Jh (A ^L*^ ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS A DAY. STUDIES IiN PRACTICAL ECONOMICS. BY ADELINE KNAPP. 1894: THE ARENA PUBLISHING COMPANY, COPLEY SQUARE, BOSTON, MASS. COPYRIGHT, 1894, BY ADELINE KNAPF. [All rights reserved.] DEDICATED TO THE THOUGHTFUL MEN AND WOMEN OF AMERICA. 736933 CONTENTS. INTRODUCTION , ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS A DAY; A FINANCIAL EXPERIMENT 11 THE SICK MAN; A FABLE FOR GROWN-UP BOYS AND GIRLS . 42 THE DISCONTENTED MACHINE; AN ECONOMIC STUDY 73 GETTING AHEAD; A SKETCH FROM LIFE 101 THE EARTH SLEPT; A VISION 125 I^TRODLTCTIOX. It seems to me that the accom- panying little sketches are timely. A deal of thinking must be clone by all classes of people before any solution is attempted of the prob- lems in economics that are press- ing upon us, and any factor that will help turn the general mind to this unwonted exercise may be termed a useful one. There is one sketch for which I wish to make a special plea. * The Discontented Machine " has been criticised as teaching a false principle in economics. We are told that never before in the history of the world did labor absorb so great a proportion of the gains that would otherwise accrue '6 " : : ilHfa?OD UCTION. to eapitu : l: : It- is claimed that fully ninety per cent, of the entire income of the United States is paid for wages and salaries. On the other hand, it must be stated that the individual laborer is worse off to-day, in this free coun- try, than he was twenty, or even ten years ago. The census returns of 1880 showed the average wage among laborers in the United States to be less than $7 per week. The returns of 1890 show that wage to be less than $5 per week. And yet we are told that labor absorbs ninety per cent, of the in- come of the United States. This is an enormous percentage to flow in one direction, and seems ample refutation of the laborer's claim that even at this rate he does not get enough. TNTE OD UCTION. 7 This leads to the question whether the laborer really does get his share of return from the results of his labor, and in w The Discon- tented Machine " I have tried to show a very curious phase of this question, and one which I do not remember to have seen touched upon elsewhere. Wages are supposed to be ad- justed, in the long run, to that which among a people is custom- arily requisite for the perpetuation of life, and the propagation of the species, according to the standard of living among that people. This is called " The Law of Wages." It means, put very plainly, and according to La Salle, that the income of labor must always dance around the outside rim of that which, according to the standard of 8 INTE OD UCTIOX. each age, belongs to the necessary maintenance of life. Now the point raised is this: That under the so-called law of wages, the wage laborer is not really paid anything for himself. Judged from a purely commercial standpoint, labor gets its wage; but what does the laborer get? In every manufacturing business the wear and tear, original cost and cost of repair, of machinery, etc., are taken out of the gross receipts of the business. Now labor, in the eyes of the employer, is sim- ply an adjunct, as the machines are adjuncts, to the business. As these require, for their successful opera- tion, certain expenditures for coal, oil, gearing, and the like, so labor requires for its successful opera- tion, certain expenditures for food, INTRODUCTION. shelter, clothing, which are, so to speak, labor's coal, oil, and gear- ing. These expenditures, for which a wage is paid to labor, " in order that it may live," are regu- lated by the law of wages as stated above. They represent exactly what will enable labor to perform its function, and the amount re- quired for them is charged to labor out of the gross receipts of the business, just as the items of ma- chinery expense are deducted from those receipts. For himself, over and above his labor's bill of expense, the laborer gets nothing. It may be that he is entitled to nothing. This condition of affairs may be only his misfortune. It certainly cannot be said to be his employer's fault that in delivering the commodity in which he deals 1 INTE OD UCTION. labor the laborer must de- liver himself as well. This is the tragic phase of the whole situation. Labor, the power to perform, is the man himself; so that in offering his commodity, the working man must offer, as well, himself, with all his human rights and endow- ments. He does this literally, but in reality it is only his commodity that is wanted, only this that is paid for. The human being himself is a superfluous consideration, and an inconvenient one. And as for him? He waits, asking his question, now softly, now with clamoring insistence ; but he, too, along with the others, must do a deal of thinking before any tangible solution to his problem is presented. ADELINE RNAPP. San Francisco, CaL, 1894. ONE THOUSAOT) DOLLAES A DAY. A FINANCIAL EXPERIENCE. f Yes," said the anti-poverty orator, "what we require is an equitable distribution of the world's wealth. The bloated bond-holder, the idle, white-handed aristocrat and the politician who rob the people, must all go. We want such a distribution of the money and wealth of the land as will make every man independent of his neighbor. Then the world will really prosper, but not until then will we see an end of poverty and misery, and the never-ending strug- gle that is driving men to despera- tion and women to perdition ! " ' Time for us to go," whispered n 12 ONE THOUSAND Carroll Burton's companion just at this juncture. "He'll begin to wave the red flag in a minute, and then there'll be an anarchistic pow- wow. This meeting always ends in a rumpus," and together the two young men forced their way through the crowd and out upon the street. Dale, Burton's friend, was in- clined to poke a little quiet fun at him for the attention he had given the ranting speaker. * These fel- lows have each an infallible scheme for setting the world straight," he said, w and no two are alike. Be- tween you and me, anyway," he added, "the world's a good deal better than the ranters would have us think. Why, give these fellows one thousand dollars a day apiece and they wouldn't be satisfied." DOLLARS A DAY. 13 But Burton was not in the mood for laughing. His reason told him how specious were the arguments of the anti-poverty speaker and how preposterous were the ideas he advanced regarding an equitable division of the world's wealth, but he could not tonight, as he had frequently done before, shake off the conviction that our present industrial system is out of joint. "It don't seem right/' he mut- tered to himself, as he stood wait- ing for his car, after bidding Dale good-night, and saw the carriage of a well-known millionaire dash along the street and nearly run down a poor little shivering wretch of a news-boy, who, hurling a curse in a shrill, piping voice after the driver of the carriage, was only answered by a stinging blow from 14 ONE THOUSAND the latter's long lash. One or two by-standers laughed. " The young imps," said one carelessly, w 'twould be well if they were all run over and killed. They'll only grow up into hoodlums and fill our jails later. What other chance have they?" "It isn't right," Burton concluded. "We can't have perfect equality of conditions, but such glaring inequalities as that ought not to exist in a free country ; " and swing- ing aboard his car he was soon speeding homeward. Next morning he was awakened much earlier than usual by the sound of unwonted cries under his window. " Have all the newsboys in town come into this one block?" he asked himself. : ' What are they saying, anyway?" DOLLAES A DAY. 15 Listening a moment the cry took definite shape. w Extra Leader, five cents; all about the money distribution ! " "What's that?" wondered Bur- ton. " Have the anti-poverty peo- ple carried their idea?" Dressing himself, he descended into the street and directed his footsteps to the restaurant where he was accustomed to breakfast. Incidentally he bought a paper, and glancing at the first page was filled with wonder at what he saw recorded. To sum up in a few words the story to which the paper devoted two whole pages, with blazing headlines: the anti-poverty ele- ment, who, since the last election, Burton knew, had been in a large majority in both houses, had at last 16 ONE THOUSAND carried the point for which they had long been working namely, the division among the people of the enormous output from the great Golconda mines in Arizona. These mines being situated on government lands, the anti-pov- erty party had from the first con- tended that they were the property of the government that is, of the people and, having grown suffi- ciently strong to put the matter through, they had at last, by Act of Congress, secured the distribu- tion among the people of the fabu- lous sums that had accumulated since the opening of the mines. The coinage had been greatly in- creased since the discovery of this great supply, but despite this fact, money had been in no freer circu- lation than before, and on every DOLLARS A DAY. 17 hand complaints of hard times were heard, while the gold coin in the government treasury was piled ceiling high in the great vaults, and the question of what to do with it was becoming a serious one. Now, by Act of Congress, it was to be equally divided among the people. For the present, and un- til the accumulated hoard should be reduced, every man and woman in the country over eighteen years old was to receive one thousand dollars a day. Burton read the account incred- ulously. It was too preposterous to be true. If that were done Great Heavens ! Why, he was one of the people ! He, Carroll Burton, would be entitled to a thousand dollars per day. Ah! if it could 18 ONE THOUSAND but be true, what a plum it would be. Joe should go to college, his old mother back East, why, both Joe and his mother would each have a thousand dollars a day as well as himself. Pshaw! It was only a newspaper fake. Yet they would hardly dare. Those Gol- conda mines were said to be inex- haustible. He remembered hear- ing a great city capitalist say, some time before, that if the government did not close them up soon, money would become a drug in the mar- ket and capital would be crippled. At the restaurant the only theme of conversation was the great new act. Few credited it it so staggered belief. Later in the day, however, proclamations were out on every bulletin board and dead wall in the city. The DOLLARS A DAY. 19 act had really passed. Every state, county, township and city was to be districted, and on the first day of June every American citizen above eighteen years of age would, upon calling at the distributing station in his or her ward, receive the sum of one thousand dollars daily until further notice. The first of June was only three days off, which was fortu- nate for the people, as, while every one made a pretense of being busy, very little besides talk was accom- plished in any of the places of busi- ness, excitement running so high that no one could settle down to work. Early on the first day of June, Burton found himself one of a great crowd waiting at the door of the distributing center of the 20 ONE THOUSAND th ward, which in this case was one of the chief banks of the city, all of whose employees were busy paying out piles of beautiful bright gold to all comers. The crowd was a very silent one. Burton wondered why, until he suddenly realized that he, him- self was silent oppressed and feel- ing almost solemn at the wonderful event that was taking place. The people took their gold, glanced at it, signed a receipt for it and re- tired at once, some furtively count- ing the piles as they went, some affecting indifference, others open- ly exulting in the shining twenties as they walked along gazing at them. When it came Burton's turn he received fifty broad gold $20 pieces more gold than he had DOLLARS A DAY. 21 ever before owned. 'You know there'll be as much for you to-mor- row," the paying teller said as Burton signed his receipt, and Carroll was so awe-stricken at the idea that he could only nod with- out speaking. Then he fell back to watch the crowd. Poor widows, wondering young men and maid- ens, prosperous business men, busi- ness men whom he knew to be tottering on the brink of ruin, hard-handed workmen, pompous millionaires, writers, mechanics, ministers, college professors, every class and grade of the body social, was represented in turn as the people filed up to the window. After a while Burton turned and went to his place of business a commission office, where he spent eight and a half hours every day 22 ONE in adding rows of figures and car- rying results from page to page in a complex system of "book- keeping by double-entry/' to ac- quire which he had years ago attended a business college. Every one about the place was jubilant. Even the errand-boy, a chuckle- headed lad just turned eighteen, had drawn a thousand dollars, and was already, in expectation, draw- ing another cool thousand on the morrow, and succeeding morrows. Business throve that day, in all its branches. Men who, the day before, had been seeking extended time on small accounts, now came in to pay up and make new pur- chases. Men who had never bought in their line came forward as purchasers. In all departments of trade money was plentiful ; peo- DOLLARS A DAY. 23 pie bought freely and everybody was happy as the day is long. A second distribution the next day gave another impetus to the market. ff IS"ow," said Burton to himself, when at noon he had a breathing spell, ^ we can begin to live. I'm going to treat myself to one of Reading's wheels and take an occasional spin into the coun- try." 'Yes," said the man whom he addressed, an old forty-niner, 'there'll be good times now. Haven't seen anything like this since f the days of old, the days of gold,' and so forth. Why its reg- ular diggings times again." The day passed by. Every one was in good spirits, buying everything he wanted. It is curious to note how quickly 24 ONE THOUSAND we become accustomed to pleasant things. Carroll drew his thousand dollars on the morning of the third day, quite as a matter of course, and even felt that 'twas not such a very great matter after all . ** I wish they'd give it to me all in a lump, instead of in these daily driblets. Then a man could really do something with it," he thought to himself as he carelessly dropped into an out- side pocket, what was really more than under the old system he would have earned by six months' work. Through the day, however, he did a little thinking. "There's really no occasion for my working now," he said. " I never did like this business. I'll quit, and go on with my electrical studies, as I've always longed to do." sooner thought of than de- DOLLARS A DAY. 25 cided upon. That night, as he was going home, Burton stepped into the private office of the head of the firm and announced his in- tention of leaving. -f Why, you have cost us an enormous sum! We expended eighteen thousand dollars for you, outright, from the capital of the business." T You have more than had that back through my services," said the machine, sturdily, " in the item of saved labor alone." ''Yes, yes, I know," interrupted Home, hastily, "but we really have paid you money, you know. Just let me get the machinery ex- pense book, and I'll show you ; " and hastening to the office, he re- turned with a little record book, THE DISCONTENTED MACHINE. 91 from which he proceeded to read, turning over leaf by leaf, to find the various items. "Here I have charged you an item of fifty dol- lars for a new shaft,* he said, triumphantly. "That was broken by the fool boy you hired to look after me the week Jim left, because you cut his wages down," replied the ma- chine. "I needed that shaft to do your work with. I got nothing for myself." ' You have had several hundred dollars' worth of coal," suggested Hyde. ff Coal is my food," retorted the machine. rr I could not do your work without it." "We have spent fourteen dollars for oil for you," said Home, after a little computation. 92 THE DISCONTENTED MACHINE. "Pshaw! that's nothing. If I had not had the oil, where would your work have been? I might have got smoking hot; perhaps burned up your factory." w But we have kept you housed, fed and repaired," said Hyde, w and you have been wasteful and extrav- agant. You have required the very best oil, the most expensive coal, the first quality of belts and fixtures of every sort. You have not taken half the interest in your own work that we have done and do. But for our supervision and manage- ment you would not work at all. Your very existence, in fact, is due to our industry and enterprise." w That all may be," said the ma- chine, sullenly, "but your fortune and enterprise depends very largely upon my efforts." THE DISCONTENTED MACHINE. 03 "Really, upon my word," ex- claimed Mr. Hyde, impatiently, indignation at the injustice of the charges preferred getting the better of his fear of the strange complain- ant. Jf It seems to me that you are a most unreasonable machine. Of course our fortunes depend upon you, to a great extent, though, as you know, the market is full of machines, all willing to do your work if you refuse. But do we not maintain you? What more would you have us do? " rf Pay me wages," said the ma- chine, " as you do all these movable machines that you call ' hands,' and who only, so far as I can see, wait on me, and finish up the minor details of work with which I can- not bother." At this Hyde broke into a hearty 94 THE DISCONTENTED MACHINE. laugh. * Well, I declare," he said, " you are a foolish machine, as well as an unreasonable one. Why, there isn't a c hand ' in the factory that's as well off as you are. We have expended, this year, in caring for you, over five hundred dollars. You don't suppose we spend that much for each of our ' hands,' do you?" ' You pay them wages," persisted the machine, sullenly. r Yes," was the reply, w we pay them wages. Some of them get as much as four hundred dollars in the course of the year; most of them get less than three hundred. Why, the average wages, per capita, of labor in the United States, is only a little over three hundred dollars a year, and out of this labor must buy its food, which THE DISCONTENTED MACHINE. 95 is labor's coal and oil; clothes and furniture, which are labor's shafts and belting; must house and care for and keep itself in repair, main- tain families as a rule, in fact, do all the things for itself that we do for you at a cost of over five hundred dollars a year." f 'But you let them have the money and expend it themselves. You call it wages." w Certainly, certainly ; because, don't you see, they are free human beings, and they have a right to live independently. We bought and paid for you. Had you built, are responsible for your being. Naturally we should care for you. Every want of yours is supplied. Really, my dear machine, with all due respect to you, I must say I do not think you have any cause 96 THE DISCONTENTED MACHINE. for complaint, We do not consider that the ' hands ' have any cause to complain, we do not hear them com- plain, we would decline, wholly, to recognize their right to complain; and if they do not, you, who are so much better off than they, certainly should not." w But I do not get paid for my work," said the machine, returning to the original charge. "I only get my living, while you are getting rich through me. I wish to be paid, as labor is." "I declare," said Hyde, out of patience, "you are stupid enough to be made out of wood, instead of steel and iron and brass. Haven't I just made it clear to you that labor itself only gets its living, and we are getting rich through it as well as through you? You couldn't THE DISCONTENTED MACHINE. 97 even work if it were not for labor. Why, labor made you, and yon are better cared for, to-day, than any workman in the factory. Not one of them has more at the end of a year than his bare living, and that you certainly have." The machine murmured discon- tentedly, but said nothing. " Come, now," urged Home, pacifically, don't you think you have been un- reasonable? We are willing to submit the matter to any board of arbitration you have a mind to select from among the machine- owners in the trade. Really, you are very well off. Now when will you go to work?" " I shall not go to work," said the machine, firmly, "until my demands are acceded to." "In that case," declared Hyde, 98 THE DISCONTENTED MACHINE. " we shall be obliged to send you to the junk-shop, and procure a new machine. We propose to run our business according to our own ideas, and shall not submit to being dictated to by our machines." "But suppose all the machines strike?" asked the voice. "Oh, we're not afraid of that. You are too distrustful of each other. Some would not keep faith. It would be impossible to unite all the machines in a concerted action. Besides, who would take care of you and keep you in order while you were on a strike? You would suffer more than we. Moreover, it has been decided strikes are an illegal method of procedure, and you might become liable to pun- ishment under the law. What have you to say to that?" THE DISCONTENTED MACHINE. 99 There was no reply. "Come, think it over," urged Home. "It is much better to be contented. We wish you well. We mean to do the best we can for you. We are sorry for you; but the rights and claims of capital must be respected, you know. Don't you think you had better go to work to-morrow? Think," and his voice dropped the per- suasive, and assumed a sterner ac- cent, " think how much worse off you will be, if you are cast out for old junk." There was silence for some time, but presently Mr. Home spoke again. f Will you go to work to-morrow ? " There was a whirring sound, and one of the great wheels gave a half-turn. Something dropped to the floor. "Ah," cried Home, 100 THE DISCONTENTED MACHINE. ^ here's the cause of the trouble," and he held up a bit of leather. '"This must have caught in a cog. It just dropped out. I think probably the machine will be all right in the morning.' 9 "Well," said Hyde, with a sigh of relief, ff I'm glad that's settled. Now come into the office, will you, Horne, and we will arrange about that cut-down. It had better go into effect at once. And, Horne, I don't know but it would be as well for us to think of finding a new foreman. Graves is growing a little presuming. He's been with us too long, I'm afraid. Strange these fellows never know when they are well off." GETTING AHEAD. A SKETCH FROM LIFE. He was only a plain, rough, stolid-looking Dane, with a sullen face and a hunted look in his big blue eyes. There was a long cut on one cheek, over which a strip of court-plaster had been pasted; his clothes of faded blue jean were torn and muddy, and his hands were swollen and bruised from tugging at the iron bracelets that encircled his wrists, for the strong arm of the law had been raised against him, and he was a prisoner awaiting a hearing before he should be committed to jail for having made a murderous assault upon a citizen, afterwards aggravat- 101 10? - flKTTTW AHEAD. ing his offence by resisting the con- stable, who had been sent to arrest him for. breach of the peace of the people of the State of California. The man against whom he had made the assault was present, a resident of the city, agent for a syndicate of foreign capitalists who held the title, under the laws of the State, to certain land upon which the Dane lived, working the same and paying rental therefor to the company's agent. The constable was also present, a bluff, farmer- looking man in butternut-colored clothes, his great hands seeming better adapted to guiding the plow-handles than for snapping handcuffs upon the wrists of his fellow-beings and hauling them away to courts of law. " Tell ye what it is, Jedge," he was saying, GETTING AHEAD. 103 w Fd rather tackle a yoke o' wild steers any day. The feller don't seem to have no sense. Just look what he's done." And the officer of the law exhibited hands and face bearing the marks of teeth and nails, a bruised, half-closed eye, a torn hat, and other evi- dences of the struggle his pris- oner had made before he could be taken. The Judge (a peace justice al- ways receives that title from dwell- ers in our rural districts) looked sympathetically at his officer. He had a small, sfirewd face with pale blue eyes, set very close together, and the air of a politician. Like all his neighbors he was a farmer, but of late years had taken consid- erable interest in township politics, and having, during the last cam- 104 GETTING AHEAD. paign, secured the nomination and election to his present position, he was already turning his attention to the next higher round of the political ladder, and had his eye on a minor county office. His court- room was situated in a little shanty that stood at a corner of the main street in the incipient country town where I was staying. It had once been used for a barber shop, and sundry shelves, bottles and other paraphernalia still remained mutely in evidence of that earlier use. Half a dozen half -grown boys and one or two men had strolled in, at- tracted by the unusual sight, in that peaceful community, of a pris- oner; a setter dog was sniffing in- quiringly around the legs of the assembled throng, and stopping in front of the manacled prisoner the GETTING AHEAD. 105 animal began to lick the swollen hands and wrists, wagging his tail, and by look and gesture ex- pressing his wonderful sympathy as plainly as though he had spoken. I was writing up that section of the country for an eastern publi- cation, and had been talking with the postmaster of the little town when the prisoner was brought in from the outlying country. That official had asked me to go to the court-room to witness this varia- tion in the usual monotony of the town's life, and accepting the invi- tation, I at once became interested in the to me entirely new ex- perience. The Justice took his seat at a little stained wooden table and called his primitive court to order. The whole scene at once assumed 106 GETTING AHEAD. an air of solemnity that seemed to impress everybody but the prisoner. Apparently he was the only one present who was unaware that the strong arm of the law was about to perform its function. The agent began to tell his story. He was a tall man who would have presented the appearance of great physical power, but for a certain shambling looseness about his build. While he had occupied his chair he had w sat on his backbone " in genuine American style. Standing erect his hands hung limply at his sides and his shoulders bent forward, not as if the man had acquired a stoop, but rather as though the spirit within him had long since ceased to take enough interest in its habi- tation to maintain it erect. He had prominent eyes and a projecting GETTING AHEAD. 107 under lip. a well-shaped head with short, clay-colored hair, and when he spoke he had a trick of only moving one-half of his upper lip, which was long and very thin. His face was smooth-shaven, and he presented, in his well-brushed city garments and sleek hat, a strong contrast to the country people sur- rounding him. He was bland and courteous, even mildly facetious, as he related his case. He expatiated upon the wealth and power of the syndicate he represented, the con- fidence the men composing it had shown in the future of our great State in investing their capital here, although they themselves resided abroad. He reminded the Justice that the entire people of California owed it to these trusting capitalists to uphold peace and order in the 108 VETTING AHEAD. State. If anarchy and rebellion were suffered to go unpunished in our midst, it would render capital timid about investing money among us, and the industrial future of the State would be blighted. Rass- mussen, the Dane, had rented the land of him for the past two years, but had proven a troublesome tenant, and having secured a better one he had given the man notice to quit ; had even come up from the city himself, instead of writing, in order to make the matter clear to him and offer him the rental of another piece of land, should he desire it. His kindly effort had, however, only resulted in disaster to himself, for Rassmussen, as he could bring witnesses to prove, had assaulted him violently, so that he was forced to retire, fearing serious GETTING AHEAD. 109 bodily injury had he remained to finish his business with the danger- ous man. Mr. Brien, the constable, could testify also to the violence with which the Dane had resisted the process of the law, when the officer would have arrested him. He was very sorry to proceed to harsh measures against Rassmus- sen, but in no other way could he get him off the premises. He understood that the Dane was a notoriously quarrelsome fellow, whose rage seemed directed partic- ularly against those who, by superior industry and enterprise, had acquired a larger share than he possessed of this world's goods. There was no crime in competence. Rassmussen himself had doubtless come to this country for the purpose of making money. Apparently, 110 GETTING AHEAD. however, he desired no one else to make any. He quarreled with the superintendent on the ranch of the largest land-owner and the wealth- iest man in the section, and had been driven from the orchard by his fellow-laborers. He had trouble with the railroad company over a freight bill, and now the agent had himself experienced his vio- lence and dangerous propensities. Clearly, such a man was a detri- ment to any community, and deeply as he regretted the duty he had to perform in the matter, he trusted that the Justice would uphold him in his attempt to bring such a ruffian to punishment. He was sure, in fact, that the Justice would sustain him. A man who had been selected by a community of clear- headed, honest farmers to maintain GETTING AHEAD. Ill the majesty of the law among them would never be false to his trust, and he was sure he would not regret the confidence he had placed in the Justice's uprightness of in- tention and determination to see right done. The worthy official was evidently impressed by the agent's address, and at the reference to himself his whole aspect stiffened into a still more rigid solemnity. Turning to the prisoner he said with scarce concealed impatience : r Well, Rassmussen, have you got anything to say for your- self? " ' By this time one citizen after another had dropped into the court- room until the place was crowded, and quite a concourse of people lingered without the door, striving 112 GETTING AHEAD. to gain some idea of what was going on within. All through the agent's statement the Dane had sat silent, apparently not hearing what was said, sullenly contemplating his handcuffed wrists and heavy, patched boots. When the Justice spoke to him, however, he slowly arose from the bench on which he sat and gazed about him on the assembly of his neighbors. It seemed for a moment as though he were seeking for sympathy, but only a vague, disinterested curiosity greeted him from every face as he glanced from one to another. His heavy features did not lighten, and his jaw dropped stupidly for a moment, but at last he pulled him- self together, as it were, and began slowly and laboriously, his Norse tongue occasionally having hard GETTING AHEAD. 113 work to adapt itself to the foreign language in which he spoke. T You all, mine neighbors, know me veil," he said simply, w Olaf Rassmussen, I am. In mine coun- try, miles from here, an' seas across, I read an' I hear on Amer- ica. There, they tell me, is alvays vork to be done, an' plenty an' vreedom vor the man who will vork, an' I safe an' safe, me an' mine Yooman, an' bimeby Ye come on the money vor to pring us the seas across. So den to America vere comen, an' ve puy'land an' lif on Minnesota, an' I gits a little house an' ve do veil, an' haf von two children. But I hear always Californy, Calif orny vas the land vor de man vat vants to git ahead, an' I vishes much I had come on Californy. 114 GETTING AHEAD. Den one night came to mine house fire, and ve vas all out purned, an' afterwards I make up mine mind I shall come on Calif orny. So, den, I sell mine little farm and ve prings der children to this land. I hafs no more money to puy land, but some man I know he sends me this man to, and he says to me: 'All right, all right, you rent now, you raise pig crops and sells him for much money, and bimeby ve sells you land and you gits ahead fast and has a home here in no time.' "So I takes mine twenty acres an' I puts in crops, an' me an' mine vooman ve vork. Ven it vas come daylight ve pegin, an' ven it come dark ve vas vorking so as slaves. Ve puilds von house, mine vooman nailing up does walls mit her own GETTING AHEAD. Ho hands, an' bimeby ve hat a shed an' horse, an' cow, an' nice home, an' mine grain do veil der year, an' I pays mine rent, an' puts py some money. Venefer der vas extra to do I do him, an' yen a neighbor vas hat pad luck I help 'im, an' I do mine duty as a man you all know dat." "That's so," said a boy in the crowd. ""When my father broke his arm Olaf came over and har- rowed for us two days, and never charged a cent." "Mrs. Rassmus- sen sat up most every night for a week when our baby was so sick and mother came down with the grip," said another close beside me. But the Dane went on with his story, gaining courage and command of language as he pro- ceeded, until he seemed completely 116 GETTIXa AHEAD. to have forgotten everything save the story he was telling. " Come fruit time, first year, mine vork vas all so I could get along, an' mine vooman she says she can earn money picking cher- ries in Burns' big orchard. I say r So? ? an' I go see der boss about it. He say vork is plenty and help scarce; but when I look I see he haf a pig gang of Chinamen in der orchard, and I couldn't let my vooman vork mit dem, and so I say: f l vill vork in der orchard, and you stay der home py and dig der potatoes and hoe der corn.' Yell, I go in der orchard von day, an' I notice der Chinamen go in a corner an' all talking like mad, an' bimeby der boss he comes an' tells me I must quit or the whole gang will leaf. I say to 'im, 'Let dem GETTING AHEAD. 117 leaf an' git vite men an' voomans to do der vork,' but he tells me he haf hire der gang much cheaper as vite men vill vork, an' he can't afford to make 'em mad. Den I say I vork der day out, an' he goes off. Bimeby came der boss China- man an' order me off. I swear I go not, an' den der whole gang came on me for fight, an' I knock some over an' vas most in pieces torn. So the vite boss he pays me nothing vor mine vork, as he say I lost 'im two days' time of der gang. I haf never any trouble of mine neighbor but what I tell you. You all know it. >r Yell, after that I goes on work- ing an' doing well, an' I haf a great crop of potatoes dat year. Dey grow as I never pefore see, an' one night der agent of der rail- 118 GETTING AHEAD. road he say to me I peclcler be senct does potatoes to der city. ' Don't delay/ he say to me, or eferypody else will be ahead of yon an' you gits no market.' I hurried up next day an' gits mine potatoes der sta- tion to, an' I see great piles, hund- reds bushels potatoes, all at station vor to ship. Der agent say, 'All right, ve can send plenty. I bin poking up der growers. I don't like to see mine neighbors git left,' an' I sends on mine potatoes to der commission men vat he recom- mends an' pays mine freight, an' he tells me I make lots of money. I keep not back any, as I needs dat money and vas thinking I might bargain dat year to puy der land. Veil, I vaits tree four days a week. Den come vort by does commission men dat der city vas GETTING AHEAD. 119 full of potatoes, an' der papers had been telling a week now how der potatoes vas being dumped in der bay at der city, an' mine had been dumped in, too. Der letter said any man vas a fool to ship den. I show 'im to some mens, an' dey laugh and say dat agent vas tarn smart, anyway, to git the potatoes shipped an' secure his freight; but I vas out mine crop an' mine freight money, an' mine children got no shoes dat winter nor me an' mine vooman any clothes, an' it vas a hard pull. I talked with dat agent, an' he say mine loss non his pizness. His pizness vas to do veil by der rail- road company. Dat vas vat he vas paid for. I haf no trouble mit him, but von man vat he so fool try to kill him an' vas put in prison. You all know it. 120 GETTING AHEAD. 'Veil, next year ve do better. Comes a little feller to mine house to lif , but der crops is good and ve make some money. Den ve tink maybe ve can puy der land dis year, an' I haf tree hundred dollar to make von payment. I say so to this man here ven he come, but he tell me his company haf con- clude not to sell, but to rent der land. He say der come soon an- nuder road the place through, and value will be higher, so der com- pany conclude to hold, and then he tell me he must have bigger rent der next year. I tell him im- possible, I cannot pay more, an' he say he haf a tenant vot can, and he tell me tree four Japs vant der place for nursery an' vege- tables to send to city, an' vill pay bigger rent. I tell him nopody GETTING AHEAD. 121 can pay more an' put up puildings, an' he say puildings are already up. Vy, I tells him dem mine puildings are an' mine fences, an' all vat is on der place mine, made mit mine own hands and mine vooman's, and paid for mit mine own money; but he say dere is nothing in dei* agreement about dat, or mine taking off any puild- ings or being paid for any im- provements, an' der place must stand just so as it vas. I could pay der higher rent or move off and let der Japs pay it. Den I look around on mine little home, an' see dat pretty house covered mit der vines mine vooman had planted, an 1 der rose trees in der garden, an' dat little vineyard by der side of der house, an' der hen- yard an' barn vere I could hear 122 GETTING AHEAD. mine horse stomping, an' I thought of all dem two years an' mine hard vork, an' it seems like I got crazy; an' I asks dat man vas it der law in free America? an' he tell me he had all der law on his side an' der company would uphold him; an' I made up mine mind he would nefer lif to tell his company about dat, an' so I picked up a cart stake an' vent for him. He got away an' jumped in his buggy before I could kill him, or I vould." By this time the Dane's rage was again in the ascendency. His sullen face was actually black with anger, and he ground his teeth and shook his manacled hands at the smiling agent. Dey all lif not here," he shouted. tf Does Chinamen lif not here nor puild up der country ! GETTING AHEAD. 123 Does railroad people lif not here ! Does land company lif not here! Dere all like so many plud vorms, suck, suck, sucking at der life of men vat vork hard. Vy should I not kill von of them? " Then, as if remembering him- self, he ceased speaking, and sank down in his seat again to resume contemplation of his bruised hands. There was a hush for a moment. The rough, hard-working farmer folks felt there had been much close home truth in what he said. Few but had had their own ex- periences in the same line; but they w^ere sane, law-abiding citi- zens, who felt the necessity for supporting the dignity of the com- monwealth, not hot-headed and irrational like this yellow-haired, blue-eyed foreigner. 124 GETTING AHEAD. The rest of the proceedings were soon over. All the testimony was against the Dane. His own state- ment was damning evidence of his guilt. He was remanded to the calaboose, as the town jail was called, to be sent to the county jail next day and regularly committed for trial. I saw him taken to the railway station next morning in charge of a deputy-sheriff. In the proces- sion of curious ones who followed him was a weeping woman bearing a young baby in her arms, while two others clung to her skirts. His f? vooman,'' they told me, but no one seemed able to say what she would do while the husband and father expiated his crime in dur- ance vile. It seemed hard, but the majesty of the law must be upheld. THE EAKTH SLEPT. I. The earth slept. Age upon age passed over the nebulous mass that lay without form and void in space, unknow- ing, unfeeling, yet guided ever by the workings of inexorable law. ff Brothers ! Brothers ! " whis- pered one statoblast to the others, "I feel a strange stirring within me, a consciousness of broader life; and, brothers, what is this shining whiteness creeping all about us? Brothers, I dreamed once, long ago, of a wonderful glory called light. I believe, brothers, that the light is breaking!" w How foolish ! " exclaimed the others. f We have no knowledge 125 12fi THE EARTH SLEPT. of such stirrings or new conscious- ness. Why should you have? No one has ever seen light. There never has been light and there never will be light. When will you cease to trouble us?" And all the statoblasts murmured their assent to this, and gathering more closely about their offending brother, crushed him into silence. And slowly the dawn broke, and there was light upon the face of the earth, and the statoblasts saw it and saw each other, and looked upon each other and said: "We knew that it would come." II. The earth slept. Age upon age came and went. The light grew stronger. Great green growths shot heavenward, THE EARTH SLEPT. 127 lived their appointed time, fell back to earth and mingled with its mold. The rain fell and covered the heated world, and its vapors steamed tip and fell back in rain again. The seas heaved and dashed, and approached and re- ceded, age upon age. ff Brothers ! Brothers ! " cried one amoeboid cell to the rest, *M feel a strange impulse within me a stirring as of power. Brothers, I believe that we have a wonderful destiny before use. I believe that we shall have power of motion." "Nonsense," replied the others. 'Why do you trouble us? We are at rest. We never have moved. "We never shall move. There is nothing to move for if we did move." 128 THE EAUTll SLEPT. And all the cells breathed theh 1 assent to this, and grew more closely around their brother and pressed upon him and smothered him into silence. And the ages rolled by, and pres- ently motion came to the cells and they darted to and fro in the water, saying to each other: "We knew that we should move, in time." III. The earth slept. Age upon age passed, and through them all the impulse of life beat on. From one form to another it travelled. Mammoth creatures walked the earth and mammoth vegetation covered its surface. From the north swept down the mighty frozen tide bear- THE EAETH SLEPT. 129 ing death before it, and the mam- moth passed away. The dawning of a new life began to break upon the world, flowers bedecked the earth, and fruits multiplied and increased in the trees. Beneficent nature was planning for the good of her chil- dren. w Friends!" cried one climbing anthropoid to the others, w I feel a strange impulse within me a yearning as of aspirations unde- fined. Friends, I believe that we shall yet walk this earth erect ! " "Nonsense," cried the rest, " we feel no such impulse, and why should you? "We never have walked erect. We have no power to walk erect, nor desire to do so. "Why do you trouble us with your imbecile folly?" 130 THE EAETH SLEPT. And gathering about him they drowned his voice in the chorus of their clamoring protests. IT. The earth slept. Age upon age passed and man dwelt upon the earth and fought and toiled and traded with his kind. Man, king of creation, walking erect, engaged in compe- tition with his fellows, and battled fiercely with them in the straggle for existence. Kingdoms were set up and thrown down. Dynasties arose and died out. Whole peoples came and went upon the face of the earth, but still the struggle for existence went on; still men vied with each other in the compe- THE EARTH SLEPT. 131 tition of trade; still the strong struggled for: greater gain and the weak went down, crushed, helpless, thrown to the earth, unable to do battle in the struggle for existence. The rich grew richer, the poor poorer, and the whole world was caught in the vise-like grip of com- petition. "Oh, men!" cried one man to his fellows, "I feel the stirring of a strange impulse within me the dawning of a great truth. We are brothers. Our lives are knit up in each other. Fraternity, and not competition, is to be the main spring of our racial life ! " " Nonsense !" replied his fellows. 'You talk neither policy nor logic. Fraternity is a dream of the poets, an ideal for a future life. Competition is the life of trade." 132 THE EAETH SLEPT. So they gathered about him and silenced him; but his light they could not quench, the truth they could not smother, hide it as they would. Up and down the earth it wanders, showing itself in a great deed here, a great thought there? the stirring of a mighty force yon- der, yet beaten back by the throng of competing men. And the earth sleeps. 14 DAY USE RETURN TO DESK FROM WHICH BORROWED LOAN DEPT. This book is due on the last date stamped below, or on the date to which renewed. Renewed books are subject to immediate recall. Li (At O I 736958 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY