Catalogue No. 892 Part I. THE LIBRARY OF HAROLD PEIRCE of Philadelphia. 'feet' 17':a... /^.V'>CV.v;^^l^r Z^?.- _£ DAYS OF SALE Friday March 6*^ atZ^Lo & a O'clock P.M. Saturday March 7^-b at 103PA.M &23PO'clockP.M. 1903 Catalogue Compiled and Sale Conducted by at the Book Auction Rooms of STAN v. HENKELS DAVIS 6l HARVEY 1112 Walnut St. Philadelphia Price, 50 Cents Catalogue No. 892— Part I. Private Library OF HAROLD PEIRCE OF PHILADELPHIA Embracing a General Collection of Americana INCLUDING MANY VERY RARE AND EARLY PRINTED BOOKS A Full Set of the Grolier Club, in Original Bindings, with one Vellum Copy; Practically a Full Set of the Andrews Publications; Set of the Large-paper Editions of Fiske's Historical Works; Franklin's Cato Major; Holm's New Sweden, 1702; Johnson's Pyrates; Johnson's Highwaymen; Reed's Map of Philadelphia, 1774 ; Lj'on's Colonial Furni- ture; Halsey's Dark Blue China, on Japan paper, etc. VALUABLE HISTORICAL DOCUMENTS Including a Letter of George Washington, signed by himself and Martha Washington ; the Original Draft of Washington's Letter to Count De Grasse Before Yorktown; Original Draft of the Capitulation Papers of Cornwallis; Resolves of the Continental Congress, making Washington Commander-in- chief, and many other Papers of Great Historical Interest. ALSO A Silver Vase which belonged to Dolley Madison ; a Napkin and Cup in Commemoration of Washington's Cherry-tree Inci- dent; Pair of Tucker China Washington Pitchers, etc. TO BE SOLD Friday Afternoon, March 6th, 1903 Commencing at 2.30 o'clock and continuing in the Evening at 8 o'clock. Saturday, March, 7th, at 10.30 o'clock A. M. and 2.30 o'clock P. M. CATAI.OGUK COMPILKD AND SALE AT THK HOOK AUCTION KOOMS OK CONDUCTED BY DAVIS & HAKVEV, STAN'. V. HENKELS. 1 112 Walnut Street, Philadelphia. Pa. On Exhibition March jd, 4th and 5th, from 9 A.M., till 5.30 P. M. NOTICE. Bids will be executed by the Auctioneers without extra charge. Bids are always so much per volume or piece, unless otherwise stated in catalogue. Terms of Sale — Cash. All purchases must be settled for and removed on day immediately following the sale. DAVIS & HARVEY. REMARKS. THIS Catalogue introduces one of the most important collec- tions of books which has been offered the American public for years. The owner, Harold Peirce, of Philadelphia, has long been known among book collectors, as one always wil- ling to pay a fair price for any literary rarity, on condition that it be in the best possible state. Consequently, with this reputation, he has been able to accumulate a library which, for the field in literature it covers and the condition of the books (being nearly all in their original bindings, uncut), sur- passes any which has been sold for many 3'ears. It is im- possible for us to give a description, at this time, of the many literary rarities embraced in the collection, further than to state that it includes the finest set of the Kelmscott Press, ever offered at public sale, including many vellum and presentation copies from William Morris, the founder, as well as an unique collection of his published writings, manuscripts, and books from his library. A full set of the Doves Press, with all but one of the vellum copies; the Essex House Press, both paper and vellum, embracing both the Psalter and Prayerbook ; the Vale Press, the Daniel Press ; the Ashendene Press ; the Ellston Press, and a general collection of the most important limited publications. Remarkable collections of the first editions of Ruskin, Rossetti, Swinburne, Tennyson, Keats, Shelley, Coleridge, Leigh Hunt, L,amb, Symonds, Byron, George Meredith, George Eliot, Dick- ens, Thackeray, etc.; also Bunyan's Holy War, Goldsmith's Vicar of Wakefield and Burton's Anatomy of Melancholy. The long sets of standard English authors are the very best editions obtainable, whilst the General History and Biography is of the utmost importance. The Art Works include many of the most sumptuous published, and the collection of early printed books and works on Folk-lore, Astrology, Witchcraft and Fairy My- thology is one of the most important we have had the pleasure of cataloguing. This present Catalogue [Part I] embraces everything in the library which pertains to American History, among which will be found a complete set of the Grolier Club Publications, in original bindings, including one of the vellum copies (which are virtually unobtainable); practically a complete set of the publications of William Eoring Andrews, including one of two untrimmed copies of New Amsterdam; the quarto edition of the Eulogy on Craw- ford, which is considered unique ; Acrelius' New Sweden, 1759; Beverley's Virginia, 1705; Broadside of "The Gerry-mander," IV i8i2 ; Collection of Confederate Music; De Lieca's Chronica del Peru, 1553; Drake's Boston, presentation copy to Charles Dickens, with his bookplate; The Federalist (in French), 1792; large-paper editions of John Fiske's Historical Works; Franklin's Cato Major; One of thirty copies on Japan paper of Halsey's Dark Blue China; Holm's New Sweden, 1702; The Tears of the Indians, 1656; Jesuit Relations, 73 vols.; Johnson's History of the Pyrates, 1724; Johnson's Famous High- waymen. 1742; Lery's Bresil, 1594; One Hundred and Forty- four Lincoln Eulogies; Mamiani's Granimatica du Lingua Bra- silica, 1699; Montfaucon's Antiquities, large-paper copy; First Mormon Bible, 1830; Ponce de Leon's Chile, 1632; Reed's Map of Philadelphia, 1774; Large-paper copy of Sargent's Andre; Smith's New Jersey, first edition ; Putnam's limited editions of the Works of Washington, Franklin, Jefferson, Hamilton, Paine and King ; Lyon's Colonial Furniture of New England ; Penny- packer's Settlement of Germantown ; Prime's Pottery and Porce- lain, and many other rare and scarce works. Among the Historical Manuscripts will be found the only known letter of George Washington's, signed by himself and Martha Washington; the original draft (in the auto- graph of Col. John Laurens) of W^ashintou's Letter to DeGrasse, before Yorktown, interlineated in Washinton's handwriting; original draft of Cornwallis' Articles of Capitulation ; the original Resolves of the Continental Congress, signed by John Hancock, making Washington Commander in Chief; Broadside of the Treaty between the United States and Great Britain, and many papers relating to the early history of the Presbyterian Church in the United States. There are also several relics of great historical interest, in- cluding a Solid Silver Vase which belonged to Dolley Madison ; a Cotton Napkin and China Cup in commemoration of the "cherry tree" incident in Washington's Life; a unique pair of Tucker China Washington Pitchers, and a very rare pair of Statuettes of Washington and Franklin. The second sale will include the Kelmscott Press; first editions of the writings of William Morris ; the Doves Press ; Essex House Press ; Vale Press, and the Daniel Press ; first editions of Ruskin, Swinburne, Rossetti, Tennyson and Sy- monds ; and the works of the most popular English and Ameri- can authors, in the best possible editions obtainable. The sale will take place the latter end of March. STAN. V. HENKELS. Q H )^ fi I D n F • Friday Afternoon, March 6th, 1903 AT 2.30 o'clock 1 A BBOTT, CHARLES C. Primitive Industry ; or, Illus- J-\ trations of the Handiwork, in Stone, Bone and Clay, of the Native Races of the Northern Atlantic Seaboard of America. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth. Salem, 1881 2 Abbott, I,. A. Seven Wives and Seven Prisons ; or, Kx- periences in the Life of a Matrimonial Monomaniac. i6mo, cloth. New York, 1870 3 Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, Journal of the From the Commencement, May, 18 17, to 1842. With nuvierotts plates. 8 vols, in 15. 8vo, original paper, uncut. Phila., 1817-1842 Fine set of one of the rarest and best natural history journals published. 4 Ditto. 26 odd numbers of vols. 2, 3, 4 and 5. 5 AcRELius (Israel.) Beskrifning Cm De Swenska For- samlingars Forna och Narwarande Tilstand, Uti Det sa kallade Nya Swerige, Sedan Nya Nederlaud, Men uu for tiden Pensylvauien, samt nastliggande Orter wid Alfwen De la Ware, Wast-Yersey och New-Castle County, uti Norra America. 4to, half bound. Stockholm, 1759 Fine copy of this rare book, with name of furmer owner oti title, and manu- scripts notes throughout. The Swedish Colony and Mission on the Delaware, planted in 1638, under Oxenstiern, wrested by Stuyvesant of Manhattan and annexed to New Nederlaud in 1655, and swallowed up by the Enjlish in 1664, together with other Dutch possessions in America, was never really abandoned or forgotten by the parent state till 1791, when it had become permanently pro- vided for and protected as part of the great repul>lic of the United States. The best history of it is this by Acrelius, born in 1714, died 1800, who wrote first- hand, having been provost over its three churches, and rector of the old Svyedish church at Wilmington for seven years, 1749-1756. Besides his own collections and experience, he seems to have used judiciously all previous authors who had touched or written on the same subject. 6 Adams, Chakij':s F. Jr., and Hknky Adams. Chapters of Erie, and other lissays. i2mo, cloth. Boston, 1871 This work gives the best history to be obtained of Jay Gould's manipulations of the Erie Railroad. 7 Adams, Charlks Francis. Three Episodes of Massa- chusetts Hi.story — The Settlement of Boston Ba}- ; The An- tinomian Controversy, a Study of Church and Town Govern- ment. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. Boston, 1893 8 Adams, Henry C. The Science of Finance, and Investi- gation of Public Expenditures and Public Revenues. 1 2 mo, cloth. New York, i 9 Adams, John. The Works of. Second President of the United States ; with a Life of the Author. Notes and Illus- trations by his Grandson, Charles Francis Adams. Portraits. 10 vols. Imperial 8vo, cloth, uncut. Boston, 1856 Large-paper copy. 10 Adams, John, Letters of, Addressed to his Wife. Edited by Charles Francis Adams. Portrait. 2 vols. i2mo, cloth, uncut. Boston, 1841 11 Adams, Miss. Journal and Correspondence of. Daughter of John Adams. Portrait. i2mo, cloth. New York, 1841 12 Adams, Nathaniel. Annals of Portsmouth, comprising a Period of Two Hundred Years from the First Settlement of the Town. With Biographical Sketches of a few of the most Respectable Inhabitants. 8vo, original boards, uncut, with printed label. Portsmouth, 1825 In immaculate condition. 13 Adams, Nathaniel. Annals of Portsmouth, comprising a Period of Two Hundred Years from the First Settlement of the Town. With Biographical Sketches of a few of the most Respectable Inhabitants. 8vo, half sheep. Portsmouth, 1825 Nice clean copy. Veiy rare. With a. I. s. of the author inserted, dated Ponsmouih, Jan. 12, 1795. 14 Allen, Charlp:s Dexter. American Book-Plates. A Guide to their Study; with Examples. With a Bibliography by liben N. Hewins. Illustrated ivith viany 7-eproditctions of rare and inteirsting book-plates, many prints from the origiyial copper. 8vo, cloth, uncut. New York, 1894 No. 89 of one hundred copies of the Collector's Edition, on English hand- made plate paper. 15 AiyLKN, James Lank. A Kentucky Cardiual, au Afier- math. One hundred illustrations by Hugh Thomson. Imperial 8vo, cloth, uncut. New York, igoo No. ao of one hundred copies printed on lartje paper. Signed by the author. i6 Ai,LEN, William. Wunnissoo; or. The Vale of Hoosa- tunnuk. A Poem. With Notes. Portrait. i2mo, cloth. Boston, 1856 17 American Association for the Advancement of Science. Proceedings of the, from 1884 to 1901. 19 vols. 8vo, paper, uncut. V. P., 1884-1901 18 American Bards. A Satire. 8vo, original printed covers, uncut. Philadelphia, 1820 19 American Book-Prices Current. A Record of Books, Manuscripts and Autographs, Sold at Auction in New York, Boston and Philadelphia, from September i, 1895, to Septem- ber I, 1902, with the Prices Realized. Compiled by Luther S. Livingston. 8 vols. 8vo, cloth. New York, 1895-1902 From four hundred to five hundred copies only printed of each year. Scarce. 19 A The Same. From September, 1900, to September, 1901. 4to, buckram, uncut. New York, 1901 No. 13 of twenty-five copies on large paper. 19 B The Same. From September, 1901, to September, 1902 4to, buckram, uncut. New York, 1901 No. 8 of twenty five copies on large paper. These are the only years printed on large paper. 20 American Engineering Competition, Being a Series of Articles Resulting from Investigation Made by "The Times," London. 8vo, cloth. New York. 1901 21 American Genealogist. Edited by Thos. A. Glenn. Vol. I. Nos. I and 2. 8vo, paper. Ardmore, Pa., 1899 22 American Historical Review. Vol. 6, Nos. 2 and 3; Vol. 7, Nos. 2, 3 and 4. 5 numbers. 8vo. N. Y., 1901-2 23 American Philosophical Society. Transactions of the, Held at Philadelphia, for Promoting Useful Knowledge. From the Commencement to Vol. 10, New Series, inclusive. 16 vols. 4to. (14 vols., boards, uncut; 2 vols, in parts.) Philadelphia, 1 789-1 853 A coniecutive set of this valuable journal is diflicult in get. In this set Vol. I. is the 1789 reprint. The woik is inucn sought aher for the valuable contri- butions by Isaac Lea on conchi>logy, and whicii are superbly illustrated with colored plates. It also contains essays and experiments by Benjamin Franklin and other noted scientists. 24 A^rKRICAN QUAKTKRIA' JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURE AND Science. Jan., 1845, to May, 1847. Wanting Oct. to Dec, 1845. By Etner.son & Osborn. 12 numbers. New York. 25 American Railway (The). Its Con.struction. Develop- ment, Management and Appliances. By Thos. C. Clarke, Jno. Bogart and others. Illustrated. Svo. New York, 1889 26 American Statesmen. Edited by Jno. T. Morse, Jr. Containing Lives of Geo. Washington, Patrick Henry, Thos. Jefferson, Jno. Adams, Jno. Marshall, Jas. Madison, Sam'l Adams, Gouverneur Morris, Alex. Hamilton, Jas. Monroe, Andrew Jackson, Jno. 0. Adams, Albert Gallatin, Jno. Ran- dolph, Thos. H. Bemoni Henry Clay, Dan'l Webster. Jno. C. Calhonn and Martin Van Buren. All by Eminent Writers. 21 vols. i2mo, cloth. Boston, 1882-1889 All first editions, and mucii more desirable than later issues. 27 American Statesmen. Homes of; with Anecdotical, Per- sonal and Descriptive Sketches. By Various Writers. Ilhis- trated. 8vo, morocco, gilt edge. Hartford, 1855 28 American Weekly Mercury (The). 1719-1721. 2 vols. Folio, cloth, top edges gilt. Philadelphia, 1898 Only two hundred and fifty copies publisked in faC;>imile of the original by the Colonial Society of Pennsylvania. 29 Ames, Azel. The May-Flower and Her Log. July 15, 1620-May 6, 1 62 1. Chiefly from Original Sources. Imperial 8vo, cloth, top edge gilt. Boston, 1901 Only a limited number printed. 30 Anderson. A History of Quadrupeds. Evibellished with 7tpwards of three hinidred engravhigs, cliicfly f>om the original 0/ T. Bewick, by A. Anderson. Second American Edition. i2mo, half morocco. New York, N. D Anderson was the " Bewick " of America. 31 Andre, Major. The Cow Chase. An Heroic Poem, in Tliree Cantos. Written at New Yeork, 1780. With Explana- tory Notes by the Editor. Imperial Svo, paper. Cincinnati, 1869 No. 1 1 of twenty-five copies printed on large paper. 32 Andrews, E. B. History of the United States. Maps. 2 vols. i2mo, cloth. New York, 1894 PUBLICATIONS BY V7M. LORING ANDREWS. 33 Andrews. Eulogy on Thomas Crawford. ByThomas Hicks, N. A. Portrait on India paper ^ in two states. 4to, original boards, uncut. New York : Privately Printed for Subscribers, 1865 One of twenty-tive copies published on large paper by Wm. L. Andrev/s. It is the first of the Andrews Publications, and excessively rare in this shape, and supposed to be the only perfect quarto copy extant. 34 Andrews. Eulogy on Thomas Crawford. By Thos. Hicks, N. A. Portrait. 8vo, original boards, uncut. New York : Privately Printed for Subscribers, 1865 No. 32 of seventy copies, published in octavo, by Wm. L. Andrews. The first of the Andrews Publications. Autograph presentation copy from Mr, Andrews. 35 Andrews. Lines to the Recorder. By Fitz-Greeu Hal- leck. Imperial 8vo, original paper cover, loose, uncut. New York, 1866 No. 33 of seventy copies printed for Wm. L. Andrews, and signed with his initials. 36 Andrews. Fanny. A Poem. By Fitz-Green Halleck. Imperial 8vo, original paper cover, loose, uncut. N. Y., 1866 No. 35 of seventy copies printed for Wm. L. Andrews, signed with his initials. 37 Andrews, William Loring. Reminiscences of an Old Yorker. By the late Wm. A. Duer, EL. D., President of Columbia College, etc. 4to, cloth. New York : Printed for W. L. Andrews, 1867 No. 33 of only thirty-five copies printed and signed with the initials of W. L. Andrews. 38 Andrews, William Loring. Roger Payne and his Art. A Short Account of his Life and Work as a Binder. Numer- ous plates of bindings, in colors. 8vo, cloth, uncut. New York, 1892 One of one hundred and twenty-five copies printed on Holland paper. 39 Andrews, William Loring. A Stray Leaf from the Correspondence of Washington Irving and Charles Dickens. Embellished zvith engravings on copper and zinc. Post 8vo, uncut. New York, 1894 One of seventy-five copies, all of which were printed on Japan paper. This is No. 41. 40 Andrews, William Loring. The Old Booksellers of New York, and other Papers. Illustrated 7vith viezvs in New York. 8vo, cloth, uncut. New York, 1895 One of one hundred and forty-two copies on hand-made paper, with plates on Japan paper. 41 Andrews, William L. A Short Historical Sketch of the Art of Bookbinding ; with a Description of the Prominent Styles, bv Wm. Matthews. Illustrated. Square i6mo, paper. 1895 42 Andrews, William Loring. An Essay on the Por- traiture of the American Revolutionary War. Being An Account of a number of the Engraved Portraits connected therewith, Remarkable for their rarity or otherwise interest- ing. To which is added an Appendix, containing lists of Portraits of Revolutionary Characters to be found in various English and American publications of the Eighteenth and the early part of the Nineteenth Century. Ilhistrated with re- prodnctions, by the photogravtire process, of the original engrav- ings. 8vo, cloth, uncut. New York, 1896 One of one hundred and eighty-five copies on hand-made paper. 43 Andrews, William Loring. New Amsterdam, New Orange, New York. A Chronologically arranged account of Engraved Views of the City, from the first Picture published in MDCLI until the Year MDCCC. Numerous facsimiles and Duke s plan in colors. Svo, cloth, totally uncut. N. Y., 1897 One of one hundred copies, with Duke's plan in colors. Signed by the anthor. This is one of two copies which were left untrimmed. It is one-fouith inch taller than other copies. The balance of the edition have ^ilt top edges. 44 Andrews, William Loring. Fragments of American History. Illustrated Solely by the Works of those of our own Engravers who flourished in the XVIIIth Century. Privately Printed for William Loring Andrews. Illustrated from the Engravings of Doolittle, Hill, Aitkin, Norman, Har- ris, Turner and Trenchard, some of which are colored. Svo, stitched, uncut. New York, 1898 One of eighty copies printed on American hand-made paper. 45 Andrews, William Loring. A Trio of Eighteenth Cen- tury French Engravers of Portraits in Miniature, Ficquet, Savart, Grateloup. Niimerous illustrations. Svo, boards, uncut. New York, 1899 Of this book there have been printed one hundred and sixty-one copies on imperial Japan paper, bearing the stamp of the Japanese Government Mill, and no longer exported. 46 Andrews, William Loring. Lyne's Survey; or, as it is more commonly known. The Bradford Map. A Plan of the City of New York at the time of the granting of the Mont- gomery Charter in 1731. An Appendix to an Account of the Same, compiled in 1893 by Wm. Loring Andrews. Tzvo maps. Svo, cloth, uncut. New York, 1900 One of thirty-two copies on imperial Japan paper. 463^ Another copy. Svo, cloth, uncut. New York, 1900 Oue u\ one hundred and seventy capies on Holland paper. 47 Andrews, William Loring. Gossip About Book Col- lecting. Illustrated zvith colored facsimiles of pages in old illu- minated mannscripts , rare bindings, viezcs m New York, etc. 2 vols. 8vo, illuminated vellum covers, viucut. N. Y., 1900 One of thirty-two copies printed on imperial jfapan paper. 48 Andrews, William Loring. Gossip About Book Col- lecting. Ilhtstrated with colored facsimiles of old illuminated mannscripts, rare bindings, views in Neiv York, etc. 2 vols. 8vo, illuminated covers, uncut. New York, 1900 One of one hundred and twenty-fire copies on Holland paper, of which only one hundred and sixteen were for subscribers. 49 Andrews, William L,oring. Paul Revere and His En- graving. Colored Jrontispiece of the Boston massacre and nu- merous other engravings. 8vo, boards, top edge gilt, uncut. New York, 1901 One of one hundred and thirty-five copies printed on Van GeKler paper. 50 Andrews, William Loring. The Iconography of the Battery and Castle Garden. Ilhtstrated. 8vo, cloth, uncut. New York, 1901 One of one hundred and thirty-five copies on American hand-made paper. 51 Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science. From July, 1899, to March, 1902. Vols. 14 to sec- ond part of Vol. 19. 6 vols. , in parts. 8vo. Philadelphia Will be sold as six volumes. 52 Arnold, Howard Payson. Historic Side-Lights. Illus- trated zvith portf-aits, diagrams and facsimiles. 8vo, cloth, top edge gilt, uncut. New York, 1899 53 Arnold, William Harris. A Record of Books and Let- ters Collected by. With an Essay on the Collector's Point of View, by Leon H. Vincent. 4to, cloth, uncut. N. Y. , 1901 A record of the cost and prices realized at the sale of the collection made by Mr. William \\. Arnold. Only a few copies printed. 54 AsPiN, JEHOSHAPHAT. The Naval and Military Exploits which have Distinguished the Reign of George the Tliird, Accurately Described and Methodically Arranged. Illustrated zvith thirty-three colored plates of the Battle of Bunker Hill, Lord Rodney' s Victory, Boarditig the Chesapeake, etc. Thick i6mo, cloth. London, 1820 55 OACHE, WILLIAM. Historical Sketches of Bristol |j Borough, in the County of Bucks. Anciently known as " Buckingham," being the Second Chartered Borough in Pennsylvania, Commencing with the Colonial Settlement in 1 68 1, and Closing with the Year 1853. i2mo, original printed paper covers. Bristol, Pa., 1853 56 Bailey, William. Records of Patriotism and Love of Country. 8vo, boards, uncut. Washington, 1826 57 Baldwin, John D. Ancient America in Notes on Amer- ican Archaeology. Illustrated. i2mo, cloth. New York, 1872 58 Bancroft. George. A History of the United States. From the Discovery of the American Continent to the Pres- ent Time. Illustrated. 10 vols. Vols, i to 9, 8vo, cloth, uncut, and Vol. 10, 8vo, half calf, gilt. Boston, 1834-1874 AH First Editions, and all uncut except Vol. 10, and this volume in the First Edition is exceedingly scarce in any condition, as only a few copies were printed with the title bearing the copyright date of 1874. The balance of the edition being dated on title 1875. 58>^ Bancroft's History OF THE United States. General Index to. 8vo, paper. N. P., N. D. 59 Bancroft, George. Literary and Historical Miscel- lanies. 8vo, cloth, uncut. New York, 1855 First Edition. 60 Bancroft, George. History of the Formation of the Constitution of the United States of America. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth, uncut. New York, 1882 First Edition. 61 Bancroft, George. Martin Van Buren to the End of his Public Career. 8vo, cloth. New York, 1889 First Edition. 62 Bancroft-Reed. Joseph Reed. A Historical Essay, New York, 1867. A Rejoinder to Mr. Bancroft's Historical Essay on President Reed, Philadelphia, 1867. Correspond- ence and Remarks Upon Bancroft's History of the Northern Campaign of 1777, and the Character of Major-Gen'l Philip Schuyler. By Geo. L- Schuyler, New York, 1867. And President Reed, of Pennsylvania. A Reply to Mr. George Bancroft and others, by Wm. B. Reed, Philadelphia, 1867. Together, 4 pamphlets in morocco case. Phila. andN.Y., 1867 63 Bancroft, Hubert H. The New Pacific. Map. 8vo, cloth, top edge gilt, uncut. New York, 1900 64 Barnum, p. T. Struggles and Triumphs; or. Forty Years Recollections of. Illustrated. i2mo, cloth. Buffalo, 1872 9 65 Barry, John Stetson. The History of Massachusetts. The Colonial, Provincial and Commonwealth Period. 3 vols. 8vo, cloth. Boston, 1857 Name erased from title. 66 Bartram, Mr. John. Observations on the Inhabitants, Climate, Soil, Rivers, Productions, Animals, and other mat- ters worthy of Notice, Made By Mr. John Bartram, In his Travels from Pensilvania to Onondago, Oswego and the Lake Ontario, In Canada, To which is annex'd, a curious Account of the Cataracts at Niagara, By Mr. Peter Kalm, A Swedish Gentleman who travelled there. With the rare plan of Oswego. 8vo, half morocco, gilt. London: Printed for J. Whiston and B. White, in Fleet Street, 175 1. The Journal was sent by Bartram to a cerrespondent in England, and was published without his knowledge. This is a remarkably fine copy. 67 Bartram, William. Travels Through North and South Carolina, Georgia, East and West Florida, The Cherokee Country, The Extensive Territories of the Muscogulges or Creek Confederacy, and the Country of the Choctaws. Con- taining an Account of the Soil and Natural Productions of those Regions, together with Observations on the Manners of the Indians. Embellished with copperplates. 8vo, old calf. (Cracked.) London, 1792 68 Bassktt, John Spencer. The Writings of "Colonel William Byrd of Westover in Virginia Esqr." Edited by. Illustrated. Imperial 8vo, vellum, top edge gilt, uncut. New York, 1901 One of fifteen copies printed on Japanese vellum paper. 69 Bassett, John S. The Writings of " Colonel William Byrd of Westover in Virginia Esqr." Edited by. Ilhtstrated. Imperial 8vo, half vellum, top edge gilt, with extra cloth covers. New York, 1901 No. 260 of five hundred copies printed, 70 Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Being for the Most Part Contributions by Union and Confederate Officers, based upon "The Century War Series." Edited by Robert Underwood Johnson and Clarence Clough Buel. Illustrated. 4 vols. Imperial 8vo, half russia, gilt, marbled edi;es. New York, N. D 71 Baxter, Katharine Schuyler. A Godchild of Wash- ington. A Picture of the Past. Profusely illustrated. 4to, cloth. New York, 1897 Published by subscription for private circulation only. lO 72 Belknap, Jeremy. The History of New-Hampshire. From a Copy of the Original Edition, having the Author's Last Corrections, to which are added Notes by Jiio. Farmer. Portrait of the author. Vol. i. Svo, half morocco. Dover, 1831 All published. Very scarce. Has a I. s. of the author inserted, mentioning his literary work. l»aied Boston, February 18, 1797. 73 Beach, W. W. The Indian Miscellany. Containing Pa- pers on the History, Antiquities, Arts, Languages. Religions, Traditions and Superstitions of the American Aborigines, with Descriptions of their Domestic Life, Manners, Customs, Traits, Amusements, Exploits, Travels and Adventures in the Indian Country, etc. Svo, cloth, uncut. Albany, 1877 74 Bean, Theodore W. History of Montgomery County, Pennsylvania. Profusely illustrated. Imperial Svo, half russia, gilt, gilt edge. Philadelphia, 1884 75 Beard, George M. The Psychology of the Salem Witch- craft Excitement of 1692. i6mo, cloth. New York, 1882 76 Beecher, Catharine E. An Essay on Slavery and Abolitionism. i6mo, cloth. Philadelphia, 1837 77 Beecher, Henry Ward. A Memorial. Portrait. Svo, vellum, uncut. Brooklyn, 1887 78 Beverley, Robert. The History and Present State of Virginia. In Four Parts. I. The History of the First Settle- ment of Virginia, and the Government thereof, to the Present Time. II. The Natural Productions and Conveniences of the Country, suited to Trade and Improvement. III. The Na- tive Indians, their Religion, Laws and Customs, in War and Peace. IV. The present State of the Country, as to the Polity of the Government, and the Improvements of the Land. By a Native and Inhabitant of the Place. Engraved frontis- piece, engravings and map. Svo, full red crushed levant, gilt tooling on back and sides, inside gold border, polished gilt edges by Reviere, London. Printed for R. Parker, at the Unicorn, under the Piazza's of the Royal Exchange, 1705. Fine copy of the Edition, and very rare in such beautiful conditioD. IJeverley is the best autliority on the subjects delineated in these quaint and agreeable pages. 79 Beverley, Robert. The History and Pre.sent State of Virginia. In P'our Parts. I. The History of the First Settle- ment of Virginia, and the Government thereof, to the Present Time. II. Tlie Natural Prodiictions and Conveniences of the II Country, suited to Trade and Improvement. III. The Na- tive Indians, their Religions, Laws and Customs in War and Peace. IV. The present State of the Country, as to the Polity of the Government, and the Improvements of the Land. By a Native and Inhabitant of the Place. E>igraved frontis- piece, engravings and maps. 8vo, original calf, extra. London : Printed for R. Parker, at the Unicorn, under the Piazza's of the Royal Exchange, 1705. Fine copy of the First Edition, from the library of Lieutenant-General Sir George Townshend Walker, with book-plate. 80 BRACKET, W. S. Researches into the Lost Histories of America ; or, The Zodiac Shown to be an Old Terrestrial Map in which the Atlantic Isle is Delineated so that Light can be Thrown upon the Obscure Histories of the Earthworks and Ruined Cities of America. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, uncut. Loudon, 1884 81 Blaine, James G. Twenty Years of Congress; from Lin- coln to Garfield. With a Review of the Events which Led to the Political Revolution of i860. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. Norwich, 1884 From the library of Justice Stephen J. Field, with library card. 82 Blanev. Old Boston. Reproductions of Etchings in Half Tone. Etchings and Text, by Henry R. Blaney. Small 4to, cloth. Boston, 1896 83 Bligh, Lieutenant William. A Narrative of the Mutiny on Board his Britannic Majesty's Ship Bounty, and the Subsequent Voyage of Part of the Crew in the Ship's Boat, from Tofoa, one of the Friendly Islands, To Timor, a Dutch Settlement in the East-Indies. i2mo, original paper covers, uncut. Philadelphia, 1790 84 Bliss, William R. Side Glimpses from the Colonial Meet- ing House. i2mo, cloth, top edge gilt. Boston, 1894 85 Blue Laws. The Code of 1650, Commonly Called the Blue Laws (of Connecticut). i6mo, paper. San Francisco, N.D 86 Bodge, Gk;orge M. Soldiers in King Philip's War. Con- taining Lists of the Soldiers of Massachusetts Colony who Served in the Indian War of 1675-1677. With Sketches of the Principal Officers, and Copies of Ancient Documents and Records Relating to the War. 8vo, cloth, top edge gilt, uncut. Boston, 1891 Only one hundred copies printed. 12 .Sy Bond, Henry. Genealogies of the Families and Descend- ants of the Karly Settlers of Watertown, Massachusetts, in- cluding Waltham and Weston. To which is Appended the Early, History of the Town /lliisiratio)is, maps and notes. (Vol. I Genealogies.) Thick 8vo, cloth. Boston, 1855 88 Boston. Report of the Record Commissioners of the City of Boston. Containing Boston Marriages, from 1700 to 1751 ; Boston Births from 1 700 to 1 800 ; United States Direct Tax of 1798 ; United States Census of 1790, for Boston only, and Dorchester Births, Marriages and Deaths to the end of 1825. 4 vols. 8vo, cloth. Boston, 1890-98 89 Boston. Report of the Committee on Ordinances on the Nomenclature of Streets. 8vo, boards. Boston, 1879 90 Boston. The Commemoration by King's Chapel, Boston, of the Completion of Two Hundred Years since its Founda- tion, December 15, 1886 ; also Three Historical Sermons. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth. Boston, 1887 Contains the First Edition of a poem, by Oliver Wendell Holmes. 91 BouDiNOT, Eli AS. Journal ; or, Historical Recollections of American Events During the Revolutionary War. By Fvlias Boudinot, President of the Continental Army, Com- missary General of Prisoners in the Army of America During the Revolutionary War. With Preface by Stan. V. Henkels. 4to, original paper covers, uncut. Philadelphia, 1894 No. 22 of twenty-five copies printed on large paper. Very rare. 92 Boudinot, Elias. Life of the Rev. William Tennant. i6mo, boards. Trenton, 1833 93 BowDiTCH, N, I. Suffolk Surnames, by. 8vo, cloth. Boston, 1858 94 Bowen's Picture oe Boston; or. The Citizen's and Stranger's Guide to the Metropolis of Massachusetts ; to which is prefixed The Annals of Boston. Second Edition. Ilhistrated. i6mo, sheep. Boston, 1833 95 BowEN, Daniel. A History of Philadelphia; with a Notice of Villages in llie Vicinity. Evibcllished with engravings de- signed as a gtcide to citize7is and st?-angers, etc. With an histor- ical account of the military operations of the late war. Svo, cloth. Philadelphia, 1839 The author both set the type and printed the book himself. 96 Bowen, Eli. The Pictorial Sketch-Book of Pennsylvania; or, Its Scenery, Internal Improvements, Researches, and Agriculture. Illustralio)isandniap. 8vo, cloth. Phila. , 1852 97 BowDKN, JAMKS. The History of the Society of Friends in America. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1850 98 Boyd, Stephen G. Indian Local Names, with their In- terpretation. 8vo, cloth. York, 1885 99 Bradford Imprint. A Discourse Upon the Institution of Medical Schools in America, Delivered at a Public Anniver- sary Commencement, held in the College of Philadelphia, May 30 & 31. 1765. With a Preface, Containing, amongst other things. The Author's Apology for attempting to intro- duce the regular mode of practising Physic in Philadelphia. 8vo, old calf. Philadelphia : Wm. Bradford, 1765 Presentation copy from the author. ICG Brainerd, Rev. Thomas. The Life of John Brainerd, The Brother of David Brainerd and his Successor as Mis- sionary to the Indians of New Jersey. Frontispiece . i2mo, cloth. Philadelphia, N. D loi Branagak, Thomas. The Excellency of the Female Character Vindicated. Frontispiece by Scoles. i2mo, sheep. Philadelphia, 1808 An outspoken attack upon the social conditions and customs winch produce the prostitute. 102 Brewster, Charles W. Rambles about Portsmouth, Sketches of Per.'ions, Localities and Incidents of Two Cen- turies. Principally from Tradition and Unpublished Docu- ments. Both Series. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. Portsmouth, 1869-73 The First Series is the Second Edition. 103 Bridgman, Thomas. Memorials of the Dead in Boston, Containing an Exact Transcript from Inscriptions, Epitaphs and Records on the Monuments and Tombstones in Copp's Hill Burying Ground, in the City of Boston. Illustrated by Copius Historical aud Biographical Notices of the Early Settlers of the Metropolis of New England. Frontispiece. i2mo, cloth. Boston, 1852 104 Brine, Vice-Admirae Lindesay. Travels Amongst American Indians . Their Ancient Earthworks and Temples , including a Journey in Guatemala, Mexico and Yucatan, and a Visit to the Ruins of Patiuamit, Utatlan, Palenque, and Uxmal. 8vo, cloth, luicut. London, 1S94 105 Brinton, Daniel G. Notes on the Floridian Peninsula, its Literary History, Indian Tribes and Antiquities. i2mo. Philadelphia, 1859 THE GERRYMANDER nK«»(r«S£n' A ueyr species o( Mont Ur, which npjir.-iiTd in Essex South On/nW in Jan. 1812. " eenrraJicv of ViPEst I vHo baih varued ^u of iht wrath to comt ?** THE borriJ Mo-isln of vhirh ibii drairins it a corrrd rrprraraUUnn, appeu^l ia Um Count f d* Ran, dsno" tlwIutteuioAof (Ikt l^e^fUrurc Varimu and maniiulil bjve bcru llic ftpecaljlioru ao^l ca«jmtirr», uaon* IruorJ Aalaralitli w^p-rtins Wcgrfui ami origin o^ 'huariooisluoir prodactioo. N>xnc bclifTt il lobe iIm- le-l Haalid, • «*«- tufr wUich fajJ bern vu.ipo«nt foesjut voXv io tijc p04 !'> inui^initinfi. UiImtb ptonuvncr il lfa« '•crprat Mottocrph^nt of Plinv, .1. Mo'I-hcaJcJ ///rf^rt, a (.-mMe ani-aal of pj^aii c;Jt(rRriian. MaJiy arr of opinioo lh;.t il u the (.n^- at J/"*u-ipriffoi romance, winch flonnvbed ia llictUtk a^rt, ood tuucoiar bilh^t (uacsKl ibc koighl ol the rorlul couoir- n-inre ij» re^ioimj; lUaJ gtoomy p«ru> lofi^n.MJncr, TicIkid awH inipoMtion. .Somrlbini it Ibe (rnMt Rrtl Dtbc«»» o» Hub- 7))ec>, ^wJ from Ibr circumsUutcr of Ut biiltl. But lite tarw^ Doctm Watrr^ixl who U farncu fjr pcrpinv omW tbr (kir <.fr itnuiil>U awl 'xpU>»uiBS of ilnoucralic iJ fulminaliontof ^bcrnaroTul vmgrancc nitbtn lbe7rarpasl, wbicb noulJ oalamllv pi<-JuL« ao unrofBoioa d^ ;;rrrat ntljiiimftljon aiula^fimun^ in I be bo>ljr politic. ICuta* Ibc Salamaadef caiiiHrf br ^nwr^Ml rikCr^it in lh«- nxvi p^ Iml flr^rnrof bol, he Ibioii lb««- inaliinant ctiiic*. could not aloae bave producnlMtcbiJiaboIu-aiHfft-ls. llrlh.»H**re *\cti>ir% \he ml bmb and malcti^l cxistL-nrr of ibis icomlcr, ia all iu bijrtors, lo ibe alum wbicb hn tUi xWncj Uw GowTRorand hisfncntUczpeiu-nccd litvl ^rason, while (bry vere under iLc loflurnccof tbeDoi^'Clai and llirromei— and filiile lii> I-I&celkncy was jtri^nant wilb lit^ \xA spercb, bii linrtlom niasaer-, and » iniairfncu Ittlrt uf new jml^-^ artJ otScraniinaU, ofwbicb be baabiaor Ikoi bappdy ddivercd. Tliu frigltlaod purlurtwlioa vas oixa«io:K^i li«aii luceitduijr l<-'lcrll\;¥alCDiii^ bini n »!•» be crolitrtl) ithicli ori ii^-nt tu bun I'v snoc mikCbtcvoO) wi;;b(, probably wine fo^ur uf bii own party, to Iry i)ic sttcnfthuf bti l^urUi-ac)'> tniiid. .^ow bit Kxcetkncy beins wmcwbal IiIlt a tinder-born,aud bi» orty vivy luUlr iol.-ikr firr, thry musl of •>rjrv b ivr brca tlironn laloa moft fearful [ianic,cx(reniel> d.iiig<.tu«c lo I .-noiis in tlit-it »tlBauoii, aod (^IcalatcJ to pto-lucr ibe nuAl tltKuU^itk efiectf apoo Ibcir uabom progcny Frora (base erenibeslbenpicioiis Doctor moat sotcoinly avvnlbcrp ran be nodoobi ibat t^bmoiut*^ i>apf-nuine SnUiDiaiW, (bouf^ by no meafM period in all iit rwinlien ; a circnimtjorr bowcver wliicb e>K> ftr lo |uovr il> dlr^rilt- ii>4cy. Km as Ihu crcalarr hai brro nt^nidrrcLl anil bnmxM fortb aa.lrr tlir »ul>linii:U aii%purta, he |i(u)m>v^ Dial a rtaioc »*i'iuM b: t;iTea to it, vKprmirrofiU coku, a( lbe>>:i>nc time ronrryiae an cloj-in( and vny .i|t|KU|>tuU: coniplmieii: tt* III* Kxo-llrncy the Goirrrnor, who i*knu*n lobe the z^Ioib pitron .laJ prwiinrfet of wb rifvit is i.i-v, a^iua.-Jim^ ajtd (-rrt'ir, n^cially ofdAioattic cri>wtJi anJ maoufaclurc. Kof Ibncreaaoosaad uUicf v^iu-tMr (»uM>Lrralion->, rbv Dwctwt b'll •]~crod tbiillhU (DOii*lcr Uiall brdciio'Dioaln] a t7(rrv-'W'i'<'^, a luinctbal mo^riofvilinslw -..-ralify lbs |tarratut bmoraof our wortby Cbirf Ma£'*'f3'<'< on^ P'Ovr u>bi^hl> fltlteiiu;^ lobit aailHluix, ihxt ■(•>■ l>o<'lui mar cmfiib^tly tapect iorctiirBfof bu mgcauily and riJebly,auiuL-bcoe(iualiUle niunrtubstanlial tbas ibe coiuumm teward of iirtdt.. Tfa«l avltdle DBtonFul Lacricottua (lovcvet in iheSGthtedionnf hi* ioiraluahleoata npon tlx-yalaiDambY, rinrly fhewB lltat Ihit wofd ia a curru]drnpbolNc anllinlliy of ibal animal Iwt wj ^1( : >' (>«riflC(- (Iohm-iIw «ocdsof llM>aulbor)l.i il.rpri»|B-(lu-). anil t irloo of lh<> utile ** nunerallc, ai u »dl L.uow< n tn rui tUminnsclhc lieatr of ibal ri>n>mii.->-j lyrr, wlK-rcia ibc Kayikr bca>le *' dutli abide, wlhal li a puccorkall, uruny manor ihtii^r bi- pb*^l ncarc it, ililoth^ fre< ilmrly. and rnra::.'it lo kurb " mjdimae ibil il ilolhc inconttneiitly ibrow Iron ilt nmailws venomoititptlilf, «btrli lUilbr Inrtiultr idililoiiny allllial '■ i«of «iwlb or vnluc Ikal it Idtdbr opon. A ludliff ami nunJ ianiif(^%t pruulc of wbuJi drjJtte Lilrrd Dptrwlhr in *' llul, *b<-rcavoaaiid ntarc llu- rmoiinalall inonntajiw. tn nllrtl. n.T>r>l>4 allrthc m-irvdtt >nd H.-nl-r. *ilh wliirli •* iiitoilitralNMindc, not an. ofilm l^iinlf i|»cirt luib Ijtru dip..-^,Hiih tbcul- Ph^ ilckTrniTlO Ibr in^eaioinl>oc;nu>Q, Ihal Hit tr-rm (orry-iMwiui LottlMtilnlnl liif G>-nyjiiaa>W, as bi£bly tL-icnpiivr bulb ofUwMnjpilar fcfwrily of ibccnuod'^ in qoo>ion,and Ibelaflacscc wfatcb tbe loaon al certain perioda, B*>|« cspcCiaily oo tJicapproacb of April, ttMi^poiedlocacrt o^cT it. A rricndof oun basfunbmuecoJnllhat Ibrre isa p^vuliai t-licity al tbe prearnt lia»e ia adopliu* llv (erm Cerry-fluiiia,c]accordui« (obudetintliou, Gtriryuilental from M>c FrcnclitiuiTie, Of Ihr Italian, itieiloilUe adramo^ of eiprcumj; ibechamcicnitic Ccnioly of ibu montia, sad ik^i tiuruaii' \nt*At*n^%Ot w »b«b icnns tu bare taken luch poueuionof our won by Cbirf Maf(Wratr and bis ffwodw B»l weutrn Iwa tLu MMWly Man laccoMMti^prcoUtioii, t>ru)S well cum inccd ouradves, ootwtlluUnduiz appouaiMva, ol ll*e truly ^oifit. «r*l2'«enla pu<^nt» b-ivr had auch a v<^tuiaitAdh^k>mtviaam$ Qw^i nawo, aUayuf iboai^itf of party, audio recoocibog aJUwiillH Reduced Facsimile of Lot ii^. 15 io6 Brinton, Daniel G. The Myths of the New World. A Treatise on the Symbolism and Mythology of the Red Race of America . 12 mo, cloth. New York, 1876 107 Brinton, Daniel G. American Hero-Myths. A Study in the Native Religions of the Western Continent. 8vo, cloth. Philadelphia, 1882 108 Brinton, Daniel G. Aboriginal American Authors, and their Productions, Especially those in the Native Lan- guages. 8vo, boards. Philadelphia, 1883 109 Brinton, Daniel G. Essaj^s of an Americanist. I. Ethnologic and Archseologic ; II. Mythology and Folk- Eore ; III. Graphic Systems of Literature ; IV. Linguistic. 8vo, cloth. Philadelphia, 1890 no Brinton, Daniel G. The American Race. A Linguistic Classification and Ethnographic Description of the Native Tribes of North and South America. i2mo, cloth. New York, 1891 111 Brinton, D. G. Library of Aboriginal American Liter- ature. Vol. I, The Maya Chronicles, by Brinton; Vol 2, The Iroquois Book of Rites, by Hale; Vol. 4, A Migration of the Creek Indians, b}' Gatschet; Vol. 5, The Lenape and and their Legends, by Brinton; Vol. 6, The Annals of the Cakchiquels, by Brinton; Vol. 7, Ancient Nahuatl Poetry, by Brinton, and Vol. 8, Rig Veda Americanus, by Brinton. 7 vols. 8vo, sheep, cloth and paper. Phila., 1 882-1 900 112 Bristol Borough. Charter and Ordinances. 8vo, cloth. Bristol, Pa., 1882 113 Brissot de WarvillE, J. P. New Travels in the United States of America, Performed in 1788. Second Edi- tion. 8vo, calf. Loudon, 1794 114 Broadside. To the Citizens of New York; By One of Yourselves. New York, April 30, 1788. Folio. Against I he elcclioH of Governor Cluiton ; one ol the rare broad>ides isi^ued duiiiig those stirring times, prior to the election of the first President of the Uiiited Slates. 115 Broadside. The Gerry-Mander. A New Species of Monster, which appeared in Essex South District on Jan- uary, 1812. "O Generation of Vipers ? who have warned you of the vvralli to come?" Curious woodcut. Folio, The cartoon was gotten up to ridicule and denounce the Hon. Elbridgc Gerry, it is exceedinj^ly scares ami inti resting as illustrating the spirit of the times, as well as giving the derivation ol the now common word "gerrymander." 'Ihis IS the only copy that has come under my observation. Very rare. See Rkduckd Facsimilk. i6 ii6 Erooks, Hknry M. The Olden Time Series. Gleanings Chiefly from Old Newspapers of Boston and Salem, Massa- chusetts. 5 vols. i6mo. Boston, 1886 117 Brownk, J. Ross. Report of the Debates in the Conven- tion of California on the Formation of the State Constitution, in September and October, 1849. 8vo. cloth. Wash., 1850 I'reseniati'ui coyj trom the author to Justice S. J. Field, with library card. 118 Brown, John. Puritan Preaching in England. A Study of Past and Present. i2mo, cloth. New York, 1900 119 Brumbaugh, Martin Grove. A History of the German Baptist Brethren in Europe and America. Ilhcsty-ated . 8vo, half morocco. Elgin, 111., 1899 120 Buccaneers OF America. The History of the. From the P'irst Original down to this time. Written in several Lan- guages, and now Collected into one Volume, containing: — I. The F^xploits and Adventures of L,e Grand, Lolonois, Roche Brasiliano, Bat the Portuguese, Sir Henry Morgan, etc. Writ- ten in Dutch by Jo. Esquemeling, one of the Bucaneers, and thence translated into Spanish. — II. The dangerous Voyage and bold attempts of Capt. Barth, Sharp, Watlin, Sawkins, Cox and others in the South-Sea. Written by Basil Ring- rose, Gent., who was a Companion therein, and Examin'd with the Original Journey. — III. A Journal of a Voyage into the South Sea by the Freebooters of America, from 1684, to 1689. Written in French by the Sieur Raveneau de Lussan; never before in English. — IV. A Relation of a Voy- age of the Sieur de Montaubou, Captain of the Freebooters in Guinea, in the Year 1695, etc. The whole newly Translated into English, and illustrated with twenty-five coppe^^-plates. The Third Edition. 8vo, calf, gilt, canary edge. Eon,, 1704 121 Buchanan, Rachel. A Debutante in New York Society. i2mo, cloth. New York, i< 122 Buck, William J. History of Bucks County, to which is Appended a Histor}'^ of the Township of Wrightstown. By Charles W. Smith. 8 vo, half morocco. Doylestown, 1855 Has the original cover bound in. Very rare. 123 Buck, William J. History of Montgomery County within the Schuylkill Valley. Containing Sketches of all the Townships, Boroughs, and Villages, in said limits, from the Earliest Period to the Present Time ; with an Account of the Indians, the Swedes, and other Early Settlers, and the Local Events of the Revolution, besides Notices of the Progi'ess in Population, Improvements and Manufactures, 8 vo, half roan. (Broken.) Norristown, 1859 Very scarce. 17 124 Buck, William J. History of the Indian Walk Per- formed for the Proprietaries of Pennsylvania in 1737. To which is Appended a Life of Edward Marshall. • i2mo, cloth. Printed for the author, 1886 Only two hundred and ten copies printed. 125 Buck, William J. Local Sketches and Legends Per- taining to Bucks and Montgomery Counties, Pennsylvania. i2mo, cloth. Printed for the author, 1887 Edition limited to two hundred copies. 126 Buck, William J. Account of the Buck Family of Bucks County, Pennsylvania, and of the Bucksville Centennial Celebration, held June 11, 1892. 8vo, cloth. Phila., 1893 Privately printed. 127 Buck, William J. The Cuttalossa and its Historical, Traditional and Poetical Associations. Svo, paper. Doylestown, 1897 128 BuELL, Augustus C. Paul Jones, Founder of the Ameri- can Navy. A History. Portraits and facsimiles . 2 vols. i2mo, cloth, top edges gilt, uncut. New York, 1900 129 BuLK^LEY, John and Cummins, John. A Voyage to the South Seas in the Year 1 740-1. Containing a faithful nar- rative of the loss of his Majesty's Ship the Wager, on a deso- late Island in the Latitude 47 South, Longitude 81 : 40 West : With the Proceedings and Conduct of the Officers and Crew, and the Hardships they endured on the said Island for the Space of five months, their bold attempt for Liberty, in Coasting the Southern part of the vast Region of Pata- gonia, etc. Second Edition. Svo, old calf. Jas. Chattin, Philadelphia, 1757 130 Butler, Benjamin F. Butler's Book. A Review of his Legal, Political and Military Career. Illustrated. Svo, morocco, gilt. Boston, 1892 Autograph presentation copy from the author to Justice S. J. Field. 131 Butler (Pierce) vs. Frances Anne Butler. In Court of Common Pleas, Philadelphia. Libel for Divorce; with Answer and Exhibits. 4to, half calf. 1848 132 \_^ History of America. Svo, half bound, uncut. Philadelphia, 1798 Callender's second publication, wilh comments on Hamilton's mode of dis- posing of his charges against him. Vary rare. Name on title. 133 Campaigns of the Civil War. Articles by Greene, Pond, Doubleday, Cox, Palfrey, Cist, Force, Webb and Nicolay. 11 vols. i2mo, cloth. New York, V. D (*) i8 134 Carey, Mathew. A Short Account of the Plague, or Malignant Fever, Lately Prevalent in Philadelphia. i2nio. Ivoudon, 1794 135' Castillo, Julian DEE. Historic de los Reyes Godos que vinicron dela Scilia de Europa, contra el Iniperio Romano, y a Espaiia; y la sucession dellos hasla el Catholico y poten- tisimo don Philippe segundo Rev de Espaiia, a guien va dirigida. Folio, vellum. Impressaen Burgos per Philippe de Junta, 1582 136 Chadwick, John W. Theodore Parker, Preacher and Reformer. i2mo, cloth. Boston, 1900 137 Channing, Edward. A Student's History of the United States. Illustrated. i2mo, half roan. New^ York, 1898 138 Chapin, Bel a. The Poets of New Hampshire. Being Specimen Poems of Three Hundred Poets of the Granite State. With Biographical Notices. 8vo, cloth. Claremont, 1883 139 Chase, George W. The History of Haverhill, Massa- chusetts. From its First Settlement, in 1640, to the Year i860. Profusely illustrated. 8vo, half morocco, gilt, top edge gilt, uncut. Haverhill, 1861 140 Cheetham, James. The Life of Thomas Paine, Author of Common Sense, etc. 8vo, half morocco. New York, 1809 141 Cheever, George B. The Journal of the Pilgrims at Plymouth in New England, in 1620. Reprinted from the Original Volume, with Historical Notes. i2mo, cloth. New York, 1848 142 Child, L. Maria. Letters from New York. 2 vols. i2mo, cloth. New York, 1845 143 Chittenden, L. E. Recollections of President Lincoln, and his Administration. Portrait. 8 vo, cloth. N.Y.,1891 144 Choate, Joseph H. Abraham Lincoln. i2mo, boards. New York, 1901 145 Churchill's Collection of Voyages and Travels. Some Now first Printed from Original Manuscripts, others Now first Published in English, to which is prefixed An In- troductory Discourse (supposed to be written by the Cele- brated Mr. Locke) entitled The Whole History of Navigation from its Original to this time. Illustrated with near (over) three hundred 7naps and cuts, curiously eyigraved on copper. 6 vols., with the two additional volumes, making in all 8 vols. Folio, old calf. (Re-backed.) London, 1744-47 19 146 Clark, Alexander. The Old Log School House. Il- lustrated. i2mo, cloth. Philadelphia, 1861 The early history of Princeton College. The old log school house being the forerunner of that institution. 147 Clark, W. P. The Indian Sign Language. With brief Explanatory Notes of the Gestures Taught Deaf- Mutes in our Institutions for their Instruction. 8vo, cloth. Philadelphia, 1885 148 Clews, Henry. Twenty-Eight Years in Wall Street. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth. New York, 1887 149 CoBBETT, William. Life of Andrew Jackson, President of the United States of America. Rare portrait. i6nio, boards. London, 1834 Very eulogistic and now quite scarce, 150 Coffin, Joshua. A Sketch of the History of Newbury, Newburyport and West Newbury, from 1635 to 1845. 8vo, half russia. Boston, 1845 151 Coffin, S. J. The Men of Lafayette, 1826-1893. Illus- trated. 8vo, cloth. Easton, 1891 152 CoGHLAN, Mrs. Memoirs of (Daughter of the late Major Moncrieffe). Written by herself, and Dedicated to the British Nation. Being Interspersed with Anecdotes of the Late American and Present French War ; with Remarks, Moral and Political. 2 vols, in i. i2mo, half mottled calf. London, 1794 153 Coleman's Collection of the Facts and Documents Relative to the Death of Major-General Alexander Hamilton, with Comments. Together with the Various Orations, Sermons and Eulogies that have been Published or Written on his Life and Character. 8vo, sheep. New York, 1804 154 Collection of Fifty-one Rare American Maps. By Arrowsmith, Faden, Carver and others. Atlas folio, russia. (Broken). 1775-1796 Contains : Arrowsmith's Map of North America, 1796 ; Fadcn's Map of the United States, 1793; Wright's Chart of the Gulf of St. Lawrence, 1790 ; Lane's Map of Nevrfaundland ; Captain Carver's Map of the Province of Quebec, 1785; Sauthier's Map of Canada, 1777; Map of New England; Holland's Map of New Hampshire, 1784 ; Blaskowitz's Chart of the Bay of Narrajjanset in the Province of New England, with all the Isles contained therein, among which are Rhode Island and Connecticut, 1777 ; Tryon's Map of New York, 1776 ; Tryon's Chirographical Map of the Province of New York, 1779; Brassier'8 Survey of Lake Champlain, 1762; Faden's Map of New Jersey, 1778; Howell's Map of Pennsylvania, 1792 ; Fry and Jeflferson'g Map of Virginia and Maryland, 1775 ; Mouzon's Map of North and South Carolina, 1794; Bull, Bryan and de Braham's Map of South Carolina and Georgia, 1780; Campbell's Sketch of the Northern Frontiers of Georgia, 1786; Ross' Course of the River Mississippi, 1794; Hutchin's Map of the Western Parts of Virginia, Pennsjlvania, Maryland, and North Carolina, 17S7, etc. 20 155 Collins, John. Views of the City of Burlington, New Jersey. . Comprising the following" Series of lyithographic Drawings : City Hall, Green Bank, St. Marj^'s Church, Pres- ley terian Church, Iviverside, Residence of the Rev. C. Van Rensselaer, Eastern View of Burlington, St. Mary's Hall, Burlington Steam Mills and Water Works, Mechanics' Bank, Residence of Susan V. Bradford, Residence of the late Governor Bloomfield, Burlington College and Friends' Meeting House. Taken from original Sketches by John Collins. 4to, half roan. Burlington, 1847 156 CoLOUHOUN, Archibald R. The Mastery of the Pacific. Copiously ilhcstrated. 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1902 157 Confedrratp:. A Collection of Sixty- seven Pieces of Vocal and Instrumental Music for the Piano Forte, Printed South during the War. Containing Silver Bells Ma- zurka; Farewell Enchanting Hope; You Can Never Win Us Back; Vale of Rest; Why No One to Eove ? ; Where are Now the Hopes I Cherished; We Have Parted Bonny Eloise; The Switzer's Farewell; Then You'll Remember Me; Twinkling Stars are Laughing; See at Your Feet a Suppliant One; The Rock Beside the Sea; I've Brought Thee an Ivy Leaf; Call Me Not Back from the Echoless Shore; The Dearest Spot of Earth to Me is Home; First Love Waltz; There's Life in the Old Laud Yet; Who Will Care for Mother Now; Maryland ! My Maryland ! Christ- mas and New Year Musical Souvenir; Our First President; The Mocking Bird; When the Cruel War is Over; Virginian Marseillaise; The Star Spangled Cross; The Southern Cross; The Alabama; General Morgan's Grand March; No Surren- der; The Standard Bearer; The March of the Southern Men; God Save the South; Hurrah for Our Flag, etc. Bound in i vol. 4to, half roan. An unique coUeclion. V^ery rare. Most of the music was printed in 1863 and 1X64, and all printed in the South during the war. Some of the title-pages exhibit fine »pecimens of litography. 158 Confederate Music. A Collection of Confederate Vocal Music for the Pianoforte, Published South during the War. Including The Standard Bearer; The March of the Southern Men; The Southern Soldier Boy; The South; All Quiet Along the Potomac To-night; When this Cruel War is Over; The Southern Cross; Harp of the South Awake ! Up with the Flag; The Unkown Dead; Dixie; The Land of King Cotton; On Guard; General Morgan's Grand March; and God Save the South. 410. All as clean as day of issue. 14 pieces Fine lot. Exceedingly scarce. 21 159 CoNFEDKRATE War Songs. A Collection of Thirty-three Songs Printed South During the War. Mounted on portfolio. 4to. 1 60 Confederate War Songs. A Collection of Nineteen Songs Printed South During the War. Mounted on portfolio. 4to. The two above lots embrace a collection of Confederate war songs that would be very difficult to get together again, 161 Confederate. Songs of Love and Liberty. Compiled by A North Carolina Lady. i6mo, original lettered paper covers. Raleigh, N. C, 1864 162 Confederate. The Jack Morgan Songster. Compiled by A Captain in General Lee's Army. i6mo, original lettered paper covers. Raleigh, N. C. , 1864 Very rare. 163 Confederate. The Partisan Leader. A Novel and an Apocalypse of the Origin and Struggle of the Southern Confederacy. By Judge Beverly Tucker, of Virginia. Originally Published in 1836, now Republished and Edited by Rev. Thomas A. Ware. 8vo, original lettered paper covers. Richmond, 1862 164 Confederate. The Life of Thomas J. Jackson. By an Ex-Cadet. Second Edition. Revised and enlarged by the author. 8vo, original lettered paper covers. Richmond, 1864 A very good life of " Stonewall Jackson," and very rare in this condition. 165 Confederate. Cause and Contrast. iVn Essay on the American Crisis. By T. W. MacMahon. 8vo, original lettered paper covers. Richmond, 1862 Presentation copy from the author to Dr. James Beale. Dr. Beale was the father of Lieut. Beale (who was the close friend of J. Wilkes Booth), who was captured on the first Confederate crusier, and sentenced to be hanged. Sentence was commuted to imprisonment by Lincoln. The commutation was withheld by Stanton until Beale was executed, which really caused the con- spiracy to be hatched which ended in the assassination of Lincoln. 166 Confederate. The New Testament of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Translated out of the Original Greek, and with the former Translation diligently compared and revised. i6mo, original boards. Printed by Wood, Hanleiter, Rice & Co. Atlanta, Ga., 1862 Published by the Augusta Confederate States Bible Society, instituted in the year 1862. Excessively rare. 167 Confederate. A Geography for Beginners. By the Rev. K.J. Stewart. Illustrated. i2mo, cloth. Richmond (London), 1864 22 1 68 Conway, Moncure D. Omitted Chapters of History Dis- closed in the Life and Papers of Edmund Randolph, Gov- ernor of Virginia. Portrait. 8vo, cloth, top edge gilt. New York, 1888 From the library of Justice Stephen J. Field, with library card. 169 Cook, Joel. America — Picturesque and Descriptive. Il- lustrated. 3 vols. Post 8vo, cloth. Philada., igoo 170 Cooper, James Fenimore. Pages and Pictures from the Writings of. With Notes by Susan Fenimore Cooper. Illustrations on steel and wood fro7n oHginal drawings^ by F. O. C. Darlej'^ and others. 4to, full straight-grained morocco, gilt, gilt edges. New York, 1861 171 Cooper, WiIvI^iam. The Doctrine of Predestination unto lyife. Four Sermons preach'd to the Church of Christ meeting in Brattle Street, with a Preface by the Senior Pastors of the Town. i2mo, original .sheep, in a leather wrapper and case. Boston, 1740 Beautiful, crisp and clean copy. The preface is signed by Thomas Prince, Jos. Sewall, Benjamin Colman, John Webb, and Andrew Le Mercier. 172 Cornell, William M. Recollections of Ye Olden Time. With Biographical Sketches of Eminent Clergymen, States- men, Merchants, etc., in Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Con- necticut, New Hampshire and Pennsylvania. Illustrated. i2mo, boards. Boston, 1878 173 Criminal Records (The); or. An Awful Beacon to the rising Generation of both Sexes, erected by the Arm of Justice, to persuade them from the Dreadful Miseries of Guilt. Six copperplates. i2mo, sheep. Phila., 1810 174 Crockett, David. The Life of Martin Van Buren. Heir- Apparent to the "Government" and the Appointed Successor of General Andrew Jackson. 12 mo, cloth. Philadelphia, 1835 175 CuRTiN, Jeremiah. Creation Myths of Primitive Amer- ica, in Relation to the Religious History and Mental Devel- opment of Mankind. Fro?itispiece. Svo, cloth, top edge gilt. Boston, 1898 176 Curtis, William E. The True Thomas Jefferson . Illustrated. i2mo, cloth, top edge gilt, uncut. Phila., 190 1 23 177 r\AHI,GREN, CHARLES B. Historic Mines of Mex- I ) ico. A Review of the Mines of that Republic for the Past Three Centuries. Illustrated. Royal 8vo, cloth. New York, 1883 Privately printed. Presentation copy from the author. 178 Dampier, Captain William. A Collection of Voyages. Numerous plates and maps. 4 vols. Original calf. London, 1726 A very interesting collection, containing the voyages of Lionel Wafer. Giving an account of his being left on the Isthmus of America, amongst the Indians, and of their treatment of him, with a particular description of the country ; Davis' Expedition to the Golden Mines, Captain Sharp's Journey over the Isthmus of Darien, etc. Very scarce. 179 Dana, Charles A. Recollections of the Civil War. With the Leaders at Washington and in the Field in the Sixties. Portrait. 8vo, cloth, top edge gilt, uncut. N. York, 1899 180 Davenport, Homer. The Dollar or the Man. The Is- sue of To-day. Pictured by. Sketched and Edited by Horace L. Traubel. Oblong 4to, boards. Boston, 1900 These caricature wUl perpetuate the memory of at least one public character. 181 Davila. Discourses on. A Series of Papers on Political History. Written in the year 1790, and then Published in the Gazette of the United States by an American Citizen. 8vo, boards, uncut. Boston, 1805 182 Davis, Prof. A. History of New Amsterdam ; or. New York as it Was in the Days of the Dutch Governors, to- gether with Papers on Events Connected with the American Revolution. Illustrated. i2mo, cloth. New York, 1854 183 Davis, W. W. H. The History of Bucks County, Penn- sylvania. From the Discovery of the Delaware to the Pres- ent Time. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth. Doylestown, 1876 The best history of Bucks County. 184 Declaration OF Independence. The Pennsylvania Mag- azine, or American Monthly Museum, for July, 1776. Con- taining the first appearance of the Declaration of Independ- ence in a Magazine. 8vo, half morocco. R. Aitken, Philada., 1776 185 De LiECA, Pedro. De la Chronica del Peru, Que tracta la demarcacion de sus prouincias : la descripcion dellas. Las fundaciones de las nueuas ciudades, Los ritos y costumbres de los indios, Y otras cosas estranas dignas de ser sabidas. Fecha por Pedro d' Lieca de Leon Vezino do Seuilla. Illus- trated with numerous curious woodcuts. Folio, old calf. Seville, 1553 Title torn, and several pages in the back stained. Last leaf damaged. 1 86 Derby, J. C. Fifty Years Among Authors — Books and Publishers. Portraits. 8vo, cloth. N. York, 1884 Only Ave hundred copies printed. 187 De Roo, p. History of America Before Columbus, Ac- cording to Documents and Approved Authors. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth, top edges gilt. Philadelphia, 1900 188 Dexter, Henry M. The True Story of John Smyth, The Se-Baptist, as told by Himself and his Contemporaries : with an Inquiry whether Dipping were a New Mode of Bap- tism in England, in or about 1641. 4to, paper. Boston, 1881 189 Dickinson, John. Letters from a Farmer in Pennsylva- nia to the Inhabitants of the British Colonies. The Second Edition. 8vo, half roan. Philadelphia : Printed b}' David Hall and William Sellers, 1778. Name on title. 190 Dix (John A.) Sketch of the Resources of the City of New York. With a View to its Municipal Government, Population, etc., from the Foundation of the City to the Date of the latest Statistical Accounts. 8vo, boards, uncut. New York, 1827 Autograph presentation copy from the author to Dr. John W. Francis. 191 Dodge, Richard I. The Plains of the Great West and their Inhabitants. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth. N. York, 1877 192 Dodge, Thomas A. A Bird's-eye View of Our Civil War. i2mo, cloth. Boston, 1897 193 Douglas, Robert B. The Chevalier de Pontgibaud. A French Volunteer of the War of Independence. Translated and Edited by. Portrait, by Thevenin. 8vo, cloth, uncut. Paris, 1898 Printed on .Japanese vellum pajDcr. 194 Drake, Samuel A. Old Landmarks and Historic Man- sions of Boston. Illustrated. i2mo, cloth. Boston, 1873 195 Drake, Samuel A. The Heart of the White Moun- tains. Their Legend and Scenery. Illustratiojis hy W . B.. Gibson. 4to, cloth, gilt. New York, 1882 196 Drake, Samuel G. The History and Antiquities of Boston, the Capital of Massachusetts and Metropolis of New England. From its Settlement in 1630, to the Year, 1770. Also an Introductory History of the Discovery and Settlement of New F:ugland ; with Notes, Critical and Illus- trative. Illustrated. Imperial 8vo, half morocco. Boston, 1856 Cnarles Dickens' copy with his book-plate, and tag of "From the Library of Chas, Dickens, Gadshill Place, June, 1870." Presentation copy from the author to Charles Dlcken», 25 197 Drake, Samuel G. A Particular History of the Five Years' French and Indian War, in New England and Parts Adjacent, from its Declaration by the King of France, March 15, 1744, to the Treaty with the Eastern Indians, Oct. 16, 1749. Commonly called Governor Shirley's War. Portrait. 4to, paper, uncut. Albany, 1870 Large-paper copy, only a limited number publishecl. 198 Drake, Samuel G. A Brief Memoir of Sir Walter Raleigh, with additions. Portrait. Small 4to, paper, uncut. Boston, 1862 Prirately printed. Presentation copy from the author. 199 Drake, Samuel G. Result of some Researches among the British Archives for Information Relative to the Founders of New England, made in the Years, 1858, 1859 and i860. Portraits and maps. Small 4to, cloth, uncut. Boston, i860 Contains a catalogue of rare, useful and curious hooks, tracts, etc., on American literature, issued 1868. 200 Drake, Samuel G. The Book of the Indians of North America. Comprising Details of the Lives of about Five Hundred Chiefs and others, the most Distinguished among them. Illustrated. 8vo, sheep. Boston, 1833 In poor condition. 201 Du Bois, Henri Pene. Four Private Libraries of New York. A Contribution to the History of Bibliophilism in America. First Series. Preface, by Octave Uzanue. Beau- tif idly illustrated. 8vo, paper, silk covers. N. York, 1892 No. 76 of one hundred copies printed on Japanese paper. 203 DuRRiE, Daniel S. Bibliographia Genealogica Ameri- cana. An Alphabetical Index to American Genealogies and Pedigrees. 8vo, cloth. Albany, 1868 204 Earlr, Alice M. The Sabbath in Puritan New England. i2mo, cloth. New York, 1891 205 Earle, Alice Morse. Child-Life in Colonial Days. With many illustrations from photogi'aphs . 8vo, cloth, top edge gilt, uncut. New York, 1899 206 Earle, Alice Morse. Home Life in Colonial Days, Illustrated, 8vo, cloth. New York, 1898 207 Eaton, Rebecca. A Geography of Pennsylvania, for the Use of Schools. Second Edition, Frontispiece. i2mo, boards. Philadelphia, 1837 26 208 Echo (The). Fro7iiispiece, engraved title and other ftdl- page engravings. 8vo, original boards, uncut. New York, 1807 -A collection of satirical poems. The joint production of Richard Alsop and Theodore Dwight, with some assistance from Dr. Lemuel Hopkinsand others of the "Hartford Wits." Very scarce. 209 Edmonds' Town Directory. Containing the Names of the Inhabitants, Their Occupations, Places of Business and Residences. With Lists of the Streets, Lanes and Wharves, Plan of the City. i6mo, cloth. Portsmouth, 1839 210 Edwards, Rev. Jonathan. Memoirs of the Rev. David Brainerd, Missionary to the Indians on the Borders of New York, New Jersey and Pennsylvania. 8vo, sheep. New Haven, N. H., 1822 211 Ellis, George E. History of the Battle of Bunker's (Breed's) Hill, on June 17, 1775. Map of the Battle- ground. 8vo, cloth. Boston, 1875 2X2 Emmons, Ebenezer. The Taconic System ; Based on Observations in New York, Massachusetts, Maine, Vermont and Rhode Island. Plates. 4to, paper. Albany, 1844 213 Epochs of American History. The Colonies, 1492- 1750, by Thwaites; Formation of the Union, 1752-1829, by Hart; Division and Reunion, 1829-1889, by Wilson. 3 vols. i6mo, cloth. New York, 1897 214 Evans, Nathaniel. Poems on Several Occasions, with some other Compositions. 8vo, sheep. Jno. Dunlap, Philadelphia, 1772 Contains also "The Love of the World," which is not to he found with all copies. 215 Everard, John. Some Gospel Treasures, or the Holiest of all Unvailing; Discovering yet more the Riches of Grace and Glory To The Vesels of Mercy, Unto whom it is given to know the Mysteries of that Kingdom, and the Excellency Of Spirit, Power, Truth, above Letters, Forms, Shadows, In several Sermons, preached at Kensington and elsewhere. Small 4to, old calf. Christopher Sower, Germautown, 1757 Signature of Hiohard Wlstar on title. 27 2i6 r^ARRER, JAMES A. Primitive Manners and Customs. 1 i2mo, cloth. New York, 1879 Relates to the Atueiican Indians. 217 Fbaron, Hknry B. Sketches of America. A Narrative of a Journey of Five Thousand Miles through the Eastern and Western States of America, contained in eight Reports addressed to the Thirty-nine families by whom the author was deputed in June, 1817, to ascertain whether any, and what part of the United States would be suitable for their residence. With remarks on Mr. Birckbeck's "Notes and Letters." 8vo, original boards, uncut London, 1819 218 FEDERA1.IST (Lb) ou Collection de quelques l&crits en faveur de la Constitution proposee aux Etats-Unis de TAmerique, par la Convention convoquee en 1787. Publics dans les fitats-Unis de rAmerique par MM. Hamilton, Madisson et Gay, Citoyens de I'Etat de New-York. 2 vols. 8vo, full blue crushed levant, blind tooled, inside gold borders, top edges gilt, uncut, by Bradstreet. a. Paris, Chas. Buissor, etc., 1792. A magnificent copy of this very rare edition, with the orit^inal blue paper covers bound in. It is the First Pans (but really the Second) Edition in any language. Translated by Trudaine de la Sabliere, who added an Introduction and Notes, most of which are mere explanatory of such parts of the text as would be unintelligible to the French reader. 219 FkderaIvIST (Thk) on the New Constitution. By Pub- lius. Written in 1788, to which is added Pacificus, on the Proclamation of Neutrality, written 1793. Likewise The Federal Constitution, with all the Amendments, Revised and Corrected. 2 vols. 8 vo, contemporary tree calf, canary edges New York: Printed and Sold by Geo. F. Hopkins, at Washington's Head, 1802. Edited by Jno. Wells. "In the year 1802 Mr. Hopkins, printer, of New York, intending to publish a new edition of the Federalist, took the oppor- tunity to apply to Gen. Hamilton. and solicit him to correct and revise the numbers, and so far succeeded, as to obtain his consent to assist in the re- visal, provided a gentleman of competent literary talents would undertake to make the first verbal corrections, for the original idea was to be strictly adhered to. He then examined the whole with his own eye, previous to its being committed to the press, and saw that It was free from literary blem' Ishes."— Wm. A. Coleman. 1817. 220 Federalist (The) on the New Constitution, written in 1788. By Mr. Hamilton, Mr. Jay and Mr. Madison. A new Edition. With Names z.'o.d, portraits of the Several Writers. 8vo, sheep. Philadelphia, 1818 28 221 Federalist (The). A Commentary on the Constitution of the United States. By Alex. Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay. Edited, with Notes, Illustrative Documents and a Copious Index, by Paul L. Ford. 8vo, cloth. New York, 1898 222 (Fessexden, Thomas G.) Democracy Unveiled; or. Tyranny Stripped of the Garb of Patriotism. By Christo- pher Caustic, LL.D. i2mo, boards, uncut. Boston, 1805 223 Field, Rev. D. D. The Genealogy of the Brainerd Family in the United States; with numerous Sketches of Individuals. Portraits. 8vo, cloth. New York, 1857 224 Field, Henry M. History of the Atlantic Telegraph, to the Return of the Expedition of 1S65. i2mo, cloth. New York, 1866 226 Field, Henry M. The Story of the Atlantic Telegraph. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth. New^ York, 1892 From the library of Justice S. J. Field, witla library card. 227 Field, Henry M. The Life of David Dudley Field. Portraits. 8vo, cloth. New York, 1898 228 Finch, I. Travels in the United States of America and Canada. Containing some Account of their Scientific In- stitutions. 8vo, cloth. London, 1833 229 Fisher, George P. The Colonial Era. i2mo, cloth. New York, 1897 230 Fisher, Sydney George. The Making of Pennsyl- vania. i2mo, cloth. Philadelphia, 1896 231 Fisher, Sydney George. Pennsylvania — Colony and Commonwealth. i2mo, cloth. Philadelphia, 1897 232 Fisher, Sydney George. Men, Women and Manners in Colonial Times. Illustrated. 2 vols. 121110, cloth, top edges gilt. Philadelphia, 1898 233 Fisher, Sydney George. The True Benjamin Franklin. Illustrated. 121110, cloth, top edge gilt. Philadelphia, 1899 234 Fisher, Sydney George. The True William Penn. Illustrated, i2mo, cloth. Philadelphia, 1900 29 RARE LARGE -PAPER EDITIONS OP FISKE'S W^ORKS. 235 FiSKE, John. The Discovery of America; with Some Account of Ancieut America and the Spanish Conquest. Illustrated . 2 vols, in 4. Imperial 8vo, half white vellum cloth, uncut. Cambridge, 1892 No. 55 of one hundred and fifty copies printed on large paper. 236 Fiske;, John. The American Revolution. Illustrated with p07't7'aits on India paper a?id other engravings. 2 vols. Imperial 8vo, half white vellum cloth, uncut. Cambridge, 1896 Xo. 70 of one hundred and fifty copies printed on large paper. 237 Fiske, John. The Critical Period of American History, 1783-1789. Illustrated tvith India proof portraits and other illustrations. Imperial 8vo, half white vellum cloth, uncut. Cambridge, 1898 No. 70 of one hundred and fifty copies printed on large paper. 238 Fiske, John, The Beginnings of New England ; or, The Puritan Theocracy in its Relation to Civil and Religions Lib- erty. Portraits on India paper, and other illustrations. Imperial 8vo, half white vellum cloth, uncut. Cambridge, 1898 No. 70 Of one hundred and fifty copies printed on large paper. 239 Fiske, John, Old Virginia and Her Neighbours. With 7iumerous full-page illustrations on India paper a7id other en- gravings. 2 volumes. Royal 8vo, half vellum cloth, uncut. Cambridge, 1900 No. 70 Of one hundred and fifty copies printed on large paper. 241 Fiske, John, The Idea of God as Affected by Modern Knowledge. i2mo, cloth, Boston, 1886 242 Fiske, John. The War of Independence. i6mo, cloth. Boston, 1889 243 Fiske, John. The Dutch and Quaker Colonies in Amer- ica. 2 vols. i2mo, cloth. Boston, 1899 244 Fiske. John. A Century of Science and Other Essays, i2mo, cloth. Boston, 1899 245 Fiske, John. The Missi.ssippi Valley in the Civil War, i2mo, cloth. Boston, 1900 246 First Reformed Presbyterian Church Case. Com- monwealth, ex rel, Gordon, et al vs. Williams, et al, 8vo, half calf. Philadelphia, 1871 30 247 Force, Peter. Tracts and Other Papers relating Prin- cipalh^ to the Origin, Settlement and Progress of the Colonies in North America, from the Discovery of the Country to the Year 1776. Collected by Peter Force. 4 vols. 8vo, boards, uncut. Washington, 1836-1846 Fine copy, witli signature of the author inserted. 248 Ford. The Journals of Hugh Gaine, Printer. Edited by Paul Leicester Ford. (Biography, Bibliography, Jour- nals and Letters.) Portrait. 2 vols. Royal 8vo, boards, uncut. New York, 1902 Imperial Japan paper edition, of which only thirty copies were so printed. 249 Ford, Paul Leicester. The New England Primer. A History of its Origin and Development ; with a Reprint of the Unique Copy of the earliest known Edition and many Facsimilie Illustrations and Reproductions. Edited by. Illus- trated with facsimiles . Small 4to, half leather, uncut. New York, 1897 No. 866 of four h«udred and tweuty-flve copies printed. 250 Ford, Paul Leicester. The True George Washington. Illustrated. i2mo, top edge gilt, uncut. Philadelphia, 1896 251 Ford, Paul Leicester. The Many-sided Franklin. Copiously ilhistrated . 8 vo, cloth, top edge gilt. N.York, 1899 252 Ford, Worthington Chauncey. George Washington. Ilhistrated with iiuvieroiis portraits o?i India paper. 2 vols. Imperial 8vo, half vellum, uncut. New York, 1900 Kdiiion dn Bibliophile, No. 27 of fifty copies pi-iiitcd, which Include two extra sets of all the full-page illustrations, apart from the text, viz : One set on Imperial Japanese in bistre, and one set on white India mounted on Hol- land, in blue camaieu tint ; also two extra title-pages and one extra index. 253 Forney, John W. Anecdotes of Public Men. i2mo, cloth. New York, 1874 rresentation copy from the author to Cyrus W. Field. 254 Fort- Sumter. The Trip of the Steamer Oceanus to Fort Sumter and Charleston, S. C, April 14, 1865. Illus- trated. 8vo, uncut. Brooklyn, 1865 255 Foster, John W. A Century of American Diplomacy; Being a Brief Review of the Foreign Relations of the United States. 1 776-1876. 8vo, cloth. Boston, 1900 256 Foster, J. W. Pre-Historic Races of the United States of America. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth. Chicago, 1873 257 Four American Universities: Harvard, Yale, Prince- ton, Columbia. Illustrated. 4to, cloth. New York, 1895 31 258 FowKK, Gerard. Archaeological History of Ohio; The Mound Builders and later Indians. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth. Columbus, 1902 259 Francis, John W. Old New York, or Reminiscences of the Past Sixty Years; with a Memoir by H. T. Tuckerman. Portrait. 8vo, cloth. New York, 1866 260 Franklin, Benjamin. The Complete Works of, In- cluding his private as well as his Official and Scientific Cor- respondence and numerous L,etters and Documents, now for the first time Printed, with many others not included in any former Collection. Also the unmutilated and correct version of his Autobiography. Compiled and edited by John Bige- low. Poi-ti-ait. 10 vols. 8vo, half leather, top edges gilt, uncut. New York, 1887 No. 63 of the Lettei" Press Edition, Jot which only six hundred copies wera printed. Franklin's Cato Major. 261 FRANKI.IN Imprint. M. T. Cicero's Cato Major; or, His Discourse of Old Age ; with Explanatory Notes. 8vo, full tan-colored, crushed levant, gilt, inside gold bor- der, gilt edges. Philadelphia : Printed and sold by B. Franklin, 1744 A flue copy ot the handsomest book Franklin printed, and the most sought after of all Franklin Imprints. 262 FrankIvIN, Benjamin. The Way to Wealth ; or, Poor Richard Improved. (Observations sur les Sauvages du Nord de I'Amerique par Franklin, L,a Science du Bonhomme Richard ou Moyen Facile de Payer les Impots par Benj. Franklin, et Dialogue eutre la Goutte et Franklin). With the fine portrait \iy Tardieu. i2mo, paper, uncut. Paris, 1795 Fine copy. Scarce. 263 Franklin. Facsimile of Poor Richard's Almanack for 1733. With an Introduction by John Bigelow, and Notes on the Portraits. Small i2mo, boards, uncut. The Duodecimos, 1894 Mo. 78, of one hundred and thirty-two copies printed on hand-made paper, with the portraits on Japan paper. 264 Franklin, Dr. Benjamin. The Essays — Humorous, Moral and Literary, of. i2mo, sheep. Boston, 1811 32 265, Captain John. Narrative of a Journey to the Shores of The Polar Sea in the Years 1819, '20, '21 and '22; with an Appendix on Various Subjects Relating to Science and Natural Historj'. Illustrated by numcrotis plates, 7>ia7iy of ivhieh are colored, and maps. — And Narrative of a Second Expedition to the Shores of the Polar Sea in the the Years 1825, 1826 and 1827, by John Franklin, Captain, etc., and Commander of the Expedition, Including an Ac- count of the Progress of a Detachment to the Eastward, by John Richardson, M.D. Illustrated by tuimerous plates a7id maps. 2 vols. 4to, original muslin, uncut. Murray, Eondon, 1823-1828 The original and authorized edition. Very rare. 266 Friends' Miscellany. Being a Collection of Essays and Fragments, Biographical, Religious, Epistolary, Narrative and Historical. Edited by John and Isaac Comly. Vols. I to 4. i2mo, half sheep. Philadelphia, 1831-3 Contains much matter relating to the history of Early Pennsylvania and New York. 267 Frothingham, F. E. The Boston Fire, Nov. 9 and 10, 1872. Its History. i2mo, cloth. Boston, 1873 268 Frothingham, Richard. The Rise of the Republic of the United States. 8vo, cloth. Boston, 1872 269 FuTHEY J. Smith and Cope, Gilbert. History of Chester County, Pennsylvania, with Genealogical and Biographical Sketches. Illustrated. Imperial 8vo, half morocco. Philadelphia, 1881 270 i^^ARIBAY, ESTEUAN DE. Compendio Historial de V^J las chronicas y Vniversal Historia de Todos los Reynos d'Espana, Donde se escriune las vidas de los Reyes de Nauarre. Escriue se tambien la sucession de todos los Reyes de Francia y Obispos de la Santa Yglesia de Pamplona. Compuestro por Esteuan de Garibay Camalloa, etc. 4 vols. Folio, vellum. Impreso en Anvers Por Christophoro Plantino, 1571 Fine specimen of the Planiin Press, and one of the earliest works on Span- ish America. 271 Gass, Patrick. A Journal of the Voyages and Travels of a Corps of Discovery under the Command of Capt. Lewis and Capt. Clarke, of the Army of the United States, from the Mouth of the River Missouri through the Interior Parts of North America to the Pacific Ocean, during the Years, 1804, 1805 and 1806. Illustrated. i2mo, sheep. Philadelphia, 18 10 33 272 Genealogical Society of Pennsylvania. Publica- tions of the. Vol. I, No. 4, and Vol. 2, Nos. i and 2. 3 numbers. 8vo, uncut. Philadelphia, 1898-1902 273 Geographical Society of Philadelphia, 1899-1902 9 odd numbers. 274 Gibson, William J. History of the Presbytery of Hunt- ingdon. 8vo, cloth. Bellefonte, 1874 275 (Gibbons, P. E.) "Pennsylvania Dutch" and other Essays. Second Edition. i2mo, cloth. Philadelphia, 1874 276 Gillespie, Mrs. E. D. A Book of Remembrance. Illus- trated. i2mo, cloth, top edge gilt, uncut. Phila.. 1901 277 GiLMORE, James F. (Edmund Kirke.) John Sevier as a Commonwealth-Builder. i2mo, cloth. New York, 1887 278 Glenn, Thomas Allen. Some Colonial Man.sions and those who lived in them. With Genealoj^ies of the Various Families Mentioned. Profusely illustrated . Both series. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth, separate cloth covers. Phila., 1899-1900 279 Godfrey, E. K. The Island of Nantucket. What It Was, and What It Is. Map. 12110, paper. Boston (1882) 280 Goodrich's North American Tourist. With maps and views. i6nio, cloth. New York, 1839 281 Gotham and the Gothamites. A Medley. i6mo, original lettered boards, uncut. New York, 1823 282 Grant, Mrs. Anne. Memoirs of an American Lady, with Sketches of Manners and Scenes in America as they existed previous to the Revolution; with Unpublished Letters, and a Memoir of Mrs. Grant. By James Grant Wilson. Por- trait and other ilhcstraiions. 2 vols. 8vo, half vellum, top edges gilt, uncut. N. Y. , 1901 No. 123 of ihree hundred and fll'ty copies printed. 283 Grant, U. S. Personal Memoirs of. Portraits. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. New York, 1885 284 Grant, Ulysses S. A Memorial of. From the City of Bos- ton. Portrait. 8vo, cloth, Boston, 1885 285 Gratz, . Recollections of My Aunt, Rebecca Gratz. By one of her nieces. Portrait. Square 161110, half morocco. N. P., N. D. Priyately printed. Kebecca Gratz was the heroine in Scott's Ivanhoe. (3) 34 286 Gray, W. H. A History of Oregon 1792- 1849. Drawn from Personal Observ^ation and Authentic Information. Frontispiece. 8vo, cloth. Portland, 1870 From Justice S. .1. Field's library, with library card. 287 Green, Ashbel. Memoirs of the Rev. Joseph Eastburn, Stated Preacher in the Mariner's Church, Philadelphia. Por- trait. i2mo, sheep. Philadelphia, 1828 288 Greenhow, Robert. The Histor>^ of Oregon and Cali- fornia, and the other Territories on the North-west Coast of North America. Accompanied by a Geographical View and Map of those Countries, and a number of Documents as Proofs and Illustrations of the History. With map. Second Edition. 8vo, paper, uncut. Boston, 1845 289 Greenhow, Robert. The History of Oregon and Cali- fornia, and the other Territories on the North-west Coast of North America. Accompanied by a Geographical View and Map of those Countries, and a number of Documents as Proofs and Illustrations of the History. Second Edition. 8vo, cloth. Boston, 1845 290 Greenleaf, Jonathan. A History of the Churches of all Denominations in the City of New York, from the First Settlement to the Year, 1846, i6mo, cloth. New York, 1846 291 Greenwood, F. W. P. A History of King's Chapel in Boston. The First Episcopal Church in New England. Frontispiece. i2mo, cloth, uncut. Boston, 1833 292 Gregoire, H. An Enquiry Concerning the Intellectual and Moral Faculties and Literature of Negroes; fol- lowed with an Account of the Dife and Works of Fifteen Negroes and Mulattoes. Translated by D. B. Warden. 8vo, boards, uncut. Brooklyn, 1810 293 Grinnell, George B. Pawnee Hero Stories and Folk- Tabs. With Notes on the Origin, Customs, and Character of the Pawnee People. Illustrated. i2mo, cloth. N. Y., 1889 294 Griswold, RuFUS W. The Republican Court; or, Amer- ican Society in the Days of Washington. With twenty-07ie portraits of distingjiishcd 7V07iie7i . Imperial 8vo, morocco, antique. (Rubbed.) N. York, 1855 35 Friday Evening, March 6th, 1903 AT 8 o'clock PUBLICATIONS OF THE GROLIER CLUB. 295 A Decree of Star Chamber Concerning Printing. Made July ii, 1637. Reprinted by the Grolier Club, from the First Edition of Robert Barker, 1637. Vignette on title- page pj'in ted in colors. 8vo, Japan paper covers, ornamented with design in gold. Xo. 71 of three hundred and fifty copies printed from type. 296 A Decree of Star Chamber Concerning Printing. Made July 11, 1637. Reprinted by the Grolier Club, from the First Edition by Robert Bark(jr, 1637. Vignette on title- page pri?ited in colors. Svo, full crushed levant, gilt back, gold lines on sides, inside gold borders, top edge gilt, by Bradstreet, uncut. 1884 No. 53 ot one hundred and fifty copies piiiited from type, v, ith the original Japan paper cover bound in. From the library of Wm. Ashmead Courtenay, "With boolcplate. 297 RuBAiYAT OF Omar Khayyam. The Astronomer-Poet of Persia. Rendered into English Verse by Edward Fitz- gerald. Vigyiette on title-page and headpieces pH7ited in colors. Svo, covers ornamented from an example in Audsley's outlines of ornament. No. 59 of one hundred and fifty copies on Japan paper. 298 RuBAiYAT OF Omar Khayyam. The Astronomer-Poet of Persia. Rendered into English Verse by Edward Fitz- gerald. Vignette oyi title-page^ and headpieces in colors. Svo, full crushed levant, gilt back, gold lines on sides, fig- ured silk double, top edge gilt, uncut. The Grolier Club of New York 1SS5. No. 51 of one hundred and fifty copies on Japan paper, from the library of Wm. Ashmead Courtenay, with bookplate. Original ornamented cover bound in. 298^^ Transactions of the Grolier Club. From its Foundation, January, 1884, to July, 18S5,. Part I. Royal Svo, cover of charcoal paper on loose boards. The Grolier Club, New York, 1885 Seven hundred aad forty copies published. 36 299 A History of New York, from the Beginning of the World to the end of the Dutch Dynasty; Containing, among many surprising and Curious Matters, the Unutterable Ponderings of Walter the Doubter, The Disastrous Projects of William the Testy, and the Chivalric Achievements of Peter the Headstrong — The Three Dutch Governors of New Amsterdam; Being the only Authentic History of the Times that ever hath been or ever will be Published . By Diedrich Knickerbocker, &c., &c. A new Edition, containing un- published corrections of the Author. Illustrations by Geo. H. Boughton, Will H. Drake and Howard Pyle, zndctchhigs by Henry C. Eno aiid F. Raubicheek. A72 etched froyitis- piece m three states hi each volume. 2 vols. 8vo, orange colored boards, uncut. New York: Printed for the Grolier Club, 1886. One of one hundred and seventy-live copies, printed on Holland paper. 300 A Lecture on Bookbinding as a Fine Art. Deliv- ered before the Grolier Club, February 26, 1885. Sixty- three illustrations, by Robert Hoe. Demy 4to, boards, buff cloth back and covers, top edge gilt, uncut. New York: Published by the Grolier Club, 1886. One of two hundred copies, printed on Holland paper. 301 Historic Printing Types. A Lecture Read Before the Grolier Club of New York, January 25, 1885; with additions and new illustrations by Theo. L. De Vinne. Illustrated with facsimile of type.' Demy 4to, boards, buff cloth back and covers, top edge gilt, uncut. New York: The Grolier Club, 1886. One of two hundred copies printed on Holland paper, from the library of Carl Edelhelm, with bookplate. 302 Peg Woffington. By Charles Reade. 2 vols. i2mo, white cloth, stamped in gold. New York: Printed for the Grolier Club, 1887. One of two hundred and fifty copies printed on Holland paper, from the library of Wm. Ashmead Courtenay, with bookplate. 303 Christopher Plantin and the Plantin-Moretus Museum at Antwerp. By Theo. L- De Vinne. Illustra- tions by Joseph Pennell, and others. Square 8vo, ornamented granite paper covers on loose boards. Printed for the Grolier Club, New York, 1888. One of three hundred copies, on paper, from the library of Carl Jfiielheimj with bookplate. 304 The PHII.OBIBLON OF Richard De Bury. Edited from the best Manuscripts and Translated into English, with an Introduction and Notes, by Andrew Fleming West, Professor 37 in Princeton College. Introductory Matter and Notes. Il- lustrated ivith facsimiles of manuscripts and early printed texts and various seals used by De Bury. 3 vols. Small 4to, vellum, uncut. New York: Printed for the Grolier Club, 1889. Vol. 1 is the Latin version with the illustrated capital letters and rubrica. tions throughout. One of two hundred and ninety-seven copies on paper. 305 Modern Bookbinding Practically Considered. A Lecture Read Before the Grolier Club of New York, March 25, 1885, with additions and new illustrations by Wni. Mat- thews. Eight facsimiles of bookbindings. Demv 4to, cream colored cloth, top edge gilt, uncut. New York: The Grolier Club, 1889 One of three hundred copies printed on Holland paper. 306 Areopagitica. a Speech of Mr. John Milton, for the liberty of unlicensed Printing, to the Parliament of England; with an Introduction by James Russell Lowell . Portrait of Milton, after an engravifig by Faithorne. 8vo, blue boards, paper label, uncut. New York: The Grolier Club, 1S90. One of three hundred and twenty-five copies on Holland paper. 307 Aldus in His Printing Establishment at Venice, Showing Grolier Some Bookbindings. An etching by Leo- pold Flameng, after the painting by his son, Francois Flam- eng. Signed by the painter and etched with the Device of the Grolier Club, as a remarque. Size, 16 x 14 inches. One of three hundred copies on Japan paper. 308 Washington Irving. A Sketch. By George William Curtis. 8vo, sheets loose in cover. On Vellum. New Yo-k: The Grolier Club, 1891 Ont of three copies printed on vellum. 309 Washington, Irving. A Sketch. By George William Curtis. 8vo, full straight-grained red morocco, gilt, gilt edge. One of three hundred and forty-four copies, on hand-made paper. 310 Effigies of the Most Famous English Writers, from Chaucer to Johnson. Exhibited at the Grolier Club, New York, December, 1891. Portrait of Ben fohnson and Thomas Killegrew. 8vo, cream colored paper, uncut. 1891 One of two hundred copies, on large paper. From the library of Carl Edel' heim, with bookplate. 311 Barons of the Potomack and Rappahannock. By Moncure Daniel Conway. Illustrated with portraits, views and facsimiles of autographs. Square 8vo, gray boards, uncut. New York: The Grolier Club, 1892 One of three hundred and sixty copies, on Italian handmade paper. 38 312 Bronze Medallion Portrait of Nathaniel Hawthorne. The model made by the well-known French sculptor or medal- ist, Ringel d'lllzach. Cast by a founder of Paris from metal .of the finest quality, seven inches in diameter. One of two hundred and thirty-nine copies in bronze. 313 Catalogue of an Exhibition of Illuminated and Painted Manuscripts, together with a few Early Printed Books, with illuminations. Also some examples of Persian Manuscripts. With plates 171 facsimile , and an Introductory Essay. Square 8vo, olive green cloth, uncut. New York: The Grolier Club, 1892 One of three hundred and fifty copies on Holland paper. From the library of Carl Edelheini, With bookplate. 314 Catalogue of Original and Early Editions of some of the Poetical and Prose Works of English Writers, from Lang- land to Wither. With collatiori and 7iotes and eighty-seven facsimiles of title-pages and frontispieces. Being a contribu- tion to the Bibliography of English Literature. Royal Svo, half straight-grained russet morocco, uncut. Imprinted at New York for the Grolier Club, 1893 One of four hundred copies on Holland hand-made paper. 315 Facsimile of the Laws and Acts of the General Assem- bly for their Majesties Province of New York, etc. At New York. Printed and Sold by William Bradford, Printer to their Majesties Kii g William and Queen Mary. 1664. Together with an Historical Introduction, Notes on the Laws and Appendices. By Robert Ludlow Fowler, Couu- * sellor-at-Law. Folio, vellum, uncut. The Grolier Club of New York, 1894. One of three hundred and twelve copies on hand-made paper, with the cir- cular giving notice of its intended publication laid in. 316 A Classified List of Early American Bookplates, with a Brief Description of the Principal Styles, and a Note as to the Prominent Engravers. By Charles Dexter Allen, to ac- company an Exhibition at the Grolier Club, October, 1894. Illustrated with reproductio7is of bookplates . Svo, granite paper covers, uncut. 1894 One of three hundred and fifty copies on Italian hand-made paper, from the Library of Carl Edelheim, with bookplate. 317 Transactions of the Grolier Club of the City of New York. From July, Eighteen Hundred and Eighty-five, to Febnary, Eighteen Hundred and Ninety-four. Part II. Royal Svo, cream colored paper covers. New York: The Grolier Club, 1894 One of seven hundred and fifty copies on hand-made paper. 39 31 8 The Catalogue of Books from the Libraries or Collec- tions of Celebrated Bibliophiles and Illustrious Persons of the Past, with Arms or Devices upon the Bindings. Exhibited at the Grolier Club, in the month of January, 1895. Illus- trated zvith tjventy-foiir reproductions of covers and marks of ownership. Square 8vo, dark green cloth, uncut. New York: Published by the Grolier Club, 1895 One of three hundred and fifty copies on Holland paper. 319 Catalogue of the Engraved Work of Asher B. Durand. Exhibited at the Grolier Club, April, 1895. Portrait. 8vo, cream colored paper, uncut. 1895 One of thee hundred and fifty copies on lai'ge paper. 320 A Description of the Early Printed Books owned by The Grolier Club, with a brief account of their Printers and the History of Typography in the Fifteenth Century. Illustrated zvith facsimiles. Folio, half brown calf, buff cloth sides. Printed for The Grolier Club, New York, May, 1895 One of four hundred copies printed on hand-made paper. 321 The Poems of John Donne, from the Text of the Edition of 1633. Revised by James Russell Lowell, with the various readings of the other editions of the Seventeenth Century, and a Preface, an Introduction and Notes by Charles Eliot Nor- ton. Ttt'o portraits. 2 vols. i2mo, tea-colored cloth, uncut. New York: The Grolier Club, 1895 One of three hundred and eighty copies on hand-made paper. 322 The Charles Whittinghams Printers. By Arthur Warren . Illustrated zvith portraits and facsimiles. Roval 8vo, half green morocco, uncut. New York; The Grolier Club of New York, 1886 With the Index. One of three hundred and eighty-five copies on hand-made paper. 323 Catalogue of an Exhibition Illustrative of a Centenary of Artistic Lithography, 1 796-1 896. With 244 examples by 160 different artists. Illustrated zvith izjventy photo-engravings, f?vm the originals by Bonnington, Cassatt, Chauvel, Daumier, Decamps, Englemann, Fanton-Latour, Gavarni, Hanfstaengl, Horner, Jacque, Jacob, Millet, New- sam, Otis, Prout, Raflfet, Vernet and Wagenbauer. At the GrolierClub. 8vo, granite paper covers, uncut. N.Y.,1896 One of four hundred copies on hand-made paper. 324 Bronze Medallion Portrait of James Russell Low- ell. Modelled by Charles Calverley and cast in bronze by John Williams. Issued in 1896. Diameter, 7 inches. One of three hundred and seventy-two copies in bronze. 40 325 A Chronological Catalogue of the Engravings, Dry-points and Etchings of Albert Diirer, as exhibited at the Grolier Club. Compiled by S. R. Koehler. With fac- similes of some of the rarer specimens. Roval 4to, tea-colored cloth, uncut. The Grolier Club of New York, 1897 One of four hundred copies on Holland paper. 326 Two Note Books of Thomas Carlyle, from 23d March, 1822, to i6th May, 1832. Edited by Charles Eliot Norton. Portraits. 8vo, half brown morocco, top edge gilt, uncut. New York: The Grolier Club, 1898 One of three hundred and eighty-seven copies on hand-made paper. 327 Portrait of Benjamin Franklin. Etched by Henri Lefort, from an Original Painting by Duplessis, presented by George A. Lucas to :he W H. Huntington collection, of Americana, Metropolitan Museum of Art, N. Y. Signed by the artist, and with Wiffl^a/Z/V/^r/razV of Franklin and Device of The Grolit-r Club, as remarques. Printed on Japan paper. Size, 16^x12;^. Published 1898. Only a limited number printed. 328 The Life of Charles Henry, Count Hoym Ambassador from Saxony-Poland to France, an Eminent French Biblio- phile, 1694- 1736. Written by Baron Jerome Pichon for the So- ciety of French Bibliophiles, and translated into Encjlish for The Grolier Club; with a Sketch of the Life of the late Baron Pichon. I Ihistrated with portraits, facsimiles of bindings, etc. Imperial 8vo, half-maroon morocco, figured silk sides, uncut. The Grolier Club, New York, 1899 One of thr»'e hundred and three copies on h inl-inade paper. 329 Catalogue of Etchings and Dry-points by Rembrandt. St-lected for exhibition at The Grolier Club of the City of New York. April-May. 1900. With portrait of Rembra7idt. 8vo, maroon cloth, uricut. New York: Published by The Grolier Club, 1900 with the notice of publication and-receipt for this copy laid in. One of three hundred copies on baiidmacle paper. 330 Catalogue of an Exhibition of First and Other Editions of the Works of John Dryden (1631-1700), together with a few Engraved Portraits and Two Oil Paintings, Commt-mo- rative of the Two hundredth Anniversary of His Death. Por- trait of Dryden. Svo, gr;iy boards, uncut. New York: The Grolier Club, 1900 with the notice of publicaiion and blank subscription laid in. One of two tiundrcd copies un hand-made pi^per. 41 331 A Translation of Giovanni Boccaccio's Life of Dante; with an Introduction and a Note on the Portrait of Dante, by G. R. Carpenter. Portrait of Dante, views of Florence and rnbricated capital letters. Small 4to, ornamented vellum, uncut, with extra cover and case. The Grolier Club of the City of New York, igoo with notice of publication and receipt for this copy laid In. One of three hundred copies on Italian hand-made paper. 332 Transactions of the Grolier Club of the City of New York, from February, eighteen hundred and ninety-four, to July, eighteen hundred and ninety-nine. Portraits and other illustrations. Square royal 8vo, cream colored paper on loose boards, uncut. New York: The Grolier Club, 1899 With subscription notice laid In. One of four hundred and seventy copies on American hand-made paper. 333 Title-Pages, as seen by a Printer. Numerous Illustrations in Facsimile and some Observations on the early and recent Printing of Books, by Theodore Low De Vinne. Numerons facsimiles of title-pages, some in colors. Imperial Svo, half red morocco, uncut. The Grolier Club of the City of New York, 1901 with notice of publication, subscription blank and receipt for this copy laid In. One of three hundred and twenty-flve copies on Italian hand-made paper. 334 Catalogue of an Exhibition of Selected Works of the Poets Laureat of England. Portrait of Ben Jonson. Svo, gray boards, uncut. New York: The Grolier Club, 1901 With notice of publication, blank for subscription, notice of exhibition, and card of admittance laid in. One of three hundred copies, on hand-made paper. 335 The History of Helyas, Knight of the Swan. Trans- lated by Robert Copland, from the French version published in Paris in 1504. A Literal Reprint on the Types of Wynkin de Worde, after the unique copy printed by him upon parch- ment, in London, MCCCCCXII. With facsimiles of all the curious woodcuts. The type made especially and designed from the original. Small 4to, full pigskin carefully branded with the device of Wynkin de Worde, and mounted with brass clasps, enclosed in a leather case stamped uniformly with the cover, uncut. The Grolier Club of the City of New York, 1901 With notice of publication laid in. One of three hundred and twenty-flve copies on Whatman paper. 336 ANExHiBiTiONof Original and Other Editions. Portraits and Prints Commemorative of the Five Hundredth Anni- versary of the Death of Geoffrey Chaucer, the Father of English Poetry. i2mo, uncut. The Grolier Club, New York, 1900 With notice of the exhibition, noticeof private view with portrait, and ticket of admittance laid in. 42 337 Exhibition of First and Other Editions of the Works of John Dryden, 1 631-1700. Together with a few Engraved Portraits and Two Oil Paintings, Commmeniorative of the ;200th Anniversary^ of His Death. Exhibited March 8th, to 24th, 1900. i2mo, uncut. The Grolier Club, New York, 1900 33S Catalogue of Engravings by Ferdinand Gaillard. Exhibited November 9th to 24th, 1900. i2mo. The Grolier Club, New York, 1900 With notice of the exhlbitioa and three tickets of admittance laid In. 339 Exhibition of Engraved Portraits of Washington, Commemorative of the Centenary of His Death. Exhibited December 14th, 1899, to January 6th, 1900. i2rao, uncut. The Grolier Club, New York, 1900 With notice of the exhibition and three tickets of admittance, laid In. 340 An Exhibition of Selected Works of the Poets Laureate of England. Exhibited January 25th to February i6th, 1901. i2mo, uncut. The Grolier Club, New York, 1901 With three tickets of admittance laid in. 341 Catalogue of a Collection of Engravings, Etchings and Lithographs, by Women. Exhibited April 12th to 27th, 1901. i2mo, uncut. The Grolier Club, New York, 1901 342 Mosaic Bookbindings. A Catalogue of an Exhibition, January 23d to February 22d, 1902. i2mo, uncut. The Grolier Club, New York, 1902 2>42}4 One Hundred Books Famous in English Literature. With Facsimiles of the Title-Pages, and an Introduction by Geo. E. Woodberr^^. Royal Svo, gray boards, white cloth back, uncut. The Grolier Club of the City of New York, 1902 The last Grolier publication. One of three hundred and five copies on hand-made paper. 343 Catalogue of an Exhibition of Line Engravings Designed to Illustrate the History of the Art During the Past Four Centuries. Exhibited December 2d to 20th, 1892. i2rao, uncut. The Grolier Club, New York, 1892 344 The Grolier Club of the City of New York. Ofl&cers, Committees, Constitution, By-Laws, House Rules. Members, Annual Reports, etc. i2mo, boards, uncut. 1899 One of five hundred copies printed. 345 The Grolier Club of the City of New York. Officers, Committees, Constitution, By-Laws, House Rules, Members. Annual Reports, etc. i2mo, boards, uncut. 1900 One of five hundred copies printed. 43 346 The Grolier Club of the City of New York. Officers, Committees, Constitution, By-Laws, House Rules, Members, Annual Reports, etc. lamo, boards, uncut. 1901 One ol five hundred copies printed. 347 The Grolier Club of the City of New York. Officers, Committees, Constitution, By-Laws, House Rules, Members, Annual Reports, etc. 12 mo, boards, uncut. 1902 One of five hundred copies printed. 348 Specimens of Historical Printing Types. Printed (but not Published) as Illustrations to a Discourse by Theo. L. De Vinne, before The Grolier Club. January 28, 1885 8vo. 349 The Committee of Arrangements of The Grolier Club announces an Exhibition of Illuminated and Painted Manu- scripts. 8vo. 1892 The illuminate notice of " A Private View." 350 The Grolier Club, Twenty-nine E. Thirty-second Street, New York. Annual meeting. Private view of the Exhi- bition of Etchings and Drawings by Charles Meryon, Janu- ary 27, 1898. 8vo. The four-page illuminated notice, with small etching by Meryon. 351 The Seventeenth Annual Meeting of the Grolier Club will be held at the Club House, number Twenty-nine East Thirty-second Street, January the 24th, 1901. Por- traits of the poets laureate. 8vo. New York, 1 901 Giving notice of an auction sale of two copies, on vellum , of Boccaccio's "Life of Dante," etc. 352 Decennial and Annual Meeting of the Grolier Club. Wednesday, February 21, 1894. 8vo. The illuminated notice, mentioning the sale by auction of two copies, on vellum, of the catalogue of works by early English writers. Two copies, on vellum, of the Laws of New York, etc. 353 Grolier Club. Private View Exhibition, Commemo- rating the Two Hundredth Anniversary of the Death of John Dryden. 8vo. New York, 1900 354 Grolier Club. The Illuminated Notice. Portrait of Chaucer, of an Exhibition Commemorative of the five hun- dredth Anniversary of the Death of Chaucer. 8vo. New York, 1900 355 The Grolier Club. Private View Exhibitions of Etch- ings by Rembrandt. Portrait of Rembrandt . 8vo. New York, 1900 44 J56 Grolier Club. Various Circulars Issued b\'. For Ex- hibitions, Tickets of Admission, etc. 19 pieces 357 Growoll, a. American Book Clubs. Their Beginnings and History, and a Bibliography of their Publications. i2mo, half calf. New York, 1897 One of three hundred copies printed on hand-made paper. 358 T_f AKI.UYT SOCIETY. A Journal of the First Voyage |~J of Vasco da Gauia, 1497-1499. The Journey of William, of Rubruck, to the Eastern Parts of the World, 1253-55. The Voyage of Robt. Dudley, afterwards styled Earl of Warwick and Leicester, and Duke of North- umberland to the West Indies, 1594-1595. The Embassy of Sir Thomas Roe to the Court of the Great Mogul, 1615-19. Portraits. 5 vols. 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1898-1900 Halsey's Dark Blue Staffordshire China. One of thirty copies on Japan paper. 359 Halsey, R. T. Haines. Pictures of Early New York, on dark blue Staffordshire pottery, together with Picture of Boston and New England, Philadelphia, the South and the West. Illustrated ivith numerous beautiful plates printed in blue. 4to, vellum, with blue vignette on side, uncut. New York, 1899 One ol thirty copies printed on Japan paper. The balance of the edition consisted of two hundred and sixty-eight copies on hand-made paper. 360 Hamilton, Alexander The W'orks of. Edited by Henry Cabot Lodge. Port?'ait. 9 vols. 8vo, half leather, top edges gilt, uncut. Putnam, New York, 1 885-1 886 No. 155 of the letter-press edition, of which only five hundred copies were printed. Very scarce. 361 Hamilton, . Bibliotheca Hamiltoniana. A list of Books written by or relating to Alex. Hamilton, by Paul Leicester Ford. 8vo, half leather, top edge gilt. New York, 1886 No. 70 of five hundred copies printed. 362 H.\MiLTON, Alexander. Observations on Certain Docu- ments contained in Nos. V and VI of "The History of the United States for the Year 1796," in which the Charge of Speculation against Alexander Hamilton, late Secretary of the Treasury is fully refuted. 8vo, uncut. Philada., 1800 Contains a full account of his intrigue with Mrs. Keynolds, and with copies of the letters. Scarce. Flue copy. 45 363 HamiItTON, James A. Reminiscences of ; or, Men and Events at Home and Abroad During three-quarters of a Century. 8vo, cloth. New York, 1869 Presentation copy to Gyrua VV. Field by the author. 364 Hanna, Ch arises a. The Scotch-Irish; or, The Scot in North Britain, North Ireland and North America. Map. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth, top edges gilt, uncut. N. York, 1902 365 Harper's Weekly. A Journal of Civilization. From the Commencement in 1857, to the end of the year 1875. Profusely illustrated . 19 vols. Folio, half morocco, uniform. N. York, 1857-75 This includes the numbers illustrating the War of the liebellion, the late Thomas Nast's cartoons during the Tweed K6gime, etc. 366 Harriman Alaska Expedition. Alaska, Narrative, Glaciers, Natives. By John Burroughs. John Muir and George B. Grinuell. Profusely illustrated with tinted and plain plates and other illustratiojis 2 vols. Imperial 8vo, cloth, top edges gilt, uncut, with extra cloth cover. New York, 1901 The best account of Alaska extant. 367 Harris, Joel Chandler. Plantation Pageants. Illus- trated. 8vo, cloth. Boston, 1899 368 Harrison, Frederic. George Washington and other American Addresses. 8vo, cloth, top edge gilt, uncut. London, 1901 369 Harsha, D. a. L,ife of Philip Doddridge; with Notices of some of his Contemporaries. Portrait. 8vo, paper, uncut. Albany, 1865 370 Hawaiian Hymn Book. O Ke Kumu L,eomele no na Himeni a me na Halelu e Hoolea a Ku ai i ke akua. i2mo, old straight-grained red morocco, canary edges. Oaku, Na Na Misionari, 1834 Very rare, and a line coi)y. Presented to Lieutenant Foote of the U. S Navy by H. Bingham, Honolulu, Novembers, 1839. 371 Hawaiian Spectator (The). Conducted by an Asso- ciation of Gentlemen, for 1838 and 1839. 2 vols. 8vo, half bound. Honolulu, Oaku, Sandwich Islands, 1838-9. Exceedingly scarce. Contains much early history relating to our nuwly acquired possessions. 372 Hazelton, George C. The National Capitol — Its Archi- tecture, Art and History. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth. New York, 1897 46 373 Headley, J. T. Washington and his Generals. Illus- trated 2 vols. i2mo, cloth. New York, 1856 374 Heckewelder, Rev. john. History, Manners and Cus- toms of the Indian Nations, who once Inhabited Pennsyl- vania and the Neighboring States. 8vo, cloth, uncut. Philadelphia, 1876 lieiug Vol. 12 of the Memoirs of the Ulstoi'ical Society of Peuasylvania. 375 Hkinecke, Rev. Samuel. Genealogy, from Adam to Christ; with the Genealogy of Adam Heinecke and Henry Vandersaal, from 1747 to 1868. lamo, cloth. Phila., 1869 376 Helps, Arthur. The Spanish Conquest in America, and its Relation to the History of Slavery and to the Gov- ernment of Colonies. 4 vols. 8vo, original cloth, uncut. London, 1855 Best and First Edition very scarce, and the best work on the subject. Pre, sentation copy from the author to, and with the bookplate ot, Edward Ricketts. 377 Helps, Arthur. The L,ife of Las Casas, "The Apostle of the Indies." Map. i2mo, original cloth, uncut. London, 1868 First Edition. Very scarce. 378 Helps, Arthur. The Life of Columbus, the Discoverer of America. i2mo, original cloth, uncut. London, 1869 379 Hemstreet, Charles. Nooks and Corners of Old New York. Illustrated by E. C. Piexotto. 8vo, cloth. New York, 1899 380 Hemstreet, Charles. When Old New York was Young. Ilhistrated. i2mo, cloth. New^ York, 1902 381 Henry, M. S. History of the Lehigh Valley. Contain- ing a Copious Selection of the most Interesting Facts, Tra- ditions, Biographical Sketches, Anecdotes, etc., relating to its History and Antiquities. Ilhistrated with numerous en- gravings and map. 8vo, half morocco. Kaston, i860 Xume of former owner on title. Scarce. 382 Henry, Willl\m Wirt. Patrick Henry. Life, Corre- spondence and Speeches. Portrait. 3 vols. 8vo, cloth, top edges gilt, uncut. New York, 1891 Limited to 1100 copies. 383 HiLDEBURN, Charles R. A Century of Printing ; the Issues of the Press in Pennsylvania, 1685- 1784. 2 vols. 4to, cloth, top edges gilt, uncut. Phila., 1885 No. 249 of three hundred copied printed. The most complete and compre- bensive work on the subject published. 47 384 HiLDEBURN, Charles R. The Inscriptions in St. Peter's Church Yard, Philadelphia. Copied and Arranged by the Rev. William W. Bronson. Edited by. Crown 8vo, boards, top edge gilt. Camden, 1879 385 HiLDEBURN, Charles R. Sketches of Printers and Printing in Colonial New York. JVifk nume7'02is illustra- tions. 1 2 mo, boards, uncut. New York, 1895 Only three hundred and seventy-five copies printed, of which this is No. 335 386 HiLDRETH, Richard. The History of the United States of America. Revised Edition. 6 vols. 8vo. half calf, gilt marbled edges. New York, 1880 387 Hildreth, R. The White Slave ; or, Memoirs of a Fugitive. A Story of Slave Life in Virginia, etc. Edited by. Illustrated. i2mo, cloth, uncut. L,ondon, 1852 388 Hinman, R. R. The Elue Laws of New Haven Colony, usually Called Blue Laws of Connecticut ; Quaker Laws of Plymouth, Massachusetts ; Blue Laws of New York, Mary- land, Virginia and South Carolina, etc. i2mo, cloth. Hartford, 1838 Very scarce. 389 Historic Churches of America. Their Romance and their Histor)^ Illustrated by etchings, photograznires and other reprod^ictions from original drawings for this publica- tion, together zvith tivo hundred svialler engravings. Imperial folio. In parts, complete. Philadelphia, N. D. 390 Holland, J. G. The Life of Abraham Lincoln. Illus- trated. 8vo, cloth. Springfield, 1866 391 Holm, Thomas Campanius. Kort Beskrisning Om Pro- vincien Nya Swerige uti America, Som nu fortjden af the Engelske kallas Pensylvania, Af larde och trowardige Mans skrifter och berattelser ihopaletad och sammanstrefwen samt med athskillige Figurer. With all the curious engravings and the several maps, including the folding map of New Sweden, which is generally missing. Small 4to, half bound. Stockholm, 1702 Exceedingly scarce, and a fine copy, with all the plates, complete. There is some little foxing on a few pages, and the title has the neat signature of "J. S. Lenchius 1706." It is seldom that a copy is offered for sale, and very rarely with the two folding plates of the Falls of Niagara and map of New Sweden, In this copy the frontispiece has been laid down. 392 Holme's Map of the Province of Pennsylvania. Contain- ing the three Counties of Chester, Philadelphia and Bucks, as far as yet vSurveyed and laid out. Reproduced i^i facsimile from the original in the Philadelphia Lib?-ary by the A?iastatic process. Published by Lloyd P. Smith. Large imperial folio, mounted on muslin. Phila., 1846 48 393 HoMANS, J. S. Sketches of Boston, Past and Present, and some few places in its Vicinity. Illustrated. i2mo, cloth. Boston, 1851 394 Hone, Philip. The Diary of. 1828-1851. Edited, with ' an Introduction, by Bayard Tuckerman. Portrait. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, uncut. New York, 1889 Gives an insight into New York life, social, political, etc., which no othei- work extant furnishes. Hone was at one time Mayor of New York. 395 Hopkins, Joseph R. Report of the Case of Trespass and Assault and Battery, wherein John Evans was Plaintiff and Ellis Yarnall, Richard Humphreys, and others, were Defendants. , 8vo, half bound. Philadelphia, 1810 One of the cases, which was the result of the quarrel between Uifferentsects of Quakers. 396 Horry & Weems. The Life of Gen. Francis Marion, a Celebrated Partisan Officer in the Revolutionary War, against the British and Tories in South Carolina and Geor- gia, By Brig. -Gen. Horry and M. L. Weems. Illustrated. i2mo, sheep. Philadelphia, 1845 397 HoTCHKiN, Rev. S. F. Ancient and Modern German- town, Mount Airy and Chestnut Hill. Ilhistrated. Royal 8vo, cloth. Philadelphia, i 398 HoTCHKiN, Rev. S. F. The York Road, Old and New. Illustrated. Imperial 8vo, cloth. Philadelphia, 1892 399 HoTCHKiN, Rev. S. F. The Bristol Pike. Illustrated. Imperial 8vo, half morocco, gilt, gilt edge. Phila., 1893 400 HoTCHKiN, Rev. S. F, Rural Pennsylvania. In the Vicinity of Philadelphia. Ntunerous full-page illustratio7is. Imperial 8vo, half morocco, gilt, gilt edge. Phila., 1897 401 Hough, F. B. Proceedings of a Convention of Delegates from Several of the New-England States, Held at Boston, Aug. 3-9, 1780, to advise on affairs necessary to promote the most Vigorous prosecution of the War, and to provide for a most generous reception of Our French Allies. With In- troduction and Notes by Franklin B. Hough. 4to, cloth, uncut. Albany, 1867 Only one hundred copies printed. 402 Houghton, Thom. The Golden Treasury; or. The Compleat Minor, being Royal Institutions, or Proposals for Articles To Establish and Confirm Laws, Liberties & Cus- toms of Silver & Gold Mines, To all the King's Subjects, in such Parts of Africa and America, which are now (or shall 49 be Annexed to, and Dependant on the Crown of England, With Rules, L,aws and Methods of Mining, and Getting of Precious Stones; The Working and Making of Salt-Peter; And also, The Digging and Getting of Lead, Tin, Copper, and Quick-Silver-Oars, in Any or Either of those Countries; Whereb}' Navigation and Trade, with the Subjects Interest and Riches, together with the Crown's Revenues, would be greatly Encreased in a little Time. Most Humbly offered to the Consideration of the King's most Excellent Majesty & this Present Parliament. Small 8vo, original calf. London: Printed for the Author, and Sold by J. Marshall at the Bible in Grace- Church about 1699. Nice copy of this very curious ana rare book. 403 Hubbard, William. A Narrative of the Indian Wars in New-England from the First Planting thereof in the Year 1607, to the Year 1677. Containing a Relation of the Occasion, Rise and Progress of the War with the Indians in the Southern, Western, Eastern & Northern parts of Said Country. 8vo, original sheep. Stockbridge, Mass., 1803 Robt. Soutbey'scopy, presented to him by H. D. Sedgwick.auihor of papers on political economj'. 404 Hubbard, William. A Narrative of the Indian Wars in New-England, from the First Planting thereof in the year 1607, to the year 1677. Containing a relation of the occasions, Rise and Progress of the war with the Indians, in the Southern, Western, Eastern & Northern Parts of Said Country. i2mo, cloth. Braitleborough, 1814 405 Humboldt, Alexander de. Political Essay on the Kingdom of New Spain. Containing Researches Relative to the Geography of Mexico, etc. Translated by Jno. Black. 4 vols. 8vo, boards, uncut. London, 1822 Best edition. 406 Humboldt, Alexander De. Personal Narrative of Travels to the Equinoctial Regions of the New Continent during the Years 1 799-1804. By Alexander de Humboldt and Aime Bonpland. Maps, plans, etc. Translated by Helen M. Williams. 6 vols, in 7. 8vo, boards, uncut. London, 1822 Name on title. Best edition. 407 Hunt, Charles H. The Life of Edward Livingston. With an Introduction by George Bancroft. Portrait. 8vo, cloth, uncut. New York, 1864 408 Hunter's Panoramic Guide from Niagara to Quebec. Illustrated. i6mo, cloth. Boston, 1857 50 409 Huntington, Arria S. Under a Colonial Roof-Tree. Fireside Chronicles of Early New England. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth. Syracuse, 1892 410 TMLAY, GILBERT. A Topographical Description of the I Western Territory of North America. Containing a succinct Account of its Soil, Climate, Natural History, Population, Agriculture, Manners and Customs, with an ample Description of the several Divisions into which that Countr}' is Partitioned. Ilh(stratcd with correct maps of the Western Territory of North America ; of the State of Ken- tucky, the Tenasee Government and Plan of the Rapids of Ohio. Svo, original boards, uncut. London, 1797 Very scarce. Beaulitul clean copy. Contains Filson's Discovery and Set- tlement c)f Kentucky ; Account of the Indian Nations; Observations on the Indltin Works by Major Heart; Description of Louisiana and West Floi'ida; Hutchin's Topographical description of Virginia, Pennsylvania, Maryland and Korlh Carolina; Kennedy's Journal up the Illinois River; Description of the State of Tenasee; Adventures of Col. Daniel Boone, etc. 411 Indians. The Tears of the Indians. Being an Histori- cal and true Account of the Cruel Massacres and Slaughters of above Twenty Millions of Innocent People, Committed by the Spaniards In the Islands of Hispaniola, Cuba, Jamaica, etc. As also, on the Continent of Mexico, Peru, and other Places of the West-Indies, To the total destruc- tion of those Countries, Written in Spanish by Casaus, an Eye-witness of those things. And made English by J. P(hillips). Five ciiriojis cngj-avings representing the bar- barous treatment of the Indians by the Spaniards. Small, Svo, half calf. London : Printed by J. C. for Nath. Brook, at the Angel, in Cornhill, 1656. Fine copy of this excessively rare and remarkable book. 412 Indians. An Enquiry into the Cause of , the Alienation of the Delaware and Shawnese Indians, from the British Interest, And into the Measures taken for recovering their Friendship: Extracted from the Public Treaties, and other Authentic Papers relating to the Transactions of the Gov- ernment of Pensilvania and the said Indians, for near Forty Years; and explained by a Map of the Country, Together with the remarkable Journal of Christian Frederic Post, by whose Negotiations, among the Indians on the Ohio, they were withdrawn from the Interest of the French, who thereupon abandoned the Fort and Country. W^ith Notes by the Editor explaining sundry Indian Customs, etc. Writ- ten in Pensylvania. Folding map. Svo, original paper covers, uncut. London, 1759 From the Barlow sale. Fine copy. Rare. 51 413 Indians. Chahta Holisso (Cherokee Spelling Book). Illustrated with woodcuts i6mo, boards. Boston, 1830 414 Ireland, Alexander. Ralph Waldo Emerson. His Life, Genius and Writings. A Biographical Sketch, to which are added Personal Recollections of his Visit to Eng- • land, Extracts from Unpublished Letters, and Miscellaneous Characteristic Records. Portraits. 8vo, cloth. London, 1882 415 Irving, Theodore. The Conquest of Florida, under Hernando De Soto. 2 vols. 8vo, boards, uncut. London, 1835 416 Irving iana. A Memorial of Washington Irving. Por- trait from a sketch, by Darley. Small 4to, cloth. New York, i860 Contains contributions in print for the first time, by Jas. K. Lowell, H. W. Longfellow, Geo. W. Curtis and others. 417 Irving, Washington. Life of George Washington. Illustrated with steel engravings. 5 vols. 8 vo, cloth. New York, 1855-59 The First Edition. 418 Irving, Washington. The Life of George Washington. Elegayitly illustrated. 5 vols. Imperial 8vo, half leather, top edges gilt. New York, 1889 Limited Centennial Edition, of which only three hundred were piiaiid. This is No. 257. 419 Irving, Washington. The Life and Voyages of Chris- topher Columbus, and the Voyages and DihLO\eries of the Companions of Columbus. Elegantly illustrated, with many bidia proof s . 3 vols. Imperial 8vo, vellum, gilt, top edges gilt, uncut. New York, 1892 Quadei-Centennial Edition. Limited to four hundred and two copies 420 IxTLiLOXocHiTL, DoN FERNANDO D'Alva. Histoire de Chichimeques ou des Anciens Roi.s de Tezcuco. 2 vols, in I. 8vo, half straight gianed mcjrocco, top edges gilt. Paris, 1840 421 TAMES, GEORGE W. In and Around the Grand Can- J yon. The Grand Canyon of tlie Colorado River in Arizona, Illustrated. 8vo, ::loth. Ecston, 1900 422 Janney, Samuel M. The Life of William Penn; with Selections from his Correspondence and Autobiography. Portrait. 8vo, cloth. Philadelphia, 1852 52 423 Jay, John. The Correspondence and Public Papers of. 1763-1826. Edited by Henry P. Johnston. 4 vols. 8vo, lialf leather, top edges gilt, uncut. Putnam, New York, 1890-93 , Xo. 47 of Ihe letter-press e(litit)ii, of which only seven hundred and fltty copies were printed. 424 Jay, WiLlriAM. An Inquiry into the Character and Tend- ency of the American Colonization and American Anti- Slaver)'' Societies. i2mo, cloth. New York, 1837 425 Jay, William. A View ot the Action of the Federal Government in Behalf of Slavery. i6mo, cloth. New York, 1839 426 Jefferson, Joseph. Rip Van Winkle as Played by, Now for the First Time Published. IVifk ilhistrations, from pho- tographs, of Mr. feffcrson in the character of "^ Rip ; '" draw- ings made by Richard Crcifelds from scenes in the play ; I'cproductions of paintings by Mr. fcfferso7i of scenes in the Cats kill Mountains., and a portrait of Mr. Jefferson, in colors, from the photograph best liked by him, and signed tvith his autograph . Imperial 8vo, calf back, walnut sides, to imitate the tavern door upon which " Rip" kept his score, with wrought-iron hinges, uncut. New York, 1895. Of this edition, with proof iinijressions of all the illustrations, and portrait siened by Mr. Jefferson, one hundred copies were printed. This is No. 65. Has inserted an a. I. s. of Joseph Jefferson. 427 Jefferson, Joseph. The Autobiography of. Proftcsely ilhistrated. 8vo, cloth, top of edges gilt, uncut. New York, 1890 llus uutognipli quotation signed by the author on title page, "Does Any- body Want a Tutorhere. Dr. Pangless, L.L. D. and A. S. S. J. Jefferson, Nov. 5th, '90." 428 Jefferson, Thomas. The Writings of. Collected and Edited by Paul Leicester Ford. 10 vols. 8vo, half leather, top edges gilt, uncut. Putnam, New York, 1892 No. -214 of the Jotter press edition, of which only six hundred and fltty copies were printed. 429 Jefferson — Bibliotheca Jeffersoniana. A List of Books Written by or relating to Thomas Jeffenson. By Hamilton B. Tompkins. 8vo, half leather. New York, 1887 No. ~l of only three hundred and fifty copies printed. 430 Jenkins, Charles F. The Guide Book to Historic Ger- man town. Prepared for the Site and Relic Society. Illus- trated. i6ino, cloth, uncut. Germantown, 1902 53 431 Jenkins, Howard M. The Family of William Penn, Founder of Pennsylvania, Ancestry and Descendants. Numerous portraits. 8vo, buckram, top edges gilt. Philadelphia, 1899 432 Jesuit Relations and Allied Documents (The). Travels and Explorations of the Jesuit Missionaries in New France, 1610-1791. The Original French, Latin and Italian Texts, with English Translations and Notes. Illustrated by por- traits, maps and facsimiles . Edited by Reuben Gold Thwaites. With the Indexes. 73 vols. 8vo, buckram, top edges gilt, uncut. Burrows Brothers, Cleveland, 1 896-1901 No, 720 of 750 numbered sets, all published. The most important series of letters and narratives of early explorations and travels in this country that has ever been published. 433 Johns Hopkins University Studies in Historical and Political Science. Edited by H. B. Adams. First to Fifth Series. 3 vols. 8vo, cloth, and 2 vols, in parts. Together, 5 vols. Baltimore, 1883-1887 Lacks Part 9 of the Fifth Series. 434 Johnson, Captain Charles. A General History of the Pyrates, From Their first Rise and Settlement in the Island of Providence, to the present Time, With the remarkable Actions and Adventures of the two Female Pyrates, Mary Read and Anne Bonny; contain'd in the following Chapters: Introduction. Chap. IX. Of Capt. Roberts, Chap. I. Of Capt. Avery, X. Of Capt. Anstis, II. Of Capt. Martel, XI. Of Capt. Worley, III. Of Capt. Teach, XII. Of Capt. Lowther, IV. Of Capt. Bonnet, XIII. Of Capt. Low, V. Of Capt. England, XIV. Of Capt. Evans, VI. Of Capt. Vane, XV. Of Capt. Philips, VII. Of Capt. Rackani, XVI. Of Capt. Spriggs, VIII. Of Capt. Davis, And their several crews. To which is added A short Abstract of the Statute and Civil Eaw, in Relation to Pyracy. The Second Edition, with considerable Additions. Map and plates. 2 vols. 8vo, tan colored crushed levant, gilt tooling on back and sides, inside gold borders, polished gilt edges, by Bedford, Eondon. Printed for, and sold by T. Warner, at the Black-boy in Paternoster- Row, 1724. Fine copy, with the two duplicate plates with variations. Very scai'ce. 435 Johnson, Capt. Charles. A General History of the Lives and Adventures of the most Famous Highwaymen, Murderers, Street-robbers, etc. To which is added A Gen- uine Account of the Voyages and Plunders of the most 54 notorious Pyrates, &c. Interspers'd with several Diverting Histories of their Amours and Coniical Adventures. The Second Edition, aaorv'd ivith Twenty Ctiriotts Copper- Plates. Folio, full red crushed levant, gilt tooling on back and sides, inside gold borders, gilt edges- London, 1742 Beautiful copy of this very rare book, which embodies a great quantity of iimtter relating to the colonial history of British America, nowhere else extant, as the adventures of Capt. Edwd. Teach, called Blackboard, and his capture by Lieut. Maynard In the James River, Va. ; Capt. Avery, who risited the coast of New England, etc.. etc. 436 JOLiNE, Adrian H. Meditations of an Autograph Col- lector. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, uncut. New York, 1902 437 Jones, Alvin L. Under Colonial Roofs. Illustrated by forty full-page photogravtire plates, frovi 7iegatives by Webster. Oblong 4to, cloth, gilt. Boston, 1894 438 Jones. Paul. The Interesting Life, Travels, Voyages and Daring Engagements of that Celebrated and Justly- renowned Commander Paul Jones. Containing Numerous Anecdotes of undaunted Courage in the prosecution of his various enterprises. Written by himj^elf. With folding plate of "' Paul f ones, Shooting Lieutenant Grub.'''' i2mo, original paper covers, uncut. Philadelphia, 181 2 Name on title. 439 Jordan, David S. and Evermann, Barton W. American Food and Game Fishes. A Popular Account of all the Species found in America North of the Equator. With Keys for ready identification and Methods of Capture. Illustrated with colored plates, photographs, etc. 4to, cloth. New York, 1902 440 IXENDALL, EDWARD AUGUSTUS. Travels through j\^ the Northern Pe.rts of the United States in the Years 1807 and 1808. 3 vols. 8vo, half roan, uncut. New York, 1809 Page 247 torn, ot Vol. 3. 441 King, Rufus. The Life and Correspondence of. Com- prising His Letters, Private and Official, His Public Docu- ments and Speeches. Edited by his Grandson, Chas. R. King. Portrait. 6 vols. 8vo, half leather, top edges gilt, uncut. Putnam, New York, 1894- 1900 No. 1\f> of seven hundred and fifty copies printed. 442 KiNGSLEY, William L. Yale College. A Sketch of its History, with Notices of its several Departments, In- 55 structors and Benefactors. Together with some Account of Student Life and Amusements, by various authors. Edited by Wni. L,. Kingsley. Illustrated tvith views a^id portraits. 2 vols. Imperial folio, cloth. New York, 1879 443 Kingston Academy. The Book of Games; or, A His- tory of Juvenile Sports Practised at the. Illustrated xvith tiventy-f our copperplates. i6mo, half bound. Phila., 1821 444 Knapp, Samuel L. Life of Timothy Dexter; embracing Sketches of the Executive Characters that Composed his Associates. Frontispiece. i6rao, cloth. Boston, 1838 Rare life of one of the most peculiar characters. 445 Knox, John J. United States Notes. A History of the Various Issues of Paper Money by the Government of the U.S. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth. New York, 1884 446 T A LOR, JOHN" J. Cyclopaedia of Political Science, } ^ Political Economy, and of the Political History of the United States. By the best American and European Writers. 3 vols. 8vo, half morocco. Chicago, 1882 447 Lamb, Mrs. Martha J. Wall Street. A History. Illus- trated. 8vo, cloth. New York, 1883 448 La Vega, Garcilasso de. The Royal Commentaries of Peru. Written originally in Spanish by the Inca Garcilosso de La Vega. Rendered into English by Sir Paul Ricaut. /\7r/razV by White. (Torn.) Folio, old calf. (Broken.) London, 1688 449 Lea, Isaac. Contributions to Geology. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, uncut. Philadelphia, 1833 Presentation copy from the author. 450 Lechford, Thomas. Plain Dealing ; or. News from New England; with an Introduction and Notes by J. Ham- mond Trumbull. Small 4to, paper, uncut. Boston, 1867 No. 134 of two hundred and eighty-five copies printed. 451 Lee, Chauncey. The American Accomptant ; being a Plain, Practical and Systematic Compendium of Federal Arithmetic, in three parts, Designed for the Use of Schools and Specially Calculated for the Commercial Meridian of the United States of America. Frontispiece. i2mo, sheep. Lansiugburgh, 1797 452 Lei.and, Charles G. Fu.sang ; or, the Discovery of America. i2mo, cloth. New York, 1875 56 453 Leland, Charles G. The Algonquin Legends of New England ; or, Myths and Folk-Lore of the Micmac, Passa- maquoddy, and Penobscot Tribes. Illustrated. i2mo, cloth. Boston, 1884 454 Leland, Charles G. The Algonquin Legends of New England; or. Myths and Folk-Lore of the Micmac, Passa- maquoddy and Penobscot Tribes. i2mo, cloth. Bost., i 455 Lery, Jean de. Histoire d'un Voyage fait en la Terre du Bresil, Autrement dite Amerique. Conteuant la Naviga- tion et choses remarquables veues sur mer par I'autheur. Le comportement de Villegagnon en ce pays-la. Les Moeurs & facons de viure estranges des Sauuages Ameriquains ; auec vn Colloque de leur langage, Ensemble la description de plusieurs Animaux, Arbres, Herbes, & autres choses singulieres, & du tout inconues pardeca ; dont on verra les sommaires des chapitres au comencement du luire. Reveve, Corriggee, et Bein augnientee en ceste troisieme Edition, tant de figures, qu autres choses notables sur le suiet de I'au- theur. Le tout recue:lle sur les lieux par Jean de Lery, natif de la Margelle, terre de sainct Sene, au Duch6 de Bourgongue. Small 8vo, full blue crushed levant, blind-tooled, inside gold borders, polished gilt edges. Pour les heritiers d'Eustache Vignon, 1594 Exceedingly scarce, and a beautiful copy, witli the nine curious engravings, Including the rare folding plate of an Indian battle. 456 Lesley, Susan I. Recollections of My Mother. Ilhis- trated. 8vo, cloth, top edge gilt. Boston, 1886 Privately printed. 457 Levermore, Charles H. The Republic of New Haven. A History of Municipal Evolution. 8vo, cloth. Baltimore, 1886 458 Lewis, Lawrence, Jr. A History of the Bank of North America. The First Bank Chartered in the United States. Illustrated ivith etched portraits, etc. Royal 8vo, three-quarter morocco, gilt, top edge gilt. Philadelphia, 1882 Extra illustrated with sixty-four portraits, mostly proofs and private plates; a. d. s. of James Wilson, the signer; a. I. s. of Robert Morris, the signer; a. I. j. of Thomas Willing; a. I. s. of Colonel John Nixon, member of the Old Congress, etc. Name of former owner on title. 459 Lewis, Lawrence. A History of the Bank of North America. The First Bank Chartered in U. S. Portraits, etc. 8vo, cloth. Philadelphia, 1882 57 460 Liberia. Constitution and Laws of Maryland in Liberia. With an Appendix of Precedents. 8vo, half bound. Baltimore, 1837 461 Lincoln, Abraham. An Unique Collection of One Hun- dred and Forty-four Separate and Distinct Eulogies, Sermons and Discourses on the Death of Abraham Lincoln. All delivered on or about the time of his Assassination and Burial. No duplicates. 8vo. 144 pieces An exceedingly rare and interesting lot, containing many that are seldom met with. 462 Lincoln and Douglas. Political Debates between Hon. Abraham Lincoln and Hon. Stephen A. Douglas in the Celebrated Campaign of 1858 in Illinois. 8vo, cloth. Columbus, i860 463 Lincoln. Obsequies of Abraham Lincoln, in the City of New York, Under the Auspices of the Common Council. By David T. Valentine. Illustrated. 8vo, morocco, gilt. New York, 1866 Contains the first edition of William Cnllen Bryant's Funeral Ode on Lincoln. 464 Lindsay and Blakiston's Plan of the City of Philadel- phia. i6mo, roan. Philadelphia, N. D 465 Lippard, George. The Legends of the American Revo- lution, " 1776; " or, Washington and his Generals. 8vo, cloth. Philadelphia, N. D 466 Lippard, George. New York. Its Upper Ten and Lower Million. Portrait. Bvo, cloth. Cincinnati, 1854 467 Lippard, George. Blanche of Brand^^wine. The Quaker City; or. The Monks of Monk Hall; and Paul Audeuheim, The Monk of Wissahickon. 3 vols. 8vo, cloth. Philadelphia, N. D 468 LiTTLEFiELD, GEORGE Emery. Early Boston Book- sellers. 1642-1711. Illustrated with facsimiles. 8vo, half leather, uncut. Boston, 1900 Published by "The Club of Odd Volumes." Only one hundred and fifty copies printed, of which this is No. 5. 469 LocKwooD, Luke Vincent. Colonial Furniture in America. Ilhistrated with two hundred and ninety-three illustrations 0/ various styles of antique furniture. 4to, cloth. New York, 1901 470 Lodge, Henry Cabot. The Story of the Revolution. Profusely illustrated. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth, top edges gilt, uncut. New York, 1898 58 471 Long's Expedition. Narrative of an Expedition to the Source of St. Peter's River, Lake Winnepeek, Lake of the Woods, etc., Performed in the Year 1823, by Order of the Hon. J. C. Calhoun, Secretary of War, under the Command of Stephen H. Long, Major U. S. T. E. Compiled from the Notes of Major Long, Messrs. Say, Keating and others, by William H. Keating. Map and plates. 2 vols. 8vo, boards, uncut. Philadelphia, 1824 Very scarce. Somewhat foxed. 472 Long's Second Expedition. Narrative to an Expedi- tion to the Source of St. Peter's River, Lake Winnepeek, Lake of the Woods, etc., Performed in the Year 1823, by order of the Hon. J. C. Calhoun, Secretary of War, under the Command of Stephen H. Long. Compiled from the notes of Major Long, Messrs. Sa3^ Keating and Calhoun, by William H. Keating. Map and illustrations. 2 vols. 8vo, half morocco, top edges gilt. London, 1825 473 LossiNG, Benson J. The Pictorial Field-Book of the Revolution; or, Illustrations by Pen and Pencil of the His- tory, Biography, Scenery, Relics, and Traditions of the War for Independence. Several hundred engravings on wood, by Lossing and Barritt. 2 vols. 8vo, calf, gilt, marbled edges. New York, 1851 The First Edition. 474 Lossing, Benson J. The Diary of George Washington, from 1789 to 1 791; Embracing the Opening of the First Congress and his Tours through New England, Long Island and the Southern States, together with his Journal of a Tour to the Ohio in 1753. Edited by Benson J. Lossing. Por- trait. i2mo, cloth. New York, i860 475 Lossing, Benson J. Mount Vernon and its Associa- tions, Historical, Biographical and Pictorial. Numerous illustrations. Square, 8vo, cloth. New York, ,1859 First Edition. 476 Lossing, Benson J. Mary and Martha, the Mother and the Wife of George Washington. Illustrated. i2mo, cloth. New York, N. D 477 Love. W. DeLoss, Jr. The Fast and Thanksgiving Days of New England. Illustrated with facsimiles of broad- sides. 8vo, cloth. Boston, 1895 478 LovEjOY. Rev. Elijah P. Memoir of. Who was Mur- dered in Defence of the Liberty of the Press, at Alton, Illinois, November 7, 1837. By Jos. C. and Owen Lovejoy. With Introduction by John Quincy Adams. i2mo, cloth. New York, 1838 Name on title. 59 479 Lyon, Irving Whitall. The Colonial Furniture of New England. A Study of the Domestic Furniture in use in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries Ftdly illus- trated. 4to, cloth, uncut. Boston, 1891 Exceedingly scarce, and the best authority on the subject. 480 (\ yicCLURE. A. K. Our Presidents, and How We ]Y\ Make Them. 'Illustrated. 8vo, cloth. New York, 1900 481 McCooK, Henry C. The Martial Graves of our Fallen Heroes in Santiago de Cuba. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth. Philadelphia, 1899 482 McCuLLOH, J. R. Researches — Philosophical and Anti- quarian — Concerning the Aboriginal History of America. Map. 8vo, cloth. Baltimore, 1829 Presentation copy from the author to George R. Gllddon. 483 McDonald, Gbn. John. Secrets of the Great Whiskey Ring, and Eighteen Months in the Penitentiary. Illus- strated. i2mo, cloth. St. Louis, N. D Presentation copy from the author. 484 McElroy's Presbyterian Church Case ; with the Charge of Judge Rogers, The Verdict of the Jury, and The Opinion of the Chief Justice Gibson. 8vo, cloth. Philadelphia, 1839 485 McIlvaine, William, Jr. Sketches of Scenery and Notes of Personal Adventure in California and Mexico. CojitaininQ- sixteen lithographic plates. 8vo. cloth. Philadelphia, 1850 Presentation copy from the author. 486 MacKennal, Alex. Homes and Haunts of the Pilgrim Fathers. Four colored and nhiety-three other illustrations . 4to, vellum, ties. London, 1899 Edition limited to fifty copies, of which this is No. 23. 487 Mackenzie, Alexander. Voyages from Montreal, on the River St. Lawrence, Through the Continent of North America, to the Frozen and Pacific Oceans; In the Years 1789 and 1793, with a preliminary account of the Rise, Progress, and Present State of the Fur Trade of that Country. Fine portrait by Conde, and maps. 4to, original lettered boards and printed label, uncut. London, 1801 Fine clean copy of the most desirable edition. 6o 488 Maclay, Edgar S. A History of the United States Navy, from 1775 to 1901. Illustrated. 3 vols. 8vo, cloth, top edges gilt. New York, 1901 Thl8 Is the history which brought about the investigation in behalf of -Admiral Schley, which caused it to be condemned by the government. First Edition. 489 M.vcKENziE, Robert. America. A History. 121110, cloth. London, 1882 490 AIadeir.-v Louis C. Annals of Music in Philadelphia and History of the Musical Fund Societ}-, from its Organization in 1820 to the Year 1858. Illustrated. i2mo, cloth, top edge gilt, uncut. Philadelphia, 1896 491 Magoon, E. L. Orators of the American Revolution. 121110, cloth. New York, 1848 492 Mahan, Capt. a. T. The Influence of Sea Power Upon the French Revolution and Empire, 1793-181 2. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. Bo.ston, 1898 493 Mahan, Capt A. T. The Influence of Sea Power Upon History, 1660-1783. Fourteenth Edition. 8vo, cloth. Boston, 1898 494 Mamiani p. Luis Vincencio, Arte de Grammatica da Lingua Brasilica da Nacam Kiriri Composta Pelo P. Luis. Vincencio Mamiani, Da Companhia de Jesu, Missionario nas Aldeas da dita Nacao. Small 8vo, full, crushed levant, blind tooled, inside gold border, gilt edge. Lisboa, 199 Excessively rare, and one of the earliest books relating to the Indian lan- guage of Brazil. 495 Martin, John Hill. Chester (and its Vicinity), Dela- ware Count}^ in Pennsylvania, with Genealogical Sketches of some Old Families. Portrait. 8vo, cloth. Phila., 1877 Only five hundred copies published. 496 Mason, Edward T. Humorous Masterpieces from Amer- ican Literature. Edited by. 3 vols. i6mo. cloth. New York, 1886 497 Mason, George. The Life of. 17 25- 1792. By Kate Mason Rowland. Including His Speeches, Public Papers and Correspondence. With an Introduction by Gen'l Fitz- hugh Lee. Portrait. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth, top edges gilt, uncut. New York, 1892 498 Mason, George C. The Life and Works of Gilbert Stuart. Selections from Stuart' s portraits rep?-odiiccd on steel and by photogravure. 4to, cloth. New York, 1879 6i 499 Massachusetts. The Berkshire Jubilee. Celebrated at Pittsfield, Mass., Aug. 22 and 23, 1844. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth. Alban)^ 1845 Contains the first edltiou of a poem by Dv. Oliver Wendell Holmes. 500 Mather, W. W. First Annual Report of the Geological Survey of the State of Ohio, 8vo, cloth. Columbus, 1838 Name on title. 501 Matthews, Washington. Navaho Legends Collected and Translated b}'. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth. Boston, 1897 \'o\. 5 of the American Folk-Lore Society. 502 Mawe, John. Travels in the Interior of Brazil, partic- ularly in the Gold and Diamond Districts of that Country. Ilhistratcd. 8vo, boards, uncut. Philadelphia, 18 16 503 Mease, James. The Picture of Philadelphia. Giving an Account of its Origin, Increase and Improvements. Vieiu of State House and United States Bank, but lacking the folding view. i2nio, sheep. Philadelphia, 1811 504 Mercer, H. C. Researches Upon the Antiquity of Man in the Delaware Valley and the Eastern United States. Illustrated. 8vo, boards. Philadelphia, 1897 505 Mercer, Henry C. The Hill-Caves of Yucatan. A Search for Evidence of Man's Antiquity in the Caverns of Central America. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth. Phila., 1856 507 MiLBERT, J. Itineraire Pittoresque du Fleuve Hudson, et des parties laterales de Iv'Amerique du Nord; d'apres les dessins Originaux pris sur les lieux par J. Milbert. 2 vols, text, 4to, and 2 vols, of fifty -tJuxe lithographic plates on India paper. Folio. Together, 4 vols. Half calf. Paris, 1828 Very »carce. Contaiud vitjws of New York from Weahawk, Pierpont'« Dis- tillery on Long Island, Prevost Street and Chapel New York City; Tarry- Town, Haver.straw, Plain of West Point, Military School of West Point, Town of Hudson, View of Albany, Saratoga Springs, Jessup's Landing, Niagara Falls, View of Boston, North view of Providence, Schuylkill Water- Works, &c., &c. 508 Mitchell, Donald G. American Lands and Letters. The Mayflower to Rip- Van- Winkle. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, top edge gilt, uncut. New York, 1897 509 Mitchell, Donald G. American Lands and Letters. Leather-Stocking to Poe's " Raven." Profusely illustrated. 8vo, cloth, top edge gilt, uncut. New York, 1899 62 510 Monroe, James. The Writings of. Including a Collec- tion of His Public and Private Papers and Correspondence Now for the first time printed. Edited by Stanislaus M. Hamilton. Portrait. ' 6 vols. 8vo, half leather, top edges gilt, uncut. Putnam, New York, 1898 No. 230 of the letter press edition, of which only seven hundred and fifty were printed. 511 MoNTFAUCON, BERNARD DE. L'Antiquit6 Expliqu6e et Representee en Figures, contenant Les Dieux des Grecs et des Romains Le culte des Grecs et des Romains, Les Heros parvenus a la Divinite La Religion des Egyptiens, des Arabes, des Syriens, des Perses, des Scythes, des Germains, des Gaulois, des Espagnals et des Carthaginois, Les Habits, Les Meubles, les Vases, les Monoyes, les Poids, les Mesures des Grecs, des Romains et des Autres, Nations, Les Baios, les Mariages, les grands et les petits Jeux, les Pompes, la Chasse, la Peche, les Arts etc.. La Guerre, les Voitures, les grands Cherniu, les Fonts, les Aqueducs la Navigation, Les Chemias publies, les Aqueducs, et la Nav- igation, Les Funerailles, les Lampes, les Supplies, Les Funerailles des Nations barbares, les Lamps, etc., etc., etc. The zvhole ilhistrated with hundreds of superb plates engraved by the most 7ioted artists. 5 vols, in 15, including the Supplement. Folio, full light calf, gilt, gilt edges. Paris, 1719-1724 A beautiful large-paper copy of one of the most stupendous productions of the press of the eighteenth century, and a work of the highest authority. The binding on a few of the volumes is slightly cracked, but can be easily re- paired, otherwise it is in fine condition. The following lot should accompany this work. It is bound to match. 512 MONTKAUCON, BERNARD DE. Les Monumens de la Mon- archic Francoise, qui comprennent 1' Histoire de France, avec les figures de chaque Regne que 1' Injure des terns a e'pargue' es. 5 vols. Folio, full light calf, gilt edges. Paris, 1729 Large-paper copy, supplemental to and will be sold with lot 511. 513 (MooRE, Mrs. B1.00MFIELD.) Poems. A Chapter from the Modern Pilgrim's Progress. Slander and Gossip. (Compiled.) i2mo, cloth, top edge gilt, uncut. 1882 Printed for private circulation. Written by Mrs. Bloonifleld Moore. Very rare. 514 Moorehead, Warren K. Prehistoric Implements. A Reference Book and a Description of the Ornaments, Uten- sils and Implements of Pre-Columbian Man in America. Six hu7idred and twenty-one illustratiofis . 8vo, cloth. Saranac Lake, 1900 63 515 Morgan, Lewis H. League of the Ho-De-No San-Nee; or Iroquois. A New Edition; with Additional Matter. Edited and Annotated by Herbert M. Lloyd. Many colored plates. 2 vols. 8vo, half vellum, uncut. New York, 1901 one of thirty copies printed on Japanese vellum paper. C16 Another copy. 2 vols, 8vo, cloth, uncut. New York, 1901 One of three hundred copies printed on hand-made paper. 517 Mormon B1BI.E. The Book of Mormon. An Ace: unt Written by the Hand of Mormon, upon Plates taken from the Plates of Nephi. By Joseph Smith, Junior, Author and Proprietor. i2nio, sheep. Palmyra, 1830 First Kdition. Very rare. Somewhat foxed, 518 Morris, Margaretta, and Congdon, Louise B. A Book of Bryn Mawr Stories. i2mo, cloth. Phila., 1901 519 Morris, Margaret. Private Journal Ke[)t During a Poition of the Revolutionary War, for the Amusement of a Sister. 4to, half roan. Philadelphia, 1836 Fity copies privately printed. Very rare and interestins, giving particular accounis of the movements of the British and American Armies. Battle of Trenton, etc. 520 MoRRiSTOWN Ghost (The); or, "Yankee Trick." Be- ing a True, Interesting and Strange Narrative. i6mo, paper, uncut. Newark, 1896 One of seventy -five copies printed. 521 Moss, Frank. The American Metropolis; From Knick- erbocker Days to the Present Time; New York City Life in all its Various Phases. With an Introduction by Rev. Charles H. Parkhurst. Illustrated. 3 vols. 8vo, cloth. N. Y., 1897 522 Motley, John Lothrop. The Correspondence of. Edited by George William Curtis. Portrait. 2 vols. Royal 8vo, cloth, top edges gilt, uncut. N. Y., 1889 523 Muirhead, James F. America, the Land of Contrasts. A Briton's View of his American Kin. i2mo, cloth. New York, 1902 524 MuMFORD, James G. Mumford Memoirs. Being the Story of the New England Mumfords, from the Year 1655 to the Present Thne. 8vo, cloth, uncut. Boston, 1900 Privately printed at the Merrymount Press. 52s Myers, Albert Cook. Immigration of the Irish Quak- ers into Pennsylvania, 1 682-1 750. With their E:arly His- tory in Ireland. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, top edge gilt. Swarthmore, 1902 Limited edition. 64 526 IV TADAILLAC, MARQUIS DE, Pie-Historic America. 1^ Translated by N. D' An vers. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth. New York, 1893 527 Nason, Rev. Elias. A Monogram on Our National Song. Bvo, cloth, top edge gilt. Albany, 1869 528 Nason, Elias. Sir Charles Henry Frankland, Baronet; or, Boston in the Colonial Times. 8vo, half morocco. Albany, 1865 530 Nason, Rev. Elias. A Gazetteer of the State of Mas- sachusetts. Numerous illustratio7is on wood ajid steel. 8vo, half morocco. Boston, 1874 532 Nason, Elias. A Memoir of Mrs. Susanna Rowson. With Elegant and Illustrative Extracts from her Writings in Prose and Poetry. Portrait. 8vo, cloth. Albany, 1870 533 Nelson's Falls OF Niagara. Being a Complete Guide. Tinted plates. i6mo. In case. London, 1866 534 New-England Primer. Improved. i6mo, boards. Albany, 1885 535 New York. Original Water Color View of Castle Garden, New York. Painted by W. V. Bonfield. 4to. Beautifully painted. 536 New York. The Olden Time in. I. New York So- ciety in the Olden Time. II. Traces of American Lineage in England. Svo, cloth. New York, 1872 537 New York. Reports of the Regents of the University of the State of. 1837, 1843, 1848 to 1851. Ilkistrated. 2 vols. Svo, paper, and i vol. (1848-51). In half mo- rocco. Together, 3 vols. New York, 1537-51 538 New York. Ecumenical Missionary Conference. New York, 1900. 2 vols. Svo, cloth. New York, 1900 539 New York. The Perils of Pearl Street. Including a Taste of the Dangers of Wall Street. By a late Merchant. i2mo, cloth. New York, 1834 540 New York. An Account of Anneke Janse and her Fam- ily; also the Will of Anneke Janse, in Dutch and English. i2mo. Albany, 1870 541 New York. Anneke Jans Bogardus, her Farm, and How it became the Property of Trinity Church, New York. An Historical Inquiry b}'^ Stephen P. Nash. Prepared and Printed for the Use of the Church. Svo, paper. New York, 1896 I'resentallon copy from the author. 65 542 NiCHOivAY, John G. and Hay, John. Abraham Lincoln. A History. Portrait. 10 vols. 8vo, half morocco, top edges gilt. N. Y., 1890 543 Nodal. Relacion del Viaje que Por orden de sv Mag. y Acverdo del real consejo de Indias. Hizieron los capitanes Bartolome Garcia de Nodal y Goucalo de Nodal hermanos, naturales de Ponte Vedra, al descubrimiento del Estrecho neubo de S, Vinceute y reconosimjo nuebo de S. Vincente y reconosimjo del de Magellanes. A. Don Fernando Carrillo. Cauallero del abito de Santiago etc. Eng7'avcd title -with portraits of the two Nodals and rare foldi^ig map. Small 4to, vellum. Madrid, 1621 Fine copy. 544 NoRDHOFF, Charles. The Communistic Societies of the United States. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth. N. Y., 1875 545 North and South America. A Rare Collection of Forty-two Maps relating to. Folio, boards. Published, 1758-74 Contains: Fopple's Map ot America, with small views of New York, Que- bec, Falls of Niagara and City of Mexico in tlie corners ; Popple's Map of tlae British Empire in America ; Plans of the Forts and Harbours in the British- American Colonies, including that of Boston Harbour, New York, Perth Am- boy, Charles Town, S. C, St. Augustine, Providence, etc.; Fine Views of New York, Quebec, Falls of Niagara and City of Mexico, on two sheets ; Mttchell's large Map of North America, with Plans of the Towns of Halifax, Louisbourg and Quebec, on four large sheets ; Covens & Mortier's Map of Connecticut; Map of the Country round Philadelphia ; Vander Aa's Map of Virginia ; Cov- ens & Mortier's Map of Louisiana, Maryland, Virginia, Carolina, Georgia and Florida ; Map of the Seat ot War in America ; Particular Map of the Isthmus of Darien, etc.; De L'Isle's Map of St. Domingo, etc., etc. All in fine con- dition. 546 y^GILBY, JOHN. Africa : Being An Accurate Descrip- \_J tiou of the Regions of ^gypt, Barbary, Lybria, and Billedulgerid, The Land of Negroe, Guinee, Ethiopia and the Abyssines, With all the Adjacent Islands, either in the Mediterranean, Atlantick, Southern, or Oriental Sea, belonging thereunto, With their several Denominations of their Coasts, Harbours, Creeks, Rivers, Lakes, Cities, Towns, Castles and Villages; Their Customs, Modes and Manners, Languages and Religions, and Inexhaustible Treasure; With their Governments and Policy, variety of Trade and Barter, And also of their Wonderful Plants, Beasts, Birds and Serpents. Collected and Translated from most Authen- tick, And Augmented with later Observations. Illustrated with notes, and adorned with peculiar maps and proper sculp- tures. Folio, contemporary calf. London, 1670 The original edition. A clean, tall copy of this curious old liislory. (5) 66 547 Ogilby, John. Atlas Japaunensis. Being Remarkable Addresses by way of Embassy, from the East-India Com- pany of the United Provinces to the Emperor of Japan, Containing A Description of their several Territories, Cities, Temples and Fortresses ; their Religions, Eaws, and Cus- toms ; their Prodigious Wealth, and Gorgeous Habits ; the Nature of their Soil, Plants, Beasts, Hills, Rivers and Fountains ; with The Character of the Ancient and Mod- ern Japanuers, Collected out of their several Writings and Journals bj' Arnoldus Montanus. Euglish'd, and Adorn'd with above a hundred several sculptures. By John Ogilby. Folio, contemporary calf. London, 1670 This should accompany '■ Atlas (Jhinensis," which foUows this description. Both are fine, clean copies, and are very desirable and rare. 548 Ogilby, John. Atlas Chinensis ; Being a Second Part of a Relation of Remarkable Passages in two Embassies from the East-India Company of the United Provinces, to the Vice-Roy Singlamong and General Taising Lipovi, and to Konchi, P^mperor of China and East Tartary, With a Rela- tion of the Netherlands Assisting the Tartar against Coxinga and the Chinese Fleet, who till then were Masters of the Sea, and A more Exact Geographical Description than formerly, both of the whole Empire of China in general, and in particular of every of the fifteen Provinces. Col- lected out of their several Writings and Journals by Arnoldus Montanus. English'd and Adorn'd with above a htoidred sevei'al sculptures. By John Ogilby. Folio, contemporary calf. Eondon, 1671 549 Ogilby, John. America; being the latest, and most Ac- curate Description of the New World. Containing The Original of the Inhabitants, and the Remarkable Voyages thither, the Conquest of the Vast Empires of Mexico and Peru, and other large Provinces and Territories, with the several European Plantations in those Parts; also Their Cities, Fortresses, Towns, Temples, Mountains and Rivers ; Their Habits, Customs, Manners, and Religions; Their Plants, Beasts, Birds and Serpents, with An Appendix, con- taining, besides several other considerable Additions, a brief Survey of what hath been discover'd of the Unknown South- Eand,and the Arctick Region. Collected from most Authen- tick Authors, Augmented with later Observations, a7id Adorn' d ivith Maps and Sculptures. By John Ogilby, Esq., His Majesty's Cosmographer, etc. Folio, half calf. (Broken.) Eondon, 1671 An unusual copy of this very rare and desirable work, with the scarce maps of New York, Maryland, Virginia, Carolina, Florida, View of New Amster- dam, San Francisco, etc. 67 550 OgiIvBy, John. An Embassy from the East-India Com- pany of the United Provinces to the Grand Tartar Cham, Emperor of China, deliver'd by Their Excellencies Peter de Goyer, and Jacob de Keyser, At His Imperial City of Peking, wherein The Cities, Towns, Villages, Ports, Rivers, etc., In their Passages from Canton, to Peking, Are Ingen- iously Describ'd By John Nieuhoff, Steward to the Ambas- sadors, also An Epistle of Father John Adams, their An- tagonist, Concerning the Whole Negotiation; With an Appendix of several Remarks taken out of Father Athan- asius Kircher. English 'd and set forth with their several Sculptures. Folio, contemporary half calf. Loudon, 1673 Almost a large-paper copy. Very rare. 551 Old Nkwspapkrs. The Telegraph and Daily Advertiser. January i, to December 20, 1805. Folio, half bound. Baltimore 552 The Repertory. March 13, 1807, to January 13, 1809. Folio, half bound. Boston, 1807-9 Contains notices of the deaths of Fisher Ames and Governor Sullivan. 553 Federal Gazette and Baltimore Daily Advertiser. July 21, to December 31, 1807. Folio, half bound. Baltimore 554 Columbian Centinel. September 4, 1805, to December 23, 1809. 3 vols. Folio, half bound. Boston Some few numbers mutilated. 555 O1.IVER, Fitch E. The Diary of William Pynchon of Salem. A Picture of Salem L,ife, Social and Political, a Cen- tury Ago. Edited by. 8vo, cloth. Boston, 1890 556 pAGE, THOMAS NELSON. In Ole Virginia. Ilhis- \ tratedhy W. T. Smedly, Howard Pyle and others. 8vo, cloth. New York, 1896 557 Page, Thomas Nelson. In Ole Virginia; or, Marse Chan and other Stories. Frontispiece. i6mo, cloth. New York, 1890 558 Page, Thomas Nelson. Among the Camps; or. Young People's Stories of the War. Illustrated. Small 4to, cloth. New York, 1891 559 Paine, Thomas. The Writings of. Collected and Edited by Moncure D. Conway. 4 vols. 8vo, half leather, top edges gilt, uncut. Putnam, New York, 1894 No. 85 of one hundred and fifty copies printed. U uilorm with the edition of the writings of Washington, Franklin, Uauiilton, and others. 68 560 Pamphlets. Acts of the Legislature of Pennsylvania, Relative to the Schuylkill Navigation Company. 1826. — Report of the Trial and Acquittal of Hon. Robert Porter, upon an Impeachment. 1827. — Review of the Speech of Henry Brougham, upon the vState of the Law. By D. P. Brown. 1828. — Trial of Lucretia Chapman, for the Murder of William Cbapman. 1832. — Opinion of the Supreme Court of the State of New York, in a Case in which James Field was Plaintiff and Charles Field, Defendant. 1833. — Trial of Charles Getter, for the Murder of his Wife, late of Forks Township, Northampton County, Pa. 1833. — Opinion of the Circuit Court of the United States for the Eastern Dis- trict of Pennsylvania, in the Case of Wheaton & Donaldson z's. Peters and Grigg. 1833. — Opinion of the Circuit Court of the United States, on the Will of Sarah Zane. Philadelphia, 1834. — Report of the Trial and Conviction of John Earls, for the Murder of his Wife, Catharine Earls. 1836. — Con- fession of John Earls. 1836. Etc. Bound in i vol. 8vo, half sheep. 561 Pamphlkts. a Collection of Pamphlets relating to the Democratic Part}' on the Eve of the Civil War and Election of Buchanan. — The Issue Fairly Presented, Black Repub- licanism verses Democracy, New York, 1856. — Correspond- ence between New York Merchants and Gov. Floyd of Va., 1856. — Justice to the South, by James A. Dorr, 1856. — The Last Appeal to Pennsylvania, by W. B. Reed. — Battle- Ground Convention Speech of Hon. James B. Clay. — The Democratic and Republican Platforms, by J. F.Johnson. — Short Answers to Reckless Fabrications against James Bu- chanan, 1856. — Proceedings of the Pennsylvania Democratic State Convention at Harrisburg, 1856, etc., etc. Bound in 4 vols. 8vo, half roan. 562 Pamphlets. A Collection of Pamphlets Relating to the First French Republic, including Wheatle5^'s Historic Doubts concerning Napoleon, etc. In i vol. 8vo, half bound. 563 Pamphlkts. A Collection of Pamphlets Relating to Secretary Seward's Diplomacy, in i vol. 8vo, half roan. 564 Pamphlets. A Collection of Pamphlets Relating to the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania and the Medical Department of the University of Pennsylvania, etc., etc. Bound in i vol. 8vo, half roan, 565 Parker, Theodore. Life and Correspondence of. By John, Portrait. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. New York, 1864 69 566 Parkman, Francis, Jr. The California and Oregon Trail. Being Sketches of Prairie and Rocky Mountain Life. Frontispiece . i2mo, cloth. New York, 1849 First Edition. Very scarce- 567 Parkman, Francis. History of the Conspiracy' of Pontiac and the War of the North American Tribes Against the English Colonies after the Conquest of Canada. 8vo, cloth. Boston, 1 85 1 First Edition. 568 Parkman, Francis. The Jesuits in North America in the Seventeenth Century. 8vo, cloth. Boston, 1867 First Edition. 569 Parkman, Francis. The Old Regime in Canada. 8vo, cloth. Boston, 1874 First Edition. 570 Parkman, Francis. Pioneers of France in the New World. Portrait. Royal 8vo, cloth, uncut. Boston, 1866 No. 32 of seventy-flve large-paper copies printed. 571 Parkman, Francis. The Oregon Trail. Sketches of Praire and Rocky-Mountain L,ife. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, gilt. Boston, 1892 572 Parkman, Francis. A L,ife of. By Charles H. Farn- ham. Portrait. 8vo, cloth. Boston, 1901 573 Parkman, Francis. The Works of. Containing Pio- neers of France in the New World, The Jesuits in North America, La Salle and the Discovery of the Great West, The Old Regime in Canada, Frontenac and New France under Louis XIV, Half Century of Conflict, Montcalm and Wolfe, Conspiracy of Pontiac, The Oregon Trail, and Life by Charles H . Farnham . The whole p?vfiisely illustrated. 21 vols. 8vo, half calf, top edges gilt, uncut. Boston, 1897 The edition de luxe, and the best edition, limited to three hundred copies, ot which this is No. 107. 574 Parton, Jamks. Life of Andrew Jackson. Portrait. 3 vols. 8vo, cloth. New York, 1861 575 Patterson, Samuel. Narrative of the Adventures and Sufferings of. Experienced on the Pacific Ocean, and many other parts of the World ; with an account of the Feegee and Sandwich Islands. i2mo, paper. From the Press in Palmer, May i, 1817 576 Peck, Charles H. The Jacksonian Epoch. Svo, cloth, top edges gilt. New York, 1899 70 577 Pklletreau, William S. Early New York Houses; with Historical aud Genealogical Notes. VViili original illustrations by C. G. Moller, Jr. In lo parts. Folio. New York, 1900 ' No. 3 of twenty-flve copies printed on Japan paper. 578 Pennington, Mary. A Brief Account of My Exercises from My Childhood, Left with my Dear Daughter, Gulielma Maria Penn. 8vo, half morocco. Philadelphia, 1848 Privately printed. 579 Pennsylvania. Memoirs of the Historical Society of Pennsylvania, Vol. i (reprint); Vol. 5, History of Brad- dock's Expedition; Vol. 6, Contributions to American His- tory; Vol. 7, Record of Upland aud Denny's Military Journal; Vol. 8, Minutes of the Committee of Defence of Philadelphia, 1814-15; Vols. 9 aud 10, The Penn and Logan Correspondence; Vol. 11, Acrelius' History of New Swe- den; Vol. 12, Heckewelder's Indian Nations; Vols. 13 and 14, Life and Writings of John Dikinson. Together, 11 vols. 8vo, cloth, uncut. Phila., 1864-1895 580 Pennsylvania and the Federal Constitution. 1787-1788. Edited by John Bach McMaster and Frederick D. Stone. N urn e^'ous portraits. 8vo, cloth, top edge gilt, uncut. Philadelphia, 188S PubUshed for subscribers by the Pennsylvania Historical Society. Scarce. 581 Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography. Illustrated. From the Commencement, 1877, to Jul)', 1902. Vol. I, to second part of Vol. 26. 22 vols. 8vo, half bound, and 3 vols, in parts. Philadelphia, 1 877-1 902 Published by the Historica! Society of Pennsylvania. BoxTud uniformly in the style of the society. Will be sold as twenty-flve volumes. 582 Pennsylvania. The Colonial Society of, Charter, Con- stitution, By-Laws, Officers, Committees, Members, etc. 8vo, cloth, uncut. Philadelphia, 1902 583 Pennsylvania. A Pleasant Peregrination through the Prettiest Parts of Peunsylvania, performed by Peregrine Prolix. i6mo, cloth. Philadelphia, 1836 585 Pennsylvania Society of New York. Year Book of. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth. New York, 1902 586 Pennypacker, Hon. Samuel W. The Settlement of Germantown, Peunsylvania, aud the Beginning of German Emigration to North America. Profusely illustrated. 8vo, buckram, top edge gilt, uncut. Philadelphia, 1899 Only three hundred copies printed. The purest most correct and beat written history that has emenatcd from the pen of any American. 71 587 Perry, William Stevens. Historical Collections Re- lating to the iVmerican Colonial Church (Virginia and Pennsylvania). 2 vols. 4to, paper, uncut. Printed for Subscribers, 1870-71 Only two hundred and fifty copies printed, on large paper. 588 Peterson, Arthur. Songs of New Sweden, and other Poems. i2rao, cloth. Philadelphia, 1887 589 Philadelphia. A Gallery of Eminent Men of Phila- delphia. Contemporary with the Enforcement of the New City Charter and the Centennial Celebration of the National Constitution, with Biographies. Edited by E. C. Savidge and William Anderson. Numerous portraits engraved on steel. Imperial 4to, full morocco, gilt, gilt edge. Philadelphia, 1887 A sort of mutual admiration society. 590 Philadelpaia Imprints. Some Serious and Awful Con- sideration Recommended to All, particularly the Youth, in a Representation of the Uncertainty of a Death-Bed Repent- ance. Philadelphia (circa 1770). And The Folly and Vanity of a lyife spent in the Pursuit of Worldly Profit, Ease or Pleas- ure, etc. Illustrated in some Account of the Pious I,ady Elizabeth Hastings, and of Armelle Nicolas, a Poor Ignorant Country Maid in France, etc. Philadelphia : John Dunlap, 1770. Bound in i vol. i2mo, boards. 591 Philadelphia Imprints. U.seful Miscellanies ; or, Seri- ous Reflections respecting Men's Duty to God, and One To- wards Another, etc. 8vo, half boards. James Chatten, Philadelphia, 1753 592 Philadelphia. Views in and Near. Etched by H. Ritchie, comprising Morris Mansion, Tilghman House, Penn Pusey House, Old London Coffee House, Race Street Wharf, Blue Bell Tavern, Old Wire Bridge, Castle of the State in Schuylkill, etc., etc. A series of ten artist's proofs, sig)icd. In portfolio. 593 Philadelphia. The East Prospect of the City of Phila- delphia, in the Province of Pennsylvania. Engraved for the London Magazine, 1745. Smaller views iyi the upper comer of the State Hoicse and The Battery. Oblong, folio. Very rare and fine copy. 594 Philadelphia. View of Smith and Windmill Islands in the Delaware River. Removed by the United States Gov- ernment. Photograph by Giitekunst. 4to. 72 595 Philadklphia. Map of the Vicinity of, from Actual Surveys, 1854. With views on vtargin of Smitli' s Island, Vie'iv 071 the Schuylkill at Szveet Brier, State Hotise, Girard College, etc. Published by R. P. Smith. On an imperial folio sheet, mounted on muslin, folded in ' i2mo, covers. Philadelphia, 1854 Scarce. 596 Phii^adeIvPHIA. Historical Review of. 1896. Illustrated. Oblong 4to, paper. Philadelphia, 1896 Presentation copy from John Hill Martin. 597 Philadklphia. City Characters; or, Familiar Scenes in Town, Illustrated. Square i6mo, cloth. Phila., 1851 From the Thos. J. McKee sale, with bookplate. 598 Philadelphia Society for Promoting Agriculture. Me- moirs of the. Containing a Statistical Account of the Schuyl- kill Permanent Bridge. Folding plate. Vol. I. 8vo, old calf. Philadelphia, 1808 599 Philadelphia Directory and Register. By James Hardie. 8vo, original marbled paper cover. Phila., 1793 Includes an historical account of Philadelphia, register of revolutionaiy events, etc. Scarce. 600 Philadelphia Directory for 1797. Containing the Names, Occupations and Places of Abode of the Citizens, Arranged in Alphabetical Order, etc., etc. Folding pla^i. By Cornelius W. Stafford. 8vo, boards. Phila., 1797 73 Saturday Morning, March 7th, 1903 AT 10.30 O'CIvOCK 601 Philks, Georgk p. The Philobiblion. A Monthly- Catalogue and Literary Journal. Containing Critical Notices of, and Extracts from, Rare, Curious, and Valuable Old Books. 2 vols. Small 4to, uncut. New York, 1862 AU pubUshed. 602 PHILI.IPS, Henry, Jr. Historical Sketches of the Paper Currency of the American Colonies Prior to the Adoption of the Federal Constitution. 2 vols. Small 4to, uncut. Roxbury, 1865 No. 160 of two hundred and fifty copies printed. 603 Phipps, Joseph. The Original, and Present State of Man, Briefly Considered. 8vo, sheep. Phila., 1783 604 Pierce, Coi.. Frederick C. Pearce Genealogy. Being the Record of the Posterity of Richard Pearce, an Early In- habitant of Portsmouth, in Rhode Island. 8vo, cloth. Rockford, 1888 605 Pierce Frederick C. Pierce Genealogy No. IV. Be- ing the Record of the Posterity of Captain Michael, John and Captain William Pierce, who came to this Country from England. 8vo, cloth. Albany, 1889 Edition limited. 606 Pickering, John. A Vocubulary ; or, Collection of Words and Phrases, which have been supposed to be pecu- liar to the United States of America. To which is Prefixed an Essay on the Present State of the English Language in the United States. 8vo, half bound. (Broken.) Boston, 1816 607 Planter (The) ; or. Thirteen Years in the South. By a Northern Man. i2mo, cloth. Philadelphia, 1853 608 Poetical Vagaries (The), of a Knight of the Folding- stick of Paste-Castle. To which is Annexed the History of the Garret, etc. Translated from the Hieroglyphics of the Society by a Member of the Order of the Blue-String. Folding plate of the Garret in full session. i6mo, original boards, uncut. Gotham, 1815 74 6o9 Political Pamphlets. A Collection of Pamphlets on Subjects Relating to the War for the Union, mostly pub- lished in Philadelphia in 1S63. Some relating to the Union Ivcague Club of Philadelphia. 2 vols. 8vo, half roan. 610' Ponce de Leon, Fray Francisco. Descripcion del Re3mo de Chile, de sus Puertos, Caletas, ysitio de Valdinia, con algunos discnrsos para su mayor defensa, Conquista, y duracion. Consagrale al Rey Nuestro Seiior, en su Real Consejo de las ludias, el Maestro Fray Francisco Ponce de Leon, del Orden de nuestra Senora de la Merced, Procurador General del Reyno de Chile, etc. Small 4to, full red crushed levant, crushed levant double. Elaborately gilt, edge gilt in the rough, by Michel. N. P. (1632) Beautiful copy and verj' rare. 611 Portfolio (The). Saturday, July 22, 1804. 4to. Philadelphia Giving a full account of the duel between Gen. Alex Hamilton and Col. Aaron Buit, and details of Gen. Hamilton's funeral. Damaged in folding. 612 Portraits. A Series of fifty-five choice Mezzotinto Portraits of French Celebrites, Circular ; with Etchings by Duplessi-Bertraux of Notable Events in their Lives, and Short Biographies, including Gill:»ert Mottier Lafayette, by Levachez ; Camille Desmoulin, Jean Paul Marat, Marie Anne Charlotte Corday D'Armans, Maxamilien Robes- pierre, Louis XVI, Louis Philippe, Danton, Comte de Cus- tine, Brissot, Burnadotte, Massena, Bonaparte, Victor Moreau, Neker, &c. Folio, half bound. A choice and exceedingly interesting collection, including many of Na- poleon's Marshals. 613 Portsmouth Book (The). Illustrated. 4to, paper. Boston, N. D 614 Powell, J. W. First to the Sixteenth Annual Report of the Bureau of Ethnology, to the Secretary of the Smithson- ian Institution, 1879-1895. Illustrated with numerous col- ored and plain plates. 17 vols. Imperial, 8vo, cloth. Washington, 1881-1897 The most important work published in reference to the North American Indians, The Mound Builders, etc., etc. 615 Powell, Lyman P. Historic Towns of the Middle States. Edited by. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, gilt. New York, 1899 616 POYAS, Mrs. E. A. The Olden Time of Carolina; by the Octogenarian Lady of Charleston, S. C. i2mo, cloth. Charleston, 1855 75 6i7 PrENTESS, George L. The Union Theological Seminary in the City of New York. Historical and Biographical Sketches of the First Fifty Years. Frontispiece . 8vo, cloth, uncut. New York, 1899 618 Presbyterian Church. Records of the. In the United States of America. 8vo, cloth. Philadelphia, N. D 619 Presbbyterian Historical Society. Journal of the. Vol. I in parts. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1901-2 620 Prime, E. D. G. Notes : Genealogical, Biographical and Biblographical of the Prime Family. 8vo, cloth, top edgts gilt, uncut. Printed for private use, 1888 621 Prime, Wii^IvIAm C. Pottery and Porcelain of all Times and Nations ; with Tables of Factory and Artists Marks for the Use of Collectors. Copiously illustrated. 8vo, cloth, top edges gilt. New York, 1878 Very scarce. The most reliable book on tlie subject. 622 Princeton University. Memorial Book of the Sesqui- Centenial Celebration of the Founding of the College of New Jersey, and of Ceremonies Inaugurating Princeton University. Fully illustrated. Royal folio, cloth, top edge gilt, uncut. New York, 1898 One of live hundred copies printed from type. 623 Princeton Coi^lege Lottery. Ticket of New Jersey College Lottery, 1763, Number 2857. " This Ticket entitles the Possessor to such Prize as shall be drawn against its number, provided it be demanded within six months after the Drawing is Finished, Subject to a Deduction of fifteen per cent. William P. Smith." Very rare. 624 Proud (Robert). The History of Pennsylvania in North America, from the Original Institution and Settle- ment of that Province, under the First Proprietor and Gov- ernor William Penn, in 1681, till after the Year 1742. With an Introduction respecting the Life of W. Penn, Prior to the Grant of the Province, and Religious Society of the People called Quakers, with the First Rise of the Neigh- bouring Colonies, more particularly of West-New- Jersey and the Settlements of the Dutch and Swedes in Delaware. To which is added a Brief Description of the said Province, and of the General state in which it Flourished, principally between the Years 1760 and 1770. Portrait and map. 2 vols. 8vo, original calf. Philadelphia, 1797-8 76 625 Puck. The Campaign Series of 1884. Bound in one vol. 4to, cloth. New York, 1884 626 Putnam, Eleanor. Old Salem. Edited by Arlo Bates. i2mo, cloth. Boston, 1886 627 i^~\UAKERS. A Colloctiou of Memorials, Concerning \) Divers Deceased Ministers and others of the People ^^ Called Quakers, in Pennsylvania, New-Jersey and Parts Adjacent, from nearly the first settlement thereof to the Year 1787. 8vo, sheep. Crukshank, Phila., 1787 628 Quakers. Argument of Samuel L. Southard, in the Case of Stacy Decow and Joseph Hendrickson versus Thomas ly. Shotwell, Delivered at Trenton, 1833. Svo, boards. Philadelphia, 1834 629 Quakers. Report of the Trial of Friends at Steuben- ville, Ohio, from the 15th to the 26th of October, 1828. 8vo, boards, uncut. Philadelphia, 1829 630 O AFINESQUE, C. S. A Life of Travels and Researches J~\ in North America and South Europe; or, Outlines of the Eife, Travels and Researches of. Svo, original lettered paper covers, uncut. Phila., 1836 Foxed. Scarce. 631 Rafinesoue, C. S. a Monograph of the Fluviatile Bivalve Shells of the River Ohio, Containing Twelve Genera and Sixty-eight species. Colored frontispiece . i2mo, original cloth, with printed label, uncut. Phila., 1832 632 Rafinesque, C. S. Atlantic Journal and Friend of Knowledge. Containing about One Hundred and Sixty Original Articles and Tracts on Natural and Historical Sciences, the Description of about One Hundred and Fifty New Plants, and One Hundred New Animals or Fossils. Many Vocabularies of Language, Historical and Geological Facts, etc, 8vo, board. Philadelphia, 1832-33 Rare. The whole eight numbers bound in one volume. 634 Ramsay, David. The History of the Revolution of South-Carolina, from a British Province to an Independent State. 2 vols. 8vo, boards, uncut. Trenton, Printed by Isaac Collins, 1785 Fine copy of the original edition. 635 Ransom, John E. Andersouville Diary. Escape and List of Dead, with Name, Company, Regiment, Date of Death, and Number of Graves in Cemetery. Illustrated. i2mo, cloth. Philadelphia, 1883 77 636 Rebellion. A Collectiou of Pamphlets Relating to the War of the Confederacy, containing Speech of George H. Yeaman, of Kentucky, on the President's Proclamation, 1862. — A Statement and Vindication of Certain Political Opinions. By W. B. Reed. 1862.— The Diplomatic Year, being a Review of Mr. Seward's Foreign Correspondence of 1862. — A Review- of Mr. Seward's Diplomacy. — A History of the Union. By C. C. Burr. 1863.— A Brief Enquiry into the True Nature and Character of our Federal Govern- ment. By A. P. Upshur. 1863.— The Future of the Col- ored Race in America. By William Aikman. 1862. — Se- crets of the American Bastile. 1863.— Must the War Go On. By Henry Flanders. 1863. — Southern Confederation. By Charles S. Morehead. 1862.— The Position and Duty_ of Pennsylvania. By George McHenry. 1863. — Secession Unmasked. By A. J. Cline. 1 861.— Free Negroism : or, Results of Emancipation. 1862.— Oration at the Demo- cratic Repubhcan Celebration, New York, 1838. By Edwin Forrest. 1838, etc. Bound in 2 vols. 8vo, half morocco. 637 Rebellion. General Orders. \Var Department. For 1862 and 1863. 3 vols. 8vo, half roan. Washington, 1862-3 638 Rebellion. The New Gospel of Peace, according to St. Benjamin. The four parts bound in one vol. i2mo, half roan. New York, 1863 Reed's Map of Philadelphia, 1774. 639 Reed, John. Map of the City and Eiberties of Philadel- phia; with the Catalouge of Purchasers in three Sections, Mounted on Muslin; with the view of Penn Hospital, State House, and House of Employment, and Almshouse, accom- panied with an Explanation of the Map of the City and Liberties of Philadelphia. By John Reed, Philadelphia, 1774. 4to, half straight-grained morocco. Sold as one lot. A fine copy of the very rare original edition oi this map, as well as a choice copy of the explanation. 640 Reichel, William C. The Crown Inn, near Bethlehem, Penna, 1745. A History touching the Events that Occurred at that Notable Hostelry, during the Reigns of the Second and Third Georges. 8vo, paper. Philadelphia, 1872 Ouly four hundred and uiuely-uine copies printed. 641 Reid, W. Max. The Mohawk Valley; its Legends and its History. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, top edge gilt. New York, 1901 642 Renwick, James. Outlines of Geology. Prepared for the use of the Junior Class of Columbia College. i6mo, cloth. New York, 1838 643 Repplier, Agnes. Philadelphia. The Place and the People. Illnstrated. i2nio, cloth. New York, 1899 644 Rhoades, Lillian I. The Story of Philadelphia. Il- lustrated. i2mo, cloth. New York, 1900 645 Richardson, Charles F. American Literature, 1607- 1885. Vol. I. The Development of American Thought. 8vo, cloth. New York, 1887 646 Rus, Jacob A. The Making of an American. Numerous illustrations. 8vo, cloth, top edge gilt, uncut. New York, 1901 647 Roper, John C. The Story of the Civil War. A Concise Account of the War in the United States of American, be- tween 1 86 1 and 1865. Part I. 8vo, cloth, uncut. New York, 1895 648 (Rose, R. H.) Sketches in Verse. With engraved title- page, by G. Murray, and 07ie plate, by Leney. 8vo, boards, uncut. Philadelphia, 18 10 Thick paper copy. 649 Rosengarten, J. G. The German Allied Troops in the North American War of Independence, 1776-1783. Trans- lated and Abridged from the German of Max Von Eelking. Po7trait. Small 4to, boards, uncut. Albany, 1893 650 Rowland, Kate Mason. The Life of Charles Carroll, of CarroUton, 1737-1832; with his Correspondence and Pub- lic papers. Ilhistrated. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth, top edges gilt, uncut. New York, 1898 651 QACHSE, JULIUS F. Portraits and Busts of the Collec- ^ tion of the American Philosophical Society; Held at Philadelphia, for Promoting Useful Knowledge. Sixty- nine portraits, printed from ?iegatives. . Imperial folio, full morocco, gilt, gilt edge. Phila., 1898 A very few copies only published. 652 Sachse, Julius F. Pictures of Philadelphia. From the Originals in the Collection of the Library Company of Philadelphia, reproduced on a Uniform Scale, on One Hun- dred Plates. 2 vols. Oblong, 4to, in boxes, unbound. Philadelphia, 1901 No. 6 of only eight copies published. 653 Sachse, Julius F. The German Pietists of Provincial Pennsylvania. N umerous ilhcstrations. 3 vols. 8vo, cloth, top edges gilt, uncut. Phila, 1895- 1900 No. 379 of Ave handled copies printed. 79 654 Sachsk, Julius F, The German Sectarians of Pennsyl- vania, 1708-1742, 1742-1780. A Critical and Legendary History of the Ephrata Cloister and the Bunkers. Illus- trated. 3 vols. 8vo, cloth, top edges gilt, uncut. Philadelphia, 1899- 1900 Only thvee hundred and fifty copies printed. 655 Sachse, JuIvIUS Frederick. Pennsylvania. The Ger- man Influence on its Settlement and Development. 3 vols. 8vo, cloth, top edges gilt, uncut. Philada., 1897-8 Liuiiled to one hundred and dfty copies. 656 St. Clair, Henry. The United States Criminal Calendar: or, An Awful Warning to the Youth of America, being an Account of the Most Horrid Murders, Piracies, Highway Robberies, etc. Ilhistrated. i2mo, boards. Boston, 1835 Frontispiece defaced. 657 St.-Memin Collection of Portraits, Consisting of Seven Hundred and Sixty Medallion Portraits of Distinguished Ameiicans, Photographed by J. Gurney and Son, of New York, from proof impressions of the original copper-plates, Engraved by M. De St.-Memin, from Drawings taken from Life by himself, during his Exile in the United States from 1793 to 1 8 14, to which are prefixed a Memoir of M De St.- Memiu and Biographical Notices of the Persons whose Por- traits constitute the Collection. Compiled from authentic and original sources by the publisher. Imperial folio, half morocco, gilt, top edges gilt. New York, Published by Elias Dexter, 1862 Only a limited number published. Very scarce. 658 Sargent, Winthrop. The Eife and Career of Major John Andre, Adjutant-General of the British Army in America. Portrait. 8vo, cloth, uncut. Boston, 1861 One of seventy-five large-paper copies. Very rare. r Large-paper Sargent's Andre. 659 Sargent, Winthrop. The Eoyal Verses of Joseph Stansbury and Doctor Jonathan Odell, Relating to the American Revolution. Now First Edited by Winthrop Sargent. Small 4to, paper, uncut. Albany, 1861 660 Sartain, John. The Reminiscences of a Very Old Man. 1808-1897. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, top edge gilt. N.Y., 1899 661 Schari^% J. Thomas and Westcott, Thompson. His- tory of Philadelphia. 1609-1884. Profusely illustrated. 3 vols. Imperial 8vo, cloth, gilt edges. Philadelphia, 1884 8o 662 Scott, J. L. Quaint Corners in Philadelphia. One Jnin- drcd and seventy-four illustrations . i2mo, cloth. Phila.,N.D 663 ScuDDER, Horace E. George Washington. An His- .torical Biograph^^ Portrait. i6mo, cloth. Boston, 1S89 664 Seidensticker, Oswald. The First Century of German Printing in America, 1 728-1 830. Preceded hy a Notice of the Literary Work of F. D. Pastorius. 8vo, paper. Philadelphia, 1893 665 Seventy-Six Society. Papers in Relation to the Case of Silas Deane. Philadelphia, 1855. — Papers Relating to Public Events in Massachusetts Preceding the American Revolution. Philadelphia, 1856. — The Examination of Jos. Galloway by a Committee of the House of Commons. Phila- delphia, 1855. And Papers Relating Chief!}' to the Maryland Line During the Revolution. Edited by Thomas Balch, Philadelphia, 1857. Together, 4 vols. Svo, boards, uncut. Philadelphia, 1855-57 Only one hundred and fifty copies printed. 666 Seward, William H. Life and Public Services of John Quincy Adams. Po7'trait. i2mo, cloth. Auburn, 1850 667 Sharpless, Isaac. A History of Quaker Government in Pennsylvania. Vol. i. — A Quaker Experiment in Gov- ernment. \o\. 2. — The Quakers in the Revolution, Fully illitstrated. 2 vols. Svo, half morocco, top edges gilt, uncut. Philadelphia, 1900 No. 92 of the Haverford Kdition. Limited toslx hundred copies. 668 Another Copy. 2 vols. i2mo, cloth. Phila., 1898 669 Short, John T. The North Americans of Antiquity. Their Origin, Migrations and Type of Civilization Con- sidered. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth. New York, 1880 670 SiEBERT, Wilbur H. The Underground Railroad from Slavery to Freedom, 8vo, cloth. New York, 1898 671 SiGSBEE, Capt. Charles D. The "Maine." An Ac- count of Her Destruction in Havana Harbor. Illustrated. i2mo, cloth. New York, 1899 672 Simpson, Henry. The Lives of Eminent Philadelphians, now Deceased. Collected from Original and Authentic Sources. Illustrated with forty -four fine portraits . Svo, cloth, Philadelphia, 1859 673 Slavery. Picture of, in the United States of America. Illustrated with ivooodcuts of selling females by the potcnd, flog- ging American women, etc. i2mo, cloth. Middletown, 1834 8i 674 Slavery, The "Negro Pew." Being an Inquiry Con- cerning the Propriety of Distinction in the House of God on Account of Color. i2mo, boards. Boston, 1837 675 Small, H. Handbook of the New Library of Congress. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth. Boston, 1897 676 Smallky, Eugene V. History of the Northern Pacific Railroad. Illustrated. Svo, cloth. New York, 1883 677 Smith, Ethan. View of the Hebrews ; or, The Tribes of Israel in America. i2mo, sheep. Poultney, Vt., 1825 678 Smith, George. History of Delaware County, Penn- sylvania, from the Discovery of the Territory included with- in its Limits to the Present Time ; with a Notice of the Geology of the County, and Catalogues of its Minerals, Plants, Quadrupeds and Birds. With map and illustrations. Svo, cloth. Philadelphia, 1862 679 Smith, Helen E. Colonial Days and Ways as Gathered from Family Papers. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth. New York, 1900 680 Smith, R. A. Philadelphia as it is in 1852. Illustrated. i2mo, cloth. Philadelphia, 1852 First Edition of Smith's New Jersey. 681 Smith, Samuel. The History of the Colony of Nova- Csesaria ; or, New Jersey. Containing An Account of its First Settlement ; Progressive Improvements ; The Original and Present Constitution, and other Events, to the Year 1 72 1. With some particulars since; and a short View of its Present State. Svo, full brown morocco, gilt, top edge gilt. Burlington in New Jersey, 1765 A line clean copy of the rare First Editiou. 682 Smith, S. F. History of Newton, Massachusetts, Town and City. From its Earliest Settlement to the Present Time 1 630- 1 880. Portraits. Svo, cloth. Boston, 1880 683 Smith, Samuel Stanhope. An Essay on the Causes of the Variety of Complexion and Figure in the Human Species. Svo, calf. New Brunswick, 1810 Largely relates to the American Indians. (6) 82 684 (Smith, Dr. William.) A Brief View Of the Conduct of Pennsylvania, For the Year 1755; So far as it affected the General Service of the British Colonies, particularl}'^ the P^xpedition under the late General Braddock, With an . Account of the shocking Inhumanities committed b)^ In- cursions of the Indians upon the Province in October and November ; which occasioned a Body of the Inhabitants to come down, while the Assemblj^ were sitting, and to insist upon an immediate Suspension of all Disputes, and the Pass- ing of a Law for the Defence of the Country. Interspers'd with several interesting Anecdotes and original Papers re- lating to the Politics and Principles of the People called Quakers; Being a Sequel to a late well-known Pamphlet, Intitled A Brief State of Pennsylvania. In a Second Letter to a Friend in London. 8vo, half morocco, uncut. London, 1756 One of the Paxson Boy Pamphlets, l)y Dr. William Smith. Beautiful, clean copy, uncut, with many leaves unopened; in unique condition. 685 Smith, William. Historj^ of New York; from the First Discovery to the Year 1732. To which is annexed, a Description of the Country, with a Short Account of the In- habitants, their Religion and Political State, and the Consti- tution of the Courts of Justice in that Colony; with a con- tinuation from the Year 1732 to the commencement of the Year 1814. 8vo, boards, uncut. Albany, 1814 S. Jenneson's copy, with autograph on flrst title page. 686 Smith, Rev. William. Life and Correspondence of the. First Provost of the College and Academy of Philadelphia. By Horace Weinyss Smith. Portrait. 2 vols. 8vo, half cloth, top edges gilt. Philadelphia, 1880 687 Smith's Map of Philadelphia. Mounted on Muslin. Folded in i2mo case. 688 Snow, C. H. A Geography of Boston, County of Suffolk, and the adjacent Towns; with Historical Notes. Maps and plates. i6mo, half roan. Boston, 1830 689 (Snowden, Richard.) The American Revolution. Writ- ten in the Style of Ancient History. 2 vols. i2mo, sheep. Philadelphia, 1793-4 690 SoLis, Antonio de. The History of the Conquest of Mexico by the Spaniards. Done into Knglish from the Orig- inal Spanish of. By Thomas Towusend. Portrait by Virtue. Folio, old calf. London, 1724 Has bookplate of George Downing. 83 691 South Carolina and Georgia. A New and Accurate Account of the Provinces of South Carolina and Georgia ; with many Curious and Useful Observations on the Trade, Navigation and Plantations of Great Britain; compared with her most Powerful Maritime Neighbors in Antient and Modern Times. With half title. 8vo. London: Printed for J. Worrall at the Bible and Dove in Bell-Yard, near L,incoln's Inn, etc., 1732. Fine copy ; with the half title, which is seldom found with the book. 692 Spears, John R. The American Slave-Trade. An Ac- count of its Origin, Growth aud Suppression. Illustrated. i2mo, cloth. New York, 1900 693 Spears, John R. The History of Our Navy, from its Origin to the Present Day, 1 775-1 897. Ilhistrated. 4 vols. i2mo, cloth. New York, 1897 694 Speeches. A Collection of Speeches of Eminent Men on the Eve of the Civil War. 2 vols. 8vo, half roan. 695 Spring, Gardner. Memoirs of the Rev. Samuel J. Mills, Late missionary to the South Western Section of the United States. 8vo, boards, uncut. New York, 1820 696 SquiER, E. G. Observations on the Aboriginal Monu- ments of the Mississippi Valley; The Character of the An- cient Earth- Works; and the Structure, Contents and Pur- poses of the Mounds. With Notices of the Minor Remains of Ancient Art. Illustrated. 8vo, half calf. N. York, 1847 697 Squire, E. G. Antiquities of the State of New York; being the Results of Extensive Original Surveys and Explorations; with a Supplement on the Antiquities of the West. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth. Buffalo, 1851 698 Squier, E. G. Travels in Central America, Particularly in Nicaraugua; with a Description of its Aboriginal Monu- ments, Scenery and People, Their Languages, Institutions, Religion, etc. Illustrated by numerous maps and colored illus- trations. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth, uncut. New York, 1853 699 Stedman, Edmund Clarence. An American Anthology. 1787-1900. Selections Illustrating the Editor's Critical Review of American Poetry in the Nineteenth Century. Edited by. Frontispiece and illustrated titles on Japan paper. 2 vols. Royal 8vo, cloth, uncut. Cambridge, 1900 No. 26 Of three hundred copies printed on liugc. paper. 700 Steele, Rev. Ashbel. Chief of the Pilgrims; or, The Life and Time of William lirewster, Ruling Elder of the Pilgrim Company that Founded New Plymouth, the Parent Colony of New England, in 1620. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth. Philadelphia, 1857 84 yoi Stillk, Charles J. History of the United States Sani- tary Commissiou. 8vo, cloth. Philadelphia, 1866 Presentation copj' from the author. r 702 Stille, Charles J. History of the United States Sani- ,tary Commission; being the General Report of its Work During the War of the Rebellion. Imperial 8vo, half morocco. Philadelphia, 1866 with a. I. s. of the author inserted. 703 Stille, Charles J. The Life and Times of John Dick- inson. 1 732-1808. Portrait. 8vo, cloth, top edge gilt. Philadelphia, 1891 704 Stillman, William James. The Autobiography of a Journalist. Portrait. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth, uncut. Boston, 1900 One of one hundred copies bound entirely uncut, with paper labels. 705 Stone. Early History of the University of Pennsylvania, from its Origin to the Year 1827. With Supplementary Chapters by F'rederick D. Stone. Illustrated. i2mo, cloth. Philadelphia, 1896 706 Stryker, William S. The Battles of Trenton and Princeton. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, top edge gilt. Boston, 1898 707 Stryker, William S. New Jersey Continental Line in the Virginia Campaign of 1781. — Washington's Reception by the People of New Jersey in 1789. — The Capture of the Block House at Toms River, New Jersey. — The New Jersey- Volunteers (Loyalists) in the Revolutionary War. — The Princeton Surprise, 1777. — The Old Barracks at Trenton, N. J. — The Mas.sacre near Old Tappa.— Trenton One Hun- dred Years Ago. — New Jersey Continental Line in the Indian Campaign of 1779, and the Affair at Egg Harbor, N. J., October 15, 1788. 10 pamphlets. 8vo, paper. Trenton, i 878-1894 All privately printed. Scarce. 708 Sumner, William Graham. The Financier, and Fi- nances of the American Revolution. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth, top edges gilt, uncut. N. York, 1891 709 Sumner, William G. A History of American Cur- rency. i2mo, cloth. New York, 1874 710 SwEDBERG (DocT. JESPER.) America lUuminata, Skrif- wen och vtgifwen af Thes. Biskop Doct. Jesper Swedberg, Ahr 1732. Small 8vo, full green levant, gilt, gilt edge, by Pratt. Skara(i732) A curious book, by the father of Emanuel Swedenborg, on Pennsylvania and the Swedes in America. It contains many interesting notes on the labors of the Swedish pastors and their connection and co-operation with English fellow-workers, the struggels of the colony and the Indians. Fine copy. Very rare. 85 711 SylvesTKR, Nathaniel B. Historical Sketches of North- ern New York and the Adirondack Wilderness, including Traditions of the Indians, Early Explorers, Pioneer Set- tlers, Hermit Hunters, etc. Portrait. 8vo, cloth. Troy, 1877 712 Symmes, Rev. Frank R. History of the Old Tennent Church. With Biographical Sketches of its Pastors. Ilhis- trated. Svo, cloth. Freehold, N. J., 1897 713 nPARBELI., IDA M. The I.ife of Abraham Lincoln. J^ Drawn from Original Sources and Containing many Speeches, Letters and Telegrams hitherto Unpub- lished. Illustrated. 2 vols. Imperial Svo, half vellum cloth, uncut. N. Y. 1900 No. 47 of the special Illustrator's Edition, of which only seventy-five copies were printed. 714 Thomas, Cyrus. The Cherokees in Pre-Columbian Times. i6mo, cloth. New York, 1890 715 Thompson, Maurice. Alice of Old Vincennes. Illus- trated. By F. C. Yohn. i2mo, cloth. Indianapolis, N. D. 716 Thompson, Zadock. History of Vermont — Natural, Civil and Statistical. With a new map of the State and two hundred engravings. Svo, sheep. Burlington, 1842 717 Thomson, Siolley Madison, wife of James Madison, the father of the Constitution and President of the United States, accompanied by sworn affidavit as to its genuineness, by an heir to the Madison estate (8) io6 Washington Memento. 844 B White Cotton Napkin, with a reproduction of the anecdote of "Washington and the Cherry-tree" and with jBfty-six lines of poetry on the subject. Printed in bhie, and a Small White China Cup, with handle, decorated in blue, with the inscription, "To Washington the Patriot of America," on side. Probably unique. Made shortly after Washingtou's death, as a present to a child. Very interesting, as the engx'avings at the top of napliin represents Washington's lather interrogating the youthful Washington as to who chopped the cheiry tree. Dr. Benjamin Rush's Pistols. 844 c A Superb Pair of English Flint-lock Pocket Pistols, with all the necessary appurtenances for loading and cleaning, bullet mould, etc., in oak case. Uelonged to Dr. Benjamin Rush, the signer of the Declaration of Independ- ence, accompanied bj' a certificate of genuineness, signed by a member of the family who inherited them. Aside from being a relic of Dr. Rush, they are choice specimens of Hint-lock pistols, much finer than are usually met with. Fair Tucker China Washington Pitchers, Decorated with Miniatures by William Birch. 844 D Two White Porcelain Pitchers, each decorated on one side with a beautiful miniature portrait of Genl. Wash- ington, in colors, by William Birch ; being fine reproduc- tions of the w^ell-known portrait on ivory, which he painted from life. On the other side of each pitcher is a mountainous scene, in which is a flag pole, and an American flag floating therefrom. In front are eagles with outspread wings, the whole relieved with gilt decorations. We are safe in saying that these are the only two perfect Tucker Washington pitchers in existence, the only other known is much damaged, and in the Morris collection in the museum at Memorial Hall, Philadelphia. They were made in Philadelphia in the early part of the last century by William Ellis Tucker, in Philadelphia, and are of a quality of porcelain equal to the finest French, and are of the first porcelain manufactured in this country. Any specimens of this china are of great rarity. The purchaser can pride himself on owning two of the rarest pitchers in this country. Statuettes of Washington and Franklin. 844 E Two Old French China Statuettes, in white, gold and colors ; being full-length figures of Genl. Washington and Benjamin Franklin, of early French make, about the middle of the latter half of the iSth century. Height, 14^ inches. Vei-y rare, and in perfect order. The only other copies known are In the possession of the Metropolitan Museum, New York, and Henry Whelen, Jr., of Philadelphia, I07 Saturday Afternoon, March 7th, 1903 AT 2.30 o'clock Vie-ws and Portraits Issued by the Society of Iconophiles of New York. These views and portraits sliould hare been classified under the works of Wm. Loring Andrews. They were received too late for insertion in their proper place. Views of New York and Vicinity. 845 Complete set of twelve views. Drawn and litho- graphed by Chas. F. W. Mielatz, having the appearance of original drawings, in size from 5x8 to 7x9^ inches, and printed on various kinds of paper to suit the subject ; each plate enclosed in a wrapper with printed label. Only one hu7idred and three impressions of each picture zvere take^i^ after which the stone ivas destroyed. The views consist of The Battery and Castle Garden. South Street, from (Joenties Slip. Mornlngside Park and St. Luke's Oyster Market, near Christopher St. Hospital. Dutch Reformed Church, Kings- The Aaron Burr House, 11 Keade St. bridge Koad. Clinton Hall, from a sketch made in " Five Points." 1899. The Poe Cottage, Fordham. High Bridge. Old Mill, Van Cortlandt Park. On the Harlam River. Series of Facsimiles of Rare Prints. 846 Set of Eight Engravings on copper, reproductions of ex- ceedingly rare prints of historical buildings of New York, by Sidney L. Smith. Size of plate, 4x8. Only one hun- dred and three impressions printed on imperial Japan paper, and plate destroyed. Federal Hall and the Inauguration of Washington. After Doollttle. New or Middle Dutch Church. After William Burgess. Columbia College in 1790, from New York Magazine, for May, 1790. Trinity Church, . . '• " " " Jau'y, 1790. Richmond Hill House, . " " " " June, 1790. St. Paul's Chapel, . . " " " " Oct. 1795. Government House, . " ' " " Jan'y, 1795. City (Federal) Hall, Wall Street. After C. Tiebout. io8 Eminent American Series. Beiuf? porivaits of important persoiiaces In the history of New York, and having'on each plate a picture of an historical event connecting such person with the history of the city, enclosed with each plate is an account of such event con-.plled from olflcial documents and contemporary newspaper re- ports. One hundred and twenty impressions only of each plate were printed an imperial Japan paper, and plate cancelled. 847 Portrait of Washington and View of the Evacuation of New York, by the British in 1783. Engraved by Francis S. King, from the study of Jos. Wright. 848 Portrait of the Marquis de Lafayette, and a view of his landing in New York, 1824. Engraved by Francis S. King, from the Engraving by Geille. After Scheffer. 849 Portrait of DeWitt Clinton and a view of the Battery, New York, Nov. 4, 1825, during the celebration of the opening of the Erie Canal. Engraved by Francis S. King. After Ingham. 850 Portrait of Admiral Dewey, and view of the Arch erected in New York, and Battle of Manilla Bay. Engraved by Francis S. King. 851 Portrait of Aaron Burr, with view of Richmond, Hill, from the Engraving in the New York Magazine, of June 1790. Portraits of American Printers and Engravers Ot this series, only one hundred and thirty-t-MO impressions were printed and plates destroyed. They are all engraved by Mr. F. S. King, size of plate work being 8 x llj-^ inches. India proofs, on folio sheets. 852 Hugh Gaine. The New York Printer and Bookseller of the Eighteenth Century. From 1750 to 1807. 853 Isaiah Thomas. Printer. Worcester, Massachusetts. President of the American Antiquarian Society and Author of the History of Printing. 854 Paul Revere. The Boston silversmith and engraver, and the hero of the "Midnight Ride." 855 Alexander, Anderson. The first American wood en- graver. 856 James Rivington. Printer and bookseller of New York. 1724-1802. 857 Amos Doolittle. Engraver of the Battle of Lexington and Concord. Z09 HISTORICAL PAMPHLETS. 858 Adams, Chari^es Francis. Some Phases of Sexual Morality and Church Discipline in Colonial New England. 8vo, paper. Cambridge, 1891 Very rare. 859 Abbott, Dr. C. C. Stone Age in New Jersey. Illus- trated. 8vo, paper. Washington, 1877 860 Adams, Rev. George M. Historical Discourse at the Two Hundredth Anniversary of the Formation of the North Church, Portsmouth, N. H. 8vo, paper. Portsmouth, 1871 861 AiKMAN, Rev. Robert. Historical Discourse Preached in the Presbyterian Church at Madison, N. J. 8vo, paper. New York, 1876 862 Amory, Thomas C. Daniel Sullivan's Visits. May and June, 1 78 1, and To General John Sullivan, in Philadelphia, to Explain Declarations in Sir Henry Clinton's Secret Journal. 8vo, paper, Cambridge, 1884 863 Anderson, . QBconomy oder Haushaltungskunstder raenschlichen Eebens. Illustrated with woodcuts, by Dr. Anderson. 8vo, uncut. Philadelphia, 1809 864 ASHURST, R. E. Shakspere Society of Philadelphia. Some Remarks on Mr. W. H. Edwards' " Shaksper not Shakespeare." 8vo, paper. Philadelphia, 1901 865 Austin, Samuel. Reflections on Crimes and Punish- ments. 8vo, paper. 1809 866 Bannard, Rev. Wm. An Historical Discourse in the First Presbyterian Church, Salem, N.J. 8vo, cloth. Salem, 1876 867 Beck, Paul, Jr. A Proposal for Altering the Eastern Front of the City of Philadelphia. With a View to Prevent the Recurrence of Malignant Disorders. With folding plan. Svo, uncut, Philadelphia, 1820 869 Belknap, Jeremy. Journal of a Tour to the White Mountains in July, 1784, Map. Svo, paper, uncut, Boston, 1876 870 Bell, Charles H. New Hampshire at Bunker Hill. 8vo, paper. Cambridge, 1891 no 871 Berry, Rev. C. T. An Historical Survey of the First Presbyterian Church, Caldwell, N. J. 8vo, paper. Newark, 1871 872 BiBLiOGRAPHiA Genealogica Americana. Supple- ment to. An Alphabetical Index to American Genealogies and Pedigrees. 8vo, uncut. Albany, 1888 873 Boston. History of the Old South Church, of Boston. 8vo, paper. Boston, 1876 874 Brinton, Daniel G. The Names of the Gods in the Kiche Myths, Central America. 8vo, uncut. Phila., 1881 875 Brinton, Daniel G. The Native Calendar of Central America and Mexico. 8vo, paper. Philadelphia, 1893 876 Broadside. By Authority. Scheme of a Lottery for the Benefit of the Hebrew Congregation of the City of Philadel- phia. Folio. Philadelphia, 1808 877 Broadside. Proclamation by Andrew Jackson. Pre- sident of the United. Imperial folio. Washington, 1832 Against the Nullification Act of South Carolina. Rare. 878 Broadside Songs. Published in the Early Part of the Nineteenth Century. "Yankee Jackets of Blue," "The British Lamentation," "Peace and Liberty," "Bold Dighton." 4to. 4 pieces 879 Broadside. Whig Songs. "Hurrah! Hurrah! the country's risen! for Harry Clay and Frelinghuysen." Folio. 880 Brown, Rev. W. Y. History of the First Presbyterian Church of the Borough of Darby, Delaware Co., Pa. 8vo, paper. Philadelphia, 1876 881 Callender, Tom. Letters to Alexander Hamilton King of the Feds, Ci-Devant Secretary of the Treasury of the United States of America, Inspector-General of the Stand- ing Armies thereof, Councellor at Law. 8vo, uncut. New York, 1802 882 Carey, Mathew. The Porcupiniad. A Hudibrastic Poem, addressed to William Cobbett. Canto I. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1799 Name erased from title. 883 Case, Albertson. Historical Sketch of Southold Town. 8vo, uncut. Greenport, 1876 884 Cheetham, James. Nine Letters on the Subject of Aaron Burr's Political Defection. With an Appendix. 8vo. New York, 1803 Ill 885 Child, L. Maria. The Duty of Disobedience to the Fugitive Slave Act. 8vo. Bo.ston, i860 886 Collier, Rev. F.J. Downiugtown Presbyterian Church. An Historical Address. 8vo, paper. Downingtown, 1876 887 Connecticut Claimants. An Examination of the Connecticut Claim to Lands in Pennsylvania. With an Appendix, containing Extracts and Copies of Original Papers. With the rare folding map . 8vo. Phila., 1774 The first pamphlet published in reference to these claims. Page 9 is slightly orn, otherwise a remarkably clean and tine copy. Very rare. 888 Connecticut Claimants. An Important Statement of Facts Relative to the Invalidity of the Pretensions formerly made upon the Pennsylvania Lands, by the unincorporated Companies of Connecticut Claimants, and by those who Claimed under these Companies, in a letter from the Sec- retary of the Land-Office, to the Pennsylvania Commissioners intended to evince the Liberality of the Government and Landholders of Pennsylvania, in the Act of the 4th of April, 1799, and the Release of 120 to 180.000 Acres under the same. 8vo. Lancaster, 1801 Very rare. 889 Dallas. An Exposition of the Causes and Character of the Late War between the United States and Great Britain. 8vo, uncut. Middlebury, Vt., 1815 Attributed to George M. Dallas. 890 Davis, W. W. H. The Campaign of 1861 in the Shen- andoah Valley. 8vo, paper. Doylestown, 1893 891 Dedham Pocket Almanac and New-England Cal- endar for 1812. i6mo. Dedham, 181 2 892 Denny, John F. An Essay on the Political Grade of the Free Coloured Population, under the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of Pennsylvania. 8vo. Chambersburg, 1836 893 Denton, Daniel. A Brief Description of New York, formerly called New Netherlands. 8vo, paper. Phila., 1845 From the edition of 1G70 894 De Peyster, Frederic. History of the Tontine Build- ing Demolished in 1855. 161110. New York, 1855 895 Derby, Elias H. Services of New Hampshire in the Revolution. 8vo, paper. 1S74 896 Dickens. Some Notes on America to be Rewritten. Suggested with Respect to Charles Dickens, Esq. 8vo, paper. Philadelphia, 1868 112 897 Dorr, Benjamin. Memorials of Christ Church, Phila- delphia. Two Sermons Preached in 1862. 8vo, paper. Philadelphia, 1862 898 Drawing Book of I^andscapes. Eight early Avierica7i copperplate engravings. 2 vols. Oblong 4to, uncut. Johnson & Warner, Philadelphia, 18 10 899 DucHE, Rev. Jacob. The Duty of Standing Fast in Our /\ Spiritual and Temporal Liberties. A Sermon, Preached in Christ-Church Jul}- 7, 1775. Before the First Battalion of the City and Liberties of Philadelphia. 8vo. Phila., 1775 Autograph presentation copy from the author, who was the first chaplain of the Continental Congress. 900 DuFFiELD, Rev. George. One Hundred Years Ago. Centenary Celebration of the First Presbyterian Church of Carlisle, Pa. 8vo, paper. Carlisle, 1858 901 Ellet, Charles, Jr. A Popular Notice of Suspension Bridges. With a Brief Description of the Wire Bridge Across the Schuylkill at Fair mount. With a view of that bridge. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1843 902 Ellis, George E. History of the Battle of Bunker's (Breed's) Hill, on June 17, 1775. Map. 8vo, paper. Boston, 1875 903 Endicott, Charles M. Account of Leslie's Retreat at the North Bridge, on Sunday, February 26, 1775. 8vo, paper. Salem, 1856 904 Everett, Edward. Proceedings of the Massachusetts Historical Society in Memory of. Portrait. 8vo, uncut. Boston, 1865 905 Everett, William. Oration in Honor of Colonel Wil- liam Prescott. 8vo, paper. Boston, 1896 906 Featherstonhaugh, G. W. Excursion through the Slave States, from Washington on the Potomac to the Frontier of Mexico; with Sketch of Popular Manners and Geological Notices. 8vo, uncut. New York, 1844 907 Felt, Joseph B. A Memoir, or Defence of Hugh Peters. Portrait. 8vo, paper. Boston, 1851 908 Foggo, E. a. An Historical Sketch of Christ Church. 8vo, paper, uncut. Philadelphia, 1890 909 Foster, G. G. New York by Gas-Light, with Here and There a Streak of Sunshine. 8vo, paper, uncut. N. Y., 1850 910 Frothingham, Richard. The Command in the Battle of Bunker Hill. 8vo, paper, uncut. Boston, 1850 113 911 Frothingham, Richard. The Centennial Battle of Bunker Hill. 8vo, paper. Boston, 1875 912 Grant, Gen. U. S. Unveiling of the Bronze Statue of . Fairmount Park, Philadelphia, April 1899. Illustrated. Svo, paper. Philadelphia, 1899 913 Greeley, Horace. Letter to a Politician (Samuel J. Tilden). Svo, paper. Brooklyn, 1877 Privately printed. 914 Grier, Rev. J. N. C. A Discourse Containing a Short Historical Record of the Church of the Forks of Brandj'- wine, Chester County, Pennsylvania. Svo. Phila., 1849 915 HaIvE, Rev. George. History of the Old Presbyterian Congregation of " The People of Maidenhead and Hope- well," more especially of the First Presbyterian Church of Hopewell, at Pennington, New Jersey. Svo, paper. Philadelphia, 1876 Presentation copy from the author. 916 HAMII.TON, Maj.-Gen. Alexander. A Sermon Oc- casioned by the Death of, who was Killed by Aaron Burr. By James Abercombie. Svo, paper. Philadelphia, 1804 917 Hamilton, Gen. Alexander. Eulogy on. By Harrison G. Otis, July 26, 1804. Svo. Boston, 1804 Name on title. 917^ Hamilton, Mason J. M. An Oration, Commemorative of the late Major-General Alex. Hamilton, pronounced before the New York State Society of Cincinnati, July 31, 1804. Svo. New York, 1804 918 Hawley, Charles. The History of the P'irst Presby- terian Church, Auburn, N. Y. Svo, paper. Auburn, 1869 919 Hawley, Rev. Charles. Jesuit Missions among the Cayugas, from 1656 to 1684. Svo, paper. Auburn, 1876 920 Hays, Rev. George P. History of the vSecond Presby- terian Church, Washington, Pa. 8vo, paper. Washington, 1876 921 Heroy, Rev. p. B. a Brief History of the Presbyterian Church at Bedford, N. Y. Svo, paper. New York, 1874 922 Hills, Rev. G. M. The Transfer of the Church in America, from Colonial Dependence to the Freedom of the Republic. Svo, paper. Trenton, 1876 923 Holmes, W. H. Archeological Studies among the An- cient Cities of Mexico. Svo, uncut. Chicago, 1895 114 924 Hughes, Most Rev. John. The Catholic Chapter in the Histor}' of the United States. 8vo, paper. New York, 1852 925 Hunt, Isaac. Rights of Englishmen. An Antidote to the Poison now vending bj^ the Transatlantic Republican, Thomas Paine. Svo, uncut. London, 1791 926 Hutchinson. George Thomas. The Witchcraft Delu- sion of 1692. With Notes, by Wm. F. Poole. 4to, paper. Privately Printed, Boston, 1870 927 Irving, Washington. Sermons on the Death of. By Rev. William Creighton and Rev. J. Selden Spencer. 8vo. New York, 1859 92S Jackson, Major- General. An Impartial and True History of the L,ife and Services of. 8vo. N. P., N. D., (1831) Campaign biography by the opposing faction. Very hitter. "One might as well make a sailor of a cock, or a soldier of a goose, as a President of An- drew Jackson." "And the smoke went up the chimney just the same." 929 Jones, Maurice C. A Red Rose from the Olden Time ; or, A Ramble Through the Annals of the Rose Inn, in the Barony of Nazareth, in the Days of the Province. 8vo, original covers. Philadelphia, 1872 930 Jones, William. Reflections upon the Perils and Diffi- culties of the Winter Navigation of the Delaware. Frontis- piece. Svo, paper, uncut. Philadelphia, 1822 931 Julius. John Randolph Abroad and at Home. Svo, paper. Washington, 1828 A scurrilous attack by one who had no doubt been wounded by the truth- telling darts from the tongue of this statesman. 932 Kempshall, Rev. Edward. " Caldwell and the Revo- lution." A Historical Sketch of the First Presbyterian Church of Elizabeth, N. J. Svo, paper. Elizabeth, 1880 933 Kidder, Frederic. The Swedes on the Delaware and their Intercourse with New England. Svo, uncut. Boston, 1874 934 LrEAMAN, Rev. John. Hi.story of the Cedar Grove Pres- byterion Church of East Earl Township, Lancaster Co., Pa. Svo, paper. Philadelphia, 1853 935 Lewis, Lawrence, Jr. An Essay on Original Land Titles in Philadelphia. Imperial Svo, uncut. Phila., 18S0 936 Lincoln Catechism (The). Wherein the Eccentrici- ties and Beauties of Despotism are fully set Forth. Svo, paper. New York, N. D 115 937 Long, LiEUT.-Col. S. H. Description of Col. Long s Bridges, together with a Series of Directions to Bridge Builders. 8vo. Concord, 1836 938 Mackey, Rev. William D. White Clay Creek Presby- terian Church. Presbytery of New Castle. 8vo, paper. Wilmington, 1876 039 Mcknight, David. A Historical Sketch of the Sabbath School connected with First Presbyterian Congregation of Pittsburgh, 1 800- 1 867. 8vo, paper. Pittsburgh, 1867 941 MiDDLETON, Rev. Thomas C. Some Notes on the Bibliography of the Philippines. 8vo, uncut. Phila.,1900 942 MoNGRELiTES (The) ; or, The Radicals— so-called. A Satiric Poem by. i2mo, paper. New York, 1866 QA-x Motley, John L. Historic Progress and American Democracy. 8vo, paper. New York, 1869 First Kditlon. 944 MuRCHESON, Sir Roderick L On the Geological Structure of the Alps. 8 vo, paper. London, 1849 Autograph presentation copy to Wm. H. Prescott. q4S Murphy, Henry C. The First Minister of the Dutch Reformed Church in the United States (Jonas Michaelius). 8vo, paper. 'The Hague, N. D. Presentation copy from the author. Privately printed. Library stamp on title. 946 Murphy, Henry C. Jacob Steendam, Noch Vaster. A Memoir of the First Poet in New Netherland. With his Poems descriptive of the Colony. Portraits. 8vo, paper. ' The Hague, 1861 Presentation copy from the author. 047 Murphy, Henry C. Henry Hudson in Holland. An Inquiry into the Origin and Objects of the Voyage which led to the Discovery of the Hudson River. With Biblio- graphical Notes. Portraits. 8vo, paper. The Hague, 1859 With the Hon. H. C. Murphy's manuscript notes. 948 My Ride to the Barbecue; or. Revolutionary Remi- niscences of the Old Dominion, by an ex-member of Congress. Illustrated. i2mo, paper. New York, i860 949 NEW Brunswick. Rules Established by the Presbytery of, for their own Government. 8vo, boards. New Brunswick, 1800 ii6 950 New England. A Letter from a Gentleman in Boston to Mr. Geo. Wishart, one of the Ministers of Edir.burgh, Concerning the State of Religion in New England. 8vo, paper. Privately printed, 1883 Reprint of the Edition of 1742. 951 Newlight, Rev. Aristarchus. Historic Certainties re- specting the Early History of America. 8vo, paper. London, 1851 952 Noble, Rev. W. B. History of the Presbyterian Church of Fagg's Manor, Chester Co., Pa., 1 730-1876. 8vo, paper. Parkesburg, 1876 953 NoRRis, J. S. The Early Friends (or Quakers) in Mary- laud. 8vo, paper. Baltimore, 1862 954 North American Land Company. Plan of Association of. Established February, 1795; with the Notary's Certifi- cate. Signed in the Autograph of Clement Biddle. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1795 Land scheme of Robert Morria and John Nicholson. 955 Paine, Thomas. Common Sense. Addressed to the In- habitants of America. 8vo, uncut. London, 1776 First English edition. 956 Paine, Thomas. Letter to George Washington, Presi- dent of the United States of America, on Affairs Public and Private. 8vo, uncut. Philadelphia, 1796 First Edition. Through the duplicity of others, Paine was led to write this letter, he being led to believe that Washington was acting treacherously to- ward him. 957 Paine, Thomas. The American Crisis. Nos. I, II and III. By the Author of Common Sense. 3 pieces. 8vo, uncut. Philadelphia, 1777 The rare First Edition ; published by Styner & Cist. 958 Paine, Thomas. Rights of Man ; being an Answer to Mr. Burk's Attack on the French Revolution. Second Edition. 8vo, uncut. London, 1791 959 Paine, Thomas. Agrarian Justice Opposed to Agrarian Law and to Agrarian Monopoly. Being a Plan for Meliorating the Condition of Man. 8vo, uncut. Philadelphia : Printed by R. Folwell for Benj. Franklin Bache, N. D. 960 Paine. A Letter from M. Condorcet, a Member of the National Convention, to a Magistrate in Swisserland; with a letter from Thomas Paine to the People of France. 8vo. New York, 1793 117 961 Parton, James. How New York City is Governed. 8vo, paper. Boston, 1866 962 Pennsylvania Property Company. Plan of Association of the. Established Maich, 1797. Svo. Phila., 1797 One ot Robert Morris's land schemes. 963 Pennsylvania. The Constitution of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Svo, uncut. Philadelphia, 1790 964 Pennypacker, Hon. Samuel W. Congress Hall. An Illustrated. Square Svo, uncut. Phila., 1895 Privately printed. Scarce. 965 Pennypacker, Samuel W. The Settlement of German- town and the Causes which led to it. Svo, uncut. Philadelphia, 1880 Privately printed. Scarce. 966 Pennypacker, Hon. Samuel W. Pennsylvania and Massachusetts. A Historical Parallel. Svo, paper. Philadelphia, 1901 This is the pamphlet which raised the feathers on our ^'Down-east" friends, 967 Pepperrell, Hon. Sir William. A Sermon Occasioned by the Death of, Lieutenant-General in his Majesty's Ser- vice, &cwho died at His Seat in Kitttr}-, July 6th, 1759, Aged 63, Preached the next Ivords-Day after his Funeral. By Benjamin Stevens, A. M. 40. Boston, 1759 Exceedingly rare. The original edition of his funeral eulogy. 968 Philadelphia Imprint. The Plan of Union Between the Synod of New York and Philadelphia, Agreed Upon May 29, 1758. Svo, uncut. Philadelphia: Printed and Sold by W. Dunlap (1758.) Has autograph of Rev. Samuel Miller on false title, which is torn loose from the pamphlet. This is the first union of the Presbyterian congregation in this country. 969 Philadelphia. Income Tax of the Residents of Phila- delphia and Bucks County for the year ending April 30, 1S65. Svo, uncut. Philadelphia, 1865 970 Philadelphia. The Chestnut and Walnut Street Rail- way. Svo, paper. Philadelphia, 1858 In reference to the rlgh^of-way of the Chestnut and Walnut Street Railway. 971 Philadelphia. Memorial of the Owners and Occupiers of Wharf Propert yon the River Delaware. Svo, paper. N. P., N. D 972 Philadelphia. Report of the Committee to whom was referred Sundry Memorials against Lighting the City with Gas. Svo, uncut. Philadelphia, 1833 ii8 973 Philadelphia. Answers of the Committee of the Presi- dent, Directors and Company for Erecting a Permanent Bridge over the River Schuylkill. 8vo, paper. Phila., 1833 974 Philadelphia. Report of the Committee of the Select and Common Councils of Philadelphia, on the Navigation of the River Schuylkill. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1832 975 Philadelphia. Memoirs and Auto-Biography of some of the Wealthy Citizens of Philadelphia, with a fair esti- mate of their Estates, founded upon a Knowledge of Facts. 8vo, printed covers. Philadelphia, 1846 This was in the good old days, when men were willing for others to live. 976 Philadelphia. Report of the Joint Committee ap- pointed by the Select and Common Councils on the Subject of Steam Boats. 8 vo, uncut. Philadelphia, 181 7 977 Philadelphia. Report of the Watering Committee to the Select and Common Councils. 1824. 8vo, uncut, 1824 978 Philadelphia. Proceedings of two Meetings of Citizens of Philadelphia, respecting Col. Clark's plan for ascending the Rapids in Rivers, and thereby improving the Naviga- tion of the River Delaware beyond Trenton. 8vo, uncut. Philadelphia, 1824 979 Philadelphia Jockey Club. (The), or Mercantile In- fluence Weighed, consisting of Select Characters taken from the Club of Addresses. By Timothy Tickles. 8vo, uncut. Printed for the Purchasers, 1795 Name on title. 980 Phillips, Henry, Jr. First Contribution to the Study of Folk-Lore of Philadelphia. 8vo, paper. Phila., 1888 981 Phinney, Elias. History of the Battle at Lexington, April 19, 1775. 8vo, paper. Boston, 1875 Keprint of the 1825 edition. 982 Pickering, Timothy. A Review of the Correspondence between Hon. John Adams and the late Mr. Cunningham. 8vo, paper, uncut. Salem, 1824 Of these letters The Keviewer says : " The letters of Mr. Adams present a tissue of misrepresentations peiverse constructions and unfounded asser- tions." "Of all the persona vilified and slandered by Mr. Adams, Mr. Jeffer- son is the only one to whom he appears to have been solicitous to make reparation." 983 Pindar, Peter. Odes to Mr. Paine, Author of " Rights of Man," on the Intended Celebration of the Downfall of the French Empire by a Set of British Democrats on the 14th of July. 4to, uncut. London, 1791 119 984 Political RiEGISTER, for December, 1768. With frontis- piece of two caricatures entitled The Colonies Reduced, and its companion . Imperfect at back. The caiicatuies are very interesting and quite rare, re- lating to the stirring " Tea-tax " times. 985 Porcupine's Political Censor, for September, 1796, 8vo, uncut. Philadelphia, 1796 Contains The Life of Tom Taine, etc. Judge Walter Franklin's copy, with autograph. 986 Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts. A Sermon preach'd before the Incorporated Society for the, On Feb}^ 19 1719 By Samuel Lord Bishop of Carlisle & on Feby 21 1723 By Thomas, Lord Bishop of Ely. 2 vols. Svo, paper. London, 1720-24 987 Raleigh, W. The Craftsman Extraordinary; being Re- marks on a late Pamphlet, entitled Observations on the Con- duct of Great Britain, &c. Publised by Caleb D'Anvers Eq- 8vo. Printed for R. Franklin, London, 1729 With a statement, in the autograph ot the author, on the back of the false title, giving his resons for writing this tract, which arc remarks on the treaty between Great Britain and Spain. Rare Old View of "the Stadthouse at Amsterdam." Published, Philadelphia, 1796. 8vo. 989 Reed, William B. A Lecture on the Romance of Ameri- can History. i2mo, paper. Philadelphia, 1839 990 Reynolds, Rev. Goodall. Concord Fight, April 19, 1775. 8vo, paper. Boston, 1875 991 RoDGERS, Ravaud K. Historical Sketch of the Synod of New Jersey. 8vo, paper. New Brunswick, 1861 992 Sheldon, George. The Traditionary Story of the Attack on Hadlev, Massachusetts, September i, 1675, and the Al- leged Appearance of General Goffe, the Regicide. 8vo, paper. Boston, 1874 993 Sherman, General William T. Military Law by. Reprinted from the Journal of the Military Service Institute of the United States. 8vo, paper. New York, 1830 Autogrhph presentation copy from the author. 994 SIMMS, J. R. The American Spy; or, Freedom's Early Sacrifice. A Revolutionary Tale of New England. 8vo, paper. Albany, 1857 I20 995 Slavery. Minutes of the Proceedings of the First to the Fifth Convention of Delegates from the Abolition Societies, Established in different Parts of the United States, assembled at Philad. on the First Day of Jan., 1794, to Jan. 6, 1798. 5 pamphlets. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1794-8 Very rare. The Minutes of the First to the Fifth Conventlona, being the first abolition society founded in this country. 996 Slavery. A Dialogue Concerning the Slavery of the Africans. Shewing it to be the Duty aud Interest of the American Colonies to Emancipate all their African Slaves; with an Address to the Owners of such Slaves, Dedicated to the Honorable the Continental Congress. 8vo, uncut. Norwich, Judah P. Spooner, 1776 997 Slavery. Controversy between Caius Gracchus and Opemius in reference to the American Society for Coloniz- ing the Free People of Colour of the United States. 8vo, paper, uncut. Georgetown, D. C, 1827 998 Slavery. Table showing the Number of Emigrants and Recaptured Africans sent to the Colony of Liberia by the Government of the United States. 8vo, uncut. Washington, 1845 999 Slavery. Memorials Presented to the Congress of the United States of America, by the Different Societies Insti- tuted for Promoting the Abolition of Slavery, etc., in the States of Rhode-Island, Connecticut, New Yotk, Pennsyl- vania, Maryland and Virginia. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1792 Piece torn from corner of title. 1000 Slavery. First to the Seventh Annual Report of the Friends' Association of Philadelphia, for the Aid and Ele- vation of the Freedmcn. 7 pieces. Phila., 1865-71 looi Slavery. An Essay on the Slavery and Commerce of the Human Species, particularly the African. Translated from a Latin Dessertation which was Honored with the First Prize in the University of Cambridge, for the Year 1785. 8vo, uncut. Philadelphia, 1786 1002 Slavery. The Liberty Almanac for 1852. 8vo, paper. New York, 1852 1003 Stille Charles J, Beaumarchais and "The Lost Millions.' ' A Chapter on the Secret History of the Ameri- can Revolution. Small 4to, paper, uncut. Phila., N. D Privately printed. 1004 Stille Charles J . Pennsylvania and the Declaration of Independence. 8vo, paper, uncut. Phila., 1890 121 1005 Stille, Charles J. Religious Tests in Provincial Penn- sylvania. Small 4to, paper, uncut. Phila., 1885 Privately printed. 1006 Stone, Frederick D. The Battle of Brandywine. Svo, paper, uncut. Philadelphia, 1895 Presentation copy from the author. 1007 Stone, Frederick D. The Ordinance of 1787. Svo, paper. Philadelphia, 1889 1008 Stryker, William S. Trenton, One Hundred Years Ago. Svo. Trenton, 187S Privately printed. loio Teller, Rev. Henry. Historical Discourse on the First Presbyterian Church, Springfield, New Jersey. Svo, paper. Newark, 1876 loii Thorburn, Grant. Supplement to the L,ife of. Svo, paper. New York, N. D. 1012 Thorburn, Grant. Sketches from the Note-Book of Lawrie Todd. Portrait. Svo, paper. New York, 1847 1013 Thorburn, Grant. Lawrie Todd's Notes on Virginia with a Chapter on Puritans, Witches and Friends. Svo, paper. New York, 1848 1014 Tilden, S. J. The New York City "Ring." Its Origin, Maturity and Fall. Svo, paper. New York, 1873 1015 TiMLOw, Rev. P. J. Discourses Delivered in the I,ea- cock Presbyterian Church, Lancaster Co., Pa. Svo, paper. Philadelphia, 1855 1016 ToTHEROH, Rev. W. W. Historical Sketch of the Honeybrook Presbyterian Church of Waynesburg, Chester Co., Pa, Svo, paper. Philadelphia, 1876 1017 Tower, Hon. Charlemagne. Proceedings at the Dinner Given by the Historical Society of Pennsylvania to. Small 4to, uncut. Philadelphia, 1897. lOiS Trinity Church. The Claim of, to having Furnished Burial Places for some of the American Prisoners who Died in the Old Sugar House Prison, Examined and Refuted. Svo, uncut. Privately printed, New York, 1S63 1019 Troost, G. Geological Survey of the Environs of Philadelphia. Svo, paper. Philadelphia, 1S26 1020 Union League. Addresses under the Auspices of. By Hon. J. B. Foraker, April, 1900; Hon. H. C. Lodge, Oct., 1900; Hon. Lyman J, Gage, March, 1900; Hon. Wm. P. Frye, March, 1900; and Hon. David J. Hill, Jan., 1 901. 5 pamphlets. Philadelphia (9) 122 1021 Velasquaz, Pedro. Memoirs of the Eventful Expedi- tion in Central America, resulting in the Discovery of Iximaya. 8vo, paper. New York, 1850 1022 Vermont. Articles of Association adopted, 1798, by the Congregational Churches in the Western Districts of Vermont, etc., and Amended, 1822. 8vo, uncut. Poultney, Vt., 1822. 1023 Warren, G. W. Address before the Bunker Hill Monument A.ssociation . 8vo, paper. Boston, 1865 1024 Weatherwise, Abraham. The Town and Country Almanack for the Years of Our Lord, 1787 and 1802. 2 pieces. i2mo. Boston and Salem 1025 Weatherwise, Abraham. An Almanack for the Year of Christian Aera, 1788. i2mo, uncut. Boston, 1788 1026 Weatherwise. Massachusetts and New^-Hampshire Al- manack for the Year of Our Lord 1793. By Abraham Weatherwise. i6mo, uncut. Boston, 1793 "The printers of this almuiiack can assure the public that it is entirely free from the infection of the small-pox," 1027 Webster, Daniel. An Address delivered at the laying of the Corner Stone of the Bunker Hill Monument. 8vo, uncut. Boston, 1825 1028 Weems, M. L. God's Revenge Against Murder, or the Drown'd Wife. A Tragedy, as lately performed with Unbounded Applause (of the Devil and his Court. ) By Ned Findley. W^V/// plates. Philadelphia, 1823. God's Re- venge against Adultery. With plate. Baltimore, 1815. God's Revenge against Gambling. With plate. Philadel- phia, 1822. 3 vols. 8vo, original covers, uncut. Philadelphia and Baltimore, 181 5-1 823 1029 WiLHELM, Lewis W. Sir George Calvert, Baron, of Bal- timore. 8vo, paper. Baltimore, 1884 1030 Wilson, Joshua L. A Sermon Delivered in the First Presbyterian Meeting House in Cincinnati, Ohio, to the Cincinnati Light Companies, May 14, 1812. 8vo, uncut. Cincinnati, 181 2 1 03 1 Windmill Island, on the River Delaware. Memorial of Edwin A. Stevens, in Relation to. 8vo, paper. N. P. N. D 1032 Wing, Rev. Conway P. A Discourse on the History of Donegal and Carlisle Presbyteries. 8vo, paper. Carlisle, 1897 123 CHAP BOOKS. An interesting collection of books tor the amusement of children, all printed in the early part of the last century, many quite scarce, and all in immacnUite condition. So little attention has been paid to these little books, which pleased the hearts of our mothers and fathers, that it Is a rare occur- rence for us to meet with any of them, and when we do come across them, they are generally in a dilapidated condition. 1033 Miniature Pictures of Grecian and Roman History. Designed by Alfred Mills. With Explanatory Anecdotes. 2 vols. Miniature 4to, original lettered boards. Philadelphia, 1811-12 1034 People of ai.l Nations, an Useful Toy for Girl or Boy. Numerous neat little engravings. Miniature 4to, boards. Philadelphia, 1807 1035 The Book of Nouns, or Things which may be Seen. Miniature 4to, boards. Philadelphia, 1804 1036 A Description of Various Objects. 2 vols. Miniature 4to, boards. Philadelphia, 1803 1037 YouTHFui^ Recreations. Illustrated with 7iumerous early American copperplate engravings. i6mo, cloth. Philadelphia, N. D 1038 lyESSONS FOR ChiIvDREN from Four to five Years Old. i6mo, paper. Wilmington, 1801 1039 A New History of Blue Beard. Written by Gaffer Black Beard, For the Amusement of Little L,ack Beard and his Pretty Sisters. Adorned with cuts. i6mo, boards. Philadelphia, 1804 1040 The Young Child's A. B. C; or. First Book. Wood- cuts by Anderson. i6mo, boards. New York, 1806 1041 Wisdom in Miniature; or. The Young Gentleman and Lady's Magazine. Embellished with cuts. i6mo, paper. Philadelphia, 1805 1042 The History of Whittington and his Cat. Show- ing How from a poor Country Boy, destitute of Parents or Relations, he attained great Riches, and was promoted to the high and honourable dignity of Lord Mayor of Loudon. Embellished with cuts , i6mo, paper. Philadelphia, 1802 124 1043 Divine Songs. Attempted in easy Language for the use of Children. By I. Watts. Or7ia77ie?ited with cuts. i6mo, boards. Hartford, 1807 1044 The New-England Primer Improved. For the more easy attaining the true Reading of English. Adorned with plates, to which is added the Assembly of Diviyies' Catechism. Small 4to, paper. Albany, 1818 1045 A List of Nouns or Things which may be Seen. Small 4to, boards. Philadelphia, 1804 1046 KiMBER & Conrad's A. B. C. Book. W\\.h. picticres for children Small 4to. Philadelphia, N. D 1047 The American Primer, or an Easy Introduction to Spelling and Reading. Illustrated with woodcuts. i6mo. Philadelphia, 18 13 1048 A Short Catechism for Young Children. i6mo, paper. Morris-Town, N. J., 1812 1049 A Picture Book, for Little Children. Illustrated with woodcuts. i6mo, paper. Philadelphia, N. D 1050 The Young Child's A. B. C, or First Book. Ilhcs- trated zvith woodcuts. Small 4to. New York, N. D 1 05 1 Serious Advice from a Father to his Children. By Charles Atmore. Fro?itispiece. i6mo, paper. Phila., 1819 1052 The Moral Instructor; or, A Collection of Sentences from the Best Authors, disposed in Easy Lessons for Chil- dren. By John Pickburn. Illustrated with ivoodcuts. i6nio, half bound, Boston, 1805 1053 The Youth's Cabinet of Nature for the Year. Illustrated 2uith woodcuts by Anderson. i6mo, paper. New York, 1814 1054 The Tame Goldfinch; or, The Unfortunate Neglect. Three pretty copperplate eiigravin^s. i6mo, boards. Philadelphia, 1808 1055 The Black Bird's Nest. A Tale. Illustrated with copperplates. i6mo, boards. Philadelphia, 1812 1056 Little Truths Better Than Great Fables. Con- taining information on divers Subjects for the Instruction of Children. Illustrated with clever copperplates. 2 vols. Small 4to. Philadelphia, 1800 125 1057 The Pious Parent's Gift ; or, A Plain and Familiar Sermon, by Wm. Mason. With frontispieces . i6mo, boards. Hartford, 1815 1058 Keeper's Travels in Search of his Master. Frontispiece on copper. i6mo, boards. Philadelphia, 1808 1059 Village Annals. Containing Austems and Humanus ; A Sympathetic Tale. Illustrated with woodcuts. i6mo, boards. Philadelphia, 18 14 1060 Scriptural Stories for very Young Children. Ilhis- trated with woodcuts . i6mo, boards. Philadelphia, 18 14 1061 The New York Preceptor; or, Third Book. Illus- trated with woodcuts. i6mo, boards. New York, N. D. 1062 The Second and Third Chapter of Accidents and Remarkable Events. Illustrated with woodctits. 2 vols. i6mo, boards. Philadelphia, 1807 1063 Stories FOR Little Children. "Qy S.^^^ys. Illicstrated with copperplates. Part II. i6mo, boards. Phila., 1812 1064 Divine Emblems; or, Temporal Things Spiritualized. Fitted for the use of Boys and Girls. By Jolm Bunyan. Illustrated with woodcuts . i6mo, boards. Phila., 1796 1065 Limed Twigs to Catch Young Birds. By the Author of Original Poems, Rhymes for the Nursery, etc. Foryitispiece o?i copper. Both parts in i vol. i6mo, boards. Philadelphia, 1811 106G Catechism of Animated Nature, of General Knowl- edge, of Health, of Botany and of Universal History. 5 vols. i6mo, boards. New York, 1819-21 1067 The Forsaken Infant; or. Entertaining History of Little Jack. Illustrated with woodcuts . i6mo, paper. N.Y.,1819 1068 Bunyan's Pilgrim's Progress from this World to that which is to Come. Exhibited in a Metamorphosis or Trans- formation of Figures. Illustrated with ivoodcuts. Hartford, 1821 1069 KlEine Erzahlungp:n iiber Eiu Buch mit Kupfern, oder leichte Geschichte fiir Kinder. Illustrated 7vith wood- cuts. i6mo, boards. Philadelphia, 1809 126 loyo London Cries, for Children. Ttventy elegant zvoodcuts. i6mo, boards. Philadelphia, 1810 107 1 Garden Amusements for Improving the Minds of Lit- tle Children. Illustrated with woodcuts. i6ino, boards. New York, 18 14 1072 Famous Men of Britain. Illustrated zvith zvoodcuts. i6rno, cloth. Boston, 1856 1073 A First Book for Children. By Lindley Murray. Illustrated with zvoodcuts. i6mo, boards. Philadelphia, 182 1 1074 Scriptural Stories for very Young Children. Illus- trated zvith zvoodcuts. 1 6mo, boards. Philadelphia, 1814 1075 Simple Ballads, intended for the Amusement and In- struction of Children. Copperplate froutispiece. i6mo, boards. Philadelphia, 1811 1076 Lessons for Children. By Mr. Barbauld. Woodcuts by Dr. Anderson. i6mo, boards. Philadelphia, 1818 1077 The Foreign Visitant. Containing Interesting Ob- servations and Remarks made by an Inhabitant of Terra Incognita. Frontispiece. i6mo, boards. Boston, 1814 1078 The Tragic-Comic History of the Burial of Cock Robin, with the Lamentation of Jenny Wren, the Spar- row's Apprehension, and the Cuckoo's Punishment. Being a Sequel to the Courtship, Marriage and Pic-Nic Dinner of Robin Red- Breast and Jennie Wren. Copperplate illus- trations. Small 4to. Philadelphia, 1821 1079 Little Nancy ; or. The Punishment of Greediness. Ei7ibellished zvith engravings. Small 4to, boards. Phila. 1080 Little Emma and Her Father. Written by Miss Harwood. Illustrated zvith colored engravings. Small 4to, boards. Philadelphia, N. D 108 1 The History of Little Fanny, exemplified in a series of Figures, engraved on copperplate. Small 4to, boards. Philadelphia, 1825 1082 The Council of Dogs. Illustrated zvith suitable engrav- i7igs on copper. Small 410, boards. Philadelphia, 1809 127 io83 Think Before You Speak ; or, The Three Wishes. Illustrated with copperplates. Small 4to. Philadelphia, 1 8 lo 1084 Percival Harford and Clara Letson. True Tales for Children. Ilhistrated. Small 4to. Phila., 1855 1085 The Mother's Remarks on a Set of Cuts for Children. 2 vols. i6mo, boards. Philadelphia, 1803 1086 McCarty's American Primer. Illustrated. i6mo, boards. Philadelphia, 1828 1087 The Search After Happiness. A Pastoral Drama. To which is added, Joseph Made Known to his Brethren. Fro7itispiece hy TdMu^r. i6mo, boards. Phila., 1811 1088 The Prize for Youthful Obedience. Illustrated with woodcuts 2 vols. i6mo, boards. Phila., 1807 1089 Dame Parteet's Farm. Containing an Account of the Great Riches She Obtained b}' Industrj'. Illustrated with woodcuts hy Andtrson. i6mo, boards. Phila., 1810 1090 The Uncle's Present. A New Battledoor. The al- phabet ilhistrated by woodcuts.. 1 6mo, boards. Phila., N.D 1 09 1 Original Poems. Calculated to Impress the Mind of Youth. Illustrated with copperplates. Part II. Small 4to. Philadelphia, 182 1 1092 Little Truths for the Instruction of Children. Illus- trated with copperplates . Part II. i6mo, boards. Philadelphia, 181 2 1093 The Prize for Youthful Obedience. Illustrated with woodcuts by Anderson. Part II. i6mo, boards. Philadelphia, 1807 1094 Rhymes for the Nursery. Frontispiece. i6mo, boards. London, 1806 1095 Natural History of Foreign and British Quadrupeds; Natural History of British Birds, The Pet Lamb and other Pieces; The Hermit of Workworth, by Dr. Thomas Percy; Ducks and Green Peas; or. The Newcastle Rider; Morals and Maxims in Prose and Verse; The Youngster's Diary. All illustrated with woodcuts . 8 vols. i6mo, paper. Alnwick, N. D. 128 1096 The Moving Market; or, Cries of London. Illustrated with woodcuts. i6mo, paper. Glasgow, 1815 1097 The History of Little George and his Penny; The ChiId's"Instructor; or, Picture Alphabet; and The World Turned Upside Down. Illustrated with woodcuts. 3 vols. i6mo, paper. York, N. D 1098 Collection of Chap-Books. Containing many Inter- esting Juveniles, Early School Books, etc. 28 vols. i6mo. JJICKIKG PKINT S. iC. Cor. Teutli and Market Bts UC SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY D 000 015 062 3