UC-NRLF TOE bDD u.GLOGY UBRAHY LIST SPECIMENS OF BIRDS THE COLLECTION BRITISH MUSEUM. BY G. R. GRAY, F.L.S. &c. FEINTED BY OEDEE OF THE TEUSTEES. LONDON: 1856. PRINTED BY TAYLOR AND FRANCIS, RED LION COURT, FLEET STREET. PREFACE. THE object of the present List has been to give a complete Catalogue of the specimens of the Order Columbse or Pigeons contained in the Collection of the British Museum, indicating the locality, and the source from whence each has been derived. With this view the different individuals of each contained in the Collection are indicated by the letters a, 6, c, &c. following the name of the species and its synonyms. The List of the Order Gallinae is in progress and will be published shortly. JOHN EDWARD GRAY. April 12, 1856. 425641 LIST OF BIRDS. CLASS AVES. ORDER IV. COLUMB^E, Lath. Passeres (pars), Linn. S. IV. (1735). Columbae Struthiones (pars), Lath. Ind. Orn. ii. p. (1790). Galling (pars), Cuv. (1795-1796). Gallinae (pars) Alectrides (pars), Cuv. Anat. Comp. Tab. ii. (1799-1800). Columbini Inepti, Illig. Prod. Syst. Mam. et Av. p. 243 (1811). Columba, Temm. Man. d'Orn. (1815). Coiurabini, Vieill. Anal. Syst. d'Orn. (1816). Gallinacees (pars), Cuv. Reg. Anim. i. p. 454 (1817). Columba Inertes (pars), Temm. Man. d'Orn. (1820). Rasores (pars), Vigors, ZooL Journ. ii. p. 392 (1826). Fam. I. COLUMBID.E. i. TRERONIN&. 1. PTILONOPUS. Ptilinopus, Swains. ZooL Journ. (1825) p. 473. Ptilonopus, Swains. Classif. of B. ii. p. 347 (1837). B s, >&tricM. Ann. $ Mag. N. H. (1841) p. 36. Ptilotreron, Pr. B. in lift. G. R. Gray, Cat. of Gen. & Subgen.(lS55)p.97. Kurukuru, Des Murs, Chenu, Ency. d'H. Nat. Ois.vi. p. 30. Kurutreron, Pr. B. Ann. des Sci. Nat. (1854) p. 139. Thouarsitreron, Pr.B. Consp. Syst. Av. ii. p. 16 (1854). Jotreron, Pr. B. Consp. Syst. Av. ii. p. 24 (1854). Ramphiculus, Pr.B. Ann. des Sci. Nat. (1854) p. 139. Jambotreron, Pr. B. in Utt. G. R. Gray, Cat. of Gen. &- Subgen. (1855) p. 97. Lamprotreron, Pr.B. Consp. Syst. Av. ii. p. 17 (1854). Leucotreron, Pr. B Ann. des Sci. Nat. (1854) p. 139. Cyanotreron, Pr. B. Consp. Syst. Av. ii. p. 23 (1854). Omeotreron, Pr. B. Consp. Syst, Av. ii. p. 27 (1854). Sylphidsena, Pr. B. in Utt. G. R. Gray, Cat. of Gen. & "Subgen. (1855) p. 97. Sylphitreron, Verr. in Pr. B. Compt. Rend. (1855) p. . Chryssena, Pr. B. Ann. des Sci. Nat. (1854) p. 139. Chryscena, Chryscenas, et Chrysotreron, Pr. B. Compt. Rend. (1855) p. . Erythroena et Erythrotreron, Pr. B. Compt. Rend. (1855) p. . Erythrolsema, Pr. B. in Utt. G. R. Gray, Cat. of Gen. $ Subgen. (1855) p. 98. Furningus, Des Murs, Chenu, Encyc. d'Hist. Nat. Ois. p. 32. Funingus, Pr. B. Consp. Syst. Av. ii. p. 29 (1854). Alectrsenas, Pr. B.Ann, des Sci. Nat. (1854) p. 139. Aleetrcenas, G. R. Gray, List of Gen. of B. (1840) p. 58. Alectroroenas, Agass. Chlamydama, Pr.B. Ann. des Sci. Nat. (1854) p. 139. Trygon (pars) et lanthoenas (pars), Reichenb. Syst. Av. pp. xxv, xxvi, 1853. a. PTILONOPUS. 1. PTILONOPUS SWAINSONI. Swainson's Fruit Pigeon. Columba purpurata (pars), Temm. Pig. p. 282 ? Columba purpurata, Jard. fy Selby, Illustr. Orn. pi. 70. Ptilinopus purpuratus, var. regina, Swains. Zool. Journ. i. p. 474. Ptilonopus Swainsoni, Gould, B. of Austr. pi. 55. Columba roseicapilla (pars), Less. Tr. Orn. p. 472. Columba porphyracea (pars), Temm. Linn. Trans, xiii. p. 131. COLUMBID.E. 3 Ptilinopus fasciatus (pars), Peale, Zool. U.S. Expl. Exp. viii. p. 194. Trygon (Ptilinopus) Swainsoni, Reichenb. Syst. Av. p. xxvi. Ptilopus Swainsoni, Pr. B. Consp. Gen. Av. ii. p. 19. a. New South Wales. From Mr. Warwick's Collection. b. Australia. Presented by the Rev. Augustus Strong. c. Howick's Group. From the Voyage of H.M.S. Rattle- snake, collected by J. M c Gillivray, Esq. d. Cape York. From the Voyage of H.M.S. Rattlesnake, collected by J. M c Gillivray, Esq. 2. PTILONOPUS EWINGII. Ewing's Fruit Pigeon. Ptilonopus Ewingii, Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. (1842) p. 19. Trygon (Ptilinopus) Ewingii, Reichenb. Syst. Av. p. xxvi. Ptilopus Ewingii, Pr. B. Consp. Gen. Av. ii. p. 20. Gould, B. of Austr. pi. 56. a, b. Port Essington, N. Australia. Presented by Capt. W. Chambers, R.N. c. Port Essington. Presented by Dr. Sibbald, R.N. 3. PTILONOPUS FLAVOCOLLIS. The yellow-throated Fruit Pigeon. Ptilonopus flavocollis, G. R. Gray, MSS. Columba purpurata (pars), Temm. Pig. i. p. 283 ? Columba porphyrea (porphyracea), Wagl. Syst. Av. Col. sp. 31 ? Ptilopus flavicollis, Pr. B. Consp. Gen. Av. ii. p. 20. a. Timor. From the Ley den Museum. 4. PTILONOPUS PORPHYRACEUS. The green-bellied Pigeon. Columba purpurata, p., Lath., Wagl. Syst. Av. Col. sp. 30 ; id. Isis (1829) p. 742. Columba purpurata, var., Temm. Pig. t. 35. Columba purpurata, Temm. Pig. Ind. p. 474. Columba porphyracea, Temm. Linn. Trans, xiii. p. 131. Columba porphyracea (pars), Forst. Icon. Ined. t. 141. ? Columba Forsifceri, Desm. Ptilinopus purpuratus, Swains. Zool. Journ. i. p. 475. Trygon (Ptilinopus) purpuratus, Reichenb. Syst. Av. p. xxvi? Trygon (Ptilinopus) porphyreus, Reichenb. Syst. Av. p. xxvi. Ptilopus porphyraceus, Pr. B. Consp. Gen. Av. ii. p. 21. a. ? Presented by E. Wilson, Esq. B 2 COLUMB.E. 5. PTILONOPUS PURPUREOCINCTUS. The purple-banded Pigeon. Ptilonopus purpureocinctus, G. R. Gray, Proc. Z. S. (1853) p. . Columba roseicapilla, Less. Tr. d'Orn. i. p. 472? Ptilopus roseicapillus, Pr. B. Consp. Gen. Av. ii. p. 21 ? Ptilopus Mercieri, Pr. B. Compt. Rend. (1855) p. . a. ? Presented by Major-Gen. Hardwicke. 6. PTILONOPUS MARINE. Marie's Fruit Pigeon. Ptilonopus ?, G. R. Gray, Gen. of B. iii. App. p. 23. Ptilonope de Marie, Homb. fy Jacq. Voy. au Pole Sud, 1. 29. f. 2. Ptilonopus Perousii, Peale, Zool. U. S. Expl. Exp. viii. p. 195. pi. 54: Coluinba Kurukuru superba, Homb. fy Jacq. Ann. des Sci. Nat. xvi. p. 316. Trygon (Ttilinopus) Mariae, Reichenb. Syst. Av. p. xxvi. Ptilopus Marise, Pr. B. Consp. Gen. Av, ii. p. 22. a. Navigator's Islands. Presented by the Rev. J. B. Stair. 7. PTILONOPUS FASCIATUS. The banded Fruit Pigeon. Ptilinopus fasciatus, Peale, Zool. U.S. Expl. Exp. viii. p. 193. pi. 53. Kurukuru samoensis, Flor. Prev. Zool. de la Venus, p. 247 ? Ptilopus apicalis, Pr. B. Consp. Gen. Av. ii. p. a. Navigator's Islands. (A young bird ?) Presented by the Rev. J. B. Stair. 8. PTILONOPUS GREYII. Grey's Fruit Pigeon. Ptilonopus Greyii, G. JR. Gray, MSS. Ptilopus purpuratus, Pr. B. Consp. Gen. Av. ii. p. 19? a, b. Loyalty Islands. Presented by his Excellency Sir George Grey, K.C.B. c. Isle of Pines. From the Voyage of H.M.S. Rattlesnake, collected by J. M c Gillivray, Esq. b. KURUTRERON. 9. PTILONOPUS PURPURATUS, The purple-crowned Pigeon. Columba purpurata, Gmel. S. N. i. p. 784. Columba Oopa, Wagl. Isis (1829) p. 742. COLUMBID/E. 5 Columbe de Taiti, Neboux, Rev. de Zool. (1840) p. 289. Columba kurukuru, var. taitensis, Less. Voy. de la Coqu. i. p. 297. Kurukuru DuPetithouarsii, Voy. de la Venus, pi. 7. Ptilinopus furcatus, Peale, U.S. Expl. Exp. viii. p. 191. Ptilinopus Nebouxi, Des Murs, Pr. B. Trygon (Ptilinopus) taitensis, Reichenb. Syst. Av. p. xxvi. Kurutreron oopa, Pr. B. Consp. Gen. Av. ii. p. 26. a. Tahiti. Presented by M. E. Verreaux. b. ? From Mr. Turner's Collection. 10. PTILONOPUS CHRYSOGASTER. The golden-bellied Fruit Pigeon. Ptilonopus chrysogaster, G. R. Gray, Proc. Z. S. (1853) p. . Kurutreron chrysogastra, Pr. B. Consp. Gen. Av. ii. p. 26. a. Tahiti? From MM. Verreaux's Collection. b. Tongatabou. From MM. Verreaux's Collection. C. THOU ARSITRE RON, 11. PTILONOPUS DUPETITHOUARSII. Marquesas' Fruit Pigeon. Columba DuPetithouarsii, Neboux, Rev. Zool. (1840) p. 289. Ptilonopus jEmilia3, Less. Desc. Mam. et Ois. (1847) p. 209. Ptilonope de Petit Thouars, Voy. au Pole Sud, t. 29. f. 1. Ptilonopus DuPetithouarsii, G. R. Gray, Gen. of B. iii. App. p. 23. Columba Kurukuru purpuroleucocephalis, Homb. fy Jacq. Ann. des Sci. Nat. xvi. p. 316. Ptilonopus leucocephalus, G.R. Gray, List ofGallina B.M. p. 2. Trygon (Ptilinopus) Du Petit Thouarsii, Reichenb. Syst. Av. p. xxvi. Thouarsitreron leucocephala, Pr. B. Consp. Gen. Av. ii. p. 16. a. Marquesas' Islands. From Mr. Gould's Collection. b. ? From Mr. Turner's Collection. c. ? Presented by Capt. Sir E. Belcher, C.B., R.N. 12. PTILONOPUS .XANTHOGASTER. The white-crowned Fruit Pigeon. Columba xanthogaster, Wagl. Syst. Av. Col. sp. 29. Ptilonopus purpuratus, ? Steph. Gen. Zool. xiv. 1. p. 277. Columba purpurata ? , Temm. O COLUMB^E. Columba diademata, Temm. PL Col. 254. Ptilonopus flavigaster, Swains. Class, of B. ii. p. 347. Ptilonopus xanthogaster, G. R. Gray, Gen. of B. ii. p. 466. Trygon (Ptilinopus) diadematus, Reichenb. Syst. Av. p. xxvi. Thouarsitreron diademata, Pr. B. Consp. Gen. Av. ii. p. 16. a. Mariana Islands. Presented by E. Wilson, Esq. d. JOTRERON. 13. PTILONOPUS VIRIDIS. The green Pigeon. Columba viridis, Linn. S. N. i. p. 283. Ptilinopus viridis, Swains. Zool. Journ. i. p. 473. Trygon (Ptilinopus) viridis, Reichenb, Syst. Av. p. xxvi. Jotreron viridis, Pr. B. Consp. Gen. Av. ii. p. 24. PL Enl. 142 ; Mag. de Zool. (1836) t. 76 ; Knip fy Prev. Pig. t. 17. a. Amboyna. Presented by E. Wilson, Esq. 14. PTILONOPUS EUGENIA. Eugenie's Pigeon. Ptilonopus (Jotreron) Eugenise, Gould, Proc. Z. S. (1855) p. . a. Solomon Island. Presented by J. Gould, Esq. 15. PTILONOPUS MELANOCEPHALUS. The black-capped Pigeon. Columba melanocephala, Gmel. S. N. i. p. 781. Ptilonopus melanocephalus, Steph. Gen. Zool. xiv. 1 . p. 279. Trygon (Ptilinopus) melanocephalus, Reichenb. Syst. Av. p. xxvi. Jotreron melanocephala, Pr.B. Consp. Gen. Av. ii. p. 24. PL Enl. 214 ; Penn. Ind. Zool. pi. 7 ; Temm. Pig. t. 30. a, b. Java. From Baron Laugier's Collection. c. Java. Presented by the Hon. East India Company. d. Indian Archipelago. Presented by Capt. Sir E. Belcher, C.B., R.N. 16. PTILONOPUS STROPHIUM. The white-banded Pigeon. Columba Rivolii, Knip fy Prev. Pig. t. 57 ? Ptilonopus Strophium, Gould, Jard. Contr. of Orn. (1850) p. 105. fig. on p. 102. Trygon (Ptilinopus) strophium, Reichenb. Syst. Av. p. xxvi. COLUMBID^E. / Jotreron Rivolii (pars), Pr.B. Consp. Gen. Av. ii. p. 25. Des Murs, Iconogr. Orn. t. 4. a. Louisiade Archipelago. From the Voyage of H.M.S. Rattlesnake, collected by J. M c Gillivray, Esq. b. Louisiade Archipelago. From M. Verreaux's Collection. e. RAMPHICULUS. 17. PTILONOPUS OCGIPITALIS. The occipital Pigeon. Ptilonopus occipitalis, G. R. Gray, List of Gallina B.M. p. 1. Trygon (Ptilinopus) occipitalis, Reichenb. Syst. Av. p. xxvi. Ramphiculus occipitalis, Pr. B. Consp. Gen. Av. ii. p. 1 7- G. R. Gray fy Mitch. Gen. of B. ii. p. 467. pi. 118. , b, Philippine Islands, males. From Mr. Cuming's Col- lection. c. Philippine Islands, female. From Mr. Cuming's Col- lection. 18. PTILONOPUS JAMBU. The Jamboo Pigeon. Columba jambu, Gmel. S. N. i. p. 784. Columba jambos, Latk. Ind. Orn. ii. p. 598. Ptilonopus jambu, G. R. Gray, List of Gallina B.M. p. 2. Trygon (Ptilinopus) Jamboo, Reichenb. Syst. Av. p. xxvi. Ramphiculus jambu, Pr. B. Compt. Rend. (1855) p. Jambotreron Jambu, Pr. B. Consp. Gen. Av. ii. p. 17- Temm. Pig. t. 27, 28. a, b. Indian Archipelago. c. Indian Archipelago. From Mr. Tucker's Collection. d. Singapore? Presented by the Earl of Ellenborough. f. LAMPROTRERON. 19. PTILONOPUS SUPERBUS. Temminck's Pigeon. Columba superba, Temm. Pig. t. 33. Ptilonopus superbus, Steph. Gen. Zool. xiv. 1. p. 279. Trygon (Ptilinopus) superbus, Reichenb. Syst. Av. p. xxvi. Lamprotreron superba, Pr. B. Consp. Gen. Av. ii. p. 18. Gould, B. ofAustr. pi. 57 ; Knip fy Prev. Pig. t. 42. a. Amboyna. From the Ley den Museum. b. Amboyna. Presented by Capt. Sir E. Belcher, C.B.,R.N. c. d. Australia. Presented by the Earl of Derby, K.G. COLUMB.E. 20. PTILONOPUS HOLOSERICEUS. The Vlouvlou Pigeon. Columba holosericea, Temm. Pig. t. 32. Ptilonopus holosericeus, G. R. Gray,, Gen. of B. ii. p. 467- Trygon (Ptilinopus) holosericeus, Reichenb. Syst. Av. p. xxvi. Lamprotreron holosericeus, Pr. B. Consp. Gen. Av. ii. p. a. Isle of Pines. From the Voyage of H.M.S. Herald, collected by J. M c Gillivray, Esq. 21. PTILONOPUS ROSEICOLLIS. The rose-necked Pigeon. Columba porphyrea, Reinw. PL Col. 106. Columba roseicollis, Wagl. Syst. Av. Col. sp. 27. Ptilinopus porphyreus, Swains. Zool. Journ. i. p. 473. Ptilonopus erythrocephalus, Swains. Class, of B. ii. p. 347. Ptilonopus roseicollis, G. R. Gray, List of Gallince B.M. p. L Trygon (Ptilinopus) roseicollis, Reichenb. Syst. Av. p. xxvi. Lamprotreron porphyrea, Pr. B. Consp. Gen. Av. ii. p. 18. Knip 4* Prev. Pig. t. 4. 0, b. Timor. From the Ley den Museum. c. Sumatra. From Baron Laugier's Collection. d. Indian Archipelago, Presented by W. Elliot, Esq., of Wolflee. g. LEUCOTRERON. 22. PTILONOPUS CINCTUS. The belted Pigeon. Columba cincta, Temm. Pig. t. 23. Ptilonopus cinctus, G. R. Gray, List of Gallince B.M. p. 2. Trygon (Ptilinopus) cinctus, Reichenb. Syst. Av. p. xxvi. Leucotreron cincta, Pr. B. Consp. Gen. Av. ii. p. 15. a. Indian Archipelago. From the Leyden Museum. h. CYANOTRERON. 23. PTILONOPUS CYANOVIRENS. The spot-headed Fruit Pigeon. Columba cyanovirens, Less. Voy. de la Coqu. Ois. t. 42. f . ] $ . Ptilinopus cyanovirens, Selby, Nat. Libr. v. p. 109. pi. 5. Ptilonopus leucogaster, Swains. Class, of B. ii. p. 34?. COLUMBID.E. Trygon (Ptilinopus) cyanovirens, Reichenb. Syst. Av. p. xxvi. Cyanotreron cyanovirens, Pr. B. Consp. Gen. Av. ii, p. 23. Knip 8f Prev. Pig. t. 9. a. Red Wallis' Island. Presented by the Earl of Derby, K.G. i. ERYTHRCENA. 24. PTILONOPUS PULCHERRIMUS. The red-crowned Pigeon. Columba pulcherrima, Scop. Del. Flor. et Faun. Insubr. p. 94. Columba rubricapilla, Gmel. S. N. i. p. 784. Ptilonopus pulcherrimus, G. R. Gray, List of Gallina B.M. p. 1. Carpophaga (lanthoenas) rubricapilla, Reichenb. Syst. Av.p. xxv. Erythrcena (vel Erythrotreron vel Erythrolaema) pulcherriraa, Pr. B. Consp. Gen. Av. ii. p. 30. Sonn. Voy. N. Guin. t. 67 ; Temm. Pig. t. 20. a. Island of Panay. Presented by Mrs. Thomas Bell. j. FURNINGUS. 25. PTILONOPUS MADAGASCARIENSIS. The Madagascar Pigeon. Columba madagascariensis, Linn. S. N. i. p. 283; Briss. Orn. i. p. 140. t. 14. f. 1. Columba phsenicura, Wagl. Syst. Av. Col. sp. 23. Carpophaga ? madagascariensis, G. R. Gray, Gen. ofB. ii. p. 469. Ptilonopus madagascariensis, G. R. Gray, Gen. of B. hi. App. p. 23. Carpophaga (Alectroenas) madagascariensis, Reichenb. Syst. Av. p. xxv. Funingus madagascariensis, Pr. B. Consp. Gen. Av. ii. p. 29. PL Enl. 11 ; Temm. Pig. t. 17 ; Levaill. Ois. d'Afr. t. 266. a. South Africa. Presented by E. Wilson, Esq. 2. TRERON. Treron, Vieill. Analyse, p. 49 (1816). Vinago, Cuv. Reg. Anim.i. p. 457 (1817). Columba, Wagl. Syst. Av. (1827). Toria, Hodgs. As. Res. (1836) xix. p. 164. B 5 10 COLUMBvE. Romeris, Hodgs. Journ. A. S. B. (1841) p. Osmotreron, Pr. B. Consp. Syst. Av. ii. p. 12 (1854). Butreron, Pr. B. Ann. des Sci. Nat. (1854) p. 139. Crocopus, Pr. B. Consp. Syst. Av. ii. p. 11 (1854). Phalaerotreron, Pr. B. Consp. Syst. Av. ii. p 6 (1854). Vinago, Pr. B. Ann. des Sci. Nat. (1854) p. 139. Sphenocercus, G.R. Gray, List of Gen. o/B. (1840) p. 57. Sphenurus, Swains. Classif. of B. ii. p. 348 (1837). Sphenarna, Pr. B. Ann. des Sci. Nat. (1854) p. 139. Sphenoena, Sphenotreron et Sphenocercus, Pr. B. Compt. Rend. (1855) p. . Trygon, Reichenb. Syst. Av. p. xxvi. a. TRERON. I. TRERON AROMATICA. The aromatic Pigeon. Columba aromatica, Gmel. S. N. i. p. 778 ; Briss. Orn. i. p. 145. t. 10. f. 2. Treron aromatica, G. R. Gray, List of Gen. of B. (1840) p. 57- Vinago aromatica, Cuv. Reg. An. (1817) p. 457. Treron (Toria) aromatica, Bl. Cat. ofB. p. 228. Trygon (Treron) aromatica, Reichenb. Syst. Av. p. xxvi. Treron axillaris, G. R. Gray, MSS. ; Pr. B. Compt. Rend. (1855) p. Osmotreron axillaris, Pr. B. Consp. Gen. Av. ii. p. 13. PL Enl. 163 ! a. ? Presented by Capt. Sir E. Belcher, C.B., R.N. b. Philippine Islands. From Mr. Cuming's Collection. 2. TRERON GRISEICAUDA, The grey-tailed Pigeon. Treron griseicauda, G. R. Gray, MSS. Treron aromatica, Pr. B. Consp. Gen. Av. ii. p. 10. a. ? From Mr. Argent's Collection. b. TORIA. 3. TRERON NIPALENSIS. The Nepal aromatic Pigeon. Toria nipalensis, Hodgs. As. Res. xix. p. 164. Treron nipalensis, Bl. Drafts Fauna Ind. Col. p. 2. Pr. B. Consp. Gen. Av. ii. p. 10. Treron aromatica, Hodgs. List of An. fy Birds B.M. p. 121. .13. COLUMBID^. 11 Treron (Toria) aromatica, var., El. Cat. p. 228. Roraeris (Toria) aromatica, Hodgs. Gray, Zool. Misc. p. 85. a. Nepal. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. C. OSMOTRERON. 4. TRERON MALABARICA. The Malabar Pigeon. Columba aromatica, Temm. Pig. t. 5 ? 3 Vinago aromatica, Jerd. Madr. Journ. xii. p. ! $ Vinago affinis, Jerd. Madr. Journ. xii. p. 13. Vinago malabarica, Jerd. Illustr. Ind. Orn. p. Treron malabarica, El. Drafts Fauna Ind. Col. p. 8. Osmotreron malabarica, Pr. B. Consp. Gen. Av. ii. p. 13? a. Malabar. Presented by Mrs. Spinkes. 6, c. Singapore. From Mr. Warwick's Collection. d, e. Madras. Presented by the Rev. B. Baber. 5. TRERON POMPADORA. The Pompadour Pigeon. Columba pompadora, Gmel. S. N. i. p. 775. Columba aromatica, var. b, Temm. Pig. Ind. p. 442. Columba phrenicoptera (pars), Wagl. Syst. Av. Col. sp. 1. Treron St.Thomae (pars), G. R. Gray, Gen. ofB. ii. p. 4(>7. Osmotreron pompadora, Pr. B. Consp. Gen. Av. ii. p. 14. Brown, Zool. Illustr. pi. 19. a, b. Ceylon. From Mr. Cuming's Collection. (i. TRERON FULVICOLLIS. The fulvous-necked Pigeon. Columba aromatica, var. d, Temm. Pig. 16. Columba cinnamomea, Temm. PL Col. Columba fulvicollis, Wagl. Syst. Av. Col. sp. 8. Treron fulvicollis, G. R. Gray, List of Gallince B.M. p. 3. Treron tenuirostre, Eyton, Ann. fy Mag. Nat. Hist. xvi. p. 230. Trygon (Treron) fulvicollis, Reichenb. Syst. Av. p. xxvi. Osmotreron fulvicollis, Pr. B. Consp. Gen. Av. ii. p. 14. a. Borneo. From the Leyden Museum. b. Malacca. Presented by Major Charlton. 7. TRERON OLAX. The odoriferous Pigeon. Columba olax, Temm. PL Col. 241. Treron olax, Steph. Gen. Zool. xiv. 1. p. 273. Vinago olax, Cuv. Reg. An. (1829) i. p. 492. 12 Trygon (Treron) olax, Reichenb. Syst. Av. p. xxvi. Osmotreron olax, Pr. B. Consp. Gen. Av. ii. p. 15. Knip fy Prev. Pig. t. 12. a. Indian Archipelago. b. Indian Archipelago. From Mr. Warwick's Collection, 8. TRERON PSITTACEA. The psittaceous Pigeon. Columba psittacea, Temm. Pig. t. 4. Columba psittacina, Wagl. Syst. Av. Col. sp. 4. Vinago psittacea, Steph. Gen. Zool. xi. 1. p. 112. Treron psittacea, Steph. I. c. xiv. 1. p. 274 ; Pr. B. Consp. Gen, Av. ii. p, 10. Trygon (Treron) psittacea, Reichenb. Syst. Av. p. xxvi. a. Timor. From the Ley den Museum. b. c. Copang Timor. Presented by J. B. Jukes, Esq< 9. TRERON VIRIDIS. The Parrot Pigeon. Columba viridis, Scop. Del. Flor. et Faun. Insubr. p. 94. Sonn. Voy. N. Guin. t. 64, 65. Columba vernans, Gmel. S. N. i. p. 789 ; Briss. Orn. i. p. 143, t. 11. f. 1. Columba vernans (pars), Temm. Pig. Ind. p. 443. Vinago vernans, Cuv. Reg. An. (1817) i. p. 457. Treron vernans, Steph. Gen. Zool. xiv. 1. p. 274. Treron viridis, Bl. Cat. ofB. p. 229. Trygon (Treron) vernans, Reichenb. Syst. Av. p. xxvi. Osmotreron vernans, Pr. B. Consp. Gen. Av. ii. p. 12. Columba purpurea, Gmel. S. N. i. p. 784; Brown, III. -pi. 18. Treron purpurea, G. R. Gray, Gen. of B. iii. App. p. 23. M.JM.13B? a, b. Philippine Islands. From Mr. Cuming's Collection. c. Java. Presented by J. Inskipp, Esq. d. Sumatra. Presented by the Hon. East India Company. e. Singapore. /. Indian Archipelago. Presented by Mr. Nightingale. g. Tenasserim. Presented by J. D. C. Packman, Esq. 10. TRERON BICINCTA. The double-banded Pigeon. Columba vernans, Temm. Pig. t. 10, 11. Columba vernans (pars), Wagl. Syst. Av. Col. sp. 9, Vinago bicincta, Jerd. Madr. Journ. xii. p. 13. Vinago unicolor, Jerd. Madr. Journ. xii. p. 14. COLUMBID^J. 13 Treron bicincta, Bl. Cat. ofB. p. 229. Treron vernans (pars), G. R. Gray, Gen. ofB. ii. p. 467. Trygon (Treron) bicincta, Reichenb. Syst. Av. p. xxvi. Columba vernans, var., Less. Treron multicolor, Reichenb. Icon. t. 148. f. 1342. Osmotreron bicincta, Pr. B. Consp. Gen. Av. ii. p. 12. Jerd. Illustr. Ind. Orn. pi. 21. a, b. Madras. Presented by the Rev. B. Baber. c, d. Madras. Presented by J. C. Jerdon, Esq. d. BUTRERON. 11. TRERON CAPELLEI. Capelle's Pigeon. Columba Capellei, Temm. PI. Col. 143. Columba gigantea, Rqffl. Vinago gigantea, Vig. Zool. App. Mem. Sir S. Raffles, p. 674. Treron Capellei, Steph. Gen. Zool. xiv. 1. p. 276. pi. 32. Treron magnirostris, Strickl. Ann. fy Mag. N. H. (1844) p. 116. Vinago Capellei, Cuv. Reg. An. (1829) i. p. 492. Treron (Toria) Capellei, Bl. Cat. of B. p. 228. Trygon (Treron) Capellei, Reichenb. Syst. Av. p. xxvi. Butreron Capelli, Pr. B. Consp. Gen. Av. ii. p. 9. Knip $ Prev. Pig. t. 38. a. Indian Archipelago. From Mr. Cuming's Collection. b, c. Indian Archipelago. Presented by Capt. Sir E. Bel- cher, C.B., R.N. e. CROCOPUS. 12. TRERON PHGENICOPTERUS. The purple-shouldered Pigeon. Columba St. Thomse, Gmel. S. N. p. 778 ? Columba phoenicoptera, Lath. Ind. Orn. ii. p. 597- Columba militaris, Temm. Pig. t. 1. Columba Hardwickii, Gray in Griff. An. Kingd. viii. p. 291. pi. . Vinago militaris, Steph. Gen. Zool. xi. p. 109. Treron militaris, Steph. Gen. Zool. xiv. 1. p. 274. Treron phsenicoptera, Bl. Cat. of B. p. 229. Treron St. Thorns, G. R. Gray, List of Gallince B.M. p. 2. Trygon (Treron) St. Thomae, Reichenb. Syst. Av. p. xxvi. Crocopus phoenicopterus, Pr. B. Consp. Gen. Av. ii. p. 11. Gould, Cent. ofB. pi. 58. a c. Nepal. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. 14 COLUMB^E. 13. TRERON CHLORIGASTER. The yellow-bellied Pigeon. Treron Jerdoni, StricM. Ann. fy Mag. N. H. (1844) p. 167. Treron chlorigaster, Bl. Journ. A. S. B. (1843) xii. p. 167 ; xiv. p. 850. Vinago militaris 1, Jerd. Madr. Journ. xii. p. 12. Crocopus chlorogaster, Pr. B. Consp. Gen. Av. ii. p. a. India. Presented by J. C, Jerdon, Esq. b, c. Behar. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. d. Malabar. Presented by Mrs. Spinkes. e. India. From Mr. Warwick's Collection. /, g. Madras. Presented by the Rev. B. Baber. f. PHALACROTRERON. 14. TRERON CALVA. The bald Pigeon. Columba calva, Temm. Pig. t. 7- Vinago calva, Cuv. Reg. An. (1817) p. 492. Treron? calva, Steph. Gen. Zool. xiv. 1. p. 273. Treron calva, G. R. Gray, Gen. ofB. ii. p. 467. Trygon (Treron) calva, Reichenb. Syst. Av. p. xxvi. Phalacrotreron calva, Pr. B. Consp. Gen. Av. ii. p. 6. Vinago australis, Jard. fy 8elby,Illustr. Orn. pi. 81. Vinago pityriopsis, Verr. Rev. et Mag. Zool. (1854) p. . a. West Africa. Presented by Col. Sabine, R.A. b. Gaboon, c. West Africa. From M. Verreaux's Col- lection. 15. TRERON DELALANDII. Delaland's Pigeon. Phalacrotreron Delalandii, Pr. B. Consp. Gen. Av. ii. p. 6. Treron calva, Verr. Rev. et Mag. Zool. (1852) p. 423. Treron nudirostris, Lichl. a, b. Cape of Good Hope. Presented by the Earl of Derby, c. South Africa. From M. Verreaux's Collection. 16. TRERON NUDIROSTRIS. The naked-billed Pigeon. Vinago nudirostris, Swains. B. of W. Afr. ii. p. 205. Treron nudirostris, Reichenb. Phalacrotreron nudirostris, Pr. B. Consp. Gen. Av. ii. p. 6. a. West Africa. From M. Verreaux's Collection. COLUMBID^E. 15 17. TRERON ABYSSINICA. The Waalia Pigeon. Columba Abyssinica, Lath. Ind. Orn. Suppl. p. 60. Columba humeralis, Wagl. Syst, Av. Col. sp. 2. Columba Waalia, Rupp. Vinago Abyssinica, Cuv. Reg. Anim. (1817) i. p. 457. Treron Abyssinica, G. R. Gray, List of Gallince EM. p. 3. Trygon (Treron) Abyssinica, Reichenb. Syst. Av. p. xxvi. Phalacrotreron abyssinicus, Pr. B. Consp. Gen. Av. ii. p. 7- Temm. Pig. t. 8, 9 ; Levaill. Ois. de VAfr. t. 276, 277- a. W. Africa. Presented by Col. Sabine, R.A. g. SPHENOCERCUS. 18. TRERON SPHENURA. The wedge-tailed Pigeon. Vinago sphenura, Vigors, P. Z. S. (1831) p. 173. Treron sphenura, G. R. Gray, List of Gallince B.M. p. 4. Trygon (Treron) sphenurus, Reichenb. Syst. Av. p. xxvi. Ptilonopus macronotus, Hodgs., Gray, Zool. Misc. p. 85. Treron (Sphenocircus) cantillans, Bl. Cat. of B. p. 230. Vinago cantillans, Bl. Journ. As. Soc. Beng. xii. p. 166. Ptilonopus Turturoides, Hodgs. 1. c. p. 85. Sphenocercus sphenurus, Pr. B. Consp. Gen. Av. ii. p. 8. Gould, Cent, of B. pi. 57 ; Knip fy Prev. Pig. t. 49. a. Himalayan Mountains. Presented by J. Gould, Esq. b e. Nepal. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. /. Young. Northern India. Presented by H. Drummond, Esq. g. Nepal (V. cantillans). Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. h, i. Nepal (P. turturoides). Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. 19. TRERON SIEBOLDII. The white-booted Pigeon. Columba Sieboldii, Temm. PL Col. 549. Treron Sieboldii, G. R. Gray, List of Gallince B.M. p. 4, Trygon (Treron) Sieboldii, Reichenb. Syst. Av. p. xxvi. Sphenocercus Sieboldi, Pr. B. Consp. Gen. Av. ii. p. 9. Knip 4* Prev. Pig. t. 10. a, b. Japan. From the Ley den Museum. COLUMB^E. 20. TRERON KORTHALSII. Korthals' Pigeon. Columba sphenura, Temm. Columba Korthalsii, Temm. Treron Korthalsii, G. R. Gray, List of Gallince EM. p. 4. Sphenocercus Korthalsi, Pr. B. Consp. Gen. Av. ii. p. 9. fl, b. Sumatra. From the Ley den Museum. 21. TRERON APICAUDA. The pointed-tailed Pigeon. Vinago apicauda, Hodgs. MSS. Treron apicauda, G. R. Gray, List of Gallince B.M. p. 4. Vinago sphenura, Hodgs., Gray, Zool. Misc. p. 85. Treron (Sphenocercus) apicauda, Bl. Cat. of B. p. 230. Sphenocercus apicaudus, Pr. B. Consp. Gen. Av. ii. p. 8. a e. Nepal. Presented hy B. H. Hodgson, Esq. ii. COLUMBINE. 1. CARPOPHAGA. Muscadivores, Less. Tr. d'Orn. p. 468 (1831). Carpophaga, Selby, Nat. Libr.v. p. 112 (1835). Globicera, Pr. B. Consp. Syst. Av. ii. p. 30 (1854). Ducula, Hodgs. As. Res. (1836) xix. p. 162. Rinopus, Hodgs. Journ. A. S. B. (1841) p. Rhinopus, Agass. Myristicivora, Reichenb. Syst. Av. p. xxvi (1853). ? Craspedoenas, Reichenb. Syst. Av. p. xxv (1853). Craspedaenas. Pr. B. Ann. des Sci. Nat. (1854) p. 140. Megaloprepia, Reichenb. Syst. Av. p. xxvi (1853). Hemiphaga, Pr. B. Ann. des Sci. Nat. (1854) p. 140. Ptilocolpa, Pr. B. Consp. Syst. Av. ii. p. 34 (1854). Pterocolpa, Pr. B. in lilt. G. R. Gray, Cat. of Gen. 4* Subgen. of B. (1855) p. 97. Zoncenas, Reichenb. Syst. Av. p. xxvi (1853). Zonaenas, Pr. B. Ann. des Sci. Nat. (1854) p. 140. Alscecomus, Tick. Journ. A. S. B. (1842) p. 867. Alsocomus, Bl. Cat. of B. p. 232 (1849). Alsecomus, Pr. B. Ann. des Sci. Nat. (1854) p. 140. Janthoenas, Reichenb. Syst. Av. p. xxv (1853). Janthaenas, Pr. B. Ann. des Sci. Nat. (1854) p. 140. Leucomelsena, Pr. B. Ann. des Sci. Nat. (1854) p. 140. Leucomelcena, Pr. B. Compt. Rend. (1855) p. . COLUMBlDjE. 17 a. CARPOPHAGA. 1. CARPOPHAGA SYLVATICA. The wood Fruit Pigeon. Columba sylvatica, Tick. Journ.A. S. B. ii. p. 581. Carpophaga aenea, Jerd. Madr. Journ. xii. p. 11. Carpophaga sylvatica, El. Journ. A. S. B. xiv. p. 581 ; Pr. B. Consp. Gen. Av. ii. p. 33. ? Carpophaga pusilla, Bl. Journ. A. S. B. xviii. p. a. Malabar. Presented by Mrs. Spinkes. b. India. Presented by the Hon. East India Company. c. d. Madras. Presented by the Rev. B. Baber. e. Neilgherries (C. pusilla). f. Ceylon. Presented by Dr. Kelaart. 2. CARPOPHAGA PAULINA. Pauline's nutmeg Pigeon. Columba paulina, Temm. Mus. Lug dun. Ducula paulina, Pr. B. Consp. Gen. Av. ii. p. 35. Columba aenea $ , Temm. Pig. t. 4. Columba aenea, p., Wagl. Syst. Av. Col. sp. 15. Carpophaga rufinucha, Cass. Proc. Acad. Sc. Philad. (1855) p. . a. Celebes? Presented by E. Wilson, Esq. 3. CARPOPHAGA CHALYBURA. The Philippine nutmeg Pigeon. Carpophaga chalybura, Pr. B. Consp. Gen. Av. ii. p. 32. Carpophaga aenea, Peale, Zool. U. S. Explor. Exped. viii. p. 198 ? Columba aenea $ , Temm. Pig. t. 3 ? Columba aenea, var. j3, Wagl. Syst. Av. Col. sp. 15. a. Philippine Islands. Presented by E. Wilson, Esq. 4. CARPOPHAGA ROSACEA. The rosy Pigeon. Columba rosacea, Temm. PL Col. 578. Carpophaga rosacea, G. R. Gray, List of Gallina B.M. p. 6. Ducula rosacea, Pr. B. Consp. Gen. Av. ii. p. 36. Knip fy Prev. Pig. t. 34. a. Timor. From the Leyden Museum. b. Copang, Timor. Presented by J. B. Jukes, Esq. 18 COLUMBA. 5. CARPOPHAGA PISTRINARIA. The silvery-grey Pigeon Carpophaga vel Ducula pistrinaria, Pr. B. Consv. Gen. Av ii. p. 36. a. San Christoval, Solomon Islands ( M c Gillivray, Esq. 6. CARPOPHAGA PERSPICILLATA, The spectacle Pigeon. Columba perspicillata, Temm. PL Col. 246. Carpophaga perspicillata, G. R. Gray, List of Gallince B.M. p. 6; Pr. B. Consp. Gen. Av. ii. p. 33. a. Amboyna. From the Leyden Museum. b. GLOBICERA. 7. CARPOPHAGA GLOBICERA. The globe-bearing Pigeon. Columba globicera, Forst.-, Wagl. Isis (1829), p. 438. Columba aenea, Quoy et Gaim. Voy. de I'Uranie, t. 29. Columba aenea 3 , Wagl. Syst. Av. Col. no. 15. Columba pacifica, var. ft Lath. ? Globicera pacifica, Pr. B. Consp. Gen. Av. ii. p. 30. a. ? Presented by J. Beale, Esq. b. ? From Baron Laugier's Collection. 8. CARPOPHAGA SUNDEVALLI. Sundeval's nutmeg Pigeon. Globicera Sundevalli, Pr. B. Consp. Gen. Av. ii. p. 32. a. He Waigiou. From MM. Verreaux's Collection. b f c, d. Louisiade Archipelago. From the Voyage of H.M.S. Rattlesnake, collected by J. M c Gillivray, Esq. 9. CARPOPHAGA RUBRACERA. The red-cered Pigeon. Carpophaga rubracera, G. E. Gray, Proc.Zool. Soc. (1853) p. . Globicera rubricera, Pr. B. Consp. Gen.Av. ii. p. 31. a. ? From Mr. Argent's Collection. b. San Christoval, Solomon Islands ( ii. p. 64. Briss. Orn. i.t. 11. f. 1 ; PL Enl. 161. a. Gambia. From Mr. Kendall's Collection. b, c. S. Africa. From Dr. A. Smith's Collection. d. S. Africa, young. From Dr. A. Smith's Collection. 10. TURTUR ALBIVENTRIS. The half-collared Pigeon. Turtur risorius, Selby, Nat. Libr. v. p. I/O (descr.). Turtur semitorquatus, Swains. B. of W. Afr. ii. p. 208. Turtur Levaillanti, Temm. Turtur albiventris, G. R. Gray, Gen. of B. ii. p. 472. Turtur vinacea, Bl. Cat. of B. p. 235. Columba bicincta, A. Smith's MSS. Streptopelia semitorquatus, Pr. B. Consp. Gen. Av. ii. p. 64. a, b. S. Africa. Presented by Major-General Hardwicke. n ? l> . ~ ^ $ d. ? Presented by Sir W. Burnett and Capt. Fitz- roy, R.N. e. S. Africa. From Dr. A. Smith's Collection. /. S. Africa, young. From Dr. A. Smith's Collection. a. Tschaddak. Presented by Dr. Balfour Backie. 11. TURTUR RISORIUS. The collared Turtle. Columba risoria, Linn. Syst. Nat. p. 285. Wagl. Syst. Av. Col. sp. 93, var. cicurat. a. Turtur risorius, Selby, Nat. Libr.v. pi. 17- Streptopelia risorius, Pr. B. Consp. Gen. Av. ii. p. 65. Frisch, Av. t. 141; PI. Enl. 244; Sonn. It. ii. t. 102; Temm. Pig. t. 44. Yar. Columba alba, Temm. Pig. t. 46. Var. Columba risoria, Licht. Verz. Doubl. p. 67. no. 696. Var. Columba douraca, Hodgs., Gray, Zool. Misc. p. 85. a. China (var.). Presented by J. Reeves, Esq. b. c. Persia (C. douraca). Presented by W. K. Loftus, Esq. d h. Nepal (C. douraca). Presented by B.H.Hodgson, Esq. i. China (C. alba). Presented by J. Reeves, Esq. 12. TURTUR BITORQUATUS. The double-ringed Pigeon. Columba bitorquata, Temm. Pig. t. 40. Turtur bitorquatus, G. R. Gray, List of Gallince B.M. p. 12. Streptopelia bitorquata, Pr. B. Consp. Gen. Av. ii. p. 65. a, b. Indian Archipelago? From Baron Laugier's Collection. c. Chick, South Africa. From M. Verreaux's Collection. COLUMBID.E. 45 13. TURTUR DUSSUMIERI. Dussumier's Turtle. Columba Dussumieri, Temm. PL Col. 188. Turtur Dussumieri, G. R. Gray, Gen. o/B. ii. p. 472. Streptopelia Dussumieri, Pr. B. Consp. Gen. Av. ii. p. 65. Knip 8f Prev. Pig. t. 20. a. Philippine Islands. From Mr. Cuming's Collection. 14. TURTUR HUMILIS. The dwarf Turtle. Columba liumilis, Temm. PL Col. 258. 259. Turtur humilis, G. R. Gray, List of Gallina B.M. p. 12. (Ena murvensis, Hodgs., Gray, Zool. Misc. p. 85. Streptopelia humilis, Pr. B. Consp. Gen. Av. ii. p. 66. Knip $ Prev. Pig. t. 7- a. India, male. b. India, female. From Baron Laugier's Collection. c. India. Presented by J. Gould, Esq. d g. Nepal. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. iii. GOURINJE. 1. COLUMBULA. Columbina, Spix, Av. Bras. ii. p. 57 (1824). Columbula, Pr. B. Consp. Syst. Av. ii. p. 80 (154). Uropeleia, Pr. B. in litt. G. R. Gray, Cat. of Gen. Subgen.ofB.p. 100(1855). Uropelia, Pr. B. Consp. Syst. Av. ii. p. 85 (1854). a. COLUMBULA. 1. COLUMBULA STREPITANS. The noisy Pigeon. Columbina strepitans, Spix, Av. Bras. t. 75. f. 1. Columba strepitans, Wagl. Syst. Av. Col. sp. 109. Chamsepelia strepitans, Hartl. Syst. Verz. p. 99. Chamsepeleia (Columbina) strepitans, Reichenb. Syst. Av. p. xxiv. Columbula strepitans, Pr. B. Consp. Gen. Av. ii. p. 80. a. Bolivia. From M. Verreaux's Collection. 46 COLUMBJ2, 2. COLUMBULA PICUI. The Chilian Pigeon. Columba picui, Temm. Pig. Ind. p. 498. Goiira picui, Steph. Gen. Zool. xi. 1. p. 135. Columbina picui, G. R. Gray, List of Gallince B.M. p. 13. Chamsepeleia (Columbina) picui, Reichenh. Syst. Av. p. xxiv. Columbula picui, Pr. B. Consp. Gen. Av. ii. p. 80. Knip Sf Prev. Pig. t. 39. a, b. Chili. From Mr. Brydges' Collection. 3. COLUMBULA CRUZIANA. The garnet-banded Pigeon. Columba cruziana, D'Orb. Columba gracilis, Tschudi, Faun. Per. t. 30. Peristera? cruziana, G. R. Gray, Gen. of B. ii. p. 476. Columbina gracilis, G. R. Gray, Gen. of B. ii. p. 474. Peristera chalcostigma, Reichenb. Icon. t. 245 b. f. 3533-34. Chamaepeleia cruziana, Reichenb. Syst. Av. p. xxiv. Chamsepelia (Columbina) gracilis, Reichenb. Syst. Av. p. xxv. Columbula cruziana, Pr. B. Consp. Gen. Av. ii. p. 80. Knip 8f Prev. Pig. t. 48. a. Guayaquil. b. Bolivia. From M. Verreaux's Collection. b. UROPELIA. 4. COLUMBULA CAMPESTRIS. The azure-spotted Pigeon. Columbina campestris, Spix, Av. Bras. t. 75. f. 2. Columba venusta, Temm. PL Col. 341. f. 1 ; Knip fy Prev. Pig. t. 26. Columba campestris, Wagl. Syst. Av. Col. sp. 110. Columbina venusta, G. R. Gray, List of Gallina B.M. p. 14. Chamsepelia venusta, G. R. Gray, Gen. of B. ii. p. 475. Chamaepeleia (Columbina) campestris, Reichenb. Syst. Av. p. xxv. Uropelia campestris, Pr. B. Consp. Gen. Av. ii. p. 85. a. Bolivia. From M. Verreaux's Collection. 2. ZENAIDA. Zenaida, Pr. B. Comp. List of B. Eur. fy Amer. p. 41 (1838). Zenoida, Des Murs, Chenu, Encyc. d'Hist. Nat. Ois. vi. p. 49 (1854). Melopelia, Pr. B. Consp. Syst. Av. ii. p. 81 (1854). COLUMBID^E. 47 a. ZEN AID A. 1. ZENAIDA AMABILIS. Zenaida Pigeon. Columba Zenaida, Pr. B. Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad. (1823) p. 28 ; id. Amer. Orn. pi. I/, f. 2. Zenaida amabilis, Pr. B. Comp. List of B. Eur. fy Amer. p. 41 ; id. Consp. Gen. Av. ii. p. 82. Chamsepeleia (Zenaida) amabilis, Reichenb. Syst. Av. p. xxiv. a, b. Jamaica. Presented by J. Gould, Esq. c. Jamaica. From Mr. Cuming's Collection. d. Jamaica. From Mr. Leadbeater's Collection. e. St. Domingo. From Mr. Cuming's Collection. /. St. Domingo. From M. Verreaux's Collection. 2. ZENAIDA BIMACULATA. The black and white spotted Pigeon. Zenaida bimaculata, G. R. Gray, MSS. a. Barbadoes. Presented by Sir R. Schomburgk, K.H. 3. ZENAIDA MACULATA. The black-spotted Pigeon. Columba maculata, Vieill. Encyc. Mefh. p. 376. Columba aurita, Licht. Verz. Doubl. p. 66. Zenaida maculata, Pr. B. Consp. Gen. Av. ii. p. 82. Peristera chrysauchenia, Reichenb. Icon. t. 161. f. 1429. a. Brazil. From M. Verreaux's Collection. 4. ZENAIDA AURTCULATA. The violet-eared Pigeon. Peristera auriculata, Gay, Historia de Chile, p. 381. t. 6. Columba auriculata, Desm. Zenaida auriculata, Pr. B. Consp. Gen. Av. ii. p. 82. Zenaida chilensis, Pr. B. ; Reichenb. Icon. t. 245 b. f. 3529-30. Chamsepeleia (Zenaida) chilensis, Reichenb. Syst. Av. p. xxiv. a. Chili. Presented by Capt. Lord Byron, R.N. b. Chili. From Mr. Warwick's Collection. 5. ZENAIDA NORONHA. The Noronha Pigeon. Zenaida noronha, G. R. Gray, MSS. a, b. Fernanda Noronha. Presented by Sir W. Burnett and Capt. Fitzroy, R.N. c. ? Para. Presented by R. Graham, Esq. 48 COLUMB^E. 6. ZENAIDA HYPOLEUCA. The Pearl Island Pigeon. Zenaida hypoleuca, G. R. Gray, MSS. ; Pr.B. Consp. Gen. Av. ii. p. 83. a. Pearl Island. Presented by Capt. Kellett and Comm. Wood, R.N. 7. ZENAIDA GALAPAGOENSIS. The Galapagos Pigeon. Zenaida galapagoensis, Gould, Voy. Beagle, Zool. pi. 46 ; Pr. B. Consp. Gen. Av. ii. p. 82. Columbi-gallina galapagoensis, Neboux, Voy. de la Venus, t. 8. Chamaepeleia (Zenaida) galapagoensis, Reichenb.Syst.Av.p.xxiv. a. Chili ? Presented by Capt. Lord Byron, R.N. b. ? Presented by Capt. Kellett and Comm. Wood, R.N. 8. ZENAIDA STENURA. The Columbian Pigeon. Zenaida stenura, Pr. B. Consp. Gen. Av. ii. p. 84. a. Columbia. From M. Verreaux's Collection. 9. ZENAIDA RUFICAUDA. The rufous-tailed Pigeon. Zenaida ruficauda, G. R. Gray, MSS. a, b. New Granada. From Mr. Stevens' Collection. 10. ZENAIDA PENTHERIA. The New Granada Pigeon, Zenaida pentheria, Pr. B. Consp. Gen. Av. ii. p. 84. a. New Granada. From Mr. Stevens' Collection. b, c. Columbia. From M. Verreaux's Collection. b. ME LOP ELI A. 11. ZENAIDA LEUCOPTERA. The white-winged Pigeon. Columba leucoptera, Linn. S. N. i. p. 617 ; Edw. Birds, pi. 76. Zenaida leucoptera, G. R. Gray, List of Gailince B.M. p. 14. Turtur leucopterus, Gosse, B. of Jam. p. 304. Columba Trudeaui, Audub. B. of Amer. pi. 496. Chamaepeleia (Zenaida) leucoptera et Trudeaui, Reichenb. Syst. Av. p. xxvi. COLUMBIDJE. 49 Melopelia leucoptera, Pr. B. Consp. Gen. Av. ii. p. 81. Columba gymnophtalmos (pars), Temm. Pig. p. . a. West Indies. b, c. Jamaica. Presented by J. Gould, Esq. d. Jamaica. From Mr. Gosse's Collection. 3. CILEMEPELIA. Chaemepelia, Swains. Zool. Journ. (1827). Chcemepelia, Swains. Classif. of B. ii. p. 361 (1837). Columbina, G. R. Gray, List of Gen. of B. (1840) p. 58. Chamaepelia, G. R. Gray, List of Gen. of B. (184 1) p. 75. Columbi-gallina, Boie, Isis (1826) p. 977. Chamaepeleia, Reichcnb. Syst. Av. p. xxiv(1853). Talpacotia, Pr. B. Consp. Syst. Av. ii. p. 79 (1854). Scardafella, Pr. B. Consp. Syst. Av. ii. p. 85 (1854). ? Coturniccenas, Des Murs, Chenu, Encyc. d'Hist. Nat. Ois. vi. p. 50 (1854). a. CHMMEPELIA. 1. CH^MEPELIA PASSERINA. The ground Dove. Columba passerina, Linn. Syst. Av. i. p. 285; Sloane, Jam. pi. 206. f. 3. Chaemepelia passerina, Swains. Zool. Journ. iii. p. 361. Goura passerina, Steph. Gen. Zool. xi. 1. p. 133. Columbina passerina, G. R. Gray, List of Gen. ofB. (1840) p. 58. Chamaepelia passerina, G. jR. Gray, List of Gen. of B. (1841) p. 75 ; Pr. B. Consp. Gen. Av. ii. p. 77- Chamaepeleia passerina, Reichenb. Syst. Av. p. xxiv. Chamrepelia granatina, Pr. B. Consp. Gen. Av. ii. p. 77- PI. Enl. 243. f. 1 ; ? Wils. Amer. Orn. pi. 46. f. 2, 3 ; Temm. Pig. t. 13, 14. a, b. Jamaica. From Mr. Leadbeater's Collection. c. North America. Presented by Maj.-Gen. Hardvvicke. d. North America. Presented by H.R.H. the Duke of Sussex, K.G. &c. e. South America? From M. Verreaux's Collection. /. ? Mexico. From Mr. Stevens' Collection. D 50 COLUMBA. 2. CH.EMEPELIA TROCHILA. The white-fronted Pigeon, Chamsepelia trochila, Pr. B. Consp. Gen. Av. ii. p. 77. a. Barbadoes. Presented by Sir R. Schomburgk, K.H. 3. CH^EMEPELIA GRISEOLA. The passerine Pigeon. Columba minuta, Temm. Pig. t. 16 (nee Linn.}. Columbina griseola, Spix, Av. Bras. t. 7 5 a. f. 2. Chamsepelia minuta, G. R. Gray, List of Gallince B.M. p. 15. Chamsepelia griseola, Pr. B. Consp. Gen. Av. ii. p. 78. a, b. South America. From Mr. Gould's Collection. c. Brazil. Presented by Lord Stuart de Rothesay. 4. CHJSMEPELIA AMAZILIA. The Amazilian Pigeon. Chamsepelia amazilia, Pr. B. Consp. Gen. Av. ii. p. 78. Chamsepelia minuta, Peale, Expl. Exped. U.S., Zool. viii. p. 207. a. Peru. From M. Verreaux's Collection. b d. New Granada. From Mr. Argent's Collection. e. New Granada. From Mr. Stevens' Collection. b. TALPACOTIA. 5. CH^MEPELIA TALPACOTI. The Talpacoti Pigeon. Chsemepelia talpacoti, Swains. Selby, Nat. Libr. v. p. 200. pi. 22. Columba talpacoti, Temm. Pig. 1. 12. Columbina cabocola, Spix, Av. Bras. t. 75 a. f. 1. Chsemepelia cinnamomea, Swains. Classif. of B. ii. p. 349. Goiira talpacoti, StepTi. Gen. Zool. xi. 1. p. 136. Chamsepelia talpacoti, G. jR. Gray, Gen. ofB. ii. p. 475. Chamsepeleia talpacoti, Reichenb. Syst. Av. p. xxv. Talpacotia cinnamomea, Pr. B. Consp. Gen. Av. ii. p. 79. a. Brazil. From Baron Laugier's Collection. b. Para. From Mr. Stevens' Collection. ce. Bolivia. From Mr. Brydges' Collection. f t ? variety. From the Zoological Society's Collection. COLUMBID.E. 51 6. CH^MEPELIA RUFIPENNIS. The rufous-winged Pigeon. Chaemepelia rufipennis, G. R. Gray, MSS. Talpacotia rufipennis, Pr. B. Consp. Gen. Av. ii. p. 79. a. Trinidad. Presented by Major Finch. b. W. Coast of America. Presented by Capt. Kellett and Comm. Wood, R.N. c. Cayenne. Albido variety. Presented by H. C. Ro- thery, Esq. d. Columbia. From M. Verreaux's Collection. C. SCARDAFELLA. 7. CH^MEPELIA SQUAMOSA. The scaly Pigeon. Columba squamosa, Temm. Pig. t. 59. Chaemepelia squamosa, Swains. Zool. Journ. iii. p. 361. Columbina squamosa, G. R. Gray, List of GallincB B.M. p. 13. Chama?pelia squamosa, G. R. Gray, Gen. of B. ii. p. 475. Geopelia squamosa, Hartl. Syst. Verz. p. 98. Turtur (CEna) squamosa et Chamsepeleia (Columbina) squamosa, Reichenb. Syst. Av. p. xxv. Scardafella squamosa, Pr. B. Consp. Gen. Av. ii. p. 85. a. South America. b. South America. From Mr. Warwick's Collection. c. Bahia. From the Sudbury Museum. 8. CH^EMEPELIA INCA. The Inca Pigeon. Chamsepelia inca, Less. Descr. Mam. et Ois. (1847) p. 210. Scardafella inca, Pr. B. Consp. Gen. Av. ii. p. 85. a. Mexico. From M. Verreaux's Collection. 4. PERISTERA. Peristera, Swains. Zool. Journ. (1827) P- 360. Metriopeleia, Pr. B. in litt. G. R. Gray, List of Gen. Subgen. (1855) p. 100. Metriopelia, Pr. B. Consp. Syst. Av. ii. p. 75 (1854). Leptotila, Swains. Classif. of B. ii. p. 349 (1837). Leptoptila, G. R. Gray's List of Gen. (1841) p. 75. Peristera, Selby, Nat. Libr. v. p. 203 (1835). Oreopeleia, Reichenb. Syst. Av. p. xxv (1853). Oropelia, Pr. B. Ann. des Sci. Nat. (1854) p. 140. D2 52 COLUMB^E. Geotrygon, Gosse, B. of Jam. p. 316(1847). Osculatia, Pr. B. Consp. Syst. Av. ii. p. 73 (1854). Aplopelia, Pr.B. Consp. Syst. Av. ii. p. 66 (1854). Tympanistria, Reichenb. Syst. Av. p. xxv (1853). Chalcopelia, Pr.B. Consp. Syst. Av. ii. p. 67 (1854). a. PERISTERA. 1. PERISTERA CINEREA. The varied Pigeon. Columba cinerea, Temm. Pig. t. 58. Peristera cinerea, Swains. ZooL Journ. iii. p. 360; Pr.B. Consp. Gen. Av. ii. p. 75. Chamaepelia cinerea, Hartl. Syst. Verz. p. 99. Columba ustulata, Licht. PL Col. 260. a. Male ; b. Female. Cayenne. From Baron Laugier's Collection. c, d. Males. South America. e. Male; /. Female. Brazil. Presented by Lord Stuart de Rothesay. g. Male. Ucayali. From Mr. Gould's Collection. 2. PERISTERA GEOFFROYI. Geoffrey's Pigeon. Columba Geoffroyi, Temm. Pig. t. 57. Peristera Geoffroyi, G. R. Gray, List of Gallince B.M. p. 16 ; Pr. B. Consp. Gen. Av. ii. p. 75. Chamsepelia Geoffroyi, Hartl. Syst. Verz. p. 99. Peristera trifasciata, Reichenb. Icon. t. 161. f. 1430 $ . a. South America. From Baron Laugier's Collection. b. South America. Presented by Maj.-Gen. T. Hardwicke. c. Male; d. Female. Brazil. From Mr. Gould's Col- lection. b. METRIOPELIA. 3. PERISTERA MELANOPTERA. The Bolivian Pigeon. Columba melanoptera, Mol. Hist. Nat. Chili, p. 308. Columba boliviana, D'Orb. et Lafr. Mag. de Zool. Ois. t, Columbina boliviana, G. R. Gray, List of Gallince B.M. p. 13. Peristera boliviana, G. R. Gray, Gen. of B. ii. p. 4?6. COLUMBID.E. 53 Chamaepeleia (Zenaida) boliviana, Reichenb. Syst. Av. p. xxiv. Metriopelia melanoptera, Pr. B. Consp. Gen. Av. ii. p. 75. Knip Sf Prev. Pig. t. 22. a. Chili. Presented by C. Crawley, Esq. b. Chili. From Mr. Warwick's Collection. 4. PERISTERA ANAIS. The bare-eyed Pigeon. Columba anais, Less. Desc. Mam. et Ois. (1847) p. 210. Chaeraepelia gymnops, G. R. Gray, MSS. Metriopelia anais, Pr. B. Consp. Gen. Av. ii. p. 76. a, b. Bolivia. From Mr. Brydges' Collection. 5. PERISTERA AYMARA. The Aymara Pigeon. Columba aymara, D'Orb., Knip fy Prev. Pig. t. 32. Chamaepelia? aymara, G. R. Gray, Gen. of B. ii. p. 475. Metriopelia aymara, Pr. B. Consp. Gen. Av. ii. p. 76. a, b. Bolivia. From Mr. Brydges' Collection. 6. PERISTERA INORNATA. The plain Pigeon. Columbina inoraata, G. JR. Gray, List of Gallince B.M. p. 13. Metriopelia inornata, Pr. B. Consp. Gen. Av. ii. p. 76. a. Brazil. From Mr. Gould's Collection. c. LEPTOTILA. 7. PERISTERA JAMAICENSIS. The white-bellied Pigeon. Columba jamaicensis, Linn. S. N. p. 283 ; Sloane, Hist. Jam. i. p. 303. t. 262. f. 1. Goiira jamaicensis, Steph. Gen. Zool. xi. p. 126. Peristera jamaicensis, Selby, Nat. Libr. v. p. 207. pi- 24 ?; G. R. Gray, Gen. of B. ii. p. 476. Leptoptila jamaicensis, Reichenb. Syst. Av. p. xxv; Pr. B. Consp. Gen. Av. ii. p. 73. Peristera (Leptoptila) jamaicensis, Reichenb. Syst. Av. p. xxv. a. Jamaica. From Mr. Cuming's Collection. b. Jamaica. From the Zoological Society's Collection. 54 COLUMBA. 8. PERISTERA BRACHYPTERA. The lesser-winged Pigeon. Columba mexicana, Mus. Par. ? Peristera albifrons, Pr. B, ? Peristera brachyptera, G. R. Gray, MSS. a. Mexico. From Mr. Argent's Collection. b. Mexico. From Mr. Leadbeater's Collection. 9. PERISTERA MACRODACTYLUS. The great-toed Pigeon. Peristera macrodactylus, G. R. Gray, MSS. . ? From Baron Laugier's Collection. b. ? From M. Verreaux's Collection. 10. PERISTERA RUFAXILLA. The grey-fronted Pigeon. Columba rufaxilla,, Rich. fy Bern. Act. de la Soc. Hist. Nat. de Paris (1792) p. 118. Columba frontalis, Temm. Pig. t. 10. Columba jamaicensis, Temm. Index Col. p. xv. Leptotila rufaxilla, Swains. Class. o/B. ii. p. 349 ; Pr. B. Consp. Gen. Av. ii. p. 73. a, b. British Guiana. Presented by Sir R. Schomburgk, K.H. c. South America. d. Guiana. From M. Verreaux's Collection. e. Para. From Mr. Gould's Collection. 11. PERISTERA BRASILIENSIS. The Brazilian Pigeon. Peristera brasiliensis, G. R. Gray, MSS. Leptoptila Dubusi, Pr.B.t a, b. Brazil. Presented by Lord Stuart de Rothesay. 12. PERISTERA BREVIPENNIS. The short-winged Pigeon. Peristera brevipennis, G. R. Gray, MSS. Leptoptila Verreauxi, Pr. B. ? a, b. South America. From M. Verreaux's Collection. c. South America. d, e. Trinidad. From the Zoological Society's Collection. COLUMBID^E. d. OREOPELEIA. 13. PERISTERA MONTANA. The Partridge Pigeon. Columba montana, Linn. S. N. i. p. 281 ; Edw. Birds, pi. 119. Columba martinica, Temm. Pig. t. 5, 6. Peristera montana, G. R. Gray, List of GallinoR B.M. p. 15. Goura montana, Steph. Gen. Zool. xi. 1. p. 130. Zenaida montana, Pr. B. Compar. List of Eur. fy Amer. B. p. 41. Geotrygon montana, Gosse, B. of Jam. p. 320. Peristera (Oreopeleia) montana, Reichenb, Syst. Av. p. xxv. Levaill. Ois. de VAfr. t. 282; Audub. B. of Amer. pi. . Briss. Or.i. i. t. 12. f. 2 ? ; PL Enl. 141 ? a c. Jamaica. From Mr. Cuming's Collection. d, Mexico. From Mr. Argent's Collection. e. South America? /. South America ? From Mr. Warwick's Collection. g. St. Domingo. From Mr. Cuming's Collection. 14. PERISTERA MYSTACEA. The Mustacho Pigeon. Columba mystacea, Temm. Pig. t. 56. Peristera mystacea, G. R. Gray, Gen. of B. ii. p. 476. Geotrygon mystacea, Pr. B. Consp. Gen. Av. ii. p. 71- a. St. Domingo, adult. From Mr. Cuming's Collection. b. ? From the Zoological Society's Collection. 15. PERISTERA ALBIFACIES. The Mexican Pigeon. Peristera mexicana, G. R. Gray, List of Gallince B.M. p. 15. Peristera albifacies, G. R. Gray, MSS. a. Mexico. From Mr. Leadbeater's Collection. 16. PERISTERA VIOLACEA. The violet-naped Pigeon. Columba violacea, Temm. Pig. t. 29. Peristera violacea, G. R. Gray, List of Gallince B.M. p. 15. Geotrygon violacea, Pr. B. Consp. Gen. Av. ii. p. 72. a. Male; b. Female. Brazil. Presented by Lord Stuart de Rothesay. c. Bahia, adult. From M.Verreaux's Collection. 56 COLUMB.E. e. GEOTRYGON. 17. PERISTERA CRISTATA. The glossy Pigeon. Columba cristata, Temm. Pig. t. 9. x Peristera cristata, G. R. Gray, Gen. of B. ii. p. 476. Columba pacifica (pars), Lath. Hist, of B. viii. p. 44. Columbigallina versicolor, 0. Des Murs, Iconogr. Ornith. t. 47. Geotrygon sylvatica, Gosse, B. of Jam. p. 316; id. Illustr. B. of Jam. pi. 84. Goura (Geotrygon) cristata, Reichenb. Syst. Av. p. xxv. Geophaps versicolor, Lafr. Geotrygon cristata, Pr. B. Consp. Gen. Av. ii. p. 70. a. --? b. Jamaica^ From Mr. Cuming's Collection. c. From the Zoological Society's Collection. 18. PERISTERA LINEARIS. The black-marked Pigeon. Columbigallina linearis, Knip fy Prev. Pig. t. 55. Peristera linearis, G. R. Gray, Gen. of B. iii. App. p. 24. Geotrygon linearis, Pr. B. Consp. Gen. Av. ii. p. 71. a, b. New Granada. From Mr. Stevens' Collection. c. Columbia. From M. Verreaux's Collection. 19. PERISTERA ERYTHROPAREIA. The red-cheeked Pigeon. Peristera erythropareia, G. R. Gray, MSS. a. Ecuador. From M. Verreaux's Collection. f. A PLOP ELI A. 20. PERISTERA LARVATA. The white-masked Pigeon. Peristera larvata, Selby, Nat. Libr. v. p. 211. pi. 26. Columba larvata, Temm. Pig. t. 31 ; Levaitt. Ois. de I'Afr. t. 269. Columba sylvestris, Forst. Peristera (Leptoptila) larvata, Reichenb. Syst. Av. p. xxv. Aplopelia larvata, Pr. B. Consp. Gen. Av. ii. p. 66. a. Cape of Good Hope. Presented by Gen. T. Hardwicke. b. Cape of Good Hope. From the South African Museum. c. Chick, South Africa. From M. Verreaux's Collection, d. e. Young. From Dr. Smith's Collection. COLUMBID^E. 57 g. TYMPANISTRIA. 21. PERISTERA TYMPANISTRIA. The tambourine Pigeon. Coluraba tympanistria, Temm. Pig. t. 36. Peristera tympanistria, Selby, Nat. Libr. v. p. 205. pi. 23. Peristera (Tympanistria) bicolor, Reichenb. Syst. Av. p. xxv. Tympanistria bicolor, Pr. B. Consp. Gen. Av. ii. p. 67. Levaill. Ois. de VAfr. t. 272. a. Male. South Africa. From the South African Museum. b. Male ; c. Young. Cape of Good Hope. From Dr. Krauss's Collection. h. CHALCOPELIA. 22. PERISTERA AFRA. The Emeraudine Pigeon. Columba afra, Linn. S. N. p. 284; PI. Enl. 160. Columba chalcospilos, var. n, Wagl. Syst. Av. Col. sp. 83. Peristera chalcospilos, G. R. Gray, List of Gallince B.M. p. 17- Columba afra, var., Temm. Pig. p. 85. t. 38. Chalcopelia afra, Pr. B. Consp. Gen. Av. ii. p. 67. a. Western Africa. From Mr. Kendall's Collection. Var. a. Columba chalcospilos, Rupp. b. Abyssinia. From Dr. RuppelPs Collection. 23. PERISTERA CHALCOSPILOS. The bronze-spotted Pigeon. Columba chalcospilos, Wagl. Syst. Av. Col. sp. 83. Turtur chalcospilos, Swains. Peristera afra, G. R. Gray, List of Gallince B.M. p. 17. Columba afra, Temm. Pig. p. 84. t. 39 (var. on pi.). Chalcopelia chalcospilos, Pr.B. Consp. Gen. Av. ii. p. 68. Briss. Orn. i. p. 122. t. 10. f. 1 ? ; LevailL Ois. de VAfr. t. 271. a, b. Cape of Good Hope. Presented by A. G. Campbell, Esq. c. Cape of Good Hope, young. From Dr. Krauss's Col- lection. D5 58 COLUMBA. 5. STARNGSNAS. Starncenas, Pr. B. Geogr. fy Comp. List of Birds (1838) p. 41. Lophyrus, Less. Tr. d'Orn. (1831) p. 476. Sternoenas, Reichenb. Syst. Av. p. xxv (1853). Starmenas, Pr.B. Ann. des Sci. Nat. (1854) p. 140. 1. STARNCENAS CYANOCEPHALA. The blue-headed Pigeon. Columba cyanocephala, Linn. S. N. i. p. 282. Goiira cyanocephala, Steph. Gen. Zool. xi. p. 125. Starncenas cyanocephala, Pr. B. Compar. List, of Eur. 4* Amer. B. p. 41 ; id. Consp. Gen. Av. ii. p. 69. Goura (Sternoenas) cyanocephala, Reichenb. Syst. Av. p. xxv. Briss. Orn. i. t."l3. f. 1 ; PI Enl. 174; Temm. Pig. t. 3 ; Levaill. Ols. de VAfr. t. 281 ; Audub. B. of Amer. pi. 172. a. Cuba? 6. OCYPHAPS. Ocyphaps, Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. (1842) p. 20. 1. OCYPHAPS LOPHOTES. The crested Pigeon. Ocyphaps lophotes, Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. (1842) p. 20 ; Pr. J5. Consp. Gen. Av. ii. p. 95. Columba lophotes, Temm. PL Col. t. 142. Turtur ? lophotes, Selby, Nat. Libr. v. p. 174. pi. 18. Callcenas (Ocyphaps) lophotes, Reichenb. Syst. Av. p. xxv. Gould, B. ofAustr. pi. ; Knip $ Prev. Pig. t. 13. a. Australia. Presented by the Australian Museum. b, c. Australia. Presented by Sir Thomas Mitchell. d f. Murray River, S. Australia. Presented by His Excel- lency Capt. Sir G. Grey, K.C.B. 7. PETROPHASSA. s Petrophassa, Gould, Proc. ZooL Soc. (1840) p. 173. 1. PETROPHASSA ALBIPENNIS. The white-winged Pigeon. Petrophassa albipennis, Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. (1840) p. 173 ; Pr. B. Consp. Gen. Av. ii. p. 87. COLUMBID^. 59 Peristera (Petrophassa) albipennis, Reichenb. Syst. Av. p. xxv. Gould, B. of Austr. pi. 71. a, b. N.W. Australia. Presented by His Excellency Capt. Sir G. Grey, K.C.B. 8. CHALCOPHAPS. Chalcophaps, Gould, B. of Austr. (1843). Monornis, Hodgs., Gray, Zool. Misc. (1844) p. 85. Peristera, Less. Tr. d'Orn. (1831) p. 471. 1. CHALCOPHAPS INDICA. The green-winged Pigeon. Columba indica, Linn. S. N. i. p. 284 ; Edw. Birds, pi. 14. Columba cseruleocephala, Lath. Ind. Orn. ii. p. 610. Columba cyanocephala, Gmel. S. N. i. p. 781. Columba cyanopileata et C. griseocapilla, Bonn. Ency. Meth. i. p. . Columba pileata, Scop. Del. Flor. et Faun. Insub. p. 94 ; Sonn. Voy. t. 66. Columba albicapilla, Gmel. Syst. Nat. p. 775; Lath. Ind. Orn. ii. p. 597. Columba superciliaris, Wagl. Syst. Av. Col, sp. 80. Monornis perpulchra, Hodgs., Gray, Zool. Misc. p. 85. Calloenas (Chalcophaps) indica, Reichenb. Syst. Av. p. xxv. Chalcophaps indica, G. R. Gray, List of Gallina B.M. p. 18; Pr. B. Consp. Gen. Av. ii. p. 91. Ptilonopus superciliaris, Hartl. Syst. Verz. p. 97. a c. Indian Archipelago. d, e. Nepal. Presented by B. II. Hodgson, Esq. /. Indian Archipelago. Presented by Capt. Sir E. Belcher, C.B., R.N. g. Madras. Presented by the Rev. B. Baber. h, i. India. From Mr. Warwick's Collection. jf. Nepaul. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. k. Tenasserim. Presented by J. D. C. Packman, M.D. /. Ceylon. From Mr. Cuming's Collection. 2. CHALCOPHAPS CHRYSOCHLORA. The golden-green Pigeon. Chalcophaps chrysochlora, Gould's B. of Austr. pi. 62: Pr. B. Consp. Gen. Av. ii. p. 92. Columba chrysochlora, Wagl. Syst. Av. Col. sp. 79 ? 60 COLUMB^E. Columba javanica, Gmel. S. N. i. p. 781 ; PL Enl. 177 : Temm. Pig. t. 26. Calloenas (Chalcophaps) javanica, Reichenb. Syst. Av. p. xxv. a.. Port Essington, Australia. Presented by Capt. W. Chambers, R.N. b. Liverpool Range, Australia. From Mr. Gould's Col- lection. c. Australia. (V. D. L. ?) From Mr. Warwick's Collection. d. Port Marie, Australia, Presented by Capt. Stanley, R.N. e. Australia. From Mr. Warwick's Collection. 9. PHAPS. Phaps, Selby, Nat. Libr. v. p. 194 (1835). Peristera, Swains. Classif. ofB. ii. p. 349 (1837). Phapitreron, Pr. B. Consp. Syst. Av. ii. p. 28 (1854). Leucosarcia, Gould, B. of Austr. a. PHAPS. 1. PHAPS CHALCOPTERA. The bronze-winged Pigeon. Phaps chalcoptera, Selby, Nat. Libr. v. p. 195. pi. 21 ; Pr. B. Consp. Gen. Av. ii. p. 90. Columba chalcoptera, Lath. Ind. Orn. ii. p. 604 ; Phill. Bot. Bay, pL p. 162; Shaw, Mus. Lev. pi. p. ; Temm. Pig. t. 8. Peristera calcoptera, Swains. Classif. of B. ii. p. 349. Calloenas (Phaps) chalcoptera, Reichenb. Syst. Av. p. xxv. Gould's B. of Austr. pi. 64. a. Australia. b. Australia. Presented by M.-Gen. T. Hardwicke. c. Australia. From Baron Laugier's Collection. df. S. Australia. Presented by His Excellency Capt. Sir G. Grey, K.C.B. g. Van Diemen's Land. Presented by S. B. Jukes, Esq. h. Port Essington. i. Cape Upstart, Australia. Presented by J. B. Jukes, Esq. ./. Perth, Western Australia. From Mr. Gould's Collection. k. ? Young. From the Zoological Society's Col- lection. COLUMBID^:. 61 2. PHAPS ELEGANS. The opaline Pigeon. Columba elegans, Temm. Pig. t. 22. Columba Lawsonii, Sieber, Isis, no. 67. Phaps elegans, Selby, Nat. Libr. v. p. 194 ; Pr. B. Consp. Gen. Av. ii. p. 90. Calloenas (Phaps) elegans, Reichenb. Syst. Av. p. xxv. Gould, B. of Australia, pi. 65. a. Australia. From Mr. Gould's Collection. b. Australia. Presented by J. R. Reeves, Esq. c. d. Van Diemen's Land. Presented by R. Gunn, Esq. e. Western Australia. From Mr. Gould's Collection. /. Young female. Swan River, S. Australia. From Mr, Gould's Collection. g. Male. South Australia. Presented by His Excellency Capt. Sir G. Grey. h. Young. W. Australia. From Mr. Gould's Collection. 3. PHAPS HISTRIONICA. The Australian ground Pigeon. Phaps histrionica, Gould, B. of Austr. pi. ; Pr. B. Consp. Gen. Av. ii. p. 90. Columba (Peristera) histrionica, Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. (1840) p. 114. Columba histrionica, Knip fy Prev. Pig. t. 51. Calloenas (Phaps) histrionica, Reichenb. Syst. Av. p. xxv. a. Male ; b. Female. Interior of Australia. From Mr. Gould's Collection. c, d. S. Australia. Presented by Capt. Sturt. e. Australia. From the Zoological Society's Collection. b. PHAPITRERON. 4. PHAPS LEUCOTIS. The white-eared Pigeon. Columba leucotis, Temm. PL Col. 189 ; Knip fy Prev. Pig. t. 2. Goura? leucotis, Steph. Gen. Zool. xiv. p. 295. Phaps leucotis, G. R. Gray, Gen. of B. ii. p. 477- Peristera (Oreopeleia) leucotis, Reichenb. Syst. Av. p. xxv. Phapitreron leucotis, Pr. B. Consp. Gen. Av. ii. p. 28. a. Philippine Islands. b. Philippine Islands. From Mr. Cuming's Collection. c. ? Presented by Capt. Sir E. Belcher, C.B., R.N. 62 COLUMB^E. 5. PHAPS AMETHYSTINA. The amethyst Pigeon. Phapitreron amethystina, Pr. B. Consp. Gen. Av. ii. p. 28. a. Philippine Islands. From M. Verreaux's Collection. c. LEUCOSARCIA. 6. PHAPS PICATA. The pied Pigeon. Phaps picata, Selby, Nat. Libr. v. p. 194. Columba picata, Lath. Ind. Suppl. p. lix. Columba melanoleuca, Lath. Ind. Orn. Suppl. p. lix. Columba Jamieson, Quoy fy Gaim. Voy. de V Uranie, Zool. p. 123. Columba armillaris, Temm. Pig. t. 6. Leucosarcia picata, Gould's B. of Austr. pi. , Pr. B. Consp. Gen. Av. ii. p. 86. Phaps (Leucosarcia) picata, Bl. Cat. of B. p. 238. Peristera (Leucosarcia) picata, Reichenb. Syst. Av. p. xxv. a. Australia. Presented by A. Cunningham, Esq. b. Australia. From the Zoological Society's Collection. 10. GEOPHAPS. Geophaps, Gould, B. of Austr. (1842). Lophophaps, Reichenb. Syst. Av. p. xxv (1853). 1. GEOPHAPS SMITHII. Smith's Ground Pigeon. Geophaps Smithii, Gould, B. of Austr. pi. 68 ; Pr. B. Consp. Gen. Av. ii. p. 87. Columba Smithii, Jard. Sf Selby's III. Orn. p. 104. Peristera (Geophaps) Smithii, Reichenb. Syst. Av. p. xxv. a, b. Port Essington, Australia. Presented by Capt. W. Chambers, R.N. c. Port Essington. Presented by Dr. Sibbald, R.N. d. N.W. Australia. Presented by Sir Thomas Mitchell. 11. CALCENAS. Caloenas, G.R. Gray, List of Gen. of B. (1840) p. 59. Calaenas, G. R. Gray, Gen. ofB. ii. p. (1847). Callicenas, Agass. COLUMBID^E. 63 Callcenas, Reichenb. Syst. Av. p. xxv (1853). Callisenas, Pr. B. Ann. des Sci. Nat. (1854) p. 140. Phlegoenas, Reichenb. Syst. Av. p. xxv (1853). Phlegsenas, Pr. B. Ann. des Sci. Nat. (1854) p. 140. Phlegcenas, Pr. B. Compt. Rend. (1855) p. Pampusana, Pucker. Zoo/. Voy. au Pole Sud (1853). a. CALCENAS. 1. CALCENAS NICOBARICA. The Nicobar Pigeon. Columba nicobarica, Linn. S. N. p. 283; Edw. Birds, pL 339 ; PL Enl. 491. Columba gallus, Wagl. Syst. Av. Col. sp. 113. Calcenas nicobarica, G. R. Gray, List of Gen. ofB. (1840) p. 59. Goiira nicobarica, Steph. Gen. Zool. xi. 1. p. 122. Geophilus nicobaricus, Selby, Nat. Libr. \. p. 221. pi. 29. Callcenas nicobarica, Reichenb. Syst. Av. p. xxv ; Pr. B. Consp. Gen. Av. ii. p. 95. Levaill. Ois. de I'Afr. t. 279. a, b. China? Presented by J. R. Reeves, Esq. 2. CALCENAS GOULDI^E. Mrs. Gould's Pigeon. Columba Gouldiac, Gray, III. Ind. Zool. pi. 37. Calcenas Gouldite, G. R. Gray, List of Gallince B.M. p. 19. Calloenas Gouldia?, Reichenb. Syst. Av. p. xxv. a. China? Presented by J. R. Reeves, Esq. b. PHLEGOENAS. 3. CALCENAS LUZONICA. The red-breasted Pigeon. Columba luzonica, Scop. Del. Flor. et Fauna Insub. p. 94 ; Sonn. Voy. t. 21. Columba cruenta, Gmel. S. N.i. p. 785. Calsenas luzonica, G. R. Gray, List of Gallince B.M. p. 18. Goiira cruenta, Steph. Gen. Zool. xi. 1. p. 128. Callcenas (Phlegoenas) cruenta, Reichenb. Syst. Av. p. xxv. Phlegcenas cruenta, Pr. B. Consp. Gen. Av. ii. p. 88. Var. Columba nivea, Scop. Del. Flor. et Fauna Insub. p. 94 ; Sonn. Voy. t. 20. 64 COLUMB^E. Columba sanguinea, Gmel. S. N. i. p. 785. Columba cruenta, var., Temm. Pig. t. 9 ; Wagl. Syst. Av. Col. sp. 73. a. Indian Archipelago. From Baron Laugier's Collection. b, c. Manilla. Presented by J. R. Reeves, Esq. d. Philippine Islands, male. From M. Verreaux's Col- lection. 4. CALCENAS ERYTHROPTERA. The garnet-winged Pigeon. Columba erythroptera, Gmel. S. N. i. p. 775 ; ii. p. 597 ; Temm. Pig. t. 55 ; Krusentr. Voy. t. 17- Columba leucophrys, Forst. Icon. ined. t. 136. Peristera erythroptera, G. R. Gray, List of Gallince B.M. p. 16. Phlegoenas erythroptera, Pr. B. Consp. Gen. Av. ii. p. 89. a, b. Bow Island. Presented by Capt. Sir E. Belcher, C.B., R.N. 5. CALCENAS STAIRI. Stair's Pigeon. Caloenas Stairi, G. R. Gray, Proc. Z. S. 1856, p. . a. Navigator's Island. Presented by the Rev. J. B. Stair. b. Navigator's Island ? From the Zoological Society's Col- lection. 12. GOURA. Goura, Flem. Phil, of Zool. ii. p. 232 (1822). Columba, III. Prod. Syst. Mam. et Av. p. 243 (1811). Lophyrus, Vieill. Analyse, p. 49 (18 16). Megapelia, Kaup. Ptilophyrus, Swains. Classif. of B. ii. p. 349 (1837). 1. GOURA CORONATA. The crowned Pigeon. Columba coronata, Linn. Syst. Nat. i. p. 282; Edw. Birds, pi. 338; Temm. Pig.t. 1. Goura coronata, Steph. Gen. Zool. xi. 1. p. 120; Pr. B. Consp. Gen. Av. ii. p. 96. Lophyrus indicus, Steph. Gen. Zool. xiv. p. 294. pi. 19. Lophyrus coronatus, Vieill. Selby, Nat.Libr. v. p. 225. pi. 30. COLUMBID.E. 65 Ptilophyrus coronatus, Swains. Classif. of B. ii. p, 349. Sonn. Voy. des Ind. t. 104. a. China? Presented by J. R. Reeves, Esq. b. New Guinea. From the Zoological Society's Collection. 2. GOURA VICTORIA. Victoria's crowned Pigeon. Lophyrus Victoria, Fr. Proc. Z. S. 1844, p. 27. Goura Steursii, Temm., G. R. Gray, Gen. of B. ii. pi. a. New Guinea. From the Zoological Society's Collection. v. 1. DIDUS. Didus, Linn. S. N. i. p. 267 (1766). 1. DIDUS INEPTUS. The hooded Dodo. Didus ineptus, Linn. S. N. i. p. 267; Edw. B. pi. 294. Goura (Didus) ineptus, Reichenb. Syst. Av. p. xxv. a. ? (Foot.) 66 APPENDIX. Page 14. 16 a. TRERON CRASSIROSTRIS. The thick-billed Pigeon. Treron crassirostris, Fr. Proc. Z. S. 1843, p. 35; id. Zool. Typ. pi. 3. Trygon (Treron) crassirostris, Reichenb. Syst. Av. p. xxvi. Phalacrotreron crassirostris, Pr. B. Consp. Gen. Av. p. a. Western Africa. From the Zoological Society's Collec- tion. Page 18. 7 a- CARPOPHAGA. PACIFICA. The Pacific Pigeon. Columba pacifica, Gm. S. N. i. p. 777- Columba senea, juv., Wagl. Syst. Av. Col. p. Carpophaga pacifica, G. R. Gray. a. Friendly Islands. From the Zoological Society's Col- lection. Page 19. 12 a. CARPOPHAGA LACERNULATA. The mantled Pigeon. Columba lacernulata, Temm. PL Col. 164. Carpophaga lacernulata, Hartl. Syst. Verz. Brem. p. 98. Ducula lacernulata, Pr. B. Consp. Gen. Av. ii. p. a. Java. From M. Verreaux's Collection. INDEX. A. abyssinica. Columba, 15; Phalacrotreron, 15 ; Tre- ron, 15; Trygon, 15; Vi- nago, 15. segyptiaca. Columba, 43 ; Turtur, 43. /Emilia;. Ptilonopus, 5. aenea. Carpophatra, 17 > Columba, 17, 18, 66. affinis. Columba, 28; Vi- nago, 1 1 . afra. Chalcopelia, 57 ; Co- lumba, 57 ; Peristera, 57 ; var. Columba, 57. agricola. Columba, 42. alba. Columba, 19, 44. albicapilla. Columba, 59. albifacies. Peristera, 55. albifrons. Peristera, 54. albipennis. Peristera, 59 ; Petrophasis, 58. albitorques. Columba, 31. albiventris. Turtur, 44. albogularis. Carpophaga, 24 ; .Janthcenas, 24. albolineata. Chlqrcenas, 34 ; Columba, 34. Alectrsenas, 2. Alectrides, 1. Alectroenas, 2. Alectroroenas, 2. Alsecomus, 16. Alsocomus, 16. Alsoecomus, 16, 23. amabilis. Chamsepeleia, 47 ; Zenaida, 47. amarantha. Columba, 21. amazilia. Chamsepelia, 50 ; Chsemepelia, 50. amboinensis. Macropygia, 38 ; Turtur, 38. amethystina. Phapitreron, 62 ; Phaps, 62. anais. Metriopelia, 53 ; Pe- ristera, 53. antarcticus. Carpophaga, 25 ; Columba, 25 ; Lo- pholaimus, 25 ; Lopho- rhynchus, 25. apicalis. Ptilopus, 4. apicauda. Treron, 16; Vi- nago, 16. apicaudus. Sphenocercus, 16. Aplopelia, 52, 56. araucana. Columba, 33. argetrsea. Columba, 21. armillaris. Columba, 62. aromatica. Columba, 10, 1 1 ; Romeris, 1 1 ; Treron, 10; Trygon, 10; Vinago, 10, 11 ; var. b. Columba, 1 1 ; var. d. Columba, 1 1 ; var. Treron, 1 1 . arquatrix. Alsocomus, 32 ; Columba, 32 ; Stictoenas, 32. assimilis. Carpophaga, 21. atrogularis. Columba, 36. auriculata. Columba, 47 ; Peristera, 47 ; Zenaida, 47- aurita. Columba, 47. auritis. Turtur, 41. auritus. Turtur, 41. australis. Vinago, 14. axillaris. Osmotreron, 10 ; Treron, 10. aymara. Chamsepelia ?, 53 ; Columba, 53 ; Metriope- lia, 53 ; Peristera, 53. B. badia. Carpophaga, 19 ; Columba, 19 ; Ducula, 19. bantamcnsis. Columba, 36. bicincta. Columba, 44 ; Os- motreron, 13; Treron, 12, 13 ; Vinago, 12. bicolor. Carpophaga, 19; Columba, 19, 33 ; Myris- ticivora,19 ; Peristera, 57 ; Tympanistria, 57. bimaculata. Zenaida, 47. bitorquata. Columba, 44 ; Streptopelia, 44. bitorquatus. Turtur, 44. Boliviana. Chamaepeleia, 53 ; Columba, 52 ; Co- lumbina, 52 ; Peristera, 52. brachyptera. Peristera, 54. brasiliensis. Peristera, 54. brevipennis. Peristera, 54. Butreron, 10, 13. C. cabocola. Columbina, 50. caeruleocephala. Columba, 59- Calaenas, 62. Callisenas, 63. Callirenas, 62. Calkenas, 63. Caloenas, 62, 63. calva. Columba, 14 ; Pha- lacrotreron, 14 ; Treron, 14; Trygon, 14; Vinago, 14. cambayensia. Columba, 43. campestris. Chamsepeleia, 46 ; Columba, 46 ; Co- lumbiua, 46 ; Columbula, 46 ; Uropelia, 46. canadensis. Columba, 35. cantillans. Treron, 15 ; Vinago, 15. Capellei. Butreron, 13 ; Co- lumba, 13; Treron, 13; Trygon, 13 ; Vinago, 13. capensis. Columba, 36 ; Ectopistes ?, 36 ; CEna, 36 ; Turtur, 36. capistrata. Columba, 1Q. 68 INDEX. Carola. Carpophaga, 22 ; Ptilocolpa, 22. carolinensis. Columba, 35 ; Zenaidura, 35. Carpophaga, 16, 17. casiotis. Columba, 26 ; Pa- lumbus, 26. casta. Carpophaga, 20. cayanensis. Columba, 34. ceylonensis. Turtur, 43. Chsemepelia, 49. chalcauchia. Columba, 30. Chalcopelia, 52, 57- Chalcophaps, 59- chalcoptera. Callcenas, 60 ; Columba, 60; Peristera, 60. chalcopterus. Phaps, 60. chalcospilos. Chalcopelia, 57 ; Columba, 57 ; Pe- ristera, 57 ; Turtur, 57 } var. Columba, 57. chalcostigma. Peristera, 46. chalybura. Carpophaga, 17. Chamaepeleia, 49. Chamsepelia, 49. chilensis. Chamsepeleia, 47. chinensis. Columba, 42 ; Turtur, 42 ; Zenaida, 47, Chlamydsena, 2. Chlorsenas, 26. chlorigaster. Treron, 14. Chloroenas, 26, 33. chlorogaster. Crocopus, 14. Chcemepelia, 49. Chryssena, 2. Chrysanchcena, 36. chrysauchenia. Peristera, 47. chrysochlora. Chalcophaps, 59; Columba, 59, Chrysoena, 2. Chryscenas, 2. chrysogaster. Kurutreron, 5 ; Ptilonopus, 5. Chrysotreron, 2. cincta. Columba, 8 ; Leu- cotreron, 8. cinctus. Ptilonopus, 8 ; Trygon, 8. cineracea. Carpophaga, 19 ; Columba, 19 ; Ducula, 19. cinerea. Columba, 52 ; Chamsepelia, 52 ; Peris- tera, 52. cinnamomea. Chjemepelia, 50; Columba, 11 ; Talpa- cotia, 50. Coccyzura, 38. Columba, 1, 9, 25, 28, 64. Columbse, 1. Columbidee, 1. Columbi-gallina, 49. Columbina, 45, 49. Columbinse, 16. Columbini, 1. Columbula, 45. corensis. Columba, 30 ; Patagioenas, 30. coronata. Columba, 64 ; Goura, 64. coronatus. Lophyrus, 64 ; Ptilophyrus, 65. Coturnicoenas, 49. Craspedsenas, 16. Craspedoenas, 16. crassirostris. Macropygia, 40 ; Phalacrotreron, App.; Treron, App. ; Trygon, App. ; Turaccena, 40. cristata. Columba, 56 ; Geotrygon, 56 ; Goura, 56 ; Peristera, 56. Crocopus, 10, 13. Crossophthalmus, 25. cruenta. Callcenas, 63 ; Co- lumba, 63 ; Goura, 63 ; var. Columba, 64. cruziana. Chameepeleia, 46 ; Columba, 46 ; Colum- bula, 46 ; Peristera ?, 46. cuneata. Columba, 37 ; Geopelia, 37 ; Stictopelia, 37 ; Turtur ; 37. cuprea. Columba, 19. cyanocephala. Columba, 58, 59 ; Goura, 58 ; Starnoe- nas, 58 ; Sternoenas, 58. cyanopileata. Columba, 59. Cyanotreron, 2, 8. cyanovirens. Columba, 8 ; Cyanotreron, 9 ; Ptilino- pus, 8 ; Trygon, 9. D. Delalandii. Phalacrotreron, 14 ; Treron, 14. Delegorguei. Columba, 30 ; Turturoena, 30. Dendrotreron, 25, 27. denisea, Chlorcenas, 33 ; Columba, 33. diademata. Columba, 5 ; Thouarsitreron, 6. diadematus. Trygon, 6. Didinje, 65. Didus, 65. Dilloni. Stictoenas, 32. dilopha. Columba, 25, dilophus. Lophorhynchus, 25. Dodo. Hooded, 65. domestica. Columba, 28. dorsalis. Columba, 34. douraca. Columba, 44. Dove, Ceylon, 43 ; Ground, 49 ; Indian Ring, 26 ; Red-headed, 41 ; Ring, 26; Stock, 28; Turtle, 41. Dubusi. Leptoptila, 54. Ducula, 16, 19, Dufresnii. Columba, 42 DuPetithouarsii. Columba, 5 ; Kurukuru, 5; Ptilono- pus, 5 ; Trygon, 5. Dussumieri. Columba, 45 ; Streptopelia, 45 ; Turtur, 45. E. Ectopistes, 26, 35. elegans. Calloenas, 6l ; Co- lumba, 61 ; Phaps, 61. Elphinstonei. Palumbus, 27- Elphinstoni. Carpophaga, 27; Columba, 26; Den- drotreron, 27 ; Palumbus, 27- Elphinstonii. Ptilonopus, 26. Emiliana. Macropygia, 39. erythrauchen. Columba, 38. Erythrauchcena, 36, 38. erythrina. Columba, 34. erythrocephalus. Ptilono- pus, 8 ; Turtur, 41. Erythroena, 2, 9. Erythroleema, 2. erythropareia. Peristera, 56. erythrophrys. Columba, 43. erythroptera. Catenas, 64 ; Columba, 64 ; Peristera, 64 ; Phlegoenas, 64. Erythrotreron, 2. Eugeniae. Jotreron, 6 ; Ptilonopus, 6. Ewingii. Ptilonopus, 3 ; Ptilopus, 3 ; Trygon, 3, F. fasciata. Chlorcenas, 34 ; Columba, 34 ; Patagioe- nas, 34 ; Peristera ?, 34. f asciatus. Ptilinopus, 3 ; Ptilonopus, 4. ferrago. Columba, 41. Fitzroyi. Columba, 33. flavigaster. Ptilonopus, 6. flavirostris. Chloroenas, 34 ; Columba, 34. flavocollis. Ptilonopus, 3 ; Ptilopus, 3. Forsteni. Carpophaga, 22 ; Hcmiphaga, 22. Forsteri. Carpophaga, 22 ; Columba, 3. Forsterii. Columba, 22. frontalis. Columba, 54. INDEX. fulvicollii. Columba, 11; Osmotreron, 11 ; Trerou, 11; Trygon, 11. Funingus, 2. furcatus. Ptilinopus, 5. Furningus, 2, 9. G. galapagoensis. Chamsepe- leia, 48 ; Columbi-gallina, 48; Zenaida, 48. Gallinacees, 1. Gallinse, 1. gallus. Columba, 63. gelastes. Columba, 41. Geoffroyi. Chamaepelia, 52 ; Columba, 52 ; Peristera, 52. Geopeleia, 36. Geopelia, 36. histrionica. Calloenas, 6l ; Columba, 6l ; Peristera, 61; Phaps, 61. Hodgsoni. Alsocomus, 27 ; Columba, 27 ; Dendrotre- ron, 27. holosericea. Columba, 8. holosericeus. Lamprotre- ron, 8 ; Ptilonopus, 8 ; Trygon, 8. humeralis. Columba, 15, 38 ; Erythrauchoena, 38 ; Geopelia, 38 ; Turtur, 38. humilis. Columba, 45 ; Streptopelia, 45 ; Turtur, 45. hypoinochroa. Carpophaga, 24 ; Janthoenas, 24. hypoleuca. Zenaida, 48. vreopnaps, uz. Geophilus, 25. imbricata. Columba, 30. Geotrygon, 52, 56. Inca. Chsemepelia, 51 ; gigantea. Columba, 13 ; Vinago, 13. Chameepelia, 51 ; Scarda- fella, 51. Globicera, 16, 18. indica. Calloenas, 59 ; Chal- globicera. Carpophaga, 18 ; cophaps, 59 ; Columba, Columba, 18. 59. Gouldiee. Caloenas, 63 ; indicus. Lophyrus, 64. Calloenas, 63 ; Columba, Inepti, 1. 63. ineptus. Didus, 65 ; Goura, Goura, 64. 65. ' Gourinse, 45. Inertes, 1. gracilis. Columba, 46 ; Co- lumbina, 46. infuscata. Carpophaga, 33 ; Columba, 33 ; Janthoenas, granatina. Chamoepelia, 49. 33 ; Macropygia, 33. Greyii. Ptilonopus, 4. inornata. Chlorcenas, 35 ; grisea. Carpophaga, 20 ; Columba, 34 ; Columbina, Myristicivora, 20. 53 ; Metriopelia, 53 ; Pe- griseicauda. Treron, 10. ristera, 53. griseocapilla. Columba, 59. griseola. Chamcepelia, 50 ; insignis. Carpophaga, 19; Ducula, 19 ; Rhinopus, Choemepelia, 50 ; Colum- 19- bina, 50. intermedia. Columba, 29. griseopectus. Carpophaga, 22 ; Ptilocolpa, 22. guinea. Columba, 32 ; Stict- J. oenas, 32. gymnocyclus. Columba, 28. jamaicensis. Columba, 53, gymnophtalmos. Columba, 49 ; Picazurus, 31. 54; Goura, 53; Lepto- ptila, 53 ; Peristera, 53. gymnophthalmus. Colum- jamboo. Trygon, 7- ba, 31 ; Crossophthalmus, jambos. Columba, 7. 31 ; Palumbus, 31. Jambotreron, 2. Sfymnops. Chaemepelia, 53, jambu. Columba, 7 ; Jam- botreron, 7 ; Ptilonopus, 7 ; Ramphiculus, 7 H. Jamesoni. Columba, 62. halmaheira. 24. Hardwickii. Columba, 13, Hemiphaga, 16, 21. , . Janthoenas, janthina. Carpophaga, 23 ; Columba, 23; Janthoenas, 23. Janthoenas, 2, 16, 23, javanica. Calloenaa, 60 ; Chalcophaps, 60 ; Co- lumba, 60. Jerdoni. Treron, 14. Johannse. Columba, 30. Jotreron, 2, 6. K. Korthalsii. Columba, 16 ; Sphenocercus, 16 ; Tre- ron, 16. Kurukuru, 2. Kurutreron, 2, 4. lacernulata. Carpophaga, App., 66 ; Columba, App., 6b ; Ducula, App., 66. Lamprotreron, 2, 7. larvata. Aplopelia, 56 ; Co- lumba, 56 ; Leptoptila, 56 ; Peristera, 56. laurivora. Columba, 27 ; Trocaza, 27. Lawsonii. Columba, 6l. Leclancheri. Carpophapa, 21 ; Treroloema, 21. Lepidaenas, 26. Lepidcenas, 26, 32. leptogrammica. Columba, 39 ; Macropygia, 39 ; Tur- tur, 39- Leptoptila, 51. Leptotila, 51, 53. leucocephala. Columba, 29 ; Patagioenas, 29 ; Thou- arsitreron, 5. leucocephalus. Ptilonopus, 5. leucogaster. Columba, 22 ; Ptilonopus, 8. leucomela. Carpophaga, 24 ; Columba, 24. Leucomelama, 16, 24. leucomelana. Columba, 24. leucomelas. Alsocomus, 24. Leucomelosna, 16. leuconota. Columba, 29. leucophrys. Columba, 64. leucoptera. Chamaepeleia, 48 ; Columba, 31, 48 ; Me- lopelia, 49 ; Zenaida, 48. leucopterus. Turtur, 48. Leucosarcia, 60, 62. leucotis. Columba, 6l ; Goura?, 6l ; Oreopeleia, 61 ; Peristera, 61 ; Pha- pitreron, 6l ; Phaps, 6l. Leucotreron, 2, 8. Levaillantii. Columba, 43 ; Turtur, U. 70 INDEX linearis. Colunibigallina, 56 ; Geotrygon, 56 ; Pe- ristera, 56. lineata. Geopelia, 36. Lithsenas, 25. Lithoenas, 25. littoralis. Carpophaga, 19 ; Columba, 19. Liyia, 25. livia. Columba, 28, 29- locutrix. Columba, 33 ; Peristera, 33. Lopholsemus, 24. Lopholaimus, 24. Lopholcemus, 24. Lophophaps, 62. Lophorhynchus, 24. lophotes. Calloenas, 58 ; Columba, 58 ; Ocyphaps, 58; Turtur?, 58. Lophyrus, 58, 64. loncata. Columba, 31. luctuosa. Carpophaga, 20 ; Columba, 20 ; Myristici- vora, 20. lugens. Columba, 43 ; Streptopelia, 43 ; Turtur, 43. lunigera. Columba, 30. lunulata. Columba, 37- luzonica. Caloenas, 63 ; Columba, 63 ; Phlegoe- nas, 63. Macquarie. Columba, 37. macrodactylus. Peristera, 54. macronotus. Ptilonopus,15. Macropygia, 38. Macropygia. Javanese, 39 ; Manado, 40 ; Many-band- ed, 39 ; Modest, 40 ; Ne- paulese, 40 ; Philippine, 39. maculata. Columba, 47 ; Zenaida, 47. maculicollis. Columba, 43. maculipennis. Columba, 31, maculosa. Columba, 31. madagascariensis. Alectroe- nas, Q ; Carpophaga ?, 9 ; Columba, 9 ; Funingus, 9 ; Ptilonopus, 9- magnifica. Carpophaga, 20 ; Columba, 20 ; Megalo- prepia, 20. magnificus. Ptilonopus, 20. magnirostris. Treron, 13. malabarica. Osmotreron, 11 ; Treroa, 11 ; Vinago, 11. malaccensis. Columba, 36. Malherbii. Columba, 30 ; Turtursena, 30. manadensis. Columba. 40 ; Macropygia, 40 ; Turac- 03na, 40 ; Turtur, 40. marginata. Columba, 35. marginatus, Ectopistes, 35 ; Turtur, 35. Marize. Ptilonopus, 4 ; Pti- lopus, 4 ; Trygon, 4. Marie, Ptilonope de, 4. martinica. Columba, 55. meena. Columba, 42 ; Tur- tur, 42. Megaloprepia, 16, 20. Megapelia, 64. melanocephala. Columba, 6 ; Jotreron, 6. melanocephalus. Ptilono- pus, 6 ; Trygon, 6. melanoleuca. Columba, 62. melanoptera. Columba, 52 ; Metriopelia, 53 ; Peris- tera, 52. Melopelia, 46, 48, Mercei. Ptilopus, 4. Metriopeleia, 51. Metriopelia, 51, 52. mexicana. Columba, 54 ; Peristera, 55. migratoria. Columba, 35. migratorius. Ectopistes, 35 ; Turtur, 35, 41. militaris. Columba, 13; Treron, 13, 14 ; Vinago, 13. minuta. Chamsepelia, 50 ; Chamoepelia, 50 ; Colum- ba, 50. modesta. Columba, 40 ; Macropygia, 40 ; Turac- oena, 40 ; Turtur, 40. monilis. Chlorcenas, 34 ; Columba, 34. Monornis, 59. montana. Columba, 55 ; Geotrygon, 55 ; Goura, 55 ; Oreopeleia, 55 ; Pe- ristera, 55 ; Zenaida, 55. monticola. Columba, 30. multicolor. Treron, 13. murvensis. (Ena, 45. Muscadivores, 16. Myristicivora, 16, 19- mystacea. Columba, 55 ; Geotrygon, 55 ; Peristera, 55. N. Nebouxi. Ptiliuopus, 5. nicobarica. Calloenas, 63 ; Calosnas, 63 ; Columba, 63 ; Geophilus,63 ; Goura, 63. nipalensis. Columba, 27; Toria, 10; Treron, 10. nivea. Columba, 63. norfolciensis. Carpophaga, 24 ; Columba, 24 ; Leu- comelcena, 24 ; Myristici- vora, 24. noronha. Zenaida, 47. novae seelandiae. Columba, 21. novae zealandise. Carpo- phaga, 21 ; Hemiphaga, 21. nudirostris. Phalacrotre- ron, 14 ; Treron, 14 ; Vi- nago, 14. O. occipitalis. Ptilonopus, 7 ; Ramphiculus, 7 Trygon, 7- Ocyphaps, 58. Oena, 36. (Ena, 36. oenadis. Columba, 29. oenas. Columba, 28 ; Pa- lumbcenas,28; Palumbus, 28 ; var. rupestris, Co- lumba, 29. olax. Columba, 1 1 ; Osmo- treron, 12; Treron, 11; Trygon, 12 ; Vinago, 11. Omeotreron, 2. Oopa. Columba, 4 ; Kuru- treron, 5. Oreopeleia, 51, 55. orientalis. Columba, 41 ; Turtur, 42. Oropelia, 51. Osculatia, 52. Osmotreron, 10, 11. pacifica. Columba, 18, et App., 66 ; Carpophaga, App., 66 ; Globicera, 18 ; (pars) Columba, 56. pallida. Geopelia, 37. Palumboena, 25, 28. Palumbus, 25, 26. palumbus. Columba, 26. Pumpusana, 63. Passeres, 1. passeriua. Chsemepelia, 49 ; Chamaepelia, 49 ; Cha- maepeleia, 49 ; Columba, 49 ; Columbina, 49 ; Goura, 49. Patagiaenas, 25. INDEX. 71 Fatagicenas, 25, 29. paulina. Carpophaga, 17 ; Columba, 17 ; Ducula, 17. pectoralis, Carpophaga, 22. pentheria. Zenaida, 48. Peristera, 41, 51, 52,59,60. Perousii. Ptilonopus, 4. perpulchra. Monornis, 59. perspicillata. Carpophaga, 18 ; Columba, 18. Petit Thouars. Ptilonope de, 5. Petrophasis, 58. phaenicura. Columba, 9. phoeonotus. Columba, 32. Phalacrotreron, 10, 14. Phapitreron, 60, 6l. Phaps, 60. phasianella. Columba, 38, 39 ; Macropygia, 38. Phlegaenas, 6s". Phlegoenas, 63. phoenicoptera (pars). Co- lumba, 11. phcenicopterus. Columba, 13; Crocopus, 13; Tre- ron, 13. picata. Columba, 62 ; Leu- cosarcia, 62 ; Peristera, 62 ; Phaps, 63, picazuro. Columba, 31. Picazuros, 25, 31. Picazurus, 25. picturata. Columba, 42. picturatus. Turtur, 42. picui. Chamsepeleia, 46 ; Columba, 46 ; Columbina, 46 ; Columbula, 46 ; Goura, 46. Pigeon. Allied, 21 ; Ama- zilian, 50 ; Amethyst, 62 ; Aromatic, 10; Australian Ground, 6l ; Australian White, 20 ; Aymara, 53 ; Azure-spotted, 46 ; Bald, 14 ; Banded Fruit, 4 ; Bare-eyed, 53 ; Bay, 19 ; Belted, 8 ; Black and white spotted, 47 ; Black- capped, 6; Black- marked, 56 ; Black-spotted, 47 ; Blue-headed, 58 ; Boli- vian, 52; Brazilian, 54; Bronze - spotted, 57 ; Bronze-winged, 60 ; Cape, 36; Capelle's, 13; Char- lotte's, 22 ; Chestnut- shouldered, 22 ; Chilian, 33, 46 ; Cinereous Fruit, 1Q ; Columbian, 48 ; Cop- pery-naped, 30 ; Crested, 58 ; Crowned, 64 ; Cuban, 34 ; Daurian, 29 ; Dela- land's, 14 ; Delegorgue's 30; Double-banded, 12; Double-ringed, 44 ; Du- cula, 19 ; Emeraudine, 57 ; Euge"nie's,6 ; Ewing's Fruit, 3 ; Fairy, 21 ; Fea- ther-footed, 29 ; Feejee, 23 ; Forsten's Fruit, 22 ; Fulvous-necked, 1 1 ; Ga- lapagos, 48 ; Garnet- banded, 46 ; Garnet- winged, 64; Geoffrey's, 52; Globe-bearing, 18; Glossy, 56 ; Great-footed, 54 ; Great Grey, 20 ; Green, 6 ; Green-bellied, 3 ; Green- winged, 59 ; Grey.30; Grey-backed,33; Grey-breasted, 22 ; Grey- fronted, 54 ; Grey-headed, 22 ; Grey-necked, 37 ; Grey-tailed, 10; Grey's Fruit,4; Half-collared, 44; Hodgson's, 27 ; Inca, 51; Indian Rock, 29 ; Isle of Pines, 24 ; Jamboo, 7 ; Japan, 23 ; Korthals', 16 ; Lesser-winged, 54 ; Ma- dagascar, 9 ; Malabar, 1 1 ; Malherbe's, 30 ; Mantled, App., 66 ; Marginated, 35; Marie's Fruit, 4 ; Mar- quesas' Fruit, 5 ; Mourn- ful, 43 ; Mrs. Gould's, 63 ; Mexican, 55 ; Mustache, 55 ; Naked-billed, 14 ; Naked-eyed, 31 ; Nepal, 26 ; Nepal Aromatic, 10 ; New Grenada, 48 ; New Guinea, 23 ; New Hol- land, 20 ; New Zealand, 21 ; Noisy, 45 ; Norfolk, 24 ; Noronha, 47 j Occi- pital, 7 ; Odoriferous, 1 1 ; Opaline, 6l ; Pacific, App., 66; Painted, 42; Parrot, 12 ; Partridge, 55 ; Passenger, 35 ; Passerine, 50 ; Pauline's Nutmeg, ] 7 ; Pearl Island, 48 ; Pheasant-tailed, 38 ; Phi- lippine Nutmeg, 1 7 ; Pied, 62; Plain, 53; Plum- beous, 33 ; Pointed-tailed, 16 j Pompadour, 11 ; Psittaceous, 12 ; Purple- banded, 4 ; Purple-crown- ed, 5 ; Purple-shouldered, 13 ; Red-breasted, 63 ; Red-cered, 18; Red- cheeked, 56 ; Red-crown- ed, 9 ; Reichenbach's, 31; Reinwardt's, 40 ; Rock, 28 ; Rose-necked, 8 ; Rosy, 1,~ ; Rousset, 34 ; Rufous- naped, 38 ; Rufous-tail- ed, 48 ; Rufous-winged, 51 ; Scallop-necked, 33 ; Scaly, 51 ; Schimper's, 29 ; Short-winged, 54 ; Silvery-grey, 18 ; Spec- tacle, 18 ; Spot-headed Fruit, 8 ; Spotted Ring, 32; Stair's, 64; Sunde- val's Nutmeg, 18 ; Swain- son's Fruit, 2 ; Talpacoti, 50 ; Tambourine, 57 ; Temminck's, 7; Thick- billed, App., 66 ; Torring- ton's, 27 ; Triangular Spotted, 32 ; Trocaz, 27 ; Varied, 52 ; Victoria's Crowned, 65 ; Vinaceous, 33 ; Violet -eared, 47 ; Violet-naped, 55; Vlou- vlou, 8 ; Yellow-bellied, 14 ; Yellow-bellied Fruit, 5 ; Yellow-billed, 34; Yel- low-throated, 3 ; Waalia, 15 ; Wedge- tailed, 15, 39; Western African, 28 ; White-backed,29; White- banded, 6, 34; White- bellied, 53; White-boot- ed, 15; White-crowned, 29 ; White-eared, 6l ; White-fronted,50; White- headed, 23 ; White-mark- ed, 34; White-masked, 56 ; White-naped, 31 ; White Nutmeg, 19 ; White - throated, 24 ; White-winged, 48, 58 j Wood, 17; Zenaida, 47- pileata. Columba, 59. pinon. Carpophaga, 23 ; Columba, 23 ; Zonoenas, 23. pistrinaria. Carpophaga, 1 8 ; Ducula, 18. pityriopsis. Vinago, 14. placida. Geopelia, 37. plumbea. Chlorcenas, 33 ; Columba, 33 ; Leptoptila, 33. plumipes. Columba, 29. poiciloptera. Columba, 31. poliocephala. Carpophaga, 22; Hemiphaga, 22 ; Zon- oenas, 22. pompadora. Columba, 11 ; Osmotreron, 11 ; Treron 11. porphyracea. Columba, 2, 3. porphyraceus. Ptilonopus, 3 ; Ptilopus, 3. porphyrea. Columba, 3, 8 ; Lamprotreron, 8. porphyreus. Ptilinopus, 8, portoricensis. Columba, 30. princeps. Carpophaga, 2'2 ; Columha, 22. E 2 INDEX. psittacea. Columba, 12 ; Treron, 12; Trygon, 12 ; Vinago, 12. psittacina. Columba, 12. Pterocolpa, 16. Ptilinopus, 1. Ptilocolpa, 16, 22. Ptilonopus, 1, 2. Ptilophyrus, 64. Ptilopus, 2. Ptilotrerun, 2. puella. Carpophaga, 21 ; Columba, 21 ; Megalopre- pia, 21. pulcherrima. Columba, 9 ; Erythraena, 9 ; Erythro- laema, 9 ; Erythrotreron, 9- pulcherrimus. Ptilonopus, 9- pulchrata. Columba, 42. pulchricollis. Columba ?, 26 ; Palumbus, 26. puniceus. Alsocomus, 23 ; Carpophaga, 23 ; Co- lumba, 23. purpurata. Columba, 2, 3, 4, 5. purpuratus. Ptilinopus, 2, 3, 5 ; Ptilonopus, 4 ; Pti- lopus, 4; Trygon, 3. purpurea. Columba, 12 ; Treron, 12. purpureocinctus. Ptilono- pus, 4. purpuroleucocephalis. Co- lumba, 5. pusilla. Carpophaga, 17, R. Ramphiculus, 2, 7- Rasores, 1. Reichenbachi. Crossoph- thalmus, 31. Reinwardteenas, 38, 40. Reinwardtii. Columba, 40; Macropygia, 40 j Turtur, 40. Reinwardtoena, 38. Rhinopus, 16. Rinopus, 16. risoria. Columba, 44 ; var. Columba, 42, 43. risorius. Streptopelia, 44 ; Turtur, 44. Rivolii ?. Columba, 6 ; Jo- treron, 7- Romeris, 10. rosacea. Carpophaga, 17 ; Columba, 17 ; Ducula, 17. roseicapilla. Columba, 2,4. roseicapillus. Ptilopus, 4. roseicollis. Columba, 8 ; Ptilonopus, 8 ; Trygon, 8. rubracera, Carpophaga, 18 ; Globicera, 18. rubricapilla. Carpophaga, 9 ; Columba, 9 ; lan- thoenas, 9 rufaxilla. Columba, 54 ; Leptotila, 54 ; Peristera, 54. ruficauda. Zenaida, 48. ruficeps. Columba, 39 ; Ma- cropygia, 39 ; Turtur, 39. rufina. Carpophaga, 34 ; Chloro3nas, 34 ; Columba, 34 ; lanthcenas, 34. rufinucha. Carpophaga, 17. rufipennis. Chsemepeiia,51; Talpacotia, 51. rupestris. Columba, 29. rupicola. Columba, 41 ; Turtur, 41, 42. S. samoensis. Kurukuru, 4. sanguinea. Colurnba, 64. Scardafella, 49, 51. Schimperi. Columba, 29. semitorquatus. Streptope- lia, 44 ; Turtur, 44. senegalensis. Columba, 43 ; Turtur, 43. Sieboldii. Columba, 15 ; Sphenocercus, 15 ; Tre- ron, 15 ; Trygon, 15. sinica. Columba, 36. Smithii. Columba, 62; Geo- phaps, 62 ; Peristera, 62. spadicea. Carpophaga, 22 ; Columba, 21, 22 ; Hemi- phaga, 22. spadicea leucopheea. Co- lumba, 21. speciosa. Columba, 32 ; Ectopistes, 32 ; Lepidse- rias, 32 ; Lepidoenas, 32 ; Peristera, 32. Spheneena, 10. Sphenocercus, 10, 15. Sphencena, 10. Sphenotreron, 10. Sphenura. Columba, 16 ; Treron, 15; Vinago, 15, 16. Sphenurus, 10. sphenurus. Sphenocercus, 15 ; Trygon, 15. spilodera. Chlorsenas, 33 ; Peristera, 33. spiloptera. Columba, 37. squamosa. Chsemepelia, 51 ; Chamsepeleia, 51 ; Cha- in sepelia, 51; Columba,51; Columbina, 51 ; Geopelia, 51; (Ena, 61; Scardafella, 51; Turtur, 51. Stairi. Caloenas, 64 . Starnaenas, 58. Starncenas, 58. stenura. Zenaida, 48. Sternoenas, 58. Steursii. Goura, 65. Stictsenas, 26. Stictoenas, 25, 32. Stictopeleia, 36, 37. Stictopelia, 36. strepitans. Chamsepeleia, 45 ; Chamsepelia, 45 ; Co- lumba, 45 ; Columbina, 45 ; Columbula, 45. Streptopelia, 41, 43. strophium. Ptilonopus, 6 ; Trygon, 6. striafa. Columba, 36 ; Geo- pelia, 36 ; Turtur, 37. Strictoenas, 26. Struthiones, 1. St. Thomse. Columba, 13 ; Treron, 11, 13; Trygon, 13. Sundevalli. Carpophaga, 18; Globicera, 18. superba. Columba, 4, 7 ; Lamprotreron, 7- superbus. Ptilonopus, 7 ; Trygon, 7. superciliaris. Columba, 59 ; Ptilonopus, 59. suratensis. Columba, 42 ; Turtur, 42. Swainsoni. Ptilonopus, 2 ; Ptilopus, 3 ; Trygon, 3. Sylphidsena, 2. Sylphitreron, 2. sylvatica. Carpophaga, 17 ; Columba, 17 ; Geotrygon, 56. sylvestris. Columba, 56 ; Turtur, 41. T. Taeniaenas, 25. Taenioenas, 25, 31. taitensis. Columba, 5 ; Try- gon, 5. Taiti. Columbe de, 5. talpacoti. Chamsepeleia, 50; Chamsepelia, 50 ; Chce- mepelia, 50 j Columba, 50 ; Goura, 50. Talpacotia, 49, 50. tenuirostre. Treron, 11. tenuirostris. Macropygia, 39- Thouarsitreron, 2, 5. tigrina. Columba, 42, INDEX. 73 Tcenioenaa, 25. Tomopeleia, 36, Toria, 9, 10. torquata. Columba, 26. torquatus. Palumbus, 26; var. Palumbus, 26. Torringtoni. Carpophaga, 27 ; Columba, 27 ; Palum- bus, 27. tranquil la. Geopelia, 37 ; Turtur, 37. Treroloema, 21. Treron, 9, 10. Treroninae, 1. trifasciata. Peristera, 52. trigonigera. Columba, 32 ; Stictoenas, 32. Trocaz. Columba, 27. Trocaza, 25, 27. trochila. Chamsepelia, 50 ; Choemepelia, 50. Trudeaui. Chameepeleia, 48; Columba, 48. Trygon, 2, 10. Turaccsna, 38, 40. Turtle. Barred, 37; Cam- baian, 43 ; Collared, 44 ; Collared Senegal,43; Dus- sumier's, 45 ; Dwarf, 45 ; Indian, 4) ; Placid, 37 ; Surat, 42 ; Tranquil, 37. Turtur, 41. turtur. Columba, 41 ; Pe- ristera, 41 ; var. Columba, 42. Turturaena, 25, 30. Turturcena, 25. turturoides. Ptilonopus, 15, tusalia. Coccyzura, 40 ; Ma- cropygia, 40. Tympanistria, 52, 57. tympanistria. Columba, 57 ; Peristera, 57. typica. Reinwardtcena, 41. U. unchall. Columba, 39 ; Macropygia, 39. unicolor. Vinago, 12, Uropeleia, 45, 40. Uropelia, 45. ustulata. Columba, 52. V. venusta. Chamsepelia, 46; Columba, 46 ; Columbina, 46. vernans. Columba, 12 ; Os- motreron, 12 ; Treron, 12 ; (pars) Treron, 13 ; Trygon, 12 ; Vinago, 12 ; var. Columba, 13. Verreauxi. Leptoptila, 54. Verrulia, 25, versicolor. Columbigallina, 56 ; Geophaps, 56 Tur- tur, 4*2. Victoria. Goura, 65 ; Lo- phyrus, 65. vinacea. Chlorcenas, 33 ; Columba, 33, 43; Peris- tera, 33; Streptopelia, 44 ; Turtur, 44, vinaceus. Turtur, 43. Vinago, Q. violacea. Columba, 55 ; Geotrygon, 55 ; Peristera, 55. viridis. Columba, 6, 12 ; Jotreron, 6 ; Ptilonopus, 6 ; Treron, 12 ; Trygon, 6. vitiensis. Carpophaga, 23 ; Columba,23; Janthoenas, 23. vitticollis major. Columba, 42. vitticollis minor. Columba, 42. vulgaris. Turtur, 41. W. waalia. Columba, 15. X. xanthogaster. Columba, 5 ; Ptilonopus, 5, 6. Z. zealandica. Columba, 21. Zenaida, 46, 47. zenaida. Columba, 47. Zenaidura, 35. Zenoida, 46. Zonaenas, 16. Zonoenas, 16, 23. Printed by Taylor and Francis, Red Lion Court, Fleet Street, London. CATALOGUES OF THE ZOOLOGICAL COLLECTION IN THE BRITISH MUSEUM. I. VERTEBRATA. List of Mammalia. By Dr. J.E. GRAY, F.R.S. &c. 1843. 2s. 6d. Catalogue of the Mammalia. By Dr. J. E. GRAY, F.R.S. &c. Parti. Cetacea. 12mo, 1850. 4s., with Plates. Part 2. Seals. 12mo, 1850. Is. 6d., with Woodcuts. Part 3. Hoofed Quadrupeds. Section I. (Ungulata furci- peda). 12mo. 1852, with Plates of Genera, 12s. This work contains the description of the genera and species, and figures of the chief characters of the genera. List of Mammalia and Birds of Nepaul, presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq., to the British Museum. By Dr. J. E. GRAY and G. R. GRAY. 12mo. 1846. 2s. List of Genera of Birds. By G. R. GRAY, F.L.S. 12mo, 1855. 4s. List of Birds. By G. R. GRAY, F.L.S. &c. Part 1. Raptorial. Edition 1, 1844; edition 2, 1848. 3s. Part 2. Passeres. Section I. Fissirostres. 1848. 2s. Part 3. Gallinae, Grallae and Anseres. 1844. 2s. (Out of Print.) List of British Birds. By G. R. GRAY, F.L.S. &c. 12mo. 1850. 4s. List of the Eggs of British Birds. By G. R. GRAY, F.L.S. &c. 12mo. 1852. 2s. 6d. Catalogue of Reptiles. By Dr. J. E. GRAY, F.R.S., V.P.Z.S. &c. Parti. Tortoises, Crocodiles and Amphisba3nians. 1844. Is. Part 2. Lizards. 1845. 3s. 6d. Part 3. Snakes (Crotalidse, Viperidae, Hydridaeand Boidaeu 12mo. 1849. 2s. 6d. Catalogue of Amphibia. By Dr. J. E. GRAY, F.R.S., V.P.Z.S. Part 2. Batrachia Gradientia. 12mo, 1850. 2s. 6d. With Plates of the Skulls and Teeth. Catalogue of Fish. By Dr. J. E. GRAY, F.R.S., V.P.Z.S. Parti. Cartilaginous Fish. 12mo, 1851. 3s. With two Plates. These Catalogues of Reptiles, Amphibia, and Fish, contain the characters of all the genera and species at present known ; the latter are illustrated with figures of the genera. Catalogue of Fish, collected and described by L. T, GRONOW. 12mo. 1854. 3s. 6d. List of British Fish ; with Synonyma. By A. WHITE, F.L.S. &c. 12mo. 1851. 3s. List of Osteological Specimens. By Dr. J. E. GRAY, F.R.S. &c. and G. R. GRAY, F.L.S. 12mo. 1847. 2s. II. ANNULOSA. Catalogue of Lepidoptera. By G. R. GRAY, F.L.S. Part 1. Papiiionidse, with coloured figures of the new spe- cies. \ : 5s. 4to. 1852. List of Lepidopterous Insects. By E. DOUBLEDAY, F.L.S. Part 1. Papiiionidse, &c. 12mo. 1844. 2s. 6d. (Out of Print.) Part 2. Erycinid^, &c. 12mo. 1847. 9d. Part 3. Appendix to Papiiionidse, Erycinidse, &c. 1848. 9d. List of Lepidopterous Insects, with descriptions of new species. By FRANCIS WALKER, F.L.S. Part 1. Lepidoptera Heterocera. 12mo. 1854. 4s. Part 2. 1854. 4s. Part 3. 1855. 3s. List of British Lepidoptera; with Synonyma. By J. F. STE- PHENS, F.L.S., and H. T. STAINTON, M.E.S. Parti. 12mo. 1850. 5s. Part 3. 1853. 9d. Part 2. 1852. 2s. Part 4. 1854. 3s. List of Hymenopterous Insects. By F. WALKER, F.L.S. Part 1. Chalcididse. 12mo. 1846. Is. 6d. Part 2. Additions to Chalcididse. 1848. 2s. Catalogue of Hymenopterous Insects. By F. SMITH, M.E.S. Part 1. Andrenidee, &c. 12mo. 1853. 6s., with Plates. Part 2. Apidje. 1854. 6s., with Plates. Part 3. Mutillidae and Pompilidae. 1855. 6s., with PI ates. Catalogue of British Hymenoptera. By F. SMITH, M.E.S. Parti. Apidifi. 12mo. 1855. 6s. List of British Aculeate Hymenoptera ; with Synonyma, and the description of some new species. By F. SMITH. 1851. 2s. Catalogue of Dipterous Insects. By F. WALKER, F.L.S. Parti. 12mo. 1848. Part 4. 1849. 6s. 3s. 6d. Part 5. Supplement I. 1854. 4s. 6d. Part 2. 1849. 3s. 6d. Part 6. Supplement II. 1854. 3s. Part3. 1849. 3s. Part 7- Supplement III. 1855. 3s.6d. Catalogue of Homopterous Insects. By F. WALKER, F.L.S. With Plates. Part 1. 12mo. 1850. 3s. 6d. Part 3. 1851. 3s. 6d. Part 2. 1850. 5s. Part 4. 1852. 4s. Catalogue of Neuropterous Insects. By F. WALKER, F.L.S. Parti. 12mo. 1852. 2s. 6d. Part 3. 1853. Is. 6d. Part 2. 1853. 3s. 6d. Part 4. 1853. Is. Catalogue of Hemipterous Insects. ByW. S.DALLAs,F.L.S.&c. With Plates, Part 1. 12mo. 1851. 7*. Part 2. 1852. 4s. The Catalogues of Hymenopterous^ Dipterous, Homopterous 3 and Hemipterous Insects contain the description of the species in the Museum which appeared to be undescribed. Nomenclature of Coleopterous Insects (with characters of new species). Part 1. Cetoniadse. 12mo. 1847. Is. By A. WHITE, F.L.S. &c. Part 2. Hydrocanthari. 1847. Is. 3d. By A. WHITE, F.L.S. Part 3. Buprestidse. 1848. Is. By A. WHITE, F.L.S. Part 4. Cleridaj. 1849. Is. Sd. By A. WHITE, F.L.S. Part 5. Cucujidse. 1851. 6d. By F. SMITH, M.E.S. Part 6. Passalidse. 1852. Sd. By F. SMITH, M,E.S. Part 7. Longicornia. 1853. 2s. 6d. By A. WHITE, F.L.S. With Plates. List of Myriapoda. By G. NEWPORT, F.R.S. &c. 12mo. 1844. 4d. List of British Anoplura, or Parasitic Insects ; with Synonyma. By H. DENNY. 12mo. Is. List of Crustacea ; with Synonyma. By A. WHITE. 1847. 2s. List of British Crustacea ; with Synonyma. By A. WHITE, F.L.S. 12mo. 1850. 2s. 6d. Catalogue of Entozoa ; with Plates. By W. BAIRD, M.D., F.L.S. 12mo. 1853. 2s. Catalogue of British Worms. By G. JOHNSTON, M.D. 8vo. III. MOLLUSCA. Catalogue of the Mollusca. By Dr. J. E. GRAY, F.R.S. &c. Parti. Cephalopoda Antepedia. 12mo. 1849. 4s. Part 2. Pteropoda. 1850. Is. Catalogue of Bivalve Mollusca. By Dr. J. E. GRAY, F.R.S. &c. Parti. Placuniadae and Anomiadse. 12mo. 1850. 4d. Part 2. BrachiopodaAncylopoda. 1853.35. Figures of genera. Containing the characters of the recent and fossil genera, and the descriptions of all the recent species at present known. Catalogue of Phaneropneumona or Operculated Terrestrial Mol- lusca. By Dr. Louis PFEIFFER and Dr. J. E.GRAY. 1852.5s. Catalogue of Conchifera. By M. DESK AYES. Part 1. Veneridse, &c. 12mo. 1853. 3s. Part 2. Petricolidse. List of British Mollusca and Shells; with Synonyma. By Dr. J. E. GRAY, F.R.S. Parti. Acephala and Brachiopoda. 12rno. 1851. 3s. 6d. Catalogue of Pulmonata. By Dr. Louis PFEIFFER and Dr. J. E. GRAY, F.R.S. Part 1. 12mo. 1855. 2s. 6d. List of the Shells of the Canaries, described by M. D'Orbigny. 1854. Is. List of the Shells of Cuba, described by M. D'Orbigny. 1854. \s. List of the Shells of South America, described by M. D'Orbienv 1854. 2s. List of the Mollusca and Shells collected and described by MM. Eydoux and Souleyet. 1855. Sd. Nomenclature of Mollusca. By Dr. W. BAIRD, F.L.S. &c. Part 1. Cyclophoridje. 1851. Is. 6d. IV. RADIATA. Catalogue of Marine Polyzoa. By G. BUSK, F.R.S. Part 1. Chilostoma." 1852. 17*. With Plates. Part 2. Chilostoma. 1854. 15s. With Plates. List of British Radiata; with Synonyma. By Dr. J. E. GRAY, F.R.S. 1848. 45. List of British Sponges ; with Synonyma. By Dr. J. E. GRAY, F.R.S. 1848. lOd. Catalogue of the Recent Echinida. By Dr. J. E. GRAY, F.R.S. Part 1. Echinida irregularia. 12mo. 3s. 6d., with plates. V. BRITISH ZOOLOGY. List of the British Animals ; with Synonyma and references to figures. Part 1. Radiata. By Dr. J. E. GRAY. 1848. 4s. Part 2. Sponges. By Dr. J. E. GRAY. 1848. lOd. Part 3. Birds. By G. R. GRAY. 1850. 4s. Part 4. Crustacea. By A. WHITE. 1850. 2s. 6d. Part 5. Lepidoptera. By J. F. STEPHENS. 1850. 5s. Part 6. Hymenoptera. By F. SMITH. 1851. 2s. Part 7- Mollusca Acephala and Brachiopoda. By Dr. J. E. GRAY. 1851. 3s. 6d. Part8. Fish. By A. WHITE. 1851. 3s. Part 9. Eggs of British Birds. By G. R. GRAY. 1852. 2s. 6d. Part 10. Lepidoptera (continued). By J. F. STEPHENS. 1852. 2s. Part 11. Anoplura or Parasitic Insects. By H. DENNY. Is. Part 12. Lepidoptera (continued). By J. F. STEPHENS. 1852. 9d. Part 13. Nomenclature of Hymenoptera. By F. SMITH. 1853. Is. 4d. Part 14. Nomenclature of Neuroptera. By A. WHITE. 1853. 6d. Part 15. Nomenclature of Diptera. By A. WHITE. 1853. Is. Part 16. Lepidoptera (completed). By H. T. STAINTON, M.E.S. 1854. 3s. Catalogue of British Hymenoptera (Bees). By F. SMITH. 1855. 6s., with plates. N.B. These Catalogues can be obtained at the Secretary's Office in the BRITISH MUSEUM ; or through any Bookseller. June 1855. U.C. BERKELEY LIBRARIES COOSflElMSG ~ / UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY