BBBHBBgHaBHaHBBBBBBBBBj|M The Call of the North The Dramatized Version of* Conjurors Hottse" ui T Stewart Edward White BANCROFT LIBRARY o- THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA a THE CALL OF THE NORTH 'Beyond the butternut, beyond the maple, beyond the white pine and the red, beyond the oak, the cedar, and the beech, beyond even the white and yellow birches lies a Land, and in that Land the shadows fall crimson across the snow. THE CALL OF THE NORTH Being a Dramatized Version of CONJUROR'S HOUSE A Romance of the Free Forest BY Stetoart CDtrmrD AUTHOR OF THE WESTERNERS, THE BLAZED TRAIL* ETC. GROSSET PUBLISHERS DUNLAP NEW YOBK COFYBIOHT, 1903, BY STEWART EDWARD WHITE COPYRIGHT, 1902, BY CURTIS PUBLISHING Cota&tv AS *' CONJUROR'S HOUSB" PRINTED IN THE UNITED STATES AT THE COONTY LIFE PRESS, GARDEN CITY. K. Y. ^7^72 b t UEFAFY THE CALL OF THE NORTH Chapter One The girl stood on a bank above a river flowing north. At her back crouched a dozen clean whitewashed buildings. Before her in interminable journey, day after day, league on league into remoteness, stretched the stern Northern wilderness, untrodden save by the trappers, the Indians, and the beasts. Close about the little settlement crept the balsams and spruce, the birch and poplar, behind which lurked vast dreary muskegs, a chaos of bowlder-splits, the for- est. The girl had known nothing different for many years. Once a summer the sail- ing ship from England felt its frozen way [1] The Call of the North through the Hudson Straits, down the Hudson Bay, to drop anchor in the mighty River of the Moose. Once a summer a six- fathom canoe manned by a dozen paddles struggled down the waters of the broken Abitibi. Once a year a little band of red- sashed voyageurs forced their exhausted sledge-dogs across the ice from some unseen wilderness trail. That was all. Before her eyes the seasons changed, all grim, but one by the very pathos of brevity sad. In the brief luxuriant summer came the Indians to trade their pelts, came the keepers of the winter posts to rest, came the ship from England bringing the articles of use or ornament she had ordered a full year before. Within a short time all were gone, into the wilderness, into the great unknown world. The snow fell; the river find the bay froze. Strange men from the ] Chapter One North glided silently to the Factor's door, bearing the meat and pelts of the seaL Bitter iron cold shackled the northland, the abode of desolation. Armies of caribou drifted by, ghostly under the aurora % moose, lordly and scornful, stalked ma- jestically along the shore ; wolves howled invisible, or trotted dog-like in organized packs along the river banks. Day and night the ice artillery thundered. Night and day the fireplaces roared defiance to a frost they could not subdue, while the people of desolation crouched beneath the tyranny of winter. Then the upheaval of spring with the ice- jams and terrors, the Moose roaring by un- tamable, the torrents rising, rising foot by foot to the very dooryard of her father's house. Strange spirits were abroad at night, howling, shrieking, cracking and [3] The Call of the North groaning in voices of ice and flood. Her Indian nurse told her of them all of Ma- unabosho, the good; of Nenaubosho the evil in her lisping Ojibway dialect that sounded like the softer voices of the forest. At last the sudden subsidence of the waters; the splendid eager blossoming of the land into new leaves, lush grasses, an abandon of sweetbrier and hepatica. The air blew soft, a thousand singing birds sprang from the soil, the wild goose cried in triumph. Overhead shone the hot sun of the Northern summer. From the wilderness came the brigades bearing their pelts, the hardy traders ot the winter posts, striking hot the imagination through the mysterious and lonely allure- ment of their callings. For a brief season, transient as the flash of a loon's wing on the shadow of a lake, the post was bright [4] Chapter One with the thronging of many people. The Indians pitched their wigwams on the broad meadows below the bend ; the half-breeds sauntered about, flashing bright teeth and wicked dark eyes at whom it might con- cern ; the traders gazed stolidily over their little black pipes, and uttered brief sen- tences through their thick black beards. Everywhere was gay sound the fiddle, the laugh, the song ; everywhere was gay color the red sashes of the voyageurs, the beaded moccasins and leggings of the Metis, the capotes of the brigade, the varie- gated costumes of the Crees and Ojibways. Like the wild roses around the edge of the muskegs, this brief flowering of the year passed. Again the nights were long, again the frost crept down from the, eternal snow, again the wolves howled across barren wastes. [5] The Call of the North Just now the girl stood ankle- deep in green grasses, a bath of sunlight falling about her, a tingle of salt wind humming up the riv r er from the bay's offing. She was clad in gray wool, and wore no hat. Her soft hair, the color of ripe wheat, blew about her temples, shadowing eyes of fathomless black. The wind had brought to the light and delicate brown of her com- plexion a trace of color to match her lips whose scarlet did not fade after the ordinar** w- and imperceptible manner into the tinge of her skin, but continued vivid to the very edge ; her eyes were wide and unseeing. One hand rested idly on the breech of an ornamented bronze field-gun. McDonald, the chief trader, passed from the house to the store where his bartering with the Indians was daily carried on ; the other Scotchman in the Post, Galen Albret, Chapter One her father, and the head Factor of all this region, paced back and forth across the ve- randa of the factory, caressing his white beard; up by the stockade, young Achille Picard tuned his whistle to the note of the curlew; across the meadow from the church wandered Crane, the little Church of England missionary, peering from short- sighted pale blue eyes; beyond the coulee, Sarnier and his Indians chock-chock-chocked away at the seams of the long coast-trading bateau. The girl saw nothing, heard noth- ing. She was dreaming, she was trying to remember. In the lines of her slight figure, in its pose there by the old gun over the old, old river, was the grace of gentle blood, the pride of caste. Of all this region her father was the absolute lord, feared, loved, obeyed by U its human creatures. When he went [7] V The Call of the North abroad, he travelled in a state almost mediaeval in its magnificence ; when he stopped at home, men came to him from the Albany, the Ken6gami, the Missinaibe, the Mattdgami, the Abitibi from all the rivers of the North to receive his com- mands. Way was made for him, his light- est word was attended. In his house dwelt ceremony, and of his house she was the princess. Unconsciously she had taken the gracious habit of command. She had come to value her smile, her wordT t Value herself. The lady of a realm greater than the countries of Europe, she moved serene, pure, lofty amid depend- ants. And as the lady of this realm she did honor to her father's guests sitting stately behind the beautiful silver service, below the portrait of the Company's greatest [8] Chapter One explorer, Sir George Simpson, dispensing crude fare in gracious manner, listening silently to the conversation, finally with- drawing at the last with a sweeping cour- tesy to play soft, melancholy, and world-for- gotten airs on the old piano, brought over years before by the Lady Head, while the guests made merry with the mellow port and ripe Manila cigars which the Company supplied its servants. Then coffee, still with her natural Old World charm of the grande dame. Such guests were not many, nor came often. There was McJTavish of Rupert's House, a three days' journey to the northeast; Rand of Fort Albany, a week's travel to the northwest; Mault of Fort George, ten days beyond either, all grizzled in the Company's service. With them came their clerks, mostly English and Scotch younger sons, with a vast respect [9] The Call of the North for the Company, and a vaster for their Factor's daughter. Once in two or three years appeared the inspectors from Winni- peg, true lords of the North, with their six- fathom canoes, their luxurious furs, their red banners trailing like gonfalons in the water. Then this post of Conjuror's House feasted and danced, undertook gay excursions, discussed in public or private conclave weighty matters, grave arid rev- erend advices, cautions, and commands. They went. Desolation again crept in. The girl dreamed. She was trying to remember. Far-off, half-forgotten visions of brave, courtly men, of gracious, beautiful women, peopled the clouds of her imagin- ings. She heard them again, as voices be- neath the roar of rapids, like far-away bells tinkling faintly through a wind, pitying her, exclaiming over her; she saw them dim and [10] Chapter One changing, as wraiths of a fog, as shadow pictures in a mist beneath the moon, leaning to her with bright, shining eyes full of compassion for the little girl who was to go so far away into an unknown land ; she felt them, as the touch of a breeze when the night is still, fondling her, clasp- ing her, tossing her aloft in farewell. One she felt plainly a gallant youth who held her up for all to see. One she saw clearly a dewy-eyed, lovely woman who mur- mured loving, broken words. One she heard distinctly a gentle voice that said, " God's love be with you, little one, for you have far to go, and many days to pass before you see Quebec again." And the girls eyes suddenly swam bright, for the northland was very dreary. She threw her palms out in a gesture of weariness. Then her arms dropped, her eyes widened, The CaU of, the North her head bent forward in the attitude of listening. " Aehille ! " she called, AchiUe ! Come here!" The young fellow approached respectfully. " Mademoiselle ? ** he asked. " Don't you hear ? " she said. Faint, between intermittent silences, came the singing of men's voices from the south. " Grace a Dieu ! " cried Aehille. " Eet is so. Eet is dat brigade ! " He ran shouting toward the factory. Chapter T>*o Men, women, dogs, children sprang into sight from nowhere, and ran pell-mell to the two cannon. Galen Albret, reappear- ing from the factory, began to issue orders. Two men set about hoisting on the tall flag-staff the blood-red banner of the Com- pany. Speculation, excited and earnest, arose among the men as to which of the branches of the Moose this brigade had hunted the Abitibi, the Mattagami, or the Missindibie. The half-breed women shaded their eyes. Mrs. Cockburn, the doctor's wife, and the only other white woman in the settlement, came and stood by Virginia 18] The Catt of the North Albret's side. Wishkobun, the Ojibway woman from the south country, and Vir- ginia's devoted familiar, took her half-jeal- ous stand on the other. " It is the same every year. We always like to see them come," said Mrs. Cockburn, in her monotonous low voice of resigna- tion. "Yes," replied Virginia, moving a little impatiently, for she anticipated eagerly the picturesque coming of these men of the Si- lent Places, and wished to savor the pleas- ure undistracted. " Mi-di-mo-yay ka'-win-ni-shi-shin," said Wishkobun, quietly. " Ae," replied Virginia, with a little laugh, patting the woman's brown hand. A shout arose. Around the bend shot a canoe. At once every paddle in it was raised to a perpendicular salute, then all to- Chapter Two gether dashed into the water with the foD strength of the voyageurs wielding them. The canoe fairly leaped through the cloud of spray. Another rounded the bend, an- other double row of paddles flashed in the sunlight, another crew broke into a tumult of rapid exertion as they raced the last quarter mile of the long journey. A third burst into view, a fourth, a fifth. The si- lent river was alive with motion, glittering with color. The canoes swept onward, like race-horses straining against the rider. Now the spectators could make out plainly the boatmen. It could be seen that they had decked themselves out for the occasion. Their heads were bound with bright-col- ored fillets, their necks with gay scarves. The paddles were adorned with gaudy woollen streamers. New leggings, of hol- iday pattern, were intermittently visible The Call of the North cide of Kettle Portage." "Well?" " He was treated strangely by our people^ and he treated them strangely in return. Why is that?" "Who can tell?" " What is his station ? Is he a common trader? He does not look it." " He is a man of intelligence and daring." " Then why is he not our guest? " Galen Albret did not answer. After a moment's pause he asked again for his tea. The girl turned away impatiently. Here was a puzzle, neither the voyageurs, nor Wishkobun her nurse, nor her father would explain to her. The first had grinned stu- pidly ; the second had drawn her shawl across her face, the third asked for tea ! She handed her father the cup, hesitated [53] The Call of the North tfien ventured to inquire whether she was forbidden to greet the stranger should the occasion arise, " He is a gentleman," replied her father. She sipped her tea thoughtfully, her im- agination stirring. Again her recollection lingered over the clear bronze lines of the stranger's face. Something vaguely familiar seemed to touch her consciousness with ghostly lingers. She closed her eyes and tried to clutch them. At once they were withdrawn. And then again, when her at- tention wandered, they stole back, plucking appealingly at the hem of her recollections. The room was heavy-curtained, deep em- brasured, for the house, beneath its clap- boards, was of logs* Although out of doors the clear spring sunshine still flooded the valley of the Moose ; within, the shadows bad begun with velvet fingers to extinguish [54] Chapter Fvve the brighter lights. Virginia threw her- self back on a chair in the corner. " Virginia," said Galen Albret, suddenly. " Yes, father." " You are no longer a child, but a woman. Would you like to go to Quebec ? w She did not answer him at once, but pon- dered beneath close-knit brows. "Do you wish me to go, father?" she asked at length. " You are eighteen. It is time you saw the world, time you learned the ways of other people. But the journey is hard. I may not see you again for some years. You go among strangers." He fell silent again. Motionless he had been, except for the mumbling of his lips beneath his beard. " It shall be just as you wish," he added a moment later, [56] The Call of the NortK At once a conflict arose in the giiTs mind between her restless dreams and her affec- tions. But beneath all the glitter of the question there was really nothing to take her out. Here was her father, here were the things she loved ; yonder was novelty and loneliness. Her existence at Conjuror's House was perhaps a little complex, but it was familiar. She knew the people, and she took a daily and unwearying delight in the kindness and simplicity of their bearing toward her- self. Each detail of life came to her in the round of habit, wearing the garment of accustomed use. But of the world she knew nothing except what she had been able to body forth from her reading, and that had merely given her imagination something tangible with which to feed her self-dis- trust. [66] CJiapter Five ** Must I decide at once ? " she asked. ** If you go this year, it must be with the Abitibi brigade. You have until then." " Thank you, father.'* said the girl, sweetly. The shadows stole their surroundings one by one, until only the bright silver of the tea-service, and the glitter of polished wood, and the square of the open door remained. Galen Albret became an inert dark mass. Virginia's gray was lost in that of the twi- light. Time passed. The clock ticked on. Faintly sounds penetrated from the kitchen, and still more faintly from out of doors. Then the rectangle of the door- way was darkened by a man peering uncertainly. The man wore his hat, from which slanted a slender heron's plume ; his shoulders were square; his thighs slim and graceful [571 The Call of the North Against the light, one caught the outline of the sash's tassel and the fringe of his leg gings. " Are you there, Galen Albret ? " he chal- lenged. The spell of twilight mystery broke. It seemed as if suddenly the air had become surcharged with the vitality of opposition. " What then ? " countered the Factor's heavy, deliberate tones. "True, I see you now," rejoined the visitor carelessly, as he flung himself across the arm of a chair and swung one foot " I do not doubt you are convinced by this time of my intention.*' " My recollection does not tell me what messenger I sent to ask this interview." " Correct," laughed the young man a little kardly. " You didn't ask it. I attended to Ifaet myself. What you want doesn't con* 58] Chapter Five oern me in the least. What do you sup pose I care what, or what not, any of this crew wants ? I'm master of nay own ideas, anyway, thank God. If you don't like what I do, you can always stop me." In the tone of his voice was a distinct chal* lenge. Galen Albret, it seemed, chose to pass it by. " True," he replied sombrely, after a barely perceptible pause to mark his tacit displeas- ure. " It is your hour. Say on." " I should like to know the date at which I take la Longue Traverse." " You persist in that nonsense ? w " Call my departure whatever you want to I have the name for it. When do I leave ? " " I have not decided." " And in the meantime ? " Do as you please." ** The Call of the North * Ah* thanks for this generosity/' cried the young man, in a tone of declamatory sar- casm so artificial as fairly to scent the elo- cutionary. "To do as I please here now there's a blessed privilege ! I may walk around where I want to, talk to such as have a good word for me, punish those who have not ! But do I err in concluding that the state of your game law is such that it would be useless to reclaim my rifle from the engaging Placide ? " "You have a fine instinct," approved the Factor. " It is one of my valued possessions/" re- joined the young man, insolently, He struck a match, and by its light selected a cigarette. " I do not myself use tobacco in this room," suggested the older speaker. * I am curious to learn the limits of your [60] Chapter Five forbearance," replied the younger, proceed- ing to smoke. He threw back his head and regarded his opponent with an open challenge, daring him to become angry. The match went out. Virginia, who had listened in growing an- ger and astonishment, unable longer to re- frain from defending the dignity of her usu- ally autocratic father, although he seemed little disposed to defend himself, now inter- vened from her dark corner on the divan. **Is the journey then so long, sir," she asked composedly, "that it at once inspires such anticipations and such bitterness ? '* In an instant the man was on his feet, hat in hand, and the cigarette had described a fiery curve into the empty hearth. ** I beg your pardon, sincerely/' he cried, M I did not know you were here I * [61] The Call of the North ** You might better apologize to ray father/ replied Virginia. The young man stepped forward and without asking permission, lighted one of the tall lamps. "The lady of the guns!" he marvelled softly to himself. He moved across the room, looking down on her inscrutably, while she looked up at him in composed expectation of an apology and Galen Albret sat motionless, in the shadow of his great arm-chair. But after a moment her calm attention broke down. Something there was about this man that stirred her emotions wnether of curiosity, pity, indignation, or a slight defensive fear she was not introspective enough to care to inquire. And yet the sensation was not altogether unpleasant, and, as at the guns that afternoon, a certain portion of bet [68] Chapter Five consciousness remained in sympathy with whatever it was of mysterious attraction he represented to her. In him she felt the dominant, as a wild creature of the woods instinctively senses the master and drops its eyes. Resentment did not leave her, but over it spread a film of confusion that robbed it of its potency. In him, in his mood, in his words, in his manner, was some- thing that called out in direct appeal the more primitive instincts hitherto dormant beneath her sense of maidenhood, so that even at this vexed moment of conscious op- position, her heart was ranging itself on his side. Overpoweringly the feeling swept her that she was not acting in accordance with her sense of fitness. She knew she should strike, but was unable to give due force to the blow. In the confusion of such a discov- ery, her eyelids fluttered and fell And he [68] The Call of the North *aw, and, understanding his power, dropped swiftly beside her on the broad divan. " You must pardon me, mademoiselle," he begun, his voice sinking to a depth of rich music singularly caressing. "To you I may seem to have small excuses, but when a man is vouchsafed a glimpse of heaven only to be cast out the next instant into hell, he is not always particular in the choice of words.** All the time his eyes sought hers, which avoided the challenge, and the strong mas- culine charm of magnetism which he pos- sessed in such vital abundance overwhelmed her unaccustomed consciousness. Galen Albret shifted uneasily, and shot a glance in their direction. The stranger, perceiving this, lowered his voice in register and tone, and went on with almost exaggerated ear- nestness. Chapter Pvoe "Surely you can forgive me, a desperate man, almost anything ? " " I do not understand," said Virginia, with a palpable effort. Ned Trent leaned forward until his eager face was almost at her shoulder. ^ J " Perhaps not," he urged ; " I cannot ask you to try. But suppose, mademoiselle, you were in my case. Suppose your eyes like mine have rested on nothing but a howling wilderness for dear heaven knows how long ; you come at last in sight of real houses, real grass, real door-yard gardens just ready to blossom in the spring, real food, real beds, real books, real men with whom to exchange the sensible word, and something more, mademoiselle a woman such as one dreams of in the long forest nights under the stars. And you know that while others, the lucky ones, may stay to enjoy it all, [65] The Call of the North you, the unfortunate, are condemned to leave it at any moment for la Longue Tra- verse. Would not you, too, be bitter, made* moiselle ? Would not you too mock and sneer ? Think, mademoiselle, I have not even the little satisfaction of rousing men's anger. I can insult them as I will, but they turn aside in pity, saying one to another : * Let us pleasure him in this, poor fellow, for he is about to take la Longue Traverse.' That is why your father accepts calmly from me what he would not from another.** Virginia sat bolt upright on the divan, her hands clasped in her lap, her wonderful black eyes looking straight out before her, trying to avoid her companion's insistent gaze. His attention was fixed on her mo- bile and changing countenance, but he marked with evident satisfaction Galen Al- bret's growing uneasiness. This was evi [66] Chapter Five denced only by a shifting of the feet, a tap- ping of the fingers, a turning of the shaggy head in such a man slight tokens are sig- nificant. The silence deepened with the shadows drawing about the single lamp, while Virginia attempted to maintain a breathing advantage above the flood of strange ernotions which the personality of this man had swept down upon her. " It does not seem " objected the girl in bewilderment, " I do not know men are often out in this country for years at a time. Long journeys are not unknown among us. We are used to undertaking them." " But not la Longue Traverse? insisted the young man, sombrely. "jLa Longue Traverse? she repeated in sweet perplexity. " Sometimes called the Journey of Death," he explained. [67] The Call of the North She turned to look him in the eyes, a vague expression of puzzled fear on her face. "She has never heard of it," said Ned Trent to himself, and aloud: "Men who undertake it leave comfort behind. They embrace hunger and weariness, cold and disease. At the last they embrace death^ and are glad of his coming." Something in his tone compelled belief; something in his face told her that he was a man by whom the inevitable hardships of winter and summer travel, fearful as they are, would be lightly endured. She shud- dered. " This dreadful thing is necessary 2 " she asked. " Alas, yes/ " I do not understand * "In the North few of us understand,* (68] Chapter Five agreed the young man with a hint of bit- terness seeping through his voice. " The mighty order, and so we obey. But that is beside the point. I have not told you these things to harrow you ; I have tried to excuse myself for my actions. Does it touch you a little ? Am I forgiven ? " " I do not understand how such things can be," she objected in some confusion, " why such journeys must exist. My mind can- not comprehend your explanations." The stranger leaned forward abruptly, his eyes blazing with the magnetic personality of the man. " But your heart ? " he breathed. It was the moment. " My heart " she repeated, as though bewildered by the intensity of his eyes, "my heart ah yes!" Immediately the blood rushed over her [69] The Call of the North face and throat in a torrent. She snatched her eyes away, and cowered back in the corner, going red and white by turns, now angry, now frightened, now bewildered, until his gaze, half masterful, half pleading, again conquered hers. Galen Albret had ceased tapping his chair. In the dim light he sat, staring straight before him, massive, inert, grim. " I believe you * she murmured hurriedly at last. " I pity you ! " She rose. Quick as light he barred her passage. "Don't! don't!" she pleaded. "I must go you have shaken me I I do not understand myself " " I must see you again," he whispered eagerly. " To-night by the guns." "No, no!" "To-night," he insisted. [70] Chapter Five She raised her eyes to his, this time naked of defence, so that the man saw down through their depths into her very souL 44 Oh," she begged, quivering, "let me pass. Don't you see I'm going to cry 1 " Chapter Six For a moment Ned Trent stared through the darkness into which Virginia had disap- peared. Then he turned a troubled face to the task he had set himself, for the unex- pectedly pathetic results of his fantastic at tempt had shaken him. Twice he half turned as though to follow her. Then shaking his shoulders he bent his attention to the old man in the shadow of the chair. He was given no opportunity for further speech, however, for at the sound of the closing door Galen Albret's impassivity had fallen from him. He sprang to his feet. The whole aspect of the man suddenly be- Chapter Six came electric, terrible. His eyes blazed ; his heavy brows drew spasmodically tow- ard each other ; his jaws worked, twist- ing his beard into strange contortions; his massive frame straightened formidably ; and his voice rumbled from the arch of his deep chest in a torrent of passionate sound. "By God, young man!" he thundered, " you go too far ! Take heed ! I will not stand this ! Do not you presume to make love to my daughter before my eyes ! " And Ned Trent, just within the dusky circle of lamplight, where the bold, sneering lines of his face stood out in relief against the twilight of the room, threw back his head and laughed. It was a clear laugh, but low, and in it were all the devils of triumph, and of insolence. Where the studied insult of words had failed, this .[73] The Call of the North single cachinnation succeeded. The Tradci saw his opponent's eyes narrow For a mo- ment he thought the Factor was about to spring on him. Then, with an effort that blackened his face with blood, Galen Albret controlled himself, and fell to striking the call-bell violently and repeatedly with the palm of his hand. After a moment Matthews, the English servant, came running in. To him the Factor was at first physically unable to utter a syllable. Then finally he managed to ejaculate the name of his bows man with such violence of gesture that the frightened servant comprehended by sheer force of terror and ran out again in search of Me-en-gan. This supreme effort seemed to clear the way for speech. Galen Albret began to address his opponent hoarsely in quick, dis- E'WI Chapter Six jointed sentences, a gasp for breath between each. " You revived an old legend /a Longue Traverse the myth. It shall be real to you I will make it so. By God, you shall not defy me " Ned Trent smiled. " You do not deceive me," he rejoined, coolly. " Silence! " cried the Factor. " Silence! You shall speak no more ! You have said enough " Me-en-gan glided into the room. Galen Albret at once addressed him in the Ojib- way language, gaining control of himself as he went on. "Listen to me well," he commanded. "You shall make a count of all rifles in this place at once. Let no one furnish this man with food or arms. You know the story of la Longue Traverse* This The Call of the North man shall take it. So inform my people, I, the Factor, decree it so. Prepare all things at once understand, at once I * Ned Trent waited to hear no more, but sauntered from the room whistling gayly a boatman's song. His point was gained. Outside, the long Northern twilight with its beautiful shadows of crimson was de- scending from the upper regions of the east. A light wind breathed up-river from the bay. The Free Trader drew his lungs full of the evening air. "Just the same, I think she will come," said he to himself. " La Longiie Traverse, even at once, is a pretty slim chance. But this second string to my bow is better. 1 believe I'll get the rifle if she comes >"' [76] Chapter Seven Virginia ran quickly up the narrow stairs to her own room, where she threw herself on the bed and buried her face in the pillows. As she had said, she was very much shaken. And, too, she was afraid. She could not understand. Heretofore she had moved among the men around her, pure, lofty, serene. Now at one blow all this crumbled. The stranger had outraged her finer feelings. He had insulted her father in her very presence ; for this she was angry. He had insulted herself ; for this she was afraid. He had demanded that she meet him [77] The Call of the North again ; but this at least in the manner he had suggested should not happen. And yet she confessed to herself a delicious won- der as to what he would do next, and a vague desire to see him again in order to find out. That she could not successfully combat this feeling made her angry at her- self. And so in mingled fear, pride, anger, and longing she remained until Wishkobun, the Indian woman, glided in to dress her for the dinner whose formality she and her father consistently maintained. She fell to talking the soft O jib way dialect, and in the con- versation forgot some of her emotion and regained some of her calm. Her surface thoughts, at least, were com- pelled for the moment to occupy themselves with other things. The Indian woman had to tell her of the silver fox brought in by Mu-hi-ken, an Indian of her own tribe ; of [78] Chapter Seven the retort Achille Picard had made when MacLane had taunted him ; of the forest fire that had declared itself far to the east, and of the theories to account for it where no campers had been. Yet underneath the rambling chatter Virginia was aware of something new in her consciousness, something delicious but as yet vague. In the gayest moment of her half-jesting, half- xffectionate gossip with the Indian woman, she felt its uplift catching her breath from beneath, so that for the tiniest instant she would pause as though in readiness for some message which nevertheless delayed. A fresh delight in the present moment held her, a fresh anticipation of the immediate future, though both delight and anticipation were based on something without her knowledge. That would come later. The sound of rapid footsteps echoed across [79] The Call of the North the lower hall, a whistle ran into an air, sung gayly, with spirit: gt J*ai perdu ma maitresse, Sans V avoir merite 1 , Pour un bouquet de roses Queje f ui refusal. U, ya longtemps queje t'aimc, Jamaisje ne CoubUerai ! " She fell abruptly silent, and spoke no more until she descended to the council-room where the table was now spread for dinner. Two silver candlesticks lit the place. The men were waiting for her when she entered, and at once took their seats in the worn, rude chairs. White linen and glittering silver adorned the service. Galen Albret occupied one end of the table, Virginia the other. On either side were Doctor and Mrs, Cockburn ; McDonald, the Chief Trader ; Richardson, the clerk, and Crane, the [80] Chapter Seven ,-;ionary of the Church of England. Matthews served with rigid precision in the order of importance, first the Factor, then Virginia, then the doctor, his wife, McDonald, the clerk, and Crane in due order. On entering a room the same precedence would have held good. Thus these people, six hundred miles as the crow flies from the nearest settlement, maintained their shadowy hold on civilization. The glass was fine, the silver massive, the linen dainty, Matthews waited faultlessly : but overhead hung the rough timbers of the wilderness post, across the river faintly could be heard the howling of wolves. The fare was rice, curry, salt pork, potatoes, and beans ; for at this season the game was poor, and the fish hardly yet running with regularity. Throughout the meal Virginia sat in a [81] The Call of the North singular abstraction. No conscious thoughts took shape in her mind, but nevertheless she seemed to herself to be occupied in con- sidering weighty matters. When directly addressed, she answered sweetly. Much of the time she studied her father's face. She found it old. Those lines were already evi- dent which, when first noted, bring a stab of surprised pain to the breast of a child the droop of the mouth, the wrinkling of the temples, the patient weariness of the eyes. Virginia's own eyes filled with tears. The subjective passive state into which a newly born but not yet recognized love had cast her, inclined her to gentleness. She accepted facts as they came to her. For the moment she forgot the mere happen- ings of the day, and lived only in the result- ing mood of them all. The new-comer in- spired her no longer with anger nor scr- im Chapter Seven row, attraction nor fear. Her active emo- tions in abeyance, she floated dreamily on the clouds of a new estate. This very aloofness of spirit disinclined her for the company of the others after the meal was finished. The Factor closeted himself vith Richardson. The doctor, lighting a cheroot, took his way across to his infirmary, McDonald, Crane, and Mrs. Cockburn entered the drawing-room and seated them- selves near the piano. Virginia hesitated, then threw a shawl over her head and stepped tmt on the broad veranda. At once the vast, splendid beauty of the Northern night broke over her soul. Straight before her gleamed and flashed and ebbed and palpitated the aurora. One mo- ment its long arms shot beyond the zenith ; the next it had broken and rippled back like a brook of light to its arch over the Great [83] The Call of the North Bear. Never for an instant was it still. Its restlessness stole away the quiet of the evening ; but left it magnificent. In comparison with this coruscating dome of the infinite the earth had shrunken to a narrow black band of velvet, in which was nothing distinguishable until suddenly the sky-line broke in calm silhouettes of spruce and firs. And always the mighty River of the Moose, gleaming, jewelled, barbaric in its reflections, slipped by to the sea. So rapid and bewildering was the motion of these two great powers the river and the sky that the imagination could not believe in silence. It was as though the earth were full of shoutings and of tumults. And yet in reality the night was as still as a tropical evening. The wolves and the sledge -dogs answered each other undis- [84] Chapter Seven turbed ; the beautiful songs of the wJhite- throats stole from the forest as divinely in- stinct as ever with the spirit of peace. Virginia leaned against the railing and looked upon it all. Her heart was big with emotions, many of which she could not name ; her eyes were full of tears. Some- thing had changed in her since yesterday, but she did not know what it was. The faint wise stars, the pale moon just sinking, the gentle south breeze could have told her, for they are old, old in the world's affairs. Occasionally a flash more than ordinarily brilliant would glint one of the bronze guns beneath the flag- staff. Then Virginia's heart would glint too. She imagined the reflec- tion startled her. She stretched her arms out to the night, embracing its glories, sighing in sympathy with its meaning, which she did not know. [85] The Call of the North She felt the desire of restlessness ; yet she eould not bear to go. But no thought of the stranger touched her, for you see as yet she did not understand. Then, quite naturally, she heard his voice in the darkness close to her knee. It seemed inevitable that he should be there ; part of the restless, glorious night, part of her mood. She gave no start of surprise, but half closed her eyes and leaned her fair head against a pillar of the veranda. He sang in a sweet undertone an old chanson of voyage. " Par derrier* chez mon pere, Vole, mon cceur, vote t Parderrier* chez mon pere LA-ya-t-un pommier doux." ** Ah lady, lady mine/' broke in the voice softly, "the night too is sweet, soft as thine eyes. Will you not greet me ? * 86] Chapter Seven The girl made no sign. After a moment the song went on. Troisjilies 5 on its broader side." " You refuse ? " insisted Ned Trent. * It is not always easy to walk straightly before the Lord, and my way is not always clear before me, but " The Call of the North " You refuse ! " cried Ned Trent, rising im- patiently. The Reverend Archibald Crane looked at his catechiser with a trace of alarm. " I'm sorry ; I'm afraid I must," he apolo- gized. The stranger advanced until he touched the desk on the other side of which the Rev- erend Archibald was sitting, where he stood for some moments looking down on his op- ponent with an almost amused expression of contempt. "You are an interesting little beast," he drawled, " and I've seen a lot of your kind in my time. Here you preach every Sun- day, to whomever will listen to you, certain cut-and-dried doctrines you don't believe practically in the least. Here for the first time you have had a chance to apply them literally, and you hide behind a lot of words, [HO] Chapter Nine And while you're about it you may as well hear what I have to say about your kind. I've had a pretty wide experience in the North, and I know what I'm talking about. Your work here among the Indians is rot, and every sensible man knows it. You coop them up in your log-built houses, you force on them clothes to which they are unaccus- tomed until they die of consumption. Under your little tin-steepled imitation of civiliza- tion, for which they are not fitted, they learn to beg, to steal, to lie. I have travelled far, but I have yet to discover what your kind are allowed on earth for. You are narrow- minded, bigoted, intolerant, and without a scrap of real humanity to ornament your mock religion. When you find you can't meddle with other people's affairs enough at home you get sent where you can get right in the business and earn salvation for doing The Call of the North it. I don't know just why I should say this to you, but it sort of does me good to tell it Once T heard one of your kind tell a sorrowing mother that her little child had gone to hell because it had died before he- the smug hypocrite had sprinkled its little body with a handful of water. There's humanity for you ! It may interest you to know that I thrashed that man then and there. You are all alike ; I know the breed. When there is found a real man among you and there are such he is so different in everything, including his religion, as to be really of another race. I came here with- out the slightest expectation of getting what I asked for. As I said before, I know your breed, and I know just how well your two- thousand-year-old doctrines apply to practi- cal cases. There is another way, but I hated to use it. You'd take it quick enough, I dare [112] Chapter Nine say. Here is \rhere I should receive aid. I may have to get it where I should not. You a man of God ! Why, you Door little insect, I can't even get angry at you ! " He stood for a moment looking at the con- fused and troubled clergyman. Then he went out. 111*1 Chapter Ten Almost immediately the door opened again. " You, Miss Albret ! " cried Crane. " What does this mean ?" demanded Vir- ginia, imperiously. " Who is that man ? In what danger does he stand? What does he want a rifle for ? I insist on know- ing." She stood straight and tall in the low room, her eyes flashing, her head thrown back in the assured power of command. The Reverend Crane tried to temporize, hesitating over his words. She cut him short ** That is nonsense. Everybody seems to Chapter Ten know but myself. I am no child. I came to consult you my spiritual adviser in regard to this very case. Accidentally 1 overheard enough to justify me in knowing more." The clergyman murmured something about the Company's secrets. Again she cut him short. 48 Company's secrets ! Since when has the Company confided in Andrew Laviolette, in Wishkobun, in you ! " "Possibly you would better ask your father," said Crane, with some return of dignity. " It does not suit me to do so," replied she. " I insist that you answer my ques- tions. Who is this man ? " " Ned Trent, he says." " I will not be put off in this way. Who Is he? JFfto/ishe?" [115] The Call of the North " He is a Free Trader, " replied the Rever end Crane with the air of a man who throws down a bomb and is afrcid of the conse- quences. To his astonishment the bomb did not explode. " What is that ? " she asked, simply. The man's jaw dropped and his eyes opened in astonishment. Here was a dei>- sity of ignorance in regard to the ordinary affairs of the Post which could by no stretch of the imagination be ascribed to chance. If Virginia Albret did not know the mean- ing of the term, and all the tragic conse- quences it entailed, there could be but one conclusion : Galen Albret had not intended that she should know. She had purposely been left in ignorance, and a politic man would hesitate long before daring to en- lighten her. The Reverend Crane, in sheer terror, became sullen. Chapter Ten " A Free Trader is a man who trades in opposition to the Company/' said he, cau- tiously. " What great danger is he in ? " the girl persisted with her catechism. " None that I am aware of," replied Crane, suavely. " He is a very ill-balanced and ex- citable young man/* Virginia's quick instincts recognized again the same barrier which, with the people, With Wishkobun, with her father, had shut her so effectively from the truth. Her power of femininity and position had to give way before the man's fear for himself and t)f Galen Albret's unexpressed wish. She asked a few more questions, received a few more evasive replies, and left the little clergyman to recover as best he might from a very trying evening. Out in the night the girl hesitated in two [117] The Call of tlie North minds as to what to do next She wag ex cited, and resolved to finish the affair, but she could not bring her courage to the point of questioning her father. That the stranger was in antagonism to the Company, that ha believed himself to be in danger on that ac* count, that he wanted succor, she saw clear- ly enough. But the whole affair was vague, disquieting. She wanted to see it plainly, know its reasons. And beneath her excite- ment she recognized, with a catch of the breath, that she was afraid for him. She had not time now to ask herself what it might mean ; she only realized the presence of the fact. She turned instinctively in the direction of Doctor Cockburn's house. Mrs. Cockburn was a plain little middle-aged woman with parted gray hair and sweet, faded eyes. In the life of the place she was a nonentity, and [118] Chapter Ten her tastes were homely and commonplace, but Virginia liked her. She proved to be at home, the Doctor still at his dispensary, which was well. Vir- ginia entered a small log room, passed through it immediately to a larger papered room, and sat down in a musty red arm- chair. The building was one of the old regime, which meant that its floor was of wide and rather uneven painted boards, its ceiling low, its windows small, and its gen- eral lines of an irregular and sagging rule- of-thumb tendency. The white wall-paper evidently concealed squared logs. The pres- ent inhabitants, being possessed at once of rather homely tastes and limited facilities, had over-furnished the place with an in- finitude of little things little rugs, lit- tle tables, little knit doilies, little racks of photographs, little china ornaments, [119] The Call of the North little spidery what-nots, and shelves for books. Virginia seated herself, and went directly to the topic* " Mrs. Cockburn," she said, " you have al- ways been very good to me, always, ever since I came here as a little girL I have not always appreciated it, I am afraid, but I am in great trouble, and I want your help." "What is it, dearie,* asked the older woman, softly. " Of course I will do any- thing I can." " I want you to tell me what all this mys- tery is about the man who to-day arrived from Kettle Portage, I mean. I have asked everybody: I have tried by all means in my power to get somebody somewhere to tell me. It is maddening and I have a special reason for wanting to know," [120] Chapter Ten The older woman was already gazing at her through troubled eyes. " It is a shame and a mistake to keep you so in ignorance ! " she broke out, "and I have said so always. There are many things you have the right to know, al- though some of them would make you very unhappy as they do all of us poor women who have to live in this land of dread. But in this I cannot, dearie." Virginia felt again the impalpable shadow of truth escaping her. Baffled, confused, she began to lose her self-control. A dozen times to-day she had reached after this thing, and always her fingers had closed on empty air. She felt that she could not stand the suspense of bewilderment a single instant longer. The tears overflowed and rolled down her cheeks unheeded. 4 Oh, Mrs. Cockburn ! " she cried. "P ; .eagjl The Call of the North You do not know how dreadful this thing has come to be to me just because it is made so mysterious. Why has it been kept from me alone ? It must have some- thing to do with me, and I can't stand this mystery, this double-dealing, another minute. If you won't tell me, nobody will, and I shall go on imagining Oh, please have pity on me I I feel the shadow of a tragedy. It comes out in everything, in everybody to whom I turn. I see it in Wishkobun's avoidance of me, in my father's silence, in Mr. Crane's confusion, in your reluctance yes, in the very reckless insolence of Mr. Trent himself 1 w her voice broke slightly. " If you will not tell me, I shall go direct to my father," she ended, with more firmness. Mrs. Cockburn examined the girl's flushed face through kindly but shrewd and ex* [12*] Chapter Ten perieiiced eyes. Then, with a caressing Ik' tie murmur of pity, she arose and seated herself on the arm of the red chair, taking the girl's hand in hers. ** I believe you mean it," she said, " and I am going to tell you myself. There is much sorrow in it for you ; but if you go tss the current of an eddy* " Ni-shi-shin," said Me-en-gan. They fell back to the old stroke, rolling out their full-throated measure. " Toutes les plumes sen vont au vent, En roulant ma boule, Trois dames sen vont les ramassant, Rouli roulant, ma boule roulant" The canoe was now in the smooth rush of the first stretch of swifter water. The men bent to their work with stiffened elbows. Achille Picard flashed his white teeth back at the passengers, (MB) The Call of the North " Ah, mademoiselle, eet is wan long way/' he panted. ** C'cst une longue traverse ! ' The term was evidently descriptive, but the two smiled significantly at each other. . tfay be had wherever books are sold. Ask for Cresset ft Dunlap's list SEVENTEEN. Illustrated by Arthur, William Brown. No one but the creator of Penrod could have portrayed the immortal young people of this story. 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