DS 149 A1E53 1901 ENGLISH ZIONIST FEDERATION CONSTITUTION, AMENDED AND REVISED THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES V THE ENGLISH ZIONIS FEDERATION, m JL CONSTITUTION. . 5661 19O1. THE ENGLISH ZIGNIS FEDERATION. m JL CONSTITUTION. 5661 19Ot. Printed by H, Ginzburg, 3fi Leman Street, D5 PRKFACTORY NOTE. \(0\ This constitution was first drawn up in 1898, and was outcome of the Zionist Conference held on March 1898 at the Clerkenwell Town Hall, London. It was accepted by a conference of the societies interested in the Zionist movement held at the Inns of Court Hotel Lincolns, Inn, in the September of the same year and was ratified by the first meeting of delegates held at the Trocadero Restaurant in January 1899. Bye-laws bringing it into accord with the Con- stitution adopted by the Zionist Congress held in Basle in 1899 were passed at a Central Committee meeting held iu Birmingham in October 1899. The constitution was next amended at a meeting of the Central Committee held in Cardiff in October 1900 and was again amended by a committee appointed at a Central Committee meeting held in London in January 1901, The constitution as now issued was ratified by a Central Committee meeting held in London March 24 1901. London April 22 1901-5661 2095186 Constitution OF THE ENGLISH ZIONIST FEDERflTION. * NAME. 1. That the name of the Federation be "The English Zionist Federation." CONSTITUTION. 2. That the English Zionist Federation as "Landes Cornite" of the United Kingdom do carry on its opera- tions in accordance with the constitution adopted by the Zionist Congresses. 3. That the Federation consist of such Jewish Associations and Bodies in the United Kingdom as have, or desire to promote, among others, any of the following objects : (a) The acquisition of a legally safe-guarded home in Palestine for the Jewish people. (/>) The fostering of the National Idea in Israel. (<) The supporting of a regular International Congress of duly accredited representatives of the Jewish people for the consideration of the condition of Jews in the different countries of their dispersion, and for taking such measures as may be deemed conducive to their general welfare. (d) The supporting of existing colonies, and the founding of new colonies, by placing as many Jews as possible living in Palestine as settlers on the land, and encouraging, guiding, and assisting new settlers anxious to establish colonies, or any handicrafts, industries or arts in Palestine. (f) The study of Hebrew Literature and the use of Hebrew as a living language, 4. The Federation shall be the medium of commu- nication between English Zionists and the General Executive (Actions Comite) appointed from time to time by the Congress, and Zionists of other countries, It shall advise on the steps necessary for the furtherance of the general movement, and adopt such means as may be approved for carrying into effect the resolutions, adopted by the Zionist Congresses held from time to time. It shall also initiate, in connection with the various objects of the Federation, propaganda, which shall partake of one common character throughout all the federated bodies. ADMINISTRATION. 5. That the government of the Federation be vested in a Central Committee, which shall consist of delegates from all the federating societies, to be elected upon the following basis: Each organisation numbering at least 25 registered paying members shall be entitled to one delegate, and each organisation with a larger membership than 25 shall be entitled to a further delegate for every 50 additional registered paying members. Provided that any society in a provincial town, which is the only Zionist organisation existing in such town, shall be entitled to appoint a delegate irrespective of the number of its members. CENTRAL COMMITTEE. 6. That the Central Committee shall meet at least once in every four months, (one in each year shall be held in a provincial town) but that special meetings may be called by the Executive at any time on their own initiative. Upon a requisition to the President for the time being, signed by at least thirty five members of the Central Committee, the President shall forthwith summon a special meeting to be held within twenty one days of the receipt of such requisition. The notice convening all meetings of the Central Committee shall be issued at least fourteen clear days befor the holding of such meeting. At any special meeting no other business shall be considered except that specified upon the notice convening same. At every meeting of the Central Committee twenty shall constitute a quorum. ^ Q __ EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. 7. That the Central Committee at their annual meeting shall elect an Executive Committee from amongst their number, consisting of twenty-four members (18 of whom shall be resident in London and 6 resident in the provinces, but who may represent either London or provincial societies irrespective of their place of residence) not more than one representative from each society and who shall hold office for one year and shall be eligible for re-election. (a) That the English representatives (as herein- after provided for) elected on the Supreme Executive Council(Grosser Actions Comite) shall be consultative members of the Exe- cutive and shall receive notice to attend every meeting of the Executive. (6) That the President be empowered to create a Sub-Committee of the Executive, consisting of the Hon. Officers of the Executive Committee and the representative to the Supreme Executive Council (Grosser Actions Comite) for the consideration oi confidential reports letters or documents received from the General Executive (Actions Comite) and that general reports be submited as occasion shall arise, to the Executive with whom shall remain the power of making such votes, grants etc. as shall be advised by this Sub- Committee in its reports. OFFICERS. 8. That the Central Committee shall out of the Executive elect a President and ^.Vice- President who shall hold office for one year but shall ri^ be eligible for re-election fo ftW-h nffina fnr nnn ji. MI t 1.1 m dito of tiln ii ii lin mi ill The Executive shall at their first meeting in each year elect a Treasurer who^shall hold office for one year. ^T^^p'^i^ ^ 9, That the President or in his absence the Vice- President of the Executive Committee, for the time being ahull preside at all meetings of the Central Committee. 10. That the Executive Committee shall meet at least once in every month, but that special meetings may be called by the President, for the time being, at any time, on his own initiative. Upon a requisition to the President, signed by at least eight members of the Executive Committee, the President shall forthwith summon a special meeting, to be held within seven days of the receipt of such requisition. The notice convening all meetings of the Executive shall be issued at least three clear days before the holding of every such meeting, and shall state clearly the business for which such meeting has been convened. At any special meeting no other business shall be considered except that specified upon the notice convening the same. At every meeting of the Executive Committee nine mem- bers shall constitute a quorum. Any member of the Executive Committee who shall have absented himself, without valid excuse, for three ordinary consecutive meetings, shall oease to be a member of the Executive Committee, and the Executive Committee shall in this eventuality, or in the event of the retirement of a member select a member to serve in his stead until the next meeting of the Central Committee. (a) That the non-attendance part of the foregoing clause be printed on every agenda. REPORTS. 11. That the Executive Committee shall, at each annual meeting of the Central Committee present a complete printed report of their work during the previous year which shall be issued with and form part of the agenda of such Central Committee meeting. SUB-COMMITTEES. 12. That the Central Committee shall, at their first meeting in each year elect three Sub-Committees, viz: (a) Colonisation Sub-Committee, to which all matters connected with the Colonies in the Holy Land shall be referred, () Propaganda Sub-Committee, to organise new Societies and encourage propaganda through- out the country. (f) Literature and Language Sub-Committee, to organise and encourage the study of Hebrew Literature, with the use of Hebrew as a living language. Members of these Committees shall be elected to serve for one year. The Central Com- mittee may vote from time to any Sub- Committee appointed under this clause, such monies as may be necessary for the furtherance of the special work of any such Sub-Committee and shall be entitled to receive voluntary Subscriptions and Dona- tions for the furtherance of the special objects of the such Sub-Committees. (/] That the Sub-Committees shall have power to co-opt with the approval of the Exe- cutive Committee members from among outsiders on such Sub-Committees. [/'/') That nominations for the foregoing Committees be invited by general notice twenty one days prior to the issue the Central Com- mittees agenda and that the list of nomi- nations form part of such agenda. DISTRICT COMMITTEES. 13. That District Committees, representative of the Societies in a given district, be formed on such basis 10 as shall be agreed to the Societies concerned and that such District Committees be responsible to the Execu- tive for the fulfilment by the Societies they jointly represent of Conference, Central Committee, and Executive Committee resolutions. FUNDS. 14. That each Federated Society shall pay to the Federation the minimum sum of two pence per quarter in advance for every one of its registered paying members, and siiall pay through the Federation the "Shekel" contribution for every one of its registered paying members, and such further sums for carrying out the objects of the Federation as may be decided upon from time to time by the Central Committee of the Federation. \a\ The Secretary of each Society shall furnish the Executive with a complete list, alpha- betically arranged, of the paying members of his Society in the first two weeks of January in each year and shall furnish Corrections and Additions on each quarter day and that for non-compliance with this rule be fined I/- for each week in which the Secretary delays making such return. (That a registered paying member is a member who shall have paid 2/- to his Society during the six months previous to his being inscribed on the register). 11 [b~\ That the shekel receipts be distributed so as to reach the secretaries of societies on the first Congress day in each year, or failing such congress, on an approximate date to be fixed by the Executive, and the Trea- surers of each society shall furnish the Treasurer of the Federation with a bi-monthly statement of account of the Shekel collection in his Society. [f] That the Shekel contribution be a first charge on the six months members contribution where such contribution includes the Shekel Payment. 15. That the minimum quarterly contribution herein- before provided for shall be paid by the treasurers of the respective societies on or before the appointment of their delegates. Any federated body not paying its quarterly contributions, or any further sum decided upon to be paid under Clause 12, shall cease to have the right of continuing in the Federation, unless upon representation it shall appear to the Executive Com- mittee that such default has been unavoidable. OFFICIALS. 16. That there shall be a paid Secratary of the Federation, who shall be appointed annually by the Executive Committee, and who shall receive such salary and perform such duties as shall be determined by the Executive Committee. 12 ANNUAL CONFERENCE. 1 7. That an Annual Public Conference of the Fede- ration shall be held on a day, or days, in May, to be fixed by the Executive Committee for the time being. Six weeks notice to be given of the holding of the Conference, and the notice shall be accompanied by a draft programme, amendments or additions to which may be submitted to the Executive Committee in writing within twenty -one days of the holding of the Conference. Each federated body shall be entitled to send to such conference [in addition to the delegates serving on the Central Committee] one special delegate for each delegate representing them on the Central Committee. 18. That the Executive Committee shall make all arrangements, including special arrangements for the admission of shekel holders on production of shekel receipts, in connection with the holding of the Conference. They are to appoint a Chairman or Chairmen to act at the meetings, and shall also have power to appoint such Sub-committees as they may deem necessary. 19. That a final programme and agenda to be settled by the Executive Committee shall be issued to each delegate at least seven days prior to the Conference, and no other business shall be considered by the Con- ference save what appears on the Agenda paper. 13 20. That the candidates for the Supreme Executive Council (Grosser Actions Comite) and the Canditates for other international Committees shall be nominated in writing twenty one days prior to the holding of the annual Conference and that their election (by ballot or otherwise) shall form part of the business of the Annual Conference. That such elections he accepted as final and be moved as official nominations at the General Congress. CONGRESS. 21. That in addition to the provision made by Eule 20 the Annual Conference shall elect two members on the Permanent Commission of the Congress who shall in conjunction with the President be empowered to nominate representatives on such Sub-Committees as shall be temporarily appointed for the purposes of the congress, and these representatives shall so arrange their nominations that a Delegate be nominated on not more than one Committee. 22. That the Conference appoint such "referenten"' to Congress as may be called for by the terms of the Agenda and that such "referenten" shall in all matters concerning the general welfare of the Jews in England consult the Executive, or a special Committee appointed by the Executive, before submitting their reports to Congress. 2;$. That the Executive prepare a general statement on the Zionist movement in the United Kingdom and 14 that such be issued, printed and presented to Congress as an official report of the Federation. BYE-LAWS. 24. That the Executive Committee shall have power from time to time to make bye-laws for the regulation of the Federation, provided such bye-laws contain nothing contrary to this Constitution, and such bye-laws, when passed, shall have the same authority as these laws, provided that no bye-law shall be valid until it is confirmed by a meeting of the Central Committee. AMENDMENT OF CONSTITUTION. 25. That this Constitution may be amended by a majority of not less than three-quarters of the members present and voting at any meeting of the Central Committee, providing that not less than twenty members be present at such meeting. Seven clear day's notice shall be given of any proposed amendment ; and the terms of such proposed amendment shall appear upon the Agenda attached to the notice convening the meeting. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY Los Angeles This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. 315 A 001 234036 o