tf>nnin>|W»M**** ti»ftttsmDu«i»i4*H^^ UN8VERSITY OF CALIFORNIA AT LOS ANGELES . y^/t^c^'^^ THE ALLISON MONUMENT ON THE CAPITOL GROUNDS AT DES MOINES IOWA STATE GEOGRAPHY BY ALISON E. AITCHISON IOWA STATE TEACHERS COLLEGE, CEDAR FALLS, IOWA GINN AND COMPANY BOSTON ■ NEW YORK • CHICAGO • LONDON ATLANTA • DALLAS ■ COLUMBUS • SAN FRANCISCO COPVRKillT, V>2\, BY CINN AND COMPANY All. Kllill IS KKSKKVr.ll 821.7 GINN AND COMPANY • PRO- PRIETORS • BOSTON • U.S.A. PREFACE A clear conception of the plan and purpose of this book will save worry and unnecessary work on the part of both the pupils and the teacher. It has been customary to follow the regular textbooks in geography with a brief state supplement made up of salient unrelated facts — a sort of compendium of information for the pupil who had completed his regular course in geography. This book is in no sense a supplement. On the contrary, it is designed to be used as a separate text in the intermediate grades. Due allowance being made for local variations in the course of study, it is now generally conceded that this sort of state study should precede the study of the Central Plains, of which Iowa is a part, and the sectional study of the United States. This text therefore begins with the home region and may be followed by closely related larger units. It is taken for granted that the j^ pupil knows how to read the globe and the map of North g America ; that he can follow meridians and parallels and can v5 understand the indications of highlands and lowlands on the X map. Necessary maps for reference are included, but it is the aim in this study to give the child usable knowledge of his im- mediate environment and to develop his ability to interpret properly as many usable related facts as can be presented. Teachers have complained that it is difficult to find proper jj usable material. Much that is available has been written for 5 adults and is beyond the ability of the child to understand. ^ It is the purpose of this book, therefore, to furnish proper material. Children like a wealth of detail, and they must have it if they are to acquire adequate mental pictures. If it is not supplied either by the text or by the teacher, little wonder that to the pupil cities become merely black dots and rivers wriggly black lines. To illustrate : in the discussion of the Mississippi River 821030 vi low A SIATK (IKOGRAPHY an fllort has brcii niadi- to approac h the subject from different angles and to ii'wc many varied yet closely related facts, with their conseciuent historic results, so that the children will really come to know the beautiful stream on whose waters our commerce has bei'u carrit'd and on whose banks our history has been made. This book is not an experiment. The success of the plans and material has already been demonstrated in many Iowa schools. This book has been written in accordance with modern methods of geography teaching. Much use has been made of the problem and the picture. The problems are very simple and easily solved, as they should be for children of these grades. Their solution involves the use of the text, the pictures, the maps, and the knowledge which the pupils have gained through their everyday experiences. The pictures in the text have been selected for well-defined purposes and are accom- panied by explanations and questions. They are intended for use in teaching, not simply for decoration. The statistics which are incorporated in the text are not to be memorized, but are to be used in making comparisons and reaching conclusions. Similarly, the Facts and Figures sec- tion at the close of the book is included not for teaching purposes (in the ordinary sense) but for reference. It is hoped that this geography of Iowa may give those who use it a deeper appreciation of and a greater love for the state, its beauties, and its possibilities. ALISON E. AITCHISON CONTENTS CHAPTER ' PAGE I. Getting Acquainted with Ourselves i Why do we Wish to Study Iowa? i Is Our Location a Good One? 3 II. The Wonders Beneath Our Feet 5 The Rocks which Lie Beneath us 5 Iowa's Coal Fields . 8 Our Deserted Lead Mines 11 The Iron Ore of Iron Hill 14 Our Gypsum Beds and Their Uses 16 HI. Stories of the Past and Present 17 How Iowa's Soils were Made 17 Iowa Rivers 25 The Mississippi River 25 The Missouri River 33 The Des Moines River 36 The Tama County Indians 41 Iowa's Capital 45 IV. Iowa's Greatest Industry — Agriculture 52 V. Our Chief Crops 56 Corn 56 Wheat 61 Oats 64 Other Farm Products 65 VI. The Live-Stock Industry 68 Swine 68 Cattle 71 Sheep 74 Horses 76 Poultry . -11 VIU IOWA STATE GEOGRAPHY ClIAJ'TEK PAGE \II. Tin- Ni-w Fak.mi.k 79 \ 111. Iowa Manufactukes 95 Tiiii CiiMENT Mills 103 Bkuk and TiLK 104 Sl'GAK 105 Button Factokiks 109 IX. rUANSl'ORTATION Ill X. Thic Bikthkight oi-' the Children of Iowa 126 Education 126 State Parks and Other Beauty Spors 135 XI. Facts and Figures 145 Leai)1N(; Industries of Iowa 145 The Distribution of Factories 146 Some Things the People in Our Towns Make . . 147 Iowa Primarily Agricultural 151 Types and Breeds of Animals 153 Hogs 153 Cattle 154 Horses 155 Sheep 155 Coal 155 Other Minerals 156 A Few Facts Worth Remembering 157 Population Statistics 158 INDEX 163 SUGGESTIONS TO TEACHERS Doubtless many questions will arise in the mind of the teacher who uses this text for the first time. Three immediately suggest themselves to the author : First, in the Preface it was urged that the pupils be well grounded in the use of the map. How can this be accomplished most efficiently? most effectively? Second, does the text contain more material than can be used in the time which is usually allotted to the study of Iowa geography ? Third, can the problem method be used successfully in connection with the material here given? The following method of teaching the globe and map has been used throughout the state, with many intermediate classes in geography, and teachers have found it satisfactory. I. Reading the globe — before any map work is done. (a) Find on the globe the continents and oceans. Teach first those with which the child is already familiar through his study of peoples. (6) Directions. (i) North and south. Find the north pole. When go- ing toward the north pole you are going north, when going toward the south pole you are going south. Use meridians as guides as naturally as you would streets. (2) East and west. Keep the globe always with the north pole pointing toward the North Star. The earth turns from west to east. Use a candle or electric light to show that this causes the sun to rise in the east. Use parallels in traveling east and west. (3) Up and doivn. Throw a ball up in the room. Move your hand away from the surface of the X TOW A statp: geography }j;l()I)c, \ (HI ail- mt)\ iiig it up. Move it toward the surface. \(>u are moving it down. Down is toward the center of the earth. Come to the globe. Play you are a bo\' in Australia and throw a ball up into the air. II. Reading the map. L'se the physical map of North America or any map of North America which shows meridians and parallels clearly. Let each child use his own map, placing his book flat on the desk, with the north pole toward the north if possible. {a) Find the north pole on the map. Work out a number of such exercises as these : Place your linger on Cape Farewell in Greenland and move straight north. Place one hnger on Point Barrow in Alaska and put another finger straight south of it. Do not teach that the bottom of the map is south. It is not the only south. Hundreds of children are being taught this and are hampered in their map-reading forever because of this teaching. In any school system you can find a score of children who wnll tell you that Greenland is southeast of the north pole. Teach east and west simply by transferring the direction lines already learned on the globe! (6) Surface. This will have to be taught from a physical map. The newer geographies have these in abundance. Teach how to use the color keys in studying the heights of land. (c) Drainage. Teach the direction of river flow. Trace a few river basins. Fourth, the general textbook in geography must make its con- tact through the home state. An effort has been made here to show the individuality of this state. It differs in some ways from the other forty-seven. Human geography is the study of the relation of geographic environment to human activities. We are trying to make the children realize that there are rea- sons why the people of Iowa live as they do ; that our work and our wealth are the results of our physical environment. Many of the facts and figures given are not intended to be remembered ; they are to be used simply in helping the child to reason out why certain things have come to be. It is intended SUGGESTIONS TO TEACHERS xi that the child shall do a good deal of reading in the text for each lesson, rather than that he shall be given an assignment of a few pages and told to commit it to memory, as is frequently done. Children of this age are interested in how people live and what they do. They do not want nor do they need scat- tering, unrelated facts about locations of cities and the names of county seats, a sentence here and a sentence there. They need enough of related, worth-while details to enable them to build some accurate mental picture or reach some con- clusion. You might, for example, expect to find a chapter on climate, but there is no excuse for introducing that subject here except as it affects the crops we raise, the type of house we build, the food we eat, or something else that actually affects the child. If you will notice, the subject of climate is brought up time and time again, but always with refer- ence to some of its effects — the erosion of rock, the homes of the pioneers, the question of road-making — thus making its effects the key to its study. If you find that there is too much material, omit the part which least concerns the group of children with which you are working. While we do not wish to assign work which is to be unthinkingly memorized, on the other hand we must make sure that the child carries away with him something definite. Fifth, the problem method can be used in the teaching of this Iowa geography. Much of the material has been arranged with this in view. Not every lesson, however, is adapted to that method of teaching. Why try to use it everywhere ? When a problem will enable you to teach a set of geographic principles better than some other method will, then use a problem and find pleasure and interest and profit both for yourself and your pupils. A problem may be made worse drudgery than any drill if used simply because someone thinks you ought to teach by that method. There are two things to be considered in assigning a lesson in this way: first, the problem should be something which appeals to the present interest of the child, directs him in his search for material, and gives him a basis for selecting and Ml low A STATE GEOGRAPHY rejecting facts; second, it iinist enable the teacher to teach the facts which she thinks ought to be taught concerning any region or industry, and the principles which underlie those facts, rill' text introduces ilozens of possible problems. They are not labeled. To do so would rob them of their value. If they do not appeal to you individually as usable in your classes, then take some other problem or some other means of approach. The material for the solution of most of these problems is in the text, so that the children may solve them. In the back of the book you will find material for many more local problems if you have time for them. Thus, the study of the cement industry, which might be made by a class in Mason City, would be very different from that which might be made by a class in another locality. References to the map have been made constantly. This is the simplest way to teach location. Every possible effort has been made to relate this to the everyday life of the child and to utilize facts he already knows. It is the hope of the author that this text will make the study of Iowa geography enjoyable and profitable both to teacher and pupils and lead them away from the mere memorizing of facts of little value. IOWA STATE GEOGRAPHY CHAPTER I GETTING ACQUAINTED WITH OURSELVES Why do we Wish to Study Iowa ? We are planning to spend some time studying Iowa. What do we want to learn about our own state? Less than one hundred years ago there were no white men living in Iowa. The only inhabitants were Indians. Today we have over two and a third millions of white people. Then there were no roads except a few Indian trails, no railroads, no houses except Indian wigwams, no cultivated fields except a few patches of corn, no poultry, no cattle, no towns, no factories, no schools, no churches. In less than one hundred years all these have come to Iowa. Long ago in the early history of this section of the country, before Iowa had become a state and while the Indians still owned the land here, a great many white men were so anxious to come across the Mississippi River into this region that the United States government had to keep a force of soldiers at the place where Dubuque now stands, to prevent them from coming in and thus breaking our treaty with the Indians. We are told that a few years later, when white men were permitted to come into the territory to settle, the hills across the river opposite the spot where Burlington now stands used to blaze at night with the camp fires of the immigrants. They were waiting to be ferried across the Mississippi to begin their long journey across our prairies, where they hoped to make new homes (Fig. i). Can you mention some of the things which in those early days might have attf acted settlers to Iowa ? 2 low A SIA I K GEOGRAPHY \\i' still ha\i' most ot llu»si' attractions and a great many others. Some people say that the Indian word Iowa means "this is the land." We believe that this is the land for us. It we are to live here we wish to earn the very best living which the state is able to afford us and to enjoy everything which the state has to offer us. We want to learn what we can do to make Iowa a better place to live in and how we can leave it in the best possible condition for those who come after us. Fig. I. This wagon bridge aciu:-; Uic i\lj.^:3i.-i.-ipiJi al iJuiliiiKl-un i;, near thu place where so many of the early settlers were ferried across the river We shall therefore need to know many things about our soil and climate. Since we have beautiful scenery we want to know where to find it when we have opportunities to make trips about the state. We must learn to find the answers to such questions as this : What are some of the reasons why Iowa, with an area of fifty-six thousand one hundred and forty-seven square miles, has more than two and a third million people, while New Mexico, which is more than twice as large, has not even half a million inhabitants? If you had a friend outside of Iowa who wished to move to a new home, could you write him a letter showing Iowa to be so attractive that he would want to move here ? WTien we have finished studying the book you shall try. . GETTING ACQUAINTED WITH OURSELVES 3 Is Our Location a Good One? As we study about Iowa we shall often refer to the other parts of the United States ; we shall therefore first find out just how we are located in our country and judge whether or not our position is a good one. Turn to the map of the United States (p. 4). Notice what states and rivers bound Iowa. Using the scale of miles given on this map, find out how many miles it is from the capital of Iowa due east to the Atlantic Ocean ; due south to the Gulf of Mexico ; due west to the Pacific Ocean ; and due north to the boundary of Canada. Between what parallels of latitude does Iowa lie ? Counting seventy miles to each degree of lati- tude, find out how many miles the southern boundary of Iowa is from the equator. How many degrees farther from the equa- tor is the northern boundary of Iowa than the southern ? How many miles js it across the state from north to south ? Between what parallels of longitude does Iowa lie? The state lies just far enough away from the equator and far enough from the great oceans to have the long, hot summer days which help to make it the fine corn state that it is. What is meant by the corn belt ? What does the distance from the ocean have to do with the heat of our summers ? Iowa is near enough to the Gulf of INIexico to have plenty of rain brought to it by the winds which come from the south and southeast. If we were farther away, as are Nebraska and the Dakotas, we should have less moisture. New York City on the Atlantic coast is the largest American city. Find it on the map of the United States. Point in the direction in which you would go to reach it, — not on the map, but from your school. Let us find out how long it would take to make the trip to New York. By what railroad should you leave your town ? Consult a railroad map. Trace your route as far as Chicago. How long does it take to go there? How much does it cost at three cents per mile? You would change to another railroad there. Choose one of the leading routes and find how far it is from Chicago to New York. 4 IOWA STATE GEOGRAPHY Trace the trip. I'ind out how long it would take and how much thi> railroad fare would be at three cents per mile. As you look at the map of Iowa (Fig. 82) you notice that it has many railroads. In what directions do most of them run? There are several reasons why we have so many railroads. The state lies in the shortest path between Chicago and the Pacific coast. The surface of Iowa is level, and railroads are more cheaply and easily built here than in a rougher region. In the third place, Iowa has a large amount of grain and live stock to ship out and can afford to have many other things imported. You can find on page 123 the names of some of the most important railroads. What is a trunk line? Locate six trunk lines on the map in this book (Fig. 82). Now you may write an answer to the question at the head of this section and include in it several reasons for your answer. Look at the map of the United States and choose some other state to compare with Iowa on these points. West 92 from 87 Greenwich 82 u:nited states SCALE OF MILES 50 100 200 300 100 SOO 600 -20 92 . -fc . ^ NEWENGLAJTD V, '■': ^ AND COAST OF '^f^ r . . i; ^ AND COAST OF * ' XIDDIiE ATLASTIC STATES 1 ' (on enlarged matt) CharUt " .fleniT, •Tjj^ CHAPTER II THE WONDERS BENEATH OUR FEET The Rocks which Lie Beneath us If you should dig down through the soil in your garden or field, in time you would come to solid rock. In some parts of the state you would have to go down only a few feet, in other places hundreds of feet. This solid rock is known as bed rock. Ask someone who has dug a well in your neighborhood whether he can tell how far it is down to bed rock. We shall find out how this bed rock was made. Let us imagine ourselves back in the period when all Iowa and all the Mississippi basin was a great ocean. Then the only land in what is now our continent of North America was in what is now the Appalachian Mountains and the Rocky Moun- tains. Look on a map of North America and see how large that old ocean must have been. Imagine if you can that in the part of that ocean which today is our state there were millions and millions of little shell-covered animals and coral animals with limy skeletons, growing in great reefs or banks, in shallow, clear water. Corals are growing in just this same way today around the shores of Florida. When these animals died, their shells and skeletons were broken up into fine pieces. These sank to the bottom of the ocean, and, with the lime which was constantly being added by the waters running from the land, built up the great beds of limestone that lie under the soil in so many Iowa counties. Have you ever seen a place where the layers of limestone were very near the surface of the ground ? In a great many places in the state the limestone is quarried and used for building and bridge work, or is crushed for road- making, or is burned to make the lime which is used in plaster- ing your houses. I 5 6 IOWA STATE GEOGRAPHY Most of the liinestone which is iisrd in building churches and schools and ollu-r jnihlic buildings comes from other states, since nuich of ours crumbles too easily to make buildings which will last. Scott, Jones, Dubuciue, and Lee arc important coun- ties in the jiroduction of this stone. In what part of the state Fig. 2. In this limestone quarry great saws cut down through the layers of rock, separating the stone into blocks. Then wedges are driven between the layers. If you look carefully you can see some of these cuts on the upper level. Notice the machinery used in hoisting the huge pieces of stone. What is the difference between a quarry and a mine ? are these counties ? Is any limestone quarried in your county ? If so, find out for what it is used and where it is sent. Can you find a place where limestone has been used in your locality ? (Look up the value of Iowa limestone production as given on page 156.) (See Fig. 2.) After thousands and thousands of years the earth gave a long, slow, gentle heave, and this part of the continent began to show as dry land. First, northeastern Iowa came above water, and there was dry land in Allamakee, Winneshiek, and Clayton Fig. 3. These are small animals which lived in the ocean that covered the region where Iowa is today. These fossils can be found in many of our rocks. We call them brachiopods P"iG. 4. Here arc aliuvvn some ui the ancient corals which helped to make the beds of limestone that underlie such a large part of the state. Have you ever found any corals that resemble these ? 8 IOWA STATE GEOGRAPHY iDunties. The rivers brought down from the land to the north threat loads of ckiy and sand and laid them down in the shallow water just beyond the shore line. By and by the sand harilened into santistone and the clay into shale. Today we may fuul beautiful beds of this sandstone near McGregor, stained in many different colors by iron — reds and pinks and yellows. If you should look carefully in some of these beds of limestone, sandstone, and shale you would find little shells which have been buried but which, in some way or other, have escaped being broken. They are called fossils, and they show what kinds of animals lived at that time (Figs. 3, 4)- Very, very slowly the ocean drew back toward the south, until all Iowa was dry land. Then the surface rocks began to decay and form soil. At first the water ran off the surface of the land in sheets, just as water runs off when you pour it on the walk. Soon these sheets of water cut a little more deeply into the rocks in some places than in others, perhaps because some rocks were softer. After a while most of the water ran off through these little channels, forming tiny streams. These little streams grew larger and cut deep valleys. Could you show these things on a sand pile? Vegetation crept over the plains and the hills, but it was not at all like the vegetation which we see in Iowa today, and the animals which we know were not to be found here then. Iowa's Coal Fields Many years after Iowa became dry land there came a time when much of the southern part of the state was very swampy. The same thing was true in parts of Illinois, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and many other states. In those old days the air was very moist and differed perhaps in other ways from the air of today, so that plants grew very rapidly. In these swamps and in other places in the state great forests grew, but the trees in them were not at all like the trees which you find here today. In the places where these trees fell on the dry land they decayed and helped to enrich the soil just as rotting plants do everywhere 3 •a i II ■3 fi ■u a'S 10 IOWA sr.vri-: geography tiulay. but whcvc tlicv icW into tin- wattT of the swamps they wiTc prcservcMl from (iecay. After centuries had passed and immense layers of wood had accumulated in the swamps, the whole rej^ion sank a little and the swamps were filled with clay brought in by the rivers. This piled up in such thick, heavy layers on toj) of the fallen trees that they were squeezed and pressed until they changed to thin beds of what we know as coal. The clay above them gradually changed into layers of rock which we call shale. Have you ever found pieces of this shale in your coal bins? We often speak of it as slate. Fig. 6. The Des Moines River in Marion County has cut through a coal seam, exposing the edges of the seam in the valley walls. In a place such as this it was easy for men to find coal Today in south-central Iowa we are digging the coal which was formed millions of years ago. It is a fair grade of soft, or bituminous, coal. In a recent year we mined more than 824,000.000 worth. Fig. 5 shows the chief coal-producing counties. Each of those which are completely black produces more than $1,000,000 worth yearly. From where does the coal come which you use at home ? You may wonder how men first found out that there v/as coal in Iowa. If you look at Fig. 6 you can easily tell. Write a short story telling what you think the men might have done when they first saw this coal. Fig. 7 shows how most of the coal of Iowa lies. It is under many feet of rock. If a man owning land in one of the coal-producing sections of the state thought there might be THE WONDERS BENEATH OUR FEET ii valuable coal under his land, he might hire someone to come with a small-diameter drill and drill holes in several places. If he found in this way that the layers of coal were thick enough to pay to mine, he might sink a shaft. Find in some other book a description of the shaft and of the way in which coal is taken out of the ground. The greater part of the mining in this state is done in coal beds from 4 to 6 feet in thickness, but in Marion County we have beds as thick as 16 feet. Coal beds extend for miles, one great bed often underlying from 500 to 600 acres. We do not have to go very far beneath the surface for our Fig. 7. These blocks show how the coal of Iowa lies in seams, buried under the rocks. The black bands are the coal coal. The deepest mine in the state is only a little more than 300 feet in depth. When you read that coal mines in other countries are sometimes as deep as 4000 feet, you will realize that ours are very shallow. Could mining be done underneath a town without disturbing buildings or streets ? Our Deserted Lead Mines During all the years when the strange things we have just discussed were happening, the underground waters which were creeping so slowly through the rocks in eastern Iowa were gathering together the tiny particles of lead and zinc therein and depositing them in the cracks and crevices of the rocks. The particular kind of rock in which these lead and zinc ores were laid down is called galena limestone, and in Iowa it is 12 IOWA STATE GEOGRAPHY fiHiiui in Dubuque County and the region near there. In what part of the state is this? It was thousands and thousands of years after the lead was laid down in these veins before men ever found it. In the days before the white men came into this state the Indians used to dig out lead which was not very far beneath the surface and take it across the river to sell at the different trading posts. The white men bought it to use in Fig. 8. Water's old lead smelter near Dubuque is said to have been the earliest smelter built in Iowa. Notice the great limestone bluff and the limestone used in the building making bullets. Across what river did the Indians carry the lead? One place where they sold it was Prairie du Chien. How far is this from the present city of Dubuque ? One day, in the year 1785, there came to this Wisconsin trading post a French Canadian named Julien Dubuque. He made friends easily with the Indians. Three years later he persuaded the Fox Indians, who worked the mines, to allow him to mine the lead in a strip of land west of the Mississippi, near what is now Dubuque (Fig. 8). This piece of land ex- tended about twenty miles north and south. After making these terms Dubuque settled in the Indian village of Kettle Chief at the mouth of Catfish Creek. This is a little stream which flows THE WONDERS BENEATH OUR FEET 13 into the Mississippi just south of the present city of Dubuque. He called his works the '^ Mines of Spain." Can you find out why? The lead ore was so near the surface in some places that it was dug out with hoes, shovels, crowbars, and picks. After this it was smelted ; that is, it was heated in a sort of furnace built of stone, until the lead was melted out of the rock with which it was mixed. The lead was then loaded into boats called pi- rogues (pi rog') and sent down the river to St. Louis, where it was sold. It was then shipped still farther down, to New Orleans, and there loaded on ocean- going ships to be sent to the eastern part of the United States. Why was it taken east by this long and roundabout way? After Dubuque's death, in 1810, the Indians destroyed his house and drove out the white miners who had been working for him. They then dug the lead and ferried it across the Mississippi to sell to the white men who lived on the east side of the river. These men were eager to come across to our side and dig the lead themselves, but the United States would not let them come, because this part of Fig. 9. This wonderful statue of Black Hawk, designed by Lorado Taft, stands on a bluff above Rock River near Oregon, Illinois. "This is a noble tribute to the great Indian chief in the land his tribes once possessed." E.xplain why this is a suitable picture for a geography on Iowa ,4 IOWA STATE GEOGRAPHY ilu- laiul 1)1 linva still bclon.-^cd to the Indians. Sometimes soklicrs had to hv stationed at Dubuque to keep the white men out. On a bhiff not far from the village where Dubuque lived a simple monument of stones has been erected to his memory. \ou may see it from the Mississippi River. In 1832, at the close of the Black Hawk War, which you will read about some day, the United States bought a big piece of land from the Indians; this is known as the Black Hawk Purchase. It extended most of the way along the Mississippi Kiver from the Minnesota line to the Missouri line and fifty miles westward from the river. Who was Black Hawk? (See ?lg. 9. ) The next year the white men were given permission to cross the river. In the lirst twelve months about five hun- dred came over at this one place, so you can see that the little village grew rapidly. For the first few years all the lead mined was shipped away, but later a shot ,tower and white-lead works were built. The shot tower is interesting. A spot was chosen along the high bluffs near the town, and shot was made by dropping the molten lead from the top of the cliff into a shot well at its foot. As the drops of hot lead whirled through the air the bullets were formed. White lead is used for making paint. Look on the outside of a paint can to find out how much of paint is lead. In the mines the zinc usually lies below the lead, so it was not mined until later. It was also harder to smelt, and in those days people had no special use for it. For what is it used today? The lead and zinc mines of Iowa have not been worked for a number of years because they are deep now and water must be pumped out. This makes mining expensive. The mining may be done much more cheaply and profitably in Missouri and other states where there are larger supplies of these ores. The Iron Ore of Iron Hill Every yellow or red or brown color which you see in rock or clay is due to the presence of iron. It is scattered every- where throughout the surface of the earth. Have you ever THE WONDERS BENEATH OUR FEET 15 used water which had a strong taste of iron? In what other way could you tell that there was iron in the water? When you see light-yellow or dark-yellow soils you may know that the iron particles in them have decayed or rusted and made these colors. Iron scattered in such tiny particles is of no Fig. 10. This view was taken in the mine of the United States Gypsum Com- pany at Fort Dodge. How is the gypsum taken out of the mine ? use to men for manufacturing. It is only when it has been gathered together by creeping, underground waters and laid down in large quantities that men can use it for making iron or steel. We have one such deposit in Iowa, but it is not a very large one. This is in northeastern Iowa, in Allamakee County, two and a half miles northeast of Waukon. Locate this place approximately on the map, p. 52. It is known as Iron Hill. Not much iron has been mined there because it can be obtained so much more cheaply in other places, such as northeastern Minnesota, near Duluth. i6 IOWA STATE GEOGRAPHY Oi^R GvpsuM Beds and Their Uses We have one of the richest gypsum deposits in the whole United States. Perhaps you have seen some of this material used in your homes for plaster or on your farms as fertilizer. Webster C'ounty has 60 or 70 square miles of land underlain with gypsum. The beds are from 25 to 30 feet in thickness. Gypsum is a rather soft, light-gray rock. A shaft is sunk and the gypsum rock is mined in much the same way as coal. After it is taken from the mine the rock is run through crushers, which break it into rather coarse pieces. At the mills near Fort Dodge the crushed gypsum is put into great drying tubes, which take out much of its moisture. After being dried it is pulverized and is then ready to be used for fertilizer. Sometimes it is heated again in large vats, where all the remaining moisture is driven out. This product is known as calcined gypsum, or stucco. When this is finely ground it is used for wall plaster, plaster of Paris, or for making paints. What happens when you mix a little water with plaster of Paris ? For what is plaster of Paris used ? The first gypsum mill built west of the Mississippi was lo- cated at Fort Dodge and began work in 1872. The mills now working near that place produced nearly '12,000,000 worth of gypsum in a recent year (Fig, 10). Only New York State produces more. Iowa has another gypsum deposit at Centerville, but this has been worked only a short time. In what county is it ? On an outline map of Iowa, showing the counties, mark in some way all the mineral-producing counties which we have found. CHAPTER III STORIES OF THE PAST AND PRESENT How Iowa's Soils were Made Many years after the coal was made and the minerals we have discussed were gathered into beds, it turned so very cold in the north country that the snow which fell in winter did not all melt in summer. Then year after year it grew still colder, until in summer also some of the moisture fell as snow. This continued until great beds of snow more than a mile in thick- ness covered a large part of the surface of the present Canada. By and by, because the snow was so heavy and the cold so great, and because sometimes the surface melted a little and the water filtered down through, the whole mass turned to ice. You have probably all seen this same thing happen to the bottom of a snowdrift when it has lain in your yard during several cold winter months. After many years this great mass of ice began to move out in all directions. This movement was partly due to the fact that it was very much thicker in some places than in others. As it pushed slowly southward into what is now the United States, it carried great blocks of stone which were frozen into the bottom of the ice. Some of these it picked up on its way south through what is now Minnesota, Wisconsin, and New England. These big, hard pieces of rock ground against each other and against the rocks over which they were dragged until the corners were broken off and the edges were rounded. Often the whole piece was pulverized into a powder which we call rock flour. For years this enormous ice-sheet crept southward, wearing off the hilltops and scouring out the valleys, until it covered the pres- ent Iowa and went beyond our southern boundary and halfway across what is now Missouri. 17 iS IOWA STATE GEOGRArHY Tan \ oil I Idsi- >our i-yi>s and iniaginc all Iowa covered with a slu'i-t ol" ill- o\iM- hall" a mile deep — no animals, no grass, no trees to be seen, only a ^neat while blanket in every direction? Perhajis sou are wonderinu; what happened to all the animals which had been li\in,^ here. When it first began to turn cold a large number of plants could not stand the change and died. The animals that lived on these plants had either to change their food or move south where the plants could still be founil. Then as the summers grew shorter and colder, until at last there was no summer at all, every plant died and all the animals migrated southward or died. It is thought that there were no human beings in North America before the Ice Age. After a time the climate grew warmer, and very slowly the ice began to melt. The southern edge was thinnest and the heat was greatest there, so that edge melted first. Gradually all the area that is now called Iowa was uncovered. As the ice melted, all the rock flour and broken rock — gravel, pebbles, and small stones, as well as the great pieces which are called bowlders — were dumped together. In some places large quantities of this material, called glacial drift, were dropped, making hills. In other places the glacial drift was spread very evenly. In some parts of the state a layer more than a hundred feet thick was left on top of the bed rock, while in other parts only a few feet were deposited. All over Iowa, except in a little section in the northeastern part of the state, which you may find by looking at Fig. 1 1, this glacial drift was spread. If you will find, out how far people in your neighborhood have to drill before they strike rock, you will know how deep the glacial drift is there. This will be true everywhere, except on the river flats (where the rivers have made changes) or where the wind has piled up fine soil. After a long time the seeds were carried back from the south, and very gradually this glacial area once more became covered with grass and trees. Some of these seeds must have been quite heavy. How do you think they were carried back? Remember there were no people here in those days. Later, when there was food, the animals came back from the south. L^^iT-^^-^i.^^ 20 IOWA STATE GEOGRAPHY In those days elephants and mastodons and wild horses roamed about anil foil on the grass and in the forests. We know this because fossil bones of these animals have been found in the gravels of Harrison and Monona counties and in many other parts of the state. Look at the picture (Fig. 12 ) of the lower jaw of one of those old elephants. This jawbone was found in the drift sheet near Marengo. In Henry County elephant bones have been found, and recently men dig- ging a sewer in Water- loo found the shoulder bone of an elephant. Find out if any similar remains have ever been found in your county and what was done with them. Thousands of years later it grew cold again, and the ice once more came south. With the warming of the cli- mate the ice melted as before. This happened several times before the present climate became established. Five different times these great fields of ice pushed into this area, and in melting back each one left a sheet of drift. The first of these was completely covered by the others. Parts of each of the other four are to be seen at the surface. Men have come all the way from Europe to see this peculiar formation. Are you sure that you have looked closely at the drift on which you live? If you look at Fig. 11 you can find the name of your drift. Find a creek, a bank, or a place where someone is Fig. 12. This is the jawbone of an elephant which roamed over Iowa in a warm period between two advances of the ice. Notice the single great tooth on each side. This fossil was found near Marengo. In what part of the state is that ? STORIES OF THE PAST AND PRESENT 21 digging a cellar or sewer. See if you can find rock flour (that would be the finely ground clay), gravel which was not ground up so fine, pebbles, and large stones. Sometimes you can find on the larger rocks scratches which show that they have been rubbed against some harder stone. Most of the large bowlders Fig. 13. In Floyd County, near Charles City, lies this granite bowlder, one of the largest in the state. It was carried in the ice all the way from what is now Canada and has lain in its present place for thousands of years. Have you any such granite bowlders in your county ? are granite, which is very hard. They were carried on top of or somewhere in the ice mass (Fig. 13). If they had been under- neath they would have been rubbed to powder as the others were. The Kansan drift sheet is the oldest which is to be seen at the surface. It has lain so long that it has been well cut and drained by rivers and is therefore very hilly in many places. Have you ever been in that part of the state which the map shows as Kansan drift ? You will not find many bowlders on the surface of this area. Those which were brought have had time to rot and crumble into soil. The Wisconsin drift sheet was left by the ice the last time it pushed into this area. This IOWA STATE GEOGRAPHY shoft is so young that not sufficient time has elapsed for the rivers lo cut it up and drain it. Hence the farmers in that part of the state have to do much tihng to drain their fields. In a few thousands of years the rivers would do that work through their little branches reaching into all the level fields and swanijis. Some of the swamps are peat bogs. There are large peat bogs in Emmet, Palo Alto, Kossuth, and Clay counties. Have you ever heard of any of these bogs' catching fire? Fis 14. North Twin Lake in Calhoun County is one of the beautiful glacial lakes of Iowa. On what drift sheet is it ? If you will compare Figs. 11 and 21 you will see that all our lakes are on one drift sheet. Which drift sheet is it? Look up the names of these lakes on a map of Iowa. Can you find in the text any pictures of lakes ? Of what use are they to the people of Iowa ? These lakes are in little hollows which the ice made when it piled more material in some places than it did in others. Do you live on the lowan drift? It is not so poorly drained as the Wisconsin nor so well drained as the Kansan drift. It has a great many big bowlders, as you will notice if you take a ride across it. Some of the finest farm land in the state is on the lowan drift. STORIES OF THE PAST AND PRESENT 23 If you look at Fig. 11 you will notice a region that is driftless. What does that word mean? Every time the ice moved into that part of the state, the edge which came into these northeastern counties was so thin that it did not smooth off the rocks and did not carry in any soil. If you should go into Allamakee, eastern Clayton, Winneshiek, or Dubuque counties and see the rocky hills and deep-cut valleys, such as those you see in Figs. 15 and 16, you could imagine what Iowa Fig. 15. This great hill is made up of sandstone with layers of limestone on top. It is known as "The Elephant" and is located near French Creek in Alla- makee County. Once the country about here was nearly level and higher than the top of this hill. The frost and rain and rivers have worn away thousands of cubic feet of rock from this region and carried it toward the Gulf of Mexico. Study the picture carefully. It shows exactly how the driftless area of Iowa looks. Write out a list of the ways in which it differs from the drift-covered area would have looked like if there had been no ice-sheet. Fortu- nately for us it covered most of our state with a deep, rich soil so that our farms yield large crops when we care for them properly. A great geologist, Samuel Calvin, once said, ''Iowa's soils are worth all the gold and silver mines of the world combined." How can this be true? Study Fig. 17 be- fore you answer. Have you ever seen any soils which were being neglected? What would you do if they were yours? -M IOWA STATK GEOGRAPHY Ro;i(l in some rotorenco book about different methods of im- pro\ini,' poor soils. \\h>' do you suppose we have spent so Muich time studying about soils? Write out your answer to this question. You ha\e read the story of how Iowa has been made, — its rocks, its minerals, and its soils. It took a long time — no one knows just how long — to make the state ready for men to live Fig. i6. Mu^.i ui iuv,a jiii-,ui .lavi. luukcd like this if the ice-sheet had not moved over the state. If the heavy part of the ice-sheet had passed over here what would have happened to this beautiful ledge of rock in Allamakee County ? Find Allamakee County in Fig. ii in. No men hved here during the years which we have de- scribed, yet the story of all that happened is written clearly in these rocks, minerals, and soils for all who are able to read their language. A few of the pages of this story have been destroyed because some of the layers of rock have been worn away by rain and frost, by rivers and ice, but enough has been left to tell us what wonderful plants and animals lived here in times past, and how they changed until they became the plants and animals which you know today. STORIES OF THE PAST AND PRESENT 25 Iowa Rivers When rain falls on your school yard what becomes of the water ? If you should follow the water which runs off the surface you would find that it flows into some little creek. Can you find that creek? Somewhere it runs into a river. What river? On the map of Iowa (p. 52) find out in what direction that river flows. From the Iowa map and the map of the United States (p. 4) trace the water till it flows into the Gulf of Mexico. A river basin is all the land that is drained by a river and its tributaries. The valley is the depression or cut that is made by the stream. Can you step across the valley of your small MILLIONS OF DOLLARS 4 Iowa Farm Crops in One Year Ck)Id and Silver Mined in the World in One Year Fig. 17. Graph showing; comparative values of Iowa farm crops and all the gold and silver mined in the world in one year crefek? How many feet wide is it? How far is it across the basin of the creek? In how many river basins do you live? Begin counting with your own creek. In what direction do most of the rivers of Iowa flow? Draw a small map of Iowa and put in the Des Moines River, indicating the important city located on that river. Why is it important? In what county is it ? Judging from the direction in which the rivers run, where is the highest part of the state ? Look in the back of the book (p. 157) to see if you have judged correctly. The Mississippi River. The Mississippi River has been very important in Iowa's history because by means of it white men first entered our state. June 17, 1673, was the day on which white men first saw Iowa. A French missionary, Father Marquette, and a French explorer named Joliet, starting from Green Bay in Wisconsin, went up the Fox River in birch canoes with a few Indian guides. They carried their canoes from the 26 Km A STATE GEOGRAPHY Vox to ihc Wisconsin RWcr and Hoated down to the Mississippi. Find a map ol Wisconsin and trace their route. Where did they first sec Iowa? (See Fi, i;ijl ©Ginn and Company 30 IOWA SIATE GEOGRArHY tDiik with tluMii provisions for four months. At that time white nun had dtnie very little exploring along the upper Mississippi. Would it not have been an exciting experience to row along the river in those August and September days, always in suspense as to what adventure might come next? Notice the date, and name a man whom they might have expected to meet on the trip. They had great difficulty in coming through the Des IMoines Rapids, which are eleven miles above the place where the Des Moines River flows into the Missis- sijipi River. These are the rapids which are now used to make power at the Keokuk dam (Fig. 23). Fifteen Indians and a white man who was living in one of the Sac Indian villages teaching the Indians to farm helped Pike get his boat across the rapids. Pike had been told to select a spot for a fort somewhere between St. Louis and Prairie du Chien and to ask the Indians for permission to build it. This is what he reported : "I have chosen a site on a hill forty miles above the De Moyen rapids on the west side of the river. The hill is about sixty feet perpendicular, nearly level on top." About three years after this an officer and a company of soldiers were sent to build the fort; in honor of the president they named it Fort Madison. They really had no right to build this on Indian land, and the Indians attacked it again and again. One Sep- tember night in 181 3 the Indians surrounded the fort, but while it was dark and cloudy and the wind was roaring through the forest the soldiers crawled quietly out on their hands and knees without arousing the Indians. The last man to leave set fire to the fort. Reaching their boats they pulled out from shore and were beyond rifle shot before the Indians knew of their escape. Later, a city built on that spot was given the name of the fort. Find this city on your map. If we had time to study the cities along the Mississippi we should find that many more of them had exciting early histories. Try to find out how your town started, and write a short story about it. We left Lieutenant Pike on the river. Let us travel upstream with his party. In some places they found the river wide and STORIES OF THE PAST AND PRESENT 31 full of sand bars, in other places narrow and steep-sided. Their report tells us of rich lands covered with black walnut and hickory trees near the river and of beautiful prairies stretching for miles to the west. On the first day of September they came to the "Mines of Spain." To whom did these belong? The owner did not seem willing to tell much about his mines ; per- haps he was afraid that others would find out how rich they were. Pike tells us that as he went along the river he noticed that the Indians were much afraid of the white men. How long ago was this trip made ? We have studied something about the early history of the " Mississippi. Let us see what uses the early settlers made of the river. When did white men first come across the river to build permanent homes ? If we had lived in Iowa soon after that time we should have seen many steamboats on the river during the summer; why not in winter? As early as 1859 there were steamboats running from Dubuque by way of New Orleans and New York to Liverpool and Bristol, England. Twelve years after, boats ran twice a week from Dubuque to St. Paul. Most of the boats ran between St. Louis and Dubuque because St. Louis bought many things that Iowa had to sell. What did Iowa have to sell in those days? Make a list. Do not forget that many men made a living in winter by trapping and hunting. ' Many people took pleasure trips on the river, so excellent, comfortable boats were made. Why do we not find them on the river today? Find in this book all the pictures you can of scenes along the Mississippi and decide whether it would be worth while to take a trip upstream from Keokuk. Per- haps we shall soon again see more boats on the river. The United States government has had some large steel barges built at Dubuque. These boats are three hundred feet long and forty-eight feet wide and will require a depth of eight and a half feet of water. They are large enough to carry three thousand tons of coal, but during the summer and fall, when the water in the river is low, they must carry much less than that. The government has leased them to the ]\Iississippi Valley Iron 32 low A SIATE GEOGRAPHY company, which will use the boats to carry iron ore from St. rail! to St. Louis. No iron ore is mined at St. Paul. From where does it come? Towboats built at Stillwater, Minne- sota. iniU these heavy barges. One towboat will pull three barges. Many people will rejoice to see traffic once more on the upper Mississippi. More use should be made of rivers, as Fig. 19. Great rafts of logs like this used to be seen on the Mississippi. Why are they not seen today ? How were the logs joined ? Do you see how the bridge opened to let the raft through ? (Courtesy of Horning Studio) the railroads are overcrowded with freight, and Iowa farmers have a great deal of difficulty getting their crops transported. Besides the steamers for freight and passengers, you would have seen in those earlier days great rafts of logs coming downstream for the mills in the river towns (Fig. 19). The logs w'ere floated downstream from Minnesota and Wisconsin. Trees were cut near the streams in winter and the logs taken to the banks, to lie until the ice went out in the spring. The logs then came down with the flood and were brought to the mills very cheaply. Dubuque, Clinton, Davenport, Muscatine, and other river towns had mills and cut a large amount of lumber. STORIES OF THE PAST AND PRESENT ^^ A little later, because the lumber mills were there, factories were established for the making of inside finish for houses and stores, — doors, sashes, staircases, mantels, and similar products. This was in the sixties. There remain two large factories for this work in Dubuque today. One of them began operating in 1867 and the other in 1876. No rafts of logs come down the river now. The white pine in the states to the north has been largely cut down, and the factories have to obtain it from the west coast, in Washington and Oregon. How is it brought to Dubuque? How far is it brought? Yellow-pine lumber is imported from the South. What is the difference between white pine and yellow pine ? Iowa buys its hardwood from the central part of the country, from such states as Ken- tucky and Tennessee. Name some hardwood trees. The mills run by steam-power, part of the fuel being shavings and waste wood. Can you think of two reasons why these mills continue although the supply of lumber which started them is gone ? Have we spent too much time studying the Mississippi River? Decide carefully and then write your answer, giving reasons. The Missouri River. Do you know what the Indian word ^'Missouri" means? Look in a large dictionary. There is a very good reason for calling this river the Missouri, and for its nickname. The Missouri River bluffs are of loess (16'ess), which is part fine clay and part sand. Through a long, long period the wind gathered the particles of clay and sand and piled them up along the edges of the valley. In time these piles were formed into steep cliffs. In some places these bluffs are quite high. They are higher on the east side of the river than on the west, because of the west winds. The wind has carried much of the loess of this region and spread it over other parts of the state. The Missouri has a very wide flood plain, on which it winds back and forth. Once some travelers rowed eighteen miles up the river and found that, on a straight line, they were only nine hundred yards from the place where they started. In the spring — when the snows melt in the mountains where the 34 IOWA STATE GEOGRAPHY rivor and its branches rise, and the rains are very heavy— the Missouri goes on a rampage. In what mountains do the river and its branches rise? How far away is this? Often, when the river overflows, new channels are started. Some- times these cut so deep as to change the entire course of the river. Thus, instead of following the old course around a long bend, it cuts straight across a part of Nebraska, thus joining that part with Iowa. What might the river do to a piece of Iowa? (See Fig. 2 0.) This bottom land is very fertile, and fine fields of grain grow on it. Why is it so fertile ? When you study history you will read a great deal about the Lewis and Clark Expedition. These two men were sent to explore the Louisiana Purchase. They went by way of the Mis- souri River and hence along the shores of Iowa. How far would they follow the western edge of the state ? They began their trip in 1804. W^as this before Lieutenant Pike took his exploring trip up the Mississippi ? We are told that they found it very hard work to row up- stream, for the current was very powerful and carried great numbers of uprooted trees. This was in May. Would it have been equally difficult in August? They described the part of Iowa which they saw as a vast prairie over which roamed herds Fig. 20. A short cut taken by the river at the place marked i would give a piece of Nebraska territory to Iowa. The op- posite result would occur if the river took a short cut at the place marked 2 STORIES OF THE PAST AND PRESENT 35 of buffalo, elk, and deer. Early in August they camped on a high, wooded bluff and held a council with six Indian chiefs. Lewis and Clark called the place Council Bluffs. This is not where the present city of Council Bluffs stands, but is on the west side of the river and farther north. On August 20 Charles Floyd, a young soldier in the party, died and was buried on a bluff overlooking the river. He was the first white man known to have been buried in Iowa soil. INIore than fifty years later Sioux City was laid out near this spot. In 1901 a monument in Sioux City was dedicated to Charles Floyd. See if you can find a river in this region which was named by this party. Sioux City, the most important city of Iowa on the Missouri River, has had a very rapid growth. What is the origin of its name? The first mention we have of this locality is in con- nection with the burial of Sergeant Floyd in 1804. In 1853 a party of government surveyors working in the neighborhood thought this a desirable place for a town. They located claims and began laying out a city. What is meant by locating claims ? By Christmas of the next year seven log houses had been built. When you go along the streets of Sioux City and see the busy down-town section, think of this: in sixty-five years it grew from a hamlet of seven houses to a city of sixty-seven thousand inhabitants. We know that soon after steamboats began running on the Mississippi they ventured up the jVIissouri, but they did not go as far as Sioux City until 1856. Then a steamboat, loaded chiefly with provisions and materials for frame houses, arrived. You may well imagine that its arrival caused some excitement, since Sioux City was very far from other settlements. What do you think would be found on the shelves of a store in such a frontier town? Would you have found the canned meats and fruits that you find in stores today? Boats ran up the river as far as Fort Benton in Montana. Locate this on some map. What would they be likely to carry back? The first railroad to reach Sioux City came in from Missouri Valley in 1868. Then Sioux City probably felt that it had become a part of the world ! Make a list of reasons why in so short a time 36 l(n\A STATE GEOGRAPHY this place has outstripped all other cities of the state except the cai)ital. Is there anything especially advantageous in its location ? Keep your list, and you may be able to add to it when you have studied some other chapters in this book. The Des Moines River. About fifteen years after Marquette and Joliet took their famous trip down the Mississippi, a Frenchman made a map of the Mississippi Valley in which he used the name "Riviere des Moingona." What river did he mean? Could Marquette have seen this stream as he went down the ]\Iississippi after leaving the Indian village ? A num- ber of years later another Frenchman wrote : On the left side about fifty leagues above the River of Buffaloes the River jMoingona issues from the midst of an immense meadow, which swarms with buffaloes and other wild beasts : at its entrance into the Mississippi it is very shallow as well as narrow. Going up the ^loingona we find a great plenty of pit coal. This quotation shows us how different this region looked in those early days. How many miles are there in a league ? In what county w^as this ''immense meadow"? Look back at Fig. 6 and see how they happened to find the coal. This valley was an excellent place for Indian trappers and hunters. In 1779 the French had a fur-trading post on the Des Moines, two hundred miles above its mouth. Measure on the map (p. 52), to see where this would be. Here they found the Indian hunt- ing camps and exchanged blankets, cloth, calicoes, tobacco, and cheap jewelry for the skins of the beaver, otter, deer, and bear. In the days when southern Iowa was being settled, before there were any railroads, all supplies had to be hauled west from the Mississippi in wagons. This was very slow work, so wherever they could men made use of streams. At first their only boats were flat-bottomed, clumsy affairs which were pushed upstream with poles. When the steamboats came they could take larger loads and go much more quickly. In 1837 a steamboat w^ent up the Des Moines as far as Keosauqua. How far is that ? This boat was loaded with flour, corn meal, dry goods, and whisky. Five or six years later steamboats took 321030 38 IOWA STATK GEOGRAPHY supplii-s as far as Dcs Moinos for the garrison of soldiers lo- rati'd tluMT. and still later they went as far as Fort Dodge. About this time Iowa people were very eager to have Congress appropriate money to dredge the rivers so that they might be more easily used for steamboats. Why do you suppose this was never done ? Perhaps you can answer this more readily after Fig. 22. The Center Street dam in Des Moines shows one of the many uses to which our rivers are put. Explain how power is generated at such a dam. What is a turbine ? you have read about Iowa railroads in the chapter on trans- portation. Are there steamboats on the Des Moines now? Iowa has so many rivers that it would not be possible to describe each one in this book. You will have to find out many things about them for yourselves. You can easily do this as you talk with people who have been in other parts of the state. Everyone who knows and loves rivers has his favorite. Which is yours? As you look through the book you will find many beautiful river pictures. Which one do you like best? Rivers not only add to the beauty of scenery but are exceed- ingly useful. Council Bluffs obtains a part of its water supply 40 IOWA STATH GEOGRAPHY Iroiii tin- Missouri ; Dis Moinos ^ets its supply from the gravel beds 1)1" the RaeeDon. Ol" what river is the Raccoon a branch? Keokuk, Davenport, and Burlington draw their water supply from the Mississippi. It is necessary to filter the river water carefullv hi'fore it is used. There are many methods of filter- ing. A common one is through beds of clean gravel and sand. Fig. 24. The curved line on the map shows the extent of the area which can be ser\'ed by electric power generated at Keokuk How does the water which is in our wells become filtered ? See if you can find out the source of your water supply. Many Iowa rivers furnish water-power to run mills ( Fig. 22). Water-power was used in very early days by the settlers, who needed mills to grind their grain and to cut logs into boards for building. Dams were put in the streams where there were rapids or little falls, and mills were built. There are many flour mills in the state today making use of water-power. Cedar Rapids has a fine hydroelectric plant producing about three thousand horse-power. Electricity from this plant is used in Cedar Rapids, by the interurban railways to Mt. Vernon and Iowa City, and for the lighting of distant towns. STORIES OF THE PAST AND PRESENT 41 Our finest water-power site is at Keokuk, but we cannot say- that it belongs to us alone. Look at the map and decide why. It is owned by the Mississippi River Power Company. The United States government gave them the right to put in the great dam there, but they also had to put in a canal and lock so that boats might go up the river. Have we previously mentioned these rapids? The water which is held back by the dam runs through a narrow passage with great swiftness, and when it falls on the big turbine wheels its force is suf- ficient to generate three hundred thousand horse-power of elec- tricity. It is said that electricity can profitably be carried two hundred miles. How is it carried ? Many places are suppHed with electricity from this plant. Some of the power is carried as far as St. Louis. How far is that ? Study Fig. 24 and decide whether your town could profitably get electricity from this plant. How does your town get its electricity ? Why is water- power preferable to steam-power ? There are still other purposes for which Iowa uses its rivers. What are they ? The Tama County Indians We have already learned that until about 1832 the Indians owned all Iowa and lived in all parts of the state, roaming about as they pleased — hunting, trapping, and fishing. Within a few years they had sold all their land to the United States government. Many Iowa farms sell today for more than S400 per acre, yet the Indians were paid only from 8 cents to 12 cents per acre for this land ! The Indians agreed with the United States government to move farther west. Really, they did not have much choice in the matter. .The Sac and Fox Indians, who lived in the eastern part of the state and with whom one of the first land treaties was made, agreed to move to a reservation chosen for them on the west side of the Missouri River. The authorities chose a place for them in Kansas, but the Indians did not like it, for they said it was good neither for hunting nor farming. Some C\)untv 42 l(n\ A STATE GEOGRArHY o\ the Indians succeeded in getting together a little money, and \u iS5(^ came back to Iowa and bought a piece of land m Tama The Tama County Indians (Fig. 25), commonly called Musquakics, are a remnant of the Sacs and Foxes. In what di- rection is Tama County from your home ? These Indians had money enough to buy only eighty acres of land at first, and for a few years they had a hard time to make a liv- ing. Because they would not stay on the reserva- tion which had been chosen for them in Kansas, the government refused to give them their yearly payments. They struggled along for ten years, doing what farming they could, hunting along the river, and selling beadwork. Finally friends among the white men pleaded their cause with the government, and in 1867 their yearly payments were restored. They invested part of this money in land, and in 1905 owned nearly three thousand acres. Someone, in writing of the movement of the Indians back to Iowa, gives a short description which will help you to know something of their feelings. This quotation will also help you to understand that although we usually think of the Indians as rovers they shared in the home feeling common to us all. Fig. 25. Three young "braves" from the Tama Indian settlement. You would never know from their dress that they were not boys from your own school Fig. 26. This is the home of one of the oldest squaws. You can see plainly the framework which has been put up for a porch. When finished it will be covered with braided grass Fig. 27. Notice the different types of homes which the Indians at Tama have built. In some cases the heating system is only a pile of sticks on the floor 44 IOWA STATE GEOGRAPHY Their dead were reverently borne from distant places and buried with solemn and impressive ceremonies on the bluff in plain view of their now home, and the warriors of the Musquakies fell on their knees by the -graves of their kindred and kissed the earth in gratitude to the Great Spirit for this goodness toward them. These three hundred and fifty or sixty Musquakie Indians have changed only a little from the customs of their an- cestors. See the pictures of some of their homes, or v^ickiups (Figs. 26, 27). They may not seem very satisfactory to you, but they please their owners. The wickiup is really the winter home, and may be either oval or oblong. Formerly, it was made of slender poles bent into shape and covered with rush matting. These which are shown in the picture are rather poor imitations of the older ones. The wigwam is the Indian's summer lodge. This is often built of bark fastened on the outside of upright posts or poles. There is no chimney, and the smoke passes out of the door or the roof. Instead of the skins of the deer, bear, and buffalo, which the Indians once used for their beds, they now use mats and blankets of their own weaving. The Indians have changed their style of clothing, too, in accordance with their needs and what they can obtain. About two hundred of them wear citizens' clothing. The older men and women still wear blankets just as their ancestors did hun- dreds of years before them. In foods they have substituted pork for venison, and wheat flour is largely substituted for corn meal. Yet when the time comes for weddings and burials and the solemn religious festivals of the tribe, they wear garments and ornaments made by the Indian women, and prepare their feasts in the old way and serve them in the old vessels which their ancestors used. In general, their ways of living are not sanitary, and hundreds of them fall victims to tuberculosis. You will be interested in some of the names taken from the records at Tama: ''Na na wa chi," ''Hoki ma kwa wa," "Cha ko so," ''Pi ta to kwa." The first two are names of women, the other two of men. Some of them have English names also, as, ''Frank Earl." The Tama settlement has a school and a sanatorium. STORIES OF THE PAST AND PRESENT 45 Iowa's Capital When we speak of the present capital of Iowa we mean Des Moines, but this has not always been the capital. When Iowa was first organized as a territory in 1838 the first legisla- ture met at Burlington. What is a legislature ? A commission was appointed to select a site farther west for the capital. Why Fig. 28. The old State Capitol is now one of the buildings of the State University of Iowa. Of what material is this built ? was it better to have it farther west ? The instructions given this commission were that they were to choose some place in Johnson County. Where is Johnson County? They chose a spot on the banks of the Iowa River and set up a slab marked ''City of Iowa." Ten acres were set aside for the Capitol grounds ; and streets and parks were laid out. The commission- ers even planned wharves along the river at which steamboats were to load. Do you think those wharves are used today? What is the difference between the capital and the Capitol? The next year the building of the Capitol was commenced. It was built of limestone brought from a quarry a little distance up the Iowa River. Flatboats were used in bringing it down. 46 IOWA S'rATI<: G1-:0GRAPHY A small (|uantity of stone from other quarries was brought across country with ox teams. If you look at Fig. 28 you will see a picture of this building, which was later given to the State Tniversity and is now used by that school as an admin- istration building. Two years later, in 1841, the legislature met in Iowa City. This fact made it a real capital. The building which you have just looked at was not finished at that time, so a substitute had to be used. The legislature met in Decem- ber. How did the members probably travel to Iowa City? In 1846 Iowa became a state. For eleven years thereafter Iowa City continued to be the capital of the state, and during this time men were pushing farther west and northwest and settling the prairies. In what section of the state is Iowa City? Only a few years passed before many people thought that the capital ought to be moved to a more central part of the state. Why is it an advantage to have the capital in the central part of the state ? From where do the members of the legislature come ? What other people need to go to the capital on business? Look at the map (p. 4) and see whether the capitals of some of the other states are centrally located. The subject of moving the capital was discussed at every meeting of the legislature. Some of the arguments against moving the capital farther west sound rather strange now. Here is a sentence from one speech: ''A very large portion of the country lying west of the Des Moines and its tribu- taries is a barren waste made up of lakes, marshes, and sand hills incapable of being inhabited." How do you think the man who made that speech would feel if he could travel west of the Des Moines River today ? Again a commission was appointed. Here are the orders which wtre given it : Examine such parts of the state as seem suitable, select the amount of land appropriated by Congress, and locate the permanent seat of government "as near the geographical center as may be consistent with an eligible and healthful site, the general features of the sur- rounding country, and the interests of the state generally." STORIES OF THE PAST AND PRESENT 47 Do you think the place finally chosen met all these require- ments ? There was plenty of excitement in the state over the question and hundreds of people sent petitions to the legis- lature in behalf of various locations for the new capital. Oskaloosa and Pella were strong competitors for the honor. More people seemed to agree on the Raccoon Forks of the Des Moines than on any other place. You remember that Fig. 29. This is the Capitol — a building which belongs to you. Its gilded dome can be seen for miles. By what other name is the building sometimes called ? What state officers would be found here ? Fort Des Moines had been located there for some time. The first commission had chosen a place called Monroe City. The legislature did not think this a good choice, so they dismissed the commission and appointed a new one, telling them to lo- cate the capital within two miles of the junction of the Des Moines and the Raccoon rivers. (Make a sketch of the place where these two rivers join and draw the circle inside which the capital would have to be.) Immediately all the excitement of the state centered in Des Moines. The people on the east side 48 IOWA STATE GEOGRAPHY of the river wanted the Capitol built there; others were (leterniined that it should be on the west side. Finally, a place on the east side of the river was chosen. The place is so high that the beautiful gilded dome may be seen for miles, especially when it is lighted. The first Capitol was a three-story building built where the Soldiers and Sailors' Monument now stands. In October, 1857, Des Moines officially became the capital, and the officers moved there from Iowa City. We are told that a snowstorm set in while the office equipment was being moved, and the state treasurer's safe, which was very large and heavy, "had to be left on the open prairie for several days and nights, until the storm abated and the ground was frozen sufficiently so that the safe could be carried on a large bobsled. When it arrived in Des IMoines it was drawn by ten yoke of oxen." A gentleman who moved to Des Moines in 1850, seven years before it was made the capital, has told many interesting stories about the place. At that time it had about five hundred and fifty inhabitants, most of whom dwelt in double cabins which were once occupied by the soldiers. There were two rows of these cabins, and two families lived in each cabin. There were also two small hotels, two brick residences, a few frame houses, and several little stores and offices. There was a little brick courthouse in which church was held on Sundays and school on the week days when school was in session. Usually this was only for three months during the winter. Footpaths took the place of streets. "Our dry goods, groceries, flour, and hardware, in short, nearly all our merchantable wares, were brought chiefly with teams and wagons." Describe another way in which these things might have been brought. "In our entire trip from Davenport to Des Moines there seemed to be among the people but one conviction, and that was that Des Moines had a great future before it." How much has Des ]\Ioines grown since then ? Has it grown in other ways than in population ? It was soon felt that it was not fitting for so large and pros- perous a state to have its official home in so small and inconven- ient a building. The present building was commenced in 1873. T3 T3 C C 1* a> <« c ■§ ~ a. ,n O ^ t. >» Si *i -^ >'-S s S j= Pi g " H o "^ r>-. o '^ >^ »- O m -a (u c D 3 C ^ Q 3 O *^-H . ^ rt (4-H %^ '""' o *"' OJ M ^ F— 1 _o >. O _g ^ 'd Xi ct! OJ a ,g 60 O ^ ■— > QJ 2i .2 )Z 3 JIl O rt Q OJ 'S. "o m • 3 03 OJ y. g c cu ;-• ■§) C OJ o ^ (U ^ .s J3 •i-H -o ^ . Sioux Rapids Laubns f =5^^ PpIilZTF^ VIStAl '••'"cahoiUas^* ; HUMI'.OLDT ^ W R I G H T ^' o..__.. l I. If .r-.Mr,\v,'V '.'""' ''•'*n.,t„..,l ©eiaribn— - . StormVako?'*"-"-^"""^!' t .Fonda TON ^ JT'-i^""^ f Maple ton , M O N O N A ^'hitiiig ■ 1?1 BURT - ■'^ ® Tekamah TPomeroV„^„.^_^pFortDodge m. ICALHpUNl,,,,,,,,.,^^!,'} '^WebsterCi __JX« Dows*:? ~|"|j. Eagle Grove ^ A J. >-i 4^ Williams ^^ iWall r •Schallcr 'T^'^' Lrrc r^^^s^f i«^^'^°^oN «'Story( city's S T O * Anies C R A VTF O R D Manilla^ ARRIS^ON I SHELiBY Churdan »i u IN (J M A ■ r:i:i!fl,'u'''' .^ .^^ I ^^'■■■o" \l g r e e n e i e®Onawa ''^V^" /De^n „!., „® ^v , r'-''^^^°" jOgdetu © Tt — fr { ;. ^, I , , . 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TAYLOR larinda! „ f uWtgc I ©Bedford •Macksburge^o** i^- ^ Lorimor^'f'"" [OaktS: Creston Afton Indianq idiangh ■ ij.® y^ WARREN ' mIic CLARKE , Wpodburni POLITICAL AND ECONOMIC MAP Scale of statute miles Scale of kiloi^ters Lenox* ^, Knowlton 1]'%. HvnhestAi*-^^ ^©^""^rSn© (C^rydon "^y KellerTiDECATT^ ^iiertd ^^^^ I •Lamoni i3 i - ^^ :! •._ . ^i.Li*.>«(H W ; 1 1 A it It 1 S O N i O i'. '' tSt State capital ® County towns Principal railroads Navigable rivers J^ B 95° GaWeston q Longitude 94° Map I'late, Patented July 5, 1921 • Method of Making Maps, Patented July ,=l, 1021 -Mason . ^City RR RD ot^well St.Ansgar • Riceville' MITCHELL n '^® ^^ Osage\ ^ Nora Springs 'V CharlesCity' ockford Q FLOYD .Marbb P Kock ■■I ' li ^ - i^ ' r leffield J| KLINJ;^ Allison Gree Clark HOWARD [j3^^^,^^^:^ Atkjnsi CHICKASAW '^: New ® Ha mpton La\jlerjCr. ' Fredericksburg? Sunwer, 'ille BREMER J'^ Lansing! ALLAMAKI WpJNESHIEK Fort ';^tCalmar 1.0SI Nashua , Hiwkeye @_§''s'f West Union 7F — ^ LI VERNON 7"""! RjcHi-JiNn' P.,..i* CTLAYTOl ® Elkader] t-„ Guttenberg G H A. N T Lancaster , ©Hamflton ® ^ i''-®Wavcrly V } butler: ^Cenevaj | -^ r- Parkersburg t i raiiuaiiiv ■ i rX^ ^TI^^tL. Waterloo! BUCHANAN I ^-^^t^^^^ | DUBUp^: v^aFallsl Lilian 4iii ^ ^^^ S GRUNDY s BLACK T RDIN.^ 1 Grundy Center 1 'HAWK j Jdora®! ! „ .®. . • f Laporte'^5^^ - ® Rei nbeck* j MARSHALL / Marshalltpwn 5 Center I ® '^-_ Gladbrook -» Traer* ^ Vinton® Dysart TAMA Toledo *Mett>oarne "f .1 e^loggj^.^oklyn jVictor ] Oxford """ I O W A ! * iCity'^ Independence Manchester JEnwortli ^' I I I }Hopkintort» } lcasc„„. . licello'.<-»/ J^ JONE^r-J^^^^^^,^^. ., — ©Anamosa iMaquo- ■''^<»''n'" Sabu ^ J I kuta® ^' . Wjoming i prps' • Lost Nation CLINTON ClintonJ featland^fl'eWitt- <^o;5, Mon Center Point LINN Springville Marion^ Blairstown Ef'^^.'j Mt • Belle • - I 'Rapids Vernon C-f.'.W.e. I X 14 Mechanicaville i_ Stanwoodj ,| LowdenJ~ 'q^ ©Tipfonj CEDAR ' ^ I { •Long' ntviJle' ":i --"- y^'.} MAHASKA nix-m .\i ^Montezuma j^^i^l"?, %. i i^?d We'stLfbertV DavJnpor^W(r.i:.t°--' "0 \I A R I O N j Beacon KEOKUK C-® Sigourney kv. Riverside ASHINGTO jMuscatine® Kmitland. i ® . j jColumbue J V^asbingtonAms^j lOU ISA- CO HENR V Cambridge® -g TL''vii^i^"'^'"'^'t°"T^''^''^^'"'''''^ i P IwTnfietd.l ^°Js^n .SI I Albia I WAPELLO I JEFFERSON !„„.,„ ^ j'lledlSpoTrsl') tj A • I s _■ '^' ® _ liatavia ^, j HE N R Y j . W S_ ^;;[?^ tiTloji-fttONliUE lOttumv.a " i* , I Faiiiicld'; r.-^ V)K I.®, -, I I Fl.lon. :'-ii-'-tvviU..- ^Mt.ricasantl^^^ '^"'^'^® \©^*^Gal*burg -*-rH r:»— ! ----~1 r ) <- \ n..^^±.A O^uavyka tS^nmouth Moravia ^ E j APPANOOSE (DAVIS I y^j^' buREN [ ®_ Keo^au,iua|g,^ Bonaparte Centerville , | Bloomfield , • -^^^^ ir j Moalton! Pulaski ,y,-,^ ^ _ Lancaster ' SCOTLAND Memphis HENDER-; WARREN^; '^^153 SON 1 *V '^ Bushnella ^Macomb 1 r. „ _ Carthagi ® ^ Ji^lpkuk ® ^ahoka C^*^ HA^j-coci! CLARK , /Hamil I L B W . I s i Mt.Ste>ting^\^l^_ rrr®T7:^=Tv^ 'rom 93° Greenwich E kittle Rock 92° G © Uinu uud Coinpaoy THE LIVE-STOCK INDUSTRY 69 Iowa breeders raise both what are called bacon hogs and lard hogs, but many more of the latter (Fig. 42). In other places Fig. 42. This row of corn cribs explains why the lard type of hog is so profitable in Iowa. Do the farmers in your neighborhood feed all the corn they raise ? Fig. 43. This concrete hog wallow is tilled with water with a coating of crude oil. Iowa farmers take care to keep the skin of their hogs clean and free from insects where corn is not so plentiful as it is here, and where more barley and green fodder are used, more bacon hogs are raised. 70 IO\\A SIATIC C;i<:OGRAPHY It is easy to fatten hogs on corn, so it is more profitable to raise the lard type of hog. If you turn to page 153 you will learn about the differences between these types. In some parts of I'Airope swine range through the forest and fatten on nuts. In the rhilipi)ine Islands they feed on coconuts. To what place do the farmers near you ship their hogs? IMany are shipped from this state to Chicago, which is the chief pork-packing center of the country. Very many of the Fig. 44. This is the cattle division of the Sioux City stockyards. From what states might these cattle have come ? What will the bales of hay be used for ? When the cattle are taken from these yards, where will they be sent ? You see only the cattle division ; what other divisions should you expect to find here ? Iowa railroads terminate in that city. Sioux City is the chief packing center of Iowa. Look at the picture of the stockyards (Fig. 44) and note the scores of small pens in which cattle, hogs, and sheep are placed when they are unloaded from the stock trains. This is Sioux City's largest industry, in which nearly four thousand persons are employed. Stockyards are busy places. If you ever have a chance to visit one be sure to do so. The managers of most packing- houses are very willing to show visitors through the buildings and explain the work that is being done. As the stock is unloaded from the cars it is carefully looked over by a United States government inspector to make sure that THE LIVE-STOCK INDUSTRY 71 none of the animals are diseased and unfit for food. There are several well-known packing firms in the Sioux City yards. Each firm has its own buyers. They know where to find each carload of cattle, hogs, and sheep as it is received. When the purchase is completed the stock is turned over to the proper slaughter house. If the hogs are to be slaughtered at once they are driven to the proper building. There are many mechanical devices de- signed to save time in each process in the slaughtering and packing houses. After the slaughtering, the carcass is quickly passed through a tank of hot water and the bristles are scraped off by machinery. The skins might be used for certain kinds of leather, but the meat will not keep well after the skin has been taken off. After the dressing of the carcass is finished, it is taken to a cooling-room, where it hangs for more than twenty- four hours. It is then cut into the pieces which you see in the butcher shops. Some of the meat is salted and some is sold fresh. A great deal of the meat is shipped to the eastern part of our country, where there are many large cities, and some is sent direct to foreign countries. A considerable portion is pur- chased by the Iowa town markets. It is not impossible that parts of the same hog shipped from a given town may be re- turned to that same town in the form of fresh or cured meat. Why can the packing-houses do all this work more cheaply than can the farmers? What is a refrigerator car? Cattle Iowa raises cattle for two purposes — for beef and for the dairy. Study Figs. 45 and 46 to see what differences you can find between beef and dairy types of cattle. Fig. 104 shows three different breeds of beef cattle. Which do you think is the best? Why? What breeds of dairy cattle are raised in your neighborhood ? Which breed is best for butter ? Which gives the greatest amount of milk ? Are the dairy herds in your neighborhood tuberculin-tested? Why is it well to have this done ? How does Iowa rank as a cattle-producing state ? 72 IOWA STATE GEOGRAPHY Many Iowa farmers raise their own herds of beef cattle. Others go to a cattle-shipping center and buy cattle which have been shipped in from the Western states and which are not yet fat enough for slaughter. The farmer then fattens them for market. In what kinds of cars are cattle shipped to the stockyards ? At the stockyards the cattle are inspected and sold in much the same way as the swine. After being slaughtered they are skinned. This is done very carefully, so that no holes are cut in the hides. The hides are sold to the tanneries. What is done to them there? Who buys them from the tanneries? When we have finished this discussion you may write an answer to this question : Suppose a beef animal were shipped from your town to the packing-house, how many different parts of it might come back to you? As the carcass moves on its overhead pulley down the line of workmen, each does his special piece of work. Between the time when the work of slaughtering is commenced and the time when the carcass is ready to go to the cooling-room, more than a dozen men may have done some work on it, and yet the whole time has been less than half an hour. Every part is carefully saved. The blood and other parts which can be used for nothing else go to the fertilizer plant; the hoofs are used for glue ; gelatin is made from the feet ; the horns are used in making combs, buttons, knife handles, and many other things; the bones are used for buttons or knife handles or are ground up into bone meal. For what is this ground bone used? Some of the fat is used to make oleomargarine and some is used in soap-making. What else besides fat is necessary to make soap ? The meat itself is sold fresh or is salted or canned. The scraps are used in making canned soups. Look at advertisements of canned meats and soups to find in what form they are put up. Canned meats from the United States are used all over the world. The Sioux City packing-houses slaughtered more than two million animals in a recent year. Among the great packing- plants of the country those of Sioux City rank sixth. In the Fig. 45. Eudora, a fine-looking Angus. Compare her blocky, rectangular form with that of the angular Holstein shown below Fig. 46. Ormsby Buffalo Mercedes, whose record for seven days is 648 pounds of milk and 33 pounds of butter. Find .similar records for cows near your home 74 10\\A STATK (;i:OGRAPHY statr of Iowa arc a number of slaughtering and packing eslablishnuMits. Among the larger ones are those at Cedar Rapids, Ottumwa, and Waterloo. You can find where others are located by referring to the last chapter of this book. Would it not be a good thing for Iowa if all the meat-producing animals Fig. 47. First Prize Shorlhorn Herd. Are Uiese beef or dairy cattle ? Are all Shorthorns white ? How many different ages are shown in the picture ? we raise could be slaughtered in our own state ? It would give employment to thousands of men and build up home industries, besides making the cost of the finished product less by the saving in freight charges. Now you are ready to answer the question asked at the beginning of the chapter. Sheep Iowa ranks high in the raising of both cattle and swine. Why does it rank so low in sheep-raising? If you had a good Iowa farm and wanted to raise sheep, what part of the farm THE LIVE-STOCK INDUSTRY 75 should you use for this purpose? Should you give up some of your best corn and oat fields? Should you give your best pasture lands? Could you use some of the swampy places? Give your reasons carefully and decide just what part of the farm you should use, and why. After you have done this explain why Iowa does not raise more sheep. What parts of the United States do you think might profitably raise sheep? Find a list of sheep-raising states and see if your judgment was good. Nevertheless, in a recent year Iowa raised nearly a million sheep, and fed a third as many more which had been shipped in from other states to fatten. Besides the mutton these sheep yielded more than four million pounds of wool. Of what use are sheepskins ? Following is the report of the state Dairy and Food Commis- sioner. We shall need to use it again when we study the manufacture of creamery butter. Do not try to remember these figures, but examine the last item in the list and tell why it pays the to keep live stock on his farm if he wishes to raise good crops of grain. In many parts of the United States it is necessary for farmers to pay out hundreds of dollars for fertilizers. PRODUCTION IN IOWA FROM JULY 1, 1919, TO JULY 1, 1920 Creamery butter (86,219,612 Ice cream .... Market milk Cheese (7QO.123 lb.) . Cottage cheese (2,000,000 lb. Farm dairy butter . Condensed milk Skim milk and buttermilk Fertilizer .... Total .... b.) $47,864,453 6,795.943 28,875,000 197,570 320,000 19,500,000 733,521 16,000,000 30,000,000 $150,286,448 76 IOWA STATE GEOGRAPHY Horses Since Iowa ranks so high in the number of automobiles which it uses, one might think that the number of horses which it raises vvoukl be greatly decreased. This is not the case. Today Iowa ranks first among the states in the number of horses it produces ( Fig. 48). Why does Iowa continue to raise so many? What breeds are most commonly raised? What are the special needs in Iowa for heavy draft horses? What HUNDRED THOUSAND HEAD a ti 9 12 Iowa Texas Kansas Missouri Nebraska Fig. 48. Graph showing comparative production of horse-raising states crops are especially adapted to the feeding of horses? Why is it possible for Iowa to export so many of these animals? Iowa farmers are making great efforts to improve their horses. Many fine ones have been brought here from Belgium, from England, from France, and from Scotland. You can learn more about these in the closing chapter of this book. Notice the picture of Jalap (Fig. 49). So many of the horses of this breed were killed during the war in France — the country from which our Percherons have come — that we shall now have to help in restoring them. What breed do we get from Scotland? from France? The picture taken in front of the stock-judging building at Ames ( Fig. 90 ) shows you how the agricultural college there is helping Iowa boys to judge horses. THE LIVE-STOCK INDUSTRY 77 Poultry A number of years ago someone wrote, ''Every three months the Iowa hen pays for Iowa." He meant that, assuming that Iowa was bought from the Indians at the rate of 8 cents per acre, the eggs laid by our hens in three months would pay for the purchase. When that statement was written the poultry business was not nearly so important as it is now. The Dairy and Food Commissioner's report for a recent year shows that the egg output for the year was worth $51,000,000. In the closing chap- ter find the area of Iowa. There are 640 acres in each square mile. Find out how long it would have taken the ''Iowa hen to pay for Iowa" that year at the rate the Indians were paid. This may be a hard problem, but it will be fun to work it. It is said that in the United States we have eighty-seven varieties of chickens (Fig. 50). Many of these have been brought in from foreign countries — from China, England, Spain, Germany, and many other places. Make a list of all the different kinds which you know. One type may be a better layer than others, while one may grow more rapidly and sooner become fit for broiling. One type may be fairly good for both purposes. Rhode Island Reds, Ply- mouth Rocks, Wyandottes, and Orpingtons are probably examples of types with which you are most familiar. The Fig. 49. This is "Jalap," a beautiful Norman Percheron in Black Hawk County. From what country did his ancestors come ? IOWA STATK (M'OGRAPHY Fig. 50. On what arc little chickens fed ? How long will they stay with the mother hen ? Many chickens are hatched in incubators. (Courtesy of Inter- national Harvester Company) following table gives the average price of eggs in Iowa each month of a certain year. In which months are the highest prices paid ? Explain why the price is higher in these months. January, 56 cents February, 45 cents March, 30 cents April, 34 cents May, 37 cents June, 38 cents July, 34 cents August, 37 cents September, 37 cents October, 41 cents November, 51 cents December, 57 cents Eggs are only a small part of the value -of the poultry business. Think of the chickens, the geese, the ducks, and the turkeys sold. The poultry industry is much more valu- able to Iowa than many other industries more widely adver- tised. You may find it interesting now to refer to the table on pages 151 and 152 (Iowa's Source of Wealth). CHAPTER VII THE NEW FARMER Ten or twelve years ago a man from another part of the United States wrote : To see the new farmer at his best I went to Iowa. No other state has invested so much money in labor-saving machinery, so that it can fairly claim to be the zenith of the farming world. In the main hall of the five-domed Capitol at Des Moines is a life-sized painting of a prairie wagon hauled by oxen. In such a rude conveyance as this most of the early settlers rolled into Iowa at the gait of two miles an hour. But there are no prairie wagons now, nor oxen. Ten thou- sand miles of railway cross the state and make more profit in three months than all the railways of ancient India made last year. Instead of being tax-ridden serfs, these lowans pay the total self-governing cost of their commonwealth by handing over the price of the sum- mer's hay. The story of these corn kings is staggering to a mere city dweller, especially to one who has cold-storage ideas about farmers. When our ancestors ''rolled into Iowa" in their prairie wagons they brought with them very simple and primitive machinery. Study carefully Fig. 30 and see some of the articles brought in by the pioneers. One of the first things the pioneer had to do when he reached the place which he had chosen for his farm was to build a home. His chief tool in this work was the ax. He had probably made much use of his ax on his long journey from the East. When the site for the home was chosen, trees were cut down and the branches trimmed off. The trunks were then cut into logs of the right length for the sides or ends of the house. Some of the logs were cut into slabs to be used for doors and floors. The logs for the walls were notched and bored so that big wooden pins might be used to hold them together. Why were nails not used ? 79 8o IOWA STATE GEOGRAPHY Often the neijj;hbors j^athcred to help roll up the logs for the new home, for it was heavy work. This was called a house- raising bee. \\'hen the logs were laid^ one on another the chinks between were filled with mud. Look at the picture of a log cabin still standing in Marion County (Fig. 51 ). It is much better than many of the cabins in those days. Of what kinds of wood might you expect these cabins in Iowa to be built ? Some- times black walnut was used. Why is it not pos- sible to use it for house- building today? Most of the cabins were of one story. If there were upper rooms they were reached by a ladder. Window panes were often only pieces of oiled paper ; rarely were they made of glass. A great fireplace was al- ways built at one end or side of the room. This served for cooking and heating. The large iron kettle in which much of the cooking was done hung from a crane over the fire. Long- handled frying pans or skillets were used. Why were they long-handled ? Find out, if you can, how meats were roasted. Sometimes the cabins were made very cozy and attractive. Skins of wild animals covered the bare floor. What skins might have been used for this? Perhaps someone in your neighbor- hood can tell you more about these cabins and their furniture. Fiu. 51. This building is known as the Ruck- man Cabin. You will find it today in Marion County. Thousands of Iowa boys and girls lived in just such homes as this in pioneer days. Many of the cabins were not nearly so fine THE NEW FARMER 8i In the northwestern part of the state some of the first settlers built sod houses. Why did not the settlers in the south- eastern part build of this material? One of the first farm implements needed was the breaking plow, to break up the tough sod of the prairie. On this over- turned sod the farmer planted his corn by dropping the kernels in holes cut with an ax or heavy hoe. To keep the crop Fig. 52. Cradles such as these were used by many Iowa farmers. Perhaps you can find one in your neighborhood. How does it differ from a scythe ? clean after it came up required a good many weary hours of hoeing. This was often the work of the boys in the family. Many plowings were necessary to rid these fields of the lumps of tough sod and make them easy to cultivate. The farmer, especially in the eastern part of the state and in the river valleys, often fenced his fields with rails. One seldom saw these rail fences in the northwestern part of Iowa. Why ? Wheat, rye, and barley were sown by hand. Explain how the sower carried his seed. The crops could not have been harvested on those rough sod fields with the harvesters of today, even if the farmers had them ; but there was no such machinery in Iowa then. To cut the grains in those earliest days a sickle or a scythe was used. What difference is 82 IOWA STATE GEOGRAPHY there between them ? The cradle was an improvement on both of these. Look at the picture of a cradle (Fig. 52). It was better because it gathered the grain together so that it was more easily made into bundles. With what were these bundles tied ? You may find some man in your neighborhood who has had experience in using a cradle and can tell you about it. ^'4^"^ Fig. 53. riusf tlirtf machines are used in making hay. First the grass is cut by the mowing machine shown at the right. Next it is raked into windrows by the rake and then the hay is put on the wagons by the self-loader. (Courtesy of International Harvester Company) The threshing methods of those days were slow. After the bundles of grain were quite dry they were drawn to a piece of hard, smooth ground and spread out upon it. The grain was then trodden out by driving oxen round and round upon it. You can understand that there was plenty of dirt and chaff mixed in with the grain. This was taken out by throwing the grain up in the air on a windy day. Later, the fanning mill was used for cleaning the grain. The hay for horses and cattle, their chief food through the winter months, was also cut with scythes and raked up with THE NEW FARMER 83 wooden rakes. Each neighborhood in those olden days used to make great boast of some champion with the scythe. We have studied the farmer of the early days and have learned what primitive tools and machinery he had and how much he himself had to do. Now we are ready to study the farmer of today and learn about his many labor-saving Fig. 54. The tractor takes the place of horses in much of the work on Iowa farms. In this photograph you see a tractor drawing three plows. The arm at the right follows the furrow and thus steers the tractor. (Courtesy of Interna- tional Harvester Company) machines. Before you read any further or look at the pictures make a list of all the up-to-date farm machinery you have seen and tell for what each machine is used. Then as you study the next few pages see if the book mentions everything which is on your list. We have spoken of the primitive way in which the first farmers of the state had to cut their hay. "I can remember when the first mowing-machine was used in our county," said 84 IOWA STATK GEOGRAPHY HoiKirahle A. B. Cummins a few years ago. (Who is Mr. C\immins?) That first mower was rather a rough piece of machinery compared with the one you see in Fig, 53. Notice the width of the swath it cuts. In the center of the picture you see what is known as a side-deHvery rake. In another Fig. 55. Here is a tractor operatinfi; a disk harrow. This machine smooths the ground and matces it ready for planting. Notice the large barn and silo in the background. Iowa is noted for its good farm buildings. (Courtesy of Inter- national Harvester Company) type of rake the part which gathers up the hay is Hfted and dumped every few feet, leaving the hay in windrows across the field. How many of you have seen hay loaded by hand? At the left of the picture is a hay loader. In what ways is a machine of this kind a great saving to the farmer? A man no longer uses an ox team when he plows his fields. If he does not use a team of heavy work horses he uses a tractor (Fig. 54). It is said that the number of tractors used in Iowa was doubled in 1920. Can you find out how much NEB R. / RELIEF MAP OF IOWA SHOWING AREAS OF THE FOUR LARGEST CITIES W I s. M O. Scale of miles 5 10 20 30 40 50 Y/.T.OIi^tt © CJiiin ami Company THE NEW FARMER 85 ground could be plowed in a day by one man if he used a trac- tor and a three-bottom plow? You have heard that fewer of Iowa's inhabitants live on farms now and that more have moved into towns. Although there are fewer people than formerly on farms larger crops are raised. Do you see how Fig. 56. This manure spreader was made in Waterloo and is now being used on an Iowa farm. Before spreaders were invented how did farmers spread manure on their fields ? this can be true? This means that more grain is raised with fewer men working in the fields. Why is this desirable ? After the field is plowed the farmer must break up all the clods and have the surface fine and even. This enables the fine tendrils of the roots to get their food more readily, and it also prevents the moisture in the soil from escaping. To put the soil in this condition a disk drawn by a tractor or horses may be used (notice Fig. 55). How many horses are com- monly used for this? In what month of the year might this picture have been taken? What evidence do you find in the picture that this farmer raises cattle as well as grain ? Why is this advantageous? 86 IOWA STATE GEOGRAPHY When the time comes to sow the grain, a seeder — a long box on wheels — is commonly used. The disk and the harrow are then used to cover the seed and smooth the surface of the ground. Some farmers use a press drill in planting seed. This drill plants the seed in rows and covers it as it is sown. A Fig. 57. With the aid of this machine, which cuts, binds, and shocks the grain, one man with a team does the work that formerly required several men and teams. Tractors are often used instead of horses in operating these machines (see Fig. 58). (Courtesy of International Harvester Company) combined seeder and disk sows the seed, covers it^ and pulver- izes the surface in one operation. Have you seen one of these ? i\Iany improvements have been made in machinery for har- vesting small grains. Fig. 57 shows a McCormick binder and shocker. How wide a swath does it cut? Think of the old cradle and the men binding by hand. Study this picture care- fully until you see all the things which the machine does and then read the description on the following page of the first IMcCormick binder. Cyrus Hall McCormick, who lived in Vir- ginia, invented a practical reaper in 1831. You will remember that this was two years before settlers commenced to come into Iowa. THE NEW FARMER 87 It was in the fall of 1S31 that Cyrus McCormick. hitched four horses to his unwieldy machine and clattered out of the barnyard into a field of wheat near by. Horses shied and pranced at the absurd object, which was unlike anything else on the earth. Dogs barked. Small bovs veiled. Farmers whose backs were bent from the harvest Fig. 58. Here ym ~cf a traLtur clrawm.u' two ui ilir-r u-riul cuitmu'. l)in(liiiii, and shocking machines. Why is time such an impoiLant factor in harvesting? Have you ever seen graintields as large as these ? (Courtesy of International Harvester Company) labor gazed with contemptuous curiosity at the queer contraption which was expected to cut grain without hands. The field was hilly and the reaper worked badly. It slewed and jolted along, cutting the grain very irregularly. The owner of the field rushed up to McCormick and shouted : "Here ! This won't do. Stop your horses ! Your machine is rattling the heads off my wheat." "It's a hum- bug," bawled one of the laborers. "Give me an old cradle yet, boys ! " e.xxlaimed a round-shouldered farmer. The owner of another wheatfield invited jNIcCormick to come into it. The ground here was less hilly, and the machine worked better there. When he arrived home that evening Cyrus thought his troubles were over. He had reaped six. acres of wheat in less than half a day, SS IOWA STATE GEOGRAPHY as much as six nicii would lia\o done by the old-fashioned method. Although the United Stales had been established more than fifty years, this was the first grain that had ever been cut by machinery.' It took ten long years of labor before McCormick was able to convince others that it was profitable to buy his reaper. Einally he sold two at Sioo apiece. The reaper might never have been jierfccted if INIcCormick had always stayed in Vir- ginia. When he came out to the prairies of Illinois, with their level surfaces and large lields, and saw acres of wheat rotting because the hand labor could not harvest quickly enough, he redoubled his efforts to make his reaper a success. This ma- chine did not bind the grain, but simply cut it, after which it had to be gathered into bundles by hand. A little later, machines were invented which both cut the grain and gathered it into bundles, which were tied by hand. The first self-binders tied the bundles with wire. The farmers did not like this. Can you think why they might not? You should be able to think of a number of reasons. What is straw used for ? It is only about forty years since the first binder which tied the bundles with twine was used. You should be able to find men who have used these older machines. A number of improvements have been made in them since self- binders first came into use. Fig. 58 shows a tractor pulling two self-binders and shockers. This saves the work of how many men? Why is grain shocked? How long does grain stand in the shock ? This book has told you how the pioneers threshed their grain. Look at the picture of the thresher run by a tractor (Fig. 59). What becomes of the dust and chaff? In some parts of the country combined headers and threshers are used. Iowa grainfields, however, are seldom large enough to make the use of this machine profitable. The labor-saving machinery employed in corn production is just as interesting as that which we have just studied. Have you ever seen a corn planter with a check-rower ? How are the > If you want to learn more of this story, you will find it in "The Romance of the Reaper," by Herbert Casson. o. a >.^ ■i-' rt o (U r-i & te< a go IOWA STATE GEOGRAPHY kernels made to drop at even intervals? Formerly, when corn was ripe the farmer husked the ears by hand antl stored them in the eorncrib. Now much of his corn may be harvested long before the corn is ripe. The silos which we see on most good farms are often hi led with green corn. Either green or ripe corn may be used for silage. In Fig. 60 you see a husker and Fig. 60. A combined husker and shredder. Is this corn ripe or green ? Give two proofs for your answer. (Courtesy of Iowa State Agricultural College) shredder at work. Notice that the dry shredded stocks are be- ing put into the feed barn. The ears are taken to the crib. In Fig, 36 a cement silo is being filled. How is the shredded corn carried to the top of the high silo ? If green corn is to be used, the stalks are usually cut with a corn binder, loaded by hand on a wagon, and hauled to the silo to be shredded. There is also a new machine which shreds the corn in the field and loads the shredded stalks into a wagon box. This saves the farmer hard work in loading and unloading the heavy green stalks by hand. Corn is usually planted in hills. How is it sometimes planted when it is intended for silo use only? Fig. di. This farm has building; whicli any farmer might be proud of. Select the barn, hog house, crib, and chicken house. (Photograph by Charles Brocke) Fig. 02. What do you consider Ihc good fealurcb ol Uns luuiicin ho'A 1iuu.-.l- r* Q2 IOWA STATE GEOGRAPHY You may have seen corn cr^ps harvested in still other ways. In some places husking machines are being used. They are not always satisfactory. Find out why. Not all the machinery is for outdoor use. There are many labor-saving machines for the farmhouse as well. Make a list of the different kinds of household machinery that you have Fig. 63. Can you see the elevator which is carrying the material from the wagon up into the barn? You will find much labor-saving machinery on Iowa farms. This enables the farmer not only to do his work without so much hired labor but to live more comfortably. (Courtesy of International Harvester Company) ever seen. You can find near the close of the book the names of some towns where many washing machines are made. Modern farm buildings and fine farmhouses abound in Iowa. Are there many in your locality as comfortable and beautiful as those pictured in this book? (See Figs. 61 and 62.) The '^new farmer" tries constantly to improve his farm. He attends county and state fairs to see displays of the newest machinery and the finest stock and the finest farm products (Figs. 64, 65). From the State Agricultural College he gets bulletins telling him what fertilizers to use and how to rotate i ^ « \ >,.*. s. Fig. 64. Thi5 is a scene at llie Clay County Fair. County fairs exhiljit the best produce and stock of the county. (Photograph by Frank W. Medlar) IN- n*- .^i*^ ^ *^ Fig 6S. This is a Stock-jud-in- ^ecnc at tlic State 1-air. l-armrr= , I'.H'l SCALE OF MILES iiS IOWA STATE GEOGRArHY KEY TO THE PRIMARY ROAD SYSTEM OF IOWA ROAD NO. 1. Jefferson Highway 2. White Pole Route 3. Waubonsie Trail 4. Okoboji Trail 5. Grant Highway 6. Lincoln Highway 7. River-to-River Road 8. Blue Grass Trail 9. Imperial Highway 10. McCircgur to llawarden 11. Minnesota State Line to Missouri 12. South Dakota State Line to Mis- souri 13. McCirej^or to Missouri State Line 14. Charles City to Missouri State Line 15. Wilson Highway 16. Daniel Boone Trail 17. Spirit Lake to Albia 18. Sac City to Missouri State Line 19. North Iowa Pike 20. Minnesota State Line to Keokuk 21. Minnesota State Line to Ida Grove 22. Minnesota State Line to Sioux City 23. Hawkeye Cut-Off 24. Ottumwa to Council Bluffs 25. Adel to Winterset 26. From Road No. 22 to Rock Valley 27. Le Mars to Akron 28. Dubuque to Cedar Rapids 29. From Road No. 27 to Sioux City 30. Remsen to Road No. 23 31. Cherokee to Smithland 32. Cleghorn to Road No. 5 33. Meriden to Road No. 5 34. Sioux City to Denison 35. Rockwell City to Mapleton 36. From Road No. 35 to Wall Lake 37. Dunlap to Onavva 38. Anamosa to Muscatine 39. Harlan to Mondamin 40. Red Ball Route 41. From Road No. 8 to Malvern 42. Riverton to Road No. 12 43. Minnesota State Line to Armstrong 44. Rolfe to Road No. 10 45. Manilla to Road No. 4 46. Coon Rapids to Manning 47. From Road No. 16 to Cowrie 48. Red Oak to Shenandoah 49. From Road No. 8 to Lenox 50. Lehigh to Road No. 16 51. Minnesota State Line to Postville 52. ?>om Road No. 59 to Lima 53. Nora Springs to Charles City ROAD NO. 54. From Road No. 14 to Marble Rock 55. Clarksville to Road No. 10 56. Cuttenberg to West Union 57. Cedar Falls to Grundy Center 58. Vinton to Iowa Falls 59. Minnesota State Line to Missouri 60. Goldfield to Des Moines 61. Clinton to Anamosa 62. Rellevue to Maquoketa 63. Grinnell to Oskaloosa 64. Colo to Colfax 65. Indianola to Lucas 66. Ilumeston to Road No. 3 67. I'Vom Road No. 3 to Seymour 68. From Road No. 8 to Melrose 69. Mystic to Road No. 3 70. From Road No. 15 to Macksburg 71. From Road No. 3 to Moulton 72. Dows to Road No. 15 73. l^elle Plaine to Marengo 74. Davenport to Iowa City 75. Marcus to Road No. 5 76. West Liberty to Wapello 77. Keota to Fairfield 78. Winfield to Road No. 40 79. Bonaparte to Road No. 3 80. Burlington to Road No. 8 81. Wellman to Road No. 11 82. From Road No. 40 to Blairstown 83. Walnut to Avoca 84. Road No. 18 to College Springs 85. What Cheer to Road No. 2 86. Council Bluffs to Manawa Park 87. Flkhart to Road No. 15 88. Bondurant to Road No. 7 89. Camp Dodge to Road No. 7 90. Fort Dodge to Bouton 91. Dayton to Road No. 90 92. From Road No. loi to Urbana 93. Sumner to Road No. 59 94. Marion to Road No. 6 95. Woodward to Road No. 90 96. From Road No. 59 to (iladbrook 97. From Road No. 8 to Russell 98. From Road No. 8 to Eldon 99. Clinton to Davenport 100. From Road No. 24 to Griswold 101. Independence to Vinton 102. Hawkeye to Road No. 19 103. Fort Madison to Road No. 40 104. Council Bluffs to Macedonia 105. Lake Mills to St. Ansgar 106. .South side of Clear Lake 107. Clear Lake to Thornton TRANSPORTATION 119 cent of Iowa's population lives either on the line of the primary road system or in towns touched by the system. In general, every county seat in this system has at least one north-and- south and one east-and-west road, and every county-seat town is linked up with every other county seat and the state capital. What is a county seat? What is the county seat in your county ? Can you locate on the road map on pages 116 and 117 the roads near your home ? See whether they have names (p. 118). How far do you live from these roads? With what places do they connect the county seat of your county ? You will find on the map of the primary road system, just referred to, certain numbers. These road numbers have been established by the State Highway Commission and are regarded as permanent. As far as possible, on interstate roads the same number, has been given as appears on the road in adjoin- ing states. Thus it was found that the Jefferson Highway, which extends from the Minnesota line to the Missouri line, was No. I in Minnesota, so this number was assigned to the same road in Iowa. The River-to-River Road in Illinois was No. 7, and it became No. 7 in Iowa. The North Iowa Pike, which is No. 19 on the map, is also No. 19 in Wisconsin; and so on. For a fuller explanation of the road numbers on this map study the key on page 118. The state road officials adopted, besides the numbering sys- tem, a standard road-number symbol. The symbol follows the outline of the state of Iowa, with the word ^'Primary" at the top, the word "Road" at the bottom, and the number of the road in the center — painted in black on a yellow back- ground. To show turns at corners, an arrow bent at right angles points either to the right or to the left turn. The River-to-River Road, from Davenport to Council Bluffs, through Des Moines, was the original named tourist route in Iowa. It is said that the Lincoln, Jefferson, and Dixie high- ways all are patterned along the same lines of organization as this once famous River-to-River Road. It is probable that, with the exception of a few of the more important tourist routes — such as the Lincoln Highway, the Jefferson Highway, 120 IOWA STATE GEOGRAPHY and a few others — the use of the road numbers will displace the use of the road names. The names are interesting, how- ever, in connection with the study of the road development in the state. Road No. 2 is also known as the Great White Way. Between what big cities does this road run? Which of the well-known highways have you ridden on? Now let us find out where the money comes from to keep up these state roads. The primary system of roads is to be improved and maintained entirely with the proceeds of automobile-license fees and money allotted to Iowa by the United States government. This is known as federal-aid money. The funds for primary roads in the 1920 season were Si 5,000,000. Eight millions of this came from automobile taxes and seven millions from federal aid. How much do the automobile-license fees amount to in your county? What county officer collects these fees? Is the total amount ever published in your newspaper? The State Highway Commis- sion and the County Board of Supervisors have charge of all the work in this system. The state law provides that the primary road system shall be divided into patrol districts, and a patrolman or crew be established in each district. At present this patrol work is along maintenance lines only. Have you ever noticed the road patrol going over the roads with a King drag ? Why does he do the work after a rain ? Now let us very briefly take up a few points regarding county roads. If the people of a county wish to have the roads hard-surfaced, they vote on the question. What has your county done in this regard ? Look at the picture of a concrete road in Linn County (Fig. 79). There are now a good many miles of concrete road in the state. The law provides that one fourth of the cost of construction of a hard-surfaced road shall be paid by the property owners on or near the road. If you owned a farm on a poor road, would you be willing to pay your share for the sake of having it made a good road ? Perhaps if you look at Fig. 78 it will help you to decide. How much will it probably cost the man who owns this automobile to get it out TRANSPORTATION 1 2 i of the mud ? Bear in mind the loss of time as well as money spent. Could a heavy load be hauled over this mud road? Have you any road such as this near your home ? The county road system is entirely under the direction of the County Board of Supervisors. Do you know any of these men in your county ? The money for these roads comes from the county-road levies. The township roads are under the j^M ^^^^^^^^Hpp> . ^ ^^^^^^^: Fig. 7g. A mile of concrete on the Lincoln Highway a few miles east of Cedar Rapids is shown in this picture. Spring mud will not bother us when we have roads like this. Find the Lincoln Highway on the road map (pp. ii6 and 117) management of the township trustees. Do you know whether you live on a state road, a county road, or a township road ? When you studied about the early lead mines you learned that much of the lead was sold in eastern United States. How was it taken there from Dubuque ? This route was much too slow and roundabout when Iowa came to have other things besides lead to ship east. Many of these later shipments were made from points not near the Mississippi River. Some goods were sent by wagon across the prairies of Illinois to the Great Lakes, to be carried east from there by boat. Other goods were shipped down the Mississippi River to the mouth of the Illinois River; thence up the Illinois and through the canal 122 IOWA STATE GEOGRAPHY which connected this river with Lake Michigan. Trace this route. This method was slow and expensive. Illinois had built about three hundred miles of railroad be- fore Iowa had built any, and Chicago had become an important market. Business men in Iowa saw what advantages there w^ould be in having railroads in Iowa connect with those of Fig. 8o. This gravel road in Greene County is another kind of good road and serves very well where gravel is plentiful. What is done to the road before the gravel is put on ? Illinois. How many of these advantages can you name ? What cities lost much of our trade by the building of this railroad ? The first survey for a railroad in Iowa was made in the fall of 1852. December 22, 1852, the Mississippi and Missouri River Railroad Company was formed to build a railroad from Davenport to Council Bluffs. The line from Davenport to Iowa City, a distance of about fifty-four miles, was completed January i, 1856. How were the engines and cars and material for the railroad carried across the Mississippi River? A branch from this road went from Wilton to Muscatine. In November, 1855, the first train ran from Davenport to Muscatine, for this part of the road was completed first. Mr. Aurner, in Vol. II of his ''Iowa Stories," tells of the great TRANSPORTATION 123 celebration that was held at Muscatine when this line was completed and of the tables piled high with meats and cakes. In February, 1853, this railroad company made an agree- ment with the Railroad Bridge Company of Illinois for the construction of a bridge over the Mississippi River, connecting Rock Island and Davenport. Work on the bridge was started in the fall of 1853, and the bridge was completed on April 21, 1856, a little more than three months after the railroad to Iowa City had been completed. Another railroad was built westward from Du- buque in 1 8 5 7 . This road , which was called the Du- buque and Pacific, shows how far those who built it hoped some time to ex- tend it. Later it was re- named the Illinois Central. At what city does it reach the Missouri River? At what other points do Iowa railroads cross the Mis- souri River? At what points do Iowa railroads cross the Mississippi? To what great city in Illinois do most of these roads run ? How does this city compare in size with the largest city of Iowa ? Iowa is fortunate in being traversed by six trunk lines of rail- way : namely, the Chicago and North Western ; the Chicago, Rock Island, and Pacific; the Chicago, Milwaukee, and St. Paul ; the Illinois Central ; the Burlington ; and the Chicago and Great Western. In a state so rich in farm i:)roducts it Fig. Si. Cuts for railroads had to be made through soHd rock in a very few places in the state. This cut is on the C. M. & St. P. near Fayette. Can you locate this railroad on the map (Fig. 82 ) ? TRANSPORTATION 1 2 5 means much to have certain and quick transportation to the great central market of Chicago. It is said that there is no point in Iowa at a greater distance than about twelve miles from a railroad. Why do so many more Iowa railroads extend east and west than north and south ? Iowa has over fourteen thousand miles of railroads today (Fig. 82). How many years is it since the first one was built? Make a list of twenty of the most im- portant products which are shipped from Iowa by rail. Make a similar list of goods shipped into the state by rail. Why has Iowa so many miles of railroads ? CHArTER X THE BIRTHRIGHT OF THE CHILDREN OF IOWA Education It is a long step from the humble schoolhouse which was Iowa's first adventure in education to the beautiful school Fig. 83. This copy of an old print shows what is said to be the first schoolhouse built in Iowa. Describe the inside as you imagine it to have been buildings which we see today, yet that step has been made in less than ninety-five years. Iowa has advanced until she has the highest per cent of literacy of any state in the Union. Ninety-nine out of every hundred persons can read and write. Why cannot every grown person in the state read ? The little old school in Fig. 83, said to be the oldest school in the state, was called Brush College. It was made of logs 126 Fig. 84. Many one-room schools were closed in order that the pupils might go to the consolidated school at Tipton. Here are a few of them Fig. 85. I'his IS a typical consolidaicfl -cn(K)l in ( )rani;i' I ouii^liip, Black Hawk County. It is in the open country. \o town is near, but the building has every convenience of the well-equipped town school. Make a list of all the advan- tages which such a school as this has over the one-room country school Fig. 86. This is the way we used to go to country school on cold winter mornings. Sometimes it was fun, but oh ! how cold we were when the mercury was below zero Fig. 87. This is the way in which the children in hundreds of consolidated schools in Iowa now go to school BIRTHRIGHT OF CHILDREN OF IOWA 129 chinked with mud, had a dirt floor, oiled paper for windows, and slab seats which were hewn out with axes. Some day when you think you are not very comfortable in school, imagine sitting in those seats. These first schools were not free ; a fee had to be paid for each child. Iowa did not have free schools until 1838. The United States government gave to each state a certain amount Fig. 88. This building al liie UnntrrMiy ui Iowa i? ihe Hall of Natural Sciences. What preparation must one have to enter the university ? of land which was to be rented or sold, and the money obtained in this way was to be used for public schools. If we had kept our school land until today we might have had a great deal of money for school purposes, but unfortunately much of it was sold in the early days for less than S5 per acre. Have you ever heard of the school section in your township ? Find out which it is. In Fig. 84 you see pictures of a number of schools which have been closed in order that the children might be taken to one large, consolidated school. This is what is happening all over the state. There are now about four hundred and thirty consol- idated schools (Fig. 85). School officers are coming to Iowa 1^0 IOWA STATE GEOGRAPHY from other states to see what has been done here in school con- soUdation. Should you rather recite in a class of fifteen or in a class of one ? Write down all the ways in which you think the consolidated schools are better than the one-room schools. Although the one-room schools are being closed, and we are Fig. 89. Central Building at Iowa College of Agriculture and Mechanics Arts. lowans do not begrudge money to make this school larger and better, because they know it does so much for our greatest industry. (Courtesy of Iowa State Agricultural College) glad that better things in education are coming to Iowa, we must remember that many fine teachers have taught in these little schools and that many great men and women have received at least a part of their education there. Besides the land for the common schools the federal gov- ernment has given both land and money for the State Uni- versity, Agricultural College, and Teachers College. The State University was the first of these to be organized (Fig. 88). It was established at Iowa City in 1847, although it did not really Fig. go. In this picture a class at Ames is shown studying and judging horses. How does this help the state ? (Courtesy of Iowa State Agricultural College) Mh M li '■WrnMLmk^ ^^M ' "' Ill •-J^ **^ , Fig. qi. This view shows the north end of the campus at the State Teachers Col- lege in Cedar Falls. The building in the foreground contains a large auditorium and a number of classrooms and society rooms Fig. 92. The large library at the hnva Slate leachers College is usually well filled with students Fig. 93. In addition to the usual studies of the schoolroom many things are taught which will make Iowa farms more profitable. The Iowa canning clubs are famous. In these clubs girls are taught how to save the products of the farm for winter use. Note the steam-pressure cooker in the picture BIRTHRIGHT OF CHILDREN OF IOWA 133 begin work until eight years later, for it had no buildings and no money. When the capital was moved to Des Moines the state gave the university the old Capitol building and a part of the land which is now the university campus. So many beautiful buildings have been built on the campus since then that the old Capitol looks small, but when you think of what it has seen and heard you may conclude that it is the most interesting building there (see Fig. 28). What other pictures of univer- sity buildings do you find in the book ? Is there any difference between a univer- sity and a college ? The State College of Agriculture was the next of the state schools to be opened (Fig. 89). This col- lege at Ames has a large and beautiful campus and much farm land. Why does it need this farm land ? Find out some of the things which are taught at the College of Agriculture (Fig. 90). An experiment station is maintained there. In what ways does this help the state ? The State Teachers College was first called the State Normal School. It was established at Cedar Falls in 1876. Teachers for all grades of the public schools are trained there (Figs. 91, 92). Besides these three, which are called institutions of higher learning, the state has a school for the blind at Vinton and one for the deaf at Council Bluffs. Our school buildings are very different from those of early days, and the subjects taught are different also ( Fig. 94). Find Fig. g4. Just what is this boy doing ? What measurements will he take ? Why is this work done in Iowa schools ? (Courtesy of International Harvester Company) 134 10\\\\ STATE GEOGRAPHY out from an old settler the subjects which he studied ; write thcni down and compare them with a list of those which you study. There are many other features of the schools of today which were unheard of even twenty years ago. Think of the corn-club antl canning-club and baby-beef contests in which Iowa boys and girls have a chance to take part! (See Figs. 93, 95, and 104.) Think of the school gardens and the health Fig. qs. Boone County boys are shown here judging corn. Could you select the best ears in a bushel of corn ? These boys have been trained so carefully in this sort of work that they know immediately what points to look for crusades and the Red Cross work ! You may have heard of vocational and part-time schools which have been organized within the past few years. They are supported partly by the state and partly by the United States. By means of these schools boys and girls who have to go to work before they finish the regular school course are enabled to continue their education, especially in the line of the vocation or industry in which they are interested. In the winter, farm boys have spare time and can enter the classes in agriculture which are estab- lished by the director of vocational education in their neighbor- hoods. In the towns, boys working in factories are given a chance to go into part-time classes during the day or evening. BIRTHRIGHT OF CHILDREN OF IOWA 135 In 1920 there were more than five hundred thousand persons in Iowa attending school, and the yearly bill for education amounted to $30,000,000. This bill could easily be paid with the proceeds of the eggs produced in Iowa in a single year. The state is rich and is glad to pay the cost of education, for, after all, Iowa's best crop is good men and women. Besides the state-supported schools there are many very ex- cellent colleges supported privately or by some religious denom- ination. Do you know the location of some of these? Thousands of students attend these schools each year. State Parks and Other Beauty Spots A short time ago the children of a certain school in Iowa were writing to the children of a school in Florida. One of the boys wrote, ''Tell me something about Florida; there is nothing interesting to write about Iowa." This showed that the Iowa boy had either never traveled in his own state and studied its geography or that he was not clever enough to recognize an interesting thing when he saw it. Which do you think it was? There are a great many people who never see the beautiful and interesting features in their surroundings. Try not to be one of these. A few years ago Iowa awakened to the knowledge that all its beautiful places had passed into the hands of private indi- viduals, and that there were no places left where people could go to enjoy themselves without trespassing on someone's land. ''In 1919 there were not ten acres of public woods, water landings, or open prairies in the state except in cities." A Board of Conservation was appointed by the legislature to see if the most beautiful of these places could not be bought back from their owners, so that the people of Iowa might have some state parks where all would be free to go for recreation and where wild animals and birds would be unmolested. We have the opportunity to save many fine trees. If these were cut down the soil would wash away, and there would be fewer springs and pretty little glens. It is thought that if these 136 IOWA STATE GEOGRAPHY remaining forest areas are carefully tended, in twenty-five years they will resemble the primitive forests which stood in these same locations fifty years ago. Some of our wild plants are gone forever, just as many of our wild animals are gone, but others still can be saved from destruction. Are some of the wild flowers becoming scarce in your neighborhood? Could you not do something to prevent this? At the present time the Board of Conservation has chosen about ten areas which have been made or are to be made into state parks. We shall study these briefly, because in these days of automobiles everyone will have a chance sometime to visit several of them, and you will enjoy your visits more if you know something about the places to which you are going. On an outline map of Iowa mark the location of each park as we study it. The maps in the book are not large enough to have these parks marked. When we have finished studying the parks you are to decide whether any of them are near enough for you to visit next summer. The first state park to be acquired was that known as the Devil's Backbone, twelve miles northwest of Manchester, in Delaware County. It is said to be '' the gift of Iowa's sports- men to the people of the state," because it was paid for from the hunting-license proceeds. Study the picture (Fig. 96) care- fully to find some of the things mentioned in the following description. The ''Backbone" is a rocky ridge around which the Maquoketa River flows. ''Erosion and decay," says Pro- fessor Calvin, "have carved the rocks into picturesque columns, towers, castles, battlements, and flying buttresses." What makes rocks decay? What does the decayed rock form? The faces of the cliff are half hidden by trees and creeping vines. You may even find a charming little rock-built room. A spring-fed stream contains trout and bass. In what kinds of streams do trout live ? Another park lies about ten miles southeast of Fort Dodge on the west bank of the Des Moines River. This area has for a long time been known as Boneyard Hollow and Woodman's Hollow. It contains four hundred and fifty acres. What part BIRTHRIGHT OF CHILDREN OF IOWA 137 of a section is this ? The scenery in this park is beautiful, but it has other things of interest to school children. Woodman's Hollow once belonged to a man named Woodman. The opening into the Hollow is nar- row. The beauty of the ferns everywhere will de- light you — the ostrich ferns, the dainty maiden- hair, the walking-leaf, with its curious habit of reaching out and root- ing itself, and the cliff brake. People have been very thoughtless about digging up these plants and carrying them away, but now that the area has been made a state park they will of course be left there for all of us to en- joy. There are scores of different kinds ©f flowers and trees, and the whole place is cool, dark, and shady on hot summer days. On an island is a rock called Steamboat Rock. Just beyond this is Boneyard Hollow. This does not seem a very appropriate name for a beautiful place. The name comes from the wagonloads of buffalo bones found there by the early settlers. Many Indian arrow- heads and axes have also been found. It is said that the Indians used this ravine as a trap for the buffalo. Perhaps when you see it you can understand this. The citizens of this part of the state contributed Si 0,000 toward its purchase, and the state Fig. 96. You will enjoy exploring "The Stair- way" at the Devil's Backbone, the State Park in Delaware County. A joint or vertical crack in the limestone has been weathered or worn out by the frost, wind, and rain until it is the size and shape you sec here 138 IOWA STATE Gr:OGRAPHY paid the remainder of the $38,000 which it cost. Why should any part of the state wish to have a state park in its neighborhood ? Half a mile south of Farmington, in Van Buren County, is another of the state parks. The local citizens bought and pre- sented this park to the state of Iowa. In the park is a lake which is two thirds covered by a gorgeous field of lotus. No- where else in the state is there so large a bed of these beautiful creamy-white flowers. It is thought this species may have been planted here by the Indians, who used the tubers for food. The place is also interesting because it was settled in the very early days of Iowa's history. Farmington was one of the first places to be reached by a steamboat on the Des Moines River. Van Buren County has another state park near Keosauqua. This is a large park extending from the town, along the south bank of the Des Moines River, about two miles upstream. It is hoped that many species of native wild animals may find a refuge there. The farmers in the neighborhood have promised to protect the wild life. In this park you will find the ruffed grouse and the quail, and the cardinal (seldom seen in the northern part of the state). The river may be crossed here at Ely's ford, which was a famous crossing place .before the days of the railroad. Most of the trees are second growth, but a few primeval trees may be found in these woods. What are primeval trees ? What are second-growth trees ? How can you tell one from the other? There is a tiny state park in Hardin County, three miles north of Union. This is known as Lepley Park. What high- way runs close to the place (see pages 116 and 117)? This park is said to have in it nearly every tree which is native to Iowa. How many trees can you recognize and name ? Near Oakland, in Pottawattamie County, a local Chautauqua association has given a small park to the state on condition that the state will add to it. This is a roadside park of great beauty. In Henry County, near Oakland Mills on the Skunk River, is another small park. Roosevelt Park in Floyd County, three miles north of Greene, has been presented to the state by an individual. BIRTHRIGHT OF CHILDREN OF IOWA 139 Look at the picture (Fig. 97) of Wild Cat Den, in Muscatine County, eight miles northeast of Muscatine. These sixty acres were given to the state by two sisters. The state and the local citizens will buy three hundred additional acres, thus making another large and beauti- ful park. The little creek is called Pine Creek. Classes from The Uni- versity of Chicago and the University of Iowa come here to study bot- any. Perhaps some of you can study a little botany in this park. In the glen there are some white-pine trees a hun- dred and fifty years old. How many needles are there in a bunch on the white pine? Its scientific name is pinus strobiis. These are the parks which have been organ- ized, according to the report published by the State Board. Now that the people have become interested in the conser- vation of Iowa's beauty spots, the State Board of Conservation is being overwhelmed by requests to establish additional parks. Many of these places have been examined, and no doubt some of them will be made into parks very soon. The northeastern part of the state has been called the ''Switzerland of Iowa." Switzerland has been called the ''play- ground of Europe," so a part of this region might well be made the playground of Iowa. We have already said that this is the part of the state which first rose out of the ocean and that Fig. 97. This cliff of sandstone is in Wild Cat Den, one of the state parks. Where is this park ? Can you see the layers or strata in the rock ? What do they tell you of the place where this rock was formed ? 140 IOWA STATE GEOGRAPHY the edge of the ice which came in here was thin and made little change in the surface ; so you can see that weather and the rivers have had long ages to carve it into fantastic and wonder- ful shapes. There are so many charming spots in this area that it will be hard to choose among them, but surely one on which we — — "^1 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^HH|||B'>^^|f!^V^j< p^ • n Fig. 98. You are looking north from the City Park at Decorah upon one of Iowa's beauty spots. The river is the Upper Iowa. Which way does it flow ? shall all agree is that section around Decorah (Fig. 98). In this region is a wonderful ice cave. Mr. Lees, the Assistant State Geologist, says of this cave : This is a great gap left in the rock by the slipping out of a block of stone along the cliff face. The limestones of the region are honeycombed with fissures and into these the cold air of winter is drawn, to be forced out during the warm days of spring and summer. This, coming into contact with the moisture-laden warm air of the cave, causes the precipitation of the moisture along the inner walls of the cave. This forms during the early summer months a coating of ice which sometimes becomes ten or twelve inches thick. BIRTHRIGHT OF CHILDREN OF IOWA 141 What is meant by precipitation ? The cold air of winter works into the cracks far back of the cave and does not work out to the cave again for months. The Upper Iowa or Oneota River is so beautiful that you will want to follow it for miles. There used to be famous trout fishing in this river. Why must we now content our- selves with simply look- ing at the trout? It is hard to decide which is the more beautiful sea- son here — summer with its quiet greens or au- tumn with its brilliant colors. This is an ideal place for a camping week. One other very attrac- tive part of this driftless section of northeastern Iowa you should see. That is the country around ]\IcGregor, which so many people wish to have made a portion of a national park. See the beautiful picture, Fig. 99. The Pictured Rocks will interest you especially. These are part of a great cliff of very crumbly sand- stone, stained in reds, yellows, browns, and even purples by the iron in the rock. In some places the sandstone is pure, glisten- ing white. Would this rock be useful for building purposes? As you wander about you will find little nooks and grot- toes filled with beautiful shrubs and ferns. Looking across the river to the Wisconsin side you can see the mouth of the Wisconsin River. What noted men were connected with the early history of this region? Fig. 99. The " Pictured Rocks " near McGregor form cliffs, grottoes, and nooks of marvelous colors and patterns, set off by groves and lanes of shady trees 142 IOWA STATE GEOGRAPHY We cannot name all the attractive places in the state, but we must not omit the lakes. On what drift sheet did we find most of the Iowa lakes? Look at Fig. ii to make sure. Where the edge of the sheet stood for a long time it often dropped much material very irregularly and left many hollows. This is what happened near the east side of the Wisconsin Fig. 100. This is the site of the proposed national park near McGregor. The proposed park includes land on both sides of the Mississippi River. When you are looking across from the Iowa shore what state are you facing ? Can you find out where some of our national parks are situated ? drift sheet, and here we find Clear Lake. You may judge from the picture (Fig. loi) that this is the finest sort of place to spend a fortnight's vacation, for it offers fine fishing, bathing, and boating. Spirit Lake and Okoboji Lake on the moraine near the west side of the Wisconsin drift are so beautiful that people from as far south as St. Louis have built summer cot- tages there. Is the region around these lakes cooler than St. Louis? There are people who are anxious to drain many of our small lakes in order to increase the amount of farm land. BIRTHRIGHT OF CHILDREN OF IOWA 143 Which do you think is the greater need of the people of rich Iowa, more places for happy holidays or more farm land? In March, 1857, a terrible massacre occurred in the small colony which had settled near Pillsbury's Point on West Oko- boji. A band of Sioux Indians attacked the little group of pioneers, who were too far away from other settlements to Fig. ioi. Clear Lake is another of the places suggested for a state park. It is a very pretty glacial lake which differs from other Iowa lakes in having no sur- face streams draining into it. Probably the water which falls on the hills to the north and to the south of it creeps along layers of sand and gravel to the lake bed receive help, and destroyed the homes and killed whole families. As you wander about the lake shores you will find the Gardner home, where you can learn more about this. In Marion County is a sandstone ledge stained in all shades from tan to a brilliant red. This was the work of the iron oxides. The Des Moines River has cut through this ledge, making bluffs from sixty to eighty feet in height. On the ridges are structures of the prehistoric mound-builders, and, scattered through the region, trees of the primeval forest still exist. There is a high cliff in this locality known as Red Rock. Many people are asking to have this area made into a park. 144 IOWA STATE GEOGRAPHY After reading about Iowa's beautiful scenery you are now ready to answer the question asked at the beginning of this section about the schoolboy who wrote, "Tell me something about Florida ; there is nothing interesting to write about Iowa." Try to visit as many of the places we have just described as you possibly can. If you are observing, you can learn a great deal more from such a trip than from merely reading a description in a book. And Nature, the old nurse, took The child upon her knee, Saying, "Here is a story-book Thy Father has written for thee." CHAPTER XI FACTS AND FIGURES Note. The information given in the following pages is not intended for ordinary class study, but it seems desirable that in a textbook of this type there should be available for ready reference the salient facts relating to where our people live and what they do. A part of this material may properly serve as a basis for project work in connection with the study of local activities. This little book has stressed the fact that Iowa is first of all a great agricultural state, and it is to be expected that its manufactures will be very largely those of related industries. Of these only a few of the more important are men- tioned, in connection with the larger towns and cities. The teacher desiring fuller information should consult local commercial bodies and the state reports, such as the Iowa Manufacturers' Director^'. Leading Industries of Iowa 1. Meat-packing $221,692,000 2. Food preparations 80,583,000 3. Butter and cheese 49,201,000 4. Foundry and machine shop 40,632,000 5. Poultry and produce-packing 33,425,000 6. Printing and publishing 22,529,000 7. Mill work, planing 20,484,000 8. Agricultural implements 19,352,000 Q. Flour and grist mills 17,405,000 10. Bakery products 13,449,000 11. Electric light, heat, power 11,904,000 12. Confectionery: candy, ice cream .... 11,612,000 13. Washing machines 8,930,000 14. Canning and preserving 8,599,000 15. Brick and tile 7,852,000 The graph on page 25 will indicate to the pupil the over- whelming importance of the agricultural industry in Iowa. The tables reproduced from the Iowa Year Book of Agriculture, entitled '' Iowa's Source of Wealth," bring this point out clearly. Although Iowa is primarily agricultural, yet it has many manufactures, and in recent years there has been great growth '45 146 IOWA STATE GF.OGRAPHY in this direction. It is interesting to note how the chief manu- factured products of the stale are divided. The table on the preceding page shows this division for fifteen of the leading industries for the year ending December 31, 1919. While these figures will vary somewhat from year to year, yet they are sufficiently stable to serve as a basis of study. There are many other industries of very considerable note. Thus, Iowa is the second state in the manufacture of pearl but- tons, having now an annual output of about $4,800,000. One of the largest, if not the largest, broom factories in the United States is at Burlington. The same is true of its furniture factory. The greatest cream separator factory in the United States is at Waterloo. The largest cereal mill in the United States is at Cedar Rapids. There probably are not elsewhere in the United States many equals of the sash-and-door factory at Dubuque. Automobile tires and tubes, cement products, clothing, patent medicines, furniture, stock and poultry rem- edies, wall plaster, and so forth total into the millions. Food products and all sorts of machinery used on the farm are large factors. The Distribution of Factories Unlike many states, the factories of Iowa are not confined to two or three of the larger cities. The larger factories are well distributed throughout the state, and practically all towns have some industries worth while. There are ten counties which in 1920 had a total production of over $500,000,000 worth of manufactured goods. Woodbury leads all the counties in value of manufactured products, totaling over $145,000,000, because of its great slaughtering and packing industry. Linn County comes next with nearly $97,000,000, of which cereal products are an important part. Polk County is third on the list, with a great variety of industries, in which the print- ing and publishing item — including the output of the farm journals — stands out noticeably. In nearly all cases there is considerable diversity covering many small industries, although FACTS AND FIGURES 147 often some one industry may particularly lead. Thus, in Scott County, where there are many industries, the foundry produc- tion is relatively important. Black Hawk County is noted for the production of various forms of dairy machinery and for the variety and value of its output of engines, tractors, and farm machinery. In Wapello County one's attention is called to the value of its slaughtering and packing industry. In Cerro Gordo County cement, brick, and tile stand out prominently ; in Clinton County food products and dressed lumber ; in Dubuque County sash-and-door and foundry products; in Webster County gypsum and plaster ; in Lee County mill and machine work ; in Marshall County vehicles and food preparations ; in Muscatine County the pearl-button industry (a recent state report shows twenty-four different companies engaged in this business in the city of Muscatine alone). There are a number of the most important products, however — such as creamery products, canned goods, bakery products, confectionery, etc. — in which the distribution is so general that it is rather mislead- ing to attempt to localize. The outstanding facts are that Iowa has no great manu- facturing centers but has a diversity of lesser industries well distributed throughout its entire area, and that these industries are very largely those that are closely related to the one great basic industry, agriculture. It means much for the health and happiness of the people of Iowa that these conditions prevail. Some Things the People in Our Towns Make The following list, limited to the places of over five thousand population, mentions a few of the leading industries in each. Complete information can be obtained from the State Directory of Manufacturing Establishments : Ames; Garden tools; canned goods; bakery products; creamery- products ; novelties. Atlantic : Brick and tile ; canned goods ; packing of poultry and eggs ; creamery products ; building novelties. 148 IOWA STATE GEOGRAPHY Boone : Brick and tile ; creamery products ; foundry work ; gloves and hosiery ; saddlery. Burlington : I'urniture ; brooms ; printing and binding ; bakery products ; boxes and baskets ; boats and engines ; iron products ; mill work ; desks ; machinery. Cedar Falls : Steel farm gates ; canned goods ; creamery products ; hardware specialties; clothing. Fig. 102. The machines you see in this picture are seamless knitting machines in a hosiery mill in Des Moines. Can you give reasons why a hosiery factory should be located in Iowa ? Cedar Rapids : Cereal foods ; corn sirup ; leather and tanning ; sheet- iron work ; planing-mill work ; pumps ; tractors ; slaughtering and packing ; structural iron work ; printing and binding. Centerville : Brick ; granite and marble products ; bakery products ; machine work. Chariton : Saddlery ; brooms ; farm machinery ; wagons. Charles City: Tanks; gas engines; office fixtures; mill work; creamery products. Clinton : Corn products ; wire products ; furniture ; engines ; bridge and structural iron work ; lumber ; mill work ; hardware FACTS AND FIGURES 149 specialties ; sheet-iron products ; sugar refining ; garments ; button blanks. Council Bluffs : Cold storage ; agricultural implements ; playground appliances ; tents and awnings ; elevators and scales ; stock foods and remedies. Creston: Poultry-packing; brick and tile; planing-mill products; concrete blocks. Davenport : Locomotives ; silos ; pumps ; washing machines ; brick and tile ; ladders ; steel wagons ; foundry products ; bakery products ; printing and binding ; planing-mill products ; saddlery ; garments. Des Moines : Printing and binding ; lithographing ; automobile tires ; structural iron work ; medicines ; furnaces ; brick and tile ; concrete machiner>^ ; hosiery and gloves ; silos ; chemical prepara- tions ; furniture ; meat-packing ; threshers and tractors ; canned goods; farm equipment. Dubuque : Sash and doors ; milling machines ; stove repairs ; shoes ; canvas goods ; plumbing goods ; lime ; saddlery ; caskets ; sheet- metal products ; boilers and tanks ; pork-packing ; lumber products. Fairfield : Cement blocks ; engines ; gloves ; rugs and carpets ; barn equipment. Fort Dodge : Gypsum ; plaster ; brick and tile ; meat-packing ; ditching machines ; patent medicines ; shoes ; creamery products. Fort Madison : Farm tools ; car repairs ; strawboard ; button blanks ; dental specialties ; bakery and creamery products ; canning. Grinnell : Gloves ; vehicles ; tools ; canning ; brick and tile ; wash- ing machines. Iowa City : Chemical products ; jewelry ; canning ; foundry prod- ucts ; rubber goods ; stock foods and remedies ; brooms. Keokuk : Electric power ; cement machinery ; hardware specialties ; kitchen cabinets ; button blanks ; men's clothing ; shoes ; corn products ; trucks and tires ; silos and mill work ; canvas prod- ucts ; brick and tile. Le Mars : Stock remedies ; creamery products ; well machinery ; cement products ; bakery products. Marshalltown : Machine work ; foundr\' products ; metal special- ties ; vehicles ; creamery products ; brick and tile ; food prepara- tions; tools. I50 IOWA STATE GEOGRAPHY Mason City : Hrick and tile ; cement ; packing of meat and poultry ; machine work ; beet sugar ; mill work ; structural iron work. Muscatine : Pearl button? ; button machinery ; garments ; lumber- mill work ; boilers and sheet-iron work ; canning machinery ; bakery products ; canned goods. Newton : Washing machines ; gas plants ; foundry and machine work ; advertising novelties ; ditching machinery ; agricultural machinery ; office fixtures. Oelwein : Car repairs ; creamery products ; cooking utensils ; sash, doors, and mill work ; bakery products. Fig. 103. The Sioux City stockyards cover a large area. Wfiy is Sioux City such an important meat-packing center ? Oskaloosa : Men's clothing ; silos and tanks ; canned goods ; heaters and furnaces ; paving brick ; bakery products ; cement products. Ottumwa : Mining appliances ; meat-packing ; vehicles ; farm ma- chinery ; dairy products ; brick and tile ; boilers and tanks ; gasoline engines ; steel bridges ; cold storage ; hardware specialties. Perry : Washing machines ; lumber-mill work ; condensed milk ; cement products. Red Oak : Calendars ; canning ; dairy products ; iron work. Shenandoah : Stock remedies ; brick and tile ; gloves ; corn buskers. Sioux City : Slaughtering and meat-packing , soap ; leather goods and tanning ; electrical appliances ; tents and awnings ; foundry work ; furnaces ; engines ; wire and iron products ; woodwork ; newspaper plates ; clothing ; bakery products ; farm specialties ; flour and feed. FACTS AND FIGURES 151 Waterloo : Cream separators ; dairy machinery ; gasoline engines ; farm implements ; gas machines ; tractors ; packing of meat and poultry ; flour ; bakery products ; saddlery ; concrete machinery ; skirts and garments ; motor trucks ; cooking utensils ; pottery novelties. Webster City : Sheet-iron products ; sewer pipes ; shoes ; brick and tile ; creamery products. Iowa Primarily Agricultural Following is a tabulated crop summary for the year ending December 31, 191 9, and a table showing the number, average value, and total value of the live stock for the same year. These two tables reveal the chief sources of the wealth of the state. Iowa produces about one tenth of the total supply of food derived from grain and animals in the United States. IOWA'S SOURCE OF WEALTH, DECEMBER 31, 1919 Compiled for the Iowa Year Book of Agriculture from estimates furnished by the Iowa Cooperative Crop- Reporting Service Crop Corn Oats Spring wheat .... Winter wheat .... Barley Rye Fla.xseed Timothy seed .... Clover seed .... Potatoes Hay (tame) Hay (wild) Alfalfa Pasturage and grazing (estimated) . . . . Ensilage (estimated) . .Sweet corn (commer- cial crop) Pop corn (estimated) . Acres -Average Yield 10,000,000 41.6 bu. 5,670,000 34.6 bu. 750,000 9.5 bu. 950,000 17.4 bu. 315,000 25.5 bu. 70,000 15.9 bu. 1 6,000 9.5 bu. 200,000 4.5 bu. 60,000 1.4 bu. I I 5,000 43.0 bu. 2,992,000 1.6 tons 478,000 1.3 tons 148,000 3.2 tons 40,000 3.0 tons 29,300 24.9 bu. Average Price §1.17 .64 1.89 1.98 I.I I 1-33 3-90 4.91 24.92 1.94 18.37 16.48 23.09 '3-5° 2,79 Total Yield 416,622,000 196,391.500 7,145,300 16,508,600 8,022,800 1,1 10,050 •52.275 900,000 84,000 4.942,110 4.957.370 631,693 477,3'4 1 20,000 729.570 Total Valie $487,447,740 125,690,560 13,504,617 32,687,028 8,905,308 1,476,366 593,872 4,419,000 2,093,280 9,587.693 91,066.887 10,410,301 1 1,021,180 100,000,000 20.000,000 1 ,620,000 2,765,070 152 IOWA STATE GEOGRAPHY IOWA'S SOURCE OF WEALTH {Continued) Crop Buckwheat (estimated) Fruit crop (estimated) Garden truck (esti- mated) Sugar beets for manu- facture (estimated) . Miscellaneous (esti- mated) 7,000 8,000 Average Yield 14.0 bu. 8.0 tons Average Price 1.95 9.00 Total Yield 98,000 64,000 Total Dairy products (estimated) Poultry and eggs (estimated) Wool, 4,500,000 at 551^ . . . Total value of farm products Total Value $191,100 7,000,000 8,000,000 576,000 1 1 ,000,000 $950,056,002 113,000,000 85,000,000 2,475,000 >I, 150, 531,002 NUMBER, AVERAGE VALUE AND TOTAL VALUE OF LIVE STOCK, DECEMBER 31, 1919 Figures taken from estimates made by the United States Department of Aerriculture Number Average Value Total Value Horses Mules 1,505,000 7 1 ,000 1,363,000 2,775,000 10,389,000 1,321,000 $89.00 12 1.00 88.00 49.00 21.80 12.00 $i33' 8,591,000 119,944,000 i35'975'Ooo 226,480,200 15,852,000 Milch cows Other cattle Sheep Total value of live stock $640,787,200 Total value of farm products and liv e stock $1,791,318,202 In connection with the horse figures in this table it is inter- esting to note that, according to the lovi^a Year Book, Iowa exported more horses during the World War than any other state, and that it has more Percheron horses than France, more Clydesdales than Scotland, more Shires than England, and more Belgian horses than Belgium. FACTS AND FIGURES 153 The aggregate farm values of the state of Iowa are greater than the total farm values of these nineteen states : Maine, New Hampshire, \'ermont, Connecticut, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Delaware, New Jersey, IVIaryland, West Virginia, South Carolina, Florida, Alabama, New Mexico, Utah, Arizona, Nevada, Wyoming, and ]\Iontana. The annual corn crop of Iowa exceeds in value the total annual gold output of the United States. Even the egg crop of Iowa is more valuable than the total orange crop of California. Types and Breeds of Animals It is plain that the live-stock industry is of such overwhelm- ing importance in Iowa that it pays for stock-raisers to produce the best of types and breeds. It is a good sign that in so many communities the boys and girls are active in live-stock clubs. It is an interesting and profitable study to learn of the qualities of various breeds of animals and why certain types and breeds are preferred. Your study will lead you to discover that ani- mals vary almost as much as human beings in their attributes, and that many factors must be kept in mind in determin- ing what animals are most profitable to raise under given conditions. HOGS You have already learned how important an element in the wealth of Iowa is the hog. Attention has been called in the text to the general types — the lard hog and the bacon hog. You will have learned why the former type is more com- mon in Iowa. The lard hog is broad of back, has large hams, short legs, fattens rapidly, and matures early. It is called the lard type because of the abundance of fat. Hogs of this type are relatively quiet and docile. Some of the more common breeds are the Poland China, the Duroc-Jersey, the Berkshire, the Chester White, and the Hampshire. The Mule-Foot hog, so called because the hoof is not split, is an interesting breed of the lard type. It is claimed by some that this breed is remark- ably free from cholera. 154 IOWA SFATK (UROGRAPHY The bacon type of hog lacks the broad back of the lard hog. It has longer sides, smaller hams, and does not grow so large. In general this type is longer and leaner and more active than the lard type. Bacon hogs grown under corn-belt conditions gradually change their characteristics. In Iowa more attention Fig. 104. Prize winner? ul itirtc breeds of cattle in llic Buy?' and Girls' Baby-Beef Contest of 1920. What breeds are these ? The education of the boys and girls of Iowa is not limited to the schoolroom than formerly is given to their breeding, as there is an increas- ing demand for the best bacon. The Large Yorkshire and the' Tamworth are popular breeds of this type. CATTLE In a region so rich in corn and grass, cattle-raising is natur- ally a leading industry. There are two general types of cattle : beef and dairy. Among the most common of beef types are the Shorthorn, Hereford, Aberdeen-Angus, Galloway, Polled Durham, and Polled Shorthorn. Of the dairy type the Guern- sey, the Jersey, and the Holstein are most numerous. FACTS AND FIGURES 155 HORSES The raising of draft horses has long been a large industry in Iowa. Weight is an essential factor in determining the relative value of draft horses. Buyers often ship carload lots of Iowa horses to points nearer the Eastern markets, where the horses are scientifically fed with a view of bringing them to maximum weight. Among the most popular breeds are the Perchercn, whose home is France ; the Clydesdale, from Scotland ; the Belgian, from Belgium ; and the Shire, from England. SHEEP It was explained earlier in the text that Iowa is not of prime importance as a sheep-raising state. The leading sheep-raising states ranked in the following order in a recent year : Wyoming, IMontana, New Mexico, Idaho, Ohio, California, and Oregon. There are two types of sheep : the wool type and the mutton type. There are two types of the latter : the long-wooled and the medium-wooled. One of the chief breeds, noted for the fineness of the wool, is the INIerino. Some of the most com- mon breeds of the mutton type are the Shropshire, South- down, Suffolk, Cotswold, Lincoln, and Hampshire Down. Your school library probably contains Plumb's "Types and Breeds of Farm Animals," or similar books. Consult these and learn for yourself how breeds differ. \'arious breeds have distinctive qualities that lead to their selection by the breeder (Fig. 104). There is no more interesting or more profitable study for the boys and girls of Iowa than these great sources of wealth. Coal Attention has been called in the text to the distribution of this mineral. While there are factors that cause the production to vary somewhat from year to year, yet the table .on the following page, showing the production in one year, is to be taken as a safe guide to the study of this subject. 156 IOWA STATE GEOGRAPHY IOWA COAL STATISTICS FOR 1919 County Monroe . Appanoose Polk. . . Marion . . Dallas . . Lucas . . Boone . . Wapello . Jasper . . Mahaska . Warren . Wayne Keokuk Adams . . Taylor . . Page . . Van Buren Greene Guthrie . Totals . Number Total Production Employees OF Mines IN Tons 22 1.723.438 3.195 69 1,009,895 3.247 20 897,121 1,866 21 539,198 1,288 5 354.573 800 6 398,859 680 6 146,689 461 20 165,221 37S 6 138,590 350 18 75.418 181 2 70,384 148 3 10,663 54 4 7.1S5 20 6 6,464 74 4 7.490 42 2 7.032 38 6 6,413 24 3 4.976 20 - 2,021 20 225 5.571.630 12,886 Other Minerals Although coal constitutes the chief mineral wealth of Iowa, there are some other minerals well worth while — such as cement, gypsum, clay, stone, lime, etc. In 1920 the shipments of Portland cement from Iowa fac- tories totaled about $8,676,000 in value. The value of the gypsum products for the same period was $2,403,012 — exceeded only by New York. The latest available figures show the value of the annual output of clay products to be about $7,000,000. More than $2 ,000,000 worth of drain tile is manufactured annually in Iowa. The annual value of the sand and gravel production in Iowa for the, same period was $1,383,764. The stone and lime pro- duction was a much smaller item, the total value being only about $600,000. FACTS AND FIGURES 157 A Few Facts Worth Remembering 1. The population of Iowa in 1920 was 2,404,021. 2. Less than half the people of Iowa live in towns and cities. 3. The school enrollment in Iowa in 1920 was 547,272. 4. Iowa has the highest percentage of literacy of any state in the Union. 5. Iowa has an area of 56,147 square miles. 6. The highest altitude in Iowa is 1670 feet, at Ocheyedan Mound, Osceola County. 7. The elevation of Des Moines is about 800 feet. 8. Iowa ranks first among the states in the percentage of improved land. 9. Iowa is in the center of the corn belt and is about midway between the Atlantic and Pacific oceans. 10. The average annual rainfall in Iowa is 31.5 inches. 11. In July, 1856, Iowa had only 67 miles of railroad. 12. Iowa now has 14,247 miles of railway, including 338 miles of electric lines, and ranks fourth among the states in total railway mileage. 13. In a recent year the railroads paid the state of Iowa in taxes $4,790,864. 14. The first territorial legislature of Iowa met in BurHngton in 1838. 15. Iowa City was the capital of Iowa from 1839 to 1857. 16. Des Moines became the capital of Iowa in 1857. 17. The State University of Iowa was established at Iowa City in 1847. 18. Armistice Day (November 11) was made a legal holiday in Iowa in 1921. 158 IOWA STATK GEOGRAPHY INCORPORATED PLACES IN lOVVA HAVING A POPULATION OF 1000 OR OVER — CENSUS OF 1920 Ackley Adel Akron Albia Algona ....... 3 Alta I Alton I Ames 6 Anamosa 2 Anita i Atlantic 5 Audubon 2 Avoca I Bedford 2 Belle Plaine 3 Bellevue i Belmond i Bettendorf 2 Bloomtield 2 Boone 12 Brighton i Britt I Brooklyn i Burlington 24 Calmar i Carroll 4 Cascade , i Cedar Falls 6 Cedar Rapids 45 Centerville 8 Chariton 5 Charles City • 7 Cherokee 5 Cincinnati i. Clarinda 4, Clarion 2, Clarksville . ■ i. Clear Lake .2. Clinton 24, .529 455 .324 ,067 J24 .2Q0 ,007 ,270 ,881 ,236 ,329 ,108 ,482 .073 .S87 ,663 ,797 ,178 ,064 .451 ,614 ,619 ,533 ,057 ,039 ,254 ,249 ,316 ,566 ,486 ,175 ,350 ,824 ,301 .511 ,826 ,003 ,804 151 Colfa.x .... Coon Rapids . Corning . . Correctionville . Corydon . . . Council Bluffs . Cresco .... Creston . . . Davenport . . Decorah . . . Denison . . . Des Moines . . Dewitt . . . Dows .... Dubuque . . . Dunlap . . . Dyersville Eagle Grove Eldon .... Eldora .... Elkader . . . Emmetsburg . Estherville . . Fairfield . . . Farmington . Fayette . . . Fonda .... Forest City . . Fort Des Moines Fort Dodge . . Fort Madison . Garner . . . Glenwood . . Grand Junction Greene .... Greenfield Grinnell . . . Griswold . . . Grundy Center . 2,504 1,328 1,840 1,016 1,867 36,162 3.195 8,034 56,727 4,039 3,581 [26,468 1,849 1,145 39,141 1,455 1,933 4,433 2,091 3,189 1,223 2,762 4,699 5,948 1,086 1,085 1,136 2,14s 1,020 19,347 12,066 1,311 3,862 1,010 1,375 1,707 5,362 1,264 1,749 FACTS AND FIGURES 159 Guthrie Center 1,727 Guttenberg 1,666 Hamburg 2,017 Hampton 2,gg2 Harlan 2,831 Hartley 1.306 Hawarden 2.491 Holstein 1,248 Humboldt 2.232 Humeston 1.2 14 Ida Grove 2.020 Independence 3.672 Indianola 3.628 Iowa City 11,267 Iowa Falls 3,954 Jefferson 3.4'6 Jewell i.ogo Keokuk 14.423 Keota 1,025 Kingsley 1,072 Knoxville 3,523 Lake City 2,110 Lake Mills 1,529 Lamoni 1.787 Lansing 1-447 Laporte City 1-443 Le Mars 4-683 Lehigh i.oqo Lenox i,i97 Leon 2,iQ3 Logan 1,637 McGregor 1,289 Madrid 1,783 Malvern 1,195 Manchester 3,111 Manilla 1.142 Manly . . '. 1.476 Manning 1,863 Manson 1,409 Mapleton 1.367 Maquoketa 3.626 Marcus 1,091 Marengo 2. Marion 4. Marshalltown 15, Mason City 20, Melcher i, Missouri Valley . . . . 3, Monona i, Montezuma i, Monticello 2, Moulton I, Mount Ayr i, Mount Pleasant .... 3. Mount Vernon . . . . i. Muscatine 16, INIystic 2. Nashua i, Nevada 2, New Hampton . . . . . 2. New London i, New Sharon i, Newton 6 Nora Springs i Northwood i Oakland i Odebolt I Oelwein 7 Ogden ^. . I Onawa 2 Orange City i Osage 2 Osceola 2 Oskaloosa 9 Ottumwa 23 Parkersburg Pella . . Perry . . Pocahontas Postville . Red Oak . Reinbeck . Remsen Rockford . 048 138 731 065 582 985 049 273 257 387 738 987 466 ,068 796 317 668 .539 1I44 ,084 ,627 ,055 ,597 ,188 •445 ,455 •451 ,256 ,632 ,878 ,684 427 003 108 ,338 ,642 ,302 ,039 ,578 .415 ,144 ,031 i6o IOWA STATE GEOGRAPHY Rockingham 1,099 Rock Rapitls 2,172 Rock Valley io47 Rockwell City 2,039 Rolfe 1,051 Sac City 2,630 Sanborn i,497 Seymour 1,746 Sheffield 1,106 Sheldon 3,488 Shenandoah 5,255 Sibley 1,803 Sidney i,i54 Sigourney 2.210 Sioux Center 1,389 Sioux City 71,227 Sioux Rapids 1.080 Spencer 4,599 Spirit Lake 1,701 Storm Lake 3,658 Story City i,59i Strawberry Point . . . . 1,101 Stuart 1,716 Sumner 1,511 Tabor 1,186 Tama . -. 2,601 Tipton 2,142 Toledo 1,604 Traer 1,329 Valley Junction .... 3,631 Villisca 2,111 Vinton 3,381 Walnut 1,072 Wapello 1,480 Washington 4,697 Waterloo 36,230 Waukon 2,359 Waverly 3,352 Webster City 5,657 West Burlington . . . . 1,212 West Liberty 1,834 West Union i,777 What Cheer 1,626 Williamsburg 1,251 Wilton 1,178 Winfield 1,027 Winterset 2,906 Vv^oodbine 1,463 POPULATION OF COUNTIES IN IOWA— CENSUS OF 1920 Adair 14,259 Adams 10,521 Allamakee 17,285 Appanoose 30,535 Audubon 12,520 Benton . 24,080 Black Hawk ...'... 56,570 Boone 29,892 Bremer 16,728 Buchanan .^ 19,890 Buena Vista 18,556 Butler 17,845 Calhoun 17,783 Carroll 21,549 Cass 19,421 Cedar 17,560 Cerro Gordo 34,675 Cherokee 17,760 Chickasaw i5,43i Clarke 10,506 Clay 15,660 Clayton 25,032 Clinton . 43,371 Crawford ' . 20,614 I)allas 25,120 Davis 12,574 Decatur 16,566 Delaware 18,183 Des Moines 35, 520 Dickinson 10,241 FACTS AND FIGURES i6i Dubuque 58,262 Emmet 12,627 Fayette 29,251 Floyd 18,860 Franklin 15,807 Fremont iS,447 Greene 16,467 Grundy 14,420 Guthrie 17.596 Hamilton 19,531 Hancock 14,723 Hardin 23,337 Harrison 24,488 Henry 18,298 Howard 13,705 Humboldt 12,951 Ida 11,689 Iowa 18,600 Jackson 19,931 Jasper 27,855 Jefferson 16,440 Johnson 26,462 Jones 18,607 Keokuk 20,983 Kossuth 25,082 Lee 39,676 Linn 74,004 Louisa 12,179 Lucas . 15,686 Lyon . 15,431 Madison 15,020 Mahaska 26,270 Marion , 24,957 Marshall 32,630 Mills 15,422 Mitchell . . IMonona . . Monroe . . Montgomery Muscatine O'Brien . . Osceola . . Page . . . Palo Alto . Plymouth . Pocahontas . Polk . . . Pottawattamie Poweshiek Ringgold . . Sac .... Scott . . . Shelby . . . Sioux . . . Story . . . Tama . . . Taylor . . . Union . . . Van Buren . Wapello . . Warren . . Washington . Wayne . . . Webster . . Winrrebago . Winneshiek . Woodbury Worth . . . Wright . . . 13,921 17,125 23467 17,048 29,042 19,051 10,223 24,137 15,486 23.584 15,602 [54,029 61,550 19,910 12,919 17,500 73,952 16,065 26,458 26,185 21,861 15,514 17,268 14,060 37,937 18,047 20,421 15,378 37,611 13,489 22,091 92,171 11,630 20,348 INDEX Agriculture, Iowa's greatest industry, 52-55, 145, 151, 152. See also Crops Alfalfa, 65 ; acreage, yield, and value of crop in 1919, 151 Allison Monument, 50, 51, Frontispiece Ames, State College of Agriculture at, 92, 130, 133; leading industries, 147 Area of Iowa, 2,157 Arkansas River, 27 Armistice Day, holiday in Iowa, 157 Atlantic, leading industries, 147 Aurner's "Iowa Stories" quoted, 122 Barges, steel, built by United States government at Dubuque, 31, 32 Barley, 65 ; acreage, yield, and value of crop in 1919, 151 Beet, sugar, value of annual crop, 66; howgrown and harvested, 106; stored at factories, 106; yield per acre, 107 Black Hawk Purchase, 14 Black Hawk War, 14 Blashfield, Edwin H., artist, picture by, in State Capitol ( " Westward "' ) , 49, 50 Blind, State School for, at Vinton, 133 Boone, leading industries, 148 Bowlders, explained, iS ; of granite, 21 ; in lowan drift, 22 Bran, 63 Brick, 104,105 ; plant at Mason City, 105 Brush College, oldest school in Iowa, 126, 129 Buckwheat, 65; acreage, yield, and value of crop in 1019, 151 Buffaloes, 36; bones of, 137 Burlington,water supply, 40; territorial legislature meets at, in 1858,45 ; cross- ing place in early days, 112; broom fac- tory,. 146; leading industries, 14S Butter, annual production and value, 97; how made in early days, 07, 98; how made now, 98, 99; state brand for standard, 99 Buttons, pearl, made from clam shells, 109, no; annual output, 146; Iowa's rank in their manufacture, 146 Calvin, Samuel, geologist, quoted, on soils, 23 ; on picturesque effects of erosion and decay, 136 Capital, state, at Iowa City, 45, 46; at Des Moines, 45, 48, 50 ; territorial, at Burlington, 45 Capitol buildings, at Burlington, 45 ; at Iowa City, 45, 40 ; at Des Moines, 47, 48, 50; Blashfield's "Westward," 49, 50; Soldiers' and Sailors' Monument, 50; Allison Monument, 50, 51 Catfish Creek, Dubuque settled at mouth of, 12 Cattle, 71-74, 154; stockyards, 70, 72; beef, 71, 72, 154; dairy, 71, 96, 154; types and breeds, 71, 154; fattening for market, 72 ; products, 72 ; slaugh- tering and packing, 72, 74; number and value in 1919, 152 Cedar Falls, State Teachers College at, i30j ^33 ; leading industries, 148 Cedar Rapids, hydroelectric plant, 40 ; corn-sirup and corn-sugar factories, 60 ; cereal factories, 64, 95, 146 ; meat- packing, 74 ; leading industries, 148 Cedar River, 113 Cement, 103, 104; Portland, why made in Iowa, 103, 104; plants for makmg, at Des Moines and Mason City, 104, shipments in 1920, 156 Centerville, gypsum deposit, 16; lead- ing industries, 148 Cereal factories at Cedar Rapids, 64, 95. 146 Chariton, leading industries, 148 Charles City, leading industries, 148 Clam shells, how secured and how used, 109, no Clay, hardened into shale, 8 ; layers of, over coal, 10; used in making cement, brick, and tile, 104, 105; value of products, 156 Clear Lake, 142 Climate, 3, 53-55; rainfall, 53, 54; tem- perature, 55 Clinton, early lumber mills, 32 ; corn- sirup and corn-sugar factories, 60; leading industries, 148 Clubs, canning, 132, 134; corn, 134; live-stock, 153 Coal, fields, 8-1 1 ; chief producing coun- ties, 9; how to test land for, 11; depth and extent of beds, 11; early '63 i64 IOWA STATE GEOGRAPHY menUon by Frenchman, 36 ; statistics for 1910, 155, 15^^ College of Agriculture, State, at Ames, 93, 130, 133 „ , . Conservation, State Board ot, ap- pointed by legislature, 135; areas chosen for public parks, 136-139 Coral animals, s, 7 Corn, location of state favorable to pro- duction, 3 ; large yields on drained land, S3 ; Iowa's most important crop, 56 ; acreage compared with other crops, 56; value of crop compared with all Iowa's crops, 57; acreage in North Dakota, 57; soil and climate for, 57 ; Iowa's rank in United States, 58; seed, 58; average yield per acre, 58; planting and harvesting, 58, 59; disposition of crop, 58-60; labor- saving machinery, 58, 59, 88-90; in silo, 58, 90; products of, 60, 61; fed to hogs, 68; canning, 102-103; acre- age, yield, and value of crop in 1919, 151 ; annual crop exceeds annual gold output of United States, 153 Council Bluffs, meeting of Lewis and Clark with Indians, 35 ; water supply, 38; railroad from Davenport to, planned in 1852, 122; State School for Deaf, 133; leading industries, 149 Counties: Allamakee, 6, 15, 23, 115; Benton, loi ; Black Hawk, 102, 147; Buchanan, 50; Cerro Gordo, 147; Clay, 22; Clayton, 6, 23; Clinton, 147; Delaware, 136; Dubuque, 6, 12, 23, 147 ; Emmet, 22, 115 ; Floyd, 138; Hardin, 138; Harrison, 20; Henry, 20,138; Johnson, 45 ; Jones, 6; Kos- suth, 22; Lee, 6, 147; Linn, 120, 146; Marion, 11, 143; Marshall, 147; Monona, 20; Muscatine, 139, 147; Osceola, 157; Palo Alto, 22, 115; Polk, 146 ; Pottawattamie, 138 ; Scott, 6,147; Tama,4i-44; Van Buren, 138; Wapello, 147; Webster, 16, 147; Winneshiek, 6, 23, 115; Woodbury, 146; population of, 160, 161 County Board of Supervisors, county road system, 115, 120, 121 Creameries, value of products, 75; but- ter and butter-making, 97-99 Crest on, leading industries, 140 Crops, farm, value compared graphi- cally with world production of gold and silver, 25; value compared with Iowa's mineral and factory product, 52; corn, 56-61; chief crops, 56-64; wheat, 61-63; oats, 64; alfalfa, 65; barley, 65; buckwheat, 65; hay, 65; vegetables and fruits, 66, 67; sum- mary, 151, 152 Cummins, A.B., quoted, 83, 84 Dairy, value of products, 75 ; making of butter, cheese, and condensed milk, third industry in state, 95; milk, 96, 97 ; butter-making, 97-99 Dairy and Food Commissioner, State, on dairy products, 75 ; on egg out- put, 77 Dam, Keokuk, power furnished by Des Moines Rapids, 30, 39; generates 300,000 horse-power of electricity, Davenport, early lumber mills, 32 ; water supply, 40 ; first railroad, 1856, 122 ; leading industries, 149 Deaf, State School for, at Council Bluffs, 133 Decorah, scenery around, 140 Des Moines, first steamboats to, 38; water supply, 40 ; state capital moved to, in 1857, 48; how it looked in 1850, 48; manufacturing, 51; state- fair grounds, 51 ; cement plant, 104; leading industries, 149 ; elevation, 157 Des Moines Rapids, traversed by Lieu- tenant Pike, 30; furnish power at Keokuk dam, 30 Des Moines River, story of, 36-38; "Riviere des Moingona," 36; steam- boats on, 36, 38 ; commission directed to locate new state capital within two miles of junction of Raccoon River and, 47; state parks on, 136, 138; sandstone bluffs on, 143 Dikes for Iowa farm lands, 53 Drainage, rivers, 25-41 ; in 'Wisconsin drift, 22; in bottom lands, 53 Drift sheet, glacial, 1 7-23 ; Illinoian, 19 ; Kansan, 19, 21, 22 ; Wisconsin, 19, 21, 22 ; lowan, 19, 22 ; lakes on Wiscon- sin, 22, 142 Driftless region, 19, 23, 139-141 Dubuque, soldiers protect Indian res- ervation, I, 14; lead mined by Julien Dubuque near present site, 12, 13; steamboats from, 31 ; steel barges built by government, 31 ; lumber mills and woodworking factories at, 33; crossing place in early days, 112, 113; railroad from, in 1857, 123; sash-and-door factory, 146; leading industries, 149 INDEX 165 Dubuque, Julien, arrives at Prairie du Chien in 1785, 12 ; " Mines of Spain," 13 ; death in 1810, 13 ; monument, 14 Education, in Iowa, 126-135; highest per cent of literacy, 126; school at- tendance in 1920, 135; cost of main- tenance of schools in 1920, 135 Eggs. See Poultry Electricity, generated by water-power, 40, 41 Ely's ford, famous crossing place, 138 Facts worth remembering, 157 Fair Grounds, State, at Des Moines, 51 Fairfield, leading industries, 149 Fairport, government station, no Farm journals issued in Des Moines, 51 Farm values of Iowa compared with other states, 153 Farmer, the Iowa, 79-94; "new," 79, 91-94; old-time, 79-84 Farming, methods of early settlers, 79- 84; modern methods, 84-94. See Agriculture and Crops Farmington, state park near, 138 Farms, some of finest on lowan drift, 22 ; average size, 94 Ferries, 2 (picture), in, 112 Fertilizer, from gypsum, 16; from slaughterhouses, 72 ; from live stock, 75 ; from beet-sugar factories, 108 Flax, used for hnseed oil, 65 ; acreage, yield, and value of crop in 1919, 151 Flood plain of Missouri River, 33, 34 Flour, rock, 17, 18, 21: wheat, how made, 62, 63 Floyd, Sergeant Charles, first white man buried in Iowa, 35 Food products, manufacture of, second industry in importance, 05 Fort Benton, Montana,stearaboats to, 35 Fort Des Moines, 38, 47 Fort Dodge, gypsum mills, 16; first steamboats to, 38; state park near, 136 ; leading industries, 149 Fort Madison, fort built on site about 1808, 30; leading industries, 149 Fossils, in limestone, sandstone, and shale beds, 7, 8; bones of animals, 20 Fruit, 66, 67 Fur-trading post on Des Moines River, 36 Galena limestone, it Glacial drift. See Drift sheet Gravel (and sand), annual value, 156 Greene, state park near, 138 Grinnell, leading industries, 149 Gypsum, view of mine, 15; deposits, 16; how mined and prepared for use, 16; value of mill product near Fort Dodge, 16; value of Iowa's total product for 1920, 156 Hay, acreage compared with that of other crops, 56, 65 ; acreage, yield, and value of crop in 1919, 151 Highway Commission, State, primary road system, 115-120; road numbers and road-number symbol, 119, 120 Highways. See Roads Hogs. See Swine Horses, 76 ; exported during World War, 152 ; number and value in 1919, 152 ; breeds, 155 Ice-sheet, how formed, 1 7 ; movement of, 17-20; effect upon surface and soils, 20-23 Illinois River, 27 Indians, no other inhabitants in Iowa one hundred years ago, I ; lead-mining and Julien Dubuque, 12, 13 ; Black Hawk Purchase, 14; Marquette and Joliet with, 27; attacks on Fort Madison, 30; help Zebulon Pike cross rapids, 30; Lewis and Clark's council with chiefs, 35 ; French traders and, 36 ; of Tama County, 41-44; Sac and Fox, 41, 42; Musquakies, 42, 44; wickiup and wigwam, 44 ; names from Tama records, 44; trails, iii; arrowheads and axes found in Boneyard Hollow, 137; massacre at Pillsbury's Point in 1857, 143 Inspection of stock, 70, 72 Iowa, population, i, 158-161; meanings of name, 2; area, 2; location, 3, 4; minerals, 5-16; soils, 17-24; rivers, 25-41; state capital, 45-51; agricul- ture and crops, 52-67; live-stock in- dustry, 68-78, 152-155; manufac- tures, 95-110; transportation, iii- 125; schools and colleges, 126-135; state parks, 135-144; leading indus- tries, 145-152 Iowa City, selected for state capital in 1839, 45; early travel to, 113; first railroad to, completed in 1856, 122; State University established at, in • 1847, 130; leading industries, 149 Iowa River, 27, 45, 113 Iron, 14, 15; deposit in Allamakee County, at Iron Hill, 15 i66 IOWA STATE GEOGRAPHY "Jalap," Norman Pcrcheron, 70, 77 Jolict, French explorer, expedition with Marquette on Mississippi River, 25-27 Keokuk, water supply, 40; great dam at, 41 ; corn-sirup and corn-sugar factories, Co; leading industries, 149 Keosauqua, steamboat to, in 1837, i'^; state park near, 138 Kettle Chief, Indian village, 12 Lakes on Wisconsin drift sheet, 22, 142 Lead, how deposited, 11; mined by Indians, 12; used for bullets, 12, 14; Dubuque's " Mines of Spain," 13, 31 ; white, used in paint, 14 Lees, James H., Assistant State Geol- ogist, quoted, 140 Legislature, first territorial, meets at Burlington (1838), 45; meets at Iowa City ( 1841 ) , 46 ; discusses mov- ing capital, 46, 47 Le Mars, leading industries, 149 Lewis and Clark expedition, 34-3S Lime (and stone), annual value, 156 Limestone, how formed, 5; uses, 5, 6; fossils in, 8; galena, 11 ; used in mak- ing Portland cement, 103, 104 Limestone bluffs on Mississippi River, seen by Marquette and Joliet, 26 Linseed oil, made from flax, 65 Live stock: swine, 68-71, 153, 154; cattle, 71-74. 154 ; sheep, 74, 75, 155 ; fertilizer value, 75; horses, 76, 152, 155; poultry, 77, 78; number and value of farm animals in iqig, 152; types and breeds, 153-155 Location of Iowa, 3, 4 Loess, Missouri River bluffs of, 33 Log cabin, how made, 70, 80 Logging on Mississippi River, 32 Lotus, remarkable growth of, in state park near Farmington, 138 Louisiana Purchase, exploration of ter- ritory by Zebulon Pike, 27; Lewis and Clark's expedition, 34, 35 Lumber mills, early, 32 McCormick, Cyrus Hall, inventor of reaper, 86-88; first reaper made in 1 83 1, 86, 87; reaper and binder per- fected, 88 McGregor, sandstone beds, 8 ; scenery in driftless region near, 141 Machinery, modern, for the farm, 84- 92 ; for the farmhouse, 92 ; for the creamery, 98, 99 Manchester, state park near, 136 Manufactures, value compared with that of farm crops and minerals, 52 ; corn sirup and cornstarch, 60, 61 ; meat-packing, 95 ; food products, 95 ; butter, cheese, condensed milk, 95- 99; foundry and machine-shop prod- ucts, 100, loi ; canning, loi, 102; cement, 103, 104; brick and tile, 104, 105; beet sugar, 105-109; pearl but- tons, 109, no; table, 145; distribu- tion of factories, 146, 147 ; leading industries in towns of over 5000 population, 147-151 Maquoketa River, 136 Marengo, fossil in drift near, 20 Marquette and Joliet, French explorers, expedition on the Mississippi River in 1673, 25-27 Marshalltown, leading industries, 149 Mason City, cement plants, 104; brick and tile plant, 105; value of clay products shipped annually from, 105 ; leading industries, 150 Meat-packing, 70-74; Chicago largest poric-packing center in United States, 70; Sioux City largest packing center in Iowa, 70 ; other establishments, 74 Melons, 66, 67 Mills, gypsum, 16; lumber, 32, 33; run by water-power, 40; flour, 62, 63; cereal, 64, 95 ; cement, 104 Minerals, 5-16; value compared with farm crops and manufactures, 52 ; statistics on coal and other, 155, 156 Mines, coal, 9-11; lead, 12-14; zinc, 14; iron, 15; gypsum, 16 "Mines of Spain," 13, 31 Mississippi River, story of, 25-33; ex- pedition of Marquette and Joliet, 25-27; Zebulon Pike's explorations, 27-31 ; steamboats on, 31 ; new steel barges for, 31, 32; Keokuk dam, 39, 41 ; supplies water to cities, 40; bridge constructed across, in 1853, 123 Missouri River, story of, 33-36 ; bluffs of loess, 33 ; flood plain, 33 ; Lewis and Clark's expedition, 34-35 ; steam- boats on, 35 ; supplies water to Coun- cil Bluffs, 38, 30 Missouri Valley, first railroad to Sioux City from, 35 Monroe City considered as site for state capital, 47 Mt. Vernon, interurban railways of, use power generated in Cedar Rapids, 40 INDEX 167 Muscatine, early lumber mills, 32; pearl-button factories, no, 147; stage line from Iowa City in 1839, 113; first railway train in Iowa ran to, in 1855, 122; celebration, 123; state park near, 139; leading indus- tries, 150 Muscatine Island famous for garden crops, 66, 67 Newton, leading industries, 150 Oakland, state park near, 138 Oakland Mills, state park near, 138 Oats, acreage compared with that for other crops, 56 ; United States leads in production, 64; Iowa leads in United States, 64 ; oatmeal mills, 64 ; acreage, yield, and value of crop in 1919, 151 Ocheyedan Mound highest point in Iowa, 157 Oelwein, leading industries, 150 Okoboji Lake, 142 Osage, fruit and vegetables grown near, 67 Oskaloosa, recommended for state cap- ital, 47; leading industries, 150 Ottumwa, meat packing, 74; leading industries, 150 Parks, public. See State parks Pearls, no Peat bogs, where found. 22 Pella, suggested for state capital, 47 Perry, leading industries. 150 Pike, Lieutenant Zebulon, explores Mississippi River in 1805, 27, 30, 31 ; chooses site for Fort Madison, 30; visits "Mines of Spain," 31 Pillsbury's Point, massacre at, 143 Pine Creek, 139 Pioneers, waiting to cross Mississippi River, i ; cross Mississippi River in 1833, 14 ; logging and lumber mills, 32; locate claims in 1855, where Sioux City now stands, 35; Des Moines in 1850, 48; farm difficul- ties, 55 ; log cabins, 70, 80 ; sod houses, 81 ; planting and harvesting, 81-84; butter-making, 97, 98; travel by river and trail, 111-113; old schoolhouse, 126 Pirogues, 13 Plaster of Paris, from gypsum, 16 Plaster, wall, from gypsum, 16 Population of Iowa, i, 157, 158-161 Pork and pork products, home con- sumption and export, 68, 71 ; pack- ing, 70, 71 Potatoes, Irish, 66; sweet, 66, 67; acreage, yield, and value of crop in 1919, 151 Poultr>', 77, 78; egg output, 77; chickens, 77; egg prices, 78; geese, ducks, turkeys, 78; egg crop com- pared with California orange crop, 1 53 Power, steam, 33 ; water, 40, 41 ; elec- tric, 40, 41 Prairie du Chien, Wisconsin, 12, 30 Prairie schooner, 50, in Raccoon River and Raccoon Forks, 47 Railroads, why many in state, 4; first road to Sioux City in 1868, 35 ; first in state, 122, 123; trunk lines, 123; map, 124; mileage in 1856 and 192 1, 157; rank in mileage, 157; taxes paid by, 157 Rainfall, 53-55 ; average annual, 54 Rain gauge, how to make, 54 Red Oak, leading industries. 150 Red Rock, cliff in Marion County, 143 River basin, defined, 25 ; Mississippi, 27 River of Buffaloes, 36 Rivers, 25-41; map, 37; water supply for cities, 38, 40 ; water power, 40, 41 "Riviere des Moingona," 36 Roads, cement sometimes used for hard- surfaced, 104; poor, and what they cost, 113, 114; good, 114-121; how laid out, 115; township system, 115; township trustees, 115 ; county board of supervisors, 115, 120, 121 ; primary system, 1 15-120; state highway de- partment, 115,120; road numbers and road-number symbol, no; DLxie Highway, 119; Jefferson Highway, 119; Lincoln Highway no, 121; North Iowa Pike, no; River-to-River Road, 119; Great White Way, 120; how maintained, 120; patrol districts, 120; county system, 115, 120, 121 Rock, bed, 5, 18; scratches on, 21 Rock flour, 17, 18, 21 Sand, hardened into sandstone, 8; an- nual value of (and gravel), 156 Sandstone, how made, 8; fossils in, 8; Pictured Rocks, cliff of, 141 ; bluffs cut in Des Moines River, 143 Schools, 126-135; Brush College, first school in Iowa, 126, 129; not free until 1838, 129; lands given by 1 68 IOWA STATE GEOGRAPHY United States government, 120; con- solidated, 120, 130; one-room, 130; State University, 130, 133 ; State Col- lege of Agriculture, 130, 133; State Teachers College, 130, 133; for Blind at Vinton, 133; for Deaf at Council Bluffs, 133; vocational, 134; part- time, 134; attendance in 1Q20, 135; annual cost, 13s; supported pri- vately or by religious denominations, 135; enrollment in 1920, 157 Shale, fossils in, 8; how made, 8, 10; spoken of as slate, 10; used in mak- ing Portland cement and brick, 104 Sheep, 74, 75 ; mutton, wool, sheep- skins, 75 ; number and value in 1919, 152; types and breeds, 155 Shenandoah, leading industries, 150 Shot tower, for making bullets, 14 Shot well, 14 Skunk River, 138 Settlers, early. See Pioneers Silo, corn in, 58, 90; pictures, 60, 98 Sioux City, located in 1853, 35; monu- ment to Charles Floyd, 35; growth of, 35; first steamboat to, in 1856, 35; first railroad in 1868, 35; chief packing center of Iowa, 70; stock- yards, 70, 71 ; packing plants rank sixth in United States, 72 Sirup, corn, factories for making, 60; process, 60, 61 ; uses of, 60 Soils, Iowa, how made, 17-24; deep, rich, porous, 52; for corn, 57 Sorghum, used in molasses-making, 106 Spirit Lake, 142 Stage line, Iowa City to Muscatine, 1 13 State parks, 135-143; Board of Con- servation, 135, 136, 139; Devil's Backbone, 136; Boneyard Hollow and Woodman's Hollow, 136, 137; near Farmington and Keosauqua, 138; Lepley Park, 138; near Oak- land and Oakland Mills, 138 ; Roose- velt Park, 138; Wild Cat Den, 139 Steamboats, on Mississippi River in 1859, 31; on Missouri River, 35; on Des Moines River, 36, 38; on the Iowa and Cedar rivers, 113 Stockyards, 70-72 ; Sioux City, 70, 71 Strawberry Point, large creamery, 99 Sugar (beet), factories, 106-109; how made, 107, 108; by-products, 108 Sugar (corn), factories, 60; how made, 60, 61 ; by-products, 60, 61 Surface, how influenced, 8, 19, 21-23; well adapted to farming, 52, 53 Swine, 68-71, 153, 154; relation to corn crop, 68; Iowa first in produc- tion, 68; home consumption and ex- port, 68; bacon hogs, 69, 153, 154; lard hogs, 69, 70, 153; slaughtering and packing, 70, 71 ; skim milk fed to, 98; .number and value in 1919, 152 ; types and breeds, 153, 154 Teachers College, State, at Cedar Falls, 130, 133 Temperature, records of Iowa Weather and Crop Service, 55 ; lowest and highest on record for Iowa, 55 Tile, drain, 104, 105; plant at Mason City, 105; annual value, 156 Towboats, for steel barges, 32 Township trustees responsible for township road system, 115 Transportation, 111-125; in early days by wagons, boats, and stage, iii- 113; automobiles and good roads, 114-121; railroads, 122-125 Union, Lepley Park near, 138 University of Iowa, State, established, 130; old Capitol building, 133 Upper Iowa River, or Oneota, 141 Valleys, how made, 8; defined, 25 Vegetables, 66, 67 Vinton, State School for Blind at, 133 Water supply from rivers, 38, 40 Water power furnished by rivers, 40, 41 Waterloo, meat packing, 74; steam- boats in early days to, 113; cream separator factory, 146; leading in- dustries, 151 Waukon, iron deposit near, 15 Weather and Crop Service, record, 55 Webster City, leading industries, 151 West Okoboji Lake, 143 Wheat, acreage compared with that for other crops, 56 ; acreage in North Dakota, 57; Iowa's rank, 61; spring and winter, 61, 62 ; ground into flour, 62, 63 ; acreage, yield, and value of crop in 1919, 151 Wilson, James, ex-Secretary of Agri- culture, "Tama Jim," 94 Wilton, early railroad from, to Mus- catine, 122 Wisconsin River, 26, 141 Zinc, how deposited, 11; mining, 14 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA AT LOS ANGELES THE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY This book is DUE on the last date stamped below mt9l99i DEC 5 RtC? 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