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 F.R S., F.R.G.S., ETC. ETC. 
 i: I also am a Tiger." Puss. 
 A X D X E W Y O II K 
 Pfi Eogal p?u$tt0s tjje prince of Males 
 MANY years have passed since the love of sport and natural 
 history influenced my early life; thank God, I cannot yet 
 exclaim, " The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak," although 
 increasing years have weighted the activity which in youth 
 was the charm of a hunter's being. The only advantage which 
 years possess is the long experience of the past, as theories 
 which were uncertain have been proved by facts. 
 When a title is worded " Wild beasts and their ways," it 
 may be inferred that the " wild beasts " are to be killed, and 
 that we must thoroughly understand their " ways " before we 
 can undertake the killing ; this will involve a practical study 
 of natural history in the most interesting form. 
 It should be distinctly understood that a vast gulf separates 
 the true sportsman from the merciless gunner. The former 
 studies nature with keen enjoyment, and shoots his game with 
 judgment and forbearance upon the principles of fair-play, 
 sparing the lives of all females should the animals be harmless; 
 he never seeks the vain glory of a heavy game-list. The 
 gunner is the curse of the nineteenth century ; his one idea is 
 to use his gun, his love is slaughter, indiscriminate and bound- 
 less, to swell the long account which is his boast and pride. 
 Such a man may be expert as a gunner, but he is not a sports- 
 man, and he should be universally condemned. 
 In the description of wild animals I shall confine myself to
 viii PREFACE 
 those which I have experienced personally. I shall not pre- 
 tend to attempt a comprehensive list of others which I have 
 not seen. 
 An ordinary book upon " Natural History " must necessarily 
 be a compilation, in which facts, unproved, and theories upon 
 a scientific basis, but originating in a museum, are the founda- 
 tion for the literary superstructure. All such works are in- 
 valuable to the hunter and practical naturalist, as, without 
 them, he would be like a ship devoid of chart and compass. 
 I venture to intrude my experiences upon the public, in the 
 hope of producing undeniable evidence concerning the habits 
 and characters of the beasts I have known, but, if I touch 
 lightly upon others, I do not profess in such cases to appear as 
 an authority. On the other hand, all that I describe may be 
 depended upon, as the result of a long life's observation in 
 many portions of the world, during which, although devoted 
 since my boyhood to the rifle, I have never hunted without a 
 keen sense of enjoyment in studying the habits of the animals 
 In treating the wide subject comprised in the title, I shall 
 commence the first chapter by a retrospect of the arms neces- 
 sary for the destruction of wild animals, and exhibit the 
 progress that has been developed since the commencement of 
 my own experience nearly fifty years ago. 
 THE ELEPHANT (Elepkas) ... ... 17 
 THE ELEPHANT (continued) 44 
 THE ELEPHANT (continued) 70 
 THE TIGER (Felis Tigris) . . . 87 
 THE TIGER (continued) . . . . 104
 THE TIGER (continued) . 144 
 THE LEOPARD (Felis Pardus and Leopardus) . . .158 
 THE LION (Fdis Leo) . . . . . .177 
 THE BEAR (Ursus) 196 
 THE BEAR (continued) 231 
 THE HIPPOPOTAMUS . . .... 241 
 THE CROCODILE (Crocodilits) 254 
 THE BUFFALO (Bitlxtltis) . 266
 THE AMERICAN BUFFALO (Bos Bison Americanus) . .283 
 THE RHINOCEROS .... ... 290 
 THE BOAR (Sus Scropha) . . . . . . .304 
 THE GIRAFFE (Camelopardalis, L.) . . . .326 
 AFRICAN ANTELOPES (A. Biibalis) 339 
 THE DEER (Ccrvidcc) . . . .353
 CERVID^E (continued) ... .... 375 
 THE WAPITI (Cerrus Canaihnsis) . . . .377 
 THE SAMBCR (G. Aristotelis) . .... 408. 
 THE SPOTTED DEER (G. Axis) : HOG-DEER (C. Porcinus) . 435 
 THE MONARCH Frontispiece 
 " I ALSO AM A TIGER." Puss . ... Vignette 
 AFRICAN ELEPHANT. ..... To face page 19 
 "Civis AFRICANUS SUM". . . . . 177 
 Bos CAFFRE AND LIONS . . . . . 182 
 WOUNDED BROWN BEAR ..... ,,196 
 THE HIPPOPOTAMUS ..... ,,241 
 INDIAN RHINOCEROS To face page 290 
 BLACK-BUCK THE START . . . . 331 
 Page 122, line 42, for "an expected charge" read "eyes well open for a 
 Page 123, lines 23, 24, for "perfect discipline" read "the result of such 
 Page 195, lines 25, 26, read "six cutting (cheek) teeth, six incisors, and 
 two canines in each jaw." 
 Page 276, lines 27, 28, for "and I knocked over another " read " I assumed 
 the offensive, and knocked over another. " 
 Page 294, line 35, for " the longest one I have ever shot " read " the 
 longest I have ever shot." 
 Page 357, line 38, for " Prada " read " Prater." 
 Page 378, lines 42, 43, for "although I was tolerably weather-proof" 
 read "although tolerably weather-proof."
 FORTY years ago our troops were armed with a smooth-bore 
 musket, and a small force known as the " Rifle Brigade " was the 
 exception to this rule. 
 The military rifle carried a spherical bullet, and, like all others 
 of the period, it necessitated the use of a mallet to strike the ball, 
 which, being a size larger than the bore, required the blow to force 
 it into the rifling of the barrel in order to catch the grooves. 
 Sporting rifles were of various sizes, but they were constructed 
 upon a principle generally accepted, that extreme accuracy could 
 only be obtained by burning a very small charge of powder. 
 The outfit required a small mallet made of hardwood faced with 
 thick buff leather, a powerful loading-rod, a powder-flask, a pouch 
 to contain greased linen or silk patches ; another pouch for per- 
 cussion caps ; a third pouch for bullets. In addition to this cum- 
 bersome arrangement, a nipple-screw was carried, lest any stoppage 
 might render necessary the extraction of the nipple. 
 The charge of powder in ordinary use for a No. 16 bore (which 
 carried an ounce spherical ball) was 1| dram, and the sights were 
 adjusted for a maximum range of 200 yards. Although at this 
 distance considerable accuracy could be attained at the target upon 
 a quiet day, it was difficult to shoot with any precision at an un- 
 measured range owing to the high trajectory of the bullet. Thus 
 for sporting purposes it was absolutely essential that the hunter 
 should be a first-rate judge of distance in order to adjust the sights 
 as required by the occasion. It was accordingly rare to meet with 
 a good rifle-shot fifty years ago. Rifle-shooting was not the 
 amusement sought by Englishmen, although in Switzerland and 
 Germany it was the ordinary pastime. In those countries the
 match -rifle was immensely heavy, weighing, in many instances, 
 10 Ibs., although the bullet was exceedingly small. 
 The idea of non-recoil was paramount as necessary to ensure 
 It will be at once perceived that the rifle was a most inferior 
 weapon, failing through a low velocity, high trajectory, and weak- 
 ness of penetration. 
 In 1840, I had already devoted much attention to this subject, 
 and I drew a plan for an experimental rifle to burn a charge of 
 powder so large that it appeared preposterous to the professional 
 opinions of the trade. I was convinced that accuracy could be 
 combined with power, and that no power could be obtained without 
 a corresponding expenditure of powder. Trajectory and force would 
 depend upon velocity ; the latter must depend upon the volume of 
 gas generated by explosion. 
 The rifle was made by Gibbs of Bristol. The weight was 21 
 Ibs., length of barrel 36 inches, weight of spherical belted bullet 
 3 ounces, of conical bullet 4 ounces, charge of powder 16 drams. 
 The twist was one full turn in the length of barrel. The rifling 
 was an exceedingly deep and broad groove (two grooves), which 
 reduced the difficulty of loading to a minimum, as the projecting 
 belt enabled the bullet to catch the channel instantly, and to 
 descend easily when wrapped in a greased silk patch without the 
 necessity of hammering. The charge of powder was inserted by 
 inverting the rifle and passing up the loading-rod with an ounce 
 measure screwed to the end ; this method prevented the powder 
 from adhering to the sides of the barrel, and thus fouling the grooves. 
 An extraordinary success attended this rifle, which became my 
 colossal companion for many years in wild sports with dangerous 
 game. It will be observed that the powder charge was one-third 
 the weight of the projectile, and not only a tremendous crushing 
 power, but an extraordinary penetration was obtained, never 
 equalled by any rifle that I have since possessed. 
 This weapon was in advance of the age, as it foreshadowed the 
 modem Express, and the principle was thoroughly established to 
 my own satisfaction, that a sporting rifle to be effective at a long 
 range must burn a heavy charge of powder, but the weight of the 
 weapon should be in due proportion to the strain of the explosion. 
 When I first visited Ceylon in 1845, there were several 
 renowned sportsmen who counted their slain elephants by many 
 hundreds, but there were no rifles. Ordinary smooth-bore shot- 
 guns were the favourite weajxms, loaded invariably with a double 
 charge of powder auil a hardened ball. In those days the usual
 calibre of a gun was No. 14 or 16. A No. 12 was extremely rare. 
 The charge for No. 16 was 2f drams of fine grain powder, and 
 3 drains for No. 12. Accordingly, the light guns, or "fowling- 
 pieces," as they were termed, were severely tested by a charge of 
 6 drams of the strongest powder with a hardened bullet ; never- 
 theless I never heard of any failure. 
 At a short range the velocity and penetration of an ounce 
 spherical ball, with the heavy powder charge, were immense, but 
 beyond 50 yards the accuracy was imperfect. 
 I believe I was the first to introduce rifles into Ceylon, which 
 were then regarded by the highest authorities in the island as im- 
 practical innovations, too difficult to sight, whereas an ordinary gun 
 could be used with ball more quickly in taking a snap-shot. 
 The rifles which I had provided were heavy, the 3 ounce 
 already mentioned, 21 Ibs., and a long 2 ounce by Blisset, 16 Ibs. 
 The latter was a polygroove, the powder charge only 1J dram 
 when I originally purchased it. It was wonderfully accurate at 
 short ranges with the small charge, which I quickly increased to 6 
 drams, thereby losing accuracy, but multiplying velocity. 
 Twelve months' experience with elephants and buffaloes decided 
 me to order a battery of double-barrelled rifles, No. 10, two-grooved, 
 with 6 drams of fine grain powder, and spherical belted bullets. 
 These were most satisfactory, and they became the starting-point 
 for future experiments. 
 Shortly before the Crimean War, the musket was abolished, 
 and about 1853 the British army was armed throughout with 
 rifles. The difficulty of a military rifle lay in the rapid fouling of 
 the barrel, which necessitated a bullet too small to expand suffi- 
 ciently to fill the grooves ; this resulted in inaccuracy. If the 
 bullet were properly fitted, it became impossible to load when the 
 barrel began to foul after a few discharges. 
 At that time I submitted a plan to the authorities which 
 simplified the difficulty, and having left the pattern bullet at 
 Woolwich, it quickly appeared with a slight modification as the 
 "Boxer bullet." My plan designed a cone hollowed at the base. 
 The bullet was a size smaller than the bore, which enabled it to 
 slide easily down the barrel when foul. The hollow base fitted 
 upon a cone of boxwood pointed at the insertion, but broad at the 
 base, which was larger than the diameter of the hollow in the 
 bullet. It may be easily understood that although this compound 
 bullet was smaller than the bore of the rifle, a blow with the 
 ramrod after loading would drive the conical bullet upon the larger 
 diameter of the boxwood coae, which, acting like a wedge, would
 expand the lead, thus immediately secured within the barrel. The 
 expansion when tired drove the boxwood into the centre of the 
 bullet, which of necessity took the rifling. 
 The Boxer bullet superseded the boxwood plug by the use of a 
 piece of burnt clay, which was less expensive and equally serviceable. 
 Before breechloaders were invented, we were obliged to fit out 
 a regular battery of four double rifles for such dangerous game as 
 elephants, buffaloes, etc., as the cialay in re-loading was most 
 annoying and might lead to fatal accidents. 
 In hot damp climates it became necessary to fire off and clean 
 the entire battery every evening, lest a miss-fire should be the 
 consequence upon the following morning from the condensation of 
 moisture in the nipple during night. This was not only great 
 trouble and a wasteful expenditure of ammunition, but the noise of 
 so many loud reports just at the hour when wild animals were on 
 the move, alarmed the country. Trustworthy gun -carriers are 
 always difficult to procure, and it was by no means uncommon 
 that in moments of danger, when the spare rifles were required, 
 the gun-bearers had bolted from the scene, and the master was 
 The introduction of breechloaders has made shooting a luxury, 
 and has obviated the necessity of a large battery of guns. For 
 military purposes the breechloader has manifold advantages as 
 the soldier can load while lying down, and keep up a rapid fire 
 from a secure cover. It was remarked during the Crimean War 
 that a large proportion of wounded men were struck in the right 
 arm, which would have been raised above the head when loading 
 the old-fashioned rifle, and was thus prominently exposed. 
 It is not my intention to enter into the minutia: of military 
 rifles, but I cannot resist the satisfaction with which I regard the 
 triumph of the small-bore which I advocated through the columns 
 of the Times in 1865, at a time when the idea was opposed by 
 nearly all authorities as impracticable, owing to the alleged great 
 drawback of rapid fouling. There can be no doubt that the charge 
 of 70 grains with a small-bore bullet, '303, will have a lower 
 trajectory and higher velocity (equivalent to long range) than the 
 heavier projectile, '450, with the additional advantage of a mini- 
 mum recoil. 
 The earliest in the field of progress was the old-established firm 
 of Purdey and Co. Mr. 1'urdey, before the general introduction 
 of breechloaders, brought out an Express rifle, No. 70 bore, with a 
 mechanically fitting two-groove solid bullet. This small projectile 
 was a well-pointed cone weighing exactly 200 grains, with a powder
 charge of 110 grains, more than half the weight of the bullet. 
 The extremely high velocity of this rifle expanded the pure soft 
 lead upon impact with the skin and muscles of a red deer. At the 
 same time there was no loss of substance in the metal, as the 
 bullet, although much disfigured, remained intact, and continued 
 its course of penetration, causing great havoc by its increased sur- 
 face. Nothing has surpassed this rifle in velocity, although so 
 many improvements have taken place since the introduction of 
 breechloaders, but in the days of muzzle-loaders it was a satisfac- 
 tion to myself that I was the first to commence the heavy charge 
 of powder with the 3 ounce bullet and 16 drams, to be followed 
 after many years by so high an authority as Mr. Purdey with a 
 200 grain bullet and 110 grains of powder, thus verifying the 
 principle of my earliest experience. 
 This principle is now universally accepted, and charges of 
 powder are used, as a rule, which forty years ago would have been 
 regarded as impossible. 
 The modern breechloader in the hands of a well-trained soldier 
 should be a most deadly weapon, nevertheless we do not find a 
 greater percentage of destruction among the numbers engaged than 
 resulted from the old Brown Bess. The reason is obvious : battles 
 are now fought at long ranges, whereas in the early portion of the 
 century fire was seldom opened at a greater distance than .200 
 yards, and the actual struggle terminated at close quarters. 
 A long-range rifle in the excitement of a hot action has several 
 disadvantages. The sights may have been set for 600 or 800 
 yards when the enemy was at a distance, but should that interval 
 be decreased by an approach at speed, the sights would require an 
 immediate readjustment, otherwise the bullets would fly overhead, 
 and the nearer the enemy advanced, the safer he would be. Troops 
 require most careful training with the new weapons entrusted to 
 their care. Although a rapidity of fire if well directed must have 
 a terrible result, there can be no question that it engenders a wild 
 excitement, and that a vast amount of ammunition is uselessly 
 expended, which, if reserved by slower but steady shooting, would 
 be far more deadly. 
 Although the difficulty is great in preventing troops from inde- 
 pendent firing when their blood is up in the heat of combat, the 
 paramount duty of an officer should be to control all wildness, and 
 to insist upon volleys in sections of companies by word of command, 
 the sights of the rifles being carefully adjusted, and a steady aim 
 being taken at the knees of the enemy. 
 There cannot be a better example than the advice upon this
 subject given by the renowned General Wolfe (who was subsequently 
 killed at the siege of Quebec) to the 20th Regiment, of which he 
 was Colonel, when England was hourly expecting an invasion by 
 the French : ..." There is no necessity for firing very fast ; 
 ... a cool well-levelled fire with the pieces carefully loaded is 
 much more destructive than the quickest fire in confusion." At 
 Canterbury, 17th December 1755. 
 This instruction should be sternly impressed upon the minds of 
 all soldiers, as it is the text ujion which all admonitory addresses 
 should be founded. It must not be forgotten that General Wolfe's 
 advice was given to men armed with the old muzzle-loading Brown 
 Bess (musket), which at that time was provided with a lock of 
 flint and steel. Notwithstanding the slowness of fire necessitated 
 by this antiquated weapon, the General cautioned his men by the 
 assurance, " There is no necessity for firing very fast," etc. etc. 
 The breechloader is valuable through the power which exists, 
 especially with repeating rifles, for pouring in an unremitting fire 
 whenever the opportunity may offer, but under ordinary circum- 
 stances the fire should be reserved with the care suggested by the 
 advice of General AVolfe. 
 Small-bores have become the fashion of the day, and for military 
 purposes they are decidedly the best, as a greater amount of 
 ammunition can be carried by the soldier, while at the same time 
 the range and trajectory of his weapon are improved. The new 
 magazine rifle adopted by the Government is only -303, but this 
 exceedingly small diameter will contain 70 grains of powder with a 
 bullet of hard alloy weighing 216 grains. 
 For sporting purposes the small-bore has been universally 
 adopted, but I cannot help thinking that, like many other fashions, 
 it has been carried beyond the rules ot common sense. 
 When upon entering a gunmaker's shop the inexperienced 
 purchaser is perplexed by the array of rifles and guns, varying in 
 their characters almost as much as human l>eings, he should never 
 listen to the advice of the manufacturer until he has asked himself 
 what he really requires. 
 There are many things to be considered before an order should 
 be positively given. What is the rifle wanted for? What is the 
 personal strength of the purchaser 1 ? In what portion of the world 
 is he going to shoot 1 Will he be on foot, or will he shoot from 
 horseback or from an elephant? Will the game be dangerous, or 
 will it IK* confined to deer, etc. ? 
 Not only the weapon but the ammunition will depend upon a 
 reply to these questions, and the purchaser should strongly resist
 the delusion that any one particular description will be perfect as 
 a so-called general rifle. You may as well expect one kind of 
 horse or one pattern of ship to combine all the requirements of 
 locomotion as to suppose that one peculiar rifle will suit every 
 variety of game or every condition of locality. 
 In South Africa accuracy is necessary at extremely long ranges 
 for the open plains, where antelopes in vast herds are difficult of 
 approach. In Indian jungles the game is seldom seen beyond fifty 
 or sixty yards. In America the stalking among the mountains is 
 similar to that of the Scottish Highlands, but upon a larger scale. 
 In Central Africa the distances are as uncertain as the quality of 
 the animals that may be encountered. 
 Upon the level plains of India, where the black-buck forms the 
 main object of pursuit, extreme accuracy and long range combined 
 are necessary, with a hollow Express bullet that will not pass 
 through the body. How is it possible that any one peculiar form 
 of rifle can combine all these requirements'? Rifles must be 
 specially adapted for the animals against which they are to be 
 directed. I have nothing to do with the purse, but I confine my 
 remarks to the weapons and the game, and I shall avoid technical 
 The generally recognised small-bores, all of which are termed 
 " Express " from the large charge of powder, are as follow : 
 Small-bore Charge of Large- Charge of For all Game 
 Express. Powder. bores. Powder. such as 
 577 6| drams 4 bore 14 drains^ ,-,, , 
 500 5f 8 14 I Elephants. 
 450 5 10 12 Rhinoceros. 
 400 4 12 10 Buffaloes. 
 The two latter rifles, '360 and '295, are charming additions, 
 and although capable of killing deer, are only to be recommended 
 as companions for a stroll, but not to be classed as sporting rifles 
 for ordinary game. They are marvellously accurate, and afford 
 great satisfaction for shooting small animals and birds. The '360 
 may be used for shooting black-buck, but I should not recommend 
 it if the hunter possesses a '400. 
 It would be impossible to offer advice that would suit all 
 persons. I can therefore only give a personal opinion according to 
 my own experience. 
 For all animals above the size of a fallow deer and below that 
 of a buffalo I prefer the '577 solid Express 648 grains solid
 bullet, G drnms powtlcr, not GJ, as the charge of only 6 drams 
 produces greater accuracy at long ranges. 
 The weight of this rifle should be 1 1| Ibs., or not exceeding 12 
 Ibs. For smaller game, from fallow deer downwards, I prefer the 
 400 Express with a charge of from 85 grains to 4 drams of powder 
 solid bullet, excepting the case of black-buck, where, on account 
 of numerous villages on the plains, it is necessary that the bullet 
 should not pass through the body. The important question of 
 weight is much in favour of the '400, as great power and velocity 
 are obtained by a weapon of only 8| Ibs. 
 I should therefore limit my battery to one '577, one '400, and 
 one Paradox No. 12, for ordinary game in India, as elephants and 
 other of the larger animals require a special outfit. 
 The Paradox, 1 invented by Colonel Fosberry and manufactured 
 by Messrs. Holland and Holland of Bond Street, is a most useful 
 weapon, as it combines the shot-gun with a rifle that is wonderfully 
 accurate within a range of 100 yards. 
 It is a smooth-bore slightly choked, but severely rifled for only 
 1| inch in length from the muzzle. This gives the spin to the 
 projectile sufficient to ensure accuracy at the distance mentioned. 
 The No. 12 Paradox weighs 8] Ibs. and carries a bullet of 1 
 ounce with 4^ drams of powder. Although the powder charge is 
 not sufficient to produce a high express velocity, the penetration 
 and shock are most formidable, as the bullet is of hardened metal, 
 and it retains its figure even after striking a tough hide and bones. 
 The advantage of such a gun is obvious, as it enables a charge of 
 buck-shot to be carried in the left barrel, while the right is loaded 
 with a heavy bullet that is an admirable bone-smasher ; it also 
 supersedes the necessity of an extra gun for small game, as it shoots 
 No. 6 shot with equal pattern to the best cylinder-bored gun. 
 There are many persons who prefer a '500 or a -450 Express to 
 the '577 or the '400. I have nothing to say against them, but I 
 prefer those I have named, as the '577 is the most fatal weapon 
 that I have ever used, and with G or G.^ drams of powder it is 
 quite equal to any animal in creation, provided the shot is behind 
 the shoulder. This provision explains my reason for insisting that 
 all animals from a buffalo upwards should be placed in a separate 
 category, as it is frequently impossible to obtain a shoulder shot, 
 therefore the rifles for exceedingly heavy game must be specially 
 1 Since this was written Messrs. Holland have succeeded after lengthened 
 experiments in producing a Paradox No. 8, which burns 10 drams of powder, 
 and carries a very heavy bullet with extreme accuracy. This will be a new 
 departure in weapons for heavy game.
 adapted for the work required, so as to command them in every 
 conceivable position. 
 I have shot with every size of rifle from a half-pounder explosive 
 shell, and I do not think any larger bore is actually necessary than 
 a No. 8, with a charge of 12 or 14 drams of powder. Such a rifle 
 should weigh 15 Ibs., and the projectile would weigh 3 ounces of 
 hardened metal. 
 The rifles that I have enumerated would be all double, but 
 should the elephant -hunter desire anything more formidable, I 
 should recommend a single barrel of 36 inches in length of bore, 
 weighing 22 Ibs., and sighted most accurately to 400 yards. Such 
 a weapon could be used by a powerful man from the shoulder at 
 the close range of fifty yards, or it could be fired at long ranges 
 upon a pivot rest, which would enable the elephant-hunter to kill 
 at a great distance by the shoulder shot when the animals were in 
 deep marshes or on the opposite side of a river. I have frequently 
 seen elephants in such positions when it was impossible to approach 
 within reasonable range. A rifle of this description would carry a 
 half-pound shell with a bursting charge of half an ounce of fine 
 grain powder, and the propelling charge would be 16 drams. I 
 had a rifle that carried a similar charge, but unfortunately it was 
 too short, and was only sighted for 100 yards. Such a weapon 
 can hardly be classed among sporting rifles, but it would be a useful 
 adjunct to the battery of a professional hunter in Africa. 
 There can be little doubt that a man should not be overweighted, 
 but that every person should be armed in proportion to his physical 
 strength. If he is too light for a very heavy rifle he must select 
 a smaller bore; if he is afraid of a No. 8 with 14 drams, he must 
 be content with a No. 12 and 10 drams, but although he may be 
 successful with the lighter weapon, he must not expect the per- 
 formance will equal that of the superior power. 
 It may therefore be concluded that for a man of ordinary strength, 
 the battery for the heaviest game should be a pair of double 
 No. 8 rifles weighing 14 or 15 Ibs., to burn from 12 to 14 drams 
 of powder, with a hardened bullet of 3 ounces. Such a rifle will 
 break the bones of any animal from an elephant downwards, and 
 would rake a buffalo from end to end, which is a matter of great 
 importance when the beast is charging. 
 Although the rifle is now thoroughly appreciated, and sportsmen 
 of experience have accepted the Express as embodying the correct 
 principle of high velocity, I differ with many persons of great 
 authority in the quality of projectiles, which require as much con- 
 sideration as the pattern of the gun.
 The Express rifle is ft term signifying velocity, and this is 
 generally accompanied by a hollow bullet, which is intended to 
 serve two purposes to lighten the bullet, and therefore to reduce 
 the work of the powder, and to secure an expansion and smash-up 
 of the lead ujion impact with the animal. I contend that the 
 smashing up of the bullet is a mistake, except in certain cases 
 such as I have already mentioned, where the animal is small and 
 harmless like the black-buck which inhabits level plains in the 
 vicinity of population, and whtre the bullet would be exceedingly 
 dangerous should it pass through the antelope and ricochet into 
 some unlucky village. 
 As I have already advised the purchaser of a rifle to consider the 
 purpose for which he requires the weapon, in like manner I would 
 suggest that he should reflect upon the special purpose for which 
 he requires the- bullet. He should ask himself the questions 
 " What is a bullet ? " and " What is the duty of a bullet ? " 
 A bullet is generally supposed to be a projectile capable of re- 
 taining its component parts in their integrity. The duty of the 
 bullet is to preserve its direct course ; it should possess a power of 
 great penetration, should not be easily deflected, and together with 
 penetrating power it should produce a stunning effect by an over- 
 powering striking energy. 
 How are we to combine these qualities? If the projectile has 
 great penetrating force it will pass completely through an animal, 
 and the striking energy will be diminished, as the force that should 
 have been expended upon the body is expending itself in propelling 
 the bullet after it has passed through the body. This must be 
 wrong, as it is self-evident that the striking energy or knock-down 
 blow must depend upon the resistance which the body offers to the 
 projectile. If the bullet remains within it, the striking energy, 
 complete and entire, without any waste whatever, remains within 
 the body struck. If, therefore, a bullet 'o77 of G48 grains pro- 
 pelled by G drams of powder has at fifty yards a striking energy of 
 .'?500 foot-pounds, that force is expended upon the object struck, 
 provided it is stopped by the opposing body. 
 We should therefore endeavour to prevent the bullet from 
 passing through an animal, if it is necessary to concentrate the full 
 jower of the projectile upon the resisting body. 
 This is one reason adduced in favour of the hollow Express 
 bullet, which smashes up into minute films of lead when it strikes 
 the hard muscles of an animal, owing to its extreme velocity, and 
 the weakness of its parts through the hollowness of its centre. 
 I contend, on the eon t ran', that the bullet has committed
 suicide by destroying itself, although its fragments may have fatally 
 torn and injured the vital organs of the wounded animal. The 
 bullet has ceased to exist, as it is broken into fifty shreds ; there- 
 fore it is dead, as it is no longer a compact body, in fact, it has 
 disappeared, although the actual striking energy of a very inferior 
 bullet may have been expended upon the animal. 
 If the animal is small and harmless, this should be the desired 
 result. If, on the other hand, the animal should be large and 
 dangerous, there cannot be a greater mistake than the hollow 
 Express projectile. 
 I have frequently heard persons of great experience dilate with 
 satisfaction upon the good shots made with their little '450 hollow 
 Express exactly behind the shoulder of a tiger or some other animal. 
 I have also heard of their failures, which were to themselves some- 
 times incomprehensible. A solid Express '577 never fails if the 
 direction is accurate towards a vital part. The position of the 
 animal does not signify; if the hunter has a knowledge of compara- 
 tive anatomy (which he must have, to be a thoroughly successful 
 shot) he can make positively certain of his game at a short distance, 
 as the solid bullet will crash through muscle, bone, and every 
 opposing obstacle to reach the fatal organ. If the animal be a 
 tiger, lion, bear, or leopard, the bullet should have the power to 
 penetrate, but it should not pass completely through. If it should 
 be a wapiti, or sambur stag, the bullet should also remain within, 
 retained in all cases under the skin upon the side opposite to that 
 of entrance. How is this to be managed by the same rifle burning 
 the same charge of powder with a solid bullet ? 
 The penetration must be arranged by varying the material of 
 the bullet. A certain number of cartridges should be loaded with 
 bullets of extreme hardness, intended specially for large thick- 
 skinned animals ; other bullets should be composed of softer metal, 
 which would expand upon the resisting muscles but would not pass 
 completely through the skin upon the opposite side. The cartridges 
 would be coloured for distinction. 
 If the metal is pure lead, the bullet '577, with an initial 
 velocity of 1650 feet per second, will assuredly assume the form of 
 a button mushroom immediately upon impact, and it will increase 
 in diameter as it meets with resistance upon its course until, when 
 expended beneath the elastic hide upon the opposite side, it will 
 have become fully spread like a mature mushroom, instead of the 
 button shape that it had assumed on entrance. I prefer pure lead 
 for tigers, lions, sambur deer, wapiti, and such large animals which 
 are not thick-skinned, as the bullet alters its form and nevertheless
 remains intact, the striking energy being concentrated within the 
 The difference in the striking energy of a hollow bullet from 
 that of a solid projectile is enormous, owing to the inequality in 
 weight The hollow bullet wounds mortally, but it does not always 
 kill neatly. I have seen very many instances where the '500 
 hollow Express with 5 drams of powder has struck an animal well 
 behind the shoulder, or sometimes through the shoulder, and not- 
 withstanding the fatal wound, the beast has galloped off as though 
 untouched, for at least a hundred yards, before it fell suddenly, 
 and died. 
 This is clumsy shooting. The solid bullet of pure lead would 
 have killed upon the spot, as the bullet would have retained its 
 substance although it altered its form, and the shock would have 
 been more severe. The hollow bullet exhibits a peculiar result in 
 a jwst-mortem examination : the lungs may be hopelessly torn and 
 ragged, the liver and the heart may be also damaged, all by the 
 same projectile, because it has been converted into small shot 
 immediately upon impact. Frequently a minute hole will be 
 observed upon the entrance, and within an inch beneath the skin a 
 large aperture will be seen where an explosion appears to have 
 taken place by the breaking-up of the lead, all of which has 
 splashed into fragments scattering in every direction. 
 Common sense will suggest that although such a bullet will kill, 
 it is not the sort of weapon to stop a dangerous animal when in full 
 charge. Weak men generally prefer the hollow Express because 
 the rifle is lighter and handier than the more formidable weapon, 
 and the recoil is not so severe, owing to the lightness of the bullet. 
 My opinion may be expressed in a few words. If you wish 
 the bullet to expand, use soft lead, but keep the metal solid. If 
 you wish for great penetration, use hard solid metal, either -j 1 ^ tin 
 or T 1 T quicksilver. Even this will alter its form against the bones 
 of a buffalo, but either of the above will go clean through a wapiti 
 stag, and would kill another beyond it should the rifle be '577 
 fired with 6 drams of powder. 
 The same rifle will not drive a soft leaden solid bullet through 
 a male tiger if struck directly through the shoulder ; it will be 
 found flattened to a mushroom form beneath the skin upon the 
 other side, having performed its duty effectively, by killing the 
 tiger upon the spot, and retaining intact the metal of which it was 
 A. post-mortem inquiry in the latter case would be most satis- 
 factory. If the bullet shall have struck fair upon the shoulder-
 joint, it will be observed that although it has retained its substance, 
 the momentum has been conveyed to every fragment of crushed 
 bone, which will have been driven forward through the lungs 
 like a charge of buckshot, in addition to the havoc created by the 
 large diameter of an expanded '577 bullet. Both shoulders will 
 have been completely crushed, and the animal must of course be 
 rendered absolutely helpless. This is a sine qua non in all shoot- 
 ing. Do not wound, but kill outright ; and this you will generally 
 do with a '577 solid bullet of pure lead, or with a Paradox bullet 
 If ounce hard metal and 4^ drams of powder. This very large 
 bullet is sufficiently formidable to require no expansion. 
 Gunmakers will not advise the use of pure lead for bullets, as 
 it is apt to foul the barrel by its extreme softness, which leaves a 
 coating of the metal upon the surface of the rifling. For military 
 purposes this objection would hold good, but so few shots are 
 fired at game during the day, that no disadvantage could accrue, 
 and the rifle would of course be cleaned every evening. 
 The accidents which unfortunately so often happen to the 
 hunters of dangerous game may generally be traced to the defect 
 in the rifles employed. If a shooter wishes to amuse himself in 
 Scotland among the harmless red deer, let him try any experiments 
 that may please him ; but if he is a man like so many who leave 
 the shores of Great Britain for the wild jungles of the East, or of 
 Africa, let him at once abjure hollow bullets if he seeks dangerous 
 game. Upon this subject I press my opinion, as I feel the 
 immense responsibility of advice should any calamity occur. It is 
 only a few months since the lamented Mr. Ingram was killed by 
 an elephant in the Somali country, through using a '450 Express 
 hollow bullet against an animal that should at least have been 
 attacked with a No. 10. I submit the question to any admirer of 
 the hollow Express. "If he is on foot, trusting only to his 
 rifle for protection, would he select a hollow Express, no matter 
 whether '577, '500, or '450 ; or would he prefer a solid bullet to 
 withstand a dangerous charge ? " 
 India is a vast empire, and various portions, according to the 
 conditions of localities, have peculiar customs for the conduct of 
 wild sports. In dense jungles, where it would be impossible to 
 see the game if on foot, there is no other way of obtaining a shot 
 than by driving. The gunners are in such case placed at suit- 
 able intervals upon platforms called mucharns, securely fitted 
 between convenient forks among the branches of a tree, about 10 
 or 12 feet above the ground. From this post of vantage the 
 gunner can see without being seen, and, thoroughly protected from
 all danger, lie may amuse himself by comparing the success of his 
 shooting with the hollow Express or with the solid bullet at the 
 animals that pass within his range, which means a limit of about 
 50 yards. I contend that at the short distance named, a tiger 
 should never escajx! from a solid bullet ; he often escapes from the 
 hollow bullet for several reasons. 
 It must be remembered that animals are rarely seen distinctly 
 in a thick jungle, countless twigs and foliage intercept the bullet, 
 and the view, although patent to both open eyes, becomes misty 
 and obscure when you shut one eye and squint along the barrel. 
 You then discover that although you can see the dim shadow of 
 your game, your bullet will have to cut its way through at least 
 twenty twigs before it can reach its goal. A solid bullet may 
 deflect slightly, but it will generally deliver its message direct, 
 unless the opposing objects are more formidable than ordinary 
 small branches. A hollow bullet from an Express rifle will fly 
 into fragments should it strike a twig the size of the little finger. 
 This is quite sufficient to condemn the hollow projectile without 
 any further argument. 
 While writing the above, I have received the Pioneer, 24th 
 June 1888, which gives the following account of an escape from a 
 tiger a few weeks ago by Mr. Cuthbert Fraser, and no better 
 example could be offered to prove the danger of a hollow bullet. 
 It will be seen that a solid bullet would have killed the tiger on 
 the spot, as it would have penetrated to the brain, instead of 
 which it broke into -the usual fragments when striking the hard 
 substance of the teeth, and merely destroyed one eye. The bullet 
 evidently splashed up without breaking the jaw, as the wounded 
 animal was not only capable of killing the orderly, but Mr. Fraser 
 " heard, in fact, the crunching of the man's bones." He says 
 " that he felt that he had the tiger dead when he fired, but the 
 Express bullet unfortunately broke up." He had fired the left- 
 hand barrel into the tiger's chest without the slightest result in 
 checking the onset ; had that been a solid bullet it would have 
 l>enetrated to the heart or lungs. 
 The following experience of a sportsman in the Deccan is from 
 the Secunderabad paper of 14th June 1888 : 
 "Mr. Cuthbert Fraser had a most miraculous escape from a tiger the 
 other day at Amraoti. The lucky hero of this adventure is a District 
 Superintendent of Police in licrur. lie is well remembered in Secundera-
 bad as Superintendent of the Cantonment Police before Mr. Crawford. A 
 son of Colonel Hastings Fraser, one of the Frasers of Lovat, he has proved 
 his possession of that nerve and courage which rises to the emergency of 
 danger on which qualities more than all else the British Empire in India 
 has been built, and on which, after all is said, in the last resort, it must 
 bo still held to rest. To quote the graphic account of a correspondent, the 
 escape was about as narrow as man ever had. Mr. Fraser was told by his 
 orderly that a wounded tiger was lying dead with his head on the root of 
 a tree. The orderly having called him up, he went to the spot. Mr. 
 Fraser then sent the orderly and another man with his second gun back, 
 and knelt down to look. Just then the tiger roared and came at him from 
 about eighteen feet off: he waited till the tiger was within five feet of him 
 and fired. As the tiger did not drop, he fired his second shot hurriedly. 
 The first shot had hit exactly in the centre of the face but just an inch too 
 low. It knocked the tiger's right eye out and smashed all the teeth of 
 that side of the jaw. The second shot struck the tiger in the chest, but 
 too low. What happened then Mr. Fraser does not exactly know, but he 
 next found himself lying in front of the tiger, one claw of the beast's right 
 foot being hooked into his left leg, in this way trying to draw Mr. Fraser 
 towards him ; the other paw was on his right leg. Mr. Fraser's chin and 
 coat were covered with foam from the beast's mouth. He tried hard to 
 draw himself out of the tiger's clutches. Fortunately the beast was not 
 able to see him, as Mr. Fraser was a little to one side on the animal's blind 
 side and the tiger's head was up. Suddenly seeing Mr. Fraser's orderly 
 bolting, he jumped up and went for the man, and catching him he killed 
 him on the spot. Mr. Fraser had lost his hat, rifle, and all his cartridges, 
 which had tumbled out of his pocket. He jumped up, however, and ran 
 to the man who had his second gun, and to do so had to go within 
 eight paces of the spot where the tiger was crouching over his orderly. 
 He heard, in fact, the crunching of the man's bones and saw the tiger 
 biting the back of the head. He now took the gun from his man. The 
 latter said that he had fired both barrels into the tiger one when he was 
 crouching over Mr. Fraser, and the other when he was over the prostrate 
 body of the orderly. The man had fired well and true, but just too far 
 back, in his anxiety not to hit the man he would save, instead of the 
 tiger. When afterwards asked if he was not afraid to hit the Sahib, ' I 
 was very much afraid indeed,' he replied, ' but dil mazbiit karke lagaya : 
 I nerved myself for the occasion.' 'A good man and true ! ' a high officer 
 writes, ' who after firing never moved an inch till Mr. Fraser came to him, 
 although close to the tiger all the while. He is one of the Gawilghur 
 Rajputs a brave race, Ranjit Singh, a good name.' The man said he had 
 no more cartridges left and so they both got a little farther from the tiger, 
 as the orderly was evidently done for. Afterwards they found one more 
 cartridge for the gun and tried to recover the body, but it was no use. 
 The tiger was lying close, most of the buffaloes had bolted and the Kurkoos 
 would not help. Mr. Fraser then sent six miles off for an elephant. But 
 the animal did not arrive till dark, so Mr. Fraser went home in great grief 
 about the poor orderly and at having to leave the body. His own wound 
 was bleeding a great deal, it being a deep claw gash. Next day they got 
 the body and the tiger dead, lying close to each other. Perhaps no 
 narrower escape than Mr. Fraser's has ever been heard of. To the ex- 
 cellent shot which knocked the beast's eye out he undoubtedly owes his 
 life. He says that he felt that he had the tiger dead when he fired, but
 the Express bullet unfortunately broke up. Probably, be thinks a 12-bore 
 would have reached the brain.' 
 I could produce numerous instances where failures have occurred, 
 and I know sportsmen of long experience who have given up the 
 use of hollow bullets except against such small game as black-buck 
 and other antelopes or deer. 
 So much for the Express hollow bullet, after which it is at the 
 option of all persons to please themselves ; but personally I should 
 decline the company of any friend who wished to join me in the 
 pursuit of dangerous game if armed with such an inferior weapon. 
 In another portion of this volume I shall produce a striking in- 
 stance of the result. 
 The magazine rifle, which is destined to become the military 
 arm of the future, can hardly merit a place among sporting rifles, 
 as it must always possess the disadvantage of altering its balance 
 as the ammunition is expended. The "Winchester Company have, 
 I believe, produced a great improvement in a rifle of this kind, 
 100, which carries a charge of 110 grains of powder; but even so 
 small a bore must be unhandy if the rifle is arranged to contain a 
 supply of cartridges. For my own use I am quite contented with 
 one '577, a '400, and a No. 12 Paradox all solid bullets, but 
 varying in hardness of metal according to the quality of game ; for 
 the largest animals a pair of No. 8 rifles with hard bullets and 1 4 
 drams of powder. 
 I can say nothing more concerning rifles for the practical use of 
 sportsmen, although a volume might be devoted to their history 
 and development Shot-guns are too well understood to merit a 
 special notice.
 THIS animal has interested mankind more than any other, owing 
 to the peculiar combination of immense proportions with extra- 
 ordinary sagacity. The question has frequently been raised 
 " Whether the elephant or the dog should be accepted as superior 
 in intelligence 1 " My own experience would decide without hesi- 
 tation The Dog is man's companion ; the Elephant is his slave. 
 We all know the attachment and fidelity of the dog, who 
 appears to have been created specially to become the friend of the 
 human race. He attaches himself equally to the poor man and the 
 rich, and shares our fortunes "for better, for worse," clinging 
 with heroic loyalty to his master when all other friends may have 
 abandoned him. The power of memory is wonderfully exhibited, 
 considering the shortness of life which Nature, by some mischance, 
 has accorded to man's best friend. 
 " "While thus Florinda spake, the dog who lay 
 Before Rusilla's feet, eyeing him long 
 And wistfully, had recognised at length, 
 Changed as he was and in those sordid weeds, 
 His royal master. And he rose and lick'd 
 His withered hand, and earnestly looked up 
 With eyes whose human meaning did not need 
 The aid of speech ; and moan'd, as if at once 
 To court and chide the long-withheld caress . . . 
 Disputing, he withdrew. The watchful dog 
 Followed his footsteps close. But he retired 
 Into the thickest grove ; there yielding way 
 To his o'erburthen'd nature, from all eyes 
 Apart, he cast himself upon the ground, 
 And threw his arms around the dog, and cried 
 While tears stream'd down. Thou Theron, tliou hast known 
 Thy poor lost master . . . Theron, only thou ! " 
 Southey's Roderick, last of the Goths.
 In case of danger the dog will defend his master, guided by his 
 own unaided intelligence ; he at once detects and attacks the 
 enemy. In wild sports lie shares the delight of hunting equally 
 with his master, and the two are inseparable allies. The day is 
 over, and he lies down and sleeps before the fire at his master's 
 feet, and dreams of the dangers and exploits ; he is a member of 
 his master's household. 
 The elephant is, in my opinion, overrated. He can be educated 
 to perform certain acts, but he would never volunteer his services. 
 There is no elephant that I ever saw who would spontaneously 
 interfere to save his master from drowning or from attack. An 
 enemy might assassinate you at the feet of your favourite elephant, 
 but he would never attempt to interfere in your defence ; he 
 would probably run away, or remain impassive, unless guided and 
 instructed by his mahout. This is incontestable ; the elephant 
 will do nothing useful unless he is specially ordered to perform 
 a certain work or movement. 
 While condemning this apathetic character, we must admit 
 that in the elephant the power of learning is extraordinary, and 
 that it can be educated to perform wonders ; but such performances 
 are only wonderful as proving the necessary force of direction and 
 guidance by a superior power, to which the animal is amenable. 
 I have had very many years' experience with elephants, both 
 Asiatic and African, and in my opinion they are naturally timid. 
 Although in a wild state the males are more or less dangerous, 
 especially in Africa, the herd of elephants will generally retreat 
 should they even wind an unseen enemy. This timidity is increased 
 by domestication, and it is difficult to obtain an elephant suffi- 
 ciently staunch to withstand the attack of any wild animal. They 
 will generally turn tail, and not only retreat gracefully, but will 
 run in a disgraceful panic, to the great danger of their riders 
 should the locality be forest. 
 The difference in species is distinct between the Asiatic and the 
 African. It is at all times difficult to give the measurement of a 
 dead animal, especially when so enormous, as the pressure of 
 weight when alive woidd reduce the height afforded by measure- 
 ment when the body is horizontal. 
 The well-known African elephant Jumbo that was sold to 
 America by the Zoological Society of London, was brought up in 
 confinement since its early existence, when it was about 4 feet 
 G inches high. That elephant was carefully weighed and measured 
 before it left England, with the result, of height at shoulder, 1 1 
 feet; weight, six tons and a half. The girth of the fore-foot when
 the pressure of the animal's weight was exerted, was exactly half 
 the perpendicular height of the elephant. I have seen very much 
 larger animals in Africa, but there is nothing in India to approach 
 the size of Jumbo. 
 There is no reason why the African elephants should not be 
 tamed and made useful, but the difficulty lies in obtaining them 
 in any great numbers. The natives of Africa are peculiarly savage, 
 and their instincts of destruction prevent them from capturing and 
 domesticating any wild animals. During nine years' experience 
 of Central Africa I never saw a tamed creature of any kind, not 
 even a bird, or a young antelope in possession of a child. The 
 tame elephant would be especially valuable to an explorer, as it 
 could march through streams too deep for the passage of oxen, 
 and in swimming rivers it would be proof against the attacks of 
 crocodiles. So few African elephants have been tamed in propor- 
 tion to those of Asia that it would be difficult to pronounce an 
 opinion upon their character when domesticated, but it is generally 
 believed by their trainers that the Indian species is more gentle 
 and amenable to discipline. The power of the African is far in 
 excess of the Asiatic. Nine feet at the highest portion of the 
 back is a good height for an Indian male, and eight feet for the 
 female, although occasionally they are considerably larger. There 
 are hardly any elephants that measure ten feet in a direct perpen- 
 dicular, although the mahouts pretend to fictitious heights by 
 measuring with a tape or cord frorn the spine, including the curve 
 of the body. 
 As Jumbo was proved to have attained the height of eleven 
 feet although in captivity from infancy, it may be easily imagined 
 that in a wild state the African elephant will attain twelve feet, 
 or even more. I have myself seen many animals that would have 
 exceeded this, although it would be impossible to estimate their 
 height with accuracy. 
 The shape of the African variety is very peculiar, and differs 
 in a remarkable manner from the Asiatic. The highest point is 
 the shoulder, and the back is hollow ; in the Indian the back is 
 convex, and the shoulder is considerably lower. The head of the 
 African is quite unlike that of the Indian ; and the ears, which 
 in the former are enormous, completely cover the shoulder when 
 thrown back. The best direction for a vital shot at an African 
 elephant is at the extremity of the ear when flapped against the 
 side. A bullet thus placed will pass through the centre of the 
 lungs. The Indian elephant has many more laniince in the teeth 
 than the African, constituting a larger grinding surface, as the
 food is different. The African feeds upon foliage and the succulent 
 roots of the mimosa and other trees, which it digs up with its 
 ]K)werful tusks ; the forests arc generally evergreen, and being full 
 of sap, the bark is easier to masticate than the skeleton trees of 
 India during the hottest season. Both the Indian and African 
 varieties have only four teeth, composed of Iamina3 of intensely 
 hard enamel, divided by a softer substance which prevents the 
 surface from becoming smooth with age ; the two unequal materials 
 retain their inequality in wear, therefore the rough grinding surface 
 is maintained notwithstanding the work of many years. A gland 
 at the posterior of the jaw supplies a tooth-forming matter, and 
 the growth of fresh laminae is continuous throughout life ; the 
 younger laminae form into line, and inarch forward until incor- 
 porated and solidified in the tooth. 
 It is impossible to define exactly the limit of old age, as there 
 can be little doubt that captivity shortens the duration of life to a 
 great degree. We can only form an opinion from the basis of 
 growth when young. As an elephant cannot be fully developed 
 in the perfection of ivory until the age of forty, I should accept 
 that age in a wild animal as the period of a starting-point in life, 
 and I should imagine that the term of existence would be about a 
 hundred and fifty years. 
 The life of an elephant in captivity is exactly opposed to its 
 natural habits. A wild Indian elephant dreads the sun, and is 
 seldom to be found exposed in the open after dawn of day. It 
 roams over the country in all directions during night, and seeks 
 the shelter of a forest about an hour before the sun rises. It 
 feeds heartily, but wastefully, tearing down branches, half of 
 which it leaves untouched ; it strips the bark off those trees which 
 it selects as tasteful, but throws wilfully away a considerable 
 portion. Throughout the entire night the elephant is feeding, and 
 it is curious to observe how particular this animal is in the choice 
 of food. Most wild animals possess a certain amount of botanical 
 knowledge which guides them in their grazing ; the only exception 
 is the camel, who would poison himself through sheer ignorance 
 and depraved appetite, but the elephant is most careful in its 
 selection of all that is suitable to its requirements. It is astonish- 
 ing how few of the forest trees are attractive to this animal. 
 Some are tempting from their foliage, others from their bark (vide 
 the powerfully astringent Catechu), some from the succulent roots, 
 and several varieties from the wood, which is eaten like the sugar- 
 cane. There is one kind of tree the wood of which alone is eaten 
 after the rind has been carefully stripped off.
 The elephant, being in its wild state a nocturnal animal, must 
 be able to distinguish the various qualities of trees by the senses 
 of smell and touch, as in the darkness of a forest during night it 
 would be impossible to distinguish the leaves. There are few 
 creatures who possess so delicate a sense of smell ; wild elephants 
 will wind an enemy at a distance of a thousand yards, or even 
 more, should the breeze be favourable. The nerves of the trunk 
 are peculiarly sensitive, and although the skin is thick, the 
 smallest substance can be discovered, and picked up by the tiny 
 proboscis at the extremity. 
 A wound upon any portion of the trunk must occasion intense 
 pain, and the animal instinctively coils the lower portion beneath 
 its chest when attacked by a tiger. This delicacy of nerve renders 
 the elephant exceedingly timid after being wounded, and it is a 
 common and regrettable occurrence that an elephant which has 
 been an excellent shikar animal before it has been injured, becomes 
 useless to face a tiger after it has been badly clawed. I cannot 
 understand the carelessness of an owner who thus permits a good 
 elephant to work unprotected. In ancient days the elephants 
 were armoured for warlike purposes to protect them from spears 
 and javelins, and nothing can be easier than to arrange an elastic 
 protective hood, which would effectually safeguard the trunk and 
 head from the attack of any animal. 
 I had an excellent hood arranged for a large tusker which was 
 lent to me by the Commissariat. The first layer of material was 
 the soft but thick buff leather of sambur deer. This entirely 
 covered the head, and was laced beneath the throat ; at the same 
 time it was secured by a broad leather strap and buckle around 
 the neck. A covering for about three feet from the base of the 
 trunk descended from the face and was also secured by lacing. 
 The lower portion of the trunk was left unprotected, as the animal 
 would immediately guard against danger by curling it up when 
 attacked. Upon this groundwork of buff leather I had plates of 
 thick and hard buffalo hide, tanned, overlapping like slates upon 
 a roof. This armour was proof against either teeth or claws, as 
 neither could hold upon the slippery and yielding hard surface of 
 the leather tiles ; at the same time the elephant could move its 
 trunk with ease. Two circular apertures were cut out for the 
 eyes, about six inches in diameter. 
 An elephant, if well trained, would be sufficiently sagacious to ap- 
 preciate this protection should it find itself unharmed after a home 
 charge by a tiger or other dangerous beast ; and such a quality 
 of armour would add immensely to its confidence and steadiness.
 Although the elephant is of enormous strength it is more or 
 less a delicate animal, and is subject to a variety of ailments. A 
 common disease is a swelling in the throat, which in bad cases 
 prevents it from feeding. Another complaint resembles gout in 
 the legs, which swell to a distressing size, and give exquisite pain, 
 esj)ecially when touched. This attack is frequently occasioned by 
 allowing elephants, after a long march tinder a hot sun, to wade 
 belly-deep in cool water in order to graze upon the aquatic 
 Few animals suffer more from the sun's rays than the elephant, 
 whose nature prompts it to seek the deepest shade. Its dark 
 colour and immense surface attract an amount of heat which 
 becomes almost insupportable to the unfortunate creature when 
 forced to carry a heavy load during the hot season in India. Even 
 without a greater weight than its rider, the elephant exhibits signs 
 of distress when marching after 9 A.M. At such times it is 
 disagreeable, as the animal has a peculiar habit of sucking water 
 through the trunk from a supply contained within the stomach, 
 and this it syringes with great force between its fore legs, and 
 against its flanks to cool its sides with the ejected spray. The 
 rider receives a portion of the fluid in his face, and as the action 
 is repeated every five minutes, or less, the operation is annoying. 
 It is a curious peculiarity in the elephant that it is enabled to 
 suck up water at discretion simply by doubling the trunk far down 
 the throat, and the fluid thus procured has no disagreeable smell, 
 although taken direct from the creature's stomach. In every way 
 the elephant is superior to most animals in the freedom from any 
 unpleasant odour. Its skin is sweet, and the hand retains no 
 smell whatever, although you may have caressed the trunk or any 
 other jxirtion of the body. It is well known that a horse is ex- 
 ceedingly strong in odour, and that nothing is more objectionable 
 than the close proximity of a stable, or even of a large number of 
 horses piequetcd in the open, I have frequently been camped 
 where fifty or sixty elephants were for several days in the same 
 jMjsition within a hundred yards of the tents, and still there was 
 no offensive scent. 
 The food of an elephant is always fresh and clean, and the 
 digestive functions are extremely rapid. The mastication is a 
 rough system of grinding, and the single stomach and exceedingly 
 short intestines simplify the process of assimilation. The rapidity 
 of the food passage necessitates a consumption of a large amount, 
 and no less than GOO Ibs. of fodder is the proper daily allowance for 
 an elephant.
 There have been frequent discussions upon the important sub- 
 ject of elephant-feeding. Mr. G. P. Sanderson, the superintendent 
 of the keddah department in Assam, has declared against the 
 necessity of allowing a ration of grain in addition to the usual 
 fodder. This must naturally depend upon the quality of the green 
 food. If the locality abounds in plantains, the stems of those 
 plants are eagerly devoured, and every portion except the outside 
 rind is nourishing. Even then the waste is excessive should the 
 stems be heedlessly thrown down before the animal. It will 
 immediately proceed to strip long fibrous ribbons from the stem by 
 placing one foot upon the extremity, and then tearing off the 
 alternate layers like the skin of an onion. These it converts into 
 playthings, throwing them over its back and neck until it is dressed 
 in dangling necklaces, which by degrees, after serving as toys, are 
 ultimately devoured. The proper method of feeding an elephant 
 with plantains where an allowance of rice is added, is by splitting 
 the entire stem through the centre, and then cutting it into 
 transverse sections about two feet in length. As each layer is 
 detached, it resembles a delicately coloured trough, nearly white ; 
 this is doubled up in the centre and it at once forms a hollow tube, 
 similar to a very thick drain tile. A handful of rice is placed 
 within, and it is secured by tying with a fibrous strip from the 
 plantain stem. A large pile of these neat packages is prepared for 
 every elephant, and, when ready, the mahout sits by the heap and 
 hands the parcels one by one to the ever-expectant trunk. 
 The delicacy of an elephant's palate is extraordinary, and the 
 whims of the creature are absurd in the selection or rejection of 
 morsels which it prefers or dislikes. I once saw a peculiar instance 
 of this in an elephant that belonged to the police at Dhubri on the 
 Brahmaputra. This animal had a large allowance of rice, there- 
 fore about three-quarters of a pound were placed within each tube 
 of plantain stem. A lady offered the elephant, when being fed, a 
 very small sweet biscuit, about an inch and a half in diameter. 
 This was accepted in the trunk, but almost immediately rejected 
 and thrown upon the ground. The mahout, fearing that his 
 elephant had behaved rudely in thus refusing a present from a 
 lady's hand, picked up the biscuit and inserted it in the next 
 parcel of rice and plantain stem. This was placed within the 
 elephant's mouth. At the first crunch the animal showed evident 
 signs of disgust, and at once spat out the whole of the contents. 
 There lay a complete ruin of the neat package, which had been 
 burst by the power of the great jaws ; but among the scattered rice 
 that had been ejected we perceived the biscuit which had caused
 the second instance of bad behaviour. So utterly disgusted was 
 the elephant with this tiny foreign substance that it endeavoured 
 to cleanse its mouth from every grain of rice, as though polluted 
 by the contact, and for several minutes it continued to insert its 
 trunk and rake out each atom from its tongue and throat. 
 The adaptation of the trunk to many purposes is very interesting. 
 I had an elephant who would eat every particle of rice in a round 
 bamboo basket by sucking it up the trunk and then blowing it 
 into its mouth. The basket was close-grained and smooth inside, 
 but although brimful at the commencement of operations, it was 
 emptied by the elephant as though it had been cleansed with a dry 
 A distinct rule for feeding elephants cannot be laid dow r n with- 
 out exceptions rendered necessary by peculiarities of localities and 
 the amount of hard work required from the animal. If the elephant 
 is simply turned out to grass for a season, it will thrive upon such 
 natural herbage as bamboos, the foliage of the banyan, peepul, and 
 other varieties of the Ficus family ; but if it is expected to travel 
 and perform good work, it is usual in the Commissariat department 
 to allow each elephant seven and a half seers of flour, equal to 15 
 Ibs. avoirdupois. In addition to this, 600 Ibs. of green fodder are 
 given, and about 1 Ib. of ghee (buffalo butter), with salt and jaggery 
 (native sugar). During a jungle expedition I have always doubled 
 the allowance of flour to 30 Ibs. daily for each animal. This is 
 made into large flat cakes like Scotch " scones," weighing 2 Ibs. 
 each. The elephants are fed at about an hour before sunset, and 
 then taken to drink water before actual night. Cleanliness is in- 
 dispensable to the good health and condition of the elephant. It 
 should bathe daily, and the entire body should be well scoured with 
 a piece of brick or a soft quality of sandstone. This operation is 
 much enjoyed, and the huge animal, obeying the command, lies 
 down upon its side and accommodates its carcase to the scrubbing 
 process by adapting its position to the requirements of the operator. 
 It will frequently bury its head completely beneath the water, and 
 merely protrude the extremity of its trunk to breathe above the 
 surface. The coolie is most particular in scrubbing every portion 
 of the animal, after which it will usually stand within the tank or 
 river and shower volumes of water from its trunk over its back 
 and Hanks. When well washed, it apj*>ars a thoroughly clean 
 black ma*s, but in a few minutes it proceeds to destroy its personal 
 beauty by throwing clouds of dust upon its back, which, adhering 
 to the moisture occasioned by its recent bath, converts the late 
 clean animal into a brown mound of earth.
 There is no quadruped not absolutely amphibious that is so 
 thoroughly at home in the water as the elephant. In a wild state 
 it will swim the largest rivers, and it delights in morasses, where 
 it rolls in the deep mud like a pig or buffalo, and thus coats its 
 hide with a covering of slime, which protects it from the attacks 
 of flies and the worry of mosquitoes. When in a domestic state, 
 the elephant is shy of trusting itself upon unsound earth or quick- 
 sands, as it appears to have lost the confidence resulting from an 
 independent freedom among the jungles, and marshy valleys teem- 
 ing with aquatic vegetation. It will also refuse to cross a bridge 
 unless of solid masonry, and it is curious to observe the extreme 
 care with which it sounds the structure, either by striking with 
 the coiled extremity of the trunk or by experimenting with the 
 pressure of one foot, before it ventures to trust its whole weight 
 upon the suspected floor. 
 It is difficult to describe the limit of an elephant's swimming 
 powers ; this must depend upon many circumstances, whether it 
 is following the stream or otherwise, but the animal can remain 
 afloat for several hours without undue fatigue. The displacement 
 of an elephant's carcase is less than the weight of water, although 
 it swims so deeply immersed that it would appear to float with 
 difficulty. An elephant shot dead within the water will float 
 immediately, with a considerable portion of one flank raised so 
 high above the surface that several men could be supported, as 
 though upon a raft. The body of a hippopotamus will sink like a 
 stone, and will not reappear upon the surface for about two hours, 
 until the gas has to a certain degree distended the carcase : thus 
 the hippopotamus is of a denser and heavier. material than the 
 elephant, although it is an aquatic animal. 
 When tame elephants cross a river they are conducted by their 
 drivers, who stand upon their backs, either balancing themselves 
 without assistance, or supported by holding a cord attached to the 
 animal's neck. It is very interesting to watch the passage of a 
 large river by a herd of these creatures, who to a stranger's eye 
 would appear to be in danger of drowning, although in reality 
 they are merely gamboling in the element which is their delight. 
 I have seen them cross the Brahmaputra when the channel was 
 about a mile in width. Forty elephants scrambled down the 
 precipitous bank of alluvial deposit and river sand : this, although 
 about thirty-five feet high, crumbled at once beneath the fore-foot 
 of the leading elephant, and many tons detached from the surface 
 quickly formed a steep incline. Squatting upon its hind-quarters, 
 and tucking its hinder knees beneath its belly, while it supported
 its head upon its trunk and outstretched fore legs, it slid and 
 scrambled to the bottom, accompanied by an avalanche of earth 
 and dust, thus forming a good track for the following herd. 
 It is surprising to see in how few minutes a large herd of 
 elephants descending a steep place will form a road. I have fre- 
 quently seen them break down an alluvial cliff in the manner 
 described, where at first sight I should have thought it impossible 
 for an elephant to descend. Once within the river the fun began 
 in earnest. After a march in the hot sun, it was delightful to 
 bathe in the deep stream of the Brahmaputra, and the mighty 
 forms splashed and disported themselves, sometimes totally sub- 
 merged, with the drivers standing ankle-deep upon their hidden 
 backs, which gave them the appearance of walking upon the 
 surface. A tip of the trunk was always above water, and occa- 
 sionally the animal w r ould protrude the entire head, but only to 
 plunge once more beneath the stream. In this way, swimming at 
 great speed, and at the same time playing along their voyage, the 
 herd crossed the broad river, and we saw their dusky forms 
 glittering in the sunlight as they rose wetted from their bath, and 
 waded majestically along the shallows to reach an island ; from 
 which they again started upon a similar journey to cross another 
 channel of the river. 
 The first impression of a stranger when observing the conduct 
 of a mahout or driver is sympathy for the animal, which is 
 governed through the severe authority of the iron spike. This 
 instrument is about twenty inches long, and resembles somewhat 
 an old-fashioned boat-hook, being a sharp spike at the extremity 
 beyond the keen-pointed hook ; it can thus be used either to drive 
 the elephant forward by digging the point into its head, or to pull 
 it back by hooking on to the tender base of the ears. These 
 driving-hooks weigh from about 4 to 6 Ibs., and are formidable 
 weapons ; some are exceedingly ancient, and have been preserved 
 for a couple of centuries or more, such specimens being highly 
 artistic, and first-rate examples of the blacksmith's work. 
 Although we may commence our experience by pitying the 
 animal that is subjected to such harsh treatment, we quickly 
 discover that without the hook the elephant is like the donkey 
 without the stick. The fact of his knowing that you possess th. 
 power, or propeller, is sufficient to ensure comparative obedience 
 but it would be impossible to direct the movements of an elephant 
 by simple kindness without the power to inflict punishment. This 
 fact alone will prove that the elephant docs not serve man through 
 affection, but that it is compiled through fear. It is curious to
 witness the absurd subjection of this mighty animal even by a 
 child. I have frequently seen a small boy threaten a large 
 elephant with a stick, and the animal has at once winced ; and, 
 curling the trunk between the legs, it has closed its eyes and 
 exhibited every symptom of extreme terror when struck repeatedly 
 upon the trunk and face. The male is generally more uncertain 
 than the female. It would at first sight appear that for shooting 
 purposes the bull elephant would be preferred for its greater 
 strength and courage. There can be no doubt that a pair of long 
 tusks is an important protection, and not only forms a defence 
 against the attack of a tiger or other animal, but is valuable for 
 offensive purposes ; yet, notwithstanding this advantage, the 
 female is generally preferred to the male, as being more docile and 
 The males differ in character, but they are mostly uncertain in 
 temper during a period varying from two to four months every 
 year. At such occurrences of disturbance the animal requires care- 
 ful treatment, and the chains which shackle the fore legs should be 
 of undoubted quality. Some elephants remain passive throughout 
 the year, while others appear to be thoroughly demented, and, 
 although at other seasons harmless, would, when "must," destroy 
 their own attendant and wreak the direst mischief. At such a 
 crisis the mahout must always be held responsible for accidents, as 
 the animal, if properly watched and restrained, would be incapable 
 of active movements, and would of course be comparatively harm- 
 less. Upon many occasions, through the neglect of the attendant, 
 an elephant has been left unchained, or perhaps secured with an 
 old chain that has been nearly worn through a link ; the escape of 
 the animal under such circumstances has led to frightful casualties, 
 usually commencing with the destruction of the mahout, who may 
 have attempted a recapture. The approach of the "must" period 
 is immediately perceived by a peculiar exudation of an oily nature 
 from a small duct upon either temple ; this somewhat resembles 
 coal-tar in consistence, and it occupies an area of about four inches 
 square upon the surface of the skin. There is a decided odour in 
 this secretion somewhat similar to the same exudation from the 
 neck of the male camel. 
 I have known male elephants which were remarkably docile 
 throughout all seasons, but even these had to be specially regarded 
 during the period of " must," as there was no means of foretelling 
 a sudden and unexpected outbreak of temper. Many males are at 
 all times fretful, and these expend their ill-nature in various ways ; 
 if chained, they kick up the earth, and scatter the dust in all
 directions ; they arc never quiet for one moment throughout the 
 day, but continue to swing their heads to and fro, and prick for- 
 ward their ears, exhibiting a restlessness of spirit that is a suffi- 
 cient warning to any stranger. Such elephants should always 
 be approached with caution, and never directly in front, but at 
 the side. 
 An elephant is frequently treacherous, and if the person should 
 stand unheedingly before it, a sudden slap with the trunk might 
 be the consequence. For the same reason, it would be dangerous 
 to approach the heels of such an animal, as a kick from an elephant 
 is rather an extensive movement, and it is extraordinary that so 
 colossal a limb as the hind leg can be projected with such velocity, 
 equalling that of a small pony. 
 Discussions have frequently arisen concerning the maximum 
 speed of an elephant ; this is difficult to decide exactly, as there 
 can be no question that the animal in a wild state will exert a 
 greater speed than can be obtained from it when domesticated. 
 The African variety is decidedly faster than the Asiatic ; the legs 
 being longer, the stride is in proportion ; and as the habits of the 
 African lead it to wander over large tracts of open country instead 
 of confining its rambles to secluded forests, this peculiarity would 
 naturally render the animal more active, and tend to accelerate its 
 movements. I consider that the African elephant is capable of a 
 speed of fifteen miles an hour, which it could keep up for two or 
 three hundred yards, after which it would travel at about ten miles 
 an hour, and actually accomplish the distance within that period. 
 The Asiatic elephant might likewise attain a speed of fifteen miles 
 for perhaps a couple of hundred yards, but it would not travel far 
 at a greater pace than eight miles an hour, and it would reduce 
 that pace to six after the first five miles. 
 The proof of an elephant's power of great speed for a short 
 distance is seldom seen except in cases where the animal is infuri- 
 ated, and gives chase to some unfortunate victim, who seldom 
 escapes his fate by flight. For a short burst of fifty or one 
 hundred yards an elephant might occasionally attain a pace exceed- 
 ing fifteen miles an hour, as I have frequently, when among rough 
 ground, experienced a difficulty in escaping when on horseback ; 
 and in my young days, when a good runner, I have been almost 
 caught when racing along a level plain as smooth as a lawn with a 
 savage elephant in full pursuit. An active man upon good ground 
 can run for a short distance at the rate of eighteen miles an hour ; 
 this should clear him from the attack of most elephants ; but 
 unfortunately the good ground is scarce, and the elephant is
 generally discovered in a position peculiarly favourable to itself, 
 where the roughness of the surface and the tangled herbage render 
 it impossible for a man to run at full speed without falling. 
 We have recently seen a distressing example in the death of 
 the lamented Mr. Ingram in Somali-land, who, although well 
 mounted, was overtaken by an infuriated wild elephant and killed. 
 This was a female, and it appears that Mr. Ingram, having followed 
 her on horseback, had fired repeatedly with a rifle only '450. The 
 animal charged, and owing to the impediments of the ground, which 
 was covered with prickly aloes, the horse could not escape, and 
 Mr. Ingram was swept off the saddle and impaled upon the 
 elephant's tusks. 
 The African differs from the Asiatic in the formation of ivory, 
 the tusks of the former being both thicker and heavier; the 
 females also possess tusks, whereas those of the Asiatic variety 
 have merely embryo tusks, which do not project more than two or 
 three inches beyond the lips. I had a tusk of an African elephant 
 that weighed 149 Ibs. I have seen in Khartoum a pair that 
 weighed 300 Ibs., and I saw a single tusk of 172 Ibs. In 1874 
 a tusk was sold at the ivory sale in London that weighed 188 Ibs. 
 These specimens are exceptions to the general rule, as the average 
 weight in a full-grown African male would be about 140 Ibs. the 
 pair, or 75 Ibs. for one tusk and 65 Ibs. for the fellow, which is 
 specially employed for digging. 
 The African variety is an industrious digger, as it feeds upon 
 the succulent roots of many trees, especially those of the mimosa 
 family. The right tusk is generally used in these operations more 
 than the left ; accordingly it is lighter from continual wear, and 
 it is known by the Arabs as the " hadam " or servant. As the 
 African elephant is a root-eater it is far more destructive than the 
 Asiatic. It is astonishing to observe the waste of trees that are 
 upturned by a large herd of these animals, sometimes out of sheer 
 wantonness, during their passage through a forest. The dense 
 tops of mimosas are a great attraction, and there can be no doubt 
 that elephants work collectively to dig out and to overthrow the 
 trees that would be too large for the strength of a single animal. 
 I have seen trees between two and three feet in diameter that 
 have been felled for the sake of the roots and tender heads ; these 
 have shown unmistakable signs of an attack by several elephants, 
 as the ground has been ploughed by tusks of different sizes to tear 
 up the long straggling roots which were near the surface, and the 
 deep marks of feet around the centre of operations, of various 
 diameters, have proved the co-operation of members of the herd.
 I once saw an elephant strike a large timber tree with its fore- 
 head to shake down the fruit. This was a jteculiar example of 
 the immense j)ower that can be exerted when required. We were 
 waiting near the margin of the White Nile, about half an hour 
 before sunset, expecting the arrival of water-buck, when a rumbling 
 sound and a suppressed roar in the jungle were accompanied by 
 the breaking of a branch, which denoted the approach of elephants. 
 Presently they emerged from the forest in several directions, and 
 one, which appeared to be the largest I had ever seen, advanced 
 to within 1'20 yards of our ]x>sition without perceiving us, as we 
 were concealed behind a bush upon some rising ground close to 
 the river's bank. This elephant had enormous tusks, but as we 
 had only small-bore rifles, I was contented to watch, without dis- 
 turbing the magnificent animal before me. 
 There was a very large and lofty tree quite three feet in 
 diameter ; upon the upper branches grew the much-loved fruit, 
 similar in appearance to good-sized dates, and equally as sweet and 
 aromatic (Balanite& Egyptiaca). Elephants will travel great 
 distances to arrive at a forest where such fruit is produced in 
 quantity, and they appear to know the season when the crop will 
 be thoroughly ripe. Upon this occasion, the elephant, having 
 picked up the single fruits which lay scattered upon the ground, 
 presently looked up, and being satisfied with the appearance of the 
 higher boughs, he determined to shake down a plentiful supply. 
 Retiring for a few feet, he deliberately rammed his forehead against 
 the stem, with such force as to shake the tree from top to bottom, 
 causing a most successful shower of the coveted fruit, which he 
 immediately commenced to eat. 
 Commander R. X. J. Baker was my companion, and we agreed 
 that any person who might have taken refuge in the branches of 
 that large tree must have held on exceedingly tight to have 
 avoided a fall, so severe was the concussion. 
 When it is considered that a large bull elephant weighs between 
 six and seven tons, which weight is set in movement by the 
 muscular exertion of the animal, there is at once an explanation 
 of the force against a tree, whirl), although large, would hardly 
 exceed that weight. 
 The memory of elephants must be peculiarly keen, as they 
 remember the seasons for visiting certain districts where some par- 
 ticular food is produced in attractive quantities. In the southern 
 district of Ceylon, between Yalle river and the sea-coast, there are 
 great numbers of the Bael tree, the fruit of which resembles a 
 large cricket-ball. The shell is hard, and when ripe it becomes
 brown, and can only bo broken by a sharp blow with some hard 
 substance. The contents are highly aromatic, consisting of a 
 brownish substance exceedingly sweet, and mixed with small seeds 
 resembling those inside a pear. There is a strong flavour of 
 medlar in this fruit, and it is much esteemed for medicinal pro- 
 perties, especially in cases of diarrhoea. Although elephants refuse 
 the Bael fruit unless quite ripe, they will invariably arrive in great 
 numbers during the favourable season in the southern districts of 
 Ceylon. The question arises, " How can an animal remember the 
 month without an almanack 1 " 
 There is no doubt that animals possess in many instances a far 
 greater degree of reason than is generally admitted, with which 
 the exercise of memory is so closely allied that it is difficult to 
 separate or define the attributes. An elephant will remember 
 those who have shown kindness, perhaps for a longer period than 
 it will others who may have offended. After seven months' 
 absence in England, an elephant that I had from the Commissariat 
 on my previous visit to India recognised me at once upon my 
 return. I had been in the habit of feeding this animal with sugar- 
 canes and other choice food almost daily during several months' 
 companionship in the jungle ; this was not forgotten, and " cupboard 
 love " was harboured in its memory with the expectation that the 
 feeding would be repeated. 
 In the same manner, but perhaps in a lesser degree, the elephant 
 will remember those whom it dislikes, and during the season of 
 "must" it would be exceedingly dangerous for such persons to 
 venture within reach of the animal's trunk. Stories are numerous 
 concerning the animosity of elephants against their mahouts or 
 other attendants who have cruelly treated them ; but, on the other 
 hand, the animals frequently exhibit a wild ferocity towards those 
 who have been innocent of harshness. As characters vary among 
 human beings, and some persons when intoxicated become suddenly 
 brutal, although when sober they have been mild in reputation, so 
 also we find conflicting natures among elephants, and the insane 
 excitement of the " must " period varies in intensity in different 
 There was a well-known elephant some years ago in the 
 Balaghat district of the Central Provinces which became historical 
 through the extraordinary malignity of its disposition. Having 
 escaped from the fetters, it killed the mahout, and at once made 
 off towards the forests. It is a curious example of nature that 
 creatures (ferce natures) have a tendency to return to their original 
 state of savagedom when the opportunity is offered. If an
 elephant is seized with ;i panic when upon open ground, it will 
 rush for the junglo, ]>rol).il)ly with the intention of con- 
 cealment. The animal in question returned to its wild state 
 directly it had escajwd from confinement, but the domestication of 
 many years appears to have sharpened its intellect, and to have 
 exaggerated its powers for mischief and cunning. It became the 
 scourge, not only of the immediate neighbourhood, but of a con- 
 siderable portion of a district which included an area' of a hundred 
 miles in length by forty or fifty in width. 
 No village was safe from the attack of this infuriated beast. 
 It would travel great distances, and appear at unexpected intervals, 
 suddenly presenting itself to the horrified villagers, who fled in all 
 directions, leaving their homes and their supplies of grain to be 
 demolished by the omnipotent intruder, who tore down their 
 dwellings, ransacked their stores of corn, and killed any unfortunate 
 person who came within its reach. 
 There was a cruel love of homicide in this animal that has 
 rarely been recorded. Not only would it attack villages in pursuit 
 of forage, but it was particularly addicted to the destruction of the 
 lofty watch ing-places in the fields, occupied nightly by the villagers 
 to scare wild animals from their crops. These watch-houses are 
 generally constructed upon strong poles secured by cross-pieces, on 
 the top of which, about sixteen feet from the ground, is a small 
 hut upon a platform. This is thatched to protect the occupant 
 from the heavy dew or rain. From such elevated posts the 
 watchers yell and scream throughout the night to frighten the 
 wild beasts. To attack and tear down such posts was the delight 
 of this bloodthirsty elephant. Instead of being scared by the 
 shouts of the inmates, it was attracted by their cries, and, unseen 
 in the dark, it was upon them almost before they were aware of its 
 presence. The strong posts upon which the constructions had been 
 raised offered no resistance to the attack, and the miserable 
 watchers found themselves hurled to the ground together with the 
 ruins of their upturned shelter. In another moment they were 
 either caught and stamped to death, or chased through the darkness 
 by the pursuing elephant, and when captured they were torn limb 
 from limb, as the brute exhibited a cruel satisfaction in placing one 
 foot upon the victim, and then tearing with its trunk an arm, a 
 leg, or the head from the mangled l>ody. 
 In this manner the elephant killed upwards of twenty people 
 throughout the district, and it became absolutely necessary, if 
 possible, to destroy it. 
 This was at last effected by Colonel Bloomfield and a friend,
 who determined at all hazards to hunt it down by following through 
 the jungles, guided by the reports of the natives, who were on the 
 look-out in all directions. The animal showed peculiar cunning, 
 as it never remained in the same place, but travelled a considerable 
 distance immediately after the committal of some atrocity, and 
 concealed itself within the jungles until prompted to another raid 
 in some new direction. I am indebted to Colonel Bloomfield for 
 an interesting description of the manner in which, after many days 
 of great fatigue and patience, he at length succeeded, with the 
 assistance of native trackers, in discovering this formidable oppon- 
 ent, asleep within a dense mass of thorns and grass in the heart of 
 an extensive jungle. The elephant awoke before they could dis- 
 tinctly see its form, owing to the extreme thickness of the covert, 
 but the fight commenced. There was a considerable difference 
 between the attack upon defenceless villagers, who fled before it in 
 hopeless panic, and a stand-up fight with two experienced European 
 shikaris armed with the best rifles ; the terror of the district 
 quickly showed its appreciation of discretion, and, badly wounded, 
 it retreated through the forest, well followed by the determined 
 hunters. Again and again it was overtaken, and a shot was taken 
 whenever the dense jungle afforded an opportunity. At length, 
 maddened by pursuit and wounds, it turned to charge, thereby 
 exposing itself in an open place, and both bullets crashed into its 
 brain, the shot from Colonel Bloomfield's rifle passing completely 
 through its head. 
 It would be impossible to determine whether such an elephant 
 could have been subdued and re-domesticated had its capture been 
 effected. There are many cases on record where a "must" 
 elephant has committed grievous depredations, after killing those 
 who were its ordinary attendants, but when re -captured, the 
 temporary excitement has passed away, and the animal has become 
 as harmless as it was before the period of insanity. Mr. G. P. 
 Sanderson, the superintendent of the Government keddahs in 
 Assam, gives a vivid description of an elephant that escaped after 
 killing its mahout and several villagers in the neighbourhood. 
 This animal, like Colonel Bloomfield's elephant, already described, 
 became the terror of the district, and destroyed many villagers, 
 until it was decided by the authorities to attempt its destruction. 
 Mr. Sanderson was of opinion that it was too valuable to be 
 heedlessly sacrificed ; he therefore determined to capture it alive, 
 if possible, through the aid of certain clever elephants belonging to 
 the keddali establishment. 
 The police of the district were ordered to obtain the necessary 
 information, ami the malefactor was reported after a few days to 
 have destroyed another village, where it remained, devouring the 
 rice and grain in the absence of the panic-stricken villagers. 
 No time was lost in repairing to the spot with three highly- 
 trained elephants, two of which were females ; the third was a 
 well-known fighting male, a tusker named Moota Gutchd, who was 
 usually employed to dominate the obstreperous wild elephants when 
 refractory in the keddah enclosures. The necessary ropes and 
 chains were prepared, and the small but experienced party started, 
 Mr Sanderson being armed only with a long spear, and riding on 
 the pad, well girthed upon the back of Moota Gutchd. 
 A short hour's march brought them in sight of a ruined village 
 on a level plain, which skirted a dense forest. When within a 
 quarter of a mile, a large male elephant was discovered restlessly 
 walking to and fro as though keeping guard over the ruins he had 
 made. This was the culprit taken in the act. 
 Leaving the two females in the rear, with instructions to follow 
 upon a given signal, Mr. Sanderson on Moota Gutchd advanced 
 slowly to the encounter. The rogue elephant did not appear to 
 notice them until within about 200 yards ; it then suddenly halted, 
 and turning round, it faced them as though in astonishment at 
 being disturbed. This attitude did not last very long, as Moota 
 Gutchd still advanced until within ninety or a hundred paces. 
 The elephants now faced each other, and Moota Gutche began to 
 lower his head when he observed his antagonist backing a few 
 paces, which he well knew was the customary preparation for a 
 charge. " Recnlez pour mieux sauter " was well exemplified when 
 in another moment the vagrant elephant dashed forward at great 
 speed to the attack, trumpeting and screaming with mad fury. In 
 the meantime Moota Gutchd coolly advanced at a moderate pace. 
 The shock of the encounter was tremendous. The spear flew out 
 of the rider's hands with the collision, but Moota Gutchd was a 
 trained fighter, and having lowered his head, which had for the 
 moment exposed his mahout, he quickly caught his opponent under 
 the throat with its neck between his tusks, and then bearing up- 
 wards, he forced the head of his adversary high in the air ; now 
 driving forwards with all his strength, he hurled the other back- 
 wards, and with a dexterous twist he threw it upon its side and 
 pinned it to the ground. In an instant Mr. Sanderson slipped off 
 and secured the hind legs with a strong rope. The two females 
 quickly arrived, and within a few minutes the late terror of the 
 neighbourhood was helplessly fettered, and was led captive between 
 the females towards the camp from which it had escaped, assisted,
 when obstreperous, by the tusks of Moota Quiche* applied 
 This elephant completely recovered from its temporary madness, 
 and became a useful animal, affording a striking example of the 
 passing insanity of the male passion, and the power of careful 
 management in subduing a brute of such stupendous force. 
 After this incident Moota Gutchd with about forty of the 
 keddah elephants, was kindly lent to me by Mr. Sanderson during 
 a shooting excursion of twenty-five days upon the " churs " or islands 
 of the Brahmaputra river south of Dhubri. In India the tiger is 
 so commonly associated with the elephant that in describing one it 
 is impossible to avoid a connection with the other. 
 Moota Gutchd was a peculiar character, not altogether amiable, 
 but it was as well to have him upon your own side. During the trip 
 my friend Sanderson was ill with fever, and could not accompany 
 me. I was therefore at the disadvantage of being the only gun in 
 a long line of elephants, which would on ordinary occasions have 
 been manned by at least four guns. At first I imagined that my 
 trip would be a failure, as I knew a mere nothing of the language, 
 and the elephants and their mahouts were alike strangers to me, 
 but I soon discovered that their excellent training as keddah 
 servants constantly employed in the capture of wild elephants 
 under their indefatigable superintendent, Mr. Sanderson, rendered 
 them capable almost instinctively of understanding all my ways, 
 and we became excellent friends, both man and beast. 
 I arranged my long line of elephants according to their paces 
 and dispositions, and each day they preserved the same positions, 
 so that every mahout knew his place, and the elephants were 
 accustomed to the animals upon the right and left. In the centre 
 were the slowest, and upon either flank were the fastest elephants, 
 while two exceedingly speedy animals, with intelligent mahouts, 
 invariably acted as scouts, generally a quarter of a mile ahead on 
 either flank. 
 My own elephant was accompanied on one side by Moota 
 Gutchd, on the other by a rough but dependable character whose 
 name I have forgotten. I kept these always with me, as they 
 were useful in the event of a tiger that would not bolt from the 
 dense wild-rose thickets, in which case our three elephants could 
 push him out. 
 This arrangement was perfect, and after a few days' experience 
 our line worked with the precision of well-drilled cavalry ; some- 
 times, with extra elephants, I had as many as fifty in the field. 
 The result of this discipline was that no tiger or leopard ever
 escaped if once on foot ; although hunted in some instances for 
 hours, the animal was invariably killed. A remarkable instance 
 of this occurred at the large island of Bargh (,'hur, which includes 
 several thousand acres, the greater portion being covered with 
 enormous grass and dense thickets of tamarisk, which, in the hot 
 season, is the cool and loved resort of tigers. There were also 
 extensive jungles in swumpy portions of the island, so intermixed 
 with reeds and marsh grass of twelve or fourteen feet high, that it 
 was difficult to penetrate, even upon an elephant. 
 I was out at the usual early hour, shortly after sunrise, the 
 shikaris having returned to camp with the news that none of the 
 bullocks tied up for baits during the preceding night had been 
 killed ; it therefore remained to try our fortune by simply beating 
 the high grass jungle in line, on speculation, and in the same 
 manner to drive the occasional dense coverts of feathery tamarisk. 
 We had proceeded with a line of about fivc-and-thirty elephants, 
 well extended ten yards apart, and in this manner we had 
 advanced about a mile, when our attention was attracted by a 
 native calling to us from a large ant-hill which enabled him to be 
 distinguished above the grass. We immediately rode towards 
 him, and were informed that a tiger had killed his cow the night 
 before, and had dragged the body into jungle so dense that he had 
 been afraid to follow. This was good news ; we therefore took 
 the man upon an elephant as our guide towards the reported spot 
 The elephants continued to advance in line, occasionally dis- 
 turbing wild pigs and hog deer, which existed in great numbers, 
 but could hardly have been shot even had I wished, as the grass 
 was so thick and long that the animals could not be seen ; there 
 were only signs of their disturbance by the sudden rush and the 
 waving of the grass just in front of the advancing elephants, who 
 were thus kept in continual excitement. 
 In about twenty minutes we emerged from the high grass upon 
 a great extent of highly cultivated land, where the sandy loam 
 had been reduced to the fine surface of a well-kept garden. 
 Bordering upon this open country was an extensive jungle com- 
 posed of trees .averaging about a foot in diameter, but completely 
 wedged together among impenetrable reeds fully eighteen feet in 
 length, and nearly an inch in thickness, in addition to a network 
 of various tough creej>ers, resulting from a rich soil that was a 
 morass during the rainy season. Although the reeds appeared 
 tolerably dry, they would not burn, as there were signs among 
 some half-scorched places where attempts had been recently made 
 to fire the jungle.
 Our guide soon pointed to the spot where his cow had been 
 dragged by the tiger into this formidable covert. There was no 
 mistake about the marks, and the immense tracks in the soft 
 ground proved the size and sex of the destroyer. 
 Nobody questioned the fact of the tiger being at home, and the 
 only question was " how to beat him out." The jungle was quite 
 a mile in length without a break in its terrible density ; it was 
 about half a mile in width, bounded upon one side by the cleared 
 level ground in cultivation, and on the other by the high grass 
 jungle we had left, but this had been partially scorched along the 
 edge in the attempts to burn. 
 A good look-out would have spied any animal at a hundred 
 and fifty yards had it attempted to leave the jungle. 
 As the country was a dead level, it was difficult to forecast the 
 retreat of a tiger when driven from such a thicket, and it was a 
 serious question whether it would be possible to dislodge him. 
 Whenever you commence a drive, the first consideration should 
 be, "If the animal is there, where did it come from?" as it will 
 in all probability attempt to retreat to that same locality. There 
 was no possibility of guessing the truth in such a country of dense 
 grass, and with numerous islands of the same character throughout 
 this portion of the Brahmaputra, but there was one advantage in 
 the fact that one side was secure, as the tiger would never break 
 covert upon the cultivated land; there remained the opposite 
 side, which would require strict watching, as he would probably 
 endeavour to slink away through the high grass to some distant 
 and favourite retreat. 
 I therefore determined to take my stand at the end of the thick 
 jungle which we had passed upon arrival, at the corner where it 
 joined the parched grass that had been fire-scorched, and near the 
 spot where the cow had been dragged in. I accordingly sent the 
 elephants round to commence the drive about two hundred yards 
 distant, entering from the cultivated side and driving towards me, 
 as I concluded the tiger in such massive jungle would not be far 
 from the dead body. At the same time, I sent two scouting 
 elephants to occupy positions outside the jungle on the high grass 
 side, within sight of myself; I being posted on my elephant at the 
 corner, so that I commanded two views the end, and the grass 
 My signal, a loud whistle, having been given, the line of 
 elephants advanced towards my position. The crashing of so 
 many huge beasts through the dense crisp herbage sounded in the 
 distance like a strong wind, varied now and then by the tearing
 crunch as some opi>osing branches were torn down to- clear the 
 I was mounted upon a female elephant, a good creature named 
 Nielmonnt', who was reputed to he staunch, but as the line of 
 beaters approached nearer, and the varied sounds increased in 
 intensity, she became very nervous and restless, starting should a 
 small deer dart out of the jungle, and evidently expecting moment- 
 arily the appearance of the enemy. There are very few elephants 
 that will remain unmoved when awaiting the advance of a line of 
 beaters, whether they may be of their own species or human beings. 
 On this occasion the rushing sound of the yielding jungle, which 
 was so thick as to test the elephants' powers in clearing a passage 
 through it, was presently varied by a sharp trumpet, then by 
 a low growl, followed by that peculiar noise emitted by elephants 
 when excited, resembling blows upon a tambourine or kettle- 
 drum. This is a sound that invariably is heard whenever an 
 elephant detects the fresh scent of a tiger ; and Nielmonne', instead 
 of standing quiet, became doubly excited, as she evidently under- 
 stood that the dreaded game was on foot, and advancing before 
 the line. 
 As I was posted at the sharp angle of the corner, I presently 
 observed several elephants emerge upon my left and right, as the 
 line advanced with wonderful regularity, and so close were the 
 animals together that it was most unlikely any tiger could have 
 broken back. 
 My servant Michael was behind me in the howdah. He was a 
 quiet man, who thoroughly understood his work, and seldom spoke 
 without being first addressed. On this occasion he broke through 
 the rule. "Nothing in this beat, sahib," he exclaimed. . . . 
 " Hold your tongue, Michael, till the cover's beaten out. Haven't 
 I often told you that you can't tell what's in the jungle until the 
 last corner is gone through ? " 
 Nearly all the elephants were now out, and only about half a 
 dozen remained in the jungle, all still advancing in correct line, 
 and perhaps a dozen yards remaining of dense reeds and creeps 
 forming the acute angle at the extremity. They still came on. 
 Two or three of the msxhoiits shouted, " The tiger's behind, we 
 must go back and take a longer beat." Nothing remained now 
 except six or seven yards of the sharp corner, and the elephants 
 marched forward, when a tremendous roar suddenly startled them 
 in .ill directions, and one of the largest tigers I have ever seen 
 sprang forward directly towards Nielmonne, who, I am ashamed 
 to say, spun round as though upon a pivot, and prevented me
 from taking a most splendid shot. The next instant the tiger 
 had bounded back with several fierce roars, sending the line of 
 elephants flying, and once more securing safety in the almost 
 impervious jungle from which he had been driven. 
 This was a most sticcessful drive, but a terrible failure, owing 
 entirely to the nervousness of my elephant. I never saw a worse 
 jungle, and now that the tiger had been moved, it would be 
 doubly awkward to deal with him, as he would either turn vicious 
 and spring upon an elephant unawares from so dense a covert, or 
 slink from place to place as the line advanced, but would never 
 again face the open. 
 I looked at my watch ; it was exactly half-past eight. The 
 mahouts suggested that we should not disturb him, but give him 
 time to sleep, and then beat for him in the afternoon. I did not 
 believe in sleep after he had been so rudely aroused by a long line 
 of elephants, but I clearly perceived that the mahouts did not 
 enjoy the fun of beating in such dreadful jungle, and this they 
 presently confessed, and expressed a wish to have me in the centre 
 of the line, as there was no gun with the elephants should the 
 tiger attack. 
 I knew that I should be useless, as it would be impossible to 
 see a foot ahead in such dense bush, but to give them confidence 
 I put my elephant in line, and sent forward several scouting 
 elephants to form a line along a narrow footpath which cut the 
 jungle at right angles about a quarter of a mile distant. 
 Once more the line advanced, the elephants marching shoulder 
 to shoulder, and thus bearing down everything before them, as I de- 
 termined to take the jungle backwards and forwards in this close 
 order lest the wary tiger might crouch, and escape by lying close. 
 Several times the elephants sounded, and we knew that he 
 must be close at hand, but it was absolutely impossible to see any- 
 thing beyond the thick reedy mass, through which the line of 
 elephants bored as through a solid obstacle. 
 Three times with the greatest patience we worked the jungle 
 in this searching manner, when on the third advance I left the 
 line, finding the impossibility of seeing anything, and took up my 
 position outside the jungle on the cultivated land, exactly where 
 the footpath was occupied by the scout elephants at intervals, 
 which intersected the line of advance. 
 Presently there was a commotion among the elephants, two or 
 three shrill trumpets, then the kettle-drum, and for a moment I 
 caught sight of a dim shadowy figure stealing through some high 
 reeds upon the border which fringed the jungle. I immediately
 fired, although the elephant was so unsteady that I could not be 
 sure of the shot ; also the object was so indistinct, being concealed 
 in the high reeds, that I should not have observed it upon any 
 other occasion than our rigid search. Immediately afterwards, a 
 shout from one of the mahouts upon a scouting elephant informed 
 us that the tiger had crossed the path and had gone forward, 
 having thus escaped from the beat ! 
 Here was fresh work cut out ! Up to this moment we had 
 managed to keep him within an area of a quarter of a mile in 
 length, by half a mile in width ; he had now got into new ground, 
 and was in about a three-quarter mile length of the same unbeaten 
 There was nothing else to do but to pursue the same tactics, 
 and we patiently continued to beat forward and backward, again 
 and again, but without once sighting our lost game. It was half- 
 past twelve, and the sun was burning hot, the sky being cloudless. 
 The elephants once more emerged from the sultry jungle ; they 
 were blowing spray with their trunks upon their flanks, from 
 water sucked up from their stomachs ; and the mahouts were all 
 down-hearted and in despair. " It's of no use," they said, " he's 
 gone straight away, who can tell where 1 When you fired, perhaps 
 you wounded him, or you missed him ; at any rate, he's frightened 
 and gone clean off, we shall never see him again ; the elephants 
 are all tired with the extreme heat, and we had better go to the 
 river for a bath." 
 I held a council of war, with the elephants in a circle around 
 me. It is of no use to oppose men when they are disgusted, you 
 must always start a new idea. I agreed with my men, but I sug- 
 gested that as we were all hot, and the elephants fatigued, the 
 tiger must be in much the same state, as we had kept him on the 
 run since eight o'clock in the morning, I having actually timed the 
 hour " half-past eight " when he charged out of the last corner. 
 " Now," said I, "do you remember that yesterday evening I killed 
 a buck near some water in a narrow depression in the middle of 
 tamarisk jungle'? I believe that is only a continuation of tliis 
 horrible thicket, and if the tiger is nearly played out, he would 
 naturally make for the water and the cool tamarisk. You form in 
 line in the jungle here, and give me a quarter of an hour's start, 
 while I go ahead and take up my position by that piece of water. 
 You then come on, and if the tiger is in the jungle, he will come 
 forward towards the water, where I shall meet him ; if he's not 
 there, we shall anyhow be on our direct route, and close to our 
 camp by the river."
 This was immediately accepted, and leaving the elephants to 
 form line, I hurried forward on Nielmoune', keeping in the grass 
 outside the edge of the long jungle. 
 I had advanced about three-quarters of a mile, when the 
 character of the jungle changed to tamarisk, and I felt certain that 
 I was near the spot of yesterday. I accordingly ordered the mahout 
 to turn into the thick feathery foliage to the left, in search of the 
 remembered water. There was a slight descent to a long but 
 narrow hollow about 50 or 60 yards wide ; this was filled with 
 clear water for an unknown length. 
 I was just about to make a remark, when, instead of speaking, 
 I gently grasped the mahout by the head as I leaned over the 
 howdah, and by this signal stopped the elephant. 
 There was a lovely sight, which cheered my heart with that 
 inexpressible feeling of delight which is the reward for patience and 
 hard work. About 120 yards distant on my left, the head and 
 neck of a large tiger, clean and beautiful, reposed above the surface, 
 while the body was cooling, concealed from view. Here was our 
 friend enjoying his quiet bath, while we had been pounding away 
 up and down the jungles which he had left. 
 The mahout, although an excellent man, was much excited. 
 " Fire at him," he whispered. 
 " It is too far to make certain," I replied in the same xmdertone. 
 " Your rifle will not miss him ; fire, or you will lose him. He 
 will see us to a certainty and be off. If so, we shall never see him 
 again," continued Fazil, the mahout. 
 "Hold your tongue," I whispered. "He can't see us, the sun 
 is at our back, and is shining in his eyes see how green they are." 
 At this moment of suspense the tiger quietly rose from his bath, 
 and sat up on end like a dog. I never saw such a sight. His 
 head was beautiful, and the eyes shone like two green electric 
 lights, as the sun's rays reflected from them, but his huge body 
 was dripping with muddy water, as he had been reclining upon the 
 alluvial bottom. 
 " Now's the time," whispered the over-eager mahout. " You 
 can kill him to a certainty. Fire, or he'll be gone in another 
 "Keep quiet, you fool, and don't move till I tell yon." For 
 quite a minute the tiger sat up in the same position ; at last, as 
 though satisfied that he was in safety and seclusion, he once more 
 lay down with only the head and neck exposed above the surface. 
 " Back the elephant gently, but do not turn round," I whispered. 
 Immediately Nielmonne' backed through the feathery tamarisk
 without the slightest sound, and we found ourselves outside the 
 jungle. We could breathe freely. 
 "Go on now, quite gently, till I press your head ; then turn to 
 the right, descending through the tamarisk, till I again touch 
 your puggery " (turban). 
 I counted the elephant's paces as she moved softly parallel with 
 the jungle, until I felt sure of my distance. A slight pressure 
 upon the mahout's head, and Nielmonnd turned to the right. The 
 waving plumes of the dark-green tamarisk divided as we gently 
 moved forward, and in another moment we stopped. There was 
 the tiger in the same position, exactly facing me, but now about 
 75 paces distant. 
 " Keep the elephant quite steady," I whispered ; and, sitting 
 down upon the howdah seat, I took a rest with the rifle upon the 
 front bar of the gun-rack. A piece of tamarisk kept waving in the 
 wind just in front of the rifle, beyond my reach. The mahout 
 leaned forward and gently bent it down. Now, all was clear. The 
 tiger's eyes were like green glass. The elephant for a moment 
 stood like stone. I touched the trigger. 
 There was no response to the loud report of 6 drams of powder 
 from the 'f>77 rifle, no splash in the unbroken surface of the water. 
 The tiger's head was still there, but in a different attitude, one- 
 half below the surface, and only one cheek, and one large eye still 
 glittering like an emerald, above. 
 "Run in quick," and the order was instantly obeyed, as 
 Nielmonne splashed through the pool towards the silent body of 
 the tiger. There was not a movement of a muscle. I whistled 
 loud, then looked at my watch on the stroke of 1 P.M. From 
 8.30 till that hour we had worked up that tiger, and although 
 there was no stirring incident connected with him, I felt very 
 satisfied with the result. 
 In a short time the elephants arrived, having heard the shot, 
 followed by my well-known whistle. Moota Giitchd was the first 
 to approach ; and upon observing the large bright eye of the tiger 
 above water, he concluded that it was still alive ; he accordingly 
 made a desperate charge, and taking the body on his tusks, he sent 
 it flying some yards ahead ; not content with this display of 
 triumph, he followed it up, and gave it a football-kick that lifted 
 it clean out of the water. This would have quickly ended in a 
 war-dance upon the prostrate body, that would have crushed it and 
 destroyed the skin, had not the mahout, with the iron driving-hook, 
 bestowed some warning taps upon the crown of Moota Gutche'a 
 head that recalled him to a calmer frame of mind. A rope was
 soon made fast to the tiger's neck, and Moota Outdid hauled it 
 upon dry ground, where it was washed as well as possible, and well 
 scrutinised for a bullet-hole. 
 There was no hole whatever in that tiger. The bullet having 
 entered the nostril, broken the neck, and run along the body, the 
 animal consequently had never moved. The first shot, when 
 obscured in thick jungle, had probably deflected from the interposing 
 reeds at all events it missed. This tiger, when laid out straight, 
 but without being pulled to increase its length, measured exactly 
 9 feet 8 inches from nose to tail.
 THE ELEPHANT (continued) 
 THE foregoing chapter is sufficient to explain the ferocity of the 
 male elephant at certain seasons which periodically affect the 
 nervous system. It would be easy to multiply examples of this 
 cerebral excitement, but such repetitions are unnecessary. The 
 fact remains that the sexes differ materially in character, and that 
 for general purposes the female is preferred in a domesticated state, 
 although the male tusker is far more powerful, and when thoroughly 
 trustworthy is capable of self-defence against attack, and of energy 
 in work that would render it superior to the gentler but inferior 
 female. 1 
 It may be inferred that a grand specimen of a male elephant is 
 of rare occurrence. A creature that combines perfection of form 
 with a firm but amiable disposition, and is free from the timidity 
 which unfortunately distinguishes the race, may be quite invalu- 
 able to any resident in India. The actual monetary value of an 
 elephant must of necessity be impossible to decide, as it must 
 depend upon the requirements of the purchaser and the depth of 
 his pocket. Elephants differ in price as much as horses, and the 
 princes of India exhibit profuse liberality in paying large sums for 
 animals that approach their standard of perfection. 
 The handsomest elephant that I have ever seen in India belongs 
 to the Rajah of Nandgaon, in the district bordering upon Reipore. 
 I saw this splendid specimen among twenty others at the durbar 
 of the Chief Commissioner of the Central Provinces in December 
 1887, and it completely eclipsed all others both in size and per- 
 fection of points. The word "points" is inappropriate when 
 applied to the distinguishing features of an elephant, as anything 
 1 The female differs from other quadrupeds in the position of her teats, 
 which are situated upon the breast between the fore legs. She is in the habit 
 of caressing her calf with her trunk during the operation of suckling.
 approaching the angular would be considered a blemish. An 
 Indian elephant to be perfect should be 9 feet 6 inches in perpen- 
 dicular height at the shoulder. The head should be majestic in 
 general character, as large as possible, especially broad across the 
 forehead, and well rounded. The boss or prominence above the 
 trunk should be solid and decided, mottled with flesh-coloured 
 spots; these ought to continue upon the cheeks, and for about 
 three feet down the trunk. This should be immensely massive ; 
 and when the elephant stands at ease, the trunk ought to touch 
 the ground when the tip is slightly curled. The skin of the face 
 should be soft to the touch, and there must be no indentations or 
 bony hollows, which are generally the sign of age. The ears 
 should be large, the edges free from inequalities or rents, and 
 above all they ought to be smooth, as though they had been care- 
 fully ironed. When an elephant is old, the top of the ear curls, 
 and this symptom increases with advancing years. The eyes 
 should be large and clear, the favourite colour a bright hazel. The 
 tusks ought to be as thick as possible, free from cracks, gracefully 
 curved, very slightly to the right and left, and projecting not less 
 than three feet from the lips. The body should be well rounded, 
 without a sign of any rib. The shoulders must be massive with 
 projecting muscular development ; the back very slightly arched, 
 and not sloping too suddenly towards the tail, which should be 
 set up tolerably high. This ought to be thick and long, the end 
 well furnished with a double fringe of very long thick hairs or 
 whalebone-looking bristles. The legs should be short in propor- 
 tion to the height of the animal, but immensely thick, and the 
 upper portion above the knee ought to exhibit enormous muscle. 
 The knees should be well rounded, and the feet be exactly equal 
 to half the perpendicular height of the elephant when measured in 
 their circumference, the weight pressing upon them whilst standing. 
 The skin generally ought to be soft and pliable, by no means 
 tight or strained, but lying easily upon the limbs and body. 
 An elephant which possesses this ^physical development should 
 be equal in the various points of character that are necessary to a 
 highly-trained animal. 
 When ordered to kneel, it should obey instantly, and remain 
 patiently upon the ground until permitted to rise from this uneasy 
 posture. In reality the elephant does not actually kneel upon its 
 fore knees, but only upon those of the hinder legs, while it pushes 
 its fore legs forward and rests its tusks upon the ground. This 
 is a most unnatural position, and is exceedingly irksome. Some 
 elephants are very impatient, and they will rise suddenly without
 orders while the ladder is placed against their side for mounting. 
 Upon one occasion a badly-trained animal jumped up so suddenly 
 that Lady Haker, who had already mounted, was thrown off on 
 one side, while I, who was just on the top of the ladder, was 
 thrown down violently upon the other. A badly-tutored elephant 
 is exceedingly dangerous, as such vagaries are upon so large a scale 
 that a fall is serious, especially should the ground be stony. 
 A calm and placid nature free from all timidity is essential. 
 Elephants are apt to take sudden fright at peculiar sounds and 
 sights. In travelling through a jungle path it is impossible to 
 foretell what animals may be encountered on the route. Some 
 elephants will turn suddenly round and bolt, upon the unexpected 
 crash of a wild animal startled in the forest. The scent or, still 
 worse, the roar of a bear within 50 yards of the road will scare 
 some elephants to an extent that will make them most difficult of 
 control. The danger may be imagined should an elephant 
 absolutely run away with his rider in a dense forest ; if the un- 
 fortunate person should be in a howdah he would probably be 
 swept off and killed by the intervening branches, or torn to shreds 
 by the tangled thorns, many of which are armed with steel-like 
 It is impossible to train all elephants alike, and very few can 
 be rendered thoroughly trustworthy ; the character must be born 
 in them if they are to approach perfection. 
 Our present perfect example should be quite impassive, and 
 should take no apparent notice of anything, but obey his mahout 
 with the regularity of a machine. No noise should disturb the 
 nerves, no sight terrify, no attack for one moment shake the 
 courage ; even the crackling of fire should be unheeded, although 
 the sound of high grass blazing and exploding before the advancing 
 line of fire tries the nerves of elephants more than any other danger. 
 An elephant should march with an easy swinging pace at the 
 rate of five miles an hour, or even six miles within that time upon 
 a good flat road. As a rule, the females have an easier pace than 
 the large males. When the order to stop is given, instead of 
 hesitating, the elephant should instantly obey, remaining rigidly 
 still without swinging the head or flapping the ears, which is its 
 inveterate and annoying habit. The well-trained animal should 
 then move backward or forward, either one or several paces, at a 
 sign from the mahout, and then at once become as rigid as a rock. 
 Should the elephant be near a tiger, it will generally know the 
 position of the enemy by its keen sense of smell. If the tiger 
 should suddenly charge from some dense covert with the usual short
 but loud roars, the elephant ought to remain absolutely still to 
 receive the onset, and to permit a steady aim from the person in 
 the howdah. This is a very rare qualification, but most necessary 
 in a good shikar elephant. Some tuskers will attack the tiger, 
 which is nearly as bad a fault as running in the opposite direction ; 
 but the generality, even if tolerably steady, will swing suddenly 
 upon one side, and thus interrupt the steadiness of the aim. 
 The elephant should never exercise its own will, but ought to 
 wait in all cases for the instructions of the mahout, and then obey 
 Such an animal, combining the proportions and the qualities I 
 have described, might be worth in India about 1500 to any Indian 
 Rajah, but there may be some great native sportsmen who would 
 give double that amount for such an example of perfection, which 
 would combine the beauty required for a state elephant, with the 
 high character of a shikar animal. 
 Native princes and rajahs take a great pride in the trappings 
 of their state elephants, which is exhibited whenever any pageant 
 demands an extraordinary display. I have seen cloths of silk so 
 closely embroidered with heavy gold as to be of enormous value, 
 and so great a weight that two men could barely lift them. _ Such 
 cloths may have been handed down from several generations, as 
 they are seldom used excepting in the state ceremonies which occur 
 at distant intervals. A high caste male elephant in its gold 
 trappings, with head-piece and forehead lap equally embroidered, 
 and large silver bells suspended from its tusks, is a magnificent 
 object during the display attending a durbar. At such an occa- 
 sion there may be a hundred elephants all in their finery, each 
 differing from the other both in size and in the colours of their 
 The outfit for an elephant depends upon the work required. 
 The first consideration is the protection of the back. Although the 
 skin appears as though it could resist all friction, it is astonishing 
 how quickly a sore becomes established, and how difficult this is to 
 heal. The mahouts are exceedingly careless, and require much 
 supervision ; the only method to ensure attention is to hold them 
 responsible, and to deduct so many rupees from their pay should 
 the backs of their animals be unsound. 
 With proper care an elephant ought never to suffer, as the pad 
 should be made to fit its figure specially. The usual method is to 
 cover the back from the shoulders to the hips with a large quilted 
 pad stuffed with cotton, about 2 inches thick. In my opinion, 
 wool is preferable to cotton, and, instead of this coverlet being
 compact, there should be an opening down the centre, to avoid all 
 pressure uj>on the spine. A quilted pad stuffed with wool, 3 
 inches thick, with an opening down the middle, would rest com- 
 fortably upon the animal's back, and would entirely relieve the 
 highly-arched backbone, which would thus be exposed to a free 
 current of air, and would remain hard instead of becoming sodden 
 through perspiration. Upon this soft layer the large pad is fixed. 
 This is made of the strongest sacking, stuffed as tight as possible 
 with dried reeds of a tough variety that is common in most tanks ; 
 this is open in the centre and quite a foot thick at the sides, so 
 that it fills up the hollow, and rests the weight upon the ribs at a 
 safe distance from the spine. 
 There are various contrivances in the shape of saddles. The 
 ordinary form for travelling is the char-jarma ; this is an oblong 
 frame, exceedingly strong, which is lashed upon the pad secured 
 by girths. It is stuffed with cotton, and neatly covered with 
 native cloth. A stuffed back passes down the centre like a sofa, 
 and two people on either side sit dos-a-dos, as though in an Irish 
 car. Iron rails protect the ends, and swing foot-boards support 
 the feet. This is, in my opinion, the most comfortable way of 
 riding, but some care is necessary in proportioning the weights to 
 ensure a tolerable equilibrium, otherwise, should the route be up 
 and down steep nullahs, the char-jarma will shift upon one side, 
 and become most disagreeable to those who find themselves on the 
 lower level. Natives prefer a well-stuffed pad, as they are accus- 
 tomed to sit with their legs doubled up in a manner that would 
 be highly uncomfortable to Europeans. Such pads are frequently 
 covered with scarlet cloth aud gold embroidery, while the elephant 
 is dressed in a silk and gold cloth reaching to its knees. The face 
 and head are painted in various colours and devices, exhibiting 
 great taste and skill on the part of the designer. It is curious to 
 observe the dexterity with which an otherwise ignorant mahout will 
 decorate the head of his animal by drawing most elaborate curves 
 and patterns, that would tax the ability of a professional artist 
 among Europeans. 
 The howdah is the only accepted arrangement for sporting 
 purposes, and much attention is necessary in its construction, as the 
 greatest strength should be combined with lightness. There ought 
 to be no doors, as they wenken the solidity of the whole. The 
 weight of a good roomy howdah should not exceed two hundred- 
 weight, or at the outside 230 pounds. It must be remembered 
 that the howdah is not adapted for travelling, as there is a dis- 
 agreeable swinging motion inseparable from its position upon the
 elephant's back which is not felt upon either the pad or the char- 
 jarma. The howdah is simply for shooting, as you can fire in any 
 direction, which is impossible from any other contrivance where 
 the rider sits in a constrained position. 
 A good howdah should be made of exceedingly strong and tough 
 wood for the framework, dovetailed, and screwed together, the 
 joints being specially secured by long corner straps of the best iron. 
 The frame ought to be panelled with galvanised wire of the 
 strongest description, the mesh being one-half inch. The top rail, 
 of a hard wood, should be strengthened all round the howdah by 
 the addition of a male bamboo 1 J inch in diameter, securely lashed 
 with raw hide, so as to bind the structure firmly together, and to 
 afford a good grip for the hand. As the howdah is divided into two 
 compartments, the front being for the shooter, and the back part 
 for his servant, the division should be arranged to give increased 
 strength to the construction by the firmness of the cross pieces, 
 which ought to bind the sides together in forming the middle seat ; 
 the back support of which should be a padded shield of thick 
 leather, about 15 inches in diameter, secured by a broad strap of 
 the same material to buckles upon the sides. This will give a 
 yielding support to the back of the occupant when sitting. The 
 seat should lift up, and be fitted as a locker to contain anything 
 required ; and a well-stuffed leather cushion is indispensable. The 
 gun-rack should be carefully arranged to contain two guns upon the 
 left, and one upon the right of the sitter. These must be well and 
 softly padded, to prevent friction. The floor should be covered 
 either with thick cork or cork-matting to prevent the feet from 
 It must be remembered that a howdah may be subjected to the 
 most severe strain, especially should a tiger spring upon the head of 
 an elephant, and the animal exert its prodigious strength to throw 
 off its assailant. The irons for fastening the girths should there- 
 fore be of the toughest quality, and, instead of actual girths, only 
 thick ropes of cotton ought to be used. A girth secured with a 
 buckle is most dangerous, as, should the buckle give way, an 
 accident of the most alarming kind must assuredly occur. The 
 howdah ought to be lashed upon the elephant by six folds of the 
 strong cotton rope described, tightened most carefully before start- 
 ing. It should be borne in mind that much personal attention is 
 necessary during this operation, as the natives are most careless. 
 Two or three men ought to sit in the howdah during the process 
 of lacing, so as to press it down tightly upon the pad, otherwise it 
 will become loose during the march, and probably lean over to one 
 hide, which is uncomfortable to both man and beast. A large 
 hide of the sambur deer, well cured and greased so as to be soft 
 and pliable, should invariably protect the belly of the elephant, 
 and tlu 1 flunks under the fore legs, from the friction of the girthing 
 rope. The breastplate and crupper also require attention. These 
 ought to be of the same quality of cotton rope as used for the 
 girths, but that portion of the crupper which passes beneath the 
 tail should pass through an iron tube bent specially to fit, like the 
 letter V elongated, U. This is a great safeguard against galling, 
 and I believe it was first suggested by Mr. G. P. Sanderson. 
 A fine male elephant, well accoutred with his howdah thoroughly 
 secured, and a good mahout, is a splendid mount, and the rider 
 has the satisfaction of feeling that his animal is well up to his 
 weight. I do not know a more agreeable sensation than the start 
 in the early morning upon a thoroughly dependable elephant, with 
 all the belongings in first-rate order, and a mahout who takes a 
 real interest in his work ; a thorough harmony exists between men 
 and beast, the rifles are in their places, and you feel prepared for 
 anything that may happen during the hazardous adventures of 
 the day. 
 But how much depends upon that mahout ! It is impossible 
 for an ordinary bystander to comprehend the secret signs which 
 are mutually understood by the elephant and his guide the gentle 
 pressure of one toe, or the compression of one knee, or the delicate 
 touch of a heel, or the almost imperceptible swaying of the body 
 to one side ; the elephant detects every movement, howsoever 
 slight, and it is thus mysteriously guided by its intelligence ; the 
 mighty beast obeys the unseen helm of thought, just as a huge 
 ship yields by apparent instinct to the insignificant appendage 
 which directs her course the rudder. All good riders know the 
 mystery of a " good hand " upon a horse ; this is a thing that is 
 understood, but cannot be described except by a negative. There 
 are persons who can sit a horse gracefully and well, but who have 
 not the instinctive gift of hand. The horse is aware of this almost 
 as soon as the rider has been seated in the saddle. In that case, 
 whether the horse be first-class or not, there will be no comfort for 
 the animal, and no ease for the rider. 
 If such a person puts his horse at a fence, the animal will not 
 be thoroughly convinced that his rider wishes him to take it. 
 There are more accidents occasioned by a " bad hand " than by 
 any other cause. If this is the case with a horse well bitted, what 
 must be the result should an elephant be guided by a mahout of 
 uncertain temperament 1 The great trouble when travelling on an
 elephant is the difficulty in getting the mahout to obey an order 
 immediately, and at the same time to convey that order to the 
 animal without the slightest hesitation. Natives frequently hesi- 
 tate before they determine the right from left. This is exasper- 
 ating to the highest degree, and is destructive to the discipline of 
 an elephant. There must be no uncertainty ; if there is the 
 slightest vacillation, it will be felt instinctively in the muscles of 
 the rider, and the animal, instead of obeying mechanically the 
 requisite pressure of knee or foot, feels that the mahout does not 
 exactly know what he is about. This will cause the elephant to 
 swing his head, instead of keeping steady and obeying the order 
 without delay. In the same manner, when tiger-shooting, the 
 elephant will at once detect anything like tremor on the part of 
 his mahout. Frequently a good elephant may be disgraced by the 
 nervousness of his guide, nothing being so contagious as fear. 
 Although I may be an exception in the non-admiration of the 
 elephant's sagacity to the degree in which it is usually accepted, 
 there is no one who more admires or is so foolishly fond of 
 elephants. I have killed some hundreds in my early life, but I 
 have learnt to regret the past, and nothing would now induce me 
 to shoot an elephant unless it were either a notorious malefactor, 
 or in self-defence. There is, however, a peculiar contradiction in 
 the character of elephants that tends to increase the interest in 
 the animal. If they were all the same, there would be a mono- 
 tony ; but this is never the case, either among animals or human 
 beings, although they may belong to one family. The elephant, 
 on the other hand, stands so entirely apart from all other animals, 
 and its performances appear so extraordinary owing to the enor- 
 mous effect which its great strength produces instantaneously, that 
 its peculiarities interest mankind more than any smaller animal. 
 Yet, when we consider the actual aptitude for learning, or the 
 natural habits of the creature, we are obliged to confess that in 
 proportion to its size the elephant is a mere fool in comparison 
 with the intelligence of many insects. If the elephant could form 
 a home like the bee, and store up fodder for a barren season ; if it 
 could build a nest of comfort like a bird, to shelter itself from 
 inclement weather ; if it could dam up a river like the beaver, to 
 store water for the annual drought ; if it could only, like the 
 ordinary squirrel or field mouse, make a store for a season of 
 scarcity, how marvellous we should think this creature, simply 
 because it is so huge ! It actually does nothing remarkable, unless 
 specially instructed ; but it is this inertia that renders it so 
 valuable to man. If the elephant were to be continually exerting
 its natural intelligence, and volunteering all manner of gigantic 
 performances in the hope that they would be appreciated by its 
 rider, it would be unbearable ; the value of the animal consists in 
 its capacity to learn, and in its passive demeanour, until directed 
 by the mahout's commands. 
 Nothing can positively determine the character of any elephant ; 
 every animal, I believe, varies more or less in courage according to 
 its state of health, which must influence the nervous system. The 
 most courageous man may, if weakened by sickness, be disgusted 
 with himself by starting at an unexpected sound, although upon 
 ordinary occasions he would not be affected. Animals cannot 
 describe their feelings, and they may sometimes feel " out of sorts " 
 without being actually ill, but the nervous system may be unstrung. 
 I once saw a ridiculous example of sudden panic in an otherwise 
 most dependable elephant. This was a large male belonging to 
 the Government, which had been lent to me for a few months, and 
 was thoroughly staunch when opposed to a charging tiger ; in fact, 
 I believe that Moolah Bux was afraid of nothing, and he was the 
 best shikar elephant I have ever ridden. One day we were driving 
 a rocky hill for a tiger that was supposed to be concealed somewhere 
 among the high grass and broken boulders, and, as the line of 
 beaters was advancing, I backed the elephant into some thick 
 jungle, which commanded an open but narrow glade at the foot of 
 the low hill. Only the face of the elephant was exposed, and as 
 this was grayish brown, something similar to the colour of the 
 leafless bushes, we were hardly noticeable to anything that might 
 break covert. 
 The elephant thoroughly understood the work in hand ; and as 
 the loud yells and shouts of the beaters became nearer, Moolah 
 Bux pricked his ears and kept a vigilant look-out. Suddenly a 
 hare emerged about 100 yards distant; without observing our 
 well-concealed position it raced at full speed directly towards us, 
 and in a few seconds it ran almost between the elephant's legs as 
 it made for the protection of the jungle. The mighty Moolah 
 Bux fairly bolted with a sudden terror as this harmless and tiny 
 creature dashed beneath him, and although he recovered himself 
 after five or six yards, nevertheless for the moment the monster was 
 scared almost by a mouse. 
 It is this uncertainty of character that lias rendered the 
 elephant useless for military purposes in the field since the intro- 
 duction of firearms. In olden times there can be no doubt that a 
 grand array of elephantine cavalry, with towers containing archers 
 on their backs, would have been an important factor when in line
 of battle ; but elephants are useless against firearms, and in our 
 early battles with the great hordes brought against us by the 
 princes of India, their elephants invariably turned tail, and added 
 materially to the defeat of their army. 
 Only a short time ago, at Munich, a serious accident was 
 occasioned by a display of ten or twelve elephants during some 
 provincial fete, when they took fright at the figure of a dragon 
 vomiting fire, and a general stampede was the consequence, 
 resulting in serious injuries to fifteen or sixteen persons. 
 I once had an elephant who ought to have killed me upon 
 several occasions through sheer panic, which induced him to run 
 away like a railway locomotive rushing through a forest. This 
 was the tusker Lord Mayo, who, although a good-tempered harm- 
 less creature, appeared to be utterly devoid of nerves, and would 
 take fright at anything to which it was unaccustomed. The sound 
 of the beaters when yelling and shouting in driving jungle was 
 quite sufficient to start this animal off in a senseless panic, not 
 always for a short distance, as on one occasion it ran at full speed 
 for upwards of a mile through a dense forest, in spite of the 
 driving-hook of the mahout, which had been applied with a 
 maximum severity. 
 It is curious to observe how all the education of an elephant 
 appears to vanish when once the animal takes fright and bolts for 
 the nearest jungle. That seems to be the one idea which is an 
 instinct of original nature, to retreat into the concealment of a 
 I was on one occasion mounted upon Lord Mayo in the Balaghat 
 district when the beaters were not dependable. A tiger had killed 
 a bullock at the foot of a wooded hill bordered by an open plain. 
 As the beaters had misbehaved upon several occasions by breaking 
 their line, I determined to take command of the beat in person. I 
 therefore formed the line in the open, with every man equidistant, 
 there being about a hundred and twenty villagers. I had placed 
 my shikari with a rifle in a convenient position about 200 yards in 
 advance, upon a mucharn or platform that had been constructed 
 for myself. 
 Having after some trouble arranged the beaters in a proper line, 
 I gave the order for an advance. In an instant the shouts arose, 
 and three or four tom-toms added to the din. 
 I was mounted upon Lord Mayo near the centre of the line in 
 the open glade. No sooner had the noise begun, than a violent 
 panic seized this senseless brute, and without the slightest warning 
 it rushed straight ahead lor the thick forest at a pace that would
 nearly equal that of a luggage train. It was in vain that the 
 mahout dug the iron spike into its head and alternately seized its 
 cars by the unsparing hook, away it ran, regardless of all punishment 
 or persuasion, until it reached the jungle, and with a crash we 
 entered in full career ! 
 Fortunately there was no howdah, only a pad well secured by 
 thick ropes. To clutch these tightly, and to dodge the opposing 
 branches by ducking the head, now swinging to the right, then 
 doubling down upon the left to allow the bending trees to sweep 
 across the pad, then flinging oneself nearly over the flank to escape 
 a bough that threatened instant extermination ; all these gymnastics 
 were performed and repeated in a few seconds only, as the panic- 
 stricken brute ploughed its way, regardless of all obstructions, 
 which threatened every instant to sweep us off its back. The 
 active mahout of my other elephant, knowing the character of Lord 
 Mayo, had luckily accompanied us with a spear, and although at 
 the time I was unaware of his presence, he was exerting himself to 
 the utmost in a vain endeavour to overtake our runaway elephant. 
 At first I imagined that the great pace would soon be slackened, 
 and that a couple of hundred yards would exhaust the animal's 
 wind, especially as the ground was slightly rising. Instead of this, 
 it was going like a steam-engine, and if there had been the usual 
 amount of thorny creepers we should have been torn to pieces. 
 " Keep him straight for the hill," I shouted, as I saw we were 
 approaching an inclination. "Don't let him turn to right or left, 
 keep his head straight for the steep ground ;" and the mahout, 
 who had been yelling for assistance, and had lost both his turban 
 and skull-cap, did all that he could by tunnelling into the brute's 
 head with his formidable hook to direct it straight up the hill. I 
 never knew an elephant go at such a pace over rocky ground. 
 Young trees were smashed down, some branches torn, others bent 
 forward, which swung backwards with dangerous force, and yet on 
 we tore without a sign of diminishing speed. How I longed for 
 an anchor to have brought up our runaway ship head to wind ! 
 We had the coupling chains upon the pad, and my interpreter, 
 Modar Bux, at length succeeded in releasing these, and in throwing 
 them down for any person following to make use of. After a run 
 of quite half a mile, we fortunately arrived at a really steep portion 
 of the hill, where the rocks were sufficiently large to present a 
 difficulty to any runaway. The mahout who had been following 
 our course, breathless and with bleeding foot, here overtook us. 
 Placing himself in advance of the elephant, who seem determined 
 to continue its flight among the rocks, he dug the spear deep into
 the animal's trunk, and kept repeating the apparently cruel thrusts 
 until at length it stopped. Several men now arrived with the 
 coupling chains, which were at length with difficulty adjusted, and 
 the elephant's fore legs were shackled together. It was curious to 
 observe the dexterous manner in which it resisted this operation, 
 and had it not been for the dread of the spear I much doubt 
 whether it could have been accomplished. 
 This was the first time that I had experienced a runaway 
 elephant, but I soon found that both my steeds were equally 
 untrustworthy. A few weeks after this event we had completed 
 the morning's march and found the camp already prepared for our 
 arrival, at a place called Kassli, which is a central depot for rail- 
 way sleepers as they are received from the native contractors. 
 These were carefully piled iu squares of about twenty each, and 
 covered a considerable area of ground at intervals. A large ox 
 had died that morning, and as it was within 50 yards of the tent 
 it was necessary to remove it ; the vultures were already crowded 
 in the surrounding trees waiting for its decomposition. As usual, 
 none of the natives would defile themselves by touching the dead 
 body. I accordingly gave orders that one of the elephants should 
 drag it about a mile down wind away from the camp. Lord Mayo 
 was brought to the spot, and the sweeper, being of a low caste, 
 attached a very thick rope to the hind legs of the ox ; the other 
 end being made fast to the elephant's pad in such a manner as to 
 torm traces. The elephant did not exhibit the slightest interest 
 in the proceeding, and everything was completed, the body of the 
 ox being about six or seven yards behind. 
 No sooner did Lord Mayo move forward in obedience to'the 
 mahout's command, and feel the tug of the weight attached, than 
 he started off in a panic at a tremendous pace, dragging the body 
 through the lanes between the piles of sleepers, upsetting them, 
 and sending them flying in all directions, as the dead ox caught 
 against the corners ; and, helter-skelter, he made for the nearest 
 jungle about 300 yards distant. Fortunately some wood-cutters 
 were there, who yelled and screamed to turn him back ; but 
 although this had the effect of driving him from the forest, he now 
 started over the plain down hill, dragging the heavy ox behind as 
 though it had been a rabbit, and going at such a pace that none 
 oi the natives could overtake him, although by this time at least 
 twenty men were in full pursuit. 
 The scene was intensely ridiculous, and the whole village turned 
 out to enjoy the fun of a runaway elephant with a dead ox bound- 
 ing over the inequalities of the ground ; no doubt Lord Mayo
 imagined that lie was being hunted by the carcase which so per- 
 sistently followed him wherever lie went. There was no danger 
 to the driver, as the elephant was kept away from the forest. 
 The ground became exceedingly rough and full of holes from the 
 soakage during the rainy season. This peculiar soil is much dis- 
 liked by elephants, as the surface is most treacherous, and 
 cavernous hollows caused by subterranean water action render it 
 unsafe for the support of such heavy animals. The resistance of 
 the dead ox, which constantly jammed in the abrupt depressions, 
 began to tell upon the speed, and in a short time the elephant was 
 headed, and surrounded by a mob of villagers. I was determined 
 that he should now be compelled to drag the carcase quietly in 
 order to accustom him to the burden ; we therefore attached the 
 coupling chains to his fore legs, and drove him gently, turning him 
 occasionally to enable him to inspect the carcase that had smitten 
 him with panic. In about twenty minutes he became callous, and 
 regarded the dead body with indifference. 
 Although an elephant is capable of great speed, it cannot jump, 
 neither can it lift all four legs off the ground at the same time ; 
 this peculiarity renders it impossible to cross any ditch with hard 
 perpendicular sides that will not crumble or yield to pressure, if 
 such a ditch should be wider than the limit of the animal's 
 extreme pace. If the limit of a pace should be 6 feet, a 7-foot 
 ditch would effectually stop an elephant. 
 Although the strength of an elephant is prodigious whenever 
 it is fully exerted, it is seldom that the animal can be induced to 
 exhibit the maximum force which it possesses. A rush of a herd 
 of elephants with a determined will against the enclosure of 
 palisades used for their capture would probably break through the 
 barrier, but they do not appear to know their strength, or to act 
 together. This want of cohesion is a sufficient proof that in a 
 wild state they are not so sagacious as they have been considered. 
 I do not describe the kraal or keddah, which is so well known by 
 frequent descriptions as the most ancient and practical method of 
 capturing wild elephants ; but although in Ceylon the kraal has 
 been used from time immemorial, the Singhalese are certainly 
 behind the age as compared with the great keddah establishments 
 of India In the latter country there is a ditch inside the 
 palisaded enclosure, which prevents the elephants from exerting 
 their force against the structure ; in Ceylon this precaution is ne- 
 glected, and the elephants have frequently effected a breach in the 
 palisade. In Ceylon all the old elephants capture! within the 
 kraal or keddah are considered worthless, and only those of
 scarcely full growth are valued ; in India all elephants irrespective 
 of their age are valued, and- the older animals are as easily 
 domesticated as the young. 
 The keddah establishment at Dacca is the largest in India, and 
 during the last season, under the superintendence of Mr. G. P. 
 Sanderson, 404 elephants were captured in the Garo Hills, 132 
 being taken in one drive. It is difficult to believe that any 
 district can continue to produce upon this wholesale scale, and it 
 is probable that after a few years elephants will become scarce in 
 the locality. Nevertheless there is a vast tract of forest extending 
 into Burmah, and the migratory habits of the elephant at certain 
 seasons may continue the supply, especially if certain fruits or 
 foliage attract them to the locality. 
 This migratory instinct is beyond our powers of explanation in 
 the case of either birds, beasts, or fishes. How they communicate, 
 in order to organise the general departure, must remain a mystery. 
 It is well known that in England, previous to the departure of the 
 swallows, they may be seen sitting in great numbers upon the tele- 
 graph wires, as though discussing the projected journey ; in a few 
 days after, there is not a swallow to be seen. 
 I once, and only once, had an opportunity of seeing elephants 
 that were either migrating, or had just arrived from a migration. 
 This was between 3 and 4 N. latitude in Africa, between Obbo 
 and Farfijok. We were marching through an uninhabited country 
 for about 30 miles, and in the midst of beautiful park-like scenery 
 we came upon the magnificent sight of vast herds of elephants. 
 These were scattered about the country in parties varying in numbers 
 from ten to a hundred, while single bulls dotted the landscape with 
 their majestic forms in all directions. In some places there were 
 herds of twenty or thirty entirely composed of large tuskers ; in 
 other spots were parties of females with young ones interspersed, 
 of varying growths, and this grand display of elephantine life con- 
 tinued for at least two miles in length as we rode parallel with the 
 groups at about a quarter of a mile distant. It would have been 
 impossible to guess the number, as there was no regularity in their 
 arrangement, neither could I form any idea of the breadth of the 
 area that was occupied. I have often looked back upon that ex- 
 traordinary scene, and it occurred to me forcibly in after years, 
 when I had 3200 elephants' tusks in one station of Central Africa, 
 which must have represented 1600 animals slain for their fatal ivory. 
 The day must arrive when ivory will be a production of the 
 past, as it is impossible that the enormous demand can be supplied. 
 I have already explained that the African savage never tames a
 wild animal, neither docs lie exhibit any sympathy or pity, his 
 desire being, like the gunner of the nineteenth century, to exter- 
 minate. It may be readily imagined that wholesale destruction is 
 the result whenever some favourable opportunity delivers a large 
 herd of elephants into the native hands. 
 There are various methods employed for trapping, or otherwise 
 destroying. Pitfalls are the most common, as they are simple, 
 and generally fatal. Elephants are thirsty creatures, and when in 
 large herds they make considerable roads in their passage towards 
 a river. They are nearly always to be found upon the same track 
 when nightly approaching the usual spot for drinking or for a bath. 
 It is therefore a simple affair to intercept their route by a series 
 of deep pitfalls dug exactly in the line of their advance. These 
 holes vary in shape ; the circular are, I believe, the most effective, 
 as the elephant falls head downwards, but I have seen them made 
 of different shapes and proportions according to the individual 
 opinions of the trappers. 
 It is exceedingly dangerous, when approaching a river, to march 
 in advance of a party without first sending forward a few natives 
 to examine the route in front. The pits are usually about 12 or 
 14 feet in depth. These are covered over with light wood, and 
 crossed with slight branches or reeds, upon which is laid some long 
 dry grass ; this is covered lightly with soil, upon which some 
 elephant's dung is scattered, as though the animal had dropped it 
 during the action of walking. A little broken grass is carelessly 
 distributed upon the surface, and the illusion is complete. The 
 night arrives, and the unsuspecting elephants, having travelled 
 many miles of thirsty wilderness, hurry down the incline towards 
 the welcome river. Crash goes a leading elephant into a well- 
 concealed pitfull ! To the right and left the frightened members 
 of the herd rush at the unlooked-for accident, but there are many 
 other pitfalls cunningly arranged to meet this sudden panic, and 
 several more casualties may arise, which add to the captures on 
 the following morning, when the trappers arrive to examine the 
 position of their pits. The elephants are then attacked with 
 spears while in their helpless position, until they at length succumb 
 through loss of blood. 
 There is another terrible method of destroying elephants in 
 Central Africa. During the dry season, when the withered herbage 
 from 10 to 14 feet in height is most inflammable, a large herd of 
 elephants may be found in the middle of such high grass that they 
 can only be perceived should a person be looking down from some 
 elevated point If they should be espied by some native hunter,
 he would immediately give due notice to the neighbourhood, and 
 in a short time the whole population would assemble for the hunt. 
 This would be arranged by forming a circle of perhaps two miles in 
 diameter, and simultaneously firing the grass so as to create a ring 
 of flames around the centre. An elephant is naturally afraid of fire, 
 and it has an instinctive horror of the crackling of flames when the 
 grass has been ignited. As the circle of fire contracts in approach- 
 ing the encirled herd, they at first attempt retreat until they become 
 assured of their hopeless position ; they at length become desperate, 
 being maddened by fear, and panic-stricken by the wild shouts of 
 the thousands who have surrounded them. At length, half- 
 suffocated by the dense smoke, and terrified by the close approach 
 of the roaring flames, the unfortunate animals charge recklessly 
 through the fire, burnt and blinded, to be ruthlessly speared by 
 the bloodthirsty crowd awaiting this last stampede. Sometimes a 
 hundred or more elephants are simultaneously destroyed in this 
 wholesale slaughter. The flesh is then cut into long strips and 
 dried, every portion of the animal being smoked upon frames of 
 green wood, and the harvest of meat is divided among the villages 
 which have contributed to the hunt. The tusks are also shared, 
 a certain portion belonging by right to the various headmen and 
 the chief. 
 When man determines to commence war with the animal king- 
 dom the result must be disastrous to the beasts, if the human 
 destroyers are in sufficient numbers to ensure success. Although 
 firearms may not be employed, the human intelligence must always 
 overpower the brute creation, but man must exist in numerical 
 superiority if the wild beasts are to be fairly vanquished by a 
 forced retreat from the locality. From my own observation I have 
 concluded that wild animals of all kinds Avill withstand the dangers 
 of traps, pitfalls, fire, and the usual methods for their destruction 
 employed by savages, but they will be rapidly cleared out of an 
 extensive district by the use of firearms. There is a peculiar effect 
 in the report of guns which appears to excite the apprehension of 
 danger in the minds of all animals. This is an extraordinary 
 instance of the general intelligence of wild creatures, as they must 
 be accustomed to the reports of thunder since the day of their birth. 
 Nevertheless they draw a special distinction between the loud peal 
 of thunder and the comparatively innocent explosion of a firearm. 
 Many years ago in Ceylon I devoted particular attention to this 
 subject, especially as it affects the character of elephants. Ho\v 
 those creatures manage to communicate with each other it is im- 
 possible to determine, but the fact remains that a very few days'
 shooting will clear out an extensive district, although the area may 
 comprise a variation of open prairie with a large amount of forest. 
 I have frequently observed, in the jwrtion of Ceylon known as the 
 Park country, the tracks of elephants in great numbers which have 
 evidently been considerable herds that have joined together in a 
 general retreat from ground which they considered 'insecure. In 
 that district I have arrived at the proper season, when the grass 
 after burning has grown to the height of about 2 feet, and it has 
 literally been alive with elephants. In a week my late brother 
 General Valentine Baker and myself shot thirty-two, and I sent a 
 messenger to invite a friend to join us, in the expectation of extra- 
 ordinary sport. Upon his arrival after five or six days, there was 
 not an elephant in the country, excepting two or three old single 
 bulls which always infested certain spots. 
 The reports of so many heavy rifles, which of necessity were 
 fired every evening at dusk in the days of muzzle-loaders, for the 
 sake of cleaning, must have widely alanned the country, but in- 
 dependently of this special cause there can be no doubt that after 
 a few days' heavy shooting, the elephants will combine in some 
 mysterious manner and disappear from an extensive district. In 
 many ways these creatures are perplexing to the student of natural 
 history. It would occur to most people that in countries where 
 elephants abound we should frequently meet with those that are 
 sick, or so aged that they cannot accompany the herd. Although 
 for very many years I have hunted both in Asia and Africa I have 
 never seen a sick elephant in a wild state, neither have I ever come 
 across an example of imbecility through age. It is rarely we 
 discover a dead elephant that has not met with a violent death, 
 and only once in my life have I by accident found the remains of a 
 tusker with the large tusks intact. This animal had been killed in 
 a fight, as there were unmistakable signs of a fearful struggle, the 
 ground being trodden deeply in all directions. 
 It is supposed by the natives that when an elephant is mortally 
 sick it conceals itself in the thickest and most secluded portion of 
 the jungle, to die in solitude. Most animals have the same instinct, 
 which induces them to seek the shelter of some spot remote from 
 all disturbance ; and should we find their remains, it will be near 
 water, where the thirst of disease has been assuaged at the last 
 The ox tribe are subject to violent epidemics, and I have not 
 only found the bodies of buffaloes in great numl>ers upon occasions 
 during some malignant murrain, but they have been scattered 
 throughout the country in all directions, causing a frightful stench,
 and probably extending the infection. A few years ago there was 
 an epidemic among the bisons in the lleipore district of India ; this 
 spread into neighbouring districts over a large extent of country, 
 and caused fearful ravages, but none of the deer tribe were attacked, 
 the disease being confined specially to the genus Bos. There are 
 interesting proofs of the specific poison of certain maladies which 
 are limited in their action to a particular class of animal. We find 
 the same in vegetable diseases, where a peculiar insect will attack 
 a distinct family of plants, or where a special variety of fungoid 
 growth exerts a similar baneful influence. 
 Wounded elephants have a marvellous power of recovery when 
 in their wild state, although they have no gift of surgical know- 
 ledge, their simple system being confined to plastering their wounds 
 with mud, or blowing dust upon the surface. Dust and mud 
 comprise the entire pharmacopoeia of the elephant, and this is 
 applied upon the most trivial as well as upon the most serious 
 occasion. If an elephant has a very slight sore back, it will quickly 
 point out the tender part by blowing dust with its trunk upon the 
 spot which it cannot reach. Should the mahout have seriously 
 punished the crown with the cruel driving- hook, the elephant 
 applies dust at the earliest opportunity. I have seen them, when 
 in a tank, plaster up a bullet-wound with mud taken from the 
 bottom. This application is beneficial in protecting the wound 
 from the attack of flies. The effect of these disgusting insects is 
 quite shocking when an unfortunate animal becomes fly-blown, and 
 is literally consumed by maggots. An elephant possesses a 
 wonderful superiority over all other animals in the trunk, which 
 can either reach the desired spot directly, or can blow dust upon it 
 when required. All shepherds in England appreciate the difficulty 
 when their sheep are attacked by flies, but they can be relieved by 
 the human hand ; a wild animal, on the contrary, has no allevia- 
 tion, and it must eventually succumb to its misery. There is a 
 peculiar fly in most tropical climates, but more especially in Ceylon, 
 which lays live maggots, instead of eggs that require some time to 
 hatch. These are the most dreadful pests, as the lively young 
 maggots exhibit a horrible activity in commencing their work the 
 instant they see the light ; they burrow almost immediately into 
 the flesh, and grow to a large size within twenty-four hours, occa- 
 sioning the most loathsome sores. The best cure for any wound 
 thus attacked, and swarmimg with live maggots, is a tcaspoonful 
 of calomel applied and rubbed into the deep sore. 
 I have seen the Arabs in the Soudan adopt a most torturing 
 remedy when a camel has suffered from a fly-blown sore back.
 Upon one occasion I saw a camel kneeling uj>on the ground with 
 a number of men around it, and I found that it was to undergo 
 a surgical ojH'ration for a terrible wound ujM)ii its hump. This 
 was a hole as large and deep as an ordinary breakfast-cup, which 
 was alive with maggots. The operator had been preparing a 
 quantity of glowing charcoal, which was at a red heat. This 
 was contained in a piece of broken chatty, a portion of a water- 
 jar, and it was dexterously emptied into the diseased cavity on 
 the camel's back. 
 The poor creature sprang to its feet, and screaming with agony, 
 dashed at full gallop across the desert in a frantic state, with the 
 fire scorching its flesh, and doubtless making it uncomfortable for 
 the maggots. Fire is the Arabs' vade mccum ; the actual cautery 
 is deeply respected, and is supposed to be infallible. If internal 
 inflammation should attack the patient, the surface is scored with 
 a red-hot iron. Should guinea-worm be suspected, there is no 
 other course to pursue than to burn the suffering limb in a series 
 of spots with a red-hot iron ramrod. The worm will shortly make 
 its appearance at one of these apertures after some slight inflam- 
 mation and suppuration. This fearful complaint is termed 
 Fremleet in the Soudan, and it is absorbed into the system gener- 
 ally by drinking foul water. At the commencement of the rainy 
 season, when the ground has been parched by the long drought of 
 summer, the surface water drains into the hollows and forms 
 muddy pools. The natives shun such water, as it is almost 
 certain to contain the eggs of the guinea-worm. These in some 
 mysterious manner are hatched within the body if swallowed in 
 the act of drinking, and whether they develop in the stomach or 
 in the intestines, it is difficult to determine, but the result is the 
 same. The patient complains of rheumatic pains in one limb ; 
 this increases until the leg or arm swells to a frightful extent, 
 accompanied by severe inflammation and great torment. The 
 Arab practitioner declares that the worm is at work, and is seek- 
 ing for a means of escape from the body. He accordingly burns 
 half a dozen holes with a red-hot iron or ramrod. In a few days 
 the head of the guinea-worm appears ; it is immediately captured 
 by a finely -split reed, and by degrees is wound like a cotton 
 thread by turning the reed every day. This requires delicate 
 manipulation, otherwise the worm might break, and a portion 
 remain in the flesh, which would increase the inflammation. 
 An average guinea-worm would be about .'i feet in length. 
 Animals do not appear to suffer from this complaint, although 
 they are subject to the attacks of great varieties of parasites.
 Elephants are frequently troubled with internal worms. I 
 witnessed a curious instance of the escape of such insects from the 
 stomach through a hole caused by a bullet, nevertheless the animal 
 appeared to be in good condition. 
 It was a fine moonlight night on the borders of Abyssinia that 
 I sat up to watch the native crops, which were a great attraction 
 to the wild elephants, although there was no heavy jungle nearer 
 than 20 miles. It was the custom of these animals to start after 
 sunset, and to arrive at about ten o'clock in the vast dhurra fields 
 of the Arabs, who, being without firearms, could only scare them 
 by shouts and flaming torches. The elephants did not care much 
 for this kind of disturbance, and they merely changed their position 
 from one portion of the cultivated land to another more distant, 
 and caused serious destruction to the crop (Sorghum vulgare), 
 which was then nearly ripe. The land was rich, and the dhurra 
 grew 10 or 12 feet high, with stems as thick as sugar-cane, while 
 the large heads of corn contained several thousand grains the size 
 of a split-pea. This was most tempting food for elephants, and 
 they travelled nightly the distance named to graze upon the crops, 
 and then retreated before sunrise to their distant jungles. 
 I do not enjoy night shooting, but there was no other way of 
 assisting the natives, therefore I found myself watching, in the 
 silent hours of night, in the middle of a perfect sea of cultivation, 
 unbroken for many miles. There is generally a calm during the 
 night, and there was so perfect a stillness that it was almost 
 painful, the chirp of an insect sounding as loud as though it were 
 a bird. At length there was a distant sound like wind, or the 
 rush of a stream over a rocky bed. This might have been a 
 sudden gust, but the sharp crackling of brittle dhurra stems 
 distinctly warned us that elephants had invaded the field, and 
 that they were already at their work of destruction. 
 As the dhurra is sown in parallel rows about 3 feet apart, and 
 the ground was perfectly flat, there was no difficulty in approach- 
 ing the direction whence the cracking of the dhurra could be dis- 
 tinctly heard. The elephants appeared to be feeding towards us 
 with considerable rapidity, and in a few minutes I heard the sound 
 of crunching within 50 yards of me. I immediately ran along the 
 clear passage between the tall steins, and presently saw a black 
 form close to me as it advanced in the next alley to my own. I 
 do not think I was more than four or five yards from it when it 
 suddenly turned its head to the right, and I immediately took a 
 shot behind the car. I had a white paper sight upon the muzzle 
 of the large rifle (No. 10), which was plainly distinguished in the
 bright moonlight, and the elephant fell stone dead without the 
 slightest struggle. 
 After sonic delay from the dispersion of my men who carried 
 spare guns, I re-loaded, and followed in the direction which the 
 herd had taken. 
 Although upon the <jui vice, they had not retreated far, as they 
 were unaccustomed to guns, and they were determined to enjoy 
 their supper after the long march of 20 miles to the attractive 
 dhurra fields. I came up with them about three-quarters of a 
 mile from the first shot ; here there was the limit of cultivation, 
 and all was wild prairie land ; they had retreated by the way they 
 had arrived, with the intention, no doubt, of returning again to 
 the dhurra when the disturbing cause should have disappeared. I 
 could see the herd distinctly as they stood in a compact body 
 numbering some ten or twelve animals. The only chance was to 
 run straight at them in order to get as near as possible before they 
 should start, as I expected they would, in panic. Accordingly I 
 ran forward, when, to my surprise, two elephants rushed towards 
 me, and I was obliged to fire right and left. One fell to the 
 ground for a moment, but recovered ; the other made no sign, 
 except by whirling round and joining the herd in full retreat. 
 That night I used a double- barrel muzzle-loader (No. 10), with 
 conical bullet made of 12 parts lead, 1 part quicksilver, 7 drams 
 of powder. 
 Some days later we heard native reports concerning an elephant 
 that had been seen badly wounded, and very lame. 
 Forty-two days after this incident I had moved camp to a place 
 called Geera, 22 miles distant. It was a wild uninhabited district 
 at that time on the banks of the Settite river, with the most 
 impervious jungle of hooked thorns, called by the Arabs " kittul." 
 This tree does not grow higher than 25 feet, but it spreads 
 to a very wide flat-topped head, the branches are thick, the wood 
 immensely strong and hard, while the thorns resemble 
 minus the barb. This impenetrable asylum was the loved resort 
 of elephants, and it was from this particular station that they made 
 their nocturnal raids upon the cultivated district more than 20 
 miles distant in a direct line. 
 We slept out that night upon the sandy bed of a small stream, 
 which at that season of great heat had evaporated. Upon waking 
 on the following morning we found the blankets wet through with 
 the heavy dew, and the pillows soaking. Having arranged the camp, 
 I left Lady I'.aker to give the necessary orders, while I took my rifles 
 and a few trood men for a reconnaissance of the neighbourhood.
 The river ran through cliffs of rose-coloured limestone ; this 
 soon changed to white ; and we proceeded down stream examining 
 the sandy portions of the bed for tracks of game that might have 
 passed during the preceding night. After about a mile we came 
 upon tracks of elephants, which had apparently come down to drink 
 at our side of the river, and had then returned, I felt sure, to the 
 thorny asylum named Tuleet. 
 There was no other course to pursue but to follow on the 
 tracks ; this we did until we arrived at the formidable covert to 
 which I have alluded. It was impossible to enter this except at 
 certain places where wild animals had formed a narrow lane, and 
 in one of these by-ways we presently ftmnd ourselves, sometimes 
 creeping, sometimes walking, but generally adhering firmly every 
 minute to some irrepressible branch of hooked thorns, which gave 
 us a pressing invitation to " wait a bit." In a short time we found 
 evident signs that the elephants were near at hand. The natives 
 thrust their naked feet into the fresh dung to see if it was still 
 warm. This was at length the case, and we advanced with extra 
 care. The jungle became so thick that it was almost impossible 
 to proceed. I wore a thick flaxen shirt which would not tear. 
 This had short sleeves, as I was accustomed to bare arms from a 
 few inches above the elbow. Not only my shirt, but the tough 
 skin of my arms was every now and then hooked up fast by these 
 dreadful thorns, and at last it appeared impossible to proceed. 
 Just at that moment there was a sudden rush, a shrill trumpet, 
 and the jungle crashed around us in magnificent style to those who 
 enjoy such excitement, and a herd of elephants dashed through the 
 dense thicket and consolidated themselves into a mighty block as 
 they endeavoured to force down the tough thorny mass ahead of 
 them. This was a grand opportunity to run in, but a phalanx of 
 opposing rumps like the sterns of Dutch vessels in a crowd rendered 
 it impossible to shoot, or to pass ahead of the perplexed animals. 
 A female elephant suddenly wheeled round, and charged straight 
 into us ; fortunately I killed her with a forehead shot exactly below 
 the boss or projection above the trunk. I now took a spare rifle, 
 the half-pounder, and fired into the flank of the largest elephant 
 in the herd, just behind the last rib, the shot striking obliquely, 
 thus aimed to reach the lungs, as I could not see any of the fore 
 portion of the body. 
 The dense compressed thorny mass of jungle offered such resist- 
 ance that it was some time before it gave way before the united 
 pressure of these immense animals. At length it yielded as the 
 herd crashed through, but it then closed again upon us and made 
 following impossible. However, we felt sure that the elephant I 
 had hit with the half-pound explosive shell would die, and after 
 creeping through upon the tracks with the greatest difficulty for 
 about l. r >0 yards, we found it lying dead ujnin its side. 
 The whole morning was occupied in cutting up the flesh and 
 making ft jwft-mortfm examination. We found the inside partially 
 destroyed by the explosive shell, which had shattered the lungs, 
 but there was an old wound still open where a bullet had entered 
 the chest, and missing the heart and lungs in an oblique course, 
 it had passed through the stomach, then through the cavity of the 
 Ixxly Iwiieath the ribs and flank, and had penetrated the fleshy 
 mass inside the thigh. In that great resisting cushion of strong 
 muscles the bullet had expended its force, and found rest from its 
 extraordinary course of penetiation. After some trouble, I not 
 otdy traced its exact route, but I actually discovered the projectile 
 embedded in a foul mass of green pits, which would evidently have 
 been gradually absorbed without causing serious damage to the 
 animal. To my surprise, it was my own Xo. 10 two-groove conical 
 bullet, composed of 12 parts lead and 1 of quicksilver, which 
 I had fired when this elephant had advanced towards me at night, 
 forty-two days ago, and 22 miles, as far as I could ascertain, from 
 the spot where I had now killed it. The superior size of this 
 animal to the remainder of the herd had upon both occasions 
 attracted my special attention, hence the fact of selection, but I 
 was surprised that any animal should have recovered from such a 
 raking shot. The cavity of the body abounded with hairy worms 
 about 2 inches in length. These had escaped from the stomach 
 through the two apertures made by the bullet ; and upon an 
 examination of the contents, I found a great number of the same 
 jvirasites crawling among the food, while others were attached to 
 the mucous membrane of the paunch. This fact exhibits the 
 recuperative power of an elephant in recovering from a severe 
 internal injury. 
 The natives of Central Africa have a peculiar method of de- 
 stroying them, by dropping a sj>eries of enormous dagger from the 
 branch of a tree. The blade of this instrument is about 2 feet in 
 length, very sharp on both edges, and about 3 inches in width at 
 the base. It is secured in a handle about IS inches lung, the top 
 of which is knobU-d ; upon this extremity a mass of well-kneaded 
 tenacious clay mixed with chopped straw is fixed, weighing 10 or 
 12 !!., or even more. When a large herd of elephants is dis- 
 covered in a convenient locality, the hunt is thus arranged : A 
 number of men armed with these formidable drop-spears or
 daggers ascend all the largest and most shady trees throughout the 
 neighbouring forest. In a great hunt there may be some hundred 
 trees thus occupied. When all is arranged, the elephants are 
 driven and forced into the forest, to which they naturally retreat 
 as a place of refuge. It is their habit to congregate beneath large 
 shady trees when thus disturbed, in complete ignorance of the fact 
 that the assassins are already among the branches. When an 
 elephant stands beneath a tree thus manned, the hunter drops his 
 weighted spear-head so as to strike the back just behind the 
 shoulder. The weight of the clay lump drives the sharp blade up 
 to the hilt, as it descends from a height of 10 or 12 feet above 
 the animal. Sometimes a considerable number may be beneath 
 one tree, in which case several may be speared in a similar manner. 
 This method of attack is specially fatal, as the elephants, in retreat- 
 ing through the forest, brush the weighted handle of the spear- 
 blade against the opposing branches ; these act as levers in cutting 
 the inside of the animal by every movement of the weapon, and 
 should this be well centred in the back there is no escape. 
 There is no animal that is more persistently pursued than the 
 elephant, as it affords food in wholesale supply to the Africans, 
 who consume the flesh, while the hide is valuable for shields ; the 
 fat when boiled down is highly esteemed by the natives, and the 
 ivory is of extreme value. No portion of the animal is wasted in 
 Africa, although in Ceylon the elephant is considered worthless, 
 and is allowed to rot uselessly upon the ground where it fell 
 to die. 
 The professional hunters that are employed by European traders 
 shoot the elephant with enormous guns, or rifles, which are gener- 
 ally rested upon a forked stick driven into the ground. In this 
 manner they approach to about 50 yards' distance, and fire, if 
 possible simultaneously, two shots behind the shoulder. If these 
 shots are well placed, the elephant, if female, will fall at once, but 
 if a large male, it will generally run for perhaps 100 or more yards 
 until it is forced to halt, when it quickly falls, and dies from 
 suffocation, if the lungs are pierced. 
 The grandest of all hunters are the Hamran Arabs, upon the 
 Settite river, on the borders of Abyssinia, who have no other weapon 
 but the heavy two-edged sword. I gave an intimate account of 
 these wonderful Nimrods many years ago in the Nile Tributaries 
 of Abyssinia, but it is impossible to treat upon the elephant 
 without some reference to these extraordinary people. 
 Since I visited that country in 1861, the published account of 
 those travels attracted several parties of the best class of ubiquitous
 Englishmen, and I regret to hear that all those mighty hunters who 
 :iiv'>iii|>.iiiir'l me have since been killed in the desperate hand-to- 
 liand encounters with wild elephants. Their life is a constant 
 warfare with savage beasts, therefore it may be expected that the 
 termination is a death uj)on their field of battle, invariably 
 sword in hand. 
 James Bruce, the renowned African traveller of the last eentury, 
 was the first to describe the Agaghcers of Abyssinia, and nothing 
 could be more graphic than his description both of the people and 
 the countries they inhabit, through which I have followed in 
 Ilruce's almost forgotten footsteps, with the advantage of possess- 
 ing his interesting book as my guide wheresoever I went in 1H61. 
 Since that journey, the deplorable interference of England in 
 Egypt which resulted in the abandonment of the Soudan and the 
 sacrifice of fJencral Gordon at Khartoum has completely severed 
 the link of communication that we had happily established, which 
 had laid the foundations for future civilisation. The splendid 
 Bword-huntera of the Hamran Arabs, who were our friends in 
 former days, have been converted into enemies by the meddling 
 of the British Government with affairs which they could not 
 understand. It is painful to look back to the past, when Lady 
 ISaker and myself, absolutely devoid of all escort, passed more 
 than twelve months in exploring the wildest portions of the 
 Soudan, attended only by one Egyptian servant, assisted by some 
 Arab lx>ys whom we picked up in the desert among the Arab 
 trilies. In those days the name of England was respected, although 
 not fairly understood. There was a vague impression in the Arab 
 mind that it was the largest country upon earth ; that its Govern- 
 ment W;LS the emblem of perfection ; that the military power of 
 the country was overwhelming (having conquered India) ; and that 
 the English people always spoke the truth, and never forsook their 
 friends in the moment of distress. There was also an idea that 
 England was the only European Power which regarded the Mussul- 
 mans with a friendly eye, and that, were it not for British protec- 
 tion, the Russians would eat the Sultan and overthrow the 
 mosques, to trample upon the Mohammedan power in Con- 
 stantinople. England was therefore regarded as the friend and 
 the ally of the Mohammedans; it was known that we had together 
 fought against the Russians, and it was believed that we wore 
 always ready to fight in the same cause when called upon by the 
 Sultan. All British merchandise was looked upon as the ne jihis 
 ultra of purity and integrity; there could be no doubt of the 
 quality of goods, provided that they were of English manufacture.
 An Englishman cannot show his face among those people at 
 the present day. The myth has been exploded. The golden 
 image has been scratched, and the potter's clay beneath has been 
 revealed. This is a terrible result of clumsy management. We 
 have failed in every way. Broken faith has dissipated our char- 
 acter for sincerity, and our military operations have failed to 
 attain their object, resulting in retreat upon every side, to be 
 followed up even to the sea -shores of the Red Sea by an enemy 
 that is within range of our gun-vessels at Souakim. This is a 
 distressing change to those who have received much kindness and 
 passed most agreeable days among the Arab tribes of the Soudan 
 deserts, and I look back with intense regret to the errors we have 
 committed, by which the entire confidence has been destroyed 
 which formerly was associated with the English name. The 
 countries which we opened by many years of hard work and 
 patient toil throughout the Soudan, even through the extreme 
 course of the White Nile to its birthplace in the equatorial regions, 
 have been abandoned by the despotic order of the British Govern- 
 ment, influenced by panic instead of policy ; telegraphic lines which 
 had been established in the hitherto barbarous countries of 
 Kordofan, Darfur, the Blue Nile territories of Senaar, and through- 
 out the wildest deserts of Nubia to Khartoum, have all been 
 abandoned to the rebels, who under proper management should 
 have become England's friends. 
 This has been our civilising influence (?), by which we have 
 broken down the work of half a century, and produced the most 
 complete anarchy where five and twenty years ago a lady could 
 travel in security. England entered Egypt in arms to re-estaUish 
 the authority of the Khedive \ We have dislocated his Empire, 
 and forsaken the Soudan.
 THK ELEPHANT (continued) 
 THE experience of modern practice has hardly decided the vexed 
 question "whether the African species is more difficult to train 
 than the gentle elephant of Asia." In a wild state there can be 
 no doubt that the African is altogether a different animal both in 
 apjK'arance and in habits ; it is vastly superior in size, and although 
 of enormous bulk, it is more active and possesses greater speed 
 than the Asiatic variety. Not only is the marked difference in 
 shape a distinguishing peculiarity, the hollow back, the receding 
 front, the great size of the ears, but the skin is rougher, and 
 more decided in the bark-like api>earance of its texture. 
 The jH'riotl of gestation is considered to be the same as the 
 Asiatic elephant, about twenty-two months, but this must be 
 merely conjecture, as there lias hitherto been no actual proof. My 
 own experience induces me to believe that the African elephant is 
 more savage, and although it may be tamed and rendered docile, 
 it is not so dependable as the Asiatic. Only la-st year I saw an 
 African female in a menagerie who had killed her keeper, and was 
 known to le most treacherous. Her attendant informed me that 
 she was particularly fond of change, and would welcome a new 
 keeper with evident signs of satisfaction, but after three or four 
 days she would tire of his society and would assuredly attempt to 
 injure him, cither by backing and squeezing him against the wall, 
 or by kicking should he be within reach of her hind h-gs. 
 Few persons are aware of the extreme quickness with which 
 an elephant can kick, and the great height that can be reached by 
 this mischievous use of the hind foot. I have frequently seen an 
 elephant kiek as sharp as a small pony, and the effect of a blow 
 from so ponderous a mass propelled with extreme velocity may l>e 
 imagined. This is a peculiar action, as the elephant is devoid of 
 hocks and it uses the knees of the hind legs in a similar manner
 to those of a human being, therefore a backward kick would 
 seem unnatural ; but the elephant can kick both backwards and 
 forwards with equal dexterity, and this constitutes a special means 
 of defence against an enemy, which seldom escapes when exposed to 
 such a game between the fore and hind feet of the infuriated animal. 
 Although it is generally believed that an elephant moves the 
 legs upon each side simultaneously, like the camel, it does not 
 actually touch the ground with each foot upon the same side at 
 exactly the same moment, but the fore foot touches the surface 
 first, rapidly followed by the hind, and in both cases the heel is 
 the first portion of the foot that reaches its destination. The 
 effect may be seen in the feet of an elephant after some months' 
 continual marching upon hard ground : the heels are worn thin 
 and are quite polished, as though they had been worn down by the 
 friction of sand-paper, in fact, they are in the same condition as 
 the heels of an old boot. 
 The Indian native princes do not admire the African elephant, 
 as it combines many points which are objectionable to their peculiar 
 ideas of elephantine proportions. According to their views, the 
 hollow back of an African elephant would amount to a deformity. 
 The first time that I ever saw a large male of that variety I was 
 of the same opinion. I was hunting with the Hamran Arabs in a 
 wild and uninhabited portion of Abyssinia, along the banks of the 
 Settite river, which is the main stream of the Atbara, the chief 
 affluent of the Nile. 
 As before stated, I have already published an account of these 
 wonderful hunters in the Nile Tributaries of A lyssinia, and it is 
 sufficient to describe them as the most fearless and active followers 
 of the chase, armed with no other weapon than the long, straight, 
 two-edged Arab sword, with which they attack all animals, from 
 the elephant and rhinoceros to the lion and buffalo. The sword 
 is sharpened to the finest degree, and the blade is protected for 
 about six inches above the cross-hilt with thick string, bound 
 tightly round so as to afford a grip for the right hand, while the 
 left grips the hilt in the usual manner. This converts the ordinary 
 blade into a two-handed sword, a blow from which will sever a 
 naked man into two halves if delivered at the waist. It may be 
 imagined that a quick cut from such a formidable weapon will at 
 once divide the hamstring of any animal. The usual method of 
 attacking the elephant is as follows : Three, or at the most four 
 mounted hunters sally forth in quest of game. When the fresh 
 tracks of elephants are discovered they are steadily followed up 
 until the herd, or perhaps the single animal, is found. If a large
 male with valuable tunics, it is singled out and separated from the 
 herd. The leading hunter follows the retreating elephant, accom- 
 jNinifd by his companions in single h'le. After a close hunt, keep- 
 ing within 10 yards of the game, a sudden halt becomes necessary 
 as the elephant turns quickly round and faces its pursuers. 
 The greatest coolness is required, as the animal, now thoroughly 
 roused, is prepared to charge. The hunters separate to right and 
 left, leaving the leader to face the elephant. After a few moments, 
 during which the hunter insults the animal by shouting uncompli- 
 mentary remarks concerning the antecedents of its mother, and 
 various personal allusions to imaginary members of the family, 
 the elephant commences to back a half-dozen paces as a preliminary 
 to a desperate onset. This is the well-known sign of the coming 
 charge. A sharp shrill trumpet ! and, with its enormous ears 
 thrown forward, the great bull elephant rushes towards the 
 apparently doomed horse. As quick as lightning the horse is 
 turned, and a race commences along a course terribly in favour of 
 the elephant, where deep ruts, thick tangled bush, and the branches 
 of opposing trees obstruct both horse and rider. Everything now 
 depends upon the sure-footedness of the horse and the cool dexterity 
 of the rider. For the first 100 yards an elephant will follow at 
 20 miles an hour, which keeps the horse flying at top speed before 
 it. The rider, even in this moment of great danger, looks behind 
 him, and adapts his horse's pace so narrowly to that of his pursuer 
 that the elephant's attention is wholly absorbed by the hope of 
 overtaking the unhappy victim. 
 In the meantime, two hunters follow the elephant at full 
 gallop; one seizes his companion's reins and secures the horse, 
 while the rider springs to the ground with the same agility as a 
 trained circus-rider, and with one dexterous blow of his Hashing 
 sword he divides the back sinew of the elephant's hind leg about 
 1C inches above the heel. The sword cuts to the bone. The 
 elephant that was thundering forward at a headlong sj>eed suddenly 
 halts ; the foot dislocates when the great weight of the animal 
 pre-sses upon it deprived of the supporting sinew. That one cut 
 of the sharp blade disables an animal which appeared invincible. 
 As the elephant moves both legs upon the same side simultane- 
 ously, the disabling of one leg entirely cripples all progress, and 
 the creature becomes absolutely helpless. The hunter, having 
 delivered his fatal stroke, springs nimbly upon one side to watch 
 the effect, and then without difficulty he slashes the hack sinew 
 of the remaining leg, with the result that the animal bleeds to 
 death. This is a cruel method, but it requires the utmost dexterity
 and daring on the part of the hunters, most of whom eventually 
 fall victims to their gallantry. 
 I was accompanied by these splendid sword -hunters of the 
 Hamran Arabs in 1861 during my exploration of the Nile tribu- 
 taries of Abyssinia ; and upon the first occasion that I was intro- 
 duced to an African male elephant, the animal was standing at the 
 point of a long sandbank which had during high water formed the 
 bed of the river, where a sudden bend had hollowed out the inner 
 side of the curve and thrown up a vast mass of sand upon the 
 opposite shore. This bank was a succession of terraces, each about 
 4 feet high, formed at intervals during the changes in the level of 
 the retreating stream. The elephant was standing partly in the 
 water drinking, and quite 100 yards from the forest upon the bank. 
 The huge dark mass upon the glaring surface of white sand stood 
 out in bold relief and exhibited to perfection the form and pro- 
 portions of the animal ; but it was so unlike the Indian elephant 
 of my long experience that I imagined some accident must have 
 caused a deformity of the back, which was deeply hollowed, instead 
 of being convex like the Asiatic species. I whispered this to my 
 hunters, who did not seem to understand the remark ; and they 
 immediately dismounted, exclaiming that the loose sand was too 
 deep for their horses, and they preferred to be on foot. 
 It was difficult to approach this elephant, as there was no cover 
 whatever upon the large area of barren sand ; the only method was 
 to keep close to the level of the water below the terraces, as the 
 head of the animal was partially turned away from us whilst 
 drinking. I had a very ponderous single rifle weighing 22 Ibs., 
 which carried a conical shell of half a pound, with a charge of 16 
 drams of powder. The sand was so deep that any active movement 
 would have been impossible with the load of so heavy a weapon ; 
 I therefore determined to take a shoulder shot should I be able to 
 arrive unperceived within 50 yards. Stooping as low as possible, 
 and occasionally lying down as the ever -swinging head moved 
 towards us, we at length arrived at the spot which I had determined 
 upon for the fatal shot. Just at that moment the elephant per- 
 ceived us, but before he had made up his mind, I fired behind the 
 shoulder, and as the smoke cleared, I distinctly saw the bullet-hole, 
 with blood flowing from the wound. I think the elephant would 
 have charged, but without a moment's hesitation my gallant Ham- 
 rans rushed towards him sword in hand in the hope of slashing 
 his hamstring before he could reach the forest. This unexpected 
 and determined onset decided the elephant to retreat, which he 
 accomplished at such a pace, owing to the large surface of his feet
 upon the loose sand, that the active hunters were completely dis- 
 tanced, although they exerted themselves to the utmost in their 
 attempts to overtake him. 
 The wound through the shoulder was fatal, and the elephant 
 fell dead in thick thorny jungle, to which it had hurried as a 
 secure retreat. This was a very large animal, but as I did not 
 actually measure it, any guess at the real height would be mis- 
 leading. As Iwfore noted, the measurement of the African elephant 
 Jumbo, when sold by the Zoological Society of London, was 11 
 feet in height of shoulder, and G tons 10 cwts. nett when weighed 
 before shipment at the docks. That animal might be accepted as 
 a fair specimen, although it would bo by no means unusual to see 
 wild elephants which greatly exceed this size. 
 The j>eculiar shape of head renders a front shot almost impossible, 
 and the danger of hunting the African elephant is greatly enhanced 
 by this formation of the skull, which protects the brain and offers 
 no defined jwint for aim. 
 I have never succeeded in killing a male African elephant by 
 the forehead shot, although it is certainly fatal to the Asiatic 
 variety if placed rather low, in the exact centre of the boss or pro- 
 jection above the trunk. Should an African elephant charge, there 
 is no hope of killing the animal by a direct shot, and the only 
 chance of safety for the hunter is the po.ssession of good nerves and 
 a powerful double-barrelled rifle, No. 8 or No. 4, with 14 drams 
 of powder and a well-hardened bullet. The right-hand barrel will 
 generally stop a charging elephant if the bullet is well placed very 
 low, almost in the base of the trunk. Should this shot succeed in 
 turning the animal, the left-hand barrel would be ready for a shot 
 in the exact centre of the shoulder ; after which, time must be 
 allowed for the elephant to fall from internal haemorrhage. 
 There is no more fatal policy in hunting dangerous game than a 
 contempt of the animal, exhibited by a selection of weapons of inferior 
 calibre. Gunmakers in London of no practical experience, but who 
 can only trust to the descriptions of those who have travelled in 
 wild countries, cannot possibly le trusted as advisers. Common 
 sense should be the guide, and surely it requires no extraordinary 
 intelligence to understand that a big animal requires a big bullet, 
 and that a big bullet requires a corresponding charge of powder, 
 which necessitates a heavy rifle. If the hunter is not a Hercules, 
 he cannot wield his club; but do not .permit him to imagine that 
 he can deliver the same knock-down blow with a lighter weapon, 
 simply Ix-raiise he cannot use the heavier. 
 We lost only last year one of the most daring and excellent men,
 who was an excellent representative of the type which is embraced 
 in the proud word " Englishman " Mr. Ingram who was killed 
 by a wild female elephant in Somali -land, simply because he 
 attacked the animal with a '450 rifle. Although he was mounted, 
 the horse would not face some prickly aloes which surrounded it, 
 and the elephant, badly but not really seriously wounded, was 
 maddened by the attack, and, charging home, swept the unfortunate 
 rider from his saddle and spitted him with her tusks. 
 This year (1889) we have to lament the death of another fine 
 specimen of our countrymen, the Hon. Guy Dawuay, who has been 
 killed by a wild buffalo in East Africa. The exact particulars will 
 never be ascertained, but it appears that he was following through 
 thick jungle a wounded buffalo, which suddenly turned and was 
 not stopped by the rifle. 
 I cannot conceive anything more dangerous than the attack of 
 such animals with an inferior weapon. Nothing is more common 
 than the accounts of partially experienced beginners, who declare 
 that the -450 bore is big enough for anything, because they have 
 happened to kill a buffalo or rhinoceros by a shoulder shot with 
 such an inferior rifle. If the animal had been facing them, it 
 would have produced no effect whatever, except to intensify the 
 charge by maddening the already infuriated animal. 
 This is the real danger in the possession of what is called a 
 " handy small-bore," when in wild countries abounding in dangerous 
 game. You are almost certain to select for your daily companion 
 the lightest and handiest rifle, in the same manner that you may 
 use some favourite walking-stick which you instinctively select 
 from the stand that is filled with a variety. 
 All hunters of dangerous animals should accustom themselves 
 to the use of large rifles, and never handle anything smaller than a 
 577, weighing 12 Ibs., with a solid 650 grain hard bullet, and at 
 the least G drams of powder. I impress this upon all who chal- 
 lenge the dangers of the chase in tropical climates. JSTo person ot 
 average strength will feel the weight of a 12 Ib. rifle when accus- 
 tomed to its use. Although this is too small as a rule for heavy 
 game, it is a powerful weapon when the bullet is hardened by a 
 tough mixture of antimony or quicksilver. A shoulder shot from 
 such a rifle will kill any animal less than an elephant, and the 
 front shot, or temple, or behind the ear, will kill any Asiatic 
 I would not recommend so small a bore for heavy thick-skinned 
 game, but the '577 rifle is a good protector, and you need not fear 
 any animal in your rambles through the forest when thus armed,
 whereas the, -450 and even the '500 would be of little use against 
 a charging buffalo. 
 At tiie same time it must be distinctly understood that so light 
 a projectile as 650 grains will not break the bone of an elephant's 
 leg, neither will it i>cnctrate the skull of a rhinoceros unless just 
 U-hind the ear. This is sufficient to establish the inferiority of 
 I have seen in a life's experience the extraordinary vagaries of 
 rifle bullets, and for close ranges of 20 yards there is nothing, in 
 my opinion, .siijx'rior to the old spherical hardened bullet with a 
 heavy charge of powder. The friction is minimised, the velocity is 
 accordingly increased, and the hard round bullet neither deflects 
 nor alters its form, but it cuts through intervening branches and 
 goes direct to its aim, breaking bones and keeping a straight course 
 through the animal. This means death. 
 At the same time it must be remembered that a -577 rifle 
 may be enabled to perform wonders by adapting the material of 
 the bullet to the purpose specially desired. No soft -skinned 
 animal should be shot with a hardened bullet, and no hard-skinned 
 animal should be shot with a soft bullet. 
 You naturally wish to kill your animal neatly to double it up 
 upon the spot. This you will seldom or never accomplish with a 
 very hard bullet and a heavy charge of powder, as the high velocity 
 will drive the hard projectile so immediately through the animal 
 that it receives no strikipg energy, and is accordingly unaware of a 
 fatal wound that it may have received, simply because it has not 
 sustained a shock upon the impact of a bullet which has passed 
 completely through its body. 
 To kill a thin-skinned animal neatly, such as a tiger, lion, large 
 deer, etc. etc., the bullet should be pure lead, unmixed with any 
 other metal. This will flatten to a certain degree immediately 
 upon impact, and it will continue to expand as it meets with re- 
 sistance in passing through the tough muscles of a large animal, 
 until it assumes the shape of a fully developed mushroom, which, 
 after an immense amount of damage in its transit, owing to its 
 large diameter, will remain fixed beneath the skin upon the side 
 opjMjsite to its place of entry. This bestows the entire striking 
 energy of the projectile, and the animal succumbs to the tremendous 
 shock, which it would not have felt had the bullet passed through, 
 carrying on its striking energy until stopped by some other object 
 I must repeat that although gun makers object to the use of 
 pure lead for rifle bullets, upon the pica that lead will form a
 coating upon the inner surface of the barrel, and that more accurate 
 results will be obtained in target practice by the use of hardened 
 metal, the argument does not apply to sporting practice. You 
 seldom fire more than half a dozen shots from each barrel during 
 the day, and the rifle is well cleaned each evening upon your return 
 to camp. The accuracy with a pure leaden bullet is quite sufficient 
 for the comparatively short ranges necessitated by game-shooting. 
 The arguments of leading the barrel, etc., cannot be supported, and 
 the result is decidedly in favour of pure lead for all soft-skinned 
 The elephant requires not only a special rifle, but the strongest 
 ammunition that can be used without injury to the shooter by 
 recoil. It is impossible to advocate any particular size of rifle, as 
 it must depend upon the strength of the possessor. As a rule I 
 do not approve of shells, as they are comparatively useless if of 
 medium calibre, and can be only effective when sufficiently large 
 to contain a destructive bursting charge. I have tried several 
 varieties of shells with unsatisfactory results, excepting the half- 
 pounder, which contained a bursting charge of 8 drams of the finest 
 grained powder. 
 This pattern was my own invention, as I found by experience 
 that the general defect of shells was the too immediate explosion 
 upon impact. This would cause extensive damage to the surface, 
 but would fail in penetration. 
 Picrate of potash was at one time supposed to combine an 
 enormous explosive power with perfect safety in carriage, as the 
 detonating shells were proof against the blow of a hammer, and 
 would only explode upon impact through the extreme velocity of 
 their discharge from a rifle-barrel. These were useless against an 
 elephant, as they had no power of penetration, and the shell 
 destroyed itself by bursting upon the hard skin. I tried these 
 shells against trees, but although the bark would be shattered over 
 an extensive area, upon every occasion the projectile failed to 
 penetrate the wood, as it had ceased to exist upon explosion on the 
 My half-pound shell was exceedingly simple. A cast-iron 
 bottle, similar in shape to a German seltzer-water, formed the core, 
 around which the lead was cast. The neck of the iron bottle pro- 
 jected through the pointed cone of the projectile, and formed a 
 nipple to receive the percussion-cap. In external appearance the 
 shell was lead, the iron bottle being concealed within. Half an 
 ounce of the finest grained powder was inserted through the nipple 
 by means of a small funnel ; this formed the bursting charge. The
 rap was only adjusted previous to loading, as a necessary precaution. 
 This half-|M>und shell was proj>cllcd by a charge of 1G drams of 
 coarse-grained jxnvdcr. 
 I never fired this rille without killing the animal, but the weapon 
 could not Ixj claimed as a pleasant companion, the recoil being 
 terrific. The arrangement of the cap UJKHI a broad-mouthed nipple 
 prevented the instantaneous explosion that would have taken place 
 with a picratc of j>otash shell. A fraction of a second was required 
 to explode the cap upon impact, and for the cap to ignite the burst- 
 ing charge ; this allowed sullieicnt time for the shell to penetrate 
 to the centre of an elephant before the complete ignition had taken 
 place. The destruction occasioned by the half-ounce of powder 
 confined within the body of an elephant may be imagined. 
 I tried this shell at the forehead of a hippopotamus, which was 
 an admirable test of penetration before bursting. It went through 
 the brain, knocked out the back of the skull, and exploded within 
 the neck, completely destroying the vertebra; of the spine, which 
 were reduced to pulp, and perforating a tunnel blackened with gun- 
 powder several feet in length, along which I could pass my arm to 
 the shoulder. The terminus of the tunnel contained small frag- 
 ments of lead and iron, pieces of which were found throughout the 
 course of the explosion. 
 The improvements in modern rifles will, within the next half- 
 century, be utterly destructive to the African elephant, which is 
 unprotected by laws in the absence of all government. For many 
 ages these animals have contended with savage man in unremitting 
 warfare, but the lance and arrow have been powerless to extermin- 
 ate, and the natural sagacity of the elephant has been sufficient to 
 preserve it from wholesale slaughter among pitfalls and other 
 snares. The heavy brcechloading ritle in the hands of experienced 
 hunters is a weapon which nothing can withstand, and the elephants 
 will be driven far away into the wilderness of an interior where 
 they will be secure from the improved firearms of our modern 
 It is much to l>e regretted that no system has been organised in 
 Africa for capturing and training the wild elephants, instead of 
 harrying them to destruction. In a country where beasts of burden 
 are unknown, as in equatorial Africa, it appears incredible that the 
 power and the intelligence of the elephant have been completely 
 ignored. The ancient coins of Carthage exhibit the African 
 elephant, which in those remote days was utilised by the Cartha- 
 ginians ; but a native of Africa, if of the Nrgro type, will never 
 tame an animal, he onlv dt^trovs.
 When we consider the peculiar power that an elephant possesses 
 for swimming long distances, and for supporting long inarches 
 under an enormous weight, we are tempted to condemn the apathy 
 even of European settlers in Africa, who have hitherto ignored the 
 capabilities of this useful creature. The chief difficulty of African 
 commerce is the lack of transport. The elephant is admirably 
 adapted by his natural habits for travelling through a wild country 
 devoid of roads. He can wade through unbridged streams, or swim 
 the deepest rivers (without a load), and he is equally at home either 
 on land or water. His carrying power for continued service would 
 be from 12 to 14 cwts. ; thus a single elephant would convey about 
 1300 Ibs. of ivory in addition to the weight of the pad. The value 
 of one load would be about 500. At the present moment such 
 an amount of ivory would employ twenty-six carriers ; but as these 
 are generally slaves who can be sold at the termination of the 
 journey, they might be more profitable than the legitimate transport 
 by an elephant. 
 Although the male elephant will carry a far greater load than 
 the female, through its superior size and strength, it would be 
 dangerous to manage upon a long journey should it take place dur- 
 ing the period of " must." I have heard the suggestion that an 
 elephant should be castrated, as the operation would affect the 
 temper of the animal and relieve it from the irritation of the 
 " must " period ; but such an operation would be impossible, as the 
 elephant is peculiarly formed, and, unlike other animals, it has 
 neither scrotum nor testicles externally. These are situated within 
 the body, and could not be reached by surgery. 
 It is well known that the entire males of many domestic animals 
 are naturally savage. The horse, bull, boar, and the park-fed stag 
 are all uncertain in their tempers and may be pronounced unsafe ; 
 but the male elephant, although dangerous to a stranger and 
 treacherous to his attendants, combines an extraordinary degree of 
 cowardice with his natural ferocity. A few months ago I witnessed 
 a curious example of this combination in the elephant's character. 
 A magnificent specimen had been lent to me by the Commissariat 
 Department at Jubbulpur; this was a high caste bull elephant 
 named Bisgaum that was well known as bad-tempered, but was 
 supposed to be courageous. He had somewhat tarnished his 
 reputation during the last season by turning tail upon a tiger that 
 rushed out of dense bush and killed a coolie within a few yards of 
 his trunk ; but this momentary panic was excused, and the blame 
 was thrown upon the mahout. The man was dismissed, and a 
 first-rate Punjaubi driver was appointed in his stead. This man
 a-ssured me that the elephant was dependable ; I accordingly 
 accepted him, and he wan ordered to carry the howdah throughout 
 the expedition. 
 In a very short exjterieucc we discovered the necessity of giving 
 lliflgauin a wide Ijerth, as he would fling out his trunk with ex- 
 treme quickness to strike a person within his reach, and he would 
 kick out sharply with his hind leg whenever a native ventured to 
 approach his rear. He took a fancy to me, as I fed him daily 
 with sugar-canes, jaggery, and native chupatties (cakes), which 
 quickly established an understanding between us ; but I always 
 took the precaution of standing by his side instead of in his front, 
 and of resting my left hand upon his tusk while I fed him with 
 the right. Every morning at daylight he was brought to the tent 
 with Demoiselle (the female elephant), and they both received from 
 my own hands the choice bits which gained their confidence. 
 My suspicions were first aroused by his peculiar behaviour upon 
 an occasion when we had killed two tigers; these were young 
 animals, and although large, there was no difficulty in arranging 
 them upon the pad, upon which they were secured by ropes, when 
 the elephant kneeling down was carefully loaded. Hardly had 
 Uisgaum risen to his feet, when, conscious of the character of the 
 animals upon his back, and, I suppose, not quite certain that life 
 was actually extinct, he trumpeted a shrill scream, and shook his 
 immense carcase like a wet dog that has just landed from the 
 water. This effect was so violent that one tiger was thrown some 
 yards to the right, while the other fell to the ground on the left, 
 and without a moment's warning, the elephant charged the lifeless 
 body, sent it flying by a kick with his fore foot, and immediately pro- 
 ceeded to dance a war-dance, kicking with his hind legs to so great 
 a height that he could have reached a tall man's hat. A vigorous 
 application of the driving-hook by the mahout, who was a powerful 
 man, at length changed the scene, and the elephant at once de- 
 sisted from his attack upon the dead tiger, and rushed madly upon 
 one side, where he stood nervously looking at the enemy as though 
 he ex|>ected it would show signs of life. 
 This did not look promising for an encounter with a live tiger, 
 as it would have been absolutely impossible to shoot from that 
 eU-phant's back. 
 A short time after this occurrence, when upon my usual re- 
 connaissance through the jungles in the neighbourhood of thei 
 camp, I came upon the fresh tracks of a large tiger close to the 
 banks of the iJcanni river, and I gave the necessary instructions 
 that a buffalo should be tied up as a bait that same eveninf.
 Early on the following morning the news was brought by the 
 shikaris that the buffalo had been killed, and dragged into a 
 neighbouring ravine. As the river was close by, there could be no 
 doubt that the tiger would have drunk water after feasting on the 
 carcase, and would be lying asleep somewhere in the immediate 
 The mucharns (platforms in trees) had already been prepared 
 in positions where the tiger was expected to pass when driven, as 
 he would make for the forest-covered hills which rose within half 
 a mile of the river. 
 The spot was within twenty minutes of the camp ; the elephants 
 were both ready, with simple pads, as the howdah was ill adapted 
 for a forest ; and we quickly started. 
 Three mucharns had been prepared; these were about 100 
 yards apart in a direct line which guarded a narrow glade between 
 the jungle upon the river's bank and the main body of the forest 
 at the foot of a range of red sandstone hills ; these were covered 
 to the summit with trees already leafless from the drought. 
 The mucharn which fell to my share was that upon the right 
 flank when facing the beat ; this was in the open glade opposite 
 a projecting corner of the jungle. On the left, about 70 yards 
 distant, was a narrow strip of bush connected with the jungle, 
 about 4 yards wide, which terminated in a copse about 30 yards 
 in diameter ; beyond this was open glade for about 40 yards width 
 until it bounded the main forest at the foot of the hill-range. 
 We took our places, and I was assured by the shikaris that the 
 tiger would probably break covert exactly in my front. 
 It is most uncomfortable for a European to remain squatted in 
 a mucharn for any length of time ; the limbs become stiffened, and 
 the cramped position renders good shooting anything but certain. 
 I have a simple wooden turnstool, which enables me to shoot in 
 any required direction ; this is most comfortable. 
 I had adjusted my stool upon a thick mat to prevent it from 
 slipping, and having settled myself firmly, I began to examine the 
 position to form an opinion concerning the most likely spot for the 
 tiger to emerge from the jungle. 
 The beat had commenced, and the shouts and yells of a long 
 line of 150 men were gradually becoming more distinct. Several 
 icacocks ran across the open glade : these birds are always the 
 )rerunners of other animals, as they are the first to retreat. 
 Presently I heard a rustle in the jungle, and I observed the legs 
 f a sambur deer, which, having neared the edge, now halted to 
 listen to the beaters before venturing to break from the dense
 covert. The Ix-aters drew nearer, and a large doe sambur, instead 
 of rushing quickly forward, walked slowly into the open, and stood 
 within 10 yards of me upon the glade. She waited there for minutes, and then, as if some suspicion had suddenly 
 crossed her mind, gave two or three convulsive bounds and dashed 
 back to the same covert from which she had approached. 
 It struck me that the sambur had got the wind of an enemy, 
 otherwise she would not have rushed back in such sudden haste; 
 she could not have scented me, as I was 10 or 12 feet above the 
 ground, and the breeze was aslant. . . . Then, if a tiger were in 
 the jungle, why should she dash back into the same covert 1 
 I was reflecting iij>on these subjects, and looking out sharp 
 towards my left and front, when I gently turned upon my stool to 
 the right ; there was the tiger himself ! who had already broken 
 from the jungle about 75 yards from my position. He was slowly 
 jogging along as though just disturbed (possibly by the sambur), 
 keeping close to the narrow belt of bushes already described. 
 There was a footpath from the open glade which pierced the belt ; 
 I therefore waited until he should cross this favourable spot. I 
 h'red with the '577 rifle just as he was passing across the dusty 
 track. I saw the dust fly from the ground upon the other side as 
 the hardened bullet passed like lightning through his flank, but I 
 felt that I was a little too far behind his shoulder, as his response 
 to the shot was a bound at full gallop forwards into the small 
 clump of jungle that projected into the grassy open. My turnstool 
 was handy, and I quickly turned to the right, waiting with the 
 left-hand barrel ready for his reappearance upon the grass-land in 
 the interval between the main jungle and the narrow patch. 
 There was no time to lose, for the tiger appeared in a few seconds, 
 dashing out of the jungle, and flying over the open at tremendous 
 speed. This was about 110 yards distant; aiming about 18 
 inches in his front, I fired. A short but spasmodic roar and a 
 sudden convulsive twist of his body showed plainly that he was 
 well hit, but with unabated speed he gained the main forest, which 
 was not more than 40 yards distant. If that had been a soft 
 leaden bullet he would have rolled over to the shot, but I had seen 
 the dust start from the ground when I fired, and I knew that the 
 hard bullet had passed through without delivering the shock 
 The beaters and shikaris now arrived, and having explained the 
 incident, we examined the ground for tracks, and quickly found the 
 claw-marks, which were deeply indented in the parched surface of 
 fine sward. We followed these tracks cautiously into the jungle.
 Our party consisted of Colonel Lugard, the Hon. D. Leigh, myself, 
 and two experienced shikaris. Tiger-shooting is always an 
 engrossing sport, but the lively excitement is increased when you 
 follow a wounded tiger upon foot. We now slowly advanced upon 
 the track, which faintly showed the sharp claws where the tiger 
 had alighted in every bound. The jungle was fairly open, as the 
 surface was stony, and the trees for want of moisture in a rocky 
 soil had lost their leaves ; we could thus see a considerable distance 
 upon all sides. In this manner we advanced about 100 yards 
 without finding a trace of blood, and I could see that some of my 
 people doubted the fact of the tiger being wounded. I felt certain 
 that he was mortally hit, and I explained to my men that the hard 
 bullet would make so clean a hole through his body that he would 
 not bleed externally until his inside should be nearly full of blood. 
 Suddenly a man cried "koon" (blood), and he held up a large 
 dried leaf of the teak-tree upon which was a considerable red 
 splash : almost immediately after this we not only came upon a 
 continuous line of blood, but we halted at a place where the 
 animal had lain down ; this was a pool of blood, proving that the 
 tiger would not be far distant. 
 I now sent for the elephants, as I would not permit the shikaris 
 to advance farther upon foot. The big tusker Bisgaum arrived, 
 and giving my Paradox gun to my trustworthy shikari Kerim Bux, 
 he mounted the pad of that excitable beast to cany out my orders, 
 " to follow the blood until he should find the tiger, after which he 
 was to return to us." We were now on the top of a small hill 
 within an extensive forest range, and directly in front the ground 
 suddenly dipped, forming a Y-shaped dell, which in the wet season 
 was the bed of a considerable torrent. It struck me that if the 
 tiger were still alive he would steal away along the bottom of the 
 rocky watercourse ; therefore, before the elephant should advance, 
 and perhaps disturb him, we should take up a position on the right 
 to protect the nullah or torrent-bed ; this plan was accordingly 
 carried out. 
 We had not been long in our respective positions when a shot 
 from the direction taken by the elephant, followed instantly by a 
 short roar, proved that the tiger had been discovered, and that he 
 was still alive. My female elephant Demoiselle, upon hearing the 
 sound, trembled beneath me with intense excitement, while the 
 other female would have bolted had she not been sharply reminded 
 by the heavy driving-hook. Several shots were now tired in 
 succession, and after vainly endeavouring to discover the where- 
 abouts of the tiger, I sent Demoiselle to obtain ihc news while we
 kept guard over the ravine. No tiger having appeared, I stationed 
 natives in trees to watch the nullah while we ascended the hill on 
 foot, directing our course through the forest to the place from 
 whence the shots had been fired. We had hardly advanced 80 
 yards before we found l>oth the elephants on the top of the steep 
 shoulder of the hill, where several of our men were upon the 
 boughs of surrounding trees. Bisgaum was in a state of wild 
 excitement, and Kerim Bux explained that it was impossible to 
 shoot from his back, as he could not be kept quiet. Where was 
 the tiger 1 that was the question. "Close to us, Sahib !" was the 
 reply ; but on foot we could see nothing, owing to high withered 
 grass and bush. I clambered upon the back of the refractory 
 Bisgaum, momentarily expecting him to bolt away like a locomotive 
 engine, and from that elevated position I was supposed to see the 
 tiger, which was lying in the bottom of the ravine about 100 yards 
 distant. There were so many small bushes and tufts of yellow 
 grass that I could not distinguish the form for some minutes ; at 
 length my eyes caught the object. I had been looking for orange 
 and black stripes, therefore I had not noticed black and white, the 
 belly being uppermost, as the animal was lying upon its back, 
 evidently dying. 
 The side of the rocky hill was so steep and slippery that the 
 elephants could not descend ; I therefore changed my steed and 
 mounted Demoiselle, from the back of which I fired several shots 
 at the tiger until life appeared to be extinct. The ground was so 
 unfavourable that I would not permit any native to approach near 
 enough to prove that the animal was quite dead. I therefore 
 instructed Bisgaum's mahout to make a detour to the right until 
 he could descend with his elephant into the fiat bottom of the 
 watercourse, he was then to advance cautiously until near enough 
 to see whether the tiger breathed. At the same time I rode 
 Demoiselle carefully as near as we could safely descend among the 
 rocks to a distance of about 40 yards ; it was so steep that the 
 elephant was impossible to turn. From this point of vantage I 
 soon jK'rceived Bisgaum's bulky form advancing up the dry torrent- 
 bed. The rocks were a perfectly flat red sandstone, which in 
 many places resembled artificial pavement ; this was throughout 
 the district a peculiar geological feature, the surface of the stone 
 being covered with ripple-marks, and upon this easy path Bisgaum 
 now approached the body of the tiger, which lay apparently dead 
 exactly in his front. 
 Suddenly the elephant halted when about 15 yards from the 
 object, which had never moved. I have seen wild savages frenzied
 I! !.-<.; A VM CllAUilKS Till: DYING TIGhK.
 by the exciting war-dance, but I never witnessed such an instance 
 of hysterical fury as that exhibited by Bisgaum. It is impossible 
 to describe the elephantine antics of this frantic animal ; he kicked 
 right and left with his hind legs alternately, with the rapidity of a 
 horse ; trumpeting and screaming, he threw his trunk in the air, 
 twisting it about, and shaking his immense head, until, having 
 lashed himself into a sufficient rage, he made a desperate charge 
 at the supposed defunct enemy, with the intention of treating the 
 body in a similar manner to that a few days previous. But the 
 tiger was not quite dead ; and although he could not move to get 
 away, he seized with teeth and claws the hind leg of the maddened 
 elephant, who had clumsily overrun him in the high excitement, 
 instead of kicking the body with a fore foot as he advanced. 
 The scene was now most interesting. We were close specta- 
 tors looking down upon the exhibition as though upon an arena. 
 I never saw such fury in an elephant ; the air was full of stones 
 and dust, as he kicked with such force that the tiger for the 
 moment was lost to view in the tremendous struggle, and being 
 kicked away from his hold, with one of his long fangs broken short 
 off to the gum, he lay helpless before his huge antagonist, who, 
 turning quickly round, drove his long tusks between the tiger's 
 shoulders, and crushed the last spark of life from his tenacious 
 This was a grand scene, and I began to think there was some 
 real pluck in Bisgaum after all, although there was a total want 
 of discipline ; but just as I felt inclined to applaud, the victorious 
 elephant was seized with a sudden panic, and turning tail, he 
 rushed along the bottom of the watercourse at the rate of 20 
 miles an hour, and disappeared in the thorny jungle below at a 
 desperate pace that threatened immediate destruction to his 
 staunch mahout. Leaving my men to arrange a litter with poles 
 and cross-bars to carry the tiger home, I followed the course of 
 Bisgaum upon Demoiselle, expecting every minute to see the body 
 of his mahout stretched upon the ground. At length, after about 
 half a mile passed in anxiety, we discovered Bisgaum and his 
 mahout both safe upon an open plain ; the latter torn and bleed- 
 ing from countless scratches while rushing through the thorny 
 On the following day the elephant's leg was much swollen, 
 although the wounds appeared to be very slight. It is probable 
 that a portion of the broken tooth remained in the flesh, as the 
 leg festered, and became so bad that the elephant could not travel 
 for nearly a fortnight afterwards. The mahouts are very obstinate,
 and insist upon native medicines, tlieir famous lotion being a 
 decoction of Mhowa blossoms, which in my opinion aggravated the 
 inflammation of tlio wound. 
 I returned liisgaum to the Commissariat stables at Jubbulpur 
 directly that he could march, as he was too uncontrollable for 
 sporting purposes. Had any person been upon his back during his 
 stampede he would have been swept off by the branches and killed ; 
 the mahout, sitting low upon his neck, could accommodate his 
 body to avoid the boughs. 
 The use of the elephant in India is so closely associated with 
 tiger-shooting that I shall commence the next chapter with the 
 THERE is no animal that has exercised the imagination of mankind 
 to the same degree as the tiger. It has been the personification 
 of ferocity and unsparing cruelty. 
 In Indian life the tiger is so closely associated with the 
 elephant (as the latter is used in pursuit), that I select this animal 
 in sequence to the former, from which in the ideas of sporting 
 Indians it is almost inseparable. 
 It is necessary to commence the description of the tiger with its 
 birth. The female rarely produces more than three, and generally 
 only two. These arrive at maturity in about two years. 
 There is a considerable difference in the size of the male and 
 female. I have both measured and weighed tigers, and I have 
 found a great difference in their proportions, such as may be seen 
 not only in many varieties of animals, but also in human beings ; 
 it is therefore difficult to decide upon the actual average tiger, as 
 they vary in separate localities, according to the quantity of wild 
 animals in the jungles which constitute their food. If the tiger 
 has been born in jungles abounding with wild pigs and other 
 animals, he will have been well-fed since the day of his birth, 
 therefore he will be a well-developed animal. 
 A well-grown tigress may weigh an average of 240 Ibs. live 
 weight. A very fine tiger will weigh 440 Ibs., but if very fat, the 
 same tiger would weigh 500 Ibs. I have no doubt there may be tigers 
 that exceed this by 50 Ibs., but I speak according to my experience. 
 The length of a tiger will depend upon the system of measure- 
 ment. I always carry a tape with me, and I measure them before 
 they are skinned, by laying the animal upon the ground in a straight 
 line, and not allowing it to be stretched by pulling at the head or 
 tail, but taking it naturally as it lies, measuring from nose to tip 
 of tail. I have found that a tijrer of 9 feet 8 inches is about 2
 inches above the average. The same tiger may be stretched to 
 measure 10 feet. 
 No person who examines skins only can form any idea of the 
 true proportions of a tiger. The hide, when stripped from a tiger 
 of 9 feet 7 inches, weighs 45 Ibs. if the animul is bulky. The 
 head, skinned, weighs 25 Ibs. These weights are taken from an 
 animal which weighed 437 Ibs. exclusive of the lost blood, which 
 was quite a gallon, estimated at 10 Ibs. This would have brought 
 the weight to 447 Ibs. The hide of this tiger, which measured 
 9 feet 7 inches when upon the animal, was 1 1 feet 4 inches in 
 length when cured. I have measured many tigers, and the skins 
 arc always stretched to a ridiculous length during the process of 
 curing ; these would utterly mislead any naturalist who had not 
 practical experience of the live animal. 
 The tiger of zoological gardens is a long lithe creature with 
 little flesh, and, from the lack of exercise, the muscles are badly 
 developed. Such a specimen affords a poor example of the grand 
 animal in its native jungles, whose muscles are almost ponderous 
 in their development from the continual exertion in nightly 
 rambles over long distances, and in mortal struggles when wrest- 
 ling with its prey. A well-fed tiger is by no means a slim figure, 
 but on the contrary it is exceedingly bulky, broad in the shoulders, 
 back, and loins, with an extraordinary girth of limbs, especially in 
 the forearm and wrist. The muscles are tough and hard, and 
 there are two peculiar bones unattached to the skeleton frame ; 
 these are situated in the flesh of either shoulder, apparently to 
 afford extra cohesion of the parts, resulting in additional strength 
 when striking a blow or wrestling with a heavy animal. 
 There is a great difference in the habits of tigers ; some exist 
 upon the game of the jungles, others prey specially upon the flocks 
 and herds belonging to the villagers ; the latter are generally 
 exceedingly heavy and fat. A few are designated "man-caters"; 
 these are sometimes naturally ferocious, and having attacked a 
 human being, they may have devoured the body and thus have 
 acquired a taste for human flesh ; or they may have been wounded 
 upon more than one occasion and have learnt to regard man as a 
 natural enemy ; but more frequently the man-eater is a wary old 
 tiger, or more probably a tigress, that, having haunted the neigh- 
 bourhood of villages, and carried off some unfortunate woman when 
 gathering firewood or the wild products of the jungles, has dis- 
 covered that it is far easier to kill a native than to hunt for the 
 scarce jungle game ; the animal therefore adopts the pursuit of 
 man, and seldom attempts to molest the native's cattle.
 v THE TIGER 89 
 A professed man-eater is the most wary of animals, and is very 
 difficult to kill, not because it is superior in strength, but through 
 its extreme caution and cunning, which renders its discovery a 
 work of long labour and patient search. An average native does 
 not form a very hearty meal. If a woman, she will have more 
 flesh than a man about the buttocks, which is the portion both in 
 animals and human beings which the tiger first devours. The man- 
 eater will seize an unsuspecting person by the neck, and will then 
 drag the body to some retreat in which it can devour its prey in 
 undisturbed security. Having consumed the hind-quarters, thighs, 
 and the more fleshy portions, it will probably leave the body, and 
 will never return again to the carcase ; but will seek a fresh victim, 
 perhaps at some miles' distance, in the neighbourhood of another 
 village. Their cautious habits render it almost impossible to 
 destroy a cunning man-eater, as it avoids all means of detection. 
 In this peculiarity the ordinary man-eating tiger differs from all 
 others, as the cattle-killer is almost certain to return on the follow- 
 ing night to the body which it only partially devoured after the 
 first attack. If the hunter has the taste and patience for night 
 shooting, he will construct a hiding-place within 10 yards of the 
 dead body. This should be arranged before noon, in order that no 
 noise should disturb the vicinity towards evening, when the tiger 
 may be expected to return. A tree is not a favourable stand for 
 night shooting, as the foliage overhead darkens the sight of the 
 rifle. Three poles of about 5 inches diameter and 12 feet in 
 length should be sunk as a triangle, the thickest ends placed 2 feet 
 in the ground. The poles should be 4 feet apart, and when firmly 
 inserted will represent a scaffolding 10 feet high. Bars and 
 diagonal pieces must be firmly lashed to prevent the structure from 
 swaying. Within a foot of the top three strong cross-bars will be 
 lashed, to support a corduroy arrangement of perfectly straight 
 level bars, quite close together to form a platform. A thickly 
 folded rug will carpet the rough surface, upon which the watcher 
 will sit upon a low turnstool that will enable him to rest in com- 
 fort, and turn without noise in any required direction. A bamboo 
 or other straight stick will be secured as a rail around the platform, 
 upon which some branches may be so arranged as to form a screen 
 that will conceal the watcher from the view of an approaching 
 tiger. This arrangement is called a " mucharn." 
 When a tiger is driven before beaters it seldom or never looks 
 upwards, but merely regards the surface as it advances ; but when 
 approaching a "kill" (the term applied to the animal which has 
 been killed) the tiger is exceedingly cautious, and surveys every-
 thing connected with the locality before it ventures to recommence 
 the feast. Even then, when assured of safety, it seldom eats the 
 carcase where it lies, but seizing it by the throat, it drags the prey 
 some 15 or 20 yards from the spot before it indulges in the meal. 
 I have already described that the first meal consists of the buttocks 
 and hind-quarters ; the second visit is devoted to the fore-quarters, 
 after which but little remains for the vultures and jackals. 
 It is essential that the night watcher should be raised about 10 
 feet above the ground, otherwise the tiger would probably obtain 
 his scent. 
 Night shooting is not attractive to myself, and I very seldom 
 have indulged in such wearisome shikar. There is no particular 
 satisfaction in sitting for hours in a cramped position, with mos- 
 quitoes stinging you from all directions, while your eyes are strain- 
 ing through the darkness, transforming every shadow into the 
 expected game. Even should it appear, unless the moon is bright 
 you will scarcely define the animal. I have heard well-authenticated 
 accounts of persons who have patiently watched until they fell 
 asleep from sheer weariness, and when they awoke, the dead bullock 
 was no longer there, the tiger having dragged it away without 
 disturbing the tired watcher. There are several methods of 
 rendering the muzzle-sights of the rifle visible in partial darkness. 
 A simple and effective arrangement is by a piece of thick white 
 paper. This should be cut into a point and fastened upon the 
 barrel with a piece of beeswax, or shoemaker's wax, in addition to 
 being tied with strong waxed packthread, thus 
 If a bright starlight night and there is no foliage above the rifle, 
 the white paper will be distinctly seen, especially if the light is 
 iH'hind the shoulder. A piece of lime made into thick paste, and 
 stuck upon the muzzle-sight, is frequently used by native hunters ; 
 but if it is at hand, there i.s nothing so effective as luminous paint ; 
 this can be purchased in stoppered bottles and will lust for years. 
 A small supply would be always useful in an outfit. 
 A man-eating tiger requires peculiar caution, not only lest it 
 should observe the presence of the hunter, but he must remember 
 that if upon the ground he himself becomes a bait for tiiis exceed-
 v THE TIGER 91 
 ingly stealthy animal, which can approach without the slightest 
 noise, and attack without giving any notice of its presence. A 
 curious example of this danger was given a few years ago in the 
 Nagpur district. A tigress had killed so many people that a large 
 reward was offered for her destruction ; she had killed and dragged 
 away a native, but being disturbed, she had left the body without 
 eating any portion. The shikaris considered that she would prob- 
 ably return to her prey during the night, if left undisturbed upon 
 the spot where she had forsaken it. There were no trees, nor any 
 timber that was suitable for the construction of a mucharn; it was 
 accordingly resolved that four deep holes should be dug, forming 
 the corners of a square, the body lying in the centre. Each hole 
 was to be occupied by a shikari with his matchlock. The watchers 
 took their positions. Nothing came ; until at length the moon 
 went down, and the night was dark. The men were afraid to get 
 out of their hiding-places to walk home through the jungles that 
 were infested by the man-eater ; they remained in their holes, and 
 some of them fell asleep. 
 When daylight broke, three of the shikaris issued from their 
 positions, but the fourth had disappeared ; his hole was empty ! 
 A few yards distant, his matchlock was discovered lying upon the 
 ground, and upon the dusty surface were the tracks of the tiger, 
 and the sweeping trace where the body had been dragged as the 
 man-eater carried it along. Upon following up the track, the 
 remains of the unlucky shikari were discovered, a considerable 
 portion having been devoured ; but the tigress had disappeared. 
 This cunning brute had won the game, and she was not killed until 
 twelve months afterwards, although many persons devoted them- 
 selves to her pursuit. 
 Many incredible stories have been told concerning the power of 
 a tiger in carrying away his prey, and I have heard it positively 
 stated by persons who should have known better, that a tiger can 
 carry off a native cow simply through the strength of the jaws 
 and neck. This is ridiculous, as the height of the cow exceeds 
 that of the tiger, therefore a portion of the body must drag upon 
 the ground. The cattle of India are exceedingly small, and are 
 generally lean, the weight of an ordinary cow would hardly exceed 
 350 or 400 Ibs. ; as an average male tiger weighs about the same, 
 it can of course drag its own weight by lifting the body partially 
 in its mouth, and thus relieving the friction upon the ground. In 
 this manner it is astonishing to see the strength exerted in 
 pulling and lifting a dead bullock over projecting roots of trees, 
 rocky torrent beds, and obstructions that would appear to be
 insurmountable ; but it is absurd to suppose that a tiger can actu- 
 ally lift and carry a full-grown cow or bullock in its jaws without 
 leaving a trace of the drag upon the surface. 
 Many persons when in pursuit of tigers are accustomed to tic 
 up a small buffalo of four or six months old for bait ; the natives will 
 naturally supply the poorest specimen of their herds, unless it is 
 specially selected ; therefore it may be quite possible for a largo 
 male tiger to carry so small an animal without allowing any portion 
 of the body (excepting the legs) to drag upon the ground. As a 
 rule the tiger will not attempt to carry, but it will lift and pull 
 simultaneously if the body is heavy. 
 The attack of a large tiger is terrific, and the effect may be well 
 imagined of an animal of such vast muscular proportions, weighing 
 between 400 and 500 Ibs., springing with great velocity, and ex- 
 erting its momentum at the instant that it seizes a bnllock by the 
 neck. It is supposed by the natives that the tiger, when well 
 fastened upon the crest, by fixing its teeth in the back of the neck 
 at the first onset, continues its spring so as to pass over the animal 
 attacked. This wrenches the neck suddenly round, and as the 
 animal struggles, the dislocation is easily effected. The tiger then 
 changes the hold to underneath the throat, and drags the body to 
 some convenient retreat, where the meal may be commenced in 
 security. With very few exceptions the tiger breaks the neck of 
 every animal it kills. Some persons have imagined that this is 
 done by a blow of the paw, but this is an error. The tiger does 
 not usually strike (like the lion), but it merely seizes with its claws, 
 and uses them to clutch firm hold, and to lacerate its victim. I 
 have seen several examples of the tiger's attack upon man, and in 
 no instance has the individual suffered from the shock of any blow ; 
 the tiger has seized, and driven deeply its claws into the flesh, and 
 with this tremendous purchase it has held the victim, precisely as 
 the hands of a man would clutch a prisoner ; at the same time it 
 has taken a firm hold with its teeth, and either killed its victim by 
 a crunch of the jaws, or broken the shoulder-blade. In attacking 
 man, the tiger generally claws the head, and at the same moment 
 it fixes its teeth upon the shoulder. An Indian is generally slight, 
 and shallow in the chest, therefore the widespread jaws can in- 
 clude both chest and back when seized in the tiger's mouth. I 
 have seen men who were thus attacked, and each claw has cut 
 down to the skull, leaving clean incisions from the brow across the 
 forehead and over the scalp, terminating at the back of the neck. 
 These cuts were as neatly drawn across the skull as though done 
 by a sharp pruning-knife ; but the wounded men recovered from
 v THE TIGER 93 
 the clawing; the fatal wound was the bite, which through the 
 back and chest penetrated to the lungs. 
 It is surprising that so few casualties occur when we consider 
 the risks that are run by unprotected natives wandering at all 
 seasons through the jungles, or occupied in their daily pursuits, 
 exposed to the attacks of wild animals. The truth is that the 
 tiger seldom attacks to actually kill, unless it is driven, or wounded 
 in a hunt. It will frequently charge with a short roar if suddenly 
 disturbed, but it does not intend to charge home, and a shout from 
 a native will be sufficient to turn it aside : it will then dash forward 
 and disappear, probably as glad to lose sight of the man as he is 
 at his escape from danger. Of course there are many exceptions 
 when naturally savage tigers, without being man-eaters, attack and 
 destroy unoffending natives without the slightest provocation ; 
 upon such occasions they leave the body uneaten, neither do they 
 return to it again. 
 Although the tiger belongs to the genus Felis, it differs from the 
 cat in its peculiar fondness for water. In the hot season the 
 animal is easily discovered, as it invariably haunts the banks of 
 rivers, when all the brooks are dry and the tanks have disappeared 
 through evaporation. The tiger loves to wallow in shallow water, 
 and to roll upon the dry sand after a muddy bath ; it will swim 
 large rivers, and in the Brahmaputra, where reedy and grassy islands 
 interrupt the channel in a bed of several miles width, the tigers 
 travel over considerable distances during the night, swimming from 
 island to island, and returning to the mainland if no prey is to be 
 found during the night's ramble. 
 The tiger is by no means fond of extreme heat ; it is found in 
 northern China, Manchuria, and the Corea, where the winters are 
 severe. In those climates during winter the skin is very beautiful, 
 consisting of thick fur instead of hair, and the tail is comparatively 
 bushy. Well-preserved skins of that variety are worth 20 apiece 
 and are prized as rarities. In the hot season of India the tiger is 
 by no means happy : it is a thirsty animal, and being nocturnal, it 
 quickly becomes fatigued by the sun's heat, and the burning surface 
 of the soil if obliged to retreat before a line of beaters. The pads 
 of the feet are scorched by treading upon heated sandy or stony 
 ground, and the animal is easily managed in a beat by those who 
 are thoroughly experienced in its habits, although during the winter 
 season, when water is abundant in all the numerous nullahs and 
 pools, there is no animal more difficult to discover than the tiger. 
 It may be easily imagined that the dense green foliage of Indian 
 jungles renders all objects difficult to perceive distinctly, and the
 strii>ed skin of a tiger harmonises in a peculiar manner with dry 
 sticks, yellowish tufts of grass, and the remains of burnt stumps, 
 which are so frequently the family of colours that form the sur- 
 roundings of the animal. In this covert the tiger with an almost 
 noiseless tread can approach or retreat, and be actually within a 
 few yards of man without being seen. Although a ferocious beast, 
 it is most sensitive to danger, and the slightest noise will induce 
 it to alter the direction of its course when driven before a line of 
 beaters. Its jxnver of scent is excellent, therefore it is always 
 advisable if jxissible to arrange that the beaters shall advance down 
 wind. If they do, the tiger may be generally managed so adroitly 
 that it will le driven in the required direction ; but if the beaters 
 are travelling up the wind, the tiger must necessarily follow the 
 same course, and it will probably obtain the scent of the guns that 
 are in positions to intercept it, in which case it will assuredly dash 
 back through the line of beaters, and escape from the beat. 
 In the hot season very few trees retain their leaves, and the 
 jungles that were impervious screens during the cooler months 
 become absolutely naked ; an animal can then be discerned at 100 
 yards' distance. The surface of the ground is then covered with 
 dried and withered leaves, which have become so crisp from the 
 extreme heat that they crackle when trod upon like broken glass. 
 It will be readily understood that any form of shooting excepting 
 driving is quite impossible under these conditions, as no person 
 could approach any animal on foot owing to the noise occasioned 
 by treacling upon the withered leaves. 
 The habits of the tiger being thoroughly understood, it becomes 
 necessary under all circumstances to employ the village shikari. 
 This man is generally more or less ignorant and obstinate, but he 
 is sure to know his own locality and the peculiar customs of the 
 local tiger. It is one of the mysterious characteristics of this 
 animal that it invariably selects particular spots in which it will 
 lay up ; to these secure retreats it will retire ; therefore, should a 
 fresh track be discovered upon the sandy bed of a nullah or upon a 
 dusty footpath in the jungles, it may be safely inferred that the 
 tiger is lying in one or other of its accustomed haunts. The village 
 shikari will quickly determine from what direction the tiger has 
 arrived ; he will then suggest the probable route that the animal 
 will take whenever it may l>e disturbed. 
 Should the tiger be killed, another will occupy its place a few 
 months later, and this will assuredly assume the same habits as 
 its predecessor; it will frequent the same haunts, lay up in the 
 same spots, and drink at the same places ; although it may have
 v THE TIGER 95 
 never associated with or even seen the tiger which formerly occupied 
 the same locality. 
 I have already described the keen power of scent possessed by 
 this wary animal, which necessitates extreme caution, and the 
 placing of the guns in positions elevated about 10 feet above tho 
 ground. It is seldom of any use to drive jungles upon speculation, 
 although it not infrequently happens, where tigers are plentiful, 
 that when driving for deer the grander game unexpectedly appears, 
 and presents itself suddenly before the astonished hunter. The 
 recognised system of tiger-hunting by driving is as follows. We 
 will say that the party of three may have arrived at a village, after 
 having received intimation that a native cow had been carried off 
 within the last few days. The first operation is to send natives 
 in all directions to look for tracks, and to discover the place where 
 the animal last drank. 
 At least two elephants should accompany the party, even 
 though the thick jungle country may be ill adapted for shooting 
 from these useful creatures. One of these should be, if possible, 
 a really dependable animal, that would advance steadily and 
 quietly up to a wounded tiger. The great danger of this branch 
 of sport arrives when a tiger may have been wounded, and it has 
 to be tracked up on foot, and eventually beaten out of the dense 
 thorny cover of its retreat. A staunch elephant is then indispens- 
 able, and the real excitement commences when the beaters are 
 sent for safety up the adjoining trees, and the hunter, absolutely 
 certain that the dangerous game, although invisible, is close before 
 him, advances calmly to the attack, knowing that the tiger will 
 be ready to spring upon the elephant the moment that they shall 
 be vis-cL-vis. 
 In the absence of any elephant, the pursuit of a wounded tiger 
 by following up the blood -track on foot is a work of extreme 
 danger. The native shikaris generally exhibit considerable hardi- 
 hood, and, confident in their activity, they ascend trees from which 
 they have a clear view in front for some 30 or 40 yards. They 
 descend if the coast is clear, cautiously advance, and then again 
 they mount upon the branches of some favourable tree and scan 
 the ground before them. In this manner they continue to 
 approach until they at length discern the wounded animal. If the 
 hunter is clever at climbing, he may then take a steady shot from 
 a good elevation ; but if not, he must take his chance, and 
 knowing the exact position of the tiger, he must endeavour to 
 make certain of its sudden death by placing a bullet either in the 
 brain or the back of the neck.
 A newly-arrived party, having heard that some native cow has 
 been carried oil' within a week, will make a reconnaissance of the 
 unrounding country upon their elephants, and will examine every 
 watercourse for tracks. We will suppose that after some hours of 
 diligent search the long-wished-for pugs or footmarks have been 
 discovered. Now the science of the chase must be exhibited, and 
 the habits of the tiger carefully considered. The first considera- 
 tion will be the drinking-place. If the middle of the dry season, 
 say the beginning of May, the heat will be intense, and the hot 
 wind will feel as though it had passed over a heated brick-kiln. 
 The water will have entirely disappeared, unless a river shall be 
 I>erinanent in the neighbourhood. It will be necessary to procure 
 two or perhaps three buffaloes to tie up iu various positions not 
 far from water, as baits for the tiger during the hours of night, 
 when it will be wandering forth from its secure retreat and search- 
 ing for its expected prey. The buffaloes should be at least twelve 
 months old ; I prefer them when eighteen months, as they are 
 then heavy animals and would afford two hearty meals, each suffi- 
 cient to gorge the tiger to an extent that, after drinking, would 
 render it lazy and inclined to sleep. Great care should be taken 
 in the selection of these buffaloes. The natives will assuredly 
 offer their skinny and unhealthy animals; but a tiger, unless 
 nearly starved, will frequently refuse to attack a miserable skeleton, 
 and like ourselves it prefers a fat and appetising attraction. It 
 must be distinctly remembered that after the tiger has devoured 
 the hind-quarters of the animal it has killed, it requires a deep 
 draught of water; it is therefore necessary that the buffalo as 
 bait should be tied up somewhere within a couple of hundred yards 
 of a drinking-place, as the least distance ; otherwise, instead of 
 lying down somewhere near the remains of its prey, it must 
 wander to a great distance to drink. The stomach, being full of 
 flesh, will naturally become distended with water, and the gorged 
 tiger will not be in the humour to undertake a return journey of 
 perhaps a mile to watch over the remains of its kill ; it will there- 
 fore lie down in some thick covert near the spot by the nullah 
 where it recently drank, instead of returning to repose in the 
 neighbourhood of its recent victim. This will throw out the 
 calculations of the shikari, who would expect that the tiger will 
 be lying somewhere near the spot where it dragged the buffalo. 
 The beat will under such false conditions be arranged to include 
 an area in which the tiger is supposed to be asleep after its great 
 meal, but in reality it may be a mile or two away in some un- 
 known direction near the water. Great precaution is necessary in
 v THE TIGER 97 
 making all preliminary arrangements. It is a common custom of 
 native shikaris to tie up a buffalo where four paths meet, as the 
 tiger would be walking along one of these during the night, and it 
 could not help seeing the alluring bait. I do not admire this 
 plan, as, although the probability is that the buffalo will be killed, 
 there is every likelihood of disturbance after the event, when 
 natives would be passing along the various routes. The slightest 
 noise would alarm the tiger, and instead of remaining quietly near 
 the carcase, it would slink away and be no more seen. 
 Natives are very inquisitive, and should the tiger have killed 
 the bait, and dragged the buffalo away to some deep nullah, the 
 shikari and his companion are often tempted to creep along the 
 trace until they perhaps see the tiger in the act of devouring the 
 hind-quarters. This is quite contrary to the rules of hunting, as 
 the tiger is almost certain to detect their presence if they are so 
 near, in which case it is sure to retreat to some undisturbed locality 
 beyond the area of the beat. 
 There is constant disappointment in driving for tigers owing to 
 the stupidity or exaggerated zeal of the shikari ; and if the hunter 
 is thoroughly experienced, it is far better that he should conduct 
 the operations personally. 
 Success depends upon many little details which may appear 
 trivial, but are nevertheless important. When a buffalo is tied up 
 for bait, it must be secured by the fetlock of a fore foot, and care 
 must be taken that the rope is sufficiently strong to prevent the 
 buffalo from breaking away ; at the same time it must not be 
 strong enough to prevent the tiger from breaking it when the 
 animal is killed, and the carcase is to be dragged to the nearest 
 nullah (or ravine). If the rope is too powerful, the tiger cannot 
 dispose of the body ; it will therefore eat the hind-quarters where 
 it lies, and at once retreat to water, instead of concealing the prey 
 and lying down in the vicinity. In such a case the remains of the 
 body will be exposed to the gaze of vultures and jackals, who will 
 pick the bones clean in a few hours, and destroy all chance of the 
 tiger's return. When the dead body is concealed beneath dense 
 bushes in a deep ravine, the vultures cannot discover it, as they 
 hunt by sight, and the tiger has no anxiety respecting the security 
 of its capture ; it will therefore sleep in peace within a short 
 distance, until awakened by the shouts of a line of beaters. 
 If the buffalo is tied with a rope around the neck, a tiger Avill 
 frequently refuse to molest it, as it fears a trap. I have seen 
 occasions when the tiger has walked round and round the buffalo, 
 as exhibited by the tracks upon the surface, but it has been afraid 
 to make its spring, being apprehensive of some hidden danger. I 
 have also seen a dead vulture lying close to the body of a buffalo, 
 evidently killed by a blow from the tiger's paw when trespassing 
 upon the feast. It is a good arrangement to secure both fetlocks 
 of a buffalo with a piece of strong cord about a foot or 16 inches 
 apart, independently of the weaker cord which ties the animal to 
 either a stake or tree. Should the buffalo break away during the 
 night, it cannot wander far, as the bushes will quickly anchor the 
 rope which confines the fore legs ; the tiger would then assuredly 
 attack the straying animal and kill it within the jungles. In such 
 a case the drive should take place without delay, as the dead 
 buffalo will certainly be hidden in the nearest convenient spot, and 
 the tiger will be somewhere in the neighbourhood. 
 During the hot season it will be advisable to defer the drive 
 till about 10 A.M., at which time the tiger will be asleep. The 
 mucharns or watching-places in various trees should have been 
 previously constructed before the buffaloes were tied up in their 
 different positions, to be ready should the tiger kill one of the baits, 
 and thus to avoid noise during the construction. This is a matter 
 of very great importance which is frequently neglected by the 
 native shikari, who postpones the building of mucharns until the 
 tiger shall have killed a buffalo. In that case the noise of axes 
 employed in chopping the wood necessary for building the platforms 
 is almost sure to alarm the tiger, who will escape unseen, and the 
 beat will take place in vain. 
 I never allow mucharns to be built by wood felled in the 
 immediate neighbourhood, but I have it prepared in camp, and 
 transported by coolies to the localities when required. By this 
 method the greatest silence may be observed, which is absolutely 
 necessary to ensure a successful drive. 
 In order to prepare these platforms, they should be laid upon 
 the ground, three long thick pieces to form a triangle, and cross- 
 bars in proportionate lengths. If the latter are straight and strong, 
 from sixteen to twenty will be necessary to complete a strong 
 mucharn. It is impossible to devote too much attention to the 
 construction ot these watching-places. The natives are so light, 
 and they are so comfortable when squatting for hours in a position 
 that would cramp a European, that it is dangerous to accept the 
 shikari's declaration when he reports that everything is properly 
 arranged. UjK>n many occasions tigers are missed because the 
 shooter is so completely cramped that he cannot turn when the 
 animal suddenly apix?ars in view. A large, firm, and roomy 
 mucharu fixed upon the boughs of a tree that will not wave before
 v THE TIGER 99 
 a gust of wind, is the proper platform to ensure a successful 
 I have frequently been perched in a mere heron's nest, formed 
 of light wood arranged upon most fragile boughs ; this wretched 
 contrivance has swayed before the wind to an extent that would 
 have rendered accurate aim impossible; fortunately upon such 
 occasions I have never obtained a shot. 
 Although driving may read as an unexciting sport, it is quite 
 the contrary if the hunter takes sufficient interest in the operations 
 to attend to every detail personally. When all is in readiness after 
 the tiger has killed a buffalo, there is much art required in the 
 conduct of the drive. Natives vary in different districts ; some 
 are clever and intelligent, and take an immense interest in the 
 sport, especially if they are confident in the generosity of their 
 employer. In other districts there may be abundant game, but 
 the natives are cowardly, and nothing will persuade them to keep 
 an unbroken line, upon the perfection of which the success of the 
 drive depends. 
 As a rule, there is no great danger in the steady advance of a 
 line of men, provided they are at close intervals of five or eight 
 yards apart, and that they keep this line intact. It is a common 
 trick, when the beaters are nervous, to open out the line in gaps, 
 and the men resolve themselves into parties of ten or twenty, 
 advancing in knots, at the same time howling and shouting their 
 loudest to keep up the appearance of a perfect line. In such 
 cases the tiger is certain to break back through one of the inviting 
 gaps, and the drive is wasted. 
 To drive successfully, the beaters must not only keep a rigid 
 line, but they must thoroughly understand the habits of the 
 animal, and the positions of the posted guns. If the drive is 
 thoroughly well organised, there should be eight or ten men who 
 are experienced in the sport ; these should take the management of 
 the beat, and being distributed at intervals along the line, they 
 should direct the operations. 
 A few really clever shikaris should be able (with few exceptions 
 to the rule) to drive the tiger to any required position, so as to 
 bring it within shot of any particular mucharn. This may be 
 effected without extraordinary difficulty. The drive should be 
 arranged to include three parts of a circle. If there are three guns, 
 their positions would depend upon the quality and conditions of the 
 ground, leaving intervals of only 80 or 100 yards at farthest be- 
 tween the three mucharns. From either flank, commencing only 
 50 yards from each mucharn, a native should be posted in a tree,
 mid this system of watchers should be continued until they meet 
 the extreme ends of the right and left flanks of the beating line. 
 It will be seen that by this method there is a chain of communica- 
 tion established throughout the line, both flanks being in touch 
 with the right and left mucharns by watchers in the trees only 50 
 yards apart. The tiger, if within the beat, will be completely 
 encircled, as it will have the guns in front, the line of beaters in a 
 semicircle behind, and a chain of watchers in trees from 30 to 50 
 yards apart from either side of the line to within sight of the 
 mucharns. If the jungle should be tolerably open, the tiger cannot 
 move without being seen by somebody. It now has to be driven 
 before the beaters, and it should be induced to select a particular 
 direction that will bring it within distance of one particular 
 Each man who may be perched in the trees, which form a chain 
 from the right and left extremities of the line, will be provided 
 with several pieces of exceedingly dry and brittle sticks ; he will 
 hold these in readiness for use whenever he may observe the tiger. 
 If he sees that the animal wishes to pass through the line, and 
 thereby escape from the beat, he simply breaks a small stick in 
 half; the sound of a snap is quite sufficient to divert the tiger 
 from its course ; it will generally stop and listen for a few moments, 
 and then being alarmed by the unusual sound, it will again move 
 forward, this time in the required direction, towards the guns. In 
 this manner the animal is gradually guided by the unseen watchers 
 in the trees, and is kept under due control, without any suspicion 
 upon its part that it is being conducted to the fatal spot within 30 
 or 40 yards of the deadly aim of an experienced rifle. This lead- 
 ing of the tiger requires considerable skill, as much discretion is 
 necessary in breaking the stick at the proper moment, or increasing 
 the noise should it be deemed expedient. As a rule, the slightest 
 sound is sufficient to attract the attention of a driven tiger, as the 
 animal is well aware that the shouts of a line of beaters are in- 
 tended to scare it from the neighbourhood ; it is accordingly in 
 high excitement, and it advances like a sly fox slowly and 
 cautiously, occasionally stopping, and turning its head to listen to 
 the cries of the approaching enemy. Any loud and sudden noise 
 would induce it to turn and charge back towards the rear, in which 
 case it is almost certain to escape from the beat. 
 Some tigers are' more clever than others, and having escaped 
 uj)on more than one occasion, they will repeat the dodge that has 
 hitherto succeeded. It is a common trick, should the jungle be 
 dense and the ground much broken, for the tiger to crouch when
 v THE TIGER 101 
 it hears the beaters in the distance, instead of going forward in the 
 direction of the guns. This is a dangerous stratagem, as the wary 
 animal will lie quietly listening to the approaching line, and having 
 waited until the beaters are within a few yards of its unexpected 
 lair, it will charge back suddenly with a terrific roar, and dash at 
 great speed through the affrighted men, perhaps seizing some 
 unfortunate who may be directly in its path. I have known tigers 
 that have been hunted many times, but who have always escaped 
 by this peculiar dodge, and such animals are exceedingly difficult 
 to kill. In such cases I am of opinion that no shouts or yells 
 should be permitted, but that the line should advance, simply 
 beating the stems of trees with their sticks ; at the same time six 
 or eight natives with their matchlocks should be placed at intervals 
 along the line to fire at the tiger should it attempt to break through 
 the rear. This may sometimes, but rarely, succeed in turning it, 
 and compelling it to move in the required direction. It is a 
 curious fact that " breaking back " is a movement general to all 
 animals, which have an instinctive presentiment of danger in the 
 front, if alarmed by the sound of beaters from behind. If once 
 they determine upon a stampede to the rear, nothing will stop 
 them, but they will rush to destruction and face any opposition 
 rather than move forward before the line. The tiger in such cases 
 is extremely dangerous, although when retreating in an ordinary 
 manner before the beaters it would seldom attack a human being, 
 but, on the contrary, it would endeavour to avoid him. It is 
 frequently the custom of tigers to remain together in a family, the 
 male, female, and a couple of half or three parts grown young ones. 
 We cannot positively determine whether the male always remains 
 with his family under such circumstances, or whether he merely 
 visits them periodically ; I am inclined to the latter opinion, as I 
 think the female may be attractive during her season, which 
 induces the male to prolong his visit, although at other periods he 
 may be leading an independent life. Good fortune specially 
 attends some favoured sportsmen, who have experienced the 
 intensity of happiness when a complete family of tigers has marched 
 past their position in a drive, and they have bagged every individual 
 member. This luck has never waited upon me, but I have seen 
 three out of the four secured, the big and wary male, having 
 modestly remained behind, escaping by breaking back through the 
 line of beaters. 
 The tigress remains with her young until they are nearly full- 
 grown, and she is very assiduous in teaching her cubs to kill their 
 prey while they are extremely young. I have seen an instance of
 such schooling when two buffaloes were tied up about a quarter of 
 a mile apart ; one was killed, and although these two baits were 
 mere calves, it had evidently been mangled about the neck and 
 throat in the endeavour to break the neck. This had at length 
 been effected by the tigress, as proved by the larger marks of teeth, 
 while the wounds of smaller teeth and claws in the throat and 
 back of neck showed that the cub had been worrying the buffalo 
 fruitlessly, until the mother had interfered to complete the kill. 
 The other buffalo calf had been attacked, and severely lacerated 
 about the nape of the neck and throat, but it was still alive, and 
 was standing up at the post to which it had been tied. This 
 proved that the cub had been practising upon both these unlucky 
 animals, and that the tigress had only interfered to instruct her 
 pupil upon the last occasion. A dead vulture was lying near the 
 buffalo carcase ; this had been killed, probably, by the cub ; the 
 fact showed that the buffalo had been attacked that morning 
 during daylight, and not during the preceding night, when the 
 vultures would have been at roost. 
 The tigress is generally in advance of the male during a drive, 
 should there be two together ; this should not be forgotten, and a 
 sharp look-out should be directed upon the place from whence the 
 tigress shall have emerged, as the shot must be taken at the rear- 
 most animal, who would otherwise disappear immediately, and 
 break back at the sound of the explosion. In all cases it is 
 incumbent upon the watcher to study attentively every feature of 
 the ground directly that he enters upon his post, so that he may 
 be prepared for every eventuality ; he should thoroughly examine 
 his surroundings, noting every little open space, every portion of 
 dense bush, and form his opinion of the spot that would probably 
 be the place of exit when the tiger should be driven to the margin 
 of the covert. Tigers are frequently missed, or only slightly 
 wounded, through utter carelessness in keeping a vigilant look-out. 
 The watcher may have omitted to scan the details of the locality, 
 and when unprepared for the interview, the tiger suddenly appears 
 before him. Startled at the unexpected apparition, he fires too 
 quickly, and with one bound the tiger vanishes from view, leaving 
 the shooter in a state of misery at his miss, that may be imagined. 
 Nearly all the fatalities in tiger shooting are caused by careless 
 shooting, which necessitates the following up a blood-track ; it is 
 therefore imperative that extreme care and coolness be observed in 
 taking a steady aim at a vital portion of the body, that will ensure 
 the death of the animal at latest within a few minutes. If the 
 shot is fired at right angles with the flank, exactly through the
 v THE TIGER 103 
 centre of the blade-bone, the tiger will fall dead, as the heart will 
 be shattered, and both shoulders will be broken. ' A shot close 
 behind the shoulder will pass through the centre of the lungs, and 
 death will be certain in about two minutes, but the animal will be 
 able to inflict fatal injuries upon any person it may encounter 
 during the first minute, before internal bleeding shall have produced 
 complete suffocation. If the hunter is confident in the extreme 
 accuracy of his rifle, a shot in the centre of the forehead rather 
 above a line drawn across the eyes will ensure instant death. This 
 is a splendid shot when the hunter sits upon an elevation and the 
 tiger is approaching him ; in that position he must be careful to 
 aim rather high, as, should the bullet miss the forehead, it will 
 then strike the spine at the junction of the neck ; or if too high, 
 it will break the spine between the shoulders ; at any rate, the 
 chances are all in favour of the rifle, whereas, should the aim be 
 too low, the bullet might penetrate through the nose, and bury 
 itself within the ground, merely wounding the animal instead of 
 killing. Should the hunter be on foot, he must on the contrary 
 aim low, exactly at the centre of the nose ; if he is only one inch 
 too high, the tiger may escape, as the bullet may pass over the 
 head and back ; but if the aim is low and the nose should be 
 missed, the bullet will either break the neck, or regularly rake the 
 animal by tearing its course through the chest and destroying the 
 vitals in its passage along the body. In that case the '577 solid 
 bullet of 650 grains and 6 drams of powder will produce an 
 astonishing effect, and will completely paralyse the attack of any 
 lion or tiger, thus establishing a thorough confidence in the heart 
 of its proprietor.
 THE TIGER (continued) 
 THERE is no more delightful study than Natural History in its 
 practical form, where the wild beasts and their ways are actually 
 presented to the observer in their native lands, and he can examine 
 their habits in their daily haunts, and watch their characters in 
 their wild state instead of the cramped limits of zoological collec- 
 tions. At the same time we must confess that the animals of a 
 menagerie afford admirable opportunities for photography, and are 
 most instructive for a rudimentary preparation before we venture 
 upon the distant jungles where they are to be found in their un- 
 disturbed seclusion. It is commonly supposed that wild animals 
 that have never been attacked by firearms are not afraid of man, 
 and that deer, antelopes, and various species which are extremely 
 timid may be easily approached by human beings, as the creatures 
 have no fear of molestation. My experience does not support this 
 theory. Nearly all animals have some natural enemy, which 
 keeps them on the alert, and renders them suspicious of all strange 
 objects and sounds that would denote the approach of danger. 
 The beasts of prey are the terror of the weaker species, which 
 cannot even assuage their thirst in the hottest season without 
 halting upon the margin of the stream and scrutinising the country 
 right and left before they dare stoop their heads to drink. Even 
 then the herd will not drink together, but a portion will act as 
 watchers, to give notice of an enemy should it be discerned while 
 their comrades slake their thirst. 
 It is a curious and inexplicable fact that certain animals and 
 varieties of birds exhibit a peculiar shyness of human beings, 
 although they are exjK)sed to the same conditions as others which 
 are more bold. We see that in every portion of the world the 
 curlew is difficult to approach, although it is rarely or never pur- 
 sued by the natives of the neighbourhood ; thus we find the same
 CHAP, vi THE TIGER 105 
 species of bird exhibiting a special character whether it has been 
 exposed to attack, or if unmolested in wild swamps where the hand 
 of man has never been raised against it. 
 The golden plover is another remarkable example, as the bird 
 is wild in every country that it inhabits, even where the report of 
 firearms never has been heard. The wagtails, on the contrary, 
 are tame and confiding throughout all places, whether civilised or 
 savage. The swallows are the companions of the human race, 
 nesting beneath their eaves, and sharing the shelter of their roofs 
 in every clime. Why this difference exists in creatures subjected 
 to the same conditions is a puzzle that we cannot explain. In 
 like manner we may observe the difference in animals, many of 
 which are by nature extremely timid, while others of the same 
 genus are more bold. The beasts of prey vary in an extraordinary 
 degree according to their species, which are in some way influenced 
 by circumstances. Tigers and lions are naturally shy, and hesitate 
 to expose themselves unnecessarily to danger ; both these animals 
 will either crouch in dense covert and allow the passer-by to 
 continue his course, or slink away unobserved, if they consider 
 that their presence is undetected. Nevertheless these animals 
 differ in varying localities, and it is impossible to describe the 
 habits of one particular species in general terms, as much depends 
 upon the peculiarities of a district which may exercise an effect in 
 influencing character. The tigers that inhabit high grass jungle 
 are more dangerous than those which are found in forests. The 
 reason is obvious ; the former cannot be seen, neither can they see, 
 until the stranger is almost upon them : they have accordingly no 
 time for consideration, but they act upon the first impulse, which 
 is either to attack in self-defence or to bound off in an opposite 
 direction. If the same tiger were in a forest it would either see 
 the approach or it would hear the sound of danger, and being fore- 
 warned, it would have time to listen and to decide upon a course 
 of retreat ; it would probably slink away without being seen. 
 Although the usual bait for a tiger is a young buffalo, there is 
 no animal that is held in greater respect by this ferocious beast 
 than an old bull of that species. 
 It is by no means an uncommon occurrence that should a tiger 
 have the audacity to attack a buffalo belonging to a herd, the 
 friends of the victim will immediately rush to its assistance, and 
 the attacking party is knocked over and completely discomfited, 
 being only too glad to effect a retreat. 
 A few months ago, from the date at which I am now writing. 
 a native came to my camp with the intelligence that a large tiger
 hod suddenly sprung from a densely wooded nullah and seized a 
 cow that was grazing within a few yards of him. The man 
 shouted in the hope of scaring the tiger, when two buffaloes who 
 were near the spot and were sjiectators of the event at once 
 charged the tiger at full speed, knocked it over by their onset, 
 and followed it as it sprang for safety into the thick bush, thus 
 saving the cow from certain destruction. The cow, badly lacerated 
 about the throat, ran towards its native village, followed by its 
 owner. I lost no time in arriving at the spot, about two miles 
 from camp, and there I found the recent tracks precisely tallying 
 with the description I had received. We organised a drive on the 
 following morning, but the crestfallen tiger had taken the notice 
 to quit, and had retreated from the neighbourhood. 
 An example of this kind is sufficient to exhibit the cautious 
 character of the tiger. My shikari, a man of long experience, 
 differed in opinion with the native who had witnessed the attack. 
 This man declared that the tiger must be lying in a dense thicket 
 covering a deep hollow of about 10 acres, to which it had retreated 
 when charged by the two buffaloes ; he advised that we should 
 lose no time, but organise a drive at once, as the tiger, having 
 been frightened by the buffaloes, would probably depart from the 
 locality during the night. 
 My shikari argued against this suggestion. He was of opinion 
 that the tiger might not be lying in the hollow, as there was much 
 broken ground and jungle in the immediate neighbourhood, includ- 
 ing many dense and deep nullahs that might have formed a retreat : 
 if the tiger should happen to be within one of those places, it would 
 be outside the drive, and would be frightened away by the noise 
 of the beaters should we drive the hollow, and it would escape 
 unseen. If, on the other hand, the tiger should be lying in any 
 spot within a radius of half a mile, it would be very hungry, as 
 proved by its attack upon the cow during broad daylight, and it 
 would assuredly kill one or both of the baits, and remain with its 
 prey, if we should tie up two young buffaloes that night ; we should 
 then l>e certain to have it within the drive on the following morning. 
 This was sound reasoning, and according to rule ; but the native 
 argued that the tiger, having been knocked over and pounded by 
 the buffaloes, wotdd be so cowed that it would decline to attack 
 the young buffaloes that might be secured to trees as baits ; it 
 would, on the contrary, avoid anything in the shape of a buffalo, 
 and if we neglected to drive the jungle at once, we should find a 
 blank upon the following morning. 
 The sequel proved that the man was correct, as the buffaloes
 vr THE TIGER 107 
 were untouched on the following day, and the tiger had disappeared 
 from the locality. 
 The tiger, although hungry, was sufficiently disturbed by its 
 defeat to abstain from any further attack ; although the baits were 
 only twelve months old, it was too shy to encounter anything in 
 the shape of a buffalo. 
 In the grassy islands of the Brahmaputra there were a vast 
 number of tigers some twelve or fourteen years ago, but their 
 number has been reduced through the development of the country 
 by the various lines of steamers which have improved the naviga- 
 tion of the river. Formerly a multitude of small islands of alluvial 
 deposit thrown up by the impetuous current created an archipelago 
 for 60 or 70 miles of the river's course south of Dhubri, in the 
 direction of Mymensing ; these varied in size from a few hundred 
 yards to a couple of miles in length, and being covered with high 
 grass and tamarisk, they formed a secluded retreat for tigers and 
 other game at the foot of the Garo Hills. The river makes a 
 sudden bend, sweeping near the base of this forest-covered range, 
 from which the wild animals at certain seasons were attracted to 
 the island pasturage and dense covert, especially when the forests 
 had been cleaned by annual firing, and neither food nor place of 
 refuge could be found. 
 As these numerous islands abounded with wild pigs, hog-deer, 
 and other varieties of game, they were most attractive to tigers, 
 and these animals were tolerably secure from molestation, as it 
 was impossible to shoot or even to discover them in grass 10 feet 
 high without a line of elephants. The improvement introduced by 
 steam navigation gave an increased impulse to cultivation, as the 
 productions of the country could be transported at a cheap rate to 
 Calcutta by the large barges termed flats, which are fastened upon 
 either side of the river steamers. These are 270 feet in length, 
 and of great beam. The steamers are from 270 to 300 feet from 
 stem to stern, and are furnished with hurricane decks capable of 
 stowing a large cargo, although the draught of water is limited 
 owing to the numerous sandbanks that interrupt the channel. The 
 peculiar conditions of the Brahmaputra, which render it necessary 
 that these large vessels should be of very shallow draught, entail 
 the necessity of a rudder 17 feet in length to afford a sufficient 
 resistance for steering when running down the stream. The shock 
 when striking upon a sandbank is sufficient to bury the stem 
 without straining the vessel, as the flat bottom remains fixed upon 
 the soft soil for a few moments, during which the force of the 
 stream upon so large a surface brings the steamer broadside on to
 the obstruction and releases the stem. It is then an affair of an 
 hour or more to get her off the bank by laying out kedge anchors, 
 and heaving upon the hawsers with the steam winches. 
 The Brahmaputra is an extraordinary river, as it acknowledges 
 no permanent channel, but is constantly indulging in vagaries 
 during the season of flood ; at such times it carries away extensive 
 islands and deposits them elsewhere. Sometimes it overflows its 
 banks and cuts an entirely new channel at a sudden bend, convey- 
 ing the soil to another spot, and throwing up an important island 
 where formerly the vessels navigated in deep water. This peculiar 
 character of the stream renders the navigation extremely difficult, 
 as the bed is continually changing and the captains of the steamers 
 require a long experience. 
 During inundations the islands are frequently drowned out, and 
 the wild animals are forced to swim for the nearest shore. Upon 
 such occasions tigers have been frequently seen swimming for their 
 lives, and they have been killed in the water by following them in 
 boats. The captain of the steamer in which I travelled told me of a 
 curious incident during a great inundation, which had covered deeply 
 all the islands and transported many into new positions. Upon 
 waking at daylight, the man who took the helm was astonished to 
 see a large tiger sitting in a crouching attitude upon the rudder, 
 which, as already explained, was 17 feet in length. A heavily- 
 laden flat or barge was lashed upon either side, and the sterns of 
 these vessels projected beyond the deck of the steamer, right and left. 
 The decks of these large flats were only 3 feet above the 
 water, and the tiger, when alarmed by a shout from the helmsman, 
 made a leap from the rudder to the deck of the nearest vessel. In 
 an instant all was confusion, the terrified natives fled in all direc- 
 tions before the tiger, which, having knocked over two men during 
 its panic-stricken onset, bounded off the flat and sought security 
 upon the deck of the steamer alongside. Scared by its new 
 position and by the shouts of the people, it rushed into the first 
 hole it could discover ; this was the open door of the immense 
 paddle-box, and the captain rushed to the spot and immediately 
 closed the entrance, thereby boxing the tiger most completely. 
 There was only one gun on board, belonging to the captain : the 
 door being well secured, there was no danger, and an ornamental 
 air-hole in the paddle-box enabled him to obtain a good view of the 
 tiger, who was sitting upon one of the floats. A shot through the 
 head settled the exciting incident ; and the men who were knocked 
 over being more frightened than hurt, the affair was wound up 
 satisfactorily to all parties except the tiger.
 vi THE TIGER 109 
 The progress of science in the improvement of steam navigation 
 has had a wonderful effect throughout the world during the past half 
 century, and it is interesting to watch the development resulting 
 from the increased facilities of steam traffic upon the Brahmaputra. 
 Although a residence upon the islands is accompanied by extreme 
 risk during the period of inundations, there are many villages 
 established where formerly the tigers held undisturbed possession ; 
 and the rich alluvial soil is made to produce abundance, including 
 large quantities of jute, which is transported by the steamers to 
 Calcutta. The danger of an unexpected rise in the river is always 
 provided for, and every village possesses two or more large boats, 
 which are carefully protected from the sun by a roof of mats or 
 thatch, to be in readiness for any sudden emergency. 
 When the natives first established themselves upon the islands 
 and along the dangerous banks of the Brahmaputra, they suffered 
 greatly from the depredations of the numerous tigers, and in self- 
 defence they organised a system by which each village paid a sub- 
 scription towards the employment of professional shikaris. These 
 men soon reduced the numbers of the common enemy, by setting 
 clever traps, with bows and arrows, the latter having a broad 
 barbed head, precisely resembling the broad-arrow that is well 
 known as the Government mark throughout Great Britain. The 
 destruction of tigers was so great in a few years that the Lieut. - 
 Governor of Bengal found it necessary to reduce the reward from 
 fifty rupees to twenty-five, and tiger-skins were periodically sold by 
 auction at the Dhubri Kutcherry at from eight annas to one rupee 
 In this manner the development of agricultural industry brought 
 into value the fertile soil, which had hitherto been neglected, and 
 the wild beasts were the first to suffer, and eventually to disappear 
 from the scene ; precisely as indolent savage races must vanish 
 before the inevitable advance ot civilisation, and their neglected 
 countries will be absorbed in the progressive extension of colonial 
 I believe there are very few tigers to be found at the present 
 time in the islands or " churs " of the Brahmaputra, and although 
 I never had the good fortune to know the country when it was 
 described to me as " crawling " with these animals, I look back 
 with some pleasure to my visit in 1885, when through the kindness 
 of Mr. G. P. Sanderson, the superintendent of the keddahs, I was 
 supplied with the necessary elephants. 
 The Rajah of Moochtagacha, Soochikhan (or Suchi Khan), had 
 started from Mymensing with thirty-five elephants, and he kindly
 invited me to join him for a few days before I should meet Mr. 
 Sanderson at llohumari, about 38 miles below Dhubri, on the 
 Brahmaputra. I had a scratch pack of twelve elephants, including 
 some that had been sent forward from the keddahs, and others 
 kindly lent by the Ranee of Bijni. These raised our number into 
 a formidable line, excepting one huge male with long tusks belonging 
 to the Bijni Ranee, who was too savage to be trusted with other 
 elephants in company. This brute, as is not uncommon, combined 
 great ferocity with extreme nervousness. He had just destroyed 
 the howdah, which was smashed to atoms, as the animal had taken 
 fright at the crackling of flames when some one had ignited a patch 
 of long grass in the immediate neighbourhood. This had established 
 an immediate panic, and the elephant bolted at full speed, destroying 
 the howdah utterly beneath the branches of a tree ; fortunately 
 there was no occupant, or he would certainly have been killed. 
 The sound of fire is most trying to the nerves of elephants, but a 
 good shooting animal should be trained especially to bear with it ; 
 otherwise it is exceedingly dangerous. 
 The Rajah's elephants were his peculiar enjoyment, and there 
 was the same difference in their general appearance, when compared 
 with the keddah elephants, as would be seen in a well-kept stable 
 of hunters and a team of ordinary farm-horses. At the same time 
 it must be remembered that Suchi Khan's elephants did no work, 
 but were kept solely for his amusement, while the keddah animals 
 had been working hard in the Garo Hills for many mouths upon 
 inferior food, engaged with their experienced superintendent Mr. 
 Sanderson in catching wild elephants. Nevertheless there was a 
 notable superiority in the Rajah's shikari animals, as they had been 
 carefully trained to the sport of tiger-hunting ; they marched with 
 so easy a motion that a person could stand upright in the howdah, 
 rifle in hand, without the necessity of holding the rail. They 
 appeared to glide instead of swaying as they moved, and in that 
 respect alone they exhibited immense superiority, the difficulty of 
 shooting with a rifle from the back of an elephant in motion being 
 extreme. Several of these elephants were so well trained that they 
 showed no alarm when a tiger was on foot, at which time an 
 elephant generally exhibits a tendency to nervousness, and cannot 
 be kept motionless by his mahout. 
 A favourite shikar animal had been badly bitten by a tiger a 
 few* days before my arrival, and it was feared that she might 
 become shy upon the next encounter. Although the elephant is 
 enormous in weight and strength, the upper portion of the trunk 
 is much exposed, as it is the favourite .pot fur the tiger's attack,
 vi THE TIGER 111 
 where it can fix its teeth and claws, holding on with great tenacity. 
 A wound on the trunk is most painful, and when an elephant is 
 actually pulled down by a tiger, it is the pain to which the animal 
 yields in falling upon the knees, more than the actual weight and 
 strength of the tiger, that produces the effect. A tiger, when stand- 
 ing upon its hind legs, would be able to reach about 8 feet without 
 the effort of a spring ; it may be readily imagined that a female 
 elephant unprotected by tusks must certainly be injured should a 
 tiger rush determinedly to the attack ; nevertheless the female is 
 generally preferred to the male for steadiness and docility. When 
 a really trustworthy male elephant is obtainable, well grown, of 
 large size, easy action, and in perfect training, it is simply invalu- 
 able, and there is no pleasure equal to such a mount ; the sensation 
 upon such an animal is too delightful, and you long for the oppor- 
 tunity to exhibit the power and prowess of your elephant, as the 
 feeling of being invincible is intensely agreeable. The only 
 sensation that can approach it is the fact of being mounted upon a 
 most perfect hunter, that you can absolutely depend upon when 
 following the hounds in England ; an animal well up to a couple 
 of stones more than your own weight, who never bores upon your 
 hand, but keeps straight, and never makes a mistake ; even that 
 only faintly approaches the pleasure of a good day upon such an 
 elephant as I have described. 
 Mahouts will always lie concerning the reputation of the 
 animal in their charge, and I had been assured that the great male 
 belonging to the Ranee of Bijni was the ideal character I coveted ; 
 but I discovered that his temper was so well known that the 
 Rajah positively declined to expose his line of elephants to an 
 attack, which he assured me would take place if the animal 
 became excited ; in which event some valuable elephant would 
 suffer, as the long tusks of the Bijni elephant had not been blunted, 
 or shortened by the saw. This splendid animal was accordingly 
 condemned to the ignominious duty of conveying food to the camp, 
 for the other elephants upon their return from their daily work. 
 The neighbourhood of the Brahmaputra is rich in plantain groves, 
 and for a trifling consideration the natives allow those trees which 
 have already produced their crop to be cut down. A full-length 
 stem will weigh about 80 Ibs., therefore an elephant is quickly 
 loaded, as the animal for the short distance to camp will carry 18 
 cwts. or more. The operation of loading a pad elephant with 
 either boughs or plantain stems is very curious. Two men are 
 necessary ; one upon the ground hands the boughs, etc., to the 
 man upon the animal's back, who lays the thin or extreme end of
 the branch across the pail, leaving the thick or heavy end out- 
 wards, lie places one foot upon this to keep it from slipping off 
 until he has placed the next bough across it upon the opposite 
 side, arranged in a similar manner. In this way he continues to 
 load the elephant, each time holding down with his foot a separate 
 bough, until he has secured it by the weight of another, placed in 
 the same position opposite. This plan enables him to build up a 
 load like a small haystack, which is then secured by ropes, and 
 almost hides the animal that carries it. My mighty beast was 
 condemned to this useful but degrading employment, instead of 
 being honoured by a place in the line of shikari's elephants, and 
 we started into the valleys among the Garo Hills, led by a native 
 who declared that he would introduce us to rhinoceros and 
 We started at 6 A.M., and marched about 14 miles, extending 
 into line whenever we entered a broad valley of high grass, and 
 slowly thrashing our way through it. In many of the swampy 
 flats among the hills the reedy grass was quite 14 or 15 feet in 
 height and as thick as the forefinger ; so dense was this herbage, 
 that when the elephants were in line you could only see the animals 
 upon the immediate left and right, the others being completely 
 hidden. It struck me that this system of beating was rather 
 absurd, as there were no stops in the front, neither scouts on the 
 flanks, therefore any animals that might be disturbed by the 
 advance in line had every chance of escape without being observed. 
 The grass was a vivid green, and occasionally a rush in front 
 showed that some large animal had moved, but nothing could be 
 seen. This was a wrong system of beating. I was second in the 
 line of six guns, the Rajah Suchi Khan upon my left ; we pre- 
 sently skirted the toot of a range of low forest-covered hills, and 
 after a rush in the high reeds I observed a couple of sambur deer, 
 including a stag, trotting up the hill through the open lorest, all 
 of which had been recently cleared by fire. A right and left 
 shot from Suchi Khan produced no effect, but the incident proved 
 that the system of beating was entirely wrong, as the game when 
 disturbed could evidently steal away and escape unseen. Our 
 right flank had now halted at about 400 yards' distance as a pivot, 
 upon which the line was supposed to turn in order to beat out 
 the swamp that was surrounded upon all sides by hills and 
 jungles. Suddenly a shot was heard about 200 yards distant, then 
 another, succeeded by several in slow .succession in the same 
 locality. I felt sure this was a buffalo, and, as the line halted 
 for a few minutes, I counted every shot fired until I reached the
 vi THE TIGER 113 
 number twenty-one. Before this independent firing was completed 
 we continued our advance, wheeling round our extreme right, and 
 driving the entire morass, moving game, but seeing absolutely 
 nothing. Although the jungles had been burnt, the valley grass 
 was a bright green, as the bottom formed a swamp ; even at this 
 season (April) the ground was splashy beneath the heavy weight 
 of our advancing line. Having drawn a blank since we heard the 
 shots, we now assembled at the spot, where we found a bull 
 buffalo lying dead surrounded by the elephants and four guns. 
 These had enjoyed the fusillade of twenty-one shots before they 
 could extinguish the old bull, who had gallantly turned to bay 
 instead of seeking safety in retreat. It was a glorious example of 
 the inferiority of hollow Express bullets against thick-skinned 
 animals. The buffalo was riddled, and many of the shots were in 
 the right place, one of which behind the shoulder would have been 
 certain death with a solid 650 grains hard bullet, from a -577 
 rifle with 6 drams of powder. The buffalo, finding himself sur- 
 rounded by elephants, had simply stood upon the defensive, with- 
 out himself attacking, but only facing about to confront his 
 numerous enemies. 
 We were a very long way from camp ; we therefore retraced 
 our course, and having avoided some dense swamps that were too 
 soft for the elephants, we sought harder ground, shooting several 
 hog-deer on our way, and arriving in camp after sundown, having 
 been working for twelve hours, to very little purpose, considering 
 our powerful equipments. 
 Although we had covered a very large area during the day's 
 work, we had seen no tracks of rhinoceros, and so few of buffaloes 
 that we determined to abandon such uninteresting and unprofitable 
 ground ; accordingly we devoted the following day to the churs 
 or islands of the river, where we should expect no heavy game, 
 but we might come across a tiger. 
 In driving the grassy islands of the Brahmaputra some persons 
 are contented with the chance of moving tigers by simply forming 
 a line of a quarter of a mile in length with forty elephants, with- 
 out any previous arrangement or preparation. This is wrong. 
 To shoot these numerous islands much caution is required, and 
 unless tigers are exceedingly plentiful, the whole day may be fruit- 
 lessly expended in marching and counter-marching under a burning 
 sun, with a long line of elephants, to little purpose. 
 There should be a small herd of at least twenty head of cattle 
 under the special charge of four shikaris, and five or six of these 
 poor beasts should be tied up at a distance of a mile apart every 
 evening as bait for tigers. At daylight every morning the native 
 shikaris should visit their rcsj)ective baits, and send a runner into 
 camp with the message should one or more have been killed. The 
 elephants being ready, no delay would occur, and the beat would 
 take place immediately. In that manner the tiger is certain to be 
 found, as it will be lying somewhere near the body of its prey. 
 There is a necessity for great precaution, lest a tiger when 
 disturbed should steal away and escape unobserved from the dense 
 covert of high grass. To effect his destruction, at least two 
 scouting elephants should be thrown forward a quarter of a mile 
 ahead from cither flank of the advancing line ; and, according to 
 the conditions of the locality, two or more elephants with intel- 
 ligent mahouts should be sent forward to take up positions ahead 
 of the line at the terminus tf the beat. These men should be 
 provided with small red flags as signals should the tiger show 
 itself; the waving of flags together with a shout will head the 
 tiger, and drive it back towards the advancing line of elephants ; 
 at the same time the signal will be understood that a tiger is afoot, 
 and the mahouts will be on the alert. 
 When a tiger is headed in this manner it will generally crouch, 
 and endeavour to remain concealed until the elephants are close 
 upon it. Upon such occasions it will probably spring upon the 
 first disturber with a short harsh roar, and unless stopped or 
 turned by a shot, it will possibly bre.ak through the line and 
 escape to the rear, as many of the elephants will be scared and 
 allow the enemy to pass. 
 Should this occur, it will be necessary to counter-march, and 
 to reverse the position by sending some active elephants rapidly 
 upon either flank to take up certain points of observation about 
 500 yards distant, according to the conditions of the ground. This 
 forms the principal excitement of tiger-shooting in high grass, as 
 the sport may last lor hours, especially if there are only two or 
 three guns in a long line of elephants. If there is no heavy 
 forest at hand, but only grass jungle, no tiger should be allowed 
 to escape if the management is good, and the patience of the 
 hunters equal to the occasion. 
 I must give every credit to the Rajah Suchi Khan for this 
 virtue, and for the j>crseverance he and his friends exhibited in 
 working for so many hours in the burning sun of April to so little 
 purpose. There was very little game upon the islands near Dhubri 
 beyond a few hog-deer and wild pigs, and it appeared mere waste 
 of time to wander in a long line of beating elephants from sunrise 
 till the afternoon with scarcely a hope of tigers. However, upon
 vi THE TIGER 115 
 the second day, when our patience was almost exhausted, we met 
 a native who declared that a tiger had killed one of his cows only 
 two days before. Taking him as a guide, he led us about two 
 miles, and in a slight hollow among some green tamarisk we were, 
 after a long search, introduced to a few scattered bones, all that 
 remained of the native cow which had been recently killed, and 
 the skeleton dislocated by jackals and wild pigs. Unless the tiger 
 had been disturbed there was every chance of its being somewhere 
 in the neighbourhood ; we therefore determined to beat every yard 
 of the island most carefully, although it extended several miles in 
 length, and was about one mile in maximum width. 
 The line was formed, but no scouts were thrown forward, nor 
 were any precautions taken ; it was simply marching and counter- 
 marching at hazard. Hours passed away and nothing was moved 
 to break the monotony of the day but an occasional pig, whose 
 mad rush for the moment disturbed the elephants. 
 It was 2 P.M. : hot work for ladies my wife was in the howdah 
 behind me. I confess that I am not fond of the fair sex when 
 shooting, as I think they are out of place, but I had taken Lady 
 Baker upon this occasion at her special request, as she hoped to 
 see a tiger. We were passing through some dense green tamarisk, 
 growing as close and thick as possible, in a hollow depression, 
 which during the wet season formed a swamp, when presently the 
 elephants began to exhibit a peculiar restlessness, cocking their 
 ears, raising their trunks, and then emitting every kind of sound, 
 from a shrill trumpet to the peculiar low growl like the bass note 
 of an organ, broken suddenly by the sharp stroke upon a kettle- 
 drum, which is generally the signal of danger or alarm. This 
 sound is produced by striking the ground with the extremity of the 
 trunk curled up. 
 I felt sure that a tiger was in this dense covert. The question 
 was how to turn him out. 
 The tamarisk was about 20 feet high, but the stems were only 
 as thick as a man's arm ; these grew as close together as corn in a 
 field of wheat ; the feathery foliage of green was dark through 
 extreme density, forming an opaque mass that would have concealed 
 a hundred tigers without any apparent chance of their discovery. 
 Although this depression was only about G feet below the general 
 level of the island, it formed a strong contrast in being green, while 
 the grass in the higher level was a bright yellow. The bottom had 
 been swampy, which explained the vigorous vegetation ; and 
 although this lower level was not wider than 80 or 90 yards, it 
 was quite a quarter of a mile in length.
 Neither the mahouts nor their animals appeared to enjoy the 
 fun of l>eating out this piece of dense covert, as they were well 
 aware that the tiger was "at home." As it was absolutely 
 necessary to form and keep a perfect line, the elephants l>eing 
 shoulder to shoulder, I tagged the Rajah and his friends to ride 
 towards the terminus of the tamarisk bottom, placing a gun at the 
 extreme end and upon either side ; while I should accompany the 
 taatere to keep a correct line, and to drive the covert towards 
 them. I felt sure that by this arrangement the tiger could not 
 escape without being seen. 
 This was well carried out ; they took their places, and after 
 some delay I managed to collect about forty elephants into a 
 straight line, not more than 4 or 6 feet from each other. The 
 word was given for the advance, and the effect was splendid. The 
 crash through the yielding mass was overpowering ; the dark 
 plumes of the tamarisk bowed down before the irresistible phalanx 
 of elephants ; the crackling of the broken stems was like the sound 
 of fire rushing through a cane-brake, and this was enlivened by 
 sudden nervous squeals, loud trumpets, sharp blows of kettle-drums, 
 deep roars, and all the numerous sounds which elephants produce 
 when in a state of high nervous excitement. I felt sure that at 
 times the tiger was only a few feet in our advance, and that it was 
 slinking away before the line. 
 The elephants increased in excitement ; sometimes two or three 
 twisted suddenly round, and broke the line. A halt was ordered, 
 and although it was impossible to see beyond the animal on the 
 immediate right and left, the order was given to dress into an 
 exact line, and then to advance. 
 In this manner, with continual halts to re-form, we continued 
 our uncertain but irresistible advance. Suddenly we emerged 
 upon a swampy piece of grass interspersed with clumps of tamarisk ; 
 here there was intense excitement among the elephants, several 
 turned tail and bolted in an opposite direction, when the cause 
 was quickly discovered, by a large tiger passing exactly in front of 
 me not 20 yards distant, and showing himself most distinctly, 
 giving me a lovely chance. 
 The elephant we rode was a female named Sutchnimia, and she 
 had been introduced to my notice as infallible, her character as 
 usual being well supported by her mahout ; but no sooner did this 
 heroic beast descry the tiger, than she twisted herself into every 
 possible contortion, throwing herself about in the most aimless 
 attitudes, with a vigour that threatened the safety of the howdah 
 and severely taxed the strength of the girth-ropes.
 vi THE TIGER 117 
 The tiger (a fine male) suddenly stopped, and turned three-parts 
 round, apparently amazed at the gesticulations of the elephant ; 
 and there the beast stood, exposing the shoulder to a most certain 
 shot if the elephant would have kept decently quiet for only two 
 seconds. The fact of the tiger having halted, and remaining in 
 view within 20 yards, only aggravated the terror of Sutclmimia, 
 and she commenced shaking her colossal body like a dog that has 
 just emerged from water. It was as much as we could do to hold 
 on with both hands to the howdah rails ; my watch was smashed, 
 the cartridges in my belt were bent and doubled up against the 
 pressure of the front rail and rendered useless, while the mahout was 
 punching the head of his refractory animal with the iron spike, and 
 the tiger was staring with astonishment at the display upon our side. 
 This picture of helplessness did not last long ; the tiger dis- 
 appeared in the dense covert, and left me to vent my stock of rage 
 upon the panic-stricken elephant. Twice I had endeavoured to 
 raise my rifle, and I had been thrown violently against the howdah 
 rail, which had fortunately withstood the shock. The tiger had 
 broken back, therefore it was necessary to repeat the beat. I was 
 of opinion that it would be advisable to take the elephants out of 
 the tamarisk jungle, and to march them along the open ground, so 
 as to re-enter exactly in the same place and in the same order as 
 before. There could be no doubt that the tiger would hold to the 
 thick covert until fairly driven out, and it would probably break 
 upon the second beat where the guns were protecting the end and 
 both sides of the hollow. 
 The elephants were this time intensely excited, as they knew as 
 well as we did that the game was actually before them. I ordered 
 them to keep within a yard of each other, to make it impossible 
 for the tiger to slink back by penetrating the line. Several times 
 as we advanced in this close order the animal was evidently within 
 a few feet of us, as certain elephants endeavoured to turn back, 
 while others desired to dash forward upon the unseen danger, 
 which all keenly smelt. At last, when several elephants trumpeted 
 and made a sudden rush, a shot was fired from the gun upon the 
 left flank, stationed upon the open ground slightly above the 
 hollow. The line halted for an explanation, and it appeared that 
 the Rajah had fired, as the tiger for an instant showed itself upon 
 the edge of the tamarisk jungle. 
 We now continued the advance ; the tiger had not spoken to 
 the shot, therefore we considered that it was without effect, and I 
 felt sure that in such compact order we should either trample upon 
 it or push it out at the extremity of the covert.
 At length, having carefully tauten out the tamarisk, which had 
 now been almost destroyed by the tread of so close a line of 
 elephants, we emerged at the extreme end of the hollow, where, 
 instead of tamarisk, a dense patch of withered reeds much higher 
 than an elephant were mingled in a confused growth, occupying an 
 area of hardly 10 yards square. I felt sure that the tiger must 
 have crouched for concealment in this spot. 
 Suchi Khan had brought his elephant xipon the left, another 
 gun was on the right, and a third in the centre at the extreme 
 end, while I was in the bottom with the line of elephants. 
 Begging the outside guns to be careful, and to reserve their fire 
 until the tiger should bolt into the open, I ordered the elephants 
 to form three parts of a circle, to touch each other shoulder to 
 shoulder, and slowly to advance through the tangled reeds. This 
 was well done, when suddenly the second elephant upon my left 
 fell forward, and for the moment disappeared ; the tiger had made 
 a sudden spring, and seizing the elephant by the upper portion of 
 the trunk, had pulled it down upon its knees. The elephant 
 recovered itself, and was quickly brought into the position from 
 which for a few seconds it had departed. The tiger was invisible 
 in the dense yellow herbage. 
 Very slowly the line pressed forward, almost completing a 
 circle, but just leaving an aperture a few yards in width to permit 
 an escape. The elephant's front was streaming with blood, and 
 the others were intensely excited, although apparently rendered 
 somewhat confident by pressing against each other towards the 
 concealed enemy. 
 Presently a mahout about two yards upon' my right beckoned 
 to me, and pointed downward with his driving-hook. I immedi- 
 ately backed my elephant out of the crowd, and took up a position 
 alongside his animal. He pointed at some object which I could 
 not distinguish in the tangled mixture of reeds, half-burnt herbage, 
 and young green grass that had grown through ; at length some- 
 thing moved, and I at once made out the head and shoulders of a 
 tiger crouching as though ready for a spring. In another moment 
 it would have tried Sutchnimia's nerves by fixing its teeth upon 
 her trunk ; but this time she stood well, being encouraged by the 
 supporting elephants, and I placed a "577 bullet between the 
 tiger's shoulders ; this settled the morning's sport without further 
 The tiger was dragged out. It was a fine male, and we 
 discovered that Suchi Khan's shot had struck it in the belly ; the 
 wound, not U-ing fatal, had rendered it more vicious.
 vi THE TIGER 119 
 It has already been remarked that a really staunch and tract- 
 able elephant is rarely met with. This renders tiger -shooting 
 exceedingly uncertain, as it is impossible to shoot correctly with a 
 rifle when an animal is flinging itself about to an extent that 
 renders it necessary to hold fast by the howdah rail. I generally 
 take an ordinary No. 12 gun as an adjunct. If the grass is very 
 high and dense, the tiger will seldom be farther than 20 yards 
 distant, and a smooth-bore breechloader with a spherical ball will 
 shoot sufficiently well to hit the palm of your hand. This accuracy 
 may be obtained to 30 or 40 yards provided that the bullet is 
 sufficiently large to enter the chamber, but a size too large for the 
 muzzle. It will accordingly squeeze its way through without the 
 slightest windage, and will shoot with great precision, with a 
 charge of 4J drams of powder and a ball of pure soft lead. A No. 
 12 is exceedingly powerful, and if 7 Ibs. in weight, it can be fired 
 with one hand like a pistol. This is an immense advantage, as 
 the shooter can hold tight by the howdah rail with his left hand, 
 while he uses his gun with the right. I always load the right 
 barrel with ball, and the left with the same charge of powder (4 
 drams), but with either 16 S.S.G-. or 1| ounce of A. A. or B.B. 
 shot. For leopards there is nothing so certain as S.S.G. at 20 or 
 30 yards ; and for hog -deer and other sorts of small game the 
 smaller shot is preferable, but always with the same full charge of 
 A smooth-bore gun is much easier to use than a rifle from a 
 howdah, as it is unnecessary to squint along the sight, but the 
 shot is taken at once with the rapidity usual in ordinary shooting 
 at flying objects. Care must be taken, when firing only with one 
 hand, that the wrist should be turned to the left, so that the 
 hammers of the gun are lying over in that direction instead of 
 being erect. In that position the elbow is raised upon the right, 
 and the recoil of the gun will not throw it up towards the 
 shooter's face, which might happen should the gun be held with 
 the hammers uppermost ; it is also much easier to hold a gun 
 with one hand in the attitude described. Should a tiger spring 
 upon an elephant, it would be exceedingly difficult to defend the 
 animal unless by shooting with one hand, as the struggles of the 
 elephant would render it impossible to stand. 
 I had a practical example of this shortly after the departure of 
 Suchi Khan, when I pushed on to Rohumari and met Mr. G. P. 
 Sanderson, April 1, 1885. He had brought with him the entire 
 force of elephants from the Garo Hills, the season for capturing 
 wild elephants having just expired. Many of his men were
 Buffering from fever, and he himself evidently had the poison of 
 malaria in his system. 
 A bullock had been tied up the preceding evening within 
 three-quarters of a mile from our camp, and on the morning of 
 April 1 this waa reported to have been killed. We accordingly 
 sallied out, and in a few minutes we found the remains, above 
 which the vultures were soaring in large numbers. The high grass 
 had been partially burnt, and large patches remained at irregular 
 distances where the fire had not penetrated, or where the herbage 
 had been too green to ignite ; however, all was as dry as tinder at 
 this season, and having formed the elephants in line, I took up a 
 position with my elephant about 300 yards ahead. 
 The elephants came on in excellent formation, as Mr. Sander- 
 son was himself with them in command ; presently I saw a long 
 tail thrown up from among the yellow grass, and quickly after I 
 distinguished a leopard moving rapidly along in my direction. 
 For a few minutes I lost sight of it, but I felt sure it had not 
 turned to the right or left, and, as a clump of more than ordinary 
 thick grass stood before me, I concluded that the animal had prob- 
 ably sought concealment in such impervious covert. 
 When the elephants at length approached, I begged that half 
 a dozen might just march through the patch within a few yards 
 of my position. I was riding an elephant called Rosamond, which 
 was certainly an improvement upon my former mount. 
 Hardly had the line entered the patch of grass when, with a 
 short angry roar, a leopard sprang forward, and passed me at full 
 speed within 25 yards ; and immediately turned a somersault like 
 a rabbit, with a charge of 16 S.S.G. from the No. 12 fired into 
 its shoulder. 
 This was very rapidly accomplished, as our camp was within 
 view, certainly not more than a mile distant. 
 We placed the leopard upon a pad elephant, and sent it home ; 
 while we once more extended the line, and as usual I took up a 
 position some hundred yards in advance, in a spot that was toler- 
 ably clear from the high grass. 
 Almost the same circumstance was repeated. I saw another 
 leopard advancing before the line, and pushing my elephant forward 
 to a point that I considered would intercept it, I distinctly saw it 
 enter a tangled mass of herbage, hardly large enough to shelter a 
 calf; there it disapj>eared from view. 
 The line of elephants arrived, and no one was aware that 
 another leopard had been moved. I pointed out the small clump 
 of grass, and ordered an elephant to walk through it. In an instant
 vi THE TIGER 121 
 a leopard bolted, and immediately rolled over like its comrade ; 
 but as I had to wait until it had cleared the line of elephants 
 before I fired, it was about 35 yards distant, and although it fell 
 to the shot, it partially recovered, and limped slowly forward with 
 one broken leg, being terribly wounded in other places. It only 
 went about 40 paces, and then lay down to die. One of the 
 mahouts dismounted from his elephant, and struck it with an axe 
 upon the head. This leopard was immediately despatched to 
 camp, and we proceeded to beat fresh ground, as no tiger had 
 been here, but evidently the two leopards had killed the bullock 
 on the preceding night, and nothing more remained. 
 Rosamond had stood very steadily, but she was terribly rough 
 to ride, and the howdah swung about like a boat in a choppy sea. 
 A couple of hours were passed in marching through every 
 place that seemed likely to invite a tiger, but we moved nothing 
 except a great number of wild pigs ; a few of these I shot for the 
 Garo natives who accompanied us. At length we observed in the 
 distance the waving, green, feathery appearance of tamarisk, and 
 as the sun was intensely hot, we considered that a tiger would 
 assuredly select such cool shade in preference to the glaring yellow 
 of withered grass. At all times during the hot season a dense 
 bed of young tamarisk is a certain find for a tiger, should such an 
 animal exist in the neighbourhood. The density of the foliage 
 keeps the ground cool, as the sun's rays never penetrate. The 
 tiger, being a nocturnal animal, dislikes extreme heat, therefore it 
 invariably seeks the densest shade, and is especially fond during 
 the hottest weather of lying upon ground that has previously been 
 wet, and is still slightly damp ; it is in such places that the 
 tamarisk grows most luxuriantly. 
 We were now marching through a long strip of this character 
 which had at one time formed a channel ; on either side the 
 tamarisk strip was enormously high and dense grass. Suddenly 
 an elephant sounded the kettle-drum note ; this was quickly 
 followed by several others, and a rush in the tamarisk frightened 
 the line, as several animals had evidently broken back. We could 
 see nothing but the waving of the bush as the creatures dashed 
 madly past. These were no doubt large pigs, but I felt certain 
 from the general demeanour of the elephants that some more 
 important game was not far distant. 
 The advance continued slowly and steadily. Presently I saw 
 the tamarisk's feathery tops moving gently about 15 paces 
 ahead of the line ; the elephants again trumpeted and evinced 
 great excitement ; this continued at intervals until we at length
 emerged from the tamarisk upon 11 flat space, where the tall gross 
 had Iwcn burnt while yet unripe, and although killed by the fire 
 and rendered transparent, it was a mass of black and yellow that 
 would match woll with a tiger's colour. We now extended the 
 line in more open order, to occupy the entire space of about 200 
 yards front ; Sanderson kept his position in the centre of the line, 
 while I took my stand in an open space about 150 yards in advance, 
 where an animal would of necessity cross should it be driven for- 
 ward by the beat. 
 The line advanced in good order. The elephants were much 
 disturbed, and they evidently scented danger. 
 They had not marched more than 50 or 60 yards before a 
 tremendous succession of roars scattered them for a few moments, 
 as a large tiger charged along the line, making splendid bounds, 
 and showing his entire length, as he made demonstrations of attack 
 upon several elephants in quick rotation. It was a magnificent 
 sight to see this grand animal, in the fullest strength and vigour, 
 defy the line of advancing monsters, every one of which quailed 
 before the energy of his attack and the threatening power of his 
 awe-inspiring roars. The sharp cracks of two shots from Sander- 
 son, whose elephant was thus challenged by the tiger, hardly 
 interrupted the stirring scene; but, as the enemy rushed down 
 the line, receiving the fire from Sanderson's howdah, he did not 
 appear to acknowledge the affront, and having effected his purpose 
 of paralysing the advance, he suddenly disappeared from view. 
 I was in hopes that he would break across the open which I 
 commanded, but there was no sign of movement in the high grass. 
 The line of elephants again advanced slowly and cautiously; 
 suddenly at a signal they halted, and I observed Sanderson, whose 
 elephant was a few yards in advance of the line, halt, and, stand- 
 ing up, take a deliberate aim in the grass in front. He fired ; a 
 tremendous roar was the response, and the tiger, bounding forward, 
 appeared as though he would assuredly cross my path. Instead of 
 this, after a rush of about 50 or 60 yards I saw the tall grass 
 only gently moving, as the animal had reduced its pace to the 
 usual stealthy walk. The grass ceased moving in a spot within 
 30 paces, and exactly opposite my position. I marked a bush 
 upon which were a few green shoots that had sprouted since the 
 fire had scorched the grass. I was certain that the tiger had 
 halted exactly boneath that mark. My mahout drove the elephant 
 slowly and carefully forward, and I was standing ready for the 
 expected shot, keeping my eyes well open for an expected charge ; 
 Sanderson was closing in mton the same point from his position.
 vi THE TIGER 123 
 Presently, when within a few feet of the green bush, I distinguished 
 a portion of the tiger, but I could not determine whether it was 
 the shoulder or the hind-quarter. Driving the elephant steadily 
 forward, with the rifle to my shoulder, I at length obtained a 
 complete view. The tiger was lying dead ! 
 Sanderson's last shot had hit it exactly behind the shoulder ; 
 but the first right and left had missed when the tiger charged 
 down the line, exemplifying the difficulty of shooting accurately 
 with an elephant moving in high excitement. 
 We now loaded an elephant with this grand beast and started 
 it off to camp, where Lady Baker had already received two leopards. 
 We had done pretty well for the 1st of April, but after this last 
 shot our luck for the day was ended. 
 This day unfortunately deprived me of my companion, as the 
 fever which had been dormant developed itself in Sanderson and 
 completely prostrated him. He had a peculiar objection to quinine, 
 therefore in default of remedies, which were all at hand, he 
 remained a great sufferer during three successive weeks, and I was 
 left alone with the long line of elephants to complete the driving 
 of the innumerable churs below the village of Rohumari. I must 
 pay Mr. Sanderson the well-merited compliment of praising his 
 staff of mahouts, who were, with their well-trained animals, placed 
 at my disposal; these men exhibited the result of such perfect 
 discipline and organisation, that, although a perfect stranger to 
 them, I had not the slightest difficulty; on the contrary, they 
 worked with me for twenty days as though I had been their old 
 master for as many years. No better proof could be adduced of 
 the excellent management of Mr. Sanderson's department. 
 The sport on 1st April had raised my expectations, but I 
 quickly discovered that it was an exceptional day, and that the 
 rule would be disappointing. A little experience introduced me 
 to the various characters of the elephants which composed our 
 pack, and I amused myself by arranging them according to their 
 qualifications, the heavier and slower animals in the centre, and 
 the more active at either end of the line. Each elephant was to 
 retain invariably the same position every day, as the mahouts and 
 their beasts would be more likely to act harmoniously if always 
 associated together in the beat. The fast elephants, being at the 
 extreme ends, would be able to turn quickly upon the centre when- 
 ever necessary. Four elephants were told off as scouts ; these 
 were the most active, with intelligent mahouts. The men appeared 
 to take an intense interest in the sport, and in the regularity of 
 the arrangements, as they were equally aware with myself of the
 necessity for strict order and discipline, where only one solitary 
 gun represented the offensive capacity of the line. 
 The ordinary method of tiger-shooting with a long line of 
 elephants comprises five or six guns placed at intervals. I dislike 
 this style of sport, as it engenders wild and inaccurate firing. 
 Every person wishes to secure a chance, therefore no opportunity 
 is lost, and wherever the grass is seen to move, a bullet is directed 
 at the spot. If only one gun is present, extreme caution and good 
 management are necessary to ensure the death of a tiger, and the 
 result of twenty-five days' shooting on the churs of the Brahma- 
 putra was highly satisfactory, as during that period eight tigers 
 and three leopards only were moved, and every one was bagged ; 
 thus nothing whatever escaped. 
 I always make a point of allowing the Government reward as 
 a bonus, without any deductions for buffalo baits or beaters, and 
 this amount I divide among the shikaris and mahouts according 
 to my estimation of their merits ; this gives them an additional 
 interest in the proceedings. We were now thoroughly organised, 
 and, if the tigers had been in the numbers that existed some years 
 ago, we should have made a more than ordinary bag. The diffi- 
 culty of managing so long a line of elephants with a tiger on foot, 
 and only one gun, was shortly made apparent. 
 One of our baits had been killed, and the body had been 
 dragged into about twelve acres of wild rose. This bush produces 
 a blossom rather larger than the common dog-rose of English 
 hedges, and equally lovely. Although it is armed with a certain 
 amount of thorns, it is not to be compared with the British variety 
 as a formidable barrier, but, as it delights in swamp hollows, it 
 grows into the densest foliage, about 18 feet high, and forms an 
 impenetrable screen of tangled and matted vegetation. No human 
 being could force his way through a network of wild rose, there- 
 fore it forms a desirable retreat for all wild animals, who can 
 penetrate beneath it, and enjoy the protection of cool shade, and 
 undisturbed seclusion. 
 In an open grass country it may be readily imagined that tigers 
 would be certain to resort to such inviting covert, where they 
 would be secure from all intrusion, and to which cavernous density 
 they could drag and conceal their prey. 
 Upon arrival about three miles from camp at this isolated 
 patch of rose jungle, I felt sure that the tiger must be within. 
 There was a similar but rather smaller area of wild rose about f 
 mile distant, and it was highly probable that should the tiger be 
 disturbed, it might slink away, break covert at the extreme end,
 vi THE TIGER 125 
 and make off across the open grass-land to the neighbouring 
 shelter. I therefore posted myself outside the jungle in a kind of 
 bay, where I considered the tiger would emerge from his secure 
 hiding-place before he should risk a gallop across the open. 
 I threw out scouts as usual, and I sent the line of elephants 
 round, to drive the jungle towards me from the opposite extremity. 
 A certain time elapsed, and at length I perceived the approach, 
 in splendid line, each elephant as nearly as possible equidistant 
 from its neighbour. 
 They marched forward in regular array until within a couple 
 of hundred yards of my position ; then suddenly I heard a trumpet, 
 trunks were thrown up in the air, the line wavered, and a succes- 
 sion of well-known sounds showed that a tiger was before them. 
 The mahouts steadied their animals, brought them again into a 
 correct line, and the advance continued. 
 I was riding a large male elephant named Thompson ; this was 
 a fine animal with formidable tusks, but he was most unsteady. 
 Already he was swaying to and fro with high excitement, as he 
 knew full well by the trumpets and sounds of the other elephants 
 that a tiger was not far distant. 
 Presently I saw the jungle shake, and a hog-deer dashed out 
 within a few yards of me ; the elephant whisked suddenly round ; 
 this prepared me for a display of his nervousness. Again the rose 
 bushes moved, and I distinctly observed a yellowish body stealing 
 beneath the tangled mass ; it was quickly lost to sight. The line 
 of beating elephants was coming slowly forward, crashing their 
 way through the bush, and occasionally giving a shrill scream, 
 when again I saw the bushes move ; without further introduction 
 a very large tigress gave two or three roars, and rushed out of the 
 jungle exactly opposite my position, straight at my elephant. 
 Before I had time to raise my rifle, the elephant spun round as 
 though upon a pivot, and ran off for a few paces, making it 
 impossible for me to fire. The tiger, probably alarmed, turned 
 back into the secure fortress of wild rose. 
 We now knew that the tiger was positively between the line of 
 elephants and myself. I felt sure that it would not show again 
 at the same place ; I therefore selected a favourable spot about 
 100 yards to my left upon some slightly rising ground, and the 
 elephants wheeled and beat directly towards me. 
 Nothing moved except pigs, which all broke back at a wild 
 rush between the elephants' legs, two of which had slight cuts 
 from the tusks of boars, which had made a spiteful dig at the 
 opposing legs whilst passing.
 At length the line arrived within 20 yards from the margin 
 of the thick jungle ; here a regular rush took place ; several hog- 
 deer dashed back, but at the same time a tiger bounded forward, 
 and galloj>ed across the open grass -land in the direction of the 
 neighbouring wild-rose covert. The scouts holloaed, waved their 
 puggarees, and then rode after the tiger as hard as they could 
 press their active elephants. 
 My steed Thompson had behaved disgracefully, as he had again 
 twisted suddenly round, and was so unsteady that although the 
 tigress was not 10 yards from me I had not the power of firing ; 
 I accordingly relinquished my favourite rifle '577, which I secured 
 in the rack, and took in exchange my handy No. 12 smooth-bore, 
 which only weighed 7 Ibs. With that light weapon I knew I 
 could take a quick flying shot ; the right-hand barrel was loaded 
 with a spherical ball, and the left with If ounce S.S.G. shot and 
 4 drams of powder. To load a cartridge case (Kynoch's brass) 
 with this charge, and a very thick felt wad, it is necessary to fix 
 the wad above the shot with thick gum, otherwise it will not 
 contain the extra quantity. 
 Upwards of an hour was passed in driving the second covert, 
 but although we moved the tiger several times, it was impossible 
 to obtain a shot, as the cunning brute, discovering our intentions, 
 was determined not to break into the open near the elephant. At 
 length, finding the impossibility of dislodging it, I put myself in 
 the centre of the line, and left the end of the covert unguarded, 
 so as to invite the tiger to make a dash through the interval to 
 regain the former jungle. 
 As we marched along, driving in a compact line, I presently 
 observed the jungle move about 30 yards before me, and I 
 immediately fired into the spot, not in the expectation of hitting an 
 unseen animal, but I concluded that the shot would assist in driving 
 it from the covert. This was successful, as shortly afterwards we 
 heard the shouts of the mahouts on the scouting elephants, who 
 reported that the tiger had gone away at great speed across the 
 intervening ground towards the original retreat. 
 We hurried forward, and upon reaching the wild-rose jungle we 
 re-formed the line, and made use of every possible manoeuvre for 
 at least an hour without obtaining a view of the tiger. The 
 elephants appeared confident that their enemy was there, and my 
 men began to think that the shut I had fired into the bush might 
 have wounded it, and that it was probably lying dead beneath 
 some tangled foliage. By this time, through continual advancing 
 and counter- inarching, the jungle was completely trodden into
 vi THE TIGER 127 
 confused masses of concentrated briars, which might have con- 
 cealed a buffalo. 
 I did not share their opinion, but I concluded that the tiger 
 was crouching, and that it would allow the elephants to pass close 
 to its lair without the slightest movement. I accordingly ordered 
 them to close up shoulder to shoulder, and to take narrow beats 
 backwards and forwards to include every inch of ground. This 
 movement was carefully worked out, and in less than fifteen 
 minutes a sudden roar terrified the elephants, and the tiger charged 
 desperately through the line ! There was no longer any doubt 
 about its existence, and we quickly re-formed, and beat back in 
 exactly the same close order. Twice the charge was repeated, and 
 each time the line was broken ; one elephant received a trifling 
 scratch, and the tiger had learned that a direct charge would 
 enable it to escape. 
 With only one gun it appeared to be a mere lottery, but the 
 exitement was delightful, as there was no doubt concerning the 
 tiger being alive, and very little doubt that it would continue its 
 present tactics of crouching close-hidden in the dense thicket, and 
 springing back through the line of elephants as they advanced. I 
 now changed my position in the line, and taking with me two 
 experienced elephants, I placed one on my right, the other on my 
 left ; we then advanced as slowly as it was possible for the elephants 
 to move, every mahout having strict orders to keep a bright look- 
 out, and to halt should he see the slightest movement in the bush 
 before him. No animals were left in the jungle except the tiger, 
 therefore any movement would be a certain sign of its presence. 
 We had been advancing at the rate of about half a mile an 
 hour, the elephants almost "marking time," when in about the 
 centre of the jungle one of the mahouts raised his arm as a signal 
 and halted his elephant. The whole line halted immediately. 
 I rode towards the spot; the line opened, and the mahout 
 explained that he distinctly saw the bushes move exactly in his 
 front, not more than three or four paces in advance. He declared 
 that just for one moment he had distinguished something yellow, 
 and the tiger was in his opinion, even then, crouching exactly 
 before us. Telling him to fall back, my two dependable elephants 
 took their places upon the right and left. My mahout advised me 
 not to advance, but to fire a shot into the supposed position, 
 which he declared would either kill the tiger or drive it forward. 
 I never like to fire at hazard, but I was of opinion that it might 
 provoke a charge, as I did not think that anything would induce 
 the tiger to move forward after the numerous successful attempts
 in breaking back. I accordingly aimed with the No. 12 smooth- 
 bore carefully in the direction pointed out by the mahout, and 
 fired The effect was magnificent ; at the same instant a loud 
 roar was accompanied by the determined spring of the tiger from 
 its dense lair. My elephant twisted round so suddenly to the left, 
 that had I been unprepared I should have fallen heavily against 
 the rail. Instead of this, my left hand clutched instinctively the 
 left rail of the howdah, and holding the gun with my right, I fired 
 it into the tiger's mouth within 2 feet of the muzzle, just as it 
 would have seized the mahout's right leg. A sack of sand could 
 not have fallen more suddenly or heavily. The charge of S.S.G. 
 had gone into the open jaws. 
 The remnant of that skull is now in my possession. The lower 
 jaw absolutely disappeared, being reduced to pulp. All the teeth 
 were cut away from the upper jaw, together with a portion of the 
 bone, and several shot had gone through the back of the throat 
 and palate into the brain. This was a striking example of the 
 utility of a handy smooth-bore in a howdah for close quarters. If I 
 had had my favourite '577 rifle weighing 12 Ibs., I could not have 
 used it with one hand effectively, but the 7 Ib. smooth-bore was as 
 handy as a pistol. The wind-up of the hunt was very satisfactory to 
 my men, all of whom had worked with much intelligence and skill. 
 There were so many wild pigs throughout the churs below 
 Rohumari that the tigers declined to kill our baits, as they could 
 easily procure their much-loved food. Every night our animals 
 were tied up in various directions, but we found them on the 
 following morning utterly disregarded. This neglect on the part 
 of the tigers imposed the necessity of marching iu line hap- 
 hazard for many hours consecutively through all the most likely 
 places to contain a tiger. Many of the islands were at this dry 
 season separated from each other by sandy channels where the 
 contracted stream was only a few inches deep ; it was therefore a 
 certain proof, should tigers exist upon the islands, if tracks were 
 discovered on the sand. During the night it was the custom of 
 these animals to wander in all directions, and it was astonishing 
 upon some occasions to see the great distances that the tiger had 
 covered, and the numerous churs that it had visited, either in a 
 search for prey, or more probably for a companion of its own 
 species. If there were no tracks in the channel-beds, it might be 
 safely inferred that there were no tigers in the neighbourhood. 
 Nevertheless I continued daily to beat every acre of ground, 
 and we seldom returned till alxmt 4 P.M., having invariably started 
 shortly after daybreak.
 vi THE TIGER 129 
 It would be natural to suppose that the elephants would have 
 become accustomed to the scent of tigers, from their daily occupa- 
 tion, and that their nerves would have been more or less hardened ; 
 but this was not the case; on the contrary, some became more 
 restless, and evinced extreme anxiety when a pig or hog -deer 
 suddenly rushed from almost beneath their feet. This timidity 
 led to a serious accident, which narrowly escaped a fatal ter- 
 We had been fruitlessly beating immense tracts of withered 
 grass about 10 feet high, in which were numerous pigs, but no 
 trace of tigers, and at about noon we met some natives who were 
 herding cattle and buffaloes. The presence of this large herd 
 appeared to forbid the chance of finding any tigers in their 
 vicinity, and upon questioning the herdsmen they at once declared 
 that no such animals existed in the immediate neighbourhood ; at 
 the same time they advised us to try fresh ground upon a large 
 island about two miles distant up the stream. 
 We crossed several channels, after scrambling with the iisual 
 difficulty down the cliffs, quite 35 feet high, of crumbling alluvial 
 soil, and at length we reached the desired spot, where a quantity 
 of tamarisk filled a slight hollow which led from the river's bed 
 up a steep incline. By this route we ascended, and formed the 
 elephants into line upon our left. The hollow in which my 
 elephant remained ran parallel with the line of march, and about 
 5 feet below. Just as the elephants moved forward, my servant, 
 who was behind me in the howdah, exclaimed, "Tiger, master, 
 tiger ! " and pointed to the left in the high grass a few yards in 
 front of the line of elephants. 
 I could see nothing ; neither could my man, but he explained 
 that for an instant only he had caught sight of a long furry tail 
 which he was sure belonged to either a tiger or a leopard. I 
 could always depend upon Michael, therefore I at once halted the 
 line, with the intention of pushing my elephant ahead until I 
 should discover some tolerably clear space among the high grass, 
 in which I could wait for the advance of the beating line. 
 At about a quarter of a mile distant there was a spot where 
 the grass had been fired while only half ripened, and although the 
 bottom was burnt, the stems were only scorched, and of that 
 mingled colour, black and yellow, which matches so closely with 
 the striped hide of a tiger. There was no better position to be 
 found ; I therefore halted, and gave the preconcerted signal for a 
 forward movement. 
 The line of elephants advanced. I was riding the large tusker 
 Thompson, who became much agitated as a succession of wild pigs 
 rushed forward upon several occasions, and one lot took to water, 
 swimming across a channel upon my left. Presently a slow move- 
 ment disturbed the half-burnt herbage, and I could make out with 
 difficulty some form creeping silently forward about 40 yards from 
 my position. It halted, no doubt having perceived the elephant. 
 It moved again, and once more halted. I now made out that it 
 was a tiger ; but although I could distinguish yellow and black 
 stripes, I could not possibly determine any head or tail, therefore 
 I could only speculate upon its actual attitude. It struck me that 
 it would probably be facing me, but crouching low. The elephants 
 were now about 150 yards distant, approaching in a crescent, as 
 the high grass was not more than the same distance in width. 
 I determined to take the shot, as I felt sure that the '577 rifle 
 would cripple the beast, and that we should find it when severely 
 wounded ; otherwise it might disappear and give us several hours' 
 hard labour to discover. Taking a very steady aim low down in 
 the indistinct mass, I fired. 
 The effect was instantaneous ; a succession of wild roars was 
 accompanied by a tremendous struggle in the high grass, and I 
 could occasionally see the tiger rolling over and over in desperate 
 contortions, while a cloud of black dust from the recent fire rose 
 as from a furnace. This continued for about twelve or fifteen 
 seconds, during which my elephant had whisked round several 
 times and been severely punished by the driver's hook, when 
 suddenly, from the cloud of dust, a tiger came rushing at great 
 speed, making a most determined charge at the nervous Thompson. 
 Away went my elephant as hard as he could go, tearing along through 
 the grass as though a locomotive engine had left the rails, and 
 no power would stop him until we had run at least 120 yards. 
 During this run, with the tiger in pursuit for a certain distance, 
 I fully expected to see it clinging to the crupper ; however, by the 
 time we turned the elephant it had retreated to the high grass 
 I felt sure this was the wounded tiger, although Michael 
 declared that it was a fresh animal, and that two had been 
 I now pushed the elephant into the middle of the grass, and 
 holloaed to the line to advance in a half-circle, as I was convinced 
 that the tiger was somewhere between me and the approaching 
 They came on tolerably well, although a few were rather scared. 
 At length they halted about 70 yards from me, and, as I knew
 vi THE TIGER 131 
 that the tiger was not far off, I ordered the left wing (on my 
 right) to close in, so as to come round me, by which movement 
 the tiger would be forced to within a close shot. 
 Before the line had time to advance, there was a sudden roar, 
 and a tiger sprang from the grass, and seized a large muckna 
 (tuskless male) by the trunk, pulling it down upon its knees so 
 instantaneously that the mahout was thrown to the ground. 
 As quick as lightning the tiger relinquished its hold upon the 
 elephant and seized the unfortunate mahout. 
 I never witnessed such a hopeless panic. The whole line of 
 elephants broke up in complete disorder. The large elephant 
 Hogg, who had been seized, was scaring riderless at mad speed 
 over the plain ; a number of others had bolted in all directions, 
 and during this time a continual succession of horrible roars and 
 angry growls told that the tiger was tearing the man to pieces. 
 A cloud of dust marked the spot within 70 paces of my position. 
 It was like a dreadful nightmare ; my elephant seemed turned to 
 stone. In vain I seized the mahout by the back of the neck and 
 nearly dislocated his spine in the endeavour to compel him to move 
 forward ; he dug his pointed hook frantically into Thompson's 
 head, but the animal was as rigid as a block of granite. This 
 lasted quite fifteen seconds ; it appeared as many minutes. 
 Suddenly my servant shouted "Look out, master, another tiger 
 come ; two tigers, master, not one ! " I looked in the direction 
 pointed, and I at once saw a tiger crouching as though preparing 
 for a charge, about 40 yards distant : the animal was upon my 
 right, and the elephant had not observed it. 
 I fired exactly below the nose, and the tiger simply rolled upon 
 its side stone-dead, the bullet having completely raked it. Leaving 
 the body where it lay, my elephant now responded to the driver's 
 hook, and advanced steadily towards the spot where we had seen 
 the cloud of dust which denoted the attack upon the mahout. 
 Fully expecting to see the tiger upon the man's body, I was stand- 
 ing ready in the howdah prepared for a careful shot. We arrived 
 at the place. This was cleared of grass by the recent struggle, 
 but instead of finding the man's body, we merely discovered his 
 waist-cloth lying upon the ground a few yards distant. About 
 15 yards from this bloody witness we saw the unfortunate mahout 
 lying apparently lifeless in the grass. 
 We immediately carried him to the river and bathed him in 
 cool water. He had been seized by the shoulder, and was terribly 
 torn and clawed about the head and neck, but fortunately there 
 were no deep wounds about the cavity of the chest. We bandaged
 him up by tearing a turban into lung strips, und having made a 
 good surgical job, I had him laid upon a pad elephant and sent 
 straight into camp. We then loaded an elephant with the tiger, 
 which we proved to be the same and only animal (a tigress) which 
 had charged the elephant after my first shot. The bullet had 
 struck the thigh bone, causing a compound fracture, and that 
 accounted for the escape of Thompson without being boarded from 
 the rear, as she could not spring so great a height upon only three 
 legs. The furious beast had then attacked the elephant named 
 Hogg, which, falling upon its knees, had thrown the unready 
 driver. We subsequently discovered that he had a boil upon his 
 right foot, which had prevented him from using the rope stirrup ; 
 this accounted for the fall from his usually secure seat. 
 The tigress, having mauled her victim and left him for dead, 
 was prepared for an onset upon Thompson had I not settled her 
 with the '577 bullet in the chest 
 On arrival at the camp the man was well cared for, and on 
 the following morning we forwarded him by boat to the hospital 
 at Dhubri in charge of the keddah doctor. It was satisfactory to 
 learn that after a few months he recovered from his wounds, and 
 exhibited his complete cure by absconding from the hospital unknown 
 to the authorities, without returning thanks for the attention he 
 had received. 
 This incident was an unfortunate example of the panic that 
 can be established among elephants. It is a common saying that 
 the elephant depends upon the mahout ; this is the rule for ordinary 
 work, but although a staunch elephant might exhibit nervousness 
 with a timid mahout, no driver, however determined, can induce a 
 timid animal to face a tiger, or to stand its onset. Thompson 
 had behaved so badly that I determined to give him one more 
 chance, and to change him for another elephant should he repeat 
 his nervousness. 
 A few days after this occurrence, the natives reported a tiger to 
 be in a thicket of wild rose. We had changed camp to a place 
 called Kikripani, about eight miles from Rohumari, and I imme- 
 diately took the elephants to the wild-rose jungle, which was about 
 two miles distant. 
 The usual arrangements were made, and I took up a position 
 upon Thompson in a narrow opening of fine grass which cut at 
 right angles through the wild-rose thicket. As the elephants 
 approached in close order, I was certain, from the peculiar sounds 
 emitted, that a tiger or some uubeloved animal was before them, 
 and upon the advance of the line to within 30 yards of the open
 vi THE TIGER 133 
 ground a rustling in the bush announced the presence of some 
 animal which could not much longer remain concealed. Suddenly 
 a large panther bounded across the open, and I took a snap-shot, 
 which struck it through the body a few inches behind the shoulder. 
 It rolled over to the shot, but immediately disappeared in the 
 thick jungle a few paces opposite. 
 I called the line of elephants, and we lost no time in beating 
 the neighbouring bush in the closest order, as I fully expected the 
 panther would be crouching beneath the tangled mass of foliage. 
 In a short time the elephants sounded, and without more ado 
 the panther forsook its cover and dashed straight at Thompson, 
 seizing this large elephant by the shoulder-joint, and hanging on 
 like a bull-dog with teeth and claws. Away went Thompson 
 through the tangled rose-bushes, tearing along like a locomotive ! 
 It was impossible to fire, as the panther was concealed beneath 
 the projecting 'pad below the howdah, and I could not see it. In 
 this manner we travelled at railway pace for about 100 yards, 
 when I imagine the friction of the thick bush through which we 
 rushed must have been too much for the resistance of the attacking 
 party, and the panther lost its hold ; in another instant it dis- 
 appeared in the dense jungle. 
 I now changed my elephant, and rode a steady female 
 (Nielmonne"), and the line having re-formed, we advanced slowly 
 through the bush. We had not gone 50 yards before the 
 elephants scented the panther, and knowing the stealthy habits 
 of the animal I formed a complete circle around the spot, and 
 closed in until we at length espied the spotted hide beneath the 
 bush. A charge of buckshot killed it without a struggle. 
 According to my own experience, .there can be no comparison 
 in the sport of hunting up a tiger upon a good elephant in open 
 country, and the more general plan of driving forest with guns 
 placed in position before a line of beaters. By the former method 
 the hunter is always in action, and in the constant hope of 
 meeting with his game, while the latter method requires much 
 patience, and too frequently results in disappointment. Neverthe- 
 less, to kill tigers, every method must be adopted according to the 
 conditions of different localities. 
 Under all circumstances, if possible, a dependable elephant 
 should be present, as many unforeseen cases may arrive when the 
 hunter would be helpless in the absence of such an animal ; but, 
 as we have already seen, the danger is extreme should the 
 elephant be untrustworthy, as a runaway beast may be an amuse- 
 ment upon open grass-land, but fatal to the rider in thick forest.
 The only really dependable elephant that I have ever ridden 
 was a tusker belonging to the Commissariat at Jubbulpur in 
 1880; this fine male was named Moolah Bux. He was rather 
 savage, but he became my great friend through the intervention of 
 sugar-canes and the sweet medium of jaggery (native sugar) and 
 chupatties, with which I fed him personally whenever he was 
 brought before me for the day's work ; I also gave him some 
 bonnt-bouche upon dismounting at the return to camp. 
 Although Moolah Bux was the best elephant I have myself 
 experienced, he was not absolutely perfect, as he would not remain 
 without any movement when a tiger charged directly face to face ; 
 upon such occasions he would stand manfully to meet the enemy, 
 but he would swing his huge head in a pugnacious spirit pre- 
 paratory to receiving the tiger upon his tusks. 
 The first time that I witnessed the high character of this 
 elephant was connected with a regrettable incident which caused 
 the death of one man and the mutilation of two others, who 
 would probably have been killed had not Moolah Bux been present. 
 The description of this day's experience will explain the necessity 
 of a staunch shikar elephant when tiger-shooting, as the position 
 may be one that would render it impossible to approach on foot 
 when a wounded and furious tiger is in dense jungle, perhaps with 
 some unfortunate beater in its clutches. 
 I was shooting in the Central Provinces, accompanied by my 
 lamented friend the late Mr. Berry, who was at that time 
 Assistant-Commissioner at Jubbulpur. 
 We were shooting in the neighbourhood of Moorwarra, keeping 
 a line as nearly as possible parallel with the railway, limiting our 
 distance to 20 miles in order to obtain supplies. This arrange- 
 ment enabled us to receive 30 Ibs. of ice daily from Allahabad, as 
 a coolie was despatched from the station immediately upon arrival 
 of the train, the address of our camp being daily communicated to 
 the stationmaster. It was the hot season in the end of April, 
 when a good supply of ice is beyond price ; the soda-water was 
 supplied from Jubbulpur, and with good tents, kuskos tatties, and 
 cool drinks, the heat was bearable. It was this heat that had 
 brought the tigers within range, as all water-springs and brooks 
 were dried up, the tanks had evaporated, and the only water 
 procurable was limited to the deep holes in the bends of streams 
 that were of considerable importance in the cooler seasons of the 
 year. The native headmen had received orders from the Deputy- 
 Commissioner to send immediate information should any tigers 
 be reported in their respective districts ; they had also received
 special instructions to tie up buffaloes for bait should the tracks 
 of tigers be discovered. The latter order was a mistake, as the 
 buffaloes should not have been tied up until our arrival at the 
 locality ; upon several occasions the animals were killed and eaten 
 some days before we were able to arrive upon the scene. 
 This was proved to be the case upon our arrival at Bijore', 
 about nine miles from the town of Moorwarra, where the zealous 
 official had exhibited too eager a spirit for our sport. Two buffaloes 
 had been tied up about half a mile apart, near the dry bed of a 
 river, where in an abrupt bend the current had scooped out a deep 
 hole in which a little water still remained. Both buffaloes had 
 been killed, and upon our arrival early in the morning nothing 
 could be discovered except a few scattered bones and the parched 
 and withered portions of tough hide. 
 There were tracks of tigers upon the sand near the drinking- 
 place, also marks of cheetul and wild pigs, therefore we determined 
 to drive the neighbouring jungle without delay. 
 The neighbourhood was lovely, a succession of jungles and open 
 grass -glades, all of which had been burnt clean, and exceedingly 
 fine grass, beautifully green, was just appearing upon the dark 
 brown surface scorched by the recent fire. 
 There were great numbers of the ornamental mhowa trees, 
 which from their massive growth resembled somewhat the horse- 
 chestnut trees of England. These had dropped their luscious wax- 
 like blossoms, which from their intense sweetness form a strong 
 attraction to bears and other animals of the forests ; they also 
 form a valuable harvest for the natives, who not only eat them, 
 but by fermentation and distillation they produce a potent spirit, 
 which is the favourite intoxicating liquor of the country. 
 If game had been plentiful this would have been a charming 
 hunting-ground, but, like most portions of the Central Provinces, 
 the animals have been thinned by native pot-hunters to an extent 
 that will entail extermination, unless the game shall be specially 
 protected by the Government. When the dry season is far 
 advanced, the animal can only procure drinking water at certain 
 pools in obscure places among the hills ; these are well known to 
 the native sportsman, although concealed from the European. On 
 moonlight nights a patient watch is kept by the vigilant Indian 
 hunter, who squats upon a mucharn among the boughs within 10 
 yards of the water-hole, and from this point of vantage he shoots 
 every animal in succession, as the thirst-driven beasts are forced to 
 the fatal post. 
 Nothing is more disappointing than a country which is in
 appearance an attractive locality for wild animals, but in reality 
 devoid of game. I make a point of declining all belief in the 
 statements of natives until I have thoroughly examined the 
 ground, and made a special search for tracks in the dry beds of 
 streams and around the drinking-places. Even should footprints 
 be discovered in such spots, they must be carefully investigated, as 
 the same animals visit the water-hole nightly, and in the absence 
 of rain, the tracks remain, and become numerous from repetition ; 
 thus an inexperienced person may be deceived into the belief that 
 game is plentiful, when, in fact, the country contains merely a few 
 individuals of a species. It must also be remembered that during 
 the dry season both deer, nilgyhe, and many other animals travel 
 long distances in search of water, and return before daylight to 
 their secluded places of retreat. 
 This was the position of Bijore' at the period of our visit ; the 
 most lovely jungles contained very little game. Although our baits 
 had been devoured some days ago, I could not help thinking that 
 the tiger might still be lurking in the locality, as it had been 
 undisturbed, and there was little or no water in the neighbourhood 
 excepting one or two drinking-places in the beds of nullahs. 
 We had 164 beaters, therefore we could command an exten- 
 sive line, as the jungles, having been recently burnt, were per- 
 fectly open, and an animal could have been seen at a distance of 
 100 yards. 
 Having made all the necessary arrangements, the beat com- 
 menced. It was extraordinary that such attractive ground 
 contained so little game. The surface was a delicate green from 
 the young shoots of new grass, and notwithstanding the enticing 
 food there were no creatures to consume the pasturage. 
 Hours passed away in intense heat and disappointment ; the 
 most likely jungles were beaten with extreme care, but nothing 
 was disturbed beyond an occasional peacock or a scared hare. 
 The heat was intense, and the people having worked from 6 A.M. 
 began to exhibit signs of weariness, as nothing is so tiring as bad 
 luck. Although the country was extremely pretty it was very 
 monotonous, as eacli jungle was similar in appearance, and I had 
 no idea how far we were from camp ; to my surprise, I was informed 
 that we had been working almost in a circle, and that our tents 
 were not more than a mile and a half distant in a direct line. 
 We came to the conclusion that we should lx\it our way towards 
 home, carefully driving every jungle in that direction. 
 During the last drive I had distinctly heard the bark of a 
 sambur deer about half a mile in my rear, which would be
 vi THE TIGER 137 
 between me and the direction we were about to take. It is 
 seldom that a sambur barks in broad daylight unless disturbed by 
 either a tiger or leopard; I was accordingly in hope that the 
 sound might be the signal of alarm, and that we might find the 
 tiger between us and the neighbouring village by our camp, 
 where a small stream might have tempted it to drink. 
 Having taken our positions Mr. Berry amidst a few trees 
 which formed a clump in a narrow glade outside, and myself 
 around the corner of a jungle the beat commenced. I was in the 
 howdah upon Moolah Bux, and from my elevated position I could 
 look across the sharp corner of the jungle and see a portion of the 
 narrow glade commanded by my companion Berry ; upon my side 
 there was a large open space perfectly clear for about 200 yards, 
 therefore the jungle was well guarded upon two sides, as the drive 
 would terminate at the corner. 
 In a short time the usual monotony of the beaters' cries was 
 exchanged for a series of exciting shouts, which showed that game 
 of some kind was on foot. We had lost so much hope, that the 
 presence of a tiger was considered too remote to restrict our shoot- 
 ing to such noble game, and it had been agreed to lose no chance, 
 but to fire at any animal that should afford a shot. Presently, 
 after a sudden roar of animated voices, I saw ten or twelve wild 
 pigs emerge from the jungle and trot across the glade which Berry 
 commanded. A double shot from his rifle instantly responded. 
 The line of beaters was closing up. This was a curious con- 
 trast to the dull routine which had been the character of the drives 
 throughout the day ; there was game afoot, and the jungle being 
 open, it could be seen, therefore immense enthusiasm was ex- 
 hibited by the natives. Another burst of excited voices pro- 
 claimed a discovery of other animals, and a herd of eight or ten 
 spotted deer (cheetul) broke covert close to my elephant and 
 dashed full speed across the open glade. They were all does and 
 young bucks without antlers, therefore I reserved my fire. We 
 could not now complain of want of sport, as all the animals ap- 
 peared to be concentrated in this jungle ; another sudden yelling 
 of the beaters was quickly followed by a rush of at least twenty 
 pigs across Berry's glade, and once again his rifle spoke with both 
 barrels in quick succession. I was in hope that the sambur stag 
 that I had heard bark in this direction might be still within the 
 drive, but the beaters were closing up, and the greater portion of 
 the line had already emerged upon either side of the acute angle. 
 I now perceived Berry advancing towards me, he having left 
 his place of concealment in the clump of trees. " Did you see
 him?" lie exclaimed, as he approached within hearing distance. 
 " See what ? " I replied ; " have you wounded a boar ? " "A 
 lx>ar ! No ; I did not fire at a boar, but at a tiger, the biggest 
 that I ever saw in my experience ! He passed close by me, 
 within 20 yards, at the same time that the herd of pigs broke 
 covert ; and I fired right and left, and missed him with both 
 barrels; confound it." 
 This was a most important announcement, and I immediately 
 dismounted from my elephant to examine the spot where the tiger 
 had so recently appeared It must indeed have been very close 
 to Berry, as I had not seen the beast, my line of view being 
 limited by the intervening jungle to the portion of the glade across 
 which the pigs had rushed. 
 I now measured the distance from Berry's position to the 
 tracks of the tiger, which we discovered after some few minutes' 
 search. This was under 20 yards. The question now most 
 important remained Was the tiger wounded 1 A minute investi- 
 gation of the ground showed the mark of a bullet, but we could 
 find no other. This looked as though it must have struck the 
 tiger, but Berry was very confident that such was not the case, as 
 he declared the tiger did not alter his pace when fired at, but, on 
 the contrary, walked majestically across the narrow glade with 
 his head turned in the opposite direction from Berry's position. 
 He was of opinion that the tiger had not been disturbed by the 
 close report of the rifle, as the noise of 164 beaters shouting at 
 the maximum power of their voices was so great that the extra 
 sound of the rifle bore only a small proportion. 
 We looked in vain for blood-tracks, and having come to the 
 conclusion that Berry had fired too high in a moment of excitement, 
 we now made the most careful arrangements for driving the jungle 
 into which the tiger had so recently retreated. 
 This formed a contrast to all others that we had beaten during 
 the morning's work, as it had not been burnt. The fire had 
 stopped at a native footpath, and instead of the bare ground, 
 absolutely devoid of grass or dead leaves, the withered herbage as 
 yellow as bright straw stood 3 feet high, and formed a splendid 
 cover for animals of all kinds. I felt certain that the tiger would 
 not leave so dense a covert without an absolute necessity ; at the 
 same time it was necessary to make a reconnaissance of the jungle 
 before we could determine upon our operations. 
 Mounting my elephant Moolah Bux, I begged Berry to take 
 Demoiselle, and accompanied by a couple of good men we left the 
 long line of beaters stationed in order of advance along the glade,
 vi THE TIGER 139 
 with instructions to march directly that we should send them the 
 necessary orders. I begged them upon this occasion not to shout, 
 but merely to tap the trees with their sticks as their line came 
 We proceeded about a quarter of a mile ahead, and then turned 
 into the jungle on our left. Continuing for at least 300 yards, 
 we arrived at some open ground much broken by shallow nullahs, 
 which formed natural drains in a slight depression of grassy land 
 between very low hills of jungle, through which we had recently 
 passed. There was a small nullah issuing from the forest, in 
 which I placed my elephant, and I begged my friend Berry to ride 
 Demoiselle to a similar place about 200 yards upon my right. I 
 concluded that should the tiger be between us and the line of 
 beaters, he would in all probability steal along one or the other of 
 these nullahs before he could cross the open ground. We now 
 sent back one of the natives with orders for the line of beaters to 
 advance. Mr. Berry left upon Demoiselle to take up his position, 
 while I pushed Moolah Bux well into the jungle in the centre of 
 the small nullah, which commanded a clear view of about 20 
 yards around. 
 In a short time we heard the clacking sound of many sticks, 
 the beaters having obeyed the injunction, and keeping profound 
 silence with their voices. 
 There were no animals in this jungle, probably they had been 
 frightened by the great noise of the beaters when shouting in the 
 recent drive ; at any rate, the beat was barren, and having waited 
 fruitlessly until I could see the men approaching within a few 
 yards of my position, I ordered the elephant to turn round, with 
 the intention of proceeding another quarter of a mile in advance, 
 and thus continuing to beat the jungle in sections until it should 
 be thoroughly driven out. 
 I had hardly turned the elephant, when we were startled by 
 tremendous roars of a tiger, continued in quick succession within 
 50 yards of the position that I occupied. I never heard either 
 before or since such a volume of sound proceeding from a single 
 animal ; there was a horrible significance in the grating and angry 
 voice that betokened the extreme fury of attack. Not an instant 
 was lost ! The mahout was an excellent man, as cool as a 
 cucumber, and never over-excited. He obeyed the order to 
 advance straight towards the spot, in which the angry roars still 
 continued without intermission. 
 Moolah Bux was a thoroughly dependable elephant, but 
 although moving forward with a majestic and determined step,
 it was in vain that I endeavoured to hurry the mahout; both 
 man and boast appeared to understand their business thoroughly, 
 but to my ideas the pace was woefully Blow if assistance was 
 required in danger. 
 The ground was slightly rising, and the jungle thick with 
 saplings about 20 feet in height, and as thick as a man's leg; 
 these formed an undergrowth among the larger forest trees. 
 Moolah Bux crashed with ponderous weight through the resist- 
 ing mass, bearing down all obstacles before him as he steadily 
 made his way through the intervening growth. The roars had 
 now ceased. There were no leaves upon the trees at this advanced 
 season, and one could see the natives among the branches in all 
 directions as they were perched for safety in the tree-tops, to 
 which they had climbed like monkeys at the terrible sounds of 
 danger. "Where is the tiger ?" we shouted to the first man we 
 could distinguish in this safe retreat only a few yards distant. 
 " Here, here ! " replied the man, pointing immediately beneath 
 him. Almost at the same instant, with a loud roar, the tiger, 
 which had been lying ready for attack, sprang forward directly for 
 Moolah Bux. 
 There were so many trees intervening that I could not fire, 
 and the elephant, instead of halting, moved forward, meeting the 
 tiger in its spring. With a swing of his huge head Moolah Bux 
 broke down several tall saplings, which crashed towards the 
 infuriated tiger and checked the onset ; whether the animal was 
 touched by the elephant's tusks I could not determine, but it 
 appeared to be within striking distance when the trees were broken 
 across its path. Discomfited for the moment, the tiger bounded 
 in retreat, and Moolah Bux stood suddenly like a rock, without 
 the slightest movement. This gave me a splendid opportunity, 
 and the '577 bullet rolled the enemy over like a rabbit. Almost 
 at the same instant, having performed a somersault, the tiger dis- 
 appeared, and fell struggling among the high grass and bushes 
 about 15 paces distant. 
 I now urged Moolah Bux carefully forward until I could plainly 
 see the tiger's shoulders, and a second shot through the exact 
 centre of the blade-bone terminated its existence. 
 The elephant had behaved beautifully, and I have frequently 
 looked back to that attack in thick forest, and been thankful that 
 I was not mounted upon such animals as I have since that time 
 had the misfortune to possess. Moolah Bux now approached the 
 dead body, and at the command of the mahout he pulled out by 
 the roots all the small undergrowth of saplings and dried herbage
 vi THE TIGER 141 
 to clear a space around his late antagonist. In doing this his 
 trunk several times touched the skin of the tiger, which he 
 appeared to regard with supreme indifference. 
 I gave two loud whistles with my fingers as a signal that all 
 was over, and we were still occupied in clearing away the smaller 
 growth of jungle, when a native approached as though very drunk, 
 reeling to and fro, and at length falling to the ground close to the 
 elephant's heels ; the man was covered with blood, and he had 
 evidently fainted. I had an excellent Madras servant named 
 Thomas, who was behind me in the howdah, and he lost no time 
 in descending from the elephant and in pouring water over the 
 unfortunate coolie, from a jar which I handed from beneath the 
 seat. In a few moments the man showed signs of life, and the 
 beaters began to collect around the spot. Two men were ap- 
 proaching supporting a limp and half -collapsed figure between 
 them, completely deluged with blood ; this was a second victim of 
 the tiger's attack. Both men were now laid upon the ground, 
 and water poured over their faces and chests ; but during this 
 humane operation another party was observed, carrying in their 
 arms the body of a third person, which was hardly to be recognised 
 through the mass of blood coagulated and mixed with dead leaves 
 and sand, as the tiger had dragged and torn its victim along the 
 ground with remorseless fury. This was a sad calamity. There 
 could be little doubt that when we heard the roars of the 
 infuriated beast it was attacking the line of beaters, and knocking 
 them over right and left before they had time to ascend the 
 trees. The village was only a mile distant, and we immediately 
 sent for three charpoys (native bedsteads) as stretchers to convey 
 the wounded men. Demoiselle arrived with Mr. Berry, who came 
 into my howdah, while the tiger was with some difficulty secured 
 upon the pad of that exceedingly docile elephant. In this form 
 we entered the village as a melancholy procession ; the news 
 having spread, all the women turned out to meet us, weeping and 
 wailing in loud distress, and the scene was so touching that I 
 began to reflect that tiger-shooting might be fun to some, but 
 death to others, who, poor fellows, had to advance unarmed 
 through dangerous jungle. 
 The reason for this savage attack was soon discovered. As a 
 rule, there is little danger to a line of beaters provided the tiger 
 is unwounded, and no person should ever place his men in the 
 position to drive a jungle when a wounded tiger is in retreat. In 
 such a case, if no elephants are present, it would be necessary to 
 obtain the assistance of buffaloes ; a herd of these animals driven
 through the jungle would quickly dislodge a tiger. We now 
 skinned our lute enemy, while a messenger was started towards 
 Moorwarra, 9 or 10 miles distant, to prepare the authorities for 
 the reception of our wounded men in hospital. 
 The skin having been taken oil', we discovered a small hole close 
 to the root of the tail, which had not been observed. Upon a 
 close examination with the finger, I found minute fragments of 
 lead, resembling very small shot flattened upon an anvil. The 
 hole was not deeper than 1| inch in the hard muscle of the rump, 
 and the only effect of Berry's '577 hollow Express was to produce 
 this trumpery wound, which had enraged the animal without creat- 
 ing any serious injury. It is necessary to explain that the bullet 
 of this rifle was more than usually light and hollow ; but the want 
 of penetrating power of the hollow projectile, and the dangerous 
 results, were terribly demonstrated, notwithstanding the large 
 charge of 6 drams of powder. 
 A comparison of the effect of my '577 with the same charge 
 of 6 drams, but with a solid bullet of ordinary pure lead weighing 
 048 grains, was very instructive. The first shot, when the tiger 
 was bounding in retreat after it had charged the elephant, had 
 struck the right flank, and as the animal was moving obliquely, 
 the bullet had passed through the lungs, then, breaking the 
 shoulder-bone, it was found in its integrity just beneath the skin 
 of the shoulder upon the side opposite to that of entry ; it was 
 very much flattened upon one side, as it had traversed an oblique 
 course throughout, and had torn the inside of the animal in a 
 dreadful manner. The second shot, fired simply to extinguish the 
 dying tiger, passed through both shoulders, but was found under 
 the skin upon the opposite side, flattened exactly like a mushroom, 
 into a diameter of about 1| inch at the head, leaving about half 
 an inch of the base uninjured which represented the stalk. This 
 was a large tiger, and remarkably thick and heavy, with strong 
 and hard muscles, nevertheless the penetration of the soft leaden 
 bullet was precisely correct for that quality of game. If the '577 
 bullet had been made of an admixture of tin or other alloy 
 Jo produce extreme hardness, it would have passed through the 
 body of the tiger with a high velocity, but the animal would 
 have escaped the striking energy, which would not have been ex- 
 pended upon the resisting surface. It is the striking energy, the 
 knocking-down power of a projectile, that is so necessary when 
 hunting dangerous game. I cannot help repetition in enforcing 
 this principle : there is a minimum amount of striking energy in a 
 light hollow projectile, and a maximum amount in a solid heavy
 vi THE TIGER 143 
 projectile ; keep the latter within the auirnal to ensure the effect 
 of the blow ; this will be effected by a bullet made of pure lead 
 without admixture with other metal, to flatten upon impact, and 
 by the expansion of surface it will create a terrific wound ; at the 
 same time it will have sufficient momentum from its great weight 
 to push forward, and to overcome the resistance of opposing bones 
 and muscles. A very large tiger may weigh 450 Ibs. ; a '577 
 bullet of 650 grains, propelled by G drams of powder, has a strik- 
 ing energy of 3520 foot-pounds. This may be only theoretical 
 measurement, but the approximate superiority of 3500 Ibs. against 
 the tiger's weight, 450 Ibs., would be sufficient to ensure the 
 stoppage of a charge, or the collapse of the animal in any position, 
 provided that the bullet should be retained within the body, and 
 thus bestow the whole force of the striking energy. 
 We did all that could be done for our wounded men. The 
 strength of caste prejudices was so potent that, although in pangs 
 of thirst from pain and general shock to the system, they would 
 accept nothing from our hands. I made a mixture of milk with 
 soda-water, brandy, and laudanum, but they refused to swallow it, 
 and the only course, after washing their wounds and bandaging, 
 was to leave them to the treatment of their own people. 
 One man was severely bitten through the chest and back, the 
 fangs of the tiger having penetrated the lungs ; he was also clawed 
 in a terrible manner about the head and face, where the paws of 
 the animal had first made fast their hold. This man died in a few 
 hours. The others were bitten through the shoulder and upper 
 portion of the arm, both in the same manner, and the sharp claws 
 had cut through the scalp from the forehead across the head to 
 the back of the neck, inflicting clean wounds to the bone, as though 
 produced by a pruning-knife. They were conveyed in litters to 
 the hospital in Moorwarra, where they remained for nearly a 
 month, at the expiration of which they recovered. The seizure 
 by the claws was effected without the shock of a blow. 
 This serious accident was entirely due to a hollow bullet : if a 
 solid bullet had struck a tiger in the same place it would have 
 carried away a portion of the spine, and the animal would have 
 been paralysed upon the spot. 
 In the absence of a dependable elephant we should have been 
 helpless, and the tiger might have wounded or killed many others.
 TIIE TIGKR (continued) 
 THE day after the accident described, we were sitting beneath the 
 shade of a mango grove at about 4 P.M. when a native arrived at 
 the camp with news that a tiger had just killed a valuable cow 
 which gave him a large supply of milk, and the body was lying 
 about two miles distant. The tragic incident of the previous day 
 had established a panic in the village, and the natives were not in 
 the humour to turn out as beaters. I quite shared their feeling, 
 as I did not wish to expose the poor people after the loss they had 
 sustained ; it was too late for a beat, therefore I determined to 
 take the two elephants and make a simple reconnaissance, that 
 might be of use upon the following day. 
 It was 4.30 P.M. by the time we started, as the two elephants 
 had taken some time to prepare. The native was tolerably correct 
 in his estimate of distance, and after passing through a long suc- 
 cession of glades and wooded hills, broken by deep nullahs, we 
 arrived at the place, where soaring vultures marked the spot, and 
 the remains of a fine white cow were discovered, that had been killed 
 upon the open ground and dragged into the dense jungle. Leaving 
 Demoiselle in the open, and taking Berry into my howdah upon 
 Moolah Bux, we carefully searched the jungle until sunset, but 
 finding nothing, we were obliged to return to camp, having made 
 ourselves thoroughly acquainted with the conditions of the locality. 
 On the following morning at daylight I took only twenty men, who 
 had recovered from their panic, and with the two elephants and a 
 very plucky policeman we made our way to the place where the 
 body of the cow was lying on the previous evening. It was gone. 
 Leaving all the men outside the jungle, we followed on Moolah 
 Bux, tracking along the course where the tiger had dragged the 
 carcase, and keeping a sharp look-out in all directions. After 
 a course of about 150 yards we arrived at a spot where the tiger
 CHAP, vii THE TIGER 145 
 had evidently rested : here it had devoured the larger portion, and 
 nothing but the head remained. It was impossible to decide 
 whether jackals or hyaenas had made away with the remnants, or 
 whether the tiger had carried them off to some secure hiding-place, 
 but it was highly probable that the animal was not far distant. 
 The jungle was not more than 5 or 6 acres, and it was sur- 
 rounded by grass; we therefore determined to arrange scouts 
 around, while we should thoroughly but slowly examine the covert 
 upon the two elephants. 
 There was nothing in the drive. 
 The slope upon which the jungle was situated drained towards 
 an exceedingly deep and broad nullah ; this formed the main 
 channel, into which numerous smaller nullahs converged from the 
 surrounding inclination. The general character of the country was 
 withered grass upon numerous slopes, the tops of which were 
 covered with low jungle. At the lower portion of the deep nullah 
 there was a small but important pool of water, as it was the only 
 clrinkiug-place within a distance of two miles. As usual, there was 
 a sandbank around this deep pool, which, being in the bend of the 
 nullah, had been swept out of the opposing bank and deposited 
 near the drinking-hole. Upon this sandy surface we found several 
 tracks of tigers, and we arrived at the conclusion that a tiger and 
 tigress had been together, and that I had killed the male on the 
 occasion of the accident ; the female would therefore be the animal 
 of which we were in search. 
 The nullah was about 20 yards across and 30 feet in depth ; 
 the banks were in most places perpendicular, and the bottom was 
 rough with stones, intermingled with bushes, most of which had 
 lost their foliage. It was quite possible that, after drinking, the 
 tigress might have lain down to sleep among the bushes, where the 
 hollowed bank afforded a cool shade ; but I did not like to send 
 men into the dangerous bottom, and the banks were so steep that 
 the elephants could not possibly descend. 
 About 400 paces distant, a large tree grew from the right bank, 
 and the branches overhung the nullah ; I therefore suggested to 
 Berry that he should take up a position in the boughs, and that 
 we would beat towards him by pelting the bottom of the ravine 
 with stones ; should the tigress break back, I could stop her from 
 the howdah, and should she move forward, she must pass directly 
 beneath the tree upon which Berry would be seated. This plan 
 was carried out, but the plucky policeman insisted upon descending 
 into the nullah and walking up the bottom, while the natives upon 
 either side bombarded the banks with stones.
 There was absolutely nothing alive in that inviting nullah. I 
 had walked Moolah Bux slowly along, looking down from the 
 margin of the ravine, and upon arrival at Berry's perch I took him 
 up behind me in the rear compartment of the howdah. I felt 
 almost sure that, although we had drawn a blank up to the present 
 time, the tigress would be lying somewhere among the numerous 
 deep but narrow nullahs which drained into the main channel that 
 we had just examined. We therefore determined to leave all the 
 men seated upon a knoll on the highest ground, while we should 
 try the various nullahs upon Moolah Bux; as he could walk slowly 
 along the margin so close to the edge that we should be able to 
 look down into the bottom of each ravine, and in the parched state 
 of vegetation nothing could escape our view. 
 The natives were well satisfied with this arrangement, and they 
 took their seats upon a grassy hill, which afforded a position from 
 which they could watch our movements. 
 Moolah Bux commenced his stately march, walking so close to 
 the hard edge of the deep nullahs that I was rather anxious lest 
 the bank should suddenly give way. The instinct of an elephant 
 is extraordinary in the selection of firm ground. Although it 
 appeared dangerous to me, Moolah Bux was perfectly satisfied that 
 the ground would bear his weight, and he continued his risky march, 
 both up and down a number of those monotonous ravines which 
 scored the slopes in all directions, but without success. 
 The sun was like fire, and it was difficult to grasp the barrel of 
 the rifle. It was past noon, and we had been working unceasingly 
 since 6 A.M. The bottoms of the ravines were filled some feet in 
 depth with dry leaves, which had fallen from the trees (now 
 naked) which fringed the banks, therefore we could have seen a 
 cat had she been lying either in the nullah or upon the barren 
 sides. "There is no tigress here," said Berry; "this is one of 
 those sly brutes, that kills and eats, but does not remain near her 
 kill ; she is probably a couple of miles away while we are looking 
 for her in these coverless nullahs." 
 These words were hardly uttered, when we suddenly heard a 
 rushing sound like a strong wind, which seemed to disturb the 
 dried leaves in the deep bottom somewhere in our front. At first 
 I could hardly understand the cause, but in a few seconds a large 
 tigress sprang up the bank, and appeared about 20 paces in our 
 front. Without a moment's hesitation she uttered several short 
 roars, and upon the beautifully clean ground she bounded forward 
 in full charge straight for Moolah Bux. I never saw a more grand 
 but unprovoked attack.
 vii THE TIGER 147 
 The elephant was startled by the unexpected apparition, and I 
 could not fire, as he swung his mighty head upon one side, but 
 almost immediately he received the tigress upon his long tusks, 
 and with a swing to the right he sent her flying into the deep 
 nullah from which she had just emerged. 
 Although the trees and shrubs were utterly devoid of leaves, 
 there was unfortunately a large and dense evergreen bush exactly 
 opposite, called karoonda ; the tigress sprang up the bank, and 
 disappeared behind this opaque screen before we had time to fire. 
 The mahout, who was a splendid fellow, perceived this in an 
 instant, and driving his elephant a few paces forward, he turned 
 his head to the right, giving me a beautiful clear sight of the 
 tigress, bounding at full speed about 80 paces distant along the 
 clean surface of parched herbage, up a slight incline. 
 I heard the crack of Berry's rifle close to my ear, but no effect 
 was produced. The tigress was going directly away from us, and 
 Moolah Bux stood as firm as a rock, without the least vibration. 
 As I touched the trigger, the tigress performed a most perfect 
 somersault, and lay extended on the bare soil with her head 
 turned towards us, and her tail stretched in a straight line exactly 
 in the opposite direction. A great cheer from our men, who had 
 witnessed the flying shot from their position on the knoll, was 
 highly satisfactory. 
 We now turned back, and at length discovered a spot where 
 the elephant could descend and cross the deep nullah. We then 
 measured the distance 82 yards, as nearly as we could step it. 
 My '577 solid bullet of pure lead had struck the tigress in the 
 back of the neck ; it had reduced to pulp several of the vertebrae, 
 and entering the brain, it had divided itself into two portions by 
 cutting its substance upon the hard bones of the broken skull, 
 which was literally smashed to pieces. 
 I found a sharp-pointed jagged piece of lead, representing about 
 one-third of the bullet, protruding through the right eye-ball ; the 
 remaining two-thirds I discovered in the bones of the face by the 
 back teeth, where it was fixed in a misshapen but compact mass 
 among splinters of broken jaw. 
 Berry's bullet had also struck the tigress, but precisely in the 
 same place, close to the root of the tail, where he had wounded 
 the tiger a short time before. Upon arrival at the camp we 
 skinned the animal, and took special pains to prove the effect of 
 the unfortunate hollow bullet. This was conclusive, and a serious 
 The penetration was only an inch in depth. We washed the
 flesh in cold water, and searched most carefully throughout the 
 lacerated wound, which occupied a very small area of about 1 
 inch. In this we found two pieces of the copper plug which 
 stopped the hole in front of the bullet, together with a number of 
 very minute fragments or flakes of lead ; these proved that the 
 extremely hollow projectile had broken up, and was rendered 
 abortive almost immediately upon impact. 
 The danger of such a bullet was manifest ; it was almost as 
 hollow as a hat, and almost as harmless as a hat would be, if 
 thrown at a charging tiger. 
 This was an interesting exception to the rule that is generally 
 accepted, that a tiger will not attack if left undisturbed. If any 
 person had been walking along the margin of that nullah, he 
 would have been seized and destroyed without doubt by that 
 ferocious beast. There was a case in point last year (1888) in the 
 Reipore district, when Mr. Lawes, the son of the missionary of 
 that name, was killed by a tigress, which was the first to attack. 
 This animal was reported by the natives to be in a certain nullah 
 within a short distance of the camp. The young man, who was 
 quite inexperienced, took a gun, and with a few natives proceeded 
 to the spot on foot. Looking over the edge of the nullah in the 
 hope of finding the tiger lying down, he was suddenly startled by 
 an unexpected attack ; a tigress bounded up the steep bank and 
 seized Mr. Lawes before he had time to fire. The animal did not 
 continue the attack, but merely shook him for a few moments, and 
 then retreated to her lair ; he was so grievously wounded that he 
 died on the following day, after his arrival in a litter at Reipore. 
 Many people imagine that a tiger attacks man with the intention 
 of eating him, as a natural prey ; this is a great mistake. The 
 greater number of accidents are occasioned by tigers which have no 
 idea of making a meal of their victims ; they may attack from 
 various reasons. Self-defence is probably their natural instinct ; 
 the tiger may imagine that the person intends some injury, and it 
 springs to the attack ; or it may be lying half asleep, and when 
 suddenly disturbed it flies at the intruder without any particular 
 intention of destroying him, but merely as a natural result of 
 being startled from its rest. When, driven by a line of beaters, 
 the tiger breaks back, it may be readily understood that it will 
 attack the first individual that obstructs its retreat, but in no case 
 will the tiger eat the man, unless it is a professional man-eater. 
 The cunning combined with audacity of some man-eaters is 
 A few years ago there was a well-known tiger in the Mandla
 vii THE TIGER 149 
 district which took possession of the road, and actually stopped 
 the traffic. This was not the generally accepted specimen of a 
 man-eater, old and mangy, but an exceedingly powerful beast of 
 unexampled ferocity and audacity. It was a merciless highway- 
 man, which infested a well-known portion of the road, and levied 
 toll upon the drivers of the native carts, not by an attack upon 
 their bullocks, but by seizing the driver himself, and carrying him 
 off to be devoured in the neighbouring jungle. It had killed a 
 number of people, and nothing would induce a native to venture 
 upon that fatal road with a single cart ; it had therefore become 
 the custom to travel in company with several carts together, as 
 numbers were supposed to afford additional security. This proved 
 to be a vain expectation, as the tiger was in no way perplexed by 
 the arrangement ; it bounded from the jungle where it had lain in 
 waiting, and having allowed the train of carts to pass in single file, 
 it seized the driver of the hindmost, and as usual carried the man 
 away, in spite of the cries of the affrighted companions. 
 Upon several occasions this terrible attack had been enacted, 
 and the traffic was entirely stopped. A large reward was offered 
 by the Government, but without effect ; the man-eater never could 
 be found by any of the shikaris. 
 At length the Superintendent of Police, Mr. Duff, who unfor- 
 tunately had lost one arm by a gun accident, determined to make 
 an effort at its destruction, and he adroitly arranged a plan that 
 would be a fatal trap, and catch the tiger in its own snare. He 
 obtained two covered carts, each drawn as usual by two bullocks. 
 The leading cart was fitted in front and behind with strong bars 
 of lashed bamboo, which formed an impervious cage ; in this the 
 driver was seated, while Mr. Duff himself sat with his face towards 
 the rear, prepared to fire through the bars should the tiger, accord- 
 ing to its custom, attack the driver of the rearmost cart. This 
 would have been an exciting moment for the driver, but Mr. Duff 
 had carefully prepared a dummy, dressed exactly to personate the 
 usual native carter ; the bullocks, being well trained, would follow 
 closely in the rear of the leading cart, from which a splendid shot 
 would be obtained should the tiger venture upon an attack. 
 All went well ; the road was desolate, bordered by jungle upon 
 one side, and wild grass-land upon the other. They had now 
 reached the locality where the dreaded danger lay, and slowly the 
 carts moved along the road in their usual apathetic manner. This 
 must have been an exciting moment, and Mr. Duff was no doubt 
 thoroughly on the look-out. Suddenly there was a roar ; a large 
 tiger bounded from the jungle, and with extraordinary quickness
 seized the dummy driver from his seat upon the rearmost cart, and 
 dragged the unresisting victim towards the jungle ! 
 Nothing could have been better planned, but one chance had 
 been forgotten, which was necessary to success. No sooner had 
 the tiger roared, and bounded upon the cart, than the affrighted 
 bullocks, terrified by the dreadful sound, at once stampeded off the 
 road, and went full gallop across country, followed by Mr. Duff's 
 bullocks in the wildest panic. It was impossible to fire, and after 
 a few seconds of desperate chariot race, both carts capsized among 
 the numerous small nullahs of the broken ground, where bullocks 
 and vehicles lay in superlative confusion ; the victorious man-eater 
 was left to enjoy rather a dry meal of a straw-stuffed carter, instead 
 of a juicy native which he had expected. 
 This was a disappointment to all parties concerned, except the 
 dummy driver, who was of course unmoved by the failure of the 
 The story is thoroughly authenticated, and has been told to me 
 by the Commissioner of the district exactly as I have described it. 
 The tiger was subsequently killed by a native shikari, when watch- 
 ing from a tree over a tied buffalo. 
 Although the tiger as a " man-eater " is a terrible scourge, and 
 frequently inflicts incredible loss upon the population of a district, 
 there are tigers in existence which would never attack a human 
 being, although they exist upon the cattle of the villages, and have 
 every opportunity of seizing women and children in their immediate 
 neighbourhood. About nine years ago there was a well-known 
 animal of this character at a place called Bhundra in the Jubbulpur 
 district, which was supposed to have killed upwards of 500 of the 
 natives' cattle. This was a peculiarly large tiger, but so harmless 
 to man that he was regarded merely in the light of a cattle-lifter, 
 and neither woman nor child dreaded its appearance. The natives 
 assured me that during fourteen years it had been the common 
 object of pursuit, both by officers, civilians, and by their own 
 shikaris, but as the tiger was possessed by the devil it was quite 
 impossible to destroy it. This possession by an evil spirit is a 
 common belief, and in this instance the people spoke of it as a 
 matter of course that admitted of no argument ; they assured me 
 that the tiger was frequently met by the natives, and that it 
 invariably passed them in a friendly manner without the slightest 
 demonstration of hostility, but that it took away a cow or bullock 
 in the most regular manner every fourth day. It varied its atten- 
 tions, and having killed a few head of cattle belonging to one 
 village, it would change the locality for a week or two, and take
 vii THE TIGER 151 
 toll from those within a radius of four or five miles, always return- 
 ing to the same haunts, and occupying or laying up in the same 
 jungle. The great peculiarity of this particular tiger consisted in 
 the extreme contempt for firearms : it exposed itself almost with- 
 out exception when driven by a line of beaters, and when shot at 
 it simply escaped, only to reappear upon the following day. I was 
 informed that everybody that had gone after it had obtained a 
 shot, but bullets were of no use against a devil, therefore it was 
 always missed. 
 I was 30 miles distant when I heard of this tiger, and I 
 immediately directed our course towards Bhundra. It was a pretty 
 and interesting place, where the presence of rich hematite iron ore 
 has from time immemorial induced a settlement of smelters. There 
 are jungle-covered low hills upon which large trees are growing, yet 
 all such important mounds are composed of refuse from furnaces, 
 which were worked some hundred years ago. 
 We arrived there early in May during the hottest season, and 
 the clear stream below the village, rushing over a rocky bed, was 
 a sufficient attraction to entice the animals from a great distance. 
 This would account for the permanent residence of tigers. 
 The headman was a Thakur, a person of importance, and, as 
 our camp had been sent forward on the previous day, we found 
 everything in readiness upon our arrival; the Thakur and his 
 people were in attendance. 
 After the usual salutations, I inquired concerning the celebrated 
 tiger : " How long was it since it had been heard of? " 
 The Thakur placidly inquired of our attendant, and I was 
 informed that three days had elapsed since it killed the last cow ; 
 it would therefore in all probability kill another animal to-morrow. 
 There was no excitement visible, but the natives spoke of the tiger 
 as coolly and as unconcernedly as though it had been the postman. 
 My shikari was present, and I ordered him to tie up a good 
 large buffalo, in prime condition, as the tiger was in the habit of 
 selecting the best cattle for attack. After some delay, an excellent 
 buffalo was brought for inspection, about sixteen months old, in 
 fine condition, and there was little doubt that the tiger would 
 attack, as the period had arrived when they might expect a kill. 
 The Thakur knew the exact position for the buffalo as bait, 
 and he coolly assured me that the tiger would certainly kill, and 
 that on the following day I should as certainly get a shot, but 
 that the bullet would either fall from the hide, or in some way 
 miss the object. He declared that upon several occasions he had 
 himself obtained a shot, like everybody else, but it was useless,
 therefore lie had long since ceased to take the trouble. This was 
 rather interesting, and added to the excitement. 
 At daybreak on the following morning my eager Bhikari with 
 several natives arrived, with news that the buffalo was killed and 
 dragged into a dry bed of a rocky nullah within the jungle ; and 
 from the high bank they had seen the tiger devouring the hind- 
 quarters. This was satisfactory, although I was afraid that the 
 tiger might have been disturbed by the inquisitiveness of the 
 people ; however, they laughed at the suggestion, and the beaters 
 being ready, we sallied out to make a drive for a hopeless beast 
 that was possessed by the devil. 
 The natives had been accustomed for so many years to act as 
 beaters for this well-known animal that they had not the slightest 
 nervousness ; they knew the ground thoroughly, and the old 
 mucharns, which had been vainly occupied so often, had simply 
 been strengthened, but were ready in their original positions. 
 We had a large force of men, and several shikaris of long 
 experience in the locality ; it was accordingly a wise course to 
 remain silent, as the people would have been confused by un- 
 necessary orders. 
 Having left the line of men in position, we were taken about 
 a mile in advance. I had given my shikari a double-barrelled gun, 
 and I ordered him to take his stand as instructed by the natives ; 
 he accordingly disappeared, I knew not where. We entered the 
 jungle, and presently descended the face of a small hill ; then 
 crossing a nullah, I was introduced to my mucharn ; this was 
 arranged upon a large tree which grew exactly upon the margin, 
 and commanded not only the deep nullah beneath, but two other 
 smaller nullahs which it met at right angles only a few paces 
 distant. This looked well, as the tiger would probably slink along 
 these secluded watercourses, in which case I should obtain a 
 splendid shot I climbed from the back of my steady elephant 
 into the lofty perch ; the people and animals left me to watch, 
 squatted in a most uncomfortable position, as at that time I had 
 not invented my charming turnstool. 
 At least an hour passed before I even heard the beaters. At 
 length, amidst the cooing of countless doves, I detected the distant 
 thud, thud of a toin-toin, and then the confused sound of many 
 excited voices. 
 A few peacocks ran across the nullah ; then a small jungle- 
 sheep made the dead leaves rattle as it dashed wildly past ; and 
 almost immediately I heard a quick double shot about 200 yards 
 upon my left.
 vii THE TIGER 153 
 I knew this must be my shikari, Sheik Jhart, and I felt sure 
 that he had missed, as the two shots were in such rapid succession. 
 If the first had struck the object, the second would not have been 
 fired so quickly ; if the first had missed, the exceeding quickness 
 of the second shot would suggest confusion. 
 After waiting at least ten minutes without a sound of any 
 animal, I whistled for the elephant, and descending from my post, 
 I rode towards the position of Sheik JMn. 
 A crowd of beaters were assembled, some of whom were engaged 
 in searching for the bullets which he had fired, both of which had 
 missed the tiger when within 12 yards' distance, although march- 
 ing slowly over the sands and rocks in the bed of a large river ; 
 the natives were digging with pointed sticks into a grassy mound 
 of sand. 
 Sheik Jh&n described that an immense tiger had quietly passed 
 close to him, but that no doubt it had a devil, as neither bullet 
 had taken the least effect. 
 This was the customary termination ; therefore no other course 
 was left than to return to camp, the result having verified the 
 prediction of the natives. 
 We now steered direct for the carcase of the buffalo, about 1^ 
 mile distant. Upon our arrival in the rocky bed of a dry river, 
 where the smell of the tiger was extremely strong, we found the 
 remains of the buffalo, a small portion of which had been eaten ; 
 I was assured by those who knew the habits of this tiger that it 
 would return during the night, and that upon the following morn- 
 ing we should certainly obtain another shot. 
 I amused myself during the day by visiting the various smelt- 
 ing furnaces, all of which were upon a small scale, although 
 numerous, and the method pursued was the same which I have 
 found invariable among savage people. This consists in strong 
 bellows worked by hand, the draught being sustained by continual 
 relief of blowers, while the furnaces are constructed of clay, in the 
 centre of which a small hole contains about a bushel of finely 
 broken ore. Some powdered limestone was used as a flux, and 
 the produce of a hard day's work, with five or six men employed, 
 was about 15 Ibs. of iron of the finest quality. This was never 
 actually in a fluid molten state, but it was reduced when at white 
 heat to a soft spongy mass resembling half-melted wax ; it was 
 then alternately hammered and again subjected to a white heat, 
 until it arrived at the required degree of purity. The fuel was 
 charcoal prepared from some special wood. 
 In the evening I pondered over the failure of Sheik Jhan, who
 declared that the tiger had taken him by surprise, as it had 
 appeared while the beaters were so far distant that he could only 
 just distinguish their voices. I came to the conclusion that this 
 was the reason which explained the general escape of this wary 
 animal, as it moved forward directly that the line of beaters 
 entered the jungle, instead of advancing in the usual manner 
 almost at the end of the beat. The sudden apparition of the tiger 
 before it was expected would probably startle the gunner, who by 
 firing in a hurry would in many instances entail a miss. Having 
 well considered the matter, I determined to make myself more 
 comfortable on the morrow, by padding the mucharn with the 
 quilted pad of the riding elephant, and by sitting astride a tightly 
 bound bundle of mats. 
 I would not allow any person to visit the carcase on the follow- 
 ing morning, as I accepted the natives' assurance that the tiger 
 would return to its kill ; I gave orders that all beaters were to be 
 in readiness, and we were to start together. 
 The morning arrived, and we started with a large force of 
 nearly 200 men. 
 Upon approaching the spot where the carcase of the bufl'alo 
 was left, I dismounted, and with only one man, I carefully inspected 
 the position. The body had been dragged away. That was 
 sufficient evidence, and I would not risk a disturbance of the 
 jungle by advancing farther upon the tracks. 
 In order to maintain the most perfect silence, the beaters were 
 kept at a considerable distance, and the line was to be formed only 
 when a messenger should be sent back to say that the guns were 
 already in position. 
 The native shikaris now assured me in the most positive 
 manner that the tiger would certainly advance along the nullah, 
 and would pass immediately beneath the tree upon which my 
 mucharn of yesterday was placed. 
 Upon arrival at the tree I arranged the quilted pad and bundle 
 of rugs in the mucharn, and having instructed my men to clear 
 away a few overhanging creepers that in some places intercepted 
 the line of sight along the nullah, I took my place, having care- 
 fully screened myself by intertwining a few green boughs to the 
 height of 2 feet around my hiding-place. 
 I was comparatively in luxury upon the quilted mattress, and I 
 waited with exemplary patience for the commencement of the beat 
 in solitary quiet. A long time elapsed, as our messenger had to 
 return about a mile before the line should receive orders to 
 vn THE TIGER 155 
 In the meanwhile I studied the ground minutely. I could see 
 for 50 yards along the nullah, also there was a clear view where 
 it joined the other approaches by which the tiger was expected. 
 Exactly in front, on the other side the nullah beneath me, the 
 jungle rose in a tolerably steep inclination upon a slope which 
 continued for several hundred yards. If the tiger were to quit 
 the nullah by which it would approach upon my left, it would 
 probably cross over this hill to ensure a short cut, instead of 
 continuing along the bottom of the nullah ; this is frequently the 
 habit of a tiger. 
 It was difficult to decide whether the beat had commenced, 
 owing to the ceaseless cooing of the numerous doves, but presently 
 a peacock flew into the tree upon my right, and almost immedi- 
 ately two peahens ran over the dead leaves, which made an 
 exciting rustle in the quiet nullah. I felt sure that the beaters 
 were advancing, as the peafowl were disturbed ; I therefore kept 
 in readiness, with rifle at full cock, as I felt sure that should the 
 tiger exhibit himself, he would be far in advance of the approach- 
 ing drive. 
 My ears were almost pricked with the strain of expectation, 
 and I shortly heard the unmistakable beat of the native tom-tom. 
 Hardly had the sound impressed itself upon the ear, when a 
 dull but heavy tread upon the brittle leaves which strewed the 
 surface arrested my attention. This was repeated in so slow but 
 regular a manner, that I felt sure it denoted the stealthy step of a 
 tiger. I looked along the different nullahs, but could see nothing. 
 The sound ceased for at least a minute, when once more the tread 
 upon dead leaves decided me that the animal was somewhere not 
 far distant. At this moment I raised my eyes from the nullahs 
 in which he was expected, and I saw, through the intervening 
 leafless mass of bushes upon the opposing slope, a dim outline of 
 an enormous tiger, so indistinct that the figure resembled the 
 fading appearance of a dissolving view. Slowly and stealthily the 
 shadowy form advanced along the face of the slope, exactly cross- 
 ing my line of sight. This was the " possessed of the devil " that 
 had escaped during so many years, and I could not help thinking 
 that many persons would risk the shot in its present position, 
 when the bullet must cut through a hundred twigs before it could 
 reach the mark, and thus would probably be deflected. The tiger 
 was now about 40 yards distant, and although the bushes were all 
 leafless, there was one exception, which lay in the direct path the 
 tiger was taking, a little upon my right ; this was a very dense 
 and large green bush called karoonda. Exactly to the right, upon
 the edge of this opaque screen, there was an open sjmce about 9 
 or 10 feet wide, where a large rotten tree had been blown down; 
 and should the tiger continue its present course it would pass the 
 karoonda biwh and cross over the clear opening. I resolved to 
 wait ; therefore, resting my left elbow upon my knee, I covered 
 the shoulder of the unconscious tiger, and followed it with the 
 577 ritle carefully, resolved to exorcise the devil that had for so 
 long protected it. 
 The shouts of the beaters were now heard distinctly, and the 
 loud tom-tom sounded cheerfully as the line approached. Several 
 times the tiger stopped, and turned its head to listen ; then it dis- 
 appeared from view behind the dense screen of the karoonda bush. 
 I lowered the rifle, to rest my arm for a moment. So long a 
 time elapsed, that I was afraid the tiger had turned straight up 
 the hill iu a direct line with the bush, and thus lost to sight ; I 
 had almost come to this sad conclusion, when a magnificent head 
 projected from the dark green bush into the bright light of the open 
 space. For quite 15 seconds the animal thus stood with only the 
 head exposed to view, turned half-way round to listen. I felt 
 quite sure that I could have put a bullet through its brain ; but I 
 waited. Presently it emerged, a splendid form, and walked slowly 
 across the open space. At the same moment as I touched the 
 trigger, the tiger reared to its full height upon its hind legs, and 
 with a roar that could have been heard at a couple of miles' dis- 
 tance it seized a small tree within its jaws, and then fell backwards ; 
 it gave one roll down the slope, and lay motionless. The devil was 
 cast out. 
 I never saw such enthusiastic rejoicing as was occasioned by the 
 death of this notorious tiger. The news ran like fire through the 
 neighbouring villages before we had completed the packing of the 
 animal upon Demoiselle. I had no means of weighing this tiger, 
 but it was the heaviest I have ever seen, and although we had four 
 poles beneath its body and a great number of willing men at the 
 extremities, we had great difficulty in loading Demoi-selle. By the 
 time we had completed the operation we had a large crowd in 
 attendance, all of whom followed the elephant upon the march 
 towards our camp bearing the body of the tiger, which had been 
 the scourge of their herds during so many years. 
 At least 300 women and children assembled to satisfy themselves 
 that their enemy was really dead. The women kissed his feet 
 and wiped their eyes with the tip of his tail ; for what purpose 
 could not be explained. 
 As this animal had lived in luxury, it was immensely fat, and
 vii THE TIGER 157 
 we filled numerous chatties with this much-loved grease, to be used 
 as ointment for rheumatic complaints. Unfortunately at that time 
 I had no weighing machine, therefore it was impossible to judge 
 the weight with accuracy, but we computed that the fat alone 
 amounted to 70 Ibs. avoirdupois. The tiger was certainly upwards 
 of 500 Ibs. 
 I found the '577 bullet of pure lead had entered exactly at the 
 shoulder-joint, which it had smashed to atoms, carrying splinters 
 of bone through the lungs ; passing through the ribs upon the 
 opposite side, it had smashed the left shoulder, and was fixed 
 beneath the skin, expanded like a mushroom. 
 There was no danger to any person employed in this hunt, but 
 I have described it as an apt example of a cunning tiger, which 
 escaped so many attempts upon its life that it was regarded as 
 " uncanny." 
 My servant Thomas was quite delighted, as he had offered to 
 bet that, " devil or no devil, his master's rifle would kill him, if he 
 got a shot."
 IT has been generally admitted that the great variety of this species 
 renders a classification almost impossible. Different countries 
 adopt special names for the varieties which inhabit the localities ; 
 the leopard may be termed a panther, or cheetah, or wild cat, or 
 even a jaguar, but it remains a leopard, differing in size, colour, 
 and form of spots, but nevertheless a leopard. I shall therefore 
 accept that name as including every variety. Although the genus 
 Felis embraces in its nomenclature all the various representatives, 
 from the lion (Felis Leo) to the ordinary domestic cat, the two 
 principal examples of the race, the lion and tiger, are totally dis- 
 tinct from all others in their natural characters. The leopard is 
 far more daring ; at the same time it is infinitely more cautious, 
 and difficult to discover. 
 No lion or tiger can ascend a tree unless the branches spring 
 from within 4 or 5 feet of the ground ; even then it would be con- 
 trary to the habits of the animal to attempt an ascent, although it 
 might be possible under such favourable circumstances. A leopard 
 will spring up a smooth-barked tree with the agility of a monkey ; 
 and there is a small species which almost lives nmong the branches 
 (F. Macroscelis), from which it leaps upon its prey when passing 
 unconsciously beneath. 
 An examination of the skins of leopards from various portions 
 of the globe exhibits a striking difference in colouring and quality 
 of fur. We find the snow leopard, which inhabits the Himalayaha 
 and other lofty mountain ranges, with a fur of great value, deep 
 and exceedingly close, while the spots are not determined as 
 distinct black, but are shaded off by gray. This species is gener- 
 ally found on altitudes of from 8000 to 10,000 feet, or even higher. 
 In Manchuria and the Corea there is a species which is unknown 
 in India ; this is a large animal, with a peculiarly rich and deep
 fur when killed daring winter ; the black spots are exceedingly 
 large, and are formed in rings. A skin in my possession measures 
 7 ft. 9 in. in length ; the tail is full, and the fur long ; this is 
 unusually beautiful, and it must have inhabited some lofty altitude 
 where the temperature was generally moderate. 
 In Africa the leopards have almost invariably solid black spots, 
 very close together upon the back, and becoming less crowded 
 towards the belly and flanks. In Ceylon there are two distinct 
 varieties the large panther, generally about 7 ft. 6 in. in length, 
 and a smaller leopard, which inhabits the mountains ; in that 
 island of misnomers they are both included in the name cheetah. 
 In India there are several varieties, and the largest is generally 
 distinguished as a panther. There is no animal more commonly 
 distributed in the world than the leopard, and no tropical country 
 is free from this universal pest, unless an island formation has 
 excluded its unwelcome presence. 
 It is difficult to determine the limit in the gradation of size at 
 which this animal merges from the leopard into the wild cat. The 
 varieties of cats are so numerous that I do not pretend to describe 
 them ; some are of sufficient importance to be classed among the 
 smaller leopards, while others are no larger than the ordinary 
 domestic cat. These vary through every shade of feline colouring, 
 from spots to stripes, or to a fulvous brown similar to the tawny 
 coat of a lioness ; but, notwithstanding the difference in shades 
 and spots, in cats and in the true leopard or panther the character 
 is the same. They are all cunning, ferocious, and destructive, 
 and I believe that far more cattle and goats are killed by leopards 
 throughout the Indian Empire than by the usually accredited 
 malefactor, the tiger. 
 The largest and most beautifully marked of the leopards is the 
 jaguar of South America. This is the size of a small tigress, and 
 is more heavily framed than any of the leopards ; the head is 
 especially large, and the animal might almost be termed a spotted 
 tiger. The rings are peculiarly marked, and waved instead of 
 being circular. 
 The cheetah or hunting leopard is a distinct species, and 
 although classed among the leopards, it is altogether different, 
 both in habits and appearance ; the claws, although rather long, 
 are not retractile, neither are they curved to the same extent as 
 all others of the genus Felis, but they resemble somewhat the toe- 
 nails of the dog. I shall accordingly separate this animal from 
 the ordinary class of leopards, and give it a separate existence as 
 an object of natural history.
 The panther or larger variety of leopard is about 7 ft. 6 in. in 
 length, and has been known to approach closely upon 8 feet, but 
 this would be an unusual si/c. This animal is exceedingly power- 
 ful, with massive neck and strongly developed legs. The weight 
 of a fine s]>eciiucn would be from about 160 Ibs. to 170 Ibs. 
 Although heavy, there is no animal more active, except the monkey, 
 and even those wide-awake creatures are sometimes caught by the 
 ever-watchful panther. Stories are told of accidents that have 
 occurred when the hunter has been pulled out of his tree, from 
 which imaginary security he was watching for his expected game. 
 It is impossible to deny such facts, although they are fortunately 
 rare exceptions to the general rule ; but there can be no doubt 
 that a panther or leopard would attack upon many occasions when 
 a tiger would prefer to Blink away. 
 The habits of the leopard are invariably the same, it prowls 
 stealthily about sunset and throughout the night in search of prey. 
 It seizes by the throat and clings with tenacious claws to the 
 animal's neck, until it succeeds either in breaking the spine, or in 
 strangling its victim, should the bone resist its strength. When 
 the animal is dead, the leopard never attacks the hind-quarters 
 first, according to the custom of the tiger, but it tears the belly 
 open, and drags out all the viscera, making its first meal upon the 
 heart, lungs, liver, and the inside generally. It then retreats to 
 some neighbouring hiding-place, and, if undisturbed, it will return 
 to its prey a little after sundown on the following day. 
 It is far more difficult to circumvent a leopard than a tiger ; 
 the latter seldom or never looks upwards to the trees, therefore it 
 does not perceive the hidden danger when the hunter is watching 
 from his elevated post ; but the leopard approaches its kill in the 
 most wary and cautious manner, crouching occasionally, and 
 examining every yard of the ground before it, at the same time 
 scanning the overhanging boughs, which it so frequently seeks as 
 a place of refuge. Upon many occasions, when the disappointed 
 watcher imagines that the leopard has forsaken its kill, and that 
 his patience will be unrewarded, the animal may be closely 
 scanning him from the dense bush, imder cover of which it was 
 noiselessly approaching. In such a case the leopard would retreat 
 as silently as it had advanced, and the watcher would return home 
 from a fruitless vigil, under the impression that the leopard had 
 never been within a mile of his position. One of the cleverest 
 birds in creation is the ordinary crow of all tropical countries, 
 which lives well by the exercise of its wits ; nothing escapes the 
 observation of this bird, and it is the first to discover the body of
 vin THE LEOPARD 161 
 any animal that may have been killed. Should one or more of 
 these birds be perched in the trees after sunset, near the carcase 
 of an animal, and should it utter a " caw," when at that late hour 
 it should have gone to roost, you may be assured that it has espied 
 an approaching leopard, although it may be invisible to your own 
 sight. The watcher should be careful not to move, but to redouble 
 his vigilance in keeping a bright look-out, as the leopard will be 
 equally upon its guard should it hear the cry of the warning 
 There is very little sport afforded by this stealthy animal, and 
 it is almost useless to organise a special hunt, as it is impossible 
 to form any correct opinion respecting its locality after it has 
 killed an animal. It may either be asleep in some distant ravine, 
 or among the giant branches of some old tree, or beneath the rocks 
 in some adjacent hill, or retired within a cave, but it has no 
 special character or custom that would guide the hunter in arrang- 
 ing a beat according to the usual rules in the case of tigers. The 
 leopard is merely a nuisance, and as such it should be treated as 
 vermin, and exterminated if possible. 
 There are various forms of traps adopted by the natives in 
 different countries ; the most certain is the old-fashioned fall, 
 similar upon a large scale to the common fall mouse-traps. These 
 should be permanent fixtures in various portions of the jungles, 
 and they should be baited whenever the tracks of a leopard may 
 be discovered in the neighbourhood. The trap is formed by an 
 oblong 10 feet by 3 of very strong and straight palisades, sunk 2 
 feet deep in the ground, and well pounded in with stones. These 
 should be 5 feet high, with a fall door at one end. The top should 
 be closely secured with heavy cross-pieces of parallel logs, well 
 weighted with big stones. 
 The rear of this trap should be partitioned with bamboo cross- 
 bars to form a cage, in which either a goat or a village dog should 
 be tied as a living bait. Leopards are particularly fond of dogs, 
 and the advantage of such a bait during the night consists in the 
 certainty that the dog, finding itself alone in a strange place, will 
 howl or bark, and thereby attract the leopard. The partition 
 must be made of sufficient strength to protect the animal from 
 attack. Iii Africa the natives form a trap by supporting the fallen 
 trunk of a large tree in such a manner that it falls upon the 
 leopard as it passes beneath to reach the bait. This is very 
 effective in crushing the animal, but it is exceedingly danger- 
 ous, like all other African traps, as it would kill any person or 
 other creature that should attempt to pass. Newera Ellia, the 
 mountain sanatorium of Ceylon, was always well furnished with 
 leopard -traps upon the i>ennancnt system, and the leopards, 
 which were at one time a scourge of the neighbourhood, were 
 considerably reduced. In 1846 I introduced English breeds of 
 cattle and sheep, and started an agricultural settlement at that 
 delightful mountain refuge from tropical heat ; but the leopard 
 became our greatest enemy, and although the cattle were well 
 housed at night, and carefully watched when at pasture during the 
 day, our losses were severe. I observed a peculiarity in the attacks 
 by leopards ; they seldom appeared upon a bright summer day, but 
 during the rainy season, when the wind was howling across the 
 plain, and driving the cold mist and rain, the cattle were off their 
 guard, and generally turned their tails to the chilly blast. It was 
 invariably during such weather that the leopards attacked. The 
 watchman was probably wrapped in his blanket, wet, and shiver- 
 ing beneath a tree, instead of remaining on the alert, and this 
 auspicious moment was selected by the leopard for a successful 
 stalk upon the unsuspecting herd. I have frequently lost both 
 cows and sheep, that were attacked and killed in broad daylight, 
 and the leopards were generally of sufficient strength to break the 
 neck of a full-grown beast. It should be remembered that the 
 native cattle are much smaller than those of Europe, and I do 
 not think it would be possible for a leopard to dislocate the neck 
 of any English cow. An example occurred when unfortunately a 
 valuable Ayrshire cow was attacked, and the leopard completely 
 failed in the usual dexterous wrench, but the throat was so 
 mangled that the cow died within a few days, although the 
 leopard was driven away by the watchman almost immediately 
 upon its onset. 
 The wounds from the claws of a leopard are exceedingly danger- 
 ous, as the animal is in the habit of feeding upon carcases some 
 days after they have been killed ; the flesh is at that time in an 
 incipient stage of decomposition, and the claws, which are used to 
 hold the flesh while it is torn by the teeth and jaws, become 
 tainted and poisoned sufficiently to ensure gangrene by inoculation. 
 The claws of all carnivora are five upon each of the fore feet, in- 
 cluding the useful dew-claw, which is used as a thumb, and 
 thoroughly secures the morsel while the animal is pulling and 
 tearing away the muscles from the bones. 
 A wound from either a tiger or a leopard should be thoroughly 
 syringed with cold water mixed with ^-th part of carbolic acid, 
 and this syringing process should be continued three times a day 
 whenever the wound is dressed. Nothing should be done but to
 via THE LEOPARD 163 
 wrap the wound with linen rag soaked in the same solution, and 
 keep it continually wetted. 
 The daring of a leopard during night is extraordinary. I have 
 frequently during wet weather discovered in the early morning a 
 regular beaten track in the soft earth, where a leopard has been 
 prowling round and round a cattle-shed containing a herd of 
 animals, vainly seeking for an entrance. 
 At one time my own blacksmith had a nocturnal adventure 
 with a leopard which afforded a striking example of audacity. A 
 native cow had a calf; this being her first-born, the mother was 
 exceedingly vicious, and it was unsafe for a stranger to approach 
 her, especially as her horns were unusually long, and pointed. 
 The cattle-shed was scarped out of the hillside, and was within a 
 few feet of the blacksmith's house. The roof was thatched. 
 During the night, a leopard, which smelt the presence of the cow 
 and calf, mounted the roof of the shed and proceeded to force an 
 entrance by scratching through the thatch. The cow at the same 
 time had detected the presence of the leopard, and, ever mindful 
 of her calf, she stood ready to receive the intruder, with her sharp 
 horns prepared for its appearance. It is supposed that upon the 
 leopard's descent it was at once pinned to the ground, before it had 
 time to make its spring. 
 The noise of a tremendous struggle aroused the blacksmith, 
 who, with a lantern in his hand, opened the cattle-shed door and 
 discovered the cow in a frantic stage of rage, butting and tossing 
 some large object to and fro, which evidently had lost all power of 
 resistance. This was the leopard in the last gasp, having been 
 run through the body by the ready horns of the courageous mother, 
 whose little calf was nestled in a corner, unmindful of the maternal 
 No sooner had the blacksmith appeared upon the scene, than 
 the character of the conflict changed, and the cow, regarding him 
 in the light of a fresh enemy, left the crumpled body of her 
 antagonist and charged straight at her proprietor, who dropped his 
 lantern and flew to the arms of his wife, whom he had left in bed. 
 After some delay, during which the courage of all parties was re- 
 stored, excepting that of the crippled leopard, the cow was appeased, 
 and a shot from a pistol through the head of the enemy closed the 
 Every resident in India is aware of the depredations committed 
 by this pestilent class of the carnivora. Lions and tigers may be 
 dangerous in the jungles in every country which they inhabit, but 
 they never invade the actual premises ; it is exactly there where
 the leopard is to be feared. Nothing is too small or too large for 
 its attack ; from a fowl upon the roost to a cow in the pasturage, 
 all that belongs to the domestic stock is fair game for the wily 
 The cautious approach of this animal is so wary that a dog is 
 pinned by the neck and carried off before it is aware of the presence 
 of its enemy. Upon one occasion in Africa we were bivouacked 
 for the night on the banks of the Settite river, and no sound dis- 
 turbed the repose of the camp. Suddenly a leopard bounded into 
 the centre, where the Arabs were sleeping around the embers of a 
 splendid fire, and seizing one of the dogs, it sprang into the dark- 
 ness, carrying its captive with it. The remaining dogs rushed off 
 in pursuit, together with all the Arabs with swords and shields, 
 and the leopard dropped its prize about 150 yards from our 
 enclosure. The unfortunate dog had been surprised in its sleep, 
 and it died in a few hours frc/ni the injuries sustained, the neck 
 and throat being terribly lacerated. It would have been natural 
 to suppose that the dogs would have given an alarm on the 
 approach of the wild animal, but the noiseless tread of the leopard, 
 as usual, was unheard, even in the extreme stillness of a calm 
 night. The sudden attack of a leopard is generally so unexpected 
 that a dog has no time for self-defence, and being invariably seized 
 by the neck, it is at once rendered helpless, and cannot utter a 
 warning shriek before it is carried off. I was walking with a very 
 powerful bull terrier at Newera Ellia in Ceylon, when the dog, who 
 was running through the jungle within a few yards of me, suddenly 
 disappeared without a cry, and was never heard of again ; this 
 same dog would have made a good defence had it confronted the 
 leopard face to face. 
 On another occasion a dog named Matchless, a cross between 
 foxhound and pointer, was seized by a leopard in open day when, 
 together with a pack of hounds, walking through a jungle-path at 
 Dimbola, not far from Newera Ellia. The leopard sprang suddenly 
 from a tree, and, seizing the dog, immediately ascended, and took 
 refuge among the boughs with the hound suspended in its mouth. 
 The entire pack bayed the audacious enemy ; it then dropped the 
 dog and jumped from tree to tree, followed beneath by the excited 
 hounds. At length the leopard reached a large tree, which was 
 sufficiently isolated to prevent it from springing to any adjoining 
 branches. In this position it was surrounded, and became the 
 central object, where it remained snarling at the infuriated pack. 
 The party of hunters now commeHced a bombardment with stones, 
 and a lucky hit induced the leopard to either jump or fall into the
 viii THE LEOPARD 165 
 middle of the hounds. There was an exceedingly large dog named 
 Pirate, a cross between mastiff and bloodhound ; he immediately 
 seized the leopard, and a general fight ensued, the whole pack 
 supporting Pirate in his attack. Captain E. Palliser, late 7th 
 Hussars, quickly thrust his hunting-knife under the shoulder, and 
 in a few minutes the hounds were worrying a dead leopard. 
 Some few years ago the hounds belonging to the late Mr. 
 Downall hunted a leopard at Newera Ellia, and a tremendous 
 struggle ensued. There were several very powerful and large 
 seizers among the pack, and the enemy was overmatched, but 
 although the big dogs had the mastery of the animal, they could 
 not actually kill it outright. General J. Wilkinson was on the 
 spot, and he thrust his hunting-knife into the fatal spot ; but he 
 was a little too slow in withdrawing the blade ; the dying leopard 
 made a quick blow with its fore paw, and inflicted a serious wound 
 upon his hand, lacerating the muscles of the thumb to a degree 
 that rendered surgical treatment necessary for several weeks. 
 When using the hunting-knife, extreme dexterity is to be observed 
 in delivering the stab, and instantaneously recovering the weapon. 
 There is no object to be gained by keeping the knife within, the 
 wound, and there is considerable danger of injury to the hand. If 
 the knife is used by an expert it will never be held with the point 
 downwards like a dagger, but the handle will be grasped for a 
 direct thrust, as though the weapon were a sword. In this position 
 the knife is always well under command, and it can be instantly 
 withdrawn and the thrust repeated upon a favourable opportunity. 
 I had a very savage and powerful dog many years ago which 
 was a cross of Manilla bloodhound with some big bitch at the Cape 
 of Good Hope. This animal weighed upwards of 130 Ibs., and 
 became a well-known character in the pack, which I kept for seven 
 years in Ceylon. Although I never actually witnessed a duel 
 between this dog and a leopard, such an event frequently took 
 place. It was the custom of Smut to decline all control, and when 
 the hounds were secured in couples to prevent them from following 
 the scent of a leopard, should recent tracks be visible in the jungle, 
 this determined dog would erect the bristles on his back, emit low 
 growls when summoned back, and would disappear to hunt up, 
 single-handed, the scent of the dreaded enemy. Upon these 
 occasions Smut would be unheard of during the remainder of the 
 day, and he would return to kennel in the evening, proudly trotting 
 along, covered with blood and wounds, but always so fierce that he 
 refused all aid and medical attendance ; he was merely ready for 
 his dinner. He had of course tackled his adversary, and indulged
 his propensity for a stand-up fight, with results which we never 
 could discover ; probably the leopard had been glad to retire 
 honourably from the uncertain conflict. This grand dog was 
 ultimately killed in a fight with an immense boar, and his name 
 will reappear in connection with the sambur deer, misnamed the 
 " elk," throughout Ceylon. 
 It is most discouraging to lose good dogs through the stealthy 
 attacks of leopards, and in looking back to the list of casualties 
 among the jwxck when I kept hounds in Ceylon it is distressing to 
 see the number which were taken by these unsparing animals. If 
 a hound is lost in the jungle, it will certainly sit down and howl, 
 thereby exhibiting considerable intelligence, as it is, in fact, 
 crying for assistance ; but such a cry will attract the ever-wary 
 leopard, who will probably approach by leaping from tree to tree, 
 and i>ounce upon the unfortunate dog before it is aware of the 
 impending danger. The hound that would have offered a stout 
 resistance if boldly attacked face to face, has no more chance than 
 an Irish landlord when shot at by an assassin secreted behind a 
 wall by the roadside. 
 This noiseless approach may be imagined from an incident 
 which occurred to me in Abyssinia, when watching a pool by 
 moonlight, in a deep bend of the river Royan during the dry season ; 
 all streams had evaporated, excepting an occasional deep hole in a 
 sudden curve of the exhausted bed. Hours had been passed, but 
 nothing larger than antelopes had appeared. We were sitting 
 beneath a very large tree completely denuded of leaves, and the 
 moon was shining brightly, producing a sharp outline of every 
 lx)ugh. Suddenly my wife pulled my sleeve and directed my 
 attention to a large animal crouched upon the branches exactly 
 above us. I might have taken a splendid shot, but I at first 
 imagined it to be a dog-faced baboon (Cynocephalus) that had been 
 asleep upon the tree. I stood erect to obtain a clearer view, and 
 at once the object sprang to the ground within a few feet of us and 
 Ixiunded into the jungle. This was a leopard, which had probably 
 reached the tree by means of some neighbouring branch, and so 
 noiselessly that we had not discovered its presence. The animal 
 had evidently winded us, and determined to reconnoitre our 
 In every country the natives are unanimous in declaring that 
 the leopard is more dangerous than the lion or tiger, and I quite 
 agree in their theory that when any dangerous animal is met with, 
 the traveller should endeavour to avoid its direct gaze. It is an 
 error to suppose that the steady look from the human eye will
 vin THE LEOPARD 167 
 affect an animal by a superior power, and thereby exert a subduing 
 influence ; on the contrary, I believe that the mere fact of this 
 concentration of a fixed stare upon the responding eyes of a savage 
 animal will increase its rage and incite attack. If an animal sees 
 you, and it imagines that it is itself unobserved, it will frequently 
 pass by, or otherwise retreat, as it believes that it is unseen, and 
 therefore it has no immediate dread ; but if it is convinced that 
 you mean mischief, by staring it out of countenance, it will in all 
 probability take the initiative and forestall the anticipated attack. 
 A leopard will frequently attack if it is certain that your eyes 
 have met, and it is always advisable, if you are unarmed, to 
 pretend to disregard it, at the same time that you keep an acute 
 look-out lest it should approach you from behind. Wherever I 
 have been in Africa, the natives have declared that they had no 
 fear of a lion, provided that they were not hunting, as it would 
 certainly not attack them unprovoked ; but that a leopard was 
 never to be trusted, especially should it feel that it was discovered. 
 I remember an occasion when the dry grass had been fired, and 
 a native boy, accompanied by his grown-up brother, was busily 
 employed with others in igniting the yellow reeds on the opposite 
 bank of a small stream, which had checked the advance of the 
 approaching flames. Being thirsty and hot, the boy stooped down 
 to drink, and he was immediately seized by a leopard, which sprang 
 from the high grass. His brother, with admirable aim, hurled his 
 spear at the leopard while the boy was in its jaws ; the point 
 separated the vertebrae of the neck, and the fierce brute fell stone 
 dead. The boy was carried to my hut, but there was no chance 
 of recovery, as the fangs had torn open his chest and injured the 
 lungs ; these were exposed to view through the cavity between his 
 ribs. He died during the night. The muscular strength of the 
 jaws and neck is very marked in all the carnivora, and the skull 
 when cleaned is most disappointing, and insignificant if compared 
 with the size of a living head. This is especially the case with 
 leopards, and it is difficult to believe that so small a pair of jaws 
 can inflict a deadly wound almost immediately. 
 I have already remarked upon the wide difference in the size of 
 leopards, showing that the largest, which are sometimes known as 
 panthers, are almost equal to a small tigress. Some of this class 
 possess extraordinary power, in carrying a heavy weight within 
 their jaws. At a place called Soonbarro, in the Jubbulpur dis- 
 trict, we were camped upon a large open space entirely devoid of 
 bush. The ground was free from grass, and dusty, therefore the 
 surface would expose every track. Three full-grown sheep were
 tied to the cook's tent, well secured to a strong peg. In the 
 morning only two remained, but the large tracks of a leopard or 
 l>anthcr were deeply printed in the dust, and the sheep had been 
 carried off bodily, as a big dog would carry a hare. The jungle 
 at the base of a range of hills, almost perpendicular and full of 
 eaves, was the great resort of leopards, bears, and jackals ; the 
 sheep had l>een actually carried quite half a mile without leaving 
 a trace upon the ground to show that it had been partially dragged, 
 or that the leopard had stopped to rest. This was an admirable 
 proof of a great carrying power, as nothing could have moved upon 
 that dusty surface without leaving a well-printed trace. 
 Although the cubs of leopards are charming playthings, and 
 exhibit much intelligence and apparent affection, it is a great mis- 
 take to adopt such companions, whose hereditary instincts are cer- 
 tain to become developed in full-grown life and lead to grave disaster. 
 The common domestic cat is somewhat uncertain with her claws, 
 and most people must have observed that should they be themselves 
 spared the infliction of a feline scratch, the seats and backs of 
 morocco chairs are well marked by the sharp talons, which cannot 
 refrain from exercising their power upon any substance that tempts 
 the operation. I remember a leopard in Khartoum that was con- 
 sidered tame ; this beast broke its chain, and instead of enjoying 
 its liberty in a peaceful manner, it at once fastened upon the throat 
 of a much-prized cow, and would have killed the animal had it not 
 been itself beaten to death with clubs by a number of stout slaves 
 of the establishment. All such creatures are untrustworthy, and 
 they should be avoided as domestic pets. The only class of leopard 
 that should become the companion of man is the most interesting 
 of the species: this is the hunting leopard (Felis jnbata). I have 
 never met a person who has shot one of this species in a wild state, 
 and such an animal is rarely met with in the jungle. Most people 
 are under the impression that the hunting leopard with non- 
 retractile claws is incapable of climbing a tree ; I was myself of this 
 opinion until I actually witnessed the act, and the animal ran up 
 a tree with apparent ease, ascending to the top. 
 The Felis julata is totally different in shape from all other 
 leopards. Instead of being low and long, with short but massive 
 legs, it stands extremely high ; the neck is long, the head small, the 
 eyes large and piercing ; the legs are long, and the body light. The 
 tail is extremely long, and thick ; this appears to assist it when 
 turning sharply at full speed. The black spots upon the skin are 
 very numerous, and are simply small dots of extreme black, with- 
 out a resemblance of rings. It is generally admitted that the
 vin THE LEOPARD 169 
 hunting leopard is the fastest animal in the world, as it can over- 
 take upon open ground the well-known black-buck, which surpasses 
 in speed the highest bred English greyhound. I have never had 
 experience of this animal in a wild state ; those I have known were 
 as gentle as dogs. It is a common mistake to suppose that they 
 invariably approach their game by a stealthy stalk, followed by a 
 few tremendous bounds, only to slink back if disgraced by defeat. 
 I have seen them run a long course in the open, exactly like a grey- 
 hound, although the pace and action have resembled the long swing- 
 ing gallop of a monkey. The nature of this beautiful creature is 
 entirely opposed to the cat-like crouching tactics of the ordinary 
 leopard : its large and prominent eyes embrace a wide field of view ; 
 the length of neck and legs, combined with the erect attitude of the 
 head, denotes the character of the animal, as it includes a vast 
 distance in its gaze, showing that it seeks its game upon a wide 
 expanse of plain, instead of surprising the prey by an unexpected 
 and treacherous attack. This is the only species that is a useful 
 companion to man when engaged in field sports ; and the native 
 princes of India have from time immemorial been accustomed to 
 train the Felis jubata for hunting deer and antelopes, precisely as 
 European nations have adopted the greyhound for the coursing of 
 The Guikwar of Baroda possesses first-class hunting leopards, 
 and I had an opportunity of witnessing many good hunts when 
 enjoying his hospitality at Dubka in 1880. The whole of that 
 country is rich alluvial soil, which produces vast agricultural 
 wealth. The fields are divided by exceedingly thin live fences 
 formed by a species of Euphorbia ; the country being flat, it 
 affords the perfection of ground for riding, therefore such sport 
 as pig-sticking or coursing may be enjoyed to the fullest extent. 
 During our visit the Guikwar had most kindly arranged every 
 kind and style of sport, including a pack of hounds, half a dozen 
 well-trained cheetahs (hunting leopards), and a posse of hawks 
 and falcons with their numerous attendants. The position of 
 Dubka was supposed to be most favourable for a hunting centre, 
 about 18 miles from the capital Baroda. There was a large 
 palace for the Guikwar, and a convenient bungalow for his 
 friends, situated about 30 yards from the cliff, which, 100 feet 
 above the stream, commanded an imposing view of the river ; 
 this flowed beneath, about -| mile in width during flood-time, but 
 was now reduced to 300 or 400 yards in the dry season. A few 
 miles from the bungalow there was a magnificent country for the 
 cheetahs, as the ground, having been subject to inundations, was
 now perfectly dry, and exposed a largo plain, like an open race- 
 course, upon which the young grass was about 2 inches high. In 
 the neighbourhood of this plain there were a few low hills covered 
 with sparse jungle, and for several miles around, the flat surface 
 was more or less overgrown with bush, interspersed with patches 
 of cultivation. 
 On the first day's journey we travelled along a dusty road, which 
 had never been metalled, for the reason that no stone existed in 
 the neighbourhood ; the wheels of the carriages sank deeply in the 
 sandy loam, and the saddle was a far more enjoyable seat than a 
 struggling wheeled conveyance. The falconers enlivened the jour- 
 ney by several flights at herons and cranes, which were very 
 numerous in the marshes that bordered occasional lakes or jheels. 
 We had the opportunity of observing the sagacity of a peregrine 
 falcon, which, immediately upon being unmasked, rose straight in the 
 air, instead of following the heron on its direct course. At first I 
 imagined that it did not see the bird, which flew very high, and 
 kept above the lake. Presently the falcon took a totally opposite 
 direction, soaring to an altitude that reduced it to a mere speck. 
 By this time the heron had cleared the large expanse of water, and 
 was at a great height, perpendicular with the dry land beneath. 
 The falcon made a sudden swoop, and with the velocity of a meteor 
 it shot downwards upon an oblique course towards the unlucky 
 heron. This bird had evidently been watching the impending 
 danger, and it attempted to evade the attack by rising rapidly in 
 the air, in order to destroy the advantage which a higher altitude 
 had conferred upon the enemy. It was too slow : the falcon shot 
 like an arrow to the mark, and struck the heron witli such force 
 that for the moment both birds, hanging together, fell for about 
 100 feet, as though hit by a rifle bullet. After the first blow, the 
 large wings of the heron expanded, and checked the rapid fall ; the 
 falcon was fixed upon its back, holding the neck in its sharp beak, 
 while it clung to the body with its claws. In this position the two 
 birds slowly descended towards the ground, twirling round and 
 round in their descent from a height of about 1000 feet. 
 In the meantime the falconers had been galloping at full speed 
 around the lake, towards the spot upon which they had expected 
 the birds to fall. The falcon was very savage, and it continued to 
 tear the neck of the heron even when captured by the men. This 
 was a cruel exhibition, as the head falconer, having taken possession 
 of the birds, brought them to be admired, the heron being still 
 alive, while the peregrine was tearing at its bleeding neck. He 
 appeared surprised that I insisted upon its being killed, and he at
 viri THE LEOPARD 171 
 once replaced the hood upon the falcon and prepared for another 
 flight. He explained the reason for the peculiar behaviour of the 
 falcon in taking a different direction from its game ; it was afraid 
 of the water beneath, into which both birds must have fallen had 
 the heron been struck before it had cleared the surface ; it had 
 therefore attained a high altitude in a different direction, from 
 which it could swoop obliquely when the lake no longer lay beneath 
 them. This man was a high authority, and he assured me that 
 many well-trained falcons would decline to strike a bird when flying 
 across water, as they thoroughly understood the danger. 
 We had several good flights, in one of which a large crane suc- 
 cumbed after a very severe struggle, which seemed to test the 
 utmost strength of the peregrine, but in every case the attack was 
 delivered from a superior altitude, which left no chance of escape 
 to the bird beneath ; the result depended upon the power of the 
 falcon to continue its hold during the struggles of the heavier and 
 more powerful bird. 
 On the day following our arrival at Dubka, we devoted ourselves 
 to hunting the black-buck with cheetah. In this sport, all persons, 
 excepting the keepers of the animals, are simply spectators, and no 
 interference is permitted. Each cheetah occupies a peculiar cage, 
 which forms the body of a cart, drawn by two bullocks. When 
 game is expected, the cheetah is taken from the cage, and occupies 
 the outside seat upon the top, together with the keeper. The 
 animal is blinded by a hood, similar to that worn by the falcon, 
 and it sits upright like a dog, with the master's arm around it, 
 waiting to be released from the hood, which it fully understands is 
 the signal that game is sighted. 
 There were plenty of black-buck, and we were not long in find- 
 ing a herd, in which were several good old buck, as black as night. 
 Nothing could be more favourable than the character of the ground 
 for the natural habits of the cheetah. The surface was quite flat 
 and firm, being a succession of glades more or less open, surrounded 
 by scattered bush. A cheetah was now taken from its cage, and 
 it at once leapt to the top, and sat with its master, who had re- 
 leased it from the hood. After an advance of about 200 yards, 
 the wheels making no noise upon the level surface, we espied the 
 herd of about twenty antelopes, and the cart at once halted until 
 they had slowly moved from view. Again the cart moved forward 
 for 70 or 80 paces, and two bucks were seen trotting away to the 
 left, as they had caught a glimpse of the approaching cart. In an 
 instant the cheetah was loosed ; for a moment it hesitated, and 
 then bounded forward, although the two bucks had disappeared.
 We now observed that the cheetah not only slackened its pace, but 
 it crept cautiously forward, as though looking for the lost game. 
 We followed quietly uj>on horseback, and in a few seconds we 
 saw the two bucks about 120 yards distant, standing with their 
 attention fixed upon us. At the same instant the cheetah dashed 
 forward with an extraordinary rush ; the two bucks, at the sight 
 of their dreaded enemy, bounded away at their usual speed, with 
 the cheetah following, until all animals were lost to view among 
 the scattered bushes. 
 We galloped forward in the direction they had taken, and in 
 less than 300 yards we arrived at the spot where the cheetah had 
 pinned the buck ; this was lying upon its back without a struggle, 
 while the firm jaws of the pursuer gripped its throat. 
 The cheetah did not attempt to shake or tear the prey, but 
 simply retained its hold, thus strangling the victim, which had 
 ceased all resistance. 
 The keeper now arranged the hood upon the cheetah's head, 
 thus masking the eyes, which were gleaming with wild excitement, 
 but it in no way relaxed its grip. Taking a strong cord, the 
 keeper now passed it several times around the neck of the buck, 
 while it was still held in the jaws of the cheetah, and drawing the 
 cord tight, he carefully cut the throat close to the teeth of the 
 tenacious animal. As the blood spurted from the wound, it was 
 caught in a large but shallow wooden bowl or ladle, furnished 
 with a handle. When this was nearly full, the mask was taken 
 off the cheetah, and upon seeing the spoon full of blood it relaxed 
 its grasp and immediately began to lap the blood from its well- 
 known ladle. When the meal was finished, the mask or hood was 
 replaced, and the cheetah was once more confined within its cage, 
 as it would not run again during that day. 
 The wooden ladle is, to the cheetah, an attraction corresponding 
 to the " lure " of a falcon ; the latter is an arrangement of feathers 
 to imitate a bird. The ladle is known by the cheetah to be 
 always connected with blood, which it receives as a reward after a 
 successful hunt ; therefore, when loose, and perhaps disobedient to 
 a call, it will generally be recovered by exhibiting the much-loved 
 spoon, to which it returns, like a horse to a sieve of oats. 
 We now uncarted a fresh cheetah, and were not kept long 
 waiting before we came upon a lot of antelopes, most of which 
 were females and young bucks. At length, after careful stalking 
 by driving the bullock-cart in an opposite direction to the herd, 
 and then slightly turning to the left, in the endeavour to decrease 
 our distance, we saw a fine buck standing alone within 100 yards,
 mi THE LEOPARD 173 
 as we had not been observed while advancing through the 
 scattered bush. 
 The cheetah lost not a moment, but springing lightly to the 
 ground, it was at full speed, and within 50 yards before the 
 unwary buck perceived it. Taken by surprise, instead of bound- 
 ing off in mad retreat, this gallant little buck lowered its sharp- 
 pointed horns and stood on the defence against the onset of its 
 fierce antagonist. This was a pretty but a pitiable sight, as I 
 knew that the odds were terribly against the buck ; but in another 
 instant the actual encounter took place, and I was surprised to see 
 how well the plucky buck conducted the defence. It actually 
 charged the advancing cheetah, and stopped its rush. The cheetah 
 held back, and again the buck rushed in ; but as we advanced, the 
 poor little beast was evidently frightened at the people, and it 
 turned to run. The moment that the cheetah saw its opportunity, 
 it sprang forward ; we saw the blow of the paw, delivered as quick 
 as lightning upon the right haunch, and the gallant little buck 
 was on its back, with its throat hopelessly throttled in the 
 cheetah's jaws. 
 We were sorry for this termination, as I should like to have 
 witnessed the result, had we not disturbed the fight by our 
 presence. The keepers did not regard the affair in the same light, 
 as they declared the cheetah might have been injured severely by 
 the horns, but that eventually it would have killed the black-buck. 
 In a couple of days we had killed a number of these beautiful 
 animals, but I became tired of the sport, as the affair was invari- 
 ably over in a couple of minutes. One thing was certain, the 
 cheetahs were first-rate, and there was none of the skulking and 
 slinking back, which I had read of as characteristic of the hunting 
 This style of hunting must naturally depend upon the condition 
 of the ground. We had hunted the localities that were in favour 
 of the cheetah, when scattered bush admitted of a tolerably close 
 approach ; but after a couple of days we had scared the black-buck 
 to such a degree that they entirely forsook the sparse covert, and 
 took to the bare open plain, where it was simply impossible to 
 approach them unobserved. This intensified the pleasure, as 
 hitherto the cheetahs had triumphed in almost every hunt. 
 I accordingly suggested that we should confine our party to 
 three mounted persons and three carts, with of course the same 
 number of cheetahs, and endeavour to obtain some real coursing 
 upon the open plain. 
 We started. There was hardly a bush upon the wide expanse
 of level ground, as smooth as u billiard table ; only two or three 
 trees occupied this large area, and they were unhealthy specimens, 
 which looked as though periodical inundations had disagreed with 
 them. We arrived upou this great natural race-course, and the 
 binoculars were at once in request to scan the distant surface in 
 search of the desired game. In a short time, as we advanced 
 leisurely, constantly halting to take an observation, we discovered 
 a considerable herd of about thirty or forty antelopes, among which 
 there were two bucks perfectly black ; these were feeding upon 
 the short young grass in the very centre of the open ground. The 
 question arose, " How in the world shall we get near them ? " It 
 was determined that our three horses should as much as possible 
 conceal themselves on the right side of the three carts, and that 
 they should attempt the approach by moving in a circle, getting 
 nearer and nearer to the herd, as the black -buck family might 
 become less shy, and more accustomed to the appearance of the 
 carts. This plan was cleverly carried out by the drivers, and in 
 about twenty minutes we had, by circling and alternately advanc- 
 ing direct, got to within 300 yards' distance. The herd was all 
 together, as several times they had stopped feeding to gaze at our 
 party, after which they had trotted off a little distance, and then 
 closed up, as though for mutual protection, which gave confidence. 
 We again halted, to try the effect upon the herd. They merely 
 looked up, and for the moment ceased feeding, but almost immedi- 
 ately one of the bucks made an unprovoked attack upon the other, 
 apparently with the intention of driving it away from the females. 
 Instead of retreating from the insult, the affronted buck at once 
 returned to the encounter, and a tremendous fight was the 
 immediate result, the two combatants charging each other like 
 rams, and boring, first one, then the other backward, with the 
 greatest fury. During this duel the herd of females stood 
 entranced, as admiring spectators of the struggle. 
 Not so our drivers, who, instead of their hitherto wary tactics, 
 now prodded their bullocks with the sharp -pointed sticks, and 
 drove at full trot straight towards the combatants. In this 
 manner we gained a position within half a minute that we should 
 perhaps never have obtained had the bucks remained in peaceful 
 tempers ; the females perceived the danger of our approach, and 
 they started off, leaping in their usual manner many feet in the 
 air perpendicularly at every bound, leaving the two stupid males in 
 the ecstasy of a mortal struggle. 
 We reached a position within about 120 yards before the two 
 fools observed us. They at once left off fighting, and having
 viii THE LEOPARD 175 
 regarded us in astonishment for half a second, one dashed off to 
 the left, and the other to the right, across the open plain devoid of 
 bush, or nits, or any obstacle to the highest speed. 
 At that same moment a cheetah that had been held in readi- 
 ness leapt airily to the ground, and the chase commenced after 
 the right-hand buck, which had a start of about 110 yards. The 
 keeper simply begged us not to follow until he should give the 
 It was a magnificent sight to see the extraordinary speed of 
 both the pursued and the pursuer. The buck flew like a bird 
 along the level surface, followed by the cheetah, who was laying 
 out at full stretch, with its long, thick tail brandishing in the air. 
 They had run about 200 yards, when the keeper gave the word, 
 and away we went as hard as the horses could go over this first- 
 class ground, where no danger of a fall seemed possible. I never 
 saw anything to equal the speed of the buck and cheetah ; we 
 were literally nowhere, although we were going as hard as horse- 
 flesh could carry us, but we had a glorious view. 
 The cheetah was gaining in the course, literally flying along 
 the ground, while the buck was exerting every muscle for life or 
 death in its last race. Presently, after a course of about a quarter 
 of a mile, the buck doubled like a hare, and the cheetah lost 
 ground as it shot ahead, instead of turning quickly, being only 
 about 30 yards in the rear of the buck. Recovering itself, it 
 turned on extra steam, and the race appeared to recommence with 
 increased speed. The cheetah was determined to win, and at this 
 moment the buck made another double, in the hope of shaking off 
 its terrible pursuer ; but this time the cheetah ran cunning, and 
 was aware of the former game ; it turned as sharp as the buck ; 
 gathering itself together for a final effort, it shot forward like an 
 arrow, picked up the distance that remained between them, and 
 in a cloud of dust for one moment we could distinguish two forms. 
 The next instant the buck was on its back, and the cheetah's fangs 
 were fixed like an iron vice upon its throat. 
 The course run was about 600 yards, and it was worth a 
 special voyage to India only to see that hunt. The cheetah was 
 panting to an extent that made it difficult to retain its hold. 
 There were a few drops of blood issuing from a prick through the 
 skin of the right haunch, where the cheetah's nails had inflicted a 
 trifling wound when it delivered the usual telling blow of the fore 
 paw, that felled the buck to the ground when going at full speed ; 
 beyond this there was no blood, until the keeper cut the throat in 
 the customary manner, and the cheetah, much exhausted, was led
 to its cage. This wits a very exceptional hunt, and a friend who 
 was present declared he had never seen anything to equal it, 
 although he had been all his life in India, 
 We luul several courses, but nothing equalled this exciting 
 hunt. On one occasion the cheetah was slipi>cd at too great a 
 distance, the herd being at least 350 yards ahead. The animal, 
 after a vain effort, was well aware of the impossibility ; it 
 accordingly ran up a solitary tree with the agility of a monkey. 
 From this height the cheetah surveyed the retreating herd of 
 antelopes, and refused to descend when summoned. It was 
 necessary for the attendant to mount the tree, but the difficulty 
 was increased by the cheetah making unamiable faces as the man 
 approached his perch. The wooden ladle was now- produced as a 
 lure, and after some hesitation the animal followed the man as he 
 descended ; the hood was adjusted over the eyes, and the cheetah 
 was replaced within its cage. 
 From the description given of the various classes of leopards, 
 the destruction committed by these animals may be easily imagined ; 
 fortunately they do not breed like our domestic cats, but they 
 seldom have more than two, or at the most three cubs at a birth. 
 I have always been of opinion that the Government should cease 
 to offer a reward for the destruction of tigers (50 rupees), but 
 that an increased reward should be given for the death of every 
 leopard (25 rupees). The tigers will be always killed by Euro- 
 l>cans who do not require the inducement of a bonus, and the sum 
 of 25 rupees would incite the natives to trap and destroy a com- 
 mon pest and scourge (the leopard), which seldom or never affords 
 the hunter a chance of sport. 
 The cheetah (Felis jubata) should be exempted from this 
 decree, as it seldom attacks domestic animals, but confines its 
 attention to the beasts of the plains and forests.
 I HAVE left this grand example of the genus Felis to conclude the 
 species, as the tiger is so closely associated with the elephant that 
 I was forced to accord it a place in direct sequence. 
 In the early days of the world's history the lion occupied a very 
 extensive area ; it was common in Mesopotamia, and in Syria, in 
 Persia, and throughout the whole of India. It is now confined to 
 a limited number in Guzerat, and a few in Persia. Beyond these 
 localities it has ceased to exist in Asia. There can be little doubt 
 that, unless specially protected, it will become extinct in Asia 
 within the next hundred years. 
 Africa is the only portion of the globe where the lion remains 
 lord of the forest, as the king of beasts. The question has 
 frequently been discussed, " Why should the lion have vanished 
 from the scene where in ancient days he reigned in all his glory?" 
 The answer is simple, the lions have been exterminated. 
 There is a nobility in the character of a lion which differs 
 entirely from the slinking habits of tigers, leopards, and the feline 
 race in general. Although the lion is fond of dense retreats, he 
 exposes himself in many ways, which the tiger seldom or never 
 does, unless compelled by a line of beaters. This exposure, or 
 carelessness of concealment, renders his destruction comparatively 
 On the other hand, the lioness brings forth a numerous family, 
 generally five or six at a birth, which should keep up the number 
 of the race ; in spite of this prolific nature, the lion having from 
 time immemorial been an attraction to the mighty hunter, man 
 has proved too much for him. 
 The Indian species is considerably smaller than the African 
 variety, and the mane is seldom so dark in colour, or 80 shaggy. 
 I have never seen any lion in confinement that conveys the 
 same expression of bulk and massive strength as the wild animal. 
 It would be difficult to compare the relative power of a lion with 
 that of a tiger, as the animals differ in form and muscular develop- 
 ment. I have never weighed a lion, but I feel convinced that a 
 fine specimen would be heavier than an equally well-selected 
 example of a tiger, as the former is immensely massive, especially 
 about the chest and shoulders. The head and neck are larger, 
 although, when boiled and cleaned, the skull does not exceed in 
 size that of an ordinary tiger. It may l>e safely stated that a lion 
 which measures 1) ft. 8 inches in length would weigh heavier than 
 a tiger of the same dimensions. I have already described that 
 the tiger when springing to the attack does not strike a crushing 
 blow, but merely seizes with its claws. A lion, on the contrary, 
 strikes with terrible strength, at the same time that it fixes its 
 claws upon its victim. The force of this blow is terrific, and 
 many a man has been killed outright as though struck with a 
 sledge-hammer. An instance of this fatal onset deprived me of a 
 most intelligent and excellent German, with whom I was associated 
 during a hunting season in the Soudan. 
 Florian was a Bavarian who came to Khartoum in the service 
 of the Austrian Mission, employed as a mason. This man had a 
 natural aptitude for mechanical contrivances, and quickly abandon- 
 ing the Jesuit Mission, after the completion of the extensive con- 
 vent at the junction of the two Niles, he and a carpenter of the 
 same nation formed a partnership of hunters and traders, establish- 
 ing themselves at Sofi on the frontier of Abyssinia. They built a 
 couple of circular huts of neatly squared stones, and not only shot 
 hippopotami in the Atbara river, but manufactured extremely good 
 whips from their skins. These were very superior in finish to the 
 ordinary " courbatch " of the Arabs, and they met with a ready 
 sale. Florian excelled as a carpenter, although a mason by profes- 
 sion ; he made exquisite camel saddles for the Arab sheiks ; these 
 (moffhaloufa) were cut from the heart of a tough wood which 
 never warped (Khamnus Lotus), and were highly prized by the 
 experienced Arabs ot the desert. The rainy season was industri- 
 ously employed in such useful manufactures, and when the dry 
 months arrived, these two excellent men started upon hunting 
 expeditions, and combined business with pleasure. 
 Although Florian was clever with both head and hands, he was 
 a bad shot ; his guns were of a common and dangerous descrip- 
 tion, one of which burst, and blew his left thumb and forefinger 
 off. After his recovery from this accident he still excelled in 
 work, but he was exceedingly clumsy with his weapons, which
 ix THE LION 179 
 were always going off by accident. Upon several occasions these 
 unintentional explosions took place so close to my own head that 
 I suggested it would be safer should he adopt solitary rambles 
 instead of shooting in company. 
 One night he killed an elephant while watching by moonlight 
 at a drinking-place. On the following morning he sent a trust- 
 worthy Tokroori native with an axe to cut out the tusks. The 
 man presently returned with the news that a large lion had eaten 
 a portion of the elephant, and was lying asleep close by, beneath 
 a tree. 
 Florian immediately gave his man a single-barrelled rifle, and 
 taking a double smooth-bore himself, the two proceeded together 
 towards the spot. Upon arrival at the place where the body of 
 the elephant was lying, the lion was immediately discovered 
 beneath a leafless bush, where it had been seen by the Tokroori. 
 The animal appeared to be thoroughly gorged with elephant's flesh, 
 and, half asleep in the hot sun, it took very little notice of the 
 two men, but remained crouched upon the bare ground, neither 
 grass nor leaves at that dry season existing to form a cover for 
 Florian advanced boldly to within about 20 yards, the lion 
 merely regarding him with sleepy astonishment, until he took aim 
 and fired. He missed ! The lion instantly assumed an attitude 
 ready for a spring. Florian aimed between the eyes, and again 
 fired. He missed again ! The response was immediate : the lion 
 gave a roar, and bounded forward ; with a terrific blow upon the 
 head it felled the unfortunate Florian to the ground, and seized 
 him by the neck. Almost at the same moment the faithful 
 Tokroori rushed forward to assist his master, and, afraid to fire 
 lest he should hit him by mistake during the confusion of the 
 struggle, he actually pushed the muzzle of the rifle into the lion's 
 ear and pulled the trigger. The lion fell dead upon the lifeless 
 body of Florian. 
 Dr. Ori, an Italian in the service of the Egyptian Government, 
 was at that time purchasing wild animals of the Hamran Arab 
 sword-hunters, and was in camp within a half-hour's march. The 
 Tokroori brought the tragic news, and a party started for the fatal 
 spot. Dr. Ori subsequently described to me the effect of the lion's 
 blow. The skull, which had received its full force, was completely 
 shattered, as if it had been a cocoa-nut struck with a hammer, and 
 several of the lion's claws had penetrated through the bone, as 
 though they had been driven like a nail. 
 If that had been the attack of a tiger, the skull would not have
 been injured, although the sculp would have been badly lacerated, 
 and death would have been occasioned by the grip of the jaws 
 upon the neck, not by the blow. 
 Another instance of the great force of a lion's blow was wit- 
 nessed by my late friend, Monsieur Lafurgue, whom I knew when 
 he was a resident of Berber in the Soudan. This French gentle- 
 man was agent to Halim Pasha, the uncle of His Highness Ismail 
 the Ex-Khedive. Halim Pasha was a man of great energy, and 
 he was the first personage in the history of Egypt who sent a 
 steamer from Cairo to ascend the cataracts of the Nile and reach 
 Khartoum. This was accomplished after extreme difficulty in 
 experimenting upon the course of nearly 1600 miles of river, the 
 navigation of which was then unknown to others beyond the native 
 owners of small vessels. Halim Pasha was the first to attempt 
 the commercial development of the White Nile, and Monsieur 
 Lafargue was an admirable representative of his august employer. 
 The steamer arrived safely at Khartoum, and was engaged in the 
 trade of the Blue Nile to Fazocle', and through the White Nile to 
 the unknown, as in those days Khartoum was the southern bound- 
 ary of Egypt. 
 Monsieur Lafargue was a charming man, highly educated, with 
 a mind of a peculiar character, that enabled him to lead a happy 
 life in the remote wilderness of the Soudan. It was difficult to 
 understand, when conversing with him in his beautiful house at 
 Berber, or sitting together in his garden on the extreme margin of 
 the Nile, while the desert sands upon the east side of the wall 
 showed the limit of civilisation and fertility, how any man of cul- 
 ture could endure r to pass his entire existence in such a narrow 
 boundary the Nile, the fruitful source, upon one side, and the 
 desert 200 yards beyond; sterile, only because the water could 
 not reach its surface. 
 He had his books, all the monthly periodicals from Europe, 
 and his newspapers ; he also had his private affairs, his agency, 
 which occupied his time ; in addition, he had a wife, an Abyssinian 
 lady of great beauty, and of gentle sympathetic disposition. To 
 her husband she was as the moon is to the traveller upon an 
 otherwise dark night. Her story was too romantic and sad to be 
 lightly introduced, but her husband had given up his country, and 
 his family in France, after having made his fortune in the Soudan, 
 entirely upon her account. He described her to me as the "gazelle 
 of the desert, that was contented and happy in its native sands, 
 but would die in the atmosphere of conventional civilisation." 
 Monsieur Lafargue held a deservedly high position among all
 ix THE LION 181 
 classes in the Soudan. He had discovered that no legitimate 
 commerce was possible with the savages of the White Nile ; he 
 had therefore advised his employer to that effect, and he had 
 resigned all hope of effecting the original object of his expedition. 
 He was therefore carrying on a business with the native merchants, 
 from whom he purchased gum-arabic from Kordofan, ivory from 
 the White Nile, hides from the Arabs generally, cotton, and 
 cereals, all of which, as opportunity offered, he either sent down 
 the river or across the Korosko desert to Egypt proper. 
 We were talking about lions, and he told me the following 
 account of what he witnessed as he was returning from the White 
 Nile upon the steamer, then en route towards Khartoum. 
 The dry season was at its height ; all the high grass and other 
 herbage along the river's banks had been burnt by the natives, 
 and the surface of the earth was black and bare. The steamer 
 was going easily down stream, saving her fuel, and as they floated 
 along, with the paddles revolving slowly, a lion was observed upon 
 the dark and lately blackened bank. The vessel was at once 
 stopped, and a trustworthy Tokroori hunter of Lafargue's volun- 
 teered to shoot the lion. The man was confident ; accordingly he 
 was put ashore, armed only with a single-barrelled rifle. 
 From the poop-deck of the steamer the whole affair was dis- 
 tinctly visible. They saw the bold Tokroori advance unconcernedly 
 towards the lion, which, although standing when first observed, 
 now immediately crouched. The Tokroori advanced until he was 
 only a few yards distant : he then halted, and fired. With a loud 
 roar the lion flew to the attack, and with a terrific blow it struck 
 the hunter upon the shoulder. The effect was awful ; the man 
 was dashed violently upon the ground, and the lion fell across his 
 body ; after a few gasps it rolled over and died. The Tokroori 
 never moved. 
 The steamer was now run alongside the bank, and Monsieur 
 Lafargue, with a number of men, quickly went ashore. Both the 
 Tokroori and the lion were quite dead. The bullet had struck 
 the animal in the chest, and had passed through the heart. The 
 Tokroori's arm was hanging from the hip ! It had not only been 
 completely dislocated at the shoulder by the blow, but it had been 
 torn or struck downwards with such extreme force that the flesh 
 had been entirely stripped off the ribs and the side ; the arm at 
 the extremity of this ruin was dangling upon the ground, hanging 
 only to the hip by the flesh attached. The Tokroori had been 
 killed on the spot by the shock to the system. This was a re- 
 markable example of force. On the other hand, although the lion
 frequently uses this dreadful ]>ower of striking when in full charge, 
 there are many cases when the animal seizes simply with teeth 
 and claws, like a tiger or others of the race. 1 
 I am of opinion that the act of striking would depend upon the 
 position of the animal or person attacked. There can be no doubt 
 that a lion could fell an ordinary bullock by a blow upon the neck, 
 should it attack from one side, but it would be extremely unlikely 
 that it would strike any horned animal upon the head, as it would 
 risk serious damage to the paw. We have seen that the cheetah 
 strikes the haunch of a black-buck when coursing at full speed, 
 and it is highly probable that the lion would exert its prodigious 
 strength in the same manner, to stun the hind-quarters by the 
 stroke, and, by throwing the animal upon one side, to expose the 
 throat to the grip of the powerful jaws. All beasts of prey 
 occasionally meet with dangerous antagonists, and should the first 
 spring fail, the lion may find an adversary worthy of its fangs in 
 a staunch old African buffalo, in which case the battle would be 
 worth a journey to be witnessed. I once discovered the dislocated 
 skeleton of a buffalo almost intermingled with the broken bones of 
 a lion, the skull of which was lying near, while the skull of the 
 buffalo, devoid of the nasal bones, was lying within a few feet 
 distant, gnawed by jackals and hyaenas. The ground had been 
 deeply trampled, showing the desperate character of the recent 
 struggle, which had terminated in the death of both combatants. 
 It is highly probable that two lions had simultaneously attacked 
 the buffalo, who had succumbed after having vanquished one 
 assailant. This is a very common practice among lions, to hunt 
 in company. Mr. Oswell in South Africa had a peculiar example 
 of this when in a day's hunting his friend Major Vardon had 
 wounded a bull buffalo, which had retreated within the forest. 
 The two hunters carefully followed the blood-track, but after a short 
 advance they were startled by a succession of loud roars, which 
 betokened lions close at hand. There could be little doubt that 
 the wounded buffalo had been attacked; therefore, with proper 
 precaution, they warily approached the spot, until the exciting 
 scene presented itself suddenly on the other side of a large fallen 
 tree, which happily concealed the approach of the two companions. 
 Three lions were engaged in a life-and-death combat with the 
 gallant old bull, who made a desperate defence, first knocking over 
 one of his enemies, then boring another to the ground, and ex- 
 hibiting a strength which appeared sufficient to defeat the com- 
 1 A tiger possesses the power to deliver a tremendous blow, but it seldom 
 exercises this force.
 rx THE LION 183 
 bination. Suddenly the buffalo fell dead ; this was the result of 
 the original wound, as the rifle bullet had passed through the 
 The lions were not aware of this, and a quarrel among them- 
 selves commenced after their imagined victory. One huge beast 
 reared to half its full height and placed its fore paws upon the 
 body of the prostrate buffalo, while at the head and the hind- 
 quarters an angry lion clutched the dead body in its spreading 
 paws, and growled at the possessor of the centre. This formed a 
 grand picture within only a few yards' distance, but a couple of 
 shots from either rifle stretched two lions rolling upon the ground, 
 and the third, terrified at the unexpected reports, bounded into the 
 thick covert and disappeared. 
 A very good sportsman named Johann Schmidt, a Bavarian 
 who died in my service when in Africa, killed two lions in the 
 act of attacking a giraffe. I saw the skeletons of these animals in 
 the bed of the river Royan a few days after the incident. At that 
 dry season of the year the Royan was devoid of water, except at 
 certain bends where the current had scooped out a deep hole 
 beneath the bank. Johann Schmidt was a poor man, who could 
 not afford the luxury of first-rate rifles ; he therefore did his best 
 with most inferior arms, one of which was a light double-barrelled 
 smooth-bore muzzle-loader No. 16. This was a French gun, for 
 which he had given 50 francs at Cairo. By some chance, this 
 common little weapon shot remarkably well with ball and 3 drams 
 of powder. It became his favourite companion. He was strolling 
 one day along the bank of the Royan in Abyssinia, looking care- 
 fully down its sandy bed, when he came near to a water-hole in 
 the long intervals, and he suddenly heard the peculiar sounds of a 
 great encounter. The dust was flying high in the air, and as he 
 approached the spot, within the yellow surface of the river's bed, 
 he saw a cloud of sand, in the centre of which was the large body 
 and long neck of a bull giraffe struggling against the attack of two 
 lions. One of these was fastened upon its throat, while the other 
 was mounted upon its hind-quarters, where it was holding on with 
 teeth and claws. Johann concealed himself behind a large tree 
 which grew upon the bank : this abrupt margin was about 20 feet 
 above the river's bed, and not 50 yards from the scene of a hope- 
 less conflict. 
 The giraffe had no chance ; and after a sharp struggle before 
 the eyes of the well-concealed spectator, it was pulled down, and 
 both lions commenced to growl over their contested prey. The 
 position upon a perpendicular bank being thoroughly secure,
 Johunn took a steady shot, and rolled one lion over, close to the 
 dying giraffe ; the other looked round for a moment, and sprang 
 up the bank uj>on the opposite side of the river, but this, being 
 perpendicular, was too high to permit of a direct retreat ; a bullet 
 from the remaining barrel struck it through the back, and 
 paralysed the hind-quarters. The animal fell backwards upon the 
 sandy surface of the river, and rolled over helplessly, as the hind 
 legs had lost all power. This gave Johann time to reload, and, 
 seeing that the lion was completely at his mercy, he descended 
 into the river's bed and put a bullet through its head. 
 The giraffe was still alive, therefore another ball was necessary 
 to complete its despatch ; and Johann remained in triumph, 
 having bagged two lions and a giraffe with a gun worth only 50 
 I have heard so many tales of lions which have carried away 
 oxen from a kraal, that I have endeavoured to unravel what 
 appears to be a mysterious impossibility. An experienced friend 
 of mine was present when, during the night, a lion bounded over 
 the fence of thorns which formed a protection to the camp, and 
 seizing a full-grown bullock, it jumped the fence, carrying the 
 victim with it. 
 In the confusion of a night attack the scare is stupendous, and 
 no jx?rson would be able to declare that he actually saw the lion 
 jump the fence with the bullock in its grip. It might appear to 
 do this, but the ox would struggle violently, and in this struggle 
 it would most probably burst through the fence, and subsequently 
 be dragged away by the lion, in a similar manner to the custom 
 already described of tigers. It is quite a mistake to suppose that 
 a lion can carry a full-grown ox; it will partially lift the fore- 
 quarters, and drag the carcase along the ground. 
 Upon one occasion I was strolling through the forest on the 
 margin of the Settite river in Abyssinia, and I suddenly met a 
 large bull buffalo which was exactly facing me, having probably 
 obtained my wind beforehand. It was not more than 20 yards 
 distant, and it threw up its wicked head with the nose pointed 
 directly at me, in the well-known fashion which makes a shot at 
 the forehead utterly impossible. Knowing that my double- 
 barrelled No. 10 with 7 drams of powder would have sufficient 
 penetration, I aimed exactly at the nostril, then fully dilated by 
 the excitement of the animal, and fired. The shot was instantly 
 fatal, as the hard bullet of quicksilver and lead not only passed 
 through the brain, having entered at the nose, but it penetrated 
 far into the neck and cavity of the chest. This was a very large
 ix THE LION 185 
 beast, and knowing that the dense covert of nabbuk (Rhamnus 
 Lotus) close by was a great resort of lions, I determined to leave 
 the carcase for the night in the spot where it was then lying. 
 On the following morning I revisited the place with two of my 
 excellent Tokrooris ; we found many fresh footprints of lions in 
 the sandy soil, and a broad trace about 4 feet wide, where the 
 body had been dragged away. This had apparently been effected 
 by more than one lion, as the footprints varied in size. 
 There was a vast mass of dense green nabbuk growing parallel 
 with the banks of the river. This was an opaque screen of thorny 
 foliage, covering an area of about 200 yards in width, but extend- 
 ing for a great distance. The nabbuk tree bears a small apple the 
 size of a nutmeg, rather sweet, and pleasant to the taste ; but the 
 tangled mass, when growing upon the sandy loam near water, is 
 absolutely impenetrable to a human being. Into this secure retreat 
 the lions had crept, forming dark tunnels about 3^ or 4 feet high, 
 for some unknown distance. 
 The trace of the dragged buffalo led direct to the entrance of 
 one of these obscure tunnels, and there could be no doubt that the 
 carcase was within, and the lions not far distant. I have frequently 
 looked back to absurdities that have been scathelessly committed ; 
 among these on more than one occasion I have foolishly ventured 
 upon the exploration of a lion's retreat. With two of my Tokrooris 
 following with spare rifles (all muzzle-loaders) I crept upon hands 
 and knees into the dark tunnel, upon the trace of the dragged 
 buffalo. A light double-barrelled '577 was my companion. 
 After a few yards the tunnel became much narrowed, and was 
 hardly more than 3 feet 6 inches in height. The bush (evergreen) 
 was so dense that it was very dark, and I could not see any tracks 
 of lions upon the ground over which I crept ; cautiously advancing, 
 with both barrels upon full cock. About 70 yards had been 
 passed in this manner when I distinctly smelt the heavy odour of 
 raw flesh and offal. I looked behind me, and my two men were 
 keeping well together. There could be no doubt that the carcase 
 of the buffalo was not far off, and it was highly probable that the 
 lions would be in forcible possession. We crept forward with 
 extreme caution. The faint and disagreeable smell increased, and 
 was almost insupportable. I presently heard the cracking of a 
 bone, and there could be no doubt that the lions were close at 
 hand. I once more looked round to see if my men were coming 
 on : they were both close up. We crept noiselessly forward for a 
 few yards, and suddenly a dark object appeared to block the 
 tunnel ; in another moment I distinguished the grand head and
 dark inane of a noble lion on the other side of a mass which proved 
 to be the remains of the bull buffalo ; another head, of a lioness, 
 arose upon the right, and at the same, instant, with a tremendous 
 roar, the scene changed before I had time to fire. We were alone 
 with the remains of the buffalo, and I believe three lions had 
 decamped, never to bo seen again in the obscurity of the dense 
 green nabbuk. We were actually in possession, having driven the 
 lions from their prey, simply by our cautious advance, without a 
 It required some time and trouble to cut off the head of that 
 bull buffalo in the narrow limits of the lion's den, but it hangs 
 upon my walls now as a trophy that might be won from a lion, 
 but never could have been wrested in the same manner from a 
 U{)on another occasion I crept in a similar manner into one of 
 their dark tunnels, and shot the lion within a distance of four 
 paces, but I never recovered the body, as the animal bounded into 
 the dense thorny substance, which it was impossible for any human 
 being to penetrate. The Hamran Arabs persuaded me to discon- 
 tinue this kind of exploration, and my Tokrooris having taken the 
 same view of the performance, I gave up the practice, as I did not 
 succeed in actually bagging a lion by the attempt. 
 In the locality which I have mentioned, the lions, although 
 numerous, were never regarded as dangerous unless attacked; there 
 was an abundance of game, therefore the carnivora were plentifully 
 supplied, and a large area of country being entirely uninhabited, 
 the lions were unaccustomed to the sight of human beings, and 
 held them in respect. During the night we took the precaution 
 to light extensive bonfires within our camp, which was well pro- 
 tected by a circular fence of impenetrable thorns, but we were 
 never threatened by wild animals except upon one occasion. 
 I was strolling in search of food, with a particular two-grooved 
 single riHc No. 14 which was extremely accurate. Having shot a 
 nellut (.1. Strepsiceros), the animal was fixed upon a camel and 
 immediately forwarded to camp, towards which I advanced by 
 a circuitous direction in the expectation of finding other game. 
 The country was perfectly flat in the vicinity of the river, and 
 although much covered with dense bush, it was interspersed with 
 numerous small glades, covered with parched herbage 2 or 3 feet 
 in height. A few Tokrooris accompanied me witli spare rifles (all 
 muzzle-loaders, as the breech action had not been introduced in 
 those days), and I was leading the way, occasionally breaking 
 through the intervening bush, with as little noise as possible.
 rx THE LION 187 
 Suddenly, as I was only half emerged from a line of dark green 
 nabbuk, I was surprised by a short roar close to me, and I im- 
 mediately saw the shoulders and the hinder portion of a lion, the 
 head being concealed by the bush, from which I had not completely 
 emerged. I could have touched it by stretching out my rifle, but 
 personally I was quite unobserved. There was not a moment to 
 lose, and I fired through the centre of the shoulder. With a short 
 roar the lion disappeared; there was a rushing sound in the bushes, 
 and almost immediately another lion occupied the exact position 
 that had been quitted by the lioness. They must have been lying 
 down together when startled by our appearance, or rather by the 
 noise of our approach. This was a splendid chance, but I was 
 unloaded; I stretched my right arm behind me, expecting to 
 receive a spare rifle from my faithful Tokrooris, but they had 
 retreated from the scene, and I remained within 6 feet of a lion's 
 flank with an unloaded rifle and no companion. The lion's head 
 and neck were quite concealed by the dense greeri bush, and I had 
 no other course to pursue than to reload my rifle. The first tap 
 that I gave the bullet when ramming it home, scared the lion, and 
 with a loud roar it sprang forward and disappeared. My recreant 
 followers now returned, and having administered a few kicks, I took 
 a double-barrelled rifle and we commenced a strict search for the 
 wounded animal. Directed by a low moan, we found her within 
 a few yards, dying ; it was a lioness, but there was no trace of her 
 companion, which had been so lately within my reach. 
 The spare camel was now brought up, and with great difficulty 
 my three Tokrooris, the Hamran Arab, and myself succeeded in 
 placing the lioness across the saddle, having first opened and 
 cleaned the body to reduce the weight. 
 Blood trickled from the carcase, and dropped upon the ground, 
 thus forming a trace throughout the route until we reached the 
 camp. The lioness was 9 feet 1 inch in length, and, when skinned, 
 the body was dragged to a considerable distance and left for the 
 The fires were blazing after sunset ; the horses of my Hamrau 
 hunters, and my own, were picqueted within the centre of our 
 enclosure, near the tent, and we were about to retire for the night, 
 when a deep guttural sigh was heard close to the high and 
 impervious fence of kittur thorns. This had been carefully 
 constructed, as life was most uncertain within that questionable 
 district, where the Arab hunting parties invariably killed all natives 
 of the crafty Base tribe whenever met, and they incurred a similar 
 retaliation. The fence was made of entire trees cut off near the
 roots, anil then dragged by the steins into line, with their wide- 
 spreading heads of sharp hooked thorns forming the outside surface ; 
 these were locked together by their hooks, entangled, and nothing 
 could possibly have broken through, except an elephant or rhinoceros. 
 Prowling around this excellent protection was a lion, who was 
 pronounced by myjnmters to be the mate of the lioness which I 
 had killed ; it was declared that the disconsolate husband had 
 followed the course of his wife's body, denoted by the drops of 
 blood that had dripped upon the ground when carried by the camel 
 towards the camp. My j>eople were of opinion that the lion was 
 determined upon vengeance, and that he would assuredly bound 
 over our fence, although he could not absolutely break through it. 
 The night was always interesting upon the banks of the Settite 
 river, as vast numbers of wild animals were astir half an hour after 
 sunset, which either came down to drink, or to wander in search 
 of green pasturage, that was ouly to be found in places from which 
 the water had retreated. The lions were accordingly on the alert, 
 and the threatening sound of their deep voices was to be heard in 
 every direction, until approaching daylight drove them to their 
 There is nothing so beautiful, or enjoyable to my ears, as the 
 roar of a lion upon a still night, when everything is calm, and no 
 sound disturbs the solitude except the awe-inspiring notes, like the 
 rumble of distant thunder, as they die away into the deepest bass. 
 The first few notes somewhat resemble the bellow of a bull ; these 
 are repeated in slow succession four or five times, after which the 
 voice is sunk into a lower key, and a number of quick short roars 
 are at length followed by rapid coughing notes, so deep and 
 powerful that they seem to vibrate through the earth. 
 Our nocturnal visitor did not indulge in the usual solo, but he 
 continued throughout the night to patrol the circuit of the camp, 
 occasionally betraying his presence by a guttural roar, or by the 
 well-known deep sigh which exhibited the capacity of his lungs. 
 We could not see to shoot, owing to the darkness outside the fence, 
 and the brightness of our fire within the camp; this my men 
 industriously replenished with wood, and occasionally hurled fire- 
 brands in the direction of the intruder. 
 At length we went to sleep, leaving the natives to keep watch 
 they declared that nothing would induce them to close their eyes, 
 as the lion would assuredly carry oft' one of the party before the 
 morning. To their great discontent, I refused to disturb the night 
 by firing a gun, as I had determined to hunt up the lion on the 
 following day at sunrise.
 ix THE LION 189 
 Upon waking early, we discovered the deep footprints upon the 
 sandy soil, which had marked a well-beaten path around our 
 impenetrable fence, showing that the lion had been patrolling 
 steadily throughout the night. This fact led me to suppose that 
 I should most probably find him somewhere within a very short 
 distance of the camp. I started with some of my best men, and 
 instead of a light single-barrel I carried my '577 rifle. 
 The position of our camp was exceedingly favourable for game, 
 as the river made a circuitous bend, which had in ages past thrown 
 up a mass of alluvial soil of several hundred acres, all of which 
 was now covered with a succession of dense patches of nabbuk 
 jungle, interspersed with forest trees and numerous small glades of 
 fine dwarf grass, which formed a sward. I felt certain that our 
 visitor of the last night must be somewhere in this neighbourhood, 
 and I determined to devote the entire day to a rigorous search ; in 
 this my men were unanimous, as they objected to passing another 
 night in sleepless excitement and anxiety. 
 Luck was against us. I had numerous opportunities during the 
 day of shooting other animals, but I was devoted entirely to the 
 lion, which we could not find. 
 I was scratched with countless thorns, as we broke through the 
 thickest bushes, peering beneath their dark shade, and searching 
 every acre of the ground in vain. In spite of the great heat, we 
 worked from early morning until half an hour before sunset without 
 resting from our work ; all to no purpose ; there were tracks of 
 lions in all directions, but the animal itself was invisible. It was 
 time to turn towards home, and I led the way through low bush 
 and sandy glades not larger than an ordinary room, all of which 
 were so much alike that it was difficult to decide whether we had 
 examined them before, during the day's hard march. In several 
 places we discovered our own footprints, and thus cheerlessly we 
 sauntered homewards, tired, and somewhat disgusted at the failure. 
 We were within half a mile of the camp, and I was pushing 
 my way through some dwarf green nabbuk about 5 feet high, 
 when, upon breaking into a small open glade, a large lion with a 
 dark shaggy mane started to its feet from the spot where it had 
 been lying, probably half asleep. I instantly fired, before it had 
 time to bound into the thick jungle, and with tremendous roars it 
 rolled over beneath the dense nabbuk bushes, where at this late 
 hour the shade was almost dark. As quick as possible I fired a 
 second shot, as it was rolling over and over, with extraordinary 
 struggles, and it disappeared in the almost impervious bush, drag- 
 ging its hind legs in such a manner that I felt sure the spine was
 broken by the bullet. It wus so dark that we could not discern 
 the figure of the animal beneath the thorns, although it was only 
 a few^ feet distant Having reloaded, I hardly knew what course 
 to pursue : we had no means of driving the lion from the bush, I 
 therefore examined the ground, and we discovered that the nabbuk 
 into which it had retreated was simply an isolated clump, sur- 
 rounded by narrow glades of sandy turf. From this asylum I felt 
 sure it could not move, and although it would have been more 
 heroic to have crept into the dark cover and have given it a 
 quietus, or more probably to have received it myself, we came to 
 the wise conclusion that if the lion could not move, it would be 
 there on the following morning, when we should have daylight in 
 our favour. 
 We returned to camp, and the night passed without disturbance. 
 Directly after sunrise we returned to the spot, and we found the 
 lion still alive, although completely paralysed in the hinder 
 portions. A shot in the centre of the forehead terminated the 
 affair, and the joint efforts of ten men succeeded after great exer- 
 tion in sliding the carcase upon three inclined poles from the 
 ground to the saddle, while the camel was kneeling in a slight 
 hollow, which the people had scraped away for the purpose. 
 I had no means of weighing this animal, but it was immensely 
 massive, and would according to my estimation have exceeded 500 Ibs. 
 The accounts published respecting the character of lions differ 
 to such a degree that incidents which are considered natural in 
 one portion of Africa may be regarded as incredible in other 
 districts ; there can be little doubt that the character of the animal 
 is influenced by the conditions of its surroundings, which renders 
 it extremely difficult to write a comprehensive account, that will 
 embrace the entire family of lions throughout the world. 
 Roualeyn Gordon Gumming gave a terrible description of a night 
 attack upon his camp, when a lion bounded over the thorn fence, 
 and seizing a sleeping servant from beneath his blanket close to 
 the camp fire, carried him off into the surrounding darkness, and 
 deliberately devoured every portion, excepting one leg, which was 
 found on the following morning, bitten off at the knee-joint. This 
 was the more extraordinary, as another man was at the same time 
 asleep under the blanket with the unfortunate victim ; this cour- 
 ageous fellow snatched a heavy firebrand from the pile, and beat 
 the lion on the head in the endeavour to save his friend. Instead 
 of relinquishing its prey, the lion dragged the man only a short 
 distance, and commenced its meal so immediately that the cracking 
 of bones could be heard throughout the night.
 ix THE LION 191 
 In southern Africa a night attack by lions upon the oxen 
 belonging to the waggons is by no means uncommon, in books 
 published concerning expeditions to that country, but in nine years' 
 experience of camp life in Africa, both equatorial and to 14 
 north of the equator, I have never even heard of any actual 
 depredation committed by lions upon a camp or upon a night's 
 bivouac ; the nearest approach was the threatening nocturnal 
 visit already described, where no actual damage was inflicted. 
 There is an instinct natural to all animals which gives them 
 due warning whether man approaches them with hostile intent, 
 and there can be no doubt that every wild animal possesses this 
 discriminating power, and would be influenced according to circum- 
 stances. My own experience has led me to an opinion that the 
 lion is not so dangerous as the tiger, although, if wounded and 
 followed up, there cannot be a more formidable antagonist. 
 Upon several occasions I have seen lions close to me when I 
 have had no opportunity of shooting, and they have invariably 
 passed on without the slightest signs of angry feeling. I was 
 riding along a very desolate path, and a lioness, followed by five 
 nearly full-grown young ones, walked quietly from the jungle, and 
 they crossed within a few yards of my horse's head, apparently 
 without fear or evil disposition. I well remember, at the close of a 
 long march we halted beneath a large tree, which I considered would 
 form an agreeable shade for our tent. I gave my rifle to a servant, 
 who deposited it against the tree, preparatory to my dismounting, 
 when a lioness emerged from the bushes, and walked unconcernedly 
 through our party, within only a few feet of the startled horses. 
 She disappeared without having condescended to increase her pace. 
 Upon another occasion I had fired the grass, which had left a 
 perfectly clean surface after the blaze. The night was bright 
 moonlight, and I was standing in front of the tent door, when a 
 large maned lion and a lioness crossed the open space within 10 or 
 12 yards of my position, and stood for a few moments regarding 
 the white tent ; they passed slowly forward, but had disappeared 
 before I had time to return with a rifle. 
 I once saw a wounded lion decline a challenge from a single 
 hunter. It is possible that a tiger might have behaved in the 
 same manner, but it would be dangerous to allow the opportunity. 
 I had taken a stroll in the hope of obtaining a shot at large ante- 
 lopes, to procure flesh for camp, and I was attended by only one 
 Arab, a Hamran hunter armed with his customary sword and 
 shield. Having a peculiar confidence in the accuracy of a two- 
 grooved single rifle of small bore, I took no other, and we walked
 cautiously through the jungle, expecting to meet Borne animal that 
 would supply the necessary food. We had not walked half a mile 
 when we emerged upon a narrow glade about 80 yards in length, 
 surrounded by thick bush. At one end of this secluded and shady 
 spot an immense lion was lying asleep upon the ground, about 70 
 yards distant, on the verge of the dense nabbuk. 
 He rose majestically as we disturbed him by our noise in break- 
 ing through the bushes, and before he had time to arrange his 
 ideas, I fired, hitting him through the shoulder. With the usual 
 roars he rolled several times in apparent convulsive struggles, until 
 half hidden beneath the dense jungle ; there he remained. 
 If I had had a double rifle I could have repeated the shot, but 
 in those days of muzzle-loaders I had to reload a single rifle, and 
 as usual, when in a hurry, the bullet stuck in the barrel and I 
 could not drive it home. 
 In this perplexity, to my astonishment my Arab hunter advanced 
 towards the wounded lion, with his drawn sword grasped firmly 
 in his right hand, while his left held his projected shield, and thus 
 unsupported and alone, this determined fellow marched slowly 
 forward until within a few yards of the lion, which, instead of 
 rushing to attack, crept like a coward into impenetrable thorns, 
 and was seen no more. The Arab subsequently explained that he 
 had acted in this manner, hoping that the lion would have crouched 
 preparatory to a spring ; he would then have halted, and the delay 
 would have given me time to load. 
 I have before remarked upon the extreme danger of despising 
 an adversary, and although I do not consider the lion to be so 
 formidable or ferocious as the tiger, that is no reason for despising 
 an animal which has always been respected from remote antiquity 
 to the present day. It is impossible to be too careful when in 
 pursuit of dangerous game. My friend Colonel Knox of the Scots 
 Fusilier Guards, an experienced and fearless sportsman, very nearly 
 lost his life in an encounter with a lioness, although under the 
 circumstances he could hardly be blamed for want of due precaution. 
 He had shot the animal, which was lying stretched out, as though 
 dead. Being alone, he returned to camp to procure the necessary 
 people, and together with these he went to the spot, where he 
 found the lioness in the same position. Naturally he considered 
 that it was dead, but upon approaching the prostrate body he was 
 instantly attacked, knocked down, and seized by the back ; he 
 would assuredly have been killed had he not been assisted by his 
 followers. Although he killed the lioness, he was seriously mauled, 
 and was laid up for a considerable period in consequence.
 ix THE LION 193 
 It would be easy to produce cases where lions have caused 
 terrible fatalities, and others where they have failed to support 
 their reputation for nobility and valour; but as I have already 
 observed, there is no absolute certainty or undeviating rule in the 
 behaviour of any animal. The natives of Central Africa, who are 
 first-rate sportsmen, have no fear of the lion when undisturbed by 
 hunters, but they hold him in the highest respect when he becomes 
 the object of the chase. I have known a lion which, when stopped 
 by the nets in one of the great African hunts, knocked over five 
 men, all of whom were seriously wounded, and, although it was 
 impaled by spears, it succeeded in evading a crowd of its pursuers. 
 Stories of lions are endless, and were they compiled, a most 
 interesting work might result, but my object in producing a few 
 anecdotes, mostly of my own personal experience, is to elucidate 
 the character of the animals by various examples, which prove the 
 impossibility of laying down any fixed or invariable rule. 
 There can be no doubt that the mode of hunting generally 
 adopted in Central Africa is far more dangerous than the careful 
 contrivances of India, where the tiger, as fully described, is hunted 
 either upon elephants or by posting the guns in secure positions. 
 Even in Raj poo tana, where hunting is frequently conducted upon 
 foot, the ground is specially favourable among deep and precipitous 
 ravines, where abmpt rocks and perpendicular banks afford pro- 
 tection to the hunter. 
 In Central Africa the climate and fodder are so detrimental to 
 horses that the explorer quickly discovers the utility of his own 
 legs, and no experience is so conducive to steady and accurate 
 shooting as the knowledge of an impossibility to escape by speed. 
 We are all creatures of habit, and are more or less the slaves of 
 custom ; this is proved ad absurdum by the peculiar feeling when 
 a man who is accustomed to shoot tigers from the secure and lofty 
 position in a tree, finds himself compelled to seek the animal upon 
 foot. In Africa, also in Ceylon, the hunter is so much in the habit 
 of standing upon his own legs that he ceases to fear the attack of 
 any creature, feeling certain of the accuracy of his rifle ; but this 
 same individual would begin to feel unnaturally exposed if, after a 
 continuous experience in secure mucharns and mounted upon 
 elephants, he should be suddenly called upon to seek a wounded 
 tiger or lion upon foot. I have never followed lions except on foot. 
 They are killed by the Hamran Arabs on horseback, fairly hunted 
 by two or three of these splendid fellows, and cut down by a stroke 
 across the spine with the heavy broadsword. 
 The lion is never specially sought for by the natives of Central 
 Africa, but should he be met with in their ordinary hunting ex- 
 peditions, he takes his chance like all other animals, and is attacked 
 either with arrows or the spear. 
 Many of the natives are exceedingly courageous, and will 
 advance to the attack ujwn a lion with spear and shield, or even 
 without the latter safeguard, as they are confident in the support 
 of their companions in case of an emergency. I remember 
 upon one occasion I had wounded a lioness by a shot in the chest 
 from a very accurate but extremely ineffective rifle, which, although 
 577, carried a small charge of 2 drams of powder. The animal 
 took refuge in a patch of high grass only a few yards square. 
 Invisible in this retreat, my three hardy natives offered to go in 
 and throw their spears at her, provided I would be ready to support 
 them should she charge into the open when they had failed. 
 This proceeding would have been a reflection upon our superior 
 weapons, and I declined the proposal, as too dangerous to the men. 
 I sent the natives to the summit of a white ant-hill about 7 feet 
 high ; from this they espied the animal lying in the yellow grass, 
 but so indistinct that it was impossible to determine her exact 
 position. I accordingly instructed the men to keep a sharp look- 
 out, and to throw their spears should the lioness charge, as I would 
 provoke an attack by firing a shot at hazard into the long grass. 
 Placing Lieut. Baker, R.N., upon my right, with instructions to 
 enfilade the expected attack, I advanced to within 20 yards of the 
 grass, and fired into the spot she was supposed to occupy. The 
 effect was instantaneous. At the report of the rifle the lioness 
 uttered a loud roar and charged directly upon myself, the most 
 prominent antagonist. I fired the left-hand barrel at her chest, 
 but this miserable weapon had no penetration (it was the first and 
 last that I ever possessed with a hollow bullet) ; the natives hurled 
 their spears, but missed the flying mark ; Lieut. Baker fired right 
 and left with a No. 70 small-bore, which hit, but without effect. 
 Everybody turned and ran at their best speed,as the lioness in hot pur- 
 suit was within a few feet of us. A native servant of Lieut. Baker 
 passed me with his master's spare gun in his hand. To snatch 
 this from the man, and to turn round and face the still roaring 
 pursuer, was the work of an instant, and I fired into her chest a 
 No. 1 2 spherical ball with 4 drams of powder from an ordinary 
 smooth-bore. To my delight, this rolled her over and checked her 
 onset ; but she immediately sprang back to her asylum of yellow 
 grass. We were now reduced to our original position, but I knew 
 the wound would be quickly fatal. 
 The natives recovered their spears, while we all reloaded, and
 ix THE LION 195 
 presently one of our people from the summit of the ant-hill excitedly 
 pointed to an object in the high grass ; within a distance of about 
 ight yards I distinguished the back of the head and neck of the 
 lioness. She was looking in the opposite direction ; this gave me 
 a fatal opportunity, and a shot in the nape of the neck settled the 
 affair, after a well-contested struggle. 
 It was impossible to carry this animal, we therefore skinned it, 
 and upon opening the stomach we found the sections of a fawn 
 antelope ; these when placed in position showed the entire animal, 
 which she must have eaten a few hours previously. This was so 
 fresh that my natives immediately made a fire and roasted the 
 meat, which they ate with great enjoyment as a feast of victory. 1 
 I shall say no more concerning lions, but I shall always admire 
 the calm dignity of appearance, the massive strength, the quiet 
 determination of expression, and the noli me tangere decision, 
 that represent the character of the nation which has selected 
 this noble animal for its emblem. 
 I do not venture upon the extensive variety of smaller species 
 of the genus Felis ; but there is one in India which I have only 
 observed upon two occasions ; this is the colour of a puma, rather 
 long in the leg, with pointed tufts of black hair at the tips of the 
 ears, giving it the appearance of a lynx. I have a skin in my 
 possession which I shot in the Central Provinces of India in 1888. 
 The whole of the genus Felis, from the lion to the ordinary 
 cat, have the same number of teeth six cutting teeth, six 
 front teeth, and two incisors in either jaw. The tongues are 
 invariably rough, and in the lion and the tiger they are prickly to 
 such a degree that flesh could be licked clean off the bone without 
 the preliminary and impatient process of tearing by the teeth. 
 The often-questioned thorn in the extreme end of a lion's tail 
 is by no means a fallacy ; this is a distinct termination in a sharp 
 horny point, which, although only a quarter of an inch or less in 
 length, is most decided. I do not consider that there is any 
 special use for this termination, any more than there would be for 
 the tuft of black hair which forms the extremity, and which con- 
 ceals the thorny substance. 
 1 We measured this lioness carefully with a piece of string ; she was 9 feet 
 6 inches from nose to tip of tail.
 THIS is one of the oldest animals in history, and it has survived 
 the attacks of man far more successfully than the more noble 
 beast the lion. This survival may probably result from the 
 secluded habits of the bear, which cannot be classed among the 
 destroyers, such as the carnivora, although it is dangerous when 
 hunted, and not unfrequently it attacks man without any provo- 
 The nature of most animals may be judged by the formation 
 of their teeth ; those of the bear declare its omnivorous pro- 
 pensities : 
 In the upper jaw 12 molars, 2 canine, 6 incisors. 
 In the lower jaw 14 molars, 2 canine, 6 incisors. 
 There are so many varieties of the bear that it is impossible 
 exactly to define the food of the species. We see the polar bear 
 ( Ursiis maritimus), which, living upon seals and fish, differs from 
 all others; the grizzly bear (Ursm ferox) of Western America, 
 which will eat flesh when it can obtain it, but is a feeder upon 
 roots and berries. Nearly all bears are inclined to vegetable food 
 and insects, accepting flesh when they find the freshly killed body 
 of an animal, but not seeking live creatures to kill and eat. The 
 sloth bear of India is an exception to this rule, as it refuses flesh, 
 and lives simply upon fruits, berries, leaves of certain trees, roots, 
 and insects of all kinds, the favourite bonne louche being the nest 
 of white ants (Termites), for which it will dig a large hole in the 
 hardest soil to a depth of 2 or 3 feet. The molars of bears have 
 a close resemblance to those of a human being, exhibiting a grind- 
 ing surface for the mastication of all manner of substances. The 
 nose is used as a snout, for turning over stones which lie upon the 
 surface, in search of insects, slugs, worms, and other creatures, as 
 nothing comes amiss to the appetite of a bear.
 CHAP, x THE BEAR 197 
 The claws of the fore paws are three or four inches in length, 
 and are useful implements for digging. It is astonishing to see 
 the result upon soil that would require a pick-axe to excavate a 
 hole. Upon the hard sides of such pits as those made in search 
 of white ants, the claw-marks are deeply imprinted, showing the 
 labour that has been expended for a most trifling prize, as the 
 nest when found would only yield a few mouthfuls. I have never 
 appreciated the name of " sloth bear " given to Ursus labiatus, as 
 it is a creature that works hard for its food throughout the year, 
 and being an inhabitant of the tropics, it never hybernates. This 
 species is very active, and although it refuses flesh, it is one of the 
 most mischievous of its kind, as it will frequently attack man 
 without the slightest reason, but from sheer pugnacity. A full- 
 grown male weighs from 280 to 300 Ibs. The skin is exceedingly 
 thick and heavy. The hair is long and coarse, with a bunch upon 
 its back of at least 7 inches in length, but there is a total absence 
 of fur, therefore the hide has no commercial value. The chest is 
 marked by a peculiar pattern in whitish brown, resembling a 
 horse-shoe, which is the mark for aim when the animal rears 
 upon its hind legs to attack. There are five claws upon the fore 
 feet, and the same number upon the hinder paws. Although 
 these are not retractile, neither are they so curved or sharp as 
 those of the genus Felis, they inflict terrible wounds upon a 
 human being, and when the head of a man has been in a bear's 
 grip it has generally been completely scalped. I have heard of 
 more than one instance where the scalp has been torn from the 
 back of the neck and pulled over the eyes, as though it had been 
 a wig. 
 The Ursus labiatus seldom produces more than two or three at 
 a birth, and the young cub is extremely ugly, but immensely 
 powerful in limbs and claws. I have seen a very young animal 
 which held on to the inside of its basket when inverted, and 
 although shaken with great force, nothing would dislodge its ten- 
 acious clutch ; this specimen was about six weeks old. 
 Although many varieties of bears are tree-climbers, there are 
 others which are contented with the ground, and which could not 
 ascend a tree even should they be tempted by its fruit. The grizzly 
 bear (Ursus ferox) belongs to this class, and his enormous weight 
 would at any time necessitate especial care when experimenting 
 upon the strength of boughs. I do not believe that any person 
 has actually weighed a grizzly, but an approximate idea may be 
 obtained through a comparison with the polar bear (Ursus mari- 
 timus), which is somewhat equal in size, probably superior. When
 I was in California, experienced informants assured me that no 
 true grizzly bear was to be found east of the Pacific slope, and 
 that Lord Coke was the only Britisher who had ever killed a real 
 grizzly in California, There are numerous bears of three if not 
 four varieties in the Rocky Mountains, and these are frequently 
 termed grizzlies, as a misnomer ; but the true grizzly is far 
 superior in size, although similar in habits, and his weight varies 
 from 1200 to MOO Ibs. 
 Mr. Lament, in his interesting work Yachting in ihf Arctic 
 Seas, gives the most accurate account of all Arctic animals that he 
 killed, and having the advantage of his own yacht, he was able to 
 weigh the various beasts, and thus afford the most valuable infor- 
 mation in detail. This is his account of a polar bear (Ursux 
 maritimm) which he himself killed : 
 " He was so large and heavy that we had to fix the ice-anchor, 
 and drag him up with block and tackle, as if he hod been a 
 walrus. This was an enormous old male bear, and measured 
 upwards of 8 feet in length, almost as much in circumference, 
 and 4i feet at the shoulder; his fore paws were 34 inches in cir- 
 cumference, and had very long, sharp, and powerful nails ; his 
 hair was beautifully thick, long, and white, and hung several 
 inches over his feet. He was in very high condition, and pro- 
 duced nearly 400 Ibs. of fat ; his skin weighed upwards of 100 
 Ibs., and the entire carcase of the animal cannot have been less 
 than 1GOO Ibs." 
 This weight is equivalent to a large-sized English cart-horse. 
 I have seen one of the skins procured by Mr. Lamont, and I can 
 readily appreciate his account of the weight. I have also seen a 
 skin of a grizzly bear killed at Alaska by Sir Thomas Hesketh ; this 
 was cured by Mr. Rowland Ward, who showed it to me at his 
 establishment, 160 Piccadilly, and it was very little inferior to the 
 skin of the polar bear. I quite believe the accounts I have 
 received in California are correct, and that the grizzly may some- 
 times exceed 1400 Ibs. in weight. There is a considerable 
 difference in size between the male and female, the former being 
 superior. Like all other animals, the mother is particularly 
 attached to her young, and when in company with them she is 
 more than ordinarily ferocious, as she appears to suspect every 
 stranger of some hostile intentions towards her offspring. 
 The increase of population in many countries has resulted in 
 the destruction of all animals that were considered dangerous to 
 man ; thus the wolf and the bear have both disappeared from 
 Great Britain, and they have become scarce in France.
 x THE BEAR 199 
 Thirty-five years ago, I was in a wild portion of the Pyrenees, 
 in the hope of finding bears at the first snows of winter, when by 
 extreme bad luck a fall took place so suddenly and severe that a 
 pass was blocked, which prevented my arrival at a narrow valley, 
 between the lofty mountains named Tram-Saig. I had been 
 assured that the bears would hybernate at the commencement of 
 winter, and that they could only be found at the season when the 
 first snow-fall would expose their tracks. 
 On the following day I managed to get through the pass, and 
 to my intense disgust, upon arrival, I found that I was a day too 
 late, as the Maire, who was a great chasseur, had killed two bears, 
 a mother and half-grown young one, on the preceding day, thus 
 verifying the information I had received. 
 I saw the freshly killed skins pegged out to dry, and a few 
 days later I ate a portion of the paws in an excellent stew when 
 dining with the Prefect of Bagneres-de-Bigorre, to whom they were 
 forwarded as an esteemed present. 
 The larger bear-skin gave me the impression that the original 
 owner must have been the size of a heifer twelve or fifteen months 
 old. This was the ordinary brown bear of Europe, which still 
 exists in Transylvania, Hungary, Italy, and especially in Turkey. 
 The same bear inhabits Asia Minor, and both these varieties 
 hybernate at the commencement of winter. In the extensive 
 forests and mountains about Sabanja, beyond the Gulf of Ismid, I 
 have seen the wild fruit trees severely injured by the brown bears, 
 which ascend in search of cherries, plums, apples, walnuts, and 
 sweet chestnuts. The heavy animal knows full well that the 
 extremity of the boughs will not support its weight, it therefore 
 stands erect upon a strong limb and tears down the smaller fruit- 
 laden branches within its reach. Although bears are numerous 
 throughout the forests, there is only one season when they can be 
 successfully hunted ; this is in late autumn, when the fruits are 
 closing their maturity, and the apples and nuts are falling to the 
 ground. The bears then descend from the mountain heights, and 
 may be found late in the evening or before sunrise in the neighbour- 
 hood of such food. 
 Asia Minor and Syria possess two distinct varieties of bears, 
 although the countries are closely connected, and these animals are 
 not inhabitants of the same district. The Syrian bear is smaller 
 than the ordinary brown bear, and would hardly exceed 300 Ibs. 
 in weight. The fur is a mixed and disagreeable colour, a dusky 
 gray of somewhat rusty appearance, but blanched in portions as 
 though by age. This species is to be found at the present day
 upon Mount Horeb, and the natives assured me that, when the 
 grapes are rijw, it is necessary to protect them by watchers armed 
 with guns, to scare the bears during night. 
 Wild animals which hybernate have a peculiar instinct for 
 selecting hiding-places, which can seldom be discovered ; in these 
 they lie, free from all intrusion. 
 The fruits of late autumn fatten the bear to a maximum 
 condition, and when the harvest is over, and the ground is covered 
 with a dense sheet of snow, it retires to some well-known cave, 
 high among the mountains, in such undisturbed seclusion that it is 
 seldom visited by the foot of man. Within a cave, nestled in 
 ferns or withered leaves and grass, the fatted bruin curls itself to 
 sleep throughout the winter months, and the warmth necessary to 
 its existence is supplied by its own fat, which, being rich in carbon, 
 supports vitality at the expense of exhaustion of supply. 
 If the fat bear could see itself previous to hybernation in 
 November, and again be introduced to its own photograph upon 
 awakening from its sleep in March, it would be prepared to swear 
 against its own identity. It arises from its winter's nap in 
 wretched condition, having lived entirely upon capital instead of 
 income. Young shoots, and leaves of spring, wild tubers which it 
 scratches from the ground, detected by its keen sense of smell, 
 together with snails, beetles, worms, and everything that creeps 
 upon the earth, now form the bill of fare, until the summer brings 
 forth the welcome fruits that reproduce the condition which the 
 bear had lost through hybernation. 
 It is impossible to unravel many of the mysteries of Nature, 
 and the cause which prompts the instinct of a winter's sleep will 
 always remain doubtful. I should myself attribute hybernation to 
 the necessity of repose at a period when food was impossible to 
 procure. The body can exist for an incredible length of time, 
 provided that it is capable of undisturbed rest, which appears in a 
 certain degree to take the place of extraneous nutriment. It is 
 well known that every exertion of the muscles is a loss of power, 
 the force of the body being represented by heat. To lift a weight 
 or to move a limb requires a certain expenditure of heat, which 
 means force ; this loss of heat and power is recuperated by food ; 
 thus in the absence of provisions for the necessary supply, there 
 would be no loss of heat if there is no exertion. Sleep is the 
 resource, as the body is not only at rest, but the brain is also 
 tranquil ; there is accordingly a minimum of exhaustion. Human 
 beings have been known to live without food of any kind (excepting 
 water) for a period of forty days, and have then resumed their
 x THE BEAR 201 
 ordinary course, simply confining themselves to moderate diet for 
 the first few days after their long abstinence. In a time of 
 starvation in Africa I have frequently composed myself to sleep 
 in the absence of my daily food, and I have awoke without any 
 disagreeable craving for a meal. Continued sleep will to a certain 
 extent render the body independent of other nutriment, and I 
 should imagine that the custom of hybernation has been induced 
 by necessity. At a season when the fruits of the earth are 
 exhausted, the ground frozen to a degree that would render 
 scratching for roots impossible, an animal that was dependent upon 
 such productions for its existence must either starve or sleep. The 
 sleep is in itself a first stage of the process of starvation. The 
 creature that can sleep through an existence of four months 
 without food, and lose the whole of its fat during that interval of 
 inaction, has already lost all that supported life during the period 
 of total abstinence the fat, or carbon. If it were to begin 
 another turn of sleep in its exhausted state, it would be unable to 
 support its existence. 
 I therefore regard hybernation as the result of the highest 
 physical condition, the animal being thoroughly fat; the food 
 ceases, and the beast, knowing this fact, lays itself down to sleep, 
 and exists upon its own fat, which gradually disappears during the 
 interval of starvation. The bear wakes up in spring with a ragged 
 ill-conditioned skin, instead of the glossy fur with which it nestled 
 into rest ; and it finds its coat a few sizes too large, until an in- 
 dustrious search for food shall have restored its figure to its original 
 rotund proportions. 
 The proof of this necessity for repose during a period of en- 
 forced abstinence will be observed in the independence of tropical 
 bears, which do not hybernate, for the best of all reasons, " that 
 there is no winter," therefore they can procure their usual food 
 throughout every season without difficulty or interruption. 
 The animals of America are all exaggerated specimens of the 
 species, and the grizzly bear, if standing by the side of the ordinary 
 brown bear of Northern Europe, would hardly exhibit any striking 
 difference except in superior size and a slight roughness of colour. 
 I have heard the question frequently discussed when in the Big 
 Horn range of the Rocky Mountains in Wyoming ; some of the 
 professional hunters term all bears grizzlies, while others deny the 
 existence of the true grizzly except upon the Pacific slope. 
 There is no doubt that all the American bears will eat flesh 
 whenever they can obtain it, although they do not pursue animals 
 as objects for food. The usual custom in bear-shooting is to kill a
 black-tail deer and to leave the body untouched. If this course is 
 pursued throughout the day, three or four deer may have been shot 
 in various localities, and these will lie as baits for the bears. 
 At daybreak on the following morning the hunter visits his 
 baits, and he will probably find that the bears have been extremely 
 busy during the night in scratching a hole somewhat like a shallow 
 grave or trench, in which they have rolled the carcase ; they have 
 then covered it with earth and grass, and in many cases the bears 
 may be discovered either in the act of working, or, having completed 
 their labour, they may be lying down asleep half gorged with flesh, 
 and resting upon their own handiwork. In this position it is not 
 difficult to obtain a shot. 
 When I was in the Big Horn range in 1881 several shooting 
 parties had preceded me on the two previous seasons, and the bears 
 liad been worried to such an extent that they were extremely 
 cautious and wary. There was a small party of professional skin 
 hunters who were camped within a mile of my position, consisting 
 of two partners, Big Bill and Bob Stewart. The latter went by 
 the name of Little Bob, in contrast to his enormous companion. 
 Bob was of Scotch extraction ; he was about 5 feet 5 inches in 
 height, very slight, and as active as a cat. In his knowledge of 
 every living creature upon the mountains he was perfect ; from the 
 smallest insect to the largest beast he was an infallible authority. 
 Bob was a trapper and hunter ; he followed the different branches 
 of these pursuits according to the seasons ; at one time he would 
 be trapping beavers and red foxes, at another he would be shooting 
 deer for the value of their hides. This cruel and wasteful practice 
 I shall speak of in another portion of this work. 
 His only weapon was a single-barrelled Sharp's '450 rifle, and 
 he possessed the most lovely mare, beautifully trained for shooting, 
 and not exceeding 14J hands in height. Little Bob, on his little 
 mare, would have formed a picture. On one occasion I had re- 
 turned to camp a little after 5.30 P.M., and as the sun sank low, 
 the deep shadows of the hills darkened our side of the narrow glen, 
 and by 6 o'clock we were reduced to a dim twilight. Presently, 
 in this uninhabited region, a figure halted within 15 paces of our 
 tent, which was evidently Bob Stewart, mounted upon some peculiar 
 animal of enormous bulk, but with a very lovely high-bred-looking 
 head. This was Bob's pretty mare, loaded, and most carefully 
 packed with the trophies of his day's sport, as a solitary hunter, 
 quite alone and unaided since 8 A.M. His pony carried the skins 
 of three bears and four black-tail deer, which he had shot, skinned, 
 and packed upon his sturdy little companion.
 x THE BEAR 203 
 The bears consisted of a mother and two half-grown young ones 
 of the choice variety known as "silver-tipped." He had come across 
 the family by chance while riding through the forest, and having 
 shot the mother through the shoulder, she fell struggling between 
 her cubs ; these pugnacious brutes immediately commenced fighting, 
 and a couple of shots from the rapid breechloading Sharp rifle 
 settled their ill-timed quarrel. 
 Bob was the most dexterous skinner I ever saw : he would take 
 off a skin from a deer or bear as naturally as most persons would 
 take off their clothes ; and the fact of a man, unassisted, flaying 
 seven animals, and arranging them neatly upon the Mexican saddle, 
 would have been a tolerable amount of labour without the difficulty 
 of first finding and then successfully shooting them. 
 The hide of the largest bear would weigh fully 50 Ibs., those of 
 the smaller 25 Ibs. each = 100 Ibs. The four black-tail deer would 
 weigh fully 50 Ibs. Therefore the mare was carrying 150 Ibs. of 
 hides, in addition to Bob Stewart, who weighed about 9 stone, 
 making a total of about 276 Ibs., irrespective of his rifle and 
 It was a strange country ; the elevation of our camp was about 
 10,000 feet above the sea-level, although we were in a deep and 
 narrow glen, close to a very small stream of beautifully clear water. 
 Upon either side the valley, the hills rose about 1400 feet; at that 
 season (September) the summits were in some places capped with 
 snow. The sides of the hills, sloping towards the glen, were either 
 covered with forests of spruce firs, or broken into patches of prairie 
 grass and sage bush, the latter about as high as the strongest 
 heather, and equally tough and tiresome. 
 The so-called camp was upon an extremely limited scale; a 
 little sleeping tent only 7 feet by 7, and 5 feet 8 inches in the 
 highest portion ; this had no walls, but was simply an incline from 
 the ridge-pole to the ground ; it was a single cloth, without lining 
 of any kind, and bitterly cold at night. This was rough work for 
 a lady, especially as our people had no idea of making things com- 
 fortable, or of volunteering any service. If ordered to come, they 
 came ; to go, they went ; to do this or that, they did it ; but there 
 was no attempt upon their part to do more than was absolutely 
 required of them. Shooting in the Big Horn range is generally 
 conducted upon this uncomfortable plan. It is most difficult to 
 obtain either men or animals ; but, although useless fellows for 
 any assistance in camp, they were excellent for looking after the 
 horses and mules, all of which require strict attention. 
 We had only four men, all told my hunter Jem Bourne, the
 cook Henry (a German), Texas Bill, who was a splendid young 
 fellow, and Gaylord. 
 Although I have travelled for very many years through some of 
 the roughest portions of the world, I have always had a considerable 
 following, and I confess to disliking so small a party. Including 
 my wife, we were only six persons, and it was impossible to con- 
 sume the flesh of the animals killed. I cannot shoot to waste ; 
 therefore upon many occasions I declined to take the shots, and 
 thus lost numerous opportunities of collecting splendid heads ; this 
 destroyed much of the pleasure which I had anticipated. There 
 were no Indians, as they are confined to their reservations ; there- 
 fore it was almost criminal to destroy wantonly a number of splendid 
 beasts, which would rot upon the ground and be absolutely wasted. 
 Several parties of Englishmen had not been so merciful ; therefore 
 the Americans had no scruples, and commenced an onslaught, 
 general and indiscriminate, shooting all animals, without distinction 
 of age or sex, merely for the value of the skins ; the carcases of 
 magnificent fat deer were left to putrefy, or to become the food of 
 the over-satiated bears, which themselves fell victims in their turn. 
 This was the slaughter in which Bob Stewart and Big Bill were 
 engaged in partnership. They never shot in company, but each 
 started upon his independent course at 8 or 9 o'clock A.M., after 
 having employed themselves since daylight in pegging out the skins 
 to dry, that had been shot on the previous day. The most valuable 
 of the deer-skins was the black-tail, which realised, at a price per 
 lb., 11s. This hide is used for making a very superior quality of 
 glove, much prized in California. 
 I strolled over to the camp of the two partners one morning, as 
 I was on the way to shoot, and I found them engaged in arranging 
 their vast masses of skins, all of which were neatly folded up, per- 
 fectly dry, without any other preparation than exposure to the keen 
 dry air of this high altitude. 
 Upon my inquiry of Big Bill respecting his operations on the 
 previous day, he replied that he "guessed he had been occupied in 
 running away from the biggest grizzly bear that ever was cubbed." 
 Big Bill was a Swede by parentage, born in the States. By 
 trade he was a carpenter, but he had of late years taken to skin- 
 hunting. He was an enormous fellow, about 6 feet 3 or 4, with 
 huge shoulders and long muscular arms and hands. There was no 
 harm in Bill ; he was a first-rate shot with his '450 Sharp rifle, 
 which appeared to be the weapon in general favour ; but he had 
 met with an adventure /luring the previous year which made him 
 rather suspicious of strangers.
 x THE BEAR 205 
 Somewhere, not far from his present camp, a mounted stranger 
 dropped in late one evening. The man was riding a good horse, 
 but was quite alone ; so also was Big Bill. The camp of the skin- 
 hunter was then the same in appearance as when I saw him and 
 his partner Bob Stewart simplicity itself; a long spruce pole was 
 lashed at either end to two spruce firs ; against this, leaning at an 
 angle of about 45, were sixty or seventy straight poles laid close 
 together, and upon these were arranged spruce boughs to form a 
 thatch. This lean-to provided a tolerable shelter within the forest, 
 when the wind was sufficiently considerate to blow at the back 
 against the thatch, instead of direct towards the open face. The 
 ground in the acute angle was strewed with branches of spruce, 
 and a large fire was kept burning during night, exactly in front, 
 the whole arrangement exhibiting the principle of a Dutch oven. 
 In such a camp, Big Bill received the stranger with the 
 hospitality of the wilderness, and they laid themselves down to 
 rest in the close companionship of newly-made friends. 
 The morning broke, and as Big Bill rubbed his eyes with 
 mute astonishment, he could not see his friend. He rose from his 
 sleeping-place, and went outside in the cold morning air ; he could 
 not see his horses. A horrible suspicion seized upon him; he 
 searched the immediate neighbourhood ; the animals had vanished, 
 both horses and mules were gone, together with the unknown 
 stranger, to whom he had given food and shelter for the night. 
 Fortunately there was a particular horse which Big Bill for 
 special reasons kept separate from the rest ; this animal was 
 picqueted by itself among the spruce firs at some little distance, 
 and had been unobserved by the departed stranger. To saddle 
 the horse, and to follow in pursuit at the highest speed upon the 
 trail of the horse-stealer, was the work of only a few minutes. 
 The track was plain enough in the morning dew, where ten or a 
 dozen mules and horses had brushed through the low prairie grass. 
 Big Bill went at a gallop, and he knew that he must quickly 
 overtake them ; his only doubt lay in the suspicion that there 
 might be confederates, and that a strong party might have joined 
 together to secure the prize, instead of the solitary stranger being 
 in charge. However, at all hazards he pushed on at best speed in 
 chase ; at the same time, the horse-stealer, thoroughly experienced 
 in his profession, was driving his ill-gotten herd before him at a 
 gentle trot, thoroughly convinced that it would be impossible to be 
 overtaken, as the owner had been left (as he supposed) without a 
 At length, after a pursuit of some hours, upon attaining the
 summit of u broad eminence, Big Bill's eyes were gladdened by the 
 sight of some distant objects moving upon the horizon, and he at 
 once redoubled his speed. 
 The stranger, innocent of suspicion, trotted leisurely forward, 
 whistling, and driving his newly acquired animals with professional 
 composure, without condescending to look back, as he felt certain 
 of security, having left his hospitable friend of the preceding night 
 with nothing better than his own legs for locomotion. 
 In the meantime, Big Bill was coming up at a gallop ; he was 
 boiling with indignation at the treacherous conduct of his uninvited 
 guest ; and being fully alive to the manners and customs of the 
 West, he placed his Sharp rifle upon full-cock to be in readiness 
 for an explanation. 
 A few minutes sufficed to shorten the distance to 100 yards, 
 when the astonished horse-stealer was surprised by the sound of 
 hoofs upon the stony soil, and, turning round, he was almost 
 immediately confronted with the threatening figure of Big Bill. 
 The dialogue which ensued has not been historically described ; 
 there was none of the bombast that generally preceded the combats 
 of Grecian heroes ; but it appears that the horse-stealer's right hand 
 instinctively grasped the handle of his revolver, not unseen by the 
 vigilant eyes of Big Bill, who with praiseworthy decision sent 
 a bullet through his adversary's chest from the already prepared 
 Sharp '450 ; leaving the lifeless body where it fell, he not only 
 recovered all his stolen animals, but also possessed himself of the 
 horse and saddle which only recently belonged to the prairie 
 horse-stealer without a name. 
 The gigantic Swede returned to his solitary camp, well satisfied 
 with his morning's work, as he had gained instead of lost, and 
 he had saved the State of Wyoming the expense and trouble of 
 hanging a man for a crime which is supposed to deserve no mercy, 
 that of "horse-stealing." 
 Of course this instance of determination and extreme vigilance 
 gained for Big Bill the admiration of the extremely limited number 
 of people who would be called " the public " in the outlying portions 
 of Wyoming ; but although contented with himself, Big Bill was 
 always suspicious of a solitary stranger, as he had an undefined 
 idea that some relative of the defunct horse-stealer might draw a 
 trigger upon him unawares. It was this redoubtable Big Bill who 
 now confided to me that he had been running away from some 
 monster grizzly bear only on the preceding day. He pointed out 
 the spot, as nearly as possible, from where we stood during his 
 narrative. "There," he said, "do you see that low rocky cliff on
 x THE BEAR 207 
 the tip top of the hill just above us ? That was the place just 
 beneath, on that little terrace-like projection with a few spruce firs 
 upon it. There's a steep but not a difficult way down by the side 
 of that cliff, and when young Edmund and I got down upon that 
 terrace, there were a lot of big rocks lying about, and all of a 
 sudden one of 'em stood up on end within 10 yards of me, and sat 
 up regularly smiling at me, with the most innocent and amiable 
 expression of countenance I ever saw. That was the biggest 
 grizzly bear I ever came across ; he was as big as the biggest bull 
 I ever saw in the ranche, and there he was, sitting up on end like 
 a dog, and almost laughing. There was no laugh in me, I can tell 
 you ; I just lost no time, but turned round, and hooked it ; and I 
 don't think I ever ran so fast in all my life." 
 "But why did you not shoot him 1 ?" I exclaimed with astonish- 
 ment. " Shoot him 1 Oh yes, that's very likely, when he wasn't 
 farther than 10 yards off, and I should have had such a poor 
 start, and no place to run to ! No, I knew better than that, with 
 a single-barrel Sharp '450. If I had had your double-barrel '577, 
 with a big solid bullet, and 6 drams of powder, I shouldn't have 
 run away ; but I go hunting for skins with my little Sharp, and I 
 don't want a grizzly to go hunting for my skin ; not if I know it. 
 I've left him for you, and d'ye see, if you go up there this morning, 
 there's some snow about, and you'll likely come across his tracks. 
 If you do, you'll be astonished, I can tell you." 
 Ten minutes after this discourse, I was on my way up the 
 mountain side in the hope of meeting this extraordinary bear. 
 Upon arrival at the summit, there was a splendid view of the 
 main range of the Eocky Mountains, about 70 miles distant, across 
 a desolate region some 4000 feet below the point upon which we 
 stood. There was a little snow, but only in patches on the moun- 
 tain top, and, when near the terrace upon which Big Bill had had 
 his interview with the bear, we certainly discovered an enormous 
 track, the largest that I have ever seen. 
 We attempted to follow this for some hours, but to no purpose ; 
 on several occasions I could have taken deadly shots at black-tail 
 deer and wapiti, but I determined to reserve my bullet for the big 
 game, the object of our pursuit. The day passed away in failure. 
 The next day was equally disappointing ; from morning to sunset 
 I fagged over the summits and the spruce fir sides of the moun- 
 tains, without a trace of the big bear. We passed the old traces 
 that we had seen the previous day upon the snow, but they were 
 still more indistinct, and there was nothing fresh. I was de- 
 termined, if possible, to find this bear, therefore I devoted a third
 day to the pursuit, discarding all other game. On the third 
 morning I started with Texas Bill and Jem Bourne, all mounted, 
 and \vc rode by a circuitous route to the summit of the hill above 
 the valley of our camp. The snow had melted in most places, 
 leaving jMily small half-thawed patches. We had so thoroughly 
 explored the entire hillside for a distance of several miles during 
 the last two days, that I arranged a beat on the other side of the 
 mountain, upon the northern slope, facing the far-distant Rocky 
 There were no spruce forests upon this side, but the long incline 
 was merely a sheet of rough prairie grass about 18 inches high, 
 intersected by deep ravines, filled with dwarf cotton-wood trees, 
 resembling the silver-barked black poplar. These trees grew about 
 25 feet high, and as thick as a man's arm, but so close together 
 that it was difficult to force a way through on horseback. 
 There were many isolated patches of this covert in various places 
 upon the face of this northern slope, all of which were likely to 
 harbour bears or other game. My eye caught instinctively a long 
 dark ravine which cut the mountain from top to base, extending 
 several miles ; this was intersected about a mile and a half from 
 the summit by a smaller ravine, also springing from the drainage 
 of the highest ridge, and at the point of junction the two formed 
 a letter Y, the tail continuing, widened by the increased flow of 
 water. There was at this season a very slight stream about an 
 inch in depth, which resulted from the melting of the small amount 
 of snow upon the heights. 
 There could not be a more likely place for bears, and I in- 
 structed my two men to ride to the bottom of the ravine, and to 
 force their horses through the thornless thicket, making no other 
 noise, but occasionally to tap the stems of trees with the handles 
 of their whips. 
 I dismounted, and my well-trained horse followed close behind 
 me down the steep hillside, exactly on the border of the ravine. 
 This was not more than 80 yards across ; thus I could command 
 both sides should a bear break covert, when disturbed by my two 
 beaters ; there could not have been a more favourable locality. 
 My men were thoroughly experienced, and the noise made by 
 the horses in struggling over stones and in rustling through the 
 cotton-wood trees was quite sufficient to disturb any animals that 
 might have been there ; accordingly they seldom tapped the tree- 
 Black-tail deer were very plentiful ; these were about the size of 
 an ordinary fallow-deer, and they were extremely fat and delicious
 x THE BEAR 209 
 venison ; but their horns were still in velvet, and would not be 
 clean until October. I could have shot several of these animals ; 
 but I was full of good resolutions to resist all temptation, and to 
 restrict my shooting to the long-sought bear. 
 We had followed the course of the ravine for about a mile, when 
 I suddenly heard a tremendous rush among the cotton trees beneath 
 me on the right, followed by excited shouts " Look out ! look 
 out ! A bear ! a bear ! " 
 I halted immediately, and in a few seconds three splendid 
 wapiti stags broke covert about 100 yards before me, and at full 
 gallop passed across the open ground by which I was descending. 
 My good resolutions crowded upon me as I instinctively aimed at 
 the stag with the finest head, and I resisted the temptation nobly 
 until they were nearly out of sight, passing down a hollow on my 
 left about 150 yards distant. Somehow or other I pulled the 
 trigger ; a cloud of dust suddenly arose from the spot where the 
 three stags had disappeared, and I felt sure that the wapiti was 
 At the sound of the shot my men struggled up the steep ascent 
 and joined me. " Why did you shout ' A bear ! a bear ! ' 1 " I 
 asked. " It was a bear, wasn't it ? I saw a great brown rump 
 for a moment, and I thought it was the bear." "No bear at all," 
 I answered, " and I have been fool enough to shoot at a wapiti. 
 ... I think you will find it just in the hollow beneath the ridge." 
 The men rode to the spot, and sure enough a magnificent stag 
 was lying dead, shot through the shoulder. A wapiti stag weighs 
 about 900 Ibs. when fat in August and September. The fat upon 
 the brisket of this animal was 5 inches thick, and that upon the 
 rump and loins was nearly 3 inches. We cut this off in one com- 
 plete piece, and when cold, within half an hour it stood up like a 
 cuirass. This was one of the finest that I ever saw, and we took 
 the trouble to cut up all the choicest joints, and concealed them in 
 the branches of a species of yew that was growing upon the edge 
 of the ravine. The delay from my folly in taking this shot exceeded 
 an hour, but the head of the stag was a handsome specimen, and 
 we placed it upon a large boulder of rock, to be sent for upon a 
 future occasion. 
 We again recommenced our search, comforting ourselves with 
 the reflection that "if the bear was in the ravine, the report of 
 the shot would not affect it ; and if it was not in the ravine, it 
 would not matter." 
 As we continued the descent of the mountain slope, the ravine 
 grew wider, and it was now quite 100 yards across ; this would 
 increase the probability of finding game, as there was a larger area 
 of covert at the bottom. I was walking carefully in front of my 
 horse, when, without any alarm given by my men from the bottom 
 of the ravine, my attention was attracted by a rushing sound in 
 the dense cotton trees, and I observed several that were in the 
 thickest part shaking in an extraordinary manner, as though an 
 elephant or a rhinoceros was rubbing itself against the stems. 
 I ran forward towards the spot, and within 15 paces of me I 
 saw a wapiti stag caught by the horns; these were completely 
 entangled among the stems of the thickly growing trees, and the 
 splendid beast was taken prisoner. I could only see occasionally 
 a portion of the horns, and then, as it struggled to escape, I caught 
 sight for a moment of a head and neck sufficient to prove that it 
 was a very splendid beast, with beautiful spreading antlers. The 
 animal was almost within my grasp, and I could have shot it with 
 a pistol ; but my good resolutions stood firm ; I refused the shot, 
 as we had meat of the finest quality that would keep for a week, 
 and to kill another wapiti would be mere waste of life. In a 
 couple of minutes occupied with this humane reflection, yet sorely 
 tempted to take the shot, the stag broke loose, and I heard it 
 crashing full speed down the ravine, and my men shouting loudly 
 that I should "look out!" 
 Hardly two minutes elapsed before I saw, at about 300 yards' 
 distance, the most magnificent stag that I have ever seen. This 
 splendid beast issued from the ravine, and exhibited a pair of 
 antlers that, large as the animal was, appeared quite dispro- 
 portioned to its size. They resembled the wintry appearance of a 
 large branch from an oak tree, and this was the prize which I 
 could not distinctly see when entangled in the cotton-wood, within 
 my grasp. This noble stag descended the mountain side at full 
 speed, and I watched it with longing eyes until it was completely 
 out of sight, fully determined that I would never indulge in good 
 resolutions again, that humanity was humbug, philanthropy puerile, 
 and that the rule of success depended upon the principle "Never 
 lose an opportunity." 
 I was fairly disgusted with myself, and calling my men, I 
 described to them the magnificence of my lost stag. Instead of 
 consolation they said, " Well, if you're come all this way to shoot, 
 and you won't shoot, I don't quite see the use of your coming." 
 That was all I received as a reward for having spared an animal's 
 life which I did not wish to sacrifice wantonly. 
 " All right ; go back and drive the covert to the end ; you may 
 depend upon it I'll take the next shot, whatever it may be." The
 x THE BEAR 211 
 men rode down the steep sides of the ravine, and we recommenced 
 our beat. 
 Nothing moved for some time, and I mounted my horse as we 
 were approaching the junction of the smaller ravine on my left, 
 which formed the letter Y- I was about 100 yards ahead of my 
 two men, and I descended into the stony depression, crossed the 
 little stream, and ascended the opposite side with some little 
 difficulty, as it was extremely steep, and, together with my 12 Ib. 
 rifle, cartridges, and a 26 Ib. Mexican saddle, I rode about 18 
 stone. We reached the top, from which I could look down into 
 the larger ravine on my right, and the lesser on my left, but a 
 number of large rocks, 3 or 4 feet in height, and others of smaller 
 size, made it difficult for my horse to thread his way. Just at this 
 moment I heard the report of a revolver and shouts in high 
 excitement "The bear! the bear!" Before I had time to 
 dismount in the awkward position among the rocks, I saw a large 
 bear within two yards of me, as he had run at full speed up the 
 steep bank from the bottom of the ravine without having observed 
 me, owing to the rocks; he therefore passed close to my horse 
 upon the other side, only separated from us by the large rock 
 between. In an instant the bear, having seen the horse, turned to 
 the left, and dashed down hill into the smaller ravine which I had 
 just crossed. I jumped off my horse, and ran along the edge, 
 ready to take a shot the moment that I could obtain a clear view 
 of the bear, which I could see indistinctly as it ran along the 
 bottom of the channel, in which was the trickling stream. As I 
 followed, always keeping the animal within view, I felt certain 
 that it would presently forsake this narrow gully, and would cut 
 across the open to regain the large ravine from which it had been 
 dislodged. I therefore raised the 150 yards sight as I ran along 
 the edge, to be in readiness should it try the open. The bear kept 
 me running at my best to keep it in sight, and I was just beginning 
 to think it advisable to fire through the intervening bushes, when, 
 as I had expected, it suddenly turned to the left, ran up the bank 
 with extreme activity, and appeared upon the steep open grass-laud, 
 with the intention of cutting across to the larger hiding-place. 
 This was a splendid chance, as the dark colour of the bear looked 
 well upon the yellow grass. I made a most satisfactory shot with 
 the '577 at 150 yards, the bullet passing through the kidneys, 
 and the bear rolled over and over the whole way down the steep 
 grassy hill, until stopped by the thick bushes, which alone prevented 
 it from rolling into the streamlet at the bottom. 
 My two men came galloping up, and shortly dismounted, and
 we all descended to the place where the bear was lying, almost 
 dead. In fact, it died while we were standing over it. 
 " Well done ; that was a fine shot, and we've got the grizzly 
 bear at last," exclaimed Jem Bourne. "27tebear? This is not 
 the bear that Big Bill ran from," I replied ; " impossible, this is a 
 silver-tip, and not a true grizzly." The argument that ensued 
 over the carcase of that bear was quite enough to make me an 
 unbeliever in the ordinary accounts of native hunters. I calcu- 
 lated that the body weighed about 600 Ibs., as my two men were 
 6 feet high, and exceedingly powerful, and our united efforts could 
 not move the bear one inch from the spot where it had fallen ; it 
 may have exceeded that weight, as it was full of fat, and in the 
 finest condition. We skinned it, and had some trouble to induce 
 the horse to permit the hide to be lashed upon its back. Although 
 a fine bear, Big Bill on our return would not acknowledge that it 
 could be compared with the monster which he had seen with such 
 "a smiling countenance." I was quite of his opinion, as the 
 tracks which I saw in the snow were very much larger than the 
 paws of the bear that I have described. 
 The foot of a bear leaves a print very similar to that of a 
 human being who happens to be flat-footed, but the breadth is 
 larger in proportion to that of a man. It is a curious fact, that a 
 shot through the kidneys of any creature occasions almost instant- 
 aneous death, and the animal falls immediately, as though shot 
 through the neck ; this proves the terrible shock to the system, as 
 the body is smitten with a total paralysis. 
 The opinions of professional hunters differ in such an extra- 
 ordinary manner upon the question of bears, that it would be 
 impossible for a mere visitor to arrive at a satisfactory decision. 
 It is admitted by all that the grizzly bear is the monarch ; next 
 to him in size is the cinnamon bear, named from the colour of its 
 fur ; No. 3 is the silver-tipped ; and No. 4 is the black bear. 
 The question to be decided remains : " Is the cinnamon bear 
 the grizzly, with some local difference in colour?" My people 
 called the silver-tipped bears "grizzlies," which was an evident 
 absurdity ; but, as they were men experienced in the Big Horn 
 range, it was difficult to disbelieve their evidence concerning the 
 occasional presence of a true grizzly. I found, whilst riding 
 through an extensive forest of spruce fir, an enormous skull of a 
 bear, the largest that I have ever seen, except that of the grizzly, 
 compared with which all others were mere babies ; what could 
 this have been, unless a true sjttcimen of that variety ? 
 There can be little doubt that bears of different kinds inter-
 x THE BEAR 213 
 mingle occasionally by cross breeds, and many are met with which 
 do not exactly correspond with the colouring which distinguishes 
 the varieties already mentioned ; but in my opinion those distinct 
 varieties actually exist, and any departure occasioned by cross 
 breeding is simply an accident. Eighteen months before my visit 
 to the Big Horn range, the present Lord Lonsdale, together with 
 a large party, was hunting upon the same ground, and at that 
 time the country, being new to British sportsmen, was undis- 
 turbed. The bears were so numerous and unsophisticated that 
 the party bagged thirty-two, and game of all kinds indigenous to 
 the locality was in the superlative. It is astonishing that any 
 game remains after the persistent attacks of gunners, especially in 
 such countries, where open plains expose the animals to the sight 
 of man. In the Big Horn range, at high altitudes of from 8000 
 to 12,000 feet, the open grass prairie-ground predominates. There 
 are plateaux and hill-tops; deep canyons or clefts, from 1500 to 
 2000 feet sheer, like sudden rifts in the earth's surface ; long 
 secluded valleys, with forest-covered bottoms extending for many 
 miles, and slopes of every conceivable gradient descending to a 
 lower level of frightfully broken ground, joining the foot of the 
 main range of Rocky Mountains at a distance of from 70 to 90 
 miles. There are also isolated patches of cotton-wood upon the 
 sides of slopes, which afford excellent covert for deer and bears. 
 The actual width from margin to margin of the high land does 
 not exceed 26 miles, although the length may be 100. It may 
 readily be imagined that a month's shooting upon this area would 
 be sufficient to scare the animals from the neighbourhood, more 
 especially as the hunters are invariably on horseback, and traverse 
 great distances each day. 
 When I was there we very seldom found bears upon the open, 
 as they retired to the obscurity of the forests before break of day. 
 Bob Stewart assured me that two seasons ago it was impossible to 
 ride out in the early morning without seeing bears, but he counted 
 up a long reckoning of seventy-two killed since the visit of Lord 
 Lonsdale's party. This must have sensibly diminished the stock, 
 and have afforded considerable experience to the survivors. Never- 
 theless upon several occasions bears exhibited themselves during 
 broad daylight without being sought for. 
 We were tired of nothing but venison in every shape, and 
 although the German cook, "little Henry," was a good fellow, he 
 could not manage to change the menu without other provisions in 
 the larder. I accordingly devoted myself one afternoon to shoot- 
 ing "sage-hens"; this is a species of grouse about the size of a
 domestic fowl, and, when young, there is nothing better. The 
 old birds are not only tough, but they taste too strongly of sage, 
 from subsisting upon the buds and young shoots of the wild plant. 
 They were very numerous in certain localities, having much the 
 same habits as the black game of North Britain, therefore we knew 
 at once where to seek them. 
 Our camp was within a few feet of the little stream, just within 
 the forest at the bottom of the valley ; the dense mass of spruce 
 firs extended for 8 or 10 miles along the slopes, only broken at 
 intervals by gaps a few hundred yards wide, which divided the 
 forest from top to base, and formed admirable places for ascending 
 to the great plateau on the summit. This plateau extended for 
 several miles, and was nearly level, the surface being liberally 
 strewed with stones about 2 feet in length, but exceedingly flat, 
 as though prepared for roofing slates ; these had been turned over 
 incessantly by the bears, in search for what Bob Stewart called 
 " bugs " the general and comprehensive American name for every 
 We found a number of sage-hens upon this plateau, and I picked 
 out the young ones with my rabbit rifle, as they ran upon the 
 sage-covered ground. Texas Bill was soon loaded with game, and 
 discarding the old birds that had been killed by mistake, we de- 
 scended the grass-covered gap between the forests, and returned 
 direct to camp. Little Henry had now a change of materials for 
 our dinner. 
 It was nearly dusk, and I went into the small tent to have a 
 hot bath after the day's work. I was just drying myself, after the 
 operation of washing, when I heard an excited voice shout " Bears ! 
 bears ! " It was useless for me to ask questions through the 
 canvas, therefore I hurried on my clothes and ran out. 
 Texas Bill was gone. It appeared that two large bears had 
 been seen as they came along the glen, and turned up the open 
 slope, by which we had descended after shooting the sage-hens. 
 My best horse had not been unsaddled, as the evening was chilly ; 
 therefore Texas Bill had immediately jumped into the saddle, and 
 was off in full pursuit. 
 "What rifle did he take?" I inquired of little Henry. "He 
 didn't take any rifle, but he's got his six-shooter, which is much 
 better in his hands, as he knows it," was the reply. 
 There was very little light remaining, and with the long start 
 which the bears obtained, I could not think that Bill would have 
 the slightest chance of overhauling them before they reached the 
 forest ; this they would assuredly attempt, the instant they saw
 x THE BEAR 215 
 themselves pursued. If Bill could only get them upon the open 
 plateau on the summit, he might be able to manage them, but with 
 a gallop up a steep hill to commence with, in the late dusk of 
 evening, the odds were decidedly against him. 
 It became dark, and we expected Bill's return every minute. 
 Jem Bourne, my head man, who was always a grumbler, and ex- 
 ceedingly jealous, began to ventilate his feelings. " A pretty fool 
 he's made of himself to go galloping after bears in a dark night, 
 and nothing but a six-shooter ! . . A nice thing for our best horse 
 to break his legs over those big rocks that nobody can see at night. 
 . . . Well, he'll have to sleep out, and he'll find it pretty cold 
 before the morning, I know. . . . What business he's got to take 
 that horse without permission, beats me hollow ! " 
 This sort of muttered growling was disturbed by two shots in 
 quick succession, far up, above the summit of the forest. There 
 could be no doubt that Bill had overhauled the bears. 
 By this time it was quite dark, and we drew our own conclusions 
 from the two pistol shots, the unanimous decision being that Bill 
 had fired in the hope of turning the bears when entering the forest ; 
 but what chance had he in the dark, and single-handed ? 
 I did not take much interest in such a hopeless chase, but I was 
 anxious about the horse, as the country was so rough that it would 
 be most difficult to pick a way through holes and rocks, to say 
 nothing of fallen trees, which, even during daylight, required con- 
 We piled immense pine-logs upon the fire, in addition to bundles 
 of spruce branches ; these made a blaze 20 feet high, and would 
 form a beacon as a guide in the dark night. 
 I had taken the time by my watch when we heard the two shots 
 upon the mountain top ; twenty minutes had passed, and my lips 
 were almost numbed by whistling with my fingers as a signal that 
 could be heard during a calm night at a great distance. Suddenly 
 this signal appeared to be answered by a shot, from a totally 
 different direction from the first that we had heard ; then, quickly, 
 another shot ; followed in irregular succession, until we had counted 
 six. " His six-shooter's empty now, but he's got plenty of cart- 
 ridges in his belt," exclaimed little Henry, the cook. 
 What was the object of these shots 1 He could not have followed 
 the bears that distance in the dark, as his position was quite a 
 mile from the spot where he had first fired ; and he was now, as 
 nearly as we could imagine, above a rocky cliff which bordered a 
 grassy gap that would enable him to descend into our valley ; he 
 would then find his way parallel with the stream direct to our camp.
 My men wished to fire some shots in response, but I declined to 
 permit this disturbance of the neighbourhood, as it would have 
 effectually driven all animals from the locality ; we merely piled 
 logs upon the fire, which could be seen from the heights at a great 
 distance, and we waited in anxious expectation. 
 Nearly an hour passed away without any further sign. Bill 
 could not have fired those six shots in succession to attract our 
 attention, as it would have been a needless waste of ammunition : 
 if he had expected a response to a signal, he would have fired a 
 single shot, to be followed by another some minutes later. We now 
 considered that he might have severely wounded the bear by the 
 first two shots that we had heard, and that he had followed the 
 beast up in some extraordinary manner, and at length discovered it. 
 We were about to give up all hope of his return, and knowing 
 that he, as a smoker, was never without a supply of matches, we 
 expected to see the glare of a distant fire, by which he would sit 
 up throughout the night, when presently we heard the sound of 
 whistling, and the clatter of a horse's feet among the stones of the 
 brook, within 150 yards of our position. 
 In a couple of minutes Texas Bill appeared, leading the horse, 
 which was covered with dry foam. In one hand he held a large 
 bloody mass ; this was the liver of a bear ! 
 "Well done, Bill!" we all exclaimed, except the sulky Jem 
 Bourne, who only muttered, "A pretty state you've brought that 
 horse to ; why, I shouldn't have known him." 
 The story was now told by the modest Bill, who did not imagine 
 that he had done anything to excite admiration. This was his 
 account of the hunt in the dark : "Well, you see, when the two 
 bears were going up the open slope, down which you and I came, 
 after shooting the sage-hens, all I could do was to gallop after 
 them, to keep them from getting into the forest ; when of course 
 they would have been gone for ever. One of them did make a 
 rush, and passed across me before I could stop him, and I didn't 
 mind this, as I couldn't have managed two. I got in front of the 
 other, and cracked my whip at him, and at last I got him well in 
 the open on the big plateau, where we shot the sage-hens. He 
 got savage now, and was determined to push by me and gain the 
 forest ; but I rode right at him, and seeing that I couldn't stop 
 him, I fired my six-shooter to turn him, just as he made a dash at 
 the horse. He made another rush at the horse, and I turned him 
 with another shot, within a couple of paces' distance. This made 
 him take off in a new direction, and he tried to cross the big 
 plateau, intending, no doubt, to get to the forest a couple of miles
 x THE BEAR 217 
 away on the pointed hill. It was so dark that I could hardly see 
 him, and my only chance was to ride round him, and work him 
 till he should stand quiet enough to let me take a steady shot. 
 " He went on, sometimes here, sometimes there, and at last he 
 changed his mind, and seeing that he couldn't get away from the 
 horse across the open, he turned, and made for the 10 mile forest. 
 It was as much as I could do to drive him, by shouting and 
 cracking my whip whenever I headed him ; if I had only once let 
 him get out of sight, I should never have seen him again. 
 The ground is full of stones, as you know, which bothered the 
 horse in turning quickly ; but we went on, sometimes full gallop 
 straight away, at other times dancing round and round, until at 
 last the old bear got regularly tuckered-out, and he was so done he 
 could hardly move. There he was, with his tongue hanging out 
 of his mouth, standing, panting and blowing, and my horse wasn't 
 much better, I can tell you. Well, I was drawn up as close to 
 him as though I was going to strike him, and he was so completely 
 done there wasn't any fight in him ; my horse's flanks were heaving 
 in such a way that I could hardly load the two chambers that I 
 had fired. I was determined to have all my six shots ready before 
 I began to fire, and it was just lucky that I did, for I'm blessed if 
 I could kill him. There he stood, regularly exhausted-like, and 
 he took shot after shot, and never seemed to notice, or to care for 
 anything. At last I almost touched him, when I fired my sixth 
 cartridge between his shoulders, and he dropped stone dead. That's 
 all that happened, and I thought you wouldn't believe me if I came 
 back without a proof; so I cut him open, and took out his liver 
 to show you ; and here it is." 
 Although this fine fellow thought nothing of his achievement, 
 I considered it to be the most extraordinary feat of horsemanship 
 that I had ever heard of, combined with wonderful determination. 
 In the darkness of night, without a moon, to hunt single-handed, 
 and to kill, a full-grown bear with a revolver, was in my experience 
 an unprecedented triumph in shikar. 
 Early on the following morning I sent for the bear's skin. It 
 proved to be a large silver-tipped, and a close examination exhibited 
 the difficulties of the encounter during darkness. 
 Eight shots had been fired from the commencement, to the 
 termination by the last fatal bullet ; but, although Texas Bill was 
 an excellent shot with his revolver, he had missed seven times, and 
 the eighth was the only bullet that struck the bear ! This had 
 entered between the shoulders vertically, proving the correctness 
 of his description, as he must have shot directly downwards. The
 bullet had passed through the centre of the heart, and had escaped 
 near the brisket, having penetrated completely through this for- 
 midable animal. 
 Upon my return to England I immediately purchased a similar 
 revolver of Messrs. Colt and Co. the long frontier pistol, '450 
 Although bears were scarce, wo occasionally met them unex- 
 pectedly. As a rule, I took Jem Bourne and Texas Bill out 
 shooting, the man Gaylord had to look after the twelve or thirteen 
 animals, and little Henry, the German cook, was left in camp to 
 assist my wife. Upon one of these rather dull days the camp was 
 enlivened by the visit of three large bears. These creatures 
 emerged from the neighbouring jungle, and commenced a search 
 for food within 50 yards of the camp, only separated by a narrow 
 streamlet of 10 feet in width. For about twenty minutes they 
 were busily engaged in working up the ground like pigs, in search 
 of roots or worms ; in this manner they amused themselves 
 harmlessly, until they suddenly observed that they were watched, 
 after which they retreated to the forest. 
 My acquaintance Bob Stewart assured me that the bears had 
 become so shy, that the only way to succeed was to "jump a bear." 
 This term was explained as follows : you were to ride through 
 forest, until you came across the fresh track of a bear ; you were 
 then to follow it up on foot, until you should arrive at the secluded 
 spot where the bear slept during the daytime, in the recesses of 
 the forest. It would of course jump out of its bed when disturbed, 
 and this was termed "jumping a bear." Of course you incurred 
 the chance of the animal's attack, when thus suddenly intruded 
 upon at close quarters. 
 I agreed to start with Bob upon such an excursion ; but I found 
 that this kind of sport was more adapted for his light weight than 
 my own, and that his moccasins were far superior to my boots, for 
 running along the stems of fallen spruce trees at all kinds of angles, 
 and for jumping from one prostrate trunk to another, in a squirrel- 
 like fashion, more in harmony with a man of 9 stone than one of 15. 
 We started together, Bob mounted upon his little mare, while I 
 rode my best horse, " Buckskin," who was trained, like many of 
 these useful animals, to stand alone, and graze, without moving 
 away from his position for hours ; should it be necessary to dis- 
 mount, and leave him. The horses thus tutored are invaluable for 
 shooting purposes, as it is frequently necessary to stalk an animal 
 on foot ; in which case, the bridle is simply arranged by drawing 
 the reins over the head, and throwing them in his front, to fall
 x THE BEAR 219 
 upon the ground before his fore-feet. When thus managed, the 
 horse will feed, but he will never move away from his position, and 
 he will wait for hours for the return of his master. 
 We rode about four miles without seeing a living creature, 
 except a badger. This animal squatted upon seeing the horses, 
 and lay close to the ground, like a hare in form, until we actually 
 halted within 10 feet of its position. Bob immediately suggested 
 that we should kill it, and secure its skin (his one idea appeared to 
 be a longing to divest everything of its hide) ; but I would not 
 halt, as the day was to be devoted to bears. We at length arrived 
 at a portion of the forest where the young spruce had grown up 
 from a space that had formerly been burnt ; about 50 acres were 
 densely covered with bright green foliage, forming a pleasing con- 
 trast to the sombre hue of the older forest. This was considered 
 by my guide to be a likely retreat for bears ; it was as thick as 
 possible for trees to grow. 
 We accordingly dismounted, threw the reins over our horses' 
 heads, and, taking the right direction of the wind, we entered the 
 main forest, which was connected with the younger growth. It 
 was easy to distinguish tracks, as the earth was covered with old 
 half-rotten pine needles, which formed a soft surface, that would 
 receive a deep impression. Nearly all the old trees were more or 
 less barked by the horns of wapiti, showing that immense numbers 
 must visit these woods at the season when the horns are nearly 
 hard, and require rubbing, to clean them from the velvet. We had 
 not strolled more than half a mile through the dark wood when 
 Bob suddenly halted, and, like Eobinson Crusoe, he appeared 
 startled by the signs of a footstep deeply imprinted in the soil. It 
 was uncommonly like a large and peculiarly broad human foot, but 
 there was no doubt it was a most recent track of a bear, and the 
 direction taken would lead towards the dense young spruce that 
 we had already seen. We followed the track, until we at length 
 arrived at the bright green thicket, in which we felt sure the bear 
 must be lying down. 
 This was an exceedingly awkward place, and Bob assured me 
 that if he were alone, he should decline to enter such a forest, as 
 it was impossible to see a yard ahead, and a bear might spring 
 upon you before you knew that it was near. As I had a double- 
 barrelled powerful rifle, I of course went first, followed by Bob 
 close behind. As noiselessly as possible, we pushed through the 
 elastic branches, and very slowly followed the track, which was 
 now more difficult to distinguish, owing to the close proximity of 
 the young trees that overshadowed the surface of the ground.
 In this manner we hail advanced about a quarter of a mile, 
 when a sudden rush was made exactly in my front, the young 
 trees were roughly shaken, and I jumped forward immediately, 
 to meet or to follow the animal, before I could determine what it 
 really was. Something between a short roar and a grunt pro- 
 claimed it to be a bear, and I pushed on as fast as I could through 
 the opposing branches ; I could neither see nor hear any- 
 Bob Stewart now joined me. " That's no good," he exclaimed, 
 "you shouldn't run forward when you hear the rush of a bear, 
 but jump on one side, as I did. Supposing that bear had come 
 straight at you ; why, he'd a been on the top of you before you 
 could have got your rifle up. True, you've got a double-barrel, 
 but that's not my way of shooting bears, although that's the way 
 to jump a bear, which you've seen now, and you may jump a good 
 many before you get a shot in this kind of stuff." 
 I could not induce Bob to take any further trouble in pursuit, 
 as he assured me that it would be to no purpose : the bear when 
 thus disturbed would go straight away, and might not halt for 
 several miles. 
 This was a disappointment ; we therefore sought our horses, 
 which we found quietly grazing in the place that we expected. 
 Remounting, we rode slowly through the great mass of spruce firs, 
 which I had named the "10 mile forest." 
 There was very little underwood beyond a few young spruce 
 here and there, and we could see from 80 to 100 yards in every 
 direction. Presently we came across an enormous skull, which 
 Bob immediately examined, and handed it to me, suggesting that 
 I should preserve it as a specimen. He declared this to be the 
 skull of a true grizzly ; but some of the teeth were missing, and 
 as I seldom collect anything that I have not myself shot or taken 
 a part in shooting, I declined the head, although it was double the 
 size of anything I had experienced. 
 The forest was peculiarly dark, and the earth was so soft from 
 the decaying pine needles, that our horses made no noise, unless 
 when occasionally their hoofs struck against the brittle branches of 
 a fallen tree. We were thus riding, always keeping a bright look- 
 out, when Bob (who was leading) suddenly sprang from his mare, 
 and as quick as lightning fired at a black-tail buck, that was 
 standing about 80 yards upon our right. His shot had no effect ; 
 the deer, which had not before observed us, started at the shot, 
 and stood again, without moving more than three or four yards. 
 Bob had reloaded his Sharp like magic, and he fired another shot,
 x THE BEAR 221 
 hitting it through the neck, as it was gazing directly towards us ; 
 it fell dead, without moving a foot. 
 We rode up to the buck ; it was in beautiful condition, but the 
 horns were in velvet, and were useless. I now watched with 
 admiration the wonderful dexterity with which Bob, as a profes- 
 sional skin-hunter, divested this buck of its hide. It appeared to 
 me that I could hardly take off my own clothes (if I were to 
 commence with my greatcoat) quicker than he ripped off the skin 
 from this beautiful beast. With very little delay, the hide was 
 neatly folded up, and secured to the Mexican saddle by the long 
 leathern thongs, which form portions of that excellent invention. 
 Bob remounted his mare, with the skin strapped behind the 
 cantle, like a military valise ; and we continued on our way. 
 "That was a quick shot, Bob." "Yes, 2J dollars, or 2 dollars 
 at least, I'll get for that skin ; you see there's no game that pays 
 us like the black-tail, and I never let one go if I can help it; 
 they're easy to shoot, easy to skin, easy to dry, and easy to sell at 
 a good price, and more than that, they're handy to pack upon a 
 That little incident having passed, we again relapsed into 
 silence, and rode slowly forward, with a wide-awake look-out on 
 every side. 
 We had ridden about a mile, when the fresh tracks of bears 
 that had crossed our route caused a sudden halt, and we immedi- 
 ately dismounted to examine them. They were of average size, 
 and there could be no doubt, from the short stride of each pace, 
 that they were retiring leisurely, after a night's ramble, to the beds 
 in which they usually laid up. We led our horses to a small glade 
 of good grass that was not far distant, and left them in the usual 
 We now commenced tracking, which was simple enough, as the 
 heavy footprints were distinct, and the bears had been travelling 
 tolerably straight towards home. At length, after nearly a mile 
 of this easy work, we arrived at a portion of the forest where some 
 hurricane must in former years have levelled several hundred acres. 
 The trees were lying about in confused heaps, piled in many places 
 one upon the other, in the greatest confusion. None of them were 
 absolutely rotten, but the branches were exceedingly brittle, and, 
 if broken, they snapped like a pistol shot, making a noiseless 
 advance most difficult. Through this chaos of fallen timber the 
 young spruce had grown with extreme vigour, and I never ex- 
 perienced greater difficulty in making my way than in this tangled 
 and obdurate mass of long trunks of gnarled trees, and branches
 lying at every angle, iutergrown with the green boughs of younger 
 Bob Stewart wore moccasins, and being exceedingly light and 
 active, he ran up each sloping tree-stem for 40 or 50 feet, then 
 dropped nimbly to another fallen trunk below, bobbed under a 
 mass of heavy timber, like masts in a shipbuilder's yard, supported 
 as they had chanced to fall, and then dived underneath all sorts of 
 obstructions. He was followed admiringly, but slowly, by myself, 
 not provided with moccasins, but in high riding boots. If I had 
 been a squirrel, I might perhaps have beaten Bob, but after several 
 hundred yards of this horrible entanglement, which might have 
 been peopled by all the bears in Wyoming, we arrived at a small 
 grassy swamp in the bottom of a hollow, just beneath a great mass 
 of perpendicular rock, about 70 or 80 feet in height. In the 
 centre of this hollow was a pool of water, about 8 feet by 6. This 
 had been disturbed so recently by some large animal, that the mud 
 was still curling in dusky rings, showing that the bath had only 
 just been vacated. We halted, and examined this attentively. 
 The edges of the little pool were wet with the drip from the bear's 
 shaggy coat, as it had left the water. 
 Bob whispered to me, " Look sharp, there are bears here, more 
 than one I think, and if they've heard us, they'll be somewhere 
 alongside this rock, I reckon, or maybe up above." We crept 
 along, and beneath the fallen timber ; but it was so dark, owing 
 to the great number of young spruce which had pushed their way 
 upwards, that a dozen bears might have moved without our 
 seeing one. 
 We now arrived at a small open space, about 20 feet square ; 
 this was a delightful change from the darkness and obstructions. 
 The ground in this spot was a deep mass of pine needles, and in 
 this soft material there were three or four round depressions, quite 
 smooth, and about 18 inches deep; these were the beds of bears, 
 where in undisturbed solitude they were in the habit of sleeping 
 after their nocturnal rambles. 
 I was of opinion that we had disturbed our game, as several 
 times we had accidentally broken a dead branch, with a loud 
 report, when clambering through the abominable route. However, 
 we crept forward round the base of the rock, and arrived in the 
 darkest and thickest place that we had hitherto experienced. 
 At this moment we heard a sharp report, as a dead branch 
 snapped immediately in our front. For an instant I saw a large 
 black shadow apparently walking along the trunk of a fallen pine. 
 I could not see the sight of my rifle in the deep gloom, but I fired,
 x THE BEAR 223 
 and was answered by a short growl and a momentary crash among 
 the branches. 
 We ran forward with difficulty, but no bear was to be seen. 
 We searched everywhere, but in vain. I came to the conclusion 
 that the game was hardly worth the candle. 
 Through several hours we worked hard, but did not find another 
 bear ; and it was past five o'clock when we arrived at our camp, 
 after a long day's work, in which we had certainly "jumped" two 
 bears, but had not succeeded in bagging one. 
 Texas Bill came to hold my horse upon our arrival ; he was 
 looking rather shy, and ill-at-ease. "What's the matter, Bill? 
 anything gone wrong 1" I asked. 
 " Well," he replied, " I hope you won't blame me, as I don't 
 think it right, but you know where you killed a wapiti a couple of 
 clays ago, and we found the next morning that the bears had been 
 and buried it ; and you said we'd better leave the place quiet for a 
 day, and then you'd go early in the morning, and perhaps find the 
 bears upon the spot 1 Well, after you were gone with Bob this 
 morning, Jem Bourne proposed that we should go and have a look 
 at the place, and sure enough when we got there we found a great 
 big bear fast asleep, lying on the top of the buried wapiti, and her 
 two half-grown cubs asleep with her. So Jem had ydur Martini- 
 Henry with him, and he killed the mother stone dead, through the 
 shoulder. Up gets one of the young ones, and hits his brother (or 
 sister) such a whack in the eye with his paw that it just made rne 
 laugh, and then he cuffs him again over the head, just as though it 
 was his fault that the mother was knocked over. Jem had reloaded, 
 so he put a bullet through this young fellow ; and then putting in 
 another cartridge, he floored the third, and they were all dead in 
 less than a minute. It's a fine rifle is that Martini-Henry, but I 
 think you'll be displeased, as we had no business to go nigh the 
 place ; it ain't my fault, and I wouldn't have done it myself, you 
 may be sure." 
 This was a glorious triumph for the jealous Jem Bourne, who 
 was highly offended at my having adopted the advice, and sought 
 the assistance of Bob Stewart, to "jump a bear." We had returned 
 as failures, and he had killed three bears with my rifle, within my 
 sanctuary, which I had specially arranged for a visit upon the 
 following day. He declared " that nobody should stop him from 
 killing bears, as his right was just as good as mine." This poach- 
 ing upon my preserves was rather too much for my patience, 
 therefore without any discussion or angry words I gave him a note 
 to carry 42 miles' distance on the following morning, to a friend of
 mine at the second ranchc. " What horse shall I ride 1 " asked the 
 fellow sullenly. " The white mule," I replied. " When am I to 
 come back?" "Not till I send for you," was the answer; and 
 Jem Bourne ceased to be a member of our party. 
 This was an excellent example, as many of these people are ex- 
 ceedingly independent, and although he received high wages (120 
 dollars monthly, in addition to his food, and a horse to ride), he 
 considered that he was quite the equal of his employer. Although 
 my other men received only half these wages, they were more useful, 
 and after this dismissal we were far more comfortable. 
 It was a strange study of the Far West in these outlandish 
 and utterly uninhabited districts. When looking down from the 
 summit of the mountains, facing north, we were positively certain 
 that for more than 100 miles in a direct line there was not a 
 human habitation, and the nearest point of embryo civilisation was 
 the Government Park on the Yellowstone river, at least 150 miles 
 distant In our rear we were 80 miles from the abandoned 
 station of Powder River, with only two ranches in the interval. 
 It may be readily imagined that the laws of civilised communities 
 were difficult to administer in such a wilderness. 
 The nearest railway station was "Rock Creek," about 240 
 miles, upon the Union Pacific, from whence we had originally 
 started; that point is about 7000 feet above the sea-level. A 
 curious contrivance, slung upon leather straps instead of springs, 
 represents a coach, which, drawn by four horses, plies to Fort 
 Fetterman, 90 miles distant. During this prairie journey the horses 
 are only changed twice. 
 There are no dwellings to be seen throughout the undulating 
 mass of wild grass; this possesses extraordinary properties for 
 fattening cattle and wild animals ; but after a weary drive along 
 a track worn by wheels and other traffic, and occasionally well 
 defined by empty tins that had contained preserved provisions, a 
 small speck is seen upon the horizon, which is declared to be the 
 station for spare horses. 
 Upon arrival at this cheerless abode we entered a small log- 
 house, containing two rooms and a kitchen ; but the cooking was 
 conducted in the public room, an apartment about 13 feet square, 
 with a useful kind of stove in one corner. The man who repre- 
 sented the establishment had of course observed the coach in the 
 far distance, therefore he was not startled by the arrival of our 
 party, which consisted of the Hon. Charles Ellis, Lady Baker, and 
 myself. He had already begun to fry bacon in a huge frying-pan 
 upon the little stove, and he had opened some large tins of pre-
 x THE BEAR 225 
 served vegetables, in addition to another containing some kind of 
 animal hardly to be distinguished. He had been successful that 
 morning, having killed an antelope; therefore we had quite an 
 entertainment in this log-hut, so far away from the great world. 
 The table was spread with a very dirty cloth, and our small 
 party was immediately augmented by the arrival of the coachman 
 (our driver), the man who looked after the horses, an outside 
 passenger of questionable respectability, and our host, who had 
 just cooked the bacon. It was an unexceptional fashion throughout 
 the country to reduce all clothing to a minimum. Coats were un- 
 known during the summer months (this was the middle of August) ; 
 waistcoats were despised ; and the costume of the period consisted 
 of a flannel shirt, and a pair of trousers sustained by a belt in lieu 
 of braces. Attached to this belt was the omnipresent six-shooter 
 in its. holster. I was the only person who possessed, or at all 
 events exhibited, a coat ; and I felt that peculiar and unhappy 
 sensation of being over-dressed, which I feared might be mistaken 
 for pride by our unsophisticated companions. 
 We were not a cheery party; on the contrary, everybody 
 appeared to be so determined not to say the wrong thing, that they 
 remained silent ; the dulness of the meal was only broken at long 
 intervals by such carefully expressed sentiments as " I'll trouble 
 you to pass the salt, if you please," or " Will you kindly hand the 
 bacon 1 " 
 There was no vulgarity in this, and we were afterwards informed 
 that these rough people, who, as a rule, season their conversation 
 with the pepper of profanity, are painfully sensitive to the presence 
 of a lady, before whom they are upon their P's and Q's of propriety ; 
 and, should an improper expression escape their lips in an unguarded 
 moment, they would be in a state of deep depression from the 
 keenest remorse, which might perhaps cause a sense of unhappiness 
 for at least five minutes. They most sensibly refrained altogether 
 from conversation in a lady's presence, to avoid the possibility of a 
 " slip of the tongue." 
 If they could have left their perfume behind, together with the 
 profanity, our table would have been sweeter ; but the flannel shirts 
 were seldom washed, to prevent shrinking, just as their owners 
 seldom spoke, to avoid swearing ; an overpowering smell of horses 
 was emitted by the driver, and of stables by the ostler, while the 
 proprietor exhaled the mixed but indescribable odours combined 
 from his various duties, such as cooking, cleaning up, sleeping in 
 his clothes, and never washing them. 
 The meal over, we again started. This stage was interesting, 
 as we left the treeless expanse of prairie, and drove over high land 
 through picturesque forests of spruce firs among rocks and canyons. 
 About 20 miles of this scenery was passed ; then we descended a 
 long slope, and once more emerged upon the dreary, treeless prospect. 
 At the end of 35 miles another speck was seen, which eventually 
 turned out to be a station similar to that at which we had halted 
 in the morning. There were two pretty-looking and clean girls 
 here ; they had come to assist their brother, who " ran " the house. 
 It was curious to observe the little evidences of civilisation which 
 the presence of these girls had introduced. At first sight, among a 
 rude community, I should have had strong misgivings concerning the 
 security of young girls without a mother ; but, on the contrary, I 
 was assured that no man would ever presume to insult a respectable 
 woman, and the girls were safer here than they would be at New 
 York. It was a delightful anomaly in a society which otherwise 
 was exceedingly brutal, that a good woman possessed a civilising 
 power which gained the respect of her rough surroundings, and, by 
 an unpretentious charm, softened both speech and morals. 
 It was to be regretted that this benign influence could not have 
 been extended to the vermin. When the lamp was extinguished, 
 the bed was alive. I always marvelled at the phrase, " he took up 
 his bed and walked," but if the bugs had been unanimous, they 
 could have walked off with the bed without a miracle. Sleeping 
 was impossible. I relighted the paraffin lamp, a retreat was 
 evidently sounded, and the enemy retired. Presently an explosion 
 took place the lamp had gone wrong, and burst, fortunately with- 
 out setting the place on fire. An advance was sounded, and the 
 enemy came on, determined upon victory. 
 I never slept in one of those prairie stations again, but we pre- 
 ferred a camp sheet and good blankets on the sage-bush, with the 
 sky for a ceiling. 
 On arrival at Fort Fetterman, 90 miles from Rock Creek station, 
 the coach drew up at a log-house of greater pretensions than those 
 upon the prairie. I had letters of introduction from General 
 McDowell (who was Commander-in-Chief of the Pacific Coast) to 
 Colonel Gentry, who commanded Fort Fetterman, and Major 
 Powell of the same station. 
 Not wishing to drive up to the door of his private house, we 
 alighted at the log-hut which represented the inn. The room was 
 horridly dirty, the floor was sanded, and there was a peculiar smell 
 of bad drink, and an expression of depravity about the establishment. 
 The host was a tall man, attired as usual in a flannel shirt and 
 trousers, with a belt and revolver. He had evidently observed an
 x THE BEAR 227 
 expression of disgust upon our faces, as he exclaimed, "Well, I 
 guess we ain't fixed up for ladies ; and p'r'aps it's as well that you 
 came to-day instead of last night, if you ain't fond of shooting 
 affairs. You were just looking at that table and thinking the 
 table-cover was a bit dirty, weren't you 1 Well, last night Dick 
 and Bill got to words over their cards, and before Dick could get 
 out his six-shooter, young Bill was too quick and resolute, and he 
 put two bullets through him just across this table, and he fell over 
 it on his face, and never spoke a word. It's a good job too that 
 Dick's got it at last." 
 This little incident was quite in harmony with the appearance of 
 the den. I knew that letters had been previously forwarded from 
 San Francisco to the Commandant, therefore I strolled towards his 
 quarters, to leave my card and letter of introduction. 
 Fort Fetterman is not a fort, but merely an open station, with 
 a frontier guard of one company of troops. I met Colonel Gentry, 
 who was, very kindly, on his way towards the inn to meet us on 
 arrival. Upon my inquiring respecting the fatal quarrel across the 
 table, he informed me that he had held an inquest, and buried the 
 man that morning. 
 The deceased was a notorious character, and he would assuredly 
 have shot his younger antagonist, had he not been the quicker of 
 the two in drawing his pistol. 
 This was a satisfactory termination to a dispute concerning cards, 
 and there was a total absence of any false sentiment upon the part 
 of the common-sense authority. 
 We were most hospitably entertained by Major and Mrs. Powell, 
 to whose kind care we were committed by Colonel Gentry, who, 
 being a bachelor, had no accommodation for ladies. It was very 
 delightful, in the centre of a prairie wildernesss, to meet with ladies, 
 and to hear the rich contralto voice of Miss Powell, their daughter 
 of eighteen, who promised to be a singer much above the 
 On the following morning we started for Powder River, 92 miles 
 from Fort Fetterman ; there was no public conveyance, as Powder 
 River station had been abandoned since^the Indians had been driven 
 back, and confined to their reservation lands. We were bound by 
 invitation to the cattle ranche of Mr. R. Frewen and his brother 
 Mr. Moreton Frewen; these gentlemen had an establishment at 
 Powder River, although their house was 22 miles distant upon the 
 other side, in the centre of their ranche. They had very kindly 
 sent a four-wheeled open carriage for us ; one of those conveyances 
 that are generally known as American waggons, with enormously
 high wheels of cobweb-like transparency. Jem Bourne had been 
 sent as our conductor, having been engaged as my head man. 
 There was nothing but prairie throughout this uninteresting 
 journey, enlivened now and then by a few antelopes. 
 Castle Frewen, as the superior log building was facetiously 
 called by the Americans, was 212 miles from Rock Creek station, 
 and we were well pleased upon arrival to accept their thoroughly 
 appreciated hospitality. Their house had an upper floor, and a 
 staircase rising from a hall, the walls of which were boarded, but 
 were ornamented with heads and horns of a variety of wild animals ; 
 these were in excellent harmony with the style of the surroundings. 
 Here we had the additional advantage of a kind and most charming 
 hostess in Mrs. Moreton Frewen, in whose society it seemed im- 
 possible to believe that we were so remote from what the world 
 calls civilisation. There was a private telephone, 22 miles in 
 length, to the station at Powder River, and the springing of the 
 alarm every quarter of an hour throughout the day was a sufficient 
 proof of the attention necessary to conduct the affairs successfully 
 at that distance from the place of business. 
 Our kind friends afforded us every possible assistance for the 
 arrangements that were necessary, and we regarded with admiration 
 the energy and perseverance they exhibited in working with their 
 own hands, and in knowing how to use their own hands, in the 
 absence of such assistance as would be considered necessary in 
 civilised countries. 
 There were about 8000 head of cattle upon the Frewens' ranche, 
 all of which were in excellent condition. It was beyond my pro- 
 vince to enter upon the question of successful ranching, but the 
 Americans confided to me that the prairie grass, instead of bene- 
 fiting by the pasturing of cattle, became exhausted, and that weeds 
 usurped the place of the grass, which disappeared ; therefore it 
 would follow that a given area, that would support 10,000 head of 
 cattle at the present time, would in a few years only support half 
 that number. It might therefore be inferred that the process of 
 deterioration would ultimately result in the loss of pasturage, and 
 the necessary diminution in the herds. 
 From the Frewens' ranche, a ride of 25 miles along the course 
 of the Powder river brought us to the last verge of civilisation ; 
 the utmost limit of the cattle ranches was owned by very nice 
 young people, Mr. and Mrs. Peters, Americans, and Mr. Alston, 
 an English partner. 
 ^^ ^ e had l>een hospitably received by these charming young 
 settlers, whose rough log-house was in the last stage of completion,
 x THE BEAR 229 
 and I fear we must have caused them great personal incon- 
 On the following morning we started for the wilds of the Big 
 Horn, and crossing the Powder river, we at once commenced the 
 steep ascent, for a steady pull of 4000 feet above the dell in which 
 the house was situated. We left them, with the promise to pay 
 them a few days' visit on our return. 
 It was then that we quickly discovered the peculiarities of our 
 four attendants, whom I had expected to be examples of stern 
 hardihood, that would represent the fabled reputation of the back- 
 Although they were fine fellows in a certain way, they astonished 
 me by their luxurious habits. In a country that abounded with 
 game, I should have expected to exist upon the produce of the rifle, 
 as I had done so frequently during many years' experience of rough 
 life. A barrel of biscuits, a few pounds of bacon, and a good 
 supply of coffee would have been sufficient for a crowned head who 
 was fond of shooting, especially in a country where every kind of 
 animal was fat. My men did not view this picture of happiness in 
 the same light ; they required coffee, sugar, an immense supply of 
 bacon, an oven for baking bread, flour, baking-powder, preserved 
 apples (dried), ditto peaches, ditto blackberries, together with the 
 necessaries of pepper, salt, etc. 
 It was always my custom to drink a pint of cafe au lait and to 
 eat some toast and butter at about 6 A.M. before starting for our 
 day's work ; after this I never thought of food throughout the day, 
 until my return in the evening, which was generally at five or six 
 My people were never ready in the morning, but were invari- 
 ably squatted in front of the frying-pan, frizzling bacon, when I 
 was prepared to start. Jem Bourne was a chronic grumbler 
 because we hunted far away from camp, instead of returning at 
 mid-day to luncheon. Excellent fresh bread was baked daily, 
 and I insisted upon the people supplying themselves with sufficient 
 food packed upon their saddles, if they were not hardy enough 
 for a day's work after a good breakfast. 
 I observed that my friends Big Bill and Bob Stewart were 
 also provided with a large supply of bacon, although they left the 
 fattest animals rotting in the forest, simply because they hunted 
 for the hides. 
 In the same manner I remarked the extreme fastidiousness of 
 these otherwise hardy people in rejecting food which we should 
 have considered delicious. I have seen them repeatedly throw
 away the sage-hens that I have shot ; these were birds which 
 we prized On one occasion, as we were travelling when moving 
 camp, I shot a jackass rabbit from the saddle, with my '577 rifle. 
 It gave me considerable trouble to dismount and open this animal, 
 which would have gained a prize for fat ; having cleaned it most 
 carefully, I stuffed the inside with grass, and attached it to the 
 We never had an opportunity of eating this splendid specimen ; 
 on inquiring, the cook had thrown it away, "because at this 
 season jackass rabbits fed upon sage shoots, and the flesh tasted 
 of sage !" 
 As we shall return to the Big Horn range when treating upon 
 the habits of wapiti and other animals, I shall now refer to the 
 Indian bears, and commence with the most spiteful of the species, 
 Ursits lalmtus.
 THE BEAR (continued} 
 THE outline that I have already given of Ursus labiatus is 
 sufficient to condemn its character ; there are more accidents to 
 natives of India and Ceylon from the attacks of this species than 
 from any other animal ; at the same time it is not carnivorous, 
 therefore no excuse can be brought forward in extenuation. I 
 have already observed that this variety of the bear family does 
 not hybernate ; it has a peculiar knack of concealment, as it is 
 seldom met during the daytime, although perhaps very numerous 
 in a certain locality. In places abounding with rocky hills, deep 
 ravines, and thick bush, it may be readily imagined that bears 
 obtain the requisite shelter without difficulty ; but I have fre- 
 quently visited their haunts, where no perceptible means of 
 secreting themselves existed, nevertheless each night afforded fresh 
 evidences of their industry in digging pits, when searching for 
 white ants, within 150 yards of our camp. In these places we 
 seldom found a bear, although driving the jungles daily with 
 nearly two hundred beaters. This experience would denote that 
 the bears travel long distances at night, to visit some favourite 
 resort which produces the necessary food. The stomachs of all 
 wild animals when shot should be immediately examined, as 
 the contents will be a guide to the locality which they inhabit. 
 I have killed elephants in Africa at least 50 miles distant from 
 any cultivation, but their stomachs were filled with dhurra 
 (Sorghum vulgare), thus proving that they had wandered great 
 distances in search of a much-loved food that could not be obtained 
 in their native forests In the same manner all wild animals will 
 travel extraordinary distances to obtain either water or food in 
 countries where they are liable to be pursued. When the watchers 
 who protect the crops are in sufficient force to drive the nocturnal 
 intruders away with guns, the same animals will probably not
 reappear upon the following night, but they will visit some well- 
 known spot in an opposite direction, and reappear forty-eight 
 hours later upon the forbidden ground. 
 The elephants in that portion of Abyssinia which is traversed 
 by the various affluents of the Nile, being much harassed by the 
 sword-hunters of the Hamran Arabs, never drink in the same 
 locality upon two nights consecutively ; they drink in the Settite 
 river perhaps on Monday, march 30 miles in retreat, and on the 
 following night they will have wandered another 30 miles to the 
 river Gash, in a totally opposite direction. They will then possibly 
 return to the Settite, and after drinking, they will take a new 
 departure, and march to the river Royan or to the Bahr Salaam. 
 A bear is a rapid traveller, and although sluggish in appearance 
 when confined, it is extremely active ; therefore outward signs of 
 digging, although evidence of nocturnal visits, cannot be accepted 
 as proofs of the bear's proximity. 
 I believe that leopards may be frequently crouching among the 
 branches of trees, and remain unseen, while a person, unconscious 
 of their presence, may pass beneath ; but although the sloth bear 
 is most active in ascending a tree, it would be difficult for it to 
 remain unobserved, owing to its superior size and remarkable black 
 colour. A very large old tree with a considerable cavern-like hole 
 at the bottom should always be carefully examined, as bears are 
 particularly fond of these impromptu dwellings. I knew a man 
 who was thus surprised whilst cutting wood from a large tree, 
 unconscious of the fact that a bear was concealed within the hollow 
 trunk. The blows of the axe disturbed the occupant, which 
 immediately bolted from the hollow, and seized the wood-cutter by 
 the thigh. Fortunately the man had his axe, with which he at 
 once belaboured the bear upon the head until it relinquished its 
 hold. I saw the scars of the wound inflicted by the canine teeth ; 
 these were about six inches in length, extending from inside the 
 thigh to the knee-joint. The man declared that if his axe had 
 been heavier he could have killed the bear, but it happened to be 
 exceedingly light, and had very little effect. 
 My shikari Kerim Bux, who was a very powerful man, had a 
 serious encounter with a bear, which seized his master, and im- 
 mediately turned upon him when he rushed unarmed to his assist- 
 ance ; the bear seized him by the leg, but in the wrestling match 
 which ensued, Kerim came off victor, although badly bitten, as he 
 threw the bear over a precipice, upon the edge of which the struggle 
 had taken place. This man was head constable in the police, and 
 bore a very high reputation.
 xi THE BEAR 233 
 The Ursus Idbiatus being one of the most vicious animals, I 
 have seen it upon two occasions attack an elephant, one of which 
 was quite unprovoked. 
 We had been driving jungle for sambur deer in the Balaghat 
 district, and instead of posting myself upon a mucharn, or occupy- 
 ing any fixed position, I remained upon my elephant Hurri Ram. 
 This was a tusker that had been lent to me by the Government 
 upon two occasions, and he was so good-tempered, and active in 
 making his way over bad ground in steep forests, that I determined 
 to try him as a shooting elephant. I took my stand upon the open 
 grass-land, which was beautifully undulating, and would have made 
 a handsome park. Standing behind a bush we were partially con- 
 cealed, and I waited in expectation that some animals might break 
 covert in my direction. Presently I saw a dark object running 
 through the low bushes upon the margin of the sal forest on my 
 right, and a large bear emerged about 100 yards from my position. 
 It stood upon the open for a few seconds, evidently taking a close 
 scrutiny of the surroundings, prior to a run across the country, 
 where no chance would be afforded for concealment. It suddenly 
 espied the elephant, and, apparently without a moment's hesitation, 
 it charged from the great distance of 100 yards at full speed 
 directly upon the nervous Hurri Ram. I had not long to wait, 
 but just as I pulled the trigger, when the bear was within 10 
 yards, the elephant whisked round and bolted down hill across the 
 open, towards the portion of the jungle that was about 250 yards 
 upon my left. Nothing would stop the runaway brute, but for- 
 tunately I had stationed a police constable at the very spot for 
 which the elephant was making, and he, seeing the state of affairs, 
 ran forward, shouting at the top of his voice and flourishing his 
 rifle ; this had the effect of turning the runaway, just as it was 
 about to enter the forest, where we should in all probability have 
 been smashed. 
 The bear had in the meantime gone across country, and although 
 we hunted it for more than a mile, we never saw it again. This 
 was a purely unprovoked attack, and it would have been interest- 
 ing to have seen the result had the elephant not bolted. I imagine 
 that the bear would have seized it by the leg, and afterwards 
 would have attempted a retreat. 
 Upon another occasion, at a place called Soondah in the same 
 district, I was upon Hurri Ram ; I had been working through the 
 high grass in the first-class reserves throughout the day, having 
 killed a splendid stag sambur, when we were attracted by the 
 peculiar short roar or moan made by a tigress calling either for her
 cub or for some male companion. This was in the sal forest, 
 within a quarter of a mile of our position. It was a dangerous 
 attempt, upon such an untrustworthy elephant as Hurri Ram, to 
 look for a tiger in a thick sal jungle, as that species of tree grows 
 in long straight trunks exceedingly close together, to an extent 
 that would make it impossible for a large elephant to continue a 
 direct course. Should the animal run away, the result would 
 probably be fatal to the rider. We again heard the cry of the 
 tiger repeated ; this decided me to make the trial, and we entered 
 the forest, carefully advancing, and scanning every direction. 
 The sal tree produces one of the most valuable woods in India 
 for building purposes, and for railway sleepers. The bark is black, 
 which gives the forest a sombre appearance, and the trees grow 
 perfectly straight, generally to a height of 30 or 40 feet, before 
 they divide into branches ; it may be readily imagined that an 
 elephant would find a difficulty in threading its way through the 
 narrow passages formed by these mast-like growths. In addition 
 to this difficulty, there were numerous clumps of the tough male 
 bamboo, which nothing will break, and which is terribly dangerous 
 should a runaway elephant attempt to penetrate it, as the hard 
 wiry branches would lacerate a rider in a frightful manner. There 
 were numerous ravines in this forest, and we kept along the 
 margin, slowly and cautiously, peering at the same time into the 
 depths, in the expectation of seeing the wandering tiger. 
 It was very perplexing ; sometimes we heard the cry of the 
 tiger in one direction, and upon reaching the spot, we heard it at 
 a different place. I was determined not to give it up, and we 
 worked for at least two hours, until we had thoroughly examined 
 every ravine, and all the smaller nullahs that would have been 
 likely hiding-places. " Past five o'clock," I exclaimed, upon look- 
 ing at my watch. It was time to turn homewards, as it would be 
 dark at six, and should we be benighted in the forest we should 
 not find our way, neither would it be possible to ride an elephant, 
 owing to the thick bamboo. We accordingly gave up our search 
 for the tiger, and steered in a new direction towards the 
 We had advanced for about half an hour through the gloomy 
 forest, and were within about of a mile in a direct line of the 
 tents, when I observed a peculiarly dark shadow upon my right, 
 about 35 yards distant, close to a dense mass of feathery bamboos. 
 I stopped the elephant for an instant, and at the same moment 
 the black mass moved away towards the thick cover of the 
 foliage. Guessing the position of the shoulder, I took a quick
 xi THE BEAR 235 
 shot with the Paradox gun ; the elephant, most fortunately, not 
 having observed the animal. 
 The effect was most extraordinary ; I never heard such a noise ; 
 there was a combination of roars and howls, as though a dozen 
 tigers and lions were engaged in a Salvation Army chorus. Away 
 went Hurri Ram, rendering it impossible for me to fire, as a large 
 bear came straight at us, charging from the deep gloom of a 
 bamboo clump, and growling, as it ran with the speed of a dog, 
 direct at the elephant. 
 I thought we must be knocked to pieces ; two or three smaller 
 trees fortunately gave way before the terrified rush of Hurri Earn, 
 but the power of the driving-hook was gone ; although the mahout 
 alternately drove the spike deep into his skull and hooked the 
 sharp crook into the tender base of the ears, the elephant crashed 
 along, threatening us with destruction, as he swept through 
 bamboos, and appeared determined to run for miles. 
 I had been accustomed to feed this animal daily with all kinds 
 of nice delicacies beloved by elephants, and at such times I always 
 spoke to him in a peculiar phraseology. Although I was in the 
 worst possible humour, and considerably anxious regarding our 
 safety, when rushing through forest at 15 miles an hour, I ad- 
 dressed Hurri Ram in most endearing terms " Poor old fellow, 
 poor old Hurri Ram, where are the sugar-canes 1 where are the 
 chupatties, poor old boy?" etc. etc. I believe thoroughly that 
 the well-known tones of my voice restored his confidence far more 
 than the torture of the driving-hook, and after a race of about 
 150 yards he stopped. "Now turn him round, give him the 
 point sharp, and drive him straight for the bear." The mahout 
 obeyed the order, and we soon approached the spot, where the 
 roars and howls still continued. My men were up the trees j the 
 shikari had thrown a mighty spear upon the ground, and had 
 gone up the branches like a squirrel, as he did not see the fun of 
 meeting the bear's charge. 
 Before we had time to examine the actual condition of affairs, 
 the big bear suddenly dashed out again straight at the elephant, 
 and once more in a disgraceful panic he took to flight, without the 
 possibility, on my part, of taking a shot, when the bear thus 
 daringly exposed itself. Again I had to comfort Hurri Ram, and 
 by degrees we stopped his mad career, and once more returned to 
 the scene of his discomfiture. There was a slight depression in 
 an open hollow, where high grass in swampy ground intervened 
 between two sections of the forest. As we advanced, the elephant 
 being severely punished by the driving-hook and scolded by the
 mahout, the bear suddenly uprose from the high grass, and stand- 
 ing upon its hind legs, it faced us at about 40 yards' distance, 
 affording a magnificent chance for a deadly shot Away went 
 Hurri Ram again, whisking round before I had a moment to fire ; 
 and after two successive chances of this kind, the bear escaped 
 into the opposite jungle, and we searched for it in vain. 
 We now returned, and with some difficulty drove Hurri Ram 
 to the scene of conflict. There was a bear lying dead. The howls 
 and roars had ceased, and a few yards to the left of the dead bear 
 was a large black mass : this was another bear, in the last gasp. 
 Both had been knocked over by only one bullet from the 
 Although I had only seen one bear, and that most indistinctly, 
 it appeared that the bullet, being intensely hard, and propelled by 
 4 1 drams of powder, had gone completely through the shoulder of 
 the original bear, and then struck an unseen companion, who must 
 have been some yards distant upon lower ground beyond. The 
 bullet had broken the shoulder of this unlucky friend, and was 
 sticking in its lungs, having carried a bundle of coarse black hair 
 from bear No. 1 and deposited it upon its course in bear No. 2. 
 Although these were full-grown bears, there can be little doubt 
 that the bear that had so determinedly attacked the elephant was 
 the mother, infuriated by the roars and howls of her dying 
 offspring. The penetration of the Paradox bullet was highly satis- 
 factory, but I was terribly disgusted with Hurri Ram, whose 
 misconduct had caused the loss of bear No. 3, which would most 
 certainly have been included in the list of killed had I had the 
 chance of only one second's quiet. 
 My men were not in the least ashamed when they descended 
 from the trees, as they considered that the better part of valour 
 was discretion. The large spear had been manufactured expressly 
 for this kind of emergency, by a celebrated native cutler, Bhoput 
 of Nagpur. It is always advisable that some powerful and plucky 
 shikari should carry such a weapon for approaching any wounded 
 animal, as accidents generally occur from carelessness, when the 
 animal is supposed to be lying helpless, at the point of death. 
 Such a spear should be 2 feet long, with a blade 3 inches wide, 
 and extremely sharp. There should be a short cross-bar about 22 
 inches from the point, to prevent the spear from running completely 
 through an animal, which could then writhe up the handle, and 
 attack. The socket should be large and long, to admit a very 
 thick male bamboo, as the mistake is too frequently made that the 
 spear is strong, but the handle is too weak. It is very important
 xi THE BEAR 237 
 that a trustworthy attendant should be thus armed, as a dying 
 animal can then be approached with comparative impunity. 
 The risks that are run in following wounded animals are far 
 greater than the prime attack. Should an animal charge without 
 being wounded, it may generally be turned by a steady shot, if not 
 absolutely killed; but when badly hurt, the onset of a beast is 
 spasmodic, and nothing but death will paralyse the spring. I 
 could mention numerous cases where lamentable disasters have 
 occurred simply through thoughtlessness on the part of the hunter, 
 who has been sacrificed in consequence of his neglect. One of the 
 saddest catastrophes was the death of the late Lord Edward St. 
 Maur, son of the Duke of Somerset, who died from the effects of 
 amputation necessitated by the mangled state of his knee from the 
 attack of a bear some years ago in India. This unfortunate young 
 sportsman was shooting alone, and having wounded a bear, he 
 followed up the animal for about a mile. When discovered it 
 immediately charged him, and although again seriously wounded 
 by his shot, the bear seized him by the knee, pulled him to the 
 ground, and in the struggle that ensued he was seriously mauled. 
 The bear was driven away by his attendants, and he was conveyed 
 to camp. There was no blame in this instance attached to himself, 
 or to any other person. In a most courageous manner he defended 
 himself against the bear with his hunting-knife, and the body of 
 the animal was recovered after some days by his shikari ; but this 
 promising young nobleman was cut off in the early days of his 
 career, and was probably sacrificed through a want of surgical 
 experience on the part of the native operator. 
 I remember an instance of carelessness, which might have had 
 a disastrous result, many years ago, when I was hunting in Ceylon. 
 My brother, the late General Valentine Baker, was riding with me 
 through the jungles in the district called "The Park." I had 
 been caught by a rogue elephant a few days before, and my right 
 thigh was so damaged that I could only walk a few yards with 
 difficulty. Suddenly the man who walked before my horse ran 
 back, and shouted " Wallahah, Wallahah " (Bears, Bears), and we 
 caught sight of some large black object rushing through the jungle, 
 close to our horses' heads. Valentine Baker jumped nimbly off, 
 and I heard a shot almost immediately ; my wounded leg was 
 perfectly numbed, and I had no feeling in my foot ; therefore, as 
 it touched the ground without sensation, I fell over on my back. 
 Gathering myself together, I managed to run in chase, and I shortly 
 found myself close to the retreating heels of two bears that were 
 trotting through the dense underwood. One of these brutes,
 feeling that it was pursued, turned quickly round, and immediately 
 jumped upon the muzzle of my gun, which I fired into its stomach 
 and rolled it over. I now heard my brother shouting my name at 
 only a few yards' distance ; running towards him, as I feared some 
 accident, I found a large bear half lying and half sitting upon the 
 ground, growling and biting at the hard-wood loading-rod which V. 
 Baker had thrust into a bullet wound behind its shoulder; he 
 seemed surprised that the bear would not die at once. This was 
 exceedingly dangerous, as the animal might have recovered sufficient 
 strength to have directed an attack at an unguarded moment. 
 Having a heavy hunting-knife of 3 Ibs. weight, I gave it a blow 
 across the skull, which cleft it to the brain and terminated its 
 struggles. This was exactly the occasion upon which an accident 
 might have occurred, and when a spear would have been of use. 
 I cannot understand why persons who reside in India neglect 
 the assistance of dogs for the various kinds of hunting. Bull 
 terriers would be invaluable for tracking up a wounded tiger or 
 bear, and the latter might be hunted by such dogs even without 
 being wounded. At any rate, well -trained dogs would be of 
 immense assistance, but I have never seen them used. During 
 the cool season of Central and Northern India the climate is most 
 favourable, and the dogs could work during the hottest hours of 
 the day without undue fatigue. Mr. Sanderson set the example 
 some years ago, and had some interesting hunts ; he describes the 
 Ursus labiatw as rendered powerless, in spite of its great strength 
 and activity, as one bull terrier invariably seized it by the nose ; 
 this is the most sensitive part, and easy to hold, as it is long, and 
 connected with a projecting upper lip, which is almost prehensile 
 in this variety. His experience proved that three dogs were 
 sufficient to hold any bear, as the claws, although dangerous to the 
 tender skin of a man, were too blunt to tear the tough but yielding 
 hide of the dog. 
 There are two other varieties of bears in the continent of India, 
 the black (Urstis Thibetanus) and the brown, both of which are 
 confined to Cashmere and the Himalayah range. I have had no 
 personal experience of these animals, therefore I do not presume to 
 offer myself as an authority ; but from the accounts I have received 
 from those who have hunted them successfully, they are much the 
 same in their habits as the average of their species. 
 The dangerous character of bears, in like manner with all other 
 animals, was accredited at a time when breechloaders and high 
 velocities were unknown, but with a -577 rifle and 6 drama of 
 powder, or a No. 12 spherical and 7 drams of powder, I cannot
 xi THE BEAR 239 
 conceive the possibility of escape for any bear or other creature 
 below the standard of a buffalo, if the hunter is a cool and steady 
 shot. The conditions of this theory will include a solid bullet, not 
 a hollow projectile dignified by the term " Express." 
 I will conclude this notice of the bear with an example of the 
 failure of the hollow bullet, -577 Express, fired by a native gentle- 
 man, Zahur al Islam, when shooting with me in the reserves of 
 Singrampur in the Central Provinces last winter. 
 We were driving for any kind of animals that the jungle might 
 produce, and, being on foot, we constructed the usual little hiding- 
 place by cutting half through a sapling about 3 feet from the root, 
 and bearing down upon the young tree so as to form a horizontal 
 rail in front of our seat ; a similar cut at the back of another 
 sapling about 3 inches thick, facing the stem already laid, and that 
 was also pressed down to interlace with the branches of the prostrate 
 tree. This makes a screen which can be rendered still more opaque 
 by the addition of a few green boughs. 
 The grass was parched to a bright straw colour, and was about 
 4 feet high. As the beaters approached, a bear rushed forward 
 and passed within 1 5 paces of Zahur. He fired ; the bear emitted 
 a short growl and passed on. 
 I assisted in tracking this animal by the blood upon the grass. 
 Zahur described the shot he had taken as oblique ; as the bear had 
 passed him, therefore the bullet must have struck either the hind- 
 quarters full, or the thigh. 
 We found a teak tree about 14 inches in diameter covered with 
 small pieces of flesh resembling sausage-meat, for a height of 6 feet 
 from the ground. The yellow grass at the foot of this tree was 
 covered with blood, and many minute fragments of flesh adhered 
 to the leaves. Searching the place carefully, we picked up two 
 pieces of bone covered with blood ; these were very thick and 
 strong, the larger fragment being 2 \ inches in length and 1 inch in 
 width, evidently pieces belonging to the upper portion of the 
 After tracking the wounded bear for about 200 yards through 
 the high grass and jungle, we came to a tolerably deep nullah, 
 where we expected to find the animal lying down. Instead of this, 
 we discovered another large piece of fractured thigh bone, which 
 proved that the hollow Express bullet, although '577, had broken 
 up upon striking the bone, instead of penetrating throughout the 
 body. The muscles of the thigh and the bone had been shattered 
 to atoms, and the flesh so completely exploded that it had flown in 
 all directions, dispersed in the smallest fragments ; nevertheless
 this bear had gone right away, and was never more seen, although 
 we expended more than an hour in its search, both with men and 
 There could not be a more cruel example of the effect of a hollow 
 projectile when striking a bone. If that had been a solid bullet, 
 it would have raked the animal fore and aft, and would have rolled 
 it over on the spot.
 AFRICA is the only portion of the world which produces this ex- 
 traordinary animal, and we find it distributed in almost all rivers 
 that are comprised within 26 degrees of latitude North and South. 
 It is supposed that in a remote age the hippopotamus of the Nile 
 extended its journey towards the north as far as Cairo, but it has 
 been driven towards the south by the increase of traffic, and is now 
 limited to the distant portion of the Soudan in the neighbourhood 
 of Dongola. Even there it is scarce, and no great numbers are to 
 be seen north of Khartoum, N. lat. 15 30', although the animals 
 actually exist, and take refuge upon the wooded islands of the Nile 
 throughout its course from Berber to Abou Hamed. 
 It is curious to observe how a comparatively short interval of 
 time will effect a change in driving animals from a particular 
 neighbourhood, and compelling them to seek seclusion by travelling 
 distances that would to some persons appear incredible. I well 
 remember that twenty -eight years ago I saw crocodiles in con- 
 siderable numbers at Dendera upon the lower Nile, far to the north 
 of the cataracts at Assouan. These creatures have disappeared, 
 and the disturbance occasioned by steamers has not only exiled 
 them from their old haunts upon the lower river, but they are 
 become scarce where they were exceedingly plentiful twenty years 
 ago, between the first and second cataracts to Wady Haifa. 
 When we have been ourselves eye-witnesses of such a change 
 within the short interval of a few years, it becomes easy to com- 
 prehend the disappearance of the hippopotamus during the last 
 thousand or fifteen hundred years. This animal, in like manner 
 with the crocodile, would not migrate suddenly to a distant point, 
 but would gradually recede before advancing civilisation, and would 
 disappear from a district by slow degrees that would hardly be 
 appreciated at the time of its retreat. 
 The hippopotamus is heavier than the black rhinoceros, but 
 would be about equal in weight to the white variety; it may 
 therefore be ranked as second in weight to the elephant. The 
 flesh and hide are more dense than those of the elephant, which 
 causes it to sink immediately when shot within deep water; if 
 within 25 feet depth, the body will ascend and float when the gases 
 shall have distended the carcase, which will take place in about 
 two hours. 
 The specific gravity would be greater than the displacement in 
 water, but so nearly balanced that the animal can rise to the 
 surface with very slight muscular exertion ; and it can at the same 
 time run along the bed of the river at great speed, as hardly any 
 weight would press upon the limbs, the body being almost self- 
 supporting in the water. 
 The feet of the hippopotamus are shaped in a peculiar manner, 
 which enables it to clamber up greasy and slippery mud-banks, at 
 the same time that they are well adapted for swimming, or for 
 travelling upon the spongy bottom. There are only four toes upon 
 each foot ; these are tipped with horny points, which afford good 
 holding power either for ascent or descent. The toes spread widely 
 upon soft ground, and although not actually web-footed, the skin 
 between each toe expands to a certain degree, which assists the 
 animal's progress when swimming by offering a considerable surface 
 for resistance to the water. 
 I measured a bull hippopotamus, 1 4 feet 3 inches from snout to 
 end of tail ; the latter being about 9 inches. 
 The legs are exceedingly short, being in the same proportion to 
 the height of the animal as those of a well-bred pig. The head is 
 enormous, and the mouth is the largest of any terrestrial creature 
 in existence. Cuvier describes the teeth as follows : " Six grinders 
 on each side of both jaws, the three anterior of which are conical, 
 the posterior presenting two pair of points, which by detrition 
 assume a trefoil shape ; four incisors above and below, those of the 
 upper jaw being short, conical, and recurved, the inferior prolonged, 
 cylindrical, pointed, and horizontally projecting ; a canine tooth 
 on each side above and below, the upper straight, the lower very 
 large and recurved, those of the two jaws rubbing against each 
 The tusks exactly resemble, on an enormous scale, those of the 
 wild boar, and the lower tusks are sharpened in the same manner, 
 by attrition against the upper. The enamel upon the surface of 
 the two defensive tusks is extremely thick and hard : the amount 
 of silica in its composition is so great, that, in cutting out the tooth
 with an axe, showers of sparks are occasionally produced, when the 
 steel strikes the tusk obliquely. 
 The front teeth of both jaws appear to be specially arranged as 
 scarifiers for raking and tearing out roots of aquatic plants, or for 
 gathering tangled grasses from the river's bank. Although the 
 skull is of prodigious size, the brain is very small, in no case ex- 
 ceeding the size of a man's fist. The eyes are large, and are sur- 
 mounted by a projecting arch of bone, which is a peculiar feature ; 
 the ears are small, and the animal has a habit of shaking them 
 with great rapidity, to rid them of water when it first emerges 
 upon the surface. The tail is exceedingly short, and is flat upon 
 the sides ; this can be of no service practically, as it is too small to 
 act as a rudder when swimming, and Nature can only have added 
 it as the termination of the iigliest of her handiworks. The nose 
 of the hippopotamus is an enormous protuberance, which includes 
 a firm and cartilaginous upper lip. 
 Stupidly ferocious when in the water, the bull will frequently 
 attack a boat without the slightest provocation ; but if disturbed 
 when on land, it will immediately retreat to the concealment of 
 the river's depths by plunging off the bank. I have seen them 
 recklessly jump or tumble from a precipitous bank 12 or 16 feet 
 in height, and fall into the water with an extraordinary commotion, 
 when suddenly intruded upon in a mid-day's sleep beneath some 
 shady trees. 
 There are exceptions to all rules, and although this stupid 
 animal will generally retreat from man, I have known two instances 
 when fatal accidents occurred on shore. One of these was upon 
 the Atbara river, during the dry season, when the Arabs cultivated 
 water-melons upon the exhausted bed, near a large and deep pool, 
 from which they obtained the water necessary for irrigation. The 
 hippopotami amused themselves with munching ripe water-melons 
 during the night, and when the proprieter appeared to drive them 
 from his garden, he was immediately seized in the jaws of a well- 
 known bull and destroyed by one crunch of the terrible rows of 
 On another occasion I had wounded a very ferocious bull that 
 was an old enemy of the natives, near a village on the borders of 
 the White Nile. On the day following they went in search, and 
 discovered the animal lying upon a sandbank in a shallow portion 
 of the river. Considering that it was helpless, they descended 
 the bank, and approached it with their spears, but it immediately 
 rushed upon the foremost man, and bit him into halves by seizing 
 him at the waist.
 I was visited by a sheik of the Shillook tribe when camped 
 at a station ujxm the White Nile ; this old man was blind, and 
 lie was {Middled across the broad river by his son in a canoe formed 
 of the stems of an exceedingly light wood known as ambatch. 
 Upon the return journey, just as he had left me to recross the 
 river, a bull hippopotamus ascended from the bottom, seized the 
 frail canoe, together with the blind sheik, in his jaws, and reduced 
 the little vessel to a hundred fragments, killing the old man at the 
 same moment. I was standing upon the bank, and witnessed the 
 splash of the attack and the utter wreck of the canoe, while the 
 sheik's son swam in consternation to the shore. 
 The skin of a bull hippopotamus is from If to 2 inches thick. 
 The entire hide when fresh would weigh about 5 cwts. Although 
 I never actually weighed a skin, I once skinned a big bull with 
 the intention of preserving it, and when, after great exertion, we 
 succeeded in loading a powerful camel, it could hardly carry the 
 weight. The usual desert load for a good camel is 500 Ibs., 
 therefore I concluded that the skin which caused a difficulty 
 must have far exceeded the weight to which the animal was 
 It is difficult to decide the limit of time during which a hippo- 
 potamus can remain beneath the water. The nostrils have the 
 power of closing, with the action of valves, and the animal sinks 
 itself with the lungs inflated. The blood is nourished with oxygen 
 from this supply of air during immersion, and when the animal 
 appears upon the surface, it blows out the expended air with a 
 peculiar snort, accompanied by a jet of spray, very similar to the 
 manner in which the whale and other cetacea " spout." 
 Precisely in the same way the hippopotamus blows off the 
 impure air, and again refills the lungs by an instantaneous effort 
 like the cetacea ; and by the time that the eye detects the jet of 
 spray, the lungs have been emptied and again inflated. 
 I have very frequently observed, and taken the time by my 
 watch, but I have found that hippopotami vary in the times of 
 total immersion. Five minutes is about the usual interval of 
 breathing, when it becomes necessary for the animal to ascend for 
 a fresh supply of air, but this depends upon circumstances, as the 
 hippo can sustain ten minutes without fresh air, should it choose 
 to remain concealed. 
 If a hippopotamus has been shot at several times, and is only 
 slightly wounded, it will remain as long as possible beneath the 
 water, and when it appears upon the surface, it will, in an artful 
 manner, only expose the great round nose ; this will just break
 the water for the tenth part of a second, during which the air will 
 have been exchanged and the lungs inflated instantaneously. 
 Although it is a stupid animal, it certainly exhibits a consider- 
 able amount of cleverness, in thus preserving its head from attack, 
 and when it takes to such tactics as exposing no other portion than 
 the nose, it is quite impossible to shoot with any effect. 
 At a former period the tusks of the hippo were more valuable 
 than the ivory of the elephant, as they were in request by dentists 
 for artificial teeth. Their superiority to ordinary ivory consisted 
 in the permanence of colour, as they never turned yellow. For 
 this reason the price was exceedingly high, as much as 25s. per 
 Ib. having been given at the commencement of this century. It 
 was necessary to clean off the hard enamel by a revolving grind- 
 stone before it was possible to manufacture the close-grained 
 material beneath. The American invention of porcelain enamel 
 for artificial teeth has destroyed the value of hippopotami tusks, 
 which are now lower in price than the ivory of elephants. 
 The va 4 lue of the hippopotamus depends at present entirely upon 
 its hide and fat; the former is used for whips, and for facing 
 revolving wheels when polishing steel surfaces. Hippopotamus 
 fat is excellent, being free from any strong flavour, and closely 
 resembling lard in consistency when boiled and clarified. A well- 
 conditioned hippo will yield about 200 Ibs. of pure fat, which is 
 much esteemed by the Arabs, as their domestic animals are 
 usually devoid of anything beyond muscles, both hard and lean. 
 I have never *seen a female with more than two young ones, 
 and very frequently with only a solitary calf; they are affectionate 
 mothers, and the little ones usually stand upon the back of their 
 careful parent, who swims about with them and occasionally 
 brings them to the surface in the same position, whenever she 
 considers that they require fresh air. 
 They are pugnacious brutes among themselves, and the bulls 
 are constantly fighting during the night, roaring bellicose challenges 
 to each other in prolonged deep-toned snorts, that vibrate through 
 the bottom of the vessel when moored for the night on the desolate 
 White Nile. 
 I have frequently witnessed tremendous combats between bull 
 hippopotami, when they have appeared upon the surface with their 
 huge jaws locked together, and utterly regardless in their fury of 
 any external danger. Upon one occasion, in a very narrow channel 
 of the labyrinth-like branches of the White Nile, I found a herd 
 containing numerous individuals ; and as the channel was hardly 
 30 yards in width, they were completely at my mercy whenever
 their heads were above the surface. There are two certain shots 
 with a powerful rifle one behind the ear when the animal is 
 looking in an opposite direction, the other exactly beneath the eye 
 when you are vis-ft-vis; both of these shots reach the brain. I 
 had fired with great rapidity, and the breechloader had been very 
 fatal ; the channel being narrow, and perhaps only 9 or 10 feet 
 deep, a great commotion was caused by fifteen or twenty 
 hippopotami, some of which were wounded, others, that were 
 killed, had sunk to the bottom, and the remainder were in a frantic 
 state of excitement. Presently a wounded bull rose to the surface, 
 and snorting a jet of bloody spray, it rose several feet out of the 
 water : immediately another bull appeared upon the scene, and 
 with open jaws it seized its comrade by the neck and held on like 
 a bull-dog. The fight continued for two or three minutes, and 
 although I was standing unconcealed upon the bare and open bank 
 not 3 feet above the channel, the two animals fought and wrestled 
 together until, coming within 4 or 5 yards of my position, I put a 
 ball behind the ear of one, and into the head of the other with the 
 left-hand barrel, which settled the affair. I had more than 1500 
 men to feed, therefore I was not in the humour to lose an 
 There is no animal that I dislike more than the hippopotamus, 
 if I am compelled to travel at night upon an African river in an 
 ordinary boat. There is no possibility of escape should a hippo 
 take the idea into his head that your vessel is an enemy. The 
 creature's snort may be heard at a few yards* distance in the 
 darkness, and the next moment you may be overturned by an 
 attack from beneath, where the enemy was unseen. I have some- 
 times been benighted when in an open boat, having been exploring 
 throughout the day; in returning across a lake, guided by the 
 well-known signal (a red light hoisted at the masthead of my 
 diahbeeah), I have heard the snorts and the threatening splashing 
 of hippopotami around our dinghy, momentarily expecting a blow 
 from below that would send us flying, and capsize us helplessly 
 in the dark. All of my boats were more or less damaged by 
 hippopotami in the course of three years' work upon the upper 
 Nile. On one occasion there was a boat full ol sheep being towed 
 astern of the diahbeeah, which was going 6 or 7 knots before a 
 favourable wind, when a hippopotamus suddenly charged from 
 beneath, threw the boat completely out of the water, knocked a 
 big hole in her bottom, and capsized her with all the sheep, every 
 one of which was drowned. On another occasion we were in a 
 very large flat-bottomed canoe, cut out of a single tree. The floor
 of this was at the least 3 or 4 inches thick, and happily it was a 
 tough quality of wood. This heavy canoe was 27 feet in length, 
 but when approaching a bank of high reeds, a hippopotamus 
 charged from beneath, and struck the bottom with such force that 
 the canoe was actually lifted partially from the water ; had it been 
 an ordinary boat, the bottom would have been knocked out, and 
 we should have been capsized. 
 Dr. Livingstone describes an accident which befell him, when 
 his large canoe full of natives was thrown into the air, and capsized 
 with the entire crew, by a savage hippopotamus when descending 
 some channel of the Zambesi. 
 Accidents were frequent with these animals. In broad daylight 
 a hippo charged the steamer that was towing my diahbeeah. Not 
 content with breaking several floats off the paddle-wheel, it 
 reappeared astern, and, striking the bottom of our iron vessel, it 
 perforated the plates in two places with its projecting tusks, 
 causing a dangerous leak. 
 Our vessel was filling rapidly, although, the steamer having 
 dropped astern to our assistance, we discharged our cargo upon her 
 deck, and at the same time kept pumping and baling out with 
 every conceivable utensil. At length the engineer succeeded in 
 finding the two holes with his naked feet, which he used as stoppers 
 until we were able to reduce the water. He then repaired the 
 damage with a clever impromptu device, by covering a small plank 
 thickly with white lead and tow, mixed together, and laid 2 
 inches thick upon a piece of felt. This was inverted upon the two 
 holes; a man stood upon the plank, thus pressing the tow and 
 white lead into the apertures. In the meantime an upright batten 
 was fixed from beneath a cross-beam, upon the plank, and a wedge 
 was driven to tighten the pressure of the batten ; this secured the 
 plank across the leaks. 
 A hippopotamus can move at a considerable pace along a river's 
 bed. We had proof of this while running down the Bahr Giraffe 
 with the steamer, the speed with the stream being about 10 knots 
 an hour. The river was narrow, and in places rather shallow. 
 We observed the head of a very large hippopotamus, which rose 
 and snorted upon the surface about 100 yards ahead of the vessel. 
 When the animal disappeared, we could plainly see the wave that 
 denoted the course of the hippo which had this long start in an 
 exciting race. There was very little space upon either side in the 
 narrow channel, and we felt sure that if the hippo continued a 
 straight course, we should either run over it, or be struck should 
 it turn to charge.
 It was some time before we actually gained upon it, but when 
 the engineer put on full steam, there could be no doubt of our 
 superiority in speed. The wave in the river was close under our 
 bows, and in another moment the steamer of 108 tons gave a leap, 
 as we rose over the body of the hippopotamus, in water that was 
 too shallow to permit it to pass beneath our keel. We had no 
 means of ascertaining the fate of this animal. 
 The most ferocious attack that I have ever witnessed occurred 
 in the Bahr Giraffe, at a time when we were cutting a passage for 
 the flotilla of fifty-seven vessels through the obstruction caused by 
 aquatic vegetation, which had accumulated to an extent that 
 blocked the navigation of the river. During the middle of the 
 iiight a bull hippopotamus charged our diahbeeah, and sank a 
 small boat that was fastened to the side. The infuriated beast 
 then bit the side out of a boat that was 17 feet in length, and the 
 crash of splintered wood betokened its destruction. Not satisfied 
 with this success, it then charged the iron vessel, and would 
 assuredly have sunk her if I had not stopped the onset by a shot 
 in the skull with a No. 8 rifle. This hippopotamus was evidently 
 a desperate character, and I concluded that it must have been 
 attracted to our vessel by the smell of blood, as the small boats 
 destroyed had contained flesh that had been cut into strips from 
 the body of a hippo which I had shot on the previous day. There 
 was an additional provocation in the presence of a dead hippo, 
 which I had fastened to the rudder, as we had no time to prepare 
 the flesh ; this was floating astern, and assisted in arousing the 
 fury of the ill-tempered bull. When I succeeded in killing this 
 animal, after an exciting defence, we discovered that it had been 
 frequently scored by the tusks of antagonists of its own species ; 
 one wound was several feet in length along the flank, and was 
 recently healed. The scars of numerous conflicts were a sufficient 
 evidence of a vicious character. 
 The Hamran Arabs and some other tribes attack the hippo- 
 potamus with the harpoon. I have witnessed these hunts, which 
 are intensely exciting. 
 When a small herd of these animals are floating upon the sur- 
 face, basking half asleep in the mid-day sun, a couple of hunters 
 enter the river about 200 yards up-stream, and swim cautiously 
 with the current in their favour until they arrive within 5 or 6 
 yards of the nearest hippo. They hurl the harpoons simultane- 
 ously, and at the same instant they dive beneath the surface, 
 and swim in an opposite direction, making direct for the nearest 
 The hippo, if well struck, is fixed by two harpoons, to each of 
 which a rope is attached. A float of exceedingly light wood, the 
 size of an ordinary man's head, is secured to the extremity of each 
 rope, and these are arranged in lengths proportioned to the maxi- 
 mum depth of the river, generally about 30 feet. 
 When the hippopotamus feels the wound, it immediately 
 plunges to the bottom, and rushes madly to and fro until it again 
 rises to the surface to take breath. It at once perceives the large 
 float at the extreme end of the line, and frightened at the unaccus- 
 tomed object, it seeks the concealment of the bottom. 
 In the meantime the hunters have safely landed, and are joined 
 by their numerous companions, well provided with long ropes, and 
 armed with spare harpoons and well-sharpened lances. 
 The difficulty of capturing the hippopotamus would at first 
 sight appear most formidable, but a very clever, though simple, 
 plan enables the hunter to secure the float which is fastened to 
 the 'harpoon line. The river may be about 150 yards in width. 
 One of the hunters swims across, or wades if he can find a shallow 
 ford, about 100 yards above the spot where the float upon the 
 surface denotes the place beneath which the hippo is hidden in 
 the river's depths. The man who crosses over takes the end of a 
 long rope. This is more than sufficient to reach from bank to 
 bank, and either end is now in possession of a howarti (hippo- 
 hunter). An exceedingly strong but a lighter line is fastened to 
 the centre of the rope, which is now stretched across the river, 
 and the end of this second line is held by the same man who holds 
 the superior rope ; thus, upon one shore a man holds one end only, 
 while upon the other shore his companion holds the extremities of 
 two lines, one being fastened to the middle of the larger or main rope. 
 It may be easily understood that the angle may be increased 
 or decreased simply by widening the base through an extension of 
 the two ends of the lines. 
 In this manner the two hunters advance upon either bank, 
 dragging the rope upon the surface until they can touch the float 
 which they intend to secure. They manipulate their lines in a 
 manner that enables them to catch the float between the two 
 ropes. When this is accomplished, the hunter on the opposite 
 slUe of the river slacks off his rope, as his companion joins his two 
 lines together and hauls upon the float, which is now secured in 
 the angle '. )etween them. The man who has let go his end of the 
 rope now rejoins his companions, and they all haul away upon 
 thj lines - ihat have captured the float, to drag the hippopotamus 
 towards die shore.
 The fun begins ; the hippo, feeling that it is dragged, offers the 
 greatest amount of resistance, but by degrees, and with careful 
 management, it is guided within striking distance, and another 
 harpoon is fixed within its stubborn hide. There is no longer any 
 delicacy necessary, as the collective power of the hunters can be 
 distributed upon the various ropes attached to their respective 
 harpoons without fear of breakage. 
 I have seen a hippopotamus, under these conditions, quit the 
 refuge of deep water and boldly challenge the crowd of his pursuers 
 by landing upon the bank and making a general onslaught upon 
 them. These splendid fellows fought the enraged animal with 
 lances, some of which were caught and crushed within its powerful 
 jaws. But the most telling defence was made with handfuls of 
 sand, which, thrown in the prominent eyes, immediately forced the 
 half-blinded beast to retreat to the welcome river, where it could 
 wash, and prepare for a renewal of the conflict. Upon one occa- 
 sion I saw a hippopotamus, which, when harpooned, had emerged 
 from the river to attack the hunters, return over and over again to 
 the charge, until it had smashed and broken so many spears that I 
 was forced to terminate the fight by a bullet in its brain. 
 The natives of Central Africa do not advance to the attack by 
 swimming like the Hamran Arabs, but they harpoon the hippo- 
 potamus from canoes ; and they are frequently upset by the 
 infuriated animal before they have time to escape by paddling. 
 Swimming would be a safer method of harpooning, as the hunter 
 can save himself by diving, unseen by the hippopotamus, which 
 invariably looks upwards when in the water, as it instinctively 
 directs its vision towards the light ; but in the White Nile and in 
 the lakes there are crocodiles in such great numbers that few people 
 would presume upon the risk. 
 Although the hippopotamus affords excellent sport when hunted 
 in this fashion, the ordinary method of shooting these animals in 
 the water exhibits the poorest form of amusement. It is impos- 
 sible to determine whether it is killed or otherwise, until the body 
 appears upon the surface. The bullet may be heard to strike, and 
 the huge head will instantly disappear, but the most experienced 
 person may be deceived in accepting the shot as fatal, and a sudden 
 snort a few minutes later will prove that the hippo is in being ; 
 after which it will rarely expose its head to another aim. 
 A No. 10 rifle, very accurately sighted, with a powder charge 
 of 10 drams, is the best weapon for shooting these animals, as the 
 bullet will crash through the skull, and will frequently stun the 
 hippo, although it may have escaped the brain. Upon such occa-
 sions the immense creature will roll over, belly uppermost, and the 
 frantic kicking of its short legs, and its convulsive struggles, will 
 raise an extraordinary commotion in the water ; until at length 
 this amphibious creature drowns, through a long-continued immer- 
 sion during a state of unconsciousness. I have very often killed 
 them in this manner with a heavy rifle, that has crushed the 
 cranium; and upon one occasion the '577 bullet performed unex- 
 pectedly with the same result, although the skull of the animal 
 was only slightly split, and the bullet remained wedged and shape- 
 less in the crevice. The hippo, after rolling helplessly for several 
 minutes, sank to the bottom, reappearing upon the surface a couple 
 of hours later. The skull of this female hippopotamus is in my 
 possession, showing the position of the bullet, which remains fixed 
 upon the bone. 
 It would be a natural conclusion that the hippopotamus, which 
 is a pugnacious creature, would occasionally attack the crocodile ; 
 but although these reptiles are in great numbers, I have never 
 heard of such a conflict. At the same time, I have seen dead 
 hippopotami that have remained a couple of hours under water 
 after the fatal shot ; these were scored in many places by the sharp 
 teeth of crocodiles, which had vainly attempted to make an aper- 
 ture. I have observed the large heads of these creatures floating 
 upon the surface, in attendance upon the tempting carcase, proving 
 that, should an opportunity offer, they were ready to snatch a 
 mouthful of a beast, when dead, which they feared to attack when 
 There is a probability that the calves of hippopotami may occa- 
 sionally be carried off by crocodiles, but this must remain an open 
 question, as it cannot be proved by an eye-witness, and, in such a 
 case, the attacking party would certainly be charged by the 
 desperate mother. 
 A young calf hippopotamus is delicious eating. The feet, when 
 stewed, are far superior to those of any other animal, and the skin 
 makes excellent turtle soup. The fresh hide of a full-grown hippo, 
 if cut into small pieces, soaked in vinegar for an hour, and then 
 boiled, so closely resembles turtle that it would be difficult to dis- 
 tinguish the difference. The flesh of this animal is always palat- 
 able ; and although that of an old bull is tough, it can always be 
 successfully treated, by pounding and beating it upon a flat stone 
 until the fibre is totally destroyed. If this is mixed with chopped 
 onions, pepper, and salt, and wild thyme, it will form either rissoles 
 or cotelettes de veau, by a pleasing transformation of the old bull. 
 As the female hippopotamus generally produces one calf at a
 birth, these huge creatures do not multiply in any great degree, 
 and their numbers in certain places, where they appear to have 
 assembled in large herds, must be accepted as periodical gatherings, 
 which are altogether exceptional, and by no means represent the 
 average area of a locality. 
 I have seen a bend in the White Nile, during the dry season, 
 which was literally crowded with hippopotami ; and as the steamer 
 was coming down the stream at about nine miles an hour, I thought 
 it would be impossible to avoid a collision ; somehow they all made 
 way for our passage, and we passed through a crowd of heads, some 
 snorting and blowing jets, while others disappeared in their visual 
 instantaneous manner. 
 A hippopotamus differs from most aquatic animals, as it sinks 
 backwards, and disappears by throwing its nose upwards ; all other 
 creatures dive head first. 
 In such secluded places as the banks of the White Nile, where 
 dense masses of high reeds fringe the course of the river, far away 
 from any habitation, the hippopotami pass a considerable portion 
 of their time in marshy retreats among the canes ; such dens would 
 be impervious to human beings, and would not be observed unless 
 from a vessel upon the river. The tangled mass of vegetation is 
 pierced in numerous places by dark tunnels, which have been bored 
 out by the bulky forms of hippopotami, and these gloomy routes 
 form their channels of retreat, where they retire to sleep. Females, 
 with their calves, are especially fond of these impervious bowers, 
 where they are secure from all chances of molestation by man or 
 Although this animal may be shot from the shore, without the 
 slightest danger of an attack upon the hunter, I have described a 
 sufficient number of casualties to exhibit the^tme ferocity of its 
 nature, when in the element which affords the greatest scope for 
 its activity. Upon one occasion I was a witness to a most un- 
 provoked aggression. We were swimming a herd of several hundred 
 cows across the White Nile, about 20 miles south of Gondokoro : 
 the natives as usual accompanied the cattle, sometimes holding on 
 to the horn, at other times by the tail of a cow, but as they swam 
 they directed the course of their animals by shouts and by the aid 
 of a stout bamboo. 
 Suddenly the herd was invaded by several hippopotami, and I 
 myself saw their enormous heads and necks emerge from the water, 
 and with opened jaws they seized several cows and dragged them 
 beneath the surface, never to appear again. 
 This was sheer rage, as the hippo is not carnivorous. It is
 impossible to know what happened beneath the water, but, as the 
 cows did not reappear, they must have been held at the bottom for 
 a considerable time, until quite drowned. 
 It may be generally accepted that the hippopotamus is a fierce 
 and dangerous animal when in the water, and that it will frequently 
 attack boats, especially at night, or any other object that may 
 attract its senseless fury, but when on land it very rarely ventures 
 to provoke a contest ; on the contrary, it prefers retreat, and be- 
 takes itself precipitately to the river's bed, where it feels secure 
 from molestation. 
 The ivory having decreased in value, owing to the American 
 invention of enamel for artificial teeth, and the demand for its hide 
 having been reduced by the British interference in Egypt, where 
 the courbatch (hippopotamus whip) has been abolished, the hippo- 
 potamus will remain the undisturbed inhabitant of the great White 
 Nile, monarch of the river ; upon which fifteen English steamers 
 were plying when the Soudan was abandoned by the despotic order 
 of Great Britain, and handed back to savagedom and wild beasts.
 THIS reptile is an intruder among the mammalia, and may appear 
 out of place in a description of wild beasts and their ways, but it 
 inhabits the same localities as the hippopotamus, and, being equally 
 amphibious, I venture to exalt it to the society of superior animals. 
 As lizards are found distributed in great varieties throughout 
 the world, in like manner we find the largest of all lizards, the 
 crocodile, under various names, in nearly every river of the tropics, 
 lu America this reptile is generally known as an alligator, and some 
 persons pretend to define the peculiarity which distinguishes that 
 variety from the crocodile, but I regard the distinction in the same 
 light as that between the leopard and the panther, the difference 
 existing merely in a name. As we see many varieties of cats which 
 are classed as leopards, in the same manner the different varieties 
 of alligators may be classed under the name crocodile. There is a 
 peculiar species in the Ganges, Brahmaputra, and other Indian 
 rivers which, although included in the name, exhibits marked 
 variations from all others ; this is known as the gavial. The long 
 beak-shaped jaws, with a lump upon the extremity of the nose, 
 distinguish this creature from all other varieties. The gavial grows 
 to a great length, sometimes attaining 20 feet and upwards, but it 
 is deficient in bulk, and is by no means so formidable as other 
 varieties of the species. This creature lives upon fish, and it seldom 
 attacks either men or animals. The head is far longer in pro- 
 portion than the ordinary crocodile's, and the gavial remains 
 distinct, per se, as no instance has been known of a cross, or in- 
 termediate variety. In other respects the habits are the same ; 
 the female lays her eggs in a sandbank near the river, to the 
 number of fifty or sixty, and when they are hatched by the heat of 
 the sand, the young ones immediately take to the water. 
 Few persons have the opportunity of witnessing the rapid dash
 of a crocodile when it rushes towards its prey, but when it is 
 considered that fish constitute the ordinary food, it may readily be 
 imagined that the maximum speed of the reptile must be sufficient 
 to overtake the swiftest swimmer. 
 The crocodile of the Nile is the same as those of Ceylon and 
 India : in the latter Empire it is generally distinguished as the 
 " mugger," but it is inferior in size to those of Ceylon and Africa, 
 with a few exceptions. 
 The teeth of this species are specially arranged for seizing, as 
 they interlock, and the two longest of the lower jaw penetrate 
 through corresponding holes, the points appearing through the top 
 of the upper jaw, above the snout. 
 There are thirty-four teeth in the upper, and an equal number 
 in the lower jaw. These are hollow, and they are renewed by 
 others which are contained within them ; by degrees they develop 
 into a full growth, and at a subsequent period they push out the 
 old teeth and usurp their place, to be themselves displaced upon 
 the same principle in later years. 
 This special provision of nature for replenishing teeth would 
 infer that the crocodile is a creature which surpasses all others in 
 the duration of life. This is probably a true presumption, except- 
 ing the tortoise, which is in some eastern countries the emblem of 
 longevity. There is a tortoise in a garden at Mutwal, near 
 Colombo, which is known to be 150 years old, as it had been for 
 a long time in possession of the Dutch before the British annexa- 
 tion of Ceylon ; but its age, when first captured, remains a mystery. 
 The fore feet of the crocodile somewhat resemble the form of a 
 short human hand ; these are armed with five long horny claws, 
 sometimes measuring 4 inches, and are used for holding the prey 
 whilst tearing it with the teeth. The claws of the hind feet are 
 shorter, and are only four in number. It is a mistake to suppose 
 that a crocodile seizes and immediately swallows its victim ; it 
 may do so in the case of small animals, such as fawns which have 
 been captured while drinking from the river's bank, or dogs caught 
 while swimming, but large animals are dragged beneath, and held 
 below the surface until drowned ; they are then dragged away to 
 some favourite hiding-place and devoured at leisure. 
 The male is difficult to distinguish from the female, as the 
 penis and testicles are concealed inside, within an aperture that 
 would be accepted as the female parts. Unlike the snakes, which 
 are double, the crocodile has a single penis. The male produces 
 four glands of musk, two of which are upon either side, beneath 
 the jaws, and two upon either side of the groin. These are highly
 prized by the Arabs in the Soudan, where crocodile-hunting is 
 pursued as a profession, and the four glands of an average-sized 
 specimen are worth 30s. ; those of a very large male would be 
 valued in proportion. The Soudanese women string the musk-glands 
 upon a necklace, together with other beads ; when dried they are 
 about the size of a small nutmeg. I have frequently inquired of 
 the natives throughout India, but they are entirely ignorant of the 
 existence of musk-glands in the crocodile. The scent is remark- 
 ably strong, and I have frequently been attracted by the odour 
 when, in a vessel passing down the White Nile, we had been 
 forewanied of the basking-place upon the bank, before we had come 
 in sight of the reptile. It is usually considered by the natives that 
 the female is attracted to the spot by the musky exudation from 
 the male. Although the female possesses an equal number of 
 musk-glands, they are smaller, and not so powerful. 
 The crocodile is harpooned by the Arabs precisely in the same 
 manner as the hippopotamus, with the exception that, instead of 
 being struck when floating upon the surface, the hunters swim 
 under cover of the bank when they have descried a crocodile 
 asleep upon a bed of sand ; the harpoon is then cast, and as the 
 crocodile immediately plunges into the river, the hunters with 
 equal agility jump out. In many portions of the Soudan the 
 hunters are armed with rifles, but the harpoon in dexterous hands 
 is more effective, as the creature seldom escapes. Great numbers 
 of crocodiles may be shot, but very few in proportion are actually 
 secured, as the body sinks immediately in deep water ; and, unlike 
 the hippopotamus, it will not rise to the surface for several days, 
 until decomposition shall have set in, and the belly has become 
 inflated with foul gas. 
 Within the last few years the hide of the crocodile has been 
 generally used for the manufacture of travelling bags and various 
 lighter articles. It is to be hoped that the increased demand may 
 have the effect of reducing the numbers of these reptiles, which 
 are a terrible scourge to every country which they infest. Person- 
 ally I have studiously avoided a swim in any water inhabited by 
 crocodiles, but it is astonishing to see the risks that are continually 
 incurred by Arabs, whose faith in some special charm, received 
 from a faky or priest, is sufficient to induce them to brave all 
 dangers, and to defy the fate which so frequently befalls them. 
 There is no possibility of escape should a person be seized in the 
 water, although the crocodile might be of a small size ; he would 
 assuredly be dragged beneath the surface. 
 If the creature should be of large size, the force of the snapping
 jaws would crush any human bone. As the sixty-eight teeth, 
 which are long and sharp-pointed, fit exactly into the interstices 
 between them, it may be imagined that such a rat-trap formation 
 would effectually preclude escape. The throat of a crocodile is not 
 only large, but is capable of great expansion, and, although the 
 habits of the creature usually permit the body of a victim to rest 
 in quiet until it is devoured in piecemeal, there are many exceptions 
 to the rule ; large crocodiles will swallow a small person without 
 the slower operation of dismemberment. Mr. Bennett, in his 
 excellent work upon Ceylon published in 1843, affords an example 
 of this swallowing capacity, which he himself witnessed: -"A 
 native in the act of bathing was seized by a crocodile and swallowed, 
 with the exception of the head and one hand, which were found 
 on the margin of the river ; from which it was inferred that the 
 poor victim had seen the animal approach, and had endeavoured 
 to save himself, but was overtaken just as he had grasped the 
 overhanging branch of a tree in the last fruitless effort to escape. 
 " Immediately upon the report reaching the collector of the 
 district, James Agnew Farrel, Esq., he ordered a general search 
 for the amphibious monster ; which on the second day proved 
 successful ; for just as our picnic party was about to sit down to 
 dinner, two carts lashed together, and containing the body of the 
 animal, which was 17|- feet in length, were driven to the door. 
 We had it removed instantly to the sea-side, and opened ; when 
 the body of a native, already a mass of putrefaction, was taken 
 out, and a coroner's inquest held upon the spot." 
 This is direct and interesting evidence, as we have not only the 
 description of an eye-witness, but the length of the crocodile is 
 given, 17| feet. We thus have an undeniable fact that a creature 
 of that length can actually swallow an ordinary human being, if 
 it chooses. Crocodiles have been frequently killed in Ceylon that 
 have measured 22 feet, and there can be little doubt that this 
 length is occasionally exceeded. I have seen the teeth sufficiently 
 large to form boxes for carrying percussion-caps, before the days of 
 breechloaders. The power of the jaws is terrific, and I have had 
 the metal of a large hook, the thickness of ordinary telegraph wire, 
 completely bent together, the barbed point being pressed tightly 
 against the shank, and rendered useless ; this compression was 
 caused by the snap of the jaws when seizing a live duck which I 
 had used as a bait, the hook being fastened beneath one wing. 
 The crocodile took the bait, but I made a mistake in immediately 
 striking and hauling upon the line. After a rush of a few yards, 
 the monster sulked among the aquatic reeds at the bottom of the 
 lake, until prodded by a harpoon from a canoe, which I had sent 
 to disturb it. The boatman could not pierce through the thick 
 scales ; and suddenly the line slackened, and I hauled up my line, 
 at the end of which was a completely flattened duck, together with 
 my hook, compressed and useless, as I have described. 
 I have shot immense numbers of crocodiles in various countries, 
 and, if upon the shore, I have generally secured them. A very 
 accurate rifle is necessary, as there are only two points that are 
 immediately fatal No. 1 is just behind the eye, No. 2 exactly 
 through the centre of the shoulder. The latter shot will break 
 both joints of the fore legs, and will pass directly through the 
 lungs. Although I prefer a "577 rifle, the '450 solid bullet will 
 be always fatal, if it is placed exactly as I have described. 
 The hard scales of crocodiles were said to be proof against a 
 rifle bullet. This may have been the case at the beginning of the 
 century, when rifles were loaded with only 1 dram of powder ; it 
 was at that date that the grizzly bear was considered almost 
 bullet-proof, when the first settlers encountered it with no better 
 weapon than the No. 70 pea-rifle; but a hardened solid bullet, 
 propelled by 6 drams of powder, will drive through a crocodile like 
 a sheet of paper. 
 General H. Browne, when at Jubbulpur, showed me a '577 
 solid bullet, ^ tin, which he had fired completely through a large 
 crocodile when lying on the margin of the river, and he dug the 
 bullet out of the hard bank, into which it had penetrated for at 
 least 1 foot. This bullet was so little injured in form that it 
 might have been used a second time. 
 Although the hippopotamus and the crocodile are both 
 amphibious, there is a vast difference between them in the power 
 of remaining under water. The former has enormous lungs, which, 
 when inflated, contain sufficient air to nourish the blood during 
 five, or at the most ten minutes, at the expiration of which it is 
 compelled to reappear upon the surface. 
 The crocodile has valves which close two small orifices in lieu 
 of ears, and also the nostrils, but the lungs are not extraordinary 
 in size, in proportion to the weight of the reptile. Notwithstanding 
 this apparent inferiority in lung capacity, it can remain beneath 
 the water for almost any length of time, and when it appears upon 
 the surface, it does not blow out a jet of spray, neither does it 
 exhibit any sign of a desire for inhalation, but it merely looks 
 around, as though scrutinising the immediate neighbourhood, 
 either in search of prey, or in the fear of danger. 
 The crocodile has the power of hybernaling. This may be
 seen in many parts of India, where these creatures exist in small 
 lakes or tanks, which are perfectly exhausted during the hottest 
 season. At that time there cannot be the slightest doubt that 
 they are buried in the mud, which dries and hardens above them, 
 in which torpid state they exist until released by the refilling of 
 the tank in the rainy season. Under such conditions the crocodile 
 never grows to a large size, but it is limited to 8 or 9 feet. 
 The largest that I ever saw were of such extraordinary dimen- 
 sions that I could scarcely believe the reality, although within 
 only a few yards of our canoe ; I had a life's experience among 
 these creatures, but I never had the faintest conception that such 
 monsters were in existence. We were travelling up the Victoria 
 Nile, my wife, myself, and two attendants, in addition to the 
 native crew of a very large canoe (about 30 feet in length). 
 Another canoe was about 50 yards astern, full of wounded men : 
 the troops were marching through forest parallel with the river ; 
 this was about 500 yards in width, very deep, with a current so 
 slight as to be almost imperceptible. There had been serious 
 fighting during a forest march of seven consecutive days, and 
 although we were approaching a friendly tribe, I did not wish to 
 proclaim our presence by the report of firearms. 
 We were paddling with six rowers along this desolate river, 
 bordered upon either side by lofty papyrus and sombre forests, 
 when we observed a small island, a portion of the area being over- 
 grown with the very graceful but mournful-looking rush (papyrus) ; 
 this had taken root in a shallow soil formed by rotten vegetation, 
 which had drifted upon the hard granite that formed the basis of 
 the isle. The bare gray granite shelved gradually towards the 
 water, and exposed a clear surface of about 60 feet ; upon this 
 were large rounded masses resembling boulders of rock, which had 
 resisted the process of gradual disintegration. It was a pictur- 
 esque and unexpected island, a huge rock rising suddenly from the 
 deep water. 
 The canoe drew near, and when within about 20 yards the 
 great boulders of granite began to move ! I could not believe my 
 eyes ; great masses commenced to unfold, and in a few seconds 
 resolved themselves into two vast forms, each as thick as the 
 body of a hippoptamus, and of enormous length. These two 
 antediluvian monsters glided slowly and fearlessly along the 
 gently sloping granite, and when half beneath the water they 
 exposed a breadth of back which was the most extraordinary sight 
 I have ever seen in my long experience of crocodiles. 
 We stopped the canoe for a few moments, but I would not fire
 for the reason already given, and after gazing at us for a short 
 time, the great heads sank below the surface ; the scene was then 
 restricted to a rather flat granite island, without any boulders, and 
 a dense tuft of papyrus rushes on the western side. 
 I would not presume to estimate the length of these extraor- 
 dinary creatures, but the deep and broad river, flowing silently 
 through one of the oldest portions of the earth, suggested, by the 
 exhibition of these mighty forms, that no change in the inhabit- 
 ants of the stream had taken place since the original creation. 
 Crocodiles, like all other creatures, vary in their characters 
 according to the conditions under which they exist. Although 
 they prey upon any living thing that comes within their reach, 
 they, as inhabitants of the water, are by nature fish-eaters. When 
 cutting wearily during two seasons through the dense obstructions 
 of aquatic vegetation which had closed the navigation of the 
 White Nile, we occasionally entered upon horrible solitudes of 
 shallow swamp, peopled by countless snakes ; the air, sultry and 
 redolent of malaria, was humming with mosquitoes ; and in this 
 chaos, if a few sqxiare yards of sandbank appeared above the 
 marsh, there were the belly scales of some large crocodile printed 
 upon the surface. Nothing could be more horrible than such 
 associations : the loud hoarse snorts of the hippopotamus at night, 
 and the reptiles that were present in the daylight ; these formed 
 a combination which conveyed an indelible impression of ante- 
 diluvian realities. This was the natural position of the crocodile, 
 in which fish must have constituted its nourishment. 
 I remember upon one occasion, in the Albert Nyanza, we found 
 one half of a fish (Perca Nilotica) that was bitten as clean 
 through as though divided by a knife ; this was the work of a 
 snap from the jaws of a crocodile. The fish would have weighed 
 about 70 Ibs. when whole. It was almost certain that the fish 
 caught nightly in our trammel-nets would be taken by crocodiles ; 
 and, not content with an endeavour to abstract them, they tore 
 the net into large holes with teeth and claws, in their determina- 
 tion to possess them. 
 The moat dangerous time for a man to enter a river is just 
 before or after sunset, as the fish invariably visit the shallows 
 during evening ; the crocodiles follow them, and they may fre- 
 quently be seen at that hour dashing like huge pike most furiously 
 at the larger varieties, which sometimes jump to a great height 
 out of the water, in an attempt to evade their pursuers. 
 When I was in command of the Khedive's expedition, our 
 losses through crocodiles were very distressing, all of which were
 terrible examples of the ferocity, combined with cunning, which 
 characterises this useless scourge. On one occasion the vessels 
 were sailing up the White Nile with a strong north wind, making 
 at least 7 knots an hour ; one of the cavasses was sitting upon 
 the deck, with his legs dangling over the sides of the deeply laden 
 vesssel, his feet being half a yard above the water. Suddenly a 
 rush was made by a very large crocodile, and the man was seized 
 and carried off in a shorter time than it would take to announce 
 the fact. This was done in the presence of a hundred men on 
 board the vessel, and nothing was ever heard of the unfortunate 
 On another occasion one of the sailors was sitting upon the 
 rudder to wash himself; the vessel was in motion, but he was 
 carried off by a crocodile in sight of his comrades on the deck. 
 These attacks prove that the fact of a vessel travelling through 
 the water does not in all cases terrify this horrible reptile, but, on 
 the contrary, it snatches its prey from the vessel itself while in 
 I lost so many men by these creatures that I made a point of 
 shooting every crocodile that showed its head above the surface, or 
 that was basking upon the shore. The rifle that I invariably 
 carried was a "577 of extreme precision, and I slaughtered a vast 
 number of these vermin in revenge for their misdeeds. 
 On one occasion I killed a crocodile which, although not longer 
 than 12 feet 3 inches, was very thick in the body; this was proved 
 to be a malefactor by the testimony of two bracelets and a neck- 
 lace, belonging to a missing girl, which we found within its 
 Upon opening the stomach and examining the contents we dis- 
 covered upwards of five pounds weight of gravel or pebbles, mixed 
 with a woolly substance and aquatic weeds. The wool was the 
 hair of the girl, and her ornaments were discovered among the 
 The necklace was made of small pieces of wood threaded upon 
 a string ; these wooden beads were partially abraded by the action 
 of the pebbles, which no doubt are swallowed for the purpose of 
 assisting digestion, as fowls and other birds swallow sand and 
 stones for the same object. Nearly every crocodile that I have 
 examined contained a certain amount of coarse gravel within its 
 stomach. This has a peculiar power of contraction and expansion, 
 capable of sustaining great privation when food is scarce, and of 
 accommodating itself to any amount of sudden plenty. 
 Among the accidents that occurred to my expedition, one man
 had his arm bitten off at the elbow, being seized while collecting 
 aquatic vegetables from the bank. He waa saved from utter loss 
 by his comrades, who held him while his arm was in the jaws of 
 the crocodile. The man was brought to me in dreadful agony, 
 and the stump was immediately amputated above the fracture. 
 Another man was seized by the leg while assisting to push a vessel 
 off a sandbank ; he also was saved by a crowd of soldiers who were 
 with him, engaged in the same work : this man lost his leg. 
 The captain of No. 10 tug was drowned in the dock vacated by 
 the 108 ton steamer, which had been floated into the river by a 
 small canal cut from the basin for that purpose. This channel waa 
 about 30 yards in length, and 3 feet in depth. No person ever 
 suspected that a crocodile would take possession of the dock, and it 
 was considered as the safest place for the troops to bathe. 
 One evening at muster the captain was absent, and, as it was 
 known that a short time previously he had gone down to wash at 
 the basin, he was searched for at the place. A pile of clothes and 
 his red fez were upon the bank ; but no person was visible. A 
 number of men jumped into the water, and felt the bottom in every 
 portion of the dock, with the result that in a few minutes his body 
 was discovered ; one leg was broken in several places, being 
 severely mangled by the numerous teeth of a crocodile. There can 
 be little doubt that the creature, having drowned its victim, had 
 intended to return. 
 This must have been a peculiarly wily monster to intrude into 
 a place which was so continually disturbed. We could never dis- 
 cover any crocodile in the immediate neighbourhood upon which we 
 could cast a suspicion as the depredator. Some months after this 
 incident, a terrible calamity in the canal was adjudged to have 
 been occasioned by the same crocodile, although no actual proof 
 could be adduced. 
 About 7 P.M., Lady Baker and myself, together with Com- 
 mander Julian Baker, R.N., were sitting in an open shed in the 
 comparative cool of evening, when a man rushed past the sentries, 
 and threw himself upon the ground, clasping my legs in an agony 
 of terrified excitement. The sentries immediately rushed forward, 
 and seized him by the back of the neck. Releasing him instantly 
 by my order, the man gasped out, " Said, Said is gone ! taken 
 away from my side by a crocodile, now, this minute ! " " Said ! 
 what Said?" I asked: "there are many Saids."" Said of the 
 No. 10 steamer, the man you liked; he is gone; we were wading 
 together across the canal by the dock where Reis Mahomet was 
 killed ; the water is only waist deep, but a tremendous crocodile
 rushed like a steamboat from the river, seized Said l>y the waist, 
 and disappeared. He's dragged into the river, and I've run here 
 to tell you the bad news." 
 We immediately hurried to the spot. The surface of the river 
 was calm, and unruffled in the stillness of a fine night. The canal 
 was quiet, and appeared as though it had never been disturbed. 
 The man who had lost his companion sat down, and sobbed aloud. 
 Said, who was one of my best men, was indeed gone for ever. 
 There were many accidents among the natives, which may easily 
 be imagined, as they were continually in the habit of swimming 
 across the river when accompanying their herds of cattle. Upon 
 these occasions the crocodiles usually extorted a toll, and sometimes 
 they took a proprietor instead of being satisfied with a cow. 
 A curious incident occurred, which thoroughly exemplified " the 
 biter bit," and I should imagine that such an event has very rarely 
 taken place. 
 I had three large cows with exceedingly long horns, which I had 
 brought from the Bor tribe to Gondokoro. These were totally 
 different from the small and active cattle of the Bari, and they 
 were regarded with great admiration by the natives. When I was 
 about to leave for the interior, I confided these valuable animals to 
 the especial care of a neighbouring chief, who was to make use of 
 the milk, but to be responsible for the safety of the cows. 
 Upon my return, two years after, the chief appeared, and, in 
 reply to my question, he declared that the cows were all well, and 
 that one of them was regarded with veneration by all his people. 
 Every morning fresh flowers were garlanded around her horns, and 
 she had become the sheik of all the herds, because she had 
 accomplished a feat which had never been performed by any other 
 animal. She had caught a crocodile ! 
 This proved to be correct. She had gone to the river to drink, 
 in a place where the bank shelved very gradually towards the 
 water. As she was drinking, a large crocodile seized her by the 
 nose, and in the usual manner attempted to drag her into its own 
 element. Instead of this, the bank being favourable, the heavy 
 and powerful cow commenced the game of " tug-of-war," and as 
 the crocodile "maintained its hold, the cow, instead of being dragged 
 in, succeeded in dragging the attacking party out. Nothing would 
 induce the tenacious monster to let go ; therefore by degrees, 
 whilst struggling, both the cow and crocodile retreated many 
 yards from the river's margin. The natives were attracted by the 
 bellowing of the cow, and seeing the position, they at once rushed 
 to the rescue, and mobbed the crocodile with their spears. They
 hud kept the head as a trophy ; and the cow was regarded as a 
 I was a sjKJctator upon one occasion when a very large crocodile 
 seized a bullock and pulled it into deep water ; several times the 
 animal in its straggles could be seen upon the surface, although the 
 head was held beneath by the steady grasp of the captor: at 
 length all disappeared except the tail of the ox, which twisted 
 and writhed convulsively in the air like a wounded snake. In 
 about two minutes it ceased to move, and the entire body floated, 
 drowned, while the long head of the triumphant crocodile rose 
 alongside, and quietly contemplated its victim. 
 There can be no doubt that crocodiles can see beneath the 
 water to a considerable distance, should it be clear ; on the other 
 hand, they rarely discover their prey in this manner, but, perhaps 
 unseen, the reptile's projecting eyes are just above the surface at 
 some little distance, aud it sees an animal upon the bank, so near 
 the margin that it can easily be surprised. The crocodile then 
 sinks, and approaches beneath the water, until it ventures upon 
 another stealthy peep from a closer distance. When certain of the 
 position it sinks again, and swimming until within reach of the 
 unsuspicious object, it makes a sudden rush with extraordinary 
 velocity, and generally succeeds in snapping its prey within those 
 merciless jaws from which there is no escape. 
 It is always dangerous either to sit or stand upon the extreme 
 edge of a precipitous bank, unless many feet above a river. Should 
 a crocodile be unable to reach an object with its jaws, it will 
 frequently strike with the tail so suddenly that the animal or 
 person is tripped up, and knocked into the water, to be instantly 
 seized by the teeth and carried off. I have watched upon many 
 occasions the stealthy advance of a crocodile to capture small birds, 
 when in flights of many thousands they have settled upon the 
 yielding branches of dwarf willows overhanging the Atbara river. 
 The elastic boughs bent down beneath the weight of the innumer- 
 able flock, and the crocodile's head appeared above the surface at 
 a distance, sank below, and quickly reappeared (the eyes and 
 crown alone above the water) within 10 yards of the unsuspecting 
 birds, all of which were busily engaged in twittering excitement, 
 quarrelling for places, and occasionally dipping their beaks in the 
 water when the bending twigs permitted them to drink. In a few 
 moments after the disappearance of the wary eyes, a tremendous 
 splash was accompanied by a pair of open jaws, which swept the 
 occupants of the lower branches into the greedy throat. This 
 artful attack was frequently repeated, and generally with success.
 xiii THE CROCODILE 265 
 The Soudanese Arabs eat the flesh of crocodiles, therefore a 
 professional hunter can earn his living by the value of various 
 portions of the reptile, in addition to the musk. The skin is soaked 
 until it becomes soft : it is then cut into long, thin strips, to be 
 used for lashing any wood -work that may be fractured. No 
 animal's hide is so hard as that of the crocodile when treated in 
 this manner, and a good supply is invaluable to an expedition, 
 where repairs are necessary almost daily. The contraction of the 
 wet hide during the process of drying is sufficient to draw together 
 the split stock of a gun, and render it stronger than the original. 
 I have seen wheels of field-guns, the spokes of which had 
 become loosened by the dry climate and exposure to the sun, 
 rendered tighter than when new, by interlacing them with raw 
 crocodile's hide, well soaked for two or three days ; these were 
 dried in the shade gradually, and they resembled a cobweb in 
 appearance, but were as hard as horn. 
 The difference of taste is unaccountable ; the natives of Central 
 Africa refuse the flesh of a crocodile, although they will eat stinking 
 fish. The Arabs eat the crocodile, but are most particular that 
 fish should be free from taint. 
 The eggs of crocodiles are like those of the goose, both in size 
 and shape. The female scrapes a hole in the sand, and lays from 
 fifty to a hundred, which she carefully buries. The young, when 
 hatched, find their way to the river, and are no longer an object 
 of maternal care. 
 I have never eaten the eggs, but they are much prized by some 
 tribes, although rejected by others. The natives of the Garo Hills, 
 in the neighbourhood of the Brahmaputra river, collect a harvest 
 of these ova during the season when the river has forsaken the 
 high shore, and the sandbanks are raised above the level. It is a 
 simple matter to discover the nest, as the claw-marks and the 
 heavy trail of the crocodile are distinct upon the sandy soil. 
 Crocodiles may be easily captured in nets, and I am surprised 
 that so little attention is bestowed upon their destruction, now 
 that the skin has a marketable value. When shooting these 
 creatures the hunter should be provided with a single-barbed 
 harpoon only half an inch in width, with an extremely sharp point. 
 This should be made of the best steel, and should be fitted upon a 
 bamboo, or some other light but strong pole, about 25 feet in 
 length. A rope should be fixed to the harpoon, and secured to 
 the centre of the pole. When a crocodile is shot, it sinks to the 
 bottom ; it must therefore be sought from a canoe, and when felt 
 by the harpoon, it can be speared.
 THE genus Bos is the most useful to mankind. The bull has been 
 from time immemorial venerated as an emblem of procreative power. 
 The winged bulls of Nineveh are now stored in that grand asylum 
 of the ancient world, the British Museum ; and we look back to 
 the earliest history in Egypt, where we see the bull-calf Apis sacred, 
 as symbolical of strength and procreativeness, that should supply 
 mankind with the herds of cattle necessary for their existence. 
 The veneration for the bull was so firmly implanted in the human 
 mind, that we read of the first symptoms of antagonism to the 
 teaching of Moses, in Exodus, when the Hebrews sought the 
 assistance of Aaron to mould them a bull-calf in imitation of the 
 Egyptian Apis, directly that their leader and deliverer had dis- 
 appeared for a few days to seek the counsel of the Lord upon 
 Mount Sinai. 
 In the savage regions of Central Africa, where the worship of a 
 Deity is unknown, the bull is regarded with a respect that is not 
 bestowed upon any other animal. Vast strength, the perfection of 
 masculine vigour, and indomitable courage, form the combination 
 which has attracted the adoration of mankind. 
 This genus Bos is distributed in immense variety throughout the 
 globe, but in Africa we find an extraordinary anomaly, that although 
 domestic cattle (the generally accepted Bos) are omnipresent, even 
 among those savages who have been until recent years entirely 
 excluded from the world's history, there is no such creature ex- 
 isting in its wild state, and we are at a loss to discover a progenitor. 
 We know three varieties ifpon the African continent, but these 
 belong specially to the Jinljalus, and are distinct from the ordinary 
 wild cattle (1$. (<iurus) of Europe or other countries. 
 The African buffalo, or fins differ, has two varieties, in which 
 the distinction is only to be found in the horns. No. 1 are convex,
 and meet at the base across the forehead. No. 2 has flat-fronted 
 horns, very broad, but they do not actually unite across the front 
 of the skull. 
 There is also a species which is quite distinct ; this is the Bos 
 Irachyceros, or short-horned buffalo. This is found upon the West 
 Coast of Africa, and is very beautiful. It is a fawn colour, with a 
 tinge of dark chestnut, and about the size of a Jersey bull. The 
 ears are long, and are tipped with a long tuft of hair ; the eyes are 
 large, the head remarkably small, and delicately shaped : the horns 
 are about 12 inches long, broad at the base, without much curve, 
 and sharp at the points. The hair of the body is short and smooth, 
 like an English cow in summer condition, and the dewlap is soft and 
 large. The tail is long, with a black tuft of hair at the extremity. 
 Like all the Bos tribe, the bull is savage when provoked. My 
 nephew, Commander Julian A. Baker, R.N., nearly lost his life in 
 an encounter with one of these animals. He was at that time in 
 command of the Foam on the West Coast of Africa, and he had 
 landed at some convenient spot, from which he strolled inland, 
 accompanied by a faithful Kruman as a shikari : this man carried 
 a spare rifle. They had not gone far when he observed a bull 
 grazing in a narrow glade, and upon firing within 100 yards, the 
 animal fell, and blundered into a small bush. Being rather excited 
 with the novelty of a strange species, he ran up to the place where 
 the bull had fallen ; but no sooner had he reached the spot than the 
 beast that he had supposed to be dead, or dying, charged furiously 
 at him from the impervious cover which had sheltered it. His 
 rifle missed fire, and in another moment the bull thrust one horn 
 into his thigh, and lifted him off the ground. He was in this 
 manner thrown upwards, and found himself fixed securely upon the 
 animal's head. Fortunately he was well practised at acrobatic 
 feats, and in this dilemma he managed to hold on to one horn, and 
 to disengage his perforated thigh from the other, falling to the 
 ground the instant that his leg was released ; but he never relaxed 
 his hold of the right horn. He was now upon his back, with the 
 infuriated bull attempting to gore him as he lay, but with great 
 presence of mind he remembered the plan used in Africa for throw- 
 ing oxen ; and bringing his full weight to bear, by pulling with his 
 right hand upon the animal's left horn, he twisted the nose with 
 his left hand upwards in a contrary direction, thus exerting the 
 greatest leverage upon the neck. In this manner he was able to 
 prevent the horns from entering his chest, and, knowing that the 
 bull was shot through the shoulder, he trusted that it could not 
 survive a sufficient time to complete his destruction. In the
 meantime, his faithful Kruman shikari had rushed to his aid, and, 
 fearing to shoot lest he might wound his master, he fired both 
 barrels right and left in the air, close to the ear of the assailant, in 
 the hope that it would be frightened by the sound. This had not 
 the slightest effect. Throwing away his useless rifle, he drew a 
 long and extremely sharp hunting-knife, and seizing the bull by the 
 soft and pendulous dewlap, he held it tight, and with one desperate 
 drawing cut across the throat he reached the spine. As the blood 
 rushed from the several arteries the bull fell struggling upon the 
 ground, and when, after considerable delay, assistance was obtained, 
 Julian Baker was carried to his ship, where for nearly three months 
 he was laid upon his back, with a vivid recollection of his first 
 interview with the " Bos brachyceros." The head of that animal, 
 carefully prepared by Mr. Rowland Ward, the well-known naturalist 
 of Piccadilly, is now among my collection. It is very small, and 
 delicately shaped, differing entirely from all other varieties of the 
 buffalo, and exhibiting its connection with that species only by the 
 peculiar shape and texture of the horns. If such a struggle had 
 taken place with an ordinary buffalo, the strongest man would 
 have been killed almost instantaneously, without the chance of 
 The Bos Gaffer is about the same in size and shape as the 
 Indian variety, but differs in the shape of the head and the forma- 
 tion of the horns. All the Bos tribe are more or less savage, but 
 the African buffalo is a peculiarly ferocious brute, especially when 
 All buffaloes delight iu swampy plains, where they can obtain 
 rich pasturage of the coarsest description, that would not be eaten 
 by ordinary cattle ; they love to wallow in the mud during the 
 mid-day sun, and to lie in shallow pools with only their heads 
 above the surface of the water. A buffalo appears to have only 
 just escaped the classification of amphibious. The love of water 
 becomes an actual necessity, as the buffalo, although so useful as a 
 beast of burden, or for draught purposes, requires a rest during the 
 hottest hours of a tropical day, to enable it to bathe, and roll itself 
 in the dearly beloved mud ; without which it would refuse to work, 
 and would ultimately lose condition. 
 The buffaloes of Italy and Egypt retain the original type of 
 their Oriental race, but they have dwindled in size, and have lost 
 both length and weight of horns. There cannot be a better 
 example of a theory than this animal, as it has been domesticated 
 for so great a length of time that we are enabled to observe the 
 peculiar changes effected by local peculiarities. This proves that
 xiv THE BUFFALO 269 
 various conditions of localities produce special results in the 
 development and character of animals. 
 The buffaloes of Ceylon are the same as those of India, but the 
 horns are very inferior. The horns of all animals in Ceylon are 
 comparatively small, as there is a deficiency of the necessary 
 ingredients in the pasturage for their production ; we therefore 
 see elephants without tusks, and both deer and buffaloes with 
 horns far smaller than those of India belonging to the same species. 
 In Ceylon the so-called domestic buffaloes are extremely vicious. 
 In Egypt and Italy they are the reverse, and children are seen 
 mounted upon their backs or driving them to pasture. In China 
 they are equally good-tempered. 
 The horns of the Indian buffalo are enormous, and, when 
 measured in the curve from tip to tip, they have been frequently 
 known to exceed 12 feet. 
 Like all other wild animals, the buffaloes of India are much 
 reduced in numbers. The modern breechloaders, with increased 
 facilities for communication, which enable Europeans to penetrate 
 without much difficulty to their haunts, threaten to exterminate 
 everything which has been attractive to the hunter, and in another 
 twenty years the game will have disappeared. 
 I have myself witnessed the distressing change in many 
 localities, which, when I was young, were teeming with wild 
 buffaloes and other animals. People will now hardly credit the 
 fact of their existence. My earliest introduction to the buffalo 
 was at Minneria, Ceylon, in 1845 ; such a creature is now unknown, 
 as the few that remain have left the open plain, and betaken them- 
 selves to distant jungles. 
 There was no road to Minneria from 1845 to 1849 except an 
 overgrown footpath for 22 miles from Narlandd, which had to be 
 specially cleared at the traveller's cost when he ventured upon the 
 journey. I can never forget the impressions of my first visit ; 
 we had been cutting our way through jungle in a long day's 
 march, assisted by a number of Singhalese with their sharp bill- 
 hooks (catties), and, oppressed with the sultry heat of the dense 
 bush, we were at length overjoyed when we suddenly emerged 
 upon the beautiful green plain. The grass was about 6 inches 
 high, and the plain, which was irregular in shape, extended for 
 a great distance. I cannot improve upon the description which I 
 gave of this spot in the Rifle and Hound in Ceylon, published 
 many years ago: "At 4 P.M., and 80 miles from Kandy, we 
 emerged from the jungle, and the view of Minneria lake burst 
 upon us, fully repaying us for our day's march. It was a lovely
 afternoon. The waters of the lake, which ia 20 miles in circum- 
 ference, were burnished by the setting sun. The surrounding 
 plains were as green as an English meadow, and beautiful forest 
 trees bordered the extreme boundaries of the plains like giant 
 warders of the adjoining jungle. Long promontories, densely 
 wooded, stretched far into the waters of the lake, forming sheltered 
 nooks and bays teeming with wild-fowl. The deer browsed in herds 
 on the wide extent of plain, or lay beneath the shade of the spreading 
 branches. Every feature of lovely scenery was here presented. 
 In some spots groves of trees grew to the very water's edge ; in 
 others the wide plains, free from a single stem or bush, stretched 
 for miles along the edge of the lake ; thickly wooded hills bordered 
 the extreme end of its waters, and distant blue mountains mingled 
 their dim summits with the clouds. . . . The grass was most 
 verdant, about the height of a field fit for the scythe in England, 
 but not so thick. From this the snipe rose at every 20 or 30 
 paces, although the ground was perfectly dry. Crossing a large 
 meadow, and skirting the banks of the lake, from which the 
 ducks and teal rose in large flocks, we entered a long neck of 
 jungle which stretched far into the lake. This was not more 
 than 200 paces in width, and we soon emerged upon an extensive 
 plain bordered by fine forests, the waters of the lake stretching 
 far away upon our left, like a sheet of gold. A few large rocks 
 rose above the surface near the shore ; these were covered with 
 various kinds of wild-fowl. The principal tenants of the plain 
 were wild buffaloes. 
 " A herd of about a hundred were lying in a swampy hollow 
 about a quarter of a mile from us. Several single bulls were 
 dotted about the green surface of the level plain, and on the 
 opposite shores of the lake were many dark patches umlistinguish- 
 able in the distance ; these were in reality herds of buffaloes. 
 There was not a sound in the wide expanse before us, except 
 the harsh cry of the water-fowl that our presence had already 
 disturbed. . . . Not a breath of air moved the leaves which 
 shadowed us, and the whole scene was that of undisturbed 
 nature. The sun had now sunk low upon the horizon, and the 
 air was comparatively cool The multitude of buffaloes en- 
 chanted us, and with our two light double-barrels we advanced 
 to the attack of the herd before us. " 
 I have extracted this passage as a picture of the hunter's 
 paradise, which I so well remember, but which now exists as a 
 scene still lovely, but almost devoid of game. 
 In those days the buffaloes were quite unsophisticated, as
 xiv THE BUFFALO 271 
 they were never disturbed ; the plain was their territory. I will 
 not repeat what has already been published in the Rifle and 
 Hound in Ceylon, but that first interview with the buffaloes, 
 when we (my late brother and I) "advanced to attack the herd 
 before us," very nearly wound up my early experience of shikar. 
 The " two light double-barrels " were quite inadequate to the 
 power required, but from that date I invariably used my heavy 
 rifles, which arrived on the following morning, and the 3-oz., 
 with 12 and sometimes 16 drams of powder, proved irresistible. 
 The Indian buffalo, although savage, is not so dangerous as that 
 of Ceylon. The horns are immensely superior to the Ceylon species, 
 but they are not so handy ; and, as the hunter is generally mounted 
 upon an elephant, he is tolerably secure, while in Ceylon he would 
 be forced to advance to the attack on foot. 
 There is extreme danger in this sport unless the hunter is a 
 cool and accurate shot, armed with a rifle of heavy calibre. The 
 hide of a buffalo is intensely tough, and of great thickness ; it is 
 almost free from hair, and resembles the bare appearance of india- 
 rubber. The frontal bone is thick, and although easily penetrated 
 by an ordinary bullet with a large charge of powder, it is difficult 
 to hit, as the animal, when facing an antagonist, carries its nose 
 thrown upwards. The nose, therefore, should be the point of aim, 
 as a bullet well directed will by this route reach the brain. It 
 may be readily understood that when a vicious animal is your vis- 
 a-vis the duel has commenced, and your shot must be delivered as 
 a "settler." If you miss, or if the shot be uncertain in its effect, 
 the buffalo will in most instances charge. 
 The charge of a buffalo is a very serious matter ; many animals 
 charge when infuriated, but they can generally be turned by the 
 stunning effect of a rifle shot, even though they may not be mortally 
 wounded; but a buffalo is a devil incarnate when it has once 
 decided upon the offensive. Nothing will then turn it ; it must be 
 actually stopped by death, sudden and instantaneous, as nothing 
 else will stop it. 
 If not killed, it will assuredly destroy its adversary. There is 
 no creature in existence that is so determined to stamp out the life 
 of its opponents, and the intensity of fury is unsurpassed when a 
 wounded bull buffalo rushes forward upon the last desperate charge. 
 Should it succeed in overthrowing its antagonist, it will not only 
 gore the body with its horns, but it will endeavour to tear it to 
 pieces, and will kneel upon the lifeless form, and stamp it with its 
 hoofs until the mutilated remains are disfigured beyond all 
 I have killed some hundreds of these animals, and I never regret 
 their destruction, as they are naturally vicious and most dangerous 
 brutes, whose ferocity is totally uncalled for. The Ros Gaffer and 
 the ordinary buffalo of Ceylou are about equal in pugnacity, and 
 the duels between the bulls are a magnificent display of taurine 
 strength and determination. 
 In such trials of strength the vanquished party generally retreats 
 at full speed, followed for a certain distance by its adversary, who 
 endeavours to drive its horns into the posterior. This is a difficulty, 
 as the great curvature of the horns renders a direct thrust impossible. 
 The victorious bull, left upon the field of battle, has kindled the 
 fire of fight, and longs to seek some new antagonist more worthy 
 of its strength. It does not much signify at that moment of ex- 
 citement whether it be man or beast, but if the former, it is to be 
 hoped that he is well prepared. 
 I have frequently witnessed such battles between old bulls, and 
 then walked up to interview the victor, with a 3-oz. rifle, upon the 
 open plain. Nothing can be grander than the sight of a thoroughly 
 excited bull who is determined to assume the offensive, provided 
 that you have a double-barrelled No. 8 with 12 drams of powder, 
 or the 3-oz. with 14 or 16 drams. 
 The terrific power of the old 3-oz. belted spherical bullet was 
 frequently exhibited upon Minneria plain ; and it was a grand ex- 
 perimental shooting-ground in those days, when buffaloes were 
 within shot at all hours from sunrise to sunset. The 3-oz. was an 
 absolute exterminator, and no buffalo had a chance, provided the 
 rifle was held steadily and straight. This weapon was a single- 
 barrel, and in those distant days it was of course a muzzle-loader, 
 therefore I could not afford to miss, in the event of danger; I 
 accordingly got into the habit of shooting straight, having a thorough 
 confidence in the crushing power of the rifle. 
 Upon one occasion a single bull, which had evidently been 
 fighting, as it showed the white scores of an adversary's horns upon 
 its black hide, was venting its rage by pawing the green turf, and 
 ploughing the soft ground with its angry head, when I dismounted 
 from my pony, and advanced upon the open plain. Seeing me, it 
 made hostile demonstrations, and marched slowly and determinedly 
 forward, as though determined to settle the dispute at the closest 
 quarters. AVhen within 100 paces it stopped, and, after tearing 
 up the ground most viciously for a few minutes, it started at full 
 speed in as direct a charge as it could take ; I met it in the chest 
 with a bullet from the 3-oz. rifle, and the bull was killed so 
 suddenly, that the momentum of its attack turned the body a
 xiv THE BUFFALO 273 
 complete somersault, and it lay motionless upon the ground, within 
 about 30 yards of my position. The bullet had entered the chest, 
 and, after passing through the heart and viscera, I found it beneath 
 the skin of the hind-quarters, having completely raked the animal 
 from stem to stern. 
 Upon two occasions, on the plain of Minneria, I killed two 
 buffaloes with one bullet from the deadly 3-oz. rifle. There was a 
 great commotion among a large herd of these animals, and upon my 
 approach I discovered that a fight was going on between two very 
 large bulls. When I drew near, the herd departed in full gallop, 
 and left me alone with the two bulls, which were far too much 
 engaged in their contest to notice my presence. I accordingly 
 continued my approach until, when within about 50 yards, they 
 condescended to observe me, and they at once resolved upon retreat ; 
 but their strongly curved horns were hooked together in their 
 combat, and when attempting a departure, they pulled in vain to 
 disengage themselves, ranging side by side in their efforts to effect 
 a separation. Seeing the opportunity, I fired exactly through the 
 shoulder of the nearest bull, and it dropped dead upon the spot, 
 thus unlocking the horns and releasing its antagonist. This ran 
 for a short distance, and then halting, it faced about, reeled to and 
 fro for about a minute, with bloody foam issuing from its mouth, 
 and rolled suddenly upon its side, dead. 
 The 3-oz. bullet, with 16 drams of powder, had smashed botli 
 shoulders of the first bull, and passed clean through the body ; it 
 had then entered behind the shoulder of the second bull, passed 
 through the lungs, and was found just beneath the tough skin upon 
 the opposite side, not much the worse for this extraordinary pene- 
 On another occasion, as a herd was crossing me at full speed, I 
 fired at the shoulder of a large bull, and dropped it on the spot ; 
 the herd continued at a gallop, but presently a cow lagged behind, 
 and stopped ; she reeled to the right and left, and fell dead, the 
 bullet having passed completely through her, after having perforated 
 the bull. 
 This large rifle was a wonderful performer, and it would be 
 endless to record the various examples of its power, but it may be 
 instructive to give an account of an incident which will show by 
 comparison the danger of small rifles in the pursuit of such hard- 
 skinned beasts as buffaloes. 
 Mr. Frederick Dick, who was subsequently murdered at Negombo 
 by a shot from a malefactor whom he, as Police Magistrate, 
 attempted to capture, was shooting with me upon one occasion at 
 my happy lain ting-grounds, Mtnncria lake and plain ; buffaloes were 
 swarming. The 3-oz. was in the best of humours, and its j)er- 
 fonnance led my friend Dick to imagine that buffaloes were, after 
 all, not such resolute beasts as had been described. He was armed 
 with a ridiculous single-barrelled rifle, No. 20 spherical ball. He 
 hod fired a number of shots from this toy uselessly, and I had killed 
 the various buffaloes with the heavy weajwn ; I prevailed upon him 
 to double his charge of powder. After some time, during which 
 we had walked a considerable distance along the margin of the 
 lake, we saw a solitary bull buffalo in a state of great excitement, 
 on the opposite side of a small creek leading from the lake towards 
 the jungle, about half a mile distant. As we drew nearer, the 
 buffalo faced us, and tore up the turf with its horns, at the same 
 time looking down the perpendicular bank, as though questioning 
 the possibility of a descent. We now arrived at the creek ; there 
 could not have been a more favourable position for Dick's little 
 rifle with a double charge (about 3 drams), as the breadth of water 
 which divided us from the opposite bank was not more than 30 
 yards. There was no danger, as the vertical bank, upon which the 
 angry bull was standing in a menacing attitude, was at least 12 
 feet high, therefore it was impossible for the animal to cross over. 
 I told Dick to be ready, and to aim at the back of the neck should 
 the buffalo lower its head. To effect this, I threw a hard clod of 
 earth across the creek ; this splashed loudly in the water imme- 
 diately beneath the buffalo's position. It looked down, and exposed 
 its neck ; at the exact moment Dick fired. The bull turned round 
 convulsively, and fell upon its side. " Well done, Dick ! " I ex- 
 claimed, " the double charge has done it ; " and we hurried round 
 the creek, wading through a shallow place as a short cut. Upon 
 arrival at the spot, we found a mighty specimen of a bull buffalo ; 
 in the exact centre of the massive neck a minute hole, that was 
 hardly perceptible, denoted the position of the tiny bullet which 
 had overthrown this colossal animal. Dick stood in front of the 
 bull's head, and revelled in the delight of his first buffalo, which 
 he had killed by a neat shot from so insignificant a weapon. 
 " Never stand at the head of a buffalo, whether dead or alive," 
 I exclaimed to my excited and delighted friend ; " but always 
 stand upon the side facing the back of the animal, well away from 
 the legs as I am standing now." 
 The words were hardly uttered when, to our intense surprise, 
 the apparently dead buffalo suddenly sprang to its feet, and 
 blundered forward straight at the astonished Dick, who was not 
 3 feet distant. He attempted to jump backwards to avoid the
 xiv THE BUFFALO 275 
 horns, but the ground being full of ruts, he tripped, and fell upon 
 his back, immediately in the path of the savage bull. Instinctively, 
 as quick as lightning, my right hand had drawn my long hunting- 
 knife and plunged it hilt-deep exactly behind the shoulder. To 
 my amazement, the buffalo fell to the blow ; and the kicking of 
 all four legs, and the convulsive twitching of the tail, showed 
 unmistakably that this time the mighty bull was beyond recovery. 
 I had jumped back upon the instant, to clear myself from the 
 animal ; Dick had only just recovered himself, and was staggering 
 away, until I called him back. "He's dead enough this time," 
 I shouted, as I showed him the long knife streaming with blood, 
 which had paralysed so suddenly an attack which must have been 
 Our native attendants appeared stupefied ; the whole affair, 
 from the moment we had surveyed the apparently dead buffalo to 
 its actual death, had not occupied one minute. 
 This was a very wonderful escape, and a most practical example 
 of the teaching which I was giving when the resuscitation took 
 place. The questions would naturally be asked " What sort of 
 a hunting-knife was this 1 ?" and "What was the nature of the 
 wound which effected such an instantaneous collapse 1 ?" 
 The knife was a portion of a real old " Andrea Ferrara" High- 
 land claymore. The blade was 18 inches in length and 2 inches 
 in breadth, double-edged, and as sharp as it was possible to make 
 it. The point was as keen as a lancet ; that is the condition in 
 which a hunting-knife should always be kept. I never leave the 
 camp for a day's work without first examining the edge and point 
 of my knife : if necessary, I personally sharpen it upon a Turkey 
 hone, and I never allow a servant to handle it. 
 We made a careful post-mortem examination of the buffalo. 
 The small No. 20 spherical bullet had settled upon the spine at 
 the back of the neck, but had not damaged the bone ; the shock 
 had stunned the animal for a few minutes. The sharp double edge 
 of the long hunting-knife had completely divided the great artery 
 of the heart, which was split open exactly at the orifice. 
 From that moment my companion declined to fire at buffaloes ; 
 I felt no hesitation in supporting his determination, as his weapon 
 was totally inadequate to the work required. 
 Although it appears to have been a wanton destruction of life, 
 I had no pangs of conscience in shooting these ferocious animals, 
 as it would have been exceedingly dangerous in those days to have 
 gone out snipe-shooting with an ordinary smooth-bore, while so 
 many bulls were possessors of the plain. The practice with the long
 3-oz. rifle was most interesting, and afforded instructive experience 
 in the i>enctration and stopping power of the heavy bullet. Upon 
 one occasion I managed to separate a herd, and five buffaloes swam 
 across a bend of the lake and reached a long but narrow spit of 
 land which extended for several hundred yards into the water. 
 Upon reaching the base of this narrow promontory I saw that the 
 buffaloes would dispute the right of possession, and I advanced 
 with extreme caution, the 3-oz. rifle in my hand, while a trust- 
 worthy native carried the long 2-oz. My people were so thoroughly 
 confident in the power of these weapons that they had no fear of 
 animals, which in ordinary circumstances they would certainly 
 have avoided. We had not proceeded far when the buffaloes 
 which were on the point ranged up together, and, without much 
 demonstration, a large bull made a determined charge at full 
 speed upon us, fortunately without being accompanied by his 
 A shot from the 3-oz. met him exactly in the chest, and his 
 momentum was so great that, being shot through the heart, he 
 turned a complete somersault, and lay dead upon the muddy 
 ground. This two-grooved rifle was easy to load, as the belt of 
 the bullet was so prominent that it fitted at once into the broad 
 and deep lines of the barrel. I had just placed the cap upon the 
 nipple when, undismayed by the fate of the first buffalo, another 
 bull charged, but not with the same velocity. This fellow was 
 regularly crumpled up, and lay floundering upon the ground, the 
 bloody foam from the mouth proving the death-wound through the 
 lungs. Reloading, I assumed the offensive, and I knocked over 
 another, leaving only two from the original number. One of these 
 now took to water, but received a bullet in the neck ; the other 
 made a rush as though wishing to charge past me to reach the 
 plain ; this one got the 2-oz. through the shoulder-blade atf close 
 quarters, and fell struggling in a confused heap, both shoulder- 
 bones being smashed. 
 This was sharp work for two single -barrelled muzzle-loaders, 
 but nothing could resist them. The effective power of such 
 weapons induced me to order four double-barrelled No. 10 two- 
 grooved muzzle-loaders, which proved to be exactly the weapons 
 required for Ceylon shooting at that period, as they had nearly the 
 same power as the 2-oz. rifle, with the additional advantage of the 
 As a rule, no person should attempt to shoot dangerous game 
 with a single barrel, if on foot. Although the modem breech- 
 loader has simplified the system of loading, there are many cases
 xiv THE BUFFALO 277 
 when an accident might occur which would be obviated by the 
 possession of a second barrel. I once had an unmistakable 
 reminder, which I never forgot. 
 The heavy 3-oz. rifle had been so great an ally, that I regarded 
 it as invincible. Instead of remaining satisfied, I attempted a fresh 
 improvement, and I had a 4-oz. mould that produced a sharp-pointed 
 cone, instead of the original spherical but belted ball. In actual 
 practice the rifle was not so powerful, as the shock upon impact 
 was reduced by the pointed projectile, and was inferior to the larger 
 surface of a hemisphere. The pointed bullet did not produce the 
 same knock-down blow, and it was deflected from a direct course if 
 it struck a bone. 
 I was loaded with this new bullet upon one occasion when a 
 very large rogue elephant was grazing in a lake, and we resolved if 
 possible to shoot it. The lake was several miles in circumference, 
 and was, as usual, surrounded by open grass-land, backed by the 
 thickest jungle. In one locality there was a patch of perhaps two 
 or three acres of the densest thicket, growing partly in the water, 
 and forming an isolated jungle separated only by about 100 yards 
 of turf-like grass from the main body of the forest. If we could 
 manage to place the guns behind some favourable bushes for con- 
 cealment, close to the main jungle, and then drive the elephant into 
 the isolated patch, it would probably march straight through, and 
 expose itself to a steady shot at close quarters, from the hidden 
 My brother was my companion, and having taken our places, 
 we sent the men round to disturb the elephant, and to drive it, if 
 possible, in our direction. 
 I was concealed behind a bush, only a few yards in front of the 
 jungle behind me, and about 90 yards from the isolated patch, into 
 which we expected the elephant to be driven. 
 The beaters were thoroughly experienced, the wind was favour- 
 able, and in a short time the heavy splashing in the water warned 
 us that the elephant had retreated from the lake into the clump of 
 bush, exactly as we had expected. The beaters closed up, but 
 nothing moved. 
 There was no doubt that the rogue was there, but the difficulty 
 had commenced. Who was to drive it out 1 The soil was muddy, 
 and the men could not move quickly, therefore they refused to 
 venture within the thorny bush, where escape would have been 
 impossible. I gave the men a gun, and ordered them to commence 
 at the rear of the isolated patch, to fire several shots, to shout, and 
 by these means to drive the elephant in the required direction.
 This plan was adopted. We heard two or three shots, the 
 beatere had ascended the trees, from which they were shouting like 
 demons, and suddenly a magnificent rogue elephant, a gigantic 
 bull, emerged from the jungle, and advanced majestically in direct 
 line for my concealed position. It was a grand sight, and having 
 thorough confidence in my rifle, I disdained concealment, and stood 
 in front of my bush to meet him. The instant that the rogue dis- 
 covered me, his demeanour changed; for a moment he halted, then 
 swung his head to and fro, and without further introduction he 
 charged full speed upon me. I awaited quietly, covering the exact 
 spot in the forehead, and fired. The smoke of the heavy charge of 
 powder hung like cotton wool around me, and for a moment obscured 
 the view ; but feeling sure that he was down, I looked beneath, 
 and to my horror I saw the trunk, the cocked ears and the expres- 
 sion of fury just above me. 
 To throw down my heavy rifle and to bolt upon one side was 
 the work of half a second, but the elephant turned after me, and 
 the race commenced over the most lovely piece of turf, like a well- 
 kept lawn tennis ground. I could run in those days, and I flew 
 along the level surface with this horrid brute behind me, going his 
 best, and gaining in the race. Keeping parallel with the jungle, I 
 hoped that the elephant would relinquish the pursuit and turn 
 suddenly into the welcome covert ; but no, he seemed determined 
 to overtake me. This race lasted for about 100 yards, when I 
 suddenly doubled to my left, which would necessitate a correspond- 
 ing move upon the part of my pursuer, that would bring him into 
 the crowd of beaters who were advancing from the isolated patch. 
 At that moment the elephant turned to the right, and was lost in 
 the thorny jungle ; while I was breathless, and relieved from the 
 exciting chase. 
 We never saw that elephant again, although we followed some 
 distance xipon his tracks in pursuit. My brother and my shikaris 
 declared that the bullet had struck him exactly in the right place, 
 but that his head was carried very high, and thrown back ; the 
 conical sharp -pointed bullet had therefore deflected, instead of 
 continuing a direct course. 
 I had another unsatisfactory experiment with an elephant, 
 which determined me to have nothing more to do with this 
 pointed projectile, and I returned to my old love, the 3-oz. belted 
 In those days we always used the finest grained powder, as we 
 were afraid of a miss-fire with a muzzle-loading rifle, unless the 
 grains could be distinctly seen in the nipple before we adjusted the
 xiv THE BUFFALO 279 
 cap. This strong and quick-burning powder produced a severe 
 recoil, but the penetration was enormous. It is this power which 
 is absolutely necessary when shooting buffaloes, rhinoceros, etc. 
 If the animal charges, you have no chance of escape unless you 
 possess a rifle that will rake it from end to end. When making a 
 post-mortem examination of a bull buffalo that has been killed in 
 this superior manner, the passage of the bullet through such dense 
 masses of muscles and bone appears incredible. The depth of 
 chest through the brisket from the front is at least 2 feet of solid 
 matter, chiefly gristle and breast bones ; that alone will stop an 
 ordinaiy bullet; but a 2-oz. hardened spherical with 12 drams of 
 powder will drive through the entire animal, and the ball will be 
 discovered nestled beneath the hide somewhere below the tail. I 
 have known a 3-oz. hardened conical bullet pass completely through 
 an African bull elephant, from one shoulder to that opposite, from 
 which it escaped. These are the sort of tools for heavy game ; and 
 if the hunter is strong enough for his work, and is properly armed 
 with double-barrels, there will be every chance in his favour, and 
 he will not be included in the gloomy list of casualties that have 
 befallen so many of his race, chiefly through the inferiority of their 
 I have killed elephants with a No. 16 spherical bullet (1 oz.), 
 and African buffaloes and rhinoceros with a 24 bore ('577) and 
 only 2 drams of powder, in the old days of muzzle-loaders ; but 
 these were favourable shots in positions which afforded slight 
 resistance. Such instances of success are exceptions to the rule, 
 and I cannot too energetically impress my experience upon all 
 beginners, that they must be especially armed with rifles that are 
 of proportionate strength to the animal to be encountered. 
 Although the bull buffalo is generally more formidable than the 
 female, the latter is even more determined to destroy her antagonist 
 if in defence of her calf. I have already described, under the head 
 of the "Tiger," the courage of the buffalo in attacking that .formid- 
 able beast should it presume to invade the sanctity of the herd. 
 There is no creature in existence so determined as the buffalo to 
 fight to the last gasp, when once its combative spirit has been 
 There are very few persons who have had a really wide experi- 
 ence of buffaloes in the various countries which they inhabit, and 
 the description that I have given might appear somewhat superla- 
 tive ; but although many may be shot which offer no resistance, 
 and fall unresistingly before the rifle, these are not to be depended 
 upon as guides or examples. The hunter of buffaloes who follows
 the pin-suit for years, will find that the true character of the 
 animal is one of stubborn unflinching courage, and unmitigated 
 revenge should it gain the ascendant. 
 During eight years' experience in Ceylon I was fortunate in 
 escaping from any casualties among my followers, although very 
 nearly caught myself; but in Africa I lost my best man, only 
 through the fact of his being badly armed. 
 I shot a bull, late in the evening, upon the marshy border of 
 the White Nile ; this was knocked over, apparently dead, by the 
 first bullet from a No. 10 rifle. My men actually danced in 
 triumph upon its body, in the anticipation of a feast, after a long 
 absence from fresh provisions during a voyage upon the desolate 
 river. Instead of hamstringing the lifeless beast, they continued 
 their insane gesticulations, when suddenly the buffalo jumped up, 
 and sent them flying into the river, like so many frogs, swimming 
 for their lives towards my diahbeeah. The buffalo disappeared iu 
 the swamp of high reeds and aquatic vegetation. On the following 
 morning, supposing that the beast must have died during the 
 night, about thirty or forty men, armed with double-barrelled 
 smooth-bores, went ashore to look for the dead animal. They had 
 not been ashore for many minutes when I heard a shot, then 
 another, followed by a regular volley. My people returned with 
 the head of the buffalo and a large quantity of meat, but they also 
 earned the body of my best man, who, when leading the way 
 through the high reeds upon the traces of blood, actually stumbled 
 over the buffalo lying in the swamp, and the light guns failed to 
 stop its charge. 
 The crooked horn had hooked him beneath the ear, and pene- 
 trating completely through the neck, had torn out the throat, as 
 though it had been cut. The savage beast had then knelt upon 
 the body and stamped it into the muddy ground, until it fell dead 
 before the united fire of thirty men. 
 I have never experienced any great difficulty with African 
 buffaloes, for the best of reasons, that I have been extremely 
 cautious, and have always shot with very powerful rifles. Baron 
 Harnier, a Prussian, was the first unprofessional hunter to visit 
 the White Nile as an independent traveller. He had his own 
 vessel and two German servants, both of whom died of fever. 
 Although he had great experience in buffalo-shooting, he was 
 eventually killed by a large bull, which attacked his native servant 
 after having received a death-wound from a single-barrelled rifle. 
 Being unloaded, Baron Harnier attacked the buffalo with his 
 clubbed rifle, in the hope of driving it away from his servant, who
 xiv THE BUFFALO 281 
 was lying upon the ground ; instead of this, the bull turned upon 
 its new assailant, and stamped and gored his body beyond recog- 
 nition. His large gold signet ring was found by the missionaries 
 some yards from his remains, and the body of the buffalo was 
 lying by his side, proving that the beast continued the savage 
 assault until the wound proved mortal ; vicious to the last gasp. 
 The celebrated sword-hunters of the Hamran Arabs excel in 
 riding down the Bos Gaffer and hamstringing it with a blow of 
 the sharp sword while at full speed. I was with these people 
 on one occasion, where the rocky hills were so much against the 
 horses that they dared not venture sufficiently close to a large 
 bull, which turned to bay upon a small plateau covered with 
 boulders. The bull stood to bay for some minutes, but at length, 
 as we tried the ruse of a feigned retreat, it turned and galloped 
 down the hill. In an instant four horses clattered after it in 
 renewed pursuit, and after a run of about five minutes over the 
 most unfavourable ground, which precluded all attempts at 
 closing with the game, the bull reached a narrow but impervious 
 jungle. My artful allies now rode to the opposite side to wind- 
 ward, and having thereby given their wind to the hunted animal, 
 they shouted, and threw stones into the jungle, in order, if 
 possible, to drive the buffalo within sight of myself on the other 
 I presently heard something moving among the tangled 
 branches, and being on a steady horse I rode to the extreme edge. 
 I now saw the buffalo standing in the deep shade, broadside on, 
 exposing the shoulder to a deadly shot. Taking the steadiest 
 aim, exactly behind the shoulder-joint, with my handy little 24 
 bore, and only 2|- drams of fine grained powder, I fired. The 
 buffalo did not flinch, or respond in any way to the shot. I re- 
 loaded, but before the bullet was rammed completely home, the 
 animal reeled to the right and left, and fell. It was dead, 
 struck through the centre of the lungs, and the bullet was dis- 
 covered in a rib upon the opposite side. Here was an instance 
 where a large and powerful beast was killed by a single shot from 
 an inferior weapon, but this was an exception, as such a chance 
 seldom occurs of obtaining a quiet shot within 30 yards exactly 
 at right angles with the shoulder. It will be seen from the 
 description I have given from my own experience that the buffalo 
 should be held in due respect, and that no unnecessary risks 
 should be thoughtlessly encountered. Above all, do not follow 
 a wounded bull into a thick jungle, or you will assuredly liave 
 trouble ; it is a common trick for a badly wounded beast to turn
 from its direct course, and conceal itself in dense bush or high 
 grass, from which it will rush unexixjctedly, and charge your flank 
 as you arc following up the track of blood. If the forest is 
 sufficiently open to enable you to sec 30 or 50 yards ahead, 
 there is no great danger, but thick and opaque bush will certainly 
 lead to a mishap, that may be fatal. It must be well remembered 
 that when a buffalo attacks, it never quits the body of its enemy 
 until it lias stamped out every sign of life.
 THERE is no portion of the globe which exhibits the results of 
 destruction more painfully than the prairies of North America. 
 The Indians have given place to the extension of the white 
 man's sway, and, as the wild tribes have diminished in proportion 
 to the increase of European races, in like manner the wild 
 animals either retreat to more distant solitudes, or cease to 
 exist. The buffalo of America, which at one time blackened 
 the plains with its countless herds, has now become a rarity, 
 and in certain localities, where formerly the prairie grass was 
 eaten close by thousands of these uncouth but interesting beasts, 
 not a solitary specimen can be discovered. 
 The bison is a grand-looking creature, and in my opinion it is 
 the most striking of all wild animals. There is a peculiar 
 savagery in the aspect of a shaggy old bull in its winter coat, 
 which surpasses in wildness of appearance all other species of 
 game. Although in reality a bison, this animal is invariably 
 termed the American buffalo. The bull is about 15 J to 16 
 hands at the shoulder, but this gives an erroneous idea of the 
 proportions of the animal, as the shoulder is abnormally high, 
 and from the withers, the back, instead of being straight, slopes 
 towards the hind-quarters. These are disproportioned to the 
 massive front of the animal, as they are very inferior to the fore- 
 quarters. The tail is shorter than in any of the bovine tribe. 
 The hoofs are small in proportion to the great size of the animal. 
 The ponderous strength of this animal is exhibited in the head, 
 neck, and fore -quarters; these are enormous. A shaggy mass 
 of nearly black hair covers the head and almost conceals the eyes ; 
 this mane-like covering descends, and terminates in a long beard, 
 which reaches to the knees. The horns, like all the bisons, are 
 short and curved. In the winter months the coat is thickly furred
 with exceedingly close and curly hair, almost resembling a fine 
 brown wool. The skins at that season are valuable as "buffalo 
 robes," and have for a long time been in great request, but owing 
 to the diminution in numbers of the animals, they are becoming 
 exceedingly scarce. 
 Although the bison has a ferocious aspect, it is a perfectly 
 harmless creature, and, unlike the buffalo of Africa and India, 
 it would never offend unless previously attacked. Even then, it 
 will escape if possible, but is furious when brought to bay. 
 The annual slaughter of these fine animals by the Indian tribes 
 has been well described by Cattlin. These hunts took place at 
 the commencement of winter, when the hides were in prime 
 condition, and the temperature was so low that the flesh could 
 be prewired as pemmican. 
 The Indians, who were instinctively adepts at the pursuit of 
 these splendid creatures, hunted them on horseback, until they 
 managed to drive a vast herd into some favourable ground, where 
 they could be surrounded by the tribe. The massacre then com- 
 menced, with arrow and lance, until none remained. 
 In the deep snow of winter, when the heavy bisons could 
 scarcely plough their way through the unstable mass, and they 
 struggled breast-deep along the drifts in search of some bare spot 
 where the keen wind had exposed the scanty pasturage, the active 
 Indians, shuffling in their snow-shoes upon the surface, could easily 
 overtake and kill the tired buffaloes. This was a war of extermina- 
 tion, and the advent of the white man, with his usual talent for de- 
 struction, has nearly completed that which the wild Indian had begun. 
 I had heard much of this and other stories of the "buffalo." 
 It was therefore a pleasurable surprise to find upon our arrival in 
 the Big Horn range in 1881 that, although the plains had been 
 deserted, there were many of these animals upon the mountains. 
 We had been toiling for some hours up the mountain face, at 
 the base of which the Powder river flows, and upon arrival at the 
 summit, our guide was obliged to confess that " he had never been 
 there before ! " This was a perplexity, as the vast extent of 
 mountain range was entirely trackless, and apparently devoid of 
 water. Under such circumstances, although boiling with indigna- 
 tion, it is advisable not to express your sentiments, as such a policy 
 will only add to the confusion of the guide. I therefore instructed 
 him to cross a small valley, and to ascend the opposite hill, from 
 which he would obtain a more extended view ; he was to examine 
 the whole landscajie, and to rejx>rt should he observe any appear- 
 ance of water.
 I rode with my wife across the same valley, but we ascended 
 the range of hills upon our right, from which we could embrace an 
 immense extent of country, and I immediately perceived a long 
 green line, winding through the yellowish grass, between low hills, 
 like a velvet ribbon. I knew this would represent a stream. 
 Upon our left was a descent of 600 or 700 feet into a deep dell, 
 at the bottom of which a similar green thread betokened water ; 
 this joined almost at right angles the original green line, after 
 which the stream continued along a dark ravine, until lost in the 
 thick forest of spruce firs, almost beneath the spot upon which we 
 At the distance of about 1-*- mile I could distinguish four black 
 objects upon the face of a knoll to the right of the green ribbon, 
 and upon an examination with my binoculars I discovered them to 
 be four buffaloes lying down upon the yellow grass, about 50 yards 
 to the right of the small stream. I immediately arranged that 
 Lady Baker should take the people and camp below the forest on 
 our left, while I should endeavour to stalk the buffaloes and procure 
 some meat for our first dinner. There was high ground between 
 the two green streaks, which formed almost a triangle from the 
 apex of their junction, therefore the distance across the base, from 
 the buffaloes to the camp, would not be above a mile. 
 We separated. Upon arrival at the bottom of the steep hill, I 
 found the water, as I had expected, running in a clear stream only 
 a few inches deep, between green rushes ; following this for some 
 little distance, I arrived at the junction, and I then ascended the 
 larger stream. I was accompanied by my hunter, Jem Bourne, 
 and we had sent our horses, together with the pack animals, to the 
 proposed camping-spot. My long riding boots made walking most 
 unpleasant, as the grassy slopes were slippery in the absence of 
 nailed soles. By preference I waded up the shallow stream, until 
 we considered that the animals were sufficiently near to detect the 
 sound of splashing. We at length arrived at a mound which I 
 had particularly remarked, owing to the presence of a large rock, 
 which I had at first mistaken for some wild animal. I knew that 
 the buffaloes, when we first saw them, were lying down upon the 
 slope on the other side of this unmistakable position. Quitting the 
 low bed of the stream, I now carefully ascended the steep slope, 
 stooping low until I neared the summit. There was very little 
 wind, but it was in our favour. Gradually, upon nearing the top 
 of the knoll, I raised myself; at the same moment there was a 
 rushing sound of heavy feet, and the next instant I saw the four 
 buffaloes going at full speed down the slope towards the small stream
 that we h;ul just quitted. The nearest was about GO yards from 
 me, and with the '577 rifle I aimed at the root of the tail. As the 
 bullet struck within a couple of inches of the mark, this magnifi- 
 cent bull plunged heavily UJKNI the ground. The three remaining 
 buffaloes, all bulls, dashed through the shallow stream, and 
 struggled up the opposing bunk ; this was so steep that they 
 scrambled with the greatest difficulty, and no tame animal of that 
 weight could have accomplished the ascent. I had immediately 
 reloaded, and I took a lovely aim between the shoulders of each 
 bull, as it exposed itself to a deadly shot, almost perix-ndicidar, 
 within 70 or 80 yank' distance ; but I would not fire ; I had them 
 completely in my power, and that was sufficient. Buffaloes were 
 being destroyed wholesale, and I would not join in the brutal list 
 of destroyers. 
 In the meantime this grand bull was sitting paralysed, with 
 the two hind legs stretched wide apart. It had attempted to move 
 down hill after the first shock of the bullet, and had managed to 
 slide itself for only a few feet forward by the action of the fore legs. 
 It was now upon its knees, struggling to rise, but completely help- 
 less in the hind-quarters. I called the attention of Jem Bourne 
 to the effect of the '577 solid bullet, and I told him to watch the 
 result of a merciful quietus, exactly through the shoulder-bone. 
 The bull fell over upon its right side, and never moved. 
 I trust that I may not be considered hard-hearted in recounting 
 such shots in detail, and their results ; I do so in the scientific 
 interests of rifle practice, to produce examples of the actual 
 practical effects of certain weapons, used against particular 
 animals. Had I been as I was in my younger days, without a 
 life's experience, I could have shot thirty or forty of these splendid 
 animals with ease ; but from the moment of this first example I 
 determined to kill no more, but only to admire. In accordance 
 with this determination, I took great pains upon many occasions 
 to obtain a shot, and after long stalks, having obtained a magni- 
 ficent position, I raised my rifle, took a most deadly aim, and 
 touched the trigger, having carefully kept the rifle upon half-cock. 
 Away went the buffalo, to live for another day, instead of being 
 slaughtered uselessly, to rot upon the plains, or to be devoured by 
 wolves, or buried in the soil by bears. This sort of stalking 
 afforded me much pleasure, but it did not suit my American 
 attendant. u Well, if you came all the way from the Old Country 
 to shoot, and you won't shoot when you've got the chance, you'd 
 have done better to stop at home." This was the consolation I 
 received for my self-denial when sparing buffaloes.
 I did not miud these remarks ; I had my own reward. The 
 buffaloes on many occasions fed around our camp within 300 or 
 400 yards. We could watch them with the binoculars, and we 
 enjoyed the study of their ways with far greater pleasure than I 
 should have felt in shooting them. 
 That big bull which I had extinguished was quite enough to 
 prove all that I required ; it was so heavy that, when Texas Bill 
 arrived, our united efforts could not turn it upon its side. 
 There was nothing new in American bisons, unless it was the 
 mercy shown to them on this occasion. That was a grand fellow ; 
 his mighty head is in my hall at this moment, stuffed and set up, 
 as though alive, by that great artist Mr. Kowland Ward, who 
 declared it to be the finest he had seen, huge, black, and shaggy, 
 the dark colour of the head contrasting with the nut-brown of the 
 neck and body. 
 It was an interesting post-mortem examination of this bull, and 
 should ladies honour these pages with a perusal, they will of course 
 pass over the descriptions which can so easily be avoided. The 
 577 solid bullet, with a 6-dram charge of powder, had entered 
 about 2 inches upon the left of the tail-root. This had passed 
 through the pelvis, which was fractured, and had occasioned the 
 paralysis of the hind legs. The bullet then perforated the 
 intestines, passed through the paunch and lungs, and, having 
 traversed the entire cavity of the body, it was found imbedded in 
 the fleshy mass of the neck. 
 I can only ask those persons who patronise the hollow Express 
 bullet Where would that wretched projectile have been after 
 striking such a bone as the pelvis of a bull bison 1 It would never 
 have broken such a bone, but it would have smashed into a hundred 
 fragments, as though it had struck an iron target ; there would 
 have been an end to it ; the buffalo would have gone on, not much 
 the worse for the encounter. 
 It was very interesting to watch these bisons, as they almost 
 daily appeared, either near the camp, or while I was out shooting. 
 Frequently I saw them beneath me, when upon a cliff I was 
 looking for big horns (mountain sheep) ; at other times I have 
 come upon them suddenly, when they have jumped up from a 
 lower terrace, as I descended the mountain side, but upon no 
 occasion would I fire at them, as we always had plenty of venison 
 in camp and I did not want them. 
 My fine young fellow Texas Bill was an expert hand at the 
 lasso, and he captured a cow upon one occasion, but she was too 
 strong for him to manage single-handed. I do not consider that
 the great difficulty consists in throwing the lasso, but rather in the 
 management of the animal when entangled. The Mexican saddle 
 has an upright pillar about 9 inches long in front ; this is called 
 " the horn," and one end of the lasso is secured by a round turn 
 being taken when the animal is caught. It is manipulated entirely 
 from this horn, as it can be slacked off, or drawn tighter, as the 
 occasion may require ; but there is considerable danger, as a 
 powerful animal may dash away before the hand of the lasso- 
 thrower is clear of the coil, in which case it might be caught 
 between the loose coils and the wooden pillar or horn. While I 
 was there, a man lost two fingers by catching them in this 
 manner, just as a buffalo jumped off, and the hard line cut them 
 oft' like a knife, against the still harder horn. 
 The Americans show scant mercy to the buffalo, as they declare 
 that it consumes as much grass as would fatten two bullocks; 
 also, that the presence of many of these animals will attract the 
 Indians. I do not credit either of these statements, as the 
 buffaloes are not found upon the cattle ranches, but upon the 
 mountains far beyond. They have long since been driven from 
 the plains in the vicinity of man, and they have retired to higher 
 altitudes, where they are comparatively undisturbed. The Indians 
 are bound by law to remain upon their reservation grounds, and 
 they would have no chance of following upon the tracks of 
 buffaloes; it is merely an excuse for the destruction which is 
 rapidly annihilating the wild animals of the once interesting 
 " Far West." 
 I have adhered throughout my description to the local misnomer 
 of "buffalo," but it must be borne in mind that the American 
 species is the true bison. 
 In India there is the so-called Indian bison, but naturalists 
 deny the right of this animal to such an appellation, and designate 
 it as Bos Gaurus, commonly known in India as the gaur. 
 Although I have been five times a visitor to our magnificent 
 Indian Empire, I have never yet had an opportunity of shooting a 
 gaur ; the day may, I trust, arrive, as I hope to revisit the country 
 next winter, and instead of returning home in the spring, I shall 
 devote those months of the driest season to the jungles, when it is 
 far easier to discover the desired game. 
 As I have never experienced the gaur personally, I cannot enter 
 into the details of its habits. It has decreased in numbers in the 
 Central Provinces, not only from the annual destruction by the 
 rifle, but from epidemics, to which all members of the bovine family 
 are peculiarly liable. I remember about forty years ago, when in
 the northern portion of Ceylon, the stench was unbearable in certain 
 places, where both wild and tame buffaloes had died in hundreds. 
 A few years since, the district of Reipore was visited with a similar 
 calamity, which destroyed the gaur in such numbers that some 
 localities were left entirely deprived of these animals. 
 The gaur is supposed to be the largest of the Bos tribe, measur- 
 ing 17 to 18 hands in the height of shoulder. The head is enor- 
 mous, with a peculiar formation of the frontal bone, which projects 
 above the cranium. A bullet must therefore be placed lower than 
 it would be in an ordinary ox to reach the brain. 
 This grand animal is generally to be found among hills that are 
 covered with forest, in which the bamboo is plentiful, as the latter 
 is the principal food of the gaur. In the winter months, when I 
 have generally visited India, such jungles are so dense and green 
 that they are almost impenetrable. At that season there is water 
 in every channel, and torrent-beds at the foot of hilly ranges; 
 therefore it is impossible to find the gaur, which is then upon the 
 summits, securely lodged in thick bamboo retreats. The yak is 
 another species of which I have had no personal experience. This 
 beautiful animal is a denizen of the most lofty mountains, and is 
 found at elevations that could hardly be attained by any other 
 animal of its weight. It is a most sure-footed beast, and is used 
 for riding among the Himalayahs in its domesticated state. 
 There is a species of wild ox, or rather bison (Bison bonassus), 
 still remaining in the forests of Lithuania ; this was the original 
 aurochs of Central Europe, which was at one time plentiful ; but 
 the increase of population and the invention of firearms drove these 
 animals into the remotest forests, until by degrees they have been 
 nearly exterminated. 
 It may be accepted as a fact that only two species of the true 
 bison are known to exist, the Bison Americanus (or so-called 
 buffalo) and the European species, Bison bonassus, both of which 
 are distinct from all others belonging to the ovidce, in possessing 
 fourteen pairs of ribs.
 THE " unicorn " of the ancients has been one of those animals that 
 appear to defy the attacks of man. It is thus descried by 
 Cuvier : " They are large animals, with each foot divided into 
 three toes ; and the nasal bones, very thick and united into a kind 
 of arch, support a solid horn, which adheres to the skin, and is 
 composed of a fibrous and horny substance, resembling agglutinated 
 hairs. They are naturally stupid and ferocious ; frequent marshy 
 places; subsist upon herbage and the branches of trees; have a 
 simple stomach, very long intestines, and a great coecum. 
 " The Indian rhinoceros. (Rh. Indicus, Cuv.) In addition to 
 its twenty grinders, this species has two stout incisive teeth in each 
 jaw, together with two other intermediate smaller ones below, and 
 two, still more diminutive, outside of its upper incisors. It has 
 only one horn, and its skin is remarkable for the deep folds into 
 which it is thrown behind, and across the shoulders, and before, 
 and across the thighs. 
 "The Javanese rhinoceros (2th. Javanus, Cuv.), with the great 
 incisors and single horn of the preceding, has fewer folds iu the 
 skin, though one of them on the neck is larger; and what is 
 remarkable, the entire skin is covered with square angular 
 "The Sumatran rhinoceros (Rh. Sumatrensis, Cuv.), with the 
 same four great incisors of the foregoing, has no folds to the skin, 
 which is besides hairy, and there is a second horn behind the 
 "The African rhinoceros (Rh. Africanits, Cuv.), or rather 
 rhinoceroses, three species of them being now ascertained. Two 
 horns as in the preceding; and no folds in the skin, nor any incisor 
 teeth, the molars occupying nearly the whole length of the jaw. 
 This deficiency of incisors might warrant a separation from the
 Ill O
 others. The great rhinoceros (Rh. simus, Burchell), which con- 
 siderably exceeds in size any of the others, is further distinguished 
 by its pale colour, its very long and straight anterior horn, and re- 
 markably short hind one, and particularly by the form of its upper 
 lip, which is not capable of elongation, and a certain degree of 
 prehension, as in all the others ; it is the most gregarious of any, 
 and also the most inoffensive, frequenting the open karoos. The 
 common Cape rhinoceros (Rh. Africanus, Guv.) is darker, with 
 also unequal horns, the posterior being shorter; and the Ketloa 
 rhinoceros (Rh. Ketloa), recently discovered by Dr. Smith, is an 
 animal of solitary habits, with horns of equal length, reputed to 
 exceed the rest in ferocity." 
 I have extracted the definition assumed by Cuvier to exhibit 
 the peculiar varieties of this species. His Rh. simus is the white 
 rhinoceros of Southern Africa. This does not exist north of the 
 equator. The peculiar form of lip to which the great naturalist 
 directs attention proves, being broad and rounded, that the animal 
 is a grass-eater, in which it differs from those with prehensile lips, 
 which feed upon the extreme ends of twigs and tender branches ; 
 to gather these, they require an embryo proboscis, which the pre- 
 hensile lip actually represents, and the next stage of evolution may 
 be seen in the development of the same member in the tapir. 
 Cuvier omits to describe the peculiarity of the molars of the pre- 
 hensile lip varieties ; these teeth have sharp overlapping cutting 
 edges, which, when the jaws are closed, exactly represent the action 
 of a pair of shears. The prehensile lip catches a bunch of twigs, 
 and forming them into a compact bundle, introduces it into the 
 mouth ; the shear-like teeth then cut it off as neatly as though 
 primed with a switching-hook. 
 There has been a great diversity of opinion concerning the 
 varieties of rhinoceros, and I feel convinced that it cannot be solely 
 determined by the length or shape of horns ; these differ as much 
 as the horns of stags, although the animals belong to the same 
 species. The great white rhinoceros is a distinct species, which is 
 marked by the blunt muzzle, the rounded and non-prehensile lip, 
 the shape of the head, the enormous size, and the extraordinary 
 length of the horn. 
 All the varieties of rhinoceros have the same peculiar formation 
 of foot, confined to three horny toes, each of which forms nearly a 
 half-circle. The horn of the Indian variety is so short as to be 
 valueless as a trophy, and the length of 8 inches would be con- 
 sidered above the average, although the base is remarkably thick. 
 I do not agree with Dr. Smith that the horns of the Ketloa are
 of equal length. It is quite jwssible that some may be equal, 
 where the anterior horn has been ground away by long service ; 
 but as a rule the anterior horn is considerably longer, and always 
 different in shape, being rounded from its broad base, and continu- 
 ing always round until it terminates in a sharp point. 
 The posterior horn is flattened at the sides, and rises with a 
 sharp edge along the ridge, with a raised centre, which forms a 
 All rhinoceros horns are of the same texture, being simply 
 agglutinated hairs, which, if cut in a thin transverse section and 
 placed beneath a microscope, exhibit the capillary tubes glued 
 together by a horny substance into a solid body. There is no 
 material that can equal in toughness the horn of rhinoceros, and it 
 has always been in request from time immemorial for various 
 useful and other imaginary purposes. The belief that a cup 
 formed of rhinoceros horn will detect poison is very common, and 
 is thoroughly accepted by the Arabs of the Soudan. I have three 
 in my possession, mounted in silver, which were presented to me, 
 when leaving Africa, by the great sheik of the deserts, Hussein 
 Khalifa Pasha. 
 The horns are not attached to the skull, but they are merely 
 seated upon the hard and thick bone, which forms a foundation, 
 slightly convex, above the nose. The skin is immensely thick at 
 the base from which the horn springs, and it appears bristly and 
 rough, to a degree that would suggest gradual development into 
 horn, which is actually the case. 
 When a rhinoceros has been killed, and the head has been 
 exposed in the sun to dry, the horns will fall off upon the third day 
 if struck lightly with a stick, and they will expose the foundation 
 upon which they rested ; this closely resembles the bottom of an 
 artichoke when the prickly leaves have been removed. 
 Although the horns would appear unsuitable for rough work, 
 being merely attachments to the skin, they are most powerful 
 weapons of offence. It has been asserted that the rhinoceros will 
 kill an elephant ; this is highly probable, if it had an opportunity 
 of striking it in the belly or the flank by an unexpected attack ; 
 but no rhinoceros would have the remotest chance in actual conflict 
 with an ordinary bull elephant, as the weight and strength would be 
 immeasurably superior, in addition to the length and power of the 
 two tusks. Elephants are much afraid of rhinoceros, but they are 
 almost equally timid with other animals, while the rhinoceros is a 
 sullen, stupid brute that is afraid of nothing. 
 I have never seen more than one species of rhinoceros east of
 the White Nile, from Abyssinia to within 1 14' of the equator; 
 this is the variety known as the Ketloa. It well merits the dis- 
 tinction of superior ferocity, as it will attack either man or beast, 
 frequently without the slightest provocation. It is especially 
 likely to attack should it obtain the wind (scent) of any person or 
 strange animal before it appears in sight. This makes it extremely 
 dangerous when riding through thick jungle or high grass, should 
 a rhinoceros be somewhere concealed to leeward. I have myself 
 been hunted out of the jungle by two rhinoceroses which thus 
 gained our wind, just as we had become aware of their existence 
 through the presence of fresh droppings. Fortunately there was 
 no lady, and our party was confined to the Hamran Arabs and 
 myself; but three sharp whiffs close at hand in the thick jungle, 
 like jets of steam let off to ease the boiler, were immediately 
 followed by the animals themselves, which came tearing down upon 
 us at full speed, and sent us flying in all directions. 
 No lady upon a side saddle could possibly have ridden through 
 that thorny jungle without being dragged from her seat. As it 
 was, after a mad chase the animals lost sight of us, but when we 
 collected together, everybody was more or less damaged, by either 
 tumbling over rocks, or being torn by the hooked horns. 
 The sure find for rhinoceros is in the neighbourhood of a 
 peculiar red-barked mimosa. This is the much-loved food, and the 
 appearance of the bushes will immediately denote the presence of 
 the animal ; they are clipped, as though by pruning shears, all the 
 shoots being cut off in a straight line where the rhinoceros has 
 been browsing. This neat operation is effected by the prehensile 
 lip and the shear-like teeth. Another proof of rhinoceros will be 
 found in the vast piles of dung, nearly always against the stem of 
 a considerable tree ; it is a peculiar custom of this animal to visit 
 the same place every night, and this regularity of functions brings 
 it into the traps which are cunningly devised by the natives for 
 its capture. 
 A round hole, the size of an ordinary hat-box, is dug near the 
 tree. This is neatly formed, and when completed, it is covered 
 with a wooden circle like the toy wheel of a child's waggon. The 
 spokes are made of flat bamboo, with sharp points overlapping 
 each other in the centre, in the place where the nave would be. 
 This looks rather like a sieve when fitted carefully as a cover to 
 the hole. If any person were to thrust his fist through this 
 clastic substance, the points of the bamboo would prevent his 
 hand from being withdrawn, as they would retain his arm. In 
 the same manner this sieve-like cap would retain the leg of an
 animal, should it tread upon the surface and pass through. 
 Accordingly a noose is laid upon the surface. The rope is con- 
 structed specially, of great strength, and the end is fastened to a 
 log of wood that weighs about 200 or 300 Ibs. This is buried 
 slightly in the earth, together with the cord. A quantity of dung 
 is thrown carelessly over the freshly turned ground to conceal the 
 The rhinoceros, like many other animals, has a habit of scraping 
 the ground with its fore foot when it visits the nightly rendezvous ; 
 during this action it is almost certain to step upon the concealed 
 trap. The foot sinks through, and in the withdrawal the noose 
 fixes itself upon the leg, prevented from slipping off by the pointed 
 support beneath, which remains fast, adhering to the skin. 
 The moment that the rhinoceros discovers that its leg is noosed, 
 it makes a sudden rush ; this draws the noose tight, and, at the 
 same time, the jerk pulls the buried log out of the trench. The 
 animal, frightened at the mishap, gallops off, with the heavy log 
 following behind. This arrangement is excellent, as it leaves an 
 unmistakable trace of the retreat, which can easily be followed by 
 the trappers on the following morning. At the same time, there 
 is not the same risk of the rope breaking that would be occasioned 
 by a steady pull. The log, which trails behind, catches in the 
 innumerable bushes and thorns, causing great fatigue, until the 
 rhinoceros, thoroughly wearied, is obliged to halt. When dis- 
 covered by the hunters, it is generally entangled by some attempt 
 to turn, which has hooked the log around a tree ; the fight then 
 commences, as the beast has to be killed with spears, which pene- 
 trate the hide with difficulty. Accidents frequently happen when 
 the rhinoceros, thoroughly enraged, succeeds in snapping the rope. 
 I have seen a horn in Khartoum that was brought down the 
 White Nile by one of the slave-hunting companies, which came 
 from the distant west, in the latitude of Lake Chad ; that must 
 have belonged to a different species of rhinoceros, as it was quite 
 3 feet long, and immensely thick ; no Ketloa or black rhinoceros 
 ever possessed such a horn. The longest one I have ever shot 
 measured 23 inches, and I have never seen a larger one in pos- 
 session of the natives. 
 There was a ready market in Gellabat, the frontier town of 
 Abyssinia, as in that country the horn is in great demand for the 
 handles of swords belonging to the chiefs. In 1861 in that locality 
 the ordinary price was a dollar per Ib. 
 The skin of the rhinoceros is exceedingly compact and dense. 
 When stretched over a block and dried, it is rubbed down with
 sand -paper, and oiled; it then becomes semi-transparent, like 
 clouded amber, and is much esteemed by the great personages of 
 Abyssinia for shields ; these are beautifully mounted with silver, 
 and are highly ornamental. I have a piece of skin tanned which 
 measures 587 square inches and weighs 13| Ibs. In its fresh 
 state it would weigh more than double. 
 Although the Soudanese Arabs eat the flesh of this animal, it is 
 refused by the savage tribes of the White Nile regions. These 
 people say that the Arabs are hyaenas, who will eat anything, even 
 crocodiles. The reason given by the blacks for their objection to 
 the flesh of the rhinoceros is, that the blood is unlike that of any 
 other animal ; that should your hand be bloody, and you close your 
 fist for a few moments, the fingers stick together, and you have a 
 difficulty in opening them. 
 I have eaten young rhinoceros, and found it quite as good as a 
 buffalo calf, but I imagine that anything young is tolerable. This 
 was a curious incident. I was shooting, and exploring the affluents 
 of the Nile from Abyssinia, and having examined the course of the 
 Atbara and Settite rivers, I passed into the territory of Mek 
 Nimmur, who was at war with the Egyptians. The first march 
 from his camp brought us to the rivers Salaam and Augrab, at 
 their junction ; and I was following the course of the main river 
 below this point, when we came upon the tracks of rhinoceros. 
 Following upon these, I left the two camels behind, with the ropes, 
 etc., which they always carried to secure any animals I might shoot. 
 We had not advanced far through the tolerably open jungle 
 when we arrived at the foot of a rocky hill. There were many 
 large boulders lying about, when suddenly one of my Arabs touched 
 my arm and directed my attention to an object that appeared to be 
 a rock ; almost at the same moment a rhinoceros rose quickly from 
 the ground, and had evidently obtained our wind. I made a good 
 shot with a No. 10 rifle through the shoulder, and after turning 
 round twice, and uttering a peculiar squeaking sound like the 
 bellows arrangement of a crying doll, it fell to the ground and died. 
 We now observed a fine young animal which was standing upon 
 the opposite side of the mother, and I suggested to my famous 
 Hamran hunters that we should call up the camels and endeavour 
 to secure the calf with our good supply of ropes. 
 This was quite opposed to their ideas, as the young one was 
 sufficiently advanced to boast of a pair of small horns, which the 
 Arabs declared to be too formidable to warrant an attempt at 
 I thought otherwise, therefore I arranged that we should make
 a trial. The camels were brought, nnd the ropes arranged. Nooses 
 were prepared, and I suggested that we should attempt to mob the 
 young one, and then secure its legs. 
 My Arabs declined this plan, as they rightly declared that the 
 ground was unfavourable, owing to the number of large rocks, 
 which would prevent them from getting out of harm's way should 
 the animal charge. It was ultimately arranged that Taher Noor, 
 my head Arab, was to lend me his sword, and that I was to go 
 first, while they would follow with the ropes and nooses, to en- 
 deavour to trip up the calf should it charge past me. 
 Taher Noor drew his sword. This was a beautiful blade, that 
 had belonged to his family, and been handed from father to son for 
 several generations ; the cross hilt and fittings of the handle were 
 solid silver, also the knob at the end, through which the tongue 
 was riveted. He cautioned me to beware of striking a stone, and 
 he evidently parted with regret from his familiar weapon. 
 The calf was about 3* feet high, and was standing by the body 
 of its mother, evidently ignorant of her death. As I cautiously 
 approached, it looked much larger than when I had seen it at a 
 distance, and I began to think the Arabs were right in their con- 
 clusion. There was not much time for reflection, for the young 
 tartar gave an angry shake of its ugly head, emitted the usual three 
 sharp whiffs, and charged at me as fast as it could gallop. 
 I jumped quickly backwards, by a large rock, and it passed 
 within 3 feet of me, but immediately halted, instead of continuing 
 so far as the spot where the Arabs were in waiting with the ropes. 
 It now turned round, and seeing me, it repeated its charge in 
 reverse, as hard as it could go. I again jumped back, but as I did 
 so, I delivered a lightning-like downward cut with Taher Noor's 
 favourite sword. The young rhinoceros fell stone-dead, all in a 
 heap ! 
 The Arabs ran to the spot. Taher Noor took the sword care- 
 fully from my hand, and pointing it at arm's length, he looked 
 along the edge ; he then wiped the blade upon the body of the 
 rhinoceros, and, to prove the perfection of his weapon, he shaved a 
 few hairs off his naked arm ; then exclaimed with a deep sigh of 
 pleasure and astonishment, " Mashallah" and returned it to the 
 We now carefully examined the young rhinoceros. Although 
 only a calf, it was a large animal, and the neck was about 15 
 inches thick. The blade had fortunately struck exactly between 
 two vertebrae, and had slipped through the gristle as though it 
 had been a carrot. Continuing its course, it had severed the neck
 completely, leaving only the thick skin of the throat, to which the 
 head was still attached. 
 This was a magnificent stroke, which delighted the sword- 
 hunters, and I should much like to hear the story as it is now 
 told by them, if alive, or by their descendants. They will 
 assuredly have converted the calf into a full-grown rhinoceros, as 
 the length of time now elapsed will have accounted for the change ; 
 but the incident will certainly be remembered, and narrated by 
 the owner of the sword, and will be handed down to posterity with 
 some few exaggerations. 
 We opened and cleaned the calf, and the united efforts of six 
 men secured it across a camel ; we then cut the shields off the 
 large rhinoceros, and took the calf to camp, as Taher Noor wished 
 particularly to exhibit the trophy of his sword to the Sit (Lady 
 As we arrived, we found a large body of Abyssinian hunters, 
 who asked us for meat. " Meat 1 " exclaimed my men. " We've 
 left an entire rhinoceros only just skinned, about twenty minutes' 
 walk from this. Look, you can see the vultures gathering in 
 the air." 
 " Vultures 1 Yes, there are plenty of them ; but if you took the 
 skin off, there'll be no meat by the time we get there." 
 "Not if you stop here talking," my men replied. "Run, and 
 you will be in time to get something." 
 About twenty fellows started off in the direction pointed out 
 by the hovering birds. In less than an hour the Abyssinians 
 returned with a report "that only the skeleton remained upon 
 their arrival." 
 There is no animal which parts with its hide so easily as the 
 rhinoceros. Directly that the fatal shot has been fired, the Arab 
 hunters measure the body by so many spans, the thumb stretched 
 from the little finger. The rhinoceros should yield eight large 
 squares of hide, each of which will produce a circular shield about 
 2 feet in diameter, or rather larger. When the operation of 
 skinning is commenced, it is curious to see the want of attachment 
 between the hide and the flesh ; it detaches immediately, simply 
 upon a few digs with the fist, and it flakes away like the bark of 
 an oak when felled in May. Each square is worth 2 dollars, there- 
 fore a rhinoceros is a valuable prize to the Arab hunters. 
 It is difficult to believe the rapidity with which vultures will 
 consume a large animal when it has been divested of the skin 
 Should a buffalo die, these birds are helpless, as they can only 
 work at the eyes, and beneath the tail, the hide resisting their
 attack until decomposition shall have commenced ; but, when 
 skinned, a cloud of these repulsive birds will settle upon the carcase, 
 and it disappears in much less than half an hour. This is the 
 case in Abyssinia, where vultures are more numerous than in any 
 portion of the globe which I have visited. 
 Many years ago there was a long and interesting discussion in 
 the Field respecting the power of sight or scent in directing the 
 vulture to its prey. Of course, views were expressed upon oppos- 
 ing sides ; one declared that the bird discovered its food by sight, 
 others pronounced in favour of guidance by scent alone. 
 Common-sense would suggest that a bird which soars at such 
 an enormous height that it is frequently invisible to the naked eye 
 would not ascend without a purpose, as there can be no food 
 attraction in the great wilderness of space. What is that purpose ? 
 It is to obtain an extensive field of observation upon the world 
 beneath. If a bird hunted by scent, it would assuredly remain as 
 near as possible upon the surface to obtain that scent, instead of 
 soaring in an opposite direction, where the strongest smell could 
 never be detected. 
 I have tried the experiment practically, many times. 
 When an animal is killed and skinned, before the operation is 
 completed the first bird to appear is the wily and omnipresent 
 crow. The next is the ordinary buzzard. Both these birds are 
 near the surface of the earth, seeking their food with untiring 
 energy ; but although they may have keen powers of scent, even 
 they, in my opinion, are mainly guided by their acuteness of vision, 
 as they are always on the alert, hunting in every direction, and in 
 fact keeping a sharp " look-out." 
 The third arrival is the small red-necked vulture. This bird 
 descends from a great height. 
 It is now most interesting to watch the concentration from all 
 quarters of the compass ; this is easily arranged by lying beneath 
 a bush, and shading the eyes while you gaze into the deep-blue 
 sky. It will appear to be alive with the smallest flies, all moving, 
 all hurrying, and descending. These become rapidly larger, and 
 you are aware that they are vultures, collecting from such enor- 
 mous altitudes, that, were a mountain-top exposed, it would be 
 capped with everlasting snow. While you are straining your eyes 
 to peer into those blue vaults, you are startled by a tremendous 
 rush like the roar of a rocket ; this is the descent with closed 
 wings of one of the large bare-necked vultures, which has plunged 
 like a plummet for some 1000 feet, to share in the feast below. 
 All those birds, Hying at high altitudes, have been soaring upon
 endless wings, never fatigued by motion, as they seldom flap, but 
 only adjust themselves to the currents of air upon which they 
 float ; and having with their extraordinary powers of sight observed 
 the hurry of smaller birds to some attractive point, they have at 
 once directed their course, to fulfil the Biblical expression, 
 "Where the carcase lies, there shall the eagles (vultures) be 
 gathered together." 
 The audacity of the vulture is remarkable, in countries where 
 it pursues its course undisturbed. I have known an instance 
 where, in a serious battle, in the midst of musketry and the dense 
 smoke and flame of a general conflagration, the vultures mutilated 
 the bodies of the killed before they could be carried off the field. 
 Last, but not least, of all birds of carrion tastes is the adjutant. 
 When the buzzard has driven away the crow, the red-necked 
 vulture has driven off the buzzard, and the bare-necked vulture 
 has kicked out the red-necked intruder, the long-legged and 
 gigantic-beaked adjutant arrives upon the scene of turmoil, where 
 feathers, dust, and blood are mingled with the shrieking and 
 quarrelling of mixed varieties. All stand clear when the adjutant 
 appears, as the long bill delivers its pecks to the right and left, 
 and commands attention and respect. This bird, which carries 
 its supply of water in a bag beneath the bill, pendant from the 
 throat, flies at a higher altitude than any other, and arrives upon 
 the scene the last, owing to the greater distance it has been forced 
 to travel. All these birds have been necessarily directed by sight, 
 and not by the sense of smell. 
 The sense of vision may be continually observed by any person 
 who has experience of countries that are full of living creatures. 
 When the grass is fired in the dry season, there may not be a bird 
 in sight, but directly that the dense volumes of black smoke 
 darken the air with rolling clouds upon the earth's surface, a great 
 variety of birds are almost immediately attracted. The buzzard, 
 the fly-catchers, and, curiously enough, the bustard (or houbara), 
 which is generally so scarce, all appear upon the dusky scene, and 
 challenge the smoke and flames, to pursue the locusts, which are 
 endeavouring to escape from the advancing fire. 
 The so-called rhinoceros bird, which is supposed to afford the 
 animal some notice of approaching danger, is not confined specially 
 to that particular beast, but it is to be seen frequently picking the 
 ticks and other vermin from the backs and sides of buffaloes, as 
 starlings may be seen upon the cattle in England during the warm 
 days of summer. There is also a so-called crocodile bird, which 
 is accredited with watchful instincts in the interest of the animal
 it attends upon ; this is the ordinary plover, which when alarmed 
 cries in good English, throughout the world, " Did-he-do-it 1 Did- 
 he-do-it 1 " These birds are not employed in protecting the animals 
 they wait upon, but they are simply searching for insects which 
 infest such creatures, and when disturbed themselves, their cries 
 and movements naturally alarm the beasts upon which they fatten. 
 I have had no personal experience of the Indian rhinoceros, 
 which is heavily protected by thick folds of skin, instead of the 
 comparatively smooth exterior of the African species ; but the 
 habits of the animal appear to be somewhat similar, with the 
 exception of its frequenting marshy localities. 
 I have never found the African rhinoceros in the neighbourhood 
 of swamps, but, on the contrary, I have generally met them in dry 
 and elevated places, at the base of rocky hills, or in woods, at 
 some distance from a river. Certain animals have their regular 
 hours for drinking : the rhinoceros in Africa approaches the water 
 an hour after dark, and during the day it may retreat several 
 miles inland. The female Ketloa has a longer horn than tfie male, 
 but more slender. The males are continually grinding their horns 
 by sharpening them upon rocks and the trunks of trees ; this 
 process reduces their size, from continued friction. 
 The female has only one offspring at a birth, and the ugly 
 little calf is well protected by its mother. In a very few weeks 
 after its introduction to the world it becomes exceedingly strong and 
 active, and follows its mother over the rough ground at consider- 
 able speed. At that early age, when from two to four months 
 old, the young ones are captured by the sword-hunters, who 
 hunt the mother until the calf becomes thoroughly fatigued. 
 When the vast bulk of a rhinoceros is considered, it is astonish- 
 ing to see the speed that this heavy animal can attain, and continue 
 for a great distance. I have hunted them in company with the 
 Arabs, and for at least 2 miles our horses have been going their 
 best, keeping a position within 5 or 6 yards of the hind-quarters, 
 but nevertheless unable to overtake them before they reached an 
 impenetrable jungle. It is the peculiar formation of the hind legs 
 which enables the rhinoceros to attain this speed ; the length from 
 the thigh to the hock is so great that it affords immense springing 
 capacity, and the animal bounds along the surface like a horse in 
 full gallop, without the slightest appearance of weight or clumsiness. 
 Upon a level plain, free from bushes or stones, a good horse 
 would quickly overtake the black rhinoceros, but the animal is 
 seldom found upon such favourable ground, and its strength and 
 three-hoofed feet give it a peculiar advantage for travelling at a
 high speed over a rough surface that would test the endurance of 
 the best horse. 
 There is considerable danger in shooting a rhinoceros, owing to 
 the difficulty in stopping a charge. The position of the two horns 
 makes it impossible to reach the brain by a forehead shot, as the 
 bullet, should it strike a horn, would certainly deflect. If you 
 are slightly on one side, there is a direct line to the exceedingly 
 small brain, exactly in front of the eyes, but this is extremely 
 difficult to hit, and must be hazardous. The bone of the skull is 
 the hardest of any animal in existence, and upon one occasion a 
 No. 10 bullet struck the head just in front of the ear, and failed 
 to penetrate. The animal fell to the ground, stunned, but recovered 
 its feet and ran half unconsciously past me, giving me the oppor- 
 tunity to run alongside and fire the remaining barrel behind the 
 shoulder, which immediately finished the encounter. 
 I was not aware at the time that the No. 10 leaden bullet had 
 failed to penetrate ; but upon an examination of the head, I found 
 the lead wedged into the joint of the lower jaw ; the skull was 
 slightly fractured, but not actually penetrated. 
 Upon another occasion I was stalking a bull rhinoceros which 
 I had observed from a distance, and it had disappeared upon the 
 other side of rising ground. Feeling sure that I should reach it 
 by running quickly forward, upon my arrival at the spot where I 
 had lost sight of my object I detected it among a few bushes not 
 20 yards distant. There were a number of brown-coloured rocks 
 scattered about the surface, nearly as large as ordinary grindstones. 
 Taking advantage of these, I knelt behind one and fired at the 
 shoulder. Instead of falling, the rhinoceros immediately turned 
 towards the smoke, which fortunately was drifting across to my 
 right in a strong breeze. With stupid astonishment it regarded 
 this unsubstantial cause of disturbance, and followed it until I 
 again had a good chance within only a few yards. The No. 10 
 quicksilver and lead conical bullet shot completely through the 
 body, entering behind the right shoulder, and making its exit upon 
 the opposite side. The animal staggered a short distance, and 
 then, emitting a few shrill squeaks, quite disproportioned in sound 
 to the great size of the beast, it fell and died. 
 This proved the advantage of a hardened and heavy bullet for 
 such an animal, instead of pure lead, although the latter would 
 have been preferable for a thin-skinned beast. 
 Although the rhinoceros is dangerous, I have never heard of 
 many casualties among sportsmen. This may be explained by 
 the comparatively small number of persons who have engaged in
 the sport. It is quite impossible to determine the exact amount 
 of risk in the encounter with any animal, as they vary in character 
 and pugnacity. The black rhinoceros is generally accepted as the 
 most vicious, and the huge white variety the most harmless, but 
 the uncertainty in the sport is the charm to the hunter, and I will 
 relate an incident that befell a friend of mine, which will exhibit 
 this uncertainty in a striking manner. 
 Mr. Oswell was one of the early Nimrods in South Africa, at 
 the same time that the renowned Roualeyu Gordon Gumming was 
 paving the way for fresh adventures. There never was a better 
 sportsman or more active follower of the chase than Oswell ; he 
 had gone to Africa for the love of hunting and adventure, at a 
 time when the greater portion was unbroken ground. He was the 
 first to bring Livingstone into notice when he was an unknown 
 missionary, and Oswell and Murray took him with them when 
 they discovered the Lake N'game". He had a favourite double- 
 barrelled gun made by Purdey. This was a smooth-bore No. 10. 
 specially constructed for ball. Although a smooth-bore, it was 
 sighted like a rifle, with back-sights; the gun weighed 10 Ibs. 
 The owner most kindly lent me this useful weapon when I first 
 went to Africa in 1861, therefore I can attest its value, and the 
 hard work that it had accomplished. A portion of the walnut stock 
 had been completely worn away to the depth of an inch by the tear- 
 ing friction of the wait-a-bit thorns, when carrying the gun across 
 the saddle in chase at full speed through the hooked-thorn bushes. 
 The stock had the appearance of having been gnawed by rats. 
 At the time of Oswell's visit, the country was alive with wild 
 animals, all of which have long since disappeared before the advance 
 of colonial enterprise and the sporting energy of settlers. There 
 was a particular locality that was so infested with rhinoceroses that 
 Oswell had grown tired of killing them, and he passed them un- 
 noticed unless he met some specimen with an exceptional horn. 
 He was riding a favourite horse, which had been his constant com- 
 panion in countless shooting incidents, and he happened to remark 
 a large white rhinoceros standing in open ground alone. This 
 animal possessed a horn of unusual length, which made the owner 
 a worthy object of attention. 
 Oswell immediately rode towards it. The animal took no 
 notice of his approach until he arrived within about 100 yards. 
 Tiie Rhinoceros simus (white species) is not considered dangerous, 
 therefore he had approached without the slightest caution or hesi- 
 tation. I forget whether he fired ; but I well remember that the 
 beast calmly confronted the horse, and slowly, but determinedly,
 with measured pace, advanced directly towards the rider. Like 
 an object in a disturbed dream, this huge creature came on, step 
 by step, leisurely but surely, never hesitating or halting, but with 
 eyes fixed upon the attacking party. Firing at the forehead 
 being useless, Oswell endeavoured to move either to the left or 
 right, to obtain a shoulder shot ; but the horse, that was accustomed 
 to a hundred contests with wild animals, was suddenly mesmerised, 
 and petrified with horror. The quiet and spectre-like advance of 
 the rhinoceros had paralysed and rooted it to the ground ; trembling 
 all over, its limbs refused to move; the spur and whip were 
 unavailing ; the horse felt that it was doomed. 
 This horrible position endured until the rhinoceros was within 
 only a few paces distant ; it then made a dash forward. 
 Oswell describes his first sensations, upon returning conscious- 
 ness, nearly as follows. He found himself upon a horse. The reins 
 were not in his hands. A man was walking in front, leading the 
 animal by the reins, which had been pulled over its head. There 
 were natives upon either side, apparently holding him upon the 
 saddle ; a dreamy feeling, and a misty and indistinct view of the 
 situation, was sufficient to assure him that something must have 
 happened. He felt certain that he must be hurt, but he had no 
 pain. He began to feel himself with his hands, and he felt some- 
 thing wet and soft upon one thigh. 
 The fact was, that the long horn of the rhinoceros had passed 
 through his thigh. It not only passed through his thigh, but 
 through the saddle flap, then completely through the horse, and 
 was stopped by the flap upon the other side. The horse and 
 rider together were thrown into the air, and the inversion was so 
 complete, that one of OswelPs wounds, a cut upon the head, was 
 occasioned by the stirrup-iron, which proved the inverted position. 
 The horse was of course killed upon the spot, and the Caffres 
 came to their master's assistance, and placed him on his spare 
 horse, upon Avhich they held him until they reached the camp. 
 This wound kept the great hunter prostrate for several months. 
 It is many years since Oswell told me this story, but I think I 
 have narrated it exactly. 
 It must be remembered that this rhinoceros belonged to the 
 so-called harmless species. This incident is sufficient to exhibit 
 the utter fallacy of a belief " that any kind of animal is invariably 
 harmless." We find that many beasts which are accredited with 
 bad characters conduct themselves occasionally as though abject 
 cowards; in the same manner, those which are considered timid 
 may, when least expected, exhibit great ferocity.
 THE carnivore exhibit the natural character of beasts of prey ; 
 although, acting generally on the offensive in their pursuit of 
 animals for food, they are not disposed to provoke or to prolong a 
 fight, and they seldom attack man unless under provocation. The 
 buffalo, we have seen, is a stubborn and powerful antagonist ; but, 
 for a really thorough and determined fighter, who does battle for 
 the love of the thing, the boar stands foremost among all other 
 animals. There is no creature more common to all climates and 
 countries than the pig ; and although, when domesticated, we find 
 an infinite variety, there is very little marked distinction among 
 the wild hogs of Europe and Asia. The conditions of localities, 
 and the abundance of food, or the reverse, exert a natural influence 
 upon its size, but were a photograph taken of a wild boar in Europe 
 and in Asia Minor there would not be any perceptible difference. 
 Throughout India and Ceylon they are the same in general appear- 
 ance, differing somewhat in size, and, to a certain extent, in length 
 of bristles, according to the influence of temperatures. In cold 
 climates the pig is protected by a growth of coat in proportion to 
 its requirements, but in all other respects it is much the same, and 
 it would be difficult to distinguish any features that would consti- 
 tute a separate variety. 
 It is well known that pigs are omnivorous ; their teeth are ac- 
 cordingly designed for every kind of food, with formidable arrange- 
 ments for offence. Although they sometimes differ in the number 
 of molars, they generally have twenty- eight, and six incisors in each 
 jaw. The canine teeth are immensely long, and turned upwards, 
 forming tusks, exactly similar to those of the hippopotamus, the 
 upper jaw containing shorter tusks, against the sharp edge of which 
 those of the lower jaw clash when shut, and thus, by continual 
 friction of surface, preserve the cutting edge in order.
 CHAP, xvii THE BOAR 305 
 The length of a good pair of boar's tusks extracted from the 
 jaw is about 10 inches outside curve. Of this length, 5 inches 
 are imbedded in the jaw, leaving only 5 inches as a weapon of 
 It is astonishing to see the amount of mischief that can be 
 achieved by so insignificant a weapon. The boar has been asso- 
 ciated with the hunting triumphs of ancient history, from the 
 remote period when Adonis, the beloved of Venus, fell before its 
 tusks. The Macedonian boar was considered to be the most 
 formidable of all wild animals, and to the present day there is 
 no creature in the brute creation that will hold its own against all 
 comers with equal pluck and tenacity of purpose, so determinedly, 
 as a staunch old boar. 
 This animal exhibits more sport than any creature that I 
 know. It may be hunted in various ways, according to the 
 conditions of the ground. In forest countries it may be followed 
 on foot with the aid of hounds, and, when brought to bay, 
 killed with the hunting-knife or spear. I have always used 
 the knife. 
 In the open, where riding is practicable, there is no sport 
 in the world that surpasses the excitement of "pig -sticking." 
 I regret to say that I have had very limited experience in this 4 
 latter phase of hunting, owing to the scarcity of the game when 
 I was in a pig -sticking locality ; but the hunting upon foot with 
 dependable hounds was a sport that I enjoyed for many years. 
 Shooting wild boar, after the foregoing description of hunting, 
 is a very tame proceeding ; until a boar is wounded, and you 
 have to look for him in thick jungle. 
 There is an immense amount of character in a pig. Not only 
 is it a fierce antagonist, but it is a clever and thoughtful creature. 
 It is all very well to quote the word "pig-headedness," but 
 there is a meaning in the name that commands respect. A pig 
 knows its own mind, which very few human beings can assert ; 
 when it has made up its mind, it acts, without any trace of 
 hesitation ; and in this it sets a bright example to many of our 
 generals and so-called statesmen. If a pig determines to go for- 
 ward, nothing will stop it ; but if it makes up its mind to break 
 back through a line of beaters, even should there be a serried 
 rank of a hundred elephants, I should like to see anything on 
 earth that would stop a pig. It will dash back, giving a sharp 
 toss of its long head to the right and left as it goes, and leaving 
 its mark even upon the tough legs of elephants should they have 
 opposed its passage,
 Few people would credit the speed of n pig until they have to 
 overtake it. The feet are curiously constructed, as each foot has 
 two toes just behind and above the hoof; these only touch the 
 ground should it be deep, but there can be no doubt that they add 
 to the security of the step, when the foot is widely spread, in 
 galloping over rough and uncertain ground. 
 I have never seen a wild pig make a mistake, no matter what 
 the quality of the ground may be. In deep snow, upon the 
 mountains in Asia Minor, I have seen them plough their way 
 through long distances, leaving a trough, as though a canoe had 
 been dragged through. 
 Their power of scent is acute, and it is highly interesting to 
 watch them when unsuspected. If the jungle is being beaten, an 
 opportunity is almost daily afforded of watching their habits ; 
 especially should you be too proud to demean your rifle by shoot- 
 ing anything so humble as a pig. 
 I have frequently seen a pig arriving apparently direct for my 
 position, but it meets a small jungle path upon which some 
 person has recently been walking. The pig at once halts, smells 
 the ground, and waits, listening attentively and making up its 
 mind. It may be that it determines to go forward; if so, it 
 starts oft' at its best pace ; but should it declare for a retreat, it 
 waits, listens for the advance of the line of beaters, and quietly 
 hides in the densest bushes. At last, with shouts sufficient to 
 scare away every animal for miles around, the beaters arrive ; you 
 know the pig is there, but nobody has yet discovered it. Just as 
 the beaters have brought their Hue in good order to the extreme 
 margin of the jungle, there is a sudden outburst of shouts and 
 yells ; a rush in all directions, screams and halloos, sticks going 
 upon all sides ; a few short angry grunts, and a rattling of loose 
 stones, explain that the boar has broken back through the line of 
 Pigs multiply in such an extraordinary manner that in some coun- 
 tries they become a pest to the unfortunate agriculturist. When 
 travelling, their pace is a shambling trot, at about five or six 
 miles an hour. They keep this up for a considerable distance, and 
 it is astonishing to see a country that is quite devoid of game, but 
 nevertheless the fields are guarded by numerous watching-posts to 
 scare the wild pigs from the crops at night. These animals must 
 travel six or seven miles from the jungle-covered hills to make a 
 raid upon the well-known fields ; sometimes they will exceed this 
 distance, and again return to their unknown haunts before the 
 rising of the sun. The great strength and activity of the wild pig
 xvn THE BOAR 307 
 are exhibited in the little ones, which follow their mother wherever 
 she may lead them, and never appear to exhibit any signs of 
 weariness. They generally are gregarious, and in India, parties of 
 twenty to thirty may be seen together, but in Ceylon I have seen 
 hundreds in a herd. 
 I have never seen such large boars in any portion of the world 
 as in Ceylon. The reason is evident, that food is plentiful 
 throughout the year; therefore, with plenty of water in which 
 they can wallow at all seasons, and roots, snakes, dead animals, 
 and every conceivable material upon which a pig will fatten, 
 Ceylon is a perfect pig's paradise, unsurpassed for true enjoy- 
 The wild pig of Northern Africa is the same as the European 
 species, but there is a distinct variety throughout the entire area 
 of Central Africa and a portion of the south which differs 
 materially from the ordinary pig ; this is the wart hog, Sus 
 Africanus. This animal is superlatively ugly : the head is dis- 
 proportioned to the size of the hog ; the tusks are so enormous 
 that they appear as though they had belonged to some much 
 larger creature, and had merely been assumed as masquerade ; 
 there are two prominent protuberances upon either side of the 
 eyes, also two pendulous warts of large and hideous growth ; and 
 when this ugly monster becomes excited, it cocks a long thin tail, 
 with bristles upon either side, like that of an elephant. This 
 appendage is carried straight in the air, as stiff as a stick, which 
 gives the animal a ridiculous appearance. 
 The boar of this species does not attain the same great size as 
 those of Europe and Asia, and the usual weight when cleaned 
 would be about 170 Ibs. There is a striking peculiarity in the 
 formation of the teeth, as this is the only animal, except the 
 elephant, which possesses the arrangement for a continual repro- 
 duction from the rear of the molars. 
 This extraordinary animal possesses, in the upper jaw, two 
 incisors, six molars, and two tusks ; in the lower jaw, six incisors, 
 six molars, and two tusks. The molars are most peculiar, being 
 formed of three parallel rows of cylinders of hard enamel, united 
 vertically by a less hard cement, which forms a solid block some- 
 what similar to the molar of an elephant. The rear molar is 2^ 
 inches in length, -| inch in breadth, and the front molar, -| inch in 
 length. The lower or cutting tusks protrude 4^ inches from the 
 lip, and the upper tusks project 8-f inches, and each is 5 inches 
 circumference ; these, as in the ordinary boar, form a whetstone, 
 against which the lower cutting tusks are sharpened by gnashing
 the teeth. These are actual measurements taken from a specimen 
 in my possession, but I have seen others which far exceed these, 
 both in length and thickness. 
 Although this species, from its formidable armoury, must be a 
 fighter, I have never had any difficulty that I can remember : they 
 have charged now and then, and been shot and despised, whereas, 
 had they been hunted with dogs, they might have proved worthy 
 I will not pretend to introduce experiences of pig-sticking in 
 my description of the wild boar, as so many have written glowing 
 narratives of this great sport of India ; but I cannot treat of the 
 pig without personal reminiscences of those glorious, but for the 
 hounds, fatal hunts, which in the days of my youth formed the 
 excitement of Ceylon sports. In that country we seldom or never 
 used the spear. I never in my life used it against a boar on foot, 
 but the only weapon was the hunting-knife. 
 My old hunting-knife is at this moment hanging against the 
 wall, among a number of my old friends that are associated with 
 early years ; and when I regard this trusty servant, that shows no 
 gray hairs to mark the advance of time, I cannot help recalling 
 the words which I wrote so many years ago at the conclusion of 
 my first publication, The Rifle and Hound in Ceylon : " The 
 day's sport concluded, the evenings were most enjoyable, and will 
 never be forgotten. The well-arranged tent, the neatly-spread 
 table, the bed forming a triangle around the walls, and the clean 
 guns piled in a long row against the gun-rack, will often recall a 
 tableau in after-years, in countries far from this land of independ- 
 ence. The acknowledged sports of England will appear child's 
 play ; the exciting thrill will be wanting, when a sudden rush in 
 the jungle brings the rifle upon full cock ; and the heavy guns will 
 become useless mementoes of past days, like the dusty helmets of 
 yore, hanging up in an old hall The belt and the hunting-knife 
 will alike share the fate of the good rifle, and the blade, now so 
 keen, will blunt from sheer neglect." This was written in 1853, 
 and I have lived to see the forecast of events fulfilled. At the 
 same time that the old hunting-knife was discarded, and now 
 hangs idly from the wall, it simply was exchanged for another 
 ]>attern, which has been in active service from that period, and 
 was adapted for shooting expeditions, whereas the former was 
 specially constructed for hunting wild animals with the hounds, 
 when a thrust with the broad-bladed knife was the termination of 
 a glorious bay. This style of sport required a peculiar weapon of 
 great weight and strength. It was necessary to combine the
 xvn THE BOAR 309 
 ordinary power of a knife with the efficiency of a bill-hook, for 
 clearing jungle when necessary; for cutting poles, to carry home 
 the heads and horns of sambur deer, etc. ; to fell the young trees 
 for building an impromptu hut ; and for the hard work of cutting 
 up large animals into quarters, for conveyance by coolies, where no 
 roads existed, either for pack animals or carts. It was difficult to 
 arrange a knife that would comprise all these desiderata, but Mr. 
 Paget, of Piccadilly (long since dead), was a first-rate cutler, and 
 he produced the perfection of a blade. The knife weighed exactly 
 3 Ibs., including the sheath. It weighs 2^ Ibs. now without the 
 cover, being reduced by constant grinding during many years of 
 hard work. The blade was 1 foot in length, 2 inches wide, and 
 double edged 3 inches from the point, slightly hollow in the centre 
 (If inch wide), and again 2 inches wide at the base, and T 5 g- inch 
 thick at the back. 
 I give the exact measurement of this blade, as it performed 
 several curious feats during the period of active service. When 
 sharpened to as keen a point and edge as could be obtained, this 
 highly tempered steel would pierce a hole right through one of the 
 old rim pennies, and would cut the same coin into two halves, 
 when placed upon a block of oak, without in the least degree either 
 turning the point or damaging the edge. It will of course withstand 
 the same test at the present moment. 
 This was the perfection of a weapon for the purpose required ; 
 it was the companion of every hunt where no firearms were 
 permitted, and, whatever the game might be that was discovered 
 by the pack, it was brought to bay and killed by the hounds and 
 hunting-knife. Sometimes it might be a sambur deer, which was 
 the recognised object of pursuit ; at other times it might be the 
 small red-deer ; frequently a wild boar ; and sometimes, but 
 rarely, a buffalo, which many years before had deserted from 
 its owner and run wild among the forests of the Ceylon High- 
 As I class the pig with the pachydermata, which will be 
 concluded in this chapter, I introduce the hunting-knife as closely 
 connected with hunts that will be continued with the deer 
 (Cervidcc\ as the experience of such animals was almost identical 
 in the same period and locality. It may readily be understood, 
 from my detailed description of the weapon, that such a knife, in 
 the hand of any person who knew how to use it, would have been 
 nearly as formidable as the old Roman sword. I have on more 
 than one occasion stood against the charge of a sambur stag at bay, 
 and met the attack with the point of the knife in the face, held
 firmly at arm's length. This requires great strength of arm and a 
 linn footing, but, above all things, a blade that is more dependable 
 than the British bayonet. 
 For seven years I kept my own pack of hounds at Newera 
 Ellia in Ceylon, G200 feet above the sea. During that time I was 
 hunting regularly throughout a large extent of country, and I much 
 regret that I kept a game-book only during the last two years of 
 my residence in that delightful sanatorium. I commenced the 
 diary at the instigation of a friend, to whom I owe much for the 
 advice, which has afforded me intense pleasure when looking back 
 to former years. In that journal I noted down every detail of each 
 separate hunt, and when I regard the sum total, and remember 
 that every animal was run down on foot, and killed with the knife, 
 when brought to bay and seized by the hounds, I must acknowledge 
 that anything that I have been able to accomplish since that time 
 lias been a mere nothing compared with the hard work of that 
 interesting period. The journal commenced in October 1851 and 
 ended in March 1854, at a time when severe illness necessitated 
 an immediate return to England. In those years the diary shows 
 the following list of killed : 
 Sambur deer, 138. Wild hogs, 14. Red-deer, 8. 
 During only a portion of those years I was accompanied by my 
 brother ; for five years preceding I was quite alone, excepting the 
 presence of my huntsman, and occasionally accompanied by a 
 friend. The success throughout the entire period was in the same 
 proportion as that enumerated in the diary. Although many wild 
 boars were killed, they were never objects of the hunts, but, on the 
 contrary, they were if possible avoided, as an encounter invariably 
 resulted in the sacrifice of hounds, either killed, or incapacitated 
 by serious wounds. 
 It was no easy matter to call the hounds off a scent when in 
 the wild forest, where they could run riot at their own free will, 
 and there was no means of reaching them. 
 If I saw the fresh tracks of a large boar, I always endeavoured 
 to collect the pack, and secure the hounds in couples, in order to 
 prevent them from following upon the inviting scent. But too 
 frequently I heard the opening notes of a leading hound before I 
 could gather my pack together ; in that case there was no longer 
 any hope, as the hounds would immediately join in full cry, and 
 there was nothing more to do but to await the event. 
 A boar never runs for any great distance before the hounds ; it 
 goes straight away at the first burst, but quickly turns, first up
 xvn THE BOAR 311 
 one ravine, then down another, and comes to bay after a run of 
 about ten minutes, in some difficult bit of thick thorns or tangled 
 bamboo, or any other place of refuge, in which it can face the 
 hounds, and at the same time be secure from either a side or rear 
 This places the seizing hounds in a dangerous position, as they 
 are obliged to rush direct upon the boar's tusks, unless they can 
 manage to break through the barriers upon either side. Even 
 then they would be hampered in their attempts to get away from 
 the quick and desperate lunge, which the boar makes when least 
 expected. All these difficulties have to be well considered, and the 
 nature of the animal thoroughly understood. 
 Every creature, whether human or of the lower creation, is born 
 with certain gifts, excepting a few unfortunates, who appear to 
 have been passed over. It is impossible to educate a man or an 
 animal to be a first-rate performer in anything unless the nature is 
 within. A thousand boys may be educated for the military 
 profession with the same masters, and equal care bestowed upon 
 their training, but how many will become distinguished generals 1 
 Only those who have natural gifts. There will be many who 
 become generals, but how many who become distinguished 1 It is 
 the same in everything. Take music, for an example. Every girl 
 learns music in some horrible form or other, which is a misery to 
 herself and an expense to her parents ; a worry to her master, and 
 an infliction upon her audience, when in ripening years she 
 torments them with the results of musical education. On the 
 other hand, a few are born musicians ; they require but little care 
 in early life, and, whether through voice or hand, they are born to 
 enrapture their hearers. 
 It is a dreadful descent to jump suddenly to dogs, but it is 
 nevertheless true. There are dogs of all sorts and degrees of 
 cleverness, they are born with gifts ; there are other dogs which 
 are born to be stupid, they are beyond teaching. I had a spaniel, 
 a very lovely and energetic dog, a great and untiring hunter ; that 
 dog would have gained a prize for beauty ; but it had its peculiar 
 ways. If I shot a wild duck, and it fell into the water, he would 
 immediately plunge in to retrieve the game ; but if there happened 
 to be a sand-bank near that duck, or should the opposite shore be 
 closer than the bank upon which I stood, he would assuredly carry 
 the duck to the nearest land, and leave it there, instead of bringing 
 it to me. That dog was born for the Royal Humane Society, but 
 not for a retriever. Nothing would teach him better ; his one 
 idea was, that if a bird fell into the water, no matter how, it was
 his business to fetch it, and to put it upon the first and most con- 
 venient dry land ; beyond that, his intellect did not extend. 
 It is the same with all creatures, but this natural talent, or 
 the deficiency, is peculiarly marked in hounds, especially with 
 those large dogs which I was accustomed to denominate as 
 " seizers." The pack was composed of thoroughbred fox-hounds, 
 others which were a cross between fox-hound and pointer, fox- 
 hound and blood-hound, and about half a dozen large dogs, such as 
 Scotch deer-hounds, kangaroo-hounds from Australia, and all kinds 
 of curious cross-breeds, that would produce powerful, speedy, and 
 savage dogs. Some of these met an early grave, as they did not 
 temper valour with discretion. The dog that will fly straight into 
 a boar's face, or into the face of a sambur stag, is perfectly certain 
 to meet a glorious death, before its career shall have actually 
 commenced. There are seizers who are born with gifts. Equally 
 courageous, they fight to win ; like a skilled swordsman, they 
 enter scientifically upon the strife, instead of rushing heedlessly 
 upon the point of their adversary's weapon. 
 I have had dogs of immense power and courage, combined with 
 wonderful discretion. Such a dog, when a boar is at bay, would 
 certainly refuse to attack unless holloaed on by his master ; at the 
 sound of the well-known voice he would fly straight into the jaws 
 of death ; but if left to his own instincts he would join in the 
 chorus of the bay, and watch for an opportunity. Any stranger 
 would imagine that the dog was devoid of pluck, should he be 
 seen, now advancing with apparent boldness, then suddenly spring- 
 ing back when the boar made an unexpected demonstration ; but 
 with a little more patience, it would be seen that he was only 
 trying the character of his game, and reserving his power until the 
 boar should make some audacious charge, which would for the 
 moment separate it from its secure asylum. Then, at the exact 
 moment, with a spring from one side, the dog would jump across 
 the shoulder of the boar and seize the ear upon the opposite side, 
 thus pulling the boar's head in a manner that would turn its nose 
 up in a contrary direction, and save the dog from a collision with 
 the tusks. This is high art in seizing, and it comes natural to 
 some dogs, but never can be taught. 
 The usual plan, when hunting on foot, is to wait in one position 
 from the earliest notes of the " find," until the chorus of voices 
 proclaims the bay. You then tear your way through the jungle 
 in the endeavour to reach the point as soon as possible. I was 
 always accompanied by two faithful seizers, which never left my 
 side; this was a great advantage, as when, after great exertion,
 xvir THE BOAR 313 
 we neared the spot, it was only necessary to holloa the dogs on, 
 and the two big seizers instantly responded, and appeared as fresh 
 allies upon the scene. In another moment all the seizers resolutely 
 sprang upon the boar, regardless of cuts and thrusts. The peculiar 
 sound of angry grunts, and the excited yells of hounds, bespoke 
 the desperate character of the conflict. 
 There was then no time to lose, and, with the hunting-knife 
 drawn, a few struggles through the tangled brake brought me upon 
 the scene. One hound would have assuredly secured his hold, as 
 I have described, upon the opposite ear, and would endeavour to 
 turn the boar's head upwards, by pulling back. Another would 
 have seized the ear next to him, while the remaining seizers would 
 have tackled the boar in every direction, one hanging beneath its 
 throat, another by the thigh just above the joint. Without a 
 moment's hesitation it was then necessary to close, and drive the 
 long knife up to the hilt behind the shoulder. 
 I have seen many severe struggles with boars of the larger size, 
 which have dragged the pack of seizers, and myself clinging to the 
 long bristles on the back, with the knife buried in the shoulder, 
 until, after a glorious resistance, the boar has fallen dead, righting 
 to the last gasp with desperate courage, till the moment that life 
 The large and heavy hunting-knife was an admirable weapon 
 for this style of hunting, as both point and edge could always be 
 depended upon. The skin of a boar is tough, and requires an 
 acute point, otherwise the blade would fail to penetrate at the 
 critical moment when the vital place should be exposed. The 
 scrimmage when a boar is seized, and the larger dogs crowd upon 
 him, must be seen to be understood. It is a difficult matter during 
 such confusion to discover a clear spot, where the knife can be 
 driven behind the shoulder without injuring one of the hounds ; 
 some hold on like bull-dogs, others lose their hold, and again spring 
 madly upon the boar's back, seizing thoughtlessly the first portion 
 of the animal that meets their teeth. Nothing requires more cool 
 dexterity than to come in exactly at the right moment, to assist 
 the pack, and to prevent serious casualties ; which would assuredly 
 happen if the struggle were indefinitely prolonged. A masterly 
 attack on the part of the hunter, with a clever thrust exactly 
 behind the shoulder, completes the victory in less than half a 
 Then the ghastly wounds of hounds require attention, and the 
 big seizers, panting with exhaustion, yet raging with the excite- 
 ment of the recent fight, once more dash forward, and fix their
 teeth in their lute antagonist, hardly believing that Hie is quite 
 It may readily be imagined that this style of hunting is attended 
 with considerable danger, as the peculiar difficulties of the ground 
 make active movements terribly uncertain. I once saw a com- 
 panion fall backward when charged by a boar, in the stony bed of 
 a dry nullah. Fortunately I was close enough in the rear to seize 
 one hind leg of the animal, and pull it back with my left hand, 
 while I gave it the knife behind the shoulder when it attempted 
 to turn. This was not a large boar, otherwise I could not have 
 held it. 
 There is a great risk when a boar is at bay in dense jungle, 
 and the hunter is breaking his way to reach the spot. It is 
 impossible to see three feet in advance, therefore he may possibly 
 appear upon the scene of conflict exactly opposite the boar's face. 
 In that case it is absolutely certain that the animal will charge 
 straight at him, unless securely held by very powerful hounds. 
 The hunter must never lose his head through rash excitement ; 
 and upon no account should he arrive before he is certain that the 
 seizers have the boar within their grip. Even then there may be 
 a risk, should he appear suddenly in front of the maddened animal, 
 as it may shake off the dogs by a sudden jump forward, and inflict 
 a severe injury before the hounds should be- able to restrain it. 
 I have seen something that approached an accident upon several 
 occasions, but the narrowest escape occurred upon the hills at 
 Newera Ellia, in a jungle of dense bamboo grass. Although this 
 tangled mass is termed " grass," it is merely a species of bamboo 
 which grows at an elevation of about 6500 or 7000 feet, in a 
 climate too cold for its complete development. Instead of forming 
 a hollow cane, it extends in long and thin creeping stems, entwined 
 together, forming a mass which can be broken through only with 
 the greatest difficulty. 
 A large boar had turned to bay after a short run within a 
 jungle composed of this dangerous vegetation. 
 Having broken my way with great exertion until I was within 
 five or six yards of the " bay," I holloaed the dogs on. Two power- 
 ful long-legged hounds immediately sprang from my side, and in a 
 few moments I heard the peculiar angry sounds which told me that 
 the boar was seized. I tore my way through the tangled jungle, 
 and almost immediately found myself in the presence of a large 
 boar exactly facing me. Without an instant's hesitation, it made 
 a supreme effort to attack ; its charge was so furious and sudden, 
 that, being unexpected by the dogs, they lost their hold, and for
 xvn THE BOAR 315 
 a moment the boar was free. I instinctively jumped upon one side, 
 as the brute rushed at me, and delivered a tremendous cut with 
 the heavy knife across its back, just behind the shoulder. At the 
 same moment a very powerful bitch named Lena had recovered 
 her hold upon the boar's thigh. . . . This large boar fell dead ! 
 It never moved a muscle. 
 In those days I could hit tolerably hard, but the effect of this 
 blow was so instantaneous that I was almost incredulous when I 
 saw the body of the boar lying at my feet, cut half-way through. 
 The knife had struck downwards, as the boar had passed at full 
 speed ; the body, being stretched through the weight of the bitch 
 that had seized the thigh, gave way at once before the keen edge 
 of the heavy blade. The spine was cut clean through, and the 
 knife had passed through the vitals. 
 This boar weighed about 2| cwts., as nearly as I could estimate 
 its weight, from its length and general appearance. The largest 
 that I have ever killed with the hounds and hunting-knife weighed 
 at least 4 cwts., and the head alone, when slung upon a pole, made 
 a tolerable load for two men, who were well contented to be released 
 from their burden after a long march to camp ; the carriers being 
 my brother and myself. 
 The Ceylon style of hunting must depend entirely upon the 
 hounds ; even then, as 'I have shown, the boar, if possible, would 
 be avoided. Boar-hunting cannot be classed as a Ceylon sport ; it 
 is a misfortune when the hounds take up the scent. 
 In the low country, where wild pigs swarm, I seldom or never 
 condescended to fire at them. The coolies love the fat and flesh 
 of these indigestible animals, and the result is certain to be either 
 fever or dysentery. For this reason alone I reserved my fire when- 
 ever a fine boar presented itself, as our people were sure to possess 
 themselves of the flesh, although it was strictly prohibited. I 
 have often felt, when in hot climates, that Moses and Mahomet 
 were right in forbidding the use of pork. A pig is a filthy beast 
 in its tastes, and there is no garbage that it would refuse. A foul 
 feeder must to a certain extent have foul flesh ; the pigs of the low 
 country in tropical climates are the omnipresent scavengers ; 
 common-sense should warn the consumer of the danger of such 
 The Avild pigs of Newera Ellia are highly estimated, as they 
 cannot possibly obtain anything undesirable as food. The jungles 
 are full of roots and berries, and there is nothing objectionable 
 within reach of the wild hog. 
 In Turkey and Asia Minor I have frequently eaten wild boar.
 In the month of November they are delicious, as they have 
 fattened upon walnuts, sweet chestnuts, and a great variety of wild 
 During the Crimean War, when the cavalry went into winter 
 quarters at Scutari, I was living with the officers of the 12th 
 Lancers ; I started off upon a trip to Sabanja, about 24 miles 
 beyond the town of Ismid. 
 This is a curious and picturesque vestige of the ancient city of 
 Nicomedia, situated at the extreme end of the Gulf of Ismid, about 
 ten hours' voyage by steamer from Constantinople. The town 
 occupies the entire face of a lofty hill from the base to the summit, 
 and the red-tiled roofs and quaint colouring of the houses, inter- 
 spersed with occasional tall cypress trees, give a peculiar theatrical 
 appearance, resembling a scene upon the stage. The blue water of 
 the gulf affords a highly artistic foreground, as this arm of the Sea 
 of Marmora washes the quays at the base, while opposite the town, 
 on the other side of the gulf, a chain of mountains walls in the 
 shore, and forms a continuation of a mountain range inland. A 
 small river flows through the valley ; this is an affluent from the 
 Lake of Sabanja, a fine sheet of water about 9 miles distant, which 
 receives the drainage of the mountains upon either side. This lake 
 is about 12 miles in length, and 3 or 4 miles across at the widest 
 I found very little change when I made a subsequent visit in 
 1860. The road from Ismid to Sabanja was the usual example of 
 Turkish administration ; it had been commenced at some remote 
 period, with grand intentions of a continuous line of pavement ; 
 this had evidently been entrusted to a multitude of various con- 
 tractors, some of whom had succeeded, while others had failed. 
 The latter were the most numerous, therefore a route of 24 miles, 
 through forest, running at the foot of the mountain range, was 
 diversified by a succession of surprises ; a tolerable piece of stone- 
 paved highway suddenly ceasing, and a depth of mud of two feet 
 receiving the traveller's floundering horse, without the slightest 
 warning. As the route skirted the forest-covered hills, the drain- 
 age towards the lake a few miles distant on the east had scored the 
 surface into numerous channels ; these were partially bridged, but 
 wherever the stones had become dislodged, the bridge remained 
 impassable, as no authority expended money upon such trifles as 
 repairs. It was dreadful to witness such a picture of neglect, 
 where a most lovely and fertile country, within a few miles of a 
 secure harbour, was completely paralysed through the absence of 
 all-important roads.
 xvn THE BOAR 317 
 A scramble of 24 miles upon good ponies may be amusing occa- 
 sionally, but when baggage must be conveyed, the matter becomes 
 serious. Even the pack animals fell down with their loads, in the 
 places where contractors had failed, and where the broken bridges 
 necessitated a descent into the treacherous torrent-bed. A ride to 
 Sabanja was a journey in those days, full of misery to horse and 
 rider, but the result of this difficulty of access was in favour of the 
 game, as the ubiquitous Briton had not included it among his 
 "beaten tracks," or happy hunting-grounds. 
 Sabanja is a large town, situated exactly at the foot of the 
 nfountains, within half a mile of the lake, which at that spot is 
 about four miles in width. Although the opposite shore is moun- 
 tainous, the numerous slopes are cultivated in terraces, where 
 mulberry trees are grown for silkworms, and fruit in great variety 
 for the supply of Ismid and Constantinople. 
 On the Sabanja side, the mountains and valleys were unbroken 
 forest, and the cultivation was confined to the level ground in the 
 immediate neighbourhood of the town ; this was apportioned into 
 fields, where vines, apples, figs, pears, quinces, and mulberries were 
 planted in rows, between which were crops of cereals, in somewhat 
 rude imitation of the method pursued in Italy. 
 I had sent a messenger some days before us to engage a few 
 rooms, in the absence of any public place of entertainment ; we 
 therefore rode through the Turkish quarter, then through the 
 Greek, and at length, after nearly half a mile up the street, we 
 arrived upon the extreme verge of the town, where the wild forest 
 abruptly terminated within a few yards of the adjacent houses. 
 This was the end of the Armenian quarter, and we entered the 
 dwelling which had been engaged for our reception. The ground- 
 floor was occupied by a cow and her calf; this looked propitious, 
 as the milk was close at hand. There was a flat-stepped ladder, 
 which led through a ceiling of rough plank ; upon ascending this, 
 we arrived upon a very clean landing, with a couple of small rooms, 
 and a kitchen close at hand. This was all very nice ; we could see 
 the cow by looking perpendicularly through the broad crevices 
 between the boards which formed the floor ; we could also smell 
 her, and hear the calf. 
 There are no chimneys in Turkish houses. A large brazier of 
 charcoal warms the room most thoroughly; but great caution is 
 necessary in the use of this simple apparatus, as the charcoal must 
 be in a complete glow before it is admitted to the room. Without 
 this precaution the inmates would be asphyxiated. It was the 
 winter (December) of I860 when we were at Sabanja, and a few
 days after our arrival the ground was covered by a heavy snowfall. 
 Unfortunately I had no spaniels, and my two pointers were useless 
 for the covert, where woodcocks were in considerable numbers. 
 The cold weather had brought all game down from the mountain- 
 tops, and the wolves became so daring that they took a calf from a 
 shed during the night, from a house next to that we occupied, the 
 door not being securely fastened. 
 This was a sporting residence, on the margin of a forest that 
 extended for an unknown distance. I could leave the house, and 
 expect a shot at woodcocks within 150 yards from the door. 
 Wolves and jackals were howling close to our windows during the 
 night, and wild hogs actually broke the fences and invaded the 
 gardens, with an impudence that proved the difficulty of procuring 
 their usual food. The game of the forests included bears (these 
 had hybernated), wolves, boars, red-deer, roe-deer, pheasants, wood- 
 cocks ; while snipe and ducks were found along the borders of the 
 Although Sabanja contained a considerable population, compris- 
 ing Greeks and Armenians, in addition to the numerical superi- 
 ority of Turks, they all harmonised, and occupied their separate 
 quarters of the town without a symptom of that antagonism of 
 race or religion which is so generally accepted as the rule. Friday, 
 l)eing the Mahometan Sabbath, was the favourable day for a general 
 hunting party ; the Turks turned out with great spirit and geni- 
 ality, to act in the capacity of beaters, while all those who possessed 
 guns were delighted at the opportunity of sharing in the sport. I 
 never saw people who enjoyed themselves more thoroughly ; the 
 hunt drew all classes and races together in the best of humours, 
 and although I accompanied such gatherings for a couple of months, 
 I never saw an instance of quarrelling or discontent. The effendi 
 who governed the town always sent on Thursday evening to ask 
 the hour at which I proposed to meet, and on the Friday morning 
 at 9 o'clock, when I appeared at the rendezvous outside the walls, 
 I found several hundred people collected, some of whom were firing 
 at marks, and all looking forward to the day's sport with keen 
 In dense forests there is no other way to obtain sport except 
 the old style of beating. Some persons declare this is not sport ; 
 such persons must accordingly remain at home ; but if you travel 
 about the world, you will assuredly discover that the inhabitants 
 of a locality, no matter where it may be located, require very little 
 teaching from a stranger. At first sight it would appear dangerous, 
 when fifty guns are placed in various positions throughout a long
 xvn THE BOAR 319 
 line of forest, to intercept all animals within the beat; but no 
 accident had ever occurred in the neighbourhood, and the vast 
 numbers of large oak trees which composed the forest would be 
 certain to intercept a bullet before it had passed through its flight 
 for 50 yards. 
 In all these hunts a spirit of goodwill and fair-play pervaded the 
 people. If the Turks killed wild boar, they handed over the game 
 to the Christian community, who were delighted to obtain the 
 meat. On the other hand, if the Greeks or Armenians killed a 
 deer, it was presented to the Turks, most of whom, as hunters, 
 regarded the death by bullet as equivalent to the cutting of the 
 throat by a knife, and they accepted the animal without 
 Some of the boars that we killed in these drives were very large, 
 and excessively fat. There was nothing so good to be obtained in 
 the market; vegetables were very plentiful, and cheap. One 
 favourite dish was wild boar, stewed with leeks, onions, and cauli- 
 flowers ; to vary this dish when we had nearly tired, we changed 
 it to "leeks, onions, and cauliflowers, stewed with wild boar." 
 One of the largest I killed one night by moonlight, by wandering 
 along the skirts of the forest upon the snow, and waiting until I 
 heard the animal crunching through the frozen substance. Having 
 a white paper fore-sight, I could shoot with tolerable accuracy. It 
 was astonishing to witness how the wild hogs could plough their 
 way through deep frozen snow. I was well furnished with snow- 
 shoes, the wood being that of the fig tree, light and tough, never- 
 theless I could never overtake these powerful and active animals, 
 although they must have suffered considerably ; I have frequently 
 seen the snow discoloured with blood, where the sharp frozen sur- 
 face had lacerated the legs of the hogs when breaking .through, in 
 ploughing their way forwards. 
 The pleasure of shooting at Sabanja consisted in the diversity 
 of game ; it was impossible to foretell what the creature might be 
 that would appear before the line of beaters. Although we fre- 
 quently shot roe-deer, I never attained a shot at red-deer. I took 
 great pains, but these animals were invariably concealed amongst 
 dense rhododendrons near the tops of the mountains ; I several 
 times heard their sudden rush and caught sight of them only for 
 one instant, but I could not fire. 
 There was excellent pike and perch fishing in the Sabanja lake, 
 and at the expiration of our visit I determined if possible to renew 
 my acquaintance with the people and their delightful wilderness. 
 Fate has led me into various portions of the world since then, and
 in twenty-nine years there may have been a change that has driven 
 the animals away. 
 About fouror five miles from Ism id there wasacapital snipe-marsh, 
 and the wild-rose thickets u\ton the border were full of woodcocks. 
 The Greeks were professional chasseurs for the supply of Constanti- 
 nople, as the daily steamer conveyed the birds to market in ten or 
 eleven hours. These fellows used pointers, trained expressly ; each 
 dog wore a bell upon its collar, therefore when there was a cessation 
 of jingling, the master knew that his dog was on a point. It is 
 my opinion that the best companions for a person who is fond of 
 sport in general are a brace of first-class clumber spaniels thoroughly 
 broken not to chase, and never to hunt more than 20 yards in 
 advance of the gun. Such dogs will discover a quantity of game, 
 which would never be moved by a person unprovided with such 
 assistants. It is a common occurrence that people disbelieve in the 
 existence of game simply because they do not see it ; hares, wood- 
 cocks, partridges, and several other creatures, especially quails, will 
 sometimes allow themselves to be almost trodden upon before they 
 can be induced to move. 
 A good dog is always a useful companion in a forest, as it will 
 detect the presence of an animal long before it would be perceived 
 by the unassisted eye. Upon one occasion at Sabanja I had hired 
 a Turkish sportsman, who possessed a little nondescript dog with 
 only a stump of 2 inches to represent a tail. We were passing 
 through thick rose jungle, when we suddenly missed the cur; a 
 minute later, we heard vigorous barking within 150 yards of our 
 position. Upon arrival at the spot, there was a very large wild 
 boar standing at bay, with the little dog before it in a frantic state 
 of excitement, but far too sensible to risk a close approach. I had 
 been expecting woodcocks, but, knowing the uncertainty of the 
 forest, I fortunately had a bullet in the left-hand barrel ; a shot 
 through the shoulder dropped the boar upon the spot, to the intense 
 delight of the little dog, which immediately seized it by the snout, 
 and endeavoured to shake the body twenty times heavier than itself. 
 This was a low-born cur, but a jolly little dog, that must, upon 
 the principle of heredity, have had some unknown but heroic 
 ancestor. If any person wishes to shoot wild boar, a single dog of 
 small size is better than a great number, as the boar, or even a sow, 
 will certainly not condescend to run far before a puny antagonist. 
 In the course of a long experience I have naturally adapted my 
 tastes to the various portions of the world in which I have been 
 situated ; in many places where boars are shot, and are considered 
 dangerous, I have not dared to relate or even to touch upon the
 xvn THE BOAR 321 
 incidents connected with the hounds and hunting-knife ; but I 
 must confess that after the sport that I have enjoyed, I do not 
 take the slightest pleasure in shooting pigs. It is seldom that my 
 forefinger, paralysed by aversion, can be induced to pull the trigger. 
 Should it disgrace itself by such an act, it is only to procure flesh 
 for some section of the people who desire it ; unless I am in Asia 
 Minor, where I like it myself, stewed with leeks and onions, or 
 "onions and leeks, stewed with wild boar." 
 There is one consolation for all who destroy wild hogs they 
 are working for the public good. It is almost incredible, in certain 
 countries where pigs are numerous, to witness the total destruction 
 of crops committed by these animals. I have seen fields completely 
 turned up as though by some agricultural implement, and actually 
 nothing left ; the industry of the cultivator being entirely wasted. 
 Hundreds of wild pigs have been digging during the night in a 
 newly sown field, in search of the grain, which would appear too 
 insignificant for their notice. 
 Among sugar-plantations they commit terrible havoc, as they 
 bite the canes to obtain the juice. The wounded portion bleeds 
 and ferments, rotting the cane, and damaging the quality of the 
 sugar. In fact, wild pigs may be classed as only second to rats as 
 destroyers of general produce. 
 I have never seen the wart-hogs of Africa in numbers approach- 
 ing to the wild hogs of Asia : probably they are kept down by the 
 lions and leopards. The hysenas would destroy the little ones, 
 although no such enemy would presume to attack a boar. 
 The late Vice-Consul Petherick of Khartoum, who was one of 
 the earliest traders upon the White Nile, was, like all the 
 merchants of the Soudan, a collector of animals for the various 
 Zoological Societies of Europe. Among other beasts that were 
 kept in dens around the large courtyard of the Consulate, all of 
 which were more or less insecure, there were two very large boars, 
 with prodigious tusks. During the night one of these brutes 
 escaped from a sty, surrounded by a wall of only sun-baked bricks. 
 Not satisfied with the simple delights of liberty, it at once attacked 
 one of my people, a Tokroori, who was lying asleep upon his mat. 
 This unfortunate was scored deeply by the tusks in so many places, 
 before the animal could be driven off, that he lay helpless for 
 several weeks afterwards. 
 A few days after this occurrence, I was sitting, together with 
 Lady Baker, in the large covered " Rakooba," or raised square, 
 ascended by a broad flight of six or seven steps, when I heard a 
 great noise at the farther end of the courtyard, and I saw the 
 bricks falling from the wall, showing that the boars were once 
 more breaking out. Before the men had time to interfere, the 
 large boar had effected a breach, and it appeared in the courtyard. 
 The people immediately retreated under shelter, but the brute, 
 having surveyed the scene, ]>erceived \is sitting above the flight of 
 steps, exactly opposite. Without a moment's hesitation it charged 
 at full speed across the yard, from a distance of about 60 paces. 
 The Rakooba was about 15 feet square, and, as we had lately 
 arrived from Abyssinia, there were numerous trophies of the chase 
 arranged around the pavement ; among these were many horns of 
 rhinoceros. Fortunately a long horn weighing about 10 Ibs. was 
 close at hand ; this I immediately seized with both hands, and 
 was just in time, when the boar was half-way up the steps, to hurl 
 it with all my strength. 
 It was a lucky shot, the heavy horn struck exactly between the 
 eyes, in the forehead, and knocked the assailant down the steps, 
 at the bottom of which it lay, kicking convulsively, but thoroughly 
 stunned, and unconscious. My men now rushed forward, and we 
 secured the fore and hind legs with ropes, and dragged it to a 
 neighbouring store, the door of which we locked. The remaining 
 boar was not particularly vicious, and we secured it within another 
 The rhinoceros horn was a formidable weapon, and the effect 
 was highly satisfactory, as the objectionable boar was discovered 
 dead when the door was cautiously opened on the following morn- 
 ing by the men, who were prepared for an attack. I was rather 
 proud of my shot upon this occasion, as I seldom threw a stone at 
 an enemy without hitting a friend by mistake. Some persons are 
 good at one sport, others at another ; but throwing a stone to hit 
 the object of aim was never my pride, as I failed in performance. 
 The boar was within 5 feet, which is about my distance for 
 extreme accuracy ; even at that short range I should not have 
 sufficient confidence in myself to back my own projectile at long 
 odds, I should only have sufficient good feeling to request my 
 friend, or spectator, to stand well beyond the range of my shot.
 I HAVE among the " Wild Beasts " to bring in this low-caste 
 creature. It is not worthy of a position among sporting animals, 
 as it is a mere scavenger, useful in its repulsive habits as a four- 
 legged vulture, to remove impurities from the surface. The pig 
 would no doubt indulge in the same propensities, only that, being 
 omnivorous, it is not exclusively a carrion feeder. 
 There are two varieties of hya3na, the stripped and the spotted. 
 The latter is the larger, but both have the same habits. 
 The bone-cracking power of this animal is very extraordinary. 
 I cannot say that it exceeds the lion and tiger in strength of jaws, 
 but I can safely assert that both those giants of the feline tribe 
 will leave bones unbroken which a hysena will bite in halves. Its 
 powers of digestion are unlimited ; it will swallow a large knuckle- 
 bone without giving it a crunch. It will crack the thigh-bone of 
 a wild buffalo to obtain the marrow, and will swallow either end 
 immediately after. 
 Natives of all countries despise this animal as the greatest of 
 all cowards, although in some places it is declared that they have 
 been known to carry away children and the calves of cattle. I 
 have been nine years in Africa, but I never actually experienced 
 any attack on the part of these creatures, either against my 
 people or my animals, nevertheless we heard exceptional tales of 
 depredations committed against goats, children, and such harm- 
 less young things, that could not defend themselves. I remember 
 once that a hyasna came into our tent at night ; but this was 
 merely a friendly reconnaissance, in the hope of securing some 
 delicacy, such as our shoes, or a saddle, or anything that smelt 
 of leather. It was bright moonlight, and the air was calm, 
 there was not a sound to disturb the stillness. I was awakened 
 from sleep by a slight touch upon my sleeve, and my attention
 was called by my wife to some object that had just quitted our 
 I took my rifle from beneath the mat upon which I lay, and, 
 after waiting for a few minutes sitting up in bed, I observed a 
 large form standing in the doorway preparatory to entering. 
 Presently it walked cautiously, until partially within, and 
 immediately fell dead, with a bullet between the eyes. This 
 proved to be a very large hyaena, an old and experienced depre- 
 dator, as it bore countless scars of encounters with other strong 
 biters of its own race. 
 Cuvier describes this animal thus: "The hytcnas have three 
 false molars above, and four below, all conical, blunt, and singu- 
 larly large ; their upper carnivorous tooth has a small tubercle 
 within and in front, but the lower one has none, presenting only 
 two stout cutting points. This powerful armature enables them 
 to crush the bones of the largest prey. Their tongue is rough, 
 exhibiting a circular collection of retroflected spines ; all their feet 
 have each but four toes, as in the surikate ; and under the anus 
 is a deep and glandular pouch, which led the ancients to believe 
 that these animals were hermaphrodite. . . . Three species are 
 known the striped hyaena (//. Vulgaris, Canis hyaena, L.), 
 found from India to Abyssinia and Senegal ; the spotted hyaena 
 (C. crocuta, L.), from South Africa; and the woolly hyaena (//. 
 villora, Smith), also from South Africa." 
 I know nothing about the last-named species. Cuvier omits to 
 mention the prodigious muscle which works the lower jaw, with- 
 out which the crushing power of the teeth would be impossible. 
 An examination of the skull of this animal will exhibit the re- 
 markable size of the aperture through which this muscle passes ; 
 it is this which gives the broad and repulsive appearance to the 
 head of the hyaena. 
 In portions of Abyssinia these creatures are so numerous, that 
 immediately after sundown they visit the outskirts of the towns, 
 in search of any offal or dead animals that may have accumulated 
 during the day. Although the spotted hyaena appears to be the 
 same as that of India, the cry is totally different. It was the 
 usual occurrence in camp, when we were travelling through the 
 Nile tributaries of Abyssinia, that immediately we had retired 
 within the tent to sleep, after having dined outside, we heard the 
 cracking of bones, all of which had been thrown by the Arab 
 servants only a few feet from our deserted table. The hyaenas 
 must have been watching us while at dinner, although themselves 
 unseen, as they came to glean the crumbs almost immediately upon
 xvin THE HY^INA 325 
 our disappearance. The curious weird howls of these brutes were 
 heard throughout the night close to the tent-door, but they never 
 attacked our goats, neither did we ever lose a fowl through their 
 depredations ; they were simply scavengers. 
 The early traveller James Bruce, who discovered the source of 
 the Blue Nile (1773), had a peculiar respect for hyaenas, which he 
 considered to be dangerous. They are so much despised, that 
 during the great hunts of Central Africa, should any of these 
 useful beasts be killed, it is the custom for the women of the 
 village to visit the bodies, and each administers to the carcase one 
 blow with a stick, in derision of the cowardly character it bore 
 when alive.
 Tins beautiful and harmless creature is the tallest of the animal 
 creation. The bull, when standing erect, will measure 19 feet 
 from the crown of the head to the ground in a perpendicular line. 
 The horns are short, and resemble those of the deer when not fully 
 developed, as they are covered with a hairy skin, although hard ; 
 these are never shed, but are firmly fixed upon the skull. The 
 giraffe has a long prehensile tongue, which enables it to lay hold 
 of twigs or small succulent shoots, upon which it feeds. 
 The peculiar length of the fore legs makes it difficult for this 
 animal to graze from the surface of the earth ; the elongated neck 
 and prodigious height prove that its natural food is far above the 
 ground ; and although it occasionally will eat ordinary herbage, its 
 delight is to feed upon the delicate twigs of the flat-topped mimosas 
 and several other varieties of shrubs. 
 The pace of the giraffe is peculiar ; it moves like a camel, both 
 legs upon the same side simultaneously. The long neck swings 
 ungracefully when the animal is in rapid motion, and the clumsy 
 half -canter produces the appearance of lameness. Although 
 inelegant when in action, it is capable of considerable speed, that 
 will test the endurance of the best horses that can be obtained in 
 such countries as it inhabits. 
 It may be readily imagined that, owing to the great height of 
 this animal, it can be distinguished from a distance, and does not 
 require an elaborate search, nevertheless it is exceedingly deceptive 
 in appearance when found among its native forests. 
 The red-barked mimosa, which is its favourite food, seldom 
 grows higher than 14 or 15 feet. Many woods are almost entirely 
 composed of these trees, upon the flat heads of which the giraffe 
 can feed when looking downwards. I have frequently been 
 mistaken when remarking some particular dead tree-stem at a
 distance, that appeared like a decayed relic of the forest, until 
 upon nearer approach I have been struck by the peculiar inclina- 
 tion of the trunk ; suddenly it has started into movement, and 
 disappeared ! The giraffe seldom holds itself quite upright, except 
 at such moments when its attention is attracted to some object at 
 a distance. 
 It is most difficult to approach, as its large eyes, at an elevation 
 of 18 or 19 feet from the surface, embrace an extensive field of 
 vision ; but when found in a forest of large trees, it is occasionally 
 met with unexpectedly. The Hamran Arabs invariably pursue it 
 upon horseback, and hamstring the animal with a stroke of the long 
 straight sword. When dealing with the Arabs in the purchase 
 of horses, they invariably declare that the animal for sale can 
 "overtake a giraffe"; this is the highest commendation. 
 Riding down a giraffe would be easily accomplished by a good 
 English hunter, but not so easily by the small horses of the Soudan, 
 that are seldom weight-carriers, and are hardly adapted to carry 
 anything above 11 stone over broken ground. There is only one 
 rule for following a giraffe, the horse must be pressed at its best 
 speed from the moment that the animal is sighted. If you allow 
 the game any leisure, it will appear to be going easily, but it will 
 keep up that pace for hours ; on the other hand, if you commence 
 with the spur, you obtain a good position early in the race, and 
 you will then be surprised at the speed when you eventually close 
 with your game. Care is necessary to keep a little upon one side, 
 as the giraffe rushes madly through opposing tree-stems and over- 
 hanging boughs, which may spring backwards and inflict a serious 
 injury upon horse and rider. 
 The cloven hoof of a giraffe is a beautiful specimen of horn ; it 
 is shaped with extreme elegance, like that of a deer upon a colossal 
 scale. When at full speed over stony ground, the wide-spreading 
 hoofs send showers of pebbles flying backwards, which have been 
 known to injure the hunter when following exactly in the rear : 
 this has given rise to the absurd belief that "the giraffe pelts its 
 pursuer purposely with stones." Care must also be taken when 
 closing with the animal to avoid its hind legs, as it will kick when 
 least expected, with such force as to upset horse and rider. 
 The skin of the giraffe is highly prized for shields, as it is much 
 lighter than that of the buffalo or rhinoceros ; at the same time it 
 is peculiarly tough, and, when dry, it resists both lance and sword. 
 The Arabs hunt this inoffensive animal expressly for the hide ; at 
 the same time, they preserve the flesh by cutting it into thongs 
 and hanging it upon the bushes until thoroughly sun-dried.
 The Hamrun sword-hunter is a merciless but wonderful horse- 
 man, and should throe or four of these fellows form a party, they 
 will frequently kill seven or eight giraffes during one hunt. The 
 long and extremely sharp blade is exactly suited to this kind of 
 sport, as the hocks of the giraffe are so high above the ground 
 that they can be reached by the sword without the necessity of 
 stooping. The speed of the horse is naturally imparted to the 
 weapon, therefore when riding alongside, upon the left of the flying 
 animal, the slightest blow will sever the hamstring, and all further 
 movement is impossible. If the giraffe moved like ordinary 
 quadrupeds, it could continue upon three legs, but the fact of its 
 moving the legs of each side simultaneously renders it entirely 
 helpless when one has been disabled. 
 I have never taken any great pleasure in shooting giraffes, as 
 they have always appeared to me the most harmless creatures that 
 exist. They never invade the natives' crops, neither do they attack 
 any animals, or man, but they simply enjoy themselves in their 
 harmless manner, their only enemies being the lion and human 
 It is a curiously beautiful picture when a large herd of these 
 animals is seen upon bright green pasture, among dwarf-mimosas 
 and other small bushes, which, through contrast, enhance the great 
 height of the giraffes. I once counted one hundred and fifty-four, 
 all of which were within the area of 3 or 4 acres. I made a 
 successful stalk, and killed two by a right and left shot. One 
 had a broken shoulder, and was quite incapable of any movement, 
 beyond the slowest attempt at hobbling. I have never pursued 
 them except upon occasions when my people were devoid of meat, 
 as the destruction of such lovely creatures without some necessary 
 purpose I regarded as wanton cruelty. 
 The eye of the giraffe is worth special study, as there is nothing 
 to compare with its beauty throughout the animal creation. 
 Although some naturalists have termed the giraffe " a modified 
 deer," I cannot accept the definition, as there is nothing relating 
 to the deer, excepting the peculiarity of the horns, which have a 
 somewhat remote resemblance to those of a young stag. The deer 
 has a short tail, while that of the giraffe is long, and fringed with 
 so important a garniture of black hairs that it is in request for 
 whisking away the attacks of flies. The deer moves its legs like 
 other quadrupeds, while the action of a giraffe resembles that of 
 the camel. The general figure in no way approaches that of any 
 other animal, and I regard the giraffe as a creature entirely 
 separated from all others.
 THERE is no animal that belongs to the Cervidce south of the 
 Sahara desert ; the deer of Barbary is supposed to have been in- 
 troduced from Europe, possibly by the Carthaginians ; at any rate, 
 there are no deer throughout the vast continent of Africa, excepting 
 the Northern States which border the Mediterranean. This is a 
 peculiar feature in the African fauna, the deer being common to all 
 other portions of the globe. In Africa, in the absence of deer, we 
 find an extraordinary variety of the antelopes. 
 The antelopes, although possessing many of the characteristics 
 of deer, have a distinguishing feature in the permanency of their 
 horns ; these grow like those of the Bos, in proportion to the age 
 of the animal. There is an extraordinary variation in both shape 
 and length, according to the species, also in the distribution of 
 horns among the sexes ; in some antelopes the horns are confined 
 to the male, while in other varieties both the male and female are 
 thus armed. 
 Although Africa takes precedence for size and variety of species, 
 the antelope is found in different portions of the world, in smaller 
 numbers, but in most instances distinct examples. In North 
 America the well-known antelope of the prairies is totally unlike 
 all others in the peculiar position of the horns ; these are prong- 
 shaped, slightly palmated, and are fitted at right angles with the 
 flat top of the skull, starting from exactly above the orbit of the 
 eye, which forms the base. This animal (A. furcifera) is quite 
 unlike all other antelopes, in shedding the sheath of its horns 
 annually. This species was to be found in enormous numbers at 
 the commencement of this century, and even now, owing to its 
 natural vigilance, it has escaped the general destruction of wild 
 game. The live weight is about 90 Ibs., and the flesh is excellent. 
 The females are devoid of horns.
 There is a second variety in Canada, but I have never met 
 with it. 
 The chamois represents the European antelope (Rupicapra 
 trayw). There is also a second variety in Russia (the Antilope 
 We thus discover the extreme paucity of varieties in cool 
 temperatures, which suggests that the antelope is an animal better 
 suited for tropical or sub-tropical climates, in which it becomes 
 thoroughly developed. 
 In India we find one variety of large size, the nilghye (Portax 
 picta). This is a curious animal, as it carries extremely short 
 horns, seldom more than 8 inches in length, although it attains the 
 large size of GOO Ibs. live weight. The bull is a bluish gray, very 
 high in the withers, and deep in the chest ; the female is devoid 
 of horns, and is smaller, also different in colour, being a russet 
 brown. There is a strong resemblance to domestic cattle in the 
 nilghye, but the animal is shy, and, in my own experience, I have 
 found it more difficult to approach than the sambur deer. All 
 antelopes have a peculiar arrangement below the eyes, a sort of 
 pit, in connection with the lachrymal duct. 
 In some parts of India the nilghye commit great havoc during 
 their nightly depredations upon the natives' crops, but the Hindoos 
 will seldom destroy them, as they regard them in the same light 
 as cows, the name signifying " blue cow." All the horns of 
 antelopes are sheaths fitted upon a bony cone. I cannot see much 
 difference between the gazelle (A. dorcas) of Africa and Arabia, 
 and the chicara of India. They are graceful creatures, which 
 generally inhabit extensive plains, and are difficult to approach. 
 I do not pretend to give a description of every variety of antelope ; 
 there are several in Northern India and Thibet, also the four- 
 horned antelope (Tetracems quadricornis). This is a curious little 
 animal with four short spike horns ; the two anterior are seldom 
 more than 2 inches in length, and the posterior, which are im- 
 mediately behind, do not exceed 4 inches. The four- horned 
 antelope is not gregarious, but is found either singly or in pairs, 
 generally in high grass, where they lie close until disturbed by the 
 elephant, which almost treads upon them before they can be induced 
 to move. They dash off at full speed, and from the howdah they are 
 difficult to hit with a rifle. A Paradox gun with one barrel loaded 
 with ball, while the other contains a charge of buck-shot, is an 
 excellent weapon where small deer are objects of the day's sport. 
 The antelope par excellence of India is the well-known black- 
 buck (Antilope cervicapra). This is without exception the most
 graceful and sporting animal of the tribe. In some portions of 
 India it is exceedingly numerous, while in other parts it is so 
 extremely rare that it cannot be classed among the fauna of the 
 This animal is gregarious, and is generally seen in herds of 
 twenty or thirty individuals. It inhabits vast plains and infests 
 the crops of the natives, especially when the young wheat is about 
 9 inches high. I have seen exceptional herds, comprising several 
 hundred individuals, but it is seldom that they are met with in 
 such great numbers united, although many hundreds may be scat- 
 tered in small groups over the area of a few square miles. 
 There is nothing more lovely than a fine black-buck about 
 eight years old, when the coat looks as black as pitch, contrasted 
 with the snow-white markings of the belly, face, and throat. The 
 females are a rich yellowish brown, with white thighs and bellies ; 
 these never change their colour, and they are devoid of horns. 
 The males require three years for the skin to darken, and it is 
 of common occurrence to find a buck with horns of 20 inches in 
 length, although it has not commenced to assume the jet-black 
 coat. I do not think they are really and thoroughly black until 
 they are six years old. The hide darkens by degrees, and in a 
 herd of twenty animals there will probably be several bucks of 
 different gradations, but only one that has attained the maximum 
 of colour ; this will be without exception the " master-buck " 
 which dominates the herd. This little lord of his small court 
 enforces a thorough discipline, and when the young bucks, in the 
 presumption of youth and good looks, pay too much devotion to 
 the fair sex of the party, it is a pretty sight to see the master-buck, 
 with horns thrown back and nose in air, curling his upper lip in 
 high disdain, as he prepares to chastise the sinning youngster for 
 his audacity. After stepping proudly around the does, as though 
 warning them against the feminine weakness for admiration, he 
 makes a savage onset upon the love-sick buck, prods him with his 
 spear-pointed horns, and drives him ignominiously from the herd. 
 He then returns proudly to his ladies, marches alongside each of 
 the younger bucks, as though to caution them, by the recent 
 example, against any excess of devotion to the does. 
 This seems to be the all-absorbing employment of the master- 
 buck, to preserve order and to support his conjugal rights in a 
 limited society of about twenty lovely females and five or six 
 young aspirants of various ages. 
 In other herds there may be two or three thoroughly black 
 bucks, in which case the personal combats are both fierce and
 frequent. They arc highly pugnacious, and I have frequently 
 obtained a shot when two old bucks have been so closely engaged 
 in their duel that, although the herd had lied, they were too much 
 occupied to notice my appearance. 
 The live weight of an average buck is about 85 Ibs. It is 
 difficult to give an average of horns, as they vary in different 
 districts and animals. I have heard of horns that were 28 inches 
 in direct length measured from point to base, but I have never 
 shot them longer than 23.-,-. I should say a length of 19 inches 
 would be a fair average. They arc most regularly spiral, and to 
 be good specimens they should be exactly alike in length and 
 inclination from the base. 
 In the description of the hunting leopard (Fclis jubata) I have 
 already given an account of the speed of the black-buck ; there 
 is nothing more interesting than to watch the habits and the 
 movements of these graceful animals through powerful binocular 
 glasses, which upon an open plain permit you to examine them as 
 though in the centre of the herd. 
 If there is a public road through the cultivated fields upon 
 which these antelopes love to graze, you may sometimes pass them 
 within 100 yards, provided that you are either riding or driving; 
 but if on foot, they will not permit a near approach, although they 
 will take but little heed of ordinary natives. They are afraid of 
 elephants, and will seldom allow them to come within 200 paces ; 
 the only method by which you can obtain an ordinary range is by 
 stalking them with a horse or trained ox, or by following behind a 
 bullock-cart such as the natives use upon their farms. 
 The most favourable ground for black-buck is a mixture of 
 great cultivated flats, with neighbouring tracts of wilderness, where 
 low hills, broken ground, and thick bush afford a sanctuary for 
 their retreat, and for the rearing of their young. 
 A few shots fired upon a vast area of young wheat will soon 
 scare the animals from the locality, and should there be no jungle, 
 or hills within several miles, they will disappear entirely. 
 If there is an extensive area of rough jungle to which they can 
 retire, you may sometimes obtain good .shots by stalking carefully 
 up wind, as the animal may be discovered beneath the imaginary 
 security of the bushes ; but even then the greatest caution must 
 be observed, as the game is always on the alert. 
 When, upon the open plain, the black-buck has arrived at the 
 conclusion to retreat, the sight is most interesting, as the speed 
 and agility of the animal are at once displayed to the fullest 
 extent. The females of the herd trot oft' for a few yards, and then
 usually halt to reconnoitre. The bucks separate, and all turn 
 round to gaze at the object of disturbance. Having made up 
 their minds to go, there is no more hesitation, but away and away 
 they fly, hardly touching the ground with their swift hoofs, but 
 hopping almost vertically in the air, and bounding at least 6 feet 
 in perpendicular height at each leap, as they follow each other at 
 50 miles an hour across the level plain. I believe that they are 
 capable of the extraordinary speed of 60 miles an hour, as it is 
 said that the best English greyhound cannot overtake them. 
 It is difficult to give an opinion without having tried the 
 experiment. Although I have frequently had the advantage of 
 excellent native dogs for my assistance in following wounded buck, 
 I have never seen a fair trial with greyhounds. It M r ould be 
 difficult to find a locality that would permit the greyhound a fair 
 use of its powers, as the dog requires not only a level but a smooth 
 surface to exert its maximum speed. In India the land is very 
 roughly ploughed, and is never harrowed. When the wheat is 
 growing, the surface is a mass of large clods the size of a man's 
 head ; these have been exposed to the sun until they have become 
 as hard as sun-burnt bricks. The black-buck is at home upon this 
 uneven ground, but the greyhound could not use its feet with full 
 effect. The greyhounds in the Soudan are well known to over- 
 take the gazelle, if they can obtain a fair start, and I should 
 certainly imagine that a first-class greyhound would catch a black- 
 buck if it could be slipped within 100 yards upon a level unculti- 
 vated plain, where the surface was absolutely smooth. 
 A couple of years ago, when I was in the district of Damoh, 
 where black-buck were plentiful, I procured two excellent dogs 
 from the village of Bertulla. My first introduction to them was 
 accidental. Our camp was pitched upon the raised bank or 
 bhund of a tank which adjoined the village. Upon this were 
 several fine tamarind trees which shaded the tents, also a large 
 peepul (Ficus religiosa), from the centre of which a wild date- 
 palm grew like the mast of a ship for about 40 feet in height, 
 its spreading crown appearing like a plume of feathers above 
 the highest branches of the peepul. From our rather elevated 
 position we had an extensive view of the slightly undulating 
 surface, and upon a rough uncultivated slope about half a mile 
 distant I observed a very black buck lying down alone. It is 
 easier to approach a solitary buck than when surrounded by a 
 herd, and I commenced a stalk, walking behind a bullock-cart, 
 driven by one of my men who understood the work. 
 It is high art to conduct the cart properly. Bullocks are
 awkward animals to drive, and they will not go in the required 
 direction without considerable trouble. The driver has a tolerably 
 easy time if the cart forms one of a train along a good highway ; 
 in that case the bullocks will follow the line of route to the tune 
 of their jingling bells, but once off the road, and stalking black- 
 buck, when constant halts and turns are necessary, according to 
 the changing position of the game, a driver of a bullock-waggon 
 has enough to do. 
 He drives his sharp-pointed stick into the hind-quarters of one, 
 then twists the tail of its companion till it is nearly fractured at a 
 joint, then tickles them both simultaneously by dexterously driving 
 his naked feet beneath their tails, as he sits upon the front bar of 
 his cart, and indulges in ceaseless jerks and spasms. All these 
 movements are really necessary to impel the bullocks, but they are 
 much against success when the greatest quiet should be observed. 
 In the meantime you walk either exactly behind or upon one side 
 of the sheltering cart, ready with your rifle for a shot at 100 
 yards, which, if the cart is well managed, you should obtain, 
 unless the black-buck have been much disturbed. 
 lu this manner we succeeded in approaching the recumbent 
 buck to within 150 yards, before it rose lazily from the ground 
 and regarded us with some astonishment. The cart-driver turned 
 immediately towards the right, as though his intention was to 
 leave it unmolested on our left. 
 The buck evidently believed in our innocence. After a half- 
 minute he again altered the course to our left to regain lost 
 ground, and by careful judgment we presently found ourselves 
 about 110 yards from the buck, which was standing up regarding 
 our bullocks with some curiosity. 
 I now halted to fire, while the cart turned slightly to the right 
 but did not stop. This should always be observed, as, should the 
 bullocks halt for one instant, the buck would be off directly ; the 
 cart should pass slowly forward, leaving the shooter standing or 
 kneeling behind, as he may prefer. 
 I had a '360 rabbit rifle, and as the buck faced me I fired a little 
 too low, and broke its fore leg just below the chest. For a moment 
 it fell, and I thought it was secure, but almost immediately it 
 recovered, and running down a gentle incline, it crossed a small 
 stream at the bottom, ascended the rough slope of rank grass upon 
 the other side, and remained standing upon the side of this rising 
 ground at about 200 yards' distance. I had reloaded, and not 
 being aware of the nature of the wound beyond the broken leg or 
 shoulder, I waited in the expectation that it would presently lie
 down. To my surprise, two dogs suddenly rushed past me ; they 
 had heard the shot, and had seen that the buck was wounded, but 
 I have no idea where they were at the time, unless with the cattle 
 in the distance. They crossed the stream at full speed, rushed 
 up the slope through grass about 2 feet high, upon the blood-track, 
 and the buck, which was still in the same position, did not 
 observe them until they appeared in full attack within 30 paces. 
 Away it flew upon the instant ! The chase commenced, and 
 although the poor buck had only three useful legs, it kept well 
 ahead and appeared to gain upon the dogs for the first 150 yards, 
 but unfortunately for itself there were some acres of irrigated land, 
 and this being soft, although apparently sound turf, the buck was 
 at a disadvantage. The dogs did not sink in the treacherous soil, 
 and after a short run they closed, and at once pulled the buck 
 upon the ground. 
 Some natives who had been watching me observed the hunt, 
 and they came from the direction of the village, running like so 
 many hounds ; but no sooner did they arrive upon the scene than 
 they commenced hammering the good dogs with their heavy 
 bamboos as though they intended to kill them on the spot. It 
 was with some difficulty that I stopped them ; but in spite of the 
 assault the plucky dogs had not relaxed their hold, and they 
 gripped the throat of the buck with determined fury. After some 
 trouble the natives choked them off; but again and again they 
 returned to the attack, exhibiting a savage nature that I foresaw 
 would make them invaluable allies. 
 I hired both these dogs, together with their owners. They 
 were a cross between the ordinary native dog and the large breed 
 which is known as belonging to the Bandjarahs. The latter is a 
 tribe somewhat similar to the gypsies of Eastern Europe. These 
 people are hereditary carriers, and travel enormous distances, 
 conveying the various productions of India to the different 
 commercial centres, upon pack oxen. They are accompanied by a 
 peculiar breed of dogs, large and fierce, which guard their animals 
 during the night's bivouac. 
 The two dogs which I engaged were Cabre' and Mora. 
 Cabre' was only twelve months old ; he was a black dog, with 
 smooth hair. Mora was the same colour, but rather long in the 
 coat. Both were about 26 inches at the shoulder. These animals 
 became my staunch companions, although Cabre* never took to 
 Europeans ; he did not exhibit the slightest regard for myself 
 personally, but he was enthusiastic in sport, and the report of the 
 rifle was quite sufficient to awaken the keenest delight, as he knew
 that some animal was cither killed or wounded. Mora, on the 
 contrary, was affectionate, although savage to a degree when game 
 was to be attacked. 
 I once broke the fore leg of a fine old buck at a long shot, and 
 it went across country as though untouched, the bone being 
 fractured just above the knee. Cabre' was with me alone, and he 
 ran that buck single-handed for upwards of 3 miles. We had lost 
 both antelope and dog, and I followed upon a fast elephant, 
 inquiring of every native whom we met working in the fields 
 whether he had seen anything of the hunt. Every man told the 
 same story ; he had seen a buck followed by a dog, and they had 
 taken a certain direction, which was pointed out. At length, after 
 a long search upon a boundless plain of cultivated ground, bright 
 green with young wheat about 6 inches high, I made out with the 
 binocular glasses a small knot of people, with a dog following 
 Upon our arrival we found a number of natives carrying a 
 black-buck slung upon a long pole, all four legs being lashed 
 together, and behind the little crowd was our dog Cabre', who had 
 run the buck down single-handed and seized it in a nullah, close 
 to a village. The natives had secured it, and were bringing it in 
 triumph to my camp, a distance of 3 miles. The buck was still 
 alive, as these people, being Hindoos, had declined to kill it. This 
 was one of Cabr^'s early performances ; after which he quickly 
 became distinguished. 
 The antelopes are all more or less bullet-despisers ; if they are 
 not struck in the right place, they exhibit a wonderful tenacity of 
 purpose and of life ; but the black-buck is exceedingly difficult to 
 kill with certainty. If there is any covert within reach, it will 
 attain the shelter, to die a miserable death, unless it is shot 
 through the lungs, heart, or neck. It is a small animal, and, 
 being wary, it is seldom that a shot is obtained within 100 or 120 
 yards. The mark, to be fatal, will be limited to 3 inches square, 
 or at the outside 4 inches. Distance upon a flat plain is deceptive, 
 therefore it is necessary to possess a small-bore Express of the 
 highest velocity to ensure a flat trajectory. In my opinion a '400 
 bore with 4 drams of powder is the best rifle for this sport. This 
 is the only case in which I recommend an expanding bullet. The 
 long projectile of the '400 should have a very shallow hollow 
 inch at the point, and only inch in diameter. As the bullet will 
 be 1^ inch in length, it will not smash up into films or shreds, but, 
 if composed of pure lead, it will flatten out at the point for about 
 half an inch, and form a mushroom head, that will prevent it from
 passing through the body, and perhaps ricochetting into some 
 village a mile on the other side. 
 At Bertulla, where we were camped for some time, the village 
 was benefited by the presence of a Hindoo priest. This fellow 
 was an extraordinary personage, as he combined the ascetic with 
 the acrobat. Naked, with the exception of the smallest waist- 
 cloth, he was smeared from head to foot with ashes : his begrimed 
 face had the unearthly appearance produced by this ghastly 
 colouring, and his large eyes shone with that peculiar brilliancy 
 which may be so frequently remarked among the religious 
 enthusiasts of India. This holy man was an important personage 
 at Bertulla, as he possessed a small temple upon the outskirts of 
 the village, which represented all that was ecclesiastical in this 
 portion of the district. The temple, or church, was about 8 feet 
 square, therefore it was somewhat limited in accommodation ; it 
 was glaringly white, with a small shrine, painted with divinities, 
 which appeared to be in an advanced stage of scarlet fever. 
 The signal for divine service was given upon a species of 
 trumpet, which emitted a weird sound, happily unlike any other 
 instrument to which we are obliged to listen. This high priest 
 was the sole representative of the little temple, and he led a 
 solitary life ; his chief occupation consisted in sweeping his small 
 courtyard and brushing up his premises. He had no dwelling, 
 neither did he sleep upon a bedstead, nor even upon the ground, 
 but he laid himself upon a horizontal bar like the pole of a bullock- 
 cart, supported upon posts about 3 feet above the courtyard floor. A 
 short cross-piece at one end was sufficient for his shoulders, and upon 
 this uncomfortable perch he was able to pass the night in rest. 
 We became great friends, as I frequently gave him presents for 
 his temple. I am fond of clergymen generally, as they are never 
 shy in accepting donations for their parishes. My interpreter 
 described this faky as "a sort of Bishop"; he accordingly became 
 known by that name in camp. The Bishop would have been 
 known in England as "a sporting parson." Although a devout 
 man, he was a sportsman at heart. The tank abounded with 
 wild-fowl, and I was accustomed to supply sufficient ducks and 
 teal for our entire party almost daily. Upon these occasions I was 
 invariably attended by the Bishop, who plunged into the water 
 like a retriever to secure the birds when either killed or wounded. 
 This cleansing process effected a sudden change in his appearance ; 
 the ash-smeared faky became a really handsome man when divested 
 of his holy colouring. I had presented him upon one occasion 
 with a few rupees to beautify his church, and he became more 
 grateful than a member of the Established Church would have 
 been under similar circumstances. He exhibited his gratitude by 
 a voluntary exhibition of his powers as an acrobat, leaping to a 
 great height, and turning somersaults, for which performance his 
 dress was admirably adapted, as he had nothing on but ashes. 
 He then walked upon his hands, head downwards, doubled himself 
 together with his arms beneath his legs, and hopped like a frog ; 
 until he wound up the entertainment by balancing himself upon 
 his nose on the hard ground a feat that would have been highly 
 remunerative at the close of a charity sermon in London. 
 Our " Bishop " was of considerable service during a memorable 
 hunt. I had wounded a very fine black-buck, which made off 
 across the open country. Although it had a long start, I had 
 slipped the dog Cabrd immediately, and we had a glorious chase 
 straight across the level ground, the young wheat being about 8 
 inches high. 
 I was on a fast elephant, therefore we managed to keep the 
 animals in view. All the villagers turned out to see the fun ; the 
 natives who were travelling along the road put down their bundles 
 and enjoyed the scene ; people who were working in the fields 
 rushed after the dog, others cut across and endeavoured to turn the 
 buck. Thus hard pressed, the buck altered its course, and having 
 passed the village, it turned to the left, disappearing from my view. 
 We hurried the elephant along at about 8 miles an hour, as I felt 
 sure the buck would either run directly through our camp upon 
 the bhund, or it must take to water, as it would be intercepted by 
 the lake. The dog was about 100 yards in the rear, running 
 We turned the corner, passed the village, and almost im- 
 mediately we saw a crowd, in the middle of which was the 
 Bishop, holding the buck by the horns, in spite of its frantic 
 struggles to escape. It appeared that the animal at full speed 
 was passing by his temple directly towards the lake, and the acro- 
 batic parson, with extraordinary agility, sprang across its path and 
 seized it by the horns. They had the greatest difficulty in 
 restraining the dog, which upon arrival immediately pinned the 
 struggling buck by the throat, but was cruelly beaten off with 
 bamboos by the excited crowd. 
 Much might be written upon the black -buck, as it is the 
 prettiest animal in India, and without any exception it affords the 
 best sport to a lover of the rifle, but there would be a mono- 
 tony in the description. I shall therefore close this chapter, and 
 devote the next to the more important antelopes of Africa.
 THIS interesting tribe inhabits more or less every part of Africa. 
 There are varieties which differ in their habits so completely 
 that it appears impossible to accept them as belonging to the 
 same genus, nevertheless they are all antelopes, the distinction 
 of the class consisting in the formation of the horns, and the 
 tear-ducts beneath the eyes. As before mentioned, the horns 
 of antelopes differ entirely from those of deer, as they resemble 
 those of oxen, which are mere sheaths that fit upon a conical 
 bony projection, and are permanent. 
 The difference in size is very marked, varying from the tiny 
 oom dik-dik (HempricManus), which weighs about 16 Ibs., to 
 the roan antelope, and the still heavier eland (Soselaphus oreas), 
 that would weigh 900 or 1000 Ibs. 
 The most common of the larger antelopes is the bubalis, 
 known by the Arabs as the tdtel and at the Cape as the 
 " hartebeest." 
 There are two varieties of this animal, specially distinguished 
 by the horns. In Abyssinia these are spreading, and the simi- 
 larity to those of the buffalo is at once perceived, but in Central 
 Africa the horns are closer together, more upright, and generally 
 more massive in the base. 
 The head of the A. bubalis is very extraordinary in shape; 
 the skull rises about 4 inches above the brain cavity, and the 
 horns are rooted upon this projection. If the entire head is 
 not required as a trophy, this portion may be sawn off without 
 disturbing the position of the horns, or in any way interfering 
 with the actual cranium. The horns appear to be carefully 
 arranged for defence, as they rise almost perpendicular with 
 the skull for about a foot, and then turn back for 7 or 8 inches, 
 terminating in extremely sharp points. When the head is
 lowered to receive an attack, these points are presented to the 
 enemy, and a sudden lift would be certain to impale. 
 The colour of the skin is a beautiful chestnut, inclining to red ; 
 the texture of the coat is exceedingly fine, and in the bright 
 sunlight it glistens like that of a well-groomed hunter. 
 Although the live weight of this animal would exceed 500 Ibs., 
 it is one of the fastest antelopes, and is more difficult to over- 
 take than any other. In fact, I have never seen a horse that 
 has been able to run down a tetel, and the Hamran Arabs 
 would not as a rule attempt the chase. I have ridden after 
 them on several occasions upon a good horse, and I have 
 imagined that I gained upon the herd, but when within about 
 100 yards they seemed to be aware of the danger of a close 
 approach, and, without any apparent effort, they kept the horse 
 at its maximum speed. 
 They are, as the Dutch name implies, " hard beasts," and re- 
 quire correct practice with the rifle. Unless shot in a vital place 
 they will travel for an unlimited distance, and will seldom be 
 recovered. As the colour is bright, they are readily distinguished 
 among the green foliage, and upon open ground they can be seen 
 at a great distance. 
 Like many others of their tribe, they are difficult to 
 approach, and they generally place a sentry upon some favour- 
 able position, that will command a distant view. The white 
 ant hills in Central Africa are very numerous, and being 5 or 6 
 feet above the surface, they afford admirable watch-towers, upon 
 which the sentry generally takes his stand, while the herd grazes 
 in security in the immediate neighbourhood. 
 The te'tel feeds principally upon grass, but it is attracted by 
 the tender young shoots of the various mimosas at the com- 
 mencement of the rainy season. 
 The distressing months, when a continuance of rain has en- 
 couraged a giant growth of herbage, cannot be appreciated by 
 those who have not experienced the block of vegetation. The 
 entire country becomes impassable, being clothed in a dense 
 mass of coarse grass from 8 to 10 feet high. By degrees 
 this ripens, and when the dry weather has continued for two or 
 three months, it becomes highly inflammable, and is fired in 
 all directions by the inhabitants. When a strong north wind 
 is blowing, the sight is most impressive, as nothing appears to 
 check the flames. The fire rushes onward with wild delight, 
 crackling the hollow canes, licking the dried leaves off lofty 
 branches, and roaring like a heavy gale as it drives forward in
 its destructive course, leaving the blackened ground behind as 
 clean as a velvet pall. 
 An immense extent of country may be cleared within a few 
 days, if the grass is carefully ignited to windward, and it is a 
 mystery how the wild animals arrange their retreat before the 
 annual conflagration. I imagine that they are well aware of 
 certain places of refuge in the dry beds of rivers, where the experi- 
 ence of the past has assured them of security. At any rate, they 
 save themselves, and reappear upon the scene within a very few 
 days after the fire has destroyed all pasturage. This is the time 
 for the hunter, as all animals are driven to the broad beds of 
 streams, where green herbage is always to be found throughout 
 the driest months. The borders of such rivers are generally 
 fringed with nabbuk, and the antelopes are attracted by the small 
 fruit, like miniature apples, which fall to the ground in quantities. 
 By degrees the wind cleans the ashes from the surface, and 
 although the jungles are in a leafless condition, as bare as our 
 English woods in winter, a change takes place. The different 
 gum-bearing mimosas, that have been scorched by the recent fire, 
 exude their sap through the heat -contracted bark. There are 
 several varieties which produce gum-arabic, but the most valuable 
 is that of a tree which is armed with a double-hooked thorn in 
 reverse. It is simply impossible to escape without assistance 
 when caught in this entanglement, if your clothes are strong 
 enough to hold without giving way. 
 The best gum-arabic is found in Kordofan ; also in the country 
 from the base of the Abyssinian range of mountains to the river 
 Atbara. In some portions of this extensive district, where the 
 best quality is produced in quantities, there are no inhabitants to 
 gather it, as there is a considerable area uninhabited, owing to the 
 insecurity of life in the absence of a firm government. I have 
 seen crops of this valuable gum in such profusion that the naked 
 trees were ornamented with transparent fruits resembling small 
 candied oranges. These were semi-transparent, adhering to the 
 stems and branches, so brilliant in their golden frosty surface that 
 they became most attractive ; I could not help dismounting, and 
 collecting as much as I could carry. It has frequently occurred 
 to me, when among such scenes, that the old story of the garden of 
 jewels in Alladin and the Wonderful Lamp originated in travellers' 
 accounts concerning the mimosas laden with this topaz-coloured 
 It is sweet and agreeable to the taste when freshly gathered 
 from the tree ; the outside is hard, but the centre contains liquid
 gum, which would become hard in the course of time. If the 
 round lumps, resembling Mandarin oranges, are packed together, 
 they become exceedingly dry and brittle, losing their shape, and 
 crumbling into small pieces, such as arrive in England under the 
 well-known name of " gum-arabic." 
 Almost all wild animals are attracted by this gum when, in the 
 driest season, the mimosas are in full bearing. The dog-faced 
 baboons (Cynocephalns) may be seen in large troops, all bent 
 upon the gum-collecting industry. With the order of human 
 beings they march along, the females carrying their young upon 
 their backs, until some well-furnished trees are sighted. A rush 
 takes place immediately by the ten-year-old boys, or young baboons 
 equivalent to that human age, but the arrival of some old grand- 
 fathers in the shape of well-maned males, who cuff them right and 
 left, restores immediate discipline, and all the party resolve them- 
 selves into groups around the well-laden trees, filling their stomachs, 
 and distending their pouches with the bon-bons of the wilderness. 
 The antelopes are particularly fond of this gum, and they are 
 sure to be found in the neighbourhood of this species of mimosa. 
 The hide of the te'tel or hartebeest is much prized by the Arabs, as 
 the toughest and most durable leather when tanned. Large sacks are 
 manufactured by the simple process of stripping off the skin in one 
 piece, like a stocking from the leg. This is tanned, and the aper- 
 tures at the four legs, and the neck, and hind-quarters being sewn 
 up, the entire skin forms a bag ; in this, corn is conveyed to market. 
 I have killed great numbers of these animals both in Abyssinia 
 and Central Africa ; they have invariably yielded good sport, 
 requiring careful stalking and accurate rifle-practice. Both males 
 and females are furnished with horns. 
 There is a species (Damalis Senegalensis) which somewhat 
 resembles the bubalis. This is not an inhabitant of Abyssinia, 
 but it is not uncommon in Central Africa. The size is slightly 
 inferior to the latter, but the habits are the same. The horns are 
 differently shaped, being annular, and retiring slightly backwards. 
 In like manner with the bubalis, both sexes have horns. The 
 colour of this variety is a very dark chestnut, with black thighs 
 and fore legs. The flesh is superior to that of all other antelope*. 
 This species invariably posts a sentry to guard the herd when 
 feeding, and it was always my ambition to stalk the guard and 
 knock him off his stand, instead of attempting a shot at the less 
 suspicious herd. Upon several occasions I have succeeded where 
 the white ant hills were sufficiently numerous to afford cover for a 
 stealthv advance.
 The handsomest of all the larger antelopes is the koodoo, or 
 nellut of the Arabs (A. strepsiceros). This animal is most grace- 
 ful, and is prettily marked. It stands from about 13 to 13| 
 hands in height of withers. The colour is mouse-gray, with per- 
 fectly white stripes. The horns are very long and spiral. In 
 this species we find a distinction in the female being devoid of 
 horns. Their habits are different from the foregoing varieties, as 
 they are seldom met with upon the open, but are found in deep 
 ravines and thickly wooded nullahs. 
 There are no elands in Abyssinia, neither have I ever seen them 
 throughout my journeys in Central Africa, but I have seen a very 
 large pair of horns that were brought by the slave-hunters from 
 the West, somewhere upon the Bahr Gazal. 
 The largest of all that I have met north of the equator is a 
 species of roan antelope that was named Hippotragus Bakerii, as 
 a new specimen, differing from the well-known roan antelope of 
 South Africa. This animal stands about 13 hands 3 inches at 
 the withers, or 14 hands; it is immensely bulky, and clumsy in 
 comparison with the more elegant strepsiceros. The horns are 
 thick, anuulated, and are curved completely backwards, so that 
 when the head is thrown up they would reach the shoulder. The 
 mane upon the neck gives it a remote resemblance to a horse, 
 with horns. I have never weighed a roan antelope, but I should 
 estimate the live weight at about 700 Ibs. Both male and female 
 have horns, those of the male being superior. 
 I saw this species for the first time near the Bahr Salaam 
 in Abyssinia, also subsequently upon the border of the Settite 
 river. In portions of Central Africa they are more plentiful, 
 but they are not so generally distributed as the bubalis or 
 A very handsome variety of the large antelopes is the water- 
 buck or mehede'het (A. ellipsiprymna). This is an exceedingly 
 massive animal, nearly allied to the red-deer in colour and texture 
 of hair. It weighs about 600 Ibs. when alive. The dark-brown 
 hair of the throat is coarse, and somewhat shaggy in the males ; 
 the horns are long, distinctly anuulated, and after turning slightly 
 backwards, the extremities project forward in a gentle curve. 
 The flesh of this variety is coarse, and although eaten, it is not 
 esteemed, even by the Arabs. 
 As the name " water-buck " would imply, this species is found 
 in the neighbourhood of swamps and rivers. A fine old male is a 
 grand-looking creature, resembling a German stag with a winter 
 coat, surmounted by large horns of goat-like appearance. The
 females arc devoid of horns, and they look at a distance exactly 
 like the hinds of red-deer, or sambur. 
 I have shot a great number of these animals, as I have been 
 compelled during many years to depend upon the rifle for a supply 
 of food, not only for myself, but for a large number of followers. 
 There is no superiority of sport in this variety, but I cannot help 
 recalling to remembrance a particular occasion when I nearly lost 
 a fine male through the want of penetration of the bullet. 
 The flotilla of fifty-seven vessels was toiling along the adverse 
 current of the White Nile, and, according to the varying energies 
 of officers and crews, the ships occupied positions either in advance 
 or rear, straggling throughout a course of many miles. 
 As my vessel led the way, we moored alongside the bank one 
 afternoon, where an extensive flat of perhaps a thousand acres 
 stretched from the water's edge to the base of low wooded hills 
 which formed a range, increasing in height as they stretched into 
 the interior. It was a pretty bit of country after the interminable 
 swamps of the White Nile, through which we had been so long in 
 passing, therefore I landed, with my rifle, accompanied by my chief 
 engineer, Mr. Higginbotham, and Lieut. Baker, R.N. 
 We had walked through the wooded hills for a considerable 
 distance without firing a shot, although game had several times 
 been moved, when, upon descending to the lower ground, en route 
 to our vessel, we observed three large bull meheddhets feeding in 
 the open plain, directly in the path that we were about to take. 
 There was very little chance of obtaining a shot upon the exposed 
 ground ; I therefore begged my two companions to wait, while I 
 should endeavour quite alone to stalk the game. 
 There were several large isolated trees growing in the marsh 
 outside the jungle, at the base of the rising ground from which I 
 now descended. I endeavoured to estimate the distance, which I 
 computed to be about 220 yards from the farthest tree to the 
 nearest of the animals. 
 The difficulty would be to arrive at this tree without being 
 perceived by the mehedehets, as they were somewhat scattered. 
 Had there been only one, I might have advanced under cover of 
 the tree by keeping the thick trunk in a direct line with my 
 approach. At length, by dint of perseverance, sometimes crawling 
 along the rutty surface, then lying flat to conceal myself in the 
 grass about 18 inches high, whenever there was a danger of being 
 observed, I managed at last to reach the farthest tree. I rested 
 here for several minutes to become cool, and to wipe my eyes from 
 the streams of perspiration, which nearly blinded me. At length
 I was cool enough to take the trial shot. The distance was a little 
 over 200 yards. Taking a rest against the stem of a giant tree, I 
 fired. The bull fell as though struck by lightning. His more 
 distant companion went off at full speed, and was soon lost to 
 view ; but his nearest neighbour simply started for a few yards, 
 and after having regarded the situation without discovering any 
 enemy, he turned round with astonishment to inspect his fallen 
 friend. This turned the broadside towards me, and again I fired. 
 If a sledge-hammer had struck the skull, the animal could not have 
 succumbed more suddenly. This had a very pretty effect at so 
 long a distance, as the right and left had been fired within about 
 ten seconds, and both of these fine bulls lay stretched upon the 
 I never like to see an animal fall apparently stone dead without 
 the slightest struggle, as it is generally paralysed for the moment, 
 but quickly recovers, and escapes : I accordingly ran towards the 
 spot, and immediately perceived Julian Baker and Higginbotham 
 racing across the rutty ground, hurrying to the scene. We soon 
 met. The first buck was shot through the centre of the shoulder : 
 had he been a target, the bullet would have made a bull's-eye. 
 We went a few paces to the right to examine the last shot. I had 
 missed the shoulder, and the bullet had struck the middle of the 
 neck. We were standing together, admiring the massive pro- 
 portions of this fine water-buck, when, without the slightest 
 warning or preparatory struggle, it jumped up and started off at 
 full gallop. In another second it dropped dead, with a bullet in 
 the back of the neck, as fortunately I had reloaded. 
 This was a curious example of an instantaneous recovery from 
 the stunning effect of a shot in the neck. My rifle was a wonder- 
 fully accurate weapon, but it was in the early days of breechloaders, 
 and although -577, it carried the Snider hollow bullet and 2i 
 drams of powder. This had no penetration, and animals that were 
 well hit were continually escaping, which would not have been the 
 case with a larger charge and a solid bullet. In this instance the 
 bullet had struck the spine, but had not sufficient power to break 
 the bone, after passing through the hard muscles and tough hide of 
 the water-buck at a distance of about 220 paces. 
 Two of these splendid animals formed a welcome addition to the 
 hard fare of the expedition, and they were quickly divided among 
 the men. 
 There is an antelope in the marshy country of the White Nile 
 which I have never met with elsewhere. This is rather larger 
 than an ordinary donkey ; a jet-black colour, with a patch of pure
 white across the withers. The crown of the head is white, also a 
 white ring around the eyes ; the chest is black, but the belly is 
 white throughout. 1 The horns of this species are from about 28 
 to 32 inches in length, and they bend backwards in a peculiarly 
 graceful curve, unlike any other antelope. The coat is rather coarse 
 and long, approaching that of a goat. The coat of all antelopes 
 that frequent marshes and the neighbourhood of water is more or 
 less coarse ; this is very marked in the ellipsiprymna. 
 I have before remarked that animals and birds vary in their 
 degrees of shyness and difficulty of approach. The megaceros is 
 easier to stalk than any other antelope that I have met ; and upon 
 one occasion I stopped our vessel and landed, where I saw a number 
 of these animals upon the half-dried marshes. In the course of the 
 afternoon, I bagged five, affording a grand supply for my hungry 
 people. The females of this species are a brown colour, and devoid 
 of horns. I have never seen this antelope inland, but always in 
 the close vicinity of rivers and lakes ; they are generally in large 
 herds, and can only be discovered at the driest season, when the 
 rivers have sunk low, and the marshes, which are inundated during 
 the rainy months, have become exposed and hardened by the sun. 
 It is difficult to estimate the number of animals in a herd, but I 
 have occasionally seen this species in dense masses that would 
 contain a thousand. The pallah (A. leucotis) is another antelope 
 that is found in important herds. This is very common in Central 
 Africa, and affords excellent sport, and good food for the camp. 
 It is a well-known antelope both in South and Central Africa, but 
 I have never met with it north of 10 N. latitude. The horns of 
 the male are prettily shaped, something like the gazelle, but spread- 
 ing. The females have no horns, but they are nearly the same 
 colour as the male, a yellow body with snow-white belly. The size 
 of the pallah is about the same as a fallow-deer. 
 The prettiest creature of the jungles is the harnessed antelope 
 (A. scripta). This is never found in herds, but generally in pairs, 
 or three or four together. It is seldom met with in open plains, 
 but it is an inhabitant of the bush, and will lie tolerably close, 
 starting up with a frantic rush when suddenly disturbed. A fine 
 buck will weigh about 90 Ibs. The male is dark-brown, ornamented 
 with snow-white stripes, six or seven of which descend from the 
 back upon either flank and the hind-quarters ; a few white marks 
 are upon the shoulders, and white spots upon the thighs ; a long 
 white line from the shoulder extends in a continuation below the 
 transverse marks upon the flanks, and terminates near the junction 
 1 This is the Kolus Maria of Gray, or M?<jaceros of Hcnglin.
 of the hind leg. This resembles a white trace, hence the name 
 "harnessed antelope." 
 There are many varieties of small antelopes which are hardly 
 worth enumeration. These* are scattered throughout an immense 
 area north of the equator, and are never to be found in the same 
 locality. The oryx (leucoryx) or the leptoceros of Heuglin is known 
 by the Arabs as the bagger el wahash (cow of the wilderness). 
 This fine antelope is confined to certain districts in the Taka 
 country, also in Kordofan, but I have never met with it. The late 
 Professor Heuglin was a painstaking naturalist, whom I had the 
 pleasure of knowing when staying in Khartoum, and we compared 
 notes of all the animals with which we were mutually acquainted. 
 He arranged the following list, which embraces all that I know 
 practically, and many others which I have not seen. 
 18. R. Lechee. 
 19. R. Megaceros (Black Antelope). 
 20. R. Defassa. 
 21. R. Ellipsiprymna. 
 1. G. Dorcas. 
 2. G. Arabica. 
 3. G. Losvipes. 
 4. G. Dama. 
 5. G. Scemmeringii. 
 6. G. Leptoceros. 
 7. C. Montanus. 
 8. C. Saltatrix. 
 9. N. Hemprichianus. 
 10. C. Madaqua. 
 ^ Two unknown species in 29- Tr. Strepsiceros. 
 "' [ White Nile, called by the 30. Tr. Sylvaticus. 
 iz - Dinkfis "Amok." 31. Tr. Dekula. 
 22. H. Niger. 
 23. H. Bakerii (new species). 
 24. H. Beisa. 
 25. H. Ensicornis. 
 26. H. Addax. 
 27. T. Orcas. 
 28. T. Gigas (new species). 
 13. R. Eleotragus. 
 14. R. Beb or. 
 15. R. Kull (new species). 
 16. R! Leucotis. 
 17. R. Uruil (new species). 
 32. B. Mauritanica. 
 33. B. Caama. 
 34. B. Senegalensis. 
 35. B. Tiang (new species). 
 36. B. Tiaiig-riel (new species). 
 'It will be observed that the gnu (Catollepas ynu) of South 
 Africa is not found north of the equator.
 All these interesting varieties of the species antelope exhibit 
 peculiar characteristics ; some partake the appearance and action 
 of the goat, others of the buffalo ; there is an affinity to the horse 
 in the hippotragus, and to the Bos in the eland (Boselapkus orais). 
 To the traveller, the antelope is invaluable, as it provides flesh 
 more or loss palatable for his party, at the same time that the 
 skins of all varieties are useful, and can be readily tanned by the 
 omnipresent mimosa bark, and the pods of the soont (Acacia, 
 Arabica). The fawns of antelopes must be destroyed in great 
 numbers by the numerous carnivora, as they are completely help- 
 less ; they are also the prey of pythons, which seldom attack large 
 animals, but subsist upon the calves, as their bones are easily 
 crushed in the coils, and prepared for swallowing. 
 Some species will defend their young ; among these the te'tel 
 (A. bubalis) is remarkable. I once witnessed a striking example, 
 where.the entire herd came to the rescue of a calf. I was shooting 
 with only one attendant, a native named Shooli, who was a most 
 trustworthy man and a devoted follower. This man was an 
 experienced hunter and a first-rate tracker. The country was 
 covered with high grass, that was not sufficiently dry to burn 
 thoroughly, but in some places the natives had ignited it, and 
 cleared small patches, in which the young grass had quickly 
 sprouted to the height of several inches. These open places were 
 an attraction to the game, which was otherwise invisible in the 
 vast mass of tall vegetation. 
 We were prowling cautiously through the country, keeping 
 watchful eyes upon our surroundings, when, upon passing a clump 
 of trees, we observed a fine bull te'tel standing sentry upon an ant 
 hill about 400 yards distant. 
 There was no doubt that a herd was somewhere in his neigh- 
 bourhood, therefore we waited behind some trees, and watched the 
 attitude of the sentry. 
 Presently we espied a doe, which emerged from the high grass 
 and walked carefully but inquiringly across the small open space, 
 and then stood in a fixed position. We now crept upon hands 
 and knees through the rustling herbage, as quietly as possible, in 
 the hope of getting within 150 yards of the sentry. I had marked 
 a particular tree as the spot to be reached which would afford 
 concealment, and at the same time be within killing distance. 
 It was trying work for the bare hands among the sharp stems 
 of the coarse grass, but we reached our destination, and then 
 cautiously rose, in expectation of seeing the sentry upon his elevated 
 post. He was gone, together with the doe. We had been quite
 invisible, and the wind was in our favour ; probably some bird, 
 frightened at our advance, had flown hurriedly away, this would 
 have been sufficient as a signal of hidden danger. 
 We now threw off disguise, and walked direct towards the 
 raised spot upon which the watchful tdtel had taken its stand. 
 There was a pile of droppings, of all dates, which proved that this 
 was its daily resting-place in the middle of the green patch, that 
 was regularly visited by the herd. While I was examining the 
 signs, I observed my companion Shooli searching diligently among 
 the young herbage, and he assured me that a calf must be concealed 
 somewhere near, as the doe would not have appeared alone unless 
 she had a young one lying hidden, which she had intended to suckle 
 if undisturbed. 
 Presently I saw him standing with his spear raised, aiming at 
 something upon the ground. Upon approaching him, he asked if 
 he should throw his spear ; but before I could reply, a calf that 
 had been lying close, like a hare in form, sprang up and raced 
 away at great speed. In an instant the spear flew from the up- 
 raised hand, and striking the calf, it passed just beneath the skin 
 of the back without injuring the bone, and penetrated through to 
 half its length, thus impaling the poor little animal transversely. 
 Even with such an impediment, the strong young calf managed 
 to get along, until at length it was captured by the active native. 
 He now withdrew the spear and asked whether he should carry 
 it alive to camp. At the same time the calf, wounded and terrified, 
 screamed loudly; this noise appeared to give Shooli a sudden 
 inspiration. Telling me to kneel down, he beat the calf with his 
 open hand, which made it repeat its cry of distress. In a few 
 moments we heard a rush among the high grass, and as the cries 
 of the calf continued, I saw a number of horns and heads appearing 
 above the yellow grass, as the herd, leaping as they galloped, 
 endeavoured to see the cause of the disturbance. 
 In less time than it takes to describe the scene, some ten or 
 eleven of these large animals frantically rushed into the open and 
 charged direct upon Shooli, who was kneeling with his arms around 
 the calf. I fired right and left within 20 yards, knocking over 
 the leader upon the spot, and turning the herd, another of which 
 floundered upon its side after running a few yards. I reloaded 
 quickly, and fired another shot as they disappeared, like fish in 
 water, among the tall herbage from which they had made their 
 gallant attempt to save the calf from danger. Shooli assured me 
 that had he been alone, the herd would certainly have knocked 
 him over, and have rescued the calf.
 I imagine that the animals concluded that the young one was 
 attacked by some wild animal, and they determined to rescue it by 
 an attack in force, thus exhibiting their affinity to the buffalo. 
 The bull that was stretched upon the ground by the first shot was 
 probably the same that had stood sentry over the herd, but had 
 retreated to the high grass upon our approach. 
 My attendant Shooli assured me that the natives frequently met 
 with accidents from the horns of this variety (A. bnbalis) when 
 following up a wounded animal in high grass. Some days after 
 this adventure I was out with the same man and another excellent 
 fellow named Gimoro. We observed a fine bull te'tel lying on the 
 ground beneath a tree, only the head and neck being visible above 
 the grass. Taking Shooli with me, I made a very successful stalk, 
 and obtained a position behind an ant-hill within GO or 70 yards of 
 the game. At this short range I could make certain of the centre 
 of the neck, without allowing the animal to rise for the shoulder 
 shot. I fired, and the head disappeared. To my surprise, a herd 
 of fifteen or twenty of the same animals dashed away from some 
 high grass and bush about 120 yards distant, and I fired my 
 remaining barrel at the most prominent, as they were disappearing 
 in the dense yellow herbage. 
 The bull was lying dead ; therefore, as nothing had fallen to 
 my other bullet, we examined the tracks, and shortly discovered 
 blood upon the grass, in such quantities that we considered the 
 wounded animal could not have retreated to any great distance. 
 We accordingly followed quickly upon the well-marked traces, 
 Gimoro leading, with his spear in readiness to strike. The grass 
 was so dry that it rustled as we brushed through, and there would 
 be no chance of our coming suddenly upon the te'tel. Twice we 
 heard it rush forward as we approached, and in each place it had 
 evidently been bleeding as it stood. We now went forward with 
 extreme caution, and after an advance of about 150 yards, Gimuro 
 hurled his spear, but at the same instant the te'tel charged straight 
 into him, with the spear sticking in its flank. He sprang nimbly 
 upon one side, and I shot the animal through the centre of the left 
 shoulder as it turned after the man. It fell instantly to the shot. 
 The natives thought this excellent fun, and laughed heartily at the 
 conclusion, but they assured me that great care is necessary when, 
 without a rifle, a wounded bull te'tel is followed into high grass, as 
 it is difficult to kill upon the spot by throwing a spear. 
 This is the only occasion upon which I have ever seen the tetel 
 charge, but I do not doubt my informants, as they were thoroughly 
 As a rule, I make a point of hamstringing every species of 
 animal (except an elephant) immediately that it falls to the ground ; 
 it is then safe. A slight drawing cut with a good hunting-knife 
 will sever the tendon at once. Mahometans are very particular in 
 performing the Khallahl before life is extinct. It is a difficult 
 operation to cut the throat of a large beast armed with sharp horns, 
 while it is struggling upon the ground, especially when the hide is 
 thick and tough, as in the case of bull antelopes of the larger 
 species. I once had a deplorable loss of one of the finest koodoos 
 (A. strepsiceros) that I ever shot. This was lying upon the ground, 
 shot a little too high, and as it struggled violently, my men, to one 
 of whom I had given my hunting-knife, were afraid to seize it by 
 the beautiful long horns. It was in vain that I endeavoured to 
 hurry them, until losing patience, I laid my rifle on the ground, 
 and was about to take the knife myself in spite of their religious 
 prejudice, when the koodoo suddenly gained his feet and started off 
 at full gallop into the thick bush, leaving my dilatory people stupe- 
 fied and amazed at the disappearance of their beef. We never saw 
 this animal again. 
 The koodoo generally affords pretty shooting, as it is found in 
 deep wooded ravines, which can be commanded by a rifle upon both 
 sides, should the animal rush forward from the bottom. Such 
 deep places are seldom more than 100 yards across, therefore one 
 person upon the margin can always obtain a shot when the koodoo 
 is disturbed by throwing stones into the bottom of the hollow. In 
 this case the rifle should be 100 yards ahead of the men who throw 
 the stones. 
 I have never seen any variety of antelope that was really fat. 
 Although they are exceedingly muscular and fleshy, being thoroughly 
 well rounded, and in good condition, the best that I have seen 
 would hardly produce one pound of suet ; that being around the 
 kidneys. Many of these animals are infested by parasitical worms, 
 The bubalis has a species of large maggot which is found in the 
 high bony protuberance upon which the horns are fitted. Some of 
 the gazelles have worms which bore through the flesh, and are only 
 stopped by the skin, upon reaching which a local inflammation is 
 set up, and blood-red circular spots are found beneath the surface. 
 I have frequently seen gazelles that were perfectly unfit for food, 
 and nevertheless they appeared to be in good condition until 
 flayed. When divested of the skin, they were in a deplorable 
 state, the inner surface of the hide being covered with rings of 
 blood, the results of the worm's puncture in its passage through 
 the flesh.
 There is a peculiar charm in the antelope tribe, owing to their 
 great variety and their gainey character, and I look back to many 
 years passed in the African wilderness, where the associations con- 
 nected with the wild animals of the country were far more agreeable 
 than my experience of the human inhabitants.
 THE deer has always been the game par excellence of the hunter. 
 There is no animal more generally distributed throughout the 
 world, therefore it has been, and still remains, the general attrac- 
 tion, as it is usually within reach of the hunter in all wild 
 countries where it is not specially preserved. There is no animal 
 which exhibits the necessity of preservation by game-laws more for- 
 cibly than the deer. In Scotland, where preservation has afforded 
 a sanctuary by the strict observance of a close-time, we see an 
 immense increase of numbers, although the conditions of the 
 Highlands have entirely changed since the destruction of forests, 
 which originally gave shelter to the red-deer. In mediaeval times 
 the shelter of vast areas of woods exerted a corresponding influence 
 in the development of the animals. Shrub?, grasses, and various 
 plants throve within the woods ; these afforded nourishment to 
 the animals during winter. At the same time, they were pro- 
 tected from the driving winds by their dense retreat, instead of 
 being exposed, as they now are, to the fury of every winter's gale. 
 The effect of misery has been seen in the deterioration of the animal. 
 The deer exhibits in its horns the ratio of its vigour. If the 
 animal has been well nurtured, and protected from its birth, never 
 unduly exposed to privations, but sheltered and well fed through 
 every season, it will develop antlers superior in length and solidity, 
 and it will increase in weight. The red-deer of Scotland cannot 
 be compared, either in size or antlers, with those of Central 
 Europe, which exist in large forests, and live a life of undisturbed 
 seclusion. Those which have been starved by exposure to cold 
 and winter famine have naturally fallen off and deteriorated in 
 size. A hart of twelve years old in our Scottish Highlands will 
 hardly average 15 stone when grallocked, although some of those 
 which have had the advantage of woods will exceed 18 and even 
 2 A
 20 stone. The same species of deer in Hungary and Transylvania 
 will average 20 stone, and will produce antlers of great length 
 and weight, with from fourteen to twenty points, against the 
 Scotch stag's ten or twelve. Nothing can more forcibly prove the 
 necessity of shelter and good food. Many j>ersons imagine that a 
 wild animal can live upon anything, and will thrive where a 
 domestic animal would starve. To a certain extent this is true, 
 but, on the other hand, the creature will either improve or deterior- 
 ate, according to the quality of its pasturage and its protection 
 from the severity of climate. Nothing can improve by suffering ; 
 all pain and privation must have an adverse effect upon animals or 
 human beings ; therefore the destruction of forests in the High- 
 lands of Scotland has not only deprived the deer of shelter, but 
 has destroyed the plants upon which they depended for their 
 winter's food. Foreigners are struck by the absurdity of the 
 misnomer " a deer-forest " in Scotland, upon hills that are com- 
 pletely devoid of trees. 
 It is much to be regretted that the red-deer of Great Britain 
 are no longer the grand animals which they continue to be in other 
 parts of Europe. The trophy of a fine head is the reward for a 
 painstaking stalk and a successful shot ; but there are no heads in 
 Scotland that are worthy of the name, as specimens of the antlers 
 of red-deer. 
 As I have already remarked, the development of every animal 
 will depend upon the favourable conditions of localities ; as the 
 red-deer has deteriorated in Scotland, it may have improved in 
 other countries. I regard the wapiti of America as the red-deer 
 upon a gigantic scale. If a wapiti stag were placed in a line with 
 a fine German, and a Scotch red-deer, there would be an immense 
 difference in size, but they would look like the same animal in 
 gradations ; there would be about the same relative difference 
 between the wapiti and the German stags as between the latter 
 and those of Scotland. 
 Many years ago, through the kindness of the late Duke of 
 Athole, I had an intimate experience of the Athole forest, which 
 at that time was much overstocked with deer. The consequence 
 was that they lacked size, and it was rare to kill a hart in con- 
 dition, above 15 stone ; 16 was considered much above the average, 
 and very few of that weight were killed during the season. The 
 horns were small in due proportion. The deer were so numerous 
 in those days that the ground was foul from their great numbers, 
 and I have seen upwards of a thousand together in one drive upon 
 the hillside above Glen Tilt. At one time Her Majesty and the
 xxn THE DEER 355 
 late Prince Consort were staying at Blair Castle, and the wind 
 being favourable, several thousand deer were driven successfully to 
 the desired spot, upon the hill-face opposite Ben-y-Gloe. Such an 
 assemblage of wild animals could not have been seen in any other 
 part of Scotland, but during winter the food for so vast a number 
 was insufficient, and the deer upon that forest have dwindled 
 through overstocking. 
 At Dunrobin, much farther north, the deer are larger, especially 
 those which occupy the woods at the foot of the hills. Twenty 
 years ago, when, a guest of his Grace the Duke of Sutherland, 
 enjoying some deer-stalking upon the hills, I was struck with the 
 superiority in the size of the deer compared with those of Blair ; 
 this was due to smaller numbers, better food, and sheHer of large 
 woods, to which they could retire during winter; 17 and 18 stone 
 were not extraordinary weights for stags of ten or twelve years old. 
 It is a curious fact that the rutting season commences with the 
 hard frosts of October, after which the deer are out of season. 
 With other animals this sexual excitement is the result of warm 
 weather, or early spring, when birds and creatures of all kinds, 
 released from the icy fetters of the winter, commence their loves 
 in the warm hopes of approaching summer. 
 When October arrives, the stags begin to bellow, the hair of 
 the neck grows coarse and long ; they fight with great fury to 
 obtain the mastery of the hinds, until the master stag, having 
 gained the ascendency through frequent combats, associates with 
 the females, and becomes a ragged -looking object, far different 
 from the grand appearance which marked him as the lordly hart 
 at the first commencement of his amours. 
 It is generally believed that all deer shed their antlers annually, 
 but this is not the case. Both the red and the fallow deer shed 
 their horns in spring. The huge wapiti of America does the same, 
 but the sambur of India is supposed to change its horns only once 
 in three years. There is no regular season, either in India or 
 Ceylon, but the same species may be killed throughout the year 
 with the horns in different degrees of development. 
 In forest countries the stags are very careful in their movements 
 during the early stages of their antlers. When these first sprout, 
 they somewhat resemble the thick stalk of rhubarb, as they push 
 boldly from the root with a round, blunt termination, covered with 
 a glistening cuticle. These growing horns are very sensitive, and 
 the stag has a strong objection to pushing its way through tangled 
 thickets. I have known localities among the lofty mountains in 
 Ceylon, beneath bare precipices of rocks, where plateaux at lower
 levels were free from jungle, in which we were sure to find a stag 
 with horns in velvet ; these secluded spots, which produced good 
 pasturage, were at the same time open, anil afforded space to move, 
 without danger to the growing horns. 
 There are few things more curious than the growth of a deer's 
 horns. We have already seen that those of antelopes resemble the 
 horns of oxen, goats, and sheep : these are sheaths fitting upon an 
 inside core of bone, which is a projection of the skull, and never 
 can be shed. The horns of deer commence their growth when the 
 male is two years old, in a single spike about G inches long. This 
 is perfectly hard and solid, but, like all mature horns, it falls off 
 in spring, leaving the peculiar porous base ready for the growth 
 of a larger pair. If the animal is healthy, and the conditions of 
 the locality favourable, each annual shedding is succeeded by an 
 increased size. The base or foundation grows broader and more 
 solid every year, and the spike horn forms a tine. As age 
 increases, the horns become antlers, as the tines not only enlarge, 
 but extend in number, until the animal reaches the prime of ita 
 existence ; this would be when about twelve years old. At that 
 age the red -deer of Scotland might have ten or twelve points, 
 sometimes fourteen, when the stag becomes " imperial," the points 
 sprouting from a thickened portion of the horn, which forms a cup. 
 Every pointed projection, however small, is termed a "point"; 
 thus a stag of twelve will frequently possess only ten good tines, 
 and a couple of projections of 2 inches in length will make it 
 The growth of antlers is extremely rapid. The young horns 
 commence in the beginning of May, and they are sufficiently hard 
 beneath the downy skin to commence to peel in the first week of 
 August. While growing they are nourished by small blood-vessels, 
 and, as by degrees they become developed, the points denote the 
 maturity of the formation. When these become acute, the bone 
 is thoroughly set and the cleansing process is commenced. The 
 small veins dry up, and become obtuse ; the downy skin, which is 
 known by the name of " velvet," also becomes dry and leathery. 
 As the blood-vessels contract and wither, an itching is set up ; 
 this encourages the animal to rub its antlers against some tolerably 
 yielding surface, that will by degrees detach the irritating cause. 
 The deer generally seeks a sapling of about an inch in diameter 
 for its first rubbing post, as the horns are still delicate. In a few 
 days, having destroyed several of these yielding stems, it ventures 
 upon a tougher material, until at length it has no choice, and 
 boldly rubs the last adhering strings of velvet from its horns
 xxn THE DEER 357 
 against the rough bark of some old birch, or any tree that will 
 assist to cleanse its antlers from the irritating substance. 
 When the large horns of sambur or wapiti are growing, they 
 make an excellent dish; first scalded to divest them of the down, 
 and then gently stewed with a good sauce and a few vegetables. 
 If a deer is badly hurt during the growth of antlers, there will 
 generally be some deformity in the shape of one, or perhaps both. 
 Any accident to the horns while young in velvet has a direct effect 
 upon the antlers, and will set up a local inflammation, which 
 interferes with the ripening of the horn. I have seen a stag 
 which had two peculiarly curved tines of great length ; these had 
 interfered with its progress through the woods (in America), and 
 had evidently caught among the branches like a grapnel. Although 
 the horns were perfectly hard when I shot the animal, the ends of 
 these tines were bloody, and instead of sharp terminations, they 
 were round and thick, showing that a chronic inflammation had 
 prevented the horns from hardening, and had kept the blood-vessels 
 in continued action. 
 As the stag becomes old, and its powers are on the wane, the 
 annual horns become shorter and thinner, the rough exterior loses 
 its knobby appearance and becomes smooth, the tines are short 
 and fewer in number, and the antlers, which in former years were 
 the signs of vigour, exhibit in their reduced appearance an evidence 
 of decay. Should a stag be castrated, the horns cease their growth. 
 The female carries about eight months, and has only one calf. 
 None of the females of the genus Cervus have horns except the 
 reindeer; but I have had no personal experience of the latter 
 It is to be deeply regretted that the red-deer no longer exist in 
 the New Forest in Hampshire, the Forest of Dean in Gloucester- 
 shire, and other places, where in 1838 they were sufficiently 
 numerous. I remember them when they were strictly preserved 
 by the Crown, and the heads of those in the Forest of Dean were 
 very superior to any that exist in Scotland. I am surprised that 
 such persons who are the fortunate proprietors of deer-forests do 
 not import fine specimens of German deer to cross with those of 
 our own country. Any visitors to Vienna must be struck by the 
 magnificence of the antlers borne by the stags in the Prada, on 
 the outskirts of the city ; in our own country there is nothing that 
 will compare with them. 
 The hunting of deer, like all other sports, must depend upon 
 the condition and customs of the localities. There can be little 
 doubt that "hunting" is far superior, as a sport, to shooting.
 But hunting must depend upon the country. You can shoot any- 
 where, but to enjoy lain ting, the country must be open, and the 
 ground passable for horses. The only portion of Great Britain 
 where the wild red-deer is still hunted in the old-fashioned manner 
 with horses and hounds, is upon Exmoor ; there the deer remains 
 as it always has been ; and may it long continue, as a relic of the 
 olden times, is the wish of every person who takes an interest in 
 the chase. 
 During a long experience I have seen deer both hunted and 
 shot, in different ways, and the proof of the superiority of this 
 animal, as the perfection of sport, is the fact that it affords intense 
 excitement in every form and condition of the pursuit. 
 There are so many varieties, that a volume might be devoted 
 to the deer alone, instead of mingling it together with wild beasts 
 and their ways. Every kind of deer possesses distinct habits and 
 peculiarities ; it is therefore impossible to describe their " ways " 
 generally, but to be correct, every species requires a separate 
 description. The red-deer (Cervus elaphus) is the same throughout 
 Europe, Asia, and America, differing only in size and denomination. 
 It is hunted in various ways. 
 Anderson described a hunt in Siberia with a large species of 
 eagle, which actually killed the deer before those who were 
 mounted on horseback could reach the spot. He was himself 
 present, and his explanation of the incident was clear and graphic : 
 the eagle tore out the liver, after having coursed and struck the 
 stag upon the open plain. 
 In Scotland it would destroy sport if the red-deer were hunted 
 with hounds, as they would be driven en masse beyond the limits 
 of the forest. If deer are in herds, they should never be hunted. 
 A solitary stag that has harboured in some particular spot, and 
 has been carefully marked down, might be turned out and coursed 
 with deerhounds, but even then the forest might be disturbed if 
 the course were long. There can be no doubt that a deer-forest 
 should be kept as quiet as the grave. 
 There are agitators in England who disturb the minds of 
 unthinking men, almost as much as yelping curs would scare the 
 deer in a well -secluded sanctuary. It is the prevalent fashion, 
 among these egotistical people, to describe to an ignorant audience 
 what they consider to be the birthright of mankind. This 
 birthright takes the attractive form of appropriation. A man, 
 no matter who, is supposed to be bom with a birthright that 
 will enable him to wander (trespass) at will over the grounds of 
 another private individual, who has either inherited his land, or
 xxn THE DEER 359 
 become a proprietor by purchase. The rights of game are ques- 
 tioned, and condemned, as " wild creatures are God's gifts to man- 
 kind, and are sent for the benefit of all." 
 These gentlemen forget that the important element of " water " 
 may be claimed as a gift of nature for mankind, but that private 
 wells cannot be invaded by the public, neither can springs upon 
 private property be interfered with. They also wander from 
 historical fact when advancing the theory of a natural right to 
 land, or a right to game. If these agitators, who know nothing of 
 primeval rights of man, were to examine the actual conditions of 
 primeval society as represented by the vast numbers of tribes in 
 Central Africa, they would discover the utter fallacy of their 
 arguments. I extract, from what I wrote upon this subject when 
 in Africa, a few observations that may be worthy of their attention, 
 showing that the earliest rights (private rights) of man consisted 
 in the possession of land and hunting-grounds : 
 " Although the wilderness between Unyoro and Fatiko is un- 
 inhabited (about 80 miles), in like manner with extensive tracts 
 between Fabbo and Fatiko, every portion of that apparently 
 abandoned country is nominally possessed by individual proprietors, 
 who claim a right of game by inheritance. 
 " This strictly conservative principle has existed from time 
 immemorial, and may perhaps suggest to those ultra-radicals who 
 would introduce communistic principles into England, that the 
 supposed original equality of human beings is a false datum for 
 their problem. There is no such thing as equality among human 
 beings in their primitive state, any more than there is equality 
 among the waves of the sea, although they may start from the 
 same level of the calm. ... In tribes where government is weak, 
 there may be a difficulty in enforcing laws, as the penalty exacted 
 may be resisted ; but even amidst these wild tribes there is a force 
 that exerts a certain moral influence among the savages, as among 
 the civilised : that force is public opinion. 
 "Thus, a breach of the game-laws would be regarded by the 
 public as a disgrace to the guilty individual, precisely as an act of 
 poaching would damage the character of a civilised person. 
 " The rights of game are among the first rudiments of property. 
 Man in his primitive state is a hunter, depending for his clothing 
 upon the skins of wild animals, and upon their flesh for his sub- 
 sistence ; therefore the beast that he kills upon the desert must be 
 his property ; and in a public hunt, should he be the first to wound 
 an animal, he will have gained an increased interest or share in the 
 flesh, by having reduced the chance of its escape. Thus public
 opinion, which we must regard as the foundation of equity, 
 rewards him with a distinct and special right, which becomes 
 " It is impossible to trace the origin of game-laws in Central 
 Africa, but it is nevertheless interesting to find that such rights 
 arc generally acknowledged, and that large tracts of uninhabited 
 country are possessed by individuals, which are simply manorial. 
 These rights are inherited, descending from father to the eldest son. 
 " When the grass is sufficiently dry to burn, the whole thoughts 
 of the community are centred on sport ; but should a person set 
 fire to the grass belonging to another proprietor, he would be at 
 once condemned by public opinion, and he would (if such establish- 
 ments existed) be certainly expelled from his club." 
 It is not my intention to enter upon a treatise concerning game- 
 laws, but there is a fact that is beyond contradiction the existence 
 of game depends upon preservation. If the game-laws were 
 abolished, and all protection withdrawn, reducing the position of 
 game to that of vermin, the question would resolve itself without 
 further argument, as there would, within a very few years, be no 
 existing subject of dispute. The game would entirely disappear, 
 as it has done in most parts of France. 
 The destruction of red -deer has already been complete in 
 England, excepting the small number still remaining at Exmoor ; 
 and those of Scotland would quickly share their fate should the 
 existing laws be abolished. 
 The character of the nation would be severely affected should 
 the game of the country disappear. No pursuit can be more con- 
 ducive to a development of manly instincts than that of either 
 shooting or hunting. It teaches a man to be quick, and ready for 
 any opportunity or emergency ; he must have a correct eye for 
 country, and considerable decision of character. He must be a 
 good rider, and must excel both with the rifle and the smooth-bore ; 
 he must be hardy in constitution, and sound in wind and limb, if 
 he is to enjoy the exercise which must accompany all field sports, 
 whether on horseback or on foot. 
 At the present day England takes the lead in the manufacture 
 of first-class firearms. Tiie reason may be accepted, that those 
 who enjoy the sports of the field can afford to pay for the best 
 quality. This is an important industry that would be almost 
 effaced should the game of the country disappear. In the vast 
 Empire of India, where extensive tracts of dense jungle were con- 
 sidered sufficient to ensure the security of wild animals, it has been 
 found necessary within the last twelve months to introduce special
 xxii THE PEER 361 
 laws for the preservation of the game, which was fast disappearing 
 before the unremitting attacks of man. 
 In Ceylon there have been stringent game-laws for many years, 
 but in spite of this undeniable necessity, there are persons who 
 madly clamour against the protection of game in England. The 
 value of a deer-forest in Scotland is many times superior to the 
 annual rental for sheep pasturage. It is absurd to complain that 
 the poor have not the same privilege as the rich ; nobody, unless a 
 professional agitator, envies the rich man his harmless enjoyments, 
 and the fact of wealth being introduced into the wild Highlands 
 brings comfort and employment to many who would otherwise seek 
 their livelihood on foreign shores. 
 Nothing can be more enjoyable than deer-stalking in the High- 
 lands. In olden times, when people shot with muzzle-loading 
 rifles and small charges of powder, the shooting was more difficult 
 than in the present day, as the trajectory of the bullet being high, 
 it was necessary to judge the distance accurately, to adjust the 
 back-sights of the rifle. The improvements within the last twenty 
 years have produced the perfection of weapons for deer-stalking in 
 Scotland, as the trajectory of the modern Express is so low that 
 no elevation is required for 150 yards. Practically no other sight 
 is required beyond that of point-blank. 
 I mentioned, in the commencement of this work, the name of 
 Purcley as the first inventor of the muzzle-loading Express. This 
 was then called No. 70, as that number of spherical bullets 
 weighed 1 Ib. In those days there were no decimals of the inch 
 to designate the size of a bore, but the relative proportion to the 
 pound was always understood by the number of the calibre. 
 A dear friend, the late Sir Edward Kerrison, presented me 
 with a very beautiful Purdey rifle of this calibre, the first Express, 
 which burnt 4 drams of powder, and carried a conical solid two- 
 grooved bullet weighing 200 grains. I considered that rifle 
 perfection for deer-stalking in the Highlands, as it was point-blank 
 for 150 yards merely permitting the natural intelligence of the 
 shooter to take the sight either coarse or fine, according to his 
 estimation of the distance. During the season of 18G8 I was 
 enjoying the hills and hospitality of his Grace the Duke of Suther- 
 land, and afterwards of the late Lord Middleton at Applecross ; I 
 fired at fourteen stags with this Express solid bullet of Purdcy's. 
 The rifle bagged thirteen out of fourteen j and I felt ashamed of 
 myself that the only escape was the first shot fired, at Dunrobin, 
 when, never having previously fired the rifle, the extremely light 
 pull of the trigger deceived me, and it went off by accident, break-
 ing the fore leg of a hart just below the shoulder, to my disgust 
 and disgrace. 
 That little bullet was about the diameter of the modern '400, 
 but, as its small weight denotes, it was exceedingly short. It 
 may be readily imagined that the extreme velocity doubled up the 
 soft lead upon impact with the tough muscles and bones of a 
 red-deer, so that the bullet never passed through, but remained 
 within the body, or generally beneath the skin on the side opposite 
 to that of entrance. Although I have always regarded that 
 weapon as perfection for deer-shooting, there was a difficulty in 
 loading. The first movement was to pour into the extremely 
 small bore 4 drams of powder, without spilling it ; the second was 
 to press down a thin wad, with a thick greased felt-wad on the top 
 of it ; the third was to wrap the bullet in a greased linen patch, 
 and ram this gently upon the greased wad. As the winged bullet 
 was mechanically fitted, and highly greased in its linen patch, it 
 was thoroughly air-tight, therefore the force necessary in loading 
 compressed the air between the descending bullet and the wad 
 upon the powder. The bullet formed a piston, and when the 
 weight of the loading-rod was removed, the elasticity of the com- 
 pressed air forced the bullet upwards, and left a dangerous vacuum 
 between it and the powder about 8 inches distant. This was a 
 source of danger, and although the barrel was of sufficient strength 
 to resist the strain, by not absolutely bursting, many barrels 
 bulged, my own included. Nevertheless the move had been made 
 by Mr. Purdey in the right direction. I used this rifle in Scot- 
 land and in Africa, and I never made better practice. 
 Deer-stalking in the Highlands, although most enjoyable, is a 
 selfish sport. If a house is full of guests, it is almost impossible 
 to afford " stalking " for any number, it is therefore necessary to 
 drive, as by this means all can share in the day's sport without 
 prejudice. At the same time, there is a great gulf between 
 stalking and driving. In the latter process much knowledge is 
 necessary, and great patience on the part of the keepers or gillies, 
 but there is nothing for the shooters but to lie hidden in the 
 positions allotted to them, and to shoot well when the opportunity 
 offers. On the other hand, stalking requires a profound knowledge 
 of the habits of red-deer, and thorough experience in the geography 
 of the locality, together with patience, coolness, and bodily activity. 
 We will assume that the weather is not bad, and that we start for 
 a day upon the hills. The dress will be arranged for easy walking, 
 and for concealment from view. I object to the kilt strongly, as 
 it swings, and any object in movement is liable to attract attention.
 xxii THE DEEK 363 
 Bare knees are not adapted for crawling along the spiky stumps of 
 burnt heather. There is nothing better than heather-mixture of 
 strong tweed trousers, and a Norfolk shirt; certainly no white 
 The attendants are very few. A gillie, a mile in the rear with 
 his pony and deer-saddle to bring home the dead. Another gillie, 
 who leads a brace of deer-hounds in the slips, about 200 yards 
 behind you. The keeper who accompanies you, and who will 
 severely test your patience unless you make him thoroughly under- 
 stand, before you start, that he is to keep quiet, and in no way 
 whisper, tug you by the sleeve, or offer advice at a critical 
 moment ; but that he is to remain a dumb companion. This is 
 all that you require. 
 Stalking is tolerably hard work upon some deer-forests, although 
 easy walking upon others. We will say that the month is Sep- 
 tember, at which time the horns are certain to be clean. No 
 sheep have been permitted upon the forest, therefore the only 
 enemy is the grouse or the blue-hare. Nothing is more perplexing 
 than the whirr of a disturbed grouse, whose sudden flight is certain 
 to awaken the attention of the deer, when otherwise your position 
 would be well concealed. Attended by an experienced gillie, you 
 may have ascended a steep mountain side, commanding an exten- 
 sive view of deep corries, precipitous slopes, barren rocks that 
 have fallen in chaotic confusion from bare cliffs, and have nearly 
 choked the burn which threads its silvery way beneath. Your 
 guide halts suddenly, and seats himself upon a convenient rock or 
 tump of heather. " We'll just tak' a bit o' a spy," exclaims your 
 attendant, who can always halt and rest, when he feels blown, by 
 such a plausible excuse. The field-glass is at once brought to bear 
 upon the rusty surface of the heathery scene. Every hill-face is 
 scanned ; the sky-line of each mountain ; the dark depths of 
 inhospitable corries, nothing is in view. 
 " Weel, I never saw the like o't ; it's just bad luck that we 
 met that d d auld witch when we first started," exclaimed Sandy. 
 " I never kent the day for guid sport if auld Bell cam' across the 
 path ; " 1 and he spat upon the ground. " She's just an uncanny 
 body that brings nae guid, and my eyes are just that dull I canna 
 see through my gless ; but I dinna remember time stanes by the 
 bit saft green moss near the tap o' that dark corrie yonder." A 
 1 According to Highland superstition, it is bad luck if the first person met 
 when starting should be an old woman. Old Bell was considered to be more 
 than usually uncanny. The generally accepted antidote to the spell is to spit 
 upon the ground.
 steady look with my own glass determined that the stones were 
 hinds, lying down in the deep heather near a spring in the 
 mountain side. The question remained : " Was there any hart in 
 the neighbourhood?" None could bo seen; the hounds were 
 about three-quarters of a mile distant in a straight line, but double 
 that distance by actual approach. It would never do to disturb 
 them, as their retreat would alarm any stag that might be lying 
 within view. The only plan was to back out of sight, to take the 
 wind, and to make a circuit round the hill, in order to come down 
 from above them. In stalking a deer, you should always endea- 
 vour to approach from above. The deer seldom looks towards a 
 height, but when standing upon an eminence, it looks downward 
 upon the great extent, which from its elevated position is exposed 
 to view. When you find it impossible to advance direct, and it 
 becomes necessary to make a long detour, the work begins, and 
 you appreciate the advantage of a thorough knowledge of the 
 country. We were soon out of sight, and crossing a lower shoulder 
 of the hill we had ascended, we hurried along the opposite side 
 under cover of the ridge for at least a mile and a half, and then 
 descending into a rocky torrent-bed, we commenced a careful ascent 
 towards the summit. This was a gap which formed the watershed, 
 and the source of the burn that we had adopted for our route. 
 We were now above the deer, and instead of being in our front, 
 they were upon our left. They were still lying down, and nothing 
 more was visible. Under these circumstances it was necessary to 
 cross the ridge and see what might be in view upon the other side 
 of the hill. We accordingly drew back, and then followed the 
 horse-shoe shape of the ridge, until we arrived upon the same slope 
 on which the deer were lying. We arrived at a broken portion of 
 the ridge, where large rocks were scattered over the surface ; 
 ascending to the sky-line, we had a clear view of the other side, as 
 we were now just above the hinds, which were not in sight, but 
 about 300 yards upon our left. 
 Almost at the same moment, Sandy and myself, without utter- 
 ing a word, knelt slowly down. There was a pair of antlers and 
 a portion of a head about 200 yards below us on our right. The 
 stag was lying down in very deep heather. 
 The wind was wrong ; but as we were high above him, we 
 remained unobserved. There were no means of stalking that stag, 
 as there was absolutely nothing except the heather to cover us. 
 I whispered to Sandy to remain where he was, while I would 
 endeavour to crawl cautiously through the heather. The face of 
 the hill was so steep that crawling head-foremost was impossible,
 xxir THE DEER 365 
 find I was obliged to wriggle upon my side and back, feet-foremost. 
 By degrees I made progress, and I flattered myself that I should 
 get within 100 yards, when suddenly a hind and fawn which had 
 been concealed in the deep heather sprang to their feet about 150 
 yards upon my right. I sank below the heather, and was out of 
 sight, but I felt that the stag was on his legs. Gradually and 
 cautiously raising my head, I saw the stag standing about 120 
 yards from me ; the hind and fawn, upon the right, were looking 
 out across the line of our positions. They evidently had my 
 wind. If they had commenced to run, the stag would have 
 followed in an instant. He was looking downwards upon the 
 glen below, but he was standing almost broadside towards me. 
 I was lying on my back, therefore slowly and carefully I sat up, 
 my head was just above the heather as I raised the rifle. Almost 
 at the same moment the hind and fawn started off; the stag was 
 in the act of moving when I fired. He fell to the shot, disappear- 
 ing in the heather, and now and then exposing his antlers as he 
 struggled on the ground. I began to step the number of paces to 
 measure the distance, which is my usual custom. I had arrived 
 about half-way, when the stag suddenly jumped up, and without 
 a moment's hesitation started at full speed down the steep 
 mountain side, as though he had never been touched. 
 " Slip the dog," I shouted at the top of my voice, but the 
 knowing gillie had already done it. He had closed up with the 
 keeper, whom I had left behind when the stalk commenced, and 
 he had been watching the progress of the stalk with intense 
 . excitement. He saw the deer fall, and was running towards me 
 when the stag regained his feet ; at the same moment he loosed 
 the dog, and Oscar, who was a first-rate hound, came bounding 
 past me with the game full in view. 
 Whatever superiority Oscar might have possessed upon level 
 ground, was entirely lost through the rough nature of the country. 
 The stag completely distanced him in the race down hill; one hope 
 remained, that upon reaching the peat moss in the bottom, the 
 heavy soil would be against the deer, and the hound might recover 
 some advantage. 
 Hurrying at the best pace possible down the steep incline, 
 through the deep heather, occasionally slipping backwards over the 
 clattering stones, we ran down the hill, which in ordinary moments 
 would have required careful walking. Now, the stag was going 
 across the deep peat moss, and the snow-white Oscar was a bright 
 speck upon the brown surface, gaining decidedly in the race of life 
 and death. Had the deer been stationary, it would have been
 difficult to have distinguished it upon the peat moss, which matched 
 exactly with its colour ; but as it sped before the dog, and became 
 smaller as they both increased their distance, we could just deter- 
 mine that the stag would disappear from view before we should be 
 able to reach the lower ground. 
 This proved to be the case, and from the direction taken by the 
 stag, I much feared that it would escape should the hound lose 
 sight of it among the numerous torrent-beds between us and the 
 river Bruar. I knew Oscar to be thoroughly good, but although a 
 fleet and powerful hound, he had been trained, like all others, to 
 bring a wounded deer to bay, but not to seize. This always ap- 
 peared an absurdity to me, but it was a rule of the forest (Blair- 
 Athole). If the deer were determined to make for a certain point, 
 there was nothing to stop it ; the only chance lay in its being 
 pressed so closely by the hound that it would turn to bay in some 
 favourable locality. 
 I could run like a dog in those days, and the hardy gillie and 
 myself hurried across the heavy ground for about a mile, making 
 for the direction where the stag and Oscar had both disappeared. 
 The level swamp drained into many burns ; these had cut deep 
 clefts in the slopes which inclined towards the lower country. We 
 had lost all clue to the whereabouts of both stag and hound, and 
 after running for nearly a mile beyond the swamp where we had 
 last seen them, we halted to listen, in the hope of hearing the deep 
 voice of Oscar with the stag at bay. 
 Suddenly, to our surprise and disgust, we observed a white 
 object in the distance returning in our direction ; this was Oscar, 
 having lost his game. 
 Having had many years' experience, I felt certain that the stag 
 had thrown the hound off by running clown a stream before the dog 
 had come in view, and it would probably be standing in some deep 
 place for concealment. We accordingly called the dog, who ap- 
 peared to receive fresh courage from our presence. After a run of 
 about half a mile, we arrived at a stream flowing along a deep 
 gully, where the tracks of the deer were most distinct, the hoofs 
 being widely spread, showing that it had been going at great speed. 
 As the torrent rushed down some ugly places, I felt sure the deer 
 would be in hiding somewhere not far distant ; I therefore encour- 
 aged the dog by hallooing him on, and he presently dashed away 
 to the left, as though he had obtained the scent. In another 
 minute we heard a few loud barks, and we saw the stag going off 
 down the hill about 200 yards distant, with Oscar close behind. 
 With a good view halloo to cheer the dog, we followed at best
 xxn THE DEER 367 
 speed. After a run of a quarter of a mile, we had a splendid view 
 of the stag at full speed, and the dog upon its left flank; had 
 Oscar been trained to seize, he should have immediately tackled his 
 game by the throat or ear. Instead of this, he simply kept his 
 position, and presently turned a somersault as the stag kicked him 
 in the chest, and then gained 30 or 40 yards before the dog could 
 recover from the fall. Again both deer and pursuer were lost to 
 view, as they disappeared among steep descents and broken ground. 
 We had run more than three miles from the spot where I had fired 
 the shot, and I could now form a tolerably correct idea of the spot 
 where the stag would come to its final stand. The river Bruar 
 lay before us about a mile distant, and, as we hurried forward, I 
 caught sight of a white speck in the far distance. I felt sure this 
 was Oscar, and the stag was still in front, although from its colour, 
 matching with the brown heather, we could not distinguish any 
 animal beyond the hound. 
 We were not long in reaching the steep banks of the Bruar, 
 about a mile and a half above the falls. Nothing was in sight, 
 but as we halted to listen, our hearts beat with delight at hearing 
 the voice of Oscar, with the stag at bay somewhere beneath, in the 
 dark hollow of a sudden bend. Hurrying towards the spot, the 
 voice of the dog ceased ; the stag had broken his bay, and instead 
 of crossing the precipitous rocks, it turned back, and passed us at 
 full speed within 40 yards, with the dog in chase behind it. A 
 shot through the neck rolled it over, and for the first time Oscar 
 seized it by the throat. I did not fire at the neck, as I had in- 
 tended to hit the shoulder ; but I had been running for four or five 
 miles, and I was out of breath. 
 My first shot was too high. It was in good line just behind the 
 shoulder, but it had passed through the animal exactly below the 
 spine. The shock had knocked it over, but it had almost instantly 
 recovered, and practically it was as fresh as though it had not 
 received a bullet. 
 When aiming at an animal that is standing upon a steep incline 
 below you, the greatest care should be taken to shoot low, as near 
 the brisket as possible, to attain the shoulder. I made a mistake 
 when shooting quickly from an uncomfortable position, and did not 
 make a sufficient allowance for the downhill shot. 
 Reminiscences of the Highlands would make a volume, and I 
 cannot afford space for any lengthened descriptions of the red-deer 
 of Scotland, which are well known to so many who have had, 
 perhaps, greater experience than myself; but the great mimbers of 
 deer, and the facilities for acquiring a knowledge of their habits,
 offer a more than ordinary advantage, and yield information that 
 would be difficult to obtain elsewhere. 
 Although I do not chuss deer-driving with the far nobler and 
 more exciting sport of stalking, the driving is most instructive in 
 affording a knowledge of the habits of the animal. The deer will 
 always travel against the wind, which affords notice of an enemy. 
 Certain winds will be in favour of particular drives, and it 
 would be absurd to attempt a drive unless the wind were favourable. 
 There was no forest where deer-driving was better organised 
 than at Athole, in the last Duke's lifetime. Through his great 
 kindness I had much practical experience for some years upon those 
 well-remembered hills. If the wind was fair, the valley of Glen 
 Tilt was the favourite position for the rifles. The so-called 
 "boxes" were shallow pits built up with rocks and sods of turf to 
 resemble natural excrescences. These lined the left side of the 
 road when ascending from Forest Lodge, the river Tilt rushing in 
 a brawling stream upon the right. 
 The " boxes " were about 200 yards apart, and the hills rose 
 more or less abruptly to the height of about 700 feet above the 
 glen, exhibiting a clean sky-line, upon which in clear weather a 
 dog might have been distinguished with the naked eye. 
 On the opposite face, to the river's left, were the lofty Grampian 
 Hills, Ben-y-Gloe being the highest point. 
 The prettiest drive when the wind was favourable was that in 
 face of Ben-y-Gloe. The keepers and gillies had stereotyped 
 instructions that the deer were to be on the sky-line at 3 P.M. 
 To effect this, they would leave the Castle at about 4 A.M., 
 and take a circuit embracing about 20 miles, from which they 
 would converge towards the appointed spot above Glen Tilt. The 
 driving of deer is a science ; very few men are necessary, and they 
 should be at intervals of a quarter of a mile apart. Eight men 
 will accordingly cover a line of 2 miles. They would commence 
 at a great distance by intervals of half a mile, or even more, 
 gradually converging as they approached the terminus of the drive. 
 The various herds or " parcels " of deer, seeing the men extended 
 in their rear, but not obtaining their scent, as the wind was in the 
 front, would gently move forward in the required direction, if the 
 drive were properly conducted. Xo noise of any kind should be 
 made, no wild gesticulations, but the men should march slowly 
 but steadily forward, halting occasionally according to the move- 
 ments of the deer. 
 I have frequently been with the keepers, with instructions to 
 prevent the deer from breaking back. The greatest possible care
 xxn THE DEER 369 
 is required to keep them straight, and to drive them forward 
 without flurry or excitement. As herd after herd joins the general 
 movement, as miles of heather have been traversed, the difficulty 
 increases, as the deer become suspicious of danger, and evince a 
 strong desire to charge back through the wide intervals between 
 the advancing line. 
 When a herd turns round and faces the keepers, the simple 
 action of exposing a white handkerchief, without waving it, is 
 generally sufficient to stop the deer, and to prevent them from 
 making a rush towards the rear. Should one lot of deer rush 
 back and succeed in escaping from the drive, it is highly probable 
 that every deer, even should there be a thousand, would follow 
 suit, and a general stampede would produce a complete failure. 
 The hinds are always the leaders of a movement, and the harts, 
 or stags, are dependent upon these wary females for advice. 
 When the drive is advancing, and perhaps five hundred deer 
 may be moving slowly and hesitatingly forward, some clever old 
 hind, a regular "old parliamentary hand," will turn round and 
 confront the men at about 400 yards' distance. Several other 
 hinds will immediately imitate her example, until at length a 
 large number of deer will have halted in a crowd. A keeper will 
 immediately display a white handkerchief, and for the moment 
 halt ; every man along the line will do the same. The old hind 
 will perhaps advance inquisitively forward, as though to examine 
 the peculiar appearance of a white handkerchief. This is 
 dangerous, and she must be stopped. A shrill whistle will at 
 once turn her, and as she retreats, the handkerchief may be slowly 
 waved, as the man advances. 
 In this manner, by degrees, with quiet and reflective manage- 
 ment, the large mass of animals may be induced to move in the 
 required direction. Should some determined hart or hind make a 
 rush backwards in desperation, it must be stopped at all hazards 
 by a shot, but the great secret of success is quietness. 
 In the meantime six guns are anxiously waiting in the same 
 number of boxes at the foot of the hills, thus lining the valley of 
 Glen Tilt. The order has been given that the deer are to be 
 visible on the sky-line at 3 P.M. Every watch has been set to 
 the same time, and the anxious watchers have been repeatedly 
 conferring with their dials, and scanning the sky-line with their 
 binoculars, as only five minutes remain of the time appointed. 
 The keepers in the rear of the advancing herds have also referred 
 to their watches, and they take a pride in carrying out their 
 instructions with the greatest punctuality. 
 Everything goes well, and those who are watching below 
 suddenly observe a solitary head and antlers clearly defined upon 
 the sharp outline of the hill-top. Then another, and another, 
 until single deer are multiplied and the crest of the hill is covered 
 with a display of deer, stags and hinds confused together ; other 
 stags in company ; and a few hinds some 50 yards or more in 
 advance, to reconnoitre, before the main body will venture upon a 
 general forward movement down the mountain side. 
 It is highly interesting to watch the caution of the hinds ; how 
 they regard the view before them, how they scrutinise the right 
 and left, and leave nothing unobserved. Then perhaps the wary 
 old hind herself advances alone, and trots along the face, regarded 
 anxiously by every deer of the vast herd, all confident in her 
 qualifications as a pilot. 
 By degrees she becomes satisfied, and she walks briskly down 
 the hill, followed by about twenty other hinds ; these form a kind 
 of advance guard, followed by a number of stags, and a mixed lot 
 of all kinds, as they feel that no danger exists in front. 
 In this way they descend the hill, and shortly afterwards the 
 sky-line will be occupied by a line of sentries in the shape of 
 keepers and gillies, who, having successfully driven the deer before 
 them, now stand as though on parade upon the ridge, their duty 
 having been well performed. 
 The work is not yet over. Great care is now required. The 
 keepers must not descend too hurriedly, but only remain standing, 
 and show themselves to encourage the forward movement of the 
 deer. They are now nearing the bottom, and in a few minutes 
 will be splashing through the shallow waters of the Tilt. A few 
 fine harts are following a parcel of cunning hinds, which have halted 
 a dozen times before they reached the bottom. These are already 
 belly-deep in the water, wading across the river; the harts are 
 following, and are near the stream. Suddenly a puff of smoke, 
 then another, from a raised portion of the heather ! A stag falls, 
 and the astonished herd rushed frantically to the right ; another 
 puff of smoke from a hidden box rolls over another stag. 
 A rush takes place in all directions : some force a passage across 
 the river, several falling to successful shots as the fire is opened 
 from every box that is available ; some deer break back and 
 reascend the hill. Now the active rifles which have advanced in 
 line with the keepers throughout the drive run nimbly forward, 
 and endeavour to intercept those animals which are determined to 
 break through the converging line of drivers. 
 At length the drive is over. The main body of the deer have
 xxn THE DEER 371 
 crossed the river, and can be seen in scattered groups ascending 
 the steep sides of Ben-y-Gloe. A few have succeeded in breaking 
 back, some eight or ten are killed, and two or three are wounded, 
 and may be seen standing alone about half a mile distant, mid-way 
 up the hill. 
 There is a gillie well above one of these stags hurrying 'forward 
 with a deer-hound in the slips. When the dog sees the deer, and 
 strains upon his collar, he is loosed, and away he goes straight for 
 the stag, who is looking after the departed herd, and has not 
 observed the approaching hound. Suddenly it perceives the 
 danger ; as though unhurt, the stag flies down the hill-side, running 
 obliquely to avoid the steep descent, and the dog is shortly at its 
 heels. Both disappear among the bushes of a small copse of 
 birch ; a few minutes later everybody is running towards the bay 
 as the deep voice of the hound proclaims that the stag is in the 
 river, standing before the dog in bold defiance. 
 There is hardly a more sporting sight than a stag at bay ; but 
 as the dogs are trained simply to follow a wounded deer until it 
 stands, when the baying of the hound will attract the attention of 
 the far-distant men, the termination of the hunt is a tame affair, 
 as the deer is shot directly that the rifle arrives upon the scene. . . . 
 About thirty-two years have passed away since we discussed the 
 question whether the deer-hounds at Blair would seize a stag, if it 
 were considered necessary. Most persons who knew the training 
 of the dogs thought not. The Duke of Athole inclined to that 
 opinion. On the other side I thought they would, provided that 
 no rifles were taken out, and the dogs should see that the stag 
 was to be tackled at close quarters with the knife. 
 There never was a keener sportsman than his Grace the late 
 Duke of Athole, and he was good enough to consent to a trial. 
 The arguments had interested the ladies of the party, and it was 
 arranged that I might select any two of the deer-hounds, and hunt 
 down a fresh stag, run it to bay, and kill it with a knife. To 
 myself the affair appeared exceedingly simple, as I had been 
 accustomed to this kind of hunting for many years on the moun- 
 tains of Ceylon, but others disbelieved that the two hounds would 
 bring a fresh deer to bay, as they had always been accustomed to 
 follow animals that were wounded. 
 By the advice of the head forester, Sandy Macarra (MacCarra), 
 I chose my old friend Oscar, and another hound, whose name I 
 have forgotten. 
 We were a large party, and we met at Forest Lodge, about 1 
 miles from the Castle, in the middle of Glen Tilt. There are few
 glens in the Highlands more picturesque. The road from Blair 
 Castle passes through lovely woods bordering the impetuous 
 stream ; this rushes wildly through contracted passes, hemmed in 
 by opposing rocks ; sometimes it is girt by stony cliffs half con- 
 cealed by lichens ; other portions of the face combine every shade 
 of colouring in vivid tints. The mountain ash, with clusters of 
 scarlet berries, overhangs the rocks in rich profusion of both fruit 
 and foliage, until at length the open glen is reached, beyond the 
 limit of the woods. 
 This is a well-known resort of tourists, and nothing can exceed 
 the wild beauty of the scene, when about the middle of September 
 the autumnal tints have ornamented every leaf with peculiar 
 brightness. Although we have emerged from the main woods, 
 there are clumps of weeping birch with its silver bark and golden 
 leaves ; and rowan thickets bending over the rapid river, now and 
 then reflected in the calm surface of a deep pool, where the salmon 
 are lying waiting for a flood. This kind of rough scenery con- 
 tinues throughout the glen, the narrow bottom occupied by the 
 river, bordered by a good road, while the mountains rise upon 
 either side, and form the Grampian Hills. 
 The afternoon was perfect ; all that was required was game. 
 Certainly the presence of many ladies brought us luck ; for, 
 after scanning in vain a long expanse of country, we were suddenly 
 delighted by the almost magical appearance of a stag ; he had been 
 lying clown behind a large rock a little more than half-way up the 
 hill-face. He now stood regarding the carriages, and our large 
 party, which included the keepers, and the two hounds from Forest 
 Lodge. The stag was about 1000 yards distant I was only 
 afraid that he would commence a trot up the hill, and disappear 
 above the sky-line ; but fortunately we were upon the main road, 
 upon which the deer were accustomed to regard passengers 
 (although few), who did not interfere in any manner with their 
 domain. It was therefore decided that the party should turn 
 back, and drive for about a mile on the Castle side of Forest 
 Lodge, while I should walk on until I should be out of the deer's 
 sight ; I could then discover a favourable position for ascending 
 the hill, and coming down from above upon the stag. This was 
 an excellent arrangement. The party turned back, while I con- 
 tinued on my way, accompanied by two of the hill-men and the 
 It did not take us very long to climb the hill, and we found 
 ourselves upon the well-known desolate extent of heather, sloping 
 always upwards, although we had reached what from below
 xxn THE DEER 373 
 appeared to be the summit. There were a few hinds within view, 
 and some young harts, but they were not in a position to disturb 
 the stag, who was far away out of sight, being on our left, well 
 below, upon the hill-face. 
 There was neither caution nor science required, therefore we 
 made a quick advance, marching parallel with the glen, about a 
 quarter of a mile on the right of the incline above the Tilt. 
 When arriving at the position which I had roughly calculated 
 as above the spot where we had seen the stag, we turned to our 
 left, and came downwards, until we were in sight of Glen Tilt, 
 and we could see the carriages with our entire party waiting in the 
 road about a mile upon our right. The deer was not in sight. 
 This was exceedingly awkward, as it looked as though he had 
 suspected danger, and had departed. 
 My men did not think so ; they thought that he had again lain 
 down when the carriages turned and were lost to view. It was 
 the party which had disturbed him, therefore he had again reposed 
 when the party was gone. 
 In this opinion I agreed : we accordingly held the dogs in 
 readiness to slip immediately, and the gillie led the way. We 
 were not kept many minutes in suspense ; there was no doubt 
 that the stag had been lying down, as he suddenly sprang up 
 within 100 yards of us, and in the same instant the dogs were 
 slipped. They had viewed him immediately that he sprang up 
 from the heather and the broken surface of the hill-face. 
 This must have been a lovely sight from the carriages, although 
 rather far for the unassisted eye. For a few seconds the stag 
 took up the hill, but the hounds ran cunning, and cut him off; he 
 now took a straight course along the face, towards the direction 
 where the carriages were waiting below. The hounds were going 
 madly and were gaining on him. I now felt certain that he could 
 not breast the hill at such a pace, therefore, instead of follow- 
 ing over the rough ground, we made all speed direct for the 
 bottom, to gain the level road. It did not take long to reach the 
 welcome solid footing, and away we went as hard as we could go 
 along the road, towards the direction of the carriages. As 
 we drew near, we could see the hunt. The deer had passed the 
 spot where our party was in waiting, but he now turned down the 
 hill towards the river, with the two dogs within a few yards of 
 his heels. Presently we lost sight of everything ; we pushed for- 
 ward, passed the carriages, which were empty, as everybody had 
 joined in the hunt, and after running about a quarter of a mile 
 down the road, we heard the bay, and shortly arrived at the spot
 where the stag was standing in the middle of a rapid, and the 
 hounds were baying from the bank. No doubt the dogs expected 
 to hear the crack of a rifle, and to see the gallant stag totter and 
 fall in the foaming river, according to their old experiences. How- 
 ever, they were not long in doubt. Patting both the excited 
 hounds upon the back, and giving them a loud halloo, I jumped 
 into the water, which was hardly more than hip-deep, but the 
 stream was very rapid. The stag, upon seeing my advance, ran 
 down the bed of the river, and halted again after a short run of 
 50 or 60 yards. The two keepers had followed me, and Oscar 
 and) his companion no longer thought of baying from the bank, 
 but being carried forward by the torrent, together with ourselves, 
 were met by the stag with lowered antlers. I never saw dogs 
 behave better, although for a moment one was beneath the water ; 
 Oscar was hanging to the ear. I caught hold of the horn to assist 
 the dog, and at the same moment the other hound was holding by 
 the throat. The knife had made its thrust behind the shoulder, 
 and the two gillies were holding fast by the horns to prevent the 
 torrent from carrying away the dying animal. This had been a 
 pretty course, which did not last long, but it was properly managed, 
 and in my opinion ten times better sport than shooting a deer at 
 I am afraid that Sandy Macarra never quite forgave me for 
 that hunt. "Weel, you've just ruined the dogs for ever, and 
 there'll be nae haudiu' them frae the deer noo. They'll just spoil 
 the flesh, and tear the deer to pieces." This was the keeper's idea 
 of what I thought was good sport. Certainly the venison did not 
 belong to me, neither did the dogs. 
 Deer-stalking in the Highlands is a tempting theme, upon 
 which I have no space to dilate. It awakens recollections of keen 
 excitement, and the kindness of old friends, nearly all of whom 
 are gone.
 NEXT to the red-deer is the fallow-deer (Cervus dama). Although 
 this species is most common, it is declared by some to be not 
 indigenous to Europe, but upon the authority of Cuvier it was 
 originally introduced from Barbary. I should much doubt that 
 fact, as the deer is not an animal that belongs to the African 
 continent, and is nowhere found except on the north coast border- 
 ing the Mediterranean. It should therefore be more natural that 
 the Cervus dama (platyceros of the ancients) was introduced into 
 Barbary from Southern Europe. The great Sahara desert has 
 intervened as though it were an ocean, and has completely pro- 
 hibited the passage of the fauna from north to south, therefore 
 the deer which are found in Barbary can have no affinity with the 
 fauna of Africa. 
 The fallow-deer does not run wild in Great Britain like the red- 
 deer, but is confined in parks. As late as 1835 there were large 
 numbers that were unfenced in the New Forest in Hampshire, and 
 I can well remember seeing them in 1832 when I delighted in 
 that forest, as a boy. I believe a few still remain, but the fallow- 
 deer can no longer be accepted as a wild animal of Great Britain. 
 It is a beautiful species, and, as it is park -fed, and better 
 sheltered during winter than the red-deer of Scotland, the horns 
 have not deteriorated. These are very elegant in shape, being 
 palmated, with many points. There is a difference of opinion 
 respecting the quality of the venison as compared with that of the 
 red-deer. I prefer that of the fallow-deer, but it is almost a crime 
 to declare this in Scotland. 
 The third variety of British deer is the roe (C. capreolus). 
 This small deer is about the size of an ordinary goat. Although 
 the horns have only two tines, the quality is exceedingly dense, 
 and the exterior is rich in small knobs ; the roughness makes
 it particularly handsome. It exists in considerable numbers in 
 Scotland, being generally found in thick woods where the ground 
 is covered with very high heather. This animal is not gregarious, 
 but is generally associated with one female, or is quite alone. 
 The female carries her young for between five and six months, and 
 has seldom more than one or two at a birth. The flesh is esteemed 
 in Central Europe, where it is well larded with bacon, and prepared 
 in a different manner from that in England ; but I have always 
 regarded it as dry, and most inferior game. It can hardly be 
 classed as a sporting animal, as the shooting of a roe-deer is upon 
 a par with shooting a hare. It is common throughout Europe and 
 Western Asia. 
 There are great varieties of small deer throughout the world, 
 some of which are too insignificant for description, as I endeavour 
 in this work to exhibit the characters and peculiarities of such 
 animals as are generally accepted by the sportsman as attractive 
 game. It is therefore a relief to take leave of the insignificant 
 roe, and to cross the Atlantic, where we shall find the red-deer of 
 Europe transformed by the favourable conditions of the country 
 and its fattening pasturage into the gigantic wapiti (Cervus 

 I HAVE already advanced the opinion that this superb species of 
 deer is nothing more than the Cervus elaphus, or red-deer of 
 Europe and Northern Asia, upon a larger scale ; it exceeds them 
 in a wonderful degree, not only in stature, but in the immense size 
 of the antlers. A fine stag, when about ten or twelve years old, 
 is a magnificent sight to any person who takes a pleasure in the 
 study of wild animals. The colour is similar to that of the red- 
 deer, but the rump is rather a lighter brown. I have never 
 actually weighed or measured a wapiti, but from my experience in 
 the exact weight of other deer of various species, I should say that 
 the live weight would be from 900 to 1000 Ibs. ; the same animal 
 would be 14^ hands in shoulder height. It is found throughout 
 North America, but, like other game, it has been so hunted that 
 it has almost disappeared from localities where formerly it was 
 plentiful, as neither sex has been spared in the warfare of 
 This splendid deer was at one time numerous in the Sacramento 
 valley, not far from the city of San Francisco, but it is now an 
 animal of the past, although the town is hardly forty years old. 
 Southern California affords every facility for the hunter, owing to 
 the mildness of its climate, which enables him t<3 shoot throughout 
 all seasons, therefore the game has no rest. The wapiti is departed 
 towards the north, where it seeks the shelter of the uninhabited 
 wilderness, far away from the dwellings or pursuits of man. 
 Many persons, in their descriptions of game, forget the great 
 distances that animals will travel when once disturbed. Accounts 
 have been given to me by persons well accustomed to wild sports, 
 who, having had the good fortune to be the first upon fresh 
 ground, have seen an enormous amount of game. They have 
 described this as impossible to destroy; "no matter how many
 gunners may start from England, the game would last for five or 
 six years." These enthusiastic persons forget that although the 
 game will not be actually shot, it will be driven away, which is 
 almost as bad. 
 A week's shooting in a mountainous country, where the echoes 
 of the rifle will be resounded far and wide among the hills, will 
 disturb an incredible extent. Such long-enduring animals as deer 
 will travel 30 or 40 miles in 24 hours, and they will quickly dis- 
 appear. The presence of deer is seldom continuous in the same 
 locality throughout all seasons. They are influenced by the 
 pasturage, and the changes of climate : they accordingly are well 
 acquainted with a large area of country, perhaps extending for 
 several hundred miles, through which they have been accustomed 
 to range from the days of their birth. 
 The wapiti is a wide ranger, and I have no doubt that those 
 which are met with on the Big Horn range in the State of 
 Wyoming travel at certain seasons to the main range of the Rocky 
 Mountains. All animals that are gregarious are migratory, especi- 
 ally if they are in large numbers. I have myself seen at least 300 
 wapiti in one herd, and I am quite certain that they went straight 
 away from the Big Horn range, as I never saw them again, 
 although I was riding great distances every day for several weeks 
 throughout the country. 
 I have already described the character of the Big Horn mountains 
 in the chapter devoted to the bear ; it is only necessary to repeat 
 that it resembles the Highlands of Scotland to a certain degree, 
 upon an enormous scale, the mountains rising to an altitude of 
 12,000 feet above the sea-level, and the forests of spruce firs 
 extending for many miles along the slopes. The superiority over 
 Scotland consists in the firm character of the soil ; there are no 
 swamps or peat mosses, but fine grass, which forms a most fattening 
 pasturage, and in many places the wild sage takes the place of 
 Scottish heather. It may be readily imagined that such a com- 
 bination forms the perfection of a shooting ground. There are, 
 however, considerable drawbacks. Although the climate is ex- 
 tremely healthy, the atmosphere is most disagreeable, through the 
 sudden varieties of temperature and the extreme dryness. 
 Our camp was generally about 10,000 feet above the sea. At 
 that altitude the air is considerably rarefied, and the cold during 
 night was extreme, in the month of September. In the day the 
 sun was hot, and the wind was at the same time piercing : this 
 was very trying to the skin, and although I was tolerably weather- 
 proof, my face and neck were peeled from the harsh exposure.
 xxiv THE WAPITI 379 
 We had no other tent than an ordinary single cloth lean-to, about 
 7 feet square, and under 6 feet in height in the centre beneath the 
 ridge-pole. A bed upon the ground, formed of the tender ends of 
 spruce branches, and covered with a waterproof camp sheet, upon 
 which were double blankets, would have been a luxury in a milder 
 climate, but it was almost impossible to keep warm, as the cold 
 was so intense, that a pail of water exposed at night became a solid 
 block of ice before the morning. The most welcome bedfellows 
 were a few large rounded pebbles from the stream, about 10 Ibs. 
 each; these were well heated in the fire, and then wrapped in 
 thick flannel : in the absence of a warming-pan, it was a simple 
 arrangement that produced great comfort. 
 The extent of forest was very small in proportion to the open 
 grass -land. Periodical fires appeared to have destroyed large 
 tracts, and the blackened stems produced an aspect of painful 
 Where the spruce forests were unharmed, the signs of wapiti 
 were very extraordinary. In some places there was not a sound 
 tree, as every stem had been used from time to time as a rubbing- 
 post, to clean the antlers. This would be a proof that the animals 
 were collected in vast numbers towards the end of the period when 
 the horns were hardening, and the velvet required rubbing. The 
 horns are clean in the middle of August ; the animals would be 
 there about the middle of July in their greatest numbers, but at 
 that time they would not be fit to shoot. 
 The flies are insufferable until about 15th August, therefore 
 the actual shooting season in the Big Horn is limited from that 
 date until 30th September. 
 A man who never misses a day, but who is in the saddle from 
 sunrise till sunset, will cover a large extent of country in a month, 
 and there will be very little remaining after a shooting expedition 
 of six weeks. 
 When I was there, a party of skin-hunters had obtained a start 
 of a few days, and I was obliged to change my course in order to 
 avoid them, as they had already disturbed a portion of the ground. 
 There was no attractive scenery throughout the Big Horn 
 range ; it was a great expanse of desolation. The finest spruce 
 were not larger than those ordinarily seen in England ; the cotton- 
 wood, which in the low country grows to the size of a black 
 poplar (which it exactly resembles), is dwarfed by the rigour of 
 the climate, and is not thicker, nor taller, than a hop-pole. This 
 grows in dense patches of 8 or 10 acres upon the face of the 
 slopes, and is the chief resort of the black-tail deer.
 The game of this mountain range consisted of bears, wapiti, 
 black-tail deer, bison, wild sheep (big-horn), antelopes, wolves, and 
 foxes. Among the game-birds were the blue-tailed grouse and the 
 I had heard so much concerning the wanton slaughter of wild 
 animals, that I determined not to leave the character of a 
 " destroyer " behind me ; therefore, although my sport would be 
 limited by showing mercy, I made up my mind to abstain from 
 shooting only for the sake of killing. By adopting this arrange- 
 ment I should have a certain advantage, as I should not alarm 
 the country by firing many shots. 
 The black-tail deer were not fit to shoot until the middle of 
 October, as the horns were not yet clean. I regretted this, as 
 their antlers are most peculiar, being curved, with a multitude of 
 points, and although not large, they are exceedingly ornamental. 
 This animal is about the size of a fallow-deer, the colour grayish 
 brown, and the venison excellent. Owing to the disturbance 
 caused by the skin-hunters, we saw no wapiti for several days. I 
 was astonished, as the accounts that I had received had been most 
 glowing. There were plenty of antelopes, all of which were as 
 wild as hawks ; and had wapiti been upon the open, it would have 
 been difficult in some places to have stalked them, as the antelopes 
 scouring over the ground would have given notice of the approach 
 of danger. Bison were very plentiful, but after shooting a fine 
 bull, I only regarded them as ornaments in a natural park, and 
 they were considered sacred. In several places they fed within a 
 few hundred yards of our camp, without apparent notice. This 
 was all very agreeable, but where were the wapiti 1 
 There was no party beyond Lady Baker, myself, and our four 
 attendants, with a number of horses and mules. 
 I had lent my hunter (Jem Bourne) a Martini-Henry rifle, 
 but he was not supposed to shoot without permission. 
 Among our horses was a well-trained animal named Buckskin, 
 who would remain any length of time standing, to await my 
 return, if I dismounted to stalk a deer. This was a remarkably 
 safe beast ; powerful and steady, he never made a false step, either 
 up or down a hill. I could shoot from his back almost as well as 
 though on foot, as he never flinched, but stood like a rock. He 
 was a horse that should endure for many years, as he never over- 
 exerted himself; he preferred to be ridden without spurs. I 
 forgot them once ; but I never did again. On that occasion he 
 was delighted, as he knew that he could arrange his pace according 
 to his natural discrimination; he accordingly declined to go
 xxiv THE WAPITI 381 
 beyond a walk. As to digging the unarmed heels of riding-boots 
 into his flanks, or thrashing him with a stick, you might as well 
 bestride a garden roller and dig your heels into the iron; you 
 could not discover the stick that would affect him for more than a 
 few seconds, neither could you "belabour" the animal without 
 The day that I forgot my spurs, we were riding along a 
 valley ; the left slope was wooded with spruce forest, the right 
 was open grass. We suddenly observed a number of antelopes 
 scouring down from the sky-line on our right, about 600 yards 
 distant ; these had evidently been disturbed, and as there were no 
 hunters within many miles of our position, we could not conceive 
 the cause. Presently, three large bears appeared, cantering along 
 at a great pace down the grass slope, making all haste to reach 
 the forest on our left. As they would cross our path, we had 
 every chance of intercepting them by a quick gallop straight ahead 
 along the bottom of the valley. Buckskin took a different view 
 of the position : he knew that I had no spurs, and in spite of 
 every exertion on my part, I could not induce him to increase his 
 pace from an ordinary walk. I jumped off, and ran as hard as I 
 could go, but as we were about 10,500 feet above the sea-level, I 
 was soon out of breath. The bears did not appear to suffer from 
 short wind, as they reached the forest before I could cut off their 
 retreat. My man unfortunately rode a mule upon that occasion, 
 therefore we lost our chance. Mine was a really clever horse ; as 
 a rule, I think a horse is next door to a lunatic ; but Buckskin 
 with spurs was as different from Buckskin without spurs as a 
 steam-engine would be with or without fuel. Although I liked 
 this animal, because he carried me up and down hills without fail, 
 I did not actually love him, because I knew that my spurs were 
 my true allies, and that I could no more progress without them 
 than a steamer without her screw propeller. Horses are contra- 
 dictory creatures ; some occasionally exhibit intelligence, especially 
 when they are offered a feed of corn, and they do not refuse it, but 
 they decidedly fail as examples of evolution ; they have been the 
 companions of mankind ever since the days of the creation, and 
 they are no more civilised in the nineteenth century than when 
 Noah took them into his ark. 
 There was a member of Parliament a few years ago (he was 
 not the leader of the House of Commons) who thus defined the 
 horse, in some debate upon Army Estimates, where cavalry 
 remounts were concerned "I have but little sympathy with the 
 horse ; I only know that it is an animal that bites you with one
 end, kicks you with the other, and makes you sore with its 
 That " making you sore with its middle " brings the Mexican 
 saddle to the front. For such countries as the Rocky Mountains, 
 where no jumping is necessary, there cannot be a more perfect 
 arrangement for horse and man than the Mexican saddle. This is 
 totally opposed to European ideas. It is exceedingly heavy, 
 weighing from 25 to 30 Ibs. There is no stuffing. It is open by 
 a longitudinal slit beneath the scat, which would suggest the idea 
 that you certainly would suffer from a long ride. It has a horn in 
 front, and a high cantle behind. The stirrups are very wide, and 
 are covered with leather ; they are neither heated by the sun in 
 summer, nor rendered cold in winter, as the bare metal would be. 
 From different portions of the saddle, long strips of buckskin are 
 suspended, which are most useful for lashing anything required to 
 be carried. 
 The argument in favour of weight is, that the extent of the 
 saddle covers the entire back of the horse, therefore the weight of 
 the rider is generally distributed over a large area of the muscles, 
 instead of being concentrated upon a small portion of the back. 
 The slit in the seat ventilates the back of the horse and the 
 posterior of the rider, therefore both are kept cool. The absence 
 of stuffing is supplied by a small folded blanket ; and owing to its 
 peculiar shape, the tree of the saddle rests upon either side of the 
 spine, instead of pressing directly upon the withers and the central 
 line of the back. 
 When I was in San Francisco I hit upon a practical method 
 for carrying the rifle on horseback. Mr. Davies, the saddler in 
 that city, gave me great assistance. A strong leather case, that 
 will receive the rifle as far as the bend of the stock, is secured 
 through a broad strap (4 inches wide) of very thick leather, riveted 
 with copper rivets to the flap of the saddle, which in the Mexican 
 pattern projects in front of the knee. This arrangement is upon 
 the near (left) side. When the rifle is in this leather case, fitting 
 loosely, the case is forced through the retaining strap, which keeps 
 it firmly secured against the flap. A very strong belt of leather, 
 fastened also with copper rivets from the upper and broad portion 
 of the leather case, is buckled round the front horn of the saddle. 
 The rifle is now represented as muzzle downward, perpendicular. 
 The butt-end is about level with the arm-pit of the rider. His 
 bridle-hand holds the reins inside, therefore, when he requires his 
 rifle suddenly, he has only to grasp it with his right hand by the 
 neck of the stock, and draw it from its stiff and firmly secured
 xxiv THE WAPITI 383 
 leather case, as though it were a sword being drawn from the 
 scabbard. I have never seen any plan equal to this, as you can 
 gallop through bush without the rifle being any obstacle whatever, 
 and you can draw it in an instant. 
 I was riding along a ridge overlooking a valley upon my right, 
 a few days after we had seen the bears, when I caught sight of a 
 cotton-wood tree upon the margin of the spruce forest, that was 
 shaking violently. At once divining the cause, I dismounted, and 
 leaving my horse, I sat down upon the very steep grass slope, and 
 thus shuffled along the incline until I was opposite the spot. 1 
 could see nothing, but after waiting for about a minute, I observed 
 another cotton-wood shaking a few yards from the outside edge of 
 the spruce forest. I knew that a wapiti must be rubbing its antlers 
 against the yielding stem. The wind was in my favour, therefore, 
 as I could not discern the animal, I felt that it did not see me ; 
 accordingly I crept along the ground until I arrived at the margin 
 of the wood. Again the tree shook, not 20 yards from me ; still 
 I could see nothing, owing to the thickness of the vegetation. I 
 crept slowly towards the spot, and almost immediately I heard a 
 tremendous rush ; at the same moment I caught sight of a most 
 glorious stag as he sprang down the hill, passing me within 15 
 As I pulled the trigger, I heard a sound as though a horse had 
 fallen. The great rush continued, and was passing on my right. 
 A few steps regained the open, and eight magnificent stags at full 
 gallop passed me in single file within 60 yards. I put up the rifle, 
 took the line of sight, and lowered it again without pulling the 
 trigger, as I knew my beast was down. I watched these superb 
 animals as they dashed across the valley and breasted the steep 
 hill on the other side, almost with regret that I had spared them 
 from the shot. I now re-entered the forest, and found my first 
 wapiti lying dead. This was indeed a glorious creature, with a 
 pair of antlers which looked like the branches of a tree. I would 
 not have it touched, but I immediately rode to camp, about two 
 miles distant, for my wife to come and admire this lovely specimen ; 
 at the same time I ordered the mules with their pack saddles, to 
 bring home the flesh. When we opened this animal, the fat was 
 several inches thick upon the brisket. 
 This was the commencement, and I could not help reflecting 
 upon the absurdity of the situation. I had come a great distance 
 to shoot, but the circumstances rendered indiscriminate shooting 
 impossible to any person who was experienced in fair game. If 
 there had been Indian tribes, I should have been delighted to have
 shot for their benefit, but as the country was uninhabited, the 
 shooting of those splendid wapiti was simply destruction. I could 
 only restrict myself to a study of natural history, occasionally 
 taking shots whenever the temptation was too strong. 
 In riding daily throughout the country, I was much impressed 
 with the small number of cast horns which we discovered. 
 Although they were scattered in considerable profusion, they were 
 nothing compared with the rubbing marks upon the trunks of the 
 spruce firs. Thousands of them were bare to the wood, over a 
 surface of 4 or 5 feet; from the appearance, these were annual 
 rubbing-posts, but all had been freshly rubbed during the last 
 season. We seldom found a pair of antlers, generally only one ; 
 and the fellow was nowhere in the neighbourhood. This paucity 
 of antlers denoted that the deer were not in this country in large 
 numbers during the early spring when the horns are shed. I can 
 imagine that the bitter cold of winter to the end of February 
 would drive every living creature to the lower ground ; but where 
 the horns are shed, I cannot explain. As the deer are migrating, 
 it is possible that they travel to certain localities periodically, 
 either for the annual shedding, or for the reproduction of their 
 Upon two occasions only I came upon really large herds. I 
 had been out all morning, but had only seen bison and black-tail 
 deer. We were riding along the gentle incline of a glen, through 
 which a rapid but shallow stream was flowing; there was an 
 object in the distance, that resembled the charred stump of a 
 dead tree, within 50 yards of the right bank of the streamlet. 
 The binoculars determined that this was a female wapiti. 
 She was standing in a narrow portion of the glen, not far from 
 a cliff of bluff rocks 80 or 100 feet high ; upon the opposite side, 
 the hills rose to several hundred feet in a steep grass slope. The 
 hind was about 1200 yards distant. We accordingly dismounted, 
 and leaving our horses, I suggested that we should approach in 
 the hollow upon the bank of the stream until within about 200 
 paces ; my hunter would then stop, and I would continue along 
 the bed, in order to gain a position exactly opposite the spot where 
 the deer was standing. I felt perfectly certain that a stag, or 
 perhaps more, would be lying down, as, though invisible, they 
 would not be far off. 
 We accordingly commenced the stalk. We had not proceeded 
 far, when the hind was joined by a large stag, which must have 
 been lying down close to her, unperceived by us. Although the 
 antlers were not bad, there was nothing particular in their size.
 xxiv THE WAPITI 385 
 We advanced along the hollow of the river's bed until we were 
 within 200 yards from the spot where the deer were standing. 
 Occasionally we took a cautious peep above the bank to see 
 whether they had moved. I now left my hunter lying down, with 
 his head just above the bank to watch, while I waded down the 
 centre of the stream, in the endeavour to reach a bend, which would 
 bring me within 100 yards. 
 The water was about knee-deep. I was progressing well, when 
 to my astonishment I heard a shot. With considerable difficulty I 
 clambered up the steep side of the bank, which rose 12 or 14 feet 
 above the river on my right. There was a lovely sight ; several 
 hundred wapiti had crossed the stream about 200 yards ahead of 
 my position, and were ascending the grass slope, struggling in a 
 line of dense brown upon the yellow surface, making a rapid retreat 
 across the hills upon my left. This large herd must have been 
 lying down in the hollow unseen by us, owing to the rocks and 
 rough nature of the broken ground. It appeared, from the descrip- 
 tion given by my hunter, that shortly after I had left him to 
 watch the hind, a stag had risen from the bushes in the neigh- 
 bourhood, and the two had commenced a movement down the 
 valley. As he knew that I must be unaware of the change, being 
 far below the point of view, in the deep hollow of the river, he 
 took a shot at the retreating stag. The report of his rifle immedi- 
 ately startled a great herd of these splendid deer that had been 
 lying concealed somewhere in the valley, close to the borders of 
 the stream, where there was a regular passage for wild animals. 
 They had dashed across the shallow ford, and I had nothing to do 
 but to abuse my companion for having fired the shot. There must 
 have been three or four hundred deer in this herd, many of which 
 carried superb heads. If my man had kept quiet, I should most 
 certainly have obtained a splendid chance ; as it had happened, I 
 could only admire the sight of these grand animals in rapid move- 
 ment ascending the open slope until they at length reached the 
 summit, and having crossed the sky-line they were lost to view. 
 I have no doubt that this fine herd travelled direct, and did 
 not return to the Big Horn range during the remainder of the 
 autumn season. Having crossed the shoulder of the mountains, 
 they had a straight course down hill for 7 or 8 miles, and then a 
 wild and uninhabited district for 60 or 70 miles towards the main 
 range of the Eocky Mountains. From the direction they took, I 
 feel confident this was the case, and their departure from our 
 range was highly instructive, showing the direct effect of disturb- 
 ance in driving wild animals away from a particular district. If 
 2 c
 these wapiti had been divided into twenty or thirty herds of small 
 numbers, they would have been scattered over an extreme area, 
 and have afforded permanent sport for many days ; but the fact of 
 their being collected into one vast herd would denude the country. 
 A very large herd would probably travel a much greater distance 
 than a smaller numlx:r. All masses and crowds are influenced by 
 panics ; the presence of many females with their young ones would 
 increase the excitement of a retreat, and a march of only five hours 
 would carry a herd of deer over an interval of 25 or 30 miles. 
 It appeared as though all the wapiti of the immediate neigh- 
 bourhood had been gathered together in that large herd, as I could 
 not discover one animal of the species for a couple of days after 
 this incident ; we accordingly moved our camp. 
 There is always a charm in novelty, and this is exhibited to per- 
 fection when, after a morning's march in the Big Horn range, a 
 clear rippling brook in a shady glen, beneath overhanging woods 
 of dark green spruce, invites a halt ; here we decide upon the new 
 camping ground, well sheltered from wind, with a supply of fuel, 
 and good water. No shot had been fired within 10 miles of our 
 new camp, therefore we had every reason to expect game. 
 On the following morning I rode out with my hunter Jem. 
 The forests were difficult, owing to the number of fallen trees and 
 the steepness of the mountain slopes ; we accordingly ascended the 
 mountain until we gained a tolerably level surface above the 
 woods ; this enabled us to obtain a clear view for some miles 
 ahead, and to the sky-line upon the summit to our left. We rode 
 parallel with the forest, upon the extreme verge, occasionally 
 turning into it when level ground rendered it practicable ; but 
 although tracks were numerous, we saw nothing except black-tail 
 deer. It is probable that many other animals were existing in the 
 recesses of the dark forest, but for mounted men it would have 
 been impossible to adopt any other course than that pursued. 
 Having reached a locality where the ground was favourable, we 
 rode through a series of open glades separated from each other by 
 belts of spruce and cotton-wood. This was a likely place for 
 game. The surface was undulating, and the rich grass in the 
 glades would afford pasturage, at the same time that the belts of 
 trees gave shelter. We were riding leisurely through this promis- 
 ing country when I suddenly observed the branch of a dead tree 
 move. I immediately checked my horse, and watched. Again 
 the same branch moved at about 150 yards' distance. I dis- 
 mounted gently. My hunter Jem, who was behind me, did the 
 xxiv THE WAPITI 387 
 I had seen at once that the object I had at first mistaken for a 
 branch was the portion of a wapiti's horn of very large dimensions. 
 The reins were now drawn over the horses' heads, and they were 
 left to graze. 
 There was a small clump of green spruce firs upon a gentle 
 slope on our right, and we concluded, according to the wind, that 
 we should be in a safe position to obtain a shot if we could 
 manage to reach such shelter undiscovered. Some rising ground 
 concealed the wapiti, and now that I dismounted, I could not see 
 the antlers. 
 My hunter had not observed them. 
 Making a detour to our right, we at length succeeded in reach- 
 ing the clump of thick green spruce. Pushing our way softly 
 through the yielding boughs, we gained the edge, from which we 
 had expected to obtain a view of the still hidden game. 
 There was a glorious sight ; three immense stags, about 1 50 
 yards upon our right, were feeding in a direction that, if continued, 
 would bring them across our position within 80 or 90 yards. The 
 wind was favourable ; we therefore watched. 
 One of these stags had stupendous horns, and as they slowly 
 approached, I counted with my glass fourteen points. The others 
 had twelve each. I was determined to possess that grand head. 
 They had now fed to within a distance of about 110 paces of 
 our position, and the intervening ground was open. If I waited 
 until they should be exactly opposite, they would be much nearer, 
 but they would pass behind a clump of large spruce firs, which 
 might almost obscure them. I could make quite certain of the 
 shot at 110 yards, but I enjoyed the sport of waiting and watch- 
 ing, therefore I determined to let them cross exactly in front of my 
 position before I would take the shot. 
 In a very short time they arrived upon the other side of the 
 trees, and I at once saw the difficulty. However, I determined to 
 be very careful in my aim, and to select the largest head. Some- 
 how or other they appeared suddenly to get the wind of danger. 
 Whether they smelt the horses I cannot say, but certainly they 
 could not have winded us ; they looked up, and around, and trotted 
 past the clump. I immediately fired at the shoulder of the biggest. 
 I heard the usual well-known sound of the '557 bullet; but the 
 deer did not drop. 
 " He's got it all right," exclaimed Jem. " He'll drop directly." 
 I was of the same opinion, but all three stags continued to 
 canter along as though unharmed down a gentle slope, jumping 
 over the prostrate stems of fallen spruce, as though enjoying their
 power of active movement. At length they disappeared in a dark 
 hollow about 200 yards distant, where some spruce firs grew in the 
 depression of a stream bed. 
 On the other side of this depression was a small open slope of 
 grass ; this was bordered by the main forest. I had of course 
 reloaded, but I could not understand the possibility of the wapiti 
 having retreated to such a distance with the '577 solid bullet in 
 his shoulder. 
 I had now raised the back-sight for 250 yards in the expecta- 
 tion of seeing the three wapiti emerge from the hollow, and appear 
 upon the clear open space before they could reach the forest. 
 Although it would be a long shot, it would be absolutely necessary 
 to stop the wounded animal, otherwise in all probability we should 
 never see it again. 
 Presently a pair of spreading antlers appeared, as a fine stag 
 slowly walked up the steep incline, and appeared upon the open 
 slope. I raised the rifle to my shoulder. " That's not the one," 
 said Jem. "I know that; hold your tongue," I replied, still 
 keeping in readiness. Another stag appeared. "That's not the 
 one either," exclaimed irrepressible Jem. Both these fine beasts 
 entered the forest, and disappeared. I lowered my rifle. " He's 
 lying dead in the hollow," continued Jem. 
 I began to think this was the case, but presently a grand pair 
 of antlers appeared, followed by the stag, which slowly rose from 
 the depression, passed through the fringe of spruce trees upon tlie 
 slope, and emerged upon the open ground, over which it slowly 
 walked, almost in the tracks of those which had preceded it. 
 I took a very steady aim, and fired. The great stag reeled 
 and fell just as the sound of the bullet upon impact returned to 
 our ears. 
 " Well done ! he's got it this time ; that's a fine rifle and no 
 mistake," exclaimed Jem, who immediately ran forward towards 
 the distant prize. I followed slowly ; as I stepped the distance, 
 it was 240 long paces to the bottom of the hollow. I could not 
 measure the steep slope, as I had to scramble up the bank, but 
 taking the direct line of the bullet's flight it was about 250 yards. 
 We now examined the wapiti. This was indeed a prize. We 
 knew that the first shot should have struck the left side, likewise 
 the last shot ; but there was only one bullet -wound ; this was 
 through the centre of the shoulder. We now cut it open, and 
 grallocked the immense animal, to render it easier to examine. 
 The bullet had gone through the centre of the heart : it had 
 broken the shoulder on the opposite side, and had lodged beneath
 xxiv THE WAPITI 389 
 the skin, expanded like a half- matured mushroom. This was 
 pure lead. 
 No other bullet had touched that stag, and my first shot had 
 been intercepted by the trunk of one of the numerous trees which 
 had intervened between me and the animal when I fired. 
 This wapiti had the finest antlers that I have ever possessed, 
 and the freak of nature had added two peculiar tines, which must 
 have plagued the unfortunate proprietor. These turned in the 
 reverse direction, therefore they must have acted like a grapnel in 
 catching the branches of trees, when otherwise they would have 
 been avoided in the usual manner, as the stag throws its head 
 backwards, and elevates the nose in passing through a forest. 
 Although the horns were perfectly clean and hard (29th August 
 1881), the extremity of one of the extra tines was round, instead 
 of pointed ; it was bloody at the tip, as a chronic inflammation 
 had been set up through continual friction, and it had never 
 thoroughly matured. We were powerless to do anything with this 
 grand animal ; we accordingly left it until we could send men and 
 mules from camp. Upon the following day, when we arrived, a 
 party of bears had scratched a hole, and attempted to roll the 
 wapiti into it. This was a glaring failure, as the animal was not 
 half concealed. The bears had eaten all the inner portion, which 
 we had laid upon one side ; they had also eaten the soft extremities 
 of the ribs and brisket ; but, beyond a quantity of grass and earth 
 roughly thrown upon the carcase by the claws of the bears when 
 scratching, there was no actual burying. 
 The horns of this wapiti measured 53 inches in curve length 
 from burr to extreme point, 12| inches round the burr, 52 inches 
 direct line from tip to tip of extreme points. 
 The day after this incident I had been riding with two of my 
 people over the summits of the mountains, about 10,000 feet above 
 the sea-level, when my attention was directed to a couple of fine 
 stags, about three-quarters of a mile distant, feeding along the 
 side of the hill-face downwards by an oblique course. Upon the 
 opposite side of a deep depression at the bottom flowed a consider- 
 able stream. After watching these stags for some time with my 
 field-glass, seeing that they occasionally raised their heads, and 
 looked wistfully towards a copse which grew upon the opposite 
 slope, on the shoulder of the mountain spur, I felt sure that 
 females must be somewhere in the thicket. Accordingly I crept 
 cautiously along the crest of the hill, until at length I arrived at 
 the border of the covert. As I had approached the copse I had 
 several times obtained a view of the stags ; they were no doubt
 advancing, aud would in my opinion cross the stream and join 
 other deer which, although invisible, were somewhere in the 
 After waiting a few minutes, I discovered that a plot of open 
 ground lay within the copse at no great distance ; this I perceived 
 through the light which penetrated into the free opening. Upon 
 reaching this, I found an area of about 2 acres perfectly free from 
 bushes, but filled with rank grass aud sedges, about 2 feet high. 
 It struck me that the two wapiti stags would in all probability 
 pass through this opening upon their arrival in the covert. 
 Hiding myself beneath a thick bush, from which I could 
 command every portion of the open space, I waited patiently, 
 having left my two men concealed, together with the horse, at a 
 considerable distance. 
 Nearly half au hour passed away in expectation ; I was cramped 
 in my stooping position, and I slowly rose to stretch my limbs. 
 As I stood upright, I caught sight of a pair of antlers just emerg- 
 ing from the thicket on my left. I slowly sank into my former 
 position. First one and then another large stag issued from the 
 wood. They walked very slowly along the verge of the thicket, 
 occasionally halting to take a mouthful of grass, aud feeding as 
 they went. 
 When exactly opposite my position, I took aim at the leading 
 stag and fired ; at the same time I ran towards the spot. The 
 bullet struck the shoulder, and the stag reeled to and fro, some- 
 times falling on its knees, and in this way blundered into the 
 thicket, but fell dead just as I arrived. Hearing a groat rush, 
 and seeing that the stag was safe, I continued to run forward ; 
 within 50 yards I emerged upon the open, and found myself upon 
 a hog's back sloping ridge of only a few yards' width, while a 
 natural fosse like a letter V, about 300 feet deep, lay before me ; 
 the opposite side continuing the steep slope to the summit of the 
 There was an extraordinary scene around me. A great mass of 
 wapiti had burst from the jungle upon hearing the report of my 
 rifle, and there was no room for them to stand upon the narrow 
 area of the hog's back ridge. There were about 300 stags, hinds, 
 and young ones of all ages mingled together, some of them being 
 within 10 or 15 yards of me. They were determined to go forward, 
 to effect which they were obliged to attempt the precipitous descent 
 into the narrow bottom of the canyon, after which it would be 
 necessary to ascend the opposite side. 
 This cleft was so abrupt that, although quite 300 feet in depth,
 xxiv THE WAPITI 391 
 it was not wider than 60 or 80 yards across the surface where I 
 stood. I never witnessed a sight of such utter helplessness. It 
 required great caution to descend, even for such practised moun- 
 taineers as wapiti. The herd shuffled down the precipitous incline 
 of crumbling stones, causing showers of loosened rocks, which 
 clattered with their struggling hoofs, as slowly and surely these 
 heavy animals progressed into the dangerous bottom. 
 I sat upon a large stone that was close to the edge, and 
 thoroughly enjoyed the scene. If I had been inclined to commit 
 havoc, I cannot say how many I could have shot. As they slowly 
 descended, I took aim at the back of each stag's neck, and in 
 imagination only, reckoned my slain. At length the herd reached 
 the bottom, and the toilsome ascent commenced. When they 
 appeared slightly below my own level on the opposite side, my 
 sport recommenced ; I picked out every big stag, one by one ; 
 taking most accurate aim exactly between the shoulders, but never 
 firing. A skin-hunter would have killed at least thirty in such an 
 opportunity. The little ones were fatigued, and many of the 
 smaller fawns were bleating like lambs as they struggled after their 
 dams over the loosened rocks. At length they reached the surface, 
 but even then they remained exposed, as the slope was exceedingly 
 steep, and they were apparently too tired or too confident to increase 
 their pace. By degrees they disappeared across the sky-line, and I 
 never saw a large herd of wapiti again. 
 My men had joined me, and they were quite annoyed at my 
 mercifid behaviour ; however, I now lead them into the thicket, 
 where a splendid stag was lying dead. They were quickly em- 
 ployed in cleaning it, to keep the flesh sweet, until we could send 
 for the head upon the following day. 
 There were some fine heads among the stags which I had allowed 
 to escape, but none approaching in size to the last that I had shot. 
 Some days after this exemplary exercise of mercy, I had a very 
 pretty quarter of an hour, which formed the only exception to my 
 rule of never shooting at a second wapiti, if I had killed one upon 
 the same day. 
 We had ascended from the gleu in which the camp was pitched, 
 and had reached the level plateau, which extended for several 
 miles, bordered upon two sides by a continuation of the deep valley 
 in a winding course. The stream in the bottom, together with 
 good pasturage and forest-covered slopes upon the mountain sides, 
 formed an attractive combination for game. It occurred to me 
 that the animals would probably amuse themselves upon the open 
 plateau during the night, and retire soon after daylight to the
 seclusion of the forest ; therefore, shortly after sunrise, we found 
 ourselves upon the level ground about 500 feet above the valley. 
 The formation was peculiar ; the plateau represented an immense 
 terrace, as other ridges rose above it, until the highest point formed 
 a prominent figure in the general outline of the landscape. Al- 
 though the surface was sufficiently level for a horse to gallop at 
 full speed, there were many slight depressions where the ground had 
 been water-worn by streams during heavy rains or melting snows. 
 Bears were regular visitors, as many of the flat stones had been 
 turned over in their search for insects. There were tracks of wapiti, 
 also of buffaloes and black-tail deer, therefore I felt tolerably san- 
 guine of finding game in some of the ravines that opened upon this 
 extensive terrace from the neighbouring hills. 
 As we rode leisurely along through the centre of this barren 
 area, we frequently halted to scan the country with binoculars. 
 Upon one of these occasions my attention had been attracted by a 
 dark-coloured object in the distance, which I imagined to be a bear, 
 or some large rock which had deceived me by its resemblance. 
 The glasses decided that this was a buffalo. It was more than a 
 mile distant, but for simple amusement, as it lay in the direction 
 we were taking, I determined to see if we could approach near 
 enough for a certain shot. The wind was fair, therefore we took 
 no precautions, but simply rode forward until within a distance of 
 1200 yards. I now made out that the buffalo was advancing in 
 our direction ; there was a dry bed of a stream before us, and I 
 suggested that we should dismount, and conceal the horses and 
 ourselves within this natural channel, to wait for the arrival of the 
 buffalo. This was quickly arranged, and we descended into the 
 river's bed. 
 By peering over the bank, I made out the exact direction that 
 the buffalo was taking, and by changing my position accordingly, 
 I had the satisfaction of seeing a fine bull approaching me, without 
 the slightest suspicion of impending danger. Presently it descended 
 into the channel within 40 paces of the rifle, which as usual I had 
 pointed at the shoulder, without the slightest intention of pulling 
 the trigger. The animal obtained my wind, or saw me, and with 
 a snort it threw up its tail, and galloped off across the plain, leaving 
 me quite satisfied at having bagged it mentally, without the ex- 
 penditure of a cartridge, or the useless sacrifice of a life. 
 We remounted, and rode forward, scanning as before every nook 
 and corner of the country. We had not proceeded far when I 
 made out another buffalo ; this lay in our route, therefore without 
 taking the trouble to notice it, we rode straight forward. When
 xxiv THE WAPITI 393 
 within about 300 yards it observed us, and turning away, it re- 
 treated across the open, making towards the direction of the 
 higher ground. 
 We now observed specks moving upon the surface at so great 
 a distance that I thought they were black-tail deer, until the 
 binoculars declared them to be wapiti. A rigid inspection with 
 the glasses proved them to be eight fine stags that were slowly 
 trotting on before us, as though they had been recently disturbed. 
 It struck me that they must have seen the buffalo gallop off in 
 retreat, and this was the cause of their disturbance. We followed 
 at a canter, to keep them within our view, as I felt sure they 
 would turn to the right, and seek the shelter of the forests upon 
 the slopes, above the winding valley. In about ten minutes we 
 had gained upon them considerably, and they had neared the 
 margin of the plateau. As I had expected, they now disappeared 
 one by one, as they descended to the lower ground. 
 We rode quickly to the spot upon which they had been lost to 
 view : their tracks showed plainly the course of their descent. 
 This was a narrow grassy slope interspersed with a few spruce firs, 
 forming a division in the long dark foliage which clothed the hill- 
 side for a distance of many miles. 
 The opposite side of the valley was different in general character, 
 as the hills, which rose to a considerable altitude and formed a 
 wall, were not completely covered with forest, but on the contrary 
 they were grassy slopes, only cut at intervals by ravines which had 
 been scooped by water ; these were clothed with spruce. 
 The bottom of the valley was not wider than 300 yards, and 
 although it was more or less occupied by forest, there were many 
 extensive tracts of open grass ground which afforded excellent 
 pasturage ; the little stream through this valley would ultimately 
 flow through our camp, about 3 or 4 miles distant in our rear. 
 There was nothing in view when we scanned this valley with 
 the glasses ; accordingly we dismounted, to ease the horses in the 
 very steep descent ; we then followed upon the tracks of the eight 
 wapiti towards the bottom. 
 Upon arrival at the stream, the tracks led across ; upon the 
 opposite side, after a search over a few hundred yards, we dis- 
 covered the tracks of a large herd of these animals, among which 
 those of our eight scared wapiti were confounded and utterly lost. 
 It now became a serious question, " Where were they gone ? " 
 Having crossed the stream, I did not think they would have 
 returned to the other side. They would not be likely to remain 
 in the bottom of the valley. I therefore considered they would
 probably have taken refuge in one of the wooded ravines which 
 scored the mountain's side. 
 We decided to beat out each ravine separately ; this could 
 easily be accomplished, as Jem could ride along the bottom when 
 practicable, or, if not, he could ride or walk along the edge, and 
 throw stones into the dry stream-bed. At the same time I would 
 dismount, and keep 150 yards in advance, along the margin of the 
 ravine upon the opposite side. 
 In this careful manner we beat out three ravines upon the right 
 front of the spot where the wapiti had crossed the stream. There 
 remained a large ravine which came from a shoulder of the 
 mountain, that formed a hollow upon the ridge or saddle. I felt 
 sure the wapiti must be hiding somewhere among these places. 
 Telling Jem to wait at the bottom until I should have a clear start 
 of 150 yards up the hill, I rode through thick sage-bush up the 
 incline, until I reached the desired position. It had been agreed 
 that Jem should whistle if he saw the wapiti within the covert. 
 I did not dismount, as the sage-bush was exceedingly tough and 
 disagreeable. I therefore kept my horse well ahead of the position 
 of the beater, which I -could tolerably guess from the clatter of his 
 horse's feet among the stones. I was about half-way up the hill, 
 when I heard a loud whistle ! 
 I did not dismount immediately, but spurring my horse, I 
 pushed forward straight up the hill as fast as possible. It was 
 well that I did so ; had I been on foot I could not have arrived at 
 a good position ; for although I had pressed Buckskin to the 
 utmost, a splendid stag broke covert about 1 20 yards ahead of me, 
 and turning to my left, galloped across my front. By the time I 
 had dismounted and fired, he was about 150 yards distant ; but he 
 fell almost immediately on his side, and although the body was 
 invisible in the tall sage-bush (as I looked up hill), one antler 
 stood high above the surface like the dead branch of an oak tree. 1 
 Seven stags now broke from the ravine about 200 yards in 
 front, and most unfortunately took a line of retreat parallel with 
 the gully directly up the hill ; thus nothing but rumps were turned 
 towards me. Confident in the power of the rifle, I put up the 
 back-sight for 250 yards, and took a steady shot. I heard the 
 bullet strike, and I saw the stag ruu suddenly to the left, and then 
 1 The antlers of this stag measured 
 From extreme point in curve to the burr, 59f inches. 
 ,, ,, ,, of backward bend of main antler to extreme point of 
 longest front tine, 3~i inches. 
 Round the burr, 13 inches.
 xxiv THE WAPITI 395 
 struggle for a few yards towards the sky-line, where it disappeared. 
 The remaining deer halted exactly upon the sky-line, as though 
 undetermined as to the course they should pursue. Several turned 
 round, and from a distance of about 300 yards regarded my horse 
 and myself. I put up the 300 yards back-sight, and fired at the 
 chest of the foremost stag. Again I heard the bullet strike, but 
 they all vanished from the scene beyond the outline of the hill-top. 
 Jem had now joined me, and I suggested that we should ride 
 up the hill, but dismount before reaching the summit, as I fully 
 expected to find the two stags which had been wounded at the 
 long range. Accordingly, upon nearing the ridge, I cautiously 
 advanced on foot, and taking a rock to cover the line of approach, 
 I looked over a narrow shoulder of the mountain exactly in our 
 front. There was a bare plateau of about 3 acres, beyond which 
 were a few stunted spruce firs growing in a scattered group on the 
 verge of the descent to the low country ; some 7000 or 8000 feet 
 beneath. Among the group of spruce there was a stag with a fore 
 leg broken just below the shoulder. Another was standing upon 
 the open about 150 yards from me, with its hind-quarters towards 
 us, its legs wide apart, and its head lowered till the nose almost 
 touched the ground. I knew the sickening effect of the solid '577 
 bullet, and I could see that this was the shot in the hind-quarters 
 which had raked the poor beast fore and aft. Although I could 
 depend for extreme accuracy upon the '577, I told Jem to hand 
 me my Martini-Henry which I had lent to him, as I wished to 
 prove its reputation we therefore exchanged rifles, and carefully 
 turned to the right, in order to see the stag in any other position 
 than the rear. It did not appear to notice us, and upon reaching 
 a spot where the neck was plainly visible, the Martini-Henry 
 dropped it dead. 
 We now advanced towards the clump of spruce where the stag 
 with the broken leg had been seen upon our arrival on the crest. 
 Unfortunately the last shot fired had started it at full speed down 
 the hill, in spite of the broken fore leg. I ran to the edge of the 
 ridge, and caught sight of this splendid animal several hundred 
 yards below us, cantering down the rocky slope with the right leg 
 swinging from the shoulder a pitiable sight, which grieved me 
 sadly, as it was hopeless and impossible to follow it. 
 My only consolation was, that throughout my trip in the Big 
 Horn range this was the only animal that was wounded without 
 being killed. 
 After watching this stag until it disappeared from view, I 
 returned to examine our two dead animals. The first was near us.
 I found the bullet-hole in the hind-quarters, as I had expected ; 
 but I know nothing of its course, as we had no time to dissect it, 
 having a finer stag to clean below us, the first that I had shot. 
 We accordingly descended, and having led our horses to the spot, 
 we took off our coats, and determined to cut up the stag, as it was 
 wonderfully fat, and altogether a beautiful specimen of a wapiti. 
 We had partially flayed this animal, and were stooping over it, 
 engaged in the occupation, when a peculiar sound of something 
 pinying in the air above our heads, accompanied at the same time 
 by the report of a rifle, startled us from our work. Almost 
 immediately these ominous sounds were repeated, and a third shot 
 in rapid succession caused my hunter Jem to exclaim, " Look out 
 Indians !" 
 Another shot followed, and several in rapid succession, before 
 we could even guess the direction from which they came. 
 As we stooped over the deer, we faced the valley below us ; our 
 backs were turned towards the ridge or summit of the hills above 
 us. We were standing upon a spur that ran from crest to valley- 
 bottom ; upon our right was an amphitheatre, a regular horse-shoe 
 of high cliffs forming the outline of the ridge ; a terrace slightly 
 below our level, with only a few places where it would be possible 
 for horses to descend from the highest point above. We now 
 observed mounted men scouring along the sky-line, evidently 
 looking for a passage to the lower ground. At the same moment 
 my eye distinguished what I at first supposed was a runaway horse, 
 which was galloping along the auditorium of the amphitheatre. 
 In another instant I perceived that this was a wapiti stag with 
 large antlers, coming in our direction, and I felt certain that it 
 would cross the saddle of the hill-top above us, from which we had 
 just descended. 
 Jumping into the saddle, I gave Buckskin the spurs, and 
 hurried up the hill to arrive if possible below the saddle, on the 
 right, to intercept the stag. Jem followed, and by dint of the 
 sharp rowels I managed to force the lazy Buckskin up the steep 
 incline, and to gain the hollow in the ridge through which I felt 
 sure the wapiti must pass. I jumped out of the saddle when 
 within 100 yards, and a few paces on the lower side of the hollow 
 pass. Hardly was I upon my feet when the large antlers and head 
 and neck of the stag appeared at full speed, tearing through the 
 open space. I fired, but I saw the dry earth fly a few inches 
 short, as the bullet struck the top of the bank which concealed the 
 body of the stag, but exposed the neck and head above. In another 
 instant the stag was flying through the pass, and thoroughly in
 xxiv THE WAPITI 397 
 view, as he coursed towards the lower country, where he would be 
 free from his pursuers. The left-hand barrel nailed him. The 
 bullet struck fairly in the centre of the shoulder, he turned a 
 complete somersault, and was stretched dead in his fullest speed. 
 This was uncommonly pretty. It was the most dramatic 
 incident I have ever witnessed in a long career of sporting 
 experiences. I had shot three splendid stags, and wounded a 
 fourth, all within a quarter of an hour. This last stag was an 
 unexpected mystery ; we knew nothing about it, neither had we 
 the least idea who the people were who had evidently been firing 
 at it, when the bullets whistled above our heads. In this unin- 
 habited wilderness there was as much chance of meeting a human 
 being as a gorilla or an ourang-outang. Who were those people 
 who had been seen on horseback on the sky-line 1 
 The best way of discovering them was to use the glasses, 
 therefore we ascended the saddle-back pass, through which the 
 stag had rushed, and then tried the binoculars. 
 We now distinctly counted five white men mounted upon 
 horses ; while several other white men and a large number of pack 
 animals were carefully descending the steep incline to follow those 
 who had already reached the lower ground ; these were hurrying 
 towards the spot where they had heard the two shots I had fired. 
 These people would be as astonished as ourselves at meeting white 
 men when least expected, in the wilderness of the Big Horn range. 
 We now stood upon the ridge, which at their lower level would be 
 the sky-line in their point of view. 
 In a few minutes they arrived. Our salutations were quickly 
 exchanged. " Here lies your stag, and I am glad to have stopped 
 it," I said. " It was wounded of course, was it not 1 " demanded 
 one of the party. "Only one bullet has touched it, and that was 
 the last," I answered. 
 They all dismounted, and examined the beautiful beast as it 
 lay stretched upon the ground, like a picture. " We shall be 
 thankful for a little venison, as we have tasted nothing but bacon 
 since we left Cheyenne seven days ago," said the first spokesman. 
 I now explained to them that the stag before them was the 
 third I had shot within about a quarter of an hour, and that it 
 was by a mere chance they had driven this animal across my path. 
 They were welcome to the horns of this stag and the flesh of all 
 three beasts, if they required them for their party. 
 We quickly made acquaintance, and they accompanied me to 
 look at the other two wapiti. I advised them to camp immedi- 
 ately below the hill, as there was good water and fuel upon the
 spot. It would be easy to cut up the deer, and carry the meat 
 that short distance ; this would save them much trouble. 
 They were delighted with the idea, and we proceeded to the 
 lower ground together, to select a camping place. During the way, 
 they explained that they were a party bent upon a riding excursion 
 from Cheyenne through the Big Horn range, but they had been 
 most unfortunate in shooting, having seen very little game, and 
 having killed absolutely nothing. This was a curious episode that 
 was equally unexpected, and at the same time satisfactory to all 
 parties. In a short time they had their tents pitched, fires alight, 
 cooking-pots filled, and were thoroughly comfortable, while my 
 hunter Jem and myself rode homewards, well satisfied with the 
 morning's work. 
 On the day following, I rode from my camp with the intention 
 of calling upon these American gentlemen, and, as I approached 
 their direction, my attention was attracted by a cloud of smoke 
 rising from the valley in which I had left their party. Presently 
 I was overtaken by Bob Stewart and Big Bill, the skin-hunters, 
 who had observed the signs of a forest fire from a great distance, 
 and had hurried towards the spot, carrying with them a galvanised 
 iron bucket and an axe. We now joined parties and galloped 
 towards the smoke. 
 Upon arrival we found the desolate signs of a deserted camp. 
 The large party that I had left on the preceding day were gone, 
 and with great carelessness they had left their fire burning, instead 
 of extinguishing it before departure. The strong wind had blown 
 the sparks into the inflammable mass of dried pine-needles, with 
 which the ground was deeply covered ; this was blazing in various 
 places, having already communicated the fire to several of the 
 dead trees which strewed the surface. 
 It was a curious example of inflammable material en masse ; 
 everything seemed prepared for ignition, as though a natural depot 
 of lucifer matches. In more than a dozen different places the 
 ground was on fire over an area of half an acre ; these isolated 
 patches were spreading with great rapidity, and upon arrival at a 
 spruce tree, the flame ran up the bark with surprising avidity, 
 licking up the surface in forked tongues, and, when reaching the 
 branches (if withered), it seized upon the fresh fuel, and flared 
 with horrible vigour. This showed upon a small scale the 
 commencement of a forest fire, which would quickly extend into a 
 terrible conflagration. 
 We were fortunately at hand to extinguish the danger in its 
 birth, but we had to work hard for at least a couple of hours
 xxiv THE WAPITI 399 
 before we could accomplish our work. The stream ran through 
 the centre of the forest, and as Bob Stewart had brought a pail, 
 he devoted his attention to damping out the ground fires. We 
 cut large branches of green spruce, and dipped them in the stream ; 
 with these we beat out the flaring edges where the pine-needles 
 were in a blaze, or smouldering. It was annoying to see how new 
 spots of fire appeared, apparently by magic, as there was no per- 
 ceptible cause; the wind carried sparks which were invisible in 
 the bright sunlight, and these ignited wherever they fell, as though 
 they had adhered to tinder. 
 Two or three large spruce were blazing among the branches, 
 although unharmed below. These were, after much labour, felled, 
 and the fire extinguished. None of our party desisted from our 
 hard work until every spark was extinct, and I wish that the 
 unsophisticated strangers who had caused the trouble had been 
 present, not only to aid in the labour, but to benefit from the 
 curses that were levelled at their backs, for setting a forest on fire 
 by such gross carelessness. Our people declared with much force, 
 that if we had not been in the neighbourhood to extinguish the 
 fire at its commencement, the whole of the slopes would have 
 been consumed, which I had termed the " ten mile forest." 
 On 6th September we had a fall of snow. For thirty hours 
 the flakes fell without a moment's cessation. There was not a 
 breath of wind, and the entire surface of the country was covered, 
 to the depth of 8 inches, with the winter's garment. This was 
 extreme misery ; we had only two apologies for tents one for the 
 four men, a similar pattern for ourselves. It was dark when we 
 awoke in the morning, through the deep coating of snow which 
 lay upon our roof. Presently the flat battens which did the 
 service of tent-poles collapsed, and down came the tent upon us as 
 we lay upon the ground, buried beneath canvas and a heap of 
 This took a considerable time to rearrange. Fortunately Henry 
 (the German cook) had made a large quantity of hot coffee ; this 
 he slipped beneath the tent-wall, and we never enjoyed anything 
 more delicious. 
 Having mounted my horse, accompanied by Texas Bill, I rode 
 throughout the whole day over a large extent of country, as the 
 new sheet of snow would be a tell-tale guide to the game that had 
 moved since the fall. 
 I returned much dissatisfied ; my eyes were terribly inflamed 
 by the glaring surface ; my face and neck were blistered, and we 
 had seen literally nothing except a solitary bull bison and a few
 black-tail deer. It was time to retreat, as the Big Horn rauge 
 had been thoroughly disturbed. 
 Leaving instructions that the camp was to follow, on 8th 
 September Lady liaker and myself started, without any attendant, 
 across the mountains for a ride of about 20 miles to the ranche of 
 Mr. Peters, in accordance with the invitation they had kindly 
 given us, to pay them a visit upon our return. 
 There are few portions of the world so utterly trackless as the 
 wilds of America. In Africa there are generally traces, or paths, 
 although insignificant, which mark the natives' routes from one 
 village to another; but in the prairies, and throughout the 
 mountains in America, there are no inhabitants, accordingly there 
 is a total absence of the footprints of mankind. My men were 
 under the impression that we should not find the direction of the 
 Peters's ranch. Instead of this, after a ride of about four hours, 
 we arrived at a point from which we looked down in a direct line 
 upon the Powder river valley, and with the unassisted eye we 
 could see the log-hut and the small surroundings which marked 
 their settlement. We halted to enjoy the view, being rather proud 
 that we had found our way without a guide. Suddenly we heard 
 a rattle : this was immediately repeated loudly, and we observed 
 a rattlesnake about 4 feet in length coiled upon the ground within 
 5 or 6 yards of our horses' legs. This horrid reptile seemed very 
 angry at our intrusion, and after hissing with its tongue and 
 rattling with its tail, it extended itself and glided viciously 
 towards us. 
 I did not wish to fire, as my wife's horse disliked the report of 
 a rifle ; we therefore left the snake in possession of the field, and 
 commenced the descent that would lead us to the Powder river 
 valley. Had my men been present, they would have enjoyed our 
 confusion. Although the Peters's dwelling was in sight, we could 
 not discover a route for our descent. The sides of the mountain 
 appeared fairly arranged in a series of inclines, but after marching 
 three-quarters of a mile, we were suddenly confronted by a pre- 
 cipitous canyon which extended for an unknown distance in a deep 
 It was necessary to reascend the slope and try another spur. 
 When we regarded the numerous slopes, or spurs, which appeared 
 to be natural pathways to the valley some 4000 or 5000 feet 
 below, it was difficult to believe that they were alike intersected 
 by canyons, all of which were the result of earthquake disturbance 
 at some distant period which had split the mountain horizontally. 
 We were delayed for more than an hour in marching and counter-
 xxiv THE WAPITI 401 
 marching, until it seemed as though we were hopelessly cut off 
 from the home that lay snugly in the valley before our eyes. 
 At length I remarked a wooded slope rising higher than the 
 rest ; this was shaped like a wedge, and continued from top to 
 bottom of the mountain ; I felt sure that an uninterrupted descent 
 would be obtained, could we only manage to climb this lofty ridge. 
 We accordingly cut across a number of depressions, in one of which 
 we came upon a fine bull buffalo which was asleep beneath the 
 rocks. I would not shoot it, and we watched the easy manner 
 with which this massive animal traversed the rocky ground, and 
 climbed the steep gradients with the comparative activity of a 
 goat. Our horses were good, but it was as much as they could do 
 to breast the steep ascent, which at length brought us to the 
 summit of the wooded ridge. This was a curious buttress of the 
 mountain ; it was not 80 yards in width, but a well-marked track, 
 and numerous chippings from the axe showed that persons from 
 the valley had been here to fell the spruce, probably to construct 
 the Peters's hut. Our difficulties had vanished, and by an easy 
 path we descended to the valley, waded through the river, and 
 shortly were welcomed by our kind young friends, Mr. and Mrs. 
 Peters, in the rough log-house that we had seen from so great a 
 The ranche life must have been delightful to young people who 
 were only recently married, and were newly launched upon the 
 voyage of their future life. It was complete independence. The 
 log-house was confined to the ground-floor. There was a good-sized 
 room, or hall, which formed the entrance ; on the right and left 
 were two rooms that formed either bedrooms and dressing-rooms, 
 or single rooms, as occasion might require. A kitchen and a small 
 pantry were at the back of the entrance hall ; and I am not sure 
 where a Dane and his -wife (the servants) existed, together with 
 their very fat and exceedingly red child of two years old. 
 Late in the afternoon our people and camp arrived, but we felt 
 a palatial luxury in our hospitable quarters, after the cold and 
 cramped accommodation of the pigmy tent. Curiously enough, 
 our people had not only passed over the barren portion of the 
 mountain, where we had seen the vicious rattlesnake, but they 
 had also met it in the same spot and killed it. 
 The locality was well chosen for a settlement by Mr. Peters, 
 and I trust he has succeeded as a rancher. The grass was good, 
 and there was no danger of interlopers upon any side but one, as 
 the Big Horn range ascended abruptly immediately from the 
 opposite side of the Powder river. 
 The blood-red sandstone cliffs which arose in perpendicular 
 blocks for 200 or 300 feet in height from the Powder river were 
 very striking, as they formed a strong contrast to the glaring white 
 of the surrounding soil. The Powder river flowed beneath the 
 cliffs, and occupied a considerable portion of a swampy valley when 
 in flood ; this was covered with willows, growing so thickly together 
 that they were difficult to penetrate. 
 Although the Peters's settlement was situated in a valley, it 
 was about 6500 feet above the sea-level ; nevertheless we felt a 
 great difference in the climate, as we had been at 10,000 to 1 1,000 
 feet during the last three or four weeks. 
 It is very delightful to associate with young people who, having 
 selected their profession, courageously seize the handle of the 
 plough to strike a furrow that shall lead to fortune. We may 
 meet the same persons in conventional life, the lady perhaps out- 
 shining others in the drawing-rooms of civilisation, yet we know 
 but little of the real character until we find them in a situation 
 which calls forth the energy and abilities of their true natures. 
 Mr. Peters had an English partner. He also was a man 
 accustomed to the luxury of clubs in London, but he now devoted 
 himself to hewing wood when it was required, fetching water from 
 the spring if he wanted it, and in doing everything in America 
 which he never had been called to do in England. 
 It was a healthy existence. They all enjoyed their youth and 
 strength. There was no doctor for several hundred miles ; no 
 clergyman ; no church ; no cemetery ; but plenty of fresh air and 
 occupation. No person drank anything but water, unless tea or 
 coffee. A few years before our arrival there was plenty of game 
 among the willow thickets bordering the Powder river, and venison 
 could always be obtained from the black-tail and white-tail deer 
 without much trouble ; but continual shooting had driven them 
 away, and although the animals existed, they had become both 
 scarce and wary. 
 There was no garden, as there was not sufficient rain ; and 
 labour was not to be procured for love or money. It was cheajxjr 
 to purchase fruits and vegetables prepared in tins in California 
 than to attempt the production by home industry. These were at 
 the same time dear, owing to the great expense of transport for 
 about 240 miles from Rock Creek station on the Union Pacific 
 Living was primitive under these conditions, and we were much 
 afraid that, notwithstanding our friends' warm hospitality, we must 
 put them to a certain amount of inconvenience.
 xxiv THE WAPITI 403 
 The morning following our arrival, a man arrived in charge 
 of three mules laden with baggage. This was an extraordinary 
 event, and everybody rushed out to meet the stranger, directly 
 that his approach had been reported. 
 "Who was he?" "What was he V "Where did he come 
 from ? " " What baggage was that 1 " " Where was it going to ? " 
 " Was anybody coming 1 " All these questions were put without 
 waiting for a reply ; until at length the mule-driver spoke ; his 
 words produced utter consternation. 
 "Well, all I know is this. For the last week I've done nothing 
 but haul baggage for a lot of British lords and ladies, and this 
 is some of it in advance. A lot more is on the road, and there's a 
 heap of 'em all coming here to-night to dine and sleep, and maybe 
 stay a few days before they go up the Big Horn to shoot." 
 " British lords and ladies ! A lot of 'em coming here to-night 
 to dine and sleep, and maybe stay a few days ! " murmured our 
 kind hostess in deep despair. " Impossible ; it can't be true ; who 
 are they 1 Have you got a note 1 " 
 " No, I haven't got a note, as they said you'll understand. 
 Let me see, I think I can recollect some of their names. There's 
 M and his wife and sister ; there's a Captain and Mrs. G ; 
 that's five. There's Lord M and the Hon. Mr. L ; that's 
 seven. There's Mr. P and Mr. B. ; that's nine. I don't 
 think there are any more, but perhaps there may be : I guess that's 
 about enough to crowd you up, isn't it 1 " 
 The first shock of this sudden intelligence was terrific. It 
 appeared impossible. How could they be fed or housed 1 The 
 idea was stupefying. British lords ! ladies ! an addition of nine 
 to our already large party of five, in a wilderness which produced 
 nothing, except a store of canned vegetables, and bacon ! It may 
 be imagined that our hostess was appalled, and for the moment 
 prostrated by the announcement. 
 A dead silence ensued ; during which a general determination 
 was preparing to grapple with the difficulty. A dinner for British 
 lords and ladies would necessitate soup, fish, entries ; some piece 
 de resistance, game, sweets, and dessert. 
 "We'll manage it, if possible," replied Mrs. Peters; "but we 
 must all help. We must sweep out the entrance, and make a 
 large table with some planks. With a nice clean table-cloth, who 
 will know 1 We can gather some wild flowers and coloured berries, 
 and make a pretty decoration. We have soup in tins. Now we've 
 got our table ready, and the soup. My husband and Mr. Alston 
 have a net, and they must catch fish; there are plenty in the
 river. We must kill n calf, and have veal cutlets, and a heap of 
 dishes out of that. We must open some cans of vegetables ; 
 tomatoes and cutlets will make a capital dish. Preserved pears 
 and thick cream ; stewed peaches ; but we have no game." I 
 modestly suggested that I might ramble through the willows, and 
 perhaps get some wild ducks. The idea was at once seized upon, 
 and every member of the party set to work to carry out his or her 
 share of the arrangements. But where were they all to sleep ? I 
 had two small tents and camp-beds. The ladies could sleep 
 together in a room, and the men must lie upon the floor on mat- 
 tresses and blankets for one night. 
 There was a great bustle in the little establishment. Peters 
 and Alston cleared away packing-cases, boxes, and a heap of articles 
 that occupied the hall. Both these energetic workers were quickly 
 armed with brooms, and the room was thoroughly swept out. A 
 table was cleverly arranged. Mrs. Peters produced a beautiful 
 new table-cloth, which was in itself an emblem of civilisation, and 
 my wife and her hostess then sallied out to search for some wild 
 plants to decorate the table. There were wild hops in profusion, 
 growing within 150 yards of the house. Berries of bright red, 
 and coloured leaves were found, all of which were prettily arranged 
 in designs which reminded us of home. 
 I left this domestic felicity, and took my gun in search of wild- 
 fowl, while Peters and Alston went off with a scoop-net to catch 
 some fish. They knew a particular pool about half a mile distant 
 which would yield a good supply. 
 If a photograph had been taken of the operation, these two 
 young men would have represented ancient Britons without the 
 ornament of woad. They stripped themselves quite naked and 
 entered the pool. The first step, or rather " plunge," consisted in 
 disturbing the water, when a particular kind of fish known as a 
 " sucker " at once retreated in shoals beneath the hollow bank. 
 The waders, or bathers, then advanced, and thrust the net into the 
 dark recesses of the asylum, pushing the hoop of the net to the 
 bottom, and gradually raising it towards the surface In this 
 manner they captured a large number of good fish, from half a 
 pound to rather more than a pound each. I did not witness this 
 operation, as I was occupied in searching for wild-fowl along the 
 marshy borders of the Powder river. 
 Having several times crossed and recrossed the river by walking 
 rather more than knee-deep, I had come to the conclusion that my 
 subscription to the dinner would be rather invisible, and I should 
 feel ashamed to be present at the table without having at the least
 xxiv THE WAPITI 405 
 presented my hostess with a couple of ducks. I was in a state of 
 natural despondency, when I observed high in air a flock of wild- 
 fowl, probably disturbed by our fishermen, which, from the circular 
 direction of their flight, evidently intended to alight somewhere 
 among the willows. In a few minutes my conjectures proved 
 correct, and I marked them down as nearly as possible near a 
 clump of large cotton-wood trees that grew on the margin of the 
 stream about a quarter of a mile distant. 
 With the greatest caution I approached the spot. The river 
 had formed several pools, which resembled small ponds of 50 or 
 60 yards diameter, among the willows. Carefully wading to avoid 
 the sound of splashing, I worked my way through this excellent 
 cover from pool to pool, when to my intense delight I saw a flock 
 of about a dozen widgeon within 40 yards of me ; they were 
 huddled together, and offered exactly the character of mark that I 
 desired when shooting for the pot. I fired into the centre of these 
 unsuspecting birds, and five lay either dead or kicking upon the 
 surface ; another fell to my left-hand barrel. Instead of rushing 
 forward to secure them, I reloaded instantly, as I expected that 
 the remainder of the flock would swoop over those which were 
 still struggling. This they immediately did, and offered a splendid 
 shot, two more falling to a right and left. 
 This was indeed good fortune. I hunted up and secured all 
 my widgeon ; and twisting a delicate osier, I tied them in two 
 bundles of four each, and trudged towards home, enjoying in 
 anticipation the delight that such an addition would be to our good 
 Late in the afternoon there was a cry of distress. We had all 
 been so thoroughly engaged, including the Dane and his wife 
 (who did the cooking), that no one had missed the red-faced child. 
 The frantic mother had now discovered that her two-years-old boy 
 had disappeared. This was a mysterious announcement, as it 
 seemed impossible that anything could disappear upon an open 
 prairie. Everybody was rushing about in all directions, and the 
 mother at length became hysterical and began to scream. There 
 were no wolves, and there was no possibility of any hurt befalling 
 the child, unless it had gone away and fallen into a pit. At length 
 we perceived Peters returning from the prairie with a bundle in 
 his arms. He had found the vermilion-coloured boy sitting in 
 a running stream nearly half a mile from the house, in which 
 he would probably have been drowned had not his screams been 
 heard by Peters, who had searched in that direction. The tumult 
 Towards evening all was in readiness tents, beds, mattresses, 
 a good dinner, and as pretty a table as could be found in an 
 English dining-room. The guests arrived in separate detachments ; 
 probably from an excess of modesty, which would have felt the 
 strain of a sudden and unexpected influx of nine visitors, some of 
 whom were perfect strangers. 
 I do not think any person who was present will forget the kind 
 hospitality of that evening, and the clever manner in which such 
 an impromptu entertainment had been provided. The sleeping 
 accommodation, although rough, was clean and comfortable ; but, 
 just as we were about to retire for the night, a most insufferable 
 and overpowering odour pervaded every corner ; it could not be 
 called a bad smell, it was an awful stench. " Skunk," two or 
 three experienced voices at once explained. It was indeed one of 
 these disgusting animals which had entered beneath the floor. 
 Windows and doors were at once thrown open, the floor was beaten 
 with sticks, and as much noise made as possible to drive the 
 intruder out. This had the desired effect, as after a time the 
 smell subsided, and by burning pieces of pine wood the atmosphere 
 regained its sweetness. 
 The skunk (Mephitis, Cuv.) is an extraordinary creature, some- 
 what resembling the badger, and I cannot understand why nature 
 has arranged that an animal so lovely should be so repulsive 
 in its odour. The size is that of a small cat. The skin is a 
 jet black of beautiful texture, long, furry, with white longi- 
 tudinal stripes, one upon either side. The tail is of sufficient 
 width and length of hair to completely conceal the animal when 
 The trappers declare that if a skunk bites a dog it will die of 
 hydrophobia ; this I do not believe, but if a dog were to bite a 
 skunk, it might possibly die of sheer disgust, as it would never 
 get rid of the horrible effluvium. It is an animal that feeds, like 
 the Herpestes, upon almost anything it can obtain in the shape of 
 insects, eggs, flesh, or animal matter generally. It has the power 
 of emitting, when excited, a peculiar secretion which causes the 
 well-known stench. I have shot several, but no person could be 
 prevailed to skin them. On one occasion I was obliged to light a 
 fire above the body to cremate it, as the camp was down wind 
 some GO yards below, and it was impossible to endure the smell 
 even at that distance. 
 Along the banks of the Powder river the white-tail deer are 
 still common (C. Virginianus), although much reduced in number 
 since the establishment of cattle ranches. They are rather smaller
 xxiv THE WAPITI 407 
 than a fallow-deer, and are excellent as venison, though in my own 
 opinion inferior to the black-tail. 
 I was unfortunate, during my sojourn in the Big Horn, in not 
 obtaining a specimen of the Rocky Mountains ram, or " Big 
 Horn." I saw ewes upon several occasions, but I would not fire 
 at females.
 THIS is the largest of all deer, excepting the moose and the wapiti. 
 The stag stands about 13 hands at the shoulder, and weighs 
 when alive from 560 to 600 Ibs. I have weighed them both in 
 India and in Ceylon. The horns of this species vary to a great 
 degree, according to the localities which the deer inhabit. They 
 are not shed annually, but with great irregularity every third or 
 fourth year. This has been established as a fact by those which 
 have been for some years kept in confinement, and it is generally 
 accepted by all natives who are experienced shikaris. During 
 eight years' hunting in Ceylon, I killed a vast number of sambur 
 throughout all seasons, and there was no particular month when 
 the antlers were shed ; the deer were found with horns in every 
 stage of growth, irrespective of periods or localities. 
 It is a curious fact that I never saw a stag sambur absolutely 
 without horns, although during seven years I was continually 
 hunting them with a pack of hounds. I have already mentioned 
 under the heading of " The Boar " the number that is written in 
 my diary kept at Newera Ellia in Ceylon from October 1851 to 
 March 1854. One hundred and thirty-eight sambur were killed 
 with the hounds and hunting-knife. It may safely be asserted 
 that we killed an average of sixty every year, which would yield 
 the large amount of four hundred and twenty during seven years. 
 Allowing only four hundred as my personal experience of sambur 
 in Ceylon, where the hounds made no distinction of sex, but ran the 
 first scent they came across, it is very extraordinary that we never 
 found a stag which had so recently shed its horns that only the 
 base remained. 
 They were constantly met when in velvet, sometimes only a few 
 inches in length, but never completely barren, to prove that the 
 antlers were only just discarded.
 CHAP, xxv THE SAMBUR 409 
 We certainly proved that no season dominated the necessity for 
 shedding horns, but the question of durability remained undecided. 
 Since that time I have come to the same opinion as the natives, 
 that there is no fixed period for the duration of a sambur's antlers. 
 Although the horns of sambur are sometimes large, I cannot 
 admire them as graceful examples of a deer's antlers ; they have 
 only three points each, forming a total of six, which gives a barren 
 appearance to a large head. 
 There are several deer in Asia which are limited to six points 
 the sambur, axis (cheetul), and the hog-deer (C. porcinus). I 
 do not accept the bara singh of Cashmere as a separate species ; 
 it is simply the red-deer (C. elaphus) of Europe. If we banish 
 that deer from the list, we have only the swamp-deer, that repre- 
 sents a species with more than six tines. The swamp-deer is also 
 termed in India "bara singh" by the natives. This much 
 resembles the red-deer of Scotland, and is about the same size ; 
 ten and even twelve points are not uncommon, but the horns are 
 seldom massive. I have been unfortunate in not obtaining a good 
 pair. Although I killed five stags in 1888, there was only one 
 head worth preserving ; this has ten points, but it lacks weight ; 
 nevertheless it is far handsomer than those of sambur. 
 I should feel inclined to link this species with the true red-deer, 
 although I believe it has been decided to be distinct. I feel sure 
 that should an average swamp-deer be killed, or introduced among 
 a herd of red -deer in Scotland, no person would remark any 
 peculiar difference. The swamp-deer is found, as its name would 
 imply, in the neighbourhood of well-watered plains or valleys, 
 where surrounding forests at all seasons afford a shelter. 
 The sambur has totally different habits. 1 This grand animal 
 is fond of rocky hills and steep mountain ranges, among the gorges 
 of which it retires during the heat of clay. Like most wild 
 animals it is nocturnal, and will wander great distances to obtain 
 some favourite food. It is a terrible nuisance to the cultivator, as 
 no ordinary fence will secure the crops ; the sambur will overleap 
 anything below 6 feet. 
 When the cinchona was introduced into Ceylon it became 
 necessary to protect the young plants by wire fences, as the sambur 
 committed great depredations in the young plantations, although 
 they ceased to eat the leaves when the plants became old. 
 Although this deer exceeds all Asiatic varieties in weight, it is 
 1 Although the sambur delights in rocky hills and the roughest country, 
 it is also fond of a mud-bath in a neighbouring swamp, where it will wallow 
 like a buffalo or pig, especially during the hot season.
 one of the most active. It is a beautiful sight to watch the 
 irresistible rush of a sambur stag down the steep side of a rocky 
 forest-covered hill, when it breaks back through the line of beaters. 
 The animal, weighing nearly GOO Ibs., descends at full speed an 
 incline that it would be impossible for a horse to clamber, even 
 without a rider. 
 It is the game most beloved by the native shikaris, who 
 thoroughly understand its habits. Some of these men are deadly 
 shots in their peculiar style of hunting, and it has recently become 
 necessary to enact special laws throughout the Central Provinces 
 of India, nominally to protect the wild animals ; but I much fear 
 they will favour the native shikari, who never will be captured in 
 the act, while they will irritate needlessly the European, who 
 would otherwise shoot fairly. 
 A sambur stag is not fully developed until ten years old ; that 
 is, in the full growth of body and antlers. As it takes so long an 
 interval to arrive at perfection, it is necessary to protect the young 
 stags during their growth. This has never been done ; accord- 
 ingly, it is a general complaint that a dozen stags may be shot, 
 without one head that is worth preserving as a trophy. It is an 
 ordinary occurrence to hear European residents in India converse 
 upon these subjects as though they abhorred the idea of shooting 
 females and half-grown animals ; but although I have been in their 
 company upon many occasions, I have seen them fire at females 
 with as little compunction as the ordinary native shikari. I can 
 safely assert that I never do such an unsportsmanlike thing 
 myself, unless absolutely compelled through want of meat for the 
 people, which is seldom the case in India. Throughout the whole 
 of last season I did not fire at one female of any kind ; and the 
 year before, I only killed one doe, to feed the Ghond beaters, who 
 had joined me from a considerable distance. If people would 
 regulate their shooting by the rules of sport in civilised countries, 
 there would be plenty of game in India; but the Government 
 authorities are now locking the stable-door when the horse has 
 already been stolen. 
 Three years ago, in a portion of the Damoh district in the 
 Central Provinces, I was shooting through a wild range of hills 
 from Kotah to Ghat Piperia, and thence to Soonbarro. I was 
 accompanied for about a month or five weeks by Bhopal Singh 
 and his two brothers, Gholab and Dliolab Singh. We killed forty- 
 three sambur, and had I chosen to take females, I could have 
 added ten or twelve to the already cruel butcher's bill. 
 It is seldom that I have met such dead shots as these brothers
 xxv THE SAMBUR 411 
 Ghol,b and Dholab. They were armed with ordinary matchlocks ; 
 these were about 6 feet in length, smooth-bores, and carried a 
 cast-iron spherical ball about 1 ounce, as smooth as a boy's marble. 
 This fitted exactly. They used a large charge of about 6 drams 
 of native powder; when I gave them Curtis and Harvey No. 6 
 grain it was reduced to 4 drams nominally, but they did not them- 
 selves approve of a reduction. 
 Their matchlocks were superior to those in the hands of the 
 ordinary shikaris, which are generally of so common a description 
 that accidents frequently occur; the back-sights were carefully 
 protected by a tunnel, and for a standing shot they were admirable. 
 These people were not restricted to such easy triumphs, but they 
 took the animals at any speed, and whenever a shot was fired by 
 one of these fatal brothers, the game was bagged. 
 I admired them for putting the bullet always in the right place. 
 We never had to hunt up wounded animals. If I heard two shots 
 in a drive, when the beaters or shikaris came up, I inquired, 
 " Who fired 1 " If the reply was, " Gholab Singh," I only asked 
 whether it was " a stag or a female," as I knew that it was dead. 
 The iron bullet generally passed completely through the body of 
 a sambur stag : always so, when Gholab used English powder. 
 It may be readily imagined that such Nimrods would severely 
 punish the game throughout an extensive area. I shot last 
 winter, December 1888 and January 1889, through the same 
 ground as that of three years previous; we only killed fifteen 
 sambur where we had killed forty-three. Of these, six were stags. 
 There could not be a more deplorable proof of the disappearance of 
 A native has a better chance than a European when squatting 
 in the jungle, waiting patiently for his opportunity. His patience 
 is inexhaustible. His limbs and joints are like india-rubber, and 
 will bend to any required position. He is never stiff or uncom- 
 fortable, neither does he comprehend the meaning of the word 
 " cramped." He will sit for an hour upon pointed stones, and 
 double himself up into a space so small that it is incredible how he 
 can pack himself away to avoid discovery. 
 All this is highly favourable to jungle shooting; there is 
 nothing to equal invisibility. A native watching-place is a very 
 simple affair. If a drive is to be arranged for sambur, it will 
 include all other animals that may pass the hidden guns. Such a 
 man as Gholab Singh, or his brother, would have a thorough 
 knowledge of the habits of the game, and he would select his 
 position accordingly. He would then cut a sapling half through,
 the thickness of a man's wrist, about 2 feet above the root. This 
 stem would probably be 12 feet in length; he bends it down, and 
 with a piece of twisted bark he ties the thin end to a neighbouring 
 tree-stem, so that it lies horizontally secured. He now cuts a 
 similar sapling from the opposite side, and bends that down on the 
 top of the first pole. He secures them together. This forms a 
 strong double rail, against which he plants a row of small green 
 boughs, broken off the trees, and arranged to look as though they 
 grew naturally in their new position. This makes an admirable 
 screen, behind which he squats upon the ground, invisible. He is 
 so low that he is beneath the ordinary line of view ; as all wild 
 animals, when disturbed and expecting danger, are looking out 
 for man, the shikari is far below ; when squatting, and stooping 
 behind his leafy screen, he is hardly more than 20 inches high. 
 A European could not compress himself into so small a compass. 
 An animal will always regard a level from 3 to 6 feet above the 
 surface, therefore it will generally overlook so low an object as 20 
 to 24 inches. 
 I have frequently asked these men whether they were in danger 
 should a tiger or bear be driven towards them : they replied that 
 there was only a remote probability of their being observed by the 
 animals, who would pass by without seeing them. 
 Whenever arranging a hiding-place for myself, I used much 
 stronger material, and bent down two horizontal poles about 3J 
 feet above the surface. I then filled in the space beneath with 
 thorns, against which I laid tufts of withered grass interspersed 
 with a few green branches. I sat upon a turn-stool behind this 
 screen, and cannot remember that I was ever observed until the 
 animal had passed me. I frequently had opportunities of watch- 
 ing the animals approach when the wind was fair, and they never 
 espied the hidden danger until they gained the wind by passing 
 my position. 
 This style of shooting does not sound like fair sport, but in 
 many places it is the only method that can 1x5 adopted. If a man 
 is young and active, he may distinguish himself as a back-gun 
 behind the line of beaters : he will then have plenty of hard work, 
 and will generally obtain better shooting than those in the front, for 
 whom the beat is organised. In places of difficulty, where we 
 were doubtful of success in driving the game forward, I always 
 placed the two brothers in the rear of the beaters. The greater 
 portion of the game was shot when breaking back. 
 Frequently, upon mountain sides so steep that it appeared 
 impossible for any four-footed animal to ascend, the sambur stag
 xxv THE SAM BUR 413 
 would thread its way by some well-known game-path, and hide 
 among the great fragments of rock which had fallen from the crest 
 above. There were always men who mounted the extreme ridge, 
 and rolled down stones to disturb the jungle by their crash. 
 Whenever a stag was seen hiding among the sheltering rocks and 
 bush, a tremendous yell from the men above gave warning to those 
 who were below. The fun then commenced for the back-guns. 
 None but practised natives could scale the heights, and when at 
 length the stag came thundering back down the steep hillside, and 
 the shot was heard, it was certain death if Gholab or Dholab were 
 within 100 yards. These men and the eldest brother Bhopal 
 Singh were great allies of mine, and I liked them exceedingly ; 
 their only fault consisted in their vinsparing energy, which induced 
 them to kill everything. 
 Forsyth, in his most admirable work, The Highlands of 
 Central India, gives a glowing account of stalking the sambur 
 deer. The localities must have entirely changed since the days of 
 his experience. I have been five times to India, and I have never 
 yet seen a spot where stalking the sambur as a recognised sport 
 could be adopted. In the first place, they are too scarce; and 
 they are too much disturbed. 
 Although I was eight years in Ceylon, during which I was 
 shooting or hunting in every portion of the island, I am certain 
 that I never shot half a dozen sambur. We never drove the 
 jungles with beaters, but simply strolled through the most promis- 
 ing country, either upon our ponies or on foot, and took our chance 
 of any game that we might meet. I rarely met sambur in the 
 low country ; and, when living upon the mountains at Newera 
 Ellia, 6200 feet above the sea-level, shooting sambur was out of 
 the question. Although the interminable forests of that elevated 
 district abounded with these animals, I have never seen one, unless 
 discovered by the hounds. The jungles are thick, and it is im- 
 possible to get through them without noise and considerable 
 exertion. The animals of course are alarmed, and retreat before 
 you are near enough even to hear their rush. I have often taken 
 my rifle, and sallied out before sunrise, upon the wild patinas 
 (open ground), where nature rested in profound solitude ; but I 
 have never seen a sambur on the open. I can safely declare that, 
 during seven years' residence at Newera Ellia, I have never fired 
 at any wild animal, except an elephant. The jungles formed an 
 impenetrable sanctuary ; and they remain in the same condition at 
 the present moment. 
 In the spring of 1887 I revisited Ceylon after an absence
 exceeding thirty-three years. There were mighty changes in many 
 portions of the country, but at Newera Ellia the word "progress" 
 moves but slowly. The roads were certainly improved, as they 
 were superior to any of our highways in England. The bridges 
 were built of stone ; in the old days they were dangerous traps of 
 wood ; but I was disappointed in the number of private residences, 
 which had not increased to the extent that I should have expected 
 during so long an interval as thirty-three years. I left about 
 twenty-four houses, and found only thirty. 
 Newera Ellia is a peculiar position, the plain, which is 3 
 miles in length, being G200 feet above the sea. This level 
 surface is surrounded by mountains, among which is Pedrotal- 
 lagalla, the highest point in Ceylon, 8300 feet. A stream runs 
 through the centre of the plain, and issues from a gap, whence it 
 descends in a succession of falls and rapids to the lower country. 
 The gap has been dammed by a solid bhund of masonry, and, 
 by raising the level between two opposing heights, a considerable 
 portion of the marshy plain has been converted into a lake. This 
 has much improved the general appearance of the locality, as in 
 former years it bore the somewhat desolate aspect of a peat bog. 
 Mr. Le Mesurier, the district magistrate, has set a bright 
 example by exerting his energy for the benefit of the public. At 
 his own cost he established a fish-nursery, to which he applied his 
 attention with such success that the lake now abounds with trout, 
 all of which have been hatched from ova introduced by himself, 
 and reared in his own tanks. This officer is an energetic sports- 
 man, and he keeps a pack of hounds for the hunting of sambur 
 deer (miscalled elk in Ceylon), and follows much upon my own 
 footsteps of a bygone age. 
 It was a pecidiar pleasure to revisit this settlement, which is 
 the sanatorium of Ceylon, as I had worked so earnestly in its 
 foundation during my early days. The church which we assisted 
 in erecting was there, and the churchyard which we had laid out 
 within the forest was now filled ; one of the occupants being a 
 much-loved brother, who had helped to plan the cemetery when 
 we were young. All the graves were kept in beautiful order, and 
 the sadness of the spot was relieved by beds of European flowers, 
 and gravel walks that gave the appearance of an English garden. 
 Some of the mountain slopes at Xewera Ellia had parted with 
 their original clothing of rank forest, and were covered from base 
 to peak with tea plantations. Others were producing cinchona ; 
 but the latter tree, although prosperous at the commencement, had 
 exhibited the risks attending all agricultural industries. The sub-
 xxv THE SAMBUR 415 
 soil at Newera Ellia is rich in iron ; this is fatal to the cinchona, 
 but favourable to the tea. 
 The Government had wisely declined to sell Crown lands in the 
 neighbourhood of Newera Ellia beyond the altitude of 5000 feet 
 above the sea ; I therefore was delighted to see many places that 
 were absolutely unchanged, and when, from rising ground at our 
 old estate, Mahagastotte', I looked upon the rounded masses of 
 forest and hill-tops extending for 18 miles to the Horton Plains, 
 my past life appeared like a vanished dream, and I could imagine 
 that I had only parted from the scene a few weeks ago. 
 Throughout all this country we used to hunt, and although 
 pathless, I knew every portion intimately. The return to my old 
 home was saddening ; most of the old companions were dead, others 
 had grown old, and were hastening to decay. I looked at the wild 
 ground, and walked for about 14 miles one morning to revisit the 
 old scenes. I felt tired upon my return, and depressed in spirit, 
 as I looked back upon the days when I seldom walked, but always 
 ran, and never knew the meaning of the word "fatigue." I sus- 
 pected that I also must be growing old. 
 It is astonishing to regard the havoc that can be created by the 
 axe. I remember the time when we looked over an expanse of 
 interminable and pathless forest from the hill-tops above Newera 
 Ellia. No person would have believed that it would entirely dis- 
 appear, and give place to tea. A railway station at Nana-Oya is 
 only 4 miles from the hotel, which brings the sanatorium within 
 eight hours' journey of sweltering Colombo. 
 I re-read my own book, Eight Years in Ceylon, written in 1854, 
 to refresh my memory of things and people connected with the 
 country. It struck me that I had been rather unsparing in my 
 criticisms upon certain governors of the island, but the sins of 
 omission and commission upon their part were nothing to the act 
 of the man (whoever he may have been) who had deprived the 
 troops of their sanatorium, dismantled the barracks at Newera 
 Ellia, and, although a railway now brings the place within only a 
 few hours of Kandy and Colombo, had neutralised every advantage 
 by withdrawing the entire military detachment. 
 Here was a magnificent anomaly ; " that a sanatorium had been 
 established which every European who can afford the time and 
 expense, visits for a certain period of the year. Common-sense 
 would suggest that British troops should always be quartered in 
 the most healthy position, and Newera Ellia was in former days 
 accepted as the hill station for invalids. The only drawback in 
 those days consisted in the distance and delay occasioned by bad
 roads, sometimes rendered impassable during the rainy season. 
 Now that the railway was in being, the old difficulty had dis- 
 appeared ; but in the face of the absurdity the troops had been 
 withdrawn ! " 
 I often wonder how England manages to get on as she does ; 
 she hobbles along through modern history after her own fashion, 
 supported by the British taxpayer, the easily cajoled and easily 
 skinned John Bull. With our small and expensive army, which is 
 insufficient for our needs, we treat our soldiers in a manner that 
 would be considered a disgrace if they were domestic animals. No 
 person in Ceylon would keep his dogs in Colombo, if he could pro- 
 vide for them in the splendid climate of the hills. 
 It is now forty years ago since I first introduced the brewing of 
 beer into Newera Ellia. This succeeded admirably, so long as a 
 good quality of malt was supplied from England ; it was an in- 
 teresting result of my early experiments to find an important 
 brewery worked by a company, who make their own malt, and 
 were about to grow their own barley in the Ouva district, about 13 
 miles from the sanatorium. 
 The destruction of forests in the lower ranges which surround 
 Newera Ellia should have greatly increased the number of sambur 
 on the highest mountains, which remain untouched. Nothing can 
 compare in the present day with our game list of olden times ; the 
 hunting of the pack is confided to a native, and although I saw 
 some fine hounds, the whole style is differently arranged. We 
 always turned out regularly three times a week, and I hunted the 
 pack myself. Occasionally we gave the neighbourhood of Newera 
 Ellia a rest, and took the hounds for a few weeks either to the 
 Horton Plains, 18 or 20 miles distant, or to the Elephant Plains 
 in the opposite direction. 
 The country offers many advantages, none of which have been 
 as yet developed. The highlands of Ceylon form an irregiilar series 
 of plateaux at varying levels. When Newera Ellia is reached, 
 although 6200 feet above the sea, it is not a mountain top, neither 
 is it, like those horrible places Simla and Darjeeling, a mere ridge, 
 girded by frightful precipices, without a level spot the size of an 
 ordinary dining-room, unless scarped artificially from the hillside, 
 but you can drive for miles upon more or less level roads in various 
 directions. There are many plains, some at the same altitude, 
 others at a much higher level ; for example, the Horton Plains. 
 The following description, extracted from E'ujht Years in Ceylon, 
 will afford more detailed information than I could bestow from 
 memory : " The principal mountains in Ceylon are Pedrotallagalla,
 xxv THE SAMBUR 417 
 8300 feet ; Kirigallapotta, 7900 ; Totapella, 8000 ; and Adam's 
 Peak, 7700; but although their altitude is so considerable, they 
 do not give the idea of grandeur which such an altitude would 
 convey. They do not rise abruptly from a level base, but they are 
 merely the loftiest of a thousand peaks towering from the highlands 
 of Ceylon. 
 " The greater portion of the highland district may therefore be 
 compared to one vast mountain; hill piled upon hill, and peak 
 rising over peak, ravines of immense depth forming innumerable 
 conduits for the mountain torrents. Then at the elevation of 
 Newera Ellia the heavings of the land appear to have rested, and 
 gentle undulations, diversified by plains and forests, extend for some 
 30 miles. 
 " From these comparatively level tracts and swampy plains, the 
 rivers of Ceylon derive their source, and the three loftiest peaks 
 take their base ; Pedrotallagalla rising from the Newera Ellia Plain, 
 Totapella and Kirigallapotta from the Hortori Plains. 
 " The whole of the highland district is thus composed of a suc- 
 cession of ledges of great extent at various elevations, commencing 
 with the highest, the Horton Plains, 7000 feet above the sea. 
 " Seven hundred feet below the Horton Plains, the Totapella 
 Plains and forest continue at this elevation as far as Newera Ellia 
 for about 20 miles, thus forming the second ledge. 
 " Six miles to the west of Newera Ellia, at a lower level of 
 about 900 feet, the district of Dimboola commences, and extends 
 at this elevation over a vast tract of forest -covered country, 
 stretching still farther to the west, and containing a small pro- 
 portion of plain. 
 " At about the same elevation, 9 miles north of Newera Ellia, 
 we descend to the Elephant Plains, a beautiful tract of fine grass 
 country, but of small extent. This tract and that of Dimboola 
 form the third ledge. 
 " Nine miles to the east of Newera Ellia, at a lower elevation 
 of 1500 feet, stretches the Ouva country, forming the fourth ledge. 
 " The features of this country are totally distinct from any other 
 portion of Ceylon. A magnificent view extends as far as the 
 horizon, of undulating, open grass land, diversified by the rich crops 
 of paddy which are grown in each of the innumerable small valleys 
 formed by the undulations of the ground. Not a tree is to be seen, 
 except the low brushwood which is scantily distributed upon the 
 "We emerge suddenly from the forest -covered mountains of 
 Newera Ellia, and, from a lofty point in the high road to Budulla, 
 2 E
 we look down upon the splendid panorama stretched like a waving 
 sea beneath our feet. The road upon which we stand is scraped 
 out of the mountain side. The forest has ceased, dying off gradu- 
 ally into isolated patches, and long ribbon-like strips on the side of 
 the mountain, upon which rich grass is growing, in vivid contrast 
 to the rank and coarse herbage of Newera Ellia, distant only 5 
 miles from this point." 
 This exact description of the country will enable any person to 
 imagine the style of hunting the sambur with hounds, as he will 
 at once perceive that the greater portion of the work must be done 
 on foot. Although I generally started on horseback, the animal 
 was seldom seen throughout the day. 
 The forest throughout the entire district was more or less the 
 same in character. Fine timber shaded an undergrowth of a plant 
 called nilho. This grew in straight sticks a little thicker than the 
 forefinger of a man, to the height of 10 or 12 feet. The density 
 of the mass may be conceived, as it grew almost as thickly as a 
 field of corn. There were no lateral branches, but merely leaves ; 
 fortunately it had no thorns, and was easily broken, otherwise it 
 would have been impervious. 
 This plant blossomed only once in seven years ; at such a time 
 the jungles were a blaze of flowers humming with bees, which 
 appeared as though by magic, to collect their crop of honey. 
 When the blossom seeded, great numbers of jungle-fowl invaded 
 the forests ; but whence they came, no one could satisfactorily 
 decide. Rats also swarmed to devour the nilho seeds, and from 
 the commencement of the blossom it was a most interesting 
 example of one of nature's rules, that wherever there is a supply 
 of food, some creatures, whether insects or animals, will be ready 
 to consume it. 
 But when that nilho had seeded, it died ; the result was dis- 
 astrous to the hunter. The long sticks fell upon the ground in 
 chaotic entanglement, and in some places it was impossible to 
 break through. It was always sufficiently irksome to push a way 
 through the yielding nilho when it was erect, but when fallen, it 
 was a terrible trial to the shins. 
 I have already mentioned the fact that I never saw a sambur 
 upon the open, unless driven by the hounds. The hunt was con- 
 ducted as follows. We started at daybreak. I had a special 
 costume for running. This woven dress consisted of tights, similar 
 to ordinary elastic drawers, with a short jacket of the same material, 
 that fitted like a jersey. These were dyed green. A pair of 
 rather high ankle boots, which laced in the usual manner, the
 xxv THE SAMBUR 419 
 soles not more than a quarter of an inch thick, with about a dozen 
 large nails in each, and the same around the heel. A rather broad 
 leather belt, with a very large and strong buckle, and my hunting- 
 knife, completed the outfit. A small helmet cap protected the 
 head. A cup of hot coffee before the sun rose, fortified me for 
 any number of hours that we might be employed. I never ate 
 anything, but according to my own feelings I could work more 
 satisfactorily upon simple coffee, with my belt tightly drawn and 
 buckled. I never by any chance took anything for lunch, and I 
 made a point of never drinking until I returned home ; this was 
 sometimes, but rarely, after dark. This system was excellent 
 training for the work required. Upon ordinary occasions I was 
 either alone, excepting my huntsman (a discharged soldier, 15th 
 Regiment, Benson), or I was accompanied by my brother, or some 
 other friend. During the fine season, when Newera Ellia was full 
 of visitors, we had large parties, including many ladies. On those 
 occasions every one was mounted, and I invariably reserved certain 
 localities where horses would be of service, and the sambur would 
 most probably break across the open. 
 It was a delightful feeling in those days of activity, when 
 starting in early morning I opened the kennel-door. A charming 
 pack was created after several years of crossing special breeds to 
 produce all that was required. 
 For hunting sambur in such a country as described, the pack 
 must be mixed. We commenced by a mistake, in taking a small 
 pack of foxhounds from England. They were fine young hounds ; 
 some from Lord FitzHardinge's pack, others from the Duke of 
 I discovered immediately that a pack of thoroughbred foxhounds 
 was a fiasco in a wild extent of jungle, where it was impossible to 
 ride. They ran riot upon high-flavoured musky vermin of every 
 description cats, and genets, and little red -deer; ia 'fact, any- 
 thing except the game required. 
 By degrees I produced a pack of about fourteen couple, com- 
 posed of various breeds. Some were pure foxhound, others a cross 
 between foxhound and pointer, blood-hound and pointer, foxhound 
 and blood-hound, mastiff and blood-hound, mastiff and blood-hound 
 crossed with kangaroo-hound from Australia, English greyhound 
 and kangaroo-hound ; in fact, every conceivable mixture, to produce 
 three classes of dogs (1) finders, (2) finders and seizers combined, 
 (3) long-legged powerful hounds for coursing. 
 The mixture was necessary for these reasons. The habits of 
 the sambur were nocturnal. During the night it enjoyed the open
 plains. Before dawn, after feeding throughout the night, it drank, 
 and then returned to the depths of the forests. The stags gener- 
 ally ascended to considerable heights upon the mountains, and 
 wherever there were bluff and overhanging rocks, there was sure 
 to be an asylum much frequented. 
 It was a rule to start with the hounds in couples, to avoid 
 trouble and delay, as young hounds would probably stray off upon 
 some forbidden scent. 
 Upon arrival in a secluded plain, the course was always directed 
 towards the stream, as the sambur would have drunk at the last 
 moment before retiring to the jungle. The scent would therefore 
 be freshest near the bank. 
 The hounds would be thrown off upon the plain ; sometimes 
 two or more pups would be retained in couples, and only released 
 when there should be "a find." 
 It was an inspiriting sight to see the foxhounds, or those crossed 
 with pointer or blood-hound, take the lead, and instinctively dash 
 along the margin of the stream. Old Bluebeard was the hound 
 in which the pack believed, and when he spoke after feathering 
 along the bottom, with stern erect and nose to the ground, there 
 was a general rush towards the spot by every dog, no matter what 
 his breed ; they were all believers. The couples were at once 
 released, and away went the pups to the halloo of " Hark to Blue- 
 beard ! " The deep notes of the old hound were quickly heard far 
 up the mountain side, chorused by the voices of the pack as they 
 followed hard upon the scent. 
 In the meantime where was the noble stag? He was by this 
 time standing somewhere high upon the hill, but happily at some 
 distance from the crest. With a paunch full of green food, the 
 gluttony of a night, and a gallon or so of water taken when he 
 quitted the river's bank, he had been disposing himself for sleep, 
 when his attention was aroused by the excited voices of the hounds. 
 If any human eye could have regarded him, he would have been 
 seen standing with uplifted nose and well-pricked ears, listening to 
 what was music to us, but the death-knell to a deer. When 
 attentive to the distant voices, quite half a mile away, he little 
 dreamt that long-legged mute hounds were far in advance upon 
 the scent. Here we see the advantage of the cross with greyhound 
 and foxhound, or blood-hound. Those dogs would follow by scent 
 or sight, but would never open. Much faster than other hounds 
 which composed the pack, they went ahead, and gained a position 
 close to the stag before he knew that danger was nearer than the 
 chorus to which he listened at a distance. Sometimes I feel sure
 xxv THE SAMBUR 421 
 that the long-legged dogs actually appeared in view of the awaiting 
 stag before he had an idea of any enemy. This was absolutely 
 necessary to ensure a quick solution of the hunt. If the stag were 
 not pressed to his utmost at the outset, he would have plenty of 
 leisure to breast the mountain steep, to reach the summit long 
 before the pack. In that case he would cross the ridge, and 
 descend the slope upon the other side. That would be a case 
 indeed when the buckle of the waist-belt would be drawn as tight 
 as possible, to prepare for a long day's work ; as the sambur would 
 never stop when once his nose was turned down hill, and he would 
 run for probably 10 miles into the depths of some awful ravines, 
 where he would possibly escape. 
 If, on the other hand, the mute long-legged hounds should 
 interview him before the arrival of the pack, the effect would be 
 magnificent. For the first burst the stag would make straight up 
 the mountain side, but the full paunch of a night's feed would 
 quickly tell against his chances of success. The hounds, with 
 empty bellies, running light, would quickly overhaul him, and the 
 stag must turn. Then he would come crashing through the jungle, 
 running obliquely down the hill, but the long-legged ones would 
 be at his heels, and force him straight down the steep incline, where 
 he would have the speed. 
 In the meantime, listening to the notes of well-known hounds, 
 I could tell with tolerable accuracy the position of affairs. Hear- 
 ing that the pack did not positively crest the mountain ridge, I 
 knew that the stag had not been able to attain it ; he therefore 
 would perforce be coming down. Judging by the appearance of 
 the country the point at which he would be compelled to break, 
 I would run ahead with the two long-legged seizers, which always 
 remained with me, to be ready to slip the moment that he should 
 appear upon the open. Arrived at the spot, I should now hear 
 the pack in full cry coming down the hill. Presently the crashing 
 sound of breaking nilho in the forest would ensure the delightful 
 advent of the stag. A few moments more and the splendid beast 
 would appear through the margin of the forest. There he would 
 wait for a few seconds to gaze upon the expanse of solitude, to 
 assure himself of safety before he ventured upon a dash across the 
 open. Away he goes ! straight down the gentle slope, across the 
 plain. At that moment I slip the straining greyhounds, and the 
 course begins. They fly ! 
 The stag knows nothing of these new enemies, and he is not 
 going at his maximum speed ; they are. The greyhounds are 
 closing on him as he nears the stream that runs through the
 centre of the plain that same stream in which he took his last 
 drink this morning. 
 Suddenly ho sees the dogs within 100 paces of him, and the 
 true race begins. They are too quick ; they are upon either flank. 
 Presently one turns a somersault, as a vigorous kick sends the dog 
 flying backwards, but the next has him by one ear. The dis- 
 comfited hound recovers, and rushes to the front ; the other ear is 
 Now the strength of a sambur stag is seen. He gallops forward 
 with the two dogs gallantly hanging to his ears. The ground is 
 rough, and covered with large stumps of a coarse grass ; against 
 these obstacles the bodies of the dogs are swung with terrific force 
 as the stag ploughs onwards, through the soft earth and swamp ; 
 but the good dogs never relax their hold. At length the stag 
 trots now slowly then he walks. The dogs now regain their 
 feet, and hold like a blacksmith's vice. 
 In the meantime the view halloo had been given the instant 
 that the greyhounds had been slipped. The well-known sound, 
 repeated twice or thrice, had been answered by the pack, and 
 every hound came thundering down straight for the cry, disdaining 
 all the attractive charms of scent. The long-legged dogs that had 
 been running mute would be within view, and tearing to the 
 assistance of the nearly exhausted greyhounds. The knife would 
 not be far away, and upon coming up, a thrust behind the shoulder 
 would finish the career of the noble stag. Then the excitement of 
 the pack would break all bounds ; a general rush upon the helpless 
 body was permitted for about a minute to encourage the hounds ; 
 they were then whipped off, and they sat in a circle in general 
 expectation. The stag was grallocked, the distended paunch and 
 viscera dragged upon one side, together with the heart and lungs. 
 The liver was cut into several pieces, and given to the young 
 hounds, who were called from the ranks by name to receive the 
 dainty morsels. When all was ready, a halloo was given for a 
 " worry," and the entire pack flew like wolves upon the spoil. 
 It would be impossible for me at this great distance of time to 
 remember every detail of a particular hunt, but as I possess my 
 old diary, I will extract verbatim the description of one or two 
 runs which were noted down on the following day with all the 
 freshness of the recent action : 
 " 1852. July 27. Stag sambur (elk) found at 7.30 A.M. upon 
 the swampy pastures about 2 miles up Pedro. He first made 
 straight running down the mountain, with the apparent intention 
 of breaking upon the plain, but being headed by some noisy people
 xxv THE SAMBUE 423 
 at the back of the old Rest House, he immediately turned and 
 made straight up the mountain. From that moment all was 
 mute. Three times did I ascend Pedro in the hope of hearing 
 the pack at bay in some of the numerous ravines upon the moun- 
 tain side, but it was of no avail; not a sound could be heard. 
 We then went up the Newera Ellia pass ; nothing could be heard 
 in that direction. The whole morning passed away in fruitless 
 search. It was 2 P.M., and the wearied visitors to the hunt had 
 long since returned to their respective homes in despair. The day 
 was hot, and we dropped into Machel's house and had a draught 
 of beer previous to climbing the steep mountain at the back of 
 the barracks, in the hope of hearing something of the lost pack 
 upon the hill-top. Making a circuit on reaching the summit, we 
 descended by the Cutcherry, and not having heard even a chirp, 
 we determined to go towards ' Rest and be thankful,' where I had 
 sent Machel to look out. Upon our arrival on the top of the hill 
 on the Wallapane road, where the path branches off to 'Rest 
 and be thankful,' we saw Machel, who was sitting on the patina, 
 having returned from his post without success ; but a proof of the 
 direction which the pack had taken, now appeared in Lizzie (a 
 foxhound bitch), who had just joined him from the Wallapane 
 " There was no longer a doubt ; the elk had gone towards the 
 Matturatta Plains, and without a moment's delay we galloped 
 thither (having now obtained our horses). After a sharp ride of 
 a mile, we met some village people, who reported that two dogs 
 had passed them at full speed along the path in the direction of 
 the Matturatta Plain. Hurrah for him at last ! and away we 
 went full tilt. When within a mile of the plain, sure enough 
 there was a stag's track in the muddy path as fresh as a daisy ; 
 the toes widely spread, proving the speed, together with innumer- 
 able tracks of dogs all taking the same direction. 
 " Yelling continuous shouts of encouragement in the hopes of 
 cheering the hounds as we galloped on, we at length reached the 
 plains. There to our joy we saw Bran and Lucifer (two grey- 
 hounds), who, having heard our shouts, were coming to meet us. 
 These dogs had actually been hunting with the pack throughout 
 the day, and there was now no doubt that the stag was not far 
 distant. Lena had kept with us, therefore we had a fresh seizer. 
 Leaving the road, and riding into the plain, we stopped and 
 listened. The panting and snorting of the horses, which had 
 come 3 miles at full speed, at first hushed all other sounds, but 
 presently we could distinguish the distant and faint voices of
 the pack at bay upon our right. The sound was unmistakable, 
 although the dogs were evidently so weary that they only barked 
 at intervals. However faint, the bay was positive, and the sound 
 acted upon our spirits like oil on a dying flame. Away we went 
 across the patina, utterly regardless of the deep holes and bogs. 
 Bran and Lucifer, shooting ahead, piloted us at a tremendous pace 
 towards the wished-for spot. Suddenly away went my horse Jack, 
 right upon his head in a soft bog, and at the same instant Homus 
 was likewise inverted by the same cause, both riders sprawling 
 upon the muddy patina. Gathering up the pieces, and helping 
 the horses to terra firma, we were quickly in the saddles, and on 
 gaining some rising ground we saw the hounds a quarter of a 
 mile distant on the bank of the river ; some were standing, some 
 sitting, and others lying down, and occasionally barking at a 
 splendid stag who stood facing them close to the bank, shoulder- 
 deep in the running stream. 
 " We were soon up. At the well-known halloo the tired dogs 
 sprang from the ground, and burst into a tremendous bay, when 
 they saw the welcome aid now hurrying to the front. The stag, 
 refreshed by his cool bath, without waiting for an attack, sprang 
 nimbly up the bank, charged through the pack, striking down 
 every opposing hound, and at full speed started away up the 
 gently sloping patina towards the jungle. 
 " The dogs were not to be beaten. Lena was fresh, and the 
 eager bitch pressed him in such good form that she was within 6 
 paces of his haunches when he disappeared within the jungle. 
 Bran and Lucifer were closely waiting on her, and the following 
 pack some fifty paces in the rear. 
 " The forest was open, and the thick fringe of ferns and under- 
 wood was soon cut into a lane as the dogs crashed through in hot 
 pursuit. . . . About five minutes passed ; during this time the 
 cry of the hounds became fainter and fainter, until at length the 
 sound died away entirely in the far distance. ... It was a 
 painful silence. 
 " The water in the river, still muddy from the recent bay, and 
 the crushed underwood of the jungle, were the only visible signs 
 that the stag and hounds had so recently been near us. The game 
 had gone off so suddenly and rapidly that we could hardly believe 
 our senses. 
 " It was impossible to say what direction the stag would take ; 
 he might go to ' Rest and be thankful,' or to the Barrack Plain ; 
 or he might go right off towards Pe'rewelli (8 miles distant in the 
 low country) ; one place was as likely as another. Certain it was,
 xxv THE SAMBUR 425 
 that this stag was a devil to run, and we now seemed to be as far 
 away from the end of the hunt as ever. My only hope lay in 
 Lena ; she was fresh, and was so near him when they had entered 
 the jungle, that I thought she would hold her position in such an 
 open forest ; although she did not follow by scent, she would 
 rarely lose her game with so good a start. 
 "Disappointment possessed me, and my patience had nearly 
 oozed away with sundry anathemas upon the sinewy legged stag, 
 who seemed to laugh at the speediest dogs, when suddenly I heard 
 a distant sound. Was it a dog ? Yes ; No ; but hark ! then 
 it most certainly sounded ! now again ! There was no mistake ; 
 nearer and nearer the cry rapidly approached, swelling into such a 
 chorus that there was no doubt the whole pack was close upon 
 him. On he came ; the crash of the yielding underwood ushered 
 the stag's approach, and he bounded forth upon the plain within a 
 few yards of the spot where he had so recently entered the forest. 
 Lena was leading beautifully, and as the grand stag rushed through 
 the high ferns, the bitch made a gallant spring. For the instant 
 he was down ; but shaking the bitch off, he was again free ; he 
 flew down the sloping patina towards the river with the three 
 greyhounds laying out in such style that it was even betting if he 
 could reach the bank. He neared the stream ; they were at his 
 haunches. As he took his spring from the steep bank, the grey- 
 hounds pinned him, and they splashed together into the deep 
 water in a confused heap, the dogs losing their hold through the 
 severity of the shock. 
 " Once more the stag was free. He now boldly turned, and 
 faced the dogs in water so deep that he was forced to swim, and 
 was of course powerless. 
 " Bran had him in a moment. Lucifer and Lena pinned him 
 likewise ; the whole pack closed up, and he was overwhelmed with 
 " I thought the game Avas ended, when to my surprise he 
 suddenly dived, and regularly drowned every dog from its hold. 
 Once again the gallant stag was free, and wisely turning his back 
 upon his foes, he swam rapidly down the river with the pack 
 swimming after him in full cry. 
 " At length he gained a footing in the bottom, where the river 
 suddenly grew shallow ; disdaining further flight, he turned sharp 
 round, and with an angry bark he dashed straight at his pursuers, 
 striking them under water right and left. Now Lena came 
 splendidly to the front, and sprang towards him from a shallow 
 sandbank where she could obtain a footing, but the stag, fore-
 seeing her intention, met her in her spring, and struck her down, 
 following her up most viciously with his "antlers. In another 
 instant the bitch would have been impaled, but at this critical 
 moment Valiant, who had gained a good position, cleverly sprang 
 forward and seized him by the ear. Nothing could shake him 
 from his hold. ' Hold him, good lad,' I shouted, when Ploughboy, 
 who WHS close alongside, seized the other ear. 
 " The stag now rushed down the river with the two dogs hang- 
 ing like earrings from his head. Rearing upon his hind legs, he 
 vainly endeavoured to shake them from their determined hold. 
 Rushing again into the deep water, once more he dived ; but all 
 in vain ; as he reappeared upon the surface, the staunch couple 
 were hanging like leeches at their places, although half-drowned, 
 and regardless of many severe blows they had received from his 
 " I now jumped into the river, with a loud cheer to the pack, 
 and the knife bared. In another moment the greyhounds sprang 
 upon the stag. The spray flew from the blows of his feet, as he 
 lashed out in all directions in desperate fury ; but the maddened 
 hounds were upon him, and the knife put an end to a hunt which 
 had lasted from 7.30 A.M. until the termination at 4 P.M. Eight 
 hours and a half; during which it would be difficult to guess the 
 number of miles that were covered by both stag and hounds. 
 Ploughboy was lamed for a week from a severe kick, but none of 
 the other dogs were seriously injured." 
 Although as a rule a stag is more dangerous than a hind, I 
 have seen fatal wounds produced by the blow of the fore-foot, with 
 which the sambur hind is very active. It may readily be imagined 
 that in deep water, where the deer is obliged to swim, it is power- 
 less to act on the offensive, but when so large and powerful an 
 animal stands only belly-deep in the midst of a roaring torrent, it 
 becomes impossible for any dog to approach, as it would be 
 instantly swept away by the stream. A hind becomes dangerous 
 to hounds in such a position, as she is apt to make a sudden 
 bound, and strike a dog with both the fore-feet simultaneously. I 
 once knew a fatal accident, when a dog named Cato was killed in 
 this manner, and the sharp pointed hoof penetrated the body like 
 a spear, and dragged out the intestines in the act of withdrawal. 
 Success in hunting sambur deer with hounds must depend upon an 
 intimate knowledge of the character and habits of the animal, a 
 mutual confidence between master and hounds, and a most perfect 
 experience of the country. If the hounds feel sure that their 
 master will stick to them, and be certain to appear sooner or later,
 xxv THE SAMBUR 427 
 they will keep the deer at bay, and never give up their game till 
 nightfall ; but if they are not well supported, the best dogs would 
 probably get tired of a prolonged hunt, and return to kennel after 
 having uselessly held their stag at bay in the absence of human 
 My hounds seldom lost a sambur ; but if they were unlucky, 
 they never returned home until long after dark, showing that they 
 had only given up the game with failing daylight. 
 There was one memorable stag that beat us upon several 
 occasions, and I shall extract the account from my old diary 
 exactly as it was written upon the day following the last hunt : 
 " 1853. March 11. Stag found at the foot of the hills in the 
 Elk Plains. 
 " On several occasions an elk (sambur) had been found in this 
 spot and invariably lost, as his habit was to make off to some 
 unknown line of country, which had always ended in his escape, 
 and in keeping the best dogs out till nightfall. They had then 
 returned to kennel crestfallen and tired out; evidently having 
 been beaten off. 
 " On this day, sure enough, the tracks of a stag were fresh at 
 the usual place, and in a few minutes after our entrance of the 
 jungle, the entire pack opened with beautiful music, all well 
 " We immediately ran out of the jungle, and on the open patina 
 only a few notes of the tailing hounds were audible ; these were 
 at a great distance, the stag, as usual, having gone off at railway 
 "The important question now was, 'Where was he gone 1 ?' 
 "This was the old story over again, and the hunt seemed 
 likely to have its customary termination. We had hitherto 
 imagined that the stag had escaped by going off to the left at the 
 base of the hills, and by ultimately rounding the extremity of the 
 range, and by this means getting into a jungle country of 
 enormous extent. 
 "Upon this supposition Jem started off towards the second 
 Elk Plains, in the expectation of hearing them as they rounded 
 the extremity of the hills. 
 " On the other hand, I was of opinion that they had gone over 
 the hills, as the voices of the tailing hounds (which I distinctly 
 heard) were very high up. We had run out of the jungle so 
 quickly that I felt convinced we must have heard the leading 
 dogs, and the entire pack, had they not already topped the range. 
 "Accordingly I started off, and entering the jungle, I made
 straight for the hollow between the mountains in which I had 
 last heard the dogs, with the determination of following up their 
 tracks if I should be fortunate enough to find them. 
 "After toiling for some time through the thick jungle I 
 arrived at the hollow, and I shortly discovered a capital path made 
 by elephants of all dates, and which, from its beaten appearance 
 and total absence from underwood, was evidently the direct track 
 over the mountain which had been used for many years. It 
 immediately struck me that it was by this easy route that the 
 stag had always escaped over, and not round the hills, which I 
 had hitherto supposed. Fully convinced of this, I hurried up the 
 path as fast as I was able, and when about half-way up the hill, 
 sure enough there were the deer's fresh tracks in the path, together 
 with those of the whole pack likewise, taking the same direction 
 up the hill. 
 " The hillside was about a mile in length, and a regular breather, 
 but the excitement kept up a sort of shuffling run, until at last 
 the summit was gained. 
 " From the top of this ridge is a very magnificent view over a 
 jungle country of about 30 miles, bounded by lofty mountains, 
 among which Adam's Peak towers majestically in the distance. 
 A few small patinas (grass lands) are dotted about in the vast 
 expanse of forest, and countless dark ravines furrow the mountain 
 sides. The ridge upon which I stood formed the bold outline to 
 this side of the panorama. On the right hand, far below, lay 
 several coffee plantations, i.e. Palliser's and Hunter's, etc. 
 " A steep but regular inclination led from the point upon which 
 I stood for about 5 miles downwards, to the level of the large 
 river which flowed through the coffee estates, and a dark hollow 
 in the face of the mountain marked the source and rapid increase 
 of the Diggamy Oya, which meets the larger river below at right 
 " To this dark line in the mountain side my eyes instinctively 
 wandered as the possible line of the elk's run, as I knew he would 
 soon take to water after his quick burst up the hill 
 "The sky was spotless, and not a breath of air stirred the tree- 
 tops, upon which I looked down as upon a vast carpet of undula- 
 tions. It was a lovely morning for listening, and I strained my 
 ears for the slightest sound. I fancied that I heard an indistinct 
 noise from far beneath like the hum of bees ; this seemed to pro- 
 ceed from the dark hollow which marked the river's course. . . . 
 It was not fancy. Once or twice I heard a deep voice louder than 
 the rest. ... To crown all certainty I heard most distinctly the
 xxv THE SAMBUR 429 
 sudden and ringing bark of an elk. They were at bay ! but at 
 least 3 miles from where I stood. 
 " In this spot, on the narrow ridge of the mountain top, the 
 winter wind had prevented all trees from growing. The vegetation 
 consisted of nothing but stunted bushes and dwarf nilho, gradually 
 increasing in height as it obtained a more sheltered situation in 
 its descent, until it gave place to lofty forest. From this clear 
 and elevated post I marked out the line of country that I ought to 
 take, and following the elk's track as my surest guide, I started 
 off at a great pace down the mountain side. 
 " Tearing through the bushes and trees at this rate, I lost the 
 track. Striking my line of country according to my own judgment, 
 I ploughed along for a couple of miles, sometimes losing all sound 
 of the bay, at other times hearing it indistinctly, but always as 
 far off, or apparently farther off than ever. The real fact was that 
 the elk was continually breaking his bay, and running farther down 
 the mountain towards Dimboola ; he was only standing to bay 
 within the river at short intervals to rest. 
 " For about 4 miles I had burst my way through the jungle, 
 when, upon issuing from a hollow close to the river, I heard the 
 bay within a quarter of a mile, and the jungle in this part being 
 more open, I put on extra steam and was soon up. Ye gods, 
 what a pair of antlers ! what a splendid stag ! There he stood in 
 the middle of the river, knee-deep, with the dogs around him, 
 playing old Harry with the leaders of the pack whenever they 
 showed signs of making an attack. 
 " It was a splendid sight, and it was delightful to see the joy of 
 the dogs as they welcomed me upon arrival. Lucifer, Bran, and 
 Hecate all left the bay, and came up to me wagging their tails, 
 and then once more returned to their work, to fight. Bertram 
 was too absorbed in the excitement of the battle to think of any- 
 thing but the game before him. I never saw a dog more regardless 
 of punishment. He was struck down every minute, but he never- 
 theless returned to the charge with redoubled fury, and always 
 retained his place as the first to lead in when any chance opened 
 for attack. 
 " All this courage was useless ; the stag was so quick in repelling, 
 that the dogs, who were almost swimming, had no chance. 
 Accordingly I drew my knife, and, giving them a cheer, I went 
 into the rapid stream. 
 " Immediately the stag broke his bay, and, rushing through 
 the jungle, he was closely followed by the pack, until he again 
 came to bay about a quarter of a mile lower down the river. I
 was soon up, ami I found he had gained an impregnable position 
 in a broad j>ortion of the river, where the water was about 3 feet 
 deep; this was just above a frightful waterfall about 100 feet in 
 depth. On one side of the river the banks were precipitous, and 
 about 12 feet high. Beneath this steep place of refuge the stag 
 was standing, and for about ten minutes he amused himself by 
 striking the dogs beneath the water in every direction, whenever 
 they ventured to approach by swimming. 
 " I saw there was no chance for the unfortunate dogs ; I there- 
 fore determined to try my fortune with the knife. 
 " From the high bank above the deer I noticed an overhanging 
 branch which I thought would be sufficiently elastic to bear my 
 weight. I accordingly grasped this with my left hand, and with 
 my knife in my right I made a jump downward, intending to strike 
 the stag between the shoulders, and then to regain my position by 
 means of the elastic bough. I made the attempt; the bough 
 broke, in an instant I was on the deer's back, and in another 
 moment fell sprawling in the water. 
 " The stag sprang away as though stung by a hornet, but the 
 knife had entered to the hilt, and I had struck him just between 
 the shoulders. 
 " The dogs, having seen me attack, rushed at the stag as he 
 passed by, and at the same moment Bertram was seen hanging on 
 his ear. Lucifer had him a second later, and the stag, shunning 
 the brink of the waterfall, dashed through some thick bushes to 
 the left with the dogs holding him, and in a moment they 
 "I heard a dull heavy sound like the fall of some solid body; 
 upon approaching the spot, I found the greater portion of the dogs. 
 They were on the brink of a precipice about 30 feet deep, down 
 which the stag, with Bertram, Lucifer, and Ploughboy, had fallen. 
 Fortunately some dense tufts of bushes grew from the sides of the 
 almost perpendicular cliff; these had broken their fall, otherwise 
 they would have been killed. As it happened, they were not only 
 unhurt, but I heard them at bay beneath. 
 "By making a circuit of about 100 yards, I discovered a place 
 by which I could descend. The dogs had preceded me, and I 
 heard a tremendous bay on a ledge of rock which formed a narrow 
 terrace or shelf; there was a chasm below, and a wall-like cliff 
 above, covered with bush ; clown this the stag and dogs had fallen, 
 being saved from certain destruction by being caught upon the 
 " Having descended and gained this shelf, I made my way
 xxv THE SAMBUR 431 
 towards the spot where the stag was again at bay. Upon my 
 approach he immediately saw me ; determined to gain the forest, 
 he charged straight past me, or at me, I would not say which. I 
 had expected this, as from his position he could not retreat with- 
 out leaping into the chasm and certain death below. I had my 
 knife ready, and I met him with the point just beneath the eye, 
 and jumping quickly on one side I gave him a quick thrust under 
 his right shoulder. The next instant he was covered with dogs, 
 and the wound proving almost immediately fatal, the hunt was 
 over. His horns were 30 inches long, and were the most graceful 
 pair that I had ever killed. 
 "I cut off his head, and with it commenced a toilsome walk 
 home, having killed the elk, which I had every reason to believe 
 had so often beaten off the dogs and baulked me." 
 On that occasion I was quite alone, my native huntsman having 
 lost his way in the jungle ; I thus had to carry a head weighing 
 about 40 Ibs. for at least 4 miles up the steep mountain and then 
 2 miles farther to my own home. I had cut open the stag, and 
 allowed the hounds to take their fill of this gallant antagonist, 
 who had worsted them upon former occasions, and would have 
 been victorious again had I not arrived to their assistance. 
 From the few hunts I have described, it will have been apparent 
 that the hounds are exposed to the roughest work, and that a 
 valuable dog must combine great valour with discretion. It is 
 the same with men ; courage is always necessary, but it must be 
 allied with prudence. Some persons assume that courage is the 
 commonest qualification, and is to be found among all men, just 
 as ten fingers (with the thumbs) are supposed to be our due. I 
 quite agree that after a good dinner in England, with plenty of 
 wine inside, a bright fire burning in the grate, and no enemy in 
 existence, men feel uncommonly courageous. It is natural that 
 they should be so. But would all men feel the same with empty 
 stomachs, no wine, no fire, but awakened suddenly from their sleep 
 at three o'clock in the morning by the bugle sound of the alarm, 
 the enemy being close at hand 1 
 There are impetuous men and impetuous dogs neither live 
 long lives if exposed to danger. The hound for dangerous game 
 should be like his master, a good fencer, and not run upon the 
 points of a stag's antlers. 
 I have mentioned the name of Bertram among others. He was 
 a grand young hound, by Smut (Manilla blood-hound cross with 
 Cape mastiff) out of Lena (kangaroo-hound), born 7th February 
 1852. He was killed 18th March 1853. This splendid young
 dog was hardly fourteen months old. His height at the shoulders 
 was 28^ inches, and he was exceedingly heavy ; the coat was 
 yellow and smooth, as he showed more mastiff, having the regular 
 mastiff head and black muzzle. I have only seen one dog who was 
 his equal in reckless courage ; that dog was also killed, as all dogs 
 will be very speedily, unless they combine a large share of common- 
 sense with valour. 
 Bertram's death must close my description of sambur deer. 
 This is also extracted verbatim from my original diary : 
 " 1853. March 18. Stag found on the Matturatta Plains at 
 7 A.M. The dogs took the scent off the patina, and ran the elk 
 down to ' Rest and be thankful ' bottom. Turning sharp up the 
 mountains to the left, they went to the devil. After looking for 
 the lost dogs in many directions without success, I returned to the 
 Matturatta Plains. Crossing the river, I entered the beautiful 
 open jungle on the opposite side, and strolled on in the hope of 
 hearing something of them ; Bertram, Bran, and Lucifer were 
 with me. 
 "It was about 1 P.M., and we had gone several miles, when I 
 thought I heard the deep voice of a dog at some great distance. 
 We stopped and listened. For some time we could hear nothing, 
 and thought it must have been only fancy; perhaps the wind, 
 grinding one bough against another, which is so frequently 
 " Again we heard it, and there could be no doubt that it was a 
 dog ; I was almost certain that I distinguished another voice ; 
 they were at a great distance, far away upon our right. 
 " After running for about half a mile, I heard them distinctly, 
 but I could not make out the exact direction, as the elk was still 
 on foot, and the position of the bay was continually changing, 
 always increasing the distance. 
 "At length I came to a sudden standstill, as an abrupt precipice 
 of about 500 feet fell sheer down before me, forming a terminus to 
 the wooded country of this portion of Ceylon, and affording a view 
 of some 50 miles' distance of undulating plains, several thousand 
 feet below. 
 " The precipice formed a horseshoe, like an amphitheatre of 2 
 or 3 miles in width ; at the base was an undulating patina divided 
 by strips of jungle, which ran like ribbons from the main forest on 
 the mountain top, and gradually terminated in stupendous ravines ; 
 these led down from the base of the amphitheatre, and yawned in 
 wide gaps above the lower country. 
 " In one of these narrow strips of jungle, at the foot of the
 xxv THE SAMBUR 433 
 precipice far away upon the right, I heard the whole pack at bay, 
 but not being able to descend, I was obliged to run along the top 
 of the cliff for about a mile before I could discover a way below. 
 This I at length did, and the greyhounds immediately dashed off 
 across the patina to join the bay. In a couple of minutes I arrived, 
 and found the stag standing at bay in a deep gully of a small 
 wooded ravine. 
 "A shallow stream flowed through the gully, and being a 
 torrent in the rainy season, it had bored a deep gap in the high 
 bank, which formed a sudden angle in its course. 
 " In this gap, with his hind-quarters half concealed by this little 
 fort, the stag now stood secure from attack, as no dog could possibly 
 get either on his side or behind him ; there was no advance except 
 direct at his face. He was a determined fighter ; making sudden 
 sorties from his position, he continually struck down the leading 
 hounds, and then quickly sprang back again to his stronghold. 
 " For a few seconds I silently watched the fight. I saw that 
 the dogs had no chance, and, hoping to make the stag break his 
 bay and change to a more favourable position, I hallooed the dogs 
 on. When Bertram heard my voice it mattered little whether it 
 was elk or boar, and the young dog rushed like a lion straight at 
 the stag's head. The stag met him in his charge, and pinned the 
 brave dog with his antlers against the perpendicular bank. 
 Nevertheless the staunch hound would not loose his hold. Without 
 a second's delay Bran and Lucifer rushed to the rescue, and the 
 stag tore through the jungle with the three dogs hanging upon his 
 ears and throat. 
 " Making a short cut through the patina, I came up with them 
 within 100 yards of the first position. Bran and Lucifer had 
 nailed him fast, and slipping the knife behind his shoulder, I killed 
 him immediately. 
 " Poor Bertram ! I feared that was a fatal thrust when I saw 
 him pinned against the bank, and now I felt sure that he was dead, 
 as he was absent from his place. I immediately tracked the stag 
 back, and within 30 yards I found the dog lying in the last gasp, 
 with a horn wound in the centre of the chest, completely through 
 his lungs. He had evidently kept his hold until he dropped in the 
 pangs of death. I poured water in hopeless sorrow over his face, 
 striving to relieve him as he convulsively gasped for breath. 
 " At length his limbs stretched and stiffened. My good dog 
 was gone." 
 No one knows the loss of a dog of this kind unless he is 
 constantly engaged in these wild sports. If Bertram had lived, he 
 2 F
 would have been invaluable, but it is a physical impossibility that 
 any dog so reckless of danger can long survive. Killbuck, who was 
 killed by a spotted buck at the Park, was just such another dog as 
 Bertram, and he won undying renown by his feats of seizing during 
 an experience of two years, until he met an untimely fate by 
 impaling himself upon the deer's antlers, at the same time that he 
 pulled his stag down single-handed, and died in victory. 
 These extracts from my original diary afford a vivid picture of 
 the sport of sambur deer hunting, as it was conducted in Ceylon. 
 I never permitted a rifle to be carried by any person who 
 accompanied the pack, as shooting a hunted stag would have been 
 regarded in the same light as shooting a fox in England. 
 I have frequently remarked with surprise that residents in 
 India do not more generally make use of dogs for various types of 
 hunting, especially as the climate during winter throughout the 
 Central and Northern Provinces would be favourable to the sport. 
 There are many places which I know, that would be far easier to 
 hunt than the boundless jungles of Ceylon, and the sambur stag 
 would then exhibit his real character, instead of dying like a sheep, 
 killed by a rifle bullet from an ambuscade. 
 Taking this animal as a representative of the species, although 
 the antlers have few points, the sambur stag must be accepted as 
 one of the finest specimens of the genus Cervus in the world.
 WITHOUT any exception, this is the most beautiful and graceful of 
 the deer tribe, although, like the sambur, it has only six tines upon 
 the antlers. These are very long, slender, gracefully curved, and 
 exceedingly sharp at the points. 
 The stag is a little larger than a fallow buck. The skin is a 
 rich dark brown, glossy and short ; this is completely covered with 
 snow-white spots. The belly and the inside of the thighs are white. 
 In India this species is generally known by the name cheetul, 
 but the habits of the deer are different from those of Ceylon. In 
 the latter colony they are found upon plains in the neighbourhood 
 of forests, until about an hour after sunrise ; they again reappear 
 upon the open at about 4-30 P.M. In the northern district, about 
 Jaffna and Illepecadewe', there were an immense number when I 
 knew the country many years ago. They were so little disturbed 
 that I have seen them upon the open, and beneath shady trees and 
 bushes throughout the day, in herds of upwards of a hundred each. 
 In India the cheetul is generally found in thick jungles upon the 
 banks of rivers, where the country is much broken, and intersected 
 by nullahs and water-courses. 
 Stalking the spotted deer in Ceylon was always an enjoyment, 
 as the animal was, like most other deer, always on the alert, and 
 the sport required both skill and patience, combined with accurate 
 In India I have never seen them in any numbers approaching 
 to my early experience in Ceylon. I remember at Illepecadewe' 
 we had nine bucks hanging up in camp as the produce of one day's 
 sport. Fortunately we had a great number of coolies to consume 
 the flesh, but even then a portion decayed before they had time to 
 prepare it thoroughly. 
 Whenever there is an excess of supply in a tropical country,
 the flesh should be cut into long thongs about 1 inch thick. A 
 framework of green rods should be made about 4 feet high, beneath 
 which a smoking fire should be well sustained. The strips of flesh 
 should be laid upon the frame, and the smoke will prevent the 
 flies from laying their eggs ; which they otherwise will certainly do 
 before the sun has power to sufficiently dry the meat. 
 The smoke improves the flavour, and, when the flesh has been 
 thus exposed for ten or twelve hours, it may be hung upon bushes 
 in the sun, on the following day, until perfectly dry. A stock of 
 dried meat should always be preserved in wild countries, as there 
 is frequently a feast to be followed by a fast Although the 
 appearance of flesh thus roughly treated is not exactly encouraging 
 to a delicate appetite, it may be rendered excellent by beating it 
 between two stones until well pulverised, and then transforming it 
 into a curry, with the addition of a couple of hard-boiled eggs or 
 vegetables. The venison of the spotted deer is seldom or never 
 fat, although the animal is exceedingly round and fleshy. I have 
 never found that good pasturage has improved the quality of the 
 meat, which is rather wanting in flavour, and not to be compared 
 with that of the black-buck or the hog-deer. 
 The horns exhibit the effect of pasturage, as those of India are 
 much superior in average length to the antlers of Ceylon. In the 
 latter country the effect of a poor and inferior soil is marked 
 among all wild animals, as there is an absence of lime and phos- 
 phates, which deprives the elephants of ivory, and dwarfs the horns 
 of buffaloes and deer. I have observed in India a superlative 
 shyness in the cheetul, which is the result of the unremitting 
 pursuit of the native shikari. This fellow is specially adapted by 
 nature for destroying the spotted deer. The habits of the animal 
 induce it to inhabit the thick jungles upon the banks of streams. 
 These are fringes seldom more than 150 yards in width. The 
 shikari accordingly squats upon the ground, concealed as already 
 .described by a few bushes, while he sends a couple of boys up 
 wind to enter the jungle, and then come down the wind upon his 
 position. The cheetul, having scented danger, begin to move. 
 They do not wildly dash forward, but cleverly retreat, stopping 
 continually to listen ; they turn up this nullah for a while ; then 
 cross over the dividing ridge ; now they descend into the neigh- 
 bouring nullah, and steal away down that. The shikari knows 
 their probable path, and presently a shot from his matchlock kills 
 a fine buck within 8 yards of the muzzle, where the herd has been 
 listening for the danger from the other side, unconscious of the 
 living trap in front.
 It is curious to observe the difference in the sporting arrange- 
 ments of various countries. I never can remember any instance 
 of driving jungles with beaters in Ceylon ; this was quite unheard 
 of, excepting upon rare occasions for elephants, when a herd of 
 these animals had taken up a position in such thick jungle that it 
 was impossible to approach them. There can be no doubt that 
 game is far more abundant in Ceylon, therefore the chances are in 
 favour of seeing the animals upon the open. The population of 
 the island is exceedingly small ; large tracts of country are more 
 or less unoccupied, and are undisturbed ; this is naturally an advan- 
 tage to the shooter. I have often looked back to bygone days, 
 and regretted that we did not drive jungle, as I am of opinion 
 that we should have seen many more bears and leopards, which 
 are seldom met with when simply walking through the forest 
 glades, and the open spaces of the jungles. 
 I believe that the spotted deer have decreased in Ceylon, 
 although there is a special close time, and stringent game-laws are 
 enforced by the authorities. British action is generally "too 
 late " ; had these laws been made forty years ago, Ceylon would 
 have been now a sportsman's paradise. Even at the present 
 time, from the accounts which residents have given me, it far 
 exceeds most countries in the exhibition of game ; but it is a 
 young man's shooting-ground ; it is all hard work, and the luxury 
 of Indian travelling and shikar is quite unknown. In India you 
 may shoot when you are the age of Methuselah ; the character of 
 every sport is luxurious ; you also have during the winter season 
 the charm not only of climate, but the peaceful repose in the total 
 absence of insects. Ceylon is the insect's paradise, and, if the 
 sportsman resides in the same heaven for only a short period, he 
 will enjoy a change. 
 I tried every kind of sport during a residence of eight years in 
 Ceylon, among others that of coursing the axis (spotted deer) with 
 greyhounds. My dogs Were carried in a palanquin for 100 miles 
 from Newera Ellia to the Park country. This was a beautiful 
 portion of the island, where most kinds of game were plentiful. 
 The name given explains the appearance of the locality : it was 
 like a park, diversified with rocky hills of great height, jungles, 
 rivers, and open plains. 
 The climate was exceedingly hot, as it is throughout the low 
 country of Ceylon ; it was therefore impossible to hunt with dogs, 
 except in the earliest hours of sunrise. 
 I then rode out with about a dozen of my men, and a couple of 
 greyhounds in slips. There was plenty of game, therefore we were
 never long without seeing deer. Sometimes we espied at a long 
 distance a herd of axis. We then did our best to stalk them, 
 leading the two greyhounds in the slips. 
 This was a very delightful sport, as the work was on horseback 
 instead of toiling throughout the day on foot, as in Newera Ellia, 
 when hunting sambur deer. 
 When a herd of cheetul were approached within 1 50 yards, I 
 slipped the dogs. It was a beautiful sight to see the highly trained 
 greyhounds select their deer. Killbuck despised a doe, and 
 invariably picked out a buck, which he would quickly separate from 
 the herd, and course single-handed across the open, until the 
 opportunity offered, when by a well-prepared spring he fixed upon 
 the ear. Being well mounted, I was always in view ; and riding 
 to the spot where he was holding the buck I dismounted and gave 
 it the usual thrust behind the shoulder. 
 This was my best dog, but he met his death upon an occasion 
 when we happened to come across a very grand buck that was a 
 born fighter. 
 As usual, the dog had the speed of the deer upon favourable 
 ground ; I was going my best to keep them in good view. I saw 
 Killbuck reach the flank, but before he had time to make a spring, 
 the stag threw his head upon one side, and backward, so as to 
 strike the dog with the extreme points of his sharp antlers. A 
 short time after, the stag came to bay upon firm open ground, and 
 fought the dog face to face. I saw Killbuck rush straight at the 
 deer's face, and instead of receiving the attack passively, the deer 
 quickly lowered his head, and not only met but charged the dog, 
 rolling him over, and following him up as he drove his sharp tines 
 deep into his body. The instant I arrived, the deer would have 
 charged the horse, but Killbuck, who had recovered his feet, lost 
 not a moment, and seizing the ear, the stag was in his hold. In 
 a moment I jumped off, and drove the knife into its heart, killing 
 it upon the spot. 
 The dog was dreadfully exhausted, and lay panting upon the 
 ground. There were two or three small holes in his chest, which 
 did not bleed. My people came up, and finding water in a stream, 
 we fetched some in my helmet to bathe him. This seemed to re- 
 vive him, and he was placed in couples with the bitch, who had 
 come to the call, having been also wounded by her stag. In a few 
 moments the dog fell to the ground, gave a few gasps, and died. 
 An examination showed that the horns had passed in two places 
 through the lungs ; but in spite of the mortal wounds, he had seized 
 and held the stag.
 xxvi THE HOG-DEER 439 
 My experience in hunting the axis proved that the extreme 
 quickness, and dexterity in using the antlers, made it a more for- 
 midable antagonist to the greyhound than the more powerful but 
 less active sambur. The real sport lay in coursing with a brace of 
 greyhounds, but the difficulty lay in discovering a single stag. The 
 deer were in herds, therefore when the hounds were slipped, they 
 took different deer, instead of selecting and following only one. A 
 single greyhound would be sure to receive a wound if he were game 
 enough to go straight for the deer's head. 
 The hog-deer (C. porcinus) is the third species in Asiatic deer 
 which has only six tines to the pair of antlers. This is a remark- 
 able little animal about the size or a little larger than a good roe- 
 deer. The skin is a deep rich brown, and the horns resemble those 
 of a diminutive sambur. The habits of this deer are totally opposed 
 to all others. It is never in herds, although a locality may abound 
 with them, but it is generally found in pairs, or singly. The 
 female of this species has frequently two calves at a birth. I have 
 never been able to understand the reason of the name " hog-deer," 
 except that it is generally found in high grass and the same places 
 that are infested by wild pigs. In certain districts the C. pordnus 
 is very common, while in many other portions of India it does not 
 exist. It generally lies close to the ground in very high grass or 
 dense bush, and will not move until it is beaten out, or almost trodden 
 upon by a line of elephants. They are difficult to hit with a bullet 
 from the howdah, as they can seldom be seen distinctly, owing to 
 the great height of the grass, through which they rush at a 
 tremendous pace when kicked up by the advance of beaters. I 
 am not ashamed to use buck-shot, or B.B. in one barrel of my 
 Paradox gun, which is admirably adapted for a snap-shot. When 
 fired at, if wounded, or even if missed, the hog-deer will sometimes 
 rush forward for 50 or 100 yards, and then squat, to conceal itself 
 in the dense grass. It will lie perfectly close until the elephants 
 arrive within a few feet, and then start off at its usual extraordinary 
 In some of the churs of the Brahmaputra there are great 
 numbers of these deer, and now that the tigers have been almost 
 extirpated, I have no doubt they will increase. Although the hog- 
 deer cannot be said to afford great sport, it much enlivens the day, 
 and it is excellent practice for the nerves of elephants, as it keeps 
 them upon the strain for hours together when marching through 
 the grass. 
 There is a species of deer in Japan which closely resembles the 
 fallow-deer of Europe, excepting the difference of antlers. The
 Japanese variety is not palmated, but round, like those of the red- 
 deer ; they have four points upon each horn, i.e. the brow, and two 
 tines in addition to the extreme point. I have several specimens 
 in my possession which I procured in Japan, but I did not myself 
 shoot them, although I accompanied the native hunters among the 
 mountains bordering Lake Biwa upon several occasions. 
 The country is very precipitous, and the habits of this variety 
 induce it to cling closely to the protection of the woods, where deep 
 ravines and overhanging precipices afford a secure asylum. The 
 only method of shooting in such a country is by driving ; either 
 by beaters, or by disturbing the forest with dogs, and posting guns 
 in well-known passes where the deer will probably run through. 
 There were eight or ten Japanese hunters with me, one of whom 
 was an enthusiastic old Nimrod of seventy, who prided himself 
 upon his activity and the sureness of his aim. All these people 
 were armed with matchlock rifles, exhibiting a step in advance of 
 the Indian shikaris, whose matchlocks are generally smooth-bores. 
 They were indefatigable fellows, and we worked from daybreak 
 until after sunset ; upon one occasion we did not return until two 
 hours after dark. 
 When I saw the thoroughness of these native hunters, and their 
 intimate knowledge of the mountains, and habits of the game, I 
 could not help wondering that any deer remained. Nevertheless 
 we always found, and no beat was ever blank. Several times I 
 saw deer rushing through a valley when I was perched upon a rock 
 out of distance, but nothing came towards my position. The cracks 
 of native rifles showed that they had posted their guns in the 
 proper passes, but with all their good intentions, fortune did not 
 favour me. Several deer were killed, and had it not been for the 
 difference in the horns, I should not have distinguished them from 
 fallow-deer, as they were the same in size and colour. The summer 
 coat is prettily spotted, but in winter the stags are a russet brown. 
 In the northern island there are great quantities of these deer ; 
 but I was informed that it is by no means a sporting country, 
 being generally a mass of forest, in which no shooting could be 
 obtained without a great number of beaters ; these could not be 
 procured. There are large black bears in Yezzo ; these also are 
 impossible to discover by any stranger, who is not thoroughly con- 
 versant with the forests and the language of the inhabitants. I 
 saw two live specimens of the bears in Tokio ; they appeared to 
 be exactly similar to the black bear of North America. 
 When in China, I saw tame deer similar to those of Japan. 
 These had been brought from the interior. I have also seen deer
 xxvi THE HOG-DEER 441 
 (alive) from the island of Formosa, which had round horns, but I 
 could not say positively how many points. 
 There is an exceedingly small deer in China, that weighs about 
 25 or 30 Ibs. I have seen several when shooting, but never 
 myself shot one. These are in very great numbers, and although 
 they are generally either single or in pairs, a large number are shot 
 annually, when the shooting season commences in Shanghai, and 
 parties with their house-boats start for the interior by river and 
 canal. In the commencement of November a charming trip may 
 be arranged from Shanghai, as the house-boats are conveniently 
 fitted, expressly for the purpose, and there is no limit to the area 
 where pheasants, wild-fowl, snipe, deer, and wild pigs may be shot, 
 without the slightest difficulty or personal exertion. 
 There are several varieties of small deer both in Ceylon and 
 India. The barking deer (C. muntjac) is an exceedingly pretty 
 creature of a light red colour, which occasioned the name given to 
 it in Ceylon, " red-deer." This little animal affords some amuse- 
 ment in the low country of that island with a scratch pack of 
 native dogs, as it has a very powerful scent, which the dogs seldom 
 lose ; it never goes straight away, but runs round the numerous 
 undulating hills, across the paddy-fields in the bottoms, back again 
 over the summits, and is generally killed in the thick bush, after 
 having left its mark upon one or two of its pursuers, in some 
 awkward cuts with its sharp tusks. 
 These are like boar's tusks reversed, projecting from the upper 
 jaw and turning downwards. They are very long and sharp, and 
 inflict wounds of greater extent than would be expected from so 
 small a creature. 
 There is also in Ceylon a diminutive species, the mouse-deer, 
 which is not larger than a hare. The male of this variety is devoid 
 of horns. 
 Although I mention this most insignificant variety, it may be 
 remarked that I have omitted the name of the largest of all the 
 Cervidse, the moose (C. Alces, Lin.) This is intentional, as I have 
 never seen the species in a wild state. The object of this work 
 was to place before my readers the experience which I myself have 
 gained, therefore I do not attempt to include every creature which 
 may be classed among wild beasts. 
 Many years ago, when reviewing Mr. G. P. Sanderson's excellent 
 work, Thirteen Years with the Wild Beasts of India, in the 
 Quarterly Magazine, I wrote the following critical remarks, to 
 the spirit of which I rigidly adhere : " When we consider the 
 difficulty attendant upon the study of wild animals in their native
 postures, we may at once agree that a limited experience must be 
 of little value to the lover of natural history. The book we 
 require as a standard authority must be the result of many years' 
 practical study, and intimate association with the animals described. 
 It is impossible that one man can have had experience sufficient 
 to embrace all portions of the world, and the fault of many writers 
 consists in their attempting too much. If an individual will con- 
 fine his description to that particular branch of sport and natural 
 history which he has carefully mastered, and neglect all hearsay 
 evidence, but relate only that which he has positively accomplished 
 and personally witnessed, his book will be received as a welcome 
 exception to the general rule." 
 Upon this principle, I do not intrude upon the province of 
 others who have had experience in countries which I have not 
 visited. I have no practical knowledge of the animals of the 
 Himalayan range, therefore I say nothing concerning them. The 
 admirable work of Colonel Kinloch, Large Game shooting in 
 Thibet, the Himalayahs, and Northern India, embraces the 
 numerous species of sheep, the yak, and the various interesting 
 fauna of those high altitudes. To such works the public can 
 refer with confidence, in the knowledge that the writer describes 
 what he saw, and not what he had gathered from doubtful hearsay.
 IN taking leave of "Wild Beasts and their Ways," there are 
 certain destructive creatures which can be hardly classed under 
 this denomination, but throughout the Indian empire they exist in 
 such enormous numbers that it would be interesting to obtain 
 some approximate computation of the money value of the crops 
 which they destroy. These enemies are monkeys, parrots, and 
 flying foxes. 
 The monkey is sacred ; this pest is accordingly permitted, 
 carte blanche, to pillage at discretion. The mischief committed 
 by these creatures is most serious, but as this has continued for 
 many ages, the people have become inured to their depredations. 
 It is a curious fact that, although monkeys and apes are closely 
 linked with the human species, they never can be trained to any- 
 thing that is really useful. They are not companions to man, like 
 the dog, but they are simply caricatures of the human race, and if 
 every monkey and ape could be destroyed by one flash of lightning, 
 so that they ceased to exist in the world, no one would miss their 
 society, but everybody would be glad of the riddance. India 
 would feel that an incubus had been removed from her agricultural 
 I have seen at least eighty or a hundred monkeys in one small 
 field of wheat, carefully picking every blade of corn ; this was in 
 a plot adjoining a jungle, which afforded a quick retreat. The 
 natives guard their crops more or less, and sling stones or dry 
 lumps of earth at the invaders, but they are generally regarded 
 with ridicule, and the monkeys eventually gain their ends. 
 Ahmedabad, which is one of the largest cities in Western India, 
 is infested with the large gray monkeys, known in India as 
 " lougoor " (Entellus). These may be seen at all hours sitting 
 upon the tiled roofs, staring at the city throng and the crowded
 streets, no doubt moralising upon the stupidity of human nature, 
 which is forced to labour, whereas the wise monkey lives by the 
 pilfering of its hands. 
 In Ahmedabad it is a common trick upon an unpleasant neigh- 
 bour, to throw a few handfuls of gram (a sort of pea) upon his 
 roof. The tiles being always loose, the gram sticks between them, 
 and some finds its way beneath. The monkeys in their wanderings 
 are certain to discover the much-loved food, and with the greatest 
 diligence they lift up the tiles, and turn them over to discover the 
 grains that are concealed below. The first heavy shower informs 
 the owner that the monkeys have been gleaning upon his roof, and 
 improving the arrangement of his tiles. 
 These wretched animals entirely destroy the fruit. I have seen 
 large tamarind trees left completely bare. It is astonishing how 
 they can eat the unripe tamarind pod, as the acid is intense ; but 
 they munch this with avidity. They also eat the leaves. 
 When the mangoes change their foliage in March, the various 
 tints of colouring are most beautiful. Some varieties burst forth 
 in a vivid green, others dark ; some will be a bright copper colour, 
 and a few deep purple. The monkeys then delight to eat the 
 young foliage, and in some cases nearly strip the tree. When the 
 mango fruit is swelling in late April, but still unripe, it is dreadful 
 to see the utter destruction entailed by a large troop of monkeys. 
 It is not what they actually consume, but the immense quantity 
 which they spoil, by recklessly biting hundreds and thousands of 
 unripe fruit, and throwing them, discarded, upon the ground. 
 The flying fox (Pteropus) is also a great enemy of the fruit trees. 
 This large bat is frugivorous, but also an insect-eater. Although 
 its habits are nocturnal, it exposes itself during the day by roosting 
 in many thousands together upon certain large trees. 
 I have seen tamarind trees the size of our largest oaks so com- 
 pletely covered with many thousands of these creatures suspended 
 head downwards by the hook at the extremity of the wing, that 
 the entire tree looked as though covered with old leather bags. 
 The ordure of these bats poisons and destroys the foliage of the 
 tree which they monopolise as their meeting-place. They vary in 
 size from 3 feet to 4 feet 2 inches, which is the largest I have 
 measured from tip to tip of out-stretched wings. They have only 
 two young ones, which cling to the breasts and sides of the mother 
 during her flight. The head of this species resembles that of a 
 very small fox ; hence its name. The teeth are differently shaped 
 from those of ordinary bats (Vespertitio, Lin.), as the grinders 
 denote the quality of their food, which is chiefly vegetable. There
 xxvn CONCLUSION 445 
 can be no doubt that they destroy great numbers of nocturnal 
 insects, such as moths and beetles, as they invariably appear im- 
 mediately after sunset, and may be observed at an altitude just 
 above the upper foliage of the trees, where they remain flying to 
 and fro, evidently in pursuit of winged creatures which have issued 
 from their hiding-places at the same hour. 
 In Ceylon, where toddy is extracted upon an extensive scale 
 from the groves of cocoa-nut plantations, the chatties, or earthen- 
 ware pots, which are suspended to receive the flowing sap, are 
 carefully protected from the flying foxes with covers of plaited 
 palm-leaves, otherwise these creatures would not leave a drop. 
 They are not vicious, as they never attempt to bite when 
 The bat tribe generally are most serviceable as destroyers of 
 insects. I remember when, upon the White Nile, our diahbeeah 
 was swarming with large cockroaches, that were far beyond our 
 powers of extermination. These horrible insects are well known 
 to be more than usually active during night. Bats were our 
 welcome allies. There was a small variety which entered the 
 open windows, and amused themselves till daylight in hunting our 
 enemies. No American Indian could have been more particular in 
 the arrangement of the scalps of his slain. In the morning, the 
 divan (or sofa, against the walls of the cabin) was ornamented 
 with neatly made piles, about 2| or 3 inches diameter, composed 
 of the horny legs and wing-cases of large cockroaches. I imagine 
 that each bat kept its separate pile, which must have contained 
 the indigestible and rejected portions of about 15 or 20 of the 
 There are numerous animals, more or less interesting, which 
 hardly belong to the classification of wild beasts. There are the 
 wild asses of the desert, most beautiful and agile creatures, quite 
 unlike the humble donkey of our civilised surroundings. In these 
 we see the reverse of evolution. 
 The wild ass is widely distributed both in Africa and Asia, and 
 it exhibits its connection in various colourings and affinities with 
 the quaggas and zebras. 
 The true wild ass is an animal of the desert. It is intensely 
 shy and difficult of approach, and far exceeds the horses of the 
 country in swiftness and endurance. The only method which is 
 successful for capturing these animals is to pursue them with fast 
 dromedaries when females are accompanied by young ones. A 
 chase by three or four well-mounted Arabs will, after a hunt at 
 full speed of several hours, separate the tired little ones from the
 long-enduring mothers. The small foals are then caught and slung 
 upon a camel, in the same nets that are used for transporting the 
 camel calves when too young to follow on the march. 
 The nature of the wild ass defies all attempts at breaking it 
 for domestic use. It is kept specially for breeding, as the cross 
 with the ordinary donkey produces a superior animal, which is 
 highly prized by the Arab sheiks of the great desert. 
 The wild ass is found at so great a distance from water that 
 the Arabs declare it only requires to drink every third day. I 
 can readily believe this, as it is extraordinary to observe in 
 countries of great thirst how animals adapt themselves to the 
 necessities of their localities. During the dry season, between 
 Sofi, on the Atbara river, and Kadarif, there is a long interval 
 without water, although the land is rich and fertile during the 
 rains. The cattle march 25 and 30 miles to the river, and during 
 the dry months they drink only upon alternate days. When we 
 see the fact established among domestic animals, we may readily 
 accept the Arab's accounts of desert creatures, which have been 
 born under conditions that could hardly be supported except by 
 those whose progenitors had been inured to similar hardships and 
 The first and last time that I ever disturbed wild asses was in 
 1861, when, after a most arduous chase through the desert in the 
 hottest season of the year, I shot a male. This was a large and 
 beautiful specimen, much more like a very large zebra without the 
 colouring, than a donkey. It was about 14 hands at the withers, 
 which were as usual low ; the hoofs were exceedingly large, in no 
 way resembling the contracted foot of the domestic species. The 
 colour was a deep cream, with a tinge of strawberry upon the back ; 
 a black line along the spine and across the withers. The eyes were 
 beautiful, exceedingly large and bright. 
 I was sorry to have shot this harmless animal, but it had a 
 glorious revenge. On the following day I was prostrated with sun 
 fever and violent indigestion, having dined off asinine cottlettes 
 from my new specimen of a male wild ass. From the dryness, 
 toughness, flavourless and impossible character of the flesh, I could 
 well imagine that this hardy offspring of the desert had never 
 drunk water, nor had had anything to eat except wood, hot dust, 
 and porphyry, and that it had existed upon this food for centuries. 
 In 1873 the late great sheik, Hussein Khalifa, presented Lady 
 Baker with a most beautiful female donkey, which had been 
 captured when small, but had never been tamed. This pretty but 
 desperate present required a number of men to introduce her to our
 xxvii CONCLUSION 447 
 yard in Berber. She was secured by two strong ropes around her 
 neck, the ends of which were well manned upon either side to 
 prevent her from seizing her conductors with her teeth. Kicking, 
 rearing, biting, and striking out with the fore legs, this interesting 
 acquisition formed a startling picture of a lady's pet. The question 
 was serious. We could not return it, lest we should offend the 
 donor; we could not let it run away (this wicked idea certainly 
 passed through my mind), as it would be regarded as an insult ; 
 but how should we march this wild animal 270 miles to Souakim, 
 and then ship to Suez? 
 Kindness might possibly accomplish this, and my wife took it 
 in hand, to the horror of the Arabs, who would not approach it. 
 The savage creature became so tame and affectionate after only 
 three days' personal care and handling, together with gifts of bread 
 and pieces of sugar-cane, that all our people were delighted with 
 the success. It marched to Souakim, being led by a halter, without 
 the slightest trouble, and was delivered in Cairo to His Highness 
 the Khedive Ismail. No one had ventured to mount its back. 
 There is another animal whose importance to man cannot be 
 over-estimated, and, although it cannot claim the distinction of a 
 wild beast, it must not be omitted from our consideration, 
 especially as it is so frequently linked with the military operations 
 of our army. This is the camel (Camelus). 
 It has been debated amongst naturalists whether this animal 
 has been actually proved to exist in a wild state. It has been 
 asserted that wild camels have been known in the deserts of 
 Central Asia, but were these originally wild ? or were they simply 
 animals that had strayed and become lost during tribal raids, or in 
 the Mongolian migrations of the early ages 1 
 Lieut. Younghusband, in his splendid journey from Peking to 
 Rawul Pindi, saw camels in the distance upon the steppes, which 
 were reported by his people to be wild. He described them as 
 smaller than the ordinary domestic camels. There could not be 
 a more trustworthy authority as a traveller ; but considerable 
 experience of a locality and an actual examination of the animal 
 are necessary before it is possible to determine whether it is 
 aboriginal, or whether it may not be the descendant of some lost 
 or strayed ancestors. 
 There are two distinct species of camels the Bactrian, with 
 two humps, and the Arabian, or ordinary camel, with only one. 
 The camels in the deserts north of the Himalayahs, which are 
 reported as wild, have only one hump ; this does not favour the 
 assumption of their origin. Where are the progenitors of the two-
 humped species ? These should be derived from Northern Asia, 
 as no such animals are to be found either in Africa or Arabia. 
 There is a peculiar mystery attached to the origin of a camel which 
 is difficult to fathom, as it is one of the oldest historical animals, 
 and has been connected with man, as the recognised beast of 
 burden, from the most ancient period. The llama of South 
 America is accepted as the representative of the camel in that 
 country, but it is like the alpaca, a small animal without any 
 hump, and in noways resembling the camel in its habits. 
 There is no domestic animal that would so easily accommodate 
 itself to the change to a wild state as the camel, should it be lost 
 through straying in search of food, or through the destruction of 
 its owner. 
 It will eat almost anything in the shape of grass or bush. 
 Nothing is too coarse or prickly for its impenetrable mouth and 
 A couple of years ago a travelling menagerie camped near my 
 home in South Devon, and the camels were turned out to graze in 
 a meadow hired for the occasion. Like most Devonian fields, the 
 grass was full of vigorous thistles. I knew what the camels would 
 do ; I therefore watched them. They cleared the field of thistles 
 in preference to the herbage. 
 A camel that has been lost would discover food of some kind 
 upon the barren surface of most deserts ; and should it be within 
 reach of water, it would resign itself immediately to its new 
 If the camel is not required to labour, it will exist upon very 
 little, but that " little " must be provided. 
 It appears to be a generally accepted belief that the camel, 
 because it has been poetically termed the "ship of the desert," 
 requires neither sleep, nor food, nor water ; that it will carry any 
 weight ; and that, when loaded, a couple of soldiers may mount 
 upon its back without increasing the burden. It does not matter 
 in the least whether the saddle fits, or whether it is properly 
 stuffed, or whether the hungry animal has eaten the stuffing from 
 its own saddle when unloaded for the night. In this manner the 
 camels are generally neglected in our military expeditions. 
 When it is considered that the success or failure of every 
 expedition must depend upon the transport, it is astonishing that 
 the organisation of the camel corps should be so lamentably 
 In the last Afghan campaign 61,000 camels actually died from 
 starvation and over-work. The country has not yet recovered
 xxvir CONCLUSION 449 
 from this terrible mortality. The few weeks between Korti and 
 Metemma in the Soiulan expedition were sufficient to disable all 
 the transport animals. 
 I have had a long experience in desert travelling, and I strongly 
 advise (whenever possible) the hire of camels with their owners, 
 instead of purchase. If it is absolutely necessary to buy, the 
 greatest care must be directed to their backs, and all those should 
 be rejected which exhibit old scars of healed sores, as these are 
 almost certain to break into wounds after a few weeks' hard work. 
 The camel-saddles must be rigidly inspected. These should be 
 stuffed with rice-straw, or other tough material that has not been 
 broken by thrashing, but simply the heads cut off the stalks. A 
 thick padding stuffed with wool (not cotton) should be next the 
 back. The saddle must be arranged so that, when loaded, it is 
 quite 3 inches clear of the hump. 
 It should be remembered that extra stuffing is required, as the 
 animals are sure to lose a certain amount of flesh, in which case, 
 the saddle which fitted at the start will become too large. If 
 once a sore is established during a long expedition, the camel is 
 doomed. The pain exhausts the poor animal ; it ceases to feed, 
 and quickly becomes a mere skeleton, then dies. Marching 
 throughout the night should always be avoided, as nothing dis- 
 tresses both men and animals so much as an interference with the 
 natural hours of food and rest. 
 If the bugle sounds at 2.30 A.M. the camels will be loaded and 
 the march commence at 3.30. They should continue until 11 A.M. 
 This will be 7J hours, which at 2| miles an hour will complete a 
 march of about 17 miles. This arrangement affords seven hours 
 of daylight for the tired camels to graze ; they should be given 
 about 2 Ibs. of dhurra (sorghum) each before the bivouac for the 
 night ; the saddles being arranged close to their respective camels, 
 to prevent confusion in the early morning, or retained upon their 
 backs should the night be cold. If it is necessary to make forced 
 marches, the same hours of starting and marching may be observed, 
 but an extra two hours' march may be added from 4 till 6. This 
 will add 4| miles, making 21J during the day. During the 
 hottest time of the year I generally managed in this manner 
 between the Nile and the Red Sea, but the desert being good, we 
 made better speed, doing 2i- instead of 2 per hour. 
 It must be remembered that the camel, if a real desert animal, 
 will march in the hottest season three days without requiring 
 water. During the kharif, or winter, it will march six or seven 
 days without drinking. The camels must be taken to the water 
 2 G
 when they are loaded ready for the start. This tightens the girth- 
 ropes, which should be arranged to allow for the expansion. 
 I have put in italics the " real desert animal," as much depends 
 upon the breed and habits of the camel. There are enormous 
 camels in Alexandria and Cairo that will carry 700 or 800 Ibs., 
 but they would be utterly useless in the desert These animals 
 are fed upon " burseem," a species of clover which is cut green ; 
 they also drink daily during the hot season, and upon alternate 
 days during the cold weather. 
 If these camels were introduced into the deserts of Nubia, they 
 would be more akin to horses than to camels, as they would 
 require the same attention to provender and water. 
 The Bishreen camel is much esteemed as a hardy beast, 
 .although it is not powerful in appearance. Uj>on a flat surface it 
 will travel with 500 Ibs., but in a hilly journey all camel loads 
 should be restricted to 400 Ibs. 
 The Hadendowa animals are celebrated for rocky and uneven 
 ground, as they are born and bred among the mountains. This 
 breed is very sure-footed, and from its continual practice upon a 
 rough surface it does not get footsore during a march over broken 
 rocks. Between Berber and Souakim there is a portion of the 
 route strewed with obsidian ; this somewhat resembles broken 
 bottles, and is very dangerous to the feet of camels. 
 It is a difficult matter to obtain a first-rate riding dromedary. 
 The name is merely optional, as there is no distinction except the 
 appearance of " thoroughbred," such as would be denoted in a 
 horse. The Arab sheiks decline to part with their best " hygeens " 
 upon any terms, although as a personal favour they will sell you 
 an inferior animal with a magnificently false reputation. 
 A really good hygeen, carrying one rider upon a light Arab 
 saddle known as the " mogaloofah," should travel 80 miles, if for 
 only one day, at about 5 miles an hour. The same camel would 
 cover 60 miles, at 6 miles an hour. Such a first-class animal 
 would continue to travel 60 miles daily throughout the week at 
 this pace, resting occasionally during the day's march. 
 When we consider that Weston the pedestrian walked 5000 
 miles in 100 consecutive days, making an average of 50 miles a 
 day throughout that lengthened period, the performance of the 
 hygeen does not appear remarkable ; but Weston could eat and 
 drink when he pleased. The wonderful advantage of the hygeen 
 lies in this : that a certain distance is absolutely devoid of 
 water or forage, it therefore would take three days of forced 
 marching, during which the baggage camels must carry their own
 xxvn CONCLUSION 451 
 food, in addition to their loads ; the hygeen does this in one day ! 
 Wonders may be accomplished in desert travelling with camels if 
 properly managed j but we usually challenge misfortune by com- 
 mitting the charge of these animals to those who are perfectly 
 ignorant of their habits or character. 
 Sometimes the male camel is exceedingly vicious, especially at 
 the rutting season, which is announced by the excretion of an oily 
 fluid like coal-tar from the back of the neck. When angry at this 
 period, it blows a large bladder from the mouth, which remains 
 distended for more than a minute before it disappears. I have 
 seen a male camel attack the people in every direction (fortunately 
 hobbled) ; and although they beat it with thick bamboos, it was 
 in noways cowed. 
 The bite of a camel is very severe, and fatal accidents have 
 occasionally resulted from the periods of excitement in the male. 
 The teeth of the camel are peculiar. Cuvier thus describes 
 them : " They have not only always canines in both jaws, but 
 have also two pointed teeth implanted in the intermaxillary bones, 
 six inferior incisors, and from eighteen to twenty molars only ; 
 peculiarities which, of all the Ruminantia, they alone possess, 
 besides which the scaphoid and cuboid bones of the tarsus are 
 " Instead of the great hoof, flat at its inner side, which 
 envelops the whole of the inferior portion of each toe, and which 
 determines the figure of the ordinary cloven foot, they have but 
 one small one, which only adheres to the last phalanx, and is 
 symmetrically formed like the hoofs of the Pachydermata. . . . 
 Their extreme sobriety, and the faculty they possess of passing 
 several days without drinking, cause them to be of the highest 
 " It is probable that this last faculty results from the vast 
 masses of cells which cover the sides of their paunch, in which 
 water is constantly retained or produced. The other ruminants 
 have nothing of the kind." 
 I cannot agree with Cuvier in accepting the word "produced." 
 As I have already described, the Arabs invariably let the camels 
 drink immediately before starting on their journey. The animals 
 drink thier fill, and take a considerable time, resting between their 
 long draughts. They seem to be aware, when loaded, that they 
 have a long journey before them, therefore from a natural instinct 
 they prepare for the thirsty desert, and fill their cells ; but those 
 cells do not " produce " water. 
 The fact of a camel being a ruminating animal is immensely in
 its favour as a beast of burden, where long tedious inarches are 
 necessary at all hours, either of day or night. Tins should be 
 carefully considered, as supporting my view that the march should 
 as much as possible be confined to daylight. 
 All ruminants are quick feeders. An ox or camel will make a 
 snatch at a bunch of grass without halting, but quickly as it 
 passes it upon the march. In this way they arc always feeding, 
 even while they are moving, if either bushes or grass are present ; 
 they lose no time or op{>ortunity ; and the fact of this food excite- 
 ment in looking out for something to eat, whiles away the time, 
 and lessens the weariness of the journey. 
 When night arrives, they have not only the enjoyment of rest 
 from the day's labour, but the intense happiness of ruminating. 
 Should the camel have had no supper, he can nevertheless munch 
 up his morning meals by ruminating until he sleeps. 
 I sincerely trust that upon our next Oriental expedition, when 
 ever the services of camels may be required, some special and most 
 stringent arrangements will be made, that will throw the entire 
 responsibility for the transport service upon the shoulders of 
 officers who have not only knowledge, but a personal pride in the 
 condition of their animals. 
 With native owners the loss is a mere nothing, as they are sure 
 to take the ordinary care to which these beasts have been accus- 
 tomed ; but if camels are left to the tender mercies of inexperienced 
 young officers and the British soldier, the wind may be tempered 
 to the shorn lamb, but nobody will take care of the camel's back. 
 Camels differ in size as much as horses. I measured a riding 
 dromedary (hygeen) that belonged to Sheik Achmet Abou Sinn, of 
 the Shookerieah tribe ; this fine animal was 7 feet 2 inches per- 
 pendicular height from the hump to the ground. As a general 
 rule, the hygeens are not so powerfully proportioned as those which 
 carry baggage, and the Arabs are very particular in refusing to 
 place a heavy weight upon a choice animal, as they declare, with 
 good reason, that it would spoil the elasticity of its pace. 
 A good hygeen is worth from 80 to 100 dollars in the Soudan, 
 while a powerful baggage camel can be purchased for 12 or 14. 
 The female produces only one at a birth, but the calf is not 
 permitted to monopolise the mother's milk ; she is kept for the 
 daily supply of the proprietor, as our cows in Europe are managed 
 for the dairy. Camel's milk is richer and more nourishing than 
 that of any other animal, in the estimation of the Arabs. Barren 
 females are frequently killed for their flesh ; this is far superior to 
 any ordinary beef frpm the oxen of the Soudan.
 xxvii CONCLUSION 453 
 The camel is certainly the most useful beast in Africa, as 
 without its aid the deserts woiild be absolutely impassable ; but 
 although indispensable to man, it is a stupid beast, that exhibits 
 no affection whatever towards its master, and never shows the 
 slightest sign of intelligence under any circumstances. The only 
 time that it appears contented is when the Arab arranges a pile of 
 dhurra, carefully measured in double handfuls according to the 
 number of his beasts ; this is placed in the centre of a mat, upon 
 which the Arab sits, while perhaps eight camels kneel upon the 
 ground with their heads converging in a centre, all intent upon the 
 heap of corn, each endeavouring to swallow more than its due 
 proportion. The Arab continues to rearrange the heap while it is 
 growing less, occasionally pushing an extra mouthful towards a 
 weaker animal that is bullied by a greedy neighbour. 
 I never lose my interest in camels, as they have carried me 
 faithfully during many years over some thousands of miles ; but 
 the time will arrive when light narrow-gauge railways across the 
 deserts will relegate this animal to a different duty, in conducting 
 the traffic for short distances to stations upon the main line, instead 
 of being, as at present, the tedious and only means of conducting 
 the commerce of an enormous area. 
 I conclude my reminiscences of wild beasts and their ways with 
 the hope that the pleasure the study of natural history has afforded 
 me through life will be enjoyed by others whose tastes are similar, 
 and who may accompany my own experiences as I have narrated 
 them. Although an ardent admirer of nature and her mysterious 
 laws, I am not one of those who regard them as perfection : it is 
 an irresistible law of force, by which the strong predominate, and 
 the weak must suffer. In every direction we see a struggle for 
 existence ; the empty stomach must be filled, therefore one species 
 devours the other. It is a system of terrorism from the beginning 
 to the end. The fowl destroys the worm, the hawk destroys the 
 fowl, the cat destroys the hawk, the dog kills the cat, the leopard 
 kills the dog, the lion kills the leopard, and the lion is slain by 
 man. Man appears upon the scene of general destruction as the 
 greatest of all destroyers, as he alone in creation wars against his 
 own species. We hear of love, and pity, and Christian charity ; 
 we see torpedoes and hellish inventions of incredible power to 
 destroy our fellow-creatures. The inventors of these horrible 
 engines of destruction receive titles and the highest honours, while 
 those who have worked in progressive science for the welfare of 
 mankind are forgotten in the obscure laboratory, although the
 saving light which they inveuted is gleaming above the hidden 
 rock, for the benefit of all, to expose the danger of the sea. Thus 
 with one hand we save, with the other we destroy. 
 This has been the principle since the original creation. The 
 civilised world boasts of its progress in civilisation, and of the 
 modern triumphs of knowledge, science, and general education ; 
 but those countries which command respect in the councils of the 
 world are the possessors of the big battalions. " Force," the great 
 law of nature, will assert its power, and rule. 
 It is a relief to enjoy nature in her wild and unrestricted 
 solitudes far away from the intrusion of mankind ; it is there that 
 we see her in the fullest charms. Although we know that one 
 species preys upon another, we do not feel it, as the painful scenes 
 are not apparent ; we see a giant trunk prostrated on the ground, 
 covered with moss and lichens, and brightened by many-coloured 
 fungi ; we forget that these are preying upon the dead body of the 
 once glorious tree. We remove the rotten bark, and disturb panic- 
 stricken ants and beetles, together with the larvae of many other 
 insects ; it hardly occurs to us that they also are attacking the 
 remains of a dead giant. A continual change is taking place. A 
 bird drops the seed of a bo tree (Ficus reli<jiosa) upon an ancient 
 temple ; it germinates, and by degrees the roots penetrate through 
 a thousand unknown crevices in search of moisture and support. 
 The young tree has determined to live upon the ruin of that 
 temple ; in the course of time the expansion of the growing roots 
 splits and tears asunder the great mass of masonry. 
 In the same manner, a seed of the bo dropped into the huge 
 forked centre of some great forest monarch, which contains the 
 first signs of rottenness within, quickly germinates, and takes 
 complete possession of the old trunk ; it drives its insidious roots 
 down into the very centre, and subsists upon the destruction of its 
 victim. These are among the changes that prove the rule of 
 superior force throughout every portion of the earth ; and in every 
 drop of water that is sufficiently impure to have generated animal- 
 cules. In that one drop, the microscope will show the monsters 
 of the tiny ocean, invisible to the naked eye, but the strong are 
 devouring the weak, as the rotifera swallow down the helpless 
 victims in unresisting shoals. There is in the ferocious instincts 
 of the microscopic insect the same fury of attack as in the cruel 
 shark, although unseen by the unaided human eye. The spider 
 emulates the fisherman in the construction of its net, both guided 
 by natural laws, reason, instinct, and desire, to catch and kill 
 something that will enable it to subsist.
 The lover of nature will never tire of studying her ways. When 
 young, he will wonder and admire ; when old, he will reflect, but 
 still admire. In all his studies he will discover one great ruling 
 power of individual self, whether among the brute creation or the 
 vegetable world. Of the civilised world I say nothing. 
 In his wanderings as a naturalist he will remember, that should 
 he endeavour to study in their secluded haunts the wild beasts 
 and their ways, the law of force will be always present ; it will 
 accordingly be wise to secure the force beforehand upon his side, 
 and no more trusty companion and dependable agent can be found 
 than a double-barrelled '577 rifle, to burn 6 drams of powder, 
 with a bullet of pure lead 650 grains. This professional adviser 
 will confirm him in the theory that " the law of Force will always 
 govern the world." 
 Printed!-)' R. & R. CLARK, Edinburgh.
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