Twelve Select SERMONS, XS B R A ft y^ OF THK UNIVERSITY iCALIFOl By D. L. MOODY. PREACH THE WORD," FLEMING H. REVELL, CHICAGO : 148 and 150 Madison St. NEW YORK: 148 and 150 Nassau St. Publisher of Evangelical Literature. Alls' Entered according to act of Congress, in the year 1884, By F. H. REVELL, In the office of the Librarian of Congress at Washington. ALL EIGHTS RESERVED. PREFACE In compliance with the wish of many friends I have consented to the publication of the following Addresses. I deeply feel how partially and insufficiently the Glorious Gospel of the blessed God is represented in them, but I lay them at the Master's feet, pray- ing, and asking all mv Christian friends to pray, that they rnav ce tne means in their primed form of winning more souls to Christ than they have been when spoken. {?)£&**$ 79/4 2- I. "WHERE ART THOU?" GENESIS III. 9w The very first thing that happened after the news reached heaven of the fall of man, was that God came straight down to s«ek out the lost one. As He walks through the garden in the cool of the day, you can hear Him calling "Adam! Adam! Where art thou ? " It was the voice of grace, of mercy, and of love. Adam ought to have taken the seeker's place, for he was the transgressor. He had fallen, and .he ought to have gone up and down Eden crying, "My God! my God! where art Thou?" But God left heaven to grope through the dark world for the rebel who had fallen — not to hurl him from the face of the earth, but to plan him an escape from the misery of his sin. And He finds him — where ? Hiding from his Creator among the bushes of the garden. The moment a man is out of communion with God, even the professed child of God, he wants to hide away from Him. When God left Adam in the garden, he was in communion with his Creator, and God talked with him j but now that he has fallen, he has no desire to see his Creator, he has lost communion with his God. He cannot bear to see Him, even to think of Him, and he runs to hide from God. But to his hiding-place his Maker follows him. " Where art thou, Adam ? Where art thou ? " Six thousand years have passed away, and this text has come rolling down the ages. I doubt whether there has been any one of Adam's sons who has not heard it at some period or other of his life — sometimes in the midnight hour stealing over him — if the glad tidings were just going to take, as it were, a fresh start, " WHERE ART THOU?" 7 and go round the globe. Is it not time that the Church of God should wake up and come to the help of the Lord as one man, and strive to beat back those dark waves of death that roll through our streets; bearing upon their bosom the noblest and the best we have ? Oh, may God wake up the Church ! And let us trim our lights, and go forth and work for the kingdom of His Son. Now, Secondly, let me talk a little while to those who have gone back into the world — to the Backslider. It may be you came to some great city a few years ago a professed Christian. You were member of a church once, and a teacher in the Sabbath-school, perhaps 5 but when you came among strangers you thought you would just wait a little— perhaps take a class by and by. So you gave up teaching in the Sunday-school ; you gave up all work for Christ. Then in your new church you did not receive the attention or the warm welcome that you expected, and you got into the habit of staying away. You have gone so far now, that you are found in the theatre, perhaps, and the companion of blas- phemers and drunkards. Perhaps I am speaking now to some on^ who has been away from his father's house for many years. Come, now, backslider, tell me, are you happy? Have' you had one happy hour since you left Christ r Does the world satisfy you, or those husks that you have got in the far country ? I have travelled a good deal, but I never found a happy backslider in my life. I never knew a man who was really born of God that ever could find the world satisfy him afterwards. Do you think the Prodigal Son was satisfied in that foreign country ? Ask the prodigals in this city if they are truly happy. You know they are not. " There is no peace, saith my GGd to the wicked." TheVe is no joy for the man in rebellion against his Creator. Supposing he has tasted the heavenly gift, and been in communion with God, and had sweet fellowship with the King of Heaven, and had pleasant hours of service for the Master, but has backslidden, is it possible that he can be happy ? If he is, it is good evidence he was never really converted. If a man has been born again, and has received the heavenly nature, this world can never satisfy the cravings of his nature. Oh, backslider, I pity you ! But I want to tell you that the Lord Jesus pities you a good deal more than any one else can. 8 " WHERE ART THOU?" He knows how bitter your life is ; He knows how dark your life is 3 He wants you to come home. Oh, backslider, come home to-night ! I have a loving message from your Father. The Lord wants you, and calls you back to-night, " Come home, oh wan- derer, this night : return from the dark mountains of sin.'* Return, and your Father will give you a warm welcome. I know that the devil has told you that God won't have anything to do with you, because you have wandered away. If that is true, there would be very few men in heaven. David backslid j Abraham and Jacob turned away from God ; I do not believe there is a saint in heaven but at some time of his life with his heart has backslidden from God. Perhaps not in his life, but in his heart. The prodigal's heart got into the far country before his body got there. Back- slider ! to-night come home. Your Father does not want you to stay away. Think you the prodigal's father was not anxious for him to come home all those long years he was there ? Every year the father was looking and longing for him to return home. So God wants you to come home. I do not care how far you have wandered away 5 the great Shepherd will receive you back into the fold to-night. Did you ever hear of a backslider coming home, and God not willing to receive him ? I have heard of earthly fathers and mothers not being willing to receive back their sons j but I defy any man to say he ever knew a really honest backslider , want to get home, but God was willing to take him in. i*w*J* A number of years ago, before any railway came into Chicago, I tjr*** tne y use d to hring in the grain from the Western prairies in waggons for hundreds of miles, so as to have it shipped off by the Lakes. There was a father who had a large farm out there, and who used to preach the gospel as well as attend to his farm. One day, when church business engaged him, he sent his son to Chicago with grain. He waited and waited for his boy to return, but he did not come home. At last he could wait no longer, so he saddled his horse and rode to the place where his son had sold the grain. He found that he had been there and got the money for the grain ; then he began to fear that his boy had been murdered and robbed. At last, with the aid of a detective, they tracked him to a gambling den, where they found that he had gambled away the whole of his money. In hopes of winning it back again, he then had sold the " WHERE ART THOU?" 9 team, and lost that money too. He had fallen among thieves, and like the man who was going to Jericho, they stripped him, and then they cared no more about him. What could he do ? He was ashamed to go home to meet his father, and he fled. The father knew what it all meant. He knew the boy thought he would be very angry with him. He was grieved to think that his boy should have such feelings towards him. That is just exactly like the sinner. He thinks because he has sinned, God will have nothing to do with him. But what did that father do ? Did he say, " Let the boy go " ? No j he went after him. He arranged his busi- ness and started after the boy. That man went from town to town, from city to city. He would get the ministers to let him preach, and at the close he would tell his story. " I have got a boy who is a wanderer on the face of the earth somewhere." He would describe his boy and say, a If you ever hear of him or see him, will you not write to me ?" At last he found that he had gone to Cali- fornia, thousands of miles away. Did that father say, " Let him go ?" No -, off he went to the Pacific coast, seeking the boy. He went to San Francisco, and advertised in the newspapers that he would preach at such a church on such a day. When he had preached he told his story, in hopes that the boy might have seen the adver- tisement and come to the church. When he had done, away under the gallery there was a young man who waited until the audience had gone out ; then he came towards the pulpit. The father looked, and saw it was that boy, and he ran to him, and pressed him to his bosom. The boy wanted to confess what he had done, but not a word would the father hear. He forgave him freely, and took him to his home once more. Oh, prodigal, you may be wandering on the dark mountains of sin, but God wants you to come home. The devil has been telling you lies about God ; you think He will not receive you back. I tell you, He will welcome you this minute if you will come. Say, " I will arise and go to my Father." May God incline you to take this step. There is not one whom Jesus has not sought far longer than that father. There has not been a day since you left Him but He has followed you. I do not care what the past has been, or how black your life, He will receive you back. Arise then, O backslider, and come home once more to your Father's house. io " WHERE ART THOU?" Not long ago, in Edinburgh, a lady who was an earnest Christian worker, found a young woman whose feet had taken hold of hell, and who was pressing onwards to a harlot's grave. The lady begged her to go back to her home, but she said no, her parents would never receive her. This Christian woman knew what a mother's heart was ; so she sat down and wrote a letter to the mother, telling her how she had met her daughter, who was sorry, and wanted to return. The next post brought an answer back, and on the envelope was written, " Immediately — imme- diately ! " That was a mother's heart They .opened the letter. Yes, she was forgiven. They wanted her back, and they sent money for her to come immediately. Sinner, that is the proclama- tion, " Come immediately." That is what the great and lovmg God is saying to every wandering sinner — immediately. Yes, back- slider, come home to-night. He will give you a warm welcome, and there will be joy in heaven over your return. Come now, for everything is ready. A friend of mine said to me some time ago, Did you ever notice what the prodigal lost by going into that country ? He lost his food. That is what every poor backslider loses. They get no manna from heaven. The Bible is a closed book to them ; they see no beauty in the Word of God. Then the prodigal lost his work. He was a Jew, and they made him take care of swine ; that was all loss for a Jew. So every backslider loses his work. He cannot do anything for God j he cannot work for eternity. He is a stumbling-block to the world. My friend, do not let the world stumble over you into hell. The prodigal also lost his testimony. Who believed him ? I can imagine some of these men came along, natives of that country, and they saw this poor prodigal in his rags, barefooted and bare- headed. There he stands among the swine, and some one says to another, u Look at that poor wretch." " What," he says, " do you call me a poor wretch ? My father is a wealthy man ; he has got more clothes in his wardrobe than you ever saw in your life. My father is a man of great wealth and position." Do you suppose these men would believe him ? " That poor wretch the son of a wealthy man! " Not one of them would believe him. "If he had got such a wealthy father he would go to him." So with the " WHERE ART THOU?" II backsliders ; the world does not believe that they are the sons of a King. They say, " Why don't they go to Him, if there is bread enough and to spare? Why don't they go home ?" Then, another thing the prodigal lost was his home. He had no home in that foreign country. As long as his money lasted, he was quite popular in the saloons and among his acquaint- ances; he had professed friends, but as soon as his money was gone, where were his friends ? That is the condition of every poor backslider in the world. But now I can imagine some one saying, " There would be little use of me attempting to come back. In a few days I should just be where I was again. I should like very much to go to my Father's home again, but I'm afraid I wouldn't stay there.'' Well, just picture this scene. The poor prodigal has got home, and the father has killed the fatted calf ; and there they are, sitting at the table eating. I can imagine that was about the sweetest morsel he ever got — perhaps the nicest dinner he ever had in his life. His father sits opposite ; he is full of joy, and his heart is leaping within him. All at once he sees his boy weeping. " My son, what are you weeping for? Are you not glad to have got home ? " " Oh, yes, father j I never was so glad as I am to-day : but I am so afraid I will go back into that foreign country ! " Why, you cannot imagine such a thing ! When you have got one meal in your Father's house, you will never be inclined to wander away again. Now let me speak to the Third class. "If the righteous scarcely be saved, where shall the ungodly and the sinner appear?" Sinner, what is to become of you ? How shall you escape ? " Where art thou ?" Is it true that you are living without God and without hope in the world ? Did you ever stop to think what would become of your soul if you should be taken away by a sudden stroke of illness — where you would stand in eternity ? I read that the sinner is without God, without hope, and without excuse. If you are not saved, what excuse will you have to give ? You cannot say that it is God's fault. He is only too anxious to save you. I want to tell you to-night that you can be saved if you will. If you really want to pass from death to life, if you want to become an 12 " WHERE ART THOU?" heir of eternal life, if you want to become a child of God, make up your mind this night that you will seek the kingdom of God. I tell you, upon the authority of this Word, that if you seek the kingdom of God you will find it. No man ever sought Christ with a heart to find Him who did not find Him. I never knew a man make up his mind to have the question settled, but it was settled soon. This last year there has been a solemn feeling stealing over me. I am what they call in the middle of life, in the prime of life. I look upon life as a man who has reached the top of a hill, and just begins to go down the other side. I have got to the top of the hill, if I should live the full term of life — threescore years and ten — and am just on the other side. I am speaking to many now who are also on the top of the hill, and I ask you, if you are not Christians, just to pause a few minutes, and ask your- selves where you are. Let us look back on the hill that we have been climbing. What do you see? Yonder is the cradle. It is not far away. How short life is ! It all seems but as yes- terday. Look along up the hill, and yonder is a tombstone ; it marks the resting-place of a loved mother. When that mother died, did you not promise God that you would serve Him ? Did you not say that your mother's God should become your God? And did you not take her hand in the stillness of the dying hour, and say, "Yes, mother, I will meet you in heaven!" And have you kept that promise ? Are you trying to keep it ? Ten years have rolled away : fifteen years — but are you any nearer God ? Did the promise work any improvement in you ? No, your heart is getting harder ; the night is getting darker j by and by death will be throwing its shadows round you. My friend, Where art thou ? Look again. A little further up the hill there is another tombstone. It marks the resting-place of a little child. It may have been a little lovely girl — perhaps her name was Mary ; or it may have been a boy — Charley ; and when that child was taken from you, did you not promise God, and did you not promise the child, that you would meet it in heaven ? Is the promise kept ? Think ! Are you still fighting against God ? Are you still hardening your heart ? Ser- mons that would have moved vou five years ago — do they touch you now ? Once more look down the hill. Yonder there is a grave ; you " WHERE ART THOU?" 13 cannot tell how many days, or weeks, or years it is away ; you arts hastening towards that grave. Even should you live the life allotted to man, many of you are near the end, you are getting very feeble, and your locks are turning grey. It may be the coffin is already made that this body shall be laid in ; it may be that the shroud is already waiting. My friend, is it not the height of madness to put off salvation so long ? Undoubtedly I am speaking to some who will be in eternity a week from now. In a large audience like this, during the next week death will surely come and snatch some away ; it may be the speaker, or it may be some one who is listen- ing. Why put off the question another day ? Why say to the Lord Jesus again to-night, " Go thy way for this time ; when I have a convenient season, I will call for Thee?" Why not let Him come in to-night? Why not open your heart, and say, " King of Glory, come in ? ' Will there ever be a better opportunity ? Did not you promise ten, fifteen, twenty, thirty years ago that you would serve God? Some of you said you would do it when you got married and settled down j some of you said you would serve Him when you were your own master. Have you attended to it ? You know there are three steps to the lost world ; let me give you their names. The first is Neglect. All a man has to do is to neglect salvation, and that will take him to the lost world. Some people say, "What have I done!" Why, if you merely neglect salvation, you will be lost. I am on a swift river, and lying in the bottom of my little boat. Down yonder, ten miles below, is the great cataract. Every one that goes over it perishes. I need not row the boat down 3 I have only to pull in the oars, and fold my arms, and neglect. So all that a man has to do is to fold his arms in the current of life, and he will drift onwards and be lost. The second step is Refusal. If I met you at the door and pressed this question on you, you would say, " Not to-night, Mr. Moody, not to-night 5" and if I repeated, " I want you to press into the kingdom of God," you would politely refuse : " I will not become a Christian to-night, thank you j I know I ought, but I wont to-night." Then the last step is to Despise it. Some of you have already got on the lower round of the ladder. You despise Christ. You 14 " WHERE ART THOU?" hate Christ, you hate Christianity $ you hate the best people on earth and the best friends you have got ; and if I were to offer you the Bible, you would tear it up and put your foot upon it. Oh, despisers ! you will soon be in another world. Make ha^te and repent and turn to God. Now, on which step are you, my friend j neglecting, or refusing, or despising ? Bear in mind that a great many are taken off from the first step : they die in neglect. And a great many are taken away refusing. And a great many are on the last step, despising salvation. A few years ago they neglected, then they got to refuse ; and now they despise Christianity and Christ. They hate the sound of the church bell j they hate the Bible and the Christian $ they curse the very ground that we walk on. But one more step and they are gone. Oh ye despisers, I set before you life and death 5 which will you choose ? When Pilate had Christ on his hands, he said, " What shall I do with Him ? " and the multitude cried out, "Away with Him! crucify Him!" Young men, is that your language to-night ? Do you say, u Away with this gospel ! Away with Christianity ! Away with your prayers, your sermons, your gospel sounds! I do not want Christ? " Or will you be wise and say, " Lord Jesus, I want Thee, I need Thee, I will have Thee ? " Oh, may God bring you to that decision ! II. THERE IS NO DIFFERENCE." ROMANS III. 22. That is one of the hardest truths man has to learn. We are apt to think that we are just a little better than our neighbours, and if we find they are a little better than ourselves, we go to work and try to pull them down to our level. If you want to find out who and what man is, go to the third chapter of Romans, and there the whole story is told. "There is none righteous, no, not one.'* " All have sinned and come short." All. Some men like to have their lives written before they die -, if any of you would like to read your biography, turn to this chapter, and you will find it already written. I can imagine some one saying, " I wonder if he really pretends to say that ' there is no difference.' " The teetotaller says, " Am I no better than the drunkard ? '' Well, I want to say right here, that it is a good deal better to be temperate than intemperate j a good deal better to be honest than dishonest ; it is better for a man to be upright in all his transactions than to cheat right and left, even in this life. But when it comes to the great question of sal- vation, that does not touch the question at all, because " all have sinned and come short of the glory of God." Men are all bad by nature ; the old Adam-stock is bad, and we cannot bring forth good fruit until we are grafted into the one True Vine. If I have an orchard, and two apple trees in it, which both bear some bitter apples, perfectly worthless, does it make any difference to me that the one tree has got perhaps five hundred apples, all bad, and the other only two, both bad ? There is no difference ; only one tree 16 " THERE IS NO DIFFERENCE:' has more fruit than the other. But it is all had. So it is with man. One thinks he has got only one or two very little sins — God won't notice that 5 why, that other man has broken every one of the ten commandments ! No matter, there is no difference ; they are both guilty $ they have both broken the law. The law de- mands complete and perfect fulfilment, and if you cannot do that, you are lost, as far as the law is concerned. " Whosoever shall, keep the whole law, and yet offend in one point, he is guilty of all" Suppose you were to hang up a man to' the roof with a chain of ten links -, if one were to break, does it matter that the other nine are all sound and whole ? Not the least. One link breaks, and down comes the man. But is it not rather hard that he should fall when the other nine are perfect, when only one is broken ? Why, of course not 5 if one is broken, it is just the same to the man as if all had been broken : he falls. So the man who breaks one com- mandment is guilty of all. He is a criminal in God's sight. Look at yonder prison, with its thousand victims. Some are there for murder, some for stealing, some for forgery, some for one thing and some for another. You may classify them ; but every man is a criminal. They have all broken the law, and they are all paying the penalty. So the law has brought every man in a criminal in the sight of God. If a man should advertise that he could take a correct photo- graph of people's hearts, do you believe he would find a customer ? There is not a man among us whom you could hire to have his photograph taken, if you could photograph the real man. We go to have our faces taken, and carefully arrange our toilet, and if the artist flatters us, we say, "Oh, yes, that's a first-rate likeness," as we pass it round among our friends. But let the real man be brought out, the photograph of the heart, and see if a man will pass that round among his neighbours. Why, you would not want your own wife to see it ! You would be frightened even to look at it yourself. Nobody knows what is in that heart but Christ. We are told that ' ' the heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked ; who can know it ? " We do not know our own hearts ; none of us have any idea how bad they are. Some bitter things are written against me, but I know a good many more things about myself that are bad than any other man. There " THERE IS NO DIFFERENCE:' 17 is nothing good in the old Adam nature. We have got a heart in rebellion against God by nature, and we do not even love God unless we are born of the Spirit. I can understand why men do not like this third chapter of Romans— it is too strong for them. It speaks the truth too plainly. But just because we do not like it, we shall be all the better for having a look at it ; very likely we shall rind that it is exactly what we want, after all. It's a truth that men do not at all like, but I have noticed that the medicine we do not like is the medicine that will do us most good. If we do not think we are as bad as the description, we must just take a closer look at ourselves. Here is a man who thinks he is not just so bad as it makes him out to be. He is sure he is a little better than his neighbour next door ; why, he goes to church regularly, and his neighbour never goes to church at all ! " Of course," he congratulates himself, " I'll certainly get saved easier." But there is no use trying to evade it. God has given us the law to measure ourselves by, and by this most perfect rule " we have all sinned and come short," and " there is no difference." Paul brings in the law to show man that he is lost and ruined. God, being a perfect God, had to give a perfect law, and the law was given not to save men, but to measure them by. I want you to understand this clearly, because I believe hundreds and thou- sands stumble there. They try to save themselves by trying to Keep the law ; but it was never meant for men to save them- selves by. The law has never saved a single man since the world began. Men have been trying to keep it, but they have never suc- ceeded, and never will. Ask Paul what it was given for. Here is his answer, " That every mouth might be stopped, and the whole world become guilty before God." In this third chapter of Romans the world has been put on its trial, and found guilty. The verdict has been brought in against us all — these ministers and elders and church members, just as much as the prodigal and the drunkard — " All have sinned and come short. The law stops every man's mouth. God will have a man humble himself down on his face before Him, with not a word to say for himself. Then God will speak to him, when he owns that he is a sinner, and gets rid of all his own righteousness. I can always tell a man who has got near the kingdom of God : his mouth is 1 8 * THERE tS NO DIFFERENCES Stopped. If you will allow me the expression, God always shuts up a mac's lips before He saves him. Job was not saved until he stopped talking about himself. Just see how God dealt with him. First of all, He afflicts him, and Job begins to talk about his own goodness. " I delivered the poor," he says, " and the fatherless, and him who had none to help him. I was eyes to the blind, and feet was I to the lame. I was a father to the poor ! " Why, they would have made Job an elder, if there had been elders in those' days ! He had been a wonderfully good man ! But now God says, "I'll put a few questions to you. Gird up now thy loins like a man ; for I will demand of thee, and answer thou Me." And Job is down directly; he is ashamed of himself ; he cannot speak of his works any more. " Behold," he cries, " I am vile; what shall I answer Thee? I will lay mine rrand upon my mouth.'' But he is not low enough yet, perhaps, and God puts a few more questions. " Ah ! " says Job, " I never understood these things before — I never saw it in that light." He is tho- roughly humbled now ; he can't help confessing it. " I have heard of Thee by the hearing of the ear : but now mine eye seeth Thee. Wherefore I abhor myself, and repent in dust and ashes" Now he has found his right position before God, and now God can talk to him. And God helps him, and raises him up, and gives him the double of all that he had before. The clouds, and the mist, and the darkness round his path are driven away, and light from eternity bursts into his soul when he sees his nothing- ness in the sight of a pure and holy God. This, then, is what God gives us the law for — to show us our- selves in our true colours. I said to my little family, one morning, a few weeks before the Chicago fire, " I am coming home this afternoon to give you a ride." My little boy clapped his hands. u Oh, papa, will you take me to see the bears in Lincoln Park ? " " Yes." You know boys are very fond of seeing bears. I had not been gone long when my little boy said, " Mamma, I wish you would get me ready." " Oh," she said, " it will be a long time before papa comes." " But I want to get ready, mamma." At last he was ready to have the ride, face washed, and clothes all nice and clean. " Now, you must take good care and not get yourself dirty again," said mamma, THERE IS NO DIFFERENCE." 19 Oh, of course he was going to take care ; he wasn't going to get dirty. So off he ran to watch for me. However, it was a long time yet until the afternoon, and after a little he began to play. When I got home, I found him outside, with his face all covered with dirt. " I can't take you to the Park that way, Willie." "Why, papa? you said you would take me." " Ah, but I can't j you're all over mud. I couldn't be seen with such a dirty little boy." "Why, I'se clean, papa; mamma washed me." "Well, you've got dirty since." But he began to cry, and I could not convince him that he was dirty. ' I'se clean ; mamma washed me ! " he cried. Do you think I argued with him? No. I just took him up in my arms, and carried him into the house, and showed him his face in the looking-glass. He had not a werd to say. He could not take my word for it ; but one look at the glass was enough ; he saw it for himself. He didn't say he wasn't dirty after that ! Now the looking-glass showed him that his face was dirty — but I did not take the looking-glass to wash it; of course not. Yet that is just what thousands of people do. The law is the looking-glass to see ourselves in, to show us how vile and worth- less we are in the sight of God ; but they take the law, and try to wash themselves with it ! Man has been trying that for six thousand years, and has miserably failed. By the deeds of the law there shall no Jlesli be justified in his sig/it. Only one Man ever lived on the earth who could say He had kept the law, and that was the Lord Jesus Christ. If He had committed one sin, and came short in the smallest degree, his offering Himself for us would have been useless. But men have tried to do what He did, and have failed. Instead of sheltering under his righteousness, they have offered God their own. And God knew what a miserable failure it would be. "There is none righteous, no not one." I don't care where you put man, everywhere he has been tried he has proved a total failure. He was put in Eden on trial ; and some men say they wish they had Adam's chance. If you had, you would go down as quickly as he did. You put five hundred children into this hall, and give them ten thousand toys ; tell them they can run all over the hall, and they can have anything thev want except one thing, placed, let us say, in one of the corners of 20 " THERE IS NO DIFFERENCE." Mr. Sankey's organ. You go out for a little, and do you think that is not the very first place they will go to ? Why, nothing else in the room would have any attraction for them but just the thing they were told not to touch. And so let us not think Adam was any worse than ourselves. Adam was put on trial, and Satan walks into Eden. I do not know how long he was there, but I should think he had not been there twenty minutes before he stripped Adam of everything he had. There he is, fresh from the hands of his Creator ; Satan comes upon the scene, and presents a tempta- tion, and down he goes. He was a failure. Then God took man into covenant with Him. He said to Abraham, " Look yonder at the stars in the heavens and the sands on the seashore ; I will make your seed like that. I will bless thee and multiply thee upon the earth." But what a stupendous failure man was under the covenant. Go back and read about it. They are brought out of Egypt, see many signs and wonders, and stand at last at the foot of Mount Sinai. Then God's holy law is given them. Did they not promise to keep it? " O yes," they cry, " we'll keep the law j O dear, yes ! " To hear them talk you might think it was going to be all right now. But just wait till Joshua and Moses have turned their backs ! No sooner have their leaders gone up the mountain to have an interview with God than they begin saying, " Wonder what's become of this man Moses ? we don't know where he's got to. Come, let us make unto us another God. Aaron ! make us a golden calf ; here are the golden ornaments we got from the Egyptians, come and make us another god." So when it is made, the people raise a great shout, and fall down and worship it. " Hark ! listen ; what shout is that I hear?" says Moses, as he comes down the mountain side. " Alas," says Joshua, ft there's war in the camp, it is the shout of the victor." " Ah, no," says Moses, " it isn't the shout of victory or of war, Joshua, it is the cry of the idolaters. They have for- gotten the God who delivered them from the Egyptians, who led them through the Red Sea, who fed them with bread from heaven — angels' food. They have forgotten their promises to keep the commandments. Already the first two of them are broken, * no other gods,' 'no graven image.' They've made them another god — a golden god ! " And that's what men have been doing ever since. " THERE IS NO DIFFERENCE? 21 There are more men in this city worshipping the golden calf than the God of heaven. Look around you. They bring before it health, and happiness, and peace. " Give me thirty pieces of silver, and I will sell you Christ," is the world's cry to-day. " Give me fashion, and I will sell you Christ ! " "I will sacrifice my wife, my children, my life, my all, for a little drink. I will sell my soul for drink ! " It is easy to blame these men for worshipping the golden calf. But what are we doing ourselves ? Ah, man was a failure then, and he has been a failure ever since. Then God put him under the judges, and wonderful judges they were ; but, once more, what a failure he was ! After that came the prophets, and what a failure he was under them ! Then came the Son from heaven Himself, right out of the bosom of the Father. He left the throne and came down here, to teach us how to live. We took Him and murdered Him on Calvary ! Man was a failure in Christ's time. And now we are living under the dispensation of grace — a wonderful dispensation. God is showering down blessings from above. But what is man under grace ! A stupendous failure. Look at that man reeling on his way to a drunkard's grave, and his soul to a drunkard's hell. Look at the wretched harlots on your streets. Look at the profligacy, and the pauperism and the loathsome sickness. Look at the vice and crime that festers every- where, and tell me is it not true that man is a failure under grace ? Yes, man is a failure. I can see right down the other side of the millennium ; Christ has swayed his sceptre over the earth for a thousand years ; but man is a failure still. For " when the thousand years are expired, Satan shall be loosed out of his prison, and shall go out to deceive the nations which are in the four quarters of the earth, Gog and Magog, to gather them together to battle and they compassed the camp of the saints about, and the beloved city : and fire came down from God out of heaven, and devoured them." What man wants is another nature ; he must be born again. What a foolish saying, " Experience teaches." Man has been a long time at that school, and has never learned his lesson yet — his own weakness and inability. He still thinks great things of his own strength. " I am going to stand after this," he says, " I have hit upon the right plan this 22 " THERE IS NO DIFFERENCE." time. I am able to keep the law now." But the first temptation comes, and he is down. Man will not believe in God's strength. Man will not acknowledge himself a failure, and surrender to Christ to save him from his sins. But is it not better to find out in this world that we are a failure, and to go to Christ for deliverance, than to sleep on and go down to hell without knowing we are sinners? I know this doctrine that we have all failed, that we have all sinned, and come short, is exceedingly objectionable to the natural man. If I had tried to find -out the most disagreeable verse in the whole Bible, perhaps I could not have fastened upon one more universally disliked than " There is no difference." I can imagine — and I think I have a right to imagine it — Noah, leaving his ark and going off preaching for once in a while. As the passers-by stop to listen, there is no sound of the hammer or the plane. Noah has stopped work. He has gone off on a preaching tour, to warn his countrymen. Perhaps he was telling them that there was a great deluge coming to sweep away all the workers of iniquity ; perhaps he was warning them that every man who was not in the ark must perish j that there would be no difference. I can imagine one man saying, " You had better go back and finish your work, Noah, rather than come here preaching. You don't think we are going to believe in such nonsense as that. You tell us that all are going to perish alike ! Do you really expect us to believe that the kings and governors, the sheriffs and the princes, the rulers, the beggars and thieves and harlots, are all going to be alike lost ? " " Yes," says Noah j " the deluge that is coming by and by will take you all away — every man that is not in the ark . must die. There will be no difference." Doubtless they thought Noah had gone raving mad. But did not the flood come and take them all away ? Princes and paupers, and knaves and kings— was there any difference ? No difference. When the destroying angel was about to pass through Egypt, no doubt the haughty Egyptian laughed at the poor Israelite putting the blood on his door-post and lintel. " What a foolish notion," he would say, derisively ; " the very idea of sprinkling blood on a door-post ! If there were anything coming, that would never keep it away. I don't believe there is any death coming at all j and if « THERE IS NO DIFFERENCE." 23 it did, it might touch these poor people, but it would certainly never come near us/' But when the night came, there was no difference. The king in his palace, the captive in his prison, the beggar by the wayside — they were all alike. Into every house the king of terrors had come, and there was universal mourning in the land. In the home of the poor and the lowly, in the home of the prince and the noble, in the home of the governor and ruler, the eldest son lay dead. Only the poor Israelite escaped who had the blood on the door-post and lintel. And when God comes to us in judgment, if we are not in Christ, all will be alike. Learned or unlearned, high or low, priest or scribe — there will be no difference. Once more, I can imagine Abraham going down from the hills to Sodom. He stands up, let us say, at the corners of the streets, before Sodom was destroyed — " Ye men of Sodom, I have a mes- sage from my God to you." The people stand and look at the old man — you can see his white locks as the wind sweeps through them — "I have a warning for you," he cries. " God is going to destroy the five cities of the plain, and every man who does not escape to yonder mountain must perish. When He comes to deal in judgment with you there will be no difference 5 every man must die. The Lord Mayor, the princes, the chief men, the mighty men, the judges, the treasurers — all must perish. The thief and the vagabond, and the drunkard — yes, all must perish alike. There can be ' no difference.' " But these Sodomites answer, "You had better go back to your tent on the hills, Abraham. We don't believe a word of it. Sodom was never so prosperous ; business was never so flourishing as now. The sun never shone any brighter than it does to-day. The lambs are skipping on the hills, and everything moving on as it has done for centuries. Don't preach that stuff to us; we don't believe it." A few hours pass, and Sodom is in ashes ! Did God make any difference among those who would not believe? No, God never utters any opinion; what He says is truth. "All have sinned and come short," He cries ; " and there is no difference." I read of a deluge of fire that is going to roll over this earth, and when God comes to deal in judgment, there will be no difference, and every man who is out of Christ must perish. It was my sad lot to be in the Chicago fire. As the flames 24 f THERE IS NO DIFFERENCE." rolled down our streets, destroying everything in their onward march, I saw the great and the honourable, the learned and the wise, fleeing before the fire with the beggar, and the thief, and the harlot. All were alike. As the names swept through the city it was like the judgment day. The mayor, nor the mighty men, nor wise men could stop these flames. They were all on a level then, and many who were worth hundreds of thousands were left paupers that night. When the day of judgment comes, there will be no difference. When the deluge came there was no difference ; Noah's ark was worth more than all the world. The day before, it was the world s laughing-stock, and if it had been put up to auction, you could not have got anybody to buy it except for firewood. But the deluge came, and then it was worth more than all the world together. And when the day of judgment comes, Christ will be worth more than all this world, more than ten thousand worlds. And if it was a terrible thing in the days of Noah to die outside the ark, it will be far more terrible for us to go down in our sins to a Christless grave. Now I hope that you have seen what I have been trying to prove — that we are all sinners alike. If I ha\e failed to prove that, then the meeting to-night has been a failure. I should like to use another illustration or two. I should like to make this truth so plain that a child might know it. In the olden times in England, we are told, they used to have a game of firing arrows through a ring on the top of a pole. The man that failed to get all his arrows through the ring was called a "sinner." Now I should like for a moment to take up that illustration. Suppose our pole to be up in the gallery, and on the top of it the ring. I have got ten arrows, let us say, and Mr. Sankey has got other ten. I take up the first arrow, and take a good aim. Alas ! I miss the mark. Therefore I am a " sinner." " But," I say, " I will do the best I can with the other nine ; I have only missed with one." Like some men who try to keep all the commandments but one ! I fire again, and miss the mark a second time. " Ah, but," I say, " I have got eight arrows still," and away goes another arrow — miss ! I fire all the ten arrows and do not get one through the ring. Well, I was a "sinner" after the first miss, and I can only be a " sinner " after the tenth. Now Mr. Sankey comes with his " THERE IS NO DIFFERENCE: 9 25 ten arrows. He fires and gets his first arrow through. " Do you see that?" he says. "Well," I reply, " go on j don't boast until you get them all through." He takes the second arrow and gets that through. " Ha ! do you see that ? " " Don't boast," I repeat, "until all ten are through ; " if a man has not broken the law at all then he has got something to boast of ! Away goes the third, and it goes through. Then another and another all right, and another until nine are through. " Now," he says, " one more arrow, and I am not a sinner." He takes up the last arrow, and his hand trembles a little; he just misses the mark. And he is a " sinner " as well as I am. My friend, have you never missed the mark ? Have you not come short ? I should like to see the man who never missed the mark. He never lived. Let me give you just one more illustration. When Chicago was a small town, it was incorporated and made a city. When we got our charter for the city, there was one clause in the constitution that allowed the Mayor to appoint all the police. It worked very well when it was a small city ; but when it had three or four hundred thousand inhabitants, it put too much power in the hands of one man. So our leading citizens got a new bill passed that took the power out of the hands of the Mayor, and put it into the hands of Commissioners appointed by Government. There was one clause in the new law that no man should be a policeman who was not a certain height— 5 feet 6 inches, let us say. When the Commis- sioners got into power, they advertised for men as candidates, and in the advertisement they stated that no man need apply who could not bring good credentials to recommend him. I remember going past the office one day, and there was a crowd of them waiting to get in. They quite blocked up the side of the street ; and they were comparing notes as to their chances of success. One says to another, " I have got a good letter of recommendation from the Mayor, and one from the supreme judge." Another says, "And I have got a good letter from Senator So-and-so. I'm sure to get in." The two men come on together, and lay their letters down on the Commissioners' desk. "Well," say the officials, " you have certainly a good many letters, but we won't read them till we measure you." Ah ! they forgot all about that. So the first man is measured, and he is onlv rive feet. " No chance for 26 "THERE IS NO DIFFERENCE?* you, sir 5 the law says the men must be 5 feet 6 inches, and you don't come up to the standard." The other says, " Well, my chance is a good deal better than his. I'm a good bit taller than he is'* — he begins to measure himself by the other man. That is what people are always doing, measuring themselves by others. Measure yourselves by the law of God, or by the Son of God Him- self ; and if you do that, you will find you have come short. He goes up to the officers, and they measure him ; he is 5 feet 5 inches and nine-tenths of an inch. "No good," they tell him; "you're not up to the standard." " But I'm only one-tenth of an inch short," he remonstrates. " It's no matter," they say j "there's no difference." He goes with the man who was five feet. One comes short six inches, and the other only one-tenth of an inch, but the law cannot be changed. And the law of God is that no man shall go into the kingdom of heaven with one sin on him. He that has broken the least law is guilty of all. " Then, is there any hope for me ?" you say. "What star is there to relieve the midnight darkness and gloom ? What is to become of me ? If all this is true, I am a poor lost soul. I have com- mitted sin from my earliest childhood." Thank God, my friends, this is just where the gospel comes in. " He was made sin for us who knew no sin." " He was wounded for our transgressions j He was bruised for our iniquities ; the chastisement of our peace was upon Him, and with his stripes we are healed.*' " We all like sheep have gone astray, we have turned every one to his own way, and the Lord hath laid upon Him the iniquity of us all." You ask me what my hope is ; it is, that Christ died for my sins, in my stead, in my place, and therefore I can enter into life eternal. You ask Paul what his hope was. " Christ died for our sins according to the Scripture." This is the hope in which died all the glorious martyrs of old, in which all who have entered heaven's gate have found their only comfort. Take that doctrine of substitution out of the Bible, and my hope is lost. With the law, without Christ, we are all undone. The law we have broken, and it can only hang over our head the sharp sword of justice. Even if we could keep it from this moment, there remains the unforgiven past. " Without shedding^ of blood there is no re- mission." " THERE IS NO DIFFERENCE: 9 27 He only is safe for eternity who is sheltered behind the finished work of Christ. What the law cannot do for us, He can do. He obeyed it to the very letter, and under His obedience we can take our stand. For us He has suffered all its penalties, and paid all that the law demands. " His own self bare our sins in His own body on the tree." He saw the awful end from the beginning ; He knew what death, what ruin, what misery lay before us if we were left to ourselves. And He came from heaven to teach us the new and living way by which " all that believe are justified from all things from which they could not be justified by the law of Moses." There is a well-known story told of Napoleon the First's time. In one of the conscriptions, during one of his many wars, a man was balloted as a conscript who did not want to go, but he had a friend who offered to go in his place. His friend joined the regi- ment in his name, and was sent off to the war. By and by a battle came on, in which be was killed, and they buried him on the battle-field. Some time after the Emperor wanted more men, and by some mistake the first man was balloted a second time. They went to take him, but he remonstrated. " You cannot take me." " Why not ! " " I am dead," was the reply. " You are not dead ; you are alive and well." " But I am dead," he said. " Why, man, you must bemad. Where did you die r" " At such a battle, and you left me buried on such a battle-field." " You talk like a mad- man," they cried j but the man stuck to his point that he had been dead and buried some months. " You look up your books," he said, " and see if it is not so." They looked, and found that he was right. They found the man's name entered as drafted, senf to the war, and marked off as killed. " Look here," they said, "you didn't die ; you must have got some one to go for you ; it must have been your substitute:' " I know that," he said ; " he died in my stead. You cannot touch me : I died in that man, and I go free. The law has no claim against me." They would not recognize the doctrine of substitution, and the case was carried to the Emperor. But he said that the man was right, that he was dead and buried in the eyes of the law, and that France had no claim against him. The story may be true, or it may not, but one thing I know to 28 " THERE IS NO DIFFERENCE" be true, that the Emperor of heaven recognizes the doctrine of sub- stitution. Christ died for me ; that is my hope of eternal life. "There is no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus." If you ask me what you must do to share this blessing, I answer, go and deal personally with Christ about it. Take the sinner's place at the foot of the cross. Strip yourself of all your own righteousness, and put on Christ's. Wrap yourself up in his per- fect robe, and receive Him by simple trust as your own Saviour. Thus you inherit the priceless treasures that Christ hath purchased with his blood. " As many as received Him, to them gave He power to become the sons of God." Yes, sons of God ; power to overcome the world, the flesh, and the devil ; power to crucify every besetting sin, passion, lust ; power to shout in triumph over every trouble and temptation of your life, " I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me." I have been trying to tell you the old, old tale that men are sinners. I may be speaking to some one, perhaps, who thinks it a waste of time. '•" God knows I'm a sinner," he cries ; "you don't need to prove it. Since I could speak, I've done nothing but break every law of earth and heaven." Well, my friend, I have good news for you. It is just as easy for God to save you, who have broken the whole decalogue, as the man who has only broken one of the com- mandments. Both are dead — dead in sins. It is no matter how dead you are, or how long you have been dead ; Christ can bring you to life just the same. There is no difference. When Christ met that poor widow coming out of Nain, following the body of her darling boy to the grave — he was just newly dead— His loving heart could not pass her ; He stopped the funeral, and bade the dead arise. He was obeyed at once, and the mother was clasped once more in the living embrace of her son. And when Jesus stood by the grave of Lazarus, who had been dead Jour days, was it not just as easy for Him to say, " Lazarus, come forth " ? Was it not as easy for Him to bring Lazarus from his tomb, who had been dead four days, as the son of the widow, who had been dead but one? Yes, it was just as easy ; there was no difference. They were both alike dead, and Christ saved the one just as easily, and as willingly, and as lovingly as the other. And therefore, my friend, you need not complain that Christ cannot save you. Why, " THERE IS NO DIFFERENCE." 29 Christ died for the ungodly. And if you turn to Him at this moment with an honest heart, and receive Him simply as your Saviour and your God, I have the authority of his Word for telling you that He will in no wise cast out. And you who have never felt the burden of your sin — you who think there is a great deal of difference — you who thank God that you are not as other men —beware. God has nothing to say to the self-righteous. And unless you humble yourself before Him in the dust, and confess before Him your iniquities and sins, the gate of heaven, which is open only for sinners, saved by grace, must be shut against you for ever. III. GOOD NEWS. "The Gospel." — i Cor. xv. I. I do not think there is a word in the English language so little understood as the word "gospel." We hear it every day, and we have heard it from our earliest childhood, yet there are many people, and even many Christians, who do not really know what it means. I believe I was a child of God along time before I really knew. The word u gospel" means "God's spell," or good spell, or, in other words, "good news." The gospel is good tidings of great joy. No better news ever came out of heaven than the gospel- No better news ever fell upon the ears of the family of man than the gospel. When the angels came down to proclaim the tidings, what did they say to those shepherds on the plains of Bethlehem ? " Behold, I bring you sad tidings ? " No ! " Behold, I bring you bad news ? " No ! " Behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy. which shall be to all people -, for unto you is born this day, in the city of David, a Saviour." If those shepherds had been like a good many people at the present time, they would have said, u We do not believe it is good news. It is all excitement. These angels want to get up a revival. These angels are trying to excite us. Don't you believe them." That is what Satan is saying now. " Don't you believe the gospel is good news ; it will only make you miserable." He knows the moment a man believes good news, he just receives it. And no one who is under the power of the devil really believes that the gospel is good news. But these shepherds believed the message that the angels brought* GOOD NEWS. 31 and their hearts were filled with joy. If a boy came with a de- spatch to some one here, could you not tell by the receiver's looks what kind of a message it was ? If it brought good news you would see it in his face in a moment. If it told him that his boy, away in some foreign land, a prodigal son, had come to himself, like the one in the 15th of Luke, do you not think that father's face would light up with joy ? And if his wife were here, he would not wait till they got home, or till she asked for it, he would pass it over to her, and her face would brighten too, as she shared his joy. But the tidings that the gospel brings are more glorious than that. We are dead in trespasses and sins, and the gospel offers life. We are enemies to God, and the gospel offers reconciliation. The world is in darkness, and the gospel offers light. Because man will not believe the gospel that Christ is the light of the world, the world is dark to-day. But the moment a man believes, the light from Calvary crosses his path and he walks in an unclouded sun. I want to tell you why I like the gospel. It is because it has been the very best news I have ever heard. That is just why I like to preach it, because it has done me so much good. No man can ever tell what it has done for him, but I think I can tell what it has undone. It has taken out of my path four of the bitterest enemies I ever had. There is that terrible enemy mentioned in 1 Cor. xv., the last enemy, Death. The gospel has taken it out of the way. My mind very often rolls back twenty years ago, before I was con- verted, and I think how dark it used to seem, as I thought of the future. I well remember how I used to look on death as a terrible monster, how he used to throw his dark shadow across my path ; how I trembled as I thought of the terrible hour when he should come for me ; how I thought I should like to die of some lingering disease, such as consumption, so that I might know when he was coming. It was the custom in our village to toll from the old church bell the age of any one who died. Death never entered that village and tore away one of the inhabitants but I counted the tolling of the bell. Sometimes it was seventy, sometimes eighty • sometimes it would be away down among the \J 52 GOOD NEWS. teens, sometimes it would toll out the death of some one of my awn age. It made a solemn impression upon me. I felt a coward then. I thought of the cold hand of death feeling for the cords of life. I thought of being launched forth to spend my eternity in an unknown land. As I looked into the grave, and saw the sexton throw the earth on the coffin-lid, " Earth to earth j ashes to ashes j dust to dust," it seemed like the death knell to my soul. But that is all changed now. The grave has lost its terror. As I go on towards heaven I can shout, '* O death ! where is thy sting ? " and I hear the answer rolling down from Calvary — " buried in the bosom of the Son of God." He took the sting right out of death for me, and received it into his own bosom. Take a hornet and pluck the sting out ; you are not afraid of it after that any more than of a fly. So death has lost its sting. That last enemy has been overcome, and I can look on death as a crushed victim. All that death can get now is this old Adam, and I do not care how quickly I get rid of it. I shall get a glorified body, a resurrection body, a body much better than this. Suppose death should come stealing up into this pulpit, and lay his icy hand upon my heart, and it should cease to throb, I should rise to the better world to be present with the King. The gospel has made an enemy a friend. What a glorious thought, that when you die you but sink into the arms of Jesus, to be borne to the land of everlasting rest ! " To die," the apostle says, " is gain." I can imagine when they laid our Lord in Joseph's tomb one might have seen death sitting over that sepulchre, saying, " I have Him j He is my victim. He said He was the resurrection and the life. Now I hold Him in my cold embrace. They thought He was never going to die ; but see Him now. He has had to pay tribute to me." Never ! The glorious morning comes, the Son of man bursts asunder the bands of death, and rises, a Conqueror, from the grave. " Because I live," He shouts, " ye shall live also." Yes, ye shall live also— is it not good news ? Ah, my friends, there is no bad news about a gospel which makes it so sweet to live, so sweet to die. Another terrible enemy that troubled me was Sin. What a terrible hour I thought it would be, when my sins from childhood, GOOD NEWS. 33 every secret thought, every evil desire, everything done in the dark, should be brought to the light, and spread out before an assembled universe ! Thank God, these thoughts are gone. The gospel tells me my sins are all put away in Christ. Oat of love to me He has taken all my sins and cast them behind his back. That is a safe place for them. God never turns back ; He always marches on. He will never see your sins if they are behind his back — that is one of his own illustrations. Satan has to get behind God to find them. How far away are they, and can they ever come back again ? " As far as the east is from the west, so far hath He removed our transgressions from us." Not some of them; He takes them all away. You may pile up your sins till they rise like a dark mountain, and then multiply them by ten thousand for those you cannot think of j and after you have tried to enumerate all the sins you have ever committed, just let me bring one verse in, and that mountain will melt away : " The blood of Jesus Christ, his Son, cleanseth us from all sin." In Ireland, some time ago, a teacher asked a little boy if there was anything God could not do ; and the little fellow said, " Yes j He cannot see my sins through the blood of Christ." That is ^ust what He cannot do. The blood covers them. Is it not gooa news that you can get rid of sin ? You come to Christ a sinner, and if you receive his gospel your sins are taken away. You are invited to do this ; nay, He entreats you to do it. You are invited to make an exchange j to get rid of all your sins, and to take Christ and his righteousness in the place of them. Is not that good news ? There is another enemy which used to trouble me a great deal — Judgment. I used to look forward to the terrible day when I should be summoned before God. I could not tell whether I should hear the voice of Christ saying, " Depart from Me, ye cursed," or whether it would be, " Enter thou into the joy of thy Lord." And I thought that till he stood before the great white throne no man could tell whether he was to be on the right hand or the left. But the gospel tells me that is already settled : " There is now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus." " Verily, verily " — and when you see that word in Scripture, you may know there is something very important coming — " Verily, 3 34 GOOD NEWS. verily, I say unto you, he that heareth my word, and believeth on Him that sent Me, hath everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation, but is passed from death unto life." Well, now, / am not coming into judgment for sin. It is no open question. God's word has settled it. Christ was judged for me, and died in my stead, and I go free. He that believeth hath — h-a-t-h, hath. Is not that good news ? A man prayed for me the other day that I might obtain eternal life at last. I could not have said Amen to that. If he meant it in this sense, I obtained eternal life many years ago, when I was converted. What is the gift of God, if it is not eternal life ? And what makes the gospel such good news ? Is it not that it offers eternal life to every poor sinner who will take it ? If an angel came straight from the throne of God, and proclaimed that God had sent him here to offer us any one. thing we might ask — that each one should have his own petition granted — what would be your cry ? There would be but one response, and the cry would make heaven ring : "Eternal life ! eternal life ! " Everything else would float away into nothingness. It is life men want, men value most. Let a man worth a million dollars be on a wrecked vessel, and if he could just save his life for six months by giving that million, he would give it in an instant. But the gospel is not a six months' gift. " The gift of God is eternal life." And is it not one of the greatest marvels that men have to stand and plead, and pray and beseech their fellow-men to take this pre- cious gift of God ? My friends, there is one spot on earth where the fear of Death, of Sin, and of Judgment, need never trouble us, the only safe spot on earth where the sinner can stand— Calvary. Out in our western country, in the autumn, when men go hunting, and there has not been any rain for months, sometimes the prairie grass catches fire. Sometimes, when the wind is strong, the flames may be seen rolling along, twenty feet high, destroying man and beast in their onward rush. When the frontiersmen see what is coming, what do they do to escape? They know they can- not run as fast as that fire can run. Not the fleetest horse can escape it. They just take a match and light the grass around them. The flames sweep onwards ; they take their stand in the burnt district, and are safe. They hear the flames roar as they GOOD NEWS. 35 come along ; they see death bearing down upon them with resist- less fury, but they do not fear. They do not even tremble as the ocean of flame surges around them, for over the place where they stand the fire has already passed, and there is no danger. There is nothing for the fire to burn. And there is one spot on earth that God has swept over. Eighteen hundred years ago the storm burst on Calvary, and the Son of God took it into his own bosom, and now, if we take our stand by the Cross, we are safe for time and for eternity. Sinner, would you be safe to-night ? Would you be free from the condemnation of the sins that are past, from the power of the temptations that are to come ? _Then take your stand on the Rock of Ages. Let death, let the grave, let the judgment come, the victory is Christ's, and yours through Him. Oh, will you not receive this gospel to-night — this wonderful message of his sacrifice for you ? Some people, when the gospel is preached, put on a long face, as if they had to attend a funeral or witness an execution, or hear some dry, stupid lecture or sermon. It was my pri- vilege to go into Richmond with General Grant's army. I had not been long there before it was announced that the negroes were going to have a jubilee meeting. These coloured people were just coming into liberty j their chains were falling off, and they were just awakening to the fact that they were free. I thought it would be a great event, and I went down to the African Church, one of the largest in the South, and found it crowded. One of the coloured chaplains of a northern regiment had offered to speak. I have heard many eloquent men in Europe and in America but I do not think I ever heard eloquence such as I heard that day He said, " Mothers ! you rejoice to-day ; you are for ever free ! That little child has been torn from vour embrace, and sold off to some distant state for the last time. Your hearts. are never to be broken again in that way ; you are free/' The women clapped their hands and shouted at the top of their voices, " Glory, glory to God ! " It was good news to them, and they believed it. It filled them full of joy. Then he turned to the young men, and said, u Young men ! you rejoice to-day j you have heard the crack of the slave- driver's whip for the last time -, your posterity shall be free \ young 36 GOOD NEWS. men rejoice to-day, you are for ever free !" And they clapped their hands, and shouted, " Glory to God! " They believed the good tidings. " Young maidens ! " he said, " you rejoice to-day. You have been put on the auction-block and sold for the last time ; you are free — for ever free ! " They believed it, and lifting up their voices, shouted, " Glory be to God ! " I never was in such a meeting. They believed that it was good news to them. My friends, I bring you better tidings than that. No coloured man or woman ever had such a mean, wicked, cruel master as those that are serving Satan. Do I speak to a man who is a slave to strong drink ? Christ can give you strength to hurl the cup from you, and make you a sober man, a loving husband, a kind father. Yes, poor wife of the drunkard, He gives you good news ; your husband may become a sober man again. And you, poor sinner, you who have been so rebellious and wayward, the gospel brings a message of forgiveness to you. God wants you to be reconciled to Him. " Be ye reconciled unto God." It is his message to you — a message of friendship. Here is a little story of reconciliation which I was told lately j perhaps it mav help you a little :— There was an Englishman who had an only son ; and only sons are often petted, and humoured, and ruined. This boy became very headstrong, and very often he and his father had trouble. One day they had a quarrel, and the father was very angry, and so was the son ; and the father said he wished the boy would leave home and never come back. The boy said he would go, and would not come into his father's house again till he sent for him. The father said he would never send for him. Well, away went the boy. But when a father gives up a boy, a mother does not. You mothers will understand that, but the fathers may not. You know there is no love on earth so strong as a mother's love. A great many things may separate a man and his wife j a great many things may separate a father from a son ; but there is nothing in the wide world that can ever separate a true mother from her child. To be sure, there are some mothers that have drunk so much liquor, that they have drunk up all their affection. But I am talking about a true mother j and shewoulu never cast off her boy. Well, the mother began to write, and plead with the boy to GOOD NEWS. 37 write to his father first, and he would forgive him ; but the boy said, "I will never go home till fame* asks me." Then she pled with the father, but the father sau», " No, I will never ask him." At last the mother came down to her sick-bed, broken- hearted, and when she was given up by the physicians to die, the husband, anxious to gratify her last wish, wanted to know if there was nothing he could do for her before she died. The mother gave him a look j he well knew what it meant. Then she said, " Yes, there is one thing you can do. You can send for my boy. That is the only wish on earth you can gratify. If you do not pity him and love him when I am dead and gone, who will ? " "Well," said the father, "I will send word to him that you want to see him." "No," she says, "you know he will not come for me. If ever I see him you must send for him." At last the father went to his office and wrote a despatch in his own name, asking the boy to come home. As. soon as he got the invitation from his father he started off to see his dying mother. When he opened the door to go in he found his mother dying, and his father by the bedside. The father heard the door open, and saw the boy, but instead of going to meet him he went to another part of the room, and refused to speak to him. His mother seized his hand- how she had longed to press it ! She kissed him, and then said, " Now, my son, just speak to your father. You speak first, and it will all be over." But the boy said, "No, mother, I will not speak to him until he speaks to me." She took her husband's hand in one hand and the boy's in the other, and spent her dying moments in trying to bring about a reconciliation. Then just as she was expiring — she could not speak — so she put the hand of the wayward boy into the hand of the father, and passed away ! The boy looked at the mother, and the father at the wife, and at last the father's heart broke, and he opened his arms, and took that boy to his bosom, and by that body they were reconciled. Sinner, that is only a faint type, a poor illustration, because God is not angry with you. I. bring you to-night to the dead body of Christ. I ask you to look at the wounds in his hands and feet, and the wound in his side. And I ask you, " Will you not be reconciled ? " When He left heaven, He went down into the manger that He might get hold of the vilest sinner, and put the 38 GOOD NEWS, Hand of the wayward prodigal into that of the Father, and He died that you and I might be reconciled. If you take my advice you will not sleep to-night until you are reconciled. " Be ye recon- ciled." Oh. this gospel of reconciliation ! My friends, is it not a ^lad gospel ? And then it is a free gospel ; any one may have it. You need not ask, " For whom is this good news." It is for yourself. If vou would like Christ's own word for it, come with me to that scene in Jerusalem where the disciples are bidding II im farewell. Calvary with all its horrors is behind Him ; Gethsemane is over, and Pilate's judgment hall. He has passed the grave, and is about to take his place at the right hand of the Father. Around Him stands his little band of disciples, the little church He was to leave behind Him to be his witnesses. The hour of parting has come, and He has some " last words " for them. Is He thinking about Himself in these closing moments ? Is He thinking about the throne that is waiting Him, and the Father's smile that will welcome Him to heaven ? Is He going over in memory the scenes of the past ; or is He thinking of the friends who have followed Him so far, who will miss Him so much when He is gone ? No, He is thinking about you. You imagined He would think of those who loved Him ? No, sinner, He thought of you then. He thought of his enemies, those who shunned Him, those who de- spised Him, those who killed Him — He thought what mote He could do for them. He thought of those who would hate Him, of those who would have none of his gospel, o f those who would say \t was too good to be true, of those who would make excuse that He never died for them. And then turning to his disciples, his heart just bursting with compassion, He gives them his farewell charge, "Go ye into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature." They are almost his last words, "to every creature." I can imagine Peter saying, " Lord, do you really mean that we shall preach the gospel to every creature?" "Yes, Peter." " Shall we go back to Jerusalem and preach the gospel to those Terusalem sinners who murdered you ? " "Yes, Peter, go back and tarry there until you are endued with power from on high. GOOD NEWS. Offer the gospel to them first. Go search out that man who spat in my face ; tell him I forgive him j there is nothing in my heart but love for him. Go, search out the man who put that cruel crown of thorns on my brow ; tell him I will have a crown ready for him in my kingdom, if he will accept salvation ; there shall not be a thorn in it, and he shall wear it for ever and ever in the kingdom of his Redeemer. Find out that man who took the reed from my hand, and smote my head, driving the thorns deeper into my brow. If he will accept salvation as a gift, I will give him a sceptre, and he shall sway it over the nations of the earth. Yes, I will give him to sit with Me upon my throne. Go, seek that man who struck Me with the palm of his hand; find him, and preach the gospel to him ; tell him that the blood of Jesus Christ cleanseth from all sin, and my blood was shed for him freely." Yes, I can imagine Him saying, " Go, seek out that poor soldier who drove the spear into my side 3 tell him that there is a nearer way to my heart than that. Tell him that I forgive him freely j and tell him I will make him a soldier of the cross, and my banner over him shall be love." I thank God that the gospel is to be preached to every creature. I thank God the commission is so free. There is no man so far gone, but the grace of God can reach him ; no man so desperate or so black, but He can forgive him. Yes, I thank God I can preach the gospel to the man or the woman who is as black as hell itself. I thank God for the " whosoevers " of the invitations of Christ. " God so loved the world that He gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth on Him should not perish, but have everlasting life," and " IVhosoever will, let him take the water of life freely." I heard of a woman once who thought there was no promise in the Bible for her, they were all for other people. One day she got a letter, and when she opened it, found it was not for her at all, but for some other woman of the same name. It led her to ask herself, " If I should find some promise in the Bible directed to me, how should I know that it meant me, and not some other woman ? " And she found out that she must just take God at his word, and include herself among the " whosoevers " and the " every creatures " to whom the gospel is freely preached. I know that word "whosoever" means every man, every woman, every child 40 GOOD NEWS. in this wide world. It means that boy down there, that grey- haired man, that maiden in the blush of youth, that young man breaking a mother's heart, that drunkard steeped in misery and sin. Oh, my friends, will you not believe this good news ? Will you not receive this wonderful gospel of Christ ? Will you not believe, poor sinner, that it means you ? Will you say it is too good to be true ? I was in Ohio a few years ago, and was invited to preach in the State prison. Eleven hundred convicts were brought into the chapel, and all sat in front of me. After I had got through the preaching, the chaplain said to me : " Mr. Moody, I want to tell you of a scene which occurred in this room. A few years ago, our commissioners went to the governor of the State, and got him to promise that he would pardon five men for good behaviour. The governor consented, with this understanding — that the record was to be kept secret, and that at the end of six months the five men highest on the roll should receive a pardon, regardless of who or what they were. At the end of six months the prisoners were all brought into the chapel j the commissioners came up, and the President stood up on the platform, and putting his hand in his pocket, brought out some papers, and said, ' I hold in my hand* pardons for five men.' " The chaplain told me he never witnessed anything on earth like it. Every man was as still as death j many tvere deadly pele, and the suspense was awful ; it seemed as if every heart had ceased to beat. The commissioner went on to tell them how they had got the pardon j but the chaplain interrupted him. " Before you make your speech, read out the names. This suspense is awful." So he read out the first name, " Reuben Johnson will come and get his pardon j r ' and he held it out, but none came forward. He said to the governor, "Are all the prisoners here?" The governor told him they were all there. Then he said again, " Reuben Johnson will come and get his pardon. It is signed and sealed by the governor. He is a free man." Not one moved. The chaplain told me he looked right down where Reuben was ; he was well known j he had been nine- teen years there, and many were looking round to see him spring • to his feet. But he himself waslooking round to see the fortunate man who had got his pardon. Finally the chaplain caught his eye GOOD NEWS. 41 and said, ''Reuben, you are the man." Reuben turned round and looked behind him to see where Reuben was. The chaplain said the second time, " Reuben, you are the man 5" and the second time he looked round, thinking it must be some other Reuben. So men do not believe the gospel is for them. They think it is too good, and pass it over their shoulders to the next man. But you are the man to-night. Well, the chaplain could see where Reuben was, and he had to say three times, " Reuben, come and get your pardon." At last the truth began to steal over the old man ; he got up and came along down the hall, trembling from head to foot, and when he got the pardon he looked at it, and went back to his seat, and buried his face 'in his hands, and wept. When the prisoners got into the ranks to go back to the cells, Reuben got into the ranks too, and the chaplain had to call to him, " Reuben, get out of the ranks j you are a free man, you are no longer a prisoner." And Reuben stepped out of the ranks. He was free! That is the way men make out pardons. They make them out for good character or good behaviour. But God makes out pardons for men who have not got any character, who have been very, very bad. He offers a pardon to every sinner on earth if he will take it. I do not care who he is or what he is like. He may be the greatest libertine that ever walked the streets, or the greatest blackguard who ever lived, or the greatest drunkard, or thief, or vagabond ; but I come to-night with glad tidings, and preach the gospel to every creature. rv. CHRIST SEEKING SINNERS. " The Son of Man is come to seek and to save that which was lost." — Luke xix. io. To me this is one of the sweetest verses in the whole Bible. In this one little short sentence we are told what Christ came into this world for. He came for a purpose ; He came to do a work, and in this little verse the whole story is told. He came not to condemn the world, but that the world, through Him, might be saved. A few years ago, the Prince of Wales came to America, and there was great excitement about this Crown Prince coming to our country. The papers took it up, and began to discuss it, and a great many were wondering what he came for. Was it to look into the republican government? Was it for his health ? Was it to see our institutions ? or for this, or for that ? He came, and went, but he never told us what he came for. But when the Prince of Heaven came down into this world, He told us what He came for. God sent Him, and He came to do the will of His Father. What was that ? " To seek and to save that which was lost." And you cannot find any place in Scripture where a man was ever sent by God to do a work in which he failed. God sent Moses to Egypt to bring three millions of bond- men up out of the house of bondage into the promised land. Did he fail ? It looked, at first, as if he were going to. If we had been in the Court when Pharaoh said to Moses, " Who is God, that I should obey Him?" and ordered him out of his presence, we might have thought it meant failure. But did it? God sent Elijah to stand before Ahab, and it was a bold thing when he told CHRIST SEEKING SINNERS. 43 him there should be neither dew nor rain ; but didn't he lock up the heavens for three years and six months ? Now here is God sending his own beloved Son from his bosom, from the throne, down into this world. Do you think He is going to fail? Thanks be to God, He can save to the uttermost, and there is not a man in this city who may not rind it so, if he is willing to be saved. I rind a great blessing to myself in taking up a passage like this, and looking all round it, to see what brought it out. If you lookback to the close of the eighteenth chapter, you will rind Christ coming near the city of Jericho. And, sitting by the wayside, was a poor, blind beggar. Perhaps he has been there for years, led out, it may be, by one of his children, or perhaps, as we some- times see, he had got a dog to lead him out. There he had sat for years, and his cry had been, " Please give a poor, blind man a .-arming." One day, as he was sitting there, a man came down from Jerusalem, and seeing the poor blind man, took his seat by his side, and said, "Bartimeus, I have good news for you." "What is it? " said the blind beggar. "There is a man in Israel who is able to give you sight." " Oh no," said the blind beggar, " there is no chance of my ever receiving sight. I was born blind, and nobody born blind ever got sight. I shall never see in this world j I may in the world to come, but I must go through this world blind." "But," said the man, "let me tell you, I was at Jerusalem the other day, and the great Galilean prophet was there, and I saw a man who was born blind that had received his sight j and I never saw a man with better sight. He does not need to use glasses 5 he can see quite clear." Then for the first time, hope rises in the poor man's heart, and he asks " How was it done ? " " Why, Jesus spat on the ground and made some clay, and anointed his eyes,'' (why, that is enough to put a man's sight out, even if he can see !) " and sent him to wash in the pool of Siloarm and while he was doing so, he got two good eyes. Yes, it is so. I talked with him, and I didn't see a man in all Jerusalem who had better sight." "What did He charge?" says Bartimeus. " Nothing. There was no fee or doctor's bill j he got his sight for nothing. You just tell Him what you want ; you don't need to have an influential committee to call on Him, or any important deputation. The poor have as much influence with Him as the 44 CHRIST SEEKING SINNERS. rich; all are alike." "What is his name?" asks Bartimeus. u Jesus of Nazareth. And if He ever comes this way, don't you let Him by, without getting your case laid before Him." And the blind man says "That you may be sure of; He shall never pass this way without my seeking Him." A day or two after, he is led out, and takes his seat at the usual place, still crying out for money. All at once, he hears the foot- steps of a coming multitude, and begins to cry, " Who is it ? " "Tell me, who is it? " Some one said it was Jesus ot Nazareth that was passing by. The moment he hears that, he says to him- self, " Why,„that is the man who gives sight to the blind," and he lifted up his cry, " Jesus, thou Son of David, have mercy upon me ! V I don't know who it was — perhaps it was Peter — who said to the man, " Hush ! keep still." He thought the Lord was going up to Jerusalem to be crowned King, and He would not like to be disturbed by a poor blind beggar. Oh they did not know the Son of God when He was here ! He would hush every harp in heaven to hear a sinner pray; no music delights Him so much. But Bartimeus lifted up his* voice louder,' " Thou Son of David, have mercy on me." His prayer reached the ear of the Son of God, as prayer always will> and His footsteps were arrested. He told them to bring the man. " Bartimeus," they said, " be of good cheer, arise, He calleth thee ; " and He never called any one, but He had something good in store for him. Oh, sinner ! remem- ber that to-night. They led the blind man to Jesus. The Lord says, " What shall 1 do for you ? " " Lord, that I may receive my sight." "You shall have it," the Lord said; and straightway his eyes were opened. I should have liked to have been there, to see that wonderful scene. The, first object that met his gaze was the Son of God Himself, and now among the shouting multitude, no one shouts louder than the poor blind man that has got his sight. He glorifies God, and I fancy I can hear him shouting " Hosanna to the Son of David," more sweetly than Mr. Sankey can sing. Pardon me, if I now draw a little on my imagination. Bartimeus gets into Jericho, and he says, " I will go and see my wife, and tell her about it." A young convert always wants to talk to his friends about salvation. Away he goes CHRIST SEEKING SINNERS. 45 down the street, and he meets a man who passes him, goes on a few yards, and then turns round and says, " Bartimeus? is that you?" "Yes." "Well, I thought it was, but I could not believe my eyes. How have you got your sight?" "Oh, I just met Jesus of Nazareth outside the city, and asked Him to have mercy on me." " Jesus of Nazareth ! What, is He in this part of the country ? " "Yes. He is right here in Jericho. He is now going down to the western gate." "I should like to see Him," says the man, and away he runs down the street 5 but he cannot catch a glimpse of Him, even though he stands on tip- toe, being little of stature, and on account of the great throng around Him. "Well," he says, "I am not going to be dis- appointed;" so he runs on, and climbs up into a sycamore tree- " If I can get on to that branch, hanging right over the highway, He cannot pass without my getting a good look at Him." That must have been a very strange sight to see the rich man climbing up a tree like a boy, and hiding among the leaves, where he thought nobody would see him, to get a glimpse of the passing stranger ! There is the crowd bursting out, and he looks for Jesus. He looks at Peter ; " That's not Him." He looks at John ; " That's not Him/' At last his eye rested on One fairer than the sons of men ; " That's Him ! " And Zaccheus, just peeping out from among the branches, looks down upon the wonderful God-man in amaze- ment. At last the crowd comes to the tree ; it looks as if Christ were going by ; but He stops right under the tree, looks up, and says, " Zaccheus, make haste and come down." I can imagine, the first thought in his mind was, "Who told Him my name? I was never introduced to Him." Ah! He knew him. Sinner, Christ knows all about you. He knows your f name and your house. You need not try to hide from Him. He knows where you are, and all about you. Some people do not believe in sudden conversion. I should like them to answer me when was Zaccheus converted ? He was certainly in his sins when he went up into that tree ; he certainly was converted when he came down. He must have been con- verted somewhere between the branch and the ground. It didn't take a long while to convert that publican ! " Make haste and come down. I shall never pass this way again ; this is my last 46 CHRIST SEEKING SINNERS. visit." Zaccheus made haste, and came down and received Him joyfully. Did you ever hear of any one receiving Christ in any other way? He received Him joyfully. Christ brings joy with Him. Sin, gloom, and darkness flee away ; light, peace, and joy burst into the soul. May there be many that shall come down from their high places, and receive Christ to-night ! Some one may ask, " How do you know that he was converted ? " I think he gave very good evidence. I would like to see as fruit- ful evidence of conversion here to-night. Let some of you rich men be converted, and give half your goods to feed the poor, and people will believe pretty quickly that it is genuine work ! But there is better evidence even than that. . " If I have taken any- thing from any man falsely, / restore him fourfold." Very good evidence that. You say if people are converted suddenly, they won't hold out. Zaccheus held out long enough to restore four- fold. We should like to have a work that reaches men's pockets. I can imagine one of his servants going to a neighbour next morn' ing, with a check for $100, and handing it over. "What is this for ? " " Oh, my master defrauded you of $25 a few years ago, and this is restitution money." That would give confidence in Zaccheus' conversion ! I wish a few cases like that would happen now, and then neople would stop talking against sudden conver- sions. The Lord goes to be the publican's guest, and while He is then? the Pharisees began to murmur and complain. It would have been a good thing if Pharisees had died off with that generation j but, unfortunately, they have left a good many grandchildren, living down here in the afternoon of this nineteenth century, who are ever complaining, " This man receiveth sinners." But while the Pharisees were complaining, the Lord uttered the text I have to- night, "I did not come to Zaccheus' to make him wretched, to condemn him, to torment him ; I came to bless and save him. The Son of Man is come to seek and to save that which was lost" If there is a man or woman in this audience to-night who believe that he or she is lost, I have good news to tell you — Christ is cor after you. I was at the Fulton Street prayer-meeting, a good mai years ago, one Saturday night, and when the meeting was over, a m£ came to me, and said, " I would like to have you go down to tl CHRIST SEEKING SINNERS. 47 city prison to-morrow, and preach to the prisoners. I said I would be very glad to go. There was no chapel in connection with that prison, and I was to preach to them in their cells. I had to stand at a little iron railing and talk down a great, long narrow passage way, to some three or four hundred of them, I suppose, all out of sight. It was pretty difficult work -, I never preached to the bare walls before. When it was over I thought I would like to see to whom I had been preaching, and how they had received the gospel. I went to the first door, where the inmates could have heard me best, and looked in at a little window, and there were some men playing cards. I suppose they had been playing all the while. " How is it with you here ? " I said. "Well, stranger, we don't want you to get a bad idea of us. False witnesses swore a lie, and that is how we are here." "Oh," I said, "Christ cannot save anybody here j there is nobody lost." I went to the next cell. " Well, friend, how is it with you ? " " Oh," said the prisoner, " the man that did the deed looked very much like me, so they caught me and I am here/' He was innocent too ! I passed along to the next cell. " How is it with you ? " " Well, we got into bad company, and the man that did it got clear, and we got taken up, but we never did anything." I went along to the next cell. " How is it with you ? " " Our trial comes on next week, but they have nothing against us, and we'll get free." I went round nearly every cell, but the answer was always the same — they had never done anything. Why, I never saw so many innocent men together in my life ! There was nobody to blame but the magistrates, according to their way of it. These men were wrapping their filthy rags of self-righteousness about them. And that has been the story for six thousand years. I got discouraged as I went through the prison, on, and on, and on, cell after cell, and every man had an excuse. If he hadn't one, the devil helped him to make one. I had got almost through the prison, when I came to a cell and found a man with his elbows on his knees, and his head in his hands. Two little streams of tears were running down his cheeks ; they did not come by drops that time. u What's the trouble ? " I said. He looked up the picture of remorse and despair. " Oh, my sins are more than I can bear." " Thank God for that," I replied. " What," said he, " you are the man that has been preaching to us, ain't you?" "Yes." "I 48 CHRIST SEEKING SINNERS. think you said you were a friend ? " " I am." " And yet you are glad that my sins are more than I can bear ! " " I will explain," I saidj "if your sins are more than you can bear, won't you cast them on One who will bear them for you ? " " Who's that ? " " The Lord Jesus." " He won't bear my sins." "Why not?" "I have sinned against Him all my life." "I don't care if you have; the blood of Jesus Christ, God's Sor^ cleanses from all sin." Then I told him how Christ had come to seek and save that which was lost ; to open the prison doors and set the captives free. It was like a cup of refreshment to find a man who believed he was lost, so I stood there, and held up a crucified Saviour to him. " Christ was delivered for our offences, died for our sins, rose again for our justification." For a long time the man could not believe that such a miserable wretch could be saved. He went on to enumerate his sins, and I told him that the blood of Christ could cover them all. After I had talked with him I said, " Now let us pray." He got down on his knees inside the cell, and I got down outside, and I said, " You pray." " Why," he said, " it would be blasphemy for me to call on God." " You call on God," I said. He knelt down, and, like the poor publican, he lifted up his voice and said, "God be merciful to me, a v vile wretch ! " I put my hand through the window, and as I shook hands with him a tear fell on my hand that burned down into my soul. It was a tear of repentance. He believed he was lost. Then I tried to get him to believe that Christ had come to save him. I left him still in darkness. " I will be at the hotel," I said, " between nine and ten o'clock, and I will pray for you." Next morning, I felt so much interested in him, that I thought I must see him before I went back to Chicago. No sooner had my eye lighted on his face, than I saw that remorse and despair had fled away, and his countenance was beaming with celestial light ; the tears of joy had come into his eyes, and the tears of despair were gone. The Sun of Righteousness had broken out across his path; his soul was leaping within him for joy ; he had received Christ. as Zaccheus did, joyfully. " Tell me about it," I said. (C Well, I do not know what time it was ; I think it was about midnight. I had been in distress a long time, when all at once my great burden fell off, and now, I believe I am the happiest man in New York.'* CHRIST SEEKING SINNERS. 49 I think he was the happiest man I saw, from the time I left Chicago till I got back again. His face was lighted up with the light that comes from the celestial hills. I bade him good-bve, and I expect to meet him in another world. Can you tell me why the Son of God came down to that prison that night, and, passing cell after cell, went to that one, and set the captive free ? It was because the man believed he was lost. But you say, " / do not feel that." Well, never mind your feelings ; believe it. Just ask yourself, '' Am I saved, or am I lost ?" It must be one or the other. There is no neutrality about the matter. A man cannot be saved and lost at the same time ; it is impossible. Every man and woman in this audience must either be saved or lost, if the Bible be true ; and if I thought it was not true, I should not be here preaching, and I would not advise you people to come ; but if the Bible is true, every man and every woman in this room rnust either be in the ark or out of it, either saved or lost. I do not believe there would be a dry eye in this city to-night, if we would but wake up to the thought of what it is to be lost. "The world has been rocked to sleep by Satan, who is going up and down and telling people that it doesn't mean anything. I believe in the old-fashioned heaven and hell. Christ came down to save us from a terrible hell, and any man who is cast down to hell from here must go in the full blaze of the gospel, and over the mangled body of the Son of God. We hear of a man who has lost his health, and we sympathize with him, and we say it is very sad. Our hearts are drawn out in sympathy. Here is another man who has lost his wealth, and we say, " That is very sad. 1 ' Here is another man who has lost his reputation, his standing among men. u That is sadder still," you say We know what it is to lose health and wealth, and repu- tation, but what is the loss of all these things compared with the loss of the soul ? I was in an eye- infirmary in Chicago some time ago, before the great fire. A mother brought a beautiful little babe to the doctor — a babe only a few months old — and wanted the doctor to look at the child's eyes. He did so, and pronounced it blind— blind for life— it will never see again. The moment he said that, the mother seized it, pressed it to her bosom, and gave a terrible scream. It 4 50 CHRIST SEEKING SINNERS. pierced my heart, and I could not but weep ; the doctor wept ; we could not help it. "Oh, my darling," she cried, "are you never to see the mother that gave you birth ? Oh, doctor, I cannot stand it. My child, my child !" It was a sight to move any heart. But what is the loss of eyesight to the loss of a soul ? I had a thousand times rather have these eyes taken out of my head and go to the grave blind, than lose my soul. I have a son, and no one but God knows how I love him; but I would see those eyes dug out of his head to-night rather than see him grow up to manhood and go down to the grave without Christ and without hope. The loss of a soul ! Christ knew what it meant. That is what brought Him from the bosom of the Father ; that is what brought Him from the throne j that is what brought Him to Calvary. The Son of God was in earnest. When He died on Calvary it was to save a lost world ; it was to save your soul and mine. O the loss of the soul — how terrible it is! If you are lost to-night, I beseech you do not rest until you have found peace in Christ. Fathers and mothers, if you have children out of the Ark, do not rest until they are brought into it. Do not discourage your children from coming to Christ. I am glad to see those little boys and girls here. Dear children, remember the sermon is for you. The Son of Man came for you as much as for that old grey-haired man, yonder. He came for all, rich and poor, young and old. Young man, if you are lost may God show it to you, and may you press into the kingdom. The Son of Man is come to seek and to save you. There is a story told of Rowland Hill. He was once preaching in the open air to a vast audience. Lady Anne Erskine was riding by, and she asked who it was that was addressing the vast assembly. She was told it was the celebrated Rowland Hill Says she, " I have heard of him j drive me near the platform, that I may listei to him." The eye of Rowland Hill rested on her ; he saw that she belonged to royalty, and turning to some one, he inquired wh( she was. He went on preaching, and all at once, he stopped " My friends," he said, " I have got something here for sale." Everybody was startled to think that a minister was going to sel something in his sermon. " I am going to sell it by auction, anc it is worth more than the crown of all Europe : it is the soul CHRIST SEEKING SINNERS. 51 Lady Anne Erskine. Will any one bid for her soul ? Hark \ methinks I hear a bid. Who bids ? Satan bids. What will you give ? I will give riches, honour, and pleasure ; yea, I will give the whole world for her soul. Hark ! I hear another bid for this soul. Who bids ? The Lord Jesus Christ. Jesus, what will you give for this soul ? I will give peace, and joy, and comfort that the world kuows not of; yea, I will give eternal life for her soul." Turning to Lady Anne Erskine, he said, " You have heard the two bidders for your soul — which shall have it ? " She ordered the footman to open the door, and pushing her way through the crowd, she says, " The Lord Jesus shall have my soul, if He will accept it." That may be true, or it may not ; but there is one thing I know to be true — there are two bidders for your soul to-night. It is for you to decide which shall have it. Satan offers you what he cannot give; he is a liar, and has been from the foundation of the world. I pity the man who is living on the devil's promises. He lied to Adam, and deceived him, stripped him of all he had, and then left him in his lost, ruined condition. And all the men since Adam, living on the devil's lies, the devil's promises, have been disappointed, and will be, down to the end of the chapter. But the Lord Jesus Christ is able to give all He offers, and He offers eternal life to every lost soul here. "The gift of God is eternal life. Who will have it ? Will any one flash it over the wires, and let it go up to the throne of God, that you want to be saved ? As Mr. Sankey sang of that shout around the throne, my heart went up to God, that there might be a great shout for lost ones brought home to-night. Some time since a man told me he was anxious to be saved, but Christ had never sought for him. I said, " What are you waiting for } "' " Why,' he said, " I am waiting for Christ to call me ; as soon as He calls me, 1 am coming." There may be others here who have got the same notion. Now, I do not believe there is a man in this land that the Spirit of God has not striven with at some period of his life. I do not believe there is a person in this audience but Christ has sought after him. Bear in mind, He takes the place of the seeker. Every man who has ever been saved through these six thousand years was first sought after by God. No sooner did Adam fall, than God sought him. He 52 CHRIST SEEKING SINNERS. had gone away frightened, and hid himself away among the bushes in the garden, but God took the place of the Seeker j and from that day to this God has always had the place of the Seeker. No man or woman in this audience has been saved but that He sought them first. What do we read in the fifteenth chapter of St. Luke ? There is a shepherd bringing home his sheep into the fold. As they pass in, he stands and numbers them. I can see him counting one, two, three, up to ninety- nine. " But," says he, " I ought to have a hundred ; I must have made a mistake ;" and he counts them over again. " There are only ninety-nine here ; I must have lost one." He does not say, "I will let him find his own way back." No! He takes the place of the Seeker ; he goes out into the mountain, and hunts until he finds the lost one, and then he lays it on his shoulder and brings it home. Is it the sheep that finds the shepherd ? No, it is the shepherd that finds and brings back the sheep. He re- joiced to find it. Undoubtedly the sheep was very glad to get back to the fold, but it was the shepherd who rejoiced, and who called his friends and said, " Rejoice with me." Then there is that woman who lost the piece of money. Some one perhaps had paid her a bill that day, giving her ten pieces of silver. As she retires at night, she takes the money out of her pocket and counts it. u Why," she says, " I have only got nine pieces ; I ought to have ten." She counts it over again. " Only nine pieces! Where have I been," she says, " since I got that money ? I am sure I have not been out of the house." She turns her pocket wrong side out, and there she finds a hole in it. Does she wait until the money gets back into her pocket ? No. She takes a broom, and lights a candle, and sweeps diligently. She moves the sofa and the table and the chairs, and all the rest of the furniture, and sweeps in every corner until she finds it. And when she has found it, who rejoices ? The piece of money ? No ; the woman who finds it. In these parables, Christ brings out the great truth that God takes the place of Seeker. People talk of finding Christ, but it is Christ who first finds them. Another young man told me one night that he was too great a sinner to be saved. Why, they are the very men Christ came after. "This Man receiveth sinners and eateth with them." The only CHRIST SEEKING SINNERS. 53 charge they could bring against Christ down here was, that He was receiving bad men. They are the very kind of men He is willing to receive. All you have got to do is, to prove that you are a sinner, and I will prove that you have got a Saviour. And the greater the sinner, the greater need you have of a Saviour. You say your heart is hard j well, then, of course, you want Christ to soften it. You cannot do it yourself. The harder your heart, the more need you have of Christ ; the blacker you are, the more need you have of a Saviour. If your sins rise up before you like a dark mountain, bear in mind that the blood of Jesus Christ cleanses from all sin. There is no sin so big, or so black, or so corrupt and vile, but the blood of Christ can cover it. So I preach the old gospel again, " The Son of Man is come to seek and to save that which was lost." It was Adam's fall, his loss, that brought out God's love. God never told Adam when He put him into Eden, that He loved him. It was his fall, his sin, that brought it out. A friend of mine from Manchester was in Chicago a few years ago, and he was very much interested in the city — a great city, with its 300,000 or 400,000 inhabitants, with its great railway centres, its lumber market, its pork market, and its grain market. He said he went back to Manchester and told his friends about Chicago. But he could not get anybody very much interested in it. It was a great many hundreds of miles away ; and the people did not seem to care for hearing about it. But one day there came flashing along the wire the sad tidings that it was on fire ; and, my friend said, the Manchester people became suddenly interested in Chicago ! Every despatch that came they read ; they bought up the papers, and devoured every particle of news. And at last, when the despatch came that Chicago was burning up, that 100,000 people were turned out of house and home, then every one became so interested that they began to weep for us. They came forward and laid down their money — some gave hundreds of dollars for the relief of the poor sufferers. It was the calamity of Chicago that brought out the love of Manchester, and of London, and of Liverpool. I was in that terrible fire, and I saw men that were wealthy stripped of all they had. That Sunday night, when they retired, they were the richest men in Chicago. Next morning they were paupers. But I did not see a man weep. But when the 54 CHRIST SEEKING SINNERS. news came flashing along the wire, " Liverpool gives ten thous- and dollars ; Manchester sends five thousand dollars ; London is giving money to aid the city ;" and as the news kept flashing that help was coming, our city was broken-hearted. I saw men weep then. The love that was shown us broke our hearts. So the love of God ought to break every heart in this city. It was love that brought Christ down here to die for us. It was love that made Him leave His place by the Father's throne and come down here to seek and to save that which was lost. But now for the sake of these men who believe Christ never sought them, perhaps it would be well to say how He seeks. There are a great many ways in which He does so. One night I found a man in the inquiry-room, and the Lord had been speaking to him by the prayers of a godly sister who died a little while ago. Her prayers were answered. He came into the inquiry-room trembling from head to foot. I talked to him about the plan of salvation, and the tears trickled down his cheeks, and at last he took Christ as his Saviour. The Son of Man sought out that young man through the prayers of his sister, and then through her death. Some of you have godly, praying mothers, who have prayed whole nights for your soul, and who have now gone to heaven. Did not you take their hand and promise that you would meet them there ? That was the Son of God seeking you by your mother's prayers and your mother's death. Some of you have got faithful, godly ministers who weep for you in the pulpit, and plead with you to come to Christ. You have heard heart-searching sermons, and the truth has gone down deep into your heart, and tears have come down your cheeks. That was the Son of God seeking you. Some of you have had godly, praying Sabbath- school teachers and superintendents, urging you to come to Christ. Some of you, perhaps, have got young men converted round you, and they have talked with you and pleaded with you to come to Christ. That was the Son of God seeking after your soul. Some of you have had a tract put in your hand with a startling title, " Eternity j Where will You Spend It ? " and the arrow has gone home. That was the Son of God seeking after you. Many of you have been laid on a bed of sickness, when you had time to think and meditate. And in the silent watches of the night, when everybody was asleep CHRIST SEEKING SINNERS. 55 the Spirit of God has come into your chamber, has come to your bedside, and the thought came stealing through your mind that you ought to be a child of God and an heir of heaven. That was the Son of God seeking after your lost soul. Some of you have had little children, and you have laid them yonder in the cemetery. When that little child was dying you promised to love and serve God (ah, Have you kept your promise ?) That was the Son of God seeking you. He took that little child yonder to draw vour affections heavenwards. It would take me all night to tell the different ways in which the Lord seeks. Can you rise in this hall to-night and say that the Son of God never sought for you? I do not believe there is a man or woman in this audience or in the whole city who could do it. My friend, He has been calling for you from your earliest childhood, and He has put it into the hearts of God's own people just to call you together in this hall. Prayer is going up all over the Christian world for you. Perhaps there never has been a time in the history of your life when so many were praying for you as at the present time. That is the Son of God seeking for your soul through the prayers of the Church, through the prayers of ministers, through the prayers of the saints not only about you but throughout the world. I am receiving letters almost daily from both sides of the ocean saying continual prayer is going up to God for this work. What does it mean ? God has laid it upon the heart of the Church throughout the world to pray for the work. It must be that God has something good in store for this city; the Son of of Man is come to seek and to save that which was lost ; and I pray that the Good Shepherd may enter this hall to-night and may come to many a heart, and that you may hear the still small voice : " Behold, I stand at the door and knock -, if any man hear My voice, and open the door, I will come in to him and will sup with him, and he with Me." O friends, open the door to-night, and let the heavenly Visitor in. Do not turn Him away any longer. Do not say with Felix, " Go thy way this time, and when I have a convenient season I will call for thee." Make this a convenient season; make this the night of your salvation. Re- ceive the gift of God to-night, and open the door of your heart, and say, " Welcome, thrice welcome into this heart of mine." V. ' SINNERS SEEKING CHRIST. Seek the Lord while He may be found ; call ye upon Him while He is near," — Isai h lv. 6. I have been speaking about the Son of Man seeking the lost; but now I want to take up the other side of the case — man's side. I have learned this, that when any one becomes in earnest about his soul's salvation he begins to seek God, and it does not take* a great while for them to meet ; it does not take long for an anxious sinner to meet -an anxious Saviour. What do we read in the 29th chapter of Jeremiah, 13th verse? "Ye shall seek Me and find Me when ye shall search for Me with all your heart." These are the men who find Christ — those who seek for Him with all their heart. I am tired and sick of half-heartedness. You don't- like a half- hearted man ; you don't care for any one to love you with a half heart, and the Lord won't have it. If we are going to seek for Him and find Him, we must do it with all our heart. I believe the reason why so few people find Christ is because they do not search for Him with all their heart j they are not terribly in earnest about their soul's salvation. God is in earnest j everything God has done proves that He is in earnest about the salvation of men's souls. He has proved it by giving his only Son to die for us. The Son of God was in earnest when He died. What is Calvary but a proof of that ? And the Lord wants us to be in earnest when it comes to this great question of the soul's salvation. I never saw men seeking Him with all their hearts but they soon found Him. It was quite refreshing, one night, to find in the inquiry-room a young man who thought he was not worth saving, he was so vile and wicked. There was hope for him because he was so des- SINNERS SEEKING CHRIST. 57 perately in earnest about his soul. He thought he was worthless. He had got a sight of himself in God's looking-glass, and when a man does that he has a very poor opinion of himself. You can always tell when a man is a great way from God — he is always talking about himself, and how good he is. But the moment he sees God by the eye of faith he is down on his knees, and, like Job, he cries, "Behold, I am vile." All his goodness flees away. What men want is to be in earnest about their salvation, and they will soon find Christ. You do not neea to go up to the heights to bring Him down, or down to the depths to bring Him up, or to go off to some distant city to find Him. This day He is near to every one of us. I heard some one in the inquiry-room telling a young person to go home and seek Christ in his closet. I would not dare to tell any one to do that. You might be dead before you got home. If I read my Bible correctly, the man who preaches the gospel is not the man who tells me to seek Christ to-morrow or an hour hence, but now. He is near to every one of us this minute to save. If the world would just come to God for salvation, and be in earnest about it, they would find the Son of God right at the door of their heart. Suppose I should say I lost a very valuable diamond here last night — I have not, but suppose it — worth $106,000. I had it in my pocket when I came into the hall, and when I had done preaching 1 found it was not in my pocket, but was in the hall somewhere. And suppose I was to say that any one who found it could have it. How earnest you would all become ! You would not get very much of my sermon ; you would all be thinking of the diamond. I do not believe* the police could get you out of this hall. The idea of finding a diamond worth $100,000 ! If you could only find it, it would lift you out of poverty at once, and you would be independent for the rest of your days. Oh, how soon everybody would become terribly in earnest then ! I would to God I could get men to seek for Christ in the sanie way. I have got something. worth more than a diamond to offer you. Is not salva- tion — eternal life— worth more than all the diamonds in the world ? Suppose Gabriel should wing his way from the throne of God and come down here, and say he had been commissioned by Jehovah to come and offer to this assembly any one gift you might choose. 58 SINNERS SEEKING CHRIST. You could have just what you chose, tut only one thing. What would it be ? The wealth of this city, or of the world ? "Would that be your choice ? Ten thousand times, no ! Your one cry would be, " Life ! eternal life ! *' There is nothing that men value as they do life. Let a man be out on a wreck that is fast going down. He is worth a million dollars, and his only chance is to give up that million dollars, just to save jthe life of the body. He would give it up in a moment. " Skin for skin ; all that a man hath will he give for his life." I understand some people have been afraid to come to. this hall be- cause there might be a cry of " Fire ! tire ! " and a panic, and they might lose their life. Yet there are twenty doors to the building ; I do not know that I ever saw a building that you could get out of easier. Yet people seem to sleep, and to forget that there is no door out of hell. If they enter there they must remain, age after age. Millions on millions of years will roll on, but there will be no door, no escape out of hell. May God wake up this slumbering congregation and make you anxious about your souls. People talk about our being earnest and fanatical — about our being on fire. Would to God the Church was on fire 3 this world would soon shake to its foundation. May God wake up a slumbering Church ! What we want men to do is not to shout" Amen/' and clasp their hands. The deepest and quietest waters very often run swiftest. We want men to go right to work ; there will be a chance for you to shout by-and-by. Go and speak to your neighbour, and tell him of Christ and heaven. You need not go a few yards down these streets before you find some one who is passing down to the darkness of eternal death. Let us haste to the rescue ! What we want to see is men really wishing to become Christians men who are in dead earnest about it. The idea of hearing a man say in answer to the question, " Do you want to become a Christian ? '' "Well, 1 would not mind." My friend, I do not think you will ever get into the kingdom of God until you change your language. We want men crying from the depths of their heart, " I want to be saved." On the day of Pentecost the cry was, "Men and brethren, what shall we do ? " These men were in earnest, and they found Christ right there ; three thousand found Him, when they sought with all their hearts. When men seek Christ as they SINNERS SEEKING CHRIST. S9 do wealth, they will soon find Him. To be sure, the wo^SW *»»U raise a cry that they are excited. Let cotton go up ten 01 fifteen per cent, before to-morrow morning, and you will see how quickly the merchants will get excited ! And the papers don't cry it down either. They say it is healthy excitement ; commerce is getting on. But when you begin to get excited about your soul's salvation, and are in earnest, then they raise the cry, " Oh, they are getting excited ; most unhealthy state of things." Yet they don't talk about men hastening down to death by thousands. There is the poor drunkard, look at him ! Hear the piercing cry going up to heaven ! Yet the Church of God slumbers and sleeps. Here and there there is an inquirer, and yet they go into the inquiry-room as if they were half asleep. When will men seek for Christ as they seek for wealth, or as they seek for honour ? I am told that when the war broke out on the Gold Coast, though it was known that the climate was a very unhealthy one, and a great many who went there would never return, yet hundreds and thousands of men wanted to go. Why ? They wanted to get wealth, and from wealth honour. And if there is a chance of going to India, no end of men are willing to go. To get a little honour they will sacrifice comfort, pleasure, health, and everything. What we want, is to have men seeking the kingdom of God, as thev seek for honour and wealth. As I said, if life is in danger, how terribly in earnest men become. That is right ; there is no doubt about that. But why should not men be as much in earnest about their soul's salvation ? Why should not every man and woman here wake up and seek the Lord with all their heart ? Then, the Lord says, you shall rind Him. There is a story told of a vessel that was wrecked, and was going down at sea. There were not enough lifeboats to take all on board. When the vessel went down, some of the lifeboats were near the vessel. ' A man swam from the wreck just as it was going down, to one of the boats ; but they had no room to take him, and they refused. When they refused, he seized hold of the boat with his right hand, but they took a sword and cut off his ringers. When he had lost the ringers of his right hand, the man was so earnest to save his life that he seized the boat with his left hand 5 6o SINNERS SEEKING CHRIST. they cut off the fingers of that hand too. Then the man swam up and seized the boat with his teeth, and they had compassion on him and relented. They could not cut off his head, so they took him in, and the man saved his life. Why ? Because he was in earnest. Why not seek your soul's salvation as that man sought to save his life ? Will there ever be a better time ? Will there ever be a better time for that old man whose locks are growing grey, whose eyes are growing dim, and who is hastening to the grave ? Is not this the very best time for him ? " Seek the Lord while He may be found." There is a man in the middle of life. Is this not the best time for him to seek the kingdom of God ! Will he ever have a better opportunity ? Will Christ ever be more willing to save than now ? He says, " Come, for all things are now ready.'* Not, going to be, but are now ready. There is a young man. My friend, is it not the best time for you to seek the king- dom of God ? Seek the Lord, you can find Him here to-night. Can you say that you will find Him here to-morrow ? Will anv one rise up in this hall and say that ? Young man, you know not what to-morrow may bring forth. Do you know that since we met here last night 43,000 souls have passed from time to eternity ? Do you know that every time the clock ticks a soul passes away ? Is not this the best time for you to seek the king- dom of God ? My boy, the Lord wants you. Seek ye first the kingdom o2 God, and seek Him while He may be found. About thirty years ago, a great revival swept over this land. A great many men stood and shook their heads ; they could not believe it was a healthy state of things. The Church was not in its normal state ! The Church from Maine to Minnesota, and on to California, was astir. And as you passed over this great republic, over its western prairies and mountains, and through its valleys, as you went on by train, and as you passed through its cities and villages, you could see the churches lit up j and men were flocking into the kingdom of God by hundreds. And in a year and a half or two years there were more than half a million souls brought in. Men said it was false excitement, wildfire, and it would pass away. But, my friends, it was grace preceding judgment. Little did we know that SJJVJVAA'^ ^±LK~U\(jr CAtAlS/. 01 our nation was soon to be baptized in blood, and that we would soon hear the tramp of a million men, that hundreds and thousands of our young men, the flower of our nation, would soon be lying in a soldier's grave. But, oh, my friends, it was God calling his people in. He was preparing our nation for a terrible struggle. And now, it seems to me that there is another wave of blessing passing over this earth. Tidings are coming from all parts of the world, telling us of the great work God is doing. The last tidings from India, told us of a blessed work going on there. The last tidings from Japan and from other places — we have the same good news of God pouring out his Spirit. It was only the other day that two men came up here from a town of 50,000 inhabitants, and wanted us to go there j but we could not, and we told them to go home and get to work themselves. To-day one of them told us that they had sixteen last night in the inquiry-room. God is pouring out his Spirit everywhere. Everywhere men are putting in the sickle and bringing their sheaves and laying them at the feet of the Master. I believe we are living in the days that our fathers prayed for. The heavens are opened, and the Spirit of God is descending upon the sons of men. Now, this time of revival is a good time to seek the Lord. Will you ever have a better time? The tidings from every city is this — the people are praying. It is a question in my mind if there was ever so much prayer going up to God as at the present. Not only here, but all round the world, we have God's people making their hearts burdened for the salvation of souls. And is it not God working? Will there ever be a better time for you to seek the kingdom of God than the present, when there is such a great awakening, when there is such a spirit of expectation ; when the Church of God is coming up as one man, and the spirit of unity prevails ? Think of the praying ones here. Do you believe there were ever so many men and women praying for your soul as there are here to-night ? Look over this audience — what are these Christians doing now ! They are silently graying to God. I can see they are praying. There is a young man with his mother sitting by his side. That mother is pleading, " God save my boy to night ! " May it go down deep into his soul ! " Seek ye the Lord while He may be found." 62 SINNERS SEEKING CHRIST. Now, let me ask you a question. Do you believe, that the Lord can be found here to-night ? I appeal to these ministers present at my side ; do you believe He can ? They answer" Yes." My friends, do you believe it ? Another Yes comes from the audience. Well, if He can, is it not the height of madness for any man or woman to go out of this hall without seeking Him ? If He can be found, why not seek Him? Young lady, why not seek Him with all your heart ? Young man, why not seek Christ to-night with all your heart ? Why not say, " I must be saved " ? There is nothing so important as this great question of salvation. Supposing you could win the world, what would you do with it ? Would it be worth as much as Christ ? Let everything else be laid aside, and make up your minds that you will not rest until you have sought and found the Lord Jesus. I never knew any one make up his mind to seek Him but he soon found Him. At Dublin a young man found Christ. He went home and lived so godly and so Christ-like, that two of his brothers could not under- stand what had wrought the change in him. They left Dublin and followed us to Sheffield, and found Christ there. They were in earnest. But, thanks be to God, you have not go* to go out of this hall. Christ can be found here to-night. I firmly believe every one here can find Christ to-night if you will seek for Him with all your heart. He says, u Call upon Me." Did you ever hear of any one calling on Christ with the whole heart, that Christ didn't answer ? Look at that thief on the cross ! It may have been that he had a praying mother, and that his mother taught him the fifty- third chapter of Isaiah. He hac 1 heard Christ pray that wonderful prayer, " Father, forgive them." And as he was hanging on the cross that text of Scripture came to his mind, " Seek the Lord while He may be found ; call ye upon Him while He is near." The truth came flashing into his soul, and he says, " He is near me. now ; I will call on Him. Lord, remember me when Thou comest into thy kingdom." No sooner had he called than the Lord said, " This day shalt thou be with Me in paradise." That was his seeking opportunity, his day. My friends, this is your day now. I believe that every man has his day. You have it just now j why not call upon Him just now ? SINNERS SEEKING CHRIS 1. 63 Say, as the poor thief did, " Lord, remember me." That was his golden opportunity, and the Lord heard and answered and saved him. Did not Bartimeus call on Him while He was near? Christ was passing by Jericho for the last time, and he cried out, " Thou Son of David, have mercy on me." And did not the Lord hear his prayer, and give him his sight ? It was a good thing Zaccheus called — or rather the Lord called him, but when the Lord called he came. May the Lord call many here, and may you respond, " Lord, here am 1 5 you have called and I come." Do you believe the Lord will call a poor sinner, and then cast him out ? No ! his word stands for ever, " Him that cometh to Me I will in no wise cast out." I was glad when that man I told you of, said he felt as if he was too bad. Men are pretty near the kingdom of God when they do not see anything good in themselves. At the Fulton Street prayer-meeting a man came in, and this was his story. He said he had a mother who prayed for him ; he was a wild, reckless prodigal. Some time after his mother's death he began to be troubled. He thought he ought to get into new company, and leave his old companions. So he said he would go and join a secret society 5 he thought he would join the Odd Fellows. They went and made inquiry about him, and they found he was a drunken sailor, so they black-balled him. They would not have him. He went to the Freemasons ; he had nobody to recommend him, so they inquired and found there was no good in his character, and they too black-balled him. They didn't want him. One day, some one handed him a little notice in the street about the prayer- meeting, and he went in. He heard that Christ had come to save sinners. He believed Him ; he took Him at his word ; and, in reporting the matter, he said he "came to Christ without a character, and Christ hadrCt black-hailed him, 1 My friends, that is Christ's way. Is there a man here with- out a character, with nobody to say a good word for him ? I bring you good news. Call on the Son of „ God, and He will hear you. Call on Him to-night. I was at a meeting for ministers the other day. Up in the gallery there was one solitary woman -, she sat there alone. When the meeting was over and I was passing out, she came and said, 64 SINNERS SEEKING CHRIST. "Mr. Moody, do you remember me?" "Oh yes," I said, "I remember you." Where had I met her ? Mr. Sankey and myself were leaving Dundee for the north of Scotland. There was a lady who had come from London and brought her two boys all the way to get blessed ; they must have been about eighteen or nineteen — twins. That mother's heart was burdened for their salvation. The last night we had a meeting there, one of the sons yielded himself up to Christ, and the mother went back next morning with her two boys, rejoicing that they had asked and found peace in believing. Some people may say that she was a great fanatic for going all the way from London to Dundee with her boys to get a blessing. But last Friday she says, "My boy, who found the Lord in Dundee, died three weeks ago." And as she pressed my hand as I left the meeting, I said to myself, "Was it not a good thing that mother took her boy to Dundee?" My friends, let us be in earnest about the salvation of our children, and of our friends. Warn that young lady. Yes, mother, speak to that daughter of yours. Father, speak to that child of yours. Wife, speak to your unconverted husband ; husband, speak to your un- converted wife. Do not let a man go out of this house saying, " Nobody cared for my soul." I never saw a mother burdened for her children but they soon became anxious. Oh may there be many a sinner seeking the kingdom of God with all their heart ! Before I close, I want to ask you once more, " What are you going to do ? If the Lord is near, won't you call upon Him ? Don't let that scoffing man next you keep you out of the kingdom of God. There is a scornful look upon that man's face -, perhaps he is making light of what I am saying. Don't mind him ; don't look to him j but just look right up to God, and ask Him to save you. Now, every true friend — and you all have friends — every true friend, if you could get his advice to-night, would tell you to be saved now. Ask that minister sitting next you, " Had I better seek the kingdom of God to-night ?" What does he tell you ? " By all means, don't put it off another minute." Ask that godly praying mother by your side, " Is it best to seek the kingdom of God to- night ? " Does she say, Put it off one week, or put it off one month ? Do you think that mother would say that ? There is not a Christian mother in this hall who would say it. I doubt if there SINNERS SEEKING CHRIST. 65 is an unconverted mother even here whose advice would be to put off becoming a Christian. Ask that praying sister of yours, ask that praying brother, ask any friend you have here — if you are sitting near one — whether it is not the very best thing you can do. And then cry up to heaven and ask Him who is sitting at the right hand of God, and who loves you more than your father or your mother, or any one on earth — who loves you so much that He gave Himself for you ; ask Him what he will have you do, and hear his voice from the throne, et Seek ye first the kingdom of God." And then shout down to the infernal regions, and ask those down there, and what will they say ? " Send some one to my father's house, for I have five brethren, that he may testify unto them, lest they also come into this place." Heaven, earth, and hell unite in this one thing, " Seek first the kingdom of God." Don't put it off. Call upon Him while He is near. And if you call upon Him in real earnest He will hear that call. You may call too late. I have no doubt that those who would not pray when the ark was building prayed when the flood came, but their prayer was not answered. I have no doubt that when Lot went out of Sodom, Sodom cried to God, but it was too late, and God's judgment swept them from the earth. My friends, it is not too late now, but it may be at twelve o'clock to-night. I cannot find any place in this Bible where I can say you may call to-morrow. I am not justified in saying that. " Behold, now is the accepted time, now is the day of salvation." Those men of Jerusalem, what a golden opportunity they had, with Christ in their midst. We see the Son of God weeping over Jerusalem, his heart bursting with grief for the city, as He cried, " O Jerusalem, Jerusalem ! thou that stonest the prophets, how often would I have gathered thee as a hen gathereth her brood, but ye would not." He could look down forty years, and see Titus coming with his army, and besieging that city. They called upon God then, but it was too late, and eleven hundred thousand people perished. To-night -is a time of mercy. It may be I am talking to some one to-night whose days of grace may be few, to some one who may be snatched away very soon. There may be some one here to-night who may never hear another gospel sermon ; some one who may be hearing the last call. My friend, be wise to 5 66 SINNERS SEEKING CHRIST. night. Make up your mind that you will seek the kingdom of God now. " Behold, now is the accepted time ; behold, now is the day of salvation." Christ is inviting you to come — c< Come unto Me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest/' Oh, may we all find rest in Christ to-night ! Do not let anything divert your minds, but this night, this hour, make up your mind that you will not leave this hali until the great question of eternity has been settled. VI. WHAT THINK YE OF CHRIST? Matt. xxii. 42. I suppose there is no one here who has not thought, more or less, about Christ. You have heard about Him, and read about Him, and heard men preach about Him. For eighteen hundred years men have been talking about Him, and thinking about Him ; and some have their minds made up about who He is, and doubtless some have not. And although all these years have rolled away, this question comes up, addressed to each of us, to-day, u What think ye of Christ ? " I do not know why it should not be thougnt a proper question for one man to put to another. If I were to ask you what you think of any of your prominent men, you would already have your mind made up about him. If I were to ask you what you think of your noble Queen, you would speak right out and tell me your opinion in a minute. If I were to ask about your prime minister, you would tell me freely what you had for or against him. And why should not people make up their minds about the Lord Jesus Christy and take their stand for or against Him ? If you think well of Him, why not speak well of Him, and range yourselves on his side ? And if you think ill of Him, and believe Him to be an impostor, and that He did not die to save the world, why not lift up your voice, and say you are against Him ? It would be a happy day for Christianity if men would just take sides — if we could know positively who was really for Him, and who was against Him. It is of very little importance what the world thinks of any one else. The Queen and the statesman, the peers and the princes* 68 WHAT THINK YE OF CHRIST? must soon be gone. Yes ; it matters little, comparatively, what we think of them. Their lives can only interest a few ; bat every living soul on the face of the earth is concerned with this Man. The question for the world is, " What think ye of Christ ? " I do not ask you what you think of the Episcopal Church, or of the Presbyterians, or the Baptists, or the Roman Catholics j I do not ask you what you think of this minister or that, of this doctrine or that ; but I want to ask you what you think of the living person of Christ ? I should like to ask, Was He really the Son of God — the great God-man ? Did He leave heaven and come down to this world for a purpose ? Was it really to seek and to save ? I should like to begin with the manger, and follow Him up through the thirty- three years He was here upon earth. I should ask you what you think of his coming into this world, and being born in a manger when it might have been a palace ; why He left the grandeur and the glory of heaven, and the royal retinue of angels ; why He passed by palaces and crowns and dominion, and came down here alone ? I should like to ask what you think of Him as a teacher. He spake as never man spake. I should like to take Him up as a preacher. I should like to bring you to that mountain side, that we might listen to the words as they fall from his gentle lips. Talk about the preachers of the present day ! I would rather a thousand times be rive minutes at the feet of Christ, than listen a lifetime to all the wise men in the world. He used just to hang truth upon anything. Yonder is a sower, a fox, a bird, and He just gathers the truth round them, so that you cannot see a fox, a sower, or a bird, without thinking what Jesus said. Yonder is a lily of the valley, you cannot see it without thinking of his words, " They toil not, neither do they spin.'' He makes the little sparrow chirping in the air preach to us. How fresh those won- derful sermons are, how they live to-day ! How we love to tell them to our children, how the children love to hear ! " Tell me a story about Jesus," how often we hear itj how the little ones love his sermons ! No story-book in the world will ever interest them like the stories that He told. And yet how profound He was j how He puzzled the wise men 5 how the scribes and the WHAT THINK YE OF CHRIST? 69 Pharisees could never fathom Him ! Oh, do you not think He was a wonderful preacher ? I should like to ask you what you think of Him as a physician. A man would soon have a reputation as a doctor if he could cure as Christ did. No case was ever brought to Him but what He was a match for. He had but to speak the word, and disease fled before Him. Here comes a man covered with leprosy. " Lord, if Thou wilt Thou canst make me clean," he cries. " I will/' says the Great Physician, and in an instant the leprosy is gone. The world has hospitals for incurable diseases j but there were no incurable diseases with Him. Now see Him in the little home at Bethany, binding up the wounded hearts of Martha and Mary, and tell me what you think of Him as a comforter. He is a husband to the widow, and a father to the fatherless. The weary may find a resting-place upon that breast, and the friendless may reckon Him their friend. He never varies, He never fails, He never dies. His sympathy is- ever fresh, His love is ever free. O widow and orphans, O sorrowing and mourning, will you not thank God for Christ the comforter ? But these are not the points I wish to take up. Let us go to those who knew Christ, and ask what they thought of Him. If you want to find out what a man is now-a-days, you inquire about him from those who know him best. I do not wish to be partial ; we will go to his enemies, and to his friends. We will ask them, What think ye of Christ ? We will ask his friends and his enemies. If we only went to those who liked Him, you would say, " Oh, he is so blind ; he thinks so much of the man that he can't see his faults. You can't get anything out of him, unless it be in his favour ; it is a one-sided affair altogether." So we shall go in the first place to his enemies, to those who hated Him, persecuted Him, cursed and slew Him. I shall put you in the jury-box, and call upon them to tell us what they think of Him. First, among the witnesses, let us call upon the Pharisees. We know how they hated him. Let us put a few questions to them. Come, Pharisees, tell us what you have against the Son of God. What do you think of Christ? Hear what they say ! This 70 WHAT THINK YE OF CHRIST? man receiveth sinners. What an argument to bring against Him ! Why, it is the very thing that makes us love Him. It is the glory of the gospel. He receives sinners. If He had not, what would have become of us ? Have you nothing more to bring against Him than this ? Why, it is one of the greatest compliments that was ever paid Him. Once more ; when He was hanging on the tr^e, you had this to say of Him, " He saved others, Himself He cannot save." And so He did save others, but He could not save Himself and save us too. So He laid down his own life for yours and mine. Yes, Pharisees, you have told the truth for once in your lives ! He saved others. He died for others. He was a ransom for many ; so it is quite true what you think of Him — He saved others, Himself He cannot save. Now, let us call upon Caiaphas. Let him stand up here in his flowing robes ; let us ask him for his evidence. " Caiaphas, you were chief priest when Christ was tried ; you were president of the Sanhedrim ; you were in the council- chamber when they found Him guilty ; you yourself condemned Him. Tell us ; what did the witnesses say ? On what grounds did you judge Him ? What testimony was brought against Him ? " He hath spoken blasphemy," says Caiaphas. " He said, ' Hereafter shall ye see the Son of Man sitting on the right hand of power, and coming in the clouds of heaven.' When I heard that, I found Him guilty of blasphemy j I rent my mantle, and condemned Him to death." Yes, all that they had against Him was that He was the Son of God j and they slew Him for the promise of his coming for his bride. Now, let us summon Pilate. Let him enter the witness-box. Pilate, this man was brought before you ; you examined Him $ you talked with Him face to face, w hat think ye of Christ ? " I find no fault in Him," says Pilate. " He said He was the King of the Jews " (just as he wrote it over the cross) ; "but I find no fault in Him." Such is the testimony of the man who examined Him ! And, as he stands there, the centre of a Jewish mob, there comes along a man, elbowing his way, in haste. He rushes up to Pilate and, thrusting out his hand, gives him a message. He tears it open ; his face turns pale as he reads — " Have thou nothing to do with this just man 3 for I have suffered many things this day in a WHAT THINK YE OF CHRIST? dream because of Him." Jt is from Pilate's wife — her testimony to Christ. You want to know what his enemies thought of Him ? You want to know what a heathen thought ? Well, here it is, "no fault in Him 5" and the wife of a heathen, " this just man ! " And now, look — in comes Judas. He ought to make a good witness. Let us address him. " Come, tell us, Judas, what think ye of Christ. You knew the Master well j you sold Him for thirty pieces of silver 5 you betrayed Him with a kiss 5 you saw Him perform those miracles 5 you were with Him in Jerusalem. In Bethany, when He summoned up Lazarus, you were there. What think ye of Him ? " I can see him as he comes into the presence of the chief priests ; I can hear the money ring as he dashes it upon the table — " I have betrayed innocent blood!" Here is the man who betrayed Him, and this is what he thinks of Him ! Yes, my friends, God has made every man who had anything to do with the death of his Son put their testimony on record that He was an innocent Man. Let us take the Centurion, who was present at the execution. He had charge of the Roman soldiers. He had told them to make Him carry his cross j he had given orders for the nails to be driven into his feet and hands, for the spear to be thrust in his side. Let the Centurion come forward. " Centurion, you had charge of the executioners ; you saw that the order for his death was carried out ; you saw Him die ; you heard Him speak upon the cross. Tell us, what think you of Christ?" Hark! Look at him; he is smiting his breast as he cries, " Truly, this was the Son of God ! " I might go to the thief upon the cross, and ask what he thought of Him. At first he railed upon Him and reviled Him. But then he thought better of it. "This man hath done nothing amiss," he says. I might go further. I might summon the very devils themselves and ask them for their testimony. Have they anything to say of Him ? Why, the very devils called Him the Son of God ! In Mark we have the unclean spirit crying, " Jesus, Thou Son of the most High God." Men say, " Oh, I believe Christ to be the Son of God, and because I believe it intellectually, I shall be saved." I tell you the devils did that. And they did more than that, they trembled. 72 WHA T THINK YE OF CHRIST ? Let us bring in his friends. We want you to hear theii evidence. Let us call that prince of preachers. Let us heat the forerunner, the wilderness preacher, John. Save the Master Himself, none ever preached like this man — this man who drew all Jerusalem and all Judea into the wilderness to hear him-, this man who burst upon the nations like the flash of a meteor. Let John the Baptist come with his leathern girdle and his hairy coat, and let him tell us what he thinks d Christ. His words, though they were echoed in the wilderness of Palestine, are written in the Book for ever, " Behold the Lamb of God which taketh away the sin of the world." This is what John the Baptist thought of Him. " I bare record that He is the Son of God." No wonder he drew all Jerusalem and Judea to him, because he preached Christ. \And whenever men preach Christ, they are sure to have plenty of followers; Let us bring in Peter, who was with Him on the mount of transfiguration, who was with Him the night He was betrayed. u Come, Peter, tell us what you think of Christ. Stand in this witness-box and testify of Him. You denied Him once. You said, with a curse, you did not know Him. Was it true, Peter? Don't you know Him?"