\ LAWS OF THE CONGREGATION OF THE - GHEAT SYNAGOGUE, DUKE'S PLACE, LONDON. REVISED AND ENACTED A. M. 5623. 1863. LONDON: PRINTED BY J. WERTHEIMER AND CO, CIRCUS PLACE, FINSBURY CIRCUS. 56231863. PREFACE TO THE EDITION OF THE LAWS PUBLISHED IN 55171827. HPHE "Wardens of the Great Synagogue, Duke's Place, presume that it will neither be deemed irrelevant nor intrusive, if they seize the opportunity afforded by the publication and distribution of the newly arranged Code of Laws, to prefix to the same an account of the early establishment of this Congre- gation, together with a cursory detail of its present arrangement, and of the course pursued by the Officers and Vestry to effect the objects of their anxious care. It appears, from the remnant of an ancient manu- script book of laws and minutes of transactions, still existing among the documents lying in the Syna- gogue Chambers, that a meeting for prayer at least, if not a place specially devoted for Public Worship, must have been established by the German Jews, prior to the year p'sb ^"Jn or 1692 : the Synagogue in Duke's Place, however, was the first building, (excepting that of the Portuguese Congregation), iv PREFACE. purposely erected for divine service after their settle- ment in this happy realm in the year 1655. This pious work was effected at the sole expense of MOSES HART, Esq., a wealthy merchant of that time, the consecration of which took place on the Eve of the New Year p'sb 1'SD m A.M. 5482 or 1722 ; and, by a codicil to the will of this religious and generous benefactor, bearing date 1756, the property was bequeathed to the Congregation altogether. In T"3pfi or 1767, this Building was repaired, en- larged, and consecrated. Since that period, however, the community having greatly increased, the whole was taken down and the present elegant structure being twice the size of the former), was erected in 3"pn or 1790; toward the expense of which, Mrs. JUDITH LEVY, the then only surviving daughter of the original founder, subscribed the sum of 4000. The Synagogue thus renewed, is the oldest and most spacious in London belonging to the German Jews ; besides which, as the population has increased, several others have since been erected ; but, in con- sequence of its early standing, this of Duke's Place has always been the principal point whereto the poor, PREFACE. V both resident and foreign, have looked for, and found relief. At the head of its religious department, we have, at the percent time, the happiness to boast of the superintendence of the highly-gifted arid worthy Dr. SOLOMON HIRSCHEL, Q. D. C., whose reverend and esteemed father also guided Israel in this place from the year ppH or 1757 to Y3pn or 1764; divine worship is, of course, regularly and devoutly attended to under his auspices, while the Honorary Officers and Vestry are zealously employed in the general superintendence, in the dispensation of charity to the poor, the attention to the sick, and burial of the dead. Fixed monthly stipends are allotted to proper objects as well as casual relief administered as occasions arise, and the sums dispensed among the foreign poor who apply are very considerable, besides a large annual expense incurred for the distribution of niE for which there always are an immense number of ap- plicants; a Physician, Surgeon, and Apothecary are also engaged to attend in their several departments for the benefit of the poor. Thus are our principal duties, of worship to the Almighty God, and charity to his creatures, attempted to be fulfilled. May we find grace in the sight of the Lord, and may he bless his people ! AMEN. VI PREFACE. It must be evident, that an establishment like this, requires very large funds to effect its purposes ; and the managers have the satisfaction to declare, that the Congregation has met with many liberal supporters, and the poor with many generous friends. Several large sums have been settled in the funds, and their produce confided to the management of the Yestry for specific charitable purposes, to be annually dis- tributed; and the names of LAZARUS SIMONS, Esq., ISRAEL ELKIN, Esq., of Jamaica, and ASHER GOLD- SMID, Esq., must, on this account, be particularly noticed, while the enumeration of the rest of the generous benefactors to the Congregation, is in this place impossible; their names are justly inscribed in golden letters on the tablets in the synagogue, and their deeds are registered in Heaven, Such liberality is as honourable to the donors as it is indispensable to the Congregation, as, but for the generosity of the public, the Jewish Poor would be very badly provided for ; parochial relief being princi- pally given in workhouses, our indigent brethren are consequently deprived of such assistance ; and, although in France, Holland, Hamburgh, etc., the law of the land authorises the Jewish Congregations to levy a PREFACE. Vll rate on their brethren for their Synagogue establish- ment and the maintenance of their poor, the laws of England do not permit a compulsory tax to be raised by any separate community without a special act of Parliament ; hence, the only resource and hope of this Congregation rest on the voluntary contributions of its members, nor is this hope groundless; for the Jews are by all acknowledged to be compassionate and charitable, being fully impressed with the words of scripture : TDK 1 ? *pfi& '3JK p W pKPl nipfc JV3K SlIT tih ^ pro ' *pnjo pWn 735/7 7nf? IT n nnsn nns run -mn y?:a o i 1 ? -jnra *}i> yv *h b jnn " The poor shall never cease out of the land : there fore I command thee, saying, Thou shalt open wide thine hand unto thy brother, to thy poor, and to thy needy, in thy land. Thou shalt surely give him, and thine heart shall not be grieved when thou givest unto him : because that for this thing the Lord thy God shall bless thee in all thy works, and in all that thou puttest thine hand unto." Deitt. chap. xv. verses 11 andlO. Viii PREFACE. The Congregation have hitherto been highly benefited by the bequests of pious and benevolent persons, among which may be mentioned those from the late MOSES HART, Esq., Founder of the Syna- gogue, ISAAC FRANKS, Esq., AARON FRANKS, Esq., Dr. SAMUEL DE FALK, LEVY BARENT COHEN, Esq., JUDAH PHILLIPS, Esq., of Jamaica, DANIEL ELIASON, Esq., and many others, besides settled funds for peculiar purposes as heretofore mentioned. INTRODUCTION. having been no reprint of the Laws since the years 5587 1827, and many of them then in existence having been subsequently abrogated, or modified, and several new Laws enacted, the Com- mittee of the Congregation determined to submit to the consideration of the Vestry the desirability of a revised code. Pursuant to a resolution of the Committee, passed at a Meeting held on the 7th November, 5615 1854, and ratified by a resolution of the Vestry at a Meeting held on the 23rd of the same month, a Sub- Committee was appointed to draw up such revised code. The Sub-Committee was constituted as follows : Dr. BARNARD VAN OVEN, Louis NATHAN, Esq. LEWIS JACOBS, Esq. SAMUEL MOSES, Esq. JOSHUA ALEXANDER, Esq. SAMPSON SAMUEL, Esq. MAURICE SOLOMON, Esq. At their first Meeting, the Sub-Committee elected the late Dr. BARNARD VAN OVEN as their Chairman, and they presented their Report, and the Code of X INTRODUCTION. Laws as revised by them, on the 16th March, 5618 1858. It is only a duty to the memory of the respected Chairman of the Sub-Committee, to quote the con- cluding paragraph of the report in question : " The Committee cannot close this Report without " recording their grateful appreciation of the eminent " services of their esteemed Chairman, Dr. VAN OVEN, "who has invariably attended every Meeting, and " whose talents, experience, and urbanity, have greatly " aided the Committee in their attempt to adequately " fulfil the trust confided to them." The Sub- Committee, in their Report, state that they commenced their labours on the 24th Januarv, 5615 *i ' 1855, that they elected the Secretary of the Synagogue, Mr. SIMEON OPPENHEIM, an Honorary Member, and that his complete knowledge of the present Laws, and the manner of their operation, had been of the greatest value to the Sub-Committee at each step of their proceedings. The Sub-Committee further state, that they had devoted fifty evenings to the fulfilment of their duty ; INTRODUCTION. XI and it is fitting to record the grateful appreciation of the Committee and Vestry, of the skill and assiduity which those gentlemen have manifested in carrying out the important duties entrusted to them. The revised Code was submitted to the consideration of the Vestry, and underwent the most careful and minute consideration of that body, during a series of Meetings ranging over a period of nearly three years. With such modifications as were made by the Vestry, it was then, conformably to Law, submitted to the consideration of the conjoint body of the Vestry and forty-two Members, and recom- mended for their adoption. This last-mentioned body, during a series of closely continuous Meetings, devoted great care and attention to the consideration of the revised code; and the Code of Laws, as now printed, is that which was finally adopted by them, such portions of the same as relate to religious matters having previously been submitted to the consideration of the Chief Rabbi, the Rev. Dr. ABLER. The present revised Code has thus been prepared with much care ; and is framed not only to meet the requirements of the present time, but also in strict accordance with those principles which have hitherto Xll INTRODUCTION. governed the Congregation, and to which pious reference is made in the original Preface. It has been thought useful, to give at the foot of this Introduction, a form of Legacy, to be adopted by those benevolent persons who may be desirous of promoting the welfare of the Synagogue. Many munificent Donations and Legacies have been pre- sented and bequeathed to the Congregation, in addition to those mentioned in the original Preface; and many settled funds, established for special purposes, exist to perpetuate the memory of their benevolent founders. Among those who have been pre-eminently conspicuous for the liberality of their benefactions and bequests, may be mentioned the names of the late MOSES SAMUEL, Esq., ISAAC COHEN, Esq., ABRA- HAM LYON MOSES, Esq., and the late Mrs. BARNET JOSEPH ; an accumulating fund has also been founded by the members of the Rothschild family in memory of their deceased parents, which already amounts to a considerable sum. It may be interesting generally to note, how im- portantly, since the date of the last promulgated code, the Great Synagogue has advanced in the wide extent of its religious influences, and in the increased INTRODUCTION. Xlll amount of its benefactions ; and how, by the estab- lishment of a Branch Synagogue in Great Portland Street, it has been enabled to meet the requirements of its Members, whom the habits of the present time have located at a distance from the original building. In the First Preface, a just and glowing tribute is paid to the efficiency of the then Chief Rabbi, the late Dr. SOLOMON HIRSCHEL, 7'"T; and it is a source of the highest gratification at the present time to testify how much the Congregation and the Jewish community at large are indebted for their spiritual welfare, to the learning, zeal, and ability of the present Chief Rabbi, the Rev. Dr. N. M. ADLER ; and it is considered that this Introduction cannot be better concluded, than by the expression of the fervent prayer, that, under God's blessing, the Chief Rabbi may be long spared to continue in the exercise of his sacred functions; and, that, under the like blessing, the Great Synagogue may be enabled ade- quately to provide for the religious requirements of its increasing Congregation, so that the parent Syna- gogue and its branches may at all times find that the liberality of their Congregants is keeping pace with the increasing demand on their financial resources. FORM OF LEGACY. I give and bequeath to the Treasurer for the time being of the Congregation of the Great Synagogue, St. James's Place, Aldgate, in the City of London, the sum of (to be paid out of such part of my personal estate as may be legally applied for charitable purposes,) for the general purposes of the said Great Synagogue. OFFICERS OF THE CONGREGATION, 5623 1863. ffi&tef a&a&W, (Y3K THE REV. DR. NATHAN MARCUS ABLER. Martens, (a'WTS) SIR ANTHONY ROTHSCHILD, BART. LOUIS NATHAN, ESQ. EPHRAB1 ALEX, ESQ. ^Treasurer, (HilJ) PHILIP LAWRENCE, ESQ. fceweer, OfiOJ) LIONEL LOUIS COHEN, ESQ. (Committee, (Tyn ^^ ny^^) BARON LIONEL DE ROTHSCHILD, M.P. LOUIS COHEN, ESQ. LEWIS JACOBS, ESQ. JOSHUA ALEXANDER, ESQ. SAMUEL MOSES, ESQ. DAVID M. DAVIDSON, ESQ. S. A. JONAS, ESQ. Eeaters, (D*3TPI) REV. SIMON ASCHER. ) - MOSES KEIZER. AARON LEVY GREEN. | Branch Synagogue, SAMUEL LYONS. j Gt. Portland Street, SIMEON OPPENHEIM, ESQ. VESTRY PAST OFFICERS. Elected. A.M. SOLOMON COHEN, ESQ ................ 5578 SAMUEL MOSES SAMUEL, ESQ ...... 5581 PHILIP SAMUEL, ESQ .................. 5587 ABRAHAM HORT, ESQ ................... 5588 MARK WOLFF, ESQ ...................... 5592 BENJAMIN COHEN, ESQ ............... 5593 LOUIS COHEN, ESQ ...... ............. 5597 S. B. WORMS, ESQ ......................... 5600 BARON LIONEL DE ROTHSCHILD, M.P.5601 HENRY H. COHEN, ESQ ................ 5601 J. HENRY MOSES, ESQ .................. 5605 AARON JOSEPH, ESQ ................... 5605 SIR ANTHONY ROTHSCHILD. BART. 5607 LEWIS JACOBS, ESQ ...................... 5607 JOSHUA ALEXANDER, ESQ .......... 5614 SAMUEL MOSES, ESQ .................. 5614 Z. A. JESSEL, ESQ ......................... 5614 LOUIS NATHAN, ESQ ................... 5616 MICHAEL EMANUEL, ESQ ............ 5617 BARON MEYER DE ROTHSCHILD.M.P. 5621 DAVID M. DAVIDSON, ESQ ............ 5621 EPHRAIM ALEX, ESQ .................. 5623 ^Treasurers. E. J. SYMONS, ESQ ...................... 5586 SIMEON OPPENHEIM, ESQ ............. 5594 PHILIP LAWRENCE, ESQ.... .5623 OFFICERS. XV11 berseera. MEYER LEVIN, ESQ ...................... 5585 ISRAEL ISAACS, ESQ ................... 5585 SOLOMON JOSEPH, ESQ ................ 5596 HENRY EMANUEL, ESQ ................ 5596 BARTHOLOMEW HARRIS, ESQ ..... 5597 A. N. MYERS, ESQ ...... .................. 5606 JOSEPH MOSES, ESQ .................. 5606 HENRY MOSES, ESQ, ................... 5610 LAWRENCE HYAM, ESQ ................ 5613 S. A. JONAS, ESQ ........................ 5613 BARNET MEYERS, ESQ ....... .......... 5623 LIONEL L. COHEN, ESQ ............... 5623 fHemte of tfje Uestrg, SElectefc 5600. JONES SPYER, ESQ. ] JOHN WAGG, ESQ. M. L. LAWRANCE, ESQ. SAMPSON SAMUEL, ESQ. of tfje Festrg (EUctcfc for 8Koo gears ENDING 5624. ISAAC HYAM, ESQ. ISAAC MOSES, ESQ. B. S. PHILLIPS, ESQ. Alderman. JOSEPH LAZARUS, ESQ. ASHER H. HART, ESQ. SALING SCHIFF, ESQ. nances AVTCI?TT v SAUL ISAACS, ESQ. MOSS ANSELL, ESQ. LESSER FRIEDLANDER,EsQ. JACOB WALEY, ESQ. MICHAEL SAMUEL, ESQ. DAVID BENJAMIN, ESQ. JONAS JACOBS, ESQ. L. M. ROTHSCHILD, ESQ. | SAMUEL L. DE SYMONS, ESQ. treasurers of tfje Burial Society JOSEPH ABRAHAMS, ESQ. JOHN NATHAN, ESQ. b INDEX. PAGE. Congregation ....... 1 Privilege of a 3fc?in (Seat-holder ... 2 Rights of a JV3 SjD Free Member) ... 2 Modes of acquiring the Eights of a JV3 7jD (Free Member) ...... 4 Government ....... 8 Wardens ........ 8 Treasurer ........ 10 Overseer of the Poor . . . . . .12 General Duties of Honorary Officers ... 14 Committee ....... 14 Vestry . .20 Auditors . . . . . . . .23 Building Committee ..... 24 Conjoint Board . 25 Board of Deputies 25 Trustees ........ 25 Funds . . ... 26 Bequests . 28 Seats ........ 28 Legacies and Donations . . . . .29 Meetings 30 Election of Honorary Officers. Eligibility for Offices, and Fines ..... 33 Chief Rabbi 37 Readers and Clerks ...... 39 Secretary ........ 43 Collector ... 45 X INDF.X. Beadle .46 General Laws respecting the Synagogue Officers . 47 Election of Salaried Officers .... 47 Service of the Synagogue ..... 48 D^3VH Calling of Persons to the Reading of the Law ... ... 52 Respecting B^lp - . . .56 rvwn jnm mm jnn . . 58 Private Meetings for Prayers .... 60 Marriage ........ 61 Burials 63 Alteration of Laws ...... 65 D'JpT njyB>a Society for the Relief of Decayed DTD ^yn . 66 General Laws 67 LAWS. ini NTH fn 'n nx "Thou shalt fear the Lord thy God, and serve Him." Deut. vi. 13. It is the duty of every Israelite regularly to attend Divine Service in the Synagogue, and to conduct himself therein with due reverence. CONGREGATION. 1. The order of the service established from the . > earliest date, as the form to be followed in this Con- gregation, is that termed fi}*) 3rO; hence all the orders of Prayers, Hymns, and Ceremonies, used ^ throughout the year on Week-days, Sabbaths, Fes- tivals, Fasts, and other seasons, are to be performed according to that system. 2. This Congregation consists of four classes of Members. 1st. Free Members, having rpnpn Hpin, and being LAWS. possessed of certain rights and privileges here- after denned. 2nd. D*3BHn Seat-holders, persons having rented seats in the Synagogue for a period of at least six months. 3rd. Persons having been married in this Synagogue. 4th. The unmarried children of all the before- mentioned classes. All other persons are considered D*ITTIS, strangers. PRIVILEGE OF A M5nn (SEAT-HOLDER). 3. Every male Seat-holder above the age of 21 years, not more than twelve months in arrear in payment of his Accounts due to the Congregation, is entitled to vote at the election for Members to repre- sent this Congregation at the Board of Deputies of the British Jews. 4. Seat-holders are eligible to be elected to the offices of min jnn or iwana jnn. RIGHTS OF A m p (FREE MEMBER). 5. Every JVS $5 (Free Member) being a Seat- holder, and not more than twelve months in arrear in payment of his accounts, is eligible to be elected a Member of the Board of Deputies of the British Jews, LAWS. 3 6. He is entitled to vote at the Biennial election of the Yestry (vide law 85), and at the Election of every Officer of the Congregation whose salary shall exceed 10 per annum. 7. He is eligible to become an honorary or elective Member of the Yestry, and to be elected to the office of Overseer. 8 . He has a right to officiate as pD (except on Q^ D*11D holidays) on the occasion of the marriage, and also of the HIVD *O of any of his children. 9. He has a preference of being called to on rOS?, whenever he is a HVH. 10. He has a right to the attendance of a reader (]Th) and clerk (&?OB?) on the occasion of the marriage of any of his children, and the HTD rVQ of any of his sons. v 11. He is entitled to the privileges respecting specified in laws 242, 246, and 247. 12. He has a right to rOIJTJ HIBJH (permission for marriage) for himself and his children, free of expense. 13. He has the right of interment for himself, his wife, and his unmarried children, free of charge for 4 LAWS. ground (VDT>) in that portion of the burial-ground of & II t the Congregation reserved for DTQ *vJD O O f 14. All the aforesaid privileges become forfeited if at any time it should be proved to the satisfaction of tin- Committee and the Chief Rabbi, or any person or persons officiating in the capacity of Chief Rabbi, that such free Member has renounced the Jewish faith. MODES OF ACQUIRING THE RIGHTS OF A TO Sjtt (FREE MEMBER). 15. Any person desirous of becoming a JV3 must apply, in writing, to the Committee of the Synagogue (such application to be submitted at one of the monthly meetings of the Committee) ; and if approved of, the ballot shall be taken thereon at the next ensuing Meeting, notice whereof, together with the name and residence of the applicant, shall be inserted in the summonses issued for such meeting. 10. Every person who shall become a Seat- holder on the occasion of his marriage, and shall, within one month subsequently, apply to be elected a JVD 7JD (Free Member) shall pay Five Guineas to the funds of the Congregation for such admission. 16A. Every D?in (Seat-holder) who shall desire to become a JV2 7^3, shall also be admitted on payment of Five Guineas, provided he shall have rented a seat in the Synagogue for the three consecutive years imme- diately preceding his election; a non-member shall be admitted to the like privilege, on payment of Ten Guineas; all such applications to be subject to the regulations contained in Law 15. In all cases, such payments, together with all arrears due to the Con- gregation, shall be liquidated within one month after election, otherwise such election shall be void. 17. Every person who shall be admitted a JV having unmarried children, shall pay on admission in respect of each, such a sum as the Committee may deem proper. 18. No unmarried person under 21 years of age shall be admitted a 7V2 7lD- 19. Unmarried sons of a rtflTjD ma y obtain PlTTIpn nptn on payment of two and a half guineas ; and every unmarried son of a JV3 7^3, above the age of 30 years, who shall not be a Seat-holder, shall pay such annual sum to the congregation as the Com- mittee may fix. 20. The son of a rVl 7>tt, on his marriage, may obtain nSnpn npTP! on payment of two and a half guineas. The same right shall be acquired, on a like payment, by any person marrying the daughter of a (3 LAWS. Such payment must be made within one year after the marriage, if solemnized within the United Kingdom; or, if solemnized elsewhere, within one year after the arrival of such person within the United Kingdom ; in default thereof, and in the event of the party subsequently claiming such right, he shall pay an additional sum of two guineas, and, after the period of three years shall have elapsed, the additional sum to be paid shall be in the discretion of the Committee. In the event, however, of his renting and paying for a seat in the Synagogue, he may claim admission under Law 16 A. 21. Any unmarried female not under the age of 21 years, or a widow, may acquire by purchase, in the manner prescribed in Law 16, similar rights and privileges to those possessed by the daughter or widow of a JV3 ^3, and she shall convey the same rights to any future husband, as the daughter of 22. If any JV1 jD shall be in arrear in payment of his accounts to the Synagogue, and his son or son- in-law shall demand rpnpn HpTPl, such son or son*in- law shall pay such arrears, or any sum to be fixed by the Committee, not exceeding ten guineas, towards the liquidation thereof. Of this sum, two guineas and a half shall be appropriated as the admission fee of such son or son-in-law, and the remainder shall be applied towards the discharge of such arrears. LAWS. 23. The son of a JV3 7JD marrying the daughter of a JV1 SjD may claim ppnpn fipTPl, either in right of his father or father-in-law. 24. The daughter of a 7VS Sj?3 marrying any person not being a IV! 7^13, may retain her own rights and privileges by the payment of five shillings per annum, commencing within one year after her marriage; such payment to cease on her husband becoming a JY1 7^3, or on her becoming a widow. 25. The widow of a JVD 7JD shall retain her HpTH during her widowhood. 26. The widow of a rvs 7^1 marrying any person belonging to this congregation, riot being a JV2 SpS, may retain her own rights and privileges by the pay- ment of five shillings per annum, such payment to cease on her second husband becoming a n 1 * or at his death. 27. A JV3 yi marrying the widow of a non- JV^ 7JD having children, such children are not entitled to nSnH nTH. 28. Any JVi 7JD not having a seat in the Syna- gogue, shall, in order to retain his right of Member- ship, pay such annual contribution thereto as the Committee may determine. 29. If any JV3 7^13 shall become unable to continue 8 LAWS. / his annual payment, it shall be in the power of the Committee to reduce such payment, or wholly to remit the same, so long as the Committee shall think proper; and such Member shall, nevertheless, retain for himself and family all his rights and privileges. ' 30. Any JVS jD who shall be greatly in arrear to the Synagogue, shall become liable to be deprived by a vote of the Vestry, on the recommendation of the Committee, of all his rights and privileges ; one month's previous notice of such intended proceeding must be communicated to him in writing, and must be inserted in the notices convening the meeting of the Vestry, but such act of deprivation shall not relieve him from the liability to pay the arrears due from him to the Synagogue. GOVERNMENT. V 31. The congregation shall be governed by Four Wardens, A Treasurer, An Overseer of the Poor, A Committee, and A Vestry. WARDENS. 32. The Wardens shall have the general superin- & **V M * lf< LAWS. 9 tendence of the congregation, and shall govern it agreeably to its laws. 33. The Wardens shall arrange the rota of their duties, each one acting as President during three consecutive months. 34. The President shall take the office of "po, except when the same shall devolve by right on any JV2 7JD, or other Member (vide Law 8). 35. The President shall issue all orders for the solemnization of marriage (vide Law 260), and also for interments (vide Law 270). He shall, at the same time, decide on the charges to be made on such occasions to D^^IH (Seat-holders), and DWlK (Strangers), as well as the payments to be made on account of any debts due from such respective parties to the congregation. He shall also determine the price to be paid for any piece of ground required for the interment of any individual (vide Law 269). 36. The President shall have the power, by an order in writing, to direct a sum not exceeding two guineas, to be given at one time by the Overseer to a necessitous person belonging to the Congregation. The President, conjointly with two of the Honorary Officers, may, in the same manner, and for the like object, dispose of any sum not exceeding five guineas. 37. No proclamation shall be made in the Syna- 10 LAWS. gogue without the previous consent of the Wardens ; nor shall any paper be affixed to any part of the Synagogue, or to the buildings belonging thereto, without the previous authority of the President. TREASURER. A 38. The Treasurer shall superintend the receipt and expenditure of all money on account of the congregation. 39. All moneys received on account of the congre- gation shall be deposited in the names of the Tre%- surer and Secretary for the time being, at some banker appointed by the Committee. All payments made shall be by drafts, signed by the Treasurer, and countersigned by the Secretary; and an account of such receipts and payments shall be kept in the Cash-book. 40. The letting of the seats in the Synagogue shall be under the control and direction of the Treasurer, according to the terms fixed by the Committee. 41. He shall be empowered to expend a sum not exceeding ten pounds at any one time, for any repairs which may be urgently required for any of the premises belonging to the congregation. LAWS. 11 42. On entering office, he shall receive an inventory in duplicate, of all property under the care of the Secretary, belonging to the congregation; and it is his duty to see that such property be kept complete in all respects, and in good order. He shall sign the duplicate inventory, /and present one of such inven- \ -fv^cW/it , . ,, tones TO thejOommittee at the next ensuing Meeting. On quitting office, he shall return the inventory in his possession to the Secretary, and take his receipt for the same. All additions to such property, made during his period of office, shall be, from time to time, duly entered by the Secretary in the said inventories ; and the Treasurer shalljfrom time to time, notify the said additions to the Committee. A 43. He may purchase anything which may be urgently required for the purposes of the congrega- tion, the expense of which shall not exceed ten pounds at any one time. 44. He shall perstoffiiBy superintend the receipt of I/ h&r\ rvxn& in the Synagogue on 45. He shall, at least once in three months, inspect / the Secretary's accounts, and satisfy himself that the books and accounts are properly kept. 46. He shall sign all orders given, and contracts made or entered into, by the Committee of the Con- gregation. 1 t LAWS. 47. On his quitting office, lie shall deliver up to the Secretary all documents in his possession belong- ing to the Synagogue, which, together with his books of account, shsll be preserved in the Synagogue chambers. This annual procedure is requisite, even should the same Treasurer remain in office for a subsequent year. 48. The Treasurer's accounts shall be annually made up to T'tf n"1 previously to the succeeding JVD H'"), and shall be laid before the Committee at the next ensuing Monthly Meeting, duly audited in the manner hereinafter directed (vide Law 102). 49. The Treasurer shall be assisted in the per- formance of his duties by a Committee of Finance, consisting of four Members of the Vestry, two of whom shall be annually elected by the Committee, and two by the Vestry, the Treasurer being, ex officio, Chairman of such Committee. OVERSEER OF THE POOR. 50. All dispensations of Charity (except as otherwise provided for by Laws 52 and 57) shall be under the direction of the Overseer, who shall also personally distribute, or superintend the distribution of the monthly allowances according to the ,-Qp (stipendiary list). \ LAWS. 13 51. He shall dispense to applicants such casual relief as he may think proper ; but he must not on any occasion give more than five shillings to any one individual. The names of the parties so relieved, with the amounts so dispensed, must be entered in a book kept for that purpose. 52. The dispensation of relief to the D*n*)1K (strange poor), shall be managed by the Overseer of this Synagogue, in conjunction with those of the other two uniting Congregations, as is now, or may here- after from time to time be arranged by the con- joint Committee of the three Congregations. 53. The Overseer shall pay all moneys required for medical aid to the poor, whether as salaries, or other- wise, and the same shall form items of expenditure in his accounts. 54. His accounts shall, previously to JVD n"1, be annually made up to the preceding *V*N I"!"*), and ^ audited, and shall be presented to the Committee at its next meeting ensuing. 55. He shall annually, whether he remain in office or not, deliver up all receipts, books, and vouchers in his possession, to the Secretary, in order that they may be preserved in the Synagogue Chambers. 56. The Overseer shall be assisted in the perfor- 14 LAWS. mance of his duties, by a Committee for the Relief of the Poor, consisting of four persons, to be annually selected by and from the Vestry ; the Overseer being ex officio Chairman of such Committee. GENERAL DUTIES OF HONORARY OFFICERS. 57. The Honorary Officers, with the Committee appointed by Law 56, shall superintend the distri- bution of Passover Bread niXtt. In the distribution of Passover Bread to the strange poor, the Overseer shall act in conjunction with those of the other two Congregations, as is now, or may hereafter from time to time be arranged by the conjoint Committee of the three Congregations. COMMITTEE. 58. The Committee shall consist of the Honorary Officers, and of seven others called *vyn *S1tD ny2? (Elders), to be elected by the Vestry, from amongst such members of their own body who have either served or paid fine for the office of Warden, Treasurer, or Overseer. 59. The Committee shall meet monthly, or ofteiier if necessary, to superintend and direct all the affairs LAWS. 15 of the Congregation. At such meeting, seven shall form a quorum, except for charitable distributions, whether by bequest or otherwise, for which five shall form a quorum ; and the Chairman shall, in the event of the numbers being equal on any division, have a casting vote in addition to his own. 60. The Committee shall appoint one of their own body to audit the accounts of the Congregation, in conjunction with two other Auditors to be elected by the Vestry according to Law 97. 61. Previously to the Annual Meeting of the Vestry for the election of Honorary Officers, the Committee shall form a list for the offices of Overseer and Treasurer. The list to consist of the following persons. 1. The Overseer and Treasurer for the time being. 2. Fourteen DTQ vj?l Seat-holders, not members of the Vestry. 3. All members of the Vestry who may not have served or paid fine for the office of Warden. In the event of every person elected from the said list declining to serve, another list shall be formed, and proceeded with in the same manner. 62. The Committee shall receive applications from persons desirous of being admitted DTQ ^JD, %&& shall deal with such applications agreeably to Laws 15 and 16. 16 LAWS. 63. The Committee shall have the poxver to admit any individual to be a JV1 7JD free of charge. 64. The Committee shall regulate the letting of the seats in the Synagogue, and may grant the use of a free seat to any individual during the pleasure of the Committee. 65. The Committee shall regulate from time to time the charge to be made to members for watching the burial-ground. 66. Every year in the month of V7D3 or rOtD, a Committee Meeting shall be held for the inspection of the monthly distribution list (!"Op), notice of which shall be inserted in the summons convening the said meeting. Prior to such meeting, it shall be the duty of the Overseer and Committee formed under Law 56, to review the List, and use every mode of enquiry to ascertain the state of the poor, and make a report to the Committee, with a view to properly regulating the said List for that year. 67. The Committee shall, from time to time, order surplus moneys to be invested in Government secu- rities, in such trusts as it may think proper. 68. The Committee shall be empowered, in case of necessity, to realise any of the available funds of the Congregation, not exceeding 200 in one year, LAWS. 17 whether for re-payment of any amounts deposited with the Congregation, or otherwise; but if a greater sum be required, the subject must be submitted to the consideration of the Vestry, whose determination thereon shall be final. 69. The Committee shall annually inspect the lists of Trustees ; and shall, from amongst their own body, or from such members of the Congre- gation as have served or paid fine for the office of Warden, Treasurer, or Overseer, fill up, when required, all vacancies in existing Trusteeships, and appoint Trustees under new Trusts; and they shall adopt such measures as may be necessary for the purpose of giving effect to such appointments. 70. The Committee shall have the power to deprive any stipendiary Officer of rpnpn npTH in the event of his dismissal from Office, provided that such privilege shall have been presented to him. 71. The Committee shall declare all vacancies occurring in the salaried offices of the congregation, at as early a period after their occurrence as they shall think fit; and shall receive application and admit such applicants as they may deem qualified, as candidates for any office, except that of Chief Rabbi. 72. The Committee shall fix the day and hour of c 18 LAWS. Election for all salaried officers of the congregation, and take care that due publicity be given thereof. 73. The Committee shall have the power of electing every officer whose salary shall not exceed ten pounds per annum. 74. No person, except the accredited officers of the congregation, rpPlpn D'OftfrO, shall perform the reli- gious service in the Synagogue without the sanction of the Committee and of the Chief Rabbi. 75. The Committee may, with the sanction of the Chief Rabbi, permit any person to preach in the Synagogue. 76. The Committee, on the recommendation of the Vestry, shall have the power to re-admit to nptn nSnpn, under such conditions as they may think proper, any person who may have forfeited the same. 77. The Committee shall regulate the annual pay- ments of DVO vJD under special circumstances, in accordance with Laws 28 and 29. 78. The Committee shall have power to grant per- mission for the interment of persons not possessing PDJTpn HpTPl in that portion of the burial ground of the congregation reserved for DTO ^3; the amount LAWS. 19 to be paid on such occasions shall be decided by the President. 79. The Committee shall have the control of the burial ground, agreeably to the Laws relating thereto. 80. The Committee shall have the power to sum- mon before them any Member of the congregation, whenever they shall deem it necessary ; and in case of the non-attendance of such Member, to inflict on him a fine of one guinea. 81. All petitions for relief must be addressed to the Committee, who shall be empowered to deal with them as they shall think fit. 82. The Committee shall appoint Three Members of their own body, who, in conjunction with the Honorary Officers for the time being, shall represent the congregation at the Committee relating to the office of Chief Rabbi. 83. If any Officer in the service of the congrega- tion shall be guilty of misconduct, the President may suspend such Officer, but must immediately there- after convene a Meeting of the Committee, to take such further steps thereon as may be deemed necessary. 20 LAWS. VESTRY. 84. The Vestry shall consist of 1st. All persons who have served or paid fine, or shall hereafter serve or pay fine, for the office of Warden, Treasurer, or Overseer. 2nd. Such persons as have been, or may be, elected Honorary Members. 3rd. Such persons as were elected Members for life, conformably to a law passed on the 14th of September, 5600, and such as may be biennially elected, agreeably to Law 85. 4th. The Treasurer for the time being of the Burial Society. 85. There shall be elected biennially, in the month of V^DD, by the DTD 'Sjfo as additional Members of the Vestry, so many DTQ ^1 (being Seat-holders, and not more than twelve months in arrear of payment of their accounts), as shall, together with the remainder, for the time being, of the persons elected for life, make up the number of 20; any vacancy occurring in the number of such additional Vestry- men by death, refusal, resignation, or otherwise, shall be filled up by a vote of the Vestry, until the next General Election; and no person shall be considered as elected unless he has received at least seven votes. 86. Every year, during the first half of the month LAWS. 21 of 'nix (and in leap-year, during the first half of *2W TfN), a Special Meeting of the Vestry shall be convened, for the purpose of electing Members to serve the Honorary Offices, the Members so elected to commence their duties on the succeedin T'tf rn. 87. It shall be in the power of the Yestry (at a meeting, at which not less than 20 members shall be present), to elect any individual Member (JV3 Sjft) of the congregation, provided he rent a seat in the Synagogue, as an Honorary Member of the Vestry, although he may not previously have been elected to any office; in such case, notice of the proposed election shall be inserted in the summons convening such meeting; and a majority of three-fourths of the Members present shall be necessary to effect such election. 88. The Vestry shall, every two years, elect five members of their own body, to constitute, conjointly with the Honorary Officers, a Building Committee. 89. The Vestry shall meet quarterly in the months of 3K 'VN toU^ p2?m, or as near to those periods as possible, and also whenever summoned by the Presi- dent. At all such Meetings thirteen Members shall con- stitute a quorum, except for charitable distributions under bequests, when nine shall be a quorum. 90. At all Meetings of the Vestry, questions shall be decided by a majority of the votes of those present ; 22 LAWS. and in the event of the number of votes being equal, the President shall have a casting vote, in addition to his own. 91. For the purpose of providing JTMS for the Poor, the Vestry shall, every year, at the Meeting held in or about the month of tDl?, determine upon a rate to be levied upon the seats in the Synagogue, which rate shall be charged in the accounts delivered in the month of D*J followin. . 92. The Vestry shall determine, from time to time, upon such regulations as may be deemed expedient for the medical relief of the poor. 93. The Vestry shall have the power of dismissing any salaried officer of the congregation, at a Meeting specially convened for that purpose. 94. All grants of salary to officers or servants of the congregation, exceeding the sum of ten pounds per annum, and all additions to salaries already fixed at ten pounds per annum or upwards, can only be decided at a Meeting of the Vestry; the notice for convening which Meeting shall contain the specific proposition intended to be discussed. 95. The Vestry shall elect annually, from their own body, at the Quarterly Meeting in the month of pWlfr, guardians of the Funds for the relief of Decayed Members, QOpT r\tyWfi, agreeably to the laws of that societv. LAWS. 23 96. The Vestry shall elect annually, from their own body, representatives of the congregation at the conjoint Board of the three City Congregations. 97. The Yestry shall annually appoint two of their own body to audit the accounts of the congregation, in conjunction with the Auditors appointed by the Committee, according to Law 60. 98. The Vestry shall elect triennially, from their own body, the Members to represent the Congrega- tion at the Board of nt^nS?, agreeably to the laws of that Board. 99. The Vestry shall annually elect, from their own body, two persons to serve on the Committee of Finance, under Law 49 ; and four persons to serve on the Committee for the Relief of the Poor, appointed under Law 56. 100. Whenever conjoint General Meetings shall be required for the amendment, repeal, or enactment of Laws, or for any other purpose, the Vestry shall select the DTQ vj?3 to be summoned to attend such meetings (vide Laws 130 and 2761. AUDITORS. 101. There shall be annually appointed three 24 LAWS. Auditors of the Accounts of the Congregation, two to be elected by the Vestry, and one to be elected by the Committee, according to Laws 60 and 97. 102. The Auditors shall, from time to time, inspect the Books and investigate the Accounts of the Congregation, and in or about the month of |VD, examine the same, with all papers, vouchers, and whatever other documents may be needful, so that the said Accounts, duly vouched by the signatures of the said Auditors, may be presented to the Committee, and then sent to the Vestry at its next meeting. BUILDING COMMITTEE. 103. The Building Committee shall consist of the Honorary Officers, for the time being, together with five Members of the Vestry, to be elected every two years from their own body (vide Law 104. The Building Committee shall superintend all repairs and new erections, whether in the Syna- gogue, or in or upon any other premises belonging to the Congregation, in accordance with any reso- lutions of the Committee or Vestry of the Con- gregation passed for that purpose, and shall report annually, in the month of DSB?, to the Vestry, on the state of the Synagogue, burial grounds, and other property under their care. LAWS. 25 CONJOINT BOARD. 105. There being a Conjoint Board of the three City Congregations, for the management of affairs relating to DTHIK (strange poor), and for other matters, all such laws as are now in force, or may hereafter be enacted and agreed upon by this Congre- gation, to regulate or carry out the purposes of such Board, shall be deemed to be Laws of this Con- gregation. BOARD OF DEPUTIES. 106. Five DTO 'jD, Seat-holders of the Congrega- tion (not being in arrears in respect of their accounts), shall be elected to act as Deputies of this Congrega- tion at the Board of Deputies of the British Jews, so long as tfye present constitution and regulations, as set out in the Appendix (p. 69), shall remain in force, or any alteration therein that may receive the sanction of this Congregation. TRUSTEES. 107. All real and funded property of the Congre- gation shall be invested in the names of Trustees, to be appointed in accordance with Law 69. 2(> LAWS. 108, Every Trust shall consist of not less than four persons. 109. Each Trustee shall, for himself, his heirs, executors, and administrators, sign a Declaration of Trust, declaring that, on his ceasing to be a Member of this Congregation, or on his going to reside permanently abroad, or from any other cause becom- ing incapable of acting, he will cease to be a Trustee ; and that thereupon, immediately on being required to do so by a resolution of the Committee, he will transfer the property vested in him to such person or persons as the Committee may duly appoint. The Trustees shall have no personal control over the funds in their names, but shall attend to the direc- tions legally given, from tune to time, by the Com- mittee or Vestry for the time being, whose resolutions shall be sufficient authority to the Trustees for what they shall do under such directions. FUNDS. 110. The Funds of the Congregation shall be devoted to the following purposes : 1st. The maintaining the buildings and other properties of the Congregation in a state of proper repair, and the making of such additions, alterations, and new erections as may, from time to time, be found necessary or advisable. LAWS. 27 2nd. The duly maintaining the services of the Synagogues. 3rd. The payment of all officers and attendants in the service of the Congregation, and of gifts and pensions. 4th. The assisting of the Poor of the Congregation, providing them with due medical and surgical attendance during sickness, and defraying the expences of interment; and (in conjunction with the other Congregations) in like manner towards the DTHIK (strange Poor). 5th. The payment of such amount or amounts towards defraying the expences incurred by the Board of Deputies of British Jews, as may be determined by the Laws of this Congregation relating thereto, not exceeding 100 per annum. 6th. To any special purpose on which the Committee or Vestry shall resolve, in accordance with the following Law. 111. The ordinary expenditure of the Funds of the Congregation shall be under the direction and control of the Committee ; but no larger sum than 200 in the aggregate in any one year shall be expended for any purposes, without the concurrence of the Vestry ; and for the purpose of individual charity, no larger sum than 50 in the aggregate shall be expended for any one purpose without the concurrence of the Vestry ; and the like sanction shall be required for the expenditure of more than 25 in one sum for 28 LAWS. any purpose not here enumerated. But any grant towards the funds, or in aid of any charitable or educational institution, must be previously recom- mended by the Committee, and due notice of the amount of the proposed grant must be inserted in the summonses convening the Committee, and also in those convening the Vestry. BEQUESTS. 112. The Committee, or Vestry, or Honorary Officers, as the case may be, shall duly distribute, according to the will of the Testator, any funds of which they may have accepted the management. SEATS. 113. Every male belonging to the Congregation, being of the age of 21 years or upwards, must pay for a seat in the Synagogue, unless he declare himself deficient of means so to do. 114. Every married Seat-holder shall engage a seat for his wife, in the gallery of the Synagogue. 115. Any unmarried son of a JY2 7^3, or Seat- holder, may be allowed a seat at less than the fixed price ; the rate to be fixed by the Committee for the time being. LAWS. 29 116. No married woman, whose husband is living, shall hold a seat in the Synagogue, unless her husband is also at the same time a Seat-holder, except by special permission of the Committee; but widows may be Seat-holders. 117. Any Seat-holder being more than twelve months in arrear in his accounts, shall receive notice in writing to pay such arrears within three calendar months thereafter; and in the event of continued default, such party shall receive a second like notice to pay such arrears within three calendar months there- after; and in case such further notice shall prove unavailing, the seat of such defaulter shall be liable to be forfeited, at the discretion of the Committee ; but such forfeiture shall not relieve the defaulting party from the payment of such arrears. LEGACIES AND DONATIONS. 118. All legacies, except those bequeathed for special purposes, shall constitute a distinct fund, called the Legacy Trust Fund, the interest of which only shall be available for the general purposes of the Congregation. 119. All donations for the repairs of the Syna- gogue shall constitute a distinct fund, to accumulate at compound interest ; such accumulated fund, or 30 LAWS. any part thereof, to be available from time to time as occasion may arise. MEETINGS. 120. All meetings, either of the Vestry, or the Committee, shall be convened by the order of the President, on such days and hours as he shall think proper; the summonses for which shall be issued, except in special cases, at least one week prior to each meeting. . ( u u r c] Lfc^ *" f ' ff (^fr^jir H L | i t 12IXA11 questions shall be decided by show of hands, unifies a, divioion bo domnmkd. VotinV by proxy shall n*t be allowed. 122. In the eve\t of the votes bein^equal, the urman shall have\the casting vote in" addition to hisvown. rA-f 123. Th^Secretary must attend, and take minutes in a rough mumte-book appropriated for that purpose, of all the transactions of each meeting, which minutes must be\countersigned by the Chairman of the meeting, wiflain forty-eight hours from the time of its adjournmen 124. All resolutions passed at one meeting, must be confirmed at the ^ext; but any /iieasure which V LAWS* 31 shall have been expressed in the summonses convening a meeting, as the subject for consideration thereat, if adopted without alteration or amendment, shall not require confirmation. / <.**. **/* "' 125. In the\ibsence of the President from any meeting, the chair&i^all be taken by the next senior Honorary Officer presen^in the absence of all the Honorary Officers, the chairNshall be taken by the next senior member on the rota." 126. Any oe-ven DTO v>tty bring Seat-holders-may, by requisition in writing, stating the subject to be ^ considered, require the President to convene a meeting of the Committee or^&Fy for any special purpose, and such meeting shall be convened by the President within seven days from the receipt of the requisition. 127. In case the President shall, from any cause whatsoever, fail to convene the Monthly or Quarterly Meetings, or shall fail to convene the meeting speci- fied in Law 126, on or before the 15th of the month, the duty shall devolve in succession on the other Wardens, Treasurer, and Overseer. Should, how- ever, these meetings not be called by any of the aforesaid Officers, it shall then be in the power of any two of the seven Elders to convene the same ; and all persons so summoned shall be liS^ble to be fined for non^tendance, as ir^uch respective meetings had been regulVly called by th\ President. 32 LAWS. 128. In the event ol any such meeting not being duly convened by the prctoer authorities, it shall be in the power of any fourteen DTO vJD, being Seat- holders, to require the Secretary to convene such meeting, who shall do so withi\seven days after the receipt of such requisition. ^ 129. The President shall have the power, on any urgent occasion^Vp convene meetings of the Com- mittee and Vestry, \dthout the formality required by Law 120. 130. Conjoint meetings of the Vestry and forty- two DTO 'hyi, shall be\summoned when required by Law 276; on such occasions, the nomination list of DTO vJD (being Seat-holders, and not more than twelve months in arrear in \ayment of their accounts) to attend such meeting, shalKbe made at a previous meeting of the Vestry, by a majority of votes. 131. Meetings ofXthe Honorary Officers shall occasionally be held to hear any disputes which may be referred to them, in oro^r to endeavour to adjust the same so as to avoid litigation. 132. At all meetings, of whatever kind, provided that the due numberNconstituting a quorum shall have been present at the Commencement of business, the proceedings shall be considered valid, so long as two-thirds of that number continue present. LAWS. 33 ELECTION OF HONORARY OFFICERS. ELIGIBILITY FOR OFFICES AND FINES. 133. All Elections for Honorary Offices shall be by ballot by the Vestry ; and in the event of an equality of votes, the President shall have the casting vote, in addition to his own. 134. The election shall be in rotation, as follows : 1st. Overseer. 2nd. Treasurer. v 3rd. Four Wardens. \ > 4th. Seven Elders. /M 5th. Two Treasurers of the Burial Society. 6th. The Committee of the Burial Society. 135. The Overseer and Treasurer shall be elected Ar from a list duly prepared for the purpose, agreeably V to Law 61. ^ 136. The Wardens shall be elected from amongst all persons who have served or paid fine for either of the two offices of Overseer or Treasurer. 137. The seven Elders shall be elected from amongst all members of the Vestry, who have served or paid fine for either of the offices of Overseer, Treasurer, or Warden. D 34 LAWS. 138. The two Treasurers of the Burial Society shall be elected from amongst all persons who shall have previously paid fine for or served as Members of the Committee of the said Society. 139. The Committee of the Burial Society shall be elected from the DTD vj?2, being Seat-holders. 140. In all cases, when the person elected to any Honorary Office declines to accept the same, a new election shall take place; but in no case shall any one be considered as elected, unless he shall have seven votes in his favor. 141. QTQ *7JD, being Seat-holders, shall be eligible to be elected to Honorary Offices, in the manner, and according to the laws enacted for such purposes; but all persons above seventy years of age shall be exempt from fine on their refusal to serve any office. 142. On the election of any Member to an Hono- rary Office, a letter announcing the same shall be immediately forwarded to him by the Secretary; and in the event of forty-eight hours having elapsed without any reply having been returned, the Member so elected shall be deemed to have declined serving the office, and be fined accordingly, unless it be proved to the satisfaction of the Wardens that the person so elected was out of the United Kingdom at the time of such election. LAWS. 35 143. The fine for the refusal to serve Honorary Offices shall be as follows : Overseer . . . .25 Guinea?. Treasurer . . . . 30 Warden . . . . 40 Elder 5 Treasurer of the Burial Society 10 Member of the Committee of the Burial Society . 2 144. Any Member having paid fine, or served either the office of Overseer or Treasurer, shall not again be liable to be fined for the non-acceptance of either of those two offices. 145. Any Member having paid fine for the office of Warden shall, if again elected within five years, be exempt from fine on refusal to serve; and any Mem- ber having served the office, shall be exempt from fine on refusal to serve, if again elected within seven years from the date of his retirement. 146. Any Member having served as one of the Elders,, for one year, shall be exempt from fine on refusal to serve, if immediately re-elected. 147. Any Member having accepted an Honorary Office, who shall relinquish the same before the expiration of his year of office, shall pay double the amount of the accustomed fine. 36 LAWS. 148. In the event of any Member holding an Honorary Office being re-elected and declining to serve, and other Members being consequently in due course elected to the same office, and declining to serve, each such newly elected Member shall pay fine according to Law 143, notwithstanding that the then existing Honorary Officer, or any such newly elected Member, may subsequently consent to accept office. 149. The office of Wardei seer, shall not be held cont bers related to each other, as Treasurer, and Over- mporaneously by Mem- follows : father and son, brothers, father-in-law and s(Jn-in-law. 1 50. Any Member of the Vestry who shall become a salaried officer of the Congregation, (excepting medical and legal officers,) shall bj^" considered as having his rights as a Member or the Board sus- pended during the period of such service. In the same manner, any Member of the Board receiving !"Op from the funds of the Congregation, shall be considered as having his rights as a Member of the Board suspended during the period of his receiving such relief. / 151. In the event of a vacancy occurring in any of the Honorary Offices, during the year of service, such vacancy shall be filled up by election, within one month thereafter, unless the Committee shall otherwise deter- mine ; the Member elected shall hold office during the LAWS. :>7 remainder of the year only, but such period of service shall be considered equivalent to a year. In the event of refusal to serve office on such election, the same fine shall be incurred as on ordinary elections. CHIEF RABBI. 152. The Chief Rabbi shall regulate the Order of Service, and superintend all religious observances in the Synagogue. 153. The Chief RaM>i shall determine all litigious questions submitted tovrim by any Member \f the Congregation. ^x 154. The skief Rabbi shall preach T& Sermon in the Synagogue lb Sl^H rDB> and miB^DG?, and on such other daysVs shall be in conformityS^ith the arrangements agreec\upon by the uniting ]\ndon Congregations. 155. The Chief Rkbbi shall preach a Sermon on ^N. X X special occasions, whenVrequested BK the Wardens, and alsos^yhenever he may^hink propei\\ 156. The Chief Rabbi shall perform the marriage ceremony for any JY3 SjD or Seat-holder of the Con- gregation, on payment of a fee of one guinea, the authority of the President having been previously ,, LAWS. obtained; but he shall not be required to go beyond the limits of the metropolis for such purpose. 157. If on any occasion the Chief Rabbi should doubt the chastity of the bride, or the character of the bridegroom, he shall cause inquiry to be made ; and if it shall appear to him that there is good reason for such doubt, he shall not be required to perform the ceremony of marriage, but the same shall be solemnized by the WfoW (Clerk), on obtaining the special sanction of the President and the Chief Rabbi, agreeably to Law 158. 158. The special permission of the Chief Rabbi, and the sanction of the President of the Congregation, shall be required to authorize any person to perform the ceremony of marriage. w 159. It shall not be lawful for the Chief Rabbi to pronounce *"n3 or D^H (excommunication) against any Member ofYjiie Conoreo-ation, nor (without the Qi^^t^V^ consent of the Committee) to deprive any Member of his religious rights in the Synagogue. 160. It is the duty of the Chief Rabbi to regulate and superintend tDJ (Divorce) and fT^n. The fees for such ceremonials are to be regulated according to the circumstances of the parties; but if they be poor, and the Synagogue obliged to defray the expences of the "ISID (Scribe) and the witnesses, the, LAWS. 39 Chief Rabbi must forego his fees. Notice of all such cases must be previously transmitted to the President, for his concurrence. / 161. In case the Chief Rabbi should think fit fo onfer the degree of ^DH or iyfi on any Member of the Congregation, it is expedient that he obtain the concurrence of the Wardens thereto. 162. All articles of food, etc., imported with (voucher of correctness) must be authenticated by the signature of the Chief Rabbi, in order to < sanction their use; and for every such certificate he shall be entitled to a -fee of five shillings. 163. All matters referring to the office of Chief Rabbi, not included in the Laws of the Congregation, shall be in accordance with the general regulations of the Conjoint Board, called " The Committee relating to the Office of Chief Rabbi." // 164. The regulation and superintendence of J'tD*J f 'la and rWyll, shall be under the direction of the Chief 7 Rabbi. READERS AND CLERKS. 165. The D^tn must afe^aH- times be present in the Synagogue, in their clerical costume, previously to the commencement of prayer. 40 LAWS. 166. Neither of the D'JTPl shall absent himself from the performance of his duty, unless by the permission of the presiding Warden, except he be prevented attend- ing by illness, of which due information shall be given to his colleague. Shiiu > id^4i%-XeptJfrei-uch t.Jwra4fp-hp s>mll pay pnrji finp us. the prpsjrliricr Wnrrlrm ah nil ^r.tr.uuiin^ and in the event of frequent or continued absence from the Synagogue without sufficient cause, shall be subject to Law 83. 167. The D'Stn and WW shall attend at the solem- nization of all marriages, except those provided for in Law 157, in such rotation as may be regulated from time to time by the Committee, due regm-cW^ing had toxhe vested rights o the present D^TP! and *^ of the Grefct^Synagogue, Ditfee's rlace (vide Laws r@9 A 168. On all occasions when the D^TH and shall attend marriages, they shall- appear in their clerical costume. 1G9. The D'JTH shall be present, if required, at Marriage Festivals, in order to say ffi^n-fftyp and In the event of more than one marriage oc|currinff on the same day, one of the^jr shall (if required! attend at each, the priority being given to DTI 3 v^3, according to their seniority. Ay n o his duty shajl subject the \egleddng party ^V^ ^^^.i ^^t~ ^^. r^X. ^V nne\to be^fcetermiS^d by\{ie Conirnitt^e. LAWS. 41 170. One of the D'3TH (if required) shall be present at the rh^ mi of the son of a TO SjD, in "such rotation as arranged by the Warden President. 171. One or more of the D*3TH shall attend in clerical costume the funeral of all persons having ppnpn nptn, as may be regulated from time to time ,,/by the Committee. If, however, the funeral shall take Jut** x"- 7 t- t l^ place at a time near to the hour of the performance * of Service in the Synagogue, one of them shall attend in each Synagogue, for the purpose of officiating thereat. 172. The DMTH shall be exofficio D^fcNJ (accredited Officers) of the Congregation. 173. The order and rotation in which the shall perform Divine Service in the Synagogue, shall /_ be, from time to time, regulated by the Uommittce. /" S* 174. TheT-agHP shall prepare the min *1SD, the vestments, and ornaments, and everything else requi- site for the performance of the Service in the Syna- / 175. The W&W shall attend strictly to the observance of all the Laws and Regulations as established for the Congregation, and shall remind the Officers thereof, as occasion may require. He shall also give due notice to the Presiding Honorary Officer of the 1-2 LAWS. order of the day, and of^all matters requiring attention, and\shall declare all offerings made in r^e Syna- gogue\and make such annofcm cements as s\all be directed y the Presiding Warden, X 176. The ?ibttf shall collect immediately