GROIIER CLUB ;. Chronological List of the 'Aorks of Alfred, Lor d Tennyson A A 1 2 9 SOUTHERN REGIONAL 8 5 1 7 2 -IBRARY FACILITY mm ^ Cfjronolostcal list X^ of tfjt toorfes of ^Ifreti Eorb Cenngson toit!) some feto ttetns of Cennpsontana anli a series of portraits of ti)e ^oet ^Laureate* €jc]&i!iiteb at Cjje 4Brolia: Club l^obemfter 5-20, 1897» •■:i^^^ ^ C|)ronological list )^ of t|)e toorfes of ^llfreti Eorb Cenngson Vpttf) some feto items of Cennpsoniana aitti a series of portraits of tf)e ^oet iCaureate* e^'j. Illustrated by J. E. Millais, W. H. Hunt, D. G. Ros- setti, W. Mulready, T. Creswick, J. C. Horsley, C. Stan- field, and D. Maclise. Ruskin speaks of these illustrations in the Appendix to his " Elements of Drawing" (London, 1857). It appears that shortly after the appearance of the book, Edward Moxon, the publisher, died, and the re- mainder of the edition was transferred to Routledge, who issued it in a cheaper form. The earlier edition is the one to secure. IB lO THE GROLIER CLUB. 21 n^HE TRUE AND THE FALSE: Four A Idylls of the King. London, Edward Moxon b' Co., 1859. Not mentioned by Shepherd. Says the owner: " Only one other volume with the same title is known. This is in the South Kensington Museum. It differs however, in that the second Idyll has its title changed from ' Nimue ' to 'Vivien.' The present copy, therefore, is unique. On the issue of the first edition to the public the title of the book was changed to ' The Idylls of the King.' " Contains the idylls of Enid, Nimue, Elaine, and Guine- vere, the first two of which had been privately printed in 1857, under the title " Enid and Nimue; or. The True and False." Of this 1857 volume 6 copies were printed, the sole survivor being in the British Museum. The name Nimue, still retained in the present (1859) volume, is changed, for the sake of euphony, to Vivien, in the edition of the Idylls published in the same year (see next entry, No. 22), and there are other variations. " Enid and Nimue" is described on p. 224 of " Literary Anecdotes of the 19th Century," vol 2. 22 IDYLLS OF THE KING. London, Ed^ ^ ward Moxon ^ Co., 1859. See notes after preceding entry. Shepherd tells us (" BibHography" 1896, p. 36): "For the story of ' Enid ' Tennyson was largely indebted to Lady Charlotte Guest's translation of the Welsh ' Mabi- nogion,' the details, names, and even words, being closely followed and reproduced." 23 T^HE SAILOR BOY. London, Emily A Faithfull df Co., i%6i. " 25 copies for the author's use." Not mentioned in Shepherd's "Bibliography" (1896). "One of the very rarest of Tennyson's books," says the owner. WORKS OF ALFRED LORD TENNYSON. II 24 'FHE VICTORIA REGIA: a volume of A original contributions in poetry and prose. Edited by Adelaide A. Procter. Lon- don, Emily Faithfidl ^ Co., 1861. Contains " The Sailor Boy," reprinted, with some shght alterations, in "Enoch Arden, etc.," 1864 (No. 29). 25 pOEMS. MDCCCXXX. MDCCCXXXIII. -^ Privately printed, 1862. A partial reprint, probably issued by J. C. Hotten, of "Poems, chiefly Lyrical" (1830) and "Poems" (1833). It is believed there is also a Canadian reprint. Shep- herd does not give this title, but lists, under the same date, " Suppressed Poems of Tennyson. A pamphlet privately printed under the supervision of J. D. Campbell, 1862. ' He cites also the case of "Tennyson v. Hotten" (1862), containing an order of the Court of Chancery for the sup- pression of an unauthonzed reprint of poems by Tennyson, and adds: " I never saw a copy of the book, and do not know its contents." 26 A WELCOME. London, Edward Moxon ^ &> Co., 1863. Addressed to the Princess Alexandra of Denmark, on her arrival in England and her marriage with the Prince of Wales. Reprinted, with considerable alterations and additions, in " Enoch Arden, etc.," 1864 (No. 29). 27 A WELCOME TO her Royal Highness, -i*- THE Princess of Wales, from the Poet Laureate. Owen Jones, Illuminator. Day 6^ Son, lithographers to the Qiieen, 1863. An illuminated edition of the poem, not mentioned by Shepherd. 12 THE GROLIER CLUB. 28 TDYLLS OF THE HEARTH. London, i- Echvard Moxon &" Co., 1864. ShepherdC Bibliography", 1896, p. 39), says: "This is the same as the regular (following) edition of 'Enoch Arden,' but with a different title-page." However, " Enoch Arden, etc." (1864), to which Shepherd here refers, con- tains "A Welcome to Alexandra," which is wanting in " Idylls of the Hearth." The present copy is printed on proof paper, numbered " IV " in ink at the head of the title-page (probably indicating the fourth proof ), and bears the author's manuscript corrections throughout. The title of the various trial copies was finally changed to " Enoch Arden, etc.," on the issue of the first edition. Various such instances of Tennyson's careful manner of working may be found; Shepherd speaks of it on p. 16 of his "Bibliography", with respect to "In Memoriam" and " Maud " (pp. 18 and 21), and Hallam Tennyson, in the new biography, referring to " Aylmer's Field," says : " He often pointed out how hard he had found such and such a passage, how much work and thought it had cost him." On the other hand, it seems worthy of note that " Cross- ing the Bar," in the poet's words, " came in a moment." 29 pNOCH ARDEN, etc. London, Edward Cf Moxon df Co., 1864. 30 [A SELECTION from the Works of Al- -Tx FRED Tennyson.] Author's page-proofs, with his manuscript corrections. Title-page wanting. Head-bands and tail-pieces pasted in. " Probably unique," says the owner. 31 A SELECTION from the Works of -Lx. Alfred Tennyson. London, Edward Moxon ^ Co., 1865. " Moxon's Miniature Poets " " Contains some original poems previously unpublished." — Shepherd, "Biblio- graphy" (1896), p. 40. WORKS OF ALFRED LORD TENNYSON, 1 3 32 T^HE WINDOW: or, The Loves of the A Wrens. Can/ord Manor, 1867. Printed at the private press of Sir Ivor Bertie Guest, Exceedingly rare, the edition having been very small. It is stated that the signs ==, $, \, 7, which appear before the date on the title-page of both this and " The Victim" are the private marks of the amateur compositors, viz.: Lord Wimborne, Lady Layard, Lady C. Schreiber, and Mrs. E. Ponsonby. The text differs considerably from that of the edition issued in 1871 with Arthur Sullivan's music (see No. 37). T,2, ^PHE VICTIM. Canford Manor, printed A a( the private press of Sir Ivor Bertie Guest, 1867. Very rare in this form. Reprinted in Good Words, and in " The Holy Grail " (1870). 34 T UCRETIUS. Cambridge, Mass., printed for private circulation, 1868. Appeared originally in Macmillan s Magazine, and in Every Saturday {^o%\.or\) ; the latter version containing a passage describing the Oread, which was cancelled in the English edition, and showing also two other variations evidently based on error. See prefatory " Note," signed by J. T. F. [i.e., James T. Fields). This edition is not mentioned in Shepherd's " Bibliography "of 1896. 35 q^HE HOLY GRAIL and Other Poems. A London, Strahan dr" Co., 1870. Four of the poems, viz., "The Coming of Arthur," "The Holy Grail," " Pelleas and Ettare," and "The Passing of Arthur" (with which is incorporated the " Morte d'Arthur" of 1842) form a second series of" Idylls of the King." 14 THE GROLIER CLUB. 36 q^HE LAST TOURNAMENT. London, -•■ Strahaii 6^ Co., 187 1. Privately printed. Exceedingly rare. Described in "Literary Anecdotes of the 19th Century," vol. 2, p. 253. Published in " Gareth and Lynette," etc. (1872). Shep- herd mentions this only as a publication of 22 lines in the Contemporary Review. 37 q^HE WINDOW; or, The Songs of the -*■ Wrens. Words written for music by Alfred Tennyson. The music by Arthur Sullivan. London, Simhan &^ Co., 1871. See No. 32. 38 pARETH AND LYNETTE, etc. London, ^ Strahan &^ Co., 1872. The third series of " Idylls of the King." 39 rjUEEN MARY: A Drama. London, ]^ Henry S. King b' Co., 1875. Produced at the Lyceum Theatre in 1876. 40 UAROLD: A Drama. London, .^«ry S. A A King b' Co., 1877. 41 O^HE LOVER'S TALE. London, C. Kegan A Paul b' Co., 1879. Includes a third section, published here for the first time, and a fourth section, " The Golden Supper," which first appeared in " The Holy Grail, and Other Poems" (1870). "The Lover's Tale " appeared originally in 1833. 42 Same. [Interleaved, with MS. notes by R. H. Shepherd.] 43 "DALLADS AND Other Poems. London, AJ C Kegan Paul &f Co., 1880. WORKS OF ALFRED LORD TENNYSON 1 5 44 q^HE PROMISE OF MAY. London, A printed for the author, 1882. Author's name does not appear in the book, which was never seen by Shepherd, and is exceedingly rare. " Pro- duced at the Globe Theater, Nov. 11, 1882. . . . This play, . . . though it . . . had a succcs d'esthne, was practically . . . damned by the pit on the first night. The Poet hesi- tated even to publish it for some years afterwards." — Shep- herd, " Bibliography" (1896), p. 57. The play was pub- lished in 1887 in " Locksley Hall, Sixty Years After, etc." (See No. 50.) " The first and only separate edition. Only six copies known," says the owner. 45 "DECKET. London, Maanilla7i 6^ Co., BECK! 1884. Produced at the Lyceum Theatre by Henry Irving, in 1893- 46 q^HE CUP AND THE FALCON. Lon- J- don, Macmillan df Co., 1884. Both of these were produced on the stage. 47 "lirORKS. Vols. 1-7. London, Macmil- VV ia7i b' Co., 1884. Same. Vols. 8-10. New York and London, Macmillan 6^ Co., 1893. "150 copies of this edition were printed September, 1893." Printed in Boston. 48 T^IRESIAS, AND Other Poems. London, ■»■ Macmillan b" Co., 1885. l6 THE GROLIER CLUB. 49 "nOS ROSARUM EX HORTO POE- -l^ TARUM : Dew of the ever-living rose gathered from the poets' gardens of many lands by " E. V. B." London, Elliot Stock, 1885. Contains, beside other selections from Tennyson's works, an " unpublished fragment " of 6 lines, on p. 230. 50 TOCKSLEY HALL, SIXTY YEARS J--/ AFTER, etc. London, Macniillan b' Co., 1886. Shepherd gives the date as 1887. 51 "pOEMS, illustrated by Edward Lear. Lon- ^ don, Boussod, Valadon b' Co.; New York, Scribner 6^ Welford, 1889. The poems are "To Edward Lear on his Travels in Greece," "The Palace of Art," and " The Daisy." Only 100 copies printed, the present one being No. 82, all signed by the poet. Shepherd catalogues this as " To Ed- ward Lear, and other poems, illustrated by Edward Lear." 52 "P\EMETER AND Other Poems. London 1^ and New York, Macmillan &' Co., 1889. 52*TI)EARL: AN English Poem of the Four- -t teenth Century, edited with a modern rendering by Israel Gollancz. London, pib- lished by David Nutt, 1891. Contains a four-line poem by Tennyson, on leaf follow- ing title-page. 53 q^HE FORESTERS; ROBIN HOOD 1 AND MAID MARIAN. London and New York, Mactnillan &= Co., 1892. Presented at Daly's Theater, New York, in 1892. 54 J WORKS OF ALFRED LORD TENNYSON 1 7 HE FORESTERS: ROBIN HOOD AND MAID MARIAN. New York and London, Macmillan cr* Co., 1892. Large-paper copy. " Made in response to a request of Miss Ada Rehan for a copy of the book in more luxu- rious form than the ordinary edition" The publishers believe there were only six copies made. 55 T^HE SILENT VOICES. London and -*■ New York, Macmillan iSr' Co., 1892. Exceedingly rare. " Ten lines, published privately for copyright purposes ... on Oct. 12th, the day of Tenny- son's funeral. Taken from ' The Death of CEnone,' then on the point of pubhcation, and sung at the .Abbey (the music by Lady Tennyson)." — Shepherd, " Bibliography " (1896), p. 66. 56 q^HE DEATH OF CENONE, AKBAR'S ■»- DREAM, AND Other Poems. London and New York, Macmillan 6^ Co., 1892. " Pubhshed the latter part of October, 1892. The proot was all revised by the Poet a fortnight before his death." — Shepherd, " Bibliography," p. 67. 57 q^HE DEATH OF GENONE, AKBAR'S J- DREAM, AND Other Poems. New York and London, Macmillan c^ Co., 1892, American large-paper copy. "200 copies of this edition were printed on hand-made paper." Contains " The Bee and the Flower," not in the English edition. 58 n^HE DEATH OF CENONE, AKBAR'S A DREAM, AND Other Poems. With five steel portraits of the author. London and New York, Macmillan d^ Co., 1892. Large-paper edition of 500 copies. " Poems by Two Brothers" (1827 and 1893) and the present volume, Ten- nyson's first and last books, are the only ones issued in England in large-paper. "The Foresters " was pubhshed in large-paper in this country. l8 THE GROLIER CLUB. 59 pOEMS BY TWO BROTHERS. New A York and London, Macmillan ^ Co., 1893. ' ' This is a facsimile edition of the Poems by Two Brothers, ■lZq.'j. . . . My uncle, Frederick Tennyson, cannot be cer- tain of the authorship of every poem, . . . The additional poems at the end form part of the original manuscript of 1827, and were omitted for some forgotten reason." — Pre- face by Hallam Tennyson. " Timbuctoo " also is included. Initials are appended to the poems according to the hand- writing as judged by Frederick Tennyson. (See also No. i.) ''°M AUD: A MoNODRAMA. London, -Mz^- millan &f Co. Printed by l^illiam Mor- ris at the Kebnscott Press, 1893. Not mentioned in Shepherd's " Bibliography " of 1896. CHARLES AND FREDERICK TENNYSON 61 OONNETS AND FUGITIVE PIECES, by vJ Charles Tennyson. Cambridge, pub- lished by B. Bridges, 1830. 61* Another copy, with signature, in ink, of B. W. Procter (" Barry Cornwall ") on title-page. Charles Tennyson, the elder brother of Alfred, assumed the name of Turner on inheriting some property. (See also No. I.) 62 CMALL TABLEAUX, by the Rev. w Charles Turner. London, Macmillan b' Co., 1868. WORKS OF ALFRED LORD TENNYSON. I9 63 "H'^YS AND HOURS, by Frederick Ten- i->' NYSON. London, John W. Parker 6^ Son, 1854. Poems. TENNYSONIANA 64 A LFRED, LORD TENNYSON, and his -^ FRIENDS. A series of 25 portraits and frontispiece in photogravure from the nega- tives of Mrs. JuHa Margaret Cameron and H. H. H. Cameron. Reminiscences by Anne Thackeray Ritchie, with an introduction by H. H. Hay Cameron. London, T. Fisher Ununn, 1893. 65 TACOBS, Joseph. Tennyson and " In J Memoriam " : an appreciation and a study. 'London, David JVuff, 1892. 66 VTAPIER, George G. The Homes and iM Haunts of Alfred Lord Tennyson, POET laureate. Glasgow, James Maclehose 6^ Sons, 1892. 67 ^ HE OXFORD and Cambridge Maga- zine for 1856. Conducted by members of the two universities. London, 1856. Contains an essay on Tennyson, in 3 parts (pp. 7, 73 and 136), Fulford noted in pencil as the author. Likewise "Calvalay: a chapter of life," in 3 parts (pp. 535, 620, 664), also with Fulford's name in pencil; extracts from Tennyson plentifully interspersed. 20 THE GROLIER CLUB. 68 CHEPHERD, Richard Herne. Tennyso- O NiANA. 2d edition, revised and enlarged. London, Pickeruig &" Co., 1879. Published anonymously. 69 OHEPHERD, Richard Herne. The Bibli- ^ ography of Tennyson : a bibliographical list of the published and privately-printed writings of Alfred (Lord) Tennyson, poet laureate, from 1827 to 1894 inclusive. ... By the author of " Tennyson iana." London, printed for sub- scribers only, 1896. 70 npENNYSON, HALLAM. Alfred, Lord i- Tennyson, a memoir by his son. Lon- don, Maonillan ds' Co., Limited ; New York, The Macmillan d?., 1897. 2 vols. 7o*T rAN DYKE, Henry. The poetry of Ten- V nyson. New York, Cha?ies Scribner's Sons, 1889. 71 PHOTOGRAPHIC REPRODUCTION Jl of D. G. Rossetti's drawing for Tennyson's " Mariana in the South." Signed in ink by the artist. The wood-engraving of this drawing was published in " Poems," 1857 (see No. 20). 72 IT rOOD-ENGRAVING, by W. J. Linton. VV Proof, submitted to Rossetti, with the lat- ter's remarks and corrections in pencil. The drawing is by J. E. Millais, illustrating "The Day-dream," and the plate was published in "Poems," 1857, (see No. 20). WORKS OF ALFRED LORD TENNYSON. 21 73 AUTOGRAPH LETTER to Dr. C. B. ■^ Ker, undated, written at Chapel House, Twickenham. Envelope post-marked Mar. 13, 1851. — "You will have seen that I kissed The Queen's hand on the sixth. Rogers lent me his court dress, the very same that poor Words- worth had worn." 74 AUTOGRAPH LETTER to G. F. ■^^ Flowers, undated. Envelope post- marked July 4th, 1853. — " I am so engaged in flying about the country in this wretched house- hunting business, now in Kent, now in Sussex, now in Gloucester or Yorkshire that I never can be sure of my whereabouts a day before- hand." 75 AUTOGRAPH LETTER to Charles -^ KiNGSLEv, Dec. 13, 1833, written at Far- ringford. Freshwater, Isle of Wight. — "I will only add that the veneration for Maurice which induced me to pass by all family claims and select him as Godfather to my child remains unabated — I may say is increased." 76 AUTOGRAPH LETTER to ?, Jan. -Tx 29, 1855. — " . . . my heart almost bursts with indignation at the accursed mismanagement of our noble little army, that flower of men." It seems worthy of note, here, that the first draft of " The Charge of the Light Brigade " had been published in the preceding month. 22 THE GROLIER CLUB. 77 A UTOGRAPH of the Poet. Four lines ^^j^ from " Enoch Arden," signed, and dated Nov. — 1882. Framed with a proof impres- sion of T. Johnson's wood-engraving, portrait of Tennyson. PORTRAITS (arranged in approximately chronologi- cal ORDER.) 78 "DUST. Steel-engraving by J. C. Army- -»-' tage after a crayon drawing by S. Law- rence, with facsimile of the poet's autograph. Published by Smith, Elder & Co. (in Vol. II. of "A New Spirit of the Age," 1844, accord- ing to Shepherd, " Tennysoniana," 2d edition, P- 157)- The earliest engraved portrait published. 79 "DUST. Steel-engraving, evidently based -D on the Lawrence drawing; unsigned. Facsimile of Tennyson's signature. Published in Hogg's " Weekly Instructor." 80 "DUST. Steel-engraving by W. H. Mote. B HALF-LENGTH. Steel-engraving, after a photograph, engraving and printing by Weger in Leipzig. Lettering in German. HALF-LENGTH Steel-engraving. Proof. No signature, no date. Facsimile of Tennyson's signature. WORKS OF ALFRED LORD TENNYSON. 23 83 T3UST. Steel-engraving, after G. F. Jj Watts's portrait, by an American engraver, used by Fields, Osgood & Co. 84 T>UST. Steel-engraving by J. Stephen- Jj SON, after the portrait by G. F. Watts. Proof. 85 T)UST. Steel-engraving. Facsimile of -U Tennyson's signature. No signature, no date. Evidently published as a frontispiece. 86 TIUST. Steel-engraving. Proof, undated, -AJ unsigned. 87 T)UST. Steel-engraving. Proof. No sig- ^ nature, no date. 88 T^H REE-QUARTER LENGTH, Tenny- i- son seated, with cloak and hat, looking to the right. Etching by W. H. N. Bicknell. Signed proof. 89 "DUST. Photographed by Frederick -L-) Hollyer, after the second Watts portrait, 90 DUST. Profile. Wood-engraving. Proof. -L* No signature, no date. 91 "DUST. Etching, signed " G. B. S., 1885." 92 T)UST, Steel-engraving, representing a -L) stone bas-relief in medallion frame. Un- signed, undated. 93 "DUST. Wood-engraving, after a bust by -U Thomas Woolner, with facsimile of Tenny- son's signature. 24 THE GROLIER CLUB. 94 "DUST. Line and Stipple Engraving. Jj By G. J. Stoddart, from a photograph by J. Mayall. Published in " The Death of CEnone," 1892 (No. 58). 95 T)UST. Wood-engraving by T. Johnson, -D 1892, from a photograph by Mayall. Proof on Japan paper. 96 Same. Plate 72 in "The Century Gal- lery of One Hundred Portraits." 97 T^ENNYSON at the Age of 70, etched A from life by Rajon. Signed proof on Japan paper. 98 T)UST. Lithograph by A. Legros. Signed Jj proof. Undated. 99 R^^^- Photogravure, after the portrait -D by G. F. Watts, 1859. 100 "DUST. Profile. Photogravure. From J3 life, 1865. (" Dirty Monk.") loi "DUST. Photogravure. From life, 1866. -D Facsimile of Tennyson's signature. 102 T)UST. Photogravure. From life, 1888. Nos. 99-102 are from "Alfred, Lord Tennyson, and his friends," 1893 (No. 64). 103 pvRIGINAL PHOTOGRAPH of preced- v>' ing by Julia Margaret Cameron. 104 IV/TEDAL. SILVER. Bust portrait, iVi head covered by cap. Reverse lettered '^ TENNYSON." Signed " L. R. T." Pub- lished in London. 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