-? j 537 BANCROFT LIBRARY THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA F p R M yy-i^: Records of Trials TRANSCRIPTS THEREOF. 1872. ^ • N SAN FRANCISCO: Frank Eastman, Printer, 509 Clay Street. 1872. 012-37 3 8 HS5"3-i FORM FOR RECORDS OF TRIALS. To THE Lodges under the jurisdiction Of thk Grand Lodge F. & A. M. oj' California. When our present Constitution went into effect, in the year 1859, it was thought by the committee who pre- pared it and by the Grand Lodge which adopted it, that the provisions relative to trials for Masonic offences, as set forth in Part VI of that instrument, and especially in Article IV of that Part, were sufficiently plain and explicit to ensure a proper manner of conducting and a correct method of recording the proceedings at such trials. Plain and explicit, however, as those provisions then appeared, and still seem to be, it is nevertheless the fact that a very large number, perhaps more than a majoritjr, of the transcripts of trial-records which come up:tO the Grand Lodge are deficient, imperfect, or incorrect in many respects, too numerous to be here set forth, as the object of this paper is to point out how such business should he transacted and recorded by the Lodges — not how it has not been done— and as a brief review of the reports of the Committees on Grievances during eight or ten years past will show how many cases have been remanded to the Lodges for new trials, with the reasons for such action. Under these circum- stances, to spare the Grand Lodge and its committees , , [,2] much time and labor, and to aid the Lodges in the avoidance of the annoyance and loss of time consequent upon so many second trials of the same cases, it was ordered at a late Communication that a committee be appointed to prepare a suggestive form for the guidance of the Masters, Secretaries, and Commissioners of Lodges in the proceedings incident to trials for unma- sonic conduct and in the records and transcripts of the records thereof. The committee named, in obedience to that order, have endeavored to perform the duty assigned them, and now present the following suggestions — for as sug- gestions only are they to be offered until approved by the Grand Lodge — for the consideration of the olficers of Lodges within the jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of California: — 1st. Section 1, Article TV, Part Yl, of the Constitu- tion, defines with absolute precision the manner in which charges of unmasonic conduct are to be preferred against a brother, and it is only necessary to note at this point that they are, as is written in that section, to be presented to the Master, and not to the Lodge, as it appears is often erroneously done. 2d. The charge itself should be a general one of un- masonic, or gross unmasonic, conduct, and should be de- fined in a specification or in specifications following, setting forth with clearness and precision the offence or offences complained of, and giving time, place, and all L3] necessary particulars relating thereto as distinctly as possible, so that the accused may have full knowledge of all that he may be called upon to explain, disprove, or justify. The following may be used as a general form for a Charge of Unmasonic Gondtjct. , Cal. , , 18—. To the Master of Lodge, No. — , F. and A. M. Worshipful Sir and Brother: The undersigned, a Master Mason in good fitanding and a member of Lodge No. — , at , in the State of , does hereby charge Bro. A B , a Mason now residing (or said to he residing; at , in the State of , with unmasonic (or gross unmasonic) con- duct, as set forth in the following specifications : First. That on or about the day of 18 — , he did{here state the offence as particularly as may be practicable.) Second, That on or about the day of 18 — , he did, &c. (here again state the specification.) Third, That on or about, &c., {foUoicing with as many speci- fications as there are distinct offences charged.) For all which the undersigned desires that the said A B may be brought to trial and dealt with in such manner as our Masonic laws provide. Respectfully and Fraternally, C D . Should the charge be directed to be preferred by the Lodge or Master, it should be done by the Junior War- den, as he is supposed to have charge of the Craft dur- ing the period when not at labor, and the first portion of the first paragraph above should then read — The undersigned, a Master Mason in good standing and Jun- [4] ior Warden of this Lodge, does hereby, by direction of the Lodge {or of the Mastei^ thereof,) charge Bro. A B , etc, 3d. The Master should carefully examine the charge and specifications, and, if they are evidently frivolous, or if the acts with which the accused is charged are clearly such as do not constitute a Masonic oifence, he may refuse to entertain them. But, should it appear otherwise and it is known to him that the accuser is a Master Mason in good standing, he is to call a special meeting of his Lodge as soon as practicable, [see Sec, 2, Art. IV. Part VI.) by due notification to every mem- ber thereof whose residence is known and is within such distance as may reasonably permit him to attend ; which notification should state that the purpose of the meeting is to elect Commissioners to try a brother [using no name) upon a charge of unmasonic conduct, should be in writing or in print, and should be served personally, if possible, by the Tyler or some brother designated for the purpose, or, if it be not possible so to serve it, should be left at his ordinary residence or place of business or be sent by mail. The following is pro- posed as a form of such Notification to Membeks. Hall of ^Lodge, No. — F. & A. M. At , Cal. , , 18—. Bro. E F , You are hereby notified to attend a special meeting of this Lodge to be holden on the day of , 18 — , at o'clock — M, for the purpose of electing Commissioners to try a brother upon a charge of [5] unmasonic conduct preferred against him by a Master Mason in good standing. By order of the Master, [seal.] G H , Secretary. 4th. At such special meeting the Master will an- nounce its purpose, as before recited, mentioning no name either of accuser or accused, and will ascertain, by a vote of the Lodge, the number of Commissioners (not less than seven nor more than niaej see Sec. 2, Art, IVj Part VI,) which it shall deem proper to elect. Each member present will write the names of as many members of the Lodge upon one ballot as shall corres- pond with the number of Commissioners determined upon, and, upon counting the ballots, such members as shall be found to have received a majority of all the votes cast, shall be declared elected as Commissioners. In case the full number should not be elected on the first ballot, another ballot will be had for the remainder in the same manner, and again and again, if necessary, until the full number of Commissioners shall have been elected, each by a majority of the votes of those pres- ent. [See Sec. 2, Art. IV, Part VI.) 5th. The Master will then name the time and place for the first meeting of the Commissioners, keeping in view the provisions of Sections 2 and 3, Art. IV, Part VI, relative to the convenience of the parties and the time allowed to the accused for appearance, and will direct the Secretary to notify each Commissioner of his election and of such time and place of meeting, either [6] In person or in writing. The following may be a form for such Notification to a Commissioner. Hall of Lodge, No. — F. & A. M. At , Cal. , , 18 — . Bro. I J , You are hereby notified that, at a special meeting of this Lodge held on the day of , 18 — , you were elected to be one of Commissioners designated to try a certain charge of unmasonic conduct preferred against a brother by a Master Mason in good standing, and that a meet- ing of said Commissioners, for that purpose, will be held at , on the day of , 18 — , at — o'clock — M. By order of the Master, [seal.] G H , Secretary. 6th. The Master, at the- same meeting, will direct the Secretary to prepare for his signature a summons for the accused to appear for trial at the time and place before named, which summons, when properly signed and authenticated, shall be ser\^ed in the manner pre- scribed in Sec. 2, Art. IV, Part YI ; and he will also direct the Secretary to prepare a copy of the charge and specifications, [the original of which will he handed him for that purpose^) and to properly certify it, under seal, and transmit it to the accused with the summons. The following is proposed as a form for a Summons to an Accused Beother. Hall of Lodge, No. — ,F. & A. M. At , Cal. , , 18 — , Bro. A B , You are hereby summoned to appear at on the day of 18 — , at en o'clock ^ — M., there and then to answer to a certain charge of unmasonic conduct preferred against you by Bro. C . D , a Master Mason in good standing, a certified copy of which is hereunto annexed. Given at the place and on the day first above wirtten, [seal.] as witness my hand and the seal of our Lodge, with the attestation of our Secretary. Attest : K L , Master. G H , Secretary. 7lh. The summons should be issued in duplicate? one copy to be delivered or transmitted to the accu«jed, and the other to be presented to the Commissioners, with a proper certificate of service appended thereto, It is usual that the Secretary or Tyler perform such service, but it may be done by any brother whom the Master may designate. The following may be a form for such Certificate of Service. I, , Secretary, (or Tyler, or a member) of this Lodge, hereby certify that I duly served the annexed summons upon Bro. A B , at on the — day of 18 , by delivering to him in person (or leamng at his place of business, or leaving at his place of residence, or mailing to his last known place of abode,) the duplicate thereof, together with a certified copy of the charge and specifications which accompanied the summons. M N . 8th. The Master, at the same meeting, will direct the Secretary to notify the accuser of the time and place [8] of meeting of the Commissioners for the trial of his charge, and the following may be the form of such Notification to an Accusek. Hall of Lodge, No. — , F. &. A. M. At , Cal. , ,18 — , Bro. C D , You are hereby notified that the Commissioners elected by this Lodge to try a certain charge preferred by you against Bro. A B , will assemble at , on , the day of at -o'clock, — M., for that purpose. By order of the Master, [seal.] G H , Secretary. 9th. The Record Book of the Lodge, for the special meeting called for the election of Commissioners, should be written in substantially as follows, with such varia- tions, of course, as the facts may require ; and a copy of this record from the Lodge Book will form the first portion of the transcript to be sent to the Grand Lodge. FoEM OF Kecokd, At a meeting for election of Trial- Commissioners. Hall of Lodge, No.^-F. & A. M. At , Cal. , 18-. By order of the Master, of which due notification was given to the brethren, this Lodge was specially convened at the place and on the day above written, at o'clock — M., and there were present the following : {Here give the names and titles of the officers, and the number of other members present, referring for their names to the Tyler^s Register.) A Lodge of Master Masons having been duly opened, the Mas- ter stated that this special meeting had been called for the pur- [9J pose of electing Commissioners to hear and determine upon a certain charge of unmasonic conduct preferred by a Master Mason in good standing against a brother of this Lodge {or of some other Lodge, naming it, or, if a non-affiliated Maso7i, saying so,) and desired that the Lodge should indicate the number of Commissioners which it deemed advisable to elect. On motion, duly seconded, it was voted that the number of Commissioners be . The Master appointed Bros. O P and Q E to act as tellers, and the Lodge proceeded to ballot for Commissioners. At the conclusion of the ballot it was found that the following named brethren had each received a majority of the votes of the members present, viz : (Here gioe the nim^es in fall of the Gommlssioners elected.) And they were declared by the Mister to be duly elected to serve as Commissioners. The Master named ' , the day of , 18 — , at o'clock — M. at the Lodge room, {or such other place as he may designate) as the time and place for the first meeting of the Commissioners, and directed the Secretary to notify each of them of his election and of the time and place of meeting a above. The Master also directed the Secretary to prepare, for his signature, a summons to the accused to appear at said time and place before the Commissioners, and handed the charge to the Secretary with instructions that a certified copy thereof, under seal of the Lodge, be made and transmitted to the accused with said summons. The Master also directed the Secretary to notify the accuser of said time and place of meeting of the Commissioners. The business being thus concluded, the Lodge was closed. Approved : G — H , Secretary. K L , Master. [10] 10th. The Master will issue summonses for wit- nesses at the request of either the accuser or the ac- cused, and the following may be the form of such • Summons to a Witness. Hall of Lodge, No. , F.