S87o THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES GIFT OF ®ift U.C. Lrbrary 1 UnW. of CtV.Tornlu ON SCIENCE AND REVELATION. BY ^^ Pbopessob G. G. STOKES, P.R.S. BEINO THE PRESIDENTIAL ADDRESS DELIVERED AT THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE VICTORIA INSTITUTE. AUTHOR'S COPY. J ON S C I E N C H AND REVELATION BY Professor G. G.| STOKES, P.R.S. BEING THE PRESIDENTIAL ADDRESS DELIVERED AT THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE VICTORIA INSTITUTE AUTHOR'S COPY. CAJORl THE ANNUAL ADDRESS OF THE VICTOrJA INSTITUTE. BY Professor G. G. STOKES, P.R.S. ON tne present anniversary, which is the condusion of my first year of ofBce as President of this Institute, I propose to address a few words to you bearing on the object of the Institute, and on the spirit in which, as I conceive, that object is best carried out. The highest aim of physical science is, as far as may be possible, to refer observed phenomena to their proximate causes. I by no means say that this is the immediate, or even necessarily the ultimate, object of every physical investi- gation. Sometimes our object is to investigate facts, or to co-ordinate known facts, and endeavour to discover empirical laws. These are useful as far as they go, and maij ultimately lead to the formation of theories which in the end so stand the test of what I may call cross-examination by Nature, that we become impressed with the conviction of their truth. Sometimes our object is the determination of numerical constants, with a view, it may be, to the practical application of science to the wants of life. To illustrate what I am saying, allow me to refer to a very familiar example. From the earliest ages men must have observed the heavenly bodies. The great bulk of those brilliant points with which at night the sky is spangled when clouds permit of their being seen, retain the same relative positions night after night and year after year. But a few among them are seen to change their places relatively to tho rest and to one another. The fact of this change is embodied iu the very name, planet, by which these bodies are desig- X ^ 645617 2 ANNUAL ADDRESS. nated. I shall say nothing here about the establishment of the Copernicau system : I shall assume that as known and admitted. The careful observations of astronomers on the apparent places, from time to time, of these wandering bodies among the fixed stars supplied us, in the first instance, with a wide basis of isolated facts. After a vast amount of labour, Kepler at last succeeded in discovering the three famous laws which go by his name. Here, then, we have the second stage ; the vast assemblage of isolated facts are co-ordinated, and embraced in a few simple laws. As yet, however, we cannot say that the idea of causation has entered in. But now Newton arises, and shows that the very same property of matter which causes an apple to fall to the earth, which causes our own bodies to press on the earth on which we stand, suffices to account for those laws which Kepler discovered — nay, more, those laws themselves are only very approximately true ; and, when we consider the places of the planets, at times separated by a considerable interval, we are obliged to suppose that the elements of their orbits have slowly under- gone slight changes. But the simple law of universal gravita- tion, combined, of course, with the laws of motion, not only leads to Kepler's laws as a very close approximation to the actual motions, but also accounts for those shght changes which have just been mentioned as necessary to make Kepler's laws fit observation exactly. We are inevitably led to regard the attraction of gravitation as the cause which keeps the planets in their orbits. But it may be said, what is the difference in the two cases ? Is not the law of gravitation merely a simpler mode of ex- pressing the observed facts of the planetary motions just like the somewhat less simple laws of Kepler ? What right have we to introduce the idea of causation in the one case more than in the other ? The answer to this appears to be that in the one case, that of Kepler's laws, supposing them to be true, we have merely a statement of what, on that supposition, would be a fact regarding the motions of the planets, whereas in the other case the observed motions are referred to a property of matter of the operation of which in other and perfectly different phenomena we have independent evidence. I have purposely omitted to mention the important dif- ference between the two cases, which lies in the circumstance that Kepler's laws require correction to make them applicable to long intervals of time, whereas the law of gravitation shows no sign of failure ; because, even if the former had been perfectly exact, however long the interval of time to which ANNUAL ADDRESS. 3 they were applied^ I doubt if they would have carried with them the idea of causation. To take another simple illustration, let us think of the propulsion of a bullet in an air-f^^un. AVe speak of the motion of the bullet as bein^^ caused by the elasticity of the com- pressed air. And the idea of causation comes in because we refer this particular instance of motion to a property of gas, of the existence and operation of which we have evidence in perfectly independent phenomena. It is thus that in scientific investigation we endeavour to ascend from observed phenomena to their proximate causes ; but, when we have arrived at these, the question presents itself, can we in a similar manner regard these causes in turn as themselves the consequences of some cause sti'etching still further back in the chain of causation ? If the motion of the bullet in an air-gun be caused by the elasticity of the com- pressed air, can we account for the elasticity of a gas? If the retention of the planets in their orbits be due to the attraction of gravitation, can we explain how it is that two material bodies should attract one another across the inter- vening space ? Till a time well on in the present century, we could only take the elasticity of gases as a fact, and deduce the con- sequences which flow from it. But the researches of Joule and Clausius and Maxwell and Crookes and others have accumulated so much evidence in favour of the general truth of the kinetic theory of gases, that we are now disposed not to rest in the elasticity of gases as an ultimate property beyond which we cannot go, but to regard it as itself a con- sequence of the molecular constitution of bodies, and of the motions and mutual collisions of the ultimate molecules of a gas. Respecting the attraction of gravitation we have not at present made a similar advance. Speculations, indeed, have not been wanting on the part of those who have endeavoured to account for it. But none of these so tits into the known phenomena of Nature as to carry with it a conviction of its truth. Yet there is one indication that though we cannot at present explain the cause of gravitation, yet it maij be explicable b}^ what are called second causes. The mass of a body is measured by its inertia ; and, though we commonly think of a body of large mass as being heavy, and though we compare the masses of two bodies most easily and accu- rately through the intervention of weight, yet the idea of mass may be acquired, and means might easily be suggested by which the ratio of the masses of two bodies might be experimentally determined, without having recourse to gravi- 4 ANNUAL ADDRESS. tation at ali. Now, according to tlie law of gravitation, t1i& force with which a given body attracts another at a given distance is strictly proportional to the mass of the latter. If we suppose the attracting body to bo the earth, and tho attracted bodies to be in one case a brass weight, and in the other a piece of marble, it follows that if they make equi- librium when placed in the pans of a true balance — I make abstraction of the effect of the buoyancy of the air — their masses are strictly equal, and, accordingly, that weight is a true measure of mass. But there is no reason a 'priori, so far as with our present knowledge we can sco, why this should be so. We know that if tho bodies in the scale-pans were formed, one of brass and the other of iron, and there were a magnet concealed under the table on which tho operator placed his balance, the masses would not be equal when there was equilibrium. But that the law is true, and that, accord- ingly, weight is a true measure of mass, follows with the highest probability from the third of Kepler's laws, and was proved experimentally by Newton, by experiments with pendulums. Newton's experiment has since been repeated by Bessel, with all the refinements of modern appliances, with the result that so far as the most exact experiments enable us to decide the law is strictly true. This is perhaps the only instance, as Sir AViiliam Thomson remarked to me in conversation, in which there is an exact agreement between two quantities, and yet we are unable to give any reason why they should agree. That such is tbe case, holds out some prospect of scientific men being able some day to explain gravitation itself — that is, to explain it as the result of some still higher law. Such is the nature of our progress in scientific investiga- tion. We collect facts; we endeavour to co-ordinate them and ascertain the laws which bind them together ; we endea- vour to refer tliese law^.i to their proximate causes, and to proceed step by step upwards in the chain of causation. Presently we arrive at a stage at which, even after long trial, we do not see our way to going further. Yet we are not able to demonstrate that further progress in the same direction, that is along the chain of secondary causation, is impossible. Science conducts us to a void v^hich she cannot fill. It is on other grounds that we are led to believe in a Being who is the Author of Nature. A conclusion so important to mankind in general is not left to be established as the result of investigations which few have the leisure and ability to carry out. Doubtless, where it is accepted, tho study of ANNUAL ADDRESS. 5 science enlarges our ideas respecting the greatness of tliat Being, and tends to keep in check notions of too anthro- pomorphic a character which we might form concerning Hira. ytill, the sul)jcct-matter of scientilic study is not, at least directly, thcistic, and tjicro have not been wanting a few instances of eminent scientists who not mei-ely rejected Chris- tianity, but apparently did not even believe in the being of a God. The religious man, on the other hand, who knows little or nothing of science, is in the habit of contemplating the order of Nature not merely as the work of God, but in very great measure as his direct work. Of course, the concerns of every- day life present innumerable instances of the sequence of cause and eflect; and few are now so ignorant of the very elements of science as not to allow that the sequence of day and night, of summer and winter, is proximately due to the rotation of the earth about its axis, and the oblique position of that axis with reference to the plane of the earth's orbit. But when we get beyond the region of what is familiarly known, still more, when we get outside the limits of well-ascertained scientific conclusions, and enter a region which is still debatable ground, where men of science are attempting to push forwards, and are framing hypotheses with a view to the ultimate establishment of a theory in case those hypotheses should stand the test of thorough examination ; when, I say, we get into this region, a man such as I have supposed may feel as if the scientists who were attempting to explore it were treading on holy ground ; he may mentally charge them with irreverence ; perhaps he may openly speak of them in a manner which implies that he attributes to them an intention to oppose revealed religion. To take a particular example. I can imagine that a man such as I have supposed may have always been in the habit of regarding each one of the thousands and tens of thousands of species into which naturalists have divided the animal and vegetable kingdoms as having originated in an independent creative act; that the supposition may have become entwined among his religious beliefs. Such a man would be appre- hensive of any attempt to introduce second causes in explana- tion of the observed fact of the great multiplicity of species. Akin to the feeling which I have attempted to describe is another, against which we must be on our guard. Tho religious man is strongly impressed with the truth of certain things which lie outside the discoveries of reason or the inves- tigations of science, and which bear on the whole conduct of his life here, and on his hopes regarding a life hereafter. He 6 ANNUAL ADDRESS. believes these truths to be divine, andj accordingly, that no leu'itimato deduction of humau reason is liable to come in conflict with them. But the precise mode in which a convic- tion of the truth of these things was arrived at depends, to a considerable extent, on each man's idiosyncracy. His natural bent of mind, his early training, his later associations, have all a good deal to do with it. Divine truth is one thing; our own apprehension of it, and the steps by which in our own minds it has been arrived at, are another. These are liable to human imperfection, and we may not attribute to them the infallibility which belongs to that which is divine. AYe are not to confound the scatiolding with the building ; nor, if we are anxious for the safety of the edifice, need we therefore fear that, if the scaffolding were tampered with, the whole might come tumbling down, nor should we regard as a dynamiter a fellow-workman who would remove a pole or two. That truth must be self-consistent, come from where it may, is an axiom which nobody would dispute; the only question can be. What is truth ? Now, there are truths which we know by intuition, such as the axioms of mathematics ; and there are others, again, which, though we do not perceive them by intuition, yet demonstrably follow from what we do so perceive ; such, for example, are the propositions of mathe- matics. Then there are other conclusions which we accept as the result of the application of our reason to a study of Nature. Here the evidence is not demonstrative, and the conclusion may have all degrees of support, from such overwhelming evidence as that on which we accept universal gravitation, to what hardly raises the conclusion above the rank of a con- jecture. On the other hand, there are conclusions which we accept on totally different grounds, namely, because we think that they have been revealed. Why we accept a revelation at all, is a very wide question which I cannot here enter into. That wo do accept it is implied in the membership of this Institute. But, granting the acceptance of revelation, the question remains, What and how much is involved in revela- tion ? That is a question respecting which there are differ- ences of opinion among those who frankly accept a revelation, and with it the supernatural. Now, the primary object of the establishment of the Victoria Institute was to examine questions as to which there was a prima facie appearance of conflict between the conclusions of science and the teachings of revelation. In order that such examination maybe usefully carriedout,it mustbeundertakeniu athoroughly impartial spirit^ with a readiness honestly to follow truth AJJNUAL ADDRESS. 7 wherever it may lead. It will not do to assume that the immunity from error which belongs to the divine belongs also to our apprehension of what constitutes the divine, and that therefore, if a conflict there be, the error must be on the side of science. It is true, that many statements which are really little more than scientific conjectures are represented, at least by those who take their science at second or third hand, as if they were the well-established conclusions of science. But it is true also that the progress of science has corrected the assertions of a crude theology. We are disposed nowadays to smile at the idea of any opposition between the Copernican svstem and the teaching of revelation ; but we need not aro back to the days of the persecution of Galileo to find an example of a well-supported scientific conclusion having met with a similar opposition, issuing in a similar result. To gauge thoroughly the amount of evidence on which an asserted scientific conclusion rests, one ought to be well ac- quainted with the branch of science to which it relates. Still one can get a fair general notion of the evidence by an amount of reading which is by no means prohibitive, or by conversing with those Avho have made that branch a special study. It may be that the impression thus left on the mind will be that the votaries of science, carried away by an excess of zeal in the attempt to discover the causes of natural phenomena, have really, though honestly, overestimated the evidence. It may be, on the other hand, that the inquirer will perceive the evidence to be weighty and substantial, in which case it behoves him to reconsider the supposition with which he started, that the conclusion was opposed to the teaching of revelation. One should always bear in mind the great responsibility one incurs, and the mischief one may do, by representing as bound up with revelation that which really forms no part of it. Being by hypothesis no part of it, but only erroneously tacked on to it, it may be false, and being false, it may bo in opposition to a conclusion supported by the weightiest evi- dence, it matters not of what kind, but say scientific. What then, will be the eff"ect of the error committed by the upholder of revelation ? The educated man of science may sec through the fallacy ; but will it not put a weapon into the hands of the infidel lecturer wherewith to attack revealed religion ? But whether we can agree or cannot agree with the conclusions at which the scientific investigator may have arrived, let us, above all thrngs, beware of imputing evil motives to him ; of charging him with adopting his conclusions for the purpose of opposing what is revealed. Scientific investigation is 8 ANmTAL ADDRESS, eminently truthful. The investigator may be wrong", but it does not follow tliat he is other than truth-loving. If on some subjects which we deem of the highest importance he does not agree with us — and yet it may be he agrees with us more than we suppose — let us, remembcriug our own imperfections, both of understanding and of practice, bear in mind that caution of the Apostle : ''Who art tliou that judgest another man's servant? To his own master he staudcth or falleth." NOTE. The followins; remarks by Professor 0. fl. Stokes, P.R.8., were delivered by him oq another occasion, and their insertion here seems not inappropriate : — " We all admit that the book of Nature and the book of Revelation come alike from God, ;uid that consequently there can be no real discrepancy betAveen the two if rightly interpreted. The provinces of Science and of Revelation are, for the most part, so dis- tinct that there is little chance of collisicm. But if an apparent discrepancy should arise, we have no right, on principle, to exclude either in favour of the other. For however hrmly convinced we may be of the truth of revelation, we must admit our liability to err as to the extent or interpretation of what is revealed ; and, liowever strong the scientitic evidence in fa\ourof a theory may l)e, we must remember that we are dealing with evidence which, in its natui-e, is prol)al)le only, and it is conceivable that wider scientitic knowledge might lead us to alter our opinion. AVe should be ready to hear the whole of the evidence, and Judge lionestly from the whole. We should admit the principle of hearing both sides ; not that we should each make the examination, for compai'atively ft'W would be competent to do so •' It is impossible for the bulk of our population, whose lives are spent in earning their daily bread, to weigli the evidence of what are stated to be the conclusions of science. They take them on trust, if they attend to them at all ; and if scientitic conjectures are represented to them as the conclusions of science, they are pre- disposed to accept them as such from the general knowledge they possess of the great things that science has done. It is quite possible that a stumbling-block may thus be placed in the way of religious belief ; for though our fundamental idea of the unity of truth involves, as an axiom, tlie absence of antaszonism between real science and revelation, we have no such guarantee respecting scientific conjecture. ''As the dangers referred to arise fi-om a separation of Science from Revelation, and a determination to ignore one of these two modes of arriving at truth wliich are open t j man, it follows that they are best guarded against by a hearty recognition of both, as coming, in ditlerent ways, from the Author of cur being."' 11 APPENDIX i. EXTRACT FRO.M THE PREFACE OF VOLUME XVIII. ('• Journal of Transactions" of the Victoria Institute.) "The title of Professor (i. G. Storks', F.11.8., paper 'On thf Absence of Real Opposition between fcscience unci Revelation ' (con- tained in this volume), is in itself a protest against that thoughtless cry to which so many outside the Institute are found to give utterance : the paper coming as it does from one who ranks hecond to none in the scientific world, demands special notice; it has been supplemented by remarks and contributions fi'om Sir J. Risdon Bennett, F.R.S. ; Professor Lionel S. Beale, M.D., F R.S. ; Sir J. W. Dawson, LL.D., K.C.M.O., F.R.S. ; Sir Joseph Fayrer, M.D., K.C.S.I., F.R.S. ; and others. To these authors and to others Avho have taken part in the discussion of the subjects treated last session, the best thanks of the Members and Associates are due. They have sought to carry on their investigations strictly on the lines of the Institute ; searching for the actual philosophical or scientific truth on all questions ; and where any question bearing on Holy Scripture, and which had been turned against it, has been examined, impartial impiry has been of signal service in elucidating ti.e truth on the subjects treated."* '' The mention of this subject induces a reference to a statement which has often been made of late by the opponents of all religious teaching, namely, that the progress of Science has given a death- blow to all belief in the truth of the Bible, and that men of Science no longer regard that book or the religious belief it inculcates. So strange a statement might not be worthy of notice, but that ic has been credited even by some charged with the regulation of education both at home and in our Colonies. Such a fact is an additional rea.son for the earnest etibrts of every Member for the advancement and extension of the influence of this Institute, for surely only ignoianc(' of the true results of scientific inquiry can tend to make belief in such a statement possible.'"' * "That this is the true way of reconciling apparent dis- crepancies between Christianity and Science was urged by the Institute's leading founder, in a Panqhlct, on ' The True Character of the Institute,' in which he says : — "'I would beg leave to adopt the prudent language employed by Canon Tristram, F.R.S., before the British Association at Bath, in 186-i, when reading his valuable paper ' On the Deposits in the Basin of the Dead Sea.' • He said he had a dread of attempting to corroborate t^criptare by natural or physical arguments which niMy be refuted : lor the object' r is apt to think that, when he has refuted the weak argument, he has refuted the Scriptural statement.' "' 12 APPENDIX ir. FROM THE ANNUAL ADDRESS By (the lute) E. MAIN, MA., F.R.S., F.R.A.S. (Radcliffe Observer.) "■ Let me ofter my congratulations to the Hociety on its present position and prdspects, and on the increasing consideration and respect with "which its operations are regarded by men capable of judging. It has attracted to itself representatives in the various departments of science, well capable of defending the faith from the attacks of scientific scepticism, and standing so hii^h in their several departments of science or litei'ature, tha.t their opinif)ns must bo received with attention and respect. No one also could, I conceive, deny that the philosophical character of the Society has been most severely maintained in all its papei's and discussions, and that every theory opposed to the Ijelief of the ordinary Christian philosopher has been treated with the most scrupulous fnirness and respect. Personalities have been altogether avoided, and an example has been set of the proper way cf conducting such controversies, which will, we may presume, have considerable influence for the avoiding of bitterness and unfairness for the future." OBJECT PAPER. Ck ^uiaxh Institute, or ybilosopfjual ^ocictn of 6rcat grihrn, 8, ADELPHI TERRACE, STRAND, LONDON, W.C. Correspondence (including communications from intending Members or Associates, &c.) to be addressed only to " The Secretary." THE PRIMARY OBJECTS. 'T^HIS SOCIETY lias been foiuided for the purpose of promoting the I following Objects, which will be admitted by all to be of high i importance both to Religion and Science : — First. — To investigate fully and impartially the most imjwrtant questions of Philosophy and Science, but more especially those that bear upon the great truths revealed in Holy Scripture. Second. — To associate Men of Science and Authors* who have already been engaged in such investigations, and all others who may be interested in them, in order to strengthen their efforts by association ; and by bringing together the results of such labours, after full discussion, in the printed Transactions of an Institution, to give greater force and influence to proofs and arguments which might be little known, or even disregarded, if put forward merely by ir.dividuals. Tliird.— To consider the mutual bearings of the various scientific conclusions arrived at in the several distinct branches into which Science is now divided, in order to get rid of contradictions and conflicting liypotheses, and thus promote the real advancement of true Science ; and to examine and discuss all supjjosed scientific results with reference to final causes, and the more com])rehensive and fundamental principles of Philosojihy proj^er, based upon faith in the existence of one Eternal God, Who in His wisdom created all things very good. Sj)ecial advantages are secured to Country and Colonial Members and Associates in the Journal of Transactions. THE JOURNAL OF TRAMSACTIONS Contains the Papers read at the Meetings and the Discussions thereon. Before these are published in the Journal, both are finally submitted to their Authors for any revision, and MS. comments and supplementary remarks are added, which have been sent in by such British, American, and other Members to whom, as being specially qualified to contribute information upon the respective subjects, proof copies of the Papers had been submitted for consideration — the authors of Papers adding- their final comments. These arrangements, which are found to add greatly to the value of the Journal, are carried out with a view to securing the special usefulness of the Journal to all, whether home or Non-resident Members or Associates ; these thus find in the Journal much valuable matter, and often much (contributed by men of learning in all parts of the world) in addition to that which had come before those actually present at the Meetings. (The Journal is sent post-free.) » The Society now consists of 1,200 Subscribers (about one-third of whom ara Foreign Members); including Literary and Scientilic Men and others favourable to the Objects. (.The present average annual increase is upwards of a h\xndred.> THE %nCTORIA IXSTITVTR. Fveddent. Sir George Gabriel Stokes, Bart., D.C L., M.P., Past President of Roy. Soc. Vice-Presidents. The Riglit Hon. The Lord High Chancellor. Sir H. Barkly. K.C.B., G.C.M.G., F.K.S. Sir J. RiSDOx Bennett, M.D.. F.R.S. Sir Joseph Fayrer, K.C.S.I., M.D., F.R.S. W. Forsyth, Esq., Q.C., LL.D. Rev. Preb. R. Thornton, D.D. A. McArthur. Esq., M.P. The Council (24 Members). — Professor Allevne-Nicholson, F.R.S.E. ; Revs. W. Arthur and Dr. Angus ; The Bishop of Wakefield ; J. Bateman, Esq., F.R.S. ; Sir John Coode, K.C.S.I. ; Captain Creak, F.R.S.; His Excellency K. H. Gunning, F.R.S. E., F.R.C.S.E.; Surg.-Gen. Gordon, C.B. ; Dr. F. B. Ha« kins, F.R.S. ; D. Howard, Esq., V. Pres. Soc. Cheni. Ind. ; Professor E. Hull, F.R.S., &c., &e. Trustees.— D. Howard, E.sq. ; Rev. Dr. Wage; W. N. West, Esq. Hon. Auditors. — J. E. Wakefield, Esq. ; J. Allen, E.sq. Honorary Treasurer. — William Nowell West, Esq., F.R. Hist. Soc, &c. Hon. Sec. and Editor of Journal. — Captain Francis W. H. Petrie, F.G.S., &c. Corresponding Mem hers. Professor L. Pasteur, F.R.S. M. E. Naville. I Prof. Maspeeo. H. M. Stanley, Esq. Sir J. W. Dawson, K.C.M.G., F.R.S. H. Rassam, Esq. I Prof. A. H. SayCE. Count D'Hulst. MEMBERSHIP AND SUBSCRIPTIONS. Intending Members and Associates are requested to addiess "The Secretary." The Annual Subscription for Members is Two Guineas, with One Guinea Entrance Fee (See privileges). The Annual Sub.scription for Associates is One Guinea, without Entrance Fee. {Both receive the Journal post free). In lieu of Annual Subscription, the payment of Twenty Guineas (without Entrance Fee) will constitute a Life Member, or Ten Guineas a Life Associate. The payment of a Donation of not less than Sixty Guineas qualities for the office of Vice-Patron, with all the privileges of a Life Member or Life Associate. [It is to be understood, that only such as are ^professedly Christians are entitled to become Me^nihers.^ *^* Sub.scriptions are payable lo the "Victoria Institute's" credit at "Barclay's Bank," ], Pall Mall East, S.W., or may be remitted to the Secretary, at the Office. Cheques or Post Offi.ce Orders (on General Post Office) should be made payable to " Victoria Institute or order," and ci'ossed " Barclay & Co." PRIVI LEGES. Members — on election, are presented with the last published Volume of the Journal of the Transactions, and are entitled to a Copy of the Journal — either in the Quarterly Parts, or in the Annual (bound) Volume — for the years during which they may subscribe, and to a copy of any other documents or books which may be published under the auspices of the Society ; and, on application, to a copy of each of the twelve papers published in the " People's Edition." Also to the use of the Library (Books can be sent to the country), Reading and Writing Room, and to have any correspondence received and forwarded ; to introduce two Visitors at each Meeting, and, if they desire, to receive early proofs of any papers about to be read, in order that they may be the better able to place their opinions thereon before the Members (when unable to attend, they can do this in writing). The Council are chosen from among the Members, who alone are eligible to vote by ballot in determining any question at a General Meeting. Members are further privileged to obtain any of the One Guinea Volumes of the Transactions issued ]jrior to their joiniru/ the Institute at half-price (half-a-guinea each), or any Quarterly Parts for past years at half- a-crown each. Members receiving the current year's Quarterly Journals can have them uniformly bound in cloth gilt at the year's end, free of cost. The Library, Reading and Writing Rooms are open, for the use of the Members, from ten till five (Saturdays till two). The Institute exchanges Transactions with the Royal Society and many other leading English and Foreign Scientific bodies, whose Transactions are therefore added to the Library. Associates — are entitled, to the Journal, in Quarterly Parts or in the Annual Volume, for the years during which they may subscribe ; to obtain the Journal for PAST ye,^r^ or copies of the 12 papers in the People's Edition at lialf price; and to introduce one Visitor at each Meeting. Members a^nd Associates have the right to be present at all Meetings of the Society. The Meetings, of which due notice is given, are held at Adelphi Tenace, at Eight o'clock on the evenings of the First and Third Mondays of the Winter, Spring and Summer Months. ^ C c •y. < ►, r^ \ rt 2 ^ H ^ ^, — C 1 £5 V "i »— t w oi H S in ^ ^ pq i- i^ O H C < ^ o ii O 1 1 O E o (/I H 5 ,^ ^ > o S U "^ Q u in W ^ ^ ^ > OJ K > '^ CO ^ V. W ^ . J L J "^-v— ' '-> -t" O H U o < 2i ^ B o o c 1— 1 1 § o a; o i) (J 1 ^ .-^ in *-• o o ^ O 5 ^ ^ -S "5 I-" ^^ H-< •S 5 •§ t C' - 5 IT. o o < t 1 O a" c o H C S o H 0) 1— t c2 e:; ^ ::^ ^ T'.t. 80. JOURNAL OF TRANSACTIONS. VOL. XX. Special Address by tlie Institute's President, Sir G. G. Stokes, F.art., M.A., D.CL., Presideal of the Koyal Soeiet}-. Egypt: Pliysieal, Historical, Literary, and Social. P>y J. Leslie Porter, P. P., D.CL. (the late). Iveinarks by the Karl of Pelmohe, Eight IIou. A. S. AyhtoN (the late) ie. On the Theory of Natural Selection aud the Theory of Design. P.y Professor Dixs, D.D., F.K.S.E. Keniarks by Eight Hon. Lord Grimthorpe, &c. On Agnosticism. l?y J. Hassell, Esq. On the Stnicture of the (lorilla. By E. Charlesworth, Esq., F.G.S. ; with illustration. Notes on the Antiquity of Man. By the Editor. The Chronology of Animal Life on the Earth prior to the Advent of Man. By Sii- J. William Dawson, K. CM. G., F.E.S., President of the British Association. Historical Eviileuces of the Migration of Abram. By W. St. C. Boscawen, F.E. Hist. Soc, with drawings. Notes by Professor Sayce, E. A. W. Budge, Esq., &c. A C -''loan Tradition of Creation. Eev. T. Powell, F.L.S. (the late) ; Notes on the Islands. The Fundamental! Assumptions of Agnosticism. By Eev. H. J. Clarke. On Miracles. By E.'v. II. C. M. Watsox. Keraarlcs bv Lord Grimthoiu'E, &c. Ou Accounts of tlir i r( iiti.ii. I'.v W. P. James, Esq., F.L.S. (the late). On Final Cause. Bv Pr..i,-.v>..i- li. L. Dahney, D.D., liL.D. On Structure and Structureless. By Prof. Lionel S. Heale, ^LB.. F.R.S. On the Meteorology of Syria and Palestine. By I'rofessor G. E. I'osT, F. L.S. (with chart). Eemarks by Sir Joseph Fayrer, K.CS.L.'F.E.S., A-c. On the Geographical Names on tlie List of Thothmes HI. Bv Professor G. Maspbro (with map). Eemarks by SirCHARLES Wilson, K.t^B., K.C.M.G., F.E.S., MajorC E. CoNDER, E.E., Dr. WRKiHT, i*tc. Note on Excavation of Sphiux. By Prof. Maspero. VOL. XXI.-1887-88. Eesults of an E.xpedition to Arabia Petriea and I'alestine (with chart). By Professor E. HuIl, F.E.S. , Director of the Geological Survev of Ireland. Jewish, Phoiuiciau, aud Early Greek Art By Rev."j. Leslie Porter, D.CL (the late). 82. Tlie Discoveries at Sidon. Tbe Empire of the Hittites. By Rev. W. Wright, D.D. Note on the Hittites. Canaan, Ancient and Modern. By Professor Tristiiam, F.R.S. On Caves. By Professor T. McK. Hughes, F.K.S. (Cambridge), with comments by Sir J. W. Da-\vson, K.C.M.G., F.R.S. . Sir Waringtox W. Smyth, F.R.S., and others. Oriental Entomology. By Rev. F. A. Walker, D.D., F.L.S. ]Sotes by S. T. Klein, Esq., F.L.S., and others. Petra. By Professor E. Hull, F.R.S. (with chart). So. On Krishna. By Rev. R. Collins, M. A. Notes by Sii-M. Moxier-Williams, K.C.I. E. Professors Max Muller, E. B. Cowell, Douglas, de Lacouperie, Dk. Leitxer, and Dr. Edersheim (the late). The Pedigree of the Coral Reefs of England. By S. R. Pattison, F.G.S. Remarks by Sir G. G. Stokes, Bart., P.R.S. Practical Optimism. By the Most Rev. Bishop Saumarez Smith, D.D. Xi. Traditions of the Aborigines of North America. By Rev. S. D. Peet (with illustration^ On the Beauty of Nature. By Lord Gkimthorpe, with paper bv Rev. W. Arthur, M. Evolution. By Rev. H. J. Clarke, M. A. Remarks by Sir J. W. Dawson, K.C.M.G.,F.R. Appendices: The .Jewish Nation and Diseases. Egyptian Discoveries in 1888. (Libraij List, &c.) The Sacred Books of the East. By Sir M. Monier- Williams, K.C.LE.; VOL. XXII.— 1888 89. Ho. Annual Address by the President, Sir G. G. Stokks, Bart., M.P., President of the Royl Society. Speeches by Sir H. Barkly, K.C.B., F.R.S., Sir Risdon Bennett, F.R.S| Sir F. L. McClintock, F.R.S., Mr. H. Rassam, &c. Note by tlie President on the one Origin of the Books of Revelation, and of Nature. On Time and Space. By the Rev. W. Arthur. HH. On the Names on the List of Thothmes III. at Karnac, their Geographical, Ethnographica and Biblical Relations. By G. Maspero, with comnumiiations from Sir C. WilsoJ K C.B., F.R.S., Professor A. 11. Say'CE, Rev. Canon Liddon, Mr. Le Page Renou] Rev. Dr. Edersheim, Major C. R. Conder, Rev. H. G. Tomkins. Map bj' the AuthoJ On the Theory of Natural Selection and the Theory of Design. By Professor Duns, D.dJ with remarks by Lord Grimthorpe, the Most Rev. the Bishop of Sydney, and other^ and a note by Mr. T. Francis Rivers, F.L.S. On the late Professor Asa Gray. By the Editor. Note on the importance of Babylonian Excavations. By the Editor. On Human Foot-prints in Nicaragua. By Dr. D. Q. Brinton. 87. The Aborigines of Australia, their Ethnic Position and Relations, by J. Eraser, LL. D.J F.R.S. (N.S.W.), with remarks by many travellers, also opinion of Prof. Max. MullekI Oriental Entomology. By Rev. F. A. Walker, D.D.. F.L.S., remarks by several entomologists, including a note by Mr. E. B. Poulton, F.R.S., on Mimicrj-. 88. A Physical Theory of Moral Freedom. By Josej'h .John Murphy; remarks by Sir J | Fayrer, K.C.S.I., F.R.S., the Hon. J. M. Gregory, LL.D., of Washington. &c. The Botanical Geography of Syria and Palestine. By Professor G. E. Post, D.D., M.D., with notes by Eastern Travellers. On Flint Arrow Heads of delicate structure. By the Rt. Hon. Sir C. Murray, K.C.B. also a note on Cave Deposits. VOL. XXIII.- 18S9-90. 89. Annual Address by Sir M. Monier- Williams, K.C.I.E., D.C.L., LL.D., Ph.D., Boden| Professor of Sanscrit in Oxford University. Speeches by the Bishop of Dunedin, Sir H. Barkly, K.C.B., G.C.M.G., Sii- Risdon Bennett, F.R.S., late Mr. H. W. 1 Bristow, F.R.S., &c. On a few of the Contrasts between the Essential Doctrines of Buddhism and of | Christianity. By Sir M. Monier-Williams, K.C.I.E., &c., &c. (Joral Islands and Savage Myths. By H. B. Guppy, Esq., M.B. Discussion, &c., by Sir G. G. Stokes, I'.art., M.P., P.R.S., Captain W. J. L. Wharton, R.N., F.R.S., the Hydrographer to the Admiralty, Mr. W. H. Hudleston, F.R.S., Professor James Gexkie, F.R.S., Mr. John Murray, of the Chalknger Expedition, &c. On the Keeling Atoll, iiy Dr. Guppy'. 90. Colours in Nature. By Rev. F. A. Walker, D.D., F.L.S. On the Sciences of Language and of Ethnography. By Dr. Leitner, Ph.D., LL.D., D.O.L. Modern Science and Natural Religion. By Jtev. C. Godfrey Ashwin, M.A. Note on Science and Religion. By (Japtain P. I'etrie, F.G.S. The Historical Results ot the Excavations at Bubastis. By E. Navelle, Ph.D. Remarks by Sir C. Newton, K.C.B., Dr. Reginald Stuart Poole, &c. 9L Notes on the Ethnology and Ancient Chronology of China. By Surgeon-General Gordon, M.D., C.B. Remarks by Dr. Legge, Prof. Chinese, Oxford Univ. Dr. Beai, Prof. Chinese, London Univ., &c. On Cuts on Bone as evidence of Man's Existence in remote ages. By Prof. T. McK. Hughes, F.R.S. Itemarks by Prof. Rupert Jones, F.R.S., Prof. A. S. Woodward, F.G.S., Rev. J. M. Mello, M.A., F.G.S., &c. The Jiutterflies and Moths of Africa. By W. F. Kirby, F.E.S. 92. The Factors of Evolution in Language. By Mr. J.J. Mukphy. Remai-ks by Professor Max Muller. The Meaning and History of the Logos of Philosophy. By Rev. H. J. Clarke. The Dawn of Metallurgy. By Rev. J. Magens Mello, M.A., F.G.S. Remarks by] Professor Sayce, Major Conder, Mr. J. Allen Brown, F.G.S., and others. THE VICTORIA INSTITUTE. Founded 18fi5. ITS OBJECT. The Institute was founded to iiivestij^ate. fully and impartially, the most important questions of Philosophy and Science. In cases where any such questions have borne on the great truths of Ilevelation, and been used ag-ainst them by those who have assumed opposition to exist between Science and Revelation, full and impartial investigation by those competent to undertake it, has been found of the utmost value, as it has tended to prove that there was an absence of such opi)Ositiou: — it should be added that the Institute has not aimed at corroborating Scripture \)y natural or physical arguments, which might be refuted (as the objector is apt to think that when lie has refuted the weak argument he has refuted the Scripture statement). With a view to carrying out its objects effectually, the Institute has sought to associate the most eminent men of Science and authors resident in all parts of the world, and to combine their efforts in the work, and it has the advantage of having for its President one who has long been the President of the Royal Society. Papers are l)repared and considered by its Members, and other men of Science wlu) may not be Members are also invited to co-operate in so doing,' and the results are published in its "'Journal of Transactions." By careful organisation the Institute is able to afford to country and foreign Members facilities for expressing their opinions upon the papers brought before the Institute, pii(jr to their publication, and also to make the existence of the Institute as useful as })Ossible to all its Members, whether home or foreign. The Institute has a Library of Reference, and the books are lent out. Members desiring to lecture in their neiglibourhoods, on subjects connected with philosophical or scientific questions, especially such as the Institute's main object refers to, are sup[»lied with uiformatiou and the names of the standard works upon the subjects. On some Special Uses made of the Institute by its Jfembers The Victoria Institute has been found to meet a need felt both at home and abroad, especially in our Colonies and India, where the want of a true appreciation of the actual results of scientific incpiiry has led many, ('specially the less informed, to THE VICTORIA INSTITUTE. credit sucli statements as that " Science and Philosophy were ahke opposed to Revelation," and that " the progress of Science has given a death-blow to all belief in the truth of the Bible." (As one result of this, the JBible is a forbidden book in many a Board School at home and in our Colonies). Under the Victoria Institute's present organisation, its Members, both at home and in other parts of the world, find themselves now able to make use of the results of the Institute's investigations to dispel such erroneous ideas. The thought of so utilising the Institute originated with its country and Colonial Members : and those desiring to do so have used the papers in the Journal as lectures, or to lecture fi'om, in their respective localities, or have corresponded with the Institute as to the preparation of such lectures — have reprinted portions of the Journal in foreig'n and Colonial joiirnals — have published translations of its papers (in many countries) — and have got Local Associations and Public Librai'ies to subscribe for the Journal. The Institute consists at present of 800 home and 500 foreign and colonial Members and associates, being meu of science, authors, and others, who have desired to support it. Further information will be found in the Institute's "Objects Paper." Address of the Institute — 8, Adelphi Terrace, NEAR Charing Cross, London. SPECIAL AND PRIVATE. Summary to July, 1891. The adv.ince of the Institute is inaintained both at home and abroad. The steady and cordial suppoit which both MeraberH and Associates have .accorded, and the personal inter(;st they have taken in tlie Institute's welfare, have given strength and solidity to its work; while the remarkably few retirements, and the several cases of old Members desiring to rejoin, are very gratifying, and prove how fully all realise the desirability of making use of the present opportunities of advancing a Society the value of whose aims is increasingly recognised by all thoughtful men. As regards the Institute's Philosoi»hical and Scientific Investiga- tions the Council are nmcli gratilied to be able to rep'.rt that the number of leading men of Science who are either joining the Institute, or kindl}' aiding its work by taking part in the pro- ceedings, b}' writing Papers, or aiding in their discussion, is constantly increasing, thus giving increased value to the transactions. Among the subjects taken up of late : — Lord Grimthorpe gave a paper ou "Human Eespousibility." At the 1891 Annual Meeting, Dr. E. Naville, the discoverer of Pithom and Bubastis, gave an Address, in whicli he described his Researches, referring to the position of certain Biblical sites hitherto undiscovered, especially some throwing further light upon the route of the Exodus, and in the searcli for which he had been most successful. M. Naville's paper came third in order of a series of three papers of the highest value, the first being one by Professor E. Hull, LL.D., F.R.S., "Ou the Geological History of Egypt," from the time when almost the whole of the northern part of Africa, including Egypt and the Isthmus of Suez, were the bed of the sea, until the time when the land had attained its present conformation, illustrating his subject by referring to his own explorations. Professor T. Eupert Jones, F.R.S., and others added to the value of this paper. [Professor Hull also gave a paper on " God in Nature."] Sir J. William Dawson, LL.D., F.R.S. , gave a paper carrying Professor Hull's investigation into historical times, describing the minerals and metals existing, and the use they had been put to, the light they threw on the intercourse of iiations in ancient times, &c. A large number of geologists took part in the discussion on this paper. Dr. Guppy gave a pajier "On the Dispersal of Plants," being an investigation into the laws under which vegetation has spread on the earth. Mr. Murray, of the Challenger expeilition, and other explorers, complimented Dr. Guppy on the value of his researches, the results of which up to July, 1891, are i-eported in the Journal. Professor Legge, Professor of Chinese at Oxford, and Sir Monier Williams, K.C.I.E., gave papers of very special importance. Surgeon-General C. A. Gordon, C.B., gave a paper "On the Ancient Records and Philosophies of India." The Rev. J. Neil gave a paper " On some Ajicient Eastern Laws," in considering which the Lord Chancellor (Vice-President) took j)art. Papers on "The Latest Assyrian Discoveries," "Agnosticism," "Deontology," "The Apparent Cruelty of Nature," and others, were also considered. A translation of Professor Virchow's remarkable address referring to Man's Place in Nature, has been added to Vol. XXIV. The foreg-oing- indicates some of the work of investigation during" the year, work which has been so helpful in causing the recession of controversy' between Science and Revelation. The system under which j^apers are read, and the discussions and comments thereon published, now enables Members in the most distant i)arts of the wor^d to contribute papers, and to take part in the discussions, and it is the constant earnest aim of the Council, con- si