.^■UNIVEM/A ^TJMNYSO^ ^AOSANCElfj> ^UIBRARY^ ^UIBRA 5 \0: ^wmm* JJUj; so ^MAINfHtf^ I m .^OF-CAll ^ahvmih^ ^ahvm ^EUNIVER% 'ftuDNVSOl^ ^vlOSANI "%3AIN ,0FCAl ^OFCAl ,\W(JNI\TOa >■• ?3 v^lOS-ANI "%3MN IK\V v* /*\ •# ,^[UNIVER% <\\ \ l\V UlY, I fOI mi 1 Misunderstood Children SKETCHES TAKEN FROM LIFE BY ELIZABETH HARRISON AUTHOR OF "A STUDY OF CHILD-NATURE," "TWO CHILDREN OF THE FOOTHILLS," "SOME SILENT TEACHERS," "IN STORYLAND," ETC. "There are doubtless many ivays in which men may make a new heaven and a neiv earth of their divelling place, but the simplest of all ways is through a fond, discerning and individual care of each child." FOURTH EDITION PUBLISHED BY THE NATIONAL KINDERGARTEN COLLEGE, Chicago. copyright, 1910 By Elizabeth Harrison. All Rights Reserved. BECKTOLD PRINTING & BOOK MFG. CO. ST. LOUIS. MO. Hz_ 4 ^jAt* AooA ti aeaieatea to K^/iae man/i A/ewed momerd- wAio, /AoaaA itut/cnfo in ma " *sfflot/ier4-c/a44ei, " Aave taaaAt me fa? 1 mow lAian Jr coata teacAi tAiem. ^JAec/* eapneitneji, tAter/*- wiic ana Atwma /lattence, {/{,€(/<■ conzecrauon to iAcf/<- Af'aAi ana /iota ox>rA, Aave maae me watize, m /ia?f at teaM, wAat tn(4 aio^ta of oa?<4 us/// ve toAen a// mot/tew aataAen to /Ac a^eatnej^ of /Are'/*- vocation. (&Aza/f/A z/la/ Jtattona/ *Mt-nacpaa/