**&& r' m v ORD IEPvSITY AND CITY GUIDE, ON Pi NEW PLAN; TO WHICH IS ADDED, >CRIPTION OF BLENHEIM, THE ROMAN VILLA, &c. BT A NEW EDITION, ITI ' ' \D A PLAN OP OXFORD. | OXFORD: sold BY ii. BLATTEA, rj tyhtfing and Newspaper Office^ High-street ; ^ ami BV ..ii THI +&&Im WW* -sfis** /',,.< :;.. („/. n ( 5 9 QL (V r to swa ©i . THE OXFORD UNIVERSITY AND CITY GUIDE, ON A NEW PLAN: Containing A FULL DESCRIPTION OF THE COLLEGES, HALLS, PUBLH BUILDINGS, LIBRARIES, GARDENS, WALKS, PICTURES AND STATUES, IN OXFORD; With an Account of the DRESSES, EXAMINATIONS, DEGREES. Distinctive Ranks, Manners, Custo7)is, Sfc. OF STfjc &tembcv& of tflc Oniuersitp. To which is added, A GUIDE TO BLENHEIM, THE SEAT OF lftt& ©race ttje Dufce of fttarlfcorougfj. A NEW EDITION, With considerable Additions. Illustrated with a Plan of Oxford, and numerous Engravings on Steel. OXFORD : HENRY SLATTER, PRINTING OFFICE, S & 1, HIGH STREET. 1841. 13ntere& at Stationer**' $all, according to act of ilarliament. Printed by J. JMundav, jun. Queen-street, Oxford. JOHN SHUTE AND PHILIP BURY DUNCAN OF NEW COLLEGE OXFORD BROTHERS EMINENTLY AND EQUALLY DISTINGUISHED BY THEIR PATRONAGE OF THE FINE ARTS MUNIFICENT DONATIONS TO ALMA MATER AND UNWEARIED EFFORTS TOWARDS THE EXTENSION OF BENEVOLENCE AND VIRTUE THE AUTHOR WITH SENTIMENTS OF GRATITUDE DEDICATES THIS SMALL WORK THIS FOLLOWING THE ANCIENT PRECEPT APX0MEN0Y2 A' EPrOY IIPOSQnON XPH SEMEN TIIAAYFES. vwrmM C cOletteS an ft A //,./,,;,/./ Coll. l\y.J'// T /:,>•/,/ <,.// G Tin* oln Coll. 11 /;/ . Sub-Dean; B.C. DowdeaweU, D.D.i <,o•< Divloityi William Bucl Unci, D.D. Reader in Mineralogy and Geology ; Edward Bouverii I D.l). Regiui Profeiaorof Hebrew \ Richard wm. Jelf, D.D. ; Johi ji. I).: an( | Kim. Dick on Hampden, D.D. Regiui Profeuor of Divinity. 10 PROFESSORS, &C. Chancellor. 1834 His Grace the Duke of Wellington. High Steward. 1838 Right Hon. William Courtenay, Earl of Devon. Vice-Chancellor. 1840 Philip Wynter, D.D. President of St. John's College. Proctors. 1840 Rev. E. A. Dayman, M.A. Exeter College. Rev. J. F. Crouch, M.A. Corpus Christi College. Representatives in Parliament. T. G. B. listcourt, Esq. D.C.L. Corpus Christi College. Sir R. H. Inglis, Bart. D;C.L. Christ Church. Regius Professor of Divinity. Henn Dickson Hampden, D.D. Canon of Christ Church Regius Professor of Civil Law. Joseph Phillimore, D.C.L. Christ Church. Regius Professor of Medicine. John Kidd, D.M. Christ Church. Regius Professor of Hebrew. Edward Bouverie Pusey, D.D. Canon of Christ Churds Regius Professor of Greek. The Very Rev. the Dean of Christ Church. Margaret Professor of Divinity. Godfrey Faussett, D.D. Magdalen College. Professor of Natural Philosophy. George Leigh Cooke, B.D. Corpus Christi College. Savilian Professor of Geometry. Rev. Baden Powell, M.A. Oriel College. Savilian Professor of Astronomy. Rev. G. H. S. Johnson, M.A. Fellow of Queen's College Radcliffe Observer. Manuel John Johnson, Esq. Magdalen Hall. Professor of Moral Philosophy. Rev. William Sewell, M.A. Fellow of Exeter College. Camden's Professor of Ancient History. Edward Cardwell, D.D. Principal of St. Alban Hall. PROFKSSORS, &C. It Professor of Music. William Crotch, Doctor of Music. Archbishop Laud's Professor of Arabic. Wyndhani Knatchbull, D.D. All Souls' College. Regius and Sherardian Professor of Botany. C. Giles Bridle Daubeny, D.M. Magdalen College. Professor of Poetry. Rev. John Keble, M.A. Oriel College. Regius Professor of Modem History and Modern Languages. Edward Nares, D.D. Merton College. A nglo-Saxon Professor. Rev. H. B. Wilson. B.D. Vice-President of St. John's Coll Vintrian Professor of Common Law. Philip Williams, D.C.L. New College. Lord Lichfield 's Clinical Professor. James Adey Ogle, D.M. Trinity College. Lord Almoner s Prcelcctor in Arabic. J. D. Macbride, D.C.L. Principal of Magdalen Hall. Aldrichian Professor of Medicine. James Adey Ogle, D.M. Trinity College. Aldrichian Professor of Anatomy. John Kidd,D.M. Christ Church. Aldrichian Professor of Chemistry. C.Giles Bridle Daubeny, D.M. Magdalen College. Drummojid's Professor of Political Economy. Herman Merivale, M.A. late Fellow of Balliol College. Boden Professor of Sanscrit . Horace Hayman Wilson, M.A. of Exeter College. Lee's Lecturer in Anatomy, Sfc. John Kidd, D.M. Christ Church. Reader in Experimental Philosophy. Kev. Robert Walker, M.A, Tutor of Wadham College. Prcckctor of Logic. Rev. Richard Michel!, B.D. Fellow of Lincoln College. 12 PROFESSORS, &C. Reader in Mineralogy. William Buckland, D.D. aud Canon of Christ Church. Reader in Geology. William Buckland, D.D. and Canon of Christ Church. Public Orator. J. A. Cramer, D.D. Principal of New Inn Hall. Bodleian Librarian. Bulkeley Bandinel, D.D. New College. Keeper of the Archives. Rev. Philip Bliss, D.C.L. St. John's College. Keeper of the Ashmolean Museum. Philip Bury Duncan, M.A. Fellow of New College. Radcliffe's Librarian. John Kidd, D.M. Christ Church. Registrar of the University. Rev. Philip Bliss, D.C.L. St. John's College. UNIVERSITY OFFICERS. Esquire Bedels. Henry Forster, M.A. New College, of Divinity. George Valentine Cox, M.A. of Medicine and Arts. William Miller, B.A. of Law. Yeomen Bedels. Mr. John Brown, of Medicine and Arts. Mr. John Holliday, of Divinity. Mr. Thomas James, of Law. Organist Mr. Walter Vicary, B. Mus. Bailiff Mr. Edmund Grove. Clerk of the Schools Mr. George Purdue. Divinity Clerk Mr. John Pater. Verger Mr. Richard Norris. Marshal Mr. Moses Holliday. OXFORD TERMS. 1841. Hilary Term begins Jan. 14th, ends April 3rd. Easter Term begins April 2lst, ends May 29th. Trinity Term begins June 2nd, ends July loth. Michaelmas Term begins Oct. llth, ends Dec. 17th. For a History of the University, and its manners and customs, we refer our readers to page 173, &c. MEMBERS OF THE COUNCIL, AND OFFICERS OF THE CITY AND BOROUGH, #c. Sfc. Mayor. Charles Tawney, Esq. High Steward. His Grace the Duke of Marlborough. Recorder. James Manning, Esq. Reprtsentatives in Parliament . Donald Maclean, Esq. William Erie, Esq. Magistrates The Mayor for the time^eing Richard Sheen, Esq. < harles James Sadler, Esq. William Henry Butler, Esq. Jonathan Sam. Browning, Esq Thomas Wyatt, Esq. Lawrence Wyatt, Esq. Thomas Taylor, Lsq. Thomas Mallam, Esq. Aldermen. For Six Years, from DJ35. Richard Sheen, Esq. Thomas Wyatt, Esq. W II. Butler, Esq. Charles Jam .- Sadler, Esq. I nomas Mallam, Esq. J-'tn Six Years, from 1&38. J. S. Browning, Esq. Law rence Wj att, Esq, < liin les Tawney, Esq. Richard Dry, Esq, William Fisher, Esq, Sheriff. Mr. James Hum. 14 COUNCILLORS, &C. Councillors — Central Ward. Mr. Thomas Sheard. Mr, John Thorp Mr. Thomas Randall. Mr. Richard Cox. Mr. James Hunt. Mr. James Wyatt. Mr. John Cox. Mr. William Ward. Mr. William Glover. Mr. Richard Spiers. Mr. George Hitchings. Mr. John Hastings. North Ward. Mr. John Taylor. Mr. R.C.Godfrey. Mr. Joseph Weaving. Soulli Ward. Mr. John Towle. Mr. Thomas Dry. Mr. William Walsh. Mr. James Turner. Mr. John Chaundy. Mr. William Latchmore. Mr. Nathaniel Penson. Mr. William Thorp. Mr. John Matthews. West Ward. Mr. James William Slatter. Mr. Richard Dry, Jun. Mr. Richard Chaundy. East Ward. Mr. John Matthew. Mr. Geo. Henry Warburtou. Mr. Samuel Young Griffith. Town Clerk and Clerk of the Peace— Mr. George F. Hester. Solicitor — Mr. Percival Walsh. Coroner — Mr. George Cecil. Treasurer — James Morrell, Esq. Auditors— Mr. John Coleman, Mr. Henry Jacob Revising Assessors — Mr. John Looker, Mr. H. Jacob. Mayors Auditor — Mr. Thomas Randall. Ward Assessors. Central Ward— Mr.lt. Bartlett, Mr. Fred. B. Thompson. North Ward— Mr. J. Bridges, Mr. Ambrose Smith. South Ward — Mr. T. Davenport, Mr. Jas. Josiah Faulkner. West Ward— Mr. Henry Jacob, Mr. R. Wharton. East Ward— Mr. Robert Mallam, Mr. John Musgrove. Lecturers. 1 Rev. William Firth, B.D. 2 Rev. Charles Henry Cox, M.A. 3 Rev. John Perkins, M.A. 4 Rev. William Simcox Bricknell. M.A. OFFICERS OF THE CITY, &C. 15 Comjyiissioners of the Market. Rev. Dr. Gilbert. Rev. Dr. Symons. Dr. Macbride. Dr. Marsham. Rev. Dr. Bliss. Rev. C. Wiehtwick. Alderman C. J. Sadler. Alderman Lawrence Wyatt. Alderman Butler. Alderman Browning. Alderman Mallam Alderman Tawney. Commissioners of Sewers. Rev. Dr. Hawkins. Rev. Dr. Plumptre. Rev. Dr. Barnes. Dr. Macbride. Aldeiman Sadler. Alderman Tawney. Alderman Butler. Alderman Browning. Clerk to Magistrates — Mr. H. Jacob. CITY OFFICERS. Mace Bearer — Mr. William Giles. Mayor's Sergeants — Mr. John Atkins, Mr. Joseph Liddell. Sheriff's Sergeant — Mr. George Cooke. City Marshal — Mr. Thomas Lucas. The Post Office is in the High-street, Xo. 123, opposite the Mitre Inn. Letters are forwarded to London every night, except Saturday ; to other places, every night. In December, 1831), a Day Mail was established, and by a recent regulation it was ordered that the Box for the receipt of Letters should be closed as under : — Hour Min. Past. For the London Day Mail .. 12 30 a.m. For the Cheltenham Day Mail .. 12 30 p.m. For the North Mail .. .. 4 30 p.m. Fur the South and West Mail ... G P.M. Final Close at Night .. .. «) 30 p.m. The Mails are despatched at the following hours — Hour Min. Past. London I).iy Mail ... .. 1 30 P.M. Cheltenham ditto ... .. 1 30 p.m. North ditto ... .. .. 5 30 p.m. South and West ditto .. G 30 P.M. / The fee on all Letters by the Day Mail is Id. for the first half-hour, afterwards 2d. till time of sing; but those Posted after half-pasl Nine o'clock al Night, 2d. till the time of clo ing finally at Eleven o'cli ■ CITY AND BOROUGH OF OXFORD. The New Corporation consists of a Mayor, High Steward, Recorder, ten Aldermen, a Sheriff, thirty Councillors, a Town Clerk, who is also Clerk of the Peace, Solicitor, Coroner, Treasurer, three Auditors, ten Assessors, a Clerk to the Magistrates, a Mace Bearer, two Mayor's Sergeants, a Sheriff's Sergeant, Marshal, Police Officers, &c. The Mayor is elected annually by the Aldermen and Councillors, from their own body. The *\ldermen and Sheriff are elected by the Council, from their own body, or from such Burgesses as are qualified to be Council- lors. The Councillors are elected from the Bur- gesses, whose property amounts to at least one thou - sand pounds, or whose premises are of the annual value of £'3U or upwards. The Sheriff, Town Clerk and Clerk of the Peace, Solicitor, Coroner, Trea- surer, and all the other Officers are elected by the Council, with the exception of the Recorder, who is chosen by the Crown, one Auditor by the Mayor, and the other two Auditors and the Assessors, who are elected by the Burgesses. Oxford is divided into five Wards, two Aldermen and six Councillors to each . At the end of three years five Aldermen go out of office, in rotation, and their vacancies, except they should be re-elected, are filled for the space of six years. Two Councillors, in rotation, of each Ward go out of office even- year, and their vacancies are supplied by their re- election, or from among the qualified Burgesses. Ex- traordinary vacancies, occasioned by death or other removal, must be filled within ten days, and the person so elected remains in office for the period the vacancy occasioned. The City of Oxford sends two Members to Par- liament. It has a separate Court of Quarter Sessions, at which the Recorder sits as sole Judge. Four Lecturers, who are resident members of the Univer- sity, are appointed to preach in weekly rotation be- fore the Mayor and Corporation in St. Martin's (or Carfax) Church. CHURCHES. 17 In the City and Suburbs of Oxford there are fifteen parishes, viz. : — Population Value Patronage, an 1831. per annum. ^ St. Aldate, R. . .1789 £137 Pembroke College. All Saints, C. . . 5G0 65 Lincoln College. Binsey ... 74 90 Christ Church. St. Ebbe, R. . . 3123 111 The King. St. Giles, V. . . 2491 160 St. John's College. Holywell, C. . . 944 80 Merton College. St. Clement . .1830 92 The King. St. John, C. . .122 Merton College. St. Mary-the- Virgin . 419 38 Oriel College. St. Mary Magdalen, V. 2440 145 Christ Church. St. Martin, R. . . 490 62 The King. St. Michael, C. . . 971 100 Lincoln College. St. Peter-le-Bailey, R. 1236 104 The King. St.Peter-in-the-East,V. 1126 147 Merton College. St. Thomas, V. . 3277 105 Christ Church. These parishes, with the exception of St. Giles's, St. John's, Binsey, and St. Clement's, were conso- lidated by an Act passed in the year 177L and a Workhouse for their paupers was soon afterwards erected. The money raised annually by rates for the support of this house and the out-poor, is about ten shillings in the pound on the nominal rentals. The whole population of Oxford, at the census of 1831, including the University, in number 1634, the House of Industry, 219, and the RadclifFe In- firmary 145, was 22,896. The number of houses was 3852. The Churches not described in the body of this Guide, on account of their not coming within the regular perambulation, are as follows : — 1st, St. Clement's, in the eastern suburbs of the City. It is a Rectory, in the gift of the Crown. In consequence of the great increase of the inha- bitants of this parish, it was lately found necessary to have a much larger church, and very liberal subscriptions enabled the parishioners to effect this desirable object. Sir Joseph Lock gave a piece of ground at the eastern extremity of the parish, near the Cherwell, for its site. It is a handsome edifice, in the Anglo-Norman atyle, built by Mr. Hudson, from the designs of Mr. D. Robertson, and was b 18 CHURCHES, &C. consecrated by the late Dr. Lloyd, Bishop of Ox- ford, on the 14th of June, 1828. 2nd, Holywell, situated near the street of that name, at the north-east extremity of the City. It is about 70 feet long, consisting of a nave and chancel, a small chapel dedicated to the Virgin Mary, on the southern side of the chancel, and an embattled tower, containing six bells. The tower was finished about the year 14G4. The church is more ancient. The parish is named from a very ancient well near the church. 3rd, St. Petcr's-in-the-Bailey, situated at the west end of the City, not far from the County Gaol. It was opened for Divine Worship in 1 740, and in 1 753 a neat gallery was added to it, at the expense of Daniel Flexney, a carpenter. The entire length of the fabric is about 70 feet, and the breadth 38. In the tower are two bells only. 4th, St. Thomas's, which is situated at the west- ern extremity of the City, on the right of the entrance into the City, on the Cheltenham road. It consists of a nave and a chancel, measures about 100 feet in length, and has, at the west end, a neat embattled tower, containing six bells. The church was founded by the Canons of Osney, in 1141. It has lately been very much improved, and newly pewed. There are four Dissenting Chapels in the City of Oxford : — the Baptist, on the New-road, which has lately been considerably enlarged ; the Independent, lately erected in George-street, a large, handsome Gothic edifice, from the plans, and under the direction of Mr. Greenshields ; Mr. Bulteel's large Chapel, finished in 1832, built by Mr. Fisher, of Oxford ; and a handsome Wesleyan Methodist Chapel, in New Inn Hall Lane, built by Mr. Evans, and opened in February, 1818. In St. Clement's, in the suburbs of the City, is a small neat Roman Catholic Chapel. A Savings Bank was established in Oxford in 1816, and was enrolled and placed under the new Act, in January, 1818. A well-conducted and very useful Dispensary contributes to the relief of such as are unable to pay THE LUNATIC ASYLUM, &C. 19 for medical assistance. It is supported by annual subscribers, and by Mr. Goring's munificent donation of fifteen hundred pounds. A Self-supporting Dispensary has recently been established, which contributes to the comfort of those who possess a praiseworthy desire to be independent of charitable institutions, and object to derive medi- cal assistance from any other source than the savings of their own industry. Several Charity Schools are established in this City ; and a very large one for boys, on Dr. Bell's plan, is supported at the expense of the University. There are also several well-founded Alms Houses in the City and Suburbs. On Monday, the 14th of September, 1818, the foundation-stone of the buildings for making gas, for the purpose of lighting the University and City, was laid by four Gentlemen of the Gas-light Com- mittee. These buildings are erected on the banks of the Isis, in a ground near Littlegatc, called the Friars, from its formerly being the site of a Monas- tery of the Franciscan or Grey Friars. On the 6th of September, 1819, the brilliant and pure illumi- nation with gas became general throughout the University and City. Bankers. Messrs. Parsons and Co., on Hammersley and Co. Sir Joseph Lock and Co., on Willis, Percival, and Co. Messrs. Morrell, on Jones, Loyd, and Co. Messrs. Wootten, Tubb, and Co., on Masterman and Co. Mi -rs. Davenport, Walker, and Davenport, on Dorrien and Co. Between the celebrated walk, called Headington Hill, and the Cowley Road, has recently been erected, by subscription, a large and airy building called the RadclifFe Lunatic Asylum. It was built by Mr. Evans, from the designs of Mr. Ingleman, and i- extremely well adapted for persons suffering under a derangement of intellect. No establishment of this kin'l in the kingdom i^ conducted upon a better plan, nor more carefully watched over and attended t<> The Distances of various Places from Oxford. To Bath, through Kingston Inn, Faringdon, (18 miles), Lechlade, Fairford, Cirencester, Tetbury, Didmarton, and Cross Hands :— 69 miles and 5 furlongs. Ditto, through Burford, (18$ miles,) Bibury, and Ciren- cester : — 68 miles. Ditto, through Faringdon, Highworth, Swindon, VVotton Basset, and Chippenham : — 65 miles. To Bristol, through Kingston Inn, Faringdon, Highworth, Luckington, Pucklechurch, and Mangotsfield :— 66 miles and 5 furlongs. To Birmingham, through Woodstock, (8 miles,) Enstone, Shipston,Stratford-on-Avon,andHenley-in-Arden: — 62 miles. To Bicester, (12 miles,) and thence to Buckingham,* 11. To Cambridge, through Thame, (J3 miles,) Aylesbury, (22 miles,) Leighton Buzzard, Woburn, Ampthill, Bedford, Eaton Socon, and St. Neot's :— 86 miles. Ditto, through Weston-on-the-Green,(9 miles,) Middleton- Stoney, (12 miles,) Barley Mow, Buckingham, (26 miles and a half,*) Stony Stratford, Newport Pagnell, Olney, Bedford, (57 miles) :— 87 miles. To Cheltenham, through Ensham, Witney, (12 miles,) Northleach, Frogmill Inn, and Dowdeswell :— 40 miles. To Chichester, through Wallingford, (12£ miles,) Streatley, Pangbourn, (22 miles,) Aldermaston, Basingstoke, Alton, Petersfield, and Havant:— 86 miles. Ditto, through Petersfield, South Harting,andMid Levant : — 79 miles. To Coventry, through Hopcroft's Holt, (12 miles,) Ded- dington, (16§ miles,) Adderbury, Banbury, (23 miles,) and Southam :— 50 miles. To Gloucester, through Cheltenham : — 49$ miles. To Hungerford, through Wantage, (14 miles,) and West Shefford :— 31 miles. To London, through Wycombe : — 54 miles : through Hen- ley : — 58 miles. To Northampton, through Middleton Stoney, Buckingham, Brackley, (22 miles,) and Towcester: — 42 miles. To Reading, through Wallingford, Streatley, and Pang- bourn :— 28 miles. To Salisbury, through Abingdon, (6 miles,) East Ilsley, (17 miles,) Newbury, (27 miles,) and Andover : — 60 miles. To Southampton, through Newbury, Whitchurch, and Win- chester, (53 miles :) — 64j miles. To Warwick, through Deddington, Adderbury, Banbury, and Southam : 47 miles. Two miles from Warwick is Leamington Priors, celebrated for its Medicinal Waters. To Worcester, through Enstone : — 57 miles. • Two miles from Buckingham is Stowe, the magnificent Seat of the Duke of Buckingham. & Etet of booiio, Illustrative of the HISTORY OF THE COUNTY, UNIVERSITY AND CITY OF OXFORD. Plot's Natural History of Oxfordshire, second edition, 1705, folio. Brewer's Description of the County of Oxford, 8vo. 1813. Kennett's Parochial Antiquities ; containing an Account of Ambrosden, Burcester, and other places, 2 vols. Oxford., 1718, 4to. Dunkin's History and Antiquities of Bicester, 1816, 8vo. Dunkin's History and Antiquities of the Hundreds of Bulling- ton and Ploughley, 3 vols. 1823, 4to. Skelton's Engraved Illustrations of the principal Antiquities of Oxfordshire, 4to. 1823. Warton's History of Kiddington, 1815, 4to. ScholaThamensisex Fundatione Joannis Williams, 1575, fol. Swaine's Memoirs of Osney Abbey, 1769, 8vo. Mavor's Description of Blenheim, 1S37, 8vo. Pointer's Account of a Roman Pavement at Stunsfield, 1713, 8vo. Sibthorpe's Flora Oxoniensis, 1794, 8vo. Walker's Flora Oxoniensis, 8vo. 1833. Young's View of the Agriculture of Oxfordshire, 8vo. Davis's General View of ditto, 17!H. An Account of the University of Oxford is contained in some Rhyming Verses, by Trevytlan,orTrevytham, a Franciscan Friar, in the reign of Henry VI. published by Hearne at the end of" Hist. Vita Ric. II." 1729, 8vo. Caii Assertio Antiquitatis Oxoniensis Academic, published by H<-;ini<-. Oxford, 1730, 2 vols. Svo. Dodwelli Dissertatio de Parma Fquestri Woodwardiana, published by Hearne, 1730, 8vo. Pierberti Oxoniensis Acad. Descriptio, 1602, 12mo. Twyni Antiquitatii Acad Oxon. Apologia, lt>os, ito. At the end of Hearne's Texlus Roffensil is an account of the University and City, by Hutten, written in 1559. Pnlman, Notitia Oxoniensis Academic, 1676, !'"■ ( ollegioram, Scholarnmque Pablicarnm Acad. Oxon. Typo- graphies Delineatio, perTbo. Stlata, published l> founded by Henry Lord D'Anvcrs, Earl of Danby. The first stone of the walls was laid by the Yice-Chancellor, on the 25th of •July, 1622; they were finished in 1633, are c 26 BOTANIC GARDEN. fourteen feet high, and cost about 5000/. The fine gateway was built by Nicholas Stone, sen. from a design by Inigo Jones; the charge for its construction was upwards of 500/. It is ornamented with a bust of the Earl of Danby. On the right and left are statues of Charles I. and II. which were purchased with the money arising from a fine levied on the Oxford Anti- quary, Anthony a Wood, for having libelled the character of the Earl of Clarendon, in the first edition of his Athenae Oxonienses. This Garden has recently been very much improved, under the directions of the liberal and learned Professor, Dr. Daubeny. At his suggestion a public subscription was entered into, to which the RadclifFe Trustees contributed 500/. To this subscription was added the donation of the late Professor, Dr. Williams, amounting to 453/. 2s. 6d. Altogether was raised the sum of 2974/. 8s. I0d., and this money has been most judi- ciously expended in effecting alterations and improvements, of which the following is a sketch : — On the left of the gateway a small neat Porter's Lodge has been erected. Near it is a new building, in which are the Library and the Professor's Study. The former contains a good collection of books on botany and other branches of natural history. The old Library, facing the Garden, is converted into a Lecture Room : it corresponds with a Green-house on the oppo- site side. In this Lecture-room are the cele- brated herbariums of Sherard and Dillenius. Some new apartments have recently been erected for the Professor, near this room. There are now three Green-houses, two on the right of the gateway, and one on the left. Beyond the Lecture-room is a new Hot-house; and another, or a Conservatory, will very soon be erected on the opposite side, from a plan which will render BOTANIC GARDEN. 27 it superior to those already built, and thus faci- litate the cultivation of such plants as may be presented to, or procured for, this establishment. Without the walls, eastward of the Garden, is a small ancient Hot-house, now used as a Green- house only, the plants which were formerly kept in it being removed to the new Hot-house before mentioned. Near it are the rock-plants and the experimental Garden. In the open parts of the Garden is a good collection of hardy plants. Those on the left of the centre walk from the gateway are arranged according to the Linnaean system : on the right is the natural arrangement. In the centre of the walk is an Aquarium, or basin tor aquatic plants. On each side of this (in the summer season) are kept the Alpine plants, in pots, placed on a series of shelves of solid brickwork, in form of an amphitheatre, and backed by rock-work com- posed partly of coral rag from the vicinity of Oxford, and parti}- of curious perforated stone from the neighbourhood of Cirencester, in Gloucestershire. Without the wall, on the south, is another basin for aquatic plants ; to the left of which will be found specimens of the 1 various grasses; and at a short distance from this spot are cultivated the plants which are employed in Medicine, Agriculture, and the Arts. The ground on which the Garden stands was formerly a burying-place for the Jews, who resided in great numbers in Oxford until they were driven from England by Edward I. in 1290. This Garden is the oldest establishment of the kind in England. William Sherard, D.C.L. some time Fellow of St. John's College. bequeathed .'J000Z. to the University for the en- dowment of a Professorship, which is in the gift of the College of Physicians. In 1793, a Regius Professorship was established. Dr. Sibthorpe, c 2 28 MAGDALEN COLLEGE. who was Professor from 1784 to 1795, resided some years in Turkey and Greece, and enriched the collection with many plants from those parts. Persons who are fond of the study of botany, may receive minute information respecting the plants in this Garden, from the intelligent assistant to the Professor, who is always on the spot, for the purpose of conducting strangers to the different walks, the Green-houses, and the Hot-houses. The assistant resides without the walls, at the south-west angle of the Garden, leading towards Christ Church Meadow. Almost opposite to the Garden, at the com- mencement of the row of elms, is the entrance to C^ MAGDALEN COLLEGE.* *** The Porter's Lodge is at the right hand corner of the entrance Court. The entrance to the first Court is through a modern gateway of the Doric order, decorated with a statue of Waynflete: in a corner of this Court, near the Chapel, is an ancient stone pulpit, from which the anniversary sermon, on the festival of St. John the Baptist, was for- merly preached ; on which occasion the Court was fitted up with green boughs, in allusion to the preaching of St. John in the Wilderness. This sermon is now delivered before the Uni- versity in the Ante-Chapel. On the left side of this Court are the President's Lodgings, erected in 1485, and altered in 1769- Near the Lodgings is the old entrance, now disused : it is decorated with statues of the Founders of St. John's Hos- pital and the College, and their patron Saints, beneath canopies of exquisite workmanship ; * It may be useful to strangers who are unaccompanied by one of those persons who show the University, to inform them, that by inquiry at the Porter's Lodge of any College they may learn where the persons who show the different parts of the College may be found. MAGDALEN COLLEGE. — CHAPEL. 29 Waynflete kneeling in prayer, King Henry III., Mary Magdalen, and St. John the Baptist. The apartment over this original entrance has always been called the Founder's Chamber. The Chapel, which is opposite to the gate- way, remained in the state in which the Founder left it, with the exception of the injury its furniture and decorations sustained at the Re- formation, till the year 1635, when it was fitted up according to the prevailing taste of those times. The Choir was paved with black and white marble ; new seats for the undergraduate^ and an organ screen were erected, and an organ provided, all exhibiting the most indiscriminate and barbarous mixtures of style. The College for many years had in contem- plation the removal of these incongruities, and the restoration of the interior to its primitive magnificence, for which purpose several designs were given by various architects. Those of Air. Cottingham, of London, have been adopted. In 1833 the restoration, under the direction of Mr. Cottingham, was finished, and nearly the whole of the Choir, with the exception of the windows, may be said to be new. The limits of this small work will not admit of a full descrip- tion of the chaste and beautiful decorations of this Chapel. Over the altar are carved stone figures, by Chantrey, of Christ appearing to Mary, in the garden. When the altar-piece, by Fuller, was removed in 1829, the indications of three tiers of niches, of thirteen in each tier, were discovered. The style of these has been imitated with Painswick stone, lor here all is real; no stuccoed work has been admitted. The fine picture of Christ bearing his Cross, over the Communion-table, ranks among the best paint- in Oxford : but the connoisseurs have been divided in their opinions respecting the masi i 3 30 MAGDALEN COLLEGE. — CHAPEL. who produced it. Some attributed the work to Guido, and others to Ludovico Caracci; but it is now given to Morales, called El Divino, a Spanish Artist, who flourished in the sixteenth century. The figures in the back ground are said to be from another pencil ; but whose hand guided it is a matter of doubt among the judges of the arts. It was brought from Vigo in 1702, by the last Duke of Ormond, and afterwards coming into the possession of William Freeman, Esq. of Hamels, in Hertfordshire, he presented it to the College. Its frame has recently been very handsomely gilt. Sherwin's beautiful en- graving from this picture is well known. The small oratory at the north end of the Commu- nion-table has been restored ; its ceiling is of the most exquisite workmanship. In this oratory is an altar tomb of alabaster, of Richard Patten, the father of the Founder, lately brought from the Church of Waynflete, in the county of Lin- coln, the birth-place of the Founder, and from which he took his name. The stalls, wainscot- ing, seats, standards, desks, and partitions in the Chapel are entirely new, and made of foreign oak of the best quality. The clustered columns over the stalls add greatly to their beauty. The -eats of the President and Vice-President are of very rich workmanship, and merit the closest in- spection, as they contain very fine specimens of carving in wood. The organ screen is of Pains- wick stone, elegantly carved with appropriate devices, showing the forms of the most ancient musical instruments. The folding doors which -eparate the choir from the Ante- Chapel are extremely handsome, and the Gothic append- ages, even in their most minute parts, exhibit the excellent taste of the architect. They are glazed with the best plate glass. The organ, originally given to the Society by Mr. Freeman, MAGDALEN COLLEGE. — CHAPEL. 31 has been completely rebuilt by Mr. Blyth, of Isleworth, and his sons ; the compass of the in- strument has been increased to the modern scale, with additional connecting movements ; sixteen feet double diapasons are added to the pedals, and many other improvements have been made, the whole combining a sublimity and beauty of effect not surpassed in this country. The choir has been newly paved with Dorsetshire marble, in party colours ; the steps of the altar are of solid marble. Near the altar are two large handsome candelabra, of bronze, by Summers, from the designs of Cottingham. In the centre of the Chapel stands a large brass eagle, of fine workmanship and great antiquity, probably co- eval with the College. It is used as a desk from which the lessons are read. In the Ante-Chapel are nine painted windows. The large or west window, painted in chiar' oscaro, was executed after a design of Christopher Schwartz, as appears from a print of it, engraved by Sadeler : its subject is the Last Judgment. It received great injury from a high wind, in 1703: in 1794, it was restored to its original beauty by Eggington. The other eight were designed and executed by Eggington, and dis- play the figures of the two patron Saints, St. John the Baptist and St. Mary Magdalen ; King Henry III. by whom the Hospital of St. John the Baptist was rcfoundcd ; Henry VI. by whom that Hospital and its possessions were conveyed to this College; William Waynflete, the Founder, and William of Wykcham, the Founder of New College, of which Society Waynflete is generally thought to have been a member ; Bishop fox, Founder of Corpus Christi, and Cardinal Wolsey, the original Founder of Christ Church, both of whom were Fellows of Magdalen College. The other com- 32 MAGDALEN COLLEGE. — CHAPEL. partments of the windows are enriched with representations of Christ's Baptism, the Adora- tion at the Sepulchre, with the Arms of the College, and those of the Kings and Prelates already mentioned, and other appropriate deco- rations. There are ten painted windows in the Choir, which represent the figures of the Apos- tles, the primitive Fathers, Saints and Martyrs, all in chiar 1 oscuro. Eight of them, executed in 1635, were removed from the Ante-Chapel in 1741. The two next the altar were added by the younger Price, who died in 1765. The fine columns which support the roof of the Ante- Chapel merit attention. In the Ante-Chapel are several monuments, one of which is to the memory of the two sons of Sir T. Lyttelton, members of this College, who were bathing in the river Cherwell, when one of them, being in danger of drowning, cried out for aid : his bro- ther immediately rushed to his assistance, but unfortunately they both perished. Cowley, the poet, wrote an elegy on the elder of these two brothers. Under the small west window are two very neat white marble monuments, recently erected as memorials of the Rev. Dr. Tate and the Rev. Dr. Shaw, both Fellows of this Society : and on the south side there is one to the memory of Dr. Loveday, who was also a Fellow of this College. On the west side, near the entrance, a very neat monument, to the memory of the Rev. William Mills, B.D. late Fellow of this Society, has recently been erected at the expense of two of his pupils, Mr. George William and Mr. James Robert Hope of Christ Church. The old stalls from the choir are now placed in the Ante-Chapel. The University sermons are preached here on the festivals of St. Mark and St. John the Baptist. In the year 1793, the old roof being decayed., MAGDALEN COLLEGE. — HIEROGLYPHICS. 33 a new one was placed on the Chapel and the Hall, under the direction of Mr. Wyatt, which cost the College upwards of 4000/., paid out of the incomes of the President and Fellows. With the same liberal spirit, they furnished the funds for defraying the expense of the windows in the Ante-Chapel, to the amount of 1400/. Over the western entrance are five small figures, which are among the finest speci- mens of ancient sculpture in Oxford, and are coeval with the Chapel. They represent St. John the Baptist, St. Mary Magdalen, Henry III. William of Wykeham, and the Founder. The latter and Henry III. are in a kneeling posture. Service is performed in this Chapel at ten in the morning and at four in the afternoon, except on Sundays and Holydays, when the morning service begins at eight o'clock. On leaving the Chapel, we enter the Great Quadrangle, with its fine cloister, which was begun by the Founder, in 1473, and until lately retained its primitive figure as Waynflete left it, with the exception of the south ambulatory, which was added after his death, in 1490. It is formed by the Chapel, Hall, and Library, the ancient part of the President's Lodgings, and the apartments of the Fellows and Demies. The Kitchen is very ancient, and was a part of St. John's Hospital. The interior of the Quad- rangle is remarkable for the hieroglyphics which decorate it, the singular devices of which have employed the conjectures of the curious anti- quary. They were originally coloured. The tbllowing description of them is abridged from a manuscript preserved in the Library ; — " Beginning from the south-west corner, the iirst two figures arc the I Jon and the Pelican. The former of these is the emblem of Courage /and Vigilance) the latter of Parental Tenderness 34« MAGDALEN COLLEGE. — HIEROGLYPHICS. and Affection : both of them express the com- plete character of a good Governor of a College. Accordingly, they are placed under the window of those Lodgings which originally belonged to the President, as the instruction they convey ought particularly to regulate his conduct. " Going on to the right hand, on the other ■» • mi side of the gateway, are four figures, viz: — The Schoolmaster, the Lawyer, the Physician, and the Divine. These are arranged on the outside of the Library, and represent the duties and business of the students of the House. By means of learning in general they are to be introduced to one of the three learned profes- sions ; or else, as hinted by the figure with cap and bells in the corner, they must turn fools in the end. " On the north side of the Quadrangle, the first three figures represent the history of David, his conquest of the Lion and Goliah : whence we are taught not to be discouraged at any difficulties that may stand in our way, as the vigour of youth will easily enable us to sur- mount them. The next figure to these is that of Hippopotamos, or the River Horse, carrying his young one upon his shoulders. This is the emblem of a good Tutor, or Fellow of a College, who is set to watch over the youth of the Soci- ety, and by whose prudence they are to be led through the dangers of their first entrance into the world. The figure immediately following represents Sobriety or Temperance. The whole remaining train of figures are the Vices we are instructed to avoid. Those next to Temperance are the opposite Vices of Gluttony aud Drunk- enness. Then follow the Lucanthropos, the Hyaena, and Panther, representing Violence, Fraud, and Treachery : the Griffin, representing Covetousness ; and the next figure, Anger or MAGDALEN COLLEGE. — TOWER. 35 Moroseness. The Dog, the Dragon, and the Deer — Flatten, Envy, and Timidity; and the last three, the Mantichora, the Boxers, and the Lamia — Pride, Contention, and Lust." The greater part of this Quadrangle lias very recently been rebuilt, and its original appearance restored as nearly as possible; for the Society, not having sufficient apartments for its members before the opposite New Building was erected, many years since caused several rooms to be built over the cloisters, without regard to archi- tectural propriety, which destroyed the harmony of the whole. The interior of the Library, which occupies the western side of the Cloisters, has recently undergone a complete reparation and refitting; the stalls for the books are of English oak. The room is of considerable extent, and, were it more lofty, would not be excelled by any of a similar nature in the University. On the south side of the Chaplains' Court rises the majestic Tower, the stately form of which, its fine proportions, admirable simplicity, and picturesque effect, delight the eye, in what- ever point of view it is contemplated. The foundation of this structure was laid, August 9th, 14-92, by Dr. Richard Mayew, President: and it was finished in 14-98. In this Tower are ten fine-toned bells. Previously to the Reformation, a mass was performed every May-day morning, at an early hour, on the top of this Tower, for the repose of the soul of Henry VII. who had honoured the College with a visit in 1488. The Choris- ters continue to execute, in the same place, and Oil the same day, at five in the morning, certain pieces of choir music; for which harmonious service the Rectory of Slymbridge, in Glouces- tershire, pays the yearly sum of 10/. 36 MAGDALEN COLLEGE, — HALL. The Chaplains' Court was begun soon after the Tower was completed ; but not finished till about the first of Henry VIII. At the same time the range of building, which forms the south side of the first court, was altered and improved. The buildings at the east end of the Hall were erected in 1635 ; and in 1783, those on the north side of the Kitchen, which had originally been part of the Hospital, and appro- priated to the Lodgings of the Divinity Lec- turer, junior Demies' Common Room, &c. were taken down, and the present buildings erected, partly at the expense of the trustees of Thomas West, D.D. formerly Fellow of this College. The Hall, which was built by the Founder, is of spacious proportions, and decorated with armorial bearings, transferred from his Cham- ber, and from the Election Chamber, which was taken down in 1770. The wainscot, which is of oak, painted, was originally brought from Reading Abbey. It is decorated with several grotesque figures, carved in wood ; in the centre are nine compartments, six of which represent the history of Mary Magdalen, viz. : — 1. St. Mary anointing our Lord's feet. 2. Christ sit- ting at a table, with Martha and Mary on either side : above them, on a scroll, " Martha sollicita es, turbaris erga plurima, Maria opti- mam partem elegit ; underneath, the date 1541. 3. Mary pouring ointment on our Saviour's head. 4. Our Lord appearing to her after his Resurrection, inscribed " Noli metangere," and " Rabboni," on scrolls. 5. Mary relating to the Disciples Christ's appearance, with the words " Vidi Dominum" inscribed on a scroll. 6. St. John Baptist and Mary standing by him, with same date. The other three are King Henry VIII. with the royal arms and the Prince's plume on the right and left. On the MAGDALEN COLLEGE. — HALL. 3< top of it is an inscription in Latin, from the third chapter of St. Paul's Epistle to the Colos- sians, the 16th and 17th verses. In this Hall are the following portraits, some of which are whole-lengths, and others of less dimensions: — Bp. Waynflete, the Founder and Founder of C.C.C. Wm. Freeman, D.C.L. Dr. Boulter, Archbishop of Dr. Edw. Butler, President Armagh Sir Edmund Isham, Bart. Prince Rupert D.C.L. Fellow Dr. Warner, Bishop of Ro- Dr. Henry Hammond, Chap- Chester lain to Charles I. Dr. Hough, Bishop of Wor- Henry, Prince of Wales, eld- cester, President est son of James I. Mr. Addison, Demy Dr. Smalbroke, Bishop of Dr. Sacheverell, Fellow Lichfield and Coventry Cardinal Wolsey, from the R. Fox, Bishopof Winchester, original in Ch. Ch. Hall, a Fellow of this College, by Holbein. To these may be added, a small whole-length of St. Mary Magdalen, which has been attri- buted to Guercino ; but some connoisseurs have considered it to be the work of a superior pencil. In the windows of this room are the armorial bearings of the Founder, of Cardinals Wolsey and Pole, and of several Bishops educated in this College: they were mostly put up under the direction of Dr. Humphry, in 1566, in the Founder's Chamber, and removed thence to the Hall ; three or four only were broken and destroyed. The See of Gloucester, Nicholson, and of Rochester, Warner, with some others, are added to those brought from the Founder's Chamber. In the upper window, on the right, are very fine heads of Charles I. and his Queen Henrietta Maria; near which are some curious specimens of old painting on glass, rarely no- ticed, viz.: — a boy learning to swim on bladders, a filling skater, a woman churning, and some Others. These merit the close attention of the Btranger. In the Founder's Chamber all the arms had appropriate inscriptions, some of D 38 MAGDALEN COLLEGE. — WALKS. which remain, such as the See of Hereford, Harlcy : — " Flos Domus Harleus Socius, Ludique Magister " Celsus deinde Throno, Celsior inde Polo." In 18S8 the Hall was repaired, and a new oak floor placed over the old one. On the 27th of September, 1733, the first stone of the New Building, on the north of the grand Quadrangle, was laid. This building is three stories, containing as many ranges of lofty and spacious apartments, of equal dimensions. The front, which presents an elevation of stately simplicity, is supported by an arcade, forming a handsome cloister. It was erected after a design of Edward Holdsworth, M.A. Fellow, author of the Muscipula, and other ingenious writings. The Walks on the banks of the Cherwell, belonging to this College, are pleasant, and kept in excellent order. The shade they afford, the variety of objects which they command, the stream, amidst whose different branches they wind ; with the mill, its rush of waters, and the charming shaded walk, called by the name of Addison's Walk, compose a most delightful academic retirement. The Water Walk and the Grove near it, called by Pope " Maudlin's learned Grove," are supposed to have been first formed in the reign of Elizabeth. This Grove, with its numerous deer, and picturesque and park-like appearance, the view of which from the north side of the grand Quadrangle has been lately very much improved, adds greatly to the beauty of this fine College. At the entrance of the Water Walk there formerly stood a very large and ancient oak, which fell down in 1789. Of the timber of this tree a very handsome chair was made, which is an article of furniture in the President's Lodgings. queen's college. 39 This College was founded in 1456, by William of "VVayn- flete, Bishop of Winehester,and Lord Chancellor in the reign of Henry VI. for a President, forty Fellows, thirty Demies (Scholars so called on account of their originally being entitled to half-commons only), a Schoolmaster, an Usher, four Chaplains, an Organist, eight Clerks, sixteen Choristers, two Porters, and other servants. Henry VI. in 1456 and 1457, licensed the Hospitallers of St. John the Baptist to surrender their Hospital, with all its manors, lands, and possessions, into the hands of the President and Brethren of Waynflete College. St. John's Hospital extended, in build- ings and grounds, from east-hridge to east-gate, on both sides of the street, its burying ground being on the site of the present Botauic Garden. The number of members on the books is about one hun- dred and seventy. The Livings in the gift of the President and Fellows are numerous and valuable. Visitor— The Bishop of Winchester. From Magdalen College we proceed, under a row of elms, into the High-street, and pass the Angel Inn, which is on the left, or southern side of the street. This large and splendid Inn and Hotel was the residence of Queen Adelaide, when she visited Oxford, in October, 1835. Here her Majesty's Levee and Drawing Room were held ; and here was her numerous suite accommodated. The splendid Coffee Room was her Majesty's Dining Room. Attached to the Inn is an Office for the Worcester and Gloucester mails, and for coaches to all parts of the kingdom. A short distance from this Inn, and on the northern side of the High-street, is C? QUEEN'S COLLEGE. %* The Porter's Lodge of this College is at the further right-hand comer of the first quadrangle, at the narrow entrance opposite to St. Edmund's Hall. This splendid structure is opposite to Univer- sity College. The whole area on which it is built form- ;ui oblong square of three hundred feet in length, and two hundred and twenty in i) 2 40 queen's college. breadth, which is divided, by the Chapel and Hall, into two spacious courts. The foundation- stone of the south court or quadrangle (the front of which produces a striking effect in the View of the High-street) was laid February 6th, 1710, the birth -day of Queen Anne, by Dr. William Lancaster, Provost. It is one hundred and forty feet in length, by one hundred and thirty in breadth, having a lofty cloister, supported by square pillars, on the east, west, and south sides. Over the west cloister are two stories, contain- ing the apartments of the Fellows, the Provost's Lodgings, and a gallery communicating with the Hall and Common Room. In the east are also apartments for the different members of the Society ; and on the north are the Chapel and Hall. The south part presents to the street the lateral fronts of the east and west sides, with their pediments and statues, which are connected by a decorated wall, enriched with a central gateway, or grand entrance, above whose arch rises an open cupola, containing the statue of Queen Caroline, the consort of George II. The north side is occupied by a grand Doric eleva- tion. It consists of a rich central pediment, supported by four lofty columns, with their appropriate entablatures, flanked by the Chapel and Hall, with large windows, finishing in a circle, and pilasters between them. The whole is crowned with a balustrade and an elegant cupola, of the Ionic order. This quadrangle possesses, when viewed from the High-street, a general resemblance to the Palace of the Lux- embourg, in Paris. On the front of it are six figures; the two on pediments are Jupiter and Apollo; the remaining four are subjects which we conceive to be emblematical of Mathematics, Geography, Medicine, and Religion. Hawksmoor is the nominal architect of this QUEEN'S COLLEGE. — HALL. 41 quadrangle; but, from its superiority to his other works, the design has been referred to his great master, Sir Christopher Wren. The interior court, or north quadrangle, is one hundred and thirty feet by ninety. The north, east, and south sides contain apartments for the Society ; and the Library occupies the west. The en- trance to it is through a passage between the Hall and Chapel. Very considerable sums had been given, and bequests made, towards the building of this College ; but, from various causes, they were not found sufficient to complete it. To forward this object, Queen Caroline, who was herself an admirer of learning, gave, in the year 1733, 1000/.; and the east side was chiefly built by the bounty of John Michel, Esq. Early in the morning of December 18th, 1778, a fire broke out in the attic chamber in the staircase No. 2, adjoining to the Provost's Lodgings; and, in a few hours, the west wing of the front quad- rangle was destroyed, the shell only remaining. Towards the repairs of the loss sustained by this destructive fire, Queen Charlotte was pleased to subscribe 1000/. The Society also received voluntary contributions from many distinguished persons, collegiate bodies, and others, towards the reconstruction of this fine building. The Hall is sixty feet Jong and thirty broad, with an arched roof of a proportionate height, and decorated with the Doric order. The chimney-piece is of marble, on which stands a bust of Aristotle, generally said to be a great likeness of Buonaparte. This room is furnished with various portraits, in the windows and on the walls. Among the former are those of Ed- ward III. and his Queen Philippa ; Edward IV. and Henry V.; Sir Joseph Williamson; d 3 42 queen's college. — LIBRARY. Provost Lancaster ; the Founder ; Charles I. and his Queen Henrietta; Charles II. and his Queen Catherine; with various heraldic deco- rations and other devices. On the walls are the portraits of Robert de Eglesfield, the Founder ; Charles I. and his Queen ; Queen Philippa and Queen Anne ; Queen Caroline and Queen Charlotte ; Edward the Black Prince, son of Edward III. ; and Henry V., both by Burnell ; Dr. Lancaster, Dr. Smith, Dr. Halton, and Bishop Barlow, Provosts; John Michel, Esq. second Founder ; Sir Joseph Williamson; Lady Elizabeth Hastings; Addison; Tickell ; Cart- wright, Bishop of Chester; and Gibson, Bishop of London. In the Gallery, at the west end of the Hall, are the portraits of six Queens — Mai'garet, Queen of Scots ; Queen Elizabeth ; Mary, Queen of Scots ; Henrietta Maria, wife of Charles I. ; Catherine, wife of Charles II. ; and Queen Anne ; all of which were given to the College by George Clarke, D.C.L. some time Fellow of All Souls' College, and one of the representatives in Parliament of this Uni- versity. Here are also the portraits of Edward III., Henry V., John Michel, Esq., Dr. Fother- gill, Isaac Fuller, taken by himself, and others. The Library is a large and noble apart- ment; it was completed in 1694. It is 123 feet in length, and 30 in breadth. The bookcases are delicately carved, and the ceiling enriched with compartments in stucco. This fine room is ornamented with a large Orrery, given by six Gentlemen Commoners belonging; to the College, in 1763 ; a cast of the Florentine Boar, in plaster of Paris, presented by Sir Roger Newdigate ; and two ancient portraits on glass of Henry V. and Cardinal Beaufort, presented to the Society by Alderman Fletcher. Over the elegant entrance are the portraits of Dr. QUEEN'S COLLEGE. — CHAPEL. 43 Crakanthorpe and Dr. Lancaster. At the north end are Queen Charlotte and Charles I. The Library contains upwards of 18,000 volumes. The Chapel, the interior of which is of the Corinthian order, is one hundred feet long, and thirty broad. The windows removed from the old Chapel, were all painted by Van Linge, in 1635, and repaired by Price, in 1717, with the exception of four, which are supposed to have been executed three centuries ago, and which still retain much of their original brilliancy. The foundation of this Chapel was laid in 1713-14, and dedicated in 1719. The ceiling is decorated with a painting of the Ascension, by Sir James Thornhill ; and in the middle window is the Holy Family, by Price. Beneath it is a copy by Mengs, of La Notte, The Night, Correggio's celebrated work in the Dresden Gal- lery, which was presented to the Society by the late Mr. Robson, of Bond-street. In the two windows, on the south side of the Chancel, are, The Ascent from the Sepulchre, and The Ascension. In those on the north side, the Resurrection of the Dead and the Last Judg- ment. In the first window of the south side of the Chapel, The Adoration of the Magi; in the second, the Descent of the Holy Ghost; in the third, the representation of a Bishop and two Popes, in their respective robes; in the fourth, on the south, in the Ante-Chapel, the figures of St. John of Beverly ; St. Robert, and St. Anne. In the first window, on the north side of the Chapel, The Last Supper; in the second, The Salutation: in the third, three Bishops; in the fourth, on the north, in the Ante-Chapel, the figures of St. Adhehn, St. Osmund, and St. Lawrence. The massy marble pillars near the altar are finely executed. The reading-desk is supported by a brass eagle of fine wurkman- 44< queen's college. — BUTTERY. ship. It was made by W. Borroghes, in 1662. The screen is elegantly carved, and generally admired. In the Buttery is a very ancient and curious drinking horn, which holds two quarts, said to have been presented to the College by Queen Philippa. It is richly ornamented with silver gilt ; on the lid is a silver eagle of curious workmanship, and it is supported by eagles' claws. On several parts of it is inscribed the word Wacceyl (Wassail, a Saxon phrase for drinking healths.) This horn merits the atten- tion of the antiquary, and it may with propriety be ranked amongst the curiosities of Oxford. In the Gallery is a fine engraving of this curious Cup, by Mr. Skelton, late of this city. This College was founded by Robert de Eglesfield, Con- fessor to Philippa, Queen of Edward III. from whom it is called Queen's College. The Queens of this Kingdom are considered to be the patronesses of the College. The Charter to constitute it a Collegiate Hall, was obtained from Edward III. January 18th, 1340. A curious circumstance is combined with the name of Eglesfield, which continues to form a ceremonial observed by the College. On New Year's Day the Bursar presents each member with a needle and thread, addressing him at the same time in these terms : " Take this and be thrifty." This custom is supposed to have been derived from the words aiguille et fil, needle and thread, in a fanciful allusion to the name of the Founder. The members of this College have been, from the days of the Founder to the present time, called to their dinner by the sound of a trumpet; and a boar's head, decorated with Christmas ornaments, is, on every Christmas Day, carried in procession into the Hall, accompanied with an ancient song. The traditional origin of this custom is as follows : a member of this College, walking in Shotover forest, near Oxford, and reading Aristotle, was suddenly attacked by a wild boar, which ran at him open mouthed. Not at all alarmed, the youth, with great logical composure, thrust the volume into his throat, cried out Grcecum est, and fairly choked the infu- riate animal. The custom of serving up a boar's head at the tables of the great, with much ceremony, was formerly very general on Christmas Day. This College is indebted, for what is called the New Foundation, to John Michel, Esq. of Richmond, Surrey, who, at his death, in J 739, bequeathed upwards of £500 per ST. PETER IN THE EAST CHURCH. 45 annum, for ei A Roman Emperor 6 Cicero in the proper habit 7 A Grecian Lady ■17 8 A Column from the Tem- ple of Apollo at Delphos, 28 with an Apollo placed at 29 the top 30 :> 15 A Statue of a Woman Ifl A Venus 36 17 A Roman Altar 37 18 A Statue of Clio sitting iy A Roman Altar 38 20 Statue of a voung Dacian :;'. 2] V Roman Altai 40 •22 Antinoiis II G •1 A Grecian Lady Jupiter and Leda An antique Capital A circular Pedestal, finely ornamented with heads and festoons of fruit Scipio Africanus, or De- mosthenes A Woman, clothed A trunk of a Woman A Boy with his finger in his mouth Jupiter sitting A Woman The trunk of a Woman Germanicus's Tomb Two Capitals with beasts' heads An Egyptian Chair A Stone carved with a claw at the end A Roman Consul V Woman Flora Hercules 76 THE POM FRET STATUES. 42 Diana 43 A Hymen leaning; on his torch -14 A Venus 45 A circular Altar 46 Melpomene sitting 47 A Roman Altar 48 A Grecian Lady 49 A Roman Altar 50 Camilla f>l A Grecian Philosopher 52 A Roman Altar 53 Caius Marius 54 A Bacchus 55 A Roman Altar 56 Julia 57 A Roman Fathom 58 A Sphynx 59 A Sphynx 60 A Sacrifice 61 A Basso-relievo of a Da- cian Sacrifice 62 A part of a Sacrifice 63 Naked trunk of an Her- maphrodite 64 Basso relievo 65 Basso-relievo of a Shep- herd 66 A Bacchanalian 67 A Woman's Head 68 A trunk of a Man 69 A trunk of a Woman 70 A Consular trunk 71 Trunk of a Woman 72 Bust of a Roman 73 The Head of a Man 74 A trunk of Venus 75 An old Man's Head 76 A Man's Head 77 Part of a Head and Neck 78 An old Man's Head 79 Statue of a young Satyr 80 A trunk of a Man 81 Beasts devouring Men 82 A trunk of a Woman S3 Part of a Man's Foot 84 A naked trunk of a Man 85 Part of two Masks 86 A Lion 87 An alabaster Urn S8 A Sarcophagus 89 Statue of Judith 90 A Statue of Hercules choking a Lion 91 Sarcophagus, with Boys 92 A Sea Lion 93 Dogs and a Boar 94 A sleeping Cupid 95 A Sarcophagus 96 A Basso-relievo, Roman Repast 97 A trunk of a Woman 98 Soldiers fighting 99 Soldiers fighting 100 A trunk of a Young Man 101 Triumph of Amphitryon 102 A trunk of a Woman 103 The taking of Troy 104 Boys embracing 105 The Herculean Games 106 Boys 107 A Woman and a Child 108 Roman Monument, with three busts J 09 Part of a Roman Monu ment 110 Ditto 111 Bust of a Roman Head 112 Ditto 113 A Roman Bust 114 A Bust of Fauna 115 Ditto of Fauuus 116 Bust of a young Man 117 A Bust of Diana 118 A Bust of a Grecian 1 19 A Bust of a Woman 120 Ditto of a Philosopher 121 Philosophy, a Bust 122 A Bust of Niobe 123 Bust of one of Niobe's Sons 124 A Bust of Venus de Me- dicis 125 Ditto of a Woman 126 A Bust, clothed 127 Ditto 128 Ditto 129 Ditto 130 A Bust, naked 131 Bust of an old Man 132 A Bust of a Roman 133 Bust of Henry VIII. (modern) 134 Do. (modern) of Hob. C. Pal. Rhen. D. Bav. 1637 135 Colossal Head of Apollo THE THEATRE. 77 Opposite the gateway of five Orders is the entrance to the DIVINITY SCHOOL. This fine room was completed in 14S0 : it dis- plays an example of rich Gothic masonry that has few rivals. Sir Christopher Wren was em- ployed, in the beginning of the last century, to repair and restore its splendid stone roof; and he executed the work with that skill and judg- ment which distinguished all his undertakings. In this School are still performed the exercises for the degrees of Bachelor and Doctor of Divi- nity. It is divided by a carved railing into two parts, in the upper of which is an elevated pulpit for the Professor, desks for disputants, &c. The lower part is appointed for the audience. Oppo- site the Divinity School stands G> THE THEATRE. This fine edifice, which is one of the principal ornaments of Oxford, was designed and com- pleted in five years, by Sir Christopher Wren. The first stone of it was laid in 1664, and the whole expense of building and fitting it up was defrayed by Archbishop Sheldon, amounting to nearly 15,000/. He added 2000Z. to be laid out in estates, for its support and repair ; and, a few years since, the late Dr. Wills, Warden of Wadham College, left 1000/. for the same purpose. The ground plan of this Theatre was taken from that of Marcellus, at Rome; and, by a consummate contrivance and geometrical ar- rangement, it is made to receive, with conveni- ence, upwards of three thousand persons. Its interior is SO feet by 70. The roof rests upon the side walls, without cross beams, an inven- tion which at first engrossed universal attention, 78 THE THEATRE. but is now known to every architect. In con- sequence of the roof being in danger of falling, a new one was substituted in 1802. In imita- tion of the ancient theatres, the walls of which were too widely expanded to admit of a roof, the ceiling has the appearance of a painted can- vass strained over gilt cordage. It was painted by Streater, sergeant-painter to Charles II. Several of the compartments are happily con- ceived ; the outline of many of the figures is elegant and correct, and the colouring at once solid and lively. The following is a description of the Painting, taken from Plot's Oxford- shire : — The great reddish drapery is furled up by the Genii, and, by discovering the open air, makes way for the descent of the Arts and Sciences, that are congregated in a circle of clouds, to whose assembly Truth descends as if solicited by them all. For joy of this festival some other Genii sport above the clouds, with their garlands of flowers and laurels for the lovers and students of the Arts and Sciences, whilst their enemies, Envy, Rapine, and Ignorance, are thrown headlong from the clouds. This is proclaimed by other Genii, who, sounding their trumpets, divide themselves into the several quarters of the world. Over the front entrance are the three figures tumbling down; first Envy with her snaky hairs, squint eyes, hag's breast, pale, venomous com- plexion, strong but ugly limbs, and shrivelled skin, driven down by the sight of the Gorgon's head on Pallas's shield, against which she in vain opposes her snaky tresses ; he fall is so precipitous, that she has no command of her arms. Then Rapine, with her fiery eyes and grinning teeth, her hands imbrued in blood, holding a bloody dagger in one hand, in the other a burning torch, threatening the destruc- tion of Learning and its habitations ; but she is overcome by the Herculean Genius of Power and Bravery. Next is represented brutish, scoffing Ignorance, endeavouring to contemn and vilify what she does not understand ; but she is charmed and overcome by the Mercurial Genius, Pru- dence, with the Caduceus. In the midst of the squares and triangles is Truth, sitting on a cloud ; in one hand holding the palm-branch, the emblem of Victory ; in the other the Sun, whose resplendent brightness enlivens the whole circle of figures ; among which the principal is Theology, with her book of seven seals, imploring the assistance of Truth for the unfolding of it. On her left hand is the Mosaical Law, veiled, with the tables of stone, to which she points with THE THEATRE. 79 her iron wand. On her right hand is the Gospel, with the cross in one hand, and the sacramental cup in the other. In the same division, over the Mosaical Law, is History, holding up her pen as dedicating it to Truth, and an attend- ing Genius, with several fragments of old writing, from which she collects her history into her books. On the other side, near the Gospel, is Divine Poesy, with her harp of David's fashion. In the triangle on the right hand of the Gospel is Logic, in an attitude of arguing ; on the left of the Mosaical Law is Music, with her lyre, having a pen in her hand, and a paper of musical notes on her knee, with a Genius on her right hand, a little within the partition of Theology, playing on a flute. On the left, but within the partition of Physic, is Dramatic Poesy, with a mask repre- senting Comedy, a bloody dagger for Tragedy, and the reed pipe f«>r Pastoral. In the square on the right side of the circle is Law, with her sceptre, with records, patents and evidences on the one side, on the other Rhetoric ; by these is an attending Genius, with the scales of Justice, a figure with a palm-branch, the emblem of reward for virtuous actions, and the Roman Fasces, the marks of power and punishment. Printing, with a case of letters in one hand, and a form ready for printing in the other, and, by her, several sheets already printed, hanging to dry.— On the left side of the circle, opposite to Law, is Physic, holding the Esculapian staff, round which aserpentis entwined; Botany imploring the assistance of Truth; Chemistry, with a retort in her hands ; Surgery, on the point of finishing the dissec- tion of a Head, held before her by one of the Genii. On theother side of the circle, opposite to Theology, are the Mathe- matical Sciences, in three squares. In the first are Astro- nomy, with the celestial globe; Geography, with the terrestrial, and three attending Genii, having Arithmetic in the square on one hand, with a paper of figures ; Optics, with the perspective glass ; Geometry, with a pair of com- passes in her left, and a table with geometrical figures in her right hand. In the other square, Architecture em- bracing the capital of a column, with the compasses and a square lying by her; a workman holding another square in one hand, and a plumb-line in the other. In this superb room are the portraits ot Archbishop Sheldon, the Founder: George IV. in the robes of" the Order of the Garter, by Sir Thomas Lawrence, presented to the University by his Majesty, and first placed here in June, 1820 ; the late Emperor or Russia and the Kino of Prussia, by Gerard, of Paris, given to the- University by those Sovereigns ; James, Duke of $0 THE THEATRE. Ormond, Chancellor of the University in the reign of Charles II. ; Sir Christopher Wren, and Lord Crewe. The statues of Sheldon and Ormond, on the outside, were executed by Sir Henry Cheere. This Theatre is used for Lord Crewe's An- nual Commemoration of Benefactors ; the reci- tation of Prize Compositions ; and the occa- sional ceremony of conferring degrees on dis- tinguished personages. When filled, it is par- ticularly striking and splendid. The Vice- Chancellor, Noblemen, Professors, Doctors, and Proctors, sit in their robes, in the northern or semi-circular part of the Theatre, on elevated seats ; in the area are Masters of Arts, and strangers ; the Bachelors and Undergraduates sit in the upper galleries, and the ladies in the galleries below. Never did this Theatre appear to more ad- vantage than in the memorable year 1814, when degrees were presented to Alexander, Emperor of Russia, the King of Prussia, Prince Metter- nich, Count Lieven, Prince Blucher, &c. At that august ceremony, George the Fourth, then Prince Regent, and the two other Sovereigns, were seated on superb chairs of crimson velvet, enriched with gold ; their feet resting upon footstools of the same. The chair of the Prince Regent was mounted with a plume of golden feathers. A little below sat the Chancellor, Lord Grenville, in his robes of black and gold ; even with the Chancellor, on the right, sat the late Duchess of Oldenburgh. The platform on which the five seats were placed was covered with crimson velvet. The numerous party of Princes, Noblemen, and Gentlemen, who ac- companied the royal visitors to Oxford, were in their full court dresses, or regimentals ; and the Ladies in the galleries were all dressed in the THE THEATRE. 81 most superb manner. Eight congratulatory addresses were recited by Noblemen and Gentle- men of the University ; and a most eloquent and appropriate Latin Oration was delivered from the rostrum, by the late veteran Public Orator, Mr. Crowe, which was honoured with the marked and particular attention of the Prince Regent. The chairs of the Sovereigns are still preserved in the Theatre, and shewn to strangers. On the 8th of November, 1S32, her pre- sent Majesty, accompanied by the Duchess of Kent and suite, visited this room, and it was honoured with another royal visit on the 19th of October, 1835. Queen Adelaide, accom- panied by her sister, the Duchess of Saxe Weimar, the Duchess's son, Prince Edward of Saxe Weimar, Prince George of Cambridge, and Prince Ernest of Hesse Philippsthal Barch- feld, was on that day received in the Theatre, by the Chancellor, (the Duke of Wellington,) who presented an Address to her Majesty, to which the Queen returned a most gracious answer. Her Majesty and suite remained in Oxford three days, and visited all the principal Colleges and acade- mical buildings, and expressed herself to have been highly delighted with her reception, and much gratified by all she had seen in " this great and ancient seminary of learning." In 1826 the interior of this room was deco- rated with new gilding, painting, and other orna- ments, and the allegorical picture on the ceiling, the colours and canvass of which had been greatly damaged by time, was repaired, cleaned, and restored to almost its original freshness and beauty. In 1838 a new Cupola, of an octagonal shape, with a vase at each angle, and a window in each compartment, was constructed on the roof by Mr. Gardiner, from the design of that eminent architect, Edward Blorc, Esq. which 82 THE CLARENDON. greatly relieves its heavy appearance ; at the same time, vases of an elegant and classical shape, eighteen in number, were added to each pedestal of the balustrade or outer walls of the building. THE CLARENDON Is very near the Theatre. Ovei> the south en- trance is a good statue of the Founder, the Earl of Clarendon ; the top is decorated with the statues of the nine Muses. In consequence of the erection of a new University Printing Office, which is described in its proper place, printing is now entirely discontinued in this building, and the apartments are used for meetings of the Heads of Colleges and Halls, and Delegates of the Press, and by the Professors of Geology and Astronomy, the Registrar of the University, &c. The University printing was first carried on in a large room at the top of the Theatre, the under part of which is still used as a ware- house for books printed at the University office. In 1711, the profits arising from the sale of Lord Clarendon's History of the Rebellion, the copyright of which had been given to the Uni- versity by his son, enabled it to erect the struc- ture which bears his name ; Vanbrugh was the architect. On descending the flight of steps on the northern entrance, we are in " Broad-street" ; turning to the right, we soon arrive in " New College lane," which leads directly to c3= NEW COLLEGE. *** The Porter's Lodge is at the entrance on the left. This College, according to the original plan, was completed at the sole expense of the Founder, and consisted of the principal Quad- rangle (which includes the Chapel, Hall, and NEW COLLEGE. 83 Library), the Cloisters, the Tower, and the Gardens. A third story was added to the ori- ginal building about the end of the sixteenth century; but the present uniformity of the win- dows was not completed till the year 1675. The quadrangle, the entrance to which is by a portal beneath a part of the Warden's residence, is about one hundred and sixty-eight feet in length, and one hundred and twenty-nine feet in breadth. The Chapel and Hall occupy the north side ; the Library stretches along the east ; and on the south and west are the Warden's and Fellows' Lodgings. The middle gate leads from the quadrangle to the garden court, which appears to have been built in imitation of Versailles, without the colonnade; or, perhaps, as some have thought, of the palace built by Sir Chris- topher Wren, at Winchester, but with the addi- tion of battlements ; for which heterogeneous addition, a correspondence with the City walls and the old quadrangle, is suggested as an ex- cuse. This court widens by triple breaks as the garden is approached, from which it is separated by an extensive iron palisade, of one hundred and thirty feet in length. The first stone of this part of the College was laid by Warden Beeston, February 13th, 16S2 ; and the whole finished in 1681. The spectator is recommended to take a view of the buildings from the garden gate, as they are there seen to the greatest advantage; indeed, this view seems to have been a favourite object of the architect. The garden has lately been very much improved ; it is now a most delightful retirement, interspersed with majestic trees and beautiful flowers and shrubs; and pre- sents striking views of the ancient and splendid buildings in its vicinity. In the south-east part is a spacious bowling-green, now occasionally used lor the practice of archery, decorated 84- NEW COLLEGE. HALL. with beds of flowers. Here grew a row of curiously-intertwined sycamore trees, which much amused many of the strangers who visited this charming spot : but they have recently been cut down, whereby this part of the garden is rendered more open and picturesque, and shows the old City wall, which very ancient and curious boundary is still in perfect repair. The bowling-green is terminated by an Ionic temple, the columns of which, as well as the iron palisade before mentioned, are said to have been brought from Canons, the once splendid and celebrated seat of the Duke of Chandos, near Edgeware, in Middlesex. The Hall is seventy-eight feet in length, thirty-five feet in breadth, and was forty feet in height before the modern ceiling diminished its original and more beautiful proportions. Its first considerable alterations took place during the Wardenship of Dr. London, when the pre- sent wainscot, which is in many places curiously carved, was introduced, though, as traditionally reported, at the expense of Archbishop Ware- ham. The windows are decorated with the arms and devices of the Founder and various bene- factors, as well as of eminent men who have received their education in the College. Over the screen is a picture of the Shepherds coming to Christ after his Nativity, of the Caracci school. It was presented to the College by Pleydell Bouverie, Earl of Radnor, and was then placed over the altar in the Chapel ; but when the alterations in that building took place, it was transferred to the situation it now occu- pies. On the wainscot, at the upper end, are the arms of the Founder, empaled in those of the See of Winchester, &c. and of several other distinguished persons, with a compartment, in which are carved the emblems of the Crucifixion. NEW COLLEGE. — CHAPEL. 85 Near these arms, in the centre, is the portrait of the Founder, supported by those of Arch- bishop Chichele, who had been a Fellow of this Society in the time of Wykeham, and was after- wards Founder of All Souls' College ; and William Waynflete, Master of Winchester Col- lege, successively Master and Provost of Eton College, and at length Bishop of Winchester, and Founder of Magdalen College. There are also the portraits of Lake and Kenn, both Bishops of Bath and Wells ; of Bisse, Bishop of Hereford ; of the celebrated Dr. Lowth, Bishop of London ; and of Trimnell, Bishop of Win- chester, which was left to the Society by the late Isaac Hawkins Browne, Esq. M.P. The portrait of Bishop Lake, at the upper end of this refectory, on the left, is much admired. Recently have been added, portraits of Dr. Huntingford, Bishop of Hereford, and Warden of Winchester College ; Dr. Bathurst, Bishop of Norwich; and Dr. Howiey, Archbishop of Canterbury. In this room is a handsome chair, presented to this Society by Mr. Scott, made from wood which grew at Port Jackson, near Botany Bay, New South Wales. The Library, which is on the east side of the quadrangle, consists of two rooms, which are seventy feet long and twenty-two broad ; the interior of the upper part was, a few years ago, fitted up by Wyatt. The CbAPEL, which traditionary history represents as originally possessing the utmost splendour and magnificence, still retains the first place among the sacred edifices of the Univer- sity. In its primary state it may be supposed to have remained till the Reformation disrobed it of the sumptuous furniture, and despoiled it of the costlv decorations with which popish super- stition had enriched and adorned it. In 1636, n 86 NEW COLLEGE. — CHAPEL. a screen curiously painted and gilt, was erected, over which was placed an organ, by Dolham (since improved by Green and Byfield), and represented by Wood as the best instrument of that kind in England in his day ; the floor was also paved with black and white marble. It ap- pears, that, in 1550, the high altar displayed a range of niches, which were filled up with stone and mortar when the images that had occupied them were taken away ; it was then covered with plaster, on the removal of which, in 1695, some broken statues were discovered, and the whole refitted with various ornamental work in wood, gilding, and painting. In nearly this state the Chapel remained till 1789, when the decay of the roof induced the Society to order a complete repair of the structure. The old wall at the east end was once more discovered, with some remains of its beautiful niches and fret-work. They were altogether removed, and the wall restored, under the direction of Mr. Wyatt, to as near a resemblance of its original appearance as his genius and taste could con- jecture. It consists of fifty niches, disposed in four ranges over the whole east end of the Chapel, ornamented with canopies, pinnacles, and tracery of the richest Gothic character. The Chapel was newly-roofed, the seats deco- rated with canopies, and the organ-loft raised over the entrance in a style to correspond with the altar. Over the communion table, in the wall below the niches, are five compartments of marble sculpture, in alto-relievo, by Mr. West- macott, representing the Salutation of the Vir- gin Mary, the Nativity of Christ, the Descent from the Cross, the Resurrection, and the As- cension. This sculpture attracts attention by the beauty of the workmanship : the delicate and rich drapery of the figures is greatly ad- NEW COLLEGE. — CHAPEL. S7 mired. The altar table is composed of dove- coloured marble. The painted windows arc of four sorts : — First, the windows of the Ante- Chapel, which, the great one excepted, are generally supposed to be as old as the Chapel itself, contain the portraits of Patriarchs, Pro- phets, Saints, Martyrs, &c. : — Secondly the windows on the south side of the Chapel, which were originally Flemish, done, as it is reported, from designs given by some of Rubens' scholar.-, and were purchased by the Society, of William Price, who repaired them in 1740; these also contain the figures of Saints, &c. : — Thirdly, the windows on the north side, done by Mr. Peckitt, of York, in 1765 and 1774; the three nearest the screen contain, in the lower range, the chief persons recorded in the Old Testa- ment, from Adam to Moses; in the upper, twelve of the Prophets : Mr. Rebecca gave the designs. The two other windows display the figures of our Saviour, the Virgin Mary, and the twelve Apostles. The window near the altar, on the north side, which was left unfinished, has lately been completed by Mr. Eggington, of Birmingham. The great west window consists of seven compartments in the lower range, each of them being about three feet wide, and twelve feet high. They contain seven allegorical figures, representing the four Cardinal and three Christian Virtues : viz. Temperance, pouring water from a large to a smaller vessel : the bridle, her attribute, at her feet. Fortitude, in armour; her hand resting on a column, broken yet upright. A lion couches below her. Faith, -Landing firmly, bearing a cross ; her eyes and hand raised up to heaven. Charity, with her appropriate attributes. Hope, eagerly looking and springing towards heaven ; near her is her attribute, the anchor. Justice, in her left hand ii 2 88 NEW COLLEGE. — CHAPEL. the steelyard ; her right supports the sword. Prudence, viewing, as in a mirror, the actions of others, thereby to regulate her own ; upon her right arm an arrow joined with a remora, a fish which fixes itself at the bottom of ships and retards their motion. These are the respective emblems of swiftness and slowness, Prudence being a medium between them. Above these, in a space ten feet wide and eighteen high, is represented the Nativity of Christ, a composi- tion of thirteen human figures, and several quadrupeds : 1. The Virgin, her attention fixed on the Child. 2. A group of angels; the least of them is remarkable for the beauty of the face. 3. A company of shepherds. 4. St. Joseph, looking to the spectators, and pointing to the Child, as to the promised seed. 5. In the clouds above, an angel contemplating the mystery of the cross ; near him is a scroll, on which is written the original Greek of " Mysteries which the angels themselves desire to look into.'" In this composition the painter has taken for his light that which is supposed to proceed from the body of the infant. The other parts consist of groups of shepherds and others, who are ap- proaching to pay their devotions to the Saviour of the world. Amongst these, in the compart- ment to the south, are the portraits of the artists, Sir Joshua Reynolds, and Mr, Jervais. For this window, which was begun about the year 1777, finished cartoons were furnished by Sir Joshua Reynolds, and these were copied by Mr. Jervais. The genius of the architect has here assisted that of the painter, by contriving such an arrangement of the pipes of the organ as to produce on the latter a kind of transparent effect, by which the picture may be seen with a peculiar advantage from the altar. Among the many curious objects in this Chapel, is the cro- NEW COLLEGE. — CLOISTERS. S9 sier or pastoral staff of Wykeham, of costly ma- terials and beautiful workmanship. It is nearly seven feet high, of silver gilt, embellished with Gothic ornaments, and containing in the crook the figure of the Bishop himself, in a kneeling posture. Some of the ornaments of his mitre, which are of gold and precious stones, with his irloves, ring, &c. are preserved in the muni- ment room. Many eminent men, and several Wardens of this College, are interred in the Ante-Chapel, as their monuments in brass and stone testify, some of which have been removed from the inner Chapel ; but most of the mem- bers are buried in the cloisters. The choir is 100 feet long, 35 feet broad, and 65 feet high. The Ante-Chapel is 80 feet in length. The Cloisters form the earliest example of such a collegiate appertenance in this Univer- sity, and, indeed, the only one, except that of Magdalen College. They inclose an area ol 130 feet in length and 8.3 in breadth; and were consecrated, with the area, as a burial place for the College, October 19th, 14-00. During the time that they were made a depot of the King's warlike stores, in 164-3, many of the monumen- tal inscriptions, especially such as were engraved on brass plates, were sacrilegiously conveyed away. In 1802, the monuments were carefully repaired, and the place has since been preserved with a care suited to the solemn purposes to which il is devoted. This fine College was founded by William of Wykeham, Bishop "I" Winchester, and r>> ir< i lli^'h Chancellor of England, one of the most illustrious men of liis age and country ; ol »reat abilities, unblemished integrity, solid piety, and splen- did munificence. The foundation stone was laid in 1379-80, ,.nir 70 Fellows and Scholars, elected from Win ii S <50 MAGDALEN HALL. Chester College, 10 Chaplains, an Organist, three Clerks, and 16 Choristers. The Founder's kindred are actual Fellows on their first admission ; the others are Scholars till the expiration of two years. The number of members on the books is about 150. Visitor — The Bishop of Winchester. To continue our walk, we return to the top of New College Lane ; on the left is ST. MARY MAGDALEN HALL. *„* The Porter's Lodge is in New College Lane. This Hall has been transferred by Act of Parliament from its original site to the place lately occupied by Hertford College.* The front consists of two similar wings united by a low wall ; the one nearest to the Library of All Souls' College forms the Principal's house. This and the buildings on the north-east, in- cluding the Library, are new, and were built by Mr. Evans. The old Refectory and Chapel have been repaired ; also the adjoining apartments, including the old lodgings of the Principals of Hertford, which now form commodious rooms for the new Society. The first stone of the new buildings was laid on the 4th of May, 1820, and the Society took possession of the new Hall in June, 1822. This Society has in its gift the Rectory of South Moreton, Berks, now held by the late Vice-Principal, and has been endowed with several exhibitions. Four were founded by * Hertford College, formerly Hart Hall, obtained a charter of incorporation in 1740, through the exertions of its Princi- pal, Dr. Newton, who in part rebuilt it, and endowed it out of his estate. He continued in that office after it was con- verted into a College. He framed such a body of statute* lor its government as had the effect, though unintentionally, of preventing any one accepting the office of Principal, after the death of Dr. Hodgson, in 1805. The celebrated senator, Jlr. Fox, received his education in this College, under the tuition of Dr. Newcome, afterwards Primate of Ireland. WADHAM COLLEGE. 91 the Rev. Dr. Lucy, ten by Mr. J. Meek, one by Dr. Thomas White, and three by Dr. Brunsel, who had all been educated there : it has also three valuable Scholarships, tenable for three years, founded on the benefaction of the late Mr. Henry Lusby, of Stratford, Essex, open to all Undergraduate Members of the University, who shall not be of less than four, nor more than eight terms standing. The first election took place in Lent Term, 1 833. In the dining Hall is an ancient portrait of one of the most eminent of its former members, the Martyr Tyndale, the first translator of the New Testa- ment into English. The number of members on the books is generally upwards of 180. Visitor— The Chancellor of the Uuiversity. Turning on the right, after leaving Magdalen Hall, we pass the large and very excellent Inn, the King's Arms, and reach WADHAM COLLEGE. *„* Porter's Lodge, left hand of the gateway entering the Quadrangle. The entrance to the spacious Quadrangle, of 130 feet square, is through a gateway, with a tower rising above it. The Hall and Chapel are on the east side, in the centre of which, and forming the entrance to the Hall, is a portico, enriched by the statue of King James I. in his robes, with the royal arms over it ; that of Nicholas Wadham, in armour, holding in his right hand the model of the College ; and on the left is the figure of Dorothy, his wife. Be- tween Wadham and his lady is placed a tablet with a Latin inscription, recording the date of the foundation, and various particulars concern- ing it. In 1694, a building, which consists of 92 WADHAM COLLEGE. COMMON ROOM. three stories, was erected on the south side of the front of the College, as an addition to the collegiate apartments. The Hall, lately much improved by a lofty raftered roof and painted glass in the windows, is 82 feet in length from wall to wall, 37 in height, and 3o in breadth ; it contains the por- traits of Nicholas and Dorothy Wadham ; Sir John Strangeways ; John Goodridge ; Lord Lovelace; Lord Camden ; Admiral Blake; Sir C. Wren ; Dr. Wilkins; Creech, the translator of Lucretius; Lord Wyndham ; Spratt, Bishop of Rochester ; Trapp, Professor of Poetry ; J. Harris, Esq. the author of Hermes, Philological Inquiries, &c. ; Arthur Onslow, Esq. Speaker of the House of Commons; William III.; George I. ; Dr. Bisse ; Dr. Hody, Regius Pro- fessor of Greek; Wright, Bishop of Bristol; Smith, Bishop of Chester ; Blandford, Bishop of Worcester ; Ironside, Bishop of Hereford ; Dunster; Baker, Bishop of Norwich ; Lisle, Bishop of Norwich; Dr. Wills, Warden, by Hoppner; Dr. Parsons, Bishop of Peter- borough ; Dr. Tournay, the late Warden ; and Dr. Symons, the present Warden, by Pickers- gill ; Dr. Lushington ; and Lord Wynford. In the great window, at the upper end, are two small portraits of Charles 1. and his Queen. In the Common Room, which is situated be- tween the Chapel and the Hall, is a portrait of Dr. Wilkins, Bishop of Chester, who founded the Royal Society,* and another of Alice George, * The Philosophical Meetings which preceded the insti- tution of the Royal Society were held in this College, in a large room over the gateway, from 1652 till 1659, when Dr. Wilkins was made Master of Trinity College, Cambridge. Dr. Wilkins was appointed Warden of Wadham in 1648, In 1656 he married the widow of Dr. French, and sister of Oliver Cromwell, for which marriage he obtained a dispen- sation from the Protector, it being contrary to the statutes of WADHAM COLLEGE. — CHAPEL. 93 commonly called Mother George, whom An- thony Wood describes as " a very ancient dame, livino- in Black Boy Lane, which leads from the north end of St. Giles's to Rats and Mice Hill. The perfect use of all her faculties at the age of 120 years, occasioned a great resort of company to her house. It was her custom to thread a very fine needle without the help of spectacles, and to present it to her guests, who, in return, gave her some small gratuity towards her sup- port. In the latter end of her life she removed into St. Peter's-le-Bailey, and died by an acci- dental fall, which injured her back." There is also a fine painting of Christ Healing the Sick at the pool of Bethesda, by Dirk VanDelen (1647), given to the Society by the Warden ( Dr. Symons). The Library is a spacious room, 55 feet by 30, with narrow Gothic windows, except the large one at the upper end, which contains small portraits of the Founder and Foundress. The Chapel is spacious and well-propor- tioned, with a noble Ante-Chapel, at right angles with the choir. The fine east window, which is the work of Bernard Van Linge, was presented to the College by Sir John Strangeways. It presents, in the upper compartments, the prin- cipal types in the Old Testament, relating to our Saviour; and in the lower ones, the most remarkable circumstances of his history, as re- corded in the New Testament. In the five windows on the north side are representations of the Prophets, and in those of the south, of our Saviour and his Apostles. In the chancel, on the north side, is a handsome marble monu- ment to the memory of Sir John Portman, Bart. who died in 1 62 1 . Here is a very well-executed the College that a Warden should marry. An Act of Par- liament has been since obtained to allow all future Wardens to marry. 94 WADHAM COLLEGE. — GARDEN. large brass eagle, given by Sir Thomas Lear, Bart, of Lindridge, in Devonshire in 1691. In the Ante-Chapel are monuments to the me- mory of Mr. Upton, Mr. Farmer, Mr. French, Mr. Harris, Mr. Bishop, and Mr. Drake, mem- bers of this Society ; and also of the late War- dens, Dr. Wills and Dr. Tournay. In 1832, and the following year, this Chapel was repaired at considerable expense. It was newly roofed, to which was added an appropriate ornamental Gothic ceiling. A splendidly-wrought stone screen was erected at the altar end, in accord- ance with the general character of the Chapel, and the stalls were completely renovated ; the whole from the designs and under the direction of Mr. Blore. In 1838, the Ante-Chapel was enriched with two splendid windows of stained glass, by Mr. David Evans, of Shrewsbury, from designs by Mr. John Bridges, of Oxford. The figures are — King David, King Solomon, the Prophet Elijah, St. John the Baptist, St. Mark, and St. Luke. These figures are sur- mounted by canopies of exquisite delicacy of ornament, and stand on pedestals, on the front of which are the armorial bearings of Bishops of Bath and Wells, Visitors of this College. Still more recently two additional windows of painted glass, by the same artists, have been placed in the Ante-Chapel: the figures are — Abraham, Moses, Aaron, Joshua, Gideon, and Samuel. These figures are also surmounted with canopies, under which are various armo- rial bearings. The Garden is very tastefully disposed, and the north side of the Chapel, and the adjoining parts of the College, may be viewed from it w^ith advantage. Nicholas Wadham, Esq. of Edge and Merefield, in Somer- THE ASHMOLEAN MUSEUM. 95 setshire, designed the foundation of this College, but did not live to carry his purpose into execution. Just as he had matured his plan he died, and bequeathed the management of it to his wife Dorothy, the daughter of Sir William Petre, Secretary of State. This lady, assisted by trustees, com- pleted the necessary purchases, buildings, and endowment. The site of this College, formerly the magnificent Priory of Austin Friars, was, in 1587, sold by the proprietor, William Frere, Esq. to the City of Oxford, for £450. In 1610 it was conveyed to Mrs. Wadham for £600, by which sale the City was relieved from a fair or fairs, held before the public gate of the Priory, and was allowed the first nomination of one ' Fellow and two Scholars of the new College. In 1613 this College was founded for a Warden, 15 Fellows, 15 Scholars, two Chaplains, and two Clerks. The Fellows are superan- nuated, and resign their Fellowships on the completion of eighteen \ears from the expiration of their regency. Dr. Wills, Warden, who died in 1806, was a most munificent benefactor to this College. He left £400 a year to the Wardenship; £1000 to improve the Warden's Lodgings; t'100 a year for a Law Exhibition to a Fellow; £20 per an- num for a Law Exhibition to a Scholar; £100 annually for a Medical Exhibition to a Fellow ; £20 a year for a Medical Exhibition to a Scholar; thirty guineas annually to a Divi- nity Lecturer and Preacher; £75 per annum to one superan- nuated Fellow, and £50 a year to a second; and appointed the College his residuary Legatee. The number of members on the books is upwards of 240. Visitor— The Bishop of Bath and Wells. Beyond Wadham College are the fine, open, healthy Walks, called the Parks, which are kept in repair at the expense of the University. Not far from the King's Arms Inn, in Holy- well-street, is the Music Room, a handsome, commodious edifice, where Concerts are often performed during Term. They are under the direction of Stewards from different Colleges. After viewing Wadham College, we return to Broad-street, pass by the fine building called the Clarendon, and the curious old Heads of the Caesars, and arrive at CT THE ASHMOLEAN MUSEUM. This was the first public institution tor the reception of rarities in art or nature established 96 THE ASHMOLEAN MUSEUM. in England, and in the infancy of the study of natural history in this country, possessed what was then considered a valuable and superior collection. The building, which is the work of Sir Christopher Wren, is admirable for its just architectural proportions. Its situation, indeed, is unfavourable, and its portico is almost ob- scured in the narrow passage made by the Theatre. In 1677, Elias Ashmole made a proposal to the University to bestow on it the valuable col- lection formed by the Tradescants, father and son, two eminent gardeners and botanists at Lambeth, which he had enlarged by coins, me- dals, and manuscripts, collected by himself, if that body would engage to erect a building for its reception. The University willingly assented to this proposition, and in 1682 the requisite building was completed. After his death the Museum was enlarged by the addition of his valuable antiquarian library, and has been aug- mented by Martin Lister's collection of ores, fossils, &c. ; the manuscripts of John Aubrey, Sir William Dugdale, and Anthony Wood ; the collections in natural history of Dr. Plot and Edward Llwyd, the first two Keepers of the Museum, and of Mr. Borlase, the historian of Cornwall ; the curiosities of the South Sea Islands, given by Mr. Reinhold Forster; and the dresses and various instruments of the Esqui- maux Indians, all of which are curious speci- mens of their ingenuity. They were presented to the Museum by Captains Lyon and Beechey, Sir Thomas Phillipps, and Lieutenant Harding. Here is also a great portion of the Barrow An- tiquities, described in the Nenia Britannica, presented in 1829, by Sir Richard Colt Hoare, Bart. Dr. Rawlinson assisted the endowment. by bequeathing a salary for the Keeper, pro THE ASH MOLE AN MUSEUM, 97 vided that he be a layman, of the degree of M.A. or B.C. L. unmarried, and neither F.R.S. nor F.S.A. The skins of animals collected by the Trades- cants had fallen into decay. Cabinets fitted for the display and arrangement of bones and shells, and other curiosities, less liable to injury from time, were wholly wanting ; and the apartments had, in the course of a century, become much dilapidated, when a new and ardent spirit, ex- cited in no small degree by the popularity of Paley's work on Natural Theology, and by the physiological lectures of Professors Kidd and Buckland, induced the trustees to resolve on a general repair and renovation of the Museum. Their wish was seconded by the liberality of the Vice-Chancellor and Convocation. New spe- cimens of every department of Natural History have been procured, and a double arrangement of all the materials, new and old, has been formed. The first division proposes to familiarize the eye to those relations of all natural objects which form the basis of argument in Dr. Paley's Natural Theology : to induce a mental habit of associating the view of natural phenomena with the conviction that they are the media of divine manifestation ; and, by such association, to give proper dignity to every branch of Natural Science. The second division exhibits relics of anti- quity, arranged according to the order of time, with some specimens of curious art, of uncivi- lized as well as of refined nations. In the exhibition of animals, the order of Cuvier has been generally adopted. The name of every specimen is conspicuously affixed, and hand catalogues explain the general principle of i 98 THE ASHMOLEAN MUSEUM. the arrangement, and the contents of each cabi- net to which they refer. If it should be remarked that the quantity of objects is less numerous and less splendid than that which may be found in many other towns of less note than Oxford, it ought also to be noticed, that for the purpose of suggesting the important conclusion which alone can sanctify the pursuit of any branch of science, the multi- tude and even the elegance of specimens is of secondary importance ; the primary being a display of those wonderful and strongly-marked diversities of organization by which the wise Author of nature has adapted various means to various ends; various parts to various purposes; various machinery to diversities of actions ; to differences in the destination of instinct, to dif- ference of elements. Amongst the curiosities contained in the Mu- seum are : — An ancient Jewel, which was worn by Alfred the Great a3 an amulet. On one side i's a figure sitting, supposed to be St. Cuthbert, holding what appears like two lilies ; on the other side is a rudely-engraved flower. The jewel is enamelled with gold, with a Saxon inscription round it, which, translated, means " Alfred ordered me to be made." It was found in 1639, in Newton Park, a short distance northward of the isle of Athelney, Somersetshire, where King Alfred found shelter when the Danes had overrun the country. It was given to the University by Thomas Palmer, Esq. of Fairfield, Somerset, in 171S. — See Hicks's Thesaurus. A very valuable collection of Antiquities, from barrows, in the county of Sussex, many of which are described in the Nenia Britannica of the late Rev. James Douglas. This collection was presented by Sir Richard Colt Hoare, Bart, in 1829. A collection of British and Roman Antiquities, in Pottery, Swords, &c. A model of the celebrated Druid ical Monument at Stone- henge, in its original state, according to Dr. Stukely. A model of the same in its present state. A model of the Druidical Temple at Abury. THE ASHMOLEAN MUSEUM. 99 A good collection of English and other Coins. The Sword presented by Pope Leo X. to Henry VIII., the hilt of which is extremely curious, being formed of crystal, and set in silver. An ancient Peg Tankard, described in Selections from the Gentleman's Magazine, vol. i. pages -2b'2, '203, and -20-4, which Tankard illustrates several passages in our old writers. It was used at festivals and drinking parties. A Lantern. oftheTwelfth Century ornamented with crystals in tine preservation. The head of a very ancient crosier. A curious collection of ancient carvings in ivory; ornaments used by Roman Catholics, which formerly belonged to Religious Houses. A collection of antique Watches, among which is a very cu- rious one set in turquoise stones, which belonged to Queen Elizabeth ; also one which belonged to, and was constantly worn by, Oliver Cromwell. Two gold Chains, one of beautiful filigree work, presented to Ashroole on the publication of his History of the Order of the Garter The Ring of the late Cardinal York, containing the portraits of the First Pretender and his Wife. A representation of Christ bearing his Cross, made with the feathers of the humming bird. A quantity of Nails fused together by lightning. Curious Malabar and Burmese Manuscripts. Several Burmese Idols, one presented by Sir Henry Torrens. Various African Instruments and Dres-ses. \ collection of Spears, &c. from Fernando Po, given by Capt. Cole, R.N. in 1828. \ similar collection of Articles used by the natives inhabiting Fetrus, in the Lower Missions of Peru, given in 1S2S, by Lieut. Maw, R.N. A model of the very curious Kalendar Stone, which weighs more than live tons, found under the celebrated Temple of tin- Sun, at Mexico. Models in wax of Fungi, Sec. A model representing the Nerves of the Human Face, bj .Mr. Paz ton, of Oxford. \ imall Hum, curved after the manner of a sheep's horn, about three inches long, which is said to have grown on the head ol an old woman in Cheshire, named Mary Davis, of whom there is a portrait, with a representation of the horn growing above the ear. The Head of a new Zealand Chief, who was killed in battle. This very cnrioos head was dried by the natives, and pre- tested to the Museum by the Rev. J. Hill, M. A. of New ( ollege, in February, i^i'j. Also a piece of Obsidian, from the lava ol New Zealand, used by the natives for the purpose of tattooing. 1 o 100 THE ASHMOLEAN MUSEUM. A large Magnet which supports a weight of 160lbs. Several fine models of Ships, and one of a Chinese Junk. A Crucifix in ivory, sent to the Museum by the Portuguese Ambassador, at the time of the riots in London, in 1780. A head (the only specimen known) of the bird called Dodo, the species of which is extinct. Dr. Shaw, the celebrated Naturalist, discovered it among other preserved parts of birds in the Museum ; previously to which he considered the accounts of this extraordinary bird as fabulous. An Egyptian Mummy, upwards of two thousand years old, given to the Museum by the late Alderman Fletcher. A large Shoe, made of about a thousand patches of leather. It belonged to John Bigg, who was formerly Clerk to Judge Mayne, one of the Judges that gave sentence upou Charles the First. He lived at Dinton, in Buckingham- shire, in a cave under ground, had been a man of tolerable wealth, was looked upon as a pretty good scholar, and of no contemptible parts. Upon the Restoration, he grew melancholy, betook himself to a recluse life, made all his other clothes in the same manner as the shoe, lived by begging, but never asked for any thing but leather, which he would immediately nail to his clothes, yet kept three bottles that hung at his girdle, viz. one for strong beer, another for small beer, and the third for milk, which liquors used to be given and brought to him, as was his other sustenance, notwithstanding he never asked for them. — Hearne's Letter to Willis, in Bod. Lib. Fragments collected by the celebrated Belzoni during his researches in the Egyptian Catacombs. There are a few good paintings, viz. Christ's Descent into Hell, by Brugell ; a Dead Christ, by Annibal Caracci; Thomas, Earl of Arundel, and his son, by Vandyck ; two very fine por- traits of Charles I. by Vandyck ; Charles II. and James II.; Ben Jonson; the Tradescant Family, by Dobson ; and the Battle of Pavia, very ancient. The lower part of this building contains the apparatus for the Chemical Lec- tures read by the Professor. The deputy-keeper, who shows the Museum to strangers, is in daily attendance there, from eleven until four o'clock. The sum to be given, which is small, is written on a board placed at the entrance. Elias Ashmole, already recorded as the Founder of this estimable collection of natural and artificial curiosities, was EXETER COLLEGE. 101 born at Lichfield on the 23rd of May, 1(317. During the Rebellion he bore arms in the service of King Charles ; be- came afterwards a student of Brasennose College, and w;i~ subsequently called to the bar. His death took place May ISth, 1692. Though learned himself, and a liberal patron of learning, he was an implicit believer in astrological pre- dictions, and, in other respects, lamentably tinctured with the superstitious credulity of the age. Of this he has lelt behind him, in his manuscript papers, ample evidence. Proceeding up Broad-street, we continue out- walk a few paces, and, passing by the back gate of Exeter College, turn on the left into the Turl, which was formerly a narrow lane, but. about fifty years since, was much widened, and the houses rebuilt. On the left side of this street is EXETER COLLEGE. *„* The Porter's Lodge is on the right of the entranci gateway. The front of this College, which is opposite .lesus College, extends 220 feet, with a large central gateway, consisting of a rustic basement. from which spring four pilasters, of the Ion it- order, supporting a semicircular pediment, crowned by a balustrade. In 1835, the whole front was renewed with Bath stone, by Mr. Plowman, builder of this city, under the direc- tion of Mr. Underwood, the architect. Thi three fine new oriel windows in this front arc- very much admired. The interior presents ;i -pacious Quadrangle, which is formed by the 1 1 all, the Chapel, the Hector's Lodgings, (which received a new front at the expense of the Col- lege in 17US), and the apartments of the mem- bers of the Society. Behind the Rector's Lodg- es is a large house, which was erected bv Dr. Prideaux, who was Rector from 1612 to 1642, lor the accommodation of the foreigners who e attracted, by the great reputation he en- i :i 102 EXETER COLLEGE. — HALL. joyed, to resort to his instruction.* It was afterwards occupied by private families, but several years since was taken into the limits of the College, and is inhabited by the Fellows. Eastward of this house, and adjoining the Mu- seum, a new and handsome building has recently been erected, which contains nine sets of rooms facing Broad-street. At the eastern extremity of this building is a fine oriel window. The garden is pleasantly laid out, and, though in a central part of the City, is open to the east, where a terrace commands some of the principal buildings of the University. The Hall was erected by Sir John Acland, in 16-20 ; he gave 800/. and the College 200/. lor that purpose. When the ground for this erection was excavating, a stone coffin was dis- covered, containing the remains of a man with a crown on his head, and at his side money and other valuable articles. A few years since this Refectory was completely refitted, and deco- rated with new handsome windows, at an ex- pense of nearly 1800/. Round each window is a border of coloured glass, which has a good effect. It is a very neat room, and adorned with a fine whole-length portrait of the Founder, painted and presented in 1789, by Mr. Peters, some time a member of this College; an old portrait of the same distinguished person; others of Charles I. ; Sir John Periam ; Sir John Acland; Luke Milbourn, M.A. ; Archbishops Marsh and Seeker ; Mrs. Shiers ; Bishop Hall : Selden, the antiquary ; Sir Wm. Morris ; Dr. Kennicott ; Bishop Bull ; Sir John Fortescue : * Dr. John Prideaux was the child of poor parents, and was once a menial in the kitchen of the very College of which he afterwards became Rector. His talents and ex- cellent behaviour were the sole causes of his promotion, which did equal honour to himself, and the members of the Society to which he belonged. EXETER COLLEGE. — CHAPEL. 103 Sir Wm. Petre ; the Earl of Shaftesbury ; the Earl of Macclesfield ; Lord Ducie; Attorney- General Noy ; Dr. Shortrudge ; Mr. Justice Coleridge; and of Doctors Prideaux, Hakewill, Conybeare, Webber, Bray, Stinton, Richards, and Jones, Rectors. The Libbaby, which is most amply stored with useful and valuable books, was erected in 1778, after a design of the late Rev. W. Crowe, Public Orator. Thomas Richards, Esq. and the Rev. Joseph Sandford, B.D. Fellow of Bal- liol, contributed largely to the furnishing of it.* In 1708 the apartment in which the books be- longing to this Society were then deposited caught fire, and the greater part of them was destroyed. The Bodleian Library, not more than twelve yards distant, was in great danger from this fire, as the wind was westerly. For- tunately, so lamentable a calamity as the de- struction of the finest library in the world was prevented by speedy and effectual assistance. The Chapel was begun in 1622-3, and com- pleted by Dr. George Hakewill, afterwards Rector, who contributed 1200/. for that purpose, the remaining sum of 200/. being provided by the College. It consists of two aisles. The windows arc eight in number, on each of which !*• this inscription : — " Domus mea Donuis ora- * In the Library is a portrait of Mr. Sandford, who is re- presented with a book under his arm, supposed to be tin Iirst complete edition of the Hebrew Bible, printed at Son- < ino, in Italy, A.D. 1488, a book of great rarity, which be purchased in London for a mere trifle. It was included in liis bequest to the College. Mr. Sandford was a learned and »ery eccentric divine. He used to read at the end of a gal- lery, without lire, in the coldest weather. On every Friday, he walked to some house, four or live miles from Oxford, on the banks of the I .->is or the Cherwell, where he always dined on Gsfa. He was a member of this Society, and after- wards a fellow of I'.alliol ColIege a He died in 1771, and buried in SI Mary Magdalen Church. 104 JESUS COLLEGE. tionis." (My House is the House of prayer.) It displays various monumental inscriptions ; and on the roof, as well as over the screens, are the arms of Dr. Hakewill. In the centre of the inner Chapel is a fine brass eagle, used as a reading desk, presented to the Society by the Rev. John Vivian, B.D. in 1637. This College was founded in 1314, by Walter de Staple- don, Bishop of Exeter, and called Stapledon Hall; afterwards the Bishop removed to this Society his scholars from Hart Hall, and made a foundation for a Rector and twelve Fel- lows. In J 404, Edmund Stafford, Bishop of Exeter, added two Fellowships, and obtained leave to give the College its present name. In 1565, Sir William Petre added eight Fel- lowships. Charles I. in 1636, annexed one ; and Mrs.Shiers, who died in 1700, left certain rents for two additional Fel- lowships. The present Foundation consists of a Rector, 25 Fellows, and 19 Scholars and Exhibitioners. Upwards of ?>00 members are on the College books. Visitor — The Bishop of Exeter. Opposite Exeter is JESUS COLLEGE. \* The Porter's Lodge is on the left of the entrance gateway. We enter this College by a handsome rustic gateway. The first quadrangle, 90 feet by 70, is formed by the Chapel on the north side, the Hall on the west, and apartments for the mem- bers on the south and east. The second, or inner quadrangle, is a very handsome structure, 100 feet by 90, and was finished by Sir Leolinc Jenkins, in 1676, who was a gentleman of great- learning. He was first a Fellow, and afterwards Principal, of this College, and represented the University in Parliament : lie died in 1685. The Chapel, which is on the right hand of the first quadrangle, was consecrated May 28th, 1621. It consists of an Ante-Chapel, divided by a screen from the body, which another screen JESUS COLLEGE. — LIBRARY. 105 divides from the chancel. Its style of architec- ture is of the mixed Gothic, with a roof finished in rich compartments. A very fine copy of Guido's picture of St. Michael overcoming the Devil, presented by Viscount Bulkeley, deco- rates the altar. The principal monuments in this Chapel are those of Sir Eubule Thelwall, Dr. Mansell, Sir Leoline Jenkins, Bishop Lloyd, Dr. Jonathan Edwards, Dr. William Jones, and Dr. Hoare, Principals ; and Dr. Henry Mau- rice, Lady Margaret's Professor of Divinity. The Hall is a handsome well-proportioned room, repaired and improved in 1818. It con- tains the portraits of Queen Elizabeth ; Charles I. by Vandyck ; Charles II. ; Sir Eubule Thel- wall, when a child, with his mother; Sir Leo- line Jenkins; Westphaling, Bishop of Here- ford ; Thomas, Bishop of Worcester ; Wynne, Bishop of Bath and Wells, and Principal from 171-2 to 17-20; Dr. Pardo, Principal from 1727 to 1763; Mr. Edward Merrick, who died in 1713, and left his whole estate to this Society, of which he was a member; and Mr. Nash, ar- chitect to King George IV. The Library was erected in 1677. It con- tains many scarce and curious printed books and manuscripts ; among the latter are those ol Lord Herbert, of Cherbury; also a fine one of the Llyfr Coch, or Red Book, written about the end of the 14-th century. This curious manu- script contains several very ancient Histories, Poems, Romances, &c. all in the Welsh lan- guage. Among other curiosities of this College, are shown — The Statutes of the Society, most beautifully written on vellum ; the text is a kind of Italian print ; the heads of the statutes are in German text, and the beginning of each is most curiouslv illuminated : the writer was the Rev. Mr. Parry, of Sliipston-on-Stour, formerly a 106 LINCOLN COLLEGE. Fellow ; a curious metal watch, presented by Charles I. ; one of Queen Elizabeth's enormous stirrups: and a silver gilt bowl, that contains ten gallons, and weighs 278 ounces, the gift of Sir Watkin Williams Wynn, in 1732. The ladle which accompanies this capacious bowl weighs 13] ounces, and will hold half a pint. In the Bursary, which is a very handsome room, is a good portrait of Queen Elizabeth. The principal instrument in the foundation of this College was Hugh ap Rice, or Price, a Doctor of Civil Law. He petitioned Queen Elizabeth that she would be graciously pleased to found a College in Oxford, on which he might bestow his estate for the maintenance of certain scholars of Wales. The Queen granted her charter in 1571, and gave a religious house, called Whitehall, for the site, and timber from her Majesty's forests of Shotover and Stowe. After- wards it was increased by different benefactors, among whom was Charles I. The foundation consists at present of a Principal, 19 Fellows, 18 Scholars, and several Exhibitioners. The number of members on the books is about 150. Visitor — The Earl of Pembroke. On leaving Jesus College, we go to the other side of the street, proceed towards the High- street, passing by Brasennose-lane, which is on the left, and Jesus College-lane, leading to the Market, on the right, and enter LINCOLN COLLEGE. %* Porter's Lodge, right hand of entrance gateway. The structure of this College preserves a large portion of its original character. It is situated between All Saints' Church and Exeter College, and consists of two quadrangles. The first, the entrance to which is beneath a tower, forms a square of 80 feet : it contains the Rec- tor's Lodgings on the south ; the Library and Common Room on the north ; the Hall on the east ; and on the west, lodgings for the members. The Rector's Lodgings were built at the ex- LINCOLN COLLEGE. — CHAPEL. 107 penseof Beckynton, Bishop of Bath and Wells; and his rebus, a beacon over a ton, yet appears on the walls. The smaller court forms a square of 70 feet. Since the erection of these quad- rangles, six sets of rooms have been built at the expense of the College. The Chapel, situated on the south of the inner court, erected at the expense of Dr. John Williams, Bishop of Lincoln, and afterwards Archbishop of York, was consecrated in 1631. It is a well-proportioned and elegant Gothic edifice, of 62 feet in length and 26 in breadth, fitted up with a richly-ornamented cedar roof and wainscot ; the screen, the pulpit, and eight finely-carved figures, are also of cedar, and very much admired. The windows, which are of painted glass, and very remarkable for their antiquity and the brilliancy of their colours, were procured from Italy, by Archbishop Wil- liams, in 1629. There are four on each side, and a large one over the altar. In those on the north side are represented twelve of the Prophets, and in those on the south side are the twelve Apostles. The figures of Obadiah, Jonah, and Elisha, in the fourth window, on the north side, are particularly striking. In the large east window is a display of the follow- ing subjects from the New Testament, with the tvpes of them in the Old, in six compartments : The Creation of Man, and the Nativity of Christ — The passing of the Israelites through the Red Sea, and the Baptism of the Infant Redeemer — The Jewish Passover, and the In- stitution oi the Lord's Supper — The Brazen Serpent in the Wilderness, and Christ on the Cross — Jonah delivered from the Whale's belly, and our Saviour's Resurrection — Elijah in the fiery Chariot, and Christ's Ascension. The emblazoned arms of the Founders and Bene- 108 LINCOLN COLLEGE. — LIBRARY, &C. factors add to the brilliancy of these splendid windows. The Hall, which is on the east side of the larger quadrangle, is a handsome structure, 42 feet long by 25 in breadth, and of a proportion- able height. It was built in 1436, repaired and refitted with a new wainscot in 1701, and again repaired in 1835. It contains portraits of the Founders ; Sir Nathaniel Lloyd ; Lord Keeper Williams; Lord Crewe, in his episcopal dress, as Bishop of Durham, and also in his robes as a Baron ; Dr. Isham, Rector of this College, and father of Dr. Isham, a Warden of All Souls'; Dr. Marshall, Rector, and Dean of Gloucester ; Dr. Hickes; Dr. Hutchins, Rector, and a great benefactor; Paul Hood, Rector; Judge Dolben, lately presented to the Society by Sir John English Dolben, Bart. ; a portrait unknown ; and a fine portrait of Dr. Tatham, the late Rector. In this room there are also several handsome busts. The Library, which is on the north side of the large quadrangle, was refitted in 1739, at the expense of Sir Nathaniel Lloyd. It con- tains many scarce and valuable books and ma- nuscripts, and portraits of the two Founders, and of Lord Crewe, Bishop of Durham, Rec- tor of this Society, and one of its greatest bene- factors. The Common Room, a very elegant apart- ment, was newly fitted up in 1816. A few years since, several houses adjoining this Col- lege were taken down, and a handsome garden, for the use of the members, is now made on their site. In 1818, the whole front was re- paired, and much improved in its appearance, by the addition of battlements, and the intro- duction of appropriate Gothic windows. The laying open of the south side of this College, ALL SAINTS' CHURCH. 109 and the formation of the very neat garden, on the site of the old houses, must be reckoned among the greatest of our modern improve- ments, and is to be attributed to the well-known taste and talents of the late Rector, Dr. Tatham, assisted by the liberality of the Fellows. This College was founded by Richard Fleming, Bishop of Lincoln, in 1427, for a Rector and seven Fellows ; and since greatly augmented by Rotherham, Bishop of Lincoln, and afterwards Archbishop of York and Lord High Chancellor of England, who has been allowed to share the honours of Foundership. The Scholarships and Exhibitions have been given by different benefactors, and were much augmented by the will of Dr. Hutchins, Rector from 1755 to 1781. The present Foundation consists of a Rector, twelve Fellows, eight Scholars, twelve Exhibitioners, and one Bible Clerk. One of the Fellowships is in the gift of the Bishop of Lincoln. The number of members on the books is about 130. Visitor — The Bishop of Lincoln. Near to Lincoln College is ALL SAINTS' CHURCH. The front of this Church is in the High- street. The architect was Dr. Henry Aldrich, Dean of Christ Church. It was begun in 1699, and finished in 1708, by a general subscription, and a brief obtained in 1705. The exterior is ornamented with double pilasters, of the Corin- thian order, and the steeple is erected in a style which adds considerably to the beauty of the High-street. The interior is similar to many of the London churches; it is 72 feet long, 42 feet wide, and 50 high ; and has a gallery at the west end, lately erected, corresponding with the general style of the Church. An excellent organ, by Bishop, has recently been placed in this gallery. The seats are regular, and made of the best oak, and the altar is richly executed, supported by two pilasters, and adorned on K 110 TRINITY COLLEGE. each side with golden cherubim. The pulpit and reading-desk are much admired for their neatness and delicacy of workmanship. This is the collegiate Church of Lincoln College, and is a curacy in the gift of the College, held by one of the Fellows. In the chancel, seats are re- served for the Rector and Fellows. Near this Church, in the High-street, on the right, is the entrance to the Market for meat, vegetables, fruit, &c. which is allowed to be as convenient and airy as any in the kingdom. Close to the front of this Market is the Mitre Inn, whence go well-regulated coaches to all parts of the kingdom. Chaises are also kept at this Inn. The banking-houses of Sir Joseph Lock, and Co. and of Messrs. Morrell, are at a short distance from the front of the Market. In order that we may regularly pursue our walk, we must conduct our strangers either through the Market, at the further end of which we turn to the right, and come to Jesus College, or bring them again by Lincoln, Exeter, and Jesus Colleges, to the entrance of the Turl, from Broad-street, opposite to which entrance stands &> TRINITY COLLEGE. * * Porter's Lodge is on the left of the entrance to the first Court. This College is separated from the street by an iron palisade, with folding gates, adorned on the outside with the arms of the Founder, which are also those of the College, and on the inside with those of the Earl of Guilford, who contri- buted largely to these improvements. The avenue is spacious and handsome. In front of the College are the Chapel and the gateway, TRINITY COLLEGE. — CHAPEL. Ill over which is an elegant square tower, embel- lished with pilasters, and a handsome balustrade on the top. On this tower are large figures* carved in stone, representing diagonally two faculties and two sciences — Divinity and Physic, Geometry and Astronomy. In the first Court are the Chapel, Hall, Library, and Lodgings of the President. The second court is a fine piece of architecture, and was finished in 1682, from a design of Sir Christopher Wren : the opening to the garden is beautiful. To the west of this court, leading to the old Dolphin yard, are other buildings, inhabited by members of the Society, whence a gate opens nearly opposite Beaumont-street. The Chapel was built principally at the ex- pense of Dr. Bathurst. It has been generally stated, from conjecture only, that Dean Aldrich gave the plan for this Chapel ; but from the letters which passed between Dr. Bathurst and Sir Christopher Wren, on the subject, and from an original plan among the papers of the latter in the Library of All Souls' College, the ulti- mate design, at least, may be safely ascribed to the taste and science of Sir Christopher. The proportions are correct, and the elevation, as now seen from the street, is perfectly light and elegant. The most eminent artificers were pro- cured to decorate this edifice in the highest per- fection, which, Mr. Warton observes, (< amidst a multiplicity of the most exquisite embellish- ments, maintains that simple elegance which is agreeable to the character of the place, and consistent with just notions of true taste." The screen and altar-piece are of cedar, and enriched with the carving of Grinlin Gibbons. The repre- sentation of the Ascension, on the ceiling, was painted by IUtcIhI, a French artist. The building was finished in three years, and conse- K '2 112 TRINITY COLLEGE. — CHAPEL. crated by Hough, then Bishop of Oxford, April 11th, 1694-. The Society, at a considerable expense, cleaned, restored, and repaired it, in 1828. The monument of Sir Thomas Pope and his Lady, with their effigies, at full length, in alabaster, is placed against the north wall, at the upper end. He is represented in complete armour, at his feet a griffin, and at his head a helmet, with his crest. Some part of the ele- gant workmanship of this monument is con- cealed by an alcove, corresponding to one on the opposite side ; but the panels in front of it were, a few years since, opened, for the purpose of obtaining a correct drawing for Mr. Skelton's " Oxonia Antiqua Restaurata ;" where a beau- tiful engraving of it may be seen. Sir Thomas Pope was interred, in great state, in the north aisle of the old parish church of St. Stephen, Walbrook, where his second wife, Margaret, had been before buried, and his daughter Alice; but in 1567, eight years after his death, his remains, with those of Dame Margaret, his second wife, were removed to the Chapel of his College; where also the Lady Elizabeth Powlet, his widow, who had been his third wife, and had survived her third husband, was buried, in great pomp, in November, 1593 ; the body having lain in state in St. Mary's Church the whole of the preceding day. In the Ante-Chapel are inscriptions on lozenges to the memory of Dr. Bathurst, Mr. How, Dr. Sykes, Mr. Al- mont, Dr. Dobson, Mr. Huddesford, Mr. War- ton, the Poet Laureate, and the late respected President, Dr. Lee. In this College is preserved a very ancient and curious silver gilt chalice, weighing twenty ounces, exquisitely engraved, which belonged to the abbey of St. Alban. This, and a paten of gold corresponding with it, are the only pieces of plate given to this Col- TRINITY COLLEGE. — HALL. 113 lege by the Founder, which now remain ; for most of the plate in the University was presented to King Charles I. at the time of the Rebellion, and coined into money at New Inn Hall, which was then used as a Royal Mint. A letter is preserved by this Society, which contains the King's acknowledgment of the receipt of their plate, with a considerable sum of money also lent or given at the same time. The original Hall was pulled down in 161 S, and the present Refectory built on its site, on a larger scale, at the expense of the College. The later improvements were in 1772, and consist of a new ceiling, wainscot, and marble chimney- piece. At the upper end is a portrait of the Founder. There are four others of him in the College ; all supposed to have been copied from one by Holbein, now in the possession of the Marquis of Bute, the College-Lessee,at Wrox- ton Abbey. On the right of this picture is a portrait of Dr. Bathurst, by Sonman, and on the left is one of Dr. Kettel, formerly Presi- dents : there are also portraits of Lord North, afterwards Earl of Guilford ; Archbishop Shel- don ; Lady Elizabeth Powlet, the third and last wife of the Founder ; Sir William Pope, the first Earl of Downe, the nephew of the Founder ; the celebrated Earl of Chatham : Mr. Thomas W'arton, who was Professor of Poetry and Poet Laureate, and one of the most distinguished ornaments of this College, by Mr. Penrose, of New College; Mr. Rands, a benefactor to the Library ; Dr. Came, formerly a Fellow of this College; and the Rev. William Derham, the author of Astro and Physico-Theology, and many other works, and father ol Dr. Derham, President of St. John's, who died in 1757. Over the entrance door, and opposite the Presi- dent's Lodgings, is a half-length statue of the 114 TRINITY COLLEGE. — GARDENS. Founder, the gift of the Rev. Edward Bathurst, brother of Dr. Bathurst, who died, Rector of Cheping Warden, in 1668. This piece of sculpture marks the taste of the age. It was placed here in the year 1665. The Library, which has lately been repaired and very much improved, is the most ancient part of the College, being the same which be- longed to Durham College, with such subse- quent alterations as the decay of time had ren- dered necessary. In 1765, the windows were repaired on the west side, as they now appear. They contain many curious remains of old painted glass, some of which were taken from the old Chapel. Less alteration has taken place on the opposite side, where there are some curious remains of stained glass, in good preser- vation ; probably taken from the old Chapel, which was consecrated in 1330. This is also about the date of the original structure of the Library, founded by Richard de Bury, Bishop of Durham, who died in 1345. In the centre of the window, at the upper end, is a neat tablet, by Flaxman, to the memory of Mr. Warton, the gift of his sister Jane. Over the entrance is a portrait of the Founder, and busts of Bennet Langton, Esq. a member of this Col- lege, and of the late President, Dr. Lee. The Common Room contains an admirable head of Mr. Warton, by Rising. Over the chimney-piece is a portrait of the Founder, recently discovered in the Library. The Gardens are extensive, and divided into two portions : the first is open, and terminated by a handsome wrought iron gate, surmounted by the Founder's arms. The southern division is planted with trees and shrubs, and embellished in the modern style. Here we cannot refrain from paying to the members of the University, BALLI0L COLLEGE. 115 generally, a tribute of gratitude which they amply merit, for their kindness in permitting all per- sons to participate in the enjoyment of their delightful walks and gardens. This College was founded in 1554, by Sir Thomas Pope, Knight, of Tittenhanger, in Hertfordshire. The present foundation consists of a President, twelve Fellows, and twelve Scholars. The number of members on the books is about 280. Visitor — The Bishop of Winchester. Adjoining Trinity College, and to the right, on our return from viewing it, is BALLIOL COLLEGE. %* Porter's Lodge, under entrance gateway to the left. The quadrangle, which we enter by a line Gothic gate, on which are the arms of the Bal- liol family, is 120 feet in length, and SO in breadth. On passing through this quadrangle to the left, we perceive a modern building, the front of which is in Broad-street, erected at the expense of Mr. Fisher, formerly a Fellow of this College. On the north side of this building is the following inscription : — Verbum non amplius — Fisher. Id the grove to the north-west, there are other buildings, which also contain apartments for the students. The Master's Lodgings are fronting the street. In these Lodgings, which have lately been repaired and enlarged, are some very handsome rooms, particularly a spacious hall, having a well-preserved and much-admired ancient bay window to the east. The Chapel was completed in 1529. The . ast window, which represents, in brilliant co- lours, the Passion, Resurrection, and Ascension, was the gift of Dr. Stubbs. On a window, on 116 BALLIOL COLLEGE. — HALL. the north side, are represented Philip and the Eunuch, executed by Van Linge, in the year 1637, and given by Sir Richard Atkyns, of the county of Gloucester. A window, on the south side, contains the story of Hezekiah's Sickness and Recovery, painted by the same artist, and presented by Dr. Wentworth, Fellow of the College. In the other windows are portraits of saints, various scriptural subjects, and armorial bearings. In the inner Chapel is a brass eagle, used as a reading desk. This Chapel contains marble monuments to the memory of John Evet and Thomas Gwillym, Esqrs. and John Parsons, D.D. Bishop of Peterborough, and Master of the College, who died in 1819. In the Ante- Chapel is a very neat marble monument, to the memory of the Rev. George Powell, M.A. for many years the senior Fellow of this Society. The Library was finished in 1477, and refitted some years since, in a very neat and convenient manner, after designs by Mr. Wyatt. It contains a valuable collection of manuscripts, some of them beautifully illuminated ; many early printed and rare English Bibles ; a good collection of books on general literature; and several very curious tracts, arranged and bound up in volumes. The windows contain the arms, &c. of the benefactors, which are fully described by Wood, in his History of Oxford. The Hall is on the west side of the quad- rangle, Its interior is in the modern style. In it are portraits of Henry, second Earl of Bath- urst, Lord High Chancellor of Great Britain ; Dr. Parsons, Bishop of Peterborough, the late Master ; Dr. Barrington, Bishop of Durham, the late Visitor; Dr. Prosser, Archdeacon of Durham, formerly Fellow : Dr. Dolben, Arch- bishop of York, a Visitor ; Dr. Douglas, Bishop of Salisbury; Dr. Matthew Baillie, of London, BALLIOL COLLEGE. 117 formerly a member : and Wicklyf, the Re- former, Master of this College from 1361 to 1366. Under the Library is the Senior Com- mon Room. To this College has lately been added a handsome building, which contains twelve sets of rooms. Part of the ancient City Wall was opposite this College, remains of which, in good preser- vation, are still visible from the garden of Mi". Dudley, in Broad-street. Between this wall and the College ran so clear a stream, that it gave the name of Canditch (Candida fossa) to the street leading by it, and by that name the spot was known in the time of A nthony Wood. The celebrated martyrs, Cranmer, Ridley, and Lati- mer, were confined in Bocardo prison, where North Gate stood, which gate was the strongest in the City. Bocardo was near the church of St. Michael, at the end of the Corn Market. The prisoners remained there together but a short time, for Ridley was taken to the house of Alderman Irysh, and Latimer to that of one of the Bailiffs of the City ; Cranmer re- mained in Bocardo. On the 16th of Octo- ber, 1555, Ridley and Latimer were brought to the place called Canditch, and were there burnt. They suffered death with courage for the religion they professed, in the presence of the chief magistrates of the University and City, and a multitude of other spectators. Cranmer, being in Bocardo, ascended to the top thereof, to see the spectacle, and kneeling down, prayed to God to strengthen them. On the 21st of March following, Cranmer was brought to the same place, and there also burnt. Some years ago the stone on which the fire was made used to be shown to strangers ; but at this time only one interesting memorial of these dis- tinguished martyrs remains, which was preserved 1 18 st. John's college. by the late Mr. Alderman Fletcher. When Bocardo was pulled down, in 1771, this gentle- man caused the door of the cell in which the martyrs had been confined to be removed, and fixed up in the City Gaol, widi a suitable in- scription. This College was founded by John Balliol, father of John Balliol, King of Scotland, and Uevorguilla, his wife, between the years 1263 and 1268. Its revenues were amply aug- mented by the munificence of succeeding benefactors, parti- cularly by that of Sir Wm. Felton and Sir Philip Somervyle. The foundation at present consists of a Master, twelve Fellows, and fourteen Scholars. This College has also a considerable number of Exhibitions. Ten of the Exhibitions, namely, those on the Foundation of Mr. Snell, must be held by natives of Scotland, who are elected by the University of Glasgow. There are also four Exhibitions, for natives of Scotland, founded by Warner, Bishop of Rochester. The Master and Fellows possess a peculiar privilege, enjoyed by no other College or Hall in either of the two Universities, that of electing their own Visitor. The members on the books are upwards of 300. Visitor— The Archbishop of Canterbury. On returning into Broad-street, from Balliol College, strangers are recommended to pay attention to the splendid view before them, ot the Museum, Theatre, Clarendon, &c. Proceeding westward to the end of the street, and then turning to the right, we pass the back buildings of Balliol College, and pursuing our walk northerly, we come to o3> ST. JOHN'S COLLEGE. V* Porter's Lodge is in the gateway, on the right. In the front of this College is a terrace, with elms before it. Over the gate by which we enter the first quadrangle, are the arms of the Founder; and in a niche, on the upper part of the tower, is the statue of St. Bernard. The first quadrangle consists of the Hall, Chapel, President's Lodgings, and apartments for the st. John's college. 119 Fellows, and other Members of the Society. At the east end, opposite the gateway, is the entrance to the second quadrangle, which was begun in 1631, and completed in 1635, from a design of Inigo Jones, entirely at the expense of Archbishop Laud, with the exception of the Library on the south side. The east and west ^ides of this quadrangle are built on an arcade, or cloister, supported by eight pillars, over which are bustos, representing the Christian and Cardinal Virtues. On the east side are the Arts and Sciences : the cornice above them is also emblematically expressive of the Virtues re- presented by each bust. The central gateway of each cloister is of the Doric order, surmounted by Ionic columns, and a semicircular pediment. Over the gateways, which are richly embel- lished, are the statues of Charles I. and his Queen, Henrietta Maria, in brass. They were cast by Francis Fanelli, a Florentine artist, and presented to the College by Archbishop Laud. From this quadrangle is the passage to the Gardens, which, when the weather permits, should be seen by every stranger who makes the tour of the University. They are extensive, and were originally disposed in that formal rec- tilinear taste which Kent, Brown, and Repton have successively combined to destroy. They now display all the diversity of which the spot is capable, and form a scene that blends Arca- dian grace with Academic solitude. Besides the two quadrangles, there are other buildings to the north-east, consisting of the new and handsome Common Room, apartments for the members, ixx. The kitchen and the chambers over it, at the west end of the Hall, were built by Thomas (lark, the senior cook, in 1613, the College allowing him to enjov the rent of the chambers for twenty years. 120 st. john's college. — chapel. The Chapel, which is on the north side of the principal quadrangle, originally belonged to the Monastery of St. Bernard, and was con- secrated in 1530. It was afterwards repaired and beautified by the Founder, and under- went considerable improvements and alterations, which were not completed until the year 1678. The east window was put up in the reign of James I. and is said to have cost 1500/. The screen is of the Corinthian order, over which an organ was erected in 176Q> by By field. The altar is also Corinthian, and decorated by a piece of tapestry, after a picture of Titian, re- presenting our Saviour with his two Disciples at Emmaus, attended by a servant. The figures are said to be the portraits of the Pope, the Kings of France and Spain, and Titian. The curious observer will not overlook the dog snarling at the cat under the table. On the north wall is an urn of black marble, containing the heart of that distinguished benefactor to this College and the University, Dr. Richard Rawlinson. His body is interred in the church of St. Giles, Oxford ; but he ordered his heart to be deposited in the Chapel of this College. — Beneath is this inscription : — Ubi Thesaurus ibi Cor. Ric. Rawlinson, LL.D. R. et A.SS.S. Olim hujus Collegii superioris Ordinis Commensalis, Obiit 6 Apr. m.dcc.lv. JEt. lxv. At the upper end of the Chapel, under the altar, are four small vaults, containing the bones of Sir Thomas White, the Founder; Arch- bishops Laud and Juxon, and Dr. Richard Bailie. Choir Service is daily performed in this Chapel at a quarter past six in the evening. ST. JOHN S COLLEGE. — LIBRARY. 121 In the small, inner Chapel, called Baylie's Chapel, is a fine monument of Dr. Baylie, for- merly President of this College. It also con- tains monuments of Dr. and Mrs. Holmes, and several others. The Hall, which is also on the north side of the first quadrangle, is that which belonged to the Monastery of St. Bernard : it was re- paired by the Founder, and has since received considerable improvements. It is now a spacious room, of handsome proportions, with an arched roof, and a screen of Portland stone. It is de- corated with portraits of the Founder ; Arch- bishops Laud and Juxon ; Bishop Buckeridge ; Dr. Rawlinson ; two of Sir William Paddy, one a whole length ; Bishop Mew, or Meaux ; Hudson, who gave his name to the settlement called Hudson's Bay; Dr. Holmes and his wife; Sir John Nicholl, D.C.L. F.R.S. &c. formerly a Fellow of this College, by Owen ; Dr. Scott, an antiquary, and member of this Society ; Sir James Eyre; Dr. Woodroffe; Edward Waple, B.D.; Dr. Gibbons; John Case, D.M. a Fellow and Benefactor to this Society, who died in 1599 ; a whole-length portrait of George III. painted by Ramsay ; and a very curious figure of St. John, stained in scagliola, by Lambert Gorius, presented to the Society by Dr. Dun- can, in 1759. The Library is in the second quadrangle, and consists of two large, handsome rooms. Over the entrance to the first room is a bust of Charles the First. At the upper end is a portrait of Archbishop Laud, by Van- dyck. The large window, at the upper end, contains the arms of the Merchant Tailors' Company, and several of the Benefactors to the College; also a portrait of the Founder. The window near this, on the right hand, is orna- L 122 st. john's college. — library. mented with the arms of the Archbishop of Canterbury, beautifully executed. In the inner Library is a bronze bust of Archbishop Laud ; Guercino's fine picture of St. John the Baptist ; some very curious paintings of Christ, the Virgin Mary, and the twelve Apostles, on copper, sup- posed to be by Carlo Dolce ; beautiful miniature portraits of Charles I. and his Queen, and a picture of King Charles I. with the whole Book of Psalms written in the lines of the face, and on the hairs of the head, which may be read with the assistance of a good magnifying glass. This curious specimen of ingenuity and patience has suffered from the damp ; and to preserve it from destruction, it is taken from the Library in the winter and rainy months, and placed in the President's Lodgings. This room also contains portraits of George III. and his Queen, by Ram- say, presented to the Society by Mrs. Marlow, widow of the late President ; and several fine casts from the antique, the gift of the same lady ; a portrait of Thos. F. Dibdin, D.D. ; and one of Dr. Hall, late Fellow, who presented to the Society his Library of law books; the Walking Stick of Archbishop Laud, presented by the Rev. Wm. A. Phelp, Vicar of Stanwell, Middle- sex; and a carved Eagle, admirably executed by Mr. Snetzler, of Oxford, which formerly stood in the Chapel. In the year 1636, Charles I., his Queen, the Elector Palatine, Prince Rupert, and, in the words of Wood, " all the gallantry and beauties of the kingdom," were entertained by Archbishop Laud, in this Library. After dinner, a play called "The Hospitall of Lovers," by Mr. Wild, a Fellow of this College, was performed before their Majesties and the Court; and at this time, says Wood, " the Col- lege was so well furnisht, as that they did not borrow any one actor from any College in the st. John's college. 123 University." Some time since, an ancient crozier was found in a garret of the President's Lodgings. It is six feet one inch high, and of elegant form and workmanship, after the manner of arabesque. It is made of a hard, shining, dark wood, beaded and infoliated with silver, and has been put in perfect order by the Col- lege, and placed in the Library. The manu- scripts and printed books in these rooms are curious and valuable. They contain also some ancient missals, and a collection of coins. In the new and elegant apartment, attached to the Common Room of this Society, is a fine portrait, by Phillips, of the late President, Dr. Marlow. This College was founded in 1557, by Sir Thomas White, Knight, Alderman and Merchant Tailor of London, and built on the site of St. Bernard's Monastery. It now consists of a President, fifty Fellows and Scholars, one Chaplain, an Organist, five Singing Men, six Choristers, and two Sextons. The Fellows, with the exception of six of the Founder's kin, two from Bristol, two from Coventry, two from Reading, and one from Tunbridge Schools, are elected from Merchant Tailors' School in London. The number of members on the books is about 230. Visitor — The Eishop of Winchester. Those strangers whose time will permit them to view every thing in Oxford that merits their attention, will, after leaving St. John's, proceed northerly through the very fine spacious street, called St. Giles's, at the end of which stands the Church, a Vicarage in the gift of St. John's College. This Church is a solid and spacious edifice, though not sufficiently large for the population of the parish, which is continually increasing by the erection of houses. In 1837 an organ was erected in it at the expense of a parishioner, and in 1838 the Church was much improved, and some additional seats l 2 124? ASTRONOMICAL OBSERVATORY. placed in it. It is a very ancient structure, as may be inferred from its numerous lancet-shaped windows. The tower contains four bells. A Chapel of Ease has lately been built in the village of Summer- Town, which is in this parish. To the right is the road to Banbury and Bicester ; on the left is the road to Woodstock and Blenheim, by which we proceed a short distance, and come to the RADCLIFFE INFIRMARY, A very elegant and commodious stone build- ing, erected after a design by Mr. Leadbeater. It was built and completely furnished by the trustees of Dr. Radcliffe. The ground on which it stands, containing five acres, was the donation of Thomas Rowney, Esq. Member of Parliament for the City of Oxford. The founda- tion was laid in 1759, and it was opened for the reception of patients in 1770. This excellent institution is supported by annual subscriptions and donations. At a very short distance beyond the Infirmary is the ASTRONOMICAL OBSERVATORY. The interior of this useful and elegant build- ing is not shewn to strangers, unless they have an introduction to the Observer, who resides in the house adjoining. The Astronomical Ob- servatory was erected out of the funds be- queathed by Dr. Radcliffe. It comprises a dwelling-house for the Observer, who is ap- pointed by the Radcliffe Trustees, and apart- ments for observation and for lectures, and is abundantly supplied with valuable astronomical instruments. The late Duke of Marlborough gave up his interest in the ten acres of ground within the Observatory walls, for the express ASTRONOMICAL OBSERVATORY. 125 purpose of the building, the first stone of which was laid in 1772. The original design was made by Mr. Henry Keene. It was afterwards materially altered, and completed by Mr. VVyatt, in 1786. It may boast of a situation in every respect appropriate to the intentions with which it was erected. The centre is light and elegant, and the wings are well adapted for astronomical observations. The tower offers a general re- presentation of the Temple of the Winds, at Athens, and is an application of that beautiful example of ancient architecture, which even Stuart, who made it known to his country, might have envied. The length of the Obser- vatory is 175 feet by 57 in the widest part, and at each wing 24. The utmost height of the building, Hercules and Atlas supporting the globe, is 110 feet. The upper room, for occa- sional observations, possesses a happy combina- tion of grandeur and beauty. Those who have not time to extend their walk, to the Infirmary and Observatory, should, in order to complete their view of the Colleges, return towards the Church of St. Mary Mag- dalen, near which, and opposite the house of Baker Morrell, Esq. are Beaumont and St. John's Streets, partly formed from a meadow called " Beaumont's," so termed from Henry the First's Palace of that name, finished in 1130, with which the King was much pleased, and often resided therein. Edward II. gave this palace to the Carmelite, or White Friars, in which they continued until their dissolution in the time of Henry the Eighth. Many years after it became a monastery it was the occasional residence of the Sovereigns of England. At a short distance from Beaumont-street, in the -(|uare called Gloucester Green, stands the City Gaol, erected in 1789. L 3 126 NEW UNIVERSITY PRINTING OFFICE. Those who have visited the Observatory, will return, leave St. Giles's Church on the left, and, to vary the walk, will pass down a lane on the right, at the end of which is the HOUSE OF INDUSTRY, A stone building, 237 feet in front length. It was founded in 1772, as a receptacle for the poor of eleven of the parishes of Oxford. It is under the management of Guardians, chosen from each parish, who elect from their own body a Governor and two Deputy Governors. The Poor Rates are very moderate. Proceed- ing about one hundred yards to the right, we arrive at the NEW UNIVERSITY PRINTING OFFICE. This fine building, which is of the Corinthian order, was begun in 1826, and business was commenced in it as early as the autumn of the following year. The architect was Mr. D. Robertson ; the builder, Mr. C. Smith, of Pater- noster-row, London. The front, which faces the east, is 252 feet long, and 39 feet in depth. The elevation, facing the south, is 288 feet long, and 33 feet wide. In this part of the building, on the ground floor, is a Press Room, the largest in the kingdom, it being 200 feet long, and 28 wide. Above this large room are two stories, divided into apartments for compositors, drying and gathering rooms, &c. The north wing is similar to the south, and is appropriated to the printing of classical and other learned works. The front and the south wing are used solely for the printing of Bibles and Common prayers. In the quadrangle, facing the entrance, is a handsome building, in which the overseers of this establishment reside. The whole is enclosed WORCESTER COLLEGE. 127 by a very handsome boundary wall, built of Headington stone. The walls of the building are cased with Bath stone. Nearly opposite this Printing Office a hand- some District Church, dedicated to St. Paul, was erected in 1836, built from the designs, and under the direction, of Mr. Henry J. Under- wood, by Mr. James Johnson, of Oxford. The expenses were defrayed by a public subscrip- tion, aided by the munificent gifts of the Dele- gates of the University Press, and the Radcliffe Trustees ; the former of whom gave 500/. towards the building of the Church, and 1000/. towards its endowment. The latter gave the ground on which the Church is erected, and also .500/. as a subscription. The Church is of the Ionic order, and has a very handsome portico. It will contain upwards of 1000 persons. At the west end a gallery is erected for the children of the University National School, consisting of 300 boys, which School is entirely supported by the Members of the University. Our strangers will return towards the House of Industry, and keep onwards, in a straight direction, which will bring them to WORCESTER COLLEGE. %• The Porter's Lodge is under the gateway, on the right. This College is placed in a pleasant situation, not far from the river Isis, at the western ex- tremity of the University. On entering the College, we cannot fail being struck with the contrast between the old buildings on the left, and the elegant new apartments opposite, at the west end of which are the Lodgings of the Provost. The new buildings were finished in 1759. The northern side contains apartments for the members. At the eastern end are the Chapel, 128 WORCESTER COLLEGE. — LIBRARY. Hall, and Library. The Chapel is an elegant edifice, 60 feet in length by 30 in breadth ; the roof is richly ornamented with stucco. Over the altar is a fine old painting of " A Mag- dalen," the painter unknown. It was left to the College by Dr. Nash, who gave several other fine pictures to this Society. The Hall is also a very handsome room, of the same dimensions as the Chapel, and is ornamented with fluted Corinthian columns at the west end. At the upper end is a fine painting of a Dutch Fish Market, the fish by Snyders; over the fire- place is a whole-length portrait of Sir Thomas Cookes, the Founder, by Sir Godfrey Kneller ; and in other parts of the Hall are portraits of Dr. Clarke, Dr. Eaton, and his daughter, Mrs. Sarah Eaton ; Lady Holford ; Dr. Blechynden, the first Provost ; and of Dr. Landon, Provost, and Dean of Exeter. The Library, which is erected on a cloister, is a very noble room, 120 feet in length, with an extensive gallery. Dr. Clarke, who bequeathed 1000/. towards the building, added his large and very curious collection of books, among which are Inigo Jones's Palladio, with his own manu- script notes in Italian ; several of his invaluable architectural drawings, and a copy of " Carle- ton's Remembrance of God's Mercy," printed in 1627, consisting of Anecdotes of Queen Elizabeth's preservation from the attacks of her enemies. It is superbly bound in purple velvet, and covered with pearls. At the entrance to this room is a fine whole-length portrait of Sir Thomas Cookes, represented with a plan of the College in his hand, and viewing, with admira- tion, a bust of Alfred. It was painted by Pine, of Bath, and given to the College by Dr. Wan- ley. This fine room has lately been painted, and much improved in its appearance. In the WORCESTER COLLEGE. 129 Bursary are two paintings (given by Dr. Nash,) the Interior of a Flemish Cottage, and a Roman Fountain : they are well executed, but the artist is unknown. In the Common Room is a portrait of Dr. Clarke; and another, by Leem- ing, of Anthony Cooper, upwards of sixty years a servant of the College; a painting of the Assumption of the Virgin, and a view of part of the College, by Mr. Hinckes, a Gentleman Commoner of this Society. In the front of this College, to the south, several apartments have been recently erected, in consequence of the great increase in the number of its members. From the retired and pleasant situation of this College, it may naturally be supposed that it possesses extensive gardens. The Provost has a large one; that which belongs to the Society extends over several acres of ground, and has recently been laid out with great taste. It is embellished with a large sheet of artificial water, well stored with fish. There is another garden in front of the Common Room of this Society. This College was originally Gloucester Hall, and founded as such in the year 1283. In 1714 it was founded as a Col- lege by Sir Thomas Cookes, of Bentley, in Worcestershire ; since which it has received considerable endowments from Dr. Finney, Dr. Clarke, Mrs. Sarah Eaton, and others. The Foundation consists of a Provost, 21 Fellows, 16 Scholars, and 3 Exhibitioners. The number of Members is about 240. Visitors — The Bishops of Oxford and Worcester, and the Vice-Chancellor of the University. Not far from Worcester College is the Canal Wharf. This Canal commences at Oxford, proceeds to Banbury, Coventry, &c. and forms a junction with the grand trunk, which enables the inhabitants to send goods to, and receive them from, London, with expedition and safety. Near the Canal Wharf is the County Gaol, which was rebuilt upwards of thirty years since. 130 ST. MARY MAGDALEN CHURCH. The original tower belonging to the ancient Castle, and the hill thrown up near it, which contains a vaulted magazine formed for the use of the garrison, still remain. From Worcester College we proceed through Beaumont Street, (directly opposite,) which leads to ST. MARY MAGDALEN CHURCH, A Vicarage, under the patronage of Christ Church, and held by a Student of that Society. It is a neat, stone edifice, about 88 feet in length, and of a proportionate width. In both the northern and southern sides are attached chantry chapels ; the former supposed to have been built by the Lady Devorguilla, Foundress of Balliol College, and the latter to have been originally founded about the year 11 94-, by Hugh, Bishop of Lincoln, but refitted by Edward III. Three uniform pointed windows, belonging to the latter Chapel, are great ornaments to the south- ern front of the Church. A parapet of open trefoil work adds to the beauty of this part of the building. The tower contains five bells. The interior of this old Church has lately been entirely refitted, and many seats added for the accommodation of the numerous parishioners. A new gallery has also been erected, in which is a fine-toned organ. This Church was built by the permission of St. Frideswide, and, soon after the Norman Con- quest, came into the hands of Robert D'Oiley, who, upon the erection of his College of St. George, gave it to the Secular Canons thereof, in whose possession it continued fifty-five years, after which it was translated to Osney, and at the Reformation was presented to Christ Church by Henry VIII. The Tower was built in the 22nd year of NEW INN HALL. 131 Henry VIII. Some years since the old houses which adjoined this Church were taken down, by which the appearance of this part of the City was very much improved. We pass this Church, walk a very short dis- tance southerly, and come to the Church dedi- cated to SAINT MICHAEL, A Curacy, in the patronage of the Rector and Fellows of Lincoln College, and held by a Fel- low of that Society. It is nearly of equal dimensions with that of St. Mary Magdalen. Its division is into a nave, two aisles, and a chancel : the very ancient embattled tower con- tains six bells. The windows of this Church are large and pointed. Peshall says it belonged to the Canons of St. Frideswide, long before the Norman Conquest. Here we enter the street called the Corn Market, nearly in the centre of which is that large and handsome Hotel, the Star. In 1832, a very large and splendid room for Assem- blies, Concerts, Exhibitions, Public Dinners, &c. was erected in this Hotel, which, for many years, was a desideratum in Oxford. On the opposite side is the Roebuck Inn, a very com- modious and most respectable house. A little further on is the Cross Inn, for coaches and commercial travellers. Between the Three Goats and the Star, is the street leading to NEW INN HALL, Which, during many years, had no other mem- t>cr than the Principal. It has now about fifty members, for the accommodation of whom, one wing of the new buildings was finished in 1832, from the plans and under the direction of Mr. Greeftshields, an ingenious architect of Oxford. 132 ST. MARTIN, OR CARFAX. For the rendering of this Hall fit for the recep- tion of Students, the public are indebted to Dr. Cramer, who was appointed Principal in 1831. This Hall, situated on the west side of the North Bailey, on the place called " The Seven Deadly Sins," was formerly known by the name of Trilleck's Inn, from the circumstance of its belonging to John Trilleck, Bishop of Here- ford. Trilleck dying intestate in 1360, it be- came, together with two other tenements ad- joining, the property of his brother Thomas, who six years after (he being then Bishop of Rochester) conveyed them to Mr. Hugh Pem- bridge, Mr. Roger Ottery, and Walter Brown, Rector of the Church of St. Magnus, in Lon- don; and they to William of W'ykeham, bishop of Winchester. William of Wykeham gave them, with three gardens, adjoining on the west side, also a messuage called Rose Hall, and a garden adjoining, to the Warden and Fellows of New College, in 1S92. The first Principal on record occurs in 1438. In the time of the civil war, from 1642 to 1646, this Hall was used as a mint for Charles I. to which the different Colleges and Halls sent their plate to be melted down for his Majesty's use. At a very short distance from the Cross Inn, is the meeting of the four principal streets, com- monly called Carfax, where the new Church of SAINT MARTIN, or CARFAX, Has been recently erected. Its architects and builders were Messrs. Harris and Plowman, of Oxford. This Church was built by general subscription and parochial rates : the Univer- sity, as a body, and most of the Colleges, contri- buted liberally. The Corporation of the City gave, as a first subscription, 6001. ; nearly all SAINT MARTIN, OR CARFAX. 133 its members subscribed individually. The late Sir Edward Hitchings, during whose Mayoralty the edifice was completed, gave (in addition to a previous donation) fifty guineas towards the reparation and improvement of the Organ, and another fifty was given by the Corporation for the same purpose. The funds, however, are not yet adequate to the proposed improvement of the Tower, which still preserves its antique appearance. St. Martin's, or Carfax, is also the City Church, where the Mayor and Corporation at- tend divine service on Sundays, at eleven in the morning, and six in the evening. There are four Lecturers, who preach on alternate Sun- days. St. Martin's is a rectory of very small value, in the gift of the Queen. The first stone of the new Church was laid October 23rd, lSSO, and it was opened for divine service on Sunday, June 16th, 1822. The former Church was a very ancient structure, and no record of the time of its erection now remains. It is con- jectured, that at an early period it was much larger ; the tower, it is certain, was once con- siderably higher; but by command of Edward III. it was taken down as it now appears, because, " upon complaint of the scholars, the townsmen could, in time of combat with them, retire to the tower as to their castle, and thence gall and annoy them with arrows and stones." The tower contains six bells. To continue our walk through the University, we must pursue our progress southerly, into St. Aldatc's-strect ; observing that on the left is the High- street, and on the right Queen- street. This street lends to the Canal Wharf, and to the County Gaol, and conducts us to the roads to Witney and Cheltenham, Wantage and Faringdon; and to Wytham, the seat of the M 134; THE TOWN HALL. Eaii of Abingdon, which is about two miles from Oxford. A few paces down St. Aldate's- street bring us to THE TOWN HALL, Where the Assizes, and City and County Ses- sions are holden, and where all the County and other large meetings take place. It was built by Thomas Rowney, Esq. the City Representa- tive, in 1754-, and has since been considerably improved, at the joint expense of the County and City. Its dimensions are 135 feet by 31|. In IS 14, during the Mayoralty of Sir Joseph Lock, this room was honoured with the pre- sence of George IV. then Prince Regent, the late Emperor of Russia, the King of Prussia, the late Duke of York, the Prince of Orange, the Prince of Mecklenburgh, Prince Metter- nich, Prince Blucher, and other royal and noble personages, to whom was presented the hono- rary freedom of the City. Upwards of 700 persons were present at this splendid scene. Adjoining to the Town Hall is the Council Chamber, in which are portraits of Queen Anne ; King William III. ; John, first Duke of Marlborough ; George, third Duke of Marl- borough, by Gainsborough ; Sir Thos. White ; Dr. Wall ; Alderman Nixon, and Joan his wife ; Zachary Bogan; Alderman Wise; Mr. Rowney: Alderman Fletcher; and other benefactors to the City. On the 8th of November, 1832, during the Mayoralty of James Banting, Esq., the present Queen, then Princess Victoria, with the Duchess of Kent, paid a visit to the Cor- poration in this room, when an address was pre- sented to the Duchess; and in October, 1835, during the Mayoralty of Richard Wootten, Esq. Queen Adelaide was presented with a loyal address from the Corporation, in this room ; PEMBROKE COLLEGE. 135 which, as well as the Town Hall, was hand- somely fitted up for each occasion. Near the Town Hall is the Bank of Messrs. Davenport, Walker and Davenport, and opposite is that of Messrs. Wootten and Tubb. Proceeding in our walk, we come to the magnificent front of Christ Church. Nearly opposite to the gate of this College we cross the street; and, in our way to Pembroke College, arrive at ST. ALDATE'S CHURCH, (A Rectory, in the gift of Pembroke College,) which, though a large and irregular edifice, has a venerable and interesting appearance. It is composed of a nave, two aisles, and a chancel, and measures about 100 feet in length. At the west end is a tower, surmounted by a neat oc- tagonal spire, and containing five bells. The church is spacious, and has recently been re- paired and refitted with pews by public sub- scription. It is of an antiquity beyond the reach of satisfactory investigation. Speed says it was founded or restored in the year 1004. Close to this Church is the entrance to PEMBROKE COLLEGE. ".* Porter's Lodge is on the right of the gateway. The quadrangle is small, but regularly built. In former editions the Hall or Refectory of this Society was slightly mentioned ; but the recent improvements render it particularly de- serving of our notice. It has been considerably enlarged, the ceiling elevated, and a very ele- gant oriel window placed at the western end. In this and the two side windows, arc the arms of various Founders and Benefactors, beauti- fully executed by Eggington. Among them are the Royal Arms, King James 1. being styled M 2 136 PEMBROKE COLLEGE HALL. the Founder, and King Charles I. having added a Fellowship and the Rectory of St. Aldate's to the original endowment. The arms of Lord Grenville, Chancellor of the University, and, as such, the Visitor of this College, occupy one compartment. In the cornice are painted the arms of many members of the College. The expenses attendant on these improvements were more than 20007. ; towards which some contributions have been made by former mem- bers, as a testimony of their friendship to the Society. The handsome tables were presented by Dr. Hall, the Master. To the persons whose classical taste directed these improvements, we are indebted for a new object of attraction, and we strongly recommend to strangers a view of this elegant apartment. The following portraits of Founders and Benefactors have been replaced on the walls, viz. — Thomas Tesdale, Esq. and Richard Wightwick, B.D. the first Founders of the College ; King Charles I. ; Francis Rous, Provost of Eton in 1643 : George Townsend, Esq. of Gloucestershire, 164-7; Sir John Benet, Knight of the Bath, afterward Lord Ossulstone, 1672; George Morley, Bishop of Winchester, 1678 ; Dr. John Hall, Bishop of Bristol, Mas- ter from 1664 to 1 709 ; Queen Anne ; Simon, Earl Harcourt ; Dr. Benjamin Slocock, 1749; Rev. James Phipps, 1749 ; Mrs. Phipps, his wife ; and Dr. Smyth, the late Master. At the upper end of the room is a handsome bust of Dr. Johnson,* by Bacon, presented by Samuel * Dr. Samuel Johnson was entered a Commoner of this College, in October, 1738. His apartments were on the second floor, over the gateway. He had been at the Univer- sity about three years, when the deranged state of his lather's affairs, caused the scanty remittances on which he had before contrived to subsist, to be wholly withdrawn, and he was under the painful necessity of quitting College without taking a degree ; but, in 1755, the degree of M.A. PEMBROKE COLLEGE. — CHAPEL. 137 Whitbread, Esq. the elder. Within the last three years has been added a bust (by West- macott) of Davies Gilbert, Esq. (D.C.L. by Diploma,) a member of this College, and late President of the Royal Society. The Library is over the Hall. Formerly the books were kept in a large room over the south aisle of St. Aldate's Church, which was at one time a Civil Law School, and had a col- lection of books on that science for the use of Broadgate and other Halls adjoining. When, in 1709, Dr. John Hall, Master, bequeathed his collection, the present Library was fitted up. The Chapel is a small, elegant building of the Ionic order, with a beautiful altar-piece, containing a copy, by Cranke, from a picture ot Rubens, at Antwerp, of our Saviour after his Resurrection, presented to the College by the late Rev. Joseph Corbett, the venerable Arch- deacon of Salop (then Mr. Plymley). Before the erection of the present Chapel, this Society attended divine service in the south aisle of St. Aldate's Church. In a garden near the Chapel is a neat and pleasant Common Room, in which there is a painting of Shenstone, who was edu- cated at Pembroke College, lately given by the above Archdeacon Corbett, in the name of his son, also brought up here. The Master's Lodgings are on the outside of the gate to the right of the entrance : they contain, among other pictures and prints of College Worthies, a portrait of Archbishop Ncwcome, painted by Hamilton ; one of Hall, Bishop of Bristol, and Master of this College; and one of Dr. John- son, a copy from Sir Joshua Reynolds, presented by Archdeacon Corbett, for his eldest son, Panton Plymley, Esq. (now Corbett.) was conferred on him, and in 177j the degree of D.C.L. both by diploma. M 3 138 PEMBROKE COLLEGE. The interior of the quadrangle has lately been newly faced with Bath stone, and altered from the Palladian to a later style of English architecture; the whole presenting a neat ap- pearance. The northern front and the Lodg- ings of the Master have been decorated by Mr. Daniel Evans, of Oxford, in a modern style of English architecture. The oriel windows are worthy of attention, particularly the one over the gateway, which was constructed on the model of the remains of one in John of Gaunt' s Palace, at Lincoln. The battlement of the tower and the chimnies is executed in a style corresponding with the other parts of the building. The houses which stood opposite the front of Christ Church, at the eastern end of St. Aldate's Church, having been recently re- moved, it had become necessary to repair and alter the eastern front of the College : accord- ingly, the same ingenious artist, Mr. D. Evans, has accomplished the work with much taste. This College, originally Broadgate Hall, wa3 founded in 1624, by Thomas Tesdale, Esq. of Glympton, in Oxford- shire ; and Richard Wightwick, Rector of Ilsley, Berks.* The foundation now consists of a Master, 14 Fellows, and 30 Scholars and Exhibitioners. Four out of the seven Fellows on Mr. Tesdale's foundation must be chosen from his rela- tives. Two on the foundation of Mr. Wightwick, must be either related to him, or bear the same name. The rest on these two foundations are to be elected in the Grammar School, at Abingdon. Two Fellowships were given by Sir John Benet, Lord Ossulstone, one by King Charles I., and the fourteenth by Sir John Phillipps, of Picton Castle, in Pembrokeshire, Bart. Members on the books are about 180. The King's Letters Patent for the Endowment of the Col- lege, are dated June 29, 1624, and on the 5th of August, in the same year, the ceremony of the transmutation of Broad- gate Hall into Pembroke College took place. In commemora- tion of the entrance upon a third century from this endowment, * In the phraseology of the day, while the King (James I.) was denominated the Founder, and the Earl of Pembroke, then Chancellor of the University, was styled Godfather, Tesdale and Wightwick were called Fosterfathers only. tmmtnmn ^ .-. •fittt m tmiMMr HmniiM :« 1 ~:s*i ciei ' But hark. 'the wamm Float o'er // While . CHRIST CHURCH. 139 a splendid entertainment was given by the Masters and Fel- lows, in June, 1824. Visitor — The Chancellor of the University. Not far from this College is the Church dedi- cated to ST. EBBE, A plain modern imitation of the pointed style, opened for divine service on the 9th of Febru- ary, 1817. The body of the former Church was pulled down in 1813; but an embattled tower at the west end was preserved, and occu- pies the same situation in the new Church. In this tower there are eight bells. The Queen is the Patroness of the rectory. We now return to C^ CHRIST CHURCH. As this College is very large, it is necessary to acquaint strangers, that if they wish to see the Hall, or the Great Bell, they must inquire for the Porter, whose Lodge is on the right, under the first gateway. This Porter will inform them where to apply in order to gain admittance to the Cathedral. The Library is shewn by an- other Porter, whose Lodge is under Canterbury gateway, at the eastern entrance. The elevation of Christ Church, viewed from the street, displays uncommon grandeur, and ranges along an extent of 400 feet. Wolsey left the great entrance tower unfinished, and in 1682 it was completed under the direction of Sir Christopher Wren. This tower gives a dignity to the building which it crowns, when nearly viewed, and, when seen from a distance, adds greatly to the beauty of Oxford. The arms of* the benefactors who contributed to the erection, are engraved on the roof that parts the gatehouse from the belfry, in which is the 140 CHRIST CHURCH. — HALL. great bell Tom, one of the largest in England,* which formerly belonged to Osney Abbey, and has since been recast, when this inscription was put on it : " Magnus Thomas clusius Oxoniensis, renatus Apr. 8, 1680," &c. The original in- scription was, " In Thomcc laude resono Bim Bom sine fraud e." Every night at ten minutes past nine, it tolls 101 times, (the number of the members called Students,) when the gates of most of the Colleges and Halls are shut. The gate is ornamented with a statue of Queen Anne. The great quadrangle, about 263 feet square, is formed by the Hall, the Lodgings of the Dean, and five of the Canons, and apartments for members of the Society. In the centre is a small fountain, supplied with water from the river Isis, and the spring at Hinksey. In the north-east corner, over the passage, is a statue of Bishop Fell, and over the passage to the Hall is one of Cardinal Wolsey. On March 3rd, 1809, a fire broke out in the Rooms between the Hall and the Canon's lodg- ings, then occupied by the late Professor White, which did very considerable mischief. At one time, the Hall on the one side, and the turret of Tom, over the principal entrance, on the other, were considered to be in great danger, and must have been destroyed but for the exertions of the members of this and the other Colleges, and the inhabitants of the City. The interior of the Hebrew Professor's Lodgings, and several rooms of the members, were destroyed. The Hall was built by Wolsey, and strikes every eye with its magnificence, the grandeur of its proportions, and the propriety of its or- * The dimensions of this bell are — diameter, seven feet one inch ; from the crown to the brim, five feet nine inches : thickness of the striking-place, six inches ; weight, 17,000lbs ; weight of the clapper, 342lbs. CHRIST CHURCH. — HALL. 141 naments. It is unrivalled as a refectory by any room in the kingdom. In the reign of Charles I. the present approach was built, but the name of the architect is not known ; the vaulted roof is supported by a single pillar, in the centre of a square, and by groins at the angles. The new staircase and lobby were opened in 1S00. The roof of the Hall is highly ornamented, and the large window, at the upper end of the south side, is suited to its position, and very much ad- mired for its fine carved Gothic canopy. This stately apartment is 115 feet in length, 40 in breadth, and 50 in height, and, taking in the lobby, &c. is 180 feet long. In 1801, two new Gothic chimney-pieces were erected in this room, by order of the Dean, Dr. Jackson, from a plan of Mr. Wyatt. They are made of Somersetshire stone, and are considered as very appropriate ornaments of the Hall. As Christ Church has ever claimed the honour of receiving our Monarchs when they came to Oxford, this Hall has consequently been the scene of those entertainments which have been prepared to do honour to, or pro- mote .the amusement of, the royal visitors. — Henry VIII. in 1533, Queen Elizabeth, in 15G6 and 1592, James I. in 1605, and Charles I. se- veral times, were splendidly entertained in this room. In the year 1814, George IV, then Prince Regent, dined here with Prince Metter- nich : the renowed veteran warrior, Prince Blucher ; a numerous party of other royal and noble visitors ; the late Dr. Hall, then Dean, and all the other members of this College. — After dinner, his Royal Highness desired his name might be entered on the books of Christ Church. This noble room is splendidly fur- nished with the following collection of portraits ol' persons distinguished for their high rank, 142 CHRIST CHURCH. — HALL. great learning, and eminent qualities, who, with few exceptions, were educated within the walls of this College: — Left Hand SiJe,fr Coleridge, first Bishop of Bar- badoes — Ph Mips Hon. Sir Chas. Bagot, Knight of the Bath — PickersgiU Murray, Bishop of Rochester — Faulkner Sir Wm. Elias Taunton, one of the Justices of King's Beuch — Briggs Dolben, Archbishop of York Tanner, Bishop of St. Asaph Benson, Bishop of Gloucester George Grenville, a distin- guished statesman — Rom- ney Dr. Stratford, Canon SirJonathanTrelawney,Bart. Bishop of Winchester — Kneller om the Entrance. Drummond, Archbishop of York — Hudson Sir.lohn Sky nner, Chief Baron of the Exchequer — Gains- borough Moreton, Bishop of Meath — Dahl Wake, Archbishop of Canter- bury Charles Boyle, Earl of Orrery Robinson, Archbishop of Ar- magh and Baron Rokeby — Reynolds Charles Abbot, D.C.L. Baron Colchester — Northcote Hon. Edward Yenables Ver- non Harcourt, Archbishop of York — Hoppncr Above the Wainscot, on the same side. TOP ROW. Sir John English Dolben, Bart. — Perigal Sir Francis Barnard, Bart. — Copley Howson, Bishop of Durham Heton, Bishop of Ely Bancroft, Bishop of Oxford MIDDLE ROW. Sir William Dolben, Bart. MP. for the University — Romney Sir John Dolben, Bart. Pre- bendary of Durham — Dahl Godwin, Bishop of Hereford Westfaling, Bp. of Hereford Miles Smith, Bishop of Glou- cester James, Bishop of Durham Griffith, Bishop of St. Asaph Above the Steps, Left Hand. Markham, Archbishop of Charles Henry Hall, D.D. York — Reynolds Dean — Newton Atterbury, Bishop of Roches- Conybeare, Bishop of Bristol ter — Kneller Samuel Fell, D.D., Dean Above the Steps, in Front. Kyng, Dean, and Bishop of ', John Fell, Dean, and Bishop London — Cornelius J ansen | of Oxford Smalridge, Dean, and Bishop Cyril Jackson, D.D. , Dean— of Bristol— Kneller Owen CHRIST CHURCH. — HALL. J 43 Boulter, Archbishop of Ar- magh Thomas Wolsey, Cardinal of St. Cecilia, Archbishop of York — Hans Holbein King Henry VIII., Founder of Christ Church— Hans Holbein Queen Elizabeth — Zucchero Duppa, Dean, and Bishop of Winchester — Van Loo Morley, Dean, and Bishop of Winchester — Lely Samuel Smith, D.D., Dean— Pickersgill Bagot, Dean, and Bishop of St. Asaph — Hoppner Henry Aldrich, D.D., Dean — Kneller Bradshaw, Dean, and Bishop of Bristol — Zecman OVER THE WAINSCOT. Piers, Dean, and Archbishop of York Ravys, Dean, and Bishop of London. One of the trans- lators of the Bible Welbore Ellis, Bp. of Meath Corbet, Dean, and Bishop of Norwich — Vandyke North, or Right Hand Side, from the Upper End. William WyndhamGrenville, j D.C.L. Baron Grenville, j Chancellor of the Univer- j sity — Owen Ri^Lt Hon. George Canning — Lawrence Carey, Bishop of St Asaph — Mr. Reynolds Nicholas Vansittart, Baron Bexley — Owen Goodenough, Bishop of Car- lisle- -Sorthcote Dr. Fell, Dr. Dolben, and Dr. Allestree Moss, Bishop of Oxford— Hoppner Welbore Ellis, Baron Mendip — Gainsborough Lewis De Visme. a Student — Raphael Mengs Blackburne, Archbishop of York — Highmore William Eden, Baron Auck- land — Lawrence Dr. Richard Busby, the cele- brated Master of West- minster School, and a Pu- pil — Riley John Freind,M.D. a Student Hooper, Bishop of Bath and Wells — Hogarth Sir Thomas Strange, Chief Justice of Nova Scotia — Shee Phineas Pett, D.D., Canon- Copy from Owen Earl Amherst, Governor-Ge- neral of India — Say Hon. Edward Legge, Bishop of Oxford — From Owen * This picture is copied from a fine painting by Sir Peter Lely, in the mansion of the Dolben family, in Northampton- shire. Dr. Fell, Dr. Dolben, and Dr. Allestree, are repre- sented in their canonical habits, reading the Liturgy of the Church of England. During Cromwell's Protectorship, these divines, and other men of eminence, met for this purpose in the lodgings of Dr. Willis, in Canterbury quadrangle, and afterwards in his house, opposite Merton College ; and this practice continued until the Restoration. 144 CHRIST CHURCH. — HALL. North Side, over the Wainscot , from the Upper End. MIDDLE ROW. Mathew, Dean, and Arch- bishop of York Wood, Bishop of Lichfield and Coventry — Lehj Sanderson, Bp. of Lincoln Matthew Skinner, Student, Recorder and M.P. for the City of Oxford Este, Bishop of Waterford — Van Loo Alsop, Preb. of Winchester Hickman, Bishop of London TOP ROW. Godwyn, Uean, and Bishop of Bath and Wells Spratt, Prebendary of West- minster — Kneller Gastrell, Bishop of Chester Thomas Burton, D.D., Canon Felling, D.D. Canon of Wind- sor Lower End, above the Entrance, from the Left. Cox, Archbishop of Cashel — Sommers Dudley Carleton, Viscount Dorchester — Vandyke The third Duke of Portland, Chancellor of the Univer- sity — Romney Henry Benet, Earl of Arling- ton — Lely Gilbert, Archbp. of York Sir Archibald Macdonald, Chief Baron of the Ex- chequer — Romney Smalhvell, Bishop of Oxford — Romney Da_yid Murray, second Earl of Mansfield — Romney William, first Earl of Mans- field— Martin Edward Harley, second Earl of Oxford — Kneller Stone, Archbishop of Armagh —Ramsay Sir Gilbert Dolben, Bart.— Kneller Agar, Archbishop of Dublin, and Earl of Normanton — Romney King, Bishop of Chichester Robert, fourth Earl of Oxford William Bromley, Esq. M.P. for theUniversity — Kneller The celebrated John Locke — Kneller Cleaver, Archbishop of Dub- lin — Romney John Nicoll, D.D. Canon in 1751 — Reynolds Robert Freind, D.D. Canon Randolph, Bishop of London — Owen James, third Bishop of Cal- cutta — Faulkner Charles Watkin Williams Wynn, DC.L. and M.P.— Shee Jackson, Canon, and Bishop of Oxford — Owen Bissett, Bishop of Raphoe— Lawrence Richard Frewen, M.D. Sir John Sky nner,Chief Baron of the Exchequer — Gains- borough In this fine room there is a bust of his late Majesty George IV. by Chantrey. CHRIST CHURCH. — CHAPEL. 145 Very near the Hall is the Kitchen, which is often visited by strangers. In it is a very large and curious gridiron, which is supported by tour wheels. It was used for dressing whole joints, before ranges and spits were invented. The Kitchen was the first part of the College that was completed, and still retains its original appearance. The Chapel of this College, which is also the Cathedral of the Diocese, is the same which belonged to the Priory of St. Frideswide, where that Saint and her parents were entombed. It is built in the shape of a cross, with a spire in the middle. The tower contains ten bells, which formerly belonged to Osney Abbey. The length of the Chapel, from east to west, is 154 feet. The nave was originally almost double the length it is at present ; Cardinal Wolsey having pulled down about 50 feet of the west end, to make room for the houses of the Canons. The length of the transept from north to south, is 102 feet. The height of the western part is 41 £ feet: and in the choir 37^ feet. The breadth of the nave and side aisles is 54 feet ; and the height of the steeple 144 feet. Five monuments of great antiquity are still remain- ing in this Chapel, or, more properly, Church. The first, which is under the great window in the north transept, was erected to the memory of James Zouch, who died in 1503. The four other tombs are between the respective arches, dividing the Divinity or Latin Chapel from the middle north aisle. The first of these displays a man in armour, and is reported to belong to Sir Henry De Bathe, who died in 1252. The next beyond is supposed to contain the remains of Guymond, a Prior, who died about 1149. The next monument is that of the Lady Eliza- beth Montacute, wile of Win. Baron Montacute, N 146 CHRIST CHURCH. — CHAPEL. ancestor of the Montacutes, Earls of Salis- bury. She was buried here in 1353. The last of these tombs is called the shrine of St. Frideswide. This is a neat and elegant struc- ture erected over a tomb, which had on it the effigies of a man and woman, in brass, now torn off, said to have been the parents of the saint. She died in the year 740, on October 19th, which day is commemorated by a Fair kept before the gates of the College. The monument of Robert Burton, the author of the Anatomy of Melancholy, who was a member of this Col- lege, is in this part of the Church. On it is his bust, with a calculation of his nativity, and this inscription by himself, put up by his brother, the Leicestershire antiquary, " Paucis notus, paucioribus ignotus,hic jacetDemocritus Junior, cui vitam dedit, et mortem, Melancholia. Obiit viii. Id. Jan. a. c. m.dc.xxxix." The monu- ments of later date may be considered as an obituary of many of the most distinguished members of this Society. There are also several monuments erected to the memory of eminent persons, who died in Oxford, when Charles I. held his Court at Christ Church. Most of the windows of this Cathedral were destroyed in 1651. Those that remain, with others executed since, are — The Story of Jonah, in the south aisle : the Destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah ; and Christ disputing with the Doctors, in the east window of the Divinity Chapel, by Van Linge, 1634. The Nativity, in the east window, is by Price, from a design of Sir James Thornhill. The window in the north aisle, St. Peter conducted out of Prison by the Angel, was painted in 1700, by Isaac Oliver, when he was 84 years of age. The centre west window has lately been repaired, and embel- lished with ancient and very curious painted CHRIST CHURCH. — CHAPEL. 147 glass, representing St. Frideswide, St. Catha- rine, and other Saints. In the centre part of the great window, in the north transept, is the representation of the murder of Becket, Arch- bishop of Canterbury, which has the appear- ance of great antiquity. The other windows contain a great variety of arms, crests, devices, &c. some of them collected and given by the late Alderman Fletcher, a few years since. The window, which has a portrait of Bishop King, contains a curious view of the south elevation of Osney Abbey. There is a fine-toned organ in the Church, where service is performed every morning and evening, and sermons are preached in the nave, before the University — on Good Friday, Ascension Day, Christmas Day, and whenever it is the turn of the Dean or either of the Canons to preach. The Church has lately been new-roofed, and the interior has under- gone many alterations and repairs. The stone roof in the choir is much admired. The richly ornamented sacramental plate is very ancient. The pulpit is also very old, and of curious workmanship. In this Chapel was placed, a few years since, a very fine statue of Dr. Cyril Jackson, Dean from 1783 to 1809, when he retired from his arduous situation : he died August 31st, 1819. It is executed by Chan trey, from the excellent likeness in the Hall, by Owen. In the Memorials of Oxford, edited by Dr. Ingram, an account is given of a very curious piece of ancient sculpture, lately discovered in consequence of a great quantity of rubbish being removed from the garden of the Verger. It stands at the foot of an angular buttress, at the southern extremity of the Chapel. Dr. Ingram states, that " Mime persons have supposed it to be the ancient font of St. Frideswide's Church ; N 2 148 CHRIST CHURCH. ANATOMICAL THEATRE. which was certainly parochial as well as conven- tual, but," he continues, " we conclude that it is the celebrated altar or reliquary of St. Frides- wide, in which her bones, real or supposed, were enshrined on the day of their translation, in 1180, from the obscure position which they previously occupied, to a more splendid recep- tacle. The reason for concealing it so carefully from public view will appear from the injunc- tions of Henry VIII. as well as from the statutes of Edward VI., Elizabeth, and James I. for the destruction of all altars, of relics, images, shrines, &c." Dr. Ingram gives an interesting account of the subjects of the sculptures, which are scriptural. The Chapter House, which opens into the east cloister, is a fine room, and is embellished with numerous portraits. The Common Room, which is under the Hall, contains portraits of Henry VII., of Drs. Busby, Frewin, Carey, Nicoll, Freind, and Archbishop Markham, of Dean Aldrich, Car- dinal Wolsey, and Henry VIII. In the Court, to which we enter by a narrow passage, in the southern part of the Great Quadrangle, and adjoining the Common Room, is the Grammar School, where the Choristers and other boys are educated. Opposite the Grammar School is the Anatomical Theatre, which was begun in the year 1776, and finished partly with the benefaction of Dr. Freind, who died in 1728, leaving 1000/. towards promoting the study of anatomy ; and partly with the le- gacy of Dr. M. Lee, who by his will endowed the Lectureship, and was, in other respects, a great benefactor to the College. This is a hand- some convenient building, and is well furnished with subjects, preserved in spirits, to illustrate the study of anatomy. Lectures are delivered CHRIST CHURCH. — PECKWATER. 149 here by Dr. Lee's Reader in Anatomy, who is appointed by the Dean and Chapter. Mr. J. S. and Mr. P. B. Duncan, of New College, lately presented to this Theatre some very elegant wax models, formed with great accuracy. They were purchased at Florence by these gentlemen. Proceeding from the Chapel, down the clois- ters, and passing by the old Library, the Chap- lains' Quadrangle, and Fell's Buildings; or, from the Anatomical Theatre into the lane, in which are the College Stables, the stranger is invited to take a view of the beautiful Walks, called Christ Church Meadow, and the Wide Walk. The meadow is bounded on the east by the Cherwell, on the south by the river Isis, on the west by a branch of the same river, and on the north by the Wide Walk. It is a mile and a quarter round ; the Wide Walk is upwards of a quarter of a mile in length. These walks are kept in excellent order, at the sole expense of Christ Church, and are filled with company in the fine evenings of summer, during Term, when the scene is enlivened by the continual passing and repassing of pleasure boats of every description, from the skiff to the eight-oared cutter. In order to complete the view of this College, we must return into the Great Quadrangle, pass under the north-cast arch, which is oppo- site the Hall entrance, and proceed to the quad- rangle, called Puck water, which derives its name from an ancient ball or inn which stood on the south-west corner of the present court, and was the property of Richard Peckwater, who gave it to St. Frideswide's Priory, in the reign of Henry III. About the middle of the reign of Henry VIII. another inn, called Vine Hall, was added to it: these, with other build- ings, were formed into a quadrangle, in the time n 3 150 CHRIST CHURCH. — LIBRARY. of Dean Duppa and Dr. S. Fell, which remained until 1705, when the east, west, and north sides were rebuilt after a plan given by Dean Aldrich, at the expense of the Dean, Canons, and nobi- lity and gentry educated in this Society. An- thony Radcliff'e, Canon, bequeathed 3000/. for this purpose. This munificent benefaction is commemorated in the following Latin inscrip- tion, under the cornice of the north side, which was built with his money : " Atrii Peckwateri- ensis quod spectas latus extruxit Antonius Rad- cliff'e, S.T.P. hujusce aedis primo Alumnus, deinde Canonicus." The three sides are in a chaste Ionic style ; all superfluity of ornament has been judiciously rejected, and it is one ot the most correct examples of the Palladian architecture in this kingdom. The new Library, forming the south side of Peckwater quadrangle, was begun in 1716, after a design of Dr. George Clarke, a Fellow of All Souls', and Member for the University ; and was not completed until 1761. The eleva- tion consists of one order of three-quarter Corinthian columns, of considerable height and diameter. It was originally intended that the lower story should consist of an open piazza of seven arches, with an ascent of three steps along the front of the building; but it was afterwards enclosed, and forms the rooms which contain some books, and the collection of paintings given to the College by Brigadier-General Guise, and others. The following is a list of the paintings, busts, ike. placed in these lower rooms : — At the entrance are the follow- I George [. — Rysbraeck ing Busts. Dr. Markham, Dean, and Archbishop of York — Ba- ll. Preind, D.D. Master of con, junior Westminster School— Rys- Dr. Robinson, Primate of Ire- braeck land — Bacon CHRIST CHURCH. — LIBRARY. 151 Hugh Boulter, Primate of Ireland George II. — Rysbraeck George III. — Bacon, senior Dr. Frewin, a Physician of Oxford and Student of Christ Church — Roubillac, 1757 Dr. Busby, Head Master of Westminster School — Rys- braeck Dr. Trevor, Bishop of Dur- ham — Bacon, senior General Guise— Bacon, sen. Dr Lewis Parrot, Dean, and Bishop ol St. .Asaph — Chan- trey. PAINTINGS, &c Right-hand Room, commencing at the Entrance.* Portrait of General Guise — Reynolds Portrait of King Henry the Eighth — Holbein Portrait of Cardinal Wolsey — The same Portrait— Titian Portrait — Tintoretto Portrait of a Woman with a Guitar An Ecce Homo — Baroccio Diana and Actocon — Titian A Head Marriage of St. Katharine — Paul Veronese vuiie Subject — The same Madonna and Child with St. John — G. Bellini The Triumph of Cupid— Do- menichino Two Boys with a Dog and a Goat— Old Bassano Venus and Adonis— P. Vero. nese The entombing the Holy Body — G. di Bassano Pan — Giorgionc Madonna and Child — // For- denone Madonna with St. John A Choir of Angels — Gnido Half length of St. Katharine — Pietro delta \~ite A Female Head Christ on the Mount, and his Disciples asleep— Bassano A Nativity — The same Christ with the two Disciples at Emmaus — Lazzarini Martyrdom of St. Laurence — Tintoretto Miracle of St. Mark— The same The Last Supper — The same Titian's Mistress — Titian Four Portraits, with a Book of Music— The sutne The Virgin, St. Peter, St. Francis, and a Venetian General, offering a Stand- ard taken from the Turks Christ, half length— Titian A Nativity — The same Portrait of the Duke of Alva — The same Madonna and Child with St. John — The same Holy Family — The same Christ tempted — from the School of Titian i Portrait of a Venetian Noble- man — Titian J A Head — The same \ Sudarium, or Veronica, be- ing a supposed representa- tion of the face of Christ on a handkerchief — The same A Female Head — The same A Nativity on a large Scale — Bassano * We recommend all amateurs of painting to purchase the excellent Catalogue Raisonne of the Pictures in the Library and Hall, recently published, and sold by the Porter, who shews the Library. 152 CHRIST CHURCH. — LIBRARY. Christ crowned with thorns — Hassan o A Nativity — B. Bassano, or Giorgione A Small Head — B. Bassano King Solomon and the Queen ofSheba — P. Veronese Sketch for a Cupola — After Correggio The Circumcision — Correggio A small Madonna and Child Christ crowned with Thorns Hercules and Omphale, from the Venetian School Second Compartment. Rebecca at the Well, and Abraham's servant present- ing the Bracelets — Guido Apollo flaying Marsyas — An- drea Sacchi Female with a Dove, repre- senting Simplicity —F. Fio- rino Cleopatra — Guido Christ in his youth, with a representation of his future sufferings — F. Albano Head of St. John — Guido A Youth playing on a Violin St. Sebastian — A copy from Guido Two Children, called Holy Love conquering Profane Love, said to be one of the best specimens of the ar- tist's first manner— Guido The Rape of Europa, a draw- ing for a Fan mount — Guido A smalt Madonna and Child A small Sketch Hagar and Ishmael — F. Mola Cleopatra Madonna and two Children A Sketch Ditto The Assumption of the Virgin (A Sketch) The Assumption of the Virgin — F. Xaldini Assembly of the Gods (Sketch painted on paper) A Head of Christ Madonna and Child — L. da Vinci St. Elizabeth with St. John musing upon a Cross made of Reeds — The same A small Sketch A small Sketch Two figures, a Sketch A small Head Descent from the Cross — Copy from D. da Volterra Christ bearing the Cross — A. Mantegna Madonna and Child — L. da Vinci A small Head (a fragment) — The same Ditto — The same The Martyrdom of St. Eras- mus — From N. Poussin Five Figures — From Parmi- giano A Bacchanalian piece, with Silenus Holy Family — Parmigiano Marriage of St. Katharine — After Correggio Madonna with a Rabbit, after a well-known Picture at Naples — Correggio Three Heads, the Virgin, Child, and Joseph A Nativity, after the well- known Picture called the " Notte," by Correggio, in the Gallery at Dresden — Copied by C. Cignani Descent from the Cross — C'or- reggio Cupid making his Bow — Cor- reggio, or Parmigiano Death of Sophonisba — Domc- nichino St. Jerome praying — The same A Dying Magdalene— The same CHRIST CHURCH. — LIBRARY. 153 The last Communion of St. Jerome — Domen'uhino The Meeting of the Emperor Otho and St. Nilo, a Sketch The same The Building of the Church at Grotta Ferrata, a Sketch — The same Susannah and the Elders — A iter Domenichino The Heads of Cherubs— The same Head of Diana — The same Third Compartment. Figures of Sibyls — A. Boti- cello The same Subject— The same A Nativity. From the French School A Dead Christ, supported by the Three Marys — Rapha- elino del Garbo Angels playing on Musical Instrument. A very curi- ous specimen of the Finger Organ of the time, called a Regal — Giottino, or Gaddi A Figure of a Saint with a Book — Granacei Holy Family — Duccio de Bo- ninsegna Solomou and the Queen of Sheba, from the Venetian School Madonna and Child — Cimabue Madonna and Child A Nativity and an Ascension — Alissio Bandoretti Madonna and Child— Giotto de Bondone A small Madonna and Child Madonna andChild — T. Gaddi A small Figure of Christafter the Resurrection, bj An- drea del Castagno, first Ita- lian Fainter in oil colours Holy Family — /•'. Francia Holy Famil) — I'. Lippi Madonna and Child — M. de Panicale St. George and the Dragon, by a Greek Fainter A Saint with a Book — G. de Bondone Two Heads — A. Mantegna Miracle of the Wheel. Le- gend of St. Katharine Madonna and Child, very an- cient A Picture from the Chapter House. A Miser, &c. Rape of the Sabines. Sketch Christ in the Temple — P. Pe- rugino A small Landscape Jupiter, Neptune, Cybele, Juno — J. Romano Madonna and Child with St. John — Paduanino The Resurrection of Christ The Infants Jesus and St. John — Raphael Portrait of Baldasso Casti- glione — A Copy from Ra- phael An Emperor on Horseback — J. Romano The Vision of Constantine from Raphael — The same A Nativity, from the Royal collection of King Charles I. — Raphael The Sibyls, an original Draw- ing — Raphael Christ appearing in the Gar- den — P. Perugino Jupiter and Juno — From Ra- phael Madonna & Child — The same A Sketch — After the manner of Raphael Madonna and Child, original at Naples—From Raphael Tin- Gathering tint Manna, a Sketch — The same Madonna and Child, in bia first manner — Raphael The Transfiguration, a small copy — From Raphael 154 CHRIST CHURCH. LIBRARY. Head of a Female weeping, Fragment of a Cartoon— Raphael Sketch of a Man on Horse- back — Vandyck Three Sketches — Volterrano Scipio presenting the Spanish Princess to her Husband — Vandyck Philosophers with a Globe, a Sketch— Old Palma Ditto. A Sketch — Vandyck A Roy's Head. A Sketch — Vandyck A Head — Rubens A small Picture of Soldiers and Women Judgment of Solomon — P. Romano Interior of St. Peter's Church at Rome— 'P. Panini Diana and Nymphs, and Ac- tseon — P. Veronese Room on the Left of the En- trance. The General Resurrection. Called a Venetian Picture of good character. Lot and his Daughters — Ca- ravaggio Representation of the Iron Age — P. da Cortona A Temple of Diana at the time of Sacrifice— P. da Cortona St. Katharine — Salviati The Brazen Age — P. da Cor- tona The Virgin contemplating the Child Cleopatra — Salviati Judith with the Head of Ho- lofernes — The same Two Female Figures, a Lady and her Servant — Mutiano Apiece of Architecture — Ghi- solji The Prodigal Son returned — Guercino Christ crowned with Thorns —Guercino A Head of St. John with a Lamb — The. same A Prince Bishop writing Spanish Figures — A. A. Fer- nandez A Nativity — li. Peruzzi Medusa's Head with Snakes — Rubens Diana and Nymphs, and Ac- taeon — C. Maratti Judith with the Head of Ho- loferues — J. Galantini Madonna and Child, and St. John — A. del Sarto A Female, half length — The same Day of Judgment — F. da Bassano Slaughter of the Innocents, and Herod on a Throne — J. Borgognone The Prodigal Son received by his Father Small Head, over the window The General Resurrection. Sketch — Younger Palma A Nativity, after Correggio — Cavedon Two Spanish Heads — Murillo A Landscape with Figures, representing the Country about Bologna, by Geo. Francesco Grimaldi, called II Bolognese. He was a Scholar of Annibal Caracci A Landscape, in which are Figures representing the Murder of St. Pietro Mar- tire — Figures by A. Caracci — Landscape by G. Caracci A Landscape — G. Caracci A Battle Piece — J. Borgo- gnone A Landscape — G. Caracci A Landscape, with Figures representingMoses deliver- ing the daughters of Reuel, Priest of Midian, from the Shepherds — Domenichino CHRIST CHURCH. — LIBRARY. 155 Landscape, with St. John preaching in the Wilder- ness — G. Caracci Landscape, with Figures. Fishermen, and Women washing — Domenichino Second Compartment 071 the left of the Entrance. Apollo and Marsyas; Midas sitting in Judgment — A. Schiavone St. Paul rebuking St. Peter — A. Sacchi A Nativity — F. Zuccharelli The taking down from the Cross — Old Palmn A Nativity — Copy from the younger I'ulma Christ bearing the Cross — F. Fount A Head of a Philosopher, said to be painted by Salv. Rosa while at Florence Diogenes — F. Mola The Story of Ericthonius — S. ltosa A Sketch — The same Tobias taking the Fish — The same A Sketch — Copied from S. Rosa St. Peter — 31. A . Caravaggio A Figure representing the Art of Painting — Copied from Spagnoletto A Portrait, holding a Letter —Spagnoletto St. Peter — '/Vic .same \ S] ortiog Parly with Han ks and Digs — Hamboccio Clowns Dancing, and Cattle — The same A Nativity — Copied from Del Vaga A Part] playing at Howls — Jan Hit I A Mountebank on Horseback drawing- a Clown's Tooth — The same Preparing the Holy Body for the Tom b— A. del Sart'o Faith girding a Sword on a General — P. dtl Vaga St. Jerome reading— Spagno- letto Two Heads — The same A Portrait in Robes with Er- mine — F. Turbido Portrait of a Lady Portrait — Riley Portrait of Pietro Francesco Mola, by himself Portrait of Vandyck. Sketch by himself Head — F. Zucchero Head — A. Janssens Portrait of King Charles I. Portrait of the First Prince of Orange Frederick, Duke of Saxony — Holbein Philip, Archduke of Austria — The same Portrait of an English Noble- man, with the St. George, or Jewel of the Order of the Garter Head — Holbein A Father and two Sons, pray- ing — The same A Head — The same A Head — The same Third Compartment, on the Right. Two Heads. A Study — A Sacchi Architecture — Yiviani. The Figures by 8. Ricci St. Christopher — J/. A. Buo- narotti A Nativity A Nativity The Flight into Egypt — Lun- frattco ( hn-t and two Disciples at EmmaUfl — L. Caracci The Assumption of the Virgin, 156 CHRIST CHURCH. — LIBRARY. with a View of the City of Bologna — A. Caracci A Butcher's Shop — The same An Italian Buffoon drinking — The same A Dead Christ fore-shortened — L. Caracci St. Francis in a Vision, sup- ported by Angels — A. Ca- racci Holy Family — The same Octagonal Picture on black Marble — The same Head of Christ — The same The good Samaritan — S. Ba- dalocchi The conveying Christ to the Tomb Head Head Head A Picture for an Altar-piece Spagnoletto A Master and his Scholar — G. Douw A Landscape — P. F. Mola The Last Supper. Sketch — The same A Landscape — The same Large Picture of Susannah and the Elders — A. Caracci Nymph Bathing, On copper D\4rjiino Adam and Eve driven from Parad ise — D\4 rpino A Martyrdom. Sketch — Van- dyclc Diana and Nymphs. Sketch —N. del Abbate Raising of Lazarus A Pilgrim, half length Holy Family. By a Scholar of the Caracci — B.Schidone Marriage of St. Katharine — The same The Entombing of Christ — The same The BurningofTroy — B. Van Orlay Portrait of Maria Robusti — P. Bourdon David and Goliath. A Study — M. A. Buonarotti A small Figure of Christ bound — Pietro Mera A Nativity. By a Scholar of Pietro da Cortona, of the Roman School — C. Ferri Cattle driven off, and a dis- tant fire. Of the Genoese School. — G. Castiglione Subject unknown— The same Christ driving the Cattle out of the Temple — The same A Nativity — C. Ferri A Figure representing Ceres. The upper room is 142 feet by 30, and 37 feet in height. The ceiling is richly ornamented ; and the wainscot and pillars are of the finest Norway oak. The festoons of stucco are much admired for the delicacy of the workmanship. This Library, in books, prints, manuscripts, and coins, is of the first order. The recesses in the upper room are occupied by a bust, in bronze, of Marcus Modius, a Greek physician, presented to the Society by Lord Frederick Campbell ; and a female figure, in marble, attended by a smaller figure of a boy, with one hand upon her shoulder, given by the late A. K. Mackenzie, CHRIST CHURCH. 157 M. A. a student of this house. This fine antique statue was found at Pella, in Greece. At the east end are marble busts of Seneca and Nero ; and at the other end, of Ceres and Cicero. On the staircase is a fine whole-length statue of Locke, by Rysbraeck. Canterbury quadrangle joins that of Peck- water on the east side, and is a handsome en- trance to the College. On this site formerly stood Canterbury Hall, which was granted to the College by Henry VIII. In 1775 the north and east sides of it were rebuilt, after a design of Mr. Wyatt, chiefly at the expense of Dr. Robinson, Primate of Ireland, who contributed 2000/. towards their completion ; by whose liberality the south side also was rebuilt in 1783. The chief ornament of this Court is the map-ni- ficent gateway, erected under the direction of Mr. Wyatt, in 1778. The order is Doric, and the design combines all that can be expected from an union of solidity and elegance. Both Canterbury and Peckwater quadrangles are in- habited chiefly by the Undergraduate Members of the College. This princely College was originally founded by Cardinal Wolsey, on the site of the Priory of St. Frideswide, who in- tended that it should consist of a Dean, Sub-Dean, 100 Canons, 10 Public Readers, 13 Chaplains, an Organist, 12 Clerks, and 16 Choristers; but in consequence of the Cardi- nal falling into disgrace with his royal master, Henry VIII. his intentions could not be carried into effect. The King seized upon and suspended the foundation, which he re- established in lo32, under the name of Henry the Eighth's College; but this was suppressed in 1545 ; and in the year following the episcopal see was removed from Osney to this College, and the Church of St. Frideswide was constituted a Cathedral, by the name of Christ Church, for the maintenance of a Dean, 8 Canons, 8 Chaplains, an Organist, 8 Clerks, and 8 Choristers, together with 60 Students, and 40 Grammar Scholars, a Schoolmaster, and an Usher. In 1661, Queen Elizabeth ((inverted the 10 Grammar Scholars into Acade- mical Students, ordering that their vacancies -Imuld be sup- plied from Westminster College. Thus 100 Students were o 158 ORIEL COLLEGE. established ; to which number one more was added in 1663, by VV. Thurstone, Esq. This large College is always over- flowing with members. Those not on the foundation are, as in other Societies, called Noblemen, Gentlemen Commoners, and Commoners. The number of members on the books is upwards of 900. Visitor — The Queen. A few paces to the left, on leaving the Can- terbury gate of Christ Church, on the opposite side, is the entrance to ORIEL COLLEGE. %* The Porter's Lodge is on the left of the gateway. The Quadrangle of this College was finished about the year 1640. It contains, on the north side, part of the Provost's Lodgings ; on the east, the Hall and entrance into the Chapel, which runs eastward ; and on the south and west sides are apartments for the Fellows, and other members of the Society. The roof of the o-ateway is ornamented with the royal arms of Charles I., and the other door-ways with the arms of benefactors. Northward of this quad- ran cle there are two handsome buildings; that on the east erected at the expense of Robinson, Bishop of London, during his lifetime, in 1719. The other, on the west side, which corresponds with Bishop Robinson's, was begun in March, 1729, and erected by the munificence of Dr. George Carter, some time Provost, who be- queathed his whole fortune for this purpose, and the purchase of livings, for the benefit of the College. In 1818, a considerable addition was made to this College by the erection of a hand- some stone building, which contains fifteen sets of rooms for members of the Society, built at the south end, and the back of Bishop Robin- son's building. ORIEL COLLEGE. — LIBRARY. 159 The Library stands between Robinson's and Carter's buildings. It was built after a design by Wyatt, and is considered one of the most perfect pieces of architecture in Oxford, but wants the advantage of situation. The front, with equal grandeur and simplicity, exhibits only the Ionic order; all the parts are great and commanding, the ornaments few, and the whole harmonious. This Library contains a good collection of books : to those originally belonging to it, has been added a very curious and valuable collection by the bequest of the late Edward, Baron Leigh, of Stoneleigh, in Warwickshire, who was some time a Nobleman of this College, and afterwards High Steward of the University. He died in 1786, and the expenses of this building, which was begun in 178S, were supplied by the subscription of the Provost, Fellows, and other Members of the Society, as well as of the Honourable Mrs. Leigh, his Lordship's sister. The two fine pil- lars in this room are very much admired. A new room, adjoining to the Gallery, is fitted up with some of the rich wainscot which was part of the furniture of New College Chapel, pre- viously to the alterations in 1789. In the Library are portraits of Dr. George Morley, Bishop of Winchester ; Dr. Thomas Kenn, Bishop of Bath and Wells; and Dr. Seth Ward, Bishop of Salisbury. Under the Library is a very elegant Common Room, which is ornamented with portraits of Dr. Eveleigh, Provost, by lloppner; of Dr. Coplcston, late Provost, and Bishop of Llandaflj by Phillips; and of Sir William Seymour, late Puisne Judge in the Bombay Court, and formerly a member of this Society. In the inner Common Room is a curious picture, by Vasari, presented by Janus Clutterbuck Smith, Esq. The subject of it i> a o 2 160 ORIEL COLLEGE. CHAPEL AND HALL. group of the Italian writers, Guido, Calvacanti, Dante, Buccaccio, Petrarch, Politian, and M. Ficinus. The Chapel was completed in 1642. In 1677, the high altar was paved with black and white marble, and the following year the whole of it was very much improved in consequence of the legacies of Samuel Short and Charles Perrot, Masters of Arts, and Fellows of this College. The subject of the east window is, The Presentation of our Saviour in the Temple, by Peckitt, of York, after a design by Dr. Wall, of Worcester. In the Ante-Chapel is a marble monument of Henry Edmonds, D.C.L. who died in 1746, and a very handsome one, by West- macott, to the memory of Dr. George Carter, erected at the expense of Dr. Eveleigh, in 1811. This Chapel was improved, and the seats aug- mented, in 1818. The Hall was built in 1637? and in 1826, and again in 1838, it was repaired, and its appearance much improved. It is entered by a flight of steps, with an embattled portico, over which are the statues of the Virgin Mary and Child, and those of the Kings Edward II. and III., in canopied niches ; above them a circular pediment, supported by pilasters and decorated with vases, rises before the roof. The room, which is 50 feet long and 20 wide, is fitted up with a handsome wainscot, and an entabla- ture of the Doric order. Over the entrance is a portrait of Bishop Butler. On each side of the Bishop are the portraits of Sir Walter Raleigh and the Rev. John Rouse, M.A. Bod- leian Librarian. At the upper end is a portrait of Edward II. enthroned, by Hudson ; to the right is that of Queen Anne, by Dhall; on the left the Duke of Beaufort, in his Parliamentary robes, with a negro servant bearing his coronet, ST. MARY HALL. — CHAPEL. 161 by Soldi. In one of the windows are the arms of Pierrepoint, Duke of Kingston, with the motto, Pic repone te. There are two curious cups belonging to this Hall, the one presented by the Founder, the other by Bishop Car- penter. On the loth of June, 1826, this Society celebrated the five hundredth year from its foundation, by a splendid fete, at which were present 14-0 gentlemen, who were or had been members of the College. The Founder of this College was Edward II. who had the character of a scholar and a patron of learning. It was founded in 132G, for a Provost and ten Fellows. The num- ber of Fellows has since been increased by various benefac- tions. Four were added by John Frank, Master of the Rolls, in the time of Henry VI.; one by John Carpenter, Bishop of Worcester, about the year 1476 ; one by William Smyth, Bishop of Lincoln, 1507 ; and two by Richard Dudley, Chan- cellor of the Church of Salisbury, 1529. The present foun- dalion is for a Provost, 18 Fellows, and 15 Exhibitioners. The foundation of this College was first suggested to Edward II. by his almoner, Adam de Brome, who was appointed the first Provost. The number of members on the books is usually about 320. Visitor — The Queen. At a short distance from this College, north- ward, is ST. MARY HALL. "»* The Porter's Lodge is the first door on the right. The buildings of this Hall compose a quad- rangle, formed by the Principal's Lodgings on the north, the Hall and Chapel on the south, and on the east and west by apartments for the students. The Chapel was built in 1640, at the ex- pense of several benefactors. In 1777, John Oswald) Bishop of Ilaphoe, gave 100/. for re- pairing it. In it is a curious epitaph on Dr. William King, formerly a Principal of this .. 3 162 ST. MARY HALL. Hall, written by himself. He was buried in Ealing Church, Middlesex, but ordered his heart to be preserved in this Chapel. The re- fectory of this Society has lately been repaired, and ornamented with new windows ; it contains the following portraits : — Sir Thomas More, from Holbein, given by Dr. Rathbone; Charles, Lord Boyle, son of the Earl of Orrery ; Dr. Wilson (son of Bishop Wilson), Prebendary of Westminster, and the intimate friend of Wilkes; in his hand is a scroll, on which is written, " Magna Charta and the Bill of Rights ;" Dr. John Hudson, the editor of Thu- cydides, Josephus, &c. Principal from 1712 to 1719, given by J. Dawson, Esq. in 1752 ; Dr. William King, the celebrated satirist and poli- tical writer, and Principal from 1719 to 1764, by Worlidge; Gibbs, the architect of Radcliffe's Library ; Dr. Thomas Nowell, Principal from 1764 to 1801 ; Dr. Phineas Pett, Principal from 1801 to 1815, by Owen;* and Dr. Rathbone, a Vice-Principal. St. Mary Hall was formerly a tenement given by Henry Kelpe, a citizen of Oxford, in 1239, to the Rector of St. Mary's Church and his successors, and continued to be the parsonage house of the Rectors, till Edward II. in 1325, gave the Church, with all its appertenances, to the Provost and Fellows of Oriel College, who converted it into tin Academical Hall, in 1333. In 1826 it was enlarged, by the erection of six new sets of rooms; and at the same time the Lodgings of the Principal were repaired and improved. The new buildings are in the purest style of Gothic architecture, and were designed * Painted at the expense of the members of the Hall, as a compliment to their Principal, who, in 1815, was presented to a Canonry of Christ Church ; a fine engraving was taken from this portrait, also at the expense of this Society. CORPUS CHRISTI COLLEGE. — CHAPEL. 163 and executed under the direction of Mr. Daniel Robertson. The establishment consists of nearly 60 members. Visitor — The Chancellor of the University. To continue our tour, it is necessary to re- turn, to pass by Oriel College, and, when at the end of Oriel-street, by walking a few paces to the left, we arrive at CORPUS CHRISTI COLLEGE. %* The Porter's Lodge is the first room on the right on entering the quadrangle. This College is opposite to the south side of Oriel. The entrance to Corpus, as it is usually called, is under a square tower, in the front of which are three unoccupied niches, with rich canopies. The quadrangle is 101 feet by 80. In the centre of it is a curious cylindrical dial, constructed in 1605, by Charles Turnbull, M.A. and Fellow. On the south side of this quad- rangle is a statue of the Founder, with the cro- sier and the mitre. In 1706, the Fellows' building was erected on the site of the old clois- ters. It is 119 feet in front, and is a beautiful piece of architecture. The central pediment is supported by four plain Ionic pilasters ; and the basement story, being devoid of rustic work, heightens the elegant simplicity of the elevation. The front is opposite to the Wide Walk of Christ Church. Several rooms on the east side of the College, next to Merton Grove, were taken down in 1737, and rebuilt tor the resi- dence of Gentlemen Commoners. The CHAPEL, which was built by the Foun- der, remained in its original state until 1676, when it was fitted tip as it now appears. The inner Chapel is 70 feet in length, and 2j in 1 64? CORPUS CHRISTI COLLEGE. — LIBRARY. breadth. The altar-piece is a very fine painting of The Adoration, by Rubens, presented to the College, in 1804', by the late Sir Richard Worsley, Bart, formerly a member of the So- ciety. It originally belonged to the Prince of Conde, and cost Sir Richard 2500/. In the inner Chapel is an ancient brass eagle reading desk, presented to the Society by Dr. Clay- mond, the first President. The inner and outer Chapels contain various monuments to perpe- tuate the memory of distinguished members of the College. The cloister, which now serves as a place of sepulture, was erected by Dr. Turner, in 1700. The Library, which is on the south side of the quadrangle, is in its ancient state. The roof appears to be a continuation of that of the Chapel, and the west end, which looks down on the Chapel, is furnished as a pew for the President's family. The screen over the door is ornamented with the arms of the Founder, and at the upper and lower ends are two an- cient portraits of him. There is another, after he had lost his sight, in the gallery which leads from the President's Lodgings to the Chapel. In the same gallery are the portraits of the seven Bishops who were committed to the Tower by James II. These interesting pictures were pre- sented to the College a few years ago, by Dr. Ireland, who formerly resided in this city. This Library possesses a treasure of curious printed books and manuscripts both on vellum anci paper. Among the manuscripts is an ancient History of the Bible, in French, beautifully illu- minated, in 2 volumes folio, given by General Oglethorpe. The Aldine Classics, collected by the Founder; the manuscripts of the antiquaries, Brian Twyne and Fulman ; the edition of Cicero de Ofticiis, printed on vellum, in 14-66, and CORPUS CHRISTI COLLEGE. — HALL. 165 many other work?, are of great value. Bishop Fox, the Founder; Bishop Oldham; Claymond; Dr. Rainolds; Brian Twyne ; Dr. Turner; Johnllosewell, B.D. ; William Creed, a Fellow; Dr. Hal-ifax, a Fellow; Henry Hare, Baron of Coleraine ; Dr. Bentham, and Dr. Randolph, who was President from 174^8 to 1783, were all benefactors to this valuable Library. This College can, with New College, boast of possessing the crosier of its Founder. Although upwards of 300 years old, it is in the highest state of preservation, every part of it being as perfect as when it came from the hands of the maker. It is of silver gilt, very richly orna- mented, and about six feet in length. There are also preserved in this College the golden sacra- mental plate of the Founder ; his salt-cellar of silver-gilt, curiously ornamented; his rings; crucifixes, and other articles of great rarity. The Hall, which is on the east side of the quadrangle, was built during the life of the Founder, but has since undergone many altera- tions. It is very neatly fitted up. The fine carved work is much admired. Its dimensions are 60 feet by 25. In this refectory are por- traits of the Right Hon. Lord Tenterden, Lord Chief Justice of England, by Owen; the Right Rev. Thomas Burgess, Bishop of Salisbury, also by Owen ; Fox, Bishop of Winchester, the Founder; Hugh Oldham, Bishop of Exeter ; Lord Stowell ; the Right Rev. Dr. Copleston, Bishop of LlandafF, and of T.G.B. Estcourt, D.C.L. one of the Representatives of the Univer- sity. In 1814, when the Sovereigns visited Ox- ford, the King of Prussia resided in the Lodg- inga of Dr. Cooke, the late venerable President of the College. In the Common Room is a fine bu^t, by Chantrey, of Dr. King, Bishop of Rochester, formerly b member of this Society. 166 MBRTON COLLEGE. This College was founded in 1516, by Richard Fox, Bishop of Winchester, and Lord Privy Seal. The benefac- tors to it, in addition to the liberal provision made by the Founder, were Hugh Oldham, Bishop of Exeter, who gave 0000 marks, besides lands ; William Frost, of Avington, in Hampshire ; John Claymond, the first President ; Arthur Parson, M.A. who, in 1693, gave 3000?. for the purchase of advowsons; Culhbett Ellison, who died in 1718, and left 500i. for the same purpose, and several other persons at dif- ferent periods of time. The foundation consists of a Presi- dent, 20 Fellows, 20 Scholars, 4 Exhibitioners, and 2 Chap- lains. The number of members is about 120. Visitor — The Bishop of Winchester. On leaving Corpus Christi College, we turn on the right, pass by the Grove which separates Corpus from Merton, proceed a short distance, and enter o3- MERTON COLLEGE. *** The Porter's Lodge is under the entrance gateway, on the left hand. The entrance, with the embattled tower, was erected in the early part of the fifteenth century. The subject of the ancient sculpture over the centre of the gate, is by some antiquaries stated to be the history of St. John the Baptist, and a relick of the church dedicated to that saint, which stood on or near the spot on which Merton now stands. The statues under the rich Gothic ca- nopies are those of King Henry III. and the Founder. The front of this College was reno- vated in 1838, under the direction of Mr. Blore, the architect, in a style which does great credit to that artist, and to Mr. John Plowman of Oxford, who carried his designs into execution. The oriel windows are extremely fine. The first quadrangle is formed by the east end of the Chapel, part of the Hall, the Warden's Lodgings, and apartments for the members. The second quadrangle is 110 feet by 100. At MERTON COLLEGE. — CHAPEL. 167 the south end of it is the entrance into the Gar- den, in which is a fine terrace formed on part of the City wall, whence there is a view of Mer- ton Fields, and the Wide Walk of Christ Church. This Garden has very recently been much im- proved in its appearance ; particularly by throw- ing open the view of the Warden's garden, and the east end of the inner quadrangle. The Chapel of this College is now particu- larly deserving of notice, in consequence of the alterations and improvements made by Mr. Evans, in 1823, under the direction of the late Warden and Fellows, and Robert Morrell, Esq. their Steward. The Ante-Chapel, for these last 150 years, was wainscotted with very old beautifully carved wood-work, in the Grecian and Gothic orders, taken, it is supposed, from the inner Chapel. At each end were two large screens, which in part prevented the sight of the beautiful windows, and entirely hid the archi- tecture of the north entrance, and a very an- cient and curious monument, at the south end. On removing these wainscots and screens, one of the wedges having been drawn from the wall, shewed the lower part ofa small column of stone, which induced an opinion that the same column supported an arch on each side of the grand west window. This conjecture proved correct, for Mr. Evans discovered, and has now, with the appro- bationoi the College, displayed to view two beau- tiful arches, supported by columns ; forming- altogether a complete body of grand columns to support the tower of this Chapel ;* and, were one other improvement to take place — were the • Tlii- discovery confirms Ihe opinion of many antiquaries that tin- architect, I Thomas Rodburne, l>i>ho[> ofSt. David's, wlni died about 1442,) original!) meant to have erected a roach more i itensive edifice, on the i athedral plan ; but that he va> enabled to complete onlj the choir, (the longest of any in Oxford, except New College; and the cross aisle. 168 MERTON COLLEGE. — CHAPEL. architect's original design restored by removing the ceiling which now forms a belfry, it would display the ancient and well-conceived roof of superb Gothic, but simple carved, work, un- equalled in this University. This Chapel exhibits a very fine specimen of Gothic architecture. The north window, in the Ante-Chapel, contains two ranges of seven lights ; the windows of the choir display no com- mon splendour of painted glass, in the repre- sentation of saints, martyrs, and associated decorations ; but the pride of the Chapel is the eastern window, which possesses uncommon beauty, from the proportion of its parts* the fancy of its tracery, and the attractive effect of its whole design. It is a most exquisite specimen of fine taste, and is called the Catharine Wheel window, one of the only three now in England. From its situation in this chaste and perfect Gothic Chapel, it may certainly be considered as the finest in the kingdom ; although it is said by some artists that its height is not in due pro- portion with its breadth. Its paintings, which represent the principal events of the life of Christ, in six compartments, were executed in the year 1700, by W. Price. The ancient tapestry, representing the history of Ahasuerus and Esther, as related in the Bible, has lately been cleaned, and its bright colours in some measure restored. Near the altar are the mo- numents of Sir Thomas Botlley, the Founder of the University Library, and of Sir Henry Savile, which is honorary, as he was buried at Eton College. In the Ante-Chapel is a monumental inscription to the memory of Anthony Wood, who was a member of this Society ; also the monumentsof Henry Jackson, Nathaniel Wight, Richard Lydall, John Whitfield, and many others. The one to the memories of Dr. "Wintle MERTON COLLEGE. — CHAPEL AND TOWER. 169 and his sister, on the right of the entrance to the choir, is neatly executed. At the entrance to the choir, generally hidden by a mat, is the fine monumental cross, so much eulogized by Gough and Chalmers. In the Ante-Chapel, under the west window, a monument has re- cently been erected to the memory of Dr. Vaughan, the late Warden. This Chapel is in the parish of St. John Baptist, the church of which belonged originally to Heading Abbey, whose members gave it to Walter de Merton, in 1-265. It was afterwards appropriated to the use of the Scholars of Merton, and made a colle- giate parish church. At the end of the four- teenth century it was taken down, and the pre- sent Chapel built on its site; the north aisle of which was allotted to the parish for the sepul- ture of its deceased, and a Chaplain of Merton has always performed the church offices of bap- tizing, marrying, and burying the dead. With all due deference and respect, we ven- ture to suggest to the consideration of the So- ciety, the propriety of still further improving this fine structure, by removing the false ceiling, which hides the upper part of the east window ; lowering the pavement at the communion table to nearly the level of the pavement in the outer chapel ; taking away the tapestry, and all the monuments near the altar, also the screen and the wainscot on each side; thus restoring the columns, walls, and windows, to their original state. With these improvements, this Chapel would become one of the greatest ornaments of the University; and, for its simplicity and chaste elegance, not inferior to any building of the kind in Europe. Very great improvements have lately been made in the Grove and Church- yard. The Tower, which rises from the centre of p 170 MERTON COLLEGE. — HALL. the cross aisle, the external panelling and pin- nacles of which are supposed to have been added by Rodburne, is not only a beautiful structure in itself, but bears its full proportion to the magnificence which Oxford displays when viewed from a distance. The near view of it is from the Grove, the foliage of which gives it a more sequestered air than when seen from the points in its vicinity, where buildings are blended with it. The best view of it, with the fine north window of the Chapel, is from the bottom of Grove- street. The tower contains eight fine- toned bells. The University Sermon is preached in the Chapel on St. Philip and St. James. To the south of the Chapel is the old quad- rangle, in which is the Library, by far the most ancient in the University. It contains many curious manuscripts, and some valu- able printed books, among which is Caxton's Chaucer. The Hall is between the first and second quadrangles. It is a large room with little deco- ration. In the windows, some of the ancient arms are still preserved ; the door is very an- cient, and the hinges are made to spread over it in a kind of flourishing ornament, which was the mode before panels were introduced in the 14th century. This refectory contains the por- trait of the Founder, the gift of Dr. Berdmore, when Warden; also portraits of the Hon. Shute Barrington, late Bishop of Durham, by Owen ; of the late Mr. Justice Rooke, by Reynolds; of Dr. Edward Denison, Bishop of Salisbury, by Pickersgill, who were Fellows of this College ; and a small portrait of Bishop Jewell. Below the portrait of the Founder is a Latin inscrip- tion, on an elegant white marble tablet, to com- memorate the circumstance of the Emperor of Russia and his sister having taken up their ALB AN HALL. 171 residence at this College, when they visited the University in 1814-. They resided in the War- den's Lodgings, which have lately been refitted in a most splendid manner. In the Hall of these elegant Lodgings is placed a very large and most superb Vase, of Siberian Jasper, pre- sented to the Warden and Fellows by the late Emperor of Russia, as a token of gratitude for the hospitable reception he met with in this College. On one side is the following inscrip- tion: — "Collegii Mertonensis Custodi Sociisque W. Doctissimis et Sanctissimis a quibus cum Oxonium inviseret liberali Hospitio receptus erat hoc Vas e Lapide Siberiano factum memo- ris gratique Animi Specimen D.D. Alexander omnium Russiarum Imperator Anno Sacro mdcccxvi." On the opposite side is the same inscription in the Russian language. The first Common Room known in the University was fitted up at this College, in the year 1661. Merton College is one of the most aucient in the Univer- sity. It was first founded at Maiden, in Surrey, 1264, and removed to Oxford in 1274, by Walter de Merton, Bishop of Rochester, and Lord High Chancellor of England. In 1380, Dr. Willyott pave Exhibitions for the maintenance of 12 Postmasters, (Portionista,) to whom were afterwards added two by John Chamber, Fellow of Eton, and Canon of Wind- sor, to be elected from Eton College. The present founda- tion consists of a Warden, 24 Fellows, 14 Postmasters, 4 Scholars, 2 Chaplains, and 2 Clerks. The number of mem- bers on the books is usually about 130. Visitor — The Archbishop of Canterbury. Adjoining to Merton College, on the east, is ALBAN HALL. *.* The Porter's Lodge is at the end of the Court, on the left. It derives its name from Robert de St. Alban, who was a citizen of Oxford, and gave a tene- ment to the Nuns at Littlemore, in 1230. On i- 2 172 ALBAN ha Li- the dissolution of Littlemore Nunnery it was •riven by Henry VIII. to Dr. Owen, of Merton College, who conveyed it to Lord Williams, of Thame, and Sir John Gresham. It was after- wards assigned to John Pollard and Robert Perot, Esqrs. in 1547, who transferred it to the Warden and Fellows of Merton College. It was some time after established as an Aca- demical Hall. The usual number of members on the books, including a Principal and Vice- Principal, is about 30. Visitor— The Chancellor of the University. Our walk through the University and City terminates at Alban Hall. Opposite to this Hall is a lane, called Logic-lane, which leads into the High-street, opposite to Queen's Col- lege, and not far from the Angel Inn. THE UNIVERSITY OF OXFORD. Persons who have not been educated in an English University, are but little acquainted with many of the terms made use of in this Description of Oxford. Strangers are often puzzled with names, which, though familiar to the inhabitants of Oxford, are to them incomprehensible ; and the answers they receive to their inquiries on this subject, are seldom calculated to give them the information they require. To render this Guide as complete and useful as possible, we subjoin a short account of the Government, Dresses, and different Ranks of the Members of the University, with some observations on the Manners and Customs of this most respect- able body. — Those who wish for a mi: ute and very correct detail of the nature of the different official situations, and the names of the persons who fill them, may have their curiosity amply gratified by a reference to the Oxford Calendar, which is pub- lished annually. It contains a List of all the Livings in the Patronage of the University ; the Counties from which Fellows, Scholars, &c. are elected ; the names of all the Members, with their rank; and, indeed, every thing which can be useful and in- teresting to those who intend entering their sons or relatives at Oxford, and to strangers who occasion- ally visit it. The University is a corporate body, described through a succession of ages by the style or title of the Chancellor, Masters, and Scholars of the Uni- versity of Oxford. It is governed by statutes of its own making. The whole business of the University, in its corporate capacity, is transacted in two dis- tinct assemblies, technically termed " Houses;" viz. — the House op Congbeqation and the House of Convocation. p3 174 HOUSE OF CONGREGATION. The Chancellor, or the Vice- Chancellor, or, in the absence of the latter, one of his four deputies, and the two Proctors, or, in their absence, their respective deputies, preside in both Houses, where, on all occa- sions, their presence is indispensably requisite. The House of Congregation wholly consists of Regents ; either of necessary Regents, or Regents ad placitum,. By the phrase necessary Regents, the Statutes designate all Doctors of every faculty, and Masters of Arts during the first year of their Re- gency ; that is, from a period commencing at the Act subsequent to their respective degrees, and ter- minating at the succeeding Act ; although anciently the necessary Regency included the space of two entire years ; a space which custom, previously to the original digest of the Statutes, had long con- sented to abridge. By Regents ad placitum, are meant all persons of the following descriptions, who have gone through the year of their necessary Re- gency in Arts; viz. all Doctors of every faculty resident in the University ; all Heads of Colleges and Halls, and, in their absence, their deputies ; all Professors and public Lecturers : the Masters of the Schools ; the Public Examiners ; the Deans and Censors of Colleges ; and all other Masters of Arts, during the second year of their Regency ; a general Dispensation annually passing to conclude all necessary Regencies with the first year. The House of Convocation, or, as it is some- times called, the Great Congregation, consists both of Regents and non-Regents ; but the right of sitting and voting in that House, is confined by the Statutes to persons of the following descriptions : — 1. The Chancellor, or Vice-Chancellor, and the two Proctors, or their deputies. 2. Doctors in Divinity, Medicine, or Civil Law, who are necessary Regents ; and Masters of Arts, during the first year of their necessary Regency. 3. Heads of Colleges and Halls, and their depu- ties, and Members of the Foundation of any College, who have at any time been Regents. HOUSB OF CONVOCATION. 175 4. Doctors in Divinity, Medicine, or Law, living with their families within the precincts of the Uni- versity ; and Professors and Public Lecturers, who have at any time been Regents ; provided always that they have performed the exercises required of them by the Statutes, and paid all fees which are due to the University and to its officers. These conditions are indeed in all cases indispensable; and, without fulfilling them, no one, be his situation what it may, can exercise the right of voting in Convocation. 5. Convictores, as the Statute calls them, that is, all persons not belonging to the foundation of any College or Hall, who have at any time been Re- gents, and whose names have been constantly kept on the books of some College or Hall, from the time of their admission to the degree of Master of Arts, or Doctors in either of the three faculties, re- spectively. Persons who have migrated from one College or Hall, in the manner prescribed by the Statutes, and have been admitted in some other College or Hall within the space of three months, are deemed to have had their names constantly on the books, provided that during this interval they have not avoided any exercise or other burden which the University re- quires to be borne by its members. Doctors and Masters of Arts, who have ceased to be Members of the University, and afterwards return to it ; or who have been incorporated from Cambridge or Dublin, after a personal residence of one hundred and eighty days within the year, on pro- ducing to the Vice-Chancellor, in Congregation ur Convocation, a certificate of such residence from the Head of their College or Hall, may claim to be admitted into the House; and, after their admis- sion, may continue to enjoy the privilege of voting, BO long as their names remain on the books ofsome lege or Hall, and they comply with the condi- tated. The Bame privilege may also n the same conditions, by persona who 176 BUSINESS OF CONVOCATION. have been admitted to the degree of Master of Arts, or Doctor in either of the three faculties, by Diploma, or by Decree of Convocation ; but not by those who have been admitted merely to Honorary Degrees. The number of Regents required to make a Con- gregation is Nine, at the least, besides the Vice- Chancellors and Proctors ; but for a Convocation, no particular number of members is required. The Business of congregation is principally confined to the passing of Graces and Dispensa- tions, and to the granting of Degrees. Upon all questions submitted to the House, the Vice-Chan- cellor singly, and the two Proctors jointly, possess the power of an absolute negative. In the sole in- stance of supplicating for Graces, but in no other, every Member of the House is invested, in addition to his general right of suffrage, with a suspending negative upon each Grace for three times, as the Grace is proposed in three distinct Congregations ; but previously to the fourth supplication he is re- quired to state privately to the Vice-Chancellor and Proctors the ground and proof of his objection, which are subsequently submitted to the judgment of the House for approbation or rejection. All suf- frages for or against Graces and Dispensations in Congregation, are to be whispered secretly in the ear of the Proctor ; by a majority of which, given in the words placet or non placet, the fate of the measure is ultimately determined. The Business of convocation is unlimited, extending to all subjects connected with the credit, interest, and welfare of the University. In the exercise, however, of one particular branch of its privileges, and that certainly a very important one, viz. the enacting of new, or the explaining of old Statutes, some restriction is prescribed. If the Sta- tute to be explained be a Royal, or, as it is com- monly called, a Caroline Statute, the Royal per- mission is first to be obtained. If it be deemed advisable to enact de novo, or to explain any, ex- ELECTION'S. 177 cept a Royal Statute, is is ordained that the mea- sure shall be previously referred to the Hebdomadal Meeting of the Heads of Houses , and this Meeting, if on deliberation it approve of the measure, draws up the terms in which it is to be promulgated in the House of Congregation, and, three days after, proposed in Convocation. As in Congregation, so also in Convocation, the Chancellor or Vice- Chancellor singly, and the two Proctors jointly, are officially invested with an absolute negative upon all proceedings, except in Elections. In both Houses, when the negative of the Vice-Chancellor, or of the Proctors, is not interposed, (an interposi- tion almost as rare as the Royal Veto in Parlia- ment,)* every question is decided by the majority. All elections (except for Members of Parliament) are made by a private scrutiny in writing, in which the Vice-Chancellor presides, and the two Proctors are scrutators ; and before they proceed to an elec- tion for any Professor, Lecturer, or Officer, the Act of the 31st" of Elizabeth, and the Statute de Elec- tionibus, are read, and the Vice-Chancellor admi- nisters an oath to the Proctors, that they will make a faithful scrutiny ; that they will not influence the nomination of any one ; and that they will pro- nounce the person elected, on whom the major part of the votes shall happen to fall. Each elector then takes an oath, that he will only vote once in the scrutiny ; that he will nominate a person whom he knows," or firmly believes, to be duly qualified for the office ; and that he will do this without any reward, or expectation of reward. After the Vice- Chancellor and Proctors have voted, all Doctors and Masters are admitted to poll according to seni- ority, if possible ; the Proctors sitting on each side of the Vice-Chancellor, and receiving the votes. — When the poll begins to slacken, tin- superior Bedel (.1' Arts makes three proclamations, (one at the end • I he Proctors interposed their negative in a Convocation holden March 22nds.) I ^\^^ BLENHEIM ILLUSTRATED in a Scries of TW L V 1 E \VS. India Paper Proofs, 7s. Gd. MEMORIALS of OXFORD, by DR. INGRAM, IV, iideut of Trinity College. With 100 Engravings on Steel , and 248 on Wood. 3 vols. 8vo. £2 18s. ; 4to. £5 10s; India Paper, 4to. Proofs, £11 SLATTFR'S NEW MAP of the COUNTRY, in a Circle of 25 Miles round Oxford. Trice 7s. Gd. on a Sheet ; js.