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University of California.
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Hon&on :
[All Eights reserved.]
Camfcrt'trge :
The Theory of Probabilities is naturally and strongly
divided into two parts. One of these relates to those
chances which can be altered only by the changes of
entire units or integral multiples of units in the funda-
mental conditions of the problem ; as in the instances
of the number of dots exhibited by the upper surface
of a die, or the numbers of black and white balls to
be extracted from a bag. The other relates to those
chances which have respect to insensible gradations in
the value of the element measured ; as in the duration
of life, or in the amount of error incident to an astro-
nomical observation.
Tt may be difficult to commence the investigations
proper for the second division of the theory without
referring to principles derived from the first. Never-
theless, it is certain that, when the elements of the
second division of the theory are established, all refer-
ence to the first division is laid aside ; and the original
connexion is, by the great majority of persons who use
the second division, entirely forgotten. The two divi-
sions branch off into totally unconnected subjects ; those
persons who habitually use one part never have occasion
for the other ; and practically they become two different
In order to spare astronomers and observers in
natural philosophy the confusion and loss of time which
are produced by referring to the ordinary treatises em-
bracing both branches of Probabilities, I have thought
it desirable to draw up this tract, relating only to Errors
of Observation, and to the rules, derivable from the
consideration of these Errors, for the Combination of
the Results of Observations. I have thus also the
advantage of entering somewhat more fully into several
points, of interest to the observer, than can possibly be
done in a General Theory of Probabilities.
Xo novelty, I believe, of fundamental character, will
be found in these pages. At the same time I may state
that the work has been written without reference to
or distinct recollection of any other treatise (excepting
only Laplace's Theorie des Probabilites) ; and the me-
thods of treating the different problems may therefore
differ in some small degrees from those commonly em-
Royal Obseevatoey, Greenwich,
January 12, 1861.
The work has been thoroughly revised, but no im-
portant alteration has been made : except in the intro-
duction of the new Section 15, and the consequent
alteration in the numeration of articles of Sections 1(5
and 17 (formerly 15 and 10) : and in the addition of the
Appendix, giving the result of a comparison of the
theoretical law of Frequency of Errors with the Fre-
quency actually observed in an extensive series.
February 20, 1875.
Section 1. Nature of the Errors here considered.
Article 2. Instance of Errors of Integers 1
3. Instance of Graduated Errors : these are the sub-
ject of this Treatise 2
4. Errors of an intermediate class .... ib.
5. Instances of Mistakes ib.
C. Characteristics of the Errors considered in this
Treatise 3
8. The word Error really means Uncertainty . . 4
Section 2. Laic of Probability of Errors of any given
i). Reference to ordinary theory of Chances . . ib.
10. Illustrations of the nature of the law ... 5
11. Illusfration of the algebraic form to be expected
for the law 6
12. Laplace's investigation introduced ... 7
13. Algebraical combination of many independent
causes of error assumed ib.
Article 15. This leads to a definite integral S
16. Simplification of the integral 10
17. Investigation of J dt.e~& 11
IS. Investigation of I dt. cos rt. e~ 1 ' 2 . . . .12
20. Probability that an error will fall between x and
I a- 2
x + 8x is found to be — t- .e~c 2 .8x . . .14
21. Other suppositions lead to the same result . .15
22. Plausibility of this law ; table of values of e c 2 • ib>
23. Curve representing the law of Frequency of Error . 16
Section 3. Consequences of the Law of Probability or
Frequency of Errors, as applied to One System of
Measures of One Element.
25. It is assumed that the law of Probability applies
equally to positive and to negative errors . .IS
26. Investigation of "Mean Error" . . . .19
27. Investigation of "Error of Mean Square" . . 20
28. Definition of "Probable Error" . . . .21
1 /""'
29. Tableof--/ dic.€~ K2 , and investigation of Pro-
's/ 7 '' Jo
bable Error 22
30. Remark on the small number of errors of large
value 23
31. Table exhibiting the relations of the Modulus and
the several Errors ib.
32. Introduction of the term "Actual Error" . . 24
Section 4. Remarks on the application of these processes
in particular cases.
Article 33. "With a limited number of errors, the laws will be
imperfectly followed 24
34. Case of a single discordant observation . . .25
Section 5. Law of Frequency of Error, and values of
Mean Error and Probable Error, of a symbolical or
numerical Multiple of One Fallible Measure.
35. The Law of Frequency has the same form as for
the original: the Modulus and the Mean and
Probable Errors are increased in the proportion
expressed by the Multiple 26
36. The multiple of measure here considered is not
itself a simple measure 27
37. Nor the sum of numerous independent measures . ih.
Sectiox 6. Law of Frequency of Error, and values of
Mean Error and Probable Error, of a quantity formed
by the algebraical sum, or difference of two independent
Fallible Measures.
39. The problem is reduced to the form of sums of
groups of Errors, the magnitudes of the errors
through each group being equal. . . .29
43. Results : that, for the sum of two independent
Fallible Measures, the Law of Frequency has the
same form as for the originals, but the square of
the new modulus is equal to the sum of the
squares of the two original moduli . . .33
Article 44. The same theorem of magnitudes applies to Mean
Error, Error of Mean Square, and Probable
Error 33
45. But the combined Fallible Measures must be ab-
solutely independent 34
47. The same formulae apply for the difference of two
independent Fallible Measures . . . .30
49. In all cases here to be treated, the Law of Fre-
quency has the same form as for original obser-
vations 37
Section* 7. Values of Mean Error and Probable Error
in combinations which occur most frequently.
50. Probable Error of kX+l If 3s
51. Probable Error of R + S+T+U+&C . . . ib.
52. Probable Error of rIZ + sS+tT+uU+&.c. . . 33
53. Probable Error of X 1 + A r 2 + ...4-X„, where the
quantities are independent but have equal proba-
ble errors (b.
54. Difference between this result and that for the pro-
bable error of nXi 40
55. Probable Error of the Mean of X 1 , X i} ...X„ . 41
Section 8. Instances of the application of these Theo-
5G. Determination of geographical eolatitude by obser-
vations of zenith distances of a star above ami
below the pole 42
57. Determination of geographical longitude by trans-
its of the Moon 43
Section 9. Methods of determining Mean Error and
Probable Error in a gicen series of observations.
Article 58. The peculiarity of the case is, that the real value of
the quantity measured is not certainly known . 44
59, For the Mean Error, the rule is the same as
before ib.
60, For Error of Mean Square, and Probable Error,
the divisor of sum of squares will be n— 1 instead
of n 45
61, Convenient methods of forming the requisite num-
bers 47
Section 10. Method of combining measures ; meaning of
" combination-weight ;" principle of most advantageous
combination ; caution in its application to "entangled
62. First class of measures ; direct measures of a
quantity which is invariable, or whose variations
are known 49
63. Combination by means of combination-weights . 50
64. The combination to be sought is that which will
give a result whose probable error is the smallest
possible ib.
65. To be found by the algebraical theory of complex
maxima and minima 51
6G. Sometimes, even for a simple result, there will
occur " entangled measures." Caution fur the
reduction of these ib.
Article 67. Second class of measures ; when the corrections to
several physical elements are to he determined
simultaneously ; this is also a case of algebraical
complex maxima and minima .... 52
Section 11. Combination of simple measures; meaning
of " theoretical weight;" simplicity of results for theo-
retical weight; allowable departure from the strict
68. Independent measures or results are supposed
equally good ; the investigation shews that they
must be combined with equal weights . . 53
69. Independent measures or results are not equally
good ; their combination-weights must be in-
versely proportional to the square of the probable
error of each 54
70. If the reciprocal of (probable error) 2 be called
"theoretical weight," their combination-weight
oucrht to be proportional to their theoretical
weight ; and the theoretical Aveight of result
= sum of theoretical weights of original mea-
sures ">.")
72. Instance : eolatitude by different stars . . . •"><;
73. We may depart somewhat from the strict rules for
formation of combination-weights without intro-
ducing material error of result . , . 58
Section 12. Treatment of entangled measures.
74. Instance (1). Longitude is determined by lunar
transits compared with those at two known
stations 60
75. Reference must be made to actual errors ; result
for combination-weights, and for theoretical weight
of result (jl
Article 76. Partition of theoretical weight of result . . .62
78. Partition is applicable in other cases . . .04
79. Instance (2). Theodolite observations of the meri-
dian and of distant signals ; theoretical weight for
each azimuth found by partition .... ib.
SO. Instance (3). Zenith distances of stars are ob-
served at three stations of a meridional arc; to
find the amplitude of the first section . . . ib.
81. All valid combinations must be considered, and,
being entangled observations, must be treated by
actual errors .65
82. Equations formed and solved 06
84. The result for the first section and that for the
second section are entangled, and cannot be com-
bined to form the result for the whole ; difference
between actual error and probable error . . 6S
86. General caution for treatment of entangled obser-
vations 70
Section 13. Treatment of numerous equations applying
to several unknown quantities; introduction of the term
" minimum squares.'"
87. General form of such equations . . . .71
88. Obvious method of combining them in order to
form the proper number of determining equa-
tions 72
89. Symbolical equations for x, one of the unknown
quantities 73
90. Symbolical equations for making the probable
error of x minimum 74
91. Synthetical solution of the equations . . .75
Article 93. Complete exhibition of the form of solution . .77
94. This form is the same as the form of solution of
the problem, " to reduce to minimum the sum of
squares of residual errors, when the errors are
properly multiplied." Introduction of the term
" minimum squares." Danger of using this term 78
96. Expression for probable error of x . . . .79
97. Approximate values of the factors will suffice in
practice SI
Section 14. Instances of the formation of equations ap-
plying to several unknown quantities.
99. Instance 1. Determination of the personal equa-
tions among several transit-observers . . .82
100. Instance 2. Consideration of a net of geodetic
triangles So
101. The probable error of each measure must first be
ascertained ; different for angles between sta-
tions, for absolute azimuths, for linear measures ib.
102. Approximate numerical co-ordinates of stations are
to be assumed, with symbols for corrections . S6
103. Corresponding equations for measures mentioned
above ih.
104. These equations will suffice SS
105. Generality and beauty of the theory ; it admits of
application to any supposed measures ; instance S9
10G. No objection, that the measures are heteroge-
neous ih 4
107. Solution of equations is troublesome . . .90
Section 15. Treatment of Observations in which it is
required that the Errors of Observations rigorously
satisfy some assigned conditions.
Article 110. Instance 1. In a geodetic triangle, of which the
three angles are observed, and their sum proves
erroneous : to find the corrections for the several
angles 91
111. Equations for probable errors ib.
112. Assigned condition introduced .... 92
113. Result ib.
114. Instance 2. In a series of successive azimuthal
angles, whose sum ought to be 360°, the sum
proves erroneous : to find the corrections for
the several angles 94
115. Result ib.
116. Instance 3. In a geodetic hexagon, with a central
station, all the angles are subject to error . . 95
117. Assigned conditions introduced .... 96
118,119,120. Eliminations, and equations . 97,99,100
122. Practical process, which may be preferable . .101
Section 16. Consideration of the circumstances under
which the existence of Mixed Errors of Different
Classes may be recognized ; and investigation of their
separate values.
124. The existence of Error of a Different Class is not
to be assumed without good evidence . . .103
125. Especially without evidence of possibility of such ■
Error ib.
Articlel26. Formation of result of each group .... li>4
127. Discordance of results of different groups . . ib.
12S. Investigation of Mean Discordance, supposed to
be a mutter of chance, and its Probable Error . 105
129. Decision on the reality of a Mean Discordance . ib.
130. Much must depend on the judgment of the Com-
puter 106
131. Simpler treatment when Discordance appears to
be connected with an assignable cause . . . ib.
Section 17. Treatment of observations when the values
of Probable Constant Error for different groups, and
probable error of observation of individual measures
within each group, are assumed as known.
132. "We must not in general assume a value for Con-
stant Error for each group, but must treat it
as a chance-error 107
133. Symbolical formation of actual errors . . . 10S
134. Symbolical formation of probable error of result ;
equations of minimum 109
135. Resulting combination-weights . . . .110
136. Simpler treatment when the existence of a definite
Constant Error for one group is assumed . .Ill
137. Indication of the principal sources of error and
inconvenience, in the applications which have
been made of the Theory of Errors of Observa-
tions and of the Combination of Observations . 112
Practical Verification of the Theoretical Law for the Fre-
quency of Errors • . .114
Page 47, dele line 1, and substitute the following: —
Mean Square of Sum of Errors a + b + c + d + &e.
Page 61, between lines 6 and 7, insert "final apparent results, as
affected by the "
,, line 12, for ' actual error of ' read ' apparent '.
,, line 14, for ' actual errors of the ' read ' apparent '.
,, line 19, for ' actual error ' read ' result '.
- .
§ 1. Nature of the Errors here considered.
1. The nature of the Errors of Observation which
form the subject of the following Treatise, will perhaps
be understood from a comparison of the different kinds
of Errors to which different Estimations or Measures are
2. Suppose that a quantity of common nuts are put
into a cup, and a person makes an estimate of the num-
ber. His estimate may be correct ; more probably it
will be incorrect. But if incorrect, the error has this
A. A
peculiarity, that it is an error of whole nuts. There can-
not be an error of a fraction of a nut. This class of errors
may be called Errors of Integers. These are not the errors
to which this treatise applies.
3. Instead of nuts, suppose water to be put into the
cup, and suppose an estimate of the quantity of water to
be formed, expressed either by its cubical content, or by
its weight. Either of those estimates may be in error by
any amount (practically not exceeding a certain limit),
proceeding by any gradations of magnitude, however mi-
nute. This class of errors may be called Graduated
Errors. It is to the consideration of these errors that
this treatise is directed.
4. If, instead of nuts or water, the cup be charged
with particles of very small dimensions, as grains of fine
sand, the state of things will be intermediate between the
two considered above. Theoretically, the errors of esti-
mation, however expressed, must be Errors of Integers of
Sand-Grains ; but practically, these sand-grains may be
so small that it is a matter of indifference whether the
gradations of error proceed by whole sand-grains or by
fractions of a sand-grain. In this case, the errors are
practically Graduated Errors.
5. In all these cases, the estimation is of a simple
kind ; but there are other cases in which the process may
be either simple or complex ; and, if it is complex, a dif-
ferent class of errors may be introduced. Suppose, for
instance, it is desired to know the length of a given road.
A person accustomed to road-measures may estimate its
length ; this estimation will be subject simply to Graduated
Errors. Another person may measure its length by a yard-
measure ; and this method of measuring, from uncertainties
in the adjustments of the successive yards, &c. will also be
subject to Graduated Errors. But besides this, it will be
subject to the possibility of the omission of registry of
entire yards, or the record of too many entire yards ; not
as a fault of estimate, but as a result of mental confusion.
/ In like manner, when a measure is made with a micro-
meter ; there may be inaccuracy in the observation as
represented by the fractional part of the reading ; but there
may also be error of the number of whole revolutions, or
of the whole number of decades of subdivisions, similar to
the erroneous records of yards mentioned above, arising
from causes totally distinct from those which produce in-
accuracy of mere observation. This class of Errors may
be called Mistakes. Their distinguishing peculiarity is,
that they admit of Conjectural Correction. These Mistakes
are not further considered in the present treatise.
G. The errors therefore, to which the subsequent in-
vestigations apply, may be considered as characterized by
the following conditions : —
They are infinitesimally graduated,
They do not admit of conjectural correction.
7. Observations or measures subject to these errors
will be called in this treatise "fallible observations," or
" fallible measures."
8. Strictly speaking, we ought, in the expression of
our general idea, to use the word "uncertainty" instead of
"error." For we cannot at any time assert positively
that our estimate or measure, though fallible, is not per-
fectly correct ; and therefore it may happen that there is
no " error," in the ordinary sense of the word. And, in
like manner, when from the general or abstract idea we
proceed to concrete numerical evaluations, we ought, instead
of "error," to say "uncertain error;" including, among
the uncertainties of value, the possible case that the un-
certain error may = 0. With this caution, however, in the
interpretation of our word, the term " error " may still be
used without danger of incorrectness. When the term is
qualified, as "Actual Error" or "Probable Error," there is
no fear of misinterpretation.
§ 2. Law of Probability of Errors of any given amount.
9. In estimating numerically the "probability" that
the magnitude of an error will be included between two
given limits, we shall adopt the same principle as in the
ordinary Theory of Chances. When the numerical value
of the "probability" is to be determined a priori, we
shall consider all the possible combinations which pro-
duce error; and the fraction, whose numerator is the num-
ber of combinations producing an error which is included
between the given limits, and whose denominator is the
total number of possible combinations, will be the "pro-
bability " that the error will be included between those
limits. But when the numerical value is to be deter-
mined from observations, then if the numerator be the
number of observations, whose errors fall within the given
limits, and if the denominator be the total number of
observations, the fraction so formed, when the number of
observations is indefinitely great, is the " probability."
10. A very slight contemplation of the nature of
errors will lead us to two conclusions : — ■
First, that, though there is, in any given case, a pos-
sibility of errors of a large magnitude, and therefore a
possibility that the magnitude of an error may fall be-
tween the two values E and E + he, where E is large ;
still it is more probable that the magnitude of an error
may fall between the two values e and e + he, where e is
small ; he being supposed to be the same in both. Thus,
in estimating the length of a road, it is less probable that
the estimator's error will fall between 100 yards and
101 yards than that it will fall between 10 yards and
11 yards. Or, if the distance is measured with a yard-
measure, and mistakes are put out of consideration, it is
less likely that the error will fall between 100 inches and
101 inches than that it will fall between 10 inches and
11 inches.
Second, that, according to the accuracy of the methods
used and the care bestowed upon them, different values
must be assumed for the errors in order to present com-
parable degrees of probability. Thus, in estimating the
road-lengths by eye, an error amounting to 10 yards is
sufficiently probable ; and the chance that the real error
may fall between 10 yards and 11 yards is not contemptibly
small. But in measuring by a yard-measure, the proba-
bility that the error can amount to 10 yards is so insigni-
ficant that no man will think it worth consideration ; and
the probability that the error may fall between 10 yards
and 11 yards will never enter into our thoughts. It may,
however, perhaps be judged that an error amounting to 10
inches is about as probable with this kind of measure as
an error of 10 yards with eye-estimation ; and the probabi-
lity that the error may fall between 10 inches and 11 inches,
with this mode of measuring, may be comparable with the
probability of the error, in the rougher estimation, falling
between 10 yards and 11 yards.
11. Here then we are led to the idea that the alge-
braical formula which is to express the probability that an
error will fall between the limits e and e + Be (where Be is
extremely small) will possess the following properties : —
(A) Inasmuch as, by multiptying our very narrow
interval of limits, we multiply our probability in the same
proportion, the formula must be of the form cf> (e) x Be.
(B) The term
by itself, supposing the operation repeated s — 1 times.
And therefore the number of combinations required will
be, the coefficient of e wvM (which is also the same as the
coefficient of e~ WvM ), in the expansion of
f € ~n0 V-l i € -[n-l)0 V-l _i_ g-1*-8)0\'-l i e (»-2!0 V"l i ^"-1)0^-1 , ^0 v'-l U
laplace's investigation of their law.
This coefficient will be exhibited as a number uncom-
bined with any power of e 9 ^" 1 , if we multiply the expansion
either by 6 mV_1 , or by e~ Wyht , or by \ (e 16 ^ 1 + e' 16 ^ 1 ).
The number of combinations required is therefore the same
as the term independent of in the expansion of
- ( 6 wV-i_|_ e -z0V-i\ r e -»£» V-i _|_ e -(«-D e V-i _[_ & c< + e !"- 1 »9v / -i^. e «0V-ii.s
or the same as the term independent of in the ex-
pansion of
cos 10 x {1 + 2 cos + 2 cos 20 + + 2 cos n0} s .
And, remarking that if we integrate this quantity with
respect to 0, from = to = ir, the terms depending on
will entirely disappear, and the term independent of
will be multiplied by ir, it follows that the number of
combinations required is the definite integral
- . \"d6 . cos 10 x (1 + 2 cos 6 + 2 cos 20 ... + 2 cos n0} s ,
7T Jo
1 [*
or — . | c70 . cos 10 x
7T jo
And the total number of possible combinations which
are, a priori, equally probable, is (2n + l) s .
Consequently, the probability that the algebraical com-
bination of errors, one taken from each series, will produce
the error 1, is
z . 2n+l
f » /sin — s —
1 1 f* / 2
dd . cos 19 x
[2n + l)*'7r J
In subsequent steps, n and s are supposed to be very
16. To integrate this, with the kind of approximation
which is proper for the circumstances of the case, Laplace
2>i+l n
(2?i + 1) . sin -
— e s
(as the exponential is essentially positive, this does not in
2n + 1
strictness apply further than — - — 8 = it; but as succeed-
ing values of the fraction are small, and are raised to the
high power s, they may be safely neglected in comparison
with the first part of the integral) ; expanding the sines in
powers of 6, and the exponential in powers of , it will
be found that
AJ{n{n+ l)s}\ s J
where B is a function of n which approaches, as n becomes
laplace's investigation of their law. 11
very large, to the definite numerical value T ^. The expres-
sion to be integrated then becomes,
1 VG
7T V{H-('tt + 1) S\
' m i, r ^v<3 f, b„ „
a£.cos -77-, _,. -, H — fr+7r yv 77 " c 7 7r
the whole number of errors of magnitude z when a step of
magnitude h is made each time, or, as in Article 40, the
whole number of errors of Z whose magnitudes are included
between z and z + h, will be
CFh r+°° 7 _* 2 _^r*l 2
dx . e & / a :
cfrr 'J-
where z is to be regarded as constant.
42. The index of the exponential is easily changed
into this form;
c z +f ef V c 2 +/V
Let c 2 +/ 2 = /, C c ~^=- 2 , a--q~^=£
z* £ 2
Then the index is :, — K .
9' 7
And, (as dx = d%, and z is constant for this investiga-
tion), the whole number of errors of Z, whose magnitudes
are included between z and z + h, will be
CFh * [ +c ° Jy -?
cpr J _oc
But (see Article 17, and remark that in this case
- - X
+ 00 _|5 c f qf
Therefore, finally, the whole number of errors of Z whose
magnitudes are included between z and z + h, will be
CF _*? ,
where the whole number of combinations which can form
errors is CF.
43. Comparing this expression with that in Article
24, it appears that the' law of frequency of error for Z is
precisely the same as that for X or for Y; the modulus
being g or
V(c 2 +/ 2 ).
Hence we have this very remarkable result. When
two fallible determinations X and Y are added algebrai-
cally to form a result Z, the law of frequency of error
for Z will be the same as for X or Y, but the modulus
will be formed by the theorem,
square of modulus for Z= square of modulus for X+ square
of modulus for Y.
44. And as (see Articles 26, 27, 28, 29, 31) the Mean
Error, the Error of Mean Square, and the Probable Error,
are in all cases expressed by constant numerical multiples
of the Modulus, we have
(m.e. ofZ) 2 = (m.e. ofX) 2 + (m. e. of Y) 2 .
(e. m. s. of Zf = (e. m. s. of Xf + (e. m. s. of Y)\
(p. e. of Zf = (p. e. of X) 2 + (p. e. of Y)\
A. C
These are the fundamental theorems for the Error of
the Result of the Addition of Fallible Measures. They
constitute, in fact, but one theorem ; inasmuch as, using
one, the others follow as matter of course. "We shall
commonly make use of Probable Errors (as most exten-
sively adopted), unless any difference is expressly noted ;
"but the reader, who prefers Mean Errors, may form the
theorems in the corresponding shape, by merely substi-
tuting "m. e." for "p.e." throughout.
45. It cannot be too strongly enforced on the student
that the measures which determine X must be absolutely
and entirely independent of those which determine Y. If
any one of the observations, which contributes to give a
measure of X, does also contribute to give a measure of Y;
then the single measure of X founded on that observation
must be combined with the corresponding single measure
of Y to form its value of Z, and with no other ; and the
freedom to combine any possible error of X with any possi-
ble error of Y, on which the whole investigation in Articles
40 and 41 depends, is to that extent lost. As an illustra-
tion : suppose that differences of astronomical latitude upon
the earth, or ' amplitudes,' are determined by observations
of the same stars at the two extremities of a meridian arc :
and suppose that X, the amplitude from a station in the
Isle of Wight to a station in Yorkshire, is determined by
observing stars in the Isle of Wight and the same stars in
Yorkshire; and suppose that Y, the amplitude from the
Yorkshire station to a Shetland station, is determined by
observing stars in Yorkshire and the same stars in Shet-
land. First suppose that the observations of stars used
in the measure of X are not the same which are used in
the measure of Y. Then the errors in the determination
of X are totally independent of the errors in the deter-
mination of Y; any one determination of Xmay be com-
bined with any one determination of Y; and if Z= X
+ Y= amplitude from Isle of Wight to Shetland, the
(p. e. of Z)' = (p. e. of Xf + (p. e. of Y)*
applies strictly. But suppose now that one and the same
set of star-observations made in Yorkshire are used to
determine X (by comparison with Isle of Wight observa-
tions) and Y (by comparison with Shetland observations).
Then the determination of X, based upon a star-observa-
tion in Yorkshire, will be combined only with a deter-
mination of Y, based upon the same star-observation in
Yorkshire (as will be seen on taking the means of zenith
distances at the stations, and forming the amplitudes).
The Yorkshire observations are of no use at all for deter-
mining Z, and may be completely omitted. Their errors
have no influence on the result ; for if the observations of
any star in Yorkshire make X too small, the same observa-
tions make Y equally too large, and in forming Z=X+ Y
these errors disappear. In fact, the determination of Z
here is totally independent of those of X and Y; and the
investigation of its mean error or probable error will not
depend on those of X and Y. It will depend on the ob-
servations at the Isle of Wight and Shetland only: whereas
the probable error of X will depend on observations at the
Isle of Wight and Yorkshire only, and the probable error
of Y will depend on the observations at Yorkshire and
Shetland only. Thus it may happen that, although
Z = X + Y, the probable error of Z is less than either the
probable error of X or the probable error of Y.
The investigation of the probable error of Z, when a
portion of the stars observed are common to two or three
stations, will be explained hereafter (Article 80).
4G. Suppose that we have determinations of X and
Y, as in Article 38, and W=X— Y; it is required to
ascertain the law of frequency of errors and the mean error
or probable error of W.
The fundamental supposition, upon which we have
gone throughout the investigation, is, that the law of
frequency is the same for positive and for negative errors
of the same magnitude. And this is implied in our final
formula for the number of errors between x and x + Bx,
A jp
namely, — j— e c 2 . Bx, which gives equal values for x = + s
and for x = — s. Inasmuch therefore as Y is liable to
positive and negative errors of the same magnitude in
equal numbers, it follows that — l r is liable to the same
errors as + Y; and therefore the probable error of — I 7 " is
the same as the probable error of + Y.
47. Now W= X+ (— Y), and therefore
(p. e. of Wf = (p. e. of A') 2 + (p. e. of - Y)\
Substituting in the last term from Article 4G,
(p. e. of Wf = (p. e. of X) 2 + (p. e. of F)\
48. The theorems of Article 44 may therefore be ex-
tended, in the following form ;
[m. e. of (X ± Y)Y = (m. e. of X) 2 + (m. e. of Y)\
{e. m. s. of (X ± Y)}' = (e. m. s. of X) 2 + (e. m. s. of F) s ,
{p. e. of (X ± Y)Y = (p. e. of X) 2 + (p. e. of Y)\
and. the law of frequency of errors for X+ Y will be similar
to that for a simple fallible measure.
49. The reader's attention is particularly invited to
the following remark. We have found in Article 35 that
when the errors of a fallible measure are subject to our
general law of Frequency of Errors, the errors of any con-
stant multiple of that measure are subject to the same
laws ; and we have found in Articles 44, 47, 48, that when
the errors of each of two fallible measures are subject to
that law, the errors of their sums and differences are sub-
ject to the same law. Now all our subsequent combina-
tions of fallible quantities will consist of sums, differences,
and multiples. Consequently, for every fallible quantity
of which we shall treat hereafter, the General Law of
Frequency of Errors will apply. Regarding this as suf-
ficient notice, we shall not again allude to the Law of
Frequency of Errors.
§ 7. Values of Mean Error and Probable Error, in
combinations which occur most frequently.
50. To find the Probable Error of kX+ IY, k and I
being constant multipliers.
By Article 35, the probable error of kX=k x probable
error of AT; and the probable error of IY=1 x probable
error of Y. Now, considering kX and I Y as two indepen-
dent fallible quantities,
{p. e. of (kX + 1 Y)}* = (p. e. of kX) 2 + (p. e. of I Y)\
Substituting the values just found,
{p.e. of (7cX+lY)Y = k\(p.e. of X) 2 + 1 2 . (p. e. of Y)\
In like manner,
{m. e. of (kX+ I Y)f = k 2 . (m. e. of X) 2 + I 2 . (m. e. of F) 2 .
51. To find the Probable Error of the sum of any
number of independent fallible results,
B + S+T+ U+&c.
This is easily obtained by repeated applications of the
theorem of Article 44, thus :
[p. e. of (R + S)} 2 = (p. e. of X) 2 + (p. e. of £) 2 ;
[p.-e.of{(i2 + ^) + r}] a
= {p. e. of (It + S)Y + (p. e. of T) %
= (p. e. of R) 2 + (p. e. of S) 2 + (p. e. of T) s ;
[ip.e.o{{(R + S+T)+U}Y
= {p. e. of (R + S+ Tff + (p. e. of Uf
= (p. e. of Rf+ (p. e. of £) 2 + (p. e. of T) 2 +(p. e. of U) 2 ;
and so on to any number of terms.
A similar theorem applies to the Error of Mean Square,
and the Mean Error, substituting e. m. s. or m. e. for p. e.
52. In like manner, using the theorem of Article 50,
the probable error of rR + s8+ tT + uU+&c, where r, s,
t, u, are constant multipliers, is given by the formula,
{p. e. of (rR + sS + tT + u U) } *
=r 2 .(p.e. of R)*+s\(-p.e. of S) z +t\ (p.e.of T) 2 +w 2 .(p.e. f U)\
And a similar theorem for Error of Mean Square and
Mean Error, substituting e. m. s. and m. e. for p. e.
Measures thus combined may be called " Cumulative
53. To find the Probable Error of X x + X 2 + . . . + X n ,
where X lt X v X v ...X nf are n different and independent
measures of the same physical quantity, or of equal phy-
sical quantities, in every one of which the probable error
is the same, and equal to the probable error of X x .
By the theorem of Article 51,
{p.e.of (T 1 + X+... + Z„)} 2 =(p.e. of A^+fc.e. of A',) 2 ...
+ (p.e.ofX„) 2
= (p. e. of A^) 2 + (p. e. of XJ 2 + . . . + (p. e. of A^) 2 to n terms
= n . (p. e. of X X Y;
and therefore,
p. e. of (X, + X 8 + ... + XJ = *Jn x p. e. of X v
54. In Article 35, we found that
p. e. of nX 1 = n x p. e. of X x ;
but here we find that
p. e. of (X, 4- X 2 ... + X n ) = 01 x p. e. of X v
although the probable error of each of the quantities X 2 ,
X 3 , &c. is equal to that of X v A little consideration will
explain this apparent discordance. When we add together
the identical quantities X 1} X v X v &c. to n terms; if there
is a large actual error of the first X v there is, necessarily,
the same large actual error of each of the other X x , X l5 &c:
and the aggregate has the very large actual error n x large
error of X v But when we add together the independent
quantities X t , X 2 , &c, if the actual error of X x is large, it
is very improbable that the simultaneous actual error of
each of the others X 2 , A" 3 , &c, has a value equally large
and the same sign, and therefore it is very improbable
that the aggregate of all will produce an actual error equal
or approaching to n x large error of A^. The magnitude
of the probable error (which is proportional to the mean
error, see Article 31) depends on the probability or fre-
quency of large actual errors, (for in Article 26, to make the
mean error large, we must have many large actual errors) ;
and therefore the probable error of X x + X 2 + . .. + X n will
be smaller than that of X t + X ± + . ... to n terms, although.
p. e. of Xj = p. e. of X 2 = . . . = p. e. of X n .
55. To find the probable error of the mean of X v
X 2 , X n , where X v X 2 , ... X n , are n different and
independent measures of the same physical quantity, in
every one of which the probable error = p. e. of X x .
The mean of X, I, ... X = X i + X 2+~- + X »
n ' n a n
and the square of its probable error, by Article 52,
= J (p. e. of XJ 2 + * (p. e. of X 2 Y + . . . + i (p. e. of X n )\
— —-i (P- e - °f X iY + "2 (P- e - of X iY + ••• to w terms,
= J( P .e.ofX 1 ) 2 = ^(p.e.ofX i r;
and therefore,
p. e. of mean of X v X 2 , . . . X n = — x p. e. of X r
§ 8. Instances of the Application of these Theorems.
56. Instance (1). The colatitude of a geographical
station is determined by observing, on times, the zenith-
distance of a star at its upper culmination ; and by
observing, n times, the zenith-distance of the same star at
its lower culmination ; all proper astronomical corrections
being applied. The probable error of each of the upper
observations is p. e. u. and that of each of the lower is
p. e. 1. To find the probable error of the determination
of colatitude.
The probable error of the upper zenith-distance, which
is derived from the mean of to observations, is , ' — ;
and the probable error of the lower zenith-distance, which
tj e 1
is derived from the mean of n observations, is ' * • * .
1 1
Now the colatitude = 9 upper zenith-distance + ^ lower ze-
nith-distance ; and the determinations of these zenith-
distances, as facts of observation, are strictly independent.
Therefore, by Article 52,
(p. e. of colatitude) 2
= - (p. e. of u. zen. dist.) 2 + v (P- e - °f !• zen - dist.) 2
_l (p.e.Ti,)' | 1 (p.e.l.) 2
4 ' to 4 ' n
If the observations at upper and lower culmination are
equally good, so that
p. e. u. = p. e. 1. = p. e.,
then (p. e. of colatitude) 2 = ^' '' . (— + -) ;
or p. e. of colatitude = ^— . I -
57. Instance (2). In the operation of determining
geographical longitude by transits of the moon, the moon's
right-ascension is determined by comparing a transit of the
moon with the mean of the transits of several stars ; to
find the probable error of the right-ascension thus deter-
If p. e. m. be the probable error of moon-observation,
and p. e. s. the probable error of a star-observation, and
if the number of star-observations be n, then we have
p. e. of mean of star- transits = "' ,*- ' ,
p. e. of moon-transit = p. e. m.
Hence, by Article 48,
p. e. of (moon-transit — mean of star-transits)
If p. e. s. = p. e. m. = p. e.,
p. e. of (moon-transit — mean of star-transits)
=p-°VS +1 )-
It will be remarked here that, when the number of stars
amounts to three or four, the probable error of result is very-
little diminished by increasing the number of stars.
§ 9. Methods of determining Mean Error and Probable
Error in a given series of observations.
58. In Articles 26, 27, 28, we have given methods
of determining the Mean Error, Error of Mean Square, and
Probable Error, when the value of every Actual Error in
a series of measures or observations is certainly known.
But it is evident that this can rarely or perhaps never
apply in practice, because the real value of the quantity
measured is not certainly known, and therefore the value
of each Actual Error is not certainly known. We shall
now undertake the solution of this problem. Given a
series of n measures of a physical element (all the mea-
sures being, so far as is known to the observer, equally
good) ; to find (from the measures only) the Mean Error,
Error of Mean Square, and Probable Error, of one measure,
and of the mean of the n measures.
59. We shall suppose that (in conformity with a re-
sult to be found hereafter, Article GS,) the mean of the
n measures is adopted as the true result. Yet this mean
is not necessarily the true result ; and our investigation
will naturally take the shape of ascertaining how much
the formulEe of Articles 26, 27, 28, are altered by recog-
nizing its chance of error. And first, for Mean Error. In
the process of Article 26, suppose that, in consequence of
our taking an erroneous value for the true result, all the
+ errors are increased by a small quantity, and all the
— errors are diminished (numerically) by the same quantity.
Then the mean + error and the mean — error will be, one
increased and the other diminished, by the same quantity,
and their mean, which forms the mean error, will not be
affected. And if, from the same cause, one or more of
the — errors become apparently + errors, the mean + error
and the mean — error are very nearly equally affected in
magnitude but in different ways (numerically), and their
mean is sensibly unaffected. Thus the determination of
Mean Error is not affected ; and the process of Article 2G
is to be used without alteration. A result may follow from
this which is slightly inconsistent with that to be found in
Article 60, as has been remarked in Article 33.
60. Secondly, for Error of Mean Square. Suppose
that the Actual Errors of the n measures are a, b, c, d, &c.
to n terms ; then the Actual Error of the mean is
a + h + c + d + &c.
n ~ ;
and therefore if, for the process of Article 27, we form
the sum of the squares of the Apparent Error of each mea-
sure, that is of the difference of each measure from the
mean ; we do not form the squares of a, b, c, d, &c, but of
a+b+c+d+ &c.
a ,
7 a+b+c+d+ &c.
a + b + c + d J r Sec
The sum of their squares (that is, the sum of
cf apparent errors) is
a 2 + l 2 + c" + &c
-~(a + b + c + &c.) x(a + b + c + d + &c.)
+ nx —x(a + b + c + d + &c.Y
= a 2 + b 2 + c- + &c - x (a + b + c + d + &e. '.
n K '
Now, in the long run of observations, -we may consider
each of the squares in the first part of this formula as
being equal to the Mean Square of Error ; so that for a",
or o 2 , or c 2 , &c, we may put (Error of Mean Square)* using
the definition of Article 27. But for a + b + c + d -
which enters as an aggregate quantity, we must remark
that, by Article 51,
Mean Square of -Error of (a + b + c + d + &c.)
= (m. s. e. of a) + (m. s. e. of b) + &c.
= n x (Error of Mean Square) 2 .
Thus the sum of squares which we form is truly
n x (e. m. s. of a measure) 2 — x n x (e. m. s. of a measure) 2 ,
v ' n
= (n — 1) x (e. m. s. of a measure) 2 .
And from this,
, /sum of squares of apparent errors
e. m. s. of a measure = A / —^ ,
V 71—1
„ , /sum of squares of apparent errors
e. m. s. ot the mean = . / - — -. ~ .
V 7i (n- 1)
And by the table of Article 31,
p. e. of a measure
'sum of squares of apparent errors
= 06745 x A
n — 1
p. e. of the mean
, sum of squares of apparent errors
— O'o/4o x A / . =-r
7i [n — 1)
61. The quantities which enter into the formation of
the mean error, error of mean square, and probable error,
will be most conveniently computed thus. It is supposed
that the different measures are A, B, C, &c, and that
their mean is M.
First, for the mean error. Select all the measures
A, B, C, &c. which are larger than M: supposing their
number to be I, form the quantity
A + B+G+&C. , r
1 M '
which gives one value of mean error. Select all the
measures P, Q, B, &c, which are smaller than M\ sup-
posing their number to be s, form the quantity
M P+Q + B + &C.
which gives the other value of mean error. The mean of
these two values of mean error is to be adopted.
Second, for the error of mean square and probable error.
We wish to form (A - Mf +(B- Mf +(C- M) a + &c.
This = A 2 + £ 2 +6' 2 + &c.-2J/. (A + B+C + &c.)+n.3r.
But A + B+C + &c. = n.M;
so that the expression
= A 2 +B*+ C" + &c. - n . M\
This is the "Sum of squares of apparent errors," to be
used in the formula) of Article 60.
§ 10. Method of combining measures; meaning of "com-
bination-weight ;" principle of most advantageous
combination : caution in its application to " entangled
62. The determinations of physical elements from
numerous observations, to which this treatise relates, are
of two kinds.
The First is, the determination of some one physical
element, which does not vary or which varies only by
a certainly calculable quantity during the period of
observations, by means of numerous direct and immediate
measures. Thus, in the measure of the apparent angular
distance between the components of a double star, we are
making direct and immediate measures of a quantity
sensibly invariable; in measuring the difference of moon's
right ascension from the right ascension of known stars at
two or more known stations, in order to render similar
observations at an unknown station available for determin-
ing its longitude, we are making direct and immediate
measures of quantities which are different at the two or
more stations, but whose difference can be accurately com-
A. D
63. The measures thus obtained are all fallible, and
the problem before us is, How they shall be combined ? It
is not inconceivable that different rules might be adopted
for this purpose, depending (for instance) upon the products
of different powers of the various measures, and ultimate
extraction of the root corresponding to the sum of the
indices of powers: or upon other imaginable operations.
But the one method (to which all others will approximate
in effect) which has universally recommended itself, not
only by its simplicity, but also by the circumstance that it
permits all the measures to be increased or diminished by
the same quantity (which is sometimes convenient), is, to
multiply each measure by a number (either different for eacli
different measure, or the same for any or all) which number
is here called the "combination-weight;" to add together
these products of measures by combination-weights; and
to divide the sum by the sum of combination-weights.
64. The problem of advantageous combination now
becomes this, What combination-weights will be most
advantageous ? Arid to answer this, we must decide on
the criterion of advantage. The criterion on which we
shall fix is: — That combination is best which gives a
result whose probable error, or mean error, or error of
mean square, is the smallest possible. This is all that
we can do. We cannot assert that our result shall be
correct ; or that, in the case before us, its actual error shall
be small, or smaller than might be given by many other
combinations; but Ave can assert that it is probable that its
actual error will be the smallest, and that it is certain that,
by adopting this rule in a very great number of instances,
we shall on the whole obtain results which are liable to
smaller errors than can be obtained in any other way.
65. Now if we know the probable errors, or the pro-
portion of probable errors, of the individual observations,
(an indispensable condition,) we can put known symbols
for them, and we can put undetermined symbols for the
combination-weights; and, by the precepts of Part II, we
can form the symbolical expression for the probable error
of the result. This probable error is to be made mini-
mum, the undetermined quantities being the combination-
weights. Thus we fall upon the theory of complex maxima
and minima. Its application is in every case very easy,
because the quantities required enter only to the second
order. Instances will be found in Articles 68 to 72.
66. It sometimes happens that, even in the measures
of an invariable quantity, combinations of a complicated
character occur. Different complex measures are some-
times formed, leading to the same result; in which some
of the observations are different in each measure, but
other observations are used in all or in several of the
measures; and thus the measures are not strictly inde-
pendent. We shall call these "entangled measures."
The only caution to be impressed on the reader is, to be
very careful, in forming the separate results, to delay the
exhibition of their probable errors to the last possible
stage; expressing first the actual error of each separate
result of the form ultimately required, by the actual error
of each observation. It will often be found that, in this
way, the results of observations will be totally or partially
eliminated (and justly so), which, if the probable errors
had been formed at an early stage, would have vitiated
the result. Instances of this will be given below
(Articles 74 to 85).
G7. The Second class is, the simultaneous deter-
mination of several physical elements. It may be illus-
trated by one of its most frequent applications, that of
determining the corrections to be applied to the orbital
elements of a planet's orbit. The quantities measured are
right ascensions and north polar distances, observed when
the planet is at different points in its orbit, and in
different positions with respect to the observer. If ap-
proximate orbital elements are adopted, each having an
indeterminate symbol attached to it for the small correction
which it may require; it will be possible to express, by
orbital calculation, every right ascension and north polar
distance by numerical quantities, to which are attached
definite multiples of the several indeterminate symbols.
Equating these to the observed right ascensions and ninth
polar distances, a long series of numerous equations is
obtained, with different multiples of the indeterminate
symbols; each equation being subject to its own actual
error of observation. And the question before us is now,
How r shall these numerous equations be combined so as to
form exactly as many equations as the number of indeter-
minate symbols, securing at the same time the condition
that the probable error of every one of the values thus ob-
tained shall be the smallest possible? This is also a case
of complex maxima and minima. Numerous problems in
astronomy, geodesy, and other applied sciences, require this
treatment. It will be fully explained in Articles 87 to 122.
§ 11. Combination of simple measures; meaning of "the-
oretical weight;" simplicity of results for theoretical
weight; allowable departure from the strict rules.
68. Supj)ose that we have n independent measures of
some element of observation [e.g. the angular distance be-
tween two stars), all equally good, so far as we can judge
a priori; to find the proper method of combining them.
Let E v E 2 ,...E M be the actual errors of the individual
measures, which are not known, but which will affect the
result. Let their probable errors be e v e 2 , ... e n , each of
which = e. And let the combination-weights required be
w v w.„ ... w n . Then the actual error of the result, formed
as is described in Article 63, will be
w 1 E 1 + w 2 E 2 ... + w n E n
w t + w 2 + ... +w n
E t -\ —r— -&2+&C
w 1 + w 2 ... + w n w 1 + w 2 ...+ tu n
The (p. e. of result) 2 , by Article 52, is
w i + w z ...+ W n J ' \w t + w a ... + W
(w t + w 2 . . . + w n y
which in this instance becomes
£■ ^ l € _
Making the fraction minimum with respect to w v we obtain
2w, 2
W* + W* ... + W n ~ W^ + M? 2 . . . + w n
Similarly, by w#
2w„ 2
= 0.
= 0,
w* + w 2 ... + w* w l + iu 2 . . . + w n
and so for the other weights.
It follows that m/j = w 2 = w 3 , &c, but that all are inde-
terminate. That is, the measures are to be combined by
equal combination-weights; or, in other words, the arith-
metical mean is to be taken. The (probable error of result) 2
e 2
=V or '
probable error of result = —r- ;
as was found in Article 55.
69. Suppose that we have n independent measures or
results which are not equally good. (For instance: the
atmospheric or other circumstances of individual observa-
tions may be different : or, if individual observations are
equally good, the results of different days, formed by the
means of different numbers of observations on the dif-
ferent days, would have different values. In determina-
tions of colatitude by means of different stars, the values
of results from different stars will be affected by their north
polar distances, as well as by the other circumstances.)
The notations of Article G8 may be retained, rejecting
only the simple letter e. Thus we have for (p. e. of result) 8 ,
w*e* + vr*e* ...+ w n V t
(w x + w., . . . -f w n y *
and w v w 2 , &c, are to be so determined as to make this
Differentiating with respect to w v
2"A' _1 =0 .
«*i \ + w 2 e a ■ ■ • + w n V ^, + lU 2 ...+W n
Differentiating with respect to tv 2 ,
2w 2 e 2 * J^ =a
w{e* + iv *e 2 ' ... -I- w n \" w l + w s ... + w n
And so for the others.
It is evident that w^e* = w 2 e* = &c. = w n e^ = G some
indeterminate constant. Hence
CO c
and (p.e. of result) 2
_ C(w t + w a ...+ w tl ) _ C_
1 111
Or = — I H...H .
(p. e. of result)' 1 ' e* e* e n
70. We shall now introduce a new term. Let
(probable error)*'
be called the "theoretical weight," or t. w. Then we have
these two remarkable results: —
When independent fallible measures are collateral, that
is, when each of them gives a measure of the same un-
known quantity, which measures are to be combined by
combination-weights in order to obtain a final result ; —
First. The combination-weight, for cacli measure ought
to be proportional to its theoretical weight.
Second. When the combination -weight for each mea-
sure is proportional to its theoretical weight, the theoretical
weight of the final result is equal to the sum of the theo-
retical weights of the several collateral measures 1 .
When the theoretical weights of the original fallible
measures are equal, and they are combined with equal
combination-weights, the theoretical weight of the result
is proportional to the number of the original measures.
71. These rules apply in every case of combination of
measures leading to the value of the same simple quantity,
provided that the observations on which those measures are
founded are absolutely independent. Thus, we may com-
bine by these rules the measures of distance or position of
double stars made on different days; the zenith distances of
the same star (for geographical latitude) on different days ;
the results (for geographical latitude) of the observations of
different stars ; the results (for geodetic amplitude) of the
observations of different stars ; the results (for terrestrial
longitudes) of transits of the moon on different days, &c.
72. Instance. In Article 56 we have found for the
probable error of colatitude determined by m observations
1 The reader is cautioned, while remembering these important theo-
rems, also to bear in mind the following (Articles 44 to 52) : —
When independent fallible measures or quantities are cumulative, that
is, when they are to be combined by addition or subtraction to form a new
fallible quantity; then the square of probable error of the new fallible
quantity is equal to the sum of the squares of probable errors of the several
cumulative measures or quantities.
of a star at its upper culmination, and n observations at
its lower culmination,
e /m + n
~2\ mn '
where e is the probable error of an observation, all being-
supposed equally good. Another star, whose observations
are equally good, observed m 1 times at upper and n l times
at lower culmination, gives a result with probable error
e /»?, + Wj
2 V lujT^ '
a third gives a result with probable error
a A / — > &c -
■L \ in s n 2
Their theoretical weights are
4 mn 4 m,n, 4
-*-, &c.
2 2
e' J ' m + n ' e 2 ' m y + n t ' e" ' m 2 + n s
The different results ought to be combined (to form a
mean) with combination-weights proportional respec-
tively to
mn m,n, m„n a
&c .;
m + n m 1 + n t m a + n 2
and the theoretical weight of the mean so formed will be
4 / mn m l n l »yi a „ \
e~ \m + n vn, x + n 1 m % + n 2 ^ 7 '
and its probable error will be the square root of the re-
ciprocal of this quantity.
It is supposed here that the zenith-point is free from
error. If it is not, the case becomes one of " entangled
observations," similar to that of Article 75.
73. We may however depart somewhat from the
precise rule of combination laid down in Article 70, with-
out materially vitiating our results. We have in Article Gi)
determined the conditions which make p. e. of result mini-
mum ; and it is well known that, in all cases of algebraical
minimum, the primary variable may be altered through a
considerable range, without giving a value of the derived
function much differing from the minimum. Thus, sup-
pose that we had two independent measures, for the same
physical element, whose probable errors were e and e' = 2e.
We ought, by the rule of Article 70, to combine them by
combination-weights in the proportion of 4 : 1. But sup-
pose that we use combination-weights in the proportion of
n : 1. Put E and E' for the actual errors ; the actual
error of result will be
n + 1 n + 1 n+1
the p. e. will be (by Article 52)
n V - / 1 V J VOr + 4)
n + l)- e+ [n + V- e \= e --nr + r
/f 3-2m
Using special numbers, we find
With combination-weights as 2 : 1, the p. e. of result
= cf = «x 0943.
With combination-weights as 4:1, the p. e. of result
. e x 0-894.
8 :
the p. e. of result
ex 0-916.
the p. e. of
= e ~T7 =
e x 0-947.
Thus it appears that we may use combination-weights
in any proportion between those of 2 : 1 and 1G : 1 without
increasing the p. e. of result by more than — part.
But if we used a proportion of combination-weights
less than 3 : 2, the probable error of the result would be
greater, and the value of the result less, than if we used
the principal measure alone.
The values of the result obtained by these combina-
tions will be different, but we have no means of knowing
with certainty whether one approaches nearer to the
truth than another. All that we know is that, in repeat-
ing combinations of these kinds in an infinite number of
instances, that which we have indicated as best will on the
whole produce rather smaller errors than the others.
When, however, we depart from the strictness of the
First rule in Article 70, the Second theorem of that Article
no longer holds.
§ 12. Treatment of Entangled Measures.
74. The nature and treatment of entangled measures
will be best understood from instances.
Instance (1). Suppose that the longitude of an unknown
station is to be determined by the right ascension of the
moon at transit (as found by ascertaining the difference be-
tween the moon's time of transit arid the mean of the times
of transit of n stars) compared with the right ascension at
transit determined in the same manner at a known station
(where the number of stars observed is a); and suppose the
probable error of transit of the moon or of any star to be e.
Then, as has been found in Article 57, the probable error of
right ascension at the unknown station is e » /(-+ 1
that at the known station is e A / ( - + 1 ) ; and therefore
by Articles 47 and 48, as these two determinations are in
every respect independent, the probable error of the differ-
ence of right ascensions at transit (on which the longitude
depends) iseW^-
Supposc that a second comparison is made, of the same
transits at the unknown station, with transits of the moon
and b stars at a second known station. The probable
error of the quantity on which the longitude depends is
found in like manner to be e A / ( + j + 2
Now if we combined these two results, (leading to the
same physical determination, and both correct,) by the rules
of Article 70, we should obtain an erroneous conclusion.
For, the two results are not independent, inasmuch as the
observations at the unknown station enter into both.
75. To obtain a correct result, we must refer to the -*
actual errors. In strictness, we ought to refer to the actual
error of each individual observation ; but, inasmuch as it is
perfectly certain that all the observations at each of the
stations, separately considered, are entirely independent of
all the observations atjihe other stations, we may put a sym-
bol for the aatiim error of excess of moon's Ii.A. above mean
of stars' R.A. at each of the stations. Let these symbols
be N, A, B, respectively. Then the aefcfc*£=eErors of tin-
quantities on which longitude depends, as found by com-
paring the unknown station with each of the known stations,
are respectively N — A, N — B. Let the quantities be
combined with the combination-weights a, /3. Then the
hnal &e&ral error will be
a + /3 a + j3 a + /S
And the square of probable error of final result
- K e - of ^ + dw (p - e - 0{Ay + (=. w? (p - e - of *>'}•
To make this minimum, w r e must make
a 2 (p. e. of A)' + /3 2 (p. e. of Bf
minimum. This algebraical problem is exactly the same
as that of Article 69, and the result is
G R- °
"-fae.ofAy /3 "~(p.e.of£) S! '
where G is an indeterminate constant. And this gives for
(p. e. of final result) 2 ,
{(p.e.ofAT + ^1
( . , „, t (p.e. of Af x(p.e. of£ ) 2 )
= |(p. e. of Nf + ( ; e . of ^ + ^e.of^)4
(1 (l + q)(l + 6)
70. If we put r for the "theoretical weight" of final
result (see the definition in Article 70) ; n, a, b, for those
of the observations N, A, B, respectively; then the last
formula but one becomes
11 1
r n a + b '
_ (a + b) n
° r 1_ n+(a-fb)*
Let n be divided into two parts n a and n b , such that
a b
n„ = . n, n, = ,- n.
a a + b ' b a-t-b
Now if the theoretical weight n a at the station N had
* Instances of a more complicated character may be seen in the Me-
moirs of the E. Astronomical Society, Vol. xix. p. 213.
been combined with the theoretical weight a at the station
A, they would have given for theoretical weight of their
a . n. a + b an
r. =
D a + a an n + (a + b) '
a + b
And if the theoretical weight n b at the station N had
been combined with the theoretical weight b at the station
B, they would have given for theoretical weight of their
b . n,, a + b bn
r, =
n b + b _bn . n + (a + b) '
a + b +
And consequently,
r a + r b = r.
And it is easy to see that, as there are two conditions
to be satisfied by the two quantities n a , n b , no other
quantities will produce the same aggregates n and r.
77. Hence we may conceive that the theoretical
weight n is divided into two parts proportional to a and b,
and that those parts are combined separately with a and b
respectively, and that they produce in the result the sepa-
rate parts r a and r b , which united make up the entire
theoretical weight of result r. The same, it would be
found, applies if there are any number of stations A, B,
C, D, &c.
78. The partition of theoretical weight of final result
thus obtained, producing separate theoretical weights of
result depending on the combination of N with A and
N with B respectively, does in fact produce separate
theoretical weights for comparison of A T with A, and com-
parison of N with B, without necessarily distinguishing
whether the element (as moon's place) to which JSf relates
is inferred from that to which A relates, or whether the
element to which A relates is inferred from that to which
N relates. Hence it is applicable to such cases as the
79. Instance (2). A geodetic theodolite being con-
sidered immoveable, observations (whose actual error is
M) are made with it for the direction of the north meri-
dian, and observations (subject to actual errors A, B, C,
&c.) are made on different triangulation-signals : to find
the weight to be given to the determination of the true
azimuth of each signal.
Using analogous notation, the theoretical weight m is
to be divided into parts m a , m b , m c , &c. ; and then the
weights of the determinations for separate signals are
those produced by combining m a with a, m b with b, &c,
or are
am bm
m + (a + b + c &c.) ' m + (a + b + c &c.)
, &c.
80. Instance (3). In the observation of zenith-dis-
tances of stars for the amplitude of a meridian arc divided
into two sections by an intermediate station : suppose that
a stars are observed at all the stations, the means of actual
errors being respectively A t , A 2 , A 3 : suppose that b stars
are observed at the first and second stations only, the
means of the actual errors being respectively B t , B 2 :
that c stars are observed at the second and third only,
the means of actual errors being C 2 , C 3 : and that d stars
are observed at the first and third only, the means of
actual errors being J) 1 , D 3 . They may be represented
thus :
«S oj . o3
Ti A ■— ; 3 r s a
a> S « -S ?o
fc» .-< ►" "S r "1
u ■*» h o !h -w
a> o3
there would be no entanglement ; and it would easily be
found, by Article 70, that the combination-weights ought
to be proportional to a, b, ; and the theoretical weight
of the result
1 fa b cd
In like manner, for the second section of the arc, the
measures to be used are
a 3 -a 2 , c 3 -a 2 , zv-A-'B.+tfi;
and the theoretical weight of result
1 (a c bd
' e 2 U + 2 + 2b + 2d.
84. Now if Ave combined these two sections to form
the whole arc, and inferred the probable error of the whole
from the probable errors of the sections by the rule of
Article 44, we should obtain an erroneous result. For, the
observations on which the determinations of value of the
two sections are founded are not independent ; both contain
the observations A 2 , B x , B^, C„, C z , D t , D 3 ; and they are
therefore entangled results.
The correct result for the whole will be obtained by
an investigation exactly similar to that for each part.
There is the direct measure by the a stars, with error
A 3 — A x ; the direct measure by the d stars, with error
L\ — Dj ; and the indirect measure obtained by adding
the result of the b stars to the result of the c stars, with
error B 2 — B x + C 3 — C r The theoretical weight of the
result will be found to be
1 fa d be
? \2 + 2 + 26 + 2c,
If the number of observations at the intermediate sta-
tion is very small, (as if a is small, b and c = 0, d large,)
the theoretical weight of the value of each section will be
small, while that of the entire arc may be great.
This instance is well adapted to give the reader a clear
idea of the characteristic difference between actual error
and probable error. So far as actual error is concerned,
if we add the measure of one section with its actual error,
to the measure of the other section with its actual error,
we entirely (and correctly) destroy so much of the actual
error as depends on the observations at the intermediate
station. But the probable error (see Article 8) is a mea-
sure of uncertainty; and if, without looking carefully in
each case to the origin of the uncertainty, we simply add
together the two separate measures charged with their
respective uncertainties, we obtain for the whole arc a
sum with an apparently large imc&rtainty which is very
85. If the observations at the three stations are to be
combined in one connected system ; it will be best to use
each batch of stars separately, giving to each resulting
amplitude its proper weight as deduced from that batch
only. For the batches B, C, D, the operation is perfectly
clear; for the batch A, the principles of Articles 75,
7G, 79, must be used, which here give a very simple
86. It is scarcely necessary to delay longer on the
subject of entangled measures. The caution required, and
which in all cases suffices, is : — to commence the investi-
gations by the use not of probable but of actual errors ; to
collect all the coefficients of each actual error, and to
separate them from the coefficients of every other error ;
and when the formulae are in a state fit for the introduc-
tion of probable errors, to investigate, by a process special
to the case under consideration, the magnitudes of the
combination-weights which will produce the minimum
probable error in the result.
§ 13. Treatment of numerous equations applying to
several unknown quantities : introduction of the term
" minimum squares."
87. The origin of equations of this class has been
explained in Article G7. It has there been seen that,
putting x, y, &c, for the corrections to orbital elements,
&c. which it is the object of the problem to discover,
(the number of which elements we shall for clearness
suppose to be three, though the investigation will evi-
dently apply in the same form to any number of such
corrections,) every equation will have the form
ax + by + cz = f
where f is the difference between a quantity computed
theoretically from assumed elements and a quantity ob-
served, and is therefore subject to the casual error of
observation. If the last terms of the equations, as given
immediately by observation, have not the same probable
error, we shall suppose that the equations are multiplied
by proper factors (see Article 35), so that in every case
the probable error of the last term f is made = e ; e being
an arbitrary number, for which sometimes it is very con-
venient to substitute the abstract value 1. We shall use
the letters a, b, c,f and others which are to be introduced,
without subscripts, in their general sense ; but for the
separate equations we shall affix the subscripts 1, 2, &c.
88. The number of equations being greater than
three, and it being requisite to reduce the final equations
to three in number ; the only method which suggests itself,
for giving every one of the fundamental equations a proper
share in the formation of those three equations, is : — first
to multiply the equations by a series of factors h 1} k 2 , &c,
and to adopt their sum as one fundamental equation ;
secondly, to multiply them by another series l 1} l 2 , &c. ;
thirdly, to multiply them by another series m,, m„, &c-
Thus having the series of fundamental equations
a l x + b 1 y + c l z=f l ,
a i x+b a y + c^=f s ,
Ave form the three series
h^x + k&y + \c x z = \f y ,
h 2 a 2 x + hp 2 y + k,c,z = k.,f 2 ,
l/i.jc+l 2 b 2 y+1 2 c 2 z = lj],
m^x + vrijbjy + m^z = m^,
m 2 a 2 x + m 2 b 2 y + m 2 c 2 z = m % f 2 ,
of which the sums are
x . t (Jca) + y . 2 (kh) + z.t (Ice) = 2 (A/),
x . X (la) + y.S (lb) +z.Z (Ic) = X (If),
x . 2 (ma) + y . S (mb)+z . 2 (mc) = S (mf).
These are our three final equations for determining
x, y, and z : and our problem now is, to ascertain the law
of formation of the factors h, I, m, which will give values
of x, y, z, for each of which the probable error may be
89. Let us confine our attention, for a short time,
to the investigation of the value of x. The process of
solving the last three equations will consist, in fact, in
finding different factors wherewith the equations may be
multiplied, such that, when the multiplied equations are
added together, y and z may be eliminated, and the terms
depending on x and /may alone remain. But, remarking
how the three equations are composed from the original
equations, this multiplication of equations formed by sums
of multiples of the original equations is in fact a collection
of sums of other multiples 'of the original equations. Let
n be the general letter for the multipliers (formed by
this double process) of the original equations ; then the
final process for solution of the equations is thus ex-
x xX (na) = 2 (nf) ;
which can be solved with an infinity of different values
of n.
90. From these,
S(n/) = tt 1 / 1 +»j p ,+&c..
S (na) ?? 1 a 1 + n 2 a. z + &c. '
2 2
from which the actual error of x
— x actual error of f t
» 1 a 1 + >i 2 a 2 + &c
H — — w— x actual error of f a
« 1 a 1 + n 2 a 2 + &c. y 2
+ &c,
and, as the probable error of each of the quantities/^, f 2 ,
&c. = e, the square of probable error of x
•i n i + " 2 2 + & c -
= e~ x
= e" x
(7* 1 a 1 +?? 2 a 2 + &c.) 5
1 (if)
The numbers n v v. 2 , &c. are so to be chosen that the
square of probable error of x shall be minimum ; and
therefore its variation produced by simultaneous small
variations in each of them shall be 0.
If we put Bn t , 8n 2 , &c. for such small variations, we
must have, by the formulae of ordinary differentiation,
_ n^Sw, + nj>n 2 + &c. _ a 1 Sn l + a 2 Sn 2 + &c. t
Wj" + n* + &c. w^j + n 2 a 2 + &c. '
~ n,Sn, +n a 8n a + &c. a,$n, + a„8i> + &c. rin
or 0= l — l ^ , 2 , 2 — v ; — \ .... L1J.
But the variations 6^, S« 2 , &c, are not independent
here, as were the corresponding variations in Articles 68
and 69 ; for they are affected by the antecedent conditions
2 (nb) = 0, 2 (mc) = ; from which we derive
= b l 8n 1 + b 2 Sn 2 + &c [2],
= 0^ + c 2 8n 2 + &c [3].
These three equations must hold simultaneously for
the values of n v n 2 , &c., which we require.
91. It would perhaps be a troublesome matter to ex-
tract analytically from these equations the values of n v n 2 ,
&c. We are however able to shew synthetically that a
certain form given to the numbers n v n 2 , &c. satisfies
the conditions. Let h 1 = a v k 2 = a 2> &c. ; l l = b l , l 2 — b 2 , &c;
m 1 = b 1 , m 2 = b 2 , &c.; so that the final equations of Article
88 take the form
x . t (a 2 ) + y.S (ab) + z.X (ac) =2 (a/) [4],
x.S(ab) + y.Z(b"~)+z.Z(bc)=S(bf) [•>],
x.Z(ac)+y.Z(bc)+z.Z(c*) =S(c/) [6].
Then the values of x, y, z, which are deduced from
these equations, possess the properties required.
92. For, suppose that we obtain the value of x by
multiplying the first of these by p, the second by q, the
third by r, and taking their sum, the coefficients of y and .3
being made to vanish. Then
x x [p . 2 (a 2 ) + q . 2 (a b) + r . 2 (ac)}
-p.S(a/) + 2 .S(J/) + r.X(o/};
p.S.(a6) + 2.X(6 s ) + r.S(&c) = 0;
l> . 2 («c) + ^. 2 (Jc) + r.2 (c 2 ) =0;
which are the same as
x x 2 (a ( pa+ qb + re)} = 2 [f(pa + qb+ re)} .... [7],
${b(pa+qb+rc)}=0 [8],
2{c(pa + qb + rc)} = [9].
Comparing these equations with those of Article 89, n
is now replaced by pa + qb + re. Therefore
2 (n~) = 2 {(pa + qb + re) {pa + qb + re)}
= p . 2 (an) + q . 2 [b [pa + qb + re) } + r . 2 (c (_/;« + qb + ?*c)j .
The last two quantities vanish, by virtue of equations [8]
and [9]; and therefore 2 (n 2 ) =p. 2 (an). Substituting
this in the first denominator of equation [1], the equation
("i~2 Kl i) & n i + ( n a ~~P a t) ^ n 2 + ^ c - = 0>
or (#&, + 7'oJ Bn 1 + (qb„ + re„) Sn a 4- &c. = ;
r q (bSn. + b 9 Sn 9 + &C.))
J iV ' l ' 2 , = [10];
1+ r (cjw, + c„8» s + &c.)J
which is, under the new assumptions, the equivalent of
equation [1], and on the truth of which will depend the
validity of the new assumptions. Now the equation [10]
is true ; for its left hand consists of two parts, of which
one =0 by equation [2], and the other = by equation
[3]. Consequently, the equations [1], [2], [3], are simul-
taneously satisfied : and therefore the assumption of
Article 91 gives the values of x, whose probable error is
93. If we investigate, by a similar method, the as-
sumption which will give for y the value whose probable
error is minimum, we have only to remark that the equa-
tions [4], [5], [6], are symmetrical with respect to x, y,
and z, and therefore when treated for y in the same
manner as for x, they will exhibit the same result for y
as for a;; that is, the probable error of y, as determined
from their solution, is minimum. In the same manner,
the probable error of z, as determined from the solution
of the same equations, treated in the same manner, is
The problem, therefore, of determining values of x,
y, z, to satisfy, with the smallest probable error of x, y,
and z, the numerous equations
a x x + l x y + c x z =f v
a a x + b 2 y + c z z =/ s ,
is completely solved by solution of the equations
x . 2 (a 2 ) + y . 2 {ah) + z . 2 iac) = 2 (a/),
a? . 2 (aft) + y . 2 (//) +2.2 {bo) = 2 (*/),
x . 2 (ac) + y . 2 (Jc) + ^ . 2 ( c 2 ) = 2 ().
94. Suppose that, instead of proposing to ourselves
the condition that the probable errors of the deduced
values of x, y, z, shall be minimum, we had proposed this
condition ; that the sum of the squares of the errors re-
maining after correction for the deduced values of x, y,
and z, or
^.{ax + hj + cz-fy,
shall be minimum. On differentiating each equation
with respect to x, and taking their sum, we should have
2 [a . {ax +by + cz -/)] = ;
and similarly for y and z
Z{b.{ax + by + cz-f)}=0,
%{c.{ax+hj + cz-f)}=0;
the very same equations as those found above. In conse-
quence of this property of the equations, of giving such
values of x, y, and z, that the sum of squares of errors
remaining after their application shall be minimum, the
method is very frequently called " the method of minimum
squares." This term is very unfortunate ; it has fre-
quently led investigators to suppose that the subject of
the minimum is the sum of squares of discordances as first
presented ; whereas it ought to be the sum of squares of
discordances, when so multiplied as to have the same
probable error.
95. It is easy to see that the same principles apply,
the same remarks hold, and the same result is obtained,
when the number of unknown elements, instead of being
restricted to three, is any whatever. The rule is universal;
multiply every equation by such a factor that the pro-
bable error of the right-hand term will be the same for
all ; multiply every altered equation by its coefficient
of one unknown quantity, and take the sum for a new
equation ; the same for the second unknown quantity ;
and so on for every unknown quantity ; and thus a num-
ber of equations will be found equal to the number of
unknown quantities.
96. In order to exhibit the probable error of x thus
determined, we may proceed by a purely algebraical pro-
cess. It will however soon be found that it leads to
results of intolerable complexity. We would recommend
the reader to introduce numbers as soon as possible for
every symbol except f (that quantity from whose error
all errors spring). In the following explanation, however,
of the succession of steps, the reader will easily see to
what extent he can advantageously retain the symbols.
It is first necessary to find the factors of the equations
[4], [5], [6], of Article 91, or the last equations of Article
93, which will eliminate y and z. They are easily found
to be,
For equation [4], S.^xS.c 2 -^. he)'.
For equation [5], 2 . ac x S . be— 2 . ab x "Z . c\
For equation [6], S . «& x 2 . &c — 2 . ac x2. b".
There is no difficulty in finding the factors when the
number of unknown quantities exceeds three ; but the
trouble is so great that it will always be best to use
Applying these, we obtain
x = P.%(af) + Q.^(bf) + R.t(cf) }
where P, Q, B, are numbers, but af, bf, cf, are for the
present retained in the symbolical form.
Now if we examine the form in which the individual
quantities f lt f s , &c. enter into this expression, and if we
collect together all the multiples of each individual quan-
tity, we shall find
x = (p fli + Qh t + Bc^f x + (Pa, + Qb, + Bc & ) f % + &c.
We have here a number of independent fallible quan-
tities, to which the formula of Article 52 will properly
apply. Remarking that the probable error of each of the
quantities f^f^, &c. is supposed to =e, we obtain
/p. r.oixj = (Pa, + Q\ + Re,) 3 + (Pa, + QK + PcJ + &c.
= z.(r a + Qb + iicy;
which may be exhibited in symbols of great complexity,
but which it will be very far easier to evaluate in numbers
by an entirely numerical process.
The operation for finding the probable errors of y and
s would be exactly similar.
97. The relaxation of the rules for determining the
most advantageous values of the factors of the equations,
which in reference to the treatment of simple measures is
explained in Article 73, is admissible also in the treatment
of equations applying to several unknown quantities, and
for the same theoretical reason. By taking advantage of
this relaxation, the labour may sometimes be materially
diminished. In actual applications, the numbers a t , « 2 , &c.
b 1} &c, usually consist of troublesome decimals. In prac-
tice, all desirable accuracy will be secured for the result,
by striking off, in the factors only, all the latter decimals,
leaving only one or two significant figures. The use of
different factors will produce different results, but not
necessarily more inaccurate results ; we have no means of
certainly knowing which are the best ; we only know that,
if we repeat the process in an infinity of instances, the fac-
tors corresponding accurately to minimum will furnish us
with results whose errors are, on the whole, a little smaller
than those originating from other factors.
§ 14. Instances of the formation of equations applying to
several nnknoivn quantities.
98. It will perhaps bo instructive to shew how equa-
tions, such as those treated above, arise. For this purpose,
we will take two instances ; one of very simple and one of
very complicated character.
99. Instance 1. It is required to determine the most
probable values of the personal equations between a
number of transit observers A, B, C, D, &c; where the
observers have been brought into comparison in many
combinations, or perhaps in every possible combination ;
but never more than two at a time.
Use the symbol (ab) to denote the number of compari-
sons between A and B, and A — B for the symbolical
value of the personal equation between A and B, (AB)
for its numerical value deduced from the mean of com-
parisons. And suppose that the probable error of each
single comparison is e. Then the probable error of (AB)
is , ; . . Therefore when we have formed the equation
A-B = (AB),
srm is liable tc
, we must, in conformity with the recommendation
in which the last term is liable to the probable error
in Article 87, multiply the equation by *J(ab), and then
its probable error will be e. Thus we find, for the dif-
ferent comparisons, the following equations, all liable to the
same probable error e : }
V(aj) . A - s/(ab) . B = sjiab) . (AB),
V(«c) . A - *J(ac) . G = V(«c) . (A C),
Vt&c) . B-*J(bc) . C= V(6c) . (J5C),
and these equations are exactly such as those in Article*
88, though in an imperfect form. The determining equa-
tions must therefore be formed by the rule of Article 93.:
Thus we find ; — •
The first equation is to be formed by the sum of the
(ah) . A - (ab) .B = + (ab) . (AB),
(ac) . A - (ac) . C = + (ac) . (A C),
The second equation is to be formed by the sum of
the following,
(ab) . B - (ab) .A = -(ab). (AB),
(bc).B-(bc). C= + (bc).(BC),
F 2
Thus we obtain the simple rule : —
Form each equation for comparison of two observers by
taking the mean of all their comparisons.
Multiply each such equation by its number of compari-
sons. This is, in fact, the same as if the sum of all the
individual comparisons of those two observers had been
In the various multiplied equations which contain A ;
make the coefficient of A in every equation positive (by
changing all the signs of the equation where necessary),
and then add all together to form a determining equation.
In the various multiplied equations which contain B,
including, if necessary, one from the last-mentioned series ;
make the coefficient of B in every equation positive (by
changing signs if necessary), and add all together to form
a determining equation.
In the various multiplied equations which contain C,
including, if necessary, one from each of the last two series ;
make the coefficient of C in every equation positive (by
changing signs if necessary), and add all together to form
a determining equation.
And so through all the observers.
It will be found that one of the determining equations
may be produced by a combination of all the other de-
termining equations ; and therefore it is necessary to
assume a value for one of the quantities, A, or B, or
C, &c.
100. Instance 2. In a net (not necessarily a simple
chain) of geodetic triangles ; one or more sides have been
actually measured, or so determined by immediate refer-
ence to measured bases that they may be considered as
measured; in some of the triangles, three angles have
been measured, in others only two ; at some stations, all
the angles round the circle have been observed, at others
not all ; at some stations, astronomical azimuths have been
observed : it is required to lay down the rules for de-
termination of the positions of the different stations.
101. It is first necessary to determine the value of
probable error in each of the observations. And this is
not to be done by a simple rule, because the observa-
tions are not all alike. For instance, the horizontal angle
between two signals is liable to error from (1) error of
instrument, (2) error of pointing to one signal, (3) error
of pointing to the other signal ; and when each probable
error is ascertained, the probable error of horizontal angle
between signals is easily formed. But for the azimuth
of a given signal, the sources of error are, (1) error of
instrument, (2) error of pointing to the signal, (3) error
of pointing in the direction of the meridian ; and the pro-
bable error of this last may be very different from the
others. The linear measures will require a peculiar esti-
mate of probable error.
All must, however, antecedent to all other treatment,
be so found that the probable error of every measure, of
whatever kind, can be specified.
102. The next step in this (and in all other compli-
cated cases) will be, to assume that every co-ordinate of
station which we are seeking, is approximately known,
and numerically expressed. Thus, if the triangulation is
so small in scale that its area may be supposed a plane,
we may assume, for the two rectangular co-ordinates of
every point, numerical values, each subject to a small
correction (which corrections it is the object of the whole
investigation to ascertain). If the triangulation is so large
in scale that the spheroidal form of the earth must be
regarded, we may assume, for the astronomical latitude
and longitude of every point, numerical values, each sub-
ject to a small correction.
103. With these numerical values and symbolical cor-
rections, every fact which has been the subject of measure
must be computed ; and the computation-result must con-
sist of two parts, one numerical, and the other multiply-
ing the symbolical corrections. Thus; suppose that the
area is plane, and that the rectangular co-ordinates are
For 1st station, o^ + Ba^ b^&b^
For 2d station, or 2 +Sa.,, b,_, + 8b^,
For 3d station, o 3 + Ba 8 , b s + Bb & ,
(where a x , « 2 , &c, l\, \, &c, are numerical, and Ba t ,
Ba„, &c, Bb lf Bb„, &c. are symbols only). Suppose that the
direction of a is parallel to the meridian. Then the azimuth
of the second station as viewed from the first is
instance: geodetic triangulation. 87
■ (« 2 -«x) +(h-K) * K - '
fa-ad +(K-h) a lJ
where tan (7„ = * , and where all quantities are nu-
merical, except Ba t , 8l\, Ba 2 , Bb, y For convenience we will
write this,
True azimuth of 2d station as seen from 1st station
= a + a, 2 • *h -A*- Ba > + ^ • S K - A, 2 • %
And iu like manner,
True azimuth of 3d station as seen from 1st station
= C 3 + A lfi . 8a 3 -A lfi . Ba, + B h3 . cb 3 - B l3 . Bb t .
Now if the azimuth of the 2d station had been observed
at the 1st, and found —+(K-w (K ~ Sai)
which may be written
A + M 1A (Sa a - SaJ + N, t (BK - Bb,).
Now if the distance from the first station to the second
had been measured, and found =X 2 , subject to error of
observation; then the comparison with this formula would
M lfi . ca 2 - M lfi . Ba x + N Ui . 8b a - X 12 . S& x = \ - L 2 .
104. Each of these equations contains, on the right
hand, a fallible, quantity ; the first contains fc V
If wo stopped at this form, we could not obtain a valid
solution : the number of equations being tlie same as the
number of unknown quantities, in which case no solution
depending on probabilities can be obtained.
112. Now we introduce the condition
and use it to eliminate one of the quantities, as E s . Then
the equations become,
i^=0, with probable error e x ,
E. z = 0, e,,
A-E^E^O, e s .
Here we have three equations to determine two quan-
tities, and the process of Article 93 may be followed.,
113. Dividing by the probable errors, we have these
equations, in each of which the probable error = 1 ;
e 3 e 3 e 3
and therefore, by the process of Article 93, forming a
final equation principally for E v by multiplying each
equation here by its. coefficient of E l and adding the pro-
{ey W (?/ W
Similarly, forming a final equation principally for E,,
by multiplying each equation by its coefficient of E z , and
adding the products,
& WWW *
E E ,
Comparing these two equations, -r— ^ = — y 2 . W e might
at once infer from this that — h has the same value,
but *it may be more satisfactory to solve the equations
completely. Eliminating E 2 from the first equation, by
the relation just fouud,
Therefore ^-^.jgr^q^ii
whence, by the relation found,
and by subtracting their sum from A,
E-A -^
' W+W' + to"
Hence, the corrections to be assigned to the different
angles ought to be proportional to the squares of their
respective probable errors.
114. Instance (2). From a theodolite station, n sig-
nals can be seen ; the angles, between each signal and the
next in azimuth, are independently observed ; their sum,
which ought to be 360°, is 360° - B : how ought the cor-
rection B to be divided ?
115. The equations in this instance will be
E x = 0, with probable error e 1 ,
E,= 0, e 2 ,
K = 0, e n .
Then, by the equation
E^E.^&c. + E^B,
the last of the equations is changed into
B — E 1 —E 2 — &c — E n _ x = 0, with probable error e n ;
and the equations are to be treated in the same manner as
in Instance (1) ; and a similar result is obtained ; namely,
that the corrections to be assigned to the different
angles must be proportional to the squares, of their re-
spective probable errors.
The next instance will be more complicated.
116. Instance (3). In the survey of a chain of tri-
angles, a hexagonal combination of the following kind
occurs, in which every angle is observed independently;
all are liable to error ; to find the correction which ought
to be made to each.
Let the angles be denoted by the simple numbers ;
let their corrections sought be [1], [2], &c, and their
probable errors of observation (1), (2), &c.
Then we have the equations,
[1] = 0, with probable error (1),
[2] = 5 (2);
[18] = 0, (18).
And now Ave have to consider how many of these
unknown quantities can be eliminated by virtue of the
geometrical relations.
117. Adding the angles at the central station, and
comparing the sum with 300°,
[1] + [2] + [3] + [4] + [5] + [G] = a known quantity A:
Then in the six triangles,
[1] + [ 7 ] + [ 8 ] = a known quantity B,
[2] + [9] + [10] C,
[3] + [H] + [12] D,
[4] + [13] + [14] E,
[5] + [15] + [10] F,
[6] + [l7] + [18] G.
When corrections satisfying these equations are ap-
plied, we shall have a set of six triangles, with angles
consistent in each triangle ; and which so adhere together
that they fill up 360° at the central station ; nevertheless
it might happen that, in calculating b from a, c from b,
d from c, e from d, f from e, and a from f, we should
find a value a' differing from a. But it is necessary that
a' be found rigorously equal to a. Tracing the calcu-
lations through the several triangles, it is found that this
equation gives (with corrected angles),
sin 7 sin 9 sin 11 sin 13 sin 15 sin 17
sin 8 sin 10 sin 12 sin 14 sin 16 sin 18
and, taking the logarithms, with the addition of symbols
for the corrections,
log . sin 7 — log . sin 8 + log . sin 9 — log . sin 10 + log . sin 11
— log.sinl2 + log.sinl3 — log.sinl4 + log.sinl5— log.sinlG
-f log . sin 17 — log . sin 18
+ cot7 x[7] -cotSx [8] + cot9x [9]-&c
+ cotl7x [l7]-cotl8 x [18]
= 0.
We shall use the symbol L to denote the first part of
this expression, which is a known quantity.
Thus we have eight equations to be rigorously satis-
fied. By means of these, we are to eliminate eight of the
quantities [1], [2], &c, and there will remain ten quan-
tities to be determined by eighteen equations.
118. Suppose for instance we decide to eliminate the
corrections [1], [2], &c, as far as [8]. We have
[2]= C- [9] -[10],
A. G
[4] =£'-[13] -[14],
[5] = ^-[15] -[16],
[6] =£-[17] -[18].
Substituting these iu the first equation,
+ [9] + [10] + [H]+[12]+[13]+[14]+[15]+[16]+[l7]+[18].
[7] = £-[l]-[8]
Substituting this in the last equation of Article 117,
L + cot 7 x (- A + B + C+ D + E+ F+ G)
-cot7x{[8]+[9]+[10]+[ll]+[12] + [13]+[14]+[15]
+ [16] + [17] +[18]}
- cot 8 x [8] + cot 9 x [9] - cot 10 x [10] + cot 11 x [11]
-cot 12 x [12] + cot 13 x [13] -cot 14 x [14]
+ cot 15 x [15] - cot 1G x [16] + cot 17 x [17]
-cot 18 x [18].
From this equation, [8] is found in terms of [9], [10],
&c. as far as [18]. And substituting it in the preceding
expression, [7] is found in terms of [9], [10], &c. as far
as [18]. Thus all the corrections [1], [2], ...[8], are ex-
pressed in terms of [9], [10]... [18],
119. The primary equations of probabilities are,
[1] = with probable error (1),
[2]=0 (2),
[18]=0 (18),
Of these, the first eight will now be changed into the
following :
[9] + [10]+... + [18] = -vl+ C+D + E + F+G,
with probable error (1)
[9] + [10] = C, (2)
[11] + [12]=2>, (3 )
[13] +[14]=^, (4)
[15] + [16]=^ (5)
[17] + [18] = G, (6)
("series of multiples] r series of ]
|of[9],[10]...[18],U known (7),
[ expressing [7] J (quantities!
i series of multiples') r series of ]
of[9],[10]...[18],l = i known | (8).
expressing [8] J [quantities'
The remaining equations will retain their simple form,
[9] = 0, with probable error (9),
[10] = 0, (10),
[18] = 0, (18).
G 2
120. Each of these eighteen equations is then to
be divided by its probable error, and we thus obtain the
following equations, in each of which the probable error
= i;
[9] [10] [18] _ -A + C + D+E+F+G
(i) + w + W " (1)
with probable error 1.
W (2) (2)' '
and so through all the equations.
The equations so divided, having the same probable
error, are in a fit state for application of the method of
Article 93. The first of the final equations (principally
for [9]) will be formed by multiplying each equation by
the coefficient of [9] in that equation, and adding the pro-
ducts ; the second of the final equations (principally for
[10]) will be formed by multiplying each equation by the
coefficient of [10] in that equation, and adding the pro-
ducts; and so on to [18], From the equations thus formed,
the values of [9], [10].. .[18], are found; and by substi-
tuting these in the formula? of Article 118, the values of
[1], [2]... [8] are -found.
121. It is particularly to be observed that, although
in the changed equations of probabilities we eliminate
such quantities as [1], [2], &c, we do not eliminate their
corresponding probable errors (1), (2), &c, each of which
must be left in its place. This retention of the probable
error will be remarked in Instances (1) and (2).
122. The complete solution is so troublesome that it
would scarcely ever be used in practice. Probably some
process like the following would be employed, with suf-
ficient accuracy :
Divide the error A by the process of Instance (2), and
use the corrected angles in the process that follows.
Divide the errors B, C,...G, by the process of Instance
(1), and use the corrected angles in the process that fol-
Apply the last equation of Article 117, by a process
nearly similar to that for A.
Repeat the process for dividing A' (the discordance at
the center produced by the angles as last corrected).
Repeat the process for dividing B', C ... G'. And
continue this operation as often as may be necessary.
§ 16. Consideration of the circumstances under which the
existence of Mixed Errors of Different Classes may
he recognized, and investigation of their separate
123. When successive series of observations are
made, day after day, of the same measurable quantity,
which is either invariable (as the angular distance be-
tween two components of a double star) or admits of being
reduced by calculation to an invariable quantity (as the
apparent angular diameter of a planet) ; and when every
known instrumental correction has been applied (as for
zero, for effect of temperature upon the scale, &c.) ; still
it will sometimes be found that the result obtained on
one day differs from the result obtained on another day
by a larger quantity than could have been anticipated.
The idea then presents itself, that possibly there has been
on some one day, or on every day, some cause, special to
the day, which has produced a Constant Error in the
measures of that day. It is our business now to consider
the evidence for, and the treatment of, such constant
124. The existence of a daily constant error, that is,
of an additional error which follows a different law from
the ordinary error, ought not to be lightly assumed.
When observations are made on only two or three days,
and the number of observations on each day is not ex-
tremely great, the mere fact, of accordance on each day and
discordance from day to day, is not sufficient to prove a
constant error. The existence of an accordance analogous
to a "run of luck" in ordinary chances is sufficiently pro-
bable. If this be accepted, as applying to each day, the
whole of the observations on the different days must be
aggregated as one series, subject to the usual law of error.
More extensive experience, however, may give greater con-
fidence to the assumption of constant errors ; and then the
treatment of which we proceed to speak will properly
125. First, it ought, in general, to be established that
there is possibility of error, constant on one day but vary-
ing from day to day. Suppose, for instance, that the
distance of two near stars is observed with some double-
image instrument by the method of three equal distances,
alternately right and left. It does not appear that any
atmospherical or personal circumstance can produce a con-
stant error; and, unless we are driven to it by considerations
like those to be mentioned in Article 129, we must not
entertain it. But suppose, on the other hand, that we have
measured the apparent diameter of Jupiter. It is evident
that both atmospheric and personal circumstances may
sensibly alter the measure; and here we may admit the
possibility of the error.
126. Now let us take the observations of each day
separately, and, by the rules of Articles GO and Gl, investi-
gate from each separate day the probable error of a single
measure. We may expect to find different values (the
mere paucity of observations will sufficiently explain the
difference); but as the individual observations on the dif-
ferent days either are equally good, or (as well as we can
judge) have such a difference of merit that we can approxi-
mately assign the proportion of their probable errors, we
can define the value of probable error for observations of
standard quality as determined from the observations of
each day; we must then combine these, with greater
weight for the deductions from the more numerous obser-
vations, and we shall have a final value of probable error
of each individual observation, not containing the effects
of Constant Error. From this we can, by the rule of
Article 55, infer the "Probable Error of Each Day's
Eesult ;" still not containing the effects of Constant Error.
The " Result of Each Day," also not containing any cor-
rection for Constant Error, is given by the mean of deter-
minations for each day.
127. We must now attach to the numerical value of
"Result of Each Day" a symbol for "Actual Error of
Result of Each Day;" and take the mean of all these
compound quantities, numerical and symbolical, for all the
days ; (the combination-weights being proportional to the
number of observations on each day, unless any modifying
circumstance require a different proportion). This mean
may be regarded as "Final Result." The " Final Result"
is to be subtracted from the "Result of Each Day;" the
remainder is the "Discordance of Each Day's Result."
For each day it consists of two parts; a number, and a
series of multiples of all the symbols for " Actual Error of
Result of Each Day."
128. Now treat the Discordance (consisting of the
number accompanied with multiples of symbols) as being
itself an Error, and investigate the " Mean Discordance "
by the rule of Article 26 or 59; a value of "Mean Dis-
cordance" will thus be obtained, consisting of a number
accompanied with a series of multiples of symbols of
"Actual Error." Consider each day's "Actual Error" as
an independent fallible quantity whose Probable Error is
that obtained in Article 126, and form the "Probable
Error of Mean Discordance" by the rule of Article 52.
Thus we have, for Mean Discordance, a formula consisting
of two parts, namely,
(1) A numerical value.
(2) A number expressing the probable error in the
determination of that numerical value.
129. And now it will rest entirely in the judgment of
the computer to determine whether the simple numerical
value (1) just found, is to be adopted for Mean Discordance
or not. It is quite clear that, if (2) exceeds (1), there is no
sufficient justification for the assumption of a Discordance,
that is, of a Constant Error. If (2) is much less than (1),
it appears equally clear that a Constant Error must be
assumed to exist, and (1) or any value near it may he
adapted for Mean Discordance. The Probable Discordance,
or Probable Constant Error, will be found by multiplying
this by 08153, as in Article 31.
130. The reader must not be startled at our referring
these decisions to his judgment, without material assist-
ance from the Calculus. The Calculus is, after all, a
mere tool by which the decisions of the mind are worked
out with accuracy, but which must be directed by the
mind. In deciding on the admissibility of Constant Error,
after giving full weight to the considerations of Article 129,
it will still be impossible, and would be wrong, to exclude
the considerations of Article 125, and these cannot be
brought under algebraical or numerical rule.
131. These investigations suppose that the "Dis-
cordance of Each Day's Result" cannot, so far as we know
antecedently, be referred to any distinct assignable cause.
But if there should appear to be any such cause, as,
for instance, if we conceive that the observations of one
person always give a greater measure than the observations
of another person, it will be easy to apply an investigation,
analogous to that just given. The observations of each
person should be separated from those of other persons and
collected together; from the collected group of each per-
son's observations, a Mean Result and Probable Error of
Mean Result for each person must be found ; and then the
reader must judge whether, in view of the amount of Pro-
bable Errors, a Personal Difference of Results is admissible
or required. The investigation is simpler than the preced-
ing, in this respect, that it arrives at a Simple Personal
Difference of Results, and not at a Mean Discordance.
And the result is simpler than the last, because it is a Con-
stant Correction to the results of one person, instead of an
uncertain correction liable to the laws of chance.
§ 17. Treatment of observations when the values of Pro-
bable Constant Error for different groups, and probable
error of observation of individual measures within each
group, are assumed as known.
132. When numerous and extensive series of observa-
tions have been made, as in Articles 126, &c, sufficient to
determine the Probable Value of the so-called Constant
Error (which is in fact an Error varying from group to
group) and the ordinary probable error of an individual
observation in each group ; suppose that there are made
occasional observations, in limited groups, for which it is
desirable to define the rides of combination. We are not
justified, for each of these limited groups, in assuming a
value for the Constant Error, or Variable Error of the
Second Class, applicable to that group; we must treat it
as an uncertain quantity, and ascertain the combination-
weights, and the probable error and theoretical weight of
final result, under the effects of the errors of the two classes,
by an operation analogous to those which are applied when
the errors are only of one class.
133. In the first group of observations, let the actual
value of the error of second class be ^G) in the second
group 2 C ; in the third group Z C, &c. ; the probable value
of each being c. And in the first group, let the actual
values of the errors of fir^st class (or ordinary errors) for the
successive observations be l E v r E 2 , X E 3> &c. ; for those in
the second group 2 E X , 2 E 2 , &c. ; the probable value of each
being e. And let the number of observations in the suc-
cessive groups be jn, 2 n, &c. Let the combination factors
be t 1} x z % , t z 3 , &c; 2 z v 2 z 2 , 2 z 3 , &c. ; # xt z z 2 , z z 3 , &c. ; and
so for successive groups.
Then the actual errors of the separate measures will be
And the actual error of the final result, obtained by
combining the separate measures with the combination-
weights above given, will be the fraction, whose nume-
rator is
(a + A+ A + &c -) i#+ (a + a + &c ^
+ (A. 1 ^ + A-A + A-A + &c.)
+ *^i + «■»:«*■ + **) + *«■
and whose denominator is
(A + A + A + &C + (A + 2* 2 + &c + (A + 3 ? 2 + &c) +&c.
134. The square of the probable error of the final
result, found in exactly the same way as in all preced-
ing cases, will be the fraction whose numerator is
+ { (A) 2 + (A) 2 + & c.} e 2 + {(^Y + (, /2 ) 2 + &c.} e 2
and whose denominator is
{(A + A + &c + (A + 2 * 2 + &c -) + (A + s* 2 + &c -) + &c.} 2 .
This is to be made minimum with respect to the varia-
tion of each of the quantities x s x , x z# &c, „z v „z 2 , &c,
9 Z i> s z -2> & c - & c - Differentiating with respect to each,
making each differential coefficient = 0, and treating as
in former instances, we find successively, (putting A for
an indeterminate constant),
First, x z x = x z % = x ~3 = &c.
therefore, for each of these we may use the symbol x z.
Second, x n. x z.c 2 + x z.e 2 = A,
2 n. 2 z.c 2 + 2 z.e 2 = A,
s n. 3 z.c 2 + ii z.e 2 = A,
from which we obtain
xZ x n . c 2 + e 2 '
which is applicable to every observation in the first group ;
which is applicable to every observation in the second
group ; and so on through all the groups.
135. In the numerator of expression for the square of
probable error of result, if for x z x , x z 2 , &c, we insert x z, and
so for other groups, it becomes
y . / . c 2 + 2 n 2 . / . c~ + &c. + x n . / . e 2 + ji . / . e 2 + &c.
= A ( x n . x z + 2 n . „z + &c),
and the same substitution converts the denominator to
d u • i z + 2 n • 2 Z + ^ c -) 2 i
and the square of probable error of result
x n . x z + ji . 2 z + &c. '
which with the values of x z, 2 z, &c. found above, becomes
77 + Vt-5 + &C.
1 1
(probable error of result) 2
c -\ — c +
136. If, as in Article 131, we conceive that we can
fix upon some distinct cause of Constant Error for one
group, all the others being assumed free from Constant
Error, aud can ascertain with confidence the amount of
the Constant ; that group of results may then be reduced
by application of the Constant. For the determination
of the probable error of the result of the group so cor-
rected, it must be borne in mind that the determination
of the Constant is liable to error. Let A, B, C, D, &c.
to n terms, be the actual errors, and a, b, c, d, &c. the
probable errors of the means of various groups, A cor-
responding to that in which we suspect sufficient reason
for assuming a Constant Error. The actual error of de-
termination of Constant Error will be
. J3+C+D + &C.
A-- — ,
ii — 1
and the probable error of determination of Constant Error
will be
b~ +
g, S»M II
2 P
"ca S
fa s a a
■a a g 2
To exhibit more clearly to the eye the result of this com-
parison, the following diagram is prepared.
Ordinate representing the number of errors in each group ranging
through 0-"05 of magnitude, multiplied by the factor 8.
It is evident that the formula represents with all practicable
accuracy the observed Frequency of Errors, upon which all the
applications of the Theory of Probabilities are founded : and
the validity of every investigation in this Treatise is thereby
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