s University of California Berkeley .The. Cliff Dwellers '. ; . Jay Smith^Exploring Compenv WORLD'S COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION 1893 'HE H. JAY SMITH EXPLORING COMPANY desire i to acknowledge the many courtesies extended to the Cliff-Dwellers Exhibit by Prof. F. W. PUT NAM, Chief of Department of Ethnology, W. C. E.; the valuable assistance of MR. FRANK HAMILTON CUSHING, in describing and iden tifying specimens, and the services of Mr. W K. WETHERILL and his sons, as well as those of ]\fR. CHARLES C. MASON, for their pioneer work in exploring the Mancos region. rn If An extinct race, leaving no history by which modern investigators may arrive at a definite knowledge of the age in which they lived, or their pursuits, the " Cliff Dwellers " form an interesting and puzzling subject of conjecture for ethnol ogists, fascinating for its very illusiveness. They are the earliest examples of civilization on the American continent, contemporary with the ancient Cave Dwell ers of Europe and Lake Dwellers of Switzerland, and are by far the most highly civilized representatives of the " Stone Age," antedating the Aztecs and the Toltecs, and exhibiting almost as high a degree of civilization. The time at which, they lived has been variously fixed at from fifteen hundred to three thousand years ago, but there is nothing more definite than conjecture. Some of the ruins have trees growing through them, which are doubtless hundreds of years old, but how many ages elapsed before those trees sprang into life is unknown. They are a mythical race, exhibiting in the relics found, rare powers and refined tastes at variance with the common idea of aborigines. (1) RUIN CANON, UTAH. DOUBLE HOUSES, RUIN CANON. 3 The most perfectly preserved relics are those of the Canon of the Colorado, where a succession of villages remain almost intact, showing very clearly their method of building, and where many valuable remains have been found, which have thrown great light upon the lives of this far-distant people. Through New Mexico, Utah, and Arizona are scattered villages in a more or less perfect state of preservation, but those of Colorado have proved of the most value to explorers and investigators. Their building is peculiarly advanced for such primitive people, balconies and towers, windows and doors showing evi dence of an architectural instinct far better developed than in many subsequent races. Great stone walls, in some cases as much as a hundred feet high, formed almost unsurmountable barriers against invading foes, and betray their great ingenuity and foresight. Everything is indicative of their having been in constant danger from the depredations and invasion of some, to us unknown, enemies, as they built no stairs, cut no steps, simply hollowed out slight foot and hand holds, by means of which and ladders they ascended and descended to their dwell ings. The walls were strongly built of stones, cemented together, and in some cases balconies made of logs and covered with bark and adobe projected over the cliffs. The doors were odd "T" shaped openings so built to admit easy entrance to the large carrying paniers in which all their provisions were brought to their homes. The living rooms are in most cases circular, with a low stone seat running about the sides, fitted with hollowed-out stone closets, and having fire-places in the center. Under separate ledges of rock are small, unlighted rooms where grain was stored. From bones and mummies found in the ruins it is proved that they were a large, well-developed race, fully equal in size THE HIGH TOWER. 5 to the men of to-day. The heads were well formed, and denote a more than ordinary degree of intelligence, with rather refined faces, fair skin, and fine hair, often light and totally different from most of the modern Indian races now known, excepting, perhaps, the Zuni Puehlo Indians the most remark able living representatives of the native tribes of America, of whom they are claimed to be, and that, with great possibility, the direct ancestors. Their homes were fortresses, where they lived secure and tilled a living from the rich soil of the table lands above them. Corn, beans, pumpkin and squash seeds found in the houses show their chief articles of food, while the many implements used and their granaries indicate their agricultural spirit. They had water reservoirs and irrigating canals, crude but clever provision against the dry climate of the country which requires heavy irrigation to perform the duty of rains in other locations. Though undoubtedly agriculturally inclined they cultivated only small gardens, yielding sufficient sustenance for absolute necessity. Probably their time was too fully taken up in defend ing themselves against their enemies to admit of their engaging in extensive out-door work, and with their primitive implements it was impossible to cultivate a great amount of ground. It must have been a great hardship for them to live in their almost inaccessible homes, and farm the land above them, necessitating carrying all implements and products up and down the steep cliffs. Among their products was wild cotton, and this they wove into cloth which they used for clothing and wrappings for their dead. They dressed in coarse garments of yucca fibre, woven together with feathers and hair, and encased their feet in rough, sandals also made from yucca, bound with a stout twine made of _7 the twisted fibre. About their necks they wore ornaments ever dear to the primitive heart, made of turkey bones, shells, and small smooth pebbles, drilled through and strung together with fibre. Some of their sandals were artistically woven in delicate raised piitterns and in different colors; a most admirable product of patience and handiwork when the coarseness of the material is kept in mind. They carried their babies on their backs, strapped to a baby-board similar to the ones now used among certain tribes, made of bent wood, woven across with yucca fibre. Their axes were of stone with edges of sufficient sharpness for felling trees, bound about with flexible wood, twisted to form the handle, but almost as indispensable were the paddles and knee-boards used in beating and rolling the ever necessary yucca. They ate with stone knives, and spoons made of bone, and cooked their food in earthen vessels, which they made by twisting a small roll of wet clay round and round in coils, then pinching it down and shaping it into large vessels. They manufactured other pottery in the shape of drinking cups, vases, and lamps, some of them highly decorated in red and black, most of the patterns being geometrical. A few bowls bear figure designs of men and animals, but nothing which would throw any light upon the characters or pursuits of the people, being merely roughly drawn pictures. They used needles of bone and thread of yucca fibre and cotton, darned their clothing and mended their sandals in a very civilized fashion. They were not a warlike people their fighting was simply done in defense. Arrows of reed, with hard wood or flint points with strong bows of sinew, were their chief implements, of war, and the small number of these found is indicative of their naturally quiet and peaceable natures, which only rose up SPECIMENS OF LAMPS. VESSELS FOR HOLDING GRAIN, DECORATED DRINKING VESSELS. f DECORATED VESSELS. MORTARS AND PESTLES. 9 to defend themselves against the attacks of thsir foes. Their dead were buried in stone chambers, tightly sealed and protected from the air. The bodies were first wrapped in skin or coarse cotton cloth, outside was a wrapping of feather cloth, then mat ting, and lastly a binding of reeds. Buried, as they were, in the peculiarly dry earth and rarified air of Colorado, the bodies are in a more perfect state of preservation than most mummies, and give the strongest insight into the personality of this long- vanished people. How and why, they became extinct is a puzzle to all explorers. That they were quite a numerous race is evi dent from the great size and number of their buildings, which could only have been built by many hands. Some scientists advance the theory that some dreadful plague broke out among them, totally destroying the whole nation, but there is little if any proof to substantiate this belief. Others think that an opposing horde of invaders swept down upon them. It is, however, advanced, with much to prove this theory, that the remains of decimated bands found safety in emigration and have become, under the influence of time, climate, and different surroundings, the Zuni Pueblo Indians of to-day. WETMEWLL MAP OF RIO DE LOS MANGOS AD ITS TRIBUTARY CANONS EXPLORED BY THE M JAY SMiTh PARTY- ARIZONA "SHE," ONE OF THE FIRST MUMMIES FOUND. THE CLIFF DWELLERS EXHIBIT . AT THE . WORLD'S COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION. The exhibition of this collection is one of the first success ful attempts ever made in bringing within the easy understanding of the visitor one of the most interesting branches of archaeology. Anthropology and its allied sciences have been heretofore considered the domain of the scholar and scientist, and but few persons have attempted to study the fascinating history of the primitive man, his habits, his handiwork, his life. (13) SPECIMENS OF POTTERY. LADLE-SHAPED VESSELS. la in the study of the Cliff Dwellers we find a special interest, as they represent, no doubt, the earliest civilization of the Ameri can continent. The preparation of the Cliff Dwellers Exhibit was under taken nearly two years ago by the H. Jay Smith Exploring Company. Careful survey of the caiions of Colorado and Utah and the collection of specimens from the ruins was carried on with success for several months and the construction of the building and arrangement of the exhibit required a long time and the untiring labors of a skilled company of artists. The outside of the building represents Battle Rock Mount- .ain, a weird and solitary landmark in the desert of South western Colorado. The representation of this mysterious and legendary rock has been admitted to be an excellent selection for the building to contain the priceless mementos of a long vanished race. Upon entering the gateway made to represent one of the dwellings of the cliffs, one finds himself in the celebrated Mancos Canon; rocks covered with the yucca plant and the sage-brush rise on both sides to the height of seventy feet, and in the recesses of the tumbling sandstone are reproduced on a scale of one-tenth, the most picturesque ruins bearing the greatest archceologic interest. Cliff Palace, which once harbored over twelve hundred inhabitants, is reproduced on the left with its towers and build ings in ruins, just as they were found by the exploring party on its last visit to the canon where photographs, measurements, and diagrams were made of all the buildings to be reproduced here. On the right, Square Tower House rises to the height of ten superposed stories of dwellings, while on the opposite side of the Canon Balcony House is to be found, exhibiting one of the rare and fast disappearing examples of the cedar balconies to be found STONE AXES AND HAMMERS. CARVED STONE USED FOR HOLD ING ROPE LADDER. STONE KNIVES, DAGGER, ARROW POINTS. 17 in the region. Further on is High House, one of the most inaccessible refuges of the persecuted Cliff Dweller. In an artificial underground cave panoramic paintings of Ruin Castle, Spruce Tree House, Long House, She House, and Cliff Palace may be seen. These excellent canvasses, the work of a young artist, who joined the party and made careful sketches on the spot, add great interest to the collection. Specially con trived means of lighting add much to the reality of the scenes depicted and give to the visitor a fair idea of the rarified and clear atmosphere of Colorado. Coming out of the cave, "estufas" and living rooms are reproduced in exact size, and show the material, the construction of the dwellings, assembly rooms, kitchens, graves, and granaries. Beyond is the museum, where no pains have been spared to arrange and exhibit upward of two thousand specimens bearing directly upon the subject. "She," one of the first and best preserved mummies found in the grave of the ruin called afterward the She House is the centre of a rare and complete collection of mummies. This department comprises mummies of men, women, children, skulls and hair, burial robes, and wrappings. The pottery exhibit is most complete, and comprises all that could be desired from very large and beautiful specimens of the coil-ware, used for cooking, to the decorated vessels, used for drinking or storing grain; some of the vessels are most ornate. On one vase a Cliff Dweller is seen hunting deer with bow and arrows; on a drinking vessel the picture of a dancing figure is represented, while on another turkeys ornament the handle of a drinking cup. The interior of many vases are decorated with geometrical patterns circles, squares, and lines wreathes of leaves in black and red. In one case a small jug is inlaid with square pieces of mother pearl. , -19 Their agricultural pursuits are represented by numerous packages of seeds, beans, pumpkins and squashes, corn and corn cobs, planting, sticks, and other implements. Their knowledge of textile weaving is shown by pieces of a loom, wild-cotton cloth of great fineness cloth, woven from the fibre of the yucca plant, and pieces of garments, probably used as leggings, made of Yucca fiber interwoven with human hair; a piece of a burial robe shows a delicate weaving of yucca colored in yellow, black, and probably white; proving that in weaving, as well as in the art of the potter, they had reached a certain knowledge of decoration and arrangement of color. The basket-making is also largely represented and shows great dexterity in handling the rough fibre of the yucca. Over ninety pairs of sandals show the diversity of manufacture from' the rough sand shoe made of the full leaf of the yucca, to finely woven and decorated sandals. The remains of a ceremonial head-band prove that they had religious rites of some nature, while a gaming-stick, similar to the one used in the "Pachisi" game of India, and the " Ta-sho-li-w6 " of the Zunis, show that gambling was not unknown to them. Several fine specimens of feather-cloth and buckskin gar ments denote their fondness for ease and comfort, and the rare stone axes, bows, arrows, and sling-shots found give additional proof to their peaceful pursuits and may also give a cue to the mysterious disappearance of this once great nation, which was possibly annihilated by more warlike tribes sur rounding it. F CLIFF CANON, COLORADO. La Monte- O'DonneU Co., Printers, Chicago 12 7601