HE NEW ART DF FLYING UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY WALDEMAR KAEMPFFERT LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. Class THE NEW ART OF FLYING Photograph by Edwin Levick Fig. 36. The Hanriot monoplane in flight. The entire framework is covered with canvas to reduce resistance The New Art of Flying BY WALDEMAR KAEMPFFERT With Numerous Illustrations v i , >-, >' T* ;\ } , -, } i s T V%? HI *;i NEW YORK DODD, MEAD AND COMPANY 1911 Copyright iplO, BY WALDEMAR KAEMPFFERT Copyright 1911 BY HARPER & BROS. Published, April, 1911 LIBRARIAN'S FIK3 *.! -s t a bJO PREFACE WHEN the time comes for some historian of the far-distant future to survey critically the technical achievements of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries and to weigh the compara- tive economic importance of those achievements, it may be that the invention of the aeroplane flying-machine will be deemed to have been of less material value to the world than the dis- covery of Bessemer and open-hearth steel, or the perfection of the telegraph, or the intro- duction of new and more scientific methods in the management of our great industrial works. To us, however, the conquest of the air, to use a hackneyed phrase, is a technical triumph so dramatic and so amazing that it overshadows in importance every feat that the inventor has accomplished. If we are apt to lose our sense of proportion, it is not only because it was but yesterday that we learned the secret of the bird, but also because we have dreamed of flying long before we succeeded in ploughing the water in a dug-out canoe. From Icarus to the Wright Brothers is a far cry. In the centuries that have elapsed more 218707 vi PREFACE lives have been lost in aeronautic experimenta- tion than in devising telephones and telegraphs. These tragedies of science have lent a glamour to the flying-machine; so much so, indeed, that the romance rather than the technique of flying interests the reading public. Yet this attitude of wonder is pardonable. Only a few years ago the inventor of a flying-machine was classed, even by scientists, with the misguided enthusi- ast who spends his life in devising perpetual motion machines or in fruitless attempts at squaring the circle. It is hard to realise that the building of aeroplanes is now elevated to the dignity of a legitimate engineering pursuit. Although the romantic aspects of aviation have not been ignored in the following pages, it is the chief purpose of this book to explain as simply and accurately as possible the principles of dynamic flight and aeroplane construction, so that an intelligent reader will learn why a machine many times heavier than the air stays aloft for hours at a time and why it is con- structed as it is. The limitations imposed by a popular book are such that it is impossible to discuss with anything like thoroughness such difficult matters as equilibrium and stability, the correct proportioning of supporting surfaces to weight and speed, and the resistance encoun- PREFACE vii tered in the air by planes in motion. Indeed, these questions are not definitely settled in the minds of technical men. Besides presenting an elementary account of a flying-machine's way in the air, it has been deemed advisable to dis- cuss the screw and the internal-combustion motor as applied to the flying-machine. There can be little doubt that the propeller and the engine offer many a problem for solution be- fore the aeroplane can compete successfully with other forms of locomotion, and a discussion of the driving mechanism of an aeroplane should, therefore, constitute an essential part of even a popular book on flying. So marked have been the changes that have been made in the construction of well-known biplanes and monoplanes and so many are the new machines that appear almost from week to week that it is almost a hopeless task to present anything like a complete account of existing aeroplanes. Hence it has been deemed advisable to limit the descriptions of types to those machines which have been in a measure standardized. In the preparation of this volume the author has been ably assisted by several friends to whom he wishes to make due acknowledgment. He is indebted to Mr. Carl Dienstbach for a viii PREFACE critical reading of the entire manuscript before it passed to the press, and for many valuable suggestions; to Mr. C. Fitzhugh Talman, li- brarian of the United States Weather Bureau, for a painstaking revision of the chapter en- titled " The New Science of the Air "; to Mr. H. A. Toulmin for information on the points at issue in the various suits brought by the Wright Brothers for the alleged infringement of their patents; to Francis W. Aymar, Pro- fessor of Law in the New York University Law School, for valuable aid in the prepara- tion of the chapter on " The Law of the Air " ; and to the Smithsonian Institution and the Wright Brothers for various photographs. Acknowledgment is also made to Messrs. Harper & Brothers for permission to use ma- terial which appeared in an article written by the author and published in " Harper's Monthly Magazine." NEW YORK, N. Y., January, 1911. CONTENTS CHAPTER PAGI I WHY FLYING-MACHINES FLY .... i II FLYING-MACHINE TYPES 15 III THE PLANE IN THE AIR 26 IV STARTING AND ALIGHTING 42 V How AN AEROPLANE is BALANCED . 58 VI MAKING A TURN 85 VII THE PROPELLER 94 VIII AEROPLANE MOTORS in IX THE NEW SCIENCE OF THE AIR . . 133 X THE PERILS OF FLYING 163 XI THE FLYING-MACHINE IN WAR . . . 185 XII SOME TYPICAL BIPLANES 208 XIII SOME TYPICAL MONOPLANES .... 222 XIV THE FLYING-MACHINE OF THE FUTURE 23 1 XV THE LAW OF THE AIR 246 GLOSSARY 269 INDEX fc . . 281 ILLUSTRATIONS Fig. 36. The Hanriot monoplane in flight. The entire frame- work is covered with canvas to reduce resistance frontispiece FACING PAGE Fig. i . Lilienthal gliding in the machine in which he was killed 4 Fig. a . Chanute trussed biplane glider in flight 8 fig. 3. Langley's steam-driven model, the first motor flying- machine that ever flew ia Fig. 4. Langley's aerodrome in flight on May 6, 1X96, on the Potomac River at Quantico. This is the first photo- graph ever made of an aeroplane in flight .... 1 6 Fig. 5. Roe's triplane in flight. The best engineering opinion is against the triplane because of its large head resist- ance and consequent low speed 20 Fig. 6. Cornu's helicopter or screw-flyer. In this machine the lifting and propulsive force is obtained entirely by screws 4 Fig. IO. Langley's device for launching his aerodromes. The machine was mounted on a houseboat, which could be turned in any direction so as to face the wind ... 30 Fig. 1 1 . Langley's model aerodrome photographed immediately after a launch . . % 34 Fig. 13. Starting derrick and rail of the Wright Brothers. The machine is about to be hauled up on the rails ... 38 Fig. 14. Combined wheels and skids employed on the later Wright machines 44 Fig. 15. Bleriot starting from the French coast on his historic flight across the English Channel 48 Fig. ao. Mr. Wilbur Wright in the old type Wright biplane . 54 Fig. ai. The first type of Wright biplane, showing the general dis- position of the main planes, forward horizontal rudders and rear vertical rudders 60 Fig. aa. A machine devised by the Wrights for the instruction of pupils 7* Fig. 24. Glenn H. Curtiss winning the Scientific American Trophy on July 4, 1908 76 Fig. 25. Glenn H. Curtiss in one of his flying-machines, equipped with balancing-planes between the main planes . . 80 Fig. 27. The Farman biplane. The ailerons are the flaps on the planes, which, as shown in this picture, hang down almost vertically when the machine is at rest ... 8z xi ILLUSTRATIONS FACING PAGE Fig. 28. Henry Farman seated in his biplane. His hand grasps the lever by which the ailerons are operated ... 88 Fig. 29. One of the new Curtiss biplanes in flight. The ma- chine is fitted with ailerons similar to those of the Farman machine pictured in Fig. 27 92 Fig. 32. In the Antoinette monoplane the horizontal or elevating rudder is operated by means of a vertical hand-wheel by the pilot's right hand. The aviator here pictured is Hubert Latham . o,g Fig- 33- The Antoinette monoplane of 1909 in which ailerons were employed to control the machine laterally . . 102 Fig. 34. Voisin machine of 1909. Machines such as this are no longer made 106 Fig- 35- The Voisin biplane of 1910. The old cellular con- struction is abandoned. Instead of vertical curtains between the main planes Farman ailerons are adopted 112 Fig. 37. Gyrostat mounted in an aeroplane according to the system of A. J. Roberts. The gyrostat is controlled by a pendulum which swings to the right or to the left, according to the tilt of the aeroplane . . . . 1 1 6 Fig. 38. The new Wright biplane in which horizontal or elevat- ing rudder is mounted in the rear 128 Fig. 40. A Farman biplane making a turn. The entire machine is canted so that its weight is opposed to the centrif- ugal force generated by rounding an arc at high speed 130 Fig. 43. A Wright propeller. Wright propellers turn at com- paratively low speeds (400 revolutions a minute). They have an estimated efficiency of 76 per cent . 136 Fig. 44. The Wright machine is driven by two propellers driven in opposite directions by chains connecting the pro- peller shafts with the motor shaft 140 Fig. 45. The Santos-Dumont "Demoiselle" monoplane is the smallest flying-machine that has ever flown success- fully with a man. In the later "Demoiselles" fabric propellers are supplanted by wooden screws of the usual type 144 Fig. 46. A Bleriot monoplane showing a seven-cylinder, fifty- horse power rotary Gnome motor. The motor spins around with the propeller at the rate of about 1400 revolutions a minute 148 Fig. 47. The motor and the propeller of a R. E. P. (Robert Esnault-Pelterie) monoplane. Robert Esnault-Pel- terie has abandoned this four-bladed metal propeller for the more efficient two-bladed wooden propeller . 152 Fig. 48. Henry Farman seated in his biplane with three passengers 156 xii ILLUSTRATIONS FACING PAGE Fig. 63. Motor of the Wright biplane 1 60 Fig. 64. Two-cylinder Anzani motor on a Letourd-Niepce mono- plane 1 66 Fig. 65. The kite and the balloon-house of the Mt. Weather Observatory 17 Fig. 66. Sending up the first of a pair of tandem kites at the Blue Hill Observatory 174 Fig. 67. Mechanism of a meteorograph which records the velocity of the wind, the temperature, the humidity, and the barometric pressure 178 Fig. 69. A glimpse through a Wright biplane. The two planes are trussed together like the corresponding members of a bridge, so as to obtain great strength . . . . 182 Fig. 70. One of the numerous accidents that happened to Louis , Bleriot before he devised his present monoplane . . 1 88 Fig. 71. A biplane that came to grief because of defective lateral control IQ2 Fig. 72. An old style Voisin biplane of cellular construction wrecked because the pilot tried to make too short a turn near the ground 196 Fig. 73- A Krupp 6.5 cm. gun for airship and aeroplane attack. The gun fires a projectile weighing about 8 Ibs. 1 3 oz. to a height of about 18,700 feet 200 Fig. 74. A Krupp 7. 5 cm. gun mounted on an automobile truck. The gun fires a 12 Ib. 2 oz. projectile to a height of about 4 miles. The automobile has a speed of 28^ miles an hour. Under its seats 62 projectiles can be stored 104 Fig. 75. A Krupp 10.5 cm. naval gun for repelling aircraft . . 210 Fig. 76. The projectiles employed for the repulsion of airships and aeroplanes leave a trail of smoke behind them so that the gun crew can determine the amount of error in sighting 214 Fig. 77. A projectile that hit its mark 216 Fig. 78. ' A Voisin biplane equipped with a Hotchkiss machine gun, exhibited at the 1910 Salon de 1'Aeronautique, Paris. This is probably the first attempt to mount a machine gun on an aeroplane, and was a rather poor attempt 2*O Fig. 79. The Wright biplane that Wilbur Wright flew in France in 1908 224 Fig. 80. The Wright biplane of 1910. The elevating rudder has been placed in the rear of the machine, where it also serves as a tail 228 xiii ILLUSTRATIONS _. FACING PAGE rig. si. The machine in the air is a Farman biplane of the latest type. The machine on the ground is a Bleriot monoplane 232 Fig. 82. Sommer biplane 236 Fig. 83. The 100 horsepower Antoinette monoplane that Hubert Latham flew at Belmont Park during the Interna- tional Aviation Tournament of 1910 240 Fig. 84. The Santos-Dumont " Demoiselle " in flight . . . 150 Fig. 85. A Bleriot racing monoplane. Six men are exerting every muscle to hold back the machine . . . . 256 Fig. 86. The Bleriot monoplane XII. This is a passenger- carrying type. The pilot and his companion sit side by side below the wings 262 XIV DIAGRAMS PAGE Fig. 7. CD is the " entering edge." The lifting power of the forward half A of the curved plane is greater than the lifting power of the rear half 2?, although both are of equal area 28 Fig. 8. A is a simple inclined plane j S, a curved plane at the same angle of incidence or inclination ; C, the type of curved plane which has thus far given the best results in the air 29 Fig- 9 . The plane B S is at a greater angle of incidence than the plane A A. If its speed be 10 miles an hour, it will, while travelling horizontally 25 feet, overcome its tendency to fall to D. If its speed be 20 miles an hour, it will have 50 feet to travel while over- coming its tendency to fall to E. Unless the angle of B S, therefore, were decreased to that of A A for the greater speed, the plane would not move hori- zontally but would ascend 32 Fig. 12. The special launching device invented by the Wright Brothers. The device consists of an inclined rail, about seventy feet long ; a pyramidal derrick j a heavy weight arranged to drop within the derrick ; and a rope, which is fastened to the weight, passed around a pulley at the top of the derrick, then around a second pulley at the bottom of the derrick over a third pulley at the end of the rail, and finally fastened to a car running on the rail. The car is placed on the rail, and the aeroplane on the car. When a trigger is pulled, the weight falls, and the car is jerked forward. So great is the preliminary velocity thus imparted that the machine is able to rise in a few seconds from the car, which is left behind 52 Fig. 1 6. Path of an aeroplane driven forward but with a speed too low for horizontal flight, and with too flat an angle . 58 Fig. 17 Path of a plane inclined at the angle C to the horizontal. The arrow A indicates the direction of travel. If the speed is sufficient the plane will rise because of the upward inclination of the plane 59 Fig. 18. How a plane is laterally balanced by means of ailerons and a vertical rudder. The plane A is provided with hinged tips C and D and with a vertical rudder E. The tips are swung in opposite directions to correct any tipping of the plane, and the vertical rudder E is XV DIAGRAMS PACK swung over to the side of least resistance (the side of the tip D in the example here given) in order to prevent the entire machine from rotating on a vertical axis . 62 Fig. 19. The system of control on an old Wright model ... 64 Fig. 13. The Curtiss system of control 66 Fig. 26. The system of ailerons and rudders devised by Henry Farman for maintaining fore-and-aft and side-to-side balance 68 Fig. 30. The Bleriot system of control 70 Fig. 31. The steering and control column of the Bleriot mono- plane. The wheel Z,, the post AT, and the bell-shaped member M form one piece and move together. Wires connect the bell with the yoke G, carrying the pulley F, around which the wires H running to the flexible portions of the supporting planes are wrapped. By rocking the post and bell from side to side in a vertical plane the wires H are respectively pulled and relaxed to warp the planes. By moving the post K back and forth the horizontal rudder is operated through the wires P. These various movements of the post can be effected by means of the wheel L, which is clutched by the aviator's hands, or by means of the bell My which can be clutched by the aviator's feet if necessary 71 Fig. 39. An aeroplane of 40 feet spread of wing rounding an arc of 60 feet radius. Since the outer side of the aeroplane must travel over a given distance in the same time that the inner side must travel a considerably shorter distance, gravitation must be opposed to centrifugal force in order that the turn may be effected with safety . . 86 Fig. 41. A single-threaded and a double- threaded screw. A two- bladed aeroplane propeller may be conceived to have been cut from a double-threaded screw, /. ., the sec- tions AznA A' and the sections B and B' ... 97 Fig. 42. How the Wright propeller is cut from three planks laid upon one another fan-wise 109 Figs. 49, 50, 51, and 52. The four periods of a four-cycle engine. During the first period (Fig. 49) the explosive mix- ture is drawn in ; during the second period (Fig. 50) the explosive mixture is compressed j during the third period (Fig. 51) the mixture is exploded ; and during the fourth period the products of combustion are discharged 114 Fi S* 53 The U8ual arrangement of the four cylinders of a four- cylinder engine .......... .118 xvi DIAGRAMS PAGE Figs, 54 and 55. Side and plan views of a four-cylinder engine with diagonally-placed cylinders 120 Figs. 56 and 57. Engine with horizontally opposed cylinders . . 1 21 Figs. 58 and 59. Engine with four cylinders radially arranged . 123 Fig. 60. Arrangement of connecting-rods of an engine with four radial cylinders ..124 Fig. 6 1 Arrangement of cylinders and crank case of one type of three-cylinder engine ....125 Fig. 62. Disposition of cylinders, crank case and connecting-rods in one type of engine 126 Fig. 68. The extent of the atmosphere in a vertical direction. Heights in kilometres ...147 XV11 THE NEW ART OF FLYING CHAPTER I WHY FLYING-MACHINES FLY AN aeroplane is any flat or slightly curved sur- face propelled through the air. Since it is con- siderably heavier than air, an inquiring mind may well ask: Why does it stay aloft? Why does it not fall? It is the air pressure beneath the plane and the motion of the plane that keep it up. A balloon can remain stationary over a given spot in a calm, but an aeroplane must constantly move if it is to remain in the air. The mono- planes and biplanes of Bleriot, Curtiss, and the Wrights are somewhat in the position of a skater on thin ice. The skater must move fast enough to reach a new section of ice before he falls; the aeroplane must move fast enough to reach a new section of air before it falls. Hence, the aeroplane is constantly struggling with gravitation. 2 THE NEW ART OF FLYING The simplest and most familiar example of an aeroplane is the kite of our boyhood days. We all remember how we kept it aloft by hold- ing it against the wind or by running with it if there happened to be only a gentle breeze. When the wind stopped altogether or the string broke, the kite fell. Above all things it was necessary to hold the kite's surface toward the wind, an end which we accomplished with a string. The eagle is an animated kite without a string ; it keeps its outspread wings to the wind by muscular power. If we can find a substitute for the string, some device in other words which will enable us to hold the kite in the proper direction, we have invented a flying-machine. The pull or the thrust of an engine-driven pro- peller is the accepted substitute for the string of a kite and the muscles of an eagle. If only these simple principles were involved in a solution of the age-old problem of artificial flight, aeroplanes would have skimmed the air decades ago. Many other things must be considered besides mere propelling machinery. Chief among these is the very difficult art of WHY FLYING-MACHINES FLY 3 balancing the plane so that it will glide on an even keel. Even birds find it hard to maintain their balance. In the constant effort to steady himself a hawk sways from side to side as he soars, like an acrobat on a tight rope. Occa- sionally a bird will catch the wind on the top of his wing, with the result that he will capsize and fall some distance before he can recover himself. If the living aeroplanes of nature find the feat of balancing so difficult, is it any wonder that men have been killed in endeavouring to dis- cover their secret? If you have ever watched a sailing yacht in a stiff breeze you will readily understand what this task of balancing an aeroplane really means, although the two cases are mechani- cally not quite parallel. As the pressure of the wind on the sail heels the boat over, the ballast and the crew must be shifted so that their weight will counterbalance the wind pressure. Otherwise the yacht will capsize. In a yacht maintenance of equilibrium is comparatively easy; in an aeroplane it demands incessant vigilance, because the sudden slight variations of the wind must be immediately met. The 4 THE NEW ART OF FLYING aeroplane has weight; that is, it is always fall- ing. It is kept aloft because the upward air pressure is greater than the falling force. The weight or falling tendency is theoretically con- centrated in a point known as the centre of gravity. Opposed to this gravitative tendency is the upward pressure of the air against the under surface of the plane, which effect is theoretically concentrated in a point known as the centre of air pressure. Gravitation (weight) is constant; the air pressure, because of the many puffs and gusts of which even a zephyr is composed, is decidedly inconstant. Hence, while the centre of gravity remains in approximately the same place, the centre of air pressure is as restless as a drop of quick- silver on an unsteady glass plate. The whole art of maintaining the side-to- side balance of an aeroplane consists in keeping the centre of gravity and the centre of air pressure on the same vertical line. If the centre of air pressure should wander too far away from that line of coincidence, the aero- plane is capsized. The upward air pressure being greater than the falling tendency and WHY FLYING-MACHINES FLY 5 having been all thrown to one side, the aero- plane is naturally upset. Obviously there are two ways of maintain- ing side-to-side balance, the one by con- stantly shifting the centre of gravity into coin- cidence with the errant centre of air pressure; the other by constantly shifting the centre of air pressure into coincidence with the centre of gravity. The first method (that of bringing the centre of gravity into alignment with the centre of air pressure) involves ceaseless, flash-like move- ments on the part of the aviator; for by shift- ing his body he shifts the centre of gravity. It happened that one of the first modern experi- menters with the aeroplane met a tragic death after he had succeeded in making over two thousand short flights in a gliding-machine of his own invention, simply because he was not quick enough in so throwing his weight that the centres of air pressure and gravity coin- cided. He was an engineer named Otto Lilien- thal, and he was killed in 1896. Birds were to him the possessors of a secret which he felt that scientific study could reveal. Accordingly, 6 THE NEW ART OF FLYING he spent many of his days in the obscure little hamlet of Rhinow, Prussia. The cottage roofs of that hamlet were the nesting places of a colony of storks. He studied the birds as if they were living machines. After some practical tests, he invented a bat-like appa- ratus composed of a pair of fixed, arched wings and a tail-like rudder. Clutching the horizontal bar to which the wings were fast- ened, he would run down a hill against the wind and launch himself by leaping a few feet into the air. In this manner he could finally soar for about six hundred feet, upheld merely by the pressure of the air beneath the outstretched wings. In order to balance himself he was com- pelled to shift his weight incessantly so that the centre of gravity coincided with the centre of air pressure. Since they rarely remain coin- cident for more than a second, Lilienthal had to exercise considerable agility to keep his centre of gravity pursuing the centre of air pressure, which accounts for the apparently crazy antics he used to perform in flights. One day he was not quick enough. His machine was capsized, and his neck was broken. Pil- WHY FLYING-MACHINES FLY 7 cher, an Englishman, slightly improved on Lili- enthal's apparatus, and after several hundred flights came to a similar violent end. Crude as Lilienthal's machine undoubtedly was, it startled the world when its first flights were made. It taught the scientific investigator of the problem much that he had never even suspected, and laid the foundation for later researches. Octave Chanute, a French engineer resident in the United States, continued the work of the ill-fated Lilienthal. Realising the inherent danger of a glider in which the operator must adapt himself to the changing centre of air pressure with lightning-like rapidity, he devised an apparatus in which the centre of air pressure was made to return into coincidence with the centre of gravity, the second of the two ways of maintaining side-to-side balance. Thus Chanute partly removed the perilous necessity of indulging in aerial gymnastics. In his glid- ing-machines the tips of the planes, when struck by a gust of wind, would fold slightly backward, thereby curtailing the tendency of the centre of air pressure to shift. 8 THE NEW ART OF FLYING Chanute built six motorless, man-carrying gliders, with three of which several thousand short flights were successfully undertaken. The best results were obtained with an apparatus consisting of two superposed planes, a construc- tion which had been previously adopted by Lilienthal. It remained for the Wright Brothers to provide a more perfect mechanism for controlling the movement of the centre of air pressure. The principle of sitting or lying still in the aeroplane and, by means of mechanical devices, bringing the centre of air pressure back into alignment with the centre of gravity is now fol- lowed by every designer of aeroplanes. The old, dangerous method of shifting weights is quite abandoned. The greatest contribution made by the Wright Brothers to the art of fly- ing was that of providing a trustworthy mech- anism for causing the centre of air pressure to return into coincidence with the centre of gravity. The aeroplane must be balanced not only from side-to-side but fore-and-aft as well. The same necessity exists in the eld-fashioned, WHY FLYING-MACHINES FLY 9 single-surface kite. To give it the necessary fore-and-aft stability, we used to adorn it with a long tail of knotted strips of rags. If the tail was not heavy / or long enough, the kite dived erratically and sometimes met its destruction by colliding with a tree. To insure longitud- inal stability, many aeroplane flying-machines are similarly provided with a tail, which con- sists generally of one or more horizontal plane surfaces. Some aeroplanes, however, are tail- less, among them the earlier Wright machines. Usually, they are less stable than the tailed variety. In order to relieve the .aviator of the neces- sity of more or less incessantly manipulating levers, which control centres of air pressure, many inventors have tried to provide aero- planes with devices which will perform that task automatically. Some of them are ingen- ious; but most of them are impracticable be- cause they are too heavy, too complicated, or not responsive enough. In order to fly, an aeroplane, like a kite or a soaring bird, is made to rise preferably in the very teeth of the wind. What is more, it io THE NEW ART OF FLYING must be in motion before it can fly. How this preliminary motion was to be obtained long baffled the flying-machine inventor. Eagles, vultures, and other soaring birds launch them- selves either by leaping from the limb of a tree or the edge of a cliff, or by running along the ground with wings outspread, until they have acquired sufficient speed. To illustrate the difficulty that even practised soaring birds find in rising from the ground, the late Prof. Samuel P. Langley used to quote the following graphic description of the commencement of an eagle's flight (the writer, one of the founder members of the old aeronautical society of Great Britain, was in Egypt, and the " sandy soil " was that of the banks of the Nile) : " An approach to within 80 yards arouses the king of birds from his apathy. He partly opens his enormous wings, but stirs not yet from his station. On gaining a few feet more he begins to walk away with half- expanded, but motionless, wings. Now for the chance. Fire ! A charge of No. 3 from eleven bore rattles audibly but ineffectively upon his WHY FLYING-MACHINES FLY n densely feathered body; his walk increases to a run, he gathers speed with his slowly wav- ing wings, and eventually leaves the ground. Rising at a gradual inclination, he mounts aloft and sails majestically away to his place of refuge in the Libyan range, distant at least five miles from where he rose. Some frag- ments of feathers denote the spot where the shot has struck him. The marks of his claws were traceable in the sandy soil, as, at first with firm and decided digs, he forced his way; but as he lightened his body and increased his speed with the aid of his wings, the imprints of his talons gradually merged into long scratches. The measured distance from the point where these vanished to the place where he had stood proved that with all the stimulus that the shot must have given to his exertions he had been compelled to run full 20 yards before he could raise himself from the earth." We have not all had a chance of seeing this striking illustration of the necessity of get- ting up speed before soaring, but many of us have disturbed wild ducks on the water 12 THE NEW ART OF FLYING and noticed them run along it, flapping their wings for some distance to get velocity before they could fly, and the necessity of initial velocity is at least as great with an artificial flying-machine as it is with a bird. From this, we can readily understand why a vulture can be confined in a small cage, which is entirely open at the top. To get up preliminary speed many methods have been adopted. Langley tried every con- ceivable way of starting his small model, and at last hit on the idea of launching it from ways, somewhat as a ship is launched into the water. The model rested on a car which fell down at the extremity of its motion and thus released the model for its free flight. On May 6, 1896, he saw his creation really fly like a living thing, the first time in history that a motor-driven aeroplane ever flew. The Wright Brothers used to obtain their preliminary speed by having their machine carried down the side of a sandhill, partly sup- ported by a head-wind. Their first perfected motor-driven, man-carrying biplane was started on an inclined track. Most aviators of the O (D !1 1 S 1 bfl j WHY FLYING-MACHINES FLY 13 present time, however, mount their aeroplanes on pneumatic-tired wheels, and like the eagle, in the foregoing quotation, run along the ground for a short distance. Aeroplanes have also been dropped into the air from balloons. Just as a soaring bird uses his legs in leap- ing into the air or running on the ground to start his flight and also in alighting, so many aeroplanes alight with the wheels that serve them during the brief moments of launching. Sometimes, however, special alighting devices are provided, a conspicuous example of which is to be found in the skids or runners of the Wright machine. The problem of steering an aeroplane, when it is launched, is solved, as it must be, by two sets of rudders. A steamboat is a vehicle that travels in two dimensions only; hence, it re- quires only a single, vertical rudder, which serves to guide it from side to side. An aero- plane moves not only from side to side, but up and down as well. Hence, it is equipped with a vertical rudder similar to that of a steamboat's, and also with a horizontal rudder, which serves to alter its course up or down, 14 THE NEW ART OF FLYING and which is becoming more widely known as an elevator. Fore-and-aft stability is attained in tailless machines entirely by manipulation of this elevator. Even in tailed machines its use for that purpose is quite imperative. CHAPTER II FLYING-MACHINE TYPES THE flying creatures of nature insects, birds, fishes, and bats spread wings that lie in a single plane. Because their wings are thus disposed birds may be properly regarded as single-decked flying-machines or " monoplanes," in aviation parlance, and because the earliest attempts at flying were more or less slavish imi- tations of bird-flight, it was but natural that the monoplane was man's first conception of a flying-machine. Since birds are the most effi- cient flying-machines known, so far as power consumption for distance travelled and surface supported are concerned, the monoplane will probably always be regarded as the ideal type of aeroplane flying-machine. It is a circumstance of considerable scientific moment that the wings of a gliding bird, such as an eagle, a buzzard, or a vulture, are wide in spread and narrow in width. Much pains- taking experimentation by Langley and others 1 6 THE NEW ART OF FLYING has shown that the best shape of plane is that which is oblong; the span must be considerably greater than the width. In other words, science has experimentally approved the design of a bird's wings. In nature the proportion of span to width varies in different birds. The spread of an albatross' wings is fourteen times the width; the spread of a lark's wings is four times the width, which is the smallest ratio to be found among birds. The albatross is a more efficient flying-machine than the lark. Hence the albatross is a better model to follow and four- teen to one a better ratio than four to one. Long spans are unwieldy, often too unwieldy for practical, artificial flight. Suppose we cut a long plane in half and mount one half over the other. The result is a two-decked machine, a " biplane." Such a biplane has somewhat less lifting power than the original monoplane, and yet it has the same amount of entering edge. Moreover, the biplane is a little steadier in the air than the monoplane and therefore a little safer, just as a box-kite is steadier than the old-fashioned single-surface kite. Still, the difference in stability between biplane and From an instantaneous photograph by Dr. Alexander Graham Bell Fig. 4. Langley's aerodrome in flight on May 6, 1896, on the Potomac River at Quantico. This is the first photograph ever made of an aeroplane in flight FLYING-MACHINE TYPES 17 monoplane is so slight that designers base their preferences for one type or the other on other considerations. Both types are inher- ently so unstable that it requires a skilled hand to correct their capsizing tendencies. By placing one plane over another certain structural advantages are obtained. It is com- paratively easy to tie two superposed planes together and to form a strong, bridge-like truss, which was first done by Chanute. The proper support of the outstretched surfaces of a mono- plane, on the other hand, is a matter of some difficulty. To correct the inherent instability of both monoplanes and biplanes and to make them safer machines, tails are frequently added. Stability and safety are thus gained at the expense of driving power; for the increased surface of the tail means more resisting sur- face and therefore less speed. An engine of twenty horse-power will drive a tailless Wright machine; tailed Voisin machines with large, heavy cellular tails have refused to rise at times even when equipped with fifty horse- power motors. 1 8 THE NEW ART OF FLYING If a monoplane were to fall vertically like a parachute, it would offer the resistance of its entire surface to the fall; if a biplane were to fall, it would offer the resistance of only one of its planes to the fall. Hence the monoplane is a better parachute than the biplane. The point is perhaps of slight value, because if a skilful aviator is high enough when his motor fails him, he can always glide to the ground on a slant which may be miles in length. Para- doxical as it may seem, the greater the distance through which he may fall, the better are an aviator's chances of reaching the ground with an unbroken neck. At a slight elevation from the ground, both monoplanes and biplanes are in a precarious position in case of motor stop- pages. There is no distance to glide. Hence they must fall. Whether the biplane is a better type of ma- chine than the monoplane, it would be difficult, if not impossible, to maintain. It is certain, however, that the biplane has been brought to a higher state of perfection than the mono- plane, probably because it was the first success- ful type of a man-carrying, motor-driven flying- FLYING-MACHINE TYPES 19 machine. The older the type, the more marked will be the improvements to which it will be subjected. It is curious, too, that most of the pioneer aviators have been advocates of the biplane type. Lilienthal met his death in a biplane. Chanute, who brilliantly continued Lilienthal's work, and the Wright Brothers brought the motorless biplane glider to its highest pitch of perfection. The first flight ever made by a man-carrying, motor-driven machine was that of a Wright biplane. Voisin, Curtiss, and Farman, all of them experienced designers, have performed their most brilliant feats in designing or flying biplanes. Chanute made many experiments with glid- ing-machines having more than two superposed surfaces; but he found in the end that the bi- plane type was most satisfactory. Despite the lessons to be learned from his painstaking ex- periments, inventors have not been wanting who have worked on the three-deck or triplane principle. One of these is Farman, who de- signed the Farman-Voisin three-decked ma- chine. Others are A. V. Roe in England and Vanniman in France. Vanniman and Farman 20 THE NEW ART OF FLYING have since abandoned their triplane structures, and thus rather confirmed Chanute's conclu- sions. It is interesting to know that the tri- plane goes back as far as 1868, in which year an inventor named Stringfellow built a three- decked model. The many-planed flying-machine was prob- ably carried to its extreme by an Englishman, Mr. Horatio Phillips. Between 1881 and 1894 he made a series of experiments which resulted in his building a multiplane, not un- like a Venetian blind in appearance. It con- sisted primarily of a series of numerous super- posed slats, which had extraordinary lifting power. Perhaps the chief objections to such a multiplane are its weight and its height. Con- sequently it is less stable in the air than biplanes. Since an aeroplane, whether it be of single- deck or double-deck construction, must be driven at considerable speed to keep it in the air, and must, furthermore, get up a certain preliminary speed before it can fly at all, some inventors have thought of rotating the planes, as if they were huge propellers, instead of driv- ing them along in a straight line. Such screw- I '! 8 b qj >-( c -* cj bJO QJ - g^ S J3 g, r^ ^"H ? > c 3 1^ PQ 2 s vy 1-s -S .2 bfi C THE PLANE IN THE AIR 39 various forms, on combinations of surfaces, and finally on complete aeroplanes, as well as the stability and steering qualities of these com- binations. It is easier and cheaper to learn from models all that they can teach us than to make the experiments with large and expensive craft, which has been the practice in the past. It is a question, however, how far the results ob- tained from models can be applied to the large vessels. Even small models of ships' hulls, which are tested in towing tanks, do not give absolute results. In aeroplanes, the method may be still more untrustworthy because the aerial craft is completely surrounded by the medium through which it travels and because the carriage generally creates more disturbance in the air than the model, a disturbance suffi- ciently great to make exact measurements im- possible. By substituting for the towing car- riage a cord wound on a windlass, this objec- tion is removed, but it remains very difficult to distinguish sharply between the comparatively small air resistances and the great force of inertia of the heavy model. M. Eiffel has made some excellent experiments with bodies freely 40 THE NEW ART OF FLYING falling through the air. The method fre- quently employed of carrying the model around in a circle by means of a long rotating arm, or on a whirling table, is open to the objec- tion that the model is always moving in air which has been disturbed by its last passage. There is still a third method, which consists in maintaining the model at rest in a current of air produced, for example, by a blower. The mutual action between the model and the air is exactly as in the former system, if the condition of the moving air before it strikes the model is as uniform as that of still air. The trustworthiness of results obtained by this method depends, therefore, upon obtaining a uniform current free from eddies, which end can be attained by the employment of various appliances. When a uniform current has been secured, the advantages of this method are great and obvious. The duration of the ex- periment is unlimited, and the model can be attached to its support much more easily and securely than if it were in motion. Further- more, the difficulties produced by the accelera- tion and inertia of the model on a measuring THE PLANE IN THE AIR 41 apparatus are here avoided. The model is continuously in sight, so that any irregularities can be at once detected. This system has been adopted in the Goettingen Experimental Insti- tute, planned and directed by Professor Prandtl. CHAPTER IV STARTING AND ALIGHTING IN a previous chapter it has been pointed out that like every soaring bird an aeroplane must be in motion before it can fly. Even the early dreamers appreciated the fact. How that pre- liminary leap into the air is to be effected gave Langley no little concern. With the motorless gliders of Lilienthal, Pilcher, and Chanute, it was no difficult matter for the aeronaut to launch himself into the air. He simply carried his apparatus to the top of a hill, grasped the handle-bar, ran down the hill at top speed for a short distance, and then drew up his legs, like any bird. Thus he would slide down the air for several hundred feet as if upon an invisible track. When Langley succeeded in building a small, motor-driven model of a flying-machine, the problem of launching his contrivance long baffled him. Eventually he invented a launch- ing device, which has served as a pattern for STARTING AND ALIGHTING 43 later inventors. The difficulties which beset him were eloquently and lucidly described in an article from his pen, published in McClure's Magazine for June, 1897. The whole prob- lem is there so well and so simply presented that we cannot do better than to let Mr. Lang- ley set it forth himself, even though launching a flying-machine is now regarded as a simple matter: " In the course of my experiments I had found out . . . that the machine must begin to fly in the face of the wind and just in the opposite way to a ship, which begins its voyage with the wind behind it. " If the reader has ever noticed a soaring bird get upon the wing he will see that it does so with the breeze against it, and thus when- ever the aerodrome * is cast into the air it must face a wind which may happen to blow from the north, south, east or west, and we had better not make the launching station a place like the bank of a river, where it can go only one way. It was necessary, then, to send it from something which could be turned in any direc- tion, and taking this need in connection with * * Langley's term for an aeroplane flying-machine, signifying " air-runner." 44 THE NEW ART OF FLYING the desirability that at first the airship should light in the water, there came at last the idea (which seems obvious enough when it is stated) of getting some kind of a barge or boat and building a small structure upon it which could house the aerodrome when not in use, and from whose flat roof it could be launched in any direction. Means for this were limited, but a little " scow " was procured, and on it was built a primitive sort of house, one story high, and on the house a platform about ten feet higher, so that the top of the platform was about twenty feet from the water, and this was to be the place of the launch. This boat it was found necessary to take down the river as much as thirty miles from Washington, where I then was since no suitable place could be found nearer to an island having a stretch of quiet water between it and the main shore; and here the first experiments in at- tempted flight developed difficulties of a new kind difficulties which were partly antici- pated, but which nobody would probably have conjectured would be of their actually formi- dable character, which was such as for a long time to prevent any trial being made at all. They arose partly out of the fact that even such a flying-machine as a soaring bird has to get up an artificial speed before it is on the 11 4 a s "^ I 1 u STARTING AND ALIGHTING 45 wing. Some soaring birds do this by an initial run upon the ground, and even under the most urgent pressure cannot fly without it. u To get up this preliminary speed many plans were proposed, one of which was to put the aerodrome on the deck of a steamboat, and go faster and faster until the head-wind lifted it off the deck. This sounds reasonable, but it is absolutely impracticable, for when the aero- drome is set up anywhere in the open air, we find that the very slightest wind will turn it over, unless it is firmly held. The whole must be in motion, but in motion from something to which it is held until that critical instant when it is set free as it springs into the air. " The house boat was fitted with an appara- tus for launching the aerodrome with a certain initial velocity, and was (in 1893) taken down the river and moored in the stretch of quiet water I have mentioned; and it was here that the first trials at launching were made, under the difficulties to which I have alluded. " It is a difficult thing to launch a ship, al- though gravity keeps it down upon the ways, but the problem here is that of launching a kind of ship which is as ready to go up into the air like a balloon as to go off sideways, and readier to do either than to go straight forward, as it is wanted to do, for though there is no gas in 46 THE NEW ART OF FLYING the flying-machine, its great extent of wing surface renders it something like an albatross on a ship's deck the most unmanageable and helpless of creatures until it is in its proper element. " If there were an absolute calm, which never really happens, it would still be impracticable to launch it as a ship is launched, because the wind made by running it along would get under the wings and turn it over. But there is always more or less wind, and even the gentlest breeze was afterward found to make the airship un- manageable unless it was absolutely clamped down to whatever served to launch it, and when it was thus firmly clamped, as it must be at several distinct points, it was necessary that it should be released simultaneously at all these at the one critical instant that it was leaping into the air. This is another difficult condi- tion, but that it is an indispensable one may be inferred from what has been said. In the first form of launching piece this initial velocity was sought to be attained by a spring, which threw forward the supporting frame on which the aerodrome rested; but at this time the extreme susceptibility of the whole construction to in- jury from the wind and the need of protecting it from even the gentlest breeze had not been appreciated by experience. On November 18, STARTING AND ALIGHTING 47 1893, the aerodrome had been taken down the river, and the whole day was spent in waiting for a calm, as the machine could not be held in position for launching for two seconds in the lightest breeze. The party returned to Wash- ington and came down again on the 2Oth, and although it seemed that there was scarcely any movement in the air, what little remained was enough to make it impossible to maintain the aerodrome in position. It was let go, notwith- standing, and a portion struck against the edge of the launching piece, and all fell into the water before it had an opportunity to fly. " On the 24th another trip was made and another day spent ineffectively on account of the wind. On the zyth there was a similar experience, and here four days and four (round-trip) journeys of sixty miles each had been spent without a single result. This may seem to be a trial of patience, but it was re- peated in December, when five fruitless trips were made, and thus nine such trips were made in these two months and but once was the aerodrome even attempted to be launched, and this attempt was attended with disaster. The principal cause lay, as I have said, in the un- recognised amount of difficulty introduced even by the very smallest wind, as a breeze of three or four miles an hour, hardly perceptible to the 48 THE NEW ART OF FLYING face, was enough to keep the airship from rest- ing in place for the critical seconds preceding the launching. " If we remember that this is all irrespective of the fitness of the launching piece itself, which at first did not get even a chance for trial, some of the difficulties may be better understood; and there were many others. " During most of the year of 1894 there was the same record of defeat. Five more trial trips were made in the spring and summer, dur- ing which various forms of launching apparatus were tried with varied forms of disaster. Then it was sought to hold the aerodrome out over the water and let it drop from the greatest at- tainable height, with the hope that it might ac- quire the requisite speed of advance before the water was reached. It will hardly be anticipated that it was found impracticable at first to simply let it drop without something going wrong, but so it was, and it soon became evident that even were this not the case, a far greater time of fall was requisite for this method than that at com- mand. The result was that in all these eleven months the aerodrome had not been launched, owing to difficulties which seem so slight that one who has not experienced them may wonder at the trouble they caused. * I I STARTING AND ALIGHTING 49 " Finally, in October, 1894, an entirely new launching apparatus was completed, which em- bodied the dozen or more requisites, the need for which had been independently proved in this long process of trial and error. Among these was the primary one that it was capable of sending the aerodrome off at the requisite initial speed, in the face of a wind from whichever quarter it blew, and it had many more facilities which practice had proved indispensable." Langley's account has a certain historical interest, because never before had a motor- driven machine been brought to such a pitch of perfection that it could fly, if once launched. After his repeated failures, Langley finally succeeded in launching his craft from " ways," as shown in Fig. n, somewhat as a ship is launched into the water, the machine resting on a car, which fell down at the end of the car's motion. A launching device identical in principle was afterwards employed to start the man-carrying machine built by Langley for the United States Government. Once, according to Major Ma- comb, of the Board of Ordnance, u the trial was 50 THE NEW ART OF FLYING unsuccessful because the front guy post caught in its support on the launching car and was not released in time to give free flight, as was in- tended, but, on the contrary, caused the front of the machine to be dragged downward, bend- ing the guy post and making the machine plunge into the water about fifty yards in front of the house boat." Of another trial Major Macomb states . . . " the car was set in motion and the propellers revolved rapidly, the engine working perfectly, but there was something wrong with the launching. The rear guy post seemed to drag, bringing the rudder down on the launch- ing ways, and a crashing, rending sound, fol- lowed by the collapse of the rear wings, showed that the machine had been wrecked in the launching; just how it was impossible to see.'* Because it was never launched, the machine never flew. The appropriation having been exhausted, Langley was compelled to abandon his tests. The newspaper derision which greeted him undoubtedly embittered him, short- ened his life, and probably set back the date of the man-carrying flying-machine's advent several years. Langley's trials have been here STARTING AND ALIGHTING 51 set down at some length to show the practica- bility and impracticability of various launching methods and to demonstrate that his machine was far from being the failure popularly sup- posed. No man has contributed so much to the science of aviation as the late Samuel Pier- pont Langley. That his work was not lost on the Wright Brothers at least, is evidenced by the manner in which they attacked the difficulty of getting up starting speed. The Wright Brothers in- vented an arrangement, which was simpler than Langley's, more efficient, and not so likely to imperil the aeroplane. As illustrated in Fig- ures 12 and 13, it consisted in its early stage of an inclined rail, about seventy feet long; a pyramidal " derrick " ; a heavy weight ar- ranged to drop within the derrick; and a rope which was fastened to the weight, led around a pulley at the top of the derrick, passed around a second pulley at the bottom of the derrick and over a third pulley at the end of the rail, and then secured to a car. The car was placed on the rail, and the aeroplane itself on the car. When a trigger was pulled, the weight 52 THE NEW ART OF FLYING fell, and the car was jerked forward. So great was the preliminary velocity thus imparted that the machine was able to rise from the car in a few seconds. FIG. 12. The special launching device invented by the Wright Brothers. The device consists of an inclined rail, about seventy feet long; a pyramidal derrick; a heavy weight arranged to drop within the derrick; and [ a rope, which is fastened to the weight, passed around a pulley at the top of the derrick, then around a second pulley at the bottom of the derrick over a third pulley at the end of the rail, and finally fastened to a car running on the rail. The car is placed on the rail, and the aeroplane on the car. When a trigger is pulled, the weight falls, and the car is jerked forward. So great is the preliminary velocity thus imparted that the machine is able to rise in a few seconds from the car, which is left behind. Neither a falling weight nor a starting car- riage on rails can be carried with an aero- plane. Hence, a machine thus launched must always return to its derrick. Clearly, an aero- plane which can start up under its own power is preferable to one which is wedded to a start- ing derrick or any other extraneous launching STARTING AND ALIGHTING 53 apparatus. Inasmuch as more power is re- quired for starting by running on the ground (i. e., for accelerating the machine) than for actual flight, the Wright Brothers continued to employ their starting rail long after other avi- ators had adopted wheels. The result was that they could equip their machine with motors of far less power than their rivals. Even before the Wright Brothers threw aside all secrecy and flew publicly in France and the United States during the summer of 1908, Curtiss and Farman had made short flights on machines which were mounted on pneumatic-tired wheels. Their machines would run on the wheels for several hundred feet. When sufficient velocity had been attained the pilot would give a slight upward tilt to the ele- vating rudder, and the machine would leave the ground. The only essential was a fairly smooth, fairly hard piece of ground for the preliminary run. So successful has this system been that in somewhat improved form it is embodied in every modern aeroplane. Even the Wright Brothers, who long persisted in using the starting derrick in the face of the 54 THE NEW ART OF FLYING obvious advantages of wheels, abandoned the starting derrick as soon as they had increased the power of their motors. In Fig. 14 one of their later machines is pictured, mounted on wheels. Although starting wheels enable the aviator to rise from any suitable piece of ground, he pays for that advantage in engine power. A well-made machine, having ample power to fly, but dependent only on its engine and rubber-tired wheels for its initial run, may be unable to rise if the ground is too rough. The engine cannot overcome the loss due to fric- tion. On hard asphalt the cyclist can readily attain a speed of twenty-five miles an hour in a few seconds; on a ploughed field, he may labour hard and yet not make more than ten miles an hour. The aeroplane is in the same position as the bicycle. To start a flying- machine on rough ground requires more power than is afterwards needed for propulsion. Hence we find that the earlier Wright ma- chines, although they could rise only from the perfect surface of a starting rail, were fitted with engines of remarkably low power. Photograph by Edwin Levick Fig. 20. Mr. Wilbur Wright in the old type Wright biplane STARTING AND ALIGHTING 55 The wheels on which the preliminary run is made may also serve the aviator in alighting. After he shuts off his engine he glides down and runs on the wheels until his momentum is expended. The shock may be sufficient to wreck a machine piloted by an unskilled hand, and the run may be long, unless some form of brake is provided. Recognising these disad- vantages early in the course of their experi- ments, the Wright Brothers fitted their aero- planes with skids or runners on which the machine alighted. The shock is almost im- perceptible, and the machine stops in the course of a few yards without the assistance of a brake. Many machines are now equipped with skids similar to those embodied long ago by Herring and by the Wright Brothers in their early models. Starting wheels and alighting skids are not easily combined in the same machine. The skids must be elevated sufficiently to clear the ground in making the preliminary run, and yet they must become effective as soon as the ma- chine touches the ground. For that reason the wheels are usually connected with springs, 56 THE NEW ART OF FLYING which are compressed as the aeroplane strikes the ground so as to allow the skids to perform the function for which they are designed. In the Farman biplane, for example, the wheels are mounted on the skids and are at- tached to rubber springs. When the machine alights the wheels yield, and the skids come into play. In the Sommer biplane, the framework is carried on two large wheels at the front and two smaller wheels at the rear. The front wheels are attached by rubber springs to two skids, built under the frame. As in the Farman machine, the wheels yield by virtue of this spring mounting. In Santos-Dumont's monoplane " Demoi- selle," springs are dispensed with. The ma- chine starts on two wheels in front and the shock of alighting is broken by a skid at the rear. An arrangement similar to that of Santos- Dumont is to be found in the Antoinette ma- chines. The mounting consists of two wheels at the front and a skid at the rear. No springs are provided for the wheels. STARTING AND ALIGHTING 57 In the Curtiss and Voisin biplane machines, as well as in some others of minor importance, no skids at all are employed. The machine starts and alights on the same set of wheels, and is usually stopped by brakes. On the whole the combination of wheels and skids seems to be more desirable, particularly for a heavy machine. CHAPTER V HOW AN AEROPLANE IS BALANCED DROP a flat piece of cardboard from your hand. It will fall. But as it falls its surface will offer a certain resistance, so that it becomes in effect a parachute. The amount of its resistance will FIG. 16. Path of an aeroplane driven forward but with a speed too low for horizontal flight, and with too flat an angle. depend on the amount of its surface. If the cardboard be driven to the left, as shown in Fig. 1 6, it will still fall, but along an inclined path. In other words it will fall while advanc- ing and advance while falling. Suppose that this same piece of cardboard, this aeroplane, as we may call it, is inclined to BALANCING AEROPLANES 59 the wind and that it is driven along a horizontal path B in the direction of the arrow A as shown in Fig. 17. If it were not driven forward the cardboard plane would fall by reason of its weight. But since it is driven forward and since it is inclined to the air, it offers resistance, which means that pressure is exerted upward against Rear Edge FIG. 17. Path of a plane inclined at the angle C to the horizontal. The arrow A indicates the direction of travel. If the speed is sufficient the plane will rise be- cause of the upward inclination of the plane. its lower surface. The driving power, what- ever it may be, overcomes the resistance or pressure; yet the effect of the resistance or pressure is to keep the plane up in the air. So, the plane tends to slide up diagonally on the resisting air; gravity (weight) tends to draw the plane down toward the earth; and the diag- onal sliding action tends to move the plane farther from the earth. This climbing effect is obviously dependent on the angle of the plane. 60 THE NEW ART OF FLYING If the angle is large, it is great; if the angle is small, it is slight. Given a very high speed of propulsion, a speed greater than the falling tendency, and the plane is bound to rise. Given a speed of propulsion less than the falling ten- dency and the plane will sooner or later settle to the ground. Horizontal flight can therefore be maintained by proper adjustment of speed and angle. This angle at which the plane moves against the air is known as the " angle of incidence." It is positive, because it has a tendency to lift. If the plane were tilted forward or dipped, the sliding effect would be earthward. Indeed, so marked would be this effect that the plane would reach the ground much more quickly than if it fell simply by its own weight. In that case the angle of incidence is negative, because it depresses. It is therefore evident that an advancing aeroplane may be caused to travel up or down simply by making the angle of incidence posi- tive or negative. During flight, a Wright or Curtiss or Bleriot machine is subjected to every whim of the air. n 111 us C II ! *- 2 *> T3 IH ' O M Q, 5J cs - . "-M bJD O BALANCING AEROPLANES 61 These incessant variations of the air must all be counteracted; otherwise the machine will capsize. It happens during flight that the aeroplane, because of the wind's caprice, will drop more on one side than on the other. To maintain his balance, the aviator must in some way lift the falling side or lower the rising side, or do both. It was this problem that long baffled the in- ventor of aeroplane flying-machines. The whole art of machine-flying is summed up in its successful solution. To the Wright Brothers of Dayton, Ohio, belongs the full credit of having devised the first and thus far the most efficient means of solving that problem, a means now em- bodied in almost every successful flying-machine. Suppose that the plane A in Fig. 1 8 is pro- vided at each side with tips C and D, hinged so that they can be swung up or down. If these two tips (ailerons the French call them) are swung so that they lie flush with the main plane A, they have no effect whatever beyond adding to the amount of aeroplane surface. Suppose that the near side of the plane drops. In that case, the tip C is thrown down as shown 62 THE NEW ART OF FLYING in Fig. 1 8. What happens? More resistance is offered to the air at that side and greater upward pressure is consequently exerted, so that the plane is restored to its former position Direction of Plane's Motion Direction of Air Pressure FIG. 18. How a plane is laterally balanced by means of ailerons and a vertical rudder. The plane A is provided with hinged tips C and D and with a vertical rudder E. The tips are swung in opposite directions to correct any tipping of the plane, and the vertical rudder E is swung over to the side of least re- sistance (the side of the tip D in the example here given) in order to prevent the entire machine from rotating on a vertical axis. of equilibrium. To assist in this restoration, the tip D at the farther side of the plane can be tilted down, so that the angle of incidence is negative or depressive. Hence the far end of the plane is lowered while the near end is raised. In all flying-machines this dropping of one tip and raising of the other is effected simultane- ously by a system of cables and levers. When BALANCING AEROPLANES 63 the plane's balance has been regained, the tips are swung so that they lie flush with the plane A, and become virtually part of the plane. As a result of inclining the tips at opposite angles, the near side of the plane offers more resistance to the air than the far side. Hence the near side will be retarded and the far side accelerated. This will cause the entire plane to swerve from its course. It was a brilliant discovery of the Wright Brothers to correct this swerving by means of a vertical rudder E, which is thrown over to the side of least resist- ance the far side in the particular instance pictured in Fig. 18. The wind pressure on the rudder exerts a counteracting force at the rear of the machine and opposes the tendency of the machine to turn. Hence the vertical rudder in flying-machines serves not nearly so much for steering as for preventing the spinning of the machine. The actual controlling method devised by the Wrights is shown in Fig. 19. Instead of one plane, the Wrights employ two superposed planes A and A' trussed together. In front or rear is a horizontal rudder or elevator to steer 64 THE NEW ART OF FLYING the machine up or down, which rudder in the example before us (an old Wright type al- though the principle is the same in the new) consists of two superposed planes, 5 and 6, and which is operated by the lever F' through the medium of connecting rods. In the FIG. 19. The system of control on an old Wright model. rear is the vertical rudder C, which serves to steer the machine from side to side and to coact with the planes A and A' in keeping the ma- chine on its course. Instead of employing pivoted tips like those shown in Fig. 18, the Wrights warp the corners of the planes A and A'. Thus, when the corners i and 2 are ele- vated, the corners 3 and 4 are depressed. This simultaneous elevation and depression of cor- ners is produced by a cable E, attached to a lever F'. By throwing the lever from side to BALANCING AEROPLANES 65 side the planes are warped. The vertical rud- der C is connected by tiller ropes with the same lever F', and is swung by moving the lever P back and forth. Hence the planes are warped and the vertical rudder properly turned by the one lever F'. The photograph reproduced in Fig. 20 shows Mr. Wilbur Wright seated in his machine /with his hands on the controlling levers. Fig. 2 1 pictures the Wright machine on the ground and shows the disposition of the main planes, horizontal or elevation rudders, and ver- tical rudder. Fig. 22 depicts an instruction machine with an extra lever for the pupil. Some of the machines which Mr. Glenn H. Curtiss has flown are similarly provided with two superposed main planes A and J9, as shown in Fig. 23, with a box-like rudder in front and with a rear vertical rudder D. The front horizontal rudder is swung up or down by means of the rod R connected with the wheel TV, the wheel being pushed or pulled by the pilot for that purpose. The same wheel JV, when rocked like the pilot wheel of a steam- boat serves to swing the vertical rudder D by drawing on one or the other of two tiller ropes, 66 THE NEW ART OF FLYING S. In his earlier machines, as, for example, the one illustrated in Fig. 24, Curtiss employed supplementary plane tips, very much like those represented in Fig. 18. In his later machines, however, one of which is shown in Fig. 25, he FIG. 23. The Curtiss system of control. has transferred the tips from the sides of the main planes to positions between the main planes, beyond which they project, as indicated by the letters C C in Fig. 23. Despite the trans- fer their purpose still remains the same. To swing the supplementary planes C C in opposite directions, cables T T are connected with the seat-back G, which is movable from side to side BALANCING AEROPLANES 67 and which partly encircles the pilot's body. By throwing his body from side to side the pilot swings the planes C C in opposite directions. The effect is the same as if the main planes A B were warped, as in the Wright machine. Whether or not it is necessary to throw over the vertical rudder when the balancing planes C C are- swung is the question at issue in the patent infringement suit instituted by the Wright Brothers against Curtiss. The Wrights claim that Curtiss cannot fly unless the vertical rudder is operated simultaneously with the balancing planes. Curtiss claims that he can. Much testimony has been taken on both sides. A United States Circuit Judge thought that the preponderance of expert evidence was on the side of the Wrights, particularly since Curtiss himself admitted that he did sometimes use the vertical rudder to offset the swerving of the machine caused by changing the incli- nation of the balancing planes. A preliminary injunction was therefore issued, which, on ap- peal, however, was dissolved. Whether or not Curtiss can fly without simultaneously operat- ing his vertical rudder and his balancing planes 68 THE NEW ART OF FLYING FIG. 26. The system of ailerons and rudders devised by Henry Farman for maintaining fore-and-aft and side-to-side balance. BALANCING AEROPLANES 69 will be decided when the question of infringe- ment is settled at the final hearing. In the Farman biplane, which the Wright Brothers allege likewise infringes their patent, the ailerons, as illustrated in Fig. 26, form part of the main planes A B. They are the hinged flaps D D at the rear corners of the main planes. The inclination of the ailerons D D is varied by means of cables leading to the lever C. By moving the lever C from side to side, the aile- rons are moved up and down in opposite direc- tions. To the rear of the main planes two ad- justable rudders E E are placed, from which two wires lead to a tiller F operated by the pilot's feet. When the aeroplane tips to the left, for example, the pilot swings his control-lever C to the right, thus pulling down on the flaps on the left-hand side of the planes and creating more lift on that side. The right-hand flaps remain horizontal, held out by the air pressure. When the machine is at rest on the ground, the flaps hang down vertically, as shown in Fig. 27. In Fig. 28 Mr. Farman is shown seated in his biplane. His hand grasps the lever by means of which both the ailerons or flaps and the 70 THE NEW ART OF FLYING forward horizontal or elevation rudder are operated. In his later machines Mr. Curtiss has pro- vided ailerons similar to those of Farman, as shown in Fig. 29. The Bleriot monoplane, which is also in- volved in this Wright litigation, is outwardly at FIG. 30. The Bleriot system of control. least more like the Wright machine in the mech- anism for maintaining side-to-side balance. Its single supporting plane is warped at the sides by a lever and a system of cables, as shown in Fig. 30. The single supporting plane is rigidly trussed along its front edge, but a cable is at- tached to one rear corner at / and passes down- ward, and toward the centre to a pulley F (Fig. 31) actuated by a lever K, and upward BALANCING AEROPLANES 71 to the opposite rear corner of the plane /' (Fig. 30). By moving the lever K to one side, the cable pulls down the side rear portion of the FIG. 31. The steering and control column of the Bleriot monoplane. The wheel L, the post K, and the bell-shaped member M form one piece and move together. Wires O connect the bell with the yoke G, carrying the pulley F, around which the wires H running to the flexible por- tions of the supporting planes are wrapped. By rocking the post and bell from side to side in a vertical plane the wires H are respectively pulled and relaxed to warp the planes. By moving the post K back and forth the horizontal rudder is operated through the wires P. These various movements of the post can be effected by means of the wheel L, which is clutched by the aviator's hands, or by means of the bell M, which can be clutched by the aviator's feet if necessary. 72 THE NEW ART OF FLYING plane at one tip to a greater angle of incidence than the normal plane of the body of the aero- plane, and permits the opposite side rear por- tion to rise to an angle of less incidence. Thus the whole plane is warped, and the portions lying at the opposite tips are presented to the air at different angles of incidence. The ver- tical adjustable rudder R (Fig. 30) is located at some distance to the rear of the main plane, and wires lead from it to a tiller operated by the feet. When the pilot warps the plane he swings the rudder to prevent the machine from spinning. By moving the lever K back and forth the horizontal rudder is rocked up and down. In the Antoinette monoplane the horizontal or elevation rudder and the stabilising mech- anism are quite independent. The vertical rudder consists of two vertical triangular sur- faces at the rear. They are moved jointly by means of wire cables running from a tiller worked by the aviator's feet. When this tiller, which moves in a horizontal plane, is turned to the left, the aeroplane will turn to the left. The elevation rudder in the Antoinette mon- II E 3 bD BALANCING AEROPLANES 73 oplane consists of a single triangular horizon- tal surface placed at the extreme rear. It is governed by cables leading from a wheel placed at the aviator's right hand (Fig. 32). To ascend, the wheel is turned up. This causes a decrease in the inclination of the ele- vation rudder relatively to the line of flight, and the machine, therefore, rises. Side-to-side bal- ance was at one time maintained by ailerons, as shown in Fig. 33. Latterly it is maintained by warping the outer ends of the main plane very much as in the Wright machine. But the front ends are movable and the rear ends rigid throughout in the new Antoinette, while the opposite is the case in the Wright biplane. The wheel at the aviator's left hand, through cables and a sprocket gear, placed at the lower end of the central mast, controls the warping. For cor- recting a dip downward on the right the right end of the wing is turned up, and at the same time the left end is turned down, thus restoring balance. Warping a plane and rocking an aileron are not the only ways of maintaining side-to-side balance. The late Professor S. P. Langley dis- 74 THE NEW ART OF FLYING covered that by cutting a plane in two and ar- ranging the two parts so that they would form a rather wide V when viewed from the front or rear (" dihedral angle " is the proper tech- nical term), a certain amount of automatic sta- bility would be obtained. He constructed his own successful small models on that principle. Bleriot, too, adopted it in at least one of his earlier machines. Although wasteful of power it is still a conspicuous feature of many French machines of the present day. Even in some recent biplanes, notably the racing Farman, it is to be found. Still another way of obtaining a certain amount of automatic stability is to employ ver- tical surfaces to prevent tilting and to distribute the pressure more evenly over the main sur- faces. An example is to be found in the earlier Voisin machine, which is a biplane divided into cells by vertical curtains or partitions (Fig. 34). In practice, these partitions are found in- adequate, for which reason the pilot of this Voisin type must right his machine by steering with the rudder. Thus, if the machine cants up on the left and down on the right, he steers to BALANCING AEROPLANES 75 the left. This brings the right side up again because it is suddenly called upon to travel more quickly through the air than the left side, in- creased speed resulting in increased elevation. This Voisin type is one of the few construc- tions that does not fall within the scope of the Wright patent. Farman, who was one of the first pilots that ever tried a Voisin, abandoned it for the aileron machine, which bears his name. In the new Voisin machines (Fig. 35) no cells at all are to be found, but instead ailerons sim- ilar to those adopted by Farman. On the whole it must be confessed that the most successful machines at the present time are those in which the side-to-side balance is maintained either by warping the wings or by means of ailerons. Sometimes the vertical surfaces are distrib- uted along the frame of the machine in the form of keels. Although they contribute a cer- tain stability, it cannot be denied that they also increase the resistance and lower the speed. To prevent this so far as possible, and yet to retain whatever advantages they may have, it is customary to taper them. Examples of such tapering keels will be found on the Antoinette 76 THE NEW ART OF FLYING and Hanriot monoplanes (Fig. 36, Frontis- piece). In a few years keels will probably dis- appear altogether. The advantages hardly offset the disadvantages. No special arrange- ment or design of keels has really ever suc- ceeded in insuring automatic stability. Even now the best designers confine them to the extreme rear of the machine, where they act somewhat like a bird's tail. Mr. F. W. Lanchester, the distinguished English authority, has suggested that auto- matic stability can be insured by driving the aeroplane at speeds higher than those of the gusts, that are so liable to upset it. Just as the " Lusitania " at twenty-five knots dashes through waves and winds that would drive a fishing-smack to cover, so the high-speed aero- plane, in his opinion, would sail on, undeterred by the fiercest blast. Sixty miles an hour is the minimum speed that a machine should have, if his idea is correct. Moreover, he believes that, if the aeroplane is to have any extended use, it must travel very much faster than the motor-car. Another means of attaining automatic sta- ,3 S 00 u c c performed in twenty- four seconds. The start was made from level ground, and the machine swept over about one- quarter of a circle at a speed of thirty-nine miles an hour. The wind was blowing diag- onally to the starting rail at about sixteen miles an hour. " After the machine had progressed some five hundred feet and then risen about fifteen feet it began to cant over to the left and as- sumed an oblique transverse inclination of fif- teen to twenty degrees. Had this occurred at an elevation of, say, one hundred feet above the ground, Orville Wright, who was in the machine on this occasion, could have recovered an even balance even with the rather imperfect arrangement for control at that time employed. But he felt himself unable to do so at the height then occupied and concluded to come down. * This was done while still turning to the left, so that the machine was going with the wind instead of against it, as practiced where possible. " The landing was made at a speed of forty- five to fifty miles an hour, one wing striking the MAKING A TURN 91 ground in advance of the other, and a breakage occurred, which required one week for repairs. The operator was in no wise hurt. " This was flight No. 71 of the 1904 series. On the preceding day the brothers had made alternately three circular flights, one of 4,001 feet, one of 4,902 feet, and one of 4,936 feet, the last covering rather more than a full circle. 11 A steady wind is imperceptible to the man in a flying-machine, and turning is effected as easily with as against the wind. When the wind is unsteady not only is balancing difficult but turning also, since the machine must be simultaneously balanced and turned. The two operations are more or less confused. When the wind is very gusty the pilot may find it harder to turn and travel with the wind instead of against it. A sharp turn on an aeroplane is like one of those moments on a yacht when you slack away quickly on the main sheet and prepare for the boom to jibe. There is none of the yacht's hesitancy, however; for the machine slides away on the new slant without a quiver. An inexperienced passenger on an aeroplane is 92 THE NEW ART OF FLYING tempted to right the machine, as it swings around and tilts its wings, by throwing over his body toward the descending side. In a canoe or on a bicycle it would be natural to use the body. In an aeroplane the movement is un- necessary because the machine does its own banking. In the Curtiss and Santos-Dumont machines any such instinctive movement on the part of the aviator to right the careening machine actu- ates the ailerons or wing-warping devices in the proper way. In the Curtiss biplane, as we have seen, the seat-back is pivoted and is con- nected by cables with the ailerons. Hence, should the pilot involuntarily throw his weight over to right the machine, the ailerons are tilted to regulate the pressure on the planes in the proper manner. The effect of the vertical rudder in turning varies with the speed of the aeroplane relatively to the speed of the wind. The higher the speed of the aeroplane the more marked is the influence of the vertical rudder on its course. The form that the vertical rudder assumes is various. In monoplanes it consists of a a -a s l .S c V) G < C 3 s si aj C 2 O JJ MAKING A TURN 93 single vertical surface, mounted at the rear of, the machine: in biplanes it usually consists of a pair of parallel vertical surfaces, as in the Wright machine. Occasionally these parallel vertical surfaces form the sides of a box, as in the Voisin and Farman machines, the top and bottom of the box serving as horizontal stabilising surfaces, as in the old cellular Voisin biplane. CHAPTER VII THE PROPELLER FEATHERING paddles, somewhat like those to be found on steamboats, beating wings, like those of a bird, sweeps or oars have all been suggested as means for propelling the flying- machine; but the screw propeller is the only device that has met with any success. The screw propeller is the most important adjunct of the aeroplane, and also the most deficient. The circumstance is remarkable because the screw or helical rotating propeller was associated with schemes of aerial navigation no less than four centuries ago, and by no less a personage than the great artist-mechanician, Leonardo da Vinci, at the end of the fifteenth century. Leonardo da Vinci's propeller was a screw or helix of a single " worm " or thread prac- tically all " worm " comprising an entire convolution, of which the modern equivalent would be a single-bladed screw, blades being a much later development. It is not difficult THE PROPELLER 95 to imagine how the original screw propeller came to be of the single " worm " type, and why one complete turn of the " worm " should be deemed essential. These were matters of subsequent development, the departures being suggested by experiment and trial. It was first discovered by actual comparative trials that half a convolution of the " worm " was fully as efficient as a whole turn, and then that a quarter turn was more efficient than half. But with this curtailment of the helix a for- midable difficulty arose. It had now developed Into a one-bladed screw; it was unsymmetrical and, consequently, unbalanced. Centrifugal force and one-sided thrust jointly interposed, with poor results. Eventually it dawned on the minds of the pioneer experimenters that to produce a more efficient, symmetrical, and compact screw pro- peller while employing only a fraction of a convolution two or more " worms," now reduced to blades, were necessary. No perfect definition of a screw propeller has ever been given. It is usually defined as an organ which, by pressing upon a fluid, pro- 96 THE NEW ART OF FLYING pels the vehicle to which it is attached. In a sense, the screw propeller may be regarded as a rotating aeroplane, with an angle of inci- dence, known as its " pitch," and a " camber," which is its curve. But the propeller differs from the aeroplane in that the blades are con- tinually passing over the same spot many times in a second in air already disturbed. This is one reason why the propeller offers a far more difficult problem than the plane. By the " pitch " of a propeller is meant the theoretical distance that the propeller would move forward in one revolution in a solid. Because a propeller revolves in air, a very thin and yielding medium, it loses a certain amount of power, which loss is known as its " slip." If the propeller in one revolution moves forward theoretically six inches, but actu- ally only three inches, the loss of power or " slip " is fifty per cent. The slip varies with different speeds. To find the best pitch, the best curvature, the best diameter, the best speed, is the problem that confronts the propeller designer. The ideal aerial propeller is one that can move through the air without friction. If the THE PROPELLER 97 ideal could be attained, the entire power of the motor would be transformed into useful work, and a maximum thrust would be transmitted to the propeller shaft. The actual aerial propeller FIG. 41. A single-threaded and a double- threaded screw. A two-bladed aeroplane propeller may be conceived to have been cut from a double-threaded screw, i. e., the sections A and A' and the sections B and B r . falls far short of that ideal. Its blades are not plane, but are curved in a manner skilfully de- signed to obtain a maximum efficiency. In order to give an idea of this curvature and its pos- sible variations, consider a vertical section of an Archimedes screw (Fig. 41), Let us study 98 THE NEW ART OF FLYING the small slice, M. This small element is not a plane surface, but has a curvature which de- pends upon the pitch of the screw and its radius. Two such elements attached, opposite each other, to the same shaft represent a two-bladed propeller of definite curvature. It is evident that this curvature cannot be a matter of indifference, for it is intimately con- nected with the distance A 5, between two points on the same generatrix of the screw; that is to say, upon the pitch of the screw. The form of a propeller blade can be imitated by holding one end of a rectangular strip of paper and twisting the other end about an axis parallel with the length of the strip. The Wrights form such a surface in deforming aeroplanes in steer- ing. If the aeroplane were attached to a fixed vertical axis, it would revolve about this axis like an ordinary propeller during a turn. The true screw-propeller in its simplest and most efficient type is but a very short length cut from a two-thread screw, in which the thread is rela- tively very deep, with a pitch equal to about two thirds of its diameter. A twist or curve in a propeller blade is necessary because the hub THE PROPELLER 99 and the outer edge of the blade revolve at different speeds. The outer edge of the blade clearly must sweep through a greater distance in a given time than the hub. In order that all parts may theoretically grip the air equally, the angle is steeper at the centre than at the outer edge. In practice the hub portion has a much lower efficiency than the outer edge of the blade. Just how many blades the propeller should have once gave us much concern. Some air- propellers have two blades, some three, some four. It is now generally conceded that nothing is to be gained by three and four blades, and that the two-bladed propeller is indeed the most efficient. The Ericsson propeller (marine) was formed of a short section of a 12-thread screw of very coarse pitch and proved very ineffi- cient. The aerial fan propeller of Moy (not a screw) had six broad vanes enclosed in a hoop and was but little better. The same re- mark applies to the propellers of Henson, Stringfellow, Linfield, Du Temple, and many others. Even the first propeller fans used by ioo THE NEW ART OF FLYING Langley on his earliest aerial model were six- bladed. In his subsequent and highly success- ful model aerodrome the twin propellers were two-bladed true screws, as also were those of the Maxim machine. It is a significant fact that the conspicuous successes have all been achieved with two- bladed propellers. All recent systematic and comparative experiment points to the fact that a two-bladed propeller is the most efficient, and, at the same time, fortunately, the simplest and lightest. Authorities are not in accord on the proper position of the propeller. Most of them, how- ever, hold, with Sir Hiram Maxim, that the proper position is in the rear. Bleriot (Fig. 46), Levavasseur (who builds the Antoinette machine), and many monoplane designers mount the propeller in front. In its usual posi- tion just in advance of the centre, the front pro- peller interrupts the entering edge. To obviate this, some monoplane builders, among them Santos-Dumont and Bleriot (in his passenger- carrying monoplane XII), place the engine and pilot below the plane. THE PROPELLER 101 On the position of the propeller Maxim says: " Many experimenters have imagined that a screw is just as efficient placed in front of a machine as at the rear, and it is quite probable that in the early days of the steamship a similar state of things existed. For several years there were steamboats running on the Hudson River, New York, with screws at their bows instead of at their stern. Inventors of, and experi- menters with, flying-machines are not at all agreed by any means as to the best position for the screw. It would appear that many, having noticed that a horse-propelled carriage always has the horse attached to the front, and that their carriage is drawn instead of pushed, have come to the conclusion that in a flying-machine the screw ought, in the very nature of things, to be attached to the front of the machine, so as to draw it through the air. Railway trains have their propelling power in front, and why should it not be the same with flying-machines? But this is very bad reasoning. There is but one place for the screw, and that is in the imme- diate wake, and in the centre of the greatest atmospheric disturbance. ... If the screw is in front, the backwash strikes the machine and certainly has a decidedly retarding action. The 102 THE NEW ART OF FLYING framework, motor, etc., offer a good deal of resistance to the passage of the air, and if the air has already had imparted to it a backward motion, the resistance is greatly increased." When mounted in front, the screw draws the machine along. Hence the front propeller is sometimes called a " tractor screw." When the screw is mounted in the stern, as in a ship, it pushes the machine along (Fig. 48) and is then truly a propeller. The question of position is not yet settled by any means. The propeller at the rear has a free discharge, but, on the other hand, its feed is disturbed. In front it has a clear feed, but is hampered in discharging, and also modifies the streams impinging on the supporting planes, as Maxim points out. The number of the propellers is also a moot point. Kress, a well-known experimenter, be- lieved that there should be at least four pro- pellers, so attached that their shafts could be directed to different angles. Thus, he imag- ined, they could be employed to sustain the machine in the air without driving it forward. This is the helicopter or screw-flier principle, s "8 8> 11 W t f " " s i u = E 8 bfl THE PROPELLER 103 briefly considered in the chapter on flying- machine types. The Wrights have always advocated the use of two propellers rotating in opposite direc- tions (Fig. 44). There is always the danger, however, that one propeller may break down and that the machine may be imperilled. In- deed, an accident of that kind occurred during the official tests of the Wright machine at Fort Myer, Virginia, in 1908. A propeller struck a loose guy-wire and broke. The biplane crashed to the ground. Orville Wright, the pilot, was painfully injured, and Lieutenant Selfridge, a passenger, was killed. It must be stated, however, that had the machine been higher, Mr. Wright would probably have glided down in safety. Should propellers be of very small diameter and high speed, or of large diameter and low speed? Both systems have their advocates. We know something about the power of heavy gales; and when we consider that an aero- plane propeller is capable of producing a little cyclone, it is easy to conceive of its exerting sufficient force to drive a i,ooo-pound io 4 THE NEW ART OF FLYING aeroplane at high velocity. Flying-machines have attained a speed of seventy miles an hour. In order to do this, the propellers must have turned fast enough to have produced a current of air considerably more than this veloc- ity, because the fluidity and elasticity of the air are sufficient to cause a considerable " slip " of the propellers, which reduces their efficiency to a large extent. Hence even the slowest of pro- pellers (the Wright) turns at the fairly high speed of four hundred revolutions a minute, while the swiftest turns at the rate of about fifteen hundred revolutions a minute, which is about the speed of an electric fan. A high- speed Chauviere propeller is a mere glittering disk of light about eight feet in diameter. The blades move so fast that it is possible to cast a shadow upon them; for the eye cannot per- ceive the interval which elapses before another blade has taken the place of that which has left a given spot. The phenomenon. is simply one of the persistence of retinal images ; but it serves to drive home the enormous speed of some aeroplane propellers. It is generally believed that much better re- THE PROPELLER 105 suits could be obtained by the use of propellers of fifteen or twenty feet diameter rotating slowly. But there are two disadvantages in- volved in this feature of construction, which make its adoption in the machines of the future rather doubtful. The first is the greatly added weight of so big a propeller; and the second, the difficulty of building a good chassis high enough to enable the propeller to clear the ground. Like the marine turbine, the aerial engine runs too fast for the best propeller speeds. The Wright brothers overcame this difficulty by the somewhat unmechanical expedient of chain gearing, one chain being crossed. A French firm has utilised the half-time cam-shaft of the engine, suitably enlarged, to drive the propeller, thus getting a speed reduction of two to one, but the Bleriot, Antoinette, Farman, Voisin, and indeed most types continue to drive the propeller directly without reduction. It is probable that the direct drive will prevail, for any form of gearing, however simple, intro- duces an element of risk with doubtful benefits. At present there is scarcely any machine which *io6 THE NEW ART OF FLYING has the propeller well under control, so that it can be stopped and started and altered in speed, without stopping the motor. This is due, of course, to the weight of clutches, change-speed gears, etc. Probably some enterprising engi- neer may produce a suitable gear for this pur- pose before long. In this outline we have used the word " effi- ciency." How is efficiency determined, may well be asked. The true efficiency of a pro- peller driving an aeroplane is the ratio between the work of propulsion and the energy con- sumed, the work of propulsion being the prod- uct of the travel of the aeroplane multiplied by the resistance opposed to its forward move- ment. The efficiency is measured at a fixed point by causing the propeller to revolve, with- out advancing or receding, and measuring the thrust produced, in the direction of the axis, by a given horse-power. The conditions of the experiment are very different from those of rapid flight through the air, in which the friction between the air and the propeller is enormously increased; no ac- count is taken of the resistance opposed by the * -2 .22 IS O THE PROPELLER 107 air to the forward movement of the aeroplane. In fact, no work of propulsion is performed or even imitated, the sole result being a thrust which may be employed for propulsion. Under these conditions the propeller is comparable with a lever which supports a motionless weight and thus exerts a stress, but performs no work. For this reason absolute reliance cannot be placed on the results of many propeller tests. A fair imitation of the conditions of flight as they directly affect the propeller itself can be obtained by placing the propeller in a tube in which an air current of any desired velocity is produced by blowers. Some experimenters mount the propeller so that it revolves freely in air and yet drives a boat or a road vehicle. Some of the best results obtained, in recent times, of thrust for horse-power applied are: Maxim, nine pounds; Langley, about seven pounds; Spencer (with a Maxim type pro- peller), six pounds; Farman, and other experi- menters in France, six pounds (about). It is now a widely recognised fact that the aerial propellers at present in use are lament- ably inefficient. Most aeroplane successes, ex- io8 THE NEW ART OF FLYING cept those of the Wrights, are achieved at an enormous cost; for the propellers waste prob- ably more than half the power applied. A propeller of large diameter and slow revo- lution is more efficient than one of small diam- eter and high speed, a circumstance borne out especially in the case of the Wright machine, in which more thrust is obtained per unit of power than in any other type (Fig. 43). We are beginning to realise that the abuse lavished on the motor should be bestowed in very large measure on the propeller. The in- ternal-combustion engine fitted to the aero- plane must have all the vital parts cut to the narrowest margin, and must be worked at very nearly break-down rate in order to produce an enormous amount of surplus power wasted by the screw. For this reason all our more serious investigators are carrying out scientific experi- ments to determine propeller efficiency. Per- haps when they have completed their work we may be able to build a propeller which will drive a flying-machine with something like econ- omy of power. The construction of the aerial propeller is THE PROPELLER 109 the more delicate, because it depends to a large extent upon the peculiarities of the vessel to which it is to be attached. The methods em- ployed in all establishments are the same; yet a Chauviere propeller is very different from a Wright propeller. FIG. 42. How the Wright propeller is cut from three planks laid upon one another fan-wise. A Wright propeller is made of American spruce and is of very light construction. The extremities of the blades are covered with canvas, which is varnished with the rest, for the purpose of increasing the rigidity of the thin outer ends. The whole propeller is built up of three planks arranged as shown in Fig. 42, so that they overlap like the sticks of a fan, to an extent which diminishes as the dis- no THE NEW ART OF FLYING tance from the hub increases. The superfluous parts of the wood, represented by the darker and triangular areas of the upper diagram in Fig. 42, are then cut away, and the curvature is tested at every point by patterns. Chauviere propellers are made of ash, fumed oak, and walnut, and include six or seven over- lapping planks. The finished propeller contains only about eight and one half per cent of the wood of the original planks. It should be added that constructors show little disposition to furnish exact details of their methods. Their industry is so new that they jealously guard their secrets, for which reti- cence they cannot be blamed. Propellers are also made of metal. In these the blades are soldered or riveted to the arms, which are steel tubes riveted to the hub. The blades are shaped by hammering them upon a form. In some cases they are cast, or twisted into shape, but this construction is not so good. CHAPTER VIII AEROPLANE MOTORS MARVEL as we may at the wonderful ingenuity displayed in the modern flying-machine, we have still much to learn from soaring birds. Little as we know of the efficiency of curved surfaces in the air, we know still less how to drive those surfaces without an inordinate expenditure of power, fuel, and lubricant. We have only to compare the amount of energy expended by the great flying creatures of the earth with that expended by our machines to realise how much we have to learn. The late Professor Langley long ago pointed out that the greatest flying creature which the earth has ever known was probably the extinct pterodactyl. Its spread of wing was perhaps as much as twenty feet ; its wing surface was in the neighbourhood of twenty-five square feet; its weight was about thirty pounds. Yet this huge creature was driven at an expenditure of energy of probably less than 0.05 horse-power. ii2 THE NEW ART OF FLYING The condor, which is preeminently a soaring bird, has a stretch of wing that varies from nine to ten feet, a supporting area of nearly ten square feet, and a weight of seventeen pounds. Its approximate horse-power has been placed by Professor Langley at scarcely 0.05. The turkey-buzzard, with a stretch of wing of six feet, a supporting area of a little over five square feet, and a weight of five pounds, uses, according to Langley, about 0.015 horse-power. Langley's own successful, small, steam-driven model had a supporting area of fifty-four feet, and a weight of thirty pounds. Yet it required one and a half horse-power to drive it. How much power is required to fly at high speeds in machines may be gathered from the fact that although Bleriot crossed the Channel with a 25 horse-power Anzani motor, and the Wright machine uses a 25-30 horse-power motor, aero- planes usually have engines of 50 horse-power and upwards. When we consider that one horse-power is equal to the power of at least ten men, we see that even the smallest power successfully used in an aeroplane represents the combined continuous effort of more than two AEROPLANE MOTORS 113 hundred men. To be sure, our flying-machines are very much larger than any flying creature that ever existed; but comparing their weights and supporting surfaces with the corresponding elements of a bird, their relative inefficiency be- comes immediately apparent. Mr. F. W. Lan- chester has expressed the hope that some day we may learn the bird's art of utilising the cur- rents and counter-currents of the air for propul- sion, so that we may ultimately fly without wasting power. Aeroplanes are driven by what are known as " explosion engines " or " internal combustion engines." The fuel is not used externally, as in the steam-engine, but is fed to the engine in the form of an explosive gas. The gas is det- onated within the engine to drive a piston. Most of these internal combustion engines oper- ate on what is known as the Otto four cycle. A complete cycle comprises four distinct pe- riods, which are diagrammatically reproduced in the accompanying drawings (Figs. 49, 50, 51, and 52). During the first period (illustrated in Fig. 49) the piston is driven forward, creating a ii 4 THE NEW ART OF FLYING vacuum in the cylinder and simultaneously draw- ing in a certain quantity of air and gas. During FIG. 49- FIG. 50. FIG. 52. FIGS. 49, 50, 51, -and 52. The four periods of a four-cycle engine. During the first period (Fig. 49) the explosive mixture is drawn in; during the second period (Fig. 50) the explosive mixture is compressed; during the third period (Fig. 51) the mixture is exploded; and during the fourth period the products of combustion are dis- charged. AEROPLANE MOTORS 115 the second period the piston returns to its initial position; all the admission and exhaust valves are closed; and the mixture of air and gas drawn in during the first period is compressed. The third period is the period of explosion. The piston having reached the end of its return stroke, the compressed mixture is ignited by an electric spark, and the resulting explosion drives the piston forward. During the fourth period the exploded gases are discharged; the piston returns a second time ; the exhaust valve opens ; and the products of combustion are discharged through the opened valve. These various cycles succeed one another, passing through the same phases in the same order. The fuel employed in the internal combustion engines of aeroplanes is gasoline, called petrol in England, which is volatilised, so that it is sup- plied to the engine in the form of vapour. In order that it may explode, this vapour is mechan- ically mixed with a certain amount of air. To obtain what is called cyclic regularity and to carry the piston past dead centres, a heavy fly-wheel is employed, the momentum of which is sufficient to keep the piston in motion on the return stroke. n6 THE NEW ART OF FLYING Since considerable heat is developed by the incessant explosions, the cylinders naturally be- come hot. To cool them, water is circulated around them in a " water-jacket," or else a fan is used to blow air against them. The memorable experiments of Professor Langley on the Potomac River gave rise to the idea that only an engine of extreme lightness could be employed if the flying-machine was ever to become a reality. Since his time bi- planes have lifted three and four passengers besides the pilot over short distances. While the ultimate achievement of dynamic flight was due to the lightness of the internal combustion motor in relation to the power developed, subse- quent experiment has demonstrated how the efficiency of the sustaining surfaces can be in- creased so as to diminish head resistance and to make extreme lightness in the motor desirable only on the score of freight-carrying capacity. The original motor used by the Wrights was comparatively heavy for the power developed. Saving of weight in the motor permits the construction of a more compact and controllable machine than would be possible if the sustain- Photograph by Edwin Levick ^y. Gyrostat mounted in an aeroplane accord- ing to the system of A. J. Roberts. The gyrostat is controlled by a pendulum which swings to the right or to the left, according to the tilt of the aeroplane AEROPLANE MOTORS 117 ing surfaces were designed to carry consider- able dead weight. To gain freight-carrying capacity the weight of the motor must be kept low. The fuel needed for a six-hour flight, for example, is equal in load to an engine weighing three pounds per brake horse-power, assuming that the hourly fuel consumption is one half a pound per horse-power. Clearly the motor must be light if the flight is to be long. There are various ways of securing lightness in a motor. One way is to increase the power developed by cylinders of a certain size. An- other is to reduce the weight for a given cylin- der capacity by the use of thin steel cylinders and by constructing the parts as lightly as pos- sible. A third way is to arrange the cylinders in such a manner that more than one connect- ing-rod is assigned to each crank with a conse- quent reduction in the weight of the crank- case. A fourth way is to cool the cylinders with air instead of water. Many motor builders have abandoned the fly-wheel because it is the heaviest part of the engine. In order that the motor may run steadily without a fly-wheel and may be prop- n8 THE NEW ART OF FLYING erly balanced, it has been necessary to rearrange the cylinders and to increase their number. The whole subject was recently considered by an anonymous writer in Engineering (London) . The following lucid paragraphs on the arrange- FIG. 53. The usual arrangement of the four cylinders of a four-cylinder engine. ment of cylinders in present aeroplane motors present his views: * The weight of an engine consists princi- pally of the cylinders and pistons on the one hand, and the crank, crank shaft, etc., on the other. Roughly speaking, the weight of the cylinders will be proportionate to the cube of the dimensions. That is to say, if the cylinders are arranged vertically in a row, for instance, the weight of the crank case, shaft, etc., will be practically proportionate to the cylinder ca- AEROPLANE MOTORS 119 pacity. If we can mount the cylinders in such a manner that we can get a great cylinder ca- pacity with a very short crank case, we shall, however, save weight. If, for instance, we start with the vertical four-cylinder engine of the or- dinary type, as shown in Fig. 53, the crank case has necessarily to be as long as the length over the cylinders. In this and the following figures the valves are omitted for the sake of clearness, and in all the figures the cylinders are the same size, so that the size of crank case necessary for a given cylinder capacity can easily be seen. '* Two common plans for reducing the length and weight of the crank case are to place the cylinders either diagonally, as in Figs. 54 and 55, or horizontally opposed, as in Fig. 56. In either of these arrangements the length of the crank case, etc., is almost halved, and a consid- erable saving of weight is effected. Any of these arrangements can be made with two, four, six, eight, or more cylinders. In the case of the diagonal engine the impulses are not evenly divided with two or four cylinders, though they can be so with six, if the angle between the cyl- inders be made one hundred and twenty degrees. With eight cylinders at ninety degrees the im- pulses are evenly divided, and this is the most usual number. In this type each diagonal pair of cylinders is connected with one crank. The 120 THE NEW ART OF FLYING diagonal engine, with the cranks at ninety de- grees, can be balanced for all practical purposes, even where there are only two cylinders, by placing a balance weight opposite the crank FIGS. 54 and 55. Side and plan views of a four-cylinder engine with diagonally-placed cylinders. equal to the weight of the whole rotating parts and the reciprocating parts of one cylinder. With four cylinders the cranks are usually placed opposite, but balance weights are still necessary to avoid a rocking moment. With eight cylinders the cranks are set so that the two AEROPLANE MOTORS end ones are opposite the two middle ones, and no balance weights are required. " In the case of the opposed horizontal en- gine the two connecting rods work on opposed FIG. 56 FIG. 57. FIGS. 56 and 57. Engine with horizontally opposed cylinders. cranks, as in Fig. 57. In this case the engine, even the two-cylinder, is in many ways better balanced than the vertical or diagonal types, as the error in balancing, due to the angle of the connecting rods, is allowed for. If only two cylinders are used, there is, however, a very 122 THE NEW ART OF FLYING small rocking moment, due to the fact that the cylinders are not actually opposite each other; but this is usually a negligible quantity. . . . With four cylinders the rocking moment is bal- anced. The impulses in the horizontal opposed engine are always evenly divided, whether two, four, or eight cylinders are used. " Comparing the horizontal opposed with the diagonal engine, the former appears to have all the advantages, as the impulses are more even with a small number of cylinders, and the bal- ance better. The latter point will enable some- what shorter connecting rods to be used with- out excessive vibration, thus lightening the engine. . . . '* While the crank case, etc., is distinctly lightened by these arrangements, it can be still more reduced if the cylinders are all arranged radially on to one crank. This has been done in. a great many different ways by different makers. For comparison, with the previously- mentioned four-cylinder engines, a four-cylinder radial engine is shown in Figs. 58 and 59, the cylinders being the same size as before. It will be seen that in this case the crank case and shaft are very much shorter and lighter than in any of the previous arrangements. In practice four is not a good number of cylinders, as the impulses cannot be evenly divided, and an odd number AEROPLANE MOTORS 123 of cylinders must be used to effect this. This type of engine can be satisfactorily balanced as long as the cylinders are evenly spaced round the crank case, for all the pistons are attached FIG. 58 FIGS. 58 and 59. Engine with four cylinders radially arranged. to one crank pin, and therefore form one revolv- ing weight, which can be balanced by a suitable balance weight. ' When many cylinders are used it is imprac- ticable actually to put all the connecting rods to work onto one crank pin, as either the big 124 THE NEW ART OF FLYING ends would have to be very narrow, or the crank pin impracticably long. This can, however, be got over by the arrangement shown in Fig. 60. " Probably the greatest difficulty in making the radial engine satisfactory is that of lubrica- FIG. 60. Arrangement of connecting-rods of an engine with four radial cylinders. tion. This is a matter which does not seem to have had nearly as much attention paid to it as it needs. . . . The even distribution of the oil to the various cylinders of a radial engine is very difficult, and further, however well it might be managed when the engine is running, as soon as it stops the oil runs into the lower cylinders, and probably fouls the plugs, so that it is diffi- AEROPLANE MOTORS 125 cult to start it again. In order to get over this, the engine has occasionally been mounted on its side, with the crank shaft vertical, the propeller being driven through bevel gear. If it is desired to run the propeller slower than the engine, there is no great objection to this, and there is little doubt that the slow-running propeller is much the more efficient. Another plan is to mod- ify the arrangement of the cylinders. Thus in FIG. 61. Arrangement of cylinders and crank case of one type of three-cylinder engine. one make of three-cylinder engine the cylinders are all at the top of the crank case (Fig. 61), all the connecting rods leading to one crank pin. In this case it is impossible to divide the im- pulses evenly, and the balancing is not so good. In practice this type of engine is made with in- side fly-wheels of considerable weight, and runs well, but the fly-wheels necessarily add to the 126 THE NEW ART OF FLYING weight. Another plan is to put all the cylinders at the top of the crank case, and to place those which should have been at the bottom in a com- plete radial engine on a crank opposite to the others, as shown in Fig. 62. " In some cases the radial engine is made with the crank shaft fixed and the cylinders re- volving. As constructed by the Societe des Moteurs Gnome, this type (Fig. 46) has given very good results, but it may be doubted FIG. 62. Disposition of cylinders crank case and connect- ing-rods in one type of engine. whether they are due simply to making the cyl- inders revolve. A very small amount of con- sideration will show that the radial engine will be of the same weight whether the cylinders re- volve or the crank shaft, all other details of construction being, of course, assumed to be the same. This being so, the only way in which AEROPLANE MOTORS 127 the revolving cylinders can be an advantage is either by obtaining a lighter construction of cylinder or crank case, or else by increasing the power obtained from a given sized cylinder. There does not seem any reason for supposing that revolving the cylinders secures either of these results. '* The advantages of the revolving cylinders are : ( i ) That they act as a fly-wheel, and ( 2 ) that they render air-cooling more efficient. Where the propeller is directly coupled, how- ever, no fly-wheel is required in any case. No doubt there is a distinct advantage in the air- cooling from the fact that the cylinders revolve, but it is not likely to be very great. " Assuming that the ends of the cylinders are fifteen inches from the crank shaft, and the engine runs at twelve hundred revolutions per minute, the ends of the cylinders move through the air at about ninety-five miles an hour. When the engine with fixed cylinders is placed just behind the propeller, it probably always works in a current of air moving sixty miles an hour or more, so it will be seen that the differ- ence is not so great as might be expected. In practice the power given per cubic inch of cylin- der capacity by the Gnome engine is very small, and there seems no reason to doubt that the same power could be obtained from fixed cylin- 128 THE NEW ART OF FLYING ders of smaller size. The good results appear to be due to the fact that the weight of the parts is reduced by machining practically all parts, in- cluding the cylinders and crank case, from steel forgings to such an extent that the engine weighs only 0.35 pounds per cubic inch of cyl- inder capacity. It seems probably that with fixed cylinders at least equally good results could be obtained if the same amount of trouble and money were spent." The prime difficulty with the radial rotating engine shown in Fig. 46 is the lubrication, and until some means of reducing the consumption of lubricating oil is devised, the rotating cylin- der motor must have at least that compensat- ing defect. On occasions such as a flight from Chicago to New York for a prize the use of large quantities of lubricating oil may not mat- ter, but in an everyday motor for the aeroplane in the hands of the " chauffeur," or whatever his aerial equivalent may be called, the lubri- cation must be relied upon more than in the motor car; for while failure in the one case means only inconvenience, in the other it may entail disaster. AEROPLANE MOTORS 129 The horse-power required for flight varies to a certain extent as the speed. Hence the factor that governs the maximum velocity of flight is the horse-power that can be developed on a given weight. At present the weight per horse- power of featherweight motors appears to range from two and one quarter up to seven pounds per brake horse-power. A few actual figures are given in the following list : Antoinette 5 Ibs. per brake horse-power. Fiat 3 " " Gnome under 3 Ibs. Metallurgic 8 Ibs. Renault 7 " Wright 6 " Automobile engines, on the other hand, com- monly weigh 12 pounds to 13 pounds to the brake horse-power. Because lightness and durability are oppo- site qualities, and because the more trustworthy a machine must be, the heavier must be its con- struction, it may well be inferred that the aero- plane motor is not a model either of durability or trustworthiness. The aeroplane builder ap- 130 THE NEW ART OF FLYING pears, at present, willing to tolerate very little reliability, largely because the aeroplane is still in the hands of record-breakers and prize- winners, rather than of ordinary tourists. In making records the start takes place when the motor is ready. In a race it takes place at some determinate time, and if the motor be not ready, then the chance is lost. The record is also the result of frequent trials; a race is gained or lost in one. Thus, if one motor will make an aeroplane fly fifty miles whenever required and without unreasonable tuning up, but another makes it fly one hundred miles once out of ten attempts, the latter takes the record, though on its nine failures it may have broken down in a few miles, and may have required hours tuning up for each trial. If, however, the aeroplane is ever to be of the slightest practical use, the reliability of the engine must not only be brought up to that of the racing machine, but very much beyond it. This lack of reliability was strikingly evinced in the famous Circuit de I'Est of 1910, a circular cross-country race which started from Paris and finished there, and which included the towns of Troyes, Mezieres, AEROPLANE MOTORS 131 Douai, and Amiens. The contest was remark- able because the airmen were expected to per- form what they had never attempted before. They had to fly over a given course on specified days without being able to choose weather con- ditions most favourable to them. Eight ma- chines started from Paris, but after the second day the only competitors left were Leblanc and Aubrun on their Bleriot monoplanes. The fail- ures of the others were due solely to engine troubles. A resume of aeroplane motors compiled by Warren H. Miller is appended below in the concise form of a table of comparative costs and weights per horse-power based on the fifty horse-power size. It will be noticed that the Clement-Bayard is by far the heaviest, in spite of using aluminium for the case, thus adding to the already large amount of proof that for equal strength steel is always lighter than aluminium. The table also brings out the increased cost ne- cessitated by multiplication of cylinders, to ob- tain increased horse-powers at light weights. The Anzani, with only three cylinders, is by far the cheapest, but its weight is about midway be- i 3 2 THE NEW ART OF FLYING tween the Clement and the Gnome, the lightest of them all. TABLE OF FRENCH AVIATION MOTORS Make H. P. Weight per h. p. Cost per h. p. Speed. Antoinette ... 50 3 -84 Ibs. $48.00 ,200 Anzani 50 4.6 Ibs. 20.00 ,400 Gnome 50 3-3<5 Ibs. 52.00 ,200 E. N. V 40 3-85 Ibs. 37.50 ,500 Clement-Bayard 40 6.05 Ibs. 47.50 ,500 R. E. P 40 3.96 Ibs. 70.00 ,500 Wright 25 7-2 Ibs. CHAPTER IX THE NEW SCIENCE OF THE AIR So far as the earth is concerned, the sun is very much in the position of a man who practically utilises only a single cent out of a fortune of $22,000,000 and throws the rest away; for only 1/2,200,000,000 of the sun's heat ever reaches us. That pittance must be conserved, for which reason the earth is wrapped in a wonderful, transparent, and invisible garment which we call the air and which serves the very utilitarian pur- pose of keeping the world warm. Of the thick- ness of that wrapping we know but little. Per- haps it may extend outward from the earth for a distance of two or three hundred miles if we may judge from observations of meteor trains and auroras. Some idea of its depth may be gained by stating that if this planet were a globe only six feet in diameter, the air would be not much more than two inches thick. The tex- ture of this gaseous garment and its peculiar relation to the sun have but recently been made 134 THE NEW ART OF FLYING the subject of rigorous investigation; for only in our own day has it been perceived that the vagaries of the weather may thus be satisfac- torily explained and a system of weather fore- casting devised more far-reaching and accurate than that which at present serves us. One step in this investigation is the study of the physical attributes with which the air is en- dowed. The air has a weight which fluctuates from day to day and from hour to hour. It is sometimes warm and sometimes cold, sometimes moist and sometimes dry, sometimes calm and sometimes turbulent. All this our senses taught us long ago. But so crude are our senses that they can never tell us exactly how much it weighs at a given moment, how wet it is, how fast it moves, and how warm or cold it is. The physi- cist has, therefore, been constrained to devise subtler senses. He has given us a remarkable balance which is known to every one as a barom- eter and which weighs the air to a nicety; a del- icate measurer of moisture, which he calls a hygrometer ; a motion or wind recorder, known as an anemometer; and a heat-measurer in the form of the familiar thermometer. These re- THE NEW SCIENCE OF THE AIR 135 sponsive artificial senses have been used on the surface of the earth for many years, and by their means are gathered the main facts upon the basis of which the weather bureaus at home and abroad venture to predict the mor- row's weather. Because we have learned practically all there is to learn of the lower air and because weather forecasters have in the past ignored the upper levels of the air, levels which unquestionably have their influence on the weather, it was felt that some effort must be made to measure the thickness of the earth's invisible wrapping and to determine the weight, temperature, velocity, and moisture of the air miles above us. In order to accomplish this task it was essen- tial to invent an artificial arm which would grasp the sensitive barometer, thermometer, hygrometer, and anemometer devised by the physicist and hold them for us in the upper reaches of the air. The problem of providing such an arm was not easily solved. In fact, it is not completely solved even now, for which reason the hand of science has not yet suc- ceeded in touching the uppermost layer of air 136 THE NEW ART OF FLYING the hem of the earth's mysterious robe. Meteorological observations with manned bal- loons have been made sporadically for much more than a century. An ascent was made by Jeffries, at London, in 1784, with a remarkably complete equipment of meteorological appara- tus. Hardly a year passes but that experiment is repeated. Because a human being cannot breathe the tenuous air of great altitudes and live, the experiment has sometimes proved fatal. To overcome the difficulty, the meteor- ologist has torn a leaf from the book of the marine biologist, who plumbs the deep sea with scientific instruments and brings to the surface living facts for subsequent study. The meteor- ologist, accordingly, now sounds the air, as if it were a great invisible ocean at the bottom of which we live. The artificial arm that reaches upward has assumed the form either of a kite or of a small unmanned balloon, and thus it has become pos- sible to elevate to great heights the mechanical senses that weigh the air, feel its moisture and its heat, and note its motion. The men to whom most of the credit is due for all that has S gas o c \C * 8 II ^ 8 I h & a ^ ^> Si's sii C c3 o wu ^ Q fcJC THE NEW SCIENCE OF THE AIR 137 been gleaned in the last few years are Teis- serenc de Bort, of France, Prof. A. Lawrence Rotch, of the United States, and Dr. Richard Assmann, of Germany. During the past decade the work has been taken up by the official meteorological services of the world, and is now carried on systemati- cally under the direction of an international commission, appointed by the International Meteorological Committee. This commission has a permanent office at Strassburg, and holds triennial meetings in different cities, in which meteorologists from all civilised countries par- ticipate. The next meeting will take place at Vienna, in 1912. In the United States, in addition to the ad- mirable work done at Blue Hill, by Professor Rotch and his staff, regular observations of the upper air are carried on by the Weather Bureau at the Mt. Weather Observatory, near Blue- mont, Va., and the data obtained are tele- graphed daily to Washington, for the informa- tion of the official weather-forecasters. In Europe there are now several institutions devoted entirely to this branch of investiga- 138 THE NEW ART OF FLYING tions. The most elaborate of these is the Royal Prussian Aeronautical Observatory at Linden- berg, not far from Berlin, and Germany has ob- servatories of similar character, on a somewhat smaller scale, at Hamburg, Aachen, Friedrichs- hafen, and elsewhere. The observatory at Friedrichshafen is unique in possessing a small steamboat which plies the waters of Lake Con- stance and is especially equipped for sending up kites and balloons. Other " aerological obser- vatories, " as the institutions of this character are now called, are situated at Trappes, near Paris ; Pavia, Italy; and Pavlovsk, Russia; while in the British Isles the chief centre for aerological observations is the Glossop Moor Observatory, near Manchester. Similar observatories exist in subtropical regions, in Egypt and India. A very important station is located on the peak of Teneriffe, in the Canary Islands. In the southern hemisphere upper-air researches are now regularly carried on at two places, viz., in Samoa; and at Cordoba, in the Argentine Republic. In addition to these fixed observa- tories, mention should be made of the aero- logical work now frequently carried out by ex- THE NEW SCIENCE OF THE AIR 139 ploring expeditions, especially in the polar regions. The scientific projection of the human mind to the upper atmosphere was not achieved merely by the invention of instruments and means for elevating them. Our eyes could not read the instruments when they were suspended in the air, and so it became necessary to make the artificial senses self-recording. Ingenious scientific artisans have provided the barometer, thermometer, hygrometer, and wing-gauge with clock-driven fingers that write a continuous, colourlessly impersonal, and therefore unbiassed story of atmospheric happenings at great heights, a story which, to those who are versed in the hieroglyphic script in which it is written, gives a coherent account of the condi- tions that prevail at various elevations. The unselfish inventive genius which has been dis- played in devising these self-recording instru- ments would have been richly rewarded had it been applied to the needs of every-day life. The lifting power of kites and balloons is limited, for which reason the instruments are made of feathery lightness and are ingeniously i 4 o THE NEW ART OF FLYING combined. The combination is generically known as a " meteorograph." Thus the ther- mometer and barometer are merged into a meteorograph specifically known as a " baro- thermograph," a contrivance which is provided with two automatic hands, one of which writes down the weight (pressure) of the air and the other its temperature. Sometimes the barom- eter, thermometer, and hygrometer are joined in a single instrument, which notes the humidity as well as the pressure and temperature. When the instruments return to the ground, their records inform the meteorologist of the height of the kite or balloon at any given minute during its ascent and of the temperature and barometric pressure at that particular minute. Because no ink has been found which will not freeze in the bitter cold of the upper air, the writing fingers of these instruments trace their story on smoked cylinders. At lower levels special inks and paper can be employed. Sam- ples of air have been collected by Teisserenc de Bort at heights which no human being can ever hope to reach, by devices that operate as if they were endowed with brains. To explain this t- a " s o *n f. T3 2 2 bo - o QJ "O Tl 1> Pi D. O O *H I * O "S B ^^ B s ii > r w 6 u !^ U en j C S ^ E.o a oi .a *c ^3 > O '^J I -I rt ls M & c ^ o II: jj f o . "o ifl M < 'bio THE NEW SCIENCE OF THE AIR 149 steadily colder and drier with increasing height. The lowest temperature thus far recorded is 152 below the Fahrenheit freezing point. Whatever thermal irregularities there may be are caused by wide temperature changes on the surface of the earth and by the reflection of solar heat by the clouds. Here the air moves in great planetary swirls, produced by the spin- ning of the earth on its axis, so that the wind always blows in the same eastward direction. The greater the height the more furious is the blast of this relentless gale. Last of all comes a layer which was dis- covered by Teisserenc de Bort and Dr. Richard Assmann almost simultaneously, and which is generally called the " isothermal stratum " be- cause the temperature varies but little with alti- tude. The lower part of the isothermal layer shows a slight increase in temperature with increasing height. Hence this part of the iso- thermal layer is sometimes referred to as the " inversion layer," or region of the upper inversion. Above the inversion layer the vertical tem- perature gradient is practically zero ; i. e., there 150 THE NEW ART OF FLYING is little or no change of temperature with alti- tude. Teisserenc de Bort now calls the isother- mal layer " stratosphere," and the use of this latter name is increasing. Although the air is warmer than in the layer immediately below, the temperature lies far below the Fahrenheit zero and may be placed somewhere near 100 below the Fahrenheit freezing point in middle latitudes. Here we have a region of meteorological anomalies which have not yet been satisfactorily explained. In passing from the second to the isothermal layer, the wild blasts of wind are stilled to a breeze, the velocity decreasing from twenty- five to eighty per cent. The air no longer whirls in a planetary circle. Indeed, the wind may blow in a direction quite different from that in the second layer. Whatever may be the moisture of the air below, it is always exces- sively dry in the permanent inversion layer. Just where this isothermal layer begins depends on the season, the latitude, the barometric pres- sure, and perhaps on other factors still unknown. Just where it ends no one knows; for although sounding balloons have risen to heights of over THE NEW SCIENCE OF THE AIR 151 eighteen miles, its upper limit has not yet been discovered. In summer time the isothermal layer over middle latitudes begins at a height of about seven miles above the earth. We know that the higher it lies the colder it is, that the lower it lies the warmer it is. We know, too, that there is no bodily shifting up and down of warm and cold masses of air in that mysterious region. The result is that a current ascending from the lower level spreads out when it en- counters the " permanent-inversion " layer as if a solid barrier had been interposed. Up to the height of the " permanent-inver- sion " layer the temperature falls at a rate which increases somewhat with altitude, but which may be placed roughly at rather over y 2 C. per hundred metres (say i F. per three hundred to four hundred feet), so that on a hot summer's day with a temperature of 90 Fahrenheit at the earth's surface, a man could place himself in fairly cool surroundings if he could rise only fifteen hundred feet. Because of the constant upheavals to which the air is subject in its lower levels, this average rate of temperature reduction, as we ascend, is not i S 2 THE NEW ART OF FLYING often observed. It may even happen that for a short distance the thermometer may rise and not fall at all. Ultimately, the tempera- ture drops at a uniform rate until it reaches a point lower than that reported by any North- pole explorer. To these fluctuating temperatures in the lowermost layer clouds and rain are due. Warm air tends to rise and to cool as it rises. The cooling air in turn condenses its water vapor into clouds. This process, as well as others that need not be considered here, leads ultimately to the precipitation of the condensed water of atmosphere, as rain, snow, or hail. The three layers of air which have been dis- closed to us by the sensitive instruments of modern meteorology intermingle but slightly. The one floats upon the other as oil floats upon water. Of the great ocean of air at the bottom of which we move and live, three fourths by mass lie below the isothermal layer. All our storms, our clouds, and all dust, except such as may be of volcanic or cosmical origin, are phe- nomena of the lower two layers. When the meteorologist has fully discovered Photograph by Edwin Levick Fig. 47. The motor and the propeller of a R. E. P. (Robert Esnault-Pelterie) monoplane. Robert Esnalt-Pelterie has abandoned this four- bladed metal propeller for the more efficient two-bladed wooden propeller THE NEW SCIENCE OF THE AIR 153 the influence which the upper region exerts upon the lower, there is reason to hope that he will be able to foretell the weather not merely a day but perhaps a week or more in advance, and to prepare charts which will be as useful to the aviator as the charts which warn the mariner of shoals and reefs. The currents in the various levels of the atmosphere are of as much importance to the aviator as are the ocean currents to the mariner. Hence the necessity of charting the sea of air with scientific care, and hence the value of the work here outlined. The International Commis- sion for Scientific Aeronautics has already accu- mulated sufficient data to chart aerial routes, comparable with the ocean routes laid down by the various hydrographic officers of the world. Every government will have a special branch of research and will distribute infor- mation for aeronauts. The daily weather reports will be amplified to suit the flying man. Thus far more interest has been shown in Europe than in this country in this matter of vital importance to the aeronaut. A detailed analysis of the wind data available for the 154 THE NEW ART OF FLYING German Empire was undertaken by Dr. Richard Assmann at the instance of the " Motorluftschiff- Studiengesellschaft," founded by the Kaiser. That society, whose name translated into Eng- lish reads u Society for the Study of Motor Airships," recently published the results of Ass- mann. The Italian Aeronautical Society has performed a similar service for Italy. Such data will be useful to the aeronaut in selecting sites for practising grounds or for aerial har- bours, or in choosing the seasons most appro- priate for experiment. Dr. Richard Assmann, director of the Royal Prussian Aeronautical Observatory of Linden- berg, in an article entitled " The Dangers of Aerial Navigation and the Means of Diminish- ing Them," contributed to the Deutsche Zeit- schrift fur Luftschifahrt, describes the aeronau- tical weather service that he is organising, and of which Lindenberg Observatory is to be the centre. According to Dr. Assmann at least three similar tentative schemes have already been put into execution in the German Empire. The first was undertaken by the Lindenberg Observatory in 1907, during trial trips made THE NEW SCIENCE OF THE AIR 155 by the " Parseval " airship. Observations of the upper air currents were made simultaneously at five stations by means of pilot balloons and communicated to the crew of the airship, who were thus materially aided in guiding their craft. The second similar undertaking was Dr. Linke's special weather service for aero- nauts, conducted at the Frankfort Aeronautical Exposition of 1910. The third aeronautical service was organised by Dr. Polis, at Aachen. It is still in existence, and is intended especially for the benefit of the aero clubs of the Rhein- land. Its usefulness was demonstrated during the army manoeuvres in West Prussia in 1910. Next to the United States, Germany has probably the best organised weather service in the world. It is therefore not astonishing that Germany should be better prepared than any other European state for the adaptation of modern meteorological science to the needs of the airman. Lindenberg Observatory is now equipping the Public Weather Service stations with the apparatus needed for daily observa- tions of the upper air, not primarily for the purpose of improving the weather forecasts, 1 56 THE NEW ART OF FLYING but in order to lessen the dangers of aerial navigation, dangers, in Assmann's opinion, largely avoidable and to which the loss of twenty valuable lives in Germany during 1910 may be attributed. At the present time the navigator of the air launches his craft with no more knowledge of the meteorological con- ditions in the upper air than can be surmised from those depicted in the ground-service weather map. The day is not far distant when he will have a weather map all his own. In Dr. Assmann's plan, a number of the Public Weather Service stations are to be fur- nished by the Lindenberg Observatory with a theodolite, an inflating-balance for determining the ascensional force of the balloons, a sufficient number of balloons, and the necessary graphic tables for rapidly working up the observations. At 8 A. M. every day, assuming the weather is favourable, the stations will be expected to send up a pilot balloon and to trace its course with the theodolite as long as possible. The observation will then be worked up a matter of barely a quarter of an hour for a practised observer and telegraphed to Lindenberg. Photograph by Edwin Levick Fig. 48. Henry Farman seated in his biplane with three passengers THE NEW SCIENCE OF THE AIR 157 Here the observations received from all other stations will be assembled and re-distributed in a single telegram sent to each of the cooperat- ing stations. If they arrive in time, the tele- grams can be utilised in connection with the ordinary daily weather forecast, as well as for the preparation of special forecasts and warn- ings for airmen. At Lindenberg the regular observation with a kite or capture balloon is made daily at 8 A. M., and in summer an ob- servation is also made about 5 or 6 A. M. Assmann also proposes to conduct daily ob- servations at Lindenberg with a pilot balloon at ii A. M., and, whenever necessary, another about 2 p. M., so that soundings of the air to an altitude of several miles will be made three or four times a day within a period of six to nine hours. Thus valuable information will be gathered which ought to enable the weather forecaster to warn airmen of impending changes in the lower atmosphere, on the basis of act- ually occurring rapid changes in the upper atmosphere. That the German Public Weather Service stations will ultimately be supplemented with 158 THE NEW ART OF FLYING stations especially erected for the purpose at the larger aviation fields and the like, would seem to follow from the work now done at the experimental observatory at Bitterfeld, from the erection of the aeronautical observa- tory on the Inselberg, near Gotha, from the probability of the erection of the long-promised aerological station at Taunus, and lastly, from the contemplated installation of aerological stations at nautical schools on the coast. The difficulty of following pilot ballqons in hazy weather and at dusk leads Assmann to propose the utilisation of balloons of two sizes, the smaller and cheaper to be used when it is evident that the state of the sky will not per- mit the balloon to be followed with the the- odolite to a great distance. Observations at night could be made by illuminated balloons, but at considerable expense. Undoubtedly there will be many days on which few, if any, observations can be secured with pilot balloons, so that only the observa- tions made at stations equipped with captive balloons and kites will be available. In order to meet this serious difficulty, Assmann is con- THE NEW SCIENCE OF THE AIR 159 sidering the plan of supplying a few selected stations with a central and easily manageable kite outfit. Thus far the plan outlined by Dr. Assmann has been approved only for a limited part of the Empire. Political heterogeneity still ham- pers imperial undertakings in Germany. Ulti- mately, however, the field of observations will be extended to include the south German states, where some very important stations are located, chief among which is the admirably equipped station at Friedrichshafen on Lake Constance. Assmann himself realises that his plan can- not hope to provide detailed information and forecasts of local conditions except in so far as may be inferred from the general outlook. Some experiments which were recently made in Germany, after the appearance of Dr. Ass- mann's article, show that it is feasible to secure a corps of special thunderstorm observers who can report by telegraph and telephone, and who are numerous enough to enable the weather forecaster to follow the progress of sudden atmospheric disturbances across the country, i6o THE NEW ART OF FLYING and to give timely warning to the aeronaut to avoid them. Apart from enlightening the aeronaut on the condition of the atmosphere, it will be obviously necessary to provide the equivalent of automo- bile road maps, something that will tell the man of the air where he is. It is very difficult to recognise even familiar country from above. During his flight down the Hudson River, Cur- tiss decided to alight on what looked to him like a fine green field. Swooping down, he found that his green field was a terrace, an un- avoidable error in judgment which might have cut short his triumphal flight. With a map on a scale of half an inch to the mile, showing the lines of the roads and the shapes of the villages, it would seem easy enough to ascertain one's whereabouts; but the aviator travels quickly and a full equipment of half-inch maps would be a serious item in the weight of his load. The man in a balloon is often above clouds, and when he views the earth again it is very difficult and frequently impossible to pick up the route again. The aviator in a flying-ma- chine is more favourably placed. He knows his Fig. 63. Motor of the Wright biplane THE NEW SCIENCE OF THE AIR 161 direction approximately, although he is often unable to make proper allowance for the drift- ing effect of the wind. If caught by varying currents or by storms above the clouds, he easily loses track of the course. There will be need of large distinctive ground marks for day and lights for night at distances of ten miles apart, marks which will correspond with those on an air-chart. Zeppelin proposes maps showing heights by colours, and marks indicating the influence of streams, marshes, and woods on the static equilibrium of the airship. The scale he suggests is three miles to the inch. Colour is the main consideration. In the opinion of Mr. Charles Cyril Turner, an English aero- naut, the colours should approximate to the colours of the landscape as seen from above. The roads should be white, the water blue, the fields light green, woods a darker green, habi- tations grey, and railways black. Besides guiding the aerial traveller on his way some means must be devised of conveying useful information to him. It will often be of great importance to know the strength and exact direction of the wind. Skimming the air at the 1 62 THE NEW ART OF FLYING rate of fifty miles an hour, the aviator will find it difficult if not impossible to make these obser- vations. The German Aerial Navy League has suggested that special light-houses be con- structed for that purpose. These are to send a long beam of light in the direction in which the wind is blowing. For day flights it will probably be necessary to have a long arrow painted white and swinging on a pivot so that it can be turned in the proper direction. CHAPTER X THE PERILS OF FLYING FROM what has been said in the foregoing chapter it may well be inferred that a man who attempts to fly in the unsteady lower stratum of the atmosphere in which we live is almost in the same position as a drop of quicksilver on an exceedingly unsteady glass plate. Unlike the drop of quicksilver, however, he is provided with a more or less imperfect apparatus for maintaining a given course on the unsteady medium to which he trusts himself. Were it not that the whirling maelstroms, the quiet pools, the billows and breakers of the great sea of air are invisible, the risks of flying would perhaps not be so great. Only the man in the air knows how turbulent is the atmosphere even at its calmest. " The wind as a whole," wrote Langley a decade ago, " is not a thing moving along all of a piece, like the water in the Gulf Stream. Far from it. The wind, when we come to study it, as we have to do 1 64 THE NEW ART OF FLYING here, is found to be made of innumerable cur- rents and counter-currents which exist altogether and simultaneously in the gentlest breeze, which is in reality going fifty ways at once, although, as a whole, it may come from the east or the west; and if we could see it, it would be some- thing like seeing the rapids below Niagara, where there is an infinite variety of motion in the parts, although there is a common move- ment of the stream as a whole." Through these invisible perils the airman must feel his way in the brightest sunshine, like a blind man groping his way in a strange room. He can tell you that against every cliff, every mountain side, every hedge, every stone wall, the air is dashed up in more or less tumultuous waves. The men who crossed the English Channel found that against the chalk cliffs of Dover a vast, invisible surf of air beats as furi- ously as the roaring, visible surf in the Channel below, a surf of air that drove nearly all of them out of their course and imperilled their lives. There are whirlpools, too, near those cliffs of Dover, as Moisant used to tell. He was sucked down into one of them within two THE PERILS OF FLYING 165 hundred feet of the sea. His machine lurched heavily, and it was with some difficulty that he managed to reascend to a height at which he could finish the crossing of the Channel. Sometimes there are descending currents of air with very little horizontal motion, just as dangerous as the breakers. Into such mael- stroms the pilot may drop as into unseen quick- sands. On his historic flight down the Hudson River, Curtiss ran into such a pitfall, fell with vertiginous rapidity, and saved himself only by skilful handling of his biplane. A less experi- enced pilot would have dropped into the river. A sudden strong gust blowing with the machine would have a similar effect. Such are the concentration of mind and the dexterity required by very long cross-country flights that a man's strength is often sapped. During the Circuit de I'Est of 1910, in which the contestants were compelled to fly regardless of the weather, the German, Lindpaintner, had to give up because of physical and nervous ex- haustion. Another competitor crawled under his machine, as soon as he alighted, and went 1 66 THE NEW ART OF FLYING asleep. Wilbur Wright has been credited with the remark: " The more you know about the air, the fewer are the chances you are willing to take. It 's your ignorant man who is most reckless." Because of the air's trickiness, starting and alighting are particularly difficult and dangerous. More aeroplanes are wrecked by novices in the effort to rise than from any other cause. As a general rule a new man tilts his elevating rudder too high, and because he has not power enough to ascend at a very steep angle, he slides back with a crash. In high winds even practised airmen find it hard to start. During the meeting at Havre in August, 1910, Leblanc and Morane were invited to luncheon at Trouville. Like true pilots of the air they decided to keep their engagements by travelling in their machines. At half past eleven they ordered their Bleriots trundled from their sheds. Twice they were dashed back by the wind before they succeeded in taking the air. An untried man would have wrecked his machine in that wind. The pneumatic tired wheels on which a ma- chine runs in getting up preliminary speed serve Photograph by Edwin Levick Fig. 64. Two-cylinder Anzani motor on a Letourd- Niepce monoplane THE PERILS OF FLYING 167 also for alighting, as we have seen. When a monoplane glides down at the rate of forty- five miles an hour and strikes the ground, some disposition must be made of its energy. Usu- ally skids or runners, like those of a sled, are employed for that purpose, the bicycle wheels giving way under the action of springs, so as to permit the skids to arrest the machine. Men like the Wrights can bring an aeroplane to a stop without spilling a glass of water; but your unpractised hand often comes down with a shock that makes splinters of a high-priced biplane. Inexperience in the correct manipulation of stabilising devices is a fruitful cause of acci- dents, perhaps the most fruitful. The ma- nipulation of these corrective devices is no easy art. Machines and necks have been broken in the effort to acquire it. Man and aeroplane must become one. The horizontal rudder, which projects forward from many biplanes, is like the cane of a blind man. With it the pilot feels his way up or down, yet without touching anything. -Balancing from side to side is even more difficult. Curiously enough, it is when the 1 68 THE NEW ART OF FLYING machine is near the ground that it is hardest of all to bring the aeroplane back to an even keel. Imagine yourself for the first time in your life seated in a biplane with a forty-foot span of wing, sailing along at the rate of thirty-five miles an hour, about ten feet from the ground. If your machine suddenly drops on one side, it will scrape on the ground before you can twist your planes and lift the falling side by increasing the air pressure beneath it. You will come down with a crash. If, on the other hand, you are an old air-dog, you will tilt up your hori- zontal or elevation rudder and glide up before you attempt to right yourself. So, too, if you see a stone wall or a hedge in your course, you will lift yourself high above it. Why? To avoid the waves of air dashed up against the wall or hedge. For if you did not rise, the waves would catch you and toss you about, and you might lose your aerial balance. In this connection Prof. G. H. Bryan has pointed out that the distinction between equi- librium and stability should be kept in mind. An aeroplane is in equilibrium when travel- ling at a uniform rate in a straight line, or, THE PERILS OF FLYING 169 again, when being steered round a horizontal arc of a circle. A badly balanced aeroplane would not be able to travel in a straight line. The mathematics of aeroplane equilibrium are probably very imperfectly understood by many interested in aviation, but they are compara- tively simple, while the theory of stability is of necessity much more difficult. It is necessary for stability that if the aero- plane is not in equilibrium and moving uniformly it shall tend toward a condition of equilibrium. At the same time it may commence to oscillate, describing an undulating path, and if the oscil- lations increase in amplitude the motion will be unstable. It is necessary for stability that an oscillatory motion shall have a positive modulus of decay or coefficient of subsidence, and the calculation of this is an important feature of the investigation. At the present time it is certain that aviators rely entirely on their own exertions for control- ling machines that 'are unstable, or at least deficient in stability, and they go so far as to declare that, owing to the danger of sudden gusts of wind, automatic stability is of little 1 70 THE NEW ART OF FLYING importance. Moreover, even in the early exper- iments of Pilcher, it was found that a glider with too V-shaped wings, or with the centre of gravity too low down, is apt to pitch danger- ously in the same way that increasing the meta- centric height of a ship while increasing its " statical " stability causes it to pitch danger- ously. It thus becomes important to consider what is the effect of a sudden change of wind velocity on an aeroplane. If the aeroplane was previously in equilibrium, it will cease to be so, but will tend to assume a motion which will bring it into the new state of equilibrium con- sistently with the altered circumstances, provided that this new motion is stable. Thus an aero- plane of which every steady motion is stable within given limits will constantly tend to right itself if those limits are not exceeded. Exces- sive pitching or rolling results from a short period of oscillation combined with a modulus of decay which is either negative (giving insta- bility) or of insufficient magnitude to produce the necessary damping. More difficult than the maintenance of sta- bility is the making of a turn. The dangers that THE PERILS OF FLYING 171 await the unskilled aviator who first tries to sweep a circle have been sufficiently dwelt upon in Chapter VI. The canting of a machine at a considerable angle, which is necessary in order that the weight of the machine may be op- posed to the centrifugal force generated in turning, necessarily implies that the aeroplane shall be at a height great enough to clear the ground. Yet many of the early experimenters wrecked their apparatus because they tried to make turns when too near the ground, with , the result that one wing would strike the turf and crumple up like paper. Even at great heights the making of a turn is not unattended with danger, particularly when the machine is brought around suddenly. If a turn is made too abruptly, parts of the structure are sometimes strained to the breaking-point. There is good reason to believe that the Hon. C. S. Rolls was killed because he made too quick a turn. Flying exhibitions, which tempt the prize- winning airmen to be overbold, are responsible for many of the tragedies that have occurred within the last few years. At the Reims meeting 172 THE NEW ART OF FLYING of 1910, as many as eighteen machines were circling around one another, swooping down, hawklike, from great heights, or cutting figure- of-eight curves to the plaudits of an enthusi- astic multitude. It was not the possibility of collision that was so perilous, but the disturb- ance created in the air. The wake that every steamer leaves behind it has its counterpart in the wake that trails behind an aeroplane in the air. A rowboat may ride safely through the steamer's wake with much bobbing; an aero- plane caught in the wake of another pitches alarmingly. That was how the Baroness de la Roche met with such a terrible accident at the Reims meeting in question. The various accidents which have occurred recently to aeroplanes raise the whole question of whether the construction of the wings is such as to give the requisite margin of safety to insure their not breaking under the loads which are likely to be thrown upon them in use. In all ordinary construction, as in building a steam- boat or a house, engineers have what they call a factor of safety. An iron column, for instance, will be made strong enough to hold five or ten THE PERILS OF FLYING 173 times the weight that is ever going to be put upon it, but if we try anything of the kind in flying-machines the resultant structure will be too heavy to fly. Everything in the work must be so light as to be on the edge of disaster. Some of the worst accidents on record are to be attributed to this necessarily flimsy construc- tion. It is, of course, very difficult in the case of aeroplane accidents to ascertain which part broke first, for the fabric is generally so utterly destroyed that no details of the first breakage can be seen. Further, the aviator, who is the only man who can tell accurately what happened, is frequently killed, so that the only information available is what can be seen of the fall while the machine is in the air, and accidents occur so suddenly that different people do not always get the same impression of the sequence of events. There seems, however, little doubt that in several cases the wings collapsed in some way while the machine was flying, and that it fell in consequence. In the case of a biplane (Fig. 69) the framing of the main wings usually consists of four longi- tudinals running the whole span of the wings, i 7 4 THE NEW ART OF FLYING and these are braced together, both vertically and horizontally, with numerous cross-struts and wire diagonals, so as to give them very great strength, both vertically and horizontally. In fact, if the stresses of the diagonal wires be worked out, they are found to be very much below those usual in ordinary engineering work. Still, the wires are so numerous that, even if one of them breaks from vibration, the extra stress thrown on the adjacent ones will not bring the load up to the ordinary stresses allowed in girder work. The horizontal strength is also practically equal to the vertical, as the trussing is generally of the same character. In the monoplane the trussing is much simpler. Often there is no horizontal trussing at all. The vertical strength of the main plane is entirely dependent on stays, generally four to each side, which go to the bottom of a strut under the backbone. Should one of these break, the probability is that the wing will collapse with disastrous results. These stays are often single parts of steel wire or ribbon, a material which has not been found sufficiently reliable for use as supports to the masts of small sailing Photograph by George Brayton Fig. 66. Sending up the first of a pair of tandem kites at the Blue Hill Observatory THE PERILS OF FLYING 175 boats, where wire rope is always preferred, on account of the warning it gives before breakage. The structure of each wing in a monoplane is, in fact, very much like that of the mast and rigging of a sailing boat, the main spars taking the place of the mast, while the wire stays take that of the shrouds. A very important differ- ence, however, is that the mast of a sailing boat is almost invariably provided with a fore- stay to take the longitudinal pressure when going head to wind, while the wing of an ae'ro- r : me, as we have already noted, often has no such provision, the longitudinal pressure due to the air resistance being taken entirely by the spar. When a monoplane is flitting through the air at the rate of sixty miles an hour, the wire stays often vibrate so fast that they emit a distinct musical note. The small boy who wants to break a piece of wire simply bends it back and forth many times at a given point. Rapid vibration of wires and ribbons on monoplanes will ultimately produce the same result. For safety's sake either wire rope should be used (heavier and therefore undesirable from the 176 THE NEW ART OF FLYING record-breaker's standpoint), or the number of stays must be increased so that the parting of one will not necessarily spell a wreck and pos- sibly death. The horizontal stresses thrown on the single supporting surface of an aeroplane are greater than most pilots realise. In one of those breath- less downward swoops which almost bring your heart to your throat, or in one of those quick turns in which the machine seems to stand on end, the stresses are enormously increased. It was the breaking of a wing by overstrain that killed Delagrange at Pau on January 4, 1910; it was overstrain that killed Wachter at Reims on July i, 1910; it was overstrain, due to sharp turning, that killed Rolls on July 12, 1910, at Bournemouth, England; and it was probably overstrain that weakened the wings of Chavez's monoplane in its battle with the Alpine winds and resulted in the fatal accident that occasioned the intrepid Peruvian's death on September 27, 1910. In commenting upon the lack of horizontal strength in monoplanes, a writer in Engineering observe? ; THE PERILS OF FLYING 177 " It is, no doubt, assumed that the weight of the machine rests on the wings, and that this is the main stress to be provided for. This is no doubt true, but a careful consideration of the horizontal stresses will show that these are much greater than might at first sight appear. When flying horizontally the horizontal stress cannot, of course, exceed the thrust of the pro- peller, and must in practice be considerably less than this, as part of that thrust is spent in over- coming the resistance of the body of the ma- chine, the tail, etc. The ratio of lifting power to horizontal stress will vary considerably in different machines with the efficiency of the planes, but even with the machine flying hori- zontally the horizontal stress will probably be in the neighbourhood of ten per cent of the vertical. " It appears, however, that there are circum- stances in which the horizontal stress may be very much greater than this, for it increases with the speed of the aeroplane through the air, and this may be very much greater when descending than when flying level. The wings contribute the greater part of the air resistance, and there- fore, if the aeroplane is descending, it will accel- erate till the horizontal stress on the wings balances the acceleration due to gravity. Thus, if the aeroplane descends at a slope of one in 178 THE NEW ART OF FLYING five, the horizontal pressure on the planes may be approximately twenty per cent of the weight of the machine. If the engine is kept running, it will be more than this by the amount of the propeller thrust. It is quite clear, therefore, that circumstances might arise in which the hori- zontal stress would be some twenty-five per cent of the vertical. " Now, if we examine the framework of many of the monoplanes, we find that the horizontal strength of the wings is nothing like twenty-five per cent of the vertical; in fact, it is often prob- ably under five per cent. The framework of the wing consists of two longitudinals, and nu- merous cross-battens carrying the fabric. The longitudinals are the only part fixed to the back- bone, and therefore take practically the whole stress. These longitudinals are generally made very deep in proportion to their height, and are often channelled on the sides to make them into I-section girders. It is obvious, therefore, that their horizontal strength is very small indeed compared with the vertical. True, the numer- ous cross-battens stiffen the wing perceptibly, but the extent to which this is the case can hardly be calculated; and as they are often only about 24 inch by % i ncn and fastened with very small nails, they cannot be relied on to any great extent. It seems, therefore, that either the U -fi " : 11 I ^ 1 (^ u 2 > u * ^= 6 -f c/} C 1's bJD THE PERILS OF FLYING 179 wings should have diagonal bracing or should have stays in front corresponding to those down below." That the question of speed in descent is a matter for which provision should be made is shown by the fatal death of Wachter at Reims in 1910. The speed in descending is higher than when flying level. In some cases the hori- zontal strength of the wings appears to pro- vide a very small margin for this increased stress, and the accidents seem to have happened exactly as suggested, for in each case, when rapidly descending from a height, the wing collapsed. It may be said that when descending the en- gine ought to be stopped and the descent made at a speed not exceeding that which can be maintained on the level. Still, it is hardly prac- ticable to adhere to any such principle; for in alighting it is necessary to travel at top speed to clear the ground eddies. Moreover, if the aeroplane is to be of any practical use, it must be made to stand any reasonable usage to which it is likely to be subjected. Bicycles and motor- cars are often run down hill, or before a wind, i8o THE NEW ART OF FLYING at speeds far higher than can be maintained on the flat, and it is quite certain that a machine which is unsafe under these circumstances is not fit for ordinary work. Most men run down a hill as fast as they can without losing control of their cars, and aviators will doubtless do the same. The machine must, therefore, be made to stand the stresses set up under these conditions. Very little is known of the air's power of breaking aeroplanes travelling at high speeds. Designers work from tables that indicate the breaking strength of wire and wood and the percussive force of the wind at different veloci- ties. But the actual buffeting to which a ma- chine is subjected in the air is still an engineer- ing uncertainty. A storm will tear the roof from a house and toss it a hundred yards ; yet aeroplane designers require a machine to travel through the air at hurricane speed and bear up under the sledge-hammer blows of the air, a machine that is the flimsiest vehicle in which man has risked his life, composed, as it is, of fragile wires, the lightest wood cut as finely as possible, and fabric that is affected by varia- tions in the weather. THE PERILS OF FLYING 181 In some of the tragedies of the flying-machine the propeller and the motor have each played their part. Lieutenant Selfridge's death at Fort Myer on August 17, 1908, was due to the snap- ping of a propeller blade, which struck a loose wire, an accident that for months crippled Orville Wright, who was piloting the machine. This, of course, was not due to any inherent defect in the propeller. Indeed, the Wright propellers, because of their low speed (four hundred to five hundred revolutions a minute), are probably the safest in use. The propellers of most monoplanes and biplanes travel at speeds as high as fifteen hundred revolutions a minute, or about as fast as an electric fan. Propellers mean more to an aeroplane than stout axles on an automobile; for if a flying- machine stops it must glide down. Nearly every contestant at a flying-machine meeting is equipped with spare propellers, which are as near alike as brains and hands can make them. Yet the same engine will not be able to turn two propellers seemingly alike at the same speed. Why? Because man can make steel, but he cannot make wood. That is grown 1 82 THE NEW ART OF FLYING by nature. And because woods from different trees are not alike the propellers formed from them are not alike. Untraceable and insur- mountable variations create the differences. In aeroplaning science success or failure de- pends on just such slight differences. The propeller's mechanical cousin, the motor, is also not what it ought to be. At very great heights it is impossible to obtain adequately high compressions in the motor cylinders. Hence the motor stops, and the aviator must glide down, vol plane, as the French call it. Such glides can be made with comparative safety if the pilot is skilful. Occasionally it happens that motor stoppages have been the cause of death. It was the stopping of his motor that killed Leblon at San Sebastian on April 2, 1910, and Van Maasdysk at Amster- dam on August 22, 1910. To prevent such accidents, Mr. Edwin Gould in 1910 offered through the Scientific American a prize of $15,000 to the designer and demon- strator of a successful machine equipped with more than one motor, the arrangement being either such that should one motor be disabled Fig. 69. A glimpse through a Wright biplane. The two planes are trussed together like the corre- sponding members of a bridge, so as to obtain great strength THE PERILS OF FLYING 183 another can be immediately thrown into gear, or that if all the motors should be running si- multaneously the stoppage of one will not nec- essarily leave the apparatus without power. The progress which has been made since the Wright Brothers gave us the first success- ful man-carrying motor-driven aeroplane can hardly be called scientific progress. Much of it has been progress of the trial and error vari- ety, very costly and not always productive of valuable results. It may be retorted that, de- spite the highly scientific experiments of Langley and Maxim, we really owe the successful ma- chine to such men as the Wright Brothers, who are not profound mathematicians but skilful, practical mechanics. If the whole truth were known about the years of patient experiment- ing which finally led the Wright Brothers to the invention of a successful flying-machine, it would probably be discovered that they were no less scientific in their methods than was Langley himself. The problem of building a flying-machine is in quite a different position from what it was. If flying-machines are not to be subjected to 1 84 THE NEW ART OF FLYING frequent accidents and are to be made acces- sible to the million, the sooner aeronauts learn engineering the better. Not until engineers are employed to design and build flying-machines shall we be able to skim the air as safely as we now roll along the ground in motor-cars. CHAPTER XI THE FLYING-MACHINE IN WAR UNLIKE any battle that has ever been fought in the world's history, the battle of the future will be a conflict waged in three dimensions. Long before its artillery will have volleyed and thundered, each great military power will have endeavoured to secure the command of the air by building more dirigible airships and aeroplanes than its rivals. The fighting arm of a nation will henceforth be extended not merely over land and sea, but upward into the hitherto unconquerable air itself. Of all this we had some indication during the remarkable French military manoeuvres of 1910. Then for the first time aeroplanes were tested under condi- tions that approximated those of actual warfare. To the laymen the aeroplane's chief function in this battle of the future would seem to be the dropping of explosives on a hapless and helpless army below. The military strategist knows better. In the first place he knows that 1 86 THE NEW ART OF FLYING the actual amount of damage which could thus be inflicted would be disappointingly small. A hole may be torn in the ground; the windows of a few buildings may be broken; a battle- ship's superstructure may be blown away; but that wholesale destruction of life and property which would seem obviously to follow from the mere existence of military flying-machines, freighted with bombs and grenades, is not to be looked for. Even were it possible thus to destroy part of a stronghold, the difficulty of hitting the object aimed at is nearly insur- mountable. Every small boy has attempted to hit some passer-by in the street with a missile hurled from a third-story window. Usually he failed, because the target was moving and because the wind deflected the projectile. The air-marksman is much worse off. Seated in a craft which is not only skimming at a speed hardly less than thirty-five miles an hour and possibly as great as eighty miles an hour, but skimming at a height of perhaps half a mile, the chance that he will ever be able to hit his target by making the proper allowance for the horizontal momentum which his bomb would THE FLYING-MACHINE IN WAR 187 receive, as well as for the prevailing wind, seems wofully remote. If bombs are to be dropped on forces below, it must be by means of tubes which will both project and direct the missile and which will be provided with wind gauges and height indicators for the proper guidance of the marksman. We must not allow ourselves to be misled by the skill displayed at flying exhibitions in dropping oranges on mini- ature battleships. Oranges are not bombs, nor are the heights at which they are dropped the half mile at which a military aeroplane must soar if it is to elude gun-fire. Nevertheless some such possibility may have been at the bottom of the declaration signed by the delegates of the United States to the Second International Peace Conference held at The Hague in 1907, a declaration which prohibited the discharge of projectiles and ex- plosives from the air. The declaration reads: " The contracting powers agree to prohibit, for a period extending to the close of the Third Peace Conference, the discharge of projectiles and explosives from balloons or by other new methods of a similar nature." 1 88 THE NEW ART OF FLYING The countries which did not sign the decla- ration forbidding the launching of projectiles and explosives from air-craft were: Germany, Austria-Hungary, China, Denmark, Ecuador, Spain, France, Great Britain, Guatemala, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Montenegro, Nicaragua, Para- guay, Roumania, Russia, Servia, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, Venezuela. To be effective, a bomb must be fairly large. Moreover, a considerable supply of bombs must be available. The aeroplane is a thing of com- parative lightness. It cannot carry much am- munition of that sort. Hence, even admitting the possibility of dropping explosives upon any desired spot, the destruction wrought must nec- essarily be limited in extent. Lastly, there is also considerable danger in unbalancing the machine, by the sudden removal of the load from one side. During the French manoeuvres of 1910 no attempt seems to have been made to drop explosives from either airships or aeroplanes, an omission which implies the ineffective- ness of that mode of attack. In the war of the future the aeroplane will be employed | 2 4-1 O g 3 3 1-1 I J 3 o **" oj "O C ? S "S, I &i l-s 1 .v. ^3 3.1 O > ^