L B UC-NRLF .V 'ri Circular No. 71919-20.] SCHEDULE OF SALARIES ,FQR MEMBERS OE THE SUPERVISING STAFF AND OTHERS; ' JANUAEY 1 AUGUST 31, 1920, INCLUSIVE. BOSTON SCHOOL COMMITTEE, SECRETARY'S OFFICE, January 20, 1920. In School Committee, January 5, 1920. 1. ORDERED, That the salaries of sachers, members of the supervising taff, and others in the public schools Ire hereby established for the period January 1 to August 31, 1920, in- lusive, in accordance with the fol- jwing- schedules and subject to the allowing restrictions: 1A. ORDERED, That the salaries If teachers, members of the super- fising staff, and others who receive inual salaries, which have been Jxed by Order 1A of the salary sched- lle for the year ending August 31, [919, shall, during the period January to August 31, 1920, inclusive, ba-fixed nd advanced in accordance with the )rovisions of said order; provided, that salaries of such persons in those inks in which the minimum and laximum salaries in the following Schedules have been increased over le minimum and maximum provided the existing schedules by the same Imount, be advanced by said amount n January 1, 1920, and the salaries If such persons shall thereafter be [dvanced on their several anni- rersaries by the annual increment Irovided in the following schedules; [,nd provided further, that the final icrement shall be such amount as lall place the teacher on the maxi- lum salary of the rank. IB. ORDERED, That the salaries )f teachers, members of the super- rising' staff, and others who receive innual salaries, which have been Sxed by Order 1A of the salary ^chedule for the year ending Lugust 31, 1919, shall, during the period January 1 to August 31, 1920, Inclusive, be fixed and advanced in iccordance with the provisions of order; provided, that the salaries such persons in those ranks in /hick the minimum and maximum Salaries have been increased over the minimum and maximum provided in the existing schedules by unequal amounts, shall be advanced in the following manner: (a) The salaries of those teach- ers, members of the aup-ervistng staff, and others who have not reached the maximum salary of the existing schedule or who have not served one year on said maximum salary, shall, on January 1, 1920, be advanced by the amount of the increase in the mini- mum of thetr respective schedules over the minimum of the existing schedules; and the salaries of such persons shall thereafter be advanced upon their respective anniversaries by the annual increment provided in the following- schedules until the new maximum of their ranks is reached; provided, that the final increment shall be such amount as shall place the teacher upon the maximum sal- ary of the rank. (b) The salaries of those teach- ers, members of the supervising- staff, and others who on December 31, 1919, have reached the maximum salary of the existing schedules, and who have served one full year thereon, shall on January 1, 1920, be advanced by the amount of the increase in the maximum of the following schedule over the maximum of the existing schedule. 1C. ORDERED, That the salaries of masters of day elementary and day intermediate schools which have been fixed by Order IB of the ex- isting salary schedule shall, during the period January 1 to August 31. 1920, inclusive, be fixed and advanced in accordance with the provisions of said order; provided, that the sala- ries of such masters shall on Jan- uary 1, 1920, be advanced by the amount of two hundred forty dollars ($240) per annum, and the salaries of such masters shall thereafter be advanced upon their respective anni- versaries by the annual increment 41853" provided in the following schedule until the new maximum of their rank is reached; and provided further, that the salaries, of those masters' who have reafcheS the; ntajxinyim -of the existing- 'sch'eduls en ^*