. of 98 is known from those of 49 and 2, and the log. of 100 = 2, the log. of (10) 2 . Consequently, in the equation S = 2B — A — C; the terms are all known except B. Therefore, B = i (A + C + S). A _ c .3010299956 . 1 1.6901960797 . . log. of 2. . log. of 49. C= 2. . log. of 100. S = .0000443135 2)3.9912703888 1.9956351944 - . . log. of 99. But .9542425093 . . log. of 9. wherefore, 1.0413926851 . . log. of 11. 28 PLANE TRIGONOMETRY. Art. 20. As the radix of the common system is 10, the log. of 10 = 1, the log. of 100 = 2, the log. of 1000 = 3, &c. ; hence it follows that the log.of any number less than 10 con- sists wholly of decimals ; the log. of a number which is more than 10, but less than 100, is more than 1, but less than 2 ; the log. of a number which is more than 100, but less than 1000, is more than 2, but less than 3, &c. ; that is, if the number is between 1 and 10, the integral part of the log. is ; if the number is between 10 and 100, the integral part of the log. is 1 ; if the number is 100 or more, but less than 1000, the integral part of the log. is 2. This integral part is usually termed the index of the logarithm. As a number, when multiplied or divided by any power of 10, is still indicated by the same significant figures, the position of the decimal point only being changed by the pro- cess ; so the logarithm of a number being increased or .dimi- nished by adding or subtracting the log. of any power of 10, suffers no change except in the index or integral part. Hence we readily perceive that the index of the log. will be 0, 1. 2, or 3, according as the first left-hand significant figure of the corresponding natural number denotes units, tens, hundreds, or thousands. The log. of 1 being 0, the log. of a proper fraction must be negative ; yet, as a decimal number is equivalent to an inte- gral one divided by some power of 10, the log. of a decimal number differs in nothing but the index from the log. of a whole number which is indicated by the same significant figures. The relation between the logarithmic index and the power of 10 denoted by the left-hand digit of the correspond- ing natural number, may be illustrated by arranging the integral logarithms and their corresponding natural numbers in adjacent lines, as follows : 3 2 10—1 —2 —3 —4 Log. ioooioo io i T V=.iTk=.oi T oU-.oooi T 4oo=-oooirj§! Here it is evident that if a natural number falls between 1 INTRODUCTION. 29 and 10, its log. will fall between 0. and 1., or it will consist wholly of decimals. If the number is between .1 and L, the log. will be between — 1 and ; that is, the index of the log will be — 1., while the decimal part of it will be positive. In like manner, when the natural number lies between .01 and .1, the index of the log. must be — 2, and the decimal part of it a positive quantity. Hence we observe that when the natural number consists wholly of decimals, the logarithmic index will be — 1., — 2., — 3., &c, according as the left-hand significant figure of the natural number denotes tenths, hun- dredths, thousandths, &c. In printing tables of logarithms, it is usual to omit the index, leaving it to be supplied in practice upon the prin- ciples above explained. SECTION I. PLANE TEIGONOMETRY. The object of Plane Trigonometry is, when of the sides and angles of a plane triangle we have enough given to limit it, to determine the parts which are not given. As every oblique angled triangle may be divided into two right angled ones, it is found most expedient to commence the subject by examining the relations and properties of tri- angles of the latter kind. The terms of the science are therefore adapted chiefly to right angled triangles. Definitions. Article 21. Definition 1. An arc of a circle is any part of the circumference, usually taken less than the whole. As AB, or BHD. 2. The chord of an arc is a right line drawn from one end of the arc tQ the other. Thus, BE is the chord of the arc BAE, or BDE. 3. The sine of an arc is a straight line drawn from one ex- p tremity of tKe arc, at right angles to the diameter, which passes through the other extremity. Thus, AD being a diameter to the circle, the line BF, at right angles to it, is the sine, or right sine, of the arc AB or DHB. 4. The tangent of an arc is the right line which touches (31) 32 PLANE TRIGONOMETRY. the circle at one extremity of the arc, and extends till it meets another right line, which is drawn from the centre through the other extremity. Thus AG, which touches the circle at A, is the tangent of AB. 5. The secant of an arc is the right line intercepted be- tween the centre of the circle and the extremity of the tangent. Thus CG is the secant of the arc AB. 6. The versed sine of an arc is the part of the diameter intercepted between one end of the arc, and the sine which passes through the other end. Thus AF is the versed sine of AB, and DF is the versed sine of DHB. 7. The part by which an arc differs, in excess or defect, from a quadrant, or fourth part of the circumference, is called its complement. Thus, the arc ABH being a quadrant, HB is the complement of AB or of DHB. 8. The cosine, cotangent or cosecant of an arc, is the sine, tangent or secant of the complement of that arc. Thus BI, HK and CK, the sine, tangent and secant of HB, are termed the cosine, cotangent and cosecant of AB. 9. What an arc lacks of a semicircle, is called its supple- ment. Thus BUD is the supplement of AB. 10. The circumference of every circle is supposed to be divided into 360 equal parts, called degrees ; each degree into 60 equal parts, called minutes', each minute into 60 equal parts, called seconds, &c. Degrees, minutes and seconds are designated thus, °, ', ". 11. As angles at the centre of a circle have to each other the same ratio as the arcs on which they stand (33.X3) ; the latter are usually termed the measures of the former. Hence an angle at the centre of a circle is said to contain as many degrees, minutes and seconds, as the arc which subtends it. The sine, tangent,* &c, of an arc, is also called the sine, tan- gent, &c. of the angle which is measured by the arc. Thus BF, the sine of AB, is called the sine of the angle ACB. SECTION I. General Properties and Relations of Arcs, Sines, Tan- gents, $$c. Art. 22. If the arcs AH and DH are quadrants, and therefore equal, it follows (33.6) that the angles ACH and DCH are equal, and therefore are right angles. Hence the angle at the centre of a circle, subtended by a quadrant, is always a right angle. Art. 23. The lines AG and HK, 'which touch the circle at A and H, are respectively at right angles to CA and CH (18.3); hence CAG and KHC are right angled triangles. Now the lines AG and CH, being at right angles to AC, are pa- rallel to each other (28.1) ; consequently, the alternate angles IICK and CGA are equal ; wherefore the triangles CHK and GAC are similar. The triangle CFB is also evidently similar to CAG; and CIB to CHK; therefore those four triangles are similar to each other. Also, the figure CFBI being a parallelogram, CI = FB, and CF = BI. From these trian- gles we have of course the following analogies : 1. As CF : FB : : CA : AG, or as cosine : sine : : radius : tang. 2. As CF : CB : : CA : CG, or as cosine : rad. : : radius : sec't. 3. As CI : CB : : CH : CK, or as sine : radius : : radius : cosec. 4. As AG : CA : : CH : HK, or as tang. : radius : : radius : cotan. 5. As CG : AG : : CB : BF, or as secant : tang. : : radius : sine. In the algebraic formula? used to express the relations of sines, tangents, &c, it is most convenient to assume the ra- dius = 1. Making, therefore, this assumption, we may con- vert the foregoing analogies into the following equations. , sine ■ sine 1. — : — = tangent ; sine = cosine. tangent ; cosine = . cosme, - *=*? & tan 2. — = secant ; cosine.secant = 1 ; cos= — - = — - ■ cosine • sec't Vl + tan 2 5 34 PLANE TRIGONOMETRY. 3. - — = cosecant ; sine.cosecant == 1. sine 1 _ 1 cosine 4. — = cotan ; tan.cotan = 1 ; cotan = - — = — : . tan „* tan sine Hence, taking P and Q any arcs, tan P. cotan P = tan Q. cotan Q; consequently (16.6), tan P : tan Q : : cotan Q : cotan P. 5. sine == tangent tangent secant V 1 + tan 2 Art. 24. It is sometimes necessary to attend to the alge- braic signs of these quantities, particularly when they are reduced to general formulae. An arc estimated in one di- rection is considered as posi- tive, and in the opposite direc- tion as negative. The same may be said of the sines, tan- gents, &c. Thus the arc AB, its sine FB, cosine CF, tan- gent AG, and secant CG, are considered as positive ; but, when estimated in the oppo- site direction, they are consi- dered as negative. Now, we readily perceive that when the arc is less than a quadrant, as AB is, the sine, tan- gent, &c, are all positive. But if we take the arc more than a quadrant, but less than a semicircle, as AL, the sine LM is still positive, but the cosine CM is negative, being measured from C in a direction opposite to CF. The tangent AP and secant CP are also negative ; the former being drawn in a direction opposite to AG, and the latter not produced from C through L, the extremity of the arc, but in the oppo- SECTION I. 35 site direction. If we take the arc more than a semicircle, but less than three quadrants, as AHDN ; the sine MN be- comes negative, the cosine CM also negative, the tangent AG positive ; but the secant CG, not being produced through N, but in the opposite direction, is negative. If we take the arc more than three quadrants, but less than four, as AHDE ; the sine EF is still negative, but the cosine CF and the secant CP are positive ; the secant being produced from the centre, through the extremity of the arc, till it meets the tangent ; but the tangent AP is negative. These signs, when prefixed to the several quantities in the preceding equations, are found to be conformable to the algebraic rules for the adaptation of signs. In the first quadrant, + sine 11 1 ~ .— = + tan; — = + sec;- — — = + cosec; — — = -f cot. + cosin + cos -f sine +tan In the second quadrant, + sine 11 1 — == — tan; = — sec; - — : — = -f cosec; — - — = — cot. — cosin — cos +sine — tan In the third quadrant, — sine 11 1 — = + tan; = — sec; — : — == — cosec; — - — =+cot. — cosin — cos — sine -ftan In the fourth quadrant, — sine 11 1 — tan;— =+sec; : — = — cosec; — — = — cot. + cosin -fcos — sine — tan Art. 25. It is easily perceived that the sine, tangent, &c, of a given arc are limited, being dependent upon the length of the arc ; but the sine, tangent, &c, of an angle, being the sine, tangent, &c, of the measuring arc, whatever may be the radius with which that arc is described, evidently admit various values. Thus EC, HI, MN, which are the sines of 16 PLANE TRIGONOMETRY. BC, FI, KN, respectively, are also the sines of the angle at A. The lines BL, FO, KP, which are the tangents of the same arcs, are likewise the tangents of the angle at A. Art. 26. It appears from cor. to 15.4, that the side of a regular hexagon, inscribed in a circle, is equal to the radius of the circle. But the side of a regular hexagon, inscribed in a circle, subtends an arc of 60°; hence the chord of 60° is equal to the radius of the circle. Again, since a quadrant subtends a right angle at the centre of the circle (Art. 22), it is evident that the sine of a quadrant, or 90°, is the radius of the circle (see Fig. p. 34) ; thus HC the sine of AH, or ACH is the radius of the circle. Further, if we suppose CG to bisect the right angle ACH, we shall have CGA (which = HCG, by 29.1) = ACG ; whence AG = CA ; that is, the tan- gent of 45°, or half a right angle, = the radius. Thus it appears that the chord of 60°, the sine of 90°, and the tangent of 45°, are respectively equal to the radius of the circle. Trigonometrical Propositions. Art. 27. The sines of two angles adapted to any radius have to each other the same ratio as the sines of the same angles adapted to any other radius. SECTION I. 37 Let BAC and BAD be two angles, whose sines adapted to the radius AC or AB, are EC and FD; while the sines of the same angles adapted to the radius AG or AH, are KH and LI. Since the angles at E, F, K and L, are right ones, it is evident that the triangles AEC and AK.H are similar ; as are also AFD and ALL Consequently, As AC : CE : : AH : HK ; and alternately, AC : AH : : CE : HK. In like manner, As AD : AI : : DF : IL ; wherefore, CE : HK : : DF : IL; and again alternately, CE : DF : : HK : IL. Q. E. D. Cor. If we substitute the word tangent or secant in place of sine, the proposition will still be true ; and the demonstra- tion will be made out in the same manner by drawing tan- gents to the circles at B and G, and using those tangents, or their secants, instead of the sines. Art. 28. In any right angled plane triangle, as the hy- pothenuse is to the perpendicular, so is radius to the sine of the angle at the base ; as the hypothenuse is to the base, so is radius to the cosine of the angle at the base ; and as the base is to the perpendicular, so is radius to the tangent of the angle at the base. PLANE TRIGONOMETRY. Let ABC be a triangle, right an- gled at B ; from A, with the radius AD, describe the arc DE, measur- ing the angle A ; through E and D, draw the sine EH and tangent DF. Then the triangles ABC, ADF and AHE, being similar, As AC : BC : : AE : HE ; As AC : AB :: AE : AH; AB : BC :: AD : DF; As AC : BC : : radius As AC : AB : : radius As AB : BC : : radius and that is, and the sine of A ; the cosine of A ; the tangent of A. Q. E. D. Art. 29. In any right lined triangle, the sides have to each other the same ratio as the sines of the opposite angles. Let ABC be a trian- gle ; make AE = BC ; from the centres B and A, with the radii BC and AE, describe the arcs CG and EH ; from C and E, let fall on AB c (produced if necessary) the perpendiculars CD and EF ; these perpen- diculars are the sines of CG and EH, or of the angles B and A to SECTION I. 39 the radius BC or AE. Now, from the similar triangles ACD,AEF; As AC : CD :: AE : EF (4.6); and alternately, AC : AE : : CD : EF, : : sine of B : sine of A ; these sines being suited to anv radius whatever (Art. 27). Q. E. D. Art. 30. In any right lined triangle, the sum of any two sides is, to their difference, as the tangent of half the sum of the angles, opposite to those sides, to the tangent of half their difference. Let ABC be the tri- angle; AC, AB, the sides. From the centre A, with the distance AC, describe the circle DCEF; meeting AB, produced in D and E ; and CB, produced in F ; join AF, DC ; and through E draw EG parallel to BC, meeting DC produced in G. Then it is evident that DB is the sum, and BE the difference, of AC and AB. The outward angle CAD of the triangle ABC, is equal to the two inward and opposite angles, ABC and ACB (32.1). But AEC, at the circumference, is equal to half the angle CAD at the centre (20.3) ; that is, AEC = half the sum of ABC and ACB. Again, AC = AF ; there- fore, AFB = ACB (5.1). But, ABC = AFB + BAF (32.1) = ACB + BAF ; 40 PLANE TRIGONOMETRY. consequently, BAF = the difference between ABC and ACB ; and therefore ECF = half that difference (20.3). But EG being parallel to BC, the angle CEG = ECF. Furthermore, the angle DCE in a semicircle being a right one (31.3), ECG is also a right angle. Now, because BC is parallel to EG ; DB : BE : : DC : CG (2.6). But CD is the tangent of CED, and CG the tangent of CEG, suited to the radius EC ; and these tangents have to each other the same ratio as the tangents of the same angles adapted to any other radius (Art. 27). Hence, AC + AB : AC — AB : : tang of } (ABC + ACB) : tang of J (ABC — ACB). Q. E. D. Art. 31. In any right lined triangle, having two unequal sides ; as the less of those sides is to the greater, so is radius to the tangent of an angle ; and as radius is to the tangent of the excess of that angle above half a right angle, so is the tangent of half the sum of the angles opposite to those sides, to the tangent of half their difference. B Let ABC be the trian- gle ; AB the less, and AC the greater side. Draw AD at right angles to AC, and equal to AB ; cut off AE, also = AB ; and join DE and DC. Then, DAC being a right angle, DA : AC : : rad : tangent of ADC (Art. 28). Now, because AE = AD, the angle ADE = AED ; hence each of those angles is half a right angle. Since the triangles SECTION I. 41 ADE and ADC have the angle at A common, the angles ADC + ACD = ADE + AED = 2ADE. Again, since ADC = ADE + EDC = AED + EDC ; and AED = ACD + EDC (32.1) : it follows that ADC — ACD = 2EDC ; that is, ADE is half the sum, and EDC half the difference, of ADC and ACD. Hence (Art. 30), As tan of ADE : tan of EDC :: AC + AD : AC — AD :: tan { (ABC + ACB) : tan J (ABC — ACB). But the tangent of ADE = radius (Art. 26); hence the above analogies are the same as those announced at the beginning of this article. A Q. E. D. Art. 32. In any plane triangle, as the base is to the sum of the sides, so is the difference of the sides to twice the dis- tance between the middle of the base and the perpendicular falling upon it from the vertex of the triangle. Let ABC be a trian- gle, whose base is AB. From the vertex C, with the greater side AC, de- scribe the circle AEGF, cutting BC produced in E and F, and AB pro- duced in G; join AE, FG; bisect AB in H, and draw CD at right angles to AB. Then, since CD, which passes through the centre of the circle, cuts AG at right angles, 6 D* PLANE TRIGONOMETRY. that is, AB : AC + BC AD = DG (3.3) ; or AG = 2AD ; and AB = 2AH; therefore, BG fe 2HD. Now, the angle BAE — BFG ; and AEB = BGP (21.3); consequently, the triangles ABE, FBG, are similar ; wherefore, AB : BE :: BF : BG; AC — BC : 2HD. Q. E. D. Art. 33. If the half difference of two unequal magnitudes be added to the half sum, the result is the greater magnitude ; but if the half difference be subtracted from the half sum, the result is the less magnitude. E B 1 Let AB and BC de- c note any two unequal magnitudes, whose sum is AC and half the sum AE or EC ; make AD = BC ; then DE = EB, the half difference. Now, AB = AE + EB ; and BC = EC — EB. Q. E. D. Art. 34. When the sides of a triangle are given, we have the three following proportions for finding either of the angles. Find half the sum of the three sides, and from that half sum subtract the sides severally. Then, 1. As the rectangle of the half sum, and the excess thereof above the side opposite the proposed angle, is to the rectan- gle of the other two remainders ; so is the square of radius to the square of the tangent of half the angle. 2. As the rectangle of the sides containing the required angle is to the rectangle of the excesses of the half sum SECTION I. above those sides respectively ; so is the square of radius to the square of the sine of half the angle. 3. As the rectangle of the sides containing the required angle is to the rectangle of the half sum, and the excess thereof above the side opposite to the proposed angle ; so is the square of radius to the square of the cosine of half the angle. Let ABC be the triangle ; produce AB, AC, to II and L. Bisect the angles BAC, ABC and HBC, by the lines AG, BG and BK, respectively; and let AG, BG, meet in G. Now, since the angle CBH is greater than BAC (16.1), it is obvious that HBK is greater than BAG; and, therefore, (13.1,) BAG -f ABK is less than two right angles; consequently (cor. 29.1), BK and AG produced will meet. Let them meet in K; and A draw KH, KM, EL, and GD, GF, GE, re- spectively, perpendicu- lar to AB, BC and AC. Then it is obvious (4.4) that DG, FG and EG are equal ; as well as KH, KM and KL. Now, in the triangles ADG, AEG, the side AG being common, and the perpendiculars DG, EG, equal, we have (47.1) AD = AE. For a like reason, BD = BF, CE = CF, BH = BM, CL = CM, and AH = AL. As BH = BM, and CM = CL, it follows that AH + AL = BC + AB + AC. Hence AH or AL is equal to half the sum of the sides. But that half sum = AD + BD + CF=AD + BC=BD + AC. Hence, AH — BC=AD; 44 PLANE TRIGONOMETRY. AH — AC = BD; AH — AB = BH. Now, the angles ABC and CBH, being together equal to two right angles (13.1), DBG + HBK = one right angle = DBG + L BGD. Consequently, the triangles DBG, HBK, are equiangular. Also, the triangles ADG and AHK are equiangular. Hence (4.6) BD : DG :: HK : HB; wherefore (16.6) BD.HB = HK.DG. Also, AD : DG :: AH : HK; consequently (23.6), AD 2 : DG 2 : : AH.AD : HK.DG, or BD.HB. But (Art. 28 and 22.6), AD 2 : DG 2 : : rad 2 : tan 2 DAG or JBAC. Therefore, AH.AD : BD.HB : : rad 2 : tan 2 JBAC. This is the first proportion. Again, it has been proved that CF = CE, and GF = GE, CG being common; hence (8.1) the angle GCF = GCE; wherefore, GCA+GAC(=CGK)=JBCA+pAC=JHBC(32.1)=HBK. Consequently (13.1), AGC — ABK; these angles being the supplements of CGK, HBK. Also the angle GAC = BAK. Therefore, the triangles AGC and ABK are equiangular; whence (4.6), SECTION I. 45 AB : AK :: AG : AC .-. AK.AG = AB.AC. Also (4.6), AG : GD : : AK : HK; wherefore (23.6), AG 2 : GD 2 : : AK.AG : HK.DG : : AB.AC : BD.IIB. But (Art. 28 and 22.6) AG 2 : GD 2 : : rad 2 : sin 2 DAG or sin 2 ^BAC. Hence, AB.AC : BD.HB : rad 2 : sin 2 JBAC ; which is proportion 2d. Further : AG : AD : : AK : AH .-. (23.6) AG 2 : AD 2 : : AK.AG : AH. AD :: AB.AC : AH. AD. But (Art. 28 and 22.6), AG 2 : AD 2 : : rad 2 : cos 2 DAG or cos 2 * BAC. Consequently, AB.AC : AH.AD : : rad 2 : cos 2 JBAC ; which is the third proportion. 46 PLANE TRIGONOMETRY. SECTION II. The properties of plane triangles, which are explained in the preceding section, are sufficient, with the aid of the usual auxiliary tables, to enable the student to solve all the com- mon cases in Plane Trigonometry. But for the solution of more complex problems, and particularly for the purpose of understanding the manner in which the trigonometrical tables are computed, it is necessary to investigate other theorems. This is most readily effected by the analytical method. In what follows, the radius to which the sines, tangents, &c, are adjusted, is always taken = 1. But it may be observed that whenever it is required to apply the results, here obtained, to the case where the radius is denoted by any other number, nothing more is necessary than to change all the trigonometrical lines in the same ratio in which the radius is changed. Article 35. Let AB, AC, AD, be three equidifferent arcs, whose common difference is BC or CD. From the cen- tre O, draw OA, OC ; from B, C, D, draw BE, CF, DG, at right angles to OA ; join BD, meet- ing OC inn; through B, n, draw BH, nm, parallel to AO ; and np parallel to CF. Then, since the arc BC = CD, if we suppose BO and DO joined, those arcs will subtend equal angles at O (27.3). SECTION II. 47 Hence (4.1) Bn = Dn ; and BnO = DnO; consequently, DnO is a right angle. Hence, BE = sin AB ; CF — sin AC ; DG = sin AD ; Dn = sin CD or BC ; OE = cos AB ; OF = cos AC ; OG == cos AD ; On = cos CD or BC. Since np is parallel to CF, and nm to BH, it is obvious that the triangle Onp is similar to OCF; and Dnm to DBH; and as DB = '2Dn, it follows that BH = 2nm ; and DH = 2Dm. Since DnO = mnp, both being right angles, Dnm = Onp ; and the angles at m and p are right ones ; therefore Dnm, Onp, are similar tri- angles. Of course, the three Dnm, Onp, OCF, are similar. Hence, we have the following proportions : As OC : CF : : On : np. As OC : OF : : On : Op. As OC : OF : : Dn : Dm. As OC : CF : : Dn : nm. Taking now OC = 1, and substituting for CF, OF, &c, sin AC, cos AC, &c, these proportions furnish the following equations : np = sin AC. cos CD. (A) Op ps cos AC. cos CD. (B) Dm a cos AC. sin CD. (C) nm == sin AC. sin CD. (D) From equations A and C, sin AD(=np + Dm)=sin AC. cos CD + cos AC. sin CD. (1) and sin AB(=np — Dm)=sin AC. cos CD — cos AC. sin CD. (2) From equations B and D, cos AD(=Op — nm) = cos AC. cos CD — sin AC. sin CD. (3) and cos AB(=Op+w»i)=cos AC. cos CD + sin AC. sin CD. (4) 48 PLANE TRIGONOMETRY. By adding equations 1, 2*; sin AD + sin AB = 2 sin AC. cos CD. (5) By subtracting, sin AD — sin AB * 2 cos AC. sin CD. (6) B j adding equations 3, 4 ; cos AB + cos AD = 2 cos AC. cos CD. (7) By subtracting, cos AB — cos AD = 2 sin AC. sin CD. (8) Art. 36. From these equations, a number of others may be deduced. Suppose AC = CD ; and put AC= a ; then AD = 2a, and AB = 0; and Fp G U equation 1 becomes sin 2(1=2 sin a. cos a. (1) equation 3, cos 2a = cos 2 a — sin 2 a. (2) equation 4, cos 0=1 = cos 2 a + sin 2 a, which corresponds with 47.1. From the equations for sin 2a and cos 2a, it is manifest that sin a = 2 sin \d. cos \a. (3) E cos a = cos 3 \t sin 2 \a. and But cos 3 \a = 1 — sin 3 \a. .-. cos a = 1 From the last, 2 sin 3 \a=\ — cos a. (4) -2sin*ia. (5) (6) SECTION II. 49 In equation 4, substitute for sin 3 \a its equal 1 — cos 2 \a, and the equation becomes cos a = 2 cos 3 %a — 1. (7) From this equation, 2 cos 3 \a = 1 + cos a. (8) By Art. 23.1, sin \a 2 sin \a. cos \a . J L. tan * a = ^ = — ai^T 1 =< e * 3 ' 8 > (9) 1 -f cos a " By Art. 23.4, cos \a 2cosAa. sinia . _ ' sin a ,_-. cotan 4a= -^-f- = o^Vi ' = ( e q- 3 > 6 )l • ( 10 ) J sin fa 2sm~$a vn 7 1 — cos a x ' sin 3 ia 2sin 2 \a ' „ _1 — cos a .,"- tan " a ^s?fe = S5s?fcr< , » 6 ' 8 >tt^w < n > cotanHa= ^.^L = |£2!;i_« =(eq . 6) 8)i±- c ^. ( i2) 2 sin 3 ia 2 sin 2 £a v n ' 1 — cos a v ' Art. 37. Take now AC = a, CD = b ; whence AD = a + & ; and AB = a — b ; and equations 1 and 2, Art. 35, become sin (a ± 5) = sin a. cos b =fc cos a. sin 6. (1) 3 and 4 become, cos (a =fc i) = cos a. cos Z> qp sin a. sin 5. (2) Now, . , .. sin(a ± Z/) sin a. cos b ± cos a. sin b ■ tan (a =fc &) = — 7--^ = , 1 ■*- = (di v ' cos(a± 0) cos a. cos zp sin a. sin v 50 PLANE TRIGONOMETRY. viding numerator and denominator by cos a. cos b, and using . sin k tan a =b tan b tan for ) ^ — -. (3) cos ' 1 qp tan a. tan o x ' Equations 5, 6, 7, 8, also become sin (a + b) + sin (a — b) = 2 sin a. cos 6. (4) sin (a + ft) — sin (a — 5) = 2 cos a. sin &. (5) cos (a — b) + cos (a + b) = 2 cos a. cos b. (6) cos (a — b) — cos (a + b) = 2 sin a. sin 5. (7) By Art. 23.1, sin a sin b sin a. cos 5 ± cos a. sin & tan a ± tan & = ± , = t = cos a cos o cos a. cos 6. (eq .i)!l^±l) (8) x n 'cos a. cos 6 x ' By Art. 23.4, cos b cos a sin a. cos b ± cos a. sin # COt ft ± COt a =— r ± n = : : 7 ' = sin b sin a sin a. sin b sin a. sin b w By changing our notation, other equations may be de- duced. Let AD = a ; AB = b ; then AC = $($ + &), and DC or BC = ^(a — b). With this notation, equations 5, 6, 7, 8, Art. 35, become sin a + sin b = 2 sin J(6>fe). {(c + a— b) cos 3 AB = 4ac ac c + a + b\ s.(s — b) = (puUing , = — 2— )— ; ■— ; (A) which is Rule 3, Art. 34. c 3 + a* —b* , Again, from the equation cos B = ~ » we nave i ; c» + a s — 6 3 2ac+6 2 — c 2 — a s 1 — cos B = 1 - 2ac 2ac b*—(c s —2 ac + a z ) _ b»—(c—a) a Qac 2ac But, Art. 36, Form. 6, 1 — cos B = 2 sin a JB ; consequently, 6 3 — (c— a)* l(b + c—a). {(b + a—c) sin 3 ^B = iac ac (B) ac which is Rule 2, Art. 34. Since tan = -^ (Art. 23) ; tan 3 B = — -^ = (by eq. cosine v ' cos 8 B v J ' , -r^ ( s — a) .(s — c) A and B) J / * ■ . x - ' ; ' s . (s — b) which is Rule 1, Art. 34. E* PLANE TRIGONOMETRY. Art. 38. Let ABC be a semicircle ; ADC its diameter; D the centre ; AB the chord of an arc; AE, BG, lines touching the cir- Iji ~^c cle in A and B, and meeting in G. Join DG, DB, CB ; and produce DB, CB, to meet AE in E and F. Now, the angle ABC in a semicircle being a right one (31.3), the adjacent angle ABF is also a right one (13.1). Again, since AG and BG touch the circle, each of the angles GAB, GBA == the angle ACB in the alternate segment (32.3) ; hence GAB = GBA, and GB == GA (6.1). Furthermore, since AFB + FAB = ABC (32.1) = ABF (31.3 and 13.1) =? GBF + GBA ; it follows that GFB = GBF ; whence GB = GF ; and AG + GB = AF. But the triangles ADG, BDG, being evidently equal, the line AG is the tangent of half the arc intercepted between A and B ; hence AF =s twice the tangent of that half arc. The chord AB is also twice the sine of the same half arc. Now, the triangles ACB, FAB, being right angled at B, and having the angle ACB = FAB, are similar ; whence AC : CB : : AF : AB : : AG : JAB : : tan of ^ arc : sine of the same half arc. Let, now, the point B move along the arc towards A ; the lines which pass through B moving with it : then, as the angle at C diminishes, the line CB must approximate to AC, and ultimately become equal to it. Consequently, the ratio of AF to AB, or of the tangent to the sine of half the arc between A and B, is ultimately a ratio of equality. Again. The angle ADG = JADB = ACB (21.3) ; con- "sequently, DG is parallel to CF (28.1) ; and therefore, EB : BD : : EF : FG (2.6) ; SECTION II. or, doubling the consequents, EB : AC : : EF : FA ; whence, by composition (18.5), EB + AC : AC : : AE : AF. But AC : CB : : AF : AB (4.6) ; therefore, ex equali, AC + BE : CB : : AE : AB (22.5). But as the point B approaches A, the line BE decreases and ultimately vanishes. The angle at C ultimately vanish- ing, 4he line CB becomes finally equal to AC. Hence the ratio of AC + BE to CB, and consequently of the tangent AE to the chord AB, becomes ultimately a ratio of equality. Hence it is manifest that the ultimate ratio of the tangent of an evanescent arc to its sine, or to its chord, is a ratio of equality. B Let AEB be a circular arc, whose centre is C ;• AD, BD, two right lines touching the circle in A and B. Join CD, AB; and let CD cut the arc in E, and the chord AB in F. Through E, draw GH parallel to AB ; and join AE, BE. Then, from what is above proved, AD = BD ; the c angle ACF = BCF ; and conse- quently (4.1), AFC = BFC; whence GIT, being parallel to AB, and therefore at right angles to CE, touches the circle in E. Also, AD is the tangent and AF the sine of the arc AE. Since AFE is a right angle, the angles AEF and ADF are each less than a right angle (17.1). But AED = AFE + EAF (32.1) is greater than a right angle. Hence, AD is greater than AE, and AE than AF (19.1). That is, the tan- 56 PLANE TRIGONOMETRY. gent is greater than the chord, and the chord than the sine. Again, since GD + DH are greater than GH (20.1), it is obvious that AD + DB must be greater than AG + GH + HB. But AG + GE being greater than AE (20.1), and EH + HB than EB ; AG + GH -f HB must be greater than AE + EB. Also AE + EB are greater than AB. If we were to join CG, CH, and draw the tangents and chords to the intercepted arcs, we might demonstrate, in the same manner, that the sum of the tangents thus drawn would be less than AG + GH + HB, and the sum of the chords greater than AE + EB. By continued bisections, we thus find the sum of the tangents continually decreasing, and the sum of the chords always increasing. But the tangents and chords are, by this process, brought to approximate still more and more nearly to the circular arc which lies between them. Hence we infer that when, by the evanescence of the arc, the ratio of the tangent to the chord or sine becomes a ratio of equality, the ratio of the arc itself to the tangent, chord or sine, is a ratio of equality. D E Fp tial Calculus. Let AB = OC being = 1. Art. 39. As near- ly all trigonometri- cal calculations are usually performed by means of auxili- ary tables, it be- comes necessary to explain the nature and origin of those tables. This is most expeditiously effect- ed by the Differen- BE = y; OE = x; BCD = h; the radius Then, as proved in Art. 35, equation C, Dm = cos (z + jjk). sin \h ; whence, sin (z + h) = sin % + 2 cos (z + ^).sin \h ; SECTION II. 57 consequently, sin (z + h) — sin z _ 2 cos (z + *A).sin J A cos(z-f-|A).sin|Zt A h \h But (Art. 38) when h becomes evanescent, the ultimate ratio of }Ji to the sin \h is a ratio of equality. Also the ultimate ratio of cos (z + \K) to cos z is a ratio of equality. Hence, e/.sinz /dy\ —fa =te-) = cosz = *; consequently, dy = xdz. Again, x 2 -f y z = 1 ; whence, 2;«£c -f 2*/c?!/ = 0; or — ydy — yxdz dx = —2-2- = — - =—ydz. x x J Now, let t = tan z =— ; then x y xdy — ydx ' x l dz + y*d% x x 4 „^_£~ m S=-«f ^ (since f + fim 1) Z = (] + *2) z r ~ l -f &c. But (Art. 39), dx Therefore, y = — nAz"" 1 — pBzP" 1 — qCz*- 1 — rDz'" 1 — &c. ; and du f z = — ( n — 1).» Az"- 2 — (p — l).pBzP- 2 — (7 — l).?Cz<-» — (r— l).rDz r ~ 2 — &c. But (Art. 39), -| = x = 1 + Az n + Bz p + Cz q + &c. Comparing the corresponding terms of these series, n — 2 = 0; p — 2=ti; q — 2 = p; r— -2 = q,&e. (to — l).nA = — 1; (/> — l).pB = — A ; &c. Whence n = 2; p = 4; ? = 6; r = 8; &c. A- _Lr_J_ p_ 1 n_ X * A ~ 2' *~ 2.3.4' U 2^Z^6 ; U_ &c * Consequently, 60 PLANE TRIGONOMETRY. x = l ~ 1 + 2^4-3X47^6 + &C - (A) * = Z ~is + 2^475-2.3.416.7 + &C> (B) To exemplify these series, let the sine and cosine of 1° be required. In that case, *=.017453292520;^= .000152308710 ; ^=.000000886080; m .000000003866; *&-== .000000000013. 2.3.4 — ^ vyw ' Substitute these values in series A and B. Whence x = .999847695156; and y = .017452406453. z* z 3 If, instead of these values of z,-^, s~q> & c -> we substitute in the series A and B, \ of the first, \ of the second, J of the third, &c, we shall obtain the cosine and sine of 30' ; and from these results we may, by a similar process, find the cosine and sine of 15'. Thus, cos of 30'= 1— .000038077177 + .000000000242= .999961923095 ; and sin of 30'=.00872664626O— .000000 11 0760=. 008726535500; Also, cos of 15'= 1— .000009519299 + .000000000015= .999990480728 ; and sin of 15'=. 004363323130— .000000013845=. 004363309285. z 2 If, instead of the values of z, -~-, &c, first found, we take e *3 of the first, gg 1 ^ of the second, &c, and substitute them in equations A and B, we shall have the cosine and sine of r. SECTION II. 01 Thus, cos of r=l.— .000000042308 =.999999957692; and sin of 1'= .000290888209— .000000000004= .000290888205. When the sines and cosines of two arcs are known, the sine and cosine of their sum, or difference, are readily found from equations 1 and 2, Art. 37. Or the sine and cosine of any arc, v, being found, the sine and cosine of 2u, 3v, 4v, may be determined in the following manner : From Art. 37, Form. 4 and 7, we have, by transposition, sin (a + b) = 2 sin a. cos b — sin (a — b) (C) cos (a -f b) = cos (a — b) — 2 sin a. sin b (D) Taking, then, b = any arc v ; and a successively = v 3 2v, 3v, &c. ; these equations become sin 2v = 2 sin v. cos v ; - V C*-> cos 2v = 1 — 2 sin 2 v ; sin 3u = 2 sin 2v. cos v — sin v ; cos 3v = cos v — 2 sin 2p. sin i; ; sin 4u = 2 sin 3d. cos u — sin 2u ; cos 4u == cos 2v — 2 sin 3v. sin u. Hence, the sine and cosine of v being known, the sine and cosine of any multiple of v may be found. Art. 42. The sine of an arc, being half the chord of twice the arc, and the chord of 60° = 1, (Art. 26,) the sine of 30° = I ; consequently, if we take a = 30°, in the equations C and D of the last article, we shall hnve sin (30° + b) = cos b — sin (30° — b) ; cos (30° + b) = cos (30°— b) — sin b. If, then, the sine and cosine of every degree and minute, as far as 30°, were computed by the preceding methods, F t lA^s 62 PLANE TRIGONOMETRY. these equations furnisn a mode of computing the sines and cosines of the remaining arcs by subtraction only. To find the sine and cosine of 31°, cos 29° = cos 30°. cos 1°+ sin 30°. sin 1° = .874619707108 sin 1° = .017452406453 cos 31°= .857167300655 cos 1°= .999847695156 sin 29° = sin 30°. cos 1° — cos 30°. sin 1° = .484809620238 cos. 31° = .515038074918 The sines, computed as above explained, and arranged in a table, constitute a table of natural sines. Those sines, as put down in the tables, are seldom extended to more than seven decimals, and frequently not even so far ; but, in com- puting such tables, it is necessary to extend the sines of the primary arcs considerably further than the number of deci- mals intended to be retained, in order to render the numerous deductions from them sufficiently correct. The tangents may be found from the sines and cosines, by sine simple division; for tan = — (Art. 23). The secants are 1 cosine v ' also deduced from the cosines ; for secant = cosine Art. 43. The tables of sines, tangents, &c, which are commonly used in trigonometrical calculations, are loga- rithmic, and are easily deduced from a table of logarithms and of natural sines. But it may be observed that the sine? computed to a radius 1, are all decimals except the sine of 90°. Hence, the logarithms of those sines, if the common logarithms are used, must all have negative indices, excep the sine 90°, whe.se logarithm is 0. To avoid this inconve nience the decimal point in each of the sines is removed tec SECTION II. 63 places towards the right, which is equivalent to finding the sines to a radius of 10000000000. The logarithm of this number is 10; and the sine of 1" computed to this radius is 48481.37, whose log. =4.6855749. From which it appears that all arcs or angles which can occur in practice, have their logarithmic sines positive. The sines computed according to the preceding articles have the decimal point, in each case, removed ten places to the right ; the logarithms of the results are then taken from a table of logarithms, and arranged in a table. This com- poses a table of logarithmic or artificial sines. Then, since cos : sine : ; rad : tang (Art. 23) ; the index of the logarithmic sine being increased by 10, and the logarithmic cosine subtracted, the remainder will be the logarithmic tangent. And, since cos : rad : : rad : secant (Art. 23) ; if we subtract the logarithmic cosine from 20 (twice the log. of radius), the remainder will be the secant. Again, tang : rad :: rad : cotan; consequently, the logarithmic tangent of an arc, being sub- tracted from 20, will leave the logarithmic cotangent. In trigonometrical calculations where logarithms are used, it is most convenient to take the arithmetical complements of the logarithms which are to be subtracted, (that is, what those logarithms want of 10 or 20,) and add them with the other additive logarithms, rejecting as many tens or twen- ties from the result as there are complements used. When the subtractive numbers are logarithmic sines, tangents or secants, the arithmetical complements can be taken imme- diately from the table ; for the cosecant is the arithmetical complement of the sine ; the cotangent of the tangent ; and the cosine of the secant. All this is manifest from the na- are of logarithms, and the analogies in Art. 23. 64 PLANE TRIGONOMETRY. Art. 44. A few trigonometrical problems will now be given to exercise the preceding rules. 1. Given, AB 35, AC 30, BC 25, the three sides of a triangle ; to find ihe distances from the several angles to a point E within the triangle, such that the angles AEB, AEC and BEC shall be equal to each other. Construction. On AB, one of the sides, describe the equilateral triangle ABD ; and about that triangle describe a circle; join DC, cutting the circle in E ; then is E the point required. Join AE, BE ; then, since the angles of the triangle ABD are all equal (cor. to 5.1), each of them contains 60°, or ^ of two.right angles (32.1). But AED= ABD ; and BED=BAB (21.3) : therefore AED = 60°, and AEC = 120°. Also BE Y J = 60°, and BEC = 120°. Calculation. With the three sides, the angle BAC may Vf found by Art. 34, Rule 2. AB 35 AC 8.4559320 AC 30 AC 8.5228787 BC 25 sum 90 J sum 45 J sum— AB 10 log. 1. i sum — AC 15 " 1.1760913 2)19.1549020 sinpAC 22°12J' 9.5774510 SECTION II. 65 BAG 44° 25' BAD 60° DAC 104° 25 £DAC 52°12J' ACD + ADC"^ 4 , 36 Then, by Art. 30, As is to So is tan to tan AD + AC 65 AC 84870866 AD — AC 5 .6989700 ACD + ADC 2 37° 47£' 9.8895519 ACD — ADC 2 3° 24J' 8.7756085 ACD 41° 12' ADC) ABES 34° 23' CAE 18° 48= AED— -ACE. EAB 25° 37= CAB — CAE. From Art. 29, As sinAEB 120° AC .0624694 is to sin ABE 34° 23' 9.7518385 So is AB 35 1.5440680 to AE 22.823 1.3583759 As sinAEB 120° AC .0624694 istosinBAE 25° 37' 9.6358335 So is AB 35 1.5440680 to BE 17.473 1.2423709 9 F* G8 PLANE TRIGONOMETRY. As sin AEC 120° AC .0624694 is to sin CAE 18° 48' 9.5082141 So is AC 30 1.4771213 to CE 11.164 1.0478048 2. Given, the vertical angle ACB 70°, the segments into which the base is divided by the line CD bisecting the ver- tical angle, viz. AD 30, and DB 20, to determine the angles and sides of the triangle, and the line which bisects the ver- tical angle. Construction. Bisect the base AB in E ; through E draw FEG at right angles to AB ; make the angle EAF = com- plement of the vertical angle, above AB when that angle is acute, but below when it is obtuse. From the centre F, where the line AF meets the perpendicular, describe a circle passing through A, and cutting FEG in G; join GD, and produce it to cut the circle in C ; join CA, CB ; and ACB will be the triangle required. Since AE = BE, and the angles at E are right ones, the line AF = BF (4.1) ; consequently, the circle must pass through B. The angle AFE being equal to BFE, the arc AG = BG (26.3) ; consequently, ACG = BCG (27.3). Also, the angle AFE = twice ACG (20.3) = ACB ; therefore, ACB is the complement of EAF. Calculation. In the right angled triangle EAF we have, besides the right angle, the side AE = 25, and the angle EAF = 20° ; from which we find, by Art. 28, AF = 26.604, SECTION II. 67 and EF = 9.099 ; whence EG = 17.505 ; then, in the right angled triangle GED, we have EG ; and ED = 5 ; from which we find the angle EDG or CDB = 74° 3' ; then CAD = CDB — ACD (32.1) = 39° 3'. In the triangle ADC we then have AD = 30, and all the angles, from which, by Art. 29, we find AC = 50.29, and DC = 32.951. Lastly, from 3.6, we have AD : DB : \ AC : BC = 33.527. 3. Given, the base AB 70; the vertical angle ACB 75°; and the ratio of the sides, viz., AC : BC : : 4 : 3, to deter- mine the rest. Divide AB in D, so that AD : DB : : 4:3 (10.6) ; then the construction will be the same as in the last example. The calculation will like- G wise be similar to the last. The results are, AF = 36,235 ; EF = 9.378 ; BDC = 79° 27'; CAB = 41° 57'; ABC = 63° 3' ; AC = 64.596; BC = 48.447; DC = 43.927. 4. Given, the base AB 500 ; the difference of the sides 100 ; and the vertical angle ACB 72°, to determine the rest. O Construction. On the base AB describe the segment of a circle containing an angle equal 90° + ^ the vertical angle (33.3) ; place in this circle the right line AD = the difference of the sides ; pro- 68 FLANE TRIGONOMETRY. duce AD ; join DB ; and make the angle DBC = BDC ; then is ABC the triangle proposed. Draw CE at right angles to DB ; then, CD being = CB (because the angle CBD = CDE), the angle DCB is evidently bisected ; and the angle ADB = DEC + DCE = 90° + JACB ; also, AD = AC — BC : hence the construction is manifest. Calculation. In the triangle ABD, AB, AD, and the an- gle ADB, are known; whence the angle BAD may be found ; from which and the given angle ACB, the angle ABC becomes known. Then AB and all the angles of the triangle being known, AC and BC are determined. The results are BAC = 44° 41', ABC = 63° 19', AC = 469.74; and BC = 369.74. 5. Given, the base AB 465, the vertical angle ACB 75° ; and the sum of the sides 760, to determine the rest. Construction. On AB de- scribe a segment of a circle containing half the vertical angle ; from A, place the line AD = the sum of the sides, in this segment ; join DB ; and make the angle DBC = BDC. Then will ACB be the triangle proposed. Because the angle DBC m BDC ; DC = BC ; and the exte rior angle ACB = twice ADB ; also AC + BC = AD. Calculation. With the sides AB, AD, and angle ADB ; the angles ABD and BAD may be found ; whence ABC becomes known. Then AC and BC are determined. Results : ABC SECTION II. 69 = 46° 45', or 58° 15' ; AC = 350.64, or 409.36 ; BC = 409.36 or 350.64 6. Given, the base AB 50 ; the line DC, drawn from the middle of the base to the vertex 40 ; and the ratio of the sides, AC : BC : : 3 : % to determine the sides Construction. Divide AB in E, so that AE : EB in the pro- posed ratio of AC : BC ; produce AB to F, so that BF shall be a third proportional to AE — - EB and EB ; from the cen- tre F, through E, describe the arc EC ; from the centre D, with the given distance DC, describe an arc, cutting the former in C ; join AC, DC and BC ; then ABC is the triangle proposed. From the proportion AE — EB : EB : : EB : BF, we have (18.5), AE : EB : : EF : BF; therefore (12.5) AE : EB : : AF : EF ; consequently (19.5), AF : EF :: EF : BF; whence (F. 6), AC : CB : : AE : EB. Calculation. In the triangle CDF, we have all the sides to find ^ the angle FDC, which is the -J sum of DAC and DCA ; then, with that J sum and the sides AD, DC, the angle DAC and side AC may be found. Result: AC = 55.50: BC = 37.00. 70 PLANE TRIGONOMETRY. 7. Given* the sides of the triangle ABC, viz., AB 90, AC 80, BC 70, to determine the dis- tances AD, CD and BD, to a point D, which is so situated that the angles ADB and ADC are 70° and 40° respectively. Construction. On AB, and on the side opposite to C, de- scribe the segment of a circle containing an angle of 70° ; complete the circle; at the point B make the angle ABE = 40°; from C, through E, where BE cuts the circle, draw CE, and produce it till it cuts the circle again in D, the point required ; join DA, DB, and the work is done. The angle ADE == ABE (21.3) = 40 6 \ whence the con- struction is manifest. Calculation. Join AE ; then the angles ABE, BAE, and the side AB> are known ; whence AE may be found. The angle CAB may also be determined from the three sides; hence CA, AE, and the contained angle, become known ; from which ACE and AEC, and consequently AED, may be found. But AED = ABD (21.3) ; therefore the angles of the triangle ABD become known, as well as those of ADC ; from which and the given sides, AD, BD and CD may be found. Result: AD = 82.915; DB = 73.406; DC = 123.178; and DAB = 50° 2' 6". 8. Given, the base AB 50 ; radius of the circumscribing circle 30 ; and ratio of the sides, AC : BC : : 3 : 2, to find the sides. II ' I S C A^ P / \ \ 33 1 (; SECTION II. 71 Construction. Divide AB in D so that AD : DB :: 3:2; bisect AB in E ; draw EF at light angles to AB ; from the centre A, with the radius of the circumscribing circle, cut EF in F ; from the centre F, with the radius FA, describe a circle cutting FE produced in G; join GD, and produce it to meet the circle in C ; join AC, BC; then ABC will be the triangle required. The circle will pass through B (1.3) ; and the arc AGB is bisected in G ; consequently, the angle ACB is bisected by the line CD (27.3) ; wherefore (3.6), AC : BC : : AD : DB. Calculation. In the right angled triangle AEF, AE and AF are given, from which EF and the angle AFE are deter- mined ; but AFE = 2ACD = ACB. In the triangle EDG ; EG and ED being known, the angle EDG or BDC is deter- mined ; whence the angles of the triangle ABC are known, and the sides AC, BC determined. Result: AC = 59.447 ; BC *= 39.632. 9. Given, one angle of a triangle 50° ; the sum of the three sides 120; and the radius of the inscribed circle 10, to determine the sides of the triangle. Construction. Make AB = \ the sum of the sides, 60 ; the angle BAN = the given angle 50° ; bisect that angle by the line AF, meeting BF, which is drawn at right angles to AB ; make BC = the given radius of the inscribed circle, 10; through C draw CD parallel to BA, meeting AF in D ; draw DE, DG at right angles to AB, AN respectively ; from the centre D, with the radius DE, describe the circle : that circle PLANE TRIGONOMETRY. N will touch the lines AB, AN, in E and G (4.4). On the diameter DF, describe the semicircle DHLF, cutting AB in H and L ; from either of these points L draw LK, touching the circle GEK in K, and cutting AN in M ; then ALM is the triangle proposed. Join DL, DK, DM ; LF, MF ; and draw FN, FP at right angles to AN, LK respectively. Now, since DE = DK, the angles at E and K are right ones, and DL is common to the triangles DEL and DKL, it follows that the angle DLE = DLK. But DLF is a right angle (31.3) ; hence, DLE + FLB =DLF (13.1) ; from these equals, take the equals DLE and DLK ; and we have BLF == KLF. Thence, the angles at B and P being right ones, it is obvious that LB = LP, and FB = FP. Again, in the triangles FAB and FAN, we have AF common, and the angles of the one respectively equal to those of the other ; hence AN == AB, and FN = FB = FP ; consequently (47.1), MN = MP. Now, it has been proved that LP = LB ; consequently, ML = MN + LB; and, therefore, AM + AL + ML = AB + AN= 2AB SECTION IT. 73 Calculation. In the right angled triangles AED, ABF, we have the angle at A, and the lines ED and AB given; from which AE, EB and BF are determined. Then the angle DCF being a right one, the semicircle on DF must pass through C (con- verse 31.3) ; consequently, CB.BF = LB.BH (cor. 36.3). If, now, we suppose a line drawn from the centre of the semi- circle, cutting EB at right angles in I, it is manifest (2.6 and 3.3) that EB and HL are both bisected in I ; whence EL = HB ; and EL.LB = CB.BF, a known rectangle. Hence IL 2 {= IB- — EL.LB (5.2)) becomes also known. Result: AL=50.306; AM=31.139; LM=38.555. 10. Given, the base 50; difference of the other sides 10; and radius of the inscribed circle 12 ; to determine the sides. Construction. Make AB= the base 50, and bisect it in C; lay down CD = J the difference of the sides ; at D erect a perpendicular DE = radius of the inscribed circle A~~ c D B 12; from E, with the dis- tance ED, describe a circle ; through A and B draw the lines AH, BH, touching the circle in F and G ; ABH is the triangle required. Join EF, EG; then (47.1) AD = AF ; BD = BG; FH = GH; consequently, AH — BH = AD — BD - 2CD. Calculation. With AD, DE, and BD, DE, find the angles BAE, ABE, from which BAH and ABH are known ; and thence the sides AH and BH. Result: AH == 45.79; BH = 35.79. 11. Given, the perimeter of a triangle 120; radius of the inscribed circle 10 ; and vertical angle 70°, to determine the sides. 10 G 74 PLANE TRIGONOMETRY. M l\/?& ^2B^>^ A H E /J) K Construction. Make AB= J the perimeter 60 ; at B erect the perpendicular BC=radius of the inscribed circle 10; through C, draw CG parallel to AB ; make the angle BCD = comple- ment of half the vertical angle, 55° ; bisect AD in E ; draw EF at right angles to AD, meeting CD produced in F ; from F, as a centre, through A or D, describe the arc AGB, cut- ting the line GC ; from one of the intersections G, draw GH at right angles to AD; from G, with the radius GH, describe the circle HLM ; through A and D draw AI, DI, touching the circle in L and M ; then ADI is the triangle required. Join AG, DG and IG; then it is obvious that those lines bisect the angles DAI, ADI and AID (26.1); consequently, DAG + ADG + AIG = a right angle (32.1) ; that is, AIG is the complement of DAG + ADG. Now, since EFD = the angle at the circumference, which stands on AGD ; it follows that EFD + AGD = 2 right angles (22.3) = GAD + GDA + AGD (32.1); wherefore. EFD = GAD + GDA; their complements are therefore equal; that is, EDF or CDB — LIG. Consequently, the whole angle AID is twice the SECTION II. 79 complement of DCB. Also, the angles LIG and ILG, being respectively equal to BDC and DBC, and LG = BC, the side IL = DB (26.1); hence the semiperimeter of the triangle ADI = AB. Calculation. Draw FK parallel to AB, meeting GH pro- duced in K, and join FG ; then, in the triangle DBC, having BC and all the angles, BD is found ; whence ED becomes known ; from which, and the angles, DF and EF are found ; then, in the right angled triangle FGIv, FG and GK are known ; whence FK or EH becomes known ; whence AH and BH are known.* Result: AD=45.719 ; AI=27.02; DI=47.261. 12. Given, the sides of the triangle ABC> viz. : AB 4G4, AC 418, and BC 385 ; it is required to find a point D within the triangle, such that AD, BD and CD shall be to each other in the ratio of 7, 6 and 5 respectively. Construction. Divide AB in the point E, and AC in G, so that AE : EB : : 7 : 6 ; and AG : GC : : 7 : 5 ; produce AB and AC to F and H, so that BF and CH shall be third pro- portionals to AE — EB and EB, and to AG — GC and GC respectively ; from the centres F and H, with the distance? FE and HG, describe arcs cutting each other in D ; join AD * Examples 9 and 11 are essentially of the same nature, and might have Seen solved by the same method ; the two solutions furnish a little variety. f 70 PLANE TRIGONOMETRY. BD and CD ; and the figure is constructed. For, as was proved in the 6th example, AD : BD : : AE : EB : : 7 : 6 ; and AD : CD :: AG : GC : : 7 : 5; whence, BD : CD : : 6 : 5. Calculation. Join DF, DH and FH ; then, in the triangle ABC, we have all the sides to find the angle BAC ; then, in the triangle AFH, we have the sides AF, AH, and the in- cluded angle, to find the angle AFH and side FH ; in the triangle FDH, the three sides are then known to find the angle DFH ; whence the angle AFD becomes known : then, in the triangle AFD, we have the sides AF, FD, and the contained angle, to find the angle FAD and the side AD ; from which BD and CD are found from the given ratios. Results: BAD = 25° 59' 8"; CAD = 25° 27' 15"; AD = 283.688 ; BD = 243.161 ; CD = 202.635. [The following ingenious construction of this problem, which admits of a simpler calculation than that already given, has been kindly furnished the author by Samuel Alsop, Principal of Friends' Select School, Philadelphia.] Construction. Make FE = t 6; and on it describe FEG similar to CBA, the given triangle, making FE:EG:FG::BC:BA:AC. s On FG describe the triangle FGA, making FA = 7, and AG a fourth proportional to BC, AB and 5. Upon AE, on the same or any other scale, lay down AB = 464, and com- ulete the triangle ABC. Draw BD parallel to EF, cutting VF in D, which will be the point required. For, join CD; SECTION II. 77 draw EH parallel to BC ; arid join FH. Then, since AEH is similar to FEG, being both similar to BAC ; AE : EG :: EH : EP ; therefore (6.6), AEG and HEF are similar ; and AB : BC : : AE : EH : : AG : FH. But AB : BC : : AG : 5 ; therefore, FH == 5. Consequently, AD : BD : CD : : AF : FE : FH : : 7 : 6 : 5. Calculation. In the triangle ABC, with the given sides, find the angle BAC = FGE ; also find AG, GF and GE. From the three sides of the triangle AGF, find the angle AGF; whence AGE becomes known. In the triangle AGE, find AE; then AE : EF : : AB : BD ; from which AD and CD are found from the given ratios. 13. In a right-angled isosceles triangle, the hypothenuse is 30 yards longer than one of the sides ; what are the sides ? Ans. : hypoth. 102.4264 : sides 72.4264. 14. The hypothenuse of a right-angled triangle is 75, and the sum of the sides is 105; what are the sides? Ans. : 60 and 45. 15. The sides of a triangle are in the ratio of 4, 6, and 7 ; and the line bisecting the greatest angle is 20 ; required the sides. Result : 22.87, 34.31, 40.02. 16. Given the perimeter of a right-angled triangle 120, and the radius of the inscribed circle 10 ; required the sides of the triangle? Ans. : 50, 40, and 30. a* 78* PLANE TRIGONOMETRY. 17. From a position in a horizontal plane, I observe the angle of elevation of a tower, which is 100 feet high, to be 60° ; how far must I measure back, to obtain a position from which the elevation shall be 30°? Ans. 115.47 feet. 18. A person on the top of a tower which is 50 feet in height, observes the angles of depression of two objects on the horizontal plane, which are in the same straight line with the bottom of the tower, to be 30° and 45°. Determine their distance from each other and from the observer. Ans. Distance from each other 36.60 feet. From the observer 70.71, and 100 feet. 19. From the top of a tower, whose height is 108 feet, the angles of depression of the top and bottom of a vertical column, standing in the horizontal plane, are found to be 30° and 60° respectively. Required, the height of the column. Ans. 72 feet. 20. Suppose the angle of elevation of the top of a steeple to be 40°, when the observer's eye is level with the bottom, and that from a window 18 feet directly above the first sta- tion the angle of elevation is found to be 37° 30'. Required, the height and distance of the steeple. Ans. Height, 210.44 feet. Distance, 250.79 feet. 21. Two columns, 80 and 100 feet in height, standing on a horizontal plane, are distant from each other 220 feet ; it is required to find a point in the line joining their bases, from which the angles of elevation of the two columns shall be equal. Ans. The point is 122| feet from the higher column. 22. The altitude of a cloud was observed to be 34° 20', and that of the sun in the same direction 50° ; also the distance of the shadow of the cloud from the station of the observer measured 375 yards. Determine the height of the cloud. Ans. 600 yards. SECTION II. 79* 23. In a plane triangle there are given, the base 60, an adjacent angle 55° 30', and the ratio of the side opposite the given angle to the other unknown side 6 to 5 ; to determine these sides. Ans. 50.047, and 41.706. 24. From a station in a horizontal plane, I observed the angle of altitude of the summit of. a cliff which bore exactly north to be 47° 30'. I then measured N. 87 W. 283 feet, and again taking the angle of altitude, found it to be 40° 12'. What was the height of the cliff? Ans. 354.53 feet. Remark. In the solution of the preceding problem, it will assist the pupil if he will observe, that when two right angled triangles have the same perpendicular, their bases are to each other as the cotangents of the angles at the base. 25. Three ships sailed from the same place to different ports in the same parallel of latitude; the first sailed directly south 55 leagues, when she arrived at the desired port ; the other two sailed upon different courses, between the south and west, till they arrived at their destined ports, which were 57 leagues asunder, and the angle included by their courses at the port sailed from was 38°. Required, the course and distance run by each of the two latter vessels. Ans. S. 52° 12', W. 89.75 leagues; and S. 14° 12', W. 56.73 leagues. 26. Walking on shore, I was surprised by the flash of a gun, at sea, bearing S. 56° 15' E. ; seven seconds after the flash I heard the report, and four seconds after that I heard the echo from a castle bearing from me S. 56° 15' W. Re- quired, the distance of the gun and castle; sound being esti- mated to pass over 1142 feet in one second of time. Ans. Distance of gun, 7994 feet; of castle, 3005.51 feet. 27. In a right angled triangle there are given, one of the legs 94, and the segment of the hypothenuse adjacent to the other leg, made by a perpendicular from the right angle, 66, to determine the triangle. Ans. The other leg is 93.56, and the hypothenuse, 132.62. 80* PLANE TRIGONOMETRY. 28. Having given two sides of a triangle, 40 and 50, and the line drawn from the included angle to the middle of the third side, 34; to determine the third side. Ans. 59.80. Construction. — Form the triangle BAE, making AB 40, AE 50, and BE 68 ; complete the parallelogram ABCE, draw the diagonal AC, and ABC will be the required triangle. 29. At three points in the same horizontal straight line, the angles of elevation of an object were found to be 36° 50', 21° 24', and 14°, the middle station being 84 feet from each of the others. Required, the height of the object. Ans. 53.96 feet. 30. Tn a level garden there are two lofty firs, having their tops ornamented with gilt balls : one is 100 feet high, the other 80, and they are 120 feet distant at the bottom. Now, the owner wants to place a fountain in a right line between the trees, to be equally distant from the top of each, and to make a walk or path from the fountain, in every point of which he shall be equally distant from each of the balfe ; also, at the end of the walk he would fix a pleasure-house, which should be at the same distance from each ball, as the two balls are from each other. How must this be done? Ans. From bottom of taller tree to fountain, 45 feet. From ball to ball, 121.655 " Length of the walk, 52.678 " From bottom of taller tree to house, 69.282 " 31. Three objects, A, B, and C, are situated in the same straight line, and are distant from D, 312, 150, and 123 yards ; also, the distance of A from B is to the distance of C from B as 22 to 13. How far is B from A and C ? Ans. From A 198 yards, from C 117 yards Construction. — Make AD = 312, and divide it in E so that AE : ED : : 22 : 13. On DE form the triangle DEB, making DB 150, and EB = §§ DC. Join AB, produce it till it meets DC drawn parallel to BE in C, and the figure is constructed. SECTION II 81* 32. Given, the angles of elevation of an object taken at three positions, A, B, and C, in the same horizontal straight line, 17° 46', 33° 41', and 39° 6', respectively ; also, from A to B is 264 feet, and from B to C 156 feet. Required, the height of the object. Ans. 133.33 feet. 33. There are three towns, A, B, and C, whose distances apart are as follows: from A to B 6 miles; from A to C 22 miles ; and from B to C 20 miles. A messenger is des- patched from B to A, and has to call at a town D in a direct line between A and C. Now, in travelling from B to D, he walks uniformly at the rate of 4 miles an hour, and from D to A at the rate of 3 miles an hour. Supposing him to per- form his journey in three hours, it is required to determine the position of the town D. Ans. The distance of D from A is 4.72 miles. In the above example, we have J AD + £ BD = 3, or AD + |BD = 9. On AC lay off AE = 9, and join BE; then in the triangle BDE the side BE and the angle BED become known, and ED : DB : : 3 : 4. Hence the point D is readily determined. 34. The lengths of three lines drawn from a given point to three angles of a square are, 35, 46, and 50 yards ; to deter- mine a side of the square. Ans. 59.95 yards. 35. Wishing to ascertain the length of a tree which leaned in the plane of the meridian, I measured from the foot of the tree north 85 feet, when I found the angle of elevation of the top to be 35°. I then took a second station 50 feet east of the former, at which the elevation was 30°. Required, the length of the tree. Ans. 52.44 feet. 11 SECTION III. SPHERICAL TRIGONOMETRY. Article 45. The business of Spherical Trigonometry is, to investigate the properties of triangles formed on the sur- face of a sphere, by the arcs of circles whose planes pass through the centre. As the diameter of a circle is the greatest straight line in it (15.3), so the diameter of a sphere is necessarily the great- est straight line in it. Hence, when a plane passes through the centre of the sphere, the diameter of the circle which is formed by the section of this plane and the sperical surface, is greater than any other line in the sphere which is not a diameter. A plane cutting the sphere, but not passing through its centre, forms, by its section with the spherical surface, a circle whose diameter is less than the diameter of the sphere. That the section is a circle, is readily inferred from 14.3 ; and that the diameter of that circle is less than the diameter of the sphere, is plain from 15.3. Definition 1. Those circles whose planes pass through the centre of the sphere, are called great circles ; but circles whose planes do not pass through the centre of the sphere, are called less circles. Corollary 1. The diameter of every great circle is also a diameter of the sphere. Cor. 2. The common section of the planes of two great circles, is a diameter to each of those circles. (78) SECTION III. 79 Cor. 3. Every great circle in the sphere divides every other great circle into two equal parts. Def. 2. The axis of a circle is the right line which passes through its centre, and is at right angles to the plane of the circle ; and the poles of a circle are the points where its axis meets the surface of the sphere. Def. 3. A spherical angle, or the angle formed by two great circles, is the inclination of their planes. Cor. When two great circles are at right angles to each other, each of them passes through the poles of the other ; and if they pass through the poles of each other, they are at right angles. Also, when the plane of a great circle is at right angles to the plane of a less one, the former circle passes through the poles of the latter. For the axis of every circle passes through the centre of the sphere, and is at right angles to the plane of its own circle. Def. 4. A spherical triangle is formed by the arcs of three great circles, each of which cuts the other two, but in such manner that each of the arcs composing the triangle is less than a semicircle. Def. 5> If AD and DF, two quadrants of great circles, are placed at right angles to each other ; and through the points A, F, two other great circles, AE, FB ; are described, cutting each other in C; the triangles ABC, FEC are called complementat triangles. Art. 46. The arc of a great circle, intercepted betweer another great circle and its pole, is a quadrant. 80 SPHERICAL TRIGONOMETRY. D Let AEBF be a great circle, whose centre is C, and axis DCG, its poles being D and G ; DAGB another great circle passing through the axis DCG; these great circles are at right angles to each other (17.2 sup.), and CA their common section at right angles to CD ; hence the arcs AD, BD, AG and BG, are quadrants. Art. 47. The angle made by two great circles is measured by the arc intercepted between them, at the distance of 90° from the angular point. Let ACB, ADB, be two semicircles, whose common section passes through E, the centre of the sphere ; from E, draw EC, ED, at right angles to AB, one in the plane ACB, the other in the plane ADB ; and let the plane SECTION III. 81 passing through EC, ED, cut the surface of the sphere in the arc CD ; CD is part of a great circle (Def. 1), and AE is at right angles to its plane (4.2 sup.) ; consequently, AC and AD are quadrants; and A, B are the poles of CD. Also, the inclination of the planes ACB, ADB is the angle CED (Def. 4.2 sup.) ; and that angle is measured by the arc CD. Cor. Since the plane of CED is at right angles to AB, ana consequently to each of the planes ADB, ACB (17.2 sup.), it must pass through the axes of those planes ; and therefore the circle DC, continued, must pass through the poles of ADB and ACB. Those poles being 90 degrees from their respect- ive circles, the arc intercepted between them is manifestly equal to CD, the measure of the spherical angle CAD. Art. 48. In the complemental triangles ABC, FCE ; AC is the complement of CE ; BC is the complement of FC ; AB of the angle at F ; and the angle at A of the side FE. For, since FD and AD are quadrants at right angles to each other, F is the pole of AD, and A is the pole ofFD (Art. 46); hence FB, AE are also quad- rants; consequently, BD is the measure of the angle at F, and DE of the angle at A ; whence the proposition is ob- vious. Art. 49. In isosceles spherical triangles, the angles oppo- site the equal sides are equal. Let ABC be a spherical triangle, whose sides AB and AC are equal ; it is to be proved that the angles ABC and ACE are also equal. 82 SPHERICAL TRIGONOMETRY. Take D the centre of the sphere, and join DA, DB and DC ; and in the plane of ADB, draw AE at right angles to DB. In like manner, in the plane ADC, draw AF at right angles to DC. Then, since the arc AB is equal to AC, "j!j the angle ADB at the centre of the sphere is equal to the angle ADC ; therefore the triangles ADE, ADF, right angled at E and F, having two angles of the one respectively equal to two angles of the other, and the side AD, opposite the right angle in each, common to both ; have the sides AE, AF, adjacent to the right angles, also equal (26.1). Again, in the plane BDC, draw EG and FG at right angles to DB and DC respectively, and let them meet in G. Then, because AE and EG are both at right angles to DB, the line DB is at right angles to the plane which passes through AE and EG (4.2 sup.) ; and therefore the plane DBC is at right angles to the plane AEG (17.2 sup.). In like manner, the plane DBC is proved to be at right angles to the plane AFG; consequently, the line AG, the common section of the planes AEG, AFG, is at right angles to the plane DBC (18.2 sup.) ; wherefore the angles AGE, AGF are right angles (1 Def. 2 sup.) Now, the right angled triangles AGE, AGF, having the perpendicular AG common, and the hypothenuse AE equal the hypothenuse AF, must have their bases EG, FG, also equal (47.1) ; and therefore the angles AEG, AFG, likewise equal (8.1) ; that is, the spherical angles ABC, ACB, are equal. Q. E. D. Art. 50. If two angles of a spherical triangle are equal, the sides opposite to them are also equal. Let the spherical angles ABC, ACB be equal ; then the sides AB, AC shall be also equal. ^ SECTION III. 83 Making the same construction as in the last article, w have, as before, the angles AGE, AGF, both right angles s also the angles AEG and AFG, which are the same as the spherical angles ABC and ACB, likewise equal, and the side AG common to the triangles AGE, AGF ; therefore AE is equal to AF (26.1). Then, in the right angled triangles ADE, ADF, we have the perpendiculars AE, AF equal, and the hypothenuse AD common ; wherefore DE is equal to DF (47.1), and consequently the angle ADE equal to ADF (8.1) : whence AB is equal to AC (26.3). Q. E. D. Art. 51. Any two sides of a spherical triangle are together greater than the third. Let ABC be a spherical triangle; any two of its sides taken together are greater than the third. Take D the centre of the sphere, and join DA, DB and DC. Then the solid angle at D is contained by the three plane angles ADB, ADC and BDC, of which any two taken together are greater than the third (20.2 sup.) ; therefore any two of the arcs which measure those angles are likewise together greater than the third. Q. E. D. Art. 52. The three sides of a spherical triangle are toge- ther less than the circumference of a circle. Let ABC be a spherical triangle; the sides AB + AC + BC are less than 360°. Continue two of those sides AC, AB, till 84 SPHERICAL TRIGONOMETRY. they meet in D ; then ACD and ABD are semicircles (Art. 45, Cor. 3, Def. 1). But BD + CD are greater than BC. If to these unequal quantities we add AB + AC, we have ABD + ACD greater than BC + AB + AC ; that is, AB + AC + BC are less than two semicircles, or 360°. Q. E. D. Art. 53. In any spherical triangle having unequal angles, the greater angle has the greater side opposite to it. In the spherical triangle ABC, let the angle ABC be greater than ACB ; and take CBD = BCA ; then (Art. 50) BD=CD ; consequently, AC = BD + AD ; but (Art. 50) BD + AD are greater than AB ; that is, AC is greater than AB. Q. E. D. Conversely : If the side AC is greater than AB, the angle ABC is greater than ACB. For if it is not greater, it is equal or less. If the angles were equal, the opposite sides would also be equal (Art. 49) ; and if ACB was greater than ABC, the side AB would be greater than AC. Art. 54. If the angular points of a spherical triangle are made the poles of three great circles, these three circles, by their intersections, will form a triangle, which is said to be supplemental to the former ; and the two triangles are such, that the sides of the one are the supplements of the arcs which measure the angles of the other. Let A, B, C, the angular points of the triangle ABC, be the poles of the great circles FE, DE, DF, which form the triangle FED ; and let the sides of the former triangle be produced till they meet those of the latter. Now, since A and C are the poles of EF and DF respectively, the distances SECTION III. 85 from F to A and from F to C are quadrants (Art. 46) ; hence F is the pole of K ACL. In the same manner it is proved that D and E are the poles of NBCH and GABM ; con- sequently, EM + LF = 180°; thatis,EFandLM are supplements to each other. In like manner it may be proved that DE and GH; DF and KN; AC and KL; AB ar.d GM; BC and NH, are respectively supplements to each other. But ML, GH and KN are the measures of the angles A, B and C ; also KL, NH and GM are the measures of the angles F, D and E (Art. 47). Hence the proposition is manifest? Q. E. D. Cor. Since the sides FE, FD and DE, together with the measures of the angles A, B and C, are equal to three semi- circles, or 540° ; and the three sides of any spherical triangle are together less than two semicircles, or 360° (Art. 52), it follows that the three angles of the triangle ABC are more than 180°, but less than 540°. Aet. 55. Let AEB and AHB be semicircles, whose planes are at right angles to each other ; and AB the common section of those planes, a diameter to the sphere; AH, HB, quad- P e rants; and C any other point than H in the semicircle AHB; then CD, CE, CF, being arcs of great circles, intercepted between the point C 12 86 SPHERICAL TRIGONOMETRY. and the semicircle AEB ; the arc CA, which passes through H, is greater, and CB, the remaining part of the semicircle, is less, than any other arc contained between C and AEB ; also those nearer to CHA are greater than those which are more remote. Draw CG and HI at right angles to AB ; then is CG at right angles to the plane AEB (Def. 2, 2 sup.) ; hence, GD, GE, GF, being drawn, the angles CGD, CGE, CGF, are all right ones. And AH, BH, being quadrants, H is evidently the pole, and I the centre, of AEB ; consequently, GA is the greatest, and GB the least, of all the straight lines drawn from G to the circumference ; and GD is greater than GE ; and GE than GF (7.3). Now, AO-CGM-GA 8 ; and . DC 3 = CG 3 + GD 3 ; of which GA 3 is greater than GD 3 ; wherefore AC 2 is greater than DC 3 , and AC greater than DC. But the arcs AC and DC are each less than a semicircle ; and, therefore, the greater chord subtends the greater arc ; that is, the arc AC is greater than DC. In the same manner it may be proved that the arc DC is greater than EC, that EC is greater than FC, and FC greater than BC. Q. E. I). Art. 56. In a right angled spherical triangle, the sides containing the right angle are of the same affection as the angles opposite to them.* Let ACB be a spherical triangle, right angled at A ; and let AC, AB be continued till they meet in D ; and bisect ABD in E ; then ACD, ABD are semicircles (Art. 45, Cor. 3 to Def. 1) ; and AE is a quadrant. But the angle at A being a right one, AEB passes through the pole of AC (Art. 45, Cor. * Sides are said to be of the same affection when they are both less or both greater than quadrants ; the same is said of angles when they are both less or both greater than right angles. A side and an angle are also of the same affection when the former is less or greater than a quadrant, and the latter less or greater than a right angle. SECTION III. 87 to Def. 3). Consequently E is the pole of AC (Art. 46) ; CE is a quadrant, and ACE a right angle. Now, AC being taken less than a quadrant, the angle ACB will be less or greater than ACE, ac- cording as B lies be- tween A and E, or between E and D; that is, when AB is less than a quadrant, the angle ACB is less than a right angle ; and when AB is more than a quadrant, ACB is more than a right angle. And if we suppose ACB to be less than a right angle, it is manifest that AB is less than a quadrant ; and, if greater, greater. Again, in the right angled triangle DCB, in which DC is greater than a quadrant, it is manifest that the angle DCB is greater or less than a right angle, according as DB is greater or less than a quadrant ; and vice versa. Q. E. D. Art. 57. When the sides of a right angled spherical tri- angle, about the right angle, are of the same affection, the hypothenuse is less than a quadrant ; but when those sides are of different affections, the hypothenuse is more than a quadrant. Retaining the construction used in the last article, and bisecting ACD in G, we have G the pole of ABD, and CE a quadrant as before. But CB is either greater or less than CE, according as it is nearer to or farther from CGD than CE is (Art. 55) ; that is, the hypothenuse is less than a quad- rant when the sides are both less or both greater than a quadrant ; but the hypothenuse is greater than a quadrant when one side is less, and the other greater, than a quadrant. Q. E. D. Cor. 1. Conversely, when the hypothenuse of a right angled spherical triangle is less than a quadrant, the sides are of the same affection ; but, when the hypothenuse is greater than a quadrant, the sides are of different affections. bd SPHERICAL TRIGONOMETRY. Cor. 2. Since the oblique angles of a right angled spherical triangle are of the same affection as the opposite sides (Art. 56) ; therefore, according as the hypothenuse is greater or less than a quadrant, the oblique angles will be of different, or the same affection. Cor. 3. Because the sides are of the same affection as their opposite angles ; therefore, when an angle and the side adja- cent are of the same affection, the hypothenuse is les-s than a quadrant, and vice versa. Art. 58. In any right angled spherical triangle, as radius is to the sine of an oblique angle, so is the sine of the hy- pothenuse to the sine of the opposite side. Let ABC be the triangle, right angled at B ; take D the centre of the sphere ; join DA, DB, and DC ; in the plane ADC, draw CE at right angles to DA ; from E, draw in the plane ADB, the line EP at right angles to DA, meeting DB in F ; and join CF. Then, the lines EC and EF being both at right angles to DA, the plane CEF is at right angles to DA (4.2 sup.) ; consequently, the planes ADB and CEF are at right angles to each other (17.2 sup.). But the plane DBC is, by hypothesis, at right angles to DAB ; hence the planes CEF and DBC, being both at right angles to DAB, their common section FC is also at right angles to the same plane (18.2 sup.) ; wherefore DFC and EFC are right angles. Hence CF is the sine of CB ; also CE is the sine of CA ; and the angle CEF is the inclination of the planes CDA and BDA ; that is, Cl^F = the spherical angle CAB. Now (Art. 28), As radius : sine of CEF : : CE : CF ; SECTION III. 89 that i?, As radius : sine of CAB : : sine of AC : sine of BC. Q. E. D. Art. 59. In any oblique angled spherical triangle, the sines of the angles are to each other as the sines of the opposite sides. Let ABC be the trian- gle ; and through C de- scribe the arc CD of a B great circle, at right an- gles to AB ; then, by last article, As sin of A : radius : : sin DC : sin AC ; ' radius : sin B : : sin BC : sin DC ; therefore (23.5), sin A : sin B : : sin BC : sin AC. Q. E. D. Art. 60. In any. right angled spherical triangle, as radius is to the sine of one of the sides, so is the tangent of the adjacent angle to the tangent of the opposite side. Let ABC be the trian- gle, right angled at B; take D the centre of the sphere, and join DA, DB, DC; in the plane ADB, draw BE at right angles 90 SPHERICAL TRIGONOMETRY. to DA ; from E, draw EF, in the plane ADC, at right angles to AD, and meeting DC produced in F ; and join FB. Then EB and EF being at right angles to DE, the plane FEB is at right angles to DE (4.2 sup.) ; consequently, the plane ADB, which passes through DE, is at right angles to the plane FEB (17.2 sup.) ; therefore the common section BF of the planes EBF and DBC, is at right angles to the plane DAB (18.2 sup.) ; whence EBF and DBF are right angles ; and, consequently, BF is the tangent of BC ; BE is also the sine of AB ; and the angle BEF the same as the spherical angle BAC. Now (Art. 28), that is, As radius : tan BEF : : BE : BF ; As radius : tan BAC : : sin AB : tan BC ; and alternately (16.5), As radius : sin AB tan BAC : tan BC. Q.E.D. Art. 61. If two right angled spherical triangles have the same perpendicular, the sines of the bases are to each other ^ reciprocally as the tan- gents of the adjacent angles. Let ADC and BDC be t the triangles ; DC the common perpendicular; then (Art. 60), As sin AD : radius : : tan DC : tan A ; and As radius : sin BD : : tan B : tan DC ; whence (23.5), AD : sin BD : : tan B : tan A. Q. E. D. SECTION III. 91 Art. 62. In any right angled spherical triangle ; as radius is to the cosine of the angle at the base, so is the tangent of the hypothenuse to the tangent of the base. p . Let ABC be the tri- angle ; B the right, an- gle ; and FCE the com- plemental triangle. Then (Art. 60), As radius : sin FE : : tan F : tan CE ; that is (Art. 48), As radius : cos A : : cotan AB : cotan AC. B But (Art. 23.4), As tan P : tan Q : : cotan Q : cotan P ; consequently, As radius : cos A : : tan AC : tan AB. Q. E. D. Art. 63. If two right angled spherical triangles have the same perpendicular, the cosines of the vertical angles are to each other reciprocally as the tangents of the hypothenuses. Let ADC, BDC (see fig. on opposite page), be the triangles right angled at D ; then (Art. 62), As cos ACD : radius : : tan DC : tan AC ; and As radius : cos BCD : : tan BC : tan DC ; therefore (23.5), As cos ACD : cos BCD : : tan BC : tan AC. Q.KD 92 SPHERICAL TRIGONOMETRY. Art. 64. In any right angled spherical triangle ; as radius is to the cosine of the hypothenuse, so is the tangent of either angle to the cotangent of the remaining angle. In the triangle FCE (see fig. on opposite page), we have (Art. 60), As radius : sin CE : : tan FCE : tan FE ; that is (Art. 48), As radius : cos AC : : tan ACB : cot BAC : : (Art. 23.4) tan BAC : cot ACB. Q. E. D. Art. 65. In any right angled spherical triangle ; as radius is to the cosine of one of the sides, so is the cosine of the other side to the cosine of the hypothenuse. In the right angled triangle FCE, we have (Art. 57), As radius : sin F : : sin FC : sin CE ; that is (Art. 48), As radius : cos AB : : cos BC : cos AC. Q. E. D. Art. 66. If two right angled spherical triangles have the C same perpendicular, the cosines of the hypothe- nuses are to each other as the cosines of the * bases. Taking ADC and BDC as the triangles right angled at D, we have (Art. 65), As radius : cos DC : : cos AD : cos AC ; and As radius : cos DC : : cos BD : cos BC ; whence (16.5), SECTION III. cos AD : cos BD : : cos AC : cos BC. Q. E. D. Art. 67. In any- right angled spherical triangle; as radius is to the sine of either oblique angle, so is the cosine of the adjacent side to the cosine of the opposite angle. In the right angled triangle FCE, we have b (Art. 58), As radius : sin FCE : : sin CF : sin FE ; that is (Art. 48), As radius : sin ACB : : cos BC : cos BAC. Q. E. D. Art. 68. In two right angled spherical triangles, A CD, BCD (fig. p. 92), having the same perpendicular CD, the co- sines of the angles at the base are to each other as the sines of the vertical angles. By Art. 67 and A. 5, As cos DAC : cos DC : : sin ACD : radius ; and, by same article, As cos DC : cos DBC : : radius : sin BCD ; consequently (22.5), As cos DAC : cos DBC : : sin ACD : sin BCD. Q. E. D. 13 94 SPHERICAL TRIGONOMETRY. Art. 69. The same things being supposed as in the last article, the tangents of the bases are to each other as the tangents of the vertical angles. By Art. 60, As radius : sin CD : : tan ACD : tan AD ; and As radius : sin CD : : tan BCD : tan BD ; consequently (11 and 16.5), tan ACD : tan BCD : : tan AD : tan BD. Q. E. D. Art. 70. In two right angled spheri- cal triangles ABC, ADC, having the same hypothenuse AC, the cosines of the bases are to each other reciprocally as the cosines of the per- pendiculars. For (Art. 65), As radius : cos AB : : cos BC : cos AC ; and from the same article inverted (A 5), As cos AD : radius : : cos AC : cos DC ; hence (23.5), As cos AD : cos AB : : cos BC : cos DC. Q. E. D. Art. 71. The same things being supposed as in the last article, the tangents of the bases are to each other as the cosines of the adjacent angles. For (Art. 62), As radius : cos CAB : : tan AC : tan AB ; SECTION III. r 5 and, by inversion, As cos CAD : radius : : tan AD : tan AC ; therefore (22.5), As cos CAD : cos CAB : i tan AD : tan AB. Q. E. D. A Art. 72. As the sum of the sines of any two unequal arcs is to their difference, so is the tangent of half the sum of those arcs, to the tangent of half their difference. Let AB, AC be the arcs ; L the centre of the circle ; and AH the diameter passing through A ; make AF=AB; join BF, and let BF cut AH in D ; draw CE parallel to BF,andCG to AH; let CG meet BF in I ; join GB, GF and CF. Then, since AF = AB, FD = BD; and HDF = HDB ; hence BD is the sine of AB ; and CE, which is parallel to BD, is the sine of AC ; therefore, FI is the sum, and BI the difference, of the sines of AB and AC. Again, the arc CF is the sum, and CB the difference, of AB and AC ; therefore the angle FGC is measured by half the sum, and BGC by half the difference, of AB and AC (20.3). But the angle GIF = HDF (29.1), and is therefore a right angle ; consequently, IF is the tangent of CGF, and IB the tangent of CGB, to the radius GI ; therefore, for any other radius (Art. 27, Cor.), c \ £ I 7) \ A ^r /E 1 Ug As IF : IB : : tan CGF : tan CGB i(AB-AC). tan i(AB + AC) : tan Q. E. D. Art. 73. The sum of the cosines of two unequal arcs is, (£ SPHERICAL TRIGONOMETRY. to their difference, as the cotangent of half their sum is to the tangent of half their difference. Retaining the construction of the last article, it is easily perceived that GI is the sum, and IC the difference, of the cosines of AB and AC ; also the angle GFI is the complement of CGF; and IFC - BGC; hence, cos AB + cos AC : cos AC — cos AB :: cotan ^(AB + AC) : tan J(AB — AC). Q. E. D. Art. 74. In any oblique angled spherical triangle, a per- pendicular being let fall from the vertex on the base, i,t will be, as the tangent of half the base is to the tangent of half the sum of the sides, so is the tangent of half the difference of those sides to the tangent of the distance between the c perpendicular and mid- dle of the base. Let ABC be the trian- gle, CD the perpendicu- and E the middle of base. Then (Art. As cos AC : cos BC : : cos AD : cos BD ; whence (E 5), As cos AC + cos BC : cos BC — cos AC : : cos AD + cos BD ; cos BD — cos AD ; consequently (Art. 73), As cotan l(AC + BC) : tan J(AC — BC) : : cotan A(AD + DB) : tanl(AD — DB) :: cotan AE : tan ED ; and, alternately, As cotan i( AC + BC) : cotan AE :: tan £(AC— CB) : tan ED. But (Art. 23.1), cotan i(AC + BC) : cotan AE : : tan AE : tan J(AC+BC); SECTION Jill 97 therefore, As tan AE : tan £(AC + BC) :: tan i(AC — BC) : tan ED. q: E. D. Art. 75. In any oblique angled- spherical triangle, a per- pendicular being let fall from the vertex on the base, and an arc described bisecting the vertical angle ; it will be, as the cotangent of half the sum of the angles at the base is to the tangent of half their difference, so is the tangent of half the vertical angle to the tangent of the angle formed by the per- pendicular and the arc bisecting the vertical angle. Let ABC be the triangle, CD the perpendicular, and CF the arc bisecting the vertical angle ; then (Art. 68), As cos A : cos B : : sin ACD : sin BCD ; hence (E 5) cos A+cos B . cos A — cos B :: sin ACD -f sin BCD : sin ACD — sin BCD ; therefore (Arts. 72, 73) As cotan J(A + B) : tan i(B — A) :: tan $(ACD + BCD) :tan|(ACD — BCD) :: tan ACF : tan DCF. Q. E. D. Scholium. From the analogies demonstrated in Articles 60, 62, 63, 65, 66 and 67, we may frequently determine the affec- tions of the sides and angles of the triangles, by adverting to the signs of the terms, as explained in Art. 24. Thus, in Art. 60, the base AB being always less than a semicircle, the sin AB is positive; hence the tan BAC and tan BC are both positive or both negative; consequently, BAC and BC are both less or both more than 90°. In Art. 62, when the angle at the base is acute, its cosine is positive ; consequently, the tangents of the hypothenuse and base will be both positive or both negative ; therefore the arcs themselves will be both more or both less than 90° ; that is, they will be of the same affec- 13 i 08 SPHERICAL TRIGONOMETRY. tion. But when the angle at the base is obtuse, its cosine will be negative ; and therefore the tangent of the hypothe- nuse and that of the base will be one positive, and the other negative ; consequently, the arcs themselves will be of dif- ferent affections. In Art. 63, when the vertical angles are of the same affection, their cosines have the same sign ; con- sequently, the tangents of the adjacent sides will have the same sign, and will therefore be of the same affection. The same principles are applicable to the other cases. The conclusions thus obtained are consonant to those obtained in a different manner in Arts. 56, 57. The analogies above demonstrated are sufficient to enable the student to calculate the sides and angles of spherical tri- angles from the usual data; yet there are various useful forms, hereafter demonstrated, which are applicable to par- ticular cases. We have also two concise rules, discovered by Baron Napier, the celebrated inventor of logarithms, by which the cases in right angled spherical triangles are con- veniently solved ; and, being easily remembered, they are frequently used in practice. Art. 76. In right angled spherical triangles, there are five parts which may have different values assigned to them without changing the right angle, viz. : the hypothenuse, the two sides, and the two oblique angles. Now, the sides, and the complements of the hypothenuse and oblique angles, are called the five circular parts ; one of which being assumed as the middle part, the two which lie contiguous to this middle part are called the adjacent extremes ; and the other two are termed the opposite extremes. Then Napier's rules are : 1. The rectangle of radius and the sine of the middle part is equal to the rectangle of the tangents of the adjacent extremes. 3. The rectangle of radius and the sine of the middle SECTION III. 99 part is equal to the rectangle of the cosines of the opposite extremes. These rules may be explained and demonstrated in the following manner : c Let ABC be the tri- angle, right angled at B. Then, assum- ing AB as the mid- dle part, the side BC and complement of BAC are the adja- cent extremes ; and the complements of AC and ACB are the opposite extremes. Now (Art. 60), As radius : sin AB : : tan BAC : tan BC ; and, alternately, As radius : tan BAC : : sin AB : tan BC. But (Art. 23), As radius : tan BAC : : cotan BAC : radius. Hence, cotan BAC : radius : : sin AB : tan BC ; therefore (16.6), radius . sin AB = cotan BAC . tan BC ; which is Napier's first rule. Again (Art. 58), As radius : sin ACB : : sin AC : sin AB ; whence (16.6), radius . sin AB = sin ACB . sin AC ; which is Napier's second rule. 100 SPHERICAL TRIGONOMETRY. If we assume BC the middle part, AB and the complement of ACB become the adjacent extremes; and the complements of BAC and AC, the opposite extremes. Napier's rules may- then be demonstrated in that case exactly as before. Assuming next the complement of BAC as the middle part, AB and the complement of AC become adjacent extremes ; and BC and the complement of BCA opposite extremes. Then (Art. 62), As radius : cos BAC : : tan AC : tan AB ; alternately, As radius : tan AC : : cos BAC : tan AB. Hence (Art. 23), As cotan AC : radius : : cos BAC : tan AB ; consequently (16.6), radius . cos BAC == cotan AC . tan AB ; which is rule first. Again (Art. 67), As radius : sin BCA : cos BC : cos BAC ; whence, radius . cos BAC = sin BCA . cos BC ; which is rule second. In the same manner, the rule is demonstrated, when the complement of ACB is taken as the middle part. Lastly, assuming the complement of AC as the middle part, the complements of BAC and BCA are the adjacent extremes ; and AB, BC, the opposite extremes. Then (Art. 64), As radius : cos AC : : tan ACB : cotan BAC ; alternately, SECTION III. 101 As radius : tan ACB : : cos AC : cotan BAC ; wherefore (Art. 23), As cotan ACB : radius : : cos AC : cotan BAC ; consequently, radius . cos AC = cotan ACB . cotan BAC ; which is rule first. And (Art. 65), As radius : cos AB : : cos BC : cos AC ; whence, radius . cos AC = cos AB . cos BC ; which is rule second. The following table exhibits the different cases, and the equations arising from Napier's rules : o S ■ 1 Middle part. Adjacent Ex- tremes. Opposite Ex- tremes. Equations. AB Comp BAC BC Comp ACB Comp AC a ■ kt> CcotBAC.tan BC rad.sinAB=£ 8inACBt8inAC •2 BC CompBCA AB CompBAC Comp AC j • on Ccot BCA.tan AB rad.sinBC= -? . t> a r< „: a n £ sin fcsAC.sin AC 3 Comp BAC iCom PAC Comp ACB BC j -d a n C cot AC. tan AB rad.cosBAC=^ 8inACBcoBBC 4 CompBCA; 001 ^^ Comp BAC AB j t)/-. a Ccot AC. tan BC rad.cosBCA=^ sinBACcosAB 5 n a /-i ICompBAC Comp AC ! Com £ BCA AB BC . , n Ccot BAC.cotBCA rad.cosAC=-? AT} m m ^^ £ cos AB.cos BC When any two of these circular parts are given to find a third, we must assume such one to be the middle part as will make the other two either both adjacent or both opposite extremes. The following practical examples will serve to exercise the preceding theory : 14 102 SPHERICAL TRIGONOMETRY. Example 1. In the spherical triangle ABC, right angled at B, given the side AC 52° 15', and the angle A 23° 28', to find the other sides and the remaining angle. The perpendicular BC may be found by Art. 58 ; the side AB, by Art. 62 ; and the angle C, by Art. 64. Or, using Napier's circular parts, we find BC by the second equation, case 2, in the foregoing table ; AB by the first equation, case 3 ; and the angle C by the first equation, case 5. The results are, BC 18° 21' 9" ; AB 49° 49' 57"; C 75° 6' 58". Ex. 2. Given, the base AB 61° 25', and the adjacent angle A 32° 45', to determine the rest. The hypothenuse AC may be found by Art. 62 ; the per- pendicular BC by Art. 60 ; and the angle C by Art. 67 ; or by cases 3, 1, 4 of the circular parts. The results are, AC 65° 22' 52" ; BC 29° 27' 32" ; and C 75°. Ex. 3. Given, the base AB 75° 28', and the perpendicular BC 41° 15', to find the rest. The results are, AC 79° 7' 30"; A 42° 10' 32"; C 80° 18' 1". Ex. 4. Given, the angle A 23° 28' 30", and angle C 75° 22', to find the rest. The results are, *$ 53° 2' 36"; AB 50° 38' 22"; BC 18° 33' 40". SECTION III. 103 Ex. 5. In the oblique angled triangle ABC, given the sides AB 70°, AC 58°, and the angle CAB 52° 30', to find the rest. Suppose the arc CD of a great circle at right angles to AB to pass through C ; then the given triangle will be divided into two right angled ones, ADC and BDC. In the triangle ADC, the side AD and angle ACD may be computed by Arts. 62 and 64. Hence BD is known. Then the angle B, the side BC, and the angle BCD, may be found by Arts. 61, 66 and 69. Results : B 64° 28' ; BC 48° 12' 46" ; ACB 91° 0' 21". Ex. 6. In the spherical triangle ABC, given the angle BAC 50° 15', ACB 92°, and side AC 57° 30', to find the rest. The arc CD being made perpendicular to AB, the side AD and angle ACD may be found as in the last example ; whence BD, BC, and the angle at B, may be computed by Arts. 69, 63 and 68. Results: BA 69° 25* 2"; BC 46° 4' 16"; ABC 64° 12' 16". Ex. 7. In the triangle ABC, given AB 71° 30' ; AC 59° 20'; BC 50° 10' ; to find the angles. Drawing CD at right angles to AB, and taking AE = ■JAB, the arc ED is found by Art. 74 ; from which AD and BD become known ; and thence the angles may be found by Arts. 62 and 59. Results: BAC 54° 3' 51"; ABC 65° 5' 4"; ACB 90° 48' 47". Ex. 8. In the triangle ABC, given the angle BAC 51° ; ABC 58°; and ACB 110°; to find the sides. 104 SPHERICAL TRIGONOMETRY. Using the construction of the last example, and describing CF so as to divide the vertical angle into two equal angles, the angle FCD may be found by Art. 75 ; whence the angles ACD and BCD become known ; and thence the sides AC, BC may be determined by Art. 64 ; and AD, BD, by Art. 67. Results : AC 64° 28' 31" ; BC 55° 47' 13" ; AB 90° 44' 26". Art. 77. It has been already mentioned that there are various useful forms which are applicable to particular cases. By means of these, the necessity of dividing an oblique angled triangle into two right angled ones, is always obviated. Of these forms, the following are the most im- portant. They are investigated most conveniently by algebra. c Let ABC be a spherical triangle ; CD a perpendi- cular upon AB; and, to accommodate the expres- t sions to the language of algebra, let the capital letters A, B, C denote the angles, and the small letters a, b, c, the opposite sides ; the segments AD, BD, being represented by d, e, and the oppo- site angles ACD and BCD by D and E respectively. In these investigations, the radius is taken = 1. Now (Art. 62), 1 : cos A tan b : tan d. But (Art. 23), sin sin d sin b ■= tan .-. r = cos A. cos d cos b cosin Again (Art. 66). cos b : cos a : : cos d : cos (c — d) ; wherefore, SECTION III. 105 cos a cos (c — d) ,- n „ _ ~,cos c.cos a 7 + sine. sin d r = -- r J -= (Art. 37, Form. 2) j cos o cos a x ' cos a sin d . . sin b — cos c + sine.-- — ; = cos c + cos A.sinc. r ; by putting cos a cos o J l ° . sin b . sin J cos A. 1 instead ot .. cos b cos a Clearing this equation of fractions, cos a = cos c.cos b + cos A.sin c.sin b, (1) By Art. 64, _ _ ; •'■- " •■' i^ sin B cos E As 1 : cos a : : tan B : cot E : : (Art. 23) ~ : ~ — =cr •"• v ' cos B sin E cos E . sin B COSG. sin E 'cos B' By Art. 68, As cos B : cos A : : sin E : sin (C — E) .-. cos A sin (C — E) , k _,_ _, fc% sin C.cos E — cos C.sin E ^ = r^— =(Art. 37, F. 1) .— -^ cos B sin E v ' sin E . cos E sin B = sin C- — ts — cos C. — cos a.sin C. ^ — cos G ; substi- sin E cos B cos E tuting for- — ^. Then, clearing of fractions, 6 sin E 6 ■ cos A = cos a. sin C.sin B — cos C.cos B. (2) By Art. 62, As 1 : cos B : : tan a : tan e : : (Art. 23, 4) cotan e : cotan a _ _ cos e .*. cotan a = cos B.cotan e => cos B.— ; sin e . . cotan a cos e wherefore, =r- = — « • cos B sin e 14 100 SPHERICAL TRIGONOMETRY. But (Art. 61), As tan A : tan B : : sin e : sin (c — e) ; therefore, tan B sin (c — e) /k -V _ , x sin c.cos e. — cosc.sine ; T = ^ = (Art. 37, F. 1) : tan A sin e v ' sin e cos e . cotan a = sin c- cos c = sin c. ^ cos Ct sin e cos J3 Consequently, by clearing of fractions, cos B.tan B = cotan a.sin c.tan A — cos c.cos B.tan A. Now, cos B.tan B=sin B (Art. 23) and r = cotan A. tan A. sin B.cotan A+cos c.cos B ._. Hence cotan a = : . (o) sine . By Art. 64, As 1 : cos b : : tan D : cotan A=cos fr.tan D=cos b. ^ cos D By Art. 63, As tan a : tan b : : cos D : cos (C — D) ; tan b cos (C — D) ow _ x .-. ; = * — ^r--= (Art. 37, Form. 2) cos C tan a cos D v [ . sin D sin D tan ft.cotan a — cos C + sin C. ^ .-. =p: = ; — ~ ' cos D cos D sm U Consequently, sin fr.cotan a — cos C.cos & cotan A == : — ~ . (4) sm C v ' These forms are not suited to logarithmic computations ; but they are useful in the investigation of othor equations, to which logarithms are conveniently applied. SECTION III. 107 From Form. 1, above given, we find, by transposition and division, . cos a — cos c.cos b cos A = - 1 — ; sin c.sin b hence, cos a — cos c.cos b 1 — cos A = 1 sin c.sin b cos c.cos b + sin c.sin b — cos a ,:, „ „ 1 r-t = (Art. 37, Form. 2) sin c.sin b v ' cos (c — b) — cos a sin c.sin b But (Art. 36, Form. 6), 1 — cos A = 2 sin 9 -JA ; and (Art. 37, Form. 13), cos (c — b) — cos a = 2 sin %(a + c — b).sm ±(a + b — c) .-. sin 5 u _sin i(a + c — 6) .sin £(a + b — c) ■syA — r ; r^ sin c.sin b (5) . . c ,, .. . cos a — cos c.cos b Again, trom the equation cos A = . we sm c.sin b have cos a — cos c.cos b 1 + cos A = 1 +■ sin c.sin b cos a — cos c.cos b + sin c.sin b "Iran"*- "= (Art. 37, Form. 2) cos a — cos (c + b) sin c.sin b But (Art. 36, Form. 8) 1 + cos A = 2 cos 8 £A ; 108 SPHERICAL TRIGONOMETRY. * sin c.sin b v ' Again : tan* i A - sin3 ^ A - si" l(a+c—b) sin j(a +b— c) * cos s |A sin i(c + b + a) sin i(c + b— a)' ™ Equations 5, 6 and 7 furnish convenient expressions for finding an angle, when the three sides are given. From Form. 2, cos A + cos C.cos B cos a = . — ~r--. — s ; sin C.sin B wherefore, _ cos A+cos C.cos B 1 COS G= 1 . — 77-: — =i = sin C.sin B sin C.sin B — cos C.cos B — cos A sin C.sin B — (cos C.cos B — sin C.sin B) — cos A _ — cos (B + C) — cos A sin C.sin B sin C.sin B cos (B + C) + cos A = • n • p = ( Art - 37, Form. 12) sin C.sin B v ' — 2 cos |(B + C + A).cos fr(B + C — A ) sin B.sin C But (Art. 36, Form. 6), 1 — cos a = 2 sin 3 \a ; Wherefore, «*£■ -cosKB-fC+Aj^KB+C-A), J sin B.sin C v ' * Since the three angles of a spherical triangle are together greater than 180°, but less than 540° (Art. 54, Cor.), cos i(B+C + A) will always be a negative quantity, and consequently — cosine a positive quantity. SECTION III. • 109 Again : _ _ cos A+cos C.cosB 1 -f cos a= H -. — 7^—: — ts = sin C.sin B cos C.cos B -f sin C.sin B + cos A _ cos (C — B)+c os A sin C.sin B sin C.sin B (Art. 37, Form. 2). But (Art. 36, Form. 8), 1 + cos a = 2 cos 3 \a ; and (Art. 37, Form. 12) cos (C — B)+cos A=2 cos£(A + C — B).cos J(A+B — C); whence, cos * i fl cos|(A+C-B).cosKA+B~C) cos ?a- sin C.sin B * W Further : ♦ ,i sin 2 \a -cosKB+C+A).cosj(B+C--A) tan ^ a ~~cos s \a ~ cos i(A + C — B).cos |(A+B— C)' ^ 1U > Equations 8, 9 and 10 may be conveniently used for de- termining the sides, when all the angles are given. By Art. 59, As sin b : sin a : : sin B : sin A; wherefore (E. 5), sin b + sin a : sin b — sin a :: sin B + sin A : sin B — sin A; consequently, by Art. 72, As tan J(6+a) : tan l(b— a) : : tan £(B + A) : tan £(B— A). (N) wherefore, ta„ K B-A)=ta„KB + A).^||=§ (P) 15 110 SPHERICAL TRIGONOMETRY. Again (Art. 68), As cos B : cos A : : sin E : sin D ; hence (E. 5), As cos B + cos A : cos A — cos B : : sin E + sin D : sin D — sin E ; consequently (Arts. 73.72), As cotan J(B+ A) : tan J(B— A) : : tan JC : tan i(D— E) ; whence tan . ( D-E)=ta„ .C.-^i|^= (Art. 23.4) tan JC.tan * (B — A).tan \ (B + A). By Art. 63, As tan b : tan a : : cos E : cos D ; wherefore (E. 5), As tan J + tan a : tan b — tan a : : cos E + cos D : cos E — cos D. But (Art. 37, equation 8), , , sin (b ± a) tan b db tan a = 2 r ; cos a.cos o consequently, sin (a + b) : sin (b — a) : : cotan JC : tan J(D — E) ; wherefore, tan i(D — E)=cotan^C. S ? n , ( f "7^ = ( Art - 36 > e q- 3 ) JX ' sin (b + a) v ' ' 2 cos j( b — a). sin ±(b — a) cotan nC-2-—-T( a + b).sm ±(a + b)' Equating these values of tan £(D — E), tan JC.tan J(B — A).tan i(B + A) = cos h (b — q).sin | (b — a) cotan u^' cos i ( a + ^. s j n J( a + &)" SECTION III. Ill In this equation, substitute for tan J(B — A), its value given in equation P ; then, tan JCton' >(B + A) ' a "^ ~ a |= 2V '. tan l(b + a) cos l(b — a). sin Mb — a) C0tan i U cos i(a + b).s'm J(a + b)' , i/p ,. A \ _ cotan 2 C »cos *(&— oQ.sin j(&— a).tan j (&+ a ) tan 3 ^b+a;- tan i C . CO s |(«+^).sin |(a+6).tan |(^— a) * Now f Art. 22.1V sin 1 _ tan tan ' * cos sin Hence, tn«i(J Now (Art. 23.1), and (Art. 23.4), 1 cotan cotan = - — .*. — = cotan 3 . tan tan Our equation is therefore reducible to this : tan' i(B+A)=cotan' i C . cos3 ^~ « > ■ ^ X ' z cos- 8 l(a+b) consequently, tan*(B + A)=cotan^g=|. (11) From equation P, i/t> a\ in cos K^ — a). ten Mb — a) tan |(B — A)=cotan-lC. 177— ; — (-7 — -tj—, — C = 2V y 2 cos l(b + a). tan i(o -f a) ,>_ sin l(& — a) cotan i fi, A ^ v (12) sin i(b + a) K ' From proportion N, As tan h(B + A) : tan i(B— A) : : tan i(b + a) : tan £(&— a) 112 SPHERICAL TRIGONOMETRY. x tani(B — A) ^ ... tan £(&-a)=tan W + fl)-^ h \ B + A j- (0) By Art. 66, As cos a : cos 5 : : cos e : cos d ; therefore (E. 5 and Art. 73), As cot z(b+a) : tan i(b — a) : : cot £c : tan i(d — e) ; whence, tan Ud — e)=cot ic.-^^r-^T = ( Art - 23, ec l- 4 ) v ' cotan i(6 + a) v cot ic.tan 1(6 -f a). tan £(& — a). Again (Art. 61), As tan B : tan A : : sin d : sin e ; therefore (E. 5 and Art. 72), As tan B + tan A : tan B — tan A : : tan \c : tan h(d — e) ; . tan B — tan A , . .■ ow _ v .-. tan Ud — e)=tan £c. s — - r=(Art. 37, eq. 8) v ' tan B + tan A v , sin (B — A) , . nrt _. tan ^-sinlB— Al = ( Art - 36 ^ e ^ 3) 1 sini(B — A).cosi(B — A ) tan 3jc. gin ^ R + A ^ cog i(B + A y Equating these values of tan h(d — e), and substituting for tan h(b — a) its value in equation Q; , , „ tan l(B — A) cot icm* ,(b + a) -J^g-j^ = sini(B — A) cos KB — A) , /7 r tan he - — .^ ' V n • — nfopr , Ai •*• tan * 5(6 + «)= sin i(B -f A) cos A(B -f A) v ' SECTION III. 113 tan Ic.sin |(B — A).cos i(B — A).tan j(B+A) cotk.sin i(B + A).cos £(B + A).tan i(B — A) ~ cos» KB — A) tan 9 \c- cos 3 £(B + A) * consequently, „ i i cosi(B — A) tanK^ + «)=tanic.^g T - A -J. (13) From equation Q, ta„ i ( J -a)=ta„ ic . S 4^|^. (14) Equations 11 and 12 may be used when two sides and the included angle are given to find the other angles ; and equa- tions 13 and 14 when two angles and the side between them are given to find the other sides.* From these four last equations, the following are derived by a very simple process : cota„|C=tani(B + A).£|^. (15) cotaniC=tan|(B-A).^||^. (16) tanic=tan^+a).^|||^^. (17) tan ic=tan J(A - a).^ l (B _S^y (18) A few examples are given to exercise these equations. * The discovery of these four equations is attributed to Baron Napier. 15 K * 114 SPHERICAL TRIGONOMETRY. Z Ex. 1. In the spheri- cal triangle ABZ, given AZ=54° 10', BZ m 39° 25', AB = 72° 36', in ZA produced Aa = 2', and in ZB, B6 = 35', to find ab. First, with the three sides, find the angle Z, by equa- tion 5. ZA 54° 10' cosec .0911273 ZB 39° 25' cosec .1972569 AB 72° 36' 2)166° 11' S 83° 5' 30" S— ZA 28° 55' 30" sine 9.6845440 S— ZB 43° 40' 30" sine 9.8392057 2)19.8121339 \Z 53° 39' 32" sine 9.9060669 BZA 107° 19' 4" Then, by equations 11 and 12, l(Za + Zb) 46° 31' sec .1623210 cosec .1393179 |(Za— Zb) 7° 41' cos 9.9960834 sin 9.1261246 PZA 53° 39' 32" 46° 39' 15" cot 9.8666880 cot 9.8666880 h(b+a) tan 10.0250924 i(b~a) 7° 43' 12" 9.1321305 Zba 54° 22' 27" SECTION III. By Art. 58, Zba 54° 22' 27" cosec .0899959 bZa 107° 19' 4" sin 9.9798526 Za 54° 12' 72° 17' 8" sin 9.9090550 ab sin 9.9789035 Or the side ab may be found by equation 18. i(b-a) 7° 43' 12" cosec .8718203 i(b + a) 46° 39' 15" sine 9.8616681 l(Za—Zb) 7° 41' 36° 8' 33" tan 9.1300413 \ab tan 9.8635297 ab 72° 17' 6" 115 This is the direct solution of the celebrated problem of clearing the observed distance between the moon and the sun, or a star, from the effect of parallax and refraction. c Ex. 2. In the spherical tri- angle ABC, given AC 46° 18', AB 100° 26', and the angle A 39° 50', to find the rest. Result: ACB 136° 0' 54"; ABC 30° 41' 54"- BC 65° 6' 34". Ex. 3. In the triangle ABC, given AB 112° 56', BAC 40° 16', ABC 54° 20', to find the rest. Result: AC 79° 44' 58"; BC 51° 31' 30"; ACB 130° 30' 20". Ex. 4. Given, the side AB 96° 12', AC 57° 16', BC 49° 8', to find the angles. 116 SPHERICAL TRIGONOMETRY. Result : BAC 31° 32' 42" ; ABC 35° 35' 15" ; ACB 136° 32' 48". Ex. 5. Given, the angle BAC 50°, ABC 60°, ACB 85°, to find the sides. Result: AB 51° 59' 16"; AC 43° 13' 48"; BC 37° 17 26". SECTION IV. CONIC SECTIONS. Article 78. Definition 1. If, from a point in the circum- ference of a circle, a right line be drawn to pass through a fixed point which is not in the plane of that circle, and then caused to revolve round that fixed point so as to describe the whole circumference of the circle; the curve surface, de- scribed by this revolving line, is called a conical surface; and the solid included between this curve surface and the generating circle, is called a cone. Def. 2. The circle described by the revolving line is called the base, and the fixed point the vertex, of the cone. Def. 3. The straight line drawn from the vertex to the centre of the base, is called the axis of the cone. Def 4. When the axis is at right angles to the plane of the base, the cone is called a right cone ; but when the axis i3 oblique to that plane, the solid is termed a scalene cone. As the line which, by its revolution, describes the conical surface, maybe indefinitely extended, two cones having a common vertex, and equal solid angles at the vertex, may be generated by the same revolution. Art. 79. Let the cone ABCD be cut by a plane which passes through its vertex A, and cuts the base in the right line BC ; the common section of this plane with the surface (117; 16 118 SECTION IV. of the cone, will be a triangle. The common section of the base and cutting plane is a right line (3.2 sup.) ; and the right lines drawn from B and C to the vertex, are in the cutting plane (2.2 sup.) ; and those lines correspond to the position of the revolving line when it passes through B and C ; they are there- fore in the conical surface. Q. E. D. Art. 80. Let the cone ABC be cut by a plane which is parallel to the plane of the base ; then the section of this cutting plane with the conical surface, is a circle whose centre is in the axis of the cone. Let AF be the axis of the cone ; DLE the cutting plane. In the cir- cumference of the base take any point K ; join FK ; and through AF, FK, suppose a plane to pass, cutting the conical surface in AK, and the cut- ting plane in GH ; then (Art. 79, and 3.2 sup.) AK and GH are right lines. Let also another plane ABC pass through the axis ; its section with the base will be a diameter,.because F is the centre of the circle ; and the section of this plane with the conical surface is a tri- angle (Art. 79). Take BC and DE, the sections of this plane with the parallel planes BCK and DLE ; then (14.2 sup.) DE and GH are respectively parallel to BC, FK ; consequently, As AF : AG : : BF : DG : : FC : GE : : FK : GH. But BF, FC and FK are all equal; therefore, DG, GE and GH are also equal ; consequently (9.3), DLEH is a circle whose centre is G. Q. E. D. CONIC SECTIONS. 11<> Art. 81. Let AB, DE, two lines at right angles to each other, such that AD.DB =± DE 2 ; then a semicircle described on the diameter AB will pass through the point E. Bisect AB in C ; then, since AD.DB = DE 3 , AD.DB + CD 3 = DE 3 + CD 2 ; that is (5.2 and 47.1), CB 3 = CE a .-. CB £ CE. Conse- quently, a circle described from the centre C, with the radius CB, will pass through E. Q. E. D. M ,~+ Art. 82. Let ABLC be a scalene cone; ABC the triangle formed by the sec- tion of the conical surface with a plane which passes through the axis, and stands at right angles to the plane of the base ; and let another plane GHK, at right angles to the plane ABC, cut that plane in GK, making the angle AGK = ACB, and AKG = ABC;* then the plane GHK cuts the coni- cal surface in a circle. In the section of the cut- ting plane and conical sur- face, take any point H; through H let a plane DHE pass, parallel to the base of the cone, cutting the planes GHK and ABC in the lines HF and DE respectively. Then, since the plane * This is called a sub-contrary section. 120 SECTION IV. DHE is parallel to the plane of the base, it is at right angles to the plane ABC (15.2 sup.). But the plane GHK is at right angles to the same plane ; therefore the common section HF is at right angles to the plane ABC (18.2 sup.), and con- sequently to the lines DE and GK in that plane (Def. 1, 2 sup.) Now, the angle GDP being = FKE ; and DFG = KFE (15.1) ; the triangles GDF, EKF, are similar ; therefore, As DF : FG : : FK : FE (4.6) consequently, DF.FE=GF.FK (16.6). But DHE is a circle (Art. 80) ; therefore, DF.FE = HF 3 (35.3). Hence, GF.FK == HF 2 ; and consequently GHK is a circle (Art. 81), whose diameter is GH. Q. E. D. Art. 83. Let ABC be a triangle formed by the section of a cone with a plane passing through its axis at right angles to the plane of its base ; and let another plane DFE, cutting the cone, be at right angles to the plane of the triangle, and so situated that FG, the common section of these planes, shall be parallel to AC, the op- posite side of the trian- gle ; then the common section of the plane DFE with the conical surface, is a curve called a •q ^gboly, ; the general property of which this article is intended to exhibit. In this curve take any point H, and through II let a plane, parallel to the base of the cone, be passed ; and let this plane cut the plane of ABC in the line LM, and the plane DFE in CONIC SECTIONS. 121 HK. Then, because the planes LHM and DFE are at right angles to ABC, their common section HK is at right angles to the same plane (18.2 sup.) ; it is therefore at right angles to FG and LM. Now, the section of the plane LHM with the conical surface, is a circle (Art. 80) ; wherefore, LK.KM = HK 3 (35.3). In like manner, BG.GC == DG 3 . The plane LHM being parallel to the base, LK is parallel to BG (14.2 sup.) ; therefore, As FG : FK : : BG : LK :: (1.6) BG.GC : LK.KM : : DG 3 : HK 3 . Def. 5. The line FG is called the axis, and F the vertex, of the parabola ; any segment of the axis FK, reckoned from the vertex, is called an abscissa ; and a perpendicular KH, on the axis, is called an ordinate. The demonstration in this article, therefore, shows that any two abscissas are to each other as the squares of the corresponding ordinates. A Art. 84. Let ABC be a trian- gle, formed by the common sec- tion of a cone and a plane through its axis, at right angles to the plane of the ^ase ; DIEF the com- mon section of the conical sur- face, and a plane which is at right angles to the plane of the triangle ABC, passing through its opposite sides, but neither pa- rallel to the base, nor sub-con- trarily situated ; the curve DIEF is called an ellipsp : the general property of which this article is designed to explain. Bisect DF, the common sec- tion of DIEF and ABC, in L ; take any other point K in DF ; and through L and K let the 16 l D k O M ( ~~\iA \v\N iXLk^ I\ P I "^7^° VT K vy 122 SECTION IV. planes MIN and PEO pass parallel to tho base of the cone cutting ABC in MN, and PO, and DIEF in LI and KE. Through D and F draw the lines DG and HF parallel to BC. Now, since (15.2 sup.) the planes MIN and PEO are at right angles to the plane ABC; LI and KE, the common intersections of these planes and the plane DIEF, are at right angles to the plane ABC (18.2 sup.); and consequently to the lines MN,PO and DF in that plane (Def. 1.2 sup). Also the common sections of the planes MIN and PEO, and the conical surface, are circles, of which MN and PO are diameters (Art. 80). Therefore, ML.LN = LP, and PK.KO = KE 2 . Now, the lines MN and PO are parallel to BC (14.2 sup). Hence, by similar triangles, AsDL : DK :: ML :PK; and AsLF : KF :: : LN : KO; therefore (23.6), As DL.LF : DK.KF : : ML.LN : ] PK.KO As the line DL=LF, it is obvious that ML = ^HF, and LN = JDG; therefore ML.LN = iDG.HF. Hence IL is a mean proportional between JDG and ^HF. As DL a= LF, DL.LF s= LF 2 . Consequently, the above analogy is, As L^ 2 : LP : : DK.KF : KE 2 . Def. 6. The lines LF, LI, are called the first and second semi-axes ; DK, KF, the abscissas ; and KE an ordinate. The property of the ellipse, demonstrated in this article, therefore, is this : As the square of the first semi-axis is to the square of the second, so is the rectangle of the two abscissas to the square of the ordinater It is observable that if the plane DIEF is parallel to the base, or sub-contrarily situated, all that is demonstrated in this article continues to be true ; but in either of those cases the curve becomes a circle (Arts. 80, 82) : and therefore LI = LF, and DK.KF = KE 2 . CONIC SECTIONS. 123 Art. 85. Let ABC be a triangle, formed by the section of a cone and a plane pass- ing through its axis, at right angles to the plane of its base ; and let DFE be a plane at right angles to the plane of the triangle, so situated that GF, the common section of these planes, being produced, will meet CA, the opposite side of the triangle also produced, beyond the vertex A ; then the curve which is the common section of the conical surface and the plane DFE, is called an hyperbol a ; the general property of which is to be shown. In this section, take any point N; through which let a plane pass parallel to the plane of the base ; and let ILK be the common section of this plane with the plane of the tri- angle, and NL its section with the plane DFE. Now (18.2 sup.), DG, the section of DFE and the base of the cone, and NL, are both at right angles to the plane of the triangle. Also (Art. 80), the common section of the conical surface, and the plane which passes through NL, is a circle ; consequently, IL.LK^LN 2 , and BG.GC=GD 2 (35.3). Since IK is parallel to BC (14.2 sup.), by similar triangles, As FG : FL : : BG : IL ; and As HG : HL : : GC : LK ; 124 SECTION IV. consequently (23.6), As FG.HG : FL.HL : : BG.GC : IL.LK : : GD 2 : NIA Def. 7. The line HG is called the axis of the hyperbola ; HL, FL, as likewise HG, FG, corresponding abscissas ; and DG, NL, the ordinates. The property of the hyperbola, proved in this article, there- fore, is this : The rectangles of corresponding abscissas are to each other as the squares of their ordinates. From what has been demonstrated in the last six articles, it appears that tkere are five different figures which may be formed by the section of a plane and the surface of a cone, viz., the triangle, circle, parabola, ellipse and hyperbola. The properties of the triangle and circle being explained in common Geometry, the remaining three are usually denomi- nated the Conic Sections. A few of the most useful proper- ties of these figures, deduced from the general relations above demonstrated, are subjoined. Of the Parabola. Art. 86. Let BAC be a parabola ; AD, part of the axis, an DC' 2 abscissa ; DC an ordinate ; AE = AF == rrfv EG perpendi- cular, and CG parallel to ED ; then, FC being joined, FC shall be equal to CG. Since EF is bisected in A, 4AF.AD + DF 3 = ED 3 (8.2) = CG 3 . But (47.1), FC 3 = DC 3 + DF 3 = (by construction) 4AF.AD + DF 3 . Therefore, CG 3 = CF* ; and CG = CF. Q. E. D. Def. 8. The line EG is called the directrix ; 4AE, the latus rectum; and the point F, the focus. CONIC SECTIONS. 125 E I P G R A TC / r X H X. \ \ M\ H^ 3 ) c \J The proposition demonstrated in this article, therefore, may be enunciated : If from any point in the parabola, two straight lines be drawn, the one to the focus and the other at right angles to the directrix, they will be equal to each other. Art. 87. A right line KFH, drawn through the focus parallel to the directrix, bounded at both ends by the para- bola, is equal to the latus rectum; and the rectangle of the latus rectum and abscissa is_equal to the square of the corre- sponding ordinate. It is evident from Art. 83, that KF = FH ; and (Art. 86), FH = HI = 2AF ; therefore, KH = 4AE. Draw any other ordinate LM ; then (Art. 83), As DC 2 : LM* : : AD : AL :: (1.6) AD.KII : AL.KH. But (by construction of Art. 86), 4AD.AF = AD.KH = DC 2 .-. AL.KH = LM 2 . Q. E. D. Art. 88. If a point be taken either within or without a parabola, and from it a straight line be drawn to the focus, and another at right angles to the directrix ; the former of 17 126 SECTION IV. these lines will be less or greater than the latter, according as the point is within or without the parabola. First, let N be taken within the parabola ; join FN, and produce it till it meets the parabola in C ; let NP and CG be at right angles to the directrix ; and join CP. Then CP is greater than CG (17.1 and 19.1) ; but CN-HNP>CP. (20.1) >CG;andCG = CF = CN + NF.-. CN + NP>CN + NP; and therefore NP>NF. Next, let O be without the parabola ; then, a similar con- struction being used, OG > OR ; but OC + CG > OG. Also OC + CG = OC + CF (Art. 86) = OF ; therefore, OF > OR. Q. E. D. Cor. Hence, a point is either in, within or without a para- bola, according as the line drawn from it to the focus is equal to, less or greater than the perpendicular falling from it upon the directrix. Art. 89. Let D be a point in the parabola ; DF the line to the focus ; DB the perpendicular to the directrix ; and DG a line bisecting the angle FDB ; then DG touches the para- bola. In DG, take any other point I ; and join IF, IB ; then the angle FDB being bisected, we have (Art. 86) the sides BD, DI, and the contained angle BDI, severally equal to FD,DI, and the contained angle FDI; consequently, BI = FI (4.1). But BI is evidently greater than IL, the perpendicular from I to the directrix (19.1) ; hence the point I is without the parabola (Art. 88, Cor.) ; and therefore DG touches the para- bola. Q. E. D. Cor. 1. A right line through the vertex, at right angles to the axis, is a tangent to the parabola. For AM being drawn through the vertex A, at right angles to EF, it is evident that every point in AM, except the point A, is farther from F than from the directrix. CONIC SECTIONS. Or 127 L B Cor. 2. If FB be drawn from the focus to the point where the line through D parallel to the axis meets the directrix, it is manifest that FB is bisected and cut at right angles by the tangent DG. For the triangles BDH and FDH are in every respect equal (4.1). Art. 90. Let DG touch the parabola in D, and meet the axis in G ; then DF being drawn to the focus, and DN at right angles to the axis, FG = DF, and AG = AN. Because DB is parallel to FG, the angle FGD = BDG (29.1) = GDF (Art. 89). Hence FG "m FD (6.1). Again, since FD = DB (Art. 86) = EN ; and EA = AF, AG = AN. Q. E. D. Def. 9. The line NG is called the subtangent ; the second part of this article, therefore, shows that the subtangent is double the abscissa ; or GN = SAN. Def. 10. The line DP, drawn from the curve to the axis, 128 SECTION IV. perpendicular to the tangent, is called the normal ; and NP, the segment of the axis between the ordinate and the normal, is called the subnormal. Art. 91. The subnormal is equal to half the latus rectum. The angle GDP being a right angle, is equal to DGF + DPF (32.1) ; and GDF = DGF, as shown in the last article; the remainder FDP = DPF ; .-. FP = FD (6.1) fe DB (Art. 86) == NE. Taking FN from each, NP = EF = £ the latus rectum. Q. E. D. Cor. From this demonstration, we have DF = FP. Abt. 92. Let DG touch the parabola in D, and FI be the perpendicular from the focus F to the tangent ; A, the vertex ; then shall FI be a mean pro- portional between DF and FA. Join AI, and draw through D the ordinate DN. Then, since the angle DIF = GIF ; and DF = GF (Art. 90) ; DI = IG. Also, AN = AG con- sequently, AI is parallel to DN (2.6) ; and therefore the angles at A are right angles ; where- fore the triangle IAF is similar to GIF or DIF (8.6). Hence, As DF : FI : : FI : FA. Q. E. D. Cor. As DF : FA : : DF 2 : FI 2 (cor. 2.20.6). Art. 93. Let UK touch the parabola in H, and HR be parallel to the axis AM ; from any point Q in the parabola, let QV be drawn parallel to HK ; then QV, produced, will CONIC SECTIONS. 129 meet the parabola in another point ; and the line between its points of section with the curve will be bisected by RH. From Q, draw QS at right angles to the directrix ; and from the centre Q, with the distance QS, describe a circle ; this circle will evidently pass through the focus F (Art. 86), and touch the directrix in S (cor. 16.3). Join FR, and let QV cut FR in Y ; then, since HK is at right angles to FR, and also bisects it (Art. 89, cor. 2) ; the angles at Y are right angles ; and the point X, where the circle cuts FY the second time, lies between F and R. Also, FY = YX (3.3). Make RT = RS; draw TP parallel to AM, meeting QV in P ; and through the points F, T, X, describe a circle. Then, since FR cuts the circle FXS, and RS touches it, FR.RX = RS 2 (36.3) = RT 2 ; consequently, RT touches the circle FTX in 17 130 SECTION IV. T (37.3). Hence the centre of that circle is in TP, which is at right angles to RT (19.3) ; it is also in VY, which bisects FX at right angles (cor. 1.3) ; it is therefore in P; the point P is of course in the parabola (Art. 86). Now, PT, HR and QS being parallel, and TR = RS, it follows (2.6) that PV = VQ. Q. E. D. Def. 11. Any line OR, parallel to the axis, is called a dia- meter of the parabola ; the point H, where the diameter meets the curve, is called its vertex ; 4HR is called the latus rectum of that diameter ; the line PV or VQ, parallel to the tangent HK, is called an ordinate and HV an abscissa to the diameter OH. Art. 94. Let PZ be drawn at right angles to the diameter OR, and PV parallel to the tangent HK ; then PZ 2 =4AF.VH. CONIC SECTIONS. 131 Retaining the construction of the last article, let the tan- gent HK meet FR in a, and the diameter TP in c ; draw en parallel to FR, and join Aa. Then, since FR is bisected in a (Art. 89, cor. 2) ; and FX in Y (3.3) ; Ya or nc = ^XR : also, Pc = VH (341). But (as was proved in Art. 92), the triangle FAa is similar to FaK or Yen. Consequently, As Fa : FA : : Pc : en ; whence FA.Pc (or FA.VH) = Fa.nc (16.6). Hence, 4FA.VH = FR.RX = TR 2 = PZ 2 Q. E. D. Art. 95. If, from two points P, A, ordinates, PV, AO, be drawn to any diameter OR, the squares of those ordinates shall be to each other in the same ratio as their abscissas ; that is, As PV 3 : AO 3 : : VH : OH. Draw PZ, AW, at right angles to OR ; then (Art. 94) PZ 3 = 4FA.VH; and AW* = 4FA.OH; consequently (1.6), PZ 3 : AW a : : VH : OH. But the triangles PVZ, AOW, being similar, PV 8 : AO 3 : : PZ 3 : AW 3 : : VII : OH. Q. K D. Art. 96. The square of any ordinate is equal to the rec- tangle of its abscissa, and the latus rectum of the diameter. Let PV be an ordinate to the diameter OH; from the vertex of the axis let AO be drawn to the same diameter, parallel to PV ; from H, draw HM at right angles to the axis. Then, since AOHK is a parallelogram, OH = AK - (Art. 90) AM = HW .-. OW = 20H. Now, 132 SECTION IV. AO - AW 3 + OW 2 (47.1) = 4AF.0H + 40H 9 (Art. 94, and cor. 2.8.2) = 4RW.OH + 4WH.OH = 4RH.OH. But (Art. 95), As AO- : PV 2 :: OH : VH :: (1.6) 4RH.OH : 4RH.VH. Hence, PV 2 = 4RH.VH. Q. E. D. Art. 97. A double ordinate passing through the focus of a parabola, is equal to the latus rectum of the diameter to which that ordinate is applied. Let F be the focus ; VH a diameter ; EG the directrix ; HD a tangent to the parabola ; PFO, the line through the focus parallel to DH. Join FH ; then, PV being parallel to DH, the angle DHG = FVH; and DHF =* HFV (29.1). But DHG = DHF (Art. 89) ; therefore, FVH = HFV; and HV = FH (6.1) - HG (Art. 86). Now, PV = VO (Art. 93), and PV 2 = 4GH.HV (Art. 96) = 4HG 2 . Hence PV = 2HG (cor. 2.8.2). Therefore, PO = 4HG. The case of the double ordinate applied to the axis, is proved in Art. 87. Q. E. D. CONIC SECTIONS. 133 H^^ Xi N F E M G j X 1> Of the Ellipse. Def. 12. Let ACBD be an ellipse; AE, CE, the semi- axes ; and from C, the extre- mity of the less, with a dis- tance equal to the greater, let an arc be described cut- ting AB in F and G ; each of those points, F, G, is called the focus of the ellipse; and the line HI, passing through either focus at right angles to AE, meeting the ellipse in H and I, is called the latus rectum of the ellipse. Art. 98. The rectangle of the abscissas AF.FB, into which the axis AB is divided by the focus, is equal to the square of the semi-axis CE. Since AB is bisected in E, and divided unequally in F ; AF.FB + FE 2 = AE 2 (5.2) = FC 2 = FE 2 + CE 2 (47.1) ; therefore, AF.FB = EC 2 . Q. E. D. Cor. Hence, HF is a third proportional to AE, EC. For (Art. 84), As AE 2 : EC 2 :: AF.FB (EC 2 ) : FH 2 ; whence AE : EC : : EC : FH. Art. 99. If from L, any point in the ellipse, a line LN be drawn at right angles to the second or minor axis CD ; then, As EC 2 : EB 2 : : CN.ND : NL 2 . Draw LM at right angles to AB; then (Art. 84), As EB 2 : EC 2 : : AM.MB (EB 2 — EM 2 ) : ML 2 or EN 2 . Therefore (19.5), As EB 2 : EC 2 : : EM 2 : EC 2 — EN 2 or CN.ND (5.2) ; 18 1U SECTION IV. hence, by inversion, As EC 2 : EB 2 : : CN.ND : EM 2 or NL 2 . It is therefore manifest that the property demonstrated in Art. 84 is equally true, whichever axis is divided by an ordinate. Cor. Since CN.ND is less than CE 2 (27.6), it follows that NL 2 is always less than EB 2 , and consequently NL less than EB. Art. 100. If, on either axis of an ellipse, a circle be described; and from any point in the ellipse a perpendi- cular be drawn to that axis, meeting the circle ; it will be, as the axis on which the circle is de- scribed is to the other i axis, so is the ordinate to the circle, to the ordinate to the ellipse. Let ACBD be the ellipse, and first let the circle be described on the greater axis AB, and let LM be the ordi- nate ; then (Art. 84), As EB 2 : EC 2 : : AM.MB : ML 2 . But AM.MB = MP 2 (35.3). Hence (22.6), As EB : EC : : MP : ML. Again, let the circle be described on CD, and the ordinate LN meet the circle in I ; then (Art. 99), As CE 2 : EB 2 : : CN.ND : NL 2 . But CN.ND = NI 2 (35.3) ; therefore (22.6), CE : EB : : NI : NL. Now, CE : EB : : CD : AB. Hence the proposition is manifest. CONIC SECTIONS. 135 Cor. Two ordinates, ML, TR, being drawn to the same axis, ML : TR : : MP : TS. Art. 101. The sum of the lines FH, GH, drawn from any point in the ellipse to the two foci, is equal to the greatei axis AB. Take E the middle of AB,* and through it draw the perpendicular CD ; this will be the less axis. From H draw the ordinate HI, and take EL a fourth pro- portional to EB, EG and EI. Then (22.6), As EB 2 : EG 2 :: EI 2 : EL 2 . Consequently (19.5), EB 2 : EG 2 : : EB 2 — EI 2 : EG 2 — EL 2 (that is, 5.2) : : AI.IB : FL.LG. Hence (17.5 and Def. 12), EB 2 : EC 2 :: AI.IB : AI.IB — FL.LG. Therefore (Art. 84), AI.IB — FL.LG = IH 2 . Again, BE 2 f EL 2 = 2BE.EL + BL 2 (7.2) ; also, GE 2 + EI 2 = 2GE.EI + GI 2 . Taking the latter of these equations from the former, and remembering that BE 2 — EI 2 = AI.IB (5.2) ; that GE 2 — EL 2 = FL.LG ; and that BE.EL == GE.EI (16.6) ; we have AI.IB — FL.LG = BL 2 — IG 2 ; that is, IH 2 = BL 2 — IG 2 . Hence, IH 2 + IG 2 = BL 2 , Con- sequently (47.1), GH 2 = BL 2 ; and GH = BL. * The middle of the axis is usually called the centre of the ellipse. 136 SECTION IV. Taking AE 2 + EL 2 + 2AE.EL = AL 2 (4.2), and FE 2 + EP + 2FE.EI = FI 2 , and proceeding as before, we have IH 2 = AL 2 — FP .-. FP + IH 2 = AL 2 ; whence (47.1), FH 2 = AL 2 ; therefore, FH = AL. Conse- quently, FH + GH = AL + BL = AB. Q. E. D. Cor. 1. Since FH = AL,and GH = BL, it is manifest that EL = FH — AE = AE — GH. Hence, FH — GH ==± 2EL ; or EL = $(FH — GH). Cor. 2. If, from a point without the ellipse, two right lines be drawn to the foci, their sum will be greater than the greater axis of the ellipse ; but if a point be taken within the ellipse, the sum of the lines drawn from it to the foci will be less than the greater axis. This is evident, from what is above proved and 21.1. Cor. 3. Conversely : A point is either in, without or within an ellipse, according as the sum of the lines drawn from it to the foci is equal to, greater, or less than the greater axis. Art. 102. If, from any point P of an ellipse, a straight line PR = AE, half the greater axis, be applied to the less axis K JT CD, cutting the greater axis in S ; then shall SP = EC, half the less axis. From P draw PT at right angles to AB ; then, because of the similar triangles TSP, ESR: As PR: PS :: ET:ST; hence (22.6 and 19.5), CONIC SECTIONS. • 137 As PR 2 ( = AE 2 ) : PS 2 :: AE 2 — ET 2 : PS 2 — ST 2 :: (5.2 and 47.1) AT.TB : TP 2 :: (Art. 84) AE 2 : EC 2 ; therefore, PS = EC. Q. E. D. The ellipsograph, or instrument for describing an ellipse, is founded upon this property. Art. 103. From a point H in an ellipse, two lines HF, HG, being drawn to the foci, and one of them FH produced, the line HV, which bisects the exterior angle, is a tangent to the ellipse. Make HW, in FH produced, = HG ; join GW, cutting the bisecting line in V ; in VH, take any point K ; and join KG, KW and KF. Then the triangles GHV, WHV, have GH= WH, and the angle GHV=WHV; hence (4.1), GV=WV, and the angle GVH = WVH. Consequently, GK=WK; and, therefore, FK + GK = FK + WK. But FK +WK>FW (20.1), and FW=FH+HG=AB (Art. 101); therefore FK + GK>AB; and (Cor. 3, Art. 101) the point K is without the ellipse. This being true of every point in HV, except H, the line HV is a tangent to the ellipse. Q. E. D. Cor. 1. From this demonstration it is obvious that the line HV, bisecting the exterior angle GHW, also bisects GW, and cuts it at right angles in V. Cor. 2. Hence the angles FHK, GHV, which the lines from the foci to the point of contact make with the tangent, are equal. For WHV = KHF (15.1). Art. 104. Aright line through the vertex of either axis, parallel to the other axis, is a tangent to the ellipse. The line DM parallel to AB, makes the angle GDM=DGF, and MDN = GFD (29.1), and DGF = GFD (5.1) ; conse- quently, DM bisects the angle GDN, and is therefore a tan- gent to the ellipse (Art. 103). 18 at* 138 SECTION IV. Next, take BY parallel to CD, and through any point X in CD draw XZ parallel to BE, meeting the ellipse in Z ; then XZ is less than EB, (Cor., Art. 99); that is, Z lies between DC and BY ; therefore, the line BY is without the ellipse. Art. 105. Let the right lines FW and GW, of which FW=AB, the greater axis, be drawn from the foci to meet in W ; and let VH, bi- secting GW at right angles in V, cut FW in H ; then HV touches the ellipse in H. Join HG ; then it is evi- dent (4.1) that GH =WH, and the angle GHV=WHV; hence the angle GHW is bisect- ed by the line HV ; and since HG = HW, FH + HG = FW = AB; therefore (Art. 101, Cor. 3), the point H is in the ellipse; and (Art. 103) HV is a tangent to the ellipse. Cor. A line which cuts GW at right angles, but does not bisect it, is not a tangent to the ellipse. For this line is parallel to HV, and, if it cuts GW between V and W, it does not meet the ellipse ; but if it falls between G and V, it must cut the ellipse. Art. 106. A straight line which meets an ellipse, but does not bisect the exterior angle formed by the lines drawn to the foci, is not a tangent to the ellipse. Let HR meet the ellipse in H, but not bisect the exterior angle GHW. On HR let fall the perpendicular GN; and produce it to M, making NM = GN; join FM, meeting HR in I ; join also GI* GH and HM. Then (4.1), GI = IM, GH =HM, and the angle GHN=MHN. Hence the angle GHM CONIC SECTIONS. 139 is bisected by the line HR, but by supposition the angle GHW is not ; consequently, HM does not coincide with HW ; and therefore FHM is a triangle, of which FM is less than FH + HM (20.1). But FH + HM = FH + HG = AB (Art. 101). Also FM = FI + IG. Therefore, FI + IG are less than AB, and the point I is within the ellipse (Art. 101, Cor. 3). Hence HR is not a tangent. Cor. From this and Art. 103, it is evident that the tangent must bisect the exterior angle formed at the point of contact by right lines drawn to the foci ; and that only one right line can touch the ellipse at a given point. Art. 107. Let HM touch the ellipse in H, and meet the greater axis AB produced in M ; and from H let HI be drawn at right angles to AB ; then, E being the centre, EI, EB and EM shall be proportionals. Take EL a fourth proportional to EB, EG and EI ; this line is half the difference between FH and GH (Art. 101, 140 SECTION IV. Cor. 1). Now, the tangent HM bisects the exterior angle of the triangle FHG (Cor. 2, Art. 103), and, meets the base pro- duced; therefore (A. 6), AsFH : HG :: FM : MG; consequently (E. 5 and Art. 101), As 2EB : 2EL :: FM+MG (2EM) : FG (2EG) ; wherefore (15.5), AsEB : EL :: EM : EG? consequently (1.6), As EB 3 : EB.EL : : EM.EI : EG.EI. But EB.EL = EG.EI (16.6) ; therefore, EB 3 = EM.EI ; and (17.6), EI : EB : : EB : EM. Q. E. D. Cor. If the tangent MH meet the less axis EC produced in P, and HN be drawn at right angles to EC ; then shall EN, EC and EP be proportionals. CONIC SECTIONS. 141 By similar triangles, As PE : PN :: EM : NH or EI :: (1.6) EM.EI : EI 2 :: (by this article) EB 2 : EP. Hence (D. 5), As PE : EN : : EB 3 : EB 3 — EP : : (5.2, Art. 84 and 16.5) EC 3 : EN 2 . Again <1.6), As PE : EN : : PE.EN : EN 2 . Consequently, PE.EN = EC*; or EN : EC : : EC : EP. Art. 108. Let MHP touch the ellipse in H, and meet the axes in M and P ; then if, on the axes, circles be described, cutting the ordin^tes HI and HN in R and O, the lines MR and PO shall touch the circles. Join ER ; then, since ER = EB, we have (Art. 107), As EI : ER : : ER : EM. Hence (6.6), the triangles EIR, ERM, are similar; conse- quently, ERM is a right angle ; wherefore (cor. 16.3), RM touches the circle. In the same manner it may be proved that OP touches the circle. Art. 109. Let PT be a right line touching the ellipse in O ; FP, GT, perpendiculars falling upon it from the foci F and G ; then shall FP.GT = EC 2 , the square of the less semi- axis. Join FO, and let FO, GT, produced, meet in W; and join OG, ET. Then, since the angle GOT = WOT;andGTO=WTO; the side OG = OW, and GT=WT(26.1). Hence FW = FO + OG = (Art. 101) AB. Now, in the triangles FGW, EGT, FG 142 SECTION IV. = 2EG, GW == 2GT, and the angle at G common ; therefore (6.6), FW = 2ET, or EB = ET. Consequently, the circle described on AB will pass through T. In the same manner it may be proved that it will pass through P. Next, produce TE till it meets the circle in S, and join FS ; then, because ES = ET, EF = EG, and the angle SEF == TEG (15.1) ; the side FS must = GT, and the angle EFS = EGT (4.1); consequently, FS is parallel to GT (27.1)- that is, FS is in the same straight line with PF. For GT and FP are at right angles to the same line, and are therefore parallel. Now, FP.FS == AF.FB (35.3) = EC 2 (Art. 98) ; therefore, FP.GT == EC 2 . Q. E. D. Art. 110. Let RK be a tangent to the ellipse in H; the li-ne HN a perpendicular to RK, meeting the greater axis in M, and the less in N; HI, HP, ordinates to the axes AB, CD ; then it will be, AsEB 2 : EC 2 : : EI : IM; and As EC 2 : EB 2 : : EP : PN. Join FH, GH ; and pro- duce FH to L, making HL = HG ; join GL, and draw EO parallel to HM. Then GL is at right angles to HK (Cor., Art. 103) ; and therefore parallel to HM or OE. Hence EO, which bi- sects FG, also bisects FL (2.6); wherefore FO=EB. Then, HL being = HG, and OL = FO; HO = half the dif- ference of FH and HG. Consequently (Art. 32), AsEB : EG :: EI : OH; CONIC SECTIONS. 143 also (2.6), As FO (EB) : FE (EG) : : OH : EM; hence (23.6), AsEB 2 : EG 2 :: EI : EM; therefore (D. 5), As EB 2 : EB 2 — EG 2 : : EI : IM. But EB 2 — EG 2 = EC 2 (see def. 12). Consequently, As EB 2 : EC 2 : : EI : IM. Again, fr.om similar triangles, As EI (PH) : IM :: NP : HI (PE); and by inversion, IM : EI : : PE : PN. Hence, EC 2 : EB 2 : : PE : PN. Q. E. D. c 7 — -yjH\ M II in i aI ] f- E Xi . I Or B Art. 111. Let FK be the ordinate through the focus F; KR a tangent to the ellipse at K cutting the greater axis AB produced in R; arnd RM a perpendicular to AB ; then, if from any point H in the ellipse, HF be drawn to the focus, and HM at right angles to RM, it will be, As EA : EF : : HM : HF : : AR : AF. From H draw HI, at right angles to AB ; and take EL a fourth proportional to AE, FE and EI. Then (Art. 101), FH = AL ; also (Art. 107), As ER : EA : : EA : EF : : (by construction) EI : EL ; M4 SECTION IV. therefore (12.5), As ER : EA : : ER + EI : EA + EL. But ER + EI = HM ; and EA + EL = FH. From the analogy ER : EA : : EA : EF, we have (19.5), ER : EA : : AR : AF. Hence, EA : EF : : HM : HF : : AR : AF. Q. E. D. Def. 13. If we make EN = ER, and draw NP pa- rallel to RM, each of the lines RM, NP, is called a di- rectrix to the el- lipse; and if HP, HG, are drawn, the latter to the focus And the former at right angles to the directrix, it may be proved as before that HP : HG : : BN : BG. Cor. Because ER : EA : : EA : EF; (16.6) EA 2 = ER.EF = EF 2 + EF.FR ; therefore, AE 2 — EF 2 = EF.FR; that is, EC 2 = EF.FR. M y< C 1 i T U; ii AV 3 p E X. . t Cr J'JBj i) Art. 112. Retaining the construction of the last article, it will be FH = EC 2 EG 2 AE — EF.cos BFH t AE + EF.cos AFH From Art. 28, As 1 : cos BFH : : FH : FI = FH.cos BFH. Now, MH | RF + FI = RF + FH.cos BFH; CONIC SECTIONS. 143 therefore (Art. Ill), As AE : FE : : RF + FH.cos BFH : FII ; consequently (16.6), FH.AE i RF.FE + FH.FE.cos BFH; whence, FH.AE— FH.FE.cos BFH=RF.FE=(Cor., Art. Ill) EC 2 . Consequently, EC 2 EC 2 FH - AE — FE.cos BFH " AE + FE.cos AFH For, cos AFH * —cos BFH. Q. E. D Cor. If IH be produced to meet the semicircle on AB in T, and ET be joined, then shall FH = AE + EF.cos BET = AE — EF.cos AET. By Art. 28, As 1 : cos BET :: ET (=AE) : EI : : EF : EL=EF.cos BET. But FH=AL (Art. 101)=AE + EF.cos BET=AE— EF.cos AET. Art. 113. Every diameter* to an ellipse is bisected in the centre. Let HI, passing through the centre E, meet the ellipse in H and I ; then is EI = EH. For if it is not, take EP=EH 5 and from H, I, P, draw lines to the foci F and G. Then we shall have EH = EP ; EF = EG ; and the angle HEF = PEG (15.1) ; therefore (4.1), FH = PG. In like manner, GH == FP ; therefore, FH + HG = FP + PG. But, FH + HG = FI + IG (Art. 101) ; consequently, FP + PG = FI + IG ; which is absurd (21.1). * Any right line passing- through the centre, limited at both extremities by the ellipse, is called a diameter. 19 N 143 SECTION IV. Art. H4. The tangents to an ellipse passing through the extremities of any diameter, are parallel to each other. Let HM and IN touch the ellipse in H and I, the extremi- ties of the diameter HI ; and produce FH, GI, the lines from the foci, to K and L ; then the angles GHK, FIL are bisect- ed by the tangents HM, IN (Cor. 1, Art. 106). And since GE, EH are respectively equal to FE,EI (Art. 112), and the angle GEH = FEI (15.1), the angle EHG = EIF, and the side HG = FI (4.1). In the same manner, FHE = GIE; consequently, the whole angle FHG = FIG ; and, therefore, (13.1) GHK = FIL; whence GHM *a FIN. But EHG = EIF; therefore, EHM = EIN; whence (27.1) HM is parallel to IN. Cor. Hence, if tangents be drawn through the extremities of any two diameters, they will form a parallelogram. Def. 14. If the diameter OT be drawn parallel to the tan- gents through the extremities of IH, then OT is said to be conjugate to IH. Art. 115. Let OT, which is conjugate to IH, cut the radius vector, or line from the focus to the curve, FH in V; then is HV = AE, half the greater axis. Through the other focus G, draw GW parallel to OT, cut- ting FH in W. Then, because OT, and consequently WG, is parallel to the tangent HM, the angle HWG = KHM ; CONIC SECTIONS. 147 and HGW^GHM (29.1) ; therefore (Cor. % Art. 103), HWG =HGW; and consequently HG = HW (6.1). Since EV is parallel to GW, and FE = EG ; therefore (2.6), FV = VW. Hence, VH=FV+HG; and therefore (Art. 101) VH=AE. Q. E. D. Art. 116. If the diameter OT is parallel to HM, the tan- gent at H, thei#the diameter HI shall be parallel to TN, the tangent at T. s Q ^-"~c //$) \^ / K Ii \ JN ^^ ^\\T ^c D t 11 Let HM, TN, meet the greater axis AB produced in M and N ; through H and T draw the ordinates HK, TL, to that axis ; and let them meet the circle described on AB, in Q and P; join QM, QE, PN and PE ; then QM and PN are tangents to the circle (Art. 108). Now, ET being parallel to HM, the angle TEL « HMK (29.1), and ELT - MKH; therefore (4.6), As EL : LT :: MK : KH; and, alternately, EL : MK : : LT : KH : : (Cor., Art. 100) LP : KQ. Hence, As EL : LP : : MK : KQ; and the angles at L and K are equal ; therefore (6.6), the angle LEP = KMQ ; consequently, EP is parallel to QM 148 SECTION IV. (27.1). But EQM is a right angle (18.3) ; therefore, QEP is also a right angle (29.1) ; and EPN is a right angle (18.3) ; therefore, PN is parallel to EQ (28.1). Consequently, the angle LNP = KEQ (29.1) ; and as NLP = EKQ, we have, As LN : EK : : LP : QK : : (Cor., Art. 100) LT : KH. Hence, LN : LT : : EK : KH; consequently, the triangles LNT, KEH are similar (6.6), and the angle LNT = KEH; therefore (27.1), TN is parallel to EH. Q.E.D. Cor. 1. Hence, OT being conjugate to IH, IH is also con- jugate to OT. Cor. 2. Hence, also, if through the extremities H and T of two conjugate diameters, ordihates, HK, TL, be drawn to the greater axis, meeting the circle described on that axis in Q and P; the tangent QM to the circle is parallel to the radius EP, and the tangent PN to the radius EQ. Art. 117. The sum of the squares of any two semi-conju- gate diameters, is equal to the sum of the squares of the semi-axes. t""li" Q //£> ^S / K Ii \ IU "^^ /x X>w \r D ___^^y/v K m Let OT, IH, be conjugate diameters ; then, retaining the construction of the last article, the triangle EMH is similar CONIC SECTIONS. 149 to NET, because EH is parallel to TN, and HM to ET. The triangle HMK is likewise similar to TEL. Conse- quently, As EM : MH :: EN : ET; and AsMH : MK :: ET : EL; therefore (22.5), As EM : MK : : EN : EL : : (Art. 107, and Cor. 2 to 20.6) EB 2 : EL 2 . Also, As EM : EK : : EB 2 : EK 2 . Consequently (24.5), EM : MK + EK : : EB 2 : EL 2 + EK 2 ; wherefore, EB 2 = EL 2 + EK 2 . If the tangents MH, NT, produced, meet the other axis CD produced, in S and R ; and the ordinates HW and TX be drawn to that axis ; we have, in like manner, the triangles ESH, SHW, respectively similar to RET and ETX ; whence, as before, AsES : SW :: ED 2 : EX 2 ; and As ES : EW : : EC 2 : EW 2 . Consequently, EC 2 = EX 2 + EW 2 = LT 2 + KH 2 . ' Wherefore, EB 2 + EC 2 - EL 2 + LT 2 + EK 2 -f KH 2 = (47.1) ET 2 +EH 2 . Q. E. D. Cor. Since EK 2 +EL 2 =EB 2 =EQ 2 =EP 2 , it follows (47.1) that EL == KQ, and EK = LP. Hence, As EB : EC : : EL : KH : : EK : TL. In like manner, As EC : EB : : EX : WH : : EW : XT. 20 150 SECTION IV. Art. 118. The parallelogram formed by the tangents through the extremities of any two conjugate diameters, is equal to the rectangle of the axes. / c ^H — FH. Q. E. D. CONIC SECTIONS. 159 Art. 127. If, from a point Z within an hyperbola, two right lines, FZ, GZ, be drawn to the foci, the difference of these lines is greater than AB, the first axis ; but if from a point b without the hyperbola, two right lines, bG, bF, be drawn to the foci, the difference of these lines will be less than the axis AB. First, let ZG meet the hyperbola in a, and join Fa ; then, since FZ is less than Fa + aZ, the difference between GZ and FZ is greater than between GZ and Fa + aZ ; that is, than Ga — Fa. But (Art. 126) Ga — Fa = AB; therefore, GZ — FZ is greater than AB. Next, let Fb meet the hyperbola in d, and suppose Gd joined; then, because Gd is greater than Gb — bd, Gd — dF; that is, AB is greater than Gb — bF, or Gb — bF is less than AB. Q. E. D. Cor. Hence a point is either in, within, or without an hy- perbola, according as the difference of the lines drawn from it to the foci is equal to, greater, or less than the first axis. Art. 128. If, from any point H (see fig. on page 160) in the hyperbola, a right line HM be drawn bisecting the angle FHG, made by Ikies to the foci F, G, the line HM will be a tangent to the hyperbola. Take on HG, the line HL =5 HF ; and take in MH any other point P, and join PL, PF ; then (4.1), FP=LP. Now, since HF == HL, LG must be equal to AB (Art. 126) ; hence, AB = PL + LG — FP. But PL + LG are greater than the right line joining P and G ; hence the excess of that line above PF is less than AB ; consequently, the point P is without the hyperbola (Cor., Art. 127). And this being true of every point in PM except the point H, that line must be a tangent to the hyperbola. Q. E. D. Cor. 1. From this we may infer that the tangent must bisect the angle FHG ; for if it was possible to draw a tan- 160 SECTION IV. gent through H which did not bisect the angle, we might have two right lines touching the same curve in the same point, and yet not coinciding with each other. Cor. 2. The line ka through the vertex of the hyperbola, at right angles to GF, is a tangent ; for the angles GAa, FAa, are equal. Art. 129. Let FN, GI be perpendiculars falling from the foci F, G, upon a tangent HI ; then shall FN.GI = ED 2 , the square of the second semi-axis. Take, as in the last article, HL == HF ; join LN, NE ; and produce NE to meet GI in K. Then, since HF = HL ; and the angle FHN = LHN (Cor. 1, Art. 128) ; the angle HNF must be equal to HNL (4.1) : consequently, HNL = a right angle, and therefore FNL is a right line (14.1). Now, in the triangles NFE, LFG, we have the angle at F common, and the sides NF, FE, the halves of LF, FG, respectively; whence (6.6) the angle FNE = FLG, and NE = half LG; CONIC SECTIONS. 1G1 consequently (28.1), NK is parallel to LG. But LN is pa- rallel to GK; hence (34.1), LN = GK, and NK = LG = AB (Art. 126). Hence, EN = EK = JAB = EA. Consequently, a circle described from the centre E, at the distance EA, will pass through N and K ; it will also pass through I, because KIN is a right angle (converse of 31.3). Therefore (cor. 36.3), AG.GB = IG.GK; that is, (Cor., Art. 124), ED 2 = FN.GL Q. E. D. Art. 130. Let HM touch the hyperbola in H, and meet the first axis AB in M, and HS be an ordinate to that axis ; then it shall be, As ES : EA : : EA : EM. Take ER a fourth proportional to EA, EF and ES ; then, as proved in Art. 126, AR = FH, and BR = GH. Then, the vertical angle of the triangle GHF being bisected by the line HM (Cor. 1, Art. 128), AsGH : HF :: GM : MF (3.6) ; hence (E. 5) GH+ HF : GH — HF :: GM + MF : GM — MF; then, taking the halves of these quantities, ER : EA :: EF : EM; and, alternately (16.5), ER : EF : : EA : EM. But ER : EF :: ES : EA; therefore (11.5), ES : EA : : EA : EM. Q. E. D. Art. 131. Let FO, Go, be the ordinates through the foci ; OT, ot, tangents to the hyperbolas at O and o, cutting the first axis in T and t ; QTU and qtu, perpendiculars to AB ; 21 o* 102 SECTION IV. then, taking any point H in the hyperbola, and drawing HQ 23 174 SECTION V. Art. 144. Every circle of the sphere which does not pass through the projecting point, is projected into a. circle. Case 1. When the plane of the original circle is parallel to the plane of projection. Let A be the projecting point ; E, the opposite pole; BCD, the plane of projection at right angles to AE ; C, the centre of the pri- mitive circle ; FHGI, the circle to be projected; LMNP, its projec- tion. If, now, while the point A remains fixed, we suppose the line AF carried round with a conical motion, so as to describe the circle FHGI ; the common sec^ tion of the conical surface and the plane of projection will be LMNP, the projection of the circle FHGI. But the plane of that section, being parallel to the plane of the base, is a circle (Art. 80). Cor. The radius, CN or CL, of the projected circle is the semitangent of EG or EF, the distance of the original circle from the pole opposite to the projecting point. Case 2. When the circle to be projected is not parallel to the plane of projection. Let A be the projecting point; E, the opposite pole; FHGIj the circle to be project- ed ; LMNP, its projection ; ABED, the common section of the spherical surface and a plane which passes through the axes both of the primitive and of the circle FHGI, and therefore at right angles to both these planes. Then BN, the SPHERICAL PROJECTIONS. 175 common section of this plane and the plane of projection, is the line of measures for the circle FHGI (Art. 136, Def. 6). Supposing, as before, the line AF to be carried round the circle FHGI, it will describe a conical surface, whose com- mon section with the plane of projection will be LMNP, the projection of FHGI. Because the plane ABED passes through the axis of FHGI, it must pass through its centre and the axis of the cone; therefore the line FG, the common section of this plane and the plane of the circle, is a diameter, which is projected into the line LN. Draw GK parallel to NB. Then the angle LNA = KGA (29.1) = AFG (21.3), because AK=AG; hence the triangles AFG, ANL, which have the angle at A common, are equi- angular to each other ; and the section LMNP is a subcon- trary section, and therefore (Art. 82) is a circle, whose diameter is LN. Cor. The projected pole and centre of the projected circle are both in the line of measures. Art. 145. The centre of a projected less circle, at right angles to the primitive, is in the line of measures, distant from the centre of the primitive the secant of the circle's distance from its own pole ; and the radius of the projected circle is the tangent of the same distance. Let A (see fig. on p. 176) be the projecting point ; ABED, as before, the common section of the spherical surface and a plane which passes through the centre of the sphere, and is at right angles both to the plane of projection and the plane of the cir- cle to be projected ; BCDN, the plane of projection, seen edge- wise ; C, the centre of the sphere ; FG, the common section of the circle to be projected and the plane ABED ; FG will then represent that circle, seen edgewise. Join AF, AG, CG and EG ; and let AF, AG meet BN in L and N ; these points will then be the projections of F and G ; and, consequently, 176 SECTION V. E the line LN will be the projection of FG, the diameter of the circle to be projected. As the circle to be projected is per- pendicular to the plane of projection, that plane must pass through its poles ; hence the point D, where that plane cuts the circle ABED, is one of the poles ; and, therefore, FD = DG ; also, BN is the line of measures. Draw GP touching the circle ABED in G, and cutting BN in P; then, as proved in Art. 144, the angle ANL = AFG. And since GP touches the circle AGDE, and GA cuts it, the angle PGN = GFA (32.3) = GNP; consequently, PN - PG (6.1). Again, since ACD = ECD, being both right angles ; and CAF=CEG; it is plain (26.1) that EG cuts CD in L; then, since CG=CE, the angle CGL=CI^L. Taking these equals from the right angles CGP, LCA; the angle LGP=CLE= PLG; hence, LP=PG. Consequently, PG — the radius of the circle described on the diameter LN; but GP is the tangent, and CP the secant of GD. If now we suppose the figure to revolve on BN until the plane of ABED becomes perpendicular to CA, the circle ABED will be the primitive circle ; and the points L, D, P, N, will remain unchanged : consequently, the circle described from the centre P with the radius PL = PG, will be the pro- jected circle proposed. SPHERICAL PROJECTIONS. it- Art. 146. Any oblique* great circle will be projected into a circle whose centre is in the line of measures, distant from the centre of the primitive, the tangent of its inclination to the primitive, and the radius of the projected circle is the secant of that inclination. Let, as before, A be the projecting point ; ABED, the great circle at right angles to the primitive, and to the circle to be projected ; BN and FG, the common sections of the plane of this circle w r ith the plane of projection, and with the plane of the circle to be projected, respectively. Then BN will represent the plane of projection, and FG the circle to be projected, both seen edgewise ; the line BN will also be the line of measures. Join AF, AG, meeting BN in L and N ; these will be the projections of F and G, and LN the dia- meter of the projected circle. Now, the plane of the primi- tive circle, and of the circle to be projected, being both at right angles to the plane of ABED, their common section, which passes through C, the centre of the sphere (Art. 45), is at right angles to that plane (18.2 sup.) ; hence CB and CF are at right angles to that common section ; consequently, the angle FCB is the inclination of the circle FG to the primitive (def. * A circle whose plane makes an oblique angle with the plane of prnjpc tion, is called an oblique circle. 23 173 SECTION V. 4.2 sup). Draw AI, making the angle CAI == FCB. To these equals add CAL = CFL, and LAI=FLB (32.1) = ILA (15.1). Consequently, LI - AI (6.1). Again, the angle FAG in a semicircle being a right angle (31.3), is equal to BCF+CAF+CFA (32.1) = LAI + CFA. Hence, IAN = CFA. But ANI^AFC, by subcontrary sec- tion (Art. 144) ; wherefore, ANI= IAN, and AI=IN. Hence the radius of the circle described on LN, that is, the projec- tion of FG, is equal to AI. But AI is the secant, and CI the tangent, of CAI or BCF, the inclination of the circle FG to the primitive. If, then, as before, we suppose the figure to revolve on BN until the plane of ABED becomes perpendicular to AC, the circle ABED will be the primitive ; and the circle described from the centre I, with the radius IA or IL, will be the pro- jection proposed. Cor. 1. Hence an oblique great circle being projected on the plane of the primitive; and, from the point where the projected circle cuts the primitive, two right lines being drawn to the centre of the primitive and of the projected circle ; the inclination of those lines is the same as the incli- nation of the original circle to the primitive. SPHERICAL PROJECTIONS. 179 Cor. 2. Of all projected great circles, the primitive is the least ; for the secant of any arc is greater than the radius. Def. 8. The angle made by two circles, whether on the same or different planes, is the angle made by their tangents passing through the point of intersection. When the circles are both great circles, the tangents are at right angles to the diameter of the sphere, passing through the point of intersection, which is the common section of the planes of these circles ; and, consequently, the angle made by the tangents measures the inclination of the planes. The definition contained in Art. 45 is therefore but a par- ticular application of the more general one now given. Cor. The angle made by the radii (drawn to the point of intersection) of two circles on the same plane, is equal to the angle made by the circles. Art. 147. The angle made by two great circles on the surface of the sphere, is equal to the angle made by their representatives on the plane of projection. Let A be the place of the eye or projecting point; B, the opposite pole; O, the centre of the sphere ; HCLG, the primitive circle ; I and K, the poles of the pro- posed great circles ; ACIB, a great circle passing through A, B and I ; BKLA, another great circle passing through A, B and K. Draw AOB, the axis of the primitive ; and 01, OK, the axes of the proposed circles. Let the plane ACIB cut the plane of projection in the line OC ; and BKLA cut it in OL ; then 180 SECTION V. (def. 6), OC and OL will be the lines of measures of the cir- cles, whose poles are I and K respectively. Also (Cor., Art. 47), the angles IOB, KOB and IOK are respectively equal to the angles which the proposed circles make, on the surface of the sphere, with the primitive and with each other. In the plane ACIB, suppose the line AM to be drawn parallel to OJ, meeting OC in M. Then, since the angle OAM=BOI (29.1), the angle which the great circle, whose pole is I, makes with the primitive ; and M is in the line of measures of that circle ; it follows (Art. 146) that M is the centre, and MA the radius, of the representative of that circle on the plane of projection. In like manner, suppose AN, in the plane BKLA, drawn parallel to the axis OK, and meeting the line OL in N ; then N will be the centre, and NA the radius, of the circle on the plane of projection which represents the original circle, whose pole is K. Now, since AM is parallel to 01, and AN to OK, it follows (9.2 sup.), that the angle MAN == IOK, the inclination of the proposed circles. Lastly, the points M, N, being in the plane of projection, let the triangle MAN revolve on MN, till the point A falls into the same plane, and its position will evidently be the point where the projected circles intersect each other ; and as the radii of those circles make, at the point of intersection, the same angle as the original circles on the surface of the sphere, the projected circles themselves make the same angle (cor., def. 8). Q. E. D. Art. 148. If a tangent to an original circle be projected, the projected tangent will be a tangent to the projected cir- cle, provided the original circle does not pass through the projecting point. A projected circle is the intersection of the plane of the primitive and a cone, whose vertex is the projecting point, and base the original circle. If a plane be supposed to pass both through the projecting point and a tangent to the origi- nal circle, this plane will evidently touch the surface of the SPHERICAL PROJECTIONS. 181 cone : and the intersection of this plane and the plane of pro- jection will be a tangent to the intersection of the cone and the plane of projection. But the former of these intersections is the projected tangent, and the latter the projected circle. Q. E. D. Cor. If two original circles have a common tangent, the projections of these circles will have their radii drawn to the point of contact, in the same straight line. For the radii of both the projected circles is in a line drawn through the point of contact at right angles to the projected tangent. Art. 149. The angle made by any two circles on the sur- face of the sphere, is equal to the angle made by their repre- sentatives on the plane of projection. Let DIBC be a great circle of the sphere ; BT, a straight line touching it at the point B ; through BT let another plane pass, cutting the sphere in the circle BGF; this cir- cle is, by Def. 1, Art. 45, a less circle. As BT is a tangent to the great cir- cle, it is a tangent to the sphere, and therefore to the circle BGF. Conse- quently, if these circles are projected, their projections will have their radii, which are drawn to the point of contact, in the same straight line (Cor., Art. 148). If, then, through the point B, another great circle and a less one, having a common tangent, be supposed to pass, these circles, when delineated on the plane of projection, will have their radii, which are drawn to the point of contact, also in the same straight line. 24 182 SECTION V. But (Art. 147) the angle made by two great circles on the surface of the sphere, is equal to the angle made by their representatives on the plane of projection, or by the radii of those representatives drawn to the point of intersection. And (def. 8) the angle made by two circles is the angle made by their tangents passing through the point of intersection; hence it is obvious that the angle made by the two less cir- cles, or by either of them, with a great circle touching the other at the point of intersection, is equal to the angle made by the two great circles. Therefore the truth of the proposition is manifest. Q. E. D. Art. 150. The extremities of the diameter of a projected circle are in the line of measures, distant from the centre of the primitive, the semitangents of the least and greatest dis- tances of the original circle from the pole of the primitive opposite to the projecting point. . Let A be the projecting point; ABED, the great cir- cle whose plane is at right angles to the plane of the primitive and of the circle to be projected ; BD the primi- tive, and FG the circle to be projected, both seen edgewise. Then the right line BD, which is the common section of the plane ABED and the plane of the primitive, is the line of measures of the circle FG (Art. 136, Def. 6). As the extre- mities F and G are projected into H and I, the line IH, which is in the line of measures BD, is evidently the diameter of the projected circle. Also, E being the pole opposite to the projecting point, EF and EG are the least and greatest dis- SPHERICAL PROJECTIONS. 183 tances of the circle FG from that pole; and CH, CI are the semitangents of EF, EG (Art. 142). Cor. 1. The points where a projected oblique great circle cuts the line of measures, within and without the primitive, are distant from the centre of the primitive the tangent and cotangent of half the complement of the inclination of the original circle to the plane of the primitive. The angle BCF is the inclination of the original circle FG to the plane of the primitive (see Art. 146) ; and therefore FCE is the complement of that inclination. But CL is the tangent of LAC = tangent of half FCE (20.3). Also, since FAG is a right angle (31.3), CN, the tangent of CAG, is the cotangent of half FCE. Cor. 2. The centre of a projected circle is in the line of measures, distant from the centre of the primitive, half the difference of the semitangents of the greatest and least dis- tance from the pole opposite to the projecting point, when the circle encompasses that pole; but half the sum of the semitangents, when the circle lies wholly on one side of the pole. • Art. 151. Any circle and its poles being projected on the plane of the primitive, the segments of the diameter inter- 184 SECTION V. cepted between its extremities and one projected pole, have to each other the same ratio as the segments between the same extremities and the other pole. F E Let A be the projecting point ; ABED, as before, the great circle at right angles to the plane of projection and of the circle to be projected ; BD, the line of measures ; FG, the common section of the plane ABED and the plane of the circle to be projected ; P, Q, the poles of the same circle. Then PQ is a diameter to ABED at right angles to FG (Art. 45, Cor. to Def. 3) ; and the arc PF is equal to PG. Hence F, P, G, being projected to H, p, I, the angle HAp = IAp (21.1) ; consequently, \p : H/> : : IA : HA (3.6). Again, producing GA to K, and joining QF, the angle QAK *9 QFG (22.3 and 13.1) = QAF (21.3), because QG = QF. Hence (A. 6), lq : qU :: IA : AH; consequently, Ip : Up : : lq : ^H. Cor. Hence, of the two segments into which the diameter is divided by the projected pole, the greater is that which is more remote from the centre of the primitive circle ; SPHERICAL PROJECTIONS. 185 and therefore the centre of the projected circle is furthei from the centre of the primitive, than the projected pole. Art. 152. The projected poles of any circle are in the line of measures, within and without the primitive ; and distant from its centre, the tangent and cotangent of half its inclina- tion to the primitive. Retaining the construction of the last article, the angle ECP = the inclination of the primitive to the circle, whose poles are P and Q (Art. 47, Cor.) ; and these poles being in the circle ABED, are projected to p and q in the line of mea- sures BD. But Cp = tan CA^ = tan ^ECP (20.3) ; and pAq being a right angle (31.3), Cq == cotan Ckp = cotan JECP. Cor. The projected pole of the primitive is its centre ; and the projected pole of a right circle lies in the primitive. Art. 153. If two planes cut the sphere, and also intersect each other, and from the points where their common section meets the spherical surface, taken as poles, two circles be described at equal distances from those poles ; the arcs of these circles, intercepted between the cutting planes, on the same side of the common section, are equal to each other Case 1. When the cutting planes both pass through the centre of the sphere. Let ABDPLG, ACEP, be the cutting planes; AP, their com- mon section ; BC, DE, the inter- • cepted arcs ; BF, CF, DH, EH, the common sections of their planes and the cutting planes. It is to be proved that BC=DE. Because the cutting planes pass 24 q* 186 SECTION V. through the centre of the sphere, their common section AP is a diameter to each of the circles formed by the spherical surface and the cutting planes. And since A, P, are the poles of the circles BC and DE, the line AP is perpendicular to the planes of those circles (Art. 45, Def. 2) ; therefore, AFB, AFC, PHD, PHE are right angles (def. 1.2 sup.) ; whence FB is parallel to HD, and FC to HE (28.1) ; conse- quently, the angle BFC = DHE (9.2 sup). The lines BF, CF, DH, EH, are also equal, because they are sines of equal arcs ; wherefore, BC = DE (26.3). Case 2. When one of the cutting planes passes through the centre of the sphere, and the other does not. Let ABDP be the common section of the spherical surface and the cutting plane, which passes through the centre; ACEP, the common section of the same surface and the other plane ; AP, the common sec- tion of the planes; BC and DE, as before, the intercepted arcs of the circles described from A and P ; O, the centre of the sphere, and consequently of ABDP ; BF, DH, the common sections of the planes of the circles BC, DE, and the plane of ABDP ; N, I, the intersections of BF, DH, with the line AP. Join AO, PO, FC, NC, HE, IE, AC, PE; then, as in the first case, BF, CF, DH, EH, being sines of equal arcs, are equal to each other ; and AFB, PHD, right angles : AF, PH, are also equal, being versed sines of equal arcs. Now, in the triangle AOP, the side AO = OP ; wherefore, OAP = OPA; then, in the triangles AFN, PHI, we have AF=PH; the angle FAN=HPI, and AFN- PHI ; whence (26.1), AN = PI, and FN=HI. Then, in the triangles ANC, PIE, we have AC = PE (29.3), AN = PI, and the angle NAC = IPE SPHERICAL PROJECTIONS. IB* (21.3) ; consequently, NC = IE (4.1). Lastly, in the trian- gles CFN, EHI, the sides are respectively equal ; wherefore the angle NFC = IHE (8.1), and consequently the arc BC — DE (26.3). Case 3. When neither of the cutting planes passes through the centre of the sphere. Through the common section of these planes and the cen- tre of the sphere, let a third plane pass ; then, by the last case, the arcs of one of those equidistant circles, intercepted between the third plane and each of the others, are respect- ively equal to the corresponding arcs of the other similarly intercepted : and, therefore, their sums or differences are also equal. But, when the third plane passes between the other two, the sum of the arcs contained between it and the other planes is the arc in question. When it passes on the same side of them, the difference is the arc proposed. Art. 154. Let EFGH, efgh, be the projections of two equal circles, of which EFGH is as far from its pole P as efgh is from the projecting point ; then any two right lines EP, FP, drawn through P, will intercept the representatives of equal arcs of those circles; on the same side, if P falls within the circles ; but on the contrary side, if it falls without ; that is, EF = e/, and GH =£•/?. 188 SECTION V. For (Art. 153) two planes passing through the projecting point and the pole of the original circle, which is represented by EFGH, will cut off equal arcs from those circles. And those planes will (Art. 143) be projected into right lines, which will evidently pass through the projected pole P. Cor. 1. Let a circle be project- ed into a right line EF at right angles to the line of measures I EG; and from C, the centre of the primitive, let a circle be de- scribed through P, the projected pole of EF ; then any two lines PE, PF, will cut off from the circle an arc, ef, containing the same number of degrees as the arc which is represented by EF. And the arc, intercepted between PE and PF, of any other circle which passes through P, will contain the same number of degrees. For any circle which is projected into a right line, must pass through the projecting point (Arts. 143, 144) ; and, therefore, the distance of that circle from its pole is the same as the distance of the pole from the projecting point. Con- sequently, the projected circle through P represents an origi- nal circle, as far from the projecting point as the circle which is projected into EF is from its own pole. Hence, EF and ef represent equal arcs. The latter part of the corollary is evident from 26.3. Cor. 2. If two right lines be drawn through the projected SPHERICAL PROJECTIONS. 189 pole of a great circle, the intercepted arc of that circle will contain the same number of degrees as the intercepted arc of the primitive. For any great circle is distant 90° from its pole ; and the primitive is 90° from the projecting point. Cor. 3. If, from the point where two projected great cir- cles cut each other, two right lines are drawn through the projected poles of those circles, the intercepted arc of the primitive circle will measure the spherical angle made by those circles at the point of their inter sec ti<*i. For the arc of a great circle, contained between the poles of two other great circles, is the measure of the angle which the axes of these circles make with each other ; and that angle is the same as the inclination of the planes of those circles (Cor., Art. 47). Scholium. If the circles of the sphere were to be projected on a plane parallel to the plane of the primitive, the projec- tions would be similar to those on the plane of the primitive itself; for the projecting line, when carried round on the cir- cumference of a circle which does not pass through the projecting point, forms a conical surface ; and that surface being cut by the plane of the primitive, and by any other p-lane parallel thereto, the sections are similar, but of greater or less dimensions. Thus projecting on the plane of a less circle parallel to the primitive, instead of projecting on the primitive itself, would be only changing the scale. In the subsequent parts, however, of this section, the plane of the primitive will be used. In the following problems, the primitive circle is always supposed to be described with the chord of 60° ; and the secant, tangent, and semitangent referred to, are such as correspond to the scale used for the primitive. These differ- ent lines are frequently marked by the side of the scale of chords, on the small scales introduced into boxes of mathe- 25 190 SECTION V. matical instruments ; but more frequently on the foot or two feet scales, which contain Gunter's lines. Art. 155. Problem. To describe a circle parallel to the primitive, at a given number of degrees from its pole. E From the centre of the primitive, with a radius equal to the semitangent of the given distance of the circle from its own pole, describe the circle required. Or draw the diameters AB, DE at right angles to each other; and from the extremity E of one of them, lay off the proposed number of degrees on the primitive as EF ; join DF, cutting AB in G; from the centre C, at the distance CG, describe the circle required. The radius CG is the tangent of CDG, or semitangent of EF, as it ought to be (Cor., Case 1, Art. 144). SPHERICAL PROJECTIONS. 191 Art. 156. Prob. To describe a less circle at right angles to the primitive, and at a given distance from its own pole. Let B be the pole of the circle proposed ; through C, the centre of the primitive, and the pole B, draw the right line CD ; from C to D, lay down the secant of the given distance ; from the centre D, with a radius equal to the tangent of the same distance, describe the circle proposed. Or, from B, lay- down BE on the primitive ; join CE ; draw ED touching the circle; from D, with the distance DE, describe the circle proposed. It is obvious that DE is the tangent, and CD the secant, of BE, as they ought to be, Art. 145. Art. 157. Trob. To describe an oblique circle at a given distance from a given pole. hetp be the projected pole ; through p draw the line of measures ApB ; apply C/>, the dis- tance of the given pole from the centre of the primitive, to the line Qf semitangents ; and, having found the num- ber of degrees, thus measured, in Cp, take the sum and difference of this number and the distance of the proposed circle from its own pole ; lay down these results taken from the semitangents, on the line of measures, from C to g and/; on the diameter fg de- scribe the circle required. Or, having drawn the line of measures, draw the diameter DCE at right angles to it; draw Dp to meet the primitive in P ; from P, lay down on the primitive PF, PG, each equal to the given distance of the circle from its pole ; draw DF, DG, cutting the line of mea- sures in /and g; on fg describe a circle ; it will be the circle required. 192 SECTION V. This construction follows from Art. 150. Scholium. This method is applicable to great circles as well as less ; but the former cases are conveniently managed by other methods hereafter given. Art. 158. Prob. To describe a great circle, the projected pole of which is given in position. Case 1. When the given pole is in the primitive circle. Through the given pole draw the line of measures ; and at right angles thereto draw a diameter to the primitive circle ; this diameter will represent the circle proposed. Because the pole is in the primitive, the original circle is at right angles to the primitive (Art. 45, Cor.. Def. 3) ; and, being a great circle, it must pass through the poles of the primitive. Consequently (Art. 143, Cor. 1), it is represented by a right line through the centre of the primitive, at right angles to the line of measures. Case 2. When circle. the given pole is within the primitive Let p be the projected pole ; through p draw the line of measures CpG; apply Cp to the line of semitangents ; take CG equal to the tangent of the number of degrees in Cp; from G, as a centre, with the seGant of the same number of degrees, describe the circle D DHE, which will be the one required. Or, draw the diameter DCE at right angles to the line of measures ; join Dp, and produce it to the circumference in P ; make PF = PE ; draw DF cutting the line of measures in G ; from the centre G, with the radius GD, describe the SPHERICAL PROJECTIONS. 193 circle DHE, the circle proposed. The line Cp is the projec- tion of an arc of a great circle, intercepted between the pole of the primitive and the pole of the circle proposed ; and that arc measures the inclination of those circles (Art. 47, Cor). The arc is also projected into a line of semitangents (Art. 143, Cor. 2) ; hence Cp, measured on the semitangents, or the arc PE, indicates the same inclination. But, by the con- struction, CG is the tangent and GD the secant of PE ; con- sequently (Art. 146), DHE is the circle, whose pole is j>. Art. 159. Prob. Through two given points, to describe a great circle. Let A, B be the given points ; through the centre of the pri- mitive and one of the given points draw the right line ACF. If that line passes through B, the business is done ; for ACF is the projec- tion of a great circle at right angles to the primitive (Art. 143, Cor. 1). But if ACF does not pass through B, apply CA to the line of semi- tangents, and make CF the semitangent of the supplement of CA ; through ABF describe a circle, and the thing is done. Or, draw the diameter DCE at right angles to ACF ; draw DAG cutting the primitive in G ; draw the diameter GCH ; join DH ; and let DH, produced if necessary, cut AF in F ; and through ABF describe the circle ABF, as before. From the construction, it is obvious that AF is the projec- tion of a semicircle ; consequently, any circle which passes through A and F must be a great one (converse to Cor. 3, Def. 1, Art. 45). 25 194 SECTION V. Art. 160. Prob. About a given pole, to describe a circle through a given point. Let p be the given pole and B the given point ; through p and B describe a great circle (Art. 159) ; and draw BF touching it in B (17.3) ; draw, from the centre of the primi- tive, the right line C/)F, meeting the tangent in F ; from the centre F, at the distance FB, describe the circle BGH ; and the work is done. The centre of a circle whose pole is p is in the line of mea- sures QoF (Cor. to Case 2, Art. 144). The circle />B, passing through the pole p of the proposed circle, is at right angles to it (Cor. to Def. 3, Art. 45) ; hence the radii of their pro- jections, drawn to the point of their intersection, must also be at right angles to each other (Art. 149) ; consequently, the centre of the required circle is in the tangent BF (18.3) ; it is, therefore, at the intersection of Cp and BF. Art. 161. Prob. To find the poles of a given projected circle FNG. E Through the centre of the given circle and centre C of the primitive, draw the right line FCGP, cutting the given circle SPHERICAL PROJECTIONS. 135 in F and G. Measure CF and CG on the line of semitan- gents ; take the half sum or half difference of these measures, according as F and G are on the same or opposite sides of C, and lay its semitangent from C to p ; then is p one of the poles required : observing, however, that p must be on the same side of C as the centre of the given circle. Lay down CP from the semitangents equal to the supplement of Cp, and on the opposite side of C ; then is P the other pole required. Or, draw the diameter ACE at right angles to FG ; draw also AG, AF, cutting the primitive in L and M ; bisect LM in I ; join AI, cutting FG in p ; draw the diameter IH to the primitive circle ; draw AH, produced if necessary, to meet FG produced in P ; then p and P are the poles required. When the circle is a great one, as AGE, the poles may be found with more facility in a different manner. Draw FC from the centre of the given circle to the centre of the primitive, and produce it. Measure CF on the line of tangents: take half the number of degrees thus found, and lay down the tangent of this result from C towards F to p ; and its cotangent in the opposite direction to P ; then will p and P be the poles required. Or, draw the diameter ACE at right angles to FC ; join AF ; bisect the angle CAF by the line Apl, cutting FC in p and the primitive circle in I ; draw the diameter IH and the line AHP as before ; then p and P are the poles required. 196 SECTION V. E In the case of the less circle, CG is the semitangent of EL, and CF the semitangent of EM; consequently (i\.rt. 150) EL and EM are equal to the least and greatest dis- tances of the original circle represented by FNG, from the pole of the primitive opposite the projecting point. Hence EI, half the difference of EM and EL, when F and G are on opposite sides of C (as in the figure), or half the sum when F and G are on the same side, is the distance of the pole of the original circle from the pole of the primitive. Cp, the semitangent of EI, is therefore the distance of the projected pole of FNG from the centre of the primitive (Art. 142). And the projected pole lies in the line which joins the centre of the projected circle and the centre of the primitive (Art. 144, Cor. to Case 2). Also, p and P are on the same project- ed great circle, at the distance of 180°; hence, P is the pole opposite to p. In the case of the great circle, CF is the tangent of CAF, the inclination of AGE to the primitive (Art. 146, Cor. 1). But, by the construction, ECI = CAF ; consequently, the arc EI measures the distance of the pole of the original circle, represented by AGE, from the pole of the primitive (Cor. to Art. 47). Hence Cp, the semitangent of EI, is equal to the distance of the projected pole of AGE from the centre of the primitive (Art. 142). SPHERICAL PROJECTIONS. E 197 Art. 162. Prob. To describe a great circle making a given angle with the primitive at a given point A. Draw through the given point the diameter ACE ; and through C, the centre of the primitive circle, draw a line CF at right angles to AE ; make the angle CAF = the angle proposed ; and from F, the intersection of AF, and CF, de- scribe the circle AGE ; which will be the circle required. Or, from the centre of the primitive, with the tangent of the given angle, describe an arc; from the point A, with the secant of the same angle, describe an arc cutting the former • and from the point of intersection describe, through the point A, the circle AGE. This construction is obvious from Art. 146. When the given angle is a right one, the lines AF and CF are parallel ; hence, in that case, the centre of the required circle is at an infinite distance ; consequently, the circle be- comes a right line passing through the centre of the primitive. See Cor. 1, Art. 143. Art. 163. Prob. Through a given point P, to describe a great circle, making a given angle with the primitive. From the centre of the primitive, with the tangent of the given angle, describe an arc; from the given point, with the secant of the same angle, describe an arc cutting the former in F ; from the centre F, through P, describe the circle APB ; this will be the circle required. 26 198 SECTION V. Or, through P draw the diameter DE ; at the cen- tre C erect a perpendicular CG ; make the angle CDG = the given angle; from C, through G, describe an arc ; and from P, with the distance DG, describe an- other, cutting the former in F ; then F is the centre of the required circle. This, like the last, de- pends upon Art. 146. N. B. If the circles described from C and P do not meet, the problem is then impossible ; and this case occurs when the required angle is less than that which would be measured by PD, taken on the scale of semitangents from 90° towards the beginning of the scale. Art. 164. Prob. To describe a great circle, making at a given point P a given angle with a given great circle APB. Through the given point P draw the diameter DE, meeting the circle again in H; find F the centre of the given circle; draw FI at right angles to DE ; join PF ; make the angle FPL = the given angle ; then, from L, describe the circle MPN ; this is the circle required. The line FI, being at right angles to PH, bisects it (3.3) ; consequently, every circle whose centre is in FI, and which passes through P, will also pass through H. Now, as APB and DCE are the projections of great circles, PBH is the projection of a semicircle (Cor. to Def. 3, Art. 45) ; hence, any other circle passing through P and H must be a great circle. MPN is therefore a great circle ; also (Art. 147) the angle BPN = FPL. SPHERICAL PROJECTIONS. 199 Art. 165. Prob. Through a given point P, to describe a great circle making a given angle with a given great circle DE. Find the pole of the given circle (Art. 161); about that pole describe a circle GFH at a distance equal to the measure of the given angle (Arts. 155-6-7); about the point P as a pole, describe a great circle IFK, cutting GFH in F and K (Art. 158) ; about D one of those points F as a pole, describe the great circle LPM; and the work is done. Since P is the pole of IFK, every point in that circle is 90° from P ; consequently, the great circle whose pole F is in IFK, must pass through P. And as the distance of the poles of two great circles is the measure of the angle which those circles make with each other, the construction is manifest. If the given angle is a right one, the circle must be de- scribed through P and the pole of DE, by Art. 159. Art. 166. Prob. To describe a great circle making given angles with two given great circles AB and CD. See fig. on page 200. Find the poles r, s of the given circles (Art. 161) ; describe about r and ft less circles, at distances respectively equal to the measures of the given angles (Art. 157) ; from the inter- section E of these circles, as a pole, describe the great circle FG (Art. 158) ; that circle is the one required. This construction evidently depends upon the principle, that the distance between the poles of two great circles is the measure of their inclination (Cor. to Art. 47). If the circle to be described is to be at right angles to each of those which are given, it must be described through their poles, by Art. 159. in SECTION V. Art. 167. Prob. To describe a right circle (that is, a great circle at right angles to the primitive) making a given angle with a given great circle CD. Find s, the pole of CD ; about s describe a circle at a dis- tance equal to the measure of the given angle ; from the point H, where this circle cuts the primitive, lay down HI, on the primitive, = 90° ; through I draw the diameter IL, the right circle required. Every great circle at right angles to the primitive is pro- jected into a right line through its centre (Art. 143, Cor. 1). [Note. There is a limit in this and the last article. If, in Art. 166, the circles about r and s do not meet ; or, in this article, if the circle about s does not meet the primitive ; the problem is impossible.] Scholium. When the proposed angle is a right one, lay down 90' from C on the primitive circle ; and through the point thus found draw a diameter for the right circle required. Art. 168. Prob. Through a given point Z, to describe a great circle which shall touch a given less circle ABC. From Z, as a pole, describe the great circle DGE (Art SPHERICAL PROJECTIONS. 201 158) ; find P the internal pole of ABC (Art. 161), and Q the opposite pole ; about Q de- scribe a circle FGH, at a dis- tance from Q equal to the complement of PB, the dis- tance of ABC from its own pole (Arts. 155-6-7); from the point G, where these cir- cles cut each other, taken as a pole, describe the great cir- cle ZIL (Art. 158) ; this cir- cle will touch the given circle ABC. Through PGQ de- scribe a circle cutting ABC in I ; this will be a great circle, because P and Q are opposite poles, and PI 4- QG are by- construction = 90° ; hence GI === 90° : and G being the pole of ZIL, that circle must pass through I, and make the angle ZIP a right angle. Hence (Art. 55) PI is less than any other arc of a great circle contained between P and ZIL ; there- fore, those circles touch each other at I. Art. 169. Prob. To lay down a given number of degrees on a given great circle, or to measure an arc of it. Case 1. When the given circle is the primitive, lay down or measure the arc by the scale of chords. For the primitive is an original circle, and is therefore measured as in common Geometry. Case 2. When the given circle is a right one, that is, one passing through the centre of the primitive, lay down or measure the arc on the scale of semitangents (Art. 143, Cor. 2), observing that an arc beginning at the centre of the pri- mitive must be measured from the beginning of the scale ; but one beginning at the primitive must be measured from the 90th degree on the scale towards the beginning or end of the scale, according as the arc extends towards or from the centre of the primitive. 26 202 SECTION V. Or, let ACB be the right cir- cle; draw the diameter DCE at right angles to AB ; then, to lay down any proposed number of degrees from A or C, lay them on the primitive from A or E to F ; join DF, cutting AB in G ; or, to measure AG or CG, draw DG to cut the primitive in F ; then AF is the measure of AG, and EF of CG. Suppose the figure to revolve on AB till CD becomes per- pendicular to the plane of projection; then is D the project- ing point, and AEB the semicircle passing through the pole of the primitive ; consequently, AG is the projection of AF, and CG of EF. Case 3. When the given circle is an oblique one. Let DUE be the circle ; find its internal pole I (Art. 161) ; then, to lay down an arc HL or EL, lay the proposed num- ber of degrees on the primitive from A or E to F, and join IF, cutting the given circle in L, the point required ; or, to mea- sure HL or EL, join IL, and produce it to F in the primitive ; then AF is the measure of HL, and EF of EL. The primitive circle is as far from the projecting point, as DHE is from its pole ; therefore (Art. 154), the right lines IA, IF, cut off corresponding arcs AF, HL. Art. 170. Prob. To lay down any proposed number of degrees on a less circle, or to measure a given arc of it. Case 1. When the given less circle is parallel to the primitive. Lay the proposed number of degrees on the primitive circle; and through the extremities of the arc draw right lines to the centre ; the intercepted arc of the less circle is SPHERICAL PROJECTIONS. 203 that proposed ; or, to measure the arc, draw right lines from the centre, through its extremi- ties, to the primitive, and mea- sure the intercepted arc of the latter. Thus BH is the measure of IL, and EH of ML ; for the B projected less circle parallel to the primitive is formed by cut- ting the conical surface by a plane parallel to the base ; con- sequently, the projected circle differs from its original in nothing but its dimensions. Case 2. When the circle is not parallel to the primitive. Let ABC be the less cir- cle; find its pole D (Art. 161) ; describe a circle FGH, as far from the pro- jecting point as ABC is from its pole (Art. 155) ; then any arc of ABC may be laid down or measured by the aid of FGH as an arc of a great circle is, by means of the primitive in Art. 169, Case 3 ; observing that an arc of FGH is laid down or measured as directed in Case 1. Thus, I being the centre of the primitive, ML, a part of its circumference, is the measure of FG ; and FG the mea- sure of AE (Art. 154). Art. 171. To measure the angle made by two great circles whose position is given. Find the poles of the circles (Art. 161) ; from the angular point, through those poles, draw two right lines; and the intercepted arc of the primitive is the measure required. 204 SECTION V. Let ACB, ECF, be the circles ; G, I, their poles ; then the arc of a great circle, contained between I and G, would measure the angle ACF (Art. 154, Cor. 3). Or, draw lines from the point of intersection C to the centres of the circles ACB and ECF; then the angle con- tained between these lines will measure the angle ACF (Cor., Def.8). Art. 172. Prob. To form a general projection of the sphere on the plane of a meridian.* Let ZONH denote the me- ridian ; Z, the zenith ; N, the nadir; P, S, the north and south poles; EQ, the equator; HO, the horizon ; then ZE = OP, the latitude of the place. Then, circles being described through P and S, making suc- cessively angles of 15°, 30°, 45°, 60°, 75° and 90°, with the primitive; these will be the meridians, or hour circles, for the different hours. A few examples will now be given to exercise the student in Spherical Projections and Calculations. Of Rectangular Spherical Triangles. 1. Given, the hypothenuse 70° 15', and the adjacent angle 30° 30', to find the rest. * See Definitions, page 217. SPHERICAL PROJECTIONS. 205 Construction. Describe the primitive circle ABC, and the oblique great circle ADC, making the given angle with the pri- mitive at the point A (Art. 162); on AD lay AE equal to the given hypothenuse (Art. 169) ; and through F, the pole of the primitive, and the point E, describe the great circle FEG, cutting the primitive circle in G; then AGE is the triangle proposed, of which G is the right angle. Calculation. As rad : cos A : : tan AE : tan AG (Art. 62) = 67° 23'. As rad : sin A : : sin AE : sin EG (Art. 58) F 28° 32'. As rad : cos AE : : tan A : cot AEG (Art. 64) = 78° 45'. It is obvious, from the construction, that there is no ambi- guity in this problem ; for the points E and F being given, the great circle passing through them can have but one position. Again, the side EG is of the same affection as the angle A (Art. 56) ; also, AG is of the same affection with EG, or a different one, according as AE is less or greater than a quad- rant (Art. 57) ; and the angle AEG is of the same affection as AG (Art? 56). 2. Given, the hypothenuse 125° 25', and one leg 37° 40', to find the rest. Construction. Having described the primitive ^ : icle ABC, lay AG on it equal the given leg; through G and the 27 206 SECTION V. pole F, draw the right circle GFE ; from the point A, as a pole, at a distance equal to the hy- pothenuse (or from the opposite pole C with its supplement), describe a less circle DEH (by Art. 156), cutting GFE in E ; through A and E describe the great circle AEC (Art. 159) ; then AGE is the triangle proposed. Calculation. rad : cos EAG (Art. 62) = 123° 18'. rad : sin AEG (Art. 58)- 48° 34'. rad : cos EG (Art. 65) = 137° 4'. In this problem there is no ambiguity ; for the angle AEG is of the same affection with the side AG (Art. 56) ; EG is of the same affection with AG, when*AE is less than a quad- rant, and of a different one when AE is greater (Art. 57) ; and the angle EAG is of the same affection as EG (Art. 56). As tan AE As sin AE As cos AG tan AG sin AG : : cos AE 3. Given, one leg 75° 26', and the adjacent an- gle 40° 10', to find the rest. Construction. Describe the primitive circle ABC, and the oblique great cir- cle AEC, making BAC equal to the given angle (by Art. 162); on the primitive lay AG equal the given leg; and through SPHERICAL PROJECTIONS. 207 G and the pole of the primitive, draw the right circle GEF, cutting AC in E ; then is AGE the triangle in question. Calculation. As rad : sin AG : : tan A : tan EG (Art. 60) = 39° 15'. As cos A : rad : : tan AG : tan AE (Art. 62) = 78° 46'. As rad : sin A : : cos AG : cos AEG (Art. 67) = 80° 40'. This problem includes no ambiguous case ; for the side EG and the angle at E are respectively of the same affection with the angle A and the side AG (Art. 56) ; and the hypo- thenuse is less or greater than a quadrant, according as AG and GE are of the same or different affections (Art. 57). 4. Given, one leg 36° 45', and the opposite angle 42° 16', to find the rest. Construction. Describe the primitive circle ABC, and the oblique great cir- cle AC, making at the point A an angle equal to the given one (Art. 162) ; i about the pole F of the primitive, at a distance equal to the complement of the given leg, describe a less circle, cutting the oblique circle AC in E (Art. 155); through E and the pole F describe the great circle GEF (Art. 159), cutting the primitive in G ; then AGE is the triangle pro- posed. Calculation. As sin A : sin EG : : rad : sin AE (Art. 58) = \ 62 ° 49 '' ( 117° 11'., 208 SECTION V. As tan A : tan EG : : rad : sin AG (Art. 60) = j As cos EG : cos A : : rad : sin AEG