WILLIAMS VERSE 60LLE6TED FR0M : : : HER UNDERGRADUATE PUBLI6ATI0NS : : : : ; EDITED BY FREDERIC MILLER SMEDLEY FRANK HAMMOND GRIGGS AND HOWARD OPDYKE ' ' ' CENTENNIAL EDITION G. P. PUTNAM'S SONS NEW YORK LONDON 27 WEST TWENTY-THIRD STREET 24 BEDFORD STREET, STRAND |)ress 1893 TO THE CENTURY OF ACTIVITY AND PROGRESS WHICH HAS ATTENDED WILLIAMS COLLEGE M107481 PREFACE. N introducing this little volume of Williams Verse to the college world, the editors have acted with many compunctions, feeling as they do their inability to throw a proper appre- ciation into the work. It has, however, been evident for some time that a volume of such verse should be collected, which would bring into prominence that department of college litera- ture in which Williams has shown herself particu- larly capable. What occasion could be more fortunate for its appearance than the centennial anniversary which the College is about to cele- brate ? Thus a modest collection of what has appeared in our periodicals in all the wide range from the sonnet to the lighter verse, more recently so noticeable in undergraduate publications, will prove, it is hoped, a fitting souvenir of an observance which is dear to every Williams man. The poems contained within these covers repre- sent what has seemed the best of verse production which has appeared in our college periodicals vi PREFACE. judged, that is, from the standpoint of the reader who enjoys and criticises such writings, but is con- fessedly unable to produce a single stanza worthy of being printed. The editors are particularly indebted to the col- lection of Williams Verses which appeared some six or seven years ago, and to Mr. Abbott and Mr. Richardson, more especially, for the aid which their excellent taste in selection has given them, and they regret exceedingly the incursion which it seemed right to make into their territory. Thanks are also due Mr. Burr, our College librarian, for his assistance in obtaining complete files of the publi- cations which Williams has in turn fostered the Quarterly Athenczum, Argo, Fortnight, Literary Monthly, Weekly, and Gulielmensian. Much kindly assistance has been rendered the editors by many of the alumni in determining the authorship of anonymous verse. The necessity for some refer- ence to Williams songs has led to the placing of a few of the more distinctive at the end of the volume. FREDERIC MILLER SMEDLEY, '93. FRANK HAMMOND GRIGGS, '93. HOWARD OPDYKE, '93. WILLIAMS COLLEGE, May, 1893. Contents. PAGE A Heartless Task, I, 59. S. T. Livingston, '87. 13 Ballade of a Dainty Coquette, IV, 20. I. W. Allen, Jr., '84. 8 Ballade of Reverie, Ill, 49. I. W. Allen, Jr., '84. 5 Ballade of the Haunted Stream, II, 148. E. G. Benedict, '82. 18 41 Castles in Spain," I, 163. E. G. Benedict, '82. 17 Indiscretion, IV, 175. H. G. Dunham, '85. 12 Inviting, IV, 115. D. C. Brewer, '86. *3 Justifiable Homicide, II, 5. E. G. Benedict, '82. 9 Lost, IV, 76. H. G. Dunham, '85. ii Roses, I, 185. E. G. Benedict, '82. 2 Sun and Moon, I, 2. G. L. Richardson, '88. 3 The Birth of the Sonnet, I, 206. E. G. Benedict, '82. i The Grave of Merlin, II, 105. E. G. Benedict, '82. 4 The Niebelungen Lied, II,i6s. I. W. Allen, Jr., '84. 20 The Softest Tint, IV, 163. D. C. Brewer, '86. 14 To an Old Spanish Fan, Ill, 107. I. W. Allen, Jr., '84. 6 Too Unfilial, Ill, 164. H. S. Underwood, '83. 12 Ye Ballade of ye Polyte Hygh- waymen, I, 148. E. G. Benedict, '82. 15 Btbenazum. Adrift, XI, 229. P. W. Blackmer, '86. 3 6 Aphrodite's Colors, X, 269. T. D. Knight, '84. 40 A Relic of the Past, X, 217. T. D. Knight, '84. 24 A Trio, XI, 21. C. H. Perry, '86. 2 9 A Withered Leaf, X, 153. T. D. Knight, '84. 26 Before Her Glass, XI, 101. P. W. Blackmer, '86. 34 Vlll CONTENTS. Boccherini's Minuet, Fra Giovanni, Impressions a la i5th Amendment, My Queen's Reign, October Musings, Sketches in Sonnets, Sonnet, Sonnet, Sonnet to the Melian Zeus, Stone Hill, The Friar and the Fool, The Meeting, To My Pipe, To the Trailing Arbutus, Villanelle, Who Gave the Moon Her Rin: Ye Arbutus, A Coquette, A Modern Instance, A Quiet Smoke, Arbutus, Classical Criticism, "Good Night," Her Glove, Hylas, In Holland Brown, Lieder Ohne Worte, My Ship, On Receiving a Ruskin Calendar, Rondeau Ah, Lassie Fair ! Song : Jack FalstafF s Sack, Song : The Vanished Days, Sonnet A Leaf, To My Pony, To the Venus de Milo, Where Harebell Droops, Ye Prettye Mayde, PAGE IX, 2i8. G. A. Copeland, '83. 37 VI, 173- Bliss Perry, '81. 23 ent, X, 52. A. W. Underwood, '84. 44 XI, 214. P. W. Blackmer, '86. 3 2 IX, 122. A. W. Underwood, '84. 35 XI, 118. C. H. Perry, '86. 28 II, 13. A. H. Tolman, '77. 36 F. W. Olds, '76. 45 IX, 95. C. H. Perry, '86. 32 X, 207. P. W. Blackmer, '86. 39 IX, 70. G. A. Copeland, '83. 41 XI, 23. P. W. Blackmer, '86. 31 I, 97. F. W. Olds, '76. 26 IV, 157. W. S. Pratt, '78. 43 X, 189. G. A. Copeland, '83. 3 ?? X, 189. P. W. Blackmer, '86. 38 VI, 149- Wyllys Rede, '82. 42 ffortnfgbt. 1, 145. E. A. Blackmer, '86. 5i I, 6 4 . E. L. Adams, '87. 54 II, 153. T. M. Banks, '90. 55 I, ii. E. L. Adams, '87. 57 II, 138. G. L. Richardson, '88. So II, 75- Samuel Abbott, '87. 62 II, 80. E. J. Thomas, Jr., '88. 61 1, 189. S. G. Tenney, '86. 52 I, 80. S. G. Tenney, '86. 60 I, 191. G. L. Richardson, '88. 59 II, 188. T. M. Banks, '90. 48 lar, II, 46. G. L. Richardson, '88. 62 I, 64. S. G. Tenney, '86. 55 I, 5- S. G. Tenney, '86. 56 I, 5- S. G. Tenney, '86. 58 I, i73. Samuel Abbott, '87. 51 II, 109. I. S. Underbill, '89. 49 I, 132. Samuel Abbott, '87. 58 II, 107. Samuel Abbott, '87. 47 I, 60. S. G. Tenney, '86. 53 CONTENTS. ix OttJfelmensfan, PAGE A Tale of Passion, '88, 129. N. H. Thompson, '88. 68 His Essay, '89, 98. I. S. Underbill, '89. 67 In Transept Seats, '03i *53- E. R. White, '94. 65 Ode to Dr. Hopkins, '84, 7- G. H. Badger, '83. 7i The Point of View, Vt 3 . R. L. Hartt, '92. 67 To Julia on Whistling, '86, 68. P. W. Blackmer, '86. 70 Vespera, '87, 122. S. T. Livingston, '87. 69 Why Read? '89, 124. I. S. Underbill, '89. 66 Xtterars fl&ontb l* Arbutus, IV, 47- Howard Kennedy, Jr., '89 95 A Summer Song, V, ii. T. M. Banks, '90. 83 A Valentine, I, 330. S. T. Livingston, '87. 102 A Vision, Ill, 358. G. L. Richardson, '88. 94 A Winter Twilight, I, 43i. G. L. Richardson, '88. 74 Christmas-Tide, I, 273. G. L. Richardson, '88. 103 " Der Tod als Freund," II, TIO. S. T. Livingston, '87. 78 Fireside Dreams, VI, 336. J. R. Tillinghast, Jr., '92 . 88 Hope's Farewell, VI, 381. L. P. Slade, '93. 93 I Dare Not, VIII, 15. R. L. Hartt, '92. 82 Im Abend, IV, 21. H. W. Edson, '90. 81 Indian Summer, 1, 184. C. H. Perry, '86. 75 Love's Philosophy, V, 365- P. S. Allen, '91. 90 Moon Fancies, II, 332. Samuel Abbott, '87. 101 Night, II, 272. S. T. Livingston, '87. 73 Not for Me, VII, 74. E. L. Crandall, '91. 97 On Millet's Angelus, I,i8o. E. L. Adams, '87. 77 Revealing, V, 218. T. M. Banks, '90. 90 Roughened Seas, VII, 81. Arthur Oliver, '93. 99 Serenade, VI, 7. T. M. Banks, '90. 9 1 Serenade, VI, 78. A. K. Willyoung, '93. 87 Service, IV, 418. T. M. Banks, '90. 96 Seven Years, II, 441. Samuel Abbott, '87. 76 Song, Ill, 141. G. L. Richardson, '88. 80 Sonnet, IV, 7. G. L. Richardson, '88. 95 ' Spelling Down, VI, 72. R. L. Hartt, '92. 86 Spring Faith, V, 127. H. W. Edson, '90. 88 Spring Holiday, V, 127. H. W. Edson. '90. 84 X CONTENTS. PAGE Sunrise, V, 176. T. M. Banks, '90. 89 The Captive's Death, Ill, 10. H. M. Allen, '88. 78 The Good Old English Gentle- man, I, 136. H. W. Banks, Jr., '85. 100 The Hunter and the Maid, VI, 85. E. L. Crandall, '91. 92 The Viking, V, 422. J. R. Tillinghast, Jr., '92 .84 Three Knocks, I, 13. P. W. Blackmer, '86. 75 Tints, VIII, 23. Arthur Oliver, '93. 83 Triolet, VI, 174. E. R. White, '94. 92 Twilight, V, 439- P. S. Allen, '91. 85