^ LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. Cldis THE PROBLEM OF METHOD, BY HOWARD SANDISON, Department of Psychology, Indiana State Normal Schooi TERRE HAUTE, INDIANA. terre haute, ind. THE inland publishing COMPANY. 1904. uTb \0^\ c^^3 COPYRIGHT, 1904, BY HOWARD SANDISON. C. W. BROWN, PRINTER AND BINDER. TERRE HAUTE, IND. PREFACE. In this volume it is the intention to consider Method as essentially the psychological process of the pupil in ob- taining possession of the subject - matter. Method in its general aspect is identified, not with the psychological processes in their diversit}" and as they appear upon the surface. It is identified with the fundamental movement of the self, w^hich, upon reflective introspection, reveals itvSelf in each of the diverse processes, such as Sense - per- ception. Memory, etc. It is then to be shown that this fundamental mental move- ment specialized by the activity of the mind upon the special subject-matter of an}^ given branch of study is the core of the method of that subject. The three different views as to the nature of Method and their relative importance are to be given brief consider- ation, and the idea of special method is to be illustrated with the subject of Language. 1:^1243 TABLE OF CONTENTS. Page. CHAPTER I. THE KvSSENTIAI. IDEA OF METHOD. 6 CHAPTER n. THE DIFFICUI.TY OF THE PROBLEM. 8 CHAPTER III. THE REM. PROVINCE OF METHOD. 15 Indi-stinctness as to Scope 15 Ground of the Indistinctness 15 Objective Method 16 Subjective Method 19 CHAPTER IV. SPECIAI, METHOD. 25 CHAPTER V. VARIOUS USES OF THE TERM METHOD. 39 General Meanings 89 Popular Meanings 40 Educational Meanings 54 Pedagogical Meanings 84 CHAPTER VI. METHOD IN A BRANCH OF STUDY. 120 The Essential Features of Organization in a Branch of Study . 120-121 Method in Composition 121 Organizing Principle 121 The vScope 121 The Divisions 121 ii TABLE OF Contents The Relative Importance of the Divisions 122 The Psychological Process of the Learner 122-129 The Mental Effects Produced by Composition 129-130 The Devices in Composition 180 The Course of Study in Composition 180-151 First and Second Grades 180-185 Third Grade 186-188 Fourth Grade 188-142 Fifth Grade 148-148 Sixth Grade 148-151 Special Devices or Means 151-152 In Appendix 194-231 CHAPTER A'll. METHOD IN A LKSSON.. 158 The Essential P^lements 168 The Principle Underlying the lyesson— Self-determination ... 154 Its Stages 154-155 The Objectifying Process 155-157 The Subjectifying Process 157-180 The Structure of a Lesson 180-198 APPENDIX. SERIES OF SENTENCES EXPRESSING THE STAGES IN VARIOUS ACTIVITIES. 194 Examples 194-210 The Process in Constructing a Series of Sentences .... 210-214 Auxiliary Work 214-281 CHAPTER I. THE ESSENTIAL IDEA OF METHOD. Mr. Andrewes was a good scholar, and (quite another matter) a good teacher. Mrs. E WING — A Flat Iron for A Farthing . It may be said that the subject of Method is just as capa- ble of assuming the form of a distinct science as is any other, one of the subjects dealing with truth, such as Physics, Chemistry, Geology, Botany, Grammar, History, &c., for the reason that the sources of its principles and its central principle are perfectly definite. The principles arise, on the one hand, from the nature of the subject to be taught, and on the other hand, from the nature of the mind to be educated. Method itself may be said to be the mental activity of the learner, specialized by activity upon the object being studied. The doctrine of Method has been compactly stated as fol- lows : "The fact in the thing ; the law in the mind ; the method in both."^ Close study will give a fuller and a more definite meaning to **the fact in the thing; the law in the mind, and the method in both." " The fact in the thing" will come to mean some fact of a subject unified by having one of its attributes emphasized, and the other attributes subordinated to this emphasized at- tribute by the interest of the mind. For example, ''the fact in the thing," in Geology, may be a mountain range, with its attribute of growth or becoming emphasized by the * Wm. a. Jones, first President of the Indiana State Normal School — From i8;o to 1879. 6 The Probi^em of Method. interest of the mind. All of the other attributes of the mountain, thereby become subordinated to this one attri- bute of growth, and are considered only to the degree in ^hich they contribute in making it clear. ' ' The law in the mind ' ' will come to mean the great truth that the mind, in considering any fact, as for example the mountain range, seizes it first indistinctly, that is, some- what in the form of blind feeling ; that second as thought, it analyzes the object under consideration into its definite ele- ments, rather isolating each element as if it were complete in itself ; that third as thought, concentrating its attention upon the isolated attributes, it determines which is thepre- dominant one. This unifying process is continued by con- sidering each other element as revealing or bearing upon this predominant attribute ^ thus re-unifying the isolated ele- ments. Finally, through repeated consideration of the ob- ject in these relations, this organized, unified v-iew.of.it becomes habit, and thereby sinks into feeling again* becom- ing thus truly the self. In other words, * ' the law of the mind ' ' will come to mean the fundamental three-fold move- ment of mind, (movements three and four being essentially one. ) This movement is the mind's growth in freedom from blind feeling through definite analysis and organized re- unifying to enlightened feeling. ' ' The method in both ' ' will come to mean this funda- mental movement of mind specialized by having as its sub- ject-matter or content some fact of a branch of study with one of its attributes emphasized by the mind's interest, and all the others subordinated through this interest to that attribute. The method in a subject, then, is a mental move- ment ; it is not, however, a mental movement considered ab- stractly, that is, apart from any content. Its content is the particular object, attribute, or relation being investigated. This renders the mental act specific or particular. The Problem of Method. 7 If the foregoing presents the correct view, a method can-v not be invented ; it can only be discovered. It can never become a personal thing to be carried about with one and ' 'applied' ' to a subject. If one does view method as a some-, thing which can be carried about and applied to a subject, it is likel}^ to shut out the light of that subject as did the Extinguisher which the spirit in Dickens's Christmas Carol applied to the spirit of Christmas. The PROBI.KM OF Method. CHAPTER 11. THE DIFFICULTY OF THE PROBLEM. It would seem then that the subject of Method presents a very real problem. This is much at variance with the usual notion, which is that the subject of Method is a very simple, superficial branch of study having a problem easy of solu- tion. The problem of Method is, however, more difiicult than merely gaining a knowledge of helpful devices. It is both difiicult and important on the assumption that the one who is to gain a knowledge of method in the subject does not clearly possess the organizing idea or principle of that branch of study nor the close organization of the material of the branch of study upon the organizing principle. The reasons for considering the problem of Method to be both difficult and important are that a true insight into the nature of method in any given subject, involves : 1. In addition to the academic view of the subject gained in Common School, High School, Academy or College, a thorough knowledge of the organizing principle of the branch of study to be taught, and a close organization of the subject on that principle. 2. In addition to the academic view of the subject of Psychology obtained in High School, Academy or College, a thorough knowledge of the central principle of mental life and of the organization of mental phenomena upon this principle. 3. A knowledge of the mental process necessary in gain- ing a knowledge of the subject. The Problem of Method. 9 4. A knowledge of the following important truth : In themselves facts belong to no subject. They belong merely to the universe. Each fact has a large number of relations; a large number of attributes. Considering the fact in itself, an3^ one of these attributes is just as important as any other. a. The first process in determining the method in any branch of study is the act of discovering the character- istic attribute of the facts of the subject. What this attri- bute is, has been determined, to an extent by the value the race has attached to the facts of the subject. In order to render any attribute the essential one of the fact, the mind must withdraw its attention temporarily from the other attri- butes and center it upon this one. Thereupon the mind's interest centers in this attribute, and the purpose arises to consider the fact with all of its other attributes in relation to this attribute, and so to consider all similar facts. If this is general, it causes the subject to assume definite shape. Prior to the emphasizing of this attribute, the facts of the subject were known to the mind only crudely ; indefinitely. The one attribute, however, having been emphasized, as for example, the attribute oi groivth, of becomiyig, in the moun- tain range, the subject acquires in consequence, a core, a unity, an organizing principle. It now for the first time possesses a distinguishing mark. All facts viewed with reference to this attribute now belong within this subject, even if they may be at other times facts of another subject. They cannot, however, be facts of another subject at the same time that they are facts of this subject. They cannot in this other subject possess the same relations and the same emphasis of relations that they do in this. With this emphasized attribute in mind as the central truth of the subject, the student of any subject is able to determine definitely : b. The scope of the subject. 10 Thk Problem of Method. c. The divisions and sub-divisions of the subject. d. The relative importance of the divisions, sub- divisions and separate facts. e. A knowledge of the successive movements or steps that would be taken by the mind of the learner in mastering any one of the facts of the subject in such a way as to bring into prominence the attribute around which the mind's inter- est centers. Method, essentially, is just this act of the pupil's mind rendering subjective a particular fact of a given subject. These movements may be viewed in two ways : (1). The steps in any given case may be seen to be what has been termed above, the fundamental movement of mind ; i. e. , grasping a thing indefinitely; analyizing it into definite elements; reunifying these isolated elements in- to an organized, differentiated unity; repeating this thought of the.- organized unity in such a large variety of forms that through habit it is at last transmuted into enlightened feel- ing, thereby becoming a part of the individual himself. It is seen that the mastery of this view of the movement necessarily belongs to the systematic study of Psychology itself. This movement is, in truth, the organizing idea in educational Psychology. Hence it indicates the true scope of the subject, its divisions, the relative importance of the divisions, etc. (2). The other view of the steps to be taken by the mind of the learner, is what may be termed a special view. The special steps are this fourfold fundamental move- ment of mind specialized by the particular subject-matter of the branch of study. For example, the special steps in studying the mountain range as a fact in Geology, are : (a). The indistinct, indefinite comprehension of the mountain range as to its growth, as to its becoming. This may involve sense-perception, memory, imagination, &c. The PROBI.EM OF Method. 11 (b). Definite analysis of the facts or elements involved in the mountain range viewed as to its process of becoming. This involves the isolation of the prominent attribute — the process of becoming — the isolation of all other attributes, as locality, length, direction, height, pres- ent condition of structure, &c., and the distinct considera- tion of each. This may involve memory, abstraction, com- parison, imagination, &c. (c). Re-unifying, i. e., considering each of the isolated elements as to its bearing on the central attribute — the process of becoming. (d). Such varied and repeated thinking of this organized unity as will result in habit ; that is, in trans- muting this thought of the organized unity into feeling — not, however, into blind feeling, since the feeling here indi- cated arises after definite analysis and definite re-unifying. The mental movement here indicated under (2) is the core of the problem of Method. Method in Geology is this specialized mental process required in order to understand clearly the mountain range in its process of becoming. In order to see clearly what the method is, one must be able to see it first as the general movement. He is then to compre- hend it as specialized through the definite subject-matter. As soon as the general movement has become specialized, one is able to see the different activities of mind involved in each of the four general steps. Thus he is able to see whether Geology involves observation, memory, induction, &c. f . A knowledge of the mental effect produced in the learner. While this eitect may be prominentl}^ intellectual, emotional, or volitional, it is always all three ; that is, the whole mental . being is affected by the truth studied and by the process of studying it. One who understands the pro- blem of Method must be able to set clearly before himself 12 The Probi^em of Method. the effect to be produced upon the mind of the learner by the investigation of an}^ given subject. The first effect to be noted is the habit resulting from acting the distinctive act of the subject, as the grammar act, the geography act. g. A knowledge of the means, that is, of the outside instrumentalities, or devices. These are of two kinds — gen- eral and special. The general is the Course of Study. The special includes laboratories, and all modes of procedure in laboratory work; field work; questions; illustrations; work with maps; written examinations; discussion of examination papers, lectures, &c. The things referred to under "g" constitute that which is usually in mind when one speaks of Method. It is, however, only one feature of Method, and its external feature. In order to understand this last, one must not only be aware of the external means themselves, appropriate to the subject; but he must also see the reasons underlying their use, and the order of their use. It will be noted that "4" of the thoughts indicated on the ninth page ma}^ be regarded as a feature of "1" on the eighth page. It therefore appears that there are two ways of dealing w'ith the subject in order to gain a knowledge of it. In the first mode the learner, having, even in the beginning, a vSomewhat crude view as to the facts that belong under the subject, enters at once upon an examination of the facts. Gradually he be- comes aware of their various relations, and on the basis of these relations groups them into divisions and sub-divisions. He thereby gains a knowledge of the relations within the subject, and of the general relations of this subject to other subjects. The second mode of dealing with the subject in- cludes all of these indicated under the first, and in addition, the more scientific process of seeking first the organizing principle of the subject; deriving from this a knowledge of the scope of the subject; of the divisions and sub-divisions. The Problem of Method. 13 and of the relative emphasis of the divisions, sub-divisions, and facts. This central truth arises from the mind's (the race's) interest or purpose. The second, and higher knowl- ledge of the subject. thus indicated, implies that the teacher and the learner knows : a. That the subject acquires its core — its central truth — from the mind's interest in a given attribute. b. What this given attribute is. c. The mental process in making any given attri- bute the predominant one of the subject. The study of the subject of Psychology has the same two modes of examination. It will be seen that the second of the two thoughts indicated in "1" on page 8 — the knowl- edge of the branch of study, and the second thought under "2" of the same page — the knowledge of Psycholog}^ are not really elements in Method, strictly considered. They are, however, aspects of pedagogical work. In ''e" on page 10, Method itself is found. It will also be evident that "e'* and "f" — the mental steps in mastering any given fact in a subject, and the effect to be produced upon the mind of the learner, constitute the basis for "g" or the seventh point — the outward means; the devices. The question now arises as to the requisites in order to be able to make substantial progress in discovering the method in any given branch of study. One often speaks of a specialistin a branch of study as having these requisites. He has very important qualifications. He does not, how- ever, seem to possess full qualifications. Sometimes one speaks of the specialist in Psychology who has only a gene- ral understanding of the nature of the branch of study to be taught, as the one fitted to discover the method in that sub- ject. He does possess a very important qualification, but as previously indicated, method cannot be "invented;" it is al- already there. It is to be discovered ; it cannot be discov- 14 The Probi^em of Method. ered in isolation from a sytematic knowledge of the subject. One cannot evolve the method in Geolog\^ out of inner con- sciousness, and then in the usual terms, "apply it" to Geol- ogy. It seems incredible that any one has ever entertained the notion that the method of a branch of study can be dis- covered apart from and in ignorance of the branch of study.. It seems equally incredible, that it can be discovered in ignorance of the nature of the law of mind, of the conse- quent stages of mental development, &c., even by one w^ho is an expert in the branch of study. A branch of study, as Physics or Chemistry, does not consist merely of facts ; it consists of known facts organized on a special interest or pur- pose of the human mind. The attribute of these facts em- phasized by this special interest or purpose of the human mind becomes, therefore, the distinguishing mark of the facts and the key to its method. The one best fitted, then, to discover the method in Phy- sics, Chemistry or any other branch of stud\ , is the one who has become a specialist in both the branch of study it- self and Psychology. This w^ouid give the ideal conditions. On account of the comprehensiveness of such conditions, it is very difficult to possess them. The aim is to approxi- mate these ideal conditions more and more each year. The problem of Method, can, however, be solved to a helpful degree, even by those who know of the branch of study only enough to secure a good grade of license to teach ; and who know of mind only that which would come from close observation of their own mental activities, from close obser- vation of those of children as indicated by their words and outward actions, and from a brief course in systematic study of Psychology. It can be solved to a highly helpful de- gree by those students who have done all this, and who in addition have given a year or more to a systematic study of the branches of knowledge and of Psychology from the pedagogical attitude. The Problem of Method. 15 CHAPTER III. THE REAL PROVINCE OF METHOD. INDISTINCTNESS AS TO SCOPE. In this case the mere expression — the Real Province of Method — is itself significant. It implies that the boundary line between the realm of method and that of something else is indistinct. That something else may be scholarship ; it may be the reahn of means ; of external appliances ; of de- vices. In the title there is the implication that method is, or has been, occupying an unreal, fictitious province. This fictitiousness may arise from the fact that scholarship is wanting, and that the attempt to determine a set of princi- ples to control in that given realm, in which scholarship is wanting, results in an unreal province for method. Outer doing, devices, external means, with little or no attention to the truths that underlie them, may be pres.sed to the front as method. This would constitute a fictitious province for method. Scholarship alone, may be exalted as if it were all in all. In that case method would not possess its real pro- vince. It means that an indistinctness prevails as to the true realm of method. To remove this indistinctness is the problem. GROUND OF THE INDISTINCTNESS. It is but natural that a certain indefiniteness, that a given degree of indistinctness should prevail as to the real province of method, in distinction from that of both scholarship and external means. The reason for this is that activity is the one thing to be found in the universe. Sometimes one 16 The Problem of Method. speaks of a thing and of activity upon it. But what is the thing itself other than activity ? A block of compact steel seems perfectly motionless, yet every atom in it has a space of its own, and exists in a continual dance. Thus it is with every atom in the hardest granite. It seems, therefore, that only activity is. This activity rises from its most passive form as space, until it becomes an activity that can become aware of itself, as in consciousness. Scholarship, then, con- cerns itself with activity, and with activity only. Method, too, must deal with activity, and with that alone. The realm of device, of external means, is also one of doing ; of activit}^ In this fact — that device is activity, that method deals with and is activity, that the subject-matter of scholar- ship is activity — rests the source of the indistinctness as to their respective provinces. OBJECTIVE METHOD. The activity that scholarship investigates appears in ever- recurring types. This activity may, therefore, appropri- ately take unto itself the term method. Every branch of study investigates activity as type or law ; and law is method, and method is law. The past makes us its debtor by handing over to us this thought in the very term method itself. The word method signifies according to a way. But what is it that is according to a way ? And what is meant by a way? If the thought above presented, viz., that there is nothing in the universe other than activity, then it must be activity that is according- to a way. And, moreover, the .way itself is necessarily an activity. Then it becomes clear that the past transfers to us this thought which it had garnered from the fields of experience — a method is an ac- tivity according to, or in harmon}^ with, activity, The first activity mentioned must be the real one, the one actually occurring; the one exhibiting itself in some product. The The PROBI.KM OF Method. 17 second activity referred to mUvSt be the ideal one ; the typi- cal activity ; the norm ; it is both the end and the criterion of the real activity ; of the one that is actually occurring. A method, then, is a real activity according to, and in har- mony with an ideal activity. It now becomes somewhat more clear that close thought only will render distinct the provinces of scholarship, method and devices, and likewise their unity. Ever}^ branch of study has for its subject-matter certain particulars, certain phenomena that are essentially its own. These phenomena may appear in other branches, of study as well as in this one, but they do not appear in those other branches in the same aspect that they do in this. The cot- ton plant appears as a fact in geography. It is also present as one of the phenomena considered in botany. As a geo- graphical fact, however, it is not identical with itself as a botanical fact. If in this sense each branch of study has its own set of particulars, the activity that produces any one of these particulars must be typical. Why does one in look- ing at a piece of sandstone say, This is not a good speci- men ? It is because the activity that produced it was not according to the type ; to the ideal. The activity that pro- duces the facts in history or in geology, must be activity according to the type ; according to the ideal. Hence, in this sense, activity is a method. The activity that produces a grammatical fact, the activity that produces a geograph- ical fact, the activity that produces a historical fact is a method, because it is an activity which has as its end and criterion an ideal. Identity with this ideal must be the end of the activity, and the ideal is its criterion. It is with such a thought in mind that one says. This is not truly a geo- graphical fact ; that is not really a grammatical fact ; that ought not to be termed a historical fact. There is, then, a method in the subject^ and this method is the activity that 18 The Problem of Method. produces the individuals composing the subject-matter. Such activity is in the realm of scholarship. The problem in a given branch of study is to investigate the nature of the activity that produces its facts ; to deter- mine the various phases thereof and their relations to one another. For example, the noun is a fact in grammar. The activity that produces it is different from the activity that produces the lily of the valley. Grammar must investigate the first activity, botany the second. Each branch of study is, however, an investigation of the method that creates the individuals in its subject-matter. This activity may be termed the objective method. Every branch of study, therefore, has its objective method. By this is meant the method, the activity, the force, the en- ergy that produces the different individuals composing the subject-matter. For example, the subject of reading has what may be termed its objective method. This is the en- ergy, the force, the activity required to produce the various individuals in the subject-matter ; such as *' Thanatopsis, " ''Evangeline," '' The Burial of Sir John Moore," "The lyCgend of Sleepy Hollow," &c. Grammar has its objec- tive method. This is the activity, the energy, the force that creates the various individuals included in the subject- matter of grammar; as, the noun, the adverb, the preposi- tion, &c. History as a branch of study has its objective method. This is the activity, the energy, the force that cre- ated the various individuals in the subject-matter, as, the battle of Bunker Hill, the Hartford Convention, the Seces- sion Ordinance, &c. The investigation of such activities and their products, is within the realm of scholarship. When scholarship has revealed the essential nature of this activity — this objective method of the subject — it has grasped the true basis from which may be inferred three im- portant things. The Problem of Method. 19 Scope. — One of these is the scope of the subject-matter. It is the function of scholarship to determine this — to decide what facts belong within the range of the subject, and what ones are excluded. Divisions and snb- divisions. — Another important thing that is to be inferred is the divisions within this subject-matter. The academic work in any branch of study, therefore, after making clear the scope of the subject, infers from the na- ture of the creative activity the divisions and sub-divisions belonging to the subject-matter, carrying such down to the particulars. Relative Importance. — It is the function of academic work to investigate the relative importance of divisions, sub-divi- sions and particulars. This is the third inference. The general knowledge of the subject and these four specific lines of investigation may be said to belong to the field of scholarship. Scholarship does not, however, as a rule, de- vote itself to the special topics mentioned. It accepts the scope, divisions, etc., from tradition or imposes them exter- nally. It does not develop them from the organizing prin- ciple. The fact that academic work is of this nature, prac- tically transfers these four topics to Method, SUBJECTIVE METHOD. The Mental Steps. — In academic investigation the subject- matter is assumed to be a fact distinct from the examining mind; but as just stated there constantly arises a peculiar set of questions, such as : What is the relative value of this division compared with that? Of this sub-division com- pared with that ? Of this particular compared with that ? Then it becomes evident that there is a factor to be consid- ered over against all this with which scholarship has seemed to concern itself, and this factor is the mind which is to do 20 The ProbIvKm of Method. the investigating. When one says, What is the relative vahie of this fact as compared with that ?, he evidently means the relative value to the investigator, arising from making subjective, from making an element of his conscious- ness, this fact, as compared with doing the same with that fact. When this inquiry arises, one begins to pass from the realm of scholarship over into the real province of Method. For in such inquiry what is hinted ? A second activity, a new activity. The activity that produces any fact in the subject of botany may be termed the objective method in botany. But here is another activity — the activity which renders this fact of botany subjective to the inquiring mind; the activity which transmutes the external fact of botany into self, into consciousness. This activity is distinctive; that is, the act of conscious- ness which transmutes a fact of botany into self, has distin- guishing marks that set it off from the activity which ren- ders a fact of geology an element of consciousness. The activity that produces a fact, in the subject of physics, is the objective method in physics ; but the activity of the in- quiring mind necessary to make this fact of physics sub- jective, necessary to make it an element of self, of conscious- ness, is the subjective method in physics. Every branch of study, therefore, has both its objective and its subjective method. The objective method is the activity, energy, or force that produces the various individ- uals that constitute its subject-matter. The subjective method is the activity of mind necessary to transmute into the self any one of these facts of the subject-matter. The investigation of this subjective method, is within the real province of Method. For example, the activity that pro- duces the various facts in the subject of botany is the ob- jective method in botany, and is within the realm of schol- arship. The scope of the facts determined, is also in the The Problem of Method. 21 realm of scholarship; as are likewise the divisions, the sub- divisions and the distinctions and unities of the particulars. But the nature of the activity that the mind performs in mastering any one of these facts, and the relative value of the divivsions and sub-divisions of facts, because of the na- ture of this mental activity, — these things are in the real province of Method. When in the subject of Method, one has determined the essential nature of this conscious activity put forth by the inquiring mind in mastering a fact of the subject, two im- portant inferences may be made. These inferences belong also to the real province of Method, and the examination of the things inferred falls likewise within that province. What are the things to be inferred from the nature of the mind's activity in mastering a fact of a given subject? Mental Effects. — The first is the effect produced upon the mind b}^ thinking this fact ; by identifying itself with it. This effect appears first as a definite mental process — a cer- tain habitude of mind which the given subject alone is fitted to establish. For example, in language the definite mental process begins with the conceiving of an object. The mind may first seize the object in sense-perception, memory, im- agination, but it ends by conceiving it, b}^ generalizing it. The next movement is the forming of a purpose to express the object to another. Thereupon, the mind images the expression and then contemplates the harmony, or corres- pondence between the object to be expressed, and the expres- sion. No subject other than language is fitted to establish just this habitude ; just this mental process. This may be termed the language act. There is also the historical act. In such an act the mind first conceives the disposition, the mental condition of the people. This is succeeded by the consideration of the event 22 The Problem of Method. or object produced by this condition of the minds of the people. In the third place the mind becomes aware of the new disposition, of the new mental state belonging to the people as produced by the creation and the contemplation of this event. In the historical act, then, any event, as for example, the Civil War, appears as the result of a certain state of mind in the people ; and as a stimulus to a succeed- ing result in their minds. To conceive a certain state of the public mind, to apprehend this taking shape in some event or statute ; to seize the new state of the public mind as an effect of contemplating this event or statute, is the peculiar mental process in the subject of history. This central effect, this essential process belonging to every subject, is one of the effects to be studied. The determination of the exact nature of this effect in relation to any given subject, belongs to the real province of Method. Under effect is to be noted also the emotional response. In history there arises an interest in the state of the public mind, in the event to be produced thereby, and in the reflex influence of this event. Just the nature of this, the various opportunities that life affords for its play, and its value com- pared with the knowledge of specific gravity and with other ideas and emotions — the discussion of all such things be- longs under the real province of Method. It would pertain to the subject of Method to determine the main and the sub- ordinate emotions to be awakened by the study of Dickens's "Hard Times;" by the study of "Evangeline;" by the perusal, in Dante's "Divine Comedy," of the lines setting forth the condition of the angry and the sullen. The occa- sions in life affording opportunity for the exercise of these feelings and the relative value of such mental states com- pared with a knowledge of cube root, with a knowledge of the surface of the United States, &c., would belong under the realm of Method. The Problem of Method. 23 A third thing to be noted under effect is the volitional development — the tendency to a prompt and decisive choice, and to persistence in that choice. It would belong to the subject of Method to determine just what tendencies toward choice and toward perseverance in a given course would be awakened and stimulated by a study of the condition of the inhabitants in the vestibule to the Inferno — by a study of Tito, in George Eliot's "Romola," as an example of fixation of character — by a study of Taylor's persistence in the Mexican War, and Grant's in the Civil War. Method would also seek to determine the various occasions in life that would call for prompt choosing and persistence, and the value of such mental traits along with those arising from the study of book-keeping, compound numbers, &c. In Method, then, occurs the examination and valua- tion of the entire realm of effects produced upon the self in its mastery of the facts of any subject. In this is seen the value to the teacher arising from a study of such subjects as Aesthetics, Ethics, L^ogic, Psychology and Philosophy. The main mental process in mastering a subject gives the ke}^ to the relative educational value as a subject — its value as a subject compared with other subjects. Means. — The second thing to be inferred from the main mental process employed in mastering a given subject, is the means, devices, or instrumentalities appropriate to the direction and stimulation of this mental process — appropri- ate ta the awakening and fixing of the mental effects natur- ally belonging to the subject. This includes a considera- tion of the teacher himself ; of the range of his scholarship ; of his disposition ; of the trend of his sympathies ; of the harmony of his character ; of his industry ; of his quick- ness of insight ; of his ability as a questioner ; of his spirit as an enquirer, and of the relation of all these qualities to the 24 Thk Problem of Mkthod. stimulating and directing of the mental process in the learner. Under this topic is included not only the determining of the devices, but also the deciding of the order of their employ- ment and the grounds therefor. It seems, therefore, that to every branch of study belong not only an objective method, or the activity which creates the individuals of the subject-matter, a scope or range of the subject-matter, various divisions, subdivisions, and attri- butes of distinction and unity in the particulars ; but also a subjective viethod, viz, , the mental activity involved in master- ing any fact of the subject-matter, together with the effects, relative value and instrumentalities to be inferred therefrom. The real province of scholarship includes all that pertains to the objective method and its inferences; and the real province of Method includes all found in the subjective method and the inferences essentially involved therein. Usually, however, in pedagogical schools, the process of discovering the organizing principle of the branch of study and the internal organization of the subject from its organ- izing. principle, thereby revealing as developments from this principle the scope, the divisions and subdivisions, and the relative importance of divisions, subdivisions and facts, has to be assumed as an element of pedagogical training, be- cause scholarship has, often, approached the branch of study from the outside, ignoring its internal development. It is not infrequent that the presence of any one organizing prin- ciple is denied or that the value of knowing it is questioned, even if the subject be admitted to possess such a principle. How a branch of study can be a science except on the condi- tion that a single organizing principle unifies all of its facts is not clear. Nor is it clear why the discovery of this principle and the genetic organization of the subject from it is not the predominant trend of work after the student has the elementary knowledge of the facts of the subject. The Problem of Method. 25 CHAPTER IV. SPECIAL METHOD. The clearest idea as to the nature of method arises, pro- bably, from an examination of the process in a particular act of learning. The general aspect of this appears as the fun- damental movement of consciousness. This fundamental movement is essentially three-fold, but it may be viewed as consisting of four phases, inasmuch as iteration, resulting in instinctive habit may close the three-fold movement. The procCvSs is not, however, four acts ; it is a united activ- ity consisting of three phases and a repetition of these. The four avSpects of the process of learning are : 1. Becoming aware of the object being studied as an un- differentiated unit}^ In this phase the mind apprehends the distinctions belonging to the object dimly, in the form of feeling, as it were. The truth of the object is present to the mind as a mere presentiment. This any one can dis- cover by examinining with care the state of mind belonging to him when first giving attention to any strange object. 2. Knowing clearly the distinctions in the object, re- garding each one as isolated. As the first was the state of immediacy, the paradisaical condition of undisturbed harmony, so this second phase is the stage of negation ; of limit ; of determinations. In the first a dim synthesis was made. In this clear analysis ap- pears. The mind has passed from the simple state of para- dise into that of discord, opposition, difference. The self In regard to presentiment as a first phase in knowledge, see Dewey's Psychol- ogy, pp. 306-307. 26 The Probi^km of Method. being essentially a unity is, therefore, dissatisfied with this diversity, and hence seeks unity — not, however, the undis- turbed unity of the first phase. 3. Discriminating the isolated elements, inferring the dominant characteristic and organizing all the other ele- ments according to their bearing upon this main attribute. Thus the mind returns, as it were, to paradise ; but not to the paradise of immediacy. This stage is, it is manifest, one of synthesis ; but since it is a sjmthesis following clear analysis, it is a much higher unity than the one grasped in the first phase. If paradise was lost in the second phase of the mind's process, it is more than regained in this third stage. 4. A re-thinking of the organized unity discovered in the third phase under varying conditions and illustrations, until the mode of activity, by passing into habit, becomes in- stinctive and hence truly the self. It thus appears that the mind's method in learning any object is an activity consist- ing of four phases. It is true that the fourth aspect could succeed either the first phase or the second, since either of these could become habit. This, however, would be a con- dition of arrested development. To avoid arrested develop- ment the mind in considering any object must consider it under the four aspects indicated, not permitting habit to arise at the conclusion of either the first or the second phase. The mind seems naturally to tend to examine any object by a concrete activity consisting of the four phases in- dicated. This involves the assumption that every object is essentially a unity manifesting various attributes. In order to render the knowledge of this fundamental process in learning more definite, attention will be given to the assumption that every object is a unity revealing itself in various attributes. I^et the following sentence be re- The Problem of Method. 27 garded as an object or unity exhibiting various attributes and parts : "I hear Aztec priests upon their teocallis Beat the wild war drums made of serpent's skin." This is the object which the mind is supposed to be con- sidering in an act of learning. The object is a unity in both form and content. In content it is a unity in that it expresses a single object, viz : the person expressed by the first word as exhibiting himself in a given act. The special act is indicated by all the sentence following the word expressing the actor. In this portion of the sen- tence there is expressed a central attribute — that of hear- ing. This action has as its object that denoted by all that portion of the sentence beginning with the word Aztec. This object of the action expressed by the word "hear," has also its unity, namely, the mode of action characteristic of the object expressed by the word "priests;" that is, a person who is termed a priest is viewed as one habitually revealing himself in a certain mode of activity. This central element exhibits or reveals itself in the given case through various distinctions. One of these is expressed by the word "Aztec," another by the expression "upon their teocallis ; " a third by the expression * ' beat the wild war drums made of serpent's skin." Each one of the dis- tinctions has further distinctions within it. All these dis- tinctions, or at least many of them, are in sub-consciousness during the first stage in the act of learning. In the first phase of the mind's method in learning, it apprehends the entire object practically as an undifferenti- ated or fused unity. The distinctions are merely felt, they are not clearly comprehended. Out of this stage of dim knowledge the mind passes naturally into the second, that of clear distinction. The tendency in the stage of distinct tion is to be quite complete in the analysis. Each element 28 The ProbIvEm of Method. | is isolated in thought, becoming a distinct thing to the self. Isolation, as a finality, however, is distasteful to the mind. The ego, therefore, by its own impulse, passes into the third stage, that of organization. This third stage in which the self becomes aware of the object as an organized or mediated unity is changed by repetition into enlightened feeling. The mind's process in learning may be illustrated further with the scalene triangle as an object. It will be advan- tageous to indicate, before considering the act of learning itself, the characteristics of the object. Among its distinctions these are found ; its surface ; its three sides ; its inequality of its sides ; its inequality of angles ; its having no right angle, no angle larger than a right angle, two angles smaller than a right angle, its pos- sessing the attribute of differing from an isosceles triangle, &c. All these distinctions, and the others that are present, are to the learner unknown. In rendering this object sub- jective, the first phase of the mind's process is that in which it apprehends it indistinctly, as a whole. In this stage its differentiations are but dimly felt, the learner having merely a presentiment of them. Through dwelling upon the object, however, the mind gradually becomes aware of all the various distinctions, and in obedience to its analytic tendency these distinctions are strictly isolated. Therefore division or negation becomes too prominent. By continuing to examine the object the mind is led to seek unity. Through the acts of discovering and isolating the predominant attribute and relating the other characteristics to this central one, the mind organizes the object. Thus the object becomes truly a unity to the self. Continued attention to it in this aspect, results in habit. A helpful reference to enlightened feeling may be found on p. 249 of Introduc- tion to the Study of Philosophy, by W. T. Harris. The PROBI.KM OF Method. 29 n becoming habit the activity is transformed into feeling, nd since clear analysis has preceded it, the feeling is en- ightened. This four-fold process of the mind may be still further llustrated by an object from literature : THE BUGI.E SONG. 1. The splendor falls on castle walls And snowy summits old in story ; The long light shakes across the lakes, And the wild cataract leaps in glory. Blow, bugle, blow ! set the wild echoes flying ! Blow, bugle ! answer, echoes ! dying, dying, dying. 2. O hark ! O hear, how thin and clear. And thinner, clearer, farther going ! O sweet and far, from cliff and scar. The horns of Elf-land faintly blowing ! Blow ! let us hear the purple glens replying. Blow, bugle ! answer, echoes ! dying, dying, dying. 3. O love, they die in yon rich sk}' ; They faint on hill, or field, or river ; Our echoes roll from soul to vSoul, And grow forever and forever. Blow, bugle, blow ! set the wild echoes flying ! And answer, echoes, answer ! dying, dying, dying. — From " The Pfuicess,'^ Tennyson. This object may be assumed to exist as a unity manifest- ng itself in a great variety of distinctions. At first, how- ;ver, these distinctions are concealed from the learner, rhe poem is apprehended as a whole ; its central unity and ill the variety of distinctions are grasped dimly; they are nerely felt, that is, the mind possesses a presentiment of heir existence. Before noticing the mind's fundamental process as re- pealed in the act of studying The Bugle Song, a partial ndication of the distinctions involved in it may be given : rhere is, first, the distinction into exprCvSsion and content, rhe expression is distinguished into language and image. 30 The Problem of Method. The content may be separated into central thought and pur- pose. The language, as a form of literature, has in it many distinctions. Leaving them for later consideration, some of the distinctions under the image may be noted : 1 . There is first the physical background. One element of this is expressed by — * 'The splendor falls on castle walls' ' ; others by "Snowy summits old in story" ; "The long light shakes across the lakes"; "The wild cataract leaps in glory"; "the purple glens"; "on hill, or field, or river"; "yon rich sky". All these constitute a physical back- ground for the physical echo. 2. A second element is, therefore, the physical echo. This is an element in the complex image of the bugler, bugle, the act of blowing, and the fljang of "the wild echoes." Within these distinctions subordinate characteristics are found : The echoes become "thin and clear"; they are "sweet and far", resembling the "horns of Klf-land", &c. All these, however, constituting the physical echo, seem to be employed as a symbol of some spiritual activity; of some human deed. This introduces the central thought. 3. The conception of the central thought involves the distinction between the good deed and the evil deed. The beauty of the external background, and of the physical echo are in harmony, not with the evil deed, but with the good deed; hence this distinction of harmony is involved. There are reasons for holding that evil deeds can not "grow for- ever and forever." However this may be, the author, as indicated by the beauty of the physical setting he has em- ployed, seems to have in mind the good deeds only. In this spiritual activity are involved three distinctions*: — a. It affects person after person. b. It becomes more prominent, important, and sub- stantial, as it passes from consciousness to consciousness. Herein is involved a further distinction, namely, the differ- The ProbIvEm of Method. 31 ence of the spiritual echo and the phj^sical echo, as to growth and endurance. The purpose of the writer also appears as a distinction — the central one. c. It returned to the producer. From the mind of the learner, however, all these distinc- tions are concealed. In the study of the poem he reads it through and thus becomes aware of it indistinctly as a whole. His apprehension of its central meaning and purpose, and of all the other distinctions, is dim. They are present to the mind in presentiment only. This first phase is natural, however. Out of this presentiment the mind passes into that phase in which it becomes distinctly aware of all the attributes in the object. The attributes of distinction, however, are to be limited to the object as literature. Rising out of this phase of differentiation, the mind passes into the stage of organized unifying. The poem has now become a true unity to the learner. Through repetition of the act of thinking the poem as an organized unity, the activity becomes a habit. This is a return to feeling, but it is now enlightened feeling. The poem has finally become the learner's own, and he is, in a certain respect, the poem. It is to be noted that this fourth phase is merely the third in a more permanent form. It is not strange that the mind exhibits these three stages in the mastery of any truth, since the ego is itself essen- tially a mode of activity characterized by these three ele- ments. It exists first as undifferentiated; as a mere poten- tiality for activity. Acting, it differentiates itself from itself, and exists as object. The mind is always its own object. This is the second phase of its existence. As ob- ject it is distinct from itself as subject. Continued exam- ination of itself as object, however, shows that this object is the subject. The return has now been made to unity. 32 The Probi^em of Method. Having previousl}^ illustrated the three stages of mental action (regarding the fourth phase as merely the repetition or retention of the third) it is now of importance to notice : 1. That there is a partial identity between the first phase in learning an object, namely, apprehending it indistinctly, and the act of being engrossed with the material and consider- ing the material, i. e. , space-occupying objects to be the all in all. Being engrossed with the material is not, however, fully identical with the first phase of the mind's movement, because this first phase includes also failure to distinguish the varying attributes in the object. This, however, is to be noticed : Each object is material and spirit, or meaning. The human being is material and spirit ; the transom above the door is material and spirit, or meaning. The driver wheel on an engine is material and spirit, or meaning. It therefore follows that to be engrossed with the material, considering it to be the all in all, is, to a degree, identical with grasping a thing dimly. 2. That the concentration of the attention on the spirit- ual element as the all in all, is to a certain extent, identical with the second stage in the mind's fundamental movement. To thus consider spirit is to isolate it. The true position is reached when neither the material nor the spiritual is re- garded as the total. The truth is found in the unity of both. To exalt the physical is to dwell in the first phase of thought. To isolate and exalt the spiritual is to dwell in the second phase; in the phase of isolation, of negation. The reason that this is termed isolation while the first is not, is that it requires distinction or analysis, to discover the spiritual. 3. That the third stage is to a degree, identical with the process of discovering the deeper unity which is seen to be the source or origin of both the physical and the spiritual. The PROBI.EM OF Method. 33 Both experience and history show that these three phases are true, as to the child and as to the race. a. In religion, for example, when a people is substan- tially in the first phase of thought, it finds its Gods in ex- ternal nature. When in the second phase it finds its Gods in alienation from nature. Thus while the hills smoked and trembled in the presence of the Jehovah of the Jews, He does not appear as in unity with the physical universe ; while ruling over it He is foreign to it. It does not reveal Him. The third stage in the growth of religious thought discov- ers as its God a fundamental unity ; an activity which is revealed both in everything spiritual and in everything physical. b. In philosophy, the same is found to be true. In the first phase of thought the first principle of the universe was found to be chaos, moisture, fire, air, and the like. In the second phase the spiritual was more prominent. Its won- derful properties were exalted and regarded as the criterion. Thus the sophists found the individual spirit of man to be the measure of all things. When, however, philosophy reached the third stage of thought, Socrates discovered that the characteristic which makes man the measure of all things is not his particularity. It is the divine element in him, in all other human beings, and in the Absolute Spirit. In this third stage of philosophy unity became prominent, because the. first principal was regarded as the source of everything spiritual and physical, and as revealed in them. G. In history this vSame truth is shown. In the first phase of thought the events are regarded as the history. This is abstract or partial. In the second phase a deeper view is gained. The feelings, purposes and thoughts of the people underlying these outside acts are regarded as history. This view is also abstract or partial. The spiritual is no more 34 Thk Problem of Method. truly the man than are his objectifications. The property that one has acquired is will objectified. Any work of art, is in a sense the artist, An}^ historical or scien- tific work given to the world is the producer. Therefore the concrete, i. e., the complete view in history, is not reached until one enters upon the third stage of thought. In this stage those concrete productions known as the insti- tutions, viewed as produced by man's spiritual growth toward freedom and as reacting upon man are the history. Thus it is with everything. For example, the physical constituents and form of the door key are not the key. The view that they are is abstract, and hence incomplete. The thought of the door key is not the door key. This view is also abstract and incomplete. The thought of the door key revealed in a particular way, that is, its two sides taken as a concrete unity, constitutes the door key. This same process which has manifested itself in the growth of religion, philosophy, and history, reveals itself in the growth of the conception of Method. It is natural that the method in any subject should be found in this fundamental movement of mind, which is just the mind's method. This method of consciousness is not, however, the special method in any particular subject. The distinctive method in any branch of study is analogous to the third stage of knowing. The reason for this is that special method is a relation. For example, method in geography is not this fundamental movement of mind ; neither is it any external mode of ac- tivity. It is, however, the fundamental movement of con- sciousness specialized as it would necessarily be, in the mind's act of knowing a geographical fact. In its general aspect method in geography is the funda- mental movement of mind. Defined more accurately, it is this fundamental movement modified by the distinctive kind of subject-matter belonging to geography. In summariz- The Problem of Method. 35 ing, it may be said that method is at first conceived as some- thing external — as a mode of physical action ; as a series of actions consisting of directions, questions, illustrations, ex- planations, etc., since such actions bear a certain relation to the method itself, and are more easily noticed than the underlying method. As above noted, the universal ten- dency in the infancy of thought, is to be engrossed with the external aspect of a thing, and to consider this external aspect as the thing itself. This is, however, an abstract or incom- plete view. The tendency to note the external aspect when in the lower stages of development, is no more a universal mark, however, than is the tendency to note the internal or spiritual aspect in the second stage, and to consider it as an isolated thing, and as the whole. To center attention on the spiritual aspect in its generality, viewing it as if it were the total object, is, as above noted, also abstract. This incom- plete mode of regarding the spiritual is illustrated by such expressions as : "The method in arithmetic is abstraction and generalization;" "The method in studying a botanical object is inductive." The more concrete activity of mind is the tendency to seek a fundamental or underlying unity in the two incomplete aspects discovered in the first two stages of development, each in its turn being considered as com- plete; as the whole. These three tendencies (including under the third habit, or enlightened feeling, made instinctive) marking the three stages of development in the race and in the individual are, as above indicated, mere exhibitions of the essence of con- sciousness. The very nature of consciousness is : a. To exist as mere energy, as potential, as immedi- ate. (Subject.) b. To exist as object, as alienation, as other than the knowing subject. (Object.) This arises in the stage of 36 The Problem of Method. distinction or clear analysis, in which each analyzed element is conceived as if it were independent, c. To exist as Subject-Object. The activity which at first was conceived as object, as alien, is now seen to be the knower as well as the known. True unity now appears. This is the stage of differentiated unity. The three stages of conceiving as external, as inter- nal, and as the unity of the external and internal, are an exhibition of what has been termed the fundamental process of mind. This process limited to knowledge is, a. Apprehending the object indistinctly. b. Analyzing it into its elements and emphasizing each element as if it were unrelated. c. Organizing, i. e. , discovering the unity of these elements. Method is found in the relation of the facts of the subject to the fundamental process of knowing. A fact in a subject is one element of the subject with a certain attribute of it emphasized according to the mind's interest. More definitely, then, method is the fundamen- tal movement of mind in the examination of an object with reference to a given attribute that has been exalted and em- phasized by the mind's interest. The method of a subject, then, is always one and the same. Method as a process does not change. Our conception of what method is, changes. In the first stage of thought method is viewed as a set of external acts. In the second stage of thought the mind looks beneath the series of external acts and discovers the implied series of psychological activities. These are viewed as the method. Both of these views are abstract, and, therefore, incomplete. In the third stage of thought — a. The mind thinks beneath each psj^chological activ- it}^, whether it be sense-perception, memory, imagination. Thk Problem of Method. 37 judgment, or any other, and discovers that each is merely a manifestation of the mind' s fundamental movement — grasp- ing the object dimly, analyzing definitely and re-unifying. b. It then examines the facts of the subject, noting as the essential thing the human interCvSt or purpose that gives organization to the facts of the subject by furnishing the principle that makes the subject a distinct branch of study. Herein is discovered the organizing idea of the subject. c. The mind then discovers that the process of the mind in learning the subject, i. e., the special method of the sub- ject, is just the fundamental movement of mind specialized by the peculiar subject-matter of this branch of study. Let arithmetic be considered for example : According to the first view the method in arithmetic is a set of external acts ; as, placing a number on the board by using a series of dots showing the number of fours in the dots, finding the relations within each number, constructing in imagination concrete examples involving that number, expressing the results in a definite form on the black-board, expressing the results orally, &c. According to the second view the method in arithmetic is some general psychological activity, as analysis, synthe- sis, deduction, abstraction, generalization, &c. According to the third view the method in arithmetic is the fundamental movement of mind concerned with the fol- lowing kind of an object : A number or activity viewed as measurer or means, and a number or activity viewed as measured thing or end ; that is, the method in arithmetic is the fundamental movement of mind concerned with ratio. This would be elaborated more fully under Special Method in Arithmetic. The average educational thought holds in general to the first conception of method. To a slight extent the second conception prevails. Here the attempt is to be made to ex- 38 The Probi^km of Method. plain the conception of method which belongs to the third stage of thought. To do this it is necessary to set forth (1) the four things that lead up to method as a distinctive thing — central prin- ciple ; scope ; divisions, sub-divisions, and facts ; relative importance. (2) Method as a distinctive act. (3) The two things resulting from method — mental effects and de- vices. In beginning to treat more fully the different views of method, certain expressions indicating the prevailing idea as to what method is, culled from various sources, popular, educational, and pedagogical are to be presented. These w^ill be examined in order to determine : 1. Which indicate the first stage, namely, the conception that Method is a series of external acts. 2. Which indicate the second stage — namely, the con- ception that Method is a certain psychological activity in general, as sense-perception or imagination or induction — a mere psychological activity unspecialized by a distinctive subject-matter. 3. Which, if anj^ hint or indicate definitely the third conception as to the nature of Method. The PROBI.EM OF Method. 39 CHAPTER V. VARIOUS USES OF THE TERM METHOD. The following wide range of examples in the employment of the term method is given in order to afford the oppor- tunity to give additional clearness to the idea of method by first, determining the exact nature of the activity shown in each example, and then testing the use of the term by the idea of method developed in the previous chapters. GENERAL MEANINGS. (From Dictionary.) 1. Eiteral meta, after ; odos, a way. 2. An orderly procedure or process ; regular manner of doing anything ; hence, manner, way, mode ; as, a method of teaching languages ; a method of improving the mind. — \_Addison. 3. Orderly arrangement, elucidation, development, or classification ; systematic arrangement peculiar to an indi- vidual. Though this be madness, yet there's method in it. — \Shak. 4. All method is rational progress, a progress toward an end. — \Sir W. Hamilton. 5. A mode or system of classifying natural objects ac- cording to certain common characteristics ; as, the method of Theophrastus ; the method of Ray ; the I^innaean method. a. Synonyms. Order ; system ; rule ; regularity ; way; manner; mode ; course ; process ; means. Method, Mode, 40 The Problem of Method. Manner. Method implies arrangement ; mode, mere action or existence. Method is a way of reaching a given end by a series of acts which tend to secure it ; 77iode relates to a single action, or to the form which a series of acts, viewed as a whole, exhibits. Manfier is literally the handling of a thing, and has a wider sense, embracing both method and mode. An instructor may adopt a good method of teaching to write ; the scholar may acquire a bad mode of holding his pen ; the 7nanner in which he is corrected will greatly affect his success or failure. POPUI.AR MEANINGS. - 1. When Controller Eckels wrote that the failure of the National Bank of Illinois was " due to injudicious, reckless and imprudent methods " , he was either not fully informed as to the facts, or he put the case much too mildly. — \The Indianapolis J our7ial, Dec. 26, 1896. 2. They never stop to think, if they know, how the in- troduction of the French revolutionary methods would work in this or any other country. — \Terre Haute Express, Dec. 26, 1896. 3. The report of the Inter-State Commerce Committee, published last week, brings out sharply some of the methods by which the railroads are evading the Inter-State Com- merce lyaw. It deals especially with the traffic associations by which railroads now combine to keep rates above the competitive level. The agreement of these associations, says the Commission, quoting Judge Cooley, are drawn with • ' marvelous ' ' ingenuity to evade the law against pooling. In those recently entered into, the words " so far as legally can be done ' ' follow provisions for maintaining rates and dividing traffic which would not otherwise be distinguished from the pooling arrangements declared illegal. — \The Out- look, Dec. 26, 1896, p. 1171. I The Problem of Method. 41 4. We realized that he had struck a blow in the world which will resound through its histor3^ In him we find not the methods of the machine politician or of the crafty diplomatist, but the incorruptible citizen and patriotic states- man. — [Speech of Mr. Lewis, Atlanta, Georgia. 5. A survey and consideration of the prCvSent methods and results of our foreign mission work, w^hen made from any high standpoint, cannot fail to produce in most observ- ers a feeling of impatience and dissatisfaction. Not only the hostile censor and the chronic doubter, but even the friendly critic and the hearty believer in the paramount duty of the Christian Church to send missions into all the world, finds in such survey and consideration much to con- demn, or at least to seriously question. The attitude of the missionary towards the religion w^iich he seeks to displace, the relation of the missionary abroad to the Board at home, the very existence of a home board in a true missionary economy, the relation of the foreign missionary to the native Christianity, the very right and expediency of the retention of permanent settled foreigners in a field where the nucleus of a native church has been formed — these and other con- siderations of equal gravity and importance present them- selves for the consideration of the Church. Radical reforms are suggested in some directions, but even among those who would agree in ultimate ideals there is wide difference of opinion as to the expedient policy for the immediate future. That radical changes are needed admits of no doubt to many. While the great mass of the conservatives see no occasion for serious change, how can they understand why such questions should be raised ? There is, however, one evil in our foreign missionary work which finds almost unanimous recognition ; for there 42 The Probi^em op Method. are but few who would not agree with the recent declara- tion of a foreign missionary that ' ' denominationalism is a luxury that should not be encouraged in the foreign field." While this sentiment is quite general, the condition which confronts us is a number of denominational boards, each working on separate and independent lines which run out into the furthest missionary field. What is more, this con- dition has in it evident potency of long life, which belongs to old and strong organizations, backed by a practical de- nominationalism and supported by a jealous fear which at present is more strong than an ideal sentiment. In view of this condition, while we would neither ignore the more radical reforms hinted at above, nor lose sight of ultimate ideals, our purpose is to suggest an advance in missionary methods, which, not disturbing the existence of the denominational boards, nor interfering with the work in the fields, offers a forward step both immediate and prac- tical. The idea which we w^ould present is that of a gen- eral Missionary Board or Commission, which in some lim- ited way, should unite and represent the .several isolated denominational boards. Rather than to attempt to discuss the form of such a commission and meet the obvious objec- tions which might be offered in the abstract, we would pre- fer to commend the idea by suggesting some of the direc- tions in which such a commission would be of service suffi- cient to justify its creation. These directions of service are capable of a threefold division as affecting (1) the work of the several boards which might co-operate in it ; (2) the work and workers in the foreign field ; (3) the Church at home. With regard to the separate boards, the Commission could be of general economic service by making easy a compari- son of methods and expenses which would enable different boards to benefit by the experience of others, and so reduce The ProbIvEm of Method. 43 expenses and improve methods. — [77?^ Outlook, Dec. 20, 1896. A Forzvard Step in Missions. 6. Before Moses, sacrifice was well nigh universal. Many persons have the impression that Moses not only commanded sacrifice, but that it originated with him. No ! sacrifice was the universal method of worship throughout the world. Its origin is pagan, not Jewish. It antedates Judaism. * * ^ Pagans offered their sacrifices everywhere, on every high hill and under every green tree. But this Lev- itical code said Israel shall not do so. That is based on the idea that sacrifice is necessary, that one cannot have favor with God unless he offers sacrifice, and that idea was by every method discouraged and denied. — [Gospel Doctrine of Sacrifice. Outlook, Dec. 26, 1896. 7. There is a method in man's wickedness. It grows up by degrees. — [A King and No King, Act V, Scene ^. Beaumont and Fletcher. 8. Who could have conjectured in advance anything of that widespread system of Totemism which Frazer has pre- sented with such detail, the importance of which we are only beginning to recognize, and the significance of which we are scarcely beginning to comprehend ? Indeed, it is doubtful if many of these early methods of thought and ac- tion will ever be really understood, for the reason that these customs so soon become merely traditional, and those who practice them may no longer attach a definite significance to them. In looking at methods of life that express feelings and notions so different from our own, we feel, so far as any comprehension is involved, almost as helpless as we do in watching the economy of an ant-hill. In the ant-hill there is a civilization very like our own, and yet, so far as the inner relations which it expresses are concerned, it is utterly 44 The Probi^em of Method. foreign to ns and unimaginable by us. — \The Gospel of St. Paul, by Charles Carrol Everett, p. 9. 9. However these two methods may, at the first glance, seem to resemble each other, there is a really great differ- •ence between them. The animal is identified with the worshipper in the Jewish scapegoat, for instance, where the sins of the people were laid upon his head. Among the Egyptians, the victim was sometimes marked with a seal bearing the image of a man bound and w^ith a sword at his throat. This was to show that the victim represented the human sacrifice which milder manners had given up. — \The Gospel of Paul, hy Charles Carroll Everett, p. 25. 10. It is hardl}^ to be questioned that the sacrifice and the use of blood as a means of purification came to be re- garded, to some extent, in the same formal and traditional manner. At least there must have been a tendency to the simple perfunctory use of such methods of winning the divine favor. Those by whom the gods were conceived in too spiritual a fashion to admit of the earlier and grosser notions of sacrifice might still feel obliged to peform them according to the customary routine of worship. — \_The Gos- pel of Paul, by Charles Carroll Everett, p. 35. 11. As to the method b}^ which the death of Christ took the place of the punishment which the sinner had deserved, Pfleiderer's statements lack the clearness which marks the greater part of his discussion. — \_The Gospel of Paul, by Charles Carroll Everett, p. 127. 12. I thus fail to find any method by which the resurrec- tion of Christ may be made to appear to have any vital rela- tion to his atoning work, as this is commonly understood. — {The Gospel of Paul, by Charles Carroll Everett, p. 209. 13. He was with the Terre Haute Evening News in a The Probi^em of Method. 45 responsible capacity and his brilliant and aggressive 7neth- ods won for that newspaper a large circulation. — \Terre Haute Express, Ja?i. 7, iSgy. 14. The Commission, however, recognized the necessity of other methods of securing such deliberation and such pub- lic notice, by providing that no important ordinance can be acted upon until several days after publication in the ''City Record." ^ -^ -^^^ There are two methods either one of which would make such knowledge possible. One would be to delegate the legislative powers to a small body of nine, twelve, or fifteen men, to be elected by the whole city on one ticket. The other w^ould be to divide the city into a hundred voting districts, and provide that each district should elect one, and only one, representative. — \Outlook, Editorial, Jan. 2, i8gy. 15. Perfect methods make our work perfect. — \^Adver- tisemejzt vf a laundry. 16. In order to accomplish this result the melter and refiner must have the pure gold to begin with. He must take all the gold out of the brick, but in such a way as to leave no silver or other metal connected with it. His method is an odd one. He takes the gold brick and melts it with a lot of silver. He does this because the acid which is to take the silver out of the gold will not work well un- less there is plenty of the silver in the mixture. He knows just how much silver is necessary for the right combina- tion, and he adds this amount to the gold brick. The com- bined metals are next thrown into a vessel containing nitric acid. This acid has a peculiar affinity for silver and for the baser metals. It has no effect upon gold, but it sucks all of the other metals out of the mixture and combines with them, turning them into a liquid which looks not unlike water. The pure gold drops to the bottom of the vessel, 46 The Problem of Method. while the silver and other metals are left in the solution. The liquor is now drawn off, and the melter and refiner has a lot of pure gold, out of wdiich he makes another brick or bar. — [Method in Lajigicage VII — Devices, p. ^^. 17. Lieutenant Governor Nye ruled him out of order and denied an appeal to the Senate, sa3ang the method pro- vided for organization could not be departed from. — \Te7Te Haute Gazette, Ja7i. 8, iS^y. 18. There should be some method of enrollment and a fee demanded as a condition precedent to the right to prac- tice before the people's legislative jury. — [Gov. Ping re e' s Message to the Michigaii Legislature. 19. The same regulation should be provided for city and town superintendents, as one year is not time enough for the putting to a test any superintendent's metJiods. — [Re- port of Indiana Legislative Committee on School Law. 20. Arrange to keep such paved streets clean by the la- test improved method. — [Teri-e Haute Gazette, /a7t. g, i8gy. 21. But if we proceed in our inquiries as we lately did, by the method of mutual admissions, we shall combine in our own persons the functions of jury and advocate. — [Bk. I, Sec. J ^8, Plato' s Republic. 22. It is not promised to bring prosperity to those who do business according to reckless and dishonest methods. — [ Crawfordsville Journal. 23. The presidential electors elected last November held an informal meeting at the Denison House last evening to look into the law and learn what should be the method of procedure in casting the vote of Indiana for McKinley and Hobart. They did not talk of who should be elected mes- senger, and that question will be decided either by ballot or by lot at the meeting to-day. They will meet, according to I Thk Problem of Method. 47 law, in the hall of the House at 10 o'clock this morning, and organize by electing a chairman and secretary. They will then ballot for president and vice-president and will sign a certificate of how the vote was cast in triplicate, one copy being filed in the Federal Court, another being trans- mitted by mail to the president of the Senate of the United States and the other being sent to the same officer by special messenger, under seal. Four or five of the delegates are asking to be made messenger, and none of them would re- fuse it. — \Jndia71apolis Journal. 24. When I assumed the position as chief of the Depart- ment of Geology and Natural Resources, I started out with the expressed determination of making that department what its originators, in my opinion, intended it should be — a bureau of information, where any person can at anj^ time procure a knowledge of the natural resources of our State. I did away with the unscientific method of county surveys, since the civil boundaries of a county have nothing to do with the boundaries or limits of a natural resource, and adopted the plan of taking up each of the great resources in detail, and preparing a monograph or special report thereon, accompanied by maps, cuts, engravings and tables of chemical and physical tests. — {Report of State Geologist to India7ia Legislature^ Jci^fi-y iSgy. 25. Monopoly's Method. It appears that the Pennsyl- vania railroad tried to pack the meeting of citizens which was held last night to protest against the gift of Delaware street made by the Board of Public Works to this corpora- tion. Large numbers of railroad employes w^ere present for the purpose of destroying the object of the meeting, and they might have succeeded if they had been as ably led as the citizens were. — {Indianapolis News, Editorial, Jari. 12, 1897. 48 Thk Problem of Mkthod. 26. One irritating circumstance in connection with the last treaty grows out of the peculiar method adopted by the State Department to give the text to the public. Two ex- tra copies were made, one of which was sent to the Senate and the other given to a Washington correspondent of a London newspaper. It was supposed at the department that the press association would be able to get a copy at the Senate, but the rules of that body prohibited this being given out at once. The press associations, therefore, had to order the treaty cabled back from London, w^iereat com- plaint is made of discrimination against American newspa- pers, and much is being made of it in Congress and out. Mr. Olney is accused of being an Anglomaniac and of catering more to the English people than to his American constituency both in the matter arid spirit of the treaty it- self and in the methods of its distribution for publication. — [India7iapolis Jozir7ial, Ja7i. 7^, iS^y. 27. It also amends the election law by putting the Re- publican ticket in the first column and making a few minor changes in the methods of counting, chief of which is that it gives to any party nominating a ticket the privilege of having two watchers at the polls. — \_Indianapolis Journal, Jan. IS, i8p7. 28. Moreover its work in unmasking imposters and ex- posing the methods of fraudulent charity-mongers has been of great benefit to the community. — \_Report oj Society Jor Orga7iized Charity, J a7i,, i8py, 29. "A few years ago," said a local newspaper man last night, " I saw as much of Mr. McCullagh as any man could. I knew his 77tethods. He gave his time to his paper. In the old building where all were crowded together there was but one chair that any one could sit in, and that was occupied by the editor. The others were heaped with books, so that Thk Problkm of Method. 49 it was impossible for him to ask any one to be seated. He read the papers, and as he read wrote the crisp editorial paragraphs which have long been a feature of the Globe- Democrat. He never permitted himself to be bored. If he wanted an article he knew it, and would send the writer a check for it. If he did not, he would waste no words about it. It was said that his moods had something to do with his decisions. — \_India71apolis Journal. 30. It must be gratifying to all good citizens to note the energetic methods that obtain with the management of the local branch of the Young Men's Christian Association. The Sunday afternoon meetings of the association are at- tended by more men than any other service in the city, and that they are the sources of much profit as well as of great pleasure there is no doubt. Their success is perhaps due in large measure to the restlessness of the General Secretary. He is a firm believer in the efficacy of advertising — a species of orthodoxy that some business men have yet fully to grasp. When he starts out " to work up a meeting," as he phrases it, he does not rest until he has accomplished his purpose. On Saturday nights the citizens of Terre Haute are greeted by announcements in chalk written on the side- walks and at other conspicuous places telling them that ' ' to- morrow afternoon Mr. So-and-So will speak at the Young Men's Christian Association rooms." As a rule, also, the same announcement is made in the various churches on the next morning and the fact is given publicity in as many ways as possible. — \Saturday Evening Mail, Jan. 16, iS^y, 31. It is a simple and antidotal volume of advice and suggestion about the manners, customs, habits and moral qualties and methods of work which a priest ought to culti- vate. — \_The Outlook, Jan. 16, 18 gy. The Books oj the Week. 50 The Probi.em of Method. 32. The Board of Superintendents, acting as a central body for the whole school system of the city, has attended to all appointments and promotions ; the superintendent states it to be the present method of administration. — \The Outlook^ Jan. i6, 1^97- The Teaching Profession. 33. He did it more cleverly than the inventor and his efforts in the performance were an improvement upon Hou- din's methods. Heller was the first magician to introduce a lady confederate and assistant in the magical entertainment. He likewise discarded the use of all visible apparatus, cur- tains and tapestries. Wyman is perhaps the first magician the present middle age can recollect of its childhood. His methods were clumsy in contrast to those of latter day ma- gicians, but his wonders seemed marvels and his crowning feat of extracting real eggs and a live chicken from an ap- parently empty bag was a feat beyond which nothing ap- peared more startling. He combined ventriloquism with his entertainment and a large source of his fame rested upon his powers in this species of entertainment. — \Indianapolis Journal^ Jan. ly. i8gy. Magic and Magicians. 34. The doctors had failed in the attempt to secure pic- tures of the thoughts in their minds, and only attained their purpose by the indirect method of having them impressed first on the brains of others. Before the subjects were placed under the hypnotic spell each was instructed to think of nothing but his own hand. Bach imagined, then, that the laboratory was full of hands and, judging by the dis- tinct impressions received of a photographic plate, the hands were really there. — \India7iapolis Jotirnal, Jan. ly, i8gy. Thought Photography . 35. The district method of electing county commission- ers works very unjustly in this county. Under the present system Indianapolis, which with its suburbs has nine-tenths The ProbIvEm of Method. 51 of the population of the county and pa3's eight- tenths of the taxes, has onlj^^one of three commissioners. The result is that it has little or no voice in the action of the board, be- ing always voted 'down in matters of local interest by the country members. If the district method of electing com- missioners is to continue in general, an exception should be made of counties containing cities of a certain population. — \Editorial in Indianapolis J ouriial, Jan, 20, 18 py, 36. The Associated Press report of the scene with Speaker Reed sa3^s that the committee of members pointed out the necessity of the buildings mentioned, and said that it was evident that the majority of the House desired their consideration. Speaker Reed asked them if they were aware that the government was running behind in the mat- ter of revenue at the rate of $58,000,000 a year. It was a question of the ability of the government to meet and pay its obligations. The committee replied that the bills did not appropriate a dollar, but only fixed the maximum of cost of the buildings, the appropriations being left in the hands of future Congresses. Mr. Reed said that he did not approve of this method of mortgaging the revenues of the government, to which the committee replied that they could not mortgage what did not exist and thought that the sub- ject of making appropriations could be safely left to future Congresses. The committee came away feeling that it was not a cheerful outlook. 37. An operator comes forward, and under his guidance we look into the- methods of attending to a most important branch of the fire service — that of receiving and recording an alarm of fire from a street box, and transmitting the same to the engine companies nearest to the fire, in the shortest possible time. ^ ^l-^ * After this when we see a fire company responding to the call of duty, we wnll better 52 Thk ProbIvKm of Mkthod. appreciate the methods that have been used to send them on their noble errand. — \St. Nicholas^ Feb. , i8^y. 38. Au Gau gazed scornfully upon the scene, as these demonlike figures danced in and out of the smoke and fire. * ' Look at those red-headed demons ! They seem to be fire- proof, " he remarked to his uncle. After pondering a while, he continued : "I have been told that all this noise, fire and smoke is to drive away evil spirits ; but it seems to bring them, like flies around a sugar bowl." The seeming failure of this noisy method of combatting the bad spirits set his young mind to thinking. — \St. Nicholas, Feb., iSpy. 39. Mr. Carlisle is an able man, and, as politicians go, a good deal of a statesman, but he has not developed any originality or ability as a financier nor shown any familiarity with financial methods. Indianapolis Journal, Jan. jo, iSp/, 40. Washington, Jan. 30. — Communications from the church bodies in various parts of the country are being received by members of the House committee on mili- tary affairs regarding the action of the secretary of war in granting permission for the erection of a Catholic cathedral building on the government grounds at West Point. The matter seems to have brewed a commotion nearly equal to that which has raged over school appropriations if the let- ters coming in are a sign. Several communications from bishops, ministers of organizations, as well as from laymen, have been received. Three other religious bodies have ap- plied for information as to whether they will also be allowed to place church buildings on the West Point grounds. It is possible that the matter may be brought before Congress by a resolution of inquiry or some other method. — [Indian- apolis Journal, Jan. ji, I Spy. 41. The antiquity of the legal methods is curiously illus- trated by the recent discovery of the oldest will extant. The ProbIvEm of Method. 53 This unique document was unearthed by Professor Petrie at Kahum, Egypt, and is at least four thousand years old. In its phraseology the will is singularly modern in form, so much so that it might be admitted to probate to-da}^ — [In- dianapolis Journal, Jan. ji, i8gy. 42. The Administrative Board of Libraries, I^aboratories and Museums at meetings held on November 28, 1896, and January 23, 1897, took the following action : In the place of Special Regulation No. 3 governing De- partmental Libraries, the following was substituted : All officers, of instruction may, with the approval of the appropriate departmental adviser withdraw books from the library of their own department and retain them for a lim- ited period to be agreed upon by the borrower and the de- partmental adviser. In the carrying out of this rule, the following methods shall be employed : 1. The records of withdrawal of books are to be kept in each departmental library in an instructor's loan book pro- vided for that purpose, and the drawer shall record his name, etc., title of the book, accession number, and the date of the withdrawal. 2. The departmental advisor in connection with the head of the department shall determine the conditions under which books may be withdrawn from a departmental library, and inform the general library of these conditions, 3. The departmental adviser may through the general library call in the book at anytime. — \JJniversity Record^ Chicago, Jan. 2g, iSyp. 43. No one has blamed Mr. Rohl-Smith for accepting a commission which was offered him by those having legal power to make the offer. Those whom the society has blamed are the officials who selected a work of art for other 54 The Problem of Method. than artistic reasons. It is not necessary to speculate as to the motive of those who have misled him into taking such a stand. They have succeeded, however, in furnishing an- other example as to methods which, in this instance, the society has deplored, and have done everthing possible to preclude even helpful criticism until it is too late to be of any use. — \Statement of National Sculpture Society^ N. V., Jan. ji, 18g6. From Indianapolis Joiwnal, Feb. z, i8^y. 44. The junketing was harmless, but it helped to over- shadow the business side of the visit and excited rather an undue amount of censorious comment. In spite of this fea- ture, however, the visitation method continued because it seemed to be the only available means of getting the desired information. The bill paSvSed by the House, if it becomes a law, will end the junketing business. It provides that after an election of members of the Legislature, and at least forty- five days before the session opens, the Governor shall ap- point a commission consisting of one senator and two repre- sentatives-elect, who shall visit and inspect all the state in- stitutions and report to the Legislature regarding their con- dition and needs. The commission is allowed thirty days in which to vivSit all the State institutions, and as there are fifteen of them in different parts of the State this is not too much. — \_Editorial in Indianapolis Journal, Feb. i, i8gj. EDUCATIONAI. MEANINGS. 1. "There is much 3'et to be said upon the well-worn subject, Bible study. There is still occasion to ask the question — and to ask it with all the emphasis which lan- guage can furnish — is the Bible of all books, the book to be studied? Shall not our children in school, our sons and daughters in college, our young men in the theological semi- naries, study this book, whatever else they may or may not Thk PROBI.KM OF Method. 55 know ? Shall we teach the most minute and the most pru- rient details of Roman and Greek history and literature, and allow, j^es, compel an ignorance of even the general features of a history and a literature which in spite of every untoward circumstance have penetrated and elevated the thought and life of humanity as have no other ? But it is not my purpose, at this time, to discuss the subject of Bible study, • " There is much also to be said, more by far than most people imagine, on the closely related question, Bible study. Please note place of emphasis, Bible study (emphasis on study.) The mass of those who count themselves Bible students never study. They read, perhaps : they seldom think , they never study. Shall we continue thus to de- ceive ourselves ? Shall we substitute the most hurried and superficial perusal of a verse or chapter for an earnest, faith- ful examination of that passage, and allow ourselves fondly to suppose that we have studied it? Shall that which, in some cases, is worse than no reading at all, be falsely dig- nified and dishonestly branded as study ? But it is not my purpose at this time to discuss the subject of Bible study. " Much is being said in these days about the methods of Bible study. What method shall we adopt ? is the question asked. Is there one method, and are all other methods to be cast aside ? Will two men ever do the same thing best in the same way ? Is it not true that a method helpful to one man, or set of men, is often ruinous to another man, or set of men ? Shall we not seek independence, not only of spirit, but as well of method, of any and every method? The word method is too frequently but another term for the word rut. And yet there must be method. He who works without plan and aimlessly will find his results without form, and void, chaotic. But it is not my purpose at this time to discuss methods. 56 The Probi^em of Method. **Wewho are gathered here to-day are Christian men. There is in the mind of each one of us a firm purpose, or at least a strong desire, to know the Word of God. I have in mind both kinds of knowledge — that spiritual grasp of the sacred book, that personal experience of certain truths, which will enable us to make practical use of the same in the hand-to-hand work of the street or inquiry room ; that knowledge the ability to use which measures our strength in Christian work. This kind of knowledge does not come at once ; the memorizing of verses here and there will not bring it. It is the highest of possessions. It is the deepest of all knowledge. It will come in time to the child of God, but to him only in time — after long and persistent effort. " But back of this spiritual grasp, or underneath it, there is a knowledge of another kind. Must I, for lack of a bet- ter term, call it intellectual? The two make one; they must not be separated ; either without the other will inevit- ably lead to error. " An intellectal grasp of the Scriptures will lead to what? A mastery, so far as possible, of the details of Bible history; a putting together of this and that event ; an investigation of the great epochs ; a study of the great characters ; an in- quiry into the cause of things as they are represented in Scripture and their relations to each other. An apprecia- tion of the literary forms of the various books ; a knowl- edge of the circumstances under which they had their ori- gin ; the purpose each was to subserve ; the people for whom they were originally written ; their history. An abil- ity to interpret ; to apply principles of interpretation com- mon to all writings ; a familiarity with those special princi- ples demanded by the unique character of the Bible. It is for this kind of knowledge — critical, it may be called, yet necessary to a conservation of the truth ; intellectual, yet The Problem of Method. 57 forming the basis of the deepest spiritual work — that we who are here to-day ought to strive. ' * The work before us is stupendous. The field is an in- exhaustible one. An intellectual grasp of the contents of the Scripture is not something which falls into one's hands without putting forth of eifort. Effort, indeed, may be put forth, and the result not come. But the least one can do is to make the effort. "What, now, shall be the character of the effort put forth ? It is this which will determine the character of the results. Describe to me the effort which at the present time is being made in any given section or by any individual, and I will calculate for you the results, which are being at- tained in that section or by that individual. Everything turns on the effort, and is it not true a single word may be found which will describe the ideal effort, and that word is systematic?' " Now, let me ask this question : Has the effort which you have been making all through life toward a comprehen- sion of the facts and truth of Holy Writ been a systematic one ? Are you ready to answer yes ? Do you not like to confess that it is not ? Before committing yourself one way or another, before confessing that you have not been system- atic, before dogmatically asserting, at the risk of being wrong, that you have been systematic, let us inquire what is meant by 'systematic' " Have you had a clearly defined purpose in your work, and has that purpose been a correct one? The stream never rises higher than the fountain. Your work will never reach higher than 3'our ideal. How is it now ? Is the ideal in your case a low one ? What have you been aiming at ? There are some who study merely to satisfy themselves. They are always taking in, always adding to their store of knowledge. This knowledge, great though it may be in 58 Thk PROBI.KM OF Method. amount, valuable though it may be in character, is of little or no practical value to those who possess or those about them. To this class belong many of those who are known as scholars. Am I here to speak against scholarship — against the most critical and painstaking investigation ? God forbid. But is it not true that from the men who have this great knowledge, the men whom God has given the op- portunity to obtain it, we have a right to expect — yes, de- mand — something by way of return? There are on the floor from various quarters of our country men of the ripest and highest scholarship in biblical studies. Shall they not open up their hearts and come down from their lofty pedes- tal and take an interest in the promulgating of intelligent ideas concerning this sacred volume? The time has passed when scholarship should be divorced from popular work, when men who have great stores of knowledge shall stand aloof from the masses. * * But there are some who go the other extreme — they are always giving out, never filling up. In the treatment of a Scripture passage it is entirely sufficient to ascertain what seems to be the great lesson inculcated and to present this lesson to thOvSe who are dependent on them for the bread of life without any effort, either to master for themselves the substance of the Holy Scripture or to help others to do so.' These people are always applying, seldom studying, never teaching the sacred word. And what do they apply? Their own ideas, not the Bible. The pupils may remain under their charge for many years and be none the wiser as to the real contents of the Bible. My friends, what is our great purpose in this study ? Do we belong to either of the classes I have briefly described ? If so, we are laboring from a point of view which is inconsistent with a systematic Bible study. What, then, should be our purpose ? To know the Bible, book by book ; to become saturated with its thought The Problem of Method. 59 and its spirit, and then to lead others to the same knowl- edge. The more God has allowed us to know of its won- derful truths the greater the revSponsibility which rests upon us. But, however much or however little we may know, it should be our great aim to teach that, and not something- else as a substitute. Why will men, teachers and preach- ers, with a self-conceit which is incomprehensible, imagine that their thoughts about the Bible, their deductions from its pages, are of more value, are more greatly to be desired, than the precious words themselves ? The world is starving- for the Bible. A systematic study will be one grounded on the principle that the sacred word itself is to be studied in such a manner that it may again be taught to those wha need it, and not man's feeble ideas concerning it. Have you in mind, my brother, the right purpose ? " But your effort, to be vSystematic, must be submitted to- another test. Has it been in accordance with a carefully wrought-out plan ? " Will you recall the steady growth, the wonderful pro* grCvSs of Israelitish history from the smallest beginning, through trial and trouble, then victory and possession — the organization of the nation by Samuel, the establishment of the monarchy by David ; its disruption at the death of Sol- omon ; apostasy and sin followed by the destruction of the northern nation ; again the apostasy and sin and the long captivity ; the return, almost pitiable in contrast with the former glory, the bickering and strife, the gradual dying- out of the national fire, that divine inspiration which had burned for so many centuries ? Has your plan of study in- cluded a careful comparison of these periods, their relation to each other, and the special part played by each in the great drama — the world's redemption ? ' ' With your knowledge of Israelitish history thus gath- ered and systematized, have you gone back again to the be- 60 The Probi^km of Method. ginning and taken up the study of the prophecy (inter- woven so closely with that history as almost to be identi- fied with it), and followed, generation by generation, cen- tury by century, the growing fabric of the revelation of God ; the lines, branching out in this (direction and that, now dim, now resplendent in glory; new lines starting up and moving side by side with the old, until all lines, old and new, converge in the life work and death of the Christ ? ' ' The man who has not studied prophecy in this way, noting carefully the origin and development of each of the many ideas which, taken together, proclaim the coming of a deliverance and Deliverer, a salvation and a Savior ; the man who has not connected the prophetic utterances with the great events of history and personal experience from which they sprang and of which they form a part, has he done the work worthy of being called systematic ? ' ' Has your plan made provision also for the great books of Old Testament philosophy. Job, Proverbs and Ecclesi- astes ; for that collection of laws, the most wonderful the world has ever seen ? Have you ever made a systematic study of that most sacred and fascinating of all subjects, the life of Christ ; or the life and the writings of the Apostle Paul? The question is, my friends, are we studying ac- cording to a plan which includes all these subjects and many more, in an order which will enable us most clearly to grasp their meaning, and the mutual relation which they sustain to each other ? Have you any plan at all ; Is it perhaps possible that some of us have been moving around in a cir- cle, and not forward ? Are some of us feeding from hand to mouth, not knowing, not even caring what is to come next? Without a plan, flexible perhaps, yet definite, there can be no systematic study. "But again: Our work, if it is to be in the best and strictest sense systematic, must be independent. A machine The Probi^em of Method. 61 may be systematic, but the human mind, if its system is only that of a machine, would better be uns3^stematic. The student makes no real progress who is satisfied with having learned what some one else has said concerning the mean- ing of a verse or the scope of a passage ; who always fol- lows ; who is always leaning upon another. Such a student crams ; he does not digest. Is craming consistent either with any true purpose or any prepared plan ? Such work is done for the moment, not for all time. Is such work honest, not to speak of its being S3^stematic ? The lack of independence explains a multitude of failures under our present system, admirable as it is. Many of us, strangely enough, suppose that we need only read the notes published in any sheet, or perhaps only the practical lessons suggested, and in time we will come to know the Bible. This is wrong, partly because- these notes are in too many cases the merest trash, and partly because, even when most excellent, they are not properly studied. The Bible student who feels that the preparation of his Sunday school lesson is all the Bible study which he need undertake, who is satisfied to study that lesson as he would be ashamed to study a lesson for the school room, often, oh, how often, makes an out-and- out failure. Crutches are freely furnished us these days — so freely indeed, that too many of us have forgotten how to stand on our own feet. If our work is to be systematic, it must be planned and executed independently, and not in slavish dependence upon some one man or set of men. *' A systematic study of the Bible will be a logical, philo- sophical study of it. It will not be the mere memorizing of a list of names and dates ; the naming of the most impor- tant cities, villages, rivers and mountains. It will not be a study of a verse here and a passage there without consider- ing that verse or passage in the light of the context. It will not be the citing, as from heaven, of words quoted by 62 The ProbIvEm of Method. an inspired writer from the mouth of, perhaps, Satan himself. The attempt to exhaust the meaning of a verse, without first a study of the chapter of which the verse is a part, or of a chapter without first a study of the book of which the chapter is a part — such an attempt is illogical ; it is more, it is absurd. There must be logical order ; there must be consecution, connection, or the work will be defec- tive. We must know w^ho it was, where it was and when it was ; but we must know more, if it is possible to know it. The effort will be comparatively a failure if we do not also discover why it was. But I must hasten. "Our study, to be systematic, must be comprehensive. Master}^ of details is needed, yet also mastery of the subject as a whole. ' It is a mistake to suppose for a moment that Bible study consists in the study of isolated texts, or in the study of single chapters ; or even in the study of the entire book. A man might study verses all his life and know comparatively little of the Bible. Besides, the man who studies onl}^ verses does one-sided imperfect, narrow work. As has been said, he w^ho does not have in mind the entire book, and from this standpoint do his work, does not and cannot appreciate the full force of a single verse contained in that book. The same thing holds good in a higher sphere. It is not sufficient merely to have a comprehensive knowledge of a given book. Although we may know the contents, the analysis, the occasion, purpose, author, etc., etc., of this book, there is still something to be ascertained. What ? The place of that book in the Bible as a whole ; its relation to other books ; the relation of its contents to the contents of the entire Bible, to the entire plan of God for the salvation of men. How comparatively contemptible, after all, is the study of mere verses ! How much he loses who satisfies himself that, having done this, he has done all ! We should be close, critical students of a verse ; The PROBI.BM OF Method. 63 we should be searching, analytical students of a book ; we should also be broad, comprehensive general students of the Bible. Let our work, therefore, whatever else it is, be a comprehensive work, for, unless it is comprehensive, it will not be systematic. ''Our work must be one which will lead to definite re- sults. When one has finished a course of study in any de- partment he will surely be disappointed and dissatisfied with the subject, his teacher and himself if he is not able to put his hands on certain definite results. Now, the Bible is a small book. It is, we all believe, an inexhaustible book ; and yet the work of mastering this book is, in one sense, a very definite one. With a plan of study looking towards thorough work and definite results, the facts, the purpose, the teachings of book after book will come into our posses- sion ; one principle after another will become familiar ; one period after another will gradually develop itself before us. "Here, alas! is where failure stares most of us in the face. We study, and we study, and we study ; in infancy, in childhood, in youth, in manhood, and in old age ; and yet, oh, how many of us must confess it, we accomplish so little, the results are so small, that in the pain of soul and torture of heart we cry out in our disappointment. Am I wrong when I say that the actual Bible knowledge of the average Christian is not one-tenth what it ougnt to be ? Not one-tenth of what it might be if a more systematic study were in vogue. Pardon me, I beseech you ; but when I read the hundreds of letters which are coming to me from all parts of the world — letters from Christian men and wo- men, teachers, preachers and missionaries, letters contain- ing the most pitiable confessions of ignorance, where no ig- norance should have existed, letters which tell of yearnings for a better knowledge of the sacred truth — my heart is filled with indignation that this should be so, for a fearful 64 The Problkm of Method. responsibility rests somewhere ; and then there comes the feeling of sadness that the experience of these individuals is being repeated in the case of so many more. Put the question to yourself. What are the results of your eight, ten, twenty or thirty years of Bible study? With how many of the sixty-six books are you even tolerably familiar ? How many of them can you think through from beginning to end, recalling, in a flash, the substance of the entire book ? On how many of the sixty-six books would you be willing to offer yourself for an examination similar to that required of the average freshman in college on Homer? How many of us here to-night could pass a really respecta- ble examination on the life of our lyord ? Definite results, definite results, we must have, and if our study does not bring them we may confidently believe that somehow, somewhere, something is wrong. Surely no study deserves the name systematic, no stud}^ can be systematic which does not produce them. ' ' A word now in conclusion : ' ' Have you a clear and definite purpose in mind as to what you are studying for? As to what you are trying to accomplish ? ' * Have a sharply outlined plan in which provision is made for the intelligent study, one by one, of the great epochs, the great characters, the great doctrines, and above all that great life, the life of Christ ? ' ' Have you decided that you will think for yourself, that you will use the mind which God has given you, employing aids and assistance only when it is necessary and wise ? * ' Is your study in accordance with the great principles which underly the working of the human mind ? Are you logical ? Is there order, connection, consecution ? ' ' Is your work comprehensive ? Are you careful not to lose yourself in a wilderness of detail ; forgetting the great The PROBI.EM OF Method. . 65 purpose and the broad plan with which you began your work ? *' Is your work producing results? At the end of every month, or three months,. or six months, can you feel that, you have made progress ? Are the books of the Bible com- ing, one by one, into your possession ? Are you beginning to look forward to the time when every book will, in some sense, have been mastered ? How is it ? Are these things so ? Your work then is systematic. "This book, your book, my book, God's book — this book, I say, we must study ; we must study it in no other way than did the Incarnate Word Himself. Let us take Him as our model, in this as in all work. We must study it rev- erently, for it is divine ; study it historically, for it is hu- ' man ; and study it systematically, for we were created in the image of God, and endowed with minds, minds which our Creator intended we should use. " And in such a work, undertaken by the intelligent men of our day, entered into wnth such a spirit and pursued in such a manner, with God Himself over all and in all, it is not for the tongue of man to describe, nor for the mind of man to comprehend what would be accomplished. — [Lec- ture by Dr. W. R. Harper, at Plyjnouth Church, hidianap- oils. 2. A reconstruction of education must come in this country, and the best methods of character-education be made universal. — {Review of Reviezvs, p. 68 1, Dec. i8p6. 3. She (Switzerland) owes her admirable system of laws to 'h^r methods of education. — [Revzeza of Reviews, p. 682, Dec. i8g6. The almost universal education of children under the Froebel methods seems to be close at hand ; it is the new > movement of the age. But Froebel' s methods need evolu- 66 The Problem of Method. tion and expansion to meet the republican spirit of to-day in the Pan-American field. Among his methods, which merit a fuller expression in our child schools of ethical cul- ture, we may note : a. Educational walks. This plan belonged to the methods of both Pestalozzi and Froebel. These teachers took their pupils to places for the study of local history, to the flowers for botany, to the rocks for geology, and to nature for all nature's lessons of life, etc. b. Froebel' s plan of associating children with little ani- mals and birds, in order to teach them the brotherhood of all creatures, the oneness of life, and how to treat dumb animals, has found illustration in many kindergarten schools, but in some places has not been regarded as a very essential feature of his method. But this is an essential Tuethod of heart education, etc. c. Patriotic education. This is finding a place in most American kindergarten schools. As in Switzerland, the children march with the flag, and sing the songs of Justice and Liberty, etc. d. Teaching of self-control is an essential part of the Froebel method, and in no country is this moral development more needed than in ours. " To give firmness to the will, to quicken it, and to make it pure, strong, and enduring, in a life of pure humanity,,, says Froebel, *' is the chief con- cern in instruction and in the school," etc. e. Stories of imagination. We must have a new litera- ture for children to meet the needs of the educational re- vival, after the Swiss and German school methods, which follow the Hebrew parables. Tales of Indians, bear-hunts, and of boys who were men before their time, have had their day of our children's reading. The time has come for a large Thk Problem of Method. 67 place in the education of the creative imagination for the imagination largely governs life, etc. f. Kindergartens for friendless children. The lich need kindergartens as well as the poor, for this form of educa- tion is the soul's school. But we believe that no other char- ity represents so much in life as the kindergarten, for it stands for the moral evolution of life from the beginning ; it is the gospel of the Sermon on the Mount of beatitudes put into the heart and habits of the child by the natural way of the playground, through the exercise of the creative facul- ties. — \Ki7idergarttn Age, Review of Reviews, Dec, 18^6. 4. What has inductive, statistical, or scientific child- study accomplished thus far that would suggest modifica- tions in the present curricula or methods of teaching in our schools ? How may the results of child-study be best embodied in the curricula and methods of teaching in our schools as rap- idly as they become reasonably well established? — \_The Bicl- letin, Vincennes, hid., Jan., iSg'j. 5. Probably no person who has undertaken the subject of child-study has done so much to interest the average teacher as Earl Barnes. He has a method of study all his ow^i, which he has used industriously as may be seen when one reads his Studies in Education now being published. A sample of the Barnes method will illustrate : Once a mother gave a child for a birthday present — the child w^as just 6 years old — a beautiful box of paints. In the afternoon while the mother w^as busy in another room, the child painted all the parlor chairs so as to make them look nice, and then called out: " O mamma, come and see how pretty 1 have made the parlor." The paint could not be washed off and vSO the chairs were spoiled. What would 3^ou have said or done had you been the child's mother? 6S The Problem of Method. One day the teacher left the room and while she was gone, several children in the room began to make a noise. The teacher heard the noise as she came back, but did not know which children were out of order, and none of the class would tell her. So she kept the whole class in after school. Was the punishment just or unjust, and why? Thousands of children were given these and like stories for language exercises. The papers were sent to Prof. Barnes who made a careful study of each set. — \The Bulletin^ Vin- cenfies, Ind.,Jan.^ iSgy. 6. These illustrations, though long, illustrate the method of presenting the story of Dante to children. It is translat- ing it into their own experience. — [/*. ^5 of Leaflet 12. 7. ''Should a Divinity School Teach the Student What to Believe, or How^ to Think ? " * ' The answer which should be given to this question by a divinity school is not differe^it from the answer which should be given by any other sort of school, as, for example, by a school of law or medicine. It is necessary that the lawyer, at the very beginning of his practice, have a mind well stored with knowledge concerning laws and precedents and courts, else woe be to his clients. It is necessary also that he have a mind well trained to think, else woe to his clients. The same two-fold preparation is necessary for the physi- cian. There w^as once a sy.stem of medicine the professors of which proposed to deal simply wdth facts easily ascer- tained and catalogued, to treat the symptoms of disease with little reference to its causes, to have remedies set down in the book appropriate to each ache and pain and fever and chill, and thus to dispense with thought. Students were prepared in a few months to practice medicine in this way. A frightful record of failure to cure soon evinced the folly of this education. But it would have been equally foolish The ProbIvKm of Method. 69 to send the young physician into the world with no prepa- ration except the mastery of the laws of reasoning. It is even more necessary for the minister than for the lawyer and the physician to be acquainted with a wide range of truth and also to be able to employ it thoughtfull}^ and wisely. To administer error to his people is as much more hurtful than to administer poison as the soul is of greater value than the body, and as eternity is longer than time. To administer truth to them is the one function of his office, since it is only by means of the truth that God will bring them to re- pentance and afterward perfect them in holiness : * ' Sanc- tify them through the truth : thy word is truth." Yet truth, to be effectual, must be presented in reasoned forms ; the minister must use it so as to convince and to persuade ; he must interpret it to the mind and to the heart; he must adapt it to the various characters, to the experience, and to the wants of his hearers ; and hence he must think. " I conclude, therefore, that it is the function of a divinity school to teach both what to believe and how to think. ''But let us assume for a moment that the chief aim of the divinity school should be to make thinkers of students. Let us then ask how this can best be done. Various methods have been employed, and I request you to look at them. ' ' First. The education which appeals chiefly to the mem- ory has often been tried, and it is still in favor with many. It prevails in England in those schools which exist for the purpose of training young men for the civil service examin- ations. It prevails in this country in a large number of pri- vate schools which secure patronage by guaranteeing to fit any student for college in a given length of time, often very brief. In a school of this kind there is a large body of teachers, each one of whom has certain hours of work in the class room and certain other hours of private tutoring, during which he communicates to the student the tasks of 70 The Problem of Method. the coming day. The student does not acquire ; he only receives. ' ' Such an appeal to the memor}^ once constituted the prin- cipal function of the teacher, and this method of education was predominant in the lower schools of the whole world throughout the seventeenth century, and a large part of the eighteenth. It was reinforced by the daily use of the rod. Boys and girls were prepared for life as geese are prepared for the market in Strassburg, where the}^ are kept in cages and crammed wath food through a pipe thrust down their necks. This was supposed to be the only successful method of making thinkers ; but we now know that the student re- sembled a goose not only while he was subjected to it, but also afterward so long as he lived. ''Are there any schools in which men are trained for the the ministry chiefly by the communication of truths to be accepted with little regard to their systematic arrangement or their relation to human reason and with no requirement of independent research? I could name several. Their supporters believe that the method which prevails in them produces trained thinkers. There is no ground, however, on which it can be justified, and it must prove as inadequate in a divity school as elsewhere. ' 'Another method of teaching men to think is that of specu- lation. Its native home is German}^, that land of great realities and great dreams ; but like many other natives of Germany it has emigrated, and other countries are now re- ceiving whatever good or evil it has to give. Look back at the great outburst of pantheistic philosophy under Fichte, Shelling, and Hegel, a storm which bore everything before it, and drew into its vortex every faculty of philosophy in the German universities. No professor was called a thinker who opposed its course, and any professor was reckoned as a thinker if he could expound and extend these speculations. The Problem of Method. 71 Students rushed in thousands to the lectures of such men, confident that they were being taught to think. This is but one example which might be produced. The history of theological education is especially full of them ; for theolog- ical faculties of Germany have been swept off their feet re- peatedly by overflowing floods of speculation which have had " their little day and ceased to be." "But is there no difference between a theorizer and a thinker ? The theorizer has his office in the world ; he sug- gests many false things and some true ones : he stimulates the imagination and provokes discussion ; he is the Will-o'- the-wisp of science, dancing forward to lure it to regions hitherto dim and unknown, but preferring to hold his course over the marshes and jungles where it is dangerous to follow. The thinker has a far higher place. The thinker is the man who thinks soberly, justly, profoundly ; who can distin- guish the proposition that is proved from the proposition that is only probable, and this again from the proposition that is only possible or certainly false. If the divinity fac- ulty spends a great deal of its time in teaching the gorgeous theories which have come and gone in the past, or which dazzle the eyes of the visionary in the present, it will not make thinkers, but, on the contrary, will send into the pul- pits of the world a multitude of speculators and dreamers to dazzle their hearers, but not to enlighten them. ''Once more. Educators have sometimes supposed that students could be trained to think by dwelling chiefly on the laws of thought, the science of logic, the method of detect- ing fallacies. This was the theory of the middle ages, and even the divinity faculties of the great universities taught the logic of Aristotle far more diligently than the Bible or the creed. This logic was greatly extended in its range, and became an intricate algebra. We study it in our col- leges chiefly as a curiosity of history, devoting a month or 72 The ProbIvKm of Method. six weeks to it ; but at Paris and Oxford and Bologna it re- quired years. The students were usually candidates for the priesthood. What was the result of this excessive cultiva- tion of the art of reasoning? The student gathered no suf- ficient materials on which to exercise his art, so that, in general, it remained a mere art. At its very best it gave us the old scholastic philosophy and theology, which the world was already laughing to scorn before the Reforma- tion appeared. It affected preaching disastrously, for the preacher who did not interlard his sermons with its unintel- ligible jargon was supposed, even by the common people, not to be able to think, and could not get a hearing. Try to read one of the sermons of Wiclif, and fancy it addressed to men and women many of whom did not know the alpha- bet ; nay, fancy it addressed to an assembly of the greatest scholars. Then, while j^ou are amazed that such an appa- ratus of scholastic logic was ever brought into the pulpit, remember that Wiclif was freer from it than others of his age. Here is a fragment from The Sainf s Tragedy, by Kingsly,. in which a heretic preacher of the thirteenth cen- tury is represented as imitating the sermons of friars which he had heard : " This man shed blood, and by man shall his blood be shed. Now behold an argument. This man hath shed blood, even Conrad ; ergo, as he saith himself, ye, if ye are men, shall shed his blood. Does he not himself say ergo ? Hath he not said ergo, to the poor saints, to your sons and your daughters, whom he hath burned in the fire to Moloch? * Krgo, thou art a heretic' 'Ergo, thou shalt burn.' Is he not therefore convicted out of his own mouth ? " * * Much of the preaching of the middle ages was as tech- nical and idiotic as this. "A similar mistake was made at a later period in reference to the new logic, the iiiductive viethod of reasoning. Bacon Thk Problem of Method. 73 supposed that it could be acquired and practiced by any man, so that he would think safely and soundly by follow- ing its rules. "The over-valuation of the science of logic, whether de- ductive or inductive, has been remedied. But it would be possible for us to substitute for the rules of reasoning in general the rules of reasoning in some limited field of in- quiry. We might devote so much lime to the methods of astronomical research as to slight the substance of astron- omy and leave the student ignorant of it. We might devote so much time to the elements of criticism in art and litera- ture as to slight art and literature themselves, and leave the student ignorant of them. We might devote so much time to the criticism of the Old and New Testaments as to slight the Old and New Testaments themselves, and send our stu- dents to the churches ignorant of these divine treasures of knowledge. Thinkers would not be made in this way. * * How then shall we teach the student to think ? Cer- tainly not by overlooking the laws of reasoning in general, or in the special fields of biblical, theological, and historical criticism. Certainly not by overlooking the great theories which have arisen in the history of the church. Certainly not by neglecting the memory. These things have their places in any just scheme of education, and the method which I shall recommend embraces them all. ' ' It also unites the two alternatives presented in the ques- sion before us, so that they cease to be alternatives, and be- come but parts of a harmonious whole. "Let us look at the first alternative. The best way to teach a student what to believe is to present the truth to him in ordered form and in the light of reason, requiring him, at the same time, to gain much of it by his own search- ing. None of you will question this, and I need not dwell on it. 74 The Problkm ofMkthod. ' 'Let us now look at the second alternative. The best way to teach a student how to think is to present the truth to him in an ordered form and in the light of reason, requiring him, at the same time, to gain much of it by his own searching. This proposition may not be quite so obvious as the preced- ing one, and I shall spend a moment in seeking to commend . it to you. " First of all, it requires that truth shall be presented in a logical form, a system, an organic and well-proportioned body. The truth is not necessarily science ; it becomes science only when it assumes such a form as this ; and when it is set forth as a science it begets a scientific habit of thought in the student. He spends several years in com- muning with truth thus arranged, and his mind acquires a habit of good arrangement ; careless methods of thought be- come odious to him ; and when he writes or preaches his productions manifest order, proportion and progress. More- over, growing accustomed to arrange his thoughts system- atically, he soon learns to make the system which he con- structs a test of thought, for he discovers that the proposi- tion which an organized body of truth rejects and casts out is probably false, while the proposition to which such a body gives hospitable welcome is probably true. In this method there is an appeal to memory. But there is also a cogent appeal to thought, and such an appeal as trains the mind to think in an orderly and sound manner. ' ' But once more. My proposition requires that the system of truth be set forth in the light of reason. The grounds on which it rests are to be adduced, and also the chief con- siderations which might be urged against it. Thus the great theories of Christian history will be brought forward. But they will not be regarded as the chief subjects of study; they will be assigned to a subordinate place, while the truth itself will be most prominent. Thus also an apparatus of The Problem of Method. 75 criticism will spring up and will be used in subordination to the subject criticised. In this part of his work the teacher will take care to cast upon his subject the clear sun- light of reason, and not the dim and deceptive starlight of sophistry or partisan passion. He will take care also not to permit his strong personalit}^ and his great skill in argu- ment to overwhelm his students. He will encourage them to think independently, to differ from him if they wish, and to enter upon new provinces of thought with zeal and con- fidence. Sir William Hamilton devoted one hour each week to conversing with his students about any objections and difficulties which his teachings had occasioned in their minds. Such an exercise w^ould be profitable if the teacher should conduct it in a fair and open manner, gladly recog- nizing any valuable suggestion from the learners, and en- couraging them to think for themselves. It would be hurt- ful if he should be intolerant of criticism or too dominant in his defense of his own positions. " Lastly, the method requires the student to spend much time in investigation. It does not merely encourage him to do so ; it lays upon him a command to do so ; and it denies him full credit if he fails to do so. The teacher can pre- sent to him only the central things, and he is to gain other things by his own industry. Thus the divinity school eases to be a mere refectory where he nourishes himself at tables prepared for him, and becomes only a gymnasium where he trains and developes every faculty and power of the mind for ardent and skillful exertion in the ministry to which he is called." — [By Professor Franklhi JoJuison, D. D., Univer- sity Record, Chicago. 8. It is not, therefore, in its material, but in its form, in its method, in its mode of knowledge, that philosophy is to be .distinguished from the empirical sciences. These latter de- 76 The Problem of Method. rive their material directly from experience ; they find it at hand and take it up just as they find it. Philosophy, on the other hand, is never satisfied with receiving that which is given simply as it is given, but rather follows it out to its ultimate grounds; it examines each individual thing in its relations to a fi7ial pi^indple , and considers it as one element of a complete system of knowledge. In this way philoso- phy removes from the particulars of experience their imme- diate, individual, and accidental character ; from the sea of empirical individualities it brings out the universal, and sub- ordinates the infinite and orderless mass of contingencies to necessary law\s. The first period — the vSocratic — is marked externally by the predominance of the dramatic element, and in reference to its philosophical standpgint, by an adherence to the method and the fundamental principles of the Socratic doc- trine. Negation is not non-being but determinateness, and on the other hand all determinateness and concreteness of concep- tions, all affirmation arises only through negation ; in other words, the conception of contradiction is the soul of a philo- sophical method. It is clear that according to this, the method of Aristotle must be a different one from that of Plato. Instead of pro- ceeding like the latter, synthetically and dialectically, he pursues for the most part an analytic and regressive course, that is, going backward from the concrete to its ultimate ground and determination. While Plato would take his standpoint in the idea, in order to explain from this position and set in a clearer light that which is given and empirical. Aristotle, on the other hand, starts with that which is given, in order to find and exhibit the idea in it. His method is, hence, induction ; that is, the derivation of certain principles and maxims from a sum of given facts and The PROBI.EM OF Method. 77 phenomena; his mode of procedure is, usually, argument, an impartial balance of facts, phenomena, circumstances and possibilities. — [Swegler' s History of Philosophy^ iSgi^ pp. IS, i6, 89, 104, 129. 9. While Socrates was content with the reduction of eth- ical phenomena to their notions, Plato not only universal- ized the method of applying it to the whole being, but also sought to reduce the individual notions to system, to exhi- bit them as a world of ideas. Dialectic is, according to Plato, the method of the highest or purely intellectual knowl- edge, in which ** reason avails itself of hypotheses not as first principles, but as genuine hypotheses, that is, as step- ping-stones and impulses, whereby it may force its way up to something not hypothetical, and arrive at the first prin- ciple of all things, and seize it in its grasp ; which done, it turns round, and takes hold of this first principle, till at last it comes to a conclusion, calling in the aid of no sensible object whatever, but simply employing abstract self-subsist- ing forms, and terminating in the same. — \Fle7ni71g' s Vo- cabulary of Philosophy, i88y, p. 109. 10. Still, the allegorical method, applied to Homer as a whole, is inadequate, does not explain the complete fact. Allegory in general substitutes for this particular thing said by Homer another particular thing said by the interpreter, who thus opens upon Homer all the sluices of subjective caprice. — \_S71ider' s Commentary on Homer' s Iliad, p. 92. 11. The Ego as Psychosis knows itself as the unitary movement in all Psychology, as that which makes the mind one in all of its manifestations. Thus it gives the move- ment, the organizing principle, the method. As Ego simply, it is the three-fold process of Conception ; but as Psychosis it is the mean which connects all particularity and multi- plicity into unity. 78 The Problem of Method. The fact need hardly be told the reader that the Psychosis has been the method moving through and organizing the present book from the start, the form-giving principle whose activity is its own content or subject-matter. This method is that of the Ego itself, not derived from Natural Science on the one hand, nor from some metaphysical system on the other. Our science must have its own method taken from its own theme directly, which is the Ego ; indeed, just this is the source of all true Method and Organization. The method is that which orders and organizes ; that which is ordered and organized is the System. The Ego as method is the active form, yet just this activity of the Ego is the thing ordered, or the Content, which constitutes Psy- chology proper, or the science, the System of the Ego. * The Ego has division, separation, special activities, or faculties so-called ; there would be no mind unless it spe- cialized itself into distinct acts. These manifold determina- tions of the Ego must be ordered, not from the outside, but from the inside, by the Ego itself ; thus arises the System. All true systematization is the work of the Ego, as Psycho- sis, or as method; it takes the vast details of the science, the chaotic phenomena, random experiments, scattered ob- servations, and arranges them by its own rule, which is its own process. Mere external classification of mental activi- ties is not scientific, is more or less capricious ; the inherent method of the Ego must be seen winding through all the activities of the Ego and unfolding them into a System. So we have the Ego as 7nethod, as the subjective creative principle ; also we have the Ego a System, as the objective ordered series of facts. The sides have shown themselves different, and have fallen asunder, hence arises the danger that both method and System may become external to each other and to their common generative principle, the Ego, Thus both method and System, especially in the The Problem of Method. 79 science of mind, may drop down into the sheerest death- dealing formalism, and mechanical abacadabra. Soul- destroying is such Psychology, and we have the result so deeply longed for by a certain school of Psychologists, namely, "a Psychology without a soul." But the rescue from such a lamentable outcome of our science is at hand. Though the Kgo as Psychosis, as the science of itself in the very activity of self-knowing, must drop into difference and separation, into the formalism of method and System, still it has in itself the power of its own salvation and indeed of all salvation. The Ego as Psychosis must return to itself, and thus mediate itself through the Psychosis. This is the Psychosis grasping itself as Psychosis, the psychical process recognizing the psychical process as the inner principle of subject and object and of their unity. We ma3^ call it the absolute Psychosis which knows itself to be soul of both method and System as well as the process of their unification. If w^e look back a little distance over the road traveled, we find that the Ego in the Dialetic attains the positive pro- cesses of both itself and the object, and points implicitly to their unity. Now this implicit unity is made explicit and unfolded into the process of the Ego in the Psychosis, which is essentially the development of the mean process between Subject and Object. The Psychosis as method revealed it- self as the active moving principle in all things, as their process ordering and organizing them ; the Psychosis as System showed itself as the ordered whole, in which the process is manifested as result. Finally the separation be- tween method and System is overcome by a new Psychosis, which mediates between the two sides of a common process, and restores them to a new unity. The movement of the Psychosis is, therefore, to dirempt itself into two sides, both 80 The Problem of Method. of vv^hich are processes by themselves, which however unite in the third, which is the PvSychosis of the Psychosis, or the absolute Psychosis. — [Psychology and the Psychosis, De7iton /. Sniaer, 1896, pp. S5^, 554- - 12. For these methods will, in all likelihood, be the roads that lead to the very spot where we are to close our march, and rest from our journey. At any rate, I continued, no one will contradict us when when we assert that there is no other method which attempts systematically to form a conception of the real nature of each individual thing. Hence the dialectic method, and that alone, adopts the following course. It carries back its hypothesis to the ver}^ first principles of all, in order to establish them firmly ; finding the eye of the soul absolutely buried in a swamp of barbarous ignorance, it gently draws and raises it upwards, employing as handmaids in this work of revolution the arts which we have discussed. — \The Republic of Plato, i8g^,pp. 2g, 2^p 260. 13. Although the foregoing experiments suffice to show that the periodic variations were of central rather than of peripheral origin, I sought a method of experimentation which would enable me to form a clearer idea of the relative influence exerted on the height of the contractions by the fatigue of the muscles and the changes occurring in the cen- tral nervous system. At the suggestion of Professor Mosso the following form of experiment was adopted. The flexor muscles of the second finger, weighted with one kilogramme, were stimulated every two seconds. Two different forms of stimuli were employed, electrical and voluntary stimuli, and they were applied alternately. During the electrical irritation, the nerves and muscles were stimulated by a tetanizing induction current, one of the electrodes being The Problem of Method. 81 placed over the sternum, the other over the muscle. — {^Pamphlet on Effect of Fatigue, p. ii. 14. Your commission has found it necessary to discuss the question of methods of teaching in numerous instances, while considering the question of educational values and programs, because the value and time of beginning of the several branches depends so largely on the method of teach- ing. — \Report of Comynittee of fifteen, p. 6g, 15. The usual way of computing interest is based on 360 days to the year. By the exact method the actual number of days is found and is regarded as so many 265ths of a year. This rule is the one adopted by banks and the United States Government, and it is growing in favor among business men. When the time in days is less than 1 year, the exact interest is found by hrst calculating the interest according to the methods already given, and deducting -^^ from the re- sult for the common years and g^y for the leap years. — [Complete Indiana Arithmetic, p. 220. 16. The method of public school education is determined by the aim and means, i. e., the general method of public school education is the answer to the question : ' * How shall we use the means so that we may best accomplish the aim ?" Of course this is the foundation of the child's scholastic work ; and it follows that the * ' best method ' ' of giving the child the power to read is a very important matter. Further- more, it is a subject that has attracted a great deal of atten- tion in late years, and it has occasioned much fierce discus- sion. Several " methods'' have been championed by ardent advocates, as the "sentence," "word, "phonic," "syn- thetic," and perhaps others. Besides these, there is still in use, in some quarters, the old-style. A, B, C, method. 82 The Problem of Method. Every one of these methods has some points of excellence, and a good deal can be said in its favor. Even the old method, which began by first learning the alphabet, and then combinations known as the a-b abs, is not utterly ab- surb at some seem to think, notwithstanding all the modern abuse heaped upon it. It is the method by which nearly every one of us who is fifty years old, learned to read. Herbart's Method of Instruction. Herbart made promi- nent three things in his science of education ; its aim, the plan, and the method of instruction. The first gives pur- pose, energy, and concentration ; the second relates to the choice, arrangement, and co-ordination of the material ; and the third deals with the systematic, clear and distinct treat- ment, and elaboration of the various subjects of instruction. Basis of Herbart's Methods. — Upon these two acts, ab- sorption and reflection, Herbart bases his method of instruc- tion. Progress of Reflection in Method. — The progress of reflec- tion is method. It runs through system, produces new mem- bers of it, and watches over the results in its application. The Formal Steps. — Clearness, association, system and method are the so-called ' * formal steps ' ' which Herbart also designated according to their educational activity, ** to point out,/ "connect," "teach," and philosophize." Clearness and association belong to absorption ; system and method to reflection. The one expands, the other gives self-possession. — \Piiblic School Journal, i8y(p, pp. 2^1, 26 1, 2y8, 2jg. 17. When work has become a habit, and the pupil has learned to practice the right method from his own impulse rather than on account of external authority, his education in school has ended. But the subject must be adapted to the consciousness of the pupil, and here the order of procedure and the exposition Thk PROBI.EM OF Method. 83 depend upon the stage which he has reached intellectually, for the special manner of instruction must be conditioned by this. If he is in the stage of sense-perception, we must 2ise the illustrative method ; if in the stage of image concep- tion, that of combination ; and if in the stage of thinking, that of demonstration. The first exliibits the object di- rectly, or some representation of it ; the second considers it according to the different possibilities which exist in it, and turns it around on all sides (and examines its relations to other things) ; the third demonstrates the necessity of the relations in which it stands either with itself or with others. This is the natural order from the standpoint of the devel- oping intelligence ; first, the object is presented to the per- ception; then combination with other things shows its rela- tions and presents its different phases ; and, finally, the thinking activit}^ circumscribes the restlessly moving reflec- tion by the idea of necessity. Experiment hi the method of combination is an excellent means for a discovery of rela- tions, for a sharpening of the attention, for the arousing of a many-sided interest ; but it is no true dialectic, though it be often denoted by that name. — \_R0senkra712' s Philosophy of Education, i88g, p. xiv in Analysis of Co7ite7its ; hi body of book, p. ^c?.] 18. Hegel employs in this vo3^age of discovery a method that he names the dialectic." It has throughout the ap- pearance of being a stricter method than that of Fichte's "Science of knowledge," and claims to be objective — an exhibition of the necessity of the process which is in the ob- ject before us, in contradistinction from mere subjective reflection upon it made from points of view external to the object. Hegel's method ^o^^ not seek to find an external basis of attack or defense, but to get this basis from the object itself. 84 The Probi^em of Method. Here we have the famous dialectic which is described as the self-movement of the notion {Begriff). Seize an im- perfect idea and it will show up its imperfection b}^ leading to and implying another idea as a more perfect or complete form of it. Its imperfection wall show itself as dependence on another. This is the philosophic method seen so clearly by Plato and stated in his Repiiblie (Book VII, chapter 8). Pure science according to him has a dialectic viethod and starts with hypotheses — or, as we should describe them, de- pendent ideas, ideas that imply other ideas to make them possible, just as the idea of inner and outer or positive and negative imply each other. But this dialectic method annuls these hypotheses on its way towards the highest principle. ****** The etymological ground is a dan- gerous one, however, and it is better not to build on it. Plato seems to mean that the dialectic method starts with premises given by sense- perception and ordinary reflection, and seeking the presuppositions of these ascends to the first principle. An example of this is found in the infer- ence of independent being as the necessary condition for the existence of dependent being, and this may be said to be the substantial insight lying at the basis of all true philsophy. Plato contrasts this method of ascending from the imperfect to the perfect by discovering presuppositions, with the geometric method that uses axioms or fixed. hypo- theses, not being able to deduce them or explain them. — \HegeVs Logic, 1890, pp. 57, 58, 174, 17s.'] PEDAGOGICAI. MEANINGS. 1. 7^!<>!<* Thus at the outset Bacon sees that there is a method by which all human knowledge can be placed upon a sound and permanent basis, and he devoted the better part of his life to the attempt to discover or in- vent such a method. His first aphorism printed at the head of this chapter, indeed, its very first line, " a man, the ser- vant and interpreter of nature," embodies the whole of the scientific spirit and the scientific method. * >1^ * These subjects are discussed with constant reference to the new method which he believes able and destined to work a revo- lution in human thought and life. * * * (1) Methods used. The logic now in use serves rather to fix and give stability to the errors which have their foundation in com- monly received notions than to help the search for truth. The syllogism consists of propositions, propositions consist of words, words are symbols of notions. Therefore if the notions themselves are confused there can be no firmness in the superstructure. It commands assent to the proposition, but does not take hold of the thing. There are and can be only two ways of searching into and discovering truth. The one rises from the senses and particulars to the most general axioms, (laws), and from these principles, the truth of which it takes for settled and immovable, proceeds to judgment and to the discovery of middle axioms. And this wa}^ is now in fashion. The other derives axioms from the senses, and particulars, rising by a gradual and unbroken ascent, so that it arrives at the most general axioms last of 86 The Problem of Method. all. This is the true way, but as yet untried. It can not be that axioms established by argumentation should avail for the discovery of new works ; since the subtlety of nature is greater many times over than the subtlety of argument. But axioms duly and orderly formed from particulars easily discover the way to new particulars, and thus render science active. The only hope, therefore, lies in a true induction, O^ie method of delivery alone remains to us, which is simply this : we must lead men to the particulars themselves, and their series and order ; while men on their side must force themselves for awhile to lay their 7iotions by and begin to famili- arize themselves with facts. The conclusions of human rea- son as ordinarily applied in matters of nature, I call for the sake of distinction. Anticipations of Nature (as a thing rash or premature). That reason which is elicited from just and methodical process I call hiterpretation of Nature. — \J^a- conia7i Revolt, hilajid Educator, October, i8p^.~\ 3. But it is no less true that these complaints are due in no small measure to false methods of linguistic training gener- ally, or to some cherished prejudices in favor of certain lan- guages on the part of the teachers ; and it becomes, there- fore, at the present day, a matter of great practical impor- tance to inquire how far our traditional methods of teaching languages are in conformity with the method of Nature in her great art of thought-utterance, and how far they may justly be called on to submit themselves to a revision and a reconstitution. As language is a function which belongs as much to every normal human creature as seeing or hearing, there can be no difficulty in finding out the method of Nature in its ac- quisition. We have to answer only two questions : first, what are the factors of the process by which the human babe from being capable merely of inarticulate cries, like anv of the lower animals, is developed into an easy and Thk Problem of Method. 87 graceful manipulator of articulate .speech ? and again, How far, and in what respects, does this model require to be modified in order to enable the expert handlers of the mother tongue to use an}^ second or third language with like ex- pertness ? Why does it seem such a difficult business to acquire a familiar knowledge of any foreign language, and why so much brain and so much time spent so frequently on their acquisition with such scanty results ? The answer can be only one : because your teacher has ignored the method of Na- ture, and given you a bad substitute for it in his own de- vices ; instead of speaking to you and making you respond, in direct connection of the old object with the new sound, and thus forming a living bond between the thinking soul, the perceptive sense, and the significant utterance, he sends you to a book, there to cram yourself with dead rules and lifeless formulas about the language, in the middle of which he ought to have planted you at the start. These things being so, and the iuethod of nature being so plain in the matter, we now ask what are the causes that have led so many of our teachers, even the most accom- plished of their class, to neglect so infallible a guide, and to follow methods of linguistic inculcation equally unpleasant in the process and unprofitable in the result ? IvCt books and not living converse be the final end of the study of languages ; so they certainly are with the dead lan- guages ; but even with regard to them it is quite certain that the familiarity and frequent repetition which are the special virtues of the conversational method both render the mastery of books, as in the case of the mother tongue, more complete, and the hold of the printed signature at once more firm in the grasp and more easy in the approach. There is one other objection to the conversational method in the teaching of languages, viz : that it makes a man a 88 The Problem of Method. parrot. Well, a parrot is an imitative animal, and so is a man, and so far must not be ashamed to own his kinship with the plumy prattler. In conclusion, I have a word or two to say with regard to the occasion and the plan of this little book. In the first place, whatever may be said of Hebrew or Latin, Greek is a living language, and must be treated as such even by those who persist in the notion that, while the method of living vocal appeal applies in its full extent to modern languages, it is certainly out of place in the treatment of the two an- cient languages which justly claim the first place in the lin- guistic culture of our highest schools. But since that time, as a natural consequence of the great educational movement of the age, some very distinct voices have come to my ear. to the effect that there is something radically wrong in our way of dealing with languages, and that the method of teaching by rules and grammar mainly can no longer be tolerated. When the young Hellenist has stamped its Greek desig- nation directly on every object that meets his eyes, and con- nected it with some single verb that belongs to its signifi- cance in familiar life, I would then suggest that the teacher, besides the daily repetition of certain forms of common con- versation, should give a viva voce description of pictures hung on the wall two or three times a week, which the learner shall be called on to repeat without any written notes ; the principle of the method being always to maintain the direct action of the mind on the object, through the in- strumentality of the new sound, without the intervention of the mother tongue. One other matter requires special notice — a matter not necessarily connected with the colloquial method, but which may be wisely used as a help. To each lesson I have ap- pended a short list of English words, either by family affin- The Probi^em of Method. 89 ity, or by direct borrowing through the I^atin, radically identical with the Greek. — {Preface in Blackie' s Greek Primer, pp. v fo xv.~\ 4. In this paper I attempt to contrast the methods of the Kindergarten with those of the Primary School as it exists and has existed in America, not with the intention of disparaging either of these institutions, but in order to point out a certain fitness of each method for its work in hand. I claim here, and I claimed long ago when I recommend- ed the school board of St. lyouis in 1872 to establish a kindergarten, that the presence of a kindergarten in a sys- tem of public schools will, of itself, work some change in the methods of the primary school, that will be a great ben- efit to those inethods. But I wish to show that the methods of the primary schools, substantially as they are, have a foundation in reason, and that it is not well for our friends of the kindergarten to look always in the direction of a revo- lution in the methods of the primary school, and the adoption of plays and games and gifts and occupations, or some man- ual training modification of these in the course of instruc- tion for children from the age of seven to twelve years. On the other hand I hope to convince the friends of the pri- mary schools that their methods are not good for children under seven years, but that the kindergarten methods are most happily devised for children of the tender age — between four and* six years. As teachers we must not get the method which we practice in the special grade in which w^e are teaching so close to our eyes that it shuts out all other grades and all other methods. We mUvSt study educa- tion in view of the entire life of man, and never forget that w^ork with the children is to fit them for manhood and womanhood. It is not our object to prolong childhood for- ever ; but on the other hand we wish to prevent too rapid transitions from one stage of development to another. We 90 The Probi^km of Method. do not wish to see a hot-house system of education, forcing- the growth of our human plants for the world market. — \Harris' Kindergarte^i Methods, pp. J, /.] 5. According to the classification given by Professor Brooks in his excellent book entitled ' ' Normal Methods of Teaching," there are four correct methods of teaching the noble .science of geography. (I) The Ajialytic Method, which begins with the world as a whole, and passes by suc- cessive divisions down to the State, county, town or city in which we reside ; (2) The Sy?ithetic, which begins at the smaller division, as a schoolhouse, yard, town, county, etc. , and passes by successive enlargements to the surface of the world ; (3) The Inductive, which begins with the particular facts of science, and passes to their classification into systems ; and (4) The Deductive, which seizes upon the laws or general characteristics of a group of facts, and passes to the particulars embraced under these laws. This last method is more than analytic. It not only goes from the whole to its parts, but from the general to the particu- lar. It is not our purpose to discuss now the relative value, or the proper employment, of these methods We seek the more practical. Whether the method of teaching the whole subject of geo- graphy be analytic, synthetic, or inductive, we recommend, in place of following the text-book. The Topical Method of Study. We do this with much confidence, after years of experi- ment and diligent search for light on the subject, because it is the best method thus far found by which to create un- bounded interest among pupils in this study, and because it enables the teacher to instruct with satisfaction and pleas- ure. — [King's Methods i7i Geography, i88