Walnut The Story of the Introduction and "Development of the Walnut in California CLOSE-UP OF A WELL-LOADED WALNUT TREE THE CALIFORNIA WALNUT CALIFORNIA WALNUT GROWERS ASSOCIATION LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA PRESERVATION COPY ADDED ORIGINAL TO BE RETAINED \ p, \ U Copyright, 1919, by California Walnut Growers Association PREFACE 'The realization of the quality ideals held by the California Walnut Growers Association, through its many years of incessant effort, carries with it a reward that can be appre- ciated only by those who have striven mightily and succeeded beyond expectation. This ideal has been attained by careful supervision of the industry from the time the tree is planted in the orchard to the moment the nut is ready for shipment. The result is the "California Walnut." To increase the pro- duction of so wonderful a food product as the "California Walnut" is a worthy ambition and its accomplishment is proving extremely gratifying to thousands of growers. In an endeavor to show how these attainments have been brought about and are being perpetuated, this publication is offered. 448276 Our appreciation is extended to Mr. Carlyle Thorpe and Dr. Leon D. Batchelor for their careful criticism of the manuscript and to the University of California for the use of illustrative material. Recourse has been made to the University of California Bulletin 231, by Professor Ralph Smith, and the Standard Encyclopedia of Horticulture. Direct assistance has been received from a popular treatise on walnuts written by The H. K. McCann Company. W. T. WEBBER W. E. GOODSPEED Table of (Contents CHAPTER ONE Introduction "The Nut of the Gods" The Walnut in California Extent of the California Walnut Industry Wonderful Nutritive Qualities of the Walnut Walnuts a Staple Every-Day Food Walnut Production as a Business in California PAGE PAGE 9 Land Values . . , 15 9 Period of Bearing 15 11 Yield . 15 13 Prices Received for Walnuts 19 13 Production and Prices for Period of Ten Years 19 14 Expense of Operation 20 CHAPTER TWO Qulture of the California Walnut Propagation . . Rootstocks .... Varieties Location Best for Walnuts Planting the Grove . Cultivation .... Intercropping PAGE 21 21 2 3 33 33 35 35 Irrigation Pruning Fertilizers Top-Working Disease and Insect Pests Combating Disease and Insect Pests PAGE 35 35 39 4i 42 45 CHAPTER THREE California Walnut PAGE Harvesting 47 Local Packing-Houses 47 Eliminating Imperfect Nuts 47 Bleaching 55 Grading 55 Inspection 56 The Standard for First-Grade Nuts ... 57 Marketing Proper 57 "What the California Walnut Growers Association Is 58 Early Marketing Method 58 Beginnings of Direct Marketing ... 59 Formation of Association Increases Prices . 59 PAGE What the California Walnut Growers Association Has Done -59 Diamond Brand (Trade-Mark) . 60 Guaranteed Prices 60 Quality Guaranteed 60 Distribution 61 Cull Walnuts and Walnut Meats . . . .61 "Diamond Brand News" (House-Organ) . . 67 Foreign Information 67 Membership Department 67 Advertising 68 Selling Cost 68 Common Benefits 69 Conclusion .69 A MONARCH OF THE GROVE THE CALIFORNIA WALNUT W. . Qoodspeed Field 'Department (California Walnut Qrowers ^Association CHAPTER ONE THE record of the Persian walnut as a food of excellence goes back into history for many centuries. The Per- sians utilized its attractive qualities in their early commerce with the Europeans; the Greeks immortalized its delicate flavor in song and story; the Romans deified it, call- ing it "The Nut of the Gods," "Jupiter's Acorn." More modern man has long valued it as one of Nature's most gratifying foods, and today the walnut takes its place among the leading articles of daily consumption a food product rich in nutriment and delicious of flavor, the acme of wholesome diet. The Persian walnut is a handsome tree of noble proportions. It is thrifty, healthy, and rapid-growing, with a tall, clean trunk of light color. Its wide-spreading top and dense foliage have made it popular as a shade and street tree; its wonderful productivity and extreme longevity have made it the basis of a thriving industry. The nuts are borne in clusters of two or three; often in greater number. They are en- veloped in fleshy green husks which open up and allow the nuts to drop out when mature. With its probable origin in Persia and con- temporary cultivation in China and India, the production of the walnut has spread throughout all the western and southern countries of Europe, the United States, Chile, and other temperate regions. In the United States the cultivation of the Persian walnut is chiefly confined to California. It is com- monly misnamed the English walnut, prob- ably because in the early history of commerce the Asiatics used the nut as an article of trade with the Britons. The walnut has never been grown on a commercial scale in England; consequently, the term "English Walnut" is a misnomer. If commerce demands a popular name, it is fitting that this nut be known as the "California Walnut" ; thus giving it the name of the region which is foremost in its production and which furnishes commerce a nut of the highest quality. THE WALNUT IN CALIFORNIA THIS marketable species of walnut may have been first planted in Cali- fornia by the Mission Fathers; but it was not until the "gold rush" and the influx of Americans in 1849 that the walnut was planted at all extensively. The present wal- IO THE CALIFORNIA WALNUT "''**- wr-' .. , *r~ (ABOVE) ITS BEAUTY OF LINE AND SPREAD MAKE THE WALNUT A FAVORITE SHADE TREE (BELOW) AS A BORDER FOR STREETS AND DRIVEWAYS IT is UNSURPASSED THE CALIFORNIA -WALNUT 1 I THE NUTS ARE BORNE IN CLUSTERS OF TWO TO THREE AND OFTEN MORE nut industry is of comparatively recent origin, dating back to the introduction of the Santa Barbara soft-shell in 1867 and the French varieties in 1871. From these beginnings the industry has gradually grown until today California produces 97 per cent of the na- tion's walnut crop. EXTENT OF THE CALIFORNIA WALNUT INDUSTRY WALNUTS are now grown on the commercial scale in the Pacific Northwest, and there are a number of notable instances of walnut culture in the Eastern states as well. However, the fact that the walnut tree shows its preference for the soil and climatic conditions of California is borne out by the following facts : Over 65,000 acres are planted to walnuts' in the state of California, giving nearly one and one-half million walnut trees. These 65,- ooo acres represent an investment of more than $60,000,000.00. The annual crop for the past few years has ranged from 32,000,- ooo to 40,000,000 pounds of marketable nuts. The production for 1918 was approxi- mately 40,230,680 pounds. The output for 1919 is expected to surpass the 40,000,000- pound mark and may reach 50,000,000 pounds. These figures are a tribute to the rich soil and abundant sunshine of California, and should prove highly gratifying to those whose progressive cultural methods and whole- hearted co-operation have made this develop- ment possible. They are indeed gratifying when considered from the standpoint of in- come. The 1918 walnut crop paid the Cali- fornia growers approximately $11,000,000. The walnut is produced over almost the en- tire state, but the commercial industry is centered in the south. Orange, Los Angeles, Ventura, and Santa Barbara counties pro- duce by far the bulk of the California walnut crop. Riverside, San Joaquin, and Contra I 2 THE CALIFORNIA WALNUT CALIFORNIA ^VALNUT ACREAGE Each dot represents 1OO acres of walnuts FIGURE I THE CALIFORNIA WALNUT COMPARATIVE FUEL VALUE FOOD CALORIES PER f>OL/A/D PRODUCT 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800. 2000 2200 2400 2600 2800 3000 3200 POTATOES BEEFSTEAK WHEAT FLOUR WALNUTS WALNUTS COMPARATIVE COMPOSITION WHEAT FLOUR BEEFSTEAK POTATOES 2.8% 1.3% 14.8% 64.4% 16.7% I Proteins 61.9% 78.3% 1.0% 18.4% .1% 2.2% Ash I I Wafer Costa, counties produce a considerable ton- nage. (For definite information on distribu- tion of plantings see Figure i.) WONDERFUL NUTRITIVE QUALITIES THE fundamental reasons for this marvelous development, from such humble and recent beginnings, are many. Chief among them, however, are the wonderful nutritive qualities and the stabil- ity of the nut itself. To secure a high place for the walnut in the realm of nutrient foods, it was but nec- essary to demonstrate, by analysis, that the walnut contains the essential elements for human nutrition in much more abundant quantities than any other article of daily diet. The analysis has long since been made, and it is a proven fact that a pound of walnuts contains more proteins than a pound of wheat flour or potatoes, more fats and carbohydrates than a pound of beefsteak, and has more fuel value than a like amount of either. The above mentioned foods contain 12.8 per cent, 61.9 per cent and 78.3 per cent of water respective- ly, whereas the walnut contains but 2.8 per cent, which means that the purchaser of wal- nuts receives more real food to the pound. These figures can be readily verified by refer- ring to United States Department of Agri- culture, Farmers Bulletin 122. Many like comparisons could be made, all pointing to the fact that the walnut is a much more nutritious and economical article of diet than any of the other daily consumed prod- ucts. A STAPLE EVERY-DAY FOOD WITH these facts in view, it is not difficult to understand why the walnut, formerly a dessert or salad delicacy, has now taken its place with the staple every-day foods. Formerly the walnut THE CALIFORNIA WALNUT was held in reserve and used only during the holiday period, but today the housewife uses it as a substitute for many other nutrient foods the year round. It is estimated that 40 per cent of the walnut crop is now sold after the turn of the year, and this percentage is increasing as housewives are being educated to the almost unlimited possibilities of the walnut for adding wholesome variety to the every-day menu. California walnuts are generally used now in place of meat during Lent and on fast days and are recommended by many of the most MILLION POUNDS YEAR 1909 1910 1911 I9IZ 1913 1914 1915 1916 I91T 1916 8 A 75 70 65 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 25 eo 15 I \ \ / I \ - \ / / \ > / X \ / / / / / \ / / / / / \ / / r / / / NV / / *S r - \ / . ~~" s / Consumption Production NOTE The decreased consumption for 1918 is due to decrease in importations, on account of war conditions prominent physicians and sanitariums as an alternative or substitute for meat. The walnut enjoys a most unique distinc- tion among tree products, inasmuch as it can be stored for a year or more, awaiting dis- posal, without loss from depreciation. This feature has given the industry a stability and freedom from speculation that is not enjoyed by the perishable food crops. A walnut pro- duced is money earned, without the anxiety of probable loss in storage while awaiting a market. Another advantage that the walnut pos- sesses is found in the fact that it blooms and bears fruit after the danger from frost is over. The absence of the "smudge pot" in the wal- nut industry is one of its attractive features. Even in California, where climatic extremes are practically unknown, this quality of the tree is not unappreciated. WALNUT PRODUCTION AS A BUSINESS IN CALIFORNIA A "CORDING to a published statement of C. Thorpe, general manager of the California Walnut Growers Associa- tion, the normal consumption of walnuts in the United States is now around 70,000,000 pounds annually and is increasing rapidly. The consumption for the period October, 1917, to October, 19.18, amounted to about 74,000,000 pounds. From Government sta- tistics, the average annual import of walnuts (unshelled and shelled) for the last ten years is 30,924,712 pounds. The average annual California crop for the same period is 25,- 375,000 pounds. Since? California produces 97 per cent of the domestic walnut crop, it is evident that during the past ten years our imports have ex- ceeded our domestic production.! This fact forcibly suggests that there is a profitable op- portunity for increased walnut planting in California with no danger of over-produc- tion. This fact is further borne out by the steady increase in prices during the last fif- teen years. THE CALIFORNIA 'WALNUT (EXPRESSED IN POUNDS) California Production Computed U. S. Production g Importations Consumption in U. S. Year 1909 .... l8,7OO,OOO 19,278,000 26,214,OOO 1910 . . . . 19,200,000 19,794,000 34,230,000 54,024,000 1911 . . . . 25,000,000 25,774,000 32,390,000 58,164,000 1912 . . ' . . 22,500,000 23,196,000 32,922,000 56,118,000 1913 . . . . 22,700,000 23,402,000 26,456,000 49,858,000 1914 . . .-''. 17,800,000 18,350,000 27,770,000 46,120,000 1915 .... 29,650,000 30,570,000 31,540,000 62,110,000 1916 ..... 29,200,000 30,104,000 36,056,000 66,160,000 1917 . . . . 33,000,000 34,020,000 40,416,000 74,436,000 1918 . . . V 40,230,680 41,474,928 *2 1,248,000 *62,722,928 ^Reduction due to restricted importations through lack of transportation from Europe. LAND VALUES THE valuation of walnut land and land planted to walnuts varies wide- ly in different localities and is de- pendent largely upon soil and climatic con- ditions, which either increase or decrease profitableness. With land already planted to walnuts, there is the added factor of type and condition of trees. Geographic location, of course, has an economic bearing. Bare land under irrigation in the walnut sections of California, suitable for planting, is held at from $600.00 to $1000.00 an acre (av.erage from the replies of 922 growers, $733.41). Land planted to walnuts, not yet in bearing, is valued at from $800.00 to $1200.00 an acre. Bearing walnut properties can be purchased from $900.00 to $2000.00 per acre. Several mature walnut groves have recently changed hands for $1500.00 an acre. Nine hundred twenty-two growers, in vari- ous localities, recently placed an average val- uation of $995.00 on their non-bearing wal- nut plantings and an average of $1299.02 per acre on their bearing groves. PERIOD OF BEARING THE walnut usually comes into bear- ing at from five to nine years from time of planting. A recent survey of some 12,000 acres of walnuts, producing un- der varying conditions, gives eight years as the average time to arrive at profitable bear- ing. With good treatment a walnut tree will bear indefinitely. There are trees in France and other parts of the Old World which are known to have been producing for hundreds of years. Many trees in California are pro- ducing bounteous crops at fifty years of age and over. With good cultural care, the older the walnut tree becomes, the greater is its productivity. Of the California groves old enough to base judgment on, the oldest trees in the grove are producing the heaviest. YIELD THERE are commercial walnut groves in the state of California which produce over a ton of mar- ketable walnuts to the acre annually. There i6 THE CALIFORNIA WALNUT (ABOVE) THE WALNUT A "TAX-PAYER" FOR AN ORANGE GROVE (BELOW) THERE is NO PICTURE MORE RESTFUL THAN THAT PRESENTED BY THE CALM, SHADOWY DEPTHS OF A WALNUT GROVE at THE CALIFORNIA WALNUT CLOSE VIEW OF A WELL-LOADED CALIFORNIA WALNUT TREE FOUR MONTHS BEFORE THE NUTS HAVE MATURED THE NUTS ARE ENVELOPED IN HULLS WHICH OPEN AND AL- LOW THE NUTS TO DROP WHEN MATURE i8 THE CALIFORNIA WALNUT (ABOVE) A SIXTEEN-YEAR-OLD WALNUT TREE NEAR WHITTIER, CALIFORNIA (BELOW) MANY MILES OF CALIFORNIA'S FINE ROADS ARE BORDERED WITH STATELY WALNUT GROVES e THE 'CALIFORNIA- WALNUT A? I 9 / 230% 220 210 200 190 180 170 160 150 140 130 120 110 100 90 1909 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 19] 5 191 .6 1917 IQIft I / It / / [ Production Price /I _____ / 1 / s 1 1 !* * < / I ( / / x ^* / t V \ / ^ \_ \l s / / f / / v ^. ^ \ / \ f ' s "**x V* < , / t \'/ / / N f THE INCREASE IN WALNUT PRICES HAS KEPT PACE WITH THE INCREASE IN WALNUT PRODUCTION are many that produce over 1000 pounds. The actual 1918 yield of the 922 growers referred to above gave 949 pounds per acre for trees over twelve years of age, and an average of 500 pounds per acre for trees from seven to twelve years old. A safe esti- mate for business purposes is 900 to 1200 pounds per year, per acre, for mature trees. PRICES RECEIVED FOR WALNUTS THE prices here quoted are f.o.b. at point of shipment, and represent ap- proximately i 1/2 cents a pound more than actually received by the grower; this difference being the net cost of grading, pack- ing and marketing the product for those grow- ers who are members of the California Wal- nut Growers Association. The opening f.o.b. prices of the California Walnut Growers Association for 1918, were: No. i Soft Shell 28c per pound No. 2 Soft Shell 250 per pound I g J 1 the P Yea 19C 191 191 191 191 191 191 191 191 191 "ancy Bi itandard umbos "hese pr selling s >RODU PE1 r Q. . idded 3 1 Y* c P er pound Budded 2gc per pound 3 ic per pound ices were maintained throughout season. s CTION AND PRICES FOR UOD OF TEN YEARS Price Price Per Pound Per Pound No. i Fancy Production Soft Shell ' Budded (Pounds) (Cents) (Cents) l8,7OO,OOO 11-5 15.O 19,2OO,OOO 15.O 17.5 25,OOO,OOO 14.O l6.5 22,5OO,OOO 14.O l6.5 22,70O,OOO l6.O 19.O 17,80O,OOO 16.5 2O.O 29,650,000 13.6 17.0 29,200,000 15.5 19.0 33,OOO,OOO 20. 1 24. 1 4.0,230,000 28.0 31.5 'rices f. o. b. California O 1 ' 2 6 8. , F 20 THE CALIFORNIA WALNUT EXPENSE OF OPERATION THE above-mentioned survey of 922 growers, representing about 12,000 acres of walnuts, is used as a basis for the following figures: Cost of trees and setting out per acre ranged from $20.00 to $50.00; average of plantings, $28.40. Budded trees cost from $1.00 to $1.50 per tree, so the expense of starting an acre at this time would be nearer $^o.oo than $20.00. Annual cost of maintenance before bear- ing, including taxes, ranged between $20.00 and $70.00 per acre, average $42.00 on plant- ings of 20 acres and larger; and between $25.00 and $75.00 with an average of $47.00 on plantings of from i to 20 acres. The aver- age of all plantings considered was $45.00. With the use of intercrops this is often re- duced to a negligible amount. The average total cost of planting the grove and bringing into profitable bearing of 922 growers was $257.65 per acre. The annual cost of operation of a bear- ing grove, including all cost such as irrigat- ing, fertilizing, cultivation, pruning, harvest- ing, taxes, etc., ran from $32.00 to $100.00 per acre with an average of $61.00 for plant- ings of 20 acres and over. This cost increased as the acreage decreased. A safe estimate for business purposes puts the normal cost of op- eration between $40.00 and $60.00 per acre. The average cost of packing and marketing to members of the California Walnut Grow- ers Association is about 1 1 /2 cents per pound, or, based on a yield of 1000 pounds per acre, $15.50 per acre. This item amounted to 5 per cent of the selling price for the 1918 crop or 1^/2 cents per pound. This 5 per cent was distributed, 3 per cent to the central associa- tion and 2 per cent to the local association. INCOME TO BE DERIVED FROM CALIFORNIA WALNUTS Yield per acre Valuation per acre Gross income ( i ) Annual cost of operation per acre (2) Cost of packing and marketing Total expenses .... Net income Interest on valuation Safe Estimate for Business Purposes Income Which Competent Men May Hope to Obtain Income Not Infrequently Obtained Under Favorable Conditions 1,000 Ibs. $1,100.00 1,500 Ibs. $1,500.00 2,000 Ibs. $1,800.00 $163.70 $60.00 15-50 75-50 $245-55 $50.00 22.50 72.50 $327.40 $55.00 30.00 85.00 $88.20 $173.05 $242.40 8.02% 11.54% 13.47% (1) Based on average selling price of No. i Soft Shell for last ten years 16.37 cent|5 per pound. The average selling price for the next ten years will probably be higher. (2) All costs, including irrigating, fertilizing, cultivation, pruning, harvesting, taxes, etc. CHAPTER TWO (Culture of the California IValnut THE creation of a superior food prod- uct from the elements of soil and atmosphere affords an interesting oc- cupation and should make a narrative well worth the reading. Modern walnut production is not a monotonous succession of soil-tilling, seed-sowing, and bounteous harvest-gather- ing. The production of the California walnut takes as much time, thought, and intelligence as any other business concerned with the pro- duction of quality goods. As a matter of interest to those who are unfamiliar with the California walnut in- dustry and as a possible source of informa- tion to those directly interested, the follow- ing notes on culture are given. PROPAGATION THERE are various possible methods of starting a walnut orchard, each of which has had its era of popularity and still retains supporters. Within the last ten or fifteen years the demand has increased for nursery-grafted trees of given variety on known rootstock. At present this is the only method of propagation to be recommended. The black walnut for rootstock is grown from seed in the nursery for a period of one year. Just before the leaves start to emerge in the spring, the one-year-old seedling is grafted to the desired variety of California walnut, a short whip graft generally being used. The union is made fast with cotton twine or raffia, and hot wax is applied to the graft and scion-tip to prevent drying. The danger from drying out is further safe-guard- ed against by covering with paper or hilling up with soil. The young trees resulting are trained to stakes as a support for their supple growth. The tree is usually grown in the nurs- ery one year from time of grafting, at which time it is from six to twelve feet high and ready for transplanting. The demand for good trees fluctuates from year to year, but the past two years have been profitable to the walnut nurserymen because demand has ex- ceeded the supply. ROOTSTOCKS THE general requirements for a root- stock are that it produce a vigorous, healthy, and productive tree under varied conditions. The Persian walnut as a rootstock itself has been discarded because it does not live up to these requirements. The various species of the black walnut are used entirely for commercial rootstocks. The north- ern California black (Juglans hmdsii) is con- sidered with the most favor. It produces a strong, vigorous tree which will withstand adverse soil and moisture conditions to a profitable degree. This species is a native of northern California and is easily obtained. The southern California black (J. calif or- nica), though once popular, is little used at present, due to the fact that it produces a less vigorous root system than the northern species and starts growth earlier in the spring than the Persian walnut, thus causing profuse sucker ing. Trees planted to this species are in- clined to tip over when subjected to strong prevailing winds. The Eastern black ( J . nigra) is little used, since it produces a less vigorous tree than the 22 THE CALIFORNIA WALNUT NURSERY PRACTICES: (A) MAKING THE CLEFT. (B) THE SCION UNITED WITH STOCK. (c) TIED AND READY FOR WAXING. (D) A NATIVE SEEDLING BEFORE GRAFTING. (E) A NURSERY-GRAFTED TREE, DISPLAYING GOOD UNION AND EX- TENSIVE ROOT SYSTEM THE CALIFORNIA WALNUT A WALNUT NURSERY, SHOWING NATIVE SEEDLINGS IN THEIR FIRST SUMMER California species. Some nurserymen advo- cate the use of the Royal Hybrid, the name commonly given the cross between Eastern black and either of the California species. This stock gives a strong-growing tree, sup- posedly resistant to excessive soil moisture and other unfavorable soil conditions. Paradox Hybrid, which is a first-genera- tion cross between the Persian walnut and any of the "blacks," makes an exceptionally large and vigorous growth and in respect to merit as a rootstock is unsurpassed. How- ever, it is impractical from the nurseryman's viewpoint, as it is difficult to obtain in whole- sale quantities. VARIETIES ORIGINAL walnut plantings in Cali- fornia were of hard-shell seedlings. These were later superseded by the Santa Barbara soft-shell seedlings, of which a large acreage is still producing. Most of the plantings which have been made in the last ten years are of the budded varieties, of which the Placentia is the most popular. The Eureka has gained considerable prestige since its com- paratively recent introduction and has been more extensively planted than any other vari- ety (except the Placentia) in all southern California localities. It is safe to say that the planting of these two varieties during the past few years more than equals the plant- ings of all other varieties combined for the same period. In the central and northern Cali- fornia counties the Franquette, Mayette, and Concord varieties predominate and are per- haps better suited to the northern climatic conditions. The Placentia is of the Santa Barbara soft- shell type. It has an attractive, well-formed, thin shell, with a plump meat of pleasing ap- pearance, excellent quality, and exquisite flavor. The proportion of meat to the entire weight of the nut is high, running 50 per cent THE CALIFORNIA WALNUT -* ''/ PLACENTIA, ACTUAL SIZE CALIFORNIA WALN U T EHRHARDT and over. The tree is easily propagated, a vigorous grower, precocious, and is very pro- ductive. Its good quality and extreme pro- ductivity are sufficient to rank it high in the list of varieties. From all points of view it is considered the most profitable variety for southern California. This variety is suscepti- ble to blight; no more so, however, than the Santa Barbara seedlings. The Ehrhardt is a newly introduced vari- ety which has all the characteristics of the Placentia with the added merit of being more resistant to blight. In the one instance, where observation has been possible, this variety has been nearly free from blight; whereas the Placentia and seedlings of the same age, grown beside it, have been badly affected with the disease. The quality, cracking aver- age, and general attractive appearance of the Ehrhardt is higher than that of the Placentia. The Association's Field Department has helped distribute trees of this variety to the growers in various walnut sections for com- parative trial planting with the Placentia and Eureka, and it is expected that the result of these trials will place the Ehrhardt above the Placentia and make it the leading variety of southern California. The Eureka is an attractive walnut of the highest quality. It is a large oblong nut with handsome well-sealed shell, attractive meat, and excellent flavor. In the south it has been slow to come into bearing, but, judging from the original tree, it makes up for this de- ficiency by heavy production at maturity. Its tendency toward late blooming and early ripening makes it a very satisfactory variety for northern planting. It is at least as free from blight as any other established variety and is generally healthy and vigorous. It does best on a good rich soil, where plenty of moisture is available, but has a tendency to form imperfectly developed meats. To offset this tendency an extra irrigation should be 26 THE CALIFORNIA -WALNUT EUREKA, ACTUAL SIZE THE CALIFORNIA WALNUT 2 7 FRANQUETTE, ACTUAL SIZE 28 THE CALIFORNIA 'WALNUT CHASE, ACTUAL SIZE THE CALIFORNIA WALNUT CONCORD, ACTUAL SIZE CALIFORNIA WALNUT NEFF, ACTUAL SIZE THE CALIFORNIA 'WALNUT (ABOVE) PROLIFIC, ACTUAL SIZE. (BELOW) SAN JOSE, ACTUAL SIZE 32 ? THE 'CALIFORNIA* WALNUT o o o o 60 0600 O O O O oooo oooo EARLY-BEARING VARIETIES AS FILLERS O LATE-BEARING VARIETIES ROWS 60 FEET APART -(- EARLY-BEARING VARIETIES TREES 30 FEET APART PERMANENT TREES 60 FEET BY 60 FEET THE CALIFORNIA WALNUT applied toward the latter half of August or early September. The Prolific, Chase, El Monte, Concord, Neff, Payne, and a few other varieties are producing profitably in various walnut sec- tions of California, while the French varie- ties, chiefly represented by the Franquette and Mayette, are a source of profit in regions of short growing season. All of the varieties named are good commercial nuts, each one possessing certain qualities in which it sur- passes its rivals. LOCATION BEST FOR WALNUTS SUCCESS with walnuts depends upon soil, climatic and soil-moisture condi- tions. The soil best adapted is a good loam with plenty of humus. Although this crop is profitably grown on the lighter soils with silt or loam subsoils, it favors the heavier loams. Groves planted on light sandy soils are a source of continual worry. Those with an underlying layer of hardpan or a fluctuating water-table within 5 or 6 feet from the surface, are short-lived. Although good drainage is imperative, irrigation is nec- essary in most sections for the best results. While there are walnut varieties which produce in localities of short season and low winter temperature, the most favorable loca- tion for commercial walnuts is one of long growing season and moderate winters. Add to this a relative high humidity, and you have an ideal location for walnut plantings. Favor- able climatic conditions must, of course, be supplemented with adequate water supply. The industry has developed faster through- out the coast regions but recently has spread to the interior. The high humidity and small daily range of temperature prevalent in the coastal sections are apparently more favor- able to this crop, especially to the varieties of the Santa Barbara soft-shell type. Other varieties are being developed by the Field Department of the California Walnut Grow- ers Association which may be better suited to the climatic conditions of the inland sec- tions. Inland plantings are less subject to blight than those of the humid coast regions. PLANTING THE GROVE IMPORTANCE is attached to the tree obtained for planting purposes. A stocky tree of from 6 to 10 feet in height, of good diameter and a vigorous, healthy root system, should prove satisfactory. Such trees can be obtained from nurserymen at a cost of from $1.00 to $1.50 apiece. Good trees, even at a higher cost, prove the cheapest in the end. Trees are usually headed back to 5 or 6 feet at planting. Trees of the present plantings range from 40 to 60 feet apart, but experience has proved that a distance of 60 feet between trees gives the best results. The walnut makes a vigor- ous growth, and if planted closer than 60 feet the trees will crowd when mature, the sunlight is excluded from a large portion of each tree, and the bearing surface materially reduced. This results in a reduction of crop. This contention is borne out by the fact that in closer plantings the outside trees bear ap- preciably more than those inside the grove where the sunlight is excluded. Actual com- parisons by the Field Department of the California Walnut Growers Association be- tween crops from close and distant plantings prove that though more distant plantings (60 by 60 feet for permanent trees) are more profitable in the long run, the returns from 6o-foot permanent plantings are increased by planting the rows 60 feet apart and the trees 30 feet apart in the rows, with the intention of removing every other tree in the row when they begin to crowd. In localities where such varieties as the Eureka and Franquette do well, it is advisable to plant these less pre- cocious varieties 60 by 60 feet with varie- ties such as the Placentia and Ehrhardt, which come into profitable bearing five or six years after planting, as fillers in the rows. When the proper time arrives the early-bearing vari- eties can be removed, leaving a good 6o-foot planting of the desired type. This practice is followed with very satisfactory results. Some growers even plant 30 by 30 feet with the intention of removing first every other row and later every other tree. This practice can 34 THE CALIFORNIA W A L N U T . , ulu. u uaut . t M u uu iiim (ABOVE) THE NECESSITY OF DISTANT PLANTING BECOMES APPARENT WHEN THE TREES ARE FULL GROWN (BELOW) A CALIFORNIA WALNUT GROVE IN CLEAN CULTURE CALIFORNIA WALNUT only be recommended if the grower will have the moral courage to remove the trees at the proper time, or if the soil is strong enough to support the added trees profitably. In the majority of cases, the grower hasn't the moral courage to remove the trees when the time comes. Interpl anting with deciduous fruits is practiced in some sections, but usually to the disadvantage of the walnut but with pos- sible profit to the grower. CULTIVATION SATISFACTORY method of soil han- dling is most prevalent where clean culture is combined with winter cover- crops. Such crops as Melilotus clover, purple vetch, and horsebeans make good covercrops if properly handled. These leguminous crops add nitrogen to the soil and improve its me- chanical condition. The covercrop is usually planted immediately after harvest and plowed under to a good depth during the latter part of March or in April. The soil is well broken up with disk and harrow and kept in good tilth throughout the summer. WITH the present practice of distant planting in vogue, intercropping is resorted to as a means of support- ing the walnuts before they come into profit- able bearing and increasing the profitableness of older groves. In localities where beans do well, interplanting with this crop has proved very advantageous and remunerative. Good returns are derived from the beans, and at the same time the beans, being a leguminous crop, add nitrogen to the soil. The straw plowed under, and even the bean roots, add humus to the soil and improve its mechanical con- dition. The cultivations given intercrops bene- fit the trees as well. On a strong soil, where plenty of irrigation water is available, intercropping with winter vegetables such as lettuce and cabbage has proven a desirable practice. The use of corn or other grains as an intercrop is absolutely unsatisfactory, as these intercrops draw too much nutriment from the soil, and alfalfa is only to be recommended where abundant water is available for irrigation purposes. If alfalfa is used as an intercrop, A GOOD DIS- TANCE OF CULTIVATED GROUND SHOULD BE LEFT BETWEEN THE INTERCROP AND THE TREE ROWS, and this cultivated strip kept well irrigated. IRRIGATION IRRIGATION water is applied to the trees by the use of the furrow system in most cases. In a few instances the basin system is resorted to. Each irrigation should penetrate 5 to 8 feet from the sur- face to reach the entire root system. Time, amount, and frequency of irrigations depend upon rainfall, climatic conditions, and water- holding capacity of the soil. Two to five irrigations are given. They are usually ap- plied in May, June, July, and August, when the nuts are being formed and ma- tured. The best irrigation practice includes an irrigation in the middle of the dormant season, as early as January or the fore part of February. January irrigation is particularly necessary in years of light rainfall. If the rainfall before the first of the year has not come up to normal, a January irrigation will prove good insurance against a possible drought. Winter irrigation lessens the possi- bility of winter injury and assures an early and steady growth in the spring. An irriga- tion a week or two before harvest facilitates the opening of the shucks at harvest-time. An additional irrigation is sometimes given in the fall after the leaves are off the trees, to put the trees in good condition for the winter and thus reduce the danger from winter in- jury. From 12- to 24-acre inches are applied throughout the year. Some growers apply as high as 3O-acre inches. PRUNING A SMALL amount of pruning is prac- ticed, usually no more than the re- moval of the lower branches which interfere with cultivation. A certain amount THE CALIFORNIA WALNUT ..i^i i -/.d'^*; 2i LrA^l^P (ABOVE) A LEGUMINOUS COVERCROP READY TO BE PLOWED UNDER (BELOW) THE TRACTOR is BEING USED TOADVANTAGE IN WALNUT CULTIVATION THE CALIFORNIA WALNUT 37 i, 51 (ABOVE) WINTER CABBAGE AS AN INTERCROP; A GOOD PRACTICE ON STRONG SOIL WHERE AN ABUNDANCE OF IRRIGATION WATER IS AVAILABLE (BELOW) LETTUCE AS AN INTERCROP THE CALIFORNIA WALNUT (ABOVE) IRRIGATION IN PROGRESS (BELOW) IMMEDIATELY AFTER IRRIGATION. IRRIGATING WALNUT TREES BY MEANS OF THE FURROW SYSTEM THE CALIFORNIA WALNUT 39 THE LOW-HANGING LIMBS ARE PRUNED OFF TO FACILITATE ORCHARD OPERATIONS of thinning is beneficial, since it exposes a greater surface to the sunlight and increases fruitfulness. However, to date, no special system of pruning has been developed; but experiments which will definitely settle the matter of pruning are being carried on in the principal walnut-growing sections by the Field Department of the California Walnut Growers Association. All the known types of pruning are being practiced, and the result- ing yields and vigor of tree recorded. The merits of the various pruning methods will, in this manner, be determined on a practical basis and the grower apprized of the best practices to follow, with the benefits he may expect as a result of his labor. FERTILIZERS A a general practice throughout the walnut industry, fertilizers have been confined to the use of barnyard ma- nure. This practice is commendable, as it adds humus to the soil, makes it more porous, and thus increases its power of water-absorp- tion and retention. It also adds nitrogen in a form available for plant use. The same re- sults are obtained by plowing under legumi- nous covercrops. Commercial fertilizers have been tried out in a few instances, but with indifferent suc- cess. From the table on page 40 it will be seen that the walnut removes a smaller amount of the principal plant-food elements from the soil than other fruit crops. These figures indicate that the walnut is not as exacting in its fertility requirements as other tree crops. However, the actual extent of its fertility demands is not yet known. Two years ago the Field Department of the Cali- fornia Walnut Growers Association, in co- operation with the University of California, commenced investigations along these lines: THE CALIFORNIA WALNUT PLANT FOOD ELEMENTS WITHDRAWN FROM THE SOIL BY FRUITS* (EXPRESSED IN POUNDS PER ACRE) Fruit Oranges . Lemons . Apricots Walnuts Amount of Crop 16,300 Ibs. 18,900 " 10,000 " 1,000 " Nitrogen 28.23 Ibs. 28.53 " 19-73 " 10.20 " Phosphoric Acid Potash 8.63 Ibs. 34-39 Ib 11.52 " 50.84 6.40 " 29.00 a 2.78 " 1.50 (t *P reduction from Dean Hunt of the University of California. Analysis by Colby in California Station Report of 1892 to 1897 Plan of COOPERATIVE WALNUT FERTILIZER EXPERIMENT 5o.nToa.auln Fruit Co.- TU.J tm , California NORTH . 14 15 16 17 II II 20 U K a 14 K 26 27 II I) 30 }\ 31 33 --34 35 St )f~ It 40 4)' 4Z. 43 + + + + + + + + + + Alfalfa. -I-OO + 0+-OOOO -I-+ -H+-T- + + +4- + + + 4 -K + + + + H PI 0| OO-I-OOOOO 44-+ + + + 4--I-- + 4- b' s o n o o o o - -t + + N P, Oj * Kt + O f + 4- 4- o o b "6 "6 o o o +--l-4 + ++++-t-+- 4- O O O O"6'b O O O 4- + 4-4++ + -f4- + T- + + + + + -1- ' + + + ++ + + + N P, O, r K t + OOOOOOO + ++.+ + 4- + +- ig h p.L.n. i.r I,ri,ali.n THE CALIFORNIA WALNUT (LEFT) CHANGING THE VARIETY OF A PERSIAN WALNUT, SHOWING THE LIMB STUBS WITH SCIONS INSERTED. THE TRUNK IS WHITEWASHED TO PROTECT IT FROM SUNBURN. (RIGHT) PAPER BAGS ARE PLACED OVER THE NEWLY-INSERTED SCIONS TO PROTECT THEM FROM SUN AND DAMPNESS At present three separate fertilizer projects are being carried on in Tustin, El Monte, and Santa Paula, respectively. Each of these ex- periments comprises a planting of from 30 to 50 acres, divided into plots, each of which is given a different kind and amount of fertil- izer. Check plots are maintained which are given no fertilizer. The complete fertilizer used for mature trees in these experiments consists of 30 pounds of dried blood, 21 pounds superphosphate, and 8.4 pounds of potash per tree annually. In the plots treated with barnyard manure 30 cubic feet of ma- nure per mature tree is applied annually. An exact record of growth and production of each tree in the experiment is kept. With the' continuation of these experi- ments, the Association's Field Department will eventually be able to inform the growers of the exact economic benefits to be derived from the use of various fertilizers, and the amounts to use in order to get the maximum results. TOP-WORKING TOP- WORKING is often resorted to for the purpose of changing varie- ties and even species of the walnut. Young and mature native "blacks" are often grafted to the California walnut with the re- sult of converting a merely ornamental tree into a commercial producer. Many of the old seedlings have, by grafting, been made to pro- duce the better nuts of the budded varieties. Top-working is best accomplished in Jan- uary and February, when the tree is dormant. Four or five limbs, located so as to make a strong and well-balanced tree, are cut off about one foot from the trunk. Usually two cuttings are required to get a good smooth sur- face without splitting. A modified "cleft graft" is used, three to four diagonal splits being made around the circumference of the smooth-surfaced stub, extending about two inches each way. This split is forced open with a wedge, and a scion of two or three buds, tapered gradually and regularly to a THE CALIFORNIA 'WALNUT (LEFT) AT THE END OF THREE MONTHS' GROWTH THE TOP-WORKED TREE is LARGE ENOUGH TO REQUIRE ARTIFICIAL SUPPORT FOR ITS BRANCHES. (CENTER) THE RE- SULT OF TWO YEARS' GROWTH. (RIGHT) A NATIVE BLACK TOP-WORKED TO THE EHRHARDT VARIETY AT THE END OF THE SECOND YEAR'S GROWTH wedge, is inserted. The cambium layer, or sapwood, of the scion and stub must be in contact. The scion is cut with a bud at the vortex of the wedge, and, in placing, this bud should be level with the surface of the stub. Wood for scion purposes is preferably of the previous season's growth, and must be com- pact, healthy, and in good condition. Care must be taken to keep the scion wood moist between time of cutting from the parent tree and time of use in grafting. After the scion is inserted properly the wedge is removed, soft twine is bound around the stub near the top to secure the scion, and the stub, scion-tip, and all exposed sapwood painted with wax. The wax is applied hot and forced with a brush into all cracks and crev- ices. The scions are then covered with paper bags to protect them from the sun, moisture, and wind. These bags are removed shortly after the scions commence growth. The stubs must be waxed at subsequent intervals until the union is well established. The formula used by the California Wal- nut Growers Association's Field Department for the making of grafting-wax consists of: Resin Beeswax Raw linseed oil 4 pounds l pound l pint DISEASE AND INSECT PESTS THE walnut tree suffers little from the ravages of disease and insects, compared with citrus and deciduous fruits, and the expense required to combat such troubles is small. However, there are a few maladies which must be taken into con- sideration. Of these, -walnut blight, orbacteriosis, is by far the most important so important in fact that the loss of a fourth of the crop in THE CALIFORNIA WALNUT 43 DEMONSTRATING THE USE OF THE DUSTING MACHINE FOR CONTROLLING THE WALNUT APHIS certain years has been attributed to it. It is a bacterial disease which attacks the young and tender growth and spreads to the more mature wood, causing the affected areas to turn black and die. Under favorable condi- tions the disease is especially destructive to the nuts. If it attacks the nuts early in life, it causes them to turn black and drop off when one-eighth to one-half inch in size. It causes more mature nuts to remain undevel- oped, and makes full-grown nuts unmarket- able. It occurs on the nut as a black spot, most prevalent at the calyx end, but often scattered over its entire surface. Damage from blight is more prevalent in years of heavy fogs. Although the growers themselves and the California Legislature have offered large re- wards for a remedy, no method of control has been found. Certain walnut varieties have been developed which show a degree of resist- ance to the disease. With the introduction of these and the development of still more re- sistant varieties, it is hoped that the damage from blight can be greatly lessened. On the insect side, the chief pest which the industry has had to combat is the walnut aphis. This is a small green plant-louse which feeds on the leaves and succulent shoots by sucking the plant juices and devitalizing the tree at a critical stage, thus causing less crop, lighter nuts, and imperfect meats. The foilage of a tree infected with this insect becomes covered with "honey dew," a sticky secretion which turns black upon continued exposure to the air. The damage caused by the aphis varies from year to year. In some sections the damage is considerable every year; in others it is only on exceptional years that the loss is heavy. The aphids usually disappear with the approach of extremely hot weather. The latest method of control is by the use of a nicotin-dust preparation, applied by blower. The latest improved dusting-machine 44 THE CALIFORNIA WALNUT A D (A) APPEARANCE OF GREEN NUT AFTER WORM HAS EN- TERED ON OPEN SIDE. (B) CODLIN MOTH WORM USU- ALLY ENTERS GREEN NUT ON THE STEM END AS HERE SHOWN, (c) A ROUND OR OVAL OPENING ON THE STEM END OF THE CURED NUT IS ALMOST A SURE SIGN THAT THE WORM HAS PAID HIS RESPECTS INSIDE. (D) SEC- TION OF WALNUT SHOWING THE CODLIN MOTH WORM DOING ITS WORK THE MANGLE, A SPECIAL MACHINE RECENTLY IN- STALLED IN THE LOS ANGELES HEADQUARTERS OF THE ASSOCIATION, IN AN ATTEMPT TO PREVENT THE SPREAD OF THE CODLIN MOTH THROUGHOUT THE STATE. SIXTY THOUSAND EMPTY DIAMOND BRAND WALNUT BAGS ARE BEING "IRONED OUT" BY THIS MACHINE THIS SEASON, THE IDEA BEING TO EXTERMINATE THE INSECTS BY HEAT AND PRESSURE will treat 40 acres a day, applying 3 to 4 pounds of dust to the tree, at a cost for dust- ing material of 15 to 20 cents per tree. The dusting-machine proper can be purchased for $190.00. The aphis can be controlled by the liquid tobacco spray, although the cost on extremely large trees makes it impractical. It has been demonstrated that ten-year-old trees can be sprayed for 30 cents a tree and mature trees for 40 to 50 cents per tree. Spraying is practi- cal only when the aphis appears in alarm- ing numbers, fifty or more individuals to a leaf. . The codlin mofk, though a recent pest to the California walnut, has done considerable damage since 1916. The moth lays its eggs on the under surface of the leaves, and a larva, a small fleshy, light-colored worm of a pink tint, emerges. This larva penetrates the nut, usually where two nuts touch. A nut that has been penetrated by a worm is destroyed for eating purposes and becomes unmarket- able. This insect is apparently the same as the codlin moth of the apple, and is subject to the same treatment, with revision of ap- plication. So recent is its occurrence that no control methods have been tried out, but it is known that arsenate of lead, Paris green, and other poisons will kill the insect. It yet re- THE CALIFORNIA WALNUT 45 mains to determine the best method of appli- cation. Work along these lines is going for- ward rapidly through the medium of the University of California and the Field De- partment of the California Walnut Growers Association. Experiments are being carried on with the insect itself and methods for its con- trol. Dusting, spraying, and banding are all being tried out from the viewpoint of both efficiency and economy. Working on the hypothesis that the cod- lin moth was introduced into California by means of sacks used for shipment of nuts, and that the insect is spread by this means, the California Walnut Growers Association has installed a machine which irons out the sacks, killing the insect either by heat or pressure. Sixty thousand bags are being treated in Los Angeles this season. Die-back, or winter injury, little-leaf, per- foration, and shrivelled meats are all physio- logical difficulties that can be helped by the proper selection of soil and climatic condi- tions for a given variety, application of proper cultural methods, and accurate at- tention given to moisture conditions. Sunburn causes much damage to trees of all ages. The bark cracks and promotes de- cay. The trees should be protected by paper protectors when small and painted with whitewash later. Crown-gall is a bacterial disease which causes large galls at the crown of the tree, cutting off circulation and preventing proper nutrition. The tissue in the proximity of these galls becomes abnormal and easily suc- cumbs to decay. There is no means of remedy- ing the evil when once started. It can be avoided only by rigid inspection of nursery stock and controlled by removal of infected trees. It is probable that tree-surgery may save infected trees, but doubtful. Melaxuma, though rare in most localities, does occur on the walnut. This disease causes cankers on the trees which exude a black sap. It is infectious, but can be cured by cutting out the cankers and painting with Bordeaux paste, followed by an application of asphalt paint. Amalaria, or the so-called toadstool fun- gus, is of minor importance in the walnut in- dustry, although it does occur -in some sec- tions. This fungus disease causes decay of the roots and is very infectious. No remedy is known, though it can be controlled to some extent by removing infected trees when dis- covered. With smaller trees, trenching around the roots of infected trees will prevent its spread, but with older trees, such is the ex- tent of their root systems that trenching is impractical. COMBATING DISEASE AND INSECT PESTS THE walnut growers of California are behind the citrus- and deciduous-fruit growers in the matter of combating disease and insect pests, probably because the walnut has been much freer from these rav- ages in the past than the crops mentioned. However, it behooves the growers of walnuts to increase their efficiency in this regard to maintain this condition of comparative free- dom from pests. Methods of control are avail- able, but concerted effort is lacking. Progress in this matter would increase the profitable- ness to the individual as well as benefit the industry as a whole. Realizing this laxity on the part of the growers, the Field Department of the Cali- fornia Walnut Growers Association devotes a large portion of its time to this phase of the industry. A close check is kept upon all wal- nut pests, and preventive methods and reme- dies recommended. All walnut ailments are investigated and given scientific attention. New remedies are tried out and perfected; old remedies are improved upon. As a result of the department's work, the latest and best scientific knowledge is carried direct from the research laboratory to the grower. With the continuance of this work it is hoped to put the walnut industry on a par with other Cali- fornia fruit industries in this respect, and save the growers in the future the large sum which is now being lost due to their indifference. CHAPTER THREE the California W. T. TVebber^ Secretary (California If^alnut (growers ^Association SINCE THE MOST APPROVED METHODS OF HARVESTING, GROWING, GRADING, PACKING, AND SELLING CALIFOR- NIA WALNUTS NOW IN VOGUE ARE THE OUTGROWTH OF THE DEVELOPMENT WORK OF THE CALIFORNIA WALNUT GROWERS ASSOCIATION, THE FOLLOWING MAY WELL BE CONSIDERED THE EXPERIENCE OF DIAMOND BRAND WAL- NUTS FROM THE TIME THEY ARE MATURED UNTIL THEY ARE SHIPPED FOR DISTRIBUTION TO THE CONSUMER HARVESTING A OUT two-thirds of the walnuts grown drop from the trees when mature and are simply gathered up and sacked. The remainder of the crop is shaken from the trees by means of long poles with hooks attached. The hook is caught on the limb and the nuts, if mature, brought down by a vigorous shaking. About three-fourths of the nuts drop clean of the husks, the remainder usually being husked in the field by the pick- ers. After picking and sacking, the nuts are generally hauled into the harvesting-grounds and placed about three inches deep on trays, where they are allowed to cure thoroughly for several days. Drying-houses have been erected by some of the growers who have a large enough acre- age to support one. These houses are built with lath outer walls to give ample ventila- tion. The drying bins are arranged one above the other, the nuts being mechanically dumped from one bin to the bin below it. They are started in at the top, and, moving a bin at a time, are worked through the whole series. This exposes them to a ventilation sur- face of six or eight inches and assures uni- form mixing. This process takes from four to eight days. The harvesting operations usually begin about September 15th, and are principally carried on by Mexicans, who contract the picking for about $1.00 to $1.50 per one hundred pounds. LOCAL PACKING-HOUSES IT should be borne in mind that the Cali- fornia Walnut Growers Association is the parent organization for twenty-five local packing associations operating in each of the principal walnut-producing sections of the state. These local plants grade and pack the walnuts of their grower members, the out- put of each local association averaging about 600 or 700 tons annually. These local asso- ciations are also organized on the co-operative principle. Any grower located in the tribu- tary section may become a member. The pack- ing plants when originally built are usually paid for at the rate of one-quarter cent per pound per year, or less, on the output of all members ; the packing-house operation is con- sequently carried on at actual cost to the growers. ELIMINATING IMPERFECT NUTS A~^TER being properly cured, the nuts are delivered to the local packing- house by the grower, where they are first run over a rough screen which frees them from dirt and all foreign matter. From this screen the nuts pass through a suction ma- chine, a device which lifts the blank or im- perfectly filled nuts over a trap and allows the full-meated ones to pass through. These machines are found only in the packing- houses of the California Walnut Growers Association, which owns the patent rights thereto, and are the only means known of THE CALIFORNIA WALNUT THE NUTS ARE CURED BY THE GROWER THE CALIFORNIA WALNUT 49 THE LARGER GROWERS MAINTAIN LATH CURING HOUSES THE CALIFORNIA WALNUT (ABOVE) THE ASSOCIATION'S PLANT AT SANTA ANA is AS EFFICIENT AS IT is PLEASING TO THE EYE (BELOW) THE IRVINE PLANT is MODERN IN EVERY RESPECT THE CALIFORNIA WALNUT (ABOVE) THE SANTA BARBARA PLANT is ONE OF THE MOST MODERN AND EFFICIENT (BELOW) FULLERTON GROWERS MAKE THEIR HEADQUARTERS HERE THE CALIFORNIA WALNUT (ABOVE) THE ASSOCIATION'S SATICOY PLANT is PLAIN BUT COMPLETE IN EVERY PARTICULAR (BELOW) PART OF A SINGLE DAY'S DELIVERY BY GROWERS AT SATICOY THE CALIFORNIA WALNUT 53 (ABOVE) WALNUT DRYING BINS AT THE SATICOY PLANT. CAPACITY, HALF A MILLION POUNDS (BELOW) INTERIOR OF THE IRVINE PLANT 54 THE CALIFORNIA WALNUT (ABOVE) AN INSIDE VIEW OF THE HUGE BINS WHERE NUTS ARE DRIED AFTER BLEACHING (BELOW) BATTERY OF WALNUT BLEACHING DRUMS THE CALIFORNIA WALNUT 55 BEFORE PASSING UNDER THE SUCTION MACHINE (IN BACKGROUND) THE WALNUTS ARE CONVEYED BY SLOW- MOVING BELTS IN FRONT OF GIRLS WHO PICK OUT THOSE OBVIOUSLY IMPERFECT segregating full-meated walnuts from blanks. From the suction machine the full-meated nuts pass on to an endless belt where girl cullers, seated on each side, remove the ill- shapen and bad-appearing nuts. T BLEACHING HE next treatment is that of bleach- ing. The nuts are given a bath of from one to two minutes' duration by passing them through large drums par- tially filled with a liquid bleaching solu- tion for the purpose of removing dirt and stain and brightening the appearance of the shells. The local association packing-plants are no longer permitted to use sulphur fumes in bleaching the shell of the walnut, as it has been demonstrated that these fumes have a deleterious effect on the nut meat. Thus the Association uses only bleaching materials which are non-injurious to either the keep- ing quality, the flavor, or the digestibility of the nuts. From the bleaching drums they are passed over another shaker which frees them from accumulated drops of the solution, and they are then elevated and graded to size. GRADING FOR this process large galvanized-iron cylindrical graders are used. Each grader is 10 feet long and 40 inches in diameter, set on a six-inch pitch, and has a capacity to properly grade one and one-half tons of walnuts per hour. A soft- shell walnut grader contains somewhat over 8000 i 1 /32-irich 'square openings, and the walnuts which pass over the grader without falling out at one of these openings are known as the Number One Grade. Those which fall out comprise the Number Two Grade. THE CALIFORNIA WALNUT A SECOND CULLING OF THE MACHINE-GRADED NUTS BY HAND, FURTHER GUARANTEES THEIR QUALITY Budded graders contain somewhat less than 8000 iiVinch square openings, and the nuts passing over constitute the Fancy Grade and those falling through the Standard Grade. From the grader the walnuts again pass on to a grading-belt, where those that have not been bleached properly or have been broken by the bleaching and grading operations are removed. The perfect nuts then go into the drying-bins, and after a period of from 24 to 48 hours are packed 100 pounds net weight in burlap bags ready for shipment. INSPECTION A' this juncture, one of the corps of in- spectors employed by the California Walnut Growers Association is sent from its Los Angeles office for the purpose of inspecting the nuts and determining whether or not they reach the standards of appearance, quality, and size demanded of all walnuts packed under the DIAMOND BRAND. The inspector opens at least one in every ten bags of the lot and removes a double handful of walnuts therefrom as a sample. He mixes all these samples in a receptacle, examining them as to appearance and size, and cracks not less than 400 nuts, keeping a careful record of the quality of each nut cracked. If the samples pass all tests, an in- spection certificate is issued and the walnuts may be shipped; if not, a certificate is re- fused, and they must either be re-graded and brought up to the DIAMOND BRAND stand- ards, or packed in unbranded bags and sold at a considerable reduction in price. It should be understood that the thorough inspection and grading process described above applies only to nuts grown by the mem- bers of the California Walnut Growers As- sociation. However, its efficiency has been so proven that we quote it as an example of what is, or at least should be, the state's wal- nut process. THE CALIFORNIA WALNUT 57 INTERIOR OF THE ASSOCIATION S BIG PLANT AT SANTA ANA, SHOWING PORTABLE CULLING TABLES (MAIN FLOOR) AND BATTERY OF GRADERS ON BALCONY THE STANDARD FOR FIRST-GRADE NUTS ARIEF description of a first-grade walnut according to the standards maintained by the California Walnut Growers Association may not be amiss. It should be here borne in mind that the walnut is a product of "Old Lady Nature." Conse- quently, the general quality 'and cracking averages of California walnuts cannot always be maintained on a uniform basis from one year to another; but the industry has so rap- idly advanced in combating the whims of the "Old Girl" through the perfection of super- human grading devices, that an unusually large percentage of imperfect nuts can be, and is now, automatically removed from the field run as delivered to the packing plants. We may add that the Association owns and controls the patents on most of these perfect- ed grading devices. A nut is considered satisfactory if its size is in accordance with the specifications for the No. 1 or the No. 2 grade; if its kernel is plump and sound, not too dark in color; if it is not wormy, moldy, or rancid; and if one portion of the shell has not split and fallen away from the other. The shell must have no material outward blemish and must show a clean bright color. MARKETING PROPER THAT* the individual producer of an agricultural product cannot market his output to the best advantage is a well-recognized fact. He lacks the control of volume necessary to economical packing and distribution and the stabilization of market through guaranteed prices. He is at the mercy of speculative buyers, who not only make a profit on their purchases, but whose costs of packing and marketing are necessarily quite heavy. This, combined with THE CALIFORNIA WALNUT other well-known economic factors, has brought into existence growers' co-operative selling organizations throughout the country. Since the walnut growers have proved no ex- ception and have their own selling organiza- tion, it may be well to pause here and con- sider in detail the extent of that organization and the things that brought it into being. WHAT THE CALIFORNIA WALNUT GROWERS ASSOCIATION IS TO MR. C. C. TEAGUE, WHO WAS LARGELY RESPONSI- BLE FOR THE ORGANIZATION OF THE CALIFORNIA WALNUT GROWERS ASSOCIATION AND WHO HAS BEEN ITS ONLY PRESIDENT, A LARGE MEASURE OF THE SUC- CESS OF THE ORGANIZATION IS CREDITED. MR. TEAGUE HAS NEVER COLLECTED ONE CENT FOR SERVICES REN- DERED THE ASSOCIATION, BUT HAS WORKED INDE- FATIGABLY FOR ITS SUCCESS, AND HAS MANY TIMES, BY HIS UNFAILING LEVEL-HEADEDNESS AND GOOD JUDGMENT, GUIDED IT OVER DANGEROUS SHOALS A early in the history of the California walnut as 1895 the Rivera Walnut Growers Association, with a mem- bership comprised of individual walnut grow- ers adjacent to Rivera, was organized for the purpose of grading, packing, and marketing the output of its members. This idea was adopted in other districts, and within a few years probably eight or ten local walnut grow- ers' associations were operating in various dis- tricts in southern California. EARLY MARKETING METHOD THE marketing method followed by these associations was to engage the services of what is known as a coast broker, or shipper, to market their walnuts wherever a buyer could be found. As the commission paid these brokers was ordinarily 6 per cent of the selling price, there was great competition each season between them for the selling contract of each local association. Confronted with these com- petitive conditions, the broker dared not re- fuse a tender of walnuts, no matter what the quality, as by so doing he would have jeop- ardized his selling contract for the next sea- son. He preferred to fight it out with the buy- er and assume any necessary loss. The natural result of such a system was a gradual dete- rioration rather than an improvement in the quality of the so-called first grade of Califor- nia walnuts, with a consequent low price level and light demand. Again, no intelligent efforts to gain proper distribution were made, each broker fighting for the business in the larger markets and all of them more or less neglecting the smaller ones, thereby losing a large percentage of pos- sible consumption. Almost invariably each season after the jobbers had purchased their requirements for the holiday trade, the wal- nut market took a decided drop, and the local association which had not been able to ship its entire output quite early was obliged to be content with considerably reduced prices for the remainder. With these price conditions prevailing year after year, and with no de- pendable guarantee as to quality and grading, the jobber was inclined to be chary and gen- erally underbought rather than the reverse. To show that the walnut business was not particularly lucrative in those days, the prices returned by the Santa Ana Valley Walnut Growers Association to its members on Num- ber One soft-shell walnuts are here shown by seasons for a period from 1898 to 1911 : Season 1898 1899 19OO 1901 19O2 1903 1904 1905 19O6 1907 1908 1909 191O 1911 Price Per Pound $.0643 .0741 .0950 .0852 .0944 .1194 .1044 .1184 .1002 1355 .1074 .1065 .1405 .1250 THE CALIFORNIA WALNUT Growers belonging to these associations had already shown their progressiveness and fully realized that conditions were not what they should be, but there was apparently nothing they could do about it. THE BEGINNINGS OF DIRECT MARKETING A OUT this time two young men in Ventura County conceived an idea. C. Thorpe, manager of the Santa Paula Walnut Association, and H. C. Sharp, manager of the Saticoy Walnut Growers Association, decided in 1909 to make no sell- ing contracts, with the coast broker, but to market the output of their houses themselves, selling direct to the wholesale grocer and fruit jobber. They put out a high-grade pack under their association brands and gave their trade the very best possible service and treatment. The success of this method became immedi- ately apparent, and these two managers were for several years able to make returns to their growers materially higher than those received by growers of associations who still sold through the coast brokers. FORMATION OF ASSOCIATION INCREASES PRICES NATURALLY their success attracted attention. Indeed, such an impres- sion did it make that in 1912 some fifteen local associations organized the Cali- fornia Walnut Growers Association, the func- tion of which was to market their walnuts along exactly the same lines which had proven so advantageous to the Santa Paula and Sati- coy growers. It is interesting to note the steady year-to- year increase in the price of walnuts since the Association was organized. The Association opening prices for DIAMOND BRAND No. l Walnuts, which h^ave never been lowered, but several times increased, are shown by seasons. This table, compared with the one show- ing earlier prices received by the Santa Ana growers, forms an instructive comparison: Season 1912 1913 1914 1915 1917 19l8 Price 14.0 cents 16.0 " 16.5 " 13.6 " 1-5.5 " 20.1 " 28.0 " WHAT THE CALIFORNIA WALNUT GROWERS ASSOCIATION HAS DONE MR. CARLYLE THORPE, GENERAL MANAGER OF THE ASSOCIATION SINCE 1913, HAS, THROUGH INHERENT ABILITY, "NEVER SAY DIE" SPIRIT, CLOSE STUDY OF HIS WORK, AND DUE APPRECIATION OF THE NEEDS OF GROWER AS WELL AS BUYER, BROUGHT THE CALI- FORNIA WALNUT GROWERS ASSOCIATION TO A POSI- TION IN THE EYES OF THE BUSINESS WORLD REACHED BY FEW AND EXCEEDED BY NONE WHILE at its inception the Cali- fornia Walnut Growers Association marketed only 54 per cent of the output of the state, its avowed principles were : A standardized pack of high and guaran- teed quality under its DIAMOND BRAND, which meant the elimination of the various brands used by its local members. 'fo stabilize market conditions by guaran- teeing prices against decline, thus justifying distributors in buying more freely and carry- ing heavier stocks, thereby widening the con- sumption period. tfo judiciously 'distribute its product, and through continued sales efforts to widen the distribution and increase the consumption of California walnuts, appreciating full well that maximum demand is only possible through the widest distribution. tfo at all times take every possible action tending toward the improvement of the qual- ity of its pack and the conditions affecting the growing and marketing of California walnuts. To say that the California Walnut Grow- ers Association, with its fifteen local associa- tion members representing only 54 per cent 6o THE CALIFORNIA WALNUT of the growers, was an eminent success its first year would be a marked digression from the truth, because it had its troubles and made many errors through lack of experience. But the organization was unquestionably an im- provement over the old methods, as evidenced by the fact that it showed rapid and continual growth. As the increasing benefits it gained for the members became apparent other local asso- ciations joined, and other districts formed as- sociations for the purpose of joining, until during the 1918 season the California Wal- nut Growers Association marketed nearly 80 per cent of the walnuts grown in the state at the highest prices ever known, and which brought its members a return of almost nine million dollars. DIAMOND BRAND ONE of the first acts of the directors after the organization of the Asso- ciation was to choose and copy- right its DIAMOND BRAND trade-mark, under which all first-grade walnuts since mar- keted by it have been packed. In adopting this identifying mark for their product, the Association was not blind to the fact that it was assuming a very definite responsibility for the uniform quality of the walnuts which it might thereafter place upon the market. The directors realized that an advertised trade-mark could have no permanent value unless backed up by goods of merit. Accord- ingly uniform standards of size, quality, and appearance were adopted. Walnut harvesting, handling and grading systems have since been repeatedly improved upon as a result of the work of the Association's experts, until today DIAMOND BRAND Walnuts unquestionably have first call with a great percentage of the trade in all markets of the United States. In- deed, during the latter part of the 1918 sea- son, when all shippers had walnuts to sell, many instances occurred where buyers pur- chased DIAMOND BRAND at a premium of from one-half to two cents per pound over goods offered under other brands. GUARANTEED PRICES A OTHER important fact of which the Association's directors had full realization was that the wholesale grocer and fruit jobber unquestionably af- forded the most economical means of dis- tributing their product to the retailer, and through him to the consumer. And further, that to get the fullest co-operation of these distributors it was necessary to reasonably assure them that their walnut operations would return a profit. To do this it was necessary to eliminate the old condition of a serious drop in walnut prices occurring immediately after the holi- days. Consequently, a form of contract ap- proved by the National Wholesale Grocers Association, to be used by the Association covering its orders from the jobbing trade, was adopted. This contract, in addition to providing for definite standards of quality and size as well as other details commonly found in a contract form, stipulated that the Association should, at the beginning of its shipping season, name; a season's price on each of its grades of walnuts, such price to be fully guaranteed against its own decline for the succeeding eleven months. In other words, on any reduction in the opening prices the buyer was rebated accordingly on all stocks on hand. While this guarantee did not mean much in 1912, coming as it did from an Associa- tion with its fifty-four-per-cent output con- trol and puny four-thousand-ton shipments, it was a step in the right -direction, and as the Association's membership percentage in- creased the great value of the price guarantee was fully proven. In fact, it is now one of the bulwarks of the industry. QUALITY GUARANTEED IN the old days the best the jobber got in the way of a quality guarantee was a clause in his contract reading something like this: "Equal in quality to the season's average produced in the district from which walnuts are shipped." THE CALIFORNIA WALNUT 61 LCS ANGE-LtS FIVE SOUTHERN COUNTIES SHOWING LOCATION OF LOCAL PACKING HOUSES AFFILIATED WITH (California Walnut Cjro'foers Association RIVERSIDE FIGURES ON MAP INDICATE LOCATION OF PACKING HOUSES 1. Bishop-Stow Ass'n Coromar California 13. 2. Santa Barbara County Walnut Growers Ass'n. .Goleta California 14. 3. Carpinteria Walnut Growers Ass'n Carpinteria California 15. 4. Sespe Land & Water Company Sespe California 16. 5. Santa Paula Walnut Ass'n Santa Paula California 1 7. 6. Limoneira Company . Limco California 18. 7. Saticoy Walnut Growers Ass'n Saticoy California 19. 8. Oxnard Walnut Growers Ass'n Oxnard California 20. 9. Moorpark Walnut Growers Ass'n Moorpark California 21. 10. Simi Valley Walnut Growers Ass'n Santa Susana California 22. 11. Cudahy Walnut Orchard Los Angeles California 23. 12. El Monte Walnut Growers Ass'n El Monte California 24. 25. Hemet Walnut Growers Ass'n. La Puente Valley Walnut Growers Ass'n Puente California Walnut Fruit Growers Ass'n Walnut California Whittier Walnut Growers Ass'n Whittier California Leffingwell Walnut Orchard Leffingwell California La Habra Walnut Growers Ass'n Des Moines California Fullerton-Placentia Walnut Ass'n Fullerton California Anaheim Walnut Growers Ass'n Anaheim California Richland Walnut Ass'n Orange California Garden Grove Walnut Growers Ass'n. .. Garden Grove California Santa Ana Walnut Growers Ass'n Santa Ana California Irvine Walnut Ass'n Irvine California Capistrano Walnut Growers Ass'n. San Juan Capistrano California Hemet, California Inasmuch as walnuts are grown in at least twenty-five southern California districts, in an area over two hundred miles long and thirty miles wide, and the average season's quality as to districts may be widely different, due to varying weather and other conditions, such a quality guarantee was not of much value. The Association felt that its buyers were entitled to a definite guarantee of quality, and consequently inserted in its contract a clause providing that at the time prices were an- nounced season's cracking standards would also be announced. These standards set the minimum percentage of sound merchantable nuts which each lot of walnuts should aver- age. In past seasons the cracking standard for DIAMOND BRAND Walnuts has varied from 87 to 90 per cent, but it has always been the policy of the Association to ship goods cracking well over the guaranteed minimum. For instance, the 1918 season cracking stand- ard for DIAMOND BRAND No. 1's was 88 per cent, yet the total shipments made by the As- sociation averaged well over 94 per cent. DISTRIBUTION A stated, before the advent of the As- sociation the point of a thorough dis- tribution of California walnuts in all markets of the United States had been sadly neglected. The sales department immediately set out to correct this condition, and its ef- forts have been attended with such success that today DIAMOND BRAND Walnuts are well known to every wholesaler of food prod- ucts in this country, and he is, through per- sonal calls by the Association's representa- tives, afforded many opportunities each season to buy them. CULL WALNUTS AND WALNUT MEATS IT must be understood that many of the walnuts produced are, through poor ap- pearance, being blighted, partially filled, and for other reasons, unsuitable for market- 62 THE CALIFORNIA WALNUT CD Q THE CALIFORNIA WALNUT PATENTED WALNUT CRACKING MACHINE. CAPACITY TONS PER DAY ing in their natural state. The percentage of such nuts varies considerably from season to season, depending upon conditions preva- lent during the growing season, but the aver- age, of course, materially increasing as the quality standards of the Association were raised. In the old days such walnuts, which are known as culls, were sold by the grocer or packing-house manager to cull peddlers who took them at the grove or packing-house, the price paid ranging from \ l /2 to 3 cents per pound. The peddlers' usual method of dispos- ing of these culls was to put them on the in- side of a bag, top with good nuts, and foist them off on the dealer and public as first-class goods. As time went on it became more and more noticeable that these tactics were seriously re- tarding the sale of good walnuts, especially on the Pacific Coast, for the simple reason that the dealer or housewife after being swindled a few times decided that good wal- nuts could not be had and refused to buy further. With no thought of getting a higher re- turn for their cull walnuts (in fact, really ex- pecting a loss), but for the general good of the industry, the management and directors of the Association in 1915 built its first crack- ing plant. There Association growers' culls were sent for the purpose of cracking them and extracting the edible meats. After being extracted the meats were as- sorted into four classes namely, Light Halves, Light Pieces, Light Amber Halves and Pieces mixed, and Dark Halves and Pieces mixed. These goods were offered to THE CALIFORNIA WALNUT THE CALIFORNIA WALNUT the trade under the DIAMOND BRAND, and the 1915 season output finally sold at prices which netted the grower a slightly larger re- turn for his culls than he had heretofore re- ceived. But, at that time, the big noticeable point was the marked increase in the sale of DIAMOND BRAND Walnuts on the Pacific Coast generally, and in Los Angeles particu- larly. However, the management, through more efficient factory operations and more intelli- gent sales efforts, had gained a confidence in its ability to ultimately make the walnut- meats business an important one and cull re- turns much greater than any grower had ever hoped for. Mechanical cracking, sorting, and clean- ing machines were patented and improved upon ; larger, commodious, and more econom- ically arranged quarters for operations as well as employees were secured ; and an education- al sales campaign for the purpose of widen- ing distribution and increasing consumption was launched. The results obtained speak for themselves. Since the installation of the first cracking plant, net cull returns to growers have increased each year, until for the 1918 season they ran as high as i8^4 cents P er pound, with an average of almost 15 cents per pound. From one little poorly arranged and equipped plant, employing a maximum of 150 operatives and handling less than five tons of culls per day, to three fine up-to-date well-lighted and equipped plants employing over 600 operatives and handling over twenty-five tons of culls per day, represents the Association's factory progress since put- ting DIAMOND BRAND Walnut Meats on the market. The largest of these plants, located at Los Angeles, employs an average of 400 girls for the season's duration of from five to seven months each year. The other plants, employ- ing i oo girls each, are located on the top floors of the magnificent new walnut-packing houses at Santa Ana and Goleta, California, respec- tively. When the Association's sales department first assumed the burden of marketing its out- put of meats, practically the only outlet was the candy manufacturer and soda-fountain supply houses, and only such of these houses as were located in the Western and Pacific Coast states. Eastern houses viewed original attempts to interest them in California wal- nut meats coldly, first, because they had never heard of California meats, having al- ways been accustomed to using imported stock; second, because the large percentage of California meats ran to the amber color, and the user could not believe that they were of as good quality or could be used in his prod- uct to the same advantage as the much lighter- colored, though higher-priced, imports. The sales department, pinning its faith to the facts that the color of California meats was literally only skin deep, and that their fine flavor and excellent keeping qualities, as well as the dependability and uniformity of pack, were much superior to those of imports, set out to so convince the trade. Also a drive was made to introduce DIAMOND BRAND Walnut Meats to the consumer through the distributing mediums of the wholesale and re- tail grocers. The signal success of this work is shown in the constantly increased prices received. (See table below.) So not 6 only has the Association accom- plished its original purpose of taking cull wal- nuts off the market, but it has by a simple manufacturing expedient changed a commod- ity unfit for human consumption to a highly Season 1915 19l6 1917 19l8 Light Halves Light Pieces Light Amber Dark Amber Dark 32c. per Ib. 28c. per Ib. i8c. per Ib. 8c. per Ib. q6c. " 32c. " 24C. " 12C. /I t C 65c. " 52/^c. " 5oc. 2oc. , 8oc. " yoc. " 65c. " 5oc. perlb. 32^." 66 THE CALIFORNIA WALNUT (ABOVE) OFF-GRADE WALNUTS, MACHINE CRACKED IN THE ASSOCIATION'S LOS ANGELES BY-PRODUCT PLANT (BELOW) WOMEN ASSORTING THE WALNUT MEATS INTO FIVE GRADES THE CALIFORNIA WALNUT 6 7 nutritive and attractive food product that may be sold at attractive prices. "DIAMOND BRAND NEWS" THAT a partner in a business enter- prise, whether active in its manage- ment or not, is entitled to fullest information concerning its activities is a principle based on common sense as well as on common law. The walnut grower, being a partner in the California Walnut Growers Association, is not content to just harvest his walnuts, turn them over to the local packing-house, and cash checks for his returns. He wants to know what is going on how sales are, how the market is, what the prospects for next season are, and the whys and wherefores of things generally and if he knows these things, he takes a greater in- terest in the welfare and upbuilding of the Association. The directors of the California Walnut Growers Association were quick to appreciate the desirability of keeping member -growers intimately in touch with the Association's problems and affairs. However, the origi- nal method of conveying this information, through spasmodically issued circular letters, soon proved too cumbersome, and in 1916 the Association management published the first issue of its house-organ, the "DIAMOND BRAND NEWS." Since that time the paper has been published regularly every two months during the off season, and every month dur- ing the harvesting season. It not only keeps the growers informed re- garding the condition of their business, but it also carries frequent constructive articles writ- ten by experts pertaining to the many culturaj problems in the interests of quicker and better harvesting, new, larger, and better-equipped packing-houses, additional membership, and that one idea that is always kept before them, "Better walnuts under theDiAMONDBRAND." The "DIAMOND BRAND News" is mailed to all growers of record whether they belong to the Association or not, and is unquestion- ably read from "kiver to kiver" by most of them. It undoubtedly is serving its purpose, which is to foster the interest of the Califor- nia walnut industry in general and the co- operative spirit in particular. FOREIGN INFORMATION IT is probably not generally known that, in normal times, over fifty per cent of the walnuts consumed in the United States are imported. The best of these im- ported nuts, which come from France and Italy, usually sell from two to five cents per pound below the best grade of Californias. Naturally, with this large tonnage in com- petition, it is of vital importance that the Association, when naming its season's open- ing prices, have detailed and accurate infor- mation concerning the size, quality, and sea- sonableness of the French and Italian walnut crops as well as the prices prevailing. To make doubly sure of having this neces- sary information at all times at its command, the Association maintains an office in Gre- noble, France, in charge of a salaried agent. The entire time of this agent is devoted to gathering information and statistics concern- ing the walnut crops and conditions in France, Italy, and Spain for submission to the Los Angeles office of the Association. He makes frequent investigational trips to the walnut-growing sections of all three countries, as well as keeping in close touch with transportation, trade, and market condi- tions, cabling or writing his findings as their importance and expediency may demand. MEMBERSHIP DEPARTMENT FOR many years no particular effort was made to induce outside growers to join the local associations. They were wel- come if they wanted to come in, but were seldom requested to do so. The Association membership and tonnage were continually increasing, and the time and thought of the management were almost wholly directed to other problems. However, as DIAMOND BRAND Walnuts grew in popularity and consumption in- 68 THE CALIFORNIA WALNUT creased, the demand far outpaced the supply. Since the Association is building for the fu- ture day when new acreage and improved cultural methods will double the present Cali- fornia walnut tonnage, the problem of sup- plying this demand and keeping it alive is of great importance. To have more walnuts to sell under the DIAMOND BRAND the Association must have more acreage; consequently, its Membership Department was recently organized for the primary purpose of conducting a continual and intelligent campaign for new growers. This department is compiling records and maps showing every bit of acreage in south- ern California set to walnuts, with the age and variety of the trees, indicating whether its owner belongs to a local association, and if not, why not. It carries on regular drives for new members in conjunction with local man- agers or secretaries in the different districts, and has found that in a great many cases the grower was perfectly willing, and even anxious, to join the Association, but had not done so because he had not been invited. However, it should be understood that the activities of the Membership Department are not directed solely toward getting new mem- bers. In fact, one of its principal duties is to look after the welfare of Association growers. The grower may be disgruntled because he feels his walnuts have been culled too heavily, because a load was refused at the packing- house as not properly cured, his payments from the local too long delayed, some pack- ing-house employee has been rude to him, some independent shipper has offered him more for his walnuts than the Association paid, or by some of the many other unpleasant occurrences which can arise. These things the Membership Department learns of and en- deavors to run down and smooth out. ADVERTISING THE value of advertising as an ad- junct of other sales efforts in widen- ing the distribution and increasing the consumption of an article or product of merit is so generally appreciated that no comment is necessary. With the rapidly increasing production of walnuts in California which has already been mentioned, the Association is naturally look- ing toward, and building for, the time when the demand as it is at present will be insuffi- cient to absorb the output. As the walnut production is increasing comparatively at a much more rapid rate than the population of the United States, the natural consumption increase will be insuffi- cient, and consequently the Association has launched a national advertising campaign, to be carried on in a large way each season re- gardless of the relative standing of supply and demand. The advertising has been and will continue to be along the lines of bringing forcibly to the housewife and consumer the high nutritive value and palatableness of California walnuts, as well as the many tasty dishes and goodies of which California wal- nuts are the principal ingredient. This for the purpose of increasing consumption, as well as for laying stress upon the fact that California walnuts are good to eat the year round, not just a Thanksgiving and Christmas delicacy. In answer to the numerous requests as to the ways California walnuts should be used, the California Walnut Growers Association has just published for free distribution an at- tractive recipe booklet showing the varied uses of its product in making many good dishes better, and how to prepare new and ex- quisite goodies. The excellent value of such advertising has already been proven by the Association's 1918 season campaign, the direct result of which was that during the period from Jan- uary first to July first, 1919, more than ten times the quantity of California walnuts were consumed than during the same period of any previous year. SELLING COST A S previously mentioned, the selling /-\ costs of the local associations before -L JL the organization of the California Walnut Growers Association were \ l / 2 per THE CALIFORNIA WALNUT 6 9 cent trade discount and 6 per cent commis- sion to the coast brokers, both percentages being figured on the f .o.b. value of the goods. The Association during each of the seven years of its existence has been able to materi- ally reduce these costs. For the first five years its total yearly expense amounted to \ l / 2 per cent trade discount and 3^ per cent selling cost. In 1917, due to an unusually short har- vesting period and quick movement of the en- tire crop, the selling expense was reduced to l]/2 per cent. The 1918 season crop, which was by far the largest ever produced, and in the selling of which the Association was con- fronted with very delicate and serious market conditions, was sold at a cost of 3 per cent. In addition to this the trade discount was re- duced from 1 1 / 2 to l per cent, making a total saving to Association growers on the actual marketing cost of the 1918 crop over the old method of more than $300,000.00. This showing is all the more gratifying to the management of the Association since the 3 per cent, while called "selling expense," really covers every expense. In other words, the Association's members were returned the full opening price value of their walnuts less i per cent discount and 3 per cent expense, the latter including not only actual selling cost, but the expense of maintenance of field de- partment, membership department, legislative work, and advertising. COMMON BENEFITS WHILE the advantages accruing to the grower and distributor have been particularly emphasized, it should not be assumed that the Association, in building up its business on DIAMOND BRAND Walnuts, has given no thought or consideration to the consumer other than asking him to "pay the freight." Through the Association's efforts, the con- sumer is given a product of much higher aver- age quality, and is protected in a large de- gree from being swindled by unscrupulous dealers who would, if they could procure them, sell walnuts almost worthless in food value at first-grade prices. The average Amer- ican today is particular, and walnuts are no longer "just walnuts." He knows that Cali- fornia produces the best walnuts grown, that the best of these are packed under the DIAMOND BRAND, and he buys accordingly. But the principal advantage accruing to the consumer through the development of the Association is the reduction of that generally wide margin between the amounts the pro- ducer receives and the consumer pays for a product. Dean Hunt of the University of California has said that for the average food product the consumer pays at least three times what the producer receives. In other words, goods for which the producer gets one dollar cost the consumer three dollars. By the elimination of many unnecessary speculative elements in its efforts to put DIAMOND BRAND Walnuts in the hands of the consumer by the cheapest and shortest pos- sible route, the California Walnut Growers Association has just reversed this average condition. WALNUTS FOR WHICH THE PRO- DUCER GETS ONE DOLLAR TODAY COST THE CONSUMER AN AVERAGE OF BUT ONE DOLLAR AND THIRTY-FIVE CENTS. CONCLUSION IF the foregoing pages have fulfilled their mission, the reader is aware of the mam- moth proportions to which the walnut industry has attained in California. If he has taken time to read the cultural notes, he realizes that the California walnut grower deserves to be classed as a scientific producer of a high-grade food product. When he stops to consider that a pound of walnuts contains more heat calories than a like amount of beefsteak, the reader will find it easy to account for the growing pop- ularity of the walnut as an article of daily diet. The attained knowledge of its nutritious and economic value as a substitute for meats, having converted the walnut from a holiday luxury to an every-day food, is sufficient to perpetuate the stability and prosperity of the industry. With the organization of the industry 7 o THE CALIFORNIA WALNUT based on sound principles of co-operation, the growers have been able to market an annually increasing crop at prices which guarantee a ready consumption and at the same time a satisfactory return to the producer on his in- vestment. With the active and far-sighted steps being taken by the California Walnut Growers Association to increase the consum- ing demand to take care of the rapidly in- creasing production, the future of the walnut industry in California appears very promis- ing. DESIGNED BY THE H.K. McCANN COMPANY ADVERTISING AGENTS SAN FRANCISCO RETURN CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT TO** 202 Main Library LOAN PERIOD 1 HOME USE 2 3 4 5 6 RECALLED AFTER 7 DAYS DUE AS STAMPED BELOW MAY 08 1988 AUTODISGWOTVB UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, BERKELEY FORM NO. DD6, 60m, 1/83 BERKELEY, CA 94720 BERKELEY LIBRARIES 44827t>