ilMiilii mindStudies yoUNGTOVCHI^S •JEROME-ffiLLENPHD- UBRARf OF THE UNIVERSriY OF Z\)c IReaMng Circle XlDrari?. -no. 1. MIND STUDIES FOR YOUNG TEACHERS, By JEROME ALLEN, Ph.D., EDITOR OF THE " SCHOOL JOURNAL," (N. Y.,) " TEACHERS' INSTITUTE," (N. Y,,> FORMERLY PRINCIPAL OF THE ST, CLOUD (MINN.) STATE NORMAL SCHOOL. New York and Chicago. E. L KELLOGG & CO., 1891, Copyright, 1887, E. L. KELLOGG & CO.. New York. £DtJCAXIOS LIBB?; PREFACE. f&SI There are many teachers who know little about psychology, and who have a desire to be better informed concerning its principles, especially its relation to the work of teaching. For the aid of such, this book has been prepared. But it is not a psychology, — only an introduction to it, aiming to give some fundamental principles, together with something concerning the phi- losophy of education. Its method is subjective rather than objective, leading the student to watch mental pro- cesses, and draw his own conclusions. Little of mind- science, that is of use to the teacher, can be learned by reading books. No subject is more dependent upon ob- servation and experiment than this. When mind-growth and mental activities are understood by teachers, instruc- tion will become scientific, and not, as is now too fre- quently the case, empirical. If this little volume shall serve to hasten the time when teaching shall be more a , profession and less a vocation, the author will have ac- complished all he designed. HOW TO USE THIS BOOK. Edward Everett Hale, in his book, ^^ How to Do It,^' discusses the matter of reading. The substance of what he says may be given in the form of the following ten rules: 1. Don^t try to read everything. 2. Eead two books on the same subject, one solid, one for -pleasure. 3. Don^t read a book for the sake of saying ^^I have read it.^^ 4 PREFACE, 4. Eeview what you read. 5. Bead with a pencil in hand. 6. Use a blank book. 7. Condense whatever you copy. 8. Bead less and remember it. 9. One hour for light reading should have one hour for solid reading. 10. Whatever reading you do, do it regularly. These rules, with little modification, will apply to the way this volume should be used. On another page will be found a list of books which the author has made free use of in preparing it, and it would be well for all those who study these pages to buy one of the volumes men- tioned, and read it at the same time this one is read. Discussions of the topics presented with others who are intelligently interested in the subject under consideration will very much assist progress, interest, and comprehen- sion. If any topic is not fully understood, it should not be left until some light is thrown upon it. At all events, interest will come from an under danding of the subject discussed. Jerome Allei^. Kew York, May, 1887. PUBLISHERS' NOTE. The volumes already published by us* have had an unprecedented sale, when it is remembered that ten years ago it was hardly possible to sell an educational work. They have roused a si)irit of inquiry; better methods are being adopted the whole country over; in fact, a New Education, better fitted to express the advancement of the nineteenth century, is coming in. Clear and practical exposition of the great fundamental truths of educa- tion in books of a moderate cost and of good workmanship is a need of the times, and this volume is put forth to meet it. Other volumes will follow and discuss the subjects of Psychology; Principles, Practice, and History of Education; Methods; the Primary School ; the Kindergarten; Manual Training, etc. We believe that teachers who seek to teach in the highest style the art of teaching has attained will want this series. E. L. Kellogg & Co. * Parker's Talks on Teaching; Patridge's "Quincy Methods," illustrated; Tate's Philosophy of Education; Payne's Lectures on the Science and Art of Education; Fitch's Lectures on Teaching; Shaw and Donnell's School Devices; Shaw's National Question-Book; Kellogg 's School Management; Johnson's Education by Doing, etc., etc. CONTENTS. CHiPTER PAGB I. How to Study Mind 1 II. Some Facts in Mind-growth 5 III. Development 9 The First Stage 9 The Second Stage 13 IV. Mind-incentives 16 V. A Few Fundamental Principles Settled. ... 21 VI. Temperaments 24 N"ervous 25 Sanguine 26 Bilious 26 Lymphatic 27 Temperaments in Education 28 VII. The Training of the Senses 33 A Few Suggestions 36 First Course 37 Second Course 38 Third Course 39 VIII. Attention 41 Motives 43 IX. Perception 45 X. Abstraction 48 Methods of Developing the Power of Ab- straction 51 XI. Faculties used in Abstract Thinking .... 57 The Reason 51? 6 CONTENTS, CHAPTER PAGE XII. From the Subjective to the Conceptive ... 61 XIII. The Will 65 XIV. Diseases of the Will 71 XV. Kinds of Memory 78 Incidents of Disordered Memories .... 83 XVI. The Sensibilities 88 XVII. Relation of the Sensibilities to the Will .... 91 XVIII. The Training of the Sensibilities 96 XIX. Relation of the Sensibilities to Morality ... 101 XX. The Imagination 105 XXI. Imagination in its Maturity 113 XXII. The Education of the Moral Sense 117 NoTB.~For a full outline of Topics and References see Index, page 121. BOOKS FOR REFERENCE AND STUDY. Philosophy of Education Tate. Theory and Practice of Teaching David P. Page. Lectures on the Science of Education . . . Joseph Payne. Talks on Teaching Francis W. Parker. Self-culture James Freeman Clarke. History of Pedagogy Gabriel Compayre. Philosophy of Education . . . Johann Karl Rosenkranz. Mental Philosophy Joseph Haven. Teachers' Hand-book of Psychology James Sully. Psychology. The Cognitive Powers . . . James McCosh. Mental Science and Culture Edward Brooks, MIND-STUDIES FOR YOUNG TEACHERS. HOH^ TO STUDY MIND. At first we must learn to watch our own mental oper- ations. For example, we can ascertain why we retain one class of facts better than others, how the mind is affected by circumstances without us, and how by the condition of the body. We can also study mind by noticing mental phenomena in others. How do our pupils arrive at their knowledge? What distracts them? When do they succeed ? What interests them ? There are two methods: introspective — that which is from within ; the objective — that which is from without. These con- stitute the two ways by which we can come to an accu- rate knowledge of mental operations. At the beginning it will not be easy to notice accu- rately the workings of mind. How can it be promoted? Write down from day to day what you observe in your- self and others. You will probably say something like the :^ollowing : ^^This morning a circumstance came to my mind which I had not thought of for years ; nothing seemed 2 MIND-STUDIES FOR YOUNG TEACHERS. to suggest it: it flashed upon me in an instant without apparent cause. I will watch my mind for other sug- gestions/^ '' I notice that it is easier for me to remem- ber some things than others; for example^ a tune has been running in my head for hours; I cannot banish it; it is an annoyance : while other things I want to remem- ber are totally forgotten at the yery time it would be of great value for me to remember them/^ '' I notice that when I use a striking illustration in a recitation^ or tell an interesting story, my pupils are all attention^ and re- member without an effort. Why is this?^^ These suppositional notes will show what our readers who desire to study their own minds must do. Com- mence at once, if possible^ in connection with others who are similarly situated. Compare notes frequently, and in some quiet hour discuss what you have written, not for disputation, but to ascertain how the mind takes knowledge, how it thinks, what hinders its growth and what accelerates and stimulates it. Classify the notes as far as possible, and arrange them under the heads : 1. OBSEEyATJo:^" ; 2. Ii^fekekce. You will infer many things, although at first you will conclude but few; but you will ascertain that Mental activity is promoted hy interest; that Association is necessary to easy memorizing ; that The power of correct reasoning is reached only by slow and careful steps ; and that It is not easy at first to keep the rnind thinJcing on one subject for any great length of time. One mind is a type of other minds. The way one thinks, others think. Our diflB.culties are others^ difOl- HOW TO STUDY MIND. culties. On this account it is necessary for teachers to understand themselves. A Few ftuestions. — Is mind immaterial? Why do we so conclude? "What arguments are there in favor of its materiality? What is sleep? What are dreams? What is forgetfulness? What is the cause of the ^^^decay^"* of our mental powers? What are the first indications of mind? How is it known that a young child has mind? What does growth prove concerning the nature of mind at first? What are the steps in the ^^ growth''' of mind? What are the senses? Is the mind dependent upon them? What is meant by having ^^no sense''? What is consciousness? A Few Facts. — 1. That the mind is immaterial is as- sumed from the fact that it seems to act independently of the body. 2. From the fact that the mind has no power of con- veying knowledge and growing, except through the medium of the senses, it has been assumed that the mind is material. 3. Sleep is a bodily action. 4. Dreams indicate that the mind is active during the sleep of the body, because what is thought is partly re- membered during waking hours. 5. Forgetfulness is the inability of the mind to recall impressions. 6. The first indication of mind is shown in expressing a sense of pain. This shows that there is at the com- mencement of our being some mental activity. 7. The mind at first is in a very undeveloped condi- tion. 4 MIND-STUDIES FOR YOUNG TEACHERS, 8. The senses are the avenues by which the mind re- ceives and gives impressions. Without them it would have no opportunity of receiving or giving. 9. By consciousness is meant that power which we have of knowing and studying our mental processes, 10. The mind grows by means of the senses. 11. It has different faculties. 12. These parts or faculties do not all grow with equal rapidity. 13. Its principal means of growth are through its effort to impart knowledge. 14. A young mind has certain instincts in common with the lower animals. 15. Mind wherever found is the same. Instinct cannot be studied by the same laws as mind. The Mind. I. Its Sensibility, (Power of Feeling.) II. Its TJiinTcing, (Power of Knowing.) III. Its Willing. (Power of Determining.) The Sensibilities. 1. Of the Body : — Sensations, Appetites, Instincts. 2. Of the Mind : — Emotions, Affections, Desires. Thinking— The Intellect. 1. Presentatiye, Perceptio7i. 2. Eepreseotatiye, -jl- 2!^^^^i'^?^ ^''^'''y' ( 2. Of the Ideal, Imagination. 3. Eeflectiye, -1 ^- Synthetic, Generalization. ( 2. Analytic, . . Reasoning, 4. Ii^TUiTivE, Original Conception^ SOME FACTS IN MIND-GROWTH. SOME FACTS IN MIND-GROWTH. If it is important for the farmer to understand the nature of soils and vegetable growth, it is much more necessary for the teacher to know how the mind grows, for a school is only a child-garden. In the soil of in- fantile nature some seeds can early be planted, and at each successive step in development a certain method of training and stimulating must be used. There are right and wrong ways; it is the duty of the teacher to know the right. There is now so much of science in education that some correct principles are fixed as fundamental and universally accepted. A few of these we will point out. 1. Healthy groioth depends upon peoper exercise^ on APPROPRIATE subjects^ at RIGHT times. If these three elements should be observed there would be an ideally perfect education. 2. Only the voluntary faculties are infiuenced hy motives. Attention, for example, is a voluntary faculty; motives alone can influence it. 3. All natural groioth comes from healthful exercise and is attended with pleasure. The gratification of curiosity, the desire of knowledge, 6 MIND-STUDIES FOR YOUNG TEACHERS, the love of the beautiful and wonderful, are always pro- ductive of pleasurable emotions. Pain is always an indication of disorder and wrong somewhere. Dislike and aversion to certain actions show a want of harmony. When the gardener is compelled to prune and transplant, it is the result of a want of fitness of the young tree to itself or its surroundings. It is the same with the child. 4. HaUts are formed by the repetition of the same acts. By and by it becomes easy to do what at first was ex- tremely difficult. When habits are formed and fixed they cannot be changed except by the most long- con- tinued and persistent exercise — the crook in the body of the old tree is almost as difficult to straighten. This shows us the great importance of right exercise at first, for the mental and moral constitution of the growing nature becomes permanently fixed at an early day. 5. The whole mind exists, although in a rudimentary state, in the young child; therefore every part of the mind must be touched from the very first. JSTo faculty can be left untrained to some future time. This does not mean that all the faculties can be fully developed from the first, but that the means of their training must be used from the commencement of mind-activity. 6. Perception is the first stage of intelligence. This depends upon outward objects; without them there could be no growth. li^TUiTiojsrs. — But there are intuitions not dependent upon perception. We know that the 7ne is different from the not-me. When the child sees a beautiful object, it is pleased because it has an intuitive faculty of being pleased by it. There is an answer within to that with- SOME FACTS IN MIND-GROWTH. 7 out. It is the native^ inborn faculty of the beautiful which may be compared to a string of a harp tuned to a certain tone; when a corresponding tone is sounded^ the answering vibration is immediately perceived; but har- mony must exist or there could be no sympathy in the string tuned. This harp-string illustrates the intuitive sense of the beautiful; the outward tone is the beauty taken in by the senses. These intuitions are universal, for they are found in the savage as well as the civilized. They are the recog- nition of the sense of the beautiful or the perception of harmony. Many of our judgments are the elements of what we call common-sense. They belong to the nature of things like the axioms of mathematics, as, * ' Things equal to the same thing are equal to each other. ^^ Some philosophers, like Herbert Spencer, are disposed to deny their existence, but the universal verdict of mankind attest theiv presence, and the almost unanimous testimony of writers on mental science provides them a place in educational science. THE STAGES OP GROWTH. Tate, in his ^^ Philosophy of Education/^ gives four distinct stages of mental activity: 1. I perceive a thing. 2. I have a co7iception of a thing. 3. I binder stand a thing. 4. I can prove a thing. The j^?\9^ cultivates the perceptive faculties; the second, the representative faculties; the third, the Jcnowing faculties; the fourth, the reasoning faculties. 8 MIND-STUDIES FOR YOUNG TEACHERS. Along with these intellectual stages there are four steps in the development of the emotions and the will. In the First — ^the maximum of sensibility and the minimum of the will. In the Second — ^a diminution of sensibility with an increase of the will. In the Third — a further diminution of the sensibili- ties and an increase of the force of the will. In the Fourth — a minimum of sensibility and a maximum of the will. See Tate's Philosophy of Edu- cation. " There is a well-marked order in the growth of the intellect. (1) The pro- cess of attaining knowledge sets out with sensation, or the reception of ex- ternal impressions by the mind. Sense supplies the materials which the in- tellect assimilates and elaborates according to its own laws. Before we can know anything about material objects which surround us they must impress our mind through the senses (sight, touch, hearing, etc.). (2) Sensation is followed by perception, in which a number of impressions are grouped together under the form of a precept. (8) After perception comes represen- tative imagination. It may represent this either in the original form (re- productive imagination), as when we recall the face of a friend; or in a new torm (constructive imagination), as when we imagine some historical person- age. (4) Finally we have general or abstract knowing, otherwise mariced ofl[ as thinking. This includes conception, or the formation of concepts; judg- ment^ or the combination of concepts; and reasoning^ or the combination of judgments, as when we conclude that a journalist is not omniscient, because no men are so."— Sully's Hand-Book of Psychology. " The characteristics of mental development are best seen in the case of the intellect. The growth of knowledge may be viewed in different ways: (1) Under one aspect it is a gradual progress from vague to distinct knowl- edge. The perceptions and ideas grow more definite. This may be called intellectual differentiation. (2) Again, it is a progress from simple to com- plex processes. There is a continual grouping or integration of elements mto organic compoimds. In this way the cnild's knowledge of whole locali- ties, of series of events, and so forth, arises. (3) Once more, it is a continual movement from external sense to internal thought or reflection. Or, as it is commonly described, it is a transition from tne presentative^ or what is directly presented to the mind, to the representative, or that which is indi- rectly set before the mind by the aid of internal ideas. (4) Lastly, this progress from sense to thought is a transition from the knowledge of indi- vidual to that of general classics, or from a knowledge of concrete things to that of their abstract qualities."— I6tc2. Development, DEVELOPMENT. THE FIBST STAGE. Ik the first period of child-growth the active faculty is PEKCEPTio^sr. There is little thought or reflection. Actions are impulsive. Perception soon leads to obseryation". This is a compound faculty, including discrimination^ comparison, comMnation, and abstraction. When a child first perceives an object it is indistinct, mixed, and confounded with other objects. A clear idea of it is obtained when it is separated or discriminated from its surroundings. The first work of the teacher is to aid the pupil in getting clear ideas of things; in other words, to cultivate his discrimination. Comparison must begin from the first. The most im- portant lessons the child receives is in this direction. They teach him the distinction between: long. short. high. low, heavy. light. near. distant. lO MIND-STUDIES FOR YOUNG TEACHERS. sweety sour^ noise, harmony, comfort, discomfort, etc. He soon learns what to expect; in other words, the faculty of "primitive judgment is called into exercise. At first he reaches out to take the moon, or a distant tree, and cries because he cannot get it; but soon he learns to judge between what is possible and what is impossible. The first fear a child has is of falling. This comes so early in life that it has been considered an intuitive sense, which can hardly be concluded. The First Lessons. — The very first lessons must lead the child to come to some definite conclusion from his own observation. Simple exercises like the following reach this end: Drawing lines of equal length. Assorting colored blocks or pieces of paper and ar- ranging them in piles. Judging of space, as by placing five blocks equal dis- tances apart. The Kindergarten system is full of work admirably adapted to develop primitive judgment, and no ele- mentary teacher should be ignorant of the methods invented and applied by Froebel and his disciples. When the child reaches the stage in his mental growth that he becomes so absorbed in what he is about as to be oblivious to surrounding influences, it is certain he has cultivated pei'ception, discrinmiation, comparison, and comMnation, These steps have been taken and he has reached the stage where he has the power of primitive DE VELOPMENT, 1 1 abstraction, A very important gain has certainly been made. It must be noticed that no effort must be made to cultivate the memory. This statement may seem to imply that the memory must not be cultivated. It must le, but in this first stage not directly. The child will remember and reproduce many things he has learned, but not because he has been made to repeat them as tasks. The kepetitio]^ of the same seii^^satioks gives POWEE OF eecallikg THEM. The meaningless repeti- tion of what is not understood is not an effort of the memory. The parrot does not talk because of its memory, neither can we conclude that a child has a good memory who can repeat a paragraph of Latin or Greek, or a part of Thanatopsis, or the multiplication-table. Memory is the retention and reproduction of what has been dis- criminated from other objects and compared and com- bined with them ; in other words, memory is the reten- tion and reproduction of ivhat is hnowii. All of this relates to ih.Q first stage in mental develop- ment. A new class of faculties will soon come into play. True memory and conception will be awakened into activity. The child will pass into the sphere of repre- sentation. There are four distinct stages of developmekt 1^ the life of a humai^ beii^g. During the first stage the perceptive faculties pre- dominate. They are the following: Sensation, Percep- 12 MIND-STUDIES FOR YOUNG TEACHERS, tion. Attention, Observation, Eetention, Primitive Judg- ment or intuitive perception. During the second stage the conceptive faculties pre- dominate. These are also called the representative faculties. They are the following: Memory, Imitation, Conception, Imagination, Association, Eecollection, Eepresentation as exhibited in language. Primitive Judgment associated with Conception. During the third stage the knowing faculties pre- dominate. These are the following: Abstraction, Clas- sification, Generalization, Explicit Comparison, Compo- sition and Analysis, Judgment. During the fourth stage the reasoning faculties are in their perfection. These are: Eeason exercised in Demon- stration, Induction, Explicit Observation, Eeflection, and Speculative Thinking. The time of school educatio:n", as to age, may be divided into five periods: 1. Infancy, extending to three years. 2. Early childhood, extending from three to about seven years. 3. Childhood, extending to about ten years. 4. Early youth, to about fourteen years. 5. Youth, to manhood. During these five periods, most of what is accom- plished by the schools must be donCo After these eras have passed, the learner goes into the large school of the world, and carries the forces of home and school into the varied experiences of actual life. See Tate. DE VELOPMENT. 1 % THE SECOND STAGE. DURIlirG THE SECOITD STAGE OF SCHOOL LIFE THE MEMOKY NEEDS SPECIAL ATTEKTI02^. It has often been said that memory is the art of atten- tion. Tate goes so far as to say that ^^ if we take care to engage the attention, we may safely leave the memory to take care of itself/^ Memory is to a great degree independent of the will, since we cannot directly loill to remember. Only by the power of association can a desired subject be recalled. It is worse than useless to say to a child, ^^ You know;^^ ^^ Think hard;^^ ^^ You must remember. ^^ If the child^s life depended on recalling certain facts, a scolding or a whipping would only hasten its end. The memory, more than any other faculty, is destroyed by nervous excitement. Cool, collected children have the most reliable memories. Calm measures and quiet influences strengthen this power; opposite forces weaken it. This faculty is more dependent on the condition of the stomach than any other. Some may be disposed to smile at this statement, but nevertheless it is true that almost without exception persons with disordered stomachs have poor memories, especially of dates and names. It follows that no studies should be pursued early in the school-day that require an effort of the technical memory. Two Kinds of Memory. — There are two kinds of mem- ory: first, of facts and dates in their exact order; second, that which is based on judgment and proper classifica- 14 MIND-STUDIES POI^ YOUNG TEACHERS, tion. Tlie first is called a local memory, and indicates no great power of mind. It may be found in almost idiots. Blind Tom, the musical prodigy, has this sort of memory, almost to perfection. Young children often have great power of remembering unmeaning words and figures. This is generally considered an indication of mental power, but it may indicate its absence. The second kind of memory is that which serves the uses of thinking and deciding. The greatest error of modern education, during the second stage of child-life, consists in considering that most of the time must be spent in storing the mind with useful knowledge. It seems to be thought that if the verbal memory be made strong the rest of the mind will take care of itself. Tate says, '' This is a gross error y^ educatio]!^". A mere verbal memory is not of the greatest importance; in reality, it is of very little account in the development of the other powers of the mind. Newton and Shake- speare were remarkable neither for extraordinary learn- ing nor for unusual powers of memory. Many who are prodigies in this respect are never otherwise distinguished for intellectual strength; their minds become so loaded with the ideas of others as to render them incapable of exercising any independent thought. ^^ The old text-book question-and-answer method of the middle ages has come down to us, and is cherished in many schools, while alchemy and astrology, its twin sisters, have been, long ago, relegated to oblivion. A good verbal memory may be turned to good account, but judgment based on comparison, the power of drawing DEVELOPMENT. 1 5 conclusions, and the faculty of quick and accurate sight and expression are infinitely more valuable. Tate says with great truth, ^^that boy whose memory is cultivated at the expense of his judgment cannot become a really useful member of society.'-' This is a fact which cannot too often be repeated and too generally believed. " The more important varieties of contiguous association may be brought under the following heads: (1) First of all, we have impressions, actions, or events, which occur together or in immediate succession, as the sight of a bell swinging and its sound, the shining of the sun and the feehng of warmth, one bit of a tune and the following bit. Among the successions of actions and events the most important are those of cause and effect. The child comes to know that the sun warms, that rain wets, that hard bodies hurt, that his own actions produce certain results, e.g., the removal of obstacles by noting how one thing follows another, i.e., by connecting things accord- ing to the law of contiguity. (2) Next may be mentioned associations with objects, including persons. Thus the child connects the various properties and powers it discovers in things, such as the divisibihty and the combusti- bility of wood with this substance; the voice, gestures, etc., of persons with these; also the uses to which things may be put, and the gratifications to be obtained from them with the objects themselves, such as the ball's capabil- ity of being rolled, the capability of the toy -bricks to support others, and so forth. (3) Our next group consists of local associations, which play a con- spicuous part in memory. These include (a) connections of objects with places, as the cowshps with the fields, books, toys, etc., with the places where they are put away and kept; (6) events and places, as the meal, the lesson, the punishment, and so on, with the room in which they take place; and (c) places with other and contiguous places, and featm-es of the environ- ment with others which are contiguous in place, as the sea and the sandy shore, the river and the bridge across it, one house or street and the adjacent one."— Sully's Hand-Book of PsYCHOLoay. l6 MIND-STUDIES FOR YOUNG TEACHERS. MIND-INCENTIFES. *' Lulled in the countless chambers of the brainy Our thoughts are linked by many a hidden chain. Awake but one, and lo ! what myriads rise 1 Each stamps its image as the other flies." Thrikg says, ^^ It is useless pumping on a kettle with its lid on. Pump, pump, pump. The pump-handle goes vigorously, the water pours a virtuous glow of righteous satisfaction and sweetly beams on the counte- nance of the pumper, but — the kettle remains empty /^ When a man is in a sound sleep we must get at him in order to wake him up. After a thorough shaking he yawns and rubs his eyes, and looks around in a dazed stare, and wants to know what all this fuss is about. ^' Why can^t you let me alone T^ No, we cannot let him alone. He has work to do that must be done, and he must be wide awake while he is about it. He himself really wants to wake up, but sleep is too much for him ; he must have outside help. So it is with the child. We want his help in the work of the world, and we must wake him up. It must be accomplished by incentives. What are they ? The pump and kettle illustration of Thring is not altogether an apt one^ for the miiid is apt a kettle to be MIND-INCENTIVES. 1 7 filled by outside pumping in ; it may better be supposed to be in a dormant state, and must be waked up — or in a germ state, and must be nurtured into maturity and symmetry. The mind of another cannot be incited to activity without a corresponding activity on the part of the teacher. An able, earnest teacher will always find able and earnjest scholars. Curiosity is an incentive. We are all extremely curi- ous to know things hidden from us, for men are but children of a larger growth. A boy will sit on the bank of a river all day and fish, content with only an occa- sional nibble. He is curious to know what sort of a fish he is going to catch. Guessing is a favorite sport with children on account of this element of curiosity in it. If a teacher bring a closed box into the school- room and say, ^^I have something very wonderful in that box. Guess what it is,^^ he will find every eye wide open, and every pupil showing evidence of the deepest attention and interest. Skilfully used, this is a powerful mind-incentive ; but it is easy to drop down into the most commonplace questions and answers, as, '^ What is this I hold in my hand T' ^^ Jane, you may take it and tell me whether it is hard or soft,"'' etc., etc. Certain kinds of object-les- sons, as given in many schools, are of this insipid stamp. A genuine curiosity will often create enough disorder to send a strict disciplinarian of the old school to the insane asylum. It is easy to put children upon an intel- lectual race-course through curiosity. Let them run ; as long as they can be brought to a stand when neces- sary, no harm will be done. A prudish e3;actor of order 1 8 MIND-STUDIES FOR YOUNG TEACHERS, and propriety will squeeze all the juice of life out of a school for fear of noise and indecorum. The principal mind-incentives are love^ praise^, pay, fear, duty, and intellectual excitement. Perhaps the order in which they are given here is, as nearly as can be determined, the true statement of their value in inciting the mind to action. It would be profitable to stop and discuss each of these forces, but space will not permit it. The Mind Reached only Through the Senses. — It must be remembered that the mind can only be reached through the senses. These are the only avenues to it. Therefore, the more acute the senses become, the more impressions they will convey to the brain, and consequently the more knowledge it receives. Every- thing the mind actually takes in it keeps, and some time it gives out again. Some impressions upon the senses do not reach the mind ; but when they do, they are not lost. Consequently the work of the teacher must be, so to train the senses that they will readily convey im- pressions to the mind, and so to train the mind that it will keep what is given to it. This can only be done through voluntary activity. There must be freedom. When- ever a restraining or forcing process is undertaken the mind will not be free to act, and as a result it will not grow. Scolding or commanding destroys the free activ- ity of the learner. He must willingly yield himself to the work before him. In other words, the teacher must get willing interest. This can be done at first by objects, and then by imagining, reasoning, classifying, or reproducing facts. If a teacher says, ^^You must MIND-INCENTIVES, I9 give attention! If you do not I shall keep you after school/^ he might as well talk to trees or stones ; yes^ better : for trees and stones are passive^ but under these words the mind becomes antagonistic and repellent. Equally impossible would it be to excite interest by urging duty. *^ You ouglit to be interested. It costs so much to send you to school ; why are you not inter- ested T' It not only accomplishes nothing, but represses and often destroys interest. The mofcto at the head of this article indicates a most valuable mode of procedure in inciting the mind to action. One thing always leads to another. Following up link after link, keeping the continuity of thought, and not permitting it to wander off into side issues, is essential. This holding the interest concentrated on one thing and its logical associates is an essential ele- ment in successful teaching. ^^Don^t scatter; take aim,^' is as valuable an order in the school-room as in a charge in battle. To drive ahead towards the main issue is absolutely necessary if we ever expect to get there. The Joy of Discovery is a most powerful mind-incen- tive, A child may cry ^^ Eureka V^ with as much real exultation and excitement as Archimedes, Columbus, or Balboa. When the little Columbus says, '' I won^t give it up,^^ he is getting ready to jump up in joy and cry out, '' Tve got it ! Tve got it V' There is no incentive in a dull, prosy following in the steps of another. The drowsy policeman who me- chanically plods on in his accustomed beat has no incen- tive to quicken his tardy steps ; but let him get on the 20 MIND-STUDIES FOR YOUNG TEACHERS, track of a thief, and 'see how he wakes up. Through this alley, around that corner, into this cellar, and lo ! he has him ! Lurking in an old box, covered up with a pile of rags, he pulls him to light. He has discovered him ! The world is full of illustrations of this element of joy. Flowers, rocks, sand, water, wood, paper, and a thousand other things afford the objects from which discoveries can be made. The old method, with its command, " Study yoiir hooTcs/^ is as far removed from the new method, with its invitation, ^' Let us see what we can discover, ^^ as midnight is from mid-day. Jacob Abbott, whose books show such a perfect knowledge of the nature of children, somewhere gives these four rules for parents: 1. When you refuse, refuse finally. 2. When you consent, consent cheerfully. 3. Often command. 4. Never scold. Children, in fact, can be led anywhere, and made to do anything, by those whom they love. They are said to be ungrateful; and so they are for all that is done for them from duty; all the usual, regular care taken of them they accept as a matter of course. But only do something unexpected for their happiness and you win their hearts. Tell them a story, take them to see a sight, do anything for them which shows that you take an interest in them and in their pleasure, and you acquire an unbounded influence over them. I do not mean you are not to be firm and decided. " When you re- fuse, refuse finally." Do not say, " Well, my dear, I think on, the whole, you had better not go out. I'll think of it, and perhaps I'll let you go by and by. I am afraid you will take cold. I had rather not have you go; but, if you in- sist on it, I suppose you must." Do not say that, but either say " No," and end there, or else say, " Yes, if you wrap yourself up, it will be all right, and I hope you will have a pleasant time." These are the two extra pennies which constitute a part of the joy and good of life. Some people fail from attempting so much, and never accomplishing any- thing. Finishing a thing, doing it thoroughly before we begin anything else, is very important to our own happiness and the good of others. " The end crowns the work," said the practical Romans. Better to finish one small en- terprise than to leave many large ones half done. Nature finishes every- thing, and that makes a large part of her charm. Every little flower is perfect and complete, from root to seed. Every leaf which will open in the next spring-time will have its little ribs and edges as exactly and completely finished as if it were the only leaf God intended to make in the whole year* — §klf-Culturb: James Freeman Clarke. A FEW FUNDAMENTAL PRINCIPLES SETTLED. 21 A FEW FUNDAMENTAL PRINCIPLES SETTLED. 1. The earliest evidences of animal existence are the SEKSES. N"o animal can exist without one or more of them. It is this that distinguishes animals from plants. 2. The impressions received by the senses are carried to the BEAii^. Unless the Mii^rD received impressions through the BKAIK, it would have nothing to feed upon. It would not grow. This fact has many times been proved. 3. Impressions received by the mind, retained, and recalled, are ideas. We can have no idea of anything we have not seen, or heard, or felt, or tasted, or smelled ; or which is not like something we have heard, felt, tasted, seen, or smelled. We have no idea how an angel looks. Why? 4. Proper arrangements of ideas are thoughts. If it should be said that the arrangement of land and water, and the character of the animals, in Uranus, is totally unlike an3rthing on earth, we could have no idea of things there, consequently we could have no thought. An idea (or a notion) precedes thought. A thought is made up of ideas^ 22 MIND^STUDIES FOR YOUNG TEACHERS. 5. I read a book. I meet a friend. I am interested, excited; I laugh, cry, or am indignant. This is not pure thought ; it is eeelikg. This power I have : / can feel. 6. I now resolve to go away. I do go away, and do what the feeling led me to determine I ought to do. This power I have — the faculty of volitioi^. Here, then, is Thought — Feelikg — VoLiTioiq-. Every possible mental operation may le reduced to one of these three things : The INTELLECT — the faculty or organ of thought. The Sei^sibility — the faculty of feeling. The Will — the faculty of voluntary action — the fac- ulty of volition. 7. When I place several thoughts together, they lead me to cojsrcLUDE or judge that certain results take place. This is judgmej^t. It is synthetic. 8. I have several thoughts which I analyze into sepa- rate thoughts or ideas. This is the basis of eeasok- iiq^G. It is analytic. *' We only reason in so far as we note the resemblances among objects and events. The power of reasoning implies the ability to detect similarity." — Sill. Judgment combines thoughts, and affirms one thing to be true of another. Reasoning divides and declares one truth to be con- tained in another. All reasoning involves judgment; but all judgment is not reasoning. In these suggestions is food for thought. A FEW FUNDAMENTAL PRINCIPLES SETTLED, 23 How important these statements are ! If they are wrong, then much that passes for good teaching is wrong. If they are right, all teachers should understand and obey their deductions. I. The mind evidently possesses power. Matter itself possesses power. It is acknowledged to have properties, and what are properties but powers? It has, for example, a gravitating, a chem- ical, an electric power. Physical science is seeking to determine the precise law, rule, and expression of the powers of body. If matter has power, much more has mind. II, That there are powers in the mind is evident from the differences in the mental states and affections of different persons. This conclusion might be drawn from the very differences between man and brute. The lower animals possess powers common to them and human beings; but there are others, such as the discernment of moral obligation, which are peculiar to man. in. This is further evident from the circumstances that are not always exercising every facidty or the same faculties. In every given state of mind there seems to be more than one power in exercise. But all the mental powers are not in action, or at least in intense action, every instant. At this moment I may be looking at the paper before me, and at the same time collecting my thoughts to write this paragraph. Immediately after I may be looking at the same paper, but my mind may have wandered off to some imaginary scene in which I and my friends are figuring. rv. The faculties are powers of one indivisible mind. They do not differ from each other, as the hand does from the foot, or the lungs from the heart. They are powers of one existence possessing a variety of attributes. V. The faculties are not to be regarded as necessarily operating one after another in regular order or at different times. It seems clear that several of the mental powers may be blended in one act. Thus at the same time that I am judging or deciding, I may be under the influence of hope or fear, of benevolence or prejudice. How many di- verse powers maybe exercised at one and. the same time in that blade of grass, or incur finger; the gravitating, chemical, electric, vital; no one can tell how many. VI. It is difficult to form a classification of the facidties which deserves to be regarded as complete. This arises from a variety of causes. It may proceed from human inca- pacity^, from the difficulty of penetrating phenomena which are so fugitive— that IS, so briefly under the view — and so complicated, and from the circum- stance that the faculties very much run into each other. VII. There may be a classification of the facidties embodying much truth and of eminent practical utility, though not professing to be perfect. It is true that the mind is one, but it manifests itself in a variety of ways, and its characteristic operations must be carefully noted and their peculiar- ities unfolded. It is only when the acts are marked, distinguished, classified, and named that one can be said to have any adequate idea of the nature 01 the mind.— McCosh's The Cognitive Powers. ^4 MIND-STUDIES FOR VOUNG TJ^ACHEkS, TEMPERAMENTS. SiirCE the mind receives all of its knowledge through the body, it follows that the character of the body must influence the nature of the impressions. All do not re- ceive the same impressions from the same objects, be- cause they do not pass through the same media. It is difficult to define temperaments ; in fact, it is not necessary to define them. From ancient times, with great unanimity, they have been classified as four — Nervous, Sanguine, Bilious, Lymphatic Temperaments. — It is self-evident that teachers should understand tem- peraments, for each demands a different treatment. The nervous child would be utterly overwhelmed by a punishment that would hardly move a lymphatic one. Teachers should study their own temperaments, that they may know what to cultivate and what to repress, for one^s temperament may be much modified by habits and culture ; in fact, by diligent practice it may be greatly changed. No temperament is perfect ; neither has any person one entirely pure. There are all grades and qualities. A diligent study of what we give below, with the help of an honest friend who is courageous enough to tell the TEMPEkAMEl^T^. 2% truth, however unpleasant it may be, will reveal more than a hundred ^^ phrenologists/^ whose self -assumed assumptions are only equalled by the profundity of their ignorance. When pure, the various temperaments may be known by the following characteristics : I. K-EBVOUS- FiiYaL- Brain. Physical. — Head large ; abdomen small ; nerves ac- tive ; hair fine, silky, often white in childhood, often black in maturer years; skin thin, transparent; eyes bright, vivid, expressive ; figure delicate, slender, often lean ; motions quick. MEi^TTAL. — Mind moves actively ; great love of poetry and music; often reticent, thinking much but saying little ; often great love of nature ; has ability to read thoughts from expressions of the face and motions ; afraid of the dark ; imagination very active ; often slow to bestow confidence, but possessed of deep feeling ; usually honest and open-hearted ; when the digestive organs are not vigorous there is apt to be great mental disturbance and melancholy, producing a desire for quiet and solitude, with serious and religious feelings ; when united with a little of the sanguine temperament it pro- duces a meditative condition, delighting in a world of ideal creatures ; often found lamenting over a lack of goodness or greatness, and longing for scenes or places of ideal perfection. When this temperament is not pure there is apt to be great irritability and lack of tongue- restraint. 26 MIND-STUDIES FOR YOUNG TEACHERS, II. ^KS^GTOI'Si'^—Oirculatory: Lung. Physical. — Lungs and arterial system large; pulse strong; muscles round and well filled; organism genial, warm; hair usually red or auburn; eyes blue; skin fair, reddish tinge; cheeks flush quickly; emotions of the mind quickly seen in the face; chest full; limbs round- ed; countenance animated. Mei^tal. — Ardent and lively feelings; sudden emo- tions; transient affections; quick passions; impetuous desires; strong propensity to mirth; easily accustoms itself to a life of gayety; excessive grief, with floods of tears, which soon pass away; constant tendency to excess and exaggeration; intense expression and passion; reso- lutions suddenly taken, immediately executed; liable to be greatly in love with music, dancing, painting, elo- quence; rushes on ^^ where angels fear to tread^^; widely prevalent in the French nation; often found among the Irish and Scotch. m. -BLlA-OUS-Lwer. Physical. — Cold or low temperature; hair black, strong, and abundant; complexion sallow; skin dry; eyes dark. Me2!^tal. — When this temperament is joined with a strong muscular system there is found a modification of the pure bilious characteristic, and there will be found a choleric temperament. ^^Its tendency is to prompt and sustained activity, to enlarged plans, patient endur- ance in execution, to difficult enterprise, and courage and resolution in meeting obstacles. Its aims are high, and its ends comprehensive, demanding plan and calcu- TEMPERAMENTS, 2/ lation for their success, and time for their accomplish- ment. With a bad heart the enterprise may be malig- nant, and its prosecution shockingly cruel, bloody, and ferocious; or, with a good heart, benevolent, and urged on with a generous and noble enthusiasm; but in each case there will be determination, self-reliance, and invin- cible decision and persistence. Magnanimity, self-sacri- ficing chivalry, and exalted heroism will compel admi- ration for the actor, even in a bad cause, and secure lasting respect and veneration for the dauntless cham- pion of truth and righteousness: and in each of these fields, so different in moral estimation, the choleric tem- perament may be found, but direct, determined, and persevering in both.^^ — Hickok. IV. JjYSKP'SJLTlC-Stomac'h : Food, Physical. — Abdomen large; system clogged; expres- sion languid; hair light; eyes tranquil, expressionless; countenance listless; features rounded; lips thick; flesh soft; body full, thick, disinclined to muscular exertion or mental action. This is called sometimes the phleg- matic temperament. Mektal. — ^^Mind heavy, torpid, and the man slug- gish and often approaching the stupid. When only moderately phlegmatic, this temperament is especially favorable for well-directed, long-sustained, and effective mental activity. ^^ The moderately phlegmatic is self- balanced and stable, practical, judicious, and often cheerful. This temperament often exhibits remarkable instances of equanimity, patience, and calm self-reli- ance. 28 MIND-STUDIES FOR YOUNG TEACHERS, The Dutch are phlegmatic; the German phlegmatic tempered with the bilious and nervous. In the English mind the phlegmatic is practically in the majority; but in neither the Dutch, German, nor English do we find a pure phlegmatic temperament. The Dutchman plods, the German speculates, the Englishman executes. The Yankee temperament is more nervous, mixed with some sanguine. ^^The mixed phlegmatic has given to the world the patriarch Joseph, the prophet Daniel, the philosopher Newton^ and the patriot Washington/^ TEMPERAMENTS IN EDUCATION.'' Individual Differences. — It cannot be denied that in- dividual differences come from permanent lodily and mental peculiarities. Different amounts of exciting force are needed in order to call forth a given quantity of feel- ing in two cases. In the school-room, teachers are daily comparing pupils with respect to the intensity and dura- tion of a feeling under precisely the same circumstances. What moves one to great exertion is hardly perceived by another. There are certain susceptibilities antecedent to activity. One child has a strong will-power, but no sympathy; another has great feeling, but weak will- * It is wrong: to confound the study of temperament with the study of phrenolog5\ The one takes cognizance of the entire body, the other con- Ihies it-s inquiries to cranial and facial development. TEMPERAMENTS. 2g force. In general, intensity of feeling is closely con- nected with strength of will, but not always. We are compelled to make each child the subject of special study. Just as the portrait-painter gives to each person before him individual attention, so must the teacher. The true teacher is an artist in a grander, higher, bet- ter sense than any painter, however perfect, can possi- bly be. He cannot classify all on the basis of their at- tainments in a certain branch of study. Better consid- erations, drawn from the nature of mental and bodily activities, govern class arrangement and grading. In doing this he must have the perfect freedom of an ar- tist. How absurd it would be for a board of directors to dictate to a sculptor where he shall cut his marble; equally absurd is it for any one not a true teacher to as- sume to direct the artist-teacher in the classification of his pupils. Freedom that comes from thorough knowl- edge must never be abridged. Hints to Teachers. — 1. Determine the temperaments of your pupils. The difficulties will be found in those of mixed character. No one can mistake a pure 7ierv- ous, sanguine, bilious, or lyynphatic child ; but, the truth is, such unadulterated specimens are seldom found. It is the mixed species that will give trouble. 2. Having determined to the best of your ability the predominating temperament, treat each child according to the following rules : a. Do not put two pupils of the same temperament together. 1), Ask more questions of the lymphatic than the nervous. 30 MIND-STUDIES FOR YOUNG TEACHERS. c. Do not point out publicly to the nervous child his mistakes. Suggest quietly. d. Speak quietly and slowly, in a natural tone of voice to the nervous girl; a little more emphasis can be used in addressing the lymphatic boy. Do not say to the nervous girl, ^^ Sit down;^^ ^^ Don^t jump around so much;^^ ^^Don^t ask so many ques- tions."' It will do no good. A quiet, kind remark, in a quiet tone of voice, or simply a motion of the hand, will be sufficient. e. Bear a great deal from the nervous without com- plaint. Scolding is mental arsenic to the sanguine- nervous pupil. A few emphatic remarks will often do the stolid boy good, but let them be made to him alone. /. A nervous-sanguine child will bear a great deal of firm government. Don't be afraid to say quietly, but firmly and kindly, *^No.'' Tears will flow; angry, hasty words very likely be uttered, but don't mind; keep cool, collected, and firm; say little, and that little kindly, in a quieting tone of voice. The shower will pass, and with the tear-drop on the cheek the penitent regret will follow. g. If the bilious temperament is mixed with a little lymphatic and a little nervous, there will often be diffi- culty of a serious nature. Outbursts of passion will not pass pleasantly away, but there will be sulkiness, mo- roseness, backbiting, and a disposition to stir up mis- chief. This needs careful treatment. The best way to treat such cases as these is, (1) ask the doing of a favor; (2) show confidence by assigning some special work TEMPERAMENTS, 3 1 where it is possible; (3) talk alone, and in a natural but decided tone of voice awaken the conscience; (4) be un- yielding in action, but use great care how you threaten or promise, or seem anxious to obtain personal favor; (5) if you have been wrong, say so in a manly manner, but not in a craven spirit; (6) keep the reins as in driv- ing horses, in your own hands; (7) ask a skilful horse- trainer how he deals with a balky horse, and apply his wisdom to the child. li. Because a lymphatic child is apparently stubborn, be careful you do not mistake his motive. A nervous teacher trying to move a phlegmatic boy to action by more nervousness is a ridiculous sight. The immobility of the one is only matched by the impatience of the other. i. The temperaments most injured by injudicious teachers are the bilious and nervous. The sanguine and lymphatic will stand uninjured a great amount of abuse. Many a bilious boy has been sent to the staters prison, if not to the gallows, by ignorant teachers. General Notes. — 1. Be certain you understand your child before you punish. 2. Be also certain the child understands you before you blame him. 3. General, complaining remarks before the whole school are always out of place. No two pupils hear them alike. 4. The child of slow comprehension, sluggish move- ments, may in the long-run come out ahead. 5. The least hopeful temperament is the pure bilious- 32 MIND-STUDIES POR YOUNG TEACHERS. lymphatic^ when it has been subjected to wrong influ- ences at home or in the street. 6. The most hopeful temperament is the nervous- lymphatic, when it has been properly trained at home or by associates. 7. Only by slow degrees can permanent changes be effected in temperament. Be jpatient, but eternally per- sistent. THE TRAINING OF THE SENSES. THE TRAINING OF THE SENSES. It may seem to some of our readers that we are deal- ing with very trivial subjects in this and other chapters, but a moment^s reflection will convince them to the contrary. There can be no perception without sense- action. The avenues to the thought must be in good order ; distorted impressions come from disordered avenues. The training of the senses is important at each stage in life. No one is too old to neglect their exercise ; in fact, the old need the most constant and active drill in this direction. Directions. — Continuing the oljective course, we will mention several additional exercises which may be used in all schools : 1. Hold up two different things of complex character until all have had sufficient time to see them. Put them out of sight ; let them be described. 2. In the same manner exhibit three^ four, five, six, etc., objects. Care must be taken not to confuse the mind by exhibiting too many at once. Great skill is sometimes attained in the art of quickly seeing and retaining impressions. There was once a gentleman who could stand before the show-window of a 34 MIND-STUDIES FOR YOUNG TEACHERS, retail store five minutes and then go away and accurately describe all the objects exhibited. Such power is rare. It is said that President Garfield possessed it to a remarkable degree. 3. Hold up a picture containing many objects. After all have seen it, remove and describe. 4. Place small pieces of camphor, alum, salt, and sugar on the table. Let them be discriminated by taste ; afterwards named by sight. 5. In the same manner, use solutions of tea, coffee, sugar, and vinegar. 6. Let pupils go into a common retail store and look around, and then go home and write the names of all they saw. 7. Hearing sounds, as loud, low, high, bass, long, short, harsh, soft, and telling at once their qualities. 8. Hearing the tones of the octave on an organ, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, and telling the name of each as soon as heard. Do not sound them in order. 9. Feeling substances that are greasy, smooth, rough, large, small, round, square, cube, pentagon, dodecahe- dron, oval, sphere, etc., with eyes shut, and telling at once their shape and character. 10. Judging of distances; as height of a room, its length, breadth, the distance of a rod, a foot, a yard, 100 feet, etc., and in every instance verifying the judg- ment, and trying again. 11. Judging of comparative distances. Draw a line on the board by measure ; go to another board and draw another line of the same length luithout measure, verify and try again. Take a stovepipe-hat, look at it carefully THE TRAINING OF TH^ SENSES. 35 at a little distance; draw a line on the board the length of its height, the length across the top, longest way, the shortest way; verify, try again. In all possible ways discipline, train, correct, render sharp and accurate all the senses ; and this not for a day or year, but as long as school-life continues. The time devoted to these exercises must be proportioned to the advancement of the learners. Subjective and Objective Attention. — It ought to be said over and over again that subjective attention fol- lows objective. The things that are unknown become known by those that are known. Commencing with what a child sees, hears, smells, feels, and tastes, we conduct him by successive steps to what he can only co7iceive he can see, hear, smell, feel, and taste. He sees a cat; he comes to know how a tiger looks; the little cat becomes a gigantic panther; the mound of sand, an immense mountain; and a small pool of water. Lake Superior. After several years of mind-training the conceptive faculty is so far developed that he can think of this earth as a vast globe, and of human beings as insignificant mites on its surface. By and by, when full maturity is reached and a thousand objective im- pressions have become subjective, he can see the ecliptic, the equator, the equinoctial, the precession of the equi- noxes, the nodes of the moon, and all the planets in their revolution around the sun. By and by he can rise higher, and conceive the true constitution of the universe itself. But he does not stop here. From the region of the subjective he goes into the domain of the abstract, and 36 MmnsTUDiEs for young teachers, quantity occupies his mental sight. He sees the conic sections, and computes the value of infinitesimal terms. The higher mathematics open to his enlarged sight. But he takes one step more and then reaches the utmost limit of human seeing. He grasps the subtleties of logic and reasoning, and judges, compares, and decides the value of arguments. He goes no far titer. In all of this there are these four steps : 1. From the objective to the subjective. 2. From the subjective to the conceptive. 3. From conceptive thought to the idea of quantity and its relations. 4. From the idea of quantity and its relations to the higher ideas of comparisons, judgments, and conclu- sions. The foundation-stone of all is objective sight, hear- ing, smelling, tasting, and seeing. The judge begins here, and whenever he renders a decision he commences just where a little child begins, and sees and hears just as patiently and clearly as it is possible for a child to do. 1^0 man, however high, ever gets beyond objective perception. So much depends upon it during all life that its culti- vation should form, the essential and prominent work of an elementary course in all our schools. A FEW SITGGESTIOIirS IN TKAINING THE SENSES. It has frequently been said that the mind can only receive ideas through the medium of the senses. It follows, then, that the senses must be trained in all THE TRAINING OF THE SENSES. 37 the grades of a school course. Ko man or woman is too old to need the culture of the eye, hand, ear, as well as the nose and mouth. If the human machine is in good working order the mind will be likely to be stocked with thought. Principles. — One sense cannot be trained without also training to some extent all the others. Quickness of apprehension must be aimed at. Correctness of statement is essential. Language is the vehicle of thought. Fragmentary expression is cer- tain to lead to disconnected thought. Full statements in sentences are of inestimable value. First be certain that there is correctnesSy next quickness, then full state- ments. There are two kinds of sight, feeling, etc. : one is the objective, or what the mind perceives when it looks out upon the outside world ; the other is subjective, or what the mind perceives when it looks in upon itself and recalls, recollects, judges, or reasons. Primary grades are mainly concerned with objective culture ; higher grades give more time to subjective discipline. PIBST COVRS^— Outlines of Lessons. Suppose a piece of glass is presented to the children. A.fter proper questioning, but kever telling, or ask- [KG questions that can be answered by yes or no, lead the children to look — look — ^look — and think and tell. The following full statement is obtained : Glass is bright, cold, smooth, transparent, and brittle. 38 MIND-STUDIES FOR YOUNG TEACHERS. In subsequent lessons other objects are presented, and the following statements obtained : India-rubier is opaque, elastic, inflammable, black, tough, and smooth. Leather!^ flexible, odorous, water-proof, tough, smooth, durable and opaque, and is used for shoes, gloves, reins, saddles, porte-monnaies, and binding books. Loaf-sugar is soluble, fusible, brittle, hard, sweet, white, sparkling, granular, solid, and opaque. In the same manner use the following substances : Sponge, Wool, Water, A piece of wax. Camphor, Bread, Sealing-wax, Whalebone, Ginger, Blotting-paper, Milk, Eice, Salt, Horn, Crayon. SECOND COTS'RS'S^— Comparisons. After having obtained all the obvious qualities of the foregoing objects, or others equally as good, then com- mence a series of comparisons, taking care in each step to bring into active exercise all the senses possible. Present the subject in outline thus : SiMILAKS. Milk. Liquid, Wholesome, Heavy, Eeflective, Used to drink. Water. Liquid, Wholesome, Heavy, Reflective, Used to drink. THE TRAINING OF THE SENSES. 39 Milk. Water. " Opaque, Transparent, White, Colorless, JDlSSIMILAES. - Sweet, Tasteless, Odorous, Inodorous, ^ Greasy. Clean. Compare all the substances mentioned above. It will often tax the observing powers of both teacher and pupils to the utmost to obtain correct and comprehen- sive statements. The results will pay. THIRD COITBSE — Parts, Qualities, Comparisons, and Uses. Parts. Qualities. Uses and Comparisons, Ak Apple — Eye, Spherical, Core, Juicy, JPeel, Hard, Pulp, Solid, To be Juice, Opaque, supplied Stalk, Odorous, by the Surface, Colored, teacher. Inside, Natural, Outside, Sweet or sour. Seeds, etc. Vegetable. In a similar manner treat the following substances : Book, Chair, Pen, Oyster, Oil, Egg, Knife, Key, Water, Milk, Bird, Orange, Acorn, Ink, Stone, Cork, Glue, Honey, Needle, Vinegar. 40 MIND-STUDIES FOR YOUNG TEACHERS, Remarks. — It matters not whether these lessons are called object-, objective-, or sense-lessons ; their impor- tance cannot be questioned. So many of our scholars are not able to see what is right before their eyes that often the teacher has occasion to be discouraged. They grow up having eyes which see not and ears which hear not, or if they do see, it is ^' men as trees walking. ■'^ The study of books will not give that quickness of perception so necessary to success in life. The outward world must be studied. What gives success to the chemist, surveyor, merchant, farmer, sailor, engineer, blacksmith, carpenter, bricklayer, and builder, but a certain sharpness in seeing tilings^ The successful workman owes his superiority to the fact that he per- ceives what others do not perceive. Edison looks, feels, hears, and tastes what others have overlooked. Sharpness in perception is at the foundation of the thousand improvements of the present age. We see and hear what other ages have seen and heard but did not know it. How often do we hear the expression, ^^I have looked at that a hundred times, but never saw it before ^^! Eyes must be trained to see, and all the senses to act. ATTENTION, 4I ATTENTION. The derivation of words often gives us correct ideas of their application. We have examples of this in atten- tion, from ad to and tendo, I bend, and abstraction, als from and tralio I draw. Abstraction is the drawing the thought away from other objects ; attention is the bend- ing of all our powers to the thinking of that which has become the object of thought. There must be some- thing to think of before we can think, and we must have the ability to keep our thoughts upon this some- thing before we can secure attention. It is compara- tively easy to fix thought upon one thing, but it is much harder to keep it there for any length of time. Attention is not a distinct faculty as memory or imag- ination, but it underlies and is essential to them all. Although it originates nothing, yet nothing can be done without it. Let us now consider how it acts. When we go into the fields many impressions are made upon the senses. We at once select one object ; this becomes the object of thought, perhaps only for an instant, when another is attended to, and another, and so on during the walk. If we see some one thing, as a flower, that we desire especially to examine, the will is brought into 42 MIND^STUDIES FOR YOUNG TEACHERS, action and other objects are excluded. Perhaps we shade our eyes so as more easily to exclude a desire to attend to anything else. We learn that at first there is an unwilling or involuntary attention^ and then a will- ing or Yoluntary attention. When we return home we shut our eyes and mentally, recall all that we have seen. The amount and vividness of this re-call-ing or re-collect- ing is exactly proportioned to the completeness of the attention. Principle. — That which we loill to attend to is recol- lected easily ; the rest is easily forgotten. Lesson.— The will must be called into active exercise if the objects of attention are to be apprehended. Illustration. — The following dialogue is to the point. A pupil said, ^'1 cannot understand this lesson.''^ ^' Have you studied it V ^^Yes, sir. I have been studying it for more than an hour, and I have no idea of a single line.^^ " Tell me what games you played at recess.^^ ^^ Yes, sir. We played two/^ etc. '^ You remember how many fish you caught last week;, Saturday ?'' ^^ I brought home seventeen, and had lots of sport thrown in/^ ^^You seem to remember outside things very well. Why can you not remember books as well ?^^ ^^ The fact is, sir, that my mind is full of ball-games, fishing, hunting, and outside affairs. It^s away off.-*' ^^ That is the reason you cannot learn. If you can bring your mind here and think of what you are read- ing, you will remember and understand well enough/' A TTENTION', 43 Application. — Some way must be found to influence the wills of pupils before they can give attention to what they study. The means of accomplishing this are various. Under the old masters the rod was used, and in many cases it was effectual. The pupil felt ^' I must/'' then ^^I will/^ and afterward followed attention and success. Here should follow a discussion of proper and im- proper motives, affections and desires, as means of bring- ing the will into vigorous exercise, and securing atten- tion. It is of the utmost importance that they should be understood; here is the outline of the argument: MOTIVES : 1. Love of Truth, Purity, and Eight. 2. The Joy of Discovery. 3. The Ee wards of Success. 4. Love of Study. 5. Sympathy and Personal Attachment. 6. The Hope of Approval, or Desire of Esteem. 7. Desire of Influence and Power. I. 1. Pride of Position and Desire of Glory. 2. Emulation. 3. Vanity of Success. 4. Fear of Punishment : 11. ^ a. Of the Body— Pain; I, Of the Mind — Disgrace — Low Marks; c. Fear of Eidicule and Scolding. 5. Desire of Property 6. Desire to satisfy the Demands of our Appetites. 44 MIND-STUDIES FOR YOUNG TEACHERS. AFFECTIONS AND DESIKES: 1. The objects of Desires are things. 2. The objects of Affections are living beings. 3. The Desires appropriate their objects to them- selves. 4. The Affections flow from us to other living beings. 5. Pity is (1) an emotion in view of distress, and (2) an impulse to relieve it. 6. Affection is an element of Love. 7. Affections that come from our association with others are : a. Friendship, h. Gratitude, c. Sympathy, d. Eespect, e. Love. It is only when the emotion exists in an undue degree, or with regard to unworthy objects, when the supposed excellence upon which we congratu- late ourselves really does not exist, or, when existing, we are disposed to set ourselves up above others for the lack of it, or even to make them feel by our manner and bearing, what and how great the difference is between them and us; it is only under such forms and modifications that the feeling be- comes culpable and odious. These it not unfrequently assumes. They are the states of mind commonly denoted by the term pride, as the word is used in common speech; and the censure usually and very justly attached to the state of mind designated by that term must be understood as applicable to the disposition and feelings now described, and not to the simple emotion of pleasure in view of our own real or supposed attainments. That which we condemn in the proud man is not that he excels others, or is conscious of excelling, or takes pleasure even in that consciousness; but that, com- paring himself with others, and feeling his superiority, he is disposed to think more highly of himself than he ought, on account of it, and more con- temptuously of others than he ought; and especially if he seeks to impress others with the sense of that superiority.— Joseph Haven's "Mental Phi PERCEPTION. 45 PERCEPTION. SoMETHiiS'G touches me, the nerves receive the im- pression and transmit it to the brain ; there it produces a SEi^SATiOK. The intellect may not be impressed; if it is not, no permanent result is produced; if it is, a PERCEPTION' is the effect. The act of perceiving a sensation is a perception. The result of this process, or what is perceived, is called a percept. It will be noticed that perception is an act of the in- tellect. Many sensations reach the mind, but fail to become perceptions because there is no DiscRiMii^ATio:^" aroused. This is the reason why so many times pupils hear, see, and even answer without remembering. They have eyes but they see not, ears but hear not. Their senses are acute, their brains in good working order, but the proper perceptions are not produced, therefore they learn nothing. Two Steps in Perception. — 1. In order to perceive there must he discrimii^ation'. A voice is heard, the head is turned, the eyes look, the countenance is brightened; here is evidence of dis- crimination. Other sounds are heard hut not perceived. 46 MIND^STUDIES FOR YOUNG TEACHERS, because they are not separated from their surroundings. This voice is separated from its surroundings; in other words, it is discrijuinated. At first all objects are alike to the child; soon it dis- criminates a light and perceives it; soon it discriminates a sound, as of a bell, and turns its head in the direction from which it comes; soon it discriminates its mother^s voice, and attends to it; soon it discriminates her face, and smiles. Now peeceptiok is fully established, and mental action assured. Until a child smiles in response to motives, there is little evidence that it has healthy mental action. From this moment on, the mind begins to grow, but notice the order: sensation, discrimination, perception. This is the one order from infancy through life. 2. TJie second step in perception is association and KE-COLLECTIKG. A child hears a sound which produces a pleasing per- ception. It smiles the next time it hears the same sound; it recalls the former association, and it smiles again. This association of one sensation with other sensations, and the ability to recall these associations, is the highest kind of perception. Here we notice the rep- resentative faculty. The order may be from nerves to the brain, or se7isatio7i ; the impression, or the prescn- tative faculty; the recalling of these impressions, or the representative faculty. Notes. — 1. The nerves must be in good working order if they are to convey correct messages. 2. The impressions must be distinct if the mind is expected to retain them, PERCEPTIOI^. 47 3. Perception is a process of grouping. As there can be no association without groupings the arrangement of material for thought must be carefully attended to. 4. Single sense perceptions are not likely to be re- called. 5. Touch and sight supply more objects than any other senses. These need careful cultivation. 6. The training of all the senses must be carefully at- tended to if we expect to reach the mind. 7. As all the materials of perception come through the avenues of the senses^ it follows that the training of the senses is a subject of paramount importance to teachers. We learn to see by seeing, to hear by hear- ing, to feel by feeling. One of the best methods of educating the perceptive powers is by the study of soirie seieiice, as botany, geology, zoology, or some form of natural history. These ought to take us out of doors, put us in the fields and woods, show us Nature, open our eyes, and awaken observation. The botanist walks on, hour after hour, searching for some plant, till he detects its habitat by the side of a stream, or on the damp borders of a quiet lake. The ornithol- ogist steps with the light tread of an Indian over the rocks and leaves, following the whistle of a thrush, or the cry of a cat-bird, till he detects the little lady, sitting in maiden meditation, fancy free, among the leaves, and watches her gentle movements, till he comes to know her by heart. Then the student of geology walks over hill and plain, reading a great history of one hundred thousand years in the swell and roll of the meadow, in the rounded escarpment of rocks, in the long level of the plateaus. But the powers of observation are educated by the study of art, as well as by the study of nature. Every child ought to learn to draw, as well as to read and write; not in order to draw poor figures and bad landscapes, but in order to sketch easily and readily whatever object he sees and wishes to remember. The power of drawing in perspective, which can be acquired in a week, is a satisfaction during one's life. Sketching picturesque objects— trees, faces, forms — leads to observation cultivates observation. — James Freeman Clarke's "Self-Culture." 48 MIMD-STUDIES FOR YOUNG TEACHERS. ABSTRACTION. The child at first perceives nothing distinctly. Its lesson in gaining knowledge is to separate objects — to draw away one thing from its associate things. This is the first step in ^^ abstraction.-^^ The child does not know liimself for some time. A boy has been known to bite his own arm, as though it had been a foreign object. Children always speak of themselves as of another person. They are continually saying, ^^Mary wants some milk/^ or '^ Johnnie must have some candy. '^ Generally during the third year there is a substitution of ^^me/^ ^'1/' and ^^my/^ for the proper name, and this marks the commencement of an idea of the in- dividual self. Now the recognition of personal feelings of pleasure, pain, hopes, and fears begins to be realized. The higher idea of the mental self — the power of turning the mind inward and noticing mental pro- cesses — marks a much later period in mental growth. In fact, this period is often never reached by many whose mind-culture is neglected or misapplied. Teach- ers should carefully watch the beginning of this most important faculty. The following hints will be of value in pursuing this interesting investigation: ABSTRACTION, 49 Two Facts in Abstraction. — 1. It seems to be certain that children attribute life to everything they see. They seem to think everything can move and talk. A little girl of five once said to her mother, ^^Ma, I do think this hoop must be alive, it goes whenever I want it to.^^ The mind soon gets the power of discriminating between living and dead things. But even after this power is acquired there is delight in playing with dolls, sticks, and small stones, as though they were men and women, horses, or cats and dogs. This habit marks the connec- tion between the old infantile notions and the higher ideas of abstraction, and especially imagination. 2. The second step in the growth of abstraction is the power of attributing definite feelings to others, as wise, kind, and good, or their opposites. These qualities be- come personified in mother, father, brother, or sister, so that the very sight of these persons is certain to excite the feeling in them with which they are associated. The presence of a certain person has given them joy. He goes away, but when he returns and the child sees him, instantly the same feeling is excited again. Or a certain person has caused fear. The return of this individual is sure to make the child afraid, and it cries as if in great danger, and will not be pacified until the obnox- ious personification of fear goes away. Thus we see the commencement of the faculties of abstraction, associ- ation, and imaginaiion. How common is it to talk to the child through the language of abstract association. Instead of saying ^^ dog,^^ we say ^^bow-wow;^^ instead of ^^cat^^ we say ^^ meow.''^ The language is understood. But it must be noticed that at first the words apply to 50 MIND-STUDIES FOR YOUNG TEACHERS. all cats and dogs. There is no discrimination. Ab- straction is not strong enough yet. One watch is the same as all watches; one name the same as all names. But soon different persons are discriminated; different dogs and cats known and named. Ideas become defi- nitely abstracted and named. It is very important to the teacher to notice how this growth proceeds and is encouraged in definiteness and distinctness. It is through the power of noticing the differences and likenesses that the faculty of cornpari- son is early brought into play. At first a goat will be a ^^ bow-wow/^ and the child seizes readily a pear for an apple or an orange; but soon these objects stand out clearly in the mind, for the child has noted and remem- bered differences by means of comparison. Koses and daisies are known, and the mind has acquired new and remarkable powers. It is not necessary to inquire at what age this comes. When it does come it marks a dis- tinct era in the mental growth. 3. The growth of language keeps pace with the growth of ideas. The use of adjectives commences when ab straction and conception become definitely developed. The words ''hig/' '^hot/^ ^^bad/' ''good/' ^^nice/' ar* soon learned. A boy of twenty-two months old, seeing a rook fly over its head, cried out, '' Big bird!^^ Teach- ers should be extremely careful not to give words untii the ideas which they embody are certain to be clearly ir^ the mind. Here is an axiom of the '' New Educa- tion.^^ The old masters piled words upon words, with no care to ascertain whether they were understood or not ; in ABSTRACTION-. 5 1 fact, they piled them on and crammed them in, fully knowing they were not understood. It was a practice not at all productive of mind growth, but rather of its destruction. How soon has a child an idea of number? How soon can it discriminate between yesterday, to- morrow, day before yesterday, and next week? A cat can count. When one was left with only one kitten it was miserable, but when two were left out of five it was happy. Horses have been known to count as high as three or four. It takes a long time before children can distinguish two from three and four, and so on. Note.— See Sully's *' Outlines of Psychology " and Brooks's '* Mental Sci- ence and Culture." METHODS OP DEVELOPnsra THE PO^W^ER OP AB- STBACTION. Before the thought can be directed to one subject, it must be separated from other subjects. Abstraction is the power of drawing away a single mental image from its associates. By most authors it is called attention, but a moment's thought will convince any one that there must be the poiuer of exclusion before anything can be excluded. This act of drawing away a single idea from its surroundings is abstraction; the act of fixing the mind upon one object, and keeping it there, is attention. How may we discipline the mind to select single objects of thought, is the question we shall try to answer. Several Methods Explained. — 1. By observing similar- ities and differences. When twenty or thirty pieces of 52 MIND-STUDIES FOR YOUNG TEACHERS, colored paper are placed on the table, the pupils can be asked to select and place side by side those that are alike. In the same manner a pile of stones can be sorted — first, as to size, and then as to weight. In the same manner bottles containing liquids of different colors can be classified, geometric forms arranged, and species of animals and plants inspected. Great care must be used to cultivate all the senses — hearing, smelling, tasting, feeling, seeing, and the faculty of reckoning distance. In training very young children simple objects must, of course, be used. They can be interested in assorting a pile of sticks of different lengths, or making many lines on paper or the board, of exactly the same length as a specimen given. In all of these exercises the power of comparing many . different objects and classifying them should be constantly exercised, and great care used in keeping the work so adapted to the learner^s advance- ment that he will not lose interest in what is placed be- fore him. He must not grow weary of what he is asked to do, for, as has been said before, and will often be said again, interest is of prime importance. It must be remembered that this interest is to be obtained and kept through the work itself, and not through outside things. Keep at one line of thought, and in it hold the interest until some definite end is ac- complished. 2. The faculty of abstraction can be exercised by the use of naine words. The abstract idea must be gained before the word is learned. Mr. Sully says that ^^a lit- tle boy, twenty-six months old, while watching a dog ABSTRACTIOJ^, $3 panting after a run, exclaimed, with evident pleasure, ^Dat like a puff puff^^^ (locomotive). It would have been folly to have required that boy to pronounce the word ^^locomotive^^ before he had an abstract idea of it; and what is true of this word is true of every important word learned. It is extremely interesting to trace the child^s progress in the use of words. Take foods, for example. At first no food is known, and nothing is abstracted from its surroundings. Everything goes to the mouth. Soon one thing after another is rejected until a few articles are selected from all the rest, and their names learned. It is by no means necessary that the words should be short ones at first. The old plan of commencing with ^^ab, eb, ib, ob, ub,^^ and then adding a letter to each, and so proceeding until full words were built up, was a mis- taken application of synthetical teaching. True, after a while the child had formed ^^ abstract, ebony, ibex, object, ubiquity,'^ etc., but in what condition was the mind left, and what power beyond memory was culti- vated? In fact, nothing was accomplished, for when we come to consider what memory is, and how it is strengthened, we shall find that this faculty, under this old empirical way of teaching, was weakened rather than made strong. 3. Action words are readily learned. It is compara- tively easy to gain abstract notions of running, leaping, rocking, laughing, etc., and their names. It is harder to teach abstract ideas of objects and their names. We can think abstractly of boy, girl, stick, but not as easily as of laughing, singing, and eating. 54 MIND-STUDIES FOR YOUNG TEACHERS. But when we come to teach the abstract idea of larger things, made up of many simples, we shall find diffi- culty. For example, we wish to teach the idea of a mountain. A small sand elevation is fashioned, and, pointing to it, we say, ^^Mountain.^^ Smoke and fire are made to issue from its summit, and we now say, ^^ Volcano. ^^ If we are not certain the abstract ideas are in the mind, the words should not be pronounced. Ac- cording to the principles of good teaching, the words mountain, volcano, city, ocean, river, should not be ut- tered — the learner should not hear them — until the pictures of them, apart from all other objects, are clearly in the mind. You say, '' Is this possible ?^^ We answer, It is possible. Pass beyond this boundary-line, and permit the child to use words conveying to his mind no abstract idea, and we enter at once into the land of rote teaching, and the old education. You can now only cram, regard- less of present or future consequences. The very first principles of the philosophy of the mind oppose this teaching. Use may be made of pictures. The larger the idea to be learned, the larger should be the picture. An example of this is afforded in the words ocean and city. It must be remarked that connecting words and particles, as and, but, the, by, of, in, an, a, etc., are used without thought. They really convey no idea. They are only words ^^ thrown in^"* to fill up the spaces at first. The child says: ''Cow, garden P ''Fire, houseP "Moth- er, sick!'^ "Finger, acheT The filling-up words add no additional meaning. ABSTRACTION, $5 4. Abstraction is next cultivated ly learning qualities. These must, of course, be apprehended, by abstracting the ideas from objects. This is difficult. The teacher must proceed slowly and carefully. In future chapters, instruction as to the correct method of proceeding will be given. At present only a few hints can be thrown out. Take, for example, the word ^^good.^^ It is at first associated with some person, as mother; then with some thing, as apple. It is then contrasted, as with a rotten apple, or bad person. Its opposite must of neces- sity be learned at the same time. Soon the child has the abstract idea of ^^ goodness,''^ ^^ badness, ^^ ^^ kindness, ^^ ^^ cruelty,^' ^'love,'^ "hate.^^ Here we have a difficult lesson, but nevertheless one of great importance; in fact the value to be attached to the learning correctly of such abstract ideas as we have suggested cannot be overesti- mated. The lesson must not be given too early in the pupiFs life, but gradually the abstraction gain posses- sion of the mind. When the time comes that the mind apprehends abstract qualities, a stage of advancement has been reached indicating great mental power. Teachers must learn to watch the commencement of this period, for it marks an exceedingly imj)ortant era in mental growth. 5. The highest abstract power possessed by the mind is 7nathematicaL We do not say that a mathematical mind is the most perfect type of intellect, but it unques- tionably marks the most complete power of abstraction. No human mind can comprehend 1,000,000, and it has been stated that few can conceive even 100. When the mind comes to think abstractly of quantity, it has S6 MIND-STUDIES FOR YOUNG TEACHERS. gained a wonderful power. Children find it difficult to think of even the quantity 10 without visible objects. But teachers need not trouble themselves on this point, for numbers can and should be used to express operations ivMch may le understood, even though the quantities represented by each separate number cannot be abstractly conceived. For example^ we can understand the opera- tion 5754 X 7674 — x, without abstractly knowing 5754 or 7674. To form general notions, more than one object must be given. To form abstract notions, but one is required. Example: This apple is red. When we have separated the quality designated by the term red from the subject to which it belongs, we then have the abstract notion designated by the term redness. The same holds in all other instances. In explaining the origin and genesis of universal and necessary ideas, in their abstract and universal form, we will take as the basis of our explana- tion and illustration the principle of causality; to wit, every event has a cause. It is admitted that originally this principle is not given in this form. What is given? Some particular event and the judgment. This particular event had a cause. It is also admitted and affirmed that the universal principle is not here, as is true of contingent general principles given by the succession of particulars. For if you suppose the event repeated a thousand or a million times, all that you have in each instance is the particular event and the particular affirmation. This event had a cause. How then shall we account for the formation of the idea, or principle, under consideration ? Let us recur to the individual fact above alluded to— the fact composed of two parts; the empirical and absolute parts. We will leave out of view the idea of succession, and confine ourselves to the one fact before us. By immediate abstraction let us suppose the separation of the empirical, and the disengagement of the necessary and absolute. We then have the pure idea of the absolute and necessary. This idea thus developed, we find it impossible not to apply to all cases, real or supposed. We have then, and in this manner, the universal, necessary, and absolute idea or principle. This process might perhaps be more distinctly explained by a reference to the ideas of body and space. These ideas are not originally given in their present simple abstract form. They are given in such propositions as this: This particular body is somewhere, or in space. Here you have the empiri- cal part, body, and the necessary and absolute part, space. Separate the two, and you have the conting:ent idea of body, and the necessary and ab- solute idea of space. Hence the principle, universal, necessary, and absolute: Body implies space.— Mahan's " Mental Philosophy." FACULTIES USED IN ABSTRACT THINKING, 57 FACULTIES USED IN ABSTRACT THINKING. I. Memory. Memory retains all past ideas and perceptions in the mind. Recollection recalls them. Fancy takes old recollections, and modifies and com- bines them afresh. Whatever we see we get a perception of ; then a fac- simile — a representative of this perception is stored away in the memory, but it is not the same, Eecollection is usually spontaneous ; not an act of the will, though the will may help. Memory is a storehouse of materials for tlionght. Without it one could not gain a knowledge of the first priiiciples governing all action. II. Conception. That idea which gives one all the common properties of a class of objects — a general idea, embracing all par- ticulars. There may be (1) phenomenal, or sense conception ; (2) thought or binder standing conceptions; (3) reason (or ideal) conceptions. 58 MIND^STUDIES FOR YOUNG TEACHERS, III. Association. The representatives stored in the memory are asso- ciated, still tending towards unity. Association may be (1) from natural coming together in time ; (2) from the likeness or strong contrast of one thing to another. This may be called association by suggestion ; (3) or the mind can make arbitrary connec- tions of unrelated facts. Certain associations of thought will influence both the personal and national character. IV. Abstraction. Takes one idea from an association of ideas, in order to study and understand it better. The chief operation in analysis. V. Reflection. A turning lack of the mind to consider a past con- ception, either for (1) analysis; (2) finding its philo- sophical or logical connections ; (3) or for using it to illustrate some other conception by comparison or con- trast. YI. Judgment, A judgment is a determined connection of two con- ceptions as subject and predicate. There are two kinds of judgments : 1. Analytical. 2. Synthetical. YII. Imagination. It may be of two kinds : 1. Eeproduction ; and 2. Originally productive. FACULTIES USED IN ABSTRACT THINKING. 5g ^' A fanciful dress merely strikes the sense ; imagina- tion puts thought into it, and makes it to express some conformity to character and circumstances/^ THE REASON. The reason comprehends those things that go beyond or before experience. The principles conditional for all knowledge belong to rational psychology ; but the reason^'s iise of such prin- ciples comes within the range of experience. • I. The reason modifies every other faculty. II. The reason recognizes the supernatural in nature ; the understanding cannot attain to a first cause. III. The reason holds the ideals, or archetypes of abso- lute perfection. These archet3rpes, when manifested to the human reason in (1) form (beauty) , (2) principle {truth), (3) the personal self {goodness), are spoken of as '' The Beautiful/' ^^The True/' ^^ The Good.'' IV. The reason inspires the fancy and imagination, producing genius. ^^The genius is either artist, sage, or, in the lib- eral sense of the word, hero ; as in large degree he sees and expresses the ^ Beautiful,' the ^True,' or the ^Good.'" 6o MIND-STUDIES FOR YOUNG TEACHERS. Suppose an engineer has constructed an iron tubular bridge, and finds that it is just strong enough to bear the strain it is subject to— a strain re- sulting mainly from its own weight. Suppose further that he is required to construct another bridge of like kind, but of double the span. Possibly it will be concluded that for this new bridge he might simply magnify the previous design in all its particulars— make the tube double the depth, double the width, and double the thickness, as well as double the length. But he sees that a bridge so proportioned would not support itself— he infers that the depth or thickness must be more than double. By what arts of thought does he reach this conclusion ? He knows, in the first place, that the bulks of similar masses of matter are to each other as the cubes of their linear dimensions; and that, consequently, when the masses are not only similar in form but of the same material, the weights also are as the cubes of the linear dimensions. He knows, too, that in simi- lar masses of matter which are subject to compression or tension, or, as in this case, to the transverse strain, the power of resistance varies as the squares of the linear dimensions. Hence he sees that if another bridge be built proportioned in all respects exactly like the first, but of double the size, the weight of it — that is, the gravitative force, or force tending to make it bend and break— will have increased as the cubes of the dimensions; while the sustaining force, or force by which breaking is resisted, will have in- creased only as the squares of the dimensions, and the bridge must there- fore give way. Or, to present the reasoning in a formal manner, he sees that the Sustaining force in I . j Sustaining force in I .. -a . 02. the small tube ) * | the large tube ) * ' whilst at the same time he sees that the Destroying force in | . j Destroying force in | . . ^ 3 . 03 . the small tube f * ( the large tube I ' ' whence he Infers that the destroying force has increased in a much greater ratio than the sustaining force, the larger tube cannot sustain itself, seeing that the smaller one has no excess of strength. But now, leaving out of sight the various acts by which the premises are reached, and the final in- ference is drawn, let us consider the nature of the cognition that the ratio between the sustaining forces in the two tubes must differ from the ratio between the destroying forces; for this cognition it is which here concerns us, as exemplifying the most complex ratiocination. There is, be it ob- served, no direct comparison between these two ratios. How, then, are they known to be unlike? Their unlikeness is known through the intermediation of two other ratios to which they are severally equal.— Spencer's " Syn- thetic Philosophy." FROM THE SUBJECTIVE TO THE CONCEFTIVE. 6l FROM THE SUBJECTIVE TO THE CONCEPTIVE. SEEii^G with the eyes shut what has never been seen with the eyes open is the great object to be reached in our schools. How can this be? You have never been to China^ but you can see that country, if you have studied geography properly, with great correctness. If you have learned only the map, with its black lines and colored surfaces, you cannot see the real China, only the map of it. The Object of Sense-training. — The prime object of sense training is to enable the learner to see, hear, feel, TASTE, AND SMELL, I]^ HIS MIND, AS A RESULT OF SENSE- IMPRESSIONS. In other words, to use his mind. For example: there is a kind of so-called geography in our schools, that is not geography at all, for it leaves no real impressions. It consists only in memorizing names and figures. The true learning of geography fam^iliarizes pupils with the entire world, so that they can travel in imagination over it, even though they have never been ten miles from home. What is true of geography is also true of history. This study is nothing but a series of picture-impressions. We see Alexander the Great, Marathon, Thermopylaa, Waterloo, Saratoga. The viv- 62 MIND-STUDIES FOR YOUNG TEACHERS, idness of these thoughts is just in proportion to the value of the history studied. In connection with this subject we quote the words of Mr. Geo. P. Brown as exactly to the point. He says: The teacher must recognize the fact that the learning of a de- scriptive lesson consists, essentially, in the development of a men- tal picture in the mind of the pupil ; and that the merit of the teaching will be exactly proportioned to the clearness and sharp- ness of outline which this picture presents. He must also see that the teaching of the explanatory portions of a lesson consists essen- tially in causing the pupil to apprehend relations between ideas, and that those relations are chiefly those of cause and effect. He must test his pupils— not simply to ascertain whether they can repeat the words of the lesson, but to ascertain whether their mental picture of things described; and their understanding of things explained, are accurate. In what way can teachers succeed in reaching such results is the great question before mind students to-day. How to Teach Relations between Ideas. — The object is not directly to cultivate the memory; in other words, he must not stock the mind with useful facts, in store for the possible contingencies of life, hiit to get it in shape to do the thinhing of life. Memory grows strong as other faculties grow strong. Without strength in other directions there is no strength of memory. 2. Effort on the part of the child must be voluntary. Pleasure must be associated with the exertions of the learner. It is a fundamental principle of mind-culture that all real growth is voluntary activity. Pleasure that comes from success is the purest, next to religion, that we experience; it is also the most beneficial. FROM THE SUBJECTIVE TO THE CONCEPTIVE, 63 3. The habit of associating similars and discriminat- ing dissimilars is very important. This requires much thought when properly done. It is almost the first les- son in early life and the last in old age. From it come most important results. 4. The power of drawing correct conclusions and judgments is necessary. This is essential. Now let us see where we are. Suppose a student has been trained — To think for himself ; in other words^ to see things correctly ; To act voluntarily ; To associate similars and discriminate dissimilars ; To draw correct judgment; What next? He tvill undoubtedly have clear and cor- rect conceptions. This is as certain as cause and effect* Why have we wrokg co:n^ceptioks of our sur- ROUIsTDIKGS? 1. Because we have no power of independent thought. We do not see things correctly. We do not do our own thinking. Somebody tells us, tee lelieve and act, 2. Because we do not act voluntarily. We are led by others. We follow and get into trouble we cannot get out of. 3. We cannot associate two or three actions and from them conclude^ but act on the spur of the moment from the first evidence that comes to us. 4. We have no pov/er of calm judgment. Such a person will be a slave, not a master — a fol- lower, not a leader. The more we study the mind, the clearer we see the fact that all true education proceeds 04 MIND-STUDIES FOR YOUNG TEACHERS, from the known — what is seen, heard and felt and tasted — by successive steps to what is conceived to be sben, heard, felt, and tasted. When these conceptions are clear and correct, and we are able to express them so as to convey correct ideas to others, we have a good educa- tion. A mental machine in good working order is what we want. To make it as nearly perfect as possible is the work of the teacher. My notion of a table, for example, is that of an object possessing certain qualities, as form, size, weight, color, hardness, each of which qualities is known to me by a distinct act of perception, if not by a distinct sense, and each of which is capable, accordingly, of being distinctly, and by itself, an object of thought or conception. The understanding combines these several conceptions, and thus forms the complex notion of a table. The notion thus formed is neither more nor less than the aggregate, or combination of the several elementary conceptions already indicated. When I am called on to define my complex conception, I can only specify these several elementary notions which go to make up my idea of the table. I can say it is an object round, or square, of such magnitude, that it is of such or such material, of this or that color, and designed for such and such uses. Now when I affirm that the table is round, I state one of the several quali- ties of the object so called, one of the several parts of the complex notion. It is a partial analysis of that complex conception. I separate from the whole one of its component parts, and then affirm that it sustains the rela- tion of a part to the comprehensive whole. The separation is a virtual analysis. The affirmation is an act of judgment expressed in the form of a proposition. Every proposition is, in fact, a species of synthesis, and im- plies the previous analysis of the conception, or comprehensive whole, whose component parts are thus brought together. Thus, when I say snow is white, man is mortal, the earth is round, I simply affirm of the object des- ignated one of the qualities which go to make up my conception of that object. Every such statement or proposition involves an analysis of the complex conception which forms the subject of the proposition, while the thing predicated or affirmed is, that the quality designated— the result of such analysis— is one of the parts constituting that complex whole.— Joseph Haven's ^' Mbmtal Philosophy. THE WILL, 65 THE WILL. " The star of the unconquered will, — He rises in my breast. Serene, and resolute, and still. And calm, and self-possessed." — Tennyson. The True Order of Knowledge is : (1) willing, (2) doing, (3) knowing. Christ expressed this truth when he said : "If any man will do His will, he shall hnoio of the doctrine/^ Dr. Tyndall says : " The first condition of success is an honest receptivity, and a willingness to abandon all preconceived notions. ^^ Pascal says : "Begin with being a better man, and you will soon have my principles. ^^ If we desire to know anything, we must first be honest and willing to do whatever is necessary to be done. Without this no one can learn. We must feel free to exercise our will as we please. This is at the basis of all our accountability to God and each other — a free will, A child cannot be made to study properly against his will. Somehow, the consent of his will must be obtained. How can this be done ? 66 MIND-STUDIES FOR YOUNG TEACHERS. Sully says : '^ The motive to voluntary action is the gratification of some feeling ; as ambition, love of ap- plause, etc., etc/^ Motives alone move the will. These must be studied carefully by the teacher. Let us take one or two illustrations. A child has a great unwillingness to study a certain branch or do a certain thing. The teacher skilfully leads him to do a little, and shows him that the result is pleasant and easy. It may be arithmetic. Easy examples are selected; success is achieved, commendation is given, and pleasurable emotions a reexcited. Skilfully, more difficult problems are assigned, the same success is gained, and more pleasure received. Soon he is thoroughly in- terested, and new difficulties can be easily surmounted, for the will is thoroughly aroused. How ? By means of carefully-applied motives. Belief comes before desire, and desire comes before willing. From desire and willing come impulse. When the will is not governed by prosper motives, it is said to be ^^ungoverned^'' impulse. Think carefully of this analysis. Notice your mental processes. A little girl desires to go to a neighbor's. Why? Be- cause she believes there is something there she either wants to see, or do, or tell. Her belief is strong, therefore her motives are strong, thus her will is strong. Now, if her will is not governed by proper motives, she may become impulsive, and if not permitted to do as she likes, she may throw herself down in a fit of crying or passion. Let a student of the mind commence a careful examina- tion of personal experience in the following manner : THE WILL, 6^ Think of something you desire strongly to have or do. Why do you desire it? Because you believe its posses- sion will do something great for you. If what you desire is within your possible reach, and its possession will be of great good to you, or at least you think it will be, then the motives to attempt to get it are great, and your will is strongly exercised toward its possession. Are these things so? Examine yourself and see. In this way alone can you become a student of the mind. Your mind is like all other minds in its great features. Carefully answer the' following questions: Do all state- ments made to you excite desire? Why not? Why does a child desire candy? Why do you desire a good salary? Why are we all gratified with a high social position? Does a beautiful landscape or charming music excite desire? Why? Why do you desire to become better? Why do you desire to go to heaven when you die? Does pain excite desire? How? Sully says: ^^ Desire implies a sense or consciousness of want, deficiency, or the absence of something. ^^ Is this true? All of this is preliminary to the subject we have before us, but it is necessary that these questions should be settled before we proceed. Topics in Studying the Will. — The following topics in studying the loill must be considered : 1. The possession of a will in us implies an intellect. In other words, we must think, compare, imagine, etc., before we can intelligently will. 2. The possession of a will in man implies feelings of like and dislike, hope and joy, as well as the stronger 68 MIND-STUDIES FOR YOUNG TEACHERS. passions of hate and love. In other words, if we will intelligently we must have sensibilities. 3. By an effort of the will we can change our intellec- tual processes, and greatly modify our sensibilities. On the other hand, the intellect and the sensibilities may greatly change the will. 4. '' The understanding reaches the will through the sensibilities.^^ — ^Upham. What does this mean? A Suggestion to Teachers. — Study your own mental processes, not so much by reading what others have said, as by thinking concerning your own mental acts, and observing the artless actions of children. Writing care- fully the results of your observations will help you amaz- ingly. A Few Facts. — 1. All parts of the mind are intimately connected. We can have no knowledge without a pre- vious sensation ; no memory without attention ; no reasoning without both memory and association; and neither reasoning nor imagination without the power of perceiving relations. The various activities of the mind seem to stand side by side, ready to assist each other, and are comparatively powerless without mutual aid. Take, for example, the emotions, desires, and passions. It is self-evident we cannot approve or disapprove, love or hate, admire or loathe, without some knowledge of the thing to be approved or disapproved, etc. 2. If we could find one whose intellect is apparently destroyed, we should find one whose will is wanting. A little thought concerning mental action will convince any one that the will directs and controls the intellect. We will to imagine, memorize, reason, etc. ; in other words. THE WILL, 69 the will is behind mental processes as a sort of motive force, impelling to action. The value of intellectual action depends upon its connection with the will. 3. It follows, then, that there can be no will without something to be willed, as there can be no evidence of force without some material substance to be moved. We cannot will to love or hope unless we have love or hope, so that if there is a strong will there must be something that can be as strongly willed. We cannot strongly will to hate unless we can strongly liate. These statements are axiomatic, but, like all other axioms, are important in a process of investigation. 4. The will can change our intellectual processes and modify our feelings, hut not directly. This is a fact especially important to teachers. Let us see what this means. Eead in Shakespeare, Antony on the death of Julius Caesar. What means does he use to incite the multitude to revenge, slaughter, and burnings, and rouse the will to terrific action? He talked to the people of the greatness of Cassar; he showed them the bloody mantle, then he appealed to their sensibilities by telling then concerning his bountiful legacies. By these means he got possession of their wills. If he had appealed directly to the wills of his hearers nothing would have been accomplished. What is true here is true everywhere and always. Knowing does not control the will. A certain person comes to the intellectual conclusion that a definite amount of property will benefit him, but if there is no desire or emotion he will make no effort to obtain money. 70 MIND-STUDIES FOR YOUNG TEACHERS. A drunkard may hnow that intemperance will ruin healthy and yet he will not reform. Your hope of suc- cess depends upon making him fear or dread the results of his indulgence on his own life or happiness. You can only reach him through his sensibilities. We may know there is pleasure or pain, but until we have these emotions they will not influence our wills. Locke says: ^^Let a man be ever so well persuaded of the advantages of virtue, yet, till he hungers and thirsts after righteousness, till he feels an uneasiness in the want of it, his loill will not be determined to action. " Good, ever so gi'eat, must raise desires in our minds before it reaches our wills. ■'^ The sensibilities stand between the thinking powers and the willing power. The following diagram will show our meaning : Kjstowledge. •< Sensibilities, t Will. " Strike out the sensibilities and you excavate a gulf of separation between the intellect and the will which is forever impassable. There is from that moment no medium of communication, no bond of union, no recip- rocal action.^'' — Upham. DISEASES OF THE WILL. 7 1 DISEASES OF THE WILL. The diseases of the will are classified by authors un- der four heads : I. Lack of Will-Powek. II. Excess of Will-Powee. III. Capkice. IV. EXTII^CTIOK. I. LACK OF WILL-POWEB. Guislain says that ^"^ persons affected in this manner can will to themselves^ mentally^ according to the dic- tates of reason^ but the will is not transformed into active determination/^ Such individuals may have ex- cellent judgment and memories. Some persons^ touched with this disease, say, ^' I know I should do as you say, but my strength fails me when I ought to act/^ Prof. J. H. Bennett speaks of ^^ a gentleman who frequently could not carry out what he wished to perform. On one occasion, having ordered a glass of water, it was presented to him on a tray, but he could not take it, though anxious to do so.^^ Instances like these could be gathered from medical works, all showing that there is a disease affecting the will alone. 72 MIND-STUDIES FOR YOUNC TEACHERS, But how does this concern teachers? There are mild forms of this disease in all our schools. Every teacher of several years^ experience can recall many instances of apparently uncalled-for stubbornness^ in which children from no apparent cause refused to do some simple act. Ko one can tell why the child acted as he did. Teach- ers and parents^ and even the child himself, can assign no reason, only he apparently will not, whale in fact he can not, and no amount of punishment will correct the fault. The more the mind is studied the more it is seen that much of the severe punishment of former days was through ignorance of mind diseases. Lack of will- impulsion is by no means uncommon among adults. Cases are seen in life daily. What shall be done with children who seem to have a lack of will-power? 1. Negatively — ^never scold or blame. It will only in- tensify the difficulty. The author of this book, in his younger teaching days, punished a boy severely for not doing what it seemed to him he could as easily do as turn over his hand if he would. Why he would not was a mystery, and remained so until a study of mind-dis- eases revealed the cause. 2. Negatively — the cure is not through the will; let that alone. Other powers must be rendered active, in hope that through them the will may resume its nor- mal tone. For example, use motives, gain confidence, excite affection, laughter, joy, hope, anticipation, even anxiety, and a little fear. Even the simple act of jump- ing or reading, singing or telling a story, may affect the will favorably. DISEASES OF THE tVlLL. "Jl 3. Moral influences give tone to the will early in life. Children, seemingly unable to do what they ought to, or to resist doing what they ought not to do, can be strengthened by moral feelings. Let even a young pupil be thoroughly convinced that a certain line of action is wrong and will surely produce bad results, and there will be a strengthening of the will in that direction. 4. Kepeating one kind of work many times strength- ens the will. Beading aloud the same selection five times; writing the same number on a board thirty times; walking on a certain track backward and forward ten times; anything that tends to give the power of doing what one is told to do will strengthen this faculty. 5. The habit of doing without asking a reason strengthens the will. A child who is always told the reason why is not likely to grow up with an improved will. He comes to expect an explanation, and if he can- not understand what is said, he is liable to refuse to do what he is asked. A boy is asked to take a letter to a neighbor's and get a certain article. He asks, ^^ Why?'' An explanation is attempted, he cannot comprehend the words, and refuses to go on the plea, ^^It's of no ac- connt." The difficulty is in the way the boy has been trained. The probability is that unless a radical change takes place in the manner in which he is educated he will grow up either with no will of his own or with a stubborn disposition. Either result is possible. 74 MIND-STUDIES FOR YOUNG TEACHERS, II. EXCESS OP WILL-POWER. "We are indebted for many thoughts and facts in this book to the work on ^^ Diseases of the Will/^ by Th. Eibot. A case is mentioned of a woman of intelligence who used to feel the need of going into some lonely place and shouting aloud. Under these circumstances she would give vent to her grievances and complaints and sur- roundings. She knew perfectly well that it was wrong to do what she did, but she said ^^she must speak and satisfy her grudges. ^^ A victim of melancholia, pursued with the thought of suicide, arose in the night, knocked at his brother's door, and cried to him, ^^ Come quick ; suicide is pursu- ing me, and soon I shall be unable to withstand it.'' An irresistible impulse to steal, set fire to houses, speak out in meeting, snatch a chair away when one is about to sit down in it, deny doing a favor when kindly asked, belong to this class of disorders. Such cases are frequently met with in schools. A pupil is suddenly seized with an irresistible impulse to do something out- landish or wicked. He cannot explain why, and the teacher is at utter loss to know what to do. The scholar, when asked, is as much nonplussed as the rest, and when earnestly pressed to give a reason can only say: ^^I cannot tell what made me do it. Something pushed me on ; I could not help it." Instances are mentioned of a young woman who chewed DISEASES OF THE WILL, 75 up her gowns ; of an art amateur who punched a hole through the canvas of a painting ; of a man who was haunted by the thought that he might commit to writ- ing that he had been guilty of some crime ; of a boy who collected and kept all the strings he could find, and of a man in Iowa who collected all the old scraps of iron he could get hold of. Some pupils are seized with an irresistible desire to get a great number of pencils or certain kinds of paper. They are laughed at for the habit, but it does no good. These instances show that it is necessary for teachers to be on the lookout for such cases in the school-room. When a child is suddenly, and without apparent cause, obstinate, refusing to do what he has been usually will- ing to do, or persisting in doing what he knows to be wrong, it may be suspected that his will is diseased. If this is the case, punishment will do no good. Other means must be used. The remedy is through the atten- tion. When the pupil loses the power of governing himself, he is continually liable to be governed by caprice and impulse. The methods of cultivating the attention have been spoken of in a former chapter. These must be carefully adapted to the wants of individual cases. In more instances than some are willing to admit, the teacher becom es a physician of the mind, and, perhaps, an^cLviser to parents concerning the healing of the body ; forjio dily conditions h ave much_ta„iia with the states of the mind, especially the will, memory, and attention. jaLxioms and Directions. — 1. External causes affect the will. ^6 MIND-STUDIES FOR YOUNG TEACHERS. 2. Exciting the voluntary action of the will is the aim of the teacher. 3. The cause of disorders of the will often may be found in bodily conditions. 4. A careful distinction should be made between iviU, properly active, and will in diseased action, or wilful- ness. 5. A thorough knowledge of motives is necessary in order properly to treat the will. 6. The will must be governed by moral influences. An immoral character invariably produces a disordered will. Strong moral convictions produce strong will- power. 7. Following from the foregoing comes the fact that a truth-loving person will he a truth-seeking person. To believe a doctrine with all the heart, mind, and soul will produce corresponding determinations as to life- actions. 8. Since morality comes from a belief in the truth, or truth underlies morality, it follows that we must know the basis of morality before we can know the ultimate basis of all will-power. This is loye. With- out sincere love to God and man there can be no true morality, no truth, and no intelligent will. Remarks. — It is often said that a person addicted to bad habits yields to temptation on account of a weak will. This is a wrong conclusion. In such persons the will is weak toward the right, but strong toward the wrong. A drunkard will have his dram. His will is overmastering. The right has little or no influ^ce upon him. The difficulty with him is, his will is unbal- DISEASES OF THE WILL. ^J _anced or diseased. He has turned the whole course of his determinations in the wrong direction. Habits deteemine the will. Let a person con- tinue in a certain line of action persistently, and he will reach a point where he cannot will to do otherwise than he has been doing. One kind of willing will suffer a paralysis, but another kind will grow stronger. It is so with the eyes : when one is lost the other grows stronger than before. A habit of right willing will weaken the tendency of wrong willing until, by and by, it becomes almost, if not entirely, extinct. What, then, constitutes strength of will? It is that quality of the mind which \^ P'^'^'^pt to decide, and, having decided, gannot^he moved from its purpose, but h'olds throiigh evil report and gooa report; overcomes ob- stacles; shrinks from no difficulties; relies on its own judgment; does not yield to fashion,— and so presses to its mark always. Strftn gth of will is the^powertOLXesist, to persist, to endure, to attack, to conquer obstacles, to sni^mT^Tv^^^q frim tfrprjft"^ ^^ ^*^niiTP^^^^*"°p?^i''__ ITis theinostrvital ele- ment in Character. It is essential to excellence ; for of him who has it not it must be said: "Unstable as water, thou shalt not excel." A man of weak will is at the mercy of the last opinion; is unable to make up his mind, or, having made it up, to keep to it. He is undecided, and cannot decide. He sees the right, and drifts towards the wrong. He determines on a course of conduct, and then quits on the first temptation. Weak as a breaking wave, a helpless idler, wax to take a stamp from anything stronger than himself, if he adopts a right course, it is only by accident; and if he is virtu- ous, it is only a piece of good luck. . . . Self-reliance, self-restraint, self control, self -direction, these constitute an educated will. If the will is weak, it must be taught self-reliance; if it is wilful, it must have restraint; if it is violent, it must acquire self-control; if it is without any true aim, it must be educated to self-direction. Freedom is self -direction. No one is really free who cannot guide himself according to his own deliberate judgment; a man who has no principles, therefore, cannot be free.— James Freeman Clarke. ^S MIND^STUDIES FOR YOUNG TEACHERS, KINDS OF MEMORY. DISOKDEBS OF THE MEMORY. It frequently happens that what we know as well as we know anything, at once, from no known cause, is unable to be recalled. Instances are not wanting where one^s own name is forgotten. A gentleman recently, calling at a post-office, said: ^^ Please give me my letters/^ ^^ What name, sir?^^ brought no answer, until a letter addressed to himself was taken from his pocket and handed to the clerk. It is not uncommon for persons to meet well-known acquaintances and be unable to recall their names. The situation under such circumstances becomes exceedingly embarrassing, and is frequently taken as indicating a want of regard. This is not the case, for memory of dates and names is in no way connected with affection. A poor memory of dates is more common than of names. Ordinarily, people remember faces pretty well. No remark is more common than, ^^I remember you dis- tinctly, but I cannot recall where I have seen you.-*^ Memories of the following particulars differ very widely, as: KINDS OF MEMORY, 79 a. Locality where we have been before. I, Points of the compass. Some are never ^^ turned around \^' others are never certain. c. N"ames of acquaintances. d. Names of historical characters. e. Dates of family events. /. Dates of historical events. g. Words exactly as they were spoken. li. Narrations; some can never tell the same story alike twice in succession. i. Poetry; some easily remember poetry, but can never commit prose. These are a few of the many specific kinds of memory that exist in varying degrees of strength in all persons. One Kind of Memory Often Wanting. — When this is the ease, another kind is often very strong. A young man of our acquaintance could remember with the utmost tenacity any number of dates and names with no exertion. Nothing of this nature was ever forgotten. He delighted in what, to many others, was distasteful and repulsive. But this same young man could not reason out the sim- plest proposition in geometry, nor could he commit the shortest one to memory. In most persons some kind of memory is strong. One can remember all the various kinds of odors with the utmost precision; another can arrange, with no error, all the shades of each of the primary colors; another can recall the appearance of a house, or room, or street, seen but once; another can reproduce, most correctly, strains of music. Each PERsojsr should kkow ok what poi^ntts his MEMORY IS THE STEOi^GEST AI^D WEAKEST. Also, 8o MIND-STUDIES FOR YOUNG TEACHERS. teachers should know the peculiarities in the memories of each pupil under their care. It is worse than cruel to require a child to attempt to remember what lie can- not, but this experiment is daily tried, simply because teachers do not know that one kind of memory is some- times wanting, or, at best, exceedingly weak. MENTAL DISEASES. 1. The douUe life. To some people the memory of certain days is a blank. Nothing can be recalled. A woman described by Dr. Azam lived two distinct lives. In one she was serious, grave, reserved, and laborious. In the other she became gay, imaginative, vivacious, and coquettish. When she was in one condition she had no memory of what took place in the other condition. In- stances like this are extreme, but many like them are often seen among young people. At times a child will be bright and attentive; then for a time he will be dull and absent-minded. We think, ^^ Is it possible this is the same child as last week?^^ Impatiently, the incon- siderate teacher says: ^^What is the matter with you, Mary? I taught you this last Monday, and to-day it seems as though you had never heard of it before.^^ The only reply is a wondering stare. Children acting in this manner have a mental disease, known as amnesia, although in an undeveloped form. They are likely to have attacks of somnambulism. This disease is often called an evolution of two memo- ries independent of one another. Many people live this kind of double life, and it often commences to show itself in early childhood. KINDS OF MEMORY, 8 1 2. Memory exaltations. This manifests itself in im- pressions of having been in a certain place, or seen cer- tain things, for which no cause can be assigned; also in at once distinctly remembering what has been for years forgotten. Several instances will be mentioned in the next chapter illustrating this kind of disease. 3. The decay of memory. Do we ever forget? is an interesting question. In old age it is undeniable there is forgetfulness, but it can be traced to a want of use. In certain bodily states the memory suffers, and when certain portions of the brain are removed, a total loss of one kind of memory is effected. Children, when par- tially sick, often forget more than they learn. "WHAT TEACHEBS SHOULD DO. 1. Observe symptoms. They must be mental doctors, and take frequent diagnoses of memory phenomena. Is a child absent-minded, having the habit of looking at the teacher, and yet thinking of something else? Break it up by counter-irritants. Put before the mind strong motives, tell cheerful stories; excite laughter; get the mind away from the dreamland, into present light. Never scold. One five minutes of fun is better medicine than an hour of the stern ^^ must/^ 2. Look out carefully for morbid influences on the memory. Children should never be sentimental or love- sick. Hearty affection is grand; but dull, lifeless, mock- love is a disease. Some young people love to read sen- timental stories, and think them over, and talk about them. Bemove such influences. A hearty, clear, open 82 MIND-STUDIES FOR YOUNG TEACHERS, affection, tempered with an abundance of sunlight, good food, pure water — outside and in — clean rooms, and good sleep, will drive away a hundred cobwebs from sensitive brains and nerves, and wonderfully strengthen weak memories. 3. Tax the memory to the utmost, but do not, under any consideration, let the children think that you are giving them tasks. When the complaint is heard, ^^0 dear, I never can remember all this !'^ it may be certain somebody has erred. It is probably the teacher. The memory must work, and work hard, if it is to gain strength, but it must work willingly and cheerfully. This doctrine is sound, and should be preached every- where. It is not work that kills, but unwilling, en- forced, uncongenial tasks. N^o beings on earth have more active memories than children. Let them exercise them to the utmost of their powers, but willingly, cheer- fully, and in the line of their natural desires. INCIDENTS OF DISORDERED MEMORIES. It is important for teachers to know the condition of mind in its diseased as well as in its healthy state. For the purpose of giving students a glimpse of what the memory may become, we present the following inci- dents : Mr. Yon B , envoy to St. Petersburg, was about to make a visit, but could not tell the servant his name. KINDS OF MEMORY, Z^ Turning around to a gentleman who was with him, he said, with much earnestness, ^^Do tell me who I amP The question excited laughter, but as he insisted on be- ing answered, he was told, upon which he finished his visit. It is frequently the case that business men for- get some part of the multiplication-table or how to spell a familiar word. MTo cause can be assigned, but the fact remains. Men make allowances for themselves when teachers often would make no allowances for their pupils. Many instances are mentioned in works on mental philosophy of the inability to speak the right words at the right time. A gentleman told a friend that ^^he had had his umbrella washed, ^^ the meaning of which was gradually discovered to be that he had had his hair cut. This man^s health was good, but he finally died of apoplexy. In hospitals it is not uncommon to find patients de- prived of a part of their vocabulary. They cannot re- member the words scissors and window, but can say, ^^the things that cut,^^ and ^^what you see through. ^^ They forget names of persons, but can designate them by their titles, profession, inventions they have made, or books written. In many serious cases of such loss of memory, the patient is able to play games that require skill and foresight with great success, showing that rea- soning and perception may be strong, while certain other parts of the mind are weak. In some cases a man knows very well what he wants to say, and can think the words but cannot utter them. An individual under these circumstances said, ^'^I made every effort to reply. 84 MIND-STUDIES FOR YOUNG TEACHERS, but it was impossible to utter a word/^ Instances of this kind have led some authors to distinguish two ver- bal memories — the one by which we become conscious of the word, the second by which we are able to express it. A Wrong Conclusion. — It is wrong to suppose that because a child knows therefore he can express. The therefore does not follow. Every-day experience con- tradicts the statement that all that expression needs is knowledge. Speakers are constantly failing because they cannot command themselves. They become vexed continually, and often say to themselves, ^^ If I could only express what I know and feel, if I could tell in public the things I know and can express to a few, I should be satisfied. ^^ The power of memory does not go hand in hand with the power of expression. This is a very important item for teachers to remember. If teachers will take the trouble to classify memory- failures, they will find that proper names are the most frequently forgotten, then names of concrete things, then substantives not formed from adjectives, and lastly adjectives and verbs which express qualities, states of being, and acts. It has been noticed that many idiots have memory only of adjectives. Mental images of persons and things, without their names, are easily remembered; abstract concepts can only be formed by the aid of words that give them sta- ble form. This is the reason why verbs, adjectives, pro- nouns, adverbs, prepositions, and conjunctions are more easily fixed in the mind than substantives. Gestures and motions are longest remembered. One incident is mentioned of a patient who could not re- KINDS OF MEMORY, 8$ member motions. His case was severe. The physician said: ^^I held my hands before me^ and moved my fin- gers, as if I were playing the clarinet, and requested the patient to imitate me. He did so with perfect pre- cision. A few minutes later I asked him to go through the same movements. He reflected for a time, but was entirely unable to recall them.^^ This was an extreme case of disease, probably incurable. When signs of re- covery begin, they return in inverse order to that in which they disappear. Instances in great numbers show that memory is tenacious. What is committed to it is retained, even though it cannot for years be recalled. It is through some imperfection in the mind that we cannot at once recall perfectly all we have seen, heard, or read. Stored away in one of the countless chambers of the mind the memories are there, only waiting for a favorable oppor- tunity to spring into life and activity. A FEW INCIDENTS. " A lady in the last stage of a chronic disease was carried from London to a lodging in the country; there her infant daughter was taken to visit her, and after a short interview carried back to town. The lady died a few days after, and the daughter grew up without any recollection of her mother till she was of mature age. At this time she happened to be taken into the room in which her mother died, without knowing it to have been so; she started on entering it, and, when a friend who was along with her asked the cause of her agitation, she replied, * I have a distinct impression of having been in this room before, and that a lady who lay in that comer, and seemed very ill, leaned over me and wept.' " 86 MIND-STUDIES FOR YOUNG TEACHERS, ** A clergyman cDdowed with a decidedly artistic temperament (a fact worth noting) went with a party of friends to a castle in Sussex, which he did not remember ever to have previously visited. As he approached the gateway he became conscious of a very vivid impression of having seen it before; and he 'seemed to himself to see ' not only the gateway itself but donkeys beneath the arch and people on the top of it. His conviction that he must have visited the castle on some former occasion made him inquire from his mother if she could throw any light on the matter. She at once informed him that, being in that part of the country when he was about eighteen months old, she had gone over with a large party, and taken him in the pannier of a donkey; that the elders of the party, having brought lunch with them, had eaten it on the roof of the gateway, where they would have been seen from be- low, while he had been left on the ground with the attendants and donkeys." ** * A case has been related to me,' says Abercrombie, ' of a boy who at the age of four received a fracture of the skull, for which he underwent the operation of trepanning. He was at the time in a state of perfect stupor, and after his recovery retained no recollec- tion either of the accident or of the operation. At the age of fif- teen, during the delirium of a fever, he gave his mother a correct description of the operation, and the persons who were present at it, with their dress and other minute particulars. He had never alluded to it before, and no means were known by which he could have acquired a knowledge of the circumstances which he men- tioned.' " The complete recovery of a forgotten language merits attention. The case reported by Coleridge is well known, and there are many others of the same kind to be found in the works of Abercrombie, Hamilton, and Carpenter. The anaesthetic sleep induced by chloro- form or ether sometimes produces the same effects as does febrile excitation. KINDS OF MEMORY. 87 *' An old forester had lived in his boyhood on the frontier of Poland, where he had never spoken anything but the Polish tongue. Afterward he lived in the German districts, and his chil- dren assert that for thirty or forty years he neither heard nor pro- nounced a single Polish word. During an attack of anaesthesia, which lasted nearly two hours, he spoke, prayed, and sang, using only the Polish language." A skilled and methodical recollection may be illustrated from Mark An- tony's oration over the dead body of Caesar, in which every circumstance calculated to excite the sympathy of his hearers is artfully recalled: " You all do know this mantle: I remember The first time ever Caesar put it on ; 'Twas on a summer's evening in his tent; That day he overcame the Nervii : — Look! in this place ran Cassius' dagger through: See, what a rent the envious Casca made: Through this the well-beloved Brutus stabb'd ; And, as he pluck'd his cursed steel away, Mark how the blood of C89sar foUow'd it; As rushing out of doors, to be resolv'd If Brutus so unkindly knock'd, or no ; For Brutus, as you know, was Caesar's angel: Judge, O ye gods, how dearly Caesar lov'd him ! This was the most unkindest cut of all: For when the noble Caesar saw him stab, Ingratitude, more strong than traitors' arms. Quite vanquish'd him: then burst his mighty heart: And, in his mantle muffling up his face, Even at the base of Pompey's statue, Which all the while ran blood, great Caesar fell." A similar skilful selection of circumstances characterizes every good de- scription of familiar scenes. The " Cotter's Saturday Night," by Bums, and the •' Elegy in a Village Churchyard," by Gray, both largely composed from recollections, contain excellent illustrations.— Edward John Hamilton. 88 MIND-STUDIES FOR YOUNG TEACHERS. THE SENSIBILITIES. An Outline for Study. i immediate, 1. The sensibilities are \ retrospective, ( prospective. — Beown'o i animal, 2. The sensibilities are •< rational, ( spiritual.— HiCKOK. i simple emotions, 3. The sensibilities are •< affections, f desires. — HAVEiq-. J )j appetites or ] animal propensities, emotions or affections, voluntary activities. — Mahai^. Emotions. 5. All emotions are pleasant or unpleasant. 6. When the element of hope in an emotion becomes extinct, agony is induced. 7. When any good once hoped for has been lost, the emotion of grief is created. 8. When moral excellencies once possessed are lost by our own actions, the self-reprobation becomes remorse. THE SENSIBILITIES. 89 " What exile from himself can flee To zones, though more and more remote ? Still, still pursues, where'er I be. The blight of life, the demon, thought. Through many a clime 'tis mine to go. With many a retrospection curst ; And all my solace is to know. Whatever betides, I've known the worst. What is that worst ? nay, do not ask ; — In pity from the search forbear. Smile on — nor venture to unmask Man's heart, and view the hell that's there.'* —Byron. 9. Desires are to sensations and emotions what effects are to causes. 10. Some emotions depend upon original principles in our nature and are permanent, as — domestic affec- tions, love of right and of duty, hatred of wrong, etc. 11. Some emotions come to full maturity instantly, as fear, terror, suspense, wonder. They disappear as quickly as they rose. 12. Certain emotions come to maturity slowly and gradually decay, as beauty and sublimity. 13. Some emotions produce similar feelings in other minds. These are emotions of sympathy. 14. There is but a step between sympathy and affec- tion or love. True sympathy will always, if properly cultivated, lead to love. It is at the basis of — " of society, of benefactors, of kindred, of country. Love i of the sexes, of heroes, of friends, of species, ^ of home, of God. 90 MIND-STUDIES FOR YOUNG TEACHERS, 15. The mind is always pleased with emotions of fit- ness^ propriety, congruity, and pained with emotions of an opposite nature. Eemark (1). The basis of all our real love of God is sympathy. " We love Him because He first loved us.^^ We love Him for the same reason our pupils love us, and we love them. We desire to imitate what we see is worthy of imitation. Laboring for others shows us these good qualities, and thus we gain a sympathy for them. Eemark (2). The above suggestions are full of most valuable suggestions to all teachers. It is only by study- ing the nature of our desires, sympathies, moral charac- ter, and affections we can learn how to mould others* characters and do them good. The whole subject here outlined is full of material for thought. Eemark (3). You must study this subject in the light of yourselves. Eeading books will not help you very much. Look into your own natures. Study yourselves. If at first you cannot think satisfactorily, try again in another way. Ask, ^^ How do I feel, think, sympathize, love T^ All human beings are fundamentally the same. The probability is, were you in the place of your pupils you would do as they do ; your emotions would be their emotions. Eemark (4). The emotions move the intellectual powers and will, so we have outlined the Sensibilities and Feelings. Eemark (5). Do not be discouraged if introspection is difficult and slow. Keep at it. You will succeed. RELATION OF SENSIBILITIES TO THE WILL, 9 1 RELATION OF THE SENSIBILITIES TO THE WILL CLASSIFICATION". ( Emotion, We have feelings of •< Desire, and ( Obligation. ( Appetites, Our desires are, -< Propensities, and ( Affections. " Cheerfulness, Wonder, Joy, Melancholy, Sorrow, Beauty, Surprise, Grandeur, Astonishment, Sublimity, Approval, Ludicrousness, ^ Disgust, Disapproval. Among our appetites j Hunger, are ( Thirst. ( Curiosity, Among our propen- < Sociability, sities are f Ambition. Our emotions are, among many oth- ers. Our affections are both ( Anger, Malevolent, as •< Hate, ( Kevenge. ( Love, Benevolent, as •< Benevolence, ( Mercy. 92 MIND^STUDIES FOR YOUNG TEACHERS, This outline, although very comprehensive, is only a suggestion. An entire list would be much longer; foi example, our obligations are here not subdivided, and the number of our propensities might be increased. But how do these affect the will ? All intellectual acts are clearly connected with the sensibilities, but the intellect cannot reach the will except through the emo- tmiSo Let the students of the mind carefully examine this statement. There is a world of instruction in it for the guidance of teachers. Is it true ? We believe it is. But one more truth must be noticed. It is this : The emotions are not in direct contact with the will. One may be much moved, as by the sight of a beautiful picture, a dying person, great joy, or laughter, and yet have no exercise of the will. In fact, one may be over- whelmed with emotion and have no desire. Emotions are followed by feelings of desire and often by obligation. Our desires are in proximity to the will. Notice carefully these statements. The intellect is moved by emotions, and these are fol- lowed by desires, which are in contact with feelings of obligation. We may approach the will in other directions, but this is the most direct way. Can a child be made to desire to study, or obey the rule of right, or perform a duty without emotions ? Is it true that a pupil may be much moved and yet have no will to go to work? Do joy, sorrow, and cheerful- ness lead to desire? Is it necessary that desire should be excited in the mind before the will be exercised? Let the students of the mind answer these questions in the DELATION OF SENSIBILITIES TO THE WILL. 93 light of their own personal experiences and the observa- tion of others. The subject is full of suggestiveness. A PEW QUESTIONS IN MIND-STUDY ANSWEBED. Note.— These questions were submitted to an intelligent teacher, and re- ceived the following answers. They are presented here not because they are as accurately expressed as they might have been, but for the purpose of showing how an honest teacher can examine his own mental processes. I. Write the ^^^ things you like best to think about. (1) Mind and its Development. (2) Language and its Growth. (3) Natural Sciences, and the Method of Teaching the same. (4) The Political Science— Civil Government and Political Economy. (5) Moral Science — Divine Government and The- ology. II. Write five characteristics of your mental operations. (1) I do not remember easily. (2) I can^t reason out mathematical problems easily. (3) I can originate new ideas, but am slow to ma- ture my thoughts and put them into execution. (4) I indulge too much in air-castle building. (5) Am not systematic in my investigations. III. How many distinct kinds of mental faculties can you recognize? (1) Sensation. (2) Perception. (3) Conception. (4) Imagination. (5) Memory. (6) Ab- straction. (7) Association and Discrimina- tion. (8) Reflection. (9) Judgment. (10) Keason. (11) Concentration. (12) Fancy. 94 MIND-STUDIES FOR YOUNG TEACHERS. lY. Which of these^ in your case, seems to be most fully developed? (1) Perception — Power of Seeing. V. Under what mental conditions can you think easily? (1) Under mental excitement. (2) Under pres- sure. (3) Under opposition. VI. Is your mind improving? Give five reasons why you think it is or is not. (1) I think it is. I hope so, at least, (a) I have a greater thirst to know, (b) A stronger de- sire to do, (c) I can accomplish more mental work in a given amount of time with less mental effort, (d) Things that my mental nature once loathed it now loves. Once poetry was loathsome, now it is lovely; and so with other forms of art. (e) Narrowness is fading out — broadness and liberality are breathing in. VII. IN'ame five ways in which your mental activity is promoted. (1) By teaching and observing mental phenomena. (2) By studying the art of teaching with its prin- ciples. (3) By mingling with my fellow teachers. (4) By mingling with my pupils. (5) By telling publicly what I have thought out privately. *^ Mind sharpeneth mind.^' RELATION OP SENSIBILITIES TO THE WILL. 9$ VIII. How long can you tliink of one thing to the exclusion of all others? (1) I can^t think very long on one subject. IX. State the connection, in your experience, between abstraction, association, and imagination. (1) Association is the grouping of ideas. (2) Abstraction is the detaching of an idea from a group. (3) Imagination is the weaving of these abstractions into a whole. What follows illustrates my experience of the connec- tion or relation of the above faculties : (1) The mind enters the botanical garden of thought. (2) Association groups into distinct clusters the roses, the lilies, and the pansies. (3) Abstraction plucks an individual flower from each separate group. (4) Imagination weaves these individual flowers into a new and distinct flower. X. Is it possible to talk about anything of which you are not thinking ? I think not. We think at small intervals on the subject we seem not to think of. 96 MIND^STUDIES FOR YOUNG TEACHERS. THE TRAINING OF THE SENSIBILITIES. The sensibilities stand in a commanding relation to both the will and the thinking powers. To ignore their importance is to ignore that which has given the best teachers of the world their greatest success. An iceberg has no power to mould child-nature ; neither has a blaz- ing pine-knot^ nor a stubborn mule. A successful teach- er must combine clearness and strength^ with warmth^, light, and unyielding determination. Tears alone have no power. They may give evidence of remarkable weak- ness. A weeping ignoramus will be kicked out of doors by pupils who have not a particle of sympathy with his misfortunes. They will laugh him to scorn, for weak- ness as well as ignorant stubbornness always provokes merriment. A PERFECT TEACHER. This mythical personage has equally developed all three qualities. Will, Feeling, Knowledge. Here we represent him: Will. Feelikgs. INTELLECT. No. 1. He oannot be found except in imagination. Some THE TRAINING OF THE SENSIBILITIES. 97 teachers, especially those inexperienced, would be repre- sented like this: ISTo. 2, FEELIiq-GS. p © Will. Intellect. II Great feeling; little intellect and will. Other teachers, especially the old ^^ crammers^' and ^'^ grinds/^ are as follows: Ko. 3. Great will and knowledge ; almost no feeling. With such teachers the ^^ know something" and the ^* must" are grand educational forces. They would give more for an excellent ^^ recitation" than for all the sentiment in the United States. N"o. 2 will laugh and cry in the same breath; the will is weak and the examination-pa- pers poor. Self-Examination. — Draw your own diagram carefully and honestly. It will do you good. Make it six inches long, and subdivide it into its proportional parts. The suggestion is an excellent one, and needs no further ex- planation. Now we come to the real object of this article — the methods of training the sensibilities so that they may work in harmony with all the other parts of the mind. In Some Cases They Must be Repressed. — Some young children develop in early life great emotional power. They laugh or cry, are very cheerful or despondent, or 98 MIND-STUDIES FOR YOUNG TEACHERS. have an inordinate curiosity and sociability. They can- not say no, have no will of their own, and are not con- tent unless they are hanging on the neck of the teacher, and assured a hundred times that they are objects of af- fection. It is not necessary to cause such dear little creatures an instant of pain. Their intellects must be made to grow, and their wills brought into active exer- cise. They must be put into situations where they are obliged to assert themselves. This can be done by means of motives. The emotional force must be brought to bear upon the motive forces. A child says: '^1 love you so much, my dear teacher T^ ^^ Well, my child; will you do something for me that will make me feel very happy ?^^ ^^ Anjrthing in the world. ^^ ^^Well, then, if you do this work in arithmetic to- night, I shall be made very happy when I see it to-mor- row.^^ To-morrow comes, and the work has been poorly done. The teacher says: ^^The work is not well doue, and I feel bad about it.^^ The child bursts out into a passion of tears. The next day greater effort is put forth, and the teacher is made happier; by and by the work is excellently done, and the teacher is rejoiced. But by this time the intel- lect begins to assert itself, and the emotional nature is less demonstrative. In like manner the will can be reached through mo- tives of duty — right and wrong. The object of the teacher is to overpower the feelings when they are in excess by developing the will and intellect through mo- THE TRAINmC OF THE SENSIBILITIES, 99 fcives skilfully applied. In every instance as soon as the wili and intellect begin to grow the emotions will be found to work in harmony with them. This is the edu- cation of the feelings. In Some Cases They Must be Cultivated. — This can be done in a hundred different ways. Cheerfulness, joy, wonder, beauty, curiosity, disappointment, or disapproval will wake up the feelings of the most unfeeling child. An entire book could easily be written on this subject. Is a boy wilful, stubborn, and immovable ? Does he de- light in causing other children to cry? Is he unmoved by the emotions and desires of his teacher? Get him to laugh at something worth laughing at. Show him by stories the meanness of a low action. Make it appear as mean as possible. Get him to do you a favor — to help you or some one else. Excite feelicgs of obligation. Go out of your way to help him. It may be necessary to punish him; if so, let it be done, and let him under- stand the full enormity of his actions, and with a feeling heart punish him thoroughly. If it must be done, let it be well done. AN ANECDOTE OP DANIEL WEBSTER. The best men have had the deepest feelings. In his mature days, no one was held in higher esteem by the people of this country than Daniel Webster. An Incident in his early life forcibly illus- trates the true composition of his nature, and shows us how deep his sensibilities were. His father was poor, yet he resolved to send him to college — a dream he had hardly dared to cherish. He says : " I remember the very hill we were ascending through deep snow, in a New England sleigh, when my father made known tills purpose to me. I could not speak. How could he, I thought. 100 MIND-STUD/ES FOR YOUNG TEACHERS. with so large a family, and in such narrow circumstances, think of incurring so great an expense for me? A warm glow ran all over me, and Ilaid my head on my father's shoulder and wept.'* This little incident shows how deep were his sensibilities. His strength of intellect and will are universally recognized. Closely allied to the emotions of joy and sorrow awakened by our own personal experience of good and of evil is the sympathy we feel with the 3oys and sorrows of others in similar circumstances. Joy is contagious. So, also, is grief. We cannot behold the emotions of others without in some degree experiencing a corresponding emotion. Nor is it necessary to be eye-witnesses of that happiness or sorrow. The simple description of any scene of happiness or of miseiy affects the heart, and touches the chords of sympathetic emotion. We picture the scene to ourselves, we fancy our- selves the spectators or, it may be, the actors and the sufferers; we imagine what would be our own emotions in such a case, and in proportion to the liveliness of our power of conception, and also of our power of feeling, will be our sympathy with the real scene and the real sufferers. The sympathy thus awakened, whether with the joy or the sorrow of others, is a simple emotion, distinct in its nature from both the affections and the desires; and it is, moreover, instinctive rather than rational— a mat- ter of impulse, a principle implanted in our nature, and springing into exer- cise, as by instinct, whenever the occasion presents itself, rather than the result of reason and reflection. It is a susceptibility which we possess, to some extent at least, in common with the brutes, who are by no means in- sensible to the distresses or to the happiness of their fellows. It is a sus- ceptibility which manifests itself in early life, before habits of reflection are formed, and under circumstances which preclude the supposition that it may be the result of education, or in any manner an acquired and not an original and implanted principle. So far from being the result of reflection, reason and reflection are often needed to check the emotion, and keep it within due bounds. There are times when sympathy, for example, with the distresses of others would stand in the way of efficient and necessary ac- tion, and when it is needful to summon all the resources of reason to our aid in the stern and resolute performance of a duty which brings us into conflict with this instinctive principle of our nature. The judge is not at liberty to regard the tears of the heart-broken wife or child when he rises to pronounce the stern sentence of violated law upon the wretched criminal. The kind-hearted surgeon must for the time be deaf to the outcries of his patient, and insensible to his sufferings, or his ministrations are at an end.— Joseph Haven. RELATION OF SENSIBILITIES TO MORALITY. lOI RELATION OF THE SENSIBILITIES TO MO- RALITY. It is the opinion of many eminent thinkers that moral consciousness is wholly dependent upon sympathy ; how- ever this may be^ it is certain that a highly-developed sympathy is an indispensable condition to its full unfold- ing. Moral feelings require that we should feel for others. In other words, we must enter into their joys and sorrows. The early Christians were in entire sym- pathy among themselves. They lived together, they belonged together ; they were all as brothers and sisters, fathers and children. A man no more thought of say- ing,* '^ This is my place, this is my right, ^^ than the hand thinks of saying to the foot, '^ This blood belongs to me, not to you,^^ or of saying to the other hand, ^' I have a right to do this, you have not.^^ This was the highest condition human society has ever yet attained. If it had lasted, heaven would have already come on the eaii:h. The Basis of True Morality is affection. Self is for- gotten in serving others. Christ expressed this truth * James Freeman Clarke, in *' Self -Culture." I02 MINi).STUJbIE^ FOR YOUNC TEACHERS, when he said, ^*' For whosoever shall do the will of God, the same is my brother, and sister, and mothero"*^ But; it must be noticed that morality does not consist in simply doing right, but in doing right through proper motives, A moral action cannot be done through jeal- ousy, or envy, or self -gratification. These motives may lead one to give money to the poor or feed the hungry. This is right, but since the motives are wrong, the actions are not moral actions. We may outwardly do right and yet have poor moral characters. Let us take an illustration. A man may be polite, helpful, and generous. He may even get an excellent character for goodness, but at heart have no sympathy with his fellow men. His motives may be increasing his trade, estab- lishing a professional character, or obtaining an office. He is far different from the man who has genuine sym- pathy with others and labors for their good, forgetful of self-interest, with no thought of trade, profession, or office. Such a man was John Howard, and such per- sons are thousands who are teaching and working all over the world. ^^ It is only when we lose thought of ourselves that we find our own higher self.^^ It is not enough to rejoice because we have our desire, we must rejoice because others are happy. Two words stand over against each other : SEIiFISHNESS-SYMPATHY. They are foundation-stones ; one, of all that is mean and repulsive ; the other, of all that is high and attrac- tive. There is an expression, ^^ using one^s friends,'' that RELATION OF SENSIBILITIES TO MORALITY, I03 implies a great deal that is bad^* for it is the confession of personal desire as the end of social attachment. Fashionable life is heartless, because under the appear- ance of affection there is generally nothing but heartless- ness. The polished words of conventionalism are only the husks of sympathy; the heart is gone. In corrupt society, sensuality and selfishness have usurped the place of the affections. A distinction must here be made between natural and moral affections. Our natural affections we share with the lower animals. They have no moral character, ^^are not morally good, and do jiot become so by being brought under moral control ^^ (Hopkins). It constitutes no element of moral character for a mother to love her child; it would be immoral if she did not. The same may be said of natural endowments; some are amiable, others are the reverse. ^^It is no fault of theirs; one is the rose, and the other the nettle; one is the smooth, the other the rough-barked tree, and nature has made the difference/^ ^^ It is not uncommon to find the richest gifts of nat- ural affections and intellect associated with the deepest moral corruptions. We have examples of this in Aaron Burr, Byron, [^Tapoleon, and Poe. It is the smooth- barked hickory that bears bitter nuts. Good nuts come from the shag-bark hickory, beautiful flowers grow on the prickly and angular cactus. ^^ ^^ A man who has given himself up to selfishness when he pays visits to his tenants, on the day the rents be- *See Dr. Hopkins' Lowell Lectures on "Moral Science." 104 MIND-STUDIES FOR YOUNG TEACHERS, come due, can see nothing and hear nothing but money. Selfishness has closed the avenues to his soul/^ He may be amiable and, in general, kind, but all that he does is tinged by his moral nature. He cannot see beyond his own self-interest. Still we are responsible for our own moral characters and, to a great extent, for those influenced by us, for we are so made that we can turn our motives and desires into whatever channel we wish them to run. We would remark, here, upon one discouragement which frequently at- tends the efforts of those who are so situated as to render it especially their duty to impart instruction to the young. We refer to the fact that it is sometimes, and but too frequently, the case that they see but little im- mediate good results from their labors. They can see distinctly the advance- ment of their pupils in that knowledge which is appropriate to the intellect, but are less able to measure their progress in what pertains to the moral culture. Indeed, they too often believe that their instruction is seed sown upon stony ground, which is not only unproductive at present, but is abso- lutely and forever lost. This is a great mistake. The truth is that nothing is lost. The moral and religious instruction which is communicated to the youthful memory is deposited in the keeping of a power which may sometimes slumber but can never die. It may long be unproductive; it may remain for years without giving signs of vivification and of an operative influence; and yet it may be only waiting for some more favorable and important moment, when it shall come forth suddenly and prominently to view. No one, therefore, ought to be discouraged in the discharge of his duty. In nothing is the scriptural declaration more likely to be fulfilled in its richest import: " Cast thy bread upon the waters, and "thou shalt find it after many days." Multitudes of illustrations might be introduced to confirm the views of this section. How natural is the following incident ! And how agreeable, there- fore, to sound philosophy! "When I was a little child," said a religious man, " my mother used to bid me kneel beside her, and place her hand upon my head while she prayed. Ere I was old enough to know her worth, she died, and I was left to my own guidance. Like others, I was inclined to evil passions, but often felt myself checked, and as it were drawn back by the soft hand upen my head. When I was a young man I travelled in foreign lands, and was exposed to many temptations; but when I would have yielded, thai same hand was upon my head, and I was saved. I seemed to feel its pressure as in the days of my happy infancy, and sometimes there came with it a voice in my heart, a voice that must be obeyed: " Oh, do not this wickedness, my son, nor sin against thy God."— Thomas C. Upham. THE IMAGINATION, 105 THE IMAGINATION. DURING THE SECOND STAGE IN CHILD-LIFE. Whek the mind commences to assert its own character, it begins to be independent. Let us consider one faculty as it now appears. 1. Imagijst ATioi^. — This faculty implies the possession of knowledge — something has been received and retained. It is now changed into other forms ; by a purely mental act it is rearranged. Suppose a child had seen a certain arrangement, as : A book on the table. A chair at A girl standing its left. at the right. A dog lying under the table. Imagination re-arranges these in the mind, and the child says: I see — A dog lying on the table. A girl standing A chair at at the left. the right. A book under the table. I06 MIND-STUDIES FOR YOUNG TEACHERS, Without the power of imagination these new group- ings could not be thought of. Imagination is a rearrangement of images in the mind. On what the Vividness of Imagination Depends. — The vividness of imagination depends, first, upon the distinctness and clearness of the sense-impressions^ and, second, upon the permanence of those impressions. We have a distinct image of a person's face when we have a clear image of its several parts in the mind. If we only remember the nose distinctly, the picture of the whole face will be indistinct. In this stage of the child^s mental growth the distinct- ness of the impressions must be tested by appeal to the imagination. If it be found that this faculty is im- mature, the cause can at once be known — the sense- impressions on the mind have heen indistijict, A Few Experiments. — Children will delight in exer- cising this faculty if properly educated. Try this experi- ment with pupils about seven years of age. Say to a group of three or four, quietly, slowly, and distinctly : ''Shut your eyes, and I will tell you what I see. I am in a large room. In the middle of this room is a long table ; around this table are chairs. At the further end of this room are two long, large windows ; over the windows hang beautiful red curtains. There is a plat- form at this end of the room ; it is carpeted ; on this platform is a large arm-chair ; at the right of the chair is a small, round marble stand. All around the sides of the room are arm-chairs. There is a door in the end of the room opposite the windows. No one is in the room. Keep still. Harlc! The door opeiis, An old inan THE IMAGINATION, \Oj comes in. He walks slowly. He has white hair, and carries a cane. He goes to the chair on the platform and sits down and looks around ; he is waiting for some- body. Let us see who it is. Yes, there he comes ; he is a little boy. He is dressed in a velvet frock, has long flaxen hair that hangs in ringlets on his shoulders, clear white skin, and beautiful blue eyes. He runs up to the old man, and, throwing his arms around his neck, says : ^How glad I am to see you, grandpa V'^ etc., etc. This imaginary picture must be produced by giving each separate part of it distinctly and clearly. By a proper regrouping of what children have seen before, the greatest interest can be excited, and the greatest benefit secured. It is now when the imagination can be made the means of fixing much valuable knowledge. Suppose the mental picture,, the outlines of which we have just given, should be completed, and then told by the pupils, and afterwards written in full; an excellent language lesson would be the result — better than a thousand grammars and more useful and interesting than ten thousand rules of syntax. Suppose a historical mental picture is given — true in every particular as to its outlines, but filled with numer- ous imaginary details — in other words, suppose the dry bones of history were clothed with flesh, and made to stand before- the pupils as living pictures, would they not be remembered ? Children delight in pictures at this stage of their mental growth, and they must be led to take in knowledge through them — not only printed pictures in books, but mental pictures from the teacher^s own lips. There ought to be a calling, ''Do tell us I08 MIND-STUDIES FOR YOUNG TEACHERS. another history story /^ from ten thousand voices every day. They never would — they never could — forget them if properly told. Take geography for another illustration. Suppose the teacher says : ^^Shut your eyes and we will go to London. I am up in the air and see a great city. A large river seems to divide it into two parts. The larger part is on its north. It is crossed by many bridges. I see a large building with a high dome. It is St. PauFs Cathedral/' etc. Our space permits us to indicate only a glimpse of what such a geography lesson might teach ; in other words, might lead the child cor- rectly to wiagine. No words can tell the wonderful interest that might be thrown around such exercises, if only the teacher could be possessed of the sufficient power to present them. History and geography must be taught to young pupils principally by means of the imagination. Hitherto its power has not been recognized. Teachers, think of these things. What we say is the result of years of work, and for the first ^Mt— failure in reaching young minds. We tried to make the scholars '^'^ learn their lessons,^' and we succeeded ; but they learned nothing else. They repeated, memorized, and recited. Thank God, light has come to our darkened understanding, and we see some things more clearly than ever before. The power of good imagination lessons in awakening thought and securing investigation and interest is now an article in our educational creed. That it may be in yours, is the object of this chapter. THE IMAGINATION'. IO9 THE CULTURE OF THE IMAGINATION IN THE PBI- MARY CLASSES. Introductory. — All the exercises of the school are necessarily connected with training in expression. The child must learn to talk and write. Much has been said on this point, and much more needs to be said be- fore the majority of teachers will appreciate the great importance of teaching pupils to express themselves correctly and easily. Especially in the culture of the imagination is this of the greatest importance. Personating. — This exercise consists in leading chil- dren to assume fictitious characters. For example, each member of a class may take a different occupation. One may be a farmer, another a merchant, another a con- ductor on a railroad, another a teacher, etc. After a few minutes of silent thought, during which time the pupils could place their heads on their desks, they are permitted to tell what they have been imagin- ing. One would say: ^^I am a farmer, ploughing the ground with two horses and a plough. My horses don^'t like to pull. I have to make them go faster. When the ground is ready, I shall plant corn.''' Another would say : ^^ I am a grocer. In my store I have tea, sugar, coffee, dried apples and peaches, canned plums and pears, dried fish, and flour. I sell for cash/' Another might say: ^^I am a railroad engineer. My engine is large. When I pull the handle, the steam no MIND-STUDIES FOR YOUNG TEACHERS. goes puff, puff, and the wheels go round. I whistle, and scare the cattle off the track. '^ Another might say : "\ am a teacher. I train the pupils to read and write. They go to the board and draw lines, and make figures, and write words. "^ This, of necessity, is only a hint. The manner of car- rying it out will be much varied by the earnest teacher. For example, pupils can imagine they are in different localities, and can be influenced to tell what they see. One says : ^^ I am standing by the banks of a river. I see little fishes swimming about in the shallow water. A board is floating down-stream. On the board is a frog. 0, he jumps off as soon as he sees me. I guess he was afraid I would stone him.^^ Another says : ^' I am in the woods. The trees are very high. The brush on the ground is thick. I see a rabbit ! How fast he jumps V^ Another says: '' I am watching a big fire. Flame and smoke are coming out of the windows. The engine is throwing a stream of water right into the hot fire. It make^a great deal of noise. ^^ By skilfully conducting such exercises as these, the greatest enthusiasm can be created and much real disci- pline obtained. What Studies Train the Imagination. — Geography, properly taught, is the best. There is no mental breadth obtained by learning the names of places, or the facts of distances, nor is there any geography in them, unless facts bring pictures into the mind. Geog- raphy is not a description of the earth's surface: it is a mental conception of a part or all of it. What we can THE iMAGmATION. Ill see hy the aid of imagination is geography — all else is words. There is a general or accommodative sense in which all that is said concerning the earth is classed under the head of geography^ but this is not the sense in which the word is used in primary instruction. History is the twin sister of geography ; in fact it would be impossible to study history without its aid. True history consists of pictures in the mind^ for his- tory is hit a series of 2netures, We see Csesar crossing the Rubicon, the battles of Marathon and Thermopylae, Waterloo, Yorktown, Gettysburg, and Bull Run, and it is not until we get a mental photograph of these scenes that we have a history of themo There is little discipline of the imagination in spelling, arithmetic, or elocutionary reading, but literature is full of imaginative culture. Poetry, stories, and novels appeal directly to this faculty for all their best effects. ^^ Robinson Crusoe ^^ and '^The Arabian Nights ^^ have done more tlian all other books combined to cultivate the imaginative faculty in children. Hans Christian Andersen's works have had a wonderful influence. An entire chapter could profitably be filled with a catalogue of books adapted to cultivate a healthy imagination in children^ For older pupils, nothing is better than the historical novels of Sir Walter Scott; Bulwer-Lytton^s ** Rienzi,^^ ''The Last Days of Pompeii;^' Prescott^s ''Mexico^^ and ''Peru/' and most of what Washington Irving and Fenimore Cooper have written. Two poetical examples will serve to illustrate how much material, both suggestive and beautiful, is at hand for use whenever wanted : 112 MIND-STUDIES FOR YOUNG TEACHERS. " Every wave, with dimpled cheek, That leaped upon the air. Had caught a star in its embrace, And held it trembling there !" ** I have heard the laughing wind behind, When playing with my hair — The breezy fingers of the wind. How cool and moist they were I" It is of the utmost importance that improper imagina- tive works should be kept away from growing minds. This cannot be done by prohibits. It cannot be said, **Don^t read the ^ Terrible Exploits of Bill Jones, the Outlaw/ ^^ Nothing will make it more certain that it will be read. Start early with interesting works of im- agination, and keep it up. Eternal vigilance is the price of a healthy imagination culture. Satisfy the imagination of children whenever it is possible to do so. This native faculty %viTl le appeased somehow, some- where, some time. Go before and answer its questions, or else it will create fancies, thoughts, and imaginings, the like of which are not found either on the earth or above it, and many of which, if nurtured, will lead them to certain ruin. IMAGINA TION W ITS MA TURITY. 1 1 3 IMAGINATION IN ITS MATURITY. A FEW instances will illustrate how vivid imagination often is, and what a power it may be made in mental development. ^' What does God send the snow for ?" asked one little girl of another. '^Why, the snow-flakes are the um- brellas He covers His flowers with/^ was the answer. The measles invaded a household where there were many children. The first child to sicken was given a box of paints and some prints to color, to amuse himself in bed. ^^ I wish I could get the measles, said a younger brother, ^^then I could have a paint-box too.^^ In due time he caught the infection and was also given a box of paints. ^^Papa,'^ said the little one wearily, after being a couple of days in bed, ^^you can take the paint- box away : I don^t want the measles. ^^ In the child's thoughts there was a connection between the box of paints and the measles. It is an interesting incident, not only in showing the working of imagination in chil- dren but the power of early association in tracing effects to their causes. There was a little girl who believed that the stars were the children of the moon. Her mother wanted 114 MIMD-STUDIES FOR YOUI^G TEACHERS, her to go to bed one night before she felt quite sleepy enough to go willingly. *'But the moon hasn't sent her children to bed yet/' objected the little astronomer, petulantly. It so happened that a storm was brewing and heavy clouds were gathering in the heavens. " Go and see if she hasn't/' said her mother. The little head was immediately popped out of window, and the sky was scanned eagerly. '' Well, I guess I'll have to go to bed now/' she said after the survey; '' the moon is covering up her children and tucking them in." AN ANALYSIS. Fancy collects materials for the imagination, conse- quently the latter presupposes the former, but the for- mer does not necessarily suppose the latter. The power of fancy supplies the poet with metaphorical language, but imagination creates the complex scenes which he describes. We can say a ^^rich fancy," but not a ^^rich imagination." We can call the imagination ^^ sublime/' but not ^^ luxuriant." This distinction is important. The imagination does not abstract or generalize, it only supplies materials for these processes according to the laws of association. Without imagination the scien- tist could do nothing; with only an imagination he could do nothing. Abstraction, generalization, and taste sup- ply the fancy, and this arranges materials for the imag- ination. It follows, therefore, that real imagination can only be obtained through the cultivation of the reflect- ive powers. Fancy is the proper name for what is called imagination in young children ; but, since they early IMA cm A TION- m ITS MA TURITV, 1 1 5 commence to generalize, a true imagination soon begins to show itself. At first fancy predominates, but soon it begins to take its subordinate place. Imagination is the result of education : it is not an original endowment of the mind. Men differ in the strength of this power because they differ in the strength of the elements that form it; and since the faculties of abstraction, generalization, and memory can be greatly cultivated by proper education, it follows, as an axiom, that a good imagination must depend upon education. It will be seen that the possession of a good imagination marks the highest type of mind. Inventors, mathema- ticians, prose writers, and orators are as much entitled to be called men of genius, and imaginative, as poets, painters, and orators. Imagination has a powerful influence on the formation of character. By it our ideals are formed. A young person sets out in life with his ideal of perfection and happiness. If it consists of sensuous pleasures, he will make every effort to gratify his appetites; but if he places before himself a high standard of moral excellence, he will exert himself to attain to it. Moral duties and religious exercises are powerfully influenced by the im- agination. In the Christian religion the life and works of Christ are constantly held up before the world. His followers see Him in all the situations in Avhich he was placed. A Christian will at once appreciate the force of this assertion and admit its powerful effect on human actions. Place before a child an ideal good, clearly, forcibly, and frequently, and it will soon begin to exert itself to attain to it. Some philosophers have gone so Il6 MIND-STUDIES FOR YOUNG TEACHERS. far as to claim that all moral good was centred in the imagination. This is not so. There is a sense of right and wrong instinctive in the human soul which no imag- ination can destroy ; but it is neverthless true that from the imagination of man come some of the most powerful moral forces our natures are capable of receiv- ing. Teachers will see the important bearing of all this on methods of moral instruction. Ideals, like notions, are particular and general. Thus, in the mind of Mil- ton there existed a general idea of what a poem should be, in order to real- ize, in greater or less perfection, the pure ideas of reason. At the same time there existed a particular ideal of the manner in which the elements enter- ing into that poem should be blended, in order, in that particular produc- tion, to realize those ideals. Ideals are not confined to any one class of ideas. Every individual, in all departments of human action, has an ideal of the form to which the objects of his action should be brought into conformity, and in the light of which he judges of all productions which meet his eye. Ideas of fitness, of the true, the peifect, and the good, no less than the idea of the beautiful, are the archetypes of ideals. As immediate archetypes between particular conceptions and universal nnd necessary ideas, ideals constitute the foundation of endless progression in the development of the mental powers. Every new elevation which the intelligence gains presents new conceptions of particular objects, and con- sequently new elements of thought. Every new element of thought involves a new ideal, more nearly approaching the perfect and the absolute, and thus lays the foundation for fresh activity, and further progress in the mai'ch of mind. Sometimes, also, ideals degenerate, and thus the foundation is laid for the backward movements of society. It is hardly necessary to add that the imagination is the sole originator of ideals. To form such conceptions is not a function of reason, nor of the understanding or judgment. It re- mains, then, as the exclusive function of the imagination.— Asa Mahan. THE EDUCATION OF THE MORAL SENSE, 11 7 THE EDUCATION OF THE MORAL SENSE. It has been said that ^^ morals can be taught as other sciences more or less exact are taught, by specially pre- pared text-books and oral teaching adapted to different ages/^ In other words, according to this writer, mor- als should be placed on the same plane as chemistry, grammar, and geology, and we suppose he would expect lessons to be learned and recited in them at stated times. This would secure a knowledge of the principles of moral philosophy, but it would not be effective in mak- ing students better. The object of teaching morals in schools is to make pupils good, — to instil in the young mind a deep and abiding love of the true and the right — ^to i-nfluence the conduct through all after-life. The study of the science of dogmatic theology or the exegesis of the New Testament is no more likely to make good men than the study of the science of mineralogy or paleontology. Let us take the discussion of the ulti- mate ground of right as an example. Dr. Peabody claims that it is ^^ fitness. ^^ Adam Smith held that ^^ sympathy is its sole standard and basis/' A large class of philosophers believe that the Bible or the church is the Il8 MWD-^TUDIJE^ FOR Y6VNG TEACHERS. onljT- guide we have for determiuing the moral character of any human act. We may theorize and speculate and not become capable of better thinking and feeling. There is no moral elevation, no uplifting force, in all this investigation. It is right enough in university halls, but such dogmatism has no place in the public school. Did Arnold teach morals by a text-book ? His great, loving, sympathetic, reverent soul " was impacted into the very body of all his teaching. ^^ When the ^^prin- cipal thing about a man is religion,"^ — in other words, when his soul is filled with love to God and his fellow- beings, — he will teach far more than any text-book on morals, or any formal religious instruction, can ever ac- complish. We conclude that toe cannot fix good moral ideas in the minds of pupils ly formal lessons from text-hooks. The moral sense is at first weak. An infant has no conscientious scruples about appropriating whatever it happens to want, and has but little gratitude, sympathy, love, or idea of right and truth ; and is naturally selfish, greedy, and impatient of restraint. These characteris- tics show themselves at an early period in the lives of most children. The most important question the moth- er and teacher can answer is, What is the first step in the moral education of this human being ? The answer unquestionably is, the education of ohedience to the demands of truth. Plato says, "Truth is the beginning of every good thing, both in heaven and on earth. '^ In the training of children nothing is easier than to place before them motives of untruthfulness. A harsh voice, an accusa- THE EDUCATION OF THE MORAL SENSE, II9 tion, an unsympathetic manner, and the fear of pun- ishment will drive almost any child into stubborn un- truthfulness, which very soon will become settled into a life-long habit. The greatest care is needed in order to fix the practice of entire open-heartedness and frankness in the nature. Suppose a child has broken a china cup; will he confess the fault if he knows that he is certain to receive punishment for his sin ? There are few boys, Mrs. Malleson says, ^^ made of such naturally heroic stuff as the late Sir Henry Lawrence, who, when enticed by his school-fellows to follow their example and throw a ball in dangerous proximity to a forbidden window, went straight to his master, doubt- less amid roars of laughter, says his biographer, with ^ 1 have come to say, sir, I have broken a window.^ We have no right to expect heroism from average young creatures yet unfledged in morality. ^^ Tlie habit of exaggeration is very strong in young children. It is not uncommon for them to say, ^^ I saw twenty men running down the street, ^^ when there might not have been more than three, at most not more than five. The motives for untruthfulness are so many, it would be impossible to discuss them on this page, nor would it be profitable to do so. The one important question to be answered by every teacher is, How shall my children be trained to tell the truth, always f Herbert Spencer^s answer is that when a child tells an untruth, refuse it credence for a given period. Let it under- stand the consequences of its sin in a want of confidence. But another and better way is to trust the child. I20 MIND-STUDIES FOR YOUNG TEACHERS. Mrs. Malleson tells of a little girl of three or four who found the first use of her tooth-brush very irksome, and when her mother asked her one day whether she had brushed her teeth, answered " Yes" when she had neglected the duty. Her mother assumed to believe her, as a matter of course; but the child immediately woke to a sense that she was untruthful to her mother who had trusted her. She straightway ran to her room for the duty she hated, and afterwards fully deserved the trust she had abused. Mrs. Malleson also tells of a cook who said of her mistress, "You cannot tell lies to Mrs. ; she always believes you." She also quotes an inci- dent of Canon Farrar. He said in an address : *' At Harrow two boys brought me exercises marked by the same grotesque mistakes. It seemed certain that those exercises could not have been done independently. Both boys assured me that there had been no copying. One whom I had considered a boy of high morale assured me of this again and again with passionate earnestness. I said to him, ' If I were to send up those two exercises to any jury in England, they would say that these resemblances could not be accidental, except by something almost like a miracle. But you both tell me that you have not copied. I cannot beheve you would lie to me. I must suppose that there has been some extraordinary accident. I shall say no more. Years after, that boy, then a monitor, said to me •. ' Sir, do you remember that exercise in the fourth form ? ' * Yes,' I said. ' Well, sir, I told you a lie. It was copied. You believed me, and the re- membrance of that lie has remained with me and pained me ever since.' I am inclined to think," says Canon Farrar, " that boy was more effectually taught and more effectually punished than if I had refused to accept his protests." A child must have courage. This means more than an ability to defend one's self ; it means strength to fol- low the dictates of conscie^ice. It is safe to say that conscience rests on a sense of oUigation, How con- science comes into our constitution cannot here be dis- cussed, but all children have it to a greater or less de- gree. The question to be settled by teachers is, How can it be strengthened so as to become dominant in the human soul? We answer, by increasing the sense of oUigation, and cultivating courage to follow the cmn- mands that our nature tells us are iHght, INDEX, PAGE A BSTRACT Thinking, Facul- ■^^ ties used in 57 Abstraction 58 New Facts in 49 Methods of Developing . . 51 Affections 91 and Desires 44 Agony 88 Anecdote of Webster 99 Analysis of Imagination 114 Appetites 91 Association 46-58 Association of Ideas, Sully on 15 Attention 41 Objective 35 Subjective 35 "DILIOUS Temperament,... 26 -'-' Brown on Sensibilities — 88 Byron. Quotations from 89 pHILb-HFE, First Stage. . . . ^ Second Stage 105 Imagination in 105 Children, Clarke on Training. 20 Clarke on Educating the Per- ceptive Powers 47 on Training Children ... 20 on Strength of Will 77 Conception 57 Haven on 64 Conceptive, Subjective to the. 61 Conclusions, Drawing 60 Cultivating the Imagination. . . 106 Curiosity, a Mind-incentive 17 "TkEFINITION of Intellect. ... 22 ■^ of Feelings 22 of Judgment 22 of Reasoning 22 of Sensibility 22 of Will 22 of Volition 22 Desires 44, 91 and Affections 44 Development, Human 11 First Stage 9 Sully on Mental 8 Directions for Training Will. . . 75 Diseases of the Will 71 Mental. 80 Discovery, Joy of 19 Discrimination 45 Disordered Memory, Incidents in 82-85 Drawing Conclusions, Spencer 60 XpARLY Influences 104 -^ Education, Periods in 12 Temperaments in . . 28 of the Moral Sense 117 Educating Perceptive Powers. 47 Emotions 44, 88, 91 Haven on 44 page Examination, Self- 97 Excess of Will-power 74 Experiments in Cultivating the Imagination 106 TRACTS in Abstraction 49 -*- in Mind-study 3 Faculties in Abstract Thinking 57 Feelings 91 Defined 23 First Lessons in Mind-growth., 10 Forming Notions, Mahan on. . . 56 Four Stages in Development. . 11 Q.E9GRAPHY, Imagination Grief. . " '. '. ". '. '. '. *. '. '. '. * *. ". *. '. '. '. ' * '. '. '. '. *. 88 Growth of the Intellect, Sully 8 Growth, First Lessons in Mind- 10 Stages of Mind- 7 HABITS in Relation to the Will 77 Hamilton on Recollection 87 Haven on Conception 64 on Emotions 44 on Sensibilities 88 on Sympathy HiCKOK on Sensibilities 88 Hints on the Temperaments. . . 29 History. Imagination. Ill How to Study Mind 1 Human Development 11 TDEAS 21 ^ Association of 15 Relation between 62 Ideals 115 Mahan on 116 Imagination, Analysis of 114 Experiments Cultivating 106 in Geography 110 in History Ill in its Maturity 110 in Primary Classes 109 Incentive, Curiosity a Mind- ... 17 Joy of Discovery a Mind- 19 Incentives of the I\Iind 16 Incidents Disordered Memory.82-85 Influences, Early 104 Intellect, Defined 22 Growth of 8 TOY of Discovery. 19 " Judgment 58 Defined 22 KNOWING in Reference to the Will 69 Knowledge, Sensibilities and. . 5 True Order 65 Kinds of Memory 78 T ACK of Will-power 71 -■^ Lessons in Mind-growth . . 10 Life, Child- 105 Lymphatic Temperament 27 122 INDEX. PAGE MAHAN on Forming Notions 56 on Ideals 116 on Sensibility 88 Maturity, Imagination in 113 McCosH on Powers of the Mind 23 Memory 57 Kinds of 13,78 Value of a Verbal 14 Incidents in Disordered. 82-85 One Kind often Wanting 79 Mental Development, Sully on 8 Diseases. . . ; 80 What Teachers sbouldDo 81 Methods of Training the Sensi- bilities 97 Mind, How to Study 1 An Outline of 4 Reached through Senses. 13 Study, A Few Facts in. . . 3 A Few Questions in 3, 93 Growth, Stages of 7 First Lessons in 10 Incentives 16 Incentive, Curiosity a 17 Powers of the 23 Moral Sense, Education of. ... 117 Morality, Relation of Sensibil- ities to 101 Motives 43 I^ERVOUS Temperament. . . 25 -'-^ Notions,MAHAN on Forming 56 QBJECTIVE Attention 35 ^-^ Order of Knowledge 65 Outline of the Mind 4 of the Sensibilities 88 PERCEPTIVE Powers 47 ^ Perfect Teacher, The 96 Perception 45 Periods in School Education. . . 12 Personating 109 Power, Excess of Will- 74 Lack of Will- 71 Powers of the Mind, McCosh. 23 Primary Classes, Imagination. 109 Principles, A Few Settled 21 Propensities 91 QUALITIES 55 Questions in Mind-study. .3, 93 Quotation from Bj^ron 89 T>EASON. The 59 -^^ Reasoning Defined 22 Recollecting 46 Recollection, Hamilton on — 87 Reflection 58 Relations between Ideas 62 Relation of Sensibilities to Knowledge and Will. 70 of Sensibilities to Morality 101 Remorse. 88 SANGUINE Temperament... 26 School Education, Periods 12 PAGE Second Stage in Child-life 105 Self-examination 97 Selfishness — Sympathy 102 Sense, Education of the Moral. 117 Senses, Training the 33-39 Mind Reached through . . 13 Sensibility Defined 22 Sensibilities, Naming of the. . . 96 Methods of Tiaining the. 97 Relation to Morality 101 Relation of Knowledge. . 70 in Relation to the Will.. 91 An Outline 88 Brown on 88 Upham on 70 Haven on 88 Sensibilities, Hickok on 88 Mahan on 88 Spencer on Drawing Conclu- sions. 60 Stages of Mind-growth 7 Strength of Will, Clarke on . . 77 Study, How to Study Mind ... 1 Subjective to the Conceptive. . 61 Attention 35 Suggestions on Training the Senses 36 Sully on Mental Development 8 on Growth of Intellect.. 8 on Association of Ideas. . 15 Sympathy— Selfishness 89, 102 Haven on 100 'TREACHER, A Perfect 96 ■^ Teachers, Hints to 29 Temperaments 24 Bilious 26 Lymphatic 27 Nervous 25 Sanguine 26 HiCKOK on 32 in Education 28 Hints to Teachers 29 Training the Senses 37-39 Children, Clarke on 20 Thinking, Abstract 57 TTPHAM on Early Influences. 104 ^ on the Sensibilities 70 T7ALUE of a Verbal Memory. 14 ^ Verbal Memory, Value of 14 Volition Defined 22 WEBSTER, an Anecdote of. 99 Will 65 Defined 22 Directions in Training ... 75 Diseases of — 71 Knowing in Reference to 69 Power, Book of 71 Excess of 74 Relation of Sensibilities 70, 91 Relation of Habits to 77 Strength of, CI/Arke on. . 77 TWENTY-FIRST TEAR! THE SCHOOL JOURNAL is published weekly at $"^,50 a yeai\ Amos M. Kellogg and (Jerome Allen, two teachers of life-long experience and pro- gressive ideas, with a large trained editorial staff, edit it. I- Established 20 years ago, it is to day the best known and widest circulated educational weekly in the U. S. Its sterl- ing reputation has been won strictly on its merits, as its subscribers know, and you will too (if not now a subscriber) if you send 6 cents for sample copy. THIRTEENTH YEAR! THE TEACHERS' INSTITUTE is published monthly at $1.25 a year ; 1 2 large 44-page papers constitute a year (most other educational monthlies publish but 9 or 10). It is edited by the same editors as the School Jouknal, and has, ever since it was started in 1878, been the most popular monthly educational published, cir- culating in every State — a national paper. This was because it was practical— little theory and much practice and sugges- tion— in fact it is crammed with it. Sample 1 cents. FOURTEENTH YEAR} TREASURE-TROVE is a beautiful illustrated 36 page monthly, for young people and the family. $1.00 a year* We must refer you to our descriptive circular for particulars about this charming paper, for we have not room here to tell you the half of its value. It is used by thousands of teachers as an aid to the school room work. Sample, 10 cents. THE TEACHERS' PROFESSION Is published monthly, 50 cents a year. Its purpose is to give assistance in systematic study by teachers who wish to advance. Doubled in size this year and is entirely different from the Institute and Journal. Sample 5 cents. G^" Bound volume of 1889-90 in paper cover, 30 cents post- paid. OUR TIMES was recently started to give a resume of important news of the month— not the murders, the scandals, etc., but the news that bears on the progress of the world. Specially fitted for the use in the school-room, it is pure, bright, suggestive. Monthly, 8 pp. 30 cents a year. Sample copy 3 cents. *** Samples of each paper for only 20 cents. E. L. KELLOGG & CO., Ed. Pabs., NEW YORK. CHICAGO. E, SEND Alili ORDERS TO L, KELLOGG & CO., NEW YORK & CHICAGO. BOOKS FOR TEACHERS. CLASSIFIED LIST UNDER SUBJECTS. To aid purchasers to procure books best suited to their purpose, we give below a list of our publications under subjects. This division is sometimes a difficult one to make, so that we have in many cases placed the same book under several titles; for instance, Currie's Early Educa- tion appears under PRiNCiPiiES and Practice of Education and also Primary Education. Our Bv^ HISTORY OF EDUCATION. Retail, Price to Mail Teachers Extra Kellogg's Life of Pestalozzi, - _ - - - naper .15 .13 .01 Rissehart's History of Education, - - - - cl. .35 .30 .03 Quick's Educational Reformers, - - - - cl. 1.00 .80 .08 Browning's Educational Theories, - - - - cl. .50 .40 .05 KINDERGARTEN EDUCATION. Autobiography of FroebeL ----- cl. .50 .40 .05 Hoffman's Kindergarten Gifts - - - - -pamper .16 .1/5 .01 METHODS OF TEACHING. Calkins' Ear and "Voice Training, - - - - cl. .50 .40 .05 Dewey's How to Teach Munnere, - - - - cl. .50 .40 .05 Johnson's Education by Doing, - - - - cl. .75 .60 .05 Partridge's Quincy Methods, ----- cl. 1.75 1.40 .13 Shaw and Donnell's School Devices,- - - - cl. 1.35 1.00 .09 Seeley's Grrube Mettiod of Teaching Arithmetic, - cl. 1.00 .80 .07 Seeley's Grube Idea in Teaching Arithmetic, - - cl. .30 .24 .03 Woodhull's Easy Experiments in Science, - - cl. .50 .40 .05 Gladstone's Object Teaching, - - - - -paper .15 .12 .01 McMurray's How to Conduct the Recitation,- -paper .15 .1^ .01 MANUAL TRAINING. Love's Industrial Education, - - - - - cl. 1.50 1.20 .13 Leland's Practical Education, - - - - - cl. 3.00 1.60 .10 Batler's Argument for Manual Training, - -paper .15 .12 .01 MISCELLANEOUS. Blaikies on Self Cuture, ------ cl .35 .20 .03 Gardner's Town and Country School Buildings, - cl. 3.50 2.00 .13 Wilhelm's Student's Calendar, - - - - -paper .30 .24 .03 Pooler's N. Y. School Law, - ----- cl. .30 .24 .03 Rissehart's System of Education, - - - - cl. .35 .20 .03 Lubbock's Best 100 Books, - - - - - -paper .30 .16 .03 Allen's Temperament in Education, - - - cl. .50 .40 .05 l^itch's Improvement in Education, - - - -paper .15 .12 .01 Augsburg's Easy Thmgs to Draw, ----- paper .30 .24 .03 PRINCIPLES AND PRACTICE OF EDUCATION. Parker's Talks on Teaching, - - - - - cl. 1.35 1.00 .09 " Practical Teacher, - - - - - cl. 150 1.20 .U Fitch's Lectures on Teaching, ----- cl. 1.35 1.00 pd. Currie's Early Education, ------ cl. 1.35 1 00 .08 Hughes' Mistakes in Teaching, ----- cl. .50 .40 .05 " Securing and Retaining Attention, - - cl. .50 .40 .05 South wick's Quiz manual of Teaching - - - cl. .75 .60 .09 Fitch's Art of Questioning, _ - _ - -paper .15 .12 .01 " " Securing Attention - - - -paper .15 .12 01 O nick's How to Train the Memory, - - - -paper .15 .12 .01 tonge*3 Practical Work ip School, - ^ ^ -paper .15 .12 ,01 SEND ALL ORDERS TO E. L. KELLOGG d: CO., NEW YORK & CHICAGO. Dewefs How to Teach Manners in the School-Room. By Mrs. Julia M. Dewey, Principal of the Normal School at Lowell, Mass., formerly Supt. of Schools at Hoosick Falls, N. Y. Cloth, 16mo, 104 pp. Price, 50 cents; to teacJiers, 40 cents; by mail, 5 cents extra. Many teachers consider the manners of a pupil of little impor- tance so long as he is industrious. But the boys and girls are to be fathers and mothers; some of the boys will stand in places of importance as professional men, and they will carry the mark of ill-breeding all their lives. Manners can be taught in the school- room: they render the school-room more attractive; they banish tendencies to misbehavior. In this volume Mrs. Dewey has shown how manners can be taught. The method is to present some fact of deportment, and then lead the children to discuss its bearings; thus they learn why good manners are to be learned and practised. The printing and binding are exceedingly neat and attractive." OUTLINE OF Introduction. General Directions. Special Directions to Teachers. Lessons on Manners for Youngest Pupils. Lessons on Manners — Second Two Years. Manners in School— First Two Years. " " Second " Manners at Home— First " " " Second " Muiners in Public— First " '* " Second " CONTENTS. Table Manners— First Two'Years. " " Second " Lessons on Manners for Advanced Pupils. Manners in School. Personal Habits. Manners in Public. Table Manners. Manners in Society. Miscellaneous Items. Practical Training in Manners. Suggestive Stories, Fables, Anec- dotes, and Poems. Memory Gems. Central School Journal.— " It furnishes illustrative lessons." Texas School Journal.—" They (the pupils) will carry the mark of ill- breeding all their lives (.unless taught otherwise)." Pacific Ed. Journal.—" Principles are enforced by anecdote and conver- sation." Teacher's Exponent.— "We believe such a book will be very welcome." National Educator.— " Common-sense suggestions." Ohio Ed. Monthly.—" Teachers would do well to get it." Nebraska Teacher.—" Many teachers consider manners of little im- portanco. but some of the boys will stand in places of importance." School Educator.— " The spirit of the author is commendable." School Herald.—" These lessons are full of suggestions." Va. School Journal.— " Lessons furnished in a delightful style." Miss. Teacher.—" The best presentation we have seen." Ed. Courant.— " It is simple, straightforward, and plain." Iowa Normal Monthly.—" Practical and well-arranged lessons on man- ners." Progressive Educator.—" Will prove to be most helpful to the teacher v/J}o desires her pupils to be well-mannered," SEND Alili ORDERS TO 14: E. L. KELLOGG & CO., NEW YORK & CHICAGO. FitcKs Lectures on Teaching^ Lectures on Teaching. By J. G. Fitch, M.A., one of Her Majesty's Inspectors of Schools. England. Cloth, 16mo, 395 pp. Price, $1.25 ; to teachers, $1.00 ; by mail, postpaid. Mr. Fitch takes as his topic the application of principles to the art of teaching in schools. Here are no* vague and gen- eral propositions, but on every page we find the problems of the school-room discussed with definiteness of mental grip. No one who has read a single lecture by this eminent man but will desire to read another. The book is full of sugges- tions that lead to increased power. 1. These lectures are highly prized in England. 2. There is a valuable preface by Thos. Hunter, President of N. Y. City Normal CoUege. 3. The volume has been at once adopted by several State Reading Circles. EXTRACT FROM AMERICAN PREFACE. "Teackers everywhere among English-speaking people have hailed Mr. Fitch's work as an invaluable aid for almost every kind of instruc- tion and school organization. It combines the theoretical and the prac- tical ; it is based on psychology ; it gives admirable advice on every- thing connected with teaching— from the furnishing of a school-room to the preparation of questions for examination. Its style is singularly clear, vigorous and harmonious." Chicago Intelligence.— " All of its discussions are based on sound psychological principles and give admirable advice." Virginia Educational Journal.— " He tells what he thinks so as to be helpful to all who are striving to improve." Lynn Evening Item.—" He gives admirable advice." Philadelphia Record.—" It is not easy to imagine a more useful vol- ume." Wilmington Every Evening.—" The teacher will find In it a wealth of help and suggestion." Brooklyn Journal.—" His conception of the teacher is a worthy idea, for all to bear in mind." New England Journal of Education : " This is eminently the work ol a man of wisdom and experience. He takes a broad and comprehensive view of the work of the teacher, and his suggestions on all topics are worthy of the most careful consideration." Brooklvn Eaffle: "An invaluable aid for almost every kind of in- struction and school organization. It combines the theoretical and the practical ; it is based on psychology ; it gives admirable advice on every- thing connected with teaching, from the furnishing of a school-room to the preparation of questions for examination." Toledo Blade : "It is safe to say, no teacher can lay claim to being well informed who has not read this admirable work. Its appreciation is shown by its adoption by several State Teachers' Reading Circles, a^ a work to be thoroughly read by its members." SEND ALL ORDERS TO 18 B. L. :e:ellogo <& co., new tork & Chicago, . .. — - — . ■ — — — — ■* Hu^'hes 0\4istakes in Teaching, By James J. Hughes, Inspector of Schools, Toronto, Canada. Cloth, 16mo, 115 pp. Price, 50 cents; to teachers, 40 cents; by mail, 5 cents extra. Thousands of copies of the old edition have been sold. The new edition is worth double the old; the material has been increased, restated, and greatly improved. Two new and important Chapters have been added on "Mistakes in Aims," and ''Mistakes in Moral Training.*' Mr. Hughes says in hia preface: ''In issuing a revised edi- tion of this book, it seems fitting to acknowledge gratefully the hearty appreciation that has been accorded it by American teachers. Realiz- ing as I do that its very large sale indicates that it has been of service 1 to many of my fellow-teachers, I , have recognized the duty of enlarg- ing and revising it so as to make it still more helpful in preventing James L. Hughes, Inspector of the common mistakes in teaching Schools, Toronto, Canada. ^^^ training. '* This is one of the six books recommended by the N. Y. State Department to teachers preparing for examination for State cer- tificates. CAUTION. Our new authorized copyright edition, entirely rewritten by ihe authm\ is the only one to buy. It is beautifully printed arid handsomely bound. Get no oth&r. CONTENTS OF OUR NEW EDITION. Chap. I. 7 Mistakes in Aim. Chap. II. 21 Mistakes in School Management. Chap. III. 24 Mistakes in Discipline. Chap. IV. 27 Mistakes in Method. Chap. V. 13 Mistakes in Moral Training. ' Chaps. I. and F. are entirely new. ^:..:b> ^--^^^ §feMf> ALL 6ilt>aR§ f6 to B. L. KELLOGG <& CO., NEW YOBK & CHICAGO. Hughes Securing and Retainin g Atten- TioN. By James L. Hughes, Inspector Schools, Toronto, Canada, author of ** Mistakes in Teaching." Cloth, 116 pp. Price, 50 cents; to teachers, 40 cents; by mail, 5 cents extra. This valuable little book has already become widely known to American teachers. Our new edition has been almost entirely re-written, and several new important chapters added. It is the only AUTHORIZED COPYRIGHT EDITION. Cautiou. — Buy no other. WHAT IT CONTAINS. I. General Principles; II. Kind* of Attention; III. Characteristics of Good Attention ; IV. Conditions of Attention ; V. Essential Characteristics of the Teacher in Securing and Retaining Attention; VI. How to Control a Class; VII. Methods of Stimulating and Controlling a Desire for Knowledge; VIII. How to Gratify and Develop the Desire for Mental Activity; IX. Distracting Attention; X. Training the Power of Attention; XI. General Suggestions regarding Attention. TESTIMONIALS. S. P. Robbins, Pres. McGill Normal School, Montreal, Can., writes to Mr. Hughes:— "It is quite superfluous for me to say that your little books are admirable. I was yesterday authorized to put the ' Attention ' on the list of books to be used in the Normal School next year. Crisp and attractive in style, and mighty by reason of its good, sound common-sense, it is a book that every teacher should know." Popular Educator (Boston):—" Mr. Hughes has embodied the best think- ing of W5s life in these pages." Central School Journal (la.).— "Though published four or five years since, this book has steadily advanced in popularity." Educational Courdnt (Ky.).— "It is intensely practical. There isn't a mystical, muddy expression in the book." Educational Times (England).—" On an important subject, and admir ably executed." School Guardian (England).—" We unhesitatingly recommend it." New England Journal of Education— " The book is a guide and a manual of special value." New York School Journal.— '* Every teacher would derive benefit from reading this volume." Chicago Educational Weekly.—" The teacher who aims at best suo^ cess should study it." Phil. Teacher.—" Many who have spent months in the school-room would be benefited by it." Maryland School Journal.—" Always clear, never tedious." Va, Ed. Journal.— "Excellent hints as to securijig attention." Ohio Educational Monthly.—" We advise readers to send for a copy." Pacific Home and School Journal.—" An excellent little manual." Prest. James H. Hoose, State Normal School, Cortland, N. Y., says:— " The book must prove of great benefit to the profession." Supt. A. W. Edson, Jersey City, N. J., says:—" A good treatise has long been needed, and Mr. Hughes has supplied the want." SEND Alili ORDERS TO SO J7. L. KELLOGG & CO., NEW YORK db CHICAGO, T^atrid ges "" Q uincy 0\4ethodsy The " Quincy Methods," illustrated ; Pen photographs from the Quincy schools. By Lelia E. Patridge. Illustrated with a number of engravings, and two colored plates. Blue cloth, gilt, 12mo, 686 pp. Price, $1.75 ; to teachers^ $1.40 ; by mail, 13 cents extra. When the schools of Quincy, Mass., became so famous under the superintendence of Col. Francis W. Parker, thou- sands of teachers visited them. Quincy became a sort ol " educational Mecca," to the disgust of the routinists, whose schools were passed by. Those who went to study the methods pursued there were called on to tell what they had seen. Miss Patridge was one of those who visited the schools of Quincy ; in the Pennsylvania Institutes (many of which she conducted), she found the teachers were never tired ol being told how things were done in Quincy. She revisited the schools several tunes, and wrote down what she saw ; then the book was made. 1. This book presents the actual practice in the schools of Quincy. It is composed of " pen photographs." 2. It gives abundant reasons for the great stir produced by the two words " Quincy Methods." There are reasons for the discussion that has been going on among the teachers of late years. 3. It gives an insight to priaciples underlying real educa- tion as distinguished from book learning. 4. It shows the teacher not only what to do, but gives the way in which to do it. 5. It impresses one with the spirit of the Quincy schools. 6. It shows the teacher how to create an atmosphere of hap« piness, of busy work, and of progress. 7. It shows the teacher how not to waste her time in worry' ing over disorder. 8. It tells how to treat pupils with courtesy, and get cour- tesy back again. 9. It presents four years of work, considering Number, Color, Direction, Dimension, Botany, Minerals, Form, Lan- guage, Writing, Pictures, Modelling, Drawing, Singing, Geography, Zoology, etc., etc. 10. There are 686 pages; a large book devoted to the realities of school Ufe, in realistic descriptive language. It is plain, real, not abstruse and unintei^esting. 11. It gives an insight into real education, the eduoatioF urged by Pestalozzi, FroebeJ* jili*nn«jpage, Parker, etc. SBND ALL ORDfiRS TO E. L, KELLOGG <& CO., NEW YORK & GHIGAOO. Sa Reception Day. 6 3^os. A collection of fresh and original dialogues, recitations, decla- mations, and short pieces for practical use in Public and Private Schools. Bound in handsome new paper cover, 160 pages each, printed on laid paper. Price, 80 cents each; U , teachers, 24 cents; by mail, 3 cents extra. The exercises in these books bear upon education; have a rela. tion to the school-room. 1. The dialogues, recitations, and declamations gathered in this volume being fresh, short, J comprehended, are 3 average scholars 2. They have mainly been used f by teachers for actual school xei 3. They cover a different ground i from the speeches of Demosthenes I and Cicero — which are unfitted : for boys of twelve to sixteen I years of age. \ 4. They have some practical in- i terest for those who use them. 5. There is not a vicious sen- ; tence uttered. In some dialogue books profanity is found, or dis- i obedience to parents encouraged, ; or lying laughed at. Let teachers i look out for this. 6. There is something for the youngest pupils. 7. *' Memorial Day Exercises" for Bryant, Garfield, Lincoln, etc., will be found. 8. Several Tree Planting exercises are included. 9. The exercises have relation to the school-room, and bear upon education. 10. An important point is the freshness of these pieces. Most of them were written expressly for this collection, and can be found nowhere else. Boston Journal of Education.— " It is of practical value." Detroit Free Press.—" Suitable for public and private schools." Western Ed. Journal.—" A series of very good selections." New Cover. SEND ALti ORDERS TO K L. KELLOaa & CO., NEW YORK & CHICAGO. PSYCHOLOGY AND EDUCATION. Welch's Teachers' Psycholo^^y, - - - - - c\ 1.25 *' Talks on Psychology, - - - - - c1. .50 Allen's Mind Studies for Young Teachers, - - cl. .50 Perez's First Three Years of Childhood, - - - cl. 1.50 Allen's Temperament in Education, - - - cl. .50 PSINCIPLES OF EDUCATION. ■Rissehart's Principles of Eduation, - - - - cl. .25 Payne's Lectures on Science and Art of Eduation, cl. Sl.OO Tate's Philosophy of Education, - - - - cl. 1.50 Teachers' Manual Series - - - - each, paper .15 Huntington's Unconscious Tuition, _ - _ - paper .15 Carter's Artificial Stupidity in School, - - -paoer .15 PEIMARY EDUCATION. Augsburg's Easy Things to Dmw, -_- - -paper - cl. - cl. - cl. - cl. - cl. - cl. - paper - cl. cl. cl. Augsburg's Easy Drawings for Geog. Class, Ourrie's Early Education, ----- Parker's Talks on Teaching, - - - - Partridge's Quincy Methods, - - - - Perez's First Three Years of Childhood, - Calkins' Ear and Voice Training - _ - Gladstone's Object Teaching, - - - - .fohnson's Education by Doing,- - _ - Seeley's Grube Metho-^ of Teaching Arithmetic, Seeley's Grube Idea in Primary Arithmetic, - QUESTION BOOKS FOR TEACHERS. Shaw's National Question Book, _ - _ _ N. Y. State Examination Questions,- Analytical Question Series. Geography, " '* ** TT. S. History Series, - " " " Grammar, - Southwick's Quiz Manual of the Theory and Prac- tice of Teaching, ------ SCHOOL MANAGE2IENT. Kellogg's School Management, - - - - - cl. Hughes' How to Keep Order, - - - - -paper Sidgrwlck's Stimulus in School, - - - - -paper SCHOOL HYGIENE. Groflf's School Hygiene, - - - - cl. cl. cl. cl. cl. .30 .50 1.25 1.25 1.75 1.50 .50 .15 .75 1.00 .30 175 1.00 .50 .50 .50 .75 .75 .15 .15 1.00 .00 . 40 .05 .40 .05 1.30 .10 .40 .05 .30 .03 .80 .07 1.30 .09 .13 .01 .13 .01 .13 .01 .34 .03 .40 .05 1.00 .08 1.00 .09 1.40 .13 1.30 .01 .40 .05 .13 .01 .60 .05 .80 .07 .33 .03 pd. .80 .08 .40 .05 .40 .05 .40 .05 .60 .0 .60 .05 .13 .01 .1» .01 -paper .15 .13 .01 5.00 1.50 pd. .10 SCHOOL APPARATUS. * Standard " Manikin. (Sold by subscription.) " Man Wonderful " Manikin, ----- Standard Blackboard Stencils, 500 different nos., from 5 to 50 cents each. Send for special list. *' Unique " Pencil Sharpener, - - - _ _ Standard Physician's Manikin. (Sold by subscrip- tion.) SINGING AND DIALOGUE BOOKS. ^•'outhwick's Handy Helps, ------ cl. Song Treasures, -------- paper Reception Day Series, (8 Nos.) - - - each, paper ^^ 64-page descriptive catalogue of these books free to any address. Large 123-page descriptive catalogue of all best educational books pub- lished, with prices and special rates to teachers, 6 cents. 1.00 .80 .08 .15 .13 .02 .30 .34 .03 HiJND ALIi ORDERS TO 8 :e. l. kelloqq & co., ne w tobk & Chicago, — _ — __^ Aliens Temperament in Education. With directions concerning How TO Become A Successful Teacher. By Jerome Allen, Ph.D., Author of "Mind Studies for Young Teachers," etc. Cloth, 16mo. Price, 50 cents, to teachers, 40 cents ; by mail, 5 cents extra. There is no book in the English language accessible to students on this important subject, yet it is a topic of so much importance to all who wish to become better acquainted with themselves that ^its suggestions will find a warm welcome everywhere, especially by teacheis. " The value of the book will be readily seen by noticing the subjects discussed. CONTENTS :~How we can know Mmd— Native Characteristics of Children— How to Study Ourselves— The Sanguine Temperament— The Bilious Temperament— The Lymphatic Temperament— The Nervous Temperament— Physical Characteristics of each Temperament : Tabula- ted—The best Temperament— How to Conduct Self Study— Many Per- sonal Questions for Students of Themselves— How to Improve— Specific Directions— How to Study Children— How Children are Alike, How Different— Facts in Child Growth : Tabulated and Explained— How to Promote Healthy Child Growth, Full directions concerning how to treat temperamental differences. How to effect change in tempera- ment. Under "How to Become A Successful Teacher," the following topics are discussed : ** What books and papers to read."—" What schools to visit."—" What associates to select." — " What subjects to study."—" How to find helpful critics."— "How to get the greatest good from institutes."— " Shall I attend a Normal school ? " *^How to get a good and perman- ent position?" "How to get good pay?" "How to grow a better teacher year after year." "Professional honesty and dishonesty."—" The best and most enduring reward." Blaikies Self Culture, By John Stuabt Blaikie. 16mo, 64 pp., limp cloth. Price, 25 cents ; to ieacherSy 20 cents ; by mail, 3 cents extra. Three invaluable practical essays on the Culture of the Intel- lect, on Physical Culture, on Moral Culture. In its 64 pages this little volume contains a vast amount of excellent advice. It will help hundreds of young teachers to make a right start, or set them right if they are on the wrong track. Although published expressly for teachers, it will prove profitable reading for all, no matter what their calling, who wish to improve — and who does not? As a part of a course of reading, some such book is invalu- able, and should be read over and over again. Mr. Blaikie's book, in its present form, is so neat yet cheap, that it ought to be read by every young teacher in the country, and to be on every read- ing-circle list. It is to be a prominent book on the new profes- sional course of reading for teachers. Nicely printed, with side-heads and bound in limp cloth. SKKD ALL ORDERS TO E. I. KELLOGG & CO., NEW YORK & CHICAGO. 9 Brownings Educational Theories. By Oscar Browning, M.A., of King's College, Cambridge, Eng. No. 8 of Redding Circle Library Series. Cloth, 16mo, 237 pp. Price, 50 cents; to teachers, 40 cents; by mail, 5 cents extra. This work has been before the public some time, and for a general sketch of the History of Education it has no superior. Our edition contains several new features, making it specially valuable as a text-book for Normal Schools, Teachers' Classes, Reading Circles, Teachers' Institutes, etc. , as well as the student of education. These new features are: (1) Side-heads giving the subject of each paragraph; (2) each chapter is followed by an analysis; (3) a very full new index; (4) also an appendix on ** Froebel," and the *' American Common School." OUTLINE OF CONTENTS. I. Education among the Greeks — Music and Gymnastic Theo- ries of Plato and Aristotle; II. Roman Education — Oratory; III. Humanistic Education; IV. The Realists — Ratich and Comenius; V. The Naturalists — Rabelais and Montaigne; VI. English Humorists and Realists— Roger Ascham and John Milton; VII. Locke; VIII. Jesuits and Jansenists ; IX. Rousseau; X. Pes- talozzi; XI. Kant, Fichte, and Herbart; XII. The English Pub- lic School ; XIII. Froebel ; XIV. The American Common School. PRESS NOTICES. Ed. Courant.— -" This edition surpasses others in its adaptability to gen- eral use." Col. School Journal.— "Can be used as a text-book in the Histoiy of Education." Pa. Ed. News.—" A volume that can be used as a text-book on the His- tory of Education." School Education, Minn.—" Beginning with the Greeks, the author pre- sents a brief but clear outline of the leading educational theories down to the present time." Ed. Review, Can. — "A book like this, introducing the teacher to the great minds that have worked in the same field, cannot but be a powerful stimulus to him in his work." SfiNB ALL ORDfiRS TO 10 E. L, KELLOGG iSi CO., NEW YORK & CHIGAOO. Calkins Ear and Voice Training by Means of Elementary Sounds op Language. By N. A. Calkins, Assistant Superintendent N. Y. City Schools ; author of "Primary Object Lessons," "Manual of Object Teaching," " Phonic Charts," etc. Cloth. 16mo, about 100 pp. Price, 50 cents; to teachers, 40 cents; by mail, 5 cents extra. An idea of the character of this work may be had by the fol- lowing extracts from its Preface : " The common existence of abnormal sense perception among school children is a serious obstacle in teaching. This condition is most obvious in the defective perceptions of sounds and forms. It may be seen in the faulty articulations in speaking and reading; in the ina- bility to distinguish musical sounds readily ; also in the common mis- takes made in hearing what is said. . . . "Careful observation and long experience lead to the conclusion that the most common defects in sound perceptions exist because of lack of proper training in childhood to develop this power of the mind into activity through the sense of hearing. It becomes, therefore, a ^ matter of great importance in edu- cation, that in the training of chil- dren due attention shall be given to the development of ready and accu- rate perceptions of sounds. " How to give this training so as to secure the desired results is a subject that deserves the careful attention of parents and teachers. Much depends upon the manner of presenting the sounds of our language to pupils, whether or not the results shall be the development in sound-perceptions that will trairi the ear and voice to habits of distinctness and accuracy in speaking and reading. " The methods of teaching given in this book are the results of an extended experience under such varied conditions as may be found with pupils representing all nationalities, both of native and foreign born children. The plans described will enable teachers to lead their pupils to acquire ready and distinct perceptions through sense train- ing, and cause them to know the sounds of our language in a manner that will give practical aid in learning both the spoken and the written language. The simplicity and usefulness of the lessons need only to be known to be appreciated and usecU" SuPT. N. A. Calkins. SEND Alili ORDJBSS TO S. L. KELLOGG <& CO.. NEW YORK & CHICAGO. 21 Johnsons Education by Doing . Education by Doing : A Book of Educative Occupations for Children in School. By Anna Johnson, teacher to the Children's Aid Schools of New York City. With a prefatory note by Edward B. Shaw, of the High School of Yonkers, N. Y. Handsome red cloth, gilt stamp. Price, 75 cents ; to teachers, 60 cents ; by mail, 5 cents extra. Thousands of teachers are asking the question: *'How can 1 keep my pupils profitably occupied ? " This book answers the question. Theories are omitted. Every line is full of in- struction. 1. Arithmetic is taught with blocks, beads, toy-money, efcp. 2. The tables are taught by clock dials, weights, etc. 3. Form is taught by blocks. 4. Lines with sticks. 5. Language with pictures. 6. Occupations are given. 7. Everything is plain and practical. EXTRACT FROM PREFATORY NOTE. **In observing the results achieved by the Kindergarten, educators hav« felt that Frcebel's great discovery of education by occupations must have something for the public schools — that a further application of the *puv ting of experience and action in the place of books and abstract thinking, could be made beyond the fifth or sixth year of the child's life. This book is an outgrowth of this idea, conceived in the spirit of the * Ne-iV Education.* "It will be widely welcomed, we believe, as it gives concrete method>3 of work — the very aids primary teachers are in search of. There has beei/t a wide discussion of the subject of education, and there exists no liitki confusion in the mind of many a teacher as to how he should impro\'€ upon methods that have been condemned." Snpt. J. "W. Skinner, Children's Aid Schools, says :— " It is highly appi© ciated by our teachers. It supplies a want felt by all." Toledo Blade. — "The need of this book has been felt by teachers." School Education- — "Contains a great many fruitful suggestions." Christian Advance- — *' The method is certainly philosophical.'* Va, Ed. Journal.—-" The book is an outgrowth of Froebel's idea.** Philadelphia Teacher.—" The book is full of practical information.*' Iowa Teacher.— " Kellogg's books are all good, but this is the best fo« teachers.** The Educationist—" We regard it as very valuable." School Bulletin.—" We think well of this book." Chicago Intelligence.—" Will be found a very serviceable book.** SEND Alili OBDEB8 TO 22 £. X. KELLOGG & CO,, NEW YORK <& CHICAGO. Kelbggs School Management : " A Practical Guide for the Teacher in the School-Room.'* By Amos M. Kellogg, A.M. Sixth edition. Revised and enlarged. Cloth, 128 pp. Price, 75 cents ; to teachers, 60 cents ; by mail, 5 cents extra. This book takes up the most diflScult of all school work, viz. : the Government of a school, and is filled vrlth original and practical ideas on the subject. It is invaluable to the teacher who desires to make his school a *' well-governed" school. 1. It suggests methods of awakening an interest in the studies, and in school work. "The problem for the teacher," says Joseph Payne, ** is to get the pupil to study." If he can do this he will be educated. 2. It suggests methods of making the school attractive. Ninety-nine hundredths of the teachers think young people should come to school anyhow ; the wise ones know that a pupil who wants to come to school will do something when he gets there, and so make the school attractive. 3. Above all it shows that the pupils will be self -governed when well governed. It shows how to develop the process of self-government. 4. It shows how regular attention and courteous behaviour may be secured. 5. It has an admirable preface by that remarkable man and teacher, Dr. Thomas Hunter, Pres. N. Y. City Normal College. Home and School.—" Is just the book for every teacher who wishes to be a better teacher." Educational Journal.—" It contains many valuable hints." Boston Journal of Education.— "It is the most humane, instructive, original educational work we have read in many a day." Wis. Journal of Education.—" Commends itself at once by the num- ber of ingenious devices for securing order, industry, and interest. Iowa Central School Journal.— " Teachers will find it a helpful and suggestive book." Canada Educational Monthly.—" Valuable advice and useful sugges- tions." Normal Teacher.—" The author believes the way to manage is to civ- ilize, cultivate, and refine." School Moderator.—" Contains a large amount of valuable reading ; school government is admirably presented." Progressive Teacher.— " Should occupy an honored place in ever^ teacher's library." Ed. Courant,— "It will help the teacher greatly.* Va. Ed. Journal.-" The author drawA from a large experience." ^INDUSTRIAL- ■EDUCATION^ SEND AIA, OBDEBS TO S. L. KELLOGG & CO,, 25 GLINTOK PLAGE, N. Y? 23 Laoes Industrial Education. Industrial Education ; a guide to Manual Training. " By Samuel G. Love, principal of the Jamestown, (N, Y.) public schools. Cloth, 12nio, 330 pp. with 40 full-page plates containing nearly 400 figures. Price, ^1.50; to teachers, $1.20 ; by mail, 12 cents extra. 1. Industrial Education not understood. Probably the only man who has wrought out the problem in a practical way is Samuel G, Love, the superin- tendent of tlie Jamestown (N. Y.) schools. Mr, Love has now about 2,400 children in the primary, advanced, and high scliools under his charge ; he is assisted by fifty teachers, so that an admirable opportunity was offered, Li 1874 (about fourteen years ago) Mr, Love began his experiment ; gradu- ally^ he introduced one occu- pation, and then another, tLatil at last nearly all the pupils are following some form of educate ing work, 2, Why it is demanded. The reasons for introducing it are clearly stated by Mr. Love. It was done because the educa** tion of the books left the pu, pils unfitted to meet the prac^ tical problems the world asks them to solve. The world does not have a field ready for the student in book-lore. The state- ments of Mr. Love should be carefully read, 3. It is an educational book. Any one can give some formal work to girls and boys. "What has been needed has been some one who could find out what is suii;ed to the little child who is in the ** First Reader," to the one who is in the "Second Reader," and so on. It must be remembered the effort is not to make carpenters, and type-setters, and dress- makers of boys and girls, but to educate them by these occupoL- tions better than without them. ^LOVE« SEND ALL ORDERS TO E. L. KELLOGG & CO,, NEW YORK & CHICAGO. 25 Taynes Lectures on the Science and Art of Education. Beading Circle Edition. By Joseph Payne, the first Professor of the Science and Art of Edu- cation in the College of Preceptors, London, England. With portrait. 16mo, 350 pp., English cloth, with gold back stamp. Price, $1.00 ; to teachers, 80 cents ; by mail, 7 cents extra. Elegant new edition from new plates. Teachers who are seeking tonneWs School Devices. " School Devices." A book of ways and suggestions for teachers. By Edward R. Shaw and Webb Donnell, of the High School at Yonkers, N. Y. Illustrated. Dark-blue cloth binding, gold, 16mo, 289 pp. Price, $1.25 ; to teachers^ $1.00 ; by mail, 9 cents extra. This valuable book has just been greatly im- proved by the addition of nearly 75 pages of entirely new material. f^^A BOOK OF "WAYS" FOR TEACHERS...^ Teaching is an art ; there are " ways to do it." This book is made to point out " ways,'* and to help by suggestions. 1. It gives "ways" for teaching Language, Grammar, Reading, Spelling, Geography, etc. These are in many cases novel ; they are designed to help attract the attention of the pupil. 2. The *' ways" given are not the questionable " ways" so often seen practised in school-rooms, but are in accord with the spmt of modern educational ideas. 3. This book will afford practical assistance to teachers who wish to keep their work from degenerating into mere routine. It gives them, in convenient form for constant use at the desk, a multitude of new ways in which to present old truths. The great enemy of the teacher is want of interest. Their methods do not attract attention. There is no teaching unless there is attention. The teacher is too apt to think there is but one " way" of teaching spelling ; he thus falls into a rut. Now there are many ''ways" of teaching spelling, and some "ways" are better than others. Variety must exist in the school-room ; the authors of this volume deserve the thanks of the teachers for pointing out methods of obtaining variety without sacrificing the great end sought — scholarship. New "ways" induce greater effort, and renewal of activity. 4. The book gives the result of large actual experience in the school- room, and will meet the needs of thousands of teachers, by placing at their command that for which visits to other schools are made, insti- tutes and associations attended, viz., new ideas and fresh and forceful ways of teaching. The devices given under Drawing and Physiology are of an eminently practical nature, and cannot fail to invest these subjects with new interest. The attempt has been made to present only devices of a practical character. 5. The book suggests "ways" to make teaching elective; it is not simply a book of new "ways," but of "ways" that will produce good results. SEND ALL ORDERS TO 40 E, L. KELLOOG & CO., NEW TOBK & CHIC AGO. WHAT THIS BOOK CONTAINS. CHAP. I. Language, II. Geography, .... III. Spelling, IV. Reading, V. Arithmetic, .... VI. Personal Suggestions, VII. School room " 9-42 42-62 62-74 74-85 85-132 132-144 144-174 CHAP. VIII. Outside the School IX. History, . . . X. Physiology, . . XI. Seat Work, . . .XII. Drawing, . . , XIII. Penmanship, etc., XIV. Bible Readings, 174-180 180-200 200^215 215-224 224-237 237-245 245-278 CONTENTS OF A SINGLE CHAPTER-LANGUAGE. Pictures for Young Pupils— Supplying the Proper Word— A Language Lesson— Weekly Plan of Language Work for Lower Grammar Grades- Writing Ordinals— Correcting Bad English— For Beginners in Composition- Word Developing— An Easy Exercise in Composition— Composition from Pictures— Plan for Oral Composition— Debating Exercises— Language Drill in every Lesson— Letter Writing— Matter for Letters— Forms for Business Letters— Papers Written from Recitation Notes— Equivalent Forms of Ex- pression—Devices for Use of Capitals — Excerpts to Write Out from Memory — Regular Plan in Composition Writing— To Exercise the Imagination- Suggestions about Local Subjects for Compositions— A Letter Written upon the Blackboard by all the Class— Choice of Words— Order of Criticism— A Plan for Rapid Correction of Compositions— To File and Hold Essays- Assigning a Subject for a Composition— Character Sketches— Illustrative Syntax — A Talk on Language— A Grammar Lesson, Device for Building up the Conjugation of the Verb— The Infinitive Mood— Shall and Will — Matter for a Talk on Words— Surnames. At the end of the volume is inserted a careful selection of Bible Readings for every school day of the year, with the pronunciation of difficult words —a provision that will be appreciated by those who are obliged to hunt each morning for a proper selection for school devotions. Home and School.—" It is just the book for every teacher who wishes to be a better teacher." Educational Journal. — " It contains many valuable hints." Boston Journal of Education.— " It is the most humane, instructive, original educational work we have read in many a day." Wis. Journal of Education.— " Commends itself at once by the number of ingenious devices for securing order, industry, and interest." Iowa Central School Journal.—" Teachers will find it a helpful and sug- gestive book." Canada Educational Monthly.— " Valuable advice and useful sugges- tions." ITormal Teacher.— "The author believes the way to manage is to civ- ilize, cultivate, and refine." School Moderator,—" Contains a large amount of valuable reading. School government is admirably presented." Progressive Teacher. — "Should occupy an honored place in every teacher's library." Ed. Courant.— " It will help the teacher greatly." Va. Ed. Journal.—" The author draws from a large experience." Country and Village Schools.—" Cannot fail to be serviceable." SEND ALL ORDERS TO 46 B. L. KELLOGG & CO., NEW YORK & CHICAGO, No. 6. Gladstone' s Object Teaching. Y^Y J. H. Gladstone, of the London (Eng.) School Board. 25 pp. A short manual full of jJractical suggestions on Object Teaching. Afo. 7. Huntington s Unconscious Tuition. Bishop Huntington has placed all teachers under profound obligations to him by writing this work. The earnest teacher has felt its earnest spirit, due to its interesting discussion of the foundation principles of education. It is wonderfully suggestive. M?. 8. Hughes' Hoiv to Keep Order. By James L. Hughes, author of " Mistakes in Teaching." Mr. Hughes is one of the few men who know what to say to help a young teacher. Thousands are to-day asking, " How shall we keep order ?" Thousands are saying, *' I can teach well enough, but I cannot keep order." To such we recommend this little book. No. g. Quick's How to Train the Memory ' By Rev. R. H. Quick, author of " Educational Reformers-." This book comes from school-room experience, and is not a matter of theory. Much attention has been lately paid to increasing the power of memory. The teacher must make it part of his business to store the memory, hence he must know how to do it properly and according to the laws of the mind. No. 10. Hoffman's Kindergarten Gifts. By Heinrich Hoffman, a pupil of Froebel. The author sets forth very clearly the best methods of using them for training the child's senses and power of observation. No. II. 'Sutler's Argument for Manual Training. By Nicholas Murray Butler, Pres. of N. Y. College for Training of Teachers. A clear statement of the foundation principles of Industrial Education. No, 12. Groff's School Hygiene. By Pres. G. G. Groff, of Bucknell University, Pa. No. I). McMurry's How to Conduct the Recitation. By Chas,. McMurry, Prof, in State Normal School, Winona, Minn. In 34 pp. is explained the ideas of the Hubart school of educators as re- gards class teaching. These are now acknowledged to be the scientific method. Grub6's plan for teaching primary arithmetic is in the same line. No. I4. Carter's Artificial Production of Stupidity IN Schools. By R. Brudenell Carter, F. R. S. This celebrated paper has been so often referred to that we reprint it in neat form, with side-headings. 49 pp. No, 75. Kellogg' s Pestaloni His Educational Work and Principles. By Amos M. Kellogg, editor of the School Journal. 29 pp. A clear idea is given in this book of what this great reformer and dis- coverer in education thought and did. His foundation principles are made specially prominent. No. 16. Langs Basedow. 32 pp. Same price as above. No 17. Lang's Comemius. By OssiAN H. Lang. 32 pp. Same price as above. SEND ALL ORDERS TO E, L. KELLOGG & CO., NEW YORK S GHIOAGO. 47 WelcVs Teachers Psychology, A Treatise on the Intellectual Faculties, the Order of the Growth, and the Corresponding Series of Studies by which they are Educated. By the late A. S. Welch, Professor of Psychology, Iowa Agricultural College, formerly Pres. of the Mich. Normal School. Cloth, 12mo, 300 pp., $1.25; to teachers, $1; by mail, 12 cents extra. Special terms to Normal Schools and Reading Circles. A mastery of the branches to be taught was once thought to be an all-sufficient preparation for teaching. But it is now seen that there must be. a knowledge of the mind that is to be trained. Psychology is the foundation of intelligent pedagogy. Prof. Welch undertook to write a book that should deal with mind- unfolding, as exhibited in the school-room. He shows what is meant by attending, memorizing, judging, abstracting, imagining, classifying, etc., as it is done by the pupil over his text-books. First, there is the concept; then there is (1) gathering concepts, (2) storing concepts, (3) dividing concepts, (4) abstracting concepts, (5) build- ing concepts, (6) grouping con- cepts, (7) connecting concepts, (8) deriving concepts. Each of these is clearly explained and il- lustrated ; the reader instead of being bewildered over strange terms comprehends that imagina- tion means a building up of con- cepts, and so of the other terms. Dr. a. S. Welch. ^ ^^^^^ valuable part of the book is its application to practical education. How to train these powers that deal with the concept — that is the question. There must be exercises to train the mind to gather, store, dimde, abstract, build, group, connect, and derive concepts. The author shows what studies do this appropriately, and where there are mistakes made in the selection of studies. The book will prove a valuable one to the teacher who wishes to know the structure of the mind and the way to minister to its growth. It would seem that at last a psychology had been written that would be a real aid, in- stead of a hindrance, to clear knowledge. SEND ALL ORDERS TO 18 E. L. KELLOGG d CO., NEW YORK & GlIIOAGO. As a text-book for the use of students in normal schools, teachers' institutes, reading circles, etc. , this book is unsurpassed. The logical arrangement, the directness of presentation, without unnecessary words or repetition, the questions at end of each chapter, and typographical features, make it an ideal text-book. Only two months after publication it was introduced into many normal schools as a text-book, and adopted by the Cal. State Teachers' Reading Circle. OUTLINE OF CONTENTS. Psychology. OHAP. I. Introduction — Terms Defined and their Meanings Illustrated. n. Mind, and its Three Manifesta- tions. m. On the Intellect— the Senses. IV. Internal Perception. V. Memory. VI. Conception. VII. Analysis. Vni. Abstraction. CHAP. IX. Imagination. X. Classification. XI. Judgment. XII. Reasoning. XIII. The Unavoidable Series of Mental Acts that in the Growth of the Mind begin with the Senses and end in Reasoning. XIV. Intuition. Psychology and Education, CHAP. XV. Education — what it is and how attained. XVI. Special Means of Training each Faculty in the Order of its Growth. XVII. Expression as a Means of In- tellectual Discipline. XVIII. Higher Spontaneities Spring- ing from Trained Effort. CHAP. XIX. Injurious Effect of Wrong Ar- rangement of Studies. XX. Studies must be Selected that will Discipline the Faculties strictly in the Order of their Development. XXI. Arrangement of Studies and Method of Instructing in Early Educating. This book is written by one who, as a teacher, institute con- ductor, president of a normal school (Mich., 15 years), president of college (Iowa, for many years), has shown himself to be a thoughtful student of education. He has made the volume one that will aid the teacher in carrying foricard tJie sclwol-room work in accm'dance with mind laws. So great has been the interest created that 1,000 copies were ordered in advance of publica- tion. Dr. Welch's book is a large 12mo volume of 300 pp., beautifully printed from large, clear type, and artistically and durably bound. As so many teachers are making inquiiies on psychological points, we feel certain that they will find this book just what they want. SEND ALL ORDERS TO 50 E. L. KBLLOGO & CO., NEW YORK d CHICAGO. IVelch's Talks on Psychology Applied to Teaching. By A. S. Welch, LL.D., Ex-Pres. of the Iowa Agricul- tural College at Ames, Iowa. Cloth, 16mo, 136 pp. Price, 50 cents; to teachers, 40 cents; by mail, 5 cents extra. This little book has been written for the purpose of helping the teacher in doing more effective work in the school-room. The instruc- tors in our schools are familiar with the branches they teach, but de- ficient in knowledge of the mental powers whose development they seek to promote. But no proficiency that does not include the study of mind , can ever qualify for the work of teaching. The teacher must comprehend fully not only the objects studied by the learner, but the efforts put forth and in studying them, the effect of these efforts on the faculty exerted, their re&ults in the form of accurate knowledge. It is urged by eminent educators everywhere that a knowledge of the branches to be taught, and a knowledge of tJw mind to be trained thereby, are equally essential to successful teaching. WHAT IT CONTAINS. Part I.— Chapter 1. Mind Growth and its Helps. Chapter 2.— The Feel- ings. Chapter 3. — The Will and the Spontaneities. Chapter 4. — Sensation. Chapter 5.— Sense Perception, Gathering Concepts. Chapter 6.— Memory and Conception. Chapter 7.— Analysis and Abstraction. Chapter 8.— Ira- agination and Classification. — Chapter 9. — Judgment and Reasoning, the Thinking Faculties. Part II.— Helps to Mind Growth. Chapter 1.— Education and the Means of Attaining it. Chapter 2.— Training of the Senses. Chapter 3.— Reading, Writing, and Spelling. Chapter 4. — Composition, Elementary Grammar, Abstract Arithmetic, etc. *#* This book, as will be seen from the contents, deals with the subject differently from Dr. Jerome Allen's " Mind Studies for Young Teachers," (same price) recently published by us. FROM THOSE WHO HAVE SEEN IT. Co. Insp. Dearness, London, Canada.—" Here find it the most lucid and practical introduction to mental science I have ever seen." Florida School Journal.—" Is certainly the best adapted and most de- sirable for the mass of teachers." Penn. SchooIJournal.—" Earnest teachers will appreciate it." Danville, Ind., Teacher and Examiner,— " We feel certain this book has a mission among the primary teachers." Iowa Normal Monthly.—" The best for the average teacher." Prof. H. H. Seeley, Iowa State Normal School.— "I feel that you have done a very excellent thing for the teachers. Am inclined to think we will use it in some of our classes." Science, N. Y.— " Has been written from an educational point of view." Education, Boston.—" Aims to help the teacher in the work of the school- room." Progressive Teacher.— "There is no better work." Ev-Gov. Dysart, Iowa.—" My first thought was, ' What a pity it could not be in the hapds of every teacher in Iowa." SfiND ALL ORDBtlg fO Si K L. KELLOGG & CO., NEW TOBK & CHICAGO. WHAT EACH NUMBER CONTAINS, No. 1 Is a specially fine number. One dia- logue in it, called "Work Conquers," for 11 girls and 6 boys, has been given hundreds of times, and is alone worth the price of the book. Then there are 21 other dialogues. 29 Recitations. 14 Declamations. 17 Pieces for the Primary Class. No. 2 Contains 29 Recitations. 12 Declamations. 17 Dialogues. 24 Pieces for the Primary Class. And for Class Exercise as follows: The Bird's Party. Indian Names. Valedictory. Washington's Birthday. Garfield Memorial Day. Grant " " Whittier " " Sigoumey " " No. 3 Contains Fewer of the longer pieces and more of the shorter, as follows : 18 Declamations. 21 Recitations. 22 Dialogues. 24 Pieces for the Primary Class. A Christmas Exercise. Opening Pijece, and An Historical Celebration. No. 4" Contains Campbell Memorial Day. Longfellow " " Michael Angelo " " Shakespeare " " Washington " " Christmas Exercise. Arbor Day " New Planting " Thanksgiving " Value of Knowledge Exercise. Also 8 other Dialogues. 21 Recitations. 23 Declamations. No. 5 Contains Browning Memorial Day. Autumn Exercise. Bryant Memorial Day. New Planting Exercise. Christmas Exercise. A Concert Exercise. 24 Other Dialogues. 16 Declamations, and 36 Recitations. No. 6 Contains Spring; a flower exercise for very young pupils. Emerson Memorial Day. New Year's Day Exercise. Holmes' Memorial Day. Fourth of July Exercise. Shakespeare Memorial Day. Washington's Birthday Exercise. Also 6 other Dialogues. 6 Declamations. 41 Recitations. 15 Recitations for the Primary Class. And 4 Songs. Our Reception Day Series is not sold largely by booksellers, who, if they do not keep it, try to have you buy something else similar, but not so good. Therefore send direct to the publishers, by mail, the price as above, in stamps or postal notes, and your order will be filled at once. Discount for quantities. SPECIAL OFFER. If ordered at one time, we will send postpaid the entire 6 Nos. for $1.40. Note the reduction. SHND ALIi ORt>EIlS TO B. L, KELLOGG & CO., NEW YORK & CHICAGO, 35 ya. ' ■— — ■ ■ — ■ _« Seekys Grubes Method of Teaching ARITHMETIC. Explained and illustrated. Also the im- provements on the method made by the followers of Grube in Germany. By Levi Seeley, Ph.D. Cloth, 176 pp. Price, $1,00 ; to teachers 80 cents ; by mail, 7 cents extra. 1. It IS A Philosophical Work. — This book has a sound philosophical basis. The child does not (as most teachers seem to think) learn addition, then subtraction, then multiplica- tion, then division; he learns V' these processes together. Grube sb,w this, and founded his sys- tem on this fact. ■'%., It Follows Nature's Pla?t.— Grube proceeds to de- velop (so to speak) the method by which the child actually be- comes (if he ever does) ac- quainted with 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, etc. This is not done, as some sup- pose, by writing them on a slate. Nature has her method ; she begins with things; after handling two things in certain ways, the idea of two is ob* tained, and ^o ot other numbers. The chief value of this book then coiisists in showing what may he termed the way nature teaches the child number. 3. It is Valuable to Primary Teachers.— It begins and shows how the child can be tanght 1, then 2, then 3, &c. Hence it is a work especially valuable for the primary teacher, it gives much space to showing how the numbers up to 10 are taught ; for if this be correctly done^ the pupil will almost teach himself the rest. 4. It Can Be Used in advanced Grades. — It discusses methods of teaching fractions, percentage, etc., so that it is a work valuable for all classes of teachers. 5 It Guides the Teacher's Work.— It shows, for exam- ple, what the teacher can appropriately do the first year, what the second, the third, and the fourth. More than this, it sug- gests work for the teacher she would otherwise omit. Taking ijb altogether, it is the best work on teaching num* feer ever published. It is,yery handsomely printed and bound. DR. LEVI SEELEY. SO R L. KELLOGG & CO., NEW YORK erintendent of the Boston schools hold this work in high esteem. Col. F. W. Parker strongly recommends it. Jos. MacAlister, Sunt. Public Schools, Philadelphia, says :— " It is one of the first books which a teacher deserves of understanding the scien- tific principles on which his work rests should study.'* Graded Examination Questions. For N. Y. State, from Sept., 1887, to Sept., 1889, with answers complete. First, Second, and Third Grades. Cloth, 12mo, 219 pp. Price, $1.00; to teachers, 80 cents; by mail, 8 cents extra. This volume contains the Uniform Graded Examination Ques- tions, issued to the School Commissioners of the State by the Dept. of Public Instruction, commencing Sept., 1887, and ending Aug. 13 and 14, 1889. The answers are also given. These ques- tions have been adopted by all the school commissioners of the State; the test in each county thus becomes uniform. These questions are being used very largely in many other States, that pattern after New York, and will therefore be of far more than local interest. Indeed, teachers and school officers in all States are using these questions as a basis for their own examinations. Our edition is the best in arrangement, print, binding, and has an excellent contents and index. This booh may he used to the best advantage by the teacher who de- sires to advance in the profession, because the questions are carefully graded. After the lowest grade of questions have been successfully answered, the next higher grade is studies. In our edition the answers ar$ entirely separate from the questions in the back of the book. SEND Atili ORDERS TO E, L. KELLOGG cfe CO., NEW YORK & CHICAGO. 45 Teachers Manuals Series. Each is printed in large, clear type, on good paper. Paper cover, price 15 cents; to teach- ers, 12 cents; by mail, 1 cent extra. There is a need of small vol- umes — ** Educational tracts," that teachers can carry easily find study as they have opportunity. The following numbers have been al- ready published. It should be noted that while our editions of such of these little books that are not written specially for this series are ^s low in price as any other, th^ side-heads, top- ics, and analyses inserted by the editor, as well as the excellent paper and printing, make them far superior in every way to any other edition. We would suggest that city super- intendents 0?* conductor's of institutes mipply each of their teachers with copies of these little hooks. Special rates for quantities. No. I. Fitch's Art of Questioning. By J. G. Fitch, M.A., author of " Lectures on Teaching." 38 pp. Already widely known as the most useful and practical essay on this most important part of the teachers' lesson-hearing. No, 2. Pitch* s Art of Securing Attention. By J. G. Fitch, M. A. 39 pp. Of no less value than the author's *' Art of Questioning." No. 3. Sidgwick's On Stimulus in School. By Arthur Sidgwick, M.A. 43 pp. " How can that dull, lazy scholar be pressed on to work up his lessons with a will?" This bright essay will tell how it can be done. No. 4. Yonge's Practical Work in School. By Charlotte M. Yonge, author of " Heir of Redclyffe,'* 35 pp. All who have read Miss Yonge's books will be glad to read of her views on School Work. No. 5. Pitch's Improvement in the Art of Teachings By J:G. Fitch, M.A. 25 pp. This tlioughtful, earnest essay will bring courage and help to many a teacher who is struggling to do better work. It includes a course of gtudy tor Teachers' Training Classes, J. G. Fitch, Inspector of the Training Colleges of England. SEND ALL ORDERS TO 52 E. L. KELLOOO d CO., NEW YORK & CHICAGO, Woodbuirs Simple Experiments for the School-Room. By Prof. John F. Woodhull, Prof, of Natural Science in the College for the Training of Teachers, New York City, author of ''Manual of Home-Made Appa- ratus." Cloth, 16mo. Price, 50 cents; to teachers, 40 cents; by mail, 5 cents extra. This book contains a series of simple, easily-made experiments, to perform which will aid the comprehension of every-day phe- nomena. They are really the very lessons given by the author in the Primary and Grammar Departments of the Model School in the College for the Training of Teachers, New York City. The apparatus needed for the experiments consists, for the most part, of such things as every teacher will find at hand in a school- room or kitchen. The experiments are so connected in logical order as to form a continuous exhibition of the phenomena of combustion. This hook is not a science catechism. Its aim is to train the child's mind in habits of reasoning by experimental methods. These experiments should be made in every school of our country, and thus bring in a scientific method of dealing with nature. The present method of cramming children's minds with isolated facts of which they can have no adequate comprehension is a ruinous and unprofitable one. This book points out the method employed by the best teachers in the best schools. WHAT IT CONTAINS. I. Experiments with Paper. n. " " Wood. III. " "a Candle. IV. *' *' Kerosene. V. Kindling Temperature. VI. Air as an Agent in Combustion. VII. Products of Complete " VIII. Currents of Air, etc. — Ventila- IX. Oxygen of the Air. [tion. X. Chemical Changes. In all there are 91 experiments described, illustrated by 35 engravings. Jas. H. Canfield, Univ. of Kans., Lawrence, says:—" I desire to say most emphatically that the method pursued is the only true one in all school work. Its spirit is admirable. We need and must have far more of this instruction." J. C. Packard, Univ. of Iowa, Iowa City, says:—" For many years shut up to the simplest forms of illustrative apparatus, I learned that the necessity was a blessing, since so much could b.e accomplished by home-made ap- paratus—inexpensive and effective." Henry R. Russell, Woodbury, N. J., Supt. of the Friends School:— "Ad- mirable little book. It is just the kind of book we need." S. T. Button, Sui)t. Schools, New Haven, Ct.— " Contains just the kind ot help teachers need in a-dapting naturq.1 science to common sghools," BEND ALL ORDERS TO E. L. KELLOGG cfe (70., NEW TOBK d CHIGAOO. QuickCs Educational Reformers. By Rev. Robert Herbert Quick, M.A., of Trinity College, Cambridge, England. Bound in plain, but elegant cloth binding. 16mo, about 350 pp. $1.00; to teachers, 80 cts.; by mail, 10 cts. extra. This book supplies information that is contained in no other single volume, touching the progress of education in its earliest stages after the revival of learning. It is the work of a practical teacher, who supplements his sketches of famous educationists with some well- considered observations, that deserve the attention of all who are in- terested in that subject. Beginning with Roger Ascham, it gives an account of the lives and schemes of most of the great thinkers and workers in the educational field, down to Herbert Spencer, with the addition of a valuable appendix of thoughts and suggestions on teach- ing. The list includes the names of Montaigne, Ratich, Milton, Come- nius, Locke, Rousseau, Basedow, Pestalozzi, and Jacotot. In the lives and thoughts of these eminent men is presented the whole phi- losophy of education, as developed in the progress of modern times. Contents : 1. Schools of the Jesuits; 2. Aschara, Montaigne, Ratich, Milton; 3. Comenius; 4. Locke; 5. Rousseau's Emile; 6. Basedow and the Philanthropin ; 7. Pestalozzi ; 8. Jacotot ; 9. Herbert Spencer ; 10. Thoughts and Suggestions about Teaching Children ; 11. Some Re- marks about Moral and Religious Education ; 12. Appendix. Augsburg's Easy Things to Draw. By D. R. Augsburg, Director of Drawing in the Keystone Normal School, Kutztown, Pa. Quarto, durable and elegant cardboard cover, 80 pp., with 31 pages of plates, containing over 200 different figures. Price, 30 cents; to teachers, 24 cents; by mail, 4 cents extra. This book is not designed to present a system of drawing. It is a collection of drawings made in the simplest possible way, and so con- structed that any one may reproduce them. Its design is to furnish a hand-book containing drawings, as would be needed for the school- room for object lessons, drawing lessons, busy work. This collection may be used in connection with any system of drawing, as it contains examples suitable for practice. It may also be used alone, as a means of learning the art of dravnng. As will be seen from the above the idea of this book is new and novel. Those who have seen it are de- lighted with it as it so exactly fills a want. Our list of Black-board Stencils is in the same line. Graded Examination Questions. For N. Y. State, from Sept. '87 to Sept. "'89, with answers complete. First, Second, and Third Grades. Cloth, 12mo. 219 pp. Price, $1.00; to teachers, 80 cents; by mail, 8 cents extra. This volume contains the Uniform Graded Examination Questions, issued to the School Commissioners of the State by the Dept. of Public Instruction, commencing Sept. '87, and ending Aug. 13 and 14, 1889. The answers are also given. These questions have been adopted by all the school commissioners of the State; the test in each county thus becomes uniform. These questions are being used very largely in many other States, that pattern after New York, and will therefore be of far more than local interest. Our edition is the best in arrange- ment, print, binding, and has an excellent contents and index. YB 35019/^ H577006 LB1051 A52 1891 Educ . Lib.