ilHIiiiiiliiiillllillJiili^iil; Ex Ltbris C. K. OGDEN PROPRIETY ASCERTAINED IN HER P I C T U R E ; O R, INGLISH SPEECH and SPELLING RENDERED MUTUAL GUIDES, Bv JAMES E L P H I N S T O N. V O L L U M E I. Ilic eii'im eft ufiis liierarum, 7ti cujlodlant voces ; et veliiti depojitum reddaiit Ifycntlius, QuiNTiL. Inft. Orat. DHE USE OF LETTERS IZ To' TREZZURE WORDS, AND RETURN DHE DEPOZZIT TO' DHE READER. LONDON: PRINTED BY JON WALTER, BLACFRIARS. iTso AzEh r 0' B H E KING, S I R, A UGUSTUS found lilz Language ripe for ImmortalUty: hlz fmiles bade Roman Lerning afcertain Propriety in her Pi6lure. A Leo's goolden days gave rizing Tempels to' ring widh hightened harmony ; gave, not onely a Ra- pJiael to' paint, but a Vida to' fing. Reviving Art and Science danced down hand in hand. Lewis, follering ii. D E D D I C A C I O N. fofterlno- Genius, and foiindlns Acaddemles, rendered France dhe admiraclon ov dhe World, and her Language dhe Dicclon ov it. YooR Mad'jesty, emmulous nolesov preceding, dhan ov contemporary Glory ; and finding Glory, onely in dhe improovment ov mankind ; haz dained, not merely by pattronage ov dhe iub- limeft Muzic, and by dhe inflitucion ov a Brittilli Acaddemy, to' raiz rivals to' dhe moaft excpizite ArtiUs ov Anticquity ; but, by fixing Inglilli Speech in Ingliili Orthoggraphy, to' fecure dhe unfading lutler ov Truith, and dhe unfailing fucceflion ov a Horrace, a Boileau, and a Pope. If an umbel individdual haz prezumed to' at- tempt a task, hiddherto' held arduous for Acad- demies ; DEDDICACION. 111. demies ; he hopes for pardon, onely az he llial be found to' hav performed it : nor wll, i nfuch cafe, dhe Smile be regretted, hwich conflitutes him, widh fo dutifool venneracion, S I R, Yoor Madjesty's moafl: devotedly zellous, az peculiarly onnored, Servant ; James Elphinston. LONDON, April 6, 1786. PREFFACE. T? V V E R Y tung iz independant ov evveiy oddher. Hooevver feeks dhe anallogy (or nattural rule) ov annv tuns:, muft dherfore find it at home : nor wil dhe feeker feek In vahi. Inghlh diccion dhen haz no laws, but her own. Yet, in her pi£turage, and confequentlv in much ov her livving practice ; hav anny oddher laws, or anny lawlelnes, been prefferably regarded. No more can anny language adopt dhe fyftem ov anny oddher ; dlian anny nacion, dhe hoal pollity ov anoddher nacion : for fuch adopter wer no more a dillinft nacion or lan- guage ; wer but a mongrel, or an eccoe. Languages indeed, az nacions, howevver indepen- dant, becom recipprocally illuftrated by tokens ov pro- pinquity. Anceftors ar vennerabel, dho dheir authorri- ty be paft ; and coliatterals chear, by mutual illumina- a cion. 11 P R E F F A C F. clon. Nedher dims efTencial, badges ov boath \\W re- main ; hwile ^/zrz//oo^ precedes, by her own domellic laws. Dezirous hevvertheles ov grattlfving, a^ ^vel az ov garding, Rttymollogy (or traceabcl orrigin) ; flie la- bors to' doo boath, az far az nitelliglbel repprezentacion can admit. But, firft, dhe charge ov innovacion, widli dhat ov inconfiftence, muft recoil on dhoze, hoo fla- vifhly recurring to' raddical and incompattibel fymbols, hav latterly rejected manny juft piftures, drawn for Inglifh words, on dheir impoartacion ; and difguized dheze, az nearly az poffibel, in dhe lliroud ov dheir progennitors. Dhus did moov and proov impoart dhe effence (dropping dhe terminacion) ov monvoir and prou" ver. O and oo, differing onely az direft and depreffive ; and fo being, ov old, promifcuoufly repprezented ; move and prove came to' be dhe more poppular pictures ; efpefcially widh dhoze, hoo, knowing no more dhe de- fcent, dhan dhe dezert, ov dhe children ; took movere and prohare^ to' be dhe immediate parents. Az furely did Inglifli pidu rage, 'two hundred years ago, infert dhe fervile, in fourm or foorjn^ now duly foarm^ dhe bench ; and more lately, in hoajl^ ov hwat- ewer idea ; az rejefl: anny fervile from dhe prior part ov whcrfore (ment hwerfore) and Shahfpere, now Shahjpear\ JJjake P R E F F A C E. IIL JJjake zxA "where (h-were), now hware^ being az much out ov dhe queftlon, ^z forme ox forma^ hofi and hojle (after- •vyards ojl^ and hole for ote) ; az hojlie, hojiia, or hofpes. In dhe reign ov Truith, ear and eye obeyed her. Ne- dher thaught^ braught^ nor anny oddher aught ; more dlian jail^ perfwade, ^Jfa^^^i or futtel^ had yet begun to' confound rime and rezon, widh dhe appearance ov; ought ^ thought y brought ; gaol or goal, perfuade, ajjuage, fubtle, and dheir fellow-falfifiers. Nay, az, haz, tvaz^ iz and hiz had dhe rezzolucion to' be feen, az wel az herd, in Queen Ehzzabeths days. For it waz, and ev- ver wil be, dhe firlf axiom ov Orthoggraphy : A PICTURE MUST REFLECT ITS ORIDGINAL. In oddher words : Orthoggraphy iz dhe mirror ov Or- thoeppy ; propper immage, ov propper found. On dhis principel, Anallogy, dhe confittent queen ov tungs ; ov each in itfelf, and ov all widh each oddher ; muil adapt," by ehzzion, infercion, or chainge ; hwatevver ilie brings into' anny diccion, to' dhe precife repprezentacion ov dhe found flie iz dhare to'' convey;' widhout regard edher to' founds, or' to' fymbols ; dhat may, or may not, h'av belonged to' parent, or collatteral, tungs. • orifljoevf J 'i:w 'oJ c jd. oir a s^" nrJh ,^;;:, Som IV P R E F FACE. SoM principels miift be common to' human language : but each language haz a fyftem ov her own. Certain dkcions, like dhe Greek, uzing but won power ov an af- pirate ; hav no need ov more dhan won pi(5ture. Few (if anny) moddern tungs, befide our own, enjoy dhe dental afpirate at all. Dhe Inglifh, widh dhe French, haz loft dhe guttural. In compenfacion ov dhat unre- gretted afpirate, hwich dhe aincicnts pozeffed, at leaii in won power ; dhe modderns hav acquired an art dheir pa- rents knew not (or knew dhey needed not) ; ov afpira- ting, fom barely (az dhe French) dhe filken fibbilacion ; oddhers (az dhe Itallian) prefixing dhe dry dental, to' dhat afpirate ; and fom (az dhe Inglifli) dooing boath ; in dhe founds ow Jh, and ^JIj ; zb, and ciz/j. If not evvery diccion hav depreffive afpirates ; and, if no oddher hav had occazion to' dubbel dhem ; certain it iz dhat Ing- lifli fpeech dubbels, (dhat iz, repeats) az wel az de- prelTes, evvery won ov its afpirates ; dhe labial, dhe dental, and dhe fibbilating. Notthing, dherfore, can juftify our continnuing to' diffembel a facculty, hwich we prezerv in fo ampel a manner, and in fo conftant a pradtice. Shal we fee (and fee we muft) /of, laffing ; €of, coffing ; widh Jiuf, Jiuffing ; ///, fiiffer, Jiiffen, and dhe reft ? and flial we hezzitate to' write, hwat we can no more forbair to' read, dhan to' fpeak ; hav^ hawing ; liv PREFFACE. .V Ih, IhviMg, livved, livver, or dhe like ? Shal we fay and i^Qffi, fifrer, and fijfure ; threflj^ threp?er ; pres, prejure, azure Tindifeizure {pifezure)f and fhal^/^^, hwichiz it- felf pleze^ make us fonder ov feing pleafure^ dhan ov feeling plezzure ^ Or doo plaifir, loifir, trcfor and me- fure^ command dhe Inglifli eye to' enjoy pleafure, Ica- fure or leifure, treafure and meafure ; hware dhe ear haz fuch titel to' claim dhe reallities ov plezzure^ lezzure, trezzure and mezzure f Som doo affedt dhe found ov lezure ; but dhey ar few, and dhoze few doo but affeft it. To' edher interrogacion, muft dhe anfer be negga- tive. Dhe dental afpirate we enjoy beyond anny oddher nacion (perhaps aincient or moddern), in all dhe plenni- tude ov its dubbel emiffion. We hav newer, like dhe Greeks, hoo had it but in won power, nexured it in won picture : nor hav we dhe fame rezon widh dhe Lattins, dho dhey had dhe fame rezon widh dhe Greeks, to' uze onely a direct combinacion. Unconfined az iz dhis af- pirate, to' anny peculiar fymbol ; if th compound dhe di- reft, dh muft compound dhe depreffive : dhe dental af- pirate being indeed no oddher dhan dhe dental mute, in edher power, affuming dhe afpiracion. Far dherfore from offering anny apollogy for prezenting dhe depref- five, az wel az dhe direft, dental afpirate ; won cannot but blufh dhat dhis, and fo much more ov dhe pidurage in It vi P R E F F A C E. in dhis work, fliood be at wonce demonftratlve and new. Anallogy howevver being dhe gennerous gardian, not jeilous rival ov Ettjmollogy, wil exterminate no raddical, dhat endaingers not dlie found ; offer no infertive,, un- les prooyed indifpenfabel ; nor propoze anny ehainge, be- fide dhe demonftrably recquizite, for dhe prezzervacion and promocion ov our tung. Graiter conceffions Orthog- graphy cannot make to' Orrigin ; hoo, to' Language az to' Man, iz a forrain power. And fuch dhe French Acaddemy held her : elfe had not yet been fcttelled on fo happy principels, dhat indepeudant pi£ture, hwich af- certaining, diffuzes dhe French language. Scarce a cen,- tury haz pall fince cfoge,, iJJe, me/me, vifcomte, iftf'^, ejioile, efchole, became univerfally ^ge^ iUy meme^ vi- comte, etre, etoile, ecole ; and dhe like : az dhe century preceding had exploded recepte^ debtee doubie, vouite^ faulle ; for dhe true and unalterabel recctiCy dette^ doute, "JoutCj faute. ; and dhe reft. Dhe Italilan Acaddernif- cians had fet dhe exampel ; and rcndered ,^hei eldeft daughter ov dhe Lattin tung, confillent and communica- tive az her parent. Dhey fixed her Qrthoggraphy, ber yond dhe power ov ehainge ; and went immediately far- dlier, dhan even dhe French hav yet been aba! tp' . follQ>y[. Inglilli P R K F F A C F. Vll Inglllli Oithoggraphy muft pas like firy trial ; happy, if llie can (o furvive it ! Hers ar dhe felf-fame ennemies, and hers dhe lame inteteft to' overthrow dhem. Hers alfo dhe fame aid, even dhat ov Anallogy ; reziilles in our cauz, az in anny oddher. Dhe obftinacy ov Pre- fcripcion muft itfelf guiv way ; Ettymollogy's aw mufl flv before her. So flial Inghdi rezon be efiabbhihed in Inghfli hbberty ; our language flial proov acceffibel, az Ihe iz accompliHied ; hwen accompliihed in appearance, az flie iz in reallity. So ilial dhe purity ov our fpeech be prezerved by dhe truith ov her pitlure ; and irref- fragabel theory be, at length, carried into' univerfal practice. Languages, howevver defcended, or allied ; becom fepparate and independant, az nacions. A rafcional trav- veller vizzits oddher, even parent, contries ; chiefly, for dhe bennefit ov hiz own. But he goes not promifcuoufly to' colleft evvery novvelty, or anticquity, he finds. Hiz candor difcov\'ers manny things indifpenfabel to' v/on httuacion, dhat ar incompattibel widh anoddher. But Rezon he fees common to' mankind. He marks her attencion in evvery clime or community, to' dhe improovments and enaccions, dhe law^s and cuftoms, dhat refpeftively fuit it. Admiring dhus abraud certain par- 3 ticculars Vlll P R E F F A C E. ticculars, hwich dhe fame Rezon denies him to' bring iiome ; he doz howevver, by her fool confent and kind ciiltivacion, bring home dhat fpirrit az tafte ov devizing, promoting, and perfetting, hwatevver may improov hiz particciilar contry ; dho he may not, perhaps cannot, hav found dhat identic improovment in anoddher ; but hwich he knows (fi-om hwat he haz feen) oddher contries wood hav pozelTed and praftifed, had dhey equally required or admitted it. Dhe fame iz dhe Traweller into' fbrrain languages, az into' forrain contries ; dhe chief end ov vizziting boath, l)eing dhe improovment ov dhe native. He perceivs manny things genneral, nor a few peculiar. Far from attempting to' impoart dheze, or perverfely to' retain dhem, if miftakenly impoarted ; he doz impoart dhe tatte he haz richly improo\^ed, from hiz wel-erned knolleg'e ov oddher tungs ; and, widh dhe tafte, dhe fpirrit ov dooing juftice to' each, az ov drawing dhence refpeftive- ly, among numberles advantages, dhat ov rendering his own language, in unborrowed buty, admirabel az her fillers, perhaps matured before her ; nor dhe les, pofii- blv dhe more, dheir fbrmidabel rival.. IPEL M U P R E F F A C E, ix Idel wer it to' repeat, dhat, languages being diilinft az nacions ; dhe conftitucion ov aiiny won, aincient or nioddern, can newer pretend dhe fmallefl authorrity, or influence over anny oddher. Brittdin waz pepelled from Gaul ; K.ut dhe Gauls cood nevs^er be Brit ions. Dhe Brittifh language fp rung from Gaulic or Celtic, and Teu- tonnic ; from French, Spannifli, Itallian, Lattin, and Greek ; iz no more annv won, ov dhoze languages ; dhan dhe Brittons ar Celts; Teutons, or anny oddher ov dheir progennitors. No language dherfore, az no pepel ; can bair dhe repprezenta<:ion, more dhan dhe reallity, ov anoddher ; or be amenabel to' laws, hwich it cood nev- ver know. HwEN dhe efTence ov a language (hwlch iz its com- plete lyftem ov found) iz braught by rafcional nature, in dhe foolnes ov tim.e, to' maturity ; it becoms dhe duty ov man to' perform hiz part (dhe fole part, widh hwich he iz entrufted) in dhe afcertainment ov human fpeech ; dhat ov firft invelHgating from dhe pureft livving practice, dhe hoal fyltem ov real or audibel propriety in hiz lan- guage ; and dhen ov repprezenting dhat propriety, bv dhe moall expreffive i'^^^m ov litterary fymbols ; to to' pltfture fpeech, az nearly az poffibel, in dhe exaft ftate ov perfecclon ihe may hav attained : dhat dhus he may b proppagate X P R E F F A C E. proppagate abraiid, az wel az perpettuate at home, dhe purity, he haz been at length fo happy to' compas ; may fecure ahke dhe purified language from relapfing into' barbarlfm, and from degennerating into' corrupcion ; may raiz her to' her jull rank among polliQied k^lguages, hwlle he renders her dhe wordhy vehikel ov hiz nacions wlzdom and attainments, to' remoteft ages. SoM wll fay (for hwat wil not fom fay ?) ' All chalnges ar daingerous, dherfore non iliood be made.' Dhis may, mull, hav always been faid ; it iz obvious, by hoom. Yet chalnges dlfgracefool, no les dhan daingerous, hav been infenlibly, often abfurdly, made dheze two centu- ries pad ; hwile dhe chalnges, indlfpenfabel to' Trulth, hav contlnnued edher dredded, or unknown. Language indeed iz too much dhe glory, to' be dhe work, ov man. He made no more hiz founds, dhan his organs : dhat iz, no man, or fet ov men, devized human fpeech, or con- trived dhe fmallcll: found ov it. Man, following Nature, promotes and perfcts harmony. Hwen he finds dhat, by hiz attentive coopperacion, dho unaffumed inftru- mentalllty, hiz Lan^uao-e haz attained her fummit ; it dhen becoms hiz provvince to' preclude, if he can, fardher chainge : nor can fuch precluzion be effe, Scott ijh. So ar milch, hatch, and branch, merely rniljlj, hatJJj, and branJJj ; but for dheir duteous regard to pa- rents ! hweddher domeftic,. az.' ;;z//;^ and hake; or for- rain, az branches Dho dhe Inglifh archbisJJjop, archduke, or dhe like, be fool az moddern az dhe French archevique, archiditc, and dhe reft; Ingliili Anallogy, not hawing fo gennerally moddernized dhe afpirate before dhe melters [e or i), az dhe French haz don ; muft dhare prezerv, hwen unafpi^ rating, dhe limpel mute in dhe unfoftening figgure (Ji). If not even dhe French hav moddernized choeur, orcheftre, archetype, archiepifcopal, chiromance or chtromancie ; and fo hav to'paint dhe remaining founds qucur, orqicejlre^ arquetype, arquiepifcopal, quiromance or quiromancie ; no les fairly muft dhe Inglifti adapt dhe pictures ov coir^ orkejlra, arketype^ arkiepifcopol,.kirromancy.. French anallogy fecures, before dhe fofteners, dhe moddern power in the old picture, ov proppers precifely ? PROPRIETY ASCERTAINED az commons : not more ov chjle^ ch'untfte^ chimere^ archU teBe, or monarchie ; dhan ov Chiron^ Achille^ Acheron^ or Antioche. On equal principel dhen az dhe French hear, and fee, Caron and Chiron^ catecumene and catechijte ; wil dhe IngUfli (in thne) fee, az dhey hear, kyle-, kjmmift (or kemniift) kimerat arkiteB, monnarky, and Antioc : fo catecumen and catekift ; Caron^ Kiron^ widh Akilles^ Acheron^ and dhe reft. After dhe exampel ov dhe French cheruhin, hav dhe Inorhlli moddernized cherruh and cherruhim : nor can BrittUli chhvahy yield to' dhe parent chevalerie. Chi-, rurgie^ chirurgien and chirurgique did produce re- fpefti^'ely our chimrgeon, chirurgery and chirurglc or chirurgical; hwich hav meked the guttural afpirate into' dhe fmipel fibbilacion mfurgeon-,furgery ; and now even ftirgic ox fuigical feems expelhng kirurgk or kirurgical. From paroijfe waz formed our parriJJj ; but from dhe old paroch^ parochial^ now herd (and hw}^ not feen ?) parokial. Dhe French fchifme and fchif matt que, can ne\'^■er fanccion dhe IngUlh fchifm and fchifmatic ^ for y^i?./;^ and fizmatic ; more dhan ceclule and cifeaux (or dheir feeming parents, fchedula and fcijjarid) can pretend to authorize y(:/6^c/«/(? and fciJfarSy for ceddule and cizzars. From Scaldis came TLfchauld (hnce Echaui) hwence dhe Scheldt^ truly tlie *S'if /(3^ ; but ef quiver (if ev^^er it waz efchiver or efchever) iliood long are now hav tranf- mitted I N H E R. P I C TU R E'. , mitted dke appearance widh dhc reallity ov ejkevi}. Scheme and fchirro7-(s^ in Inglilli dres, muft appear Jkeme ^w^Jkirrous. Dhe raddical i;, between c and a lie- quid, may indulge dhe ettymolodgic eye ; widhout vio- lating dhe ear ov Anallogy : az Chronus and Chloe can be but Cronus and Cloe. A French reformer did propoze dhe tranipozifcion, or interchainge, ov dhe feccond and third letters in chaos : hwich waz but exchainging won dainger for anoddher. CahoSj hazzarding (raddher offering) an independant afpi- racion, prezents doutles fomhwat caottic : caos paints dhe edher (French or Inglilh) defcendant ov the aincient chaos. If dhe dirc£l guttural afpirate be loft, ftil les cood dhe depreilive remain. Dhis power indeed waz hardly in na- ture ; dho, in evvery fittuacion, its pi£lure may be found. Hware ufefool or toUerabel, it muft be prezerved or tol- lerated ; az we ftial hav due occazion to' fee. Nedher can it be (prezerved nor toUeratcd) in dhe beguinning ; az in ghojiy ghajily and aghajl ; hwich, hwatevver dhey hav been, can no more appear (widhout terrifying), but in dhe lliape ov goajl^ glft{y ^i"^^ ^S^J^^ 2. after r. Dhe Greeks thaught dhe ruf llcquid attra£led, or pozelled almoaft inherent, afpiracion. Dhe French'^re- B ceived to p R O P" R IE t Y' A S 6 E R T- "A I NED ceived it for a time, in few befide rbap/odie, rhetoriquey rhinoceros ; myrrhe and catarrhe ; hwich tranfmitted dhe Inglifh rhapfody^ rhetoric, rhinoceros , inyrrh and ca- tarrh. Rhythme and rhyme hav boath paft into' rime ; and fhal not rheum, or rhume, com edher Greekly into* reum, or Frenchly into' rumef Anallogy, howevver, foon frowned the idel brilller from won tung ; nor cood ewer fmile upon it in dhe oddher. Proppers ar often dhe laH: in propriety ; yet rapfody, rettoric, rinofceros, 7nyr and catar, wil no fooner (or not much fooner) hav dhus acquired dhe {impel buty ov Truith, than dhe Rine and dhe Rone, Reims, Rodes and Rode-iland, Pyrrus and Biirrus, Pyf-fa nnd Myrra, widh their fellows, wil be proud to'emmulate dhe fimplifcity. 3. after t. • Dhe French hawing no dental afpirate, its appearance "in lhym,-thon, or lloomd-s, affefts not dhe found ; az it rnio-ht in dhe Ingliih thyme, thunny, or T'homas ; for fyme, tunny, and 'Tommos. Dlio apothicaire, in apoti- cair^, haz juftly dropt dhe unpradlifed afpiracion ; hiz Brittilh ofspring, dhus by nature apot'tec-ary, difdaining at wonce hiz orrigin-and hi'z ellence, wilnoAV be notthing les dhan a Greek apotthecary, widh dhe fool afpirate, in In dilh duplicacion ; hwich he glories to' find dhat Brit- tons, az wel az Greeks, can command. Yet dhis power fi6 won attempts to' e^ert, in favor ov 'idhd no Its oridgi- riJIy <^teek Thomas, Theob-ald', Catherine and Dorothy } hoo t i. CI .:: : [ xn .H:3E ji; p i c: T :^-R\Kc ■ : i n»i hoo wil howevver be aas nitjeh fafer az onnefter, w'ulh dhe iimpel mute WL::^QmtmSy ^ebbm'ld^ Gatt&pms^ vinA .J^wrofJ^K hwicK ifta}! be pqiiadly^pX^^ddieated oy Bet hune ;(ii\ ^(?f/m^^-,aml dhfe like French a^mes. Xu'dhe Inglifli ik chr.Tkmn^f., and Scotch" toim.ty oy t^aijbnts'i dhefal- iifiei; iz eq^mU-y. pernifctQus. Th^Mes,-.^ like , ^hojtjGSy, haz •hiddherto' hugged dliQ.dedn raddicai,?,/hM?ich:" kk parent Tame-,rM\^. pcttyitTtv-?^^ hluxfelfj-feem jfcjuailj. Eke %om^ to'difdain.j'i/iat . nil lavravj: Dhe, French cHphthanpts^m\K%'^\^A^<>\^iQo\ az, it muft hmphfy dhe dental, afpirate./ Dhe Ingiiih ' diphV thongs on dhe contrary, fimplihes. c\hc labial ;,,foollv emit- ting the dental afpirate,., in dipthong. Like harmony renders dhe hoal prior afpirate e^"^•anefcent, and dhe g more dhan fupei-fluoiis, '" in dlie Inglilli apophthegm ; hwich can be hxit crppothe/n,. vcl Phthia U:)ia : dho liAvat liaz been caught briftling in phthifiCy muft be by Truith exliibbited, az by Rezon red, plain tizz-ic. Demojlhenes deceivs not by hiz afpirate ; hwich, aftier .dhe fibbila- cion, can emit no more dhan dhe limpel dental ; az if Demojlenes ; hwile Pojiwnus dhe propper name,, and pojiumous dhe IngliAi adjefliive, like dhe Lattin fuper- lative, hwence dhey boath fpring ; hav no afpiracion to' drop. Dhe lopper ov redundance muft not ad, dhat Lat- tin newer knew fuch a word az pojihumu's ■; confequent- ly, dhat poor pojlhumous may be a terrae-fiius^ but no oddher way a child ov dhe ground. ■ .'iDy<\ ' y.v.nd \ B 2 ;^'i\^n\h '{his verfe, like a gallopper, fwallows dhe ground : Or dhe verfe Annapejlic difplajs dhe rebound. So od, yet fo even, iz won fpecies ov dhe old Annapef- tic ; dhat it may edher be varied into a fort ov ftanza, or reduced to' dhe round ov Pyrric, Spondee : hence not unaptly I N H E R P I C T U R E. ^3 unaptly named lonicus h mi nor e, progrcilivc from dhe. les (Hor. III. xii.) But^ all moddern languages being llri£tly lubjeft to' alternacion, InglHli Dadyl and An- napeftar equally rezolvabel Into^ a Trokee and a half; a ftronger and weaker, or weaker and ftronger extreme. Dhus it iz, diiat dignity and underjland., eqiiallv introduce to' a dubbel Trokee, in dignitary and underjlanding. If dhen dhe fires (or enfoarcement) be dhe hinge ov harmony, llial we not endevvor to' command it ? If dhe fires be az apt to' Ihut dhe vowel, az dhe iliut vowel to' fliow dhe llres ; Ihal boaih continnue inacceffibel, raddher dhan Ihow dhe Ihuttei", dhat afcertains dhem ? Inglilh Orthoeppy and Orthoggraphy hav experienced no \iolacion fo genneral az dhat, hwich mull arize from dhe privvilege claimed by Ettymollogy, ov prezenling arti- culacion fmgucl, if its forrain parent waz fmguel ; how- ewer dubbel may be itfelf. Dhis claim, les or more re garded in dhe yet-forming pifturage ov all deriv^-ative dialects ; haz propoarcionably impeded dheir due rcpprc- zentacion ; til each cam 3 to' repprezent onely herfelf, on finding herfelf alone in queftion. Hwen a language haz, like ours, at length attained her maturity, flie muft fix and follow her own fepparate fyftem ; hwich, fir from difclaiming all defcent, wil fecure defcent forrain widh domeftic. Im our dadyllian diccion, hware fo frequently won flrong lyllabel iz followed, not onely by won abfolutely febel ; but by anoddher fo inferiorly ftrong, dhat boath ar comparratively febel ; dhe antepenultijnate 'Vozvel (or laft E Init ,34 PROPRIETYASCERTAINED but two) iz apt to be Jlrong \ and' JJjtit^ if articuhcioit follow ; dho onneft Ettymollogy, hoo hears onely widk her eyes, and knows no child but m dhe parent ; haz. hiddherto' infifted, almoafi: widhout denial, on feing dhe vowel flil open, and dhe fucceding articulacion ftrl fin- guel, az flie continnues to' fee dhem in dhe Lattin lan- guage. Dhis may be ezily exemplified in evvery articu- lacion, and in ewery clas ov poUyfyllabels. Dhe con- traft llrikes at wonce ear and eye, in annihilate, exhi- larate^ charity, ferenity, fuhlimity ; apathy, ehony ; gra— titude, adamant ; fycophant, aqueduBj. agony,. Dub- bel iz dhus dhe direft fibbilacion, az in capacity, rujiici- ty, velocity ; fo in curiofity, philofophy, philofopher, and' dhe like. Yet dubbel iz dhe depreffive, az in Lazarus or Azimuth, fo in pofiiive and compojitor, vifihle and' J^ifigoth, inquifitive, and hefitate, Ifidore and Ifabel^.. widh dheir fellows. Vertually dherfore dhev ar, and vertuoufly mutt appear, ^/z77//j/6/7«./£' (dho fom, from feing,. doo {-Aj annihilate) exhillarate-, charrity,ferennity,fuhlim- mity ; appathy, ehhony , grattitude, addamant , Jyccophant,, acquechiB, aggony.. So capafcity,. rujitjcity, I'elojcity ; curi- ojfity, philojfophy, philosopher ;, widh Lazzarits, Azzimuth,^ pozziti'ue, compozzitor ; vizzihel, Vizzigoth ; inquizzi-- tive, hezzitate ; Izzidore, Izzahel, and dhe reft. Won law rules dhe fimpels and dhe alpirates. Dhus prophefy and prophecy (dhe verb opening always, dhe noun on poettic occazion, dhe final vowel into' dhe dipthong) ; gravity and levity, every and livery, Atheljlati and Ethelred, treachery and tragedy, majejly and magijlrate : all really (and hwy not repprezentedly ?) fliut dhe ftrong antepe- nultimate, in propphejy and propphecy (if not J^^ p^'ofify and I N H E R P r e T U R £, ' 35 mid profecv) ;^ravvhy, levvlfj ; e^'ve-jy, livverj; Atthel- Jian^ Etthelred ; tr'etchery ; tradgedy ; madjejly^ madgi- Jirate ; and fo on.. Hence It iz, dhat v'll'e^ {^'p^-, or nature^ ar not followed In vocallitv by dhe hlddherto' apparent vilify, ^Jp^3'r '^'^" tural ; hwich, not being dheir formatives, but equallv primmiti\e, fubmit to' antepenultimate power, and ihut dhe ftrong vowel in dhe real villify, ijppify, nattu • ral^ widh dhe like. An immediate and litteral formative prezervs no les natturally dhe vowel (unchainged). ov its root. Dhe open vo'.vcl ov note remains dherfore in ?iO' iahd^ dhat may be noted ; dhus diilin6i: from notta- bel (dhe primmitive and figgurative) dhat mull: be fo. Dho dhe diilvllabels, alien and various^ hav dheir prior vowel open and llrong ; dhe trilTyllabels allienate and varriegate (fquczing alfo dhe weak vowels into' <:oalifcion) ihut duly dhe ftrong antepenultimate. Yet amiahel may edher dilate into' a tetrafyllabel (a word ov four fyllabels) or melt dhe medial vowels into' coalef- cence ; and becom a triilyllabel, without lliutting dhe flrft, dho dhe ftrongeft vowel. So, az u doz not fliut by antepenultimate foarce, witnes j^z^i'/vVy or accuzative ; it re- mains equally open in conjlitucion and conjlitucional ; nor les dhe emphattic o, in 'devocion^ devocionaL Open iz dhus dhe ftrong vowel, az in purify^ fo in glorify^ adorahel^ deplorabel, potahel, placabel, capahel^ in iro- ny^ ivory ^ library ; horary ; in votary ^ notary , potentate^ az in vote^ jiote^ and potent ; az in ice, in icikel and izinglas. No wonder if ?iice, f'^^-, fecret, and favor command nicety^ finery ^.vAfnary^fecrecy^ 2CAd. favorite. E 2 Nedher 35 PROPRIETY ASCERTAINED Nedher haz dlie ennergy lliut dhe firfl vowel ov aprtcoc, hwich fom ar fond to' name apricot^ in politenes to' dhe parent ahricot ; dho artichoke be no fuch pliant plant ov artichaut. Proppers, being les familliar, demand precife pic- ture more dhan common terms. Nor widhout dhe ap- pearance can dhe reallity be known, in Polljdore, Beller^ rophon^ Ahinnoam^ Ahitthophel^ yehosJJjaphat ; more dhan in pollitic, or poJitlic and polittical ; herretic, and herettic or herettlcal ; in f?272ical, dim'innict'rce^ and fo on. Dhe parents Polydore, PoIycio?'us, or BeUerophon, far from precluding, enforce dhe lov ov truith, by dhe refilHes power ov exampel ; fo Marie la bonne, or Mary dhe boon (hwen boon waz fynonnymous to' good) prevents not Natures opperacion in dhe name ov dhe fuburb Marri- bone ; hwich muft, but in dhe niceft difcriminacion ov dhe febel vowel, coincide widh marrozvbone. NoTTHiNG, dherfore, not even Ettymollogy, can lon- ger obilru<5l dhe prezzentacion ov truith to' dhe eye, more dhan to' dhe ear ; hweddher in dhe open or dhe fliut vowel, dhe finguel or dhe dubbel confonant. Etty- mollogy haz alreddy feen (and feen wel-plezed) certain duplicacions, which flie had always onnored in paren- tal diccions, Dubbel dherfore (or repeated) by birth az wel az breeding, iz dhe chief articulacion ovy^r/Z/W)/ and fallibel, terrify and terrihel (horribel narrative I) affabel^ tnefabel\ ftannarj, fcammonv, appetite, attitude-, irritate, aggravate ; adjutant, adjeBive ; irajcibel, pojfibel ; necef- I K II E R P 1 C T U R E. ■ 37 fuy^ necejjitate ; fujcitate^ fafclnate^ evifcerate, and od- dhers. It cannot hence be imadgincd, dhat c (liwlch waz dhe Lattin k) fibbilated in dhe firft parents. Manny (even moddern) parents indeed, in won contry, hav liv- ved to' fee dheir children in anoddhcr ; dhe more wordhy dheir defcent, and dhe more confpiccnoufly rezembling dheir ancellors ; dhat, hke dliem, dhe deicendants main- tained lieredditary rectitude, and alTumed no fcmblancc but dheir own. Dhus ar pilori, galericy loterie^ cotigriac^ apanage^ ouragan, proud ov dheir equally onnorabel and obviouily undegennerate ofspring, pillory, gallery ^ lottery^ quiddeny^ appanage^ hurricane. But old EttymoUogy,, having unfortunately no acquaintance widh moddern tungs, or widh anny thing later dhan Lattin ; comforts herfelf for feccondary loffcs, hwich fne cood nedhcr pre- vent nor forefee ; hwen Ihe contemplates dhe ftrenrth ov dhe chains, dhat hav fo manny ages enilavcd dhe Ingliilx language ; and hwich die fmiles to' think llil more cUiaii fuffifcient to' perpettuate dhe thraldom. A word ov four fyllabels^ flrong on dhe fii-fl, iz apt- alfo by dhe ftrength, to' Ihut dhe vowel ; nor les nattti- 'rally apt to' iliow dhe fliutter ; hwich, by dhe fucceflive benefficence ov Truith, recipprocally Ihows dhe llres, or iittuacion ov vocal ennersv. Dhus doo aUiment. die- j}ient, ferraphim, fufcitate^ prefferertce^ irrezil^ibly lead to allitnental and allimony, ellemental, ccrrcmonv, ncf- cejfary, prefferahel^ and dhe like : hwich tetralVllabels, by dhe nattural law ov alternacion, or ov mutually confe- quencial foarce and febelnes, muft conlVitute each a dub- bel Trokee. Dhe alternate dhen before, llil more dhan ^ dhat 38 PROPRIETY ASCERTAINED dhat after dhe ftrongeft vowel (it being czier to' antifcipate ennergy dhan to' recovver it) acquires fuffifcient (dho but feccondary) ftrength to' fl-iut dhe vowel ; hwich we muil vizziblv, az audibly, coiifes in cerremonial and cerremo- ■Tiious^ prefferencial and rewej-oicial, i7iannumit^ man- ■nufniljion ; hezzitacion, 'prezzervacion^ allabajier, Mad- dagafcar, and dhe relL Yet, if dhe firil ov an Anna- pell catch dhus graiter ftrength, dhan dhe laft ov a Dac- tyl prezervs ; dhe latter iz no les real, becauz les fenfil)el,. dhan dhe former fliutting ennergy ov mellancolly, or ov Orthoeppy ; poettically dherfore enfoarcibel into' lawfool rims widh_/o//;', or widh Sheppey, S E C C I O N V, to' Jljut dhe pejiulthnate. If dhe articulaclon fliutting dhe antepenultimate, azwel az articculating dhe fubfequent vowel, haz been hiddher- to' belied by Ettymollogy, widh fo few excepcions, and fo few frends ; fcarce haz dhe penultimate vowel, fliut by iimmilar cauz, widh its Abutter renewed for fimmilar pur- pofe, been treated widh les indignity ov repprezentacion. Not onely before /V, az before kal ; but before //, id^ ijlj^ age ; and indeed before anny oddher ending ; haz dhe natturally enfoarced, and az natturally fliut vowel, been, widh like blind fubmiffion, left feemingly open ; by dhe following confonants being left feemingly fin- guel ; dho' az really fliutting won vowel, az repeated to' articculate anoddhcr. Dhus I N H E R E r C T U R E. 39- Dhus crrammatic, poetic, critic, analytic, defpotic, periodic, Apoftolic, Malaharic, cynic, mimic, epic, Ara- bic, fcraphic, civic, ethic, phyfic, logic ; or grammati- cal, and fo on ; hav, by EttymoUogy's 7nadgic pencil, identified dhe true-born Inglilli gramtnattic, poettic, crit- tic, annalyttic, defpottic, perioddic, AppoJloUic, Malla- harric, cynnic, mimrnic, eppic, Arahhic, ferapphic (or feraffic) ciwic, ctthic, pbyzzic (if not yet jizzic) lodgic ; or grammattical, and fo foarth. Not but dhat Arahhic, fanattic, liinattic, widh chainge ov nature and ov ftres,. ehainge at wonce dheir Orthoggraphy ; into Arrahic, fannatic, lunatic, and dhe like. Dhus arrithmettic, and arrithmettical, polittic and polittical, ar dhe adjectives ; arithmetic Viiid. pollitics, dhe fciences.. Widh tacit, rigid, vanijlj, image, hav value, feraph, Jenate, camel ; rapine, tribute ; metal, tnedal ; hazard ; vicar, figure ; prophet, profit, and proverb ; method, gather, 'AvAfojourn ; fo natturalized proppers, like Adam, Athens, Paris ; paffed all by ^yon authorrity, az current coin, for dhe llerling tafcit, ridgid, vannijlj, immage ; val~ lue, ferraph, fennate, cammel ; rappine, trihbute ; mcttal^ meddal ; hazzard ; viccar, figgure ; propphef (or proficl) proffit, provverb ; mstthcd, gaddhcr, fodjorn ; v/idh Adi, dam, Atthens^ T arris, and dhe reft. By dhe fame author- ' • rity may anny thing pas for its oppozite. It may ezily be imadgined dhat, in dhis our counter- feit coinage, dhe few nouns hwich becom fuch by tranf- pozing dhe ftres ov dheir verbs ; dho, by dhe tranfpozif- cion. 43 PROPRIETY ASCERTAINED cion, dhey lliiit dhe vowel dhey ftrengthen ; ar (o f^ir from confeiTing to' dhe eye anny chainge, dhat dhey hav facredfykey^t dhe lemblance ov dhe parents dhey contrail: conthinulng to' feem cement, prefage, prelude, produce, record, rebel ; yet moddeflly expeding to' be taken for cemment, prejfage, prellude, prodduce, rcccord, rehhel I Nor doz dhe indifpcnllibel chauige (hwidr iz non ov our niakuig) prcchide anny v\'on ov dhe latter clas from be- commuig (widhout new chainge) a jocciilar verb ; or anny won ov dhe former, from becomming a foUemn noun. Dhe verbs pre^iiize and refuze, fmimilarly huddel- led into' won fcmblance widh dlieir nouns, differ alio in dhe power ov dhe fibbllant ; dhe iubil:anti\^es being prem- nilfe and rclfufe ; hwile dhe adjeftfye refufe, ilrong.(az dhe \'erb) on dhe latter, joins in direcl iibbilacion, dhe clas ov ahjlrufe, inorofe, concife, and hafe. Orthoggraphy ib i'e^'^"e^s each prefcious tniniiute, from anny (even Iccming) connexion widh minute. If in dhe end, after an open ^'owel (unles in certain formative cai'es) we dare not, like dhe French, uze dhe dircft figgure for dhe depreIli^■c fibbilant ; much les iz it poiTibel for dhe direft form, fmguel or dubbel, to' pic- ture medially dhe deprelTive fibbilating power. Hwile dhcrforc defert, prefent, and dheir pleafant compan- nions, dezerting ezy Truith, prczent oneXy plezzant co- nundrums ; obvioufly diilinft ar dhe found and dhe fenfe, ov dezcrt and dezzert or dezzart, prezent and prezzent ; ]dn\C(\hy plezzant, pezzant, bezzant, ^vA phezzant or Jezzant ; az wcl az by plezzure, lezzure^ trezzure, and mezzure. T N H E R P 1 C T U R E. 41 mezzure. Alike indifpenfabel being dhus found orrizon and 'horizon ; raiz-in, ?'ezon^ trezon, wezand^ poizon ; blazon^ brazen ; razor ^ hazel^ ezel ; bezow^ iizage^ and dheir fellows ; nor dheze les dhan bafon^ bifon, iifance, and dheir equally onneil, if not equally numerous, affo- ciates ; ilial we dout about rizzen, prizzon^ rozzin, daz- zel^ mizzel^ niuzzel : nozzel, hezzel^ chizzel^ c'lzzar. ■or clozzet ; about wizzard, lizzard, buzzard^ hazzard., or bozzom (wonce boozom, now herd buzzoni) widh doz- zen, cozzen (diizzen^ cuzzen) and dhe reft ? Bujy can no more paint bizzy^ dhan du[v dizzy ^ or hujfy huzzy ; dho hiffxvije can be but huzzif^ az hujhand^ huzband ^ dhe fibbilant catching nattural depreffion from dhe de- T>reffive concommitant, S E C C I O N VI. -to fout dhe Jlrong vowel before dhe fibbilating afpirate. No fniguel confonant dhen can repprezent a dubbel ; leaft ov all, dhe fibbilacion. Dhe vowel /, indeed, haz been emboldened by Ettytnollogy to' claim priv\^ileges, newer known edher to a:incient or moddern Orthoggra- phy ; particcularly dhat ov continnuing to' appear open, dho e\'ver fo audibly fliut. Dhis if it hav claimed but in common widh oddher vowels, no won ov dhem haz car- -ried dhe boldnes into' fuch frequency, widh evvery do- zer ; nor in fo peculiar a manner, widh dhe iibbilacion. F Ettymollogy, 42 PROPRIETY ASCERTAINED Ettymollogy, howevver, feing onely hwat iz aincient or dillant ; hears nottliing dhat iz moddern or near. She haz dherfore no objeccion to' dhe fight ov Truith from afar ; nor confequently to' inijjive and mijjion^ pajjive and pof- fwn ; or to' cejjion and JeJJion^ a. pair llie httel fuppozes coincident. No umbrage can flie take at Rofcius or Frif- cian^ beterofcian, or amphijcian ; hware flie dreams ov no dubbel fibbilacion more dhan ov anny Uquefaccion, far les ov afplracion. Vifcid and lujcious Ihe can alfo look at ; but infifts on feing precious and vicious \ her indigna- cion hawing aheddy been exhaufted, on prccieiix and vicieux ; hwich ilie did weep to' behold, after cafting a tender glance on pretiofus and vitlojus^ az wel az on pre- tium and vitium ; til foUaced a littel by dhe luxury ov forrow, flie faid to' herfelf : Let moddern mutilators en- joy dhe monJJers dhey make I and wood hav added, had fhe known Jonny Gay : • ' My juji revenge may rejl contented^ Widh prix, and price, and vice invented. Anallogy took pitty on dhe outcafts, az flie had don on dheir parents ; determining to' afcertain, widh prize, price, and vice, boath prejcious and vijcious ; nor quite to' exterminate dhe ioxvAiw /pedes and fpecie, hwen flie made fpefcial and fpefcify her own. She knew, dho' Ettymollogy did not, dhat a fliut vowel cood not be feen widhout dhe fliutter ; morover, dhat Inglifli waz nedher French nor Lattin ! flie did dherfore immediate jufl:ice IN HER PICTURE. 43 juftice to' dhe judifcious phyzifciaji ; dhe aufptfcious fiifpifcion^ artijifcial novtjciate, fuffifcient clefifcience^ and dhe reft. In evvery diccion, fimpels and afpirates, by dheir contrafted nearnes, hav been liabel to' interchainge. Hence dhe Lattin barbarifm ov chommodum for commo- diim ; and Ettymollogy's old ftruggel for charus^ in pref- ference to' cams. Dhe Itallians erly uzed fimpel c be- fore e and /, az dhe Inglifli doo ch (vertually tjh) ; and, on dhe contrary, ch before dhoze vowels, like dhe Span- nifh, French, and Inglifli c elfehware ; or like dhe Lattin c ewery-hware equivvalent to' q or h : witnes Cicerone, chi che fia ; in Inglifli pi(Elurage (at leaft- ov dhe articulacion) Chicherone, ki ke fia. Before dhe fame flender vowels, dhe Inglifli, widh dhe French and Spanniards, adopted c (won Greek ihape) for dhe fim- pel fibbilacion ; in words, lioos Lattin anceftors had ren- dered it dhe fubftitute of k : az in dhe Spannifli Ciceron^ or Cecina ; dhe French Ciceron, and dhe Inglifh Cicero, hwich iz truly Cifcero ; dho EttymoUogy fancy it ftil dhe Lattin Cicero, dhat iz Kikero ; hwich it juft az much re- zembels, az doz dhe French Ciceron k./y is invariabel in found or femblance, az dhe Lattiny^//>/^j- ; hwich can no more be fibbilated or fhort- ened, dhan Horraces tetrafyllabel : He eu 1 N H E R P I C T U R E. ji Heu^ nhn'is longo fatiate ludo I Ah ! fadate ov dhe bluddy game, Fly, Mars ; nor taint Minerva's fame ! It haz not yet been prezumed, dhat dhe Hebrew fibbilated dentallity : fo Phaltiel and Shealtiel (in boath ov which dhe dental articculates a weak and even meltabel, or com- binabel, vowei) hav remained inviolate : a compliment no les dCie to' Greek proppers, not onely when dhe /, az in Miltiades^ iz ftrong ; but hwen febel, az in Byf/as, In- glillily Byttias, like Adramytt'mm. Such dherfore, az Etius or Photius, mull retain dhe t in found ; or, in Ec'ms and Phodus, chainge dhe fymbol. Dhus Poarcius (and Poaj'cia) can alone appear. Dhat dhe hard dental and foft fibbilacion ar, in Na- ture, interchaingeabel (az oppozite) cognates ; can be douted by non, hoo know dhat in different dialeds y^-^"^^ (gloJ[d) and yx^TTa (glotta) lignified equally dhe tung. So dhe German wafer and waiter (hwence dhe Inglifh wauter) ar alike nattural fillers, az queftionles children ov a«5 (hydor). But it wil no more be pretended, dhan imadgined; dhat in anny dialeft or dirtrift, won ev^^er did, or cood, repprezent (more dhan be) dhe oddher ; dhat won cood be feen, hware dhe oddher wer herd. Dho dhus evvery derivvative diccion muft, widhout ef- fort, retain afufEfcient, az propoarcionabel, rezemblance, G 2 to' gH PROPRIETY ASCERTAINED to* near, and les near, and remoteft parents ; no tung wil ewer find her own powers, or her own pi6lure ; her own eflence (in fliort) or its repprezentacion ; til fhe looz light ov ewery oddher tung, aincient or moddern ; and fix her hoal attenfion on dhe ftuddy, improovment, and prezzervacion ov herfelf ; dhe fole ohjedl ov dhat piflure, hwich mull convey and afcertain her to' dhe moaft dif- tant places and tunes. Dhus, and dhus onely, hav Greek and Lattin tranfmitted dhemfelvs (in fuch purity and huty !) to' dhe delight and venneracion o^-^ all fucce- ding ages ; and dhus it iz dhat dheir daughters, Itallian, Spannifli, and French (bating littel elfe dhan t for c, and redundant h) hav gloried, az far az degennerate dialeds and manners wood permit, to' emmulate at leafl dhe confillence ov dheir immortal parents. Hwile dherfore each language, aincient and moddern, haz its invefligabel fyflem ov fymbols, az ov founds ; no won iz to' be warp- ed widh dhe fymbols, more dhan widh dhe founds ov anoddher : we ar no more to' write Inglifh like Lattin or French, dhan to' read Lattin or French like Inglifh.. S E C C I O N VIL jyhe rule ov dupUcacion^ Duplicacion's chief diiEculty furmounted, hwat fhe fardher ows to' Truith, wil be paid in dhe obzervance ov won littel rule ; Hwat iz dubbel to' dhe ear^ muji be dub- hel I N H E R P I C T U R E. - 53 hef to dhe eye ; in oddher words : A vowel^ JJmt to dhe ear, mujl not fay to" dhe eye : I am open. How elfe iz it poflibel to' dilHnguifli dhe penultimate vowel ov medi- al articulacion, ov (fuch az) L/vj and /v/, conej and po- fiej'j Jiudy and Jiudent, herald and heroe^ Horace and Florus, T^rojan and 'Trajariy Jiature and nature, Robert and Toby, moral and oral, comet, and moment, teftant 3XiA penal, choler and colon, folace and Solon, gravel and navel, ever and fever, feven and even, devil and evil f Shal we grudge dhen to' fliow, more dhan to' fay, Truith ? Or can we expeft to hear, hware we muft not fee, Livvy, cimney, fuddy, her raid, Horrace, T'rodjan, fat- ture, Robbert, morral ; commet, tennant, coller, follacey. gravvel, ewer, fevven, devvil ^ If it be alledged, dhat clas may fomtlmes difcrim- minate ; clas implies grammarians, hoo ar nedher ov ev- very age nor ov ewery clime. Som oddities howevver may be foimd to' boall dhe difco\^ery, dhat adjectives, being quallifiers ov fiibllantives, ar a more confidencial fet ov words dhan dhe nouns dhey quallify ; dhat dher- fore open ar, az dhey feem, not onely puny or Funic, and mural ; but holy, flar and polar ; coral (wonce choral), final, finite, private, native, filent, even, ebon, pagan, Roman, and fo on ; dhat oddher primmitives hav but to' proov dhemfelvs forrainers, to' claim dhe libberty ov writing our language, az wel az ov fpeaking it, in dheir own (refpectively refpeftabel !) way ; but, dhat all true formatives, ov Inghlli breed, fcorn to fay v54 P R O -P R I E T Y A S C K 11 T A I N E D. fay won thing, and to' {how anoddher. Even to' fo • ciummo-, fo candid, and fo pattriottic dillinguillieis ov •clafles and ov kinds ; it may be anfered, dhat /even and ■eleven heavy and level^ civil and privy ^ any and many^ jverv and foreign^ folemn and folid, clement and proper, modeJi2inA modern, ar all o;^;^^£/^ adjeftives denying dhem- feivs to' be (hwat all unvifciated ears know dhem to' be, and all umifciated eyes mull: wifli to' fee dhem) fevven, :tlevven ; bevvy, levvel ; civvil, privvy ; anny, manny ; jverry, for rain ■; follcmn, follid ; cleniwent, propper ; ■ moddejl, moddern ; widh dheir fellows. Adjeftives, on dhe oddher hand, ar not dhe truly onnorabel primmitives, o-lory, Mary, navy, nature ; widh numbers we h^v i^QVi and Hial fee : not to' mencion vary, or anny oddher verb. But, Inglifli formatlves at wonce, and adje£lives, ar the feeming finic and finical, Spanifj, Rheniflj, clever, ne- ther, widh rather,, oftener an adverb ; and even rifen, az evvery participel iz an adje£live : dho dhe re^Xfnnic and fmnical, Spannifj, Rennifij, cievver, neddher, raddher\ and rizzen, widh fuch oddhers. Dhe clever iz dhe agent dhat clevesz, nedher, dhe neggative ov edher. Scholar izm^QQ^ a fubftantive, nedher Ingllili-born, nor Ino-lifli-bred ; but wil better dezerv hiz name, and per- haps hiz peddigree ; \\WQn /collar chimes duly vnth dol- lar, or raddher widh himfelf. Yet, in a dozzen, all ov. won clas and ov won ending ; hwat lerner, yong or old, far or near, fhal hope dhe guift 'OV knowing, or ov remembering; dhat valor, color, ho- I nor. INHERPICTURE. 55- nor^ clamor^ liquor^ 'vigor ; ar vallor, cuIJor, onnor, clanimor^ iiccor, viggor P and dhat vapor, labor, favor, favor, fla^ vor, odor, ar precilely hwat dhey feem ? even ov Haifa dozzen (clas out ov dhe queiUon), dhat hover, cover, plo- ver, ar bovver, cower, plovver (huvverj. cuvver, piuv- ver) ;. and over, Dover, clover, falthfool piAures ? Moo. ilial dream dliat covet iz (cu\^'^ct),, andfo chimes widh lov. (luv) // ; az fm'ely. az dhe propper Lovit iz Lovr- 'uit (Luvvit), quite diffonant from Lovat f Iz it humanlv^ Uitelligibel dhat primer and. proper ar, az forrainers,. prinmier and propper ; but dhat> primmer and prop- per, az natives, ar not primer ^i\6. proper ; ^3.1 primer,. dhe coincident and identic ov primmer (verry creddi- bel !) iz nedher more. prim,, nor dhe agent di\\^t prims .y and dhat dlie /'rZ/z^^rjOr agent di[\-it. primes, is (in realH- ty, az in appearance,) dhe ^^erry reverfe ov primmer f- But natives ov. ewery clas liav alfo run into' dlie Hcen- cioufnes ov plezing dhe eye, at dhe expence. ov dhe ear. If lade fairly forms ladel ',fjade and jnead hav liiddherto' ejihibbited fhadow and 7neadow, for fjaddow and med~ dow ; az we. faw rath,, neath, and cleve, prezent rather, nether, 2iiidi clever, iox raddher, neddher,, and clevrjer. Orthoggraphy dhus difcrimminating oppozites from iden- ticals (near az dhey ar), /^/^•orjdhe furname, no more, joftels widh vJggor dhe abftraci, [ dhan clever dhe agent widh clevver dhe adjective ; nor wil cavvern and tan)- vern retain dhe feducing femblance ov cavern and tavern^ in fervile aw ov caver ne, cavern a, or ta- herna. So ^6 PROPRIETY ASCERTAINED . So Uttel indeed iz dhis fallacious practice reducibel to' Anallog^', dhat dhe verry vowels and confonants feem to' vnry dheir nature, in order .to' forbid its continnuance. /, fo peculiarly inclinabel to' Oiut penultimate or ante- penultimate, keeps open in pilot and Pilate, private, pi- rate and tyrant (i andy being moddernly won), m pri-^ mate and climate ; dlio it cefe not to' fliut itfelf in fpi- ■rit and Ujjiit, which ar fpirrit and Ummit ; az wel az in pritmnacy, priv baf-ket. Dhus it iz dhat chajlity and chajlizement own (in chaf-tl'ty and chaf-tize-ment) dhe antepenultimate ftiutting power, az Inglifti primmitives, or immediate tranfplants from dhe French chajiete and chajliment (now chdtimeni) ; and fo no formative compannions ov chajieft and chafteni72g. Az chafte commands its prodgeny cha- fter, cha-ftet\ and dhe reft ; fo doutles Aozfaft^ f^ft(^^ ; hwich, hweddher parted faft-er or faf-ter, chimes widh mafter and pajtor ; hoo muft divide widh pafture and pajtern ; impoftor, impofture : inaf-ter, im-pof-tor^ and dhe reft. Hwile plafter dhus joins mafter^ and poftuj-c pafture^ poftern joins not paftern \ but, m po-ftern, ftil I 2 follow,'^ 68 PROPRl^ETY ASCERTAINED follows clhe old Yx^\\c\\ p oft erne ^ now poterne. To' be ftampt Inglilli, it.murt dherfore affume dhe fervile \ poaft and poaftern muft accompany coajt and coajter.. Dhe ftres following, may draw dlie hoal fibbilating af- femblage away from dhe oridginal prepozifcion : az in dejpah\ defpize^ defpite^ defcant, refpeB, profpcBive, defpottic ; de-fpair, de-fpize, de-fpite^ de-fcant^ re-fpeSf, pro-fpec-tive, de-fpot-tk : dho def-pairy and dhe like^ wood littel alter dhe febel vowel. But dhe ftres, pre- ceding, mull: part dhe articulacions ; by claiming at lead won to' flint dhe llrong vowel, in defperate and defpi- cahel, defpot and dejpotifm^ refpit v^wA profpeSi-, widh defcant^ diftant., and dheir fellows : def-pe-rate^ 'i'if-p'^U and fo on. An infertive dubbler, az in majj'ter, proJfpei\ dejfcajit, wood pleze evvery party, but dhat ov Ettymolr logy; hoom Anallogy wil(ftrain to') pleze, hware llie can. She cannot howewer forgo dhe fliutting dubbler (hoos ufe Ettymollogy, being def, cannot know) widh dhe llrong vowel preceding a mute and licquid : az in puhlia progrefs ; hwich can be afcertained hwat it iz, onely in puhhlic proggres. Dhe occazions happily ar not nume- rous, ov dhe penultimate dilemma. Truith iz dhare dhen dhe more ezily, but not dhe les nefceffarily, to' be rep- prezented. Hwat we hav been by Ettymollogy's madgic tied to' fee, and often confequently bound to' hear ; tablet and tahret, fabric and Afric^ public and publijlj, ftabliJJj IN li E R PICTURE., 69. ftahlijh and eftahlifjj ; gvbli}7, poplin and poplar ; becauz rafcionally red ta-hUt^ and fo on^ az Hyhla^ Afra ; //r- hla^ A-fra ;. m.uft be. written tahblct and tabbrel, fab' brie and Aff'ric, piibblic ^ni dhe words. Kz- fuppel forms by contracclon, ixom. fuppeller and' fuppelly, fuppler ^LvAfupply ; fo cuppel, clubbel and trip- pel or trebhel, form cupplet, dubbleti, tripplet or trebblet. Regglei mull joln-^?^7^^/^/, to' be equally rafcional : uglj may be gueiled to' be uggh'-, 2,\\dj fmugly- known to' be ffnuggly : fmiiggUng izi an onneil pifture, hwatew'er be dhe praSice. If Aff'ric fet fo eddifying an exampel, hwich Z)///>/j//;^ iz proud to' follow ; Dubblin and Lub- blin, hwen Truith alike prevails ; nay Egglon. wil,. no more dhan Egglinton or egglantlne, retain an ambiggu- ous afpeft : for dhe fame iz dhe eifeft ov penultimate, and antepenultimate ennergy, Dhe fime dhen muft be dhe alternative : Plant a.gard, or part frends. Az tabblet or tab-let ; proggres o^s prog-res ; fo tabblature or tab-la- turCj 70 PROPRIETY ASCERTAINED iure^ oriboggraphy or wlhog-ra-phy. But tablet and tahloture^ pFogrts ancl orthography ar grammattically di- vided, and fo uttered by dlie. dillant grammarian, ta-hlet^ ta-hla-ture^ widh dhe reftr'-fulie found mull follow falfe picture, hware pifture alone can lead. Dhat dhe penultimate howevver iz a ies extenfive, dhan dhe antepenultimate power ; alreddy evvident, iz here alfo obzervabel. Dhe vowel, open in Agra^ iliuts in Aggragas^ and in Aggrigentmn ; \'ulgarly feen, az natively herd, Agragas, Agrigentum. So dhe ftrong vowel, open in f acred divAfecret (fa-cred^ fe-cret)^ fliuts widh equal propriety m facer ament, facer ijice, ^nd feccre- tary ; dho in accrid it iz fliut (and fo fliood appear) az in aecrimony ; id being won ov dhe peculiar termina- cions ov a fliut penultimate, az in arr'id or plafcid ; unles dhe penultimate vowel be onnell z/, az in lucid^ lurid^ or putrid. If dherfore democcracy, hypoccrify, and dhelr fellows, muft vizzibly, az audibly, fliut dhe ftrong vowel ; no Ies mull: fuch proppcrs az Socrates, Hippocrates and Democritus^ in 'dhe truly Inglilli Soc- erates^ Hippoccrates (herd indeed Soccrate' s, Hippoccra-- ■tes), widh Democcritus. So wil dhe laffing fage fpeak, in hiz verry name, hiz contraft to' Heraclitus, if not rad- dher Herracllttcs ; nor dhe Ies penultimately ftrong and open. Dhe firft buty ov Truith iz perfpicuity, dhe fenfe being always propoarcionably clear, according to' dhe propriety I N H E R P I C T U R E. ji propriety ov found ; hwlch can be afcertalned to' dlie reader, onely by its due repprezentacion. No more dhen can joftel under won fallacious aipeft, reprezent dhe litteral compound, implying prezent agiien ; and. repprezenty dhe figgurative fimpel, prezenting (perhaps for dhe firft time) to' dhe mind ; dhe firft vowel keeping az duly open in dhe won, az natturally fliutting by fec- Gondary (Ires in dhe oddher. Soprecilely differ, in fenfe and found, recreate and reccreate^ recreacion and rec- ereacion ; az reformation and refforjnacion, or dhe like. 'iiRif CHAP- 'C H A P T E 1^. "IlL Ov MISREPPREZENTED ArTICULACION = AFTER endevvoring to' fupply dhe defifclent, az wel az to' cancel dhe redundant, it remains to' cor- rect dhe intrinfically inaddequate, fymbol ov Inglilli arti- culacion. S E C C 1 O N I, lukquid for licquidy and mute for mute, I . L for R and N ; M for N. Colonel waz triffyllabbic at iirft, alfo in Inglilli ; and may ilil HudLbrallically be fo : Dhus did Sir Knight abandon dwellings And out he rode a colonelling. K Inglilli 1 N H E R P r C T U R E. ' 73 Inorriili Aiialloo-v howevver fo ftrengthened dhe firft vowel, dhat dhe feccond became inaudibel ; and left a diffyllabel lliutting boatli vowels widh /. Dhis lufcious recurrence harmony cood no more brook, dhan hi dhe Scottilli furnames Mehi/^nd Colvil ; hoos French parentS- cood take care ov dhemfelvs. Dhat power dhen, az different from human Art az from blind Chance — Dhat Pozv7'^ triumphant in Horacian Jlrains ; Hivichy over human fpeech^ harmonious reigns ; made dhe beft chalnge poffibel, becauz dhe chainge moaft nattural, in boath cafes : in won, dhat ov dhe former / into' its neareft, az moail oppozite cognate ; dhus combining az contralVing dhe licquids, in cuniel : commuting no les happily dhe llrong vowel (0 into' // fliut), az cornel waz dhe tree. Dhus hav dhe licquids been always refpe£tively interchaingeabel. Ezily az ^tip.ov, or ^if'»', (leirion or lirion) ran into' dhe Lattin iilium, and ■^^f, (doron) into' donum ; az ^if-tp-n or k^v^ib, (njjnphe or nympha) produced boath nympha and lym'- pha ; az s/^T.rof, and '>-^<^; (heltijlos and eltho) turned dhe Dorric f/^, and ''^"' (bentijlos and entho) ; or az dhe Phenifcian Nibaras waz dhe nattural parent (or child) ov A,,rafa5, (Ltparas) hi para (now LipariJ dhe Lantern ov dhe Vulcanian or Eolian ilands : fo ezily did dhe French falhala communicate omx furbelow ; matelas our mattras or mattres (dho dhe licquid ov coutelas remained in cut- las) rangon, ranfom ; natte, mat. Nor cood dhe ear K open 74 PROPRIETY ASCERTAINED open and wonder, hwy Mehil and Colvil treated her widh Mehin and Cohin, or Bannantyne widh Bal- lantine ; more dhan dhat dhe French lalujlre fliood find dhe Inghih hann'ijler^ dhe more rezemblmg, az dhe fmoodher, prodgeny dhan halUfter. Doo we fear dhen dhe look ov a letter, more dhan dhe jar ov a found ; and flial dhe Britthli Curnel ftil hezzitate to' appear, in anny but French uniform ; or trembel to' {Irow hiz own (rad- dher dhan hiz fahdhers) face ? If dhus nattural be dhe relacion ov Sarum (or Sarnuii) and Saljberry ; ov Salo- pian or Sallop, and Shrozvjherry ; it iz no more wonder- fool dhat fom Florridans call ru7n lum^ dhan dhat foni Brittons call Be/fon Benjon ; and, if n be interchamge- abel widh /, dhe mute next akin to' 7i may wel be fo, independantly ov rezemblance : '^' ^' (D L). Hence dhe Phenifcian Gadir became, thro' dhe Lattin Gades, and dhe Spanniili Cadiz, dhe Inglifli Cales ; dhe Eollic ■m ; yet oppozite, az dhe ;■ in harp and harm, ar dhe fibbilants in fpafm ; or in fpafjns, hware dhe lie- quid deprelTcs dhe libbilant on edher lide. Dhus, equal to' licquids in melting, and beyond mutes in fociabillitv ; nay, beyond boath in ftrength, and equal to' edher in foftnes ov intrinfic harmony ; dhe libbilant cood not but proov dhe chief inftrument ov conformacion, in dhe boddy ov human fpeech. Wei might fuch fuperiorri- ties make fom even aincient grammarians pronounce it a letter ov its oijon power ; and, faying no more, iliow it at leaft beyond dheirs. But dhey hav no more boddily ear dhan intelleftual eye, hoo venture to' fibbibte dhe libbilacion az unplezing ia itfelf ; or, az if annihware conftituting (like dhe goofes, or dhe fnakes) dhe total ex- preffion ov man. Inconfidderacion alone obzen^s not, dhat unvaried mellody (or foftnes) muft az nefceffarilv cloy, az dhe unrelieved ruf mull grate, Dhe libbilacion doutles varies its buty by ihiftingits powers ; by affuming, not onely cameleon-like, but like evvery focial car- rafter, and beyond e\'very oddher articculating carracler, dhe complexion (more or les) ov its company. Inifciallv hav we dhus feen it lend, az elfehware it borrows ; and ov boath we find fweet vouchers in dhe fmalleji lamhs^ or in dX\Q Jlender gojlings^ more fafely fledged^cs//;?c-j , In dhe beguinning dherfore dhe oppozite powers mull be feen, az wel az herd ; but, in dhe end, dhe direft figgure oo PROPRIETY ASCERTAINED. Sggiare (s) repprezents dlie formative in edher emiiriori according to' hwat precedes it ; dhe libbilant prooving depreffive after a depreffive, or after an open vowel. Hence dhe vizzibel, az real, contrail: ov /ca/ and zea/y Sion and Zicn ; and dhe no les real, (dlio invizzibel) an- tipodlfm ov fuch az bits and bids, cups and ciibs^ fops andy^^J, ropes and robes ; elfe and els^ curfe and curSy diver fe and divers , tenje and tens ; or az dhe glijnpfe and lifnbs we faw. So differ dhe final fibbilants ov as and aes or as, copperas and oppcraes or oppera' s ; Phyllis or Vhillis and fillies, Davis and Davies ; Harris and Har- ^'v'x, az wel az i7^.';77Vj'; Pharos and Pharaohs \ hwich iz herd, and \\\Yy not feen, Pharohs ^ Becauz Pharaon 'yl boath herd and feen Pharaon ! So may we even more clearly difcrimminate dhe final confonant dhan dlie final ^'owel, hwen dhey are febel ; az we hav often al- reddy perceived ; and may perceiv in IJus and if- fueSy Apol'os and Apollo s, or dhe like. Dhus ar hidsy fobs, ciirSy divers; as, opperaes and dhe oddher for- matives, vertiially bidz, jobz, curz, divcrz ; d'z, op- peraez, and dhe relL Equal antipodes ar dhe plurals, pence and pens ; dhe former contrafting, az wel az con- trailing, pennies. Dho peas dhen, dhe plural, claims dhe direct form ov dhe depreffive fibbilant ; peze, dhe collective (vulgarly, az pleonaiVically peafej can hav no fuch titel. Doz pots or pifum advance anny ? If dhe plural ov dhis fo vizzibly prolong dhe vowel, flial it not az vizzibly depres dhe confonant, in dheze : evenat dhe no fmall rifk ov carrying dhats plural, dhoze, along widh it ? But fliood boath be indulged in dhe formati\'e plea ov fal- fifying IN HER PICTURE. 8i iifying dheir end, dho dhey can no more dhe'ir beguin- ning ; hav eafe and cheefe more regard for aife and cajcus^ or anny oddher ancellor, dhan for Truith and dhemlelvs, in eze and cheze ? Muft pleafe attend pleas, az peafe peas P (ilue Ptin^ et F autre, eft plaifant ! ) Wil not pi eze raddlicr bring peze Xo feze and teze, widh equal eze and plezziire f So wil fhine, widh refpeftive buty, chezcake and Chejljunt ; hwile Chesjhere appears at lail herfelf. So wil be duly oppozed leze, in fuch compound az leze-macl- jefiy, and lefe ; dheze and geefe, peze and pece ; from which latter dhe French parent wil, widh her own man- tel, co\'\'er dhe coincident piece. Flece, Grece, Friez- landy and dhe Mi I Ian eze, wil not be more contraRed, Such oppozifcion wil dhen adjuil verfe and/ro^^, purpoje and propoze, clofe and doze, clofe and cloze, Ros and roze : nor les wil be jointly adjufted dhoze haze, wonce hozen ; and widh its own identity, noze, hwich fprings thro' ncz from nafus. Dhe dire£t haz been allowed dhe final formative fis:- gure ; even affuming depreffive power, hweddher after a depreffive confonant, or after an open vowel : but, de- preffively, dhe direfl: figure cannot fliut a vowel. Hwile hees or he''s, haves (or havs) and doos (or does) wer dhe words ; s plauzibly preferred dhe formative plea. But his, has, or does, can no more paint hiz, haz, or doz (duz), dhan as, is, and was, can prezent az, iz, and waz ; dhan bnj)> and hiifmefs can prommife bizzy and biz- ziires, hwich {brinks into' biznes for particcular occupa- L cion ; 82 pp. OPRIETY ASCERTAINED cion ; dhan hi![fy or huJJ'ar can fpeak huzz)> or hoozar ; dho hiijband and hufwife plead equally wedloc widh a depreflive, for perfonatlng huzhand and huzzvife^ or huzzif. Inglish verbs, and dheir accions, hwen comcklent in all elie, ar butifooUy apt to' difcrimminate final libbik- clon. Verb afTumes dhe genial depreffive, noun dher- fore dhe oppozite power. Dhus devize and advize^ hid- dherto' appearing devife and advife, in fillial aw ov (dhe French) devifer and avijer^ wonce advifer ; form device and advice^ widh dutiles difregard to' devis^ devife^ or avis^ wonce advis : hwile on dhe contrary, boath ftrong on dhe former fyllabel, and identic to' dhe ear, prac^ life and praBice (from prabliquer and praBtque^ now pratiquer and pratique) prezerv in different fliape, dhe fame dired fibbilacion. So choje and chace (from chajfer and cha[fe) dilVmguifli verb and noun to' dhe eye, dho dhe ear find a perfet coincidence. Widh pur chafe and purchace, dhe eye may be alike tickled ; hwile prom- mife, purpofe, and dhe reft, vary nedher dhe power nor dhe pidture ov dhe fibbilacion. Az prize and price in like manner fpring from prifer and^;xv ; dhe verb rize^ falfified rife^ forms dlie real rife or rice^ for its accion, coincident widh dhe grain. So, from choiftr and choix, dhe apparent verb choofe, (indeed equally chufe /) and dhe true accion choice. But dhe verb, under Rezons commencing reign, wil now be found chooz, dhe compan- nion ov looz^ fo facredly flirouded in lofe! on won hand, dhat I N H E R P 1 C T U R E. 83 vlKat it may not appear loofe (a jiifl: avoidance) ; and, on dhe oddher, dhat it may (at its own graiter perril) feem dhe parent ov lofs ; hwich muft (alas !) he owned loozes large cniif ofspring, in los. But fliood Truithftil look littel, Iqjjfes mav he multiplied ezily az hefore. If 7-ize^ prize, chooz and looz, fecure dhus dhemfehs, az wel az dheir accions, rife or rice, price, choice and los : dhe two former hav doutles equal right to' command dheir no les legittimate prodgeny, dhe two verbs raiz and praiz. Dho fuch be dhe irreffragabcl do«Strine ov Anal- logy ; dhozc, hoo feel not yet its foarce ; and, fancying fafety in rife and prfe, for dhe verbs ; not in rice widh price, for dhe nouns ; lind rife alike reddy for rize and for rice, mull (confequencially !) retain raife and praife. *f»^'!. in Lattin form phrafis, had dhe medial dire£t az dhe final fibbilacion. Dhe French phrafe (or frafe) haz it nefcelfarily deprelTive : nor haz les natturally tranfmitted dhe depreilive widh varied vocallity, to' dhe Inglifli phraze (or fraze) ; hwich, fearing no more (in phrafe) to' be committed widh bafe, cafe, mace, or brace ; finds onnor widh fafety in joining, under dhe au- fpices ov Truith, its own fearles frends maze, gaze, blaze, braze, and dhe reft. Dho manny nouns and verbs re- tain dhus dhe fame (hweddher direft or depreffive) power, and dherfore pidlure, ov dhe fibbilacion : hware dhe a8:ive and accion (or verb and noun) vary, by Natures guidance, from depreffive to' dire£l ; muft dhey, or can dhey, under dhe reign ov Re- zon, continnue clodhed widh won form ? Can rife, tfe^ L 2 ahufe, 84 PROPRIETY ASCERTAINED ahufe^ excufe^ diffufe, refufe, houfe^ and moufe, reppre- zent widh equal (indeed widh anny) precizzion, r/s^, iize^ abuze, excuze, dijjuzs^ ref.uze, houz, moiiz ; and rice^ uce ; or rije^ ufe, and ib on, az dhey ieem ? Doz dhe grammattical diiUnccion ov noun and verb fuffice ? Iz evA^ery reader a grammarian ? Or doz dhe fenfe prezent dhe found, not dhe found dhe ienfe ? If fo, hoo wood not coart dhe Brittilli language, in her common clo- dhing ; prefferably to' all oddhers, in dhe.brightnes ov Orthoggiaphy ? Dhey, widh evvery poUiili and illumina- cion, ilil hold a llrainger a lludent ; hwaraz IngliHi intulf- clon conjures him a conjurer ! Widhout dhis happy power, poor Inglifh, in her vulgar dres, muft remain uncomattabel. Dhe prezzent plan indeed, in abfolute independance on fuch aid, or raddher in total defiance ov it ; procedes llep by flep, widh dhe light ov Anallogy ; hoo feems likely to' render our language az plezzant, be- cauz az perfpiccuous, az anny ov her preddeceflbrs or con- temporaries. Widhout edher afking or prommiling wonders, dhis and oddher conundrums may be folved. No boddy can pozes two foils : no foil can inform two boddics. Simmilar may be foils, in boddies dilHn6: : dhe les ov chainges, az ov evils, iz to' bechozen. Hwat- ewer iz right, haz but to' Itand ; hwatev\'er iz wrong, muft be corre£ted. Dhe accions dhcn or nouns, hwich ar alreddy rife, ufe, ahufe, exciife ; dhe adjectives dif- Juje and refiife, widh dhe fubilantive. re^y^ ; az wel az houfcy moufe, and dheir few fellows, being right, can- not be righter : nor can dhe verbs be right, unles dhev tel ( INHERPICTURE. 85 tel equal (and equally obvious) truitli, in n'-ze, uze^ ahuze^ excuze ', ci/Jfuze, refuz^, and evveTj oddliev fuze, widh houz, its fammily and frends. Hwile /00/e and /efe, goofe and guefe^ ceje Tsud feze ; crcfe widh encrefe and decrefe, grefe and grezy, ar dhus alike llrong in dhe truith, az Liwrece, Grece, or JJece ; az hreze, freze, Jheze, ox fqucze : groje might join moroje^ had not dhe good grocer more lollidly joined groce widh nice, from hiz happy ignorsnce ov ^roj" and /z/Vz/j-. . Ivlorofe howev- ver iz fairly joined by fuch adjeftives az concife, precife,. ahjlrufe, reclufe ; hwich lead to' dhe direft medial after dhe open vowel, and before final ive : az in evafii:e, cohefivCy deciji've, corrojive, ahujive, conclujive. jldvize and devize muft expe '^'^^ S^'^^if^i Vv'idh choiice^ fouce^ and grouce. But verbs tend more natturally to' dhe depreilive .: nor can dhey admit, hware dhey need no fervile. Such ar l/ouz, .toiiz^ rouz^ and carouzs. Iniscial and final fibhilacion dhus eftabbliilied in its picture, medial alone re-mains in queflion. Sibbilating ibciabillity iz now too wel known, to' fear anny-thing for dhe dijmal damfel (hoo iz »t belt but a dizjnal danizel)^ more dhan for prif7n^ or prims ^ alfo vertually prizni and pri?72Z. Dho dheze be acceffibel in edher fliape ; prifon iz impregnabel az }-ifen ; and boath widh pleafaiit, widh dithonfand^ reafons .! Human ingenuity cannot, thro' fuch outworks, guet at prizzon, rizzen ; or at plezzant re- zon, in a ihouzuind fezons ; hwile dhe gardles, like nia- fon^ hajon.^ hijon^ or ad'coxcfofi, offer not a femblance ov defence. Medial fibbilacion dherfore (az all oddher truith) defies reggular approach, onely hwen irreggularly repprezented. Moddcrn Ettymollogy may be plezed widh dhe dire£l fliaddow for dhe depreffive fublfance, in dhe fmouel fibbilacion between vowels. Hwen ment direft in French orrigin, it iz dubbled ; az in prejfenti- ment, re[fenti)\ reffcmhler^ j-fffiifciter, rejfort, rcjfource ; dejfert, dejfein, dejjiner, and dhe like. Dhe fmguel dhen INHERPICTURE. 87 dlien mnft be depreffive in prefsnt and prefenter^ pre- fewer and prefide}\ referver and refider^ refijler^ refultei\ and refoudre ; in defcrt^ defigner, defijler^ defir and de- firer. Inglilh not admitting (az not needing) dhe direc- tive expedient, admits onely dlie univerfal expedient ov direft Truitli : dhat here dlien ov gui\^ing to' dhe di- re£t found, dhe dired fymbol ; and, to' dhe deprefiive, dhe depreffive : ^z'lVi prefentiment^ refujcitate^ refource^ defign ; dezire^ deziji^ rezfji, rezult ; widhout preclu- ding perjiji, injiji, or confiji. Dhus obvioufly, az uncoiv-^ foundedly, appear dcfert^ dhe after-collacion ; dezert, dezerving ; and dezzert or dezzart^ wild. Behdes, our language haz manny words, beguinning widh dhe direfl: iibbilant (s) ; hwich flie alfo compounds v/idh pre and re, to' intimate priorrity and rezumpcion : particcularly fent, ferv^ fide, f^S''^^ f^^'^-) "^"^^ foh\ Dhe compounds mult be direft az dhe {impels ; and fo ar finely diftinguifh- ed by oppozite flbbilacion, from dhe elfe coincident defcendants ov dhe French. Diftinft dhen alike to' ear and eye muft be prefent, prez-ent, and prezzent ; refent and rezent, referv and rez-erv ; prefide and prezide, refide and rezide, refign and' rezign, refort and rczort, refolv and rezolv, widh refolucion and rezzolucion. No compound iz dhe French pojjeder or pofeffwn, more dhan dhe Inglifli pozes or pozejfion ; hwich pojfefs and pofefion murt no more bely. Dhe French parents ar fairly paint- ed : fhal not dhe Inglifli children ? Or fhal pozes dred dhe femblance ov its antipode (pozes) dhe formative ov poze, more dhan doo cares and caref confuzion widh dhe 5 ofspring 88 PROPRIETY ASCERTAINED ofsprlng ov care ; or dlie truly augujl^ widli diie month ov Auguji f Iz dhe Anallogy (or Truitii) hoo may- find it indifpenfabel to' clodhe evefi oppozite reailities widli Avon appearance^ Ics abel dhan Abfurdity or Faifehood, to' diflmguifli dhem ? May not a man^ undiiUnguiflied by aught ehe, be fuffifcleiitiy knozvn by hiz company f SiMPEL fibbilacior, precifely pidured^ afpirate i\Vk^% ezy afcertainment. Sibbilacion inifcial, fimpel or afpi- rate, iz equally difputeles. No Inglilh word beguina widh dhe depreiiively-afpirate libbilant, widhout dhe oddher dental vertualiy preiixed ; iiz m. ginger, j-ulep (dzhindzher, dzhulep). Sibbilant afpiracion direft mull inifcially be painted yZj ; az in JJjoo, on Jlore ; unies be- fore u open, hware dhe licquefaccion b^coms dhe coin- cident fubilitute ov afpiracion, articculatmg oo : az in fure fugar (fhoor flioogar). Compozifcion, or forma- cion, renders dhe fame plftures medial : Bajljaws^ aJJjore ajfure. Nor can aught, but dhe afpiracion, afpirate in dhe end : witnes fiJJj, and jinnijlj. But licquefaccion, fa nattarally coinciding widh afpiracion ; afpirate fibbila- cion medial may arize alike direft and deprellive, from, dhe fibbilants articculating or mel,ting, / febel into' coalif- cion widh anoddher febel vowel ; and fo may be conili- tuted refpeftively ov.y/ or ci, and zi. Dhus in pajjlon, ■ exprejfion., mijfiun^ concujJio7i ; in caucion, conipiecion, difcrejcion^ tranfifcion (or tranzifcion)^ malifcious fuf" pifcion, capr'ijctoiis nocion, fuperjiijcious Jiacion, 'viva- cious, yet vifcious, rezzolucion I Widh gracious ingra* ■ ciate.\ depreciate, v if date ; propifciate, propifciacion, 4 and INHERPICTURE. 8.''»'?c'^ (xyinma- M chos) 90 PROPRIETY ASCERTAINED chos) ; hwich cood be (inifcially) no more dhan our Zym- machos ; dhe Greek I and Lattin .v being, refpeftively, dhe fole depreffive inifcial fibbilacion : for dhe direcl form in edher language waz newer uzed depreffively ; and dhe depreffive form (^ or z) involved clz^ a nexure in boath parts, even inifcially, audibel at Atthe?is and Room ; dho no more fo in France or Ingland, hwich retain but dhe latter. And dhus it iz, dhat Xerxes in aincient, az in moddern articulacion, cood be no more dhan Zerxes' j, hwich French dellicacy fmoodhs into' Zerces, 2. TH/o/DH. HwAT, dho Greek and Lattin deprelTed not dhe den- tal afpirate ? Hwat, dho dheir erlier ofspring knew it not in edher power ? Mull: dherfore dhe Inglifh, hoo po- zelTes boath powers, in a perfeccion no oddher tung per- haps ewer cood boaft, continnue affraid to' paint boath? or from an abjeft immitacion, hware iz no coppy ; bely her variety ov articulacion, raddher dhan exert her hap- py libberty ov prezenting it ? Happier indeed iz dhis lib- berty, az difentanguelled from nexure. If dhe dire6l mute, widh its afpiracion, conilitute fo fairly dhe direft afpirate ; flial not dhe depreffive mute, widh its afpira- cion, conilitute (az fairly) dhe depreffive afpirate ? Shal / not be d^ hwen fimpel ; and ffial t be alfo d, widh af- piracion ? Shal te and de^ or tea and Dee ; fhal ty and dy, guiv diftlnft founds and idea's ; and ffial dhe T'he, hweddher dhe Theodore^ dhe 'Thetis^ dhe theater^ or dhe 4 theory IN HER P I C T U R E. 91 theory ; flial dbv tb'/gh, widh coincident ^•o^vels diftin- guiPiied, continnue to' blend in won femblance, oppozite powers ov articulacion ; the thc^ or dhe clhe ; thy ihigh^ or dhy dhigh ? Equally juft ! Dhe afpirate ov t yl inifcial in thic and thin ; ov c/, in dhis and dhai : and mull: all foar feem to' liav won inifcial ? 7'his or that thic or th'm thing YL no more diftinftly expreffive, dhan dhis or dhat dhic or dhin dhing. 'This thing 'yl jull: az good az dhis dhing ; and no better. Nedher can intelligibly paint dhis thing. So, "They^ throwing their threads thick^ think thine thin ; iz equal, in precizzion ov picture, to' Dhey, dhrowinor dheir dhreads dhick. dhink dhine dhin : for dhe clear and ezy, Dhey^ throwing dheir threds thic, think dhine thin. Can natives or llraingers obvioufly diilin- guidi fo verry poffibel an exprefTion az ? — They thought the theme, that thzvarted them, threatened the three other brethren ; more dhan f — Dhey dhought dhe dheme, dhat dhwarted dhem, dhreatened dhe dhree odber hre- dhren. — Can edher millake ? — Dhey thaught dhe theme, dhat thwarted dhem, threttened dhe three oddher bred- dhren, — or difcrimminate dhe articulacion ov ? — Thither Therfites thus the thunder threw, Iho' throbb'd the thief with Phthian tbrillings thro\ more dhan dhat ov M 2 Dhid- 92 PROPRIETY ASCERTAINED Dbiddher Dherfites clhus cihe dhimder dh'rezv^ Dho' dhrohV d dhe dhief widh Phdhian dhriUings dhrough. for dhe at leaft readabel cuppiet : Dhiddhcr Therfites dhus dhe thunder thrczi\ Dho throhF d dhe thief widh Phthian thyilUngs throo. Dhat Phthian can vertually be but T'hian^ evvery read- er knows. Nor is dhe rune a reppetifcion ov dhe hoal fyilabel : for threw, propperly (dhat iz, fooUy) uttered, haz a iicquefacclon, hwich dhe bkmt throo haz not ; ew being equal to' u ovjoo. Ether and edher differ fuffifciently, dho folely, in dhe power ov dhe afpirate ; widhout dhe vulgar fervile ov either, hwich fom ftrain to' render dhe effective ; az pre- pofteroufly az dhe idel o ov yeoman, fovyeman. Againfl dhe diilindlive pifliures, hv/ich exaftly repprezent dhe diftinft powers ov dhe afpirate, no argument can be allcd- ged, dhat doz not equally opperate againfl dhe diftinc- cion ov f and v, ov / and d ; dhat doz not dherfore proov dhe diilinccion ov dhe pifture, indifpenfabel az dhat ov dhe power. Dhe afpirate s interchainge by for- macion : fo doo dhe fimpels. Az natturally az we fay and fee in different languages, patre and padre, Petro and Pedro ; I N H E R P I C T U R E. 93 Pedro ; and in our own Pahtric and Paddy^ Jlopped and Jiopt^ difirejfed and difirefi ; fo natturallv mull we doo boath in path and padhs, oath and oadhs^ motuh and 7noudhs ; hath and hadhe, hreth and hredhe^ loth and lodhe^ mouth and mondh. We mull fee, becauz we muil hear, Z>^///6, helthy ; %vehh, "odelthy ; and, for dhe fame rezon, worthy 'ivordhy ; north,, nordher^i \ fouth, foddhern%. zvith dhe noun, and 'zcj/J/^ dhe preppozifcion. Dhus ar, and dhus onely can be feen ; or, from being feen, herd ; dhe oppozite afpirate q\ f earth (or far-thing) tkxsA fardhing, ov Martha and Carmardhen. Muft we paint dlie chain- ged pov/er ov dhe labial, not ov dhe dental, afpirate ? efpecially, hwen in dhe latter, dhe fimpel mute alone iz to' chainge ; hwich fo ezily chainges, hwen onely lim- pel ? Can v/e fay and fee Jheaf ^nAJheavs ; not JJjeath and JJjeadhs f May boath eye and ear diftinguiili life and li'-oe, or lives ; and may dhey not tithe, tidhe, and tidhes f Indifpenfably dilHnft ar appropriacion and pluralUty : an oaths obligacion, and dhe obligacion ov oadhs ; a cloths finenes, and fine clodhs ; like a paths narrownes, and narrow padhs, Dhis, far from precluding, authorizes dhe real az harmonious fubftitucion ov dhe direct fimpel to' dhe depreilive afpirate, hwen dhe depreffive afpirate com- mences dhe fvllabel foilowine : in dhe familliar foddher hwich compounds dhe oddher, az anoddher (follcmn or familliar) an oddher. But, if dhe dire£t afpirate can, no more dhan dhe diretSt limpel, repprezent dhe deprel- five afpirate ; can dhe dire£t afpirate repprezent dhe de- preffive fimpel ? Dhis queftion feems not to' hav been 5 poot, 94 PROPRIETY ASCERTAINED poot, hwile burthen and murther painted (fo long i*^ re- Ipededly !) burden and murder. Now, it haz been poot ; flial London, hoo talks fairly az natlurally, ov her Bedjial-^ieen^ and Bed/am-o{])'ita.\^ pretend widh her pen to' exhibbit edher, in dhe femblance ov Bethnal or ov Bethlehem f Can dhe wonce pious cappital perfiil in profaning a name, hwich fhe quelHonles ment to' on- nor ? Can llie knowingly employ it, az dhe vehikel ov falfehood ? Ingland, ardent to' prezerv and to' proppagate Truith, wil find Scotland firil: her fcollar, and dhen her rival. Lethington and Nithifdale wil foon blufh dhey ev\^er perfonated L.edingtoji or Nidfdale. Leith viA remain inviolate, az Lethe or dhe ISlith. Yet notthing millitates againll dhe London-fuburb Roddhcrhith, dho dhe rif-raf doo name it Redrif, CooD prefcedent ad foarcc to' demmonftracion, or dhe praftice ov won dialect lend fanccion to' dhat ov anod- dher ; dh may IHl be traced in old Inglifli, and its nex- (or due fymbol) in Saxon picturage. Nor wil Etty- Tnollo2;v hezzitate to' confirm dhe depreffive figo-ure ov dhe dental to' dhe Inglifli Artikel, its branches and cog- nates ; Dhe^ dhis, dhat^ and dhe rcil ; liwen (lie fees dhe German parents, dho now infufceptibcl ov dhe afpi- rate, lo approach it in dhe fimpel, az faithfoolly to' fliow .Invat dhey fa v. in der, die^ and das, 3. PH, and F, for V. 'Closely az dhe refpe£tive articulaclons, direft and de- IN HER PICTURE. 95 deprefTive, ar allied ; not won direct fymbol, befide dhat ov dhe fibbilacion in its formative capafcity, can pretend to' picture alfo dhe depreffive power. Dhe cognates p^ h ; ph^ V, and dhe refl: ; being at wonce oppozite, and al- moalt identical ; cannot be diftinguiilied, in femblance,. az in efTence, widh too much precizzion. Yet haz ne- dher dhe dainger, nor dhe neceffity, fufficed to' prevent our hiddherto' employing dhe direft figgure ov evvery won ov dhe afpirates for dhe depreffive, no les dhan for dhe direct power ; ov dhe fibbilating and dental (az we hav feen) always ; and even ov dhe labial in a few in- flances, dho it hav a depreffive picture. Dhe afpirates of aincient languages (unles perhaps dhe labial) had no depreffive emiffion, confequently no depreffive appear- ance. Our language, hawing boath powers ov evvery afpirate ; haz at length found boath pictures, for dhe two dhat wanted. Ov dhe third, dhe labial, hwich had always fo diitintt fymbols, from dhe EoUic Digamma down ; in no inftance can won be allowed to' offifciate for anod- dher. Yet dhe Greek and Lattin Stephanus haz hid- dherto' (in fpite ov our fenfes) commanded our feing Ste- phen^ hware we muft hear Steven. Dhe fame contempt ov all common-fenfe, and aw even ov a nepos, haz made us prefer nephew to' newew ; widh hoos obvious parent (neveu) wefeemto' have been az littel acquainted, az widh dhe atteltacion our ear gave to' dhe ofspring. It waz in- deed for want ov knowing (or ov regarding) dhe immedi- ate parent ov Steven^ dhat we made him in onnor pre- fer dhe more remote. For Stephanus had procreated; . EJIivane 96 PROPRIET.Y ASCERTAINED EJlivane and EJlwenne (lioo became EJlienne and E- tienne) are he dhus tranfmltted our Sleven. If here, nor onely here, M^e hav found Ettymollogy ahnoaft az blind az def ; m dhLs, az in anny fenfe, we may wel pro- nounce widh YoNG : Anallogy, our fureji guide helow I that hitelle8:ual rezemblance, relacion, propoarcion, con- jiexion, confiilence ; hwich enabels, from things dhat ar feen, to' judge ov things dhat ar not feen ; az, from a part, ov dhe hoal : dhat indiflblubel coherence, by hwich evvery part propoarcionably ftrengthens or fuppoarts dhe reft ; and all dhe parts, each m-inuteft member : Hzvare all mnjl fool^ or not coherent he ; udnd all dhat rlzes^ rize in due degree. Ettymollogy Iz chiefly damgerous, liwen miftaken for Anallogy ; az, ov all guides, miftaken Anallogy muft be dhe moaft daingerous. Falfe principels muft produce falfe practice ; and half-vews, les knollege dhan non. Nor les admirably faid dhe fame philofopphic poet, hoos under- ftanding waz fo erly open, and, hwen open, fo capa- cious : ^ littel lerninz iz a dain^^rous thincr, ii> Ci o Drink deep^ or tajie not^ dhe Pierian fpf'ing ; Hware IN HER PICTURE. 97 Hwarefjallow drafts intoxicate dhe hrain^ But drinking largely fob er 5 us again. EvvERY primmitis^e dicclon feems to' liav enjoyed dhe labial, dental, and guttural afpirates. Dhe fibbilating afpirate, unknown to' dhe parent-languages, aroze (we faw) a ilipplement or fuccelTor to' dhe guttural, hwich dhe French and dhe IngHfli hav loiL Our language how- evvcr haz dhe compenfaclon ov prezerving, almoall: alone ov livvlng tungs, dhe dental afpirate (we now fee az wel az hear) in boath powers. Dhat dhe depreffive la- bial afpirate haz been, in all tungs and times, liabel to' in- terchainge widh dhe braud licquefaccion ; or dhe found ov v, widh dhat ov zv ; cannot furprize hooevver knows dhe cognacion or aflmnity ov dhoze labials. But, dhat dhe Lattin ended no fyllabel, confequently no word, widh ^\ iz az certain az, dhat, had auriccular Anallogy fo commanded, occular wood hav obeyed. In Itallian and French, dhe fime cauz had dhe fame eiFeft ; nor dhis by fervile immitacion, hwich boath hav nobly dif- dained : for won (at leail) ov dhe fillers, howevver boath gennerally harmonious, made dhe harOi inifcial affem- blage ^'r, hwich dheir parent newer cood know. Inglifh picturage, ewer az much affraid ov not following oddher anallogies, az if flie had been affraid to' find her own ; warped, or braudened, widh dhe Teutonnic tungs, dhe new combinacion vr into' dhe un.utterabel ivr. Dhus from verus, fquezed and varied into' vrai, firft 'vray^ N came 98 PROPRIETY ASCERTAINED came dhe old Inglifli wraj', llil a fumanae, az wel az dhe iimpel ov dhe oblblete hcwray. Yet Candor gladly owns, dhat '■oerry^ and dhe like, doo onnor to' Inglifli diccion. B^ v, and w, being dhen, by infepparabel gradacion, con- nefbed ; we may, widhout much Teutonnic aid, bring from fcrihere and efcribre, dhe old anceftor ov ecrire ; or from fcrihtu7]i and efcript, dhe harbingers ov fcriptiim and ecrit^ dhe Ingliili write and writ ; hware dhe Scots, and probbably oddher ftraingers, hav taken (haples dho onnell !) pains to' y^rezerv, like dhe kn and g7i in hiow and gnazv, dhe reallity ov an alTemblage, hwich Nature cood newer employ, and can hardly behold widhout pain. Aincient languages clozed no fyllabel w:dh a depreilive afpirate (if indeed dhey had anny). Dheir immediate ilTue followed dheir exampel. Our libberal Anaiiogy ends a fyllabel widh edher power ov evvery afpirate flie ad- mits ; and wel might cloze a word widh dhe depreffive afpirate, hwich, dozing fo oft a fyllabel, muft be fo of- ten dubbled ; or hwich, fliutting fo natturally won vowel, az natturally renews itfelf to' articculate anoddher. If dhis be irreifragabel in hav hawing^ liv livving^ lov lowing (luv luvving) and dhe like ; fhal we dred to' fee, more dhan to' hear, dhe impoartant preppozifcion ov f Dhe adverb o/, no longer confounded widh its op- pozite, wil no longer be tempted to' barbarous duplica- cion. Ov dhis zve herd, a grait way of. We know dhe impoartance ov dillinccion ; and mult not poot of dhe practice ov it. If f cannot, in won inflance, repprezent V ; Ihal II, in won inftance,- repprezent edher power ov dhe 1 N H E R P I C T U R K. 99 dhe labial afpirate r Becauz dhe figgures u and v became promifcuous in Lattin pifturagc, can dhe French lieute- nant make an Inglilh Ueftemiant.\ more dhan dhe French. colonely an Inglilh curnel f Dainger mull attend dhe repprezentacion ov won found by various fymbols. Different orrigin may fom- tlmes be fo indicated, hware no light iz thrown on dhe idea ; but at dhe rifk ov all hoo, innocently unquallified, cannot be bound to' trace various orrigin ; to' trace a dif- tinccion, widhout a difference ! Afpirates hav, in all written exhibifcion, firll: appeared hwat dhey ar ; dlie refpective mute widh afpiracion, Greek pifturage braught evvery afpirate into' nexure. Yet dhe fole af- pirate, hwich haz in Inglilh adopted nexure, haz retain- ed in fom fcientiffic terms, drawn, thro' French and Lat- tin, from dhe Greek ; dhe primmitive components, pref- ferably to' dheir combinacion ; retained dhe fepparate fymbols, hwich even dheir Greek parent had combined. Dhus, dho phyzzic be fafe az philojfophy^ hwile fyzzic (or fizzic) and flojfofy wood be more truly jizzical and^/o- foffic ; cypher^ prophane, and oddhers ; for cifer (if not fifer) profane^ or dhe like ; violate, at wonce, Orrigin and Anallogy. But, az in fantom^ fantajy^ fezzant^, filter^ and even f raze ; Rezon guetting graddual ground, explodes (dhe Ihame widh dhe dainger ov) Affedacion, N2 S E C- loo PROPRIETY ASCERTAINED S E C C I O N III. ODDHER MISREPPREZENTACION OV CONSONANTS. I. Dhe old guttural, for dhe labial, afpirate. Interchainge izdoiitles moaft incident to' affinnity ; and dhe clofeft affinnity iz equivvalence. For Ettymol- logy iz much too grait an antiauary to' acquiefce in Anal- logy's principel ; W oit found Jljood hav hut zvon fy^nbol : a principel, hwich, in dhe pifture ov evvery derivvative language, more or les violated ; wil evv-erihware, by dhe new light ov Orthoggraphy, becom vvidh confiftencc regarded. ' Dho we fee dherfore, not onely widhout pain, but widh plezzure, fantom, fren^-y, ftile, rime, and dhe like, take uni^'erfal place ov phantom, phrenzy ; fj'le, ryme ; az wel az ov rhyme, rhythm, and dheir fellow- briftlers ; no mocion iz here made, for an aft to' exclude edher ph or y Greek. Widh dhe French we llil too much onnor, at wonce, philoffophy and phyzzic. Dhe old guttural afpirate, nov/ foftened into' dhe la- bial, cannot alfume dhe Greek, but muft dhe Lattin, fcmhlance ov dhe labial. Hwat oridginally appeared, for dhe heft ov poffibel rczons, laugh, cough, hough, trough ',fough (Ikin), chough, rough, tough, enough; mulf now appear for dhe fame beft ov rezons, laf, cof hof, trofi IN HER PICTURE. IGl trof \ Jluf^ chief, ruf, tuf, enuf. Hough iz becom Huf in dhe fumame ; az Brough became Bruf, in dhc town ov Wellmoreland. Lough, tranfmuted into' dhe French and IngUlh lake, yl now notthing dhe les luj\ in dhe compound iVd fcen Loughborough ; hwich may be painted Lufhurrough, dho herd onely Lufhurrouo ; dhe final guttural being totally loft, az in plough, Jlough (mire) and hough (branch) ; hwich retain howevver dhe fool dipthong ; az doo dhe compound proppers Llough- ton, Loughton, Stoughton, Broughton, Boughton ; droo- ping entirely dhe afpirate. By interchainge ov dhe ruf ^ndgejttel fpirrit, az talk dhe Greek Cirammarians ; or ov afpiracion, and its abfence ; Hough and Lloughton hav been varied into' Ough and Oughton ; dhen, by tranzif- cion ov dhe guttural into' dhe labial afpirate, hav becom (in Barklliere, if not elfehware) Uf and Ufton. Ne- dher afpirate, nor u effective, hav dough and dhough re- tained. Dhe latter vowel becoms dherfore a fervile (or mute gard) to' dhe open o : az it iz, dho febel, in hur- rough fondly fewered from burrozv ! Dhe afpirate iz now indeed in llttel dainger ov being held effeclive in Ingland ; but dhe noun wer flil fafer az ezier in dhe lliape ov doiD, like row or tozv ; and dhe conjunccion dho iz ev^ very way az complete az dhe adverb fo. 2. Dhe French for dhe Inglifj fihhilating afpirate. If dhe guttural afpirate, no more herd, proovs now fo fparingly feen ; its fibbilating fuccelTor, hwich retained its 102 PROPRIETY ASCERTAINED its form in French, cannot alfo retain dhat form in Ing- lilli, unles hware vertually prefixing oddher dentallity : az in churchy fnch^ filch^ fitch. Dhe fame rezon dhat paints dhc French chaife^ champagne^ chevalier^ cha- grin (capiicin) machine and dehauche ; mull exhibbit dhe Inghih JJjaiz, JJjampain^ fijcvvalier or JJjewaleer, JJja- green, (cappu/heen or cappujljin), majljeen (or majloene) ; widh debaufJjee, or debbauJJjee, az dhe writer may chooz it to' be red. If ev^^ery oridginal claim an addequate picture ; muft proppers, dhe moaft natturalized proppers, continnue aliens ? If we fay (and we doo fay) Sha- moon, muft: we fee him, or can we fee him in dhe ap- pearance ov dhe French arketype Chamont P If Sharlot fo effencially differ from Charles^ mult fhe affeft (in Charlotte) to' rezembel raddher him, dhan herfelf ? Ro- chelle, dhe fair pifture in France, can prezerv her iden- tity in Ingland, onely az Ropelle or RoJljeL 3 foy C (?r K. Dhe fame power, emitted by c, h, and q ; rilks not- thing, if dhe departments ov each be afcertained. ^ can articculate onely dhe brand licquefier, ettymolodgi- cally painted by u, for oo comprelTed into' iv ; az in equal quantity. No more dhen can it appear in majke- rade, peak, anteek ; dhan in ma^^, rijk, hurlejk, piBu- rejk% mpic, pike, oblike, or antic : hwich preclude ne- dher anticqiiity, nor oblicquity. Banket (no more ban- quet) mull join blanket and banker ; az muft conker, and conkeji -, IN HER PICTURE. 103 conkejl ; hwich joins nedher Inqueji^ nor anny quejl, Dhe markis (or markes) and rnarchiones (howewer elfe equipped) muft bring dheir ecklpage ; /^ marquis et la mar qui fe^ leur equipage. Chec miiil produce checker ov ev\^ery kind ; and llial echiquier command dhe exchecker ? Liqueur and reglijje hav genneratcd liccor and liccorice ; dhe latter, like dhe Scotch village Lejlarric^ fo harmo- nized from Rejialrig. Muft dhey dhence boath look, Lattinly, liquor and liquorice f Becauz dhe French quay (now quai, truly cai) waz dhe obvious parent ov our key (kee) dhe hwarf ; iz key dherfore quay ; az dhe Well- Inglifli, and Iriili, wood warp it ? So muft dhe coinci- dent key be clef or cle ; and evvery child its parent ! 4. S and C, J and G, inter chainged, S and C. Dho c waz univerfally dhe Lattin fymbol ov k ; in Inglifh, az in French, it haz becom before e or /, dhe fubftitute ov (s^) dhe diredt fibbilacion. It can dher- fore no more paint k in dhe proppers Cis^ Sceva, and Aceldama^ for Kis^ Skeva and Akeldama, dhan in dhe appellatives fceptic and fceleton ; now gennerally feen, az wel az herd, Jkeptic 2LTidiJkelleton. And fhal not Euclid himfelf be yet abel to' demonftrate an Ifojkeles trianguel ? In a few words, our pifturage haz followed dhe French coppy ov retaining dhe ettymolodgic c, hware it retains no found, or leves dhe s non : fcene^ fcepter^ fciattic, /do- lijl, 104 PROPRIETY ASCERTAINED ///?, fcience ; fcintillacion, refcind, tranfcend, ahfces ; widh (quelHonles) dhelr cognates. Won cannot blame cihe gardener for pruning /c/o;? into' cion ; but dhey know littel oy fen teur, cimherre^ or fitus^ hoo pretend to' com- pliment Ettymolbgy widh fcent^ Jcimhar diudi /cite ; for fent, cimmitery 2i.nd.file. Two fymbols for won found yield dhe eye howevver dhe plezzure and dlie pride ov diftinguiiliing fite and cite, ft and cit, fejfion and cejfwn, fvnet and cygnet, fcene and fean and feen. Different foarces may hav fent dhe contending cinnabar ■a.wdi finno- per, cifer and fifer (even cypher), nay fejitincl and cen- tinel, fuperfede and fupercede ! But a littel attenfion wil commonly fuflice for habittuating fuperfede and in- tercede ; for fleering between dhe rocs ov Ettymollo- o-y. Dho an acquaintance widh morfits, raddher dhan v/idh 7norceau (\yonce morcel), and a prefference ov dear Lattin even to' dcmeftic Anallogy, hwich o^qx's, parcel a native compannion ; may hav rendered morfel dhe favo- rite figgure ; hmmilar cauz haz not introduced tinfel, hwich might fparkel widh handfcl or hanfel, {til widh- out a glance at etincelle. So dhe French danfe and tranfe denied not, dance and trance, admittance to' Inglifh Orthoggraphy. 2. J and G. Di-iE rival rcpprezcntatives ov dhe deprefhve iibbila- ting afpiratc hav fomtimcs equally baffled moddern Etty- Diollogy. Gelee and fergent did hope to' find dheir chil- dren INHERPICTURE. 105 ciren gelly and fergeant, az furely az general had found hiz fon a genneral. But hwat parent ilial prommife for hiz child ? Hiz child tranfplantcd into' dhe land ov Lib- BERTY ! Jelly Z-vAferjeant^ far from owning, difclaimed dheir parents. Dhe former declared herfelf a native ov Foartland-Jlreet (N. 64.) Dhe latter fwore (for fom, even ov hiz rank, in dhoze days did fwair ;) dhat he waz Inglilh-born ; and cood (hwat few fargents befide him- feif cood) fwair, he had but a finguel fupernumerary. Geole protefted (for ilie pozelTed too manny fwairers to* fwair) dhat her wilh, like her arms, waz fool. Dhe land (llie faid) ov Antigallicaiis^ waz a land ov Antirafcionals: elfe wood newer gaol^ more dhan goal, hav attempted to* make an Inglifh jail, fuer fang et eau — remuer del et terre (dhoze wer her expreffions) in dhe wild endevvor ov anny way rezembling her parent. Dhe vennerabel Ger- vaife and Geoffrol fmiled limmilarly at dhe Island, hware Jervas and Jervis, Jeffrey and J^ffery wer Orid- ginals, if not Aborigines ! S E C C I O N IV. C, G, and oddhers, mifrepprezented, by being fnif- attended. Two confonants, oridglnally guttural or pallatal, fof- ten in Ingliih, az in French, before f^ffl^^ or7{/^f; and much raddher dhan to' hwiz, ,dhe undouted az obvious parent. Yet, ^\iOgliftre, glittre^ 3 littre, IN HER PICTURE. I2t Httre^ lettre, and even philtre, hav funk beneadh gUJlsr^ glitter, litter, letter, 2tYi6. filter \ glijim may iHl hope to* extlnguifli ^///?6';?, and even tne to' triumph over ten^ hwen Jno iz in fo fair a way ov extinguiiliing at wonce yohn and yon. Dhat y«o iz in fuch a way, may be augured, from two verry happy prognoftics ; won genne- ral, dhe oddher peculiar. Dhe grait Odi?t ov dhe North, braudened into' Wodiji, and flendered into' IVeden, hwence Wedden ; haz (by more dhan Scandinavian en- chantment) becom dhe Brittifli Mercury, on hiz own Wednefday, and in hiz own Wednefijury ; hwich cood onely by fuch power picture Weddenfday and Weddenf- berry : onely indeed by dhe power, dhat makes Gentle- men tantamount to' Gentelmen ; dho far les can tranfmute dhem togueddher into' Wenfday, Wenf- berry, and Gemmen. Dhe oddher no les venne- rabel corroboracion, iz dhe furname fymbolizing Arch- decon ; hwich notthing but a new Wedne cood ev- ver elifcit from dhe Antediluvian Arcedeckne. If no may dhus repprezent on, tne ten, az wel az dne den, or tre ter ; tie, not onely tel, but fel ; die dherfore ezily del ; no JVil o' dhe wifp (hweddher in Wednefijury on Wednefday, or not) wil gUJlne (or gUJlre) dhe lujire ov yno 5 little candle ; {ince it muft fuffice to' fliow — a. \'owel at wonce final and medial, filent and audibel — a confonant az wef az a vowel, feen in won place, and herd in anoddher — fyllabels red bacwards and forwards — ^in- combinabels combined ; or, dhoze letters commencing to- gueddher, dhat can onely be red in fepparacion. Dhe Greek T^.,^4?, (az leajl). Nor can dheze keep unaccom- panied by impoart, impoartant and impoartance ; poar- ter, poartrait, poarcion, Poarcius and Poarcia, Poartu- gal, Opoarto ; widh dheir cognates. Yet ov oppozite vowel, az ov oddher fammilies, ^x fportule and fortres, fortify, comfort, and dhe like. Foarth, fliir Bodotria's native name, can fear notthing from edher collider (or -conglider) dhe ordinal or dhe adverb. Plail, Frith ov Foarth ! perennial foarce Ov Scottifj fame, and Brit t if j foarce ! C^// foarth dhy ozvn Augusta's fmile, u4nd roll dhe glory ov dhe Ile. Dho I N H E R P I C T U R E. ij9 Dho dhe fimpel loath or lothe cannot remain in our lan- guage, loth and lodhe being dhe adjeftivc and verb ; loath forn^ or lothefom^ continnues indilpenfabel, and fini- milarly dhe lervile in dhe compound propper. Loathherrv or Lotheberrv. Dhus, dho ainbo^ or oddher parent, admit no fervile ; boath or hothc^ to' be red, mull req^uire won. So Jloath (not now firll exhibbited) differs from Jloth^ (onely) az "Truith from T'ruth. Yet Jlozv may lend dhe oddher filent frend to' JJowth, az doz grozv to' growth. But u can be no more an Inglifli fervile to' 0, leil it fcem to' join dhe foregoing vowel in a domeilic dip- thong ; or open depreffive in dhe French, raddher dhan direct in dhe Inglifh manner. No more can it dherfore enter Joul, four^ court ^ gourd, courfe or fource^ dhan mourn or bourn, fo onneftly and fo ezily moarn and hoarn. Foarm, dhe bench, wil not now fight its forju ; or difpute widh it perforin, anny more dhan inform, re- form, or dhe reft. In foil alone, can mans better part be fafe ; and fuch did Hie difcloze herfelf in ao-es les at- tentive to' hoddy. Foar, for like rezon, wil hencefoarth be counted dhe foarth excepcionles numeral. Coarfe, dhe race, wil no more joftel widh coarce, dhe remnant ov dhe runner, dhan widh coarfe dhe antipode ov fine. Inglifli df coarfe (dredaingjuft az much from dfcours, az from difcurfus) cannot now fall to' bring a concoarfe ; nay to' charm liooevver fnal hav recoarf to' it, or dhe fmall- eft inter coarfe ^vldh it. Ov dheze wil foarce be dhe pure compannion ; az coart and goaid, ov poart and hoard. A coarlier attends coart ; but cnrteous and cur- S 2 tefy, 140 PROPRIETY ASCERTAINED tefy^ ar (wldh curtezan) out ov dhe quelVion. Fiozvn, dhe particippel ov Jly, retaining dhe fervile oy Jiow, like own dhe formative ov ow, cannot be fuppozed to' chime widh dhe dipthongal frozvn or down. So bozv^ dhe arch, widh its ofspring bowl, dhe gobblct or bafon, can hav no oddher dhan occular coincidence widh bow bend, and bozvl dhe trundeller (or trundler) ; hwich affert dhe dipthong. But roll (dhe child ov rolle^ now role) being no formative ov row, muft proov ov az barbarous efFed in rozvl, az contrail in coniroul ; hv/ich iz az much more pernifcious dhan comptroll ; az dhis but kils dhe boddy, dhat endaingers dhe foil. Hwile joll dhus exterminates jowl, no jingler widh hozvl ; poll feems at leaft to' keep clear ov pole ; and boll, dhe ear or mezzure (ov corn), rezembels no more dhe coincident bole and boivl dhan dhe verry dilTonant bowl. In poultry, poultice, coulter, and fjoulder ; now poltry, poltice, colter and Jljolder ; dhe u waz az daingerous az formerly in coult and culd, now fafely (underftanding dhe unfeen fervile in) colt and old. It mull: be owned dhat revolt often, and dhe prop- per Boldero always, fhuts dhe flrong vowel, like retort and border ; dhoze primmitives newer hawing had a fervile : but nedher had ^»^TOf i^poltos) nor culter. A brand, and dired, dhus lowing dhe fame fer- viles, underftood or exprefled ; az in bald and bold, fup- pozed nil baiild and bould ; widh like fafety doo boath employ / itfelf for dhe occular braudener or opener before / or y^ final ; az doz, in a few proppers, before final n I or INHERPrCTURE. 141 or m. Dims pall and poll^ hall and. holl^ all foar diiHnc- tive : fo talk widh fevveral, and folk widh fcarce anny compannions ; in hwich latter prediccament waz holm, wonce dlilin£tive from home ; dho now kindly accompa- nying, raddher az a propper, Coin (widh Colney) and Colm, Lincoln and Malcolm. ; in hvv^ich laft. dhe prior / iz alfo fervile az dhat in walnut and chaldron, or in Hoi- hoarn, hware it indeed iz fuperfluous. Dhe llreet can no more claim dhe / ov hole, dhan can hohoy, dhe vowels ov dhe French hauthois ; or dhe petty hoe, dhoze ov heau. L cannot be a final fervile : nor can Affefta- cion (dhe dubbler ov Ignorance) ewer render / efFe£tive in Brijlol. Dhe cappital ov Sommerfet mull rize to' Truith, widh dhe furname, in (all dhe buty ov) Brijlow. Nay marl wood yield to' maul, in onnor ov fuch a frend ; and fhow herlelf onneiHy Maulhurrough ; but for fear ov dhe lerned laffers ov London, hoo fo duly decide in difficult cafes. If we cannot now wonder at dhe conteil hQtWQQW faucon -s^vA falcon, Fawkefter 3.nd Falconer or Falconar ;, we may ezily reconcile hawker and Halhcr- ton. L iz dhe more ainclent, dhe oddher dhe fafer fer- vile. Hwile almanac and almug boldly brauden dhe fiiil vov/el before / effeftive ; dhe velTel aum, and inilru- iTvenX. fhawm, demand dhe vocal figgure ov dhe filent frend : for / wood unbrauden dhem, dho it might fym- bolize dhe protraccion ov dhe flender found, az it doz in alms, palm, halm, pfalm, and calm ; in Mahnfey, and in Malmfberry. Alms infer dhe almoner, hoo wood gladly carry almonds along widh him. In qualm (hv/ich dherfore 142 PROPRIETY ASCERTAINED dherfore cannot rime widh pjalm) it muft prolong hv/at dhe licquefier braudens. Dhe / effective fliuts az duly dhe {lender vowel iwpfalmiji and pfalmody, az it clozes (not flints) dhe brand, in pfalter ox pfaltery: hwich ar precifely Jalmiji^ falmody^ faulter and fauUery. Alike ufefool dhen ar dhe final fervlles e and w : dlie latter, to' dhe two cognate vowels we hav juft feen ; dhe former (we remember) to' all. Hwile dhey dhus know dheir (refpeftive) places ; and, far from joftling, mutually diftinguifli, az in toe and tow ; hwat Anallogy or Ett)'- mollogy, or ftil more cogent power, drives won fervile after anoddher f poor e final, az if dhe flave alfo ov her lifter ! Hwence dhen dhe a-ive we ozve^ or how ar we awed dhus to' pay widhout owing, and to' hoom iz it paid, x}wed or not ? From equal acquaintance widh miftres and maid, widh fervile and effeftive, doo we pay like regard to' boath. VI ft ore 'yl no fore, two letters cannot be ftore for an Inslilli noun or verb : fo tluee at leafi: mull be in- difpenfabel. Dhat aw and ozv hav an elfencial vowel az duly garded az awl or own^ haz hiddherto' been a fecret (or a foUecifm) to' dhe Orrakels ov Tnglini litterature. Dhev hoo fee no ufe ov two letters, but to' jil dhe eye, hware won (alas !) fils dhe ear ; \:^vSk. pronounce dhe word more (nay, moail) perfect widh three. Since ax and ox aup-ht dherfore to' fwel into' axe and oxc, flial dhe eye be robb'd ov addle e, becauz dhe ear (forfooth !) owns no more dhan adz f But let us compromize v/idh dhe infaciabel organ. Dho Anallogy cannot ad a fervile, hware I N H E R P I C T U R E. 143 hware won iz alreddy ; fhe muft require dhe return ov an efFe(?ti\ e, dhat haz been (by hwatevver agency or inagen- cy) fplrritted from her : dhe febel vowel hwicli, dho be- tween dhe hcquids apt to' be abforbed, muft prezerv dhe power ov dividing dhem ; in eight particippels or parti- cippials : Jlolen^ fwolen, fivoren^ woren, boren, torsn^ poor en ; and ewQTvforloren ; dho lor en (widh lear) be loft, and remain onely in dhe poettic noun lore. Seldom in- deed can dhe dillatacion be recquifite ; but it newer can be rendered impoffibel : nor, hwen dhe weak vowel links, can it continnue to' afcertain dhe opennes ov dhe ftrong, widhout leving dhe elider to' play dhat frendly part ; az in JioPji, horn^ forlo/n ; hware dhe fervile iz az nefcelTary az in boi'^d or deplor d^ from bored and de- plored. In fuch 2izfpoken or chozen, dhe latter vowel iz equally febel, dho in no dainger ov being fwallowed between incombinabels ; but, in dhe oddhers, dhe proxy muft be dhe more wanted,, dhat dhe principal can fo rare- ly proov efteftive. 5. O depreflive, widh its fervile. 0, direct and depreftive, waz blended by promifcuous ferviles ; til Diftinccion appointed a (formerly dhe dired) dhe depreftive attendant. Boord and coke no longer dif- guized board and cook. Boath powers (all powers) ar lono'er or ftiorter, az ftrono-er or weaker. Somhwat ftiorter iz vocallity before a direft, dhan before a depref- five clozer : dhe dire<^ proovs apter to' ftop, dhe depref- ftve 144 PROPRIETY ASCERTAINED five to' continnue dhe found. So verb, ewer moddify- ing opperac'ion ; dhe fame vowel wil be longer in \'erb, dliaii in anny oddher part ov fpeech. Clofz dhe noun, and clo%e dhe verb ; fop and foh^ proof iiniX proov^ ex- emplify.' By various cauz may dhe quantity ov dhe fame vovvcl be varied, even before dhe fame conlonant. Obviouily accountabel iz dhe difference ov hoop and hzvoop^ foon and fwoon ; ftil onely in degree, or quantity, ov dhe fame depreffive vowel. Feed lends length to' food ; longer dherfore, not onely dhan foot, but dhan hood^ good, or food. PFood, noun or verb, mufl: be fliort hwen compared widh %voo d, dhe contractive ov zvooed. So diftinguiAies and allitterates Milton : Dhat wood be v/oo'd ; a?id, not unfaught, he won. Dhe old verb wotil, for wol (now zvilj, waz fliort ; fliort- er indeed dhan dhe noun zvool. Dhus ar now dhe found and fenfe contrailed in dhe quantity ov fool (fliort), not empty ; and ov fool (long), not wize. Nor ar now firft dhe foolifj, or dhe empty ov thaught, found foollef ov expreflion. Yet, dho it wer fevere to' pronounce anny affembly fool ov fools ; fom affemblies mull be owned foollifj ov dhe foolfh. Evvery verb in o depreffive, haz dhe peculiar fervile : flial dhe vertual parent, and confequent proxy, ov all ac- tive verbs, be denied dhat attendant? Doo, dooingj dooefi, and dooethy preclude not dof, dothj or doz, more dhan dhe I N H E R P I C T U R E. 145 ■dhe now imdilatabel don (dufl, cluth, duz, dun}. Doo not, far from denying, affirms dhe equal inlcggrity ov dont ; by dhe dire id^iers. 1. hy A, Mo A ST fallacious iz idel a in dhe primmitive realm^ earl^ jnecirl^ pearl ; ' ear72^ yearn, learn (from dhe old leat^^ earth, hearth, pearch, fearch, Jearce, hearje ; deaf ; teat, fzveat, threat ; head, lead dhe mettal ; Jiead, bread, thread, tread, fpread, dead, death, breath, breajl — in dhe form.ative earjlj, dearth, breadth ; wealth, health, Jlealth ; dealt, meant, leant, dreamt, leapt ; dhe three pretterites eat, beat, read ; dhe pretterite vMoheard (wonce heared), widh dhe formatives rehearfe and cleanfe : — in dhe diifyllabels or pollyfyllabels, fimpel or compound, primmitive or for- 5 mative, IN H E Pv PICTURE. 163 raatlve, cleanly, early, earnejl ; ch earful, fearful, hreak- fafl ; meadow, ready, heavy, zealous, jealous ; peafant, pheafant, phafant \pleafure, meafure^ treafure, treachery, leachery widh leacher ; weapon, weather, feather, leather, leaven, heaven ; endeavour, or endeavor. In dhis clas indeed, from meadow down, a Iz no id'ier ; but unwit- tingly attempting a duty, hwich no vowel cood ewer perform : dhat ov fliutting anoddher vowel, ov fliuttin"- dhe verry vowel it hadjuit (az in mead) kept open. Dlio a cood be dhus impoarted, onely from dhe fertile re- gions ov. Abfurdity; EttymoUogy, boo makes mannv fuch impoartacions ; but fees nothing fo near, az en deh- voir, ov hwich dhe French baz loft fight almoaft centuries pail: ; might hav ftumbled on a limpel confo- nant, hwich Anallogy wood hav owned dhe fair dubbler ov its afpirate, nay feccond reviver ov debere. Dhus wood endehvour hav prooved plauzibel in dhe next degree to' endevvor ; and u, if ufeles in dhe ofspring, appeared at leaft dhe proxy ov /, hwich waz effencial to' dhe parent. Wer orrigin (az it cannot be) at all in queftion ; no a iz in dhe Teutonnic roots ov erl or {lear and) learn, erth or def \ ov fed, fpred, tred, bred, hrefi ; ov ernefl, wed- dher, feddher, leddher, hevven ; or in dhe French pa- rents ov tet, merl, perl, perch, ferch, herfe ; mezzure, trezzure, tretchery, letchery and letcher^ levven or en- devvor. No poffibel ufe ov dhe vowel, in progennitors forrain or domeftic, cood atone for its mifchievous az V 2 vain i64 PROPRIETY ASCERTAINED vain pretence ov fervice to' r^/;;;, ern^ yern^ her lb, fivet, fhret, thred, hed, led dlie mettal, ded, detb, hreth. Nor can dhe a, howevver faitlifool a ferv^ant in ear^ dear^ weal, heal, Jleal, deal ; mean, lean, dream, leap ; and howewer effencial an effefiive in brand ; be tollerated, hware nedher won nor dhe oddher ; in dhe old erjl:, more dhan in hredth, derth, welth, helth, Jlelth ; dclt, ment, lent, drempt, lept. And furelv, dhe fervile ov deal or leap can no more remain in delt or Icpt, dhan dhe fervile ov feel or keep in felt or kept. So dhe fervile to' dhe open vowel ov dhe prezzent eat, heat, read, hear, can newer attend dhe iliut in dhe pretterites et^ bet ; red, herd ; more dhan dhe fhut vowel ov bet tee,. dhe beating (or foarcing) inftrument ; ov reddy. Redding.,, or dhe like. No more can dhe fervile ov hear, clean, or are (feen fucceffively, az doutles herd, air, ear, ere) continnue in reherfe, clenfe or clenze, clenly, or erly ; dhan dhat ov chear, fear, hraik (wonce break) in cher- fool, ferfool, or brecfaf. Dhe falfifier dhus wil no longer (under anny pretence) difguize meddow, reddy, zellous, jellous, or wcppon. No rezon forbids, hware evvery re- !zon commands, our dubbling dhe depreffive labial afpi- rate and fibbilacion (v and z) az welaz dhe direft f^^and j) ; or to' fee, az wel az hear, bevvy, pezzant, fezzant, plezzant, plezzure, widh dhe compannions we know : for fo we fearlefly hear and fee dhe primmitives effort ■and office ; and dhe formatives, buzzi?7g, buzzard ; puz- zel, dazzel, or dhe like. Not r N H E R P I C T U R E. 165 . Not onely hav we fecn dhen dhat, wer dhe a really raddical in evvery won it fophifticates, orrigin wood proov light againll: efience ; but dhat, in dhe majorrity ov dhe primmitives, it beUes dhe parents ahnoaft az much .az dhe children ; dhat, hware bbath ar domeftic, a fcrvile maybe indifpenfabel to' dhoze, yetinadmiffibel to' dheze; and dhat won femblancemuft az much confound effences diftincl ; az oppozite femblances dhoze, hwich Nature haz rendered coincident. Orthoggraplw dherfore (or eonfiilcnt Figure) can no more involv read dhe prez- • 2ent, and /a/dhe paft, under won appearance (left dhe latter iliood be taken for dhe cullor) dhan led dhe met- ta], widh lead dhe prezzent ov dhe verb, fo efi'encially different ; left dhe former Hiood rezembel led dhe paft, widh hwich it iz perfonally identic, E.ezon wil always fufEfciently diftinguifh'idea's, hwich {lie haz been plezed . to' clodhe widh won form. Nor need we be more at a . los to' difcrimminate from dhe holv fezon ov Lent^ dhe onely remaining pretterite ov lejid^ dhan dhe familliar pretterite ov lean : dhe latter prezerving, on more or les attentive occazions, dhe uncontra6led leaned^ or its firft abbreviacion, lean d. Equal wil be dhe confuzion (dho no oddher) dhat clammor can create ; if we poot notafunder, hwat Nature (fo Natures Author) haz joined; , herd dhe pretterite ov hear^ and a herd ov cattel ; dhe hreji ov man or aught elfe, and dhe poart ov Brit-- tany. . Stil, fliood coincidence artififcial, hwich iz indeed 4 mans i66 PROPRIETY ASCERTAINED mans own work ; pleze him better dhan coincidence nattural, in hwich he had no hand ; and fhood dhc lat- ter contimiue dhe more provoking, az not onely difdain- ing hiz interference, but defying hiz power : left he wreak vengeance too far, by dhe means widhin hjz reach ; let him afTwage hiz wrauth in dhe comfortabel af- furance, dhat hnman language iz in higher and happier "uidancc ; dhat each individdual haz but to' find and to' follow dhat unerring Anallogy, ov hwich colle£ti\'e man iz dhe unmcritorious (az unwitting) agent ; but hwich cvverv man may, for himfelf at leaft, and in propoar- cion to' hiz influence, deprave boath in eiTence and pic- ture. Rezon wll tcl him, if Experience hav not (told him\ dhat human diccionmiuft be liabel to' coincidence ; az e\A'£ry dialect muft hav her buty and her blemmllh ; dho coincidence may conftitute boath. Not to' mencion dhe numberles coincidences, nefceflary or occazzional, ov dhe Greek language ; fcarcc fewer ar dhoze ov dhe La.ttin : az may be inftanced in different parts ov won verb, coincident widh each oddher, or widh od- dher words. Statucre^ JJatui^ Jlatuani^ Jlatuas^ Jla- tuis^ Jlatuit ; Jiatueris^ Jiatucrit, Jiatiitmn^ Jlatuen- dum ; might fuffilcienlly exemphfy, widhout i-o/o, ^•o- lajn^ lego, legas ; vcrres, vcrrh, 'verri, 'verre ; verfum^ fverfus ; decreed, vincity eft, cjfd, and dhe reft. Dhe Lattin difl'yllabel fiiis, fo various at home, falls in, by proces ov time, widh dhe French monnofyllabel fuis ; hwich, no les dhan peignant and peigne, haz its own di- rcrfity. Infinite muft be, in all tungs, fnch meeting ; ov I N H E R P I C T U R E. 167 ov various words coincident, boath to' ear and eye, flil more to' dhe latter ; different founds, az different quan- tities ov vocallity, being often conveyed in won fliape. Had dhis not alreddy appeared, it might in veni, venis^ velis ; lege^ leges ; h'gi, legis ; or in fuch az popidus^ hwich (prezenting in won femblance difUndl eilences cor- poreal and intelledlual) fends, not onely thro' peuph\ pepei \ but, lYiXO peuplier, popplar. Duo Concommitance or Anallogy prevent evvery dainger ov confuzion, Inglilli Orthoggraphy haz taken peculiar pains, by ferviies (hweddher ov Anallogy or ov EttymoUogy) to' diftinguifli at lealt to' dhe eye founds in- diilinguiQiabel to' dhe ear ; az in pain and pane^ fain and fane 1, fee ^vA fca, feat ViYid. feet ', riie, write^ right and ivright ; Jign and fine ; foe and fozv ; fole^ f'^^h ^^^ foil \ l^rute and hruit: by equivvalent and fubilitucional ef- fe£tives, iiijite and cite, too and tivo, hue and hezv^foul and fozvl : or by boath ; az mfght and cite, raiz and rays, fane Tsxidfein ; widh dheir fellows we long hav known. Yet numberles ar alfo dhe Inglifli unavoidabel coincidences ov dilHnct idea's in won foundandform. Hwat variety in dhe monnofyllabel poaf I So fee and fazv, nouns and vcrbs^, mutually "unconnected, compound in dhe interjecciony^^r- faw, dhe unchainged eifence ov (dhe French) ci-ca. If let couch, unconfounding, even oppozite fcnfes' ; wel may cognates, or accruing aifemblages, in dhe variety ov formacion, pen unjarring foils in won boddy ; az in bent, rajs, and crew. Various i68 PROPRIETY ASCERTAINLD Various vowel, or varied ftres, may diftingulfli to' dhe ear different words, dhat in won fliape meet dhe eye, Dhiis fow^ edher verb (flied or ftitch) widh dhe open vowel ; and fozv^ dhe noun, widh dhe dipthong ; hozv, dhe noun (arch, or twanger) widh dhe garded vowel ; and how^ dhe verb, claiming dhe dipthong : widh hwich (its accion) dhe bend ov revverence, az wel az hough ^ dhe branch, conllituent ov bozver, natturally coincides. So, widh dhe open vowel, JJjower dhatyZ^ozyx ; and, widh dhe dipthong, y7j(9Ty^r di\\n.tJ]jowers. Strong az iz on dhe latter, dhe verb convert, or objeSl ; on dhe former, dhe noun convert, or ohjeci ; fo, ftrong on dhe firll, dhe primmitive acceptabel, or commendabel, claims (az due) to' dhe fubjeft acceptance or commendacion : and, llrong on dhe lecond, dhe Inglidi formative acceptahel^ or com?nendabel, fpeaks dhe bare poffibillity ov bcftow- inp; it. Dhis howevver iz dhe litteral, dhat dhe fis^o-ura- tive ; dhis dhe immediately nefcefTarv, dhat dhe confe- ^uencially morral acceptacioQo Orthoggraphy dhns opening her wav, fenipjier and ^•Jempjfres proov dhemfelves dhe lawfool ofspring ov feam ; to' dhe jull ejeccion ov feawjier and fcmnjlrefs ; dhat 'firft plauzibly preceded, and dhen pretended to' exclude dhem. So Jledfajl, and even Jlcddy, now fammilliar, ••cannot but announce dheir parent (f^ed) ; nay xlheir col- ■iatteral reddy, hevvy, cherfool, and dhe reft ; efpefoially, az thred and Jpred ar alreddy vouched by unexcepcio- iiabel authorrities ; wer indeed authorrity ov anny weight, but IN HER P I C T U R K. i6y but az dhe voucher ov Tru'ith. Dhe iame attentive deal- ers, hoo firft prezented a draft ; hweii dhev hear ov Jtet proffit, Hke alfo to' fee it ; nor find it incompattibel widh anny thing neat. Hwcn dhe failors talk ov 7iep- tide, dhey ar too onnell to' write it 'neap-tide : nor can chronoUogers, if alfo orthoggraphers, bely lep-year in leap-year. If merchants and marriners, affecting no dark art, carry dhe torch ov Truith, hv/ile dhey ileer by her compas ; proppers becom dubbly propper, hwen dhey dezire alfo dhe luiler ov fnch a guides, HoUingJljed and Feddherjione dhus invite and introduce dheir fimpels bed ?a\Afeddher. So Serl, Hern, Herd, Derd -, Kerf- ley, Hethcote ; Redding, Enwtonfon, and dhe reft ; can continnue no longer fhrouded in Searl, Hearne, Read- ing, Kajnonfon^ or fuch fallacious fantoms, 2. E fliut, falfified hy dhe attendance ov E, I, and O. Not a alone falfifies e fliut : dhe fame hav hiddherto' attempted e, i, and o, refpectively, in breech and breech- es, heifer, leifure ; Leofof, Leominfer, Leonard, and T'heobald ; leopard, jeopard ^nd jeopardy \ \Y\di\\ feoffee, infeof and infeofment : for bretch, bretches ; heffer, lez- zure ; Lefof, Leniminfcr, Lennard, 'Tebbald ; leppard, jeppard and jeppardy, feffee widh enfef and enfef- ment. I, wonce dhe due aftbciate ov e open, in freind (firft perhaps freende) ; infted ov vannilhing from dhe vowel it cood no longer gard, haz infefted dhe oddher W fide 170 PROPRIETY ASCERTAINED fide in dhe prepofterons friend^ ewer lince dlie wQtd became frend. S E C C I O N 11. A iliut, endaingered hy E and U. 1. By Yj preceding. Oddher fl-iut vowels hav hiddherto' fuffered from fim- milar embarralTers, hoom Anallogy procedes to' expel. Like dhe i to' e, in frend ; dhe e ov hearty equally per- nifcious on edher fide dhe fliut vowel ; urges, in an un- fcrupulous age, dhe plea ov convenience, for falfifica- cion. Dhis fpefcial pleader, no more in dhe cauz ov Grammar, dhan ov God ; doz but moddeftly, az expe- dientlv, dilHng-uidi dhe dear heart ov man, oddher an- nimal, or aught elfe ; from dhe unfalfifying kart, dhe deer. How perrillous dhe coincidence, to' hwat it waz centuries ago ! how innocent dhe prevencion, hwich \ iolates notthing but Anallogy and Truith !' Yet certain (truly) proppers fee yet nedher dhe perril, nor dhe in- nocence. Dhe Scotch Lockhart and IVipart (Wifshart) fpeak az much propriety ov evvery kind, az doo dhe Inglifli Hartley or Hartporn. Wpart wood alfo hav avoided dhe afpirating ov dhe fibbilacion ; had not Wif- Jart been in dainger ov defcending into' JVizzard. Wil- foollv muft dhe eves be fliut, dhat confes not : Falfehood can I N H E R P I C T U R E. 171 can doo notthino; hut evil. She ewer counterafls lier own purpofe. Pretending to' fecure, liware all wood be fafe (at leail: les endaingered) widhout her ; flie certahily mif- leads, in a road elfe obvious, Dhus iz (cvverjhware) Cunning dhe antipode ov Wizdom : and dhus completed heart ^Q quaternion, widh ^/VZ'^r, neither^ andjeofrmn] ov hwich dhe three lail: tempted dhe untaught in Ing- land, az dhe firll dhoze ov dhe fame clas in Scotland, to' open dhe fubjunftive vowel, by 7;^ preceding fervih : an inverfion ov all litterary law, precluded (widhout dain- ger) by hart, yenian^ edher and nedher. 2. Bj \J following. U merritorloufly diflinguiflies aunt, dhe parent's fif- ter, from ant dhe eimnet ; and guivs A /lender iliut, dhe fervile ov A brand open. Yet, widhout pretence ov fo daingerous, or ov anny, coincidence ; in defiance ov boath lifters, haz aunt had power to retain dhe company ov jaujity haunt, vaunt, taunt, daunt, gaunt, gauntlet \ in all ov hwich u doz precifely dhe fame duty, it former- ly did in chaunt, graimt, maund, and cofmnaund ; in faunter, and Saunder ; az wel az in hraunch, haunch, paunch, launch, Jlaunch ; all now juftly az gennealodgi- cally, chant, grant, mand (dhe old baiket), command, fanter, Sander ; branch, hanch, panch, lanch, Jianch. "Jaundice alone pleaded u raddical ; and yet waz found mere jandice. So, widh ant, muft return to' Truith and EttymoUogy (hoo doo not always join ilTue) jant, hant, W 2 '^'ant. i.j.t ^ PROPRIETY ASCERTAINED vanf, tant, dant, gant, gantlet ; and even dlie venne— rabel Mancly-lhurfday, widh her mand (or bafket) in her hand. She had indeed almoaft left dhe language, dho AJlrea had not left dhe land, hwen Anallogy (or Harmony) enafted : A hraud (AU) pal not, in InglifJjy^ precede N, followed edher by a dry dental, or by a fihhi- lacion : dhat iz, An llial not be followed by nt, nd, nee, nch, or nge. No fuch founds being fuiferabel in dhe Ing- lifli fyftem, az aimt, aund, aunce, aunch, or aunge ; dhare flial be no fuch femblances. Alike ar dherfore indifpenlabel chant and Jan ty hand and mand, chance and lance, branch and lanch, banter and fanter, Sander and hiz fool felf : Alexander. In all fuch a, far from brand and open, iz flender and fliut ; yet hardly fliorter dhao if dhe fdent afpiracion interpozed in ahnt, fahnter, lahnce, lahnch, and dhe reft. Before nge, indeed, a iz alfo flender, but open : not ah, but a ; garded dherfore by its own (i) fer- vile (az we faw in its place), againft evvery dainger ov chainge. Faun and fawn remain doutles in Fauns and fazvns, unaltered by dhe afcitifcious depreflive fib- bilant. S E C C I O N III. U Ihut, varloiifly encumbered and endaingered. Dhe chainge, ov dhe open vowels into' dhe Ihut, waz exhibbited widh dhe chainge ov dhe guttural into' dhe la- bial I N H E R P I C T U R E. 173 bial afpimte ; or, dhat ov laugh, cough, rough, into' laf, cof, riif, and dhe reit. But dhe French form can no more clodhe dhan doz dhe French power (ov de- preflive) annhnate dhe Inghlli tiitch, fcurge, cuppel, duh- hel, widh cupplet and duhhlet ; or truhhel, widh truh- hlous, and dhe oddher formatives. Dhe fuppel culprit made an erly efcape from ^efouple coulpe-prit. Cur- te£y, ahnoafl: az httel {qqw az herd courtefy ; and curteous, independant oa^ dhe old court (noxv onneftly coartj, forbid us to' fear aguen dhe touch ov siinj fcourge, dhe double trouble ov a faithles couple ; or dhe unavail- ing toils OY journey and journal, widh adjourn and fo- journ ; more dhan dhe fallacy ov nourifo and JlouriJJj, courage, courier, country, and coufin : ov hwich dhe two laft may az plauzibly compliment Orrigin, in prezenting by 0, dhe u fhut ; az haz long don attorney (wonce dout- les atourney), dho turnament haz turned into' dhe way ov Truith. So dherfore notthing forbids contry, or cozzen, more dhan condit or dozzen ; dhan cojtjure and conjurer, coz and doz. Birth haz dhen all her luller, and dhen receivs raddher dhan guivs it, hwenfhe irradiates mer- rit. Dhe French immediate parents, and two at leall: ov dhe Lattin, wil be beft repprezented, hwen dhe children ar fo ; in jurney, jurnal, adjurn, fodjurn, az wel az Jlurrijlj, nurriJJj, currage, and currier. Dhey hoo bog- gel at Coincidence, cannot hope to' fee Orthoggraphy ; til dhe happy time, dhat Juftice flial (land in need ov In- jury ; and Light, ov Darknes ; not alternate, but con- commitant. Corrage wood foon warp into' rime widh 3 forrage. 174 PROPRIETY ASCERTAINED forrage. Burroughs alreddy feen in dhe propper, may dhus keep clear (if recquizite) ov burrow ; but muil notjollel widh borrow. 'Thurrough proovs an ettymolodgical com- pannion, dho dhe perfet pifture can fear notthing (but dhe los ov hwat iz loll;) ivom.thurrow, more dhan from dhe pre- pozifcion jf/^roo or thro' ; hwich newer more can appear through. Proppers claiming, in all human language, dheir fliare ov like harmony widh appellatives ; Nurfe mull (unendaingered and undebafed) perfonate edher ; dho (3' declining in our pidurageto' articculate dhe figgure ov ?/, even iliut, hwich vertually involvs it, hwen open) Tong may, widh Anallogy's fool confent, plczeherfifter inperfonating Xung ; hwlle Youngs leeming to' blend dhe alliance ov Holland widh France (boath members ov Gaul) muft ev- ver be an alien in Ingland. No more can boath vowels repprezent won in Stourton and Courton, for Sturton and Ci'.rton^ dhan in Burton from hourg and burroughs or In curtain^ from courtinc. So wil Dugglas deem it az nobe'l to' join Dugdale in ailerting Inglifli, az Dooglas did (in Douglas) to' vindicate Gaulic Truith. A NAME diftingullhes its owner ; Orthoggraphy, dlf- tlnguifliing, prezervs dhe name. Iz not a mifno- mer propperly dhat repprezentacion, by hwich dhe name cannot be ufcertained ? Man, hawing hiz name in evvery language, from fom carrafterilVic ; names nat- turally hiz .Maker, from an attribute: in the firll: ov tungs, Eternity ; in German, dhence in Inglilli, Good- nes ; in Celtic (or Gaulic) and Greek, hwence in Lattin, Jtallian, Spannifli and French ; Opperacion, Prezzence, Provvidence. I N H E R P I C T U R E. 175 Provvichnce. But evvery tung, howevver defcended, adapts dhe found to' her own harmony ; and evvery oen, delhineating Truith, adapts dhe fymbol to' dhe found. Dhe Greek and Lattin yupiter compounded, wldh dhe Hebrew idea, Paiernity ; dhe Saxon T'bor or Tor exhib- bited hiz Dominnion. If ewer name demanded contin- nuance ov fvmbol, v/idh cJiainge ov found ; T^horfdaj mulHiav precluded dhe appearance ov 'Thitrfday. Yet Truith, hoo conftellates clhe attributes ov her Author, cood not havhad htr perf^t work^ had Ihe not chainged dhe femblance widh dhe fubllance ov dhe name. Moi", or Maur, differed but in a letter, nor much more in idea^ from Tor 'or 'Taur. Dhe former, in perhaps evvery prim- mitive diccion, implying Grait ; in won herd and feen more^ in anoddher 7;/^r^ (not to' mencion defcendant var- riacions) figgured dhe main^ dhe I'ajl (expanfe) not onely ov wauter, but ov erth, air, or fire. Dho common Etty- mollogy wood bring viare, v/idh amarus^ in fpiie ov dheir oppozite quantity, from mo (marah) bitter ; an idea dhe aincients figguratively interchainged widh hrifiy ; and More or Moaf\ from dhe murky hue, dhe mere ac- cident ov littuacion ; nedher v/il extinguilh dhe orrigin ov dhe Gaulic or Brittiili ;/7or, or maur, obvioufly dhe fame in dhe fimpel Inglilli more or moar, extended heath ; and in dhe More or Moar (alfo formerly feen Moor) ov Mau- ritania^ hv.^are iz now Morocco : dhe immenfe region, hwich contained Mount Atlas ^ and lent Poetrv her ezv fabel, conftituting dhat lofty Sowerain intimate widh hiz neighbors dhe Stars ; and hiz unwearied fliolders, dhe fuppoarters 176 PROPRIETY ASCERTAINE fuppoarters ov dhe Hevvens. Mor dhen or Maur, cood hav no rival but Tor or Taur, in dhe aincient (Eallern, Grecian, or Roman) world. Dhe Andes wer yet un- known. If Mor and Tor differed fo Httel, Tor and dhe Perfian or Grecian Cyr (or AjrJ, hwence Cyrus, fire^ and fir, varied dhe mute, but Hke dhe Dorians in -^i--- and '^»>'« ftote-THYidi toca). Nor verry diftant from Tor or T'hor, waz dhe Egypcian 51?^ or T^hoth ; widh or widh- oxnt thrice-graiteji (Hke moajl-highejt), az dhus dhey na- med dheir Mercury. Nay, fetting afide (at leail for a moment) all oddher ett}'mollogies ov dhis name ; might it not compound boath Mor and Cyr (or Tbr^, dhe^r^/V (or expanfive) Power or Lord ; and fo juftify dhe interpre- tacion ov Mercury s pooting out dhe eyes ov Argus, and taking dhe care ov lo ; az dhe fun extinguiilies dhe Ihirs, and fuccedes to' dhe fuperintendance ov dhe erth ? If Mor or Maur might dhus compound won name ov Mercury ; certain it iz dhat T'or or Taur, widh or widhout termi- nacion, came to' fignify Bacchus, or anny Lord; from dhe Lord ov dhe univerfe, evvery erthly Lord ; even dhe jellous Lord I'aurus, hoo commanded Afia, az did Atlas or Maurus Affric ; down (in Gaulic, Greek, Lat- tin, French, and fellow-diccions) to' dhe fearles az po- tent Lord ov dhe herd. Hence dhe butifool, dho feem- ingly grotelk pifture, not oncly ov Pafipphae, hoo beam- ed her light on all, by fo confpiccuoufly lowing her Bool, her Lord Minos, and producing dhe proddigy ov dhe Minnotaur ; but dhat, ftil fuperior, ov Jupiter and EuROPA. P'ancy had but to' fein Tor or T'aur (dhe Lord I N H E R P 1 C T U R E. 17; Lord ov Crete, az ov dhe World) affuming dlie fliape ov a Bool^ dhe higheft dhat ov dhe lowed Lord ; in order to' bring from Phenifcia (^nearly dhe center, nor far from dhe foarce ov human light) Europa, wide Profpe£t, or Intellectual Expanfion ; dhe wel-conceived filler ov Cad- mus^ hoo (doutles by dhe aid ov hiz confort Hartnonia) braught Letters to' dhe Weilern Hemmifphere. Hapr py children ov dhe happy King Agenor ! hoo might be emminently ttiled much a man ; a Man much beyond oddher men, in guivving fuch improovers to' mankind. Hooevver fancies Orthoggraphy to' hav loft herfelf, wil charritably bring her bac ; but hooevver wants m.ore ov Mount Taurus, may find an extenfive Proluzion, in dhe Inveftigators Comment on Marfial ; hware Mercury, dhe ^mmazons, and oddher myttholodgical carrafters, ar treated (for dhe fame cauz, dhat here delinneates Orthog- graphy) in a fimmilarly oridginal manner. S E C C I O N IV. Ov dhe endings OUS and OUR. To' two febel endinsfs, dhat hav occazioned ftron^ Gonteft ; Orthoggraphy muft at length opperate juftice, from dhe fair compromize ov Orrigin widh Anallogy. Ous, terminating an adjeftive ; hwed- dher abfolutely febel, az in porous ; by coalifcion, az in curious ; or but feccondarily ftrong, az in gen- nerous ; and aguen abfolutely febel, in gennrous (or X g£nrous)y 178 PROPRIETY ASCERTAINED genrous)^ emits precifely dhe found ov us. higemout differs veitually from genius^ but by ('di) dhe prepozif- cion. Dhe French vowel dhen paints dhe Ingliih vocal ; hwile dhe Lattin 0, widhout adding to' dhe efTence ov dhe concrete, begs leve to' conned its pifture widh its abf- tra(Sl ; porous widh poro£ity^ curious widli curiojjity^ gen- ner€us w'lAh. gennerojjity ; and dhe like. But dhe ending our, dho boalVmg in like manner boath defcents ; being far oftener abfoiutely weak, finds edher vowel fuffifcient to' repprezent dhe fliut and fliort found ; hwich, finking io febly in dhe fonorous licquid, cannot be auriccularly afcertained. Boath vowels not needed, az in dhe oddher terminacion, and edher fufHcing to' dhe indefinite found ;, turns dhe fcale in dhe eye ov Analiogy ; hoo revives dhus dhe oi-idp-inal, alike abikadls and agents ; and perfetlv conneds dhem widh dheir formatives and. frends. Long did Ettymollogv (unfattisfied even widh Lattib femblance) llickel, nay llruggel, for our ; hwich in dhe. agents az wel az abftrafts, had been conveyed to' Ing- lifli pifturage from dhe Lattin or, tliro' dhe French eur.. Two raddicals ar always better dhan won ; dho dhis fliood be at wonce an aincient and a moddern effeftive ; and dhat a mere moddern incompattibel fantom. (9, faid flie, in our^ az in om, iz Lattin ; u may be French : dherfore dhey boath, in edher ending, muft be Inglifli. To fuch reziftles lodgic, Brittifli writers fubmitted for centuries : aevver dreaming, dhat dhe fame Analiogy (or I N H E R P I C T U R E. 179 (or Truith) ov found, dhat brai.ight dhe into' won pic- tuiMge, and dhe u into' anoddher ; waz to' be confulted, before boatli (or edher) cood enter, or fettel in a third Orthoggraphy ; dilHn£t, az dhe fyftem it painted, from dhat ov edher parent-language. Dhe compettitors made dheir way in conjunccion, under dhe happy aufpices ov dhat vennerabel judge ; hoo knows northing ov edher party in competifcion, but from dhe pictures ov dheir parents. Hence appeared cr eat our, aiithoiir, doBoury profejfour, fenatour ; and dheir fellow-agents ; nayyi/- viour, pavlour^ governour, tailour, and oddhers, boaft- ing no anceftors in or ; fom, non even in eur ; az jai- lour, better known in dhe truly terrific (afpeQ: ov) gao- lour or goalour (hoom geolier might hav foftened into' jailer, if not gealer J ; nay fom, ov nedher Lattin nor French extraccion, like nai/our SLndJai/our. Dheze wer joined by certain inannimate agents ; hwich, az dhe three laft claffes deduced not 0, claimed no u heredditarv : rafour, mirrour, parlour, manour, and dheir refpe£tabel fellows. Widh dhe agents defcended fociably dhe abf- trads, honour, favour, labour, vigour, and dhe reft ; hoom endeavour bringing no more u dhan a from abraud ; and demeanour widh behaviour, homeborn ; wer alike proud to' emmulate. Dhe few indeffinite compar- ratives, like fuperiour and inferiour, big widh Ettymol- logy's foolblown powers, pompouHy joined dhe dubbel affembly ov wel-vouched claimants ; hoo wanted, indeed, notthing but Edducacion. Dhis non but Anallogy cood guiv ; hoo, claiming no erthly defcent, reggulates and X 2 refines i8o PROPRIETY ASCERTAINED refines all things below ; az dhe daughter and dellegate ov Hevven. By her benign opperacion, evvery ear opened, and men herd no more widh dheir eyes. In dhe terminacion our^ ov agents, abfl:ra£ls, or com- parratives ; o waz found dhe authentic and gennuine- vowel ; u merely a moddern raddical, and often no rad- dical at all. Dhe agents and dheir comparratives hailed dhe power ov Anallogy ; hoo bade dhem affert dhem- felvs, in creator^ author^ doBor^ p^'ofsjfor, fennator ;. favior, pavior, govvernor, tailor, jailor, Jiailor, Jailor ;. razor, mirror, parlor, mannor ; widh dhe reft, anni- mate and inannimate ; joined natturally by fuperior, in- ferior, and dhe like, in adjeftive or fubftantive capafcity. Nor cood dhe jolly y^i/or be jellous ov hiz fliip ; but in fo far az he maintained her, dhe beft Jailer on dhe fea. Ettvmollogy, alarmed at fo genneral a defeccion, offer- red (widh tears in her eyes) to' compromize dhe matter ; to' rezio-n dhe afrents, and dheir adherents, hoom ihe found herfelf unabel to' retain ; and, in the prezzent un- happy junfture, to' content herfelf widh her own dear "abftrafts, ov hoom notthing called humannity cood de- prive her. Hweddher humannity, or aught ftil more forcibel widh habittuated man, felt for poor Ett\aTiollo- gy ; certain it iz dhat a confidderabel time llie did prezerv dhe dear abftrafts, for hoom Ihe fo moovingly pleaded ; nay, dhat (he ftil may boaft a formidabel party, hoo rev- verence dheir old frend, even in her dotage ; for want ov being introduced to' Anallogy, hoo iz herfelf dhe moaft powerfool INHERPICTURE. i8i powerfool afTerter, hware poilibel, ov her fiilers riglits ; dho {he newer wil countenance a claim, dhal ilie cannot fairly defend. Dhe enlightened Agents, howewer, remonflrating to' Anallogy, dhat dheir exampel, hwich had led dheir fillers aftray, aught to' proov ov no les influence to- wards dheir refformacion ; dhat, fince dhey wer all ov won fammily, and differred onely in fex ; dhe eye, hwich wonce boafted dhe uniformity ov Falfehood, cood no long- er be denied dhe fool enjoyment ov Truith ; and dhat, in fliort, unles her Madjefty wood command dhe uniform appearance ov all equally concerned, in dhe field ov Or- THOGGRAPHY ; dharc waz ground to' fufpeO: edher a flirewd combinacion ov dhe ours, to' render (wer it prac- ticabel) boath vowels eife£tivc ; or a revolt ov dhe ors to' dhe oridginal fldndard ov dhe ours ; widh hoom, az dhey wer born, dhey wer rezolved to' dy. Anallogy cood not be def to' fo cogent a plea. Et- TYMOLLOGY cood liope no longer indulgence. Error, terror, and horror, firft quitted her banner. No won- der if onnor and favor, labor and viggor, widh dheir frends, emmuloufly followed ; or if endevvor, behavior, and demeanor accompanied, widh purer dhan former plezzure. Onnorabel and favorabel, laborious and viv- gorous, now ilTue togueddher from Natures fool foarce ; and here Anallogy dubbels her own joy, by promoting alfo dhat ov her filler. 3 SEC- 3|S4 PROPRIETY ASCERTAINED S E C C I O N V, Ov E final (or medialj belying Jljut vowels, Impoartant az ar ferviles, in dheir place; propoar- ■cionably ar dhey pernlfcious, out ov it. E final we faw (if we herd not) fo fummoning its apparent articulacion, az to' prevent dhat confonants afFeSing dhe vowel before it, and opperating precifely dhe fame effe^r- Ji anient ftarting inftantaneous, rezolved to' create a Lat- tin, raddher dhan acnoUege a Gallic anceftor. Dhus did parliament engender its parent parliamentum : but parlement or parliment cood not, widh all its powers, ad a fyllabel to' itfel£ Parlement and parliment ar abfo- ■lutely coincident, az cojnplejnent and compliment^ hwich vary dhe idea, dho not dhe found ; or az dhe weak le -.and // ov ellement and alliment. Febel vowels not fo nattu rally near, nor indeed ewer equivvalent, prooved fomtimes interchaingeabel in perhaps dhe moaft poUiilied diccion dhe world haz cultivated, and hwich haz dher- fore becom immortal by Orthoggraphy. Hence dhe dif- -pute between elegans and eligans ; decided in favor ov dhe IN HtR PICTURE. 193 dhe former ; dho Roman ears wer in no dainger ov con- founding protenus and protinus. But dhey hav nedher Roman ears nor Roman eyes, lioo can employ feafihle^ tenihUy incontejiible, indtfpenfihle ; ajfulious, inviduons ; contr avert and contraverfy ; for fezahel^ tenahel^ incon- tejlahel^ indifpenfabel ; ajjiddiions^ inviddious ; contro- vert and controverfy ; or dhe like. Az prellate forms prellacy^ and pri7nate primmacy ■% abbat, if not abbate^ (efpefcialiy from abbas) might hav been expected to' fu- perintend hiz abbacy : long ellabblifhment wood not fupport an abbot, wer he not clodhed widh integgrity. Dhe Itallian abbate may hav been ftudioufly avoided. Ruban and diamant hav produced dhe rich ribbon and climond. Abbot dhus, for dhe varied vowel, fel not out widh hiz Abbacy^ more dhan widh hiz Abbey. No vowel can be ideller, dherfore non more perni{^ cious, dhan dhe medial intruder ov medicine, Hjenifon and bufmefs. Dhe firtt haz been carefoolly engrafted by old Ett\'mollogy, boo knew notthing ov dhe parent medecine. Hooevver haz ears to' hear, muft reccognize her in dhe ofspring medcine. If we hav made medifcinal, we cannot alfo make meddicine, IHI les medicine. Venfon haz no more to' doo widh venaifon : but dhat it fliood not feem dhe Jon ov P^cn, venzon wood enfure. E\'en from biz- zines, biznes iz totally dilHnft : dhe former iz dhe ab- Ibaft ; dhe latter, fliortened by a fyllabel, dhe occupa- cion or concern. Mark dhe bizzines ov dhe ideller, or Z bizzy- 194 PROPRIETY ASCERTAINED \yizzy -boddj. He ncvver mmds hiz own biznes. JVidh him J dherfore^ dhe duly bizzied haz no biznes at all. HwARE founds ar, by febelnes, hardly difcrimmina- bel ; Anallogy, nay fomtimes Ettymollogy, may guide Her and heggevy az genneral ; liar and beggar^ particcular agents. Dcnnizen joins cittizen, and beckon reckon. But dhe def tyrant, hoo looks always at Lattin, and knows notthing later, cefes not to' approve attendenty dependent, widh attendence and dependence ; nay, bel- ligerenty and fo on ; for attendant, dependant, belUdge- rant, and fo foartli. Boath Poetry and Law, howevver, hav preferred dhe Lattin Ettymollogy ov dependency and dependencies ; hware dhe oddher ^'owel haz hardly tried to' enter,. Dhe Greek prepozifcion en, and the Lattin in her daughter ; dhe former, dhe favorite ov dhe French ; dhe latter, ov dhe Inglilli ; hav occazioned in dhe laft-named language, hware dhoze febel vowels differ fo littel, fom variety, dhence dainger, in dhe pidurage. Yet mull it ,be owned, hware all improo^'ment wil be gratefooUy (not to* fay gladly) owned ; dhat few now write intire, in- quire, imploy ; intreat, intruft, indear ; imhattle, im~ bitter, imbolden ; for entire, enquire, employ ; entreat, entrujl,. endear ; embattel, embitter,, embolden, or dhe like ; dho fom fpecioufly prefer inliji, intrench, imprifon, impannel, impower, impoverijl) ; to' enlijl, entrench, em- prizzon, etnpannel^ empozver, empov^'erijlj ; and fo on. Inviolate I N H E R P 1 C T U R E. 155 Inviolate iz integgrity az integer, hiquiztfcton az inqueji, hwich regards Truith more dhan enquete. Dhe varriacioii ov febel cognates muft be les confequencial, az les obvi- ous, dhau dhat ov dhe ftrong. But varriacion by dhe eye iz always daingerous, and needles varriacion iz ^- ways yo/Ij : a prediccament, in hwich certain facecious Crittics wii kindly include dhe hoal ov dhe prezzent la- bor. Dhey dhat reline (like dhoze dhat judge) widh- out thaunrht, ar remembered, but in order to' be foreot- ten : for, dho all improovment be innovacion, all inno- vacion iz not improovment. Som fuch refiners had lately dhe misfortune to' fee depeche ; perhaps indeed dhe graiter misfortune to' hav rummaged up, or ftumbled on, defpefche. Genneroufly, az judifcioufly, did dhey Kaften to' rectify difpatch into' defpatch. Dhe re£lifica- cion vannilhed : for Anallogy eyed it widh difdain. Z 2 CHAP- CHAPTER IIL Ov clhe eliding fervlle^ named Apostrophe or Appostroph, TT7 0N figgure, no raddical, edher ov vowel or con- fonant, may be dhe fervant and fubftltute ov boath ; may offifciate az a fervile, or mark dhe abfence ov an efFe£tive. Dhe verry idea ov comma, fpeaks dhe propriety ov its piduring dhe elider ; known by dhe od- dher Greek name apojlrophe^ fliortened (thro' dhe French) into' appojlroph. It iz onely indeed to' pleze dhe eye,, hwich, next to' Ettymollogy, IngUfli plcturage haz hid- dherto' been fondeft to' pleze ; dhat won inaudibel fym- bol can repprezent anoddher. O fervile diilindively fubftitutes Appoftroph, in dhe preppozifcions to' and thro ; and may in dhe feccond numeral, tzvo : dhus ab- breviating throogh, az dilHnguilliing dhe coincident too and twoo, E fervile and dhe eliding mark, ar inter- chaingeabel before s final ; but dhat dhe latter iz held 3 dhe I N H E R P I C T U R E. 197 dlie dlftin£tlve ov appropriacion. Reppetifcions ov a or 0, ar aes or oes ; as or o's : an as or o's proppertles pre- fer dhe elider. Widhout edher, wer dhey as and os ; dhe vowel fliut by dhe direft, intled ov (keeping) open before dhe depreffive, fibbilant. Dhe eye dhus wilLing to' fee apt mottoes (or motto' s)^ fomtimes owns a 7notto'' s aptnes ; az candor, hophig for excellent icleaes (or idea s)^ YL dhe apter to' perceiv an idea' s excellence. So dhe ear, dredding loud huzzaes or huzza' s, Iz prezzently deffened widh a huzza s loudnes. Yet iz hoozahs per- haps j lifter dhan edher. After a fibbilacion or fibbilating afpirate, dhe elider can lop a fibbilating fyllabel ; az in our fahdhers'' days, and Mofes' law ; for fahdherfes and Mofefes : familliarly and fublimely (by dhe coincidence ov oppozites) equivva- lent to' dhe days ov our fahdhers, dhe law ov Mofes. Like dhe latter, Norwich'' cathedral, Carthage"" towers ; for Norwiches cathedral, Garth ages towers ; dhe cathedral ov Norwich, dhe towers ov Carthage : fo in annv lingu- lar fibbilating appropriacion, hware dhe formative end- ing {inks by febelnes and affinnity.^ Hence (arizes) dhe Gorrollary, dhat, in a fahdhers care, a moddhers lov, or dhe like appropriacion to' an individdual ; no elizzion taking place, no elider can be employed ; and dhat, in Ingliih noun, dhe fibbilating plurallity and appropria- cion ar indifpenfably, yet unconfoundedly, dhe fame. Between 39S PROPRIETY ASCERTAINED Between a fervile and fibbilacion, appoftropli wer obviouflv redundant, az a feccond fervile. Dhis appears from a foes co7ifefJion^ or a hows elajlif city ; in Cattilines confplrracy^ if not in Roo??is delivverance ; in a plays 'wit, dho not in a wits play. Before anny oddher final formative, dhe clider alone can elide ; unles after e ef- fcc\:ive, hwich dhate may iink into' e fervile. Dhus dhe triflyllabels huzzaed or huzzahed) mottoed, followed, be- com difTvllabels in huzza'' d (or hoozaFd), motto' d, fol- lovSd. In folio d^ dliat wood fuffice to' dhe found, dhe root or theme cood not be known. Seen^ or been, can fubftitute no appollroph ; becauz dhoze particippels can jio more be dilated, beyond monnofyllabels ; and won ov dhem haz, for its auxilliary kindnes, heen often fquezed into' a hin ; fomtimes foarced to' joftel with Ben., But mfeer, agreer ; az in feefl, agreefi ; or in dhe pretterites feed, agreed ; hware boath e" s ar prop- perly effefdve ; dhe elizzion, hwen recquizite, can be tixed onely by dhe elider ; xwfe'r, agre'r ; fe'fl, ogrefl\ fed, agre d ; or dhe reader muft be left to' gues : a fre- quent, if unthanked, compliment. So raced and raged may drop a fyllabel, in ract and rag'd ; dho races and rages can be no fliorter. After won elider, anoddher cannot appear. Dhe fame appoftropli, dhat elides an articulacion, elides dhe weak vowel articculated. Dhus ennen, over, hwen contrafted into' monnofyllabels, can be jio more dhan, en, or o'r. But dhe fervile, dhat opens, <:annot alfo fliut a vowel : ewer haz no rafcional means ov prezerving dhe ftrong vowel in contraccion, but I N II E R P I C T U R E. 199 but by dropping dhe fimpel labial ov dhe afpirale (Ir.vich iz vertually hh)^ and leving dhe afpiracion to' gard or protrafl (az it wel can) dhe lliut vowel in ehr ; no hom- monymy (or coincident) ov are, dhe lawfool eir ov dhe fucceffive air, ear, and ere. Elfehware appoftroph alone can elide : az xwgu'rcvn, \i not guivti (or dhe verry fa- milliar gu'm) for guivven ; fo in harVrous, itrier, from barbarous, and dhe like. If it be alledged, dhat barhrous requires ftri6:}y no more appoftroph, dhan re- membrance, monjlrous, or zmndrous ; it may be afferted, dhat rememberance can hardly be remetnbered, or dhat remembrance 'yl immediately French, howevver old ; and dhat zvonderous iz zvondrous nov/.. Gennerous trav- veller may indeed be contratEted widhout apparent elidcr ; fool az v^^m genrous travler, az \w gcnn rous travvler.. In dhe vulgar elizzion dhe gen rous ^ traveler belles at wonce himfelf and hiz quallifier : for dhis pidure opens m boath dhe ftrong vowel, hwich in boath iz ll^iut. Alreddy hav we feen dhe impoffibillity, fomtimes bluntly named Abfurdity (in morral cafes a gentel term) ov exhibbitting an elider, hware notthing iz elided : alike dhen in a hujhands filler, and a fijiers hufband ; a ivifes' broddher, and a broddhers wife ; in hujbands, wives, broddhers and fifters. If dhus it be impoflibel to' re- tain a fervile, hware no end iz ferved ; a fubftitute, hware notthing iz repprezented ; or an elider, dhat makes . no elizzion : hwat dial be faid for a fymbol, dhat declares a- vowel abfent, hwich iz indifpenfably prezzent, az con- ftituting 40O PROPRIETY ASCERTAINED ftituting dhe foil ov a livvlng fyllabel ? In St. J'ames's church, pallace, proppertyhwatewer ; y^m^'j iz dhe fame dliryllabel, az in fevveral 'Jamefes. Can a diffy'llabel liav but won effedive vowel ? or can anny effeftive vowel be repprezented by dhat, hwich repprezents onely inaudi- billltv? Jamefes may doutles be contra6led into' won fylla- bel, az Mojefes into' two. London haz boath St. yamefes^- Jlreet, and James-Jlreet, So equal propriety authorizes, In Jawe^^ blejl pages^ and in '^o'^^ zve fnd^ Hwatehr enlights^ or ellevates dhe mind. Or, In Jameses page^ fuhlime az Jons, zve find. All dhat can li^ht and ellevate mankind. SiMMiLAR indeed iz prince's for princes ; two filent fymbols for won effeftive, two lliaddows for a fub- ftance : and hwy ? To' falfify, hwat no princes power, hwat not all dhe princes ov dhe erth, can alter : dhe decree ov Anallogy, pronouncing Inglip appro- priacion and pluralllty coincident. But dhe poet waz a verry propphet (a Lattin vates), hoo faid : So?n, zvidhout rime or rezon, rule or chec ; Braik Prifcians hed, and Peggafuffes nee. Cood propriety write 'Prifcians, or poflibillity Pega^ fuisf IN HER PICTURE. 20 1 fin'^s ^ a pifturage widhout parrallel in "dlie litteraiy world ; unles from fuch Geniuses, as already Jhew the j)romifing progrefs of Britljli learning. thus : Young Gentlemen (and, elfeliware ; perhaps in dhe fame place, Young Ladys) board'd and edu- cat'd, ftil to' be admired on Pedki's own cnfigns, in dhe center ov Inglilh purity ! To' fay dhat boarded and edducated ar not more nefceffary dhan yajiiefes or ge- niujfes ; wer onely to' repeat (dhe humiliiating hint), dhat dhe fame fymbol cannot at wonce fpeak prezzence and abfence. Ov ^o. young gentlemen and ladys, dhe run- ning reader may judge. Yet, dho Ladies be now al- moaft ewerihware ; Tong Gentehnen wil for fom time be announced onely by dhoze chozen Spirrits, to' hoom Anallogy flial hav gracioufly imparted dhe ellements ov Letters. • . Unles dherfore between dentals, Apojirophe liaz dhe happy power ov eliding dhe vowel before dhe final for- mative dental, d or / ; at wonce to' gard dhe opennes ov dhe foreo-oino; vowel, and iliorten dhe word bv a fvl- label. Being ftil dhe proxv ov e fervile, it keeps alfo c and g^ az it found dhem. In iracU dhus and rag\i, dhe appolUoph not onely elides a vowel ; but gards boath a vowel and a confonant. In fuch az fPd, hard, plan d, Jham d, roFd, priz d, uz d, plagud, it elides and gards ; in fair d, pair d, plain d, aim d, praiz d, fozvd, fol- loTo\l, or dhe like ; it haz but to' elide : nor can doo A a more ao2 PROPRIETY ASCERTAINED more, in fird, harrd^ plannd, Jlminm d^ rohh'' dy hzvizz dy huzzd^ bragg\l, and fimmilar. Widh direct articulacion, / alone can combine. Dherfore hoped and hopped J chafed and laffed, paced and pajfed, baked and hacked, joked, locked and looked ; waJJjcd, ivatched, wax- ed, coaxed and boxed ; muft, in contraccion, be hop't^ hopt ; chaft, laft ; pact, pajl ; baUt, baB ; jolzt, loB, and lookt ; wajljt, watcht, zvaxt ; coaxt, and boxt : hwich can no longer be affraid to' appear dhus dhemfelvs ; az Orthoggraphy newer did, or wil, prezent hop' d, hopp''d, or dhe like incongruous combinacions. If articculating oppozites cannot combine, Appolbophs interpozal, hware ufeles alike to' vocallity and articculacion ; wood, be- tween direft and direft, but forbid a nattural and nefcef- fary aflemblage. It mull: not pas unobzerved, dhat dhe (dire61) o ov dont and zvont, iz duly opened and prolong- ed ; dhat dhe (fhut) vowel ov can 2.YAJljal, yl continnued into' protraccion in cant and p?an t ; hwich ar indeed cahtit -^wdijljahnt ; and dhat dhe (refpeftive) vowel ov am or ar, iz and waz, remains alike protra6:ed in ant, int, wan t ; really ahn t, ihnt, waunt : all famil- liar. In dhe beguinning ov dhe prezzent century, our lan- guage waz moddeftly (nor dhe les ^'iggorou{ly) ad\'an- cing to' her llandard ; az Genius (raddher Judgement) waz graddually elifciting principel from dhe practice ov un- confcious Ellegance, hweddher in fpeech or writing. Among (oddher) fubfervlent pictures, Apojlrophe appea- red IN HER T' I C T U R E. 203 red in moddern, az in aincient, fubftitucion ; in proze, az wel az in verfe. Thaught, exaOily painted, acquired inboath inftantaneous emiergy ; Elizzion became evveri- hware dhe fervant ov Brevvity, and Rezon paft into' Rage. Won nnqueilionabel Crittic (for forti ftil wer) protelled againll: dhe indignities offered to' Apof.rophc, and dhe flimmiliarrities uzed widh fo delHcate a carrader. Dhe Orrakel waz herd widh venncracion ; but, like od- dher Orrakels, littel underftood. Dhat Apojirophe might not be abuzed, flie waz annihhilated. Ehzzion waz in- difcrimminately exploded, az iign-painting haz been iince ; left, on edher hand, dhe obzerver fliood be hint by fuperfluons indication ; oy good zvine feem adulterated, by hanging out a hooJJ.). Apojirophe^ being dhe fliaddow, left dhe fubllance her fubftitute, dhe real prezzence to' Ipeak dhe real abfence ; but fign-painting fublimed into' Iconoggraphy : dhe art ov writing, infted ov drawing, a pidure. Dhe name ov dhe obnoxious immage more dhan fufficed to' dhe pious az polittical Iconnoclaft ; hoo perhaps knew dhat (for fom few fubftancial rezons) not evvery hand cood paint after dhe life, nor evvery eye rec- cognize intuitively (widh yuvenalsj howevver like, dhe hlac-fwan^ or dhe green-draggon, dhe griffin, dhe fphinx, or dhe mermaid ; dhe bel-fawage, or dhe bool- and-mouth ; dho dhe faid Iconoclajl was very fenfihle that (in dhis enlightened age and litterate land) every one of whatever denomination (Briton, foreigner, cockney, country-girl) could, without great, fcholarfjip, guefs the riddles : Black-Swan, Green-Dragon, Bell-Savage, Bull- A a 2 and- 204 PROPRIETY ASCERTAINED and-Mouth, zvith the others ; as well as that the very grojfeji poji-delineator^ lefs familiar douhthfs with crea- tures, that never honoured this if, and, thence i7iodefly dreadiiig to delineate, could have little hefitation to fpell them. This beautiful enigmatic improvement of Lear- jiing, has come early enough (however) to balance the whole iniquity of ApofropF s abolition. Si^nilar are the fever al 'beauties of the prefent Britifj prcfs. , A WRITER formerly thaught himfelf obleged, az wel az entit'led, to' number hiz verry fyllabels, in hv/atewer ftile. He need not now take dhe trubbel, even in verfe. Printer (now) and Player, alike regardles, not onely ov dhe author, but ov dhe reader or hearer ; yet com- plimenting, az trying, dhe attencion ov edher ; wil fep- parate frends, dhe moafl natturally apoftrophiz'd ; and wil dilate verfe (alas ! often needlefly) into' indifcrimmi- nacion from proze. So hear we, and fo fee we, Par, Xo/, B. vi. 135. Fool ! not to think how vain, Againil the Omnipotent to rife in. arms ! —878. Dilburthened heaven rejoiced, and foon repaired Her mural breach, returning whence Ihe rolled. I Par. I N H E R P I C T U R E* 805 Par. Loft, B. vlii. 263. And liquid lapfe of murmuring ftreams : by tliefe, Creatures that lived, and moved ; and walked, or flew. for Fool ! , not to* thinh^ how vain Againjl cW Onmipotent to'' rize in arms ! Dijburdend hevv n^ rcjoict, and foon repair d Her mural breach ; returning hzvence Jlje rolFd. And lie quid lapfe ov murni ring Jlr earns '. hy dhe^e, Cretures^dhat livvdy and moovdi andwalkt^ orjlezv. Dlie fame pattent warrants dillatacion and contraccion. If a prezzent vowel may fpeak its own abfence, dhe elider can alone fpeak its prezzence. No wonder exampels hav alreddy occurred. Confiilence dherfore demands (Par. Loll, v. 846.) The incens'd Father, and the incens'd Son. not DF incenfed Fahdher, and cIId incenfed Son, Widh like fredom and eze may oddher works be reftorcd or reformed. Dhus, Popes ; Man ^g5 propriety ascertained Man, like the generous vine, fupported lives : The ftrength he gains, is from the embrace he gives. To enjoy is to obey. So modern apothecaries, taught the art, By doclours' bills, to play the dodour's part, ■or Gqj's : Pudding the parfon eats, the efquire loves hare ; But whitepot thick is my Buxoma's fare. Pojpe and Ken may be contrafted, in reformacioii : Arife, crowned with light ; Imperial Salem, arife ! Exalt thy towering head, and pierce the Ikies. Wake, my foul ! and with the fun. Thy daily ftage of duty run. Dhe innocent authors ment : Man, like dhe genrous vine, fiippoarted livs : Dhe Jlrength he gains ^ izfrom dh' etnhrace he guivs.. T* enjoy iz to obey. So I N H E R P I C T U R E, 207 So mocldern ''pottecaries^ taught dhe art. By doEiors' hils^ to' play dhe doBors part. Toodding dhe parfon eats, dhe f quire lovs hare ; But hwite-pot thic iz my Biixoma s fare. Rize, crown d widh light ; imperial Salem, rize I Exalt dhy tozvring hed, and pierce dhe Jkies. j4wake, my Soil / and, widh dhe Sun, Dhy daily Jl age ov duty run. Hwile dhe poet dl*us alone can paint hiz own num- bers ; it were devoutly to he wijljed (wer not diiiz phraze hacneyed into' proffanacion) dhat pubblic fpea- kers in proze, efpefciaily divines, wood attend to' dhe advice, hwich, dho pecuharly defigned for dhem, dhey hav fo much negle£ted, and oddhers hav fo littel un- derllood : not to' mutilate dhe moaft follemn endings, or to' enervate by rapiddity dheir higheft ellocucion ; foolnes being alike nefceffary to' fpeak attenlion, and to' command it : no more dherfore to' llirink pardoned and ahfohed, into' pardon d and ahfolvd ; dhan pardo- neth and abfoheth into' pardons and ahfolvs. Among dhoze hoo, to' avoid dhis neggligence, hav run into' dhe oppozite extreme, ov continnuing dhe follemn into' dhe famiUiar ; appears to' hav been even dhe mafterly 5 Swift 2cS PROPRIETY ASCERTAINED Swift, lioo clioze to' deny hiz delllcate ear dhe plez- zure ov enjoying, at leaft in proze, dhe butifool tranfifcion ov dhe follemn afpirate into' dhe cognate familliar fibbi- Licion. No wonder if inferior philcUogers hav blindly az defly (in order to' feem Grammattic) uzed invariably hath and doth (not onely for havveth and dooeth^ but) for haz and doz. CHAP. CHAPTER IV. Ov dhe compounding and decompounding fervile^ or carraBery named Hyphen or Divizzion. TT Y P H E N iz dliat link or bar, hwlch draws fevve- ral words into' won ; and rezolvs anny word, ov more fyllabels dhan won, into' its conftittuent (but unfev- verred) parts. A fvllabel muil: confift ov vocallity and articculacion, or ov vocallity pure. A word muft dher- fore hav fo manny fepparabel members, called Jyllabels, az it haz dijlin'ci emijjions ov vocallity pure or articcu- lated ; fo manny fyllabels, az fepparate vowels effettive, or complete vocal founds. Words, uttered by like or- gans, muft be made in won manner, ov dhe fame materials ; and fubje£l to' dhe fame laws ov arliculacion or emiffion, in all human language. A vowel dhen may a£t pure (from all articculacion or organ) : az A^ indi- vizzibel ; Ai^ fyllabblcated A-i \ lo, I-o ; Eea, E-e-a. B b A vowel 2T0 PROPRIETY ASCERTAINED A vowel may be articculated, or afted upon, by a fim- pel, or by a compound, artlculaclon ; won, or combined confonants : az ;;y, hlejl^frencl. A conlonant,or an affem- blage ov confonants ; dhus fmoodhly inifcial, articculates ; or, fmoodhly final, lliuts ; dhe vowel, and dhe fyllabel, I. A finguel confonant^ or an inifcial afiemblage ^^- iween vozvels^ articculates dhe latter ; dhat iz, articcu- lates dhe vowel following, and fo haz no connexion widh dhe vowel before it. Dhus flings Philo ; later ^ Cato ; {ibleji, Afra ; fi-H^gt Phi-lo ; la-ter^ Ca-to ; a-hlejly A-fra. Letters^ dhat cloo 7iot nefcejfarlly joln^ mujlhe parted^ Such letters ar ov two kinds : dho'ze dhat cannot join, and dhoze dhat may. Ov dhe former fort ar letters re- peated. Anallogy, Confiftence, Rezon (hwatevver dhe name) doz notthing in vain, doz notthing dherfore by more, dhat can be don by les ; newer typpifies (confe- quently) by two fome fymbob, hwat can be expreft by won. No fymbol dhen, az no found ; can be dubbel in dhe fome fyllabel : for hware limplifcity fuffices, dupli- cacion wood ad but abfurdity. Dherfore II. A dubbel confonant muji be divided : dhus fillings Phillip ; latter, battel ; babblejl, Affric and Africa (alike independant ov dhe French Afrique, and ov dhe Lattin Africa) widh afraid, az afray and af right ; fi- ling, Phil-lip ; laMer, bat-tel ; bab-blefl. Af-fric, af- I N H E R P I C T U R E. 211 fray^ and fo on. Ahlejl and hahhlejl ar now known lo' be contraftives ov a-hd-lejl^ . and hah-hel-lejt. Irreffra^ gabel hav ive long feen dhis eftahhlipment. In like manner doutles oddher incombinabels : az pratler^ fad- ler ; prat-ler, fad-ler ; liwlch ar but contradives ov prattelier, faddeller ; fo partner and limner^ az if ov partener and limmener : widh limner^ lim-ner ; hjmnifty hym-jtift ; az limning^ lim-ning ; hynming^ hym-ning^ and dhe reil. III. ConfonaritSy dhat may part, muft part : it being more nattural for a confonant to' articculate or impel, dhan merely to' iliut or cloze a fyllabel. Dhus tender^ 72umber, and remembrance ; hweddher primmitives (tranf- plants ov dhe French tendre, nonibre, and remembrance) or formatives ov dhe Inglilh tend, nu7nb, and remember ; muft be divided ten-der, niim-ber, and re-mem-brance : to' fay, not tend-er, or dhe like, wer to' repeat. From dhis do£trine may be drawn its inverfion : IV. Vowels, natturally joined, cannot be parted : a dlpthong, a licquefaccion, a vowel and her fervile. A dipthong iz dhe union ov vocal founds ; alike in / and Oy (dhe old Yes) in line and loin, az in He, oil, and owl ; in by, boy, and bivoy. But w, or its fubftitute (11 compreffed) iz 00 emboddied into' licquefaccion, or vocal articculacion ; dhat iz, a vowel, grocened into' a confo- nant ; az in wall, quallity. Ungual. So dhe oddher lic- quefaccion combines dhe / and ov ftallionj az dhe y B b 3 and 212 PROPRIETY ASCERTAINED and in yon^ Notthlng, on cllie contrary, joins dhe vowels ov lion : hwich dherfore exempliiics dhe antifci- pated Rule V. Vowels^ not ncfcejfartly joinedymujt he parted. Az dhe Orthoggraphy ov aincient languages (except per- haps dhat ov dhe Greek, and ov dhe Maforettic He- brev/) required no ferviles, and evvcry language haz its own few vocal combinacions ; vowels, meeting in aincient names or terms, ar now, az formerly, to' be parted : dhus Lais, Brifeis, Lois, Ackelous, Mennelaus, Piolle- mais and Ptollemaic, jfudaic, "Judaize and yiidaifm\ ar La-is, and dhe reft. So doutles laic and laity : dho layman, lay-broddher, or dhe like, admit dhe Inglifli fervile. Eneas iz followed by Ensid or Enneid (az dif- ferently ftrefled) ; fo Coos by Coan : nor doz dhe June- cion ov dhe vowels in dhe Inglilli coin, cooper or hoots, preclude dheir fepparacion in coincide, coopperate or Bootes. Dhus differ loam and Silloam, Ardea and Guinea, hwich haz hiddherto' paft for dhe Inglilb Giiin'- ry, if not Guinnea, a propper compannion for cocoa.. But Guinea iz no more Guinnea or Guinny, dhan cacao iz cocoa. ' Confiftently widh dhe preceding laws, VI. Branches and Compounds prezerv dheir roots and jimpels. Dhus not onely codling dhe littel cod, and con- traflive ov dhe coddelling appei ; but haply, hwich doz not indeed fo obvious juftice az wood h apply, edher to'' itfelf or to' its parent (hap) ; or, az doz reply (in re-ply), at T N H E R' P I C T U R E. 213 at wonce to' its conftittuents and to* itfelf. So from play, draw, and law ; playing, drawer^ lawyer ; play^ ing, draw-er, law-yer : and fo ar azvay, awry ; a-way, a-zvry. Clear az hav kept dhe founds, mull keep dhc -fyllabels ov JJjepherd, goatherd, grajljopper ; Clephariy Ckip-harn, Chatham, Bathurjl ; Grejl^am, PeterJJjam; ColeJJjil : JJjep-hcrd, goat-herd,, graf-hop-per ; Clep-han^ Clap— ham, Chat-ham, Bat-hurji ; Gref-ham,. Pe-terf- ham, Colef-hil. Dhus dhe helples maltjltr iz not dhe hel-ples maltf-ter ; but dhe help-les mali-Jier, by dhe fame equal law. So, by prepozzitive or preppozifcio- nal guidance, typhoid ; cntriijl, infpire, injlll, inJlruSl, unftiffen, unftahel, tinftrung ; eftrai?ige ; furprize, fuh" ftitute, deftroy, diftrain^ diftraB, difplay, difpart, dif- poart, diftain, fnftain, ahftain ; ahfcnt, abforb, abro- gate, abrupt ; abridge ; afcend, defcend, tranjcend, tranfpire, tranfpoarP, tranfaFl, tranfifcioti, tranfitory, tranfom ; exemplary exampeh : up-hold, en-truil, in- fpire, in-ftil, in-ftruft, un-ilif-fen, un-fta-bel ; un-ftrung, e-ilrainge ; fur-prize, fuli-lH-tute, de-ilroy, dl-ibaln, dif-tra£t, dlf-play, difpart, di-fpoart, di-ilaln, fuf-tain, abf-taln, ab-fent, ab-forb, ab-ro-gate, ab-rupt ; a-brldge ; af-cend, de-fcend, tran-fcend, tran-fpire, trans-poart, tranf-aft, tranf-if^cion, tranf-i-to-ry, tran-fom : ex-em- pla-ry ex-am-pels. Nay, difpenfing widh dhe firil law ; upon ; enabel, unabel, inabilUty ; difabel, difmte- refted, difeze, per adventure ; counter aB \. Juperintend, furantler^ fubalmoner, fubaltern, fubordinate, fubiirh ; aherracion : widh fuch (hwarevver compounded) propper-:^ 214 PROPRIETY ASCERTAINED az j4bhery ft withy Inverejk, Overyjj'el : up-on, en-a-bel, im-a-bel, in-a-bil-li~ty ; dif-a-bel, dif-in-ter-ef-ted, (or dii-in-te-rell-ed) ; dif-eze, per-ad-ven~tiire, coun- ter-aft, fu-per-in-tend, fur-ant-ler, fub-al-mo-ner, fub-al— tern, fub-or— di-nate, fub-urb ; ab-er— ra-cion ; widh Ab-ber-yft-with, In-ver-elk, 0-\'er-yf~lel, and dhe like. Centuries ago uppon appeared ; hwidi might now feem to' transfer dhe llres, from dhe latter to dhe former fyllabel. Nor wood perruze for dhe prezzent peruze (per-uze) prevent vulgar Indolence or Bluntnes, from linking dhe licquefaccion to' per—ooz, az flie often doz dhat ov rule to' rool : at hwich we can dhe les wonder, if llie be ib apt to' drop it even after a dental ; az hwen flie fays, Noo toons ar doo from Soo ; for Ne-w tunes ar due from Sue. Not merely by dhis licence (ov duplicacion) hwich haz its plauzibillity ; but by a hoally new lyftem, haz dhe lale ingenuity ov Brittilli fyllabicacion exploded ev- very law ov human fpeech. Dhe fundamental principel proovs alike fubverlive ov vocallity and ov articula- cion : A formative fyllabel (az)m^^ ed, eth, es, er ; ant, al, ic, ive ; ize, ift ; or anny feemingly complete racldi- cal party jnufl he fevverred from dhe hoddy ov dhe word. A foarce ! hwence iilue dhe following limpid ibeams : I. A fyllabel, I N H E R P I C T U R E, 2ij 1. A fyllahely nay an af pirate^ may he divide cL 2. A confonant het-zveen vozvels may belong to* dhi forjner, 3. An open vozvel may be conjlhuted Jlmt» 4. A foftened confonant may continnue hard^ 5. A dubb el confonant may cloze afyllahel. 6. An infclalajfemblage may alfo be final, 7. Articculacion iz not bound to* articculate^ 8. We ar to fpeali^ az we fpel \ not fpel, az zve fpeak, 9. We ar howevver to* fpel on^ az no won ewer did, fijood, or cood fpeak^ A PEEP ov prezzent Utterature, in compartments ^ wll fliow hwat may be produced in a field fo wautered. One def-cries with wond—er, fome read-ers fmil-tng ;, where they fjould rath-er prove ad-mir—ers. T'hey come well pre— par— ed^ who hav al—read—y taf—edpref-ent voc- Gl-it—y ahf—ent, when the e—lid^er pleaf—es j ahf—ent I voc-* 2i6 PROPRIEIY ASCERTAINED voc—al—h—y pref—ent, as mod~ern typ-o-graph^y fac^ il—it—ates verf—if—ic—at-i—on. 'This nov—el fyjl-em will gycit—if—y the Jlud—ent of lih-er—al op—in-i-ons ; part— ic—ul—ar~ly of lit—er—ar—y phil—o-foph-y. Noth-ing is there meant farth—er than diji-rih—ut—ive juji—ice\ than laud—a-hle lic—ence, than the an—at—om—if—ing of form- at— ive aff—emhl—ag—es^ aft-er the 7noft ap—prov—ed praB—ice of Brit—ifJj fj'l—lah-ic-at—i-on. The di—vid— ing fcheme^ of forju—er fchol—ars % dign—it—ar—ies^ in— fcr-i-our clerg—y \ judg—es^ law—y—ers\ auth—ors^ tran— fat—o)-s^ ivrit-ers^ crtt—icks ; has dijf—if—ed in—vinc~i— hie f pells ov—er an—y pojf-ib—il—it—y of fpell—ing. De— cyph—er—ers on—ly are cap-a—hle of di— fpell—ing them ; ex-orc—ifs al-one of e— x ore—if- ing them. Pro-ceed— ings thus def—truB—ive of llt—er—at—ure, of what—ev—er is nam—ed rat—i—on—al ex—preff—i—on ; are con—triv-anc— es un—douht-ed—ly di—a-hol—ic ; are f jack— les un— worth— y the fav—onr—it£Sj though def—pif—erSy of nat~iire : thofe not— a— hie ge—ni—if—s^ whom the ig— nor— ant im-ag—ine damn— a— hie dunc—es ; who have in—vef—ig—ai—ed^ il- lufr-at-edy per—feB—ed, Engl— if j phil-o-log—y : riv- al l-ing there— fore 7ione oth—er than the learn— ed pro— fet- ors of Call— i— graph— y^ per— ad— vent— lire, the mag—ic—i— ans of Ic-on—o-graph-y ; un—it—ed—ly in— tit— id— ed, the tri—pari—ite fat— al—i— ties of Con— un— drum : that bleff— ed art-if-ice of ?nak—ing the per—uf—er hefl—ow in- tcl—leB-u—al, rath-er than in—tu—it—ive, e—xert—i-ons ; where the mar-vel—ous^ when pof^-i—hle, un-rav-ell—ing comes I N H E R P I C T U R E. 2,7 comes forthy the ver-'y an'^tip-ode of ev-er-y Orth-o, ev-er^y Graph-y ; as well as of Orth-o-graph-y. Ov dliis parragraph, entirely modifli ; evvery word being mifdivided, mifrepprezented, or boath ; dhe re- verfe may be az dezirabel, az dhe reverfal ov dhe prin- cipels, on hwich it aroze. Dheze muft fall at dhe revi- val ov Natures laws, az Dagon before dbe Ark ; ov dhoze laws, irreverfibel az dheir Author ; dhoze laws . we herd repromulged, az if reprodudive ov dhcir viola- cion ; ye I may fee reviving dhus : Won cle—fcries zviclh won-der, forn rea-ders fmt-ling^ hzvare dhey fjood rad-dhcr proov ad—mi-rcrs. Dhey com wel pre—pa-redy hoo hav al-red—dy ta—fied prez— zent vo-^cal—li—ty ah—fent^ hwen dhe e—U—der ple~zes ; ah—fent vo—cal-li—ty prez-zent, az mod—dern ty—pog— gra-phy fa—cil—li-tates ver-fi—fi-ca-'cion. Dhis nov^ vel fyf-tem zvll grat—ti—fy dhe fiu—de?it ov lih—he—ral o—pin-nions ; par—tic—cu—lar—ly^ ov lit-^te—ra—rv phi— lof—fo'phy. Not-thing iz dhare 7nentfar—dhcr dhan dif—trib~hu—tlve J uf—tice^ dhan lau—da—hel li—cence ; dhan dhe a—nat—to-mi—zing ov for—ma—tive af-fein—bla—ges^ af—ter dhe inoaft ap-proo-ved prac-tlce ov Brit tifj fyl— la~hi—ca—cion. Dhe dl—vi-ding Jkeme, ov for—nier fcol-lars, d>g~-ni-ta-ries^ in-fe—ri-or (or, by coalifcion, in-fe-rior) clcr—gy ; jud—ges^ lazo—yers, au—thors, tranf- la-torSy wrl-terSy cr'it—tics ; haz dlf—fu—zed (contrac- tedly dif-fuz^d) in-vin—ci-bel fpels o-ver an-ny 4i8 PROPRIETY ASCERTAINED pof-fi-hil-U-ty ov fpel-ltng. De—cy—phe-rers one—l ary ca—pa-hel ov dif— pel— ling dhem ; ex—or-cijls a— lone ov cx-or—ci—zing dhem. Fro— ce- dings dhus de—Jlruc-tive ov lit—te—ra—ture, ov hwat—ev-ver iz na—med raf—cio-^ nal ex-p7'ef—fion ;■ ar con—tri—van-ces un—dou—ted—ly di— a~hol-lic ; ar jhac—kels un—wor—dhy dhe fa~vo—rites^ dho de—fpi-zers^ ov na—ture : dhoze not—ta-belge—ni—uf—fes {p'^ ge—niiif—fes), hoom dhe ig-no-rant i—mad—gine dam— na—bel ciun-ces ; hoo hav in-vef—ti—ga—ted, il-luf-tra— ud^ per-fet—tedy Ing—liJJj phi-lol-lo—gy : ri-val—ling dher—fore non od—dher, dban dhe ler—ned' pro—fef—fors ov Cal-Ug—gra—phy ; per—ad-ven—ture^ dhe ma—gif— cians ov I—co—nog—gra—phy \ ii-ni-ted—ly en— ti-t el-led dhe hi—pa7'—tite fa—tal—li—ties ov Co-nun— drum : dhat hlej— Jed ar—ti-fice ov ma-king dhe per—u—zer be—Jlow in—tel-^ lec—tu-al (coalefcingly in—tel—lec—tual) rad—dher dhan in—tu-i—tive^ ex—er-cions ; hware dhe 7nar—vel—lous, hwen pof-fi—hely un—rav-vel—ling cojns foarth, dhe ver— rv an^ti-pode ov ev—ve—ry Or— tho, cv-very Grap-phy, fl.z welaz ov Or— thog— gra-phy.. Hyphen iz indlfpenfabel, equally to' fenfe and found. Like Apojrophey it gards dhe vowel ; like dhe libbilacion, it fubjoins propperty. Boath by elliptic tranfpozifcion, prefix dhe proprietor or fpefcifier : dhe fibbilacion, defE- nitely ; dhe link, indeffinitely. Dhus differ a mottoes (or motto s) wit, and motto-imt \ Londons trade, and London-trade ; dlie Eddinhurrough-Mercury, and dhe Aberdeens Jurnal. Hwen dhe components, cefing to* be 1 N H E R PICTURE, 219 be occazzlonal, fettel in a ftated compound ; Hvphe7i proovs ufeles, az Apojirophe : in draftfnian and pem'nan, feedfjnan and oilman, or dhe like. In dhis clas iz toTcnfman, hwile town-'tnan (dhe 77ian much in tozvn, or for dhe tow?t, or ov dhe town), town-dark, town-talk, ar immediate or occazzional, and fo hyphenned, com- pounds. Nay, gozimfman and gownman ar limmilarly related and diillndl. Dialcfts, joint az contries, ar op- pozlte in like manner. Scotch Tays, dhe jnorrozvs (famil- liarly, dhe morns) mornijig, Sundays night ; hart-horn, hair-hrcdth (if not, az formerly, hair-hread), Jlone-caJi\ or har thorn, and fo on ; Inglifli, to* -morrozv-morfting , Sunday-night ; hartJJjorn, hairjhredth, Jlonefcaft, So near, yet fo diftant, ar Peterjhurg, and Feterhur rough, Kingjlon and ^leenburrough : nor les differ ^ueenjuer- ry and ^leensferry, or dhe ^^eens-ferry (for {ibbilacion and Hyphen ar not quite incompattibel) from dhe occaz- zional- King-Jlreet, ^^ueen-Jlreet, Princes-Jlreet, or dhe like. Dhus dhe Irifli Kings-county, Phillipjlown ; §lucens-counly, Mary-burrough. Dhe fame bond, dhat prefixes, may fubjoin dhe fpefciher ; az in a poot-of, or pootting-of ', in dhe hringijig-iip, dhe hringer-up, or dhe hringers-up ov children, a faslhion (if not fafcion), or hwatevver elfe. But dhe accion (or noun) alone requires dhe link : for dhe verb (to' poot of, to' bring up) admits not a fetter, dhat wood preclude dhe (poffibel) tranfpo- zifcion ; nor muil: we be denied dhe pov/er, howevver dellicate muft be dhe pra6lice ov (dhe familliar) of to poot, up to bring, or dhe like. And fo to^ com in keeps C c 2 open, 0,20 PtlOPRlETY ASCERTAINED open, hwile dlie incojn iz fixed ; dhe verb (being) aa id- diom, dhe noun a compound. Hybhen^ dhus dhe link ov fpefcincacion, iz no les dhat ov appozifcion; az dhe moddher-wit^mdihc moddber-tung y dhe queen-moddhcr, dhe lord-mayor^ dlie warrior-Jieedy or dhe filnt-fione. AVidhout dhis prefcious ty, wer loft a tranfpozzitive and compozzitive buty, peculiar (per- haps) to' ours among moddern languages ; and in hwich dhe Ingliili rizes az much nearer to' dhe Greek, az doz dhe French in oddher particculars. Yet if, according to' dhe new, free, and ezy mode ov not merely decom- pounding, but diflblving our pi£lurage ; we may fee and fhow a tea table, at a tea dealer s ; a wine glafs, at a wine merchant'' s ; a zvriting mafter, and writing paper ; a regifter office, and a lord regijter ; a nurje child, and a man child ; hojne confumption, and a home thruft ; for, a tea-tahely at a tea-dealers ; a wine-glas, at a zvine-mer- chants ; a writing-mafter, and writing-paper ; a redgi- fter-office, and a lord-redgifter ; a nurfe-child, and a man-child ; home-confumpcion, and a home-thruft ; we muft receiv and return breaft high, bomb proof, font thrilling, wide wafting, all defraying ; breeze pahen^ tempeft beaten, lightning ftrtick, hair hung, flf taught ; (all ov oddher, hware ov anny, impoart) for breft-high, hoomb-proof, foil-thrilling', wide-zvafing, all-dejlroy- ifjgf hreze-fjaken, tempeft-beaten, Ughtning-ftruc, hair-hungy felf-taught, and dhe like. But, dho dhe ftanding Orrakels ov Inglifli Philollogy hav hid- dherto' fliown dhemfelys ignorant, ov a principal J ^ ov Kenyie, (unlicquefied iiu?«;r(;) Witel Kennet (not Kenneth ; being but a varriacion ov Cannute, az Ken ov Can) compounded dhe furnames Dalzel and Macken- zie. A retwill: ov dhe z into' j^, wood fave dhe names Dalyel, Mackenyie, or dhe like ; az Tule, Tefler, and oddhers hav been faved. We faw hware dhe brand lic- quefier 838 PROPRIETY ASCERTAINED quefier (oo embodclied into' zv) mnft or may^be proxied by ic in equaUhy ov language. After h it waz lliown impraclicabcl even in dlie fniguel buoy ; liwich, for dhe onelvpoilibel hivoy^ furely dlie French parent bois hqwci cood feem to' countenance. Lattin had no hcquefying fymbols : / and u wer ezilv cmboddled. Dhus did abiete, ariete, looz a fvUa- bel, hwen fquezed into' ahjcle, arjete, and dbe hke. ^{d lingua fuacleo I French adopted v, ncmmiPiaUy, az raddicaliv, Greek ; but coincident widh her own, az widh Greek and Lattin /. T became dhus (az in ycux) her inifcial hcquefier ; and before n, y varied into' g^ \vaz conjured into' dhe hcqueiier after it ; in dhe French cam- pagne, az in dhe Itallian cainpagna. Greek and French ar too harmonious, to' admit dhe brand hquefliccion af- ter a pallataL Inghili follov/ed Lattin in her Ungual qualUfv. Not dhus braudened Greek, even after dhe fibbilacion. Dhe Lattin perfuadere . feduced (at leaft induced) dhe French perfuadcr, and its fehows, into' dhe fmp-uel deviacion from dhat revi^ ai, hwich French alone haz made ov Grecian mellody. But Inglifli haz required (and acquired) dhe Teutonnic iv ; in zvade, wagCy wag, f^^'^Ki f'-^^S'^-* «^'<^^'^'<^^^') S'lvls, and dhe relh Shal we dhen be perfivaded into' anny ajfzvageffient ov forrow, for hawing (latterly) affe<5led to' rellnqui/h (in perfuade, ajfuage, or dhe like) dhe advancements ov our Litterature expanding to' Anallogy ? If aught per- fuade us to' rejoin Suede and Siiijje^ we mull uade dhe. Suale IN HER PICTURE. 23*) Suale and dlie Suin ; inftcd ov ivacVing dhe Swale and dlie Sivin. Suavity mull be joined by fueetnefs^ if not Jweetnes by fwavvity. Lattin, ezily az indiipenfably, licquefied Sueto7iius : Inglilli, finding in w after j, dlie fleiidcr licquid prezented, cannot dream ov attemptin dhe brand, in anny oddher dhan Swetonius, Z S E C C I O N IV. SERVILES RECTIFIED. Dfie vowels cood not be reflified, unles dheir fer- viles wer fo. Secured waz dhus : i. A hraucl in braud itfelf and grant ; 2. A Jlender open, in grait^ ivair ; pcir^ heir ; and dhe rell: : 3 • A Jlcnder- prolonged in fahce, and Jahfage^ better fahce-' age : 4. O diredi in foil, roll, and contrail ; dare, fiore, and more ; or doar, foar, moar : in /oar foarteen, foarce, coart, goard ; coarfe, coarce ; inoarn boarn, foarm : 5. depreffive, in doo, Jl->oo, can 00 Room ; moov, proov, hehoov, looz ; yoo, yooth, iincooth goold ; in toor, anioor, accooter ; and in dbc lliut or lliort foop, groop ; cood, Jhood, zvood ; widh pool, poot, and dhe rell : dhus e no more attending dhe depreiiive, a dhe dire ft, or u edher cmiffion. CHAP- CHAPTER VI. Orthograpphic Substitucion. S E C C I O N I. Dhe fiihjlituclon ov confonants. T> RECLUZION authorizes dhe unprecluded ; confequently, evvery fublHtucion, dhat haz not been fliowii erroneous. Dho found can now no more appro- priate fymbol, dhan fymbol found ; nedher ufeles nor unplezing, wil be a fuccinft vew ov dhe fubftitucional indulgences, hwich Inghili Orthoggraphy may continnue hweddher to' Ettymollogy or Diftinccion. No articcula- ting power haz two pidlures, but dhe iibbilacion, boath direft and depreffive (j" and z). Ov dhis dhe dlfcrimmi- nating eye boafts dhe twofold convenience in feed and cede^ Jeal and del ; Jean^ f<^^h ^nd fcene ; Sion and 3 fcion INHERPICTURE. 241 fcion or cion^ fite and cite^ fit and cit^ fgnct and cygnet^ cojifort and concert ; 'm. fejjion and ceffion, az mfuperfede and intercede. If evvery licquid, dho inclining to' dhe depreffive, melts into' dhe power ov its concommitant (preceding or following) articculacion ; dhe fibhilruit chal- lenging dhis facculty beyond anny ov dhe (oddher) four (ly r, «, m) dhat pozes each but won figgure, begs leve, hweddher after an open vowel in final formative capafci- ty ; or widh a depreffive confonant, to' retain dhe direft form clodhing dhe depreffive power : az in lavs^ ideacs or idea Sy lies^ joj's, and vows ; fo in Pijgab, P^g/}' from Pegs ; in Fans and Fanfy ; ftil more endearing dhan Peg or P^ggyt Fan or Fanny. Dhis dellicate az dimin- nutive ending (y or ey) haz like depreffive effect in prim- mitives or formatives ; az 'm.Jli7nfy, clumfy^ linfey-wool- Jey, kerfey ; fo in palfy^ P'^^fy-, f^'^^fj-) 'J^'^f^y ' vertual' ly (fomtimes vizzibly) fiim^y, frenzy ; nor widh les re- zon dhe rell. Not fo (howevver) controverjy or pur[y ; hwich accompany verfe and purfe (az wel az controverfia^ controverfe and poujfif) ; unchangeabel dherfore az dhe oppozite perfon and Curzon, ranfac and Dantzic. No more can dhe Ingliffi dammafccne^ dhan dhe French cramoifiy forbid dhe appearance ov damzen or crimzen ; dho damoifelle (now demoifelle) ffiood proov a ffil more fpecious prefcedent for cHie dan/fel^ les obvloufly inviola- bel dhan damzel. Venaifon makes up an ezy titel to' venifon^ widh EttymoUogy ; hoo, knowing juft az much oy venzen az ov venzon ; and fo no more fufpe£ling won dhan dhe oddher (to' be) dhe real word ; flil thinks F f dhat 242 PROPRIETY ASCERTAINED dhat ve7iatto^ dlie more vennerabel parent, might more authenticate vettation. Out ov her connizance, and fa out ov apprehenfion (from her kindnes), ar equally fuch compounds az Ben/on and Simp/on, Belfon and Polfon^ or Pear/on wldh hiz Gauhc ofspring Macpherfon ; az Job- fan, Hodgefon or Hud/on : widh Anfon^ An/el, hand/el, handfojn, gamefom, hoalfoin^ tirefom ; and fuch {impels az pen/lie, penfive, compulfive, deterfive, az Anfelm^ ran" fo7n^ and dhe reft. Two piftures indeed haz dhe afplrate, az. wel az dhe fimpel fibbilant. No powers being fo cognate (dhat iz, fo near a-kin) az afpiracion and licquefaccion ; dhe latter muft proov dhe nattural fublUtute ov dhe former. Dhus ar nafjon and nacion, nasJJjonal and naf clonal ; condispony and condifcion, condhfional and condifcional^ refpedlvely equivvalent. On equivvalents Ettymollogy decides ; fo in-favor ov dhe latter, in dhe abov : nacion and nafcional^ condifcion and condifcional. Ov Baafja and Afpafia ilie equally approovs,littel dreaming dhat dheirterminacions ar coincident. Hware Dagon, draggon, widh zvezon or tvezajtd, thouzand, and fo foarth : not here to' reziinie dhe inter- chainge (by like cauz) ov en and in, ejn and /;;2 prepoz- zitive ; in fuch compounds az entruft and intruft, em^ prizzon and imprizzon, alreddy mencioned widh dhe Quiefcents. Shut hy n ox r final, weak voccallity hav- - ving fo littel found, and dhe fiiutting licquid ftil fo much : won vowel can (in ezy utterance) fcarce be known from anoddher. ajS PROPRIETY ASCERTAINED anoddlier. Hence dhe diverfity and famenes ov Allan and ylllen, Herman and Her^non '. Miller and Millar, Fawhner or Falconer and Falconar ; altar and alter ^ au- gar and augur ^ Jailor ?iW^failer^ or dhe like. Law lovs dhe ending or, diliinfdve ov pecuhar from genneral car- rafter. Dhus ^\^tifurvcyer vcixdifurvcyor, furviver and furvivor^ widh dheir fellows. So proppers often endev- vor to' keep clear ov common denominacions : 'Tumor, Taller, and Batcheler, beg le\'e not to' feem Turner, Tailor and Batchelor. Hware dhe ilres iz varied, dhe fenfe proovs more diiVmct widh dhe found ; az in execu- ■ter and execcutoi'^ inveftigater and inveftigator. It may not be quite forrain here to' add, dhat er and or, mutu- ally illuftrative raddher dhan encroaching, ar boath too gennerous (dhat iz, too jull) to' exclude dhe oddlier en- dings ov agents, dhat edher Anallogy or Ettymollogy may claim. Dhus vizziter and vizziior no more ex- clude vizzitant, dhan can dhe verbal accounter dhe nom- rninal accountant, dhe compannion ov annuitant \ dhan ^he orthoggrapher or philolloger can deny dhe ettymoUo- ger to' be dhe Inglifli, and dhe ettymollogift dhe Gallic ^gent. Simmilar iz dhe famenes ov weak vowels, fhut by hwatevver confonant : hence dhe coincidence ov cwrat and carrot, dhe interchainge ov niattras and mattres. Nay fcbelnes leves open and Hiut fcarce difcrimmi- nabel before a final confonant ; az in pallate and pal-^ let, pall ace and F alias, Wallace and Wallis, Not I N H E R P I C T U R E. 257 Not onely iz febelnes dhus indirciimmiiiatc ; hwlle on and om ar dhe powerfool proxies ov un and urn. Pcr- fet rimes ar dherfore mayor and player ; tartar^ barter^ and martyr. Nadir and trader.^ Emir and tremor ; but fun ^wdi fon, fum ^wdi fom^ different identities. How- ewer ezily /cr plays its own edher (ilrong or weak) part in murmur^ ir {oxyr) haz, for dilHnccion or defcent, been a hiddherto' nndifputed repprezentative ov ur : unles dhe r be repeated, az in irrafcional, irradiate, mirror and Pyrramid. Eveii here haz it been indulged mfquirrely az in hzvirl ; in firrah az in fir, hwich, dho from dhe French^ yl herd (a no French found in) fur. Dhus meet and part fir and fur, dhe former accompanied by firkin and firlot, feemingly formed from diie Batavian parent ov foar. Widh dheze, hzvir and hwirl ; founds, az juftly painted hzvor and hzvorl ; fir, wonce az duly feen fur : and myr, hwich (in murj iz not dhe prior part ov Myrrha. Followed we dhus find it bv anny od- dher confonant : in guirl, pirn, firm, chirp ; fjirt^ fquirt, fpirt, hlirt, flirt, dirt, hirt, bird, third, [thir- teen, thirty) and guird ; mirth, birth (dilVmft in found and fenfe from berth) in I'byrfe, thirf, firf ; irk, fmirky kirk, quirk ; birch, dirge. So Cirk or Circus, widh cir- cuit or cirket, cirkel, and evvery circum (in uncircum.'- fcribed circumference) ; dhe proppers Irwin, Irby^ Shii'- ley, Byrn, T^hirfk, Thyrfiis j Byrfa, Mirza. H h SEC- «5S PROPRIETY ASCERTAINED S E C C I O N IV. Summary ov Inglish Substitucion. To' a focus dhus converges Inglifli fubftitucion. Con- fonants admit non, befide i. dhe diredi fimpel fibbilant (j-) repprezented by <:, before e^ /, ox y ; ettymolodgical- ly, and often diilinftively, az in eel ; cite^ cit ; Cmiojt^ Cyrus^ Grece : oftener widh dhe diftincclon alone ov Ettymollogy : az in pece, paciffic ; fpice^ fp^^^y '■> cedar, cycler or eider, cifcr, (or ffer,) cypres, cyhel, cirkel, cer- tain, ciity, ciftern ; Cincinnatus, Cezar, Cifcero, Cyz- zicus : 2. dhe deprcHive fimpel fibbilant («), by dhe di- re6; form (.f), after an open vowel, or widh a depreffive confonant, az in days, ideals ; paws, palls, palfy, dif- 111 al, Pifgah, Pcg[y : 3. dhe direft libbilating afpi- rate (JIj ), by the direft fibbilating licquefaccion ; chi- ming dhus BaaJJja widh ^Jia, Dacia and Afpajia ; Bajljan, Gracian, Vefpafian, and collaeion ; difcref- cion widh confejjion ; fufpifcion widh fuhmijfion and coalifcion ; moeion widh Fhocian alike and Phocion ; Lu~ cian widh conjlitucion, and fo on : nay by eh, finking dhe vertual prepozzitive (/) after /, n, or/: ixzm Dutch, French, and JVelJJj : 4. dhe depreffive fibbilating-afpi- rate ; by dhe depreffive libbilating licquefaccion ; az in evazion, cohezion, explozion, collizzion, colluzion : 5. dhe depreffive dental-fibbilating-afpirate (/), by g, before (dhe fofteners) e, i or y : hence ginger, and clergy ; widh i N H E R P I C T U R E. S59 widh Gt'rman/joiWmg jfermyn : 6. c by /•, hware J" by c (before e, i, or y) ; az in kee/j Kcil ; /vV^, TwV, Kitty ; Kedar, Kiron, Greek monnarky ; fucker^ fucking^ luc- ky, Suky : 7. c by q, articculating dbc brand licqiiefac- cion : az \\\ fquare equal quantity: 8. after a ftrong vowel, cs ; before a llrong vowel, gz, equally by .v. Dhus dhe furnames Goes and Dicfon ar nexured Into* Cox and Dixon ; fo HogJlo7i, az if Hocjlon, cowers her conftituents in Hoxton. From exit and extafy ; exift and exalt, mull be alike elifcited dhe reallities ov ecfit, ec- Jlacy (not unfeen) ; egziji and egzalt. Ov ^x^r/, az ov excellence, vertually eccel and eccellence ; dhe nexured j" iz abforbed in dhe following fibbilant. 9. A depreilive may be dubbled by its dire£l fliutting dhe llrong vowel before it ; in fuch compound az cupboard, herd cuh- hoard ; Hepburn, Hebburn. Much more may ( 1 o) dhe direct labial afpirate, retain dhe oridginal components [plj) in certain tecnic terms from dhe Greek : az philof- fophy ox phyzzic, {ox flojfofy ox fzzic ; \\\iQ fantom and frenzy, y^oxicc phantom Vi.\\di phrenfy. 11. In all ortho- grapphic duplicacion, dhe limpel faffices for dhe prior afpirate : az in Sappho, fapphire : Matthew, Jltthens ; Bacchus, Bucchan ; Ojjian, Prifcian, prejfure, plezzure : 12. A licquid, fomtimes a mute, iz dubbled by dhe fol- lowing febel afpiracion or brand licquefier : az in J^Fal^ ham, Welwyn, Bathurjl^ Goodwyn ; herd Wallam, Wei- lin, Batturji, Gooddin. H h 2 Vocal a6o PROPRIETY ASCERTAINED Vocal fubftltiicion draws to' dhis : dhe open vowels a, e, /j ?(', and o depreffive ; dhe fliut a brand, /, and z/, accept (ov) fubftitucion. Repprezented dhen ar, for cauzes affigned -, \. a (lender, by e : az in fein, vein, peir^ heir, dhei)% dhey, obey, abbey, alley, Harley, Bur- leigh, Chudkigh : 1. e by /, in pier, mien, fiend, field, and dhe reft : 3. / by j', in fom Greek words, like pyre, 'Tyre, Pylos ; az wel az vocal in dhe end ov Inglifli words, and hcquid in dheir begulnnlng : dhus ally, rally ; Tare, yard ; and, az yern, fo bowyer : 4. t^, (rezolvabel into* yoo) repprezented by eti, in fiich Greek terms as pleurify and Europe % by <:;x' final, diftuiftlvely or derivvatively ; az in heiv, dew; few, vc-zv. 5. Difiinccion haz pleaded for dhe licquid infted ov dhe vocal figgure ov deprel- five in dhe finguel w^ord two, equal to' too. But too or two' wil leve no oddity. Dhis found (after a brand) haz u or w always painted in dhe dipthong ; az in bozv, bowl, and bound,, fowl and foul, Dho u be now ex- empted from fervillity, w continnues dhe final fervile : az in bozv, arch ; fo in hozvl, bafon. In fifteen words ozv iz dhe final dipthong ; in three ov hwich dhe medial figgure takes place before dhe loft afpirate : plough, noun or verb ; fiough, mire ; and hough, branch. Dhe reft ar, nine monnofyllabels ; how, bend ; niozv, az in a harley- mozv ; prow, brozv, cow, fozv ; hozv, now, vozv '» widh three dilTyllabel, verbs, avow, allow, endow \ not to' men- cion dhe old verb trozv, believ, more dhan a Dutch y/ozf. W's third (ewer infepparabel) office, dhat ov articcu- lating in braud licquefaccion anny oddher vowel ; Etty- mollogy I N H E R P I C T U R E. 261 mollogv begs Icvc to' perform after dhe articcnlating guttural (or pallatal) q or g^ by // ; az Lattiii had no oddhcr rcpprezentative ov 00 or ■zt^, hence dhe quallity and quantity ov our language. Dhe flender licquehcr, for want ov fuch fubftitute, muft be delhcately blended, dho unfeen (prezerved in reallity, hware it cannot be painted) between dhis mute and a fliut, ir for z/r, and dhe dipthong i : az in card, gard ; kiyk^ guird ; kind Ov fliut vowels, / can liav no fubftitute but j^ : az In phyz o\ fymptotn^ and Egypt. Dhat / and its proxy equally proxy u Ibut by r (az in thirjl and 7hyrfe\ need- not here be repeated. Dhe oddher fubftitute ov ftiut vowels {u and a braud) iz ; ov u, hware not engaged in dhe fervlce ov a braud ; az in worky zvordy ivorld ; won^ 'wonder ; a'o/, quoth : nor can it be denied in London., dhat foni attorneys., and dheir Jons., comfort dheir contry. On Monday (perhaps) oddhers hovcer over Sodhzvark. Yet iz it no les allowed tbecauz indif- putabel) dhat oflifciates for a braud, hware dhe latter cannot for itfelf ; dhat iz, hwarevver not articculated by dhe braud licquefier, dhis common frend, hawing no fluit duty ov its own, iz (to' all intents and pnrpofes) dhe Inglilli occular performer ov a braud fliut or ov Aw fjort. Hoo wil not extol dhe uncommon conduB ov flich a proxy ^ or hoo wil not admire hwat dhe Don haz don (dun) ? We (6t PROPRIETY ASCERTA.INED We wel know dlie eyes right ov difcr' mminating, hware poffibel, by dhe happy (not promifcuous) variety ov In- glilh ferviles : az in ale and aii, awl and c//, Jee and Jea, toe and /ow, fole^ foal and fall : brute and bruit ; in mottoes or motto' s ; rajs^ raiz, opperaes or oppera s ; in au\ a\\ and ah ; JJjo'n't, ca?it (az liJJjahnt^ cahnt) ; in pfabn^ no rime to' qualm or pawm ; in dhe oddity Marlburrough^ widh dhe demonibated reft. CHAP- CHAPTER Vir. Orthoggraphy, dhe depozzitary and gardlan ov Or- THOEPpy : indifpe7ijahel, az to' all Jliles ; peculiarly to' Poetry, dhe arhitres o-v Language. OUPERFLUITY retrenched, defea fupplied, and mifrepprezentacion reftified ; in dhe pifturage ov vo- calUty, az wel az ov articulacion ; purity ov fpeech be- coms afcertained by propriety ov fymboL Dhus evvery reader, fyftemattically enabled to' fpel, az dhe bell fpea- kers fpeak, may venture at length on dhe hiddherto' im- praQiicabel inverfion ov dhe rule ; and fpeak, az dhe beft writers fpel. Dhe dore ov our language dhus opened to' mankind, ov dhe Brittidi Nacions iz a union fo peculi- arly efFeded ; dhat widh won voice, az widh won fpirrit; widh won pen, az widh won tung ; dhey may glorify God, and enlighten men. Eddinburrough wil hence- foarth vy widh London, in dhe nattural, az undouting, excellence 264 PROPRIETY ASCERTAINED excellence ov lanscuao-e ; and in all dhe harmony, dhat ■can endear or empower dhe poolpit, dhe bar, and dhe pres. No more llial Scotland lay, for no more dial fl^ie fee, head and hreaft ; chearful and vineyard ; pa- lace and majejly ; guardian and build ^ /word and tar- get ; vafe and father,, move and prove, put and puddings bujy (huzzy) and bury : pear and bear^ groat and broad ought and brought ; draught and laugh, o/and though for /'i?.:/, i^ri?/'? : cherfool, vinyard ; pallace, madjefty gardian, bikl : foard, targuet ; i'<7?/'2;, fahdher ; ;;/'oo^' j;)roo"^' ; j&flo/, poodding ; (^/;c.-;^>', Z'^/'ry, ji!)£^/r, /^^V and bair graut, braud ; aught, br aught-, draft, laf\ ov, dho or contlnnue in dhe barbarous return ov barbarous reppre- zentacion. Dhey hoo nedher hear nor fee hwat Pro- priety fpeaks, wil fpeak hwat Impropriety fliows. But now, dhat Propriety dains to' vizzit dhe fardheft corners ov dhe erth ; not to' fay, ov dhe iland ; dhe philolloger ov Eddijiburrough, hoo can demonftrate dhe fuccellive diccions ov ferufalem, Atthens, Room, Florrence, or Sienna, Madrid and T arris ; perhaps ov Vienna, Dref- den, and Scandinavia-, wil, from feing, foon com to' hear, dhe harmony ov London ; and, from her demon- {Irated praftice, becom abel to' teach her dhe happy theory ; ov hwich ilie knows, les dhan oddhers, dhe need. Dhe cafe grammattic wil dhen ftand pure, az anny cafe ov confcience, or ov law : dhe nomminative^ gennitive, dative, accuzative, voccative, ahblative ; if not ablative, like aberracion. Dhe degrees ov comparrizon wil be clear az dhe cafes : dhe pozzitive diYidi comparra- 3 ^^'^^i 1 N n E R P I C T U R E. 265 thf, az dhe fuperlathe. DKe moods (unblended widh modes) ^ az edher : dhe indiccative^ indicating ; dhe fuhjnnBi'oe^ implying fiihjiinccion ; dhe iniperrative^ umbly imperious ; dhe infnnitive^ not finite^ or houn- ded ; widh particippel^ intimating its dubbel participa- cion. Rebbel, reffufe^ reccord, and feccond, wil pre- clude dlie dainger ov dhe French e (clofe). Scotch prop- pers wil no more, from mifrepprezentacion, be miilaken in Ingland ; and, from miftake, warped into' eiTencial alteracion : dhus Balmerrino^ Crommarty, Mackenjic^ Dalyel, Hume, and oddhers, wil be ezy and fafe az Meiyiman, Covventry, Kenyan, Plume, or dhe reft. Places, no more dhan perfons, wil contirinue in dain- ger ; hwen dhey alfo ar fortified, by dhe hand ov Truith. Secure from dhe Inglifh, and acceffibel to' all, wil for ewer be dhe Merfe, Dunfe ; 'Tweddale, Pebels ; Tiv- vlotdale, yedhurrough ; Lodhian, Kddinhurrough ; Ah- herdeenJJjere, Bucchan, Bamf, Murray, Caitnes, and dhe reft ; no more falfified Mers, 1'weedale, and fo on. Glafcow and Lithcow, dhus aguen dhemfelvs, wil blufli dhat dhey fliood ewer hav cefed to' feem fo. Linlithgozu muft prezzently becom obfolete az Aberhuthenoth or Aherhrothoch, now Arhuihnot and Arbroadh. BolUfb and PoUJJj, moddejl and jnodiJJj, morral and oral, primmer and primer, or dhe like, wil no more claim refpeftively won ftrong vowel ; dhe Scots wil no more boaft dheir vineyard, dhan dhelnglifli ftrain to' fpeak dhe progrefs ov ^iQU knowledge ; or QYQn(^\Q prologues ov dheir I i Shakefpeare. 266 PROPRIETY ASCERTAINED Shahefpeare. Nedher harmonized Land flial afFe£t (from fimmilar cauz) in fpite ov her ears and her hart, vaunt and faiintei\ launch and laundry^ fauce and wrath ^ clan^ ger and chamber^ either (idher I ) and oblige^ great and gold\ Portugal and important^ fi^'^^ ^i^^ Jcourge, only and 'wholly^ -what and zvhen (wat and wen) humble and hofpital ; are and ha'ce^ JJ.^ould and would, perfeB and 2Cii^corpfe\ for, dhe nefcefTary az nattural, 'vai^t and Jan- ter, lanch and landry, fahce and wrauth, dainger and chaimber, prollogue and hnollege (truly nollege), edher and oblege, grait and goold, Poartugal and impoartant, foarge and fcurge, onely and hoally, hwat and hwen, umbel and ofpital (oITpital) ; ^r and i'^i?, pood and woot/, perfet and coarfe or coarce ; widh dhe reft we now know. Dhey, dhat fpeak, az dhey fpel ; muft fpeak wrong, if dhey fpel wrong. Speech iz dhe guift ov God ; fpelling, dhe piQ:ure we draw : ilial dhis govvern dhat, or dhat dhis ? No nacion ewer fo remote, wil anny more be in dainger ov miftaking Inglifli Harmony, hweddher in vo- callity or articulacion ; ov opening fliut vowels, or ov fhiitting dhe open ; ov prezenting hwat Ihood be abfent, or abfenting hwat lliood be prezzent : ov interchainging anny founds, dhe more nearly allied, dhe nicelier to' be parted : particcularly direhlet, appears perhaps dhe firit, and queftionlcs dhe boldeft Brittilli effort, preceding dhe prezzent, to' prezent Inglifli words (by Inglilh letters) in writing. For -dhare obvioufly dhe fame plan ov uzing az few az polli- bel fymbols foi- won found, consequently founds for won fymbol ; ov retrenching fuperfluity, lupplying defeft, and righting wrong (widhout knighterrantry) ; ov tellino^ truith and dooing jultice, exhibbits too (widh untoo and intoo) cloo^ niooi\ proov, yoo^yoolh^ uncooth^ 2i\{o, throofrfj^ and bind ; pacienty potencial^ mencion ; az^ zvaz-, iz^ hiz ; zvize^ iize^ ahuze^ exciize^ difpoze, jioze, noiz^ ■canz^ praiz, prezent, dezert, Cezar, damzel ; tel, oL od ; goddes^ highnes, fauths. Hand, dout, fcool ; red, hed, hart, aw, ar, zver., firie (or fry), gcird, hild, ban- ket, hole : mannage, hunny, Latten, pollecy, reddy, fhappel ; riddel, fpindel, candel, aker ; and dhe like, fuice, az before, dilligently difguized in dhe femblance ov to, do, move, prove ; you, youth, uneouth, through^ blood : patient, potential, mention ; as, ivas, is, his ; wife, ufe, ahufe, excufe, difpofe, nofe, noife, caufe, praife, prefent, defert, Cefar, damfel : tell, off, odd', goddefs, highnefs, faultlefs, if and ; doubt, fchool ; read^ head, heart, awe, are, were, fiery, guard, build, banquet, whole : manage, honey, Latin, policy, ready, chapel^ ■riddle, fpindle, candle., acre, widh dheir fellow-fal- fifiers. Affraid ov mifrepprezentacion, dhence fearles ov coincidence ; he admitted but littel fubllitucion. Dho he C02 PROPRIETY ASCERTAINED he did write fyrjl and Syr^ he vjxqIq Jinr (dhe parent ov dhe oldy?owr, ^w^Jlurred) hiird, fiiri, fum, and cum ; hwlch hav com Innocently, hware not ufefoolly, into' frji and Sir, widh JJir^ bird, cofn, fo??!, and fon ; az. wel az (^/t?;^, dheir fellov/-dilVin8:ive. Too he boldly uzed in all dhe three fenfes, here diilingniflied by to\ two, and too. Hiz principel waz, to' employ dhe dlredt hggiire for dhe direft fibbllacion, dhe depreffive for dhe depref- live. Hence wrote he medjin, pacieits, pallais, mallis,. and vois , (dho he wel knew boath dhe French and Lat- tin names) for medcine, pacience, pallace, mallice, and; voice ; (o fayz,Jiarz, beamz;.quee?iz^ cornz ; az more pre- cife ^?iXi Jays, Jiars, beams, queens, corns ; and {immilar.. He avoided even dhe appearance ov a dipthong in fuch; az kno, bejlo, folio, andyo// ; hiddherto' elfehware painted know, bejlow, follow, and foul, here aguen diftinftively foil. He cood not bair dhe light ov two confonants for won : dherfore choze he (lowing k final) bak, nek,, fiik, lok, luk ; for bac, nee, fie, he, luc ; lo puhlik, PVarwik (or Warwyk), {ox piihblic and Warziic ; inferring howev- ver dhe c, az We fubjoin dhe k in backing, ficking, luck)\ or dhe like. He did not indeed always perceiv, more dhan hiz fucceffive debafers, dhe need ov fliowing a Ihnt- ter : ftil howevver did he far excede dhem in penning facion, difpozicion, provizion, trezure, bizines ; for faf- cion (or fasfjion), difpozifcion, provizzion, trezzure, bizzines or biznes. Incapabel ov fliowing woman, and yeomen, and pecple ; he did lliow zvooman and weemen, or wemenj wanting onely dhe lliutting duplicacion ov woomman., IN HER PICTURE. 303 •woomman and zvimmen ; he ^sxov^o.^ yeenian or yemen az dhey wer and ar ; and peepl or pepl, but won ftep from dhe propriety ov pepel. Wei did he fee dhe prcpofle- roufnes ov clapping even a febel vowel after dhe articula- cion dhat fhut it, dhat cood not fhut it but by following it. Yet he herd dhe licquid fo clear, and dhe vowel io littel, dhat he thaught it no violacion ov Anallogy, He- brew-like, to' underlland dhe foil in (fo livving a part ov) dhe boddy. Dho he doz prezent rafcionally candeljfpin- clel^ riddel^ and Middelton ; Jie made it hiz conftant az €zy practice to' write ///// cajll., idl pcpl ; genthnen, nohlmen, and dhe like ; for littel cajlel, idel pepel ; gen- telmen, 7iol)-£Unen, and fo on ; not refle£ling dhat mod- dern piclurage no more pretends to' primmitive refine- ment, dhan oddher moddern pra£lice to' dhe practice ov Parradife. In Langhams Inglifli, az in dhe prezzent Scotch (hwich iz indeed littel elfe dhan dhe Inglilli ov hiz days) ; nedher hemgmts nor henigne, nox frumentum nor froment^ precluded dhe interchainge ov benign and he- ning^ or dhe prefference ov furmenty (or furmety) to* frommenty. Ov hour and hcrh he dropt dhe redundant inifcial, dho he adapted our and erh (in oour and earh) perhaps to' dhe founds ov hiz time. To' dhe fame did •he accommodate parfet and follem ; dhe former fince refined into' perfet^ dhe latter unchainged in efience, dho dhe lilent abuttal ov follemn innocently announces dhe folemnity. Widh hiz frends name, and hiz own, he . delt tenderly ; if indeed Hmnfrey and Robert wer dhcn becom Umfrey and Robbert* Yet Martin and Martyn i he 304 PROPRIETY ASCERTAINED he uzes promifcuoufiy. /and 2^ wer interchainge- abel in Inglifli az in French, til dhe fair compromizej dhat dhe pronoun jy fnood be dhe linguel j final in French ; and dhe pronoun /, dhe finguel / final in Ing- lifli ; proppers duly excepted on boath fides. Hwen nynetb or nyenth waz dhe unprecluded 7iinih ordinal , dayn or dain (lomtimes deyn or dein) forrayn ox forrain^ fouverayn or fouverain^ foverayn or foverain^ for fov- verain, did az much onnor to' dhe middel ov dhe fix- teenth, az deign, foreign^, and fovereign, doo indignity to' dhe end ov dhe enlightened eighteenth century. Dho Mr. Langham goes no fardher, nor fo far widh uniformi- ty ; in dhe adaptacion ov fymbols to' founds ; and dho dhe prezzent fyftem waz completely digefted, long before dhe disefter had fo much az herd ov dhe blac-letter-cu- riojjity ; dhe latter iz az proud ov fuch anticipacion, az he wood hav been ambifcious to' follow Nature^ on dhe moddel ov her favorite. If a Langham appears not in evvery age ; in dhat fjcceding to' hiz, no won attempted (far les Milton) to' offer edher delight or informacion to' dhe Pubblic, widhout ende\^oring to' doo hiz fentiments dhe jullice ov imparting alfo hiz founds. Dhe ear commanded, and dhe hand obey d ; Nor, from dhe Uvving T'ruith, her pencil Jlr ay d, i Truith r N H E R P I C T U R E. 305 Ttuitli lends grace to' her e\'very picture : dlic gratefool pi6lu«re returns perpetuity. Veriue, burroughs battel^ perfwade, onely^ and dhe like faithfool repprezentacions, did not cefe to' pleze, hwile Nature and Truith had eharms. Anallogy widh effence garded Ettymollogv. No Brittiili pen pretended, perhaps in dhe lall century, (hwlch we moddciUy compound ov fanattlcifm and riot) to* protnote convenience by a Htterary ly ; or to' prezent an appojfroph^ az we hav feen, hware cood be noelizzion. No hyphen recquizite waz purpofely omitted ; nor an- ny won inferted, but in its place. Principels ov life and letters wer natturally dwindelling togueddher, hwen widh dhe prezzent centun dawned certain happy geniuf- fes, hoo braught dhe Inglilh Language fo near to' her fummit, dhat dhey cood not but pant for hwat cood alone, at wonce, promote her permanence and extend her fway. Bickerjlaf reccommended Brightland. But Bright land- waz no bright verlifier, even on fo annimating a theme az dhat. ov litteral letters ; and hiz proze, alas ! az dhat in after-times ov Harrijfes Hermes, required ov dhe Reader fom fmall exercion ov a certain commodditv : hwich, being varioufly prefcious, became propoarcio- nably fcarce, and fo waz rezerved for higher objefts or for happier days. Yet here and dhare Explorers ov AnaU- logy Apparent rarl nantes in gurgtte vajlo ; Rear dheir undanted beds from out dhe gulf. N n Woa^ 3o6 P R O PRIETY ASCERTAINED Won redefcries red and boreft (or born)^ anoddhcr,/?^^;/?//*: and Hand, under dhe fallacious lemblance ov read, horn or borne, feeptic and ijland ; fo teiVifying at leall fom in- dignacion, dhat Brittain lliood contlnnue in her letters, az a late Nejlor pronounced her, an island ! in her man- ners. Widh fuch feemed to' depart dhe verrj oridginal ov Purity ; and, widh dhe oridginal, all dezire ov anny remaining pidure. Moddern tungs (efpefcially ours) wer held unwordhy, or incapahel, ov rafcional cultivacion : dhe native mull edher blow in widh dhe air, or be filtered throogh dhe impervious boddy ov dhe aincient languages. All pretence dherfore to' Inglilli principel, in word or in writing ; foon incurred, from real or affected contempt, interefted fulminacion. Dhe Inglilh dhus totally loft fight ov dheir language ; and, hwen out ov fight, no wonder if its purity be graddually guetting out ov mind; az out ov dhe organ, hwence dhe mind muft receiv it. In dhis fenfe alfo, widhout profane extenfion ; If dhine eye be evil, dhe hoal boddy iz fool ov darknes. Won or- gan vifciated, dhe cognate cannot keep untainted, hwed- dher by infenfibel or ftuddied compliance widh a pidu- rao-e ; hwich, fom time unqueftioned, beguins to' plead prefcripcion, and to' uzurp dhe facred titel ov Orthog- •GRAPHY. Not dhat widh a Langham departed all tafte ov Truith. In letters, az in life, may be faid : Nemo repen- te fuit turpi ffimus. Widh regard to' Propriety, reces muft be graddual az advancement. Yet muft be owned — — facilis IN HER PICTURE. 307 facU'is defcenfus Averni : NoBes at que dies patet atri janua Dilis. Sed revocare gradinn^fhiperafque evadere ad auras ; Hoc opuSj hie labor eft. How czy, and how fmooclh dh' infernal road ! Wide gahps dhe gate ov Pluto's blac abode. But to' regain dhe fweet fupernal gale, May dhis our tafk, our glorious toil prevail. In Ijlip's edifcion ov Chaucer^ 1602, and dhence more or les thro' dhe fevventeenth Century, remained uncorrupted labor, conimijig, fomtimes, defaut, Jl'il, onelj, di'jerfe ; az widh fmall repprehenfibillity, moovCy proove, forraiHc, feine, unfained ; hartie, curtefie, fo- riJJj, caraBer, tong, Petrarke, and dheir numberles fellows. But now, dhat our Language haz attained dhe effence ov perfeccion ; her pifture and llie, dhat iz fpeech and writing, continnue at conftant variance ; Inglifli (for want ov a teft) nefcefTarily corrupting in dhe verry cappi- tal, cannot defcend in purity acceflibel to' dhe itrainger. Notthingcan dherfore prevent our diccion from relapfing into' barbarifm, far les open her fluces ov fertillity and fragrance ; but dhe fyttemattic afcertainment, hwich haz been here exhibbited ezy, az impoartant ; and, az im- poartant, indii'penfabel.. N n 2- SEC- 3«< PROPRIETYASCERTAINED S E C C I O N 11. Ov Benjamin Franklin, L.L.D, Dhis indifpenfabillity cood not efcape dhe philofop- phic Franklin, hoo haz long lookt Nature eledrically tliro\ Not howevver, til dhe compkcion ov dhe prez- zent fyftem, did its conftru£lor hear ov dhe Do<9:ors in- genious Plan for A reformed mode of Spelling ; widh dhe communication ov hwich dhe former haz juil been on- nored. Nedher can now be forry to' perceiv fo clofe a coincidence in dhe grait principels liwence muft fpring dhe Refformacion, hwich boath faw fo much wanted. Attencion mull: indeed immediately fattisfy Enquiry, dhat for dhis glorious efFe. (hremo) I Jjlujier, Lat- tinly fremo, I ro<^r or I r^^«? ; Frenchly, je freniis, I llmdder : ■'{'"- (treo) I tremhel\ hvvence not oncly dhe Lattin fynonnymous trcmo ; but terreo, I terrify, or make trembeL In hke manner, various moddcrn tranf- miflives edher newer wer, or hav (by good cauz) cefed to' be coincident in fenfe widh dheir parents. Dhus dhe I.^attin mittere, Mo fend, haz produced dhe French 7net- tre, to' poot, ft, or lay, az dhe Greek f'«''- (rZ'^mo, hwich cood be but raino) I fprinkel : I rain or zvet, fup- pozed perfonal, being "- fhjyoj. Like dhe Greek -^-x.^ (deleo) 1 /)«/■/, and dhe Lattin deleo, I i^/oif out or defroj; iz dhe French heiirter, to' Zv^or or /?oc, and dhe IngHfh, to' hurt, hwich iz hlefjer or nuire. So from Lattin to' Itallian, az from evvery Tung to' her ofspring ; dhe ob- vious rezemblance, dhat almoaft prommifes identity; can be no "-uide to' fenfe, found, or pidure ov dhe defcen- dant. Dhus dhe Lattin hucca cheek, produces dhe Ital- lian hocca mouth ; and dhis dhe French houche, widh un- chainged idea. Nay dhe Florrentine addage. Lingua Tofcana in hocca Romana, evinces dhat dhe "Tufcan t:in■>"'"' (gnoo) guivs us knozv. So dhe Lattin \gnavus becoms our knave ; and even dhe French canif, oftener herd ganif^ dhe Inglilh knife. Nor iz it unlike- ly dhat fom onneft Greeks, az wel az fom onneft Brit- tons, may hav attempted effeflive juftice to' dhe mule dhey faw embracing dhe licquid, apparently for fuch pur- pofe. Dhe fibbilant indeed ov Jcience^ fcene, abfces, conjcience 1 N Hi: R P I C T U R E. 3^7 confciencc and confcious (but not conclonahel) ; Ettvmollo- gy tranrmittcd in innocent ignorance, dhat fibbilacion and gutturallitv might won day proov coincident ; diio ilie wel knew dhat ^ and '• wer long^ interchaino-eabel in Greek ; and dhat dhe figgure C fulHccd for baath, to' dhe Romrms, til dhe An-^ullan ao-e^ But, if tiTie EttymoUogy guiv no certain ilkiOracion to' indubitabel detcendants ; falfe EttymoUogy mull dub- bly darken fuch upllarts, az claim oddher progennitors dhan dheir own. Individduals can be known onely from dhemfelvs, or (by refle£ted light! from won anoddhec. Parents, hwen found, wil exhibbit dhe difference, rad- dher dhan dhe identity^ Parents, unjuilly claimed, mull arrain edher dhe fkil ov dhe herrald, or dlie legittimacy ov dhe children ; perhaps boath. But fo indeed may diildren, dhe bell: -born, looz fight ov all flimmily-con- nexion : a plain proof, dhat fammily-connexion iz unef- fencial to' intrinlic worth. Dhe latter howev^^er may be warped, by ambifcious purfuit ov dhe former : nor can a more flrlking, among manny inllancos, be found, dhan dhe late affedacion on folicitl Regardles ov dhe obvious, ,. az immediate parent follicitcr ; or imputing ignorance^ hware dilligently Impoarting it ; raging EttymoUogy r^- zolved {remuer terre^ if not ciel^ and) raddher dhan con- fes dhe light ov hevven ; mole-rezembling, to' turn itp (if indeed chare can turn up) dhe ground. Dhus cun- ningly diidifolicit bring foarth a parent, in folum chare \ knowing az littel ov itfelf, az ov its incontrovertibel an- certors ;. 328 PROPRIETY ASCERTAINEB ceftors ; folliciterj ^.vl(\ folllicitare, folus ox folum licit are ^ are yet deponent in licitari ; ov dhe ezy proggrcs from bidding or outbidding to' follicitacion^ azov dhe oppozlte vocal quantity in folum dlie ground, and Joins alone : hwencb equal tafte in parental pi6t\irage mull: be proud to' orthoggraphizeyo//V//£'/* and folicitare : nor les buti- foolly muil/olicitus accompany its parent (not child) Jo- licit ous ; hwavejollicitus aught to' produce Jollijcitous ; Tmdijollicitare, thro' dhe French Jolliciter^ dhe Ingliili Jollifcit. Dhe Inglifli o indeed, being febel, diitinguiilies onely in dhe mouth ov Precizzion, dhe iliut vowel (how- ewer different) from dhe open. But dhe utterance can- not be exaft, dhat doz not diilinguifli even a febel vowel ; az, hwarevver iz real dout or equalhty, Ettymollogy haz a titel to' turn dhe fcale ; and dhis ihe wood hav az natturally turned, had die known annithing ow pourjuivre, in favor ov purjue, az perjecutmn decided in behalf ov perjecute. No wonder eJJieiv^ often falfely articculated, becauz falfely exhibbitted, ejchew ; waz occularly traced from dhe old ejcheoir (afterwards echoir) to' devolv or efcheat, raddher dhan from ejquiver, to' parry, avoid or ejkew ; by dhoze, to' hoom dhe boddy ov dhe child, and dhe foil ov dhe parent, wer equally unknown. Dhus haz Joreign been hiddherto' hugged, az com- manding Jores, or Joras, or Joris, regni ! widhout dhe leaft attenfion to' Joraneus more dhan to' Jorain, dhe no verry remote parents ov Jorrain. So \x3uL Jovereign reigned fupra regnum ; widhout dhe leaft confideracioii ov I N H E R P I C T U R E. 32.^ ov hiz intrinfic {QXIfouvverain (vGaWy fuvverain) dhc pret- ty obvious child ovjouverahi ; az dhi;;, mediateK' or im- mediately, ov Jupnmeus, a no les Icgittimate (if a les oftenlibcl) parent dhan foruneus. Ilwy becoms not caitij calif, az daizy haz been feen (in fpite alike ov day and dais) dafy ; or, by Brittifli (fo far beyond Itallian) libbcr- tv, captif(]SkQ receipt ! ) fincc gravely deduced dhe hap- les ofspriag ov catti'vo f liwlcK, had dhe Tufcan Acadde- my duly revverenced raddicals, wood hav at leall: kept dhe decency os^ capti-oo, if not dhe integgrity ov cap- tivus. Can paltry French chetijy after all, pretend anny relacion to' dhe llout ftcrling caitiff — '.except dhat ov hiz fahdher, in foil and boddy ? Hiz broddher (perhaps him- felf, dhe) culprit^ iz allowed to' ^be French, even by dhoze hoo cannot iliow dhe partlccular (nay dhe poffibel) extraccion : hwich, in coulpe-prit, waz much too obvious to' be vizzibel. Poor Betty, newer fo difonnored fex or fammilv, az hwen flie played (or waz thaught capabel ov playing) dhe hettee ! Levee haz indeed becom (unles on extraordinary occazions) dhe coincident ov her cozzen levvy ; az furelv az dhe poettic levvant (eaftern) dhe con- traft pv dhe heva7it. But lej[e.e and leggattee, dhe lawfool claimants ov dhe kfc and leggacy, will be fuppoarted by all dhe dignity and precizzion ov Law, from ewer finking into' lejjy and hggaty. Bettee, dhe no les legal iffue, and formidabel agent ov heat, might hav hoped like dif- tinftive fafety, from all dhe mackinacions ov littel EUz^a- heth. 9 Oddher 3TO PROPRIETY ASCERTAINED JS Oddiiep. domeftlc formatives hav innocently fliared li!;e repprobacion. Som hav been pronounced aliens, dhat wcr obvioiifly Inglifli-born ; Or hav been hooted az terms ov cant, dhat conlVitute in our monnofvllabbic duiiinnutives, dhe carracteridic buty ov Ingliili diccion : az mav be exemplified equally in our nouns and verbs, flmtting hwatevVer vowel by hwatevver confonant. Dims Z'//;?, l>am ; jp/'jj, drop^ fop ; foh^ f^^^K fcriih, gTuh-% crah, drab, fquah \ brat, JJnt, hiii^ fniut ; pad, pod, lid, 7}2tul ; ric, Jiac ; bag, flag, nag, quag ; dreg, peg, prig, hwig, guig', log, bog, fog, prog, frog; pug, fug<, plug ; dung, pang, brink, gUmpfe, bunchy crafj ; fpirt, fquirt, blirt, flirt : il, flini, trim, prim, griin ; glum, glib ; flif, rtifgruf bluf -, pat, fquat, hot ; mad, bad, fad ; flac, blac \ fiug, fmug : gul, pun, bang ; flip, drip, pop, flop ; blab, drub ; lag, flag, drag, brag, beg, dig, cog, jog, flog ;. fl.ant, fquint, flunt, hunt, frunt, fnort ; flink, trink, prink ; z^inch, flinch, crunch, ru^d, gnafl)Y grafp, gafp : refpe61i\'ely from bale, balk ; peep, dr^ip, fool ; feel or jumbel, [cue, f crape, gripe, (or craivffl?, dhe fpawn ov ecreviffe), crazvl, drawl or dragged, fquat ox fquare ; beray,flug, houfe, [moke \ pacer, pea, ly or lay, muc ; rear, fland; bac, fly and flaccid, neigh, quake ; dry or drain, pec ; prim, hwim, go ; ly or lay, bow or bzvoy, foul, pry, prey ox prowl, fry ox frifk ; mon- key, flow, pluc ; dank, pain, brim, gleam, bind ; crac, fpit ox fpue, flat or fcue, blow, fly or flit : evil, flender, try or trie, pry or pric, gray ; gloom, glide ; fland or flic, rug, ruf or grozvl, blow ; poot, fquare, heat ; mated, IN HER P I C T U R ]■.. 3-1 mated, hated, fated ; Jlozt\ hleak, az dhis from hUa or hlac, and dhis from blue ; fneak or fnac, fmoodb ; guile, poze or puzzel, bane or beat ; Jlide, dry ; />//;, /o//y, or peep, Jlay ; ^/o:*^', jlrivc ; /)-• or /o/Vtv, fail or falter, draw or drazcl, bray or brazvl\ hec^ dive, coc, jag, flay o^i flifJi, if not ?^-/;r.« [flogizo) ; y/r, yr/Zd', ^/«/, hound, groan, fnore ; y?i/;/, /;•/;;/, j^^'r/;/; ; -leink, fly,- grind, run, gna-zv, gripe, gahp. Dhis may be fuffifcient fpsfcimen of dhe copious clas, widhout fwclling it by fo obvious (nor Ics butifool) dimminucions, hweddher ov domelHc or forrain terms ; az gap, ferap, bit, put (dhe game or player), from gahp, fcrape, bite, poot ; or az as, el, fan, club ; cat ; pit, fig, brig ; from afne (now dne) or afinus, aulne (now aune) or ulna, van or eventail ; clava, chat (and catus) ; puits or puteus, figue and ficus, brip-antin. hwence dhe Ino;Uili bri^o-antine. So ca<^, ilil more diminniflied keg, from caque or r^/?' ; and /^//(t/ (az wel az button) from bout on, or dhe old parent bouter, if not from its Ingliili ofspring y^oo/ ; like bung from bondon^ and j^/o/ from complot ; hware dhe Inglilli monnofyllabels alTume a domeilic afpeft. So eziK ]n;iv appearances dcceiv. A fuperfifcial glance often pronounces deformity, hwat a nearer view finds dhe reverfe. Our monnofyllabels liav feemed edher too jninute for obzcrvacion, or too numerous not to' be rep- probated az barbarous Humps, produftive onely oy cacop- phonous collizzion ; in vulgar language, oy rude fljoc. Hiddherto', and particcularly in dheze days oy lerned re- Q q 2 finemcnt, 332 PROPRIETY ASCERTAINED finement, dhoze alone hav been held enlio-hten'ed Crlt- tics^ hoo foared too high to' fee pigmy-butles, or to' hear dhe fmall expreflion ov compreft vocallity ; and lo wer faui to' bruig from fir fets ov fefquipedalians ; hwnch, Avidh all dhe charms ov novveltv, filled boath eve and car ; and fweetly compenfated (to' moddern lludents) all uncommattabel fenfe, by dhe pomp ov found. Dhns it iz dhat certain Brittifli Philollogers, conlcious ov Ikil in ainclent languages, hav pretended to" di^late on mod- dern ; widh hwich, for want ov fimmilar cultivacion, dhey wer totally unacquainted ; havvnig nedher theory nor practice ov oddher livving tungs, nor annv rafcional knollege ov dheir ovi'n, independant ov Lattin and Greek. Yetdhus it iz, dhat Inglish Diccion haz hid- dherto' been blindly entrufted to' dhoze, hoo knew no more ov her Ettymollogy dhan ov her Anallogy ; ov her genneracion forrain, dhan domellic ; hoo praftiied livving fpeech provincially, pedanticly, or by rote ; not dream- ing dhat it had anny rczon '» and, newer hawing i'een (hwat waz imadgined obvious or ufeles, impropper or impolfibel) wer not verry likely to' {how, its Pidure : wltnes gao/f doubt, allege, or dhe like : hoo, becauz dhey wrapt up dheir native language, in dhe fliroud ov antlcquity ; and made it briftel, widh evvery incompat- tibel raddical ; wer fuppozed quallified to' trace, anna- lyze, anallogize, and convey it ; widh oraccular infal- libillity, az widhout hezzitacion. Such IN HER PICTURE, 3^3 Such being dhe Hate ov Brittllh letters, fuch tlhc con- fequence ov reliance on Ettvmollogv, and fuch dhe pa- rental 'elucidaclon ov children ; fnal we blame dhe forraln Anallogills, hoo kept PLttynioUogy out ov fight ; hwile dhey fublhuiciated dheir refpe£tive language ? or, cood dhev elfe hav trezzured her in her pifture ? Truith, hwencefoevver, iz notthing dhe les Truith. Svttem ltd iz fyftem, from manny, or from few. Dhe fame plan ov Nature iz here exactly followed : dhat ov painting- won at wonce, and nooddher, objeft ; dhe Ingliili Lan- guage, not her parents. Becauz ancelbal tungs, not hawing, cood not lliow, boath powers ov dhe dental af- pirate ; muft ours, uzing conliantly boath, fliowbutwon? Or, under won piclure, can boath oridginals be convey- ed ? Becauz Lattin uttering, dhence numbering, boath parts ov dhe Greek dipthongs ae and o when the awful Court, who regulates public Study, ftiall honour theni' ' with » I N H E R P I C T U R E. 3^- wkh the proper atteflation. Thus honoured thev iliall conthiue unexamined, unviiited, unheard, unread, in- confequential ; as irrefragably, evidenced Illegible, un- intellio-ible : ^iib integrity adequate to the penetration ivhicb ani- mates the diligoice^ the nioft earnejl endeavours, of the confederate Critics ; do they grieve to acknozvled(re that they conceive nothing _ of the prefent fchemc of Ortho- graphy, unlejs the novelty of vchlni, zvithout fjadozv of titility : that therefore, never doubting the ivell-approved deference of the public to their ever humble decifons, they poffefs very little fufpicion of danger to Curiofty ; who is become dutifully moderate, wherever thought is re- quifite ; as jealous oj every innovation, without other fupport, than that of fyfiematic, however fpirited Reason. What then is one to many, were that one the very- vaunted Truth ? What the opinion of one, though logically irreverfible, to that of myriads, who probably never troubled one head with literary difcrimination ? Should they exhibit miracles, rather than one forbear no- velties ? Is iludied reprefentation, however proper, how- ever eafy, preferable to unfludied intelligibility ? Are thofe, who have learned one habit, obliged ever to learn another ? U u 2 Middleton, 3s6 PROPRIETY ASCERTAINED Middleton, who ofllcioufly brought river to river, earned his overwhehning. Whofo brought water to countries that fought none, ought to perifli without wa- ter, Hiould floods forget to minifter equity. Inftead of guarding, as once imagined capable, the fartheil: outpofts of the hterary fortrefs, the prefent faithful centinel has levelled the circumvallation 1 Thus, notwithftanding every arrangement, that promifed impenetrability ; has the haplefs Englilh tongue, when moulded to perfeft movement, become fencelefs to the attack of the young- eil novice, to the rapacity of the moll avaricious, though the fartheil, foreigner. Guarded however thus once again, the fortifications are evidently rebuildable ; when Britiih fpirit lliall prove fufficient perpetually to banifli that invulnerable Bafilifk, Truth! whofe very intuition Britons themfelves would confefs irrefiilible ; though that of the implacable enemy to every prefent vernacular volume ; enemv IVill onlv to that armour, which prohibits accels to the treafures, the pearls, the diamonds, the e\'ery precious reality within. Lett anny (hood dhus be unfortunately precluded dhe •1 utter ov dhe diamond widhin dhis pubblic-fpirrited Ad- -monifcion; dhe abov Bazzilifk aiks not leve wonce more to' glance down intercepcion ; and to' poot dhe ilfue ov dhe argumeat, on dhe propriety ov its clodhing. ,'■ .■: . M A N N I- ^ M A N N I F E S T O. ^0 dhe vidgilant^ az injaUihel^ Crittics ; ov hwat- ewer clas-, carraEler^ denotnmin acton ; dhe onely laz'cfool gardians ov Brittijh Utter ature ; ETTYMOLLOGY, PRESCRIPCION, LERNING, B R E D H E //' onnor^ helth, immortallity. ^PV^AR AZ WON, hoo JJjal contlnnue nameles, az no-huoare mijlakahel ; hoally regardles ov hwai- evver tz vennerahel to' Scollars ; haz (zvidhout prov- vocacion, prefcedent, authorrity alledged dharnnto' ) en- devvored fyjlemattically to' arrainge, fcientifically to' proov, Indefattigahly to' propp agate, dhe moaji daifigerous, nifeccious, pernijcious principels, dhat ewer threttened dhe vernaccular Utter ature ov anny contry, particcularly pv dhls Hand: Principels ! dhat, dho wonce diJTem?ni- nated fpecculathely, hav hecom les confequencial, thro^ dhe ah el, annmiated, pattriottk repprohaclon, hzvich fom o r3 PROPRIETY A S C E Pv T A I N E D ov dhc evjer-'ocatcbfool Spirrits hr aught to dhe nioafi fuc- cesfool hairing : Dins follmm reffutacion^ fool az foar- cihel az She oddhcr, zvil douths opperate fimviilarly zvidh Jimwiiar dijcipels. Oddher-wize Principels, dhat wer jjiadgjcally oppcrativcy hwarewer paciep.tly medditated., "wil doo dtihhel execucion^ hzvcn dhis dedly J^oUume fual fprcd dhtir theorettic foarce^ togueddhcy zvidh dheir prac- ticahel facillity. DecUv iz zvel entitelied dhe puhblicacion, hzvich dlniin- }7iJ}jes, fzvels, mann^ueh^ majfakers^ ewery carraSier ov grait, littel, midling^ co?idifcion ; hzvich, heguinning zvidh dhe veny niadjejly o'c dhe fovvcraln, proccdes grad- dually dhence to' doo hzvat difonnQi\ h-joat dafumage iz pojjibelj to'' dhe iniibelleji ov dhe pep el ! Hzvare princes 7-epprezcnts dhe proppcrty zjoith dhe plurallity ov zvofi prince, az zvel az dhe fmgularrity ov zvon princes ; JJjal nobillity prommife difcrinr/ninacion f Dhe markis, dhe marchiones, dhe markizate, ar, zvidh az littcl confiddera- cion ov zvon propperty az ov anoddher ; ov herralcl, in- herritor, inlierritres, erritage ; degennerated, dijpozef- fed, defjolated. Dhe gardians ov graitnes, ov limmits^ GV evvery pozejjion, hecom ungarded togneddher. Dhe nohelman, hoo haz occazzionally chainged dhe dres ov his titel\ eorle, eorl ; earle, earl; divindeh hac to'' dhe pit- tifool erl, az pearl to* perl ! Dhe vicount alledges, zvidh propper indignacion^ dhe impojjihillity, Jhood dhe novvel fajhion fuccede^ ov prooving dhe opennes ov vocalUty Jljiit- nes ; ov proppagating^ confequencially^ anny nohel par- 6 radox. I N H E R P I C T U R E. 359 radox. Dhe barren recehs, ividb az grah paclence az dhe blsiliop, dhoze irrewerent az 'unnattiiral innova- cioNS ; dhat cood newer hav oridginated^ unles thro dhe cracs o'c ivon fcul ; hwich dhe nohels fpir ritual widh feccular, hzvich hoath Houzes ov Parlement fewerally difparraged^ ivood genneronjly uze anny metthod to re- co'VJcr into pcrfet fannity. Dhe barronet, jellous az dhe barron, iz mooved, widh parrity ov rezori^ onely to riddicidc dhe genneral ennemy ; hawing humannity eniif to injinnuate lafter dhe addequate remmedy^ dhejuffifcient punniJJjnient, Nohelmen, gentelmen, yemen, ar %vonce hozvewer huddelled into' unanimmity, propoarcio?ieci az Tccl to"" particcular aggrievment^ az to" dhe perril ov dhe Jitlerary connnoyrjcelth. Hoo verrilv JJjal continnne un- endaingered^ hzcen poet to^ dhe riiithles examminacion ov dhe fel confedderacy^ Exces, Defifcience, INIifrepprezeii- tacion r Anny zvon ov dheze zvood lew el dhe moaji rejpec- tahcl GV dhe relm^ zvidh dhe of scouring ov dhe erth ; ivood arrain ov incapajcity to /pel hiz verry titel, dhe moaji libber al /collar ; zver. dhis anoddher Bub DodcUngton, Barron ov INIelcomb. JVldh dhe vennerabel Prellate, dhe cwery diffuzer ov rtUdgious truith trembeh to'' confidder dhe inau/pifcious twwelty^ dhat dredlejly attacs dhe moajl azvfool cJJabbliJh- ments ; aincient, moddern, civvil, ecclezziajlic : dhe Bi- BEL jepparded zvidh dhe Litturgy ! Dhe orrakeh ov in- teggrity^ dhe hoolzvarks ov propperty ; ov hzvatevver iz propper, fczabel, indefezahel^ fencibel^ indefenfibel ; hooev^ 360 PROPRIETY ASCERTAINED hooewsr plantif, pozejfor^ prizzoner, crimminal \ hav unannimoujly az dheir verry revverend fabdhers, hred^ dhren, f rends ; rezolved to pro[[ecute widh dhe utmoaji riggor^ army won, hoo Jljal guiv parrallel prowocacion to dhe litter ate, ilUtterate, to almoajl evverj indhiddiial ov dhe fattisf.edly peceahel puhhlic. Dhe Stattutes ov hoath Houzes ov Parlement, poot into'' dhe haUance widh dhe Stattutes ov boath Vollumes ov Revvelacion ! Theol- logv. Re quit \\ evvery Fa ecu I fy villijied \ Medcine cood littel prommife to* prezerv anny venneracion. Dhe phyzilcian, kimrgeon, apottecary, degennerated into dheir moddern felvs, moarn dheir gr ait lujler gon. Dhe umbel kiroppodiil:, dhe opperator ov dubbel (dho novvel) ■utillity, perceivs hiz capafcities poot lernedly togueddher, onely to" heconi dhe laffing-Jioc ov dhe Deddalus, dhat -compozed dhem. Aincient vocabels dhus perfetly an- gering to'' moddern co?npoziJcion ; hoo Jlml cefe revverenci- ally to feze evvery jljaddozv ov anticquity f ov hwich Jhaddow evvery won iz obleged to' confes dhe ufefoolnes ; az ernin^ dhence dh'e~onnors ov edducacion, widhout dhe los ov prejcious minnutes, dhe interrupcion ov biznes, dhe trubhel ov Jluddy, dhe exercion ov tallent, dhe dainger ov fuccejlefnes : dhat Jljaddozv ! dhus mannifoldly folli- der dhan dhe foliddity, hwich font gennerous forrainers imadgine to hav wonce overjljaddozved dhis Hand. Widh hwat merrit dhen, hzvat moddejly, hwat urt' imadgined eze, doo Brittifj Scollars ov evvery denom- jninacion, revverence dhe tiings ov antiquity, az dhe 3 onely I N H E R P I C T U R E. 361 0-neiy tungs \ dhe delinneacions ov dhoze iungs^ az dhc onely delinneacions^ dhat ewer cood^ JJjoody Jhai, ivil ; expres cnnergettic thattght f iVidh hwat Jenfihillity^ fin~ cerrity^ fublimmityy doo dhey pitty dhe haples modderns^ hoo continnuejiraingers to dhe nobel diccion ov Ittaly^ az to* dhat ov Grece ! IVidh hwat errudifcion, hivat enner- gy, doo dhey evvidence^ dhat inoddern tiipgs ar onely de- gennerate mutilacions ov dhe . aincient ; dhence incapahel ov fepparate complecion, ov fyjlemattic intelligihiUity I Novvel giiihherijlj hawing dhus notthing propper, iin- les Lattin rellics ; widh hwat revverent fdellity fjood prezzent orthoggraphers trezzitre evvery fyllahel, elle- ment^ rezzidue, rezemhlance^ ov primmitive diccion ; cv- . very verry unutterabel, incomhinabel^ incompattibel par- tikel ; dhus fubjlancially prefferabel to'' hwatevver wood figgure onely pittifool jnoddern realliiies, rafcionallities I Dhoze pittiabel geniuses dherfore^ hoo iinadgine dhat Parris haz anny oddher tung^ dhan dhat (zvofoolly chain- ged !) ov Atthens ; Brittain, dhan dhat ov Room ; hoo, hawing Jluddied onely hwat dhey ar_J)lezed to'' titel mod- dern tungs ! wil doutles doo dheirliiiel popbel to reppre- zent hwat dhey hav ewer herd, raddher dhan h-zvat dhey hav newer red. Dhus doo ivinunen, guirls, chainiber- maids ; liwerimen, pojiillions, poarters ; tel verry delec- label truith I az dho T'ruith cood ewer dain to^ bair dhe tutch ov uncooth unlerned) dhat iz, unaincient, unlat- tin) tungs, fnguers, quils, repprezenters. Shal anny prezume to* fpel deriwative tungSy hoo ar iinabel to' dres dhem az dheir progenniiors f X X InaZ' 362 PROPRIETY ASCERTAINED Jnazmuch hozve-jver az dhis pragmattk chainger ov Jiilerary exhibifcion, regafdles ov hwatevver iz reve- rahttl, infiddioujly Jl?ocs dhe verry foundacions ov Brit tip Libherfy, hoos cappi'lal bookvark iz dhe Libbcrty ov dhe Pres ; infinjiuating^ dhat Join ov Anticquity s fasJlAons a-ioht io looz dhe verry libberty ov livving ; hiz unquef- fibuabel ifitenf-on iz to* limmit libberal thaught, togued- dheyikridh libberal innn age \ to mold boath to" dhe mod- del ov Libberty s graitejl efifiemy^ dho Anallogy s buz- zom-frcnd ; /o' hoom boath redouted antaggonijls doo, verry ammicably^ guiv dhe appellacion ov rezllHes Truith. Widhotit oddher fuppoarter, prezujnes dhe dafttles Annalyji to ranfac^ iransjiggure^ nezv-moddel dhe hoal Creacion ; plannet, commet, ellement ; erth, waii- ter ; hevven, hel ; boddy, foil, fpirrit ; chernib, fer- raph, aingel, arcaingel. Widhout oddher authorrity haz dhis (futtel enuf) Anallogiji dhe tinparrollelled boldnes to preddicate, raddher dhan infinnuate ; pozzitively to' fl.'ou\ dhat Brittifi? Scollars^ Philollogers^ Philojfophers, Polli- tifcia7is^ Jollifcitous ov evvery oddher ijjiproovmejit ; par- piccularly ravviJJjed^ azrarrefed, zvidh dhe tranfmigrctdon ov aerojfattics, hav hiddherto' forboren (hwyfoevver) to* dclinneate anny intelligibel fggurc ov dhcir moddher-tung. Dhis umbel^ az onnej}^ repprezent acton Jhal njafinifejl hiz moddejiy I IIoo Jhal, ov dheze litlnedments, critlicize won punSlillio ? Wer dhis infuffifcient, Jljal dhe cele- brated Senijninarics, BisJJjoprics, Archbisfhoprics, Cap- pit als, 'ov boath dhe Brittip Hands \pal Oxfoard, Caim- bridge, St. Andrews (yillifed az ewer Abbernetthy !) Jhal I N H E R P I C T U R E. 365 y7;^/ Glafcow, Abberdeen, Eddinburrough, Dubblln, taf- citly tollerate^ Jljainefoolly encurrage^ dhe T'ung^ hoo tels dbem^ widhout he^^zitacton^ rezevo^ apollogy, dhat dhey ar unquallified to Jpel dheir verry denomminacions f Dhat dhey ft'il ar fimmilarftraingers to Room, Atthens; Ittaly, Grece ; /o' dke hoal relm ov Ingland, az to' dhe Hand c'y Grait Brittain ! Shal dhis matchhs confedderacy\ dhii invincibel boddy ov Utterafure, proov incapahel ov battelling wq-n infignificant Individdual ; ov Uvvelling dhe ^enneral Lcvveller, widh hlz invizzibel Frend ^ Nedher haz dhis unexcepc'ioned arrain^Tienf continnii-' edy az foin arrainments doo continnue^ /impel ajfevvcra' cion. Dhe ArkiteB^ hawing matthemattically depozzi- ted dhe foundacions^ procedes to Jubjlanciate evvery ar- tikel ov hiz bilding ; az dho demmoUfcion wer dcUbberately ment to' dhe hoal econnomy (hiddherto' undouted, dher- fore indubitahel) ov dhe IngliJJj Diccion. Hiz opinnion\ ov hiz bzvoyant conduBres, haz borcn hiz inannity to' dhe extravvagant appothem : Hoo tels Truith, fpels Truitb ; hoo fpels non, tels non. Dhat evvery onnorabel (az in- tolerant) individdual, fimmilarly jlttuated (zvidh dhe ly guivven I ) poots dhe intollerabel Truithteller to" deih, hwen hiz feccond (hiz gardian-aingel I) proovs unabel to^ cower hiz hed, hiz hart, hiz totallity ; dhat dhis nobel mannifejlacion ov fpirrit (dhis prezerver ov pollity, widh politenes ! ) oridginated widh Chiwalry, iz az littel quef- tionabel, az dhat dhe particcular minnute, hzven dhis prefcious rellic ov Chivvalry Jljal vanniJJj, baffels prez- zent S64 PROPRIETY ASCERTAINED zent ca'lcidacion. JDho evvery fpirrited carraBer occaz^ ■zionally pis dhe poaji ov on?im' ; difputeles iz dhe milli^ •tary preroggatwe to* fmgucl, duhbel, annifold battel. Dhiis zvil dhe genneral, briggadler, curnel, lieftennant ; dhe 'verry lergeant ividh dhe lentinel ; ewery won onno- rahly tnajfaker hiz -Frend, raddher dhan hair Ahat dhe puhhlic Ennemy Jljood pas widhout exterminacion f Shood dhe mill'i tary proov az feehel az oddher foarce^ ividh dhe cd Won, hoo dezires onely won od Auxilliary ; hwat cood prohihhit civwl mezzures, mackinacions^ Jlrattage^tis ; 7'eppiitahel az dhe oppozifcion to dhe duhhel antaggonijl f U^hro' manny ejlahhlijljed fggures ; mutilacion, aggra- -vacion, dlrtorfion, diflocacion, tranfmutacion ; thro' u?i- Imadginabel, raddher dhan unprefcedented mannage- ment, Jljal I'ruiths ellevated ArkiteB toppel hedlong into dhe abys ov oblivvion. Won reddy, ivon plezing, az plezzant^ Jlrattagem iz lafter, hwich iz ewer ezier dhan lodgic. Won braud laf^ efpefcially ov dhe Rimers, wil proov fuffifcient to* repprobate anny futilUty ; ezily dhen dhat ov dhe prezzent T'ruithmongers verry lodgical rezo' ning. Dho nioddern f Ime iz fomhwat oddher dhan ain~ ■cient rhythme ; Jljal anny won prezujne to* dout dhe viz- zibel chajienes ov breall: and feaft ; good and blood, Jove, move, and love ; hozvevver dijfimmilar to'' dhe rimes ov dhe fautmaker^ raddher dhan faiitfinder ; hwen dhe authorrities ar confiddered, dhat chainge ewery won ov dhem into'' dhe bitty ov incontrovertibel prefcedent f Hzvile dhus ewery rafcional Critiic Jhal confes dheir jujlnes ; nattural^ az dutifooly becoms dhe evvocacion ov 3 aincient I N H E R P r C T U R E. 365 cihicient fahdher Chaos, hoo mantels zoidh efpefcial fond- nes hiz ewer-faithfool prodgeny^ ivood zvelcom hiz veny ennemies to repepel hiz dominnions ; wil verrily receiv boatb dhoze az f rends ^ hweii hiz lowing of spring Jhal preddicate dhem zvordhy ; hwen dhe azvfool Coart^ hoo reggulates puhhlic Jluddy^ JJjal onnor dhem widh dhe rec- quizite Attef^acion. Dhus onnor ed dhey JJjal continnue unexammined^ unvizzited\ unherd, unred, inconfequen- cial ; az irreffragahly evvidenced illedgibel, unintelligi- bel: Widh integgrlty addequate to' dhe pennetraclon, iiwlch annlmates dhe dilligence, dhe moaft erneft endev- vors, ov dhe confedderate Ciittics ; doo dhey griev to' acnoUege, dhat dhey conceiv notthing ov dhe prezzent fkeme ov Orthoggraphy ; unles dhe novvelty ov hwim, widhout lliaddovv ov utilhty : dhat dherfore, nev- ver doutlng dhe wel-approoved defference ov dhe pub- bhc to' dheir evver-vimbel decizzions, dhey pozes verry llttcl fufpifcion ov dauiger to' Curioflity ; hoo iz becom dutifoolly modderate, hwarevver thaught iz recquizite ; az jellous ov ewery innovacion, widhout oddher lup- poart, dhan dhat ov fyftemattic, howewer fplrrited. Re- ZON. Hzvat dhen iz won to manny^ zver dhat zvon dhe ver- ry V anted Truith ? Hzvat dhe opinnion ov zvon^ dho lodgically irreverfibelj to' dhat ov myrriads^ hoo prob- y y bably 366 PROPRIETY ASCERTAINED haoly newer truhbelled won heel zviclh Utterary cUfcrimi* nacion ? Shoocl clhey exhibbit mirrdhehy raddher dhan '■json forba'ir 7io'cvelties ^ Iz Jiuddled repprezcntacion^ howevver propper, hoiveiver ezy^ prefferabel /o' unjliid- died intelUglbillity f Ar dhoze, hoo hav lerncd won hab~ bity obleged ewer to' Urn anoddher f MiDDELTOiS*, hoo offifcioufij braught riwcr to' rhver, erned hiz overhzvelming. Hoofo braught waiiter to'' cojttries, dh at faugh t non ; aught to" perrijh zvidhoui wan-- ter, fijood Jiuds forguet to'' minyiijier ecquity. Injfed ov garding, az wonce imadgined capabcl^ dhe fardhejl out- poajis ov dhe Utterary forires ; dhe prezzent faithfool Sentinel haz UvveUed dhe circumvaUacion ! Dhus^ not- widhJiancUng evvery arraingement, dhat prommijed Un^ pennetrabiUity ; haz dhe haples IngUJh "Tung, hzven mold- ed to perfet moovment^ beeom fenccles to dhe attac on) dhe yongeji nowice^ to'' dhe rapajcity ov dhe moaft avuartj^ cious, dho dhe fardheft^ forrainer. Garded ho-wevver dhus wonce aguen, dhe fortifcacions ar e^cvidently re- bildab»l\ hwen"'Britl'iJJ? fpirrit pal proov fufifcient perpettually to'' bannip dhat invulnerabel BazzUiJk T^^uiTH ; hoQS rerry intuijcion Brittons dhemjelvs zvood * Sir Hugh Middelton, hoo concIu£led dhe Nc-w-Rivjer (ao miles) from Hartfoardlhere, to' accommodate dhe Korth-fide ov London (hwich haz ewer lince enjoyed dhat nobel improovment), waz treated^ az if l>e had carried coals to' Ncura/h'/. 13-he patriot undon left hiz children to' dhe care ov a Provvi- denci, dhM for fakelh net- dhe fifd ov dbv rightfous ; and ov a pubblic, dhat made fom iverj-y) fmall amends for its ingrattitude to' dhcir fahdher. conjc es IN HBR PICTURE. 3«7 conr.;rre.;fubel, dho dhat ov dbc hnplacahel ennenry 'cLn pre..ent vernaccular .oilume : ennem, Jul oncly todL armor, h^lch prohMin ace. to dbe tre.- IJes, dhe perls, dhe di.n.nds, dbe eveerj re- aU'ity widhin. END OV DHE FIRST VOLLUME: _ HWICH COMPLETES DHE SYSTEM OV INGLISH ORTHOGGRAPHY. Candor hnz doutles paciently red : r-age 7, line 1 1 ; 25 20; 62, 18; 125, 3 1 300, 2 ; 315, 16. 30, 2; 331, 9. — to' ov of J.5' 0* ov or 18, 15, 50, anicp. is iz 22, 21. — as az 10, II, — dhaii Dhus 1^1, penult. — Dhis 282, 9. ' — thought thaught 53^ I- — eye eye 28, l; 39,23. — fodjorn fodjuyn 242, pen. — p'tjlajho 163, 22. — learn — — h,.n 63, 20. — dliemfelwes ■ ■ dhemfelvs 64, 14. — Shall ' Shal oS T A ,, . tipvfpA- perfet -^05 10. — 66, 3. - optionabel opcioiial 49' 16. — fibbilaccioii fibbilacioii 328, I. - folU'icitare — — foU'ie'itare 157, 26. — 81, IQ. pfiytrcve poor tr eve guefe gcefe 45. 14- ■— annv 119, 18. — impoffibillity 89, 25. — impropperly 93' 13- — elpecially • efpefcially 47. W^- ~ Oicazlonal occaz%ional 176, 14. — poottiiig 163, 12. — 282,17. — notthing hiddhcrto' hidheito' 315, laji. — perfpiccuoufiy 117,20. — parl'ick • partlcule 22. — — corpufkel or corpufce 32. s- ■ — retrogade — — retrograde 242, 17- — in-favor — in favor 56, pen. — crcfcent ; qulejcent, — ci.cfcent, quiefcent; 129, and T foil. — 1 29, and fa on. PROPRIETY ASCERTAINED IN HER PICTURE; OR, INGLISH SPEECH and SPELLING RENDERED MUTUAL GUIDES, V O L L U M E II. CONTAINING AN ANALLYSIS OV DHE SCOTTISH DIALECT, AND A DIGEST OV MODDERN ANGLICISM. By JAMES ELPHINSTON. PROPRIETY ASCERTAINED IN H £ R PICTURE; O R. INGLISH SPEECH and SPELLING RENDERED MUTUAL GUIDES: CONTAINING AN ANALLY SIS OV DHE SCOTTISH DIALECT, And a Digest ov Moddern Anglicism. By JAMES ELPHINSTON, V O L L U M E II. hLc cnim eft ufits literarum, ut cuftodiant voces \ et •veluti dcpojitum reddant le^entlhus, QuiNTiL. Inft. Oiat. FOR DHE USE ov LETTERS IZ To' TREZZURE WORDS, AND RETURN DHE DEPOZZIT To' DH£ READER. LONDON: PRINTED BY JON WALTER, ELACFRIARS. MDCCLXXXVII. PREFFACE TO' DHE SECCOND VOLLUME. AyfARTIALIS Ep:o.amm.t., facem (u un. fie V A /in pubbllcaclon) dhe IngV.fl^ Verfion and Corn- et V: a CaUedonian Me.b. ov dhe BnU.a. Silent, diftlnguifced by dhe erly culuvaaon ov pro- !-S>"s Muxes, and pecUar tafte for pattriott.c Lernmg ; ild and 'deUgh.ed K.z ConU., w.dh 0^^^ much, he wood doo moie. Dhe yong ^^ ^;,^ .i; Y S I S O V D H E SCOTTISH DIALECT, PART I, Ov VARIED Sound. ■'■ CHAPTER I, Varied Vocallity, , S E C G I O N T. Dhe interchainge ov open Vowels. TTXIALECT haz, in all tungs, varied according to' diftance from dhe center or ftandard ov Propriety. If evvery provvince ov Spain, and ov Brittain, differ dhus from dhe Cappital ; Poartugal and Scotland, for obvious cauz, muft (refpeftively) make far graiter deviacions from dhe purity ov London and Madrid. Dhezc deviacions howevver cood affeft in found, but its three branches : VocaUity, Articulacion, and Stres. In all three dherfore haz dhe Scotch varied fo far from dhe Vol. II. A Inglifli nw (tamno) f Did n(it dlie Eolhc (hwence dhe Abberdeenifli) chainge 'u'^«p (hypar, Frenchly hupar) into' IVa/j (hipar \ in Inglilh found, dho not in Inghih Greek, hcpar) ; and ^j?^^ (hyle), Dorrically i''^* (by la) ; fwelKng;. dhe afpiracion to' fibbilacion, and inferting dhe Digara- ma (F), gennerate o-ow, hyount, and gyozund (g keep- ing hard), for f-zvo, doo, cow, count, gozvn, and dhe like. But dheze vulgarrities newer hav reached Scotland; dho dhare az in Yorkiliere, gctng or gyang (for go) ar not quite expelled dhe colloquial. Nedher hav foa and 'voo, for few and vcw^ bewrayed anny oddher dhan perhaps an Eaft-Anguel. T'hurifferous 'Thide {^and for aught we know, flie may be thurifferous) iz happily too poettic to' endainger common utterance, more dhan T'hucyddides, hoos firft vowel iz in febel jeppardy. Dhe fame rank, or rank ranklefnes, vies in dhe two king- doms, hweddher Scottifh clowns {hat prefix dhe flender licquefier to' a and e, or Ingliih dhe brand X.o o inifciak From dhoze dherfore muft ftil be QXT^e&.Q^ ya, yen, yale ox yeJ^yahel ox yehhel^yerth^ y eternity \ for^, «« (aincient- IN HER PICTURE. n ly, az Greekly, ane ; dhe indeffinite repprezentatlve ov one^ hwich now iz won ; ale^ ahel^ erth^ eternity. In Inglandmay be fimmllarly herdj/^r/Z' and//?r/^, for erth and erh ; no les dhan Wo and Wokinghaju^ for 0, and Oakingham or Okingham. So, on won fide dhe Tweed, hyamcy on dhe oddher hwome^ iz -6o;;?£' ; but niyaifte-r^ or dhe like, iz hoally IngUfli. Such hcquefaccions wil not interrupt dhe proggres ov dhe plough, nor terrify dhe innocents dhat draw it ; but flial Ingland ewer hear (hwat Scotland cood newer) in dhe poolpit, Wo Lord! have mercy upon us If dhere be any virtue^ if dhere he any praife ('\{ wot pre-yafe) think on dhe-yafe things : for hord ! hav mercy upon us Finally^ hreddhren^ if dhare he anny vertue^ if dhare be anny praiz^ think on clheze things. ci 4. Dhe consequent confuzion. Infinite muft be dhe confuzion from dhe Scottifli mterchainge (or coincidence) ov different or evenoppozite vowels ; dhe interchainge ov pike and pic^ tit el and tittel^ az ov duke and due ; dhe coincidence ov wake and walk ; walks^ wakes and wax ; take^ and tac, almoall widh talk ; bade and bad, almoall w\dX\bawd -, fcarc Viwdi fear, boath uttered yc^z/r; hope and hop, f ope Rnd fop, note, knot, and fiot ; coat and cot, rode, road, and rod, toad and tod, cloke and cloc, or dhe like ; dhe vocal gradacion ov peat, pit, pet, pat ; into' pit, pet, pat, pot : like dhe IngliHi jargonnicy^/ out foifet out ; or interchainge ov fet and B s //, a PROPRIEtV ASCERTAINED Jif^ lay and ly. li came and ca7n be equally diftindfrom calm ; dhe laft, prolonging a flender iliut, cannot alfo prolong a brand, more dhan can a flender open be in- terchainged widh a flender fliut prolonged. Calm can- not dhen be caum^ pfalm cannot chime widh JJjawm, nor alms and ainns coincide. S a had on flmmilarly can no more be ftrained into' falvahcion^ dhan into' fahau- ciofu CHAP- CHAPTER IL Varied articulacion. SECCION I. By Redundance and T)ejlfcience^ T^ROM retenfion, infercion, mutilacion, or chainge ov confonants, muft dhe organnic part ov Scotticiim arize. From ejclat (now eclat) came fclate^ now fliv- •vered \w\.o jlate. Expreffively doo dhe Scots fliarpen pin into' prin^ az dhelr own thiJlelmx.Qi thri/]el\ and fubftitute dhe agent ov tinkel widh dhe prodgeny ov dhe Scotch frequentative kittel, in tinhller or tinkler and kitteUmg or kitiing, for dhe now Inghfli tinker and htten. Dhis dialect, fearing no coincidence, tranf- pozes tickel nlfo into' kittel ; if indeed it be not, in edher fenfe, dhe ofspring ov chatouiller ; Jlramp^ lim- milarly U PROPRIETY ASCERTAINED mllarly rendevs ftamj) more ttriking ; az prin (difdainliig phf, epine and epingle) claims relacioii to' dhe German prim^ raddher dhan to' dlie French hrin^ or even to' dhe Gaulic Z'/r, hwich lends dhe Scottifli hir^ fliarpnes. Firn, hwirl or hworl, founds dhe twhding prodgeny ov dhis piercing parent. So iprings dhe Inghih fparro-wgras, from Afparagus ; hwich, to' be Inglifli itlelf, mull appear Afparragus, If dhe Inglilh keep an impraftlcabel /', g^ or w, in knozv, gnaWy and write ; hware dhe onnell: Scots hav long labored (widh hwatevver fucces) to' render dhoze inlicials effective ; unwilling to' debafe fo refpe'£^*?'<' (fcedazo)^ and dhat y.xp=cySo^ (maragdos) waz dhe fmoodh preddeceiTor az parent, boath ov a-i^^p-y^o^' (Jmaragdos) and ov dhe Lattm fmaragdus , If dhe Scots fmoodhed of dhe g ov glum and glib in lum^ chimney, and lib callrate ;. az from dhe French figgurative gris, hwen ree became. difguized in liccor : dhe Inglilli were dooing dhe like to' dhe Teutonnic parent ov reve^ dhat remains in dhe {impel furname, az wel az in dhe compound poartreve \ hwen dhe Scots reftored dhe inifcial to' dheir trufty over- feer or bally, greve ; hoo vouched hiz relacion to' dhe burgrave, margravCy and even landgrave^ ov Germany. Dhe Scots mull howevver be owned inclinabel to' fuppres dhe guttural after dhe dental, and fo to' fimplify away dhe nazal faund. Dhus hear we Launton and Monton- (Munton) for Langton and Monkton ; nioarnen and murneJt^ for morning and moarning : Kwence dhe Scot- tiih l6 PROPRIETY ASCERTAINED tifli Shibboleth ov knth and ftrenth^ for length aitd Jlrength. Nor can aught proov more fallutary to' Cal- iedonlans, boath for fenfe and for found, dhan dhe fre- quent and attentive reppetifcion ov dhe awfool cup- plet : Dhe yong dlfeze, clhat muft fubclue at lengthy Grows widh our growth^ and ftrengthens zvldh our ftrength. Dkey hoc (muft) fpeak by dhe eye, cannot be (much) blamed for faying but wonce, hwat dhey fee but wonce ; nor dhe Scots dhen, for emitting anguel^ anglings Ing- laJidy or anguer, finguer^ linguer, longer^ hunguer, yonger ; ang-el^ ang-ling infted ov ang-guel, ^ng-gling^ and dhe reft ; or even angry language^ ang-ry lang-age^ infted ov ang-gry lang-gwage ; and dhe hke. Dhey can- not by dhe appearance know (nor doo dhe Inghfli gennerally know, dho dhey praftife it) dhat dhe dental licquid (;z) before edher (power ov dhe) pallatal (/- or g) acquires in itfelf dhe nazal found, or becoms equivva- lent to' ng ; dhat dherfore ancor^ anker^ banker, ar vertually angcor, angker, bangker'^ az hanger and Ban- gor, ar hangguer and Banggor ; or az bank, brink, conk, trunk, ar bangk, and fo on. Dhus it waz dhat dhe French nazal n aftlimed alfo dhe g, til Anallogy found dhe guttural might be underftood ; hwich it cannot be in Inglifti, unles before anoddher : and dhus did ung I ' hong- IN H E R ■ P I;C T U R E. 17 hong fouvcra'mg^ long precede z/;/ hon fouverain. Dlie Greeks, on dhe contrary, dropping (if ewer dhey alTu- med) dhe dental (", fi)^ retained dhe guttural ('' g) before anoddhcr limpel or afpirale (-,; >«, or %,^^, /', or kh ; Lattinly c, or ch) : ^yyvq^ uyr.uoa, uyx^ ; {engySy ancyra^ ancho \ vertually cnggys^ angkyra^angkho). Dhus iz nyyu (tengo) tingo, je teins (wonce teings)^ I tinciure or tinge. Ob- zervabel it iz howevver, dhat no nazallity takes place in dhe Inglilli compounds ov i{n, in^ or con ; az unconi- r,ion^ incUmnient^ concord., congregate. Congregacion iz dherfore nedher cong-gregacion, nor cong-regacion ; but con-^rcQ-acion. In and con brauLrht dhus no nazallitv from dhe Lattin ; but conker continnues (v€rtually) congker in Inglillr, az it waz in conquerir. Conker and congiier may wel be luppozed to' hav dhe fame nazal- lity. Dhe Inglilli nefceffarily drop dhe reallitv, and iliood dhe appearance, ov dhe pent afpirate in izi-elfthd.wiS. tzveh- month ; hware dhe eye, az wel az ear, miglit be fatisficd widh tzvelth and twehnonth. But dhe Scotch Jiav no fuch rezon, nor indeed anny rezon, for dropping it from felf-Awdifehs : az dhe Inglilli r ov '/narl, melting in Marlhurrough (Maulburrozv), can be no warrant for dhe Scottilli fuppreffion ov dhe r ov ginger in ginger- bred :, hwich newer Qoodha gingebread. Dhe ScoLt:li doo indeed, az llttel az dhe French, lov clurtering con- fonants in dhe cloze. Peculiarly ar dhey dherfore apt to' drop dhe final dental, after a lliutting confonant : Vol.. II. C . faying iS PROPRIETY ASCERTAINED faying ac^ corrupt te^np ; acs^ corrups, temps ; for aB, corrupt, tempt (hwlch can be but temt) ; for aBs, cor- rupts, tempts, and dhe like. Hwen dherfore dhe Ing- lilli to' dhe French tyran added a dental in tyrant, dhe old allies ov dhe French kept dhe word tyrran. So, after /, or ;?, dlie nordliern Scots drop d final ; {hying aul com/nauns for old commands. Dhey dhus call dheir hoddhy, or littel hoodb, fomtimes a lliel for 2i Jlneld', and fay Dunkel (iirong on dhe latcei), hware dhey fee Dun- held. So fay dhey Lin, and by better rezon, Idnzay, for Unci and Lindfay ; az dhe Inglifli, by fimmilar cofinacion, fink dhe final ov dhe dhence coincident limb and limn ; and boath nacions, for won cauz, dhe febel final in fuch az Hammond and Drummond. Ov dhe \n^\^\fpank (fmac), dhe Scotch retain /pang (fpring). Az much les toUerabel, az les accountabel, iz dhe In- glifli (truly vulgar !) addifcion ov dhe dental to' wonce, fermon, gozvn, drovm., /collar, batchelor ; in won/, fer- mont, gownd, drownd, fcollard, batcheldor, or dhe like ; hwich, in dhe groce mouth ov Igiiorance, ballances dhe lerned Apocope by Paragoge. It iz indeed dhe fame lov ov eze, and interchainged ofElcioufnes ov frends, dhat makes dhe Inglifli hear pennant, Lunnun, Grcn- nich, Berric, Durram ; dho dhey fee pendant, LondoHy Grenzvich, Berwic, Durham; and dhe Scots ' les war- ranted) fay, in dhe North, cenner or thunner ; and evverihware, temmer, nummer, tummel, /oorroc, for cin- der, thunder, timber, number tumbel, /our doc, or dhe like. In dhis manner doo dhe Scots turn dhe French I r ambre INHERPICTURE. 19 V amhre into' Jammer or laumer^ for dhe Inglifli amber ; hwence, by dhe eleftric power ov Projlhefis^ doo dhe fame verry magifcians call a ^/<3t?\ guizzard^ Jpark, lem- nian^ and Ninnian, into' guizzcrn (even gvojehorn') ; fpunh^ lemmer I N H E R P I C T U R E. tt lenwier and Ring an. Charm ox chirp might wel run into* chirm ; if indeed dhe chiourme or >>;=Aeu3-^a {keleufma) waz not dhe parent. If garter produced, in Scottilli mellody, gairten ; might luot 'Tartar produce dhe High- land Tartan^ az dhe Scots (or Pifts) hav by Ibm beea drawn from Scythians, ov hoom dhe Tartars ar a tribe ? Dhe Medditerranean Tartan^ widh her triangular fail, cood hardly impoart it \. dho tarote^ hwich checkers now notthino; but a card, mav hav formerly checkered oddher things. Dhat Melvil^ Cohil, and Bannantyne, flioodi. glide into' Melvin^ Cohin and Ballantine ; we hav elie- hware perceived az nattural, az dhat Colonel fliood be- com Curnel^ or halujire hannijier. Dhat dhe verb iniijl fliood hav ewer been Scottilhly man (az Ye man doo'd, u- French, far voo muft doo it) fecms indeed az furprizing, az dhat dhe old le mouft (now mout) dhe noun miifty Ihood ewer hav Inglilhly run into' lambs wool \ hwicli beats far dhe chainge ov Afparagus (herd ylfparragus) into' Sparrozv-gras ; or dhe ellegant, az elliptical, gras I. Notthing can be more diale(£licaUy incident, dhan dhe: interchainge ov direft and d^preffive. If, from unmod- delled, orunmoddulated moudhs, m^aybc ilil herd at Lon- don padrole, pardner, prizes^ iox patrole, partner^ prices, and dhe like ; it cannot furprize, if dhe fame rank in Scotland guiv blaJJj, barley, cabtaiu', lu-ctennanty fteve, boddom, go-zvk, haggahag ; Zion, iiz, el-z, cazcy. haze, rize, doze, excuze, moroze, precize (if not preceze) ikzigny. cho-izy rejoiz, Nanzy, Dezember, Vrezentoi\ egzit. -^ ^Z PROPRIETY ASCERTAINED e^Z4i ; for pla/Ij, parley, captain, Ikftennant, ftif, bot- tom, coocoo, huccahac ; S'lon, us, elfe, cafe, baj'e, rife, dofe, excufe, morofe, precife, clefign ; choice, rejoice, Nancy, December, Precentor, exit, dhat iz ecfit. But dhe direft finks not oftener into' dhe depreffive, dhan dhe depreflive rlzes Into' dhe direft, particcularly in Scot- land az in Wales, in dlie Celtic or Gaulic manner. Az Ta^y Etwarts, and "Tonnel Tingwal, for Davy Ed- zvards, and Donnalcl (or Donnel) Dingwal ; fo crahbet attercap, for crabbed addercap : widh fuch az tike and cruif wardrop, fniffel and fffer, for dog and groov, wardrobe, fnivvel and feizer. Dhus hav dhe Gaulic gleicein 7\.wApig gennerated dhe Scotch clacking ((hittel- coc) and dhe Inglifli bake : hwence pigs and piggery became dhe Scottilli balit (or erthen) ware. Az y<^^ (gar) lent dhe French car, perhaps dhe Scotch (and old Ingliili) verb gar ; fo grille and galant hav prooved dhe parents, not onely ov dhe Inglifli gri I ?ccA gallant ; but ov dhe Scotch cril (pannier), callant (lad, fpark) ; and o-ag-ui. ov boath dhe Ino-lifli and Scottifli P^awkv : hwich latter, like dhe parent, iz onely female, hwile dhe former extends to' boath fexes. So dhe French chocolat pro- duced dhe Inglifli choccolate, and dhe '^q.oX.q\\ jaucolate ; hwile from hoche-pot aroze dhe Scottifli hotch-potch and dhe Inglifli hodge-podge. In like manner, dhe Scottifli mynt (aim) may hav been a varriacion ov mynde (now mind) ; if not dhe child ov |W,u-o^a; (mynomai) I aim, az dhis ov /*u^ {^^D'o), I U^ink or peer. Affinnity ov articu- lacion, accounts ezily for dhe chainge ov us to' uz, az to' as : INHERPICTURE. 23 as ; //" to' iv, ov to' of', nay ov truhbel and hiingc^^ to' drujnmel and hummel ; and even ov fitjiian to' bujlin ; no coofnacion being: clofer, and fo no tranfilcion more frequent in all tungs, dhan dhat ov fimpel and afpirate. Hence dhe Scottilh offijher for officer, and fal for Jhal ; laddher for ladder, plezer for plezzure, and dhe like. But doo not unmolded Ingliili organs utter Ba-thurji or Bah-thurjl for Bat-hurjl, natturally Batturft \ and Peter-Jljam for Peters-ham, dhat iz, Peterfam ; and hav not all Ingliili, az all French, organs loil dhe power ov dhe guttural afpirate ; laying Baccus and Buccan, for dhe old Bacchus and Bucchanf But, if non ov dhe aincient languages can widhout dhis power be red, az dhey were fpoken (widh it) ; and if manny livving languages prezerv it inviolace ; dhe Scotch and Irifli ar dubbly interefted to' gard dhe power dhey yet pozes, in dhe bold guttural emillion ov at leail: dheir primmitive names : Drogheda, Auchter77iuchtj\ and dhe relL Affinnity may lend a key to' dhe old Scotch phraze Peteech us too I hwich feems but a varriacion ov Bejeech •we too I az Ingliili Vulgarrity 1111 interchainges dhe lead- ing and led pronouns mjljal us doo itf for jljal zoe doo it ? Dhus read we in Dhe Gentel Shepherd : Peteech us too ! an weel a wat, dhat's true, Awaw, Awaw ! dhe De'il'z our ^ret woh voo. Befeech 34 P R O P R I E T y A S G E R T A I N E D Befeech we Hevv'n ! and wel I wot 'tiz true. Away, Away ! Old Nic'z o'r grait widh yoo. So fanter varied into' dander, "and hw?Jk into' hwid, hwence dhe Scotch frequentative hwitter, and its dimin- nutive agent hwitteret^ dlie wezel. But untutored ut- terance confines not interchainge to' articulacions ov dhe fame clas or or^an. Dlie fame vowel iz differentlv artic- culated in dhe ln^i\\\ peep, dhe Scotch and Dutch keel:, and dhe infantine teet ; dhe dental heing ezier, dhence crlier, dhan dhe pallatal articulacion. Brittiih, az wel az French, pezzants on dhe contrary, often evince dheir maturity, by uzing dhe harder for dhe ezier, no les dhan dhe ezier for dhe harder emiffion. Dhus hear we from Gallic Rufliicity, amiquie for amitie ; az from Calledonian, qiionty for twenty ; and twolt for quilt. Braik feems indeed to' hav formed bruckel, are dhis re- lined into' hritiel ; but hankel prooved an ezy corrupcion ov hantel, hwich Scottilhly abbreviated handfool, az did cartel cartfool. Fecles dhus \aried fcatles, in dhe fenfe ev hwat dhe Scotch name alio doohigUs. By oppozite chainge proovs carraBer carratter in (dhe A\^ell: ov) Scotland, az climaBerric clhnaterr/c in Ingland, and ConneBicut ConnetticiLt in Amerrica. Ireland precludes dhis varriacion by dhe more daingerous won, ov en- ibarcing dhe penultimate in carraBer, No wonder cognate afpirates \indergo dialectic ..intcr- •chainge, -Azfhop and chop ; if ewer dhe labial afpirate run into' I N H E R P I C T U R E. 25 into' dhe fibbilacion, az wel az dlie dental into' dhc pallatal mute ; if fo dhe Inglifh evvef, or efi, became transformed into' dhe Scottifli e/I'. Nor mmz dhis transformacion more wonderfool dhan dhat ov an evvet into' an ezvt, hwich no les natturally drew dhe (now ufeles) dental ov dhe artikel into' dhe articulacion ov dhe noun, in a nezvt. Dhat afpirates, no les dlian mutes, even ov different organ, ha v been in all languages interchaingeabel ; ap- pears equally from dhe Greek and dhe Brittiili dialers. Az dhe Dorians interchain^ed' alio T and K, uzine Tuvoq or T-'jK'? (Jeinos or tcnos) and ■^cjia; {toco) for f'is'ivof (ekeinos) and t°\^ {tote) ; dhe Eolians chainged •9A;/3io (thlibo) into' (pAi/St.; iflibo), and from ^^p* {thyra') lent dhe Lattins fora. Nor can Anallogy dout dhat x^<>'» or x^°^ {chloa or chloe) produced fos ; or dhat dhe Lattins (az now dhe French and Inglifli, witnes our laf, wonce latigh) pre- ferred dhe fmoodhnes ov dhe labial, to' dhe rufnes ov dhe guttural afpirate. Dhis flie haz indeed from no les authorrity, dhan dhat ov Flora herfelf : Chloris eram^ quaeY'LOVik vocor : corrupta Latino Nominis eji nojlri litter a Graeca fono. Ov.Faft. V. 195. Chloris I waz, hoo Flora now am crown'd : My Greek name dwindels to' dhe Lattin found. Vol. II. D K^ 26 P p. O P R I E'T A' ASCERTAINED Az furejy dims did x^'p'^ {choris) gennerate fo}-is ; az did dhis dhe French fois and hors ; hwence our com- pounder ov/^^/;^?/ 6'/ and /or^^. Not onelj haz dhe guttural, but dhe dental, often yielded to' dhe ezier. labial afpirate. So became dhe old fwidhe fwive, XwYQViCQ fwift : not to' mencion dhe tend- ency ov dhe low Inglifli to' Redriph and loph^ inlled ov Roddherhith and loth ; az ov dhe low Scotch to' Foorf' day [ii French), or Feerfday (in dhe North) for 'Thurfday, But no dialeftlc tendency can be ftronger, dhan dhat ov interchainging fmipel and afpirate. Nor waz it more nattural for dhe Lattin Mutina, Corduha and Vejontio^ to'' fhift into' dhe Itallian Modena, dhe Spaaniili Cordo'va, and dhe French Befangon ; or dhe Lattin fehum and fevum to' proov promifcuous ; dhan for dhe Inglifli galops flap, Jkip, flripping, chop, trump ; chuh, gabel, caldron, Lauder, ladder, udder, confldder ; fooJi, fcene,. Jclence, I'cjfel, officer, fercc, inhice, %vince,fpruce, grefcy to' becom dhe Scotch gahph or gahf, flaf, fldf, flriffin, chofi, trumph, ckuf, gavel (hwich iz alfo Inglifh \\x anoddher fenfe) ; caudhron, Laudher, laddher, uddher, confiddher ; fljoon {u French), fljane^ fljcence, vesfljel, ofjiflder, ferch, minch, wonch, fprooflj, creaflj ; or, on dhe oddher hand, fourth, flfth, tenth ; flml, fljood, zviflj, Scotch fasfljion, {ox fafliori), to' be herd Scottiflilyyoz/r/, feft, tant\ fal, Jpod {oi Jud'), wos, Scots fajjfon, dropping onely dhe nazallity ov dhe French fagon ; az doz dhe Inglifli lejjon^ dhat ov dhe French lego?i. And doo not dhe IN HER PICTURE. 27 dhe IngliilT vulgar (^y farden, Jruh, cUxonarj, India?! ; and India's ; cutlaJJj^ nonplufj, frontifl-^piece and Foarch- mouth ; {ox fardhing, Jljriih^ diccionary^ engine, Indies; cutlas, nonplus, frontifpice and Voartfmouth ? Components precede compounds : dherforc fimpels afpirates. Dhe elder dialefts dhen continnuing dheir prefference ov dhe former, dhe Scottifli llil lovs even dhe fimpel guttural, much beyond dhe moddern afpirate : retaining dhus inac, thac or thic, fc, hirk, kejl, caf, cart, calk, Jlreck ; rig, brig, fike, dog ; for match, thatch, fuch, birch, cheji, chaf, chart, chalk, Jlretch ; ridge, bridge, fidget, and dodge. Mac may be les rec- cognlz'd a match, remaining onely in fuch old plirazc az / newer kennd (or keiit) hiz mac : I newer knew hiz fellow. Nor can it be denied, dhat kirk and kirn ar nearer to' Greek orrigin, Kv^iovoMog (Frenchly.Cz/Woz/ oiccs) and K-ifvoiu (kirnao), dhan ar church and churn. So (rof/.(pog (Jhfnphos) feems (raddher dX\^Vi funk) to' hav fpawned dhe fumph : for Scotch fomtimes, thro' lov ov forrain Etty- mollogy, prefers dhe afpirate ; az trumph to' trump, for dhe fake ov triomphe\ trwjipiXi^e trompe\ being enga- ged for dhe yews-harp. Dhe Scottifli cloof {11 French) ap- pears a varriacion ov douf, az dhis ov dow'd (pall'd), hwence dhe Inglifh dowdj. Dhus trace we dhe Inglifli JJjriek and fcreech from dhe '^o.ovii^fixfcriech, az dhis from dhe Gaulic^r^^<:Z', widh dhe fame guttural afpirate. So fcreed, dhe Scottifli rent or tair, az vizzibly allied to' dhe Qq\C\q fgrait rag, and to' dhe Ingliih pred; hwich D 2 may 2? PROPRIETY ASCERTAINED may alfo feem dhe contractive ov peared. Old Scotch oft inferted dhe lambent licquid with dhe (impel gut- tural ; az in mickel or muckel^ ilk, hwilkj for much, each, hwhh. Dhe Scotch iddiom, yon or yames ov clhat ilk, implies yon or yames ov titel dhe fame widh dhe fur- name. Ilk affumed a, hwen harmony laught dhe fyl- label ; az on ilka clay, and ilka hil ; evvery (or each) day, and evveiy hil. Milk remained for milch, even in dhe adjeftive ; az in a M/V/'-coze;, iovdi milch -cow. Big, dhe Scotch bear (coarfe barley) feems, in dhe fenfe ov hi Id, a nearer relacion ov /^/^^. In dhis anallogyyiej^o- Cif not Jivaih) and /mug, proov dhe parents ov fivatch (fampei) ^indfmudge (fmuggel) a fmile. ^ojirong^xo- ducedjlroonge^ harflily lirong, or ftrongly harlli ; hwile dhe e, hwich waz often proud to' ad or chainge not- thing, \ch /pimg {fob') and /punge, like Jing and fmge, to' Scottilli optics and ears, a coincident pair. A loz- Sienge, dhen appearing but a lozenge, left notthing be- iide a lozeng, az dhis (to' dhe fpurners ov nazallity) a mere lozen, for a pane. S E C C I O N III. Dhe various semblance ov licquefaccion. Among dhe cauzes ov articculating chainge, mufl be dellicately traced, and clearly afcertained, dhe foarces and femblances ov licquefaccion. Dhe llender we faw formerly I N H E R P I C T U R E. 29 formerly (I. 237) repprezented in Scotland by Z. I and Y wer quertionles dhe firll repprezentatives : jy wriggel- led, not oncly into' z, but into' ^ ; hwen /, lengthening Into'y, commenced in French dhe foft, in Inglifli dhe hard fibbilating afpirate. Dhus dhe French jartiere^ vcsxdijardin^ muft hav tranfmitted dhe Inglifli yarter andjardefi, are dheze became garter and garden. Yard remains in won dialect a mere area\ but continnues in dhe older a garden. So dhe 'L.-^X.ixxi. janua formed (probbably) dhe Inglilli j^/^, hwich ilil iz dhe^^/f, (az dhe ^^/^, from^^^, now ^'o, iz dhe "ivay^ in Scotland. Tales proovs hence a furname in boath diale(9:s ; az Gates commences in won. Garth, likewize a furname, waz dhe Yorklliere fubrtitute ov yard '■> az waz yerd dhe ScottilVi ov crth. Dhe Scotch adjective j/^/6/> fpeaks dhe flommac agahp ; fo to gaunt iz dhe Inglifli /o' yawn. Dhis interchainge haz occazioned dhe unequal contell between Speech and Ettymollogy, dhat iz, between perfonallity and parrentage, in won ov manny inllances. From dhe French ha^onette hav we periilled to' fee (but can fee no more) bayonet^ hware we mult hear haggonet. From dhis melting or afpirating power ov dhe ^, hav we found Nezvburg run firll into' Newbury^ dhen into' Newberry ; Edinburg into' Rd'mburgh^ dhence into' Eddinburrougb or Eddinburrow, So, fimpel or compound, dhe harfli, at length infufferabel, burg or burgh, pail evverihware (fooner or later) into' borough for burrough or burrow, and berry : dhus in a Royal hurrough (fo happily clear ov a Rabbits burrow /) in dhe citty ov Suffolk, named (equally) Berry- St. Edmunds^ or 30 PROPRIETY ASCERTAINED or -5"/. Edmunds-Berry^, az in dhc lane ov London de- .nomniinated Bucklers-berry. Nor, in Ingliili alone, liaz g played dlie licquefier. Before / and n, dhe Itallian, and dhence before dhe lat- ter, dhe French Orthoggraphy, haz made it dhe an- nouncer ov licquefaccion, to' take place after dhe re- fpe6live licquid : ^z infer ag Ho, bagno ^.wd. compagnon: dhe now Inglifli ferrallio, bannio, and cojnpannion ; our pifturage preferring dhe nattural licquefier, az doz dhe French before /, mf err ail, travail, travailler, or dhe like. So after / vocal, dhe latter (or articculating) /, proovs no unnattural meltcr : az in dhe French pavilion, dhe child ov pavigUone (varied into' padiglione) and dhe parent ov our pavillio?i. If dhe licquids be alfo named half-vowels, az varioufly approaching to' vocallity ; no won fo approaches it, az doz /, hwich dhe Itallian fet dhe French dhe exampel ov exchainging widh /: az in chiara fia^mna from dhe Lattin clara famma. Certain it iz, dhat i,j, and y came into' erly (az ezy) inter- chainge ; nor les certain dhat y, g, and z became, in various nacions and languages, fcribbled, from fmimi- larrity, into' interchainge. Dlie neareil to' dhe prim- mitive Hebrew licquefier, doutles waz /. In darkening ages, z prooved at length dhe od pifl:ure ; az in dhe Scotch zit, zeir and zefer, for yety year, and yefler. Nor iz aught (furelv) liker to' Z, dhan its verry felf inverted. Hence doutles dhe occular coincidence, yet different articulacion, ov dhe French Noel^ and dhe old IngUdi Zuil (perhaps alfo Zoel) I N . H E R P I C T U R E. jr ZocI) liwlch now can be notthing but Yule ; az. it remains in dhe furname. No oro-annic founds being more clofely allied, or dhencc more inter- chaingeabel, dhan licquefaccion, afpiracion, and fibbi- lacion ; loel haz dhus colli round in dlie fiiccelTive fliapes ov yoel^ Voel, Zoel and Noel^ to' dhe BrittilTi Zuil and Yule. Hwcn dhe inifcial took dhe French form and power ov N, iz perhaps hard to' fay (dho Gallic Anticquity may poilibly trace it) ; but it feems not unnattural to' fuppoze dhat, on dhe converfion ov dhe Gauls, ISloel might aflume a Gaulic terminacion in Nollag or Nolluig ; if dhe former waz not merely an abbreviaclon ov dhe latter. Be dhis az it may, all re- turn to' ioel or joei, hwich ezily expands to' Jehoel^ Dhe Lord God ; dhe awfool and fublime (and univerfal) name ov dhe Feftival, dhat cellebrates dhe Incarnacion. In dhis verry manner did Zeu Trarsp (Zeu or Dzeu pater) melt into' lupiter or "Jupiter^ uttered Romanly Yupiter or Yoopiter^ az yulius waz vertually Yoolhts : hwich ar in Inglifli (dho not in Lattin) vertually Uzhoopiter and Dzhoolius. If licquefaccion fwallow afpiracion in dhe Inglilh humor and humtllity ; dhat totally fupplants dhis in dhe Scottifli JO■z^;/ for dhe Inglilli hozvL Ye I feems in- deed dhe parent qy yelp, hwich Anallogy calls dhe child ov glapir. SEC 32 P R O P R I E 1" Y A S C E K T A I N F. D S E C C I O N IV. Dhe interchainge, and suppression, ov dhe labial aspirate. Justice dlins attempted to' dhe flender licquefaccion ; ov dhe braud, it haz been long fiiice (I. 97) obzerved, dhat 00 comprelTed or emboddicd into' 7*:', mull in all tungs hav been fubjedl to' interchainge widh dhe de- preffive labial afpirate. If Londoners be liabel to' inter- chainge zvile and vile ; no wonder Abberdeens-raen, to' prezerv dhe afpiracion (hwich Londoners often looz) lliood be apt to' fayjf/^ for hzvile. More pardonabcl iz furl for h-ivirl^ dhan ivorfe for verfe. Dhe Inglilli how rt^az indeed unfortunately varied into' dhe Scotch inter- jeccion ov expoftulatory furprize, hweddher, Ozv ! Vozv ! or Wozv ! as in T'^ozv / ffian ; or, more coarfely, Wow ! man. BoATH dialeQ:s drop familliarly dhe labial depreflive, fomtimes dhe direft, afpirate. Dhus became ha'cveji, havveth or havs^ and hawed ; haji, hath or haz^ and had. So becoms colloquially guiv me fve-pence half-- penny ^ guimme Jlppence hapenny : and fo hear we, / ^ntn it him for I hav ^uivven it him. In fom dhe lim- pel labial onely can drop, az in dhe licencious ahternoon for dhe decent afternoon ; or in dhe verry familliar Hah don 1 N H. K R P I C T U R E. 33 don ! for hav don. Poetrv mav wel claim like licence in e n^ t\ ehr and nehr ; for evcUy ovcr^ ewer and newer. Dlio evil runs alfo into' //, nedher Inglifli nor Scottifli ftile wil be much exalted by dealing familliarly, edher widh dhe devvil or dhe de'^l. Certain it iz, dhat dhe Scotch did widh boundles fredom drop dhis afpira'te. If won dialeiSl IHI mince y?ov^ ^y; Abberdeenifli may wel lliorten preev (for proov) into' pree. By like profces came be- hooved (formerly perfonal), into' hoo\l and hoo't (?/ French) ; or he'd and /^t''^', in dhe North: / hoo't (or boo\iy to'' doo' d ; / he' t (or he d^ to' de\I or de^t, for, It behooved me to* doo it. So / wad (afterwards ivod^ loo' r ha ye coo''r dhe boord (it French); abbreviating, I wood liefer hav y 00 cower dhe board \ now, / %vood raddher hav y 00 lay dhe cloth. Hwile won dialeft varied powerty into' poortith^ and anoddher (at leaft az vul- garly) T?^/* (now^r) into' fithe ; no les nattural wer dhe chainges fnay interchainges) ov fuch az I dev loo {u French) 7ny doo : I doo lov my dov — a weel-faur d las : a wel-favor'd las ! Dhare a braw harjl (or harJT) : Dhare'z a brave (a fine) harveft ! Dhe dental afpirate alfo vulgarly fmks in boath dialeds. Az Inglifli vul- garrity hurries hweddher, no les dhan hzviddher, into* hware ; braud Scotch fquezes, fimmilarly, fmoddher into' fmor. Vol. II. E SEC- 34 PROPRIETY ASCERTAINED SECCION V. L MELTED OR DROPT. Next to' dlie vocal ar dhe articculating licquids melt- abel ; hweddher into' cognate effifcience, or into' quies- cent gard ; az we hav equally feen (I. 72. 141.) Effec- tive or fervile, / final, fomtimes medial, melts in dhe Scottifli dialeft. Dhus ball and boll^ pool and/oo/ (boath fliort) hulk ^ndifculk^ allutn and Allardice^ wer law and low (dipthong), poo and foo^ book and fcoog, awm and Airdice : all ivon wooly aw, e, 00, a figgurative Scot- ticifm for All won thing ; or, dhe vile Inghfh pleonafm, Equally dhe fame, ^ny pluc W3.z pook, and t-ivelvmonth towmont. Anallogoufly \\2m fallow^ jallow, and hollow^ wonce ^Qx\\A.^'Syfallough, fallough, and hollough, flirunk into' dhe Scotch faugh, faugh, and heugh, az wel az hoiv, Ov like orrigin muft be haugh (hweddher from hollow or valle}>) on dhe borders ov boath kingdoms : dhcnce natturally compounding fuch names az Phillip- haugh, Feddherfonehaugh, WooUerhaughhed. Hozv, for hollow, haz produced dhe Scottiili verb howk. Hweddher houf hant (truly hahnt), dhence church- yard, be a (bold) formative ov dhe old verb haft inhabbit ; or immediately Teutonnic, impoarts not much dhe curi- ous Reader. Dhus howevver, dhe adje6lives waugh (or I N H E R P I C T U R E. 3j (or ivcif) and baugh, vappid, widh dreigh^ flow to' draw, intimate dhemfelvs dhe ofspring ov wallozv, hald^ and drazvl. ^ofullen ox fulk^ dhe Inglifli prodgeny ov foiir^ may hav fpa wised dhe Scottifli fooch (widh dhe guttural) ; if dhis be not Natures own expreflive fullen found. But, nattural az it iz for a low Londoner to' fliut dhe febel vowel ov fello-zv or window^ in fellor or windor ; fo nattural iz it for an Eddinburrougher ov like (almoall ov anny) rank, to' warp dhe idea widh dhe found (or dhe found widh dhe idea) ov callow^ from warm, to' frefli, and even cool, in a caiior oajler (oifter) or a callor eg. AzanTnglifli ftronglicquid maybe tempted to'fmkinto' fervillity in walnut or pfalm ; dhe licquid ov bal or dal febel, Scottiflily finks in fuch names az Balfoor (Frenchly Balfour) or Dalkeith. Yet if Chohnondeley and Ahher- gavenny may proov Chomley and Ahberguenny ; Ballin- dalloch and Marjorihanh may more ezily harmonize into' Bandalloch and Marchbanh, dhan did Setuval into' St. Ubes^ or Olyfippo into' Lijhon^ S E C C I O N VL Dhe greek dialectic interchainges. Not to' repeat dhe tranfmutacions we hav feen T. 73. and elfehware ; it may not be unplezing to' conftellate E 2 (and 36 PROPRIETY ASCERTAINED (and dhence to' compare) dhe various chainges, made by evvery dialect ov Grece. Numberles wer dhe vocal peculiarities and predileccions. Dhe Attic dearly lovv'd 0) (o long), dhe lonnic, ij {e long) ; dhe Dorric and Eollic (az fince dhe Lattin and Scotch) « [a). Dhe Attic (fomtimes dhe Dorric) added * (i fliut or fliort) doutles to' preclude dhe clafli ovconfonants. Dhe lonnic in- ferted, fomtimes expelled, it. Dhe Attic uzed contraccion, dhe lonnic dilatacion. Dhe Attic and Dorric chain- ged ? (sj into' t (t)^ az Tr^ao-o-w (pt'^Jfo) into' Trparrw (pratto), ''^ f/y, Ju French) into' ^u (ty, tu French), TT^oj (pros) into' -^^on or ''■or; (proti or poti) : fo dhe Beottic, r-'^r^ (mcdza) into' t^^SSoi (^mack/a), dhe Attic -i"'? {xeftos)^ and dhe Dorric f*a(rJ« (jnafda) for /*«^« (}naza, dhat waz mad/a or madza). And fo dhe Lattin pijiris, nay pijirix^ for prijlis ; or L/ybia, for Libya. Nor les natturally, dhe French breline for berline ; widh dhe diminnutive brelingot, more authorized (by ufe) dhan berlingot. So, among dhe vulgar or clownifh pervenir^ porifiettre and apporcher ; iox pravenir^ projnettre TinA approcher \ or, in dhe like .Ingliili claffQSy pordidgious for prodidgious \ p^odgidy^ for proddigy\ phyzziogjuony^ {qx phyzziognomy* If 3« PROPRIETY ASCERTAINED If, on boath fides dhe Tweed, dhe rifraf acs, for q/k ; and, particularly on dhe South, drive not dhe ivafps, but dhe wapfes, away ; if dhe Inglilli, even ov rank, talk ov ch'ddern and iorn^ for children and iron ; if film twill into' dhe conlHtucion ov flinify or flimzy ; if dhe French au hriin, and cnnffe (or ,^rajfie) hav by dhe fame liggure formed dhe Inglifli auburn, and dhe Scotch Cm-fe ; if hrunir, hrunijfaiit, affoard our hurnijh ; dhe Lattin ignis, inverlive, might wel produce dhe Scotch inguel (lire), ov hwich dhe old plural Inglis (for Jnguels) flil conftitutes dhe furname ; nay rei^-n and condign, til qulefcents wer known, might limmilarly claim dhe founds ov ring and conding. Impung haz by (by fom late crittics) been found evvery way dhe more nattural ofspring ov impungo, dhan impugn ov impitgno. But entirely ov Scottilh warp ar gcirfe, corfe, firth, thirly ouirn, orp, fcart, birz (or hriz), warjiel, and terlis ; for gras, cros, frith, thril, grin, throb, fcratch, bruiz^ ^rejlel, and trellis. So (like dhe Inglifli figgurative hruntj from burn) brugh, crud, broad, zvrat, fcruf truf, drouth ; hwoml, kittel, forfet ; for burg, burrough, ox burrow ; curd, board, wan, fcurf, turf, draught ; hwelm, ticket, furfeit. St aw, wer it not fall, might dhus hav inverted y^?/^ ; az did Corf-houfe, Coffer-houfe. Three muft be allowed dhe more oftenlibel parent ov ihred, thretteen and threity, dhan ov third, thirteen, and thirty : fo dirge became dhe dragy. Dhe Scotch verb to* dree may edher dhus be a tranfpozifcion ov dhe old Inglifli verb to* dure (remaining in dhe compound en- % dure) I N H E R P I C T U R E. 39 dure) Edcliiiburrowly, az Pariifly, to door (n French) and Abberdeenillily to' dere ; or a varriacion ov dhe Inglllli verb to" dry (like lee for ly)^ in dhe dubbel fenfe ov dhe French ejfuyer, to' wipe of (or dry upj and to' undergo or perform. To' dree penna?ice^ iz precifelv ejfuyer la penitence^ or faire penitence. Kittel^ dhe Scotch verb for kitten^ varies but dhe licquid : kit ling iz dhe correfpondent ov kitten dhe diminnutive noun, hwich doz indeed but vary chat on. Kittel, in dhe fenfe not onely ov tickel, but ov ticklip ; if not allowed a mere tranfpozzitive ov tickel, may be held dhe ofspring edher ov dhe Dutch limmilar term, or ov dhe French, chatouiller. 1^'irl, thirl ^ 2a\djkirl, ar obvious tranfpoz- zitives ovdhe Inglidi //vY, thril^ -AX^diJlnil. Can harlhs a varriacion ov trail^ raddher dhan a contra£live ov harceler f or can harn if ham cannot) be dhe prodgeny, az wel az correlpondent, ov dhe Inglilh hrain f Hwed- dher dhe Scotch vQ\:h fcunner be a reggular formative ov an unknown fcun^ or ov an annalodgic fqueam^ hwence fqueamijh ; or more probbably a twiller ov dhe Gaulic jcorn or fgorn dhe throat, may open a new vein ov Kttymolodgic fpecculacion. Bv various (no longer un- accountabel) chainge, larder became laidner ; az nor^ dhern, Joddhsrn^ eajiern, zvejiern^ noardlen or noarlen, foodhlen, eaftlen^ wajllen : not norland, or dhe like. Dhat dhe old^ndel iliood claim anny boddily relacion to' its fynnonymy Jeldom, feems (but perhaps onely feems) to' defy dhe powers ov articculating varriacion. Az reglijfe produced lie cor ice ^ and Rejlalrig harmonized into' Lef. 40- PROPRIETY ASCERTAINED hejlarric ; dagger might twift into' clurh^ fp'^''^ ""'^'^o' Jlroop^ and pluc into' pooh Spurtel (ladel) if not dhe direfl: fpawn ov fpurt^ may (by tranfpozzitive madgic) hav flirunk from Jlirruppel^ if not harfliened from fpattule^2a. freckel ^A'^A^di into' ferntickel. 1^ bolt {vj\d- out a mirrakel) cood be transformed into' (or from) dhe Dutch ^0/; fjut, firft becommangy??// (\\\.g J]:ril, Jkirl \ 2iVidiJljipper Jhipper)^ might dhence pas \\Vi6' Jleik, hwich iz hkewize dhe Teutonnic term. Sure az ewer t^^^'Pn (morfe) waz mettamorphozed into' /«»??« (jnorfa), and and dhence into' forma ; dhe French hout (end) haz prooved limmilarly (but dubbly) inverted into' dhe Scottilh cloup : tin hout de chandelle, dhe doup o\ a can- del, beino; a candels end. S E C C I O N VIII. Ov MUTILACION AND DILATACION. If tranfpozifcion hav fo graitly afFc6led all, elpefcially dhe elder and remoter, dialects ; manny terms becom Scotch by contraccion, fom by dilatacion. yo or yoey endears Jofeph in Ingland. Hiz endearer in Scotland iz Jozy : for dhare Jo fliortens Joy^ in dhe tender fenfe ov Szveethart. Curch feems dhe curtailer ov kerchief if not ov dhe Gaulic ciarfin or ciarfur ; and iz indeed a highland-woommans hed-co'vvering ; for hwich contry- lowlanders, ov like umbel rank, uzed a toy^ or large linnen-hood widh a cape. Related to' dhis or not, cur- tooJJj INHERPICTURE. 41 toojlj iz a Scottifli bed-gown. Kerchkf (couvrechef) cowers but dhe hed : curtoojlj (perhaps couvre tout) cowers all befide. Flcech, coax or hwedel, appears a ftump ov dhe French^^'ci'/r, to' moov or bend ; dho not widhout relacion, boath in foil and boddy, to' dhe French and Inglifh Jiatter. Dhe verb rwvet proovs Scottiflilj roov (h French). A cartel we alreddy know to' be a cartfool ; az an Inglifli pottel (ov Ih'awberries) haz been a potfool, dho now onely a c\\\'^-conefool. Dhus a hantel^ corruptly hankel, iz Scotch for an in- definite hand fool ; meaning dhe hands fool, a grait deal : az dhe French fav, donner a plcines mains ^ to' guiv widh boath hands, unboundedly. Dhe iiggurative and familiiar fpice feems dhe flirimp ov fpefcimcn. /'/ guiv yoo a fpice ov it. But dhis iz alfo Inglifh. Mejler^ in Inglilli titel, ftil feen flirewdly Mr. appeared at leall by halvs, perhaps raddher by half, in Scotland, to' qual- lify a litterary carrafter : az Mes. Jon — Mes. Tommas — for Msjier Jon — Mefier Commas — Az (dhe French) jnaijlre varied, not onely to' mattre ; but to' dhe burlefk. mejfer, and dhe dignified mejjire (if dhis be not a com- pound ov fire) ; maijler became fucceflively inajier^ mejler, and mes dhe diminnilKer in Scotland. Dhe elded fon ov a Lord, Barron, or Vicoimt, waz formerly iHled dhe Majier ov dhe refpe6tive peerage. Inglilli iHle fets him onely at dhe hed ov hiz onnorahel broddhers. Dhe Inglifli dawdel not onely varies into' dad el, but flirinks into' da'u) : az in dhe addag-e ^ wollen mcddher maks a Vol. II. F daw 42 PROPRIETY ASCERTAINED daw dochter. A willing (or An acElive) moddher makes a lazy daughter. Dhe Inglifli j(?/ dilated into' dhe Scotch yelloch (guttural), hwen dhe French bourg^ Germanly and Scottilhiy afpirated burgh and hruch, became Ingliilily burrough or burroiv. Az dhe old Scotch fur extended to' dhe Inglilli furrow ; fo dhe Dutch and Inglifl-i moras flirank into' inos^ Scottiflily coincident widh dhe Inglifli ofspring ov mouffe. By making i (az if ej dhe mere foftener ov c, dhe Scotch looz a fyllabel ov pronujiciacion, {a.ying pronunceacion ox protiunfacion j hwich corrupt Inglifli utters in like manner projwtmcea- a'on or pronounfacion. Dhe Scots, like dhe French, wer apt to' preclude coUizzion, and lop a final dental ; hweddher parted from nncddher but by a febel vowel, or fo coinciding widh it : az in eUevate for ellevated, and load for loaded.. After anoddher confonnant, dhey lopt edher a fnnpel dental or dhe labial afpirate ; az \\\ corrupt aB^ in Dun- keld, felf ^ndferv ; leving dhen onely to' dhe ear coi- rup ac^ Dunkel, fel^ andyt-r. In a febel terminacion-- indeed, a final depreffive dental might ezily fink in dhe dental '4iG-<|uid preceding; in won dialeft az in dhe QA^tx^^'wi^ELammond^ az m Drummotul. Dhe inter-.' jeccion '^nd adverb, «(? and noi^ being fo nearly fynon-. nymous ;■ no wonder dhe Scotch-held dhem indiicrixn-^ minate; faying, Nah^ nah, I dinnah (or dinna) ^en\. for No^ no : J doo not knozv ; or, / c/(9;?'^ know \ and,,i bolder dhan dhclr parrao-oiis dhe French, nah or na remained I N R E R P I C T U R E. 43. remained for not^ even before a vowel ; I cannoh (or canna) imdcrjland it, I cannot underftand it ; and llil yer no minding^ for yoo doo not mind. Certain it iz dh^l penultieme and antepenultieme, did no more dhan dhe Lattin pcnultimus or antcpenidiimus, induce dhc Scotch penult and antepenult, more dhan dhe Inglilh penultimate, or antepenultiniale. But certain it iz, dhat dhe Scotch did follow dhe French, in curtailing fom aincient names, hwich dhe Inglilli hav continnued to' expand : az Herrodote, Thucydide, Szveton ; for Heroddotus, Tloucyddides, and Szvetonius. All famil- liarize Herodian, Juftin, Livvv ; Homer, Virgil, Hor- race, Marfial, Juvenal. Yet all retain Sillius, Florus, and oddhers. Inglifh and Scotch retain Perjius, dho dhe French make him but Perfe. Dhe Ingliili IHI expand dhe Lattin compendium, hwich dhe Scotch compendize. into' compend. Old Inglifh faid childeren and hundered ; low Inglifh fays childer, and high Scotch bunder. Dhe fame Scotch lays along ft for along ; and dhe fame Inglilli again for againft ; or raddhcr, aguen for aguenjt, Boath diale£ts lop dhe bcguinning. Like fquire, potte- cary, rac ; and, widh umbler Ingliih, cute, hacco, tato ; for efquire, apottecary, arrac ; acute, tobacco, potato ; fay dhe Scotch, head, haven, file, ftound, and deed ; for behed, behaving or behavior, defile^ ajtound (or llioot) indeed. c EvyERY fmoodh dialed haz avoided alike dhe needles clafli ov confonants, and intergahp ov vowels. Dhe F 2 pollilhed 44 PROPRIETY ASCERTAINED polllllied Attic dherfore waz apt to' fubjoin Iota haz / inifcial to' a terminating confonant. Greek and Lattin of- ten, and Itallian almoall always, terminate widh a vowel. Aincient languages, and fomtimes moddern, elide a final, before an inifcial vowel Az Lattin and Greek occazzionally fuppreft j" final before a commencing con- fonant; and Lattin elided 7n final widh dhe vowel be- fore anoddher vowel ; evvery diccionhaz won or oddher infertive articulaccion, to' preclude dhe meeting ov vowels. Ingliih, widh ezy propriety, fubjoins to' dhe indeffinite artikel, preceding a vowel, dhe dental har- monious licquid. Hence hav two vulgarrities crept into' Ingliih practice ; won making dhe artikel rob its objeft ov dhe dental, dhe oddher making dhe obje£l rob artikel ov dhat licquid : in an aught for a naught, a cifer ; and a ?ie-ivt for an e-ivt^ propperly a cut^ equivvalent to' a yoot : az dhe infertive dental can no more take place before licquefaccion, dhan before afpiracion ; nedher being a vowel, but each an articulacion. Dhus mull we fay, an air and a hair, a hearing ear, an ear artd a year, a ewer and a unit, a univerj'al hijtory, a hijtory univerfal, a humor (hwich iz no more dihan a umor), a humming bird, an umhel fervant, az an utter Jtrainger ; an onnor, a horfe, a houfe, an outrage ; an oivl, a howkt, and dhe like. Did dhe Ligliili, az dhe Scotch, drop dhe licquefier ov u, and utter infied ov yoOj onely oo ; dhey wood fimmilarly fay an ufe, an iini^ 'verfuy^ for a uje, a unlverfity : fo, hwile one continnued I dhe IN HER PICTURE. 45 dhe word, fiich an one waz az recc[uizite, az fuch a won iz now. If, even from ungarded Londoners, may yet be herd allahlafter^ admiraltry^ umberrella, propperriety and propperrietor^ majfacry, preventative^ obftroppalous and rombuftical ; for allahajter, admiralty^ umbrella^ pro- priety and proprietor^ niajfaker, preventive^ obflrcppe- rous and robuft ; nay covveteous, grieveous, mifchieveons^ and mountaneous, plentuous^ invidduous^ infidduoiis^ and ajjiddioiis ; no wonder if dhe remoter dialect fwel dhe number widh monftriious^ momentuoiis ^ ftupenduous : for covvetous, grievous, mij chievous (ftrong on dhe iirft, az mifchiefow^Q prior fyllabel), mountainous \ plenteous, inviddious, infiddious, ajjidduous ; monjtrous^ momentous^ ftupendous ; and dhe hke. It mull be owned, dhat dhe Scots newer fay covveteous ; nor dhe Ingliih nionftruous. Dhe former doo extend admiralty, commonalty, cazzu- alty, and ordnance, into' admirallity, commonallity, cazzuallity, ordinance ; and wood treat in hke manner mayoralty and fherrifalty ; but dhat dhey hav provv^^t- fjip ViTid. Jljerr if dom in dheir {led. Cazzuallity iz doutles a philofopphic abftraft ; and dhe ordinance, a follemn term fubllituted, by certain Scottilli fedaries, to' dhe Holy Saccrament. Dhe poettic realty, contrading, fup- plants not realUty ; more dhan doz fealty, fidelUty. Colloquial Scotch fomtimes lops a letter from dhe be- guinning ; az we know in ream and neze, for cream and fneze ; fomtims ads to' dhe end ; az in dhe pronom- minal 46 PROPRIETY ASCERTAINED mmal/evverals, dhe vevh/ummons, dhe (Gaulic) noiiii rumpal or rumpel ; for feweral, fmnmon^ and rump : fo in dhe old law-terms, toolzie and fpoolzie for tooljte and fpooljle ; now /o/7 (tumult) and fpoil. Dhe iame dialect ipreds dhe vedgetabel ri'oc into' doccan or dochin^ for docking ; az dhe annimal r^/, into' rattan or rottan ; and fwels dhe vexh fcate mX.o Jketch ; fo making boath dhe yJ:^/^ and dhe [cater ^ dhe ^/ketcher : yet ballances exchaingeby diminniiliing aJJedgc to' 2. fled. CHAP- CHAPTER III. Varied stres. S E C C I O N I. In dissyllabels, xtOCALLITY, fomtimes Articulaclon, az furely az ^ Preclzzion and Harmony, mull graitly depend on dhat Emphafis, or enfoarcement (ov won fyllabel be- yond dhe reil;), hwich iz propperly named dhejires. Ov dills dho dhe theory waz, widh dhe oddher Principels ov dhe Inglijlj Language, long ago (by dhe lame hand) re- duced to' demmonllracion ; yet, az evvery word, in propoarcion to' its number ov fyllabels, iz liabel to' jufi: fo manny (at leall poflibel) varriacions ov ennergy ; in .notthingcandillantdiale£ts be fuppozed more to' dilagree* Ovdi{I)'llabels indeed, fom nouns and verbs differ onely in dheir enfoarcement ; az conteji and contejl, rebel and rchhel : nor iz it les nattural to' enfoarce dhe former fyllabel ov a noun, dhan dhe latter ov a verb. Hence haz 48 PROPRIETY ASCERTAINED it prooved nattural for dhe diftant, or dhe unexperien- ced, to' hope dhe contraft unlverfal. Yet, az evvery Inolipword tnaVy widhout varriacion ov lound, hecom alternately noun and verb ; manny ar in boath ecpally ilron"- on dhe latter, oddhers on dhe former fyllabcl. It inipoarts dherfore particcularly dhe Scots to' obzerv (hwat pure verfificacion wil beil afcertain) dhat Inglilhly emphatticized alike on dhe feccond ar verb and noun, in {uq\\ ^z per^nit, fuppoart^ dljpiitc^ reply ^ decree^ decefe \ dhat, in like manner, dhe ^-erbs purjue^ fuccfdc^ widh cedes oddher compounds, ar followed in foarce by dheir accions or colledives, pnrfnit, fucces^ and dheir fel- lows. Enfue muft join />«r/^^, much more be joined bv its own branches, enfuingy and dhe rell ; but ijfiie^ noun or verb, ftrong on dhe prior part, iz oridginally a noun. Hwile ^wx-^ proces ov time, or oddher progrellive objeft, derives its ennergy from procede ; dhe French proces, tranfmitting dhe profces (or proceding) ov law or ov kimmiftry, haz (in dhis tranfplant) fliut, by dif- tindively enfoarclng, dhe former vowel. Strong on dhe latter ar event ^ exploit^ memoir ; az effeSi, adept, or inept ; July, az ally., noun or verb ; Leghorn, az King- horn. If dheze, bating dhe limmited excepcion, be in- variably energettic on dhe fecond fyllabel ; much more muft dhe verb depute, hwich, in Ingliili, iz newer de- puted for depputy. Efquire, and arrac, fo empower dhe latter fyllabel, dhat dhe former iz enfebled away, unles by Joccularrity or Affeftacion. Squire and rac^ ar dhe words remaining. Milton, not always a moddel ov I N II E R P I C T U R E. 49 ov verlificacion, waz perhaps dhe laft Inglifli poet dliat Ih-eiTed dlie former lyllabel ov mankind^ or dhe firll ov dhe verb conlrihhute. Ally and deny hav drawn deniy- paper, regardles ov dcmniigods dhemfelvs. Divine^ de~ vout^ defunct, dlreti, cleB, corrupt, pcrverfcy and un- cootb, ar Ilrong (for evvery rezon) on dhe polterior fyl- label. Equally llrong on dhe oddher ar (az natturally), frontier, engine, envy, comfort, effort, exile^ April, nov- vel, canton, patron, higgot ; \w\(\\\foliemn, extant, perfet. Barrier, fomtimes chiming widh career, iz fool az nat- tural a compannion ov frontier. Caprece, (like her French parent caprice^ llrong on dhe lecond ; haz been fomtimes thaught caprlfoious enuf to' prefor dhe oddher enfoarcement. Strong iz dhe latter ov rcverfe verb or noun ; az iz dhe former ov travverfc, in diic iiggurative fenfo ov roam. Dhe verb pervert draws dhe adjective perverfe, to' ly like reverfe, on dhe latter ; dho diverfe duly differs from boath, az from divert ; or az doz from advert, adverfe. Dhe verb converfe reggularly Itrengthens dhe latter, dhe fubftantive converfe dhe former fyllabeL Verb natturally llrengthens its terminacion, hwence dhe formatives mull: procedc : adjective, in like manner, hwen fufceptibel ov degrees. T>\ms create, obey, occur \ fincere, fedate, rohuff. It'iz eflcncial to' remember, dhat dherfore ftrong on dhe latter ar dhe verbs confort, con- cert, conviB, convert ; contefl, contrafi, compaB, colleB, conflict, conduB, convoy, converfe, confine, compres\ Vol. IL G impres, so PROPRIETY ASCERTAINED impres^ mfult, tmpoart and expoart^ tranfplant^ tranf- poart and transfer^ prefix^ ejfay, furvey, fur charge, clef- cant and accent^ concord and clfcord^ digef and far- Toel\ widh evvery traB, jeB^ and nient, az contraBy objcB, torment ; nor les lirong on dhe former, dlie nouns confort, concert^ and dhe rell. So differ dhe fub- llantives agent^ regent ; dhe adjefi'ives, abfent, prezzent^ frequent, gallant^ compound', v/idh dhe verbs agent ^ ahfent, prezent, and fo on. Such precliely proovs dhe difference ov dhe verbs rehel^ record, prefage, preludsy premife, produce and cement ; and dhe nouns rehbel, rec- cord, prejfage, prellude, premrnife, prodduce, and cemment. Yet evvery won ov dhe verbs may be unvariedly em- ployed az its own follemn accion ; az evvery won ov dhe nouns for a familRar verb. Lament dhus remains in- variably ftrong on dhe latter ; az doo dhe verbs fuhjeB and comment, often upon dhe former. Che verb incenfcy and dhe noun incenfe keep relpe6^ively unchaingeabel ; hwich holds alike ov tranfcrihe and tranfcr'-pt. Secret^ 2indifecr€te, ar wel dircrimminatcd ; az ar indeed antic and anteke or anteek, human and humane. Bufet, dhe Ing- Hfli noun, duly ilrong on dhe former ; and buffet, dhe French noun, duly lirong on dlie latter ; alter not in verbal capafcity. Dhe fubilantives, Auguft and Supine^ ar dhus ezily fevvered from dhe adjectives auguf and fupine : nor doo fupply (dhe contrafi:i\'e ov fuppelly) ixoTCifuppel, po'zes from poze, or careft from care, keep les ezily clear ov dhe raddical verbs fuppiv and pozes, or ov dhe particippel careft, hwich but contracts carejjed. Dhe I N H E R P I C T U R E. 51 Di-iE Scots, perceiving dhat raddical verbs fo nattu- rally emphatticize dheir ending ; and dhat fevveral nouns becomming verbs, invert dheir fires accordingly ; hav imado^ined dhemfelvs authorized to' uze dhe fame fredom widh bias^ canvas, fihnce, fentence, ijiiw^ph, comfort and follace\ az in dhe North, widh feccond : much more widh dhe oridr^inal verbs conjlrue, refcue, (reilcue), re.fpite or refpit (relTpit) \ govverji, harras, ranfac and can- cel \ all Inglillily invariabel in prior llrength : az iz per- fet in evvery capafcity, dho dhe Scotch hold it perfite, a rival to' dhe Inglilli^o/zV^. Obzerving ^r^S/V^ fo nicelv dilHnguiilied from praBife, dhey cood not fancy dhe verb and noun (az dhey ar to' dhe Inglifii ear) indifcrimmi- nabel. No more coed dh.ey fuppoze dh.atyoc(/'urn and adjurn differ az Eaft and Well; ; dhe former enfoarcing dhe prior, dhe latter dhe followingjv'llabel. Az fom verbs enfoarce dhe beginning, like ranfaCy harras, and perjure, widh dheze iz diiiinguiilied cofi- jW^ dhejoccular verb, from conjure dhe compannion ov adjure : nor can dhe agents but follow dheir verbs. If branches dhus follow roots, no les muil compounds fimpels. Vallid, now feen az it iz, precludes even dhe occular confuzion ov /«^'/7///^/widh invalid', hwich com- pliments its French parent invalide : but dhe ftres ov certain muft chainge in af certain. Dhe noun trihhute iz accompanied howevver by dhe verbs contrihhute, dif- trihhute, retrihbute, and attrihhute ; hwile dhe fubllan- tive attribute y keeps az duly dhe antepenultimate llrong. G 2 SEC- SZ PROPRIETY ASCERTAINED S E C C I O N IL In pollysyllabels. Dho dlie fepparate powers, or enfoarcements, con-^ tiniiue ill fuch occazz'ional compounds, az contry-man or copper-plate ; hwich may be rezolved into' a man ov dhe contry, or a plate ov copper ; dhe antepenultimate claims nefcefTarily dhe fuperior, leaving dhe lall: but feccondary fires, in dhe figgurative and fettelled compounds con-- triman, copperplate^ and dhe like. Prefer, refer, revere, interfere^ cannot but remain in dheir oh^ung preferring; referring, revering. Interfering, and dhe reil ; but caa- iiot remain in refference, prefference, revverence, inter- ference ; more dhan in revverend, revverent, or dhe like.. Interdict dhe noun,, draws az natturally primal, az. dhe verb InterdlB final fires. Polly fyllabels ■ dhus,, no les dhan difTyllabels, derive dheir ennergy,^ by formacion, Gompozifcion, fittuacion,. and clas. DialeiSls hov/evver vary dhe enfoarcement ov boath clailes-, according to' dillance firom dhe feat ov Ellegance, and dhe center ov Propriety. Low ranks ov dhe oddher Brittiih nacions ar apt to' enfoarce dhe penultimate, inlled ov dhe ante- penultimate ; ov contrary, Induflry, fuperfuous, Infu- ence, carraBer ; and doutles oddhers. Calledonians ov cvvery rank ar inteieilcd to' reccolleft, dhat partake, p.ozeSy I N H E R P I C T U R E. 53: pozcs^ devize^ coimnit, enquire and remain, mud con- tinnue to' enfoarce dhe feccondfyUabel o\ partaking and partaker, pozcjfor, devizor az de^'izer, committee, en- quiry, and remainder. So retain commands retinnue ; hwich dlius (in fpite ov clas) joins continnue, a traceabel, dho. dirtant, relacion ov contain.. Nor let us wonder dliat retinnue iz joined by revennue, hwich Ellegance dhus diflbciates from avvenue : for Anallogy iz dhe guide ov man ; not man, ov Anallogy. AJfail dhen hints, not onely dhe vehemence ov dhe ajfailant ; but dhe violence ov dhe ajj'ajjin : dhis no more ajfafin, dhaa dhat afjalant. Knowing dhe dubbel power ov concord^ we dial na lono;er find it unaccountabel. dhat concord- ance, ftrong on dhe feccond, fliood proov dhe genneral opperaclon ov dhe verb ; and concordance, llrong on dhe firll, dhe diccionary ov dhe BibeL Dhus it Iz dhat inipoart, dhe verb, not dhe noun, yk foUov/ed by ifiipoartant and iinpoariance. So dhe ad- jeftlve protejlant, for protcfting, az natturally follows proteji ; az repentant, for repenting, follows repent ; \rw\\e prottejiant Ibong and fliut in dhe antepenultimate, proovs a fort ov neggativc (relidglous) difcriminacion. Dhe medial ilrong in horizon,, fallows dhe Greek o^^'C^v (horidzon) not dhe immediate parent horizon (for orizon) flrong on dhe lalL But oraifon, fmimilarly ftrelfed, turns its feccondary into' primmary rtrength in dhe firft O.V dhe Inglifli orrizon. Az dhe llrongeil vowel ov oratio leads to' dhat ov our oracion, dho orateur (not orator) guides 54 PROPRIETY ASCERTAINED o-uides to' our or rat or ; Lattln terms like vlrao-o and vertho, retain dhelr penultimate foarce in Inglifb, hwen adopted. Dhe meeting licquids gulv ftrengtli or ftop- page to' dlie firil vowel ov a/mifiice; dhe llronger af- femWage, after dhe feccond ov interjlice^ m.akes penul- timate overturn even antepenulthiiate power. Dho, by dhis parramount ennergy, prlnclpel and princ'pal,, man- nipel, mannikel, annecdotCy antidote^ and difcipUne^ widh a thouzand oddher trilTvllabels, he primmarily Ibong on dhe firll, dherfore feccondarlly lo on dhe laft iVllabel ; abfolutely ftrong on dhe middel, confequently weak on edher extreme, ar difcipel, cathedral, vagary^ quandary, Canary. Comprize muil queiVionles command comprizal, and conceal concealment ; but we wel know dhat chafiize commands not chajlizment, more dhan ad- vertize achertizment ; dhat not dheir vcrry parents chajliment (nov/ chdtiment) and advertijfement (now avertijjement) command edher ; but dhe alone antepe- nultimate power ; hwich fuccejfor and confeffor (equally primmitive) ar equally proud to' obey. Me^n keeps dhe fame ftrength in me^nher^ remember, remembrance and remembrancer. So covvenant (cuvvenant) remains un- chainofed in covvenanter. and intellio-ence in intellicrencer. No les iz to' be noted dhe penultimate fcrength ov dhe adje£tives intejiine^ clandejiine, obdurate and confurnmate^ verb or adjective. ProjeBile follows dhe VQxh projeB^ not dhe fubftantive prodjeB. Oddher adjeftives in He prefer antepenultimate, for primmary, dhence ultimate for feccondary fires ; az puerile, juvenile, mercantile ; dho evvery antic^ az romantic^ pedantic, mull: confes penul- I timate I N H E R P I C T U R E. 55 tlmate power. Dho raven^ noun or verb, open alike dhe ilrong penultimate ; and its particippel ravening, no les duly, dhe antepenultimate vowel ; dhe particippial ravvening, like dhe cognate (and almoaii lynonnymous) adjective ravvenous, diflinguiil^es itfelf by dhus ibutting dhe emphattic vowel ; az in rawening (or rawenous) woolvs. Dhe dillyllabel verbs enfue, piirfue ; hnpoart, projeB, refpeB, colleB, conduce, tnicnd, pre'cent, fuhjoin, compare, prepare, explain, dejine, keep dhe ftrength on dhe feccond ov enfuing, purfuant and purfua?ice, impoartant and impoartance, projettile az projeBi?jg, refpeBive, colleEiive, conducive, intenfive, preventive, JuhjunBive, co?nparrative, preparrative, preparratory, explannatory, definnitlve. So nedher finite nor infinite commands injinnitive, infnnity, or in- fnnitude', but dhe fame antepenultimate ennerg\ , hwich comimands dhe indiccative and imperrative,d\\t adjcBive v/idh d\\c fuhjiantive. Dho indicate and imniitate boatli own dhe fame influence, and indiccative (az a primmitive) follows dhe cogent exampel ; immitative, nomminative, and communicative appear dhe obfequious children ov immitate,nomminate, a.nd comtnunicale. Dhus it iz dhat Eli (diilinft, by dhe dipthong, from Ely) fets dhe ex- ampel ov penultimate {Ires to' Elias; but dhat Ltvi and dial deny not dhe iVd graiter antepenultimate povv-er ov Leviathan and dialogue Nor can annv nov\^ milhike dhe rtrength ov depozzit, enveli.p, exammine, iuiadgi^ie \ more dhan ov inimage, Ittalv, Jtailian^ and dhe iike» Much les need we wonder at onneil us keepir.g alike open 56 T R O P R I E T Y ASCERTAINED open and ilrong in muz^e^ amuze, amuzeinent ': accuz-e^ nccuzer, accuzathe ; pure, purity, and ptirify ; illume, illumine, :xn6. illuminale. If dhe Scots (az in_y^/g^^f on fentence) wood gladly ad to' dhe difl)dlabels, transferring fires from noun to' verb ; much more muft dhey find it nattural to' transfer dhe primmarv antepenultimate foarce ov a noun to' dhe place ov alreddy feccondary fbength in dhe triffyllabel verb ; az interejl, mannifejl, evvidence, influence, countenance. Dho dhe Inglilh in a few in- flances, may leem to' authorize dhe practice ; az in riddicule or compliment ; dhey nedher in dhe abov, nor elfehware, uzc dhe fredom to' turn primmary into' feccondary ftrength, except in verfe : and dhare Elle- gance allows no needles departure from nattural ennergy ; nor makes dhe fmallell difference, even in a verb fo natturally llrong on dhe firil az recconcile : In rccconcir d extremes o'o draught and rain. liwich precludes not dhe poettic power ov interchainging primmaiy and feccondary ftres ; in jyio extremes ov draught and rain fo recco'dciPd : warrantably az rimes dhe fame poet, Hwatfay dhey more or les. Dhan clhis ; dhat happines iz happines ^ Dhus INHERPICTURE. ff Dhns It iz, dliat fucli triffyllabbic verbs az ar or feem formed from difTyllabcls ilrong on dhe prior fyllabel, dlio ftil primmarily Ilrong on dhe firil, may transfer dhe ftrength to' dhe lall fyllabel ; az, from (or feemingly from) 'tantalus^ human^ civvil, real ; tantalize^ huma* niz'e^ chvilize, realize. Dho ejjence and quiefcence (az quiefcent) be equally enfoarced on dhe penultimate, to' antepenultimate power fubmits quintejjence ; hwich, dher- fore infufceptibel ov medial foarce, may poettically llrengthen edher extreme. Strong az ar on dhe latter, fuch verbs az excel^ precede^ and divide \ dhey cannot preclude dhe inifcial foarce ov excellence, prefcedent and divvidend ; more dhan ov addequate or difficult. Sub^ fequent ciwdijuhfequence muft join dhis clas, no les dhan confequent and confequence. Yet can it not be joined by dhe penultimately ftrong adje(9:ive precedent, or its abf- traft precedence ; hwich accompany antecedent and an- tecede-ace, in penultimate enfoarcement. Nor can it be' denied, dhat dhe Scots, mijlrejftng (misftreffing) and dijlrejfing (disllreffing) all dheze, ar az apt to' transfer dhe Itres ov difficult and difficulty, from dhe firil: to' dhe feccond fyllabel ; az to' dhe third ov dhe adjedive, hwen dhey uze it for dhe verb (to ) puzzel. 'To difficult, hwed- dher widh inifcial or final enfoarcement (medial here Ingliflily impofiibel), may doutles 7nakc edhcF a perfon or thing difficult. But to* mahe a perfon difficult, iz to'' male fuch perfon hard to pleze, raddhcr dhan perplexed to anfer. Too difficult me, implying dherfore -onely Too make me difficult, cannot alfo fignify Too guiv me clif- Vol. II. H Jiculty. 55 PROPRIETY ASCERTAINED jiculty. Emphattic az mutt b^ dhe firft ov confident^ eom^ inocJore, vaggahond^ 'violent^ violet, and dhe like ; Dif- tincclon compliments French Ennergy on dhe final ttrength ov confidant, commandanty niaggazene and rez- zervoir. Like defference iz paid to' violon and palan- quin, in violin, pallankin, and certain cddher forrainers ; hwile harlequin, natturalized into' harlekin, boatts primal power in Ingland. Stres, like all elie in our language, reduced now to* fcience ; no word can hav doutfool emphatticizement.. Dhje fame ranks indeed dhat penukimately rely an a car- racier ov induftry-, {q contrary to' dhe ellegant antepenul- timate enfoarcement, may be herd on dhe fame penul- timate key to' tune dheir edducacion from an academy.. Dhe Ingliili clas juft above mutt be bred at an accademy, az. hoo ttial arrain \x.%MccritnQny f Yet ellegant iSlature in- acaddemy wiclh anattomy, az in anallogy widh f-uprem- inacy \ in monnarky and theoccracy, geoggraphy and orihoggraphy, owns, antepenultimate power. Such iz. dhe unecjual contcft between dhe firtt and fecond ov pollygamy and polyggamy. Manny tetrafyllabels, how- ewer, lay dheir prlmmary ttres on dhe firtt, and confe- quently, dheir feccondaiy on dhe third fyllabel : 2:Z, pal- linody, olUgarky, hierarky, orthoeppy^ ignominny, con-- tumely, contumacy, cerrcmony, pattrimony, aggricullure %. arbitrary, preffatory-^ .3.i\d, in fpite ov neccjjity, acces, direB, refrep, confijl, all ttrong on dhe feccond ; nejcef- fary, accejfary and accejfory, clirreBory^ reffeBlory, con- I N H E R P 1 C T U R E. 59 fiftory ; all ftrong on clhe firil ryllabel. Stil dheze doo but (peak dadyllian regard to' antepentdtimate , power, treating dhe laft fyllabel az a fupermtmerary. But, hwen words dhus grow into' polh'fyUaheh\ dhey proov natturally divizzibel into' dhe component (or feemingly component] parts. Az monnofyllabel, and poliyjyllabely dhus confiil ov dhe Trokee and Daftyl ; monno-fyllabel^ polly-fyilabel ; fo ov dhe dubbel Trokee conventkkel, tabbernachel^ refceptachel\ vertually conven-tickel^ tabber- nackel^ refcep-tackel^ widh dheir fellows. Dhls dubbel enfoarcement but exemplifies anew dhe grait principel ov vocal ftres ; dhat alternacion ov labor and reft, indif- penfabel to' human exercion : a doctrine firft elucidated by dhe prezzent Writer, in hiz Principels ov dhe Ing~ iijlj Language (1. i. 8.) ; and reilluftrated (^11. iv.) in dhe former VoUume ov dhis Work. But ov emphattic doctrine no part iz more impoart- ant, az non hiddherto' les underftood, dhan dhe tranf- ference ov ft res ; az from won part ov fpeech to' anod- dher, fo particcularly from litteral to' figgurative accepta- cion. Dhus dherfore hav we lernt to' diftino-iiifli fuch verbs az rebel and convert^ from luch nouns az rcbhel and convert ; to' procede from indicate to' indiccative; from fanattic to' fannatic^ from arrithmettic to' arithmetic ; and dhe like. Nor les iz it eftencial to' difcrimminate dhe varriacion ov ennergy from litteral to' figgurative pof- fibillity, terminating adje£tives widh ^i^^/, ibel, or tibel \ abfolutely enfebelling dhe penultimate after dhe ftrong H 2 part 6o PROPRIETY ASCERTAINED part ov dhe root, in its branches ; but feccondarily en- foarcing it, after dhe enfebled antepenultimate, in dhe cognate priinmitives. In dhis manner doo accept^ com^ mend, admire, compare, lame7it, confole, reduce, em- phattic on dhe latter, remain (unchainged) in dhe for^ mative and iitteral acceptahel, commendahel, adfnirabei^ comparahel, lamentabel, confolahel, rediiceahel or re- ducihel; az nefceffarily az anfer, harras, ranfac, can- cel and comfort, continnue dheir foarce on dhe firll in anferahel, harrajjahel, ranfaccahcl, cancellabel, comfor- tahel ; or dhe refpeiStive like. Dho dhe latter be dhus nnchaingeabel, dhe former, uzed figguratively, nioov dhe primmary {Vres a fyllabel bac, (from dhe feccond to' dhe firft) ; fliutting az natturally dhe vowel, if before open, hwen dhey vary poffibillity into' probbabillity or propriety. Dhis dhey doo by enfoarcing dhe firft ov acceptahel, commendahel, adtnirabel, comparahel, lam- mentahel, confolahel. Dhus differ dhey diamettrically in fenfe and found. Dhe Iitteral acceptahel, nefceffarily ftrong on dhe fecond, implies dhat 7nay (polTibly or ab- folutely) he accepted ; dhe figgurative acceptahel (az fure- Iv ftrong on dhe firft), no les fnrely implying dhat mufl (probbably or propperlv, or dezirably) be accepted. A thino- dherfore iz abfolutely acceptahel, or can (perhaps muft) be accepted ; punniiliment for inftance, or pain ; hwich may natturally be dhe reverfe ov acceptahel or de- zirabel. Dhus evvery thing iz commendahel, dhat caii (and hwat cannot ?) he commended; but dhat alone iz com' I N H E R P I C T U R E. 6i commendahel^ hwlch merrits commendaclon, and fo iz indifpcnfably to' be commended. Uri, being dhe Inglifli, and in dlie forrain denier ov fuch qualliiiers ; negacion may lend fom light : dhe lit- teral natturally claiming dhe domelHc, dhe iiggurative dhe oddher prepozifcion. Dhat hivich cannot (poUibly) be accepted^ iz dhus imacceptabel\ dhat, hivich cannot (propperly or plezingly) be accepted^ \z inacceptabel. Dhat, hwich cannot be lamented yl iinlamentabel : dhat, b-Tvich iz not (ralcionally) to^ be /amen-ted, iz illammen- tabel. Hwat cannot be compared^ iz uncomparabel : hwat admits no comparrizon^ or iz beyond compare^ iz incomparabel. Hoo caniiot be confoled iz luiconfolabel : hoc wil not be confoled^ iz inconfolabel. Nor need it be told, dhat dhe litteral compounds keep dhe Ibes on dhe third, and dhe figgurative on dhe fecond fyllabel ; az dheir {impels on dhe feccond and dhe firft. Exaftly fo, repairabel and repparabel, iinrepairabel and irreppa- rabel. Ven7^erate and immitate guide to' vcnnerabel and immitabel ; communicate to' communicahel^ and dhe like ; iin ftil denying dhe litteral, az in dhe figgurative com- pounds ; but widh no chainge ov ftres. Produce and r^- i/z^f^ may az certainly {qx\\\ produceabel ?ci\di reduceabel\^ az adopt producibel and reducibel ; uzing dhe refpedlive privvatives, widh dhe nattural chainge ov ilres ; unpro- duceabel^ unreduceabel\ and improdducibbel^ irredducibbel. Foarceahel diudi foarcibel ar dhus litteral and liggtirative ; chaingeles in Ibes, and indeed (aimoaft) coincident in found. 62 PROPRIETY ASCERTAINED ibund. Widh like aimalodgic certainty can correB and eleB form correSiahel and eUBahel ; denied doutles, by uncorreBahel and uneleBabel ; az expeB in boatli fenfes and {Irefles, expeBabel^ widh i-inexpeBahel and inexpec- tahel : hwile corrtgibhel and elUgihbel proov dhe adopted qiiallifiers ov morral poiTibillity, dhat iz, ov proprietv ; hwich incorrigibhel and inelligibhel deny. Az duly az ledgibel 3.\\di illedgibel^ readabel?cwdi luireadabel^ ar ftrong on dhe antepenultimate ; muft intelligibbel and iinintelli- gibbel Ib-es primmarily dhe fyllabei before it. So differs dhe ennergyov corruptabel2.vA corrupt ibbel^uncorruptabel and incorruptibbel ; dijfolvabd and dijfolubel^ rezolvabel and rezzolubel, repulabel and repputabei, prefcrrabel and prefferahel^ widh dheir refpeclive deniers. And fo en- foarce dhe firll: fuch primmitives, az exorabel^ ewitahel', and dheir neggatives dhe feccond, az inexorabel^ inewi- iahel. Nor need we wonder dhat dhe ficrgnrative ar dhe more frequent (dhence more familliar) qualliiiers. Lit- teral pollibillity iz fo taken for granted, dhat its negacion can feldom find place. For dhis rezon, az wel az in compliment to' dhe forrain immediate parents, in alone can compound invizzibel, inaudibel^ inaccejfibel^ imper- ceptibel ; accejjlbel and perceptibel retaining dhe llres ov acces and perceh\ hwich ftil more certainly commands perceivabel and iinperceivabel \ dho inconceivabel may now be fuppozed almoall entirely to' fuperfede tmcon- ceivabel^ unles az a poffibel formative ov dhe poffibel compound verb tinconceiv. Som conOittuents ov dhe figgurative and primmitive clas appear more fiequcntly, az I N H E R P I C T U R E. C3 az more natturally, in dhe pozzitive ; oddhers, in dhe neggative carrafter : az fufceptihhel^ and irreffragahel ; ov more genneral employment, dhan reffrao-ahel or /;?- fufceptibhel^ alUiowevver, like dhe figgurative accept ab el and inacceptahel^ corruptihhel and incorruptihbel, necef- farily ilrong on dhe foarth from dhe end. Yet, how- ewer natturally contraited be lament abel and lammen- tabely unlamentabel -diViAillanimentabel \ deplorabel^ fup- poartabel^ furmountabel; litteral or figgurative, pozzitive or neggative, invariably retain dhe llres ov deplore^ fuppoart and furmount ; az doo coinfortabel and can- cellabelj dhat ov cojnfort and cancel, S E C C I O N III. I N P R O P P E R N A M E S. Due Scotch, nor dhe Scotch alone,, ar IHI apt to' mif- take dhe fires ov certain aincient names. In dheze, dho dhey thaught dhemfelvs warranted to' indulge forrain vocallity ; dhey liav been les obzervant, dhan dhe Ing- lilli, ov primmitive llres. To' dhe feccond fyllabel did dhe Scotch transfer dhat ov Canaan and Balaam^ hwich dhe Inglidi enfoarce on dhe firil ; finking dhe feccond' vowel by febelnes to' (almoall) inaudibillity, az if Can an and BaF am. Dhe antepenultimate ennergy, fo genneral in Inglifli poUyfyllabels, haz rendered Ih-aingers inat- tentive to' dhe penultimate power ov Sardanapalus ; dhe compounds ov bulus^ az Arijhbulus ; no les dhan to' dhat ov 64 PROPRIETY ASCERTAINED ov Arijlogiton,, Arijlides and Heraclitus. Dho in manny Greek and moaft Lattin names, a vowel before a vowel waz febel and fl-iort ; az in Danaus^ Tanais (Inglilhly Dannaus, Tannais) Perfeus and Perfius, Phoioe (Ing- lilhly Pholloe)^ Antinous (Inglillily Antinnous) ; manny Greek names in us wer apt to' llrengthen and lengthen dhe vowel before it ; az Menelaus (Inglilhly Mennelaus) Peneus^ Sperchius (Inglillily Sperkius), Achelous (Ing- lilhly Ackelous). So, before oddher endings, Eneas ^ Brifeis, Ptolemais^ and oddhers. Dhe Eneid howevver, or Enneidy followsr Inglilhly dhe Illiad in enfoarcement. Febel and fliort iz hmmilarly dhe penultimate ov Ardea, Lydia, Libja, Msfopotamia, and manny more. Yet ftrong and long iz, no les nefcelTarlly, dhat ov fvich az Judea^ Eubea, Berea ; Eea, Medea, Enyo ; Thalia, Hippodamia, Iphigenla ; hwich laft indeed manny mod- tlernize by enfoarcing dhe penultimate before final coalifcion, like Eugenia and Aglaia ; or like dhe He- brew names Ifaiah, Maafeiah, Zeruiah. Hwen in dheze tab yl articculated, no coalifcion takes place, and dhe penultimate vowel iz enfoarced ; az in Uzziab, Jer- remiah or yerremias. But, female names llrengthen dhe antepenultimate vowel ; az Athaliah and Herodias : a dilHnccion dhe Scotch need peculiarly to' obzerv. Nor mull: dhey forguet (hwat haz been elfehware in- timated) dhat Greek names in es, ewer fo febel, open and prolong dhe vowel (according to' oridginal quantity) independant ov anny fervile : dhus Thales, Hercules ; az if Thalees, Herculees ; and dhe reft. Dho howevver I dhe INHERPICTURE. 65 dhe laft vowel be (almoaft) az open in Euphrates, az in Soccratcs ; dhe names ar az differently enfoarced, az ar Caledon and Callydon : dhe penultimate being llrohg in Euphrates and Caledon, and dhe antepenultimate in Soccrates and Callydon ; hwich fliut dhe ilrong vowel, and fo dubbel dhe confonant, dhat waz iinguel in Lattin and Greek. Dhat antepenultimate, hwich boath dhoze diccions held ftrong and long in Calydonia, and {liort az weak in Caledonia; equally enfoarces, (in Inglifli) dhe ov Callydonia and ov Calledonia; fliutting alike dhe feccondarily llrong vowel, and confequently making fo dillant contries coincide. But Calledonla, to' prezerv her fammilies, muff, hw^are poiiibel, prezerv dheir names. Az dhe Inglilli Pole, Coke ; now Pool, Cook, and dhe reff ; ar fo vary- ing dheir appearance to' enlure dheir reallity : az dhe Scottifli (and French) Home, iz dhus natturally veering into' Hume : fo muft, if dhey wifh (and hoo doz not wiffi ?) perpetuity, Dalzel, Mackenzie, Menzies^ and dheir fellow-licquefiers, adopt dhe fame exaft form ov dhe vocal licquid, dhat fecures dhe Ingliffi Sazvjer, Bozvyer, and Fludyeri hoo newer perhaps affe£ted dhe femblance ov Sazvzer, or dhe like. Daly el, Mackenyie, Menyies, and dhe reft, cannot but be proud to' follow dhe exampel ov won facred name, long loft in dhe fig- gure ov Zuil ; and now found in dhe fair fliape ov Tule, Nedher Melvil nor Colvil wood, more dhan colnel or cidnel, be herd in Ingland ; did Melvin and Cohin, (az Vol. II. I now 66 PROPRIETY ASCERTAINED now doz Ballantyne) venture to' appear dheir own me- lodious felvs ; raddher dhan lead dhe Inglifli (ewer reddy !) to' treat dhem az dhe {laves ov dhe def tyrant Ettymollogy. Hware, howevver, dhe true pifture iz yet hiviolate, ov anny ainclent name; to' warp (and warp wilfooUy) dhe unabated power, wer unwordhy anny native ov dhe land, to' hwich it belongs. No Calledonian or Hibernian can ewer be mean enuf to' ape inabillity : an inabillity, hwich refle£ls no more dilbnnor on dhe Ingliili, dhan on dhe French, hoo let dhem dhe exarripel, ov relinquifliing dhe guttural alpirate, az a ruffer found dhan even dheir propper names cood admit. Dho dhe Welch, like dhe Inglifli, hav Imoodhed dhis guttural away ; and fo retain onely Bauan and Vauan (or Bazvan and Kazvan) ov Baugban and Vatighan ; hwich dhe Scottifli Strachan (az if Siraughan) joins Ingliilily in Strazvan ; dhe oddher remnants ov dlie Gaulic tribes can iVil, becauz dhey doo ilil, emit dhe fool guttural, in fuch names az Bucchan^ Brechin^ Droghedci ; Lough- Rni, Loch'Lomondy Auchindinnyy Jluchtermuchty, and dhe reft : dhe Scotch hav\'ing ewer preferred dhe direct^ "az dhe juft picture ov dhe guttural found. Dheze hints hawing all been antifcipated, boath hi dhe former and prezzent Vollume ; to' dhis chapter a concluding caucion proovs indifpenfabel, on dhe em- phattic part, or fyllabblc fires, ov Calledonian names ; hwich wil in dhis point, no more dhan Greek proppers, acnoUege Inglifh law. Peculiarly dherfore az ar enfoar- ced INHERPICTURE. 67 ced on dhe penultimate I'halia, Euphrates^ Arijiides^ 'Jhrafyhulus ; no les foarcibel on dhe latter, or lafl, ar Canty re^ Blantyre, Auchtertyre^ and evN^ery Celtic tyre ; hwicb, like dhe French terre^ Signifies land. Alike ftrong on dhe laft ar fuch az Auchintoul., Auchinhrec ; and Aiichinlec moddernized into' Afflec^ ilil llrefled on dhe latter in Scotland ; dho by Inglilli xAinallogy, on dhe former. Yet dhe Inglilli enfoarce dhe latter, and dhe Scotch dhe former ov Carlile. Carham dherfore or Cardigan, Stan77iore or Stanley, howevvcr natturally Ibong on dhe former or firft, can no more preclude ll:reno;th from dhe feccond ov dhe In<2;liili or Welfli o to Carpue, Carnan, Carnarvon ; dhan ov dhe Scotch Cargil, Carneggy, Arhuthnot, Strathmore, Cathcart, Dunlop, Dundas and Dundee. No more (in-fine) ar ElderJJee, or Woodhoufelee, bound to' transfer dhe fl:res from dhe lall: to' dhe firil, widh Hammerfley or JVedder- ly, dhan Amjlerdam to' frres widh Nordhampton, or Nordhington ; or dhe proppers ov won language to' re- ceiv all dhe laws ov anoddher. I 2 PART PART II I N G L I S H WORDS MISAPPLIED. •^nonHKBOBai I. Noun Substantive. TVTEXT to' dhe three grait artikels ov pronunciacion ; pecviliarity ov dialeft muil ly in term, phraze, or arraing-ement. Hware words and iddioms becom dif- tinft, different diale£ls conilitute different languages. But dhe fame roots, branches, or compounds, often re- main, boath in aincient and moddern diale£ts ; hwile dhe latter, fomtimes dhe former, hav, parlially or to- tally, chainged dheir fenfes or dheir founds. Dhis graiteft (az leall fufpeded) dainger, dhis primmary foarce ov mutual mifunderftandino- and unintended mif- repprezentacion ? INHERPICTURE. 69 reppfczentaccion, cannot too foon or too attentively be obviated in evvery clas ov fpeech. Dims cloo dhe fol- lowing IngliQi words becom Scotch, by being applied in a different from dhe prezzent Ingiilli acceptacion : Ah- bacVy college, clas, humannity, land, lodging, loft, roof, fole, chimney, reek ; fair, turnpike, iolhooth, caufey, wynd, clofe, gate, poart, gutter, /bed, park, dike, fap, pollicy. Dhe Scottifli dialect uzes abbacy for abbey, college for univerfty, clas iox fcool ox f cool-room, human- nity for Lattin, land for tennement, lodging for man- fon-houfe, loft for gallery, roof for deling, fole for fl, chimney for grate or fove, chimneypiece for jnantel- piece, reek {ox fnoke ; fair (hwich iz hwtfep) for fair- cafe, turnpike for winding- ftairs or ivel-fairs, az fcale- fairs for fairs dircB ; tolbooth (not unlike dhe Lattin carceres) for prizzon, caufey for middel pavement, az plain-fones for f de-pavement or foot-way ; zvynd for lane, not dhat zvinded (or wound), but dhat wended or went, near dhus indeed to' bended or bent ; gate for going for walking) zvay, and now in gait, dhe way ov going, dhe walk or manner ov walking ; poart (French) for gate, clofe for alley, gutter for 'kennel, pjed for fip ov land, park for paddoc, dike for wall, fap for gap in it ; pollicy for plantacion or ///^/^/m^-improovment, round a rural manfion, hwich dhe fame dialeft titels dhe place, Dhe Scots retain, az may be fuppozed, dhe older names ov things annimate and inannimate. Hence dheir continnuing ufe ov tod, broc, glede, fuke, wilk, midge^ I for 70 PROPRIETY ASCERTAINED for dhe now-Inglifli fox^ badger^ kiie, flounder^ per- ivinlel^ gnat ; and dhe familiiar interchainge ov ftag^ Jloie, hog, grice, hoar, tike, widh dhe quite oddher cretures colt or foal, fleer or hoolloc, lamb or yohg llieep, pig (grice being dhat ov dhe zvild-boar) heir or lair, cur or clog ; ov hwich latter, indeed, a tike \z but a varriacion. In figgure, dhe Scottilb draggon foars dhe Tngliili kite^ dhe harbinger ov balloon. Dhe Inghfli pad iz a pacer ; dhe Scotch jf^'i^t''/, dhe />/y//(3/2 upon it. No les varied in found and fenfe ar hipiier annimals : lad and las, bride and bridegroom, wife and frend. In Ingland lad and las mean yong boy n.nd gifirl ; in Scotland an unmarried (fomtimes even a married) man and woomman. Bride and bridegroom (dhus far her umbel fervant!) ar applied bv dhe Scotch, az by dhe Dutch, to' dhe parties juft be- fore marriage ; by dhe Inglilh, to' dhe pair juil; after it. Man and woofjiman ar genneral terms, comprehending refpe6tive particculars. JVife waz wonce in Ingliili, az ftil in Scotch, interchaingeabel widh Tooomman : v^itnes an old wife, perhaps newer married. Dhe Dutch hav debafed dhe word into' a groce acceptacion. Nature gave to' all men, relacions dhe firft f rends : dhe Greeks held f rends oddher felvs. Az dherfore evvery broddher and ffer iz a frend, evvery frend proovs a broddher or ffer ; and yet dhare iz a frend, dhat ficketh clofer dhan a broddher I Ov human occupacions, herd, wright, TCVidfmith muft hav been dhe erlieft, az mpaft nefcelfary : dhe tender, dhe I N II E R P I C T U R E. 71 dlie worker^ and ^q fmiter. Won fed all manner ov cattel^ named alfo (frcm Lattin and French) beftial ; dhe feccoiid became ezily engroced, howevver various hiz powers, by dhe grait material, '^i^'ood ; and dhe laft found foon fuffifcient variety in dhe metallic reign. So genne- ral agents lequired fpefcificacion m dhelr obje£ls. Pre- cizzion produced JloephercU cartzvrighi, blacfmith, and dheir f.Hov\'-s. Hwile to' dhe old dialeft dhe indeffinite carra6lers continnued to' luffice ; refniin^ lano-ua^re tranf- femed dhe name not fo much from dhe keeper, az from dhe French harde^ to' dhe graiter obje£ls ov hiz care. Dhe oxherd or fwineherd dims tended dhe herd ov oxen or fvvine, az faithfoolly az ^Q.Jl?epherd or goatherd^ dhe jloc ov llieep or goats. Dhe Inglidi joiner confpifed widh dhe French carpenter^ to' exterminate onneil old Wright ; hoo, like Smith, remained onely in fpeicifying compounds, or in a iimpel furname. Dhe carpenter, fW excluded dhe land-habbitacions ov Scotland, became at leail dhe JJjipzvrighl dhare ; hwile in Ingland, az in France hiz parent charpentier, he iz dhe genneral worker in v/ood. 'Tradefnian and mercloant hav, in Ingland, extended dheir idea. In Scotland, dhoze terms (like oiivrier and marchand) mean not much more dhan artificer and JJjopkeeper. Dealers in wine, vinnegar, coal, or oddher commoddity not fold in lliops, ar by dhe Inglifh ftil al- lowed dhe titel ov merchant. In South-Brittain dhe clodhier (or mannufa6turer) makes and prepares dhe clothy for 72 PROPRIETY ASCERTAINED for dhe cloth-faFlor ; hoo, from biz wareboafe, fupplles (widb dbe bales wanted) dbe woollen-draper^ boom dbe Scots name dbe cloth-fner chant. Kfdk-nier chant iz, in in like manner, ^\Q\vi.<^\^filli-inercer\ az in n:^land, dhe hahherdafoer ov fowing-iilks or tbreds, iz nedber more nor les dban 2.flkman. TA\q Jleward on an eftate baz been biddberto' termed by dbe Scotcb A\iq faSior, or chaumerlan for chaimherlaln. Dbe Inglifli haily and Scotcb griev (or overfeer) iz biz depputy. Dbe anallogy may ezily rize to' dhe firft and feccond madgiibate oo;?) a matter. So dheze infiji on ox upon, hwile dhe Scotch infijl for it. But dhe Inglilh promniift jor, and dhe Scotch (prommife) upon it. North-Brittons call for, or barely call, an acquaintance ; dheir foddhern neigh- bors call 0/7 (or upon) a frend. Dheze wait for, or fimply zvait, a perfon or thing ; dhoze wait on edher. In re- fpeftfool vizziting, dhe ellegant Inglilh ivait on (or upon) a perfon; dhe ignorant or afS^efted wait ov a perfon. But all talk on (or upon) a fubje£l, ov or about a thing. Dhe vulgar indeed, (wil) in evverv dialeft, interchainge fo dellicate cognates. Dhe fame cks dhat lays at Eddin- burrough, Hozo long wil I wait o;? ro(?l*infted ov Hozd long fjal I wait [ox fay) for y oof fays at London: / know j^ot thing on it, for I knozv notthing ov it. Yet iz it ob- zervabel, dhat Propriety iz equally attentive in dhe ufe ov dhe iddioms on a fudden and all ov a fudden, No les dellicatety difcrimminabel ar dhe prepozifcions to\ at, zvidh, for, from, by, and thro\ ewer a monnofyllabel ; its formative thurrough, or thurrow^ being always an adjective. Alreddy hav v/e glanced at dhe grocefl: pre- pozifcional fcotticifm — married on or upon, far les tolle- rabel dhan 7narried zvidh,\\wiQ\\ fom Scottilh writers uze for 94 PROPRIETY ASCERTAINED for married to' a perfon. Dhe next moaft vulgar (dho mot incongruous) in word or in writing — iz to' lay wons account zmdh a circumftance or event ; hware Anglicifm fays, to make account ov it, to' reckon upon it, to" take It for granted. Difierent prepozifcions aiFeft perfons and things. Won m.vS\.fee after a perfon, az wel az about 2l thing. Won .obje<9: iz cont rafted to (not ^joidh) anod- dher. Won paffage iz recconciled -zvidh — won perfon to' — anoddher. Won haz an averfion at or to" — art ah- horrence onely at — impropriety. Won may be angry widh a perfon, becauz at a thing ; in, zoidh, from, or thro' dlie •dezire ov amending edher. For fuch a purpofe won * wiflies X.O fpeak widh dhe perfon on dhe fubjeft ; to' talk widh or to dhe perfon ahout (or concerning) dhe matter; — to' dhe point, to' dhe purpofe, to" fom purpofe, to' good, dhe hef, or anny purpofe-, yet newer (Scottiflily) to" pur- pofe : for dhat wer to" no (particcular) purpofe. So dhe Inghlh doo a thing on purpofe, or purpofely ; but not in a purpofelike, inHied ov a propper manner. If hwy ar yoo angry at it f be good Inghlh ; hwat ails yoo at it f iz good Scotch, for hzvat faut dooyoofndin (or zvidh) it f So, in genneral, hzvat ails^yoo f for hzvat doo yoo ail f To" ail iz dherfore no a6tive, but a neuter verb ; and hzvat, in dhe laft pliraze iz govverned by in, az to", or hwatevver may bell: fupply dhe ellipfe. Dhe Inglifli differ zvidh a perfon, in a particcular, on a point, about a thing. To" differ from won, iz merely to' be a. dif- ferent perfon. So dhey part zjoidh an objett, hwen dhey rezip^n it; ViwA part from a place or perfon, in quitting fuch place or perfon. Dhe Scotch fay, to" part zvidh I child ; I N H E R P I C T U R E. 95 child ; dhe Inglilli, to' mlfcarry. To' ajk a thing at a perfon, to' wonder ov a thing ; and to' a-ave (in dhe fenfe ov dun) a perfon for a thing, ar fcotticifms, az gal- licifms. To q/k or enquire, to' dejnand, crave, entreat or hefeech a thing oi? a perfon ; to' require a thing 01; or frojn a perfon ; to' ajh ov a perfon a thing, az an anfcr, a folucion, a favor ; to' aJk a perfonyor a thing ; to' poot dhe quef/ion ov a thing to a perfon ; to' admire an objeft, and to' wonder at it, or to' male a wonder ov it, ar true and propper anglicifms. Won muft dhus take care not to' enquire at a wrong hand, or in an impropper quarter ; but ov dhe due intelligencer, about or concerning anny matter ; and particcularly ar we to' enquire after {pot for, fcarce about) a perfons helth. Dhe Scotch confound locahity widh appropriacion hwen dhey {defign, az dheir lawvers) file fuch a perfon at, for ov, fuch a place ; hwen, dho he may belong to" it, or it to him, he iz known to" be (perhaps) a hundred milesyro;;^ it. Propperty dher- fore and Propriety. join (iliue) in fliling dhe perfon ov dhe contry, citty, tov/n, place or eilate, widh hv^^ich by prop- perty, rezzidence, or oddher relacion, fuch perfon may be connected ; /;/ hwatevver contry, at hwatevver place, or on hwatevver_y/-^o^ dhe perfon may occazzionallv be. At pointing dhus a deffinite, and in an indefHnite littua- cion, a perfon (perhaps ov ^nA fro?n London) may be ad- drefled at (or in^ Kingfton, {in, not at) Jamaica. Dhe Scottilli iddiom nane or- nathing avaw, meaning non or notthing {ov for) at all, iz now almoail obfoJete. Dhe Scotch walk thro\ dhe Inglilh acros, a room. Dhe former •<,-6 PROPRIETY A S C E P. T A I N E D former dooing evvery thing ihi-o (for hi) time, hope thro* time to' compas even Ingiifh Propriety ; hwen wonce dhey hav taken her thro (for i??) hand, or into ferions contemplacion. To ^ndifrojn, nattural oppozites, dher- fore fomtimes clafli, fomtimes coincide. In coiintinoi; dhc advance ov time, it feems nattural for Plezzure, in profpeft, to' count dhe minnutes to dhe comming our ; but for Pain, fro77i it ; to' pronounce dhus fo manny or fo few minnutes wanting to\ from or ov dhe our ; or dhe XiiTiQ: zoidhbi fuch number o'z; it. A nod dhe r contrail ov to" -AVi^from, iz dhat ov Peddantry and Propriety. Dhe former thinking ov notthing but averfus ah or alienus a^ iz lliffly avcrfe froni, and foreign (not forra'ui) from, evvery thing dhat haz not realUty ov Lattin, or at leaft phyzziognomy ov Greek. Nor iz dhe latter les decidedly averfe to'' dhe admitting ov edher Greek or Lattin iddioni or afpect, dhat may be (az in dhe prezzent cafe) abfo- lutely yorr^/;^ to Ingliili Anallogy. Dhe Ellipfe iz averfe cr forrain (jividh or in regard or refpect) /o' dhe plan, propozal, purpofe, or fuhject. Like fupplement wil juftify /^/;2<^^r to\ Ifjal not hinder yoo (keep yoo be- hind in yoor tendency) to go ; az good az / fml not hinder yoo (keep yoo bac) from going, Dho dhe Scots be dhus warranted in dheir favorite (dhence familliar) expreffion : Te'l no hender fee a yen to doo {u French) fae an fae : Yoo'l not hinder fuch a won to' doo fo and fo ; not fo can dhey warrantably content dhejnfehs to' doo a thing, inlled ov zvidh dooing it. 7o and of may proov interchaingeabel. Pie, hoo fteddily doz hiz beft, can- not IN HER PICTURE. 97 not fall, fooner or liter, more or les, to fuccede, or ov fuc ceding, or ov fucces. Like fall ov, colloquial Ing- liili fays to' mis ov a thing, dhat iz, to' mis part ov it. To' mis iz \.Q find 'uoanting or not Xo find, not to' hit. Dhus mijfes won wons mark or way. Dhy way dhou canfi not mis : me mine requires: Dhe French proffit ov, dhe Scotch profilt from, and dhe Ingllfli j/I^ro^/ by, a thing. To' and^or, hawing limmilar tendency, muft be often interchaingeabel. But yor haz various acceptacion: fo indeed haz id' . He braught a letter X.o fuch a perfon may imply, He braught a letter addreil to' fuch a perfon ; or, to' fuch he braught a let- ter, howevver it wer addrelTed. So, dhe letter he braught {ox fuch a zvon might be edher dire<9:ed to' fuch perfon, or delivered in hiz fled, or in hiz behalf. For may point a cauz, az wel az an effect. A man may dy for a deed, hwich he committed /or plezzure. Dhe Scotch fay vul- garly, to' burfl for lafiing ; dhe Inglilli, /o' hurf (or dy) widh lafiing. Various ar dhe phrazes articculated (if won may fo fay) in boath dialedls by dhe prepozifcion for. Dhe Scotch doo a thing for ordinary, dhe Inglilli for common', dheze alfoyor^oo*:/, ^07.q for good and all. Difi:in6l dhen ar widh refpeB to'' — in refpeB ov — thro* refpeB for — a perfon, or for fuch perfons exercion ov dhoze powers, dhat guiv to hope (for) dhe approbaclon ov Him, wldh hoom iz no refpeB ov perfons. Won may doutles hav fora ikil in (fcarce ov) a fcience, fom ac- Vol. II. N quaintance 98 PROPRIETY ASCERTAINED quaintance widh it, nay fom knollege ov it ; widhoiit havvino" dhat tafte for it, hwich alone can carry anny purfuit into' ellegant and ampel acqiiizifcion. Dhe Scotch after a comparrative, uze ov ; dhe Inghfli /or, az dhe prepozifcion ov confequence or cauzalUty. Dheze dher- fore declare dhemfelvs dbe better for a thing ; dhoze,, dhe better ov it. When dhe Inglilh hav braught objects into comparrlzon widh each oddher ; dhey dezire won in comparrlzon ov, or in prefference to anoddher. Dhey wonce tautolodgically preferred won thing before anod- dher ; dhey now verry propperly prefer won to dhe oddher. Yet, wer Scripture-llile les refpefiiabel dhan it mull ewer be; hoo flial fear, or not be proud, to' follow ?-— Remoov d from kind Arbuthnots «7/ir/, Hoo knows hiz art, hut not hiz trade ; Preferring hiz regard for me^. Before hiz creddlt or hiz fee^ Dhe Scotch uze by, az if befide or compared "jo'idh, hware dhe Inglilli uze elliptically to\ for compared to\ Hwat iz dhls by (for to") dhat I All human joys to' mental joys ar mean. So by prooved Scottiflily "juldbout, contrafting its Ingllfh opperacion. JVe wll guet It don by yoo : We fhalguet it don widhout yoo. By may be conibued edher elliptic or IN HER PICTURE. 99 or expletive in dhe Scotch familliar phraze, / care na (or no) bjfy nearly equivvalent to' dhe Inglifli / dont care, or dhe' Scottilli Vfn verry ezy, liwen indeed dhe reverfe iz dhe cafe. Dhe IngHili fay — ro/V//? child bv, dhe Scotch to\ a perfon. To' and ///, being boath terminal, dho dhe latter onely ov time, cood not but be interchainged in diftant dialeds. Not paid til fuch a term, implies, Not paidhefoi^e it : not paid to" fuch term, iz — not paid tip to' it. Dhe In'^i^'x fur ni/Jj, provide, indulge, infpire — a perfon loidh a thing ; dho dhey infil a thing into^ a perfon, infruB him i7^ it, inform or apprize Vivtivv it, and acquaint him not onely ov, but widh it ; dhat iz, make him acquainted widh it. When dX^ey provide for a perfon, dhey provide not dhe thing /o' dlie perfon ; but dhe perfon 'Loidh dhe thing. Dhe perfon provided for iz dherfore provided zvidh, not in, dhe objeft. So won makes a point ov (not in) dooing a thing ; az won iz in dhe ufe ov dooing a thing, furely not to' doo it. Won iz not liahel in, but to' , dammages ; fo'may be hr aught in for dhem. Or waz dhe old fubflitute, if not predeceffor, ov ere, now are, before — or ewer joor pots be made hot "joidh thorns — So, lang or dhan — long are dhen — Done (u French) ox ye baud: don are yoo bade, or bid, dhe now familhar pretterite. Gent, Shep, And, or he war, for raizons Vl no tel, I radher wad be mixt woh mools myfcL N 2 And loo PROPRIETY ASCERTAIND And, are he wer, for cauz not to' be told, I laddher wood be minguell'd widh dhe mold. 7. C o N J u N c c I o N. No fcotticifm iz more frequent dhan dhe ufe ov az for dhan ; like French qtte^ dhe equivvalent ov boath : aujfi grand que — az grait az — plus grand que — graiter dhan — So fay dhe Scotch graiter az — more az — raddber az — for graiter — jnore — raddher dhan — ^A les abfurd fubftkute ov dhis conjunccion, waz nor^ now obfolete in edher diale. P A R T PART III- ODDHER SOARCES ov SCOTTICISM. T" I, M I S A R R A I N G E M E N T. TTWARE no oddher mlfapplicacion can be charged, mifarraingement may conlHtute Scotticifm. Pro- priety rainges words (az nearly az poffibel) in dhe order ov idea's. Hwen objects occur in conjunccion, dhe prin- cipal natturally leads. Dhusfabclber and moddher, bred and butter, knife and/ori ar az nattural (dhence az con- flant) az right and left, right and wrong ; hand and giov, lov 2in6.fre7idpjip. Nor les natturally doz dhe prior pre- cede ; az night and day, mafer ViwA fcollar. Dhe Ing- lilli doo toall (or did) Church and King ; dhe Scots, dhe King and dhe Church: boath on principel. Between goold and fiver, fiver and goold ; vinnegar and pepper, pepper and vinnegar ', pen, ink and paper', ox. paper, pen and IN HER PICTURE. ,05 and ink ; occazion, or dhe car, may determine. Occa- zions ar doutles ov going from bottom to top, az wcl az from top to bottom ; dho we raezzure onely, from heel to beely from bed to" foot^ from top to toe. Nor fay dhe French les ralcionally ^/t^/z/j les pieds jif^u a la'tete, dii fond en comble — from dhe feet to' dhe hed, from bottom to' top, dhan dtihant en bas^ from top to' bottom. Yet dheze feem raddher wilhng to' afcend, according to' dhe fvnthettic ; and dhe InQ-Hlli to' defcend. after dhe » annalyttic manner. Nor iz dhis annlhware more obvious, dhan in dhe Inghlh inverfion ov arme de pied en cap — armed cap-a-pee. In won direccion go dhe Scots, from dhe hed to' ^\q foot ov a v/alk or ilreet; and dhe Inghili, from dhe top to' dhe bottom. So' dhe former fit at dhe hed 3.n.di foot ov a tabel; dhe latter at dhe hed and bot- tom: for on dhe top Hand dhe difhes and plates. But dhe Inglifli hav wel transferred things to' dhe top ov dhe drazvers, from dhe drawer-heads ! Dhis doz indeed re- zembel anniboddy elfes (for anniboddy s elfe) hwich iz no more Scotch dhan Inglifli ; but dhe ftile ov Ignorance or ^ Inattenfion. Az for a thing pretty enuf and a pretty enuf thing ; yoo had better^ andj^o;? better had\ or fuch oddher interchainges ; dhey ar nedher Inghih nor Scot- tifh; but (differ azj direft and inverfe, (az) precife and careles. Dialed wil doutles vary dhe place ov dhe dire£l: and indireftobjed; nay, wil fomtimes interchainge dhe objeft widh dhe agent. Pronouns, by varying dheir terminacion widh dheir ftate, guiv more dhan common fcope to' tranfpozifcion. Since dhe Inglilli id.j^pow me Vol. II. O dhe io6 PROPRIETY ASCERTAINED dhe thing ; dhe Scotch, mpozv me it, becom cliale6lic, by prezerving dhe arraingement ; hvvich proovs ellegantly varied, hwen dhe direft object appears in a pronoun ; and (o claims, mJJjow it me, dhe next place to' dhe verb; dhe next and feblefl place, dhe idea reprezented being known. Dhe fubjeft and obje£t ov conlntucional agre- ment ar interchainged in Scotland. Dhare dhe taker doz or doz not agree widh dhe thing taken ; food, redgimen, hwatevver ; hwich, on dhe contrary, in Ingland, agrees or difagrees widh dhe receiver. If won contry fay, Such food, phyzzic, or oddher particcular, doz not agree ividh me — widh my conftitiicion ; dhe oddher doz but invert dhe phraze widhout altering dhe fenfe, in faying : I doo not (dhat iz, my conltitucion doz not) agree widh fuch food, phyzzic, or aught elfe. Yet fays Inglifli familliarly, az ovoid: I fjal he agreahel to" annithing^ my choice or tall:e fhal agree to' annithing ; yinnithing wil be agreahel to"" me. Az dhe Inglifli uze inditferently dhe confequencial rcduplicacion — Good and zvel or wel and good ; az infantine Ingliili plays -sA. Bo-peep! and in- fantine Scotch at Keek-ho! or Teet-ho! So foddhern Scotlings play at Hide and feek, nordhern at Seek and hide. In dhe union ov two furnames, it haz been ob- zerved, dhat dhe former prevails in Scotland, dhe latter in Ingland, hwen onely won ov dhe united furnames iz uzed. Dhus iz Dr. W. A — D. known chiefly by dhe oridginal name ov Dr. A. at Eddinburrough ; and Dr. R. H — 6*. by dhat ov Dr. aS*. dhe aflbciated furname, at London. II. Re- I N H E R P I C T U R E, 107 II. Redundance and Defiscience, widh occazzlonal Interchainge. Dho language be not dlie -work ov man, diale6l Iz by diftance apt to' vary propriety, by encrefe, dimminucion or interchainge. A Scot fays familliarly, Com and take yoor dinner^ or Com and drink yoor tea ; for Com and eat a hit ov dinner^ or Com and drink tea ; az an Inglifh perfon fays, I f pent my evening agreably. Dhe former: Go to' yoor bed^ go to* dihe f cool (az if to' won fpefcified) ; dhe latter : Go to' hed^ go to fcool. Kindnes dhiis and fociabillity fo dictate dhe pozefUve pronomminal, az pre- cizzion wonce added own to' our^ joor, hiz, her, and dheiry in dhe London-o/vr';;, and its foar compannions ; now dhe pronouns ours, yoors, hiz, hers, and dheirs. Az notthing more enriches anny ftile dhan a propper eppithet, notthing iz more naufeous dhan a needles quallifier, dhan dhat hwich iz alreddy inherent in dhe fubje£l. Dhus calls Inattenfion for a cXeaw plate — knife — glas, and dhe like % or iox Jirong ale, hware no od- dher iz. Wer comfort always in compannionfliip, dhe Inglifli ar (here at leall:) highly fociabel. If dhe Scots dutifooUy congrattulate dheir Sowerain on dhe birth ov ^iyong prince or princes, dhe Inglifh ar (vulgarly) fubje£l to' ^^yelloiQ (nay, to' dhe Mac) jandice (a la jaunijfe O 2 jaune^ loS PROPRIETY ASCERTAINED iaiine^ et a la jaunijje noire I) nor les to' dhe fever and ao-ne, hwile dhe Scotch know onely dhe ague^ az did dhelr anceftors dhe aicces, hwich waz but dhe French acch, dhe (returning) fit. Dhus, widhont dhe aid ov Scotticifm, even widhout hiz Madjejly s royal priwilege and licence^ nay widhout iHmmulacion from dhe luker ov gain, may won colleB togueddher a hoal library ov books^ overfioivlng widh inundacions ov fuperfiuous redundance, and yet make no near approach to' dhe clenzing ov dhe Augean ftall. Dhe two artikels {dhe and a or an) by dheir,verry oppozifcion tir . in dainger ov interchainge. Az dhe Inolllh talk ov a perfons hawing got dhe collie, dhe Scotch talk ov a perfons hawing got dhe cold\ hwich, not being fo fpeciffic a diflemper, dhe Inglilh call a cold. Dhe Scotch pay for littel artikels fo much dhe piece, dhe pound, dhe ounce, or dhe like ; dhe Inglifii, fo much a piece, a pound, an ounce, and fo on. In point ov price it may be noted by dhe way, dhat Inglilh and Scotch fljillings fink by won ellipfe, before a fraccion. Az dhe Inglifti fay three 2JiAfixpence, dhe Scotch lay three and a bauhee. Dhe Scots doo a i\\\\w vjonce (or howevver often) in dhe our, day, or dhe like ; dhe Inglifli ironce an our, a day, and io on ; dhoze, zvonce in dhe tzvo days [de deux Jours /' un) ; dheze, evvery oddher (or each alternate) day. Frequent iz dhe Scottifli redundance ov dhe (deffinite) artikel. Dhus doo Scottifli boys ^o to" dliefcool, play at dhe ball, or dhe billiards ; keep dhe Kirk, and Jay dhe grace at dhe tabel ; hwaraz Inglifli go to* Jcool, play at hall or Jives, at billiards ; attend Church, d^ndi fay grace at INKER PICTURE. 109 at tahel. Redundant alike iz dhe artikel in fuch plirazes az — She ooes to' dhe market — / met her at dhe i7iarket — he iz jwt ifi dhe town. So in dhe long run haz been iTiortened at long run. On dhe oddher hand, dhe Scotch jujiice ov pece follows . dhe French juge cle paix^ rad- dher dhan dhe Inglifli juJlice ov dhe pece. Dhe Scot- tifli titel dean ov facculty, for dean ov di\iQ facculty (ov ^dvocates)j iz obvioufly az loofe or imprecife, az dhe ellipfe (pyyear) m dhe ff teen or dhe forty-five^ leves dhe dates more deffinite, dhan dhey can be widhout dhe artikel ; hwich we know (to' be) indifpeniabel, if we fpeak to' dhe purpofe. Dhe familliar iz doutles more elliptic dhan dhe precife. Az dhe Inglilli uze ezily next day for on dhe next day, dhe Scotch ar apt to' run into' — -fame day — -fame year, for on dhe fame day, in dhe fame year, or dhe like. So moddefty wil fomtimes avoid eggotifm, at dhe rifk ov "quaintnes, or even ov impre- cizzion. • Received yoors, and fjal obey it. Yoors, to* command — A. B. Not unlike dhe Inglilli rize up and fall dozvn, ar dhe Scotch open up and loofe down. Dhe adverbs encrefe or complete dhe opperacion, az did dhe feeming neggatives in dhe old compounds dif annul and unloofe. To' rid (uttered red) up dhe houfe, or aught elfe, waz dhus to doo /V z^^ propperly, to'' ft it in order. To' red, being dhus to' clear, fewer, or unravvel ; to' red waz to' part battellers ; and dhe redding-flrake, dhe daingerous part- ing- no PROPRIETY ASCERTAINED irtT-Jlrole, hwich howevver duty wil newer fear. Som (pretty plauzibly) interpret / wod na reclye^ (not, / ijoood not deary 00^ hut I wood not advizej^'oo ; from dhe old rede, hwich ficrnified counfel. Dhe Inghili find in redundant in dlie thret: IJJjctl make him eat in hi% zvords. If dhe Ing- hili howevver make won doo a thing, dhe Scotch cau-z won doo it, or cauze it be don ; hwile dhe Inglilh fleddily (az accountably) cauz won to' doo dhe thing, or cauz it to' be don. Az pronouns ar fomtimes quaintly fav'd, fo ar dhey often by fancied precizzion fquander'd ; az in he himfelf, hware edher wood ellegantly, and dhe latter emphatti- cally fuffice. No wonder if ballad-ftile be redundant, or if Dhe cobbler he di'd, and dhe bcls dhey did toll. Colloquial French fays : C etait un grand homme^ que Cefar : He waz a grait man, Cefar. An onneft York- jfhere man : He waz a grait man, waz Cefar ; and an innocent old-fafcion'd Scot : He waz a grait man, Cefar ; at {{ox dhat) waz ht^en. Nor can it be denied dhat Precizzion favors dhe Scottiili waz or cor,i before dhe Gallic eight days, fifteen days, twenty days ; az Monday waz eight- days', Monday com eight-days ; hwile dhe context alone can fepparate laft Monday-fennight from next Monday-fennight. It muft be owned dhat dhe Inglifli lov few words, dho dhey know not always how manny wil doo. To' dhe Iiiglifli butifoolly laconnic provverb, ^ word to" dhe wize, dhe Scottifh ads (from dhe Lattin) iz enuf\ hwile dhe French juftly compli- ments dhe nafcional quicnes, in Le fage entcnd a demi- mot: dhe wize underflands at half a word. In like I m ."inner IN HER P I C T U ft E. m manner, Better late dhan newer, mull be allowed az much more capacious az more concife, dhan Better late thrive, dhan newer doo ivel. Dhat dhe untutored or inattentive wil in all dialects be more liabel to' exces dhan defeft, wil ezily occur to' dhoze hoo refleft dhat foolnes iz apt to overflow, and attenfion alone can mez~ zure quantity, in hwatevver part or parts ov fpeech. Vul- garrity doz blunder and bluiter into' dhe right-hand-fide i^oi dhe right-fide, hwich iz doutles dhe fide on .dhe right- hand) ov a flreet. ViS\Q fuhjeB-matter iz now old Ing- lifli, edher part ov dhe compound occazzionally fufficing. Obfolete iz alio yoo ca7inot chooz but doofo ; az iz, / doo not dout but dhat (Scottiflily hwat) it zvil happen ; hware edher but, dhat, or boath, ar liiperfluous. But notthlng iz more meaningles, dhan dhe colloquial got in a vulgar Inglilh mouth: Hav yoo got anny monney inyoor pocket f Hav yoo got (ewer or ehr) a fixpencef I hav got newer or nehr a (for no) fixpence. Dhat iz all I hav got to^ tel yoo. Boath diale6ls ar fomtlmes elliptic. Az Ingliili uzes dhe fpefcilier for dhe fpefcified, a flage for a f age-coach ; fo Scotch, dhe iscork for dhe zvork- houfe. But ellipfe muil not hazzard obfcurity, or com- mit fuch imprecizzion az at prezzent rages ; in fentences like dhe follov/ing, hware conclfenes but poorly compen- lates inaccuracy. Dhe moafl ingenious and dezerving perfons ar fomtitnes dhe leaf known and rewarded: hware Propriety wil not fear to' afcertain dhe reppetifclon ov dhe fuperlatives, in — Dhe moafl ingenious and (dhe) moaft dezerving perfons ar fotntimes dhe leaf known and (dhe) jia P R O P R T- E T Y ASCERTAINED (dhe) leail: rewarded. If dhis obzen^ac'ion affeft equally boath iides ov Tweed, numberles ar dhe fcotticlfms ari- zing from ellipfe les ezy to' fupply. Ov dheze a few may enabel to' annalyze dhe reft. T'o' be hy dhe bed, waz to' be overtaken by dhe bed in liccor. It macs na — It makes no matter ; like Wimforte^ (It) matters not — !No matter. To make ov — ^To' make much ov — a perfon. To' take upoji — To' take effect upon — an objeft. To' take on — iz to" take on tic; alfo, to* take on dhe Kings livvery, to' enlilh Dhe Inglilli (familiiarly) take on, hwen dhey take to' hart, or moarn ; az dhe Scotch think on — lay to' hart, hwen dhey doo not let on, hwcn dhey (feem to') take no notice. To' take widh an imputacion, iz to' acquiefce widh it; to* take widh (if not with dhe noun) iz to take JirCj az to' go zvidh (herd woth or with) iz /o' go to' pot^ to' guiv way. To' think long, iz to think dhe time long, and dhence to' long. To' think (Ijafue 'yl to' think it (a) pame, to' be afhamed. Numberles ar dhe oddher Scot- tifh iddioms, accountabel by Ellipfe. A Scots bairn man hae a piece : a Scotch child mull: hav a piece ov bred. An umbel Scotch-woomman not onely draws or fpins a thread (now thred) ; hut fpins her hzveel, fpins dhe flax or tow on her hweel, az an Inglilh boy (clearing dhe acorns ov dhe lay-cord) fpins hiz ^^^-top, or makes it fpin, and a Scots callant dozes hez peary. By like fup- plement, abfurdity wil vannifli even from fuch phrazes, az Blow dhe bellows, or Fil dhe kettel ; hwen dhe fire iz to' be blown, and dhe kettel (to' be) emptied ! Blow widh I N H E R P I C T U R E. ,,j TviJh or from dhe helkivs dhe fire — Fil from dhe hettel dhe tea-pot. Time admits various ellipfe, az wel az amplificacion. Alreddy hav we contralled Sunday waz fifteen-days^ and Sunday com fifie en-days j to' Sunday fortnight SLwd Sun- day fortnight! He came on 'Tuefday waz (^^^ tzvcnty- daySy and wil go on T'uefday com eight-days. He came • Tuefday three zoeeks, and goes T^ucfday fennight. If pail and future may dhus be couched in concommitance, dhe grait object Time itfelf may be Scottillily wrapt in its ex- hlbbitive : By dhis — By dhat — time. So dhe frf ov dhe month or year impHes Scottlfhly dhe firfi part, or beguinning (not firil day) ov it. Dhe IngUlh uze half p aft anny our^ for dhe half our paft it ; dhe Scotch uze half for half dhe our to' com : dhoze dhus, half pafl tweh ; dheze, halfwony for half an our after twelv. Dhe doc may be before or behind — dhe true time, widhout goin makes a pozzitivc, dhe latter an inclinafcional prommife^i on a condifcion or fuppozifcion. I fhood doo it, if yoo z ■wood?' 144 PROPRIETY ASCERTAINED wood he fattisfed. I wood doo it, if yoo fliood be fat- tisfied. Dhe former affures dhe contingence, on dhe ftippnlated confequence. Dhe latter prefixes dhe \ ohf- clonal event, to' dhe abfolute or morral Itippulacion. Dillinft and immutabel iz dims dhe Anallogy : I ajfurs joOy dhat /{lial (or wil) doo it. I hope yoo wil ; nay^ I expedl, I rezolvy dhat yoo (hvii doo it. y^z I waz deter- mined, dhat he fliood doo it ; he declared at la/f, dhat he wood doo it. If yoo dezire it, he or I llial (or wil) doo it. Too, or he, flial (or wil) certainly doo it, if I pleze. /^FV fliood (or v^ood) gladly doo it, if yoo dezired it. Te doutles fliood, perhaps wood, if I did. How happy fliood we he, to' obey yoo ! I am fure ye wood, ■ How glad flial (or fliood) I be to' doo yoor frend a plez- zure ! Nor wil (or wood) my frend be forry to"* doo yoo won. If I lern aught wordhy yoor notice, yoo flial he acquainted (ov it, or made acquainted widh it). If yoo hear anni thing dhat inter ejls me, yoo wil not grudge dhe communicacion. If I doo, yoo flial ; if yoo doo, yoo wil. If I did, yoo fliood ; if yoo did, yoo wood. Wil and TGood fpeak dhus according to' perfon, volifcion, lubfe- quence, or boath ; fjal 2ind.f jood neceflitv', or efl^encial confequence. TVood dherfore implying choice, or nat- tural contingence, yi?70(?^ came to' infer duty; hwich be- ing but dhe fliare each morral agent haz to' pay ov dhe genneral det, y7^oo'%o? (bronchos) dhe throat or jaws may branh doutles be applied, hwile it juft' abbreviates- dhe Gaulic brancas^ a halter. Dho pa:j«o? i^racos) may- produce ragy dhe Eollic ^f«»£c? {bracos) feems not ov brat in anny fenfe, dhe fo nattural parent, az bercfy. Smady fpot, iz fool az near to' fmut^ az to' ^/-^a" i^fmao) I clenz, or wipe of; 2iK\A ^fkinguy ox Jkinyie^ lay-cord, to* fcain ; az to' Tyomq (^fchoinos) ruili, or cord dhence made. Sark lies indeed next dhe o-«^| (farks) flefli, hwile it boldly varies an InglifliyZ'/zY. Dhe weary guit, guitey or I5> PROPRIETY ASCERTAINED or guet, howevver varied dhe vocalllty, iz fnl dhe (plaguy brat I) nattural child ov gr^et^ raddher dhan dhe chum ov y^^ruv (geiton) kinfoian, neighbor, frend or fellow ; dho o-oi^^og (fomphos\ empty or loft, may dif- pute edher ^\^\ funk or fullen^ dhe progemiitorfliip ov Jumph. Nor les alTuredly, dhan f^"'" (rhaino, truly raino) fprinkels dhe Inglilh rain ; from ''-fuo? {crj'vs or cruoSj u French) dhe cold, flirlnks dhe Scottifli verb to' grue or fl:iivver. Boi^f-og (bombos)^ happy parent ov dhe French bombe and ov dhe Ingliili boomb, hwich [recoil- ing into' nature) gennerates dhe Inglifli bombajl^ and dhe Scottifli bum-bee ; fo (lenders dhe Scotch (az Greek) hum^ to' dhe Inglifli hum. But no tung, tied to' end- ings, can be fo convenient, az a bridge widhout abutments, for fenfe to' fly over, (pwccta (fujao) or ^va-c-av {/ujfaoy boath u French) cannot be expreflive az dhe Scottifli jf^, or even dhe Inglifh hwiz. From a-Travcs (Jpanos) fcarce, f^ctvTig ^mantis) a raging bard, nay ^e^fv (derein) to' excoriate, may Ettymollogy bring dhe Scotch verbs to' /pane or wean, /o' mant or Hammer, and to' tir or ftrip ; dho dhe laft may onely lop dhe French tirer, hwich iz boath to' pool and pool of. Bu^ «''^«w {haireo) I ravviHi or take away, wil be allowed dhe parent ov harry^ by dhoze hoo gues dhat a harrier had won. To' propine, 'yl Lattin and Greek ; az may be faid ovdhe iddiom, il ate (evil cuftom), from cacoeihes, Greek on boath fides (ov) dhe houfe. Two iddioms beg alfo to'' be defcended ov dhe Greek, or at leall to' be fib (allied) to' her ; won in fom (not over-clofe) rezemblance ov INHERPICTURE 359 ov boath boddy and foil, dhe oddher in dhe transference ov at leaft dhe latter. To' thole a gleph (ox hide a wee)^ to' bair (or flay) a llttel, certainly rezemb^^ls dhe pruici- pal parts ov yax^v ■yXt(pci^ov (taldn glepharon), to' endure a twinkling. Az /o' Jiay, in dhe fenfe ov to' liv or to' dwely iz Greek, Lattin, French, and Scotch, widhout being Inglifli ; won iddiom iz Greek, French, and Scotch, widhout beings edher Ino-lifli or Lattin : E"^ff«« %ap endetted. Dhe Scotch employing onely dhe French vowels, manny nouns ar equally French and Scotch ; oddhers, widh littel varria- cion : trait feture, ne':; noze, acch fit or parroxyfm, 'uacance vacacion, gigot (giggot), leg (ov meat), jupe petttQoat, coupon tatter, orloge cloc, montre watch, fyllahei^Vi2\:)Q\ remede iQVi\mQdiy\ drogue dii\x/;?/ iz a chopping or an Inglidi quart-, jufl half dhe Scotch, and dubbel dhe \w^\^\ pint. Jljjiette retams its idea in dhe Inghfh plate, and its appearance in dhe Scottifli ajfiet, fide-dilli; hwich holds about half dhe French plat^ or Inglifli dip. ViBuaille^ food, produces dhe Scotch . vittel, grain in genneral, hwich dhe tennant iz faid to*" pay mfarm, hwen in kind ; hvvile viBuailles proovs az nattural a parent ov dhe fantom viSiuals, az dhis ov dhe real vittels. Dhe gennerous Scots affure : Te fanna dee for fauty Yoo (hal not dy for want. Faut ov evvery kind iz doutles zvant — ov fomthing won fliood hav. Keai wonce lignified (az its parent veel, afterwards 'veaii) calf, (lain or unflain. Dhe Scotch continnued veals-head, like nee ov veal, and dhe reft; hwile dhe Inglifti prezerved Anallogy, in her verry excluzion ; and faid calfs {or calvs) bed 3.\\di feet, ox-cheek and coW" heel : not veals-hed, more dhan muttons bed, beevs bed, or cows feet. E toiideau, yong capon, dhe . obvious oridginal, extends dhe idea in dhe Scotch boutoudy, yorlg fowl. From ^Zif/^/^o;^, -came queftionles dhe Scottifii hwong fbive ov bred. Totage, bred-foop, varies into* dhe Scotch pottage, hafty (otmeal) poodding ; oftener indeed named porridge, az if leek-foop. Raifort (rave- forte) iz horfe-raddiili ; yet dhe' Scotch refort (az if racine-forte) yl raddiftj, dhe Inglifti correfpondent ov rave. Granger, dhe orrange«tree, iz dhe Scottifti arrange : I N H E R P I C T U R E. 163 or range: dlie fruit for dhe tree wer more dezirabel. Pepj chcrry-flone, iz but part ov pepin, dhe feed ov lloneles fruit. Foifon haz been adopted by dhe Scots, az j5o//o^^ by dhe Inglifli. Dhe former lay, '7/'^ rank puzzion or poozion ; fo, Dber nae fuzzion or foozion (fubilance) ////. How proud ar j!)o//(9 and /^{/fo ov dheir ofspring ! Cuifme lends kitchen m Scotland, a fenfc it knows not in Ingland: Hunger iz good kitchen — Hunger iz dhe beft fahce : 11 n eji- fauce que d' appetit. Eno-in waz doutles (like its parent ingenium) ingeriuitj^ are emboddied into' engine^ maihene. In dhis fenfe faid Scotch : he haz grait ingyne^ az fays French llil : Mieux 'uaut engin que force — PoUicy goes beyond ftrength. If engin alone produced dhe addage, dhe addage haz alone prezerved engin, Armoire (raddher dhan awn^ aim, or almonrj) appears to' hav guivven aumry, for cuphoarcL Bain, bath, haz varied littel into' boin, walliing-tub. Bacquet, pail, iz dhe Scottifli coal-tub. Chantier, wood- yard, haz dwindelled into' dhe Scottilli gantry, a treftel, or carridge for a calk. Hence, by variety ov licence, dhe calk itfelf became dhe tree ; if dhis be not Indeed (az fom not unnatturally think it) an abbreviacion ov gallon-tree, Galant, gouine, and grille (grate) invert dhe power ov dhe inifcial in callant, quean, and creel (pannier). Edher joie, or her daughter yoy, haz been abbreviated in dhe Scottiih fweethart Jo or Joe, hoo iz alfo littel Inglifli Jofeph. From quille iffued not oncly kile ninepin or Ikittel, but keel Scottilli and Inglifli. From dhe former (in dhe fenfe ov brown-reel erthj, quille X 2 fh i54 PROPRIETY ASCERTAINED de vin, may hav compounded dhe Scotch Ml levin e, ledr pencil; 2a.\\2iL pas-vif pauvee^ ^\q Jlately Jlep qx ^flrut. Tet, in edher dialeQ:, childilli U7nhrage^ yl French ov low idea: pet^ dhe Scotch minnion or darhng, iz dhe ilirimp ov petit. Dhe Scottifli fpall or fpald^ fliolder, and dhe fpool-hane, blade- bone (ov meat) fprlng alike from epaule, wonce efpaule ; az dhis from dhe Lattin fpala. Art^ in dhe old French, from artus dhe Lattin limb or joint, iignified quarter, efpefeially ov an anni- mal. Dhus French ftil fays, faigner nn cheval des quatre arts (ou ars) : to' blud a horfe in dhe foar qviarters. Hence hav dhe Scotch transferred dheir arts (herd airtsj, dhe quarters ovihevven, or cardinal points^ Dhe Scotch law-phraze, art and part, acceffary, feems here to' hav its orrigin. 'tranfe (from tranfitus) re- mains in dhe Scottilh trance, a litteral j?:?^^^^ between apartments ; in dhe Ingliili vizzion it fpeaks an ideal, az in dhe French^f/ or pang, a real tranfifcion into' dhe world ov fpirrits. Pierree, ftretch ov ftone, fends not onely dhe Inglifli pier, dhe piece ov bilding between windows ; but dhe Scotch pier, mole, key, or fione- llru6lure dhat runs into' dhe fea, to' conllitute dhe har- bor. Dhe Scotch pend, arch or vaut, and dhe Inglifli penthoufe, ar equally children ov pente, Hope, inclina- cion. Since dhe Inelifli take dheir mat from dhe French natte, dhe Scotch chooz for dheir mat, dhe adjeftive hajfe; elliptically, for la natte bajfe (la natte (jui fe couche au bas de f cfcalier) dhe mat dhat lies at dhe kottom ov dhe ilairs. Dhe Scotch old higgonet, plain INHERPICTURE. 165 plain linnen-hed-dres, but varies and extends dhe heg-uln. French cap ov a child. A honnegrace waz a Scotch llraw- bonnet ; a wangrace made a compound, az if ungraijfs or ungrefe ; wauter-gruel widliout. butter, for a cold. Dhe Scotch 7nittens prezerved dhe idea ov mitaines^ Goarfe woollen glovs, hwile dhe Ingliili mittens (or mits) became finguerles glovs. Dhe chaumer clcice waz la chamhre du dais : dhe chaimber ov ftate, ov dhe can- nopy. Hence to'' deice out waz to' trie out, to' prink up. Deuil fpoke real moarning, hwen it lent dull or dole (u French) to' Scotland, retained in dhe Inslifli dolefool. Ingland haz kept dollorous (like douloureux), dho dollar be dropt ; hwile France, leving deuil but dhe garb ov woe, haz transferred dhe reallity to' douleur. Legataire gave dhe Scotch leggatar, boo became dhe Inglifli leggatee. Beltaln or heltine haz obvioufly com'- bined hel (afterwards beau) temps^ fine weddher. Te may guet war hades or Beltain : Yoo may guet worfe offers are May-day. Az manny French words muft be Gaulic, fom Gaulic words ar French : dhis perhaps, widh terms ov Chrittiannity ; like JVollag, Chriilmas, from Noel, az dhis (probbably) from Zoel, a preddecef- for or piclure ov Tule (p. 30). So cargus oveargbus from careme or quadragejima, Lent ; like eglais from egli/h (and ecclefia) Church.. Paques wonce Pafques (from Pafcha) produced dhe old Scottilh Pafch, Ealler ; but dhe Gaulic Pais, Palfion, - appears to' hav ended in. Pe-ce. French iz ezily found dhe Chriilmas- carrot: Mogmenay! 'TroUilajl Homme ejl ne! T'rois rois il ejij — Man 'i66 PROPRIETY ASCERTAINED Man iz born! three kings adorn! dhus duly com- mencing dhe hollidays widli Chrillmas-day, and con- cluding dliem widh hwat dhe French name la fete cles rois^ dhe felVival ov dhe kings, hoo came from Arabia nnd Saba to' bring giiifts. A'y;a ^>ij"7 (Hagia mejie) Holy moon, iz no comparabel ettymollogy. Ommenay remains a furname in Ingland. French ar manny Scottilli nouns (and Inglifh too), ov hwich dhe parents can be traced but by Anallogy, Ov dheze ar bennifon and mallifon (herd malifon), bennediccion and mallediccion, Dhe Mains, perhaps a remnant ov demefnes (truly demenes), ar ftil dhe gran- naries widhin dhe precincts ov a territorial Manfion. Gobbe, dho now a mouthfool or fop (and but a bad won^, haz probbably wonce been a mouth, az gob ox gab ftil iz in Scotland ; fo prooving a more nattural parent ov dhe InPflifli ?"o/^i^^/and p-abbeL dhan can be dhe French o-ober^ Hweddher ai^[felle, armpit, firlt quelHonles aixelle (if not axelle) from axilla, formed not for fom collatteral pur- pofe aixetier, and dhence auxetier, muft be left widh annalodgic fagafcity ; yet auxetier, if it newer did exift but in dhe eye ov Anallogy, looks at leaft an oflenfibel parent ov dhe Scottifli oaxter. Clique, ftil a knot or junto, had been like its GauUc anceftor clioc, a hook, are it produced dhe Scotch die ov dhat meaning ; hwence doutles dhe Inglifh clicker, a jurneyman-cutter ov fhoos. Hargneux ruf, rude, rugged, carries us to' an unquef- tionabel parent ; but Hargne, if expelled France, certainly INHERPICTURE. 167 certainly impoarted into' Scotland, Ham, dlie coaifefl linnen-m.i::inufa6:ure dhare. ' Tent feems dhe child ov attente, hwich may wonce hav included attenfion, dhe fole poflibcl parent ov expeElacion. 'Tac tent came dhus. to' fignify take heed, take notice, take care ; guiv atten- fion, mind. But, intent may dhus be an ofset ov attente\ dhe Scottiili verb fpelr may fimmilarly fprout from efpcrer, hope (ov knowing) being dhe parent ov enquiry. From guife aroze natturally guifard, or guizart^ hoo prooved dhe Scotch (low) mafkerader. yointee now handfool, or dhe fil ov joint hands ; havvino- been oridginally a joining, may hav guivven rife to' dhe Scottifhyzi!;?^/)', joftel, or noc by collizzion. Sora Scottiili fubftantives remain ov French iddioms or compounds, no longuer known in France : fuch az honailaj (bo7i- aller) ^q <^2,^ oy good-jurney, hwich d\\Q foy (ixoinfoi or voie), in a cup ov thanks, returns. Clanjamfray yl obvioufly clan de gens frais, pac ov upltarts, hwile? canaille continnues dhe Scotch canalUa, rif-raf. 2. x\ D J E C T r V E S. From dhe French, widh fo manny fubftantives, muft flow not a few boath adjeftives and verbs ; widh hwat- evver famenes, or varriacion, ov idea. Dhus, cliir hard, hard-harted, fends door, dul, ftubborn: doux douce, meek, gentel ; dooce foUid^ fedate : courrouce wrauth- fool, crooce fieicc ; loyal loyal, leal untamted; fait, fitted. I6« PROPRIETY ASCERTAINED fitted, feat neat, trim: Irave brave, ^r^zy fine, fhowy: lonnet gooddifii, honny butifool ; penfif penfive, penfy dapper, gimmy. B'len lends dhe adjeftive hin^ wel to' pas. Dhe fubftantive hien feems alio (raddher dhan dhe Inglifii heing) to' impart hwat dhe Scotch call a heing^ a fuftenance ewer fo finall. Ident, affidduous, looks dhe minniature ov iclentique or identic \ dho eldant littel varies aidant aiding. Oheifant chainges exactly az much ov obeijfant, az dhe Inglifli oheifance ov oheijfance. A hajfend cow yl une vache bafanee, a dun cow. -Sz//^ fed or ht^ft, ar Huffed or ftufi:, chairs ; ib tm hareng boiiffi, a buft herring. Dhe Inglilli turns dhe depreflive into' dhe direft in puf\ az in poodding, poot^ and pottt, from boudin, bouter and bonder. Aijlar may be traced by Anallogy (like oaxter) thro' dhe loft, if ewer found, ■aijlalre^ aijjelaire^ aixilaire ; to' axillaris and axilla^ contra6led ala (a wing) ; hwence alaris, dhe nattural ^parent ov ailaire^ hwich had becom aijlaire\ az had aile aijle, in falfe compliment to' axilla and axillaris. Aile haz veered into' ile^ dhe wing ov a church. An- nalodgically appears dherfore aijlar-zvork wing-work; dhe hezvn-JIone, for dhe wings ; and dhence for anny (or ,all ov dhe) nobler parts ov a bilding : Yet aijlar-work may (after all) be a mere varriacion ov tejfelar (tejfelate-dj work. Dhe Scotch o'^^/r^;?, od or accidental, differs not much from entrant. Antran things may be wanted at mitran timeSo 3. Veres. I N H E R P I C T U R E. 169 3. Verbs. Numerous, if not numberles, ar dhe Scottlfli, from French, verbs ; from dehourfer to' difburfe, der anger to* difrange or difarrange, diforder or dilturb ; devaler^ to' let or go (or run) down, dhe Scotch dehurfe, derange^ devaul : {xon\ fdcher to' vex, maltraiter^ to' treat (or uze) il, and even from dhe fubftantive mar^ guilUer church-warden, to' fafo, maltreat, margoolyie or bunguel. If Inglifli be now (fondly) adopting among oddher forrahi, fom Scottifli barbarifms ; particcularly, dhis much — to' derange ; Scotch haz long profcribed dhe French formatives prefcrive, defer he ^^xxAfuhfcrive ; and joined her fillers reapproach to' Latinnity in prefcrihe^ and dhe reft. Rejler to' remain, produced dhe Scottifli to* rej}, remain unpaid; and, even actively, to' ow. Brifer to' crufh or crumbel, iz dhe parent ov toi' brizy tranfpozzitlvely birz, to' fqueze or fquaili, az ov dhe Ing- lilh bruiz, hwich correfponds w\d\-\ froijfer. Cogner to' wedge, became to' drive^ and dhence dhe Scotch verb to caw. From fe bufquer to' bulk wons-felf, to' put in wons bulk (or ftay-prop), coms dhe Scotch verb to' bujky to' dres. ^o bufquer {not potijfer J fortune^ iz to* poof) (try or feek) wons fortune. Taper, to' friz or frizzel, to' tutch dellicately, opens into' dhe figgurative idea ov uzing annithing^^r/;?^/y, in dhe Scotch verb /o' tape. Vol. II, Y J^pper IJO PROPRIETY ASCERTAINED Japper\ now onely to yelp (dhe fpawn ov glapir) feems Y^iXQwtow jap QX jaup^ fplalli. But yelpers ar fomtimes litteral, no les dhan figgurative, fplailiers. Meier gen- nerates dhe verb to jnale or ftaln : for flaining iz blend- ing. If ecurer (wonce efcurer) hav tranfmitted dhe Inghfli fcour ; Anallogy brhigs az fairly from a now-in- vdzzibel efcourre (hwence alfo efcoujfe, run before a leap) dhe Scottilli verb to" fcour or fcamper. iV fcuf (fpoil, abuze or hrufi away) wons cloadhs, may hav ezily paffed (over) from efcouver afterwards ecouver ; fcarce furviving in its two branches, ecouvette a brnfli, and ecouvilJon an ovven-fweep, or a gun-cleaner. To' tneiz, demize, tranfmits dhe mjfe ov mettre ; and to' Jlravague cuts of but hed and tail ov extravaguer. Prejudicier haz guivven (hwat itfelf no more pozeffes) dhe idea ov pre^ venir, to' dhe Scottifli predjudice, hwich dherfore m\- "^XiQS prepozes, Dhus dhe candid Scots : Won JJjood not be'predjudiced (ioY prepozejfed) m anny cafe, hweddher for or againft anny objeft ; dho dhey doo but join dhe Inglifli in faying Won miijl newer giilv zvay to" predju^ dice^ uiQzmn^ prepozeffion. Premature judgement iz in- deed fo injurious and dettrimental, dhat dhe noun j^r^^z/- dice conveys equally in Ingland injury and prepozeffion, dho prejudice mean but injury. Dhe Scotch, forejudg'' cl, haggard, az \i foredoom^ d^ iz too litteral a verfion ov prejuge. Sweal being dhe older verb, hweddher from fouiller^ fovder^ or hwencevver; dhe Scotch hav retained it prefferably to' Jlair, hwich {{lovixfiatrer) dhe Inglifh hav com to' prefer, Dhe Scotch frequentative s canguel and IN HER PICTURE. 171 and channer, wranguel and fnarl, feem boath oridgliially French : won from dhe old cang, dhe oddher from dhe. prezzent chien, fuccellively fignifying clog. Old Inglifli adopted evverltliing French. French wer its verry formacions. Hence dhe Scotch particippel prezzent in ant or and ; widhout dhe nazal found, hwich Inglilli haz prezerved in ing^ dho it varied dhe vowel. T^ ox D, final after iV^ waz notthing more in Scotch, dhan in French. So dhe French • danfant and roulant became dhe Scotch danfan and rozvan ; dhe Inglifh dancing and 7'ollino-, 4. I D D I O M S. Such bias hav dhe Scots to' hwat iz French, dhat dhey often retain French idea's or iddioms, even in words not derived from dhat language ; no les dhan in words, hwich, oridginallv French, hav chainged .dheir idea or expreffion in Ingland. Ov dhe latter, dhe Inglilli yo/ iz now merely a tippler or toper; hwile dhe Scottifh (like dhe French) yo/ continnues a fool or dunce at larse. In dhe former clas, dhe French call dhe merry-th aught ov a fowl la lunette \ dhe Scotch, dhe fpeBakels. So dhe venzon-bit, being -in France le morceau de la four is, becoms dhe moufe-piece in Scot- land. From like foarce draw dhe Scots dheir colloquial foar ours, foar o'cloc or afternooning, widh fuch oddher time-phrazes we hav feen. Fer-blanc and fer-hlantier Y 2 ar 172 PROPRIETY ASCERTAINED ar ftll (and propperly) hzvlte-iron, and hwite-iron-fmlth, at Eddinburrough ; dho now tmplate (or mere tin)^ and tin7nan at London. Dhe Scotch tvirns litterally, 7? "yoj befoins vous y appelaient — -if yoor occazions lliood call yoo dhiddher — hwich Inglilli renders, JJjood anny oc~ cazion call yoo dhat zvay, or dhe like. So, ^'ous 'vous en repentirez quelque jour : yoo wil repent it fofn day^ for won day. Les fots s' etomient de tout : Fools wonder at azv theng for e'vverithing. Green figgurhig frefi, in evvery language ; to' dhe familliar queilion, Hwat ar yoo dooing nozv-a-days f a Scotch umbel anfer iz, Ony theng to kip dhe banes grin\ dhe Ixv^x^yAnni thing to keep foil and boddy togueddher. But dhe Scotch, in fuch cafe, ar apt to' anfer mo e concifely, widh dhe French : Feu de chafe, Lettel theng ; for Not much, or No grait matter, Vous voila tout defait! I thank ye'r aw defeat, yoo feem quite overcom, or, out ov order. Jen en puis plus, I canna play pu. I can (doo) no more, I'm quite fpent. Dhe French and Scotch lay, Hatez-vous — hafe ye\ dhe Inglilli, Make hafe. Dhe two former, fevous demande pardon — / a/k yoo pardon-, dhe latter, I afk yoor pardon. Dhe Scotch verb to' dree, az if to' dry, correfponds widh ejjuyer to' wipe of ; dhence figgu- ratively, to' undergo. Dhus widh effuyer iin mal corre- fponds to dree (or undergo) a hardfbip. Az defendre iz boath to' defend and to' forbid, we faw dhe Scotch uze dif charge, not onely for clear, but {ox prohibbit. No les litteral waz dhe iranflacion ov fuch az — ^luef-ce quily en aP Hwat's chat o'd? IId;ai iz dhe matter^ INHERPICTURE. ,73 On ne le cUt prefque jamais — It iz almoafl: newer faid: Jt iz feldom or newer faid,' Voila r affaire! Dhare dhe thing ! Dhare iz dhe thing I or, dhare'' z dhe matter, he voila! Dhare him! Dhare 'd I Dhare he iz! Dhare. it iz ! II y a and II y a eu — hav occazioned dhe IngUfh indeffinite Dhare iz — Dhare ar — Dhare haz — Dhare hav been-^ — But hware fittuacion iz deffinite, dhe indef- finite dhare becoms redundant ; particcularly, in dhe cacopphonous hzvare dhare : Hivare (dhare) iz anny ear, dhis wil be underllood. Dhis anghcifm, raddher dhan fcotticilm, precludes not dhe deffinite and follemn op- pozifcion ; Hzvare yoor trezzure iz, dhare wi/yoor hart he alfo. So juilly admire we dloe Ifraelite indeed, in boom iz no guile! — in hoom dhare — wer az fliocking az hware dhare — or az dhe moail vulgar ov vulgarifms, (hwich newer cood enter Scotland) dhis here, and dhat dhare ; az conftant widh low Londoners, az ceci and cela widh Parizzians. But hooewer knows boath languages mult know dhat dhe French ceci, cela, ce Uvre-ci, and ce livre-la, or dhe like, ar nefceflary boath to' perfpicuity and precizzion; hwaraz dhis here and dhat dhare (for dhis and dhat, hwich hav here and dhare in dhemfelvs\ <:/^/j--here book, and dhat-d\\[xvQ hook, or fuch, muft be pleonaftic. It iz howevver but feldom dhat Inglifli admits, and Scotch excludes (hwed- dher propper or impropper; gallicifms. Dho dhe Ing- lifli hav trandatcd a'-f i into' dhe equiwalent fee-^fazv; and boath diale6ls tranfpoze hola ! into' halo ! (az cacao into' cocoa) ; Scotiilli izmore Gallic dhanlnglilh interjec- cion. TJ4. F R O P R-I E T Y ASCERTAINED cion. Hence hear we dhe puerile Eb, gauche I in dhe Scottifli Eh. PoafJj ! and fom harmoniih hav p-ailicized dhe verry nurfes lullaby baloo, by expanfion, into' Bas I le /o///;-— Hufh ! dhe woolf — 5, Mezzures and Coins. BoATH Scotch and Inglifli licquid mezzures hav we feen oridginally French ; az iz plainly dhe Scotch lippy-, ilippee)^ dhe quarter ov a pec ; dho frlot, dhe quarter ov a boll, hav a Teutonnic afpeft ; hweddher az a di- minnutive. ov fer (foar), or compound ov foarth-lot, French feem alfo (not untraceably) dhe names ov dhe fmall copper-coins ov Scotland: doit, bode I, plac and baubee. Dhe bodel and baubee wer dhe propper coins, ftampt widh dhe fignifficant 'Thifrcl, an, nowj; an ending almoafl obfolete inlng- land, unles in dhe endearment (or contempt) ov familhar appellacion. If dhus dhare furvive Jcickj^ Jonny and yemmy ; Po//y, Molly and Peggy ; widh dheir refpeftive compannions , az well az Natures own fweet formatives, pappy ^ daddy ^ mannny, bahby ; fuch kindly appellacions, az Poojfy and Venny ; or contemptuous, az Cocky and BooUy ; in Scotlands familliar diccion evvery Uttel thing iz IN HER PICTURE. ,77 iz a ihingy^ annimate or inannlraate: manny^ "^^^fj'i hccky (dhe Inglifli goodch) ; much more bairjty, l^dclj, IciJJy', yoothy ox yonker, dive Yw^i'ih yongjier. So horfy^ fielty (Shetland-pony), doggy ^ catty, heajly, ^'^'^bt fpj% hooky, penny, wordy, and dhe reil. Dhus prooved luggy, not onely a Httel lug, but by extenfion a lugged or eared cogue or nogghi ; in dhe Weft ov Scotland, a milkpot from pouring became a poury, and evvery perfon or thing doated on, waz evverihware a dauty ; az in Ingland, hvvatevver iz dear, in dhe endearing fenfe, iz a darling. Bucky, az if huccina, iz dhe Scottiili conk : ftial not a brawler becom a l^uc/y ? Dhe Scots con- tinnue Gate, hi Caty ; hoom dhe Inglilh mettamorphoze into' Kitty, dho coincident widh littel Chrijlopher. Az tbingy iz (in Scotland) littel thing; thingamy iz (in Ingland) evvery I'urname dhat hurry cannot, or haughti- nes wil not, reccolleft. If won dialed hav turned JVil into' Bil, hwence Bilfon; boath hav acknolleged JVii- kins, and Wilkinfon ; az wel az Wilfon and fVilliafnfon. Won haz WilUfon, dhe oddher not Billifon. Ploy, merry bout, feems fuch child ov play, az play ov ply, lay ov ly ', drain, raiz, praiz, ov dry, rize, prize-, and dheze az fedare and fugare, ov federe and fugere. Pafmy (litteral or rellative, petty palm, or fpank on dhe palm) iz now accountabel ^.^pammy, Jweety 2lZ furlofy, hwich iz but a littel furlof, dho underftood a furfeit. Cutty, no formative ov cute, claims cutag, her parent, hv/eddher littel Jlut, or littel fpoon Gully, chopping knife, but inverts dhe inifcial ov culter ; and diminniflies •¥ol. II. Z or ',78 PROPRIETY ASCERTAINED or auo'ments (coincident oppozites) dhe idea. Powney iz a Scotch turkey, perhaps from dhe Indian (contry) Poonah ; hwi/Iiy but varies u/Jy (petty wauter) ; pll/ky and fi/iy may fpring from ply (or play) and Jly, pavy (fly trie) joccularly from y/j^i'"^; diX^di homiy-zvally (pretty plaything) French on won fide, diminnillies ware on dhe oddher. Dhe fame oc, dhat ends boolloc, ended Jleeroc, dhe now Scomihjllrk ; and laveroc, dhe now Inghfli larL After word corns weirdy fays dhe Scotch prov- verb : from weird (fatal word) may hav fprung a fre- quentative weirdel, and dhence weirdeloc, afterwards warloCy wizzard. From ha?ig fwings hammoc ; fo from drake (drench) dram?ndc, az from hake hanndc (if not from hun hunnoc). Kebboc dh'us, from cap, cab or cake, proovs a littel Scottifh cheze. Dhe fame lingo dhat pre- fers limpoc to' limpet, prefers (joccularly) yennnoc to* yenijny, and bittoc to' bitty, alike to' dhe Inglifli un- known. Yet bittoc iz az fair a formative az buttoc. Dhe Scottilli Joe, hwence dhe Ingliili Jockv, can be but a varriacion ov Jac, dhe contra&ive ov Jannoc (az if Jeannot or Jannot). Dhe coarfe oc coodbe no female ending. So from Jeanne and Jeannette, dhe Scotch yean and Jannet ; liker dhan dhe Inglifli Jane, Jin and Jinny. Dhe old dialed- retains Rich, Rob and Wil^ hwich dhe new haz chainged into' Die, Bob and Bil. Littel Allexander and Elizzabeth keep in Scotland dhe latter and former, in Ingland dhe former and latter part ; dhare Sandy (or Sander) and Lizzy, here Allec and Bet. Pahtric and Martha, remaining Scottiflily Pate I or I N H E R P I C T U R E. 179 or Paty and Matty ; hav Ingliflily and ellegantly famll- liarized dhemfelvs into' Paddy and Patty. To' liint dhat Peter (widh Perkin) and Pahtric (widh Paddy) ar different names, wer to' offer an unment indignity to' dhe praftifcioners ov edher dialcft. ISJot to' dwel on dhe difference between Tih and Bel^ Nanz and Nance^ or Jinny and (Nan) Nanny^ or oddher long fince fettelled diminnutive names ; certain leffenin": terminacions be- long to' higher, az oddhers to' lower idea. Ov dhe lat- ter clas hav we feen or, and may wel fuppoze og ; widh et and 0/, hwich like moaft Ingliili formacions, ar ov Gallic orrigin. Paddoc, in Ingland, dhe litteral di- minnutive ov park, iz in Scotland, dhe petty inhabbitant frog ; if dhe Scottifli name ov dhis annimal be not rad- dher (az often herd) puddoc, an ofspring ov puddel. Hair, in dhe newer dialect, produces hajfoc knee-cooilion ; in dhe oddher, it waz alfo a coarfe augmentative, im- plying a frouzy heap (or az dhe Scotch fay, head) ov hair. Such formatives az bog andycro^-, from boxv dsAfcreiv, we hav (I. 330.) feen. Harriet and Harriot contend widh dhe Scottilli Hetmy, hoo flial be Henry s or Harry s fair darling ; az doo dhe French Margot, and Scotch Margiiet, widh Peg and P^ggy-, hoo flial endear Margaret. But Scotch and Ingliili ar verry antipodes. Dhe former holds ^q fnac ('alfo for latch), dhe latter forms ^\\Q fnacket : from dhe Ingliili fniac arizes dhe ^qqXX\'\\ /match et (littel rogue) ; az from py (magpy) dhe Scotch piet, and tale-piet, teltale. From dhe expref- ^'e hwid and frequentative hwidder or hwitter, fprings Z 2 dhe i8o PROPRIETY ASCERTAINED dhe moaft expreffive hzvitteret^ wezel. Dhe old delv, retained for dig, feems to' form dhe Scotch devvet, turf; az doz bozv bend, (from dhe flrape) bozvet, dhe paper- lantern carried by dhe Gaudies (from cadets) dhe errand- runners and flreet-Mercuries ov Eddinburrough. If frlot (from Jier) rezembel harlot (from hare)^ dhe Ing- X\'^ firkin (alfo from fier, foar) and bodkin (from bore) aflbciate dhe Scottifli cutikin, half-fpatterdafli, dhat juft rizes over dhe cute or ankel. Az To;;/ forms 'fompkin, fo lommy dhe Scotch lommikin ; and az lamb lambkin, fo dhe Scotch lammy lammikin, and dhe like. Throttel and rumpel ar Inglidi frequentatives ; throppel, riunpel and rickel ar Scottifli diminnutives, ov throat, rump and ric : rumpal iz dhe Gaulic term. 2. Collective. T and rj ar Scottilldy, az Ingliflily, colle£live endings. Az Kennet formed littel Ken and Kenzie (Kenyie), fo OT^;^ became colleftive in menzie [menyie) a band. Like pirate pirracy, rogue roguery, fire (or fierce) fiercy (burning fever), cheat, cheatry. Hoo zvood ad fire to' a fiercyf Cheatry ay caidhs\ Cheating always Ihows (itfelf). But dhe particippial i77g iz in edher dialect dhe moall: nattural collective or abltra£tive ov accion. Like being-^ dooing, livving, liniiig, and dhe relt ; dhe Scottifli lam- ing, mealing (or fiarm-room), plennijljing, laboring, mud- ding, goodding^ zvintering : reckoning, littel farm, fu"' 2 r'^fe i INHERPICTURE i8r niture, plough-land, dunghil, manure, winter-fiore ; and fo on. Foggage iz dhe aftermath; and afterings^ dhe laft drawings ov dhe milk from dhe cow. A roan \z a riimting^ ov ice. Az docking (or cloccan) for doc^ and bracking (from brake) fern; fo kindelling colle£ls dhe fewel, dhat kindels or lights dhe fire ; boxings wainfcot- tlng, and Jljavi'ngs chips. Carlings wer carroUings (roarted peas !) dhe umbel collacion ov carrol-times, az won way or oddher conneded widh carime and carghus Lent. It may be remarked (by dhe by) dhat dhe car- hand waz dhe Scottilh left hand ; hweddher from Greek, (Lattin) or French, dhe hand next dhe hart. From dhe French morgue^ dhe Scotch nturging grimace. Daffing for doffing wantonnes, and daft for doft^ hav been no' oddher dhan dhe particippels ov dhe old verb to dofy. to' poot of wons garb, or wons gravvity. Certain it iz dhat fom ettymollogies (perhaps dhe prezzent) wood tempt dhe grave reader to' becom at leall figguratively doft. Nor wil it (probbably) be allowed by dhoze, hoc hav difcovvered dhe Scotch fried-chicken to' be Friars chicken ; or dhe Inglifli btinip&r (dhat bumps) to' be a bon-pere! Az wel may a bunker ^ or window-feat, be a bon-coem\ raddher dhan a banker or bencher, bank or bench, bannocker or bannoc-holder. Dhe fame fpirrit dhat finds Inglifli or Scotch to' be French, wil find French to' be Scotch or Inglilh ; wil intuitively own a commonty (or common) to be a common (y, not anny ab-- breviacion ov comnmnante^ community. Links indeed,,, ov anallogous acceptacion, wil be confefled dhe obvious ofspring i82 PROPRIETY ASCERTAINED ofsprino" ov liefis ; az conllitutlng dhe veriy bonds ov fociety. To' alTail luch anallyfis or orrigln az a Swift wood hav admired, might feem, to' giiiv np all claim to' dhe common ty^ and to' brandiili no gof on dhe links. From dhe Gaulic or Erfe goth^ az an adjeftive firaight, and fubilantive fpcar (dhence clubj, mav wel be traced dhe nobel game ov dhe Gof. Dhe fucceffive tranfiicion ov dhe dental afpirate into' dhe guttural, and ov dhis into' dhe labial (I. lOo), wil not furprize anny hoo hav purfued dhe anallogy ov human articulacion ; and dhence lernt dhe alliance ov dhe afoirates, dhe los ov dhe dental (afpirate) in (perhaps) evvery language but our own, ov dhe guttural in Inrlifli az in French, and dhe difficulty even ov dhe labial to' fom Indian organs. Goth fo became goch or gough^ hwich, in dhe Inglilh fur- name and Scottifh game, haz becom goph or gof. Dhe French hav iimmilarly adopted, from dhe fame root, dhe fibbilating afpirate in won adjeftive, and dhe labial in its cognate, az if dhe verry parent ov dhe now Inglifh found; but equally (yet nedher unaccountably nor un- prefcedentedly) inverted dhe oridginal idea, in gauche aukward, dhence left ; and in goffe^ its familliar fynnonymy. Forrain gof dhus deduced, may lead us to' native links ^ by anallogous (no les dhan annalodgic) tranfmutacion. Dhe pallatals (or gutturals) /' and g (hard) differing onely az direft and depreffive, ar indeed fo nearly coincident, dhat n before edher (k or g) reppre- zents dhe hoal nazal found (ng) ; and ng^ terminating before a clofely-connefted inifcial vowel, iz apt fomtimes in I N H E R P I C T U R E. 183 in Inglllli, az wel az in French, to' run into' dhe found ov nk (dhat iz, ngk). h.T. dhe French dhus pronounce long iver, fang adiijle, fuer fang et eau — lone iver, fane adifle^ fie fane e 0; a. common Londoner talks ov annjf think elfe^ or anny thing kelfe\ iniled ov dhe follemn annj thingue elfe (or annithing guelfe)^ and dhe lamil- liar anny thing (or annithing) elfe (I. 107). Nay, Ing« lilli vulgarrity wil utter anny think (dhat iz, thingk) for anny thing. Hence may be inferred, dhat lee^ lea^ leigh or ley, (howevver painted) being dhe old word, are ful~ vus and fauve produced fallow ; leings hav, like anni~ thing annithink, rizzen into' leinks, and fool az nattu- rally fhrunk into' links, vertually leifigks and lingks. '^ Abstract, So near akin ar colledives and abftradls to*^ each oddher, az to' proov even interchaingeabel. Dhus col- let dhe Scots milk in milknes, for dhe dairy. In edher dialeft, eth or ith, raddher dhe mere dental afpirate, iz next to' /^^J", dhe abftraftive terminacion. Graith, from hwatevver concrete, Scottiflily gaddhers horfe-guears,. fope-fuds, and fmall fliot. More Frencli iz povverty dhm\poortithj hwich doz indeed littel elfe dhan contra£b it, a.z yoodith expanded liwiit yooth contra£ts» Ov cog- nate found and idea werybw//6, routh, and feouth; fool- nes, rollingnes (fo to' fay), and fcope, Breadeth re- mained 1-84 PROPRIETY ASCERTAINED mained bread, for hredth ; fo greedeth remained greed, dhat gave way to' her grandchild grecdines. 4. A c c I o N. NoTTHiNG being fo near az (oppozite) extremes, Diminnutives and Augmentatives in all tungs coincide : for Propriety, augmented or diminniflied, mull: be alike impaired. Collectives abftraft things, and Abil:ra6ls coUeft quallity ; Accions equally colle£l and abilraft op- peracion : no wonder dhe three terms proov almoaft in- terchaingeabel. Like dhe Ingliili enquire e7iquiry, iz dhe Scotch expire expiry ; from confumptus came dhe Scottifli confumpt, az from confompcion thro' confumptio, dhe Inglifli confumpcion. Particcular accions run into' efFe(51:s. Behoov left in Scotland behoof, varied (ftraingely) in Ingland to' behalf; weav produces dhe Inglifli woof 2iZ wel az dhe Scottiili ivaft (or weft) and zveb, fublHtuted in Scotch to' piece. Differ and hinder, for difference and hindrance, Scottiflily alTert verbs power ov fpeaking its own accion, az doz dhe Inglifli Jland, hware dhe Scotch dialeft genneratesy?^«c^. Bow wonce bough (az flil dhe noun) formed bucht, for dhe bough or wattel. Bode a bidding, waz perhaps dhe parent ov dhe Inglifli verb. Bake, by fubfl:itucion or formacion, produces two o v dhe manny) forts ov Scotch bred, bake and bap ; widli dhe genneral accion or collective, batch, common to' dhe dialeds. Swadhe 2i\\dif%vag may innocently dil- pute IN HER PICTURE. l8j pute dhe procreacloii ow /watch, dhe Scottiili fampel or pattern ; but brew, fwelled ii^to' brow, iz dhe undouted parent ov broujl, brewing. Hweddher blobe be an ex- preffive tranfpozirdon ov bubbel, or compound ov blow up ; honney-blobes proov a picturefk term for dhe Scot- tiili yellow grozerts, gooreberries. J/p-, foiall gap, flit, or opening, may be a varriacion ov gafp ; az may brafh ov bruJJj, if not an exercion ov braik. Bike, hive, feems dhe llruQ:ure ov big, \ bild. Stook, fhoc ov corn, or coc ov hay^ X)k.Q Jlac, ric ov edher, or ov chimneys ; iz a child ov Jland. Yet dhe former may vaxj Jloc, az Jloop Jlop, hwich boath may abbreviate, y?<^ up: Jloop and roop (evvery bit or dhe hoal) may hav been poajl and rope, dhe hoal ov dhe barrier ; XwyWqJIouP (flaggon) .may be but dhe container ov Jloop iminjieep. Stollum, a taking (or penfool) particcularly ov ink, looks a for- mative ov Jiole-, az doz indeedy?<^/?Z' ov Jiand; really dho it be dhe tranfmillive ov ejiang (now etang) dhe az nattural parent ov dhe Inglifli and Indian tank, az of- {^xm^ ov Jlagnum andy?^r^. Stoor, dull raized, may be dhe child ov fiir, or dhe varriacion ovjlewer ; az door feems dhe contraflive ov <:/^z£^£'r. ^?/;2^, bludgeon, may vary but dhe look (not reallity) ov wrung, az doo ring and rac ov wring and wrac. Bent iz dhe bending fliore or land, kent a coarfe cane or cudgel, guird (hoop) a varriacion ov guirth or guirder; az bawk ov brake, hwence it paints alfo a rafter. Dhe briery (herd breery) bawk proovs dhus dhe verdant brake. If delv for dig, be rellegated to^ Scotland ; delf, for dhe (place^ dug, Vol. II. A a feems x86 PROPRIETY ASCERTAINED feems drivven to' Abberdeenlliere. To' dhe vulgar Ing- Hill majjacry for majjaler, might hav been contrafted dhe Scottilh treatify for treatife. 5. Agent. Dhat Agents may be annimate or inannimate, mull be obvious. Dhe Ingh{h heath iz boath producer and prodduce; dhe Scotch heddher makes dhe prodgeny fpring diftlnft from dhe parent. Dhe IngUlh hunks and Scottifh hunkers ar boath umbel cozzens alike ov hunger and hun^. Dhou Hunks ! •—congeftis undiquefaccis Indormis inhians — Hoo o'er dhy bags, from erths foar corners pil'd, Hang'ft brooding — Or, hoo to' fwallow dhe ^y.^\x\w^ fpunh, Cow'r'il low on dhy vile hunkers ! — On bags or marrow-bones foredoom'd to' hang! If wimpel (from tvind) waz a cvirl, wimpler waz doutles a ringlet. Doon I N H E R P I C T U R E. 187 Doon hiz braid bacy frae hiz hwcit heacl^ Dhe filver "joinipler grew. G. S/j. Vizzion, V. 9. From marrv, if not mafe, fprlngs at leait dhe fynon- nymoiis marrow. Dhe old Scottiili verb haver (hwed- dher French or Spannilh, from baver or from hablar) gu'ivs butifoolly to' a dimhmutive agent, a diminnu- tive ending, in haverel^ female babbler. Dhe Scotch apply d\\Q Jloppel^ dhe Inglilli d\\Q Jiopper, to' dhe bot~ teL Dhe chief terminaclon ov an agent iz in edher diale£l er. Alreddy hav we feen arranger for arrange^ and may ftil hear (from I'omitoire) committer for vom- init ; but may we not hear, in Ingland, dhe fuuzifcianer (for dhe jnuzifclan) f hoo plays upon dhe imizic ! hoo cuts perhaps dhe loweft figgure in dhe loweft Inglilli dialect ? Dhe old verb boijl^ varied Scottifhly into' boaji^ produced boljler^ Scottillily boajler ; az oijler^ oajier. Yxou\JJjark ox fbarg defcended dhe hwlnging (hwining) il-tempered, JJjarguery from burg or burgh (now bur- rough, trvily burrow) burgher, az dhe Inglilli burges, from bourgeois', from cot cotter (or cottar), az from cottage cottager. Cart and carter ar at London les known (but in dhe furnames) dhan car and carman : cart indeed ftil diftinguillies dhe fmaller (or les capa- cious) vehikel. Inglilli familliarrity, dlio fcarce uzing carter more dhan coacher, calls howevver dhe coachman coachy, doutles from dhe French cocher. A carrier waz ov old a cadger (or cadzer, for cadyer) az may wel be A a 2 fuppozed, i88 PROPRIETY ASCERTAINED fuppozed, from cadge. Ship became Dutchly^'?/), and dhence formed az ezily JJ^ipper iox pipmafter, 2iZ dhe adjefiivey^r// engendered dhe \exhjkirl. By dialedtic interchainge, dhe Inglifli banker proovs dhe Scotch bankeer (tlil nearer to' dhe parent banquier) ; and dhe Inglilli auccioneer, i!^Q '^q.o\x.\SS\ auccioncr. ~D\\q ftooer and clooer we faw in anoddher clas, may doutles be numbered widh mannimate agents ; and dhe cardooer (fammlly-botcher) hweddher formative or compound, az varioufly traced, waz queftionles a ufefool, and often a plezing Scottilli mmate. Agents affumed ov old, and ftil often dhuinnutively doo, fter for dheir terminacion ;. az malt fter and tapjter^ fo punfter^ gamefter, tricfter. In Scotland dherfore continnue dhe baxter and welifter^ now mere furnames in Ingland, hware dhe artizans ar becom baker ^cc^d-zveaver. So dhe dyfter ?LY\di litjler,. from lyt or ///, and Qyo ox luo^ u French) united iwdier. Throzver and throfttry fpinner 2i.n6. fphifler, dii^ex az genneral and particcular. Yonker- we {l\w dhe Scottilli, and yongfter dhe Ingliili commie agent. A mafons hodman or laborer waz dhe Scottilli (Toceii^;?, - hwencefo- evver ; and nonjurant (French) remained dhe ScottiOi nonjuror. Pladgiarift yl infine dhe. Scotch, and pladgiary dhe Ingliili wit-thie£. II. Ov IN HER PICTURE* 189 II. Ov NOUN ADJECTIVE. Due copious ending ov adjeftive Scotch or Inglifli, iz J) or ey. Ov obvious formacion ar dherfore manny Scot- tifh adjectives, even hware dbe roots ar les oftenfibel : az ftoucy, ftout, chubby ; Jonc\\ lufty, jolly ; canty, and cadgy, merry, cherfool ; cooihy, cordial, fociabel ; fur thy (from fartb now foarth}, frank, open; clorty, in dhe ciorts or pouts ; dozvy, dul, hevvy ; Jlory, ' airy, Ihowy ; corly, light az a cork ; voguy, vain, az if fool ov vogue, fool ov glee. Like Ingliili l^oozy from IfooZj dhe Scotch drouthy from drouth^ dhe tranfpozzi-» tlve ov draught, drines ; and from truhbel (not drown) drumly, trubbled, muddy, thic ; if not a varriacion oy dhe nordhern grumly, from dhe Lattin grumus or dhe Ingliili crumb \ clarty, dirty, from dhe Scottifli verh dart, az dhis from dhe noun glar, dirt or mud, and dhis (perhaps) from glarea gritty find. Yet may it but vary clot. Cozy (warm) infantinely tozy (or tciiyj, "and: /o2y flimzy, unfubHancial, .may boath be Gallic ; but eiry (eery) chilly, trembling, from eir (eer\ ice- or faow ;, 2indifeary (ftrong) fromy^'^r ggodj 'ar Gaulic.' .Dhus ar hale and fear y Ilout and iiron'g, fajfe, and ibund. ^kty'y in vvedern Scotch, iz pregnant; in a thriving way ;' and canny fpeaks Scottifli caucion, dhe parent- ov/abillity» Az Iqglilh from flip, \hxou^\ flipper, ioim^' fipperyi: 1 Scotch: 190 PROPRIETY ASCERTAINED Scotcli, from Jlide and Jlicl^ claims dhe fynonnymous Jliddery. Won dialect fays worcfy, fr(/ly, fpirrlted ; fo dhe oddher, tungy, fpirrity, thoughty (from dhe old ■thought) \ fool ov tung, fpirrit, thaught, and dhe like. Az Inglilli forms hehby, no les dhan compounds helth- JgoI \ Scotch uzes cheary, more dhan cherfool. From dhe oXAfend, remains y^;?^ ; 2inA gentehnannyi?, Scotch ioi gentelmanlike. Widh dhe Inglifli htndly oxfpright- /)>j may be clalTed dhe Scotch zvorkly, inclinabel to' work ; evenly^ equal, equabel, and oddhers. Overly Iz ftil Inglilli for dhe Scottifli halfiing, perfun6:ory, or by halvs. But haljling feems dhe fubilitute ov halfong^ in fuch phraze az « haljling lajfy^ a growing guirl. Dhe adje£live^/r/)' (az if from^^^r^ ox/pire) lignifies len- der, fmall. Spirly Jljanks ar dhus Jp'mdel-Jl?anh. Az Ingliili forms from pale^ paly ; fo Scotch, from finally Jfnally : afmally laudy iz dhus a flirimp ov a boy. Az hoift prooved Scottiflily hoaft or houft^ hoifteroiis or boiftrous became not onely houfirous^ but loufteous or iouftous.. From ijlo dhe Inglilli terminaclon ov diminnutive ten- dency ,y7:> terminates a few ScottiHi contraftives wairfj^ az liwauterijlj^ tafteles ; tojh^ trim ; fojh^ fociabel ; cofj (from chdud) fociably warm, az cozy Yijnugly fo. l^kcjlee Jlujlj, \z free frujh : dhus wood iz faidto' hejfrujh, hwen free, open, apt to' crumbel. jflm or glm produces dhe Scot- tx^jimp or gimp, fcanty, tight; fjrink, widh dhe Ing- lifli Jhrimp, gennerates dhe Scottilli fcrimpy crampt, ftinted. I N H E R P I C T U R E. ,5, ft'inted. I'hin haz (been) varied into' dhe Scottilli thain, rere, littel don, in cookery. J^ouf, dul, iz parent, child, or coUatteral, ov doof (u French) dullard. To' cJoitf, to' doo (or drive) of, doz but vary tai' dof. Cnif (all founded) brifk, iz a Gaulifli primmitive. From dhe French fubllantives hojfe and ejlaye {now etaie), dhe Scotch adjeftives bos and fiey (widh dhe dipthong) ; hwich may indeed ezily vary dhe Inglifli fubttantives hos VLndJ^aj', into' dhe idea ov hollow and fteep. IVr no bos: Yoo ar not empty. Set a Jloot hairt til a ftej brae t "Tu ne cede malis : fed contra audentior ita. Let not hardfliip lay dhee low : Stouter 'gainft dhe mountain go. From dhe French adje£liveyo//ryo/yo//^, fool became an adjedive in Scotch. Dhe old fnac (now fnacket and latch) YL alfo a Scottilli adjeftive, expreffing in dhe found, dhe fenfe ov fliarp, frnart. Snac howevver iz pert^ dhe verry reverfe ov dhe Scottiih fnart^ hwich means clevver, capabel. Dhe Inglifli verb trig proovs dhe Scotch diminnutive quallifier, for trim. "Throngs an Ino-lifli fubftantive and verb, iz no les a Scottifli adjective, az we faw (p. 125). Ettymollogy, hwen impoartant, may gennerally be found; hwen hard to' find, it may be held unimpoartant. Yiwj fide {pi feid) fliood ScottiiWy imply long or deep^ need not be deeply fe.yed 592 PROPRIETY ASCERTAINED feyed (dipthong) fifted, ferched, or effayed. But fey, dhe Scottifli ferce, or lercher, cannot be unallied to' dhe Gaulle y%/^, dhe milk. Ov fimmilar orrigin may be dhe/or^-/fy, and dhe hac-fey^ fox dhe/ore-nh and/ur- f/om ov beef. Dhe partlcippel prezzent (ov verb) proovs, in all lano-uacre, dhe opperating or adive qualliiier, az wel az dhe colleftive ov accion or opperacion. Dhe partlcippel paft becoms confequently dhe opperated, cr paffive, qualliiiei ov noun (fubilantive). Like dhe Inglilli par- ticippials ler?ied, famed, ^g^d, naked, decreppit ; ar' dhe Scotch daz- d for dozd, doting, fynonnymous to' doitet from doit, dotard ; cappet capclous, cankert crab- bed ; blacket, dirty, dirty-looking ; blaet, contraded into' blate (from blae blulfli) looking blue, fliamefaced, baflifool ; daft (we know) for doft, wanton ; halluckit, harum-fcarum, half-witted, az if through halluc, dhe grandchild ov hallucinari ; glaiket guiddy, from glaik, tos about, like dhe Gaulic gleicein and Scotch clackin, {hittelcoc; hwence alfo dhe glaih, dancing fliaddows, refle£ted on dhe wall, ^o fid wdiZ fmoodh ; az in a fid tung. Such ^7. fatted, clotted, collar d, rivveWd, ar dhe Scottifli particippials blaz d (from blae), turned az milk^ and lappert, coaggulated, clotted. Eir or Ear, are, be- fore, preceded (in dhe fame fenfe) its formative early^ now erly. Firft iz a fuperlative boath adjeftive and adverb : chief eft and extremeft, for chief and extreme^ ar barbarous, az evvery degree beyond dhe fuperlative. 3. Ov I N H E R P I C T U R E. 193 .^. O V V E R E4^ - Scottish doutles formed, az Inglifli verbs hav ewer don, dheir diminnutives and frequentative s in el and er, az welaz dheir. inceptives in eji. Cog^ and iouz hav lent or left dhe Scotch coggel (totter) and to'uzel. Dhc Gaulic tod (clod) feems to' form dhe Se-otch tocldel^ trip or waddel ; dhe Inglllh pine forms dhe Scotch pinguel^ drudge piningly ; az dlVe'old and Scotch dwine, dlie Inglilli dwindel. Dhe Scottllh dlndel may be a formative o\ din bx ding^ or a mere varriacion ov tinguel. Tric^ becom t.rink, haz created dhe Scotch irinkel for trickel. Sou/Her and cueuiller (afterwards cueuiilir) produce widh dhe Inglllli yz/Z/y and cid^ dhe Scotch fuddel (foil), and cuddel (clap clofe). Hweddher herpel vary crippel, be formed from sfTrw (herpo I creep) or from hwatevver primmitive, it iz at leall az exprel- live az harl from trail^ hare^ hardel, fardel, hurdel, or hwencevver. Harceler, to' harras or teze, may wel claim dhe Scottifli hercel, rub or drag along. Like warp warbel, muft be -work (or worm) worhei, wriggel. Wrinkel varied into' runkel\ crook flirivvelled into' crunkel. Dhe Scotch pet, fondling, iz dhe obje£t ov pettel fondel. Hwat may hav formed ettel (archly aim), iz not fo obvious : etaler to' difplay, atteler to' yoke or poot to', dhe native at^ or aim itfelf? Dhe Gaulic Vol. II. B b hurach^ iqi PROPRIETY ASCERTAINED hurach, (like dhe Lattln corona) implied a cirkel, par- ticcularly ov men ; dhence producing bourg, burg or burgh and burrough. Dhis may hav produced bourre and bourreler, ov hwich dhe firft idea muft hav been to' encirkel ov encloze ; and hence dhe Scotch burl (or birl), club or join (in drinking), becoms an ezy deduccion. Dhe Scotch expteffiveT?^/ (bound) varied into' Jloit, became frequent in ftoiter, hwich might wel proov fynonnymous to' ftammer (fuppozing fynnonymies pof- fibel), hwen dhe latter (az ftil Scottiilily) prezented dhe idea ov J^^gg^^^ and flutter had not yet fupplanted ftoiter. Stammer llaggers (or ftands) now onely in fpeech, az doz to' mant in Scotland. Dhare dhe fig- o-urative clac (or chat) haz varied dhe licquid, not dhe meaning, in crac ; yet clatter iz dhe equivvalent, not ov cracksly but ov chatter. Dote makes a Scottifli fre- quentative in dotter, if dhis doo not vary totter. Az ftoiter transferred dhe reel, ftic or flop, from dhe toes to' dhe tung m/tuttcr ; io flutter iz but dhe Inglifli ov dhe Scottiili ^/^/6/'^r. Neav ox nev'iz dhe nattural pa- rent ov niffer^ fwop from dhe cloz'd fift. From dhe Ing- \\\[-\fnif6vfnift, dhe Scotch chainge dhe diminnutive into' dhe haples frequentative fnifter. Az dhe SpanniHi palabra (word) lends dhe Brittifli p^;^^r, for dhe muzic ov hot wautcr ; az dhey Aoo fmudge, to' fimper ; fo mould or nioold, to' dhe Inglilli 7nolder ; az, for dhe verb moddher, ^Q.y {\:^'^\VCiXQ fummerfcale. Sweir (loth) makes dhe ■^\&x^YQ\k fwiddber, andyi:^/^/dhe ^coX.tA?afcoudher. To' lair (fink in mire) may be transferred from a fwines lair ; and dover (drop afieep) may be compounded like dof and don, ov doo (or tip) over. Hafter iz littel known but in dhe partlcipplal haftert (az if haften d) hafty. Low feems firil to' form lo-wn and loun (like lower and lour) ; and dhence lounder, maul widh Icvvel- llng blows. To' loun or lozvn proovs dhus Scottiflily dlftinguiihed (by dhe dipthong) from to lozver, dhe Inglilli frequenta- tive verb. Oddher Scottlfli inceptives, hweddher aftive or neuter, ar : gazen, or gahp, az a woodden veffel, hwen dhe Itaves open or flirink by heat (gahph opening •onely dhe jaws into' lafter) ; dozen numb, or grow numbed ; Jlocken, flake or quench ; and barken, cruft, or take on a bark. Az dhe Inglifli brood over, dhe Scotch ar broudened upon, an objeft. !Zo' lippen to\ iz /o' rely or leaft upon, to"* ly /;z expcBacion ov a thing * Ty t yer bed, and lippen tiPt — Ly a-bed, and look for it ; Bb 2 like ■.196 PROPRIETY ASCERTAINED X\^Qj4ttendez-lefous forme — Stay for him or it, under dhe- elm ; and yoo may ilay long enuf. Borrowed or lent, Uppen iz claimed by dhe Gaulic, hwich difputes alfo dhe m€zznre, Uppy^ widh her Gallic daughter. Prim- mitives no les Gaulic ar laklh and caidh (herd loidb arid coklh) \Q lay dow7i 2iT\di f tain \ hwl padhe^ dhe formative ov pathj iz a Scottifli fubftitute ov pave. Dhe way iz padhcd. Dhe broth iz laidhed (or thickened). Dh^ fpot ivil co7n out, hwen it iz dry ; it wil not caidh (or ilain). From dhe fame quarter, tar or tair (contempt) produces tm-row pule or piddel, az if tired widh eating: • Like dauted wean, dhat tarrows at its jneat ;. Dhat, for Jom fecles hwim, wil orp and greet, Gen„ Shcp. Like dhe fpoil'd child, dhat ipurns its vittels by \ And, for fom liUy hwini, wil throb and cry. Formatives like padhe, ar deav for deffen, and mifchiev doo mifchief to'. Az dhe Inglilh critticize and annalyze, ar dhe Scotch verbs appetize, create an appetite, and hyppocrizB, play dhe hyppocrite. Bombaze may ludicroufly vary amaze, az bamhoozel may play widh amiize, widh bam and bamboo. Drake and drook vary dhe Inglifli drench ; and prig Scottiflily higgueh down dhe price, az rummage flirinks into' roonge. Fine, hwine, fcreen, bee and fmug, form dhe Scottilh diminnutives pinge^ hwinge, fcrtnge (thwac), binge (cringe), and I Jmiidge I N H E R P I C T U R E. ,57 fmudge (fmuggel a fmile). Dhe Scotch uze los for loo%^ brain " for dajlj out dhe brains, lightly for treat lightly^ ox JJigbt \ and file (dhe parent ov Jilt/jJ, now loll m its compound c/^/^. Dhe verbs /tot bound, t/ji^d thump hevvily, fpang faring, jink biik or battel, toot (blow) a horn, and hum hum, ar Scotch exprellives, coin- ed in dhe mint ov Nature. Hweddher KKi^-n-ro {canipto) I bend, or kcmh dhe preddecefTor coinh^ be dhe parent ov kemp^ llrive (or emmulate) in reaping ; pithy iz dhe addage : All dhe corn ov dhe contrj iz not cut down by kempers. Dhe tortoife may (by perfeverance) outitrip dhe hare ; or, F^tre and fteddy wins dhe race. Evvery fpecies ov annimal haz its own fet ov nattural founds : hence hear we Interjeccion at leait comm.on to' man, hoo imperceptibly foriTiS dhe rell: ov hiz language. In- ll:in misfortu?ie^ {o fortunate Scot- tiflily compounds 7msfortunate^ for unfortunate. But, dho dhe Scotch vary dhe formacion, dhey prezerv dhe compozifcion, o\ timely Sindi untimely, in timousm\d un- timous. If dhe verry vulgar ov dhe Inglifl-i ar ferfool (for afraid) ov a thhig, or ov doohig it ; dhe Scotch, even ov higher rank, ar hopefool (hwen in hopes) ov a thing, or ov dooing it. Ferfool and hopefool ar im- poartant eppithets ; but, not in fuch connexion. Rife haz been an interchaingeabel component v.'idhyoo/, in wakerife for ^cvakefool ; and caldrife, dhe figgurati\e cold, az in a caldrife preacher. A Scotch compound iz mendsfool, uttered mensfoo, fool ov amends, abel alike to' make and to' command it. Dhe Scotch thievks im- plies fuch implauzibillity, az fliood be hopeles ovjtealing into' creddit. Dhus a thievles errand — pretence — ex— cufe ; howev\er thievifh be dhe delign, poartends no grait dainger m dhe confequence. Littel-worth iz not abfolutely worthies or unwordhy; but haz a wofool, tendency. Dhe fubjunftive yo?;? compounds manny Scot- tifli adjeQives in dhe Inglifli manner : like lonefom^ lodhejom, tirefom, gomtfom ; dhe Scotch lightfom ard JJjortfom plezzant ; longfcm and even tedijom tedious. Winfom, fearfom, frightjom or dhe like, fpeak dheir meanir.g ; loojom (u French) or leefom (nordherly) per- foiiates IN HER PICTURE 20! fonates lovh\ az ugfom ugly ; and hartfom^ compound- ing edher hart^ implies harty or cherfool^ az wel az huxom. Dhe Scotch lev (and may chooz) lonely^ rad- dher dhan lotiefom ; and hlidhe^ dhan its moddiher bliclhe^ fom. Auld-farrant^ old-faring, fpeaks dhe prematurity ov a childs talk, from habbit widh its elders. Oddher particippial compounds, Inglifli-like, dho not Inglilh, ar fuch az upfetting^ fair-fafcioned, fweet-hludded^ wel- riatured^ wel-aired ; for uppijlj^ afpiring or ajfujnijig ; fairfpoken, fzveei-tempered, good-natured, airj, in good air. Yet hwatevver iz duly aired, muil be allowed wel-aired. Edher dialed dherfore talks ov ivel-aired linnen, dho won onely ov a zvel-aired houfe, unles dhe air hav alio been taken of by fire. Shortjlghted figgu- rative belongs to' boath dialects, nearfighted iz dhe lit-* teral Ingliili compound ; diZ vl purblind, named in Scot- land fandhlind. Shily-mowed or Jlmvel-gahhet, paints Scottiflily dhe projeccion ov dhe under-lip or jaw ; thrawn-gahhet, wry-moudh'd ; good-wolly or iUwolly (az if good-willed or il-willed) willing or unwilling to' part widh annithing. A fimmilar compound waz ganiftary^ hweddher game-ftirring, or gum-ftirring, turbulent : gum fpoke umbrage. Light-hedded, Inglifl:ily raving, delirrious, iz ScottilTily^z^/r/^F, wanton. Paly-footted iz in fom parts ov Scottland, hwat dhe Inglifli call [play- footted. Dhe Scotch bedfaji iz dhe Inglilli bedridden or bedrid \ forfoughten or forfaughten, quite fpent ; yor- faren, overboren ; jnanfworen, forfworen ; carwompelledy crumpelled, into' a bunch. Dhe fame French prepo- Vol. II. C c zifcion 202 PROPRIETY ASCERTAINED zifclon fors^ hwich compounds various verbs and parti- cippials in boath dialefts, muft hav been dhe com- pounder ov dhe Scotch forhamedy are dhis natturally flirank into' framed ^n^frammd. A fpUt bairn I aims maners hajl aniang dhe framm d. A fpoil'd child lerns manners beft among ftraingers. A due compannion for dhe Inghili auhvard^ iz dhe Scottilli landward, rufti- cated, az if rellegated from urbannity ; nor les thraw- •uoard or thrazvart, hweddher throward ox fr award, cros. 'Dho pajl by 2inA g on bj conx'mmic ilerUng; dhe preter- ritive particippials bjpajl and bygon, ar long fmce pafi 2ind gon. Dhe Scottilli adje6live oraw iz an obvious compound ov oV aw, over all. Hevye ony oythw bodels^ Hav yoo anny fparc pence, o^^er and abov all yoor wants. Jhez-vous de F argent de rejle f 3. O V Verb. Scottish differs littel from Ingliili compozifcion ov verb. Yet dhe former dif commodes, and dhe latter in- comjnodes ; dhe former (like dhe French) deranges, dhe latter difrainges : dlf accommodate howevver and dijar- rainge ar equally Inglifh. Vslonforguets, giiets out ov remembering, dhe oddher forgaddhers, gaddhers out (or meets) a frend. To' glour iz to' glee {{c^\nl) or. Gleg dhe glour — Quic ov dhe glance. To' lout (loot) or (loop, comb'mes /o' /wy // ; to' hain to' ha (hav) in, to' tape, fave, or uze fparingly ; fo to' hap (cower up) may I N H E R P I C T U R E. 203 may be to' ha up, if not (az haz been furmized) a var- riacion ov heap. To' rpet waz to' overpoot, or guet over anny difeze or difficulty. Dhe Scotch oft prefer fimpels : az deed and fie to' indeed and dejile, (o dite to' endite. A compound ov ramp and rage appears dhe Scotch rampage rage or l1:orm. Scotch, efpefcially nor- dhern, often denies dhe particlppel pail for dhe particip- pel prezzent, az : ^T'iz Jlrainge yoo cannot he unfpoken^ for unfpeaking, or widhout fpeaking. Dhe ellegant denier ov adjetlives, particippels and particippials, from concretes precedes to' dhe denial, even ov abflrafts.' Az untrue, fo untruith ; and az unzvordhy, not onely dhe Inghih unwordhines, but dhe Scotch wanworth, for unworth, or underworth. lo* fel a thing at azvanworthy az if an unworth, an under-price. 4. Ov Adverb, Dhat tmzvel yl barbarous need no more be evinced, dhan dhat whare we hear wize (dho we knew notthing ov dhe French ^?///^) we can be in littel dainger ov fub- iHtuting ways, az in likezvays for likezvize. By parrity ov rezon, v/e can no more fay or fee alzvife dhan alwy for always and akvay. Dho poor Ufe and Wont muft proov powerles in favor ov dhe incongruous compounds ov here, dhare, and hware, even in hereby, dharon or hwarov ; for by dhis or dheze, on dhat or dhoze, on it or dhem ; ov hwich or hzvat ', hzvaraZy hzverfore and -dher- C c 2 fore 204 PROPRIETY ASCERTAINED fore al- az fairly incorporated in boath diale£ls, az dhe foUemn heretofore and hereafter. Stile did fay, but can no more, Too hww dhe cafe, or dhe circiimfances : aci dharafter, for aB accordingly. Curious az various ar dhe compozifcions ov locallity. Hwile Abberdeeii tranflates litterally la-haut, la-has, into' dhare-up, dhare-dozvn, and dhe like ; by fubjunftive in foddhern Scotland iz dhe grait pointer ov place : in-bj, oiit-by, up- by, dozvn-by, o r-by, dhare-by. Com in-by — Com in (forward, dhis way) ; Go out-by — Go out (yonder, dhat way). / ayn going up-by — I -am going up dhe way, up dhe flreet. He may be dhat far by dhis, or dhare-by — He may be fo far (advanced) by dhis time, or dha- rabouts. Dhus hzvarabouts, dharabouts, and herabouts remain familliar Inglifli : nor can dhe fibbiiacion be omitted, hwich diftinguiflies dhe local adverbs from dhe preppozifcional exploded compounds, hwar about f what about ? and dhe like. Spae-men! dhe trulth ov aw dheir faws I dout : For grait er liars newer ran dharout. Gent. Shep. Sooth-fayers ! all dhe footh dhey fay, I dout : For graiter liars newer went about. So dhe compounds ov ward fuhjunftive admit dhe fib- biiacion, to' cloze an indeffinite adverb. Dhus dhe adjedives bacward s^^ forward becom hacwards and Jor- I N H E R P I C T U R E. 205 forivarch^ in dhe indeffinlte adverbs ; not in dhe deftinite, az in go forward: and dims an outward^ hound fliip, a iliip bound outward^ not outwards. Dhe preppozifcion towards requires dhe fibbilant : for it points figguratively or indeflinitely — tozvards Gody tozvards men ; tozvards anny objedt. Boath dia- lects compound manny adverbs ov a prepozifcion and hand. Like dhe IngUfli of hand or underhand ^ dhe Scotch pleonalHc nearhand for near^ hyhand^ for pafl and over, Contratted to' heforehand'vL behindhand, and dhe Scottilli colloquial after-hand, Dhe Scots take a perfon thro hand, hwen to' tafk ; and a thing thro' hand, hwen into" conlideracion. Sn:iarts wil not won- der dhat a preceded he, in prepozifcional combinacion. Afore, ahint, ayont, ar dherfore .Scotch for hefore, be- hind, beyond. So ajee and awol (azvil) for awry and volluntarily. T'iz good corn dhat grows awol — ov itfelf^ ov its own accord. Yet, if dhe Inglifh retain won, Scotch wil affume dhe oddher ; witnes adown and he- down. So dhe Scots uze be for by, in benorth and its three fellows : hefouth or benorth dhe Foarth ; ioxfouth or North ov Foarth. Az dhe old Inglifli belike^ perhaps or probbably ; fo dhe Scotch helive, by and by : and bedeen,. by dhe e'n, dhis evening, to'-night. Dhe Inghlh uze adoo iox fl'ir, buflel, ox turmoil', azm Much adoo about notthing : dhe Scotch flil employ adoo for dhe litteral to' doo ; He haz not much adoo, for He haz not much to' doo — much biznes. Dhe French old fors, dliat com.- pounds fevveral Inglifh verbs belide forgo, wel fevvered from fores compound forego ; compounds dhe Scotchyor- 2o6 PROPRIETY ASCERTAINED bjy almoaft fynonnymous to' dhe law-iddiom by and atour (out o'r) over and abov, befide ; az wel az for- ga'inji 2iVL^ foment^ over againft. Anent'vL alfo dhe legal preppozifcion intimating, widh refpeB to\ or concerning. Ov all hy''5 Scottilh compounds dhe moaft frequent, az dhe moall nattural directives ; dhe moaft chainged dher- fore, and fo fuppozed dhe leaft annalyzabel, ar hut and hen, mere flirimps ov by-out and by-tn, widhout and widhin. But and ben pointed dhus dhe outer and inner parts ov dhe dwelUng. Gae for Gang) hut — Go to' dhe outer part ov dhe houfe. Cojn hen — Com in, to' dhe interior part, perhaps dhe chautner o'deis, hwich we al- TQdidiy {i\Y {16$, in penetralihus) far hen \ dlie inmoaft reces ov onnor or ov favor. But dhe houfe and ben dhe houfe, ar now dherfore clear, az dlie motto ov Mackin- top : TUCH NOT DHE CAT, BUT A GLOV PrOVokc nOt dhe Clan, widhout a targuet. 5. O V VARIOUS I D D I O M S. To' Scottifli Compozifcion belong certain (infeppa- rabel) iddioms, aifefting relacion, eating, ailment, diver- fion, apparrel, and fo foarth. Hwen dhe befi-man and hefi-tnaiden hav performed dhe duties ov hrideman and bridemaid ; dhe bridegroom and bride commence good- man and good-wife] hufband and wife. Good dhen be- coms in Scotch az beau in French, evvery new ally, or acquired relacion : good-fahdher, '\mtd.^\QX fahdher-in- law I N H E R P I C T U R E« ao; Jaw or Jlepfahdher^ good-moddher, and dhe reft. HwIIe dhe forrain ciirrans and raizins^ efpefcially dhe former, ar dhe fruits or plumbs ov dhe Inglifh plumh-poodding ; dhe Scotch rezzars (red or hwite) and Scotch blaeberries, ar all currans^ difVinguifhed onely by dhelr cuUor in Ing- land : for dhare dhe blaeberry iz dhe brambel-berry or dhe hedge-mulberry. At label, dhe dividing Jpoon^ or (az dhe Scotch fomtlmes call it) dhe partings Jpoon^ iz dhe Inglifli foop-ladeL Dhe Scotch fweet- butter \z f rep-butter ; beat-butter, melted butter ; JJjort-bred, buttered cake ; old bred, flale bred ; dow'd drink, ded beer ; hard-fip, fait fifh ; runibeWd egs, butter 'd egs ; (in dhe Wellern parts), 0\lhem upo dhetn. Sowings or Flummery, boil'd and unboil'd ; fo evveri- hware cocky-leeky, coc-broth widh leeks ; veals head, calvs bed ; lambs head and harrigals, lambs bed, widh lights, livver, and dhe rell. Ov fuch ingredients, nicely mixt and minc't, iz dhe Scotch tripebag-poodding (Joaggues, from haJJj or hagguel) conttituted. From dhe time ov difpenfing, dhe eleven-oors (elevven-ours) or tzval-oors (twelv-ours) after dhe French ddiom for ii and 1 2 o'cloc, iz named dhe Scottilli luncheon ; fo dhe four-oors (foar-ours) dhe afternooning or bever : dhe former and latter coUacion or refrelliment. Ov ailments, dhe ^coX.c\\ fweir d-cheek iz more precife dhandhe Inglifli J'welC d-face ; ^o, fare-head (fore-hed) iz dhe hed-ake ; hacket-hands ar chapt hands ; moolly-hecls, kib'd heels. Dhe kink-cough (from dhe French quinte) became in Ingland dhe chincof ; hwich, les expreffive dhan dhe old compound, haz guivven way to' dhe fuffifciently forci- bel 208 PROPRIETY ASCERTAINED bel hooping-cof. ScottiHi juvenile pailimes ar Blind- Harry^ blindmaiis-buf ; dipy-loof^ hot-cockels ; hand- hall, fives. Wairing compounds ar trot-cozy, leddher- cap and cape ; hig-coat, grait-coat ; ftrippet (Ibip't) JlocUngs, ribb'd hoze ; riding-claes, riding-babbit ; dead-claes f'ded-cloadhs), a fliroud ; and dbe 7nort-cloth, dhe pall. Manny ar dlie Scottiili compounds formed ov Inglifli fimpels ; befide a half-dore, batcb ; and freJJj- weddber, thaw : cantrip fpel, and zvorricow bugbair, ar eddifying exampels. Like dhe Ingliili rifraf (dho not quite fo low) iz dhe Scottifli guifgaf. Guifgaj ?nakes good f rends ; By guiv and take, we frendlhip make. Mongrels may arize, az elfehware ; hallon-Jhaker, tat- terdemallion, raggamuffin ; ov dhe French haillon rag, -axApaker, dhe Inglifli agent. Saxon and Inglifli iz dhe Scotch like-zvake, watching ov dhe ded ; Leich be- ing ded in dhat German dialcft. Gaulic on dhe con- trary (from goin Jean, old cunning) iz dhe latter and principal (indeed fufficient) part ov rumhel-gumjljan flirewdnes, brains. Gaulic and Inglifli (from French) make dhe Scotch coomcieled (or cooni d) . flielving-rooft, garret-crown'd. Ov dliis clas iz fuch adjeftive az hlac- avijl (from avtje) dark-complexioned. Somtimes a name, entirely compounded abraud, becoms a new do- meflic compound ov Inattenfion. If dhus in Ingland A/par agus (herd Afparragus) and (dhe propper) God- aiming be vulgarized into' Sparrow-gras, and Godlijnan ; nedher fliame nor wonder need attend dhe Gaulic Ard- Jaighad I N H E R P I C T U R E. 209 Jaigbad (d\\G hight ov arrows) dhe mountain at Eddin- burrongh, mettamorplioz'd into' Arthurs feat. VI. TERMS O V LA W, I. Substantives. Local az law, mufl be her terms, In dheir refpeclive claffes. Dhe genneral agents dooer^ writer^ lawyer, advocate, ar ov peculiar applicacion in dhe Scotifli dia- left. 7J)ooi^r iz dhare Ipefcialized for dhe agent at law. Writer varies idea widh fittuacion. In evvery place and time, hiz united or alternate objeft mull be to' trezzure or to' communicate informacion or entertain- ment. Hiz firfl: (mecannical) office iz doutles dhat ov penman. Hence hiz French correfpondent (ecrivain) iz not pnelv author, but dark ov evvery kind ; coppier. in Scotch law, copiator ; -purfer by fea, and ivriting- majler by land. No wonder if an India-company's dark abraud be a writer, or if a Scotch attorney be yet fcarce known by anny oddher name. Procurator indeed fhrinking into' Proccutor (az Cirencejler into' Cifcejier) dho not quite contrafted into' dhe Inglifh proSlor, iz like dhe French procureur ; a verry fignifficant, az wel az Roman, name for foUicitor ; dhe term affected ov late years widh az much propriety by fom Procurators, az Vol. II. D d dhe 2ia PROPRIETY ASCERTAINED dhe Writers, duly quallified, ar now often filled Clarh to' dhe Sio-net. In Scotland, no perfon iz termed a lawyer, but an advocate ; hoom dhe Romans called patron, az protestor and pleader, ov dhe cauz ; and hoom dhe Ino-lilli ftile, at dhe bar, harrijier ; elfehware coun- fellor, or colle6tively counfel; leving dhe genneral name ov lawyer, to' dhe attorney,- Widh dhe verry propper titel, France tranfmitted dhe nattural iddiom ov a per- fons paffino- {ox entering) advocate ; hwen called to* dhe bar, or admitted to' pradlice. In Scottifh ftile, gardians ar (named) tutors and curators : dhe Inghlh tutor iz govvernor or preceptor \ and dhe Inglifli govvernes, dhe fcoolmijlres or tutores. Scotch form prefers Praefes (or even Trefes) to' Frez- zident ov a meeting ; debitor (Ingliilily dehhitor) to' dhe barbarous debtor, even humanized dettor ; dhat iz, dhe Lattin to' dhe Inglifli ower ; and cedent to' rezigner, aJTigner or transferent. Yet dhe fame form prefers, on dhe oddher hand, dhe genneral Inglilh agents purfuer, complainer, defender, to' dhe Inglifli adbptives profecu- tor and profecutrix, hwich muft be herd (and confe- quently feen) prosecutor and profeccutrix ; widh dhe plaintif, hoo in pi ant if confronts dhe defendant. An err it or yl dhe Scotch inherritor, proprietor or freeholder ; dhe herriot being dhe inherritance, property, or free- hold. Dhe Scotch ^<3'r (herdy^^rj iz dhe Inglifh feffee. Dhe price ov grain In Scotland depends on di\\efars, or confidenciary refferees. Dhe French depute dcnd Inglifli. depputyy INHERPICTURE. 2u clepputy, hav been equally curtailed into* dhe depute^ in Scottilli law ; hware dhe jitjlifciary or judge, iz Ibm- times contrafted into' jujllfciar^ almoall coincident widli dhe French jujiicier ; az dhe Inglifh auxilliary into' auxiliiar, in dhe ftile ov ellevacion. Dhe Inglilh em- pannel or encloze ayW;_7 ; dhe Scotch term dhe priz- zoner dhe pannel^ az peculiarly empannelled. He iz fomtlmes defigned (az Law ScottilTily figgures defined^ defcribed, or ftiled) indweller, inhabbitant or rezzident in (fuch) a place ; fomtlmes arrained az a forner^ or burglarious vagrant ; perhaps onely az dhe recet^ dhe receiver J hoo iz at leail az bad az dhe thief. A lazvfuit iz in Scotland a law-plea ; dhe cofis dher- fore ov fuit, dhe expences' ov plea. Dhe indidiment (hwich pifture haz hiddherto' falfified enditement) cor- refponds widh dhe Scottilli libel, Dhe accion, inclu- ding dhe hoal procedings, keeps in Scotland dhe French name ov proces (or profces), Dhe writ, dhat Hops dhem, takes dhe Lattin appellacion owjijl. An eftate or oddher propperty iz a good JubjeB in Scotland; hware wons own conquejl means wons acqueji or acquizifcion. Thro' (French or) hwatevver channel, liege-poujly bar- barizes legal is potejias, lawfool power. Security or warranty fo becoms dhe Scottilli warrandife ; bail and furetilhip cacion and cacionry, til now daring to' appear caution and cautionry I Lezion may wel be jurifpru- dencial injury or infringement ; and circiimduccion, more crimminal dhan circumvencion. 'finfel waz dhe tining . I D d 2 or 212 PROPRIETY ASCERTAINED or los, az ganfel, dhe gain (fomtimes dear !.) by a bar- gain. He got it widh a ganfel — a farcafm. Fortalice came to' be a mans fortres or caftcl; becauz perhaps he dhare waz fort a Paife, much at eze. Forfaulture waz dhe Scottifli preddeceffor ov forfeiture. DecUnnature YL renunciacion or protell. Declarrator and interloccutor or declarratory, or intermediate, opinnions or fentences, A decreet iz obvioufly (az Frenchly) a decree. An adju- dicacion \z, in Scottifli coarts, a follemn award, or authorritative aflignment. Various ar dhe fubjefts ov fuit, perhaps dhe hoal^ fubjeB or propperty ; dhe ces (from cede or ajfes, if not from cens and cenfus) dhe land-tax or genneral alTefment ;. dhe tiendy, tenth or tithe ; dhe tcrce (from tierce) or third ov annithing. Dhe Scotch def/jort, for defifcience or dettriment, feems raddher a term ov famiUiarrity dhan form. Rental iz az good a formative, az rentroll iz a compound. Precept iz, in boath ftiles, peculiarly uzed for order. Dhe Scotch tailzie [tailyie) correfponds widh dhe Ingliili entail \ az doz a zvadfet^ widh a mortgage : for a mad waz a pledge,. Hence dhe Scotch game ov wads, iz dhe Ingliili game ov forfeits. A lac being a lefe, dhe tacftnan iz dhe lefor. Rent paid in farm, iz paid in grain, hwich fom hold dhe Teutonnic eci[uivvalent ; i)X\ofar;7i, Ingliili and Scotch, be dhe un- quedionabel coincident, raddher dhan varriacion, ov dhe FrenchyVrw^ ; hwich iz indeed proppcrly a dilTyllabel, and primmarily fignifies a lefe. Yet let nedher France, nor I N H E R P I C T U R E. ^13 nor Germany, appropriate dhe Scottifli farm ; liwich may in dhis fenfc proov propinquity (nay proximmity) to' friimentum., corn in genneral, racklher dhan to' fromenty hwich iz but hweat ; or IHI radd her perhaps to' fordeum, Eollically interchaingcd widh hordeum^ barley. If dhe genneral term corn waz dhus natturally interchaingeabel widh dhe principal grain, no wonder it waz in Scotland widh oats. Hwen dhe guttural pafl in Ingland into' dhe labial afpirate,_ draught became draft, hwence dhe provverb : Stil Jozv eats up dhe draft. Dho Scotland prezerved dhe guttural power, flie feems dhence to' hav impoarted dhe labial in draft (herd Scottillily draf) for grains, dhe food ov fwine. Dhe Scotch graffom haz been a grafjolm, gr as-holding, or gr as farm : hence it pall into' a gr as-fine, at dhe renewal ov a lefe. Soconi or multure (herd ?nooter) iz dhe grifl or grinding-fee ; thirlage, dhe being thirled (tranfpozzitive from thrilled) to' grind at a particcular mil. Ov mails and duties, dhe former, if not a varriacion ov meals, may be varioufly an ofspring ov (dhe French) mailles, hweddher mellies^ or oddher conftittuent parts : az Mai lie a maille fe fait le haiihergeon — Manny littels make a mickel. Dhe parent may indeed be maille, dhe \\Ai-denier, or loweil: French coin ; hwich, at length parting from real inta imadginary, iz named onely in dhe miuutell computacion. Un pince-maille became a nattural penny-fahdher, a. hunks, a fkin-flint ; and pince-maille tranfmitted dhe ' Inglifli adverb piecemeaL Mails and duties feem in dliia 214 PROPRIETY ASCERTAINED dhls manner to* hav been dhe fmalleft, and hardly com- putabel duties. 2. Adjectives. Ov 'jurlsprudenclal adjeftives, thnous iz timely; ivrongoits, injurious ; iniquous^ inicquitous ; onnerous, weio-htv ; major ^ ov age, no longer minor (alfo Inglifli) under age ; notour notorious ; rellevant^ inferencial, con- clufive ; erritahel (vulgarly feen heritable) heredditary ; udal^ allodial : all (but dhe two firft, and perhaps dhe laft) French. To' dheze may be added, curt, brief; inept, frivolous, inaddequate ; clamant, bawling. Verfant haz been denied to' be Ingliili, becauz perhaps not found in dhe diccionary. Numberles ar dhe adop- lives (formatives and compounds) in evvery livving language, and even in evvery copious ded won ; dhat no lexicoggrapher can pretend to' trezzure. Manny words ar warrantabel, dho hiddherto' unwanted ; nay prefferabel (refpe£tively) to' anny yet feen ; nor, confe- quently, les entitelled to' dhe ftamp ov Anallogy ; hoo iz alike dhe pattrones ov Improovment, and dhe ennemy ov Innovacion. Verfed \z doutles Inghfh, ov obvious (but familliar) idea. Won may be vf^X verfed in com- mon matters, nay, converfant widh litterary fubjefls ; and yet not at all verfant in deep inveftigacion. Dhe Hile ov law, like evvery oddher, may combine Ingliih words INHERPICTURE. 215 words into' Scotticifm : dhus annual-rent^ or life-rent {rente viagere) annuity, life-annuity. ILrritahel fecuritj iz land-fecurity ; and holding blanch^ (Frenchly) free- holding. 3. Verbs. In Scottifh littigacion, fom littigants waken a plea, revive or commence a fuit ; purfue, prolTecute or fue;. ^iVLAfummons^ fummon ; oddhers ohtemperate or ohtem- per J comply ; compear (cofnparaijfent) appear; narrate, relate ; conclefcend upon, fpefcify ; inJlruEi, evince ; by taking injlruments, guivving doccuments ; implement, fooliil ; recognofce, reccognize ; homollogate, confirm ; perhaps \)y hollograph, or hand-writing ; infeft, enfef; brook, enjoy ; extinguiJJj a det, annul a det ; and mortify a fum, guiv it in mortmain, or bequeadh it to' pious ufes. Alternately doo dheyj?!^^^^/, repel; rehute,diQ\.Q.x\ perturb, dillurb ; compete, difpute in competifcion ; con- travene, controvert ; villipend, villify; detraB or deduce, deduct. Dhe Scotch uze deduce alfo for iiifer, and dhe Inglifli detract onely from carrafter or merrit. Dhoze reduce an illegal deed, dheze annul or cancel it ; dhoze reflriB, and dheze refrain ; hwile boath own refraint and refriccion. Dhe Scotch howevver onely excamb, exchainge ; excrce, exercize ; exeem, exempt ; defd- derate, want, or regret; refile (rezele), retraft or go back ; evite or efkew (from eviter and efquiver) avoid^ ihun ► 2iS PROPRIETY ASCERTAINED fluin ; exonner, difbiirden or clear ; Juccumb, fink ; con- *ualefce^ recovver ; demit, rezign ; intromit^ intermed- del ; by vifcious introjnijfiofi, or undue interference ; Jpoolzie and defpoolzie iu French and s licquld) fpoil and defpoil ; poind (poond, u French) pound ; prejudge pre- pozes ; ajfydhe, amerce ; incarceratey emprizzon ; lih- herate^ fet at hbberty ; ajfoilzie [z licquid) abfolv. Dhe Scotch depone^ propone, difpone, repone ; depoze, pro- poze, difpoze, reftore or rehirtate ; nor onely reply, but duply, triply, quadruply ; rejoin, reenter, furrejoin, re- but ; or make rejoinder, and fo on : az effeirs, az need may be. Dho dhe IngUfh depoze, dhey retain deponent widh opponent I To' d-oo dilUgence, \z to' take dhe law, to' bring an accion, or intent a fuit. Oddher legal nouns and verbs we hav feen occazzionally (p p. 160, 164, and jelfehware). 4, A D V E R B s. Dhe adverb alennarly, folely, fingly, remains but in Scottifh law; and Law, evverihware iz (unblamably, nay, laudably) dhe lall to' guiv up aincient form. Hwat- evver um (or oni) hav been, if not dhe mutilacion ov fom i^ox funi) ; dhe dialeds hav fpoke, in won compound adverb, dheir wonted oppozifcion. Scotch Law prefixed it in umquhyle for umhwilc, and Inglifli Law, now les frequently dhan Inglilli Poetry, fubjoins it in hzvilom for fomtime, heretofore. Hzvilom howevver remains onely in dlie familliar, fublimmity choozing erji or arehwile. Ov I N H E R P I C T U R E. 217 Ov littigant preppozifcions we hav alreddy (among dor melVic compounds) fcanned dhe litteral foment^ dh^ iiggiiratlve anent^ widh dhe Iddiom hj and atour (out o'r). 5. Terms Ecclesiastical. Widh jurirprudenclal iz ecclefiaftic flile Intimately conne(9:ed. Not to' debafe dhe fubjecl widh fanattical terms, az ordinance (or even occazion) for faccra^nent, or accion-fermon for dhe fermon before it; to difpenfe dhe faccraments means, in prezzent Scotch, to' celle- brate or adminniiierdhem ; az to modderate a call to' a minniller, iz to' guiv him invitacion and induccion. Ov dhis impoartant verb dhe agent iz dhe Moderator (Ing- liilily Modderator) ; dhe Speaker or Prezzident in Synnodsj or convocacions ov dhe Clergy ; az wel az in dhe (annual) Genneral A[[emhly ov dhe dellegates ov dhe Prefbyterian Church. 6. Transpoziscion. Law finds dignity in tranfpozlfclon ; hweddher ov finguel terms, or ov complex members. Evvery form ov edher dialeft wil exemplify dhis. Dhe rezon indeed iz obvious. Upon materials impoartant^ or arrainge- ment peculiar ^ like Poetrj^ doth furifprudence endevvor Vol. II. E e a 2i8 PROPRIETY ASCERTAINED a regard propoarcionate in dhe reader^ az zvel az (In dbe) hearer^ to draw. Provverbs, couching in fniall compas dhe laws ov Wizdom, hav drawn, in all lan- guages, addifcional attenfion ; not onely from peculiarrity ov order, but even from dhe external p-races, ov allite- racion or chime. Superior waz dhis harmony to' dhe laws ov Priscian, az we faw in Brunt hairns foir {ox feir) dreads. Burnt children dred dhe fire. Sa Guin ye henna el^ hernia el-leik: Guin ye Jlil na ma cale^ hrac na ma deik^ If il yoo be not, be not evil like : Yoo ileal no cabbage ? no enclozure ftrike. A D5- A DIGEST o V MODDERN ANGLICISM. CHAPTER L Ov EXTRANEOUS NeOLLOGY. CCOTTICISM dhus traced to' its ewery poffibel foarce ; and a delinneacion made ov its ewery depart- ure or difference from dhe language ov London ; hwed- dher in dhe utterance, ufe, arraingement, number, or od- dher varriacion, ov words ; in dhe adopcion ov forrain, or genneracion ov domeftic terms ; dhe dialeclas to' diifuze he^ fliaddow. Nor can we hav a ftronger inltance oy dhis dhan in dlie late rage for population ! hwich by rezem- bhng in hed and- fliolders pMpuhnfnefs (dhe • pi-etty pifture ov poppiildufnes !) ' and - ttiferminating; fa roundly widh at ion (fuppozed acion!)^ cannot but dignify dhe nocion ov peopling (iot pepelling o^ pepUng), from .dhe pompous pen ov dhbze hop litfel dream dl>at it csinonely convey dhe oppozite idea ; being intrinfically no-oddher dhan. (ravvage) a nefceflary degree ov depoppulacion. If ation (or even acioii) cannot be a domedlic ending, os tCLiminate anny Inglilli formative (t.erminacion being a» ;-- collatteral 224 PROPRIETY ASCERTAINED collatteral root, and (o no branch, ov tertiiinate) ; hwat Ihal be faid for dhe foUemn Jiatturalizacion ov colloni-- zacion^ civvilizacion^ humanizacion^ or dhe like r Dhat, dho dhey newer cood make part ov anny human language ; dhey, far from belying, muft be owned to* hair dheir meaning in dheir face ; az much az dhe verry ellevated jiirtacion^ Jiarvacion^ ruinacion^ and dheir fellows ! But, dho dhe rotundity ov Anglican Lattin caft fuch cor uf-c acton ^ and confequent glim meracion or glitte~ racion, on moddern Ingliih ; fcarce aught, dhat founds not Greek, wil now go down widh dhoze, \\oo fe life i- toufly az faftiddioujly difdain dhe peddantry ov knowing dhe principels ov anny, abov all, ov dheir native lan- guage. Dhe fame cauz dhat made poppulacion appear population, and fignify pepelling, infted ov difpepling ; haz rendered gentiUity, under dhe mafk ov gentility^ dhe fupplanter ov genfcelnes ; infted ov collefting, az it muft, dhe Gentile worlds or abftra(9:ing Gentilenes^ dhe ■quallity ov a Gentile, Dhe potent Chrononhotonthologos, and ftil more ierribillitudinous, Aldihorontiphofcophornio^ laid quef- tionles dhe foundacions ov our prezzent fefquipedalian Hellenifm. A metropollitan haz hence becom a fyllabel graiter, in a metropolittical See ! Evvery fcience haz becom more fcientifEc, evvery art more tecnic. A med- dical haz been conjured into' a phyzzical carrader. A toothmonger or tungmonger waz formerly glad to' be clodhed in French or Lattin, a mere dentiji or linguijl! I A I N H E R P I C T U R E. 2:5 A dubbcl dealer, compounding dhe care ov hands and feet, takes now dhe degree ov cbiropochjl, Inghlhly herd (dherfore to' be ieen) kiroppodijl ; dho dhe titcl wer iVil more lonorons, and lo (accordhig to' new iVdc) more mon[lrouJly plezing in dhe femblance ov chiropodurgeon^ for dhe fubllance ov k'lropodurgeon. But nedher titel nor degree can he take, widhout previoufly pubblliliing dhe Ihejh ; fo aptly (az fo awfoolly intitided or) entitelled, Cbiropodologia, in umbel Inglilh gulze, a kiropodollogy, Hw6n indeed dhe kiropodurgeon becoms (az dhare iz \\> much rezon to' hope) dhe all-fubduing opperator ; dhe confequencial fciencc mull proov dhe charming kiropo- durgery. Non but a fleerer at dhe Faccultv, and an ignorant ov dhe Greek, cood hav decompounded apot- tecary^ a pot he carry ^ 2^^^ phyfic^ fj' f^ • ^"^ phu(fe-zv) fic ; dho dhe latter Orthoggraphy fo recconciles dhe fentiment widh dhe new Inglilli-Greek. Az dhe mere Lattin-French-Inglilli occitlift mull foon gulv away to* dhe Greek ophthalmijiy if not (raddher) ophthahnurgeon ; fo phyzzic (or fizzic) iz no more dhe lluddy, dhan phyz- zijcian (or jizifcian) dhe ftudent, ov Nature ; fince be knows no more himfelf, dhan hlz objeft ; elfe wood he write phiific and pbufifcian, in umbel emmulacion ov dli£ far-famed Holopbuficon^ ov dhe next enchanting EidopbuficoHy and univerfal Fhuficojiiimefis. Hware dheze becom fo formidably rivalled by Eidouranion, Eollaplafiafmos^ and dhe reft; hware dhe hair can no more be cut dhan dhe corns, but in Greek ; dhe laft tremendous term proovs dhe due coeval ov dhe Pro- F f gram 226 PROPRIETY ASCERTAINED gram otaeis amotsos eiiitii ; hwich prohibifcion evinces dhe imiverfallity ov Brittifli Lerning ; az, far from de- terring, it obvioufly attra£ts dhe multitudes, dhat yearly croud dhe Royal Acaddemy's Exhibifcion. Hwile dhus Art and Science becom equally profound, and all do- meftic informaclon dhe more luminous, dhat it iz clodhed widh a forrain, efpefcially a Greek (or Greek-like) vail ; the progrefs of knowledge may be fublimely promoted by a Neologic Metaphrafe, az Anglo-Greek, or Greek- Ingliili, wood name (or feem to' name) a New Verfion ; raddher indeed, New-language Verfion ; hwich muft draw all eyes wonce more upon facred Anticquity, and open dhem foolly az much to' admiracion az to obedi- ence. Dhat Lerning attends but dhe fignal to com- mence dhe high emprize, may be fairly judged from won ultroneous paradigm, I'o phllanthropife one s approximate as one" s perfon- ality ; is a more thuriferous immolation^ than multifari~ ous holocaufs and hecatombs. How magnifficent an amalgamacion ; in comparrizon ov dhe umbel homefpun thredbare text ! To' lov wons neighbor az wons felf iz better dhan all hoal-burntofferings and faccrifices. But dhe inumbracion, az in anny oddher eclipfe, may be total or parfial. It iz total, hwen dhe hoal idea iz {haded I N IT E R P I C T U R E. 2:7 fliaded (or cowered) by dhe difk : az enchiridion (enkiriddion), criterion^ catholicon (cathollicon), phe- noinenon (phenommenon), phlogifton ; not to' mencion pathos, mania, hjdrophobiay more dhan materia medica or tindiura facra \ and dhis far les dhan hiera picra. Yet dhe acme ov dhe Greek mutt not throw annv odium, on dhe acumen ov dhe Lattin. Law wil enter (not onely her ISlifi prius, her Noli profequi, and her Certiorari ; but) her caveat dhat no dogfna flial preckide anny tenet ; and, hwen llie haz had her audit, wil hav her plaudit and exit. Various communities mull hav feniors 3.nd juniors ; fom feats ov Lerning hav a Caput ; but bold waz dhe bard, and bolder dhe rime, dhat gave dhe Hed ov anny Houfe, to' nod widhout a vov?. Nor les bold dhe enquirer, Hzvjy jfoves Satellites ar les dhan yovef hware he might fo natively hav afked, Hzvy Joves own Sattellites ar les dhan yove. So dhe tetrafyllabel antipodes haz a more lerned afpe6: dhan dhe Inglilli trill)' Uabel ; and dherfore begs leve to' clas widh dhe forrain proppers Orcades, Andes, Pleiades, Alcides, Hercules ; widh Oinphale, Hebe, and dhe reft. But furely fimile wil fear les dhe dainger hwich Swift ap- prehended (ov being red a Jmile !) hwen painted, in onneft hx^i^, fimmily ; and, if even Pjl lades, Penellope, or Rhoddope, be allowed all elfe forrain ; dhey cannot be red az Inglifli, widhout dhe duplicacion. Evvery fclence, evvery art haz her various vail : elfe ihood we glimmer widh native light, not beam widh 5 F f 2 forrain 228 PROPRIETY ASCERTAINED forralii fplendor. Plence dhe fcientiffic prefference ov radii to' rays, and ov ratio to' plain rezon or pro- poarcion ; and hence dhe pompous apparatus, ov poflulata, defiderata, data, or oddher ata ; hwich, hkc dhe atuvis, mull remain errata or arcana, if not erra- tiims and arcanums, to' evvery won unacquainted widh Lattin diccion. Dhe natturahll knows intuitively dhe crater to' be dhe cup ov dhe Volcano, hwence Vulcan emits hiz tremendous glories. Evvery fon ov Mars muft vindicate hiz vice, dhe nefcefTary Hep to' promocion. Dhus dhe enfign rizes Uftennant, vice hiz preddeceflbr ; hoo becoms captain, but in room ov dhe terribel Major Vis. Dhe failor finds Aries, Taurns, and Gemini {Genimini), much brighter conllellacions dhan dhe Ram, dhe Bool, or dhe T^-ivins ; dho Urfa juajor or Urfa minor be no more hiz polar f tar, dhan dhe graiter or dhe hs Bcir (or ^<7/>^ ; nor doo hiz moaft darkened luminacions render always via Scilly, dhe road ov fafety. Evvery dealer haz items and per-cents, if not per an^ 7iums ; and evvery laborer haz at leaft fo much per day. Nor onely iz half a word az good az a hoal, In divining. Dhe marriner haz jull confidence in dhe benevvolent Q. D. C. and keeps hiz reckoning az rafcionally A. M. or P. 71/. az doo boath feamen and landmen (or landf- men) count dheir Inglifli monney by /. s. d. and q. But onelv land-conjuracion avers prices by a : az, in dhe corn-market, Hzveat 34 a 45. Inglifli books boall no more Lattin or Greek titels ; Inglifli fermons ar no more illuflrated by Lattin, dhan by Greek quotacions ;, Inglifli IN HER PICTURE. a29 Inglifli fcollars cannot now be branded widh afrc(5tin^ litterarv topples : yet hav dhey not entirely ccfed to* adorn dhelr native talk widh fuch phrazes, az proforma^ pro re nata^ ex officio, ex parte, in toto, ipfo- faflo, vice verja, ^c. Few pure Italllan terms, az cantata, ridotto, ditto, wil dhe neolodgic Lexicon hav to' trezzure. Yet dhc lafl Iz widh Ingliili accountants perhaps dhe moaft favorite forraincr, indeed dhe reverfe ov alien ; (like I\o for Numero) ov dubbel valine, hwen reduced to' dhc iniicial and fnial in do ; az precluding, except its own, evvery naufeous reppetifcion. It muft be owned, dhat evvery diccion haz been apt to' adopt, az wel az gennerate, from a preceding. Lattin cood not compound fo happily az her parent ; nor cart Lattins anny defcendant, fo happily az dhe Ingllfh, hoo no les juftly boafts Teutonnic parrentage. It dherfore cannot furprize, dhat Terrence iliood hav named v/on ov hiz Commedies, Heautontinieruinenos , more dhan dhat dhe InglKli fliood tranflate it Self-tor- mcntcr. But, dhat Terrence alfo preferred v^(:/(?/^/6/ to' Fratres, iz no les certain, dhan dhat Yong had dhe fpirrit to' prefer dhc Broddhers to' boath. So now, dhat Greek tafte iz reviving, we muft not wonder dhat Adelphi lately nameci (hware Broddhers cood not) dhat wonder- fool fuburb ov London, hwich onely fuch Broddhers cood rear. Bhiladelphia prooved az butifool a moddern adopti\'e 03a PROPRIETY ASCERTAINED adoptive, az it made an aincient compozifcion. Dhe Orrerv had its name from dhe Nobehi^ian, hoo gave its fpheres to' moov, hweddher by ingenuity or pattronage ; til a Brittiili Exhibbitor announced hiz ILidour anion. So, wer fair Urania now to' be named, flie wood fwel into' Ourania ! Former plannetary fyilems contented dhem- felvs widh a Lattin terminacion : az planetarium or lunariujn ; hwich umbler (dho no les ufefool) ereccions hav gloried to' immitate in Afylum^ Lyceum^ Forum^ Rhedarium, hactarium^ and dhe reft. But, hwen Lattin terms hav not had cnuf Greek, how ezy iz it (az juft fliown) to' throw in a littel ! Dhus dhe bold eulo UT dlie dazzel ov perfpiciilty may be dimmed widh- "^ out a forrain vail. Domeftic fubftitucion, if les ofteritacious, iz no les truly effective. Nor can dhe llile be deftitute ov fplendor, dhat iz conllantly furpri- zing by interchainge. Ov dhis dhe firll: lufter arizes from dhe adopcion ov follemn on familliar, and familliar on follemn occazions; az ov favior and falvacion^ for prezerver 2indi prezzervacion, or QWQufalvage. If aw- fool ftile defcend dhus into' awles ; common terms make fomtimes dheir haples way into' dhe poolpit, hwen not dhence precluded by Liturgic dignity. Dho Moajl- highejl be vindicabel az a fuperlative beyond fuperla- tives, INHERPICTURE 241 tives, OX high efi beyond compare \ moaJl-goodxL a mod- dern contrail: (if not coincident) ov moajl-had ; az dhc abfolutely good or had, can nedher be more nor les fo. To' uze in prayer ive entreat Thee, we conjure 'thee, or dhe like (familliarrities), iz almoail petty hlafphemy. Such iz indeed evvery unweighed word in cafes ov folemnity. But foUemn terms hav loft, refpe£livelv, dhek idea or dheir employment. Saccrafu^nts fink dhus into' cerremonies, in dhat libberalJIiUy liwich titels re- lidgion fupei'Jltfcion, feith credulity, hope enthufiafm, and charrity hlindnes ; revvelacion ar.d demmonftracion az much increddibillities, az impoffibillity likelihood. On dhe oddher hand, az dhe efprit jaihle proovs now dhe French efprit fort, dhe fpirrit free from th aught becoms dhe Inglilli free-thinker, licencioumes lihherty, rebellion pattriotifn, fedifcion apduity, cun- ning zvifdom, impudence zvit, and infenfibillity (or irrelidgion) philosophy : in like manner, blafphemy fpirrit, herrefy candor ; hypoccrify prudence, purity prudery ; virtue zveaknes, principel predjudice ; lerning peddantry, and peddantry lerning, Dhoze, dhat dhus call light darbies, and darknes light', good evil, and evWgood ', cannot but hold fuicide currage, and finguel combat onnor ; fo muft be fond ov dhe new flurrilb, hwich makes edher felf-deftruccion or mutual murder, poot a period to dhe exiflence ov won, or boatli dhe affaffins ! But, pomp being dhe prezzent rage, poor Nature muft be won way or oddher extinguiftied. Refinement, Vol. IL . H h indeed, 242 PROPRIETY ASCERTAINED indeed, muft crudi her in dhe cradel ; by denying at wonce infants infantine ftile, and parents (or oddher fondellers) dhe fpontaneous appellacions ov endearment. Dhe fweet Pappah ! and Mammah ! iVifled in dhe firft accents, mull afpire (before teeth, into' dentalhty) even into' Fahdher I and Moddher ! or dhe llil les nattural *SVr, and Maddam. Edher pair wood com in good time. Bii or Billy J az Natures own voice haz named dhe hfper, muft inftantaneoufly expand into' William! Pol ox Polly knows no more her own charming name, dhan dhat ov dhe dignified Mary. She muft fwel, from dhe our ov her baptifm, into' dhe pompous exottic Maria ! Numberles ar dhe infiddious guizes, in hwich dhe idol Fafcion draws dhe worftiip ov dhe ignorant, dhe inattentive, and dhe affefted. Not onely gahps dhe ear for pompojjity (ov found) : dhe moatt common terms rize into' rage. Dheir native propriety brings dhern into' ufe; hwence, warped and bandied in all fliapes and at all ventures, dhey firft becom infippid and dhen unintellip-ibel. Dhus hav Londoners (ov almoaft evvery carra6:er) fucceffively primed^ fpoarted^ /pouted and fcouted \ line^ Jl^l^i circuinjlance^ period^ ex/ience, trifling or ojienfihel ; hwich from hwatevver defcripciori' ov quizzes dhe terms, or dheir tortures, ,may hav arid- ginated\ ar laffahel^ in dhe extreme. Soni ov dheze ar but newifli, dho all be alreddy old in fubftitucion, or hwatevver oddher ucion dhey may hav undergon. In words, howevver oridginally fraught widh idea ; hwen hacneyed, I N H E R P I G T U R E. 243 hacneyed, az dhe abov, into' cajit^ no meaning can be ex- pe£led to' remain. Yet cant itfelf, howevver low a member ov human fpeech, may ftil be a fubjea: ov Anallogy. Trog and fcrog we faw in dheir claffes (I. 330. II. 179): quiz and hore may be followed down to' dhcirs. ^iz iz found, by moddern fcollars, to' compound queer phyz\ and boreiTidiX torture (127) CuriofTity manny ways, before it compenfate her pains. A mouth-piece iz a mere voice (or iijikelling cymbal) in certain provvinces: for cant m'uft be common to' quaintnes and ruftifcity. Widh dhe latter alfo a mort fucceded a power (dhe Lattin vis) in dhe fenfe ov a grait indefinite quantity or number. To' dhis clas feems refferabel dhe verb ouJI^ perhaps a fqueze ov outcajl ; a perfon oujled being outed or cajl out ov favor. A truithteller haz been lately canted into' a truijl\ hoo queitionles truizes^ hwen he commits a iruif}n. If impropriety in dhe ufe ov fimpel words fo difonnor anny dialed, can Common-fenfe form or fuffer fuch jumbels, az a nec-h andker chief f Dhe Scotch pocket-napkin iz a far more nattural compound, dhan even dhe handkerchiefs hwich noes dhe hed and hand togueddher, and a nec-cloth iz furely complex enuf. How wood dhe French brook homme-fagefemme, for accoucheur^ and can dhe Inglifli ear or eye ilil bair a jnan-midwife for a layer or hringer-to-hedf 'l^otfparrozv- gras iz a graiter corrupcion ov afparragus, dhan a con-^ try-dance (from contre-danfe) ov counter-dance. H h 2 2. In «44 PROPRIETY ASCERTAINED 2. In P h r a z e. From quaint terms to' quaint phrazes, dhe advance iz but from components to' dhe compozifcion. Ov quaint phrazes, perhaps dhe leaft ofFenfive ar zvords ov coarfe, dhe reddy-made fupplement ov fenfe and ov civiUity. For az an addequate compliment iz dhe complement ov ellegance ; compliments unmerrited, or unment, ar dhe vileft words ov coarfe. But, if dhe parts may be fo vindicated .from all imputacion ov meaning, dhe iddioms (or iddiotifms) ar not likely to' be loaded widh much intenfional guilt. Hoh or noh dherfore {hav or not hav) haz at lead: az much lignifficance az /'/ thank yoo for fuch a thing; hware no thanks ar more intended dhan expefted ; or az dhe ftil bolder prommife, T I fnahe yoo laf —hy telling yoo — or, Tl tel yoo h%vat ziUmahe yoo laf : hware dhe intenfion howevver may be onnell:. But, in dhe rich artikel ov tabel-talk, or dhoze words ov coarfe dhat fil up widh equal convenience dhe vacuities ov thaught and ov converfacion ; dhat, being levvel to' all fpeakers, poot all fpeakers on dhe level ; dhat, making a mecannlc round ov queftion and anfer, require mere maflienes for circulacion ; Swift haz (in hiz Polite Con- verfacion) drawn up dhe ladder ; az dhe French figgure it, ov hooevver haz fo completely difcufled a fubjeft, dhat no won can com after dhe difculTer ; hoo, az we fay, haz left not thing behind hi^n (or her). Yet I N H E R P I C T U R E. 245 Yet convivvial joys hav graiter debafements dhan words ov coarfe ; and dheze ar dhe words ov wine. If dhe ftupiddert ov all ftiles be dhat hwich means not- thing ; and, fiir worfe dhan dhe lUipiddeiV, dhat hwich means dhe unperceived reverfe ov hwat it fays ; worfe dhan dhe former, and (if poffibel) az bad az dhe latter, iz dhat hwich can giiiv (unnefcefTary) pain .to' anny prez- zent or abfent ; hwatevver borders on profannity, or wood minguel indecency widh glee. Dhe fecial, az dhe poettic, haz doutles its licence ; but dhe licence, dhat hopes to' fublimate libberty ; muft keep az oppozite, az it may feem contigguous, to' licencioufnes. Habittuat frends ov Decency, forguet her not over a g1as» From purity ov mind all plezznre fpri77gs % And^ from an umlel fpirrit, all our pece. fays dhe Neftor ov Dhe 'Night-thaiights^ hoo did indeed but bring down to' blank-verfe, Blejfed ar dhe meek : for dhey jhal inherrit dhe erth. Blejfed ar dhe poor in fpirrit : for dheirs iz dhe kingdom ov Hevven. Blef- fed ar dhe pure in hart : for dhey foal fee God. Az dhe foarce, fuch dhe ftream : from.- dellicacy ov thaught can notthing flow, but dellicacy ov expreffion. Dho Truith be too lovly, to' need dhe forrain aid ov orna^ ment ; dubbel iz her power, hwen clodhed according to' time and place. In gentile days, flie laflied Folly in Folly's language ; but Revvelacion braught refinement. Evvery immage, dhat wood be coarfe naked, wil be duly vailed by dhe deUicate. Dhus doo helljyfummac^fuety and 246 PROPRIETY ASCERTAINED and oddher homely terms, ellegantly {\^'^\\mX.q, Jlummac^ appetite^ perfpire and perfpiracion, or dhe like. If ISature bluntly fay, Toor belly may he fool, child \ Pollifli fays az nattu rally, yoor Jiummac may he JlayecL AVon, / hav no Jiummac ; dhe oddher, / hav no appe- tite. ViV^X, yoo fwet\ dhis, j'oo perfpire \ or, yoo ar sl\[ in a perfpiracion. If all muft be dhus decent by land, if dhe veny o-ards ov good-manners muft evince dhemfelvs fuch by paciently and politely inviting each oddher to' exchainge but a ball in dhis world, az mutually introductory to' a bet- ter ! flial Common-Civillity, not to' fay Common-Senfe, creddit, dhatfudden oaths, can beoccazzionallyrecquizite; dhat dhey can annihware command regard, or blafphemy lay a ftorm ? Won wood indeed expe6t dhat a ftiie, hwich defies Hevven, Ihood proov at leart omnippotent on Erth. And, dhat it iz omniprevvalent in won human dialed, dhey muft be az much ftraingers to' Brittifj Libberty, hoo doo not own; az infenfibcl to' Brittifj Elleganee, hoo perfift in dhe practice. Hwile dhe Jews trembel to' utter dhe name ov Jehovah, can Chriftians wantonly familliarize its evvery varriacion ? Not to' mul- tiply exampels, ov hwich dhe verry exhibifcion wer con- tagious ; az addifcionally conducive to' a violacion ov dhat Law, on hwich all oddhers turn ; can edher Rezon or Relidgion blufter in dhe name ov God ? or can AfFedacion be fuffifciently infenlibel to' flurrifti her airs ^n Gods name f Dho it iz newer abfolutely too late for INMERPICTURE. 247 for dantles Rezzolucion to' corred Impropriety ; az won poet aOlires : J Labor omnia vlncit Improbus^ et duris urgens in rebus egcjlas. Strong Perfeverance muil prevail at laft ; And Triumph follow, liwen Dilbes iz paft» Yet fallutary dhe advice ov anoddher : Principiis objla : fero medicina paratur, JDttm mala per longas invaluere moras^ Chec budding il : lefl remmedy be vain, Hwen Habbit riots in Prefcripcions reign. Such attention wood preclude evvery dainger ; nor lliood we hear Infancy lifping, firft Lazv I dhen Lord ! and dhen — hwatevver can difonnor and deprave at wonce children and dheir parents. From lifllefnes ov habbit fprings nefceflarily fuch infenfibillity ov tafte, az pro- duces expreffions hware Poetry and Piety raddher bleed dhan blulh togueddher : Hware iz dhe North f at Tork^ tiz on dhe Tweed. On Tiveed^ ^tiz in dhe Or cades ; and dhare In Nova Zemhla^ or dhe Lord knows bivare. Yet 248 PROPRIETY ASCERTAINED Yet can it not be denied, dhat Inglip Libberty iz fom- times but a flioot ov French Fredom. Nor les certainly- had dhe Gallic Horrace begun widh Mon Dieu ! and reached by due gradacion dhe calloflity ov dhe moddel ; Mais 77101 (grace au Deftin !) qui 7i ai ni feu nl lieu ; ye 77ie loge ou je puis, et comme il plait a Dieu. I [thank 77iy fiars) hav nedher houfe nor home ; So, hwa7'e God plezes, mull ered my dome. \ 3. In Dialect. Widh principels ov life decline prlncipels ov lan- -guage. Tallent no longer opperates, hware Tafte no more infpires. Dilregard to' thaught brings carelefnes ov expreffion, and trivvial peruzals trivvial pubblicacions. Hence dhe inattenfion fo frequent (and fo flagrant) in writing az in fpeech, to' evvery kind ov accuracy ; and dhe violacion we hav feen in boath dialefts, ov evvery law dhat fliood gard Common-fenfe, no les dhan common Perfpicuity. Hence dhe yet uncefmg interchainge ov affir7native and neggative, ov rejl and mocion ; ov per- fans, ftateSy gende7's, nu}7ibers, degrees ; te7^fes, 7}ioods^ fortnacions, 2ind /tiles, in dhat hwich j umbels all in won caottic dialeB. Hard indeed iz it to' fay in hwat rank or fittuacion we dqo not fee az wel az hear, hwat neither you I N H E R P I C T U R E. 349 you or I could credit ; luhat feldom or ever falls to pock the unvitiqted ear and eye ; what therefore you would not imitate on no account : nor I neither, Fro77i zvhence is all this barbarity come f and where fjall it he o-oino- f From hence (pall it go) in the country of oblivion. Be- twixt you and /, no one would hardly believe that you nor no other in the par ip of Mary-le-bone^ could exprefs, far more exhibit thofe fort of refeBions, nor bother the harmed as inquifitive public with any of them thino-s, "that is very high. It is all a huin. Tou mufl not think to hum me. It was not me^ it was him ; or it was all along of him. Was I perfuaded of that^ I fljould be fatisfiedj nor trouble jny head no further about it ; but till I my f elf at7i perfuaded^ you will forgive my dubiouf- nefs (herd often doobufnes). Nay^ give me leave to tell you^ I heard him hiinfelf fzvear that you was the only one, who could be arraigned of the audacity to begin continue^ and finifj the unpardonable innovation. I leave any rational creature to guefs which of the two affirmations is the mof probable^ or which of both the worthies deferves the greatef credit ; whether he that hath fworn, or him that will not fwear. Izvifjyou had not thus expofed yourfelf : that he was here now ! Was you among the mob^ when the conviBs was hung f Tl be hanged, if he was not there. Tou dont imagine he was ; but I could lay you a guinea on it: as I hope he has too much humanity ^ to lofe one of the many happy Qccafions of bidding friends a very good-night. Vol. n. I i Not !5o PROPRIETY ASCERTAINED Not to' comment on a parragraph, hware dhe fille iz wordhy dhe thanghts, and hwat dhey hoo know equally Greek and Inglllli, wood call dhe orthog- graphy (yet write dhe orthography !) ov boath ; Writing muil be, for manny rezons, more accurate dhan Speech. But, if accuracy beguin not in fpeech, it wil not be annealed in writing; nor can anny, hoos converfe iz flovvenly, be expelled to' pen widh ellegance. Hahhit iz wel named ^a feccond-nature : occazzional ex- ercioa wil not chainge it. Newer wil an aukward and a tawdry oridginal, make at wonce a like and a pollillied pifture. Ov all tawdrines dhe groccft, we hav alreddy perceived AffeBacion. She wil (we know) uze dhe familliar for dhe follemn ; az chrijlen and chriftening^ for baptize and haptifm : nor les, dhe follemn for dhe familliar ; az dhe jejls ov "Jofeph Miller^ for yoe-Millers jejls. Solemnity, dhus claiming dhe direft arrainge- ment, levcs to' fimilliarrity, hwat not evvery tung en- joys, dhe power ov tranfpozifcion. Widh equal pro- priety dhen, in refpe£live place, Shahfpears tvorks 7nay be /poke ov ; or dhe works ov ShaJiJpear may proov dhe ^'ar^ous thenie^ on hzvich dhe opinnlons ar fpoken. Pro- priety dherfore adapting thaught and exprellion, ne- dher foars beyond, fmks beneadh, mifrepprezents nor mifaddreffes her obje£l ; hwile her antipode overhwelms widh compliment inapplicabel, damps by widhholding onnors due ; or, worfe dhan edher, Donne I N H E R P I C T U R E. 251 Donne de rencenjoir au travers du vifao-e^ Wldh dhe rafli cenfer flrlkes dhe fearles face. Dignity fuffering equally from promifcuoufnes and from pomp ; alike ridicculous (cood dhe impious be ridiccu- lous) wer dhe ftile, dhat {liood throw togueddher dhe Hands ov Br it tain and Iceland \ and dhat hwich fliood impute, perhaps to' a pompous fpeech, dhe falvacion ov dhe BrittiJJj Empire ; or, Hiood even attempt to' ex- pand dhe h'oal Brittijlj Empire at large. If iHles dhen ar to' be fuited to' dheir obje£ls, no les mull dhey be confident in dhemfelvs. If he doth and drives muit be clafTed widh he pardoneth and ahfohs ; Confiftence cannot dhou and dhee it in won part ov an addres, and yoo and ye it, in anoddher. Dhe fame quamtnes, dhat fubftltutes a colleftlve for a plural, finds an indeffinite genteel for a deffinite idea. Dho it haz not yet ventured Pubblic ar— for T)hepuhhUc /s;— notthlng wil now go down but Minnijlry ar — for dhe Minnijlry iz (or dhe Minnijters ar) and fo on. Dhe fame accuracy makes dhey and dhem reprezent a fingular fcolle6ive) fubjeft C130, 131). Not dhat dhe deffinite artikel iz quite exploded. Dho dhe grammar ov anny livving language be now beneadh anny fcollars attenfion, all mull: know French enuf to' admire fuch (cood fuch be) az Dhe Ahington and Dhe Siddons ! Dhey, hoo blufli not yet to' return back again^ ar proud to' meet approbation, to' pledge themfelves^ nay fom- tlmes to' commit themfelves^ and dhe like. li 2 Dhe 552 PROPRIETY ASCERTAINED Dhe falfe curtefy ov moddern tungs allows familliar flile to' addres won perfon and manny perfons, alike by dhe pronoun ov dhe plural number ; dhojoo can no more paint perfons in dhe govverning, dhan jye in dhe gov- verned ftate. 1£ joo howevver (widh dhis indifpenfabel reftriccion) be dhe promilcuous repprezentative ov dhe dhe feccond perfon ; we cannot, but in dhe moaft aw- fool folemnity, exhibbit a finguel fpeaker, or dhe firft perfon fingular. Hwile a vizzibel individdual can fo feldom (widhout arrogance) fwel into' we, an invizzlbel and indeffinite plurallity (fuppozed a verry legion ov fpirrits) can urge no better titel, dhan dhe Prieftes ov Apollo, to' iffue anny orrakel introduced or enfoarced by we or us. Argument haz no need ov dhe arguer (prin- cipal or proxy) ; and intelligence mufl not fpeak by dhe intelligencer, in dhe fpeaking perfon. From anny den dherfore ov pubblicacion, hoo can bair dhe aflociated voice, hwich at wonce precludes critticifm, and antifci- pates forrow or joy ? E^e are forry ta declare — We ar happy to* announce (according to' moddern pomp) — We wood caucion our readers — hoo hav abfolutelv no correfpondence widh edher crittics or advertizers. An anonnymous newfwriter may indefinitely £iy We^ (for he cannot I) bear, if anny prelface be needfool, dhat on — day laft, Mr. — committed dhe raJJj accion, or (more genteelly) died a Roman deth ; and dhat j/f//^r