Definite Medication Containing Therapeutic Facts Gleaned from Forty Years Practice BY ELI G. JONES, M. D. Member New Jersey State Eclectic Medical Society, Council American Civic Alliance Author. Manual of Health. Rational Treatment of Cancer. Etc., Etc. It is not what we learn today, but what we remember tomorrow that adds to our stock of knowledge. PUBLISHED BY THE THERAPEUTIC PUBLISHING COMPANY, INC. BOSTON, MASS. 1911 COPYRIGHT 1911 BY THERAPEUTIC PUBLISHING COMPANY, INC. INTERNATIONAL COPYRIGHT 1911 BY THERAPEUTIC PUBLISHING COMPANY, INC. Dedication To Professor John Uri Lloyd, Ph. M., the Author, the Teacher, the Traveler, the Pharmacist, as a slight testimonial of my profound respect for the man who has done so much for the cause of " DEFINITE MEDICATION " by giving to the Profession reme- dies which are so reliable, so convenient for dispensing and so definite in their action. May his reward, hereafter, be " Well done good and faithful servant, enter thou into the joy of thy Lord." 2064029 Table of Contents HAPTER PAGE PREFACE - 7 INTRODUCTORY 11 I. Practical Diagnosis - - - - - 15 II. Special Remedies for the Brain and Spine - 21 III. Special Remedies for the Organs of Respira- tion __- 45 IV. Special Remedies for the Heart 73 V. Special Remedies for the Stomach and In- testinal Canal 91 VI. Special Remedies for the Liver, Spleen, Gall Bladder and Malaria ----- 113 VII. Special Remedies for the Bladder, Kidneys and Prostate Gland 121 VIII. Special Remedies for the Male Organs of Generation ------- 135 IX. Special Remedies for the Eye and Ear 147 X. Special Remedies for the Hands, Arms and Legs -------- 161 XI. Special Remedies for the Feet - 169 XII. Special Remedies for the Nervous System - 175 XIII. Special Remedies for the Skin - - 191 XIV. Special Remedies for the Blood 211 XV. Special Remedies for Fevers - 231 XVI. Special Remedies for Headache 245 (5) 6 Contents CHAPTER PACK XVII. Special Remedies for Diarrhea, Vomiting and Impotence ------- 253 XVIII. Special Remedies for Dipsomania - - - 261 XIX. Special Remedies for the Pregnant Woman 265 XX. Special Remedies for the Non-Surgical Dis- eases of Women 277 XXI. Special Remedies for the Menopause - - 289 Preface THE eclectic remedies mentioned in this book, especially the tinctures, are Lloyd's Specific Medicines. Many years' experience has proved them to be thoroughly reliable and convenient for dis- pensing. Prof. John Uri Lloyd, with his definite rem- edies, has done more to make converts for the Eclectic School of Medicine than any man in it. Outside of the eclectic physicians who use specific medicines, there are twenty thousand physicians of the regular school that depend upon these remedies to heal the sick. I have bought my homeopathic remedies for forty years of Boericke & Tafel, of Philadelphia, and know them to be perfectly reliable. Most of the tinctures and triturates are now put up in tablet form, a tablet representing a grain of the drug. This makes the remedies very convenient for dispensing and accept- able to the patient. In testing remedies I do it in my own way and form rny own opinion of what a remedy will accomplish, and when and how it should be given. As an example of how I test remedies, I used one hundred pint bottles of tincture echinacea on different cases of cancer be- fore I became satisfied in my mind that echinacea will not check the growth of cancer. In all my writings I have been very careful about the statements that I made concerning a remedy, unless it had been tested by myself, not upon rats, mice, and rabbits, but at the bedside of the sick. 7 8 Preface To understand the real remedial action of drugs we must know what their action is upon the human body in health. I have tested aconite, belladonna, nux vomica, gelsemium, and other remedies upon my own person and noted their effect in health. Then and not till then did I fully understand what the indications would be in diseased conditions. With all due respect for those who have gone before me, I do not take any person's " say so " about a remedy. I must test it my- self and then I know by my own experience what the remedy will really accomplish. In this way I have built up a materia medica of tried remedies, and when I tell a brother physician that a remedy will do a cer- tain thing he has learned to depend upon what I say. This is the age of medical nihilism, and the regular school is trying to belittle the study of therapeutics. There never was a period in the history of medicine when the study of definite medication was needed so much as at the present time. It is a crisis in our pro- fession, with the drugless healers crowding hard upon the heels of the physician. It is self-evident that as physicians we have got to do more for the sick the next ten years than ever before or see the drugless healers grow and fatten on our failures. It is a well-known fact that the average mortality in this country from disease, without medical interfer- ence, does not exceed seven per cent. It follows from this that if the medical doctors are to be of any use to the public, the average mortality under their treatment must not go above seven per cent. The average mor- tality from all diseases, under the eclectic treatmtnt, will not be over one per cent. In every epidemic that has swept over this country from the cholera in 1832 Preface 9 down to the present time, including those of pneu- monia, typhoid fever, typhus fever, diphtheria, cerebro- spinal fever, scarlet fever, measles, etc., the eclectic physicians have been on the firing line ; they have met the disease and conquered it. The people have learned to depend upon the physicians of that school when death hovers over their dwelling. In eclectic colleges students are taught to believe in their remedies. They are taught the definite action of remedies. They are taught that nearly every disease can be cured and how to cure them. A student goes out from his eclectic alma mater with a fixed belief in his remedies, which he carries with him into the sick- room. The eclectic school of medicine was the pioneer in this country in the treatment of chronic diseases and their success is too well known for present com- ment. I want the best there is in medicine for my patients, therefore I choose the best wherever I can find it. I will not give a remedy or do anything which will weaken the vital force. I give remedies in doses just sufficient to obtain their remedial action and nothing else. I am ready to " prove all things, to hold fast to that which is good." I am ready to " seize on truth wherever found, on Christian or on heathen ground." Therefore I am an eclectic ; as the little girl said about the candy, " It suits me and I like it." I am an eclectic because I could not conscientiously be anything else. The eclectic physicians have never asked for any medical laws to protect them. They are not afraid of competition with their brother phy- sicians. Medical laws are a creature of the regular school. Any law making it a crime to heal the sick 10 Preface is a disgrace to any state or country. The people have never asked for any medical law to protect them. It is the doctors of the regular school who want protec- tion. They have had laws made taking away the divine right of the people to choose their own doctor when they are sick. As a result of these disgraceful medical laws the people are learning how to cure them- selves without any medicine when they are sick. To- day there are 17,600,000 people in our country that depend upon some form of drugless healing when they are sick and this number is rapidly increasing. What can be done to stem the tide of drugless heal- ing in this country? Simply this, we profess to be able to heal the sick and we have got to prove to the public that we are able to do it, or " throw up the sponge." If the eclectic physicians want to retain the confidence of the public they must fight shy of all these " unholy fads " that come from the regular school, serums, coal tar products, deadly narcotics, that kill more than they cure, anti-toxines that kill and cripple so many young children, useless surgery unsexing and degrading so many of our women, vaccination that does not protect and that is a blot upon our civiliza- tion and a disgrace to our profession, surgical operation for appendicitis, the greatest fraud of the century. Show to the public that you have no lot or part in such matters. Then and not till then can you expect to hold the confidence of the public. " Oh, medicine, what crimes are committed, what maladies are engendered in thy name." Burlington, New Jersey, December, 1910. Introductory DURING my professional life I have made it a rule to try and learn at least one therapeutic fact each day. This book contains facts that have been gleaned from forty years practice. No attempt has been made to adopt any particular literary style. The language is plain and practical, just as I talk to my classes of Phy- sicians in my Post Graduate Course of Instruction in my office. The busy doctor of to-day has no time for guess work or theorizing. He simply wants to know what remedy will cure his patient. Every physician, when he prescribes for a sick person, should be able to give an intelligent reason why he prescribes a rem- edy and what he expects it to do. In every case where it is possible to do so, I have given a clean cut indication for each remedy. These remedies have stood the test of many years practice and I have learned to rely upon them as old friends tried and true. The older I grow the more faith I have in my remedies ; if I did not absolutely believe in the remedial power of my remedies to heal the sick, my conscience would not allow me to practice medi- cine. A doctor who has no faith in medicine to heal the sick, has no business in the medical profession. If he holds himself out to the public as a Doctor of Medi- cine he is simply obtaining money under false pre- tences. He is trifling with human life; the most precious thing on earth. 11 12 Introductory In this age of the world's progress no doctor can afford to plead ignorance of the most common reme- dies of any School of Medicine. His business is to heal the sick, and it is his duty to use every available means within his power to accomplish that result. Any physician who has a working knowledge of the materia medica of the various Schools of Medicine has resources to depend upon which doctors not thus in- formed cannot comprehend. Such men are broad- minded, liberal men seeking truth no matter where the quest may lead them. In our grand and noble pro- fession we have no place for a narrow-minded man, a bigoted man. A physician who cannot see anything good outside of his own particular school of medicine is a small-minded man and will find his level as such men always do. When death hovers over our patient and life seems trembling in the balance can we honestly say that we have done all that can possibly be done for the case? Is there not some physician, some remedy somewhere that would cure that case? Shall we let any man or body of men, any Code of Ethics bar us from employ- ing any physician, any remedy that will help us to cure our patient? Is human life to be weighed in the bal- ance against any man-made laws, whether it be the so- called "Code of Ethics," or any medical law? The true physician should follow in the footsteps of " Him who went about doing good," of Him who was every- body's friend. When called in consultation with my brother phy- sician I never ask about his medical politics. Really I do not think it is any of my business. I meet him as a physician. I treat him as one. I recognize him as a Introductory 13 physician and above all I treat him as one gentleman should treat another. Oh, if we could only forget our pathies, our preju- dices and remember only that we are physicians here to heal the sick, what a grand world this would be to live in ; how much more real good the medical pro- fession could accomplish. This quarreling of the doc- tors among themselves is, and ever will be a source of ridicule for the public, and a handicap to any progress in medicine. Get out of the rut, live above all such jealousy and bickering, be a physician and above all be a gentleman. A gentleman will never hurt another's feelings if he knows it. He is gentle and kind, that is the true definition of a gentleman. To call a brother physician a Quack or irregular don't hurt him any but it degrades the man who uses such terms which are below the dignity of a gentleman. The proudest title which could be placed over my grave when God calls me home is simply this : " He was a physician." It is enough, I ask nothing more. To be a good phy- sician is a greater honor than to be President of the United States, and be the football of politicians. The object of this book is to teach physicians defi- nite medication ; that remedies do have a definite remedial action upon certain abnormal conditions. It is my hope and earnest prayer that this book may help the doctor to cure his patients ; if not then it will have failed in its mission. Many years in a large general practice and many more in an extensive office business in the treatment of chronic diseases, where I have treated patients from every State in the Union, has given me more clinical experience than falls to the average physician. The 14 Introductory results of my experience with the sick I have tried to embody in this book, showing the reader what has been accomplished with these remedies. During the year I receive letters from doctors in every State of the Union, Canada and Mexico asking my advice about difficult cases. In addition to this my sixteen years' experience in " Post Graduate " teaching of physicians in my office and a consultation practice has taught me the needs of the average phy- sician. A doctor who is willing to be taught and is ambitious to " do things " in his profession will derive benefit from the succeeding pages. My very soul goes out to such a man and I am always ready to help him in any way that I can. Such men I love ; they are the bulwarks of our profession against which the storms of medical nihilism and drugless healing falls power- less and impotent. They know the value of their rem- edies; they believe in them. In many a hard fought battle they have come out victorious, and they will go on " conquering and to conquer." " A wise physician skilled our wounds to heal, Is more than armies to the public weal." CHAPTER I PRACTICAL DIAGNOSIS Extract from the Preface " The eclectic remedies mentioned in this book, especially the tinctures, are Lloyd's Specific Medicines. Many years' experience has proved them to be thoroughly reliable and convenient for dispensing. " I have bought my homeopathic remedies for forty years of Boericke & Tafel, of Philadelphia, and know them to be perfectly reliable. Most of the tinctures and triturates are now put up in tablet form, a tablet representing a grain of the drug." Definite Medication CHAPTER I PRACTICAL DIAGNOSIS IN the " moving pictures " we see a practical illus- tration of how the modern physician examines a patient and forms a " snap shot " diagnosis. He walks into the room, lays down his hat and medicine bag, grasps the wrist of the patient, pulls out his watch, appears to count the pulse, rolls his eyes up in his head, which he shakes, and with an owlish look of great wisdom writes out a prescription, reaches out his hand " two dollars, please " grabs his hat and trunk and away he goes. You must bear in mind that it has taken him four years at a medical college to learn how to do all this properly and ethically. What does he know about the patient's condition? Practically noth- ing. An old gentleman had a sick child and called a doc- tor, who examined the child about as described above and then began to prepare the medicine. The father asked, "What ailed the child?" The doctor replied, " Oh, it's a little cold and some fever." The old gen- tleman said, " Doctor, I will pay you for the visit but you need not leave any medicine." The second doctor came and examined the child in about the same manner and his diagnosis was as indefinite as the other. He 17 18 Definite Medication was not allowed to leave any medicine for the child. The third doctor came ; he examined the child and then began to prepare the medicine. The father said, "What ails the child, doctor?" "Why it's measles, any fool ought to know that," was the doctor's answer. "All right, doctor, you may prescribe for the child." The old gentleman was sensible. No doctor should be allowed to give a dose of medicine unless he can give an intelligent reason why he gives it, what he gives it for, and what he expects it to do. We send our boys to college four years so they can learn how to play football; we send them to medical college four years more to learn how to practise vivi- section on the human body. They are then turned adrift upon a confiding public loaded down with tech- nical knowledge and cannot diagnose a simple case of measles. I always impress the idea upon my students that the very first thing that a doctor must learn is to know how to read the pulse. Not one doctor in a thousand can do it. No man can do two things at a time ; you cannot be counting the pulse and reading it at the same time. Keep your watch in your pocket. Just imagine what you could tell from the pulse if you had to depend upon it to diagnose the case as they do in one country across the great ocean. How does it feel to you? What impression do you get from it? Is there a hardness, a tension to it? if so then there is pain or congestion somewhere in the body, constric- tion of the capillaries, a focus of inflammation. If it feels weak, has a discouraged feeling, it means en- feebled nerve power and weakened vitality. Again we may have what I call the " sledge hammer " pulse. Definite Medication 19 The heart is driving the blood through the blood ves- sels with all its force. The blood is being driven to the brain or lungs in an unnatural quantity. Then we have the intermittent pulse which shows functional disease. Bear in mind that behind the heart is the nerve power. It is the " man behind the gun." As that gets weak and enfeebled it will affect the heart and circulation. At times the pulse may seem quick yet there is an impression of weakness to it, of a ma- chine which is being driven beyond its power. It gives a jarring feeling to the pulse. When the nerve power and circulation are about normal the pulse feels full, strong and regular. The blood runs clear and there is no tension or friction anywhere. After the pulse we examine the tongue. Many pages have been written describing the different coat- ings on the tongue. That never interested me. I want to know how the tongue itself looks underneath the coating. Red papillae on the tongue showing through the coating indicates the invasion of some dis- ease. I have noticed this twenty-four hours before an attack of pneumonia or measles. In health the tongue is usually moist ; very little coating and few fissures are seen. It is a bright red color. In some forms of kidney trouble there will be transverse fissures and often perpendicular ones also. Deep red fissures far back on the tongue will be seen in long standing cases of prolapsus uteri. A dark appearance of the tongue, almost purple, shows imperfect oxidation of the blood. The appearance of the tongue will tell if the patient is digesting his food properly or not. The eye is another organ that we must study care- fully. It often confirms what we have seen in the 20 Definite Medication i pulse and tongue. With tension of the pulse we usually get contraction of the pupils. If the white of the eye has a pearly tint an unnatural brightness about it there is a drain upon the system. You can see it exemplified in phthisis pulmonalis, advanced cancer, Bright's disease and ulceration of the stomach. The yellow clouded appearance of the eye denotes toxic matter in the blood. A greenish tint denotes decomposition of albumin. From my experience I can always tell a patient's condition ; whether they are im- proving under my treatment by looking at their eyes as soon as they come into the office. A clear eye with bright expression tells you that your patient feels bet- ter and is better. CHAPTER II SPECIAL REMEDIES FOR THE BRAIN AND SPINE Extract from the Preface " The eclectic remedies mentioned in this book, especially the tinctures, are Lloyd's Specific Medicines. Many years' experience has proved them to be thoroughly reliable and convenient for dispensing. " I have bought my homeopathic remedies for forty years of Boericke & Tafel, of Philadelphia, and know them to be perfectly reliable. Most of the tinctures and triturates are now put up in tablet form, a tablet representing a grain of the drug." Definite Medication 23 CHAPTER II SPECIAL REMEDIES FOR THE BRAIN AND SPINE SPINAL IRRITATION. This is the least under- stood of any disease and one of the most com- mon diseases among our American women. The symptoms are heat in the palms of the hands, tingling at the end of the toes at night in bed, a headache that begins at the back of the head and extends over to the frontal region. If we examine the spine we will find tender, sensitive spots. There is more or less indigestion, palpitation of the heart and the patient will complain that her back hurts her when she presses back against anything. I was called when in New Hampshire to see a lady who had not been able to lie down in bed for several weeks. She sat in a rocking-chair all the time, and she could not sit still but kept rocking. She had all the symptoms mentioned above. Several doctors had treated her. Each one had a different diagnosis and treatment but none of them understood the case. I placed her upon the following treatment : Tincture Belladonna two drops once in three hours, Sulph. Quinine two grains before breakfast. Dialysed iron gtts. xx before dinner and supper. I also had the whole length of the spine painted with tincture iodine, a strip as wide as my two fingers night and morning, until it was so sore she could not bear it any longer. In a week she could lie in bed and sleep like other people. She finally recovered entirely. 24 Definite Medication Another case in Vermont afflicted with the same spinal complaint had been confined to her bed for some time. She had been under the treatment of the best doctors in that part of the State but they could not help her. She suffered severely with headaches as well as other symptoms of spinal irritation. None of the doctors seemed to understand her case and she had become practically bed-ridden. I began the treatment of this case with the same remedies as in the first case and cured her. When I came to New Jersey twenty-seven years ago. about the first patient I had to treat was a lady with spinal irritation, who lived in one of the large cities of the State. The doctors had given her up as incurable. I treated her as I had treated the other cases and cured her and she has been free from the trouble ever since. There are many cases scattered over the country that I have cured of this condition and I trust the present generation of physicians will understand this disease and have better success with it than the past genera- tion. Spinal Meningitis. When there is throbbing pain in the spine, drowsiness, but cannot sleep, starts at every sound, belladonna is the remedy. Tincture bella- donna, gtts. v ; aqua, ounces iv. Mix. Sig. Teaspoon- ful once an hour. If the pulse is full, hard, and with tension to it, veratrum viride is the remedy. Tincture veratrum, gtts. x; aqua, ounces iv. Mix. Sig. Tea- spoonful every hour. To relieve the nerve tension, pain in the legs, worse on motion, great thirst drink- ing large quantities of water, bryonia is the remedy. Tincture bryonia gtts. v; aqua, ounces iv. Mix. Sig. Teaspoonful once in three hours. Definite Medication 25 Myelitis. In this disease when there is general weak- ness about the hips and loins, extending down the legs, a feeling of exhaustion, pains in small spots that come and go worse by thinking of them, cold feet, oxalic acid, sixth decimal, is the remedy. Give two grains every three hours. When there is pain in the back, comes on suddenly, relieved by motion, attended by numbness, artemesia abrotanum, third decimal dilution, is the remedy. Put twenty drops in a glass of water and give a teaspoonful once an hour. When there is sudden loss of power in the extremities, knee jerk, rigidity of the legs, spastic gait often tremulous, lathyrus sativus is the remedy. Give three tablets of the third decimal trituration night and morning. In the tremors of multiple sclerosis hydrobromate hyoscyamus, third decimal trituration is indicated. It should be given in one grain doses every hour. Strychnine, in any form, should never be given in any spinal irritation, congestion or inflammation because it is a spinal irritant. The spine is very sensitive to the smallest dose of strychnine and it will aggravate all the symptoms. Cerebro Spinal Meningitis. My first recollection of this disease was in the early part of the Sixties in Maine, when we had an epidemic. They called it " Spotted Fever " in those days. The regular physi- cians treated it with morphine internally and ice ap- plied to the spine. The result of such treatment was not very flattering to that School of Medicine. This is one of the epidemics that has swept over this coun- try at different times and it has always found the eclectic physicians on the firing line. They have met the disease and conquered it. 26 Definite Medication In the first stage with fever, headache, etc., ferri phos. is a safe and reliable remedy to prescribe. Put five grains of the third decimal trituration in a glass of hot water and give a teaspoonful once in fifteen min- utes for an hour; then a teaspoonful every half hour. For the drawing back of the neck, spasms of the back, rush of blood to the head, natrium sulph., third decimal is the remedy. Add five grains to a cup of hot water and give a teaspoonful every half hour in alternation with the ferri phos. If the patient is a child, in most cases the above treatment will cut short the acute symptoms. If the pulse goes down and the child seems weak and exhausted, give kali phos. sixth deci- mal. Put five grains in a cup of hot water and give a teaspoonful once in fifteen minutes; it will bring the pulse up and the general condition of the child will be improved. I have been able to control the spasms in small children, with the following prescription : ^ Magnesia, Phos. Kali Phos., a. a. grs. v. Hot Water, giv. Mix. Sig. Teaspoonful every few minutes until it controls the spasms. As a tonic calcarea phos. third decimal may be given. Dose three tablets once in three hours. It has been my practice to apply a mustard paste equal parts of Indian meal and mustard mixed with warm water the whole length of the spine. If you have libradol (Lloyd's) it may be applied to the spine until there is slight nausea. This is an excellent local ap- plication for pain. When there is redness of the face, eyes swollen have a dull appearance, pupils dilated, Definite Medication 27 throbbing carotids, pulse full and bounding, belladonna is the remedy. Tincture belladonna gtts. v, aqua vi. Mix and give teaspoonful every hour. After the acute symptoms have passed we often see alternate tonic and clonic spasms for which cimicifuga is indi- cated. For the neuralgia, severe pain in the upper part of the spine, headache feels like a band drawn tight round the head, worse when lying down, begins at the base of the brain and goes over to the forehead gelsemium is the remedy. I combine the two reme- dies as follows for children : I Tr. Gelsemium. Tr. Cimicifuga a. a. gtts. xx. Aqua, iv. Mix. Sig. Teaspoonful every hour. In one case I saw the spasms were very severe, feet and head almost came together (opisthotonos) small blotches (petechia) on the back, severe pain in the back of the head and between the shoulders, back of the head felt very hot. Here veratrum viride was the remedy. I prescribed tincture veratrum gtts. v, aqua ii and ordered a teaspoonful of this mixture to be given every hour. Do not forget, the more pro- nounced the tendency to opisthotonos the stronger the indication for veratrum viride. The above remedy conquered the spasms and the child got well. There is a septic condition underlying this disease and echi- nacea is the remedy to meet that condition. When there is a chilliness over the back, alternate flashes of heat over the whole body, headache and flushing of the face, profound prostration, give tincture echinacea gtts. x once in two hours. The patient should be 28 Definite Medication bathed all over once a day with Epsom salts and warm water (one ounce of the salts to a pint of water). It neutralizes the toxines, allays the irritation of the sensitive nerves, soothes the patient and thus produces rest. Opiates and dye house stuff must not be given. They arrest secretion and weaken the vitality of your patient, and lower the power of the system to resist the disease. Remember not only in this disease but in all others, work with Nature, never against her. Mor- phine never relieved pain ; it only stupefies the patient so they do not feel the pain. In its place give tincture passaflora in five drop doses every half hour. It will often quiet the children and give them rest. In one case where I was called the family physician had treated the child for cerebro spinal meningitis and it had recovered with paralysis of the legs. I treated this case with calcarea phos. third decimal and kali phos. third decimal ; giving three tablets of each rem- edy in alternation every three hours. This treatment was continued until the little patient could walk. Deafness is another sequel frequently met with in this disease. Give sulphur sixth decimal and silicea sixth decimal in alternation (three tablets of each) every three hours. From my own experience I should say that this disease can be cured in the very large pro- portion of cases. I have been successful in about every case I have seen. Watch your case carefully; give the remedy indicated. Expect the best results but be prepared for the worst. Locomotor Ataxia. When the lower extr emetics ap- pear heavy, can scarcely drag them along, patient staggers when walking, cannot walk except when the Definite Medication 29 eyes are open and in the daytime, great craving for in- digestible foods, alumina is the remedy. Prescribe three tablets of the third decimal every three hours. In the first stage of this disease belladonna is the remedy indicated when the conjunctiva is congested, pupils dilated, with ptosis, diplopia and incontinence of urine. Give belladonna first decimal dilution in ten drop doses three times a day. When there is paralysis of the blad- der, loss of sexual desire, shooting pains, the ataxic gait worse when closing the eyes, cannot walk in the dark without reeling, legs feel as if made of wood, argentum nitricum sixth decimal is the remedy. Give in doses of three tablets every three hours. For the general nervous exhaustion phosphide of zinc is the remedy to be given in doses of one-tenth grain three times a day. For the " lightning pains " give tincture canabis indica gtts. x, aqua ^iv. Mix. Sig. Teaspoonful once in two hours. Constipation is an obstinate symptom of this disease, see article on constipation, page 95, for the indicated remedies. For the incontinence of urine equisetum first decimal dilution is the remedy, to be given in five drop doses every three hours. For the severe gastric distress (gastralgia) carbo veg., third decimal should be prescribed. Give your patient three tablets every three hours. There are perforating ul- cers on the feet and soles of the feet that are best treated by silicea sixth decimal, giving three tablets three times a day. The sexual excitement, painful erections in the morning, calls for picric acid sixth decimal. Prescribe it in doses of three tablets every two hours. The burning of the soles of the feet may be relieved by the belladonna as given above. Secale conutum is one of your best anti-tabetic remedies and 30 Definite Medication has made cures of this disease in the first decimal dilu- tion, giving five drops once in three hours. In alter- nation with this remedy you should also give tincture stramonium first decimal dilution for the head symp- toms. Dose. Five drops once in three hours. This is one of the diseases where electricity may be used as a valuable adjunct if the doctor understands how to use it intelligently and judiciously. Tetanus. In this disease where the lips are drawn back showing the teeth, jaws locked together, our Homeopathic friends have cured some cases with tinc- ture augustura, giving doses of five drops every half hour ; also with the first decimal dilution of hypericum giving ten drops once in two hours. It is the remedy in injuries which affect the spine. The best treatment for lock jaw is first a vapor bath ; one can produce free perspiration in a few minutes with two lumps of fresh lime, half the size of a man's fist; wrap each piece in a moist cloth and this again with a dry cloth doubled several times and fastened securely. Place one each side of the patient's body while in bed. This will make the patient perspire copiously and lasting from one to two hours. It takes the place of the bath cabinet and vapor bath. Cauter- ize the wound freely with caustic potash, then apply a poultice of equal parts of slippery elm, lobelia seed and flaxseed moistened with warm watet-. Change the poultice every two hours. For internal use there is a remedy that the fathers of the Eclectic school learned to depend upon. The prescription is as follows : ^ Oil of Capsicum. Oil of Lobelia, a. a. 3i. Alcohol, 95% ii. Definite Medication 31 Mix. Sig. Rub the jaws and throat with this mix- ture. Then give one teaspoonful to one tablespoonful by the mouth. Draw the cheek aside and let the med- icine trickle between the teeth. If you cannot get the patient to swallow add one ounce of the mix- ture to a pint of warm water and give as an enema per rectum. Hold a folded napkin against the anus to prevent the return of the water. Repeat the dose by the mouth in half an hour if needed, or per rectum in an hour. In ninety-five cases out of a hundred it will make the patient open his mouth. Then the fol- lowing may be given at intervals : 1^ Tr. Passaflora, oi. Tr. Gelsemium gtts. xx. Aqua, iv. Mix. Sig. Teaspoonful every hour. Place a plug of tobacco about three inches long in a pan of boiling water until it is soft; then apply it over the pit of the stomach. It will usually relax the jaws so the patient can open his mouth. Cases have also been cured by laying the patient on his stomach on a table, then take a hot flat iron and pass it over the whole length of the spine. The heat applied to the spine is a relaxant and will frequently overcome the rigidity of the jaws. Powerful narcotics, serums and various poisons have been used in this condition and failed. The above treatment is the best that has ever been used, for this disease. In tetanus in horses passaflora the infusion of the plant and flowers (fresh) given in doses of a cupful and a half has cured cases where the horse has been given up to die. 32 Definite Medication In the above treatment of tetanus in the human body the idea is first to encourage a free discharge from the wound; second, to relax nerve tension with the lobelia, until the patient opens his mouth and vomits freely. Then we may be assured that we have the disease under control. I have met with cases of idiopathic tetanus, caused by eating indigestible food, in children, where I gave tincture gelsemium gtts. xx, aqua vi. Mix. Sig. Teaspoonful once an hour. It cured them. Hydrophobia. Several times in my lite I have been called to visit patients who had been bitten by dogs supposed to be mad. Many dogs said to have hydro- phobia are only afflicted with the distemper. When I am called to a case of this kind, I just cauterize the wound in each place where the teeth cut in the flesh with caustic potash. Then to be sure, and to take no chance of hydrophobia developing I have the patient take a " Lime Sweat " as mentioned under the treat- ment of tetanus. This opens the pores of the skin and will help to remove the poison of rabies, if by chance there should be any in the system. I also prescribe ten drops of tincture echinacea four times a day as a prevention to hydrophobia. If I think it is a real case of " mad dog " I have the patient take a " Lime sweat " once a week for a month and continue the echinacea for a month or six weeks. I have watched such cases for several months after they were bitten by the dog but no signs of hydro- phobia appeared. I am of the opinion that the echi- nacea and the " lime sweats," or a vapor bath are the best preventive treatment for hydrophobia that we have. When called to a real case of hydrophobia the Definite Medication 33 first thing is to get the patient in bed and give them the " lime sweat " as mentioned under tetanus. An hour's good copious perspiration will do more to get the poison out of their system than any other one thing. Cauterize and poultice the wound no matter how long it has been healed. Get up a free discharge from it as soon as possible. If the patient can swallow give him the following: I Tr. Scutellarin. Cypripedin a. a. grs. xx. Lobelin, grs. v. Sulph. Quinine, grs. xxx. Mix. Divide into Chart. No. 10. Sig. One powder every two hours until all are taken. This has proven sufficient in some cases, but if the case is well advanced before you see it you have the old siege gun of the older Eclectics. The Comp. Tr. Lobelia (Third preparation) of the American Dys- pensatory. If the patient can swallow give him from one-half to a teaspoonful of this remedy every half hour. In the worst cases the patient is unable to swallow any liquid. Then the best and quickest method is to put an ounce of this preparation in a little water and give an enema per rectum. Repeat in an hour if necessary. If we can relax the patient so as to control the spasms we have mastered the disease. If the patient vomits freely so much the better. If you find the spasms growing less severe or less fre- quent, stick to your treatment. It is doing good. The older Botanic and Eclectic physicians left a record of cures of hydrophobia with these remedies and "what man has done, man r.iay do." I honestly believe this is 34 Definite Medication the best treatment that we have for this disease. Every doctor in general practice should keep the above remedies on hand and know how to use them. Multiple Sclerosis. The symptoms of multiple sclero- sis are pretty well covered by lathyrus. It should be used in the third decimal trituration, giving three tab- lets three times a day. If the spinal trouble be trau- matic hypericum first decimal trituration is the rem- edy. Give three tablets every three hours. Concussion of the Brain. I was called with another physician to see a boy about twelve years of age who had been at work with his father in a sawmill. One of the planks hit the saw, flew round and knocked the boy over. He was picked up unconscious and carried into the house. When I saw him he lay on the bed in a stupor; he vomited once all he had eaten the last meal (one of the symptoms of concussion of the brain). My diagnosis was concussion of the brain. I advised tincture belladonna as the remedy indicated. The prescription was as follows: ^ Tr. Belladonna, gtts. v. Aqua, gvi. Mix. Sig. Teaspoonful every hour. The feet were kept warm and cold applications were made to the head. On making my second visit twenty-four hours later I found the boy rational and quite bright. Later in the case the doctor in attend- ance remarked to me that " the boy Had been in the habit of wetting his bed every night but since we be- gan to treat the case he had never done so," and asked me the cause of it. My reply was that " belladonna was one of our best remedies for incontinence of Definite Medication 35 urine." The boy recovered and I saw him twelve years after a strong healthy man. Cerebral Congestion. Aconite is the remedy in this condition where there is a dry skin, extreme restless- ness, when the congestion arises from cold or from violent emotion. The prescription may read Tr. Aco- nite gtts. v, Aqua vi. Mix. Sig. Teaspoonful once an hour. If there is hardness and tension to the pulse, a beat- ing and throbbing of the brain and carotids veratrum viride is the remedy. Give tincture veratrum gtts, x, aqua vi. Mix. Sig. Teaspoonful every hour. When the eyes are red and bloodshot, head hot, feet cool, face red almost purple, pressure and full- ness in the head, with terrible delirium, belladonna is the remedy. The more pronounced the delirium, the stronger the indication for this remedy. Prescribe Tr. belladonna gtts. v, Aqua vi. Mix. Sig. Teaspoonful every hour. Meningitis. For the fever, quick pulse, etc., which characterizes this disease at its commencement ferri phos. third decimal is the remedy. Add grs. v in a cup of hot water and give teaspoonful doses every half hour. In the second stage or effusion kali mur., third decimal, is the remedy. Add grs. v to a cup of water and give a teaspoonful every half hour. When there is a tendency to effusion and dropsy, eyes wide open and staring, insensible to light, head rolls from side to side on the pillow or he beats it with his hand, fore- head wrinkled, urine scanty, and there is the " cry en- cephalique," helleborus niger is the remedy. Prescribe Tr. Hellebore gtts. v, Aqua vi. Mix. Sig. Tea- spoonful every hour. Kali phos. third decimal is the 36 Definite Medication best tonic after the acute symptoms are under control. Put five grains in a cup of water and give a teaspoon- ful every hour. Apoplexy. When the pulse is hard and the carotids beat violently, with restlessness and fever, aconite is the remedy. Give Tr. aconite gtts. v, Aqua iv. Mix. Sig. Teaspoonful every hour. If called during an apoplectic fit, our best remedy is ferri phos. Add grains x of the third decimal to a cup of hot water and give the patient a teaspoonful every half hour. It will usually restore the patient to consciousness in a short time and will also control the hemorrhage. To help absorb the exudate and to prevent another " stroke " I have used kali mur. the third decimal. Add ten grains to a cup of water and give in teaspoon- ful doses every hour. I have followed this treatment for some time and watched the cases expecting an- other " stroke " but it did not come. Such patients should be warned against over-eating, clogging the stomach, allowing the bowels to become constipated for these all help to produce another attack. It is often remarked : " Well, she has had one stroke ; she will soon have the second and then the third. She will die in one of them." You can do very much for these cases and often prevent any more attacks. Look out for the warning symptoms, prickling of the hands and feet, feel as if they were going to sleep. When you hear a patient complain of these symptoms give kali phos., third decimal, three tablets once in two hours. I believe when our profession understand the real value of kali mur. as a remedy after the apoplectic seizure that many precious lives may be saved. These Definite Medication 37 victims of apoplexy come mostly from the old people. These are the veterans in the battle of life and it is our duty to do all that we can to make their last stay on earth as comfortable as possible. It seems cruel to me when I see how cool and indifferent some chil- dren are toward their parents, and also how indifferent some doctors act when an old person is sick. It is often remarked : " They are old enough to die any way ; you can't do much for them." There is a higher law than our poor human laws that govern such cases, and it is this " Just the way we treat these old people, so will we be treated when we get old." One of the brightest spots in my life is the fervent " God bless you, doctor " I have heard from some old person that I have treated and helped. Above all be good and kind to the old people. Study their diseases and learn how to treat them. Vertigo. When there is a sensation of swaying to and fro in the brain, made worse by stooping, head- ache of a bursting character, feels as if the brain would protrude through the forehead, aconite third decimal dilution is the remedy. Add twenty drops to a half glass of water and give a teaspoonful every hour. In Meniere's disease with vertigo, hardness of hearing, tinnitus aurium, unsteady gait, sluggish circulation, ammonium iodatum is the remedy. Give two grains once in three hours. In my practice in vertigo, with noises in the ears, I have given ergot more than any other remedy. I prescribe Fl. Ext. ergot gtts. x three times a day. It seems to contract the small blood vessels of the head. Vertigo, worse when looking up, or rising from a sit- ting position, constant dread of falling, calls for kali 38 Definite Medication phos. third decimal. Give three tablets once in three hours. When with vertigo there is a deficient supply of blood to the brain from an enfeebled heart, with palpitation and breathlessness, a slow feeble pulse, digitalis is the remedy needed. Give five drops of the first decimal dilution three times a day. In old people with chronic cerebral congestion that causes much giddiness with little or no pain in the head, iodine is the remedy. You should prescribe five drops of the sixth decimal dilution in a little water once in three hours. Delirium Tremens. When the face is pale and sunken, violent outbursts of delirium, but cannot keep it up long on account of weakness, patient is suspicious, thinks you are trying to poison him, twitching of every muscle in the body from the toes to the eyes, hyoscy- amus is the remedy. Give Tr. hyocyamus gtts. xx, Aqua *iv. Mix. Sig. Teaspoonful once an hour. The patient should be plentifully supplied with beef tea made hot with capsicum. It is a good diet for such patients and often calms them. Canabis indica is one of our best remedies given as follows : ^ Fl. Ext. Canabis Ind., 3iv. Tr. Tolu, giss. Mix. Sig. Twenty to thirty drops on sugar every hour until the patient sleeps. The above has been used by Dr. George Silvers, Rahway, N. J., for over forty years successfully, without any other remedy and without any deaths. In my own practice the beef tea with capsicum is used for a constant drink. Bromidia in teaspoonful doses to make them sleep has generally Definite Medication 39 proved successful in my hands. (See Dipsomania and Softening of the Brain.) There are two other remedies especially indicated, kali phos. sixth decimal, and kali mur., sixth decimal. Give them every three hours in alternation, three tab- lets being- the dose. Mania. It seems to me that physicians should be very careful before they put their names to a certificate to send a person away to an insane asylum, that they are really insane beyond the shadow of a doubt. It is a fact that there have been quite a number of per- sons railroaded to the insane asylum who were per- fectly sane. From my book of experience I will give you my ex- perience with some cases of mania that I have seen in my practice. One night I was called out into the country about ten miles to a small village to see a man supposed to be insane. When I arrived at the village, some time after midnight, I found it nearly depopu- lated. I could not find my prospective patient so I followed the crowd to learn the cause of the excite- ment. It seemed that the crazy man had escaped to the woods. The crowd had located him but were afraid to go near him for he was armed with a razor and a big knife and was evidently out for blood. I tried to get the constable to go out and bring the man in so I could prescribe for him but he did not seem to enthuse over the idea, so I told him that he and I would go and get the man. We started in a round- about way so as to quietly come up behind the man. It was so dark that we could not see him but we could hear him talking. When I got close to him, from the rear, I clasped my hands round his arms and held them 40 Definite Medication close to his body, while the constable secured the im- plements of war. We escorted him up to the house. He was the most docile insane man I ever saw. They put him to bed and I gave him the following prescrip- tion: 1$ Bromide potash, 3ii. Aqua, giv. Mix. Sig. Teaspoonful once an hour. It was simply a bad case of hysteria in a man. I heard nothing more from the patient. Another case I was called to was a farmer. When the messenger came after me he said the man was so crazy they could not do anything with him. When I got near enough to the patient to examine him I no- ticed a foul breath, tongue broad and flabby, the eyes showed that the glands were not secreting properly, the examination of the bowels revealed an impaction of feces in the colon. The man was being poisoned from his own internal secretions. I gave him a good emetic of pulv. mustard and ipecac half a teaspoonful of each in a cup of warm water. When he had vom- ited freely I gave him Fl. Ext. cascara sagrada and glycerine a. a. ii. Mix. Sig. Teaspoonful once in two hours until it operated freely on the bowels. He was also given Tr. hyoscyamus fifteen drops once in two hours to quiet the nerves. When I saw him the next day the bowels had moved freely and he was better in every way. A lady of middle age was taken insane. They had decided to have her taken to the asylum when some one advised their sending for me. After I had exam- ined the pulse, the tongue and the eyes, I felt sure Definite Medication 41 there was a congestion somewhere. The red points (papillae) on the tongue showed an invasion of some disease. Upon placing my hand over the uterus I found much heat in the parts which were very sensi- tive. Under the circumstances I could not make a vaginal examination but my diagnosis was congestion of the neck of the uterus. When congestion is local- ized, as in the first stages of boils, abscesses, car- buncles, or in the uterus, brain or other organs we know that belladonna is the remedy indicated. I gave this patient Tt. belladonna third decimal dilution, five drops once in two hours and sepia sixth decimal, three tablets once in three hours. I also used Micajah's uterine wafers every other night. One was placed against the os uteri. They will deplete the blood from the congested os better than curetting. This treat- ment was followed until the patient recovered entirely. All three of these cases would have been sent to the asylum if it had not been for the treatment they re- ceived. A married woman became pregnant. After she found herself in " the way that women like to be who love their lords " she developed a form of puerperal mania and began to hate her husband intensely. A dark cloud seemed to settle over her and she began to lose interest in everything. One Sunday I drove into town just as church service was out in one of the churches. A crowd around the parsonage attracted my attention. I was called in to see this lady. That morning she had obtained some laudanum and taken a pretty good sized dose of it to get rid of all her troubles. I gave her an emetic of pulv. ipecac and mustard, one teaspoonful of each in a cup of warm 42 Definite Medication water. They had to hold her while I managed to get the mixture into her mouth. She vomited freely but it had been so long since she took the opium that the system was fully under its narcotic influence. All night we took turns keeping her awake. When I felt that I had overcome the effects of the opium I gave her Tr. cimicifuga third decimal dilution, ten drops once in three hours, for that form of mania. She went to the end of her time, was just as rational as any one and gave birth to a healthy child. In mania there are three prominent remedies indi- cated, belladonna, hyoscyamus and stramonium. Each remedy has a clear cut indication. In the belladonna cases the eyes are red and blood shot, face red, you can see the carotids throb plainly, there is wild de- lirium, patient thinks he sees ghosts and hideous faces. He has a fixed savage look, with now and then ebulli- tions of rage and fury. For such cases give the second decimal dilution of belladonna, twenty drops in half a glass of water a teaspoonful of this mixture every hour. In the cases calling for stramonium the patient sees all kinds of queer things and the sight of them frightens him, keeps jerking his head up from the pillow. He is very loquacious, going from one subject to another. Rolling round over the bed in all shapes. We have only to note the intensity of the raving to call to our mind the stramonium. Give Tr. stramonium gtts. x, aqua ^iv. Mix. Sig. Teaspoonful once in two hours. Where hyoscyamus is indicated there is a pale sunken face, twitching of all the muscles from the toes to the eyes, kicks off the clothes, indecent exposure of the body, very suspicious, fears they will be poisoned. Definite Medication 43 In such cases give Tr. hyoscyamus first decimal dilu- tion, fifteen drops in a glass half full of water and have the patient take a teaspoonful every hour. We have one remedy for mania with the following symptoms. Extreme anguish. They sit for hours with head bent down, hands resting on their knees, do not notice anything, vitality at its lowest ebb. In such cases veratrum album third decimal dilution is the remedy. Add gtts. xx to aqua gvi. Mix. Sig. Teaspoonful every two hours. It will rouse them and put new life and vigor into them. Many patients are on the border line of insanity from domestic troubles, financial affairs, excessive mental exertion. The brain is worn out (a world weary brain). Such persons need kali phos. It is found in the gray matter of the brain and a lack of this salt will cause weakness of the nervous system. Many persons could be saved by this remedy from becoming nervous wrecks and inmates of insane asylums. Study its actions, get acquainted with it. In cases like the above give kali phos. third decimal trit., three tablets once in two hours. Suicidal Mania. When there is suppressed deep grief, long drawn sighs, much sobbing, a disposition to hide that grief from others. " The grief that cannot speak. Whispers the o'er fraught heart and bids it break." Such patients often long for death as the only release from their grief. In such cases ignatia is the remedy. Prescribe ignatia gtts. v, aqua iv. Mix. Sig. Teaspoonful once an hour. When there is a sensation of a heavy black cloud settling down over your patient and in puerperal mania when she thinks she is going crazy and tries to injure 44 Definite Medication herself, cimicifuga is the remedy indicated. Give Tr. cimicifuga five drops once in three hours. When the patient fears to be alone, is anxious about her disease, thinks she may become insane; in mania she curses, strikes, has obscene thoughts. This case is the opposite from the one presenting the ignatia symptoms. While that patient had the deep silent grief, this one can hardly avoid weeping. For the latter form lillium tigrinum is the indicated remedy. Add Tr. lillium gtts. xx to aqua %iv. Mix. Sig. Teaspoonful once in two hours. When the mind seems to be constantly dwelling on suicide, longs for death, wishes to be alone, religious, melancholy, is peevish and vehement, the least con- tradiction arouses the patient's wrath, aurum metalli- cum is the indicated remedy. Give three tablets once in three hours of the third decimal trituration. When patients have a dry red tremulous tongue, a shrivelled skin, haggard and anxious look, much ema- ciated, apt to mutiliate the body, chewing the fingers, pulling out the eyelashes, scratching holes in their face and scalp, very restless, arsenicum album is the remedy. Give three tablets of the third decimal tritu- ration every three hours. CHAPTER III SPECIAL REMEDIES FOR THE ORGANS OF RESPIRATION Extract from the Preface " The eclectic remedies mentioned in this book, especially the tinctures, are Lloyd's Specific Medicines. Many years' experience has proved them to be thoroughly reliable and convenient for dispensing. " I have bought my homeopathic remedies for forty years of Boericke & Tafel, of Philadelphia, and know them to be perfectly reliable. Most of the tinctures and triturates are now put up in tablet form, a tablet representing a grain of the drug." Definite Medication 47 CHAPTER III SPECIAL REMEDIES FOR THE ORGANS OF RESPIRATION CORYZA. In the early stage of coryza with with fever, thirst, great restlessness, nose feels " stuffy," cannot breathe through it, with head- ache, aconite is the remedy, and the best results can be obtained by placing five drops of Tr. aconite in a glass of water, teaspoonful once in half an hour. In the fluent form of this disease, eyes water all the time, they are stuck together in the morning, margins red and swollen, profuse acrid lachrymation, watery dis- charge from the nose, euphrasia officinalis is the rem- edy. Prescribe Tr. euphrasia, ten drops once an hour. With watery discharge from the nose, constant sneezing, sore round the nose, loss of smell, worse from contact with cold air, natrium mur, is the rem- edy. Give three tablets of the first decimal tritura- tion once in two hours. When there is soreness, a raw feeling in the chest, and tickling in the throat, with phlegm, hawking of mucus from the posterior nares, kali mur. third decimal is the remedy. Give three tablets once in two hours. It is an ideal cough remedy with the raw feeling in the chest and tickling in the throat. This indication is worth golden crowns. Inftuenza La Grippe. For the headache, red face, throbbing brain and carotids, head feels bigger than it ought, head feels compressed, the whole top of the head feels sore, belladonna is the remedy. Add gtts. xxx of the third decimal dilution of belladonna to a 48 Definite Medication glass of water and give a teaspoonful every hour. When there is great soreness all over the body, bones pain severely as if they would break, hoarseness and cough, soreness in the chest, is obliged to support the chest with his hands when he coughs, eupatorium is the indicated remedy. Put twenty drops of Tr. eupa- torium perfoliatum in half a glass of water and give a teaspoonful every hour. Kali mur. third decimal trit- uration will be indicated if there is a cough with tick- ling in the throat and a raw feeling in the chest. If the pulse shows a weak, discouraged feeling as the acute symptoms pass away, prescribe one-thirtieth grain of sulph. strychnia before each meal and at bedtime. If the case is properly treated there should be no un- pleasant sequel to it. Patients should not be obliged to tell us that " I have never felt well since I had that attack of la grippe." Be sure that your patient is en- tirely rid of all the symptoms of the malady before they leave your care. Many cases of la grippe develop into various forms of catarrh, bronchitis, phthisis, or a general weakness of the whole system. The coal tar products, and various kinds of dope, often used in these cases lessen the vitality of the patient and pro- long the duration of the disease indefinitely. Beware of them. From my own experience with this disease I believe it can be cut short with proper treatment and leave no trace behind. Catarrh (nasal). In my experience in treating nasal catarrh from different parts of the country, I find that the worst cases come from Northern New England and from the vicinity of the Great Lakes in Ohio and Michigan. Those who work in machine shops and in- hale the fine dust have the disease in its worst form. Definite Medication 49 There are really two kinds of nasal catarrh the moist and the dry. Some cases are complicated with syph- ilis where the bones of the nose are partially eaten away, and the patient must be treated for that disease if you expect to get any benefit from your treatment of the catarrh. In the fluent, watery catarrh, I like the following: I Calcarea Phos., 3d x. Natrum Mur., 3d x. Ferri Phos., 6th x. Kali Mur., 3d x a. a. 3i. Mix. Make into tablets of two grains each and give three tablets once in two hours. Locally I have re- ceived the best results from the following : 3 Sol. Nitre. Sodae Boras. Ammonia Muriate. Chloride Sodium a. a. i- Mix and pulverize fine, then add Oil Gaultheria, %i. Alcohol, Oi. Aqua Pura, Oiv, Mix the oil and the alcohol with the water and then add the pulverized salts. Let it stand forty-eight hours, then filter and it is ready for use. Pour some of the liquid into the palm of the hand and snuff it up the nostrils until it can be tasted in the back of the throat. Spit it out and gargle the throat with the same liquid. Do this three times a day. Chronic Catarrh. For patients troubled with chronic 50 Definite Medication catarrh the following will be found convenient and curative : I) Iodine. Carbolic acid, a. a. 3i. Aqua ammonia, 3iii. Tr. Camphor, 3iv. Mix. Sig. Fill an ounce vial half full of absorbent cotton and drop ten drops of the liquid on the cotton in the bottle and inhale three times for ten minutes. In the dry form of nasal catarrh we have remedies that are especially indicated. When there is burning pain in both nostrils, nose obstructed by mucus, voice thick, altered, thick yellow mucus from the nose, con- stant hacking cough, raw sore feeling in the throat, nitrate of sanguinaria is the remedy. Give one grain of the sixth decimal trituration once in two hours. When there is much pain at the root of the nose, greenish colored slugs and clinkers form in the nose and must be blown out every morning, there may be ulceration of the septum, with pundied out ulcers, they have a foul breath and general loss of smell. In this condition bi-chromate of potash is the rem- edy. Give three tablets of the third decimal trit- uration once in three hours. As a local remedy you can depend upon sulpho carbolate of soda. Dis- solve one-half teaspoonful in a pint of warm water twice daily. Use one-half as a gargle and the other in an atomizer. I have cured some cases in my practice where the patient had not been able to smell anything for several years. Three out of five of our people have catarrh in some form and every doctor should know Definite Medication 51 how to treat it successfully, and, thereby, add just so much to his income as well as doing good to suffering humanity. Nasal Polypus. I have had good success in this dis- ease with pulv. sanguinaria. Add one drachm of the sanguinaria to nine drachms of sugar of milk. Tritu- rate thoroughly and have the patient use it as a snuff three times a day. Epistaxis. In some cases of nose bleed caused by women taking cold at the menstrual period, the flow stopped. I have given ferri phos. third decimal tritu- ration, five grains in half a glass of water and directing the patient to take a teaspoonful every half hour. It checked the hemorrhage from the nose and re-estab- lished the menstrual flow. In epistaxis preceded by very red face, congestion of the head, throbbing of the carotids, blood hanging in clots from the nostrils like icicles, meliotus alba is the remedy. Put ten drops Tr. meliotus in four ounces of water and give a teaspoon- ful every hour. In one case where I was called in consultation vari- ous remedies had been tried to check the bleeding. I applied pulverized geranium maculatum on cotton, pressing it well up into the nostril. It stopped the hemorrhage. In thin weak persons, anemic, easily exhausted, who suffer from epistaxis, the third decimal trituration of ferrum aceticum will prove very beneficial. Give three tablets once in three hours. Pharyngitis. In the acute form of pharyngitis with difficulty in swallowing, aching and fullness of the throat, I have found the following prescription the best of any : 52 Definite Medication IJ Tr. Gelsemium. Tr. Phytolacca a. a. gtts. xx. Aqua, 3iv. Mix. Sig. Teaspoonful once an hour. With this I use a gargle made as follows : Chlorate potash grs. xxx, sulph. zinc grs. v, make one powder. Put this in a glass of warm water and gargle the throat with it once an hour. This is an ideal gargle for sore- ness of the throat. I have used it since I first began the practice of medicine. In pharyngitis when there is a stiffness and dryness of the throat, swallowing is painful, burning in the throat, guaiacum is the remedy. Dose three grains of the resin in tablet form once in two hours. In chronic pharyngitis with feeling of splinters in the throat, rawness, soreness and scraping with hawk- ing of thick mucus in trying to clear the throat argen- tum nitricum sixth decimal trituration, three tablets every three hours is the remedy indicated. Tonsilitis. In tonsilitis I depend upon the following prescription : ^ Tr. Aconite, gtts. v. Tr. Phytolacca, gtts. xx. Aqua, gvi. Mix. Sig. Teaspoonful every hour. Apply a slippery elm poultice around the neck over the throat. Use the same gargle as given under phar- yngitis. In tonsilitis when first one tonsil, then the other is affected, give lac caninum thirtieth decimal dilution. Place twenty drops in half a glass of water and give tablespoonful every half hour. Definite Medication 53 When the tongue has a white coating and there are grey patches of exudates on the tonsils kali mur. third decimal is the remedy. Add five grains to a cup of hot water and give a teaspoonful once an hour. In children who grow too fast, or in adults who take cold very easily, the tonsils are apt to suppurate. In such conditions the third decimal trituration of baryta carb. is the remedy. Give three tablets once in three hours. Chronic Tonsilitis (enlarged tonsils). When there is a husky voice, obliged to keep the mouth open to breathe, deafness, difficulty of swallowing, spongy hy- pertrophy of the tonsils, calcarea phos. second decimal trituration is the remedy. Give three tablets every three hours. In enlarged, indurated tonsils I like io- dide baryta third decimal as a remedy. Dose. Three tablets every three hours. Laryngitis. In the first stage of laryngitis with fever, hot skin, extreme restlessness, difficulty of breathing, aconite is the remedy. Add twenty drops of the third decimal dilution to a glass of water and give teaspoonful doses every hour. In cases of croup I always apply an onion poultice on the chest. Then I give the following prescription : ^ Fl. Ext. Eucalyptus. Fl. Ext. Jaborandi a. a. i. Mix. Sig. Ten drops on sugar once in half an hour. Many of my families kept this remedy on hand. I have used it for a good many years and have learned to depend upon it. In membranous croup we have a remedy that we can rely upon. 54 Definite Medication fy Pulv. Sanguinaria, gr. i. Vinegar, ii. Sugar, ss. Mix. Steep it to form a syrup. Sig. one teaspoon- ful as often as indicated. With the above remedy I have cured a good many cases of membranous croup. The acetic syrup of sanguinaria is one of the old re- liable remedies handed down to us by the fathers of the Eclectic school. In my own practice I have never lost a case of croup and I have seen it in the worst forms. I have met with this disease in adults and treated it in the same general way and cured them. The Comp. Tr. oil stillingia is a good local application. A few drops rubbed on the child's throat and one or two drops given internally on sugar will produce good results. Some physicians prefer the Comp. Powder of Lo- belia (see American Dispensatory) as a local applica- tion. For myself I prefer the onions to any local ap- plication for croup. Chronic Laryngitis. When the throat feels sore, pain in the larynx, hoarseness, excessive accumulation of mucus in the throat, voice of public speakers uncon- trollable breaks when trying to speak or sing in a high key, as found in clergymen and opera singers, Tr. arum triphyllum is the remedy. Add ten drops to four ounces of water and give a teaspoonful every hour. When there is partial paralysis of the vocal cords, muscles refuse to act, rawness and tickling, throat dry, a feeling of fullness in the throat, must keep swallow- ing secretion that cannot be raised, the urine passes Definite Medication 55 easily without the patient being aware of it, causticum third decimal trituration is the remedy needed. Dose. Three tablets every two hours. When there is a sensation of a lump in the throat, a dry spot in the throat, must keep swallowing and hawking when there is no secretion to expectorate, only a constant tickling and irritation in the throat, lachesis sixth decimal is the remedy indicated. Dose. Three tablets once in two hours. Edema Glottidis. When the throat looks intensely red, with burning, stinging pains, throat looks as though a bee had stung it, apis mel. is the remedy. Add twenty drops of Tr. apis mel to four ounces of water and give a teaspoonful every hour. Acute Bronchitis. When there is fever, great rest- lessness, soreness in the chest, dry cough, this pre- scription will prove helpful. 1$ Tr. Aconite, gtts. v. Fl. Ext. Asclepias Tub, gi. Aqua, v. Mix. Sig. Teaspoonful once an hour. In the subacute stage with a feeling of rawness in the chest and tickling cough, tongue coated white, give kali mur. third decimal, three tablets once in two hours. In the stubborn cough of chronic bronchitis, when the irritation is in the trachea and bronchi give this prescription. I Tr. Inula helenium, 3ii. Tr. Asclepias tub., 3ii. Simple Syrup, o- Aqua q. s., ad. iv. 56 Definite Medication Mix. Sig. Teaspoonful every half hour. In patients of a strumous diathesis, where the irri- tability is in the upper part of the respiratory tract prescribe the following: ^ Tr. Stillingia, 5iv. Syr. Wild Cherry, 3120. Mix. Sig. Teaspoonful every two hours. -When there is soreness of the chest, takes cold easily, cough loose and rattling, respiration hoarse and wheezing, perspiration sour, hepar sulph. is the rem- edy indicated. Give three tablets of the third decimal every two hours. Chronic Bronchitis. In chronic bronchitis where there is great weakness in the chest, patient so weak he can- not talk, sing or read aloud, cough deep, hollow, stran- gling and in paroxysms, expectoration sweetish, putrid, yellow green pus, stannum is the remedy. Use the sixth decimal and give three tablets every two hours. Should the pulse have a weak discouraged feeling to it give sulph. strychnine one-thirtieth gr. before each meal and at bedtime. Also give the medicated bath of Epsom salts and warm water, three times a week. Acute Pleurisy. In acute cases where there are sharp stitching pains, worse from motion, very thirsty, can drink large quantities of water, bryonia alba is the remedy. Add gtts. five of Tr. bryonia to four ounces of water and give in teaspoonful doses every hour. Asclepias tuberosa is indicated when there is dry hack- ing cough, scanty mucous expectoration, parts sensitive to pressure. Here you should give gtts. twenty of the Tr. asclepias, tub., every hour in alternation with the bryonia. Locally, to give the patient quick relief I Definite Medication 57 apply equal parts of pulverized ginger, mustard and capsicum. Make a paste with hot vinegar and apply by spreading on a soft cloth and placing over the af- fected part. Libradol (Lloyd's) is also a good appli- cation. Spread it on thin paper and apply to the pain- ful part. When plastic exudation has taken place kali mur., third decimal, is the remedy. Put five grains in a glass of water and give a teaspoonful every hour. Chronic Pleurisy. In chronic pleurisy give twenty drops of Fl. Ext. pleurisy root once in two hours. Also add four drachms acetate potash to six ounces of water and give two teaspoonfuls of this mixture four times a day. If the above does not remove the effu- sion, add carbonate ammonium four drachms to water six ounces and give a teaspoonful every three hours. In one case where I was called in consultation, a man had been hurt in a sawmill. His ribs were frac- tured. Later on he developed fluid in the pleural cav- ity. My advice was asked. I advised the physician attending him to give a certain course of treatment but he called some other doctor in consultation. They advised tapping him and drawing off the fluid. This the patient would not consent to do without my sanc- tion. He came to me after he had discharged the other doctor. I put him upon the same treatment that I had advised his former doctor to use, viz. : Put iodine grs. eighty in an ounce of alcohol. Mix. Sig. Give ten drops in a tablespoonful of milk after each meal. Increase the iodine solution two drops a day until the patient received sixty drops three times a day. The quantity of milk to be also increased with each dose every day. To offset the action of the iodine 58 Definite Medication I gave him five grains sulph. quinine before each meal. I applied locally over the chest on the affected side a Comp. tar plaster (irritating plaster see American Dispensatory). The plaster was respread every day until I got up a free discharge of pus from the sore. Then I applied simple cerate to heal the sore. In this way I got rid of the effusion and cured my patient. That was thirty-four years ago. He was alive and well the last I heard from him and never had any trouble with his side. This case shows what can be done in desperate cases when we know what remedies to use. Iodine given as above is a powerful absorbent and the milk keeps it from irritating the stomach. Asthma. In asthma associated with emphysema, pale face, lips, cyanotic, pulse small and soft, especially in old people, aspidosperma quebracho is the remedy. ^ Fl. Ext. Quebracho, i. Simple Syrup, vii. Mix. Sig. Teaspoonful every three hours. When there is difficulty of breathing due to a feeling of constriction or weight in the chest. It feels as though the blood was running to the chest. In such a condition lobelia inflata is the remedy. Give ten drops of the third decimal dilution every hour. In asthma when the breath stops when the patient goes to sleep, and he wakes with a start, gasping for breath, there is a cough attended with tenacious mucus Tr. grindelia robusta is the remedy. Dose. Ten drops once in two hours. In old people who are asthmatic and have to sit propped up in bed, dyspnea, great accumulation of Definite Medication 59 mucus with much rattling and wheezing, give Tr. senega. Put seven drops in a half glass of water and give a teaspoonful every hour until relieved. There are two remedies especially indicated in asthma. Sumbul and gelsemium, and I have given them to- gether with good results. In a severe attack of asthma when the patient was pressed for breath and wheezing I gave Tr. gelsemium and Tr. sumbul a.a. eight drops in a tablespoonful of water once in fifteen minutes until relieved. Many a time this remedy has helped me relieve an asthmatic patient. Aphonia. In hoarseness, as a result of cold, the rem- edy is bi-chromate of potash. It seems to have an especial affinity for the larynx. Dose. Three tablets of the third decimal once in three hours. In one case of partial paralysis of the vocal cords where I was called in consultation, the lady had lost her voice for several months. I advised oil erigeron, five drops on sugar once in two hours, and sulph. strychnine one-thirtieth gr. before each meal and at bedtime. The patient recovered her voice. In an- other case I saw in consultation the patient had had an attack of laryngitis which had left him with a loss of the voice. The great soreness in the throat and mouth with aphthea made me think of rhus glabra. I advised Tr. rhus glabra in fifteen drop doses every two hours. The remedy made his throat and mouth feel much better and restored his voice. For other reme- dies, see Chronic Laryngitis. Pneumonia. In the first stage of congestion or en- gorgement of the lungs veratrum is the remedy and is only indicated in this stage. Pulse, hard and full, res- piration rapid, difficulty of breathing, dry cough, feel- 60 Definite Medication ing of heavy weight on the chest are the indications calling for this remedy. Asclepias may be combined with the veratrum to good advantage as seen in the following prescription: ^ Tr. Veratrum Viride, gtts. x. Fl. Ext. Asclepias Tub., i. Aqua, iv. Mix. Sig. Teaspoonful every hour. If it should cause any nausea give it once in two hours. The patient should have a warm Epsom salt bath once in twenty-four hours (one ounce of Epsom salts to one pint of warm water). I usually apply an onion poultice over the lungs, prepared as follows: Slice up the onions, heat them over the fire, then make two bags the size of the chest, fill them with the onions. Use first one bag and then the other, chang- ing them every half hour; put them on as hot as the patient can comfortably bare them. They help to re- lieve the congestion, they are relaxing and will absorb morbid matter. One doctor in Connecticut practiced for fifty years. He used the onion poultice and never lost a case of pneumonia. As a local application for the lungs it has no equal. In the second stage of he- patization, leave off the veratrum mixture; place ten grains kali mur. third decimal in a goblet of water, and give a teaspoonful every half hour. It not only re- moves plastic exudation but acts as a thermal sedative. If your patient at the commencement shows a weak- ened vitality give sulph. strychnine one-thirtieth gr. once in three hours, but ordinarily I give sulph. qui- nine grs. two with ipecac one-fourth gr. once in three hours. If your patient has been used to stimulants Definite Medication 61 give him one teaspoonful of good whiskey and two teaspoon^uls of water with the quinine. With the qui- nine powder as directed and the kali mur. third deci- mal, we have the treatment for the second stage. When there is sputum that resembles prune juice or of a chocolate color, baptisia is the remedy. Dose, fifteen drops once in three hours. In the stage of resolution when there is great rattling of mucus, lungs seem filled up completely, cannot raise anything, tartar emetic may be given ; add one grain of the crude drug to four ounces of water and give a teaspoonful every hour. In my practice I lost one case of pneumonia in my younger days ; a man over sixty years old and that was the only case I ever lost. I have seen pneumonia in all its forms in northern New England, New Jersey, and around the lakes in Ohio, and I am not any more afraid of it than of a case of measles. Keep out the coal tar products and any kind of opiates and physic. Don't think that the patient must be physicked the first thing. When Nature needs a movement of the bowels she will let you know. I never give anything of that kind until I am sure that I have the disease mastered, and then only a mild laxative. In several cases where I have been called to pre- scribe for patients that have been under the care of other physicains who had failed to help them I had to vary my treatment a little to meet the indications but the main treatment, as given above, is what I depend upon in pneumonia. Typhoid Pneumonia. In typhoid pneumonia I give the quinine, two grs. once in three hours, with one teaspoonful of whiskey in two teaspoonfuls of water ; I also give the Tr. baptisia ten drops once in three 62 Definite Medication hours. In one case a man lay like a dead man for ten days. It seemed that he hardly breathed, scarcely any pulse, could not raise his hand to his head, as helpless as an infant, yet he recovered under the above treat- ment. Whooping Cough. When the paroxysms of coughing follow in rapid succession like a " minute gun," usually in the evening or about midnight, cough has a deep trumpet like sound, child raises a large quantity of tenacious mucus ; a great constriction of the chest and abdominal muscles, so that the child presses its hands against them, drosera rotundifolia is the remedy. Dose. Tr. drosera gtts. xx, aqua ounces iv. Mix. Sig. Teaspoonful every hour. In whooping cough, when child loses breath, turns pale, stiff and blue, strangling, with gagging and vomiting of mucus, bleeding from the nose, ipecac is the remedy. Add Tr. ipecac gtts. x to aqua iv. Mix. Sig. Teaspoonful every hour. In whooping cough with long continued paroxysms, child turns purple in the face and seems as if suffocated. The perspiration starts, there is expectorated large quantities of mucus, naphthalinum is the remedy indi- cated. Give two tablets of first decimal every hour. When in this diseased condition there is a short hack- ing cough during the day like a " minute gun." Not any whooping in the daytime but at night, the cough is worse at night, corallium rubrum third decimal is the remedy. Dose, three tablets once in two hours. I have seen good results from taking children with whooping cough into the gas house for a short time two or three times a week. The odor from the gas- making has proved beneficial in helping to break up the disease. Definite Medication 63 Bronchocele. When I have used a saturated Tr. iris versicolar, made as follows (fresh root just dug, mash the roots ; put eight ounces in a pint of eighty per cent, alcohol. Let it stand fourteen days and filter), I made some fine cures of goitre. The dose was twenty-five drops three times a day after meals. If the doctors would make a tincture of the blue flag root in June when the plant is in flower make it from the green root they would find it a great absorbent. Locally apply the following prescription. Tr. Iodine, Tr. Phytolacca a. a. two drachms. Mix. Sig. Paint over the enlarged glands night and morning. Calcarea Iodide, one-third gr. every three hours for a week then double the dose, has also helped me to cure some cases. Diphtheria. In 1866 when an epidemic of this dis- ease swept over New England and so many cases proved fatal, the regular physicians used to burn out the throat with nitrate of silver and lost about every case they treated. When I was attacked by the dis- ease my father called a Homeopath Dr. Francis A. Roberts, of North Vassalboro, Maine to attend me. I had the disease about as bad as any in that part of the country, yet I recovered under his treatment as did, indeed, about all the other cases which he treated. He was one of the finest men I ever met; he has passed over the silent river of death a man loved and respected by all who knew him, a type of the old school of Homeopathic physicians who believed in Home- opathy pure and simple. In " Marcy and Hunt's Prac- tice " (Homeopathic) published 1865, the authors re- port " two hundred cases of diphtheria treated and a mortality of less than one per cent." How is that for some of the modern Homeopaths 64 Definite Medication who claim that they cannot cure diphtheria without antitoxin ? I was taught how to cure diphtheria forty-two years ago in the Eclectic college and now after forty years' practice I can truthfully say that I do not fear to treat the disease in any form. I have been through several epidemics and always had good success with my cases. I never was guilty of poisoning their system with the filthy horse serum called antitoxin that has killed and crippled so many of our children. In the treatment of diphtheria, not malignant, I give the following: ^ Tr. Phytolacca, gtts. xx. Tr. Gelsemium, gtts. xx. Aqua, iv. Mix. Sig. Teaspoonful every hour. I use a gargle of pulv. chlorate potash half a drachm and sulph. zinc five grains added to a glass of warm water. Stir it thoroughly and gargle the throat once an hour. If the child is too young to gargle the throat have the nurse swab out the throat with the solution every hour. I also apply a poultice of pulverized slip- pery elm, wet with warm water, round the neck over the throat. This should be changed once in two hours. It feels good and it is good for the patient. As soon as the skin is moist, pulse soft and tongue cleaning off, I begin giving two grains quinine every three hours. If the tongue has a yellowish brown coating I like the effect of sulphurous acid. I add two drachms of the acid to four ounces of water and give in tea- spoonful doses every two hours. It is one of the best Definite Medication 65 antiseptics that we have and is often indicated in this disease. In the malignant form of diphtheria, when the throat fills right up with the edematous swelling, the uvula hanging down like a transparent sac filled with water, the patient in danger of suffocation, throat intensely red, dry and glazed looking, with burning, stinging pains sometimes no pain at all, this is the most dan- gerous symptom, if you look down the child's throat it looks as if a bee had stung it, apis mel. is the remedy. Add ten drops apis mel. to six ounces of water and give a teaspoonful every hour. In a bad case of this disease which I saw in consultation during an epidemic the child's throat was of a very dark red color; mem- branes looked like washed leather, breath very offen- sive, body felt as if it had been pounded, nothing but liquids could be swallowed. I advised baptisia tinc- tora as the remedy needed. The prescription reading, IJ Tr. Baptisia tinctor, gtts. xxx. Aqua, vi. Mix. Sig. Gargle the throat once an hour and give a teaspoonful of the mixture internally every hour. While it seemed doubtful if the child would live an- other day, yet in twenty-four hours the throat had a healthy look and the child finally recovered. Tr. eu- calyptus may be added to the baptisia in these malig- nant cases and it makes an ideal remedy. The more malignant, the more putrid the case the greater the need of these remedies, both as a gargle and internally. In another case where I was the consulting physician, great nervous prostration was the most pronounced symptom, very foul breath, great difficulty in swallow- 66 Definite Medication ing anything, throat looked purple and livid. Lache- sis was the remedy indicated and we put ten drops of lachesis, sixth decimal in half a glass of water and gave a teaspoonful every half hour. In a few hours we could see a change for the better and the patient got well. In cases where there are ulcers in the mouth, fauces covered with a deposit, secretions acrid and excoriat- ing, glands of neck swollen and painful, Tr. arum triphyllum is the remedy indicated. The prescription should read: ^ Tr. Arum triphyllum gtts. x. Aqua, gvi. Mix. Sig. Teaspoonful every hour. Do not let the name of this disease frighten you but study each case carefully and give the remedy indi- cated. If tempted to use antitoxin, remember that the fathers of the Eclectic school of medicine made their reputations by curing such diseases as diphtheria, and it would be casting a reflection upon that school of medicine if you had to acknowledge to the child's par- ents that you did not know how to cure the patient without injecting a filthy horse serum into its little body. Then when the child dies can you truthfully tell the parent that you have done all that medical science can do for their child? Remember there are lots of intel- ligent people in this land of ours and you " can't fool all the people all the time." Pulmonary Tuberculosis. In 1900 this disease caused the death of 111,059 of our American people. Why it is on the increase is not hard to determine when we realize the fact that underlying all the other symptoms, Definite Medication 67 and the very foundation of the disease, is a weakened vitality and enfeebled nerve power. The pulse tells us that when we read it intelligently, and every war in this country, every great disaster, financial crisis, or epidemic of typhoid fever, diphtheria, pneumonia, and la grippe leaves behind them a trail of weakened vitality that furnish recruits to the great army of sufferers from consumption, cancer and Bright's disease. When we understand the cause of this disease it is not difficult to devise a cure. The regular school, from Watson down to Osier, believed and taught the idea that consumption was incurable. The people have been educated to believe this, hence the great fear and dread of the name consumption. On the other hand the Eclectic and Homeopathic schools of medicine have had good success in the treat- ment of this disease for nearly one hundred years. That it is hereditary is a theory not borne out by facts. My mother had eight brothers and sisters die from consumption and she, herself, had all the symp- toms of this disease and was considered by the doctors past cure ; yet she went to Africa as a missionary for the Society of Friends and when she reached the equa- tor began to feel better. She lived for twenty years afterward and never showed any symptoms of this malady. Neither have any of her children or grand- children shown any symptoms of this disease. That it is contagious is a myth, too foolish to think of for a moment. In Maine, New Hampshire and Vermont, where so many die from this disease, I had every op- portunity to study the disease in all its forms for sev- eral years. I have seen patients that sleep in the same 68 Definite Medication bed for years with another person, yet they never took the disease from them. All this talk of contagion is simply to work on the fears of the public. It means more graft for some one. A patient came to me a few years ago for treatment. She was a married lady, middle age, and had been having children too fast ; one every year for five years. As a result the pulse had a weak discouraged feeling to it ; hectic fever, night sweats, thoracic pain, a hack- ing cough, rapid respiration were the symptoms which she presented. By having children so rapidly she had weakened her vitality and drawn heavily upon her re- serve force. She had the fear of consumption but a few moments of cheerful, hopeful talk, and a promise that in ten days she would see an improvement in all her symptoms caused her to be more encouraged and hopeful. For the weakened vitality I gave her sulph. strych- nine one-thirtieth grain before each meal and at bed- time; for the night sweats she had two grains of the third decimal picrotoxine at five, seven and nine in the evening. For the cough and raw feeling in the chest I gave her kali mur., three tablets of the third decimal every two hours. Three times a week she was told to take a bath all over of Epsom salts one ounce of the salts to a pint of warm water, or if the patient had a bath tub to put one pound of the salts into the ordinary amount of water used. The skin should be well scrubbed until all the sticky, gummy substance is re- moved, leaving the skin smooth as velvet. In a week the patient came to report. The eye, the pulse, the tongue, all showed a marked improvement. She re- ported all symptoms more favorable. There was less Definite Medication 69 fever, less cough, night sweats not so bad, felt stronger and she was stronger. The treatment was continued with the addition of " Cell salts," two drachms to water one pint, a teaspoonful being given with every dose of strychnine. The patient finally regained her health. In some cases when there is indigestion and torpid liver, I like this prescription : I Fl. Ext. Euonymus. Fl. Ext. Ptelia Trifoliata a. a. giv. Comp. Syr. Hypophosphites, iv. Mix. Sig. Tablespoonful four times a day, if it acts too freely upon the bowels, lessen the dose. A case of this kind came to me from one of the large cities of New Jersey several years ago. I put the pa- tient upon the above remedy, giving him other reme- dies to meet indications as they arose. There was no question about the diagnosis, as other physicians had seen the case and all diagnosed it as tuberculosis. He had night sweats, fever, tubercles in the lungs, emacia- tion, etc., but he recovered under my treatment and was well the last time I heard from him. When the cough is spasmodic, worse when lying down, I like the following: ^ Tr. Drosera, 3x. Tr. Veratrum vir., 3ii. Glycerine q. s., 5ii. Mix. Sig. Twelve drops once in three hours. When there is a copious expectoration of muco-pur- ulent mucus in the second stage of pulmonary consump- tion myosotis symphytifolia is indicated. Dose. Tr. myosotis five drops once in two hours. I have seen 70 Definite Medication cases of advanced tuberculosis, with hectic fever, night sweats, swelling of the feet and muco-purulent expec- toration treated successfully with baptisin. Give bap- tisin, one-half grain, once in three hours. The greater the debility and the more advanced the disease is, the stronger the indication for baptisia. To control the diarrhea, the following prescription will prove efficacious. I Sub nitrate bismuth, grs. xx. Sulph. quinine, grs. xvi. Pulverized gum arabic, grs. xxx. Mix. Divide into twenty powders. Sig. One powder once in five hours. When there is a loose, racking, suffocating cough, with copious expectora- tions of thick, yellowish or greenish mucus, silicea is the remedy. Dose, three tablets of the sixth decimal every two hours. For a local application to the throat, a compress of Epsom salts and warm water (one ounce to the pint) should be constantly worn around the throat. It will do much to allay the irritation in the throat and re- lieve the cough. For the night sweats picrotoxine third decimal is the remedy. Give two grains at five, seven and nine at night. For hemoptysis, when there is slight hemorrhage of bright red blood, epistaxis, headache, ferri phos. third decimal is the remedy. Dose, five grains in a glass of water, teaspoonful once an hour. In hemorrhage from injury or over exertion, bright red blood as from a wound, millefolium is the remedy. Dose, Tr. millefolium ten drops in a little water, once an hour until relieved. Anodynes, coal tar products, in fact any remedy that Definite Medication 71 weakens the vitality of your patient must not be given in this disease. How can you raise the vitality of your patients when you are dosing them with anodynes to pull down the vitality. The " Cell salts," as prepared by Dr. Burgess, Chat- tanooga, Tenn., should be given the patient because they supply nutrient to the cells that are starving for nourishment. I have had more cases of this disease to treat in my time than usually falls to the lot of the average phy- sician of my age, and I am of the opinion that con- sumption can be cured. I have cured my cases without any cod liver oil, whiskey and quinine, stuffing them with food until their stomachs rebel against all food, making them sleep on the roof of the house, out of doors in a tent, or any other freak practice. It is cruel and heartless to quarantine such cases or send them among strangers to die. Hay Fever. When there is violent spasmodic sneez- ing and lachrymation, a burning watery discharge from the nose and eyes sabadilla is the remedy. Dose, Tr. sabadilla five drops in half a glass of water, tea- spoonful every hour. When there is itching of the nose and eyes, profuse acrid watery discharges from the nose and eyes, nose feels stopped up, alium cepa is the remedy. Dose, Tr. alium twenty drops in four ounces of water, teaspoonful every hour. CHAPTER IV SPECIAL REMEDIES FOR THE HEART Extract from the Preface " The eclectic remedies mentioned in this book, especially the tinctures, are Lloyd's Specific Medicines. Many years' experience has proved them to be thoroughly reliable and convenient for dispensing. " I have bought my homeopathic remedies for forty years of Boericke & Tafel, of Philadelphia, and know them to be perfectly reliable. Most of the tinctures and triturates are now put up in tablet form, a tablet representing a grain of the drug." Definite Medication 75 CHAPTER IV SPECIAL REMEDIES FOR THE HEART PERICARDITIS. For the acute pain in the heart, restlessness, fever, full, bounding pulse, aconite is the remedy. We will frequently need to com- bine it with that grand diaphoretic asclepias tuberosa, for it is quite as often indicated in this disease as in acute pleurisy. The prescription should read : I Tr. Aconite, gtts. v. Tr. Asclepias, tub. i. Aqua, gv. Mix. Sig. Teaspoonful every hour. Apply a warm flaxseed poultice over the heart. It feels good and helps to allay the inflammation. If there are stitching pains, made worse by motion, re- lieved by lying on the affected side, bryonia is the rem- edy. Dose, tincture bryonia, gtts. v, aqua, four ounces ; mix, and give a teaspoonful every hour. From the very beginning of your treatment give kali mur. third decimal. Add ten grains to a cup of warm water and give a teaspoonful of this mixture once an hour. This remedy will often prevent effusion and it is the remedy for the absorption of exudates. When the pain is very severe, shooting into the arm and neck, stitching pain in the left breast, dyspnea, patient can only lie on the right side, palpitation of heart, and the least movement produces a feeling of suffocation, spigelia is the remedy needed. Add fif- 76 Definite Medication teen drops tincture spigelia to four ounces of water and give a teaspoonful every hour. When complicated with rheumatism give three drop doses of tincture cimicifuga once in two hours. When cimicifuga is used as the principal remedy in acute rheumatism there is seldom any heart complications. This fact should be remembered by all physicians. When the acute stage has passed the kali mur., third decimal, is to be continued. The following prescrip- tion will aid in removing the effusion : 3 Fl. Ext. Jaborandi, 3i. Simple Syrup, iv. Mig. Sig. Teaspoonful once in two hours until pro- fuse perspiration is produced. The following diuretic and alterative mixture has rendered me good service in many cases : ^ Tr. Phytolacca, 3ii. Iodide Potash, 3ii. Syr. Marshmallow, vi. Mix. Sig. Teaspoonful once in three hours. Sulph. strychnine, one-thirtieth grain, should be given before each meal and at bedtime to keep up the vitality of the patient. Hydropericardium. When there is a very slow pulse, skin apt to,be of a bluish color, especially the eyelids, lips, tongue and nails, cyanosis, more pronounced when moving about, every third or fifth beat patient thinks the heart will stop beating. For this condition digi- talis is the remedy. Dose, five drops in a little water once in three hours. When I prescribe digitalis in dropsy I always add about ten to twenty grains of Definite Medication 77 cream tartar to an ounce of water, stir it up and then add the five drops of tincture digitalis. In my own experience, I have found that it increases the diuretic action of the digitalis. I have often increased the dose, one drop a day until the patient was taking ten or twelve drops of the digitalis at a dose. When the difficulty in breathing is so great that the patient cannot lie down, puffiness of the hands and feet and also under the eyes, very thirsty, but water dis- agrees, sensation of sinking at the heart and pit of the stomach, urine scanty, dark colored, skin distended and glistening, bowels constipated, pulse slow, apocy- num cannabinum is the remedy. Dose, five drops once in three hours. When the effusion is dependent upon the inability of the heart to carry on the circulation of the blood, there is edema of the ankles, heart's action rapid, pulse feeble, soreness in the uterine region, pal- pitation of the heart, tincture convallaria maj. is the remedy. Dose, five drops once in three hours. When the lower eyelids hang down like bags, there is dropsy with absence of thirst, sensation as if every breath would be the last, skin very tender, sensitive to the touch, apis mel. is the remedy. Prescribe it as fol- lows: I Tr. Apis mel., gtts. x. Aqua, iv. Mix. Sig. Teaspoonful once an hour. I was called to see a case of dropsy of the heart, the kind that used to be called " Water round the Heart." It was a bad case, given up to die by her former phy- sician. The patient was a middle aged lady; she sat propped up in bed, as she could not lie down ; ausculta- 78 Definite Medication tion did not reveal any heart sounds ; the heart seemed to be drowned in water. There was dyspnea and a very weak pulse. She seemed to me very near the end of life. I did not think I could do her much good, but as the family were anxious for me to do something I thought I would give her a little medicine to make her easier, for it did not seem to me that she could live until morning. I called for a glass, a spoon and a little water. I counted out sixteen teaspoonfuls of water into the glass, into which I put one grain of morphine and ordered a teaspoonful of the mixture to be given every fifteen minutes, until she was easier or slept. This is the way I prescribe morphine when I am forced to use it, which is very seldom. In my forty years of practice, I have not used a half drachm of morphine altogether. As I left the patient to return home the family wished me to call and see her the next morning, but for me I thought it would be a case of " Ring the bell softly There's crape on the door." Upon visiting the patient the next day, I was met at the door by the husband with the report " the patient was better." I found that after she had taken two or three doses of the morphine mixture that the water began to pass off freely. Thus it was she got the pri- mary stimulating effect of the morphine. I then gave her tincture digitalis as described above until I had re- moved all the water. While it may be comparatively easy to remove the dropsical effusion, yet it is not so easy to prevent its returning. To effect a radical cure we must enrich the blood after removing the serum. Iron and helonias are Definite Medication 79 the remedies that we will depend upon for this pur- pose. Give three tablets of the first decimal of ferrum every three hours and alternate with it three tablets of the first decimal of helonias every three hours. Another case which I saw of " water round the heart " was a lady who had been sick for some time. Different doctors had treated her, but she was growing worse rapidly. It was very difficult for me to detect any heart sounds, and the heart seemed nearly drowned in the water. She could not lie on the pillow ; had her head raised up. Her feet and legs were badly swollen. It was a desperate case but I determined to do what I could for her relief. I explained to the family that I proposed to remove the dropsical effusion. I had a woman used to nursing stay all night with her. I then prescribed the following: ^ Podophyllin, gr. i. Leptandrin, grs. ii. Capsicum, grs. J4. Cream tartar, grs. xx. Triturate them well together for one powder. Sig. Give one powder like this in a little sweetened water once in three hours until they began to operate freely on the bowels, then stop them. I instructed the nurse that the water would commence to run off before morning and that if the patient was faint to give her a little whiskey and aromatic spirits of ammonia (one drachm) in water. The next day I visited my patient and found her decidedly better. During the night the water began to pass off and at one time the patient said she felt as if "all the flesh was leaving her body." I gave this patient tincture digitalis for a little while, 80 Definite Medication then the ferrum and helonias as given above and she recovered entirely. I have had many cases of this kind in my practice and frequently have taken desper- ate chances, as in such cases what is done must be done quickly and a cure of such a case will often make a doctor's reputation. We never know what we can do for the sick until we try. Endocarditis. When this condition is complicated with rheumatism, headache in the forehead or top of the head, pain under the left nipple, and down the left arm, cimicifuga is the remedy. Put twenty drops of tincture cimicifuga into four ounces of water and give in teaspoonful doses every hour. When the pulse is full with hardness and tension, great muscular excite- ment, veratrum viride is the remedy indicated. Dose, tincture veratrum gtts. x, aqua iv. Mix. Sig. Tea- spoonful every hour. A full, bounding pulse, with fever, great restlessness, sharp cutting pain in the left side calls for aconite rad. Dose, tincture aconite gtts. v, aqua iv. Mix. Sig. Teaspoonful once an hour Kali mur., third decimal, should be given from the very start for that condition which favors embolus which acts as a plug. Place ten grains of it in a cup of water and give in teaspoonful doses every half hour. When there is severe pain in the left side, palpita- tion, violent and visible blowing sound at the apex of the heart, spigelia is the remedy indicated. Dose, tincture spigelia, five drops every two hours. Cramp-like pain in the heart, a feeling as if a great stone lay on the heart, calls for cereus bonplandi. Add twenty drops of tincture cereus to a glass of water and give a teaspoonful every half hour until the pain is relieved. As a preventive against future attacks of Definite Medication 81 this difficulty give the third decimal calcarea flouride, three grains three times a day. Myocarditis. When there is palpitation of the heart, vertigo, and choking in the throat and severe stitching pains in the cardiac region iberis is the remedy indi- cated. Dose, tincture iberis, gtts. xx ; aqua, iv. Mix Sig. Teaspoonful every hour. To encourage absorp- tion of plastic exudates and emboli kali mur. is the remedy. Add ten grains of the third decimal to a glass of water, and give a teaspoonful every hour. Calcarea flouride, third decimal, three tablets three times a day, is valuable in the chronic form to correct the tendency toward fibroid degeneration about the heart. When there is great difficulty of breathing, palpita- tion, rush of the blood to the head, cratsegus oxyacan- tha is indicated. Dose, ten drops tincture crataegus once in three hours. The best local application over the region of the heart in deep settled inflammation of that organ is the compound tar plaster (irritating plas- ter). Apply one already spread (Merrill's). It will start up counter irritation over the region of the heart, relieve the pain and check the progress of the disease. It has helped me many a time to make a decided im- pression on the case by relieving the most urgent symptoms. Hypertrophy of the Heart. When we realize the fact that hypertrophy or enlargement of the heart is really a chronic obstruction with nerve tension, it gives us the key to the first remedy, veratrum viride, to release the nerve tension and gradually remove the obstruc- tion of the capillaries. Give tincture veratrum, first decimal, five drops every hour for three hours and then S2 Definite Medication every three hours. You will notice less tension and a pulse which becomes more regular and stronger. When, from violent exercise, the heart has been strained, arnica third decimal is the remedy. Dose, five drops once in two hours. If caused by excessive use of tobacco cactus grandiflorus is the remedy the heart feels as if it did not have room to beat, as if held by an iron band. Dose, tincture cactus grand. 3ss, aqua iv. Mix. Sig. One teaspoonful once in two hours. When there is a feeling of great oppression in the region of the heart, palpitation, dyspnea, constricting pains and tenderness round the heart, lycopus virg. is the remedy. Add twenty drops of tincture lycopus to a glass of water and give a teaspoonful once in two hours. If from valvular insufficiency give tincture collinsonia ten drops once in four hours. If compli- cated with chronic rheumatism give wine of colchicum five drops three times a day. Dilatation of the Heart. Cratsegus is the first remedy to be thought of in dilatation of the heart. When the first sound is absent, weak or prolonged, or misplaced by a murmur, the pulse being fast, often intermittent and irregular, you should give tincture crataegus, ten drops once in three hours. When there is weakness, irregularity of beat, fluttering, palpitation, with feeling as if the heart would stop beating, phaseolus panus is the remedy. Dose, three tablets of the ninth decimal every twenty minutes until relieved. When the pulse is slow, great weakness, blueness of skin, especially of eyelids, lips, tongue and nails, pulse irregular and in- termittent, digitalis is the remedy. Give the second decimal dilution, ten drops once in two hours. Definite Medication 83 When caused by grief, worry, long drawn sighs, sobbing, ignatia is the remedy. Tincture ignatia gtts. x, aqua iv. Mix. Sig. Teaspoonful once an hour. When the right side is dilated collinsonia is indicated. Dose, tincture collinsonia five drops once in three hours. Fatty Heart. When the pulse shows a weak discour- aged feeling, loss of nerve power, give sulph. strych- nine one-thirtieth grain before each meal and at bed- time. In anemic patients, complicated with diabetes or chronic rheumatism, vanadium will increase the ap- petite and strengthen the heart's action. Dose. Three tablets of the sixth decimal three times a day. When there is a shortness of breath, pain in the right arm, with obesity, I have used saturated tincture of phy- tolacca berries (phytoline) ten drops before and after meals three times a day. I have treated patients who took on flesh so rapidly that they could hardly walk across the floor because of the difficulty in breathing thus produced. In a few days by taking the above remedy the flesh would be reduced and breathing be- come more natural. I believe it is the remedy needed for a " fatty heart." A "Heart Remedy!' I have used the following pre- scription for forty years in all heart difficulties where there was pain, palpitation and shortness of breath. It has done me good service. ^ Tr. Castor. Tr. Opium. Sulph. Ether. Spts. Turpentine. Aomat. Spts. Ammonia, a. a. ss. 84 Definite Medication Mix. Sig. One teaspoonful in one-third cup of water once in half an hour until relieved. One or two doses is generally sufficient. This remedy has helped me often in times of trouble. It is the remedy for palpita- tion of the heart. The more severe the pain in the heart the stronger is the indication for this remedy. It will relieve the pain. I was called to see a case where a man was suffering severe pain in his heart. The pain was so intense that it seemed as if he could not live very long. I diagnosed the difficulty as neuralgia of the heart. One or two doses of this medicine gave him quick relief, so much so that he left for his home in Brooklyn that night. Another similar case was a man who kept a summer hotel on Ipswich Bay, Mass. He had been treated by several physicians without re- lief. I diagnosed the case as enlargement of the heart. There was pain, palpitation and dyspnea. At times he would become unconscious. I gave him the above " heart remedy " as directed ; also collinsonia, the first decimal, three grains four times a day. This patient recovered completely and was city marshal in one of the Massachusetts cities for some time. He lived for twenty years and finally died of pneumonia. I have met with many cases of so-called " heart dis- ease " in my practice. The physicians in attendance had told the patients that they were liable to drop dead any moment. I have treated such cases and cured them. Any form of heart disease can be cured except certain forms of organic disease. Women will frequently come to me with palpitation, a little shortness of breath, a little pain in or around the heart. There is no real disease of the heart ; they Definite Medication 85 are mostly neurasthenics. The following prescription has cured very many such cases : ^ Tr. Cimicifuga. Tr. Gelsemium. Tr. Pulsatilla, a. a. gtts. xx. Aqua, gvi. Mix. Sig. Teaspoonful once in two hours. Angina Pectoris. When there is pain with tightness and constriction of the chest, tincture lobelia is the remedy. Dose, twenty drops every half hour until re- lieved. When there is violent palpitation, shaking the whole chest, severe substernal pain radiating to the neck and arms, irregular pulse with tendency to syncope, palpi- tation, worse by the least movement tincture spigelia fifteen drops in half a glass of water is the indicated remedy. Dose, teaspoonful every half hour. Cratsegus is indicated when there is sudden and ter- rible pain in the left breast, pain radiating over the heart and down the left arm, patient is despondent, fearful of death. In such cases prescribe tincture cra- tsegus fifteen drops in a wine-glass of water. Repeat the dose in half an hour. When the patient is pale, pulse small, wiry, anemia of the brain, glonoin is the indicated remedy. Dose, two J /^5o grain granules should be given once in fifteen minutes in a teaspoonful of water until the face is flushed and there is fullness of the head. My " heart remedy " is the medicine which I have depended upon in such cases (see Fatty Heart). Exophthalmic Goitre. When there is a tumultuous action of the heart, eyes prominent, dyspnea, and op- 86 Definite Medication pression of the chest lycopus virg. is the remedy. Dose, tincture lycopus virg. fifteen drops three times a day. Tincture fucus vesiculosis has cured cases of this disease. Be careful that you procure a reliable tincture. If it is a recent case give thirty drops of tincture fucus three times a day after each meal in two tablespoonfuls of water. If the case is chronic give one teaspoonful of the tincture three times a day, after each meal. Apply tincture iodine and tincture phytolacca, equal parts, locally by painting the enlarged growth night and morning. Weak Heart. The best remedies are digitalin and ferrum given in alternation as follows : Digitalin, third decimal, three tablets once in three hours ; ferrum, first decimal, three tablets once in three hours. In those cases of rapid heart failure in pneumonia and typhoid fever, prescribe caffeine, two grains, every two hours. By the use of this remedy I have restored the force and rhythm of the heart in a short time. Phaseolus nanus is also indicated in a weak heart, when the pulse is scarcely perceptible and is irregular. Give three tablets of the ninth decimal once in twenty minutes until the heart beats strongly again. Glonoin is a quick stimulant to the heart in cases of faintness, wiry pulse and pale face. Dose, two ^so grain granules in a teaspoonful of hot water once in fifteen minutes until the beat becomes strong and regular. In a " crisis " when the vitality is low and the system fails to respond to the tonic action of your remedies give two granules of glonoin %so grain once in three hours. Valvular Disease of the Heart. Calcarea flouride, third decimal is the remedy to arrest early stages of valvular Definite Medication 87 disease, and restore normal action of the valvular structures. It removes the fibroid deposit about the endocardium. Dose, fifteen grains in a glass of water and given in teaspoonful doses, of this mixture, hourly. When the patient awakes from a sound sleep, from a sense of suffocation, with a violent hard cough and difficult respiration spongia is the remedy. Dose, three tablets of the third decimal once an hour. Dyspnea. This is a very troublesome symptom. For its relief I have used the following prescription with much benefit: ^ Fl. Ext. Quebracho, i. Simple Syrup, Mix. Sig. Teaspoonful once in two hours. When there is a dry annoying cough, pulse low, weak, irregular, as found in the acute stage, naja tripu- diant is the remedy needed. Dose, three tablets, sixth decimal, once in two hours. When there is failing compensation, urine scanty, great dyspnea, pulse ir- regular, headache extending from occiput around the temple, across the forehead to the eyes, adonis vernalis is the indicated remedy. Dose, tincture adonis five drops three times a day. Crataegus should be remem- bered here when the patient is gloomy, despondent, face pale, rush of blood to the head with much dyspnea. Dose, ten drops once in ten hours. Arterio Sclerosis. Calcarea flouride, third decimal, is one of your best remedies in this condition. Three grains of this drug once in three hours. For the ob- struction in the capillaries veratrum viride is indicated. Dose, five drops of the first decimal dilution three times a day to relax the capillaries. For the weak dis- 88 Definite Medication couraged pulse, give one-thirtieth grain sulph. strych- nine before each meal and at bedtime. When there is vertigo, a tremulous feeling, the heart is enlarged, its action irregular, the pulse has a shotty feeling, with some pain in the region of the heart, iodide arsenic is the remedy. Dose, three tablets of the third decimal once in two hours. For the calcification of the arteries phosphoric acid dilute is the remedy. Dose, twenty drops in half a glass of water, teaspoonful once in three hours. Palpitation of the Heart. In nervous hysterical women, we may have palpitation and copious urina- tion. In this condition moschus is the remedy. Dose, five drops of the second decimal dilution every two hours. In palpitation which is brought on by excessive tea drinking, china is the remedy. Dose, tincture china (cinchona) twenty drops in four ounces of water; of this mixture give a teaspoonful once in two hours. In palpitation of the heart from sexual excesses phos- phoric acid is the remedy. Dose, add fifteen drops of the third decimal to a half glass of water and give a teaspoonful once in two hours. Palpitation from vio- lent emotions, grief or worry, palpitation from the slightest exertion, kali phos., third decimal, is the rem- edy needed. Dose, three tablets once in two hours. Diaphragmitis. Cactus grandiflorus is indicated when there is a feeling of constriction in the region of the diaphragm with sharp shooting pains. Add one drachm tincture cactus to four ounces of water and give a teaspoonful once in three hours. Hiccough. Magnesia phos., third decimal, is a good remedy for this condition and will cure most cases. Definite Medication 89 Place ten grains in a cup of hot water and give a tea- spoonful every few minutes until relieved. A lump of sugar wet with vinegar placed in the mouth and al- lowed to dissolve will often give relief. In one case of an old lady to whom I was called I gave one grain sulph. morphia in sixteen teaspoonfuls of water, and directed a teaspoonful of the mixture to be given every fifteen minutes until relieved. It cured her. Tincture caulophyllum, ten drops once in a half hour is a good remedy. It may be given to children with safety. CHAPTER V SPECIAL REMEDIES FOR THE STOMACH AND INTESTINAL CANAL Extract from the Preface " The eclectic remedies mentioned in this book, especially the tinctures, are Lloyd's Specific Medicines. Many years' experience has proved them to be thoroughly reliable and convenient for dispensing. " I have bought my homeopathic remedies for forty years of Boericke & Tafel, of Philadelphia, and know them to be perfectly reliable. Most of the tinctures and triturates are now put up in tablet form, a tablet representing a grain of the drug." Definite Medication 93 CHAPTER V SPECIAL REMEDIES FOR THE STOMACH AND INTESTINAL CANAL IN STOMATITIS I give ferri phos., third decimal trituration, five grains, with kali mur. third decimal trituration, five grains, in a cup of hot water. Dose, two teaspoonfuls every half hour. In aphthea I give for babies subnitrate bismuth, sec- ond decimal trituration, one grain in a little water once an hour. If the mouth and gums are tender, saliva fetid and purulent, tongue coated, and ulcers on the mucous membrane, kali mur. is indicated. Put five grains of the third decimal trituration in a glass of water and give in teaspoonful doses every half hour. Apply solution of boro-glycerine locally to the sores in the mouth. For ulcers in the mouth I have always depended upon chlorate potash, one-half drachm, and sulphate zinc, five grains in a goblet of warm water. I use this solution as a gargle and have the patient rinse out the mouth with it once an hour. In glossitis, when there is a chill, burning and tingling sensation along the dorsum of the tongue, and it is swollen, dry, and red, great dryness of the mouth, everything tastes bitter, aconite is the remedy. Add five drops specific medicine aconite to four ounces of water and give a drachm every hour. In dyspepsia when there is a lack of gastric juice, especially in old persons, with a heavy, sleepy feeling 94 Definite Medication after meals, flatulence, diarrhea alternated with con- stipation, alnus rubra is the remedy. It will increase the gastric secretion and aid digestion. Alunin, first decimal trituration, three grains one-half hour before each meal. In dyspepsia with excessive acidity in the stomach, eructations of sour fluid that sets the teeth on edge, pain in the stomach, worse when empty, and relieved by taking food, you should prescribe tincture robinia pseud., giving five drops before each meal. When after eating the mind is dull, epigastrium bloated with pressure, like a stone in the stomach, sour taste, pyrosis, tightness about the waist, the patient is obliged to loosen the clothing, nux vomica is the rem- edy indicated. Give nux vomica, third decimal tritu- ration, three tablets after each meal and at bedtime. In dyspepsia, where the indigestion is dependent upon a feeble condition of the muscles, mucous membrane and glands of the stomach, chelone glabra is the rem- edy. Give three tablets of the second decimal tritura- tion once in three hours. In indigestion with large quantity of gas in the stomach, and bowels are badly bloated, the patient feels hungry, but a few mouthfuls " fill him up," belching does not bring relief, rumbling of gas in the bowels, feels sleepy after eating. In such cases you can prescribe lycopodium with great confi- dence. Give three tablets of the third decimal tritura- tion once in two hours. Dyspepsia is our national disease. Americans eat too fast and too much, drink too much tea, that weakens the nerves and coats of the stomach. You cannot cure any form of indiges- tion if the patient will persist in tea drinking. Coffee should be cut out of the diet if it makes the patient feel sleepy or drowsy after drinking it. Definite Medication 95 Since I began the practice of medicine I have had one remedy that I depended upon more than any other, and have prescribed it for many patients in different parts of the country. I have never known it to fail to do the patient good. It is the best combination for dyspepsia. 1$ Pepsin (pure), 31. Subnitrate bismuth, 31. Tr. nux vomica, 3ss. Comp. tr. Gentian, vii. Mix. Sig. One teaspoonful after meals in a little water (shake well). In acute gastritis when there is intense thirst, dry, hot skin, great restlessness, tossing about in agony a burning thirst for large quantities of water, aconite is the remedy. Prescribe twenty drops of the third decimal dilution in a half glass of water, giving one teaspoonful every hour. When there is great irrita- bility of the stomach, patients call for cold drinks, but vomit them soon after drinking; the stomach becomes full, the tongue is coated white, a sensation of a load in the stomach, a sweetish or metallic taste in the mouth ; there is often a painless diarrhea, and frequent micturition. In this condition subnitrate of bismuth is the remedy. Give five grains of the second decimal trituration every two hours. Ice pounded up in small pieces and fed to the patient will do much to allay the fever in the stomach. In chronic gastritis argentum nitricum is the remedy when there is distress and tenderness in the epigas- trium, flatulence, and vomiting large quantities of ropy mucus. Give five tablets of the sixth decimal tritura- 96 Definite Medication tion once in two hours. In many cases of the chronic form of this disease, when the patient complains of a burning sensation in the stomach, I give Fowler's so- lution of arsenic, two drops after each meal. In stub- born cases I have had good success with the following : ^ Flu. ext. nux vomica, 3ss. Lloyd's liquid hydrastis, 3iv. Glycerine, i. Aqua, q.s., gvi. Mix. Sig. One teaspoonful before each meal and at bedtime. In gastralgia, when there are cramping pains in the stomach, tincture melilotus alba, third decimal is the remedy, half teaspoonful in half a glass of water. Give in teaspoonful doses every half hour. I have had good success with oil gaultheria, given in twenty-drop doses on sugar ; then repeat the dose in two hours if needed. When the pain is made worse by bending forward and by lying down, give sixty drops of tincture dioscorea in a wine-glass of hot water ; repeat the dose in an hour if needed. In gastric ulcer, when there is burning pain and flatulence, with vomiting, and the ulcer is near the pyloric extremity of the stomach, the third decimal trituration of nitrate uranium in three-grain doses four times a day will prove beneficial. In ulcer in the stomach when there is weight at the pit of the stom- ach, fullness and distress immediately after eating, vomiting of ropy mucus and blood (a condition often found in beer drinkers) the remedy is bi-chromate of potash, third decimal trituration, three tablets once in three hours. In gastric ulcer when the patient is Definite Medication 97 anemic and chlorotic, and the pain is below the ensi- form cartilage and extends through to the spine, ar- gentium nitricum, sixth decimal trituration, is the rem- edy. Give three tablets once in two hours. When with ulceration of the stomach the tongue has a creamy, yellowish coating, with vomiting of sour acid fluids of a substance like coffee grounds, natrum phos., third decimal trituration, is the remedy. Add ten grains to a cup of water and give a teaspoonful every hour. In hemorrhage of the stomach there is one remedy that leads all others. It is tincture geranium macula- turn. One drachm given once an hour will arrest the hemorrhage. It also relieves the pain and distress of ulceration of the stomach and has cured many cases. In catarrh of the stomach and bowels, when there is nausea day and night, with slimy discharge from the bowels, the smell of any kind of food, or the thought of it, is repulsive, nux vomica in small doses is curative. In 1882 I had the above symptoms. The usual remedies had failed. I was getting worse every day. A home- opathic pharmacist in Providence, R. I., prescribed tincture nux vomica, sixth decimal dilution, five drops once in two hours. It seemed to be the remedy needed in my case, and in a short time I was well and attend- ing to my business. Graphites is indicated where the stomach and bowels are greatly distended with gas of a putrid and rancid nature with cramping pains in the stomach that are relieved by eating. Give graphites, third decimal trit- uration, three tablets four times a day. Appendicitis. In nine cases out of ten this condition is really obstruction of the bowels or intestinal indiges- 98 Definite Medication tion. I have treated several cases that had been op- erated on for appendicitis, and the pain still remained. I treated them for intestinal indigestion and cured them. A case of cancer of the bowels came under my notice. The pain was in the left side, yet the surgeon insisted that it was a case of appendicitis. He oper- ated on the man and found the appendix healthy, but discovered that it was a case of cancer of the bowels. It has been claimed that foreign bodies, like grape, plum, and cherry seeds, cause appendicitis. How can this be when the opening in the appendix is about as large as a pin head? We find that the base of the appendix at the lower point, its body and apex directed upwards and inwards, is held in position by a fold of peritoneum. Then how can seeds twice the size of the diameter of the appendix gravitate upwards into the lumen of the appendix and cause inflammation? The appendix is a glandular body with a lubricating sub- stance to prevent any obstruction in the bowels when the contents are passing from the small intestine into the larger. The fraud practiced upon a confiding pub- lic by certain doctors will be apparent as we read and appreciate the above. In my forty years' practice I have never lost a case of appendicitis, or have I ever seen a case that required an operation. In 1900 there were 5,111 deaths from appendicitis ; almost every day we read of deaths from this condition following an operation. In appendicitis, when the bowels seem full of gas and a griping, twist- ing pain, I give tincture dioscorea, sixty drops in a wine-glass of hot water every hour until relieved. When there is soreness and tenderness of the right side, I give ferri phos,, third decimal trituration, and Definite Medication 99 kali mur., third decimal trituration, five grains of each in a goblet of hot water, giving two teaspoonfuls once in a half hour. A hot flaxseed poultice should be ap- plied over the painful part. If there seems to be some obstruction in the bowel, give an enema of one tea- spoonful of salt in a pint of warm water, or a high enema of warm olive oil. A dose of castor oil will help to clear the bowels of any feces which may be lodged therein. For the persistent vomiting which some patients have, ipecac is the remedy. Give ipecac, third decimal dilution, fifteen drops in half a glass of water, teaspoonful every half hour. In cholera morbus I have given the following rem- edy for the pain, vomiting, and purging of the bowels. I? Carb. Magnesia, Si. Arom. Spts. Ammonia, 3i. Aqua Menth. Piperita, iv. Mix. Sig. One teaspoonful once an hour until re- lieved. Apply mustard paste over the stomach and bowels ; take it off as soon as the skin is red. This remedy, as given above, will check the vomiting and discharges from the bowels. To allay any nausea or irritation I usually give after the above mixture the following: I Tr. Aconite, gtts. v. Tr. Nux Vomica, gtts. x. Aqua, gvi. Mix. Sig. Teaspoonful once an hour. I have never needed any other treatment than the above in all the years of my practice. I have seen patients so weak from the discharges that they would 100 Definite Medication fall down on the floor, too exhausted to walk to the bed. I have never lost a case from this disease or ever had to prescribe any opiates or any kind of dope. For proctitis, with a sense of fullness, burning, beat- ing, and throbbing in the rectum, I have given tincture gelsemium, tincture collinsonia, a. a. gtts. xx, aqua six ounces. Mix. Sig. One teaspoonful every half hour for two hours ; then a teaspoonful every hour. These two remedies have an especial affinity for the rectum, and will do what no other remedies will do in the above condition. In proctalgia, with smarting pains in the rectum after stool, fissures at the anal orifice, pains in the rec- tum as if being torn, a feeling as if a sharp stick was in the rectum, give nitric acid, third decimal dilution, fifteen drops in half a glass of water. Teaspoonful once in two hours. In dysentery I have been in the habit of prescribing: ^ Tincture Aconite, gtts. x. Sulph. Magnesia, grs. x. Aqua, vi. Mix. Sig. Teaspoonful every hour. If the stools have considerable blood in them I add ten drops tincture ipecac to the prescription. The above has been my treatment for acute dysentery, and it has always been successful. In dysentery of old persons, when the stools are scanty and contain blood and mucus, with severe te- nesmus and a low type of fever, I give tincture bap- tisia, gtts. xx. Aqua, four ounces. Mix. Sig. Tea- spoonful once an hour. In diarrhea where the discharges smell sour I give Definite Medication 101 syr. rhei., half a teaspoonful once in two hours. In diarrhea, when the stools are profuse, very offensive, worse in the morning, and prolapse of the anus, podo- phyllum peltatum is the remedy. Put twenty drops of the sixth decimal dilution in half a glass of water, and direct your patient to take a teaspoonful once in two hours. I have cured some bad cases presenting these symptoms with this remedy. In chronic diarrhea, with dirty, watery discharges and colicky pains, tincture epilobium augustifolium is the remedy, ten drops once in three hours. In prolapsus ani give three drops tincture aesculus hippo, before each meal and at bedtime. Make an ointment of one drachm ext. hamamelis virg. to an ounce of vaseline, and apply to the anus three times a day. For fissure of the anus, where there is severe pain after each stool, with burning and tenesmus that lasts for some time, I prescribe tincture krameria, third decimal dilution, fifteen drops in half a glass of water, and order the patient to take a teaspoonful once in two hours. When in fissure of the anus there is itching and biting in the anus, fissures and ulcers are purple in color and covered with crusts, give ten drops tinc- ture paeonia officinalis three times a day. As a local application for the fissure I like an ointment made by adding salicylic acid, grains xx to one ounce of vase- line. Mix and apply three times a day. In hemorrhoids where there is dryness and heat in the rectum, and it feels as if it were filled with sticks, knife-like pains shoot up the rectum, severe dull back- ache in lumbo-sacral region, tincture aesculus hippo, is the remedy. Give it in three-drop doses once in two 102 Definite Medication hours. When there is constipation alternating with diarrhea, bleeding from the hemorrhoids, great flatu- lence, sensation of a foreign body in the rectum, it feels as if it were full of sand, collinsonia is the indicated remedy. Put ten drops of collinsonia in half a glass of water and give a teaspoonful every two hours. In bleeding hemorrhoids, when the anus has a bruised, sore feeling, the tumors bleed profusely, with soreness, fullness, heaviness, back feels as if it would break off, hemorrhoids of a blue color, anus feels sore and raw, tincture hamamelis should be selected. Give it in five- drop doses three times a day. Each of the above rem- edies is claimed by some writers to be a cure for hem- orrhoids, but the reader must keep in mind the definite indications of each remedy to be able to prescribe in- telligently and successfully. Where the parts are sore and sensitive, I apply the following ointment : ^ Ext. Conium, grs. x. Tannic Acid, grs. xii. Morphine, grs. iv. Vaseline, i. Mix. Sig. Apply to the parts night and morning. Black molasses may be applied on absorbent cotton and pressed up against the anus. Let it remain there, after first anointing the hemorrhoids with the molasses and pushing them up into the rectum. Do this after each movement of the bowels. This is a simple rem- edy, but with it I have cured many cases of hemor- rhoids. Cholera Asiatica. An alcoholic bath is a good pro- phylactic to this disease, also tincture camphor in Definite Medication 103 three-drop doses night and morning. For the diarrhea in the first stage give phosphoric acid, third decimal dilution. Add fifteen drops to half a glass of water and give a teaspoonful every half hour. In the fol- lowing stage of the cholera where there are spasms of pain in the calves of the legs and painless diarrhea you should give five drops of tincture camphor in a wine- glass of hot water with a little brandy every fifteen minutes until the patient gets warmed up and begins to perspire. This perspiration should be kept up for eight or ten hours. If there is headache add twenty drops of the third decimal dilution of tincture bella- donna to a glass of water and give a teaspoonful every half hour. In the second stage, plenty of ice-cold water should be given to the patient. In the second stage when the cramps are in the lower extremeties, vera- trum alba is the remedy. Put twenty drops of the first decimal dilution in half a glass of water and give a teaspoonful every half hour. In the second stage, when the cramps are in the bowels and breast, cuprum metalicum is the remedy, giving three grains of the third decimal trituration every hour. In the stage of collapse, with rapid sinking of the vital force, cold sweat on the forehead, face pale blue, features sunken, whole body icy cold, veratrum alba is the remedy in- dicated and should be given in the same doses as specified above. Cholera Infantum. In this disease when there is vom- iting of undigested food, the food passes from the bowels undigested, stools sour, small, frequent and bloody, cuphea viscosissima is the remedy. Give five drops of the tincture cuphea every hour. If in cholera infantum there is sudden and profuse vomiting, first 104 Definite Medication the contents of the stomach, then like rice water, pain- ful cramps and watery diarrhea with faintness, euphor- bia corollata is the remedy. Add ten drops tincture euphorbia to a glass of water and order a teaspoonful to be given every hour. In this disease, when the child lies quiet, appears drowsy, there is tenesmus and slimy discharges streaked with blood, ferrum phos. 3x, is the remedy. My little girl was near death's door with this disease; nothing would stay on her stomach until we gave her some tomato soup, which she re- tained. This was the turning point in her case, as from that hour she began to recover. I have known of other cases where the tomato soup has made a change for the better. Peritonitis. When there is a quick, bounding pulse, high fever, extreme restlessness, fear of death, sharp cutting pains in the whole abdomen, which is dis- tended and sensitive, aconite is the remedy and the best results are obtained from the third decimal dilu- tion. Twenty drops in half a glass of water, giving one teaspoonful every half hour. Apply over the ab- domen a bag of hops and wormwood wet in hot vine- gar, and change every half hour. Some writers tell us that the pulse of aconite is " small and quick " ; this is a mistake. The pulse indicating aconite is a full bounding pulse. In my study of materia medica I do not take any man's " say so " for what a remedy will do. I test it in my own way and form my own con- clusions from such testing. In many cases I have tested the remedies on myself in health and carefully noted the symptoms. In this way I have obtained the true effect upon the human system and therefore can judge what the remedy will do in diseased conditions. Definite Medication 105 Puerperal Peritonitis. Here I like tincture gelsemium and cimicifuga, twenty drops of each in a glass of water. I order a teaspoonful of this to be given every half hour and apply hops and wormwood steeped in vinegar over the abdomen ; this application is to be changed every half hour. One of the worst cases I ever had was years ago in New Hampshire, in the winter, when the thermometer registered thirty de- grees below zero. I had attended a lady in confine- ment and left her in good condition. During the next day she got out of bed and went and stood in the open door and talked with a neighbor until she was thor- oughly chilled ; her lochia stopped, and she bloated up as big as a woman at nine months. A messenger was sent for me about dark. When I arrived at the house I found a well-developed case of puerperal peritonitis, a good case for the undertaker. I began treating the patient with remedies given above. I had a lady to assist me in keeping the bags of hops and wormwood hot, and changed them every fifteen minutes. It was a hard fight, but we won, and before morning the patient was out of danger and she got well. In a case of acute general peritonitis in a lady fifty- six years old a hard-working woman without much vitality to depend upon I was at my " wits end " to know just what to do, for the text-books my allo- pathic, homeopathic, and eclectic works on practice told me that the prognosis was bad, " invariably fatal within a week." That was encouraging to a doctor who had his reputation to make in a community. I just reasoned it out like this. " Here is a case of in- flammation, now why not treat it as such and cure it? " My biochemical practice taught me how to do it. I 106 Definite Medication put five grains ferri phos., third decimal trituration, and five grains kali mur. third decimal trituration, in a cup of hot water, and gave one teaspoonful once in fifteen minutes for an hour, then every half hour. The hops and wormwood were applied as noted above. I made up my mind to " fight it out on that line." In twenty-four hours I knew I was master of the disease and the patient recovered, although the doctors near by said she " must die." There will be times when your text-books will tell you that a certain diseased condition is " incurable," but don't let that discourage you; follow up your in- vestigations until you find a reme'dy that will cure your patient. One cure of such a case will establish your reputation in a community. The world loves a man who can do things, but has no use for a man who folds his hands and says it " can't be done." Many a time I have taken cases and cured them when the ver- dict of " death " had been given out by some of my brother physicians, but I would not give up the fight as long as there was any life in them. We should re- member that in some of the greatest battles of the world's history, victory has been snatched from appar- ent defeat by the general who would not be conquered. In a case of muco-enteritis I was consulted by a physician who wished to know what could be done for the patient. She complained of a severe abdominal pain that drove her nearly frantic, with a muco-fecu- lent discharge. I advised bi-chromate potash, third decimal trituration, two grains once in two hours. Under this treatment the patient got well. Constipation. Persons who sit a good deal, do not exercise sufficiently, and, though there is frequent de- Definite Medication 107 sire to have a movement of the bowels, pass only a small amount each time, will obtain good results from the use of nux vomica. Give three tablets of the third decimal trituration of the nux after each meal and at bedtime. In constipation where there is no desire for stool, bowels are inactive, the stools large, hard and dry, as if burnt, tincture bryonia is the remedy. Give three drops three times a day. If in constipation the stools are difficult of expulsion and straining causes flow of blood, leaves fissure and soreness of the anus, the natrum muriate will prove effectual. Give five grains of the second decimal trituration three times a day. In some cases I have had good results from tincture hydrastis, five drops before breakfast, espe- cially in patients who lead a sedentary life or have been dosed with all kinds of pills. When in constipa- tion there is a grayish-white coated tongue, light- colored stools, a torpid liver, and protruding eyeballs kali mur. will be found useful. Prescribe ten grains of the sixth decimal trituration at bedtime. The drink- ing of a glass of cold water the first thing in the morn- ing will help to overcome the constipation. Again, put wheat bran in the oven ; roast it as brown as you would coffee. Then mix with equal parts of sugar. Take three teaspoonfuls of this mixture in milk at breakfast time with your other food. It is one of the best things we have to overcome the constipation. Intestinal Hemorrhage. In the treatment of this affec- tion I have always depended upon five grains of char- coal once in three hours in capsules. Tincture ipecac, five drops once an hour is a good remedy, also ferri phos., third decimal trituration, should not be for- gotten. 108 Definite Medication Lead Colic. I practiced several years in a town where there were many men employed as painters in carriage manufactories. As a result I used to average about twenty-five cases of painter's colic a year. It is cus- tomary to dose such cases with morphine, but I never used it. The treatment which I depended upon was the " White Liquid Physic " of the older eclectics, made as follows: I Sulph. Magnesia, xi. Nitrate Potash, ss. Sulphuric Acid, 3i. Boiling Water, Oii. Mix. Sig. Tablespoonful once in three hours until it moves the bowels freely. After a free evacuation of the bowels give it in smaller doses. A careful study of the above prescription will con- vince the reader that it is about as near a perfect anti- dote for the lead poisoning as could be prepared. In the treatment of my cases I had them back at work in the shop in a few days, while under the old plan of treatment the men were sick for several weeks. In lead paralysis iodide of potash is the remedy, five grains three times a day. Colic. In this affection there are certain remedies that can be depended upon. Each remedy has a clear cut indication and the reader should study each case carefully and adapt the remedy to it that is indicated. Dioscorea is the remedy for wind colic. The more gas there is in the bowels the stronger the indication for the remedy. When the pain is aggravated by bending forward, relieved by standing erect or bending "back- Definite Medication 109 ward, and is of a griping, twisting nature, as if the bowels were grasped by the hand and twisted, the dioscorea will give prompt relief. Give sixty drops of tincture dioscorea in a wine-glass of hot water every half hour until relieved. This is one of the most val- uable remedies which has been handed down to us by the fathers of the Eclectic School of Medicine. When in colic the pain is agonizing, causing the pa- tient to bend double, or to press something hard against the abdomen the patient leans over chairs, the table, bed, or anything hard to get relief colo- cynth is the remedy. Give tincture colocynth five drops in four ounces of aqua, having the patient take a teaspoonful of this mixture every fifteen minutes until relieved. In colic with cramping pains relieved by heat, there is a belching of gas which does not lessen the pain, phosphate of magnesia will prove useful. Add five grains of the third decimal trituration to a half cup of hot water and feed the patient a teaspoonful every few minutes until relieved. It is the remedy for the above group of symptoms. Enteritis. In the first stages of enteritis with fever, high temperature, tenderness of abdomen, chilliness, vomiting, ferri phos. is the remedy. Place five grains of the third decimal trituration in a cup of hot water, and give a teaspoonful every fifteen minutes for an hour ; then once in half an hour. Apply flaxseed poul- tice wet with warm saleratus water, one teaspoonful of saleratus to the pint of warm water, over the bowels. In the second stage, when the tongue is white, abdo- men hard and swollen, with constipation, kali mur. is the remedy. Add five grains of the third decimal trit- 110 Definite Medication uration to a cup of hot water and give two teaspoon- fuls every half hour. Dropsy. In dropsy where the feet only are swollen the heart is at fault ; if the bloating is only in the ab- domen it is the liver that is affected ; if there is a gen- eral swelling the trouble is located in the kidney. In dropsy, where the urine is scanty and dark col- ored, the skin is distended and glistening, circulation slow, constipation, a sensation of sinking at the stom- ach, great thirst, but water disagrees, causes pain and vomiting, puffiness of the face and under the eyes, apocynum cannabinum is the remedy. The decoction of the remedy as prepared by Boericke & Tafel, of Philadelphia, will produce the best results. Dose from one to three drachms every four hours. As much as two quarts of urine will be passed in twenty-four hours. In dropsy cardiac, when the patient cannot lie down, is obliged to sit up, jugular veins distended, face livid, with loose cough, pulse weak, feels as if the heart would stop beating, digitalis is the remedy. When I give this drug in dropsy I begin with three drops tinc- ture digitalis and increase one drop a day up to ten drops, the doses being once in four hours. With each dose of digitalis I give a solution of cream of tartar, about ten grains in a wine-glass of water. I find I get better results from it in this way. In dropsy, when the heart is weak and unable to carry the circulation of the blood, there may be an effusion of liquid there is soreness in the uterus and palpitation of the heart, you should think of conval- laria. Give tincture convallaria two drachms, aqua Definite Medication 111 six ounces. Mix. Sig. Teaspoonful once in two hours. In cardiac dropsy with anasarca, urine scanty, great dyspnea, pulse irregular, headaches, pain extending from occiput around the temples to the eyes and across the front, give five drops of tincture adonis in a little water three times a day. In stubborn cases of dropsy I have found the following an old standby : 1^ Elaterin, grs. i. Jalap, grs. xx. Squills, grs. xx. Mix. Make twenty pills. Sig. One pill every four hours. In eight hours the water will start to flow; in two days it flows freely. Strychnine, one-thirtieth grain, should be given once in three hours to prevent collapse. Worms. In worms of children I have always de- pended upon the following; it does the work every time : ^ Santonin, grs. x. Podophyllin, grs. ii. Sacch. Alba., grs. xxx. Mix. Divide into chart. No. 20. Sig. One pow- der night and morning until the bowels move freely, then stop. Every mother who has children likes " worm pow- ders " in the house. Then when the children are white round the mouth, pick their nose, have bad breath, these powders will carry off the worms. For tapeworm the remedies are legion, but the old 112 Definite Medication remedy, aromatic sulphuric acid, is my standby. Put a teaspoonful in a wine-glass of sweetened water and drink at once. Take three such doses in twenty-four hours. It will bring worms. CHAPTER VI SPECIAL REMEDIES FOR THE LIVER, SPLEEN, GALL BLADDER AND MALARIA Extract from the Preface " The eclectic remedies mentioned in this book, especially the tinctures, are Lloyd's Specific Medicines. Many years' experience has proved them to be thoroughly reliable and convenient for dispensing. " I have bought my homeopathic remedies for forty years of Boericke & Tafel, of Philadelphia, and know them to be perfectly reliable. Most of the tinctures and triturates are now put up in tablet form, a tablet representing a grain of the drug." Definite Medication 115 CHAPTER VI SPECIAL REMEDIES FOR THE LIVER, SPLEEN, GALL BLADDER AND MALARIA HEPATITIS. In the first stage of hepatitis, ferri phos., third decimal, is the remedy. Dose, add ten grains to a goblet of hot water and give a teaspoonful every hour. If the pulse is hard and tense give veratrum viride. Add ten drops tinc- ture veratrum to a cup of water and give teaspoonful doses hourly. If there is vomiting of bile, bitter taste in the mouth, tongue coated dirty yellow, soreness and sharp sticking pains in the liver, natrum sulph., sixth decimal, is the remedy. Place ten grains in a cup of hot water and give a teaspoonful of this mixture every hour. If there is a white tongue, burning and stitch- ing pain, worse from motion, bloating of the stomach and abdomen, constipation, great thirst, you should give bryonia. Dose, add ten drops tincture bryonia to four ounces of water and give in teaspoonful doses every hour. If symptoms of abscess of the liver ap- pear with beating and throbbing give hepar sulph., third decimal trituration, three tablets every two hours. A mustard paste applied over the region of the liver will give great relief from the pain. Cirrhosis of the Liver, In cirrhosis of the liver when this organ is hard like leather euonymin is the remedy. Dose, one grain night and morning. If there is pain in right side, cramp-like pains in the abdomen, consti- pation, clay colored stools, tincture chionanthus is the 116 Definite Medication indicated remedy. Dose, ten drops tincture chionan- thus virg. three times a day. If indigestion is a prom- inent symptom, give tincture nux vomica, third deci- mal dilution, five drop doses three times a day before meals. If there is obstinate constipation, with white tongue, and dry, hard stools give tincture bryonia, five drops, three times a day. Enlargement of the Liver. In enlargement of the liver when the enlargement is in the transverse measure- ment, and when there is uneasiness, nausea, stitching pains in the left lobe of the liver, with inflation of the abdomen, tincture carduus marianus is the remedy. Dose, five drops three times a day. If the enlarge- ment of the liver is perpendicular, reaching towards the nipple of the right side, with a constant pain under the lower and inner angle of the right scapula, consti- pation the feces being hard, round balls, like sheep's dung, yellow gray color of the skin, if there is diarrhea it is of a yellowish color and worse at night. With the above symptoms chelidonium is the remedy. Dose, tincture chelidonium ten drops three times a day. When indicated this remedy will reduce the size of the liver. When in the enlargement of the liver there is aching and heaviness in the liver, worse when lying on the left side Ptelea trifoliata is indicated. Dose, tincture ptelea ten drops in a half glass of water; of this mix- ture give a teaspoonful every two hours. In enlarge- ment of the liver when the tumor seems to lie between the liver and the navel, showing that the left lobe is affected chelone glabra is needed. Dose, tincture che- lone five drops every four hours. Splenitis. In splenitis when there is pain in the Definite Medication 117 whole left side, enlargement of the spleen, extreme dyspnea at times, must fight for air, tincture ceanothus americanus is the remedy. Dose, five drops once in three hours. Enlargement of the Spleen. In enlargement of the spleen when there is a brown eruption on the sternal portion of the thorax, with palpitation of the heart, with nausea, uneasiness in and distention of the ab- domen tincture carduus marianus is the remedy. Dose, tincture carduus five drops once in three hours. When given as indicated it will reduce the size of the spleen. Enlarged spleen with enfeebled circulation, the parts non-elastic, sodden, doughy, tincture polymnia uveda- lia is the remedy. Dose, ten drops of the tincture three times a day. It may be used locally with good effect. The polymnia ungent (Lloyd's) rubbed well into the swelling and apply heat at the same time. Do this night and morning. Gallstone Colic. In gallstone colic I like the tincture hydrastis, giving ten drops every half hour in a wine- glass of hot water. It has relieved these patients when other remedies failed. To get rid of the gall stones, take one grain of podophyllin at night, and in the morning take three ounces of olive oil. It will gener- ally bring them away. When with the gall stones there is a yellow skin, constipated bowels, liver enlarged, bad taste in the mouth, dark spots before the eyes, give euonymin, third decimal trituration, five grains once in two hours. It will bring away the gall stones. In gall stones where there is pain of an acute or dull character in the hepatic region with tenderness of the liver, yellowish 118 Definite Medication skin, bile in the urine, stools bright yellow or clay colored, and pain under the right shoulder blade, tinc- ture chelidonium majus is the indicated drug. Dose, ten drops every half hour until relieved. To prevent the formation of gall stones, I like the Syrup juglands cinerea (green bark). Dose, one tea- spoonful three times a day ; give enough of it to keep the bowels loose. The above syrup is prepared by C. T. Bedford, Indianapolis, Ind., and I believe it is the best remedy we have to cure the gall stone habit. Jaundice. In jaundice with severe right-sided pain, yellow skin, stools clay colored, urine loaded with bile, chelidonium is the remedy. Dose, tincture chelido- nium ten drops three times a day. When there is dis- tress in the right side of the abdomen, cramp-like pains in the abdomen, constipation, stools clay-colored, urine dark, chionanthus virg. is the remedy, given in ten drop doses three times a day. In jaundice, with pain in the right hypochondria, liver feels enlarged, hard and sensitive to the touch, skin and sclerotic coat of the eye yellow, stools light, urine dark, you can give with good results, the second decimal trituration of china, prescribing three tablets once in three hours. In the condition known as catarrhal jaundice, with yellow skin and itching sensation, fullness in the stomach and abdomen, scanty yellow frothy urine, loose, mushy clay-colored stools, especially in new-born babies, my- rica cerifera, third decimal trituration is the remedy. Dose, two grains on the baby's tongue twice a day. When I came to New Jersey twenty-seven years ago from Massachusetts, I lived in the State about two years before I got saturated with the " Jersey malaria." Then I went to sleep over my meals, my legs felt stiff Definite Medication 119 like blocks of wood, I had a bad taste in my mouth, I had " that tired feeling " all the time. I prepared a remedy that just " Hit the bull's eye." It was the fol- lowing : ^ Fluid Hydrastis (Lloyd's), giii. Fowler's Solution Arsenic, 3ii. Elixir Calisaya q. s., %vm. Mix. Sig. Half teaspoonful after each meal. I have prescribed the above remedy in hundreds of cases of malaria and it has never failed to cure. I have sent the remedy to patients in several States in the Union and always with good results. In ague (intermittent fever) in the "cold stage " I like the action of the following prescription : I Tr. prickly ash berries. Tr. Serpentaria, a. a. gtts. xx. Tr. Capsicum, gtts. v. Mix. Sig. Give this as one dose in a wine-glass of hot water every half hour until warm. Place the feet in hot water. In the hot stage I put twenty drops of tincture gelsemium into six ounces of water and give a teaspoonful of the mixture every hour. As an anti- periodic I like the " blue powder " of the old Eclectics, the formula for one powder being, sulph. quinine, two grains, prussiate iron three grains, capsicum one- fourth grain. Give one of these powders every hour between the chills. For children I like the arsenate quinia, third decimal trituration, and give two grains three times a day. In some cases quinine will fail or the patient cannot take it in any form. Then we may use boletus laricis second decimal, giving two grains 120 Definite Medication once in two hours to break up the chills. Many cases where quinine has been tried and failed to break up the chills, may be cured by grindelia squarrosa. When there is a heavy dull headache, obstinate con- stipation, pain in region of the liver, burning pain un- der right scapula, tongue dirty brown, skin yellow, cough with frothy sputa, and scanty high colored urine, grindelia squarrosa is the remedy. Add one ounce of Fl. Ext. grindelia to five ounces of Syr. of orange and give a teaspoonful of this mixture four times a day. It is the remedy to be thought of when other remedies fail. CHAPTER VII SPECIAL REMEDIES FOR THE BLADDER, KIDNEYS AND PROSTATE GLAND Extract from the Preface " The eclectic remedies mentioned in this book, especially the tinctures, are Lloyd's Specific Medicines. Many years' experience has proved them to be thoroughly reliable and convenient for dispensing. " I have bought my homeopathic remedies for forty years of Boericke & Tafel, of Philadelphia, and know them to be perfectly reliable. Most of the tinctures and triturates are now put up in tablet form, a tablet representing a grain of the drug." Definite Medication 123 CHAPTER VII SPECIAL REMEDIES FOR THE BLADDER, KIDNEYS AND PROSTATE GLANDS I N CYSTITIS it has been my practice to begin the treatment with the following prescription: ^ Tr. Aconite, gtts. x. Tr. Gelsemium, 3ss. Spts. Niter Dulce, i. Aqua, q. s. ad |vi. Mix. Sig. Teaspoonful once an hour. Cystitis. In cystitis when the urine passes only a few drops at a time, with constant urging to urinate and cutting pains in the urethra, tincture cantharis is the remedy. Dose, add twenty drops of the third decimal dilution to half a glass of water, and give a teaspoonful of this mixture every hour. In an irritable bladder where there is a constant de- sire to urinate and only a small amount can be passed camphor is the needed remedy. Dose, five drops of tincture camphor in a wine-glass of warm water every hour. In partial paralysis of the bladder in old women where there is a constant dribbling of the urine which cannot be controlled you should prescribe one-fourth grain ext. nux vomica three times a day. In the " leaky " bladder of old men, who cannot hold the urine but it dribbles on to their clothes, and there is a constant desire to urinate which the act does not re- lieve, tincture equisetum is the remedy. Dose, tine- 124 Definite Medication ture equisetum, ten drops in half a wine-glass of water every two hours. Suppression of the Urine. In suppression of the urine, when the patient cannot pass any urine, I always ap- ply an onion poultice over the bladder and add twenty drops of tincture apis mel in a glass of water of which the patient takes a teaspoonful every hour. Position to aid in the passing urine. First lay face down then slowly rise up on all fours, when it is much easier to pass the urine. The above treatment will prove suc- cessful. During my practice in Vermont, I was called in con- sultation to see a man who had an old stricture from gonorrhea. He worked on a farm and got cold in the rain. The attempt to pass urine was unsuccessful and he swallowed a tablespoonful of spts. turpentine which caused a hemorrhage from the bowels but did not start the urine. The attending physician had tried catheters of different kinds and sizes, also all the rem- edies he could think of before I arrived. I rang the changes on all the remedies I thought indicated, also warm baths, relaxation by lobelia, etc., but he gradu- ally grew worse until uremic convulsions set in. I borrowed the hypodermic syringe of the doctor with me and passed the needle perpendicularly down into the bladder, attached the syringe and began to pump the water out of the bladder. In a few minutes the patient turned over on his side and went to sleep. In an hour he woke and passed a large quantity of urine. Such a case a doctor may not see once in a lifetime. It was a desperate case but desperate cases demand desperate remedies. In the above case quick action saved the man's life. Definite Medication 125 Chronic Cystitis. In chronic cystitis when there is itching the whole length of the urethra, burning and scalding of urine with constant urging to urinate, and the passing of a bloody, ropy mucus, tincture chim- aphila umbelata is the remedy. Dose, ten drops in a little water once in two hours. There is one prescrip- tion which has enabled me to cure many obstinate cases ; it is : ^ Gelsemin, gr. one-sixteenth. Hamamelin, gr. one-eighth. Populin, gr. one-half. Mix. This amount makes one tablet or pill. One of these is to be given once in three hours. I have never used this prescription without benefit to my patients. In a case of cancer of the bladder which I saw in New Haven, Conn., where tenesmus of the bladder was an obstinate and distressing symptom, I put terebin- thina, third decimal dilution, twenty drops in half a glass of water and gave a teaspoonful once in half an hour. It gave relief where all other remedies had failed. For uremic convulsions do not forget cuprum arsenicum. Dose, two grains every half hour of the third decimal trituration. Gravel. In gravel in women I like thlaspi bursa pastorins, when there is frequent desire to urinate with a heavy brickdust, phosphate sediment ; you will often find such cases complicated with ascites and menor- rhagia in women. Give the third decimal dilution of the above remedy, in such cases and you will be pleased with the results. Dose, ten drops once in two hours. When the urine contains an excess of uric acid, and 126 Definite Medication there is pus and bloody mucus, also dysuria and te- nesmus, tincture epigea repens is the remedy to be prescribed. Dose, twenty drops once in two hours. Calculus in the Bladder. For calculus in the bladder the best remedy is Boro Citrate Magnesia. Dissolve fifteen grains in one ounce of simple syrup and give a tablespoonful once a day. Acute Prostatitis. Several years ago I was called to Maine in consultation with two other physicians. The patient was a man sixty-three years old. Upon mak- ing an examination I found the prostate gland en- larged, tender and painful ; there was a feeling as if he was sitting on a ball. The catheter had to be used whenever he desired to urinate. I suggested the fol- lowing treatment : I Tr. Staphisagria, gtts. xxx. Aqua, iv. Mix. Sig. Teaspoonful once in two hours. also ^ Tr. Gelsemium, gtts. xx. Aqua, Jvi. Mix. Sig. Teaspoonful every hour. I had a compress applied wet with warm water and muriate of ammonia (a drachm of ammonia dissolved in six ounces of water) and kept in constant contact with the inflamed gland. The patient was to drink freely of flaxseed tea to render the urine bland and non-irritating. Under the above treatment the patient recovered and lived for twenty years afterwards. Many elderly men die from such conditions for the want of proper treatment. Chronic Prostatitis. In chronic prostatitis when Definite Medication 127 there is enlargement of the gland, throbbing, aching, dull pain in the gland, difficult and painful urination, tincture sabal serrulata will prove beneficial. Dose, ten drops in a wine-glass of water once in three hours. In prostatitis when there is a feeling of dryness and heat in the gland and the parts feel as if they were full of sticks, or of shooting, knife-like pains up the rectum pain so severe that the patient groans, you should prescribe tincture sesculus hippo. Dose, add thirty drops aesculus hippo, to four ounces of water. Of this mixture have your patient take a teaspoonful once in two hours. In prostatitis of old men, where there is a dribbling of the semen and prostatic fluid, with loss of sexual power, the sixth decimal trituration of selenium is the remedy. Dose, five grains night and morning. Haematuria, In haematuria when the urine is mixed with dark, black blood, sediment like coffee grounds, violent, burning drawing in the kidney and bladder, terebinthina is the drug needed. Dose, place twenty drops of the third decimal dilution in half a glass of water and give a teaspoonful of the mixture every half hour. In haematuria with bright, red blood the third deci- mal trituration of ferri phos. may be used. Add five grains to a cup of hot water and. give of this mixture two teaspoonfuls every fifteen minutes until bleeding is checked. Haematuria with considerable arterial ex- citement with calculus in the bladder demands tincture lycopus virg. Dose, ten drops in wine-glass of water once in two hours. Diabetes. Lactic acid is indicated in this condition when there is great thirst and voracious hunger, pro- 128 Definite Medication fuse urine loaded with sugar, with rheumatic pains in the joints. Dose, one teaspoonful in a glass of water three times a day. Chionanthus is indicated in diabetes when the liver is involved, with pain in the right hypochrondrium, cramp-like pains in the abdomen, headache in the fore- head over the eyes, and clay-colored stools. Prescribe it as follows : ^ Tr. Chionanthus, 3i. Aqua, giv. Mix. Sig. Teaspoonful once in two hours. In some forms of diabetes there is a drain upon the nervous system and as a result we have a weakened nerve power. Phosphoric acid is the needed remedy when there is great physical weakness, indifference to living, emaciation, debility, pain in the top of the head, large quantity of clear urine passing at night. In cases with these symptoms give third decimal dilution of phosphoric acid. Dose, twenty drops in a glass of water, teaspoonful of this mixture once in two hours. In diabetes with ulcers, the patient passing large quantity of urine, you should remember tincture syzy- gium jambol. Dose, three drops three times a day. Nitrate uranium, third decimal trituration, is indicated in diabetes mellitus when there are symptoms of dys- pepsia present. Dose, three tablets once in three hours. In diabetes with great thirst, passing large quantities of urine like spring water I have obtained good results from lycopus virg. Dose, add one ounce of the herb to one pint of hot water, make an infusion and give a tablespoonful four times a day. Definite Medication 129 Spermatorrhea. In spermatorrhea when there is gen- eral debility and seminal emissions without erections eryngium aquaticum is the remedy. Dose, two grains of the third decimal trituration three times a day. When with the nocturnal emissions we have dark rings round the eyes, headache, incapacity for mental work, lupulin is the remedy needed. Dose, two grains of the first decimal trituration three times a day. In seminal emissions with lustful dreams, weak knees, cold genitals and great despondency tincture dioscorea is needed. Dose, add twenty drops of dios- corea to a half glass of water and give the patient a teaspoonful of this mixture every two hours. In ob- stinate cases of spermatorrhea I have made fine cures by using this prescription : I> Sulph. Strychnine, gr. one-thirtieth. Gelsemin, gr. one-sixteenth. Mix. Sig. Give one pill, this size, at bedtime. I recall one case which came to me ; a man seventy years old, married, who had been a victim of self-abuse for years ; about three months before I saw him he had a shock of paralysis. I found a hard tense pulse, ver- tigo, cold hands and feet ; he had good use of arms and hands. I gave him small doses of veratrum to relieve the nerve tension and equalize the circulation, also kali phos., three tablets of the third decimal trituration once in two hours, to strengthen his nerves. I had to lec- ture him about the habit of self-abuse. He improved very much but died about two years later; the cause of his death I cannot tell as I did not learn any par- ticulars. 130 Definite Medication "Kidney Complaint." " Kidney complaint " as it is called and in the form we meet with in every day prac- tice calls for one of three remedies, and the better we understand the indications for these remedies the more successful will we be in the treatment of such cases. When a patient complains of a bruised pain with stiffness and lameness across the small of the back, rises from his seat with difficulty, back aches worse when sitting or lying, a feeling of painful pressing in the region of the kidneys which extends to the bladder and urethra, berberis vulgaris is the remedy indicated. Dose, place twenty drops of the tincture into a cup of water and direct the patient to take a tablespoonful of it once in two hours. Another patient may have dark brown urine the color of French brandy, it has a strong urinous odor, the clothing smells of the urine. The odor is horrible at the time of passing and afterwards, but leaves no deposit in the vessel. These symptoms indicate the use of benzoic acid. Dose, add twenty drops of the third decimal dilution to half a glass of water and give your patient a tablespoonful of the preparation once in two hours. Again we will find cases where the patient has more strangury than those which call for the berberis vulg., the urine is brownish black or smoky in appearance, showing an admixture of blood ; there may be burning and smarting in passing the urine. These symptoms indicate the need of terebinthina. Dose, twenty drops of the third decimal dilution in a glass of water; tea- spoonful every two hours. Acute Bright 's Disease. Let us not be frightened by the name but think of it as a case of inflammation, and Definite Medication 131 treat it as such. In these cases we have something more than a simple inflammation. The constant drain upon the system from the kidneys has caused a weak- ened vitality and an enfeebled nerve power. This should give us the key to the situation. Where there is frequent and scanty urination, burning and scalding in the urinary tract, heavy dull aching pains in region of the kidneys, one remedy presents itself to our minds, viz. : tincture triticum repens. Dose, ten drops once in three hours. When there is constant desire to urinate, urging be- fore and after urination, only a few drops pass at a time, cantharis is the remedy. Dose, five drops, third decimal dilution, once in two hours. To strengthen the kidney structure by relieving it of the destructive changes going on in this organ, kali mur., third deci- mal, is the remedy. Dose, place ten grains in a glass of water and prescribe a teaspoonful every two hours. A medicated bath will prove a useful adjunct in the treatment of these cases. Epsom salts is the best salt that we can use. Add one ounce of the salt to a pint of water or one pound of the salt to the usual amount of water for a tub bath. The patients should bathe themselves all over with this liquid. It opens the pores of the skin, neutralizes the toxins on the surface of the body, soothes the tired nerves and helps the patients to get a good night's sleep. A bath of this kind should be taken three times a week in chronic dis- eases, every night or twice in twenty-four hours in acute diseases. The patient should be directed to scrub the surface of the body thoroughly to remove all of the gummy sticky substance on the skin, leaving it smooth as velvet. I have used this bath for my pa- 132 Definite Medication tients for several years and never without benefit to them. The idea of the Epsom salt bath comes from Dr. William Burgess, of Chattanooga, Tenn. The profession owes this physician a great debt of grati- tude for his discovery. Let us give honor to whom honor is due. The weakness of the nervous system calls for kali phos., third decimal. Dose, three tablets once in two hours. The more albumin there is in the urine the stronger the indication for calcarea phos. This drug supplies the deficiency of the lime and arrests the dis- charge of albumin. Use the sixth decimal trituration. Dose, three tablets once in two hours. These two remedies are especially indicated in this diseased con- dition and may be given in alternation. Pain in the kidneys with discharge of pus calls for calcarea sulph. Use the second decimal trituration. Dose, three grains once in three hours. Chronic Bright's Disease. The Eclectic physicians of forty years ago placed great reliance upon helonias dioca in the treatment of Bright's disease, and it is just as useful to-day as it was then. I like a tablet made from the following formula: 1$ Helonin, gr. one-fourth. Chelonin, gr. one-half. Iron by Hydrogen, gr. one. Mix. Make one tablet. Sig. A tablet once in three hours. It will diminish the albumin in the urine, im- prove the digestion and strengthen the patient ; or the helonin may be given alone in doses of one-half grain, Definite Medication 133 once in two hours. It will diminish the albumin in the urine. Renal Colic. In renal colic tincture dioscorea is the remedy. Dose, sixty drops to a wine-glass of hot water every hour till relieved. CHAPTER VIII SPECIAL REMEDIES FOR THE MALE ORGANS OF GENERATION Extract from the Preface " The eclectic remedies mentioned in this book, especially the tinctures, are Lloyd's Specific Medicines. Many years' experience has proved them to be thoroughly reliable and convenient for dispensing. " I have bought my homeopathic remedies for forty years of Boericke & Tafel, of Philadelphia, and know them to be perfectly reliable. Most of the tinctures and triturates are now put up in tablet form, a tablet representing a grain of the drug." Definite Medication 137 CHAPTER VIII SPECIAL REMEDIES FOR THE MALE ORGANS OF GENERATION GONORRHEA. In the treatment of gonorrhea I have always depended upon internal treat- ment and have never used any form of injec- tions. The following prescription covers the indica- tions for the acute stage : I Tr. Gelsemium. Tr. Canabis sativa, a. a. 3ss. Spts. Nitre Dulce, Ji. Aqua q. s. ad, -$vi. Mix. Sig. Teaspoonful every hour. In all the years of my practice I have learned to de- pend upon the above prescription for acute gonorrhea. In the chronic stage with a discharge of thick yellow pus-like matter cubeba is the remedy. Dose, three tablets of the second decimal trituration once in two hours. A greenish yellow discharge calls for natrum sulph., third decimal, three tablets once in two hours. When there is a very slight discharge, just enough to close up the orifice of the urethra in the morning, the organs are flaccid with frequent seminal emissions sepia, sixth decimal trituration is the remedy. Dose, three tablets once in three hours. Orchitis. If this trouble is caused by metastasis from the mumps, pulsatilla is the remedy. I like the fol- lowing prescription : 138 Definite Medication ^ Tr. Pulsatilla, gtts. xx. Tr. Phytolacca, gtts. xxx. Aqua q. s. ad, vi. Mix. Sig. Teaspoonful every hour. Apply locally a wash made as described below, to the swelled testicle. I Muriate Ammonium, 3ii. Fl. Ext. Phytolacca root. Alcohol a. a., i. Aqua q. s. ad, -vi. Mix. Sig. Wet cloths with the solution and keep constantly applied. When we have orchitis from sup- pressed gonorrhea clematis erecta is the remedy. Dose, thirty drops of the third decimal dilution of tincture clematis in four ounces of water, giving a teaspoonful of the mixture every hour. Induration of the Testicle. Here the testicle feels as if it was crushed and is swollen with drawing pains which extend to the thighs and abdomen. With these symptoms rhododendron is the remedy, especially when complicated with rheumatism. Dose, tincture rhododendron fifteen drops, water four ounces. Mix and give teaspoonful every hour. I have treated pa- tients whose testicles had been kicked by a horse or otherwise injured. In such cases I apply a poultice composed of equal parts of slippery elm, flaxseed and lobelia seed pulverized fine, and mixed with warm water. This should be kept constantly applied to the inflamed testicle. It will take down the swelling every time. Mullein oil applied as a liniment, in such cases, is a grand remedy but rather expensive. Definite Medication . 139 In enlarged and indurated testicles, in the third stage of syphilis, we must not forget the double chlo- ride of gold and sodium. It is the remedy indicated in such cases, especially if the patient has had mercurial treatment. Dose, three grains of the third decimal trituration, one hour after each meal. This drug will reduce the enlarged testicle and improve the general health. Buboes. In buboes, in the forming stage, phytolacca is the remedy. Dose, add twenty drops of tincture phytolacca to a cup of water. Mix and give a tea- spoonful every hour alternated with the third decimal trituration of kali mur., five grains of the kali mur. in a glass of hot water and give, after mixing, a teaspoonful once an hour. We can sometimes prevent inflamma- tion by painting the swelling with equal parts of tinc- ture iodine and tincture phytolacca, but if it begins to " beat and throb " apply the poultice of equal parts of slippery elm, flaxseed and lobelia seed as mentioned under orchitis. As a poultice for swellings and inflam- mation it stands without a rival. The poultice should be changed every two hours. If it does not open itself it may have to be lanced. The second decimal of cal- carea sulph. can be given to help the healing process. Dose, three tablets every three hours. Chancre. I like the application of tincture chloride of iron. Paint it on sore once or twice a day. To com- plete the cure use the " mild zinc ointment " ; apply it, on soft cloth, three times a day. It is one of the fast- est healing salves ever made. Balanitis. In inflammation of the head of the penis and the mucous membranes lining the foreskin parts tender and swollen you should first wash the parts 140 Definite Medication very thoroughly with plenty of castile soap and warm water, then apply every three hours a wash composed of eight grains of zinc sulph. to four ounces of water, to the swollen parts. Stricture of the Urethra. In stricture of the urethra the treatment will require some patience. Internally we have one remedy especially indicated, when there is an irritable inflamed urethra, stream of urine divided into two or three small streams, difficult and painful urination; this remedy is the chimaphila umbellata. Dose, add forty drops of the tincture chimaphila to two ounces of water and give ten drops of this mixture every three hours. Direct the patient to inject thirty drops each of Fl. Ext. gelsemium and water into the urethra four times a day. This injection should be retained as long as possible. At night the patient will be able to pass water more freely. Then prepare a medicated bougie as follows : ^ Fl. Ext. Gelsemium. Aqua, a. a. gtts. xxx. Pulv. Gum Acacia q. s. to make a thick paste. Dip the bougie into the paste, allow it to dry, then repeat until your bougie is about the size of a No. 5. Pass it up to and beyond the stricture if possible; al- low it to remain one hour. The injections should be used each day until a bougie the size of a No. 10 can be passed without any difficulty, when you may feel as- sured that you have conquered the stricture. If the above treatment is carefully followed, good re- sults will be obtained in from ten to twelve days. Hydrocele. In my own experience and in that of Definite Medication 141 many physicians who have consulted me I have found that there is one remedy par excellence. That is the Normal Liquid Ergot (Parke Davis & Co.). Remove the fluid from the scrotum with trocar and canula, then inject two fluid drachms of Normal Liquid Ergot into the cavity. It will re-establish the balance between secretion and absorption. One injection is generally sufficient and there is very little discomfort from the use of the remedy. Many fine cures have been made with this remedy in old men where the disease had troubled them for many years. Apis mel is the rem- edy indicated where there is considerable edema of the parts. Dose, five drops of the third decimal dilution once in two hours. Syphilis. In an extensive practice with this disease in a large city, treating patients from every State in the Union, I have been led to believe very firmly that this disease can be cured by our vegetable remedies. I have been forced to the conclusion that mercury in any form does not cure the disease but only masks it so that it will appear again later. The most obstinate cases I have had to treat had been dosed with mercury in some form. Many years ago a lady came into my office ; she was a member of a prominent family in the town. She showed me from a book she had in her hand the symp- toms of syphilis. " These are my symptoms," she said and began to cry. Her hair had all come off from the top of her head, she had sores in her mouth, sore throat and in short her system was thoroughly satu- rated with the syphilitic poison. It was the old story " the drummer and the girl." " Can you do anything for me ? " she asked. " I am nearly frantic with this 142 Definite Medication fearful trouble." I told her I could cure her. I first gave her a pill composed of corydalin one-half grain and sulph. quinine one grain. She took one of these pills every two hours. I followed this treatment for two weeks, then omitted the quinine. In two months I felt that I had the disease under control. To make assurance doubly sure (as she intended to be married and wanted to be sure she was well before taking the plunge into matrimony) I gave her the following syrup : 1$ Stillingia, Spdi. Podophyllum. Phytolacca root. Iris versicola, a. a. iv. Alcohol, Oiv. White Sugar, ft>s. ii. Bruise the herbs and macerate in the alcohol for ten days ; strain the mixture and add the sugar. Dose, from one teaspoonful to a tablespoonful three times a day, or sufficient to keep the bowels a little loose. This syrup stands without a rival as a cure for syphilis. I kept her on the above syrup for three or four months, until I felt sure the poison was all out of her system. Then she was discharged cured. Later she married and although I watched the case carefully for years afterwards no signs of the disease appeared. In the treatment of this loathsome disease there are certain remedies which are especially indicated and will meet certain conditions as they arise in your prac- tice, for the Eclectic materia medica is rich in remedies that do have a curative effect upon syphilis. For the sore mouth of syphilis, mucous patches, ul- Definite Medication 143 cerative fissures, lips dry, swollen and cracked, breath foul, green clinkers from the nose in the morning, you may give the third decimal dilution of nitric acid. Dose, add fifteen drops to a glass of water, giving the patient a teaspoonful of the mixture once in two hours. In the sore throat with ulcers which look as if they were cut out with a punch and the patient is hawking up tough stringy mucus, bi-chromate of potash, the third decimal is the remedy. Dose, three tablets once in three hours. A good gargle for these throats may be made by adding one-half drachm chlorate potash and five grains sulphate zinc to a goblet of warm water. Use this gargle once in two hours. For the bone pains, worse at night and during damp weather mostly in the legs, with a bruised feeling, phytolacca is the remedy. Dose, add one-half drachm to five ounces of water, giving a teaspoonful four times a day. For syphilitic rheumatism it is the remedy. For syphilitic nodes, falling of the hair, hectic fever, eruptions on the body, corydalis is the remedy. Dose, ten drops tincture corydalis once in three hours. In syphilis where there is a skin disease of a scaly pustular character with phagedenic ulcerations, ber- beris aquifolia is the remedy. It will clear the skin and heal up the ulcers. Dose, tincture berberis aqui, ten drops four times a day. For those painful tuber- cles that come upon the nose and face, much relief will be given the patient by the following prescription : IJ Fl. Ext. Aconite, 3ii. Fl. Ext. Conium, ss. Glycerine q. s. ad, ii. Mix. Sig. Apply three times a day. 144 Definite Medication Alopecia. The constitutional treatment will stop the hair from coming out but the ladies generally like to have something they can apply to make the hair grow. To these I give the following prescription which is as good as any of the many hair tonics : ^ Tr. Cantharis, i. Castor oil, iv. Oil Burgamont. Oil lemon. Oil Lavender, a. a. 5ii. Alcohol, xii. Mix. Sig. Apply to the scalp night and morning with slight friction. There are two important points in the treatment of this disease which must not be for- gotten. First, the patient must have a free movement of the bowels once a day. Second, have the patient take a medicated bath of the Epsom salts (one ounce salt to one pint of water) three times a week. One writer has said in speaking of a doctor who had reported cases of syphilis as cured, " That the cures were more apparent than real." This seems to me a pretty fine distinction. I have watched many cases of syphilis that I have cured, some of them have died of old age, and as they never showed any symptoms of the disease during their lifetime we may safely con- clude that the cures were real not apparent. One of the principal things that has checked the wheels of medical progress is the habit of trying to belittle any remedy or any method of curing a disease. Why not be manly and honest and give a doctor credit for what he has done or at least give him credit for what he is trying to do for poor suffering humanity. Definite Medication 145 Varicocele. In dilation of the spermatic veins I use locally the distilled extract of hamamelis ; apply it full strength three times a day. The internal remedies should be tincture pulsatilla nigricans and tincture hamamelis. Dose, of the pulsatilla, add twenty drops to four ounces of water and give a teaspoonful of the mixture every two hours. Dose of hamamelis, five drops once in two hours. The latter should be alter- nated with the former. CHAPTER IX SPECIAL REMEDIES FOR THE EYE AND EAR Extract from the Preface " The eclectic remedies mentioned in this book, especially the tinctures, are Lloyd's Specific Medicines. Many years' experience has proved them to be thoroughly reliable and convenient for dispensing. " I have bought my homeopathic remedies for forty years of Boericke & Tafel, of Philadelphia, and know them to be perfectly reliable. Most of the tinctures and triturates are now put up in tablet form, a tablet representing a grain of the drug." Definite Medication 149 CHAPTER IX SPECIAL REMEDIES FOR THE EYE AND EAR CONJUNCTIVITIS. In the simple form of this disease, bathing the eyes with warm water and distilled extract of witch hazel will be sufficient for the local treatment, with ferri phos. as the internal remedy. Dose, third decimal trituration, ten grains in a cup of water, teaspoonful every half hour. When there is considerable redness and inflammation in the eye, I like an " eye wash " made from the following prescription : I Sulph. Zinc. Sulph. Morphia, a. a. gr. i. Aqua rosae. Glycerine, a. a. ss. Mix. Sig. Drop two or three drops in the eye three times a day. I have used this as an eye wash since 1871 and it is an excellent one. Sulphur, third deci- mal, three tablets once in three hours will hasten the cure. When the meibomian glands are much affected and the edges of the lids are red and swollen, the se- cretion forming yellow crusts on the cilise during sleep, hepar sulph. should be prescribed. Dose, three tablets of the third decimal trituration every two hours. Purulent Conjunctivitis. The " eye wash " as men- tioned under the acute form will be found useful in this disease. In infants wash the eyes with warm water 150 Definite Medication and distilled extract of witch hazel ; then apply nitrate silver (one grain to the ounce of water) locally. In- ternally give three tablets of the third decimal tritura- tion of hepar sulphur night and morning; also add five drops tincture rhus tox to four ounces of water and give in teaspoonful doses every two hours. Gonorrheal Conjunctivitis. First apply warm water to the eye, containing borax five grains to the ounce ; cleanse the eye with this and then apply a five per cent, solution of nitrate of silver. For the swelling and in- flammation aconite is the internal remedy. Add five drops to four ounces of water and give a teaspoonful every hour. Thuja should be prescribed for the con- stitutional disease. Dose, tincture thuja gtts. xx, aqua 5iv. Mix. Sig. Teaspoonful every two hours. Scrofulous Conjunctivitis. Internally you should give this prescription: I Comp. Syr. Stillingia, viii. Iodide Potash, 3ii. Mix. Sig. Teaspoonful three times a day. For a local application I like the following receipt : I Lloyd's Ergot, gtts. xv. Sol. Boric Acid (6 grains to 50 Mix. Sig. Put in one quart of water and steep for fifteen minutes, strain and sweeten. Drink a wine- glass full every four hours. Bathe the surface of the body in lye water and whiskey, three times a day. Give a powder once in two hours composed of one-half grain hydrastis and two grains of quinine. Five grains of the third decimal ferri phos. added to 242 Definite Medication a cup of hot water and given in teaspoonful doses every half hour will control the fever and keep the skin moist. The best local application, for the eruption, is to sponge the patient all over with warm water and castile soap. Then apply the following: ^ Fl. Ext. Hydrastis, Ji. Glycerine, v. Mix. Sig. Apply with a large camel's hair brush after the sponge bath. This should be done three times a day to prevent pitting. In the more severe cases with great prostration, hemorrhages, etc., baptisia is the needed remedy. In seventy-two cases treated with baptisia alone none died. Dose, add twenty drops tincture baptisia to four ounces of water ; mix and give teaspoonful every hour. It should never be omitted in smallpox. For the severe headache, delirium, intolerance to light, belladonna should be prescribed. Dose, five drops tincture belladonna in four ounces of water ; give teaspoonful once an hour. When the eruption sud- denly sinks in and the pustules dry up you must stim- ulate the patient with camphor. Dose, five drops tinc- ture camphor in a wine-glass of hot water every half hour. If the face and eyelids swell up and there is redness like erysipelas apis mel is the indicated rem- edy. Dose, add ten drops tincture apis to four ounces of water ; mix and give teaspoonful every hour. Chicken Pox. If there is, in this disease, extreme restlessness, full bounding pulse, aconite is the rem- edy needed. Dose, five drops tincture aconite put in four ounces of water and a teaspoonful of the mixture is given every hour. For the soreness of the mouth, Definite Medication 243 vesicles on the tongue and to dry up the eruption kali mur. is the best agent. Dose, place five grains of the third decimal, kali mur. in four ounces of water and give a teaspoonful once in half an hour. For the itch- ing of the skin apply the glycerole of hydrastis. (See smallpox.) As an antiperiodic you should give two grains of the third decimal trituration arseniate quinia once in four hours. Yellow Fever. In the very beginning of an attack, or where a person has been exposed to this fever, see that a " lime sweat " is taken. (See hydrophobia.) It will modify the action of the virus and render the attack more mild. For remedies we have aconite and bella- donna the most frequently indicated to lower the tem- perature and lessen the congestion. They may be used as follows: ^ Tr. Aconite. Tr. Belladonna, a. a. gtts. v. Aqua, giv. Mix. Sig. Teaspoonful once an hour. For the gastric symptoms ipecac is the most fre- quently indicated. When there is dizziness, slight chills, pain in the back and limbs, uneasy feeling at the epigastrium, nausea, vomiting and faitness you should prescribe ipecac. Dose, add twenty drops of the third decimal dilution tincture ipecac to four ounces of water and give a teaspoonful every hour. In the cold stage camphor is the indicated remedy. Dose, three drops in a teaspoonful of hot water every ten minutes. When there is violent vomiting and retch- ing, the vomitus is dark green, slimy, may contain blood (black vomit), liver sore, patient cold, cadmium 244 Definite Medication sulph. is the remedy that should be prescribed. Dose, two grains, third decimal cadmium sulph. every two hours. When there are hemorrhages and the disease is malignant crotalus horridus is the remedy. Dose, three grains, sixth decimal, crotalus horridus once in two hours. Our homeopathic friends regard this rem- edy, " without a peer in actual clinical work in yellow fever." That school of medicine has been especially successful in this disease. In 1853 in an epidemic of yellow fever in Philadelphia, we learn from the official reports that the mortality under old school treatment was eighty per cent. In Natchez, Miss., in 1853 Drs. Holcomb and Davis, homeopathic physicians, treated 555 cases of yellow fever with only forty-three deaths. Please note the difference in the results of treatment by the two schools of medicine. CHAPTER XVI SPECIAL REMEDIES FOR HEADACHE Extract from the Preface " The eclectic remedies mentioned in this book, especially the tinctures, are Lloyd's Specific Medicines. Many years' experience has proved them to be thoroughly reliable and convenient for dispensing. " I have bought my homeopathic remedies for forty years of Boericke & Tafel, of Philadelphia, and know them to be perfectly reliable. Most of the tinctures and triturates are now put up in tablet form, a tablet representing a grain of the drug." Definite Medication 247 CHAPTER XVI SPECIAL REMEDIES FOR HEADACHE CONGESTIVE HEADACHE. When there is fullness, heaviness of the head, throbbing of the carotids, face flushed, booming in the ears, sensitiveness to noise, the pulse gives an impression of fullness and tension, veratrum viride is the indicated remedy Dose, five drops, first decimal dilution, tinc- ture veratrum every hour, while the headache lasts, then three times a day. Stout plethoric full-blooded girls and women often have such headaches ; their menses are usually scanty and frequently suppressed. When the face is red, conjunctiva congested, eyes staring, pupils dilated, head feels confused, bigger than it ought, throbbing of carotids, pain worse on stoop- ing or lying down, belladonna is the remedy to be pre- scribed. Dose, add five drops tincture belladonna to four ounces of water ; mix and give a teaspoonful every half hour. In congestive headaches, where the face is intensely red with throbbing carotids, relieved by profuse nose bleed, meliotus alba must be given. Dose, put ten drops tincture meliotus into four ounces of water; mix and give a teaspoonful every hour. When the throbbing headache seems to rise from the neck and the throbbing of the carotids can be seen, the blood vessels are full to bursting, head feels heavy but cannot be laid on the pillow, face deep red, sharp pains accompany the throbbing. This kind of a head- 248 Definite Medication ache may be caused by delayed menstruation or may be the warning symptoms of puerperal convulsions. Glonoin second decimal dilution, should be given for this headache. Dose, add ten drops second decimal dilution to four ounces of water; mix and give tea- spoonful doses every fifteen minutes until relieved. When the headache begins at the cervical region and extends over the head, causes a sensation of bursting in the forehead and eyeballs, patient desires to lie with his head high on the pillow, wishes to be quiet and left alone, this headache is relieved by profuse urination, gelsemium is the drug needed. Dose, add thirty drops of the third decimal dilution, tincture gelsemium to four ounces of water. Mix and give a teaspoonful every half hour. When there is great restlessness, bursting headache, full bounding pulse, brain feels as if it were boiling, worse during motion and after sunstroke, aconite is the remedy. Dose, add five drops tincture aconite to four ounces of water; mix and give a teaspoonful every hour. When the pain extends from the occiput all over the head, there is agonizing distress, face pale, extremities cold and livid the headaches of women at the climac- teric and in drunkards secale cornutum is the indi- cated remedy. Dose, five drops tincture secale every half hour. Headache with congestion of blood to the brain, flushed face, very nervous, cannot sleep, should have caffeine prescribed for it. Dose, three tablets of the first decimal every hour. When a patient has had a sunstroke and suffers from headache every time he goes out in the sun, or on the Definite Medication 249 return of hot weather, or when any mental labor causes headache natrum carb. is the needed remedy for relief. Dose, three tablets of the third decimal trituration, natrum carb. every hour. If the patient is subject to headache every time he goes out into the sun tincture usnea barbata is the indicated remedy. Dose, add five drops to a glass of water; mix and give a teaspoonful every fifteen minutes. In sunstroke give glonoin as given under congestive headache. Nervous Headache. Headache that is caused by over- exertion, shopping, pain worse on the left side pressing the temple, constant desire to expectorate, saliva is of a viscid character, pain relieved by rest, lying down, epiphegus is the drug required. Dose, five drops of the second decimal dilution, tincture epiphegus every fifteen minutes until relieved. Brain Fag. The headache of students and business men, which is brought on by the slightest mental emo- tion or exertion, pain at the back of the head and is apt to extend down the spine, patient feels tired and heavy, feels better if the head is bandaged tightly, needs picric acid. Dose, three tablets of the sixth decimal picric acid every hour. When the head feels as if a nail were driven out through the side, and is relieved by lying on it, the attack terminates in vomiting and passage of a large quantity of urine, and in nervous hysterical patients given to sighing and weeping, ignatia is the remedy to be prescribed. Dose, add ten drops tincture ignatia to four ounces of water, mix and give a tea- spoonful every hour Headache from severe mental exertion, brain fag, patient feels despondent, looks on the dark side of everything, has an empty, gone feeling in the stomach, needs kali phos. Dose, three tablets 250 Definite Medication of the third decimal trituration every two hours. Headache with crushing weight on vertex, in the oc- ciput and nape of the neck, made worse by motion, re- lieved by lying down, the legs tremble and are weak, patients often become indifferent to the affairs of life, demands phosphoric acid dilution. Dose, add fifteen drops to a glass of water; mix and give a teaspoonful every two hours. Morning headaches which begin on waking and last until noon, headaches from fatigue, involuntary twitching of the eyelids should be given the second decimal of codiine. Dose, three tablets every hour. Headaches that begin in the base of the brain in the morning and spread over the head locating in the eye, orbit and temple of the left side call for the third decimal dilution of spigelia. Dose, add fif- teen drops to a glass of water; mix and give a tea- spoonful every half hour. Pain in the forehead over the right eye, which is very sensitive to the touch, he cannot open his eyes during the paroxysm, pain is throbbing, worse from looking at bright lights, relieved by sleep, should be given coccinella sept. Dose, place fifteen drops of the third decimal dilution tincture coc- cinella in four ounces of water; mix and give a tea- spoonful every hour. Many cases of nervous head- aches call for belladonna. (See the indications under congestive headaches.) Headache from Eye Strain. When the eyes feel weary and ache as if strained, or they burn like balls of fire as the result of too close application to fine sewing or study, ruta grav. is the indicated remedy. Dose, add ten drops tincture ruta to four ounces of water; mix and give a teaspoonful every two hours. When there is headache from eye strain with a feeling of stiffness Definite Medication 251 and bruised sensation of the muscles of the forehead cimicifuga is the drug which should be used. Dose, five drops of the first decimal dilution every two hours. In megrim when there is a dull, heavy, pressing pain starting in the occiput and extending to the frontal region, worse in the morning, mostly on the left side, headache caused by over strain, onosmodium should be prescribed. Dose, add ten drops of the third decimal dilution to four ounces of water; mix and give a tea- spoonful once an hour. Sick Headache. When the pain is in the forehead over the eyes, eyeballs painful, vomiting bitter, green- looking matter, pain in the liver and cramp-like pains in the abdomen will need chionanthus as the remedial agent. Dose, five drops of the second decimal dilution, tincture chionanthus every three hours. This remedy has helped to cure several cases of sick headache. I gave the chionanthus to a druggist in Ohio for sick headache, who had tried everything he could hear of, and it cured him. Before an attack, when the patient feels it coming on, put two teaspoonfuls of powdered charcoal in half a glass of water, and drink it all at once. This will frequently prevent the attack. One or two teaspoonfuls of cascara cordial taken in the morning will avert its appearance many times. When the pain begins in the back of the head, spreads over the head and is most severe in the forenoon, pain is so intense that the patient cries out in anguish, it shifts from side to side niccolum is the indicated remedy. Dose, three tablets of the sixth decimal every hour. Epiphegus is sometimes indicated in such headaches. (See indication for it under nervous headaches.) Periodical Headaches. Headaches coming on at a cer- 252 Definite Medication tain time each day, often complicated with malaria calls for quinine. Dose, three tablets of the third decimal once in two hours. Headaches where the head feels as if it would split open, worse by stooping over, cough- ing ironing or moving the eyes, nausea and faintness when trying to sit up requires bryonia and is generally met in hot weather. Dose, add five drops tincture bryonia to four ounces of water; mix, teaspoonful every hour. When the headache appears after the menstrual period (whether scanty or profuse menses) pain comes on in paroxysms, intense, throbbing, head- ache, apt to occur mostly in the anemic persons, na- trum muriaticum. Dose, three tablets, of the sixth decimal, every two hours. Curing headaches is one of the weak points with the average doctor. The women with the headache " we have always with us, and when we will we can do them good." Instead of leaving them to experiment with coal tar " headache cures " study each case care- fully and adapt your remedies to it. The results ob- tained will win the gratitude of the sufferers and put many a dollar in your pocket. CHAPTER XVII SPECIAL REMEDIES FOR DIARRHEA, VOMITING AND IM- POTENCE Extract from the Preface " The eclectic remedies mentioned in this book, especially the tinctures, are Lloyd's Specific Medicines. Many years' experience has proved them to be thoroughly reliable and convenient for dispensing. " I have bought my homeopathic remedies for forty years of Boericke & Tafel, of Philadelphia, and know them to be perfectly reliable. Most of the tinctures and triturates are now put up in tablet form, a tablet representing a grain of the drug." Definite Medication 255 CHAPTER XVII SPECIAL REMEDIES FOR DIARRHEA, VOMITING AND IMPOTENCE FOR the past eighty years the Eclectics have used Syr. Rhei et Potassa (Neutralizing Cordial) as a good all round remedy for diarrhea. Dose, for adults one teaspoonful once an hour; children in pro- portional doses. It is one of the remedies that helped to give the fathers of the Eclectic School their splendid reputation in the treatment of cholera in 1832 and 1849. Under allopathic treatment the mortality in Cincinnati, Ohio, in 1849 was fifty per cent. Of 1,094 cases of cholera treated by Eclectic physicians there were only thirty-six deaths, less than four per cent. (3.28). The Western Lancet (regular) for July, 1849, while the cholera was still raging, speaking in behalf of the allopathic physicians, observes " that of the cases of true cholera, with rice water discharges, at least one-half of the cases in this city, as everywhere else, proved fatal." The above record is a startling contrast be- tween the treatment of the Eclectics and regular phy- sicians in this disease. In bilious diarrhea, a teaspoonful of the Comp. Syr. Rhei et Potash once in three hours will usually be suf- r ficient. For mucous diarrhea I like the following pre- scription : ^ Podophyllin, grs. ii. Sacch. Lactis, grs. xviii. Mix. Make twenty powders. Sig. One powder night and morning. 256 Definite Medication When there are copious watery discharges we may use this prescription : ^ Tr. Camphor. Tr. Capsicum. Tr. Ginger. Tr. Rhubarb. Tr. Opium, a. a. 3ii. Brandy, q. s. ii. Mix. Sig. Teaspoonful in a little hot sweetened water every half hour until relieved. When the diar- rhea is painless, non-debilitating, preceded by flatu- lence in the abdomen, discharges are watery, white or yellow, may be involuntary, phosphoric acid is the remedy needed. Dose, put fifteen drops of the third decimal dilution in half a glass of water ; mix and give patient a teaspoonful every two hours. In the alter- nate diarrhea and constipation of old people, with ex- cessive flatulence, stools white and lumpy, antimonium crudum should be prescribed. Dose, three tablets of the third decimal every three hours. In diarrhea with severe agonizing, twisting pain, causing the patient to bend double and press firmly on the abdomen, colo- cynth is the indicated remedy. Dose, put five drops tincture colocynth in a half glass of water and give the patient a teaspoonful every hour. When there is pro- fuse diarrhea with vomiting of watery material with sharp, cutting, colicky pains, and offensive greenish stools, cuprum arsenicum is the remedy to be used. Dose, three tablets of the sixth decimal every hour. In the diarrhea of children during the summer months I have used the following prescription with good suc- cess: Definite Medication 257 1$ Magnesia Carb., grs. x. Essence Anise, gtts. x. Syr. Ginger. Syr. Rhei, a. a. i. Mix. Sig. From ten to twenty drops (according to age) once an hour. I have used this prescription since I first began to practice medicine with great success. In one case of a child that had been given up to die in one of the hospitals in New York City this remedy saved its life. Many of my families, when I was in general practice, kept it in the house all the time to give their babies. When there seems to be a sense of weakness in the splincter ani and the rectum, stool passes involuntarily, rectum feels full of heavy fluid, patient must get to the closet at once, jelly-like mucus passes in great masses large solid chunks, aloes is the remedy that should be given. Dose, three drops tincture aloes every two hours. When there is tenesmus and a " never get done " feeling, stools watery, profuse, slimy, contain traces of blood, tincture henchera americana is the rem- edy. Dose, five drops once in two hours. (See chronic diarrhea in Diseases of Stomach and Intestinal Canal.) Vomiting. In any sickness accompanied with per- sistent nausea, patient not relieved by vomiting, just as sick after vomiting as before, you should always think of ipecac. Dose, put two drops tincture ipecac in a half glass of water and give one teaspoonful every hour. When large quantities of fluid are vomited, with intense thirst the water is thrown off the stom- ach as soon as it is swallowed, although solid food is retained for some time do not forget bismuth. Dose, 258 Definite Medication three tablets of the second decimal every hour. When the vomiting is violent and forcible, consists of food, mucus, bile and blood, cold sweat on the forehead, with burning internally, veratrum album is indicated. Dose, add five drops tincture veratrum album to half a glass of water and give a teaspoonful of water every hour. In small children, during the second summer, there may be gastric irritability of which vomiting is the marked feature. In such cases amygdalis persica is the necessary drug to obtain a cure. The tincture used should be made from the fresh bark of the young twigs. Dose, add twenty drops tincture amygdalis to half a glass of water ; mix, give teaspoonful every half hour. Five drops tincture amygdalis once in two hours has cured many cases of " morning sickness " in pregnant women. A painful feeling of emptiness, an " all gone " feeling in the stomach, faintness in the stomach will be cured by the use of the fourth decimal trituration of sepia. Dose, three tablets once in three hours. If vomiting of pregnancy is present with these symptoms do not forget the sepia as described above. Nausea and faint- ness caused by the smell of food cooking with vomit- ing of blood and bloody stools call for the third deci- mal dilution of colchicum. Dose, five drops once in two hours. In cases of nausea and vomiting I apply a mustard paste over the pit of the stomach and take it off as soon as it reddens the skin. Such patients find that clam broth agrees with the stomach the best of any- thing and helps also to settle the stomach. Impotency. The impotent man, the man with " lost manhood " and nervous debility has proved a gold Definite Medication 259 mine to a certain class of physicians. From my book of experience, I will try to tell the reader how cases like the above can be treated rationally and success- fully. Had the regular school of doctors been able to treat such cases successfully themselves, we would never have had such things as " Doctors for Weak Men," etc., etc., filling the papers with their " ADS." When we have nervous irritable patients, who imagine they are not competent to perform the duties of a hus- band, have lost confidence in themselves, have the dis- charge, too soon, more or less leaking of semen at stool and with the least sexual excitement, they are frequently called impotent and they think they are when they are only neurasthenic. We have two reme- dies which just meet the indications in such cases. First, prescribe Fl. Ext. avena sativa (Parke Davis & Co.) twenty drops after each meal and at bedtime in a little water. The above remedy strengthens the nerves while it calms them at the same time. To give these patients, strychnia, cantharides or phosphorus would excite the nerves and do them harm. Second, in con- nection with the avena give them the third decimal trituration of kali phos. Dose, three tablets every three hours. Kali phos. is a " nerve food " and the best in any materia medica. Now suppose we have impotence in men who have " gone the pace," men on the down hill grade, who find there are times when they " can't make good " and are clamoring for help, what shall we do to help them ? Such patients should be given granules of %34 grain arseniate strychnine, two every three hours, in alternation with phosphoric acid dilution five drops once in three hours. Teachers, students and professional men who, through too much 260 Definite Medication study have become impotent, should be given picric acid, especially when there is prostration from any at- tempt to use the mind, and there is pain in the fore- head and back of the neck, the patient feels tired and heavy. Dose, three tablets of the sixth decimal before each meal. These patients should also be given three tablets of the sixth decimal of lycopodium after each meal. The above is an ideal treatment for such cases. In women who have become sterile through too hard work, too frequent childbearing and a general breaking down of the whole system we should pre- scribe the Fl. Ext. saw palmetto. Dose, twenty drops after each meal and at bedtime in a little sweetened water. It will put new life and vigor into them and generally restore the sexual passion. In persons pre- maturely old, those who have suffered from sexual abuse, genital organs, cold, relaxed and flabby, loss of memory, patients sad and fear approaching death, you should prescribe tincture agnus castus. Dose, five drops once in three hours. When any kind of labor exhausts the patient, erections are too slow, too weak and he has the discharge too quick in coition, he is cross and weak afterwards, prostatic fluid oozes while sitting, walking, or when he is asleep or at stool, he is emaciated, especially in face, hands and thighs, you must give the sixth decimal of selenium. Dose, five tablets night and morning. Tea drinking weakens the nerves and causes an es- cape of the semen. It must be abstained from or you cannot cure your patient. Coffee and tobacco had also better be cut out of the diet if your patients are anxious to get well. CHAPTER XVIII SPECIAL REMEDIES FOR DIPSOMNIA Extract from the Preface " The eclectic remedies mentioned in this book, especially the tinctures, are Lloyd's Specific Medicines. Many years' experience has proved them to be thoroughly reliable and convenient for dispensing. " I have bought my homeopathic remedies for forty years of Boericke & Tafel, of Philadelphia, and know them to be perfectly reliable. Most of the tinctures and triturates are now put up in tablet form, a tablet representing a grain of the drug." Definite Medication 263 CHAPTER XVIII SPECIAL REMEDIES FOR DIPSOMANIA THERE are many victims of the " Drink Habit " who can often be helped by proper medical treat- ment. Frequently a physician is called upon to prescribe for a man who has been on a " spree " and wants to get sobered up and be a man once more. Others want help to get rid of the habit. A physician can be of great assistance in such cases with the indi- cated remedy. The first thing to do is to get your patient " sobered up " ; get the liquor out of him and clear out the brain. Fortunately we have a remedy that can be depended upon to meet just such cases. It is a decoction of apocynum canabium, prepared by Boericke & Tafel, of Philadelphia. Give your patient a teaspoonful of this preparation in a glass of water; have him drink it all. Then put three teaspoonfuls of the decoction into a glass of water and direct that two teaspoonfuls of this mixture shall be taken every half hour. This treat- ment may be kept for six to twelve hours, cutting down the allowance of liquor. It will sober a drunk the quickest of any known remedy. Under some kinds of treatment it takes weeks and months to get over a spree, but with the use of this remedy they are brought round in a few days. It stops the craving for the regular drink. To follow up the treatment give one teaspoonful of the decoction in a glass of water three or four times a day until no de- 264 Definite Medication sire for liquor remains. The continued use of liquor, especially whiskey, weakens the stomach and creates the " morning vomiting " of drunkards. The nerve power of these victims of liquor is low ; the vitality is weak. They are simply wrecks cast upon the shores of time. The hypophosphite strychnine, Vis* grain, given in doses of two granules every three hours, will help the vomiting and strengthen the nerves. Many a man may be saved if when he feels the " restlessness and longing " for a drink to brace him up, you could give him a hypodermic injection of ni- trate strychnine one-thirtieth grain once or twice a day. It helps to tide him over, calms and strengthens his nerves and saves him from going on a spree. These men should have our sympathy ; if any persons on earth need our help as physicians it is these same victims of alcohol. CHAPTER XIX SPECIAL REMEDIES FOR THE PREGNANT WOMAN Extract from the Preface " The eclectic remedies mentioned in this book, especially the tinctures, are Lloyd's Specific Medicines. Many years' experience has proved them to be thoroughly reliable and convenient for dispensing. " I have bought my homeopathic remedies for forty years of Boericke & Tafel, of Philadelphia, and know them to be perfectly reliable. Most of the tinctures and triturates are now put up in tablet form, a tablet representing a grain of the drug." Definite Medication 267 CHAPTER XIX SPECIAL REMEDIES FOR THE PREGNANT WOMAN IN one of our Medical Journals I read that a doctor should have thirty-three instruments and fourteen remedies in his trunk ; then he is prepared to attend an obstetric case. In the four thousand hours of in- struction given to medical students in Philadelphia during the winter, fifty per cent, of the time is devoted to surgery. Thus it would seem that the colleges deem it much more important to know how to " cut up " a patient than to know how to cure them. How much time is given to teaching students how to pre- pare a pregnant woman for her " hour of trial "? None at all. To-day great stress is laid upon the " opera- tive " treatment of midwifery. As a result of such teaching the average doctor goes to an obstetrical case with visions of turning, abnormal presentations, con- vulsions, flooding, instrumental delivery, etc. He ex- pects trouble and he generally gets it. One thing he always seems to forget is that child birth is a natural process of Nature, and that meddlesome midwifery is bad and in most cases entirely uncalled for. That in nine cases out of ten Nature will do the work if we let her alone and don't " butt in." The young doctor is impatient ; he is in a hurry, he likes to make a " play to the grand stand " by the use of instruments, and col- lect an additional fee for applying the forceps. He tells the husband all kinds of ghost stories of what will happen to the woman if he does not deliver her with 268 Definite Medication instruments. He is prone to inject some kind of " dope " into her or apply chloroform to kill the pain. This kind of treatment makes business for him later. If the pains are not strong enough to suit him he gives ergot. That remedy causes powerful contractions of the uterus and has killed thousands of babies in this world. The use of instruments to deliver a woman at confinement is the cause of 60,000 women in the United States being affected with cancer of the uterus. The use of chloroform or some kind of dope to kill pain makes invalids and business for the gynecologists. In my student days I attended lectures on obstetrics un- der four different teachers of that branch of medical study. Two of them were practical men and their teaching was along practical lines. They had the largest obstetrical practice in their respective cities and in their thirty years' practice had never used the for- ceps to deliver a woman at confinement. In my own practice of forty years I have never used the forceps or had a pair in my possession. During that time I have attended three hundred cases of confinement and have never lost a woman during or after her confinement. I have never had a case of laceration of the perineum or puerperal convulsions in my own practice although I have seen them in the practice of other physicians. Why did I not meet with such cases in my practice? Because I always put the woman under the proper course of preparatory treatment, before the expected labor. The Indian women never have a doctor in confine- ment. They know how to treat themselves. They drink squaw wine partridge berry tea before the con- finment and thus have a quiet and easy labor. The Definite Medication 269 Eclectics have used the mitchella repens (partridge berry) for the past seventy-five years as a preparatory treatment for child birth and it has given them splen- did success in obstetrics. When I have a case of con- finement to attend, I always give the woman, about two months before the expected time, the following remedy : I Spec. Med. Mitchella, iv. Fl. Ext. Cimicifuga, 3iv. Syr. Sarsaparilla, q. s. gviii. Mix. Sig. Teaspoonful after each meal and at bed- time. When this remedy is used beforehand as directed, I have had no postpartum hemorrhage or convulsions. The labor is generally quick and easier than it would be without this preparatory medicine. If albumen ap- pears in the urine previous to full term you should give Fl. Ext. Eupatorium purpurium. Dose, fifteen drops three times a day. This will speedily clear it up. I would urge upon my brother physicians to lay aside their prejudice and give these remedies a fair trial in their cases of expectant labor. If they will it will prove a Godsend to thousands of expectant mothers. If there are symptoms of abortion pain and flowing give half a teaspoonful of Hayden's Viburnum Com- pound once in two hours in a little cold water. In theratened placenta previa this remedy has helped me delay the accident. In a case of false conception where it seemed as if the woman would flow to death Hayden's Viburnum Comp. gradually checked the flooding. Some women have a weak heart in pregnancy. 270 Definite Medication These should be given three drops tincture digitalis three times a day to strengthen the heart's action. Many cases of sudden deaths during child birth could have been avoided if the heart had been stronger and no powerful arterial sedative had been given to weaken its action. Pregnant women are frequently troubled with con- stipation. Cascara cordial will prove very beneficial in such cases. Dose, one to two teaspoonfuls at bedtime. For hemorrhoids you should give tincture aesculus (horse chestnut) five drops night and morning. Ap- ply black molasses to the little tumors, push them back into the rectum and apply a small pledget of absorbent cotton against the anus to keep the molasses from soil- ing the clothes. If this is done a few times after each movement of the bowels it will cure the hemorrhoids. Pregnant women will often crave chalk and suffer from the toothache. It is the demand of the system for lime. Let her nibble a piece of chalk several times a day, or give her five grains phosphate lime three times a day. It is the best way to cure the toothache in a pregnant woman and when the child is born there will be more probability of a healthy child, and you will have less trouble during dentition. To harden the nipples the yolk of an egg and glycerine, equal parts, is a good remedy. Apply once or twice a day, a month before the expected confinement. The " morning sick- ness " is a great cause of distress to the pregnant woman. Inserting the index finger three quarters of an inch inside the neck of the uterus to dilate the external os has cured many cases. In my practice oxalate cer- ium five grains three times a day has proved effectual, or ten grains of ingluvin after each spell of vomiting. Definite Medication 271 Plethoric women are often troubled with nervousness, are "figity," have horrible dreams, are frequently wake- ful, in such instances bromide soda is the needed rem- edy. Dose, five to ten grains once in six hours. In cere- bral congestion, flushed face, cold hands and feet, throb- bing carotids, veratrum viride is the needed remedy. Dose, five drops of the first decimal tincture veratrum, once an hour for three hours, afterwards once in three hours. For the hysteria and hysterical spasms some- times present you should give bromide camphor. Dose, five grains first decimal, every fifteen minutes until relieved. Sometimes there will be trouble with the bladder and your pregnant woman complain of be- ing obliged to urinate very often. In such instances tincture staphisagria is the indicated remedy. Dose, five drops of the sixth decimal every two hours. Cramps in the calves of the legs during the latter months of pregnancy can be helped by five drop doses of tincture viburnum opulus, once an hour. For pain and soreness of the abdomen in the last month I like bathing the part with one ounce warm sweet oil to which has been added one fluid drachm tincture arnica. The abdomen should be bathed each night during the last month of pregnancy. Some women are very cross when pregnant, nothing pleases them. For such cases we have our chamomilla. Dose, add twenty drops tincture chamomilla to a glass of water ; mix and give a teaspoonful every two hours. Pain under the left breast is often met with in pregnant women. Give these cases two grains first decimal macrotin once in three hours. If the urine is scanty, sometimes dark, at other times profuse and watery with edema of the face and feet, digitalis is the remedy. Dose, two 272 Definite Medication grains second decimal digitalin once in three hours. If there is anemia ferrum first decimal should be given. Dose, three tablets after each meal. The adminstra- tion of this remedy will often prevent hemorrhage after labor in women who are predisposed to it. If a woman in the last stages of pregnancy becomes enfeebled, pale, anemic, dyspeptic, urine excessive or deficient in quantity sometimes albuminous, great depression of spirits, helonias is the remedy, especially when simu- lating Bright's disease. Dose, three tablets of second decimal helonias once in two hours. The " mitchella comp." as mentioned in the early part of this chapter to be given before confinement will help those " cramp- like " pains of women in the latter months of preg- nancy. In some women you will get excessive saliva- tion during some part of their pregnancy. For this condition jaborandi is the remedy. Dose, three tablets of the second decimal three times a day. A dropsical condition is one of the distressing complications some- times met with in pregnancy. The best remedy to re- move the dropsy is Ext. elaterium. Dose, one-tenth grain every four hours. It will produce profuse diure- sis and fluid discharges from the bowels ; it has pre- vented coma and convulsions in the uremia of preg- nancy. For the heart burn which frequently presents itself you can give a teaspoonful of elixir Lactopeptine or peptenzyme after each meal. Do not tell the woman (as some doctors do) when called to prescribe for the ailments of a pregnant woman, " Oh, it's your condi- tion ; you must expect all these things until after you are confined." Such a doctor should be discharged and one engaged who knows how to care for a woman during pregnancy. A physician who is not capable of Definite Medication 273 carrying a woman safely through the disorders of pregnancy should not be trusted to attend her at the time of her confinement. You may be called to a case of severe flooding during confinement and such cases are " something one never forgets." If ever a doctor needs to have the right remedy it is then. I have used a remedy which has never failed me even in the worst cases. Every doctor should keep it in his satchel and have no fear of the " bleeders." It is the following: 1^ Sulphuric Acid (by weight), 3v. Oil Turpenine, fl. 5ii. Mix. Place the acid in a wedge wood mortar, slowly add the turpentine to it, stirring the mixture constantly with the pestle. Then add alcohol 503 minims in the same manner, constantly stirring until all the fumes arise. Place it in a well secured glass stoppled bottle. If properly made the mixture will be dark red color like dark blood, but if it is a pale dirty red color it is not fit to use. After a few days a pel- licle forms on the surface which must be broken and the fluid below it used when needed. Dose, into an ordinary tea cup place a teaspoonful of brown sugar, add forty drops of the above mixture, mix them thor- oughly together; slowly stir in water until the cup is nearly full. This should be immediately swallowed by the patient. Repeat the dose in an hour if it is needed. This is called " Warren's Styptic Balsam," and was used by him for hemorrhages from the uterus, stomach, lungs and nose. It is one of the remedies handed down to us by the fathers of the Eclectic School of Medicine. 274 Definite Medication It is well to instruct your patients when they feel the first labor pains to take an enema of warm water to clear out the bowels ; it also helps to relax the rigid os. If the pains are not regular and as strong as they might be, place twenty drops of tincture cimicifuga in a glass of water. Mix and give a teaspoonful every half hour. It will produce natural pains and hasten delivery. It will not hurt either mother or child. When the patient is nervous, restless, and the os is rigid, the quickest way to overcome the rigidity is to give ten drops of Lloyd's Spec. Med. jaborandi every half hour. One or two doses will produce profuse diaphoresis; it soothes the patient, she bears her pains better, the rigid os re- laxes, it dilates more rapidly and in a short time the labor is terminated satisfactorily. This takes the place of the forceps and "dope " or chloroform. When the pains are pressing down upon the bladder or rectum and the patient imagines she must urinate or have a stool, nux vomica is the remedy. Dose, five drops tincture nux vomica in a glass of water ; mix and give a teaspoonful once an hour. You will have pa- tients that are cross and peevish. They are very sensi- tive to the least pain and exclaim continually, " Oh, I can't bear this pain ! " Give them tincture chamomilla. Dose, add twenty drops to four ounces of water; mix and give a teaspoonful every hour. When the vitality of the patient is low, she is worn out with worry and trouble of some kind, patient rest- less, tearful and nervous, she should be given kali phos. Dose, add five grains third decimal, kali phos. to a half cup of warm water and give the patient a teaspoonful every fifteen minutes. It will put new life and energy into her, strengthen her nerves and bring on strong Definite Medication 275 vigorous pains which will soon terminate the labor. Your patient expects you to help her in her hour of trial and wants you to do something for her. Study her symptoms carefully and give the remedy indicated. If the afterbirth does not come away with the child, wait a few moments for the woman to get her breath, then grasp the hand firmly over the uterus, tell the woman to bear down and one or two pains will expel the placenta. For the after pains put twenty drops tincture gelsemium in a glass of water; mix and give a teaspoonful every half hour. If your patient seems to be flowing more than she ought put a teaspoonful of pulverized cinnamon in a cup of hot water and give a teaspoonful every few minutes. It will check the flow to about the natural quantity. When the shoulder presents, fold up quilts two feet square, and pile them in the middle of the bed, about eight inches high. Let the woman kneel on this pile of quilts, bringing her face down forwards upon the bed. Pass your hand into the vagina, well oiled and if the shoulder, uterus, child and all have not already passed back, press very gently and they will by gravity pass down and back. Follow with the hand extended, when the fingers will readily grasp the head ; and by the aid of a pain, it will approach and engage in the superior strait. Retaining the grasp with the fingers, lay the woman on her left side or back and you will have a natural presentation. My object in relating this method is, that it is far better than the old rule to turn and deliver and can be easily accomplished in less than two minutes, besides being altogether free from danger both to mother and child. I trust, before long to see the method brought more prominently be- 276 Definite Medication fore the profession; and I am certain that all who try it will be delighted with the results. During the years that I practiced obstetrics in a town of 10,000 inhabitants, I had more cases of ob- sterics than any of the other physicians. The women liked my method of treating such cases. They got up nicely after their confinement and there were no bad after effects. All I tried to do was to assist " Nature." CHAPTER XX SPECIAL REMEDIES FOR THE NON-SURGICAL DISEASES OF WOMAN Extract from the Preface " The eclectic remedies mentioned in this book, especially the tinctures, are Lloyd's Specific Medicines. Many years' experience has proved them to be thoroughly reliable and convenient for dispensing. " I have bought my homeopathic remedies for forty years of Boericke & Tafel, of Philadelphia, and know them to be perfectly reliable. Most of the tinctures and triturates are now put up in tablet form, a tablet representing a grain of the drug." Definite Medication 279 CHAPTER XX SPECIAL REMEDIES FOR THE NON-SURGICAL DISEASES OF WOMEN 1AM well aware of the fact that the average phy- sician in this country is not well posted in the med- ical treatment of the diseases peculiar to women. Many cases are sent to specialists to be treated or to have an operation performed. All this takes just so much money out of the pocket of the general practi- tioner. He should make it his business to know how to cure such cases himself. It is the fad among many doctors to operate on women for about all the ailments they have. Thus it is that our American women are being mutilated, unsexed, degraded to gratify the sur- geons' greed for operations. Our country expects so much of her mothers, for " the hand that rocks the cradle is the hand that rules the world." How can a woman perform the duties of a wife and mother when she has been unsexed? It is no credit to any school of medicine to be obliged to admit that they cannot cure the most common ailments of women without an operation. It is one of the sins that we as a profession are being called to answer for before the " bar of public opinion." From my book of experience I will try and tell the reader how I treat such cases by medicine. Girls at puberty, when their menses are delayed, de- velop headaches, wandering pains, chorea, and some- times hysteria and epilepsy. There is one remedy in- 280 Definite Medication dicated in such cases. Caulophyllum in the form of leontin (Lloyd's), given in fifteen drop doses in a little sweetened water once in three hours. A girl may be anemic ; she does not " come round " because she has not the blood to spare. We can aid Nature in this crisis by ferrum. When the face and lips are pale, of a bluish color, the face becomes red from the least pain or emotion, we should prescribe three tablets once in three hours of the third decimal trituration of ferrum. If the girl complains of cold hands and feet, and has a dry, rough skin with suppressed menses, or they may be irregular, seven drops of tincture sanguinaria three times a day will cure. If the menses are delayed by wet feet, in a woman of a mild, gentle disposition pulsatilla will be found valuable. Add xx. gtts. tincture pulsatilla to aqua iv. and give teaspoonful doses once an hour. If, with the suppression of the menses, the patient is extremely restless, skin dry and hot, vagina dry and hot, twenty gtts. of the third decimal dilution of tincture aconite in a glass of water teaspoonful once an hour will remove the disagreeable symptoms. In amenorrhea of young girls with aching pains in the hips and loins, a feeling of weight and tension in the loins, tincture polygonum punctatum is the rem- edy. Add tincture polygonum 3ii. to aqua iv., and give teaspoonful once in three hours. For irregular menstruation with uterine or cervical leucorrhea, that replaces the menses, we need tincture senecio aurens. It is the female " regulator." Add 3i. of the tincture senecio to *vi. of water and give in teaspoonful doses once in three hours. For profuse menstruation, where there is pain extending from the back to the pubes and Definite Medication 281 the blood is partially clotted and partially fluid with a discharge of blood, sometimes, between the periods, sabina is the remedy. Put ten gtts. of tincture sabina in a glass of water and direct your patient to take a teaspoonful once an hour. If the menses are too fre- quent come every two weeks and last seven or eight days with profuse, yellowish leucorrhea between the periods the second decimal trituration of trillum should be administered. Give three tablets four times a day. In some women the menses are dark colored with many clots ; the menses are long continued, a slow, persistent, oozing discharge of blood ; the os has a soft, spongy feeling and is somewhat dilated. For such a condition the ustilago maydis is the remedy. Give three tablets of the first decimal trituration three times a day. If the menses are black, viscid, clotted in long black strings and a sensation experienced as if there was something alive in the abdomen, the tincture cro- cus sativa should be given. Direct your patient to take five gtts. of this remedy in a little water every three hours. For painful menstruation when the patient has intense cramping pains in the uterus, the menses are scanty and a heavy congested feeling in the ovaries, viburnum opulus is an excellent remedy. I have re- lieved many cases by tincture gelsemium, eights gtts. once in fifteen minutes. The best prescription for the relief of such cases is : ^ Tincture gelsemium, gtts. xx. Tincture viburnum Op. 3ii. Leontin (Lloyd), 3iii. Simple syrup, q. s. %vi. 282 Definite Medication Mix. Sig. Teaspoonful once in half an hour until relieved. To cure such cases I prefer Fl. ext. viburnum pruni- folium, xx. gtts. in a half teaspoonful of simple elixir four times a day to be administered between the pe- riods. Magnesia phosphate is indicated in cramping pains relieved by heat, and when the dysmenorrhea is of a purely neuralgic character. Ten grains of the third decimal trituration should be put in a cup of hot water and two teaspoonfuls given every few minutes. When the pain is of a griping, twisting nature made worse by bending forward and lying down, relieved by standing on the feet and bending backward, the tincture of dioscorea will relieve. Add Tr. dioscorea 3i. to aqua %iv. and give one teaspoonful once in half an hour. In congestive dysmenorrhea with throb- bing headaches, in plethoric girls and women, where the menses are scanty and the pulse hard and tense, we should not forget tincture veratrum viride. Give five gtts. of the first decimal dilution three times a day. In congestion of the os uteri, with the abdomen sen- sitive to external touch, with burning and stinging pains, a feeling of fullness as if everything was press- ing toward the vulva, tincture belladonna is the rem- edy. Add twenty gtts. of third decimal dilution to a glass of water and give teaspoonful once an hour. In congestion of the os uteri with stitching pains, extend- ing from the vagina to the umbilicus, a profuse leucor- rhea of a fetid odor, sensation of a ball or weight in the rectum, flashes of heat, stomach feels empty, urine reddish, and very offensive and adheres to the bottom of the vessel, sepia is the remedy indicated. Prescribe three tablets of the sixth decimal trituration four times Definite Medication 283 a day. In ulceration of the os uteri with a discharge like pus I have always obtained good results from three drop doses of tincture belladonna given once in three hours. With the belladonna I have given in al- ternation three drop doses of Fowler's Solution once in three hours. Locally I use Micajah's Uterine Wafers, inserting one every other night between the menstrual periods. For leucorrhea I depend upon hamamelin first deci- mal trituration, giving three tablets four times a day. In leucorrhea, where the discharge is milky white and non-irritating kali mur. should be given. I prescribe three tablets of the third decimal trituration once in two hours. When the uterus and its appendages feel as if they were being dragged out of the body, with a leucorrhea that comes on every few days in torrents of thick, yellowish discharge, the third decimal tritura- tion of secale cornutum is the remedy. Give three tab- lets three times a day. For pruritus of the vagina there is one prescription which I have used for years that has never failed to stop the itching of these parts. It is the following : ^ Powdered borax, 3iv. Fl. ext. hydrastis, ^ii. Aqua, giv. Mix. Sig. Bathe the parts four times a day. Internally we have one remedy especially indicated when there is a yellow leucorrhea, itching of the parts covered with hair, and bruised, painful feeling in the ovaries. It is fagopyrum esculentum. Three tablets of the third decimal trituration should be taken once in two hours. 284 Definite Medication In prolapsus uteri when there is a dragging sensa- tion in the lower part of the abdomen, the back feels as if it were broken and pains extend along the outer side of the thighs ; the patient talks about " her womb," is conscious that she has one and it is sore and tender, and there is a tendency to melancholia, helonias dioica is specially indicated. Give tincture helonius in ten drop doses three times a day. If there is pressure and bearing down as if everything would protrude from the pelvis, she feels as if she must sit close and cross her legs to prevent it, and there is a yellow saddlle across the nose and cheeks, sepia is the remedy. Pre- scribe three tablets of sepia sixth decimal trituration four times a day. In displacements of the uterus with bearing down feeling, frequent desire to urinate, cannot walk on rough ground, only flows when she moves about, tincture lilium tigrinum should be used. Give in five drop doses three times a day. Locally I like the uterine wafers as mentioned above. In all the years of my practice I have never used pessaries, outside or inside, supporters, or had any operation performed upon any of my patients, yet I have never failed to cure the worst cases of prolapsus with the above treatment. In many cases of displacement of the uterus where pessaries, or supporters, are used the real cause of the prolapsus is because of the enlargement of the uterus. It is heavy and it drops from its own weight. From this it is evi- dent how silly it is to try to keep it in its natural posi- tion by any mechanical support. When you can re- duce the enlargement of the uterus you remove the cause and the position becomes normal. When there is an enlargement and a heavy bearing down feeling Definite Medication 285 fraxinus americanus is the remedy. Direct ten drops of the tincture to be taken three times a day. Many cases of enlargement of the uterus are called fibroid tumors of the uterus. In metritis I have always depended upon tincture gelsemium and tincture macrotys, twenty drops of each in a glass of water. Teaspoonful every hour. Ex- ternally I use bags of hops and wormwood moistened with hot vinegar and changed every half hour. In chronic metritis with thickening of the cervical canal, menses too soon, yellowish leucorrhea, dragging sensa- tions in the pelvic organs use third decimal trituration of aurum muriaticum, giving three grains one hour after each meal. In acute salpingitis where there is acute, sharp, lan- cinating pain on the affected side, with tenderness on pressure aggravated by motion, I have depended upon ferri phos. third decimal trituration and kali mur., third decimal trituration, of each five grains in a cup of hot water, giving two teaspoonfuls every half hour. Ap- ply locally bags of hops and wormwood moistened with hot vinegar and change every half hour. I saved a doctor's wife from a surgical operation by this treat- ment and cured her in a week's time. A Greek philosopher wrote that woman was " an animal with a pain in her side and constipated bowels." For that pain in her side, just under the left breast, give macrotin, first decimal trituration. Dose, three tablets once in three hours. Vaginismus of the newly married woman may make trouble in the family unless it can be remedied. I have used an ointment of hydrochlorate cocaine, five grains to the ounce of vaseline, the ointment to be ap- 286 Definite Medication plied to the inside of the vagina before retiring. In women who are thin, rigid and spare, with dark hair, platinum, sixth decimal trituration, is the remedy ; give three tablets once in two hours. In congestion of the ovary, swollen and indurated, distress relieved from starting of the flow, menses scanty, black, and offen- sive, the sixth decimal dilution of lachesis is the rem- edy. Add ten drops to half a glass of water and give two teaspoonfuls once an hour. When from ovarian irritation we have burning, stinging pains and soreness in the ovary which is large and sensitive, tincture apis mel. will give relief. Place twenty drops in a glass of water and give one teaspoonful every hour. Pain in the right ovary, running down the right thigh, calls for podophyllin. Prescribe three tablets once in two hours of the sixth decimal trituration. In nymphomania where the sexual desire is easily excited, the least touch of the sexual organs causes violent sexual excitement menses are irregular with large clots, murex purpurea, sixth decimal dilution, is the needed remedy. Add twenty drops to a glass of water and give a teaspoonful once in two hours. Sterility. Out of five hundred and five cases of ste- rility three hundred and forty-three had uterine dis- placements, or about two-thirds of the whole. There are three forms, prolapsus uteri, anteflexion or retro- flexion. Study the symptoms of each case carefully and give the remedy indicated. Don't depend upon pessaries to cure such cases. The Almighty never in- tended that a woman should be harnessed up like a horse. There are cases where the natural position during intercourse is not the proper one to induce conception. In cases of retroversion, if the position of husband and Definite Medication 287 wife are reversed during intercourse conception is more apt to occur. In anteflexion I have known cases where conception has taken place when the parties concerned had intercourse in the standing position. Induration of the cervix uteri is another cause of sterility ; conception cannot take place because the ovum slips out of the uterus before it is fertilized. We have one remedy which we can depend upon in such cases, Aurum Muriaticum Nat. (double chloride of gold and sodium). Give three grains of the third decimal trituration one hour after each meal. It will soften the indurations, increase the strength and appetite and, in two or three months, will often produce the result de- sired and the woman will be " in the way women like to be who love their lords." As a local application I like ichthyol and glycerine, equal parts, to be applied by means of a tampon pressed up against the os uteri. This tampon should be renewed once in twelve hours. In women with acrid leucorrhea, soreness, abrasions of the os uteri and vagina there is membranous dys- menorrhea borax is the remedy, administer in doses of three grains three times a day. Locally apply boracic acid on a sponge to which a narrow ribbon or string is attached. Roll the sponge in fine powdered boracic acid after it has been moistened in glycerine. Place the sponge in the vagina, push it up tight against the os uteria and allow it to remain for twenty-four hours, when it should be removed and a fresh one in- serted. The borax has often produced conception and the labors after its use are easy. In vaginitis the leu- corrhea is often of an abnormal acid condition, which is fatal to the life of the spermatazoa, thus preventing the desired conception. We may overcome this diffi- 288 Definite Medication culty by placing a tampon moistened with the follow- ing prescription in the vagina : 1$ Bi-carbonate sodium, grs. xx. Glycerine, j. Mix. Tie a string to the tampon and place it in position the latter part of the afternoon allowing it to remain in situ until the next morning. Let the removal be followed by intercourse and conception may take place. There may be an abnormal irritability of the clitoris, causing an excessive secretion of the cervical glands. This may lead and often does lead to masturbation. When the genitalia are excessively sensitive, cannot bear to be touched, will almost go into spasms with the ex- amination, platina is the remedy. Give three tablets of the sixth decimal trituration once in two hours. Frigidity, the absence of the sexual desire, is another cause of sterility. The more passionate a woman is the more likely she is to conceive. Women who are worn out by worry or hard work sometimes lose their sexual passion. In such cases give the Fid. Ext. saw palmetto, twenty drops in a little water after each meal. It seems to vitalize and invigorate the whole system, restore the sexual desire, and conception may take place in a short time. When married people want to have children they should remember to have intercourse on the last day of the menstrual period or on the third, fifth, or seventh day after the period has ceased. Diabetes, ulceration of the os uteri, fibroid tumors, and enlargements of the uterus should all be considered as causes of ste- rility, and must be treated by the indicated remedies. CHAPTER XXI SPECIAL REMEDIES FOR THE MENOPAUSE Extract from the Preface " The eclectic remedies mentioned in this book, especially the tinctures, are Lloyd's Specific Medicines. Many years' experience has proved them to be thoroughly reliable and convenient for dispensing. " I have bought my homeopathic remedies for forty years of Boericke & Tafel, of Philadelphia, and know them to be perfectly reliable. Most of the tinctures and triturates are now put up in tablet form, a tablet representing a grain of the drug." Definite Medication 291 CHAPTER XXI SPECIAL REMEDIES FOR THE MENOPAUSE FOR the hot flashes at the "change of life" I have found the fourth decimal trituration of sepia the most successful remedy. Dose, three tablets once in three hours. For excessive flooding we should always give Hayden's Viburnum Compound. Dose, half a teaspoonful once in two hours in a little cold sweetened water. Women at the menopause who, because of grief and worriment, have persistent cold feet and legs, should be given ignatia. Dose, add fifteen drops tincture ig- natia to four ounces of water ; mix and give the patient a teaspoonful every two hours. Edema of the Feet and Legs. Women at the climac- teric are frequently troubled with edema of the legs and feet. Such patients should be given one-twelfth grain apocynin (three granules) once in three hours. Prickling of the Hands and Feet. When there is prick- ling of the hands and feet and they feel as if they were asleep (the warning symptoms of apoplexy) we shall know that they need kali phos. Dose, three tablets of the third decimal trituration once in two hours. When the feet are " figity," cannot keep them still you should prescribe the third decimal trituration of zincum me- talicum. Dose, three tablets once in two hours. In plethoric, full blooded women who complain of headache with beating and throbbing of the brain and carotids, you will need veratrum viride. Dose, five drops of the first decimal dilution once in three hours. 292 Definite Medication When with the headache the head feels confused and bigger than it ought, belladonna is the needed remedy. Dose, add five drops tincture belladonna to four ounces of water; mix and give a teaspoonful every hour for three hours, afterwards once in three hours. For the " sinking at the stomach " of which women frequently complain at this period of their lives, you should prescribe cimicifuga. Dose, ten drops of the third decimal dilution, tincture cimicifuga, once in three hours. Women at the menopause frequently complain of a burning pressure upon the vertex; this is usually a symptom of debility from loss of blood. Give such patients three tablets of the first decimal china, before each meal and three tablets first decimal ferrum after each meal. Giddiness, rush of blood to the head, throbbing, beating, noises in the ear teach us to think of glonoin. Dose, twenty drops, third decimal dilution should be added to' a glass of water and a tea- spoonful given of this mixture once in two hours. Tinnitus Aurum. When tinnitus aurum is a promi- nent symptom at the menopause, I have prescribed suc- cessfully Fl. Ext. Ergot. Dose, ten drops three times a day. Enlargement of the Uterus. Enlargement of the uterus with heavy pressing down feeling calls for fraxinus americanus. Dose, ten drops tincture fraxinus three times a day. We may sometimes find at the meno- pause a peculiar bag like swelling in the upper eye- lids, an indication of a weak heart. The heart's action is irregular and intermittent. In such cases kali car- bonica is the indicated remedy. Dose, three tablets of the third decimal trituration once in two hours. Definite Medication 293 Some women at the climacteric have a headache and backache ; they feel all the time " as if the back and legs must give out/' the aching extends into the hips and gluteal muscles, she drops into a chair or throws herself on the bed completely exhausted. Such pa- tients should be given the third decimal trituration of kali carb. three tablets once in two hours. Study each patient carefully and prescribe the indi- cated remedy. The menopause is the " crisis " in a woman's life. It is then she needs the most skillful treatment that a physician can give. Many times in my professional life I have had women consult me com- plaining of different symptoms. They will often say, " My doctor says it is the change of life and I must ex- pect all kinds of queer feelings." I have only this crit- icism to make, that any physician who cannot carry a woman successfully through the menopause and be able to prescribe intelligently for her various ailments, should step aside and let a better man take his place. Index PAGB ABSCESS 217 Alnunin 218 Alnus rubra 218 Beeswax 213 Burgundy pitch .... 218 Calcarea sulph. - - - 217, 218 Echafolta 219 Echinacea 218 Eclectic wash 219 Hepar sulph. 217 Libradol 217 Mutton tallow 218 Olive oil 218 Poultice (slippery elm, lo- belia, flaxseed) .... 217 Turpentine, white pine - - 218 ACNE 197 Belladonna 197 Berberis aquifolium ... 197 Boracic acid ------ 197 Calcarea sulph. 197 Ergotin 197 Ichthyol 197 Juglandine - 197 Potash nitrate 197 Potassium bromide ... 197 Quinine sulph. ..... 197 ALOPECIA 144 Bath (Epsom salts) - - - 144 Burgamont oil ----- 144 Cantharis 144 Castor oil 144 Lavender, oil of .... 144 Lemon, oil of ..... 144 AMBLYOPIA 155 Aconite 155 Kali phos. 155 Nux vomica ------ 155 Phosphoric acid .... 155 PAGR ANEMIA 213 Calcarea phos. 214 Cinchona (china) .... 213 Digitalin 213 Ferrum metallicum - . - 213 Helonias dioica 214 Natrum muriaticum spts. - 213 ANEMIA (Cerebral) - - - 214 Calcarea phos. 214 Kali phos. 214 ANEMIA (Pernicious) - - - 214 Arsenicum album .... 214 Calcarea phos. 215 Carduus 215 Picricum acidum .... 214 ANEURISM 227 Barium chloride .... 227 Calcarea flouride .... 227 Epsom salts 227 Potash iodide 227 Veratrum viride 227 ANGINA PECTORIS - - - 85 Crategus ....... 85 Glonoin 85 Lobelia 85 Spigelia - 85 ANUS (Prolapsus) - - - - 101 Aesculus hippo 101 Hamamelis ...... 101 ANUS (Fissure) 101 Krameria 101 Paeonia officinalis .... 101 Salicylic acid 101 APHONIA 59 Eriginon, oil of .... 59 Potash bi-chromate ... 59 Rhus glabra 59 Strychnine sulph. .... 59 (296) 296 Index 1 PAGE i AGE APHTHEA 93 BALANITIS 139 Bismuth sub-nitrate - - - 93 Castile soap ------ 140 Boro-glycerine (sol) - - - 93 Zinc sulph. ------ 140 Kali mur. 93 BARBER'S ITCH - ... 193 APOPLEXY 36 Carbolic acid 205 Aconite .--..-. 36 Creosote 204 Ferri phos. 36 Poultice (flaxseed) - - - 204 Kali mur. 36 Sulphur iodide - - - 193, 204 Kali phos. ...... 36 BLADDER (Calculus in) - - 126 APPENDICITIS 97 Magnesia boro citras - 126 Castor oil 99 Dioscorea ------- 98 BOILS 219 Enema (salt and olive oil) - 99 Aconite 219 98 Arctium lappa 219 Ipecac 99 Arnica 219 Kali mur. ------- 99 Belladonna ------ 219 Poultice (flaxseed) - - - 99 Calcarea sulph. - - - - - 220 Echinacea ----.. 219 ARTERIO SCLEROSIS - - 87 Hamamelis ...... 219 Arsenic iodide - - - 88 Calcarea flouride - ... 87 BRAIN FAG 249 Phosphoric acid - - - - 88 Belladonna - 250 Strychnine sulph. - - - - 88 Coccinella sept. .... 250 Veratrum viride - - - - - 87 Codiine ..--... 250 Ignatia - 249 ASTHENOPIA 154 Phosphoric acid (dil) - - 250 Asarum europaeum - - - 154 Picric acid --..-. 249 Kali carb. ------- 155 Spigelia ------- 250 Ruta graveolus - - - - - Sepia - - Strychnine sulph. - - . - 154 155 155 BRIGHT'S DISEASE (Acute) Bath (Epsom salts) - - - Calcarea phos. - - - - - 130 131 132 ASTHMA 58 Calcarea sulph. 132 Aspidosperma quebracho 58 Cantharis 131 Gelsemium - - - - - 59 Kali mur. 131 Grindelia robusta - ... 58 Kali phos. - 132 Lobelia ....... 58 Triticum repens .... 131 Sumbul ....... 59 59 BRIGHT'S DISEASE (Chronic) 132 AURIUM (Polypus) - - - 156 Chelonin ------- 132 Calcarea carb. 156 Helonin ------- 132 Salicylic acid ..... 156 Iron by hydrogen - - - - 132 AURIUM (Eczema) - - - 156 BROMIDIOSIS 207 Aristol 156 Baryta carbonica - - - - 208 Calcarea sulph. .... 156 Nitric acid ------ 208 Eucalyptus 156 Sepia 208 Rhus tox ...... 156 208 297 PAGE BRONCHITIS (Acute) - - 55 Aconite 55 Asclepias -----.- 55 Hepar sulph. ----- 56 Kali mur. 55 Innula helenium .... 55 Stillingia 56 Wild cherry 56 BRONCHITIS (Chronic) - 56 Bath (Epsom salts) - - - 56 Stannum ------ 56 Strychnine sulph. - - - - 5G RRONCOCELE 63 Calcarea iodide 63 Iodine 63 Iris versicolor 63 Phytolacca 63 BUBOES 139 Calcarea sulph. 139 Iodine 139 Kali mur. 139 Poultice (slippery elm, lo- belia, flaxseed) - - - - 139 CANCER 209 CARBUNCLE 220 Carbolic acid 220 Cupping glass 220 Echinacea ------ 220 Hepar sulph. 220 Kali mur. 220 Strychnine sulph. - - - - 220 Tarantula cubensis - - 221 CATARACT - - Calcarea flouride Causticum * Phosphorus - - 156 - - 156 - - 156 - - 156 Silicea 158 Sulphur iodide 150 CATARRH (Chronic) ... 49 Ammonia aqua 50 Camphor ------- 50 Carbolic acid 50 Iodine 50 Potash bi-chromate - - - 50 Sanguinaria nitrate Soda sulpho carbolate PACK 50 50 CATARRH (Nasal) ... 48 Ammonia muriate - ... 49 Calcarea phos. 49 Ferri phos. 49 Gaultheria, oil of - - - - 49 Kali mur. 49 Natrum mur. 49 Nitre (Sol.) 49 Sodae boras 49 CATALEPSY 186 Cauabis indica .... - 186 Pulsatilla 186 Stramonium 186 CEREBRAL CONGESTION 35 Aconite - 35 Belladonna 35 Veratrum viride .... 35 CEREBRO SPINAL MEN- INGITIS 25 Belladonna 27 Calcarea phos. - - - - 26, 28 Cimicifuga ...... 27 Echinacea 27 Epsom salts (bath) - - - 28 Ferri phos. 20 Gelsemium -...-- 27 Ice (externally) ... - 25 Kali phos. 26. 28 Libradol 26 Magnesia phos. 26 Mustard paste - .... 26 Morphine 25, 28 Natrium sulph. ----- 26 Passaflora 28 flT A WPWT? - - - - 139 Ferrum chloride Zinc ointment CHICKEN POX - ... 139 ..-- 139 .... 242 - - - - 24 . . - 243 . . . . *>4'i Quinia arsenate .... 243 298 Index PAGB CHLOASMA 206 Euonymus ...... 206 Lactic acid 206 CHLOROSIS 221 Alumina 221 Digitalin 222 Ferrum metallicum ... 222 Natrum muriaticum ... 221 Pulsatilla 221 Senecio aurens 221 CHOLERA ASIATICA - - 102 Belladonna 103 Bath (alcohol) 103 Camphor 103 Cuprum metallicum ... 103 Ice cold water 103 Phosphoric acid .... 103 Veratrum alba 103 CHOLERA INFANTUM - 103 Cuphea viscosissima ... 103 Euphorbia corollata ... 104 Ferrum phos. ..... 104 Tomato soup 104 CHOLERA MORBUS - - 99 Aconite 99 Ammonia arom. spts. - - 99 Magnesia carb. ..... 99 Menth piperita aqua - - - 99 Nux vomica ...... 99 Paste (mustard) .... 99 CHOREA 185 Agaricus rruscarius ... 183 Calcarea phos. 185 Cimicifuga - 185 Cypripedium ..... 185 Ferri carbonas ..... 185 Fowler's Solution .... 183 Gelsemium 185 Magnesia phos. .... 185 Port wine 185 Scutellaria 185 CHOROIDITIS 152 Belladonna 152 Kali mur. 152 Prunus spinosa .... 152 PAGE CHOROIDITIS (Suppurative) 152 Rhus tox 152 Viola odorata 152 COLIC Colocynth Dioscorea Magnesia phosphate - - COLIC (Gallstone) . . . . Chelidonium majus - - Euonymin Hydrastis Juglands (Syr.) . . - . Olive oil Podophyllinn - - - - COLIC (Lead) Potash iodide White liquid physic - - - COLIC (Renal) Dioscorea CONCUSSION OF THE BRAIN Belladonna .-.--. Cold applications - - . . CONJUNCTIVITIS - - - Ferri phos. ...... Hamamelis ...... Hepar sulph. . . . . . Morphia sulph. - - - - - Zinc sulphate - . - - . CONJUNCTIVITIS (Catarrhal) Belladonna ------ Euphrasia ..-.-. Hydrastis muriate - - - - CONJUNCTIVITIS (Gonor- rheal) Aconite Borax Silver nitrate . . . . - Thuja CONJUNCTIVITIS (Granu- lar) Kali mur. Mercury yellow oxide - - Potash sequi carb. - - - 108 109 108 109 117 118 117 117 118 117 117 108 108 108 133 133 34 34 34 149 149 149 149 149 149 150 150 151 151 150 150 150 150 150 151 151 151 151 Index 299 PAGE CONJUNCTIVITIS (Puru- lent) 149 Hatnamelis 150 Hepar sulph. 150 Rhus tox 15(3 Silver nitrate 150 CONJUNCTIVITIS (Scrofu- lous) 150 Boric acid (Sol.) .... 150 Ergot 150 Potash iodide 150 Stillingia 150 CONJUNCTIVITIS (Ulcera- tive) 151 Eucalyptus 151 CONSTIPATION - - - - 106 Bryonia 107 Cold water 107 Hydrastis 107 Kali mur. 107 Natrium muriate .... 107 Nux vomica 107 Wheat bran 107 CONVULSIONS (Puerperal) 188 Eupatorium purp. .... 189 Glonoin 189 Veratrum viride .... 18<4 Viburnum pruni. .... 188 CORNEA (Ulceration of the) 152 Belladonna ...... 152 Calcium sulphide .... 152 Corydalis 153 Potash bi-chromate - - - 153 Silver nitrate 153 CORNEAL OPACITIES - 154 Calcarea flouride .... 154 Cannabis sativa .... 154 Potash bi-chromate ... 154 Resorcin 154 CORYZA - 47 Aconite 47 Euphrasia officinalis - - - 47 Kali mur. 47 Natrium mur. 47 PAGB CRUSTEA LACTEA - - - 205 Arctium lappa 205 Viola tricolor 205 CYSTITIS 123 Aconite 123 Camphor 123 Cantharis 123 Equisetum 123 Gelsemium 123 Niter dulce spts. .... 123 Nux vomica 123 CYSTITIS (Chronic) - - - 125 Chimaphila umbelata - - - 125 Cuprum arsenicum - - - 125 Gelsemin 125 Hamamelin 125 Populin 125 Terebinthina 125 DEAFNESS 158 Ether 158 Ferrum piericum .... 159 Kali mur. 159 Kali phos. 159 Phosphorus ...... 159 Silicea 159 Strychnia sulph. .... 159 DELIRIUM TREMENS - - 38 Beef tea with capsicum 38 Bromidia 38 Canabis indica ..... 38 Hyoscyamus 38 Kali phos. 39 Kali mur. 39 DIABETES 127 Chionanthus 128 Lactic acid - 127 Lycopus virg. . - 128 Phosphoric acid .... 128 Syzygeum jambol .... 128 Uranium nitrate .... 128 DIAPHRAGMITIS .... 88 Cactus grand. ..... 88 DIARRHEA 255 Aloes 257 Anise 257 300 Index PAGB Antimonium crudum - - 256 Camphor 256 Capsicum 256 Colocynth 256 Cuprum arsenicum - - - - 256 Ginger 256, 257 Henchera americana - - - 257 Magnesia carb. 257 Opium 256 Phosphoric acid .... 256 Podophyllin 255 Rhei et Potassa Syr. - - - 255 Rhubarb 256. 257 DIPSOMANIA 263 Apocynum cannabinum - - 263 Strychnine hypophosphite - 264 Strychnine nitrate - - - - 264 DROPSY 110 Adonis ....... Ill Apocynum cannabinum - - 110 Convallaria 110 Cream tartar 110 Digitalis 110 Elaterin Ill Jalap Ill Squills Ill Strychnine sulph. .... Ill DIPHTHERIA - - Antitoxin .... Apis mel. - - - - Aurum triphyllum - 63 64 65 66 Baptisia 65 Eucalyptus 65 Gelsemium 64 Lachesis 66 Phytolacca 64 Potash chlorate .... 64 Poultice (slippery elm) - 64 Quinine sulph. 64 Sulphurous acid .... 64 DYSENTERY 100 Baptisia 100 DYSPEPSIA 93 Alnus rubra 94 Alunin ----- 94 Bismuth sub-nitrate ... 95 PAGE Chelone glabra 94 Coffee 94 Gentian Comp. Tr. ... 95 Lycopodium 94 Nux vomica 94, 95 Pepsin (pure) 95 Robina pseud. 94 Tea drinking 94 DYSPNEA 87 Adonis vernalis .... 87 Crataegus 87 Naja tripudiant 87 Quebracho ...... 7 ECZEMA 197 Alnus rubra ------ 199 Bath (soda sulphate) - - 200 Berberis aquifolium . . - 200 Bismuth nitrate - - - - 109 Bovista 200 Carbolic acid 200 Gentian 199 Graphites 199 Juniper pomade .... 200 Lobelia acetic Tr. .... 198 Morphia sulph. 200 Rhus tox 199 Podophyllum 193 Potash acetate 198 Rumex crispus 199 Staphisagria 200 Taraxacum 199 EDEMA GLOTTIDIS Apis mel. .... ENDOCARDITIS Aconite rad. - - Bonplandi cereus Calcarea flouride Cimicifuga - - Kali mur. - - Spigelia ... Veratrum viride EPISTAXIS - - - Ferri phos. ... Ferrutn aceticum - Geranium maculatum 55 55 80 80 80 81 80 80 80 80 51 51 51 51 Index, 301 PAGE EPILEPSY 182 Ammonium bromide ... 183 Artemisia vulgans - ... 183 Belladonna 183 Calcarea phos. 184 Kali mur. 184 Lobelia comp. Tr. .... 184 Magnesia phos. 184 Natrium sulph. 184 Oenanthe crocata .... 183 Pulsatilla 183 Solanum carolinense ... 184 Veratrum viride .... 183 ERYSIPELAS - - - Belladonna - - - - Calcium iodo bromide Hatnamelis . . . . Ice Poultice Quinine ..... Rhus tox ERYTHEMA . . . . Belladonna .... Echinacea .... Hamamelis .... Rhus veneata - - - ENTERITIS Ferri phos ...... Kali mur. Poultice (flaxseed) ... EXANTHEMATA - - - - Baptisia Charcoal - - Echinacea Ferri phos. ...... Hydrochloric acid - - - - Hyoscyamus Kali mur. ...... Kali phos. Poultice (slippery elm, flax- seed) EXOPHTHALMIC GOITRE Fucus vesiculosis .... Iodine Lycopus Phytolacca 223 223 225 224 224 224 223 223 195 195 196 195 19tl 109 109 109 109 233 234 234 234 233 234 235 233 235 234 85 80 86 86 PAGE FEVER (Bilious) - - - . 235 Aconite 236 Mustard paste 237 Nux vomica 236 FEVER (Remittent) - - - 236 Gelsemium 236 Quinine arsenate .... 236 Rhus tox 236 FEVER (Scarlet) ---. 237 Aconite rad. 237 Alianthus glandulosa - - 238 Ammonia carb. 238 Arum triphyllum .... 237 Belladonna 237 Echinacea - - 238 Ferri phos. 237 Kali mur. 237 Phytolacca 238 Potash chlorate .... 237 Poultice (slippery elm) - - 237 Zinc sulphate ..... 237 FEVER (Typhoid) - ... 233 Baptisia 234 Charcoal 234 Echinacea ...... 234 Ferri phos. 233 Hydrochloric acid - - 234 Hyoscyamus 235 Kali mur. 233 Kali phos. 235 Poultice (slippery elm, flax- seed) 234 FEVER (Typhus) - - - - 235 Baptisia 235 Belladonna 236 Echinacea 236 Hydrochloric acid - - - 236 Hyoscyamus 236 FEVER (Yellow) . - - - 243 Aconite 243 Belladonna 24.". Cadmium sulph. .... 244 Camphor 243 Crotalus horridus - ... 244 Ipecac 243 Lime sweat 243 302 Index PAGE GASTRALGIA 96 Dioscorea vil. 96 Gaultheria, oil of - - - - 96 Meliotus alba 96 GASTRIC ULCER - - - Argentium ...... Natrum phos. . . . - . Potash bi-chromate - - Uranium nitrate - - - GASTRITIS Aconite Bismuth sub-nitrate - - Ice GASTRITIS (Chronic) - Argentum nitricum Arsenic (Fowler's Sol.) - Hydrastis (Lloyd's Liquid) Nux vomica ------ GLANDERS Echinacea ...... Potash bi-chromate - - Quinine GLOSSITIS Aconite GONORRHEA . . . . . Cannabis sativa . . . . Cubeba Gelsemium Natrum sulph. - - - - Nitre dulce spts. . . . . Sepia 96 97 97 96 96 95 95 95 95 95 95 9G 96 96 225 225 225 225 93 93 137 137 137 137 137 137 137 HANDS, ARMS AND LEGS 163 Actea spicata 164 Benzoic acid - 16J? Bovista 163 Cactus grand 163 Calcarea flouride ... - 164 Calcarea ost. 164 Calendula 163 Camphor l&i Carduus 167 Causticum 366 Chelidonium 167 Cimicifuga - 165 Cistus canadensis - - - - 166 Cocculus 164 PAGE Colocynth 166 Eclectic wash 167 Gaultheria, oil of - - - 165 Gelsemium ...... 105 Guaphalium ...... 167 Hamamelis .... 166, 167 Hyoscyamus hydrobromate - 168 Jaborandi 165 Kali phos. 163 Kalmia latifolia 165 Lathyrus sativa .... 166 Lolium temulentum ... 164 Magnesia phos. ..... 163 Manaca 165 Mezerum 164 Natrum phos. 164 Phytolacca 166 Pilocarpine 163 Potash iodide 163 Potassa bromide .... 163 Pulsatilla 166 Rhus tox 164 Silicea 168 Stillingia 164 Strychnia sulph. - - 163, 168 Symphitum 167 Urtica urens 165 Viburum pruni 165 Wormwood, oil of - - - - 165 Xanthoxyllin 168 HAY FEVER Alium cepa Sabadilla - 71 71 71 HEADACHE (Congestive) - 247 Aconite 248 Belladonna 247 Gelsemium 248 Glonoin 249 Meliotus alba 247 Natrum carb. 249 Secale cornutum .... 248 Usnea barbata 249 Veratrum viride .... 247 HEADACHE (from eye strain) 250 Cimicifuga 251 Onosmodium ..... 251 Ruta grav. 250 Index 303 PAGE HEADACHE (Nervous) - - 249 Epiphegus 249 HEADACHE (Periodic) - - 251 Bryonia 252 Natrum muriaticum - - - 252 Quinine ....... 252 HEADACHE (Sick) - - - 251 Cascara cordial 251 Charcoal 251 Chi onan thus 251 Epiphegus 251 Niccolum 251 HEART (Dilatation) - - - 82 Collinsonia 83 Craetegus 82 Digitalis 82 Ignatia 83 Phaseolus panus .... 82 HEART (Fatty) 83 Phytoline 83 Strychnine sulph. - - - - 83 Vanadium 83 HEART (Hypertrophy) - - 81 Arnica 82 Cactus grandiflorus - - - 82 Colchicum 82 Collinsonia 82 Lycopus virg. 82 Veratrum viride .... 81 HEART (Palpitation) - - 84, 88 China 88 Cimicifuga 85 Gelsemium 85 Kali phos. 88 Moschus 88 Phosphoric acid .... 88 Pulsatilla 85 HEART (Remedy) .... 83 Ammonia arom. spts. - - 83 Castor 83 Ether sulph. 83 Opium 83 Turpentine spts. .... 83 HEART (Valvular Disease) - 86 Calcarea flouride .... 86 HEART (Weak) Caffeine ....... Digitalis . Ferrum ....... Glonoin ....... Phaseolus nanus - - - HEMORRHOIDS - - - - Aesculus hippo Black molasses - - - - - Collinsonia Conium . Hamamelis Morphia Tannic acid HEMIPLEGIA Avena sativa Capsicum, oil of - - - - Causticum I/achesis ....... Originum, oil of - - - - Stillingia, oil of - - - Strychnine sulph. - - - - Xanthoxylum Zinc phosphide HEMORRHAGE (Intestinal) Charcoal Ipecac HEPATITIS Bryonia Ferri phos. Hepar sulph. Paste (mustard) - - - - Natrum sulph. Veratrum viride . . . . HERPES (Facial) - - - - Natrium muriaticum ... HERPES ZOSTER- - - Bath (soda sulphate) - - - Corn starch Ranunculus bulbosas 202, Rhus tox Rumex crispus comp. syr. - Tar plaster comp. .... HICCOUGH Caulophyllum Magnesia phos. PAGB 86 gg 86 86 101 101 102 102 102 102 102 102 187 187 188 187 187 188 188 187 187 188 107 107 107 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 202 202 202 202 203 203 203 203 203 88 89 88 304 Index Morphia sulph. - - - Sugar and vinegar HAEMATURIA - - Ferri phos. - ... Lycopus virg. - - PAGE 89 127 127 127 Terebinthina 127 HYDROPHOBIA Caustic potash - Cypripedium - - Echinacea - - Lime ... Lobelia - - - Quinine sulph. - Sceutellaria - - HYDROCELE Apis mel. Ergot - - 32 32 33 32 32 33 33 33 140 141 141 HYDROPERICARDIUM - 76 Ammonia arom. spts. - - - 79 Apis mel. 77 Apocynum cannabinum - - 77 Convallaria maj. .... 77 Capsicum ------- 79 Cream tartar 77, 79 Digitalis 76 Helonias 78 Iron 78 Leptandrin ---..- 79 Morphine 78 Podophyllin 79 HYSTERIA 179 Ammonia valerianate - - - 179 Asafoetida 180 Composition powder - - - 179 Cypripedium - .... 180 Ignatia 181 Lobelia 180 Moschus -.-...- 181 Pothos foetida 181 Valerian 180 ICHTHYOSIS 202 Arsenic iodide 202 Bath (soda sulphate) - - - 202 Clematis erecta 202 PAGE Thuja 202 Thyroidin 202 IMPOTENCY 258 Agnus castus 260 Avena sativa 259 Kali phos. 259 Lycopodium ...... 260 Phosphoric acid (dil.) - - 259 Picric acid 260 Saw palmetto 260 Selenium 260 Strychnine arseniate - - - 259 IRITIS 151 Atrophia sulph. ----- 152 Jaborandi 151 JAUNDICE 118 Arsenic (Fowler's Solution) 119 Calisaya 119 Cheledonium US China 118 Chionanthus 118 Hydrastis 119 Myrica cerifera 118 KERITITIS 153 Apis mel. - 153 Aurum metallicum - - - - 154 Hepar sulph. 154 Kali mur. 153 KIDNEY COMPLAINT - - 130 Benzoic acid ------ 130 Berberis vulgaris - - - - 130 Terebinthina 130 LA GRIPPE 47 Bellandonna 47 Eupatorium purp. .... 48 Strychnia sulph. - - - - 48 LARYNGITIS 53 Aconite .--.--- 53 Eucalyptus 53 Jaborandi ------- 53 Lobelia 54 Onion poultice ----- 53 Sanguinaria 54 Stillingia comp. Tr. - - - 54 Index 305 LARYNGITIS (Chronic) - - PAGE 54 i Boletus lands ..... >AGB 119 Arum triphyllum .... 54 Capsicum ....... 119 Causticum 55 Gelsemium ...... 110 Lachesis 55 Orange Syr. 120 LEUCOCYTHEMIA - - - 223 Prickly ash berries - - . 119 Aranea diadema - - - - 223 Prusiate iron 119 Calcarea carb. 223 Quinine arseniate .... 119 Menispermin 223 Quinine sulph. ...... 119 Picric acid 223 Serpentaria 119 Thuja 223 MANIA 39 LEUCORRHEA 283 Belladonna 41 , 42 Fagopyrum esculentum - - 283 Cascara sagrada .... 40 Hamamelis 283 Cimicifuga ...... 42 Kali mur. --.--.. 283 Emetic (mustard and ipecac) 40 Secale cornutum .... 283 Hyoscyamus 40 , 42 Kali phos. 43 LICHEN 204 Micajah's uterine wafers 41 Grindelia robusta - ... 204 Potash bromide .... 40 Juglands cinerea .... 205 Stramonium 4? Juglandin 204 Veratrum album .... 43 Quinine sulph. 204 MANIA (Suicidal) .... 43 LIVER (Cirrhosis of the) - 115 Arsenicum album .... 44 Bryonia 116 Aurum metallicum - - - 44 Chionanthus 115 Lillium tigrinum .... 44 Euonymin ...... 115 Ignatia ....... 43 Nux vomica ...... 116 MEASLES 238 LIVER (Enlargement of the) 116 Aconite 238 Carduus marianus - ... 116 Asclepias 240 Chelidonium 116 Camphor 240 Chelone glabra 116 Euphrasia ...... 239 Ptelea trifoliata .... 116 Ferri phos. ..... 239 LOCOMOTOR ATAXIA - . 28 Ipecac 238 Alumina - 29 Kali mur. 239 Argentum nitricum ... 29 Kali phos. 239 Belladonna 29 MENINGITIS 35 Carbo veg. ...... 29 Ferrt phos. S5 Cannabis indica - - - - 29 Helleborus niger .... 35 Electricity 30 Kali mur. - - 35 Equisetum 29 Kali phos. 35 Picric acid 29 Silicea --- 29 MENSES (Dark colored) - - 281 Secale cornutum .... 29 Crocus sativa ..... 281 Stramonium ...... 30 Ustalago maydis .... 281 Zinc phosphide - .... 29 MENSES (Delayed) - - - 280 Aconite 280 MALARIA (Intermittent) 118 Polygonum punctatum - 280 Blue powder 119 Pulsatilla 280 306 Index PAGE MENSES (Irregular) - - - 280 Senecio aurens 280 Trillium 281 MENSES (Painful) - - - - 281 Dioscorea 282 Gelsemium 281 Magnesia phosphate - - - 282 Veratrum viride .... 282 Vivurnum opulus - - - - 281 Viburnum pruni .... 282 MENSES (Profuse) - - - - 280 Sabina 281 MENOPAUSE 291 Apocynum ...... 291 Belladonna 292 China 292 Cimicifuga 292 Ergot 292 Glonoin 292 Ignatia 291 Kali carbonicum - - 292, 293 Kali phos. 291 Sepia 291 Veratrum viride .... 291 Virburnum Comp. .... 291 Zincum metallicum - - - 291 PAGE Crataegus oxycantha - - - 81 Iberis 81 Kali mur. 81 Tar plaster comp. - ... 81 MYOPIA 155 Physostigma venenosum - - 155 NEURALGIA 177 Aconitin 178 Bryonia 178 Cypripedium - 178 Gelsemium 177 Kalmia 177 Magnesia phos. 178 Quinine sulph. 178 Sceutellaria 178 Spigelia 178 Zincum valerianicum ... 178 NEURASTHENIA - - - - 181 Avena sativa 181 Kali phos. 182 Phosphoric acid 182 Picric acid 182 Silicea - NEURITIS 182 177 Aconite rad. 177 METRITIS Ferri phos. 285 285 cannaois inaica .... Hypericum iti 177 285 NYMPHOMANIA .... 286 Kali mur. 285 Murex purpurea .... 286 Poultice (hops and worm- wood) 285 OPHTHALMIA 151 MOUTH (Ulcers of the) - - Potash chloride 93 93 Aconite Spigelia 151 151 93 ORCHITIS 137 Ammonium muriate - - - 1H8 MUCO ENTERITIS - - 106 Clematis erecta 138 Potash bi-chromate ... 106 Phytolacca - 138 MYELITIS 25 Pulsatilla 138 Artemesia abrotanum - - - 25 OS UTERI (Congestion of Hyoscyamus hydrobromate - 25 the) 282 Lathyrus sativus .... 25 Belladonna 282 Oxalic acid ...... 25 Sepia 282 Strychnia 25 OS UTERI (Displacement of MYOCARDITIS 81 the) 284 Calcarea fluoride - - - 81 Lillium tigrinum - - - - 284 Index 307 OS UTERI (Enlargement of PAGE Lathyrus sativus - - . . PAGE 186 the) 284 Oleander ISA Fraxinus americanus - - - 285 OS UTERI (Prolapsus of the) Helonias ---... 284 284 PARESIS (Oculo motor) - - Causticum 155 155 Sepia 284 Rhus tox 155 OS UTERI (Ulceration of the) Belladonna 283 283 PHEMPHIGUS Arsenic (Fowler's Sol.) - - 203 204 Fowler's Solution .... 283 Berberis aquifolium - - . 204 Micajah's uterine wafers 283 Caltha palustris - - - - 203 Rhus tox 203 OTALGIA 156 Thuja 203 Black pepper 157 Chamomilla ------ 156 PERICARDITIS - . - - 75 Cocaine ----... 156 Aconite 75 Ferri phos. ------ 156 Asclepias --.--.. 75 Plantago major ----- 156 Bryonia ------- 75 Poultice (onion) - - - - 156 Cimicifuga ---... 76 OTITIS 157 76 Kali mur. - - 75 Aconite ------- Calcarea sulph. Kali mur. 157 157 157 Marsh mallow syr. ... Phytolacca ----.. 76 76 76 Pulsatilla 157 Poultice (flaxseed) - - - 75 OTORRHEA 157 Spigelia 75 Boracic acid 157 Strychnine sulph. - - - - 76 Eucalyptus ------ 157 PERITONITIS 104 Kali phos. ------ 157 Aconite 104 Kali sulph. 157 Poultice (wormwood and Silicea 158 hops) ------. 104 OVARY (Congestion of the) - 286 PERITONITIS (General) - 105 Apis mel. 286 Ferri phos. -----. 106 Lachesis ------- 286 Kali mur. ------- 100 Podophyllin 286 PERITONITIS (Puerperal) - 105 PARALYSIS AGITANS - - 188 Gelsemium .-.-.- 105 Gelsemium ------ 188 Poultice (wormwood and Hyoscinate hydrobromas 188 hops) 105 Magnesia phos. - - - - - 188 PHARYNGITIS 51 PARALYSIS (Facial) - - - 186 Argentum nitricum ... 52 Aconite 186 Gelsemium ------ 52 Causticum 186 Guaiacum 52 PARAPLEGIA Argentum nitricum - - - Conium maculatum - - - 186 186 187 Phytolacca ------ Potash chlorate - - - - - Zinc sulphate - - - - - 52 62 52 Gelsemium 187 PITYRIASIS RUBRA - - 203 Kali phos. - 187 203 308 Index PAGE PLEURISY (Acute) - - - 56 Asclepias 56 Bryonia 56 Kali mur. 57 Libradol 57 Paste (ginger, mustard and capsicum) - 57 PLEURISY (Chronic) - - - 57 Ammonium carbonate - - 57 Asclepias - - 57 Iodine 57 Potash acetate - - - - 57 Quinine sulph. 58 Tar plaster comp. - - - - 58 PNEUMONIA 59 Asclepias 60 Baptisia 61 Bath (Epsom salts) - - - 60 Ipecac 60 Kali mur. 60, 61 Poultice (onion) - - - - 60 Quinine sulph. ----- 60 Strychnine sulph. - - - - 60 Tartar emetic 61 Veratrum 59 Whiskey 61 PNEUMONIA (Typhoid) Baptisia --.-.. Quinine Whiskey POLYPUS (Nasal) - - Sanguinaria - - - - 61 61 61 61 51 52 PRURIGO 207 Bath (soda sulphate) - - - 207 Dolichos puriens - - - - 207 Lobelia 207 Rumex comp. syr. .... 207 PRACTICAL DIAGNOSIS - 17 Characteristics of the eye - 19 Characteristics of the pulse - 18 Characteristics of the tongue 19 PREGNANT WOMAN - - 267 Arnica 271 Aesculus hippo 270 Black molasses 270 PAGE Camphor bromide ... - 271 Cascara cordial 270 Cererium oxalate - - - - 270 Chalk 270 Chamomilla ... - 271, 274 Cimicifuga .... 269, 274 Cinnamon 273 Digitalis 270, 271 Elaterium 272 Eupatorium purp. .... 2G9 Ferrum 272 Gelsemium 275 Helonias 272 Ingluvin 270 Jaborandi 272, 274 Kali phos. 274 Lactopeptine EHx. - - - - 272 Lime phosphate .... 270 Macrotin ....... 271 Method of turning - - . 275 Mitchella Comp. Tr. - - - 272 Michella repens .... 269 Nux vomica ------ 274 Peptenzyme 272 Sarsaparilla ----.- 269 Soda bromide ----- 271 Staphisagria ------ 271 Sulphuric acid ----- 273 Turpentine, oil of - - - - 273 Veratrum viride - - - - 271 Viburnum comp. - - - - 269 Viburnum opulus - - - - 271 Yolk of egg and glycerine - 270 PRICKLY HEAT - - - - 208 Borax 208 Carbolic acid 208 PROCTALGIA 100 Nitric acid 100 PROCTITIS 100 Collinsonia 100 Gelsemium ...... 100 PROSTATITIS (Acute) - - 126 Ammonia muriate - - - - 126 Flaxseed tea 126 Index 309 PAGE Gelsemium 126 Staphisagria 126 PROSTATITIS (Chronic) - 126 Aesculus hippo 127 Sabal serrulata 127 Selenium 127 PSORIASIS 201 Bath (soda sulphate) - - - 202 Berberis aquifolia - - - - 201 Burdock seeds 201 I,appa seeds 201 Rumex crispus 201 Soft soap 202 Tar 202 Thyroidin 201 Wheat bran 202 PUBERTY 279 Caulophyllum 280 Ferrum 280 Leontin 280 Sanguinaria 280 PURPURA 222 Ergotin 222 Hamamelis ...... 222 Lachesis 222 REMEDIES FOR THE FEET 171 Agaricus musca .... 172 Alumina 172 Ammonia muriate .... 171 Antimonium crudum ... 171 Apocynin - - ' 172 Belladonna 172 Cajeput, oil of 172 Calcarea carb. 172 Calcarea phos. 172 Chelidonium 174 Cuprum 174 Ferri chloride VI?, Gaultheria, oil of - - - - 171 Graphites 174 Hyoscyamus 173 Ignatia 172 Ledum palustre - - - 171, 174 Picric acid ...... 173 Potash chlorate 172 PAGE Secale cornutum .... 174 Sepia 173 Silicea ........ 172 Sulphur 171, 172 Veratrum viride .... 173 Zincum metallicum ... 172 RETINITIS 153 Belladonna 153 Ferri phos. 153 Kali mur. 153 Picric acid 153 Sodium salicylate - ... 153 RHEUMATISM 227 Ammonia spts. '2-9 Berberis vulgaris .... 228 Bryonia 226 Camphor 229 Capsicum 229 Cascara sagrada .... 228 Cimicifuga .... 228, 22f Colchicine ...... 227 Colchicum 227 Gelsemium ...... 228 Guiacum 229 Holland gin 229 Liniment (collodiom, iodine, aqua ammonia) .... 2'28 Opium 229 Origanon, oil of 229 Phytolacca berries .... 229 Rhododendron 228 Rhus tox 227 Salicylicum acidum - - 228 Sassafras, oil of .... 229 RHAGADES Graphites - 206 206 RING WORM 206 Acetic acid (glacial) - - - 206 Juglands cinerea .... 206 SALT RHEUM - Hemlock ground Rumex crispus - Soft soap - - - SCABIES , - - Sulphur (sublimed) - 200 - 201 - 201 - 201 - 206 - 206 310 Index 1 PAGE p AGE Tar, oil of 206 Cimicifuga 241 Veratrum 206 Cream tartar 240 Ferri phos. - 241 SCALD HEAD 205 Ginger -------- 241 Poultice (slippery elm, lo- Hydrastis - - 241, 24'J belia and phytolacca) - 205 Quinine ---.... 241 Salicylic acid ----- 205 Silicea 205 SPERMATORRHEA - - - 129 Viola tricolor 205 Dioscorea 129 SCLEROSIS MULTIPLE - 34 Eryngeum aquaticum - - - Gelsemin 129 129 Hypericum ------ 34 Kali phos. ...... 129 Lathyrus ------- 34 Lupulin ....... 129 SCROFULA 215 Strychnine 129 Alnus rubra 215 Veratrum ------- 129 Baptisia 217 SPINAL IRRITATION - - 28 Cistus canadensis - - - - 215 Belladonna ------ 23 Ferri phos. 216 Dialized iron 23 Hepar sulph. 215 Iodine - - 23 Iodine -------- Lobelia seed 215 216 Quinine sulph. - - - - - 23 Myrica 216 SPINAL MENINGITIS - - 24 Phytolacca ------ 216 Belladonna ------ 24 Rumin 216 Bryonia ------- 24 Rumex crispus ----- 216 Veratrum viride - - - - 24 Silicea - 216 SPLEEN (Enlargement of Slippery elm 216 the) 117 Thuja -------- 217 Carduus marianus - - - - 117 SCURVY Ferri carbonas - - - - - 222 222 Polymnia uvedalia - - - - Polymnia ungent (Lloyd's) 117 117 Lemon Syr. ------ 222 SPLENITIS 116 Rhus glabra 222 Ceanothus 117 SEPTICEMIA 225 STERILITY 287 Calcarea sulph. - - - - - 225 Aurum muriaticum nat. - - 287 Echafolta 225 Boracic acid 287 Echinacea - 225 Borax 287 Glonoin - - 226 287 Kali mur. 225 Saw palmetto 288 Lachesis 226 Soda bi-carbonate - - - - 288 Poultice 226 STOMATITIS 93 Quinine - 226 Ferri phos. 93 SMALLPOX 240 93 Apis mel. ------ 242 STOMACH (Catarrh) - - - 97 Baptisia 242 Graphites 97 Bayberry bark - - - - - 241 Nux vomica ------ 97 Belladonna 242 STOMACH (Hemorrhage of Camphor 242 the) 97 Capsicum ...... 241 Geranium maculatum - - - 97 311 PAGE STY 154 Calcarea sulph. 154 Pulsatilla 154 SYPHILIS 141 Aconite 143 Berberis aquifolia - ... 143 Conium 143 Corydalis 143 Corydalin 142 Iris versicolar 142 Nitric acid 143 Phytolacca 142 Podophyllum 142 Potash bi-chromate ... 143 Potash chlorate 143 Quinine sulph. 142 Stillingia 142 Zinc sulphate 143 TESTICLE (Induration of) - 138 Gold and Sodium (double chloride) 139 Mulein, oil of 138 Poultice (slippery elm, lo- belia, flaxseed) - - - - 138 Rhododendron - - - - - 138 TETANUS 30 Alcohol 30 Augustura 30 Capsicum, oil of .... 30 Caustic potash 30 Gelsemium - 31 Heat to the spine - - - - 31 Hypericum ------ 30 Lime 30 Lobelia, oil of 30 Passaflora 31 Poultice (slippery elm, lo- belia and flaxseed) - - - 30 Tobacco 31 Vapor bath 30 TONSILITIS 52 Aconite 52 Baryta carb. 53 Caninum lac. 52 Kali mur. 53 Phytolacca 52 Poultice (slippery elm) - - 52 PAGE TONSILITIS (Chronic) - - 53 Baryta iodide 53 Calcarea phos. ..... 53 TUBERCULOSIS PULMO- NARY 66 Baptisia 70 Bath (Epsom salts) - - - 68 Bismuth sub-nitrate ... 70 Cell Salts 69, 71 Drosera .--.-.. 09 Epsom salts compress - - 70 Euonymus ...... R9 Ferri phos. 70 Kali mur. 68 Millefolium 70 Myosotes symphytifolia - - 60 Picrotoxine 68, 70 Ptelia Trifoliata .... 69 Quinine sulph. ----- 70 Silicea 70 Strychnine sulph. ... - 68 Verattum 6T- URINE, Frequent desire to pass 125 Epigea repens 126 Thlapsi bursa 123 URINE, Suppression of Apis mel. - - - - - Position to aid - - - Poultice (onion) - - URETHRA, Stricture - Chimaphila umbellata - Gelsemium - - - - URTICARIA - - Antimonium crudum' Apis ------ Corn starch - - - Soda bi-carbonate - Urtica urens - - - 124 124 124 124 140 140 140 J06 196 196 196 197 196 VACCINOSIS 208 Thuja 208 VAGINISMUS 285 Cocaine hydrochlorate - - 285 Platinum 286 312 Index PAGB 145 VARICOCELE - - Hamamelis 145 Pulsatilla nigricans - - - 145 VERRUCA (Warts) - - - 207 Chromic acid 207 Magnesia sulph. .... 207 Nitric acid (dil.) - - - - 207 Thuja 207 VERTIGO 37 Aconite 37 Ammonium iodatum - - - 37 Digitalis 38 Ergot 37 Iodine 3S Kali phos. 37 VOMITING 257 Amygdalis persica .... 258 Bismuth 257 Clam broth 258 PAGE Colchicutn 258 Ipecac 257 Mustard paste 258 Sepia 258 Veratrum album .... 258 WHOOPING COUGH Corallium rubrum - Drosera .... Gas house . . . . Ipecac - 62 - 62 - 62 - 62 - 62 Naphthalium 62 WORMS Ill Podophyllin Ill Santonin ....... HI Sulphuric acid arom. ... 112 WRITER'S CRAMP - . - 188 Conium mac. 18S Magnesia phos. .... 188 Natrum phos. 188 UC SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY A 000036324 2