70 /^3 UC-NRLF B ^ sa? b3D E n graved Portraits, Decorative and Historical Prints, Etchings & Drawings No. 408. MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, New Bond Street, LONDON, W. Wk. FRONTISPIECE. Criks OF LoxDox. "Turnips and Carrots." WIumIIov. See Item No. 300. Engraved Portraits, Decorative and Historical Prints, Etchings €r Drawings Selecleil fnun the Stuck cf MAGGS BROS. (H. D. MAGGS, C. A. MAGGS, E. U. MAGGS) DEALERS IN FINE « RARE BOOKS, PRINTS 8 AUTOGRAPHS 34 &- 35, Conduit Street New Bond Street, London, W. Tel.,rap,i, ^ CaHe A,,ress: " Bibllollte. London." V,L: .-Mayfair. 583L" MAGGS BROS.. 34 3z J3, Conduit Street, London, W 5 BELL (Andrew, 1753-1S32) . Nearly full length seated in gown, holdino: paper on Education. Mezzotint by C. Turner after W. Owen. Size ijf b}^ 13 J inches, with margins. Brilliant proof impression before all letters. £5 5s P'onnder of ^fjulrn'; sv«tpm of pdacation; Siiiierintendent of Madras ^lale Orplian .\syhim, 1789. The Three Irish Graces. 6 iiERESFORD (The Hon. Mrs.) with the Marchioness Townshend and the Hon. Mrs. Gardiner. Whole lengths adorning a Term of Hymen ; Mrs. Beresford kneeling on the left, taking llowers from a basket ; Mrs. Gardiner in the centre ; Lady Townshend holding up the wreath of flowers with both handls; urn, altar, and statue of Hymen to right ; trees and landscape. Mezzotint by Thos. Watson after Sir Joshua Reynolds. Size 27I by 22} inches. Full engraved surface with hair line margins all round. Brilliant impression of the first state printed in rich bro\\-n tone before the title was added. (See Illustration, Plate No. II.) £315 These Hiree sisters were called " The Irish Graces," and wore daujjhters of Sir Wm. Montgomery, Bart. Elizabeth niariied, .Julv, 177.'!, ihc \hm. T,uke Gardiner, afterwards Vi>count Monntjoy. Died 1783. Anne married, 177.3, George, 4th Viscount and 1st Marquess Townsend. Died 1819. Barba-ra, marrie^l 1774, the Hon. .John Beresford, second son of Marcus, 1st Earl of Tyrone. Died 1788. 7 BILLINGTON (Mrs., as St. Cecilia, 1768-1819). Full length, standing, hair loose, necklace, light ral)e, liands holding open book of music before her, above her a cherub about to place a wreath on her head, to right four cherul)s singing, clouds in backgroiuid. Mezzotint by Jas. Ward after Sir J. Reynolds. Size 26 by i61 inches, with inscription. 1803. Brilliant impression. £36 The most celel)ratp equally ftreat in England and the Continent, and remained undiminished I0 the close of her public career in 1809. i MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London. W. 3 The Thomas Phhxips Portrait of William Blake 8 BLAKE (William ; Poet and Painter) . ^t..^h^ urif ^' T^^n Pl"""^^ ? ^^"^' ^ t^^^^utifully executed Etching on fuxto^ Fomian'" "' ^^"^ ■^'''^"'^ '"^ *^'^ possession of Mr. Folio, a brilliant Remarque Proof Impression on India Paper London nublished by Colnaghi, 1S81 (size of the engraved plate 8| by 6| inches, with wide margins) . s p aic oa uy Very rare. Only 25 remaniue proofs were struck off. £i 55 9 Ditto. taken oMht's?ate^°°' ""P""'°° °" '""'^ ^"P^^ <" ""P--°- ™f- 10 BOURKE (Hon. Henry Norton) . " The Lord Harry." Full length, standing, hat, hands on hips. F C%'fuM '^'''^''''■''°^°'''' drav\dng made for the Vanity Fair Cartoon by Size 12 J by 6? inches. £3 jq^ 11 BRITISH NAVAL VICTORS. On one large sheet. Four portraits, as under, half lengths, in ovals kurels'''' """""' ' ''"'^'' ^^'^' '^'^^'"^ ^^^"^^ ^"'^ between adorned Ia^IJi' Splendid mezzotint by Valentine Green. only^stey.^%^799'''' "'''^^'' ""'^^ '''^'Sins, full plate mark and inscription, Most brilliant impression. £^2 Inscriptions on Ta))Iets and Curtains -^ 'uS:nWunrilt''l7?r"' ''•^■- ^^^'""'^ '^^' ^---»>--->«l^ ^"l-"t a.bove portrait), %aLt^;oftraUrcI'^SrI^rO^^ ^^^^"^^'^ ^^ ^^- ^^ ^-« V^^afo^sr^AS^s^St^nS "'^'"^ ^^ '""^ ""'''■ '-'-' ''' '' ''■ ^^'-^ ^«^- 12 BULKELEY (Right Honble. Harriet, Viscountess). Whole length, standing by the base of a large pillar, loose flowing robe supported across right shoulder by a band of pearls, right arm resting upon by hcr'side '''''''^' """" flanging by her side, a cornucopia with flowers Choice stipple engraving by F. Bartolozzi after R. Cos way. Size II by 8| inches, with margins. 1785. £14 14^ ^ MAGGS BROS . 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 13 CARNARVON (Henry, Earl of, 1741-1S11) . Nearly full length standing in robes. Mezzotint by W. Ward after Gainsborough and Stuart. Size iQT by 14 inches, with margins. i795- *^ *^^ "** Son ^ L r'^f lijr General the Hon. Wxn. Herbert, M.I>. for Wilton. 1768^. 14 CAROLINE (Princess of Wales, 1 768- 1 82 1). Full length, standing, hat with high feather, satin drt^s and trani right hand holding fan, left raising dress at back, vase on pede.stal to left, rose bushes on each side. Mezzotint by J. Murphy after T. Stothard. Size iQi by 13! inches, with margins. (i795) • *•»" *"^ Second daughter of the Duke of Bruns^s-ick and the Princess Augusta, sister ot (George III.; niarHed her first cousin, Geo. Prince of Wales, atterwards «.eorge U . j^ Ditto. Briniantly printed in colours. £52 10s 16 CATHERINE (of Braganza ; Queen of Charles II., d. of John IV. of Portugal, 1638-1 705). As St. Catherine ; whole length kneeling, with wheel and holding palm branch, cherubs hovering round her. Mezzotint by R. Tompson after J. Huysmans. Siz^ 18 by iif inches, with inscription margin. £4 4s 17 CATLEY (Anne, 1745-1789) . In the character of " Euphrosyne." Half length, in large oval, chaplet of leaves on head, low dress, small shawl over shoulders, arms folded, landscape in distance to left, verse under. Fine mezzotint by Dunkarton after Lawrenson. Size i5i by II inches, with margin. 1777- ^^ ^^ Vocalist. .Sunff at Vauxhall. 1762. Pupi' of Charles Macklin. extremely popular at Dublin, 1763-70, and in Tjondon. 1770-84. 18 Another Impression. ^^ ^^ 19 CHARLES II. 1630-1685. ^ ^ .. ., • Three-quarter length, standing hand in hand witli Queen Catherine; wdnged bov bearing Arms of Portugal to right. Latin and Dutch titles. Line bv F. H. V. Hove. N. Visscher exc. Size i4i by igf inches, with margins. ^-^ '"^ -^o CHARLOTTE AUGUSTA (Princess Royal, Queen of Wurtemberg, 1766-1828). , , In oval, neariv whole length, seated, holding open book. vStipple by P. W. Tomkins after H. Ramberg. ^,a m Size 11^ by Si inches, with margins. 1789- =^'" '"^ Plate I. Lady Acr.vNi). Cousins— Linvii'iui'. Soi' Kcin Xo. ;?. Plate II. n MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 5 _„^ Printed in Coi^ours. 21 CHESTER (Eliza, Actress, born 1799). .1 ^''f^?u^''^f ^^u^^^' standing, hat with large feathers, low neck short sleeves, left hand to bosom holding scarf blown to left Mezzotint by S. W. Reynolds after J. Jackson. Size 9I by 6f inches. 1826. Brilliantly printed in colours. (See I1J.USTRAT10N, Plate No. III.). £42 '' ^ A^XVi!!.'^ ^^''''" °^ ^'''^'"' 1626-1689). Daughter of Gustavus Three-quarter length seated, hair in curls, orb in left hand Line engraving by J. Sandrart. Size 12 by 8f inches, with margins. £15 J55 23 CLIVE (Catherine, 1711-1785). Three-quarter length, standing, feathers in hair, cape edged with fur over shoulders, right hand holding shepherd's staff Mezzotint by Tinney after Ellys. Verse under. Size 13I by 9I inches, with margins. Circa 1750 £1 ^c Actress of Irish extraction ; employed by Garrick at Drury Lane 1746-69. 24 COKE FAMILY. Whole lengths a young girl, standing, pearls and feathers in hair rr^h*^ ^stened across right shoulder, left hand holding crook! kmbSe hj^ To left two 3jung girls, with wreaths to place on lamb : in balground trees and two children with wings, figure of winged boy at fountdii Mezzotint by Gerard Valck after Huysnians Size 12 by 81 inches, with narrow margins! Cuca i6Ss £5 Ss "^ctuo^ersS: ti'l7f'''''^ ^^ ''' ^-^'' ^^^- «^ ^-^^^- Earl of Coventry. 6 MAGGS BROS.. 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. Coventry (Maria, Countess of) — continued. 27 Ditto. Another portrait. Without hat, pearls in hair, lace cape. Engraved bj' C. Spooner after F. Cotes. Size io| by Sf inches, wnth inscription margin. Circa 1760. £9 9s 28 CREIGHTON (The Rt. Rev. Mandell, b. 1843, Bishop of London). " Ecclesiastical History." Full length, standing, spectacles, hat in right hand. Original water-colour drawing made for the Vanitv Fair Cartoon by F. T. Dalton. April 22, 1897. Size 15 by ti inches. £7 15s 49 CROCK ATT (Miss Emiha, died 1837) . Full half length, sitting, reading book held on lap, right hand turning a leaf, hair full, close dress, curtain behind, trees in distance to right. Very fine mezzotint by J. Dean after J. Hoppner. Size 13-^ by lof inches, with margins. 1785. Itrilliant proof impression in early state and date, with the artists' names and line of pubh'cation in scratched letters. (Unknown to Challoner Smith in this state.) Very Rare. (See Illustration. Plate No. IV.). £110 Daug'hter of Cbarles Crockatt. Esq., of Luxbotoufih irall. Es5=ex. Married. 1789, Ayscough Boucherett, 'Esq., of Willingham, Co. E,ssex. 30 CROKER (Miss Rosamund, 1810-1906) . Half length, seated, hair in short dark curls, wjiitu low-necked dress, hand holding reading glass, which is suspicncled by long chain round neck. Mezzotint by Saml. Cousins after Sir Thomas Lawrence. Size 14 b}^ loi inches, with margins. 18.^8. £12 12s I>aufi:hter of Wru. Pennell, Consul-General in Brazil at the coinniencement of tiie Nineteenth Century. When six weeks old she became tlie adoi>ted daughter of John Wilson Crocker, Statesman and Essayist Married Sir George Barrow, Bt. 31 CUMBERLAND (William Augustus, Duke of, 1721-1765). vSeated on lior.seback, holding truncheon ; a sentry saluting him. Line by L. L'Enipereur after D. Morier. vSize 18 j' by 14^- inches, with margins. 1751. £3 3s Coanmanded Army formed to oppose Prince Charles Edward and ilefeated. rebels at Culloden. Commanded allietl forces in Netherlands, 174t and 1747. MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 7 32 DAUDET (Alphonse, b. 1840) . "He wrote * Sapho.' " Full length, standing, monocle, stick in right hand. Original water-colour drawing made for the Vanity Fair Cartoon by F. B. Guth. March nth, 1S93. Size 12 b}^ 7 inches. £7 15s 33 DEVONSHIRE (Georgina, Duchess of, 1757-1806) . Full length standing, head bent and looking downwards, hair high, her right elbow leans on cornice at base of pillars to left, hands holding muslin scarf, wooded landscape to right. Mezzotint by VV. W. Barney after T. Gainsborough. Size 28-J- bj^ 17 inches, with margins. 1808. Brilliant open letter proof impression. (See Illustration, Plate No. V.). £176 10s Eldest dlaugrliter of first .Earl Spencer. She married in 1774 the fifth Dnke of Devonshire and became the reigning Queen of Society " Great as were her personal charms, they -wej© not the chief source od: her influence even over the majority of her admirers; it lay in the amenity and graces of her deportment, in her irresistible manners, and the seduction of her society." (Wraxall, Posthumous Memories.) Canvassed for Fox in the Westminster election, 1784. 34 DEYM (Count Franz). " .4ustre=Hungary." Full length, standing, cigar in right hand, left hand in pocket. Very clever water-colour drawdng, afterwards reproduced in Vanity Fair, by L. Ward (Spy). Feb. 24, 1898. Size 13 by yi inches. £2 lOs 35 DOVER (Lady) and her Son, Hon. Henry Agar Ellis. Nearly full length, seated, in low black dress, hair in curls, pearls on wrist, her arm round her son, whom she clasps to her, curtain and landscape behind. Large and very fine mezzotint by Samuel Cousins after Sir Thomas Lawrence. Size 19-5 bv 15 inches, with margins. r8-^i. Choice Impression. £18 18s Georgina, daughter of George, 6th Earl of Carlisle, married U. J Agar-Elilis, createpeare//'2:r//'.'Cf'/'' ,//«, ./■. A,, f. /...,. '/)'../. Lauy J>i,iz. J'Ostkk Kartolozzi — Ki-ynokls. Printed in Colours. Sci> It 0111 No. 41. MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 13 64 HENRIETTA MARIA. Procession in Holland. Large line engraving showing the procession on the road to Amsterdam in 1642. By Pieter Nolpe after Pieter Porter. Size 15 by 57 inches, inscription margin with title in Dutch and list of names of the various personages taking part. Circa 1642. £3 3s 65 HERTFORD (Francis Seymour Conway, Marquis of, 1719-1794) . In oval, half length, flowered coat, frill, sash. Mezzotint engraving by Dixon. vSize 13 by lOg inches, with inscription margin. C. 1770. £4 4s Succeeded his father 1732 as Lord ConAvay : created Earl of Harford 1750 : Lord Lieut, of Ireland 1765; marrie Mahratta Conietleracy, 1803. 78 LA VALLIERE (Duchess de, died 1710) . Full half length, low loose dress, long curls. Line engraving by the Master of the Monogram, H.B., fine impression. Size 13-I by 9I inches, large margin. £6 6s The beautiful Mistress of Louis XIV. 79 LIGONIER (John, Viscount, died 1770). Full length on horseback; army in background; battlefield, .supposed to be Dettingen on which he was Knighted under the RoN^al Standard. Mezzotint by E. Fisher after Sir J. Reynolds. Size 21 by 18 inches, with large margins. Brilliant impression in first state, before all letters and before the plate was cleaned. (See Illustration, Plate No. IX). £63 He served in all the Wars of Queen Anne under tlie Duke of Marlborough ; at Dettingen. 1742; made prisoner at the battle of Laufeildt, 1747; presented to Louis XV., and was soon released; created Visrount. 17.')7, and Earl, 1766; Commander-in-Chief of the British Forces, and Field Marshal. 79a LOULSE (Princess) , Dauj^hter of Prince Ferdinand of Prussia. Full length, standing, holding basket of roses, landscape. Line engraving by M. Haas. Size 22I by 14! inches, with margins. 1787. £4 lOs i6 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35. Conduit Street, London, W So LYNDHURST (Lady, died 1834) . Half length, seated, low dress, hair curled, hands clasped. Fine mezzotint by Samuel Cousins after Sir Thos, Lawrence. Size III bj' 8g inches, with margins. 1836. £3 10s First wife of Lord Chancellor Lyndluirst. 81 MACDONALD (Miss Julia) . Three-quarter length, short curls, dark dress with low neck, left hand raised to neck. Mezzotint by S. Cousins after Sir Thos. Lawrence. Size 9h by 7^ inches, with margins. 1831. £8 8s Daug'Bter of Sir John Macdonald, G.C.B., Adjutant-General. She married Sir Eovland Errington, Bart., and died in 1859. 82 MALDEN (Viscount) , and Lady Elizabeth Capel. Whole length. Lord Maiden stands in a Vandyck dre.ss, with a stick in right hand; his sister is sitting, holding a wreath of flowers in her left hand, a basket of flowers at her feet, landscape. Mezzotint by C. Turner after Sir J. Reynolds. Size i8h by 14 J inches, vvith margins. 1S17. Fine impression. £52 10s Children of William Anne, 4th Earl of Essex. Viscount Maiden, born 1757, became 5th Earl; a D.C.L. and F.S.A.; took the surname of Goningsby; dieion GOtli Rifles; Served in India, 1888-9. Printed in Colours. 104 PAGET (Hon. vSophia Askell, 1784-1859) . "Psyche." Half length, standing, looking to right, holding casket with both hands, a butterfly on the top. vStipple by J. H. Meyer after Hoppner. Size Si by 61 inches, no margins. 1807. Brilliantly printed in colours. (See Illustration, Plate No. XI.) . £120 Wife of Hon. Berkeley Pa^ret. brother of 1st Marquess of Anglesey. 105 PATTERSON (The Masters). " Rural Amusement." Two boys, one leading a donkey, the other with arms round its neck, landscape with stream and trees in background. Large and fine mezzotint by John Bromley after Sir Thos. Lawrence. vSi7,e i8f by 141 inches, with margins. 183 1. Proof before letters. £18 18s 106 PEEL (Lady, i795-r859)- Three-quarter length, standing, large hat with drooping feather, fur cloak held at waist by left hand, bracelet and rings. Mezzotint by Cousins after Sir T. Lawrence. Size 15 by iii inches, with margins. 1832. Fine impression on India paper. £21 Daug'hter of , joint proprietor with hie brother of Pennsvlvania. Plate VII. Kent (Lady). Dean — Reynolds. Plate Vlil Gknkk.m, Lvkk. " JJatllo ot Laswar: I'l-iiiii'd ill Colours. Si'c Item ISO. 77. MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 21 108 PETER I. (" The Great," 1672-1725). Czar of Russia. Half length, in oval, armour, cloak held by pearls and jewelled clasps, inscription on tablet under. Line engraving by J. Smith after Kneller. Size i3i by 10 inches Circa 1700. £5 5s 109 PITT (Rt. Hon. Wm., 1759-1806). Half length, in oval, on base, wig, dark coat, white cravat curtain, pillar behind. Engraved by P. M. Alix after Ant. tiickel. Size 16 by 12! inches, mth margins. Circa 1800. Fine impression, choicely printed in colours. £15 15s no PORTLAND (Wm. Cavendish Bentinck, 3rd Duke of, 173S-1809) . Nearly full length, powdered hair tied at back, seated at table, papers lettered " India Bill " before him. Mezzotint by John Murphy after Sir J. Reynolds. Size 20 by 14 inches, with inscription margin. 1796. £3 3s Celebrated Statesman Premier in. 1783 and 1807. The Duke resigned in 1783 when Fox's India Bill had been thrown out in the lord-. Ill PORTSMOUTH (Louise Penhouet Querouaille, Duchess of, 1652-1734) . Half length, in oval, low loose dress, hair in curls. ^Mezzotint after Lely. Size 8| by 6| inches^ with margins. C. 16S0. £4 4s Mistress of Charlesi 11. IT2 POWELL (William, 1735-1769). In oval, half length, plain coat, lace frill. Mezzotint by J. Dixon after Lawrenson. Size ii| by 9 inches, with inscription margin. 1769. £1 I5s Actor; understudied Garrick at Drury Lane; the original Iloneywootl in the " Good- naturetl Man." 1768. 113 POWLET (Lady Catherine, died 1807). Whole length, a girl, sitting, right hand on head of greyhound to left, left hand on floor beside her, landscape in background to right. Mezzotint by J. R. Smith after Sir Joshua Reynolds. Choice impression in First State. Size 19! by 14I inches, with inscription margin (except line of publi- cation) . 1778. (See Iijxstration, Plate No. XIT.) . £75 Eldest daiighter of tJie second marriage of the sixth and last Duke of Bolton; married 1787 Wm. Henry T/ord Barnard, afterwards Duke of Cleveland. 32 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 114 POYNDER (Thomas, Jr.). Three-quarter length, seated, dark coat, white cravat, own hair, left hand holding papers, right hand resting on table to left, on which arc books, papers, etc. Mezzotint engraving by H. Cousins after Sliee. Size i8i by 14^ inches, with large margins. 1837. £2 lOs Treasurer of Christ's Hospital, 1837. Printed in Colours. 115 Q(UENTIN) (Mrs.). Three-quarter length, seated on a low wall, white dress, full, hair in curls, buildings (Westminster Abbey) , by the river. Stipple by W. Blake after Huet VUliers. Size iij by o inches, with margins. 1820. Finely printed in colours. £80 Celebrated Brighton Beauty, sometime conncutetl with William IV. 116 RAEBURN (Sir Henry, 1756-1823). Half length, left hand raised to face. Stipple by Wm. Walker after Sir H. Raeburn. Facsimiled Autograph proof. Size 13 by loi inches, with margins. £12 1 2s Famous Portrait Painter, sometimes c-alled the " Scotti.sh Reynolds." 117 REYNOLDS (Sir Joshua, 1723-1792). Half length, a loose cloak thrown over the shoulders, right hand on portfolio. Mezzotint by Jas. Watson after Sir J. Reynolds. Size 16 by .r3 inches, with inscription margin. 1770. £14 14s Considereortrait. Half length, armour and riband, oval on pedestal. Line by J. Daulle. Size 9f by 7 inches, with margins. 1744. £3 3s 134 Ditto. Another Portrait. Half length, with riband and star, oval with emblems and motto: " E verso missus siiccurere seclo." Line by R. Strange. Size io| by 7} inches, narrow margins. £3 3s J 35 TALBOT (Charlotte, Countess, died 1804). Whole length, in long robe, gauze scarf, taking a vase from a flaming tripod, in her left hand is a chalice, in the distance is a statue of Minerva, behind colunm and curtain, trees. Large and very fine mezzotint by Val. Green after Sir Joshua Reynolds. Size 25 by 15 J inches, with margins. 17S2. Brilliant impression in second state. £42 10s Daughter of Wills Hill, 1st Earl of Hillslwrough. Created, 1739, Marquess of Downshire, Married John, 1st Earl Talbot. 136 TENNYSON (Alfred, Lord, Poet Laureat, 1S50) . Life-sized bust. Etchings by H. Herkomer. Size i8t by 13! inches, \vith margins. £3 10s 137 THOMOND (Murrough O'Bryen, ist Marquess of, i724?-i8o8). Nearly whole length, seated in arm chair by table, hand on book, star on coat. Mezzotint by S. W. Reynolds after J. Hoppner. Size i7j by 14 inches, with margins. iSoS. £6 10s 26 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 158 TOLLEMACHH (Hon. Mrs., 1745-1804). Whole length, as " Miranda." Standing, hair high, curls on shoulders, sash, hands extended, Caliban bearing sticks at her feet to right, trees in background to left, through which Prospero is looking, shipwreck in distance. Large mezzotint by J. Jones after Sir J. Reynolds. Size 24 by i4b inches, with mairgins. 1786. Fine impression in Second J^tate. £32 10s 139 TWEEDALE (John Hay. Karl of, 1626-1696) . Half length, in oval, with panelled corners and tablet beneath, look- ing to front, long wig, cravat, peer's robes. Mezzotint by John Smith after Kneller. Size 1 31 by 9! inches, with narrow margins. 1690. Fine impression in first state. £5 5s Commissioner of the Treasury; Tortl High Chancelllor; and created Marquis in 169i. 140 VAN TROMP (Cornelius, 1629-1691). Short half length, cap, earring, diark cloak over armour. Mezzotint by G. Graham after Rembrandt. Size 13 by It inches, with margins. Circa 1780. Fine impression. £9 9s Dutch Admiral. T41 VERNON (Miss) , as a Seamstress. Full lengtJi, sitting on a chair, sewnng, large hat, which partly .shades face, plain dress, landscape and trees in background. vStipple engraving by Cheesman after G. Romney. Size 141 by loi inches. Inscription and narrow margins top and sides. 1787. Fine impression in brown. (See Ir.i,usTRATTON, Plate No. XIV.) . £31 lOs Sometimes described as a iportrait of Lady Hamilton. ^42 WILLIAM III., 1650-1702. MARY II., 1662-1694. Both full length, seated in state robes with orb anl sceptre. Pair of Mezzotints by J. Gole. Size 152 by lizg inches, with in.scription margins. The ixiir, £10 10s MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London. W. 27 143 WILLIAM III., 1650-1702. Half length to leit, in oval, wig, crown, and Garter robes. Latin and Dutch lines under. Mezzotint by G. Valck. Size 12 by 10 incnes, with margins. Fine iu.pression. £8 88 146 WILLIAM IV., 1765-1837. As midshipman on board H.M.S. Prince George, whole length standing on deck. Aquatint and stipple in brown by F. Bartolozzi after B. West. Size 2o| by r6| inches, with inscription mairgin. 17S2. £5 5s 147 WOLFF (Mrs., died 1829) . Nearly whole length, seated, turban, light dress, rose at waist, right elbow on large open book, at which she is looking, right hand on head. Mezzotint by S. Cousins after Sir Thos. Lawrence. Size 15 b}^ iii- inches, with margins. 1831. Fine impression. £7 7s She wes an. intimate friend of Lawrence's sister, and friend and adviser to the painter himself. 148 WRIGHT FAMILY. Whole lengths, a girl sitting at foot of tree, holding long wreath, hen* left hand on head of young boy who reclines at her feet, a lamb on her lap held by another girl who kneels on one knee, trees and cloudy sky in distance to right. Mezzotint by Val Green after J. Wright, Size 17! by 14-8- inches, narrow margins. (1769) . Fine impression in first state. (See Illustration, Plate No. XV.) . £42 149 WYNYARD (Miss). Half length seated, holding a scroll, cloak trimmed fur, right arm resting on i)edestal. Mezzotint by J. Finlayson after Sir J. Reynolds. Size 18 by 13I inches, with margins. 1771. Fine impression in second state. £18 18s Daughter of General Wynyard and sistt>v to the Countess De la Warr«. 38 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. Engraved Portraits of Americana Interest. 150 BECKWITH (Sir George, 1753-1823). Whole length, standing, directed and looking to front, lace frill, uniform, stair, scarf and belt round waist, sword, long boots with spurs, right ann by his side, hat in hand, left hand on hip behind him, tent to left, large palm tree behind, landscape to right vvath burning building in distance. Very fine mezzotint by S. W. Reynolds after J. Eckstein. Size 26-4- by 17 inches, with full margin. Brilliant impression. £6 6s Famous Soldier. Took prominent part in American War, 177(5 — 82, Go^•ernor and Coou- mandant of Bermuda, Governor of St. Vincent and Tiarbailoes, completed cunquest of Martinique and Guadaloupe, commanded forces in Ireland. 151 BURGOYNE (John, d. 1792). Half length, uniform, hat with feather. Mezzotint by Humphrey after Pine. Size 6 by 4^ inches. Proof impression with the Artist's name in scratched letters. £8 8s General and dramatist, defeated .\mericans at Germantow n 1777, surrendeired his Army at .Saratog-a, 1778. 152 BURKE (Rt. Honblc. Ednunid, 1729-1797). Half length, looking to right, dark coat, light cravat. Mezzotint by J. Jones after G. Romney. vSize 18 by 14 inches, with margins. 1790. Very brilliant impression of this scarce portrait. (Sek Ii.h7j:tratton, Pl.ate No. XVI.) . £84 Eminent .Statesman and Orator. Especially distinguihlieil himself in the debates on the -American question 153 Ditto. Another portrait. In oval, short half length, black ribbon round neck. Mezzotint by Jas. Watson after Sir Joshua Reynolds. Size 13! by lof inches, with in.scription margin. 1770. Fine impression. £35 Plate XL Taget (Hon. Sophia) " I'syciik." ;Moye!— TIhih""-''' Printed in Colours. See Item No. int. Plate XII. l,\i)V < '\i iii;i(im; I'uwi.ki . .1. I». Sniitli Sir .) . IvcvihiIi Sec I(;mii N(i. li:i. MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 29 Portraits of Americana Interest — continued. 154 CHATHAM (Wm. Pitt, Earl of). 170S— 177S. In oval, half length, wig. Mezzotint by R. Houston after W. Hoare. vSize 6 by 4^ inches. Circa 1762. £5 5s With letterpress. " A Letter from a Rt. Hon. Person to in the Citj'." " Copy of Thanks to the "Rt. Hon. Wm. Pitt from the Court of Common-Council, Oct. 22. 176L" " The Answer .... to the Common Council." " The Representation of the Lord Mayor, Aldermen, &c., to . . . this City's Represen- tatives in Parliament .... particularly that the sole & exclusive Right of our Acquisitions in North America & the Fisheries, Jje preserved to us." Statesman. Strenuoiisly opposed the measures taken in rcj;ard to the American Colonies 1774-5. 155 CHASE (Rt. Rev. Philander, D.D.). Half length, seated, paper in left hand. Fine mezzotint by Turner after Strutt. Full margin, folio. 1024. ^1 ^^s Bishop of the Episcoixil Church, in the State of Ohio. 155 FOKKS (S., 1712-1784). Dutch designer and engnver. Three-quarter length, seated, powdiered hair, frill, long coat and vest, right hand holding engraving, left elbow and arm resting: on table to right, on which is portfolio. Mezzotint by J. Greenwood after J. Buys. Size 14 by iit inches. Full inscription margin, narrow margin top and sides. Circa 1770. Proof impression before inscription, with artists' names only. £6 6s John Greenwood was the first .American Mezzotinter of note and was born in Boston. 157 FRANKLIN (Benjamin, 1706-1790). Half length, seated, holding paper in right hand, title under " The Politician." Line engraving by T. Ryan after S. Efnier. Size 13^ by iif inches, with margins. 1824. £3 3s 158 Another Portrait. Full length, seated in front of a table ; arms folded ; a hat lying on some documents on the table, entitled Les Loix dc la Pensilvanie ; in the back- ground an open window, looking out on shipping. Line engraving by Nee after L. C. de Carmontelle. Siz<^ 14! by 8f inches, with margins. Circa jySo. A.P.D.R. Impression. £3 igs 30 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London. W, Portraits of Americana Interest—continued. 159 GOULD (George Jay, b. 1864). " Vigilant." Full length, standing, hands in pockets. Original water-colour drawing made for the \'anit>- Fair Cartoon by L. Ward (Spy). Sept. 27th, 1894. Size 12 bv 7 inches. £4 10s President of Li'ttile Eock and Fort Smith Eailway; President of Texas and Pacific Railway; International and Grw»t Northern R. R. ; Manhattan Railway; Mo. Pacific R. R. -60 HARDY (Sir Charles, 1713-^780 Admiral, Governor of New York, acted under Boscawen at the Reduction of Louisberg, 1758) . Three-quarter length, standing, naval uniform, wig, right hand pointing, hat under left arm, hand on sword, ships in distance. Mezzotint by P. Dawe after T. Hudson. Size 6 by 4^ inches^ with uncut margins 1779. £i Is 161 INDIAN KINGS. The Three Cherokees, came over from the head of the Ri\'er Savanna to London, 1762, with their Interpreter that was poisoned. Three figures of Indians in native dress, with wolf and interpreter to left, names under. Contemporary engraving, coloured. Size 9-^ by ii^ inches. Circa 1762. £3 3s 162 Tomo Chachi Mico, or King of Yamacran and Tooanahowi, his nephew, Son of Mico of the Etchitas. Half length, standing, the boy holding an eagle. Mezzotint by J. Faber after W. Verelst. Size i2t by gj inches, with margins £5 5s 163 KEAN (Edmund, 1787-1833) . As a Huron Indian. " In the dress ])resented to and worn by him on the occasion of his being chosc-n a Chief and Prince of the Huron Tiibc of Indians by the name of Alanienouidet.*' Stipple engraving by G. F, Storm aflei Frederick Meyer. Size 13^ by 9I inches 1827. Lettered proof imression. £4 4s 164 LABILLIERE (Major Peter, d. 1800). Three-quarter length, seated at a table, papers, one inscribed " AMERICAN PETITION PRESENTED BY PENN," books on shelves behind, Arms under. Mezzotint by Kingsbury after J. Wright. vSize Jii by 8^ inches, with margins. 1780. £4 4s I MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 31 Portraits of Americana Interest — continued. 165 LA FAYETTE (Marquis de, 1757-18^) • Full length, standing, in landscape, long coat, tall hat, and stick in right hand. Line engraving by Leroux aftdr A. Scheffer. Size 24i by i6| inches, with margins. 1824. £3 3s Distinguished French General; served in Tho American Wai ; Friend of Washington. 166 LEE (Charles C, 1730-1782). Three-quarter length, standing, in uniform, cocked hat, sash, sword, pointing with right hand, behind a gun being fired and flag inscribed " An Appeal to Heaven," stonework to left. Mezzotint after Tliomlinson. Size 14 by 10 inches. 1775. Brilliant impression. £22 10s " Major-General of the Continental Army in America," iserved under Washington, whom he challenged for censuring him and was siT^pended. 167 MOIRA (Francis Rawdon, Earl of, 1754-1825) . Full length, in uniform, his hat and sword in right hand, in distance a battle. Mezzotint by J. Jones after Sir J. Reynolds. Size 24i by 15^ inches, with part of inscription margin. 1792. Fine impression. £27 10s Hig'My distinguisilied himself in the American War; on his return was created, 1783, Baron Rawden; Governor -General of India, which he held for ten years; in 1824 Governor of Malta. 168 PAINE (Thomas, 1736-iSoq) . Half length, white neck-cloth, dark coat, engraved border. Line engraving by W. Sharp after Roniney. Size 12 by 9 inches, full margins. 1793. £1 Is Author of " Rights of Man," American Crisis, tSrc. 169 PENN (William, 16^4-1718). Founder of Pennsylvania. Full length, standing, Quaker costume, right hand holding charter, with seal which lies on rock to left, left hand holding glove, in background to right large tree and three Indians, and behind river with Indian in canoe. M-ezzotint by J. Sartain after H. Inman. " From the original picture painted for the Society for commeiuorating the landing of William Penn on the Shores of the Delaware, October, 1682." Size 26 by 20 inches, with margins. One O'f 100 copies taken from the original plate, and now for the first time printed in colours. £6 6s 32 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35. Conduit Street, London, W. Portraits of Americana Interest — conlinued. I JO Another Portrait. Full lencfth, standing in Quaker costume, surrounded by groups of Indians and supporters, houses and trees behind, inscribed " William Penn's Treaty with the Indians when he founded the Province of Pennsylvania in North America, 1681," Arms under. Large and fine line engraving by J. Hall after B. West. Size lyl by 23^ inches. 1775. £6 6s Celebratwl Founclor of PennsMlvaiiio. J 71 PERCE Y (Rev. William Percey, died 181 9) . Three-quarter length, standing, black gown, bands, right hand raised, left holding book to breast, buildings behind. Mezzotint by R. Houston after J. Russell. Size 14 b\' 10 inches, with margins. 1774. £6 6s Chaplain to the Coinite>s of Huntingdon, and Pre>iden< ot (leorgia College. 172 PUTNAM (Israel, died 1790). Three-quarter length, standing, uniform, right elbow resting on muzzle of cannon to left, left hand on waist, in background to right battery of cannon firing. Mezzotint (J. Wilkinson, pinxt.) . Size 13! by 9! inches, with inscription margins. G. vShepherd (1775). £14 14s Major-General of the Connectictit Forces and Comma ndor-in-Chief at the en5:agement on Bunker's Hill, near Boston, June 17th, 1775. 173 RODDAM (Robert, 1719-1808) . Half length, powdered hair, naval uniform, frill. Mezzotint engraving by Henry Hudson after L. F. Abbot. Size 15 by lof inches, with margins 1780. £7 7s Admiral; ."^erved successively in the North Sea, at New York, and in the West Indies, where he was captured by French, 17-'J7. 174 THOMPSON (Charles). Half length. Fine oval engraving by B. B. E. Brilliant proof impression, inscription in etched letters. Size 5v; by 4:!- inches, with margins. 1783. £2 lOs Secretary to Congress. Plate XIII. ^i^t ^^ Scott (Sir Walter). Walker— Raeburn. See Item No. 121. Plate XIV Tills Sv,,\MS'nn'',ss ./.i„i- ^*AyJ,: TuK Seamstrkss. Cliccsiiiiiii— l\oiiincy, See Kem No. HI. MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 33 Portraits of Americana Interest — contirmed. 175 WASHINGTON (General George, 1732-1790). Full length, standing, in uniform, roll of papers in right hand, table and papers, horse and black servant behind, camp in distance. Large and fine line engraving by Le Mire after Le Paon. Size 19I by 13* inches, with margins. C. 1780. £10 10s 176 Another Portrait. Bust, in uniform. Oval stipple engraving by J. Chapman. Size 6f by 4J inches, with full margins. 1828. Finely printed in colours. Rare in this state. £5 5s 177 WASHINGTON. Independence Des Etats-Unis. Bust, in uniform, oval medallion suspended on a pedestal with two others, containing portraits of " Franklin " and " Louis Seize," on base of pedestal inscription, " L'Amerique, etc."; on lop of pedestal a crowing cock perched on a globe, to the right an Indian maiden with foot resting on lion's head, a staff, with cap of liberty on end, in left hand, right on base of pedestal, on right of print two trees, one of which is encircled by a ribbon inscribed •' En M'Elevant je M'Embellis," to left an anchor with shipping in distance, inscription under. Very fine aquatint in colours by L. Roger after Diiplessis Berteaiix. Size 9f by 6i inches, mth margins. 1786. £6 6s 178 WEST (Benjamin, 1738-1820) and Family. Group, seated and standing, full lengths. Large and fine slipi>le engraving by Facius after Benj. West. Size 22 by 27 inches, with margin. 1779. £4 4s Cele/brated American Historical Painter. President of the Koyal .Academy. 34 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. Engraved Legal Portraits. 179 ASHBURTON (John Dunning:, Lord, 1731-1783). Three-quarter length, seated, wig, robes, paper in right hand. Very fine stipple engraving by Bartolozzi after Sir J. Reynolds. Brilliant open letter proof impression. Size 19^ by 14^ inches, with margins. 1790. Brilliant open letter proof impression. £12 12s Famous lawyer. Attorney -General. 180 BAYLEY (Sir John, 1763-1841) . Full three-quarter length, seated, wig, robes, right hand on large book which rests on knee, left on table, curtain. Large mezzotint by W. Say after Russell. Size 20J by 14^ inches, with good margins. 1823. Brilliant lettered proof impression. £4 10s Jndge of the Court of King's llench. 381 BLAIR (Rt. Hon. Robert, of Avontoun, 1741-1811). Three-quarter length, standing, right hand on papers on table. Line engraving by Jas. Heath after Henry Raeburn, A.R..4. Size jy^ by 14} inches, with margins. 1813. £10 lOs Judfi:e; advocate depute and sdlicitor-jreneral for Scotland, 1TS'.)-1806; dean of Faculty of Advocates, 1801; president of Colleg'e of Ju*tiee. 1808. 182 BULLER (Sir Francis, 1746-1S00). Nearly full-length, seated, robes, wig, left arm resting on table, and on which are inkstand and papers, curtain, pillars, and landscape in back- ground. Stipple engraving by F. Bartolozzi after Browne. Size 20J by t6 inches, with margins. Circa 1700. Brilliant proof impression. £6 6s Jnstice of ilio Common Fleas, 170MRO0. 183 CAMDEN (Charles Pratt, Earl of, 1714-1794. Celebrated Judge and vStates- man, Lord Chancellor) . Full length, seated, wig, robes, curtain o\crhcad, right nrm on table. Large and fine mezzotint bv Haid after Sir J. Reynolds. Size 19I by 14 inches. 1766. £4 4s MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 55 Legal Portraits — continued. CAMDEN (Charles Pratt, Earl of, 1 714-1794) —coni. 184 Another Portrait. Full length, standing, in irobes, left hand on large book. Line engraving by Ravenet after Sir J. Reynolds. Roy. folio. Fine impression. 1766. £2 lOs Celebrated Judge and Statesman, Lord Chancellor. 185 CAVE (Sir Lewis William, born 1S32) . Nearly three-quarter length, wig, gown, spectacles. Clever water-colour drawing by L. Ward (Spy). Dec. 7, 1893. After- wards reproduced in Vanity Fair. Size 12^ by 7 inches. £4 4s Called to the Bar. 1859. Judge of the High Court of Justice for sixteen years. i86 CLARKE (Sir Edward George, b. 1841) . " Sir Edward." Half length, standing at bench, wig, gown, book and papers, right hand raised. Original water-colour drawing made for the Vanity Fair Cartoon by L. Ward (Spy). June 11, 1903. Size I if by 7^- inclies. £6 6s Fellow of King's College, London; Writer in llndia Office, 1S59-G0; Called to the Bar, 1864; Q.C., 1880; Solicitor-Gfneral, 1886. 1S7 CLERK (John, Lord Eldin, 1 757-1832) , Nearly whole length, sitting, spectacles iji right hand, left hand holding open book edgewaj^s on table, on which papers are scattered. Mezzotint by C. Turner after H. Raeburn. Size i7i by 14 inches, with margins. 1815. Fine impression. £31 10s Scotch Lord of Session 1823-28. 188 COLERIDGE (Bernard John Seymour, born 1851). " The Silver Voiced.*' Three-quarter length, seated at bench on which are papers, wig, gown, sash. Original water-colour dra\\nng made for the Vanity Fair Cartoon by L. Ward (Spy) . 1909. Size 17^ by lof inches. £7 10s Commissioner of Assize, Midland circuit; Bencher of Middle Temple, 1894; J.P. and Chairman of the Devon Quarter Sessions; M.P. for Sheffield. 189 COLLINS (The Rt. Hon. vSir Richard Henn) . '• Smith's Leading Cases." Three-quarter length, wig, gown, standing nt bench. Original water-colour drawing made for the Vanity Fair Cartoon by J. P. Mel'Ior (Quiz). Jan. 14, 1893. Size 12} by 7I inches. £6 6s 36 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street. London, W. Legal Portraits — continued. 190 DICKENS (Henry Fielding)." His Father Invented Pickwick." Full length, standing, wig, gown, holding spectacles and handkerchief. Original water-colour drawing made for the Vanity Fair Cartoon by L. Ward (Spy). May 13, 1807. Size i2i by ji- inches. £7 10s K.C., 1892; Bencher of the Inner Temple, 1899; Called to the Bar, 1873; commenced practice on the Kent Sessions and Home Circuit ; at one time Eecorder of Deal. 191 ELDON (John Scott, Baron, 175 1- 1S3S). Whole length, seated, wig, Chancellor's robes, right hand holding purse, mace on table to left. Mezzotint by H. Meyer after W. Owen. iSr;,. Size 22:} by i6j inches, margins. £22 10s Famous lawyer; Lord Chancellor. iQ2 Ditto. Another impression. £12 12s 193 ELLENBOROUGH (Edward, Lord, 1750-181S) . Nearly full length, seated, wig, robes, collar. Mezzotint by Chas. Turner after T. Lawrence. Size T7i bj^ 13^ inches, with margins. 180Q. £7 7s Eminent lawyer. Lord Chief Justice. 194 ERLE (Sir \V., 1793-1880) . Nearly fidl length, seated, wig, robes. Mezzotint by G. R. Ward after Sir J. Grant. vSize i6:l by 13 inches, with margins. C. 1S60. £1 16s Chief .Tustice of the Common Plea-. ig5 ERSKINE (Hon. Thonias, 1750-1823). Three-quarter length, standing, right ann leaning on table, hands clasped; to right books on shelves, cuirtain, to left inkstand and papers. Mezzotint by J. Jones after Sir J. Reynolds. Size 17-!- by 13-4 inches, with margins. (1786) . Impression \>'ithout letters. £27 10s Called to the Bar 1778; h« was Counsel for Tom Paine and for Admiral Keppd ; Attorney- General to the Prince of Wstles; made Lord Chancellor of Great Britain in 1806, and created Baron Erskine. 196 GIBBS (Sir Vicary, 1751-1820). Nearly whole length, seated, long wig, lace cravat and ruff, robes. Mezzotint 1)y S. VV. Reynolds and T. Lupton after Owen. vSize 16^ by 13s incb.es. 18:5. Lettered \>rooi. (See Illustration, Platk No. XVII.). £31 10s Lord Ohief Justice of the Common Plea«. 18U. \ MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 37 Legal Portraits — co nti nu ed . 197 GRANT (Sir William, 1 755-1832). Full length, seated, in robes, etc., paper in right hand. Large and fine mezzotint engraving by Mclnnes after Sir T. Lawrence. Size 16 by 11 inches, with margins. 1842. £1 5s Eminent Scotch Lawyer ; Solicitor-General and Master of the Rolls. 398 HARCOURT (Simon, Lord, 1660-1727). In ornamental oval, half length, wig, cravat, gown, at bottom a stand, on which lie njace to right, purse to left, in centre shield with Arms and motto. Mezzotint by J. Simon after G. Kneller. Size 16 by ii| inches, narrow margins. £5 17s 6d Called to the Bar, 1683; M.P. for Abingdon and Cardigan; S-olicitor-General and Knighted 1702; created Baron Harcourt, 1711; Lord Chancellor, 1713, up to Accession of George I.; he was a friend of Bolingbroke, Pope, and Gay. 199 HOPE (Rt. Hon. Charles, Lord Granton, 1763-1851) . Nearly full length, seated, table with papers to left. Mezzotint by H. Dawe after H. Raeburn. Size 18 by 14 inches, with margins. 1829. Brilliant lettered proof impression. £21 President of Court of Session, 1811-411 privy councillor, 1822; lord justice general from 1836; active colonel of Edinburgh Volunteers. 200 HOTHAM (Sir Beaumont, 1 737-1814) . Three-quarter length, standing, judge's robes, right hand on large folio upright on table to left. Very fine mezzotint by Val Green after N. Dance, R.A. Size 20 by 15 inches, with full margins. 1797. Brilliant im.pression. £5 I5s Eminent Lawyer. M.P., Baron of the Exchequer, Commissioner of tlie Great Seal. 201 HUME (Honble. David, 1757-1838). Nearly full length, seated, hands clasped, table with books and papers to right. Mezzotint by C. Turner after Sir H. Raeburn. Size 15 f by 12^ inches, ^vith margins (line of publication missing) . 1823 Fine impression. £12 12s Proifessor of Scots Law at Een, ink, and paper on table to right, Arms under. Large and fine line engraving by J. Fittler after J. Opie, R.A, Siz'e igf by 14! inches, with margins. 1789. £4 4s Judge. CounsoU for Lord George Gordon, 1780. Chief Justice of the Kin};V Bench. 204 LAWRENCE (Sir Soulden, 1751-1814) . Three-quarter length, standing, wig, band, judge's robes, left hand holding paper, quill pen in right, pillar and curtain in background. Mezzotint by C. Turner after J. Hoppner. Size 173 by 13! inches, with margins. 1808. £4 4s Judge; Justice of the Common Pleas, 1794; transferred to the Court of King^'s Bench, but returned to the Common Pleas in 1808. 205 LEFEVRE (Rt. Hon. Chas. Shaw, 1794-188S) . Full length, standing in robes, roll of papers in right hand. Mezzotint by S. W. Reynolds after Sir Martin Archer Shee. vSize 24} by 16 inches, with margins. Fine lettered proof impression. £3 3s Speaker of House of Commons, 1839-57. 206 LIFFORD (James Hewitt, ist Viscount, 1709-89) . Full length, seated, in Chancellor's robes, holding purse. Mezzotint by R. Diinkarton after Sir J. Reynolds. Size 23s by 17 inches, with in.scription margin. Brilliant proof impression before all letters. £22 lOs Lord Chancellor of Ireland. 207 Ditto. Another rKjrtrait. Three-quartor length, sitting, wig, robes, right hand holding purse, left hand on knee, mace against fluted pillar to right. Mezzotint by W. Dickinson after Madden. Size 19I by 14 inclies, with inscription margins. 1775. £8 8s M.P., Judge of the King's Bench. Lord (^lancellor of Ireland. MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street. London. W. 39 Legal Portraits — continued. . . 20S LOUGHBOROUGH (Alexander Wedderbuni, Lord, 1 733-1805) . Three-quarter length, seated, robes, wig, curtain and pillar behind. ■Mezzotint by J. Grozer after Sir J. Reynolds. Size 18 by 14 inches, with margins. 1797. £7 7s Created Earl of Eosslyn, Lord Chancellor. Attained a great reputation as u lawyer. 209 MANSFIELD (Sir James, 1 738-1821) . Half length, in oval, close wig, coat with high collar and large buttons, one of the latter fastened. Very fine mezzotint by J. Jones after Vaslet. Size i4s by it inches, with margins. 179T. Brilliant impression. £4 4s M.P.; LawTer; Lord Chief Justice of Court of Common Pleas. 2io MINGAY (James, died 181 1). Three-quarter length, seated, wig, lace bands, gown, right arm on chair, left hand on table to right, on w'hich are papers, etc. Large mezzotint by C. H. Hodges after G. Romney. Size 19I b}^ 13-S- inches, with margins. 1791. Fine impression. £3 lOs Bencher of Middle Temple. Recorder o+' Aldsborough. Chairman of Quarter Sessions of Norfolk and .Suffolk. ::ii NICHOLL (vSir John, 1759-1S38). Nearly full length, seated, wig, lobes. Mezzotint by H. Meyer after Wm. Owen. Size i7Lr by 14 inches, with margins. (1819) . Brilliant proof before all letters. £4 4s Judge. Dean of the Arche> and Judge of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury, etc., etc. 312 — Ditto. Print impression. £2 10s 213 — Ditto. Another portrait. As Colonel of the St. Giles' and vSt. George's Bloomsburv^ Loyal ^'oh^l- teers. Half length, uniform coat, no hat, landscape to right. Fine stipple engraving by P. W. Tonikins after M. A. Shee. Size i3?r by 10 inclies, with margins. t8oo. £2 10s 40 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 3=;, Conduit Street, London, W. Legal Portraits — continued . 214 PETTY (Lord Henry, 1780-1863). To waist, sitting, rough hair, white neckerchief, full buttoned coat. Mezzotint by C. Turner after Henry Walton. Size 115 by 95 inches, with margins. 1806. £4 4s From the Royal Collection, with the Crowned Monogram. .Succeeded as third Marquess of T>ansdowne; Chancelllor of the Exchequer; Lord President of the Council. 2i«; REDESDALE (John Mitford, Lordi, 1748-1830. Lord Chancellor of Ireland, 1803) . Three-quarter length, seated, long wig, robes, right arm resting on table. Large mezzotint engraving by G. Clint after T. Lawrence. Size 2ii by i6| inches. 1804. ^5 5s 216 THURLOW (Edward, Lord, 1736-1806).. Whole length, standing, wig, robes, left hand on hip, pillair and curtain to right, landscape in distance to left. Mezzotint by W. Dickinson after G. Romney. Size 23! by 14-I inches, with inscription margin. 1800. £14 14s Distinguished Laivj'er. Chancellor. -17 Anotlier portrait. Nearly full length, seated, wig, and robes, mace, etc., on table to right, Arms under. Large and fine stipple engraving by F. Bartolozzi after Sir J. Reynolds. Size iQi by 15 inches, with margins. 1782. £4 10s 218 TINDALL (vSir N. Conyngham, Lord Chief Justice, 1776-1846). Nearly full length, sitting, long wig, bands, judge's robes and chain, right arm on chair, left on table. Mezzotint by H. Cousins after T. Pliillips, R.A. Size 17 bj' 13I inches, with margins. 1842. Autograph proof on India paper. £2 lOs 219 WILLES (Ed., 1723-7787). Threc-guarter length, seated, in robes, book resting on knee held by left hand. Large stipple engraving by Heath after Thos. Gainsborough. Size 19 by 14^ inches, inscription (margin only) . 1792. Fine impression. £4 4s Member of Parliament. Judge of Court of King's Bench. f*LATE XV. The Wright Family. Val. (ireeu— Wrij'ht. Plate XVI. '///, .^//^//// ^'// ''^^ ////////// ' ^Wr IJuiiKK (EinuND) . .lonos— h'oiniio}-. MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 41 PART II. Choice Decorative Engravings. 220 BARNEY (Joseph) . The Cottage Fireside. Group of two young women, one nnrsinj^ a cbild, and a man, seated round open fireplace, from which a large cauldron is suspended. The Dairy. Two young women, one with mob cap, low dress, working at a chum, the other holding pan of cream, young girl nursing a child. Pair of stipples by and after Joseph Barney, Size 13 by gl inches, with margins. Finely printed in colours. The pair, £52 10s BARTOLOZZl (F.) . 221 Comedy. Full length, a female figure in loose robes, holding mask and crook, cupids dancing, juvenile satyr playing pipes, trees behind. Tragedy. Full length, a female figure in loose robes, standing, leaning on wall, dagger in right hand, cupids hnng asleep on ground, one holding a mask, crown, wreath, trumpet, etc. Stipple engravings by Bartolozzi after Cipriani. Size 15! by 12^ inches, with margins. 1788. Brilliant proof impressions in brown. The Pair, £12 12s 222 Donald and Jessie. Shepherd and Shepherdess seated in a landscape, vScotch costumes, he is playing on a pipe, his companion holds a distaff. Oval stipple in brown by Bartolozzi after R. Cosway. Size g by tI inches, with margins. 1700. £4 4s 42 MAGGS BROS.. 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London. W. Bartolozzi (K.) — continued. ■ ■ 2::3 Love and Fortune. Two cupids, one holding up a wreath. Stipple by F. Bartolozzi after LB. Cipriani. Size iot by Si inches. 1789. Brilliantly printed in cdlours. £27 lOs J24 Playing at Thread the Needle. Playing at Marbles. Pair of channing stipple engravings by Bartolozzi after Hamilton, de- l)icting children i)laying amid rustic scenery. Si/.e Q by S inches. Circa 1790. The Pair, £15 15s 225 Royal Academy of Arts. Certificate apix>inting John Francis Rigaud) as member, and signed by Sir Joshua Reynolds, R.A., Prest., and F. Milner Newton, R.A., Secy. Inscription on tablet, which is sunnounted by a decorative circle, showing emblematical female figures. Line engraving by F. Bartolozzi after Cipriani. Size 25 by iSj inches. 1772. £2 2s 226 The Spirit of a Child, arrived in the Presence of the Almighty. Stipple by F. Bartolozzi after Rev. W. Peters. Size igi by 15 iTichcs, with margins. i8ot. Printed in colours. £14 14s BUCK (Adam). What's that, Mother? Young boy standing on a liill, ix>inting with right hand, feathered hat in left. Aquatint in colours by Agar and Bluck after A. Buck. vSize iOm by 8i inches, wiUi margins. 1808. Finely printed in colours. £42 MAGGS BROS.. 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W, 43 228 BUNBURY (H. W.) • Bunbury's Shakespeare. Very fine series of eleven plates engraved in brown stipple by Thos. Macklin after Bunbury. Oblong folio, 3 parts, paper VvTappers. 1792. The Series, £16 16s Contents. Falstafi'a Escape Sir Andrew A.«:uocJi6ek, Sir Tohy Uolcli, and the Clowu. Macbeth and the Murderers. HeJena in the Dress of a Pilgrim. Jacques Discovered by the Duke. Iluellen making Pistol Eat the Leek. Dick the Butcher, and Smith the Weaver. Seizing- the Clerk of Chatham. Falstaff Playing; the Prince, the Prince Playing the King. Prospero Disarming Ferdinand. Falstaff at Herns Oak. Falstaff with Hotspur on his Back. C29 BURKE (T.). Saturday Morning, or the Cottager's Merchandize. Exterior of vine-clad cottage, group of children and a young woman, with donkey and foal, chickens and baskets of eggs, open landscape with church to right. Stipple by T. Burke after W. R. Bigg. Size i8f by 23! inches, with margins. 1797. £17 17s Printed in Colours. :-30 CIPRIANI (G. B.) . Venus, Two engravings, each depicting a channing female figure in loose draperies, holding up scarf and dancing on a cloud. Pair of channing stipples by Henry Richter after G, B, Cipriani. Size of each 15 by lo'l inches, with margins. 1799. Finely printed in colours. The pair, £14 14s 231 DICKINSON (W.). The Gardens of Carlton House, with the Neapolitan Ballad Singers. Garden with high trees, Ijeneath which elegantly attired ladies and gentlemen are promenading and sitting, among them George IV. when Prince of Wales, and Mrs. Fitzherbert ; to the left ballad .singers. Large and fine stipple engraving after Bunburj'. Size 20 by 25I inches, with margins. 1785. Very fine proof impression in brown. £30 44 MAGGS BROS.. 34 & 35, Conduit Street. London, W. 232 EARLOM (R.j. Lady with a Watteau Hat. Half length, looking to left, holding rose, aquatint border round subject. Stipple printed in colours b\' Earlom after G. B. Cipriani. Size II by 8t inches, with margins. 1787. Brilliant impression. £27 10s 235 EDWARDS (S. Arlent). Anne of Cleves. Three-quarter length, standing, elaborate jewelled headdress and robes, hands clasped. Engraved and printed in colours b}- Arlent Edwards after Rembrandt. Size i6j by loi inches, with margins. C. 1907. vSigned proof impression. £17 234 Saskia. Three-quarter length, standing in profile to left, large hat -with feather, elaborate dress with jewels. Engraved and printed in colours by Arlent Edwards after Rembrandt. Sizie 19 by 12-i inches, with margins. C. 1907. Brilliant proof signed by the Artist. £21 235 FABER (J., Jr.). Shepherdesses. I. Three-quarter length, sitting, rose in hair, low dress, holding gar- land of flowers, crook across lap, lamb to left. II. Three-quarter length, sitting, crook across lap, dog to left. Two mezzotints by J. Faber after Henry Pickering. Size 14 by q| inches, with margins. C. 1720. Brilliant proofs before all letters. The Pair, £27 10s 236 GREEN (Val.). The Young Mendicant. In oval, half length, young girl, hat tied under chin, dark dress. Mezzotint by V. Green after J. Boydell. Size 8f by 7f inches, inscription margin. Proof with inscription and artists' names in etched letters. 1776, £5 10ft Plate XVIl. Sir Vic'auv (iimis. IJevnohls — Owen. >'; 'c/ Plate XVIII. . ^itfi \^iii.rii\. 'I'm.; MdMus. (( )ni> (it Si'l ). Sec I ((Mil .Nil. 2;JS. MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 45 Printed in Colours. ^37 HAMILTON (W ) . " Hebe." Whole length, standing on mountain top, 3'oung lady, hair curls tied with ribbon and pearls, low white dress, jewelled belt, sash, vase held in right hand presenting cup to eagle with left. Large and very fine stipple engraving by J. Eginton after Wni. Hamilton. Size 22i by i4|- inches, with margins. 1791. Choice impression. Brilliantly printed in colours, £42 238 The Months. Complete set of twelve choice stipple engravings representing the months of the Year, by most charming rural subjects. Oval stipple engravings by F. Bartolozzi after W. N. Gardiner after Hamilton. Size 14 by iii inches, with large margins. 1788. All fine impressions, six being open letter proofs. (See Illustratfon, Plate No. XVIII.) . The set, £125 Printed in Colours. 239 HODGES (C. H.). Children Spouting Tragedy. A group of five children seated and standing on the steps of the exterior of large building, one standing with outstretched hand. Mezzotint by C. H. Hodges after R. M. Paye. Size 17 J by 21! inches, with margins. 17S5. Printed in colours. £72 10s 240 HOGG (James) . The Hand Maid. Whole lengths, a cliarraing girl, low dress, mob cap, assisting a man, cocked hat, high boots, spurs, with his overcoat, archway with lamp to right, table witli keys and cane to left. Stipple engraving (circle) by Jas. Hogg after H. Walton. Size 16 by 11 inches, with margins. 1785. Brilliant proof impression, with inscription in etched letters. £12 12s 46 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 241 KAUFFMAN (Angelica). Aglaia Bound by Cupid. Thry stands with hands resting on handle of spade looking towards dog which stands on heap of straw ; donkey on right and pigs lying by trougli, thatched hovel to left. Mezzotint by J. R. Smith after Morland. vSize I'i by 2if inches, with margins. 1803. £31 lOs 252 Delia in Town. Young lady seated, at a table, hair in curls falling over her shoulders. large hat Avith feathers, trees seen through window to left. Oval stipple by J. R. Smith after Geo. Morland, Size III by S| inches. Fine impression in brown. £25 253 Dog and Cat. Mezzotint by J. R. Smith after G. Morland. Size 12 by 15 inches, with margins. 1704. £7 7$ 48 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. Morland (George) — conliniied. 254 The Hard Bargain. Interior of cowhouse. At open door a farmer holds a calf. His cus- tomer leans agaiiist a lintel. To left a cowboy sits in manger, dog lying by. In foreground a bulldog. Mezzotint by W. Ward after G. Morland. vSize i8| by ?3s inches, with inscription margin. 1803. Fine impression. £57 10s 255 The Labourer's Luncheon. Stipple by C. Josi after Morland. . Size 15 by 12 inches, with margins. 1797. £7 7s Printed in Colours. 256 A Land Storm. A stormy landscape across which a four-horse coach is being driven at a gallop towards the left. Mezzotint by S. W. Reynolds after G. Morland. Size igi by 23! inches, with margins. 1801. Fine impression, printed in colours, exceedingly rare in this state. £72 Printed in Colours. 257 MORLAND (George) and WARD. Inside of a Country Alehouse. Interior, man, great-coat, hat, carrying whip, holds up rabbit in left hand, at which another man seated at table looks, dogs at his feet. Behind, young girl with mug of ale. To right near fireplace, a countryman, little girl between his knees, spade at side. Outside of a Country Alehouse. Open landscape, inn to right, a woman leans against post, hand on child's shoulder, man on bench, master of hounds bends to take glass from boy, behind him another huntsman, mounted, drinks from tankard, hounds in various attitudes. Pair of mezzotints by W. Ward after J. Ward and Morland. Size iSi by 2T)^i inches, with thread margins. 1791-7. Brilliantly printed in colours. The pair, £440 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 49 Morland (George) — continued. 258 Nurse and Children in the Fields. Wooded landscape, a nurse, in cap with frill, dark cape, light dress, seated on trunk of a fallen tree, two young girls, one seated, one standing by her side, a boy seated on the ground holds up flowers. Mezzotint by G. Keating after G. Morland. Size 2oi by 15! inches, with margins. 1791. Fine impression. (See Illustration, Plate No. XIX.) . £63 259 Rustic Ease. Exterior of a thatched cottage, an old woman seated in doorway, a rustic reclines outside, a woman bending over him, wooded landscape. Fishermen. Coast scene, with cliffs to right, fishermen wading in the surf. Pair of mezzotints by J. Young after Morland. Size 14 by 18 inches, with margins. iSoo. Fine impressions. The pair, £15 15s Printed in Colours. 260 Partridge Shooting. Sportsman standing in a field, loading gun, two dogs, one holding partridge, cottage in distance. Stipple by C. Catton after G. Morland. Size 12I by 14I inches, with margins. 1792. Finely printed in colours. £72 Printed in Colours. 261 The Sportsman's Return, Exterior of Bell Inn. Sportsman enters, holding up hare in riglit hand showing it to lad in little wooden hut at side of door, two dogs at sportsman's heels. To right large spreading tree, circular seat under it. A countryman, whip in hand, fastens saddled horse to branch by reins. Mezzotint by W. Ward after G. Morland. Size 18 by 23! inches, with margins. 1792. Most brilliant impression, purely printed in colours. Exceedingly rare in this choice state. (The centre of inscription has been slightly damaged but is skilfully repaired) . £375 50 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London. W. Morland ((ic-orgc) — continued. Printed in Colours. 262 The Thatcher. Ojien landscape. To kft an inn, the roof of wliich a niitn is repairing,, mounted on a ladder, another man at the foot. A boy is on a dark horse with si)rig of tree in his hat. A light horse with l>ag on its back. To right woman approaches, carr\nng bundle and basket. To left boy with bowl of water. Mezzotint by Wm. Ward after Morland. Size 183- by 23a inches, with l-inch margins all round, showing artists" names. Brilliant impression, fine'ly printed in colours. (Skk Illustratio.n, Pt.atk No. XX.). £250 263 The Turnpike Gate. A countryman on hovsul)ack, right liand in pocket, about to pay tx)ll to man who waits outside toll-house, anotlicr man sleeps inside.', dog at h.orse's heels. Mezzotint by VVni. Ward after G. Morland. Size 18 by 23^ inches, with margins. 1806. Fine impression. £45 Pkintki) in Colours. 264 NUTTER (William) . Narcissa and Miss Williams find the Miniature. Two young ladies elegantly attired, one liolding miniature, standing beside an arbf)ur ; gentleman, dress of the period, standing half hidden by trees. Charming stipjtle engraving by Nutter alter Grass. Size 8} inclies, circle showing narrow margins, artists' names only. Circa 1790. Finely printed in colours. £27 lOs Printkd in Colours. 26s OGBORNE (M.) . The Harvest Girl. Full lengtli, a girl standing in a pastoral landscape, basket on her arm, rake over her sliouldcr. Very charming oval stipple in colours by M. Ogborne after W. R. Bigg. Size q' by 7 inches. 1787. £14 14 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London. W. 51 266 OGBORNE (T). Rural Misfortune. Young boy, thorn in his foot, seated under a tree, cottage to ripht. Stipple by J. Ogborne after W. R. Bigg. Size 7 by 9 inches, with margins, i793- £4 4 Printed in Colours. 267 OPIE (J.). Damon and Musidora. Wooded landscape ; a beautiful girl seated on a bank, loose dress ; youth looking from behind trees in background, stream to left. Large and veiy fine stipple engraving by Bartolozzi after J. Opie, R.A. Size 18 by 14 inches, with margins. 1796. Brilliant impression, choicely printed in colours. £31 10s idS PIERSON (F. J.). The Fisherman. A fisherman with net standing outside a cottage door looking down at a child holding pitcher, lake and mountain to left. Stipple by and after Pierson. Size 15! by 12 inches, with margins. C. 1795. £4 4s REMBR.\NDT (VAN RHYN). 269 A Dutch Lady. In oval, half length, scarf over hair, low dress with jewel. Mezzotint by J. Spilsbury after Rembrandt. Size i2i by 9 inches, with margins. Bri'Uiant proof impression before the margin was cleaned. £21 270 Jew Rabbi. Half length, white turban, mantle attached on breast by rich clasps, hands united in front, small chamber within to right, with Jewish emblems, open book and chair. Large mezzotint by Wm. Pether after Rembrandt. vSize 20 by 14 inches, with margins. Proof before all letters. £25 52 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. Rembrandt (Van Rhyn) — continued. 2yi The Lord of the Vineyard. He is seiitcd at a table, turban, fur-lined gown, to right a scribe with open book, to left a man holding out a coin, a group of men in background Mezzotint by Wni. Pether after Rembrandt. Size iS by 16 inches, with margins. 1766. Brilliant proof impression with artists' names in etched letters. £21 -/ ■ Man with a Knife. Half length, a man seated, holding knife in right hanil, left hand raised to face. Mezzotint by R. Houston after Rembrandt. Size I if by gf inches, with margins. Fine impression. £12 12s 273 An Officer of Justice. Three-(|uarter length, seated, velvet cap, robes, chain round neck, hands holding sword. Very line mezzotint bv J. C. Haid after Rembrandt. Size 18 by 14 inches, with margins. 1765. Brilliant proof impression. Artists' names etched only. £30 2;-4 Portrait of a Young Man Holding a Scroll. Mezzotint by Wm. Pether after Rembrandt. Size ij'i by 14 inches, with margins. 1767. Fine impression. ' £15 15s 275 Rembrandt's Frame Maker. Half length, broad brinnncd hat, white ruff. Mezzotint by Dixon after Rembrandt. Size i8f by 13-I inches, with inscription margin. 1769. £21 276 The Standard Bearer. Three-quarter length, standing, black slouched hat with white feathers, doubled with embossed sash ''from right shoulder, right hand holding gloves, left grasping staff of standard which falls behind. Large and very fine mezzotint by W. Pether after Rembrandt. Size 20 by 14 inches, with margins. Circa 1757. Brilliant finished engraver's proof impression. (See Illustration, Plate No. XXI.). £50 Plate XIX. ATKSK .\Nl> CHILDRKMN TIIK FlKKDS. i -*^' Plate XX. u .' ''■ C 4) r: - Mi MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Condiut Street, London, W. 53 Rembrandt (Van Rhyn) — continued. 2-/S Woman Cutting her Nails (Portrait of Rembrandt's ^Mother) . Mezzotint by J. C. Haid after Rembrandt. Size 18 by 14 inches, with margins. Brilliant proof impression before inscription. Artists' names only in etched letters. £52 10s 279 The Woodcutter's Family. Interior, two women seated, young child in cradle. Mezzotint by J. McArdell after Rembrandt. vSize 12I by 18^ inches, ^\ith inscription margin. £4 lOs Printed in Colours. 280 REYNOLDS (Sir Joslina) . The Infant Academy. A boy (nude) sitting before an easel, on which is an oval canvas; another child sitting for her portrait, nude, with the exception of a large cap and feather ; on (me side of her a child, with hand raised, is placing the feather in her cap ; on the other is a child wrapped in a gauze veil, only her head visible; curtains, columns. vStipple by F, Haward after Sir J. Reynolds. Size 10-2 by I if inches. (1783.) Finely printed in colours. £42 281 REYNOLDS (S. W.) . The Age of Innocence. A young girl stands on a hillock clasping a kitten in her arms, dog at her feet. Mezzotint by S. W. Reynolds after Jas. Northcote. Size 13-5 by lof inches, with margins. 1796. Brilliant open letter proof impression. £9 9s 2S2 — — — Landscape with a Rainbow. A herd of cattle by river on right, a hay waggon advancing from the left and meeting three peasants, landscape with trees in background, the rainbow high up among dark clouds. Mezzotint by S. W. Reynolds after P. P. Rubens. Size 18 by 21 inches, with large margins. Brilliant proof impression before all letters. £18 18s 54 MAGGS BROS.. 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. Printed in Colours. 283 REYNOLDS (Sir J). Muscipula. Three-quarter length, a little girl in a cottage, holding a mousetrap in both hands, a cat on table, from windows landscape and cottage in the di5T- tance. vStipplc by J. Jones after Reynolds. Size II by 91- inches, with margins. 1786. Fine impression in colours. £42 '.'84 ROMNEY (G.). II Penseroso and L'Allegro. Three-quarter lengths, two beautiful women dressed in flowing robes in open landscape. V^ery fine stipple engraving by G. Keating after Romney. Size 18 by 21^ inches, with margins, lines from Milton under. 17Q9. Brilliant impression. £15 I5s From the Wilfred I>awson collection. Said to be portraits of Mrs. Yates and Mr.-j. Jordan. 285 ROWLANDSON (Thos.) . Botheration. Group of barristers seated in their wigs and gown reading briefs, a client listening. Aquatint in colours by S. Aiken after Rowlandson. .Size ni by 15! inches, with margins. 1793. ^ 3s 286 Filial Affection, or a Trip to Gretna Green. A ix>st caiTiage and four is tearing down hill to Gretna Green, pursued l)y mounted horsemen. The foremost rider, a squire, flourishing a whip at the occupants of the chaise, who are leaning out of the window on either side pointing a pistol. Engraving in colours. Size 10?/ by i6f inches, with margins. 1785. £9 9s 287 A Musical Doctor and his Scholars. He is seated at a spinet, singing, his pupils standing behind. Caricature in colours. Size 14 by ii^ inches, with aquatint border. £1 Is MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 55 Howlai\dson (Thos.) — continued. 288 Nap in the Country. Young peasant man and woman reclinin.c: under a tree, dog: and sheep. Nap in Town. Elegantly attired lad}- and elderly gentleman asleep on a couch. Two engravings on one sheet. Size 13 by 9 inches, with margins. 1785. £2 2* 2S9 '-- The Pleasures of Margate — in four compartments. Morning. A family breakfasting at Michiner's Grand Hotel. Noon. Dining at Michiner's Grand Hotel. Evening. A drive on the sands. Night. At the ba/aars. Raffling for prizes, flirtation, etc. Engraving in colours. Size iif by 15-^ inches, with margins. iSoo Very rare in tliis undivided state. £10 16s 1:90 RUBENS (P.) Le Chapeau de Paille. Young lady, three-quarter length, large hat with feathers, low dress. Stipple and line engraving in colours after Rubens. Size lof by 7^ inches, no margins. Circa iSoo. £12 12s Portrait of Helena Forman, Ruben's wife. 291 SAY (Wm.). The Ecstasy of St. Francis. He is seated with eyes closed, an angel on either side. Mezzotint by W. Say after L. Carrachi. Size 15^ by 12 inches, with margin. Ditto. Another impression printed in colours. The two plates, £6 6t» Printhd in Colours. 292 Spanish Peasant Boys. Two boys, one seated on the ground looking up at the other who is standing with a jug in right hand, bread in left, dog at his feet. Mezzotint by W. Say after Murillo. Size 24ir by i6i inches, with margins. 1814. Printed in colours. £21 56 MAGGvS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit vStreet, London, W. Say (W.) —continued. Printed in Colours. 293 The Road Side. A young peasant woman seated by the road side nursing a child, a little girl reclines against her knee to left, to right a boy leans over mile- stone, trees in background. Engraved by H. Meyer after Owen. The Cottage Door. A young girl seated holding book in right hand, child is seated with head resting on her lap in front to right, asleep, a cage hanging on the wall above them. Engraved by H. Meyer after Owen. Pair, size 17:1- by 12-^ inches, no margins. (1814) . Brilliantly printed in colours. (See Illustration, Plate No. XXII.) . The pair, £210 294 SMITH (J. R.). The Chanters. Half length, two girls, in a circle, both holding a piece of music, one with right hand held up and first finger extended as if counting time. vStipple by J. R. Smith after W. Peters. Size of circle ji inches diameter, with margins. 1787. Brilliant impression. • £14 14s 295 Contemplating the Picture, Whole length, in oval, lady seated in arm-chair, powdered fluflfy hair and long curls down back, muslin head-dress and kerchief over bosom, white dress, holding miniature in right hand, left arm resting on ami of chair, writing, table and materials on her right. Society in Solitude. Whole length, in oval, lady seated on bench, back to tree, ix>wdered hair, large hat with feathers, holding book in right hand. Pair of fine .stipple engravings by J. R. Smith. Size 9f by 8h inches, with margins, showing artist's name only. (1785) . Pair, £16 16s Plate XXI The Sta.ndaki) Bkarkr. Eembraudt — Petlier. Plate XXII. S\'i. Tiu; luiAi) SiiiK. (uiiu ot pair). i'riiiU'd \n Coluurs. See Item No. 293. MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 57 Smith (J. R.) — continued. 296 A Lady and her Children relieving a Cottager. To right a poor woman sitting on the ground holding a sleeping child and receiving monej' from a little girl standing in centre, behind her stands a lady elegantly dressed, and an elder girl, towards left a black servant boy, holding cloak and umbrella, lapdog in front, landscape with mansion in distance to left. Mezzotint by J. R. Smith after W. Bigg. Size 18 by 2 if inches, with inscription and margins, top and sides. 1782. Brilliant impression. £42 297 Thoughts on Matrimony. Three-quarter length, in oval, a young lady seated, large hat, frilled fichUj cloak falling over back of chair, curls over shoulder, chin supported by 'right hand, letter held in left, verses under. Stipple engraving by W. Ward after J. R. Smith. Size loj by Si inches, with margins. 1786. Fine impression in brown. £21 298 STEEN (Jan.). A Conversation. Dutch interior, group of men and women seated round fire-place, smiling at an old man who bows, hat in hand. Mezzotint by J. Paul after Jan Steen. Size 18 by 13I- inches, with margins. 1771. Rrilliant proof with Artists' names in etched letters. £10 10s 299 TOMKINS (P. W.) . The French Fireside. Interior, two elegantl}^ attired ladies, seated, two gentlemen in the costume of the period, one holding out snuflf box. Stipple engraving in red by P. W. Tomkins after Ansell. Size 13 by 10 inches, witii margins. (1796) . Fine proof impression. £17 17s 300 He Sleeps. Three-quarter length, standing, young lady, high hat with feathers, hair curls, holding in her arms a j'oung child. Choice oval stipple engraving in brown by and after P. W. Tomkins. Size of oval 8| by yl inches, with margins. Circa 1790. Proof before any letters. £10 iOs f8 MAGGS BROS.. 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. Tomkins (P. W.) — cotitinucd. ;oi King of the Castle. Soap Bubbles. Pair of oval stipj)le engravings in brown, most charming children subjects and in exceedingly choice state. By P. W. Tomkins after W. Hamilton. Size 9 by 9i inches, with margins. 1791. The ])air, £36 302 " The Poor Soldier." In circle, gentleman, wearing cocked hat, long coat, breeches, etc.. introducing a beautiful young female (his daughter) to an officer, verses under. Charming stipple engraving by P. W. Tomkins after Ansell. Size i5t by 14 inches, wath margins. 1785. Brilliant proof impres.sion with Artists' names and line of publication in etched letters. £18 18s '.o;. TURNER (C.) Fox and Cubs. The vixen sits on the ledge of a bank and looks towards five cubs in foreground, a sixth cub peeps out of a hole in the bank. Mezzotint by Chas. Turner after I. Bennet. Size 16} by 2o.|- inches, narrow margins. Xo title. 1831. Finely printed in colours. £16 16s 304 — Virgin and Child. Mezzotint by C. Turner after Murillo. Size 17A l)y i2f inches, with margins. 1809. £3 3s 305 The Water Mill. The tiled buildings of the mill are on the further bank of a stream, in foreground to right two women are washing clothes. Mezzotint by C. Turner after A. W. Callcott. Size 23 1 b}^ 161 inches, with full inscription and narrow margins top and sides. 181 2. Brilliant impression in fir.<;t state. £2i 300 WARD (James). The Rocking Horse. Large garden : on a grass plot two children play with a large rocking horse; little girl, white dress, rides the toy; a lx)y, long breeches, holds horse by the reins; through an iron gate in surrounding wall poor cliildren watch, to right white house can be seen. Mezzotint by and after James Ward. SizvC 18 by 21.V inches, full inscription, narrow margins top and sides, ir^.v £42 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street. London, W. 59 307 WARD (W.). The Alpine Traveller. Mountain scenery, lady riding on a mule, which bears bells and tassels, white dog leaps up at mule, behind, ascending the mountain, boy leads another mule. Mezzotint by J. Ward after J. Northcote. Size 22^ by 17! inches, with margins. 1804 Brilliant impression. (See Illustration, Plate No. XXIII.). £37 lOs Portrait of Lady Leicester, wife of Sir John Fleming Leicester. 30S WARD (W. and J.) . The Citizen's Retreat. Country house, thatched roof; old man smoking pipe outside porch, in foreground lady, mob cap, holding up apron from which she scatters food to chickens, to right man nurses a baby, boys lean over hencoop, to left two little girls, rustic gate and pig behind. Mezzotint by W. Ward after J. Ward. Size 17^ by 24 inches, with margins. 1796. £27 10s 309 WHEATLEY (Francis). The Cries of Loudon. Compk'te set of thirteen plates, all fine impressions in brown and bistre, and with full inscription margins. (See Illustration, Frontispiece). The set, £152 10& TITLE OF SUBJECT. 1. Milk below Maids. 2. IVo buuciies a penny, Primroses. 3. Sweet China Orangres. 4. l)o you want any Matches. 5. New Mack'rel 6. Knives, Scissors, & Kazors to Grind. 7. Fresh Gathered Peas, Young Hastingfs. 8. Pound and Sound, fivepenc© a pound, Duke Cherries. 9. Strawberries, scarlet Strawberries. 10. Old Chairs to Mend. 11. A New Love Song, only ha'i>enny a piece. 12. Hot Spice Gingerbread, Smoking hot. 13. Turnips and Carrots, ho. ENGliAVEK. L. Schiavonetti. The same. The same. A. Cardon. N. Schiavonetti, Jun. G. Vendramini. The same, (Directed by L. Schiavonetti) A. Cardon. (Directed by L. Schiavonetti) Vendramini. G. Vendramini. A. Cardon. Vendramini. T. Gaugain. DATE. July 2nd, 1793. July 2nd, 1793. July, 1734. July, 1794. Jan. 1st, 1795. Jan. 1st, 1795. Jan. 1st, 1795. June 25th, 1795. June 25th, 1795. Sept. 1st, 1795. March 1st, 1796^ May 1st, 1796. May 1st, 1797. 6o iMAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. VVheatley (Francis) — continued. 310 The Departure from Brighton. An encani])ment on the »Sussox Downs, in foreground a .i;roup consist- ing of a soldier, waggoner, and three women, behind loaded waggons, to right, two horses. Mezzotint by J. Murphy after F. Wheatley. Size 192' by 25! inches, with margins. 1796. Fine impression. £13 13s 311 • The Fair. Group of five children outside a stall, playing with \arious toys, the boy in centre with small drum, tree and cottage to right. Oval stipple engraving by F. Bartolozzi after F. Wheatley. Size si by 6$ inches, with margins. Proof impression in brown. £6 6s 312 WRIGHT (Josej:)h of Derby, 1737-1797). A Lecture on the Orrery. In centre an orrery, light within it, the lecturer standing behind, two boys standing before him examining it, a young woman wdth wide hat similarly employed, behind her a young man taking notes, to right two other men and a lad. Mezzotint by W. Pether after J. Wright. Size 19 by 23^ inches, with margins. 1768. Brilliant impression in proof state before the motto on the Arms. £40 The figures given are portraits of residents ot Derby, as follows :— The lecturer, Mr. Deuby, organist of ^fll Saints' Church; the young woman, Mrs. Sale; the young man taking notes, Mir. Burdett, the engraver; the young man to right, J. Wright, the painter; the others, Mr. A. Winterman and Mr. G. Snowden; and the two boys, sons of the llev. Mr. Cantrill. of Derby. 313 An Iron Forge. A smith holding iron under a heavy hammer worked by mechanical power, another smitli standing beside him, to right a woman with child in her arms, elder girl beside her, to left old man with cliild at his knee. Mezzotint by Earlom after Wright. Size 19 by 23?: inches, with margins. 1773. £8 8s 314 A Blacksmith's Shop. In ruined Abbey, two smiths and striker working iron on anvil, to right old man sitting leaning on .stick, also two boys, in background group of men and honses. Mezzotint by R. Earlom after Wright. Size 22 by i6f inches, with inscription margin. 1771. £6 6s The figures on the right are probably portraits of meni/bers of the painter's family, being' introduced into others of his pictuTfto. MAGGS BROS., 54 & 35, Conduit Street, London. W. 61 315 YOUNG (J.). The Flower Girl. Three-quarter length, standing, a young girl, large hat with cap under, low dress, cape, basket of flowers on arm, holding flower in right hand. Mezzotint by J. Young after J. Zoffany. Size 1,3! by lof inches, with margins. 17S4. Brilliant proof impression with inscription in etched letters. £23 10s 3t6 The Show. To left a showman wdth box on stand into which a young lad is look- ing, behind him a young girl, to right a nurse wnth child in her arms, cottage and trees in background. Mezzotint by J. Young after J. Hoppner. Size 23^ by 17 inches, with margins. 1787. Brilliant impression in first state. £31 10s Detlicated to Linly Duncaniioii, luobably Iier portrait and that of her children. SPORTING. ARCHERY. 317 Picturesque scene, wooded meadow with tents, horses and carriage, gentlemen archers shooting at target, spectators. Very fine line engraving by J. Heath after Joseph Slater. Size 17 bj^ 24 inches, with margins. 1789. Brilliant impression. £12 12s COURSING. 318 Snowball. Open landscape, the greyhound is held by an old groom in hunting costume. To left scouring over the field comes a huntsman, tight arm raised with a couple of hounds in near pursuit of a hare. Mezzotint by Wm. Ward after H. B. Chalon. Size ijj by 23! inches, with margins. 1807. Brilliantly printed in colours. (See Ir.i,usTR.\TioN, Plate Xo. XXV.). £72 lOs 62 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street. London, W. CRICKET. Series of rare and extremely interesting portraits of distinguished cricketers. 319 Adams (James, 1811-1S51). Full length, standing, holding bat, open landscape. Lithograph. Size 12^- by S^- inches. Circa 1840. £1 Is " Played at Lords in 1830, beiug only nineteen years of age, and pflaytd with success for his own club at Ka.ffron Walden." 320 Beagley (Thomas, 1789-1858). Full length, standing, in a cricket field, holding stick in right hand, tent and cricketers in background. Lithogiaph by J. C. Anderson. Siie 13^ by 8 inches. Circa 1840. £1 Is With the followijig inscription under : — "Thomos Beag^ley, the Celebrated Hampshire Cricketer. For vrhom 22 of ' I Zing^ari ' and 11 of 'AH England' played a match at the Ov^l, Kenninp;ton, on the 14th and l.lth July, 1S53, as a mark of respect to merit, coup!Iprofessional tutor to the }x)ys. 327 Guy (Joseph, of Nottingham). Full length, standing in front of wicket, bat in right hand, tent and mountains in background. Lithograph in colours bj" R. Black after J. C. Anderson. Size 1 2I by 9i inches. C/rra 1840. £1 Is " After Pilch and perhaps Wenman — considered the be~t bat in I'lngland, and ^^ras, altogetlior, one of the ' cracks ' of his day." 328 Hankey (Reginald, born 1832). Full length, standing in cricketing dress, liolding bat in right hand, tent in background. Tinted lithograph by J. C. Anderson. vSize II J by y\ inches. Circa 1S70. £1 Is " Famous batsman. His career, though short, may be termed most brilliant." .329 HMIyer (Wm., 1814-1861). Full length, standing in cricketing attire, holding ball, house and trees in backgroinid. Lithograph by J. C. Anderson. vSize 13 by qJ inches. Circa 1840. £1 Is Hillj-er wa-s often termed " the bo*t of all bowlers." 64 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. Cricket — co ntiniied . 330 Lillywhite (Frederick William, 1792-1854), Full length, standing in cricketing dress, holding ball in right hand, open landscajx- with windmill in background. Tinted lithograph by J. C. Anderson. vSize 8 by 44 inches. Circa 1840. £1 Is " In middle life took a foremost place among' professional cricketers and. -was known as the ' Nonpareil Bowler.' " 331 Lockyer (Thomas, born 1828). Full length in cricketing costume, bending down behind the wicket, tents in background. Coloured lithograph by J. C. Anderson. Size 10^ by 8 inches. Circa i860. £1 Is " Famous Surrey Cricketer, generally managed the Countj" Eleven and United matches." 332 Martingell (William, horn i8i8). Full length, standing in cricketing costume, holding bat in front of wicket, house and trees in background. Lithograph by J. C. Anderson. Size 13 b}^ g^ inches. Circa 1850. £1 Is Born at Nuffield in Surrey." His engagements were numerous; in 1856 h© accepte." 333 Mynn (Alfred, i8o7-i86[). Full length, standing, in cricketing costume, carrying bat over his shoulder, holding cap in left hand, church and trees in background. Lithograph in colours by J. C. Anderson. vSize I3i- by 9^ inches. Circa 1850. £1 Is "Born at Goudhiirst, caller of horses bein? unlimited various bye Bets to a threat amount were also made, one party l)ettinjf Ten thou5>and to one that Mr. Osbaldeston did not accomplish the task in 9 hours. The distance was performed in gallant st.\le in S hours ^V; 42 minutes, including: the time for Mounting, DismwintinR & Kcfreshiuent«.— The greater (Part of the day was very unfavourable being very Stormy and attended with heavy isihowers. " A correct List of the horses with the time which enrli took to do the 4 miles " given below. MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 67 Racing — continued. 345 Races of the Peasants' Horses at Budapest. Pair of very fine aquatints in colours by Schinid after Clarot Budan. Size 16I by 25! inches, with margins. C. 1827. The pair, £42 Hate T. First Eacing of the Peasants' horses at Pest on the 6th of June, 18J7, for the fourth stake. Plate II. The Prize Xo. 1 an artfully wrought and richly gilt silver cup, 100 Ducats worth, won on the 7th June, 1827, by Baron Nicholas Wesselenyis's light hrown mare Al-Borak, &c. 346 The Chaise Match. A carriage of four wheels, drawn by four horses nineteen miles in one hour on Newmarket Heath, Aug. 29, 1750, and won in 53 minutes and 27 seconds. Tyine engraving. Printed for R. Sayer. Size II by 18 inches, with margins. £2 10 RACEHORSES. 347 Violante. Interior of a stable, one man holding the horse by a bridle, another kneeling spreading out horsecloth. Mezzotint by and after Whessell. Size 14^ by igi inches, with margins. 1809. Finely printed in colours. £2.5 348 Wings. (A cliestnut Filly bred by Genl. Grosvenor in 1822.) Standing on racecourse with jockey up. Aquatint in colours by Jas. Pollard. Size 13J bj- i8f inches, with margins. 1825. Fine impression. £15 15s With pedigree and performance under. SHOOTING. 349 Pheasant Shooting. Series of four plates, showing sportsmen with dogs in wooded scenery. Aquatints by Reeve after Dean Wolstenholme. vSize 16-^- by 21^ inches, witli margins. 1S06. Brilliantly printed in colours. 1806. (Sre Illustration, Plate No. XXVII.) . Tlie set of four, £152 10s 350 Pljeasant Shooting. Aquatint in colours after Howett. vSize ii§ by 17 inches, no margins. C. i/QO. £4 -Is 68 MAGGS BROS., 34 .S: :>5, Conduit Street, London, \V. Shooting — coniinued. 351 Shooting Pieces. Set of four line en.Qmvings, sliowinp two sportsmen with guns and dogs in wooded landscapes. By Woollett after Stubbs. Size jsi ^y 20s- incl'.es, with margins. 1760-1771. The set. £31 IOi> LOCOMOTION. HOBBY-HORSES. 352 Johnson's Pedestrian Hobby=horse Riding School at 377, Strand. Interior showing number of gentlemen riding on velocipedes, s]")Cctators standing round all in costume of the period, description of machine under. Engraving in colours. Size I2t hy i3i inches, with margins. iSig. £4 4s 353 Side, Front, and Back Views of the Lady's Pedestrian Hobby=horse, now exhibiting at 40, Kre\\'er vStreet. Aciuatint in coloui's. iSrq. Descriptive text under. £3 3s 354 The Ladies' Hobby, A Lady seated on a machine. " Tlie principle of this machine consists in t\Ao boards acting on cranks, on the axle of the fore-wheel, in a similar manner to those used for the pur- pose of turnery, and is accelerated by the use of the handles, as represented in the plate ; the direction is managed by the centre liandle, which may be fixed so as to perform any given circle." Aquatint in colours. vSize 7i by g\ inches, with margins. iSiq. £2 10s 355 Going to the Races. A carriage drawn bv eight men on hobbv-horses. Coloured caricature. vSi/.e S'j by 13 inches, with margins. iSiq. £1 10s 356 Hobby-horses Jockeying the Mail — Dedicated to the Four-in-Hand Club (vide the new inveiUed perambulators) . Coloured caricature. Published b\' Sidebethern. iSig. £2 10s 357 The Spirit Moving the Quakers upon Worldly Vanities!! A number of Quakers on hobby-horses outside a Meeting House. Coloured caricature. Publi.shed by J. vSidebethern. 1819. £2 IDs MAGGS BROS.. 34 & 3$, Conduit Street, London, W. 6g Locomotion — continued. 35S The Pedestrian Hobby=horse. Two gentlemen on hobby-horses, country hmdscape. Aquatint in colours. Size 6 b}' 10 inches, with margins. 1S19. Fine impression. £1 10s 359 Every man on his Perch, or Going to Hobby Fair. Doctors, lawyers, soldiers, sailors, etc., seated on liobby -horses repre- senting their various callings. Coloured caricaturu by J. R. Cruikshank. 18x9. £1 10s ^6o A new Irish Jaunting Car, the Dandy's Hobby, the Velocipede, or the peram- bulator, by which you can ride at your ease and are obliged to walk in tlie mud at the satne time. Caricature in colours bv J, R. Cruikshank. C. 1800. £1 Is 301 RAILWAYS. Travelling on the Liverpool and Manchester Railway. I. A Train of the First Class of Carriages with the Mail. A Train of the Second Class for Outside Passengers. II. A Train of Waggons with Goods, &c., &c. A Train of Carriages with Cattle. Pair of afpiatints in colours by S. G. Hughes after I. Shaw. Size 8 by 241 inches, w'ith margins. 1S31. The pair, £21 362 View of the Intersection Bridge on the Line of the St. Helens and Runcorn Gap Raihvay, crossing the Li\erpool and :^Lnnchester Railway near the Foot of the Sutton Inclined Plane. Aquatint, printed in colours, bj^ S. G. Hughes. Size 10^- b3^ 17 inches, with margins. 1S32. Brilliant impression. £M 14s 363 Stephenson (George, 1781-1848) , Portrait of. Full length, standing on Chat ]\Ioss, railway to left and train in back- ground. Mezzotint by F. L. Atkinson after John Lucas. Size 27^ by 17^ inches, with margins. 1S40. £6 6s Inventor and Founder of IJaihvays. 364 'early FRENCH OMNIBUSES. Tricycles. Three- wheeled vehicle, drawn by two horses. Les Ecossaise. Four-wheelc^d vehicle, painted with a tartan desigti. Pair of lithographs in colours by Villain. MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35. Conduit Street. London, W. PART III. Etchings ® Lithographs. ANDREW F. AFFLECK. Disiin<:iiis]ied Conicmponiry Etcher. 365 Amsterdam. The high towers of a church rising above other buildings seei: from the opposite l)ank of a canal, on which He numerous boats. vSize 1 1 2 by rof inches. Signed. 1912. £4 4s 366 The Doorway, Belem, Lisbon. The high archway of the door, surmounted by magnificent carved statues of vSaints, etc., in niches, woman seated on the ground, basket at her side, slightl}- to left a lady leading a child. Size 12I by 81 inches. Signed by the artist. 1911. £3 3s 367 Gateway of Burgos. Low arched gateway with canned figures in niches, towers rising above. Size 141 by iif inches. Signed. £6 6s 368 Linlithgow Palace. Seen from across the Loch, the massive building standing on a knoll throwing its shadow into the still waters; to left a high bank with dark sliadowed trees, in distance to right building and church spire are seen. Size 13 by 19-?: inches. Signed. 1912. £18 18s 369 Stirling. The buildings of the town arc seen in middle distance, across flat country, with winding river; behind, on rising ground, is the Castle, mountains beyond. Size 15 i by 21! inches, with margins. Signed Artist's proof. £^ 8s 370 Toledo. Interior, showing the most impressive portion of the Cathedral, the " Capilla Major," groining, arches and walls are profusely decorated with statues, columns, canopies, and angels. Size 24} by i6| inches, with margins. Signed Artist's proof. £10 10s MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street. London, W. 71 JOHNSTON (BAIRD). 371 Thames Boatliouse, Waterloo Bridge. Waterloo Bridge is seen to left through the archway of the boathouse, from which is a wooden bridge laid across to landing stage. Size 15 b}^ 6g itiches, with margins. Signed. Circa 1912. £3 3s MARIUS BAUER. 372 A Bazaar in Smyrna. Size 3:2- by 5;- inches, with margins. £2 18s 373 Benares. Size Qi by 6'i inches, with margins. Signed. £3 lOs 374 Entrance to a Temple. Size 6f b3- 4-^ inches, with margins. Signed with initials. £4 4s 375 Fantasy. Men on horseback outside the Entrance of a Mosque. Size II by 14!: inches, with margins. Signed with initials. £9 9s 376 Oriental Landscape. Size 2I by 47} inches, with margins. Signed " M.B.'* £2 10s 377 Palanquin, Size 5} b}^ 7I inches, with margins. Signed " M.B." £2 10s 378 A Persian Festival. A procession of men on horseback and carrying banners, passing along by a mosque and entering a doorway. vSize 18J by 20^ inches, with mar^ns. vSigned xArtist's proof. * £10 10s 379 Procession with Camels. Size 17 bj^ I of inches, with margins. Signed. £6 6s 380 A Visit. Size 4^ by 61- inches, with margins. Signed " M.B." £3 18s MUIRHEAD BONE. 381 Building Ships. A series of six Lithographic Prints. Size tSt by 14^ inclics, with margins. Each one signed by the Artist. The series, £18 18s 1. " A ShiiKv.ird." 4. " A Workshop." 2. ''On the Stocks." .'',. " A Fitting-out basin." 3. " A Ship-yard scM-n from a big crane." 6. " Keadj for Sea." 72 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. D. Y. CAMERON. :;S2 Arran Peaks. Magnificent impression. Size 10 by 13^ inches. Si.^ned. (Sek Illustration, Plate ^o. XXVIII.). £38 383 Appin Rocks. Size 61 by 6i incliLS, with margins. 1914- .Signed. £21 3S4 Dinnet Moor. Moorland scene, mountain range (Morven) , in background. Etching. Size 7 bv ii| inches, with margins, iqis (R. 431) Signed. £31 10s 385 The Fisher's Hut. The hut is seen to the right, on the banks of a wide winding river, on the left bank dark trees and foliage. Size 5 by loj inches, with margins. 1910. Signed. (R. 411). £42 3S6 The Frews. vSize 3i by 7 inches, with margins. Fine impression in first state. Signed. £16 16s 387 A Lady of Genoa. Fine impression. vSize 4^ by 2 inches, with margins. 1S96. .Signed. (R. 217). £9 9s 388 The Little Devil of Florence. Size 14^ by 8^ inches, with margins. First State. Signed. (R. 401) . £17 17s 389 Nithsdale. Wide river winding through flat country, cottages and trees. Brilliant impression. Size 6 by i2i inches. Signed. £38 390 Ralia. A moorland scene, witli bridge in middle distance spanning a winding stream, mountain peaks behind. vSize 4-i by 5J inches, with margins. 1912. Signed. (R. 43.^)- ^21 Plate XXVI. ^ Pr.ATK X.W'II. - « 0- MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. ' y^ Cameran (D. Y.) — coniinxied. 391 Shuna. Size 4 by 7 inches, with margins. Signed. £15 15s 392 Tintoret*s House. Size 9^ by 4* inches. Signed. (R. 209) . £16 16s 393 Upper Clyde Valley. Size 4J by 8^ inches. Signed. (R. 31) . £17 ITs 394 The Village Store. Narrow doorway through which is seen a small shop, with two women, another standing on the steps. Size 9 by 3 inches. Signed. (R, 80). £25 " Four or five imipressions only.'' — Einder. 395 Waterloo Place. Fine impression. Size -j^ by 9 inches, witli margins. 1899. Signed. (R. 290) . £21 396 Yvon. Restaurant Loceur. Size loi by 5 inches, with margins. Signed. (R. 425) . £30 AUG. DELATRE. 397 Souvenirs. Six Pointes=Seches. vSix etchings enclosed in original case. Presentation Copy to A. Legros with the Artist's signed autograph inscription. 1871. £6 6s Onily 30 sets printed. JOHN EVELYN. 39S The Back of Garden Front of Wotton in Surrey. Size 5i by 9^ inches. Struck off the original plate abotit 1812. £2 2s The plate bears the followiny A inches. 1865. (D. no). £5 lOs 405 Kensington Gardens. An old tree divides half-way up its stem into two main brandies, the left one of which is more subdivided than the right. The light is con- centrated on the upper branches, and the distance closed in by numerous tree stems. vSize 8 by 5 inches. (D. 26) . i860, IJrilliant impression on India jiaper. Signed. £12 12s MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 75 Haden (SirF. Sej'mour) — continued. 406 The Moat House. Size 5-I by 8i inches. Signed. (D. 103). 1866. £4 lOs 407 Mytton Hall. A shady avenue of yews leads up to the doorway of an old hall which receives the full light of the sun. Size 5 by lo^ inches, with margins. 1859. Brilliant impression of this scarce etching, £45 408 Newton Manor. A white house and garden in a clump of trees; beyond sea and cliffs, in front open ground with deer. Size 6 by 9 inches, with margins. Signed. (D. 157) . £7 7s 409 Nine Barrow Down. In the centre at the foot of a hill a road runs downwards among uneven ground towards a group of trees and buildings which occupy the hollow below ; beyond is a plain stretching away towards the sea. Size 6 by 9 inches, with margins. 1877. Signed. (H. 167) . 410 Old Chelsea, Out of Whistler's Window. Size 6 by 9 inches, with margins. 1863. (H. 451) . £18 18s £12 12s 411 Out of Study Window. Size 4i by loi inches, with margins. Fine im.pression. Signed. (H. 18) . £18 18s 412 Penton Hook. The riven stem of an old willow tree, near which is seated a figure, stands half in and half out of the water, which occupies the whole of the foreground ; on the left, among tlie reeds, a boy fishing. Size 6 by gh inches. Signed. Trial proof, (D. 65) . £8 8s 413 Railway Encroachment at Kew. To the right, on the opposite side of the river, a woody bank; in front of which are several large trees; to the left, on the same plane, a portion of the bank is denuded and cut up by railway instructions. Size 5t by 81 inches. (D. 65) . Signed. £4 4» 76 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35. Conduit Street, London, W. Haden (Sir F. Seymour; — continued. 414 A Salmon River. A cuTvcd rufthins: river in a rocky landscape ; a stormy sky. "Etching and mc/zotint. Size 4I by 6j inches, with margins. First state. (H. 221) . £5 5s ALBANY E. HOWARTH 415 Richmond Castle, Yorkshire. Si/.e /t by gf inches, with margins. Signed. £4 -Ls 4* proofs only. 416 St. Marks. Venice. Si/.e 2 It by },ii- inclies, with margins. vSigned. £7 7s FANTIN LATOUR. 416a Parsifal. Evocation to Kundry. Female figure partly nude, floating in the air beside a man who is seated before open book. Lithograph. vSize 16^ by 19 inches, with inargins. .Signed and dated November, 97. Fine proof impres.sion. £7 7.s A. LEGROS. 417 La Ferme Sur la Riviere. Size 4^ by Si inches, with margins. Signed. £10 10s 4j8 Le Coup de Vent. A wind and rain swept moorland .scene, with trees and bushes in foreground to left. vSizc 21 by 17? inches, with margins. £9 9s 41Q L$ Pecheur au Saumon. Size TO.{ by 14-4 inches, with margins. Signed Artist's proof. (C. 223II) . £9 9s 420 Le Petit Hangar. Size 5^ by 5^ inches, with margins. Signed. £5 .Ss 421 Le Petit Lac. Size 7? by yl inches, with margins. Signed. £7 7s MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35. Conduit Street, London, W. 7; I.egros (A.) — continued. 422 Les Bords de la Yanne. Size 6 by 10 inclies, with margins. Signed. £7 7s 42. ^ Portrait of Legros. Short half length, turned to left. Size 7I by 5! inches, with margins. Signed. £3 3s 424 Portrait of E, J. Poynter, R.A. vSize S^ b}' 61 inches, with margins. £2 2s .1. HAMILTON MACKENZIE. 4 2$ San Francescd nel deserto, Veneto. Size 6 by 9 inches, with margins. 1912. Signed. £2 10s J. L. E. MEISSONIER. 426 The Guitar Player. Signed remarque proof on vellum by A. Gilbert after Meissonier. Size 9t by 5^- inches, with margins. £2 2s 427 L'Ordonnance. Interior, an officer standing with back against fireplace readino- despatch, soldier standing in front, another seated. By Mongin after Meissonier. Size 9 by 7* inches, with margins. 1S66. Proof. £i lOs CHARLES MERYON. 428 La Galerie de Notre Dame. Size II by 6^ inches, witji margins. (W. 10) . £15 I5s 429 La Pompe Notre Dame. Very fine impression of the second state. Size 6f by 10 inches, with margins. 1852. (W. 15TI). £31 lOs From tho Alfred ^rorrison Collection. 1)0 L'Arche du Pont Notre Dame. vSize 5 by 6| inches, with margins. 1853. (W. 9). £25 431 La Tombeau de Moliere. 78 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35. Conduit Street, London, W. Meryon (Charles) — continued. 432 Le Pont Neuf et La Samaritaine de dessons la lere Arche dii Pont au Change. vSize 5I by yi inches, with margins C. 1850. (W. 29). £31 lOs 4>3 Hue des Chantres. vSize iii by 4^ inches, w-ith margins. 1862. (W. 25) £17 178 434 San Francisco. The View of the City stretches across the entire plate, waste land in foreground, in distance shipping and the sea. Size yi by 37! inches, with margins. 1856 (W. 80) . Fine early impression in brown. £16 16s SAMUEL PALMER. 454a English Pastoral. Size 4f by yi- inches, with margins £4 48 435 The Herdsman. Size 51 by 8 inches, with margins. Early proof. Signed. £15 15s 436 Ditto. Another impression. Unsigned. £5 5s 437 Milking Time. Herd of cows, standing in pool, drinking, flock of sheep on rocks, sea in background. Size Si by yi inches. Proof impression. £3 3s JOSEPH PENNELL. Signed Artist's Proofs. 438 Avenue Theatre. Size 9^ by 5 inches, with margins. Signed. (Printed by Goulding) . £3 3s 439 Cannon Street Station. Size 8 by 11 inches, with margins. £4 4s MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 79 Pennell (Joseph) — continued. 440 Clock Tower from St. James' Park. Size loi by 8 inches, with margins. £4 4s 441 The Guildhall. vSize II by S inches, with margins. £4 4s 442 Lambeth from Westminster. Size 5 by 12 inches, udth margins. Signed. £3 3s WM. P. ROBINS. 443 Payne's Farm. Size 5 by io| inches, with margins. Fine impression on green paper. Signed. £9 9s T. FRANCIS SIMON. 444 Hreadcany. River at night, with the lights of buildings on further bank reflected in the water. Etching, tinted. Size II by 11 -J inches. vSigned. £3 3s W. STRANG. 445 The Brickfield. Size 4I by 10 inches, with margins. Signed. £4 Is 446 Invitation Card to Exhibition Etchings. A group of peasants standing behind a stone slab. Size 6 by 5 incliL-s, witli margins. »Signed. £3 3s 1 of 10 proofs. A47 Kilcreggan. A group of cottages and low buildings, with trees behind, seen to right; rising ground to left. vSi/,e 6 by 9 inches, narrow margins. Signed. £5 5s 4^8 The Moat House. Siz(^ -^ by 8 inches, with margins. Signed by the Artist. £8 8s 8o MAGGS BROvS., 34 ''v 55» Conduit Street, London, W. Strang (W.) — continued. .440 Norman Farm. Size 6 by 10 inclies, with margins. Signed by the Artist. £7 7s 4.S0 Peasant Woman Seated in a Field. Size 4 by 6 inches, with margins. Signed. £1 !5s 451 The Rehearsal. A man singing, behind him three musicians and a woman. Size 7 by Sh inches, with margins. Signed. £6 6* 1 of 6 proofs 452 The Top of the Hill. An old countryman in a .smock, bundle on his arm, seated under a tree. Etching. Size 7 by 4^ inches, with margins. £3 .'is J. A. McNEIL WHISTLER. 453 The Forge. Blacksmith in cap and apron, stands at a forge; behind him two assistants, two or three people in background. Etching. Size 7} by 12?^ inches, with margins. (\V. 63). £21 454 La Retameusfc. Half length, an elderl}' Frenchwoman who wears a black cap and bears a spoon poked under her waistband. Etching. Size 4| by 3^ inches, with margins. (W. 5) . £8 8s 455 Thames Police. The riverside at Wapping ; low water. A crowd of stranded boats lies up against the hou.ses of which one is the station-house of the Thames Police. Etching. vSize 6 by Ss inches, with margins. I1S59. (W. 42) . Fine impression from the Goulding Collection, with his signature, £.32 10s 456 Thames Warehouses, from Thames Tunnel Pier. In front, a boat laden with goods covered by a tarpaulin. Behind it boats riding together against a row of warehouses. Etching. vSize 3 by 8 inches, with margins. (W. 35) . Fine impression from the Goulding Collection, with his signature. £32 lOs Plate XXVIII. < o < = J'LATK XXIX. MAGGS BROS.. 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, \V. Si Whistler (J. A. Mc7<'dl)—c on tinned. 457 The Unsafe Tenement. It is a decayed farmhouse. In the foregroimd two little girls, one just outside, the other just inside a door which hangs loose on its liinges. Etching. Size 6] by 8? inches, with margins. _(W. 7) . £12 12s 458 La Vielle aux Loques. An old Frenchwoman sitting in open doorway. She wears a wliite cap, her head is bent, around her are pots and pans. Etching. Size Si by si inches, with margins. (W. 14). £21 WHISTLER LITHOGRAPHS. The Printers (Thomas T. Way) own Collection of Whistler Lithographs especially selected by him for his own Personal Portfolio. Brilliant early proofs printed by Way himself. " Signed " denotes that the dramng is signed on the stone with the well- known butterfly signature. 459 (W. 92.) The Fair. A very busy scene at night time in Lyme Regis, with groups of figures round two booths which are lit inside, above them some buildings arc indicated. Signed. £22 10s Signed in pencLl " The Fair " Lyme Regis by Way. 460 (W. 24.) The Farriers, In a rather dark interior, two men and a horse, one man bending down to fit a shoe to the horse's hind leg, behind the horse a man wear- ing an apron is standing. Signed. £21 Only 6 printed. 461 (W. 68.) La Robe Roit^e (a Portrait of Miss Whistler). A lady dressed in dark material seated at the end of a draped settee ; panelled wall behind. vSigned. £12 12s One of 23 original impressions. 462 (W. 121.) Little London. The curve of the river seen from the top of the Savoy Hotel, looking eastward. In foreground below the first arch of Waterloo Bridge. Signed. (vSee Illustration, Plate No. XXX.) . £75 Signed " Little London " by Way. Sj MAGGS BROvS.. vi & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. Whistler Lithographs — conlivued. 463 (W. 13.) Reading. A lady, profile figure, seated, wearing a liat and fur cape, reading a newspai:)er. Signed. £10 lOs 464 (W. 88.) The Smith's Yard. A sunny scene with two white horses, their tails to the spectator ; to the left of the horses the smith and his boy arc standing. Signed. £12 12.s One of the S.j original impressions. .165 (W. ir.) Victoria Club. A drawing of the corner of the building in Wellington Street. About a dozen figures grour^ed in front. Signed. £7 10s .166 (W. 123.) Waterloo Bridge. The first three arches of the bridge seen from a high point. The broad road of the Embankment full of vehicles passing under first bridge is continued in the distance, to right river with barges. Signed. £53 Signed in pencil " Waterloo B. Mar. 2;J " by Way. Only 26 printpd. ANDERS ZORN. 467 Balance. Nude figure of a girl walking along a plank into the sea, another girl, hands together, about to dive. Etching. Size 6i by 4! inches, witli margins. Signed, £31 10s 46S Dalkafl. Head and shoulders of an old countryman. Size 6t by 4* inches, with margins. Signed. (Skk Ii,lustr.\tion, Pi.atk No. XXXI.). • £it 469 Pilot. Two figures bathing in the sea. Etching. Size 7 by 4f inches, witli margins. Signed. £24 470 Portrait of Madam Simon. SizyC 9^ by 61 inches, with margins. Unsigned as usual in this state, (D. 66II.) £31 10* MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 83 PART IV. DRAWINGS (Ancient ® Modern) In Water Colours, Sepia. Pen ® Ink, etc. MICHEL FRANCOIS ANDRE-BARDON (1700-17S5) Historical painter and etcher, founder of the Academic des Beaux Arts, Marseilles. 471 Head of an Old Man. In profile to right. Crayon drawing, hdghtcned \\4th white chalk. Size 16 by io| inches. Circa 1730. £3 Ss WILLIAM BLAKE (17571827). 472 King John. Drawing in pencil by Wni. Blake of one of his " Visionary Heads." Size 10 by 7f inches. £18 18s From thct John Linniell Collection. FRANCESCA BRIZZI (born at Bologna 1574) • 473 St. Jerome. Wooded landscape, the Saint is crawling from a cave by the side of a hut, a lion lying in foreground. Very fine drawing on vellum, dated 1623. Size 9I by 14 inches. £10 lOi J. CALLOT (bom at Nancy, 1592)'. 474 Twelve small oval Drawings of the Holy Family, The Crucifixion, The Magdalene, Stoning of Stephen and Saints. Pen and wash drawings. Average size if by i§ inches. • £21 From Sir Peter Lely's Collection. JOHN CONSTABLE (1776-1837). " One of the greatest landscape painters of England." — Bryau. 475 Landscape. Wash drawing in monochrome. Size 9 by iif inches. £10 10s DAVID COX (1783-1859). 476 Landscape with thatched Cottage. Wash drawing in sepia. Size 5i by 7J inches. £4 4s S4 MAGOS BROS.. 3_j & 35. Conduit Street, London, W. WALTER CRANE. 477 Masque of the Five Senses. Dei>ictcd by beautiful women with their attendant swains, standing on a marbled pavement, arches behind, through which flowering trees are seen. Highly decorati\'C' water-colour drawing. vSize, height 18 inches, width 38 inches. Signed " Walter Crane 1891-3." £31 lOs BIRKET FOSTER (1825-1899). d/S The Gleaners. vVoodlrind scene, group of women and children carrying sheaves, cottage to right. Wash drav\ijig in sei)ia. Size 6g by 4^ inches. £8 8s Birket Foster's .qri'eatest trimui)li.s in Avatci-colors were obt;iin(xl in tlie imuitiy >icle. — Bryan's Paixtf.rs Axn IjN(;eavi:rs. JOHN GREENWOOD (1729 1792) Painter and Mezzotint Kni:;ravcr, -d'as born at Boston, Mass., in 1729. 479 Study of a Blind Man, Crayon sketch. Size 7 by 6 inches, with inscription in the autograph of the Artist : " Portret Van een Blindcman op de Niewsenburg Sitten de ua't Leven. J. Greenwood, 20, i;6o." £4 10s KAREL DU JARDIN (1625-167S) . 450 Old Buildings in Italy. Charcoal and wash drawing. vSize 5i- by 71 inches. £3 15s Du Jardin was considered Iho ;ible>l puinl of Nicholas BorchtMn, his piotnro- arc scarce and vf ry valuable." — Bryan'. DIRK LAGENDYK (1748-1S05). 451 A Village Scene. Exterior of an inn, men buying and selling a number of horses. Very fine wash drawing. Size 9 by 14 ^ inches. Signed by the Artist and dated 1776. £17 1 7s " J.a^cndyk wns born at Rotterdam. He depicted the passions "with great truth and )jave to tlie smallest details of his subjects the highest degree of finish. His drawings are tpjirticularly admired, and somp of his Hand.scaiK's with cows and horses have been ei)S raved . " — Bryan. Pl^te XXX. ,>- • ^- 3^ -^^sfe^iS^^^ &*> Plate XXXI. ^/^|i<:KD^AHDi^f^^: ZuKN. Ualkarl. See Item No. 4(i8. MAGGvS BROvS., 3^ & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 85 C. LIEFRINCK. 482 Landscape. Pastoral landscape, with the trunk of an old oak prominently in fore- ground. Finely executed watei -colour drawing. Size 6i- by 9 inches. Signed and dated 160S on back. £5 5s C. Liefrinck was a painter and designer, -who flourished at Amsterdam about 16'J0-4«». FRANCESCO LONDONIO (1723-1783) 483 Peasants and Calf. Two boys, one carrying a calf in his arms, the other leaning on a staff. Drawing in crayon and wash. Size 151 by 11 inches. £2 10s DIR,K MAES (born Haarlem, 1656) . 484 Battle Scene. Wash drawing in monochrome. With pencil sketch on the leverse. Size 5i by 71 inches. £5 5s From the Hone Colloction. W. J. MULLER (1812-1845). English Landscape Painter. 485 Landscape. Still water to right, trees to left, three cows, otie lying down. Water-colour dtawing. Size jh by 11^ inches. Circa 1S39. £10 !0s S. OWEN (1768-1857). Marine Painter. 486 Seascape. Coast scene with boats and figures. Water-col oiir drawing. Size 4j by 3^ inches. Signed. £7 lOs NICHOLAS POCOCK (1741-1821). 487 Mouth of the Tagus, with Belem Castle. Coast scene, with shipping, high ground with buildings below to the right, castle in background. Water-colour drawing. Size 17J by 26^ inches. £10 10s 488 View on the Avon at Bristol. Very fine water-colour drawing. Size 10 by 14! inches. Signed with initials N. P., and dated 1790. £5 lOs 86 MAGGS BROS , 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. SAMUEL PROUT (1784-1852). 489 Launceston Church, Cornwa'll. Arched gateway, with high walls on eitlier side and high mound vNnth niins on top and to right square church tower. Very fine water-colour drawing. Size 9I by 8| inches. £15 15s ABRAHAM RADEMAKER (born at Amsterdam, 1675-T735). 490 Landscapes with classical figures and buildings. Pair of very clever water-colour drawings. Size of each 4I bj' 4? inches. Circa 1720. Both signed by the Artist. The pair, £6 6s THOS. ROWLANDSON (1756-1827). 4C)] Launch of the Nelson, 1814. Very clever drawing, the scene laid probably in Portsmouth Dock, showing battleships and small boats filled with sightseers. Size 10 by 15^ inches. C. 1814, (See Illustration, Plate No. XXXII.) . £36 492 Going on Board. A scene on the sea shore, a boatman is helping a lady into a rowing boat, a lady, gentleman and an old market woman waiting to embark, sailors and luggage. Size 4f by 5^ inches. C. 1800. £12 12s 493 Ducks and Geese. A meadow, with farm buildings to left, a group of rustics looking down at a flock of ducks and geese. Size 6i by gh inches. C. 1800. £12 12s 494 Driving through a Village Charming village scene, with rustic bridge and stream to right. Size 5! by 9^ inches. C. 1800. £7 7 495 Cam Brae, Cornwall. The rocky summit of a hill, meadows seen below. » Size 5 J by 9 J inches. £5 17 6 JOHN RUSKIN (1819-1900). 496 View from St. John Lateran, Rome. Ruins in foreground to right, in centre large buildings, with high square tower, in background mountains, the tops of which are snow-clad. Large and very fine drawing in pen and wash, heightened with white. Size 12 by i8i inches. Signed by the Artist, " J. Ruskin, Roma, 1841." £12 12s MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 87 HUGH THOMSON. 497 Admonition. Village scene, young man seated in the stocks, villagers, and old man standing before him with upraised finger. Charming water colour drawing. vSize 13! by 9 inches. vSigned and dated '98. £14 14s 49S " He Began to Choke." Scene from Reade's " Peg WoflSngton." Interior : man \\ith three children seated at table having meal, the actress also seated repairing coat, the man holds napkin to his mouth. Very fine drawing in water-colours. Size lo-^ by S inches. Signed and dated '99. £15 499 " Hearing herself Called." Young lady looking backward at a young man holding letter, garden seen through gateway. Drawing in black and white. Size 64 by S inches. Signed and 'dated 1S94. £9 9s Illustration to Jane Austin's " Pride and Prejudice." 500 Interior, an old ladj- seated, hat, cape, looking toward an old gentleman who is seated with little boy and girl on his knees, two others playing at his feet. Charming water-colour drawing. Size II by 8 inches. Signed and dated " '97." £14 i4s J. M. W. TURNER, R.A., 17751851. 501 Landscape, with high buildings. Pencil sketch. Size 8 by 10* inches. £10 iOs 502 Landscape. A town seen in distance, over a wooded landscape, high grround rising to left. Very fine wash drawing. Size 9 by 13-! inches. £15 15s FRANCIS WHEATLEY, 1748-1801. 503 The Discovery. Interior of a cottage, an old woman seated, pointing to a letter and looking severely at a charming girl who stands before her with upraised hands. Oval wash drawing, tinted. Size i6i by 13^ inches. Circa 1790, £15 15$ 88 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. PART V. Topographical ® Historical Engravings. BERKSHIRE. 504 Eton. Match between Eton and Westminster, rowed at Putney, Auj?. ist, 1843. The Eton winning by fourteen boats' length. Very fine lithograph in colours b}' R. K. Thomas. Size gf by 14^ inches, with margins. C. 1843. £6 68 505 View of the Thames at Streatley. Caversham Bridge, near Reading. Pair of very fine aquatints in colours by R. Havell after Wm. Havell. Size 14 by 19^ inches, with margins. 181S The pair, £21 506 Windsor. Most charming view of the Castle seen from the river, part of small island with trees and horses, seen to right ; to left punt with fishermen. Aquatint in colours by Paul Sandby. .Size Tif by 18 inches. C. 1750. £2! CHANNEL ISLANDS. 507 A New and Exact Chart of the Islands of Guernsey, Sercq, Herm, and Jethou. General Chart of Guernsey, Jersey, vSercq, Hcrm, and Alderney. — Accurate Chart of the Islands of Alderney and Buiiion, and also of the Caskets; by N. Dobree: the set of three, double folio sire. 1746. £1 10s DEVON. 50S Exeter. A True Plan of the City of Excester, Ich. Fairlove sur\-eyed, Jo. Coles, sculpt., with small inset engravings in the border. Size 22 by 17 inches. Sold by Edward Score, Bookseller, over against the Guildhall. Circa 1700. £1 10s 509 Exeter. An Original Impression of Jolin Rocjuc's very large and exceedingly scarce Plan of the City of Exeter. Size 45 by 29 inches. Engraved by R. White. 1744. £5 5s Surrounded by fine inset views of Exo Brid^fo. the CatlwKlral Church, Workhouse, Gnildhall, Castle, City Hospital, Custom House. &c. 510 Plymouth. View of the Citadel of Plymouth. Finely engraved by Chas. Mosley from a Drawing by Sandford Mace (with two inset views) . .Size 27 by 18 inches. i7.';7. I8s MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Sti^et, London. W. 8y DORSETSHIRE. 511 Weymouth: View of. The town i» seen from across the bay. Stipple engraving by P. W. Tomkins after J. T. Scrres. Size 17 by 27? inches, with margins. 1803. Fine oiK^n letter proof impression. £5 5s .512 Weymouth Bay. Belfield and Portland. Wyke and Portland. Pensylvania Castle, The Old Church, and Bow and Arrow Castle, Portland. Set of four very tine aquatints in colour bv J. Bluck after I. W. Upham. Size II by 15J inches, with margins. 1S21. The four plates, £24 DURHAM. 513 Forster (T.) Plan of the City of Durham, dedicated to Richard I^ord liishop of Durham, the Dean, and Chapter, &c. Size 28 by 19^ inches. 1754- ^* ESSEX. 514 Chelmsford. A Perspective View of the County Town of, with the Judges* Procession on the day of Entrance, attended by the High Sheriff aufl his Officers. Line by J. Ryland after D. Oj|borne. Size 14?: by uil inches, with margins. 1762. £4 4s 515 View from Chigwell Row, Essex. Aquatint in colours from a drawing by P. I. de Loutherbourg. Size 9 by 12I inches, with margin. 1808. £6 6s 516 Colchester (The South East Prospect of). Line engraving by Saml. and Nathl. Buck. Size 12^- by 32 inches, with margins. 1741. £1 Is GLOUCESTER. 517 Bristol — Rocque (John). A Plan of the City of Bristol, surveyed and drawn by John Rocque. engraved by John Pine on 4 large double folio sheets. 1743- ^^ ^^ 90 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. (iloucester — continued. 518 Bristol. Map of the Country 11 miles round the City of Bristol, delineated from an Actual Survey by B. Ooun. A very large circular engraving by R. Coffin of Bristol (mcasumig 35i by 35^ inches) , with inset Views of St. Vincent's Rocks, and the Druidical Stones at Stanton Drew. 1769. £2 2s- KENT. 519 Canterbury. General View of the City of Canterbury, taken from the Scotland Hills. Lithograph in colours by Thos, Ashenden. Size 13-I by 20-j inches, with margins. £2 1(K 520 Dover. View of the Castle and Town of Dover, engraved by J. Mason, from a Painting by Geo. Lambert. Fine impression (20-/ by 11 inches). 1762. 15/- 521 Romney Marsh — Cole (James). The Description of Romney Marsh, Walland Marsh, Denge Marsli, and Guildeforde Marsh, with the divisions of their Waterings, Breads, Arms, Pinnocks, Bridges, and principal Gutts, etc. A very large double folio sheet map (32^ by 24^ inches) , dedicated to the Lords and other Proprietors of the Lands in these Levels. Circa 1760. £1 5s LANCASHIRE. 522 Liverpool. View of Castle Street, Liverpool, from the etu! of High Street. Aquatint by T. Malton after G. Perry. Size 20} by 16} inches, with margins. 1792. £6 6* 523 A View of Castle Street, Liverpool, from the end of High vStreet. View of Castle Street, Liverpool, from the upixT end of Pool Lane. Pair of aquatints by F. Malton after G. Perry. Size 2oi by i6i inches, with margins. 1792. The pair, £14 10* MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35. Conduit Street, London, W. 91 LONDON. <24 View of London. r o. ^^ i» Panoramic View of London, also Interior and Exterior of St. 1 aul 9 Cathedral, References and Verses. Very interesUng and early views engraved in line by D. Loggan, D. King delin. 1658. ^^ ^^^ Size 15I by i8i inches. 525 The Riot in Broad Street on the Seventh of June, 1780. Line engraving by .las. Heath after Wheatley. Size 17 by 2 ^i inches, with margins. 1790. fa liSf Gordon'* ' nI vljy" Riots occasioned by the zaal of I.rd George Gordou J una 2-9. U80. 526 A View, near Albert Gate, with the Duke of Wellington on horseback Aquatint by J. Harris after G. H. Laporte. Size 16^ by 2o| inches, with margins. 1847. i;27 Bloomsbury Square. Very fine aquatint engraving by Pollard and Jukes after E. Day^es.^^ Size 17^ by 22^ inches. 1787- C28 A South View of Somerset House from Waterloo Bridge. Somerset House is seen on the left bank of the river, Waterloo Bndge in middle distance, with tall buildings of the City beyond; to left. St. Paul's; barges, sailing boats, etc., m front. Aquatint by J. C. Stadler after J. H. Shepherd. Size 14 l.\v 19^ inches, with margins. 1817. Very fine impression printed in colours. •See Illustration, Plate No. XXXIIL) . £32 10s 529 A North=East View of the new General Post Office, with the Royal Mails (and carts) preparing to start. Aquatint in colours by H. Pyall after J. Pollard. Size 15 by 23 inches, with margins. Circa 1820. £8 8s 530 The Royal Exchange. Aquatint in brown by T. Malton. Size i4i by 20 inches, with margins. 1781. ^^ *^* 92 -MAGGS BROS., ;,4 v\- 35, Conduit Street, Loiulon, W. London — continued. 5,1 Westminster Abbey (North=East View of). Very decorative engraving, showing the Abbey in background, in front hidies and gentlemen in picturestjue costume. A(jnatint in colours. Pub. 1836 by Ackermann. vSize 14 by iq:! inches, with margins. Brilliant impression. £24' 53 _• A View from the East End of the Brewery, Chiswell Street. Exterior of brewery. Man putting fine horse into dray, to left man pa.sses carrying ladder, to right group of men talking; in backgroimd dray, men carrying .siicks. Mezzotint by W. Ward after G, Garrard. vSize i/A b\- 2I4 inches, with margins. 1792. £-4 4s 533 Set of Five Views of London seen from across the Thames. Line engraving.s by and alter S. and N. Buck. Size i2g by 32 inches, with margins. 1749. Five plates, £10 10s. 534 Kensington Gardens. The East Front of Kensington Palace, with part of the Great Lawn. A Distant View of Kensington Palace, with part of the Garden and the Queens Temple as seen from the Serpentine River. The pair of finely engraved plates (size 19 by 13^ inches) engraved by Tinney from drawings bj' Highmore, Circa 1760. £2 2s- 5.^0 Rocque (John) . A Plan of the Palace, Gardens, and Town of Kensington. vSize 19 by rsl inches. London. Circa 1760. £1 1$. 5^6 A View of St. James' Park. Very charming little aquatint in colours by L. Guyot after Merigot. Size 5^ by S inches, with margins. C. 1770. £12 12s- JVIIDDLESEX. 537 View of the house of G. Drummond, including Stanmore Church and Harrow in" the distance. Lithograph in colours by J. O. Oldmeadow. Size II I by i8i inches, with margins. C. iSoo. £3 3v Plate XXXlI. 'A be ^ "r 5) -si Plate XXXIII. K c a> MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 93 NORFOLK. s:sS Norwich. Blomefield (Francis) . Plan of the City of Norwich, with many engiavings of Seals uf the various Bishops and other Antiquities in the margin. Size 32^ by 26^ inches. Pub. Sept. 29, 1746. £1 1* Joinwl to it is the sliet't of Explanations and Eeterence^ to tiu'^ Kn;^ raving-. OXFORD. 539 View of Peckwater Quadrangle. Very fine aquatint in colours by R. and I). Havell after H. O, NielL vSize 17 1:)y 23 ^ inches, with margins. 1812. £9 9^ 540 A West View of Christ Church, Oxford. Aquatint by F. C. Lewis after T. Taylor. Size j6h by 23^ inches, with margins. :8o6. Lettered proof impression. £4 4h 541 Bath. SOMERSET. An Actual Survey of the City of Bath, and of Five Miles Round, wherein are laid down all the Villages, Gentlemen's Seats, Farms, Roads, and all things worthy of observation. Surveyed by Thos. Thorpe in the year 1742. A vciy large circular map (measuring 40 by 40 inches) , with sub- scribers* names in the margin. (174.}. £1 iOs SUFFOLK. 542 Dunwich. Gardner (Thos.) . A Plan exhibiting the Remains of the antient City of Dunwich, a.d. 15S7, also its River, part whereof is South wold Haven, with places of note bordering thereon, with seven inset views roundf the border (size 28 by 2T-i inches) engraved by J. Wood from a drawing hv Jos. Kirby. 175V £3 3s Extremely scarce. This forms the frontii^pieco to (lardner"., lli.-,tory oi Dumvich. but is very rarely found with tlie book. SURREY. 543 Guildford. The South=West Prospect of Guildford in Surrey. A brilliant impression of the very large and finel\- engraved plate (size 53^ by i8^ inches) drawn and engraved bv John Harris and published in 1738. £3 3s Very scarce. In the border are views of the Castle, the Grammar School. Friarv, Trinity Church, St. Mary's, St. Nicholas', Abbot's Hospital, &c. 94 MAGGS BROS., .14 iv 35, Conduit Street, London, W. Surrey — contimicd. 544 Twickenham. Strawberry Hill. Interior of Horace Walix>le's house at Strawberry Hill. Ver>' fine dramng in water-colours, showing the beautiful art treasures and pictures. Size 13^ by 12 inches. Circa 1800. £4 10$ SUSSEX. 545 Brighton Chain Pier in a Storm. Aquatint in colours by Geo. Hunt after S. J. E. Jones. Size 8 by 16 inches, with margins. Circa 1790. £4 lOs «;46 Brighton. Flap for a Pier at Brighton, to be Sheltered by a Breakwater. By Captain Frederick Jennings Thomas, R.N. Large and fine view of the sea with shipping, the beach with small boats, and coast-line to left. Aquatint in colours by T. Sutherland after J. Cordwell. Size i6f by 35 inches, with marg^ins. 182 1. £10 lOs t^^T Chain Pier at Brighton during the late Tempest, Aquatint by and after J. Bruce. vSize 9 by 15I inches, with margins. 1824. Brilliantly printed in colours. £5 5s WARWICKSHIRE. S4S Birmingham (The South-West Prospect of). Line engraving by S. and N. Buck. vSize iii by 31^ inches, with margins. 1731. Descriptive text and references below. £2 10s WORCESTER. 549 Kidderminster. An Exact Plan (size 29 by 23 inches) of Kidderminster surveyed by John Doharty in 1753, in which the new streets are inserted as intended to be built, with inseit engraving of Cupids unrolling a carjiet. Ix>ndon. 1753. *5/- YORKSHIRE. 55c Pontefract. A Plan of Pontefract, surveyed and' draw-n by Paul Jollage in 1742, finely engraved by John Pine, with inset views of New Hall, the Castle, Market Cross, St. Giles' Chapel, Ruins of All Saints' Church. Size 47 by 26 inches. Circa 1742. £1 10s MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 95 Yorkshire — continued. 551 Leeds. The Prospects of the two most remarkable Towns in the North ot England for the Clothing; Trade, viz.,, Leeds as it appears from Holl)eck Road, and Wakefield as it api>ears from London Road, with small inset map and views of Kirkstall and Fonntains Abbies, from a drawing by W. Lod^e. Folio. Circa 1690. £1 8s 552 A South View of Scarborough. Very charming and scarce aquatint bj- W. Green after J. Hornsey. Size i6f by 22^ inches, with margins. Aquatint border roiind subject. Briliiantly printed in colours. C. 1800. £31 lOs SCOTLAND. 553 Haddington (Prospect of the Town of) . Line engraving in colours by J. van den Avele. Size 10^ by 17 indies, with margins. Circa 1700. £2 2> 554 Perth (Prospect of ye Town of) . Line engraving in colours by J. van den Avcfle. Size 10^ by 17 inches, with margins, Circa 1700. £3 3* 555 Jedburgh Abbey. Dryburgh Abbey and the Elden Hills. Pair of decorative aquatints in colours by F. Jukes after C. Catton. Size 15^ by 23! inches, with margins. 1793. The pair, £12 12s. 556 Ross (The Channery Town of) . Line engraving in colours by J, van den Avele. Size 10^ by 17 inches, with margins. Circa 1700. £2 2^ 557 Stirling (Prospect of the Town of, from the East). Line engraving in colours by J. van den Avele. Size loi by 17 inches, with margins. Circa 1700. £2 10s 558 View of Dunkeld. Glen of the Trosacks. View on the Clyde. Three very fine aquatints in brown by C. Turner after H. W. WiUiams. Size 2o4 by 25^ inches, with margins. 181 3. The 3 plates, £9 9s 559 Travelling in the Highlands. Travelling in the Lowlands. Pair of aquatints in colours by and after J. Clarke. Size 7h bv TO inrhet;. with marcrinQ tRtR "TVi.-. nnir -CO > 98 MAGGS BROS., :,4 & 35, Conduit Street, London, ,S75 Brest. FRANCE. Vue Gen^rale du Port de Brest. Prise du Pare aux Vivres, Very line aquatint in colours by and after Garneney. Size i2r by iS inches, with margins. C. 1780. £10 10s 576 Paris. 1 ere Vue de Paris Prise du Pont Royal. Very fine and decorative view showing the river with barges, rafts, etc., men and women in picturesque costume on the banks, bridge and buildings in distance. Engraved by Janinet after De Marchy. Size i5f by 24} inches, with inscription margin. C. 1790. Finely printed in colours. £42 577 Vue Perspective du Champ de Mars jour de serment Civique pro- nonce par la Nation francoise assemblee ^ Paris le 14 Jllet, 1790. Coloured aquatint engraving by J. B. Chapuy after Le Roi. Size 14 by 2i2 inches, with margins. 1790. £6 6s 5 78 Versailles. Vue et Perspective, du Chateau de Versailles. vSeries of 6 views; line engravings by P. Menant. Size 12'r by 22it inches, with margins. Circa 1760. The series, £5 5s GERMANY. 579 Panorame de Coblence et de ses Environs; Pris sur la hauteur de Pfaffcndorf. Aquatint in colours by Rodolph Bodmer after Chas. Bodmer. »Siz^ 5^ by 41 2 inches, with margins. C. 1790. £5 5s .580 Dresden. Vue de Dresde prise de la Partie Occidentale de la Ville<-neuve. A(]uatint in colours Ijv Hammer after Thormeier. Size 14^ b}' 20.1 inches, witli margins. C. 1790. £12 128 581 — Vue de Dresde Prise au Jardin de BriihI. Aquatint in colours " Chez Ernst Arnold." Size 10 by 15 inches, with margins. C. 1790. £5 5s ^^82 Heidelberj?. View 01' the town seen from high ground, winding river to right, castle liehind two large trees to left, mountains in di.stance. \'erv fine aquatint in colours by J. J. Struat, Size 16^- by 21 inches, with margins. Circa 1790. £8 8s MAGGS BROS., 34 ^ 35, Conduit Street, London. 99 Germany — caniinued. 583 NEUDOHFF. Perspective de la Facade de la Roiale Eglise Catolique, avec une part du Palais de S. M. et des Environs de Neudorff sur L'Elbe, tir6e du Jardin de. S. E. Mge. Le Comte d^ Bruhl, Le Pre. Ministre. Engraved by Canaletto. Size i8i by 32^ inches, with margins. 1748. £2 2* HOLLAND. 584 Amsterdam. A General View of the City of Amsterdam from the Tye. Line engraving in colours by T. Bowles after P. Van Ryne. Size 9 by 15^ inches, with margins. C. 1750. £1 Is 585 The Hague. A Front View of the Prince of Orange's House in the Wood near the Hague. Line engraving in colours. Published by Robt. Sayer. Size g^ by 15 inches, with margins. C. 1750. £1 I* ITALY. 586 Florence. Series of 7 views of the City, engraved in line by J. Tocchi. Size i8t by 26 inches, wdth raargi;is. C. 1738. The series, £7 7v Giovanni Baptista Piranesi. 587 Rome. View of the Arch of Constantine and of the Amphitheatre Flavio. " Veduta dell' arco di Constantino, e DcU' anfiteatro Flavio detto il Colosseo." Size 16 by 2ii inches, with large margins. £2 2 588 View of the Roman Capitol, with Flight of Steps leading to the Church of AraceJi. " Veduta del Romano ca.mpidoglio con scalinata chc la alia Chiesa D'Araceli." vSize 15! by 2 if inches. , £3 3* 589 View of the Column " Trajana." " Colonna Trajana." loo :MAGG.S pros., .vi ^- 35, Conduit Street, Loudon. Italy — conliiiiad. Giovanni Baptista Pironesi — iOiiiinKcd. 500 View of the '" Canipo Vaccino." " \'edula di Campo Vaccino." Size 16I by 21 'i inches, with margins. £2 2s 591 The Exterior of the Temple of the Sibyl in Tivoli. *' Vcdnta del tenipio delhi Sibilla in Tivoli." Size 16:? l)y 25 inches, with margins. £3 3s 592 The Flavio Amphitheatre, showing the Coliseum. " Veduta dell' Anfitcatro Flavio detto il Colosseo." vSize iq5 by 28 inches, with margins. £5 5s 503 View of the ' Campo Vaccino." " Veduta del Campo Vaccino." Size i8r by 27I inches, with margins. £2 2s 5v4 View of the Pantheon of Agrippa. ■' Veduta del Pantheon d'Agrippa oggi chiesa di S. Maria ad :\Iartyres." Size iS\ by 27 inciies, with margins. £'1 4s 395 View of the Interior of the Pantheon. " Veduta interna del Panteon." .Size i8't by 22-g inches, with large margins. £3 3s 596 View of the Exterior of the Vatican. " Veduta delT insigne Basilica Vaticana coll 'am])io Portico, e Piazza adjacente." vSize 17=] by 27^j inches, with margins. £3 3s 597 Another View of the Exterior of the Vatican. " ^'eduta della Basilica, e Piazza di vS. Pietro in \'aticano." Size 15 l)y 21 1 inches, with margins. £1 Is SqS View of the Interior of St. Peter's. " Veduta interna della Basilica di S. Pietro " vSize 19 by 26.« inches, with margins. £3 3s .MAGGS BROS., 34 &: .-^,5, Conduit vStreet, London, loi PORTUGAL. JOHN CLEVELEY (1745-17S6). .599 Collection of 10 Water=Colour drawings of Portugal, i.e. Cintra. Size 13^ by 19 inches. Cintra with Royal Palace. vSize i4t by 20^ inches. Roman Aquaduct, near Lisbon. Size 13 by 19 inches. Roman Aquaduct at Ijsbon. vSize i2f by iSj inches. Braganza Shore. South of Lisbon. Size 14! b}- 19 inches. Boats ni the Tagus (2 Views) . Size loj by i4t inches. Bar of Lisbon. Size iir{- by i6t inches. The Actaeon on Shore on the bar of Lisbon. vSize 14 by ih Bank^ td Iceland. Was an exhibitor in the RoyaH Academy from 1770 till 1786. RUSSL4. 600 Set of four very fine Aquatints in Colour descriptive of Russian sleighing Scenes. Engraved by P. L. Debucour after M. F. Dainanie de Martrait, Size i5t by 19 inches, with margins. Circa 1S15. The Set, £16 16s Isvoschtschik en IJepos. Kibitki D'lliver. Isvoschtschik en Course. Traineau d'un Particulier. 601 St. Petersburg. ' The town is seen across the river from above a fort, numerous sliips. Very fine aquatint in colour. vSize i8t by 28:1- inches, witli margins. vSe Vend a \^ierre chez Artaria & Compag. Circa 1820. £6 6s ■6^2 Cossack of 7th Squadron of reserve of the Cossacks of the Black Sea. Winter scene at edge of forest. On horseback, uniform, spear. Officer and non-commissioned officer of light battery of Cossacks of the Guard of the Dow. On horseback crossing a stream, soldiers following tin-ough defile Pair of litlios in colours, size 13-3 by 10 inclies, with margins, with inscriptions in French and Russian. Circa 1820. The Two, £1 10s ro2 MAGGS BROS.. 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, Russia — continued. 603 Conflagration of Moscow, seen from the Kremlin. On the Entrance of the French Army the 14th of September, 181 2. Aquatint in colours by John Vendramini. vSize 13^ by igl inches, with margins. 1S12. £4 lOs- SWITZERLAND. 604 Berne. Vue de la Ville de Berne, prise depuis de I'Engc. Aquatint in colours b}'' T. Sperli after U. Burri. Size 9i by 14 inches, with margins. C. 1790. £3 3s- 605 Geneve et le Mont Blanc, Sortie dii Rhone du Lac de Geneve. Yen,' fine aquatint by Himely after J. Du Bois. vSize I'f by 23^ inches, with margins. Circa i8oo. Brilliantly printed in colours. £12 12s 606 The Falls of the Rhine at Schaffhausen. Aquatint in colours. Size II by t6A inches, witli margins. 1S17. Brilliant impression. Proof before letters. £5 5s 607 Falls of Schaffhausen. Water-colour drawing by Kip. vSize I Si by 27 inches. £3 3s 608 Panorama de la Chaine du Montblanc depuis la Flegere. . Aquatint by and after G. Dikenmann. vSize 6| by 26I inches, with margins. Circa 1800. Printed in colours. # £5 5s AFRICA. 609 Cape of Good Hope. Set of 4 very fine aquatints in colour of African Scenery, etc., by L. Portman after Chev. Howen and J. Smies. Size 12 by i6i inches, with margins. Circa 1810. T. View of a Kaffir Village. II. Kaffirs Travelling. III. View of Fort Frederick and further Militar.y Establishment at Algoa Bay. IV. Meeting in 1803 between General Janssens, Governor of the Cape of Good Hope, and Gaika, the Kaffir Chief. ITieSet, £12 I8s MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London. 103 Africa — continued. '610 Algiers, City of. Large lithograph engraving in colours by Danid Havell al'tcr C. Rumker. Size rjl by 23! inches, with margins. 1816. £3 3s '611 Cape of Good Hope. Wreck of the Waterloo Convict Ship, Cape oi Good Hope, 28th August. 1842. Lithograph by Hutchins after *' Capt. Hext, 4th the Kings Own Regi- ment," Size 8t by iij inches, with margins. 1842. The two, £3 10s Witli an original, drawin;? of the same in colours. 61 c A View of the Island of Saint Helena. Very fine aquatint in colours by E. Orme after G. H. Bellasis. vSize 20 by 26 inches, witli margins. 1S06. £8 10s 613 A View of the Island of St. Helena, with two small views " Fairy Land, a View from the Island," and " The Friar's Rock, with a View from the Island." Aquatint in colours by E. Orme after G. H. Bellasis. Size 17 by 25^ inches, with inscription margin. tSo6. Brilliant impression. £9 9s 614 Fernando Po island. View of Clarence Cove. In front sea and ships, liouscs and trees on Adelaide Islands, and Clarence Peak in background. Very fine aquatint in colours by Rosenburg after W. J. Huggins. vSize I5t by 21 inclics, with margins. 1S33. £4 10s AMERICA. 615 Six very fine line engravings, from designs ])y Governor Pownal, painted h> Paul Sandbv and engraved by the latter and also James Peak, William Elliot and Peter Benazech. Size 14^ bj' 21 inches, ^\ith margins. Circa 1780. £24 1. View in Hudson's IJiver of the Entrance of what is oalie- P. C. Canot after a drawing made on the si>ot bv an Officer. vSize of engraved surface 81 by 16 inches, with margins. iSiS. 10s 6d AUSTRALIA, NEW ZEALAND, AND SOUTH SEAS. A42 Expedition to North West Australia, 1855, conducted by Mr. A. Gregory and Thomas Baines. vScries of four very fine Oil Paintings of scenes during the ])rogre.ss of the Expedition, 1855-6. Taken from the original sketches made in Au.stralia and ]iainted by Thos. Baines when in England, 186S. Size of canva.=ses, 18 by 26 inches. All signed by the Artist. The four, £36 15s TiiscviiWions on ibaok.s of pictures : — I. Watering Partj of the Xorth Australian Kxperlition under a ilunip of Pandanus at Quail Island. Patorson's Bay, l.at. 12.3:i Sth T.on. l.^rt. 17 E. Septr. 9 !&">. T. Baines. II. The Baines L'iver and its Side Cliannel ju-t above Curiosity Peak, Victoria River, North Australia : tii>l virovisions and prisoners t& the Settlement. Small vo^^els only can crosff the bar at the Moiith. "The I'assage across from Macquarie Harbour to the Derwent is not yet practicable. "Several of the runaway Convicts from the latter place in attemjjting to reach the Derwent have died on the road, another party after havinjj killed one of their comrades to preserve their own lives Avere obliged to return and gave themselves lip to the Commandment." Etc., etc. The North North-West of the Island is marked: " TJIJS PAKT OF THE COUXTUY IS UNKNOWN." " P.S. — It was the Intention of the Colonial Tlovernmcnt to make a Survey of the North-Western parts of Van Diemen's Land in the Summer, between 1823 and 182-1, say the months of November, December, and January. A vessel was also to l>e despatchetl to co-oi>erate with the l/and Expedition on that part of the Coast." Etc. ■64S Victoria. Series of 5 lithographs by N. Chevalier. Size 8i by ni inches, with margins. 1S63. The set, 15s Agnes Eiver, Corner Inlet, Oiipps Land. McAlister Valley, Ciipps Land. West Side of ilt. Arapiles. Mitchell River. Wentworth IJiver. 649 View of Huaheiue, in the Society Islands. Showing natives, village, canoes, and shi])ping, mountain in back- ground. View of Owhylee, one of the Sandwich Islands. Showing an attack by Natives on vSeamen, men firing from boats, two liritish Men of War Sliips bom])arding the village, etc., juimerous canoes, high mountains in background. View of Charlotte Sound, in New Zealand. vSliowing ships, canoes, natives, villages, etc. View of Morea, one of the Friendly Islands. Showing shii)S, carjoes, natives, village, mountains in background. Set of four large and very fine aquatint engravings by F. Jukes from drawings made on the spot 1)y J. Cleveley. Size 19 by 24! inches, with margins. 1787-8. Printed in colours. The set, £20 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35. Conduit vStreet. London, in Australia, New Zealand, and South Se?.s—contirmed. 650 South Sea Islands, etc. Vide Cook's last Voyage, Vols. 2 and 3. View in the Island of Cracatoa. The Plantain Tree in the Island of Cracatoa. The Fan Palm in the Island of Cracatoa. View of the Harbour of Taloo in the Islands of Eimeo. View in Macao. View in Macao, including the residence of Camoens when he wrote his Lusiad. Series of six aquatints in colours by J. Webber. Size III b}- 16^ inches, with margins. 1789. The set, £3 3s 651 Otaheite. Cession of the District of Matavai in the Islands of Otaheite to Capt. James Wilson, for the use of the Missionaries. Europeans and natives grouped around a chief who is addressing them, high hills in background. vStipple engraving by Bartolozzi after R. Sinirke, R.A. vSize 24 by 31 inches, with margins. 1S03. £3 10s 052 The Mutineers turning Lieut. Bligh and Part of the Officers and Crew adrift from H. M.S. the " Bounty." Aquatint by and after R. Dodd. vSize i6t by 23 inches, with margins. 1790. £9 9s 6,53 Cook (Captain) . The Death of. vStanding by the seashore, being stabbed in the back by a savage, numerous natives in conflict with English, boat to left. Large and fine engraving, the figures by Bartolozzi, landscape by Byrne after J. Webber. vSizc 19 by 24 inches, large margin. 1784. £2 2s INDIA. 654 Colonel Mordaunt's Cock Match. At Lucknow in the Province of Oude in the Year 1786 at whicli were present several high and distinguished Personages. Mezzotint by R. Earloni after J. Zoffany. Size 18^ b}' 26J- inches, with large margins. 1792. Brilliant open letter proof impression with the scarce keyplate. £42 ' „3 MAGGS BROS.. U cv 35. Conduit Street, Lon Mc/zotint bv R. Earlom after J. Zoffany. Size 19 by 26 inches, with large untrinnned margins, i.^oo. ^^^^ ^^ Brilliant open letter proof. \ ' 556 Ditto. Another in.pression. Brilliant proof before all letters. Wjtl ^ nntrinnned nun-gins and with the rare key plate. (.5- The Assault and Taking of Seringapatam on the 4th of May, 1799. I ' The Surrender of Two Sons of Tippoo Siiltaun. The Last Effort and Fall of Tippoo Sultaun. ''''*' Ihe Body of Tippoo Sultaun Recognised by his Family. Series of 4 stipples by A. Cardon after H. Singleton. Size 18I by 25^ inches, with margins. x8ot. ^^ ^^^ ^^ Brilliantly printed in colours. 6s8 Portrait of Hyder Ali, 1717-^782. In native costnme, pointing to battle hi background. Stipple in colours by J. Maidstone after J. Leister of Madras. ^ Size 8 by 7^ inches, with margins. 1781 M.Hl. war o. H'ho Mahratta.. Doieatecl by Sir Eyre Lootc, 1-S1-. CHINA. ,,, Chinese tostu«,e ^^^^^^^ ^^ ^ ^^^^^^ A „.,„ I™m,»: d;«:; . Mr„aann of War, a Boy, and a Lady of R.nk. By C. Tomkins. vSi/.e 12'} by 15 inches. iSu). ^^ Five drawings on two sheets. 660 A Plan of the City of Canton and its Suburbs. Line engraving by W. Bramston, with " References and Foie Factories " below. ^^^ vSize 25 by 17 inches. 1840. 049 YD 32^04 461807 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY mm ^ mm m HI E n graved Portraits, Decorative and Historical Prints, Etchings & Drawings No. 408. MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, New Bond Street, LONDON, W. Iw mm im