HD1761 G& no. 344 St ack 5 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORN A, DAVIS 75 02305 8830 r IANNINI ' FOUNDATIO N OF AGRICULTURAL ECONOMICS UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA The California Prune Board's Promotion Program: An Evaluation '^^a Julian M. Alston, Hoy F. Carman, James A. Chalfant, John M. Crespi, Richard J. Sexton and Raymond J. Venner ^iannini Foundation Research Report Number 344 March 1998 DIVISION OF AGRICULTURE AND NATURAL RESOURCES CALIFORNIA AGRICULTURE EXPERIMENT STATION OAKLAND, CALIFORNIA THE CALIFORNIA PRUNE BOARD'S PROMOTION PROGRAM: AN EVALUATION The Authors: Julian Alston, Hoy Carman, James Chalfant, and Richard Sexton are Professors in the Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics at U.C. Davis. John Crespi and Raymond J. Venner are graduate students in the U.C. Davis Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics. The authors are Usted alphabetically, with no order of priority implied. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The authors are grateful to the staff of the California Prune Board for contributing data to the study, and to Bart Minor and Richard Peterson for insightful discussions on the economics of the prune industry. Sunsweet Grow- ers also contributed key data to the study, and the cooperation of Sunsweet staffers Vivian Chase, Erin Hull, and Bob Swensen is much appreciated. Thanks also to Jennifer James for comments on the manuscript, and to Claudette Oriol, who prepared the final manuscript. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY California is the world leader in prune production, accounting for about 99 percent of U.S. production and 70 percent of the world's supply. The industry, through the California Prune Board (CPB) and its various pack- ers, especially Sunsweet Growers, the largest marketer of California prunes, has invested substantially in the promotion of prunes to consumers. This study ana- lyzes the effectiveness of these expenditures in increas- ing consumer demand for prunes and, thereby, in rais- ing industry revenues. The results from this project are useful for decision makers in the California prune industry as well as to researchers studying the effects of promotion on market demand. The analysis used to derive the results is also pertinent to other Califor- rua commodity groups, in light of increased scrutiny surrounding generic promotion programs. The study was conducted under an agreement between the CPB and the University of California, and was carried out by a research team of faculty and graduate students in the Department of Agricultural and Resource Econom- ics at the University of California, Davis. The study involved econometric analyses of U.S. domestic demand for California prunes. Economic theory implies that, to be effective, expenditures on promotion must increase consumers' demand for the product being promoted. Other factors generally con- sidered to influence demand, and which need to be incorporated into a demand study, include the price of prunes, the prices of close substitutes or comple- ments, measures of consumers' purchasing power, and factors to account for any time trends or seasonality in demand. Three data sets were assembled to study prune de- mand. The main data set consisted of 51 observations on retail prune consumption and prices in the United States, reported in monthly intervals for the period September 1992 to July 1996. Expenditures on promo- tion by the California Prune Board and by Sunsweet Growers were closely matched to the four-week ob- servations on sales for this period. A second data set consisted of annual observations on domestic prune shipments and prices for the period 1949 to 1995. The measure of promotion in the annual model consisted of annual real expenditures by the CPB and Sunsweet on all types of domestic promotion. A third data set consisted of the results of a test market analysis of tele- vision advertising for prunes conducted in six U.S. cit- ies. Results from analysis of the monthly data indicate that prune promotion has increased the demand for prunes. Across several alternative model specifications examined and reported in part 3, prune promotion consistently had a statistically significant, positive impact on retail prune sales. For the various models estimated using ordinary least squares (OLS), the elas- ticity of sales with respect to promotion generally ranged from 0.17 to 0.22, while the promotion elastic- ity in the model estimated using 2SLS was 0.21. This means that a 10 percent increase in expenditures on promotion would have increased sales about 2 per- cent, holding price and other explanatory variables constant. The models based on the annual data series did not perform as well. Promotion, measured in this case by annual real expenditures by the CPB and Sunsweet on all types of domestic promotion, generally did not have a statistically significant effect on demand. Such results were not believable, however, in light of diag- nostic tests that we performed to evaluate our specifi- cation of the structure of these annual demand mod- els. The tests led us to conclude that — either because of poor or missing data or an incorrect model form — the models were not specified correctly. Thus, we were unable to use the annual data in any meaningful way. The television advertising test-market campaign was conducted for 12 weeks in Fall 1990, with three cities selected as test markets, and three used as con- trols. The advertisements featured generic advertis- ing of dried prunes. Our analysis of the test-market data indicates that the television advertisements had a positive and statistically significant effect on prune demand both during the period of the advertising cam- paign and during the post-test period. The model we developed indicated that in-store displays, by them- selves, had no impact on prune sales. A simulation approach was used to translate the effects of promotion on prune demand into estimates of the resulting marginal benefits (the increase in in- dustry revenues from an incremental increase in pro- motional expenditures) to prune growers. Because of our greater faith in the data underpinning the monthly analysis of demand, the superior statistical perfor- mance of models estimated using the monthly data, and the congruence of these model results with the results from the test-market analysis, we based our simulation analysis on results from models estimated from the monthly data. Because the statistical analy- sis was restricted to demand modeUng, while the simu- lation analysis required a complete model of the in- dustry, including supply response, it was necessary to construct a synthetic supply model and conduct simu- lations for a variety of alternative supply specifications. The marginal benefit-cost ratio for promotion of California prunes was calculated. This ratio refers to iii the net revenues generated from incremental expen- diture on promotion, and hinges importantly on the value of the price elasticity of supply, and on whether growers bear the entire burden of funding the expen- ditures or some of the burden is shifted to consumers in the form of higher prices. Returns to growers from allocating expenditures to promotion would be maxi- mized by expanding expenditures until the marginal (last) dollar spent on promotion yields just a dollar back in revenues. The analysis suggests that the in- dustry stopped short of this optimizing condition dur- ing the 1992-1996 period covered by the monthly data. The calculated marginal benefit of an additional dol- lar spent on promotion, given the amounts actually expended, ranged from $2.65 to almost $30.00, sug- gesting that additional promotion expenditures would have generated positive net revenues to producers. Only when producers are (implausibly) assumed to bear the entire cost of the promotion is it possible to derive average benefit-cost ratios less than 1:1, and to do so requires an elasticity of supply of 1 .0 or more, which is only likely to be relevant for longer-run changes. We conclude that promotion of California prunes conducted by the CPB has increased the demand for prunes and returns to producers of prunes. Over the four-year period analyzed in the monthly model, in- vestments by prune growers in promotion yielded them marginal returns of at least $2.65 for every dol- lar spent. Moreover, marginal benefit-cost ratios in the range of 2.7:1 and higher indicate that the indus- try could have profitably invested even more in pro- motion during this period. iv TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. INTRODUCTION 1 2. THE CALIFORNIA PRUNE INDUSTRY — 1949 TO PRESENT 2 2.1 Prune Production in California 2 2.2 Marketing California Prunes 4 2.3 Marketing Institutions for California Prunes 7 2.4 Trends in Factors Associated With Prune Demand 11 2.5 Concluding Comments on Supply and Demand Trends 13 3. ACCOUNTING FOR CHANGES IN AGGREGATE U.S. PRUNE CONSUMPTION 14 3.1 Aggregate Domestic Demand Models, Theoretical Considerations 14 3.2 Aggregate Monthly Domestic Demand Models 16 3.3 Aggregate Annual Demand Models, 1949-1995 29 4. SIMULATION MODEL AND BENEHT-COST ANALYSIS 33 4.1 Approaches for Evaluating the Benefits from Promotion 33 4.2 An Approximation Using Elasticities 35 4.3 Simulation Model 36 5. ANALYSIS OF TEST-MARKET STUDIES 41 5.1 Six-City Study of Television Advertising 41 5.2 In-Store Promotion 45 5.3 Conclusions from the Test-Market Analysis 47 6. CONCLUSION 48 APPENDIX TABLES 49 REFERENCES 66 V LIST OF FIGURES Figure 2.1. California Prune Acreage and Production, 1949-95 2 Figure 2.2. Yields of California Prunes, 1 949-95 3 Figure 2.3. Grower Price of California Prunes, 1949-95 4 Figure 2.4. Value of Production of California Prunes, 1949-95 5 Figure 2.5. Exports and Domestic Shipment of California Prunes, 1949-95 6 Figure 2.6. Domestic Shipments of California Prunes, 1949-95 6 Figure 2.7. U.S. Per Capita Consumption of California Prunes, 1949-95 7 Figure 2.8. California Prune Board Promotional Expenditures, 1949-95 10 Figure 2.9. California Prune Board Expenditures on Domestic Promotion, 1949-95 12 Figure 3.1 . U.S. Per Capita, Monthly Prune Consumption (Retail), September 1992 to July 1996 16 Figure 3.2. U.S. Per Capita, Monthly Prune Consumption (Retail) - Actual versus Fitted Values, September 1992 to July 1996 26 Figure 4. 1 . Conceptual Supply and Demand Model 33 Figure 4.2. Incidence of Assessments 35 Figure 5.1. Percentage Change in Prune Sales in Test and Control Markets 43 Figure 5.2. Share of Prunes Sold with a Deal 43 vi LIST OF TABLES Table 2.1. Prune Tree Sales in California 3 Table 2.2. U.S. Per Capita Consumption of Dried Fruit (lbs. per year) 8 Table 2.3. U.S. Per Capita Consumption of Fruit Juices (gallons per year) 9 Table 2.4. U.S. Per Capita Consumption of Dried Prunes in 1986, by Age Group 11 Table 3.1. Description of Variables in the Monthly Demand Model 18 Table 3.2. Summary Statistics of the Variables in the Monthly Demand Model 19 Table 3.3. Coefficient and Elasticity Estimates from the Monthly Demand Models 22 Table 3.4. OLS Estimates Comparing Different Specifications of Promotional Expenditures in the Preferred Monthly Model 25 Table 3.5. 2SLS Estimates Comparing Different Specifications of Promotional Expenditures in the Preferred Monthly Model 28 Table 3.6. Description of Variables in the Annual Demand Model 30 Table 3.7. Summary Statistics of the Variables in the Annual Demand Model 30 Table 3.8. Coefficient and Elasticity Estimates from Annual Prune Demand Models 32 Table 4.1. Approximation of /i, the Benefit from a Marginal Increase in Promotion Expenditure 36 Table 4.2. Marginal Benefit-Cost Ratios for Prune Promotion: A Comparison of Estimates from Four Regressions using both OLS and 2SLS 38 Table 4.3. Marginal Benefit-Cost Ratio for a Supply Elasticity of One 39 Table 5.1. Test and Control Markets in the Television Ad Test Campaign 41 Table 5.2. Time Frame of the Television Advertising Test 41 Table 5.3. Overall Effect of Television Advertisements on Prune Sales 42 Table 5.4. Effect of Television Advertisements on Prune Sales in Individual Markets 42 Table 5.5. Description of Variables in the Television Ad Demand Model 44 Table 5.6. Summary Statistics of the Variables in the Television Ad Demand Model 45 Table 5.7. Econometric Results: Estimated Effects of Television Ads on Prune Sales 46 Table 5.8. Test Design of New PICS at Safeway Stores 47 vii LIST OF APPENDIX TABLES Table A2.1. Selected Fruit Juices: U.S. Per Capita Consumption (in gallons) 49 Table A2.2 Selected Commercial Fruits and Vegetables (farm weight): U.S. Per Capita Consumption (in pounds) 50 Table A2.3. Fresh Fruits (retail-weight equivalent): U.S. Per Capita Consumption (in pounds) 52 Table A2.4. Dried Fruits: U.S. Per Capita Consumption (in pounds) 55 Table A2.5. Domestic Shipments of California Prunes 56 Table A2.6. Expenditures by the California Prune Board 58 Table A3.1. U.S. Dried Prune Data Used in the Monthly Models (1992-96) 60 Table A3.2. U.S. Dried Prune Data Used in the Annual Models (1949-95) 62 Table A4.1. Marginal Benefit-Cost Ratios for Prune Promotion: A Comparison of Means from Simulations Based on Four Regressions Using Both OLS and 2SLS 63 Table A4.2. Marginal Benefit-Cost Ratios for Prune Promotion: A Comparison of the Lower 95% Boundaries of Four OLS and 2SLS Regressions 64 Table A4.3. Marginal Benefit-Cost Ratios for Prune Promotion: A Comparison of the Upper 95% Boundaries of Four OLS and 2SLS Regressions 65 viii 1. INTRODUCTION The objective of this study is to evaluate the eco- nomic impacts of industry-financed market develop- ment and promotion activities for California prunes. Using a state marketing order program first estab- lished in 1952, all California prune producers pay man- datory assessments that are administered by the Cali- fornia Prune Board (CPB) to promote and increase the demand for California prunes. The central questions addressed by this study are: (a) how have CPB mar- keting expenditures affected the demand for and sales of California prunes, and (b) have net revenues to pro- ducers from CPB marketing programs increased enough to offset program costs? Answering these questions requires the development of an economet- ric model of the demand for prunes, using time-series data on economic variables that have important ef- fects on the consumption of prunes. The report is organized in line with the steps taken to answer the research questions. The first step is to document developments with economic implications for the California prune industry, and construct a data base for the analysis. This is done in the next section of the report (part 2), with documentation and dis- cussion of the California prune industry in the post- World War II era. Supply factors, including changing patterns of production, planted area, yields, and vari- eties are discussed first, followed by demand factors, including changing domestic and international mar- kets, prices, and patterns of consumption. Part 3 re- ports the results of modeling the monthly and annual per capita demands for prunes. The models are speci- fied, the variables are defined and described, the mod- els are estimated, diagnostic tests are performed, and the results are interpreted. The monthly econometric estimates are used as the basis for a benefit-cost evaluation of the Prune Board's marketing programs in part 4. Three approaches are used to estimate marginal benefit-cost ratios for grower expenditures on prune promotion. First, the elastici- ties estimated in the monthly demand models are used to approximate the ratios. Second, the estimated mod- els are used to calculate marginal returns from pro- motion, using a range of supply elasticities. Third, Monte-Carlo simulations are performed, to obtain con- fidence intervals on the benefit-cost ratios for each of the estimated monthly models. An annual model is also estimated, but is not used in the benefit-cost analy- sis. Part 5 presents and discusses the results of some test-market studies of the demand for prunes. Finally, part 6 summarizes the main findings, interprets the results, and presents conclusions. 1 2. THE CALIFORNIA PRUNE INDUSTRY — 1949 TO PRESENT Economic and crop statistics on developments and changes in the California prune industry, especially since 1949, provide the institutional background and data required to develop the econometric models of prune demand. 2.1 Prune Production in California The California prune is a descendent of La Petite d'Agen, a prune plum native to Southwest France. Prune trees were introduced to the United States in 1856, when Pierre PelHer brought prune cuttings from France to the Santa Clara Valley in California. Prunes thrived under California climatic conditions, and the industry was well-established and growing by the early 1900s. The earliest California Department of Ag- riculture acreage statistics for prunes recorded total 1919 acreage of 154,279 acres— 106,880 bearing and 47,399 non-bearing. Even though current acreage is substantially less, California now accounts for about 99 percent of annual U.S. prune production, and an average of about 70 percent of the world's annual sup- ply of prunes (CPB 1996). Trends in Acreage California prune acreage has varied significantly through time, but has remained rather stable over the past decade (1985-1994). Initially concentrated in the Santa Clara, Sonoma, and Napa Valleys, bearing acre- age of California prunes peaked at 174,050 acres in 1930, then decHned steadily to 101,377 acres in 1950, reached a temporary low of 80,122 acres in 1960, ex- panded to 97,560 acres in 1969, decreased again to the lowest recorded acreage of 65,400 acres in 1981, and then expanded from 1982 to 1990 (figure 2.1). Since 1990, bearing acreage has varied from 77,588 to 80,100 acres, but it appears that acreage is increasing as a re- sult of recent new plantings. Sales of prune trees by California nurseries increased from 300,000 in 1989 to over 1.5 million in 1994, and continued at high rates in 1995 and 1996 (table 2.1). At the same time, non-bear- ing acreage of California prunes increased from an estimated 6,000 acres in 1990 to 17,000 acres in 1993 (CPB, January 1996). The location of planted acreage has also changed over time. Most California prune orchards were lo- cated in the Coastal Valleys before 1950, but popula- tion pressures and more profitable alternative crops led to the removal of the majority of that acreage. At the same time, when prune trees were being removed in the Coastal Valleys, new prune orchards were be- ing planted in the Central Valley (Dale et al. 1988). Now, prune acreage (and production) is concentrated in the Sacramento Valley. Counties with more than Figure 2.1. California Prune Acreage and Production, 1949-95 -S to § 250 Source: USDA, Agricultural Statistics. 2 Table 2.1. Prune Tree Sales in California Year Number of Prune Trees (1,000) 1989 300 1990 450 1991 550 1992 610 1993 900 1994 1,504 1995 985 1996 650 Source: California Prune News: Annual Report, January 1996. Notes: 1996 value is a projection. 3,000 acres of prune trees in 1992 included Butte (10,439), Colusa (3,825), Glenn (7,561), Sutter (21,364), Tehama (9,138), Tulare (5,571), and Yuba (10,857). The 1992 acreage in counties where prune production was concentrated in 1950 includes Napa (93), Santa Clara (1,937), and Sonoma (1,252). Trends in Yields and Production Data on average per acre yields of prunes during the period since 1949 show an upward trend, with sig- nificant year-to-year variation (figure 2.2). The annual yield variability is primarily the result of weather con- ditions and the alternate-bearing tendencies of tree crops. Average yields of 2.21 tons per acre for the 5- year period 1991-1995 were 38 percent higher than the average of 1 .60 tons per acre for the 5-year period 1950- 1954. Possible reasons for the increase in average yields include cultural methods (improvements in pruning and tree spacing) and the changing location of pro- duction (yields are higher in the Central Valley than in the Coastal Valleys) (Dale et al. 1988). Variety im- provements have resulted in improved yields for other tree crops, but do not appear to have been an impor- tant factor for prunes. The California prune industry has relied almost exclusively on the French and Im- proved French varieties, which have recently ac- counted for about 97 percent of bearing acreage and continue to account for the majority of non-bearing acreage (1995 California Prune Acreage Survey). These varieties have the desirable feature for mechanical harvesting that the fruit remains on the tree when ripe. Other commercial prune varieties, which account for the remaining two to three percent of acreage, include Friedman, Imperial, Robes de Sergeant, Moyer, Victor LG, and 707. The CPB is funding research to support development of new prune varieties that are earlier- maturing than Improved French, yet retain its desir- able product qualities. If successful, such a variety will provide significant economic advantages from im- proved utilization of harvest labor, equipment, and processing capacity. Significant year-to-year variation in total produc- tion of California prunes results from the variability of average yields (figures 2.1 and 2.2). The increased average yields per acre during the 1950-1995 period more than offset the observed reduction in bearing Source: USDA, Agricultural Statistics. 3 acreage. Total production increased from an annual average of 157,200 tons during the 1950-1954 period to an annual average of 172,600 tons during the 1991- 1995 period. A simple linear trend regression equa- tion estimated for yields over the period 1949 through 1995 resulted in a trend coefficient of 0.017 (t- value = 4.29), indicating that average California prune yields increased by 0.017 tons (34 pounds) per acre per year. Trends in Prices and Value of Production Average annual prices received by California prune growers are shown in figure 2.3. These prices, in dol- lars per ton of prunes in natural condition, are pre- sented in both nominal and real terms. The real prices, in 1995 dollars, were obtained by deflating nominal prices by the Consumer Price Index (1995 = 1.00). Variations in annual crop size have contributed to fluctuations in the price per ton for prunes, with the expected inverse relationship between average price and annual quantity. For example, small prune crops in 1958 and 1972 were associated with high prices. Real prune prices generally declined until 1989, but have increased slightly since then. The total value of Cali- fornia prune production, in real terms, generally de- clined until 1986, and has increased since 1987 (figure 2.4). 2.2 Marketing California Prunes The marketing process for prunes has changed over time, but the changes have been gradual rather than dramatic. This section describes some prune industry changes, outlines trends in prune consumption, and discusses trends in some possible determinants of prune demand. Harvest and Processing California prunes are typically machine-harvested from mid- August to mid-September, with the harvest date for a given orchard determined by a combination of fruit firmness and sugar content. While prunes were once harvested by hand in three or four "pickings" of an orchard, today most California prunes are harvested by machine, with a single pass through the orchard. Immediately after harvesting, the ripe prunes are washed, placed on large wooden trays, and dehy- drated to about 21 percent moisture content. The typi- cal conversion rate in processing is three pounds of fresh fruit to one pound of dried prunes. After dehy- dration, prunes are graded for size, inspected, and put into storage in bulk containers; these dehydrated prunes are stored in what is known as "natural condi- tion." When the processor receives orders, the fruit is removed from storage and partially rehydrated to 24- 30 percent moisture to make the prunes softer and more pliable. The partially rehydrated prunes are then sterilized, inspected, packaged, and shipped. The only preservative used in processing prunes is potassium sorbate (the potassium salt of sorbic acid), which is used to protect against mold and yeast spoilage (CPB 1996). Source: USDA, Agricultural Statistics. 4 Figure 2.4. Value of Production of California Prunes, 1949-95 Trends in Consumption, Imports, and Exports Domestic shipments and exports of California prunes during the 1949-1994 period are shown in fig- ure 2.5. Since 1949, domestic shipments of California prunes have generally declined, while exports of Cali- fornia prunes have tended to increase, in both abso- lute and percentage terms. Currently, about 60 per- cent of California's annual prune shipments are con- sumed in the United States and about 40 percent are exported, as compared with average shares of 83 per- cent domestic and 17 percent export during the years from 1949 through 1953. Domestic prune shipments dipped to 85,000 tons in 1978, and remained below 100,000 tons annually until 1987, when they reached 103,000 tons. After peaking at 117,700 tons in 1989, domestic prune shipments decreased to a little over 94,000 tons in 1995. California prune exports reached 71,000 tons in 1989 and peaked at almost 79,500 tons in 1990. Exports have remained over 70,000 tons an- nually since 1989, except during 1993, when exports dipped to just under 61,000 tons. Germany and Japan have recently been the leading importers of U.S. prunes, followed by Italy, the United Kingdom, and Canada. U.S. imports of prune products increased in the early 1990s, but still remain very small relative to California production. During 1984-92, U.S. imports as a percentage of U.S. exports of dried prunes ranged from 0.7 percent in 1987 to 2.4 percent in 1992 (USDA Agricultural Statistics). Prune Shipments by Product Category The four major product categories for prunes, with their 1995 shares of total domestic shipments, are: dried pitted (50%), dried with pits (10%), juice and concen- trate (38%), and canned prunes (2%). While the pro- portion of the annual crop in each category has changed over time, the most dramatic change has been from dried prunes with pits to dried pitted prunes. The pitted prunes share of total dried prunes remained under two percent until 1961, increased to 12 percent by 1965, and then increased rather steadily through time to 85 percent in 1994 and 83 percent in 1995. This increase in the market share of pitted prunes is the result of improvements in pitting technology, which permit removal of the prune pit with minimal skin break and very little change in the shape of the prune. Given the improved quahty of pitted prunes, consum- ers in the United States and worldwide have been switching from prunes with pits to pitted prunes. Do- mestic shipments of California prunes by product cat- egory are shown in figure 2.6. Since 1986, the Califor- nia prune industry has shipped more pitted prunes than prunes with pits. Domestic shipments of prune juice and concentrate have declined since the early 1960s. Prune juice is pre- pared from a water extract of dried prunes and con- tains not less than 18.5 percent by weight of water- soluble solids extracted from dried prunes. Prune juice may contain one or more optional acidifying ingredi- 5 Figure 2.5. Exports and Domestic Shipment of California Prunes, 1949-95 Domestic Source: California Prune Board, Annual Reports. Figure 2.6. Domestic Shipments of California Prunes, 1949-95 90,000 Source: California Prune Board, Annual Reports. 6 ents: lemon or lime juice or citric acid. Prune juice may also contain honey, in a quantity not less than two percent nor more than three percent by weight, and may contain Vitamin C, not less than 30 milli- grams nor more than 50 milligrams per 6 oz. serving (CPB 1996). Prune juice concentrate is a viscous form of prune juice, packed at 70° Brix (soluble soUds) mini- mum, with higher Brix packs for export shipments or on special orders. No preservatives are added to prune juice concentrate, as the 70° Brix concentrate is self- preserving (CPB 1996). These standards contribute to a uniform product. In the United States, relatively few prunes are eaten fresh or canned. There are three standard types of canned prunes. Regular canned prunes are fully cooked in water, syrup, or their own juice. Nectar- style canned prunes are distinguished by their high drained weight, since they contain about one-third more prunes per unit volume. Moist-pack canned prunes are processed to 35 to 42 percent moisture and sealed in the can, with no liquid and no preservatives (CPB 1996). U.S. per capita consumption of California prunes, by product category, is shown in figure 2.7. In gen- eral, U.S. per capita consumption of both dried prunes and prune juice has decUned over time. U.S. consump- tion of dried prunes declined from over 1.1 pounds per person in 1949 to less than 0.4 pounds per person in 1978, and has remained at about 0.4 pounds per person since then, except for an increase in the late 1980s. As shown in table 2.2, U.S. per capita consump- tion of all dried fruits varies from year to year but it did increase through the 1980s and early 1990s, largely as a result of increased raisin consumption. Per capita consumption of fruit juices has generally increased over time, with most of the increase occurring in the noncitrus category, and more specifically, in apple juice. Prune juice consumption has decreased over time, and it now accounts for a minuscule portion of total fruit juice consumption (table 2.3 and appendix table A2.1). 2.3 Marketing Institutions for California Prunes The California prune industry has developed a rather unique set of marketing institutions designed to improve producer returns. These institutions in- clude federal and state marketing orders, as well as, marketing and bargaining cooperatives. Following is a short description of each of these institutions. Prune Marketing Committee California prune producers approved a federal marketing order for dried prunes in 1949 that contin- ues today. This order, which includes provisions for mandatory minimum grade and size standards, mar- ket allocation, reserve pools, and research, is adminis- tered by the Prune Marketing Committee (PMC), with funding provided from a mandatory assessment on all handlers. While it has no control over the acreage planted to prune trees, the PMC has some control over the quantity of prunes marketed, through use of a mini- mum size standard and a surplus set-aside. The mini- mum size standard is used each year, but the set-aside provision has not been used since 1974. The minimum size regulation states that a prune that falls through a Figure 2.7. U.S. Per Capita Consumption of California Prunes, 1949-95 B c .S Dried Juice and concentrate ^ _ \/ ^ \ \ v' V A ^ \ ON <^ '7: ID ON ON On ON ON On 00 On Source: Domestic Shipments from California Prune Board, Annual Reports. U.S. population from Bureau of the Census, Statistical Abstract of the United States. 7 Table 2.2. U.S. Per Capita Consumption of Dried Fruit (lbs. per year) Year Prunes Raisins Other Dried Fruits All Dried Fruits 1971 0.58 1.43 0.71 2.72 1972 0.49 1.04 1.07 2.60 1973 0.55 1.38 0.13 2.06 1974 0.51 1.29 0.85 2.65 1975 0.60 1.29 0.49 2.38 1976 0.53 1.28 0.79 2.60 1977 0.49 1.25 0.79 2.53 1978 0.43 1.10 0.94 2.47 1979 0.38 1.31 0.53 2.22 1980 0.43 1.46 0.45 2.34 1981 0.46 1.54 0.31 2.31 1982 0.42 1.52 0.56 2.50 1983 0.46 1.58 0.52 2.56 1984 0.39 1.90 0.43 2.72 1985 0.47 1.92 0.65 3.04 1986 0.44 1.83 0.69 2.96 1987 0.62 1.88 0.26 2.76 1988 0.58 2.07 0.43 3.08 1989 0.63 1.92 U./4 1Q j.Z.y 1990 0.97 1.80 0.43 3.20 1991 0.73 1.78 0.88 3.39 1992 0.58 1.62 0.89 3.09 1993 0.68 1.86 0.26 2.80 1994 0.71 1.72 0.82 3.25 Source: Adapted from USDA Economic Research Service. Food Consumption, Prices and Expenditures, 1996. 23/32 inch screen cannot be sold for human consump- tion. The effect of the "23" screen varies with crop size. In years with small harvests, the prunes are large, and relatively few prunes fall through the "23" screen, perhaps less than 3 percent. In years with large crops, the prunes are smaller, and the "23" screen may re- move over 6 percent of the crop (Lindauer 1993). The "23" screen provides an incentive for growers to thin their prune orchards in years of abundant fruit set, and therefore reduces variation in yields. The 100 count rule, which refers to the number of prunes in one pound of dried prunes, ensures that all prunes marketed as whole prunes are of a minimum size; smaller prunes are diverted into processed prune products. Under the 100 count rule, prune samples that weigh more than 1 pound per 100 prunes can be sold as whole dried prunes while those that weigh less than 1 pound per 100 prunes are processed into a prune product, such as prune juice, concentrate, or puree. The California Prune Board A state marketing order for prunes with provisions for promotion and research was approved by Califor- nia prune producers in 1952. The objective of the Cali- fornia Prune Board (CPB), which is the administrative committee for the marketing order, is to increase worldwide demand for California prunes. The CPB administers domestic and international generic (nonbranded) programs that encompass advertising, sales promotion, public relations, and educational ac- tivities. The CPB also funds production and process- ing research. Promotion Strategies and Policies: About 50 per- cent of the CPB's annual domestic budget is spent on television advertising (CPB, Annual Reports). Adver- tising can be made more effective by targeting certain 8 Table 2.3. U.S. Per Capita Consumption of Fruit Juices (gallons per year) Year Prune Total Noncitrus Total Citrus Total Juice 1971 0.12 1.13 4.59 5.71 1972 0.11 1.25 4.96 6.21 1973 0.07 0.96 5.07 6.03 1974 0.10 0.93 5.10 6.03 1975 0.08 1.00 5.60 6.61 1976 0.09 1.10 5.84 6.93 1977 0.11 1.06 5.94 6.99 1978 0.09 1.15 5.29 6.44 1979 0.10 1.44 5.32 6.77 1980 0.09 1.49 5.66 7.15 1981 0.09 1.73 5.69 7.42 1982 0.10 1.58 5.18 6.75 1983 0.08 1.82 6.56 8.38 1984 0.06 1.99 5.28 7.27 1985 0.07 2.16 5.57 7.72 1986 0.07 2.17 5.77 7.94 1987 0.07 2.19 5.98 8.17 1988 0.06 2.40 5.80 8.21 1989 0.07 2.35 5.34 7.69 1990 0.04 2.23 4.63 6.86 1991 0.04 2.53 5.36 7.89 1992 0.03 2.40 4.87 7.27 1993 0.04 2.45 5.91 8.37 1994 0.04 2.59 6.00 8.60 Source: USDA/ Economic Research Service. groups, and CPB advertising has recently targeted women aged 45 or older who are light or non-recent users of prunes. Sales promotional activities feature supermarket display contests in the United States and Canada. The display contests offer retailers travel and merchandise prizes for building winning displays. Generic point- of-sale display cards are provided, which tie in with the television advertising theme for prunes or with nutritional attributes of prune juice. The CPB also ties in with the National Cancer Institute's "5-a-Day" pro- gram, which recommends eating five servings of fruits and vegetables every day (Peterson 1994). California public relations activities support the advertising themes and promote the use of pureed prunes as a substitute for butter, oil, or margarine in baking. For instance, a direct mail campaign to food- service operators offered low-fat brownies made with prunes, and brochures with low-fat recipes. The CPB also exhibits at trade shows and advertises in trade publications. Other public relations activities include recipe releases to newspaper food editors and super- market consumer affairs directors, and visits to maga- zine food editors. The CPB also distributes one-ounce packages of pitted prunes at fitness events and in ce- reals. The CPB also conducts international promotional activities, such as in-store demonstrations, publicity, trade education, and advertising. Support for inter- national promotion increased sharply in 1987, and has increased in real terms since then. Approximately 50 percent of the funding for international promotional activities is provided by the USDA Market Promotion Program (MPP). The rise in export sales coincided with the participation of the California Prune Board with the MPP and its predecessors. In 1992, the CPB pro- 9 Figure 2.8. California Prune Board Promotional Expenditures, 1949-95 !,000 7,000 (a) Current Dollars 6,000 -Domestic Public Relations Domestic Advertising 5,000 o Q -a c -Export Promotion - Industry Research (b) Constant (1995) Dollars 8,000 7,000 S 6,000 o D in R 5,000 4,000 3,000 -Domestic Public Relations Domestic Advertising -A Export Promotion -X Industry Research Source: California Prune Board, Annual Reports. Consumer price index from the Bureau of the Census. 10 moted the consumption of California prunes in 13 na- tions, but funding reductions in the MPP led the CPB to eliminate promotional programs in several of them. In 1994, the CPB conducted promotional campaigns in Germany, Italy, the United Kingdom, Japan, and Mexico (Peterson 1994). Statistical Overview of Promotional Expenditures: CPB expenditures by category are shown in nominal dollars in figure 2.8a and in real 1995 dollars in figure 2.8b. CPB funding, in real dollars, for production re- search has remained roughly constant. In the 1990s, about 4 percent of the CPB budget was invested in production research. All CPB generic advertising and promotion support for California prunes was discon- tinued during 1975-78, when Sunsweet's management voted to eliminate the assessment for generic promo- tion, believing they could better promote Sunsweet's products on their own. The CPB reinstated a public relations program in 1979 and resumed generic adver- tising in 1980. Since the early 1980s, expenditures by the CPB in real dollars declined for advertising and increased for other domestic promotional activities. CPB expenditures on total promotional activities are shown in real and nominal dollars in figure 2.9. In both real and nominal dollars, total CPB expenditures on promotion have increased since the early 1980s. While the Prune Marketing Committee and the California Prune Board are separate administrative bodies, established under different enabling legisla- tion, they cooperate by using common office facilities and staff, and they also share industry data. The Dried Fruit Association of California inspects all prunes pro- duced in California. This inspection service certifies the salable weight that the packer uses to pay the pro- ducer, determines the size, off-grade, and undersize of each lot, and collects data used by the industry to establish crop tonnage, inventory composition, and as- sessment fees. Marketing Firms The processing and marketing of California's an- nual prune crop is almost evenly divided between Sunsweet Growers, the industry's only marketing co- operative, and a group of independent growers and packers. Sunsweet members deliver their entire pro- duction to the cooperative, and their returns are based on the selling price of the processed fruit. Indepen- dent growers sell to independent packers or handlers on a contractual basis. All California prune produc- ers and handlers pay mandatory assessments to sup- port the generic promotional efforts of the California Prune Board. Members of Sunsweet also support sub- stantial brand advertising of Sunsweet prune prod- ucts. Under the prune marketing order, there is no assessment offset: if a packer such as Sunsweet pro- motes its own brand, there is no reimbursement of any of the assessment that the packer pays toward the ge- neric program. The Prune Bargaining Association The Prune Bargaining Association (PBA) is a vol- untary organization that represents about 40 percent of the independent growers (Giacolini 1993). Each year, the PBA negotiates with the independent pro- cessors to establish a selling price for its members. The price negotiated by the PBA influences the price re- ceived by all independent growers. 2.4 Trends in Factors Associated With Prune Demand Several factors associated with prune consumption and the demand for prunes have been changing over time. These factors will be discussed briefly here, and their quantitative impacts on the demand for prunes will be examined in detail in the following sections of this report. Age of the Population The U.S. population is aging: the share of U.S. citi- zens 65 years old or older increased from 8.0 percent in 1949 to 13.0 percent in 1995 (Bureau of the Census 1996). This may or may not bode well for the prune industry. Currently available data indicate that older people consume more prunes per capita than younger people do (table 2.4). Table 2.4. U.S. Per Capita Consumption of Dried Prunes in 1986, by Age Group Age group (years) Per capita consumption (pounds) 18-24 0.67 25-44 0.62 45-54 1.00 55-64 1.52 >65 1.95 Source: Dale et al. 1988 This pattern of consumption may be attributable to either an age effect or to a cohort effect. If it is an age effect, a person's preference for prunes increases as the person ages, and as today's young people become older, their prune consumption will increase. If it is a cohort effect, older people today consume more prunes perhaps because as children they ate more dried fruit relative to fresh fruit (since seasonal fresh fruit avail- ability was limited, while dried fruit was available year-round). Therefore, having established patterns 11 Figure 2.9. California Prune Board Expenditures on Domestic Promotion, 1949-95 Source: Expenditxires from California Prune Board, Annual Reports. Consumer Price Index from Bureau of the Census. of dried fruit consumption as children, older Ameri- cans still consume relatively more dried fruit. If the cohort effect explains much of the higher consump- tion of prunes by older people, then, holding other influences constant, per capita prune consumption can be expected to decline over time, since those who are young today are not developing similar preferences for dried fruit. Changes in Household Structure As recently as the 1950s, the predominant type of household included two adults and two children, with only the male head of the household working outside the home.' In the 1990s, single-person households are much more important, female heads of households are common, and nonworking spouses are now the ex- ception more than the norm. These factors, combined with rising incomes and changes in technology avail- able to households (such as microwaves and home freezers) and changes in food products available (in- cluding pre-prepared foods for home serving, and fast- food restaurants), have contributed to major changes in the way people live and, in particular, eat. Importantly, the growth in per capita incomes can be expected to have led to an increase in the demand for food quality and services associated with food. The increased labor-force participation of women can be expected to have led to an increased demand for con- venience in food, and for food with low preparation time (since the opportunity cost of working women's time is higher). These two factors can account for much of the major changes in food purchase patterns: a higher proportion of meals away from home, and a higher proportion of pre-prepared meals. Since prunes are ready-to-eat without additional preparation, the increased demand for convenience in food could in- crease the demand for prunes. Fruit in the Diet The average diet in the United States has been slowly changing to include leaner meats and more fruits and vegetables, as recommended by public health organizations. Per capita consumption of fresh fruit exhibited a steady declining trend from 1939 un- til the mid-1960s, when it began a gradual rise. Much 1 . Alston et al. (1997) documented some of the changes in household structure and consumption patterns in the United States. This section draws heavily on that discussion. See also Blaylock and Smallwood (1986). 12 of the decline and subsequent turnaround was attrib- utable to the consumption of citrus fruits, particularly oranges, although noncitrus fruits, such as peaches and grapes, exhibited similar trends. The overall increase in per capita consumption of fresh fruits and veg- etables continued slowly during the 1970s, and at a faster rate during the 1980s. Total per capita consump- tion of commercially produced fruits and vegetables was estimated at 678 pounds in 1994 (farm- weight basis), an increase of 20 percent over the quantity in 1970. Overall, U.S. per capita consumption of processed fruit increased by 18.6 percent and per capita consump- tion of fresh fruit increased by 25.2 percent during the period from 1970 through 1994. There were, however, significant deviations by product category. Per capita consumption of fresh citrus, for example, decreased slightly, while per capita consumption of fresh noncitrus fruits increased by 41 percent (appendix table A2.3). Since fresh noncitrus fruits are believed to substitute for dried fruit (including prunes), the higher sales of fresh noncitrus fruit since 1970 may be associated with reduced purchases of dried fruit. On the other hand, increased demand for all fruits is ex- pected to increase the demand for dried fruit. U.S. per capita consumption of dried fruit declined by one-half from 1920 to 1980 (USDA 1979). In the 1920s, fruit was consumed fresh mainly during the harvest period, since fresh fruit was typically not avail- able, and when available, it was prohibitively expen- sive during the off-season. Technical advances in va- rieties, production, storage, shipping, and the devel- opment of new areas of production now make fresh fruit available throughout the year at reasonable prices. The increased supply of fresh fruit on a year-round basis may have reduced the demand for dried fruit. Despite the increased consumption of fresh fruits, how- ever, U.S. per capita consumption of all dried fruit has also increased since the late 1970s (appendix table A2.4). Baking Use of Prunes Research on new uses for prunes has found that prunes can be used as a fat substitute in baked goods. The use of prune puree, for example, allows consum- ers to reduce the fat in baked goods by 60 to 90 per- cent. Other benefits include reduced cholesterol, im- proved preservation, and improved nutrition. Prune puree, prune paste, and diced prunes are now being marketed as cooking ingredients in baked goods, and are promoted as fat substitutes. The share of food tech- nologists who use prunes in baking increased from 10 percent in 1992 to about 27 percent in 1996 (CPB Sep- tember 1996). Given the current emphasis on reduc- ing fat consumption in human diets, this could pro- vide an important boost to the demand for prunes. Prune puree, however, still constitutes less than 2 per- cent of California domestic prune shipments (appen- dix table A2.5). 2.5 Concluding Comments on Supply and De- mand Trends The California prune industry has experienced sig- nificant changes in both supply and demand over the past 50 years. The bearing acreage of prunes has trended down, but this was largely offset by increas- ing average yields. As a result, total California prune production has varied significantly from year to year, but without either an upward or a downward trend. On the demand side, there have been sigruficant trends in crop utilization, product form, and per capita con- sumption. The amount and share of the annual crop shipped to domestic markets decreased over time, while exports increased to over 40 percent of the crop. During the same time frame, the proportion of dried prunes sold in the pitted form increased from less than 1 percent to over 80 percent, as a result of new and improved technology for pitting. Accompanying these changes were significant reductions in U.S. per capita consumption of dried prunes and prune juice. A number of factors may have affected the demand for prunes over time. Those mentioned include the advertising and promotion programs conducted by the CPB, as well as the traditional demand shifters of income, population, and prices of competing products. Other potentially important factors include (1) chang- ing demographics, especially the increasing average age of the U.S. population and the changing house- hold structure, (2) health and diet concerns that have increased the demand for fruits and vegetables, (3) the year-round availability of fresh fruit, and (4) new and improved products and uses (pitted prunes and prunes as a fat substitute in baking). However, since many of the factors have been changing at the same time, it is difficult to isolate cause and effect. The fol- lowing sections detail the specification and estimation of aggregate demand relationships for prunes. 13 3. ACCOUNTING FOR CHANGES IN AGGREGATE U.S. PRUNE CONSUMPTION In this section, we specify demand models for Cali- fornia prunes and report the results from estimating these models using monthly data covering the period from September 1992 through July 1996, and annual data for 1949 through 1995. These econometric mod- els use per capita quantities of dried prunes in the United States. Important related distinctions concern the market level (e.g., farm versus retail) and whether the quantity is all prunes for all destinations (as farm- level quantities are) or for domestic consumption only (as retail quantities are). Section 3.1 covers general theoretical aspects, section 3.2 covers the monthly models, and section 3.3 covers armual models 3.1 Aggregate Domestic Demand Models, Theo- retical Considerations Aggregate per capita demand models provide pa- rameters that can be used to estimate gross and net benefits to the industry from promotion. Once the model is estimated econometrically, we use the esti- mates from to analyze the effect that a change in pro- motion would be likely to have on per capita consump- tion. Economic theory is used as a guide in the speci- fication of the model, in the identification of variables that are used to explain changes in consumption pat- terns, and in the interpretation of the results from esti- mation. A Consumer Demand Model Suppose we use Q, to represent the per capita quan- tity of prunes (of uniform quality) demanded by a rep- resentative consumer during a particular year, t. The theory of consumer demand suggests a model in which the quantity demanded, Q,, depends on the corre- sponding price of prunes, PP,, the prices of all other goods that are substitutes or complements for prunes (such as other dried fruits or laxatives, and fresh fruits, in particular), PS^, and total money income or expen- diture on all goods, EXP^. This model can be expressed as Q,^f{PP^,PS,,EXP). (3.1) To make this model operational, one must specify a particular functional form for/(.) — for instance, a lin- ear functional form, which we use later. In this model, we would expect the own-price effect to be negative (a negative coefficient on PP). The cross-price effects (the coefficients on other prices, PS) can be positive or negative, but are expected to be predominantly positive, especially for close substitutes, and the in- come effect (the coefficient on EXP,) is probably posi- tive and in the range for a normal good, correspond- ing to an income elasticity of demand for prunes be- tween 0 and 1 . In other words, an increase in the price of prunes would lead to a decrease in prune consump- tion, while an increase in the price of a substitute or in total money income would lead to an increase in prune consumption. In addition, the theory of consumer demand im- plies that the demand equation should be homoge- neous of degree zero in money income and prices — doubling money income and all prices should leave consumption unaffected, since nothing real has changed. This homogeneity condition is commonly imposed by dividing all of the prices and income by a general price index, such as the consumer price index (CPI), thereby expressing all of the monetary variables in the demand equation in real terms (denoted i?PP,, RPS,, and REXP). The resulting model is Q, = / (RPP,, RPS,, REXP) . (3.2) Both of these demand equations (equations 3.1 and 3.2) implicitly assume constant tastes and preferences for prunes. In order to accommodate changes in pref- erences arising from promotion or anything else that may affect demand (such as demographic character- istics of the consumer), the model can be augmented with other demand shift variables? Clearly, promotion is one such variable. To obtain reliable estimates of the influence of the factors that are of most importance for the present study — in particular, the responsive- ness of demand to price and promotion — it is neces- sary to take into account the influence of other demand shift variables as well. Otherwise, there is a risk that the effects of omitted shifters will be attributed falsely to the variables included in the model. In a model of consumer demand for California prunes, appropriate shift variables can be included to represent the effects of such things as (a) increased consumer health consciousness and a rising consumer interest in natural foods; (b) other demographic changes, such as changes in the age structure of the population (likely to be especially important for 2. Blaylock and Smallwood (1986) document some of the general trends in consumer demand for food that may be reflected in shift variables of these types. 14 prunes, since they are relatively heavily consumed by older people), a higher rate of labor-force participa- tion by women, changes in the ethnic composition of the population, and the fact that more meals are eaten away from home; (c) generic promotion by the Cali- fornia Prune Board, brand promotion by Sunsweet and others, and other changes in merchandising expendi- tures, and (d) changes in the quality of California prunes. To deal with all of these individual variables ex- plicitly in a model is impossible, given our limited dataset and the difficulty of identifying their individual effects, when many variables change smoothly, to- gether, over time. Instead, we focus on those shift vari- ables for which we think the effects are likely to be the most important. Thus, we include four types of shift variables including (a) where possible, a variable to represent the changing age structure of the popula- tion; (b) the quantity of promotion, represented by the total — not per capita — promotional expenditures' of both the California Prune Board and Sunsweet, ex- pressed in real terms by dividing expenditures by the CPI, RPROCPB, and RPROSUN,, respectively; (c) a lin- ear time trend variable, TIME,, included to represent the effects of other trends, as described above, that are not being modeled explicitly; and (d) quarterly inter- cept dummy variables (SPR,, WIN,, and SUM,), to re- flect seasonal shifts in demand in the monthly demand models. Note that Fall is the base season — the esti- mated coefficients for SPR,, WIN,, and SUM, show the change in demand from the Fall base season. Incorporating the shift variables leads to an aug- mented model of demand, as follows Q,=f(RPG,,RPS,, REXP,, RPROCPB,, RPROSUN,, SUM,, WIN,, SPR,, TIME,) (3.3) The effects of the demand shift variables are not as easy to predict as those of the more conventional ones. Promotion is expected to have an unambiguously posi- tive effect on demand, but, even then, only if it has been successful in increasing demand for prunes; oth- erwise, this variable would have no effect on demand. The effect of the time trend is likely to be negative, reflecting a general shift of consumer demand away from prunes over time. It is expected that per capita consumption of prunes increases with increases in the fraction of the population in older age categories, but it is likely to be difficult to separate age effects from cohort effects (indeed, as noted above, an important question is whether declining per capita consumption is an age effect, reversible as the population becomes older again, or a cohort effect, and not reversible). Horizontal and Vertical Market Linkages and their Implications The above models refer to final consumer demand. Often, however, in empirical work, we use data that relates to the derived demand at the farm or wholesale level, which is derived from the final consumer de- mand and the economic and technological character- istics of the intermediate functions between the final consumer and the market level being studied (e.g., the marketing, processing, and transportation functions). Therefore, in addition to variables indicated by the theory of consumer demand, derived demand func- tions may also include variables representing process- ing costs, labor costs, and so on. In the models pre- sented here, the consumer price index plays a dual role as a general index of the prices of substitutes (other than those identified in the model below) in consump- tion for prunes, and as an index of the prices of mar- keting inputs. Derived demand equations are gener- ally expected to be less price-responsive (less elastic) than retail demand equations. Another aspect of market structure we must con- sider is one of horizontal linkages. These include link- ages between the U.S. market and international mar- kets for U.S. prunes, and linkages among markets for alternative end-uses for U.S. prunes. When we study the market for dried prunes, we are considering only a subset of the total market for U.S. prunes; when we study the domestic market we are studying only a sub- set of the total world market for dried prunes. This can be thought of in terms of residual supply and de- mand. In practice, we can study the domestic demand for dried U.S. prunes independently of the markets for other uses of U.S. prunes without experiencing any econometric problems. However, when we want to simulate changes in domestic demand for U.S. dried prunes, we must recognize that the markets are linked, and a significant element of the market response to an advertising-induced increase in domestic consumption of dried prunes will be a reallocation of prunes from other uses; either other domestic uses or exports. These horizontal linkages are captured through a modifica- tion of the effective supply of dried prunes to the U.S. market, which is the residual from total supply and demand for other uses. The issues of residual supply and demand and derived demand are discussed at greater length by Alston et al. (1995). 3. The choice of whether to include promotion in per capita terms or in total was discussed by Alston et al. (1997). 15 Figure 3.1. U.S. Per Capita, Monthly Prune Consumption (Retail), September 1992 to July 1996 0.025 3 O 0.005 Q CO cn CO cn CD - ofc 2 ofc ^ 9 9 < -T- < O ^ JI^ ^ ' ' Source: Infoscan, IRI. 3.2 Aggregate Monthly Domestic Demand Mod- els* This section contains a summary of the regression models used to estimate the effects of promotion on monthly per capita prune consumption in the United States. It should be noted that the models in section 3.2 concern retail sales only. The models studied here indicate that promotional expenditures have a statis- tically significant, positive effect on monthly prune consumption at the retail level. Before presenting the demand models and the empirical results, we give an overview of the data and data sources for these mod- els. Data The time period for this part of the study was from September 1992 through July 1996, comprising 51 ob- servations with lengths of four weeks each. The monthly regressions presented here are based on data collected from four sources, as described below. Quantities : The data describing the quantities of dried prunes consumed in the United States come from Infoscan IRI retail market profiles representing U.S. consumption based on 64 cities/ regions in the United States. These data were provided by Sunsweet. We used "total" prune consumption over this period, which was the total of all brands sold in retail stores. During this period, retail sales accounted for approxi- mately 30 percent of all prune sales (CPB 1997). The quantities were converted into pounds per capita us- ing an estimate of the U.S. midyear population (Inter- national Monetary Fund). We converted this popula- tion statistic into population per observation period using a growth formula provided by the U.S. Census Bureau. Monthly per-capita consumption of prunes, shown for the observation period in figure 3.1, aver- aged 0.015 pounds with a standard deviation of 0.002. Prices: The prices used in the demand models were the average retail price ($/ pound) of prunes purchased and the average price of dried fruit other than prunes ($/pound) purchased from retail food stores.^ These prices also came from the Infoscan IRI data and were converted into 1996 dollars using the consumer price index (International Monetary Fund). Deflation by the CPI has the effect of treating an aggregate of all other goods as a general substitute for prunes. It would be desirable to represent the effects of close substitutes explicitly, by including a separate variable for each one, but data constraints and likely statistical problems (such as multicollinearity) mean that we cannot in- clude too many other prices; probably no more than one. While it is difficult to identify a particular index to represent those goods that are close substitutes for prunes, the models presented in this section use the real price of an aggregate of other dried fruit as RPS,. 4. Throughout this section, we use the term "monthly" to refer to the length of the observation period, where in reality, the observations are four weeks long. 5. Prices of dried fruit excluding raisins, and prices of raisins alone were also considered, but neither is included in any of the models in this section. 16 It must be stressed that there was very little price movement for prunes and other dried fruit during the observation period used for the monthly demand mod- els. Deflating the prices by the CPI dampened this movement even further. Over the observation period, the average real price of prunes was $2.18 per pound per month (it ranged from $2.05 to $2.26 per month), and the average real price of other dried fruit was $2.39 per pound per month. The standard deviations were 0.045 and 0.042 respectively. Thus, we are attempting to correlate a consumption variable with price vari- ables that simply did not move very much. A data set covering a longer time period, with more variation in prices, might be expected to provide improved esti- mates of price effects on demand. Promotion : Promotion includes generic promo- tional expenditures by the California Prune Board and brand promotion by Sunsweet Growers, the largest private promoter of dried prunes. There is little or no branded promotion (besides display units and other trade promotions like "buy one get one free") by other packers, and Sunsweet is the only packer to advertise its prunes nationally. The aggregate monthly promo- tion variables (PROCPB and PROSUN) each include monthly sales promotion and monthly television ad- vertising. PROMOCPB is monthly sales promotion expendi- ture by the California Prune Board for prunes. Spe- cifically PROMOCPB is the sum of the following bud- getary items: Coupon Program, Public Relations, Sam- pling, and Merchandising /Sales Promotion (Source: California Prune Board Generic Monthly Program Evalu- ation for crop years 92/93-95/96). Throughout this section, "Sales Promotion" refers to the sum of these budgetary items. All figures were converted from monthly into monthly data using daily averages for each month, in order to match the Infoscan IRI quan- tity and price series. PROMOSUN is sales promotion expenditures by Sunsweet Growers for prunes. PROMOSUN consists of monthly total dried fruit pro- motion converted from monthly data into monthly data using average daily expenditures for each month (Source: Sunsweet Growers Monthly Advertising and Merchandising Expenses for crop years 92/93-95/96). ADCPB is television advertising expenditure for the specific observation point, as billed to the CPB. Un- like the sales promotion expenditures, which came from the crop-year budgets, these data accurately re- flect the timing of television advertisements. The fig- ures were converted from monthly expenditures to monthly expenditures using daily averages (Source: CPB). ADS LIN is television advertising expenditures as billed to Sunsweet. These data, which were reported on a weekly basis, were summed to provide monthly figures for the observation period (Source: Sunsweet Growers). Finally, aggregate promotion variables were con- structed for CPB and Sunsweet which include both sales promotion and television advertising: PROCPB = ADCPB + PROMOCPB and PROSUN = ADSUN + PROMOSUN, expressed in millions of dollars. The timing of sales promotion expenditures may involve problems. As discussed above, only the two television advertising variables ADCPB and ADSUN reflect accurately when advertising was seen by view- ers. The two sales promotion variables are off by an indeterminate amount, since they came directly from the CPB's and Sunsweet's accounting records. The problem with these two variables is that they aggre- gate a variety of important sales promotion expendi- tures (coupon payments, public relations, sampling, and merchandising/sales promotion) whose timing varies. Thus, while the AD- variables reflect dollar figures corresponding to the actual timing of promo- tion (e.g., television commercials), the PROMO- vari- ables do not. Since some promotional expenses are paid when the promotion occurs, while others are paid ahead of time, and still others are paid after the pro- motion is over, it is not clear whether these variables should be lagged or not in the regressions. Ultimately, it was decided to use the variables as presented in the budgets. Promotional expenditures were expressed in real (or quantity) terms to reflect the view that, if the CPB's and Sunsweet's budgets doubled, and the cost of pro- motion doubled as well, there would be no real change in the amount of promotion undertaken. Ideally, to do this, we would deflate promotional expenditures by an index of the unit cost of promotion. Lacking such an index, we assume that promotion costs rise with prices generally, and use the CPI to deflate pro- motional expenditures. Other Variables : A total expenditure variable was also included. As monthly data were not available, the expenditure variable was based on quarterly data on total private domestic consumption expenditures (billions of dollars) for the United States, taken from the International Financial Statistics published by the International Monetary Fund. These figures were then deflated by a quarterly CPI (August 1996 = 1.00), to put them in real terms, and divided by a quarterly estimate of U.S. population, to put them in per capita terms. The annual average of this per-capita income variable was $18,690.98 and its standard deviation was $494.60. A time-trend variable was also used in some of the demand models. Over the period of study, there has been a slight decrease in per capita prune consump- tion, so we might expect the coefficient on the trend variable to be negative, if this decline in consumption is not attributable to the other variables in the model. Conversations with CPB staff suggested that prune 17 Table 3.1. Description of Variables in the Monthly Demand Model Variable Definition Units Data Source TIME. RPP. "Month" "Monthly" per capita consumption of dried prunes in the U.S. from the week ending September 6, 1992 to July 7, 1996. Recall, one "month" here is exactly four weeks long. Real average retail price of prunes. One observation is four weeks long. pounds of dried prunes per person per month real dollars (August 1996=1) per pound of processed prunes Prune Consumption from Infoscan IRI retail market profiles. U.S. population from International Financial Statistics Prices came from Infoscan IRI and were deflated by CPl data from International Financial Statistics RPS, Real average retail price of all other dried fruit. real dollars per pound Prices came from Infoscan IRI and were deflated by CPl data from International Financial Statistics i?£XP, Real, average, quarterly per-capita private domestic consumption expenditures. RPROCPB^ Aggregate real promotional expenditures by the California Prune Board for dried prunes in the U.S. market. real dollars per person per quarter real doUars per month International Monetary Fund California Prune Board RPROSUN^ Aggregate real promotional expenditures by Sunsweet for dried prunes in the U.S. market. real dollars per month Sunsweet Growers WIN, SPR, Winter, Spring and Summer SUM dummy variables respectively. Notes: RPS was broken down into its components (raisins, RPR, and other dried fruit, RPF) which were used as added instruments in the 2SLS model estimated in this report. 18 Table 3.2. Summary Statistics of the Variables in the Monthly Demand Model Variable N Mean Standard Deviation Minimum Maximum Q 51 0.015 0.002 0.012 0.020 RPP 51 2.179 0.045 2.054 2.264 PDC Dl T "20/1 U.U4Z Z.Md l.oZ/ RPR 51 2.010 0.041 1.916 2.067 RPF 51 4.599 0.363 3.984 5.258 REXP 51 18,691 499.52 17,785 19,483 RPROMO 51 1.512 0.483 0.516 2.397 TIME 51 26 14.866 1 51 Notes: In this table, RPROMO = RPROCPB + RPROSUN represents total monthly promotion in millions of dollars (aggre- gated to maintain Sunsweet's confidentiality). RPR and RPF are the real prices of raisins and other dried fruit, respectively. These were used in the 2SLS model. consumption varies seasonally. To investigate this pos- sibility, three quarterly dummy variables (WIN = Win- ter, SPR = Spring, and SUM - Summer) were speci- fied, with the Fall quarter (October, November, Decem- ber) used as the base season. The seasonal variables are equal to one for each month during a given season and zero otherwise. When the four-week period for a particular observation spans two seasons, it is assigned to the season that applies for the majority of days in the 4-week period. Table 3.1 summarizes the definitions of the variables used in the monthly demand models. A complete list- ing of the data, as used in the regressions, is provided in appendix table A3.1. Summary statistics for the monthly demand variables are included in table 3.2. Estimation Results and Selection of the Preferred Monthly Models In this section, we present regression equations that represent the monthly demand for prunes in the United States for the period spanning the months September 1992 through July 1996. Other regression equations are also included for comparison, and as indicators of the robustness of certain aspects of the preferred mod- els. Initially, the models were estimated by ordinary least squares (OLS). Promotion Variables and Lags : To investigate the timing issues with the sales promotion variable, sev- eral models that included lagged promotion variables with a variety of polynomial restrictions on the lag structure were tested. These models were all unsatis- factory, and they are not presented here. Further, we decided to use the aggregate PROCPB and PROSUN variables instead of disaggregating each of them into AD and PRO.'' Functional Form Choice : The functional form for the demand equation must be specified, in order to estimate an econometric demand model. The choice of the functional form for the demand equation, which is guided by diagnostic tests, is important because it can influence the results of the econometric estima- tion (e.g., see Chalfant and Alston, 1988; Alston and Chalfant, 1991). In what follows, we focus on the re- sults from a demand equation that is linear in all the variables, except that we include the square root of promotion instead of the level of promotion; the square- root model. This model allows diminishing marginal returns to promotion.^ Models of this form were used to study table grape promotion by Alston et al. (1997). 6. When AD and PRO were included in a linear model, their coefficients were essentially equal. Thus, there was no information gained by separating PROCPB or PROSUN into their components and we would lose degrees of free- dom in doing so. 7. A consequence of including the square root of promotion, rather than the quantity of promotion, is that this transfor- mation imposes diminishing marginal returns on the demand response for promotion; the linear model is character- ized by constant marginal returns. The marginal return to promotion refers to the incremental benefit from increas- ing promotional effort by a small amount, say one dollar Diminishing marginal returns means that each incremental dollar spent on promotion brings forth a smaller benefit than the last. It is preferable to have a structure that imposes (or at least permits) diminishing returns for two related reasons. First, it would be uneconomic to choose quantities of promotion in a range of constant or increasing marginal returns. Second, in order to solve for optimal promotion, we require a model with diminishing returns. Similar conditions do not apply to the other variables in the model, since they are not chosen by the prune industry. 19 Unlike Alston et al. (1997), we have more than one elude the square root of all promotion. Model 3.4a category of promotion expenditure, and, in particu- allows the marginal effects of CPB and Sunsweet pro- lar, we wish to include separate variables represent- motion expenditures to differ, while model 3.4b sets ing generic promotion by CPB and brand promotion the promotion parameters in equation 3.4a equal, so by Sunsweet. Accordingly, we consider two types of that the marginal effects of CPB and Sunsweet pro- models that include promotion variables in square-root motion expenditures are forced to be the same, form. The first type consists of two models that in- Q = b + b RPP + b RPS + b REXP + (b RPROCPB + b RPROSUN P'- + b SPR + b WIN + t 0 PP I PS t EXP t CPB t SUN I SPR I WIN I b SUM +b TIME + e . (3.4a) SUM IT II Q =b +b RPP +b RPS +b REXP +b (RPROCPB + RPROSUN P'- + b SPR +b WIN +b SUM I 0 PP I PS t EXP I PRO I I SPR I WIN I SUM t + b TIME + e . (3.4b) T I I We also consider two other models based on sepa- tion 3.4c, the marginal effects of CPB and Sunsweet rate square roots of promotion expenditures. In equa- promotion expenditures are allowed to differ: Q =b +b RPP +b RPS +b REXP +b (RPROCPB yi'- + b (RPROSUN + b SPR+b WIN + t 0 PP I PS I EXP I CPB I SUN I SPR I WIN I b SUM + b TIME + e . (3.4c) SUM IT It A special case of equation 3.4c is given by assum- Note that equation 3.4d can also be seen as a special ing that Sunsweet promotion has no effect on the total case of equation 3.4a by setting b^^^ = 0. market for prunes. This is shown by equation 3.4d. Q = b + b RPP + b RPS + b REXP + b (RPROCPB j''^ + 1, SPR+b WIN + b SUM + b TIME 10 PP I PS I EXP I CPB t SPR t WIN I SUM I T I + e . (3 Ad) t We can test models 3.4b and 3.4d as special cases of model 3.4a, and model 3.4d can also be tested against 3.4c. Models 3.4a and 3.4c, however, are not nested as special cases, and cannot be tested against one another using conventional nested tests. In all of these models, the b coefficients are multi- pliers that, holding the other independent variables constant, translate changes in the prices and other right-hand-side variables into changes in quantities consumed. For the promotion variables, RPROCPB and RPROSUN, however, the multipliers translate changes in the square-root transformations of the un- derlying variables into changes in quantities con- sumed. Thus, the multipliers here do not represent partial derivatives for the promotion variables, e, rep- resents residual changes in per capita quantities con- sumed that are not accounted for by changes in the right-hand-side variables, is sometimes referred to as the "error" term, since it can be thought of as the error in predicting using only the right-hand-side variables. These residuals are typically assumed to be normally distributed random variables, with an ex- pected value of zero and a constant variance. Evaluating the Structure of the Model Holding Promotion Constant The strategy for estimation was first to evaluate the structure of the model holding constant the specifica- tion of the promotion variables. To do this, we used a single aggregate promotion variable (i.e., the model in equation 3.4b). This model, which performed well, was not rejected by subsequent tests. The second step was to explore the effects of different specifications of pro- motion variables, holding constant the rest of the model. We estimated the model in equation 3.4b and then exanuned the estimated coefficients to see whether they satisfied our expectations, based on the theory laid out 20 above, and, at the same time, examined the residuals to see whether their behavior was consistent with the conventional econometric assumptions. In addition, diagnostic tests were applied to see whether the va- lidity of the model and its parameters could be rejected by the results from alternative models, using alterna- tive functional forms, and making different assump- tions about whether prices and promotion are statisti- cally exogenous.* Only if a model passes all of these tests — that is, it is consistent with economic theory and our expectations about the signs and sizes of the coef- ficients, has well-behaved residuals, and is not rejected by an alternative specification — can we confidently take the next step and use the estimated model to simu- late alternative market scenarios. The results from estimating the complete model, as specified in equation 3.4b, are shown in the first column (column 1) of table 3.3. The other five col- umns (columns 2 through 6) report the results of OLS regressions, based on equation 3.4b, that were derived by restricting various combinations of the coefficients on the price of substitutes, total expenditure, and the time trend to be zero. Note that it was difficult to de- rive estimates for all of the hypothesized economic re- lationships. The effects of price movements (and esti- mates of the own-price elasticity of demand) were hard to determine, because there was very little price change for prunes and other dried fruit during the time pe- riod under consideration. In addition, income effects were difficult to distinguish from the effects of other variables characterized by smooth trends over time. These patterns in the exogenous variables meant that several of the estimated coefficients were not statisti- cally significant. Restricting the insignificant coefficients to zero (by dropping the corresponding variables from the regres- sion) could have undesirable consequences for the in- terpretation of the remaining coefficients. For instance (as will be seen in the models presented later), if the time-trend variable is left out of the regression, the price variable "picks up" the declining trend in prune consumption and, thus, too much importance is given to the price variable (which can be seen in the elastici- ties greater than one in absolute value when trend is dropped from the regression). Since it is not clear that other dried fruits substitute for prunes, and other dried fruit prices showed little movement during this pe- riod, models were tried excluding these "substitute" prices. Further, income or total expenditure was not expected to have much effect on prune consumption because of the short time-period covered, and only en- tered the model in a statistically significant way when trend was not included in the regression. Since the income effect was negative if a trend variable was left out of the model, the strong suspicion is that REXP simply took the place of the trend variable. Thus, REXP, too, was left out of several regressions. Because of scaling, the coefficients on the promo- tion variable appear very small (the dependent vari- able, per capita consumption per month, averaged 0.015 pounds while the square root of total expendi- tures on promotion averaged $1,212.60). Therefore, a more useful statistic is the elasticity measure, which accounts for the relative size of the variables by using percentage changes. Each of the elasticity coefficients is calculated as the percentage change in per capita prune consumption from a one percent change in the independent variable of interest. Thus, an elasticity of 0.2 means that a 10 percent increase in the indepen- dent variable leads to a 2 percent increase in prune consumption. Regression results for variations on model 3.4b are displayed in table 3.3. In this table, the elasticities are displayed in brackets beneath the coefficient estimates, and have been calculated at the means of the economic variables. The figures in parentheses are t-statistics. The Adjusted R^ statistic indicates the proportion of the variation in consumption that has been accounted for by the independent variables included in the equa- tion. The R^ statistics range from 69.2 percent in model 2 to 81.1 percent in model 1 in table 3.3. Finally, the Durbin-Watson statistic is used to test for the presence of first-order autocorrelation, which was statistically significant only in model 2 in table 3.3. As mentioned above, the period of study was one of very little price movement. Not surprisingly, it was difficult to find significant effects on quantity de- manded from changes in prices. For all the models presented in table 3.3, only the model 2 had a statisti- cally significant estimate of the demand response to price.'* In model 2, the own-price elasticity of demand for prunes is about -1 .8 at the mean of the sample data, a surprisingly large estimate of the elasticity. Com- paratively, a study of the U.K. market suggested a price elasticity of -0.7 for the total market and -1.23 for Sunsweet (Thorogood 1994). Model 2, however, does 8. If either promotion or price is endogenous, in the sense that their values are affected by changes in quantities con- sumed, as well as causing changes in quantity consumed, the econometric model may suffer from simultaneous- equations bias. Such bias, if it exists, results from correlation of an explanatory variable with the error term, and may lead to a misstatement of the demand response to changes in price or promotion. The direction of such bias is hard to predict in the absence of a specific alternative model in which these variables are simultaneously determined. 9. Unless otherwise noted, all statements regarding statistical significance are based on a 95 percent confidence level. 21 Table 3.3. Coefficient and Elasticity Estimates from the Monthly Demand Models Independent Variables (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) Constant 0.015 0.037 0.068 0.019 0.049 -0.028 (0.283) (4.148) (6.470) (2.340) (6.209) (-0.551) RPP -0.003 -0.013 -0.005 -0.004 -0.006 -0.003 (-0.794) (-3.185) (-1.382) (-1.213) (-1.568) (-0.743) [-0.437] [-1.824] [-0.687] [-0.642] [-0.822] [-0.428] RPS -0.009 -0.010 (-2.228) (-2.541) [-1.433] [-1.591] (RPROMOy' 0.535E-2 0.421E-2 0.539E-2 0.523E-2 0.522E-2 0.519E-2 (6.339) (4.046) (6.384) (5.969) (5.848) (5.901) [0.214] [0.168] [0.215] [0.209] [0.209] [0.207] REXP 0.129E-5 -0.136E-5 -0.153E-5 0.247E-5 (0.505) (-4.248) (-4.585) (0.946) [1.585] [-1.676] [-1.879] [3.036] WIN 0.002 0.001 0.002 0.001 0.002 0.001 (3.797) (2.620) (4.376) (3.358) (3.446) (2.990) SPR 0.002 0.002 0.002 0.002 0.002 0.002 (3.862) r\i o\ (3.013) (4.510) (4.400) (4.494) (3.699) SUM -0 0005 -0.001 -0 0003 -0 0005 -0.0004 -0 0006 (-1.105) (-1.872) (-0.826) (-1.188) (-1.106) (-1.418) TIME -0.0001 -0.535E-4 -0.0001 (-1.047) (-4.819) (-1.544) Adjusted 0.811 0.692 0.810 0.794 0.787 0.793 Durbin-Watson 2.114 1.546 2.115 2.365 2.390 2.291 Notes: t-statistics are in parentheses, elasticities (at means) are in brackets. Elasticities in the row (RPROMOy- are the elasticities of demand with respect to RPROMO. Model 1 is equation 3.4b in the text. 22 not include a time trend, a price of substitutes, or an income variable. We suspect this is a misspecification and causes the regression to attribute a declining trend in the consumption of prunes to exaggerated price ef- fects. When a trend is included, as in models 4 and 5 of table 3.3, a much smaller own-price elasticity is ob- tained. Notice that the coefficient on the price of substi- tutes, included in models 1 and 3 of table 3.3, is statis- tically significant but negative, which is contrary to expectations. Other dried fruit prices and prune prices moved closely together during this period. A mea- sirre of income, or total expenditure, appears in mod- els 1, 3, 5, and 6. As discussed above, when trend is not included but income is, the income variable may be acting like the trend variable; hence the negative sign on the income coefficient in models 3 and 5. In models 1 and 6, which include trend, the income ef- fect is not statistically significant. While it may be the case that income effects are important in determining prune demand (especially in a monthly demand model), it is more likely that income and trend are col- linear, as both are increasing over the observation pe- riod, and it is difficult for the regression estimation procedure to distinguish the separate effects of the two variables. Seasonality is present in all of the estimated monthly demand models. Using the Fall season as the base, we see that the coefficient estimates for Win- ter and Spring are significantly positive, whereas the coefficient for Summer is insignificant. From these re- sults, holding price and other factors constant, one concludes that prune demand is significantly greater in Winter and Spring than in Summer or Fall. An examination of prune consumption over the 1990s shows a decline in demand, so it was expected that the time-trend coefficient would be negative. In fact, the trend coefficient was always negative. For the models presented in table 3.3, trend is significant in model 4 and insignificant in models 1 and 6, with the latter results probably due to the high correlation of trend with income. The promotion variable was statistically significant at the 99 percent confidence level in each of the mod- els in table 3.3. In addition, except for model 2 (which excluded the price of substitutes, income, and trend), the estimated coefficients on promotion and corre- sponding elasticities were very stable across model specifications. Model 1 is preferred over each of the other models in table 3.3. In model 1, the price coefficient is nega- tive, and of plausible magnitude (although not statis- tically significantly different from zero), with an elas- ticity at the mean of -0.4. The estimated coefficient on total per capita expenditure is positive, but not statis- tically significant. The corresponding elasticity of de- mand with respect to income is 1.6, which is larger than expected. The statistically significant cross-price elasticity is -1 .4. This suggests that other dried fruit is a complement rather than a substitute for prunes, or that the price of other dried fruit may be acting as a proxy for other variables. The elasticity of demand with respect to promotion in the preferred model is 0.21 . (This elasticity was also 0.21 in all of the other models in table 3.3 except model 3, which was the least acceptable of all.) Diagnostic Tests As noted above, differences between the predic- tions from the model and actual per capita consump- tion, e^, are referred to as errors or residuals. Diagnos- tic tests can be used to evaluate the properties of the residuals. Evidence that the residuals do not satisfy certain theoretical properties may be interpreted as an indication of model misspecification, such as having omitted relevant explanatory variables or having used the wrong functional form. The DIAGNOSTIC proce- dure in SHAZAM was used to perform a range of tests for heteroskedasticity and omitted variables, and the RESET test (Ramsey 1969; Maddala, 1992; White et al, 1990) for misspecification. Missing Variables : In a misspecified model, or a model with significant missing variables, the effects of missing variables are relegated to the error term, and this can cause several estimation problems. We tried three variants of Ramsey's specification error test (RESET), in which predictions from the model, Q, were added to three additional regressions of the de- pendent variable on the independent variables. First, the model is re-estimated with added^ then with both Q^and Q ' added, and, finally, with Q^, Q', and Q"* added. In each case, the statistical significance of the added regressors was tested. Passing the RESET test requires an insignificant test statistic for all three tests: no evidence of misspecification. Failing the RE- SET test would suggest that the model should be re- jected, but the test itself would not imply any particu- lar alternative. In model 1 in table 3.3, these test sta- tistics were not statistically significant; hence, there is no statistical evidence of misspecification. Heteroskedasticity : Ordinary least squares (OLS) presumes that the variance in the error term is con- stant across observations. If this is not the case (i.e., if heteroskedasticity is present), then OLS yields biased estimates of the standard errors for the coefficients. Although the coefficient estimates themselves would be unbiased, the t-ratios discussed above and pre- sented in table 3.3 would be biased, invalidating our hypothesis tests. Several tests for heteroskedasticity were run on model 1 in table 3.3. Of seven tests per- formed, the conclusions were mixed: the hypothesis of no heteroskedasticity rejected in four of the seven 23 tests. Taking the results of these tests as evidence of heteroskedasticity, we re-estimated model 1 with an alternative set of standard errors obtained using White's (1980) heteroskedasticity-consistent covari- ance matrix. For large enough samples, these estimates allow confidence in our hypothesis tests, as the stan- dard errors of the coefficients that are estimated in this manner provide consistent estimates of the true stan- dard errors. Thus, asymptotically, tests of hypotheses using these estimates are not biased by ignoring heteroskedasticity. Estimating the standard errors for the estimated coefficients in model 1 in table 3.3 using White's heteroskedasticity-consistent covariance ma- trix shows no significant difference in t-ratios relative to the original OLS results. Alternative Specifications of Promotion Variables We now turn to a consideration of alternative speci- fications of promotion variables, as shown in equa- tions 3.4a-d. The results from estimating these alter- native models are shown in table 3.4. Equations 3.4a- d are denoted models 1-4 in table 3.4. Model 2 in table 3.4 is a special case of model 1 in that table, in which CPB and Sunsweet promotion are aggregated into a single promotion variable. This restriction is not re- jected. Model 4 in table 3.4 is also a special case of model 1 (as well as model 3), and the implied restric- tion (that Sunsweet promotion has no effect on the market) is rejected conclusively. Models 1, 2 and 3 of table 3.4 are all acceptable models, but model 4 is not. These three models all say essentially the same things about the demand for prunes. The own-price elastic- ity of demand is inelastic, falling in a range of -0.3 to - 0.5, the income elasticity of demand is about 1 .2 to 1 .6, the cross-price elasticity of demand with respect to the price of substitutes is about -1.4, and the elasticities of demand with respect to promotion are virtually iden- tical among the three models. It should be noted that a negative cross-price elasticity could imply that the "substitute" good is, in fact, a complement. While it may be the case that dried fruit consumption moves in a complementary fashion with prune consumption, we suspect that the negative cross-price elasticity is capturing some of the downward trend in prune con- sumption that is not otherwise reflected in the trend variable. The elasticity of demand with respect to Prune Board promotion is estimated as between 0.048 and 0.052, while the elasticity of demand with respect to Sunsweet promotion ranges from 0.159 to 0.168. It is important to note that these elasticities refer to the effect of Prune Board and Sunsweet promotion on to- tal sales of dried prunes. In particular the Sunsweet elasticity cannot be used to evaluate the effectiveness or profitability of Sunsweet promotion. To do so would require an elasticity of demand for Sunszueet prunes with respect to Sunsweet promotion. The elasticity estimates are all plausible (as discussed above in de- tail in relation to model 2 of table 3.4). The models explain a high proportion of the variation in prune consumption and appear to have generally acceptable statistical properties. For the models in table 3.4, model 4 failed one of the three RESET tests, indicating that omission of Sunsweet' s promotion does result in a misspecified model. Within-Sample Goodness of Fit : Models 1-3 in table 3.4 fit the data generally well, and the variables in- cluded explain about 81 percent of the variation in consumption of prunes. The close correspondence between actual per capita consumption and the esti- mated (fitted) values for model 2 in table 3.4 over the sample period is shown in figure 3.2a. The lower por- tion of the figure (3.2b) also includes a plot for model 2, showing the fraction of the fitted values accounted for by all of the variables other than promotion. In other words, it is the fitted values net of the estimated effects of promotion (calculated by subtracting 0.535xW-^x(RPROCPB^ + RPROSUN)° '^ from the fitted value in each month). The importance of promotion in the overall demand for prunes is clearly illustrated in figure 3.2b. Autocorrelation : When the error term from one period is correlated with the error term in the next pe- riod, OLS standard errors are biased. A test for autocorrelation of the error terms was performed us- ing the Durbin-Watson test for first-order autocorrelation. The Durbin-Watson statistics for models 1-3 in table 3.4 are around 2.1, suggesting an absence of first-order autocorrelation in the residuals. Simultaneity and Endogeneity : If the price of prunes and promotional expenditures are statistically endogenous, then OLS is an incorrect procedure and we must use some other procedure (e.g., two-stage least squares) to account for the endogeneity. Endogeneity means that one or more of our indepen- dent variables is correlated with the error term, which violates an assumption in OLS. For instance, when promotion causes demand to increase, prune sales in- crease, which might plausibly lead to further expen- ditures on promotion. Such a feedback from consump- tion to promotion means that promotion expenditures are not exogenous. The important question is whether such feedback appears to be statistically significant in our model; in particular, feedback from consumption to either promotion or prices of prunes. Prices and promotional expenditures are statisti- cally exogenous, as we use the term, if we do not ap- pear to bias the estimated coefficients by making the assumption that price and promotion are predeter- mined. In order to evaluate this question, Hausman tests for exogeneity were applied. We performed three tests. First we tested whether prices alone were exog- 24 Table 3.4. OLS Estimates Comparing Different Specifications of Promotional Expenditures in the Preferred Monthly Model Independent Variables (1) (2) n m Q O.KJio O.Ui9 0.083 \V.jjU) \\J.Z.OO) (V.jW) (1.367) -0.291E-2 -0.305E-2 -0.229E-2 -0.153E-2 (-V./'iV) \-v.D/y) (-0.346) t-U.4J/ J l-U.J2yj 1-0.22UJ RPS -0.904E-2 -0.910E-2 -0.953E-2 -0.81 7E-2 (-ZAoV) (-2.228; (-2.324) (-1.787) t-i.4ooj L-i.Dul J l-1.2o7J RPRuCPB 0.305E-4 0.535E-2 0.280E-2 0.499E-2 \o.ooy) (2.4yo; (4.824) LU.UDZJ LU.U4QJ LU.UaUJ rn nQoi [U.Uoyj RPRuSUN 0.270E-4 0.535E-2 0.449E-2 Ko.ooy) [0.161] [0.168] [0.159] At Ai U. WZn-D U.12yr,-D 0.y99b-6 -0.264b-5 (0.34) (0.505) (0.343) (-0 866) [1.248] [1.585] [1.230] [-3.244] WIN 0.182E-2 0.181E-2 0 183E-2 0.219E-2 (3.76) (3.797) (3.823) (4.176) SPR 0.179E-2 0.173E-2 0.178E-2 0.301E-2 (3.11) (3.062) (3.152) (6.169) SUM -0.405E-3 -0.452E-3 -0.380E-3 0.220E-3 (-0.83) (-1.105) (-0.791) (0.438) TIME -0.826E-4 -0.911 E-4 -0.820E-4 0.355E-4 (-0.83) (-1.047) (-0.840) (0.347) Adjusted 0.806 0.811 0.810 0.761 Log-likelihood 287.092 287.071 287.617 281.198 Durbin-Watson 2.118 2.114 2.124 2.078 Notes: t-statistics are in parentheses, elasticities (at means) are in brackets. Coefficient estimates on promotion variables (the b's) are calculated as (h^j,/RPROCPB+b^^^*RPROSUW^ in model 1; as h*(RPROCPB+RPROSUN)''^ in model 2; as h^p^*RPROCPB'^^ and b^^^*RPROSUhP'' in model 3, and as b^^^ *RPROCPB"- in model 4, Model 4, which does not use Sunsweet's promotional expenditures, failed one of the three Ramsey tests for misspecification. 25 Figure 3.2. U.S. Per Capita, Monthly Prune Consumption (Retail) - Actual versus Fitted Values, September 1992 to July 1996 (a) Actual and Fitted Values 0.025 (b) Fitted Values with and without Promotion, Using Actual Prices 0.025 c 0.020 o I/) u ^ 0.015 IH a, tn fi ^ 0.005 0.000 — ^ CN (N On Os 0) CD > o 2 I ON CN Fitted -Fitted: Without Promotion OS I (0 CO ON (50 < I 00 cn ON I u o T 1 CO o\ c « CO CN On ON ON ON 1 u 1 3 1 1 u 1) < 0 1 D 1 — 1 o CN 1 CN ID On I in o\ c 3 LD On I CI. CT) On On 2^ ^ I— I CO > o 2 NO (N NO CJN I >^ ns ^ CN Source: Actual values from Infoscan, IRI. Fitteci values from Authors' calculations. 26 enous, second, whether promotion alone was exog- enous, and finally, whether prices and promotion to- gether may be treated as exogenous. The test compares two different sets of estimates of the coefficients. Un- der the null hypothesis of exogeneity, OLS is appro- priate. Under the alternative hypothesis, price and promotion are endogenous, and a different estimation technique, instrumental variables or two-stage least squares, must be used. The Hausman test involves a comparison of the two sets of estimates. If the esti- mates differ significantly, this is taken as evidence against the null hypothesis of exogeneity. To perform the Hausman test, then, we re-estimated the model using an auxihary regression procedure (see Davidson and Mackinnon 1993). We did so for each case (price endogenous, promotion endogenous, and both endogenous) for the models in table 3.4.'" In ev- ery model, we rejected the hypothesis that both price and promotion are exogenous. Specifically, we found that price and CPB's promotion were endogenous in models 1 and 3, price and the aggregate promotion variable (RPROCPB+RPROSUW^ were endogenous in model 2, and CPB's promotion alone was endog- enous in model 4. Given these results, our next step was to re-estimate each of the four models presented in table 3.4 using a two-stage least squares (2SLS) pro- cedure that treats both price and promotion as endog- enous. Results from Models Estimated by Two-Stage Least Squares (2SLS) The results from estimating models 1-4 using 2SLS are reported in table 3.5. Since the only difference be- tween the four models in table 3.4 and those in table 3.5 is the method of estimation (each model includes the same variables), the OLS and 2SLS results are eas- ily compared. While the results in the two tables are broadly similar, close examination of the estimated coefficients and their associated elasticities reveals important differences resulting from estimation method. First, there is much more variation in the es- timated price and income elasticities among the four models estimated using 2SLS methods in table 3.5 than among the same four models estimated by OLS in table 3.4. Second, there are significant differences between the estimated coefficients for the same models esti- mated by different methods. Following is a brief com- parison that highlights the results. Among the 2SLS models in table 3.5, model 4 was rejected as implausible, since it led to a positive own- price elasticity of demand. Proper specification re- quires that Sunsweet promotion be included as an ex- planatory variable. Model 2, when estimated by 2SLS, was also rejected because the hypothesis that the ef- fects of generic and brand advertising were equal, as reflected by the restriction of equal effects between the two types of promotion, was not supported. The re- maining two models in table 3.5 (1 and 3) imply es- sentially the same things. In both models, the coeffi- cient on income is negative (it was positive in the three acceptable OLS models) but statistically insignificant. The calculated income elasticities are very large and negative (-6.7 to -7.5), values that would be difficult to justify if they were statistically significant. While it is plausible that prune demand falls with increased in- come, these elasticities seem implausibly large. The own-price elasticity of demand is substantially smaller (-0.1 to -0.2) than in the OLS models, but the estimated price coefficients are not statistically significant in ei- ther set of models. Importantly, the elasticity of de- mand with respect to CPB promotion is much larger in the 2SLS models (0.13 to 0.15) than in the OLS mod- els (about 0.05), while the elasticity of demand with respect to Sunsweet promotion is smaller and no longer statistically significant in the 2SLS models. A Summary of Monthly Demand Estimates In summary, the four-step procedure used to esti- mate the monthly demand models for dried prunes resulted in several alternatives being considered. In the first step, a screening procedure was used to se- lect the independent variables to be included in the estimated model. The preferred model included vari- ables for the retail price of prunes, the retail price of other dried fruit, CPB and Sunsweet promotion, and per capita income, all in real terms, as well as season- ality (quarters) and a time trend. The variables in- cluded in this model explained a high proportion of the variation in prune consumption, and most of the estimated coefficients, while not always significant, were consistent with expectations. The second step was to subject the estimated mod- els to a set of diagnostic tests. These tests indicated that three of the four models were properly specified with regard to functional form and the variables in- cluded. In the fourth model, omitting the effect of Sunsweet promotion did result in a specification er- ror While model 1 in table 3.3 had some evidence of heteroskedasticity, it was a problem that could be ig- nored without biasing the results. No corrections for heteroskedasticity were required. 10. For tests on promotion, we tested whether only CPB's promotion was endogenous, whether only Sunsweet's promo- tion was endogenous, and whether both were jointly endogenous. 27 Table 3.5. 2SLS Estimates Comparing Different Specifications of Promotional Expenditures in the Preferred Monthly Model Independent Variables (1) (2) (3) (4) 0 1 A? n lA^ U. i4D V 1 ./ \ I .U/ O/ KFF -0.847E-3 -0.817E-2 -0.136E-2 0.371 E-2 \-V.lll 1 m ti"! V 1 .31 v~U. l/v) \\J.ty/ D) f-D 1911 r.i 1 791 L-l.l/ZJ RFb -0.907E-2 -0.999E-2 -0.950E-2 -0.927E-2 r 1 81 ^ (.-i.yDi; (-l./OZ) F-l 49Q1 f-l Ry^i KFKULFB U.76oh-4 0.699E-2 0.725E-2 0.901E-2 CC 979'! 0 114^ LU. 1^/J rn 19Q1 LU. 1/7 J rn 1 A1 1 KFRUbUN 0.488E-5 0.699E-2 0.140E-2 en A'^\ CC 979 1,0.// /; ^^n i^i^i [0.034] [0.220] [0.050] -U.DUotl-D n 01 Dv A -U.D4t>C-D (-1.39) (-0.315) (-1.132) (-1.749) [-7.482] [-1.119] [-6.711] [-8.289] WIN 0.172E-2 0.152E-2 0.174E-2 0.173E-2 (2.89) (2.811) (3.037) (2.742) SPR 0.303E-2 0.142E-2 0.286E-2 0.336E-2 (3.59) (2.803) (2.819) (5.764) SUM 0.773E-3 -0.302E-3 0.651E-3 0.103E-2 (0.97) (-0.678) (0.726) (1.575) TIME 0.142E-3 -0.144E-4 0.124E-3 0.157E-3 (1.00) (-0.145) (0.803) (1.233) Durbin-Watson 2.101 2.128 2.116 2.112 Notes: t-statistics are in parentheses, elasticities (at means) are in brackets. Coefficient estimates on promotion variables (the b's) are calculated as {h^^/RPROCPB+h^^^*RPROSUW'^ in model 1; as h*{RPROCPB+RPROSUW^' in model 2; as h^^^*RPROCPB'''- and \^^*RPROSUN"^ in model 3, and as b^^^ *RPROCPB"^ in model 4. The added instrumental variables used in the 2SLS estimation were a squared trend variable, the real price of raisins, and the real price of all other dried fruit. Endogenous, right-hand-side variables in the 2SLS models were chosen based on Hausman tests. These endogenous vari- ables are RPROCPB+RPROSUN and RPP in model 2; RPP and RPROCPB in models 1 and 3, and RPROCPB alone in model 4. 28 The third step in the monthly estimation procedure was to retain the variables included in the preferred model and investigate four alternative specifications of the promotion variables. Three of the four models estimated using OLS procedures resulted in statisti- cally acceptable results that were quite stable from model to model. The fourth model, which excluded Sunsweet promotion, was found to be misspecified. Regardless of the square-root form used, CPB and Sunsweet promotion expenditures always had statis- tically significant positive effects on prune demand. The estimated elasticities for CPB promotion expen- ditures ranged from 0.048 to 0.052, while the elastici- ties for Sunsweet promotion expenditures ranged from 0.159 to 0.168. Application of the Hausman test resulted in rejec- tion of the null hypothesis that price and promotion were exogenous variables in the OLS estimates in table 3.4, and acceptance of the alternative hypothesis that they were, instead, endogenous. The fourth and final step was to re-estimate each of the OLS models pre- sented in table 3.4 using 2SLS procedures. The 2SLS results, while preferred from a statistical standpoint, do raise some questions. The coefficients and elastici- ties are much more variable among models than those estimated by OLS. The price elasticities estimated by 2SLS were much smaller than those estimated by OLS, and the 2SLS income elasticities became very nega- tive while the coefficients on time became positive. The elasticity of demand with respect to CPB promotion increased in the 2SLS estimates, while Sunsweet pro- motion elasticities decreased and became statistically insignificant. While we are unsure of the exact "causes" of these changes, the nature of the data cer- tainly played a role. Because of the relatively short period covered by the data, there was little variation in observed prices or income. There is also correla- tion between income and time, and we were unable to identify a statistical substitute for dried prunes. Hence, even though the statistical tests support the use of 2SLS, the OLS models are more satisfactory in terms of the consistency of the parameter estimates with prior beliefs about plausible or likely values. And, the fact that the OLS models imply smaller elasticities of de- mand response to CPB expenditure means that, in one sense, the OLS estimates are more conservative. Im- portantly, across all specifications, the effect of CPB promotion was statistically significant, and the coeffi- cients were very similar among the models. 3.3 Aggregate Annual Demand Models, 1949-1995 Annual data were available for the period 1949 through 1995, as documented in section 2 of this re- port. The essential theory for an annual model of de- mand is identical to that for the monthly model. The primary differences are that, with an annual model, seasonality is absent, and the longer time period of analysis may allow some more useful variation in rela- tive prices and incomes to have occurred, as well as the potential for explicitly accounting for the dynamic effects of changing demographic variables, such as the age distribution of the population. On the other hand, the longer time period needed to estimate an annual model also means that it is less likely that the param- eters of any estimated model will remain stable over time, without structural change. Models As with the monthly demand model, decisions must be made about the functional form for demand and the variables to be included. The equation for the annual model is: Q = B +B RPP + B RPS +B RING + '^0 ^PP I ^PS t '^INC t B IRPROMO + B AGE65 + BTIME+B Q +e '^T '^LAG f-1 t (3.5) This annual demand model (equation 3.5) includes many of the same variables as the monthly demand model (equation 3.4). The differences from the monthly model relate to the dynamic specification, in terms of the role of the fraction of people over 65 years old, the aggregation of Sunsweet and CPB promotion, and the inclusion of the lagged dependent variable. " The age and trend variables were discussed earlier. The lagged dependent variable often is interpreted as reflecting partial adjustment of desired quantities con- sumed from year to year, or habit persistence. How- ever, it can also be included to detect the possibility of an incorrect specification, rather than true dynamic effects on consumption. Data The variables used in the annual demand model are defined in table 3.6. Several of these variables were graphed in section 2 of the report, and the trends were 11. Annual Sunsweet promotion data were not available for the years 1949 to 1968. 29 Table 3.6. Description of Variables in the Annual Demand Model Variable Definition Units Data Source TIME, RPP. RPR RING, RPROMO, Year Quantity of dried California prunes shipped in the United States per million people from August 1 of year t to July 31 of year t+1 Real average price of prunes received by growers, in year-of- harvest Real average price of raisins received by growers in year-of- harvest Real average U.S. per capita income in the calendar year after the year-of-harvest Percentage of U.S. population 65 years old or older in the calendar year after the year-of-harvest Real expenditures by the California Prune Board and Sunsweet Growers on all types of domestic promotion (includes advertising, promotion, and public relations), from August 1 of year t to July 31 of year t-i-1 years pounds of dried prunes per person per year real (1995=1.00) dollars per pound of prunes in processed condition real dollars per pound of raisins real dollars per person per year fraction between 0 and 1 millions of real dollars per year Prune shipments from California Prune Board. U.S. population from U.S. Statistical Abstract Agricultural Statistics, USDA Agricultural Statistics, USDA U.S. Statistical Abstract, U.S. Dept. of Commerce U.S. Statistical Abstract, U.S. Dept. of Commerce California Prune Board and Sunsweet Growers Table 3.7. Summary Statistics of the Variables in the Annual Demand Model Variable N Mean Standard Deviation Minimum Maximum Q 47 0.601 0.224 0.372 1.153 RPP 47 0.639 0.152 0.396 1.026 RPR 47 0.666 0.250 0.433 1.296 RING 47 17.293 4.800 9.622 24.385 AGE65 47 0.105 0.015 0.081 0.130 RPROMO 47 3.821 2.541 0.0 8.776 TIME 47 1972 13.711 1949 1995 30 discussed there. Summary statistics for these variables are shown in table 3.7. Data can be found in appendix table A3.2. Some issues arose from the fact that the annual ob- servation periods differed among the key economic variables. This meant that some lead-lag relationships among the observed variables could arise, even though the underlying data generating process was one in which contemporaneous observations of the indepen- dent variables were relevant for the determination of consumption. This issue is not important for the in- come and the age variables, which simply do not vary significantly from one year to the next. The only real decision was whether to use the price from the fall period at the beginning of the current year, in conjunc- tion with the quantity and expenditure on promotion from the same period through to the end of that twelve- month period. To the extent that this price is not an accurate representation of the relevant annual prices, bias is introduced into the model. Estimation Results and Selection of the Preferred Annual Model The annual demand model presented in equation 3.5 was estimated using the annual data described above. As with the monthly model, the statistical ef- fects of deleting various variables were investigated as indicators of the robustness of certain aspects of the model. The estimation results for models estimated by OLS are shown in table 3.8. Variants of the model shown in column (1) of the table were derived by re- stricting selected parameters in the most general form to zero (in other words, by dropping certain potential explanatory variables). For each equation, the vari- ables appearing in the model are those for which esti- mated coefficients are reported. Note that the results in table 3.8 were obtained using the square-root of to- tal promotion.'^ All of the models estimated had relatively high adjusted values — the model with the lowest value still explained over three-fourths of the variation in per capita prune consumption. High values, how- ever, are quite common with time-series data. Per- haps the most striking aspect of these models is that few of the coefficients are statistically significant. In particular, the coefficient on promotion was not sta- tistically significant in any of the annual models. We checked whether this was also true of the model with real promotion (RPROMO) in levels, rather than square-root form, and found that RPROMO was sta- tistically significant only if AGE65 and QSLAG were left out of the model. Apparently, AGE65 and the lagged dependent variable explain so much of the variation in prune consumption that we cannot sepa- rate out an effect of promotion. Only the coefficients on the price of prunes, RPP, and last year's domestic shipments, QSLAG, have consistently significant t-sta- tistics, while the AGE65 variable appears to be signifi- cant when QSLAG is deleted. Note also that the (one- year) own-price elasticity of demand for prunes is quite small, around -0.3 in all models. However, the long- run elasticity, calculated by taking the price coefficient and dividing by one minus the coefficient on the lagged dependent variable, is roughly -1 . When the lagged dependent variable is not in- cluded, the Durbin-Watson statistic shows evidence of significant autocorrelation. Even when QSLAG is included in the model, there appear to be significant problems with unexplained dynamic effects. Promo- tion still does not have any statistically significant ef- fect on demand, over the longer period covered by this annual model, when such dynamic effects are ac- counted for. After examination of the results, the model closest to being a "preferred" model in table 3.8 is the one originally specified in equation 3.5, which appears in column (1). However, this model shows no statisti- cally significant effects of promotion. This result might be more worrisome if we were more confident about the aimual models. However, application of the diagnostic tests that were described in detail in section 3.2 confirmed that the annual mod- els could not be used with much conviction. We used the DIAGNOSTIC procedure in SHAZAM to perform several tests on model (1) in table 3.8. We also per- formed the tests on models where RPROMO enters linearly. All three of the variants of Ramsey's specifi- cation error test (RESET) led us to reject the hypoth- esis of no misspecification in all of the models shown in table 3.8. Not passing the model specification test means that other tests cannot be relied upon. As can be seen in the tables, dynamic effects must be ac- counted for, as an autocorrelation correction appears to be called for in the model where the lagged depen- dent variable is not included. 12. Several other models and alternative estimation techniques were investigated. Corrections for autocorrelation pro- vided results that were sinailar to those in table 3.8, as did models in which promotion entered linearly, rather than in the square-root form. 31 Table 3.8. Coefficient and Elasticity Estimates from Annual Prune Demand Models Independent Variables (1) (2) (3) (4) Constant 30.555 21.621 116.740 5.714 (1.754) (1.414) /A A\ (4.284) /A '~7/'/'\ (0.766) RPP -0.257 -0.363 -0.305 -0.265 (-4.221) (-2.887) (-2.810) (-4.294) l-0.2/yj [-0.385J 1-0.324] [-0.288] RPR 0.005 -0.129 -0.112 0.011 (0.111) (-1.481) (-1.501) (0.244) 10.005J 1-0.143J 1-0.124] ff\ r\i [0.012] RINC 0.007 -0.010 0.029 -0.003 (0.547) (-0.454) (1.363) (-0.234) IU.196J [-0.292J [0.845] [-0.075] RPROMO^i^ 0.007 -0.017 -0.001 0.004 (0.423) (-0.533) (-0.010) (0.232) [0.014] [-0.034] [-0.002] ro 0081 1 IJVIL -U.Ulo -U.UlU -U.Uol -U.ULW (-i.72y) (-1.30O) (-4.229) / A ''7r\o\ (-0.708) AGE 65 8.346 33.476 (1.572) (3.981) QSLAG 0.721 0.780 (9.386) (11.440) [0.740] [0.801] AdjR2 0.945 0.779 0.838 0.943 Durbin-Watson na 0.383 0.521 na Sample 1948-1995 1949-1995 1949-1995 1948-1995 Notes: t-statistics are in parentheses, elasticities (at means) are in brackets. Elasticity in the row RPROMO^'^ is the elasticity of demand with respect to promotional expenditure, not its square root, na = not applicable. 32 4. SIMULATION MODEL AND BENEFIT-COST ANALYSIS In this section, the estimated monthly demand pa- rameters from the previous sections are used to esti- mate the gross and net benefits to the Cahfornia prune industry from its expenditures on promotion. Both the OLS and 2SLS models of monthly retail demand are used to show a range of estimated values for gross and net benefits. The analysis includes the misspecified models that omit brand promotion, to provide a measure of the difference in estimated ben- efits that would result from excluding, or not acquir- ing data on, a relevant variable. 4.1 Approaches for Evaluating the Benefits from Promotion Measuring the welfare impacts of promotion funded by check-offs requires (a) a conceptual struc- tural model of the industry market equilibrium, (b) estimates of supply and demand parameters that can be used to define the values for the parameters in the structural model, (c) estimates of the demand response to promotion expenditures, and (d) information to al- low a transformation of the effects of promotion (through retail demand shifts) and assessments or check-offs (through commodity supply shifts) into measures of benefits and costs. Conceptual Model of Supply and Demand The econometric work discussed in the previous section allows us to estimate how much the quantities sold of prunes would increase in response to a given increase in promotional expenditures, holding prices (and other variables) constant. This does not, how- ever, tell us how much sales will actually increase when promotion changes, since prices cannot be assumed to remain constant. Indeed, the increase in prices fol- lowing a promotion-induced shift in demand is an important source of the benefits realized by growers and packers of prunes. In order to properly evaluate the industry's demand-shifting activities, therefore, we must account for both demand effects and the response of supply to increased price. Demand Shifts from Promotion : The diagram in figure 4.1 illustrates the conceptual supply and de- mand relationships for a typical year f. In the figure, the line labeled S, represents the supply curve for prunes. It shows the quantities available to domestic consumers at various prices; at higher prices, more fresh prunes are available domestically, while at lower prices, larger quantities of prunes are diverted to other uses, such as to the export market, or they may be left unharvested. The line labeled D^(RPROCPB^) repre- sents the demand curve: at higher prices, consumers Figure 4.1. Conceptual Supply and Demand Model Price Dollars per pound Pounds per year 33 purchase a smaller quantity of prunes than at lower prices, holding other factors constant. In particular, the promotional expenditure by the CPB is held con- stant at its actual value, RPROCPB^, along this demand curve." The equilibrium price, at which quantities supplied and demanded are the same, is the price ob- served at point E: price P, is consistent with the ob- served quantity Q^. In this example, the effects of a ten percent increase in CPB promotion, RPROCPB^ , are illustrated by the outward shift in the demand curve. The new curve is labeled D^(RPR0CPB»1.1). The econometric model allows us to estimate the horizontal distance of the demand shift, identified by A in the diagram. In the OLS model given in equation 3.4b, for example (col- umn 1 of table 3.3 or column 2 of table 3.4), the coeffi- cient on {RPROCPB)''^ is 0.535x101 Suppose the ac- tual monthly promotion expenditure is $1 million (in 1996 dollars). This means that a $0.1 million (i.e., ten percent) increase in total promotional expenditures would be expected to lead to an increase in per-capita prune consumption of 0.535x10-2(1.10 ' - 1.00 ') = 0.26x10'^ pounds per month, if there is no change in price. Multiplying by the population {POP^ = 265.5 mil- lion in 1996) yields the total horizontal demand shift from a ten-percent increase in promotional expendi- tures, about a 2.1 percent increase in consumption, at constant prices. However, this is greater than the ac- tual increase in consumption that would result. An increase in price is needed to bring forth the additional quantities to satisfy the increased demand. This is re- flected in the fact that the supply curve slopes up. The new equilibrium is given by the point where the new demand curve crosses the supply curve, £'. Price and quantity both increase to the new equilibrium values p; and q;. Producer Benefits : The evaluation of promotional expenditures requires both an estimate of the incre- ments in prices and quantities due to the expenditures, and a measure of the costs of supplying the additional quantities to the market. In the diagram, increased prices call forth additional supplies; these supplies come at a cost, which, in the case of a perennial crop, may largely be the earnings foregone from other uses of existing production (e.g., exports), rather than new production. The sellers who were already in the mar- ket at price P^ profit by the increase in price to P^'; their gain is (P,' - P,)Q,, or the area P^'aEP^ in the diagram. The gains to the sellers of additional supplies are much smaller, as they must be reduced by the cost (includ- ing revenues from foregone sales in other markets) of the additional quantities. This benefit is given by the area of the triangle aEE' in the diagram. The total gain to prune producers is given by the area of the trap- ezoid P^E'EP-, this represents the gain in producer sur- plus resulting from the ten percent increase in promo- tional expenditures. Changes in producer surplus co- incide with changes in producers' economic profit, from the production of prunes, in such a situation. The only information required, in addition to the econometrically estimated demand parameters for re- sponses to prices and promotion, is information on the supply response to price. Costs of Assessments to Finance Promotion : The gain in producer surplus is not adjusted for the cost of the increase in promotional expenditures. To evalu- ate the profitability of these expenditures, the gain must be set against the cost. We use two measures of cost. One measure is the total cost of the marginal increase in expenditure. However, when the promo- tional cost is financed by a per-pound assessment, some of the incidence of the assessment falls on con- sumers, as a result of increased retail prices. Thus, the total cost may differ from the cost to producers. A sec- ond measure compares the benefits to producers with the producers' share of the cost, allowing that some of the costs of the assessment are borne by consumers. Figure 4.2 shows the same initial supply and de- mand curves as in the above figure, labeled S^d^) and D,, where X, represents the actual assessment per pound in year f , and the equilibrium is at point E, with price P, and quantity Q^. An increase in the assessment per pound is reflected as a shift up of the supply curve to S,(t,') by the amount of the increase (given by simply adding the additional assessment to the previous price at which producers would be willing to supply any given quantity along the supply curve). This leads to a new equilibrium, at point E', with a higher consumer price P,', a smaller net producer price {b = P,' - x/), and a smaller quantity produced and consumed, Q^'. The extent of the consumer price increase depends on the slopes of the supply and demand curves. If supply were fixed and unresponsive to price (so that the supply curve is a vertical line), there would be no increase in the consumer price and all of the additional assessment would be borne by producers. The more 13. The econometric work discussed in the previous section provides estimates of the shape and position of this line. In particular, the inverse of the price coefficient is the line's slope (the price coefficient tells the change in quantity demanded in response to a unit increase in price), while the horizontal position of the curve is given by the sum of the products of the values of each of the other variables, in year or month t, times their corresponding coefficients. 34 Figure 4.2. Incidence of Assessments price-responsive (the flatter, or more price elastic) is supply, the smaller will be the proportion of the as- sessment borne by producers. The additional amount of assessment revenue is equal to 1,'Q,' - T^Q,. For small changes in the assess- ment, this is approximately equal to the change in the assessment times the final quantity: (x,'-X,)Q,'. In fig- ure 4.2, this is equal to area P^'E'ah. This area corre- sponds closely to the full social cost of the change in assessment to finance a change in promotional expen- diture of that amount (it leaves out the area of the tri- angle E'Efl, which is negligible for the small changes in assessments to be considered here). The loss of pro- ducer surplus (or profit) associated with the same in- crease in the assessment is equal to area P^Eab, only a fraction of the total amount being spent. In the work below, we compare producer benefits and the two al- ternative measures of producer costs. 4.2 An Approximation Using Elasticities Before turning to the specification of the supply side and the simulation models for computing benefit-cost ratios, we report results from an approximation pro- cedure, using just the estimated elasticities of demand with respect to price and promotion, and the promo- tion intensity (promotion expenditure per dollar of sales). As discussed by Alston et al. (1997), much of the literature on optimal primary product promotion rests on two foundational papers on the economics of ad- vertising: Dorfman and Steiner (1954) and Nerlove and Waugh (1961). According to the Dorfman-Steiner theo- rem, given fixed output, a monopolist will maximize profits by setting the advertising budget such that the increase in gross revenue resulting from a one dollar increase in advertising expenditure is equal to the own- price elasticity of demand for the product. That is, dv a a , dv a — -ri or — = — where a = . da V rj da V In this equation, a is the advertising expenditure, v is the value of sales (the product of price, p and the quantity sold, q), a is the elasticity of demand with respect to advertising, and 7] is the absolute value of the elasticity of demand with respect to the price. The Dorfman-Steiner result may be applicable to a number of primary products where output is fixed (e.g., by a quota) and a marketing organization adver- tises on behalf of producers. However, the more rel- evant reference for a study of promotion by a producer group without the ability to control output is that by 35 4.1. In all of the instances examined, the estimated benefit from a marginal increase in the promotion ex- penditure exceeds 1.0. 4.3 Simulation Model The simulation model combines results from the monthly demand analysis with assumed supply pa- rameters. We compare the pattern of consumption and prices predicted by the estimated model, given the actual historical promotion activities, w^ith the cor- responding values predicted by the model following a counterfactual one percent increase in promotional expenditure in every month in the sample (Septem- ber 1992 to July 1996). We also simulate changes in the assessments jointly with the corresponding changes in promotion. We use the differences between these actual and counterfactual scenarios to calculate measures of the marginal gross and net benefits. Since changes in more than one month are to be simulated, it is necessary to be able to aggregate ben- efits and costs over time. A natural impulse may be simply to add them up. This is appropriate only if past benefits or costs could not have been invested to earn some interest. If the relevant interest rate is not zero, past benefits and costs should be compounded forward to the present. We computed present values of benefits and costs using an annual interest (com- pounding) rate of three percent (a reasonable value for the long-term, risk free, real rate of interest). Table 4.1. Approximation of p, the Benefit from a Marginal Increase in Promotion Expenditure Models Mean Minimum Maximum Based on OLS Models 1 3.29 2.51 4.62 2 2.90 2.23 4.06 3 2.42 1.86 3.15 4 6.45 4.96 8.39 Based on 2SLS Models 1 36.44 20.41 72.81 2 1.42 1.09 1.98 3 10.55 8.11 13.71 4 4.82 3.70 6.26 Notes: The regression estimates for the models above are given in tables 3.4 and 3.5. 14. It is different from the Nerlove-Waugh condition for optimal advertising financed in a lump-sum fashion (but eqmvalent if the producers' share of the lump sum is equivalent to their share of a check-off). Nerlove and Waugh (1961). Like Dorfman and Steiner (1954), Nerlove and Waugh (1961) modeled a case where advertising is funded in a lump-sum way, un- related to output, with the implication that all of the advertising cost is borne by producers. That approach has been adopted in many subsequent studies of pri- mary product promotion. Alston, Carman, and Chalfant (1994) extended the Nerlove-Waugh model to the situation where advertising is funded by a per unit check-off. The condition for optimal advertising that they derived is the same as the Dorfman-Steiner condition for optimal advertising by a monopolist with fixed output.''' The same logic leads to the result that p, the ben- efit from a marginal increase in promotion expendi- ture (for an increase in promotion financed by a check- off), can be approximated using da da ap a V _ a Vl\ a |77|i 30 where i = a/vis the intensity of promotion (or adver- tising). This result is intuitively clear, in the case where supply is fixed and the producer benefits from adver- tising are exactly equal to the price increase induced by the demand shift, multiplied by the quantity sup- plied. It also applies more generally when advertis- ing is financed by a check-off. Using the results from the preferred monthly re- gression models, we computed values for p at every monthly data point. These results are given in table 36 The Supply Model To conduct the benefit-cost analysis, the preferred demand model is combined with an assumed supply function. First, from the demand side, the predicted quantities were calculated by substituting the actual values for each of the explanatory variables into the estimated equation. For instance, for model 3.4b (col- umns 2 in tables 3.4 and 3.5), Q +b RPP + b RPS + b REXP + / 0 PP f PR ( EXP / i) IRPROCPB +RPROSUN +b SPR + PRO\ I I SPR t b WIN +b SUM +b TIME WIN I SUM t T t (4.1) where the hats ('^) on parameters denote their esti- mated values, and the hat on denotes the predicted value given the estimated coefficients and the values of the exogenous variables. We replicated this step for each of the four models, estimated by both OLS and 2SLS. Next, the supply function was defined to be of the constant elasticity form and to pass through the points defined by the predicted quantities from the demand model. That is, the supply function is of the form Q =AR' where A =Q Ir' , (4.2) and R^ is the producer return per pound in year I, de- fined as R^ = (l-Xj)Pj, where T, is the actual promotional expenditure per pound consumed in year t, expressed as a fraction of the market price in year f (i.e., the rate of assessment required to finance the actual promo- tional expenditure). is a parameter that varies from month to month to ensure that, given the actual val- ues of prices and the other exogenous variables, each month the supply equation passes through the point defined by the predicted quantity from the demand model and the actual price. This means that we can combine the calibrated supply model and the esti- mated demand model to simulate the past actual prices and predicted quantities. Supply functions were calibrated using alternative supply elasticities (£) of 0, 0.5, 1.0, 2.0, and 5.0. This range of elasticities reflects a range of lengths of run; it also reflects our uncertainty about the exact impli- cations of international trade in prunes for the elastic- ity of the residual supply to the domestic market. Changes in producer surplus were calculated by integrating the function over the range of a price change. In practice, this translates to using the fol- lowing formula for the change in producer surplus: R'Q'-RQ APS '—^ (4.3) ' 1 + e Simulations Using these definitions of supply and demand equations, we first replicated the past: by equating the equations for supply and demand and solving for market equilibrium, we obtained values of actual prices and predicted quantities (from the demand model), given the actual values for the exogenous vari- ables. In addition, we simulated counterfactual sce- narios, by using hypothetical values for the exogenous variables. Counterfactual simulations were conducted by: • using hypothetical values for the CPB's promo- tional expenditure in every year (1 .01 times the actual values) with actual assessment rates (in practice we define "actual" assessment rates by expressing total promotional expenditure as a fraction of the total value of production) • using hypothetical values for the assessment rate in every year (1.01 times the actual values) with actual promotional expenditure • changing both the promotional expenditures and the assessments (setting both at 1 .01 times the actual values). For each simulation, we calculated two measures of producer marginal costs of promotion: (a) the cost of the marginal promotional expenditure, and (b) the producer surplus loss associated with an assessment sufficient to generate the same amount of additional expenditure. Only selected summary results are re- ported below. An important issue is to know how much confi- dence can be placed in the particular values of the ben- efit-cost measures. How confident can we be that the net benefits are greater than, say, $1 million, given a "best" estimate of, say, $2 million? The precision of our estimates of the benefits depends on the precision of our estimates of the underlying parameters, but in ways that are not easy to see clearly. To evaluate the precision of our measures of benefits and costs, we con- ducted Monte Carlo simulations, following the ap- proach laid out in Alston et al. (1997). These simula- tions yield confidence intervals on our welfare mea- sures, permitting us to make statements such as that a 95% confidence interval for the benefit-cost ratio is formed by the interval from a:l to b:l, where a is a lower confidence limit and b is an upper confidence limit. In practice, to do this requires an iterative process where first a particular set of values of the parameters is drawn at random from the estimated joint statisti- cal distribution. This set of parameters is substituted into the demand equation and used to generate pre- dicted quantities which are, in turn, used to param- eterize the supply equation for each supply elasticity. Then these supply equations are used with the demand 37 Table 4.2. Marginal Benefit-Cost Ratios for Prune Promotion: A Comparison of Estimates from Four Regressions using both OLS and 2SLS Supply Elasticity Series 0.0 0.5 1.0 2.0 5.0 Benefit-Cost Ratios from OLS Models Model 1 Producer Benefits /Producer Costs 3.00 2.99 2.99 2.99 2.99 Producer Benefits /Total Expenses 3.00 1.32 0.85 0.50 0.22 Model 2 Producer Benefits /Producer Costs 2.65 2.65 2.65 2.65 2.65 Producer Benefits /Total Expenses 2.65 1.20 0.78 0.46 0.20 Model 3 Producer Benefits /Producer Costs 3.82 3.85 3.86 3.86 3.87 Producer Benefits/Total Expenses 3.82 1.48 0.92 0.52 0.23 Model 4 Producer Benefits /Producer Costs 10.19 10.29 10.30 10.31 10.32 Producer Benefits /Total Expenses 10.19 3.02 1.78 0.97 0.41 Benefit-Cost Ratios from 2SLS Models Model 1 Producer Benefits /Producer Costs 29.32 29.61 29.63 29.64 29.65 Producer Benefits /Total Expenses 29.32 5.49 3.03 1.60 0.66 Model 2 Producer Benefits /Producer Costs 0.86 0.86 0.86 0.86 0.86 Producer Benefits/Total Expenses 0.86 0.61 0.48 0.33 0.17 Model 3 Producer Benefits/Producer Costs 16.80 17.02 17.05 17.07 17.08 Producer Benefits/Total Expenses 16.80 4.56 2.64 1.43 0.61 Model 4 Producer Benefits /Producer Costs 5.82 5.86 5.88 5.89 5.91 Producer Benefits /Total Expenses 5.82 3.43 2.44 1.54 0.74 Notes: Present Values are in millions of constant (August 1996) dollars using 3 percent (annual) compounding. 38 equation to conduct the counterfactual scenarios, and then to evaluate the scenarios. The detailed results from the Monte Carlo study are reported in appendix tables A4.1-A4.3. Benefit-Cost Ratios Table 4.2 reports marginal benefits and costs of prune promotion implied by each of the four demand models estimated by both OLS and 2SLS, using five alternative values for the supply elasticity. A real dis- count rate of 3 percent per annum was used to com- pound the costs and benefits. In each case, we report both producer benefits relative to producer costs asso- ciated with a change in assessment to finance a change in promotion, along with the producer benefits rela- tive to the total costs of the change in promotional ex- penditure (not just the producer share). For example, the first row in table 4.2 refers to model 1 estimated by OLS and the first column represents a supply elastic- ity of zero. Thus, using a supply elasticity of zero and a demand model based on OLS estimation of model 1, the benefit-cost ratio for a one percent increase in pro- motional expenditure is 3.00, regardless of whether we distinguish between producer cost and total cost (they are the same when the supply elasticity is zero). Look- ing across the columns in this row, we can see the ef- fects of the increase in the supply elasticity. We can see that the supply elasticity does not affect the ben- efit-cost ratio when we consider only the producer share of the cost of the checkoff — the benefit-cost ra- tio is essentially 3.00 regardless of the value of the sup- ply elasticity. However, as the supply elasticity rises, producers receive progressively smaller benefits from a given demand increase. Hence, the benefit-cost ra- tio computed using total promotional expenditure declines with increases in the supply elasticity, going from 3.00 when supply is fixed, to 0.22 when the sup- ply elasticity is 5.0. This pattern is repeated across all the models (and, looking across the rows and com- paring within a column, we can see the effects of the different demand models). Thus, a primary issue is whether incremental promotion is financed by incre- mental changes in assessments or in a lump-sum fash- ion (see Goddard et al. (1994), Alston, Carman, and Chalfant (1994), and Alston et al. (1997)). In what fol- lows, we emphasize the results obtained by compar- ing producer benefits to producer costs, rather than to total expenses, where total expenses are partly borne by producers and partly by consumers, to the extent that costs of the assessment are passed on through higher consumer prices. Table 4.3 reports the point estimates for the ratio of producer benefits to producer costs from table 4.2, cal- culated using a supply elasticity of 1 .0 (but represen- tative of all supply elasticities), with the correspond- ing results from the Monte Carlo simulation. We re- port the mean and the upper and lower limits from a 95 percent confidence interval. Recall that, in the OLS Table 4.3. Marginal Benefit-Cost Ratio for a Supply Elasticity of One Simulation Results OLS Model Point Mean 95% Lower 95% Upper Estimate Bound Bound 1* 3.0 10.2 0.3 41.6 2* 2.7 9.0 0.6 33.2 3» 3.9 18.4 0.4 49.5 4 10.3 25.2 1.1 91.1 Simulation Results 2SLS Model Point Mean 95% Lower 95% Upper Estimate Bound Bound 1* 29.6 14.4 0.4 71.1 2 0.9 2.0 0.3 7.4 3* 17.1 20.7 0.2 66.8 4 5.9 5.9 1.1 118.2 Notes: Models marked * were not rejected on grounds of implausible estimates or statistical problems. 39 models, model 4, which did not include Sunsweet pro- motion, was rejected, but models 1, 2, and 3 were not. Comparing the point estimates for these three mod- els, the estimated benefit-cost ratios fall within a rela- tively narrow range from 2.65 to 3.85. An analyst who had inadvertently omitted Sunsweet promotion from the analysis (model 4) would have estimated a ben- efit-cost ratio of 10.3 — a clear example of omitted- variable bias leading to a biased benefit-cost ratio. While the OLS benefit-cost estimates for models 1, 2, and 3 range from 2.7 to 3.9, the point estimates for the 2SLS models 1 and 3 are much greater (recall that the 2SLS models 2 and 4 were rejected in section 3.2). The point estimate for model 1 using 2SLS is 29.6, and that for model 3 is 17.1. These larger benefit-cost ra- tios result from both a larger promotion elasticity for CPB promotion and a smaller own-price elasticity of demand in the 2SLS models than in the OLS models.'^ 15. The effect of the own-price elasticity is apparent when comparing OLS and 2SLS for model 2. Although the effect of CPB promotion is slightly greater in the 2SLS case, the benefit-cost ratio is considerably smaller than in the OLS model. The reason is that the larger promotion elasticity under 2SLS is offset by the very large (in absolute value) own-price elasticity of demand. 40 5. ANALYSIS OF TEST-MARKET STUDIES The California Prune Board has periodically con- ducted test-market studies to evaluate the effective- ness of its promotional expenditures. As part of our overall evaluation of the Board's promotional activi- ties, we performed our own analysis of data collected in two recent test-market studies. One study, con- ducted in 1990, involved an analysis of television ad- vertising in three test cities, with three comparable cit- ies monitored as controls. The other study, conducted in conjunction with Safeway stores in 1995, was an evaluation of the effect of in-store information on prune sales. These studies provide an opportunity to further our understanding of the effects of alternative types of promotion and provide a basis to confirm or contradict results from the analysis of the monthly and annual demand models. Following is our analysis of these two test-market studies. 5.1 Six-City Study of Television Advertising The objective of this study was to estimate the ef- fect of television advertisements on prune sales. The initial study was conducted by Nielson Marketing Research, based on the method of matched-market evaluation. Three cities were selected as test markets, where TV ads for prunes were run for 12 weeks in 1990, and three cities were selected as control markets in which no TV ads for prunes were run. The test and the control cities were selected based on similarity of volume of prune sales prior to the test, promotion his- tory, and availability of major brands (Table 5.1). Table 5.1. Test and Control Markets in the Television Ad Test Campaign Test Cities Matching Control Cities TV ads run No TV ads Denver Omaha Hartford Philadelphia Kansas City Chicago Source: Nielson Marketing Research. The TV ads featured generic advertising of dried prunes. In 1990, an advertising agency was commis- sioned by the Prune Board to create a new advertising campaign to promote prunes. The result was a series of television commercials with the overall title "Prune Presenter." In these television commercials, a magi- cian performed sleight-of-hand tricks to portray prunes as containing more vitamins and minerals than other fruits. Expenditures on the TV ads in the three test cities over the twelve weeks were at a rate equiva- lent to expenditures of $4.2 million annually in the United States. The TV ads were run for 12 weeks in 1990, from early September to the end of November. The differ- ences in prune sales between the test and control mar- kets were based on sales from September 1990 to Feb- ruary 1991; the 12 weeks when the TV ads were run and an additional 12 weeks after the completion of the TV ads (Table 5.2). Table 5.2. Time Frame of the Television Advertising Test Same month; previous year < > (9/89) (2/90) Earlier months; same year (3/90) Testing period (8/90) (9/90) (2/91) TV ads run Post TV Ad (9/90) (11/90) (12/90) (2/91) 41 Table 5.3. Overall Effect of Television Advertisements on Prune Sales Market Percentage Change Adjustment Ad market +3.4 Unadjusted for pre-test differences No-ad market -8.3 Unadjusted for pre-test differences Net difference +9.1 Adjusted for pre-test differences Total U.S. -1.9 Unadjusted for pre-test differences Source: Nielson Marketing Researcii. Table 5.4. Effect of Television Advertisements on Prune Sales in Individual Markets Test Cities Matching Control Cities Net difference in prune sales TV Ads run No TV ads - percentage - Denver Omaha 16.0 Hartford Philadelphia 21.3 Kansas City Chicago 3.4 Average Average 9.1 Source: A.C. Nielson 1991. Nielson Marketing Research conducted an initial analysis of the test market results. Their method in- volved first adjusting sales for the periods during and after the TV ads for any pre-advertising differences between markets, based on sales trends in the months prior to the TV ads, March to August 1990. Second, the percentage change in sales was computed for each city, as the ratio of adjusted sales from September 1990 to February 1991 to sales in the same 24 weeks of the previous year (September 1989 to February 1990). Third, net differences in the percentage change in sales were computed by comparing each test city and its control city. Nielson found that prune sales in the test markets were up a net 9.1 percent, relative to the test markets, when compared with the previous year (table 5.3), a result Nielson claimed was statistically signifi- cant at the 1 percent level. The campaign's effectiveness apparently varied across the test cities (table 5.4). In Hartford and Den- ver sales were up 21.3 percent and 16.0 percent, re- spectively, relative to the control, but the sales differ- ence in Kansas City was only 3.4% relative to its con- trol, Chicago, and was not statistically significant. Figure 5.1 summarizes the effects of the ad cam- paign on sales of dried prunes. Sales increased rela- tive to control in the test markets in September, the first month of the campaign, but the difference then diminished in October, and adjusted sales in the test markets were actually less than in the control markets in November. However, sales in the test markets then increased significantly relative to control in the post- test months of December-February. The results reported in tables 5.3 and 5.4 and fig- ure 5.1 suggest a positive impact for the TV ad cam- paign, but our ability to draw firm inferences is ham- pered by confounding influences that occurred dur- ing the period of the market test. In particular, the test period coincided with a significant increase in the in- cidence of deals on prunes offered by the retail trade, especially in the control markets."' The percentage of prunes sold with a deal is shown in figure 5.2. The incidence of deals in the control markets was especially high relative to the test markets in October and No- vember, perhaps explaining why the differential ef- fects of the TV ad campaign diminished during those months. The analysis-of-variance method employed by Nielson Marketing does not permit these various con- founding effects to be distinguished, but, in principle, it is possible to do so using the econometric approach 16. These deals or trade promotions included displays, cents-off coupons, and bargains such as 'l3uy one, get a second for 50 percent off." 42 Figure 5.1. Percentage Change in Prune Sales in Test and Control Markets ^ 45 iz >, .2 35 > ♦ Test (TV Ads) ■ Control (No TV Ads) ■ 1 ♦ E c o B S 15 CO > bC 5 c re ♦ i m t ♦ ■ < > ■ T ■ rcentage c June July August September October November December January FebAary i E. -15 Source: Data compiled by Nielson Marketing and provided by California Prune Board. Figure 5.2. Share of Prunes Sold with a Deal 40.00 35.00 ■S 30.00 rs ■S 25.00 T3 20.00 ^ 15.00 05 10.00 5.00 0.00 -5.00 -10.00 ♦ Test (TV Ads) ■ Control (No TV Ads) ♦ ■ ■ 1 1 ♦ T ■ i * ♦ m ♦ 1 1 1 ♦ June July August September October November December January FebAary Source: Data compiled by Nielson IVlarketing and provided by California Prune Board. 43 adopted in this study. We thus undertook an inde- pendent examination of the test market data. Re-evaluation of the TV Advertising Test The data for this analysis consist of monthly prune sales for nine months for each of three test-market cit- ies and three control cities, 54 observations in all. The time period consists of three months prior to the TV ads, the three months of the ad campaign, and three months following the end of the ad campaign. The statistical model used for this analysis is a lin- ear model of consumer demand, similar to those used earlier in this report. In this model, the volume of prune sales at retail is expressed as a function of the price of prunes and the alternative types of promo- tion that were undertaken during this time in the test and control markets. An algebraic specification of the model is as follows: Q - b„ + fc, PRICE , + b, DISPLAY , + b,PRINT , ^n.t 0 1 n,l 2 n,t 3 n.t + b COUPON , + b,DEAL% , + b TV-PRIOR 4 n.t 5 II,/ 6 -H b,TV-DURING + bJV-AFTER + e „ (5.1) 7 8 ii,r where n = 1 6 denotes cities and t - 1 9 denotes monthly time periods. The variables used in the model are defined in table 5.5, and summary statistics for the variables are re- ported in table 5.6. We have data for the number of displays, print ads, the number of coupon ads, and the percentage of sales tied to a deal for both the test and control markets for the entire nine-month period of the analysis, thereby enabling us to separate these effects from any sales impacts due to the TV ads. The presence of the TV ad campaign is measured by 1 0,1) indicator or "dummy" variables. Thus, for example, TV-PRIOR assumes a value of one for a test-market city during the three-month period prior to the ads running, and is zero otherwise. Results of the analysis are reported in table 5.7. The first column reports results for the full model as set forth in equation 5.1. Several aspects of this model are worth noting. First, the estimated price elasticity of demand is -0.57, a value quite consistent with esti- mates provided elsewhere in this report. Second, the effects of the TV ad campaign on demand are positive and significant, during both the test period {TV-DUR- ING) and the post-test period (TV-AFTER). Pre-test differences in prune sales between the test and con- trol cities {TV-PRIOR) are small and are not statisti- cally significant. DEAL%, the variable used to measure the percent- age of prunes sold on a deal, also has a positive and significant effect on demand. This result is not sur- prising, because the deals reduce the effective price of prunes to buyers. The number of ads run with cou- pons also had a positive impact on sales, but the effect was not quite significant at the five percent level. The remaining two variables, PRINT and DISPLAY, have negative coefficients. These effects run counter to ex- pectations, but they are not statistically significant. Table 5.5. Description of Variables in the Television Ad Demand Model Variable Definition Pounds of dried prunes purchased per million dollars of retail purchases in city n during month t PRICE , Retail price of prunes in city n during month t ($/lb) DISPLAY , Number of displays in city n during month t PRINT , Number of A, B, or C ads in city n during month t COUPON , Number of ads with coupons in city n during month t DEALX , Percentage of sales tied with a deal, such as two-for-one TV-PRIOR Dummy variable equal to one for the test city n during the 3 months before TV ads were aired TV-DURING Dummy variable equal to one for the test city n during the 3 months TV ads were aired TV-AFTER Dummy variable equal to one for the test city n during the 3 months after TV ads were aired 44 Table 5.6. Summary Statistics of the Variables in the Television Ad Demand Model Variable M i\ Mean DlallClarQ Deviation iVllIllIIlLlIIl \/f -3 Vl TVll 1 m iVldAlll IU.111 Q„.> □4 Z14.0 D4.0 LJJ.Kj JO 1 .U FKlLt , n.l 54 1 Q1 i.yi n 1 Q u. ly 1 A i.D A.JO U lb FLAY , n,t 54 lo.U 11 n ll.U u.u 4: 1 PRINT >i,f 54 21.1 22.7 0.0 82.0 COUPON , 54 3.1 8.7 0.0 38 54 10.2 10.1 0.0 40.0 TV-PRIOR 54 0.17 0.38 0.0 1.0 TV-DURING 54 0.17 0.38 0.0 1.0 TV-AFTER 54 0.17 0.38 0.0 1.0 suggesting that these mechanisms had little indepen- dent effect on prune sales. To test for the sensitivity of these results to alterna- tive specifications, we re-estimated the model exclud- ing individually or in combination the insignificant variables, DISPLAY, PRINT, and COUPON. The re- sults from estimating these models are provided in columns (2) through (4) in table 5.7. When PRINT is excluded, the effect of coupon ads is significant at the five percent level. Importantly, the effects of the vari- ables of most interest, PRICE and the TV dummy vari- ables, are little affected by the inclusion or exclusion of the other variables, thus reinforcing our confidence about those estimates. The estimated effect of the TV ads on prune sales during and after the TV ads was positive and statisti- cally significant at the one percent level. The TV ads increased prune sales more after the ads concluded than during the period when the ads were run. Both deals and coupons, which reduce the effective price paid by consumers, also increased prune sales. Thus, our analysis of the matched-cities test-market data sug- gests strongly that the television ad campaign was suc- cessful in increasing prune sales both during the test and after it. That is, even after accounting for effects of other types of promotion on prune sales, the TV ads were effective in increasing sales of prunes.'" Burke Marketing Research conducted two tele- phone surveys to measure awareness and attitudes to- ward prunes. A pre- wave survey was conducted in early September, prior to the TV ads, and a post-wave survey was conducted in mid-December, after the ad- vertising campaign was concluded. Consumers in the test markets exhibited greater awareness of prune ad- vertising after the campaign was completed (Keeble 1992), explaining perhaps the relatively greater impact of the ads on sales after the campaign had ended. 5.2 In-Store Promotion The objective of this market study was to estimate the effect of interactive kiosks or display terminals on prune sales. Store shoppers could push a button la- beled "prunes" on an interactive kiosk and follow di- rections to obtain recipes and to see prune advertise- ments. The interactive kiosks were referred to as Safeway New PICS, because they were tested in Safeway stores located in or near Phoenix. The research program consisted of 10 test stores matched with 10 control stores. The stores were matched based on similarity of total store volume, shopper demographics, and shares of urban and sub- urban shoppers. Retail sales were measured in each store before and during the introduction of the PICS. The California Prune Board was one of 34 partici- pants in the Safeway New PICS test. The promotional activities were conducted during three periods in 1995, 17. It is important from a statistical perspective that we consider the effects on prune demand of DISPLAY, PRINT, COUPON, and DEAL%, but we caution against attempts to provide much interpretation of the numerical results. Although these variables all relate to various forms of prune promotion, they were not the focus of the test market study. Although we do have quantitative information on these variables from the data set generated by Nielson Marketing Research, we do not have any details on the types of displays, print ads, coupons, or deals that were in effect. Attempts to obtain this information from Nielson were unsuccessful. 18. Unfortunately the data available from the test market do not enable us to conduct a cost-benefit evaluation of the TV ad campaign. 45 Table 5.7. Econometric Results: Estimated Effects of Television Ads on Prune Sales Independent Variables U; (3) (4) Lonstant 297.36 298.10 321.81 322.86 {D.U/) CC (5.97) PKlLt , -64.01 -65.71 -78.77 -80.85 (-Z.64) [-0.57] [-0.58] [-0.70] [-0 721 DKPr AY n.t -U.Dt) (-1.04) (-1.23) Pl^TAJT n "^i -yj.ol -U.JO (-1.38) (-1.52) cm TPflKl n,f n 71 U./ i U.oZ U.oz n 7/1 (1.94) (2.19) (1.64) (1 87) TIF AT n,\ J.V/ 9 7n z./u 9 79 Z./Z (5.83) (5.94) (5.58) (5 78) 10 7 lU./ 1 "5 ^8 1 J. JO 11 1 Q 1 "3 Q1 ij.yi (0.76) (0.96) (0.82) (1.03) TV-DuRING 44.8 47.89 40.06 41.98 (2.90) (3.13) (2.96) (3 11) TV-AFTER 83.2 83.08 83.34 82.22 ^1 ^ (3. JO) (3.DD) (D.DD) Buse K- 0.73 0.73 0.72 0.72 Buse Raw- Moment 0.98 0.98 0.98 0.98 Notes: 54 observations, t-values are in parentheses and estimated values of the price elasticity of demand calculated at sample means are in brackets. The dependent variable is ^, pounds of dried prunes purchased per million dollars of retail purchases in city n in month t. 46 Table 5.8. Test Design of New PICS at Safewaxj Stores Presence of Period Weeks Dates Type of Promotion Safeway New PICS Base 1-8 June 4 - July 29 No 1 1-4 Aug. 6 - Sept. 2 Advertising Yes 2 5-8 Sept. 3 - Sept. 30 Advertising and Recipes Yes 3 9-12 Oct. 1 - Oct. 28 Advertising and Recipes Yes as shown in table 5.8. The ads in period 1 were differ- ent from the ads in periods 2 and 3. During the three test periods, the Safeway New PICS were placed in the test stores, but not in the con- trol stores. The effect of the Safeway New PICS on sales was measured in terms of the net percentage changes in sales between the test and control stores. Over the 12- week test period, retail sales of prunes increased in both the test and the control stores when compared with the base period. The percentage dif- ference in sales of pitted prunes in PIC stores, relative to control stores, was 19.9 percent in the first period of the program, grew to 29.2 percent in period 2 and then dropped to 21 .6 percent in the third period. The aver- age percentage difference over all three periods was 23.6 percent. The larger net percentage increases in sales in periods 2 and 3 may reflect either more effec- tive ads or the release of recipes, or a combination of the two factors. The number of button pushes for prunes on the New PICS declined from 2,840 in period 1, to 1,080 in period 2, and 800 in period 3. Store shoppers explored the New PICS more when they were first introduced. The high use of the PICS machines in period 1 may have contributed to higher sales in periods 2 and 3. 5.3 Conclusions from the Test-Market Analysis The primary importance of the test-market studies is that they confirm broadly the key results contained in our primary analyses. Both the TV ad campaign and the New PICS sales promotion increased prune sales significantly relative to control markets. Both test- market studies suggest that the effects of prune pro- motion are rather durable. The TV ad test market study also helped to increase our confidence that the price elasticity of demand for prunes is inelastic, with estimated values in the range of -0.57 to -0.72. 47 6. CONCLUSION This study has analyzed the effectiveness of prod- uct promotion in the Cahfornia prune industry. The economic theory of consumer demand was used to specify empirical models to explain prune consump- tion as a function of prune prices, expenditures on prune promotion, and other relevant variables. Three complementary analyses were conducted. The main analysis used data for monthly intervals from Septem- ber 1992 to July 1996. A secondary data set consisted of annual observations from 1949 to 1995. A third analysis evaluated the results of a test-market study of prune advertising in six U.S. cities. The two main sources of expenditures on promo- tion of California prunes are the California Prune Board (CPB) and Sunsweet Growers. Results from analysis of the monthly, retail data support strongly the proposition that prune advertising and promotion has been an effective mechanism for increasing the demand for prunes. Across alternative model specifi- cations examined and reported in part 3, prune pro- motion had a consistently statistically significant, posi- tive effect on per capita domestic prune consumption. For the various models estimated using ordinary least squares (OLS), the elasticity of prune demand with respect to CPB promotion generally ranged from 0.048 to 0.052, meaning that a ten percent increase in expen- ditures on generic promotion would have induced about a 0.5 percent increase in consumption, holding price and other explanatory variables constant. Be- cause of concern that some of the explanatory vari- ables might be endogenous, the preferred model was re-estimated using two-stage least squares (2SLS). Pro- motion by the CPB remained a positive and statisti- cally significant determinant of prune sales in the model estimated by 2SLS, with the estimated elastic- ity with respect to promotion being slightly larger than in the OLS model. The models based on the monthly data performed well against diagnostic tests, causing us to have reasonable confidence in the specification and, in turn, the statistical results pertaining to the ef- fects of promotion. The models based on the annual data did not per- form as well. Promotion, measured in this case by annual, aggregate real expenditures by the CPB and Sunsweet on all types of domestic promotion, was generally not found to be a statistically significant de- terminant of demand. However, the diagnostic tests generally rejected the hypothesis that the annual mod- els were specified correctly, reflected in dynamic ef- fects on demand that the models were unable to cap- ture adequately. We used both an approximation method and a simulation approach to translate the effects of promo- tion on demand into estimates of marginal benefits to prune growers. Because of our greater faith in the data underpinning the monthly analysis of demand, the su- perior statistical performance of those demand mod- els, and their congruence with the results from the test- market analysis reported in part 5, we based our ben- efit-cost analysis on results from the monthly models. The simulation analysis required a complete model of the industry, including supply response. Since a sup- ply analysis was not a component of the present study, simulations were conducted for a range of alternative synthetic supply functions. These simulations, but- tressed by some complementary algebraic derivations, enabled us to estimate the marginal returns to the in- dustry from expenditures on advertising and promo- tion. As part 4 discusses in detail, the marginal benefit- cost ratio for advertising and promotion can hinge on the value of the price elasticity of supply, depending on how the expenditures are funded. The marginal returns refer to the revenues generated from an incre- mental expenditure on advertising and promotion. The ratio of producer benefits to producer incidence of the check-off, however, does not depend on the sup- ply elasticity. We emphasize this measure. Optimal allocation of expenditures to advertising and promotion calls for expanding expenditures until the marginal dollar spent just yields a dollar back in benefits. The simulation analyses suggest that the in- dustry stopped short of this optimizing condition dur- ing the 1992-1996 period covered by the monthly data. Considering just the models that were not rejected, the marginal benefit of an additional dollar of expendi- ture, given the amounts actually expended, ranged upward from $2.65, suggesting that additional expen- ditures on advertising and promotion would have gen- erated positive net revenue to producers. Only when producers are (implausibly) assumed to bear the entire cost of the promotion is it possible to derive average benefit-cost ratios less than 1:1, and this is only possible for supply elasticities of 1 .0 or greater. We conclude that promotion of California prunes conducted by the CPB has increased the demand for prunes and returns to producers of prunes. Over the four-year period analyzed in the monthly model, the results suggest that investments by prune growers in promotion through the CPB yielded them marginal returns of at least $2.65 for every dollar spent. More- over, marginal benefit-cost ratios in the range of 2.7:1, and higher, indicate that the industry could have prof- itably invested even more in promotion during this period. 48 APPENDIX TABLES Table A2.1. Selected Fruit Juices: U.S. Per Capita Consumption (in gallons) * Crop year Citrus Total citrus Non-Citrus Total noncitrus Total Orange Grapefruit Lemon Lime Apple Grape Pineapple Prune 1971 3.81 0.68 0.09 0.01 4.59 0.53 0.21 0.26 0.12 1.13 5.71 1972 4.18 0.67 0.10 0.01 4.96 0.58 0.30 0.26 0.11 1.25 6.21 1973 4.19 0.71 0.15 0.01 5.07 0.45 0.19 0.25 0.07 0.96 6.03 1974 4.32 0.68 0.09 0.01 5.10 0.39 0.24 0.20 0.10 0.93 6.03 1975 4.66 0.69 0.24 0.01 5.60 0.49 0.25 0.18 0.08 1.00 6.61 1976 5.18 0.56 0.09 0.01 5.84 0.57 0.23 0.21 0.09 1.10 6.93 1977 5.01 0.75 0.17 0.01 5.94 0.52 0.22 0.20 0.11 1.06 6.99 1978 4.31 0.79 0.18 0.00 5.29 0.66 0.17 0.24 0.09 1.15 6.44 1979 4.46 0.76 0.10 0.00 5.32 0.80 0.30 0.24 0.10 1.44 6.77 1980 4.95 0.58 0.13 0.01 5.66 0.89 0.23 0.28 0.09 1.49 7.15 1981 4.72 0.72 0.25 0.01 5.69 1.08 0.25 0.30 0.09 1.73 7.42 1982 4.30 0.69 0.18 0.01 5.18 0.96 0.24 0.28 0.10 1.58 6.75 1983 5.78 0.61 0.17 0.01 6.56 1.21 0.24 0.29 0.08 1.82 8.38 1984 4.82 0.33 0.12 0.01 5.28 1.32 0.33 0.28 0.06 1.99 7.27 1985 4.81 0.61 0.15 0.01 5.57 1.53 0.28 0.27 0.07 2.16 7.72 1986 5.16 0.48 0.11 0.01 5.77 1 (TO 1.53 0.23 0.34 0.07 TIT 1.1/ /.94 1987 5.08 0.68 0.21 0.01 5.98 1.52 0.22 0.39 0.07 2.19 8.17 1988 5.33 0.37 0.10 0.01 5.80 1.62 0.30 0.42 0.06 2.40 8.21 1989 4.63 0.60 0.11 0.01 5.34 1.60 0.26 0.42 0.07 2.35 7.69 1990 3.85 0.62 0.14 0.02 4.63 1.45 0.30 0.44 0.04 2.23 6.86 1991 4.79 0.41 0.13 0.02 5.36 1.73 0.28 0.49 0.04 2.53 7.89 1992 4.33 0.40 0.12 0.01 4.87 1.52 0.35 0.50 0.03 2.40 7.27 1993 5.14 0.59 0.17 0.01 5.91 1.57 0.38 0.47 0.04 2.45 8.37 1994P 5.27 0.54 0.18 0.01 6.00 1.79 0.35 0.41 0.04 2.59 8.60 Notes: 1 . Single-strength equivalent. P. Preliminary. Source: USDA/Economic Research Service. 49 Table A2.2. Selected Commercial Fruits and Vegetables (farm weight): U.S. Per Capita Consumption (in pounds) Fruit Total fruit"" Year Fresh' Processing^ Wine Including Excluding Grapes grapes grapes 1970 101.2 128.8 17.3 247.2 230.0 1971 100.3 133.5 24.4 258.2 233.8 1972 94.8 129.3 17.3 241.4 224.1 1973 96.5 131.7 27.5 255.6 228.2 1974 95.6 133.2 25.5 254.3 228.8 1975 101.8 144.5 23.9 270.1 246.2 1976 101.5 149.1 24.6 275.2 250.6 1977 99.7 163.7 25.7 289.1 263.4 1978 103.4 148.0 29.2 280.6 251.4 1979 100.1 145.0 28.9 274.1 245.2 1980 104.8 153.1 31.5 289.5 257.9 1981 103.6 152.6 27.6 283.8 256.2 1982 107.4 147.6 33.9 288.8 255.0 1983 110.0 161.0 27.3 298.2 271.0 1984 112.6 147.4 30.0 289.9 259.9 1985 110 6 1 57 9 31 3 994 9 1986 117.3 153.5 29.4 300.3 270.9 1987 121.6 155.5 26.2 303.2 277.1 1988 120.9 150.2 27.6 298.8 271.2 1989 123.1 141.2 25.8 290.0 264.2 1990 116.5 144.1 23.6 284.3 260.6 1991 113.2 151.7 23.0 287.9 264.8 1992 123.6 138.8 27.0 289.4 262.4 1993 124.9 153.4 24.9 303.3 278.4 1994 126.7 152.8 22.5 302.0 279.5 (continued) 50 Table A2.2 (continued). Selected Commercial Fruits and Vegetables (farm weight): U.S. Per Capita Consumption (in pounds) Year Vegetables Total vegetables' Total fruit & vegetables' Including Excluding Fresh* Canning' Freezing^ Dehyd.^ Pulses' grapes grapes 1970 152.9 99.4 45.1 30.6 7.6 335.5 582.8 565.5 1971 146.7 106.4 46.8 31.0 7.5 338.5 596.6 572.2 1972 150.0 103.0 47.0 30.0 6.7 336.7 578.1 560.9 1973 146.6 96.7 51.9 30.6 7.9 333.8 589.4 562.0 1974 144.6 98.1 52.6 31.7 6.2 333.2 587.6 562.0 1975 147.1 96.6 54.0 32.2 7.2 337.1 607.2 583.4 1976 146.4 102.2 58.8 32.9 7.0 347.3 622.6 598.0 1977 147.0 100.6 60.5 28.9 6.9 343.9 633.0 607.3 1978 141.8 95.8 59.9 30.0 5.9 333.3 613.8 584.7 1979 146.8 99.5 56.5 29.8 6.8 339.4 613.5 584.5 1980 149.2 101.7 52.6 27.1 5.8 336.5 626.0 594.4 1981 142.8 96.3 59.1 28.3 6.0 332.5 616.3 588.7 1982 148.6 94.7 54.7 29.4 6.9 334.3 623.1 589.2 1983 148.5 96.2 56.1 29.5 7.0 337.1 635.4 608.1 1984 154.0 101.8 63.6 29.8 5.5 354.7 644.6 614.6 1985 156.2 98.9 65.0 30.4 7.6 358.1 653.0 621.7 1986 156.3 99.5 64.9 31.0 7.3 359.0 659.3 629.9 1987 162.3 98.9 67.2 29.9 5.7 363.9 667.1 641.0 1988 167.5 94.6 64.4 29.3 7.5 363.3 662.1 634.5 1989 172.3 102.2 67.6 29.9 6.3 378.2 668.2 642.4 1990 166.3 110.6 70.6 31.8 7.1 386.4 670.6 647.0 1991 163.2 113.1 73.1 32.6 7.9 389.9 677.7 654.7 1992 171.3 110.8 72.0 32.1 8.1 394.3 683.7 656.7 1993 172.0 111.7 77.5 33.0 7.8 402.0 705.3 680.3 1994 170.8 108.0 79.4 32.2 8.0 398.3 700.3 677.8 Notes: 1. Includes oranges, tangerines, tangelos, lemons, limes, grapefruit, apples, apricots, avocados, bananas, cantaloupes, cherries, cranberries, grapes, honeydew, kiwifruit, mangoes, nectarines, peaches, pears, pineapples, papayas, plums, prunes, strawberries, and watermelon. 2. Excludes wine grapes. 3. Computed from unrounded data. 4. Includes asparagus, broccoli, carrots, cauliflower, celery, sweet com, lettuce, onions, tomatoes, artichokes, garlic, eggplant, cucumbers, bell peppers, cabbage, green beans, mushrooms, potatoes, and sweetpotatoes. 5. Includes asparagus, snap beans, carrots, sweet corn, pickles, green peas, tomatoes, potatoes, mushrooms, and miscellaneous vegetables. 6. Includes asparagus, snap beans, broccoli, carrots, cauliflower, sweet com, green peas, potatoes, and miscellaneous vegetables. 7. Includes potatoes. 8. Includes dry peas, lentils, and dry edible beans. Source: USDA/ Economic Research Service. 51 Table A2.3. Fresh Fruits (retail-weight equivalent): U.S. Per Capita Consumption (in pounds)^ Year^ Citrus Total Citrus^ Non-Citrus Oranges & Temples Tangerines & Tangelos Lemons Limes Grapefruit Apples Apricots 1970 15.68 2.13 1.98 0.17 7.97 27.92 16.34 0.11 1971 15.26 2.22 2.16 0.16 8.29 28.10 15.77 0.12 1972 14.04 1.96 1.79 0.20 8.31 26.30 14.91 0.08 1973 14.00 1.97 1.86 0.20 8.31 26.35 15.48 0.08 1974 13.99 2.13 1.93 0.19 7.96 26.20 15.75 0.06 1975 15.40 2.45 1.87 0.21 8.11 28.04 18.71 0.07 1976 14.30 2.25 1.82 0.23 8.98 27.58 16.40 0.09 1977 13.04 2.50 2.03 0.22 7.50 25.29 15.86 0.08 1978 13.04 1.98 2.05 0.21 8.09 25.38 17.23 0.07 1979 11.15 1.92 1.84 0.26 7.07 22.23 16.45 0.07 1980 13.85 2.10 1.84 0.34 7.08 25.21 18.43 0.09 1981 11.99 1.93 1.93 0.40 6.45 22.70 16.18 0.09 1982 11.34 1.97 1.98 0.36 6.99 22.64 16.84 0.07 1983 14.59 2.14 2.23 0.49 7.60 27.04 17.54 0.07 1984 11.51 1.97 2.07 0.43 5.80 21.78 17.62 0.11 1985 11.25 1.44 2.21 0.53 5.34 20.76 16.57 0.15 1986 13.03 1.52 2.37 0.55 5.95 23.42 17.13 0.09 1987 12.43 1.69 2.38 0.48 6.16 23.14 20.00 0.07 1988 13.48 1.68 2.37 0.53 6.49 24.56 19.04 0.14 1989 11.80 1.63 2.29 0.66 6.41 22.79 20.37 0.09 1990 12.00 1.24 2.50 0.63 4.29 20.66 18.82 0.14 1991 8.20 1.31 2.50 0.72 5.69 18.42 17.45 0.12 1992 12.52 1.84 2.44 0.98 5.77 23.54 18.48 0.14 1993 13.82 1.78 2.55 0.91 6.05 25.11 18.40 0.12 1994'' 12.67 2.01 2.57 0.93 5.91 24.09 18.77 0.16 (continued) 52 Table A2.3 (continued). Fresh Fruits (retail-weight equivalent): U.S. Per Capita Consumption (in pounds)^ Non-Citrus, cont. Year^ Avocados Bananas Cherries Cran- berries Grapes Kiwi- fruit Mangoes Peaches & nectarines 1970 0.80 17.38 0.47 0.17 2.63 na 0.07 5.53 1971 0.42 18.06 0.63 0.19 2.31 na 0.08 5.38 1972 0.77 17.92 0.36 0.15 2.29 na 0.08 3.69 1973 0.40 18.16 0.69 0.18 2.62 na 0.11 4.05 1974 0.66 18.49 0.54 0.14 2.85 na 0.12 4.12 1975 1.16 17.64 0.65 0.14 3.29 na 0.16 4.73 1976 0.68 19.25 0.77 0.18 3.22 na 0.18 4.88 1977 1.11 19.21 0.59 0.18 3.22 na 0.14 4.84 1978 1.05 20.19 0.50 0.17 2.81 na 0.20 5.79 1979 1.18 20.98 0.63 0.13 3.14 na 0.20 6.33 1980 0.79 20.77 0.64 0.14 3.61 na 0.24 6.73 1981 1.96 21.48 0.50 0.20 3.69 na 0.19 6.53 1982 1.46 22.54 0.49 0.20 5.20 0.07 0.28 5.08 1983 1.74 21.25 0.68 0.13 5.09 0.09 0.41 5.16 1984 2.06 22.18 0.66 0.12 5.54 0.14 0.41 6.36 1985 1.72 23.48 0.40 0.13 6.23 0.13 0.41 5.22 1986 1.42 25.82 0.46 0.14 6.46 0.13 0.46 5.54 1987 2.21 25.02 0.67 0.12 6.41 0.23 0.53 5.75 1 OQQ 1.49 24.29 0.50 0.11 7.01 0.23 0.36 6.41 1989 1.45 24.71 0.59 0.19 7.22 0.30 0.48 5.56 1990 1.01 24.36 0.37 0.23 7.21 0.45 0.51 5.27 1991 1.32 25.13 0.38 0.25 6.61 0.40 0.81 6.11 1992 1.35 27.26 0.50 0.23 6.54 0.30 0.64 5.72 1993 2.04 26.80 0.41 0.18 6.41 0.49 0.85 5.65 1994P 1.24 28.06 0.50 0.30 6.67 0.46 0.93 5.19 (continued) 53 Table A2.3 (continued). Fresh Fruits (retail-weight equivalent): U.S. Per Capita Consumption (in pounds)^ Non-Citrus, cont. Total Total Year^ Pears Pine- Papayas Plums & Straw- Melons Non-Citrus^ Fresh apples prunes berries Fruit' 1970 1.80 0.67 0.11 1.40 1.60 19.50 68.57 96.49 1971 2.41 0.61 0.09 1.22 1.68 18.90 67.86 95.96 1972 2.17 0.74 0.11 1.03 1.53 18.50 64.33 90.63 1973 2.44 0.87 0.13 1.09 1.45 18.10 65.87 92.22 1974 2.36 0.86 0.15 1.43 1.68 16.00 65.22 91.42 1975 2.60 0.98 0.16 1.26 1.65 16.10 69.30 97.34 1976 2.68 1.09 0.19 1.19 1.52 17.20 69.53 97.11 1977 2.26 1.29 0.24 1.47 1.76 17.70 69.94 95.23 1978 2.18 1.37 0.24 1.46 1.95 18.20 73.42 98.79 1979 2.18 1.39 0.16 1.54 1.75 17.40 73.55 95.78 1980 2.48 1.42 0.20 1.46 1.81 16.30 75.12 100.33 1981 2.68 1.48 0.21 1.62 2.00 17.50 76.30 99.00 1982 2.70 1.58 0.16 1.01 2.18 20.00 79.85 102.50 1983 2.84 1.60 0.17 1.34 2.14 17.80 78.05 105.09 1984 2.41 1.43 0.25 1.75 2.73 21.80 85.58 107.36 1985 2.65 1.40 0.17 1.36 2.75 21.90 84.65 105.41 1986 2.83 1.64 0.17 1.23 2.66 22.40 88.58 112.00 1987 3.34 1.55 0.18 1.82 2.87 22.10 92.85 115.99 1988 3.06 1.67 0.15 1.63 3.07 21.60 90.73 115.28 1989 3.04 1.86 0.13 1.34 2.99 24.10 94.44 117.23 1990 3.06 1.95 0.17 1.47 2.98 22.40 90.39 111.05 1991 3.00 1.82 0.16 1.35 3.29 21.20 89.40 107.82 1992 2.98 1.90 0.23 1.69 3.32 23.00 94.29 117.83 1993 3.21 1.95 0.27 1.22 3.35 22.80 94.15 119.26 1994 P 3.30 1.94 0.29 1.53 3.68 23.70 96.70 120.79 Notes: 1 . Uses U.S. total population, July 1 for everything except apples, grapes, and pears, which use January 1 of the year following that indicated. 2. Citrus fruits are on a crop-year basis beginning in year preceding that indicated. Noncitrus fruits are on a calendar-year basis except apples, grapes, and pears which are on a crop year-basis beginning in year indicated. 3. Computed from unrounded data, na. Not available. P. Preliminary. Source; USDA/ Economic Research Service. 54 Table A2.4. Dried Fruits: U.S. Per Capita Consumption (in poundsy Year^ Apples Apricots Dates^* Figs Peaches Pears Prunes'* Raisins Total' 1970 0.11 0.06 0.26 0.22 0.02 0.01 0.69 1.35 2.72 1971 0.06 0.04 0.26 0.20 0.02 0.01 0.58 1.43 2.60 1972 0.08 0.04 0.25 0.13 0.02 0.01 0.49 1.04 2.06 1973 0.14 0.05 0.33 0.18 0.01 0.01 0.55 1.38 2.65 1974 0.11 0.03 0.26 0.16 0.01 0.01 0.51 1.29 2.38 1975 0.13 0.05 0.34 0.16 0.02 0.01 0.60 1.29 2.60 1976 0.13 0.06 0.33 0.17 0.02 0.01 0.53 1.28 2.53 1977 0.12 0.06 0.36 0.16 0.02 0.01 0.49 1.25 2.47 1978 0.12 0.04 0.34 0.17 0.01 0.01 0.43 1.10 2.22 1979 0.14 0.06 0.26 0.17 0.01 0.01 0.38 1.31 2.34 1980 0.10 0.03 0.14 0.13 0.01 0.01 0.43 1.46 2.31 1981 0.10 0.05 0.18 0.14 0.02 0.01 0.46 1.54 2.50 1982 0.11 0.08 0.26 0.14 0.02 0.01 0.42 1.52 2.56 1983 0.15 0.09 0.25 0.14 0.04 0.01 0.46 1.58 2.72 1984 0.16 0.09 0.32 0.13 0.04 0.01 0.39 1.90 3.04 1985 0.14 0.03 0.24 0.13 0.02 0.01 0.47 1.92 2.96 1986 0.10 0.08 0.15 0.14 0.01 0.01 0.44 1.83 2.76 1987 0.15 0.05 0.17 0.18 0.02 0.01 0.62 1.88 3.08 1988 0.15 0.08 0.23 0.15 0.02 0.01 0.58 2.07 3.29 1989 0.14 0.10 0.23 0.16 0.01 0.01 0.63 1.92 3.20 1990 0.10 0.07 0.23 0.20 0.01 0.01 0.97 1.80 3.39 1991 0.10 0.08 0.22 0.15 0.02 0.01 0.73 1.78 3.09 1992 0.15 0.10 0.16 0.16 0.02 0.01 0.58 1.62 2.80 1993 0.18 0.09 0.21 0.21 0.01 0.01 0.68 1.86 3.25 1994 P 0.19 0.14 0.15 0.19 0.01 0.01 0.71 1.72 3.12 Notes: 1. Processed weight. 2. Beginning July 1 for apples, apricots, peaches, and pears; September 1 for dates, and August 1 for figs, prunes, and raisins. 3. Pits-in basis. 4. Excludes quantities used for juice. 5. Computed from unrounded numbers. P. Preliminary. Source: USDA/Economic Research Service. 55 Table A2.5. Domestic Shipments of California Prunes Year Dried Pitted Prunes Dried Whole Prunes Juice and Concentrate Canned Baoy Food or Puree U.S. Govt. Other Human Total Human Stock Food 1949 657 85,615 36,582 2,912 4,288 17,074 227 147,355 207 1950 700 85,222 30,728 4,305 5,079 5,987 295 132,316 159 1951 670 86,204 31,728 2,441 3,408 1,360 61 125,872 0 1952 749 84,077 36,063 2,745 3,950 2,032 287 129,903 5 1953 902 76,162 37,769 2,306 3,687 3,565 304 124,695 1,031 1954 908 81,557 38,801 3,045 3,803 496 624 129,234 53 1955 883 70,593 40,620 4,738 3,435 na 832 121,101 378 1956 746 73,448 48,920 5,747 3,703 na 1,888 134,452 1,305 1957 833 79,596 43,560 4,426 2,589 na 1,703 132,707 1 1958 507 57,474 34,095 4,327 1,967 na 1,481 99,851 143 1959 620 60,605 41,476 4,323 2,589 na 2,005 111,618 48 1960 795 56,757 43,781 4,415 2,200 na 1,268 109,216 47 1961 1,831 56,100 42,377 3,724 2,254 na 1,599 107,885 547 1962 1,998 58,271 44,328 3,592 2,210 na 1,144 111,543 265 1963 3,206 54,760 48,454 4,295 2,200 na 2,500 115,415 576 1964 5,521 57,248 51,513 9,760 2,051 na 2,896 128,989 758 1965 7,606 53,850 54,414 8,981 2,007 na 1,911 128,769 1,224 1966 8,424 47,167 37,629 3,273 2,093 1,299 888 100,773 682 1967 12,703 44,566 44,925 3,761 2,041 213 846 109,055 1,068 1968 13,528 42,347 46,482 3,440 1,598 13,931 965 122,291 473 1969 14,978 38,030 41,415 3,345 1,782 4,076 132 103,758 443 1970 15,906 37,428 42,924 2,951 1,285 17,569 133 118,196 661 1971 19,780 40,337 42,121 2,990 1,316 11,258 53 117,855 649 1972 11,319 32,729 37,049 2,798 857 994 na 85,746 10 1973 13,671 40,137 47,798 3,764 1,304 2,011 na 108,685 430 1974 11,131 36,578 38,250 2,832 1,096 0 na 89,887 374 (continued) 56 Table A2.5 (continued). Domestic Shipments of California Prunes Year Dried Pitted Prunes Dri pH Whole Prunes Tnif^A and Concentrate Canned Baby Food or Puree U.S. Govt. Other Human Total Human Stock Food 1975 13,994 40,487 48,157 2,706 1,161 185 na 106,690 1,025 1976 14,280 36,300 43,345 2,616 1,665 0 na 98,206 706 1977 13,626 38,309 44,289 3,385 1,191 0 5 100,805 20 1978 11,981 30,994 38,515 2,461 1,142 0 0 85,093 0 1979 11,857 30,159 42,171 2,142 1,031 0 0 87,360 0 1980 14,913 31,408 45,241 2,068 1,011 2,932 0 97,573 166 1981 15,942 31,083 39,858 1,909 789 3,711 0 93,292 183 1982 17,626 29,035 38,800 1,609 762 6,506 0 94,338 0 1983 20,080 27,270 39,715 1,785 891 3,667 0 93,408 0 1984 19,601 24,776 36,330 1,802 744 1,662 0 84,915 0 1985 23,102 25,324 35,805 1,839 707 3,536 0 90,313 0 1986 28,763 25,237 33,786 1,812 540 593 0 90,731 0 1987 33,288 23,443 40,912 1,872 683 2,828 0 103,026 0 1988 37,676 22,591 40,419 1,563 865 5,637 0 108,751 0 1989 42,234 23,580 43,103 1,668 2,074 5,058 0 117,717 0 1990 44,166 20,856 40,688 1,395 1,092 504 0 108,701 0 1991 43,059 16,707 38,128 1,280 1,168 3,964 0 104,306 0 1992 47,932 13,137 36,465 1,304 1,377 403 na 100,618 na 1993 42,171 12,269 33,207 1,406 1,502 235 na 90,790 na 1994 48,281 8,443 31,419 1,216 1,733 342 na 91,434 na 1995 46,383 9,457 35,292 1,281 1,755 288 na 94,456 na Source: California Prune Board, Annual Reports. 57 Table A2.6. Expenditures by the California Prune Board Year Domestic Merchand. and Pub. Rel. Domestic Advertising Export Promotion Industry Research Total 1949 15 0 0 0 15 1950 13 0 0 0 13 1951 24 15 3 0 42 1952 66 215 9 0 290 1953 68 268 18 0 355 1954 63 369 3 0 435 1955 72 331 1 0 405 1956 58 336 66 0 460 1957 120 365 63 6 554 1958 102 249 39 8 397 1959 112 286 35 7 439 1960 110 297 19 18 443 1961 115 319 52 15 501 1962 110 319 75 19 523 1963 125 299 115 10 548 1964 121 365 114 35 635 1965 159 981 142 31 1,313 1966 156 809 114 40 1,119 1967 158 848 14 44 1,065 1968 195 688 61 88 1,032 1969 156 903 39 59 1,156 1970 164 903 7 80 1,154 1971 190 1,049 7 80 1,326 1972 170 777 7 67 1,021 1973 219 2,103 93 91 2,506 1974 154 1,706 138 92 2,090 (continued) 58 Table A2.6 (continued). Expenditures by the California Prune Board Year Domestic Merchand. and Pub. Rel. Domestic Advertising Export Promotion Industry Research Total 1975 40 0 43 50 133 1976 0 0 0 69 69 1977 0 0 0 62 62 1978 53 0 0 67 120 1979 336 171 0 78 585 1980 302 3,299 0 90 3,691 1981 366 3,939 0 90 4,395 1982 462 3,586 0 109 4,157 1983 486 2,829 0 105 3,420 1984 576 3,771 0 88 4,435 1985 842 3,006 112 89 4,049 1986 987 2,037 595 85 3,704 1987 2,108 3,289 835 138 6,370 1988 1,539 4,697 1,055 260 7,552 1989 2,103 5,042 992 236 8,372 1990 2,326 3,191 1,050 253 6,820 1991 2,835 3,057 883 269 7,044 1992 3,020 2,905 933 312 7,170 1993 1,535 1,300 925 300 4,060 1994 2,675 3,769 940 348 7,732 1995 3,075 3,850 1,070 379 8,374 Source: California Prune Board. 59 Table A3.1. U.S. Dried Prune Data Used in the Monthly Models (1992-96) Week Total Q POP EXP PP PR PF obs Ending (lbs) (millions) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) (8-96 =1) 1 6-Sep-92 3,417,100 255.42 15,931 1.94 2.11 1.84 4 71 2 4-Oct-92 3,744,500 255.59 15,976 1.91 2.12 1.84 4 63 1 rtd^ 811 U.070 3 l-Nov-92 4,292,200 255.77 16,190 1.90 2.15 1.85 4 37 n Qoi 4 29-NOV-92 4,331,700 255.94 16,213 1.93 2.19 1.76 3 95 1 c;qq qcjo 5 27-Dec-92 4,327,500 256.11 16,202 1.92 2.28 1.74 4 01 1 ■^y? 4.^7 6 24-Jan-93 4,771,900 256.28 16,434 1.91 2.18 1.81 4 97 1 'iQfi S^Q l,J7U,0^" U."U/ 7 21-Feb-93 4,980,800 256.46 16,492 1.91 2.15 1.81 4.44 1 891 77S n Qin 8 21-Mar-93 4,933,600 256.63 16,550 1.93 2.15 1.82 4 50 Z.,L/Orr,.JU^ n Q1 9 18-Apr-93 5,148,700 256.80 16,742 1.88 2.11 1.78 4.27 1 Q18 (^QO n Q1 R 10 16-May-93 4,240,500 256.98 16,765 1.94 2.18 1.86 4 59 1 ^1^ 149 n Qi 7 n 13-Jun-93 3,890,300 258.14 16,788 1.95 2.17 1.86 4 65 884 94^^ 0 QI S U." lO 12 ll-Jul-93 3,412,400 258.31 16,765 1.95 2.17 1.87 4.72 1 007 RC\f\ 0 QI 5^ 13 8-Aug-93 3,241,700 258.49 16,812 1.98 2.18 1.88 4.73 833 311 0 Q71 14 5-Sep-93 3,215,100 258.66 16,847 2.02 2.18 1.89 4.76 n Q99 15 3-Oct-93 3,456,300 258.83 16,916 2.03 2.18 1.89 4.69 81 5 936 16 31-Oct-93 3,809,800 259.00 16,983 2.04 2.20 1.89 4.33 1 335 997 0 Q9^^ 17 28-NOV-93 4,230,500 259.18 16,999 2.06 2.22 1.81 4.03 1 986 493 n Q97 yj.yz./ 18 26-Dec-93 4,188,100 259.35 16,999 2.05 2.33 1.80 4.00 1 783 1 83 0 Q97 19 23-Jan-94 4,097,700 259.52 17,155 2.06 2.24 1.87 4.43 n Q9Q 20 20-Feb-94 4,470,600 259.70 17,214 2.06 2.21 1.87 4 60 1917 Q'^^i 21 20-Mar-94 4,947,700 259.87 17,273 2.04 2.19 1.85 4.62 1 812 888 22 17-Apr-94 4,584,700 260.04 17,386 2.04 2.20 1.85 4.50 1 559 480 23 15-May-94 3,890,700 260.21 17,398 2.12 2.25 1.90 4.55 1 1 79 631 yj.yjo 24 12-Jun-94 3,701,600 260.66 17,457 2.13 2.23 1.90 4.68 1 DDI n QJ.1 25 lO-JuI-94 3,394,500 260.83 17,567 2.11 2.24 1.92 4.77 1,503,771 0.943 26 7-Aug-94 3,283,000 261.01 17,638 2.10 2.25 1.94 4.64 1,190,957 0.947 27 4-Sep-94 3,100,600 261.18 17,685 2.11 2.22 1.93 4.70 599,865 0.950 28 2-Oct-94 3,377,500 261.35 17,697 2.11 2.26 1.96 4.62 1,030,314 0.950 29 30-Oct-94 3,671,500 261.52 17,860 2.09 2.25 1.94 4.06 1,976,239 0.950 30 27-NOV-94 4,062,700 261.70 17,892 2.12 2.28 1.88 3.90 1,471,390 0.952 (continued) 60 Table A3.1 (continued). U.S. Dried Prune Data Used in the Monthly Models (1992-96) Week Toial Q POP EXP PP PR Pf PS VROMO CPl obs Ending (lbs) (millions) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) (8-96 =1) 31 25-Dec-94 4,042,500 261.87 17,892 2.08 2.37 1.85 3.86 2,281,549 0.952 32 22-Tan-95 3 882 100 262.04 18,115 2.10 2.31 1.92 4.17 1,600,298 0.955 33 19.Feb-95 4,722,700 262.22 18,187 2.13 2.30 1.93 4.28 1,480,893 0.959 34 19-Mar-95 4,508,200 262.39 18,248 2.11 2.32 1.95 4.30 1,967,286 0.962 35 16-Apr-95 4,470,800 262.56 18,459 2.10 2.31 1.94 4.13 1,756,616 0.966 36 14-Mav-95 3 743 300 262.73 18,496 2.16 2.34 1.96 4.28 1,349,716 0.968 37 ll-Tun-95 3 665 900 263.03 18,532 2.16 2.35 1.98 4.31 1,366,585 0.969 38 9-Jul-95 3 341 000 263.20 18,561 2.13 2.33 1.98 4.33 1,266,180 0.969 39 6-Aue-95 3,204,300 263.38 18,610 2.15 2.33 1.99 4.25 1,022,729 0.972 40 3-Sep-95 3,044,300 263.55 18,647 2.14 2.33 2.01 4.38 785,201 0.974 41 l-Oct-95 3 285 900 263.72 18,707 2.15 2.35 2.02 4.11 1,182,914 0.977 42 29-Oct-95 3,783,700 263.89 18,742 2.13 2.34 2.00 4.07 1,719,983 0.977 43 26-Nov-95 4,081,500 264.07 18,732 2.16 2.32 1.89 3.89 1,724,766 0.976 44 24-Dec-95 4,114,400 264.24 18,719 2.10 2.40 1.87 3.93 2,216,297 0.976 45 21-Jan-96 4,052,400 264.41 19,079 2.12 2.37 1.95 4.13 2,044,989 0.982 46 18-Feb-96 4,538,000 264.59 19,140 2.16 2.37 1.96 4.24 2,015,955 0.985 47 17-Mar-96 4,486,700 264.76 19,239 2.13 2.33 1.94 4.23 2,290,121 0.990 48 14-Apr-96 4,389,600 264.93 19,313 2.12 2.36 1.95 4.00 2,051,264 0.994 49 12-May-96 3,757,700 265.10 19,397 2.16 2.42 1.99 4.33 1,193,532 0.996 50 9-Jun-96 3,392,900 265.28 19,409 2.18 2.43 2.02 4.36 1,341,806 0.996 51 7-Jul-96 3,260,300 265.45 19,446 2.14 2.44 2.04 4.30 858,772 0.998 Notes: All prices and expenditure variables are in nominal dollars. For sources, see text. PROMO=PROCPB+PROSUN. 61 Table A3.2. U.S. Dried Prune Data Used in the Annual Models (1949-95) Year QS AGE65 PP PR INC POP CPI (1000 lbs) (% of POP age 65 and older) ($/lb) ($/lb.) ($/ person) (millions) (1995=1.0) 1949 172,000 0.081 0.08 0.07 1,501 149.19 0.156 1950 172,000 0.083 0.12 0.13 1,657 152.27 0.158 1951 174,000 0.084 0.09 0.08 1,736 154.88 0.171 1952 170,000 0.085 0.12 0.08 1,806 157.55 0.174 1953 154,000 0.086 0.11 0.08 1,787 160.18 0.175 1954 164,000 0.087 0.11 0.09 1,881 163.03 0.177 1955 142,000 0.088 0.14 0.09 1,980 165.93 0.176 1956 148,000 0.089 0.10 0.10 2,050 168.90 0.178 1957 160,000 0.090 0.10 0.13 2,074 171.98 0.184 1958 116,000 0.091 0.20 0.16 2,166 174.88 0.190 1959 122,000 0.092 0.18 0.10 2,277 177.83 0.191 1960 116,000 0.093 0.20 0.11 2,335 180.67 0.194 1961 116,000 0.094 0.17 0.10 2,444 183.69 0.196 1962 120,000 0.094 0.13 0.12 2,301 186.54 0.180 1963 116,000 0.094 0.15 0.10 2,676 189.24 0.201 1964 126,000 0.095 0.12 0.12 2,860 191.89 0.203 1965 122,000 0.096 0.12 0.10 3,076 194.30 0.207 1966 112,000 0.096 0.16 0.10 3,269 196.56 0.213 1967 114,000 0.096 0.14 0.15 3,554 198.71 0.219 1968 112,000 0.097 0.15 0.13 3,839 200.71 0.228 1969 106,000 0.098 0.14 0.13 4,077 202.68 0.241 1970 106,000 0.101 0.10 0.14 4,328 205.05 0.255 1971 120,000 0.100 0.14 0.16 4,703 207.66 0.266 1972 88,000 0.101 0.27 0.28 5,217 209.90 0.274 1973 108,000 0.102 0.23 0.38 5,672 211.91 0.291 1974 96,000 0.104 0.22 0.30 6,091 213.85 0.323 1975 108,000 0.105 0.20 0.33 6,673 215.97 0.353 1976 102,000 0.107 0.21 0.35 7,315 218.04 0.373 1977 104,000 0.108 0.25 0.42 8,176 220.24 0.398 1978 86,000 0.110 0.35 0.53 9,105 222.59 0.428 1979 84,000 0.112 0.41 0.58 10,037 225.06 0.476 1980 92,000 0.114 0.34 0.60 11,132 227.73 0.541 1981 94,000 0.115 0.33 0.66 11,707 229.97 0 596 1982 94,000 0.117 0.34 0.57 12,340 232.19 n 633 1983 94,000 0.118 0.33 0.29 13 560 234.31 0.654 1984 88,000 0.119 0.35 0.32 14,421 236.35 0 689 1985 96,000 0.121 0.34 0.31 15,155 238.47 0 706 1986 108,000 0.122 0.41 0.38 15,966 240.65 0 719 1987 114,000 0.123 0.37 0.41 17,028 242.80 0 745 1988 120,000 0.124 0.39 0.45 18,147 245.02 0 776 \J./ / U 1989 132,000 0.124 0.39 0.49 19,170 247.34 0.814 1990 130,000 0.126 0.44 0.45 19,663 249.91 0.858 1991 120,000 0.126 0.47 0.48 20,609 252.65 0.894 1992 122,000 0.127 0.51 0.42 21,224 255.42 0.921 1993 108,000 0.127 0.56 0.47 22,059 258.14 0.948 1994 114,000 0.128 0.55 0.46 23,193 260.66 0.972 1995 112,000 0.130 0.52 0.44 24,385 263.03 1.000 Notes: All dollar figures are in nominal terms. See text for sources. 62 Table A4.1. Marginal Benefit-Cost Ratios for Prune Promotion: A Comparison of Means from Simulations Based on Four Regressions Using Both OLS and 2SLS Supply Elasticity Series 0.0 0.5 1.0 2.0 5.0 Benefit-Cost Ratios from OLS Models Model 1 Producer Benefits /Producer Costs 10.19 10.20 10.20 10.19 10.19 ProHiirpr Rpnpfit*; /Total Fxnenses 10.19 1.24 0.79 0.47 0.21 iviouei z I roQUcer Denenis/ 1 roaucer v„osis 8.97 8.97 8.97 8.96 8.96 Producer Benefits/Total Expenses 8.97 1.12 0.72 0.43 0.20 iviociei o 1 roQUcer Deneriis/ 1 roaucer v^osis 18.14 18.35 18.35 18.35 18.36 Producer Benefits/Total Expenses 18.14 1.26 0.79 0.46 0.21 jviouei 4 1 roQucer Dtriicrits/ i rutiuctri ^ubib 24.86 25.18 25.18 25.19 25.19 Producer Benefits /Total Expenses 24.86 2.24 1.41 0.83 0.37 Benefit-Cost Ratios from 2SLS Models Model 1 Producer Benefits /Producer Costs 14.28 14.42 14.42 14.42 14.43 Producer Benefits /Total Expenses 14.28 2.44 1.60 0.98 0.46 Model 2 Producer Benefits /Producer Costs 2.01 2.01 2.01 2.01 2.01 Producer Benefits/Total Expenses 2.01 0.70 0.51 0.34 0.17 Model 3 Producer Benefits /Producer Costs 20.39 20.73 20.73 20.74 20.74 Producer Benefits /Total Expenses 20.39 2.08 1.36 0.83 0.39 Model 4 Producer Benefits /Producer Costs 53.23 54.24 54.21 54.20 54.20 Producer Benefits /Total Expenses 53.23 3.30 2.12 1.27 0.59 Notes: For the OLS models, estimates for model 1 are based on 7,438 replications; those for 2 are based on 7,819 replications; those for 3 are based on 7,084 replications, and those for 4 are based on 6,290 replications. For the 2SLS models, estimates for model 1 are based on 4,120 replications; those for 2 are based on 9,587 replications; those for 3 are based on 4,639 replications, and those for 4 are based on 4,535 replications. For both model types 10,000 simulations were run for each model, and we discarded those cases where a random draw chose a negative price, quantity or promotion value. Present Values are in mUhons of constant (August 1996) dollars using 3 percent (annual) compounding. 63 Table A4.2. Marginal Benefit-Cost Ratios for Prune Promotion: A Comparison of the Lower 95% Boundaries of Four OLS and 2SLS Regressions Supply Elasticity Series 0.0 0.5 1.0 2.0 5.0 Benefit-Cost Ratios from OLS Models Model 1 Producer Benefits /Producer Costs 0.32 0.32 0.32 0.32 0.32 U.Zl U. ID U. lU U.Uo Model 2 Producer Benefits /Producer Costs 0.63 0.63 0.63 0.63 0.63 Producer Benefits/Total Expenses 0.63 0.46 0.36 0.25 0.13 Model 3 Producer Benefits /Producer Costs 0.34 0.34 0.35 0.35 0.35 Producer Benefits /Total Expenses 0.34 0.22 0.16 0.10 0.05 Model 4 Producer Benefits/Producer Costs 1.08 1.08 1.08 1.08 1.09 Producer Benefits/Total Expenses 1.08 0.77 0.60 0.41 0.21 Benefit-Cost Ratios from 2SLS Models Model 1 Producer Benefits/Producer Costs 0.43 0.43 0.43 0.43 0.43 Producer Benefits /Total Expenses 0.43 0.33 0.27 0.20 0.11 Model 2 Producer Benefits /Producer Costs 0.32 0.32 0.32 0.32 0.32 Producer Benefits /Total Expenses 0.32 0.26 0.22 0.17 0.10 Model 3 Producer Benefits /Producer Costs 0.19 0.19 0.19 0.19 0.19 Producer Benefits /Total Expenses 0.19 0.15 0.12 0.09 0.05 Model 4 Producer Benefits /Producer Costs 1.09 1.09 1.10 1.10 1.10 Producer Benefits /Total Expenses 1.09 0.86 0.70 0.51 0.28 Notes: For the OLS models, estimates for model 1 are based on 7,438 replications; those for 2 are based on 7,819 replications; those for 3 are based on 7,084 replications, and those for 4 are based on 6,290 repHcations. For the 2SLS models, estimates for model 1 are based on 4,120 repHcations; those for 2 are based on 9,587 replications; those for 3 are based on 4,639 replications, and those for 4 are based on 4,535 replications. For both model types 10,000 simulations were run for each model, and we discarded those cases where a random draw chose a negative price, quantity or promotion value. Present Values are in millions of constant (August 1996) dollars using 3 percent (annual) compounding. 64 Table A4.3. Marginal Benefit-Cost Ratios for Prune Promotion: A Comparison of the Upper 95% Boundaries of Four OLS and 2SLS Regressions Supply Elasticity Series 0.0 0.5 1.0 2.0 5.0 Benefit-Cost Ratios from OLS Models Model 1 Producer Beriefits/ Producer Costs 41.63 41.63 41.62 41.62 41.61 Producer Benefits /Total Expenses 41.63 3.11 1.72 0.95 0.41 Model 2 Producer Benefits /Producer Costs 33.23 33.21 33.20 33.20 33.19 Producer Benefits /Total Expenses 33.23 2.21 1.19 0.63 0.27 Model 3 Producer Benefits /Producer Costs 48.87 49.45 49.45 49.46 49.46 Producer Benefits/Total Expenses 48.87 3.08 1.70 0.91 0.39 Model 4 Producer Benefits /Producer Costs 89.87 91.08 91.07 91.07 91.06 Producer Benefits/Total Expenses 89.87 4.64 2.49 1.31 0.55 Benefit-Cost Ratios from 2SLS Models Model 1 Producer Benefits /Producer Costs 70.20 71.12 71.12 71.12 71.12 Producer Benefits /Total Expenses 70.20 6.38 3.48 1.87 0.79 Model 2 Producer Benefits /Producer Costs 7.44 7.44 7.43 7.43 7.43 Producer Benefits /Total Expenses 7.44 1.78 1.04 0.58 0.25 Model 3 Producer Benefits /Producer Costs 65.73 66.82 66.84 66.85 66.86 Producer Benefits /Total Expenses 65.73 6.05 3.32 1.79 0.76 Model 4 Producer Benefits /Producer Costs 116.04 118.18 118.17 118.16 118.16 Producer Benefits/Total Expenses 116.04 7.41 4.01 2.13 0.90 Notes: For the OLS models, estimates for model 1 are based on 7,438 replications; those for 2 are based on 7,819 replications; those for 3 are based on 7,084 replications, and those for 4 are based on 6,290 replications. For the 2SLS models, estimates for model 1 are based on 4,120 repUcations; those for 2 are based on 9,587 replications; those for 3 are based on 4,639 replications, and those for 4 are based on 4,535 replications. For both model types 10,000 simulations were run for each model, and we discarded those cases where a random draw chose a negative price, quantity or promotion value. Present Values are in millions of constant (August 1996) dollars using 3 percent (annual) compounding. 65 REFERENCES Alston, J.M. and J.A. Chalfant. "Can We Take the Con out of Meat Demand Studies?" Western Journal of Agricul- tural Economics 16, 1 (1991): 36-48. Alston, J.M., H.F. Carman, and J.A. Chalfant. "Evaluating Primary Product Promotion: The Returns to Generic Advertising by a Producer Cooperative in a Small, Open Economy," in E.W. Goddard and D.S. Taylor (eds.) Promotion in the Marketing Mix: Wimt Works and Why? Proceedings from the NEC-63 Spring '94 Conference on Toronto, Ontario, April 28-29, 1994. 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California Prune Board and the Prune Marketing Committee, California Prune News: Annual Report, reports from 1986 to 1992. California Prune Board. California Prune News: Annual Report, January, 1996. California Prune Board. Generic Monthly Program Evaluations, budgets covering the fiscal years 92/92 to 95/ 96 as provided by CPB. California Prune Board. Personal Conversation with Bart Minor, Marketing Director of CPB, October 1997. California Prune Board. PruneTec, September, 1996. California Prune Board. Tlie California Prune Buyer's Guide, 1996. Chalfant, J.A. and J.M. Alston. "Accounting for Changes in Tastes" Journal of Political Economy 96(1988):391-410. Dale, L., J. Mamer, G. Goldman. Programs to Increase Grower Income in the California Prune Industry, University of California, Berkeley, 1988. Davidson, R., and J.G. MacKinnon. Estimation and Inference in Econometrics, Oxford University Press, New York, 1993: 238-239. Dorfman, R. and P.O. Steiner. "Optimal Advertising and Optimal Quality." American Economic Review 44,l(1954):826-836. GiacoUni, E. California Prune Industry Report, International Prune Association Conference, May 24, 1993. Goddard, E.W. and A. Tielu. "Assessing the Effectiveness of Fluid Milk Advertising in Ontario." Canadian Jour- nal of Agricultural Economics 36(1 988) :261 -278. Goddard, E.W. and M.L. McCutcheon. "Optimal Producer Investment in Generic Advertising: The Case of Fluid Milk in Ontario and Quebec." Canadian journal of Agricultural Economics 41(1993):329-347. 66 Goddard, E.W., G.R. Griffith and J.J. Quilkey. "Optimal Advertising Investment Decisions." Guelph: Depart- ment of Agricultural Economics and Business, University of Guelph, AEB 92/05, November 1992 (revised April 1994). Green, R.D., H.F. Carman and K. McManus. "Some Empirical Methods of Estimating Advertising Effects in Demand Systems: An AppUcation to Dried Fruits." Western Journal of Agricultural Economics 16(July 1991):63- 71. Information Resources, Inc. (IRI), Infoscan Grocery Markets: Data on Fruit Juices and Dried Fruits from July 1992 to August 1996, as provided by Sun-Diamond Growers of California, Pleasanton, Calif. International Monetary Fund, International Financial Statistics, Washington, D.C., monthly reports from July 1992 to January 1997. Keeble, Don. Burke Market Research's written testimony from 1992 California Prune Board public hearing, as provided by California Prune Board, Pleasanton, Calif. Lindauer, K. California Prune Industry Report, International Prune Association Conference, May 24, 1993. Maddala, G.S. Introduction to Econometrics, Second Edition. New York: Macmillan Publishing Company, 1992. Nerlove, M. and F.V. Waugh. "Advertising without Supply Control: Some Implications of a Study of the Adver- tising of Oranges." Journal of Farm Economics 43(1961 ):813-837. Nielsen Marketing Research statistics as provided by the California Prune Board, various years. Peterson, R. Californian Marketing & Advertising Report, 1994. Piggott, N.E., J.A. Chalfant, J.M. Alston, and G.R. Griffith. "Demand Response to Advertising in the Austrahan Meat Industry." American Journal of Agricultural Economics 78(May 1996): 268-279. Prescott, R. Charts on U.S. Food Consumption. USDA/ERS, February 1983. Prune Administrative Committee, Marketing Policy Report, various reports covering 1964-1986. Prune Administrative Committee, The California Prune Industry Marketing Program, various reports covering 1947-1965. Ramsey, J.B. "Tests for Specification Error in Classical Linear Least Squares Regression Analysis." Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series B 31,1(1969):350-371. Sunsweet Growers. Monthly Advertising and Merchandising Expenses, budgets covering fiscal years 92/92 to 95/96. Thorogood, "The Impact of Price on UK Market Size." Report to California Prune Board, June 1994. United States Department of Agriculture (USD A), Agricultural Statistics, Washington, D.C., various years. USDA Agricultural Marketing Service. How Dried Prunes are Marketed, Bulletin No. 68, 1979. USDA Economic Research Service. Food Consumption, Prices, and Expenditures, 1970-94. Statistical Bulletin No. 928, 1996. U.S. Department of Commerce, Statistical Abstract of the United States 1995, Washington, D.C., issued September 1995. White, H. "A Heteroskedasticity-Consistent Covariance Matrix Estimator and a Direct test for Heteroskedasticity." Econometrica 48(1980):817-838. White, K.J., S.A. Haun, N.G. Horsman, and S.D. Wong. SHAZAM Econometrics Computer Program: User's Refer- ence Manual, Version 6.2. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1990. 67 68 GIANNINI FOUNDATION RESEARCH REPORT SERIES The Giannini Foundation Research Report Series (ISSN 0899-3068) is designed to communicate re- search to specific professional audiences interested in applications. The first Research Report was issued in 1961 as No. 246, continuing the numbering of the Giannini Foundation Mimeographed Report Series which the Research Report replaced. The Giannini Foundation's goal is to encourage research in the various areas of interest to agricultural economists and to support the dissemination of research findings to other researchers and to the public. Foundation membership includes agricultural economists at the Department of Agricultural and Re- source Economics, Davis and at the Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics, Berkeley. As- sociate members include forestry economists in the College of Natural Resources, Berkeley and econo- mists in Soil and Environmental Sciences at Riverside. Copies of this Research Report may be ordered from Agriculture and Natural Resource Publications, 6701 San Pablo Avenue, Oakland, CA 94608. Exchanges of similar materials are welcome. 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