A\\EUNIVERS/A e1p g S 070 966 REPORT, 10SPECTUS, AND PUBLICATIONS ORIENTAL TRANSLATION COMMITTEE; 5, NEW BUELINGTON STEEET, LONDON. 1861. LONDON PRINTED BY HARBISON ASD SO^S, ST. MARTIN'S LANE, \V.C. REPORT, PROSPECTUS, AND PUBLICATIONS ORIENTAL 1 TKANSLATION COMMITTEE; 5, NEW BUBLINGTON STKEET, LONDON. 1861. LONDON PRINTED BY HARRISON AND SONS, ST. MARTIN'S LANE, W.C. REPORT AND PROSPECTUS OF THE (MENTAL TRANSLATION COMMITTEE, 1861. THE Oriental Translation Fund was established in 1828 by several Oriental scholars and others interested in Eastern litera- ture "for the translation and publication of such works on Eastern history, science, and belles lettres as are inaccessible to the European public in M.S. form and indigenous language." The object thus proposed attracted considerable attention, and received very liberal support. The Royal Family honoured the proposal with their special approbation. Their Majesties George IV and William IV consented to become patrons and subscribers. Her present Majesty, as well as His Royal Highness the Prince Consort, have graciously continued the same beneficial encouragement. A Committee composed of scholars well known for their attainments in Eastern literature, was appointed to carry out the design of the Institution. Although from the distinct field of operations contemplated by this body, it necessarily acted as a separate society, yet it was regarded as an important branch of the Royal Asiatic Society, and was encouraged and aided by its support. The Committee thus formed was successively presided over by the Earl of Munster, Sir Gore Ouseley, the Earl of Clare, the Earl of Ellesmere, and Professor Wilson, Beriah Botfield, Esq., M.P., being the present Chairman. 2095195 The advantages and support enjoyed by the Committee enabled them to assist the labours of many Oriental scholars, and to promote the cultivation, in this country, of Oriental Literature, by the publication of translations into European languages of various original works, thus affording material assistance to students of ecclesiastical and civil history, philology, and other collateral branches of useful knowledge connected with the East. The Committee, invited and obtained the assistance of many eminent scholars, and during a period of thirty-two years have published or aided in the publication of more than seventy trans- lations. Of these many are highly valuable, all are curious or interesting, and several of them are of such a nature that without the aid afforded by the Society, they could scarcely have been undertaken. The Sanscrit translations include those of the Sankhya Karika, Rig Veda, and Vishnu Purana. Amongst those from the Arabic, are found the travels of Ibn Batuta, and of the Patriarch Macarius, Al-Makkari's history of the Muhammadan Dynasties in Spain, and the extensive Lexicon of Hajji Khalfa. There are also on the list translations from the Persian, Syriac, Ethiopic, Armenian, Chinese, and Japanese languages. This is only a slight sketch of the results of the Committee's efforts, but its task is as yet incomplete. Not to speak of the offer of translations of important works, which a want of funds has obliged the Committee to refuse, some translations commenced are still unfinished, and others accepted are not yet commenced. A portion only of the translations of the history of the Mamluk Sultans, of Tbn Khallikan and of Tabari, &c., has yet been published, whilst the Committee has accepted the offer of a translation of the Mu'jeamu '1 Buldan by Sir Henry Rawlinson, and the history of Khafi Khan. They have, moreover, frequently had to decline various applications for the production of other translations of high importance. As no work, however, is actually in the press, the Committee consider that the time has arrived for an endeavour to revive, invigorate, and extend the operations of this Society. They have, therefore, proposed some modifications in the Rules and arrangements, which they trust will be advantageous. They have determined to fix the amount of subscription for large and small paper copies at five and three guineas respectively, instead of ten and five ; and desiring to extend more definitively their sphere of usefulness, they have determined to place the available copies of works already distributed among their own Members within the means of Oriental students in general, by reducing the cost of their publications to a minimum ; and, as an experiment in this direction, the Committee have instructed their agents to offer their publications for sale at a price calculated upon this principle. The Committee, under these circumstances, invite the support of all who feel an interest in the important subject of Oriental Literature, to enable them to complete the works still in progress, to take up many of the valuable unpublished works now at their disposal, and to continue their efforts in the course of usefulness so auspiciously commenced. Oriental ^Translation Committee. PATRON: HER MOST EXCELLENT MAJESTY THE QUEEN. VICE-PATRON: HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS THE PRINCE CONSORT. Chairman. BERIAH BOTFIELD, Esq., M.P., F.R.S. Deputy-Chairman. The Rev. WILLIAM CURETON, D.D., F.R.S. Committee. LORD ASHBURTON. BENJAMIN G. BABINGTON, M.D. JAMES BIRD, Esq., M.D. Lieut.-General JOHN BRIGGS. RICHARD CLARKE, Esq. ' Sir J. F. DAVIS, Bart. Professor D. FORBES. Maj.-Gen. GEO. LE GRAND JACOB, C.B. The Rev. HENRY MELVILL. The Duke of NORTHUMBERLAND. The Rev. THEODORE PRESTON, M.A. O. DE B. PRIAUI.X, Esq. Lt.-Col. Sir H. C. RAWLINSON, K.C.B. The Rev. G. CECIL RENOUARD, B.D. The Rev. T. ROBINSON, D.D. Colonel W. H. SYKES, M.P., F.R.S. The Ven. ARCHD. TATTAM, D.D. ' EDWARD THOMAS, Esq. Treasurer: OSMOND DE BEAUVOIR PRIAULX, Esq. Secretary: The Rev. JAMES REYNOLDS, B.A. Office: 5, New Burlington Street, W. LIST OF ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTIONS. For Royal Paper Copies of the Works Published by the Fund. HER MOST EXCELLENT MAJESTY THE QUEEN. His Royal Highness the Prince Consort. His Majesty the King of the Netherlands. His Majesty the King of the Belgians. His Imperial and Royal Highness the Grand Duke of Tuscany. His Grace the Duke of Buccleuch and Queensberry. His Grace the Duke of Northumberland. The Most Honorable the Marquess of Cholmondeley. The Right Rev. the Lord Bishop of Winchester. The Secretary of State for India in Council. The Wesleyan Missionary Society. The Asiatic Society of Bengal. The Bombay Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society. The Library of Exeter College, Oxford. . The Imperial Library, Vienna. Beriah Botfield, Esq., F.R.S. Charles Purton Cooper, Esq., F.R.S. Lieut.-General Edward Frederick, C.B. Hudson Gurney, Esq., F.R.S. The Right Honourable the Earl of Powis, D.C.L. For Demy Paper Copies. The Right Honourable Lord Ashburton. Osmond de Beauvoir Priaulx, Esq. The London Institution. PUBLICATIONS OF TI1K ORIENTAL TRANSLATION COMMITTEE; 5, NEW BURLINGTON STEEET, LONDON. 1. IBN BATUTA, The Travels of. Translated, with Notes^ illustrative of the History, Geography, Botany, Antiquities, etc., occurring throughout the work. By the Eev. S. LEE, D.D. 4to. 1829. 1. 2. JAHANGUEIR, Memoirs of the Emperor. Written hy HIMSELF ; and translated from a Persian Manuscript. By MAJOB DAVID PBICE. 4to. 1829. 10s. 3. MACARIUS, Patriarch of Antioch, Travels of. Written by his attend- ant Archdeacon, PAUL OF ALEPPO, in Arabic. Translated by F. C BELFOTTB, M.A., 2 Vols. 4to. 182937. 3 3s 4. HAN KOONG TSEW ; or, The Sorrows of Han : a Chinese Tragedy translated from the Original, with Notes, and a Specimen of the Chinese Text. By J. F. DAVIS, F.R.S. 4to. 1829. 4s. 5. NEAMET ULLAH ; History of the Afghans. Translated from the Per- sian of Neamet Ullah. By Dr. B. DOBN. 4to. 182937. 1 1*. 6. The FORTUNATE "UNION. A Romance, translated from the Chinese Original, with Notes and Illustrations; to which is" added, a Chinese Tragedy. By J. F. DAVIS, F.R.S. 2 Vols. 8vo. 1829. 12s. 6d 7. YAKKUN NA1TAKNAWA, a Cingalese Poem, descriptive of the Ceylon System of Demonology ; to which is appended, the Practices of a Capua, or Devil Priest, as described by a Buddhist ; and KOLAN NATTAN- NAWA, a Cingalese Poem, descriptive of the Characters assumed by Natives of Ceylon in a Masquerade. Illustrated with plates from Cingalese designs. Translated by J. CALLAWAY. 8vo. 1829. 6*. 8. HAT1M TAI, the Adventures of. A Romance, translated from the Persian, by DTJNCAN FOEBES, M.A. 4to. 1830. 12*. 6d. 9. ALI HAZIN, the Life of SHEIKH MOHAMMED An HAZIN. Written by HIMSELF; translated and illustrated with Notes explanatory of the History, Poetry, Geography, etc. By F. C. BEirorB, M.A. 8vo. 1830. 8*. 6d. 10. ALI HAZIN, the Life of SHEIKH MOHAMMTD ALI HAZIN. Written by HIMSELF; edited frcm two Persian Manuscripts, and noted with their various Readings, by F. C. BELForB. 8vo. 1831. 8*. 6d. 11. MEMOIRS OF A MALAYAN FAMILY. Written by THEMSELVES; and translated frcm the Original, by W. MABSDEN. 8vo. 1830. 2*. 12. HISTORY OF THE WAR IN BOSNIA. During the Years 1737, 38, and 39. Translated from the Turkish, by C. FBAPEB. 8vo. 1830. 3*' 13. TheMULPUZAT TIMURY ; or, Autobiographical Memoirs of the Moghul Emperor Timur. Written in the Jagtai Turki Language ; turned into Persian, by ABU TALIB HUSSAINI ; and translated into English, by Major C. STUART. (Map of Transoxania.) 4to. 1830. 10*. 14. The HISTORY OF VARTAN, AND OF THE BATTLE OF THE ARMENIANS ; containing an Account of the Religious Wars between the Persians and Armenians by ELIS.EUS, Bishop of the Amadunians. Translated from the Armenian, by C. F. NEUMANN. 4to. 1830. 8*. 15. The LIFE OF HAFIZ UL MULK, HAFIZ REHMUT KHAN. Written by his SON NUWAB MUST'UJAB KHAN BAH ADAH; and entitled GULISTAN- I-REHMUT Abridged and Translated from the Persian, by C. ELLIOTT, Esq. 8vo. 1834. 4s. 16. MISCELLANEOUS TRANSLATIONS FROM ORIENTAL LAN- GUAGES. 2 Volumes. 8vo. 183134. 12s. 17. HAJI KHALIFEH'S History of the Maritime Wars of the Turks. Translated from the Turkish, by JAMES MITCHELL. Part I. 4to. 1831. 5*. 6d. 18. TRANSLATIONS FROM THE CHINESE .AND ARMENIAN, by C. F. NEUMANN. 8vo. 1831. 10*. 19. The ALGEBRA OF MOHAMMED BEN MUSA; ARABIC AND ENGLISH. Edited and Translated by F. ROSEN. 8vo. 1831. 8*. 20. THE GEOGRAPHICAL WORKS OF SADIK ISFAHANI; and a Critical Essay on Various Manuscript Works, Arabic and Persian. Translated by J. C., from Original Persian MSS. in the Collection of Sir WILLIAM OUSELET, the Editor. 8vo. 1832. 8*. 21. FIRDUSI. Shah Nameh of the Persian Poet Firdusi. Translated -and Abridged in Prose and Verse, with Notes and Illustrations, by J. ATKINSON, Esq. 8vo. 1832. 12*. 22. The TEZKEREH AL VAKIAT ; or, Private Memoirs of the Moghul Emperor Humayun. Written in Persian by JOUCHEB. Translated by Major C. STEWAET. 4to. 1832. 8*. 23. The SIYAR-UL-MUTAKHERIN ; a History of the MAHOMEDAN POWEB in India, during the last Century, by MIE GHOLAM HUSSEIN- KHAN. Revised from the Translation of HAJI MUSTAFA, and Collated with the Persian Original, by J. BEIGGS. Vol. I. 8vo. 1832. 11*. 6d. 24. HOEI LA*N KI ; or, 1'Histoire du Cercle de Craie. Drame en Prose et en Vers ; traduit du Chinois, et accompagne de Notes. Par STANISLAS JULIEN. 8vo. 1832. 5*. 6d. 25. SAN KOKF TSOU RAX TO SETS; ou, Ape^u general des Trois Royaumes. Traduit de 1'Original Japonais-Chinois, par J. KLAPEOTH. (5 Maps.) 8vo. 1832. 12*. 26. ANNALS OF THE TURKISH EMPIRE, FROM A.D. 1591 TO 1659. Translated from the Turkish, by C. FEASEB. Vol. I. 4to. 1832. ' 15*. 27. KALIDASJE RAGHUVANSA CARMEN. Sanskrite et Latine. Edidit A. F. STENZLEE. 4to. 1832. 1 1*. 28. CUSTOMS AND MANNERS OF THE WOMEN OF PERSIA, AND THEIR DOMESTIC SUPERSTITIONS. Translated from the Original Persian Manuscript, by J. ATKINSON, Esq. 8vo. 1832. 4*. 29. MIRKHOND. HISTORY OF THE EARLY KINGS OF PERSIA. From Kaiomars, the first of the Peshdadian Dynasty to the Conquest of 10 Iran by ALEXANDER THE GREAT. Translated from the Original Persian of MIRKHOND, entitled the RATTZAT-TTS-SAEA, with Notes and Illustra- tions, by D. SHEA. 8vo. 1832. 6*. 30. The TUHFAT-UL-MUJAHIDTN ; a History of the First Settlement of the Mohammedans in Malabar, and of their subsequent Struggles with the Portuguese. Translated from the Arabic, by Lieut. M. ROWLANDSON. 8vo. 1833. 4*. 31. ALFIYYA; ou, La Quintessence de la Grammaire Arabe : Ouvrage de DJEMAL-EDDIN MOHAMMED, connu sous le nom D'EBN MALEC. Public en Original, avec un Commentaire, par SILYESTRE DE SACY. 8vo. Paris, 1834. 6*. 6d. 32. EVLIYA EFENDI, Narrative of Travels in Europe, Asia, and Africa. In the Seventeenth Century. Translated from the Turkish, by J. TON HAMMER. Parts I and II. 4to. 1834 50. 1 4*. 33. A DESCRIPTION OF THE BURMESE EMPIRE ; compiled chiefly from Native Documents, by the Rev. FATHER SANGERMANO ; and Trans- lated from his MS. by W. TANDY. 4to. 1834. 12*. Qd. 34. ESSAY ON THE ARCHITECTURE OF THE HINDUS. By RAM RAZ, Native Judge and Magistrate at Bangalore. 48 Plates. Royal 4to. 1834. 1 Us. Qd. 35. ANNALES DES EMPEREURS DU JAPON. Traduites par M. ISAAC TITSINGH. Ouvrage revu, complete et corrige, sur 1'Original Japonais- Chinois, accompagne de Notes, et precede, d'un Aperiju de 1'Histoire Mythologique des Japonais, par J. KLAPROTH. 4to. 1835. 1 1*. 36. HARIVANSA ; ou, Histoire de Famille de Hari ; Ouvrage formant nn Appendice du Mahabharata; et traduit sur 1'Original Sanscrit, par A. LANGLOIS. 2 Tomes. 4to. 1835 36. 2- 16*. 37. The DIDASCALIA; or, Apostolical Constitutions of the Abyssinian Church. Translated fiom the Ethiopic, by T. PLATT, Esq. 4to. 1834. 8*. 38. LES AVENTURES DE KAMRUP, par TACHIN-TJDDIN ; traduites de 1'Hindoustani par M. GAHCIN DE TASST. 8vo. 1834. 8*. 39. The CHRONICLES OF RABBI JOSEPH BEN JOSHUA BEN MEIR, THE SPHARDI. Translated from the Hebrew, by C. H. F. BIALLO- BLOTZY. 2 Vols. 8vo. 1837. 1 40. The POLITICAL AND STATISTICAL HISTORY OF GUJERAT. Translated from the Persian, by J. BIRD, Esq. 8vo. 1835. 8*. 41. LE LIVRE DES RECOMPENSES ET DES PEINES. Traduit du Chinois, par STANISLAS JULIEN. 8vo. 1835. 17*. 42. HAJI KHALF^B LEXICON ENCYCLOPJEDICUM ET BIBLIOGRA- PHICUM. Edidit G. FLTTEGEL. Tom. I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII. 4to. Leipzig, 183554. 4 4*. 43. CHRONIQUE D'ABOU-DJAFAR. MOHAMMED TABARI. Traduit sur la Persane, par L. DUBEUX. Livraison I. 4to. 1836. 15*. 44. LAILI AND MAJNUN. A Poem. From the Persian of Nazami. By J. ATKINSON, Esq. 8vo. 1836. 4*. Qd. 45. The HISTORY OF THE TEMPLE OF JERUSALEM. Translated from the Arabic of the IMAM JALAL-ADDIN AL SIUTI. With Notes and Dissertations. By the Rev. J. REYNOLDS. 8vo. 1836. 12*. 46. The SANKH YA KARIKA; or, Memorial Verses on the Sankya Philosophy ; 11 Translated from the Sanscrit, by H. T. COLEBBOOKE, Esq. Also, The Bahshya ; or, Commentary of Gaurapada ; Translated and illustrated by an original Comment. By H. H. Wilson. 4to. 1837. 10*. 6d. 47. HISTOIRE DES SULTANS MAMLOUKS DE L'EGYPTE. Ecrite en Arabe par TAKI-EDDIN-AHMED-MAKEIZI. Traduite en Francais, par M. QUATEEMEEE. Tome I & II. 4to. 1837. 5*. 48. RIG VEDA SANHITA, Sanskrite et Latine. Edidit F. A. ROSEN. 4to. 1837. 1 Is. 49. KUMARA SAMBHAVA ; Sanskrile et Latine. Edidit A. F. STENZLEB. 4to. 1838. 10*. 6d. 50. PRACTICAL PHILOSOPHY OF THE MUHAMMADAN PEOPLE. Exhibited in its professed connexion with the European, so as to render either an introduction to the other ; being a translation of the AXHLAK- I-JALALY, the most esteemed Ethical Work of Middle Asia, from the Persian of FAKIE JANY MAHAMMAD ASAAD ; with References and Notes, by W. F. THOMPSON. 8vo. 1839. 8*. 51. GARCIN DE TASSY. Histoire de la Litterature Hindoui et Hindous- tani. Tomes I et II. 8vo. 183947. l 4s. 52. The VISHNU PURANA ; a system of Hindu Mythology and Tradition. Translated from the Original Sanscrit, and illustrated by Notes derived chiefly from other Puranas. By H. H. Wilson. 4to. 1840. 2. 53. AL-MAKKARI. The History of the Mohammedan Dynasties in Spain. Translated by PASCUAL DE GAYANGOS. 2 Vols. 4to. 1840. 3 8s. 54. EL-MAS'UDIS HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA, entitled "Meadows of Gold and Mines of Gems." Translated from the Arabic by Dr. A. SPBENGEB. Vol. I. 8vo. 1841. 16*. 55. SAMA VEDA. Translation of the Sanhita of the Sama Veda. By the Rev. J. STEVENSON. 8vo. 1841. 7*. 56. SPECIMENS OF THE POPULAR POETRY OF PERSIA, as found in the Adventures and Improvisations of KUBBOGLOF, the Bandit-Min- strel of Northern Persia ; and in the Songs of the People inhabiting the Shores of the Caspian Sea. Orally Collected and Translated by A. CHODZKO. 8vo. 1842. 12*. 6d. 57. IBN KHALLIKAN'S BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. Translated from the Arabic by Baron MAC GrcKiN DE SLANE. Vols. I and II, and Vol. III. Part I. 4to. 1842. 2 2*. 58. HISTORY OF HYDER NAIK, otherwise styled NAWAUB HYDEB AII, by MEEE HUSSEIN ALI KHAN KIBMANI. Translated from an Original Persian MS., by Colonel W. MILES. 8vo. 1842, 10*. 59. The DABISTAN; or School of Manners. Translated from the Persian, with Notes, &c. By D. SHEA, and A. TBOYEB. 3 Vols. 8vo. 1844. 1 Is. 60. HISTORY OF THE REIGN OF TIPU SULTAN, being a Continua- tion of the NESHANI HYDTTBI. Written by MIB HUSSEIN ALI KHAN KIBMANI. Translated by Colonel W. MILES. 8vo. 1844. 8*. 6d. 61. OUSELEY'S (Sir GORE), Biographical Notices of Persian Poets; with Critical and Explanatory Remarks ; prefixed to which is a Memoir of the Author, by the Rev. J. REYNOLDS. 8vo. 1846. 6*. 62. The KALPA SUTRA, AND NAVA TATVA, Two Works illustrative of the Jain Religion and Philosophy. Translated from the MAGHADI. With an Appendix, containing Remarks on the Language of the Original. By the Rev. J. STEVENSON, D.D. 8vo. 1848. 6*. 12 63. The APOSTOLIC CONSTITUTIONS; or, Canons of the Apostles, in Coptic: with an English Translation, br DE. H. TATTAM. 8vo. 1849. 8s. 64. MAKAMAT ; or Rhetorical Anecdotes of ABTT'L KASEM AL HAEIRI, of BASEA. Translated into English Verse and Prose ; and illustrated with Annotations, by the Rev. T. PBESTON. 8vo. 1850. 12*. 65. KALIDASA. The birth of the War God; a Poem, translated from the Sanskrit by R. T. A. GRIFFITH. 8vo. 1853. 4s. 66. The POEMS OF THE HUZAILIS, edited in Arabic by J. G. L. KOSE- GAETEN. Vol. I. 4to. 1854. 17*. 67. SPICILEGIUM SYRIACUM, edited and translated by the Rev. W. CUBETON. Royal 8vo. 1855. 9*. 68. MEMOIRES SUR LES CONTREES OCCIDENTALES, PAR HIOUEN THSANG; traduit du Chinois, par STANISLAS JULIEN. 2 Vols. Each 1 Is. 69. KITAB-I-YAM1NI : Historical Memoirs of Early Conquerors of Hindus- tan, and Founders of the Ghaznavide Dynasty, translated from the Persian, by the Rev. JAMES REYNOLDS, B.A. 8vo. 1858. 12*. 6d. 70. CHRONIQUE DE MATTHIEN D'EDESSE ; translated from the Arme- nian, by M. DULAUBIEB. 1858. 1 Is. Of the above publications there are some, of which few or no copies yet remain in the possession of the Society, and with respect to others, a limited number only was subscribed for. They are however retained on the List, as some copies may possibly be procured from the Society's Agents or Booksellers. THE REV. JAMES REYNOLDS, B.A., SECBETABY OF THE OBIENTAL TBANSLATION FUND, 5, NEW BURLINGTON STREET, W. Pill III 1:11 3 1158 00388 8608 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY Los Angeles This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. 24139 UNIVERJ/A T 1 O I g I O u_ O * -n t-> ^. UNIVER%. .^lOSANGEl^ A ^-^ w ^OJI1VD-JO>" ^OF-CAllFOft^ I; ^Aavian'i^ 7 ^tywmw -t IIDDADVSI.