:;-^; " '%l' m u n C^V. ,^^Ur/i::}^ ^^y^(^i^Ae^ ^y?z^ UnvwriH^ ^^ '^a^fipm THE DAWN OF BRITISH TRADE TO THE EAST INDIES AS RECORDED IN THE COURT MINUTES OF THE EAST INDIA COMPANY 1599-1603 Containing an account of the formation of the Company The first Adventure and Waymouth's Voyage in search of the North- West Passage CSCOVy FIRST TRINTED FROM THE ORIGINAL MANUSCRIPT BY HENRY STEVENS of Vermont WITH AN INTRODUCTION BV Sir GEORGE BIRD WOOD K' CSI MD LONDON HENRY STEVENS & SON 115 St. Martin's Lane Over against the Church of St Martin in the Fields MDCCCLXXXVI U^fbz. ri£M RY MORSE STEPHC«« cCWSlSWiCK ."IvESS :— C. WHITTINGHAM AND CO., TOOKS COURT, CHANCERY LANE. CC-^^6^?^i 1 i PREFACE HE original manuscript from which this volume is printed, is preserved in the India Office, London, w^here it is known as the first volume of the Court Minutes of the East India Company ; and consists of 1 20 leaves foolscap folio, written in the old court hand of the Elizabethan period. Some few years ago it was sent, with other documents, to the Public Record Office to be calendared, and there fell under the notice of my late father, Mr. Henry Stevens of Vermont, who, ever watch- ful for new materials for history, especially American, imme- diately recognised its importance. Finding that only a very small portion had ever been quoted, he determined with the sanction of the Authorities of the India Office, to print it in full, and forthwith employed an expert to transcribe it exadtly with all its peculiarities of spelling aad contrailion. This proved a work of time and of considerable difficulty, as the handwriting is extremely illegible in places, and in some cases several opinions were required to decipher certain passages. The transcript, on completion, was handed to Messrs. Charles Whittingham and Co. of the Chiswick Press, with instructions vi PREFACE to follow copy in the minutest particulars of spelling and contrac- tions, a task which somewhat taxed their resources and ingenuity for peculiar types. The proofs, after careful correftion with the transcript, were re-read with the original manuscript by an independent expert, and many and curious were the corredlions which resulted. Mr. Stevens's intention was to have written a lengthy essay by way of introdudlion, but he was unfortunately prevented by failing health and the pressure of other work. I may add, however, that from his memoranda it appears he was probably more interested in the volume from an American than from an Indian point of view. Perhaps this is pardonable when it is remembered how close were his sympathies and studies with the history and geography of the land of his birth ; never- theless, the importance of the British and Indian aspedl of the volume must by no means be lost sight of Finding that his memoranda were not sufficiently detailed to be capable of ex- tension, Sir George Birdwood has kindly assented to my re- quest to write an introduilion. Of the voyage for the discovery of the North-West Passage here recorded, very little has hitherto been known beyond the details given by Waymouth himself in his Journal, printed by Purchas, volume iii. pages 809-814. The present volume tends to contradict some of the statements there given, for in the opening paragraph of the Journal Waymouth says, his ships were " thoroughly victualled and abundantly furnished with all necessaries for a yeere and an halfe, by the right WorshipfuU Merchants of the Moscouie and Turkie Companies," whereas we now learn that the expedition was undertaken at the sole instance of the East India Company, and certainly at first with some opposition from the Moscovie Company. George Waymouth was one of my father's most favourite subjects for study, and I have hopes that some interesting particulars re- specting him may yet be gleaned from memoranda made for PREFACE vH the introdudion to an account of another of his Voyages which is also in the press. Another point which greatly interested Mr. Stevens in this volume is the mention of the ' May flowre,' and 1 have heard him express a very decided opinion that the vessel here referred to was undoubtedly the veritable Pilgrim Ship. The mention of Hakluyt is also worthy of attention. On the 29th of January 1600 (see page 123) he is referred to as " M' Hacklett the historiographer of the viages of the East Indies," and " was required to sett downe in wryting a note of the principall places in the East Indies wher Trade is to be had to thend the same may be vsed for the better instruccon of o"^ fa6lors in the said voyage," and on the i6th of February (see page 143) we find that £10 was paid to him for his " advyses." The further payment of 305. for three maps on the same date, raises the delightful query as to what maps they were, whether three different ones or three copies of Molyneux's " true hydrographical description of so much of the world as hath been hitherto discovered and is come to our knowledge," published just about this time and inserted by Hakluyt in some copies of his * Principall Navigations,' but of which only some nine or ten specimens have come down to posterity. The last copy came to light in 1881, when it realised £1"^! at public au6tion. It would indeed be interesting if another copy should turn up amongst the East India Company's records. The letters printed on pages 265 to 283, are probably draft letters of the ** Company of Levant Merchants," and they commence at the opposite end of the manuscript volume to the minutes of the East India Company. From the first letter being dated March, 1599, while the first entry of the East India Company is September, 1599, it would appear that the book originally belonged to the Levant Company, but was afterwards used by both companies in common. This tends to show that the East India Company was partially an outgrowth of the viii PREFACE Levant Company, as several persons mentioned appear to have been prominent members of both Companies, notably Sir Thomas Smith, who held the office of Governor of each (see pages 62 and 281). Under these circumstances it was thought best to print these letters, although they do not pertain diredlly to the East India Company. A word as to method of printing. The manuscript has been followed with the greatest possible care, though in one or two instances the greatest experts of the Record Office and others were at variance over a word or figure. The reader's indul- gence is therefore requested should he discover an error. The words printed within brackets [ ] are struck through in the original as corre6lions, but have been printed here, as in many cases they tend to the better understanding of the sentence. The passages printed in italics are interlineated in the manu- script. The Index, which I undertook at my father's request, I have endeavoured to make as copious as possible. Henry N. Stevens. INTRODUCTION "Qui mare tcneat, eum necessc rcrum potiri." — CICERO, Ep. ad Alt., x. HE History of the East India Company is a work that has still to be written, although from its rise, at the close of the sixteenth century, to its disappear- ance thirty years ago, the Company was careful to provide all the necessary material for the task, and to place on formal record the simplest afts of its administration, and the reasons which prompted all its decisions. The value of these contemporary annals — for the Court Books, Fadory Diaries, Consultations, and general correspondence, really constitute a continuous narrative — has been only impaired in a small degree by the ravages of time, and by the negledl of less careful custodians than the men who originally determined that their successors in office should gain by their example and experience, and that the Company itself should not suffer in the eyes of posterity from any ambiguity as to its proceedings. The present volume, printed as a labour b X INTRODUCTION of love under the diredion and at the charge of the late Mr. Henry Stevens, is, so far as print can be made a fac- simile of manuscript, identical with the first Court Book kept by the adventurers trading to the East Indies, who received from Queen Elizabeth in the last year of the sixteenth century a patent, or charter, recognizing them as the East India Company, with a monopoly of trade and specified privileges for a given term of years. The first entry is of the names of those persons who subscribed on 22nd September, 1599, to " the "pretended voiage to the Easte Indias, the whiche it maie please the Lorde to psper ; " and the last is the report of a committee meeting on 28th June, 1603. Within those four years is contained the germ of every triumph subsequently achieved in the seas and lands of the East. The committees to which the adventurers entrusted the guidance of ■ their affairs not merely laid down the countries with which it was desirable to trade, and the English commodities for which their markets might provide a vent, but they dwelt upon the inconveniences of the long sea route by the Cape of Good Hope to India, and listened with approval to any projed, however visionary, for bringing London nearer to the wealthy kingdoms of Asia. As will be seen, their hopes centred in the North- West passage, which Robert Thorne had been the first to advocate in Henry VIII. 's reign as furnishing a road to Cathay and India, and which long continued to dangle before the eyes of the Company as a glorious possibility, never realizing its promise until in our time the discovery has been made, and the feat INTRODUCTION xi accomplished, not by naval skill and daring, but by the connexion of the two great oceans of the world by a line of railway. The early references to America con- tained in this volume will be of peculiar interest to the descendants of the Pilgrim Fathers of the May Flower j^ who have so rapidly spread themselves over that mighty continent, and who have so brilliantly carried on the commercial traditions of the Mother Country of us all. The present volume, the first Court Book, furnishes irrefragable evidence that the managers of the East India Company began their undertaking in a thoroughly praflical and businesslike manner. They encountered a rebuff, however, on the very threshold of their enterprise, for after three meetings they were obliged to postpone their first voyage until the following year in consequence of the negotiations then in progress with Spain for the conclusion of a peace. The adtive life of the Company, therefore, did not commence until the meeting at Founders' Hall, on 23rd September, 1600, whereat it was announced that " it was her Ma" pleasure that they shuld proceade in ther purpose." The first steps taken were the appointment of committees to select and pur- chase suitable vessels for the voyage, as well as the necessary stores and equipment. The Susan^ or more ^ The East India Company possessed in 1659 a ship called the May Flower, which I believe subsequently foundered in the Bay of Bengal. In my Report on the Miscellaneous Old Records of the India Office (H.M.'s Stationery Office, 1879), I ask whether it could have been the same ship as the May Flower, which landed the Dutch, Scotch, and English emigrants from Delft Haven, Southampton, and Plymouth, in New England, 25 Dec, 1620. xJi INTRODUCTION stri(5lly the Great Susan^ the He5for^ and the Assention, were the first three vessels purchased, and then, after protraded bargaining with its owner, the Earl of Cum- berland, the Mare Scurge^ afterwards re-named the Red Dragon^ was procured as the Admiral's ship. These four vessels constituted what is termed *' the First Voyage," but a fifth, and much smaller vessel, named the Guift^ was added to them for the conveyance of some of the indispensable supplies of the squadron, and it was to be cast adrift at the discretion of the commander. The committees had to report to the Court every particular of their transa6lions with the Owners of the ships, and these form the substance of the first half of the present volume. The inventories of the four ships named, given at pp. 15-20, pp. 22-4, pp. 42-4, are exceedingly curious, and mention everything on board from culverlns and masts to " i pease pott & 2 grid- irons." The Mare Scurge, of 600 tons burden, and twice the size of the next largest vessel of the fleet, the He^or^ cost ^3,700. The Susan was purchased for j^ 1,600 ; but the prices given for the others are not stated. The Guift cost ;^300. These sums included everything on board, as well as the vessels themselves, and with regard to two of them it was stipulated that the seller should take back his ship at half price on its safe return. The ships having been procured, the next thing was ' The received names of the ships here called Mare Scurge, and Guift, are Malice Scourge and Guest. The name of the Assention is usually spelled Ascension. INTRODUCTION xiH to make them ready for sea, and this was done with all dispatch — the workmen on the Mare Scurge being allowed a barrel of beer a day to prevent their running to the ale-house. They were then provided with their proper companies, the Mare Scurge having 200 men, the HeElor 100 men, the Susan 80 men, and the Assention 80 men. The sailors received two months' wages in advance, and the officers were treated in an equally liberal manner. Great care was shown in the selection of the latter, and when the Lord Treasurer made a special appeal for Sir Edward Michelborne to be em- ployed in the voyage the Court firmly refused " to imploy anie gent," and requested " leave to sort ther busines w^^ men of ther owne quality." Captain James Lancaster was appointed Captain of the Mare Scurge^ and Admiral of the Squadron. Captain John Middleton commanded the He^or, with the succession to the chief command in the event of Lancaster's death. Both these officers were also appointed principal factors. The Master of the Susan was Samuel Spencer, and of the Assention^ Roger Hankin. The Company had difficulties of its own. Some of the adventurers were not prompt in paying up their instalments, and in April, 1601, the Company was £jjOOO in default, and had to appeal to the Lords of the Privy Council for special powers to deal with those that " shewe themselves remisse & vnwillinge to furnyshe there promyssed contribucons," and this request was granted. The order is a charadleristic one, and will be found at pp. 165-6. The Company issued warrants xlv INTRODUCTION against the defaulters in accordance with this order, and we may assume that this summary mode of dealing was attended with satisfadlory results as the subjeft gradually disappears from the Court Minutes. V^"| On 1st May, 1601, the Court sandlioned the pay- ment of "twentie merkes" to the King of Heralds for assigning Corporate Arms to the Company, but these were not the same Insignia^ of Community, with the motto " Auspicio Regis et Senatus Anglias," which, at a later date, became renowned throughout the East. Very stringent rules were also passed for the maintenance of order in the Court, and some of them would not be without their value in a more august assembly at the present day, as, for instance, the regulation providing that no brother of the Company should speak to any one matter " above three sundry tymes." The penalty of doing so was 3^. 4<^., a considerable amount in those days. Penalties of different amounts were inflifled for uncivil or intemperate speeches and behaviour, for interruptions, such as private whisperings, &c., for breaking silence when enjoined by the Governor, for ^ The earliest armorial bearings of the East India Company known to me are those stamped on the back of the bound volumes of the older — seventeenth century — records at the India Office. They are very beautiful, the shield being divided into three bands, the uppermost bearing conventional red and white Tudor roses on a gold ground ; the middle the conventional white lilies of France on a blue ground j and the lowermost, three quaint heraldic ships sailing all in a line on an azure sea. The supporters are a blue sea lion on either side. The crest is a terrestrial globe, beflagged right and left ; and the motto " Deus indicat." And God did indeed fulfil the expedation of his trustful ones. INTRODUCTION xv leaving the Court without permission, and the refusal to pay these fines or penalties entailed a term of imprison- ment. For further information on these points the reader must be referred to pp. 201-4. i It was in June, 1603, that news was received through a Frenchman that left the English fleet at sea of its safe return to European waters, but the first Court Book contains only special reference to the arrival of the Assention^ from the officers of which vessel several letters were read in the General Court held on 6th June, 1603. Ten days later the reward of five pounds was assigned to Mr. Midleton of Plymouth " for his paines ryding hether w"* the first report of the coming of the Assent ion out of the East Indies." Special orders were sent down to Plymouth that the ship was not to break bulk until anchored in the Thames. Warehouses suitable for the reception of its cargo were taken, tithes were paid to the Lord High Admiral for a prize captured at sea, and on the T6th June the entrance of the vessel into the river was publicly announced. Six pounds had then to be paid for pilotage and £gi'] for customs to the King (for James I. had succeeded " Good Queen Bess"), before the adventurers were in a position to know how their first journey had prospered.', The Court Book says modestly that it afforded encouragement for a second venture, but for more exad and detailed informa- tion concerning the return of the East India Company's first squadron from Asia the reader will refer to the passages themselves. Very soon after the sailing of the first fleet for India xvl INTRODUCTION by the Cape of Bona Speransa, the projed of discover- ing a route to the East Indies by the North- West Passage was brought before the Court by *^ one George Waymoth ^ a navigator." The subje6t was considered in a dual form — first, whether the Company would take it up and be at the charge of fitting out two or three pinnaces, and secondly, if it would not accept this dired: responsibility, would it leave the matter to private men, and reward their discovery by the surrender of the trade by this route for certain years ? Whether from fear of losing any of the privileges and advantages of the monopoly of trade with China and the East Indies, or from pure public spirit, it was determined that " the findinge out of the Northwest passage " shall be '* con- sented unto for a voyage." The readiness of the Court to undertake this quest, and to seriously take up George Waymouth's idea can only be understood by realising the state of geographical knowledge at the time, and the hopes of the commercial classes of the discovery of new and short routes to the Indies as well as of new countries. The discovery of the North- West Passage had been the first ambition of English navigators. Henry VIII. 's letters patent to John Cabot and his three sons in 1496 were for the discovery of this very route.^ In the next reign Robert Thorn e advocated the same proje(5t which Sebastian Cabot revived under Edward VI. and Mary, and the expedition of Sir Hugh Willoughby and Richard ^ His name is afterwards spelt Waymouth and Waymouthe. ^ See my Report on the Miscellaneous Old Records of the India Office, particularly p. 75 and pp. 91-92. INTRODUCTION xvii Chancellor to the White Sea, partly a failure and partly a success, was really another attempt to solve the same problem. The voyages of Martin Frobisher, in 1576-8, were the first to give any tangible ground of hope in the discovery of an inlet on the coast of Labrador running w^estward, and he was " highly commended of all men for the great hope he brought of a passage to Cathaia." These different attempts made in the course of a century, were so many endeavours to realise the predidions of Seneca and Pulci/ The latter clearly prophesied that across the Atlantic would be discovered not only a new world, but a new route to the East. Political considerations confirmed the traditions kept alive by the bolder geographers and men of science of antiquity, and also of the renaissance. Da Gama's dis- * Luigi Puici, 1431-1487, "sire of the half-serious rhyme" : — " But see, the sun speeds in his western path To glad the nations with unexpefted light." There was a general looking forward in the thirteenth, fourteenth, and fifteenth centuries, to the discovery of the American and the Australasian continents. The lines of Dante, 1265-1321, in the f^ision of Purgatory, in which he alludes to the Southern Cross, are well known. I believe that the leading minds of ancient Rome had an equally clear, if not even a clearer conception of the as yet unrevealed lands lying indefinitely beyond the Atlantic and Indian Oceans. Pliny (Bk. II., Chap. 65) positively asserts the existence of the Anti- podes: and records (Chap. 67) the tradition of "certain Indians, who sailing from India " for the purpose of commerce had been driven by tempests into Germany. If the story had any foundation in faft, these Indians could only have been North American Indians, such as the Esquimaux. Seneca's hackneyed line : " Nee sit terris ultima Thule " is not so vague a prophecy of the Americas as it appears separated from the context {Media, Adl II., lines 370- xviii INTRODUCTION covery of the Cape route to the Indies had been to the benefit of a Portuguese monopoly, not of the com- mercial interests of Europe at large. For a century the Portuguese enjoyed as undisturbed a supremacy east of the Cape as the Spaniards had for three-fourths that period on the Spanish Main. When the English navy was in its infancy that of Portugal had reached its prime/ and was, indeed, squandering the magnificent inheritance of Da Gama and Albuquerque. It seemed to English navigators and merchants that the only pradlical way of . coping with the Portuguese in eastern seas was by the . discovery of a new route thither of which England might claim and possess the sole right of usage. In the sixteenth century English naval enterprise found Its chief impulse in this consideration, and when the next century was marked by the beginning of an East India Company whose programme was to compete with the Portuguese and Dutch — for the latter had also, and 380) : and he really seems to have anticipated the advice of the American humourist in not prophesying before he knew, when his poetical vision of the New World is compared with a prosaic passage, which I believe is now brought to light for the first time in this connexion, from his ^astmium Naturalium Libri Septem. Herein he distindly states that the distance from the west coast of Spain to " the Indies" was so short, that it could be sailed over, if the wind was favourable, in a few days. His aftual words are : " Curiosus speflator contemnit domicilii angustias. Quantum enim est quod ab ultimis litoribus Hispania; usque ad Indos jacet? paucissimorum dierum spatium, si navem suam ventus implevit." It was always the quest and invention of the Indies that inspired Columbus and his English successors in the exploration of the New World ; and they but picked up the Americas and the greater part of the Aus- tralasias as unconsidered trifles bv the wav. INTRODUCTION xix before us, embarked on the same undertaking — in a trade by the Cape route, there were many who turned with unconcealed longing to the earlier scheme, as holding forth the promise of easier and more complete success. It was in this hankering feeling after a mono- poly and a sway not to be disputed that men like George "Way mouth and other advocates of the North- West Passage found their best opportunity and argument. Such were the prevalent views when Captain Way- - mouth proposed a fresh search for the North- West Passage, and obtained the sandion of the Court to his design. Although a fleet had sailed only a few months - before by the Cape route, then new to Englishmen, the generality of the Company showed every disposition to patronise another attempt to open a route peculiarly dear to the Enghsh, and identified with their name. Yet even in this matter, an unexpe6ted obstacle presented itself in the alleged prior rights of the " Muskovia Companie," the parent of the Russia Company of our time. Delays and objecflions ensued as to the respedtive privileges of the two Companies, and the deliberations of chosen delegates did not greatly further any pradical or definite conclusion. The discussion might have con- tinued indefinitely had not the East India Company taken legal opinion as to their rights, and finding them ample for the purpose in hand sandlioned the scheme as their " Second Voyage " to the Indies. Finding them so firm, the Muskovia Company waived their loftier pre- tensions, and proceeded to associate themselves in the enterprise. For the purposes of this voyage, a special XX iNTRODUCriON levy of one shilling for each pound deposited by the ad- venturers for the Cape experiment was ordered, and special terms, mainly dependent, however, on the result of his voyage, were made with Captain Waymouth. The objecfts of the journey itself are well expressed on pp. 1 98-9, whereat are recited some of the chief passages of Elizabeth's patent as well as the reasons which swayed the decision of the Court. The formal agreement between the Company and George Waymouth sets forth that the Governor and Company had deliberated on "the longe and tedious course w*"*" hath benne hetherto houlden by all such as do trade or sayle from these parts of the world in to y' East Indies alonge the coast of Europe and Africa by y' Cape of Bona Esperansa and of the great adventures w"** are borne in soe longe a viage by many kinds of daungers offered therin and beinge moved w**" great hope that ther is a possibiUty of dis- covery of a neerer Passage into y^ said East Indies by seas by y^ way of the North-west yf the same were vndertaken by a man of knowledge in Navigacon, &c. &c," and had in consequence entrusted the task to Captain Waymouth. In a subsequent passage further details are suppHed as to how it was thought this would be effeded, and these constituted what would now be termed Captain Waymouth's sailing orders. He was to "sayle toward the coast of Groynland into that part of the open seas w""" is described in sundry generall mapps by y^ name of fretum Dauies and shall passe on forward in those seas by y^ northwest or as he shall fynd the Passage best to lye towards the parts or kinge- INTRODUCTION xxi domes of Cataya or China, or y^ backside of America." Queen Elizabeth attached sufficient importance to the undertaking to write a special letter to the Emperor of China and " Kathia," the use of the double names for the one country implying rather the excess, or cautious completeness, of diplomatic courtesy than geographical .ignorance. Considering the great expense to which the Company went in the matter, the many hopes that were based on the enterprise, and the confidence of the commander him- self, the speedy, not to say the ignominious return of the expedition, was extremely disheartening. The Court Book throws no further light on the causes of the failure of this well equipped expedition to achieve what was not then known to be impossible, than to attribute it to the intrigues of the minister or preacher, Mr. Cart- wright. But Captain Waymouth endeavoured, and not unsuccessfully, to convince the Court to overlook his failure, and to take up new schemes for the discovery of another route, not by the North-west, but by the South- west, or round Cape Horn. There is litde doubt that he would have carried his purpose had he not allowed himself to be drawn into litigation with the Company about what he considered his just claims in the matter of the abortive voyage. These were firmly resisted, with the consequence that he failed not only to obtain his damages, but also to induce the Company to employ him on a fresh voyage, as had been intended. The opposition of the Court to Captain Waymouth 's demands and propositions was made the more inflexible xxii , INTRODUCriON by the safe return of the ships that had sailed by way of the Cape of Good Hope. The arrival of the Assention showed where the pra6lically useful route to the Indies lay. It had its difficulties, delays, and dangers, but in comparison with a mythical North- West passage it acquired greater substantiality as one prosperous voyage regularly succeeded another. Hud- son, Button, and Baffin followed at short intervals, and with more favourable results, in the footsteps of Way- mouth; but even their successes went to demonstrate the impradticability of the main purpose of their voyages, the opening of a North-West Passage. The first Court Book, charaderistic in every particular and important in most, is historically curious as officially marking the first indication of the waning hopes of the school of Cabot and Frobisher, and the rising expedlations, soon to be confirmed by fads, of that of Lancaster and Middleton, of Saris and Marlowe. The North-West Passage was a great idea based on an error of fadl. The long and tedious route by the Cape was a magnificent cer- tainty which supplied English naval skill and daring with their most profitable and glorious field of enter- prise. The pretensions of the Portuguese to a monopoly being steadfastly repelled, the opulent trade with the Indies became the prize in a fair and open competition of merit and energy. v-The present volume is evidence, not of the triumph of the English Company, but of the way in which they made up their minds to deserve and win it.'] The fruits of the vidory they ultimately secured over all rivals, after a contest of two centuries, by the INTRODUCTION . xxiii open ocean round the Cape of Good Hope, have been retained unimpaired now that the narrow seas from Gibraltar to Aden have become, since the piercing of the Suez Isthmus, the general thoroughfare to the Indies; and if the North- West Canadian Pacific Rail- way should realise the anticipations of its authors the pradical solution of the old North- West Passage problem would leave the English-speaking races vidlors still in the secular and mortal struggle of the leading countries of the civilised world for commercial ascen- dancy, and political existence. The states which through Regenerate weariness and faint-heartedness in well doing, , fail in this implacable competition are foredoomed to forced decay. r Undying then should be our gratitude to the founders of the East*India Company, for they were indeed the pioneers of the unparalleled colonial and mercantile supremacy of modern England : and we may be sure that wherever ^ "The strong hearts of her sons" are not borne down, as they have been, for well nigh a whole generation among ourselves, by the miserable sense of constantly reiterated public shame, but are kept up by the high hopes on which they are perennially nourished in the invincible Republic of the West, and in the proud dominions of the British Crown in the great South Sea, there the names of these middle class Elizabethan merchant adventurers, — who so well under- stood, when occasion called, how by transgressing, most truly to keep the moral law, — will be for ever xav INTRODUCTION cherished and revered as of " brave men, and worthy patriots, dear to God, and famous to all ages." Our own destru6lion, as a beneficent power among the nations, may be as inevitable, as our peril, arising mainly from the weakness of the historical instind in the English democracy, at this moment seems imminent ; but in the worst case we shall have bequeathed the secret of empire, in the New World and the Old, to more resolute inheritors of our common traditions and splendour. George Birdwood. India Office, Westminster, "Queen Elizabeth's Day" [\jiJy November^\ 1886. * The anniversary of the accession of " the Most Mightie and Magnificent Empresse Elizabeth " continued to be kept as a public holiday in England even within the last century, and it should still be so observed, at least in the India Office, and in British India, and the State of Virginia, in praise perennial of Her imperious Majesty's heroic memory. "Cynthia prima fuit, Cynthia finis erit." '* Her deeds were like great glusters of ripe grapes Which load the branches of the fruitfull vine, Offring to fall into each mouth that gapes. And fill the same with store of timely wine. ****** Her thoughts are like the fume of Frankincence, Which from a golden Censer forth doth rise. And throwing forth sweet odours mounts fro thence In rolling globes up to the vauted skies." THE COURT RECORDS OF THE EAST INDIA COMPANY The names of suche persones as haue writtin withe there owne 1599 handes, to venter in the pretended voiage to the Easte Indias (the whiche it maie please the Lorde to jisper) and the Somes that they will adventure the .xxij. Septembr. 1599. viz 1 S*" Stephin Soame, L" Mayor London 2 S"" John Harte and George Boales 3 S"^ John Spencer viij^ 4 M"" Nicholas Mosley alderman 5 M"" Paule Baynynge alderman 6 M"^ Leonarde Hallydaie alderman 7 M*" Richard Goddard aldreman 8 M"" John Moore alderman 9 S"" Stephen Soame. RicM Carter, &€" ro M"^ Edward Holmden alderman 11 M' Robarte Hampson alderman 12 M' Richard Staper 13 M'^ Thomas Symonds 14 M-- John Eldred 15 Robarte Coxe grocer 16 Nicholas Leatt yremonger 17 Thomas Garwaye drap 18 George Holman grocer ig Thomas Hiccocke 20 Robarte Sandye grocer 21 Nicholas Pearde cloatheworker B 200 1000 800 300 1000 1000 200 300 400 500 300 500 200 400 250 200 200 150 100 200 100 THE COURT RECORDS OF '599 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 ^ 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 Thomas Edwardes Nicholas' Bamesley.grojcpp; : : William Dale' ' ' '■'"... Nichola*s 2Jingfe! "*''.'*.' ; : .•;. _ ,' Nicholas Style'groc^ Lawrence Greene Edwarde Collins clotheworker fFraunces Cherie vintener Oliver Style grocer Richarde and James Wyche Thoiiis and Ro^te Midleton. Ro'bt Bateman t Nicholas fFarrer skynner fFraunces Terrell Thoiiis fFarrington vintener Richard Wragge Richarde Aldeworthe William and Ralfe fireman William Romney Wittm Paule. George Canynge John Newman. Reinold Greene John Woodwarde yremonger Baptiste Hick mercer Richarde Cockain and Comp Clement Mosley. Jerome Suger Richarde Stephens Thoiiis Wheeler. Larance Wethrall William Chambre. Wiftm Stoane WiJtm Adderley and m^ thoiiis Henshawe t Thoiiis Cambell. Miles Huberd M"^ Wiftm Gar way e drap Richard Cockf grocer Ralfe Hamor iftchiittailor Walter ffletcher John Robinson senior luchnttailor Leonarde White M"" Thomas Cordell mer8 M"^ Richarde Wiseman goldesmithe t. 200 150 I. 100 100 t. 200 200 \. 200 t. 200 300 T. 200 t. 500 200 200 T. 200 T. 200 t. 200 t. 300 200 300 200 300 400 }. 3000 T. 250 I. 200 1. 200 T. 500 1. 300 I. 200 500 200 \. 200 200 I. 200 t. 200 t. 300 200 THE EAST INDIA COMPANY 59 Richarde Browne &c° 60 Roger Owfield 61 Wittm and Edward Turner 62 Thomas Cutteler grocer 63 Edwarde Jaymes 64 Robarte Bell John Potter 65 John Highlord and John Marris 66 Wittm Gore, and John Gore 67 Richarde Howse and Henrye Robinson 68 ThoiTis Bostocke. John Ramridge 69 Roger Howe 70 Wiftm Harrison, and W"" Bonde ifichntay t 71 M'^ Robarte Lee alderman 72 John Buzbridge. James Turner 73 Vrye Babbington 74 M"^ Thoiiis Smithe ha^rdasher 75 Nicholas Crispe and comp 76 Richarde Burrell gro8 &c° 77 John Hewett 78 John Cornells goldesmithe 79 Wiitm Hallidaie mer8. John Duckett 80 Humfrey Wymers. Richard Edmonds 81 Augustine skynner. RoBte Brooke, tho. Westray 82 Thorns Haies. Ro^te Barley. Mathew Hamond 83 Rowland Backhouse, barth and edw'"d Barnes 84 S"^ Richard Saltonstall and his children 85 John Coghill Henrye Parkehurste 86 Thomas Juxon gro8 87 Richard Barrett Wittm Allen mer8 88 Barthilmew Barnes Edw. barnes. Row. backhous 88 Thorns Eaton Wittm Essington 89 John Cowp notarye 90 James Deane drag 500 1599 300 200 200 200 200 200 300 200 200 200 200 300 200 200 200 200 200 333 6 8 200 200 200 t. 300 300 400 200 200 200 200 000 200 200 300 THE COURT RECORDS OF ^599 gi John Coombe 92 John Swynerton Junior 93 Giles Doncomb. RiGd Welbye 94 Edmond Nicholson gro8 95 Henrye Bridgeman letherseller 96 John Suzan Sannewell Garrard 97 Wittm Barrell Walter Porter 98 Wittm OfFeley the elder 99 John Harbie skynner 100 Ralfe Buzbie grocer 'lOi Heiirye Poalstedd george Whitmor 200 300 200 200 200 200 400 200 200 200 200 t. 30133 6 n^--^ An assembly of the psons heervnder named holden the xxiiij"' of September 1599. S"^ John Hart knight M"" Aid" Moseley M"" Aid" Bannyng' M-^ Aid" Hollyday M' Aid" Godderd Richard Stap Thomas Middleton Richard Wyseman John Highelord W™ Rumney Thorns Symondes John Eldred RoBt Cockf Niclias Leet George Holman Thomas Hickock Rol5t Sandie Niclias Pierd Thomas Edwardes NicBas Lynge Niclias Style Edward Collins ifrauncis Cherie Richard Wiche Robt Midleton Niclias fFerro' Thomas ffarrington Thorns Haiyes Austin Skynner Richard Aldworth W"' fFreman Raphe fFreeman Reynold Greene Babtist Heckes Richard Cockein W™ Cockeyn Clement Moseley Richard Steephens Thomas Wheeler W"' Chambers rHE EASr INDIA COMPANY Thomas Henshawe Thoiiis Cambell Ri8 Cockes Walter ffletcher Leonard White Ric Browne W" Turno'" RoBt Bell Ric Howse Henr Robinson Thorns Bostock Roger Howe Jo" Busbridg Vry Babington Nich° Cryse Jo" Cornelis Thorns Backhouse 1599 24 Sept. HEREAS the severall psons abovenamed to- gether w"' divers others whose names ar Re- gestred in the begynnyng' of this booke, by the sufFraunce of almightie god after Royall assent of o"" Soveraigne Lady the Queenes most ex- cellent Ma'^ first therunto had and obteyned, do entend for the bono"" of our native Cuntrey and for thadvauncement of trade of merchaundize w"'in this Realme of England vppon ther severall adventures accordinge to the severall proportions of the sommes of money by them severally sett downe and inregestred vnder ther owne handes, To set forthe a vyage this present yere to y'' Est Indies and other the Ilandes and Gantries ther- aboutf and ther to make trade by the sale of suche commodities as vppon further delibation shalbe resolved to be provided for these partf or otherwyse by buying or barteringe of suche goodes wares jewelles or liJchaundize as those Ilandes or Cun- tries may yeld or afforthe. And for the better ordering and disposing' of the said viage intended and for thencoragem' of all suche as have already determined to adventure in the same or shall before the viage set forthe determine to adventure therin, They have thought it meet to direct them selfes by certen Rules and orders to be holden and observed aswell in the preparing* of suche shipping' as shalbe thought fitt for this enterprice as of all other provision of wares merchandize bullion and suche other thinges as are to be provided and adventured in the same. And therfore at this assemblie it is agreed ordeyned and re- solved as followeth. 6 THE COURT RECORDS OF 1599 First that noe ship shalbe receavid to be brought in by any ^^ ^^*' adventuro"" in this viage to be imployed in the same as his stock or portion of adventure at any rate whatsoever. Also that all shipping^ to be imploied in this viage shalbe bought and provided by suche as shalbe therto appointed for ready money onlie. That noe commoditie shalbe accepted in the said via§^ to be brought in as any mans portion of adventure but that all goodes wares and other thinges shalbe bought and prepared by suche as shalbe thervnto appointed as Comitties and directors of the said viage, for the buying^ and providing of shipping* and merchaun- dize. And this assemblie do electe noiate and appoint theS fifteene persons heervnder named Comitties or directo" of this viage to manage order and direct the affaires belonginge to the sameaswell concerning sewte to be made to her ma'* for sole priviled^ to be graunted to these adventuro" for soe manie yeres as can be obteyned and for such ymuyties and freedomes of Custome and other tollerations and favors as may be gotten as also for the providing for shippinge wares and merchaundize to be adventured in the said viage, Ratefying* and allowing whatsoever the said Comitties or directors of the said viage or the greater niiber of them shall do or agree vppon in the premisses provided never- theles that no factor or other officer to be imployid in the viage shalbe admitted or appointed therto but by a generall Assemblie of the adventuro""* and ther elected by the consent of the greater niiber of them [elected] assembled. Comitties or y* Directors of y'^ Viage. M^ Ald"^ Godderd M"^ Tho Symondes M"" Aid" Moore M"" Nich Style -'^• M-- Rich : Staper M-^ Nich Lyng ^ M^ Tho Cordell M^ Rich Wiche M"" W'" Garway M"" Roger Howe M^ Tho Midleton M^ W'" Cockin M^ Tho Cambell M" Nich Leet M" Rich : Wiseman THE EAST INDIA COMPANY 7 And the said Assemblie have chosen for ther Thre'^rs for the 1599 receaving and paying of the moneys imploied in the same M'' ^ -^ ^^ "\ John Highlord and m"" W"* Romney vnto whose handes the ; / contributions of everie severall adventuro"" in the viage is to be ^ brought in at two severall payment^ videlt the first payment by the of November and the seconde paym* by the of December. It is resolued at this assemblie that from henceforth no adventuro"" in this viage shalbe re*^ to adventure in the same for a lesse soiiie then 200''. And it is generallie agreed that ther shalbe brought in to the handes of the Thrers w*''all expedition for the defraying* of some present pettie charges that shall be expended in the affaires of the said viage xijd vppon everie C' sett downe and to be sett downe vppon every mans portion of adventure to be collected by him that warneth the adventuro"^^ to ther assemblies or other- wyse to be brought in by them selves to the Thrers. At an assemblie of the Comitties or y*" directo"^^ of the viage the xxv"' of Septemb"" 1599. M-- Aid" Godderd M' Rich Wiche 1599 M-" Aid" Moore M-- Tho Cambell 25 Sept M'-Rich: Staper M' Roger Howe M-" W-" Garway M"" W"^ Cockin M-- Nich Style M-" Nich Lyng M"" Tho Symondes M"" Nich : Leet jHES Committies to whom the direction of the affaires of the viage is comitted beinge assembled together doe devide the present busines of the said viage to be followed and solicited by some of them at the Courte for the obteyning' of a priviledge and other liberties and freedomes therto belonging* and by some of them in surveying* and seeking* out of suche shipping* as is thought M'- Aid" Moore M-- Rich : Staper M-- Tho Cordell M-- W™ Garway M'- Tho Cambell M-- Tho Middleton M'- Rich : Wiseman 8 THE COURT RECORDS OF '599 meet for the viase to w'"'' severall imploym*' the said psons by 25 Sept. , ,, ~ mutuall assent have agreed to vse ther travel!, viz. to solicite y'' 11. of y^ Councell to seek for shippes M' Aid" Godderd M"- Nich : Style M"^ Tho Symondes M-- Rich : Wiche M' Roger Howe M'' Nich Lyng M"" Nich : Leet M'" W"» Coclcin And it is resolued that a petition shalbe exhibited to y* LL. of her ma*^ most honorable privy Counsell in the name of the adventuro' shewing ther honors that divers merchauntf induced by the successe of the viage pformed by the Duche nation [who] and beinge informed that the duchemen prepare for a newe viage and to that ende have bought divers ships heere in Eng- land, were stirred vp w*"" noe lesse affection to advaunce the trade of ther native Cuntrey then the duche merchauntf were to benefite ther Comon wealthe, and vppon that affection have resolved to make a viage to the est Indias yf her ma"^ wilbe pleased to add to ther entention the better to pforme the enter- prise, these severall petitions or Requestf following^ viz. To graunt to the adventures a priviledge in succession and to incorporate them in a Companie for that the trade of the Indias being so farre remote from hence cannot be traded but in a Joint and a vnyted stock. That the shipping* of the adventuro'* being' prepared for ther viages be not staled vppon anie pretence of [anie] service for y' the stay of one moneth loseth the oportunetie of a whole yeres viage. That it may be lawfuU for the adventuro'^ anie Sta* notw"'- standin^ to sende out forrein Coyne, and yf ther shalbe a want of forrein Coyne to furnishe this present viage that ther may be quyned in her ma''^ mynt so muche forrein quyne as shall sup- ply the want out of suche bullyon or plate as shalbe brought in by the adventuro" or by ther nieanes. THE EAST INDIA COMPANY 9 That freedome of Custome be humblie requirid for all suche 1599 goodes as are carried out in 6 viages the rather for that many ^5 ept. experimentf are to be made before the Cuntrey shalbe fitted w"" marchaundize vendible ther, and for that also the Duche iffchauntf for ther better encoragem' are freed for divers yeres bothe of Custome outward and inwarde An assembly of Committies holden at m' Aid" Godderd the 4 of 1599 October 1599. M^ Ald» Godderd M"" Aid" Moore M' Rich : Staper M-" W™ Garwey M'^ Thomas Cambell M' Tho Middleton M' Rich : Wiseman M"" Tho Symondes M-- Rich : Wiche M-" Roger Howe M' Nich Lyng M'Nich: Leet 4 Oct. PETITION havinge bene deliuered to y* LI of her Ma^^ most honorable privie Counsaill accord- inge to the agreement of the [said] Comitties in the last conference and the LI. havinge re'' the same and favoringe thenterprise promysed ther furtheraunce to her Ma'^ for the obteynin^ of the thinges sect downe in articles menconed [to] in the said Petition This assemblie doe resolve that a present course is to be taken to solicite ther honors againe for her Ma^^ answer to the said Petition and articles and to that end the gsons herevnder named are appointed to goe to y'^ L. Threr and M"" Secretary yf they be in Towne and yf not to goe to the Co'^te to solicite ther honors and the residewe of LI at the counsaill boarde. M"" Rcih Staper M'" Tho Midleton M"" W'" Garway M' Rich : Wiseman M^ Tho Cambell M"^ frauncis Chery "^^^X THE COURT RECORDS OF 1599 1 6 Oct. Ih e lb < Dt October I59< 5 an assemb ly ot y*" L.omit M-- Aid" Godderd M-- Roger Howe M-- Rich : Staper M'- Rich: Wiche M'- W° Garway M-- W"^ Cockin M^ Thomas Cambell M^ Nich Leet M-- Tho Symondes Hacklett fra : Chery |PPON the reporte of divers Comitties who have bene at y*" Court of her Ma^^ gratious acceptaunce of the viage and vppon like reporte that the LI. do require that some of the Principal! of the ad- venturors shuld resort to y*^ Court to morrowe to receave ther honors order for o' further proceadinge It is ordered that the psons hereafter named shall repaire to the Court to attend ther honors direction at the Counsell boarde and as they shall finde fitt oportunetie to tender a Petition to ther honors conteynin§^ the§ severall requestf following^ viz. That ther LI. would by ther ho : order of ther assembly at the Counsell boarde geave the Companie a warraunt to proceade in the viage assuringe assuring them that they shall not be im- peached in the same. That they may have Warraunt to carry out in this first viage w^'out charge v m' weight of Bullion at the least. That they may proceade w"" the drawing^ and preparing in a redines of a graunt of priviledg^ vppon suche pointf as shalbe reasonable and fyt for suche a trade. The Comitties above menconed appointed to Solicite the LI. for these favo'^ are M-^ Cordell M"^ Chery M"" Stapers M"^ Symondes M^ Midleton M"^ W™ Cockin M' Leet M** that by reason of a treatye of peace in hand betwene the Queenes Ma*"^ and the kinge of Spaine the Company soliciting awarraunt from the 11, that they might pceade in ther viage THE EAST INDIA COMPANY ii w%ut anie impeachem*; notw^'standin^ the said treaty and 1599 that by reason [of] thereof they shuld not be staled when ther shipping was ppared the 11. denied to geave them suche a war- raunt as thincking it more beneficiall for the generall state of iflchaundize to enterteyne a peace then that the same shuld be hindred by the standing* w"" the spanishe Comissioners [to breike the peace to holde the] for the mainteyning^ of this trade to forgoe the oportunety of the concluding^ of the peace. Wher- vppon the adventuro"^^ fearing* lest after they were driwen into a charge they shuld be required to desist ther viage did proceade noe further in the matter for this yere but did enter into the preparation of a viage the next yere following^ as hereafter may appeare. At an assemblie in the flounders hall the 23 of Septembe"^ 1600. 1600 23 Sept. HERE AS divers merchauntf whose names are re- East India gestred in the begyning* of this booke for the honor yiage of ther natyve Cuntrey and for thadvauncem* of the trade of merchaundize w'^'in this realme of England vppon ther severall adventures apportioned and sett downe of ther voluntarie assent have vndertaken to sett forthe a viage for the discoverye of the trade of the East Indias and to that ende have Solicited the LI. of her ma*'^ most honorable privy Councell to move her most Excellent ma'^ for her gracious and royall assent to the said enterprise and for to further the same w"" a graunt of [a] priviledge and other tollerations and favors [fytt] for the advauncem* of the said trade. And where- as the saidLl. favoring'so honorable an [enterprise] attempte have accordingUe moved her most excellent ma'^ for her gratious assent in this behaulf and having' founde her ma'* gratiously inclyned to [further the said via§^] the furthering' of the same viage and [to graunt] ready to graunt vnto the petition of the said adventuro" touching' the jiticler demaundes by them ex- hibited [in ther petition] did directe ther Lies to the said THE COURT RECORDS OF 1600 23 Sept. Adventuro'* [encoraging* them to proceade in ther purpose] signefying' therby that it was her ma" pleasure that they shuld proceade in ther purpose assuring them that [noe occasion whatsoever shuld] they shuld not be staied or phibited therin [by any pretence of warres] wishing^ them to accepte of ther Certefycat of her ma*^^ pleasure as an ernest of a further war- raunt w*^*" afterwardes shuld be to them graunted by her ma'**. Whervppon the said adventuro" in full and ample niiber assem- bled did geave ther generall Consent by erecting of handes (the [matter] question bein^ putte to scruteny) that they would [proceade] goe forward in the [said voiage preparation of the] said viage, and to thende that they might the better dispose thereof and of a// preparations necessarie for the same bothe for shipping* merchaundize and money to be imployed therin they did [electe and chuse] rnah choice of the severall psons here- after named to be Comitties and Directors, of all the [busines] preparations and busines concerning^ the said viage Reposing* them selves wholy vppon ther fydelities [for the pre] and pro- vident handling and ordering' thereof w"^*^ Comittyes or the greatest number of them, from tyme to tyme assembled are [to] by the genJall Consent of the said adventuro'^ aucthorysid and warraunted accordin^^ to ther discretions to sett fort he and ma.n- nage the whole viage vppon the proportion of stocke and adven- ture gefJally Contributed and sett downe [by all the adventurors], and vppon any occasion [or necessarie service to b] for the fur- theraunce of the said viage to vse the helpe of anie adventuro"" in any imploym' requiring^ the same in tyme convenient. Comitties or directors oftlieViage M"" Aid" Bannyng M"^ Aid" Hollyday M-- Aid" Goddard M-- Aid" Smyth M"" Rich. Staper M-" W™ Garway M' Tho Cordeil M'" Rich. Wyseman M' fra : Chery M^ Lancaster M- Allabaster Roger Howe Rich : Wyche Jo Eldred Jo : Bate W'" Chamber H arryson <^<^-Sp-^ rHE EAST INDIA COMPANY 13 The 25 of Septemfe 1600. '^°° ■^ r 25 Sept. M"" Aid" Bannyng M' Chambers M^ Aid" Hollyday M^ Wiche M-" Staper M' Harryson M' Wiseman M-^ Eldred Capten Lancaster M"^ Jo Bate M' Howe [M] Capteyn Davies HE [parties] Comitties above named or the most of them The Susan having* bene yesterday at Wolw'^'' [debt] Deptford °"^ ^ and Reddereth to viewe the severall shippes called the [Assention] Susan, the Globe the Paragon, the Phenix the New^castleship the Liones the May flowre the Prous- perous the Rowe Buck, and havinge pvsed them severally doe finde of the said shippes in respecte of ther burthens, that the Susan is the most [fittest] strongest and greatest burthen and so consequentlie most fittest for this viage and therfore in this assemblie [proceadin^] proceaded to bargaine w"" m"^ Aid" Ban- this condi- nyng* for the same ship w''' her furniture expressed in the Inventory *^?" ^^ ^^' , exhibited znd did agree w"' him for the same at the rate of 1600'' a sale in vppon condition that he shall receave her againe vppon her re- ^"^from m^ torne from the viage w"' suche furniture as she shall bring* w*"" ^^^^ the 24 h r Januarie her at the rate of 800'' the 'w''^ he vndertaketh to geave for x6oo her againe. [And it is agreed that m"" Garway m' Wyseman m"" Chery and m' Howe shall goe downe this afternone to Deptforde atid Reddereth to reviewe the Globe the Newcastle ship the may flowre and the prosperous and to make choice of suche of them as they shall thinke fittest for the said vyage and as neare as they can to drive a prise of suche of thein as they finde to be most fittest for ther vse.] The L. Admirall being* rode into Wilshire and the messenger i?es to my retornid from the court w"'out delivering the Ire directed to him -oa^^^" J •-> senger sent [and] m"^ foulke Gryvell Threr of the Navye bein§ moved by abouty^vse m'" Chery and Richard TVright for his furtheraunce in the L j^gs Admiralls absence for the vse of the Dockes of WoUw'''' and Deptford resorted hether to this assembly and promysed them ,4 THE COURT RECORDS OF 1600 to sende a messenger into wilshire w"'all speede to my L. Ad- ^^ ^^^' mirall for his assent and that he in the meane tyme would take order the dockes shuld be prepared and made ready that the shippes may taken in at an instant after retorne of my L. aunswer. Surveiors It is Ordered by the said Comitties that to everie ship that for the pre- gj^^^jg imployid in this viage ther shalbe 4 surveyors that shall shippes take charge of the survey of eche ship in the sheething^ build- yn^ and all other provisions and to the shippes already bought [and apointed] these psons are severally appointed viz. Surveyors for the Hecto"^ M' Wiseman M'^ Leate M^ Burrell M^ [Pierde] Pierd Surveyo'^ for the Assention M"^ Garway M"^ Hamersley M"" Bostock M"^ [Lyng] Lynge Surveyors for y*^ Susan M"" Aid" Bannyng Captein Middleton M-" Tho Richardson M"" [Lyng] Highlord And it is ordered that the said [Comitties] surveyor^ bein§^ apointed to the said shippes shall have aucthority [to] according to ther discretion w'*" thadvyse of the Carpenters to supply all defectes and [necessarie] reflations and all other necessarie provi- sions of suche shipping^ as they are severally appointed vnto [and all other necessa] The 26 of SeptemB 1600. 1600 M'" Aid" Bannyng M'" W™ Chambers ^6 Sept. ^,, ^j^„ Hollyday M^ Rich : Wiche [M'] Captein Lancaster M"" Harryson Capteyn Davies M"" Wysemen FFER was made to thes Comitties by M'" ferrers and m"^ Toppesfelde of a hulke called the Phenixe of the burthen of Tuns at the prise of 1400'' and to take her againe for 700" at her retorne orels at xijc'' THE EAST INDIA COMPANY IS ready w*''out condition to take her againe w'^'' offer is to be 1600 considered of and respited vntill another meeting. ^ ^'^^' M' Alderman Bannynge is entreated by the resideu of the Comitties nowe assembled to deale w* m"^ Alderman Holmeden for the sale of the Cherubim and to make report at the next meeting howe he findeth him disposed for the sale of the same ship and what he demaundeth for her. It is ordered by the§ Comitties assembled that the officer apointed to Warne the adventuro'^' of this viage shall Sommon them severallie to bring in their moneis viz the 3 part of ther adventure by the last of this moneth. M" Roger Howe is requested by this assemblie to travell in to the West Cuntrie to make provision for Pollers and victtel- les for the shippes wherin he geveth no pnte assent but promi- seth to advyse thereof and to geave his aunswere this daye. An Inuentory A mayne maste a mayne tope maste and a tope gallante maste, A fore maste and a fore tope maste, A boate spreete and a spirrit saile tope mast &c. A missen mast and a mizen tope mast, A tope A mayne Course bonnet very good A forecourse and bonnett A mayne tope saile, A spirrite saile bonnet, A topp gallante sayle and a spirrit saile topp saile, 3[i] ankers and a kedger wherof one broake, 4 Cables good and bad. of the Hector 10 wast clothes and a topp armor of bridgwaters 22 barrelles of powlder, 371 round shott, 400 base barr shott, 13 langerell shott, 13 lincke shott, 61 crosse barreshott, 18 musketf and 3 Callivers, 42 bandaleers musketf & calli- vers, 10 Swoards, A sturbowe and a bender, 44 musket arrowes, 20 casses barrshott, 2 Steele targettf , Certen firewoorkf, 4 dozen of latten Cases, 10 longe pikes, 11 shorte pikes. Hector her inuentory i6 THE COURT RECORDS OF A smale barrell of smale shott andasmale[stage]/, Ladles / sufficient for such ordnaunce. Ramers J The Inuentory of all such furniture and provision as belongeth Great Susan to the good shipp called the great Susan. tory ""^"" In primis 14 Demy Culueringf w"' their carriages, 10 sakers w"' their Carriages 1 hole newe shotte of cable never wett, 2 cables more she doth ryde by newe, 1 Cablett hawser, 3 warpes, 4 great ankers of ly" 16'^ & 14'', 2 small ankers kedgers, 3 Catt blockes, 6 fidf and fid hamm'^% I newe mayne Course & bonnett, I newe mayne topsaile, I ould mayne topsaile, I newe fore course and bonnett, I other fore course bonnett and drabler, I fore topsaile, I sprit saile course and bonnett, I sprit saile topsaile, 1 mayne top gallaunt saile, I fore top gallaunt saile, 1 mizen course and bonnett, hir owningf fore and afte and hir mast clothes, 4 brasse shivers in her mayne knight, 4 brasse shivers in her mayne ramhed, 3 in her fore knight, 2 in her fore ram head, 2 in her cutt head, 2 in the knight of her mayne topsaile sheetf , I? i8 THE COURT RECORDS OF 2 in her fore sheetf , 2 in hir boatf head and David, 2 in the fore shettf , 40 Coakes in blockes, w"'all hir rigging well furnished w"' mastf yeardf top mastf top gallaunte mastf and other hir appur- tenaunces, I flag Antient, 7 pendauntf , 1 bell, the mayne shrowd, the mayne top mast shrowdf, the mayne top gallaunt mastf shrowdf the fore shrowdf fore top gallaunt mast rigginge, her sprit saile spritesaile top saile rigginge her mizen shrowdf and mizen topsaile shrowdf & rigging 8 barrellf of powder, 3 tanned hides and 2 peecf, 2 bondge barrells and som powder in one of them, I b.irrell of matche, 1 barrell w"" pap Cartrages, 12 Dozen of Canvas Cartrages, 23 pottf w*** powder, 24 [barrellf] Ball^ w"' fier woorke, 5 fier pikes w"" staues, 6 fier pikes w*'^out staues, 2 trunkf w"" fier woo'ke, 18 swordf, 33 lattin cases, I latten budge, 1 close lanthorne, 30 musketf , 6 hargabush a Crocke, 12 mouldf for muskettf & hargabush a crocke, 2 meltinge ladles, 41 bandaliers, 4 dozen of tuchboxes, 6 Steele targetf , 26. sponges for ordnaunce. 16 ladles for ordnaunce, 3 wadhookes, 4 furmers, 28 shorte pikes, 13 longe pikes, 12 billf, 9 boare speeres, 9 roddf for musketf, I leather for a budge barrell w"* charges in 28 baggf for small shott, I sheepskin, I fawkenett ladle and sponge. THE EAST INDIA COMPANY 19 I wadhooke, 320 demy culueringe round shott, 220 saker round shott, 47 Demy culveinge crosbar & saker crosse barr, 27 langrell and Chaine shott, 45 fawkenett shott, 24 breechinge for ordnaunce, 7 Running glasses 7 Compasses, 18 newetopsailessheettblockf for store 25 single blockf wooden pin- nes. 25 duble block^ wooden pin- nes, 26 Deadman eyes, I newe foretopsaile purrell. part of a small coyle of rope i newe top gallaunt purrell. 10 Lashers of ordnaunce, 46 takles of ordnaunce, I greate meltinge ladle, muskett shott in a box being full 24 leadf for peecf 1 1 Crowes of Iron, 6 rope sponges, I great kettle of Copp to seeth vittles in for 80 men 1 pease pott, i skimer. 2 grid- irons, 2 frieinge panns. 2 spittf. i trivitt, I paire of pott hookf , 1 mustard querne, 2 axes. 3 trayes. i fleshooke, 6 lanthornes, i tapborer, 5 gannchookf, I paire of bellowes, I great lanthorne for Admirall, I longe boat and a skiffe w*'' 10 Iron esses for shrowdf, 10 Deadman eyes bound w"' Iron hooke for hir Cham- wellC, 2 pompes. 2. Iron brakes, I Iron hooke to hale vp boxes, 6 oares to the pinnesse w"* mastC and saile 12 oares for the longe boate, I Winles i belonginge to the I David ) boat w**" a [rud] 1 Rudder ' saile lyne for Rutline, 3 boy ropes. 4 boyes. 2 hauns- plugf, 2 dipsey leadf. 4 soundinge leades, 3 newe boate hookf, 4 lufte hookes, Sennett and spun yarne and Canbins esteemed i*" w". I dozen of platters 2 steepe tubbs, their oares belonginge to the 6 burrecoes. 2 firkins w"^ tal- boate, lowe, I standinge bed w"' pillers val- i great baskett for bread, lens and curtaynes for the i duble windinge blocke, mchauntf , i single windinge blocke. rilE COURT RECORDS OF I snatche blocke, 4 brase shivers to the 3 blockes esteemed i'' w" I grinstone w"' his Irons and trough I windinge hawser newe, I table w"'in the Cabbin, & afte, 16 newe chaynes and chayne bultf for the mayne shrowdf @ 3' 3''' 9' 12 newe platf of Iron for the mayne takles @ '' w", I settle bedd in the Cabbin, grateningC k netting^ fore 6 small baskettf for bread, The Mare scurge The 27 Septem!) 1600. M' Aid" Bannyng M'" W'" Chambers M' Aid" Hollyday M'" Rich : Staper M'" W™ Garway M'" Rich. Wiseman M' Roger Howe M-- Rich Wiche M"" Harryson M-" Burrell lOOoDollers ofM'highe- lorde KIS assembly have contracted w"' m' Hilliard for 1000 Dollers at the rate of 45. 6d. the doller to be taicen [also] at that rate for his stocke of 200'', and the overplus beinge [rep*^] 25'' is to be p'' vnto him vppon the deliuery of his dollers, and yf the adventurors shall at thende of Two monethes mislyke to [take] hold them at the said valewe of 45. 6d. then the said m"" heliard is content and hath agreed to Receave the same againe at the same rate and to repay the xxv'' to him dd by the said adventuro" or ther Threr. Wher a motion hath bene made by m' Stay for the Buyinge of the Erie of Cumt3landes ship called the Mare scurge the same ship being offered vnto them after they have furnished them selfes of the proportion of shipping agreed vppon by the genalyty these Comitties cannot by any warraunt to them geaven proceade in the buying of the same ship her burthen being so great, wherby ther Tunage agreed vppon shalbe so greatly exceaded, but are of opinion that yf she were prepared THE EAST INDIA COMPANY 2.1 and fyttid for service she would be a meet ship for the riext [yeres ship] yeres viage but in any wyse not to doubt w'''all for the present action in hand. M"^ Howe having bene moved at the Last meeting to take a M"" Howe& iorney for the furthering* of this viage into the West Cuntrey pav^e^to for the providing of Ryalls and to Joine w"^ Capten Davies for go i" to the the provision biskett and syder, dothe very freindlie and kindly trey assent to take tlie same busines in hande and wilbe ready to ryde the next weeke, against w*^*" tyme Remembraunces and instruccons of the proportion of thinges to be provided are to be considered if, and howe the thinges provided shalbe p'' for together w"' ther Charges to be defraied. M'' Burrell is at this assemblie apointed and is contented to WBurrell take the gencrall survey from tyme to tyme of all the shippes genera ^ apointed for this viage, who may informe the Comitties of the wantes of the same shippes and what necessarie supplies belongeth vnto them. And it is ordered that Surveyors of the severall shippes w'*" Surueigheis are apointed to see the Supplies of the same [shalbe] shall °^^'"FS before they proceade to enter into the said Supplies present vnto the Comitties in some of ther assemblies the pticlers of the wantes [and to be supp] and then to supply the same by order by the said comytties [to them to] be geaven to the said Surveyors. [The] One of the owners of the Phenix being here before the Comitties who could of him self w"'out his partno"" assent to ther ofFer of 1200'' for the same ship, tyme is taken vntill monday for the ferther agreem*^ in the bargaine thereof, and w*''all that in the said agreement be included cerlen furniture of \ the ship w'"' is not mencoed in the inventory exhibited, viz a Cable a cablet 13 coile of rope on coyle of white Ropes 8 I barrelles of pitche 5 barr tarre 18 boltes of Ipsw*^*" Poldavies and / X boltes of wormall Poldavies. It is ordered that m' Burrell shall provide timber for the Provision wantes of the shipping and what money he shall disburce therin ^ ^M^Bur- at reasonable rates shall be rep*^ him by the Thrers or one of reii them. THE COURT RECORDS OF The 29 of September. M'' Aid" Bannyng M"" fra^ Chery M- Aid" Hollyday M-" W"> Chamber M' Rich : Staper M' Harryson Captein Lancaster M"" Allabaster M' Rich Wyseman Captein Davies [Captein Davies] M' Burrell r is resolved that Captein Davies shall drawe out a |)po'^tion of victualks for 500 men for that is sup- posed that so great a nomber of men wilbe imployed in this viage. It is alsoe agreed that Capten Lancaster Capten Davies M*" Chambers and M' Harryson shall goe downe to morrowe morning to see what Pynnaces they can finde in the River fytt to be imploied in the viage and to morrowe in the after none to meet at M"" Aid" Bannynges and ther to make report to y** residewe of the Comitties of ther opinions of suche Pynnaces as they have surveid. An Inventory of such thinf as belonge to the Assention 28 September 1600. Assention A mayne mast fore mast and a mizen mast w*'' all their top her Inaen- ^„o*^ mastt;, tory A mayne top, mizen top and sprit top saile, Itm yeardes for all these mastf , Itm a mayne course buble, Itm a mayne bonnet double at the at the clewes, Itm a newe mayne bonnet duble at the clewes, Itm a mayne top saile, Itm a newe mayne top saile, Itm a mayne top gallaunt saile, Itm a fore Course duble, Itm a newe fore course duble, Itm a fore bonnet and a drabler, Itm a fore top saile, Itm a fore top gallaunt saile, THE EAST INDIA COMPANY 23 Itm a sprit saile, Itm a sprit saile bonnet, Itm a sprit saile top saile, Itm a mizen, Itm a mizen bonnet, Itm a flagge and an Antient, Itm twelue ould pendauntf, Itm scrowdes, stakles, pendentf, w*'' blocks &c belonginge to the mastf and sailes, Itm thirty shivers of brasse, Itm two Cables w'^'^ she rideth by, Itm a shott of Cables, Itm a newe Cable, Itm a great hawser, Itm a shete anker of eighteene hundreth, Itm two other Ankers of 1500 p peece, Itm an other Anker of 1300 p peece, Itm an other Anker of 800, Itm a boates Anker, Itm a skifFes Anker, Itm two pompes, Itm two standardes of Iron, Itm two pompbrakes of Iron, Itm divers pompbockeses, Itm two kittles for the fornases, Itm an other kettle for victualles, Itm a pitch kettle, Itm nyne Demyculveringf , Itm thirteene sakers w"" their Carriages, Conies and bedes, Itm two fowlers w"' their fowre Chambers, Itm a murtherer w''' two chambers, Itm takles and britchingf for the ornaunc, Itm sponges and ladles for the ordnaunce, Itm round shott crosse barr and langrell, and case shott in- different store, Itm 25 barrelles of powder, Itm six brasse bales. 24- THE COURT RECORDS Of Itm Thirty cases for carriages, Itm two tand hides, Itm ten crowes of Iron, Itm Thirty five muskettf, Itm Thre hargabushes of croke, Itm i6 Callivers, Itm thirty badalires, Itm two lattin bugge barrelles, Itm three Carriages of iron for shott, Itm two dozen of pikes, Itm five billes, Itm muskett and caliver shott, Itm a longe boate, Itm a skifFe, Itm ten oares, Itm two paier of Canhookes, Itm a bell, Itm mast clothes of redd Gotten, Itm a greate lanthorne for the poop w*''six others. The thrers warraunt for y' pay- ment of [moneys] money;! The 30 September 1600. M-- Aid" Hollyday M"- Rich. Wiche M"^ Rich : Staper Captein Lancaster M-- W™ Garway. M'" W™ Chambers M"" Rich Wiseman M'' Harrison M' Jo : Eldred M"" John Bate Captein Davies T is orderid that the Thrers of this felowship shall dysburce for the provision and furniture of the shippes and other necessarie occasions belonging* to the viage suche soiTies of money as shalbe war- raunted by order of [three] fowre of the Comitties at the least vnder ther handes and they shall not otherwyse w"'out suche warraunt disburce vppon anie one occasion at anie tyme above the valewe of x'' vppon ther owne pill. THE EAST INDIA COMPANY »5 It is ordered that ifl Allabaster shalbe entreated to take the M^ Allabas- charge of keaping* of the Accomptes of this felowship yf his leasure will pmitt him, and yf otherwyse then Julinus Beamishe to be requirid to take the same charge. At this assemblie iQ Altham was present and did reade over The read- and penne the booke of priviledges of this Soscietie having* spent )j"f Jg^t of all the forenone in the pvsing* thereof for the w'^'' thes Comitties the pattent appointed m"" Aldn° Bannyng* on of the Thrers to [pay him] geave him for his paines therein the somme of fowre poundes. A warraunt signed to one of the thrers to pay ifl IVyseman Hecto'ioo" [Staper] a hundred poundes for the provisyon of thingf necessarie for the hecto^ A coppy of a tre written in the behalfe of Capten Davis to the right ho : the Erie of Essex. Right honorable o' dewties most humbly remembred vnto yo"^ good L : wheras wee and divers other iflchauntf of London were heertofore desirous to sett forth a viage to the East In- dians in trade of iflchaundize and for want of meanesto further o"^ intention haue bene hetherto staled, wee haue nowe at length obteined not onely her ma"^^ roiall assent to procead therin but are promised such toUerations and favo"^* otherwise both for the transportation of manyes the better to make o"^ trade and other ymuyties and priviledges to pas vnder the greate seale as that wee are incorraged therby w'** all expedition to enter into the preparation of shippinge and furniture fitt for such an attempte and beinge thus farre entred into o"^ provision wee nowe rest vppo thassent of this bearo"" Capten Davies yo"^ L : servant to be imploied in the viage as a principall Director of the same whoe havinge ben moved to that ende seemeth soe farr willinge to deale in the action as yo"^ L. shall give likinge therto, whervppon we humbly presuminge vppon yo' L : redines to further anie en- terprise w*"'' may bringe bono"" to o"^ country or benefit to the » coiSon wealth do herby humbly intreat yo' L^ : favo" to be [to be] added to this busines and to give your L : Consent for his im- ployment in the same, in w'^'' behalf wee shall accompte yo' L : an honorable patron therof and so humbly take o"^ leave of yo'" good L : London the last of Sept: £ »6 rHE COURT RECORDS OF 1600. The [2]Jirst of October 1600. A propor- tion of Vic- tualles. Proportion of victualles comitted to Aid Ban- nyng Cap Lancaster Cap davies MrAllabas- ter Peas to be prouided a proportion of mer- chaundize M"" Aid" Bannyng M-" Ald° Hollyday M-" Aid" Smithe M' Rich. Staper M"" W'" Garway M"" Captein Lancaster M"" Rich : Wiseman M-- John Eldred M-" W™ Chambers M" Harryson M' Rich Witche Captein Davies M^ Burrell T this assemblie Captein Davies presented [a propor- tion] in wryting^ a proportion of vitteft both bread meale beare [beavere] ceyder wyne Beefe Porke &c as appereth by the pticlers thereof sett downe [after other thinges in this meeting sett downe and agreed vppon] and redd at this assemblie. But the same proportion being pvsed and exaied in this assem- blie it was thought fytt the same shuld be comitted over againe to be further considered of by ra" Aid" Bannyng^ Captein Lan- caster and Capten Davies together [at] w"' m"^ Allabaster at m"" Allabasters house [shuld] wher they may meet to morrowe morn- ing^ and ther [to] sett downe an exact proportion of the said vit- tell and other thingf [and] in w'' conference what soever propor- tion of vittell they shall agree vppon this assemblie do agree shall stand for a Resolution of the whole provysion of vittell for the viage. M"" Garway acquainting* this assemblie that he hath bene solicit- ed for the accepting* of a certeii proportion of peas for the said viag^ is requirid to talke w'*' the partie and to gett his lowest prise for the same. It is alsoe orderid that the said 18 Aid" Bannyng^ Captein Lan- caster ifl Allabaster together w"" 18 Eldred and m"" fEtche shall in ther meeting to morrowe morning" at 18 Allabasters house conferre of the merchaundize fitt to be ^vided for the viage and to [make] sett downe ther opinions of the said marchaundize that the same may be presentid to these Comitties at ther next meeting to be further resolved vppon. THE EASr INDIA COMPANY 27 M"" Waldo resorted to this assemblie and solicited them for the fraunds imployment of one frauncis Wilson to be imployed in the viage ^g'^s°"e ^^ as a Purser of one of the shippes, to whom this assemblie made be a Purser, aunswer that they would consider of his motion, John Johnson dwellinge at lymehouse doeth offer him self to [them] this assemblie to be imploied as a ifi in the viage. The 3 of [Septemb] October 1600. M'' Aid" Bannyng M"" W"> Garway M'' Ald° [Smythe] Hollyday M^ W"" Chambers M^ Aid" Smyth M'" W^" Harryson Captein Lancaster M"" Rich : Wiche M' Jo Eldred M" AUabaster M*^ Roger Howe Capten Davies M-" Burrell. [HE adventure of the viage rysing" so farre above Mare the proportion first expectid [Requiring] Requireth ^'^"''^^ a larger proportion of shipping* then was formerlie agreed vppon and therfore this assemblie thinke it fytt the mare scurge w'^'' is nowe taken in to the docke at wolw'^^ shallbe sur- veyd and exaled whether in state as she is she may be made fytt for this viag* in convenient tyme and yf she be founde in suche state as she may be made fytt then my L of Cumberland to be [further] delt w^'^all touching the pryse of his ship w'^ suche as shalbe hereafter agreed vppon And for the Survey of the state of the said ship thes persons herevnder named are appointed [who hav] to go downe to morrowe and to serche into all her defectes and sett downe anote of the same in wrytinge w'^'' done to present the same at the next meetinS^ of the Comitties. Capten Lancaster M"" Chambers M"^ Burrell Capteii Mydleton M"" Wyseman M"" Harryson w"' suche Carpenters as they thing meet to vse. 28 rHE COURT RECORDS OF Myl. thrers Ire touching S Tho Michel- borne knight A Co- mission for the pro- vision of thinges in the West Cuntrey A tre written from the L Therer to thes Comitties in the behaulf of S"^ Edward Michelborne to be imployed in the viage as a principall Comaunder was reade wherin his L. vseth muche pswasion to the Companie to accept of his imployment yet soe as he is lothe to vrge them against ther liking' w'''' motion [be- cause] this assemblie have [not] noe lyking^ of for that they pur- pose not to imploy anie gent in any place of charg^ or comaundem* in the said viage for that besides ther owne [conceipte] mislike of the imploym* of suche they knowe the genlalyty will not indure to hear of such a motion [but] and yf they shuld be ernestlie prest therin they would w"'drawe ther adveutures, therfore this [Companie] assembly do intreat m'' Garway to [entreat] move his L : [not to expecte] to be pleased [that] noe further to vrge the imploym* of this gent to the Companie, and to geave them leave to sort ther busines w"" men of ther owne qualety and not to expecte that they shuld make any further motion of this matter to the genlalyty lest the suspition of the imploym' of gents bein^ taken hold vppon [will] do dryve a great nuber of the adventurers to w^'drawe ther Contributions. [It is resolved at this assemblie that ther shalbe no pynnaces imployed in the viage but onlie suche j/«^//Lancher pynnaces as shalbe carried in the shippes to be putt out as occasion shall serve and to be taken in againe] Captein Lancaster ifl Allabaster and ifl howe are required to sytt together to morrowe morning^ and to wryte a Comission to Captein Davies and suche other as shalbe imployed in the west Cuntrey for the provision of suche vittelles and other thinges as [that] those partes to yelde. My Lorde of Comber- land. The iiij"" of October, 1600. M"^ alderman Baynynge M"^ alderman Hallidaie M"" Wiltm Garwaye M^ John Eldred M"^ Wiltm Harrison M"" Middleton M' Richard Wiseman M"^ Richard Stap THE EAST INDIA COMPANY 29 M-" Wiltm Chamber M^ Roger Howe M' Richard Wyche Captein Lancaster M^ Burrell Y Lord of ComBrland makinge an offer of his Speche had shippe called the Mallescourge, to theCompanie ^oucWnge ^ to §ve in this voiage to the Easte Indias, and the ^'^^ ^^'^ O • I 1 T escourge L-omytties abouenamed havinge gvsed the In- vetorye of the said said and made some esty- mate of her valewe, they did offer vnto his honor, ffor the said shippe and all her ordenance Sailes Cabts Anckers and all her fourniture as she is nowe, the some of three thowsand poundf , the whiche his honor will not Accept, But did tell them yf they could thinke well of yt he would sell her vnto them for ffower thowsand poundf As she nowe is w"" all her iforniture, affyrm- ynge that he would not take five hondreth poundf more, of enie other, and after muche dispute his honor and the Comitties abouenamed are agreed that fower Marchantf and [twooe] fower carpenters shall vewe and survey the said shippe, and vpon there ReportC they will consider againe of the matter, and geue his honor a full answer. These Comytties haue agreed that M"" alderman Baynynge 500'* to be shall delifi vnto M*" howe five hondreth poundf , to be sent into m^ Howe the west contrey, there to be Imployed in suche busynes as apg- 'o be sent tayneth to the voiage, ffor whiche also divers of them haue sub- west Cun- scribed a warraunte ffor his further discharge accordinge to the ^^^1 Comp order, and for the |3vidinge of the said breade or enie other necessaries there is appointed to goe to Dartmowthe and Plymowthe, Thomas Baker and Robarte Pope to Joyne w*^ capteine John Davies ffor pvidinge all thing^ there. M"" Harrison is Requested to write to some of his ffrindf at Prouision Hull ffor the .pvision of Reason, and that he will vndertake the Beanes ^ fournishinge of them, and that they shall need one hondreth quarters of peason and fiftie quarters of Beanes, he saithe he will doe his beste therein but saithe it weare there best to send one downe expresse and so they should be assured to haue it well done, but he saithe he will write and geue order ffor it, and they haue agreed that //"he will send downe one of purpose for ^vision 30 THE COURT RECORDS OF Prouision for Caske The pro- portion of Caske. of the same pease and beanes he shalbe allowed fFor his paines and traveile. Capteine Lancaster, Capteine Middleton, M' chambers, and M"" harrison are Requested to take care for pvidinge of all the caske that maie be needefull for the voiage w'''' is as follow'\ caske fFor biere, 170 tones, to be of pipes bound w"^ ashen hoopes The Wine to be in good caske, and to be Iron bound 30 Tonnes of caske fFor beefFe in newe hogeshedf Iron bound 40 Tonnes of hogeshedf fFor Porke 30 Tonne of drie caske fFor peason and beanes 12 Tonne of drie caske for Oatemeale 30 Tonne of caske for veniger, to Iron bound 3^- tonne of Iron bounde caske for aquavita 6 barrells fFor honie bound w"' Iron one Tonne of drie caske fFor mustard seed one Tonne of drie caske fFor Rice 2^ Tonne in smale caske for Rape Oile Ironbound Water Caske hooped w"" Iron 150 Tonnes whereof 40 Tonnes of hogeshedf 8 Dozen of baricoes hooped w* Iron. in the Afternoone Did meete more M"" Staper M'' Cordell M'" Wiseman M"^ Stephins M"^ Burrell M^ Burde nic° Symons The said Comltties beinge desyered to talke and conferre aboute the price of the Mall escourge, had long conference aboute the same and in the end my lorde came againe him sellfFe tellinge them he pceaved what paines they had taken about this busynes, but he said he would take no lesse then .iiij. m. \ whiche seeinge they would not geue, he would lose no tyme more aboute the same, but since they would not buye her he would pceede about his owne busynes, and so prayed them to doe thers and so depted, but they ofFred him 3500' — &c. THE EAST INDIA COMPANY 31 The 6 of October 1600. M' Aid" Bannyng M^ Roger Howe M'- Aid" Hollyday M"- W™ Chamber M-- Rich : Staper M"- Rich. Wyche M"^ Lancaster M"" John Bate M"" Rich : Wiseman Captein Dovies M-- John Eldred M' Burrell R Richard Stap and M"" John Eldred are required bothe by them selfes and by ther best meanes that they shall thinke meet [fitt] to vse, in the provision of all Clothes and kersies that shall be thought fitt to be sent in this viage. M"" George Smythes and M"" Richard Yonson bein^ admitted this day to adventure in the viage CC' a peece they do promise to bring^ in ther said adventures in Spanishe money [at the rate] Ryalles of 8 at xviij'^ the ti proffite and yf the Companie do buy them at a lesse rate then they will accepte of lesse as other men do sell them. It is ordered that ifl wiche and Richard Wright shall com- pounde w"" iQ Covell for the prouision of 60 or 70 quarters of peas white kylne dried, and to geave [som] him suche conside- ration for his travell therin as they can drawe him to accepte of The 7 of October 1600. M"" Aid" Bannyng M"" Allabaster M'' Aid" Hollyday M^ Roger Howe . M-^ Rich : Staper M' John Eldred M"" W™ Garway M"" W™ Chambers Captein Lancaster M"" Rich : Wyche M"" Rich : Wyseman Captein Davies HES Comitties entringe into Conference to drawe TheMaiyce the [resolution"! bareaine of the Malyce Scuree to ^'^"''f^ ^ _ " '' tj bought for a resolution [or ende] to the ende the preparation 370b'' of the viage be not hindred by restinge in an vncertentie of o" shipping* they did in thende growe to this Comitties for ye Pro- uision of clothe & Kersey Smythes & Yonson Gold- smithes to bring in 400'' in Royalles of8. Prouision, of Peas 32 rHE COURT RECORDS OF Conclusion that M"^ Aid" Bannynge and M' Aid" Holliday for the Companie, shuld Joine w"' m"^ Garway and m"^ Allabaster who have Comission from my L of Cumberland to agree vppon the prise of the same ship, who departinge aside after some [ofFer] Loovinge and biddinge [thervppon] betwene them did agree vppon the price of three thousand seven hundred poundes to be p'' for the same ship w**" all her ordnaunce Carriages tackle mastes sayles and all furniture whatsoever as well expressed in the inventorie as not therin menconed w''"' anie way doeth belonge to the said ship, and the said parties havinge made this agreem' amonge them selfes presented the same to the residewe of this Assemblie who did well allowe of ther said bargaine and accepted thereof accordinglie and afterwardes myL. of Cumber- land him self coming' hether and beinge made acquainted what had past touchinge the bargaine of the said ship by the said M'^ Garway and M'' Albaster did /or his part assent to the said bargaine, and in like sort these Comitties for ther part. Soe as an absolute agreem' was made by both parties to take the ship in the Companies charge w* all worke to her belonging^ from this day. Bargaines& It was at this assemblic agreed that 4 severall bargaines and 4^sWppes to sales by writing^ indented shuld be made betwene the severall be made to owncrs of the 4 shippes and fowre of thes Comitties to take feoffees in . 1 1 r 1 trust. the bargames and sales or the same shippes to y^ vse of the generall adventuro"^^ wherbie the propertie of the same shippes may be transferred out of the owners in dewe forme of Lawe and the parties to whom the sa/e of the said shippes shalbe con- veied [vnto] are the persons heervnder named videlt feofFees in trust for the shippes bought M' Roger Howe M' John Eldred M'" W"^ Chambers M'- Rich : Wyche M"^ Governor Thes Comitties have also appointed for the surveying^ of the worke and prepation of the saide ship called the Malice Scurge, Malice scurge THE EASl INDIA COMPANY 33 and for the providing* of all thinges necessarie for the same ship the psons heervnder named viz. M'- Thomas Cordall M^ Robert Bell Surveyors of y« Malice M"" Rich : [Wytche] Wyche M' Greenewell Scurge M"" Aid" Bannynge doeth geave his worde to this assemblie Josephe to be aunswerable for Joseph Salomon the Purser of the [susan] p^^^^^^ ^f Susan, that he shall faithfully pforme anie trust that the Com- the Susan panic shall imploy him in the preparing^ of thingf necessarie for the same ship and in disposing* of the same. M"" [Aid"] Rich. Stag doeth in like manner geave his worde Georg Par- for the like fidelitie and trew service of George Parsons, the of theHec- Purser of the Hector. ^'^' M"" W™ Garway doeth alsoe vndertake for the like fidelitie w™ Leake of the service of W"" Leake Purser of the Assention. the Assen- W™ Burrage Boateson! of the Malice Scurge to whose handes tio"- the Custodie of muche of the rigging* of the same ship was son^ofthe* comitted by my L. Cumberland came before thes Comitties [as] and was by them enterteyned to loke to the furniture [and] of the same ship and to the worke to be done vppon her in fur- nishing* her for viage, the w'^'' he is Content to do. The viij*'' of October 1600. Aid" Bannyng M' W"" Chambers Aid" Hollyday M"- Rich Wyche Aid" Smythe M'' Harryson M' Staper Capten Davies Captein Lancaster Capten Myddleton 1ST is agreed at this assemblie that ther shalbe p'^ to loo'J [or , , -IT. ^^, , , rill provision of M'" vV" Chambers the somme or one hundred cask poundes for the provision of Caske and yron hoopes, and a warraunt geaven to the Threr vnder 4 of the Comitties handes for the paiment thereof. It is also ordered that m"" Richard Wiche and Richard Wright Beanes & shall contract w"' m'^ Covell for the buying* and provyding" of ggg^^'" xx''^ quarters of Beanes and 30 Bushelles of Musterd seed to F 34 THE COURT RECORDS OF be bought at the best rates he can [and] for the provision of the viage. A Computation agreed vppon the 8 of octobo' 1600 for the victualling of the shippes following^ in a viage to y*" Est Indies rated in Tonnage and men as hereafter foUov^^eth viz. The Scourge allowed men The Hector allowed men Thassention allowed men The Susan allowed men The Pynnace allowed men 200 rated tunz 600 100 rated tuns 300 80 rated toiis 260 80 rates tonz 240 40 rated tons lOO Bread for 20 monethes I Ah propor- tion altered I 5 October by the Comlttyes then assem- bled. Bearefor20 monethes Syder Wyhe Meate for 17 monethe Men 500 tonz 1500 Bread for 16 monethes of 30 daies p moneth c tt5 it s d at 24'' p man 1714 i 4 tonz 150 1028 08 O Meale for 4 monethes at 30'' p man p moneth ti 535 2 24 tons 30 267 17 4 Beare for 4 monethes at a pottle p man p day the hoggeshed accoumpted cleare of lealce- age 80 gallons gf 30000 tons 170 510 00 00 Syder for 8 monethes at a quart p day at the former rate gf 30000 tons 170 680 00 00 Wine for 8 monethes at a pint p day at the former allowaunce gf 15000 tons 80 960 00 00 Beef for 4 monethes at [a] 1'' p man p day c q ti 538 2 14 tonz 30 428 10 00 Porke for 10 monethes at |'' p man p day c 669 2 16 tonz 40 569 12 6 Peace and beanes for porke adioyning' for 10 monethes at | pint for day p man is bushellf 1 1 72 tons 88 293 00 00 fFyshe for 3 whole monethes at a bacaliaw p man p day 45000 fishes tons 25 225 00 00 THE EASr INDIA COMPANY Otemeale for 3 monethes adioyning' to fishe at I p day for a man makes bishelles 35 1 tons 12 Steele wheate extraordinarie and w"'out pro- portion for 3 monethes at \ pinte p man p day is bushellf 351 tons 9 Cheese being' olde holland cheese at discretion the whole fleet winds 20 tons 2^ Butter reparted vppon all the shippes fir- kins 80 tons 2 Oyle for 16 monethes at a quart p man p moneth gallons 2000 tons 10 Vineger for all the shipps to be repted 30 tons tons 30 Aquavite for all 14 hogsh*^^ viz The Scourge 6 The Hector 3 Thassention 2 r hhf 14 toris 3^ The Susan 2 The Pinnace 1 Honny for all the shippes together barr''"^ 6 tonz i Suger Spices sinamn! 30'^ nutmegges 15" Cloves 6'^ suger 50" pepper 12" Musterd seede for all the fleet bushellf 32 tons i Rice for all the shippes 20 toils i Rape oile for lampes for all the shippes hogsheddf lO lO tons 2| Candelles 250" for 4 shippes couered in wax tons [16] 2 Lampes for all the shippes 5 dossen 60 t Candelles 100" eche shipp ordinarie Candells 35 ft s d 105 06 00 No proui- sion for meate for 3 87 00 00 monethes in the Cuntrey w'h the 60 00 00 Cuntrey shall finde 72 GO 00 thhpro'v'i- s'wn altered the 15 of October and 500 00 00 reduced to 250 bushels 270 00 00 tons tt s d 175 00 00 56 00 16 05 00 12 16 o 20 00 00 60 00 00 16 13 4 00 15 o 8 6 8 Cookes prouision at discretion 36 THE COURT RECORDS OF A saine hookes fizgigf harping' iron Salt for all the whole 5 shippes 2 waigh tons 2 7 00 00 Water Caske for all the fleete tons 150 150 00 00 To all toils ion 6600 4 10 The merchaundiz to be sent in the said shippes viz. tt s d Yron tons 30 at 270 00 00 Tynn wrought toils 5 330 00 00 Tynn vnwrought in barres tons 5 420 00 00 Leade tons lOO 1700 00 00 Clothes 80 of thes sortes vizt 2 skarlettf in 4 halfes 4 Stammettf 8 blewes 8 Azures 8 Plunkettf 8 popingoies 4 grasse greenes 8 sadd greenes 8 Venice greenes 4 olive CoUers 8 Reading Clothes mingled 2 of eche colo' 2 heare Collers 4 violettC 4 primerose Collers — tt s d 80 at 16'' p clo"" p esteme 1280 00 00 Deuonshire kersies of like Collers 80 peecf s at 50 p kf 200 00 00 hamshires of all collers 20 pecf at 3'' 10^ 65 00 00 Norw''' stuffe 100 at discretion 250 00 go The present to be geaven to the kinge A Belt or girdell A Case of PistoUes ti Some [Plumes] Plewmes present 30 THE EASr INDIA COMPANY 37 ] Looking glasses Platters spones and toyes of glasse Spectakellf and Drinking* glasses of all sortf An Ewer of plaine Silver Davies his enterteyn- To all 4545 00 00 f^, t '° 1 1 145 4 10 Order is geaven [by] in this assemblie of the Coiiiitties Captein before menconed that M'' Aid" Bannynge M" Aid" holliday M" Aid"- Smithe M'' Stag & Captein Lancaster shall agree and ment. Compounde w"^ Captein Davies for his enterteynment in this viage and to geave him therin all reasonable contentment and having^ compounded w**^ him to report what they have done therin at the next assemblie of the Comitties. M"" Aid" Bannyng M' W'" Chamber M'ThoCordell M"- Rich Wiche M-" W» Gar way M^ W"^ Harryson M" Roger Howe M"^ Jo Bate M"" John Eldred Captein Middleton At this assemblie the Comitties appointed to Compounde The full w**" Captein Davies for his enterteynment in the viage have ^th^cTtdn deliuered in wrytinge ther said Composition wherto the said Davies Captein Davies hath Subscribed his name w"^"" agreem* is to this effect, first they have agreed to geave him for his Charges expended and to be expended in attending* the preparation of the viage the somme of C', and to Lende him the somme of CC' to be rep^ againe to y^ Companie vppon his retorne out of suche allowaunce of proffit as is allowed him for his viage W'^'' they do agree to allowe him in this manner viz. That yi the retorne of the viage do bringe forth and yeld for one, two, then he to have of that profite five hundred poundes, and yf the proffite of the viage doe bringe forth [out] Three for one then he to have out of the said proffite one thousand poundes And yf it bringe forth fowre for one then he to have out of [that] the said proffite fifteene hundred poundes, and yf the proffit of the viage to yeld for one five then he to have of [that] the proffit the some of two thowsand poundes for his full 38 THE COURT RECORDS OF recompence of the said viage. W"' w'*' enterteynment the said Captein Davies is verie well pleased and hath promised to pforme his indevo' faith fullie in the said viage accordinge to his best knowledge and skill, and hath sett his hand to a note of this Composition w'''' remaineth in the Custodie of Richard Wright the Secretorie of the busines of this viage. The cople After my hartie comendacons 1 am desired by divers of the of a Lre mcrchauntf of the East Indian trade that suche money as yo" written by . ■' '' myL.Threr have in yo'" handes of he'' ma*^ might be p'* unto them or suche for credite ^^ j^^jj ^^^^^^ j^ that behaulf for the receipte thereof ormoneisto / r r be dd in the They having great occasion to imploy the same money ther trey for the setting forth of the same viage to the East Indies and they will pay here into her ma*^ receipt presentlie so muche money againe as they shall receave of yo" This offer of thers seemeth to me to be verie good for yo" and as I make no doubte of ther sufficiency being^ sundry aldermen and iffchauntf of great wealth that are to repay the same So nevertheles I do leave it to yo' self to doe therin that w^*^ yo" shall thinke best for her Ma'^ service and yo'" owne safetie and so I Commende yo" to god this 8 of October i6oo Y'" verie Loving frend T : Buckhurst To my verie Loving^ frendes her Ma''^ receivors of the Coun- ties of Devon and Cornewell and to all the officers of the Portes w*''in the same Counties. Syder M'" Chambers is intreated to deale w"' one M'^ fletcher for the ^pulsion of suche sider as he can procure to be deliuered here in London at the best rate he can drawe him vnto, Captein A Comission for Capten baker to goe downe in to the west Coniission Cuntrey for provision of victuall drawen by ifi howe was read for y^ proui- and he intreated to write it out againe that it may be signed by sion in the i /--i • • West Cun- the Comitties. trey ^r ^j^jn Bannyng m^ Ald° hollyday m'' Aid'* Smyth and m'' cis a Portu- Richard Stap being* also aucthorised by the residewe of the gall enter- Comitties to compounde and agree w"* one Peter fFrauncis of teyned. _ _ ' ° Bridgewater in the Countie of Somersett a Portugall borne for his enterteynment in this viage in to the Est Indies Doe present rHE EASr INDIA COMPANY 39 vnto this assemble a Contract made w"" the said Peter fFrauncis vnder his hand to this effect, That the said Peter is to have for his said viage x^ in hande to beare his charges vntill the shipps do enter into y'' viage, and in the viage to have v'' g moneth to goe in the ship wher Captein Davies doeth goe, and to have 2 monethes wages p*^ him before hande, and 4 monethes wages more to goe in stocke of proffite or losse of the viage and for this enterteyment he promiseth to pforme all his best endevo'' and skill for y*" forthering- the viage. And he is also enterteynid the meane tyme before the viage beginne, to loke to the work- yn^ and repayring* of the shipping^ and to be allowed vj* viij*^ p weeke for his diett. The 10*'' of October i6oo. M"" Aid" Bannyng M"" W"" Harryson M"" Allabaster [Captein Middleton] Capten Lancaster M"" Rich : Wyseman M-^ Rich. Wyche M"" Jo Bate M"^ Roger Howe Capteii Midleton M-" W"^ Chambers M' Burrell It this assemblie were directed hether severall tres Lres Com- of commending* to the imployment of the Est In- ^^"^^11^ °^ die viage the? severall psons hereafter namid to be men to be vsed as pursers vidett from M"" Thorns Midleton one — Robt Creswell from iff Stap one — Richard Babington — Robt Cres- and from Captein Midleton — [one] Henry Midleton his brother well, Rich: ^ _ '- -■ •^ Babington, w'^'' severall sewters being- scene appeare psonal} and fitt men for Henry imploym* Yet notw*''standing' this assembly Consisting' but of a small niiber and for that the busines of the viage is not come so farre as to make election of men of Charge they thought it fytt to take a further tyme for thes matters. ther is apointed by this assemblie to goe downe to see [the] surveyor of howe the worke of the [shipping^] Mallice scurcre goeth forward the workes ^ ^^ ^-i Garway Captein Lancaster M"^ Rich : Wyseman M-" W'" Chamber M' M' Roger Howe j M^ John Eldred \ M'' W'" Harryson M' Rich : Staper M' Rich : Wyche j Captein Davies \ Phip Grove BurreU Proportion, Biskett Meale Wheate Syder fishe Comission in to y*^ West Cun- trey to be altered M' Burrell A newe boate for y' Malice Scurgc HES*^ Committies [have] do resolve to alter the pro- portion of breade from the proportion sett downe in ther note of the generall provision, and do alter it from 16 monethes to xx*"" monethes provision so as by ther present resolution ther is to be provided in byskett [2000^^,^^ o'> 280] I So'"*. And they do agree that ther shalbe provided in meale over and besides the provision in breade, 535 bushelles of Winchester measure being 8 gallons to the Bushell. Wheate 250 Bushelles kill dried of like measure. 60 Toils of Syder. 20 m' newe [found] land fishe great tale, Comission having* bene geaven to Capteiii Baker and li? Pope for the provision of thes severall victualles above mencoed at the rates and proportions formerlie sett downe in the generall note of Proportion newe advyse is to be geaven them to make ther provision according* to these rates above menconed. Whereas M"^ Atye semethe discontented and doeth not apply him self to furnishe suche provisions as belongeth to the pre- paring of the shippes \at TFolwiche] in suche sorte as the neces- sytie thereof requireth order is geaven to M"" Burrell to furnishe all suche provision of Tymber as the shippes stande neede of w^ut depending vppon iQ"^ Atye or enduring of any further delaies in this busines. Ordered that there shalbe made a [newe] longe boate Carvell fashion for the malice scourge to be sett up in the Cuntry. THE EASr INDIA COMPANY 47 Order is geaven that ther shalbe p'' to M'' Burrell the somme 100" to be of C' for provisions [and] of tymber to be used in the shippes by Bmreii. 18'" Ald"^ Bannyng Threr and a warraunt to that ende signed. The 16 of October 1600. Aid Bannyng M' Wysemaii Aid Hollyday M' Howe M"^ Cordell Capten Lancaster Erie of Cumberland RDER is geaven by thes Comitties to M"" Aid"" 2o"toCap- Bannyng to pay to Capten Davies to beare his charges in to the next Cuntrey the some of 20" vppon an accompte of the pticters of his charges in the said jorney. A Bill from Sergeaunt He!e to Warwicke Heale in the West Sergeaunt Cuntrey w^herby he is Required by the said sergeaunt to pay ^^^^^ CC' to M"^ Roger Howe or his assigns at x daies sight is de- livered to Capten [to receive the leave w'*' the said] [Davies to leave w"'] M"" Ellicott Baker or Pope to Receave the money accordinglie. W^'" bill doeth mencon that the money is already p'^ to ifi' Heale here in London althoughe he hath not yet re'' it. W'^'' bill beareth date the 15 of October 1600. Composition is made w"^ Phillip Grove Pylote for to goe in Phillip this viage as he shalbe apointed. And he is contented to be pXtt. imploied in the [5(?;«^] viage according to the direction of the Comitties as Pilot to any ship apointed for the consideration of the somme of one hundred poundes to be p'' him to furnishe him self and to geave him the proffite of five hundred poundes as God shall blesse the viage. And vppon thes considerations he promyse topforme all fidelytie and good service that Layeth in his power. Laus deo London the lo'*" of October. Lovinge frends etc As wee have Intreated you to take some a Comis- 43 THE COURT RECORDS OF siontoCap- paincs for vs in the West Country Where now by Godf grace and Mf "^ 7°" ^^^ ^° take yo' Jomie for the procuringe and providinge of Pope to goe such victuallf and other provision as wee in those partCare to in the West , ^ • ^ t r r ii- hi '-t->i Cuntrey for DC fumished of for our pretended viage w^'' god prosper, i he Provisions ptjculers whcrof herafter shalbe expressed soe wee hope that by your good and discreete meanes you will not onely take that good dilligent and provident Care in the providinge of that w*^^'" is very good well handled and in all respects soe orderly as the necessetie of so longe a viage importeth The first and most especiall thing^ that wee recomend vnto your care is for your bisket to see that the same be twice well dryed and that extra- ordinaryly for it is an extraordinary viage as you knowe and procure as neare as you may to have five Cakes to a pound and that they be whole and sound as neare as you may and for such Cakes as ffalle oute to be rather hollowe or broken that you appte them from the rest and keepe them be them selves that they may be first spent wee thinke it your best place to pvide the same in wilbe lane Apsome Darmouth, Plimouth and the places to them adjoyninge for yo' meale yo" may provide the same When yo" can gett the best driest and hardest corne and fittest for yo"^ purpose and old corne is best yf yo" can gett it and being conv'"ted into meale yo"are to take the branneoutof it and soe packe it into good drie and sweet caske and to packe it verie hard and Closse and to see the same well hooped and packed cold. Nowe for the Syder yo" are to be carefull to pro- vide that w'^^'^is good and beinge provided to wracke and for that it is newly made it wilbe good that that when you buy it to condicon w'** them to reef the same some 6 weekes after or sooner yf you please to your Choise the reason is for that in the meane tyme it may be settled and growe to be fine alsoe some it will excuse, it were not amisse you bringe yo' owne Caske for yf you should remove it from hence it wilbe longe before it be fine againe. Alsoe you are to condicon w^'' them of whome you buy it that they at their charge deliver it at the water side I meane at the next convenient porte for ladinge of it Nowe the sider beinge bought doth accomptc very much to have very good Caske and wel houped and three rHE EAST INDIA COMPANY 49 Iron Hoopes vppon ech end of ech Cask for What prevaileth it to haue good suder and the cask be not good sweet and well hooped and this beinge effected to sent the same to Dartmouth w'^'' must be the place of the assembly of all your prouisions the fittest place for the pvidinge of your suder is CoUetton Seaton Axmouthe Newton Bushea and aboute Apsoifl and Dartmouth. As for o"" Newland fishe if you are to pvide you are alsoe to be carefull to see yf the same not onely be good fish and well handled but also very Dry and that you take take not anie that ether head or tale be anie thinge moist as often tymes that fishe falleth out to be but yf you be forced to take anie in your ptide you may keepe them by them selues to be first spent And this beinge donne you are to lay the same in a good Close and dry Laughte and pvide good store of ff'urre to lay vnder vppon and aboute the same to keepe the moist aire from yt and herafter you shall receaue further order from vs ether for the packinge of the same Cask or to bunndell it vpp 200 fishes in a bundell old corne wilbe best yf you can gettyt whether old or newe it must be keild dried and after packed in good caskf and as for saynes Hookes and Linnes you are to pvide them at the discretion of Capten Davis such and soe many as you shall thinke fitt and needefuU further at your cominge into the Country you are presently to enquire and lerne what quantetie of wine and vinegre ther is tobe had and at what price and also the price of beanes and pease both white and gray also what store of Iron hoopes ther are to be had and at what price but not to buy anie untill you heare further from vs for that wee are ptly mynded to send you some from hence Likewise you are to write vs forthw"' whether ther wilbe cask had ther sufficient and good to serue what you shall neade there or not for y' yf you cannot fitt your selues thear w**^ such and as much there as you shall neede that then vppon notice therof from you wee may supply o' wantf from hence Alsoe you are to certefie vs of the state and price of all those pvisions that wee you in charge to pvide and therw^'' all yo'' opiiiions howe you shalbe able to effect and accomplish the same as neare as H 5° THE COURT RECORDS OF not exceed inge looo' or two at the most. you are to leaue this Ire w"> Mf Ellecot at Exeto'' you may wee are Informed as you knowe of a prize brought to Plimouth w""'' some 40 ttf ° of Cassalla wines w*^'' o"^ desire is that one of you w*'' as much speade convenient as you may for to taste them and to knowe the lowest price of them and findinge them good of that sorte of wines and such as will serue o"^ tornes to buy them yf you may haue them at a reasonable rate to say not passinge 10 or 1 1'' p ttf at the most but for lesse what you may it is a kinde of wine not vendible here in o' Country and they haue benn sold here in London atj'' p ttf° very good wines but yf you cannott gett them as afores** then may you ^^cure the loest price of them and take the pties ^^mise for some 12 daies respect in that tyme at your choise ether to take or leaue them and so forthw"' to certefie vs thereof yo" may shew them that yf yo" buy them they shall have their present for them w'^'' wilbe some cause to see them the better cheape and yf at your cominge hether they be not landed out of the ship wee would you could agree w"' them to deliver them heere at his charges and adventure though they cost vs the more as of necessetie they will what further directions to give you pre- sently wee knowe not for the pvidinge of these thingf and doe referre vs to your good discretion and care for the managinge and well orderinge of these businesses. By this you perceaue what o'^ desire is to haue donn w'^*' yf you cannot accomplishe as you would yet as well and as neare as you may. Nowe resteth order and meanes to be taken for the furnish- inge of you w*'' monies for the paiment of the ^visions aforesaid w'^'' o"^ desire ys that you take vpp in the country soe much monie as you may and to give yo' bills in Aide' Banningf Aide"" HoUidaies for the repayment of it heer w"' billf wee will see well p'' and for the better obteininge of monie ther wee haue |)cured my Lo : Treasurers Ire to the receivers and customers of Dovor and Cornewall to helpe you vnto such moneis as they haue in their custodie of her ma'*^ as the said Ire doth import w''*' wee delivered unto yo"" you may show as occasion may serue to such as it is directed and what you doe receive of them you may give them billf in the Alderman aforesaid for the repaym' of yt heere w'^'' shalbe well p'' and w"^ what by these THE EAST INDIA COMPANY 51 meanes you shall not be able to furnishe yo"^ wantf wee will vppon intellegence from you furnish you from hence from tyme to tyme in the best order wee may and for an earnest pennye wee will give order that you shall receive presently this next weeke in the country 5 o 600'' but the more you cann|3cure in the country the lesse charge and adventure wee shalbe at in sendinge downe of yt from hence fFurther for Royallf of plate wee pray you that you wilby all good meanes possible procure as many as yo" may of 8 &c 2 at the least Rate you may and for maym'of them ether to pay them ther yf you car? get monies or else to give yo"" billf as afores*^ or to take some short tyme yf wee may send the same downe yf they will not take their monies heer for such as you can gett to bagg them vp and scale the baggf and make them and them in some sure and trustye mennes handf some in one mannes handf and some viz in the in another vntill o'" further order also you are to ^cure some M^EUkot out of Brittaine from Mort and S' Mallowes both by your owne M*" wiiiia meanes of yo"^ frendf although you deliuer monies ther in their Exeto' or Country to such ifichauntf as trade for them placf before hand ^^' ^mt% ■' ^ ^ ^. in Charde. beinge two sure men to some 200'' and some 300'' some more ^^^^ some lesse as you shall thinke the men to be of honesty and ^^^ bonds abilitie to performe such bargaine as they shall make w"' you monies as w*"*" must be for so much English monies as they binde them y^" ^ea^e ° ■' out to be selues to deliuer you so many Royalls of plate of 8.4. and 2. by repd by a such a tyme w"^*" tyme must be at furthest the midle or end of ^^' novem"^ herof you are to certefye vs what you thinke you shalbe able to help vs vnto by that tyme and that as soone as you may for that wee cannot furnish o"" selues ther wee may take some other order heere for o"^ bisket wee hold it very ne- cessary that the bakers that bake it stand bund for the same shall continew good and sweet for 2 yeares at Plimouth ther is the ifialice skourges boate w'''' ship we have brought and ther- fore are to have the boate w*^** we pray you may be trimed and sent vp hether by the first convenient meanes you may and to se whether she may be worth triminge or no and to advise vs therof forthw"" at Captin Davis his cominge downe wee will write you further whose opinion order and direction for the 52 rHE COURT RECORDS OF providinge and orderinge of o" said victualls wee pray you to foUowe for that he is not onely well experienced herin but also is to spend and to take his pte herof in the viage. The provisions as followeth Bread 1200'' Syder 1 00 tt("' Meale 835^^ Wheat 251 busshellf Newland ffishe 3785 Saynes Hookes Lynes &c. at Cap : Da- vies direction Yo"^ loving frendf Paull Bannyng Ric Staper Roger Howe Jo Bate Leonerd Hollyday Ric Wyseman W'" Harrysoii ■ James Lancaster W'" Chamb'" Ric Wyche Captein Lovinge freind M"" Davis since the makinge & geavinge of ComTs^sion o' former order & comission to M"" Backer and M' Pope w"* going into (he w'^'* vou are acquainted notw*''standinge for yo"" better re- the West ■' . . Cuntrey for membranncc herew*^'' wee geve yo" the Coppie w^'' is at lardge provisions conccminge the providing of Victuals & Roials of plate in the West Cuntrie as to the said comission wee referre vs wee say since that tyme wee have had further conference & consider- acon touchinge our said Commission for the proporcon of suche victualls etc as wee gave order ^ the same to provide & now havinge dulie considered there of wee have thought good to alter our former pretence & to lessen the proporcon in some and encrease it in other some as hereafter shall appeare w"' w*^'' alteracon and now our determincon yo" are at yo"^ coiiiige downe p'^sentlie to accquainte M"" Backer and M' Pope ether by conference w"' them or p yo' Ires and so to appointe a place of meetinge that yo" may not onlie know what is done but also to take order for the accomplishinge of the rest and at yo'" meetinge wee hope you will so exactlie consider of all matters that you will lay your plate in that good order that our said Busines may be effected for our good & yo"" credittf & espetiallie for you M"^ Davies vppon whom wee do so muche rely & whom it doth so nere touche bothe in creditt and for your owne vse to see that w''*' is or shalbe provided to be good and well ordered eche provicon accordinge to his qualetye As therof wee hold it needlesse to vse any further direccon for that wee know your experience & discrecon to be suche that in these matters THE EASr INDIA COMPANY S3 you may rather directe vs but onlie hereafter to note something^ vnto you w*^** are as followethe. First at yo"" cominge to the wee pray you to conferr ^th j^r Xhomas Syms and to know of him what Royalls of plate he hath provided and what quantety he thincketh shalbe able to provide and in what tyme and of him yo" shall know wher M' Backe"" and M'" Pope are and at your cominge to Exceter you are to make the like enquirie of M' Ellecote and M"" Martin concerninge Royalls of plate 5c to request them all to procure vs as many as possible by any meanes they may and for the payment of such as they shall provide to chardge us by exchaunge accordinge to our former comission whose Bills shalbe well paide Also that M"" Ellecote & M'^ Martin pcure to take vpp as much moneys as they cann gett not passinge and to charge us for paym' thereof ^ their Billes as aforesaid w*^** may serve for paym' of our |)vicon and Roials of plate as occasion servethe and for such Roials as they provide of 8. 4. & 2. that they make them vpp in canvas Baggf made of new canvas in eche Bagg & so scale them & lett them remaine in yo' custody untill o"^ further order & for their paines & labour in theise Busines they shalbe considered & for suche Bondes or Billes as you shall have ther in the cuntrie made vnto you ether for the accomplishinge of provicon or m.oneis wee pray you that they may be all lefte w"' the said Ellecote & Martin takinge a note of their handes for all suche thinges as yo" shall leave in truste w'** them and for such thinges I meane Billes or Bondes that are for the pformaunce of matters ther in the cuntrye you may leave the notes w'*" M"" Backer & M"" Pope & for the rest you may bringe alonge w'*" you at yo'' Re- tourne w*^*" wee u'ould willinglie should be as soone as you may for that wee shall have nede of you here for sundrie cawses But duringe your beinge ther wee once againe pray you to geve furtheraunce to all our Busines as well for provicon as for Roialls of Plate as muche as possible you may. If anie of yo"" freindes ther in the cuntrie are desirous to ad- venture in this our viadge you may accepte of them in such order as wee here doe that noe one be les then 200^' and that 54. THE COURT RECORDS OF the moneis be provided in Roials of plate and paid to M"^ Elle- cote or M' Martin jp the fyne of November next at the furthest accomptinge their Roialls of plate at vj'' p pece and to make them suche further allowauncef as wee allow^e vnto other men of whom wee ther buy them & for suche as do adventure lett them sett downe their names in a shete of pap vnder their owne handes as wee do here & so you may bringe the same alonge w"' you that they may be admitted But wee would not have you to take adventures not above 2 att most. Wee vnderstand by one M"^ Lecheland who dwelleth at CuUeton that ther are some lOO Bushells of white pease to be had at some 2^ 8*^ or 2' lo'* w*^"" yf you find them at that price wee pray you to buy them and althoughe you pay 3^ for them yf you like them & so thincke good Wee understand that Porcke is also ther good cheape at your cominge downe lett not to write to vs presentlye how you find matters ther and what you thincke concerninge the efFectinge of our Busynesses that accordinglie wee may go forward w*'' our Busines here And thus wee leave you and all your endeavours to the direccon of Thalmightie. O"^ proporcon of Victuals is as foUowethe 200 Newland fishe great toele 6otf sider & no more all to be sent to London in their caske 1800 of Biskett 535 Bushells of Meale Winchester measure of Sgallens 250 : Bushells of Wheate of the same measure Wee deliver yo" herew**" M"" Sergent Heale his Bill of ex- chaunge & a Ire to M' Warwicke for the receivinge of 200'', at 10 dales sighte Yo'" lovinge freindes Pawl Baninge Leonard Holliday Richard Wiseman Thomas Cordell Roger Howe A second O' Lovingc Frcindcs o'" former Comission directed toyoubothe comission and delivered to Capten Baker wee have related to Captein Davies Baker and and to the end he may be accquainted w"'all provisions touchinge rHE EAST INDIA COMPANY 55 the said viage wherin wee have appointed you to deale wee have M^ Pope geaven him a coppyof your said Commission But vppon further first pro- consideracon of our said provisions and the revewe of the Chamber Aid' Holmeden ' M"" W"^ Harrysou M'' Rich : Staper M' Olyver Style M' W^^ Garway M' RoBt Sandy M' Thomas Cordell M' John Highelord Capteu Lancaster M"" W"" Rumney M-" Rich : Wyseman M"" John Middletoa M' Fra : Chery M'" Nictias Lynge M' Allabaster M' John Combe M' Roger Howe M"" RoBt Bell This Co'te havinge thus apointed ther Governo'' and Co- mitties they doe referre and Comitte to ther Govern m'^^r^^ijri^- tion and direction all matters whatsoever concerning the viage. Be it concerning shipping victualling merchaundizes moneys or appointing of officers to be imployed in the same. Allowing and holding for good all and whatsoever they or the most of them w"" the Consent of the Governo' shall direct or agree vppon. The several! psons heervnder named do promyse to bring in ther adventures in this manner vidett : Johii Wastall will bring in his money in doUers at xviij^the ". Daniell Marche offereth to bring in his money yf he may be imployed. Augustine Skynner will bring in his money at xx*^ the doller or els pay in Englishe money. W°> Addersley his adventure shalbe brought in by M' Hen- shawe Nicfias Salter will bring in his money Thomas Ironsyde will bring in his money Morice Abbott will bringe in his money the next weeke. 64- THE COURT RECORDS OF 50'' to John Pur- nell 24 to W" Turno' Robt Popes Ires of ad- vyse. Capten Baker's Ires of advyse. Mr EUycot of Exeto' The Aid' Bannyng Ald^ Hollyday M"" Olyver Style M^ W"' Garway Capten Lancaster M' Rumney M-^ Roger Howe M"" John Highlord M^ Robt Sandy 31 October 1600. M^ W"' Chamber M"" John Midleton M"" Nichas Lynge M-- RoBt Bell M' John Combe M^ Rich Wyche jyjr ^m Harrysoii M^ John Eldred pay to RDER is geaven to Aid' Bannyng Threr to pay to John Purnell the somme of fyfty poundes for so much by him Ad:^ in Spanishe Ryalles to Thomas Baker in Plymmothe. The lyke Warraunt is geaven to him to Turno"^ the somme of twentie and four poundes for soe much dd by Richard Moone to Thomas Baker in Ply- mouth. Lies from Ro^t Pope the one of 22 the other the 25 of this present from Plymouthe were reade wheriii he geaveth the Companie divers advyses of his severall proceadinges in the Companies busines both for provysions and moneys. W'^'' Ires M' Roger Howe is required to aunswer in the Companies name and having made aunswer thereof the same is to passe the handes of some of the Comitties to be sent him for his further Comissiofl. The lyke order is geaven to M"^ Howe to aunswer another Ire of advyse written to the Companie by Captein Baker touch- ing provision of money and other thingf menconed in his Ire. Lres of advyse from M"^ EUycot to M"^ Sandy were read wherby it appeareth that he hath made provysion of Ryalles of plate for the Company but not in suche sort as the Companie entended for they Required his travell as an agent for them to pvyde them moneys at the best rate he could and they would recompence his travell thankefully, but ment not that he shuld make a trade of them to buy thein for his owne vse and to sell THE EAST INDIA COMPANr 65 them to the Companie at the rates as the prise goeth in london as it semeth by his Ire he pposeth to putt thein uppon) the said Company Therefore it agreed that his Ires shalbe aunswered and a plaine course takeii w"' him ether to ^jvyde them as other that are putt in trust in those partes do buy thein or els to desyst and provyde noe more. Warraunt is geaveii to M'" Aid'' Banyng to pay to the 1000'' to Purser of the Scourge to be imployed in the repayring of the of^the""^^" same ship the some of one thowsand poundes. Scourge. Warraunt is geaveii to the said M"" Aid' Banig the'r to pay to 1000" by Robt Stevens by a bill of exchange from M' EUicott of Execeto"^ M' tiiycot. the soiiie of one thowsand poundes. Roger and Persevall Style are Sawtres to be imployed in this Style, vioge. [Warraunt is geaven to Aid"" Banyng threr to pay to the Purser of the Scourge] A Warraunt to M"" Aid"" Banyng to pay to M"" Richard 100" for Wyseman to be imployed in reparacons and provisions for the ^ hecto"^ the soiiime of one hundred poundf. Order is geaven and renewed to Richard Wyche and Ric provision of Wright to deale w"" M*" Covell in Tower Street for the pro- ^^^ ^ ^ ^ ° » beanes. vision of the full of 70 quarters of peas and 30 quarters of beanes. according to former order. Order is geaven to M"" Aid"" Bannyng to pay to W'" Burrell 200" to M' Surveyo"" of the generall pvysion! of shipping to be imployed in ""^ * Timber the some of Two hundred poundes. Order is geaven to Ald"^ Bannyng to pay to Joseph Salbancke 100 mcrkes Purser of the Susan to be imployed in repacons and other ^^^l^^ necessaries of the same ship the soine of 100 merkes. First Nouemb"" 1600. M-" Ald"^ Smyth go' M^ Rich : Staper AW Bannyng [M' RoBt SandyJ Aid-- Hollyday [M'-AWSmythejAf^/Zr/^ M"^ Olyuer Style Moore. M' Thomas Cordell M' John Combe K 66 THE COURT RECORDS OF 200'' to M' Speeke taken up by Ires unto the West Cuntrey per the Pobt. Ire to John EUicot at Exceto''. AWarraunt from y*^ L. Threr. for the provy- sion & pass- ing of pease & beanes. Ires to Mf Sandy of Exceto'' Captein Lancaster. M-- Rorjt Bell. jyjr '^m Harryson M"" Thomas Allabaster M"^ W™ Chambers M' John Highelord M-" RoBt Sandy [M-- Ro^t S ] M"^ Roger Howe. ARRAUNT is geaven to M^ Ald^ Hollyday threr to pay vnto M' George Speake Esquier the some of two hundred poundes for soe muche taken vp in the West Cuntrey by RoBt Pope. Lres were writteii in to the West Cuntrey severally to Cap- ten Davies Capten Baker and Rol5t Pope in aunswer of ther Ires of advyse of ther proceading writteii vp hether w*^'' Ires were signed by the Comitties being devysed by M'^ Howe and were presentlie delivered to the Post of Exet"' . Another Ire was read written by M' Rot5t Sandy to M"" Elly- cott of Exeto' in aunswer of his Ire wheriii M"" Sandy writethe his myslyke of Ellicottf dryfte to be allowed xviij'' the tt for Ryalles seing the Company entended only to vse him for an agent, to |3vyde thein Spanishe money and not buy Ryalles of then^ It is agreed that a warraunt shall be made and offered to the L Threr to obteyne his hande to y® same directed to the Jus- tices of peace in Camb'shire and Norff. for the Licencyng of Covell to provide and to bring out of those Counties w"'out stay or impediment of 100 quarters of pease and 40 quarters of Beanes for the provysion! of the voyage. Another Ire read written to M"" Sandy of Exceto"" and sent away by the Post in aunswere of a Ire by him directed to Aid'" Bannyng and M"^ Stap touching the provysion! of Royalles of plate wherin he is advysed not to exceade xij*^ the It. The Comitties formerly apointed to conferre w"" Capten! Lancaster touching his imploym* in the voyage as the Chief Comaunder thereof are required to ^ceade therin as sone as they can!, to thende his aunswer being hadd they may pro- ceade to the election! of others, w*^'' are to be imployed in spe- ciall places in the viage ether as marchauntf m'* and other officers. THE EAST INDIA COMPANY 67 It is agreed by this Assemblie, in respecte of the great ex- Mr aw perience of M"" Aid' Wattes in shipping and other directions in ^^""* viages ther may be great vse of the opinonl of the said M"^ Aid' Wattes in the further proceading of this viage That ac- cording to the warraunt given by the geiJalyty to the said Comitties in that behaulf That the said M' Aid' shalbe warned to all meetinges and to be vsed as a Comitty in all thingf concerning the busines. -^^--^^ The 3 of NovemB 1600. M' Aid' Bannyng M' Robt Sandy M' Aid' Hollyday M' Jo. Eldred M' Olyver Style M' John Middletofi! M' Rich: Staper M' Richard Wyche M' Rich. Wyseman M' Robt Bell M' Thomas Cordell M' W°> Chambers M' Roger Howe M' W™ Harrysonl fOBT COBBE beinge one of them that is behinde RobtCobbe w'" his moneys was called hether. did for the se- curytie of his paym* deliver vnto the handes of M'^ Aid' Bannyng bondes dated the 8 of the next moneth w'^'' this company thought fyt to reteyne in ther handes de bene esse not accepting theiii as his adventure. Ordered that ther be provysioii made of 130"^ byskett to Biskett. carry the shippes into the West Cuntrey the care of w*^'' pro- vysioii is comitted to M' Stap and M' Cordell. One thowsand of holland lynge to be provided for the vie- Holland tualling of the shippes vntill they came downe into the West ^"^ Cuntrey w*""* provysion! is comitted to Aid' Bannyng and M' Robt Bell. Order is geaveii for the provysioS of 240 Tuns of beare of Beare. severall brewingf for the whole voiage to be apointed to be ~ brewed by the order of M' Cordell and M' Lancaster. 40 Tun of Syder is provided by M' Chamber and M' Harry- Syder. 68 rHE COURT RECORDS OF son and bought of one M' Fletcher and Company and 60 Tuns more is to be provided in the West Cuntrey by Capten! Davies Capten Baker and Robt Pope. 500" to Mf Order is geaven! to M"" Aid"" Hollyday Threr to pay to M*" ^rovisTon'o7 Allabaster the somme of fyve hundred poundes to be exposed Royalles. 400'' to Sf Huglie Portman p Beef Porke. by him before hand to Calleis or other partes for the provysionJ of Ryalles for the voyage. Lyke order is geaven to the said M"" Aid' Hollyday to pay to S"" Hewghe Portman or to assignes the somme of fowre pounds for so muche by him dd in exchange to Robt Pope in the West Cuntrey Taking vp the Bill. The provysionl of beefe and porke and the Survey of the ordering thereof is comitted to Aid' Bannyng and M' Wyse- man who are content to vndertake the same. 200'' to be p** by Ex- chaung to Ellis Crysp for Tho : Jones. W^Taverno mariner. The 5 of NovemT). 1600. M' Aid' Smythe Go' M' Aid' Bannyng M'^ Aid'- Hollyday M-" Aid' Wattes M' Aid' Moore W Rich. Staper M' Tho Cordell M' Rich. Wyseman M'- Fra Chery M-^ Olyver Style M'- W" Garway M' Jo : Highelord y[r wm Rumney W W"^ Chambers M' Ror^t Sandy M' Nich Lyng M' Jo : Middleton M' Roljt Bell. M' W"^ Harryson! RDER is geaven to Aid' Hollyday Threr to pay vnto Ellys Cryspe for soe much re** by Capteii Baker of Thomas Jones of Plymouth by Ex- chaunge to be p^ in London!, the soiiie of two hundred poundes vppon paiment whereof he is to take vp the Bill. M"^ Staper maketh report to this Assemblie that he and M"" Wyseman hath compounded w"" W"" Taverno"- to be imployed rHE EAST INDIA COMPANY 69 in this viage by the Companie in what ship or place they wyll assigne him for the enterteynm* of sixe pounde sterling p moneth geving him the somme of fourtie poundes before hand vppon his wages for w'"'" enterteynm' he promiseth his vtter- most endeavo"^ to be pformed w"^ all fidelyty. Warraunt is geaveii to Aid"" Bannyng Thre"" to pay vnto 9°°" *« ^e RolSt Stephens the somme of Nyne hundred pounds for soe stepheru p muche re'^ of him by Exchzung p'' to M'John Ellicott at Excetd exchaung, vppon Two severall Billes the one of fowre hundred poundes the other of five hundred poundes. vppon the payment whereof he is to take vp the Two severall Billes M"" Ald"^ Wattes Capten Lancaster M''Cherieand M'^Cham- Roger ber are required to make [have made] Composition w*** Roger madno" Hankin marino' to goe in this viage for a m"^ in one of the shippes for this enterteynment [viz] in the best sort they can for the good of the Company and what Composition they shall make the Company will accept thereof. Warraunt is geaveii to Ald"^ Bannyng to pay to M' Thomas 3°" '« be Bowles of Tavestock the some of thirtie poundes sterling for Bowles by* so muche by him p'^ to Capten Baker in the West Cuntrey by exchaunge. a bill of exchaung w*^** bill is to be taken vp vppon the paiment thereof. It is resolved that all the shippes shalbe Symented vppon! Symonding ther sheething before they come out of the dockes and to that °, j' ^ ende order is geaven to M' Burrell to see the same prepared. The 6. of Novemb 1600. Aid' Smyth Go-^ M' Rich : Wyche. Aid'" Bannyng Aid' Wattes Aid' Hollyday M' Tho Cordell M' Staper - M"" W"" Garway M' Richard Wysemafl M' John Highelord M"" W"^ Rumney M' Rot5t Sandy M' W"^ Chamber M' Roger Howe. The Erie of Cumbland 70 rHE court: records of iio''toJohn Stanfield for John Painter by ex". That the marino" shall have 2 monethes pay & 2 monethes wages in adventure. The propor- tion of vic- tualles loo" to the Purser of the Malice Scurg Roger Hankyn. RDER is geaven! to Aid"" Bannyng Threr to pay vnto John Stanfeld or his assignee the somme of one hundred and tenn poundes sterling for so muche taken' vp by M' Sandy of Dertmouthe of John Painter of the same Towne to be p*^ by Bill of exchaung to the said Stanfeld vppoa' the payment whereof he is to take vp the Bill of exS It is ordered by the generall consent of this assemblie that for the common and ordinarie mariners that are to be enter- teyned for the voyage they shalbe severally allowed for the better provysion! of every severall mariner to see he shall have Two monethes wages before hande. And for the better ad- vauncem' of his sallarie, that everie the said mariners shall have two monethes wages in adventure as his stocke provided that for his wages taken before hand every one geave such cawtiofJ to the Thrers of the viage or the Purser of the ship wherin they serve that the said Marino' shall not depart from the voyage to the disapointing therof but be ready when the shippes shalbe sett forward. It is ordered that M"" Aid' Wattes shalbe joined w'*" the other Comitties apointed for the proportion! of victualles and to exaie what provision hath bene made according to the proportion! sett downe, to thende that to see howe the preparation of the viage doeth presentlie stande. Order is geaven to M' Aid' Bannyng Threr to pay to the Purser of the Malice Scurge the soine of one hundred poundes to be imployed in the building preparation and provisioni of the same ship. Warraunt is geaven to M"" Aid' Wattes M' Chery fff M' Chambers or 1 of them to proceade in the concluding [by agreem*] w"" Roger Hankin for his imployment in this viage And yf they can not bringe him to consent to be holden an adven- turer in the voyage for the soine of one hundred poundes or vnder w^ut wages then to agree w*'' him for 50'' to be geaven him freely and ten poundes

Aquavitae: 13 hh''' Spyces : ryce 20c sault 16 tonns bread 240c beere 150 tonns Wyne 66 tons Porck C883. 3.20. Beete Peas beanes lynge stock fishe Otemeale Otemeale Cheese Butter 76 THE COURT RECORDS OF To M"" AM bayning, M'" How, M'' Garway, & M' Eldred Sweete oyie ffor 2000 gallons sweete oyle To M' Combe, M"^ Howe, & M^ Sandy Vineger ffoT 24 tonns of vineger To M"^ Sandy; M'^ Howe Sc 2 pursers Hony. fFor 6 barrells of honey To M^ Wych Musterd- ffor 30 busHells musterd seed '""^ To M"^ Wyseman, M"- Bell, Atd Holliday & M"- Chambres Candeiis ffor 1200 tt) candles covered w"" wax ffor 400 tb Ordynary candles rape oyle ffor 10 hh''^ rape oyle ffor lamps To M'' Chambres & M"" Harrisson Caske ffor 8 dozzen barrycods ffor 150 tonns water caske ffor 150 tonns ffor beere w*** ash hoopes ffor 44 tonns ffor beeff 50 tonns ffor porck 150 tonns syder & strong beere 24 tonns ffor vineger 1 3 tonns ffor oyle & aquavitae in barrells 2 tonns ffor honey & Rape oyle 6 tonns ffor tarr in yron hoopes 10 tonns ffor oat meale 2 tonns ffor musterd seed & ryce 26 tonns ffor beanes & pease Novemb' 1600 the ii"\ Aid"" Smith governour M' Eldred M'' Aid'' bayning M"^ Style M^ Aid-" Holliday M"" Chambres M-^ Wyseman M' Cordell M"' Lancaster M'" Sandy M-" Wyche M' Chambres THE EAST INDIA COMPANY 77 M*^ Harrison M"" Combe M-- Highlord M' M"" Linge M"" Middleton M"^ Rumney Alabaster HIS Assembly gave comissions to every of the comissioners ffbr the |)vyding of their severall Comissions for victuals: written on the lo th coiiiissiers as are before hereof as appeareth. M"" Aid Bayning, M^ Atd Watts, M'' Alabaster, M"" Atd to agree w'^ Holliday, M-- AM More, M^ Cordell, M^ Style, M"" Rumney appoynted to agree w**" Capt Middleton about going on this voyadg M' Combe J^-^'"- The names of such as are sett down & mentioned to goe factors factors on this voyadg. Capteyn Jn° Middleton John Haiward fFrancis barnes Robert Pope William Brend Elkana Cole William Wilford Thomas Dassell Roger Style William finchcomber Edward lokar Danyel Tucker Thomas Salter Richard Collimore William russell William Starkey Robert Cressell nominated. Henry Annis Daniel Marsh Robert Chamberlayne Thomas Tudd William Rutton John Taylor, will vent 200" Elkana Cole Tho: Morgan Hollywell Phillip Winchecombe Rol5t Greene Edm. Scott Giles Georg Tho Hickes Hugh Wryte Tho Hurleston! Tho. Hickes Henry Midletoii John Wray At this Assembley it was ordred that M"^ Smith governour 5000'' to M^ Atd Holliday, M^ Aid Watts, M"" Atd More, M' Cordell, ^^ "^'^^'^ M*" Garway and Stapers, should bee suyters to the lord treasurer 7i THE COURT RECORDS OF fFor a warrant ffor the ^)vyding & coyning of y 5000'' in the towar ; Sc ffor ^ivyding of bulleyne for the same & for the finishing the Pattent A War- The sayd comittyes appoynted to make suyte to the Lord ""„" p(,°[ar treasurer for a lycence to transport ^visions in the west coun- tion of Vic- ti-ey according to a letter of M' Jn° Sandy tualles from the Portes. November 1600 the 11"'. M"" Atd bayning M"" Chambres M' Atd Holliday M"^ Lancaster M"" Garway M' Alabaster M' Wyseman M"" Middleton Maisters & Officers T this Assembly it was agreed and concluded that the committyes and the maisters ffor euery shipp shall take the charge of provyding [maisters &] other officers in the same shipps : w*'' maryners, & what they shall doe herein shalbee well done. The 12 Novem^ 1600. 100" to ye Purser of the Malice Scurdge 40'' per ex*^ to Jo: Wyndeham Aid"" Bannyng \_Jld' Holmeden\ Ald^ Hollyday Aid'' Wattes M' Aid' Holmeden M"" Rich: Staper M^ W" Garway M"^ W" Rumney M-" RoBt Sandy M' John Combe M'' R.ich Wyche M^ John Middleton! M'- RoBt Bell M"" Nich : Lynge RDER is geavefi to Aid"" Bannyng to pay vnto Henr Mydleton Purser of the Scurge to imploy in the pro- vysionJ and preparation! of the same ship vppoii! ac- coumpt the soine of one hundred poundf Order is geaveii to the said Aid' Bannyng to pay vnto M"" JohR Wyndham. vppoii' a Bill of exchaung the somme of THE EAST INDIA COMPANY 79 fowrtie poundes for soe much paid by the said Bill to RoBt Pope, fiTtlTe West Cuntrey to the vse of the voyage. It is agreed that a Warraunt for the transportation! of all pro- Warraunt ^ _ * to be pro- vysions made in the West Cuntrey for this voyage vnder the L cured for Threr hande to the officers of the Fortes and other officers p^^g'^fP^u shalbe solicyted, and to be sent downe in to the West Cuntrey pvisionin ,. ,, , , the West w all convenient speede. Cuntrey. It is ordered that M"^ Hilliard M"" Sandy M'' Chambers and Glasses M"^ Grove, shall consyder of the small and extraordinary mer- ^"^.)!^^_ chaundize of glasses knyves and Norrom boroughe ware fytt borow ware for the voyage and to bespeake suche thingf as are newlie to be made M"" Sandy M'" Bell are appointed for the provysion of Leade lead & and Tynn who together w"" M"^ Grove shall consider of the Quantety and of the kindes of the same comodyty. Novemb'^ the 14"" 1600 M' Aid Bayning M'^ Roger Howe M^ Aid Watts M-" Olyver Style M'" Aid Holmenden M' Linge M' Ric Wyseman M"" Robert bell T this Assembly given severall warrants in M*" Aid Bayng for payment of these severall somes fFoUowing to say. Off v <;o to Nvc" Svmons for timb'' for y* ^£"50= t** ■I -^ -^ ■' ^ Nyco Sy- Susann mends, y 66 „ 13 ,, 4 to Joseph Salbanck for necessaryes ;C66.i3.4 o r 1 1 • to Salbanck & wages for the same shipp V 7Q ,, — ,, — to Roger Gibbons by a bill of exc'' for ^39 • by ^ J^ " " ,, ^^ ^ billtQrpope. M'" Robert pope, y 100 „ — „ — to M"" Richard Wyseman for the m' Wyse- hecto^ provision. Hect?*^* 8o THE COURT RECORDS OF The 15 November 1600 g 30'! to W™ Kemp for Capt. baker Order for carrying the shipps into dock for payment of the charg fFor pro- vyding of 5000'' of bulleyne. M' Aid"" Bayning M"" Aid'' Watts M' Tho : Cordell M'' Fra ; Lancaster M^ John Eldred M' William Chambres W" Harrisson M^ Combe. M"" Rumney M^ Highlord M"" John Middleton M' Nicholas Ling M^ Richard Stapers M"^ William Garway EVEN a warrant at this assembly ffor paym* of y 30. to William Kempe by bill of exc"" for Thomas Bakar fro Plymouth ; Also it is agreed that M"" Wyseman shall see the bills of chargs ffor bringing in of the shipps into the docks dischardged & payd. Also it is ordeyned that M' Aid Bayning M"" Aid Holliday together w"' M"" Wyseman shall take the charge for the ^vyding of 5000'' of bulleyne ffor the coyning of the lyke vallew h also M"" Stapers to assist thereunto. ■>^Qat^ The 18. Novemb'' 1600. Aid'- Smythe Qo\ M"" W™ Chaml5er M' Aid Bannyng. M^ Aid Hollyday, M"- Aid' Wattes M-" Rich : Staper M-" W'" Garway M' Ro^t Sandy Aid"" Holmeden M' Olyuer Style M-- Nich : Lyng M'" W'" Rumney M"" [Rofet] John Comber M'' Rich : Wyseman M"- Thomas Allabaster M' Rich : Wyche M' Robt Bell M' W'" Harryson RDER is geaven! to M' Aid"" Bannyng ther to pay to M' Thomas Northeove'' the somme of fowr^tie poundes for so muche by him dct in exchange to THE EAST INDIA COMPANY 8i RoBt Pope in the West Cuntrey vpponi paiment whereof the bill is to be taken! vp. Lyke order is geaven! to the said Threr to pay vnto John! 150'ito jo: Lant of Exceto'' the somme of one hundred and fyfty poundes Exceto' sterling for so much by him dd in exchange to Robt Pope in the West Cuntrey vppon! payment whereof the bill is to be taken vp. This [Companie] Jssemblie falling into Delibation! of some The enter- generall Course to be takeii in the enterteymt of [the] three aii^Xs"* principal! facto''* for three of the shippes and of the other sortes ^^cto" of facto"^^ vnder the principall in ther severall Degrees and places. They do resolve of ther severall rates of allowaunce and enterteynmentf following viz. that the 3 principall facto''' shall have every of theiii one hundred poundes geaven them to provide theiS to sea and every of thefn the gaine of 200'' ad- venture [as thowghe they had severally had putt in] and for the the 4. severall seconde sorte of factors they will allowe theiii severally fyfty poundes apeece to provide them to sea, and the [adventure] gaine of the adventure of one hundred pound a peece, and and for the 3 sorte of factors ther is allowed to thein 30'' a peece to be geaveii them for ther provysion and the gaine of 50'' adventure and for the fowrth and Last sorte of factors they will allowe thein twenty poundes apeece and the gaine of the adventure of fowrtie poundes a peece. The allowaunce and enterteynmT; of the said facto"^^ beinge Theelec- resolved vpponi the said Comittees proceaded to the Election of *'°" ?^ ^* the 3 principatt facto"^* of the said voyag whervppof? electioiJ t'acto" being made by Scruteny vppon! seavefiof the Chieffest Sewtors to the Companie to be imployed as factors in the said viage. Capten Choice was made of Capten Mydletoi?. John Havard. and ^!'^H^°"rd Frauncis Barme. for the said 3 principall factors [to be imployed [Fra.BarmJ in the said shippes] to be sorted and placed in the shippes as hereafter it shalbe considered by the said Comitties. Of w^^ severall facto""* only John Havard beinge present was called in and acquainted w^*" the Election" and w*'' the enterteynm' is well contented therw"' and doeth willingly accept thereof. W" fisher M 8» rHE COURT RECORDS OF W AW Smyth Go^ M'' Aid"" Bannyng M^ Aid"" Moore Captein Lancaster M' W" Rumney M' Roger Howe. M-" Richard Wyche M"" W"" Harryson! M-- Aid-- Watt^ M"" Rich: Wyseman M^ Olyuer Style M- The 19 Nouem^ 1600. M"" W™ Chamber M-- John Eldred M-^ Robert Bell M' John Combe M"^ Frauncis Chery Ald^ Hollyday M"" Nichas Lynge M"^ Rich: Stapers M-^ Tho. Cordell M^ RoBt Sandy M^ W™ Garway Jo: Highelord. 40" to Mr Jo" God per ex*^" 1 00" pd to ffrauncis Cove II for provision of peas and Beanes The Elec- tion of the4. second sort of factors. Robt Pope W" Brand Tho. Saltern W-" Starky 500" to Mf Allabaster for provi- sion of Royalles. RDER is geaven to M"" Aid Bannyng Threr to pay vnto M'^ John God the somme of fowrtie poundes sterling for soe muche by him p** and delivered in exchaunge to Robt Pope in the West Cuntrey vppon! the payment whereof the bill is to be taken vp Order is geaven! to y^ said Threr to pay vnto ffrauncf Covell towardes the providing of Peas and Beanes for the voyage the somme of one hundred poundes sterling vpponi accompte of that provision) vpponl payment whereof take his receipte. The seconde sorte of factors being putt in Election at this assembly and eight sewtors for the fowre places being sorted out and putt to Scruteny the Comitties |)ceded to the Election! of 4 of theifl. In w'^'' election ther was choseii for the places ofthe seconde sort of factors thes psons following viz. RoBt: Pope W" Brand Thom§ Salterne and W"" Starky to be sorted and placed in the severall shippes according to the Discretion! ofthe said Comitties. Order is geaven! to M"" Atd"" Bannyng Threr to deliver vnto M"^ Thom§. Allabaster the somme of five hundred poundes sterling to be imployed by exchaung in provision! of Royalles of plate. THE EAST INDIA COMPANY 83 The said Assemblie proceading to the Electionl of the third sort of factors to be imployed in this voyage ther were pro- pounded eight severall sewters for the said places vpporJ w'^'' the Comitties proceaded to scruteny and did elect these severall psons following for the supplying of the places of the third sort of facto"^* vidett. Thomas Hickes Henr Mydleton! W™ Wilford nathaniell [Gumbrell] Gamrym to be sorted and placed in the shippes by the discretiofl of the Comitties. The Election! of the fourth sort of facto" being pceaded in by the said Comitties ther were also propounded the names of Eight sewters. out of w'^^ by scruteny were chosen, these several psons whose names are subscribed to be sorted and placed in the shippes at the disposition of the said Comitties viz Percivall Stragling Thom§ Morgan Phillip Winchcomb and Thom§ Tudd. The 21 November 1600 M*- Ald^ S my the Go"" M^ W" Chambers M^ Ald^ Hollyday M^ RoBt Sandy M^ Ald^ Wattes M^ Rich: Wyche M' Staper M-^ Jo: Eldred M^ Olyuer Style M"" Jo: Midletoii M' Rich: Wyseman M"" Nicfias Lyng M^ Jo: Highelord yiv -w-o Harryson Capten Lancaster M' Jo: Combe M' Robt Bell. The Elec- tion of the third sort of factors. Thomas Hickes Henry Midleton W^Wilford Natha: Gamrym The 4 sort of factors. Percivall Stradling Tho Mor- gan Phillip Wynche- comb. Thomas Tudd. ARRAUNT is geaven to AW [Bannyng] Hoi- 50" per ex« lyday Threr to pay vnto Richard Stratford by a s°ra^|ord Bill of exchaunge from John Sandy for so muche for Jo by him. taken and re*^ of John Eydes at Exceto'' the somme of fyfty poundes. Lyke warraunt is geaven to the said Threr to pay to M"" 500" to be Johii Ellecott the somme of five hundred poundes sterling P ^° J°= vppon! his bill of exchaunge. to be rep** at Exceto*^ to the vse to be rep"« 84 THE COURT RECORDS OF at exccto' to y^ vse of y'Company- lOo" p^ to Edw: High- lord purser of the Scourge. 40" p'' to Rich: Wal- ton p ex*^. 60 to be p<' to Rich: Rudd by 50'' to be p'' to Nichas Rantoii by ex^*. Mr. Alla- baster. 300'' to M' Sandy to be rep"* by him at Exceto', 40'' to be p^ to Rich: Gregory by Order for suche as re- fuse to of the Companie vppon! the paym* whereof he is to receave his bilks. Order is geaven! to M"" Aid"" Hollyday Threr to pay to y^ Purser of the Scourge the somme of one hundred poundes vppoii! accoumpte to be imployed in the preparing of the same ship Order is geavenJ to the said Aid"" Hollyday Threr to pay vnto Richard Walton! the somme of fowrtie poundes sterlinge for soe much by him p*^ and delivered in ex*"^ to M"" John Sandy at Exceto"" vppon! paiment whereof the bill is to be taken vp Lyke order is geaveil to the said Ald"^ Hollyday Threr to pay vnto Richard Rudd the somme of sixtie poundes sterling for so muche re*^ of the said Rudd at Exceto"" by M' John Sandy to the vse of the voyage vppon! payment whereof the bill is to be taken vp Lyke order is geaven! to the said Aid'" Hollyday Threr to pay vnto Niclias Rantoii the somme of fyftie poundes sterling for so muche re'^ of him, by the handes of John! Sandy to the vse of the voyage vppon! a bill of ex" vppon! paiment whereof the bill is to be taken vp Comission! is geaveti to M"" Thom§ Allabaster to take suche Course as he shall thinke meet for the conveyaunce of suche Bullein! or Royalles froiii Callyce as shall be sent froin thence by exchaunge to the vse of the voyage. Order is geaven! to M"" Aid'" Bannyng Threi" to pay vnto M"" Rot)t Sandy the somme of three hundred poundes sterling to be rep^ by him at Exceto"" to the handes of M' John Sandy to the vse of the voyage. Order is geaven to M"" Aid"" Hollyday Threr to pay vnto Richard Gregorie or his Assignes the somme of fowrtie poundes sterling for soe much re*^ by RolSt Pope at the handes of the said Gregorie in the West partes by exchaunge to the vse of the Companie. vppon! paiment whereof the bill is to be taketi vp. At this Assemblie order is [geaven] taken! that the names of as many of these as have sett downe ther [names] handes and THE EAST INDIA CO MP ANT 8S sommes of adventure and have since denied to pforme the same, bring in shalbe called vppon! to geave ther resolution! what they will do, venture. to thende some course may be taken w'*' theifi before the Pattent be putt to ingrossing. A Ire from the L. Threrin the behaulf of one Henry Aneys. Henry to bee imployed in the said voyage was read vppon! the readinig ^.^Ji^y i^^ whereof, aunswere was geaven! to the beare"^ w'^'' was M'' Suckley i- Thrers my L. secreterie, that the Companie were sorie that they had not notice of his Lp^ pleasure before the Election of ther factors [were] was past, yet notw"'standing they will endevo' vppon! anie occasion! of the Refusall of anie of them that are chosen!, or vppon! anie other occasiofl to [pleasure] imploy the said Anys yf they can finde fytt vse of his service The 22 of the Novemb'" 1600. M'- Aid' Smyth Go^ M-- Aid-- Hollyday M"" Aid-" Wattes M' W™ Garway M"" Olyuer Style M-" Jo: Highelord. M^ W-" Chamb. M^ RoBt Sandy M' John Combe M-" Rich: Wyche M' W'" Harrysoii M^ Robt Bell. M" Roger Howe fRDER is geaven! to Ald^ Hollyday Threr. to pay vnto W™ Mallett gen? or to his Assignes the soine of threescore and tenn! poundes sterlinge for so muche by him paid by ex- chaunge to the handes of RoBt Pope in the west Cuntrey vppon! the paiment whereof the bill is to be taken vp. Order is geaven! to the said Threr to pay to the handes of M' W" Garwey the somme of two hundred poundes sterling vppon! accoumpte to be imploied in the repairing and preparing of the Assention!. The like order is geaven! to the said Threr to pay vnto W™ Burrett Generall Surveyo^ of the repairing and preparing of 70" to be pd to w" Mallett by exchaunge 200'' to bedd M Garway for the As- sention. 100'' to be p"! to M' Burrell. 86 THE COURT RECORDS OF Poll Davies for bagges. All facto" to putt in Roger Style. the shippes the somme of one hundred poundes sterlinge vpponi accoumpte for the provision! of Timb"^ and other necessaries for the shippes. It is ordered that M"^ Roger Howe shall buy Poll Davies for the making of bagges and to putt them out to making that they may be sent into the w^est Cuntrey It is ordered by the generall Consent of this Assemblie that all factors, imployed in this voyage shall geave securytie to the lykinge of the Comitties before he be putt in to anie charge, that he shaft pforme all faithefuit service to the generalitie and shaft abstaine from all private trade Roger Style one that hath bene brought vp vnder M"^ Olyver Style doeth make this humble sewte to the Companie that wher in the Election! of the i6 factors his name was putt in choyce and failed he is content to be imployed w^ut Salary. so as he may be imployed as a facto"" yf anie of the rest shuld dye in the voyage, and is also content to be Left in the Cuntrey of the East Indies vntill the retorne of a seconde voyage in w'*" residence he is content to apply him self to lerne the language w*^*" motion is well lyked of and shalbe further delt in hereafter Me ale brought in the prize. SO" to M M' M' The 25 of Novemb 1600. Aid-- Hollyday M"" Wyche Tho. Cordell M"" W" Harrysoii! W™ Garway M"" John Combe. Wysemah M"^ Roger Howe fra: Chery M' John Highelord Capten Lancaster M"" RolSt Sandy Capten Middletoh M'" W-" Chambers ARRAUNT is geaven to Capten Mydleton and M"" Rot)t Bell to buy the Spanishe meale taken prize by the L. Willoughbies ship and to goe throughe w*^ the bargaine thereof as good cheape as they cari leaving the sume to ther discretion?. Order is geaven! to M' Ald"^ HoUiday Threr to pay to Edward rHE EAST INDIA COMPANY 87 Stephens principall [tymber] Carpenter in the Scourge the somme Edward of fyftie poundes sterling to be imployed by him in the repayring ^^^^p'^^" ^°'' of the same ship. And to geave an accoumpte thereof, for w'^'' his receipte is to be taken It is agreed that the enterteynment of a fourth M"" w'^'' is not Order for yet done shalbe referred to M^ Staper M' Cordell M"- Garway ^^^^^^i"^ and Capteiii Lancaster, and that they also may proceade to other Compound w* anie other officer of the shippes at the best rate they caii It is also ordered that M"" Garway M"" Cordeft M"" Stap and Buiiyon to Richard Wright shall attende and solicyte my L. Threr for ofy^lower. suche bullyoni as is in the tower being about the valewe of 3000'' and to procure as much respite and Libertie of tyme as they can gett for the bringing in of the Like quantety of buUeiii againe into the Tower 27 Novemlb. 1600. ^ RDER is geaveh to Aid"" Hollyday Threr by advyse 200 ddp from Rott Pope to pay vnto Johii Portman Esquier johV Port- or his Assignes the somme of two hundred poundes "^^^ sterlinge for so muche to him delyvered by the said Threr in exchaunge to be p** to the vse of the voyage, to the handes of Robert Pope in the West Cuntrey vppon! payment whereof a Receipte is to be taken at the handes of M' Portemafi or of him that receaveth the money as his Assignee : to make paym' accordinglie Order is geaven! to Aid' [Hollyday] BannyngThrer to pay vnto too'' to the the handes of Edward Highlord Purser of the Scourge the somme *^°"''S^- of one hundred poundes sterling to be imployed in the repayringe of the shipp scourge vpponl accoumpt vppon! payment whereof yo" are to take his receipte The 28 Nouemb 1600. The Erie of Cumbland M^ Aid. Wattes M^ Ald^ S my the Go^ M^ Aid Moore 88 THE COURT RECORDS OF y iiz'': to W" Dale by exc fr5 robt Pope Pattent read. to ye Hecto'. M-" Olyver Style M" RoBt Sandy M"" Tho. Allabaster M' John Highelord. M'- Ald^ Hollyday M"" W'" Chambers M-^ Rich: Wyche M^ fra: Chery M"" W-" Harry son Capten Lancaster Capteii Myddletoii WARRANT is given to Aid Bayning fFor payment of y 1 12'' to W™ Dale by a bill of exc^ of the 15 hereof in tantonn fro Robert Pope fFor the lyke vallew by him Receyved of W'" Macy At this Assemblie the Pattent of the previledges for the East Indie voyage was read and order geaven to the Secretorie to solicite the Queenes Attorney to make an end of the same. Order is geaven to M"^ Ald"^ Hollyday threr. to delyver and pay vnto the Purser of the Hecto"^ the somme of one hundred poundes sterling to be imployed in the repayring and preparing of the same ship vppon! accoumpte. 4.'' p"' in re- compence to a poore man for boulginghis Crane w'*" the Scourges Anker. Advyse in to the West Cuntrey. 100'' to M Cole dd in The 29 NouemB 1600 M^ Aid'" Hollyday M"" John Highelord M-- Tho Cordell Capten Midletoni Capten Lancaster M' W"^ Chambers M"" Olyuer Style M^ M-" Rich: WysemanI M^ M"^ Roger Howe M"" John Combe Nicfias Lynge W'" Garway RDER is geaveii to Ald"^ Hollyday Threr to pay vnto a pore man' in recompence of the boulging of his Crane by an Anker of the Scourge the somme of fowre poundes sterling. Order is geavefl to M"" Howe to write to M"^ Pope, M'^ Baker and M"^ Sandye that they provide noe more biskett or meale for that vppon! the viewe of the perticlerS of provysion of breade and meale the full quantety is accomplyshed Warraunt is geaven! to M'" Aid' Hollyday Threr to pay to M"" Johii Colles Esquier the somme of one hundred poundes THE EAST INDIA COMPANY 89 sterlinge by exchaunge to be rep'' againe by him or his Assignee in the West Cuntrey to the handes of Rotit Pope to the vse of the voyage vppon! the delivery of w'^^'' money the bill of ex*^ is to be re"*. The like Warraunt is geaven! to the said Ald"^ to pay to the 100'' to handes of Capteii Lancaster the somme of one hundred poundes Lan^^a'ster. sterlinge vppoii the Reckoning of his enterteynment for the voyage. The p"^ December 1600. M^ Aid' Holliday M'- Aid-- Wattf M-" Ald^ More M-- Tho: Cordell M"" Rich: Stapers M"- Richard Wyseman M"" Capt. Lancaster M' W"' Chambers M^ Rich: Wych ^r -y^ra Harrison M^ Rob: Sandy M'" Jn° Combe M^ Rob: bell M^ Jn*^ Meddleton M'- Hihiord M-- Style— T this assembly written a letter to m'' Denman & MfDenman m-- Hale of the bridghouse to delyver to m^ w™ f ^'Haie o J tor 2 peces burrell 2 peecs of tymber, eyther taking his receipt timber to be w"" promyse to redely ver the lyke, or to take money of him fFor burreii. the same. Also it was at this tyme agreed & appoynted that the officers of the shipps [are to] should bee hyred f5" placed in the order ffollowing & their wages to bee agreed as also fFolloweth — Carpenters Carpenters fFor the scourge 4^ fFor the hecto' 3 fFor th'assension 2 fFor the susann 2 Cawkers fFor the scourg 4 fFor the hecto"^ 3 fFor the assension 2 fFor the susann 2, to bee hyred by m"" Bur- rell & their wages to bee allowed & agreed vpon, vpon his report of what Cawkera. he hath done at the table 90 rHE COURT RECORDS OF GonnciE, Gonners ffor the scourge lo j fFor the hecto" 6 ffbr the susann 5 ffor th'assension 5 the comittyes & m'' Lan- caster to agree w**" them I the own"^^ that were, to { agree w'*" them Stwewards ffor ech shipp himself and his mate Cookes ffor ech shipp one and his mate Surgeons ffor ech shipp twoe & a barber Also it was ordeyned that the generall the pilot major & m"" bradbanck maister should goe in the Scourge. Also it was ordeyned that m"^ aid Watts m"" Cordell & m"" Stapers should take in hand to deale & conferr w"' m' Beare to bee one of the 4 chief maisters. The prim° December 1600. /•,_2 - q Geven a Warrant vppon aid Holliday to pay y 172'' . 7' -Q** d vpoaid to in ffuU ffor 95 qwarters 6 bushells & 10'^ of Holliday to , n ^^ r i i • i i • i pay to mf meale bougnt by m"^ Bell or one m"" gawidsmith bemg taken ffo"" 95 a pryze at xxxvi* the qwarter amountine to the sayd some — . quarters 6 * •' J ^ " ■' bushels & lo"" meale. Stewards Cookes Surgeons Generall, pilot major & mf Brad- banck. To deale w'l'm' Beare. The 4 of DecemB 1600. Aid'" Moore : Capten Lancaster M"^ Rich : Staper M"^ W"" Gar way M"- Tho Cordell. M-- Olyuer Style M"" Rich. Wyseman M"" W" Chambers M"" W™ Harryson M"" John MidletonJ. T is ordered by these Comitties that the psons heer vnder named shall conferre w**' Capteii mydletoh touching his enterteynment in this voyage, and whatsoever they shall agree vppofl to be geaven him shall be pformed by the generalyty and the said Capten mydletoffl for his part submytteth him self to ther agreem'. • or any 3. of them. ; THE EAST INDIA COMPANY 91 The Erie of Cum^Iand ^ M' Aid' Moore M^ Tho Cordell M'' W-" Garway M*" Rich Wysemaii It is also ordered that m"" Stap Capten Lancaster m"" Tho. Touching Allabaster and Richard Wright shall conferre together touch- ^'■"J° ^^ & & wntt from ing sucbe li'es as shalbe solicited from her ma'*" to suche the Queene princes and Potentates as are in the places of the Este [whether] indies, wher trade shalbe sought And it is ordered that Aid'' Hollyday and Richard Wright shall sett downe the names of [such] all those that shalbe men- coned in the Pattent and Carry them to M'^ Attorney that the booke may be ingrossed. And lastly it is ordered that vppon! munday next a generall Co'"t shalbe called to enforme the generalyty of the procead- inges of the Comitties and how farre the busines is in a redines. The 5 of Decemb' 1600. Ald"^ Bannyng Capten Lancaster Aid' Hollyday M^ W-^^ Chambers Aid"" Wattes M"" Ry Wyseman M"^ Olyuer Style M'" W"" Harryson M' Nich. Lynge. T this Assemblie it was resolved that m' Thomas Allabaster his Comission for prouisioni of Ryalies shalbe contynued the same to be provided from suche partes as formerlie it was ordeyned Warrauntes were geaveu to mr Aid"" Hollyday for the paiment of these Sommes followinge viz. five hundred poundes to nf Thomas Allabaster for provision! 500!' .0.0 of Ryalies one hundred poundes to m'' W'" Garway for the provysion! 100. 0.0 of thassension. 100" . o . o 9z THE COURT RECORDS OF One hundred poundes to M' W"^ Chambers for the provision of Caske. 120''. o.o Warraunt is geaven to Aid"" Bannyng to pay one hundred [poundes] and twentie poundes. to Josephe Salbanck The 6 of December 1600. M^ Aid"" Smythe Gove'" M^ Jo : Highelord M' Aid'' Hollyday M-" John Eldred. M' Thomas Cordeil. M'' W'" Chambers M^ Olyuer Style. M'" John Midletoni Capten Lancaster M'' Nicltas. Lynge M^ RoBt Bell. JARRAUNT is geaven to Aid"" Hollyday to pay to m' W'^^ Burr ell for the provision! of Tymber and other necessaries for the shippes the soiiie of fow^r- ' score poundes sterling to be dd him vpponi accoumptes. 80. to M' The Like Warraunt is geaven! to Ald'^ Bannyng to pay to Nich : nicftas. Symondsou for provision! of Tymber and paiment for Symondson •' ' ■' _ * ware the somme of fowrscore poundes sterling 50'i to W" Another warraunt is geaven! to the said m'' Aid'' Bannyng to fi h^^^'' r P^y ^° ^'^'" Angell fishemonger vppoii accoumpt of fishe the soirie of fyfty pounds sterling Order is geaven for the warning of a generall Court vppoii! munday next to informe the geiialyty of the present state of the voyage for the better proceading wherein thes pticler [pointes are to] thinges [touching] are to be notyfyed vnto them touching the handling of the busines hetherto. viz. The Choice of facto'^ in ther severall places. The Choice of the severall M'^ The redines of the shippes to come out of ther Dockes. The present necessitie of the bringing in of money to pay wages because the ofUcers and mariners are to [come] appointed to ther shippes. — &8 THE EASl INDIA COMPANY 93 A Gen'"all Court the 8. DecemB 1600 in the presence of M-- Aid-- Smyth Go' M"" Roger Howe M-- Aid-- Hollyday M"- Rych : Wysemau M-" Ald^ Moore : M^ W'" Chambers M-- Tho. Cordell M-" Jo : Combe M-- W"> Garway M^ W™ Harrysofil M"" olyuer Style. M' Nich : Lynge M-- Jo Middleton! : M"" Ro15t Bell. And of a great nuber of the gen'^alyty whose names are forborne to be noted for the shortenes of the tyme. T is agreed by the generall assemblie for the better for the advauncem' of the voyage that whosoever is behinde bringing in w"' his whole adventure by him sett downe and shall adventures. not wholie bring in the same by the 13 of this moneth beinge Satherday next that whatsoever damage shalbe susteyned by the deteyning of the shippes heare soe long w'^'' are only deteyned by the not bringing in of the adventures shalbe laid vppon! those . that by the want of bringing in of ther moneis have bene the occasion! of so great a damage. The said Generalitie beinge made acquainted by ?rf governo^ The w*** the redines of the preparation of the shippes victualles and on"ofthe all other furniture belonging to the same and also w**" the Choice principaii of the principaii facto"^^ who are to be imployed in the said viage (the placing and sortinge of w^'' facto'^ being pticlerly noted and declared vnto thein) the said generalyty were of opinioi? that in the disposing of some of the principaii places and sorting of the facto"^ in the same, the said comitties had neade better to informe theiii selfes, then they have done for that in the seconde sort of factors ther is placed one M"" Brund a grave and discreet lifchaunt and one w"^*" hath the arabyafi Spanishe and Portugall Languages w'^'' may better de- serve [a principal!] the place of a principaii facto'" then some of those w''' are placed in the first place and therfore the generalyty do wyshe the Comitties in ther next assemblie to 9 + THE COURT RECORDS OF Henry Nappei". advyse better of the same election and that they would con- sider thereof when they are mett in most ample number assuring them that m' Brunde will not accept of a Second place especially the first being supplied by younger men! and of iesse experience and desert then him self The lo"" of Decemb 1600 M' Capten Lancaster M-- John Eldred. M"" Robt Sandy M' Rich: Wyseman M' W™ Chambers M' Jo: Middleton). M'' Niclias Lynge M" W"^ Harrysoh. Rot)^ Bell. made w M^ Tho: Smythe Go M' Aid' Hollyday M' Aid. Moore M"^ olyuer Style M"^ Tho Cordell M'- fra: Chery M"" John Highelord M' W"^ Chambers M'" Rich: Staper It is ordered that Capten Lancaster and Capten Midleton shall conferre w*^ Henry Napper touch- ing his imployment in the voyage to goe therin as they and he can agree the former Composition) him by M"" Staper notw"'standing. and as they pro- ceade in the same conference, to acquainte the Comitties therw"' at ther next meeting. This assembly proceading to the reviewe and reexaiation of the former election of the .4. first principall factors places, according to the order of the last generall Court did in this meeting vpponi good delibation enter into consideration of the matter and did w"' a generall Consent by Scrouteny make choice of M*^ W" Brunde to be one of the fowre principall factors in this voyage and to be [sorted placed] sorted as heerafter fol- loweth [viz] And it ys also agreed that the Generalt and [principall] other the said principall factors shalbe sorted and placed as hereafter foUoweth viz Capten Lancaster in the Scourge. Capten Midleton in the Hecto^ W'" Brund in the Assention lohii Havard in the Susai?. THE EAST INDIA COMPANY 95 Order is geaven to Aid"" Bannyng ther. to pay to henry 3oo''toy= mydletoii purser of the scourge the some of 300'' vpponJ ac- coumpt for the provision! of the Scourge vppon! paym' whereof he is to take his receipte. Lyke order is geaven to the said m" Ald^ Bannyng to pay 224" 2» c* to W- Walthall 224" 2^ o for 29 fodder 4^ i^ 16'" of Peate bought^f Lead bought at vij'' xiij^ iiij'' the ffodder. w™ Wai- Further order is geaven to the said M*^ Aid"" Bannvng to ,•' pay vnto Edwyii Babington! the some of 100'' sterlinge in part Edwin Ba- of payment for Canary Wynes provided for the voyage. wynes*^ °^ Order is geaveii to m'' [ThomS. Allabas] Aid"". Hollyday 500" to M' to [pay] deliver to m"" Thom§ AUabaster vppon! accoumpte the ^^'^''^s'^i' somme of five hundred poundes sterling to be imployed by him Royailes for thexchaunge of Royailes. for the vse of the voyage. The like order is geaven! to the said m' Aid'' to pay vnto 5°'' to y' Edward Stephens Carpenter of the Scourge the somme of of the fyfty poundes sterling vppon! accoumpte to be imploied in the ^'^""■"S^- Repairing and preparing of the same ship The II '^ of Decemb' 1600. M"^ Ald^ Hollyday Capten Lancaster M-- W'" Gar way Capten Middleton M-" Rich: Wyseman M-- Jo: Combe M' W- Chamber M-- RorD* Bell M' John Eldred. M^ Rich: Wyche M'' olyuer Style M-" Nich: Lyng M'- W" Harryson. RDER is geaveii to Ald'^ Hollyday ther" to pay vnto 32" to Raphe Salter Surgeon enterteyned for this voiage sa^ter^ the somme of thertie and two poundes sterlinge chirurgion. being allowed vnto him by Composition for the furnishing^ of his Chest w"" all kinde of necessaries and remedies belonging to a Chirurgion to be vsed in this viage vppoil paiment of w'*" money [you are] he is to take his acquittaunce. Ther is also order geaveiJ to Aid*" Eannynge to pay vnto M"^ 100'' to 96 THE COURT RECORDS OF frnuncis Covell for peas & beanes. loo" to the Hectof The Scourge is hearafter to be called, by the name of the Red Dragon. frauncis Covell the somme of one hundred poundes sterling vppoiiJ Accoumpte for the provysion' of peas and beanes. vppon) paiment whereof he is to take his receipte The like order is geaven to the said Aid' Bannynge to pay to m"" Richard Wyseman! the somme of one hundred poundes sterlinge to be delivered to the Purser of the Hecto' for the Charges of provision! and pparatioii of the same ship vppon! accoumpte. It is ordered that the great ship called the Scourge w'^'' is to be lanched this after none, shall be called heerafter by the name of the Redd Dragon, and noe more to be knovi^en! by the former name of the Scourge. 71''- 13-4'' to Mf Attorney and his Clerkes, The 12"" of Deceml5. 1600. M' Tho. Cordell M'' RoBt Sandy. M"" Rich: Staper Capteii Lancaster M' olyuer Style. Capten Middletoii M' Rich: Wyseman M^ W"^ Harryson M"" Niclias. Lyng. RDER is geaven to M'" Aid" Bannyng threr to pay vnto m"^ Ro'bt Sandy the somme of seventie one poundes xiij' iiij sterling for somuche by him dysbursed for the Charges of o"" Pattent and the Warraunt for coyning dewe to M"" Attorney and his Clerkes for the drawing and ingrossing of the same pattent and Warraunt. I say seventie one poundes thirteene shilling^ and foure pence. The 13 of Decem^ 1600. M'" Aid-" Wattes M' W : Rumney M" Aid"" More M' Robt Sandy. Captein Lancaster M"" W"^ Chamber M-- Tho. Cordell. M"- Nictias Lyng M" olyuer Style M'" THE EAST INDIA COMPANY 97 RDER is geaven to AW [Hollyday th] Bannyng ther 125'i 10' to pay vnto John Busbridge /y««^«drap the somme of cioth""^"^ one hundred twentie and five poundes tenn shilling^ sterling for Lynnen Clothe of him bought by M"" Stap and IVP Lyng for the vse of the voyage, whose pticlers appeare. and are to be dd w*^ the warraunt for the paiment of the money. Order is geaven to Ald"^ Hollyday the? to pay vnto W"" 28'ii4o Cater, and George Cater, the somme of twentie eight poundes q^^J^^^ fourteene shilling^ for 24 peeces of Roaii Cloth viz 475 elnes at xiiij*^ olS p elne bought of them by m"^ Nicftas Lyng. vppoiJ payment whereof he is to take his receipt in fult. Order is geaven to m"" Ald"^ Hollyday to pay vnto M"" Roger 36". o. 4.'' Hankin M"^ of the Assention! the somme of thertie sixe poundes ^^^^ '°^l^^^ [three shillinges] and fowre pence for the fraight ballast and other shippes and Charges dewe thervppon! of two hoyes. to goe to the several! fraight of 2 shippes of this voyage vppofi) paiment whereof he is to take his ^°y^^ ^'^ g" receipte. shippes. It is ordered that all the Pursers of the severall shippes shall Pursers to be warned to appeare vppof? twesday before the Comitties and ^c"fu'J^\e^s^ to bringe in ther accoumptes of the disbursem*" of moneys delivered theifi to be imployed aboute the shippes and other occasions of the Companie. M"" W™ Chambers made a motion! to this Assemblie in the Walter behaulf of one Walter Poyner to be imployed in the voyag: ^°y^^^- as a facto"^ at large w*''out salarie w"^ this hope that if anie facto"" faile, that he may supplie his place or the place of some other of the facto'^ that shalbe removed to the place of the decessed or to be left in the Indies as a resident facto"" whose motion! is well lyked of and the matter to be further considered of at some other meetinge when the Companie shall [consider] assemble them selfes to take a Survey of the facto'^^ The like motion is made by m"^ Sandie in the behaulf of w™ Martin m"" w™ martens sonne of Exceter for to be imployed in the voyage, for whose fidelyty his father wyll geave good security to the Companie. and is content to be imployed as the [said] Compa- nie shalbe pleased or left in the Indies for a facto"" resident ther. 98 THE COURT RECORDS OF 26". i3«. yamei Lo'vering [Daniel Lee] Chirirgeon of y* hecto^ 2o''. to Xpofer newchuixh surgeon of the Assen- con 20". to Jn". gamond surgeon of the susann The 15 Decem'b' a". 1600. M"^ Tho : Cordell m"^ Alderman more M"" Rye"" Stapers captaine lancaster M"" Ro^te Saundye m' oDyver style. M' W"^ Chamb" m'' wiche. M"^ Jn° Highlord. m"^ fraunces Cherry m"^ Rye: Wyseman. RDER is geven to ifl Ald'man Baninge to pay vnto [Daniel Lee] y antes Lovering surgeon of the hecto"" entertained for this viadge the some of twenty fyve pounds stert beinge alowed him by Composicion for the fur- nisshinge of his chest w*'' all kinds of remedyes and necessaryes belonnginge to a chirurgeon to be vsed vpon this viadge. vponn paim* of w*^'' monney yo" are to take his acquyttance. There is also order geven to ifi Alderin Banning to pay vnto chrystopher newchurche surgeon! of the Assencon for twentye pounds strt Allowed him by Composicion for the furnishinge of his chest w"' all kind of remedyes and necessaryes belonnginge to a chirurgeon to be vsed vpon this viadge. vpon paym" of his monney yo" are to take his acquyttance. There is also order geven to nJ Aldermann baninge to pay vnto Jn" gamond twentye pound strt allowed him by com- posycon for the furnishinge of his chest w* all kind of remedyes and necessaryes belonnginge to a chirurgeon to be vsed vpon this viadge ; vpon paym" of this monney yo" are to take his acquyttance. The 16 of Decem'b 1600. M' Staper Capten Midletoh M"" Garway M"" Harrysoii M^ Cordell M-" Eldred Capten Lancaster M"^ Chamber. M-" Wyseman M Highelord. M^ Howe. M^ Sandy M' Chery rUE EAST INDIA COMPANY 99 1^ Aid'- Wattes M' Cordell M"" Wyseman M"" Howe Auditors and M"" Harry sou or any. 3. of them are appointed Auditers to receve the Accoumptes of the Pursers and to examine the same and as they finde the said accoumptes to stande to Certefie ther opinions to the residewe of the Comit- ties to thende yf anie thinge fall out in the same accoumptes worthie the consideration! of the said Comitties [the] order may be taken therin by them. Order is geaven! to m'^ Aid"" Bannynge to pay vnto the 100" to the Purser of the Hercules the somme of one hundred poundes ^'^'^ • sterlinge. vppon accoumpte to be imployed in the preparation and repayring of the same ship The like order is geaven to m"" Aid"" HoUiday to pay vnto y* Purser of the Assentioti the somme of one hundred poundes ,00" to y« sterling vppon accoumpte to be imployed in the preparation! Assention. and repairinge of the same ship It is agreed that whereas the proportion! for the provision , _ ° r r r y^on to be of iron was formerlie agreed to be but 30 tunz it is nowe re- provided 50 solved that ther shalbe provided 20 tufiz more so that the ^^ole? whole quantetie of iron! shalbe 50 tun§, and that ther shalbe provided furthe some convenient quantety of faggot iron! bein^* in small barres fitt to be converted in to nayles. The same day in the after none. M"" Aid' Smyth Go'" Capten Lancaster M' Aid-- Hollyday M' Highlord. M-" Aid' Wattes M' Chambers M' Aid' Moore. M' Jo Combe. Capten Lancaster M' Nich : Lyng M' Thomas Cordell. M' Rich : Wyche. M' olyuer Style. M'' W™ Harryson M' Rich : Wyseman M' Robt Sandy M' W'" Rumney M' W-" Burrell M' W™ Garway. THE COURT RECORDS OF The sorting of the prin- cipal! factors & other officers jHIS assemblie beinge [be] mett in conference for the placing and sorting of the Principall officers to be imployed in the voyage, they have agreed that they shalbe severalUe sorted in the said shippes in manner and forme follovv^inge viz In the red [Lyon] Dragon. Admiral! . Capteii Lancaster generall. Capten Davies Pylott Maio"" of the fleet W'" Broadbent M"^ of the same ship In the Hector. Vice Admirall. Capten Midletoh. principall facto"^ in that ship Henry Napper. M"" of the same ship. Phillip Grove [Pylott] second Pilott of the fleet. In the Assention. William Brunde. principall factor in that ship. Roger Hankin M"^ of the same ship In the Susan. John Havard principall factor in that ship. Samuel Spencer M' of the same ship. The 17" of DecemB 1600. M^ Aid-- Smithe Go' M-^ W™ Rumney. M^ Aid'- Hollyday M^ Rich. Wyche M^ Aid-" Wattes M-" Ro^t Sandy M"- AW" Moore M'"Nich: Lynge M'" Rich : Staper Capten Middletoii M-- Thomas Cordell M-^ John Combe M^ Rich : Wyseman MTra: Chery Capten Lancaster M^ W"^ Chambers M-" olyuer Style M' John Highelord M'- Roger Howe. THE EAST INDIA COMPANY ' ' ' ' ' loi HE choice of the factors formcrlie aiade ^ being interrupted by reasoii of the [refusal!] /ailing of of some of them ther was a newe proceading in the election! of [soiiie] divers of the said factors w'^'' geaveth occasion! to make soine alteration! of the sorting and placing of the second, third and fourth sorte of them. [factors the the same factors] whervpponi at this Assemblie the said severall factors are sorted and disposed in manner and forme [following viz] mencoed on thother syde. Robert Pope who hath bene imployed in the West Cuntrey in the provysiofl of victualles moneys and other necessaries for the voyage, being come vp and present at this assemblie foras- muche as he hath takeii paines in the said preparations and is one of the second sort of factors, appointed for the voyage : this assemblie have added to the ordinarye allowaunce geaveri to the rest of the said seconde sort of factors to be [geaven] paiedj to the said Robt Pope the soiiie of fyftie poundes sterling^ over and besides his Charges hetherto expended w""* money shalbe p** him before his going forthe. The names of the seconde third and fowrth sort of factors, and ther places as they are appointed to be shipped Robert Pope W'" Starkey Tho Salterne Henry Middleton! ■ Nathaniel Gamram Thomas Dassell [Rich: Collymer] Roger Style- W^ Wilford Xpofer Stradling Tho. Tudd Phillip VVinchecoiiib Tho Morgan n the Red Dragon n the Hector n AssentioH n the Susan. n the Dragon n the Hecto"". n the Assention n the Susan. n the Dragon, n the Hector n the Assention n the Susan The names of suche facto"^* as are ad- mitted to goe w^'out Salarie to [be] take place A' nWl;' ' ' placing and disposing of the 2.3. and 4 sort of factors. 50" to Robt Pope factor. 2 sort of factors 3. sort of factors 4. sort of factors THE COURT RECORDS OF D. John Smythe. H Walter Poyner. [Roger Style] S. George Allyifi. A Roger Martin. A Thomas Warde. D. Thomas Webbe H. Hughe Hule. yf anie of the former enterteyned factors do dye. or to be left in the Cuntrey as resident^ ther to lerne the Language, and to looke in to y* trade of those Cuntreis at the discretion! of the Generall and other prin- cipall facto'^ to be placed in the shippes at the dis- position! of the Chief Generall and principal! factors. y 800. vppo aid bayning to robt Stevens y 600. vpp5 aid: holli- day to Robt Stevens. y 241. vppo aid. holli- day y 105. 12.4 vppo aid holliday to waiter clarck. m' alabas- ter not to proceed in ryalls. The 19 December 1600. M'' Aid-" Holliday Capt. Lancaster Aid' Watts M' Wyseman Aid' Moore M' Style Thomas Cordell M' Chambers . W"^ Garway M' Howe John Eldred M' Sandy. EVEN a warrant vppo aid' Bayning fFor paym^ of y 800, to Rob* Stevens in full of a bill of y 1400. fro m' John ellacott of exceter. Geven a warrant vppo aid Holliday ffor paym* of y 600. to Robt Stevens y Roger Howe in full of a bill of y 1400. fro m'" John ellacott of exceter Geven a warrant vppo aid holliday fFor paym' of y 241. to m' fFrancis west by a bill of exc fro John Sandy fro exceter Geven a warrant vppo aid [holliday] Bayning for paym* of y 105. 12:4'^ to waiter clarck ffor lyke vallew Receyved in exceter by John sandy in Ryall of plate as ^ the bill. Yt was at this assembly ordeyned that m' thomas Alabaster should not proceed any ffarther in provision of Ryalls fr5 callais. rHE EAST INDIA COMPANY 103 Order is given to m"" Roger How to take the charge in answering of certayne letters Rhd fro the factors in the west countrey & to give a Remembrance to m'^ Rob* pope bound thither fFor the manadging of the busynesse there concerning [all] as well Ryalls of plate as all other provisions their made & to take an accept of euery of the rest of the facto*^* there w* such other directions as hee shal thinck meete for these busynesses. Given a warrant vppo aid Bayning for paym* of y 30. to W™ Wilford for his salary in this voyadg 30'' to w" wilford one of the factors' The 20 december 1600. M'' Gouernour M"" richard stapers M-" Aid-" Moore M'" Harrison M"" Richard Wyseman M' Chambres M*" olyver Style M' Combe M"" Lancaster. EVEN a Warrant vppo aid Bayning fFor payment of 23i".ic'.— " M'" Aid" [Wattes] Hollyday M'" Aid" Wattes M"" W"' Garv/ay M' Rich : Staper M-- Tho Cordell. M' Rich : Wyseman M^ John Highelord M' John Eldred. M' Roljt Sandy M'- W"^ Chamber. M"" W"^ Harryson. Capteii Lancaster Capteii Midleton. ; ARRAUNT is geaven to Aid" Bannyng* to pay vnto M''Thoms Allabaster towardes the payment of certen billes of exchaunge. the soiTie of seven hundred poundes sterling* in part of payment of the said billes w'*" do come to 880'' being for the provision of royalles. Another warraunt is geaven to Aid" Hollyday to pay vnto W"' Starky one of the factors the somme of fyftie poundes sterling* for so muche allowed him [vppon] y^r his enterteyn- ment for his preparation [of] in the voyage. It is ordered that ther shalbe geaven according* to this con- ference the somme of [one h] Two hundred angelles in gratuyty from the Companie to suche psons as m"" Garwey and Richard Wright by this assembly are directed to attende for that pur- pose. And it is ordered that THE EAST INDIA COMPANY 107 It is alsoe ordered and Warraunt is geaven to m'^ Aid"" holly- 1600 day to pay to the handes of Richard Wright for the providing^ „ ^^ ' . of the said 100'' in gold and for 50'' more in silver to pay charges of other Charges for the passinge of the Pattent and the Warraunt for Coyning the Signet the privy seale and great seale. the bookes. The 31 December 1600 1600 •J I Dec. M"" Aid" Smithe Go' M"" W" Chambers Capten Lancaster Capten Midleton M' Tho. Cordell. M"" Nich : Lynge. M'' olyuer Style M' Striper. M' Rot5t Sandy M"" W"" Garway M^ Jo : Combe. M"- Rot5t Bell. ARRAUNT is geaven to m"" Aid" Bannyng to pay 96". p. for vnto to pay vnto John Gover. for viij hh. of Aquavite cn'^ 482 gallons. Qof AquavitaeJ the somme of nynty six poundes viij^ at iiij^ the gallon / in full payment. It is ordered that the Thrers accoumptes shalbe pvsed w"" all expedition and to see what moneis hath bene p'^ in by the adventuro'® and what remaineth in ther handes . to thend that yf ther appeare a want of money w'^'' cannot be other- wyse supplied then by the encrease of the gei?all adventure, that then the gen'ality may be called together and ther is apointed for Auditors. M*" Cordell m"" Style. M' Wyseman. M"" Harrison. It is agreed that the goodes shipped by the Companie and the Caske shalbe mked w*'' this geflall marke in the mergent and that an Iron be prepared w"^'' shall make the said marke Order is geaven to M' Sandy to provide CCCC ^ of Castle Soape. aquavite Auditors for the Thrers accomptes. The 2 of January 1600. M-" Aid" Smithe Go"- M'" Aid" Hollyday M"^ Aid" Bannyng Capten Lancaster 1600 2 Jan. io8 THE COURT RECORDS OF 1600 2 Jan. M^ Tho Cordell. M"" Garway M"" oliuer Style M^ Rich : Wyche. M' John Combe. M^ John Eldred Capten Middleton M' Nictias Lyng M' Robt Bell M' W"" Harryson M' Rich : Staper M'' Robt Sandy. loo" to y« Purser ot the Read Dragon. 450" to the Purser of the Susan. Rob' Stephens by bill of exchaunge from Jo: Ellicott Streamers Flaggs & Auncients. 30" to Roger Style factor 1600 8 Jan. Edm: Scott admitted to go in the voy.ige. RDER is geaven to m"^ Aid" hoUiday threr to pay vnto W'" Dyckes Purser of the Read Dragon the somme of one hundred poundes sterling to be im- ployed vppon necessary provision of the same ship vppon Accoumpte. Order is geaven to M"^ Aid" Bannyng threr to pay vnto Joseph Salbanck Purser of the Susan, to be imploied in the necessarie provision of the same ship the soiiie of Two hundred and fy file poundes sterling* vppon accoumpte. The lyke order is geaven to m"" Aid" holliday threr to pay vnto Rolbt Stephens the some of one hundred poundes sterling' by a bill of exchaung* of John Ellicott directed to RoBt Sandie written in the West Cuntrey vppon paiment whereof [yo" are] he is to take his acquittaunce together w"' the Bill. It is ordered that ther shalbe provided for eche of the shippes 12 Streemers. 2 fflagges and one Auncient w"" all convenient speede, and that the same shalbe provided by the severall Comitties formerlie appointed to the said severall shippes for the provision of thinges necessarie for the same. Ther is order geaven to Ald'^ [Hollyday] Bannynge to pay to Roger Style one of the third sort of factors, the somme of thirtie poundes sterlinge. being* the allowaunce graunted by the Companie for his provision. The 8 of Januarie 1600 DMUND SCOTT is admitted to goe in the voyage putting in Two hundred poundes venture : whereof C is to be p'^ in hand and the other C' at 14 dales next following* . and where he was willinge rather then not THE EASr INDIA COMPANY 109 to be imploied in the voyage to have geaven X'' to the Com- pany for his diett aboard they are content to remitt the said X'' in hope of his good service in the choice of Drugf and spices wherin he pretendeth to have knowledge. 1600 8 Jan C<2 A generall Court holden! the 9 of Januarie 1600. in the presence of 1600 9 Jan M' Aid Smithe go"" S*^ John Spencer M' Ald° Bannyng M"" Hollyday M' Aid" Wattes M-- Tho Cordell. M-" olyver Style Captein Lancaster M"" Rich: Wyseman. M' Robt Sandy M-- John Eldred. M' John Middleton M^ fra Chery M"" Roger Howe M'' Rich: Wyche M'"Jo: highelord M"" Jo: Rumney : And the greater part of the geflalyty. ARRAUNT is geaven to Aid" hoUiday threr ioqI' per to pay vnto Robert Stephens the somme of one jq. Eiiacot. hundred poundes sterling^ vppon a bill of Ex- chaunge from John Ellicott out of the west Cuntrey Directed to M"" Robt Sandie vppon the East Indie accoumpte. At this Courte the Pattent [it is ordered th] vnder the great Admitting scale was read [and] tothegeneralitiewherbyit appeareththatther of freemen, is power geaven to the generalyty to admitt in to the priviledges. of the Company suche as [^shalj they shall thinke good fromtyme to tyme according to w"^^^'^ power forasmuche as divers have of late contributed to the voyage 200'' a peece whose names are not conteyned in the said Pattent therfore according* to the warraunt geaven the Companie by the said Lres Pattentf this Court have ordered that the same Contributors shalbe holden to all entente and purposes as free as [all] anie other [the] whose names are expresselie menconed in the said graunt — the names of w''' Contributors [are hecrvnder written viz] are THE COURT RECORDS OF 1600 9 Jan. The want of the necessarie supplie of the adven- ture howe it is to be raised. hereafter to be presented [at the next geffall Court and] then to be confirmed as free brothers of this felowship. This Court was informed that the comon adventure sett downe for the voyage falleth out too short by the some of fowre or five thousand poundes. of that w'''' shall be necessarie to be sett forth considering the great preparation of the Ductche w*^*" are ready to goe to the same places of the East Indies to w'^'' o"^ voyage is directed, and that also some of the adventure"^^ w'^'' have sett downe ther contributions have brought in noe part thereof and other some do defaulte of that w*"'' they sett downe alledging that will not adventure so muche as they sett downe at the first, by w'^^ meanes the adventure will fall short of that w^*^ is necessarie to he []still further] adventured to ?nake a good voyage by the some of eight or nyne thowsand poundes in the whole vppoii w'^'' information this Court falling* into the delibation howe in best sort they may supply this present want. It was agreed [that] therfore by this geflall Court for the advancem* of this voyage and for the avoyding of the preiu- dice that may happen by the want of a convenient proportion of adventure [for this present voyag^ enterprise], and that by the generall assent of this assemblie and establyshed as a Lawe Warraunted by the said Ires Pattentes that for the present dispatche away of the shippes and the full augmentation of the Stocke and adventure to be sett forthe ther shaibe enlarged by every contributo"" accordin^^ to the proportion of his adventure ij^ vppon the pounde w"' this Cawtion notw'^'standing that yf the full adventure can be otherwyse supplied by any voluntary [s.u'^t^Xy'] enlargement of mens voluntary encrease of ther adven- tures and by the vrging of those that are behinde w**" all or part of the adventures to bring them in according to that w"^'* they have sett downe that then all the overplus w^*" shaibe brought in by the enlargem' of ij^ the pound, shaibe propor- tionally restored backe againe to the Contributors and be vsed the meane tyme as money lent. And it is also ordered that a present information and Complaint shaibe made to the LI of the Councell of suche as have disapointed the preparation of the voyag' [shaibe] that they may be called before ther Lord- THE east: INDIA COMPANY iii shippes to receave suche order as to ther honors shalbe '^°° ^^ 9 Jan. thought meet. And to thende that this order and decree agreed vppon may be executed w**^ all spede the said rate of ij^ the ti shalbe brought in by everie adventuro"^ according to his proportion by the. 15. of this moneth vppon payne of for- feytureof Double the valewe to be Levied vppon them accord- ing to the aucthoritie of the Qsaid] graunt of priviledges. before menconed provided all waies and it is agreed that yf any man shalbe willing' voluntaryly to encrease his adventure already sett downe above the rate of ij^ the ti that then he shall not be w"'in the Compas of this acte of enlargem* of ij^ the ti by way of Lone. At this Court according* to the warraunt geaven to the Companie for the election of the . deputie to the Governo' of the same, they have proceaded to the election of the said deputie and by geii'all consent have noiated and chosen m"^ [John] William Rumney to execute the same office. And for the better expedition of the setting forthe of the shippes on ther voyage, and for the redresse of the wronge w^'' suche as have not brought in ther moneis have offered to the voyage order is geaven that m"^ governo' and Comitties shall apoint suche as they thinke meete to goe to the Co'^t to [offer] exhibite ther information and Complaint to the Lordes. 10 &. 12. 13. January severall Warrauntf entred M"" Allabaster's booke viz. 300'' to John Busbridge for yron. 100'' to W"^ Dixon purser of y*" dragon. 60'' to xpofer Thompson Smythe for the Hector 100" to M"" Wyseman for the Hector 20'" to Nich : Lynge for charges. 213'' 6. 8. to Andrew Bannyng for oyle 100'' to W"' Dixon for the hecto'. A Geffall Court holden the 14 January 1600. i6co Present M' Aid" Go' S' John Hart 112 THE COURT RECORDS OF 1600 M^ Aid" Hollyday M^ W-" Chambers 14 Tan. ■' ■' W Jo: Wattes M"^ Rot5t Sandy M-^ Cordell M^ Rich: Wyche M"" Wyseman M' Nich: Lynge M"- fra Chery M"^ W'^ Chambers M^ Jo: Highelord M-" Olyuer Style. And the gen!alyty or the greatest part |HIS Court was called vppon occasion of the [vrgent] order takeii by the Lordes of the Councell touching' those that have sett downe ther Contributions, and have not brought in the same, ether in part or all and the assemblie being* gathered together the said order taken by ther Lordships was published and read to the gei?alyty w''*' order being vnder the hande of [the] one of the Clerkes of the councell and enregestred in the Councell booke doeth followe in thes wordes. viz. »6oo At the Whytehall the xj"" of January 1600. Present. L. Keaper M'^ Secretory Cyciil L. Threasurer S"^ Jo : Fortescue M' Comptroller L. Chief Justice M"^ Secretory Herbert Vppon complaint made to ther Llf by the newe aucthorised Companie of merchauntf preparing to trade to the East Indies that certen persons w^'' had heertofore promised and assured by ther subscriptions when the said voyage was first proiected to ad- vaunce certen sommes of money for the proceading in the same vppon confidence [had] and Assurance Whereof the preparation for the said voyage hath bene vndertaken and advaunced to a full redines and yet nevertheles that the said psons would since vppon some vndue pretences retract ther former promyses in that behaulf whereof would ensue that by the want of ther promised contributions the voyage mustbreake Ther Llf vppon due consideration howe greatlie it doeth import the bono'" of the Realme and the state of the present affaires thereof that the said voyage shuld not be hindred or overthrowne by any THE EAST INDIA COMPANY 113 such default [or accident] and indirect meanes and considering^ 1600 also howe weake allegations of excuse have bene made by the ^^ i^^- persons refusers It hath bene therfore this day ordered by ther LLf that notw"'standinge the pretences of the foresaid psons they shall w"'out further delay and namelie by satherday next furnishe ther promysed contributions or otherwyse that order shalbe taken by the LL^ w"' suche as shall refuse the same to Comitt them to prison vntill they Conforme them selfes and make satisfaction according^ to their subscriptions This is a true copie of ther LLf order w'^'' by ther LLf comaundem'is entred into the Regester of the Councell. Thomas Edmondes. Vppon the hearing of w'^'' order it was conceaved by divers of the generalytie that yf the moneis dewe by the said refusers w^ere brought in according to the said order that then ther shuld be no neadeof the supplying of ijMn theltvpponeverieadventuro"^ as vi^as intended by the last geflall Court but when it was related vnto them that notw^standing' all the contribution w*^"^ was sett downe would fall too short to supplie [the] a convenient adventure by 4 or 5 thousand poundes . and that of [necessitie we] necessitie the ij^ in the tt was to be brought in the geflalytie did w"" one assent confirme ther former order and were content to bring* in the said supplie accordinglie. It was also ordered that a Common seale shuld be made for a comon the vse of the Companie and the rather that the same beinge ^^ ^' made everie contributo' might have a bill of adventure of his Contribution vnder the Comon seale of the Companie. the 15 January 1600. 1600 Aid" Bayning : William Harrison Tho : Cordell. Robert Sandy Rich : Wyseman. Rich : Wyche Olyver : Style : Jeames Lancaster John Eldred William Chambers. 114 THE COURT RECORDS OF 1600 IS Jan. 1 100 : to John Ady. 18o:tQ W" ffisher. 1 194 : 5 : 6 to W° gar- way. 1 1 50 : to W" Gar- way for the assention, 1 70 : to W" Harris- son ffor 7 tonns vineger : 120 oxen for victuall- ing the shippes. 1 50" to W™ Dixsy for the redd dragon. 20" to bee coyned. 1 200 : to Thomas Barbar. x6oo 17 Jan. EVEN a warrant to Aid" : Bayning : for paym* of 1 100 : to John Ady carpenter vppo accept of Timber hee delyvered to the vse of the hecto"" Si Assention. Geven a warrant to Aid" Bayninge : ffor paym' of t 80 : to W ffisher ffor 24 barrells of candy oyle at 3" , 6^ . 8*^ p barrell Geven a warrant to Aid" Halleday : ffor paym* of I 194 . 5 . 6 // to w'" garway ; ffor 58 barrells 4 gallons 3^ tt at t 3 . 6 . 8 p barrell. The 15 January 1600. Geven a Warrant to Aid" Halleday ffor paym* of t 150. to w™ garway ffor the vse of the Assention towards repayracion of hir. Geven a warrant to Aid" Bayning ffor paym' of t 70 : to william [garway] Harrisson in ffuU ffor 7 tonns vineger at t 10. p tonn. It is ordered that m"^ Aid" Bannyng and m"" Wyseman shall provide 120 oxen, for the provision of the voyage for that vppon Computacon made of the beef Cutt out and salted for the vic- tualling of the shippes ther appeareth a want of so muche as the said number of oxen doeth come vnto. Geven a warrant to aid" halleday ffor paym* oft 150. to w'" Dixsy purser of the Redd dragon ffor the repayration & vse of that shipp. At this assembly it was ordeyned & determyned that there should bee coyned in the towar over & above the t 6000. al- ready appoynted the vallew of twenty pownds sf^ling money to bee delyvered vnto m'^ wryte to bee distributed vnto the lords & other as vnto him shall seeme good. Geven a warrant to aid" Bayng ffor paym' of t 200. to thomas Babar ffor & on accept of canvas ffor the shipps. The 17 January 1600. M"" deputy rumney : M"" Eldred : M' Stapers : M' Lancaster M' Garway : M' Harrison THE EAST INDIA COMPANY 115 M^ Highlord M'' Sandy M^ Combe M^ Style Ald° Halliday Ald° Watts Aid" Moore 1600 17 Jan I 1000 : to S' Hugh Portman. EVEN a warrant vppo aid" [Halleday] bayning fFor 1 133- 6. 8. paym* of [t] 133'' 6' 8'' in fFuU of his \ jite of the Rkkman. assension I say to Robert Rickman pte owner of the sayd shipp. Geven a warrant vppo aid" Bayning ffor payment \ 128 . 1 ^^S. 1.8. 1 . ^ to nf robert sandy in fFull ffor sondrey disburcements made sandy. by him as p the warrant pticularly appeareth. Geven a warrant vppo aid" Bayng ffor paym* of t 200. to 1 200 : to Robert Stevens t 100. by a bill of exc & t 100 by order of the yg°g sayd ellacott ffor the vallew, in himself. Geven a warrant vppo aid" Bayng ffor paym* of \ 500. to" S"^ hugh portman by a bill of exc for Rob' Pope of the 2 January Geven a warrant vppo aid" Halleday ffor paym' of t 500 to S*" hugh portman by a bill of exc for Robert Pope of the 10 January It is ordered that M' Aid" watts m"" Aid" Moore m'' fVyse-' man nf Chery and Richard Wright Secretorie shall goe to the Court to morrowe morning and ther to exhibite the names to the LL^ of suche that have not brought in the*^ moneis ac- cording to ther LLf order and to aunswer the peticons of suche as detract ther paimentf by some colorable pretences. Order is geaven to Aid" Hollyday Threr to pay to y*^ handes loo" to Mr of m"" W™ Burrell the somme of one hundred poundes sterling* ""^ ' vppon accoumpte to be imployed in the provision of boatf and other necessaries. Warraunt is geaven to aid" Hollyday to pay vnto Anthony 25" 10. o moseley the somme of 25'' 10* o for 4 tuns and i hogg"'*^ of MoseW for vineger bought by M"^ Combe and m"^ Howe. vineger. The Like warraunt is geaven to the said ther to pay to 20'' to Humfrey Phipps [for] the somme of 20'' sterling* for tuns oi phlTgfo^ wyne vineger bought by him of m' Combe and m"" Sandy. w/"« vineger. Ii6 rHE C0UR7 RECORDS OF 1600 17 Jan. 14" 12': to M' Combe for wine vinegar. 69" 8. 2 to M'' Wasse. Looking glasses. Pursers wages. 26. 13. 4 to a Preacher. The like warraunt is geaven vnto the same ther to pay vnto m"^ John Combe the somme of xiiij'' xij^ for so muche p*^ by him to a mariner for 2. Tuns of wyne vineger at 7 6 p tun!. Another Warraunt is made to the said Ther to pay vnto M"" Cristopher Wasse by order of m"" Cherie for a silver fountaine and a Case [silver Bowie or basen] the somme of [fourscore] 6p'' poundes eight shillinges and 2'^ sterling* in full paiment. It is ordered that 2 faire Costlie Looking glasses shalbe pro- uided to be geaven a way as presentf yf cause do require. It is agreed that the Generall Wages of all Pursers imploied in the voyage, shalbe xl* the monethe to be accoumpted from the tyme of the setting* sayle to the shippes and for ther im- ploym* in harborowe. they are to be allowed xx^ the moneth besides ther borde wages w*"'^ is already allowed. And it is ordered that the Scourge shall have 2 Pursers. Warraunt is geaven to Aid" Hollyday to pay to Thomas Pulleyii preacher apointed to goe in the voyage the somme twentie six poundes 13^ 4^* for his provision to Sea. 1600 19 Jai 30" to Mf Spencer m' of the Susann The 19'*" January 1600. Thomas Cordell Jn° Combes garroway Ro^te Sandy W" Rye Staper Rye Wytche RDER is geven to Aldermann banninge to pay to samuell spencer m"^ of Susann the some of thirtie pounds sterlinge and is for his advauncem* afore- haund accordinge to agrem' 1600 21 Jan. The 21 January 1600. M' deputy rumney M' Style : M' Stapers : M' Sandy THE EAST INDIA CO MP ANT 117 M'' Harrison M'' Lancaster M"" Middleton M' Combe 1600 21 Jan. M'- Bell. !T this assembly it was appoynted and concluded that peeter ffrancis a portugall who goeth on this voyadg should goe in the susann w* m' John havard and fFor his wages to have fFyve pounds p month so long as hee serveth in that voyadg Given a warrant vppo aid" Bayning fFor payment of t 333. 6. 8 // st'ling money on the last of fFebruary next to w'" skid- more in fFuU of his ' pt of the assention. Order is given at this assembly ffbr the provyding of a bason and an ewer of playne whyte silver poiz 100 ounces by m"" wyseman & m"" style Also order is given to the sayd m'' wyseman & m"" style fFor the provyding of 2 standing cupps & 2 other peecs of other whyte plate that should way about 30 ounces p peece. Order is given to these fFollowing committyes fFor to take the care of provyding of necessaryes fFor the shipps fFor the Gunners stewards cookes and boatswaynes and Carpenters stores VIZ To capteyn middleton fFor the hecto'^ To m"^ Jn" Havard j fFor the Susann To m"^ Ric Wych ; fFor the Dragon To m"^ William Harrisson fFor the Assention. Geven a warrant vppo aid" Bayning fFor payment of t 200. sf^ling money to Joseph salbanck purser of the Susann fFor the provision of that shipp to bee Imployed vppo hir Geven warrants vppo aid" Halleday fFor payment of these soines fFollowing — t 250 : to w™ Dixson purser of the Redd dragon. \ 6. 13. 4 // to thomas Symonds. t 250. — . — to Ric wyseman fFor the purser of the hecto^ t 150. — . — to [w™ garway fFor] w"" leake the purser of th' assention y^r men^s wag^. peter francis a portugall. 333" 6' S"! to w™ skidmore ffor ^ of th' assention. 3 peecs of \plate. necessaryes ^ffor the ships. 1 200 : to Joseph sal- banck i6oo 21 Jan. 1600 2Z Jai Plate for presents Mariners shares of reprisalles 118 THE COURT RECORDS OF t 250. — . — to Jn" havard fFor the Susann fFor mens wages, t 19. 6. 3 to george Davyes fFor chests fFor cloth le 21 January 1600. Order is taken that m"^ [Aid"] Richard stapers & m*^ sandy should enter all the goods and pay the custom of them and to make a cargazon fFor the whole. Also order is given to m'' Sandy fFor provyding fFor ech shipp these pcells fFoUowing viz : I hhd of prunes I barrell of currents I barrell of Reysons solis The 22 of Januarie 1600 M"" W"^ Rumney deputie M"" Nich : Lynge M^ Aid" Moore M^ W™ Harryson M'' Rich : Staper M^ W"^ Garway M^ [Rich] Tho Cordell M^ Roger Howe M-^ olyuer Style M' RoB' Bell M"^ Ro^t Sandy Capte Lancaster Capte Middleton. T is agreed that ther shalbe prepared for presentes orotherwyse disposed 4 standing Cuppes of bigger and lesser sizes to be carried in the voyage the same to be chased white vnguilt. the 2 greatest at 30 oiz. the 2 lesser at 15 oz. the w*^'' are agreed for at 5^ 6'* the oz. Wheras this assemblie were acquainted that ther hath bene some question made by someof the mariners [for] what allowaunce they should have vppon suche reprisalles as may happen in the voyage. It is vppon that question aunswered that ther is noe in- tention to [enterteyn anie] make anie attempte for reprisalles but onlie to pursue the voya^ [w"'] in a iflchauntlike course. Yet notw*''standing yf anie oportunety be ofFered w"'out preiudice or hassard of the said voya^ [the] Captein Lancaster is to take THE EAST INDIA COMPANY 119 suche co'^se therin as he shall thinlce meet and thervppon to [so] 1600 make suche agrement w**" the mariners for shares as he thinketh ^^ ■'''"* good, vppon suche oportunety yf anie suche happen. Vppon advyse required out of the West Cuntrey for the shipping of • r 1 o • 1 • TIT r> o'' moneys conveymge of suche Spanishe moneis as is in the West Cuntrey in the West to be brought on ship boarde order is geaven to m"" Sandy Cuntrey to write to m"" Ellicott and m"^ Robt Pope to conferre to- gether and to take the best co'"se therin that they can pro- ceading therin according to ther discretion at the Companyes adventures. Warraunt is geaven to [the Widowe Bennett] Aid" HoUyday 100" to 1 ~ TIT- 1 T-. c • Widowe ther to pay vnto Widowe Bennett vppon accoumpte tor iron Bennett for for the shippes and the voyage the some of one hundred '^°"- poundes sterling^. The Like warraunt is geaven to the said Ther to pay to Percivaii Percevall Stradling* one of the fourth sort of factors the some 2o"\ of xx'' agreed to be geaven him for his enterteynm' to provide him self before his going forth A warrante ys granted to Alder" Holledaye to paye vnto 500'' to S'^geant helle, the some of fyve hundred poundf for so moche Hak.^"*^ he cawsed to be payd at Exeter to m"^ John Ellecote, for the vse of the Companye the 23. Jail 1600. A warn* vpon ifl Alldermaii! bannyng to pay to Henry 67 . 9 . o plvmpton threeskor & seven [nyne] pounds nyne shillyngf & was pi^ Jp^Jn ffo' 7 peecf of Rape oyle bought of him by w"" Chamber fFo"" fo' R^pe the vse of the Company this 23* January 1600. The 24 of January 1600. 1600 24 Tan, M-" Aid" Smythe Go' M'" frauncis Chery '' M"^ Aid" Bannyng M' John Eldred M-^ Aid" Halmeden M" Robt Sandy M^ Rich : Staper M'^ Rich : Wyche M' Lancaster M'" W'" Chambers M' olyuer Style M' W™ Harryson M- Aid" Hollyday M' Robt Sandy. THE COURT RECORDS OF 1600 24 Jan. 5o''toTho. Salterne one of the 2 sort of factors. 30'' to Roger Style on of the 4 sort of factors. 250" to Jo: Dixon Pur- ser of the Dragon. The sale of the Susan sealed. IT is resolued that ther shalbe sent from hence in to the West Cuntrey Two of the Comitties to see the shipping* of o"" moneys and victualles when the shippes shall come thether to thende [they] vppon ther returne the Companie may be satysfied howe [ther] ther businesis [disch] dispatched and cleared vppon the departing of the said shippes from the coast. And it is thought [meet] that m"" howe and m' Sandy in respecte that they have had the dealing and directing* of the West Cuntrey busines, that they are the meetest men to be imployed in the said busines. It is resolved that especiall care be taken and m"^ Aid" Holly- day conferred w*''all that the full valewe of vj mt ti. in money be coyned in the Tower, rather w*'' [an] a large overplus then ther sbuld appeare any want of the said somme . to thende all quarrelles or questions of breache of Covennte may be avoyded. that might geave impediment or damage to the voyage. Warraunt is geaven to Aid" HoUyday to pay to Thoins Salterne the fomme of fyftie poundes sterling* for his enter- teynm' to be p*^ him in money by agrem* made w"' him as one of the Second sort of facto'^ Warraunt is also geaven to m"^ Aid" Bannynge Threr to pay vnto Roger Style one of the 3 [4] sort of factors imployed in this voyage the somme of thirtie pounds sterlinge for so muche agreed w*'' him for his enterteynm* in the voyage. Order is geaven to m"" Aid" [Holliday] Bannyng to pay vnto [ the ] W" Dixon P urser of the Read dragon the fomme of t woo hundred and fyftie poundes sterlin^^ vppon accoumpte for the provision [of the] and preparation of the same ship. Wheras the 26. of September Last m"" Aid Bannyng solde to the Comitties the ship called the Susan at the rate of 1600'' vppon condition to take her againe at her Retorne w"' her furnyture and to geave for her 800''. It is nowe agreed that the bargaine and sale of the said ship shalbe absolute . and the condition discharged, and thervpp. an absolute sale in wryt- ing was sealed this day to m' howe to m"^ Eldred m' Chambers and m"^ Wyche by m"^ Aid" Bannyng. rHE EASr INDIA COMPANY Warraunt is geaven to m"" Aid" holliday ther to pay vnto 1600 phillip winchecombe one of the fowrth sort of factors the ^+J^"- . . . 20 to somme of Twentie poundes sterling for so muche allowed him phiiiipp for his provision and preparation to sea according to [[his] agrea- ^^-^be < one ment. of the 4 Order is geaven to m"" Aid" Bannyn^ to pay vnto one Bradley factors. for Ballast, the some of Twentie Nobles, in full demaunde . who 6 13 4 to by vertue of a pattent claymed the ballasting of all the 4 shippes for^BaiLt.^ or to be p^ therfore whether he found ballast or not. The 26 of Januarie. 1600. 1600 y[r W" Ruiney deputy M^ John Eldred ^^^''"* M^ Aid" Bannyng M^ [Jo] Robt Sandy Capten Lancaster M"" Rich. Wyche M-" W'" Garway M^ W-" Chambers M' Midleton M"" W"" Harryson. T is ordered that the provision of suche cordage pitche provision of tarre and other thinges of that kinde that the Com- pl^chf tarre pany shall have occasion to vse shalbe re'* and .pro- &c : vided w"' one Browne and Companie yf they shalbe well vsed ther yf otherwyse to take it wher they may have it at the best hand. Warraunt is geaven to m"" Aid" hollyday to pay to George 100" to the Persons Purser of the Hecto"" the somme of one hundred He'^cto" ' ^ poundes. for provisions by the motion of Capten Lancaster. The like warraunt is geaven to the the said Aid" to pay to 38" for 12 Patrick Johnson for 12 way of Salt the somme of xxxviij''. ^^^° ^^'^ Complaint beinge made to this Assemblie that some abuse Deceiptvsed hath bene offered to the Companie in provysion of thinges for pgnter 0/*^' the voyage by requiring* and putting* to accoumpte more then is the Susan paid for thinges provided and the matter being exaied It was confessed by Peter fenton that the Carpenter of the Susan had re** of the Company 3^' 6* for a mast more then he p'* for the same, and for another smale mast that cost but 20^ he re'' of the Company 25^ 122 THE COURT RECORDS OF 1600 The 27 of Januarie 1600. 27 Jan. Mr ^ij Smyth Go^ M-" Aid" Bannyng M' W'" Rumney deputy Captefi Midleton M^ Tho Cordell M^ Roger Howe. Capten Lancaster M*^ Nich: Lynge. M^ Jo : Eldred. M"" John Combe M^ W'" Chambers M'' W^ Harryson M"^ Rich: Wyche. Ald° Wattes. 326. 134 g'^'^^^ ARRAUNT is geaven to m' Aid" hoUyday to pay furneTfo" ^^i^M^ ^^^° '"'^ Symon furner the 10* of marche next the powder. f'ra.^^^K*! somme of three hundred twenty six poundes 13^ ^^^ilf^ 4 for 98 ba'*^ of ordinarie powder cii*^ [^ioo''3 five score" neat in eche barrell at viij"* p ti 20" to Tho: Warraunt is geaven vnto Aid' holliday Threr to pay vnto Tudd on of Thomas Tudd on of the fowrth sort of facto'^ enterteyned for the 4 sort _ . ■' of facto", the voyage the somme of twentie poundf sterling for soe muche agreed to be geaven him for his enterteynm* and to make his provision. Moneis re- Aid' Hollyday pro/)(Jundeth to this assembly a forme of rep- shiTed^b''^ tition of the moneis in his Custody provided to be shipped for the shippes. the voyage w'''' being considered of at this assembly is well lyked and allowed of and is as followeth Newe moneys. In the read Dragon 3 chests cn*§ 8 bagges a pece cn*s ech bag 500 pecf of 4'* ster w* the proffit amounteth to aboute 2600 . ^ . ** In the Hecto' 2chestf en'? ech chest 8 baggf and 500 pecf of 4^^ in ech bag and amounteth w'" the proffit 1733 .6.8 In the assention i chest cii's 8 bagges of 500 pecf of 4 p bagg amounteth 866 .13 .4 In the Susan — i chest cn*^ 8 baggf of 500 pecf of 4^^ p bag amounteth 866 .13 .4 Spanishe money. In the read Dragon 2 chestf en's g baggf p chest and in ech bag 500 peicf of 8 RioUes amounteth 1733 . 6 .8 rHE EAST INDIA COMPANY 1-23 In the Hecto"" — 2 chestes cn'^ 8 bagf p 1600 chest and in ech bag 500 peecf of 8 Royalles ^^ J^"- amounteth ^733 .6.8 In the Assensioii' i chest cri'" 8 baggf and 500 pf of 8 Ryalles in the bag 866 . 13 . 4 In the Susan i chest cri'^ 8 baggC and 500 pecf of 8 Ryalles in ech bag 866 . 13 . 4 Whereas ther are shipped in the shippes severally certen Chamiettes peecf of vnwatered Chamlettf en's 60 peecf in alle. w"'' are tl^o^tvizr- shipped w^'out any geflall order of the Comitties it is ordered "unt. that the same Chamlettf shalbe taken vp againe [and] by him that entred and shipped them vppon payne of suche forfeiture as shalbe assessed vppon him for an offence of privat trade being ifichaundize not allowed to be shipped by the Company. It is ordered that ther shalbe allowed and deliuered to Samuell Samuel Spencer m"^ of the Susan a barrell of oyle for his provision to ^P^"'^^''- sea for that he eateth in ordinarie salte victualles that is pro- vided for the Companie. Order is geaven to Aid"" hollyday to pay vnto John Havard loo'^tojo: one of the 4 principall factors the somme of one hundred of^the4°"^ poundes sterling for soe much allowed for his enterteynm' to P^ncipaii ,.,,., factors. be imployed m the voyage The 29 of Januarie 1600. 1600 M^ W" Rumey deputy M' Robt Sandy ^^ ■^'"■ M"" Aid" Bannyng M' Robt Bell M^ Ald° Moore M'" W'" Harryson M^ Rich : Staper M"^ Rich: Wyche. M"" Jo. Highelord Captefi Lancaster M^ Rich : Wyseman M"" Jo : Midleton. RDER is geven to Aid' Bannynge ther to pay vnto 36, 10. 10 m'' [Ald^] Wattes in full paiment [of] for 22 shirtes of ^^^^^^V^,. mayle the somme of 36 . 10 . 10. to be p'* the 28 of shirtes of Marche'next. ^^''^• M' Hacklett the historiographer of the viages of the East M' Hack- lett. i6oo 29 Jan. prises of tymber. 124 THE COURT RECORDS OF Indies, beinge here before the Comitties and having read vnto them out of his notes and bookes divers instruccons for pro- visions of Jewelles . was required to sett downe in wryting a note of the principal! places in the East Indies wher Trade [was] is to be had to thend the same may be vsed for the better instruccon of o"^ factors in the said voyage. It is ordered that M' Wyseman m"^ harryson and M' wyche shall agree w"' the Carpenters for the prises of Tymber dd for the shippes whervppon! some difference resteth for the said prises. 1600 31 Jai Augustine Skinner. Private trade. 60. Tho Shere. The 31 Januarie 1600. M^ Aid" Smithe Go' M"" Aid" Hollyday M"" W™ Ruiiiey deputy M"" Aid" Wattes. M' Rich ; Stapers M^ W" Chamber. M"^ Rich : Wyseman M"^ Nich : Lynge M' Roger Howe M' Jo Combes. M-^ John Eldred M' Rich : Wyche M-" Rofet Sandy M"" W"^ Harryson. \T is ordered that m"" Augustine Skinner his adven- ture of 200^' shalbe re'"^ in the West Cuntrey in Ryalles according' to his Ires directed to M"^ Ellecot dated the 30 pnte. w'^'' Ire is [directed] delivered to M' Sandy, to be sent to M' Ellecott. It is ordered that the psons herevnder named together w"' the Secretorie shall devyse and sett downe certen ordenaunces for the avoiding of private and pticler trade in this voyage. And the same ordenaunces to be Considered of by the Comitties and afterwardes psented to the generalitie to be Confirmed as Lawes to be holden and observed for the Common good of the voyage. /M"" olyuer style Comitties for to devise M' Thomas Cordell orders against private -l M"" Tho : Allabaster trade. M' Rich : Wyche Rich : Wrighte. Warraunt is geaven to Aid" holliday threr to pay vnto THE EASr INDIA COMPANY 125 Thomas Shere of Exceto' threescore poundes sterling* for so muche re'' of him by M" Jo : Sandy to be imploied in Ryalles in the West Cuntrey. Warraunt was geaven to Aid" Bannynge to pay vnto Thomas Parkins for 32 Jarres of honny. twentie poundes one shilling sterling*. It is ordered that Aid" Wattes shall conferre w"" of Colchester touchinge the damma^ required for the [amo' of] hurt done to his ship by the Anco"^ of the Scourge. It is ordered that M' Governo"" shall gratifie Qifl] one W'" Walter who dedicated to the Companie the book of the flemyngf voyage, w*'' the some of xx* and to be rep'' the same by one of the thers. It is apointed that the Comitties apointed for the shippes w"' suche as Were owners of the same before they were bought shall go to the severall shippes and take an Inuentorie of all the furniture as well formerlie sold w*'' the shippes as bought since for the said shippes for the preparation of the voyage. Warraunt is geaven to Aid" Bannyng* ther to pay vnto Leonard Shawe thirtie seven poundes [sterling] xv* vj'* sterling* for Chese bought by m"" Sandy and 14'' v^ fo' butter being in the whole 52''. The 3. of february 1600. M"" W" Ruiney deputy M"" W" Harryson. M' Rich : Wyseman M' Aid. Bannyng M^ John Eldred. M^ Rich : Staper M"" W'" Chambers M"- RoBt Bell. jRDER is geaven to Aid' HoUiday ther to pay vnto M"^ W"" Brunde ori of the Principal! factors of the shippes the somme of one hundred poundes ster- ling* for somuch Qby] to him allowed for his enter- teynm* to be p*^ him for his provision! to sea : Whereas Thomas Johnson servaunt to the Earle of Oxford is secretlie departed from his [said] service bein^ imployed in office of trust w"'out geving vp anie accompt intending to goe 1600 31 Jan. 2o'» 1* for honny to Tho Parkins. Damage for the hurt done by the Anco'of the Scourge, xx'' to W" Walter. Comitties for the shippes. 52'' to M"" Shawe for butter and chese. 1600 3 Feb, 100" to Mr Brund one of the prin- cipal! fac- tors. The erle of Oxfordes man Run away. iz6 THE COURT RECORDS OF 1600 3 Feb. TheComit- ties of the shipps to call the officers of the shippes to ac- coumpt. 20" to Thomas Morgan. 180'' to M' Jo: Lacy by assignm' of the Mos- kovia Com- pany. 100 to the Purser of the Assen- tion. 90''. 10'. to Mf Robt Bell for Paper. to sea. Therfore it is ordered that inquisition shalbe made in the severall shippes for the said John and suche order taken that he shall not be pmitted to go in anie of the shippes. It is ordered that the Comitties of the severall shippes shall have aucthoritie to call before them all officers of the said shippes and to take an accompte of them, what provisions of anie of the said shippes hathe bene re'' or brought into anie of the said shippes by them or anie of them and wher the same hath bene had and at what prises. Order is geaven to M'" Ald° Bannyn^ ther to pay vnto Thomas Morgan on of the fowrth sorte of the facto"^^ of this pnte voyag^ : the somme of twentie poundf sterling for so muche agreed to be p*^ him for his enterteynm* to provide him to sea. Order is geaven to m"" Aid" Bannyng [holliday threr] to pay vnto m"^ John lacy by the Assignm* of {vn'~\ the Company of the Moscovia the somme of one hundred fowrscore and eight poundes sterlinge vppon accoumpte of cordag^ w'^'' hath bene had of the said Companie for the provision of cordage for the [sai] voyage: ^vppon]] the money to be p*^ the Last of Marche next. Order is geaven to m"" Aid" Holliday to pay vnto M' Garway or the Purser of the Assention the somme of one hundred poundes sterling vppon accoumpt for the provision of thingf necessarie for the same ship. It is ordered that m"^ Andrewe Bannyng shalbe required to pay the 200'' sett downe for Jeffrey kirby for that the 200'' sett downe for Barttiiew Haggett thes comitties are content to forbeare and to suspend his admission for a further tyme vntill they shall be aunswered ether that he will bring in money or els to exclude him from the p^viledges. Warraunt is geaven to M' Aid" Holliday to pay vnto m"^ Robt Bell the somme of fourscore and tenn poundes [^sterling] and tenn shilling^ sterling for paper bought of him for the vse of voyage. M"" Gouernour M' Deputy M' Stapers M"" Wyseman THE EAST INDIA COMPANY 1*7 M^ Aid" Holleday M^ Highlord 1600 M-- Sandy M"" Bell 3 Feb. M' Linge. Order is appoynted that m"^ lancaster & m'' middleton should end and agree w"' him fFor his charges & enterteynm* in this voyadg. Geven a warrant vppo aid" Bayning ffor paym' of t 300 : to M"" John davyes pylott maior fFor his salary to goe this voyadg. Geven a warrant vppo aid" halleday fFor paym* of t88 . 16 . 3. to m"^ george smithyes fFor plate bought of him. The 5. February 1600. j6oo M"" Rumney deputy M"" Lynge 5 Feb. M' Tho : Cordell M"- Roger Howe M'' Ric Stapers M' Ric'': Wych M-" Ric : Wyseman M"" Highlord M^ John Eldred M'" Sandy M' Bell. |T is ordred that m"^ chambres & m"" harrisson shall cieering of agree w**" m"^ ffletcher & his company to reckon w"' ^r fletcher them and so make an end and cleere accept w*"^ them. Also that m"" Richard wyseman should cleere accopt w"' wmburreii m'^ william Burrell. Also that m"^ aid" Halleday should cleere accopt w"" william w-" Angeii Angell. Also m"" Sandy to cleere accompt with m"^ peard. mf peard Also to cleere accopt w*** M' Howe. m^ Howe To make maurice Abbott creddito'^by M"" Rickman fFor 100''. Also m'^ aid" halleday to cleere acc5pt w'^ M"^ Gosson. Order is geaven to m"" Aid"" Bannyng to pay vnto W"" Dixon 200 to the Purser of the [hector] redd Dragon the some of two hundred "^°"' poundes sterling vppon accompt for the provision of the same ship. It is ordered that the psons heervnder named shalbe con- west ferred w*''all for the going in to West Cuntrey to see the Cuntrey. 128 THE COURT RECORDS OF 1600 5 Feb. Damage re- quired for hurt done by the An- ker of the read dragon. discharge of the shippes there to thende that two of them at the least may appointed to that imployment. M"^ Ro^t Sandy M"" Jo : Combe M' Roger Howe M' Nich : lyng M'' W™ Chamber It is ordered that m"^ Cordell and m"" highlord shall attend my 1. of Cumberland concerning the demaunde [of] made by the shippes for the dama^^ susteyned by the Anker of the read dragon and to pray his lordship to take some co'^se w"* the Judge of the Admiralty therin signifying vnto him that it seemeth that one of the officers of the Court foUoweth the cause as a solicito"" being interested by [ComissionJ Composition for that w'^'' may be recovered therein. 1600 7 Feb. The [6] 7. of February 1600. M"" W"" Rumney deputy M' Jld" Hollyday. W™ Brode- bent Mr of the Dragon 100'' lent vppon Land morgaged M-" Aid" Bannyng M"" Rich : Wyche. M"" Aid" Wattes M' Nichas Lyng M"- Tho : Cordell M-" W'" Chamber M"" Ro^t Sandy M"" W'" Harryson M"" Jo Combe M"" frauncis Chery. PPON the ernest request of [the Co] W" Brodebent to deliver him of a preiudize w'^'' he is like to vndergoe vppon the morgage of certen landes in the handes of m"^ Hughe Beeston [ther is] it is agreed that ther shall be lent vnto him the some of one hundred poundes vppon the like assuraunce made of the same land to m"^ Cordell and m"^ wyche to the vse of the Company for the repayment of the money at 6 monethes and to that ende warraunt is geauen to Aid" Hollyday ther to pay the same money to the said m"" Brodebent. Mr flemyng It is Ordered that ther shalbe stay made of [an iron] a Smithes Bill of wares made for the voyage who hath re*^ his iron of m' fflemyn^ and paieth him not for it And the Smyth is content that m"^ fflemynges money shalbe p** viz the 17. of feb: 1600 he agreed therto. rHE EAST INDIA COMPANY 129 Order is geaven to Aid" Bannyng' thcr to pay vnto Josephe 1600 Salbanck Purser of the Susan the some of one hundred poundes sterling vppon accoumpte of the Charges imployed for the pro- purserofthe vision of the voiage. Susan. Order is geaven to Aid" Holliday to pay vnto the Assignee 200. to of Thorns Billett Costemer of Poole the soine of two hundred by ex". poundes sterling* for soe much taken vp by ex*^'' in the West Cuntrey by Ro^t Pope for the vse of the voyage. Lyke order is geaven to the said ther to pay vnto Thomas 68 18 for Lirv p, ~ -..., , ... pewter. leth rewtero the some or sixtie eight poundes xvnj^ vppon a bill of pcelles of Pewter bought of him by nJ Sandy and ifi Bell. Another warraunt is geaven [to the] to Aid" Bannyng; ther 36" to Aid "- ^ -^ _ _ . Wattes for to pay vnto m"" Aid"" Wattes the some of thirtie and six poundes ironhoopes. sterling for iron hoopes bought of him for the vse of the Companie. Warraunt is also geaven to m'^ Aid" Holliday ther to pay 43 • 16 . 6 vnto Robt Warner the some of fFowrtie three poundes 16.6 ""^ ^^^^^' sterling vppon a bill of pcelles of glasses re*^ to the vse of l:2pi^ the Companie amounting to 143 16 6 whereof 100'' is al- ready p^. A Gen'"all Court the x"" of february 1600. 1600 10 Feb. Present. M^ Thomas Smythe, Aid" Go^ M^ Rich : Staper M-^ W" Rufiiey M"^ Rich : Wyche & a verie great nuber of M"^ Nich : Lynge the genJalyty. IT this Co'^t the companie accordinge to ther priviledg" pceadin^ to establish and enacte certen Decrees and lawes fitt for the present occasion, and to be vsed as directions, for the guiding" of the trade and traffique belong'ing' to y*" present voyage, nowe to be sett forth Do at this assemblie or- deine and Decree thes severall ordinaunces to be holden and kept as standing ordinaunces [for] to be vsed in [ther] the s I30 THE COURT RECORDS OF 1600 10 Feb. That all thinges be mannaged as a iointe stocke, & noc priuate Trade to be vsed. The pre- vencoii of priuate traffique Againste fraude in the genall venture & the penal- etie. voyages w"'out alteration or chaungin^ the teno"^ whereof here- after ensue vidett. It is ordayened and decred that all the preparation of moneis merchandizes and other provision for [the saide] this present voiadge and all CoiTiodityes moneis Jewells and other mer- chandize retourned in the saide voiadge shalbe holden reputed and accompted and be carried mannaged ordered and handled as one entyre Joynte and Conion Stocke of adventure wherein no private traffique barter exchaunge or merchaundizinge shalbe vsed practized or admytted by any pticuler Governo' Capten merchaunte Agent facto' m"^ marriner officer or other jjson whatsoever imployed in the saide voiadge or permitted to goe in the same vppon payne of the losse & forfeiture to thuse of the Generall Companie and Adventures in this voiadge of all somes of money Jewells warres goodes or ifichandizes w*^'' shalbe founde in the saide shippes or els where, carried forthe or retourned home by any private or pticuler man and not con- tayned and brought in to genlall and coinon accompte & ioynte adventure of the saide voiadge And to thend this prejudice of private traffique may the better be avoyded It is alsoe ordeyned & appointed y' due inquisicon be made in all and euerie the seffall shipps of the saide voiadge and els where by serche of all such Chestes boxes Packes Packetts bookes wrytingf and other meanes whereby discoverie may be made of the breache of this present ordinaunce. And yt is in like manner ordayned and decred for the avoidinge of all vnfaithfullnes and deceipte to be vsed in the saide voiadge in the defraudinge of the genlall adventure w'^'' is prepared and sett forth that the greate Costf and Chardgf of such as repose there trust and confidence in the officers and mynisters imployed in the saide voiadge that what pson soever shalbe found vnfaithfuU or vniust in the saide voiadge by ymbesselinge or w"'drawinge of any the goodes wares mer- chaundizes Jewells or other coinodityes Whatsoever ether belonging to the adventure sent out or beinge pcell of the retourne of the same w'^'' was is or shalbe ether prepared bought or belonginge to the comon or generall Stocke or rHE EAST INDIA COMPANY 131 adventure that such pson shalbe barred and concluded to 1600 demaunde of the Governo*^ & Companie of the saide mer- ^° '^ ' chauntf of London tradinge into the Eaft Indies any accompte rekoninge or paym* of any wages salary contract or enter- tainm* for his imployment in this voiadge wherevnto he was or otherwise might have binne interessed yf such offence had not binne comytted And further that everie such pson soe offend- inge shalbe [psented] prosecuted by the saide Governor & Com- panie of the saide iflchauntf of london tradinge into the East Indies accordinge to the qualetie of his offence in that behalfe by the lawes and Statutf of this Realme. And further more yt is ordeyned that yf vppon the deliuieof her Ma'"" Ires to the prinnces of those places where our shipps Leavinge of shall arrive [yo] thegeneralland[merchaunt^~]factors%\\di\]:)e peace- the East ablie received & entertayned as ifichaunt^ to commerce and l"*^'"- trafflque w"' the people of those Cuntries or places and be se- cured & warranted hereafter to frequente and visite those j)tes Then yt is ordayned and agreed that ther shalbe selected out of the yongest sorte of the facto"^* or others entertayned or volun- tarily suffred to goe in the voiadge such and soe manye of the aptest and towardest of them as [yo] 0'' principall merchaunt shall thincke meete and w'^''' shall have best approved them selfes fitt for [such our] the imploym' of the Companie to re- syde & abide in the saide places where [yo] they shalbe soe peaceablie received yf [yo] they may be pmitted therevnto takinge sufficient and carefull order for the [dischardginge] de- frayinge. and supplyinge of there Chardge vntyll those places shalbe hereafter visited by another fleete sent fro hence And leavinge w"^ them such advyse and direction for ther better in- formacon howe to carrie them selves in those places as by the [yo""] good direction of (f principall merchaunt w*** thadvyse of suche as [yo] he shall consulte %v"'all thereof shalbe thought meete and as tyme and experience of those places shall directe [you] them whilest the shippes Do lye in thes partes. At this court was read a Coiiiission conceaved by the A Comis- Comitties to be Delivered vnto the generall or principal q^x^\\i^ ^ merchaunt^ i^ others in succession vnder the Coiiion seale of '" succes- 132 rHE COURT RECORDS OF 1600 10 Feb, sion vnder the Comon Seale. The Com- mission to the Gene- rall or principall marchant. the Companie concerning the managing* of the trade by avoyd- ing^ of private traffique & vnfaithfuU Dealing' and to geave order for the Leaving of fitt factors to reside in the East Indies vntil the retorne of [the next] a seconde fleet thether w''' Comission was well lykd of and agreed to be written in fowre severall ptes and vnto everie part the Comon seale of the Companie to be [annexed] added to thende that in everie ship one of the said Comissions may be kepte in the handes of the principall iffchauntf of [the] everie ship w'^'' Comission doeth followe in thes wordes. viz : — Whereas wee the governo"^ and Companie of the iflchaunts of London . trading^ into the East Indies have chosen yo M"" James Lancaster for the chief governo"^ or geflall to governe or Rule all suche merchauntf marrine'* office"^* and other her Ma"^^ Subietf w"^'' are ymployed by vs or are or shalbe shipped in anie of the fowre shippes by vs prepared and sett forthe for this pnte intended voiage towardes the East Indies And whereas the Queens most excelent Ma'® ap- provinge and allowinge of our Choice of yo" to the said government and favouringe the said enterprise hath by her gratious Lres pattentf vnder the great Seale of England the better to enable you to keepe yo'" whole Companie in good agreement one towardes another and in obedience and dew respect towardes you geaven you aucthoritie to chastice and correct such offences as shall arrise in the said voyadgeaccord- inge as in the said Lres Pattentf at large appearethe w*^'' Lres Pattentf extendinge onlye to the generall governm' of yo*" whole Companie shipped in the said shippes for their Croill behaviour whilest they are abroad in the said viage and not vnto the mannaginge and orderinge of the trade of merchaun- dize for w*"'' the said voyadge is principallie appointed and sett forthe wee therfore by these our pnte Lres [Pattentf] or Comission vnder our Common Seale for the orderinge and disposinge of all such merchaundize gold pearle Jewells and other Commodities w"*^ are to be bought bartered procured, exchaunged or otherwyse obteyned in this pnte voyage do for yo"^ remembrauncc and direccon in that behaulfe sett downe rHE EAST INDIA COMPANY 133 theise Clawses ordeiincf and decrees hereafter followinge de- 1600 claringe hereby our purpose and entencon how wee appointe '° ^ " and ordeyne that the traffique of this pntevoyadge shalbe ordered and carryed w*^'' ordeiinces and decrees wee will and require you to observe and keape and do geave you power and aucthoritie to see the same executed and putt in vse accordingly vidett wee do ordeyne and decree that all the preparacons of moneis iflchaundizes and other provision for the said voyage and all Commodities moneis Jewells and other merchaundize retourned in the saidviage shalbe holden reputed&accompted and be carred mannaged ordered and handeled as one entire Joint and Common Stocke of adventure wherein no private traffique barter exchaunge or merchaundizinge shalbe vsed practized or admitted by any pticler Governo'^ Captein iflchaunt Agent facto"^ MJ Marrine"" officer or other pson whatsoever imploied in the said viage or pmitted to go in the same vppon paine of the losse and forfeiture to thuse of the generall companie and adventurers in this viage of all soiTies of moneis Jewells wares goodes or merchaundizes w'^'^ shalbe found in the said shippes or els were carried forthe or retourned home by any private or pticler man and not Conteyned and brought into the generall and common accompte and ioynte adventure of the said viage And to thend this preiudice of private traffique may the better be avoyded wee do ordeyne and appoint that due inquisicon be made in all and everye the severall shippes of the said viage and els refer by searche of all such chestf boxes packf packettf bookf writing^ and other meanes whereby discovery may be made of the breache of this present ordennce And wee do in like manner ordeyne and decree for the avoydinge of all vn- faythfuUnes and deceite to be vsed in the said voyage in the defraudinge of the generall adventure w'^'' is prepared and sett forthe att the great costf and charges of such as repose their trust and confidence in the office"^^ and mynisters imployed in the said viage that what pson soever shalbe found vnfaithfull or vniust in the said voyadge by embesselinge or w^Mrawinge of anie the goodf wares merchaundizes Jewells or other com- mdoties whatsoever other belonginge to the adventure sentc 134 THE court: RECORDS OF 1600 out or beinge pcell of the retourne of the same w*"'' was is or *° ^ ' shalbe ether prepared bought or belonginge to the common or generall stocke or adventure that such gson shalbe barred and concluded to demaund of the Governo"^ and Companie of the said merchauntf of London tradinge into the Est Indies any accompt reckonige or payment of anie wages salary contract or entertaynm* for his imployment in this viage wherevnto he was or otherwyse might have bene enteressed yf such offence had bene comitted. And ffurther that every such pson so offendinge shalbe prosecuted by the said Governor and Com- panie of merchaunt^ of London tradinge into the East Indies accordinge to the qualety of his offence in that behaulfe by the lawes and Statutf of this Realme. And furthermore wee do ordeyne that yf vppon the delivery of of her Ma""^ Lres to the prinnces of those places wher our shippes shall arrive yet shalbe peacably received and entertayned as merchauntf to Commerce and traffique w"' the people of those Cuntries or placf and be secured and warraunted here- after to frequent and visitt those ptes then wee do ordeyne and agree that you shall select out of the yongest sort of our facto'^ and others entertayned by vs or voluntarily suffered to go in the voyage such and so many of the most aptest and towardest of them as you shall thincke meet and as shall have have best approved them selves fitt for such our employment to reside and abide in the said places wher yo" shalbe so peaceably received yf you may be pmitted therevnto takinge sufficient [order] and Careful! order for the defrayinge and sup- pliinge of their charges vntill those places shalbe hereafter visited by another fleet sent from hence and Leavinge w"'them such advise and direcon for their better enformacon how to carry them selves in those placf as by y' good discrecon w"' thadvise of such as you you shall conferre thereof shalbe thought meet and as tyme and experience of those places shall direct you. And forasmuche as the dales of manns liefe are lyiiiited and the certeintie thereof for their continuance and end onlie knowen vnto God Wee the said Governour and Companie of THE EAST INDIA CO MP A NT 135 merchauntf of London tradinge into the East Indies do hereby 1600 ordeine and provide that yf it shall happen you the said James Lancaster to depte this mortall liefe before the retourne of the said shippes then from and after the decease of yo" the said James Lancaster wee do by this o"" pnte Comission vnder our Coinon Scale constitute and appointe jo" M"" John Middleton to be the cheife Governo'^ or generall of the said merchauntf marrine'^'officers [and other officers] and other her Ma^'Hubjectf by vs ymployed or otherwise shipped in the said viage willinge and requiringe you and gevinge you like power and aucthoritie to putt in execucon the said ordenncf and decrees concerninge the orderinge and disposinge of the traffique and merchaundizinge of the said viage as wee have done to the said James Lancaster and yf it shall happen by godf appointment that both you the said James Lancaster and John Middleton shall decease in the said viage then wee ordeyne and appointe the principall and generall government of the whole Companie therein imploied or shipped in this pnte viage vnto you M"" William Brund beinge also one of o"" fowre principall merchauntf whom we have chosen and entertayned for the orderinge and disposinge of the merchaundizes and traffique of the said viage Requiringe you yf you shall fortune to survive the said James Lancaster and John Middleton to observe and keape the same o"" or- denncf and decrees before mencoed ordeyned and appointed by vs for the traffique and merchaundizinge of the said voyadge geavinge you the like aucthoritie to execute the same as is formerlie herein geaven to the said James Lancaster and John Middleton or ether of them and yf you the said William Brund shall fortune to decease in the said viage then wee do appointe the ymediate succession and execucon of the said charge and governm* aforesaid vnto you M"^ John Havard one other of our said principall merchauntf requiringe you to see our said ordenncf and decrees to be kept and pformed geavinge vnto you the same power and aucthoritie as wee have hereby geven to the said James Lancaster Jo: Middleton and William Brund or any of them And yf it should fortune that all the said severall psons imploied by vs as our principall merchauntf 136 THE COURT RECORDS OF 1600 in this pnte viage to decease then wee ordeyne and appointe the whole governm* and Charge before mencoed to be vnder- taken by one of you fowre w''' are of the second sort of merchauntf or facto'* by vs imployed in the said viage the same to be taken and executed successively l^by^ one after another as anie of you shall happen to decease after the said Charge by the trew meannge hereof shalbe cast vppon you w''' Charge wee do ordeyne shall succeade in this manner videh first to our second merchaunt shipped in the Redd dragon next to our second merchaunt or facto"" shipped in the Hecto"" thirdly to our second merchaunt or facto"" shipped in the assention and lastlie to our second merchaunt or factor shipped in the Suzan [Reposinge in you our severall ifJchauntf and all you our severall officers appointed and entertayned in this viage es- petiall hope trust and confidence that you will accorde and agree together and ioyne in freind shipp and amyty to do and execute yo"" vttermost endeavo""^ for the benefitt of the voyadge w*"out contencon discord or emulacon to be vsed amongst you guidinge yo"" selves therein by that generall Reigment and Sea government w*^*" our Englishe fleetf do vse when they sorte themselves togeather And so wee commend you and yo"" travilles to god & providence who guide you w**^ his feare and defend yo" from all daungers.] And wee do further Ordeine that as wee have appointed a Succession of o' Principall merchaunt and governor of the Whole Companie imploied or shipped in this viage so wee do order and decree that vppon soever the said governm* in suc- cession shall fall by the decease of anie the psons before named that he shall or may shipp or imbarke him selfe in the Admirall of o"" fleete and enioye and receive such place Cabbin easement and commandm' therein as o"^ said generall and principall governo"" formerlie did. And Lastlie whereas her Ma"* by her Commission vnder the great Seale haith onlie appointed the generall governm' of all her Subiectf imploied in the said viage vnto the said James Lancaster w^'^out anie appointinge of Succession by like War- raunt to any that is imploied in the said viage and that it lieth THE EAST INDIA COMPANY 137 not in vs to geave anie warraunt for the Correccon of offencf 1600 by pennall lawes to be executed vppon the bodies of anie her '° ^ ' Ma'" Subiectf wee do in that behaulfe as to menn havinge reason and discrecon and to men that feare god offer vnto you' good Consideracons the benefitt of order and peaceable agreement in matters and enterprises vndertaken for a Common good Reposing^ in yo" o"" seuall iflchauntC and all yo o"" seflall officers appointed and entertayned in this voiadge a specyall hope trust and confidence y' yo will accorde and agree together and Joyne in freindshipp and amytie To doe and execute yo"" vnttermost endeavo'* for the benefitt of the voiadge w"'out Contencon discorde or emulacon to be vsed amongest yo guidinge yo'^selves there in by that gen'^all Reigem* and Sea govermet w'^'' o"" Englishe fleet^ doe vse when they sorte themselves haveinge a specyall and due respect to him that is yo"" princypall or cape merchant And soe we comende yo" and yo"^ travailes to gods providence who guide yo w"' his feare and defende yo fro all Daungers. Whereas by an order of Court of the 9 of Januarie last It An act was agreed that he that [shall] did not bring in by the way of thebrlnging supply to be added to his adventure fornierlie sett downe ij* vppon '" oitht jrri- 1 11' 1 ^ f 1 • supplie of evene pound [or his adventure by him so sett downe] of his 2» in the U, stock or contribution by the 15. of the same moneth should for- feit x^' vppon everie the C**" of the said adventure notw"'standing w'^'' [lawe] order ther are divers that have not brought in ther said supplies by w*"'' meanes ther resteth forfeited out of ther said stockes the said ij^ in the pound w"^'' cometh to [xx"] *•'' vppon everie c'' [sett downe and whereas notw"'standing w''*' penaltie divers of the Companie were still behinde and have not yet brought in ther said Supplie by meanes Whereof] the voyage is still \Jov no^ in a great afterdeale and want of moneis to supplie present and necessarie paimtf [by the want whereof] by meanes zvhereof the shippes are deteyned here at the companies great charge. It is therfore ordered for the avoyding* of the daunger [that] w''' thes delaies of bringin^^ in of moneys may bread [that] and for the encoragem' of suche as wilbe forward to supply the wantf thereof that [whosoever] as many of the Com- T 138 THE COURT RECORDS OF 1600 10 Feb. 1600 II Feb. pany as will bring in to the handes of the Threr the some of xx'' to be added to his or ther owne adventure formerly sett downe having brought in his full principall and his supply of if the It by the said recited act agreed vppon, shall for the said xx'' by him or them voluntaryly brought in have not only the benyfyte of the gaine thereof but the [benefytt or] principall and gaine of the some of xx'' by the said act forfyted by soine one that hath not brought in his supply of ij^ the ti. And to that ende thursday next is geaven to all those w*^*^ are behind w"" ther said supplies ether to bring them in or els to lose xx'' [vppon or] out of [ther] every cc'' of ther stocke to be added to the stockes of them w*^'' vi'ill supply it for them [&] in ther default, the same to be sett over at the next geflall Courte w*^'' is intended to be on fryday next [[And is] The xj"" of february 1600. M'" Aid. Wattes M"" Jo : Highelord M^ Rich : Staper M^ RoBt Sandy M'' Rich : Wyseman M-" W'" Chambers M'- W" Garway M"" W'" Harryson. RDER is geaven to m"^ Aid" Bannyn^ to pay vnto frauncf Parrett for Norromborowgh ware bought of him the somme of Two hundred and seven poundes sterling pcell of 407'' arysing to that some by the pcelles de- livered to the handes of m"^ Allabaster wherof the said 207'' is presentlie to be p*^ and the resideue the last of Aprill. Order is geaven to Aid" Bannyng to pay vnto George Davyes for chestf filled w*'' showes shirtes Cassockf and breeches the soine of Eleven poundes [sterling] one shilling sterling. Order is geaven to Aid" Holliday to pay vnto m'' Derick Lypson for Steele bought [by] of him by m"" W'" Garway the somme of fowrtie fowre poundes sterling^ as apereth by a bill of pticlers of the same. Order is geaven to the said M"^ Aid" Hollyday to pay vnto Phillip Grove the somme of Eleven poundes sterling for his Charges of diet and boat hire expended in the travelling of the Companies busines. THE EAS7 INDIA COMPANY. 139 The xii"" : of Febr : 1600. 1600 M^ W" Rumey deputy M'Rich : Wyche '^ ' * M-" Rich : Stapers M^ W™ Chambers M' W"^ Garway M"^ W"" Harryson M^ Rich : Staper M^ RoBt Bell M'- Jo : Eldred M^ Jo : Midleton M^ RoBt Sandy M' Tho : Cordell. [Motion is made] |T is ordered that Phillip Grove shall have a bill of Phillip adventure for the Composition w*^" is made w*'' him '^"^^^ for his enterteynm* in the voyage. Warraunt is geaven to m'" Aid"" Holliday to Nath: Jam- pay tp Nathaniell Jamryn one of the 3 sort of factors appointed ^^^ ^° * for the voyage according to the agreem' made w*"" him for his enterteynm* the some of xxx'' sterling. Warraunt is geaven to Aid'" Hollyday ther to pay to M"" Wyse- 1°°'' »« the man to be dd over to the Purser of the [hercules] Hecto*" the the Hecto', somme of one hundred poundes sterling* for the paym' of mens wages in that ship. Warraunt is geaven to Aid"" Holliday ther to pay to W" 38'. 7*- y*" to Done Cowper for worke done for the voyag vppon the rest of cowper. a geffiall Reckoning* of 53^'. 7^. 7*^ in full paym' the some of xxxviij'' vij^ vij''. Warraunt is geaven to Aid"" Hollyday threr to pay vnto M"" 13''. 7'. %^ W'" Segar one of the herraultf for the wryting of her ma''^ Lres. f°j ^j^g qc^,'^ to the kinges of the East Indies the soine of xiij'' vj* viij*^ and ^■■"• xij*^ for a boxe bought by him to putt in the same Ires. Warraunt is geaven to Aid"" Bannyng ther to pay vnto 200" to Capten Lancaster vppon the Companies Agreem* w ^ him caXr" vppon his enterteynm' the somme of two hundred poundes. The like warraunt is geaven to the said threr to pay to the ni'. 7". 8<* said Capten Lancaster, for soe much by him [deliuered] laied ^ ^^P*^" out vppon the Companies occasions the somme of Eleven poundes vij' viij'*. Another Warraunt is geaven to the said threr to pay to 2°°'' to the the [Purser] W'" Dickson Purser of the Read Dragon for the theDragon. 1 4-0 THE COURT RECORDS OF 1600 12 Feb. 100" to Capten Midleton. 100" to y« Assention. 8". 3'. 7<' provysion of the said ship vppon accoumpte the somme of two hundred poundes. [Order is geaven to Aid"" HoUyday ther of the to pay vnto m' Richard Wyseman.] Order is geaven to Aid' HoUiday ther to pay vnto M"^ John Mydleton for his enterteynm' in the voyage the soine of one hundred poundes sterlinge for soe much allowed him by Composition. Order is geaven to Aid"" Hollyday threr to pay vnto M"" W™ Garway vppon accoumpte for the provisyon of the Assention, the somme of one hundred poundf . Order is geaven to Aid'" Hollyday threr to pay vnto Capten Mydleton vppon a Bill of pticlers of charges by him disbursed in the Companies occasions the somme of viij''. iij'. vij*^. 1600 13 Feb. The 13"' of february 1600. M' W™ Rumney deputy M"" W'" Chamber M' Aid" Wattes M"" W"" Garway M-- Tho Cordell M"" Rich : Wyseman M' Roger Howe M' Aid'' Hollyday M' Jo Combe M' Rich Wyche M" W" Harryson M' John Middleton M' Aid"" Moore M' Nich. lynge M' Jo : Highelord R. Roger Howe and M' John Combe having bene deltw^'^all to travell intoy*^ westCuntrey [for] to see the discharge of the shippes having otherwyse as they constantly affirme ernest busines of ther owne doe notw*''standing assent to be imployed to doe anie good office for the voyage [and] vppon whose assent it is resolved by this assemblie to gratyfye them w"' the consideration and grati- fication of xx''. a pece to bestowe vppon them in plate or other- wyse at ther pleasure and to beare all ther Charges for them and ther servauntf . 400'' to Mf Order is geaven to m' Aid" Hollyday threr to pay vnto one Mf Roger Howe W To Combe XX" a peece. THE EAST INDIA COMPANY. 141 M"" William Harvy or his Assignes the some of fowre hundred 1600 poundes sterling for soe muche re*^ of him in the West Cuntrey ^ ^ '^^ by the handes of Ro^t Pope by bill of exchaung* dated the 18 per ex\ of Januarie. It is informed this Assemblie that o'^ shippes are too deepely a small Laden and therfore moved that some smale ship shalbe hired spendinge to stowe the spending victualles and to foUowe the shippes victualies. some part of the voyage and to retorne againe, but it is resolved that the shippes shall all fall downe to Gravesend and then they shalbe surveyed what necessitie ther wilbe of the provi- sion of suche a smale ship and then accordinglie order to be taken. Order is geaven to Ald"^ Hollyday to pay vnto m'' Pope 2'". 13'. o^ sergeaunt of thadmiraltie vppon a bill of charges for the sgeauntof buriall of those vv'^^'' were slaine in the Hecto"" the some of ^5 ^^' miraltv. Warraunt is geaven to Aid"" Holliday to pay vnto Henry 50'' to Mydleton one of the seconde sort of factors vppon the Com- j^t^o^n^vpon position made w* him for his enterteynment in the voyage the his enter- somme of fyftie poundes sterling. It is ordered that M' Garroeway and Richard Wright shall resorte to the 1. threr and m"" Secretorie and to entreat ther honors warraunt to deliver out of m"" Governo"^^ bowse the plate and other presentes w'^'' are prepared for the voyage. Whose pticters hereafter followe viz. A founteyne w"' a bassen white of 205 oz. A standing Cup w'*" a Cover 63 oz. 2 standing Cuppes w"" Covers 64 oz. 2 standing Cuppes w"" Covers 32 oz. A Bason & ewer. 102 oz. A ship basen & ewre. 30 oz. 2 fans of fethers. 2 plumes of fethers. 3 Looking glasses A Target and headpece belonging to y" Muskovia company A Comon Seale of the Companyes. — Order is geaven to Ald°[Bannyng] Hollyday and M'^Eldred to i6oo 13 Feb. 142 THE COURT RECORDS OF see the tnoneis provided to be shipped out of the Port of London and reported by a repertition made at an assemblie of the Comit- ties the 27.of Januarie last and the same[being entred] toenter'm. the Custome howse and to see it to be waterborne and carried downe to the shippes at Gravesend and ther to be delivered a board eche ship that the same may be safely shipped and stowed accordinglie. 1600 14 Feb. The 14. of february 1600. 361''. i5".o<' toM'Simon furno'' for powder. 61". 5». 9'' to Simon Yomans for butter & cheese 86 . o . o to W" Vffington for wax candelles. 34' . S""- 100' to m' Wisman for the Purser of y* Hector M"" W™ Ruiney deputy M'" Rich : Staper Mr. Thomas Cordell M^ W"> Garway M"" Rich. Wyseman Capten Lancaster Capten Middleton. M' Roger Hovv^e Mr. John Combe M'' Robt Sandy M"" Nich : Lynge M^ W"^ Chamber. JRDER is geaven to M' Aid" Hollyday to pay vnto M"" Simon furno"^ 371'' . 15^ . o''restof of 698 .8.4. dewe to him for powder Brimston and Saltepeter delivered for the shippes whereof y^r 326''. 13.4 Warraunt is formerlie geaven and the said 371'' . 15* . o^ is to be p'^ at three monethes after the date hereof. Lyke warraunt is geaven to the said Threr to pay vnto Simon Yomans Chaundeler for 52 fkf of butter at 19' the ff and for x'^ q^ xij'' of chese at xxiij* the C* ; the somme of sixtie and [two] one poundes [nyne] fyve shillinges [three] ix pence. Lyke warraunt is geaven to the said Threr to pay vnto W™ Vffington waxe Chaundeler for 1310'' of wax Candells at xv*^ oB the ti and for viij Chestf and 4 boxes, the somme of fowr- score and six poundes sterling*. Geven by warraunt vpon [Aid" Hallydaye] M^ Chambers to pay vnto Capten Mydleton . as by a bill of ^ticulers. A warrant geven vpon Aid" Hallyday to paye to m"" Wise- man [^for] to be geven to the purser of the hector, for defrayeinge of charges the some of one hundrethe poundf by direction of Capten Mydleton. THE EASr INDIA COMPANY. i+j Munday i6. february 1600. 1600 W" Romenij Depute Capt mydleton M^ Aid" Watlf. M^ wiche. M-- Cordell Capt. Davis. M' Style W Linge Capt. Lanckester M' Combes. OMPLAYNT beinge made of the overchargenge and pesteringe bothe of the Susan and the rest of the Shippes. but espetially of the Susan, it was ! ^Bhi^^ j ordered that that a hoygh or some other ship of one hundred Tuns or more should be bought to goe a longe w"' the shippes as farre they shuld it fytt and then to take suche co'se w"' the ship so bought as they shuld thinke meet ; and M"" Cordell and were intreated to seeke out for suche a ship. Order is geaven to M' Aid" Bannyng to pay vnto Thorns 78 . 16 . 4 Parkins Cowper in full paym* of Caske as by his accoumpte pgrkins for audited by M'' Chambers and m"" Harryson appeareth the Caske. somme of threescore and eighteene poundes sixtene shillinges and fowre pence sterling^. Order is geaven to Aid"" Holliday to pay vnto m"" W'" 49'itoW" Candyshe in full paym* and Clearing of his accompt for leade the some of fowrtie and Nyne poundes sterling. Order is geaven to Ald'^ Holliday to pay vnto James Emerson 3o''torames for the just and in full paym' of Fyve hoggh'*'*^ of aquavitae the l^rnersonfor somme of [three] thirtie poundes sterling for w'^'^ther hath bene p^ him already the somme of xxx'': Ther is geaven to M"" [Aid""] Hackett by thassent of this as- n'^. Io^ to semblie for his travelles taken in instruccons andadvysestouching* Mr^Hack-*° the preparing* of the voyage and for his former advyses in setting^ lett. the voyage in hand the Last yere the somme of tenn poundes and XXX' for 3 mappes by him provided and del to the Companie the same money to be p*^ him by M"" Aid. Hollyday. Ther is geaven to M"" Henrie Napper m"" of the Hecto"" in 20" to consideration of his extraordinarie travell and paines taken in per"for kI' the preparation of the shippes and for his expences [takenl pa'"" & expences 144 rHE COURT RECORDS OF 1600 16 Feb. 1600 17 Feb. 100'' to the Purser of the dragon 50" to the purser of the Hecto"". expended in attending the same the somme of Twentie poundes to be p"' him by m"^ Aid" Bannyn^. The 17"" of febr 1600. M"^ W"' RuiTiey deputy Capten Midleton Capten Lancaster M"^ Robt Sandy Mr. John Combe. jRDER is geaven vnto M"" Aid. Holliday to pay vnto W'" Dixon Purser of the Read Dragon vppon accoumpte the one hundred poundes sterling to be imploied in the pparation and clearing away of the same ship. The like warraunt is geaven to the said Thjer to pay vnto M' W"^' Garway or to the Purser of the Assention vppon accoumpte the somme of fyftie poundes sterling^^:o be imploied in the preparation and clearing aw^ay of the same ship. The 17"' of feb 1600. M"" W'" Rumney deputy Capten Middleton M'- Aid" Hollyday M' Tho Cordell M'^ Rich : Wyseman M^ John Eldred M"" W" Garway M' olyuer Style M"" John Highelord M"" frauncis Chery M' Rich : Wyche M"" John Combe M' Rich : Staper M'' W™ Harryson M-' Rot)t Sandy M"^ Aid" Wattes M"^ Aid" Moore M' Ro^t Bell. |T this Courte was reade two severall formes of Billes of adventure to be geaven to every ad- venturo"^ in the voyage and to everie facto*" enterteyned in the same to be passed vnder the Comon seale of the Company, for the better satisfaction both of the adventure"' and of the said factors and to geave testimony of ther moneys brought in [and] l/y the adventures and of the Contractes made w"' the said factors, the teno' of w'^'' billes do followe in thes wordes viz : THE EAST INDIA COMPANY 145 Whereas A. B. is entertayned by vs the Governo'^ 1600 and Companie of merchauntf of London tradinge into the East Indies to go as one of our facto'^Mn this pnte voiage The forme nowe by vs prepared towardes the said Indies and is allowed °^ be^iuen for his imployment in the said viage the somme of to euy ad- -,. ni hill -iir venturer. for his preparacon to bea the w*^" he hath received before his goinge forthe Nowe know yee that wee the said Governor and Companie for the further allowaunce w'^'' the said A. B. ^"'^ to euy . . . iiacto'' in is to have and receive accordinge to o' agreement w*^ him do the voiadge acknowledge and testifie and do promise and agree by these pritf that the said A. B. shall have and enioy for his further allowaunce and entertaynment in the said Voiage vppon the gaine and proffitt w*^^ god shall send by the retourne of the same voiage (the principal! adventure thereof and all Charges of the voiage . first deducted suche rate and proporcon of pro- ffitt as [if] he had bene an adventurer of the somme of and as yf he had putt in so muche readie money in stocke in the said voiage the said rate and proporcon of proffitt to be paied vnto him after his retourne into England in suche manner and forme as the gaine and proffitt of the said viage is paied to other the Adventur" generallie vppon the Somme of by them adventured So as he procead in the said viage and do not retourne before the viage be ended. And yf he happen to dye before the retourne of the said shippes from the said East Indies havinge lived and Contynued in the said voiage vntill the shippes shaibe laden or vntill he or [and] other facto"^* shall have Contracted and made provision for their Ladinge. then the said gaine proportioned the said rate of adventure to be paid to his Execute'^ adminis- trator or Assignes as it should have bene paied to him yf he had retourned w*"" the shippes Provided alwaies that yf he decease before the shippes shall arrive in the east Indies that then the money imprested and delivered him before his goinge to Sea shaibe vnto him a full recompence of his entertaynment agreed vppon for the voiage And vppon theise condicons and proviso before mencoed Wee the Governo"^ and Companie under o' Common Scale have geaven vnto the said A. B. this u 146 THE COURT RECORDS OF 1600 ppite bill of Contract and adventure dated the day of february Anno regni R* Eliz. xliij'^'". Whereas A. B. one of the adventurers and one of the Brethren of the Governo*^ and Companie of Merchauntf of London tradinge into the East Indies havinge sett downe for his adventure w"' the said Companie for their first voyage into the east Indies the Somme of sterlinge hathe not onlye paied the said somme of to Threr of the said Companie but haithe supplied accordinge to the ordeiince of the said Companie The Somme of sterlinge more w*^'^ is after the rate of ij^ the pound of his said adventure Wee therefore the said Governor and Companie do by this our pnte Bill of Adventure promise and agree to and w"' the said That wee the said Governo"^ and Companie and our Successo" shall and will vppon the retourne of the shippes or anie of them sett- out by vs in this piite voiage or w"''in Convenient tyme after their said retourne in the same deliver vnto the said his Executo"^^ and administrate a[nd] trew and iust accompte and payment of suche Stocke benefitt and proffitt of Stocke as god shall send vppon the said voiage accordinge to the generall distribucon proporcon and alotment w*^^ shalbe alotted disposed and geaven to all and everye the severall adven- turers in the said voiage proportionall to their severall adventurs In Wittnes whereof the said Governo"^ andCompanie have heer- vnto annexed ther Common Seale the day of Febr. 1600. It is ordered that m' Aid" Hollyday shall carry downe to Graveshend some convenient soine of money to the valewe of 4. or ^ or 6 hundred poundes for the payment of Harboroughe wages and other Reckoning^ for the clearin^^ of the shippes. 1500'' to be It is ordered that M"^ Aid [hoUyd] Bannyng and M'^ Aid'" Holli- terettbythe ^^Y shalbc entreated to geave ther Credites for the Companies Threis. ysc forthc taking vp of fyfteene hundred poundes sterling for three monethes and the Companie shall save them harmeles. 61'' for Order is geaven to Aid" Hollyday to pay vnto Henry Ryvellf ^* ^' Coop for Caske in full paym' of his accoumpte audited by m"" rHE EAST INDIA COMPANY 14.7 Chambers and M'^ Harryson the soine af threescore and one 1600 1 17 Feb. poundes. ' The lyke order is geaven him to pay vnto John Hard way 57". 15'. o"* Coop for Caske in full payment of his accoumpte audited and °^ ^^ ^' allowed by M'" W'" Chambers and M"" W° Harryson the soirie of fFyftie and seven poundes fyfteene shillingf . At this Court Richard Hart a Smythe to whom the Com- Hartes debt pany are to pay money for yron worke is content that the rest ^^1'^^^^ of money dew to him vppon his reckoning shalbe staled in the flemyng. thrers handes and p"^ to m"" Flemyng in part of payment of the said Hartes debt dewe to him for yron, ^ Order is geaven to Aid"' holly day to pay J It is agreed that m"^ Cordell m"" Wyche and m'" Bell shall The ac- proceade in the auditing of the Pursers accompte and all other ^^fead" accoumptes appteyning to the read dragon. dragon to be At this Co't is read the Copie of a Comission geaven to m"" AComis- Howe and m' Combe and allowed and liked of and they re- ^'°" ^'^ ^^ ,,..,,. . . Howe&Mr quired that it might be written over againe w'" some of the jo. Combe pointes altered according as Direction was geaven them and [? ^° '" ^'^ the Comitties at ther next meeting will signe it. Guntrey. It is ordered that the psons heervnder named shall goe Comitties downe to Gravesend to see the discharge of the shippes and to ^^''t"'^^'* ^'^ take order in suche thinges as shalbe necessarie to be dis- Graueshend patched ther and order is geaven them to dispose of all acce- dentf and occasions that shall be fytt to be determined ther according to ther discretions and whatsoever they shall doe therin the Companie will ratefie and allowe thereof M' IV"" Rumney deputy W W'" Garway M'- Aid" Hollyday M^ Rich : Wyche M'" Aid" Wattes M'' W™ Harryson M^ Aid" Moore. M^ Ro^t Sandy. M"" Tho Cordell M"" olyuer style. At this Co'^te m"^ Cordell maketh report that he Captein The guyft Lancaster and others have bought of M"" frauncf Chery and ^°^fj?^ *°'' of Ratclyff a ship called the guift of the burthen of 6 score tun for the somme of three hundred pounds sterlinge to be p*^ one hundred poundes the Last of this moneth i6oo 17 Feb. ,^8 THE COURT RECORDS OF another C"' ti. the last of ifiche and the third C"' ti. the last of May following* w'^"' bargaine the Companie do well allowe of, and do imploy the said ship in following* of the fleete w"' victualles. 1600 18 Feb. Phillip Grove, 100" to y* Purser of y* Susan. 40''. 12' to leonard Onnyslowe Coop. 19. 16. o to John Spencer Cooper. 36''. 19. o to Georg Chapman Cowper. 1600 20 Feb. The xviij"' of february 1600. M' W"" Rumney deputy M' Aid" Moore M' Aid" [Moore] Wattes M"" Rich : Wyche. M-^ Aid" Holiyday. BILL of adventure sealed vnder the Common Scale to Phillip Grove Pylott for [the gaine of] five hundred poundes adventure vppon the gaine of the voyage allowed him. Warraunt is geaven to Aid' Bannyng ther to pay to [the] Joseph Salbanck Purser of the Susan vppon accoumpte for the provision of the ship and the Clearing of her away the somme of one hundred poundes sterling. Warraunt is geaven to Aid"" Holiyday ther to pay vnto Leonard Onnyslowe Coop for Caske the some of fowrtie poundes twelve shillingf sterling in full paym' his accoumpt being audited and allowed by m' W™ Harryson. Warraunt is geaven to Aid' Bannyng to pay to John Spencer Coop for worke done in Caske wrought for the Companie as apereth by his Accoumpt allowed by the said Ald"^ the somme of xix'' xvj^ iiij''. Lyke warraunt is geaven to [the said] Ald"^ Holiyday ther [the some] to pay vnto George Chapman Cowper the soiTie of thirtie sixe poundes xix^ sterling for Caske wrought for the Company being rest of a former accoumpt [allowed] audited by m"^ Harrison. The 20"' february 1600. y[r y^m Rufjiey dcputy M' Aid" Holiyday M'Tho. Cordell M' Rich : Staper y[r -wm Garway. M' Rol5t Sandy M-^ Rich. Wyche M' Jo : Combes. rHE EAST INDIA COMPANY 149 BILL of adventure sealed vnder the Common seale 1600 to M"" John Ellecott for 220'' adventure put in ^° ^^^' , •' '^ John Elle- stocke. cot his bill Geven a warrant vppo Ald"^ Holleday fFor paym* of t 29. to ofaduen- Thomas Duck fFor anchients & streamers to the dragon as p 220'". bill. The 20*'' February 1600. BILL of adventure sealed vnder the Comon Seale w™ Alien vnto W'" Allen of London Esquier for 200'' adven- "'^'* ture putt in stock. A Bill of Adventure sealed vnder the Comon seale vnto Raphe [W" Starky and] Raphe Allen ificer and W- Starky Skynner gS« w- for 400'' of adventure put in stock. [Al\tn]Staiky Geiven a warraunt vppon Alderman HoUidaye for paym^ of Joseph fow^er score poundf to Josephe Page Baker for an accompte of ^^if ^ " breade. A bill of adventure sealed vnder o"" Comon Seale to W'" w^Starkie Starkie one of o"" seconde sorte of facto""^ of a 100'' [venture] adventure vppon the gaine of the voyage. Geiven a Warrante vppon Alderman Bannynge for paym*of Robte Mid- 27". 6^ 6" to Ro^te Myddleton in full for sugar delified to the f^i^^.. 6" Shippes. Geiven a warrante vppon Alderman [Bannynge] HoUidaye for 7''. io» to payment of 7" 10^ to John Pywell for head peces and morrens. {°J^ ^' A Bill of adventure sealed vnder o' comon Seale to Roger Roger Style Style grocer one of o' Third sorte of factors of fiftie poundes adventure vppon the gaine of the voyage. A Bill of adventure sealed vnder o"^ Comon Seale to Phillipe Phiiiipe Wynchcombe one of o"" fourth sorte of facto'^ of ffowrtie ^^^e^' poundf adventure vppon the gaine of the voyage. A Bill of adventure sealed vnder o"" Comon Seale to Thorns Thomas Salterne of the Cytie of Bristowe one of o"^ seconde sorte of ^ ^"^^' facto"^^ for a hundred poundf adventure vppon the gaine of the voyage. Geiven a warrant vppon Alderman HoUidaye for payment of Christopher a hundred poundf to Christopher Thomson Smithe vppon an J^P'^^^n ^^ Smithe accompte of yron. 100'' i6oo 20 Feb. W"Brunde. John Hauarde Captaine Lancaster. ,50 THE COURT RECORDS OF A Bill of adventure sealed vnder o"^ Comon Scale to William Brunde of London one of o' princypall factors for two hundred poundf adventure vppon y^ gaine of y* voyage. A Bill of Adventure sealed vnder o"" Comon seale to John Havard Grocer one of o"^ princypall [merchant^ ] facto"^* for two hundred poundes adventure vppon the gaine of y*" voyage. A Bill of Adventure sealed vnder o'^ Common seale to Cap- taine Lancaster The Geflall of o"" ffleete for fvfterieJHundred poundes adventure or three hundred poundes sterling accor- dinge to the condition of the said Bill, vppon the gaine of the voyage. 1600 21 Feb. The xxj"" of february 1600. W" Wil- forde Nathaniel Jamryn. John Myd- dleton a princypall factor. John Myd- dleton an adventurer Thomas Pulleyil. Precher. M"" W"" Rumney deputy M-" Aid" Moore M^ Thomas Cordell M"" Rich: Staper M^ Robt Sandy M' Rych : Wyche M"^ W'" Harryson M-- Aid" Hollyday. 30 ''. io». to BILL of adventure vnder the Common seale was sealed to W™ Wilforde one of the 3. sorte of facto"^* for 50^' adventure vppon the gaine of the voyage. A Bill of adventure vnder the coinon seale was sealed to Nathanyell Jaiflryn one of the 3. sorte of facto" for 50'' ad- venture vppon the gaine of the voiadge. A Bill of adventure vnder o"" coiiion Seale was sealed to John Myddleton gent one of the princypall sortes of facto'* for fFowre hundred poundf of adventure vppon the gaine of the viage. A Bill of adventure under o"" comon Seale was sealed to John Myddleton Gent for 220'' adventure put in Stocke, A Bill of adventure vnder o"" comon Seale was sealed to Thomas Pulleyii preacher for the soine of 50'' adventure vppon the gaine of the viage. A warrante is Geiven to Alderman Hollidaye for the pay- THE EAST INDIA COMPANY i5» ment of thirtie poundes tenn shilling^ to Richarde Hall Smithe 1600 for two Ankers for the Hector his Bill beinge allowed by M' ^' ^^^ Wiseman. At Graueshende. the xxiiij***; [A distribution of the presentf* by the Comitties.] M"" W'" Rumey Deputy M' W™ Garway Richarde HaU Smithe. 1600 24 Feb, M^ Aid" Holly day M^ Aid" Wattes M'- Aid" Moore Mr. The Cordell M^ Olyuer Style M"" RoBt Sandy. M^ Rich : Wyche M^ W'" Harry son. DISTRIBUTION of the presentes prepared for [the] to be presented to y* Princes of the East Indies wher trade is to be sought devided in to the severall shippes by the order of the Comitties above named as foUoweth viz in The read dragon. A siluer fountaine & basen of 205 oz. 1 standing Cup w"' a Cover 63 oz. 2 looking glasses of the greatest. 2 Helmeetf 2 Plumes of fethers 2 Ires. Hecto"^ Assention A basen & ewre of I standing Cup of I lesser Cup of [i Plume of fethers] I looking glasse smalest I 2 Ires. ^ I standing Cup of I lesser Cup of I fann of fethers I smale looking glasse. I Case of dagges. I Ire. 102 oz. 32 oz. 16 oz. 32 oz, 16 oz. IS* rUE COURT RECORDS OF 1600 24 Feb. 1600 25 Feb. John Dauyes his bill of ad- uenture as Pylott John Dauyes his bill of ad- venture for a loo'' put in Stoclce. Thomas Morgann. Henrie Myddleton. RobtePope. Christopher Stradlinge. Thomas Dassell. left at Graveshend I ship basen & ewre of 50 oZ. 1 fanne fethers 2 beltes imbrothered Susan { [2 helmeets] I looking glasse, I Ire. I head pece & targett of the Moskovy Company. "^^^ The xxv*^ of februarie 1600. M^ Cordell M^ Wyche M"" Garway Ry Wright Bill of adventure was sealed vnder o"^ Comon seale to John Davyes gent. Pylott maior of this viage for his [One hundred poundes] adventure vppon the gaine of the viage as yet shall arryse viz yf the viage yeeld two for one then he to have out of the clere pfitt all chardges deducted 500'' yf three for one 1000'' yf fowre for one 1500'' yf five for one 2000'' out of w'''' paym' w'^'^soever shall fall due to him by the value of the retourne of the saide viage there is to be deducted 200'' lent vnto him by the Companie before his goeing forth over and above 100'' geiven him for his ^vision. A Bill of adventure vnder o" comon Seale to John Davyes gent Pylott maior of this viage 100'' adventure put in Stocke. A Bill of adventure vnder o' common Seale to Thomas Margann one of o"^ fourth sorte of factors for fortie poundes adventure vppon the gaine of the viage. A Bill of adventure vnder our Comon seale to Henrie Myddleton gent one of our seconde sorte of factors for 100'' adventure vppon the gaine of the viage. A Bill of adventure vnder o"^ Comon seale to Rofete Pope one of o"^ seconde sorte of factors for 100'' adventure vppon the gaine of the viage. A Bill of adventure for Christopher Stradlinge sealed vnder o"" Comon Seale and one of o"^ fourth sorte of factors for fortie poundes adventure vppon the gaine of the viage. A Bill of adventure vnder o' comon seale to Thomas Dassell THE EASr INDIA COMPANY 153 one of o'' Third sorte of factors for fyftie poundes adventure 1600 vppon the gaine of the viage. ^5 '^ • The xxvj"' of februarie 1600/ »6oo 26 Feb. OWRE seuerall comissiones to the generallie Comissions and other the factors in succession beinge all of ^*^^i^"'^ ^""^^^ " y« Comon one tenor was sealed vnder the comon seale of seaie. the Companie and seflallie deliued to the prin- cypall factor of everie shippe. A Bill of adventure sealed vnder o"" comon seale to W"^ W" Brode- Brodebent M^ of the Reade Dragon for One hundred poundf of aduen" adventur vppon the gaine of the viage and for twentie marke a t^^re monethe for his wagf contracted w**" him And whereas there was geiven him by the Companie One hundred poundf sterling for his provision to Sea And the warraunte geiven to y'' Threr for the payment thereof made mencon that [same] thesaide hundred poundes was a paymente vppon his wagf be it remembred that the saide warrant was mys taken and should have binne a warraunt of a One hundred poundf ymprested & absolutlie geiven him for his provision to Sea and not in pte of paym' of any his wages. A Bill of adventure sealed vnder o"^ comon Seale to Thomas Tho: Tud Tudd one of o' fourth sorte of factors for fourtie poundes ad- aduenture venture vppon the gaine of the viage. A Bill of adventure was sealed vnder o"" comon Seale to Roger style Roger Style on of o"^ thirde sorte of factors for fourtie poundes aduenture adventure put in Stocke. Whereas the Companie did lende m"" William Brodebent the w™ Brode- some of One hundred poundes for sixe monethes for w'''^[yt] was ^" " entended y* certen bowses should be morgaged for the com- panies securitie the saide william Brodebent before his dej}ture from Graveshende beinge vppon an accompte to have received as dewe to him from the Companie the soiiie of xxviij'' (as by the accompte of william dixon purser of the Reade Dragon appeareth) he the said W"' Brodebente hath lefte in the handes X M4 rHE COURT RECORDS OF 1600 26 Feb. 100" to the Purser of the Assen- tion. 100'' to y« Purser of the Hecto' 100" to the Purser of the Susana, 180'' to the Purser of the read dragon. 1600 28 Feb. of the saide Dixon to thuse of the Companie the saide xxviij'' in pte of paym' of the saide 100'' And hath assigned m"" Thomas Cordell and m'" William Garwaye to paie to the Companie seventie & two poundes residue of the saide 100'' vppon the xxvj'*" of August next by w*^'" payment and assignacon satisfaccon is made to the saide Companie of the saide 100'' by them lent and the saide M"^ Brodebent dischardged thereof. Order is geaven to M"" Aid" HoUyday to pay vnto [m'] W'" Leake Purser of the Assention for the paiment of half wages to mariners and for the clearing of the ship from hence the somme of one hundred poundes sterling whereof he is to geave an accoumpte. The lyke order is geaven to the said Threr to pay to Georg psons the Purser of the Hecto' the lyke some of one hundred poundes to the lyke vse. A nother warraunt is geaven him to pay to "Josephe Sal- banck the Purser of the Susan the lyke some of one hundred poundes to the like vse. A warraunt is also geaven to M"" Aid" Bannyng^ to pay vnto W'" Dixson or Edward High lord the Purser of the Read Dragon the some of one hundred and fowrscore poundes to the like vse. 300'' to Mr Chery & IW Golding for the guift. The xxviij"' of februarie 1600. M"" W"' Rumney Depu: M' Robte Sandye M-" Thomas Cordell M^ John Hyghlorde. M' Oliuer Style. M"" Richarde wiche. RDER is geaven to Aid' Hollydaye Threr to paie to M' Anthonie Dufteilde Berebreuer for. 59. barrells of here deliv'ed to the Scourge when she laye in docke whereof tenn barrells at iiij' and the residue at v^ the barrell sofiie xv'' vij^ sterlinge. Order is geaven to the said Threr to pay to Robt Golding of RadclifF mariner for the ship called the guifte bought of him and M' frauncf Chery the some of three hundred poundes sterlinge whereof by Agreem' one hundred poundes is deue this THE EAST INDIA COMPANT *55 pute day and another hundred poundes the Last of marche 1600 and the other hundred poundes the Lastof aprill. ^^ ^^^' Lyke warraunt is geaven to the said Threr to pay vnto 24" 19 o James Bover and Richard Vale for spectacles and Boxes for E? J^™^* •' ^ _ _ Bover for spectacles w'*' ther cases the somme of xxiiij'' xix*. spectacles. t The seconde of Marche 1600. M' W'" Rumey deputy M' Jo : Eldred. M"" Aid" Wattes M' RoBt Sandy M"" Rich : Staper M' Ry : Wyche M' Rich : "VVyseman M^ W" Harryson M' Jo: Highelord M"" Nich : Lynge. To morrowe in the after- none at M'" Aid" Wattes hys house. 1600 2 Mar. It is agreed that the persons heervnder named shall viewe i^ deter?nyne the reckoning betwene M"" Ady and the Company for tymber deliuered for the building and the repayring* of the shippes and to agree vppon an indifferent rate of the pticler prices. Whervppon ther is some variaunce. depending' betweene the Companie and him. / M'' Aid" Wattes M' Staper M^ Cordell M-" Burr ell M"" Garway M"" Wyseman M!^ Jo: Eldred. \ or any 4. of them. And the same psons are required on the behaulf of the Companie [shall] to viewe and determyne the Reckoning^ of the other shippewrightf for other tymbers dd to the vse of the Companie. [Warraunt is geaven to m'" Aid" Hollyday to pay vnto m' Abraham Campion vppon accoumpte of 646. 15. [4] 2, dewe to him for beare deliuered to the shippes the some of two hundred poundes sterlinge.] M' Ady forTymber. Ship wrightes reckonin- ges. [200," to Mr Cam- pion for beare.] 156 rHE COURT RECORDS OF 1600 2 Mar. 2'' to the searcher. Thac- coumpte of the stare of the Ad- uenture bothe for ther debt & Credyte. 1600 6 Mar. The state of the ad- uenture in debt and Credyte. 9000'' owing at this day. It is ordered that ther shalbe geaven by way of gratifycatlon to M"" Worsenham the Searcher for the clearing' of the shippes the soiTie of xl\ It is ordered that tn'' Aid" [Hollyday shalbe intreated to] Bannyng and m"^ Aid" Hollyday shalbe sent vnto to geave order that to morrowe morning ther bookes of Accoumptes may be brought hether and M' AUabasters man be warned hether to meete together to arme an accoumpte of the state of the busines and that the same accoumpte may be pvsed and au- dited by the psons heervnder named to thende some present order may be taken for the clearing of the Companies debtes. by calling^ in suche moneys as are vnp'^ or some other course taken to avoyde the clamo"^ of suche as are vnpaid the billes and Reckoning^ dew to them by the Company. M"^ Staper M"" Harryson M' Wyseman M"" Lynge. M"^ Wyche or any three of them. The 6'"ofMarche. 1600. M"" W"' Rumney deputy M' Rich: Wiseman M'' Oliuer Style M"" John Highlorde M"" W'" Harryson JV? John Eldred M^ W" Burr ell M"- Thomas Cordell. PPON conference had w"' the Thrers and an estimate made of the moneys in ther handes. and of the debte owing" by the Company and of suche moneys as is dewe to the adventure not yet brought in to the Thrers handes. It appereth by the said estimat as the state of the Adventure as it standeth at this day that ther is owing by the Company aboute the somme of ix ifi'', towardes the paiment Wherof ther resteth onlie in ready money in the handes of m' Aid" Hollyday Threr. 814'' or theraboutf, that ther is owing by divers w*^^ have sett downe ther adventures, and have brought in no part thereof about 5000'' that ther is also owing' by such THE EAST INDIA COMPANY ^S7 as have brought in part of ther adventures and not the whole 1600 and for the Supplies of ij' the ti. aboute 2000''. So as the state ^ ^^^' of the Busines standing in this case appeareth. Order is geaven to Ald"^ Hollyday threr to pay to Qosephe^ ioo''toLe- Lewys Tyght Blaclcsmythe vppon Accoumpte of yron worke ^ythel'or wrought to the Read dragon the somme of y^o" worke r^, ,-, • , • I rr-, -. to the Read The like warraunt is geaven to the said 1 hrer to pay to dragon. Joseph Page Baker vppon Accoumpte of Biskett the somme 50'' to of fyfty poundes sterlings. -page Baker Another Warraunt is geaven to the said Threr to pay to 30" to frauncis Candell Painter vppon accoumpte for the paintinge of p^^j^'f the read Dragon, the somme of thirtie poundes sterlinge. Painter of Another Warraunt is geaven to the said Threr to pay vnto pragon^ Richard Hart Smythe for Nayles and iron worke deliuered to 161" 13' i<« the Assention the somme of one hundred sixtie one poundes ^g// " thirtene shilling^ and a pennye in full paym* of all yron Worke Smythe. by him dd to the Company. Another Warraunt is geaven to the said Threr to pay vnto 18" to Edmond Saunderson Turno"" for Launterns Platters and other saunderson Turno'' ware M to the Reade Dragon. f<"" Tumors worJcc to V® Another Warraunt is geaven to the said M"" Aid" Hollyday Read to pay to M"^ W™ Burrell vppon accoumpt for paym' of moneys '^"8°" • J- u /• u J J J i°o" to Mr owing to divers men the somme 01 one hundred poundes W" Burrell sterlings. ^P*'" a^" " _ _ compt. Another Warraunt is geaven vppon the said Threr to pay jgu ^ jQd vnto W™ Bacon for smale mastes and other store for the *° ^" Bacon for shippes the somme of sixten poundes tenn pence in full paym* Mastes. of a bill of .pcelles of xix'' vj' x'* whereof iij'' vj* is bated as soe ^ muchewherin the Company were deceaved by the Carpenter of to James , o Waters for the Susan. ^ g„„„ers Another Warraunt is geaven vppon the said threr to pay vnto pvision James Waters Iremonger vppon a bill of pcells for the gonners Susan. provision y^r the Susan the some of xxx'' xij^ iiij"^ in full paym*. J?°' *° Another Warrante is geiven vppon Aid" Bannynge Threr [Harrison] to pay to NicKas Symondson the some of One hundred poundes fo^r"Jymber" sterlinge in pte of paym' of tymber and Planke and othe nee- &Piank fee f""^ >^ cessaries tor y ousann. Susan. 158 THE COURT RECORDS OF 1600 13 Mar. 3+. 16.8 for lighter- age & port- age to W"" Kimber at 34. 13. 8 for portage The xiij"' of Marche 1600. M" W'^' : Rumney Deputie M^ Robt Sandy M"- Rich : Staper M'" W"^ Chambers W"* Garway M"" W"" Harryson. RDER is geaven to Ald"^ Hollyday Ther to pay m'^ W"' Kymber Wharfeinger of Gully Key for Lighter- age and portage of goodes to the shippes from the Gully key. Same kay the somme of xxxiiij'' xvj* viij'^ [as] being dewe to him vppon his bill of pcelles. audited and allowed by M"^ High- lord m' Harryson and M' Lynge. The lyke order is geaven to the said Threr to pay to the Porters of the Grocers haberdashers Salters and Skynners for Portage and Lading of the fowre severall shippes thes severall sommes foUowingamounting'in all to the somme of [xiij] xxxiiij'' xiij^ viij'^ sterling', as appereth by ther severall billes audited and allowed by the Comitties of the shippes videk for the read dragon xiij'' ij^ xj'^ for the hecto' viij'' iiij^ for the Assention six poundes tenn shilling^* j'' and for the Susan vj'' xvj^ viij**. Another warraunt is geaven to the said Threr to pay to Rol3t Wood Wharfeinger of wooll key the somme of xj'' vj^ viij*^ for wharfage and lighteringe of goodes shipped from the same kay. Another warraunt is geaven vppon the said Threr to pay to m"^ W"" Rumney deputy [for] the somme of fowrtie and two poundes viij^ xj'' whereof [40] 38'' 10^ 3 was by him p'' and de- liuered at his going' downe to graveshend to Capten Mydleton for payment of mariners and the rest being ij'' xij^ was disbursed in Charges by him and M"" wyche w* ther servaunt. The 21 Marche 1600. M^ M-- M^ M^ M'- Ii'i6. 8 for wharf- age to Rob* wood at wooll key. 42'i S» nd to M' Rumney for money disbursed. 1600 21 Mar. M"^ W*" Rumey deputy M'- Aid" Hollyday M' Rich : Staper M' W™ Garway M^ John Eldred M' Rich John Highelord W™ Harryson NicBas Lynge W™ Burrell Thomas Cordell Wyseman. THE EASr INDIA COMPANY 159 RDER is geaven to M'' VV" Burrell to take vp the boate of thassention that lyeth at Blackwall and to make sale of the sale of the same for the most that can be gotten who hath vndertaken to do his best therin. Order is geaven to M"^ Harryson and M"" Burrell to gather together all suche provysions and thinges belonging^ to the shippes that are left behinde as 2 demi Cannons iron stan- chions Anker caske and other thinges and putt them in some storehouse to be provided for that purpose to thende they may be solde for the most that can be made thereof. A Bill of Adventure sealed vnder the comon scale to Stephen Hodgeson for his adventure and supply of 220". Order is geaven that all suche as depend in accoumpte w^"' the Company shalbe called vppon to bring in ther billes that ther accoumptes may be made vp and brought in t6~a certen state, of w''" accoumptaunt^ thes persons following* are to be called vppon — viz : M' Pomtell h Rewler &c. [Jo : More] Nichas Pierd [M' fletcher] Aid' Bannyng M"" Roger Howe W"> [Rutter] Burrell. Rich: Gossen W™ Angeil M^ Staper. Order is geaven to m"" Aid" HoUyday threr to pay vnto Thomas Hewys Clothworker for worke done to the Companie 12'' . 8 . 6 in full for his said worke. 1600 21 Mar, The Assen- tion's longe boate. A store- house to be provided for the gatheringe together of thinges left behinde. Stephen Hodgeson the bill stayed. A Gen''all Court holden the first of Aprill 1601, Present of the Comitties M" W"' Ruiney deputy M"" Aid" More S^ John Harte M" Rich : Staper M-" Aid" Wattes M'' olyuer Style 8 . 6 12" to Tho. Hewys Clothe- workcr 2» p lb further) supply vppon the like pound in the for- mer act. xv' at in- terest to be p** Mr. Beareblock. 1601 I Apr. i6o rHE COURT RECORDS OF 1601 M" Rich. Wyseman M"" W'" Harryson I Apr. j^,. j^^^j. g^j^jy j^r ^yn HoUyday. M-^ John Eldred M' John Highelord w"" the greatest part of the M"^ Rich : Wyche Generality. ^ jjg^g ffS?*^^^^^^ ^°^^ being called vppon occation of the great supply of ij» H^^ ^^^ ^^^^ ^^^ afterdelt that hangeth vppon the voyage Companies feti^ K(^^ ^^^ rcason of the severall sommes sett downe by debtes. ^ ^^ ^^ ^Q [diversof] the adventuro'"^and not brought in ether '^^^^^^'^ in the whole or in part and by divers other somes behinde by some of them as pte of ther adventures sett downe and not brought in wholy and also by other sommes behinde for the supplies over and above the sommes sett downe and brought in All w*''' do amounte [very neare] to the some of Nyne thowsand poundes and above the w'''* must of necessitie be p*^ the same being dewe to a nuber of poore men who importune the Comitties every day for payment vppon consideration of w'^'' great arrerages and surplusage of provysion and charge that lieth vppon the voyage this Court resolving that every adventuro"" [was] is for his rate and proportion of his adventure a debto"" for and towardes the whole Credite geaven to the voyage, Did there- fore order and decree that a further supply of ij^ the tt vppon every mans adventure shalbe brought in to the Thrers of this fellowship towardes the satysfaction of this debt depending vppon them [betwene] by the x**" of this moneth And to thend the paym* thereofmaybe the better pformed It is agreed that as many of the brethren of this Company as shall faile in the bringinge in of ther moneis at that day [contrary this acte]. ether vppon the former supply of ij* the tt. w^*' by order of this Company was apointed and ordred to be brought in by a decree of a general Co'"t holden the 9. of Januarye Last or contrary to this present act for the further supplie of ij* the It. more now presentlie decreed to be brought in shall forfeite to the vse of the comon stocke to be defalked outof his/)nW^stocke bothebythe one decree and the other [in] wherein he shall \_be found to'] faile to make payment the severall somes of ij'vppon every ttof his adventure and it is alsoe ordered for the making good of this penaltie to the vse of the [Comon] THE EAST INDIA COMPANY i6i Gen''alyty and the coiiion adventure that the Bookeap shall 1601 vppon the several) accoumptes of every adventuro"" that shall faile ^ ^^' in the bringing- in of ether of thes supplyes contrary to the trewr meaning^ of both this and the former acte or ether of them de- falte from the private stocke of every suche contributo'' the said penaltie of ij* the It. soe forfeyted and make his stocke [credito*^] lessehy so muche as the said penaltie soe forfeited cometh vnto thend. thatthe sarrie forfeitures [beinge] maybe putttothe coinon accoumpte of profit and losse [may goe to the advauncem' of ther stockes vi?*^'' have [brou] or shall [supply] bringe in ther supplyes. And it is also ordered that in the Billes of adventure that shalbe geaven out to every of them w*^*^ do not bring in their said supplies the valewe thereof shalbe defalked out of his said bill of adventure [and he holden credito"" for soe muche lesse as the penatie]. It is alsoe ordered that vi^her for the supply of necessarie xv<= li. at paimentf and provisions of the voyage before the going of the '^^^^^h ^^ shippes out of the River M'' Aid" Bannyn^ and m"" Aid" Holly- taken up to day the thrers of this felowship did take vp at interest the charged by somme of xv^'' that the geflalyty shall and will save the said ^^^ C°">" thrers harmeles and stande chargeable for ther indempnitie both of the principall and the interest of the said somme of xv^". At this Co''te the right honorable the Erie of CumBland w^™ Beer- wrote his letter to the generalitie entreating" them that he ^it'te/an might assigne out of his stocke of adventure of xv^'' the somme adventuio' of 200'' to m"" W"' Beerblock goldsmithe and therw"" that the the erie of Companie would admitt the said M"^ Beerblocke not onlie an 9"'"^^^"'^ his stock of adventuro' of so muche but to accepte and ad?nitt him as a free xv« by way brother of this Companie w'^^ motion albeit both in the °^ ^'"S"f- » tion & also example {pv~\ and president |^it seemeth] and alsoe in the made free. [[admittaunce of 2 psons^ admittaunce in to the freedome of the Companie of 2 psons vnder one adventure once entirely sett downe it may seeme to be and is prejudicial! to order yet at the request of so honorable a pson [they] this Court could not denye to yeld to the said motion and did agree both to the assignation of 200'' adventure to be sett over vnto him and to Y l62 THE COURT RECORDS OF 1 60 1 I Apr. admitt him also in to the previledges of the said Companie and he the said M' Beareblocke did agree [to add] by way of increase of the said adventure of 200'' and for the supplies thereof accord- ing to the ordinaunces of this felowship to add therunto the somme of 50'' more and soe to stand an adventuro"^ in principall and supplies of the soine of 250'' w*"*^ is by the booke keap to be sett vppon the said m"^ Beerblock and therw"' 200'' to be taken from the Erie of Cumberland his adventure. 1601 3 Apr. Megges 140'' for rest of stock & supplies. 160I 7 Apr, The 3. of Aprill 160 1. M' W^" Rumey deputy M' John Highelord M"" Rich : Wyseman M"^ W'" Harryson M"" John Eldred M^ Thomas Cordell M^ Robt Sandy. R Megges being warned before the Comitties for the bringing in of the rest of his adventure of 200'' and his several! supplies havinge brought in 100'' did insist a while vppon a discharge promised him by the bringing in of one M"" Clenche to sett down CC' was not w*''standing' overruled and in thend brought to assent to pay [\n his CC'J C' for the rest of his adventure and to pay his supplies when others had p'' thers : or els he would procure a discharge to the Com- pany for the valevve of C' w'''^ they are to pay to the Muskovia Company for cordage. li 8 d 14. 7. 2 to M' John Highlord. The 7. of Aprill 1601. W™ Rumey deputy M^ Robt Sandy Thomas Cordell M"" Jo : Highlord Rich : Staper M"" NicKas lyng John Eldred M' W™ Harryson. [RDER is geaven to Aid" Bannyng to pay to M' High- lord vppon a Bill of pcelles of moneis by him Laid out for the Companies vse the somme of xiiij''. [vppon present vse]. THE EAST INDIA COMPANY 163 The 9. of Aprill 1601. 9 Apr. Mr wm Runiey M"^ Rich : Wyseman M^ Thomas Cordell M' W'" Harryson RDER is geaven to m'" Aid" Hollyday threr that 30'i Arnold whereas he hath p'* to Arnold Mabanck Pullymaker M^|'=»"<='f ' _ ■' Pullymaker for worke done to the shipps the somme of 30'' w"'out Warraunt that he shall pay vnto him in full payment of his whole whole worke done the somme of 24''. 7^. 9'' more and take his acquittaunce for the whole 56. 7. 9. The Like order is geaven to the said Threr to pay vnto 34" 4* z^ Xpofer Thomson Smyth the somme of 34''. 4. 2 being* rest of Thompson pcelles l^of] amounting* to 274. 4. 2. Whereof all the residue is Smythe. already />«/W as by a note of the accoumpte from the bookeap appeareth So that this 34 4 2'' is in full paym'. Warraunt is geaven to Aid" Holllday [[Bannynge] threr to pay 16. i. 8. jo: vnto M-- [Robt.] Mr [Thomas] John Hedland the somme of Cam'^gts?' sixten poundes one shillinges viij'' for making of cariages for y*^ shippes as appeareth by his bill of pticlers therof for w'"' he is to take his acquittaunce in full paym', or to abate soe much to M' Thorns Symondf vppon his second supply because he hath p'' the same 16. i. 8. to y^ said Jo : Hedland. Warraunt is geaven to Aid" Bannyng* Ther to pay vnto iz'^toTho: Thomas Duck for streamers by him served to the shippes in streamers full paiment thereof the somme of Twelve poundes. Warraunt is geaven to Aid" Holliday Ther to pay vnto 100". o, o. Lewys Tayte Smythe in part of paym* of iron worke done for -j^^y^^^ the shippes the somme of one hundred poundes. Smythe. Warraunt is geaven to m'' Aid" Bannyng* ther to pay to 5o"toEdw: Edward Stephens Shipwright for worke by him done vppon shmwight. the read Dragon the somme of fyftie poundes in part of paiment. Warraunt is geaven to Aid" Holliday ther to pay vnto M"^ 100" to Thorns Barbor for Canvas for sailes the somme of one hun- .- °'\^^^°°^ tor Canves. dred poundes sterling in part of paiment of a mere somme. Warraunt is geaven to Aid" Bannyng* ther to pay vnto Adam 50'' to 164- THE COURT RECORDS OF 1 60 1 9 Apr. AdamWood fordcales& mastes &c, 11''. o. o. to Jo: Max- field Brasier 42. 15.0 to Robt Highoo for Canves. 22". 4». o" to fra: Covell Chaundeler. 1601 II Apr Wood in part of paiment of deales mastes and timber served to the shippes the some of fyfty poundes sterling*. Warraunt is geaven to Aid" Holliday ther to pay vnto John Maxfield Brasyer for Copj} vessellf by him served to the shippes in full payment thereof the soiTie of Eleven poundes sterling. Warraunt is geaven to Aid" Holliday ther to pay vnto Robert Heighoo for 30 peecf of Ipsw^'' Canves at 28^ b'* the peece the somme of fowrtie two [^pence] poundes xv* in full payment of the said Canves. Warraunt is geaven to M"" Aid" Holliday to pay vnto frauncf Covell Chaundele' for provision by him served to the shippes the somme of Twentie two poundf fowre shilling^ in full pai- ment of the same provision. A Gen'all Court holden the ii"> of Aprill 1601. Present M' W" Ruiney deputy S' John Hart, knight M-" Aid" Wattes M" Rich : Staper M'' RoTjt Sandy M"" Nich : Lynge. M" Rich : Wyseman M^ W"' Harryson M"" W'" Garwey M' Jo : Eldred M' Jo : Highelord. w* the greatest pt of the genlalyty. T this Court was read an order from the LL of her Ma"^ most honorable privie Councell taking know- ledge of the remissnes of the Companie in paying ther debtes dewe by the voyage w*^"" importeth the bono' of the state being a publique action the teno' of w'^'' acte doeth foUowe in thes Wordes. At the Courte at Whitehall the x"' of Aprill 1601. Present. L : Archb : of Cant : M' Comptroller L : Keeper. M' Seer : Cecyll. L : Treasurer. S"^ John Fortescue L : Admirall. M' Seer : Herberte THE EAST INDIA COMPANY 165 PON complaynte made this daye to their llf : by the 1601 Comyttyes of the Easte India Companie, that y*^ " ^^' debtf of the [5nte viage now by them sett forthe order fof amountinge to Seaven Thowsande poundes above the contri- betterpaymt , -^ 1 111 • , , of f^^« Com- bucons sett downe by the adventure'^* are not paide, the same panies debts growinge by reason of the backewardenes and frowarde dis- <^ew by the c ^ D J ^ voiadge. posicbns of divse jDSons that shewe themselves remisse and vn- By bringing vi^ilHnge to furnyshe there promyssed contribucons and alsoe '" Adven- their porcons of the supplyes w^'' since at there general! meet- supplies. ingC at severall tymes have been agreed on to yeelde above there adventures a rate of fowre Shilling^ in the pounde for the cleeringe of the saide debte, Their llf: vppon due conside- racbn how muche yt ymporteth the honnor of the state, that so publique an accon should not receive scandall or shameful! imputacon Have this daye ordered that forasmuche as the saide debt in all or in pte is proporconablye due to be satysfied by everie contributo"^ of the viage That therefore the saide Com- panie and everie adventurer thereof shall w'^'out further delaye not only pforme and satysfie there full contribucons agreed vppon, promysed and sett downe vnder there handes, But alsoe there proporconable supplyes accordinge to there agreem'"^ at there gen'all Courtf , Or otherwyse yf any pson or psons shall refuse to conforme themselves therevnto ; that then the Governo"" deputye and comyttyes of the saide companye or any fower of them shall by vertue of this there llf: order straightlye Injoyne and comande the saide psons to make there ymediate appearance before their llf: to the end there llf: may proceed to y*^ punyshinge of there contempte, by refusinge to accomplishe there one agreem'and promyse, so muche import- inge the publique, as their obstinacye and pversenes shall de- serve. And to that end direction is geiven to a Messenger of her Ma"" Chamber to attend the saide Governo"" and Companie to bringe the saide ptyef before there llf: Concordat cum Registro. Tho : Edmondes. Vppon the reading' of w'"' act it was resolved that especial! i66 THE COURT RECORDS OF 1601 1 1 Apr, Auditors care and travell shuld be taken by the whole Company to free the viage from all imputation and discredit and y' the same might the better be effected forasmuche as IVI"^ Rumney the deputie of the Governo"" to the Company is necessarielie for his health shortlie to take his iorney to the Bathes in whose absence the teno"^ of ther Lordships order cannot be executed vnlesse the present governo'" of the Company were discharged of his imprisonm* and at Libertie to travell in the Companies occasions. Therfore for the better ordering^ of the affaires of this felowship and the gathering in of Contributions and supplies wherby ther debtf may be presentlie discharged w'^'' cannot endure the delay and expectation of M"^ Thorns Smythe the Late and present governo'^ his enlargem' This Assemblie did proceade to the Election of a nother Governo"^ to stande for the government of thaffaires of this felowship vntill the next day of election apointed by o"" priviledges and divers bein^ put in election for the supplying* of the same place the said Elec- tion by Scruteny is fallen vppon M' Aid'' Wattes who beinge present was placed in the office accordinglie. At this Courte the generalytie did Noiate and chuse the jDsons heervnder named to be generall auditors of the Thrers Accoumptes and of all other the charges of the voyage to joine w"' the former Auditors apointed by the Comitties and vsed by them in the auditing of the said Thrers accoumptes and other the expences and disbursem*'"^ of the voyage all W'^'^ ioining together or anie six of them may audite the accoumptes of the state of the voyage and report the same to the generalyty when all the said accoumptes are disgested and agreed vppon. Auditors formly apointed by y* Comitties. M- Thomas Cordell. M' olyver Style M' Rich : Wyseman S M' W" Harryson Auditors apointed by the Gen'^alyty. / M"" Rich : Bowdeler M' Jo : Harvy M"" Greenewell. M"" Tho Symondes M"" John fletcher M^ Nich : Leat /Auditors. THE EAST INDIA COMPANY 167 After the rysinge of the generall Co''te warraunt was geaven 1601 by the Comitties to m"^ Aid" Holliday ther to pay vnto Joseph "j^^P''- ^ Page Baker for Biskett made and deliuered ^by] to the shippes to Joseph the somme of fourtie five poundf [^sterling-] tenn shillinge xj'^ ^^^^ ^^^'-^ sterling in full paym'. Lyke warraunt was geaven to Aid" Bannyng ther to pay 27. 5. o vnto George Barbo"" the somme of twentie seven poundes five Barbo°for shillingf sterlinge j^in full] for rest and in full paym' for [^PuUeis]] sayies. Sailes to the Susan having p*^ him xx'' before w%ut warraunt in part. Another Warraunt to the said Aid" Bannyng ther to pay 4. 9. 8. to John Crane fower poundes Nyne shilling^ viij**. for rest and in J°^' ^^^^^^ full paym' for PuUies having p'^ him xvij'' before w*''out warraunt in part. The xx*'^ of Aprill 1601. ^^^j M' Aid" Wattf Gouer : M'" Rich : wyseman. ^^^f- M' Aid" Banninge \ M"" John Hyghlorde. M^Ald" Hollydaye j " ""' " M"- RoBte Sandye. M"" Rich : Stapers. M'" w"^ Harryson. M"" w'" Garwaye. M'" NicKus Lynge M"" w™ Burrell. I PON conference had w"' the Thres there desire was to see the Accomptf and an estemate to be made of the moneys in there hands to paye suche debtf as farre as there moneys will extende. Order was geiven to Aid" Hollydaye for payment of 200'' to 200" to Thomas Barber vppon an accompte of canvas dellivered to the Barber for shipps. ^^"^^=^- The like order is geiven to the same Aid" to paye to William 6'* to ... f. • r 1 TT J William Hedger in full for buildmge of a pmnace for the Hecto*^ and Hedger. diuse other thingf belongein to the rest of the shipps the some of sixe poundes. Order is geiven to Ald^ HolUdaye to paye to RolSte Huse 49" to saylemaker in full paym' of his Bill for makinge of sayies the for sayks. soine of fortye nyne poundes. i68 rHE COURT RECORDS OF 1601 20 Apr. The like order is geiven to the same Aid" to paye to John Bowden sayle maker the some of fortye poundes in full for 49" to John , - , , . Bowden for sayles for the shipps. sayles, 42". 5'. 4'' to Adam Wood Car- penter. Order is geiven to Aid" Hollydaye to paye to Adam Wood Carpenter in full paym* of his accompte the some of Fowrty & two pound^ five shilling^ fowre pence. 1601 22 Apr, 86. 15. 4 to Robt Bradbery Saylemaker 42. 15. o to Robt Highhoe for Canuas. 46. 17.0. to Mr George Bowles for Curraunce. 27" to James Waters for iron. 1300 to Hilde- brand Spruson savlcmaker. The 22"'of Aprill 1601. M' Aid" Wattes Go-^ M' John Highelord M' Aid" Bannyng M' Nich : Lynge. M"^ Rich : Wyseman M'' Rich : Wyche M^ RoBt Sandy. M^ frauncys Chery M^ Rol5t Bell. ARRAUNT is geaven to Aid" Hollyday Threr to pay vnto Rol5t Bradbury Sailemaker in full paiment of his billes for making of sailes for the dragon and the hecto"" the somme of fowrscore and six poundf fyfteene shilHngf and fowre pence. Order is also geaven to M'' Aid" Hollyday threr to pay vnto Robt Highoe in full for Canvas he dd to the vse of the Assen- tion as p bill the somme of fowrtie and two poundf fyfteene shillinges sterling [the same being paid] The like order is geaven to [[the] M'' Aid" Bannyng ther to pay vnto M' George Bowles grocer in full payment for curraunce bought of him by M'" Rol3t Sandy for the vse of the shippes the somme of fowrtie and six poundes seventeene shillinges sterling^. The Like order is geaven to M"" Aid" Hollyday threr to pay vnto James Waters Iremonger in full paiment of his bill for iron Worke, deliuered to the vse of the shippes the somme of twentie and seven poundes shilling^ sterling. The like order is geaven to M"" Aid" Hollyday threr to pay vnto M"^ Hildebrand Sprusen Sailemaker in full of his bill the somme of thirteene poundes sterling* money. rHE EAST INDIA CO MP ANT 169 The like order is given to M^ Aid" hollyday threr to pay 1601 vnto M"" Peter Pett shipwright in full payment of his bill for ,7.[i2.6j worke and charges the somme of seventeene poundes [twelve t^" Pete|; shillingf and six pence] sterling* money. wright The like order is geaven to M"" Aid" Bannynge threr to pay 6—0—0 to vnto W'" Denham shipwright in full payment of his bill the j^^^^ jj^"" some of six poundes sterling. wHght The like order is geaven to M"^ Aid" Bannyng* ther to pay 9—15—0 vnto James Marshe in full payment of his bill the somme of Mar^sheVor nyne poundes fyfteene shillinges sterlinge. for deales and ^^^^les & planckes. The Hke order is geaven to M' Aid" Bannynge threr to pay 22— 4—0 vnto Ffrauncis Covell in full paiment of his bill for provisions cobeU 6d to y* assention. the somme of twentie and two poundf fowre chaundeier shillingf sterlinge. sion. Warraunt is geaven to M"" Aid" hollyday to pay vnto M"" 14—0—0 Crosse vinteno"" the somme of [x] fourteene poundes for sack tenn shillingf for a [Butt] Pyke of malliga Wyne geven to the f^^'^^^^lf L. Admirall in leiw of the deodand claimed for the hecto"". The Like warraunt is geaven to [y'^ said] M'' Aid" Bannynge 18—0—0 to pay vnto ffrauncis Tailo"" [Vinteno"^] Girdeler for a Tun of Clarett wyne the somme of Eighteene poundes w"'' wyne was geaven to the L. Admirall in Lieu of the deodand claimed for the hecto^ It is ordered at this Assemblie that a Warraunt shalbe sent a warraunt to the persons heervnder named that have hetherto denyed to sSmomng bringe in ther Contributions, subscribed vnder the hand of the of the Con- 11 1 1 tr'butors Governo'^ and 4. of the Comitties w"'' warraunt shalbe shewed denying to vnto them by a Pursevant to thend that vppon ther refusall to t^g"/p" pay they maybe carried before the LL: or els vppon ther assent ments. to pay they may be appointed to come to M"^ Governo"^ to geave ther Wordes to pay the same to the Threr the teno"^ of w"^'' warraunt doeth followc in these words vidett : Whereas yo" the seifall psons herevnder named have binne diuerse tymes required to bringe in yo"" promysed Contribucbn towardes the sett inge forthe of the Easte Indie viage and have not [done] yet done the same Wee doe e ftesones require yo to geive yo"^ z 170 THE COURT RECORDS OF 1601 zz April, 1601 27 April, Hughe Hamsley directe answer whether yo will bringe in to one of the Thrers of the Companie yo"" said contribucons or not (yf not) then ac- cordinge to yo"^ warrante of the LL. of her Ma*'*^ privie counsell to vs in that behaulfe geiven Wee require yo" to repaire to the Courte & yeald to there lordshipps a reason of yo' refusall Sc yf yo" will assent to paye yo'' contribucons then to repaire to me the Governo' of the Companie & to geive yo"^ word for the present paym* of the same dated the 22"^ of Aprill 1601. Richard Champion RoBt Pennyton Hughe Hamersley. W" Kellett W"^ Barrett Barttiew Haggett. Peter Helinge Ric Hearne W'" Palme'^ Ro^t Myldmay. John Bates Robt Bowyer. -^^^Sr. The 27. of Aprill 1601. M^ Aid" Wattes Go"^ M"^ W" Harryson Mr. Alld" Bannyng M"^ Ro^t Bell M' Rich : Wyseman M"^ Nich: lynge Jo: Highelord M"^ Rofet Sandy Roger Howe M'^ Rich. Wyche W'" Chambers M' Jo: Combe. UGHE Hamersley being on of the persons that was convented before the LL : and by their honors comit- ted [vnto the chain] vntill he had geaven satisfaction to the Company to charg his Contribution sett downe. Did at this assembly appeare and praied the favo"^ of the Company to- wardes him in respecte [whereof in thende] of w''*' submission and ptly vppon his owne offer to take vppon him to satysfie and discharge the Companie of the valewe of 240'' to any [the] to whom the Company were indebted This assembly did agree that yf he brought a discharge w^'^in thes 3 dales from the Agent of the Muskovia Company of the paymentof 240" wherby this Company may be discharged of so much for cordage owing them then he the said hughe hamersley shuld be admitted THE EAST INDIA COMPANY 171 into the priviledge of this felowship and be discharged of his 1601 Comittement. ^7 April. John Bate and Robert Bo wyer [being] ther names having bene presented to the LL : as those that deny to bring in ther Contri- butions and supplies and ther LL : having geaven a warraunt for the Comitting of them yf they bringe not in the money before thursday next. Are required to geave ther aunsweres whether they will bringe in ther money accordingly or not who have severally taken tyme betwene this and thursday to advyse of that matter and to geave ther aunswer what they will doe. The first of Maye 1601. 1601 M-- Aid" Wattes Go: M"" Eldred ' ^^^' MJ Rumney Depu : M"^ Sandy M^ Stapers M^ Highlorde. WARRAUNT is geiven to Aid" Hollyday Threr to Twentye paye to the kynge of Heraldes the some of Twentie kinge of merkes for assigninge a Armes to the Companie by Heraidesfor ° ° *^ J assigning the vertue of his office. the com- panyes Armet. The 8'*' of May 1601. 1601 •' 8 May. M"" Aid" Wattes Go : M' Aid" Bannynge. M" Richard Wyseman M"^ John Highlorde M^ John Eldred. M^ W"» Harryson M"" Nictias Lynge. RDER is geiven to Aid" Bannynge to paye to Jeames 9" to James Skelton in full for Tallowe deliued to the vse of the i^\\^^ '" shippes the soiTie of nyne poundes Sterlinge. Tallowe. The like order is geiven to the same Aid" to paye to 500" to Abraham Campion berebrewar the some of five hundred campkm poundes vppon an accompte of here deliued to the shippes. Brewar. The like order is geiven to Aid" Hollydaye to paye to 102'' to Roberte Savadge in full for wastf & deales One hundred & Robertc o ^ bauadge Two poundes sterlinge. for wastes & sayles. 172 THE COURT RECORDS OF 1601 8 May. 29" i« 4'' to Justice Mallett Smythe for yron wjrcke, 300'' to Thomas Barbar for canvas. 90'' to Elizabeth Bennett in full for Nayles. 71" 15' to Nicholas Symonson carpenter in full for tymber. 1601 1 5 May. Accomptes in the west Cuntrey. 3" 150 to Peter Hilles for Caske. 48" to fraunces Caudell Painter The like order is geiven to the same Aid" to pate Justice Mallett Smythe p the handf of Gyles ffleminge in full for yron worclce to the Dragon twentye nine pound^ one shillinge fowre pence. The like order is geiven to the same Aide" to paye to Thomas Barbar the some of Three hundred poundes sflinge vppon an accompte of canvas delivered to the Shippes. The like order is geiven to the same Aide" to paie to Eliza- beth Bennett in full for nayles &c delified to the Shipps as by her billes appeareth the some of ffowrscore & Tenn poundes sflinge. The like order is geiven to Aid" Bannynge to paye to Nicholas Symonson carpenter in full for tymber delivered to the Susann threescore & eleven poundes ffyfteene shillinges. y'^S^'^ The 15 of May 1601. M"" Aid" Wattes Go'" M' W" Harryson M' IV'^ Rumey Deputy M' Aid!' Bannyng W Rich : Wyseman M"" Thomas Cordell M' W" Chambers M"" John Highelord M' John Combe M' Roger Howe. IT is ordered that m"" how^e and m" Combe shalbe warned to bring in ther accoumptes of the Reckon- ingf and disbursemtf of the west Cuntry to be au- dited at the next meeting of the Comitties to thende that thos accoumptes being audited the Companie may proceade to t! auditing and pfecting of the getfall Accoumptes. Order is geiven to Aid' Hollidaye to paie to Peter Hilles the some of three poundes fiftene shillinges in full for Caske de- liued to the Hector. Order is geiven to the said Alderman holliday threr to pay vnto ffrancis Caudell Painter [for] in full of paintinge worke done by him vppon the Redd dragon the somme of fowrtie eight poundes sterling, vppon paiment Whereof his acquittaunce is to be taken in full paiment. THE EAST INDIA COMPANY 173 It is ordered by agreem' betwene tbes Comitties and m"^ 1601 John Adye for a reckoning of tymber betwene the Companie . J" and him that m"^ W™ Burrell for the Companie and James forTym- Marshe for him shall have the pvsing of the said accoumpte and loke what shalbe found to be dewe to him shalbe p^ him by warraunt to be geaven to one of the thrers. Order is geaven to y* said m"^ Aid"" hollyday threr to pay io"to w™ vnto W™ Allom Lighterman for lighteradg of goodes sent to ^rlf^^tt- the shippes in full paym' the somme of tenn poundf sterlinge. eradge. The 22*'' of May 1601. 1601 Z2 May. M^ Aid" Wattes Go^ M-" John Highelord M"" Aid" Hollyday M M' Rich : Staper M"^ Roger Howe M"" Olyuer Style M' Jo Combe. T this meeting m"" Roger howe and M'^ Combe did m^ Roger exhibite to the Comitties present divers accoumptes j^°^.^'. and papers concerninge ther busines in the West Combe. Cuntrey w'^'' [^the] are conteyned in 48 severall pticler Wri- tinges [made] by way of Inventory noted vnder the handes of the said Comitties All w*^^ writinges are deliuered over to the booke- kea^ to drawe in to ferme of accoumpte armed. Geven a warrant vppon ald'^man Bayning fFor paym* of i^^. 16. 6"', t 39. 16. 6 to M"" Richard wryte in fFuIl payment of his ^.^' accopt ofcharge disburced ffor the vse of this voyadg as p the Wryte, pticulers therein. Two severall Warrauntf directed to the Pursevant that warrauntes attendeth vppon the Companie for the warning of divers of the ^'''^^^. adventuro"^' w*^'' are behinde w"* ther supplies to appeare before of suche as the LL : to aunswere ther Contempte. supHes.^*^ A warraunt geven vppon Aid" hollyday to pay to lewis Tate 227'' to Black Smithe in full paiment of iron worke for the red dragon ^^^1^ ^*^ and Susan the soine of two [three] hundred [and] twentie and smithe. seven poundes sterling*. Order is geaven to Aid" hoUiday to pay vnto Agnes x> to Rich: Haselton to relieve her husband Richard haselton hurt in ^^^ °° ^' *7* THE COURT RECORDS OF 1601 2Z May. 29 10 o to Charles Anthony for geaving of stampes. the hecto'' in the Companies service the some of fowrtie shilJinges. Order is geaven to Ald"^ hoUiday threr to pay vnto Charles Anthonie her Ma*"* Geaver for stampes made for the East Indie moneis the some of twentie nyne poundes x' sterling. 1601 29 May. M^ John Bate disfraun- chesied. John Jack son made free. A Gen'al Court holden the 29*'' of May 1601. M' Aid" Wattes gou' M"" W'" Chambers. Rich. Wyseman. M"" W™ Harryson M' Rich : Staper. HEREAS ther hath bene some question betwene the Company and m' John Bate touching the bringing in his contribution of 200'' by him sett downe wherin he hath w*''stoode the Company for some dislyke he hath con- ceived of the voyage and hath resolved not to be of the Com- pany. And whereas m"^ John Jackson clotheworker is content to supply all suche payment^ as m"^ Jo Bate shuld pay for his Contribution and supplies and to take the [place and] freedome of this felowship in the place of the said m" Bate. Therfore this Court have agreed that the said m"^ Bate shalbe disfraun- chesied and from henceforth be holden an adventuro"^ or brother of this Company and that m"" John Jackson shalbe ad- mitted to the freedome of this felowship. whervppon the matter being put to question by erection of handes, the said M"" Bate is disfraunchesied and the said [John] m"^ John Jackson admitted a free man to enioy all benyfites of freedome incident to this felowship as freely as yf he had bene noiated in the Pattent. W". Smythe Whereas ther hath bene some question betwene the Comit- ties and m"^ W" Smyth touching his adventure by him sett downe wherin he pretendeth an agreem* made w"' him that for the paym' of Cv'' [to be made to] he shuld stand an adventuro"" of C' [he shuld] and be made free, w""'' agreem' being denyed by the Comitties and the matter being referred by both ther Con- sent^ to the generalyty at a general Court to be descyded This Court being acquainted w**^ the question did fall into the delibation THE EAST INDIA COMPANY 175 of the matter and in thende did resolve that they could not 1601 w"'out [any] a genall preiudice to the Company by suche an ^9 May. example yeld to the desire of the said Smythe and therfore did resolve that the said m"^ Smythe shuld be required to bring in the rest of his adventure and supplyes. At this Court m"^ hughe hamersley haberdasher is admytted Hugh into the freedome and Liberties of this felowship and hath satys- gj^ssjo^^ fied 200^' for his adventure and xl'' for his Supplies according to former orders. " ' At this Court humfrey Milward habersher vf\\o hath for- humfrey merly denied to bring in his supplies doeth at this Court assent to bring in the same by the last of Julie next. Milward. The lo"" of June 1601. 1601 M-^ Aid" Wattes. Go"^ M-^ Rich : Wychc 10 June M"" Aid" Bannyng M"^ Nichas lynge. M' staper M"" W™ Harryson M"" olyuer style M' Roger Howe. M' Rich : Wyseman M"" John Highelord M-^ Jo : Kldred M' [John] Robt Bell. M'^ Ro^tS andy. jT this Court m"^ frauncis Dent being desirous to set fra: Dent over his adventure and freedome vnto one George ^^^^ Bennet Salter doeth move the assent of the Comit- ties heervnto. But forasmuche as the name of M"^ frauncis Dent is pticlerly expressed in the pattent thes Comitties can- not w%ut the consent of the gefJalie disfraunchies the one and admitt the other in his place, therfore the said Comitties have referred both the said pties to the next generall Courte. It is ordered that the Secretorie shall make out Billes of ad- Bilies of venture and supplies to everie adventuro"" and that the same be Delivered over to the two thers to deliver to the parties that haue Cleared ther adventures and supplies w*'* the said thers : and the threr shall receave for the vse of the Secretorie for everie bill of adventure [the] vj'*. Adventure. 176 THE COURT RECORDS OF 1601 23 June. Richard Taylby 73''. 6. 8 assigned over to Mf Aty. 100'' as- signed to the Moskvy Companyof Rich:Tayl. byes adven- ture. m"* that this bonde is the 21 Julie 1601. dd to Mr Stap to deliv over to the said agent. 1601 4 July. v" to M' ffletcher. The 23 of June 1601. , M' Aid" Wattes gou'" M"" olyuer style. M' W"" Rumney deputy M' Rich : Wyseman M^ Thomas Cordell M-^ John Highelord M' Rich : staper. jICHARD Tailby one of the adventuro" hathe pro- mysed to pay vnto m*^ Atye vppon Satherday next the somme of 73''. 6. 8. for part of his adventure and supply by him vnp'' the w'*" some is assigned over to the said m"" Atye for money owing him by the Company. The said Richard Tailby is assigned over for C more of his adventure behinde to the Moskova Company to be p*^ at micfias next by a bonde made to the Agent in the penaltie of CC". 1601 6 Julie. The 4"^ of July 1601. M"" Gouernor M"" Chambers M' Deputye M"" Highlorde M"" Aid" Moore M^ Sandy M'^ wiseman M"^ Harrisson M-" Combe M^ Howe M" Lynge. |T this Courte there was allowed to m"" fflecther v'' in consideracon of Rackinge of syder. Alsoe the rest of accompt of m'^ Howe & m' Combe beinge eyghtene poundes seven shilling^ two pence is allowed them for there farther stay in the Countrey more then was expected. A Gen'^all Court holden the 6. of Julie 1601. Present. M-" Aid" Wattes Gou' M'Ald" Bannyng |^ M' W" Rumney Deputy M' Aid" Holliday j S*^ John spencer knight M"^ Tho Cordell thrers THE EAST INDIA COMPANY 177 M"" fra : Chery M' Nich : lynge. 1601 M^ Roger Howe M"" Rich : Wyseman. ^ J"''"' M-^ W- Chamber. M^ Jo Eldred. M' Rich ; Staper. w**" the greatest pt of the geflalitie. T is ordered that all thes psons heervnder named freemen whose names are [heer] Left out of the pattent and yet have p** their adventures sett downe and ther sup- plies of 4^ the pound shall be admitted into the priviledges of this felowship to enioy the same and all freedome thereof in as Large and ample manner as yf they were Pattentees and [ther] as yf ther names had bene conteyned in the pattent. Richard Bowdeler Henry Butler Tho Hayes Rich Humble Antho Moseley John Westwray Hughe Hamersley W™ Kellett W" Albany Peter Helyn Thomas Bramley Thomas Ball Edmond Scott John Clenche Jerom Davers xpofer Nicholles John Leaman W™ AUyn mercer. Certen per- sons made free whose names are not in ys Pattent. At this Court ffrauncis Dent on of the adventure'' of this felowship whose name is conteyned in the Pattent did present to this Assemblie one George Bennett and praied that he might be admitted in his place beinge willing to assigne vnto him both his freedome and his adventure w'^'' is Two hundred and ffowrtie poundes in his adventure sett downe and supplies w^'^ this Court Assented vnto and in place of the said ffrauncis Dent have re'* the said George Bennett and admitted him in to this fFreedome as freelie as yf he had bene noiated in the Pattent. It is moved by the auditors of the geffall [Court] Accoumptes of the Company that whereas the Erie of Cumberland hath as- signed v^'' Ixx^* of his adventure to m"" Ald"Bannyng w*"" doeth owe supplies at the rate of 4' the tt. that some order may be taken therin that ether the same may be aunswered by the one or the other Whervppon m' Aid" Bannyng doeth consent voluntaryly A A Georg Bennett made free in the place of fraunces Dent. The Erie of Cumber- land his sup- plies. 178 THE COURT RECORDS OF i6ot 6 Julie. that the supplies & adventures may be called for & psecuted Certen of the Patten- tees dis- frainchesed S' Edw: Michel born Robt: Towerson Georg Vtley that yf the said Erie be moved for the said Supplies and do not assent to pay it and charge it vppon m"^ Aid" willing him to pay it that then he will aunswer the same otherwyse he thinketh he can not be iustlie charged w"' thes supplies nether did the Court at this tyme resolve to charge him vntill the said Erie hath bene moved herein. It is ordered that all suche of the brethren of the Companie as are behinde w*'^ ther adventures or supplies shalbe prosecuted w"' all expedition by Complaint vnto the LL : to thende that the voyage may be cleared of all debte and imputation. At this court accordinge to the condicion or proviso in the Pattent of the Companies priviledges for suche as are noiated in the Pattent and do not bringe in ther adventures sett downe thes severall psons vidett . S'' Edward Michelborne Robt Towerson and George Vtley whose names are conteyned in the said Pattent and have not brought in ther soiiies of money by them sett downe for ther severall adventures, are by the geflall Consent of this Assemblie disfraunchesied out of the ffreedome and priviledges of this felowship and vtterlie disabled from takinge anie benifite or proffit therby. The Elec- tion of the Governo' Deputy & Comitties of theCom- pany. S' Edward Michelborne Robert Towerson George Vtley. disfraunchesed. The priviledgesof this felowship appointing the Eleccon of the governo'^Deputie&comittiesof this[ffelowship]Companievppon the first day of Julie or w'^n six dales followinge This Court proceaded to the Eleccon of the said severall officers and by scruteny andgeiTallconsent did make choice of thes severall psons to the severall offices following and havinge chosen them did before they were severally placed and admitted to ther severall places ministervnto them respectively the severall othes ordeyned and agreed vppon by [the] this geflall assembly and [herein] at this Court inregestred to stand for [a] standing* thes to be minis- tred [hereafter] to the governo"^ his deputie and Comitties here- after from tyme to tyme to be chosen for the governing^ of the affaires of this felowship. THE EAST INDIA COMPANY 179 M"" John Wattes Aldeman Elected governo'^ for to governe 1601 y* affaires of the Companie for one whole yere. ■'" '^" M"^ William Rumney Elected Deputie Governo'' to governe Governor the affaires of the Companie for one whole yere. gove'. Comitties Comitties S"" John spencer knight M"" Roger Howe Jur Comitties M-" Aid" Bannyng Jur M"" W" Chamber Juf M-- Aid" HoUyday M"" John Eldred J M-^ Aid" Cambell M'" Rich : Wyche M' Richard Staper. Jur M' John Highelord M'- Thomas Cordell Jur M'" W" Harryson Jur M"" W'" Garway M"" Nich: lynge Jur M' Rich: Wyseman Jur M"^ W" freeman Jur M-" John Harby Jur M"^ Nich: leat Jui M"" John Newman M" Nich: Salter M'' Thomas Symondes M"" Thomas farrington JuV M^ Thomas Allabaster. M"" W" Greenwell. The oathe of the Governo"^ of the Companie and of his Deputie. Yo" shall swere that yo"^ shalbe trewe Liegeman to o'^ Soveraigne Ladie the Queenes Ma'* and to her heires & suc- cessors Kinges & Queenes of England and yo" shalbe faithefuU and trewe to the fellowship or Companie of the merchauntf of London tradinge into the East Indies and to their successors, the good state of the said Companie yo" shall favou"^ & affecte and y'^ priviledge of y*^ same to yo" power endevo"" to maintayne & preserve, yo" shalbe carefuU to see & provide y* an equall and indyfferent hand be caryed in the Goverm' of this fellow- shipp and in the affayres thereof to all the adventurers that shall adventure or putt in stocke in anie of the voiages sett owte or to be sett owte. by this fellowshipp that w^wte favo"" affection or partialitye all chardges may indyfferently be rated and all paym'" groweinge to the adventure'^ male indifferently be answered soe farre as yo"^ knowledge in the state of the affaires of this fellowshipp may directe yo" or the aucthoritie of yo"" place may conveniently beare yo" soe helpe yo" god. i8o THE COURT RECORDS OF 1601 6 Julie, 1601 20 Julye. The oathe of Comitties for direction of the trade. Yo" shall swere thatyo" shallbe trewe Liedgmen to o' Sove- raigne Ladie the Queenes Ma'*" and to her heires and Succes- sors Kingf and Queenes of Englande And yo" shalbe faithful! and trewe to the Governo"^ & Companie of iflchauntf of London tradinge into the Easte Indies and to their successors yo" shall w"" yo"^ best advise and Councell assiste m"^ Governo"^ of this fellowship and his deputie from tyme to tyme in the afFayres of this Companye that an equall and indyfferent hand be carried in the Goverm* of this fellowshipp and in the busines thereof yo" shall deale faithfully and equally in the orderinge & disposinge of the adventures stocke trade & merchandize of this fellow- shipp Comitted to yo' direction or truste in all voiadges wherein yo" shalbe ymployed as a Comittie. and that w^wte favo"" or affection to anie man haveinge no singter respecte to yo"" self to the preiudice of the said fellowshipp or anie the said adven- turers thereof, yo" Jha/l indifferently to knowledge rate & ap- portion all chardges & burthens of this fellowshipp accordinge to the proporcbn of effye mans stocke or adventure & yo" shall alsoe order & appointe w**" like indifferency and ^portion to yo"^ best Skyll & knowledge all paymentf groweinge dewe to the said adventurers vppon their stockes or adventures So helpe yo" God. W" Brett 16 . 16 . II'' for timber. The XX* of Julye 1601. M-" Aid" Wattes Go^ : M' W" Rumney Dep : M' Ricti : Staper M"" Ric : Wyseman M' Jo : Highlorde M' Nichas Leate M'' Niclias Lynge M' w"' freman M"" w™ Grenewell M'' w"" Harison M"" Thomas farrington. M"^ Thomas Symondes. ^^ RDER is geiven to Aid" Bannynge Threr to paye vnto William Brett in full for timber &c other ^ivisiones delivered to the Assention the some of sixtene poundf sixtene shilling^* and eleven pence as p bill of pticters may appeare. THE EAST INDIA COMPANY i8i It is ordered at this assemblie that ther shalbe allowed to i6or m' W™ Burrell. for his paines taken in the provision! of timber ^°J"y^' for the shipping of the voyage and for the Surveying of the J^ j^r°wm worke of the same shippes the some of xv''. Burrell for Whereas M"" John Ellicot of Exceto"^ beinge an adventero'^ about y* of CC doeth owe 20'' for his supplies and being imployed by s^'PP". the Company to provide Spanishe Ryalles in the West Cuntrey EUycott of hath geaven in a geflall accoumpte to y^ Company of all his Exceto'. provision wherby he resteth debto"" to the voyage 32 11 8. It is ordered that a Ire shall be written vnto him [for the] from the gerialyty to sende vp his supply and a more pticter accoumpt of his imployments that this Reckoning may be cleared. Gen^all Court. The 24 of Julie 1601. 1601 M^ Aid" Wattes Go' M"^ Tho Farrington Z4 Julie. M'' Ald"^ Cambell M' W-" Harryson M" Rutney dep. M' Nich : Leete . M' Rich: Staper iS'' yohn Spenser M' Tho Cordell W W" freeman ■ M"^ Roger Howe M' Nich : Lynge - M' W" Grenewell M' Rich Wyche w'*' the most part of the genlalyty. JT this Co'te one M' RolSt Bayly one that hath Robt Bayly, sett downe his adventure of CC' and p''^ the same to [the] this felowship. and being vn- willing to [supply] bring in any supplie is wylling to assigne over his said CC' and to relinquishe his fredome [vnto S'' John Spencer knight] surrendring vp the sum [to] in to the handes of this Sosciety Whervppon S"" John S^penser [was] being present in Court doeth vndertake to ac- sfjoSpen- cepte of his said adventure and ofFreth him Ciiij""'' for the same w*^"^ m"" Bayly [doe] is content to accepte. and doeth in open Court Renownce his fredome and thervppon this Court doth accepte his surrender . and doe assent and agree that S' John Spencer shall have the noiation of a freeman to be ser. i82 THE COURT RECORDS OF 1601 made free of this felowship and to enioy the priviledgf thereof ^+J"'^' i;^ as ample manner as anie other brother of this felowship Soe as the said S' John Spencer do bring in to one of the thers: of this Company the some of xl'' for the supplies w'^'' the said M' Baylie was to pay/ The w"^'' the said S"^ John doeth pre- sentlie promyse and vndertake to pay. discovery At this Court motion is made to the genlalyty by occasion west passage ^f a Ire written by one George Waymoth a navigato"^ touching to ye East ^jg attempte to be made for the discovery of the north west Indies. ■' passage to the Est Indies whether the genlalyty be willing^ to vndertake the said discovery and to supply the provision of 2 or 3 pinaces fytt for suche an enterprise yea or [noe]. And yf not vppon the genlall charge then whether the gefJalyty wilbe content that private men shall deale therein, geaving them the benefite of the said discovery [yf they finde yt] i>y the sole trade thereof {ox certein yeres [and sole trade therof ] w*''out impechem' yfthey discover the passage. But this matter requiring further deliberation then [present] this present assembly can stand vppon It is agreed that the [matter] resolution hereof shalbe respited vntill the next geflall Court and then to be further considered vppon and in the meane tyme to be disgested by every gticler man howe he can enclyne him self to the enterprise And it is also moved that this gefllall assembly would be thinke them selfes of anewe supply of shippin^^ to seconde the former shippes sent out to the Est Indies hy the cape of Bona Speransa w**" a Con- venient adventure to be [sent] provided for this yeres voyage whether itbethe half [of] or a thirde part of the valeweof the last adventure . and lyke order was taken therin as in the former motion that eche man do advyse him self herein betwene this and the next geiiall Court. '^°i A generall Court holden the f^ of August 1601. M"" Aid" Watts governo"" M"^ Wiseman M"" William Rumny Dep M' Highlorde M^ Thomas Cordell M^ Howe. M' Richard Stapers M' Greenewell rHE EAST INDIA COMPANY 183 M*" Leate M"" Harrison Linge farringeton 1601 7 Aug. w"' the most pte of y^ geffality. lUESTION beinge made for the findinge out of the Northwest passage whether itt shalbe a vyage to seeke itt, or not. beinge put to handes it was con- sented vnto for a vyage. And beinge put to the question whether the mony shouldbe levyed by the powle or by the pound it was by erectinge of hands ordered that the mony should bee levyed by the pound accordinge to y^ first adventures sett downe in the booke for y* first East India vyage w*''out supplie none to bee enforced, but every man to adventure y* will, and to allowe xii*^ the V. And all those that doe not subscribe his name to his Adventure [betwene this and ] shalbe exempted from this trade of the north-west. And every man to bringe in thone haulfe by Michellmas & the rest by Christmas next. These psones vndernamed are appointed Coinittees to sett downe the chardge of this vyage for 3 pinyces & to make re- port vnto the next Court. Comitties for y* Northwest passage M"" Governor M' Stapers M' Deputy M' Greenewell M"" Cordall M"^ Howe M' Wiseman. All this aforesaid notw'^'standinge it was in the end concluded that M"" Governor should [prvse our] ^■y^^ ;»* Charters betwene this and the next Court to see whether [^wee^ have authority to compell any of the Company to paye his mony towards this vyage or the next vyage by the straights of [Magelano] Bona Speransa. The first of [August] September 160 1. M' Aid" Wattes go-" M"" Thomas Cordell M"" W" Rumey dep. M"" W'" Greenewell M"" Rich : Staper. M' Tho : farrington M*^ Rich : Wyseman. M"^ Georg Waymouthe Norwest passage. 160I I Sept. M^ AdT' Bannyng. yV Highelord. i6oi I Sept. North west passage. THE COURT RECORDS OF jHE said Comittees being met in conference w*'' Capten Waimouth for the necessarie preparation of shipping for the Northwest passage doe resolve that 2. Pin- naces wilbe sufficient shipping* for the same discoverie the one of 50 and the other of 40 tuns. To be manned w"' 30 men videh the one w**" 16 the other w*'' 14 men. The charge of all w*'*' by estimation will amount to the valewe of 3000'' or ther- aboutf. Georg These Comitties haveing conferred w*'^ the said m*" way- Waymouth. j^Qufh touching his enterteynment in the said voyage [It is] he is agreed w^'all to goe for the some of one hundred pound^ to be deliuered him to prepare his instruments and other neces- saries : and yf he discover the passage then vppon his retorne to share by way of Contracte for this discovery the some of v*^'' [^more] referring him self to the favo' of the Companie for suche further gratification as they shall thinke he deserveth w*'' this that yf he retorne and do not pforme the discovery he will aske nothing for his paines and travell. George Way mouth. 1 601 2 Sept. 16''. io«. o to Symon furnof for Gun- powder. TheNorthe west pas- sage. A Gen'^all Courte the 2 of September 1601. Present. M"" Aid" Wattes gouer"" M"" Nich : lynge M' W" Rumney dep : M"^ W-" Garway M-^ Tho : Cordell M"^ John Highelorde M"" Rich : Staper M" Tho farrington M' Rich : Wyseman M'^ W"^ Grenewell. w**" the greatest part of the geifflalyty. ARRAUNT is geaven to m"^ Ald'^ Bannynge to pay vnto Symon Furno"" vppon arestof accoumpte for powder by him deliued to the shippes in full Clearing of all Reckoninges the some of sixtene poundes tenn shilling^ . At this Court the Comitties appointed at the last generall Courte made report of ther conference w'*' Captein Waymouth THE EAST INDIA COMPANY 185 -touchinS^the Discoverie of the Northwest Passage and of ther 1601 opinions of the Charge of the preparation of 2 pinaces w'^*' ^ ^^^' they thinke will come to the Charge of three thowsand poundes as appeared by the pticlers of the same estimated by the said Comitties and read to the generalitie W'''* being conceaved by the generalyty they did well allowe thereof and did agree that the said pinaces and all preparation and furniture therto belonging shalbe taken in hand and a booke sent abroade to the adventure"^* to sett downe ther soines vnder ther handes at the rate of xij'* the pound according to the agreem' of the last generall Court. At this Courte Nathaniell Martin on that had sett downe Nath : for his adventure the soine of two hundred poundes and never t^^'^ |^q. brought in the same but desired that a nother should take his ''« ^-^^^ . . free. place was by erecting of handes dyscharged and dismyssed of the freedome of this fellowship. And in his place M' John Morice Cloth ev/orker was receaved and by erection of handes admitted vnto the said freedome in as large and beneficyall mann) as any other freeman of the Company. A Gen'all Courte hoiden the 13 of September 1601. 1601 Present. '^'•^''^• M' Aid" Wattes gouerno"" M' Jo : Highelord M' W"^ Rumney deputy M' W'" Greenewell M^ Rich : Staper M-^ W-" Harryson M"" Rich Wyseman M"^ Nich : lynge w"^ the greatest part of y*^ geffalyty. iHEREAS ther is some question made or doubte conceaved that the Muskovia Companie may by Moskovia vertue of ther previledges claime the interest of °'"P'''"" the North west passage . the w'*' this Companie are in hand to discover . the w*^'' yf it shuld be discovered at the charge of this soscyetie may be [claymed] stode vppon by the said [^Courte^ Companie of Moskovia merchauntf by ther priorytie of graunt for the clearing of w' '' doubte it is thought B B 186 rHE COURT RECORDS OF 1601 13 Sept. convenient that certen ^isons of this felowship shall conferre w"' the governo'' and others principall merchauntf of the said Companie to knowe whether they will pmitt this felowship to enter into the discoverie of the said passage and wholie re- linquishe all Claime of previledg therunto duringe the Contynu- ance of the pattent graunted vnto vs And to that ende [it is resolved by this Courte that] the psons herevnder named are apointed to require the [Consent] answer and Consent of the said Muskovia Companie in this behaulf and thereof to make report to the Generalytie at the next generall Court. A seconde voyage by the Cape of bona espe- ranza. 1601 14 Sept. M"" Gouerno"" M-" Deputy M"" Wyseman ferro"^ [w] Grenewell Harryson Or anie 4 of them. And it is agreed by the geflall consent of this Court that ther shalbe presently sett out a seconde voyag* to the East In- dies by the Cape of bona speranca and [to that end] all expedi- tion to be vsed to see what will be contributed to [that end] furnishe the same, to w'^'' end a booke is to be prepared for the adventur" to sett downe their sommes of adventure vnder their handes to see howe the Contribucon will arise But it is re- solved by the generall Consent of this Co'^te that none shalbe received to adventure vnder the valew of one hundred poundes sterlinge but as muche above that valewe as anie man shalbe pleased to adventure and it is further agreed that none shalbe vrged to beare or bringe in anie further supply above his adven- ture sett downe. xiiij September 1601. M-" Aid" Watts go'" M' W™ Rumney dep M' Aid : Holliday M^ VV'" Gar way M-" Jo : Highlord M-- W"' Grenewell M"" W"' Harrison M' Nicfias Linge M^ W" freeman. THE EASr INDIA COMPANY 187 T this Co''te assemblyd the Cotnitties abovenamed 1601 did agree vppon a title or preface to the booke of ^* ^^^' Contribucon to be sent abroad w^'' beinge sett downe A Booke of some of them bargaine to sett downe vnder their handes their tures in ye owne voluntary Contribucons and havinge so donne deliverd the ^econde Booke to the officer to be Carried to All the severall freemen of this fellowship to sett downe their severall adventures in this second voyage. -a voyage. A Generall Court holden the xiii"' of October 1601. '6°» •" 13 Oct. Present. M' Aid : Wattes Go"": M"" W"" grenewell M' W" Rumney dep : M"" "VV" Harrison S"" Jo : Spencer knight M"" Thomas Cordell M"" Richard Staper M"" Tho : farrington M' Niclias Leet w"' the greatest part of the Gene''alitie. RDER is geaven to M"" Ald'^man Baninge Threr li s d. to pay vnto Beniamyn Decro Agent of the Mus- 57 \^^^^ kovia Companie for the full rest of Cordage bought kovia Com- of the same Companie and in full payment of all re^stCordage debtf owinge to the same Companie the soine of fifty seven poundes sixteene shilling^ and eight pence. At this Co''te S'^ John Spencer Knight accordinge to the libtie geaven vnto him at a generall Co'te the 24* of July last, for the makinge of a ffreeman whensoever he shall present him to [of] this societye dothe in ^formaunce of the said Lib'"tie geaven him Joseph ^ present vnto this Court one Joseph Jackson Clcthewo'ker to admission. receave the said freedome vppon whose presentm' this Courte do accept him into the freedome of this fellowshipp to enioy the same in as ample [manner] and beneficiall manner as any other brother of this Companie doeth or ought to enioy the said ffreedome. At this Co te M'' Deputie doeth make reporte to this assem- blie that accordinge to the order geaven at the Last generall i88 THE COURT RECORDS OF 1601 Courte touchinge the Northwest passage to move the Muscovia 13 Oct Companie to relinquishe their Claime into the said passage for Touching (he fearme of xv yeares to the end this Company may proceade the North , . , , "^ . , r> • ■ , „ /^ west pas- therem. he the saide m"" Deputie accompanied w'" m"" (jren- sage- y^^ell (Jid since the said Last Courte reporte to the Governo'" and divers of the said Muskouia Companie assembled togeather and propounded vnto them the mocon of this fellowshipp touchinge the said passage who gave them this aunswer that they havinge an inheritaunce in the same [said passage] would not by any meanes relinquishe their owne interest therein, for any tearme but yf this Companie would be willinge to joyne w**" them in the discoverye of the said passage they would re- ceive as manie of this Companie as will venture w"" them and geave them the freedome of the said passage and all placf dis- covered therby in ppetuity w'^'' aunswer beinge Considered of at this Court It is supposed that vnder this oifer the Musko- via Companie may be at libertie to venture what they list, and so will supply them selves litle or nothinge and the whole or the greatest pte of the adventure will lye vppon this Companie and the discoverye beinge made at their Charge a trade shalbe putt into the other Companies handes for litle or nothinge dis- boursed or adventured by them for avoidinge of w^'' doubt It was propounded to the generalitie whether they would be willinge to adventure w*'' the Muskovia Companie suche som- mes as they had already sett downe yf the Muskovia Companie wilbe Content to secludeyor the tenne of xv veres all suche of ther owne felowship as will not joine in adventure w"' the brethren of this Companie in the discoverie or findinge out of the said passage. Whervnto this Companie do agree and vppon that condition do yelde that all suche soines of money as they have already sett downe towardes the furnishing of the voyage for the said Northwest shall be ioyned w^"" the adventurors of the Muskovia Companie that will proceade together w* them in the said voyage and do require that the booke may be carried abroade amongest the residewe of the Companie that have not yet sett downe ther contributions . And it is ordered that the meane While m'^ Deputie and the residewe of the Comitties THE EAST INDIA COMPANY 189 appointed at the last generall Court shall repaire to y® Governo'" 1601 and Companie of the Muskovia merchauntf at ther generall '3 ^'^^^ Court to conferre w"' them and to agree that ther shall noe more of that Companie claime the benyfyte of the freedome of ^ the said passage yf it be discovered duringe the terme of xv / yeres. then suche as shall ioine w"* this Companie in the con- / tribution And that all suche of this felowship as shall adven- ture in the said voyage the some of x'' shall have the freedome of the said discovery to them and ther posteritie vnder the Como seale of the said Muskovia Companie for ever. This Companie havinge alsoe heretofore resolved to sett out a seconde a seconde supply to the East Indies [of one] by the cape of bona £ ^ VV' Esperansa, and the booke having bene carried abroade a- mongest the breethren of this Companie to sett downe the Contributions it appeareth that the Whole adventure alreadysett downedoethnot exceade the valev^eof Eleven thowsandpoundes. w'"'' carrieth noe convenient proportion to sett out any voyage at all. And it is Notyfied to this Co't by M"^ Governo"" that he beinge of late vi^* my L Admirall and M"^ Secretary at the Court they enquired of him what was the cause that the Companie were so slacke in secondinge ther former voyage considering that the Duche nation had soe honorably gone throughe w"^ ther voyage and retorned againe w"^ soe good successe notinge vnto them that this Companie were not soe respective of her ma^^ bono"" and the bono" of ther owne Cun- trey as were fytt they shuld be. Whervppon it was aunswered by some of the Companie that one especiall hinderaunce of the [slacke] proceading of this voyage is that it is doubted that for some private respectes the Comitties may be drawen in the preparation of the shippinge for the voyage [to fail in to] to pre- ferre suche shippes as shall not be so serviceable as were con- venient. Ffor the avoidinge of w*^*" inconvenience, and to geave furtheraunce to the speady preparation of the voyage It is ordered that Noe ship shalbe prepared or enterteyned for the said voyage vntill the name of suche ship be notyfied to the gene- ralitie at a generall Court and the geiVall consent of the Com- panie geaven to certen Comitties to contract for [the] everie or 190 rHE COURT RECORDS OF 1601 13 Oct, xpofer Cle- therowe made free. Robt Bow- yerdisfraun- chised or excluded. anie suche ship soe p'sented and offered to ther considerations. And it is also ordered that the booke shalbe carried abroade to the breetheren of this felowship by some men apointed that shalbe able to pswade and encorage them to proceade in the said adventure. At this Court xpofer Cletherow was admitted into the freedome of this ffelowship in the place of Rol5t Bowyer supplying" in his default, the some of Two hundred and fFourtie poundes. w'^'' he had sett downe in the booke of adven- tures. And for that the said RoBt Bowyer did not bring in his money according to the pattent and the ordenaunces of the Companie. he the said Rot3t Bowyer is [disfranchesed] excluded and the said xpofer Clethero admitted in to the said freedome in as large and ample manner as any brother of this felowship and holden aContributo"^ of the soiTie of CC and Fourtie poundes in Principall and supply. 1601 5 Nov. A Gen'^all Courte the 5 of November 1 60 1. Present M-" Aid" Wattes Gov' jVlr \Ym Rumney dep. M-" Aid" Cambell M-" W'" Carway M"" Nich M' Rich : Stapers M"" Tho : farrington M' W"^ Grenewell M"" Nich : lynge leete And the greatest part of the gefialyty. T this Court m"" Deputie maketh report [to this Court] that since ther last genlall assemblie the muskovia Companie have mett together aboute the motion, [to enter into] of the discovery of the Northwest passage and do finde that the said Companie seme to have no liking to Joine w"' this Companie in the said disco- verie. but rather will deale in the same them selves, yet they assigne noe tyme for the doing thereof nor for anie thinge that appeareth doe goe aboute to deale therin w*^ anie expedition. Whervppon this Companie thinking it not fitt that [suche] an t:HE east INDIA COMPANY 191 enterprise of suche importaunce shuld be staked doe resolve to 1601 vrge the expedition of the same voyage (beinge of soe great a ^ °^* consequence to the Comon! wealthe) [and therefore do resolve] ether to be ^formed by that Companie or by this Companie And to that ende this Companie do entreat the psons here- vnder named as Comitties for this felowship to ofFer Conference w*'' sixe of the Muskovia Company to enter into [the] a Course howe this passage may be proceaded in. and yf it shall appeare vppon the conference that the Muskovia Companie will vnder- take this discoverie them selfes and enter into it to leave them to ther proceadinge therin yf otherwyse to prove them vi^hether they will ioyne w"^ this felowship according to the former conditions ^pounded and yf they will do nether then that a re- lation may be made to the LL. of her ma^^ most honorable privy [the] Councell of ther refusall and ther hinderingof this company in the said discovery entended by them. And to thende the cause may not receave any delay that the muskovia Company may be required to geave ther directe aunswer in writing to this motion propounded. Comitties. M"" Governo"" M"" Cordell M"" Deputy M"" Grenewell M^ Aid" Cambell M^ Bell M"" olyver style M"^ Nich : leat. At this Co'^te was reced a Ire from the LLf of the Councell The Coun- notyfying her Ma" mislike of the slacknes of the Companie in y.secondfng the secondinge of ther former viage to the East Indies by the of the first Cape of Bona Speransa propoundinge vnto them thexample of EasUndies! the duche who doe prosecute ther viages w'^ a more honorable resolution But forasmuche as the Assemblie at this Court was not soe ample as the importaunce of the matter requireth it was thought fitt another Court shuld be called vppon Mun- day in the after noone to consider more deliberatly vppon ther honors Ires and the same co'^t to be warned vppon a paine of xx^ vppon everie one that maketh default. 192 rHE COURT RECORDS OF 1601 9 Nov. Rich; Rich: Clement Moseley his stocke as- signed to A Gen'"all Court [1601] holden the 9 of November 1601. Present. M"" Aid" Wattes go"" M^ Jo : Kighelord M"^ Aid" Hollyday M"^ Roger Howe M-- Aid" Cambell IW Rich : Wiche M' Tho. Cordell M^ Nich : leate Stapers M'' John Eldred Wyseman M' W"" Harryson M' W"i freeman, the greater nomber of the gen'"alyty. T this Court the Northwest passage being againe brought in question vppon occasion of some speeche had w"^ some of the muskovia Com- pany since the last Court And vppon some occasion of better opinion conceaved of the strengeth of o'" owne previledgf then fonflly wee had touching o"^ interest in the same previledgf It is resolved by this Geflall Court that the same vyage shalbe attempted and those [that] of the Companie that have not already written be solicited to wryte to thende the contribution may be made full, and yf anie of the Companie will deny to [for] adventure in this discovery ac- cording to the former ordinaunces that they shalbe secluded from anie benyfite of trade by the said passage, during the terme of the pattent of the previledgf . and the trade to be wholie in them that do adventure in the same And it is further ordered that yf the said passage be discovered that then the trade made that way shalbe carried and handled from tyme to tyme during the [previledges] contynuaunce of d^ pattent in a proportionall sorte. videh according to y* proportion of every mans adventure . to thende that every adventuro"" may have that advancem' or pre- viledg of his adventure in every viage according to the rate or quantety of his [adventure] stocke ventured in this viage of dyscovery and not otherwise. Whereas Clement Moseley Citizen and mercer of lo" one of the adventurors of this felowship is nowe deceased, havinge adventured in this first voyage sett out by the Companie by THE EAST INDIA COMPANY 193 the cape of bona speransa the some of 220'' in stocke and suply. 1601 did in his lief tyme assigne over the one moytie of his said ^ °'^ adventure vnto Edmund Helmes of Burford in the Countie of ky. oxon gent, in consideration of the soiiie of one hundred poundes [by] him owing[by] to the said Edmund as by the said assignement shewed forthe and testified vnto the governo"^^ deputie andothers, of the Companie bearing date the 20"" of may last appereth And whereas also the said Clement Moseley did alsoe assigne and sett over the other moitie of his said adventure vnto John Moseley gent in consideration of a certen debt owing by the said Clement vnto the said John, as by the said assignment done the day and yere abovesaid appeareth lykewyse testyfied to the said governo'' deputie and others. The interest of both w"^^ assignments is by the said severall Assignees passed over vnto Elizabeth Moseley late the Wief of the said Clement Moseley in consideration of the soiTie of Cij^' x' by her paid to the said Edmund Helmes . and in consideration of Cij'' by her p'^ to the said John Moseley as by the severall conveyhaunces thereof appeareth. Therfore the said Elizabeth is to be made Credito'^ of the some of 24o''of Stocke and supplie When soever she shall have p'^ the soine of xx^' w'^'^ is behinde of the supply w'^'^ was to have bene brought in by the said Clement Moseley. The 20"* of Novemb' 1601. 1601 20 Nov. HIS day by order of M"^ Governo"" a warraunt was made to M' Aid" Bannynge Threr to pay to M"" Abraham Campion for the rest of Accoumpte and m^ Cam- debt Dewe by the Companie to him for beare for y*^ voyage the P'°" '°''' somme of Thirtie nyne poundes ij^ iiij"^. 39. 2. 4 The 4 of December 1601. 1601 M^ Aid" Wattes go"" M^ The : farrington "^ '^''• M^ Rich : Stapers M"" W"^ Grenewell M^ John Highelord M' Rich : Wyche M' W"^ Harrison c c i6oi 4 Dec. An Eng- lisheman brought home out of the East Indies in the Duche shippes. THE COURT RECORDS OF PPON advyse written to M' Aid" Wattes from Midleboroughe touching the arryvallof 2 Dutche shippes retorned from the East Indies full laden w"' Pepper w'^'' have brought home from the Est Indies 13 men [w'''] w^o have bene deteyned prysoners ther for the space of 4 yeres amongest w*^"" ther is one Englisheman [w'''] who hath the Language of Sumatra, and thexperienceof the trade of divers Uandes theraboutf It is thought meet by thes Co- mitties that M"^ Alderman take some private and secret course by writing to procure the said Englyshman to come over that some conference may be had w'" him touching the state of the trade of those partes. 1601 22 Dec. Touching y' question of the North west pas- sage be- twene this Comp. & the Mus- kovia Com- pany. A Generall Court the 22*'' of December 1601. M"" Aid" Wattes gov"" M"" Rich Staper M-- Aid" Cambell M^ W"' Chamber y[v y^m Rumney M' W" Harryson M"^ Tho : farrington w*'' a great Companye of the generalyty. HIS generall Court were at this assemblie made acquainted that since the last gerJall Court M"" Governo"" [andthe] M"" Aid" Cambell and IVfRum- ney and others having acquainted the LL : of the Councell that by reason of the difference betwene theMuskovia Companie and this Companie for the interest of the Northwest passage the preparation of the discoverie of the same passage w'^'^ this Companie were in hand w^'all was staied It pleased ther LL : therfore for the Clearing of the said difference and the furthering* of the said voyage to wryte ther Ires to the mus- kovia Companie. ether to joine w"' this Companie in the said discovery or els to bring ther pattente to the Counsell board and to shewe ther Clayme vnto the said priviledges. vppon w'^*' Ires the Muskovia Companie Sornoned them selfes together and conferred vppon the same Lres and of the Worthines of the said enterpryse and thervppon! resolved to joine w"' this Companie 22 Dec. THE EAST INDIA COMPANY. 19S in the same discoverie, and to conferre vppon as manie of this 1601 Companie as would adventure therein jointlie w*'' them all beny^ fyte of priviledge that lyeth in them to impart vnto [them] the said adventurers. By w'^'' consent of the Muskovia Com- panie all the former question and difFerence being cleaied It is nowe Resolved that all expedition possible shalbe vsed by this Companie to goe on w*'' the said discovery, and the booke to be carried abroade, that men may sett downe ther adventures according to former orders and agreem*% viz at the rate of xij*^ the pound of ther [last] first contribution sett downe in the viage by the Cape of bona Esperansa. or els to be pemptoryly exempted out of all benyfyte that may growe by the discovery of the said north west passage, not only during the Contynuance of [the] o"" priviledges to the East Indies but for ever hereafter And to thende that noe man shall excuse him self hereafter that he hath not bene offered the Libertie of adventures in the said discovery It is ordered that every adventure shall ether sett downe vnder his owne hand his adventure, or els vnder his owne hand sett downe his voluntary refusall to adventure therein. And it is further ordered that all the Contributions of the breeth- ren of this Cornpany for this Discovery [disbursed by the br ether en of this Company andw'^^'' are notfre of the Musko : Cotnpany'] shalbe brought in to m"" Rumey Deputy governo'' of this Company by the xx"^ of January next, and that from tyme to tyme both in the meane tyme and after wardes the Comitties appointed for [the] both the Companies to meete together, and to capitulate and agree in the proceading* of the said [preparation] voyage and of the Conditions therto belong* as shalbe convenient for all the adventuro". But forasmuche as ther is a doubte conceaved whether ther can be be vnytinge out of two companies o/~ divers selected persons free of them bothe to [holde a priviledg] become a Company to enioy a trade ^n^^ shalbe but a part of a priviledge drawen out of the graunt of one of the said Companies therfore it is ordered that the opinion of some lerned Counsell shall be taken whether this voyage may be in this sort proceeded in as hathe bene purposed and enioyed by vertue of suche an agreem' as shalbe made by Consent of the adventuro"^^ amongest them 196 THE COURT RECORDS OF lOoi 22 Dec. 1601 5 Jan. The opi- nion of la we geaven y' this Com- pany have the right of the North west pas- Comitties apointed to expedite the North- west pas- sage & to devyse ordi- iiaunces to further y* same & other busi- nes of the Company. M' W'" Rumney dep gov' M-" Aid" Cambell M' Rich : Staper M-^Tho: Cordell selves or byany Warraunt that can be deryvedfrom other of the said former Companies. A Gen''al Courte holden the 5*'' of January 1601. M"^ Tho : Farrington M' W"^ Garway M"" W'" Greenewell M"" W™ Harryson w"' the greatest part of the gen''alyty. INCE the last Courte, according^ to the Direction and resolution then holden for the satisfaction of the Companie touching^ the interest and previledge of the Northwest passage w^"^ hath bene in Dis- pute and question betwene this Companie and the Moskovia Companie, ther hath bene a [course taken] the opinion of lerned Councell had touchinge the same, and it resolved for lawe that the interest of the same passage is expresselie in this Companie. And it is alsoe resolved [that One Company can- not graunt] touching the doubte that hathe bene formerlie propounded whether that a gefiall Company out of ther genfall previledges thereof might graunt a part of ther previledges ether to a nother Companie or to anie private persons [and yet the psons to whom suche graunt is made] that a Companie cannot divide [the] and dismember ther previledgf reteyning part of them, and letting one other part So as nowe the doubte and questions formerlie a foote being Cleared and the interest there- of appearing to be in this Companie It is finallie resolved that the said viage shall w* all expedition be prepared aswell for that the shortenes of the tyme requireth expedition as that the Companie are ingaged in ther Credite to the lords to enter into it [soe as] as sone as it shall appeare that they have sufficient interest in the said previledge by ther pattent And to thende that [the] bothe the said voiages may be the better expedited and that the gefiall governm' of this felowship may be the better directed thes persons herevnder named are apointed by the genJalyty to [travell both in the said preparation and also in the] con- THE EAST INDIA COMPANY. 197 ceav[ing] of suche reasonable lawes and ordinaunces [for the] as 1601 may both further the said accon and better guide all other ■' occasions that may concerne the priviledges of the Companie W*^"" lawes and ordinaunces being soe conceaved and prepared the same to be brought to the next geffiall Court to receave ther allowance and confirmation [therof at] by the consent of the geiJalyty w'^'' shalbe at a genJall Court vppon tuesday in the after noone. Comitties. M"" Rumney deputy M"" Chery M' Aid" Cambell M"^ Grenwell M' Rich : Stapers M"" farrington M'' Garway M"" Harrison W Cordall M"^ Gierke Or anie 4 of them. At this Court was read a Ire or [warraunt] Cert'ificat vnder the 230" of the hand and scale of the right ho : the Earle of Cumbland wherby it ^^^^^! , " ■' Cumblands appeareth that he hath assigned over the soine of two hundred [debte] ad- and thirtie poundes to m"" Alderman Holliday out of his hono"^^ Issign'ed to adventure w**^ the Companie and therby requireth that the same ^"^^^ Holly- may be putt of from his Lp^ Accompte and M" Aid" Hollyday made Credito"" for so muche vppon w*^*" Certificat this Court hath agreed that the Bookeap shall geave credite vnto M'" Aid" Holliday for the same money. A Gen'^all Court holden the xj* of Januarie 1601. 1601 M-- W™ Rumney Deputy M^ Rich : Wyche "•''"' M^ Aid" Cambell M"^ Tho : farrington M'" Richard Staper M"" W"" Harryson Mr W™ Greene well M-" Jo : Eldred M^ Nic^as leet M"" Jo : Highelord w**" y^ greater part of the gen'^alyty. TthisCourt] According" to the genlall order taken at Lawes and the [genlall] last genlall Courte touching the devys- presented^to ing and conceaving^oflawes and ordinaunces for the be Confirm- better governm* of the state of the trade, [and] the 198 rHE COURT RECORDS OF 1601 Comitties then appointed did at this Court present [certen] ther ^' J^"' opinions by certen ordinaunces [already] by them devysed and oftered the same to the Consideratioii of the GenJalytie w''' severall ordinaunces being silvers tymes distinctly read and waighed and in some pointes reformed by this Court in ample number assembled and throwghly digested and severally putt to Scruteny and erection of handes the same severall lawes are agreed vppon establyshed and confirmed for standing^ lavi^es and ordinaunces to be holden and observed by this Soscyety vppon the severall paines and penalties therin severally Limited the teno*^ of w^'^'' Lawes Do followe in thes wordes videh : Whereas the Oueenes most excellent Ma'*" by her graces I Ires Patentf vnder y^ great seale of England bearinge date y^ xxxi*^ day of December in y^ xliij"' yeare of her ma**"^ raigne hath incorporated this society by y^ name of y* [Company] gouno'' and company of the iflchaunt^* of Lo° tradinge into y^ East Indies and hath geven them y* sole trade of y^ said Indies by all such waies and passages as they shall thinke meete to visit those partf eyther by y* way and passage already found out w*^"* is by y^ cape of bona Esperansa or by such waies and passages as shalbe hearafter found out by y'' partf of America to enioy y* said trade for y*^ terme of xv*"" yeares from y^ feast of y** nativ- ity of o"" Lord god 1600 And wheras this society in y^ settinge forth of their late viage by y*^ Cape of Bona esperansa toward^ y^ Ilandf of Sumat' Java and other y* partf theraboutf en- tendinge to trade those Ilandf and places for Pepper Spices gould and other iffchandizes w'^'' are likest yeald y^ most profit- able returne for y^ Adventuro"^^ in y® same viage have sett forth y*" greatest pte of theire adventure in English money Coyned of purpose for y*" said voyage and other forreine coine Currant in those Hands w*^'' moneyes and coyne they could not p'^pare but w*** great difficultie and trouble and not w"'out some mislike of y^ transportacon of treasure out of land They therfore beinge desirous to vse y'^ priviledges to them graunted rather for y* good of y* Coenweale of theire Countrie then for theire private benefite and to maintayne the trade of y* East Indies if it be possible by y^ transportacon and vent of Cloth and other y* y THE EAST INDIA COMPANY. 199 native Commodities of this Realme w^'^out any money at all or 1601 eles soe litle as may be conveniently tollerated Do resolve to attempt y^ discoiJy of a Passage by seas into y^ said East Indies by y* Northw^est thorough some pte of America w*^*" if they shall fynd navigable 7'hen shall they by that passage arrive in y* Countries of Cataia & China beinge the Eeast ptf of Asia and Africa Climatf of that Temperature w'^'in all likeli- hood will aforth a most liberall vent of English clothes and kersies to y^ generall advancement of y" trafficke of liJchandize of this realme of England And to thend to putt in execucon as well this theire resolucon of y^ discoffy of y*' said passage as otherwise to bringe them selues and theire trade generally to a conformitie and order They do accordinge to y* libertie to them geven by y^ said Ires Pattentf for y^ makinge of lawes con- stitucons orders & ordinances for y* better advancement and continuance of theire trade and traffique make ordeine and constitute these seffall lawes constitucons orders and ordi- nances foUowinge viz'. First it is ordered and decreed by and w* y^ generall consent The voyag of this Co'^te for standinge and vnchangeable decree that w"' all ^° '^^ ,.r^ r^ Northwest convenient expedicon there shalbe preparacon made for y^ finally de- attemptinge of y*" discoGy of y^ Northwest passage to y^ East be™["^'^ '^^ Indies wherin shalbe vsed two shippes or pinnaces of such forthe. burthen and makinge as shalbe hearafter considered of and re- solved to be fitt for y* said voyage and manned victualled [and] furnished and provided w"' such numbers of men municon furniture victuall iflchandize and other thingf as y* Coinittees hearafter nominated and appointed for y* prouision therof shall thinke meete And for y*^ levyinge of such [moyties] moneis as shall defray y^ charges of the preparacon of y* said shippes or pinaces and all other thingf incident to y^ said voyage And for y^ bringinge of y^ said moneys It is ordered that efly brother of this felowshippe that hath contributed and adventured in y* former voyage to y* East Indies by y^ Cape of Bona esperansa shall contribute to the settinge furth of this p'^sent voyage after the rate of xij'^ at y" least for eGy pound of his former adventure by him adventured or wherin he is intereressed w'^'out supplie. THE COURT RECORDS OF 1601 II Jan. the bring- ing in of' y* money. forfeit V tymes the valew. To pay con- tribucons &c. at the tymes limi- ted. Or to be fined in the dis- And if any brother of this felowshipp shalbe willinge voluntari- ly to bringe in a greater contribucon then after y*^ said rate of xij'' in y* pound of his said adventure in y^ former voyage it shalbe at his pleasure And to thend to stirre vp men y^ rather to enlarge theire said Contribucons to this enterprise It is alsoe ordered and agreed that after what rate or proporcon soeu any man shall contribute in this discouy Yf the passage be found out that he shall in all voyages hearafter to be made by y*" said passage be aportioned or stinted in his adventures accordinge to y" same proporcon or rate and noe otherw^ise. And It is alsoe ordered that the said Contribucon shalbe brought in by eGy y^ Contributors in this manner viz' The one halfe before y'^ xx"' day of January next comminge And y^ residue or soe much therof as shalbe found necessary at y'' goinge away ofy^ shippes to be paid to y* handf of M"" Atd Cambell appointed Threr for y^ same voyage Prouided allwaies that if any brother of this felowshippe shall deny to bringe in his said contribucon at y* rate of xij*^ y'^ pound of his former adventure or do not bring in the same at or before the dales and tymes before limited that then he or they that shall make default on that behalfe shall satisfy and pay for a fyne by way of deduccon out of his stocke adventured in y^ last voyage fyve tymes y^ valewe of y^ ContribuciSn by him payable by vertue of this act The same to be imployed to y^ full furnishinge of y"" said discouy And if there remaine an oGplus to y*' vse of y^ adventurors in this in- tended voyage proportionably accordinge to theire seGall adven- tures. It is alsoe ordered and decreed by y^ generall consent of this Co'"te concerninge y^ generall trade of this Society and y* preparacon of all Viages Contribucons and generall adventures of this felowshippe hearafter to be sett forth That if any daies or tymes be limited and appointed by order of any generall Co'^te for y^ bringinge in of any Contribucons adventures or supplies and that default be made in y*^ pforminge of those payments Contribucons and supplies at y^ daies limited by any of y^ adventurors or Contribute'^ of such voyages that y^ stockf or adventures of such Contributors shalbe taxed and charged rHE EAST INDIA COMPANY to answear to y" coen treasure or vse of this society such damages charges and allowances for not performinge of such paymentf at y* daies limited as y* Audito''* of y" Company for y* tyme beinge appointed to audit y^ general! accomptf shall fynd to be equall and y* the goffno"^ Deputy and Coiiiittes or y® most of them shall censure to be fitt to be paid w%ut any abatement. It is alsoe ordered and agreed by like generall consent of this Society that if any brother of this Company shalbe sumoned or warned by y® officer of this felowshippe therto appointed To appeare at any generall Co'"te of this Society or at any other meetinge of m"" Goflno"" his Deputy and y^ Cofnittees and y' said suinons or warninge geven to y® ptie himselfe or left at his house Yf then such person shall make default and not appeare at all or not appeare at y* howre assigned he shall forfeite for effy default of non apparance xij** and for efly default of com- minge late vj^ vnlesse he can give a sufficient reason of his absence or late comminge and y* same to be allowed by y* generall consent of y* assembly or y* more part of them p'"sent eyther at a generall Co'^te or meetinge of Comitties. For y^ better and more orderly proceedinge in y* deliberacon of matters propounded in geflall Co'^tes eyther for y® establish- inge of any actf or ordinances or in any other matters concer- ninge y^ Company Is ordered y' it shall not be lawful! for any brother of this Company to speake to any one matter pro- pounded aboue three sundry tymes vppon peine of forfeiture of iij* iiij** for euy such excesse in speach. It is alsoe ordered by late consent of a generall Co''te that if any brother of this Company shall in any Contencon or argu- ment houlden w**' any other pson eyther in generall Co''te or meetinge of CoiTiittees vse any vnciville or intemperate speaches or behavio"^ and soe censured by y* genJall Co'"te or y^ persons assembled in Coinitte he shall forfeite for effy such offence x\ And for y' avoydinge of confusion of speach or disco'^se in y* deliberacon of matters to be handled in any gen!all Co''te or meetinge of Comitties concerninge y® affaires of y^ Company It is ordered that noe brother of this felowshippe shall interrupt any other in his declaracon or disco''se of any matter declared D D 1601 1 1 Jan. crction of the Com- panie or of tlie Audit- o" appoin- ted. For absence iz** & late coming to courtes vj*". 12.9 in the third waste booke. Not to speake in any mat- ter propoun- ded aboue 3 tymes penaiij'iiij''. No vncivill speaches or behauio'' in Courtes pena x*. That none do interrupt an other in his speaches in Courtes pena ij' vj"*. 202 THE COURT RECORDS OF 1601 or disco''scd to y* Company nor duringe such declaracon or dis- *' J*"' co'se hold p'uate whisperinge speach or talke w"" any other to y*" disturbance of him that speaketh But if he be disposed to answear or reply to y* speaches propounded then to direct his answear or reply to m"^ Gouno"" or his Deputy vpon peine of forfeyture for eGy such offence ij^ vj'*. That eu'y jj jg alsoe ordered for y^ paciiicacon of contencon in argu- one keepe • o 1 /^ 1 • silence be- mcnt in genall Co'"tes and other meetingf and of lowde or con- ded b°'Mr" fused spcaches that when m' Gouno'^ or his Deputy command- Gou'nof or eth scilcnce by y^ stroake of y*^ hammer that then euy eu'y thHtroke pcrson kecpe scilence vpon peine of forfeiture of yj'^ for eu'y of the Ham- offcnce. mer pena 1 t • 1 1 1 1 • r vjd. And It IS alsoe ordered that if any brother of this felowshippe shall vppon commandment or demaund of m"" Gou'no'' o"" his For refusaii Deputy refuse to pay such fynes or forfeytures as he shall have fines ympri- fallen into by y^ breach of any of y^ ordinances or actf of this sonmt. felowshippe or do not pay them beinge required that then such person shalbe comitted to prison there to remaine duringe y*" pleasure of Y^ generaltie. Nottodepte ^IlD It is further agreed that if any brother of this society Courte but ghall at any eenlall Co'"te or meetinge of Coinitties depart out by hcence -^ o o r pena xij"*. of y^ Co'^tc or meetinge before y® Co'"te shall breake vp or v® busines be ended except it be by licence asked of m"^ Gofino"" or Deputy and by theire licence graunted that he shall forfeite for euy default departinge w"'out licence xij^. ^nD It is lastly ordered y* all fynes and forfeytures forfeyted and lost by any brother of this felowshippe by y" breach of any All fines to ordinance now heretofore or hearafter to be made shalbe paid to the'^ge'n- ^"'^ gcven to y^ generall and coen vse of this Society and to be all vse of imploved to y^ bearinee of y^ Coen charges of y^ same and to theCompa- ^ ^ ■' ^ ^^ .. ^ .. ■' , ^ nie. y^ releefe of y^ poore To dispose accordinge to order from tyme to tyme to be geven in that behalfe. At this Courte the psons heervnder named are apointed and elected to be Comitties to further the expedictin of the voyag* of the Northwest passage and to prepare the shippinge and all other provisions belonging to the voyage at the best and easiest rates and prises that they can and whatsoever they shall doe rHE EAST INDIA COMPANY 203 therin the Companie to allowe thereof and the ther to defray 1601 suche Charges as [They sh] the said Comitties or anie 4 of them vnder ther [warr] handes shall geave him warrant to pay. Comitties for y* Nortweast passage. M" W" Rumney deputy M"" olyver Style M" Rich : Staper M' W" Harryson M^ Tho"^ Cordell M"" W-" Grenewell M" Rich : Wyseman M"^ Nich : Leat. The 25 of Jar luary 1601. 1601 Present. 25 J' M"" Aid" Wattes go"" M"^ Roger Howe M' Rumey deputie M-" Rich : Wyseman M- Aid" Cambell M-" W'" Chamber M^ Tho Cordell M-" Nich : lynge M' Rich : Staper M'^ Tho Farrington iW John Harby M^ W°> Harrison M-- Nich Leat. ARRAUNT is geaven to Aid" Hollyday on of the Thiers of the voyage sett out by the cape of Bona Speransa to pay to M'' Ro^' Bell the somme of xiij'' iij^ ij^ to him owing by the Companie for charges [of] bv him disbursed for wharfage at Wiggens key and for Cutting of leade as appeareth by the pticlers thereof. Like warraunt is geaven to the said Alderman to pay vnto m"" Aid" Bannyng the other ther of the said voyage the some of iiij'' vij^ v'^ for so muche money by him disbursed above his receiptes for the affaires of the Companie. The Comitties assembled have at this tyme geaven vnto 2oomkesto Richard Wright Secretarie of this felowship for and in respecte \^^-^ ^^"'^' of his great travell taken in the begininge of the [the settling* of the] procuringe of the previledges of this fellowship and in all thinges concerning the viage and the trade the some of two hundred markes. 204 THE COURT RECORDS OF 1601 25 Jan. At this meeting the said Comitties have agreed to geave vnto Thorns Evettsett the Bedell of this felowship for his service tothe^B"die to the Companic the yerelie salarye of Tenn poundes [the] his agmentedto tyme to begynn at xpiiis last. thr. Ther is graunted vnto m"^ Waymouthe towardes the pro- vision of instrumentf for the northwest passage the some of thertie poundes to be p** him by m'" Aid" Cambell. [Ther is] Warraunt is geaven to m"^ Aid" HoUiday Tbrer to pay vnto Beniamyn Deycro Agent of the Muskovia Companie . the sommeof One hundred and Nyne poundf sixteeneshillinges Eight pence in full paiment of Cordage delif ed by him for the furnishinge of the shippes sett out by the Cape of Bona Esperansa to y' East Indies. 17 of Febr : 1601. ARRAUNT w^as geaven by the psons heervnder named to m' Aid"" Cambell Threr for the voyage by the Northwest passage to pay to George Way- mouth for provisions for the same voyage the some of thertie poundf . The Comitties who signed the warraunt were i6oi 17 Feb. 30 paid M' Wey- mouthe. 1601 17 Mar. m' Cordell m' Jo" El- dred The xvij'" of March 1601. m' Atd WattC governo' m"^ Wych m' Rumney deputy m' Chambers m' Ric'' Staper m"^ Ffreeman m' Oliver Style m"^ Waymouth m"^ Leat m"^ Barrell T this Co'te warrant is geaven to m"^ Atd"^ Cambell Threr for y* Northwest Passage to pay to m' Waymouth the some of xx"' towardf y'' provision of 20'' paid George Wey- mouthe to buy In- -f . , ttrumentes. Instrument^ needful! for this intended viage. rHE EAST INDIA COMPANY 205 A generall Co''te houlden the xviij*'' of March 1601. m"^ Atd Wattf governo'^ m"^ Ric Leat m"^ Rumney dep : m"^ Ffarrington m"^ Ric*^ Staper m"^ Wyche m"^ Tho : Cordell m"^ Ffreeman m'^ Lynge w"" y* most pt of y* generality. |T is agreed] At this Co'te [that] one W™ Nelson grocer is [shalbe] admitted into this freedome havinge already paid his adventure of 200'' and supplies of 40'' to m"" Aid Holiday Threr [and] who is received into y*" said freedome w"^ y^ full consent of both Assistant^ and generalty. . . And it is to be noted and Re- membred for the Charging of the Accomptes of the Company that the said W™ Nelson gave to this Companie the soiiie of xxx'' sterling* for ther consent to admitt him to he an adventuro"^ w* them [and in] and to have the freedom of this felow^ship. This Co'"te do [likewise] apoint and entreat m"" Leat and m"" Lynge to take paines to [warne y*" persons that] move all suche brethren of the Companie as have not already [dis]<:o«tributed their full alottm' of xij^ in the lb towardf y^ discovery of the Northwest Passage vppon peine of forfeture of y^ penalty menc'oed in an act of Co''te [afore mencoed] of the xj"* of fanuary last. That they beinge in their said rate [allottm'] of xij"^ vpon y^ pound To m"^ Aid Cambell Threr, before y^ last of this psent moneth. Thomas Yerworth is enterteyned to be Purser of one of the shippes apointed for this viage to be made for y^ discouy of y*" Northwest Passage and is content to accept of [ix""] v"' in hand part of his wages to beginn from this [Co''te and] day at the rate of forty shillingf [to be paid him for every] a moneth [imploym'] yf y^ discovery be [found] made and if not then at the rate ofxx^ a moneth duringe his imploym' in the voyage And y^ said Yerworth is to give security for his [imploym*] good behavio' in the execution of his Charge of Purser in this imploy?n' in a bond of [C markes] one hundred poundf . 1601 18 Mar. 206 THE COURT RECORDS OF 1602 25 Mar. 25"' of March 1602. ARRANT was geaven by the Persons herevnder named to m"^ Aid" Cambell Threr for y* viage by y^ Northwest Passage to pay to "John Drewe enterteyned to goe as 7if of a ship for discoSy of y^ said Passage the some of fy ve poundf w''*' is to be delivered him by way of Impst in part of paym* of his wages agreed vppon for y" viage. The Coiiiittes who signed the warrant were 1602 27 Mar, 16 02 29 Mar. Touching the suply for the north-west passage. 27"" of March 1602. ARRANT was geaven by y* Persons herevnder named to m'" Aid Cambell Threr for y^ viage by y* Northwest Passage To pay to Thomas Yer- worth Purser of [y*] y^ a shipp appointed to goe for discovery of the said Passage the soine of fowresicore poundf w''"' is to be paid for clearinge of y*" carpenters wages who were lately imployed about y" [pparacon] worke of the said shipps. The Comittees who signed the warrant were John Wattf governo"^ Ric Staper. Nic Leat W"" Rumney Deputy Tho : Cordell W™ Harison. A Gen'all Court holden the 29"' of Marche 1602. M' Aid" Wattes governo*^ M' W"" Rumney deputy M' Aid"" Cambell ther MJ Rich : Staper M-- John Eldred M"^ Tho : farrington M"" Niclias Leete M^Tho: Cordell. w* y^ greatest part of the geii'alyty. HIS Co'te was warned vpon occasion of y* want of bringinge in of the rate of xij** y* pound by former Co'tes agreed vpon to furnish y^ viage by y^ Northwest Passage w'^'' want beinge sig- nified to this Assembly and an accompt made vnto them how far y* Company are engaged in their provision THE EAST INDIA COMPANY 207 already w''*' appeareth to be above y^ some of 700'' all w*^*" or 1602 y* most part therof would be lost yf they should not proceade ^^ ^^' and y*" Company discredited in their not proceadinge in their discovery the same beinge made soe publique aswell to o' owne Country as to Strangers in forrein partf Therfore this Co'te do agree for y^ better furtheringe of this viage w"^"" for y^ bono"" of o"^ Country may not be left of And for y*^ better encoraginge of those that have already supplyed their xij*^ in y^ pound ac- cordinge to former orders that whatsoever hath bene sett downe and brought in by any brother of y* Company [or shalbe brought] or shalbe sett downe and brought in by any brother of this Company towardf y* furnishinge of y^ said viage to y^ Northwest Passage shalbe demed part of y^ adventure and stock by him or them adventured and contributed in y*^ viage already made by y*^ Cape of Bona Esperansa and that every adventuro"^ or supplyer shall receave vpon such adventure as he shall bringe in for to be imployed in this discovery such benefite and profitt proporcon- ably w* y^ rest of his adventure already brought in to y*' viage to y* East Indies as though he had put in soe much stock and supply in y** former viage And to thend the Act of y*" xj"" of January last for y'^ forfeture of fyve for one to be forfeted by such as shall not pay their rate of xij"* the li. to this discovery shalbe y^ better confirmed znd fort ijied [forfeted] It is ordered that suite shalbe made to y* LL : of the Councell acquayntinge them w"* y^ necessity of this Co'se entreatinge their hono'^ to give vs an order vnder their handf menconinge their likinge of this Co'^se taken by the Company and promisinge vs their readines to aid vs in y^ execucon of o' said act sith y*" same is intended for y* coinon benefite and bono"" of y* realme And to thend y*^ consent of all such as were p'^sent at this Co'^te may appeare to y*" Generalety of y* Company w*"** are absent every of y" said persons now p'sent have vnder their handf sett downe such soiiies as they will Contribute in this discovery willinge y* y^ same beinge brought in and received by y* Threr of this viage may be indorsed vppon their bills of adventure w'^*' are already geaven them vnder y* coinon scale of y* Company w*"** is alsoe agreed vpon And yet notw"^standinge It is agreed y* 208 THE COURT RECORDS OF 1602 29 Mar. 1602 I Aprill. 1602 2 Aprill. day shalbe continued accordinge to y^ order of y* last Co'^te to such as yet have not brought in their Contribucon of xij'' y* pound that they shall have that tyme viz* the last of this moneth to bringe in their mony to the Threr and after y' day the said Threr shall not receive y* said xij** y* li. of any man that hath not already paid it w*''out Consent of a generall Co''te. I of Aprill 1602. WARRANT was granted to ye Threr to pay to Austyn Bandicott Butche"^ for 45*^ 3 qters of Porke beinge 49 hogf bought of him at xxiiij' the hundred the some of fyftie fowre poundf eighteene shillings. An other warrant was granted the day abouesaid to [Thomas Yerworth] m"" Aid Cambell Threr to pay to Thomas Yerworth the soine of thirtie poundf w"*^ is to be paid to certen workemen at Ratcliffe and Lymehouse and for salt and mariners board wages where they lye. An other warrant was granted the same day to the said Threr to pay to m*^ Richard Staper the soine of xxviij'' xviij* w'^'' the said m"^ Staper hath disbursed for Ixiiij hydes to make y*" marino"^^ Cassockf Breaches and gownes "^4^ The seconde of Aprill 1602. M'- Aid" Wattes governo W™ Rumey deputy Rich : Staper NicEas Leet xiij'" xix' 6'^ p^toM'W"" Rumev. M^ W'" Chambers M' W'" Harryson Capten Waymouthe M^ Aid" Cambell M' W™ farrington ARRAUNT is geaven to M"^ Aid" Cambell ther to pay vnto m"^ W"" Rumney deputy the somme of xiij'' xix^ vj*^ for so muche delivered [him] by his servaunt^ to nf Burrell in gilderns lying wynd bound at Holland after the preparing of the 2 shippes for the northwest passage. THE EAST INDIA COMPANY 209 Another Warraunt is geaven to the said Ther to pay vnto 1602 [Captein Waymouth] M"" RoBt Sandy merchaunte the soine of ^ ^p*"' threescore poundf sterlings for so muche taken vp by exchaung ix" to M' by Captein Waymouthe at Exceto' of one M' Newcombe to exchaunge. be p"* here in London to M"^ Ro^t Sandye w'^'' money was taken vp for the hiring^ of mariners. At this Assemblie the victualling and preparation of thingf Provision of necessarie for the 2 shippes was agreed vppon to be devyded ^ pf^er amongest the severall Comitties herevnder named assigning them to ther severall charge in preparing^ of the pticulers and severall kindes of Vittualls and other thinges as followeth viz necessaries. Sacke & Cassalia Wyne Vinegar to Candelles Lanthornes M-" Aid" Wattes M' W"^ Harryson M' W"^ Chambers M' Greenwell Pease Butter Holland Ling Stockfishe Cheese Otemeale to M' Aid" Cambell M' W-" Rumney M' Nich : Leat Oyle I roil Stoves M' Nich : Lynge Wood Baysalte Musterseede Bread Beare Aquavite Porke M' Cordall M' Staper Beef to M' farrington Rice Water Caske M' Wiseman Baricos Meale £ E |602 2 Apr. THE COURT RECORDS OF At this Assemblie Thomas Stephens is agreed w*''all to take the charge of the keeping' of the bookes of Accompte of the Companie and to have for his salarye yearely for the same the soaie of thirtie poundes to be p*^ him quarterly. 1602 5 Apr. 1602 10 Apr. The v**" of Aprill 1602. HIS day a warraunt was made to M'^ Aid" Cambell threr of the voyage throughe the Northwest passage to pay vnto Thomas Yarworth Purser of the Dis- covery, the somme of one hundred poundes. to pay for ancors and other necessaries for the same ship for w'^'' he is to geave an accoumpte. The Comittees who signed y* warraunt were Aid" Wattf governo'^ M^ Nic. Leat M' Ric. Staper M^ Harison M"^ fFarrington. The 10"' of Aprill 1602.' HIS day a warrant was [granted] geaven to m' AM Cambell Threr for the viage by y'^ Northwest passage to pay to Jo° Drewe enterteyned to goe as m' of the Godspeede in this intended viage y^ some of ten poundf in part of his wages. [The 11'^ of Aprill 1602. HIS day a warrant was made to m' Aid Cambell Threr for y" viage by y*" Northwest Passage to pay to Thomas Yerworth appointed to goo as Purser in one of y^ ships for this intended viage the some of one hun- dred pounds [w''' some is] to be paid for Sea Coales, wood, lead, and dyvers other necessaries And the said Yerworth to be accomptable.] THE EAST INDIA COMPANY 211 [An other Warrant was granted to the said Threr the same 1602 day for one hundred poundf to be paid to Capten Waymouth ^ ^'^' by pcells as he shall have occasion to call for it beinge for dyvers mens wages who are to be answeared therw"^.] The day of 1602. '602 Anno Rn" Elizabethe xliiij*". ^" ' Articles of Agreement Indented made betweene the governo' and company of the merchant^ of London tradinge into y*^ East Indies on y* one j>tie and George Waymouth of in the County of marino"^ on the other party . . day of Aprill 1602. HERAS the said governo"" and company of the merchantf of London tradinge into y^ East Indies vpon great deliberacon had and taken of the longe and tedious course w'^^'' hath benne hetherto houlden by all such as do trade or sayle from these partf of the world in to y'' East Indies alonge the coast of Europe and Africa by y^ Cape of Bona Esperansa and of the great adventures w*^*" are borne in soe longe a viage by many kinds of daungers offered therin and beinge moved w**" great hope that ther is a possibility of discovery of a neerer Passage into y*^ said East Indies by seas by y^ way of the North- west yf the same were vndertaken by a man of knowledge in Navigacon and of a resolucon to put in execucon all possibility of Industrie and valo"" of the attayninge of soe inestimable benefite to his native cuntry and his owne perpetuall [fame] bono'' Have to that end [made] enterteinned the said George Waymouth a man in their opinion qualified and fitt to vndertake and attempt the performance of this discovery vnto whom they have dd before hand the soine of one hundred pounds to furnish himselfe w*'' convenient instrument^ of navigacon ac- cordinge to his owne choice and vnto whose direccon they have coiiiitted two ships [sufficientUe ?nanned\ the one called the Discovery the other the Godspeede beinge manned victualled 21Z THE COURT RECORDS OF 1602 ppared and furnished w"' all thingf necessary and convenient ^' ■ for such a viage and therin bestowed and supplyed all kindf of provisions accordinge to his owne desire w^herby both the said George Waymouth and his company are provided of victuallf apparell and furniture for the space of [two yeares] 16 monethes and [hath] have alsoe laden aboard the said ships a convenient proporcon of severall kindes of merchandize In consideracon wherof it is agreed between the said parties to these p'^sents in manner and forme followinge viz*. The said George Waymouth doth promise covenant and agree to and w*'' the said governo"^ and company of the mer- chantf of London tradinge into the East Indies that he and his Company shall and wilbe ready by the day of next ensuinge the date hereof to depart from y"" Port of London and as wynd and weather will permitt shall and will directly sayle towardf the coast of Groynland into that part of the open Seas w'*" is described in sundry generall mappf by y* name of FRETUM Dauies and shall passe on forward in those Seas by y^ northwest or as he shall fynd the Passage best to lye toward^ the partf or kingedomes of Cataya or China or y^ backside of Ainerica w"'out geavinge over the proceadinge on his Co''se soe longe as he shall fynd those seas or any pte therof navigable and any possibility to make way or passage through them And shall not himselfe returne or voluntarily suffer any of his com- pany to returne back againe vnto or towardf the Coast of England for any lett or impediment whatsoever vntill he and they have bestowed one yeare at y^ least from the tyme of their departinge hence in goinge forward seekinge [and] soundinge ^and attemptinge the performinge of this intended viage. And further the said George Waymouth doth promise grant and agree to and w"' the said governo"^ and company that he the said George Waymouth shall and will not onlie well enterteyne and eyitreat but also quietly permitt [and] suffer \well entertaine and entreat'\ such merchant^ or pursers as the said governo' and Company shall place or appoint to goe in the said ships or eyther ot them to keepe a Register and accomptofall such goodf wares merchandizes provision & furniture as are shipped and laden in P- THE EAST INDIA COMPANY 213 anyy^saidshipf howthe same is bestowed bartered changed spent 1602 or otherwise disposed and alsoe to keepe an accomptof all other ^^ ' thingf that shalbe boughtbartered exchanged orreceaved in liewe of any thinge that shalbe sould or made away and alsoe to make notes jornallf and observacons in wrytinge of their continual! proceadingf in the said viage vntill their returne for England for y* direccon and helpe of posterity that shalbe occasioned or willinge hearafter to make a newe attempt vpon the same dis- covery [a-nd that he shall conceale what he hath dhcoued therin from all other persons] And further that he the said George Waymouth shall w'4n [twenty] 10 daies after his returne in to England [w'^out concelem'] whether he do performe the said dis- ^ covery or not w'''out concelement of an'ie thinge w'^'' he hath dis- covered in the voyage deliver a declaracon in wrytinge vnder his hand vnto y^ governo"^ of the said Company or his deputy con- teyninge a report of all and every his proceadingf in y*" viage worthie of note or memory for y'' good of y^ Company and for y* helpe of such as shalbe disposed hearafter to proceade in the same passage and shalbe ready from tyme to tyme duringe y" space of 40 daies after his arrivall & returne to London vppon warninge or S onions geaven him in that behaulf to come before y'' governo"" & deputy of y'^ said Company for y^ tyme beinge and [x persons of the greatest adventure of y^ said Company] the Comittles and such others ofy^ Company as it shall please y" governcf [and the Comittees or ten at / least] to call vnto them in [this intended viage] & w/// truly relate vnto them such thingf as passed in y'' said viage wherof they or any of them shall desire to be enformed w'Wt denyall or refusall in that behalfe and shall not discover the secret^ or course of his proceading in the voyage to anie other pson or ^sons whatsoever then to the said Governor deputie and Comitties. And the said governo"" and company of the merchant^ of London tradinge into y^ East Indies for them and their succes- so'^ do in consideracon of the pmises promise covenant and . agree to and w"^ the said George Waymouth to satisfy and pay vnto the said George Waymouth or his assignes w"'in fortye daies after his returne in to England and after sufficient proofe I 214 THE COURT RECORDS OF N 1602 and testimonial by him made that he hath passed thorough the ^ Northwest passage into y*" East Indies and arrived at any Port w^Hn the dominions of the kingedomes [and] or Empires of Cataya [or] China or yapan the soiTie of f)'ve hundred poundf of lawful! English mony w^'out fraude or Covyn. And lastly the said George Waymouth doth promise and a- gree that vnlesse in this intended viage he shall discover and passe through the same Northwest Passage and shal make sufficient proofe and give good testimonial! that he hath passed through the same passage and arrived in some part of the said East In- dies in y^ dominions or kingedomes of Cathayia and China or one of them that then nether he the said George Waymouth nor his assignes shall or will demand or require of the said governo"" or company or any of them any Salary wages or re- ward for his viage or travel! in y^ discovery of y^ said Passage ^ in regard the said viage was vndertaken by y* said governo"" and company ptly by his perswasion and vpon his resolucon to adventure his travel! and life therin for y'' good of his Cuntrey to w"** his resolucon the said Company were content to add the adventure of y^ settinge furth of ye viage to their great charge. In witnes hz. 1602 A general! Co''te houlden the xiiij"' of April! 1602. 14. Apr. m"" Aid Wattf Governo"" m"" Wiseman m"^ Rumney deputy m'" Harison m'' Ric Staper m"^ Leat m'^ Farrington m"" Lynge m"" [^Harison] Chambers m"" Burrell. T this Co''te warrant was made to m'" Atd Cambell Threr for y* viage by y' Northwest Passage to pay to William Russell Butcher the soine of one hun- dred eleven poundf 5^ for beefe and Porke bought of him to furnish the occasion in this intended viage. Al"" Wiseman and m"" Lynge be entreated to audit the ac- compt^ of Tho : Yerworth for 210'' w'^'' he hath disbursed [for]. THE EAST INDIA COMPANY *i5 Another warrant was made to the said Threr for one hun- 1602 dred and fyfty poundf to be paid to m"^ w™ Chambers beinge '''■ ^P'* for provisions of clothe and dyvers other necessaries. Another warrant to the said Threr for to pay to m"" Nicho- las Leat the some of 150'' for provision of [lyke] further neces- saries. And he to be accomptable. Another warrant was made to y^ said Threr for payment of 150'' to m"" Staper to be disbursed to dyvers persons for their wages as they shall call for it. And he to be accompt. [Ey this Court [^assembly] it is alsoe ordered that the Pursers of the ships shall deliver the bills of all their provisions to m"^ Burrell to receive allowance : and noe man to make provision for the store of the shipf but to have [direction from him] allow- ance therof \ndev his hand. 1602 20 Apr. The 20*'' of April] 1602. M' Aid" Wattes governo^ M' Nich : Leat M'' W" Ruiney deputy M^ Tho Cordell M' Rich : Staper M-- W-" Chamber M"" Tho : farrington M" W^ Harrison M"" W'^ Freeman M"^ Roger Howe. ARRANT is geaven to M^ Ald° Cambell ther of the North West passage, to pay vnto Josephe Page Baker [for] vppon an accompte of Biskett [deliuered PagrBaker and] to be delivered for the provision of the voyage the somme ^° of three score poundes. Joseph 22"": of Aprill 1602. r6o2 22 Apr. rARRANT geaven to the said Threr to pay vnto Thomas Yerworth 100'' to be vsed and disbursed ________ vpon necessary provisions for this intended viage And the said Yerworth to give accompt therof. 2l6 THE COURT RECORDS OF 1602 24 Apr. The 24''' of April! 1 602. [M"" AW" wattC governo' M' fFarrington M"" Rumney deputy M"" Leat M' Harison M"" Stapers M"^ Wiseman M' Aid Cambell M^ Howe M"" Chambers T is agreed at this Co'te by [that] John Cart- wright of London Preacher w"" y^ governo' deputy and company of merchant^ of London tradinge into y* East Indies to sayle and goe w"' Cap : George Waymouth vpon a viage for y^ discovery of y^ Northwest Passage for y"* w'^'' y*said Cartwright is to have of the said company 3"' p moneth. beginninge his j sallary from y*^ depture of y*" shipf appointed for y" said discovery from Gravesend And if it happen that discovery be not made wherby y*^ said shipf or one of them may returne from y" kinge- dome of China or y*' kingedomes of Cataya then y*" said Jo° Cartwright is only to have for his sallary the one halfe w*^^ is XXX' p moneth to be paid him at his returne But over and above y^ said governo"" and company hath paid him the soiiie of fyfteene poundf of lawful! mony of England the w*"** y^ said company ^ doth give him for his pparacon and furnishinge of him $ elf e for the said viage and in testimony of his agreement faithfully to be performed on both pts wherin the said Jo° Cartwright doth promise the said Comp : to do his best endevo"^ in all thingf [And further the] The said Cartw : is contented to enter into such covenantf for his imployment in y*" said viage as by y'' said company shalbe thought good to be devised. Edward Pullison is enterteyned to goe in this psent viage as Purser of one of the Pynnaces [for this intended viage] for y'' discovery of y" north west Passage and is content to accept of v'' in hand part of his wages to beginne from this day at y*^ rate — oLforty shillingf a moneth if y'' discovery be made and if not then at y* rate of xx* p moneth duringe his imployment in y* viage And the said Pullison is to give security for his good be- THE EAST INDIA COMPANY 217 havio'' in y* execucon of y" charge of Purser and otherwise if he 1602 be further imployed in a bond of C. ^^ ^^ Warrant is geaven to m"^ Atd Cambell Threr for y*" viage by y^ northwest Passage to pay to m'" W"^ Chambers y" soine of one hundred poundf w'^'' is to be disbursed vppon necessary provisions [in] to furnish this [intended] viage and the said m' Chambers [wil] to be accomptable therfore. Warrant is geaven to y** said Threr to pay to m"" Ric"^ Stapers the soine of two hundred poundf most part ofsoe much disbursed by y"^ said m"" Stapers vpon necessaries and the residue to be disbursed as occasion shall serve for w'^'' iQhe Stapers wil be accomptable. A Geflall Court the last of Aprill 1602. 1602 Lastof Apr. M'" Aid" Wattes governo"" M"" Rich : Wyseman M-" W'" Rumey deputy M' W"" Chambers M^ Tho : Cordell M^ Nich : Leat M"" Rich : Staper M"" Nich : Lynge M' W"' Harryson The greatest part of the gen'alyty. T this Co't the preparation of the viage for the North Snides of 1 • 1 1 \ ^ • 1 agreement west passage bemg made and the shippes ready to ^th Ceorg dept certen articles of agreem' [were] made betwene ^cv'"""'^ read, the Companie and Capten Waymouth were read, and ther were also read the Queenes li^e written to the Empero"^ of China and Kathia w"^^*" being above the Court were made acquainted that divers of the Company that had not brought in ther moneys for the [said provision] provision of the said discovery allotted vppon ther adventures viz. ther xij** in the pounde whervppon it was ordered that [the] auditors should be chosen and the ac- compte of the charge of the voyage [shuld] brought vnto them to be audited, Qand] w'^'' done reporte of the said accompte to be . 7nade at the next geflall Court and therw'^all the names of suche as have not brought in ther moneys to be Qdo] published [as] to that geii!allyty, to thend the Company may \_not. onlie geave]] F F 2l8 THE COURT RECORDS OF 1602 Last of Apr. take order what further supply shalbe brought in to pforme the whole charge of the voyage and what further course shalbe taken w*'' those that have not brought in ther supplies according to order and thes psons heervnder named [may] or any 4 of them were apointed to be auditors for the said accompte. [viz.] Auditors M"" fra Chery M"" olyver Style M'' Humfrey Basse M'" fra : Tayler M' Hughe Hamersley M' Jo : fletcher M^ RoBt Bell M-" Nich. pierd M"" Aug : skynner M"" Morice Abbott M^ RoBt Carrell M^ Jo : Combes or any 4 of them. Warrant geaven to y^ Threr to pay to Capten George Way- mouth the soiiie of iyix.y poundf sterlinge w'^'' is allowed by y*" company for y* bearinge of the charges and dyett of him and his servant^ attendinge y^ pparacon of y^ viage before the goinge forth of the shipf [Takinge his acquittance.] 1602 3 May. JVatches compjssesand other Inst'u- metites cost 30/'. The 3 of May 1602. M' Ruiney deputy M' Nicfias Leet M" Rich : Staper M' Jo : Newman M'" W"* Harryson M' Tho : farrington M"" Rich : Wyseman. ARRANT is geaven to m"" Aid" Cambell ther of the voyage to the northwest to pay vnto Robert [and other] Grynkin for watches Compasses Runyng Glasses and instrument^ for the shippes vses the soiiie of xxx'' sterling. Warrant is geaven to The Threr to pay to m"" Leat the soiiie of xx^' to disgage the mariners cloathes. Warrant is geaven to the said Threr to-pay to Jo"^ Davies a coupery^r cashes ^c. 50'' 11^ 8*^ and to take his acquittance. Warrant to the said Threr to pay to Adam Wood vij" 8* for deales ores and other provisions &c Takinge his acquit- tance. THE EAST INDIA COMPANY 219 Warrant to y^ Threr for payment of vi" x^ to w*" wood- 1602 field Smith for [Iron] settinge on of Iron hoopes and such like ^ ^^' worke takinge his acquittance. Warrant to the Threr to pay to Tho : Robinson for three cables and Skeytes 29'' 18 Takinge his acquittance. Warrant to the Threr for payment of 92" 10^ the 3. ofjune next to m"^ Skelton Chaundlo"" for butter candles Powder and such like provisions [the] Takinge his acquittance. Post meridiem eiusd diei. m"" Rumney deputy m' fFarrington m"^ Stap m*" Harison m"^ Cordell m"^ newman m"" Leat m"" Greenwell m' Chambers m"" Burrell DEPUTY reported vnto this assembly [these co- mittees] beinge [spoken of] enformed by m"" Cham- bers [of] how some dislike was taken against y* Purser Tho : Yerworth notw"'standinge after some further dispute it was [concluded] agreed he should be continued. It [is by these comittees likewise] was alsoe thought con- venient [that] and [fully] therfore agreed [was] vpon in respect of some difference dependinge [betwe] about Y other Purser Pullison that if by the Captaine [ther] /V shalbe thought needfull to imploy him then the agreem* w"" him y*" 24**^ of Aprill 1602 to stand in force otherwise to be discontinued. Warrant granted to M"" Aid. Cambell Threr for y^ viage by y*^ Northwest Passage to pay to m"^ Johnson the soiiie of xi'" vj^ and viij'' for bay Salt vsed in this psent viage and to take his acquittance therfore. A Geffial Court holden the 18'" of May 1602. ,602 M^ Aid" Wattes governo-- M^ Rich : Stapers ^lyi^^. W Aid" Cambell threr M^ W"" Chamber M' Tho : Cordell M'' Nich : Lynge M' Nich : leat 2ao THE COURT RECORDS OF '^°^ i^?§^?BHEREAS M' Aid" Cambell ther for the voyage by i8 May. K i^ £3 i ,-vtu ■ i^ j, ^^ ^ , p^C&O the JNorthwest passage is bounde by covennt vnder ^ ^!i^ «" his hand and scale to John Drewe marino' for the payment of his wages xx nobles a moneth so longe as he shalbe in the voyage yf the passage be discovered and yf he discover not the said passage v marke a moneth and xv^' moreover to be p**. Vppon the xv"* of marche This court doeth agree that a bonde vnder the Comon seale of the Companie shalbe made to m' James Cambell Sonne to m' Tho ; Cambell in the penaltie of CO' to save the said m"^ Thorns Cambell harmeles from the said Covennte. ^"PP^'^^ h° -^^ ^^^^ Court day is geaven to all the voluntarie suppliers for in. the setting forthe of the voyage by the north west passage ^adventure W^*" havc Supplied above the rate of xij^ the It. to bring in ther conteyning voluntary Contribution by the [last] xx"' of this moneth. And stock and it is also Ordered by this Co'"t that all the ratable supplies of all supplies j^jju ^.j^g jj.^ fQj. ^j^g northwest voyage and the voluntary sup- grossesome. plies of encrease shalbe endorsed vppon everie adventurors bill of adventure by the ther or otherwyse noted vnder his hand And that bill to be Qbeing^ brought to the Secretorie and newe billes to be made vnder the coinon seale^or every suche adventuro^ w*^'^ shall conteyne in one grosse soine the severall adventures and the severall Supplies of everie brother of the Companie [etherj brought in and p** ether y^r the voyage by the Cape of bona Speransa. or []by3 for the voyage by the Northwest passage w"'' bill being sealed w*'' the comon seale shall be a testimony to every adventuro"^ what he is interest in the voyage sett forthe by the Cape of Bona Speransa according to the ordenaunces of the Company. Fryday come sennight is apointed for the Auditors to meete together and that day to finishe the Accomptes of the north- west voyage to thende the Company may be informed at the next gen!all court what is the whole charge of the same voyage. Warraunt is geaven to [^the] M"^ Cambell ther to pay vnto Thorns Barbo"^ for canvesse [and] provided for to make sayles for the 2 flyboatf of the northwest voyage the soiiie of 143''. rHE EAST INDIA COMPANY 221 The lyke warraunt is geaven him to pay to Robert Hewghes 1602 saylemaker for making of sayles the some of thirtie and two '^ ^^^' poundes tenn shillinges. Another warraunt is geaven to the said the? to pay to Arnold mabancke for pullies for the two fflye boates the some of [tenn^ Nyne poundes and tenn shillings. Another warraunt is geaven to the ther to pay vnto Thoiiis Tyler painter the some of thirteene poundes six shillinges and eight pence for worke done by him about the two pinaces. Another warraunt is geaven to the said threr to pay vnto Roger fFrythe Smythe for yron worke for store for the said shippes the soiiie of xix''. Another Warraunt geaven to the said ther to pay to Richard Hall Blacksmith for yron worke for the two flyboates the some of xxvj". Another Warraunt geaven to the said ther to pay to George Gryce carriage maker iij'' viij^ Warrant to the Threr for payment of two and twenty poundf six shilling^ to xpofer Tompson Smith for Iron worke ^c. [done by him] about the Pynnaces. Warrant to the Threr for payment of 12"' to w™ Denham for Pullies &c. Warraunt for payment of 120"' 3^ to Abraham Campion for provisions of Beare. Warrant for payment to Nic. Symowson carpinter for worke vpon the discovery the soiiie of 58"' 13^ and for tymber and a boat 13"' in all 71"' I3^ Warrant for payment of 7^'' 11*. to M"^ Skelton for powder sent in to the downes for the further provision of the Pynnaces. 20*'' of May 1602. 1602. I 20 May PEALED vnder the common seale of the Companie a bonde of CO' penaltie to James Cambell Sonne of m'' Aid" Cambell thre"" made in trust to save M' Aid" Cambell harmeles for a covennte by him sealed to John Drew marine"^ for his wages in the voyage by the Northwest passage. THE COURT RECORDS OF 1602 Warrant geaven to m' Atd Cambell Threr for y* viage byy^ ^° ^^' Northw. to pay to m' Ric : Wright Secretory to this felowship for charges by him disbursed about y*" procuringe of y*" queenes Ires the sofiie of 4"' I5^ 21*^ of may 1602. ARRANT to pay to Xpofer and Thomas nicolls the some of thirtie fowre poundf seaven shilling^ and ten pence for provisions of [ropes] cordage. An other for m"^ Savage to receive the some of three poundf for spare maystf. 23 May. 1602 23**" of may 1602. 'ARRANT to pay to m"^ Richard Stapers the some of 40'" 15' S*^ for soe much restinge due vnto him as appeareth by accompt audited. Warrant to pay to W"' Deyns Iremonger for provisions of spittf and such like necessaries received of him for the Pyn- naces vse the soine of 30^ 8''. ,602 26*'' of may 1602. 26 May. ^^^ ARRANT to pay to Jo" Makesfield Brasier for corkf and pottf of brasse copper kettles and other like necessaries the some of 17"' 17^. Warrant to pay to Joseph Page Baker for biskett for both shipf and for biskett bagf y** some of 41"' 8^ Warrant to pay to M"^ AW Wattf governo"^ the some of forty two poundf for 30^ of Iron hoopes at 28* p centu. Warrant to pay to Tristram Eldrich the some of 4^' 7* vi^'^^*' is by him to be repaid to severall psons poore men for lodginge i^ other charges the mariners heretofore have put them vnto. THE EAST INDIA COMPANY 223 2 of June 1602. 1602 ^ARRANT to pay to Peter Wright the some of forty ^ ■'""^* three shillingf for lanthornes and other thingf for the Pynnaces. Vv^arrant to pay to W'" Thomas the some of twenty six shillingf for lanthornes for the vse aforesaid. Warrant to pay to Smalwood a locksmith for lockf staples & other thingf the some of thirtie seaven shilling^ . Warrant to pay to Joseph Pett Shipwright for [sheathinge] worke vpon the Godspeede the some of fyfty two poundf*. 3 of June 1602. 1602 3 June. [ARRANT to pay to m"" Ric Staps the sofne of 7'' 8^ 8^ beinge already disbursed by him to Jo" ffrank- lyn for [his] charges in caryinge of a Ire to Capten George Waymouth in to the Downes 28^ and 8^* and for the hyre of one Stace a Pylott to goe w"' the Capten to Newcastle the some of 6"' w''' both amount to y^ s"* soine of 7"' 8* S"*. 8**^ of June 1602. 1602 8 June. lARRANT to pay to w'" Hedger of wappinge for a boate made for y^ discovery w* rudder Irons and ringe boltf the soiiie of five poundf ten shilling^ in fullpayment agreed w^all by m"^ Burrell [in full satisfacon therof]. 18"' of June 1602. 1602 18 June. JARRANT to pay to m"^ nic Leat the soine of fyfty To the one poundf 3^ 3^* and is for ?nonyes [merchandize & soe '^^^^^ °^ much he hath] laid out more then he hath rec'' for y north- provisions o/" merchandize [and other provisions] sent in y*" two ^"^" shipf for discovery w'^'" he is to give accompt of to the Audito'^ l602 18 June. 129'' g^ 1602 28 June, 1602 2 July. To the Threr of the viage by the Northwest. 224 THE COURT RECORDS OF Warrant to pay to John Fletcher for cordage the soiiie of 129'' g'^ in full paym*. Warrant to pay to w"" Kymber for wharfage the some of A Co'te the 28"' of June 1602. m"" Rurnney deputy m'" Wiseman m"" Eldred m"^ Harison m' Lynge. IT is geaven in charge to the officer to warne a generall Co'^te to be at ffounders hall the sixt of July next to give their consents to the Eleccon of governor dep : and comittees accordinge to certen clauses conteyned in y^ Pattent limitinge a tyme of this said eleccon. Order geaven to the bookekp to finish the accomptf for the northwest passage and to charge every pticuler mans adven- ture last supplyed for discovery of y'' said northwest Passage together w**" his former adventures by y*" Cape of Bona Spe : [Speransa and to be entered in y^ bookes creditors for one entire soiTie] credito^ to y^ stock in one entire some in y' bookes therfore appointed. A. Co'"te the 2. July 1602. M' Governor M"^ deputy M'" farrington. WARRAUNT to pay to ffaithe may wief to John May one of the vj' m"^ matf the soiiie of xxx^ in pte of his wagf he beinge in the Suzan. A Warraunt to pay to Xper Thompson for plates for the 2. pinckf thirteene shillingf tenn pence. A Warraunt to pay to W'° Edward Pluiner for Lead and sodar for the Pinckf the somme of eight pound eight shillingf . A Warraunt to pay m' John Wattf Governo' for thirty hundred of Iron hoopes at xxviij^ p C. forty two poundf . A Warraunt to pay M"" Rumney deputy for boate hier and other charges forty sixe shilling^ eight pence. THE EASr INDIA COMPANY 225 A Generall Court holden the vj July 1602. M'" Alderman Wattf Gouernor. M"" Rumney deputy m' Richard Staper M"^ Richard Wisemam M"" RoBte Chamberlaine M"" Frauncis Cherrie M' Thomas farrington M' Nicfias Leate M' W™ Harrison M"^ John Higelord M' W-" Chambers M-- Rich : Wiche M' Nihas Leate. i6oz 6 July. M'" Nihas Linge w''' the most pte of the Generalitie. [HE preveledges of this fellowshipp appointinge the Eleccon of the Governo'' Deputie and Comitties of this Companie vppon the first day of July or w*4n sixe daies followinge was reade. This Co'^te proceaded to the Eleccon of the said severall officers and by scruteny and gene- rall consent did make choice of these severall psons to the severall officf followinge and havinge chosen them did before they were severallie placed and admitted to their severall placf minister vnto [them] so many of them as were then present respec- tively the severall othes ordeyned at the last Generall Co't of Eleccon. S' [Aid] John Harte Alderman Elected Governo"" for to governe the affaires of the Companie for one whole yeare. M*^ William Rumney reelected Deputie Governo"" to governe the affaires of the Companie for one whole yeare. Committies Aid" Watt^ Jur Aid" Cambcll Jur M-" Thomas Cordell [Jur.] M"" W"^ Garrway Jur M"" Re "Wiseman Jur Stapers Jur Jo : Coombe Jui- Jo : Harby W"" Chambers Jur M"- Jo : Eldred Jur G G M M M M M M Committies M"^ Rich : Wiche Jur M' Jo : Higelord Jur M"^ W" Harrison Jur M"" W'^ dale Jur M"" George Booles Jur M"^ Tho : Horton Jur M"^ Nihas Linge Jur M"" Tho : farrington Jur M' W"^ Greenwell Jui M"" Geo : Smithes Jur 226 THE COURT RECORDS OF 1602 6 July. Oathes. 1602 28 July. Mf Alder- man Cam- bell new elected Gouernor, M"" Humfrey Basse Jur M' Giles Parsloe JuV M' Humfrey Walcott Jur M"^ W'" ferrers Jur M"" Robte Chamberlaine elected Threr for the Companie. M"^ Richard Wrighte readmitted and contynued in the place of Secretary for the Companie for this yeare ensuinge. Thomas Stephens admitted bookekeap for keepinge their generall accomptf for this yeare ensuinge demeaninge him selfe honestlye and faithfuUie in his place. Thomas Euesett readmitted to the place of Beadle for this yeare ensuinge. A Warrant to pay to Tristrum Eldred Purser of the 2 Pinckf for paines taken in the Companies affaires the some of vj'' xiij* iiij^ A Generall Courte holden the xxviij"" of July 1602. Conmitties M"^ Rumey deputy M' Alder : Cambell M^ Aid" Holliday Conmittees. M' W"^ Harrison M"" George Booles w"' y*" most pte of the Generalitie M-" W" Grenewell M' Rob*" Chamberlaine Threr M"" Humfrey Basse M^ W" dale. T the Last General Co'^te S"^ John Harte beinge by a generall consent elected Governo' of this Companie desired since to be excused alleadginge his age weakenes of body and many other important business^ of his owne. This Court therefore now proceaded to a new eleccon of a Governo"^ and by scruteny and generall consent did make choice of M"" Alder : Cambell to guide the affaires of the Com- panie this ensuinge yeare who [respectively] tooke his oathe before his admission. At this Court one Peter Wellington humbly desired to be admitted a freeman of this Companie in place of one Peter Helms lately deceased the rather for that the widowe of the said Peter had assigned over to him the stock and profittf THE EASr INDIA COMPANY 227 28 July. thereof, the stocke and proffittf arysinge by the said stocke is 1602 graunted to him. but his freedome altogether denied him. Thomas Stephens likewyse humblie desired his freedome of this Companie but his sewte is defferred till further triall be made of his sufficiency and faithful! dischardge of that trust reposed in him about the Companies affaires. Att this Court the Cassiers of the late Thrers of this Com- pany complained they had susteyned Losse by receavinge and painge out the Companies moneis some more some lesse And it was ordered they should be aunswered whatsoever they could lastly say they had Lost. Warrant is geaven to [John Bowen] M^ Chamhlen thre"" to pay vnto John Bowen six [five] q'"^ rent [of] for the Companies meeting^ at the founders Hall to be ended at [^Midsommer lastj M'lchas next the somme of vj^'. The 1 6"^ of September 1602. Present. 1602 16 Sept m-- Aid" Cambell Gover^ m"" Chambers m*^ Rumney dep : m-^ Cordell m"^ Harison. m^ Bolles m"^ Stap m"^ Leate m"" Chaml5len Threr m'^ Toomes m"" Wiseman m^ Dale M' ffarringt on. HE Company after readinge of the Jornall sent from Capten Waymouth andj At this Court a 'Journall sent [directed'\from Capten Waymouth was was read w"^^ gave Intelligence beinge [^geaven] to this assembly \oi the said J how y* 2 Pinnaces [were] %&iit forth for Discovery of a passage to the Est Indies by the Norw : are returned hi. arrived at Dartmouth. // is therfore agreed by scruteny the [y] said Pinnaces shalbe brought about to London w^'out sale of any of their provisions And thervpon ordered comission should be sent to Capten Way- mouth for y^ bringinge of the said Pynnaces about signifyinge 228 THE COURT RECORDS OF 1 602 to him such thingf as remaine therin may serve for a seacond 16 Sept. discovery And further if the said Capten himselfe be sick he cannott fulfill the contentf of the said Comission then to [he further]] give order as in the discrecon of y*" said Capten shalbe thought most fitt for the speedy bringinge of them about. Order Ires should be writt to the 2. Pursers to this effect That sith it hath pleased god to [^crosse them] send them me better successe in this their [viage] intended discovery they would the rather therfore be careful! for y*^ preservinge of such thingf as remaine in the Pynnaces to serve for a seacond [di] adventure And to vse what industry they may in the speedy bringinge of them about. Order geaven to Thomas Evesett to warne a generall Court at founders hall to morowe by two of the in y" afternoone. 1602 A Gen'all Court The if^ September 1602. ''^'''- Present. m"^ Rumney Dep : m"" ffarrington [m"" Ofield] m^ Wiche [m^ Mosley] [m"" Wright] m' Lynge m"" Greenewell And the most pt of the Generalty. T this generall court m*^ Cartwright Preacher beinge called to satisfy the Company of their returne soe suddenly did [in breefe referr that their] refer them to the readinge of Captein Waymouth's Journall w^'^ he had delivered vnto the Governo"^ and beinge demaunded further whether he could give intelligence of any thinge more then the said Capten in his Journall had signified alleadged in answear his ignorance in navigacon by reason wherof he could not further satisfy them. M' Deputy gave intelligence to the Company how the Coinit- tees at the last Court thought meete to send downe coinission to Capten Waymouth for the speedy bringinge of the Pynnaces about to London w'^'out breakinge of bulke as alsoe to direct Ires to the 2. purse's for the safe pservacon [as] of such thing fas THE EAST INDIA COMPANY 229 did belonge to the place they were appointed in w*^*" course beinge liked of by the said Company Ires to to that end were sealed vnder the comon scale and sent to Dartmouth where the said Pynnaces are now at anker. A Comittie the 29 of September 1602. M' Aid" Cambell gouerno" M"^ John Eldred M"^ W«> Rumney deputie M"" W"" Harryson M' George Bowles M'^ Nictias Lyng HES Coinitties have assembled them selfes together vppon occasion of the longe stay of the coming aboute of Captein Way mouth and doe thinke it con- venient that yf they do not heare from him w*in thes 3 or 4 daies that then ther shall care be taken of a fitt man to goe downe to take for ther coining away. The xiij* of [September] October 1602. m"^ Rumney deputy m'^ Chambten Threr m"^ Combes m*^ Harison 1602 17 Sept. 1602 29 Sept. m"^ Dale m"" Lynge m"" Walcott m"^ Smith Horton. |R COMBES m^ Harison m^ Farrarr m^ Wiche m*^ Lynge are entreated to take the paines to see the discharge of the two [shippf]] Pynnaces [lately] sett forth for a discovery to the East Indies by the northwest Passage lately arrived at Dartmouth and now [^retorned againe into] the Port of London.] The two Pynnaces lately arrived at Dartmouth beinge now come into the river of Thames accordinge to direccon [p^] from the Company It isQnow] thought meete for the discharge and safe preservacon of all provisions remayninge therin that some of the Comittees should survey the discharge of both the said Pynnaces And to that end m' Coombes m' Harison m' Lynge 1602 13 Oct. 230 THE COURT RECORDS OF 1602 m' Wiche and m' ffarrar beinge thervnto entreated have as- ^ "^ * sented accordingly. 1602 18 Oct. A Generall Court houlden the Present 18"' of October 1602. m"^ Governor m"" fFarrington m' Boules m"" Eldred m^ Dale m"" Lynge m" Harison m'" Smithers w^^ the most pt of the Generalty |H1S Court beinge assembled vppon occasion that the two Pynnaces or barkes were neere discharged accordinge to order geaven by the last assembly of comittees M"" Governor thought meete to propound severall questions to the generalty Qabout] touchinge the sale of the barkes and all other provisions therin and about j w*'"' w"" assent of the said Generaltie are agreed vppon as hearafter followeth on the other side. 1. Imprimis The stronge beere to be sould after the rate of fowre poundf p tonne to such of the Company as will buy it yf not to them to others at the same rate. 2. Itifl they who have the caske in w'^'^ the beere is shall pay for the same caske at the rate of 20^ p tonne. 3. All those w^*" will have the said beere shall fetch it from thence by to morowe night oreles by Wednesday night at the furthest. 4. Their Sackf to be laid vp in a seller for some [^foure] 6. daies the caske beinge filled w''' y^ same wine [vp] and after that tyme sale to be made therof. 5. That there be a dry warehouse provided for their beefe and Porke and therof sale to be made. 6. It is in conclusion agreed that these provisions aforenamed the two barkes and all other thingf whatsoever in or about the said barkes shalbe sould. and for the pformance therof the Generaltie doe refer the sale of all to m'^ Governo"^ THE EAST INDIA COM PA NT 231 dep : and Comittees to do therin as in their opinions shall 1600 seeme best for the vse and behoofe of the Company. M"" Aid Holiday havinge in his handf of the Companies money to the valewe of 38'' 6* 9'' [as appeareth by account] would stay in his handf some [sixe] (5* or [seaven] p poundf therof w*^** was alledged to be [laid out by] geaven away by his wife but this Court not assentinge thereto have generally agreed that he shall bringe in the said soine of 38^' 6^ 9"* to the Threr. The said Alderman Holiday beinge in arrerages for monies w'^'' he should have supplyed towardes the discovery by the northwest It is agreed that he and all others who have not supplyed towardf the said discovery accordinge to the orden- ances of the Company in that behaulfe provided shall have such somes defaulted out of their adventures into y^ East Indies by the Cape of Bona Esperansa as by an order of the xj*'' of January 1 601 was sett downe for such as did [^incurre] ofFend contrary to the tenor of that lawe and to be put to accompt. A Court 23*'' of October 1602. r6oz j 27 Oct m"" Aid Cambell go'" m"^ Coombes I m'' Rumney dep : m"" ffarrington j m"^ Wiseman m"" Parsloe j m"" Bowles m'' Stapers m"" Lynge. I ARRANT granted to m"^ Robert Cham^len Threr to pay to such marinors as were hyred from Dart- j mouth to London to bringe the Pynnaces about such severall somes as shouldbe subscribed by m"^ Governor or m"" Deputy vnder the said warrant. M"" Wiseman havinge assented vppon request made for the sparinge of some convenient place to bestowe the chestf wherein the merchandizes were put at the sendinge out of the two Pynnaces It is thought convenient that the said chestf shalbe caried to m" Wiseman's house & there to be vewed by the Coinittees whether any of the quantety hath beene dimished. 232 ^/ i6o2 25 Oct. J THE COURT RECORDS OF The 25"' of October 1602. Tho : farrington. [^Giles] Hu/nfrey W&\cott W"^ Harryson Rich : Wyche Gyles Parslowe. Tho : Horton W"" Greenewell / M' Aid" Cambell go"" M^ Mr ^m RuiY^ey deputy M"^ M^ Robt Chamtileyn M"" M' John Harby M"" M"" Gorg Bowles M"" M-- Jo: Eldred. M'' M' Rich: Wyseman M' M'" Jo : Combe. OHN DREWE iff of the Godspede being before the Comitties and exaied of the cause of the retorne of [^the] Capten Waymouthe and his companie from ther voyage of the north west passage w%ut anie discovery per- formed doeth confesse thatCartwright the minister was the prin- cipal! pswader [^defrauder]of the Companie n the ship called the discovery for ther retorne for England and geaving over of the voyage, and that [the] CaptenWaymouth being the governo''and generall of the voyage retorning homewardes he the said drewe and his companie were to foUowe ther gen!all, and for the more certen proof that the said Cartwright was the ^swader of the Companies retorne he saieth that the Boteson the Guner and the Carpenter and others of the Companie of the discovery did signifie soe muche to the said Drewe, and as he thinketh will averr soe muche before the Company. It is agreed that a demaund shalbe made [to] at the handes of the said Cartwright for the gowne and apparell delivered him to have bene vsed yf the voyage had bene made to the partes of Cathaia or China and yf he shall deny to deliver them then the opinion and direction some lerned counsell what accon ill best lye against him for the recovering thereof, John Lane m' mate of the Godspede beinge demaunded of the cause of the retorne of Captein Waymouth and his Com- panie from the northwest voyage doeth alledge that M' Cart- wright the minister as he him self did confesse and Justiiie to this yohn Lane that he was the ^iswader and mover of the Com- pany to retorne for England and to geave over the voyage. rHE EAST INDIA COMPANY 233 A Gen^all Courte the 24 of November 1602. zJ^Nov. M-" Aid" Cambell [Ther] Go"- M^ Humfrey Walcott M"^ W^ Rumney deputy M'" Thomas farrington M"^ George Bowles Comittles M'" Nichas Lynge M-^ VV'» Chamber M^ W" Harryson w^'' a greate part of the Gen'"alyty. GENE R ALL order was geaven to the Bookeaper of this Companie to charge all suche brethren of this fFelowship as are anie way indebted to the Company in the accomptes of the Company as debtors for suche somes as they are in arrerages to thende yf the said money be not aunswered before the shippes returne. ther said debtes may be defaulted vppon ther severall stockes. At this Co''te the generalyty were informed by the relation of m"" Governo' and m'' deputie of ther proceading against Capten Waymouth before the LL : of the Counsayll touching his retorne from the voyage of the northwest soe sone w^'^out anie discoverie. and what order was taken by ther handes in that cause, and doe further relate what was done by the commis- sions apointed by the LL : before whom the said Captein Way- mouth was called, and demaunded vppon interr. whose aunswere was taken to those interr. and sett downe in wryting* w''*' aun- swere was read at this geffall courte wherin he gave the reason of his retorne and did expresse in writinge the [hope of] possi- bylyty [of] and hope of [thej divers Inlettes that treat [to the] throughe the coast of America [to] in to the Southseas or the East Indies vppon w*^'' disco'^se and consideration of the great benyfyte that might growe to this comon wealth yf possybly a discovery may be made this Court were resolved that a newe attempte shalbe made w*'' [and] both ships [at the least] to see what can be done by the said Inlettf and to imploy the said Captein againe [^therin] in one of y^ said ships the rather for that he is very confident that ther will a passage be founde throughe some of [them] said Inlettes And because the Com- pany having entred thus farre to finde and discover a passage H H 234 THE COURT RECORDS OF 1602 they meane to make this present attempte a finall proof whether ther be any passage or not. And therfore they doe agree by gen!all consent to place another sufficyent man or captein to take charge of the second ship and to sett them forthe bothe to proceade in this discovery leaving* them to proceade therin ether Jointly together or severally apart eche of them taking ther severall co'"ses according as [they shall thinke meet] sha/l hearafter he agreed vppon And for the preparation of the said shippes and all necessaries for the said voyage and for the cal- culation of the charge the better to informe the gefJalyty at ther next meeting the persons heervnder named are appointed and entreated to take paines herein viz. M^ Gou-" M"^ Chambers M"" Deputy M"" Harryson M-" [Aid.] Will. Bannyng M' Greenewell M' Cordell M^ Combe M"" Garway M"^ Lynge. M' Staper or any 4 of them. Warrant granted to m"" Robert Chamfelen Threr to pay to Thomas Smith for keepinge of the two Pynnaces at the rate of twelve shillingf p moneth the soine of xxiiij^ the one halfe therof beinge dewe to him vppon S^ttrday last and thother halfe is for a moneth next ensuinge. ^6°* 20 p'"d: mensis. 29 Nov. Warrant granted to m"" Robert Cham'blen Threr to pay to John Drewe m"" of the Godspeede 5'' John Lane xxx^ Thomas Boarne iij'' and John Branskom xlvj^ viij*^ [They] fFor their imploy- ment in the late intended discovery all amountinge to the soine of xj'' xvj^ viij'^ They acknowledginge the same in full of all demaundC. THE EAST INDIA COMPANY 235 ; 4"' of [August] december a° p'"d: ^^^^ j [ARRANT to the Threr aforesaid for payment of 6'' 1 3^ 4** to Thomas Yerworth beinge in full for his im- ployment as purser of thone of the two Pynnaces sett out for discovery of the northwest Passage and [alsoe] for his dyet and attendance about the discharge of them. A Court at founderf Hall xiij* December 1602, '6°^ 13 Dec. M"" Gouerno"" M"^ Deputy M"^ Chamberlaine Threr Comitties Comitties M"" Staper M"" Wiche M'" Farrington M"^ Higlorde M' Geo : Books M' Linge. IR CHAMBERLAINE informethe this Assemblie that m"" Stephen Hodsonn one of the Brethren of this Company had paide vnto him x'^ for his supply towardf the discovery of the Northwest passadge and desired the Company to have him excused for non payment thereof till now for that he haith bene in the cuntry all this Siimer and never hard thereof. Order is geaven to Thomas Euesett to warne a Court vppon Weddnesday mornige next . this Court not concluding of any thinge for want of a greater Assembly. 1602 zi Dec. 21* of December 1602. ARRANT granted to m"" RoV Cham^len Threr to pay to Thomas Stevens Accompt keep for the Company for his Sallary dewe to him accordinge to the Com- panies agreement w*'' him beinge vnpaid for 3. quarters [|rent beginninge] w"'' is since the 17"" of March last amounteth to the soine of 23'' 6' 8*^. \_h. generall Co'"te holden the 4''' of Januarie 1602. i6o» 4 Tan. M' Ald° Cambell e^overno' M"" Aid" Rumney deputy] 236 THE COURT RECORDS OF 1602 -20. of December 1602. 30 Dec. "^ M'" [Governo'] Aid" Cambell governo'' ' M' Aid" Romney deputy Comitties M' Rich : Staper M' Nichas Lynge M"^ Jo : Combe M' Edw : Harryson M-" W" Garway T is thought fitt by m"^ Governo"" m"" deputy and the [^said] comitties above mencoed that one of the com- panies barices shalbe sett forth againe for the North- west. So as they shall lyke well of [the] a newe conference w*** Captein George Waymouth or some others. ^^?f„ A Gen'al Court holden the 4"' of January 1602. M' Aid" Cambell governo' M' George Bowles M"" Aid" Rumey deputy M' W" ferro' M' Robt Chamberlayn ther M' John Combe M"^ Rich: Wyche. M^ Parslowe M' W"" Garway M' W"" Harryson M^ John Eldred M^ W™ Greenwell. w**^ an ample nomber of the gen'alyty. T this Co' te vppon relation made by m"^ Governo*^ and [his deputie] M' Aid" Rummy and vppon conference had in this Assemblie vppon the greatnes of the charge that the entended voyage by the Northwest will bring vppon the Company yf both the' barkes [of the Companie] shuld be set forth [in] and furnished for that discovery. It is resolved for the avoydinge of the excessive charge [that] of the double ppara- tion of both the shippes that a compulation shalbe made vppon the preparation and furnishing' of on of them and to see how the victualles and furniture of them both [[will]] beinge laid to- gether will sett forthe and defray a voyage by one of them w"'out further charging of the Companie w"' anie other suply And to THE EAST INDIA COMPANY 237 that ende this Co'"te [being aboute to make^ have made againe [have 1602 made] choice of the persons heervnder named as well to consider "^ J^"* of the state and valewe of the [?paration [of] and furnishinge of on! ship to this enterprise and of the meanes already provided to defray the charge thereof as to confer w**^ Capten Waymouth and to see w^hat resolution he holdeth to proceade in the said discovery, or w'*' some other fytt for the Enterprise who having [entered] advysed thervpon are intreated at the next geflall Co'"t to reporte ther opinions [and the] what they [fynde] con- ceave and fynde fytt and possyble to be done in this voyage ac- cording to the meaning of this Co'^t. Comitties. M' M'" Governo"" M"" Deputy M' Garway M' Cordell M-" Staper Grenwell Harry son Hamersley M"" Jennynges M-- Gierke or any 4 of them. An Assembly the 7"^ of January 1602. m' Governo"^ m"^ Stag m"" Aid. Rumney dep: m"" Greenewell m'' Garwey m"" Hamersley m'^ Cordall m'" Jennyngf M-- Clarke. CCORDINGE to the order of the lastgenerall Court the Comittees abovenamed beinge mett together have thought meete in the proceadinge for the set- tinge out of one vessell for a discovery by the northwest ^rj^ to sett downe the provisions for the two Pynnaces formerly sent forth and to make an estimate of the pticulers therof as- well in respect they may take of the said provisions soe much as shalbe found fitt for the furnishinge of one as alsoe by sale of the residewe not found iitt to supply all other necessaries for the settinge out of the said vessell And to that end an estimacon 1602 7 Jan. 238 THE COURT RECORDS OF 1602 beinge made both of the said 2 Pynnaces and all provisions ■'^"' therfore they do resolve for the supplyinge of all necessary provisions as men and victuallf &c for settinge out and fur- nishinge of one vessell to the northwest as shalbe reported to the next generall Court. 21 fan. xxj"' of January 1602. 1602 K«sa'2?R?^j^j^^^y ^^ j^, Cham^len Threr for payment of certen porters for landinge and housinge of all the provisions out of the 2 Pynnaces the discovery and Godspeede the soine of fowre poundf . Porters. Thomas Another Warrant to the said Threr for payment of 25^ vij'' jjjys vijd to Thomas Evesed beinge disbursed by him heretofore to m' Popes man as appeareth by y* .pticulers sent w"' the warrant to the Threr. 26 Jan. A General Court [of] the 26"' of January 1602. Present. M"" Aid" Cambell gov^^ M'" Rich. Wyche M-" Aid" Rumney dep'^ M"" John Combe Comitties M' Nich. Lynge M' Rich : Staper M"" Humfrey Baese M' John highelord M"" Wm Harryson M' W'" Dale M^ W" ferro"" M-- W'" Chambers M" Humfrey Walcott The greater part of y*^ Gen'alyty. HIS Court beinge called together to receave the opinion of the Comitties appointed for [the] consulta- tion of the setting forthe of one of the barkes latelie retorned from the Northwest passage the said Comitties do re- port that they finde some impediment that moveth them to stay the proceading in the said enterprise and [rather] thinke it rather for the good of theCompaniethata carefull course be taken for the sale of bothe the barkes w"' ther furnyture and other pparation THE EAST INDIA COMPANY 239 and inchaundize, and that the same be converted into money 26 Jan. w'^'' may ryse to a convenient some fytt to defray other neces- '^°^ sarie charges vppon the retorne of the fleet sent out by the Cape of Bona Speranza, according^ to whose opinions the matter being putt to the consideration of this geffiall Co'^te and a ques- tion made whether one of the barkes shalbe sett forthe againe [or not] or the viage vtterlie geaven over It appered by scruteny and the consent of the most part of the genlaHty that the voyage shall vtterlie be left of and [all] the preparation [both of] as well ship- ping victualling and other furniture as merchaundize or so moche thereof as the Comitties shall thinke meet putt to sale and made away in as prevalent a sorte as may be and to [thende] that ende the Comitties apointed at the last geffall Courte [are] forthe setting forthe of one of the said barkes having acquainted them selves w"* the kindes and particlaryties of the said goodes are intreated to make sale of them for the good of the Companye or of so muche thereof as they shall thinke meet, the names of w'^'' Coiiiittees do followe hearafter viz*. Coinitties. m"" Governor m"" Greenewell m"" Thomas Bramleydep : m"" Harison m"" Atd Rumney m'" Hamersley m"" Garwey m"" Jennyngf m"" Cordall m"^ Clarke m"^ Stap or any 4 of them. Forasmuche as m' Aid" Rumney having executed the place of M' Tho: deputie [of] to y^ governo"" of this Company and is nowe chosen chosen de- an Alderman and cannot attende the busines of this Company P"ty. therfore this Court did proceade to the Election of a newe deputy to contynue vntill the next day of Election and divers persons being noiated and putt in election the choice of the place of the said deputie is fallen vppon M"" Thomas Bramley. At this Co'^te Thomas Stephens the bookekcap of this Com- pany is admitted to the freedome of this felowship in as ample manner as anie brother of the Companie [and bathe taken his othe accordinglie] hath and injoyeth the same by vertue of thes previledges. 240 l602 28 Jan. 17 Feb, 160Z Capten Way- mouthe. Edwd : Pullyson THE COURT RECORDS OF 28'" January 1602. ARRANT to the Threr for payment of xxiiij* to Thomas Smith for keepinge of the Two pynnaces at the rate of xij^ p moneth for Two monethes The one halfe therof beinge dewe the 20"^ of this present moneth and thother halfe is to the 20*'' of the next moneth. The 17. of february 1602. M"" Aid" Cambell Go"" M"" w"^ ferrers. M"" Tho : Bramley deputy M"" Rich : Wyche M' W"^ Chambers M"^ Humfrey Walcott M' Nich : Lynge M'' Georg Smythes M' Dale M''Tho: [Houghton] Horton. HES Comitties bein^ mett together to confer of some co'se to be taken w"' Captein Waymouth who maketh demaundes of the Companie for charges and other moneys[bythe] byhimexpended orotherwysedewe as he preten- deth [w^"" Capten Waymouth] and is contented to reserve him self and his demaundes to be arbitrably ended by 4. indifferent persons, forasmuche as he offreth his [action to be] demaundes to be arbitrably ended this assembly thinke it not fytt to refuse that co'se and therfore do agree that whensoever he shall make choice of his arbitrators the Company will choose other arbitra- tors of like qualety: and for the better information of the [Comit- ties] Arbitrators thes persons are intreated to geave ther further- aunce to solicite the state of the cause on the Companies behaulf. M' Governo"" M' Chambers M'' Aid : Rumey M' Harrison M-" Deputy M'' Wyche. Warrant is geaven to M' Ther to pay vnto Edward Pullyson Purser of the Discouery in full discharge of his accompte and in full paym' of all wages and demaundes the soiiie of sixe poundes. Warrant is geaven to m'" Threr to pay vnto the Wyef of Thom^ Bowrne steward of the Godspede in full ( satisfaction of all demaundes the some of ^ THE EAST INDIA COMPANY 241 A Comittee ag**" of March 1603. M"" Aid. Cambell go'" m"^ Clarke M"^ Bramley dep : m' Boules m' Walcot m' Harison m' fFerris m"" Harby m"^ Lynge - m' Wiche m'" Wyseman m"^ Greenewell. HESE Comittees above menconed havinge debated whether the two barkes shalbe presently sould or [to] stay made of the Sale therof till the fyue of Aprill next do resolve by their execcbn of hand^ that the said Barkes shalbe kept till that [said] tyme And that a carpinter shall viewe them and do therto what is necessary for the keepinge tite of their orelopf . The said Comittees do alsoe resolve to make sale aswell of [all] y^ merchandize as all other thingf that are decayed or may decay at such prizes as shalbe thought convenient And wheras it is reported that cordage is now at a highe rate And thought we may be provided hearafter [at yf] when we shall have occasion for y^ vse of any at a more easy rate then we can now make sale of the companies cordage It is therfore agreed if such prizes may be had as is reported sale shalbe made of the said cordage accordingly. Warrant was granted at this assembly by order from m' Governo"^ That m"^ Chamfelen Threr shall pay to Tho : Smith for keepinge of the two pynnaces for two monethes at the rate of xij' p moneth the soiiie of xxiiij* The one halfe therof beinge dewe the xx"" of this present moneth and the other halfe is to the xx"' of the next moneth. 1603 29 March A Comittee the xxiiij*'' of May 1603. Present, m"^ Governo'^ m"^ Wiseman m"^ Harison m"^ lynge m"^ Jennyngf m"^ fFerris M' Burrell. 1603 24 May. I I THE COURT RECORDS OF 1603 24 May. 1603 4 June, 1603 6 June. HERAS an order was taken by certen Comittees the xxix"' of March last that the Two barkes should be sould after the fyue of May It is concluded that if the some of 600'' may be had for them viz* 300'' for one vessell w"' his Inventorie and the like for the other It shalbe accepted of and not vnder but by the consent of the Governo"" and 4 Coiiiittees. 4"' of June 1603. [ARRANT to the Threr for payment of xxiiij' to Tho : Smith for keepinge of the Two pynnaces at the rate of xij^ p moneth for Two Monethes The one halfe therof dewe the xx"" of the last moneth And thother halfe is to the xx'*" of this present moneth. A Gen'all Courte holden the vj"' of June 1603. Present M"" Aid" Cambell governo Comittees S"" John Harte knight M M M- M Comittes M"" olyuer Style M-" John Harby M-" Rob' Chamblayn Humfrey Basse W"' Greenwell Nich : lynge Georg Smythes M- M- M' M Tho : Cordell George Bowles Rich : Staper Rich : Wyseman M^ Tho : Horton w'*^ the greatest niiber of the gen'"alyty. HIS generall Co'^te being* called together vppon occa- sion of the receipt of Ires re"* by a frencheman w'^'' latelie departed at sea from one of o"" fleet the ship Assention w'^'' Ires were written the one [from Ed. Highlord purser of the Assention and the other] from Roger Style Cape Merchant of the Assention. and the other from Ed : Highelord Purser of the same ship, bothe discoursing^the state of the voyage bothe concerning' the partes w"^"^ have bene visited for trade and THE EAST INDIA COMPANY 243 howe [they] many of [the] o*^ men are dead in the voyage. By 1603 w'^'' discourses [in] this genlall Assemblie doe conceave good ^ J"" hope that the voyage will fall out suche as may minister in- coragem* to sett out another voyage for the further discovery of the partes of the East Indies. A Comittee the ix**" of June 1603. m^ Aid Cambell Go-" m^ fFerris m'^ Bramley dep : m^ Stile m'' Garwey m"" Lynge m"" Wiseman M"" Bowles m' Smithies M"" Giles Paslowe m-^ Clarke. M"^ Rich: Wyche M-^ Harrison. |T is resolved that Ires shalbe written to the fFacto" y Company of the Assention and sent downe to the west cuntrey geving them to vnderstand the whole Companie here in care of the relief and comfort of all suche as are sicke in the ship and [for the] supply of anie wantes that they [or anie of ther Comp] stande fitt to be supplied [by] w'^'all the Companie here have written ther Ires of credite to some of the principall merchant^ of the Towne of Plymouth Dert- mouthe and other the port^ theraboutf to take suche sicke and weake men on shore w'^'^ are desirous to leave the shippes. And to require the said fFactors and other officers of the shippes that forasmuche as this care is taken to furnishe ther wantes by the credite of the Companie here that they forbeare by anie pretence or want to breake bulke or make sale of anie thinge that doeth belonge to the generall adventure. And it is alsoe ordered that according* to the said Ires soe to be written to the said factors and other officers in the ship M*" Ro^t Mydleton M' Bateman and M"^ Howe shalbe moved to make choice of suche iflchauntf in the said Townes of Ply- mouth Dartmouth &c. w"' whom they are best acquainted to th ende that m"^ Governou"^' Ire may be directed to them subscribed 1603 9 h'^ 244 '^^^ COURT RECORDS OF X603 also w"" ther handes entreating' them to geave to the facto'^ 9 June. Captein or principall in charge in the said ship credite for any suche moneys as he shall want for the vse of the ship . and to take in to ther townes suche sicke men as shall come on shore and to see them supplied w* suche relief as ther wantes require and the Companie vppon ther billes or advyse of the charges disbursed directed to m"^ Rob' Chambleyn will see them satysfied. Ifjune. A General Court the 16"^ of June 1603. Present. M^ Aid Cambell goV^ M"" John Combe M"" Tho : Bramley deputy [M' Humfrey Basse] S"^ John Spencer M' Geo : Smithes M' Jld^ Wattes MJ Humfrey Basse. M^ Aid" Hollyday M^ W™ Chamber M' Aid" Swynerton M' Rich : Wyche M"" Aid" Hampson M"" W™ Harryson M"^ Jo : Highelord M"" Gyles Paslowe M' W'" Garway M' Humfrey Walcott M^ Tho : Cordell M^ W"> Dale M^ Robt Chambleyn M^ W-" ferrys M' Rich : Wyseman M' Nich : lynge M' [olyuerj George Bowles M' W"" Greenewell w* an ample niiber of the genJalyty. HER is propounded to this genJalyty the choice of a convenient place of receipte of the goodes retorned in the Assention w*^^'' is nowe come in to the Ryuer. and for ther better direction what places are likelie to be hired for that ppose ther is nominated thes severall places or houses hereafter following^ [viz] out of which the comitties may make ther choice vppon the viewe of the fittest. Comitties rHE EAST INDIA COMPANY 245- 1603 16 June. Warehouses 1 The vault vnder thexchaunge S"^ John Spencers warehouse The great house in Sething lane S"" Edward osbornes house The La : Barnes her house. M' Cartwrightes house. At this Cou''te the gen!alyty have agreed that the comytties Men to according to the gen!all trust w*^"" is reposed in them for the aboarde managinge of the [trade of] merchaundize brought home in this voyage, shall appoint suche men as they shall thinke meet to goe aboarde the assention. and to attende ther from tyme to tyme vntyll the ship be vnladen. The generall Co'te beinge broke vp the comitties did stay together in conference to geave order for the disposing* of the ifichandize aboard the ship : and ther vppon did resolve for the present that of these comitties the persons herevnder noiated shall psently goe downe to the ship and ther take order that noe marino' or anie other shall presume to deliuer and carry from the ship anie thinge whatsoever vnlesse it be visited vppon paine of deteyning' in the Companies handes the wages of everye suche marino' or other officer : M"" Bramley deputy M"^ Chambers M"" Highelord M" Harryson. And besides the comitties who are to take ther tornes as occasion shall serue to goe aboard the ship, these psons of the genJalyty herevnder named are appointed to goe downe and to take ther tornes of warding aboarde when they shall be appointed. M' W"" Jennyns M"" A nth : Gibson M-^ Rich : Clerke M' Whyte M' Rich : Browne M-- Tho : Southewyke M"" Taylby M' Geo : Bennett M' Barth : Haggett M" Aid'' HoUydaies man M' Roger Hemyng M"" Aid" Bannynges man M"' W" Nelson [cowcheman] Rob' Bar- M"" Edm Nicholson ker. 246 THE COURT RECORDS OF 1603 M^ Lytleford M"^ W'" Wastall '^ J"""- Ambrose Wheeler dco xvj" Junij 1603 An Assembly of/ Comitties above named. These 4 persons vndernamed are apointed to goe aboard the Assention to morrowe morning' the xvij"' yune at 6 of the clocke and to contynewe ther vntill the next day the same howre viz : Edmund Nicholson QRich. Taylby^ Ambrose Wheler. [Ro^t Barker for] [Roger Hemmynge] [M"^ PauU Bannynge] for Satherday the 18''' of June are apointed these psons vdlt. Roger Hemmyng [M"" Rich : Taylby] Robt Barker for [M'' W'" Wastall] M-^ P. Bannyng [iW James Turno^] [M-" Antho Gibson] [M' Ald"^ Hollydaies man] For Sunday y^ 19 of June are appointed to avi^aite aboarde these persons viz. Antho : Gibson Rich : Taylby For Monday the 20"' of June are appointed to goe aboarde the ship, and to attende the from sixe in the morning* vntill vj of the clocke the next day. M^ Ja : Turno^ M^ Rich : Clerk M^ W" Jennyns [M^ W™ Wastall] M"" Aid" Hollydaies man [M"" ] For Tuesday y* 21* of June 1603 are apointed these persons viz. M' W™ Wastall M' Barth : Haggett M^ Rich : Broun M' W'" Nelson It is ordered that M'" Style and the Purser doe attende aboard vntill the Qthat] shipp be discharged, touching It is thought meet by the Comitties above mencoed touchinge myL Ad- jj^^ tcnthes belonging* to my L. Admirall for the prise w'^'' the miralles b o J ^ i . ^ tythes. Companies shippes have taken in the East Indies, that his Lp shalbe made acquainted w"* the advyse w'^'' Captein Lancaster THE EASr INDIA COMPANY 247 hath written in that behaulf wherin it may appere that the 1603 coiiiodities taken are not vendable here but more fitter to be ^ J""^' solde in the Indies. M"" Ferrers and M'' Lynge are entreated by this assembly canvas to provide 50 or 60 peeces of PoUdavies for the makinge of bagges. baggf for the bagginge of the pepper brought home in the shippes And to putt them out to makinge. And alsoe to pro- vide 6 sewtes of canves dublett and hose w^ut pockettf for 6. porters to be imploied in the fiUinge of the pepp. It is ordered that an entrie shalbe made in the custome house of the goodes in the Assention consisting of the pticters viz. Pepper loose in the ship xxj m^' CCxm'' Cloves 16 small baggf cn^^ xj C' "" Synamoii 87 Cannasters cn'^ vj mxxx'' Gum lacre 67 baggf en's jiij miiij;^;^''. Warrant is geaven to m"" Threr to pay vnto M'^ Midleton of Mr Midle- Plymouth for his paines rydin§ hether w"" the first report of the "j;^ "3^ comin5> of the Assention out of the East Indies the some of v''. from piy- ° - mouth. 1603 21 June. A Comittee the 21*'' of June 1603 M^ John Eldred M' W™ ferrers M^ Tho : Horton M' W"^ Harryson M"" W'^ Greenewell M' Aid" Cambell governo' M"" Tho : Bramley deputy M' W"" Garway M"^ George Bowles M"^ Humfrey Basse M*^ Richard Wyche. R Governo"" is moved by this Assemblie to take some other of the Companie to be bounde w* him to the Customers for the Subsedye due to the kinge for the goodes brought home in the Assention . and for ther In- dempnity they shall have an order of genlall co'^te and the companies comon seale to save them harmeles whervnto the said M"" Governo"" [is] doeth geave his assent and m"^ Eldred doeth agree to be bound w"" him. M' Bowles and M"^ [Harryson] Grenewell are appointed and l6o3 21 June, y 24.8 rHE COURT RECORDS OF intreated to [goe] see the seullerage or vautes [in] vnder the ex- chaunge prepared and fytted to receave the said goodes . and to see the floores plancked and boarded for that purpose. M"" W" Grenewell and M"" wyche and nf Harryson rri' Horton are appointed to be at the waterfall vppon Wensday and Thursday to see the goodes taken vp and sent to the [Ex- chaunge] Warehouses at the Exchaunge and the bookeap to be present w'*' them to make tickettf for the carrmen. M"^ Bowles [and] M'' Eldred M' Lynge M' Ferrers are apointed to attende at the warehowses at thexchaung the same daies [and] to receave in the goodes and to waighe them and to vse the helpe of Tho : White to keepe a note of the for pilotage waight. Sdoi"" Warrant is geaven to [M"" Ther] Tho : Stephens to pay to the John May wyef of John May one of the m"^' Mates of the Susan for her theTusa^n relief in her husbandes absence a monthes wages coming to Ivj' 5^'- jind to pay for pilotage for bringing vp the Jssention into y' ryver vf'. 1603 23 June A Gen'^all Courte the 23*'' of June 1603. Present M-'Ald" Cambell Governo^ M"" Tho Bramley deputy M-^ RoBt Chamberleyn Comitties M"" PauU Bannyng M-" Aid" Wattes M' John Harby M"" W" Chambers [M^Robt.ChambleynTh.] M^ Aid" Hollyday M'' John highelorde M' Giles Parslowe M-" W'" Ferrers M'' George Bowles w*"^ the greatest part of the geniality. j HERE AS ther is dewe to the kinge for custome ix^ and xvij'' poundes or theraboutes for the w'^'' M"" Aid" Cambell and M"" Eldred stande bounde by obligation in double the valewe by way of penaltie Therfore it is ordered for the indempnitie of the said M' Aid" Cambell and M"^ Eldred that they shall have the coiiion scale of the company to save them harmeles ether made to them THE EAST INDIA COMPANY 249 selfes or to suche as they shall noiate to have bondes made 1603 vnto. w'^'' bondes this gen'alyty will alway mainteyne for a good ■' securitie vnto them. It is ordered at this geflall Courte for the payment of the marino" w"^*^ are come home in the Assention that moneis shalbe taken vp at interest [and vppo], and that the geflalytie shall save them harmeles that shalbe bounde for it. and geave them the companies bonde vnder the coen scale, vppoH w^*" order soe taken by the gen'alyty thes persons herevnder named being* present are entreated to geave ther bondes for the taking^ vp of - two thowsand poundes viz. S"" John Harte and M' Chamberleyn for looo" M" Paull Baning Esquier and m"" Ald° Wattes for 1000^' to be con- tynued at interest for 3 monethes, [this Co'"te] the geiTalytie entendinge hereafter to take a co'^se to levie by the pole and vppon the rates of the pticter adventures, all suche soiiies of money as the Companie shall have occasion to vse hereafter. This Courte doe geave order and geffiall comission to the Comitties from tyme to tyme to proceade in sales of the goodes nowe brought home and to take the best opportunely in ther . discretions for that purpose and geflaly to pforme all thinges incydent to the ordering and venting of the same comodities And for the further helpe of the geffall busines It shalbe law- full for m'^ Governo"" and m'" Deputy or ether of them from tyme to tyme to apointe any one or two of the adventurors to pforme anie pticler office or service w'^'' the geflall busines requireth. The 28* of June. Present jg^ M"" Bramley deputy M"" W-" Dale 28 June M"" George Bowles M' W"' Harryson Ry Wright secretary Fowre obligations vnder coinon seale of the Company sealed in the presence of the psons above named vidett. Two obligations of the penalties of 3000'' a peece the one to m"^ [John] James Cambell the other to m"" John Eldred being K K 250 7HE COURT RECORDS OF 1603 made to save them harmeles for 900'' and seventeene poundes vvcii ^jjg ^j.g bounde for to the kinge for the custome of the goodes brought in the Assention the one half the xx"'of decemt5 next the other the xx"' June followinge. Two other obligations of the penaltie of 1000 markes a pece the one to [m'] S"^ John Hart and the other to M"^ Robt Cham- berlayn for the payment of 500 12'' 10^ a peece to ether of them vppon the xxvij"" of September next at ther severall dwelling houses. Billes of aduenture sealed. 21**^ of March 1600. To Stephen Hodgeson a li. s. d. bill of aduenture & supply at ij^ the li. 240 o o 10 June 1 60 1. To W"' Angell a Bill of adven- ture & supplies 240 o o 13 June 1 60 1, To Roger Hemyng a bill of ad- venture & supplies 240 o o 17 June 1 601. To John Eldred a Bill of adven- ture & supplies 600 o o » To Humfrey Myllward a bill of adventure & supplies 240 o o To Richard Hearne a bill of adventure & supplies 240 o o 14 August 1601. To [Richard] Robert Penning- ton a bill of adventure & supplies 240 o o 17 June 1601. To Thomas Talbutt a bill of adventure & supplies 240 o o 18 June 1 601. To Roger Ofeilde a bill of ad- venture & supplies 360 o o To John Stoackly a bill of adventure & supplies 240 o o To William Megges a bill of adventure & supplies 240 o o rUE EAST INDIA COMPANY 251 18 June 1601. To John Coucheman a bill of li. s. d. adventure & supplies 240 o o To William Adderly a bill of adventure & supplies 240 o o To Bartholmew Holland a bill of adventure & supplies 240 o o < [To Richard Gosson a bill of adventure & supplies 240 o o] To Richard Humble a bill of adventure & supplies 240 o ' To Thomas Bootheby a bill of adventure & supplies 240 o o [To William Jennyns a bill of adventure and supplies 240 o 0] To Andrewe Chamberlin a bill of adventure and supplies 240 o o ' To Robte OfFeley a bill of adventure & supplies 240 O o , To Clement Mosely a bill of adventure & supplies. This bill is made to Eliz Moseley widowe 240 O O - To Thomas Southacke a bill of adventure & supplies 240 o o To William Quarles a bill of adventure and supplies 240 o o 19 June 1 60 1. To Reynolde Greene a bill of adventure & supplies 240 o o To Lawrence Waldoe a bill of adventure & supplies 240 To Raphe Buzby a bill of adventure & supplies 240 o o To William fFerrers a bill of adventure & supplies 240 o o To William Bonham a bill of adventure and supplies 240 o o To Thomas Juxon a bill of adventure & supplies 240 o o 252 rHE COURT RECORDS OF 19 June 1601. To Thomas Shipton a bill of li. s. d. adventure & supplies 240 o o To Edward Barker a bill of adventure & supplies 300 o o 23 June 1 60 1. To George Whitmore a bill of adventure & supplies 240 O o To Thomas Bramby a bill of adventure & supplies 240 o o To Henrie Poulsteede a bill of adventure & supplies 240 o o To fFrauncys Barker a bill of adventure & supplies 240 o o To Richard Washer a bill of adventure & supplies 240 o O To John Hodgson a bill of adventure & supplies 240 O o To Humfrey Basse a bill of adventure & supplies 240 O o To W"" Wollastone a bill of adventure & supplies 240 o o To Humfrey Wallcott a bill of adventure & supplies 240 o o To John Newman a bill of adventure & supplies 240 O O ' To Samuell Armitage a bill of adventure & supplies 240 o O To Henrie Bridgeman a bill of adventure & supplies 240 o o To W™ Bond a bill of adventure & supplies 240 o o » To Thomas Horton a bill of adventure & supplies 240 o o To John Swinerton a bill of adventure & supplies 360 O o To RoBte Waldoe a bill of adventure & supplies 240 o O To Humfrie Style a bill of adventure & supplies 240 o o THE EAST INDIA COMPANT zs^ 23 June 1601. To Thomas Farrington a bill of li. s. d. adventur & supplies 240 o o To W™ Cotton a bill of adventure & supplies 240 o o To Edmond Nicholson a bill of adventure & supplies ■ 240 o O To Raphe Gore a bill of adventure & supplies 360 o o To Oliver Stile a bill of adventure & supplies 560 o O To Richard Bell a bill of adventure & supplies 240 o To Richard Piott a bill of adventure & supplies 240 o O To RoKte Myldmay a bill of adventure & supplies 240 o O ' To John Buzbridge a bill of adventure & supplies 240 o o ' To Robte Coxe a bill of adventure & supplies 240 o o To Richard Peierce a bill of adventure & supplies 240 o o To Richard Ball a bill of adventure & supplies 240 o o To RoBte Cobbe a bill of adventure & supplies 240 o o To George Coles a bill of adventure & supplies , 240 o o To Robte Bucke a bill of adventure and supplies 240 o o To Richard Hale a bill of adventure & supplies 240 o o To VV"" Hale a bill of adventure & supplies 240 o o To W°^ Greewell a bill of adventure & supplies 240 o o To Robte Johnson a bill of adventure & supplies 240 o o 154 THE COURT RECORDS OF j; 23 June 160 1. To Andrewe Banninge a bill of li. s. d. I adventure & supplies 240 o O « | To Thomas Hewitt a bill of adventure & | supplies 240 o o I To Rotite Mydleton a bill of adventure & I supplies 240 o o * To W"' Stoane a bill of adventure & supplies 600 o o ] To W"" Cavendishe a bill of adventure & ( supplies 240 o o » To Samuell Hare a bill of adventure & : supplies 240 o o , To Edmund Spencer a bill of adventure & ] supplies 240 o o To Morrice Luellen a bill of adventure & - supplies 240 o o i To NicKas Barmesly a bill of adventure & I supplies 240 oof To John Hewitt a bill of adventure & ^ supplies 240 o o X ' To Jn" Cornelius a bill of adventure & \ supplies 240 o o To James Turner a bill of adventure & supplies 240 o o To Thomas Barbar a bill of adventure & supplies 240 o o To Richard Poyntell a bill of adventure & supplies 240 o o To James Deane a bill of adventure & supplies 360 o To Thomas Westrow a bill of adventure & supplies 240 o o To Rowland Backhowse a bill of adventure & supp. 240 o o To Bartholmew Barnes a bill of adventure & supplies 240 o o To Ellis Crispe a bill of adventure & supplies 240 O THE east: INDIA COMPANY 255 23 June 1601. To Richard Clarke a bill of li. s. d. adventure & supplies 240 o o To Raphe Hamer a bill of adventure & supplies 240 o O To Jn° Hawkyns a bill of adventure & supplies 240 o o To Thomas Henshawe a bill of adventure & supplies 240 o o To Thomas Garw^ay a bill of adventure & supplies 240 o o To Thomas White a bill of adventure & supplies 240 o o To George Candler a bill of adventure & supplies 240 O o - To RoBte Bateman a bill of adventure & ^ supplies 240 o o , 30 June 1 60 1. To Thomas Bostocke a bill of adventure & supplies 240 o O • I July 1 60 1. To John Clinche a bill of adven- ture & supplies 240 O o c 2 July 1601. To Nicholas Leate a bill of adven- ture & supplies 240 O o ' ^ To Robte Sandy a bill of adventure & supplies 260 o o To Richard Wyseman a bill of adventure & supplies 600 o o 4 July 1601. To Hughe Crompton a bill of ad- venture & supplies 240 o o 6 July 1601. To John WoUstenham a bill of adventure & supplies 240 o o To Ro'bte Gore a bill of adventure & supplies 240 o o To John Leman a bill of adventure & supplies 240 o o 7 July 1601. To AUphonsus fFowle a bill of ad- venture & supplies 240 o 9 July 1601. To W™ Romney a bill of adven- ture & supplies 240 2c6 THE COURT RECORDS OF 1 10 July 1601. To John ffletcher a bill of ad- li. s. d. venture & supplies 240 o o ' ^ To Morrice Abbott a bill of adventure & supplies 240 o o * 14 July 1601. To Richard Tailbye a bill of ad- venture & supplies 240 o o 21 July 1601. To John Cason a bill of adven- ture & supplies 240 o o I To Thomas Allabaster a bill of adventure j & supplies 240 o o ■} To Nichas Pierde a Bill of adventure & ] supplies 240 0^; 22 July 1 60 1. To Thomas Smithe a bill of ] adventure & supplies 360 o o " ; To Roger Howe a bill of adventure & i supplies 360 o o To John Westwraye a bill of adventure & supplies 360 o o To Edward Leeninge a bill of adventure & supplies 360 o o To Thomas Cambell Aid" a bill of adventure & supplies 360 o O To John Wattes Aid" a bill of adventure & supplies 600 o o To George Bowles a bill of adventure & supplies 300 o o To John Hart Knight a bill of adventure & supplies 600 o o To Edward Holmeden Aid" a bill of adven- ture & supplies 1200 o Oi i e To John Spencer Knight a bill of adventure & supplies 360 o O To Ro'Bte Sampson Aid" a bill of adventure & supplies 360 o o To W" OfFeley a bill of adventure without supplies 300 o o To John Middleton a bill of adventure & supplies 240 o o THE EAST INDIA COMPANY 257 22 July 1 601. To Nicltas Peird a bill of ad- li. s. d. venture and supplies 240 o o " To Giles Parsloe a bill of adventure and supplies 240 o o To Edmnd Scott a bill of adventure & supplies 240 o o ' To Edward Barkham a bill of adventure & supplies 240 o o To Anthonie Stratford a bill of adventure & supples 240 o o To Augustine Sknn! a bill of adventure & supplies 240 o O To Ambrose Wheler a bill of adventure Sc supplies 240 o o To Anthonie Moseley a bill of adventure & supplies 240 o o To Thomas Richardson a bill of adventure & supplies 240 o o To W"" Burrell a bill of adventure & sup- plies 240 o o To Thomas Lydall a bill of adventure & supplies 240 o o To Samuell Backhowse a bill of adventure and supp'^ 240 o o To Richard Barrett a bill of adventure & supplies 240 o o To Peter Helinge a bill of adventure & supplies 240 o o To Nicfias Lynge a bill of adventure & supplies 240 o o To James Lancaster a bill of adventure & supplies 240 o o t ToW^Hynde a bill of adventure and supplies 240 o o To James Donkon a bill of adventure & supplies 240 o o To George Bennett a bill of adventure h supplies 240 o o L L 258 rUE COURT RECORDS OF 22 July 1601. To Edward Walker a bill of ad- li. s. d. venture & supplies 240 o o To Robert Stratford a bill of adventure & supplies 240 o o To Gregorie Allen a bill of adventure Sc supplies 240 o O To Edward Harrison a bill of adventure Sc suppt : 240 o o * To W"^ Turner a bill of adventure & supplies 240 o o To Thoins Ball a bill of adventure Sc supplies 240 o To Edward Latterfeild a bill of adventure & supplies 240 o o To Anthony Gibson a bill of adventure Sc supplies 240 o o To Rol3te Bell a bill of adventure Sc supplies 240 o o To Ric'^ Ironsyde a bill of adventure Sc supplies 240 o o To Nictias Manley a bill of adventure Sc supplies 240 o o To W'" Chambers a bill of adventure Sc supplies 240 o To W"" Millett a bill of adventure & supplies 240 o To W'" Freeman a bill of adventure Sc supplies 240 O o To W" Albany a bill of adventure & supplies 240 o o To JefFerie Kerby a bill of adventure Sc supplies 240 o O' To Robte Key a bill of adventure and supplies 240 o o ToTho: SymondC a bill of adventure Sc supplies 240 o o To Simon Lawrence a bill of adventure Sc supplies 240 o o To Nicfias Crispe a bill of adventure Sc supplies 240 o o To Barthol : Haggett a bill of adventure Sc supplies 240 o o THE EAST INDIA COMPANY 259 22 July 1 60 1. To W™ Smithe a bill of adven- li. s. d. ture and supplies 240 o » To Lewis Pope a bill of adventure & supplies 240 o o To Ric*^ Bowdler a bill of adventure & supplies 240 o o To Robte Ducy a bill of adventure and supplies 240 o o To Robte Brocke a bill of adventure & suppt. 240 o o To Robte Carrell a bill of adventure & supl 240 O o ' To Richard Deane a bill of adventure & suppt, 240 o o ' To Richard Cokes a bill of adventure and supplies 240 o o , To Nichas fFarrar a bill of aduenture and supplies 240 o O To James Cullymore a bill of adventure & suppt. 240 o o To John Harby a bill of adventure and supplies 240 o o To Roger Cotton a bill of adventure & supplies 240 o o To Robte Baylie a bill of adventure & supplies 240 o o To George Cater a bill of adventure & supplies 240 O To Ric**. Wiche a bill of adventure & sup- plies 240 o o To W'" Dale a bill of adventure & supplies 240 o o To Richard Burrell a bill of adventure & supplies 240 o o To Leonard White a bill of adventure & supplies 240 o o . To George HoUman a bill of adventure & suppt. 240 o o To Henrie Archer a bill of adventure & suppl : 240 o o 26o rHE COURT RECORDS OF 22 July i6or. To Stephen Harvy a bill of ad- li. s. d. venture & suppl : 240 o o To Josephe Salbancke a bill of adventure & suppl : 240 o o To John ffryer a bill of adventure & supplies 240 o o ' To W'" Wastell a bill of adventure and supplies 240 o o " To Humfrie Handford a bill of adventure & supplies 240 o o To W"" ffysher a bill of adventure & supplies 240 o o To Henrie Robinson a bill of adventure & supplies 240 o o 22 Febr: 1600. To Humfrie Robinson a bill of adventure & suppt. 240 o o 22 July 1 60 1. To W'" Harrison a bill of adven- ture & supplies 240 o o To John Greenewood a bill of adventure & supplies 240 o o • To John Humfrey a bill of adventure & supplies 240 o o t To Humfrey Smithe a bill of adventure & supplies 240 o o To Roger Die a bill of adventure & supplies 240 o o To W"" Cater a bill of adventure and supplies 240 o o To fFrauncys Taylor a bill of adventure & sup: 240 o o To John Combe a bill of adventure Sc supplies To W™ Palmer a bill of adventure & suppl : To John Highlorde a bill of adventure & supt : 23 July 1 601. To Rol5te Ducy a bill of adven- ture Sc supplies To Henrie Butler a bill of adventure [and supp'.] To Jeremie Davers a bill of adventure &c To W'" Allen a bill of adventure &c 240 240 240 240 200 200 200 rUE EAST INDIA COMPANY 261 23 July 1601. To Thomas Heyes a bill of li. s. d. adventure &c 200 O O To W"" Palmer a bill of adventure &c 200 o o To W'" Starkye a bill of adventure &c 200 o o To Thomas Marshe a bill of adventure &c 200 o o To Raphe Allen a bill of adventure &c 200 o o 14 August 1601. To Richard Chamberleyn a bill of adventure &c. 240 o To Richard Champion a bill of adventure &c 240 o o To Robt Chamberleiii a bill of adventure &c 240 o o To George Chamberleiu a bill of adventure &c. 240 o o To Frauncis Evington a bill of adventure &c. 240 o o To John Morrice a bill of adventure &c 240 o o " 28 August 1 601. To Richard Stap a bill of ad- venture &c 800 o o^» To John Jackson a bill of adventure &c 240 o o To William Kellett a bill of adventure &c 240 o O* 9 October 1601. To Rol5te Robinson a bill of adventure &c 240 o o To John Wattf a bill of adventure &c 240 o o To Xpofer Cletherow^e a bill of adventure &c 240 o o * 7 November 1601. To Hugh Hamersley a bill of adventure &c 240 o o 1 19 November. To Eliz Moseley Widowe a bill of adventure 240 o o xxvij"' of January 1601. To George Dorrington a bill of adventure & supplies &c 240 O o To Nic. Salter a bill of adventure and supplyes &c 240 o o » To Richard Wragge a bill of adventure & supplies &c 240 O • John Wragge a bill of adventure & supplyes Sec 240 o o • To Wiltm Jennyngf a bill of adventure and supplyes &c 240 o o To Richard Gosson a bill of adventure & supplyes &c 240 o 262 THE COURr RECORDS OF 1 7"" of February 1601. Leonard Holiday Atd a li. s. d. bill of adventure and supp : Sec 1440 o o xxvj"' of February 1600. Roger Style facto"^ a bill of adventure 40 o o 2 of March 1 60 1. Erie of Cumberland a bill of adventure Countesse of Cumberland a bill of adventure Ric Persons a bill of adventure x**' of March 1601. To M' Leonard Holiday Aid a bill of adventure of ccxxx'' assigned to him by Therle of Cumberland xxvj"' of Apirill 1602. To M^ Aid Moore a bill of adventure & supp : To Xpofer NichoU^ a bill of adventure and supp 240 500 50 200 230 480 THE EAST INDIA COMPANT 263 [Memoranda on the fly leaves at the end of the volume.] The 10*^ daie of August 1603. A Comittie or Meeting of M"" [P] Thomas Bramlye deputie M"" Wiftm Chambers M"" Pawle Banninge M"^ Hughe Hamerslye HEIS Comitties have thought good to entertaine into their s'^rvice Elias Bradshawe for the consideracon of tenne poundes for the yeare to be imployed in the busines of the East India company as they shall thincke good. HEREAS ther is a viage preparing to the Est Indies ^ warraunt ° '^ ^ =" .to take vp sett forthe by certen merchantes the preparation carpenters. whereof requireth much expedition to be vsed in Shipw^rightf and ship carpenters w'^'' viage her ma"' doeth favor The names of such as have psented themselues to bee employed as fFacto" in this voyadg : — W™ Gar way Rott Chambleyn W"" Skidmore Ro^t Rickman The Carnation of Colchester M"^ Jo. Thurston bound from Lo". to Colchester, bouyed vpon an Anker belonging to the Scourge, owner Stephen Johnes. names of shipf. Red Dragon Hector Assencon Suzan men 180 100 80 80 tonnag 600 300 260 240 state of the adventure 68373" besidf the charge of the northwest. tonnage State of the Adventure number of men in every ship 440 z64 THE EAST INDIA COMPANY [Guift sent cast out] Guift sent out w*'' victualf and see thought she was cast oft* at sea afterward^ . Humfrey Robinson bound in for Tho. Yermouth Tho. Yermouth to Humfrey Robinson 1 60 — — 500 — — Tho Yer worth. 350 — — LETTERS. To y*^ Ambassd' M"" Lyllo resident at Constantynople. HONORABLE, wee re** y-^Zs.Lre: oftheiy of November 99, wherbie it appeareth that the Graundsignior hathRoially graunted all caputu- lations, saving the consulage of forestecrs wherin his redines of assent also appeared but that yo" were crossed by the Frenche Ambassad"", of whose pro- ceading^ besides the ad vyse w'*" yo" wrote vs and \of\ [wch] whereof m"" Coltherst did in lyke sorte advertyse vs [in the said conten] touching yd' cross'tnge ^«^ contention for the [said] said foresteers. wee were made acquainted by [JVl"" Secretary] S'' Roit. Cycill.by occasion of a complaint w'^ the frenche ambassad'^ lieges heer had made to her ma"" and wee were required to write vnto yo" as by order from her ma'^ to desist all contention [for ye] w*'' the frenche [for] in that behaulf leaving the dutche and others to ther owne election to patronize them selfes [as] wher they seemed best [aft'ection] affected w^'out vrging or compelling them by comaundem*^ procured, of w'^*' order geaven vs yo' [weare] L. hath bene ptelie advertysed [since] by a private Lre written yo" byM"" Stap. But forasmuch as wee do collecte by the cowrse yo" [purpose] take in sending- hether [G""] signi/f Paull Pinder to her ma'? to acquainte her highnes w"' the pro- ceadin^ of the frenche that ther [is] hathe bene some further and more indirecte working^ in this matter then yo" do [comitt to] mencon in yo"" Lres sent to vs and for that wee do observe by the ernest solicitinfi^ of the cause heer to her ma'*" that the M M 1599 Marche. 266 THE COURr RECORDS OF '599 ffrench \\tz.v^x!c{\omitteth [noe] no meanes or oportunety [omitted] Marche, ^^ prevaile in the obteyning' his purpose. The matter being* both an bono'' and a benifite to [w"''] that side or part wch [soever] prevaileth in the contention [wee thinke it.] And albeit we are willed to ftgnefie to your Lordsh' it is her ma" pleasure that yo"^ shuld take no course to enforce the dutche or other ffore steers to come vnder yo^ consulage^ yet wee thinke it wys- dome not to loose anie advauntage, but to reserve the cause in equal] termes vntill yo" receave a more absolute order in Coinission yiiiediatlie from her ma'^ and therfore referre o" selfes to yo'^ L. approved care of the cause w'''^ being entred in to so farre as it is vi^ould not be remisselie lost or lett [passe] pas. And touching the accomptes and other pticlers by yo'' L. menconed to be sent by Signior Paull Pinder vi^ee hope wee shall receave them at his coming whereof wee will wryte yo"' o"" [conceiptes] opinions as oportunety shall pmitt. the meane tyme wee propounde vnto yo"" L. [for] in the name of the geytalyty the accepting of o"" former motion wch is the allowaunce of 3000 cheskeens to begynne from m"" Bartons decease for y" defraying of yo^ charges and expences because the companie would gladlie stande vppon a certenty of ther charge as well for yo"" L as for Mr. Coltherste the Consull at Aleppo wherto wee have [found] heretofore found him inclynable. And wee move yo" againe the rather for that yt appereth the graund signio" allowaunce is nowe aunswered and is lyke to be contynued w"'out stay or question and also for that divers of yo"" frendes here did [not only] vndertake in yo"" behaulfe that ye choice of you [beinge chosen] that [behaulfe yo"" enter- teynment] for her ma"^^ ambassador should not only be a saving co''se to the comp. but that yo" would willingly accept [therof] of the allowaunce of 3000 c"* w'^*' was supposed to be more then yo" [could well expend] neade to expende but only in respecte of the first yeres charge vppon w''*' it was considered that yo" shuld have it allowed yo" from m"" Bartons death. Our care to avoide the sending [question vse] of Billes of ex- chaun^ made vppon vs Qas] ether for venice [and here in] or for THE EAST INDIA COMPANY 267 England; and also all question of accepting the same, when 1599 they come vppon vs vnexpected and wee vnprovided hzth moved vs to charge ail o"" goodes. coming to Constantynople and Aleppo besides ther consulage w"* | doller by way of lone vppon every kersey every C' of tynn and every C"' of dry skynes to he aun- swered here atv'vj^ the doller and to contynue the charge thereof ior the supporting of bothe yo'"allowaunces because [wee] wee would be loth yo" shuld seelce further of, for yo" necessary and convenient supplies then the places of yo' residences or neare thervnto. And wee doubt not but the said consulage and Lone together w*"^ suche forestere consulage as shall occurre will liberally w"* an ouerplus support [the needfull] yo*^ nedefuU and convenient expense, w''' said allowaunce 0/^3000 (f" p ann yf it please yo^ to accepti shalbe from tyme to tyme aunswerd yo" by the Consull of Aleppo or soe much thereof as shall make vp the consulage and Lone money collected at Constantynople to ryse to the said [some] some of -^000 c"\ Another motive that hath drawen vs in to y*^ taking of this course of a sett and standyn^ charge is some trowbles that bathe happened vs of late by reason of a demaunde made by A'P John Bate to her md}"^ privy Counsull for the paym' of v^'' by a bill of exchaunge sent by M"^ Barton vppon the late L Ther"^ for soe muche pretended by [him] the said Bate to be taken [vp vppon m"" Bates {a.cf]at Constantynople [vppon his^from his factor violently by col(f of her mc^*' comission [to serve his turne to] to serve the ambassadors tvrne to goe w"" the graund signio"^ in to the Hun- garia warres^ [w""" demaunde] vppon w*^*" wee were convented before ther bono" divers tymes and required to take some course to see him contented because as they affirmed m'' Barton was placed ambassador by o"^ mediation, [^and of w] and for the protection of o"^ trade of whose service ther honours alledged her ma'^ had no vse, but wee [examyning the the wee] lokinge into the manner of the growing- of the debt founde that the greatest part of the said v'^'' grewe vppon an accoumpte betwene the said m"" Barton and m"" Bate and that only 400 Cheskeens was taken vp by comaundem' [whereof] wherein \j\ixt^divers others besides M' Bate were interessted [but] \jet'\ in conclusion i6g THE COURT RECORDS OF '599 Marche. wee [have absolutely] absolutelie denyed to pay anie part of the said v'^'' because the Bill came not vppon the companie, and also because ther are other bilies of like kinde w'^'^ the said m*^ Barton gave to other pticter men for divers great somes of money that would be required to be p*^ by vs yf we shuld pay m"^ Bates. QBut of this matter] Of w''' proceading before the Counsel! wee doe the rather geave you a tast, because vppon o"" deniall [m"" Bate] to geave satisfaccon. [he seemeth] Mr Bate seemeth to [have a] depend vppon some course or meane to recover his debt in Turky ether vppon Peter Gallaunt or John Saundersan who deliuered the money or els by some other [meanes] extra- ordinarie coursew'^^^ is doubted by some may concerne the companie or [preiudice] touche her ma'® in bono' whereof we pray yo"" L. have a care and to observe that ther be noe indirecte dealinge geaven way vnto no"" [wee] her ma'*" or the companie touched ether in damage or reputation by [[defaulted anie default or neglecte of the cause. Wee do verie well allowe of yo"" L course taken fo' the satisfaction of the dragoman, and do thanke yo" for yo"" care in the prevention of his coming hether and for all other yo"^ care- full and painefull offices done for the good of the Companie w*^*" wee pray yo' Lo. contynue. [For anie other speciall Other] For anie other speciall or pticter matter we have not at this tyme further to inlarge vnto accepte o/.] yo"" L. Other then [th] onlie this main and principall point w"" w'^'' wee of purpose reserve for a conclusion [conclude w'^'' is for the better y"^ L. better remembring thereof] which is this, that it hath bene moved both by yo' frendes and others that wee shuld geave y"" L. this frendlie note (w'"'' to yo" modest disposition and tractable nature is thought to be sufficient) to have a care that the bono"" of y*" place doe not carry you into the erro" of -f predecess' . to deale in thinges imptinent to y'' imploym' \_place'\ nor that yo" \_or move yo^ to carrie soe highe a course to~] beare yo^ selfe aloft in so highe a course as that o" people seeme to be despised by yo^ L. \and\ Nether that the authorytie of yo'^ commission be extended or stretched to the cotnaun- dinge of any mans goodes further then for yo'' necefsarie supplie [It ivas •undertaken he shuld THE EAST INDIA COMPANY 269 according to our actes and ordenaunces [and contracts'] and according 1 599 to y' meanes w'^^ shalhe apointed by vs for the aunswering ofy^ Marche. allowaunce agreablew''' [the] 0^ contracts made to her ma'^ or hyagreem* made betweneyo^ andvs [too farre too farre into excessive expence for that the charge therof is to be borne by vs that are rfJchaunt^ •who have bene reproved and for pmitting some of o"^ Ambassad"^* to rune into suche insolent co'ses of [ryott] excesse and ryot as they have done and have not in tyme acquainted suche of her ma'" counseill as might have repressed the extremyty thereof and for y* wee have not taken good securyty for ther better carriage and behavio' of ther place.] The exceading of w'^'' Limites by m"^ Barton was imputed vnto vs by the LI. of the Counseill as o"" fault for that wee [for that wee] had not taken good securyty for him for his conteyninge him self w*4n some reasonable boundes [Limitf ] Thus not doubt- ing' of y'" L care both of yo"" owne hono"^ and of that dewe regarde w''*' is to be had of vs who are willing to beare all reasonable charge that may conveniently be required to support the same wee comitt yo' [and] Lordship and the direction of yo"" affaires to God. London this day of Marche 1599 Yo"^ L. loving frendes. More in the seconde Leafe following in the B. side of the leafe. These being kepte vntill the of marche. 99 we add for further advyse to y"^ L. touching the obteyning of foresteers, that wee were [certefyed] required by m"^ Secretary that excepte ther were the like course taken w"' the frenche ambassad"^ at Constantynople to restraine him from vsing of any meanes by /)rofttr/«^or/«'yzV/H^[forcyblevrging] the Dutcheand other nations foresteers to come vnder his protection that yo" shuld not neade togezve way [to yo"" pre] or forbeare any {lawfully reasonable [anie meanes] course to procure them to come vnder yo"" protection, and wee do not heare of any [course] order that hath bene taken to restraine the frenche ambassado"" yo'' competito"^ therfore o"" advyse is that you geave him no advauntage but wee leaue yo" to yo"" owne wysdome and discretion to proceade [prevaile] therin [as yo*^ caii best] by the best meanes yo" can devyse to prevayle in yo'^ purpose Wee send yo" here [in] inclosed the copies of o"' 270 THE COURT RECORDS OF 1 599 severall actes of court vnder the hande or fyrme of o*" secretary ^^'^ *■ concerning' the Lone of f dollar vppon a kersy, C of tynn, C of cony skins &c to thende that yf anie fact"^ for any of the Company shall ether deny or delay [to satisfie] to pforme o"" order therin^ or in the payment of consulage that you may sease ther goodes and levy the sommes thervppon dewe by o"" orders. And otherwyse proceade w"" them for their contempte of o"" actes []as shall stande w*'' good discretion] and the aucthoryty of yo'' place as [is] shall stande w"" good discretion. And so as before we comytt yo"*^ L. to the tuytion of the most highest. London the of marche/ To y' Wo: m"" Richard Colthurst Consull for y' Right Wo. Companie of the Levant merchauntf . p o"" hartie comendacons premysed &c ; yo"" last of the 29th of September w"' [th] yo"" former therin recyted we have rec^ And wher yo" seeme discoraged [by] to accepte of a'certen allowaunceyra/w the companie to bearg yo"" charge in Aleppo \of consulage'] according to the offer made yo" of the 4 Consulage w"'' discorage?n* groweth as yd" alledge by reason of the Dutches ther discoverie of the East Indies. Wee see not [cause] anie reason whie that shuld be any iust discoragem' or cause to move yd" to chaunge yo^ former opinion for that wee o"" selfes whom the care of o' trade concerneth more then this [pticler contracte] pticler contracte may concerne you are noe way doubtfuU of anie preiudice that can [growe] spedelie growe vnto vs by ther discoverie for ther are manie impediment^ that may hinder [a trade of soe] ther voiages of soe longe [and great] courses and greatadventures. and may move thedutche m'^chauntf rather to frequent a knowen and peaceable trade in Turkey then hassard the daunger of Seas and enemyes of soe longe a circuite and infestious clymates. [And besides] Nether it is o' intention [is not] to tye yo" to any inconvenience but for o"^ better satis- faction iii mainteynin^ a knowen charge, wee wishe yo" to Marche. THE EAST INDIA COMPANY 471 accepte of it for a yere or too or so longe as yo" shall finde yo" 1599 may frugallie handle the matter for yo"" owne good and o"" [benefites] ease bothe w'^^*' wee wishe to concurre or els wee would be loth to move yo" therto. Wee rather incyte yo" [heretofore] to this course for that wee doubt not but the Am- bassado"^ will accepte of a sett allowaunce for y'' defraying o/'his charges at Constantynople. to w'^'' [ende] effecte wee have written him. And to thende that botha competent and convenient main- tenanc* may be levied to defray both his ««^yo'' charges wee have ordered by acte of Courte that all shippes that coine for [y' Aleppo] Allexandretta Constantynople or other the portes of Turkey besides ther consulage shall by ther goodes contynue the Lone of i doller vppon a kersy and the like of every C of Tynn cony skines ^c. returning* /or the somes lent [by] hilles ^exchaung^ at vs [iiij] vj** the doller. w'''' consulage and Lones together w*'' the helpe of the consulage of foresteers, we doubte not but the same wyll defray [all] bothe yo"" severall charges w"' an overplus, and wee have geaven order to y^ said ambassado"^ to make over vnto yo" his billes [of exchaunge] for 3000 c"* yerelie. or for so much as together w"' his receipts of consulage and Lone at Consta: shall make vp 3000 ch/"' whereof we pray yo" see him supplied. The vncertenty of his paiments and accepta- tion of his billes at venice besides, the repaiment of those billes by exchaung* here coming many tymes vnseasonably to y* Company when wee [they] were vnprouided hath moved vs to take order for the bearing' of o'^ charge w'hin the compas of the places of o"^ trade or chiefest residence. Touching the envyous and violent courses taken by the frenche ambassad"". for the obteynin^^ of the dutche foresteers besydes the advyse w*^'' wee re'^ both from [yo" and] \_M'' Lello the jimbassad^'\ the Ambassador and from yo"^ self wee [founde] haddsome notice [and] [experience] heer, for the frenche ambas- sad"" Liedges in London [being therein instructed] by order and instruccons from the fFrenche king, had made a great com- plainte to her Ma'^ against her highenes Ambassado' at Con- stantynople and by his [importunety] complaint soe farre pre- vayled w"' her Ma'* that her highnes gave order to vs by nf 272 THE COURT RECORDS OF 1599 Secretaries appointem to wryte to [the Ambass] M'' Lyllo that ^^■^"^ '^' he shuld noe further contend for the said forresteersbut to leave everie foresteer nation to ther owne voluntarie choice what [con- sul!] protection they would ^rr^/)/ ^/"ether Englishe or ffrenche. but notw"'standing for asmuche as to prevaile in the obteyning* of these foresteers is not onlie honorable considering^ the con- tention had therabout but alsoe profitable wee have written to y* Ambassado"^ to preserve the cawse in equall termes. w^ut preiudice vntill it shall appeare what further cowrse her ma'* will directe vppon information brought over by Signio" PauU Pynder [by] whom [the] M'^Lyllo sendeth over [over] of purpose to acquainte her Ma"' with his proceadinges, and because yo*" [travell] favor w"^ the Bashawe may make muche to the obteyning the dutche consulage, wee pray yo" vse all reason- able and fitt meanes to effecte the same or to pserve the state of the cawse w"'out preiudice vntill her Ma'*"' pleasure be knowen. and yo" further thereof advysed. We pray you contynue yo"^ care to discouer and prevent the privie traffique of o"" facto"^^ to Marcelles. and to all other places vppon frenche shippes or otherwyse whereof yd^ have re^ any suspition by any report or other probable presumption and yf yo" shall finde any ground of suche practyses we desire you to take suche a cowrse therin as yo" shall finde expedient, for the best prevention of suche mischiefes is to stay ther begynninges wherin wee doubt not yo' [discretion and] good and discreete care. For the matters written vnto you out of percia concerning S' Anthony Shurley and his proceadinges. Wee concurre w*'' yo" in opinion therein expecting littJe good of ther event wishing them better successe then wee [have looke for therin] by anie proba- bylyty cann hitherto coniecture. wee sende you here inclosed the copie of o"^ severall actes of Court [wherin wee] wherby wee have contynued the Lone of i doJIer vppon o' goodes firmed vnder the hand of o"^ Secretery. Not doubting but the same being well executed. All necessarie [supplies for] charge and disbursementf will by this meanes and by the consulage largely be supplied. And thus having no other occasion to THE EAST INDIA COMPANY 273 inlarge further at this tyme wee comitt you to god. London 1599 this of marche 1599. m w To o"" verie Lovinge frend m"" John Saunderson.. merchaunt [at] resident at Constantynople. Per le exchaunge. [FTER o"" verie hartie comendacions wee have re"* yo"" Lres of the 17 November [p the ] w**" yo"" former therin related and touching yo'' opinion of o"" tolleration of the dutche for ther peaceable traffique in Turkey wee concurre w"" you and hold it fitt to enterteyne them kindelie. [wherby] to thend wee might receave benefite by ther consulage, but as yo" have had some experience of the frenche Ambassado"^ his opposition against ther cominge vnder o"" Con- sullage, soe hathe it appeared here by complaint made to her ma'^ oy the frenche Ambassado" Hedges [hee] bowe they take to hart the obteyning* of the dutche nation vnder [them] ther Am- bassado"" in Turkey wherfore vntill [S'] Signio'' Paull Finder hath bene heer and that her ma'' hath bene made acquainted w*'' all proceadinges Wee knowe not what corse to advyse therein. Yo'' care of the supplyinge the provision and wantes of M"" Lyllo her ma'« Ambassad' wee can not but take in verie thankefuU part and think [o'' sel] the Companie beholdinge to yo" therein and for firme and sufficient order to be geaven yo" for his furnishing" according as is fitt wee [have] are also careful! yet do wee not see what other [rnore] or [firmer] or better cowrse wee can take therein then by geii'all consent and order of Court to agree [vppon a course] to charge o' goodes [beinge vnder his aucthoritie and comaund] comyng into Turkey ether to ■Constantinople Alexandretta or eh wher to beare suche a levie as wee by our consent have imposed vppon them, and howsoever some wilfuU and vnbrideled yonge heddes have for some other respectes shewed their stomakes yet the order in it self is both firme and verie sufficient to [releve] afForthe suche [meanes of N N S74 T^E COURT RECORDS OF 1599 supplie] [_the suche] payments as therby wee intended, and noe Marche. cloubt vppon better [considered^ consideration of the matter wilbe so accepted and obeyed by those who haue most hotly opposed them selfes against it. Wee resolving vppon all good and ready meanes to supply his L. accordinge to agreem'do finde none soe apte as the contynu- aunce of the Lone of {- doUer vppon everie kersye, every C"' of Tynn and C"' of Cony skins, that come into Turkey together w"' the consulage of the same goodes. And therfore have ordered that the same Lone shalbe contynued and rep'' here againe by exchaunge at [iiij*] v' v'f the doller. vntyll the com- panie shall vppon further consideration otherwyse advyse. and to that ende wee have written to his L. to make his billes [by exchaung] vppon the consuU at Aleppo for the payment of so much as w'''the receipts at Consta : shall make vp 3000 c"^ ^ annJ as his occasions shall [move him] nedefully irnport him not doubting' but the same together w"" the graund signio"" his allowaunce (the contynuaunce whereof we nothing^ doubt) will very lyberally defray his expences. to y^ contynuaunce of w^'' course of chardging o"" goodes wee were the rather induced to avoyde[th] bothe yo' and the ambassado'f trowble in seeking credite to supplie his occasions. As touchinge the disposing of the Galata house wherin yo" depende vppon o"^ order wee [are of] wee thinke it fytt to be sold and made away to the best comoditie and advauntage. And wee wishe the same to be done yf it might be w"^out bestowing anie further chardge thervppon, but yf yo" thinke the Ruynes thereof being not in some sorte repaired would hinder vs more in the sale theri. [some small charge the forbearing of] a matter of some small charg thervppon bestowed would amount vnto wee referre vs to yo'' good consideration [therin and leave it v/ho doe] to take suche course therein as yo" shall thinke may best advaunce the [o'] sale still holding it for o'' full resolution that the same [is] shalbe sold away, a secietery. And wher yo" write that the Ambassado"" is credito'' to the Company looo ch"^ when the accoumptes are come to o' handes and wee see howe the same doeth ryse wee shall god willing geave his L. satis facon. THE EAST INDIA COMPANY 2/5 Wee have considered of yo'' motion for allowaunce fofl for '599 ^ '- -■ Marche. yo'' paines in the collecting of the consulage and Lone money. and have agreed to allow yo" fyve vppon the lOOO of all theailow- moneys by yo" collected according* to o" orders praying you to ^""" 3° y| accepte thereof in good part and for yo"" better warraunt for the puicliase. collection of the lone money wee sende yo" herew*'' the copie of o"^ severall actes contynued for the [collection] levyinge thereof firmed vnder the hande of o"" secretary. This being* kepte vntill the of marche 99 [and] wee vppon further consideration of the disposing of the gallata howse do chang o'' former opinion touching the sale of the same, and do pray yo" [to] carefully to consider of the necessarie wantes of repacons thereof, and to supplie the same as frugallie and carefully as yo" can, and then to lett out the same for the most advauntage and benefite that it may reasonably make by yerelie rent to suche of the co?npa}iy as shall neade it bothe for the "discharge of the Rent w'''' we pay and the benefyte of the com- pany by the overplus of the Rent that it may yeld. Reteyninge the same still in the. companies handes for that [may] many of vs are of opinion that ther may [may] be vse of the same howse bothe for the company in general! and for the*" factors in pticter in respecte whereof the sale of the same is altogether to be [respected] forborne. Thus having not at this tyme any further cause to inlarge, we comit yo" to god London this [of] of Marche 1599. Y"" loving frends. To my very lovinge frend M"" Byddell preacher [preacher] at Aleppo. Since I was chosen to the place of the Governo'" of the Companie I re'* a Ire from yo" directed to the generaltie w'''' I publyshed at a generall Courte and the same being read [to the gerJalyty] the company have \jhey have'] according to yo"" desire [[they have] agreed that what money soever shall fall out dewe vnto you besides that w''' yo" have re'' shall be aunswered to m' Cockes after the rate of 50" ^ 276 THE COURT RECORDS OF 1599 Marclie. ann! according to y* Agreement betweene the Companie and yo" and yo' wages to begynne at Micfias 1598 and that money w'*" y"" have a/ready re'' to be rated vnto yo" at v* the doller. And touching the money impresed vnto you w'^'' W2.s x''. albeit the same was entended by the Company to be only lent to supply yo^ neceessarie provision and to be [and] discoumpted vppon y"" wages yet for yo"^ better incoragem' and comforte in y"" charge they are content freely to bestowe it vppon yo" as [a g] iher guift and gratuyty besides y"" enterteynment agreed vppon. Not doubting but [that] according to the good opinion they have conceaved of yo" and the good report they heare of yo" hetherto yo" will contyneue and proceade in yo' charge both [to] in the instruccon of o"" people [and in the repr] in knowledg of Reli- gyon and in reproving' and rebuking^ whatsoeuer yd" shall ether see or be dewly informed of to [be] deserve reproof or [admonis] admonition And soe comendin^ yo" and yo"" charge [to god] to ahnightie god w*'' my harty comendacons I conclude for this tyme. London this of Marche 1599- Y' Loving frende/ 1599 10 Marche. FTER our hartie commendacons. [yo" shall receave] wee sende yo" by this ship the Exchaunge the pticters of all the goodes laden in her for the companie as /i?^ same are j^appereth by] collected Cff [the notes'] taken out of the cockettf and thentries in the Custome Howse w'^'' wee pray yo" to compare w"' the goodes discharged [in above] and yf yo" shall finde any more then are pticlerly [entred] herein noted they goe w^ut warraunt or assent of the Companie [Saving only wee have graunted to M"^ Aid" Hollyday part owner of the said ex- chaung^for his part of the shippesstocke licence toshiptoballettf of 24 kersers] Soe as what soever shalbe founde above the [said] same pticters before menconed [and above the Invoice here- with to you sent and inclosed] wee wishe yo" to sease it to the Companies vse reteyning the one half of the valewe to [yo"" self] the vse of the company and the other half betweene the 7HE EAST INDIA COMPANY 277 Consul! and y"^ self [whereof and thereof also to geave vs advyse] 1599 geaving vs advyse what yo° finde soe shipped contrarie to order '° ^'^'^ *' We are further to lett yo" vnderstande that divers of theCompanie vppon the viewe of yo' invoices sent vs do averre that yo" do not Carrie an equall course therin and therfore wishe that you shuld be admonished to beare an [equall] even hande in the generall ser- vice of the Companie that no man have cause to charge yo" w'*' partiall dealing^ hereafter it shall suffice that we note vnto yo" this erro' founde hoping yo" wilbe more carefull to avoide the like hereafter. You complaine that the mariners denie to bringe the goodes from the shippes to the magasine. and wishe vs to take some co'se to binde them therto. It appeareth by ther chartre ptie that they are to bring the goodes in to the magasine, and that is much as wee can tye them to doe [by chre partie] for anie further helpe for the stowin^^ of [them] the goodes being brought in that yo" would require of them We doubt not but vppon well intreating of them or some small gratification geaven them they will not refuse to pforme you anie resonable [helpe wherin yo" are] labo"" therin [w'"' is] w*"'' is to be drawen from them by kinde vsage. You shall receave according to y*^ desire 2 lanternes w"^'' wee haue sent by this ship, further we have not at this tyme to enlarge but conclude with this note of remem- braunce that yo" do certenlie and at large certefie vs from tyme to tyme by the shippes what yo" receave from hence or other- wyse brought in to Scanderona and what yo" ship from thence re- specting noe man w"' affection, but equally expressing aithinges according to the Trueth and so bidd yo" hartely farewell. London this loth of marche 1599 To the right honorable the LL. and others her ma'" most honorable priuy Counsellers. sIGHT hi. yo"" late suppliauntf the iflchauntf trading the Seignorie of Venice whose shippes were arrested for restitution o/'the late prise taken by En- glishe men of warre [do] having re*^ newe advyse from venice 278 THE COURT RECORDS OF [that sentence is geaven ther] that the arrest not only contynueth but is senten[sed]r(? Henshawe, .£300, p.2; Mr. Hen- Addersley, \ shaw will pay, 63 ; bill of ad- venture sealed, ;^24o, p. 251. Admiral, tertn as applied to the principal ship, " 7 lie Ked Dragon," 136. Admiral, see Lord Admiral. Admiralty, Court of, damage done by the anchor of the Red Dragon, 128. Admiralty, Sergeant of the, 141. Adventures, \ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ j^^j.^ ^^ Adventurers, ) List of, and amounts sub.scribed, 1-4 ; no ship or commodities to be received as portions of adventures, 6 ; factors and officers to be elected by a general assembly, 6 ; adventures to be paid in two instalments ; not less than .£200 admitted ; levj- of i2d. per .£100 for petty e.xpenses, 7 ; directors chosen with power to use the help of any adventurer when required; 12 ; order for adventure money to be brought in by the end of September, 1600, 15 ; the venture proves larger than expected, 27 ; probable withdrawal of many adventurers if gentlemen are employed, 28 ; no one to be refused who will adventure ;^20o until £sS->°°° is reached, 45 ; instructions for per- sons in the West Country desiring to adven- ture, 53-4 ; delay in bringing in adventure money, 60 ; adventurers attempting to with- draw to be certified to the Privy Council, 61 ; those in arrears to answer before the Privy Council, 62 ; names of persons wishing to withdraw, and their reasons, 62 ; names of those in arrears who promise to pay, 63 ; Robert Cobbe in arrears deposits security of bonds, 67 ; every mariner to receive two months' pay in adventures as his stock, 70 ; the amount of adventure given to the factors, 81 ; persons who refuse to pay to be called on for their reasons, that some course may be taken before engrossing the patent, 85 ; ar- rears to be paid in a week and defaulters to be held chargeable for damage, 93 ; com- mittee to audit the treasurer's accounts in view of an increase of the general adventure if necessary-, 107; adventurers not mentioned in the patent to be deemed equally as free as those named, log ; their names to be pre- sented at the next court and then confirmed as freemen, no ; the adventure subscribed falls short i^4,ooo or .1^5,000 of what is neces- sarj' considering the great preparations of the Dutch ; but as some have not paid and others will not pay as much as at first sub- scribed, the total falls short eight or nine thousand pounds of what is necessaiy to "make a good voyage;" deliberations to supply this want ; levy of 2.S. in the £ on all adventures agreed to ; if the amount be raised by voluntary increase of stock the overplus of the levy to be proportionately restored ; complaint to be made to the Privy Council of all who have disappointed the preparation of the voyage by their default, no : the levy to be paid in six days on pain of forfeiture of double the value, but all those voluntarily increasing their stock to be exempt from the levy. III ; committee to wait on the Privy Council with complaint of the defaulters, III ; order in council for the defaulters to pay at once on pain of imprisonment, 112-3 ; the levy of 25. in the £ confirmed, 113; every adventurer to have a bill of adventure under the common seal of the company, 113; committee to go to the Court with list of de- faulters, &c., 115 ; an act touching the pay- 286 INDEX Adventurers, continued. merit of the supplies of 2i. in the {^ and penalties for default, 137-8 ; two forms of bills of adventure read, 144-6 ; bills of adven- ture sealed, 152, &c., see Bills of Adventure ; the state of the adventure on March 6, 1600, showing the amount not yet brought in, 156 ; order for a new supply of 2^. in the £ with penalties by reduction of stock in default, 160-1 ; ;{J9,ooo set down not yet brought in, 160 ; Earl Cumberland assigns ^200 stock to William Beerblock, 161; Mr. Megges's adven- ture in arrears, 162 ; order in council touch- ing the adventures in arrears and ordering all defaulters to appear and be punished for contempt, 165 ; warrant for the summoning of those who have not paid, 169-70; list of defaulters, 170; defaulters committed, 170-1 ; John Bate assigns to John Jackson, 174; William Smyth refused his freedom for ;^io5 and ordered to pay up the balance, 174 ; Mr. Hamersley and Mr. Milward bring in their adventures, 175 ; Mr. Dent named in the patent desiring to assign, is referred to a general court, 175 ; his assignment allowed, 177 ; bills of adventure to be delivered to all who have paid up in full, and td. to be paid for the same, 175 ; Richard Tailby agrees to pay .^73 ds. Sd. to Mr. Atye, and ^100 to the Muscovia Co. in part of his adventure, 176 ; the liability for the supplies due on Earl Cumberland's assigned stock, 177 ; all those in arrears to be prosecuted, 178 ; certain de- faulters disfranchised, 178 ; John Ellicott ordered to pay up his supplies, 181 ; Robert Bayly assigns ^200 stock to Sir John Spencer for ^180, and Sir John to nominate a freeman, 181 ; voluntary levy of i-zd. in the £ for the North West voyage, and when to be paid, 183 ; Mr. Governor to peruse the charter to see if power is given to enforce payments for the North West voyage or a second voyage by the Cape. 183 ; a book to be sent round for adventurers to subscribe for the North West voyage at i-id. in the £ on their original stock, 185 : Nathaniel Martin disfranchised, and John Morice made free in his place, 185 ; a second voyage by the Cape resolved on, adventure not less than ;£ioo, 186 ; a book to be sent round for the free- men to subscribe, 187 ; Joseph Jackson made free on the nomination of Sir John Spencer, 1S7 {see 181) ; deliberations with the Mus- covia Co. as to the respective rights to dis- cover and use the North West Passage, 187-9, see North West Passage; adventure sub- scribed for the second Cape voyage insuffi- cient(;^ii,cioo), i8g; the book sent round again by men able to persuade and encourage the brethren to adventure, 190 ; Xpofer Cletherow disfranchised and Robert Bowyer admitted in his place, 190 ; stock of Clement Moseley deceased to be assigned to his wife on pay- ment of ;^2o supplies in arrears, 193 ; ^230 stock assigned to ISIr. Holliday by Earl Cum- berland, 197 : dislike to the transportation of coin out of the country, 198 ; hopes of ob- viating this by the discovery of a North West passage, 198-9 ; laws and ordinances for general business and for the proposed voyage to the North West, showing amount of ad- venture to be raised, &c., &c. , 198-202, see East India Co. ; William Nel.son admitted a freeman on paying £1^0 and ;{^3o premium. 205 ; committee to persuade those who have not done so to pay their contributions for the North West voyage, 205 ; state of the North West voyage, and steps taken to encourage adventures by making every man's contri- butions become part of his original stock for the Cape voyage, and to bear profit accord- ingly, 206-8, see East India Co. ; auditors appointed to ascertain the state of the North West adventure that further supplies may be called up and some course taken with de- faulters, 217-8 ; day appointed for payment of voluntary supplies for the North West voyage ; the rateable and voluntary supplies to be endorsed on the bills of adventure, and new bills made out shewing in one sum what is each man's interest in the voyage by the Cape, 220 (see 206-8) ; the book-keeper to enter up each adventurer's credits in a lump sum, 224 ; Mr. Holliday and others being in arrears with supplies for the North West voyage, it is ordered that the sums be defaulted from their stock for the voyage by the Cape, 231 (see 200 and 207) ; the book-keeper to charge up the accounts of all brethren debtors to the Co. that the amounts due may be defaulted on their stock if not paid before the return of the ships, 233 ; Stephen Hodson pays up ^10 supplies. 235 ; the governor and deputy em- powered to appoint any adventurer to perform any service which general business requireth, 249 ; list of bills of adventure sealed, with their dates and amounts, 250, see also Bills of Adventure ; the state of the adventure, 263. Ady ) John, delay with timber at Woolwich, Adye ( 46; warrant ;{[ioo for timber, 114; committee to determine the reckoning for timber, 155 ; the account referred to arbitra- tion, 173. Africa, coast of, route to the East Indies by the Cape, 211. Agreements, with Captain Davis, 37 ; with Captain Waymouth for the North West voy- age, 211-4, 217 ; with John CartwTight, preacher, for the North West voyage, 216. Albany, William, made free though not named in the patent, 177 ; bill of adventure sealed, ^240, p. 258. Aldermen adventurers, see Nicholas Mosley; Paul Bannyng ; Leonard Holliday ; Richard Goddard : John Moore ; Edward Hoimden ; Robarte Hampson ; Robarte Lee ; Thomas Cambell ; John Swinerton ; John Wattes. Aldeworth \ Richard, adventurer, ^£200, p. 2 ; Aldworth f assembly, 4. Aleppo, Mr. Colthurst, consul, 265, see Colt- hurst ; levy on certain goods entering, to support consuls' allowance, 267 ; letter of instructions to Mr. Colthurst, 270-2, see Company of Levant merchants ; letter to Mr. B3-ddell, preacher, 275-6, see Company of Levant mcrcliants. Alexandretta, lev-y on certain goods entering, to maintain the charges of ambassador and consuls, 271, 273. Allabaster, Thomas, assemblies, 22, 31, 39, 66, 77, 78, 80, 88 ; committees, 12, 26, 28, 32, 40, 58, 71, 72, 73, 77, 91, 124 ; general committee or directors, 63, 179 : appointed accountant, 25 : respecting the accounts, 41 ; order to provide moneys at Calais, 41 ; do. at Calais and Rouen, 58 ; warrant jJsoo for royals, 68 ; do. .£500, p. 82 ; do. ^^500, p. 91 ; do. ;^5oo, p. 95 ; do. £100, p. 106; the convey- ance of bullion from Calais, 84 ; commission INDEX 287 Allabaster, Thomas, continued. for the provision of royals continued, 91 ; order to provide no more royals. 102 ; several warrants entered, iii ; receives Norrom- borough ware, 138 ; bill of adventure sealed, £240, p. 256. Allen, Gregorie ; bill of adventure sealed, £,-2^0, p. 258. Allen, Raphe : bill of adventure with William Starkey, £,\, sealed, 149 ; bill of adventure ;£2oo, sealed, 261. Allen, William, tnercer, adventurer with Richard Barrett, ;{[ 200, p. 3 ; bill of adventure sealed, ;£2oo, p. 149 ; made free, though not named in the patent, 177 ; bill of adventure sealed, ;£2oo, p. 260. Allom, William, lighterman, order to be paid ^10 for lighterage, 173. Allyn, George, admitted as an extra factor, 102. AUj-n, William, see Alien. Altham, Mr., reads draft of the patent, 25. Ambassadors, see also Company of Levant tnerchants ; letters from the Levant Co., to Mr. Lyllo, English ambassador at Constan- nople, 265, 2S2 ; rivalry with the French am- bassador as to consulage, &c., 265-6, 269, 271-2; Mr Lyllo's allowance, 266-7, 271 ; t^^ late Mr. Barton was placed ambassador at the request of the Levant Co., 267 ; credit sup- plied to Mr. Lyllo by Mr. Saunderson, 273, 279. America, see also hortk West Passage; the objects of the attempt to discover a North West Passage through some part of America, 198, 199 ; the North West Passage supposed to lead to " Cataya or China or ye backside of America," 212 ; Captain George Way- mouth's confidence in the discovery of a passage to the South seas by divers inlets that treat through the coast of America, 233. AmounLs of original adventures and names, 1-4; total, 4. Anchors, damage done to a ship by the anchor of the " Scourge," 125, 128 ; warrant, .£30 10^., for two for the " Hector," 151 ; left behind, 159 ; for the " Discovery," 210. Ancients, streamers and flags ordered, 108, 149. Aney s, Henry, see A nnis. Angell, William, assembly, 59 ; warrant, £^0, for fish, 92 ; to clear accounts with Mr. Holli- day, 127 ; to bring in his account, 159 ; Bill of adventure sealed ,£240, p. 250. Angells, coin, 106. Annis, Henry, nominated factor, 77 ; recom- mended by the Lord Treasurer to be em- ployed, 85. Anthonie, Charles, order to be paid £2g los. for stamps for the East India money, 174. Anys, see Annis. Apsome, a place recommended for the purchase of bisket, 48 ; do. cider, 49. Aquavitae, 3^ tonne of caske required for, 30; quantity for each ship, 35 ; committee to pro- vide, 75 ; do. caske, 76 ; warrant £g6 Ss. for 482 gallons at 4^'., p. 107 ; do. ,£30, p. 143 ; committee to provide for the North West voyage, 209. Arbitration, price of the " Mare Scourge," 32 ; Mr. Adye's account for timber, 173; Way- mouth's demands for charges, &c. referred, 340. Archbishop of Canterburj', Privy Council; order m council, 164. Archer, Henry, assembly, 60 ; bill of adventure sealed, ij240, p. 259. Armitage, Samuel, assembly, 59 ; bill of adven- ture sealed, .^^240, p. 252. Arms of the Company assigned by the king of heralds, 171. Assention, ship, tonnage, 260 ; 80 men ; Roger Hankin, master; William ^x3.TiA, principal factor; Edward Highlord, /wrifr; Christo- pher Newchurch, surgeon ; Thomas Salterne, secotid factor ; Roger Style, tliird factor ; Phillip \^\r\c^^zom!a, fourth factor. Viewed, 13 ; surveyors appointed, 14 ; inventory, 16, 22 ; William Leake, purser, guaranteed by Mr. Garway, 33 ; rated 80 men, tonnage 260, 34 ; aqua\Ttae, 35 ; warrant 100 markes on account of repairs, 57 ; to be manned with 80 men, 72 ; warrant ;£2oo on account of prepara- tions, 85 ; the nnmber of carpenters, caulkers, gunners, stewards, cooks, surgeons and bar- bers to be employed, 89-90 ; warrant .£100 for her provision, 91 ; William Brund to sail as a principal factor, 94 ; ballast, 97 ; warrant £■20 to Christopher Newchurch, surgeon, for furnishing his medicine chest, 98 ; warrant £100 for repairs and preparations, 99 ; officers appointed, 100 ; factors appointed, loi ; warrant .£100 for smithery, 104 ; do. £\oo to Mr. Garway, 105 ; do. £ioa for tim- ber, 114; do. ;£i5o towards repairs, 114; warrant to Robert Rickman, .£133 ds. Sd., in full payment of his 6th part of the ship, 115 ; do. .£333 6^^. 8d. to William Skidmore, in full of his si-xApart, 117; committee to provide •Stores, 117 ; warrant .£150 to William Leake for men's wages, 117; the amount of new and Spanish money apportioned to be carried and how packed, 122 ; warrant ;£ioo to the purser for necessaries, 126 ; do. .£100 to Mr. Garway for her provision, 140 ; do. ;£5o for clearing away, 144 ; list of presents carried, 151 ; warrant ;£ioo for wages and clearing away, 154 ; do. ;£i6i 13.J. id. for nails and iron work, 157 ; do. £6 los. for porterage and lading, 158 ; ship's boat at Blackwall ordered to be sold, 159; warrant ^42 15J. for canvas, 168 ; do. .£22 4^. for chaundler's pro- visions, 169; do. ;£i6 16s. lid. for timber, &c., 180 : letters from Roger Style, factor, and Edward Highlord, purser, brought home by a Frenchman, 242 ; letters sent to the West Country to the factors and officers, saying the merchants of Plymouth and Dartmouth have been instructed to attend to the sick and give credit for the use of the ship : orders not to break bulk or make sale of anything belong- ing to the general adventure, 243 : arrival in the river, 243 ; warehouses suitable for the receipt of goods, 244-5 • several committees to attend on board in turns whilst unloadmg, 245-6 ; no mariner or other person to carry anything from the ship "unless it be visited," on pain of detention of wages, 245 ; Mr. Style and the purser to attend on board till ship is discharged, 246 ; tithes due to the Lord Admiral for a prize taken, 246-7 ; bags to be made for the pepper, also suits without pockets for the porters employed, 247 ; entry to be made at the Custom House and list of goods, 247 ; warrant £s to Mr. Midleton for riding with the first report of the return, 247 ; Mr. Governor and Mr. Eldred give bond for the customs due to the king, 247 ; war- rant £6 for pilotage into the river, 248 ; the customs amount to ;i9i7 and Mr. Cambell INDEX Assention, ooniini:cd. and Mr. Eldred to be indemnified Tor their bonds given for payment of the same, 248 ; money to be tal 13^. ^d. for ballast, 121. Bandicott, Austyn, butcher ; warrant XJ44 los. for pork, 208. Baning, • - (■• Banninge, ) Bannyng, Andrew, assembly, 60 ; warrant /213 6.?. ?,d. for oil, in; bill of adventure sealed, .£240, p. 254. Bannyng, Paul, Alderman, adventurer ;£i,ooo, p. I ; assemblies, 4, 14, 20, 22, 26, 27, 28, 31, 33. 37. 39. 44. 45, 4^. 47. 56. 57. S8. 64, 65, 67, 68, 69, 71, 73, 74, 76, 78, 79, 80, 82, 91, 107, 109, 113, 119, 121, 122, 123, 125, 128, 167, 168, 170, 171, 172, 175, 176, 183, 248; com- mittees, 12, 26, 31, 37, 38, 40, 57, 58, 63, 67, 68, 7i,_ 72, 73, 75, 76, 77, 80, 99, 114, 234 ; committees, per his coachman, Robert Bar- ker, 245, 246 ; warrants p.-tid as treasurer, see warrants ; views ships, 13 ; sells the " Susan " on certain terms, 13 ; surveyor for the " Susan," 14 ; to treat for the " Cheru- bim," 15; guarantees Joseph Salmon as purser of the " Susan," 33 ; compounds for iron, 41 ; bills from the West Country, 50 ; signature to West Country commissions, 52, 54> 55 ; letter respecting Spanish money, 66 ; a mast for the " Hector," 71 ; to buy !'"&. 75 _; to buy oatmeal, 75 ; sale of the "Susan" made absolute, 120; required to pay ^200 set down for Jeffrey Kerby, 126 ; entreated to raise .^1,500 with Alderman HoUiday on their credits, 146 ; to render accounts, 156 ; to be called on to bring in his account, 159; to be indemnified for the ;^i,5oo raised atinterest, 161 ; to deliver bills of adventure to alF adventurers and to re- ceive 6d. for each for the secretary, 175 ; the supplies due on ^570 stock assigned to him by Earl Cumberland, 177 : general committee and sworn, 179 : order to be paid £4 js. $d. for disbursements, 203 ; requested to give his bond with Mr. Wattes for ^1,000 a.s security for money to be raised at interest on the re- turn of the " Assention," 249. Barbar ) Thomas, warrants for canvas ;^2oo. Barber ) p. 114 ; .£100, p. 163 ; ;^2oo, p. 167 ; -£309. P- 172 ; ;£i43, p- 220; bill of adventure ;^240, p. 254. Barbers, one to be carried in each ship, 90. Barbor, George, warrant ;^27 5^. od. for sails for the " Susan," 167. Barbor, Thomas, see Barbar. Baricoes (eight dozen iron hooped required, Baricos f 30 ; committee to provide, 76 ; do. for the North West Voyage, 209. Barker, Edward, bill of aa venture sealed, .£300, p. 252. Barker, Frauncis, assembly, 60 ; bill of adven- ture sealed, ;^240, p. 252. Barker, Robert, Alderman Bannyng s coach- man, committees, 245, 246. Barkham, Edward, bill of adventure sealed, £7.40, 257. Barks for the North West Voyage, see ships, pin- naces, also ^.' Godspeed" and ^'Discovery." Barley, Robert, adventurer with Thomas Haies and Mathew Hamond, ;^3oo, p. 3. Barme, Francis, elected one of the principal factors, 81. Barmesly, see Barnesley. Barnes, Bartholomew, adventurer with Row- land Backhouse and Edward Barnes, ;^400, p. 3 ; bill of adventure sealed, £240, p. 254. Barnes, Edw.ird, adventurer with Rowland Backhouse and Bartholomew Barnes, .1^^400, P- 3- , Barnes. Francis, nominated factor, 77. INDEX 289 Barnes, The I.ady, her house nominated as a suitable warehouse for goods brought home in the Assention, 245. Barnesley, Nicholas, grocer, adventurer, ^150, p. 2 ; assembly, 60 ; bill of adventure sealed, £iHo, p. 254. Barrell, William, adventurer with Walter Porter, £400, p. 4 ; warrant to bring in his adventure at once, 170. Barrels, see Casks. Barrett, Richard, adventurer with William Allen, £100, p. 3 ; bill of adventure sealed, £240, p. 257. Barrett, William, see Barrell. Barrey, Gyles, bill of exchange, £,^o, p. 104. Barrjcods, see Baricoes. Barton, Mr., late ambassador at Constanti- nople, 266 ; his bills of exchange on the Levant Co. in favour of !\Ir. Bate repudiated, and the accounts investigated, 267 ; ap- pointed ambassador at the Levant Company's request, 267 ; remarks on his conduct, 269. Bashaw of Turkey, 272. Basse, Humfrey, assemblies, 226, 238, 242, 244, 247 : auditor, 218 ; general commitree and sworn, 226 ; bill of adventure sealed, £11,0, p. 252. Bate, John, assemblies, 24, 31, 37, 39, 59 ; committee, 12 ; views ships, 13 ; signature to West Country commission, 52 ; declines toad- venture and reason why, 62 ; warrant to bring in his adventure at once, 170: commitment warrant for non payment, T71 ; disfranchised and John Jackson admitted in his place, 174 ; bills of exchange drawn on the Levant Co. in his favour by Mr. Barton, repudiated, 267 ; the accounts investigated, 267 ; proposed course to recover his money, 268. Bateman, Robert, adventurer with Thomas and Robert Midleton, ;^5oo, p. 2 ; assembly, 59 ; committee, 243 ; bill of adventure sealed, £ii,o, p. 255. Baylie (^ Robert, ? see Barley ; assigns his .1^200 Bayly ( adventure to Sir John Spencer for A180, p. 181 ; bill of adventure sealed, £0.3,0, p. 259. Baysalt, 209, 219. Beadle of the company, see Thfvtas Eveitseti, salary ^10, augmented to £\2, p. 204 ; re- appointed, 226. Beale, Richard, assembly, 60. Beamish, Julinus, appointed accountant, 25. Beans, 50 quarters required, 29 ; 30 tonne of dry caske required, 30; 20 quarters to be bought, 33 ; estimate of quantity and price, 34 ; price in the West Country" to be a.scer- tained, 49 ; 30 quarters ordered, 65 ; Lord Treasurer's warrant for the provision of peas and beans and transport from Cambridge and Norfolk, 66; committee to provide, 75 ; do. caske for, 76 ; warrant ;^ioo for peas and beans, 82 ; do. ^100. p. 96 Beare, Mr., to be conferred with as one of the chief masters, 90. Beddle, Mr., see Bydiiell. Beef, 26 ; 30 tonne of caske (hogsheads) re- quired, 30 ; estimate of quantity and price, 34 ; committee for ordering, 68, 75 ; do. caske, 70 ; 120 o.\en to be provided for making salt meat, 114 ; committee to provide for the North West voyage, 209 ; warrant £ix\ 5.f. for beef and pork for the North West voyage, 214 ; order for the sale of beef brought back from the North West voyage, 230. P P Beer, 26; 170 tonne of caslce (pipes) required, 30 ; estiinate of quantity and price, 34 ; a barrel a day allowed to the workmen on the "Mare Scourge" to prevent their running from their work to the alehou^^e, 40 ; 240 tuns of beer ordered, 67 ; committee to pro- vide, 75 ; do. caske ; warrant ^15 qs. for 59 barrels for the " Scourge," 154 ; [do. i^2ooon account], 155 ; do. £y)Q, p. 171 ; do. £y) 2s. i,d., 193; committee to provide for the North West voyage, 209 ; warrant .1^120 3^^., 221 ; beer brought back from the North West voyage to be sold, 230. Beeri.lock, William, GoldsiiiHh ; ;^200 stock assigned to him by Earl Cumberland, r6i ; increases his adventure to ^250, 162. Beeston, Hughe, mortgagee of land belonging to Mr. Erodebent, Master of the " Red Dra- gon,'' 128. Btll, Richard, bill of adventure sealed, £■2^0, P- 253- Bell, Robarte, adventurer with John Potter, ;^2oo, p. 3 ; assemblies, 5, 59, 64, 65, 67, 68, 78, 79, 80, 82, S3, 85, 89, 92, 93, 94, 95, 107, 108, 117, 118, T23, 125, 127, 139, 144, 168, 170, 175 ; committees, 67, 75, 76, 79, 86, 147, 191 ; surveyor of the " Mare Scourge," 33 ; General committee, 63 ; buys meal, 90 ; warrant ^90 icy. for paper, 126 ; buys pewter, 129 ; , warrant ^13 3^. ■zd. for wharfage, &c., 203 ; auditor, 218 ; bill of adventure sealed, £2/^0, p. 258. Bennett, George, Salter; desires to become adventurer in lieu of Francis Dent, 175 ; the assignment assented to, 177 ; committee, 245 ; bill of adventure sealed, ^{^240, p. 257. Bennett, Widow Elizabeth, warrant iCioo for iron, 119 ; do. £go for nails, &c., 172. Billett, Thomas, of Poole, Isill of exchange, C-ioo, p. 129. Bills of Adventure, see also Adventures, Every adventurer to have a bill under the com- mon seal, 113 : Philip Grove to have a bill for the composition made with him, 139 ; two forms of bills read for factors and adventurers, 144-6; bills of adventure sealed, i4«, 149, 150, 152, 153, 159, 250-262 ; bills to be deli- vered to all who have cleared accounts and 6rf. each to be charged for the Secretary, 175 ; the contributions for the North West voyage to be endorsed on the bills, 207 ; new bills to be made out in a lump sum, 224. Bills of exchange, see }Va7raii.ts, instructions (or drawing, &c., 50, 53 ; the Levant Co.'s desire to avoiil bills from the ambassador at Constantinople, 266-7, 271 ; the trouble growing out of the bills drawn by the late I\Ir. Barton, 2J7-8 ; Mr. Saunderson's bills accepted, 2S0. VA^VvXX., sec Bread, the provision of in the West Country, 21. Eiskett bas, p. 251. Bostocke, Thomas, adventurer with John Ramridge, ;{j2oo, p. 3 ; assembly, 5 ; sur- veyor for the " Assention," 14 ; bill of adven- ture sealed, £,2^0, p. 255. Boules, George, see Bo^vles. Bover, James, warrant ^24 igi. for spectacles, &c., 155. Bowdeler, Richard, appointed auditor, 166; made free, though not named in the patent, 177 ; bill of adventure sealed, ^240, p. 259. Bowden, John, warrant £^0 for sails, 168. Bowen, John, warrant £(> for rent of Founder's Hall for the Company's meetings, 227. Bowles, George, assemblie.-, 226, 227, 229, 230, 231, 232, 233, 235, 236, 241, 242, 244, 247, 248, 249 ; committees, 247, 1^4^ : warrant £^(> z.-js. fir Curraunce, i6fi ; general committee and sworn, 225 ; bill of adventure sealed, ^300, p. 256. Bowles. Thomas, warrant to be paid £},o on a bill of e.xchange, 69. Bowrne, Thomas, see Boarne. Bowyer, Robert, warrant to bring in his adven- ture at once, 170; commitment warrant for non payment, 171 ; disfranchised, and Chris- topher Cletherow admitted in his place, ;£240, p. 190. Bradbanck, William, see Brodebent. Bradburs'. Robert, warrant Xi86 15^. i,d. for sails, 168. Bradley, — , warrant £(> 13J. ^d. for ballast, 121. Bradshawe, Elias, employed at ^10 a year, 263. Bramley, Thomas, assemblies, 240, 241, 244, 247, 248, 249 ; elected Deputy Governor, 239 ; committee, 245 ; bill of adventure sealed, £ia,o, p. 252. Brand, William, see Brnnde. Branding iron for the shipping mark, 107. Branskom, John, warrant 46^. %d. for wages in the North West voyage, 234. Brasiers ; John Maxfield, 164. Brass pots, 222. Bread and biskett, estimate to be drawn up, 26 ; to be bought at Dartmouth and Plymouth, 29 ; estimate of quantity and price, 34 ; re- vised estimate, 46, ^4-5 ; quantity to be bought in the West Country, 41, 52 ; quality, and how to be packed, 48 ; bakers to guaran- tee bread to keep sweet two years, 51 ; quantity ordered to carry the ships to the West Country, 67 ; committee to provide in London, 75 ; order for no more to be bought, 88 ; warrant £'^0, p. 157 ; do. ;^45 10.S. wd. p. 167 ; committee to provide for the North West voyage, 209 ; warrant £(x), p. 215 ; do. ;^4i 8j., p. 222. Breeches, 1^8, 208. Brende, William, see Brnnde. Brett, William, warrant £\(> ids. iid. for tim- ber, 180. B( Abraham Campion, rewers, 1 a .u • t-> o- 1 > ' ( Antnonie Duneilae. Bridgehouse, 89. Bridgeman, Henrye, leatherseller, adventurer, i^2oo, p. 4 ; assembly, 59 ; bill of adventure, sealed, ^^240, p. 252. Bridgewater, 73. Brimstone, 142. Broadbent, see Brodebent. Brocke, see Brooke. Brodebent, William, Master 0/ the "Red Dragon," a fit man to take charge in the voyage, 44 ; appointed to sail in the " Mare -Scourge," 90, 100; order to be paid ;£ioo on account, 104 ; is lent i^ioc on mortgage, 128 ; bill of adventure sealed in special terms, 153 ; repaj'ment of his mortgage, 153. Brooke, Roberte, adventurer with Augustine Skynner and Thomas Westray, ;f 300, p. 3 ; bill of adventure sealed, .£240, p. 259. Broun, see Browne. Browne and Co., order to supply cordage, pitch, tar, &c., 121. Browne and Co., Richard, adventurers, £s, p. 3 ; assembly, 5 ; committees, 245, 246. INDEX Z91 Brunde, William, nominated factor, 77 ; elected factor of the second sort, 82 ; will not accept as second factor, 93 ; chosen as a principal factor and nominated to the "' Assention," 94, 100; warrant ^100 for his provision to sea, 125 ; commission to take chief command in the event of deaths of Captains Lancaster and Middleton, 135 ; bill of adventure sealed, ;^2oo, p. 150. Buck I Robert, assembly, 60 ; bill of adventure Bucke I sealed, ^240, p. 253. Buckhurst, T., see Lord Treasurer. Bullion, see Coin. Burde, Mr., assembly, 30. Burford in the County of Oxon, 193. Burrage, William, confirmed as boaiswain of the " Mare Scourge," 33. Burrell, Richarde, adventurer, ;{^2oo, p. 3 ; bill of adventure sealed, .^240, p. 259. Burrell, William, assemblies, 20, 22, 26, 27, 29, 3°> 31. 39. 46, 59' 99- 156, 158, 167, 204, 214, 241 ; committees, 27, 155 ; surveyor for the " Hector," 14; general surveyor, 21 ; to provide timber, 21 ; warrant to take up carpeiiters and shipwrights, 40 ; n jminates sail makers, 40 ; order for timber, 46 ; warrant ^ 100 for timber, 47 ; order to take men Irom the " Susan " to finish the " Mare Scourge," 56 ; warrant ^^200 for timber, 65; order to see the ships " sy- mented vppon thcr sheething " before leaving dock, 69 ; order to use a mast for the "' Hec- tor," 71 ; warrant ;{[2oo on account of the shipping, 74 ; do. £100, p. 85 ; order for tim- ber, 89 ; warrant .;^8o for timber, 92 ; do- ^100, p. 104; do. ^100 for boats, &c., 115 ; to settle accounts with Mr. Wiseman, 127; warrant ;£ioo on account, 157 ;to sell the " Assentioii's" boat, 159 ; to gather together in a warehouse all stores left behind, 159 ; to be called on for his account, 159 ; to enquire into jNIr. Adye's account for timber, 173 ; order to be paid j^is for his pains in the provision of timber, &c., 181 ; all pursers to deliver him their bills to receive allowance, 215 ; agrees with Widiam Hedgeron the price of a boat for the " Disco- ver>'," 223 ; bill of adventure sealed, .£240, P- 257. Busbridge, see Buzbridge. Busby, see Buzbic. Bushea, a fit place to buy cider, 49. Batchers ! ^"f.'.y" I^a"dicott, 208. ( Wilham Kussell, 214. Butler, Henry, made free though not named in the patent, 177 ; bill of adventure sealed, ;{^200, p. 260. Butter, estimateof quantity and price, 35 ; com- mittee to provide, 75 ; do. for the North West voyage, 209 ; warrant, £,ii, is., p. 125 ; do., ;£6t 5.y. 9, p. 171 ; do. X.39 2i-. ^d., p. 193 ; do. ^120 3J., p. 221. Canary wine, see Wine. Candell, Francis, painter, warrant, £y:> for painting the "Red Dragon," 157; do £^?,, p. 172. Candish, William, warrant, £xso for lead, 105 ; do. ^49, p. 143. Candishe, Captain, 72. Candler, George, bill of adventure sealed, £11,0, V- 255- Candler, Richard, recommends Thomas Wasse as a factor, 56. Candles, ivax and ordinary, estimate of quan- tity and price, 35 ; committee to provide, 76 ; do., for tne North West voyage, 209 ; war- rant, ^200, p. 104 ; do. £'66, p. 142 ; do. ^,92 i&s. for candles, butter, powder, &c., for the -North West voyage, 219. Candyshe, iCe Candish. Cannons, 159. Canterbury, 278. Canvas, warrants, ^200, p. 114; do. ;tioo, p. 1O3 ; do. ^42 15.S., p. 164 ; do. ^200, p. 167 ; do. £'ioo, p. 172 ; do. £x^^, p. 220. Cai'ijTige, George, adventurer with William Paule, .£300, p. 2. Cape of Bona Speransa, 182, 183, 186, 191, ig8, 199, 203, 204, 207, 211, 220, 224, 239. Captains, see also Masters, Thomas Baker, John Uavies, Captain Candishe, James Lan- caster, John Middleton, George Wayniouth. 29Z INDEX " Carnation," ship of Colchester, 263. Carpenters, see aisn SJiipwrights, sec Edivard Stephens, Niclwtas Syiiionds, 14, 27; warrant by the Lord Treasurer for taking up carpen- ters, 40, 263 ; number to be employed in each ship, 89 ; to be hired by Mr. Kurrell and their wages agreed on, 89 ; conmiittee to provide stores, 117; masts overcharged, 121, 157; committee to ajree on disputed prices of tim- ber, 124 ; Adam Wood, i63, &c. ; Nicholas Symonson, 172, &c. ; wanant ^So for wages for work on the ships for the North West Passage voyage, 206. Carrell, Robert, auditor, 218; bill of adventure sealed, ^240, p. 259. Carriages, '! trucks, 163, 221. Carriage Makers, John Hedland, 163 ; George Gryce, 22 r. Carter, Richard, adventurer with Sir Stephen Soame, ;£4oo, p. 1. Cariwright, Jotm, preacher, see also North West Passage a>id H aynwutk, engaged for the North West Passage voyage, 216; his salary contingent on the discovery of the pas- sage, 216 ; his return and delivery of Captain Waymouth's Journal to the Governor, 228 ; can give no other particulars of the voyage, 228 ; accused of persuading Captain Way- mouth to return and abandon the voyage, 232 ; ordered to give up the gown and apparel delivered to him to be used if the voyage had reached China, 232. Cason, John, assembly,' 60 ; bill of adventure sealec, ^240, p. 256. Cassalia Wine, 209. Cashiers ordered to be repaid their losses in re- ceiving and disbursing moneys, 227. Cask, Caske, committee to provide and quan- tity required, 30 ; warrant XJ200, p. 41 ; do. ^100, p. 92 ; the supply in the West Country to be ascertained, 49 ; warrant ^100, p. 104 ; shipping mark, 107; warrant, £i'& i6s. ^d., p. 143; do. £(>i, p. 146; do. 2^57 15^-. P- 147; do. £ifi iQ.s., £ig \6s., and £-^6 igs., p. 148 ; do. .^3 i5i-., p. 172 ; do. £yi us. Sd., p. 218. Cassocks, 138, 208. Castle Soap ordered, 107. ? Castile. Cataia ( Proposed trade by the North West Cataya i Passage if discovered, 199 ; supposed destination of the voyage if the passage is discovered, 212 ; Captain Waymouth to have ^500 if he arrive at any port in Cataia, sec aho Cassccks, Gowns, Breechci. Clothes, ) ' ' Committee to provide, 31 ; quantity to be sent out as merchandise with description and price, 36 ; warrant ^ 19 6j. 3^/. for chests for cloth, iiS ; do. ^12 Sjt. dd. for cloth work done, 159 ; proposed trade with China and Cataia by tlie North West Passage if dis- covered, 199; warrant ^150, p. 215 ; do. ^20 for mariner's clothes, 218 ; suits witliout pockets to be made for the porters employed to fill bags of pepper, 247. Clothworkers, see John Jackson, Joseph Jack- son, John Morice, Nicholas Pearde, Ed- •warde Collins. Cloves, estimate of quantity and price, 35 ; quantity ordered and committee to provide, 75; quantity brought home by the " Assen- tion "and entered at the Custom House, 247, Coals, sea coals for the North West Passage voyage, 210. Cobbc, Robert, being behind with his adventure, offers security of bonds, 67 ; bill of adventure sealed ^240, p. 253. Cockain, Richard and Co., adventurers ;{; 3,000, p. 2. Cockein, Richard, assembly, 4. Cockes, Mr., touching the salary of Mr. Byddell, /rf«t/ifr at Aleppo, 275. Cockes, Richard, grocer, adventurer .£200, p. 2 ; assemblies, 4, 5, 59 ; bill of adventure sealed ;£24o, p. 259. Cockes, Kobarte, see Coxc. Cockeyn, ^ William, assemblies, 4, 7, 10 ; di- Cockiii, * rector, 6 ; committee, 8. Coghill, John, adventurer with Henrye Parke- hurste, .^200, p. 3. Coin, see also Moticy ; petition to the Privy Council for leave to send out foreign money and CO coin more in the mint when required, 8 ; petition to carry 5 ml. weigiit of bullion without charge, 10 ; warrant solicited to coin ' ;^5,oot)in the Tower, 78 ; committee to provide ;t's,ooo of bullion for coining, 80; Mr. Alla- baster commissioned to convey bullion from Calais, 84 ; Lord Treasurer solicited for ;£3, 000 bullion in the Tower, 87 ; order to coin £20 additional to be distributed to the lords and others, 114; respecting the ;^ 6, 000 coining in the Tov/er, 120 ; mislike to the transporta- tion of treasure out of the country, 198. Cokes, see Cockes. Colchester, 263. Cole, Elkana, nominated factor, 77. Coles, Mr., warrant ;£2oo ou Bill of Exchange, 57- Coles, George, assembly, 60 ; bill of adventure sealed ;^240, p. 253. Colles, Jjhn, warrant ^100 on Bill of Exchange, 88 ; do., ^'40, p. 104. Colletton, fit place to buy cider, 49. Collimore, Richard, nominated factor, 77 ; Roger Style appointed to take his place, 105. Collins, Edwarde, cloihworker, adventurer, ;^2oo, p. 2 ; assembly, 4, Coithurst, Richard, consul at Aleppo ; advices respecting the diiTerences between the French and English ambassadors at Constantinople, 265 ; as to a fixed saiarj', 266 ; letters ot in- structions from the company of Levant Mer- chants, 270-2, 278-g, 2'^3 ; see Company, li'c. Combes, }j°h">^^^'^'""'"^''- Commis^ions, see also Comtnittees ; for the provision of victuals in the West Country, 28 ; Captain Baker's commission to buy vic- tuals, &c., 38, 40 ; do. read and signed, 41 ; do. lull copy, 47-52 ; to Mr. Allabaster's ser- vant to take up royals at Calais, 41 ; West Country commission altered, 46 ; to Captain Davies to provide victuals, lic, in the West Countrj', 52 ; to various committees for the provision of victuals, 77 ; to Mr. Allabaster to convey bullion from Calais, 84 ; to Captain Lancaster as chief in command of the voyage, and others in succession, viz. : power to cor- rect offences ; pena'ties for private trade ; ships t J 'be searched for private merchandise ; penalties for deceit and fraud ; instructions for leaving resident factors in the Indies ; instructions for the devolving of the chief command in case of death, itc, 132-7 ; to Mr. Howe and Mr. Combe to go into the West Country to attend the discharge of the ships, 147, see 140 ; four commissions for the factors in succe.ssion, 153 ; to Captain Way- mo.itn to bring his .ships returned from the North West Voyage round to London from Dartmouth, 227-8 ; for the sale of the goods brought home in the " Assention," 249. Committees, fur the direction of the voyage generally, also to make suit to the Queen for sole privilege and for immunities from Cus- toms and other favours, 6 ; to solicit the 294- INDEX Committees, coriti/iiied. Lords of the Council with a petition for privilege, &c., 8 ; to seek for ships, 8 ; to solicit the Lords of the Council for an answer to the petition, g ; to solicit the Lords of the Council for further favours, &c., lo ; for the preparation and business of the voyage with power to use the help of any adventurer in any employment requiring the same, i2 ; to inspect the ships at \Voolwich and Deptford, 13 ; to request the use of the docks at Wool- wich and Deptford, 13 ; surveyors for the ships " Hector," " Assention,"and " Susan," 14 ; for the provision of victuals and dollars in the West Country, 21 ; to find pinnaces in the river fit for the voyage, 22 ; to consider the estimate of victuals for the voyage, 26 ; to consider what merchandise is suitable to be shipped, 26; to survey the ship "Mare Scourge," 27, 33 : to prc-pare a commission for the provision of victuals, &c., 28 ; to pro- vide casks, 30 ; to provide clothes and ker- sies, 31 ; to arbitrate on the price of the "Mare Scourge," 32 ; to act as feoffees in trust for the ships bought, 32 ; to buy beans and mustard-seed, 33, 65 ; to compound with Captain Davies for the voyage, 37 ; to com- pound with Peter Francis, a native of Por- tugal, 38 ; to watch the preparation of the "Mare Scourge," 39; to act as remem- brancer and in some sort prepare the business for the general committee, 40 ; to choose and appoint masters and mariners, 57 ; to treat with Captain Lancaster for taking chief com- mand, 58, 66, 71, 73 ; general committee of 24 as mentioned in the patent, 63 ; to pur- chase biskett to carry the ships to the West Country, 67 ; to purchase beer, 67 ; to pur- chase cider, 68 ; to provide beef and pork, 68 ; to compound with Roger Hankin, Ulastcy l^Iariner, 69, 70 ; to revievv' the estimate of victuals and the progress of the victualling, 72 ; several committees to purchase various kinds of provisions, &c., 75-6 ; to agree with Captain Middleton for the voyage, 77, 90; to solicit the Lord Treasurer's warrant for coin- ing ^5,000 in the Tower, and for providing bullion for the same ; also to finish the pa- tent ; also to solicit the Lord Treasurer's warrant to transport provisions in the West Country, 78 ; to order small merchandise — knives, glasses, &c., 79 ; to provide lead and tin, 79 ; to provide £^,o of bullion, 80 ; to buy Spanish meal taken prize by Lord Wil- loughby's ship, 86 ; to hire and compound with a master and officers, 87 ; to solicit the Lord Treasurer for ;f3,ooo bullion in the Tower, 87 ; to confer with Mr. Beare to be one of the four chief irasters, 90 ; to confer with Henry Napper as to his employment, 94 ; to confer touching letters to Potentates in the East to be solicited from the Queen, 91 ; to set down all names to be mentioned in the patent, 91 ; to audit tlie accounts of the pursers, 99 ; to audit the accounts of the treasurers, 107, 156, 166 ; to make complaint at Court against de'au'ting adventurers, iii ; to purchase 120 oxen for making salt beef, 114 ; to go to Court with the names of de- faulting adventurers, also to answer their pe- titions, 115 ; to provide silver plate, 117 ; to provide gunners', stewards', cooks', and car- penters' stores, 117; to enter all goods, pay customs, and make a cargazon of the whole, 118 ; to provide prunes, currants, and raisins, 118 ; to attend to the shipping of the money and victuals in the West Countiy, 120 ; to seal the bargain of sale of the " Susan" at ;£i,6oo, p. 120; to agree with the carpenters on disputed prices of timber, 124 ; to devise orders for the prevention of private trade, 124 ; to confer as to the damage done to a ship by the anchor of the " Scourge," 125 ; to take an inventory of all the furniture of the ships, 125 ; to agree with Captain Middleton, 127 ; several committees to settle accounts with various creditors, 127 ; to see to the dis- charge of the ships from the West Country, 128, 140 ; to wait on Lord Cumberland re- specting the damage done to a ship by the anchor of the " Red Dragon," 128 ; to receive a mortgage from William Brodebent as se- curity for £,\oo loan, 128 ; to entreat a war- rant from the lord Treasurer and Mr. Sec- retary for the removal of the plate and other presents from Mr. (jovernnr's house, 141 ; to see the moneys entered in the Custom House, and waterborne to Gravesend and stowed m the ships, 142 ; to find a small ship to stow provisions and accompany the voyage pait way, 143, 147 ; to audit the accounts of the purser of the " Red Dragon," 147 ; to go to Gravesend to see to the dis "barge of the ships, 147 ; to go to the West Country to see to the discharge of the ships, 147 {see 140) ; to settle disputed accounts for timber with Mr. Ady and other shipwrights, 155 ; to audit the ac- counts of the treasurer's, 156, 166 ; the gene- ral committee, 179 ; to set down the charge for three pinnaces, &c., for a voyage to find the North West Passage, 183 ; to confer with the Muscovia Company as to their rights in the discovery of the North West Passage, if made, 186 ; to expedite the preparation of the North West Passage voyage, and to de- vise laws and ordinances for the guidance of general business, 196-7 ; to prepare the ship- ping, &c., and forward the preparation of the North West Voyage, 202-3 ^ 'o persuade adventurers to bring in contributions for the North West Voyage, 205 ; three committees to provide victuals and other necessaries for the North West Voyage, 214 ; to audit and report on the accounts of the North West Voyage, 217 ; the general committee elected and sworn, 225; to see to the discharge of the ships returned from the North West ^'oy- age, 229 ; to prepare a second voyage to the North West, and to calculate the charges, 234 ; to consider the cost of equipping one vessel, and to confer with Captain Way- mouth, 237 ; to attend to the sale of the ships and stores returned from the North West Vo age, 239 ; to investigate the demands of Captain Waymouth, 240 ; to make choice of merchants in Plymouth. Dartmouth, &c , to be instructed to give credit to the " Assen- tion " on her return, 243 ; several committees to watch in turns the unloading of the '" As- sention," 245-6 ; to buy pollda'.ies and make bags for the pepper, alsosuits without pockets for the porters, 247 ; to see the cellarage and vaults under the Exchange prepared to re- ceive goods, 247, 248 ; to see the goods sent to the warehouse, 248 ; to attend at the ware- house and receive and weigh the goods, 24S. Common Seal of the Company. Ordered, 113 ; reieren-es to, 132, 141, 145, 247, 248, 249, 250 ; the seal of the JMuscovia Company, INDEX 295 Company of Levant INIerchants. Several drafts of letters in the East India Company's Record Book tending to show that the East India Company was partially an outgrowth of the Levant Company, as several persons mentioned appear to have been prominent membersof both companies, notably, Sir Thomas Smith (see 62 and 281), who was governor of both companies, 265-83, 7'iz. :- Letter to Mr. Lyllo, ambassador at Constan- tinople : instructions as to the differences with the French respecting consulage, &c. ; orders to desist from all contention but to lose no advantage ; Signior Paul Pinder sent home to acquaint Her Majesty of the doings of the French ; complaints to the Queen by the French ambassador's lieges in London ; private advices sent by ]\Ir. Staper ; accounts sent home by Signior Paul Pinder; amount of salary offered and how to be provided for ; no bills of exchange to be drawn but a levy to be charged on all goods entering Constantinople and Aleppo to meet the charges of the ambassador and consul ; troubles arising out of bills drawn by the late ambassador Mr. Barton in favour of John Bate and payment refused by the company ; Mr. Bate's proposed course to recover his money ; instructions to preserve the honour and credit of Her Majesty and the company and to avoid the errors of Mr. Barton ; further instructions as to the rivalry with the French as to the Dutch consulage, &c. ; Acts of Court and instructions for enforcing the levy on goods, 265-70. Letter to Mr. Colthurst, consul at Aleppo : he is dissatisfied with the offer of half the consulage, as he fears a falling off of trade on account of the discovery of the East Indies by the Dutch : it is thought the Dutch will prefer peaceable trade in Tur- key to the perils of the East India voyages ; duties to be levied on goods entering Tur- kish ports to maintain his charges and those of the ambassador at Constantinople and thus avoid bills of exchange on Venice ; instructions respecting the rivalry with the French as to Dutch consulage ; orders for the prevention of private trade to Mar- seilles (Marcelles) ; Sir Anthony Shurley's doings in Persia ; Acts of Court for the duties to be levied, 270-2. Letter to John Saunderson, merchant at Cons'antinople : the toleration of the Dutch trade in Turkey ; the French rivalry as to the Dutch consulage, &c. ; Signior Pinder sent home to acquaint the Queen as to the proceedings of the French ; thanks for .supplying the wants of the ambassador ; proposed course for meeting the ambassa- dor's charges in future ; instructions for selling, repairing, or letting the Galata House ; the ambassador creditor for 1,000 cheskeens ; allowance for the collection of consulage, 273-75. Letter 10 Mr. Byddell, preacher at Aleppo : his salary ;^5o per annum ; gratuity of jiCio allowed ; his good character, 275-6. Letter to , factor at Scanderona (7) : invoices sent of the goods shipped in the ' ' Exchange ; " orders to seize all goods not invoiced ; complaints of impartial dealing ; trouble with mariners refusing to carry goods into the magazines ; all goods re- ceived or shipped to be certified to the Company, 276-7. Petition to the Privy Council respecting the Company's ships seized at Venice as resti- tution for the late prize taken by the English men-of-war, 277-8. Letter to Mr. Colthurst, Consul at Aleppo, to attend to the affairs of the late Mr. Ed- ward Rose, factor there, 278-9. Letter to John Saunderson : the ambassador's allowance and steps taken to support it ; the trouble arising out of the action of the English men-of-war in the Straits ; bills of exchange will be paid ; troubles arising through the opposition of parties offering to pay imposts on certain goods to the Queen ; the Company agree to pay ^4,000 per annum to the Queen for a renewal of privi- leges and in lieu of imposts ; Saunderson's demand for increase of salary, 279-81. Letter to Mr. May, ex-preacher at Aleppo, ordering him to come home at once, 281. Letter to the ambassador at Constantinople : the Queen's letter respecting peace with Spain falsified in translation by the French king : the outrages by the English men-of- war in the Levant ; the payment of .j£4,ooo per annum to the Queen in lieu of imposts on wine, oil, &c. ; privileges to be con- firmed, 282. Letter to Mr. Colthurst : as to his allowance ; the payment of ^4,000 per annum to the Queen ; privileges about to be renewed under the great seal ; the outrages by the men-of-war, 283. Compasses, 21S. Comptroller, Mr. (Privy Council). Orders in council, 112, 164. Constantinople. Letters to Mr. Lyllo, English ambassador, 265-70, 2S2, see Company 0/ Levant merchants. Levies on goods enter- ing Constantinople and Aleppo to support the ambassadors and consuls' charges, 267, 270, 271, 273-4 '< letters to John Saunderson, Mer- chant, 273, 279. Consulage. Differences between the French and English ambassadors at Constantinople, 265-6, 269, 271-2, 273, see Company of Levant merchants ; consu.age at Aleppo thought to be affected by the discovery of the East Indies by the Dutch, 270 ; allowance to Mr. Saunderson for collection of consulage, 275 ; Mr. Colthurst s allowance, 283. Consuls. Mr. Richard Colthurst at Aleppo, 265, &c. ; see Colthurst and Aleppo. Cony skins, 27 r, see Skins. Cooks, the number to be employed in each ship, 90 ; committee to provide stores, 117. Coombes, [ J°''"' adventurer, £200, p. 4. Assemblies, 59, 64, 65, 71, 73, 74, 77, 78, 80, 82, 83, 85, 86, 88, 89, 93, 95, 99, 100, 103, 107, 108, 115, 116, 117, i2i, 124, 12S, 140, 142, 143, 144, 148, 170, 172, 173, 176, 227, 229, 231, 232, 236, 238, 244 ; committees, 75, 76, 77, 128, 228, 234 ; general committee, 63 ; buys vinegar, 115; warrant ;^i4 12.?. for vinegar, 116 : warrant .^20 for attending to business in the West Country', 140 ; commission to go into the West Country and see to the dis- charge of the ships, 147 {see 140) ; orders to bring in his West Country accounts, 172 ; presents his account, 173 ; allowed ;£i8 7^. -id. with Mr. Howe for expenses in the country, 296 INDEX Coombes, John, continued. 176 ; appointed auditor, 218 ; general com- mittee and sworn, 225 ; bill of adventure sealed, £2^0, p. 260. Coopers. William Done, 139 ; John Davies, 218 ; John Spencer, 148. Copper vessels, 164, 222. Cordage ordered to be pni-cha?ed of Browne and Co., 121 ; warrant ^180 to Jo'm Lacy for cordage bought of the Muscovia Co., 126 ; bought of the Muscovia Co., 162, 170, 204; warrant .^34 75. loei., p. 222 ; do. ^129 gs., p. 224 ; the cordage returned from the North West voyage to be sold as current prices are high, 241. Cordall, ) Thomas, meirer, adventurer, ;iC3oo, Cordell, J p. 2. Assemblies, 30, 37, 44, 46, 47, 56, 57, 58, 65, 67, 68, 69, 71, 76, 80. 82, 86, 88, 89, 90, 92, 93, 94, 96, 98, 99, 100, 102, 103, 104, io5, 107, 108, 109, 112, 113, 116, 118, 122, 128, 139, 140, 142, 143, 144, 148, 150, 151, 152, 154, 156, 158, 162, 163, 172, 176, 181, 182, 183, 184, 187, 192, 205, 206, 2T5, 217, 219, 227, 237, 242, 244 ; committees, fi, 8, 10, 12, 4", 57. 58, 672, 71,73, 75, 77'-, 872, 90,91,99, 107, 124, 128-, 147-, 155, 106, 183, 191, 197, 203, 209, 234, 237 ; surveyor of the " Mare Scourge," 33 ; appointed adventurer ;^5oo by the Earl of Cumberland, 45 ; signatures to West Country commissions, 54, 55 ; gene- ral committee, 63 ; reports purchase of the " Guift," 147 ; assigned by Air. Brodebent to pay ihe balance of his mortgage, 154 ; audi- tor, i66 ; general committee and sworn, 179 ; signature to treasurers' warrant, 206 ; general committee and sworn, 225. ("■ r ^ John, goldsmith, adventurer, Cornelius I ^?°°' P- 3; assemblies, 5, 59 ; r- I ' 1 bill of adventure sealed, A240, Comelys, ) ^_ ^^^ Cornwall, see Devon and CorninaiL Cotton, Roger ; bill of adventure sealed, £'2^0, p. 259. Cotton, William ; bill of adventure sealed, ;C240, p. 253. Coucheman, John ; bill of adventure sealed, £2^0, p. 251. Council, Lords of the, see Privy Council. Counsels' opinion as to the respective rights of the Muscovia and East India Cos. in the discovery of the North West Passage, if made, 196. Court of Admiralty, 128. Courts, sec General Courts. Covell, Francis, supplies peas, 31 ; beans and mustard seed, 33 ; peas and beans, 65, 66 ; oatmeal, 75 ; warrant, ^100 on accovmt, 82 ; do. ;^ioo, 96 ; do. ^17 ^s. iid., 105 ; do. £22 4.?., 164 ; do. .£22 4^., 169. Covenants, see Bonds. Cowper, John, fiotary, adventurer, ;^2oo, p. 3. Coxe, Robarte, grocer, adventurer, .^^250, p. i ; assembly, 59 ; bill of adventure sealed, ^240, P- 253- Crane, John, warrant ;^4 gs. Sd. for puUies, 167. Credit order for ^^1,500 to be raised at interest on the credit of Mr. Bannyngand Mr. HoUi- day, 146. Cressell, Robert, nominated factor, 77. Creswell, Robert, recommended as a purser, 39. Crispe, Ellis, warrant .^200 on bill of exchange, 68 ; bill of adventure .sealed, .1^240. p. 254. Crispe, Nicholas, adventurer, XJ200, p. 3 ; as- semblies, 5, 59 ; bill of adventure sealed, ;C24o, p. 258. Crompton, Hughe, bill of adventure sealed, ^240. P- 25S' , • Crosse, — ■, vintner, warrant ^14 los. for Malaga wine, 169. Cryse, ) /■• ■ ji ,. ' > see C rtsfie. C ryspe, S ' CuUymore, James, bill of adventure sealed, ^240, p. 259. Cumberland, Countess of, bill of adventure .sealed, ;^5o, p. 262. Cumberland, Earl of, assemblies, 44, 47, 69, 87; offers the ship "Mare Scourge," 20; committee to survey and report on the ship, 27 ; declines ;£3,ooo and offers her at ^4,000, p. 29 ; will not take less tlian ;{^4,coo, but is offered ^^3,500, p. 30; accepts .^3,700. p. 32 ; advises a chain pump for the ship, 44 ; seals bargain for the sale of the ship, 45 ; becomes an adventurer, 45 ; damage dcme by the anchor of the " Red Dragon," 128 ; assigns ;£2oo of his adventure to Wm. Beerblorh, 161 ; the supplies due on ^^570 of adventure assigned to Mr. Bannyng, 177; assigns ^230 adventure to Mr. Holliday, 197, 262 ; bill of adventure sealed, £'^00, p. 262. Currants, \ 118, 168 ; impost offered to the Curraunce, - Queen in opposition to the Le- Currents, ' yant Company, 280. Custom House, committee to see the monies entered, 142 ; goods brought home by the " Assention " entered, and list of the same, 247 ; the entries of goods shipped by the " Exchange " to Scandtrona, 276. Customs. Suit made to the Queen for immuni- ties from Customs, 6 ; petition to the Privy Council, 8-9 ; freedom of the Dutch from Customs, 9; committee to pay custom, 118; bonds given for the payment of dues on the goods brought home by the "Assention," 247 ; duties amoimt to £gij, p. 248. Cutteler, Thomas, grocer, adventurer ;^2oo, P-. 3- . Cycill, Sir Robert, secretary, letters from the Privy Council to the Company, 60, 61 ; orders in council, 112, 164 ; the complaints of the French as to consulage, 265. Dale, William, adventurer, ^100, p. 2 ; as- semblies, 59, 226, 227, 229, 230, 2^8.240, 244, 249 ; warrant .^112 on Bill of Ex-change, 88 ; general committee, 225 ; bill of adventure sealed, £2^0, p. 259. Dartmouth, provisions at, 29 ; Mr. Sandy, 70 ; recommended for the purchase of biskett, 48 ; do. cider, 49; to be the place of assembly for all provisions bought, 49 ; return of the ships from the North West Passage Voyage, 227-g ; mariners hired to bring ships to Lon- don, 231 ; letters to the principal merchants to give credit to the "Assention " on her re- turn, 243. Dassell, Thomas, nominated factor, 77 ; ap- pointed third factor of the " Hector," loi ; warrant £-^o for wages, 104 ; bill of adven- ture ^^50 sealed, 153. Davers, Jerom or Jeremie, made free though not named in the patent, 177 ; bill of adven- ture sealed, /^200, p. 260. Davies, Captain John, assemblies, 14, 22, 24, 26, 27, 31, 33, 47, 143 ; committees, 22. 26, 68, 72 ; view ships, 13 ; sent to the West Country for provisions, 21 ; ordered to draw out an estimate of victuals for 500 men, 22 ; INDEX 297 Davies, Captain John — coniiKued. letter to the Earl of Essex asking his approval of Captain Davies as Chief Director of the voyage, 25 ; presents his estimate of victuals, 26 ; 01 impounds for his entertainment and profit in the voyage, 37 {see also 152); re- specting the provision of seines, hooks, and lines, 49 ; do. victuals, &c., 51 ; commission for purchasing provisions, &c., in the West Country, 52, 51, 55 ; letter to, 66; letter from, 74; to sail in the "Red Dragon" as pilot-major of the fleet, 100 ; warrant ^360 for salary, 127 ; bill of adventure sealed with profit contingent on the success of voyage. 152. Davies, John, Cooper, warrant ;^so lu. Zd. for casks, 218. Davies Straits, Captain Waymouth's sailing orders, 212. Davis, Captain John, see Davies. Davyes, George, warrant £ rg (,s. -^d. for chests for cloth, 118 ; do. £11 is., p. 138. Deals, 164, i6g, 171, 218. Deane, James, Draper, adventurer, .£300, p. 3 ; assembly, 59 ; bill of adventure sealed ^360, p. 254. Deane, Richard, assembly, 60 ; bill of adven- ture sealed ;f 240, p. 259. Decro, Benjamin, .4geHt of the Miisco^'ia Co., warrant £s7 '6.?. %d. for cordage, 187; do. ^109 z6s. Sd., p. 204. Denham, William, ShipT.vright, warrant £(1, p. 169 ; do. ^12 for pulleys, &c., 221. Denman, Mr., IM aster of the Bridgehouse ; order to deliver timber to Mr. Burrell, 89. Dent, Frauncis, assembly, 59 ; desires to assign his adventure to George Bennet, 175 ; the assignment allowed, 177. Deodands for the " Hector," 169. Deptford, committee to inspect ships there, 13 ; use of the docks requested, 13. Deputy governors, Mr. William Rumney elected, iii, see Riimiicy ; the oath of office, 179 ; powers at general courts, 200-2 ; Mr. Rumney re-elected, 225 ; Mr. Thomas Bram- ley elected in place of ]\Ir. Rumney, 239 ; power to depute adventurers to perform any services required, 249. Devon and Cornwall, letter from the Lord Treasurer to her Majesty's Receivers autho- rising credit to be given to the Company's agents, 38. Deycro, sec Decro. Deyns, William, Iroitmon^er; warrant £t,qi Zs. for necessaries for the pinnaces, 222. Dickson, see Dixon. Die, Roger, bill of adventure, sealed, ;^240, p. 260. Directors of the voyage and their duties, 6, 12, 63 ; Captain Davies principal director, 25. Discovery, otte of the ships for the Xorth IVest z'oyage ; see also North West Passage, Pijinaces, Ships, II 'aymojith, J 'envorth ; war- rant ;£ioo for anchors and other necessaries, 210 ; manned, victualled, and prepared ac- cording to Captain Waymouth's own desires, 211, 212 ; several warrants for the provision of stores and necessaries, 220-24, ^'■''■' H'ar- rants ; return to Dartmouth, 227-29 ; ordered to be sold with all stores, &c., 230; arrival in the Thames, 229 ; the boatswain, gunner and carpenter aver that Mr. Cart- wright, the preacher, was the main mover for the return of the e.xpedition, 232 ; warrant, £\, to the porters for landing and housing the stores, 238 ; warrant, £6, to Edward Pullyson, purser, in full of his account and , for wages,' 240 ; the sale of the ship deferred, 241 ; ordered to be sold if ;^300 can be ob- tained, 242. Disfranchisement of certain defaulting adven- turers, 178 ; of Nathaniel ]NIartin, 185 ; of Xpofer Cletherow, 190. Dixon, \ 'Vf\\\\a.m, purser of the " Red Dra- Dixson, V gon ;" warrant £so for the use of the Dixsy, ] ship, 105 ; do. ijioo, p. 108 ; do. ^100, p. Ill ; do. ^ no for the " Hector," iii ; do. ;^i5o for the " Red Dragon," 114 ; do. , £2$o, p. 117 ; do. ^^250, p 120 ; do. ;^200, p 127; do. ij2oo, p. 139; do. ^100, p. 144; William Brodebent's account, 153 ; warrant ^180 for mariners' wages, .Sic, 154. Docks at Woolwich and Deptford ; the use of requested, 13 ; the " Mare .Scurge " at Woolwich, 27 ; dock charges to be paid, 80 ; ships ready to come out, 92. Dollars, see Spanish nionfy, royals, &fc. ; the provision of, in the West Country, 15 ; 1,000 dollars contracted for at 4.r. 6d., p. 20 ; adven- tures received in dollars, 63 ; duties charged at Constantinople and Aleppo to be answered in London at 5s. 6d. the dollar, 267, 271 ; Mr. Byddell's salary to be rated at 5J. the dollar, 276. Doncomb, Giles, adventurer with Richard Welbye ;^200, 4. Done, William, Cooper, warrant ;^38 7^. ^d , P- 139- Donkon, James, bill of adventure sealed £'2.^0, P- 257. Dorrington, George, bill of adventure sealed £ii,o, p. 261. Downs, the, letter sent to Captain Waymouth, 223. Dragon, ship, see " Red Dragon." Drapers, see Thomas Gar-waye, William Gar- -Mayc, yames Deane. Drewe, John, master of the ^''Godspeed;" appointed master of a ship for the North West voyage, 206 ; warrant ^^5 on account of wages, Jo6 ; do. ^10, p. 210 ; Mr. Alderman Cambell, treasurer, bound by covenant for the payment of his wages, 220 ; bond of in- demnity £'2oa sealed to James Cambell, 221 ; examined as to- the causes of the return ot' the North West Expedition, 232 ; avers that Mr. Cartwright was the persuader for the return, 232; warrant ;^5 for wages, 234. Drugs ; Edmund Scott to go on the voyage in hope of his service in the choice of drugs, 109. Duck, Thomas, warrant £1^ for ancients and streamers, 149 ; do. £t.-2., p. 163. Duckett, John, adventurer with William Halli- daie, ^200, p. 3. Ducy, Robert, bill of adventure sealed £2^0, p. 259 ; do. 260. Duffeilde, Anthonie, Brewer, warrant £i~, -js. for beer, 154. Dunkin, James, assem.bly, 60. Dutch ; their success in the East Indies ; pre- p.iring for a new voyage ; ships bought in England, 8 ; freedom from Customs, 9 ; their preparations, no; return of their voyage with honour, 189 ; their example propounded to the East India ("o. in a letter signifying Her Majesty's mislike to the delay in the second voyage, 191 ; an Englishman brought home out of the East Indies in the Dutch ships, 194 ; the rivalry between the English and French at Constantinople to obtain the 298 INDEX Dutch, conti7iiied. Dutch consulage, 265, 266, 269, 271 ; the dis-^ covery of the East Indies by the Dutch as affecting the consulage at Aleppo, 270 ; trade in Turkey, 270, 273. Dyckes, see Dixon. East India Company : list of adventurers and the amounts subscribed, 1-4 ; formation of the company, royal assent, objects, rules to be made, 5: rules made, 6, see Rules; di- rectors appointed, 6 ; suit to be made to the Queen for sole privilege and immunities and freedom from customs, 6 ; all officers or factors to be elected by a general assembly, 6 ; petition to the Privy Council for incor- poration, privilege, &c., 8-io, see Privy Council; preparation of the voyage post- poned by reason of the treaty of peace in hand with Spain, 10 ; the preparation re- sumed, II, 12; general committee, 12; the adventure proves larger than expected, and hence more shipping required, 27 ; no gentle- men to be employed, 28 ; agreement with Captain Davies for his profit in the voyage, 37 ; remembrancers appointed to prepare the business for the general committee, 40 ; no adventure oi £200 to be refused until ^55,000 is reached, 45 ; general court summoned to take notice of a letter signifying Her Ma- jesty's pleasure, 57 ; general court, 58-63, viz. the objects and proceeding of the com- pany reviewed, 60 ; letter from the Privy Council confirming privileges, with assu- rances of no hindrances of the voyage, 61 ; adventurers in arrears to be certified to the Privy Council, 61 ; the patent drawn up, 62 (see 19S) ; election of Sir Thomas Smyth as first governor, 62 ; election of the general committee of 24, pp. 62-3 ; all business com- mitted to the care of the governor and com- mittee, 63 ; election of four classes of factors, 81-3 ; deficiency in the adventure, and steps taken to supply it, iio-ii ; order in council for defaulting adventurers to bring their money at once on pain of imprisonment, 112- 13 ; common seal ordered, 113 ; every adven- turer to have a bill of adventure under the common seal, 113; coinmg in the Tower (? special coinage), 114 ; resolution respecting prizes and prize money, 118 ; ordinances, laws, and decrees for the guidance of trade, 129, 131 {see also 197, 202) ; everything to be managed as a joint stock, and no private trade to be practised, 130 ; all private goods shipped to be forfeited to the common stock, 130 ; ordinances against fraud, 130 ; proposed leaving of factors to trade in the East Indies, 131 ; the commission to the general or prin- cipal merchant and to others in succession, T 52-37, see CoiiunissioJts ; two forms of bills of adventure for merchants and factors, 144- 46 ; £i,s°o to be borrowed on the credit of Mr. Bannyng and Mr. Holliday, 146 ; the treasurer's accounts on March 6, 1600, show- ing amount of debts also of adventures not yet brought in, 156 ; being ^9,000 in arrears, a supply of IS. in the £ is ordered, with penalties by reduction of stock in default of payment, 160-61 ; order in council touching the discredit likely to arise by the remissness of the company in paying their debts, and ordering defaulting adventurers to appear and be punished for contempt, 164-65 ; reso- lution that great care be taken to remove all discredit, and for the better ordering of busi- ness, Alderman Wattes elected governor in place of Sir Thomas .Smyth in prison, 166 ; auditors chosen for the treasurers' accounts, 166 ; an estimate to be made of the money in the treasurers' hands, 167 ; warrant for the summoning of all defaulting adventurers, 169-70; arms assigned by the King of Heralds, 171 ; disfranchisement of certain defaulters, 177, 181 ; election of governor, deputy, and committee, 178-79 ; the oaths of office, 179-80; letter received from Captain George Way- mouth touching his attempt to be made for the discovery of a North West Pa.ssage to the East Indies, asking whether the company will undertake the enterprise, and if not whether they will allow private men to deal therein, giving them the benefit of the dis- covery, if made, by the sole trade for certain years, 182, see North West Passage and Waymouth; a second voyage by the Cape proposed, 1S2 ; the charters to be perused to see if power is given to compel payments towards the North West Passage voyage, or the second voyage by the Cape, 183 ; second voyage by the Cape resolved on, the adven- ture to be not less than .4^100, p. 186 ; adven- ture subscribed for the second voyage amounts to ;£i 1,000 only, which is insuf- ficient, 189 ; enquiries by the Lord Admiral and Mr. Secretary as to the great delay in furthering the voyages as compared with the Dutch, and complaining that the company were not so respective of Her Majesty's honor as they should be, 189 ; the causes of the delay, 189 ; to avoid delay no ship to be prepared until approved by a general court, 189 ; the subscription book to be carried round by men able to persuade and encou- rage the brethren to adventure, 190 ; letter from the Privy Council notifying Her Ma- jesty's mislike to the delay in the .second voyage, and propounding the example of the Dutch, igU; general court summoned to deal with the"matter, with penalty of 20^. for non- attendance, 191 ; return of two Dutch ships laden with pepper, 194 ; an Englishman brought home by the Dutch after being de- tained a prisoner four years, and knowing the language of Sumatra ; Mr. Wattes is de- sired to induce him to come over to confer as to trade, &c., 194 ; committee appointed to expedite the second voyage by the Cape and the North West voyage, and also to de- vise laws and ordinances for the better guidance of general business, 196-97 ; laws and ordinances for the government of trade, &c., as devised by the committee and revised and agreed on by the generality, viz., pre- amble ; by the Queen's letters patent the company have the sole right to the trade with the East Indies for 15 years, either by the Cape or by such passages as shall be hereafter found out by the parts of America ; in the late vojage by the Cape the greater part of the adventure was taken out in English and foreign coin prepared with great difficulty and not without mislike to the transportation of treasure out of the country ; therefore for the good of the country, and in order to carry on the trade with the Indies with little or no money, it is resolved to attempt to discover a passage through some part of America, so that by reaching Cataia or China, countries of temperate climate, a INDEX 29? East India Company, continued. market would be found for a liberal sale of clothes and kersies to the general advance- ment of English trade ; resolved therefore that the voyage to the North West be set forth with all convenient expedition ; two ships or pinnaces to be employed ; every adventurer to contribute at least i-iii. in the £ on the amount of his adventure for the voyage by the Cape ; if the discovery be made every man to participate in the benefit in proportion to his adventure, and in all future voyages in the same ratio only ; dates for the payment of adventures ; Mr. Cam- bell appointed treasurer : any one declining to adventure or being behind time in his payments to be fined 5 times the value of his levy at i2d. in the £ to be deducted from his original stock, such fines to be employed in the preparation of the voyage, and any surplus proportionately divided ; all future contributions or levies for the general trade to be paid on the days appointed on pain of fines in the discretion of the company or of the auditors ; penalty for absence from a general court, i2d \ for being late, 6d.\ no one to speak on any one matter more than three times, penalty, 3^. ^d. ; penalty for uncivil speeches or behaviour, 10s. ; no one to interrupt another in a speech or disturb by private whisperings, but all replies to be directed to the governor or deputy on pain of penalty, 2.r. 6d. ; silence to be kept at the stroke of the hammer, penalty, 6d. : penalty for non-payment of fines, imprisonment ; no person to leave a general court without leave, penalty, i2d. ; all fines to be employed to the general use of the company or to the relief of the poor, 197-202 ; committee for the preparation of the North West Voyage, 202- 3 ; the tardiness of payment of contributions for the North West Voyage reported at a general court ; the expenses already incurred amount to ;£70o, all which would be lost, and the company discredited at home and abroad if the voyage did not proceed ; re- solved therefore for further encouragement that all sums brought in shall be deemed part of the adventure for the voyage to the Cape, and shall bear profit and benefit in that voyage in proportion with the original stock ; the act for the forfeiture of five times the value of the levy by defaulters confirmed and fortified, and ordered that suit be made to the Privy Council to approve the same ; those present set down their contributions in writing that their consent may appear to those absent, and all contributions to be en- dorsed on the bills of adventure ; all contri- butions to be brought in by the end of March, 1602, after which date no payments to be re- ceived without the consent of a general court, 2068 ; committees appointed to provide vic- tuals and other necessaries for the North West Voyage, 209 : articles of agreement with Captain Waymouth with his orders and instructions, 211-14, viz., the comp..ny's de- sire to discover a nearer passage to the East Indies {see page 1S2, Waymouth's sugges- tions) ; Capt.Tin Waymouth considered a fit and proper person to attempt the discovery, and is allowed ^100 to furnish his instru- ments to his own choice ; two ships committed to his charge, the " Discovery " and the "Godspeed," manned, victualled, and fur- nished for 16 months to his own desires, and also laden with various merchandise ; Way- mouth agrees to be ready to sail by a certain date and to proceed towards the coast of Greenland into Davies Straits, thence to the north west "or as he shall fynd the Passage best to lye " towards the kingdoms of Cataya or China "orye backside of America" with- out giving up the attempt as long as he shall find those seas navigable, or any possibility of finding a passage, and will not return or suffer voluntarily any of his company to re- turn till a year has been bestowed on the attempt ; agreed for merchants and pursers to go in the .ships to keep a regi.ster of goods laden and how disposed of, also to make notes, journal,'!, and observations for the direction and help of posterity ; within 10 days of his return to deliver a report of all his proceedings, and within 40 days on a summons to appear before the company and relate such things as they desire to be in- formed of, and will not discover the secrets of the voyage to any person whatsoever ; within 40 days of his return the company will on proof of his having arrived at any port in China, Cataya, or Japan by the North West Passage pay unto liim ^500, but if the pas- sage be not discovered it is agreed that he is to make no claim for salary, wages, or re- ward, seeing that the expense of the voyage was undertaken at his persuasion and on his resolution to adventure his life for the good of his country, 2ii»i4 ; agi-eement with John Cartwright to go as preacher in the North West Voyage with salary contingent on the discovery of the passage, 216 ; the agreement with Waymouth read to the generality, also the Queen's letters to the Emperor of China and Kathia, 217; auditors chosen to report on the state of the adventure, that further supplies may be called up and some cour.se taken with the defaulters, 217-18 ; day ap- pointed for the payment of supplies for the North West Voyage ; the rateable and volun- tary supplies to be endorsed on all bills of adventure, and the secretary then to make out new bills showing in one lump sum what is every man's interest in the voyage by the Cape, 220 [see 206-8); order to the book- keeper to enter up each adventurer's credits in a lump sum, 224 ; election of treasurer, secretary, book-keeper, and beadle, 226 ; election of governor, deputy, and committees, 225-26 ; the return of the North West expedi- tion, 227, see North IVcst Passage ; Mr. HoUi- day and others being in arrears with supplies for the North West Voyage, it is ordered that the same be deducted from their stock, 231 (see pages 200 and 207) ; the book-keeper ordered to charge up the accounts of all brethren debtors to the company, that the amounts may be defaulted on their stock if not paid before the return of the .ships, 233 ; proceedings against Waymouth before the lords of the council ; deliberations and pre- parations for a second voyage ; the idea of a second voyage abandoned, and the ships and stores ordered to be sold off; dispute with WajTnouth as to his demands for charges, and the .same referred to arbitration, &c., &c., 232-42, see Nortli West Passage', Mr. Thomas Hramley elected deputy-governor in place of Mr. Rumney, 239 ; letters from the "Assention" brouglit home by a Frenchman 300 INDEX East India Crnipany, contiitned. who lately departed at sea from that ship, by which good hope is conceived of a successful voyage and encouragement given to_ stt forth another, 242-43 ; letters to be written to ihe factors and officers of the " Assention" and sent into the West Country saying that orders have been sent to the piincipal mer- chants in Plymouth, Dartmouth, &c., to take any sick men on shore and supply their wants and to give credit for money required for the use of the ship ; orders n. t to break bulk or make sale of anything belonging to the general adventure ; committee to make choice of the merchants in Plymouth, &c., to be written to, to supply the wants of the ship, and the same to be reimbursed by the treasurer, 243-44 ; arrival of the "Assention " in the river, 244 ; warehouses for the goods, 245 ; committees to attend in turns to the unloading, 24^-46 ; no mariner to remove any- thing from the ship " unlesse it be visited " on pain of detention of wages, 245 ; the tithes due to the Lord Admiral for a prize taken in the East Indies, 246-47 ; bags to be made for the pepper, also suits for the porters luithout fockets, 247 ; list of goods brought home and entry to be made at the Custom House, 247 ; Mr. Governor and Mr. Eldred give bond for the payment of customs, 247 ; customs amount to fyi-j, and Mr. Cambell and Mr. Eldred indemnified for their bonds given for the payment of the same, 248 ; ^2,000 to be taken up at interest for the payment of mari- ners' wages, and Sir John Harte and others asked to give their bonds to secure the same, 249 ; future monies required, to be raised by a levy by the pole and upon the rates of par- ticular adventures, 249 ; order for the sale of th" goods brought home, 249 ; the governor and deputy empowered to appoint any adven- turer to perform any service which the gene- ral business requireth, 249 ; two obligations of ;f 3,000 each sealed to Mr. James Cambell and Mr. John Eldred, who gave their bonds for the payment of customs, 250 ; two obli- gations of 1,000 marks each to Sir John Harte and Robert Chamberlayne for money taken up at interest, 250 ; several drafts of letters of the Levant Company written in the East India Company's record book tending to show that the East India Company was partially an outgrowth of the Levant Com- pany, several persons mentioned appearing to have been prominent members of both companies ; notably Sir Thomas Smith {ice 62 and 281), who was gove-'nor of both companies, 265-83, see Company of Levant Merchants. East Indies : the objects of the East India Company, 5, 60 ; the Dutch voyages, S ; letters from the Queen to potentates in the East, gi, 131, 134 ; resident factors, 97, 102 ; I\Ir. Hacklett, historiographer, reads his notes and is desired to furnish a list of places where trade is, 124 ; orders and instructions respecting the leaving of resident factors, 131 ; warrant £1-^ js. Sd. to William Segar, Herald, for writing the Queen's letters to the kings of the East Indies, 139 ; the pre- sents for the kings and how distributed in the ships, 151 ; warrant ^29 10s. for making stamps for the East India monies, 174; Captain George Waymouth's proposed voyage for the discovery of a North West Passage to the East Indies, 182, see North West Passage; an Englishman, a prisoner for four years, brought home from the East Indies by the Dutch, 194 ; two Dutch ships re- turned laden with pepper, 194 ; abstract of the objects and aims of the company in re- ference to trade in the East Indies, 198, see East Ind.a Company ; Waymouth's con- fidence in the discovery of a passage by divers inlets that treat through the coast of America, 233 ; the return of the "Assention," 242, &c. , see East India Co>nf>any and ^'Assention;" the discovery of the East Indies by the Dutch as affecting the Consulage at Aleppo, 270. Eaton, Thomas, adventurer with William Essington, ^200, p. 3. Edmondes, "Thomas, Clerk tothePiivyCouJtcil, signatures to orders in council, 113, 165. Edmonds, Richard, adventurer with Humfrey Wymers, i;2oo, p. 3. Edward, William, plumber, warrant £?■ Zs. for lead and soda, 224. Edwardes, Thomas, adventurer, ^200, p. 2 ; assembly, 4. Eldred, John, adventurer, ;^40o, p. i ; assem- blies, 4, 24, 26, 27, 28, 31, 37, 44, 45, 46, 57, 58, 59, 64, 67, 71, 73, 76, 80, 82, 83, 92, 94, 95, 98, 102, 103, 104, 106, 108, log, 113, 114, 119, 121, 122, 124, 125, 139, 144, 155, 156, 15S, 160, 162, 164, 171, 175, 177, 192, 197, 206, 224, 229, 230, 232, 236, 247 ; committees, 12, 26, 31, 76, 120, 141, 155, 248 ; views ships, 13 ; feoffee in trust for ships bought, 32 ; purchase of the "Malice Scurge," 45 ; general committee, 63 ; recommends Thomas Eldred as a captain, 72 ; general committee and sworn, 179; ditto, 225; bound with Mr. Cambell as security for the payment of customs dues on the goods brought home in the "Assention," 247; indemnified by a general bond under the common seal, 248 ; the bond of indemnity in ^^3,000 sealed, 249 ; bill of adventure sealed, ^600, p. 250. Eldred, Thomas, oflpsivich, willing to be em- ployed as a captain, 72. Eldred , ) Tristram, purser of the two pinnaces, Eldrich, (warrant £^ js. to be disbursed for mariners' lodgings, &c. , 222 ; warrant £6 ijs. for his pains taken in the company's affairs, 226. Elections : of officers, 6, 8 ; of Sir Thoraa.s Smyth as governor, 62 ; of three principal factors, 81 ; of four second class factors, >'2 ; of third and fourth class factors, 83 ; of Wil- liam Kumney as deputy governor, in ; of Mr. Alderman Wattes as governor, in place of Sir Thomas Smyth in prison, 166 ; of Mr. Wattes as governor, and Mr. Rumney as deputy, 179 ; of the general committee, 179, 225 ; of Sir John Harte as governor, and Mr. Rumney as deputy, 225 ; of Alderman Cam- bell as governor, in place of Sir John Harte, who decline's, 226 ; of Thomas Bramley as deputy, in place of Mr. Rumney, 239. Elington, Francis, warrant iJ6oo for cloth, 45. Elizabeth, Queen, see Queen. Ellacott, Mohn, of Exeter, respecting money Ellecot, I on the West Country, 50, 51, 53, Ellecote,-^ 54, 56, 64; bills of e.xchange, 58, Ellecott, I 65, 69, 83, 102, 108, 109, 115, 119 ; Ellicott, \ Spanish money, 66 ; warrant £yy:i for royals of plate, 105 ; to confer with Mr. Pope as to shipping the Spanish money, iig ; as to Mr. Augustine Skinner's adven- INDEX 301 Ellacott, John — continued. ture of £,200 being received in royals, 124 ; bill of adventure sealed, £i'Z'2o, p. 149 ; or- dered to render his account and pay up his supplies, iSi. Emerson, James, order to be paid ^£30 for aquavitae, 143. Essex, Earl of, letter to, on behalf of Captain Davies, 25. Essington, William, adventurer vvfith Thomas Eaton, ^200, p. 3. Evesed, 1 Thomas, beadle of the Covipahy, Evesett, > warrants for general courts, 57, Evettsett, ) 228, 235 ; salary fixed at ;^io per annum, 204 ; re-appointed, 226 ; warrant for 25^. ■]d. disbursed to Mr. Pope's man, 238. Evington, Francis, adventurer ; assembly, 59 ; warrant ;^i2o on bill of exchange, 56 ; bill of adventure sealed, ^^240, p. 261. Europe, Coast of, route to the East Indies, 211. Exchange, ship of the Levatit Company, let- ters sent, 273, 279 ; Mr. HoUiday, part owner, 276 ; goods shipped and invoices sent, 276. Exchange, the, warehouses under, 245 ; com- mittee to prepare the vaults and receive goods, 248 ; committee to receive and weigh goods, 248. Exeter, 56, 58, 66, 74, 81, 83, 84, 97, 102, 106, 119, 125, 181, 209. Eydes, John, of Exeter, bill of exchange, ^50, p. 83. Factors, all to be elected by a general assem- bly, 6 ; Thomas Wasse recommended, 56 ; list of factors nominated, 77 ; the scale of remuneration fixed, 81 ; election of four sorts of factors, 81, 82, 83 ; to give security and to abstain from private trade, 86 ; Roger Style not being elected, oflfers to serve with- out salary, or to remain in the East Indies and learn the language, 86 ; the choice of factors to be discussed at a general court, 92 ; Mr. Brund recommended as a principal factor, 93 ; elected, 94 ; names of the prin- cipal factors appointed to each ship, 94 ; Walter Poyner recommended as an extra factor without salary to serve in case of death, or to be left resident in the Indies, 97 ; V/illiam Martin recommended and secu- rity offered as a resident factor in the Indies, 97 ; appointed to their respective ships, loo-i ; bonus ^50 to Robert Pope for his pains in the provision of victuals, &c., loi ; list of extra factors to serve in case of death, or be left resident in the Indies, 102 ; Mr. Howe to answer letters from factors in West Coun- try, 103 ; warrant .£30 to William Wilford for salary, 103 ; Roger Style to take the place of Richard Collymore of the third class, 105 ; bonds to be given for truth and good behaviour, 105 ; amounts of bonds for the four classes, 105 ; warrant ^50 to William Starky for his salary and preparation, 106; ditto £,y:> to Roger St^'le, io8 ; orders for the prevention of private traffic, 136 ; orders and instructions for factors left resident in the Indies, 131 ; form of bill of adventure read, 144-5 ; bills of adventure sealed, 148, 149, 150, 152, 153 ; four commissions sealed, 153 ; letters to the factors of the " Assention" on her return, 243 ; names of factors offering to be employed, 263 ; orders for the prevention of private trade from Aleppo to Alarseilles, 272 ; difficulties at Venice by reason of prizes taken by English men-of-war, 278 ; orders to Mr. Colthurst to attend to the estate of Edward Rose, deceased, at Aleppo, 278-9 ; money taken up from Mr. Leet's and Mr. Salter's factors, for the use of the ambassador, 280. Fans, 141. Farrar, ^ Nicholas, Skinner, adventurer, ;£20o, I'arrer, ) p. 2 ; assemblies, 4, 59 ; committees, 186, 229, 230; bill of adventure sealed, £240, p. 259. Farrington, Thomas, Vintner, adventurer,;£2oo, 2 ; assemblies, 59, 180, 181, 183, 184, 187, 190, 193, 194, 196, 197, 203, 205, 206, 208, 214, 215, 216, 218, 224, 225, 227, 228, 230, 231, 232, 233, 235 ; committees, 197, 209 ; general committee and sworn, 179 ; do. 225 ; signatures to treasurer's warrants, 210 ; bill of adventure sealed £2^0, 253. Feathers, 141, 151. Fenton, Peter, carpenter of the "Sitsan," de- ceit in the supply of masts, 121. Ferries, ] William, assemblies, 236, 238, 240, Ferrers, ^ 241, 244, 247, 248 ; offers the ship Ferris, ) "Phenixe," 14 ; assembly, 59; gene- ral committee and sworn, 226 ; to provide bags for pepper and suits without pockets for the porters, 247 ; committee, 248 ; bill of adventure sealed ^^240, p. 251. Ferror, Nicholas, see Farrar. Ferror, 1 -.Tr-,,- r- Ferrv- \ William, see Ferries. Finchcomber, William, nominated factor, 77. Fines, various fines or penalties for breach of rules, 200-2 ; all fines to be employed to the use of the Co. or to the relief of the poor, 202. Fish, estimate of quantity and price, 34 ; quantity to be bought in the West Country, 41, 52 ; revised estimate, 46, 54-5 ; as to quality and packing, 49 ; 1000 ling to be bought to carry the ships to the West Country, 67 ; committee to provide, 75 ; warrant £$0, p. 92 ; stockfish for the North West Voyage, 209. Fisher, William, assembly, 59 ; warrant ^80 for oil, 114; bill of adventure sealed £2^0, p. 260. Fishing tackle, 52. Fitche, Mr., committee for merchandise, 26. Flags, streamers and ancients ordered, 108 ; do. for the " Hector," 151. Fleming, ) Gile.s, bill for iron, 128 ; balance Flemyng, ( due to Richard Hart, assigned to Mr. Flemyng, 147 ; warrant £21) is. ^d., p. 172.^ Flemyng's Voyage, the Book of the, dedicated to the Co., 125. Fletcher, Mr. ) provision of cider, 38, 68 ; Fletcher and Co. ) order to settle accounts, 127 ; allowed £^ for racking cider, 176. Fletcher, John, auditor, 166, 218 ; warrant ;£i29 gs. for cordage, 224 ; bill of adventure sealed ^^240, p. 256. Fletcher, Walter, adventurer, ;{j2oo, p. 2 ; as- sembly, 5. " Flyboats" for the North West Voyage, 220, 221. Formation of the Co. and objects, 5. Fortescue, Sir John, Privy Councillor ; letter from the Privy Council to the Co. favouring the voyage, 61 ; orders in council, 112, 164. Founders Hall ; u.sed for the Company's meet- ings, II ; general court, 57; warrant £6 for six quarters rent, 227. 302 INDEX Fowie, Alphonsus, bill of adventure sealcd/240, p. 255. Franklyn, John, carries a letter to Captain Waymouth in the Downs, 223. Frauncis, Peter, 0/ Bridgewatcr, a native of Portugal ; compounds for his entertainment in the voyage, 38 ; to sail in the " Susan " vifith Mr. John Havard, 117. Free-brethren ) ^^ ^^^ Company, see Freemen. Free-brothers ) Freeman, see Frevian. Freemen, see also Disfranchisement ; adven- turers not named in the patent to be deemed equally as free as those mentioned, 109 ; their names to be presented and then con- firmed as free, 110; William Beerblock ad- mitted by way of assignment of part of Earl Cumberland's stock, 161 ; John Jackson ad- mitted in lieu of John Bate, 174 ; refusal to grant freedom for Zios, p. 175 ; Francis Dent named in the patent desires to assign, and referred to a general court, 175 ; list of per- sons made free though not named in the patent, 177 ; disfranchisement of certain de- faulting adventurers, 17S; Robert Bayly assigns to Sir John Spencer, and renounces his freedom, 181 ; Sir John Spencer allowed to nominate a freeman, 181 ; John Morice made free in place of Nathaniel Martin dis- franchised, 185 ; book sent round for all free- men to subscribe to the second voyage, 187 ; Joseph Jackson made free on the nomination of Sir John Spencer, 187 (see 181) : Robert Bowyer made free in the place of Xpofer Clethrowe, 190 ; William Nelson admitted on paying ^240 adventure and supplies and ^30 premium, 205 ; freedom denied to Peter Wellington, 226-7 > the freedom of Thomas Stephens deferred, 227 ; Thomas Stephens admitted, 239. Freman, Ralfe, adventurer with William Fre- man, ;£3oo, p. 2 : assemblj', 4- Freman, William, adventurer with Ralfe Fre- man, ;iJ3oo, p. 2 ; assemblies, i8o, 181, 186, 192, 204, 205, 215 ; general committee and sworn, 179 ; bill of adventure sealed £24,0, p. 258. French ; letters brought home from the " As- sention " by a Frenchman, 242 ; rivalry be- tween English and French ambassadors at Constantinople as to consulage, 265, 266, 269, 271, 272 ; complaints to the queen by the French ambassador, 265, 271, 273 ; Signior Paul Pinder sent from Constantinople to ac- quaint the queen of the doings of the French, 265, 272, 273 ; instructions to the English ambassador, 266, 269 ; do. to the consul at Aleppo, 271-2 ; orders for the prevention of private trade by French ships from Aleppo to Marseilles, &c., 272. Fretum, Davies, route to the North West Passage, 212. Frier, ) John, assembly, 59 ; bill of adventure Fryer, ) sealed ;£24o, p. 260. Frythe, Roger, smith, warrant p^Jig for iron work, 221. Furner, Symon, warrant £'yi(> 13J. 44/. for powder, 122 ; do. £iyi\ 15s., p. 142 ; do. ;^i6 10s., p. 184. Fysher, see Fisher. Gallata House, instructions to Mr. Saunderson for its sale or letting, 274-5. Callaunt, Peter, merchant in Turkey, 268. Gamond, John, surgeon of the "Susan," war- rant £20 to provide remedies, 98. Gamram, 1 Nathaniel, elected factor of the Gamrym, ( third sort, 83 ; to sail in the " Dra- gon," loi ; warrant /J30 for his entertainment, 139 ; bill of adventure sealed ^50, p. 150. Garrard, Samewell, adventurer with John Suzan, ^ ^£200, p. 4. Garroeway, see Ganvay. Garway, Thomas, Draper, adventurer, £200, p. I ; bill of adventure sealed ^^240, p. 255. Garwaye, ) 'WMiam, Draper, adventurer, ^500, Garwey, i p. 2 ; assemblies, 7, 9, 10, 20, 24, 26, 27, 28, 31, 37, 46, 57, 58, 64, 68, 6g, 73, 78, 80, 82, 85, 86, 88, go, 93, 94, 98, 99, 102, 106, 107, 108, 114, 116, 118, 121, 138, 140, 142, 144, 148, 151, 152, 158, 164, 167, 184, 186, 190, 196,236, 237, 244, 247 ; committees, 6, 8, 9, 12, 32, 58, 7'. 76, 77. 87, 91. i?6. 141. 147. 155. 197,234, 237, 239; views ships, 13 ; surveyor for the " Assention," 14 • to enquire price of peas, 26 ; desired to answer the Lord Treasurer's letter respecting the employment of Sir Edward Michelborne, 28 ; guarantees William Leake as purser of the " Assention," 33 ; warrant 100 markes towards repairs of the "Assention," 57 ; do. ;^2oo, p. 85 ; do. ;f loo, p. 91 ; do. ^100, p. 105 ; do. ;Ci5o, p. 114 ; do. ;ijjioo, p. 126 ; do. ;^ioo, p. 140 ; do. ilso, p. 144 ; general committee, 63 ; warrant £ig4 5J. 6d. for oil, i [4 ; buys steel, 138 ; assigned by Mr. Brodebent to pay balance of his mortgage to the company, 154 ; general com- mittee, 179 ; do. and sworn, 225. Gawldsmith, Mr., supplies meal, 90. General Courts. October 28, 1600. The objects and proceed- ings of the company reviewed, 60 ; letter from the privy council confirming privi- leges, &c., 61 ; adventurers in arrears to be certified to the privy council, 61 ; the patent drawn up, 62, (see 19S) ; election of Sir Thomas Smyth as first governor, 62 ; elec- tion of the general committee of, 24, 62-3 ; all business committed to the care of the governor and committee, 63. Decevibcr 8, 1600. Order for the bringing in of adventures in arrears, 03 ; Mr. Brund elected a principal factor, 93. January 9, 1600-1. The patent read, 109 ; deficiency in the adventure and steps taken to supply it. III ; Mr. Rumney elected deputy governor, iii. 'Jajiuary 14, 1600-1. Order in council for adventurers in arrears to bring in their money at once on pain of imprisonment, 1 12-13 > order confirming a levy of 2.?. in the £, 113 ; the common seal ordered, 113- February 10, 1600-1. Laws and ordinances enacted, viz., all things to be managed as a joint stook and no private trade to be prac- tised, 13D ; all private goods shipped to be forfeited to the common stock, 130 ; ordi- nances against fraud, 130; proposed leaving of factors to trade in the East Indies, 131 ; the commission to the general or principal merchant and to others in succession, 132-37 (see Commissions) ; an act touching the bringing in of the supply of 2 j. in the;£, 137-38- April I, 1601. A new supply of 2^. in the £ to pay the company's debts, 160 ; the ;{[i,5oo taken up at interest by the treasurer to be discharged by the company, 161 ; William Beerblock admitted an adventurer of ;C2oo by way of assignment of so much of the INDEX 303 General Courts, continued. Earl of Cumberland's stock and also made free, 161. April II, 1601. Order in council touching the discredit likely to arise through the re- missness of the company in paying their debts and ordering defaulting adventurers to appear and be punished for contempt, 164-65 ; resolution that great care be taken to remove all discredit, and for the better ordering of business Alderman Wattes elected governor in place of Sir Thorhas Smyth in prison, 166 ; auditors chosen for the treasurers' accounts, 166. May 2(), 1601. John Bate disfranchised, and John Jackson admitted a freeman, 174 ; respecting other adventurers in arrears, 174-5- jfuly 6, i6oi. Certain persons made free whose names are not in the patent, 177 ; touching the supplies due on the Earl of Cumberland's assigned stock, 177 ; adven- turers in arrears to be prosecuted, 178 ; certain freemen disfranchised, 178 ; election of governor, deputy, and committees and the oath of office, 179-80. yiily 24, 1601. Assignment of John Bayly's stock to Sir John Spencer, 182 ; letter re- ceived from Captain George Waymouth proposing that the company sliould under- take a voyage for the discovery of a North West Passage to the East Indies, 182. August 7, t6oi. a voyage to discover the North West Passage resolved on, 183 ; a levy of 12a?. in the £ to support the expence of the same, 183; committee appointed to estimate the expense, 183 ; the governor to peruse the charters to see if authority is given to compel contributions for the North West Voyage, 183. September 1, 1601. Two ships for the North West Voyage to be prepared forthwith and the subscription book to be sent round for adventurers to set down their sums at i2rf. in the £, 185. September 13, 1601. Differences with the Muscovia Co. as to the respective rights of the two companies to the North West Pas- sage if discovered, 186 ; a second voyage by the Cape resolved on, and the adventure to be hot less than £100, p. 186. October 12, 1601. Respecting the differences with the Muscovia Co. as to the North West Passage, 187-89, see North West Passage; the second voyage by the Cape, complaints as to the delay, &c., &c., 189-90, see East India Co;npany. November 5, 1601. See North West Passage, igo-91 ; letter from the privy council res- pecting the delay in the second voyage by the Cape, and propounding the example of the Dutch, 191. Noz'endvrg, 1601. See North West Passage, 192 ; the assignment of the stock of Clement Moseley, deceased, 192-93. December 22, 1601. See North West Passage, 194-96. Jaiutary $, 1601-2. See North IV est Passage, 196-97. January 11, 1601-2 Laws and ordmances for the government of trade, &c., agreed on, 197-202, see East India Company ; committee to expedite the North West Voyage, 202-3. March 17, 1601-2. William Nelson admitted an adventurer of ^200 on paying £,-y) pre- mium, 205 ; the supply for the North West Voyage to be brought in at once on pain of forfeiture, 205 ; Thomas Yerworth engaged as purser, 205. March 29, 1602. Touching the supplies for the North West Voyage, see East India Company, 206-8. April 14, 1602. Several warrants signed, 214-15. A/>rii 30, 1602. Articles of agreement with Captain Waymouth read, also the Queen's letters to the Emperor of China, 217 ; au- ditors appointed to ascertain the state of the adventure that further supplies may be called up and some course taken with the defaulters, 217-18. May 18, 1602. Bond of indemnity sealed to Alderman Cambell ; supplies for the North West Passage to be brought in at once ; new bills of adventure to be made out containingevery man's stock and all supplies in one gross sum, 220 ; several warrants for necessaries for the North West Voyage,22i. July is, 1 602. Election of governor, deputy, and committees, &c. , 225-6. July 28, 1602. Election of Mr. Cambell as governor, 226. September 17, 1602. The return of Way- mouth, 228-9, ^^^ North West Passage. October 18, 1602. Ctrtani stores, &c., re- turned from the North West Passage to be sold, 230 ; Alderman HoUiday's payments being in arrears, ordered that the same be deducted from his stock, 231. November 24, 1602. Proceedings respecting Waymouth's return, see North West Pas- sage, 233-4. January 4, 1602-3. Deliberations as to a second voyage for the discovery of a North West Passage, 237-8. January 26, 1602-3. The North West Voy- age abandoned and committee appointed to see to the sale of the ships and stores, 23S 9 : Mr. Thomas Bramley chosen de- puty-governor, 239. June 6, 1603. Letter received from the pur- ser of the " Assention" homeward bound, 742-3. June ID, 1603. Proceedings respecting the return of the '' Assention," see East India Compatiy and " Assention," 244-7. June 22, 1603. Customs Duties on the goods from the " Assention," 248 ; money raised to pay the mariners, 249 ; orders and com- missions for the sale of the goods brought home, 249. Georg, Giles, nominated factor, 77. Gibbons, Roger, warrant £-^g on bill of ex- change, 79. Gibson, Anthony, adventurer, committees, 245, 246 ; bill of adventure sealed ;^240, p. 258. Gilderns, 208. Ginger, quantity ordered and committee to provide, 75. Girdeler, Francis Tailor, 169. (N.B. The Gird- lers Company was incorporated in 1448. — Bailey.) Glasses, to be ordered, 79 ; warrant^43 ids. 6d., p. 129. Globe, ship, viewed, 13. God, John, warrant;{j40 on bill of exchange, 82. Goddard, ^ Richard, Alderman, adventurer, Godderd, S ;C2oo, p. i ; assemblies, 4, 7, 9, 10 ; committees, 6, 8, 12. 30+ INDEX Godspeede, one of the ships (or the North West Passage Voyage, see also Piutiaccs, Ships, "Discovery," Notth West Passage, IVaytuoutk. John Drewe, 7naster ; Edward Pullison, purser ; Jolm Lane, }iiaster's mate ; Thomas Boarne, sieivani. Warrant £,\o to John Drewe in part of his wages, 210 ; manned, victualled, and furnished to Way- mouth's own desires, 211-12 : covenant for the payment of John Drew's wages, 220, 221 ; several warrants for the provision of stores and necessaries, 220-1, see iVarrants ; return to Dartmouth, 227-9 I arrival in the Thames, 229 ; ordered to be sold with all stores, &c., 230 ; Mr. Cartwright, preac/ier, accused of being the persuader of the return of the voy- age, 232 ; various warrant- for wages, 234-5 • warrant £4 to the porters for landing and housing the stores, 238 ; warrant ^20 to the wife of Thomas Bowrne, steward, in full of all demands, 240; sale of the ship deferred, 241 ; ordered to be ^old if ^300 can be had, 242. Gelding, Robert, 0/ Radcliff, mariner; order to be paid ^300 for the " Guift," 154. Goldsmiths, see Richard Jl'isemaN, John Cor- nelis, Richard Yottson, William Beerblock, George Sjtiythes. Goods, see Merchandise. Gore, John, adventurer with William Gore, ^300, p. 3. Gore, Raph, assembly, 59 ; bill of adventure sealed A360, p 253. Gore, Robert, assembly, 59 ; bill of adventure sealed ^240, p. 255. Gore, William, adventurer with John Gore, ;£3oo, p. 3. Gossen, \ Richard, ordered to clear accounts Gosson, f with Mr. HoUiday, 127 ; to bring in his account, 159 ; [bill of adventure sealed, £■2.40, p. 251] ; do. ^240, p. 26f. Gover, John, warrant £^(i ?>s. for aquavitae, 107. Governor and Company, see East India Com- pany, also Company 0/ Leziant Merchants. Governors of the East India Company, see also Deputy Goz'crtiors ; Mr. Thomas Smyth elected first governor, 62 ; Mr. William Rum- ney elected deputy, iii ; Sir Thomas Smyth being in prison and Mr. Rumney ill, Sir. Alderman Wattes elected governor, 166 ; Mr. AVattes re-elected with Mr. Rumney as de- puty, 179 ; the oaths of office, 179 ; powers at a general court, 201-2 ; Sir John Harte elected governor, 225 ; Sir John Harte de- clines to serve and Sir. Cambell elected in his stead, 226. Gowns, 208. Grand Signior (Tnikey^; grants all caputula- tions except as to consulage, 265. Grants of Privilege, &c., see Patent, also Pri- vilege. Gratuities, ^100 in gold to be given, io5 ; ;^20 (or 20i-. ?) to William Walter who dedicated to the company the Book of the Flemyng's Voyage, 123. Gravesend, 44, 153 ; ships to be surveyed there before sailing, 141 ; bullion to be shipped there, 142 ; Mr. Holhday to take down money for harbour wages and clearing expenses, 146 ; committee to see the discharge of the ships thence. 147 ; committee left there, 152 ; warrant to Mr. Rumney for travelling ex- penses, 158 ; Waymouth to sail from thence, 216. Great Seal, warrant for e-vpense of making, 107. Greene, LawTence, adventurer, .^{^200, p. 2. Greene, Reynold, adventurer with John New- man, £-icx>, p. 2 ; assemblies, 4, 59 ; bill of adventure sealed £240, p. 251. Greene, Robert, nominated factor, 77. Greenewell, see Greenwell. Greenewood, John, bill of adventure sealed, £240, p. 260. Greenland, Groynland, 212. Greenwell, William, assemblies, 180, iSi, 182, 183, 184, 185, i36, 187, 190, 193, 196, 197, 226, 228, 232, 236, 237, 241, 242, 244, 247 ; committees, 183, 186, 191, 197, 203, 209. 234, 237. 239, 247, 248; surveyor of the "Malice Scurge," 33 ; auditor, 166 ; general com- mittee, 179 ; do. and sworn, 225 ; bill of ad- venture sealed, ^240, p. 253. Greewell, see Grecniuell. Gregorie, Richard ; warrant £40 on bill of ex- change, 84. Grenewell, see Greenwell. Grocers, see Nicholas Barjtesley ; George Boiulet ; Richard Btirrell; Ral/eBuzbie; Richard Cockes; Robarte Coxe; Thomas Cntteler; George Holmati ; Thomas yitxon; Williajn Nelson; lLdnio7id Nicholson; Ro- barte Sajidye ; Nicholas Style; Oliver Style ; warrant to pay the grocers' porters for loading the ships, 158. Grove, Peter ; warrant £^o in full payment, Grove, Philip, second pilot; assembly, 46; appointed pilot, 47 ; warrant ;^3o on account of wages, 56 ; committee on lead, 79 ; to sail in the " Hector " as second pilot of the fleet, iro; warrant ^11 for boat hire, &c., 138 : to have a bill of adventure for the composition made with him, 139 ; bill of adventure sealed ;,C5oo. P- 148. Groyidand, Greenland, 212. Gryce, George, carriage maker, warrant ^3 8^. p. 221. Giynkin, Robert, warrant ;^3o for watches, compasses, &c., 218. Gryvell, Foulke, treasurer of the navy, asked fir the use of the docks at Woolwich, 13. Guarantees, Alderman Eannyng for Joseph Salaman, purser of the " Susan," 33 ; Jlr. Stapers for George Parsons, purser of the "Hector," 33; ]\Ir. Garwaye for William Leake, purser of the " Assention," 33. Guift, sliip, 120 tons, bought to accompany the fleet with victuals, 147-4!^ (see 143) ; warrant ^£300 in payment. 154 ; sent out with victuals and to be cast off afterwards, 264. Gully Key, •wlicirf, 15S. Gum Lacre, quantity brought home by the "Assention" entered at the Custom House, 247. Gunners, number to be employed in each ship, 90 ; committee to provide stores, 117 ; warrant ;^3o I2.r. ^d. for stores, 157. Gunpowder, 122, 142, 184, 219, 221. Haberdashers, see Hugh Havnnersley ; Hian- frey Alihvard ; Thomas S mi the; warrant to pay the haberdashers' porters for lading ships, 158. Hackett, ^ [Richard], historiographer ; as- Hacklett, S sembly, 10 ; requested to give in- formation as to places of trade in the East Indies, 123-24 ; warrant ;^io for his advice and 3o.f. for maps, 143. Haggett, Bartholomew, assembly, 60 ; respect- ing the payment of his adventure, 126 ; war- INDEX 305 Haggett, Bartholom"\v, cotiihiued. rant to bring in his adventure at once, 170 ; committees, 245, 246 ; bill of adventure sealed /240, p. 258. Haies, see Hayes. Haiward, John, nominated factor, 77. Hakluyt, Richard, see Hacklett. Hale, Mr., of the Bridge'unise ; order to deliver timber to Mr, Burrell, 89. Hale, Richard, bill of adventure sealed, ^240, P- 253- Hale, Sergeaunt, see Hea'e. Hale, William, bill of adventure sealed, ^240, „P- -53: Hall, Richard, blacksmith, warrant, ;^3o ics. for anchors, 151 ; do. £2(1 for iron work, 221. Halledaie, ' Leonard, see Hollidny. Halledaie, ) Halleday, \ Hallidaie, i Hallidaie, William, Mercer, adventurer with John Duckett, ^200, p. 3. Hallydaie, } Hallyday, ( • Leonard, see Holliday. Hahneden, Edward, see Ifolmeden. Hamer, Ralfe, see Havzor. Hamersley, Hugh ; assemblies, 59, 237 ; com- mittees, 237, 239; surveyor for the " Assen- tion," 14 ; declines to adventure, 62 ; warrant to bring in his adventure, 170 : offers to bring discharge of some account in lieu of adventure money, 170 ; pays his adventure ;£240. and admitted a freeman, 175 ; made free though not named in the patent, 177 ; appointed audi- tor, 218 ; bill of adventure sealed, ^^240, p. 261. Hamond, Mathew, adventurer with others, -£300, P- 3- Hamor, Ralfe, Merchant Tailor, adventurer, £i2oo, p. 2 ; assembly, 60 ; bill of adventure sealed, ^^240, p. 255. Hampson, Robarte, Alderman, adventurer, ^£300, p. I ; assembly, 244. Hanckey, see Hankiit. Handford, Humfrie, bill of adventure sealed, ,£240, p. 260. Hangar, George, warrant ;^23i toy. for canary wine, 103. Hankin, Roger, Master of the " Assention \ " committee to treat with him, 69, 70 : master of the "Assention," 97 ; warrant £36 os. ^d. for ballast, &c., 97 ; to sail in the "Assen- tion," loo ; warrant ;^5o on account of wages, 104. Harbie, John, Skinner, adventurer, .^200, p. 4 ; assemblies, 203, 232, 241, 242, 248 ; general committee and sworn, 179; do. 225 ; bill of adventure sealed, .£240, p. 259. Harbour wages at Gravesend, 146. Harby, see Hat-bie. Hardway, John, warrant £z^ i^s. for casks,'i47. Hare, Samuel, bill of adventure sealed, ;£240, P- 254- Harrison, Edward, assembly, 59 ; bill of adven- ture sealed, ^240, p. 258. Harrison, ^William, adventurer with William Harrj'son, J Bonde, ;{;200, p. 3 ; assemblies, 20, 22, 24, 26, 27, 28, 33, 37, 39, 46, 56, 57, 58, 59, 64, 66, 67, 68, 73, 74, 77, 80, 82, -83, 85, 86, 88, 89, go, 91, 93, 94, 95, 96, 98, 99, 103, 104, 106, 108, 113, 114, 117, 118, 119, 171, 122, 123, 124, 125, 128, 138, 139, 140, 144, 150, 151, 155. 15^1 1581 i^°> 1^2, 163, 164, 167, 170, 171, 172, 174, 175, 176, 180, 183, 185, 208, 214, 215, 216, 217, 218, 224, 225, 226, 227, 229, 230, 232, 233, 236, 238, 241, 244, 247, 249 ; committees, 12, 22, 27, 30, 67, 75, 76, R R 99, 107, 124, 127, 143, 147, 156, 158, 186, 197, 203, 209, 229, 234, 237, 239,; 240, 245, 248 ; views ships, 13, requested to provide peas and beans, 29 ; signature to West Country commission, 52 ; general committee, 63 ; warrant ^378 for canary wine, 103 ; do. £-jo for vinegar, 114; to provide ship's stores for the "Assention," 117; audits accounts, 147, 148^, 158 ; to gather into a warehouse all stores left behind, 159 ; appointed auditor, i£6 ; general committee and sworn, 179 ; do. 225 ; signatures to treasurer's warrants, 206, 210; bill of adventure sealed, ;^24o, p. 260. Hart, Richard, warrant ^100 for smitherj-, 104; balance of account to be paid to Mr. Flem- yng, 147 ; warrant ^161 13J. id. for iron work, 157. Harte, Sir John, Knight, adventurer with George Boales, ;^i,ooo, p. i ; assemblies, 4, 58, III, 159, 164, 242 ; elected governor, 225 ; declines to serve on account of age, 226 ; gives his bond as secuiity for money to be raised at interest, 249 ; indemnified for the same by a general bond under the common seal, 250 ; bill of adventure sealed, ^600, 256. Harvy, John, appointed auditor, 166 (? Harby). Harvy, Stephen, bill of adventure sealed, ^240, p. 260. Harvy, William, o{ Bridgewater, warrant ^50 on bill of exchange, 73 ; do. ^40, p. 74 ; do. ^400, p. 141. Haselton, Agnes, warrant 40i-. to relieve her husband hurt in the " Hector," 173 Haselton, Richard, 173. Havard, John, elected a principal factor. Si ; appointed to the " Susan," 94, 100 ; to sail in the " Susan " with Peter Francis, 117 ; order to provide ship's stores for the " Susan," 117 ; warrant ;£25o for men's wages for the" Susan," 118 ; do. ^^loo for his entertainment in the voyage, 123 ; commission to take chief coin- mand in case of death of Capiains Lancaster and Middleton, and Mr. Brund, 135 ; bill of adventure sealed, ;^2oo, p. 150. Hawkyns, John, bill of adventure sealed, ^240, P- 255.^ Hayes, Thomas, adventurer with others, £yxi, p. 3 ; made free though not named in the patent, 177 ; bill of adventure sealed, £•200, p. 261. Heale, Sergeaunt, will provide money in the West Country, 45 ; draws bill on Warwick Heale (of Plymouth), ^'200, p. 47, 54 ; war- rant ;{^2oo for do. , 55 ; warrant ^500 for so much paid to the company's agent at Exeter, 1x9. Heale, Warivicke, see Heale, Scrgea-mtt. Hearne, Richard, warrant to bring in his ad- venture at once, 170 ; billof adventure sealed, ^240, p. 250. H eckes , see Hick. Hector, ship, 300 tons ; Captain Middleton, first factor; Henry Napper, wai^t-r; Philip Grove, second pilot cf the fleet ; George Parsons, /«ricr," James Lovering, surgeon; Vv'iiliam Starkey, second factor; Thomas Dassell, third factor ; Thomas Tudd,yo«r//£ factor. Surveyors appointed, 14 ; inventory, 15 ; warrant ^loo for necessaries, i'^ ; the purser guaranteed by Mr. Stapers, 33 ; rated 100 men, 300 tons, 34 : the aquavitse shipped, ^ 35 ; warrant ^100 for repairs and provisions, 65 ; a mast ordered, 71 ; to be manned with 100 men, 72 ; warrant ;iioo for her provision, 79 ; do. Aioo, p. 88 ; number of carpenters, caulkers, gunners, steward.s, cooks, surgeons 3o6 INDEX Hector, continued. anJ barbers to be employed, 89-90 ; Captain Middletontosail in the" Hector," 94 ; warrant ;Cioo for preparations, 96 ; warrant ^25 to James Lovering, surgeon, for his medicine chest, 98 ; warrant ;{Jioo for repairs and pre- parations, 99 ; Vice Admiral's ship, 100 ; list of officers appointed, 100 ; do. factors, loi ; warrant ^200 for wax candles, &c., 104 ; do. £1^0 for iron work, 105 ; do. £iio to Xpofer Thompson, a smith, in; do. j£ioo to Mr. Wyseman, in ; do. ijioo to William Di.xon, III ; do., ^100 for timber, 114 ; committee to provide stores, 117 ; warrant ^250, 117 ; do. ;£ioo for provisions, 121 ; the amount of new and Spanish money carried in each ship and how packed, 122 ; warrant ;£ioo for w.^ges, 139; do. £1 13.?. to Mr. Pope, Sergeant of the Admiralty, on a bill of charges for the burial of those slain in the "Hector," 141 ; warrant ;i£ioo to the purser for charges, 142 ; do. £ia to Henry Napper, master, for his pains in the preparation of the ships, 143 ; warrant ;^3o 10s. for anchors, 151 ; list of presents to be carried, 151 ; warrant ^100 for wages and clearing e.xpenses, 154 ; do. ^8 4J. for porterage and lading, 158 ; do. £6 for a pinnace, 167 ; do. ^86 15^. i,d. for sails, 168; do. £^ 15^. for caske, 172 ; do. 40^. to relieve Richard Haselton, hurt, 173 ; memorandum tonnage 300, men 100, p. 263. Hedger, William, warrant £(> for a pinnace for the " Hector," 167 ; do. £'-) 10s. for a boat fcr the " Discovery," 223. Hedland, John, warrant £^6 is. Sd. for car- riages, 163. Heighoo, Robert, warrant ;^42 15s. for canvas, 164, 168. Helinge, Peter, warrant to bring in his adven- ture at once, 170 ; made free though not named in the patent, 177 ; bill of adventure sealed ;£24o, p. 257. Helle, see Heale. Helmes, Edmund, of Burford in Oxon ; Re the assignment of ^loo adventure of Clement Moseley, deceased, 193. Helms, Peter, deceased, 226 ; his stock assigned to Peter Wellington, 226. Helyn, see Helinge. Hemyng, ) Roger,assembly, 59 ; committees, Hemmyng, > 245, 246 ; bill of adventure Hemmynge, \ .sealed ;£240, p. 250. Henshaw, J Thomas, adventurer with William Henshawe, f Adderley.i^ 300, p. 2; assemblies, 5, 59 ; will bring in Rlr. Addersley's adven- ture, 63 ; bill of ad venture sealed, ^^240, p. 255. Heralds, warrant ^13 -js. ?>d. to William Segar, herald, for writing the Queen's letters to the Kings of the East Indies, 139; warrant 20 merkes to the King of Heralds for assigning the company's arms, 171. Herbert, Mr. Secretary, g, see Privy Council; letters from the Privy Council to the company, 60, 61 ; orders in council, 112, 164 ; committee to solicit a warrant to remove the plate from the governor's house, 141. Hercules, ship, 99. Hertrowe, 74. Hewett, John, adventurer, £},'i'i ds. 8d., p. 3 ; bill of adventure sealed, ^^240, p. 254. Hewett, William, assembly, 59. Hewghes, see Hug/ies. Hewitt, John, see Hewett. Hewitt, Thomas, bill of adventure scaled, Z240, P- 254- Hewys, Thomas, Clotlnuorkcr, warrant ^12 8.'. (id, p. 159. Heyes, sec Hayes. Hiccocke, Thomas, adventurer, .£100, p. 1 ; assembly, 4. Hick, IJaptiste, Mercer, adventurer, ,^400, p. 2 ; assembly 4. Hickes, Thomas, nominated factor, 77 ; elected factor of the third sort, 83. Hickock, see Hiccoc/cc. Hides, warrant ^28 t8«. for hides to make the mariners cassocks, breeches, and gowns for the N. W. voyage, 208. Higelord, see Highlord. ^!«1:°^' see Heighoo. Hignoo, \ " Highelord, I Edward, purser of the " Mare Highlord , f Scourge," aftamards of the " Assention," warrant ;Cioo for repairs of the " Scourge," 87 ; do. ;£2oo for her preparation, 106 ; do. .£180 for mariners' wages, &c., 154 ; letter from him frcm the "Assention " brought home by a Frenchman, 243 ; order to attend on board the " Assention " until ship is dis- charged, 246. Highlord John, adventurer with John Marris, A200, p. 3 ; assemblies, 4, 59, 64, 66, 68, 69, 71, 73, 77, 80, 82, 83, 85, 86, 8'8, 89, 92, 94, 9• .£1,000, p. i ; assemblies, 4, 14, HoUyday, J 20, 22, 24, 26, 27, 28, 31, 33, 46, 47. 56, 57. 58, 64, 65, 67, 68, 69, 7:, 76, 78, 80, 8^, S3, 85, 86, 8^, 89, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, go, 100, 102, 104, 106, 107, 109, 112, 115, iig, 124, 127, 12S, 140, 144, 148, 150, 151, 158, i6o, 167, 173, 176, 186, 192, 226, 244, 248 ; committees, 12, 32, 37, 38, 58, 68, 71, 73, 76, 77, 80, 91, 99, 141, 147 ; per his man, 245, 246 ; warrants for the payment of money as treasurer of the company, see Warrants ; views ships, 13; bills from the West Country, 50 ; signature to West Country commissions, 52, 54, 55 ; general committee, 63 ; to buy fish, 75 ; as to the coining of £6,000 in the Tower, 120 ; see Hodgeson. INDEX 307 Hollyday, Leonarde, continued. account of the new and Spanish money in his custody prepared for shipment, 127 ; to clear accounts with ]\Ir. Angell and Mr. Gosson, 127 ; to carry to Gravesend money for the clearing of the ships, 146 ; order to raise ;Ci,5oo on hiscredit and Alderman Bannyng's, 146 ; to render accounts, 156 ; to be indem- nified for the ^1,500 raised at interest, 161 ; to deliver bills of adventure to every adven- turer, 175 ; general committee, 179 ; ^£230 adventure assigned to him by Earl Cumber- land, 197 ; receives ^240 adventure from William Nelson with j^-^o premium, 205 ; ordered to bring in £-j% 6s. gd. balance of his treasurer's accounts, 231 ; being in arrears with his adventure for the North West voyage, ordered that the same be defaulted out of his East India stock, 231 ; (see page 200) ; bill of adventure sealed, ^1,440,- p. 262 ; do. ^230 assigned to him by ihe Earl of Cumberland, 262 ; part owner of the ship " E.\change," 276. Hollywell, — nominated factor, 77. Holman, George, Grocer, adventurer, ^150, p. I ; assemblies, 4, 60 ; bill of adventure sealed, ^^240, p. 250. Holmden, ) Edward, .<4/ X500, p. i ; assemblies, 74, 78, Holmenden, ) 79, 80, 119; general committee, 63 ; bill of adventure sealed, ^1,200, p. 256. Holway, Nycholas, warrant ^^50 on bill of exchange, 58. Honey, barrels required, 30 ; estimate of quantity and price, 35 ; committee to provide, 35 ; warrant £,2\ is. for 32 jars, 125. Horton, Thomas, assemblies, 59, 229, 232, 240, 242, 247 ; general committee and sworn, 225 ; c>mmittee, 248 ; bill of adventure sealed, ^{^240, p. 252. How, i Roger, adventurer, ^200, p. 3 ; assem- Howe, f blies, 5, 7, g, 10, 28, 31, 37, 30, 46, 47. 56, 57. 58, 64, 66, 67, 69, 73, 74, 79, 82, 85, 86, 88, 93, 98, 100, 102, 104, 109, 118, 122, 124, 140, 142, 170, 172, 173, 17s, 176,177, 181, 182, 192, 203, 215, 216 ; committees, 6, 8, 12, 28, 40, 41, 75, 76, 99, 120, 127, 183, 243 ; views ships, 13 ; sent to the West Country for dollars and victuals, 15, 21 ; warrant ^500 for use in the West Country, 29 ; feoffee in trust for the ships bought, 32 ; provision of victuals, 38 ; purchase of the " Malice Scurgp," 45 ; signature to West Country commissions, 52, 54, 55 ; warrant ^200 to pay to Sergeaunt Heale for a bill of exchange on Plymouth, 55 ; do. £so to pay to Laurence Waldo for a bill on Exeter, 55 ; general com- mittee, 63 ; to answer letters from -Plymouth, 64 ; letters to Captains Baker and Davies, &c., 66, 74 ; to see to the making of bags, 86 ; to write into the West Country to pro- vide no more bread, &c., 88 ; warrant ^600 on bill of exchange, 102; to answer letters from West Country factors, 103 ; buys vine- gar, 115 ; to clear accounts with Mr. Sandy, 127 ; warrant ;^2o for attending to busmess in the West Country, 140 ; commission to go into the West Country, 147 : to bring in his account, 159, 172 ; presents his West Country account, 173; allowed with Mr- Combe ;£i8 75. 2rt'. for expenses in the countrj% 176 ; general committee and sworn, 179 ; bill of adventure sealed, £:^Co, p. 256. Howse, Richarde, adventurer with Henry Robinson, ;62oo, p. 3 ; assemblj-, 5. Huberd, Miles, adventurer with Thomas Cambell, >^20o, p 2. Hughes, Robert, appointed sailmaker of the " Mallyce .Scurge," 40 ; warrant ;^49, p. 167 ; do. ^32 io.f. p. 221. Hule, Hugh, admitted as an extra factor, 102. Hull, peas and beans to be bought there, 29. Humble, Richard, made free though not named in the patent, 177 ; bill of adventure sealed, ^240, p. 251. Humfrey, John, bill of adventure sealed, £240, p. 260. Hurleston, Thomas, nominated factor, 77. Huse, see Huglws. Hylliard, Edward, appointed surveyor of the works on the " Malice Scurge," 40 ; to prevent the workmen from running to drink, 40- Hynde, William, bill of ad venture sealed, ;^240, p. 257. Impositions on certain goods offered to the Queen by persons attempting to supplant the Levant Co., 280 ; ^4,000 per annum agreed to be paid to the Queen by the Levant Co. in lieu of impositions, 280, 282. Incorporation of the East India Co. ; petition to the Privy Council, &c., 8 ; see East India Co. and Privy CouJicil. Indemnities, see Bonds. Instruments (naval), ;^30 granted to Captain Waymouth, 204 ; do. ;^2o, p. 204 ; .£100 al- lowed to Waymouth, 211 ; warrant £y>, p. 218. Interest, ;^ 1,500 to be borrowed, 146 ; ;^2,ooo do. 249. Inventories of the ships "Hector," 15; "As- sention," 16, 22; "Susan," 17; "Malice Scurge," 42. Ipswich canvas, 164. Iron, 30 tons to be sent out in the ships, and price, 36: 20 tons purchased, 41: quantity increased to 50 tons, 99 ; warrant £^s°t p. 304 ; do. .^100, p. 104 ; do. £'ioo, p. iii ; do. .^100, p. 119. Iron hoops, quantity and price in the West Country to be ascertained, 49 ; warrant ^36, p. 129; do. £6 los., p. 219; do. £42, p. 222 ; do. £42. p. 224. Ironmongers, see William Deyns, Nicliolat Lentt, James Waters, Jok7i Wood-warde. Iron stoves for the North West voyage, 209. Ironsyde, Richard, assembly, 60; bill of ad- venture sealed, ;^240, p. 258. Ironsyde, Thomas, will bring in his money, 63- . . , I ron work, see also smiths, iron iron hoops, Ss'c. ; warrant ^200, p. 41 ; do. £'^q for the "Hector," 105 ; payment of a smith's hill stopped because he hath not paid for his iron, 128, 147 ; warrant ^100 for the " Red Dragon," is?; do., ;{[i6i 13.?. id. for the " Assention," 157 ; warrant .£100, p. 163 ; do. ^^27, p. 168; do. ^29 \s. ^d., p. 172; do. .^227, p. 173; do. £\(), p. 221; do. ;^26, 221 ; do. £12 ts., p. 221. Jackson, John, Clotkivorker, admitted adven- turer in lieu of John Bate, ;{^2oo, p. 174 ; bill of adventure sealed, ^^240, p. 261. Jackson, Joseph, admitted a freeman on the nomination of Sir John Spencer, 187 (see 181). Jaiiiryn, sceGamrym. Japan, Waymouth to receive £~,oo if he arrive 3o8 INDEX Japan, conthmed. at any port in Japan by a North West Passage, 214. Java, 198. Jaymes, Edwarde, adventurer, ^200, p. 3. Jennynges, ) William, assemblies, 59, 237, 241 ; Jennyns, j committees, 237, 239, 245, 246 ; Ibill of adventure sealed, £1^0, p. 251]; do., 261. Jewels, Mr. Hacklett, historiographer, reads out of his notes and books divers instructions, 124 ; instructions to the principal factor, 132, 133. Johnes, Stephen, owner of the ship "Carna- tion " of Colchester, 263- Johnson, John, offers to serve as a master, 27. Johnson, Patrick, warrant ^38 for salt, 121 ; do. £,\i ds. Sci., p. 219. Johnson, Robert, bill of adventure sealed, ^240, p. 253. Johnson, I'homas, runaway seivant of the Earl of Oxford, order not to be allowed to go in the voyage, 125. Joint stock, see East India Co., and Adventu- rers, all things to be managed as a joint and common stock, and no private trade to be al- lowed, 130, 133. Jones, Thomas, bill of exchange for £^iQO paid to the company at Plymouth, 68. Journals, the pursei s of the North West voyage to make notes, journals, and observations for the direction and help of posterity, 213 ; journal from Captain Waymouth, 227. Juxon, 1 homas.^n't t'r, adventurer ^200, p. 3 ; bill of adventure sealed, £i\o, p. 251. Kathia, see Cataia. Kellett, William, warrant to bring in his adven- ture at once, 170; made free though not named in the patent, 177 ; bill of adventure sealed, ^240, p. 261. Kempe William, warrant ^30 on bill of e.x- change from Plymouth, 80. Kerby, see Kii-by. Kerseys, ( Committee to provide, 31 ; quantity Kessies, j to be sent out, description and price, 35 ; proposed trade with China and Cataia by the North West passage if dis- covered, 199 ; duties at Constantinople and Aleppo to support the ambassador's and con- suls' charges, 267, 270, 271, 274, 279. Key, Robert, bill of adventure sealed, ^240, p. 258. King James I., customs due on goods brought home in the " Assention," 247, 248, 250. King of Heralds, see Heralds. Kings of the East Indies, letters to, 91, 131, 134, 139- Kintalles, weight for bread, 41. Kirby, Jeffrey, Mr. Eannyng required to pay the jCsooset down for Jerirey Kirby, 126 ; bill of adventure sealed, ^240, p. 258. Knives, 79. Knowles, Sir William, Privy Councillor, 60. Kymber, Mr., ■whatfinger,\x^xTa.w\. i^-^a^ \ds. 8d. for lighterage and porterage, 158; do. ^3, p. 224. Lacy, John, warrant, ^188 for cordage, 126. Lacy, William, of Hertroiue, warrant ^iio on bill of exchange, 74. Lading of the ships, warrant to pay the porters, 158. Lambard, Henry, warrant ^10 ^s. 'id. for Black Jacks, 105. Lamps, five dozen required, and price, 35. Lancaster, Captain James, chief coiiiiiiander in the voyage, assemblies, 14, 22, 24, 26, 27, 28, 31. 33. 39> 44> 45. 46, 47. 56, 57, 64, 71, 73, 74, 76, 78, 80, 82, 83, 86, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 94. 95' 96, 98, 99, 100, to2, 103, 104, 106, 107, 109, 113, 114, 117, 118, 119, 142, 143, 144; committees, 12, 22, 26, 27, 28, 30, 37, 40, 57, 67, 69, 72, 75, 87, 91, 94; views ships, 13 ; warrant .£200 to buy iron work and caske, 41 ; signature to West Country commission, 52 ; committee to treat with him for taking the chief command, 58, 66, 71, 73 ; general com- mittee, 63 ; warrant p^ioo on account for his entertainment, 89 ; order to agree with the carpenters, caulkers, and gunners, 90 ; nomi- nated as principal factor to sail in the "Scourge," 94, loo ; instructions as to the mariners' shares of reprisals, 119 ; motion for p^ioo tobe paid to the purser of the " Hector" for provisions, 121 ; his commission and in- structions for the voyage, 132 ; the Queen's approval of his appointment, 132 ; authority by letters patent to correct and chastise offenders, 132 : private traffic not to be per- mitted, but all trade to be reckoned as a joint and common stock, 133; measures to Erevent private trade, 133 ; penalties for em- ezzlement and fraud, 134 ; instructions for factors to be left resident in foreign parts, 134 ; instructions for the devolving of the chief command in case of death, &c., 135; warrant £iao for his entertainment, 139 ; do. £■L^ ys. 8d. for mrney disbursed, 139; pur- chase of the ship "Guift," 147; bill of ad- venture sealed, ;£i,5oo, p. 150 ; bill of adven- ture sealed, ..^240, p. 257. Lane, John, master s mate of tlic " Godspeede," examined as to the cause of the return of Captain Waymouth, 232 ; warrant 30J. for wages, 234 {see 205). Language of Sumatra. An Englishman know- ing the language brought home by the Dutch, 194. Lant, John, of Exeter, warrant £is° on bill of exchange, 81. Lanternes, I Lanthornes, I 'S7, 209, 223. Latterfield, Edward, bill of adventure sealed, £ia,o, p. 258. Launches, see pinnaces. Lawrence, Simon, bill of adventure sealed, .£240, p. 258. I,aws, decrees, and ordinances of the company, see also Rules and East hidia Company, 129, 197-98, 198-202. Lead, quantity to be sent out and price, 36 ; committee to provide, 79 ; warrant, ^■z'z^ts., p. 95 ; do. ;^i5o, p. 105 ; do. .£49, p. 143 ; warrant for payment of charges for cutting lead, 203 ; warrant for lead for the North West voyage, 210; do. ^8 8.?., p. 224. Leake, William, purser of the "Assention," 33; warrant ;^ 1 50 for men's wages, 117 ; do. /ico, p. 154. Leaman, John, made free though not named in the patent, 177. Leanyng, Edward, assembly, 59. Leat, ( T ij. Leate, r^^ ^'''"^'- Leatl-.eisellers, see Henrye Bridgeman. Leatt, Nicholas, Jj\^nmonger, adventurer, £■200, p. I ; assemblies, 4, 7, 9, 10, 59, 180, 1S3, 187, 190, 192, 197, 203, 204, 205, 206, 208, 214, 215, 2i6, 217, 218, 219, 225, 227; INDEX 309 Leatt, Nicholas, continued. committees, 6, 8, 10, 191, 203, 205, 209 ; sur- veyor for the " Hector," 14 ; appointed audi- tor, 166 ; general committee and sworn, 179 ; signatures to treasurer's warrants, 206, 210 ; warrant ^150 for necessaries provided, 215 ; do. ^20 for mariners' clothes, 218 ; do. £•$! ■^s. -id. for disbursements, 223 ; bill of adven- ture sealed, £ii,o-i p. 255 ; money taken up at Constantinople from his factor for the use of the ambassador, 280. Lecheland, Mr., of Ciilkton. Price of peas, 54. Lee, Robarte, Aldeniiati, adventurer, .£300, p. 3. Leeninge, Edward, bill of adventure sealed, ;^36o, p. 256. Leet, see Leatt. Leman, John, bill of adventure sealed, £140, P- 255- Letters to the Earl of Essex asking his c^isent to Captain Davies being appointed chief director of the voyage, 25 ; from the lord treasurer recommending Sir Edward jMichel- borne to be employed, 28 ; from the Lord Treasurer to the receivers of Devon and Cornwall, authorizing credit to be given to the company's agent for purchasing provisions, 38 ; letters commending several men to be employed as pursers, 39; from Mr. Pope with advice of proceedings in the purchase of provisions, 64 ; do. from Captain Baker, 64 ; from Mr. Ellycot as to the provision of royals in the West Country, 64 ; replies to Captain Davis, Captain Baker, Robert Pope, Mr. Ellicott, and Mr. Sandy, 66 ; from the West Country as to the proceedings of the business, 74 ; from the Queen to potentates in the Ea.st Indies, 91, 131, 134, 151 ; war- rant ;^i3 7.y. Sd. to William Segar, herald, for writing the Queen's letters, 139; from the Privy Council respecting adventurers in de- fault, &c., 164-65, the Queen's letters to the Emperor of China, S:c., for the North West voyage, 217 ; warrant £4 15J. for charges for the Queen's letters, 222 ; warrant 28J. id. to John Franklyn forcarrying aletcer to Captain Waymouth in the Downs, 223 ; to the pursers of the North West voyage to preserve all things suitable for a second voyage, 228 ; letters from and to the purser of the " Assen- tion," respecting the return of that ship, 242- 43 ; to the merchants of Dartmouth and Ply- mouth to give credit to the officers of the " Assention." 243-44, see East India Com- pany ; several drafts of letters in the East India Company's Record Book, tending to show that the East India Company was par- tially an outgrowth from the Levant Com- pany, 265-83, see Comt^aiiy of Levant mer- chants, viz. : to Mr. Lyllo, English ambas- sador at Constantinople, 265-70, 2S2 ; to Richard Colthurst, consul at Aleppo, 270-72, 278-79, 283 ; to Mr. John Saunderson, mer- chant at ' onstantinople, 273-75, 279-80; to Mr. Byddell, preacher at Aleppo, 275-76 ; to Mr. , merchant at Scanderona (?), 276-77 ; to Mr. May, preacher at Constanti- nople, 281. Letters Patent, see Patent. Levant merchants, see Co^npany of. Levant seas. Outrages by English men-of- war, 280, 282, 283. Levies of 2.y. in the £ to make up deficiency in the total required, 110; to be brought in within 6 days on pain of forfeiture of double the value, iii ; levy confirmed, 113 ; act touching the bringing in the 2^-. in the £, 137 ; voluntary levy of 12a'. in the £ for the North West adventure, 183 ; 121^. in the £ for the North West voyage and penalties for default, 199-200 ; proposed levy by the poll and upon the rates of particular adventures to raise money hereafter required, 249 ; levy on certain goods entering Constantinople and Aleppo to support the ambassador's and con- suls' charges, 267, 270, 271, 272, 274, 279. Lieth, Thomas, warrant ^68 i%s. for pewter, 129. Lighterage, 158, 173. Lighterman, William Allom, 173. Limehouse, 208. Linen cloth, warrant £\i^ los. for, 97. Linendrapers, see John Buzbridge, see also Drapers. Ling, see Fish. Ling, Holland Ling, 209. Linge, see Lynge. Lioness, sliip, viewed, 13. List, of adventurers and amounts subscribed, 4 ; of caske required, 30; of provisions required, 34-5 ; of merchandise to be carried, 36-7 ; of timber borrowed from Her Majesty's store- house at Woolwich, 71-2; of factors nomi- nated, 77, loi ; of .silver plate and presents, 141, i5t; of provisions for the North Westvoy- age, 209 ; of bills of adventure sealed, 250-62. Locksmith, \ ^^■■- Smalwood, 223. Lodgings for mariners, warrant £4 ys., p. 222. Lokar, Edward, nominated factor, 77. Looking-glasses, to be provided as presents, 116, 141, 151. Lord Admiral, letters from the Privy Council to the company, 60, 61, 164 ; wine given to him m lieu of deodand claimed for the " Hec- tor," 169 ; touching the tithes due for the prize taken in the East Indies, 246 ; re- specting the outrages by the men-of-war in the Levant seas, 282. Lord Chief Justice, 61, 112. Lord Keeper, 112, 164. Lord Mayor of London, Sir Stephin Soame, i. Lords of the Council, see Privy Council. Lord Treasurer ('? T. Buckhurst, see p. 38), 9, 60, 61, 112, 164, sec Privy Coiincil; letter recommending Sir Edward Michelborne to be employed, 28 ; letters to the receivers of Devon and Cornwall to e.xtend credit to the company's agents, 38 ; warrant for providing peas and beans in Carnbridgeshiie and Nor- folk, 66 ; letter recommending Henry Aneys to be employed, 85 ; respecting bullion in the Tower, 87 : committee to solicit warrant to deliver the silver plate out of Mr. Gover- nor's house, 141. Lovering, James, surgeon of tlie "Hector;" warrant Jt25 to provide remedies, 98. Luellen, Morrice, bill of adventure sealed, ^240, p. 254. Lydall, Thomas, bill of adventure sealed, £21,0, p. 257. Lyllo, Mr., resident English ambassador at Constantinople, letter of instructions, 265, see Company of Levant jnerchanis ; his salary, 271 ; contentions with the French as to the Dutch consulage, 271-2 ; credit for his wants supplied by Mr. Saunderson, mer^ chant, 273, 279 ; creditor of the company for 1,000 cheskeens, 274. Lymehouse, see Limehouse, 208. 3IO INDEX Lyng, ) Nicholas, adventurer, ^loo, p. 2 ; as- Lynge, \ semblies, 4, 7, 9, 59, 64, 68, 77, 78, 79, 80, 82, 83, 88, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 99, 100, 107, 108, 112, 118, 122, 124, 128, I2Q, 140, 142, 143, 155, 158, Ifi2, 164, 167, 168, 170, 17I) '75i '76, 177, 180, 181, 183, 184, 185, 1S6, 190, 203, 205, 214, 217, 219, 225, 228, 229, 230, 231, 233, 235, 236, 238, 240, 241, 242, 244; committees, 6, 8, 97, 128, 156, 158, 20s, 209, 214, 229, 234, 248 ; surveyor for the " Assention," 14 ; general ccmmittee, 63 ; buys cloth, &c., 97 ; warrant ^20 for charges, III ; general committee and sworn, 179 ; do. 225 ; requested to provide bags for the pepper brought home in the " Assention," and suits without pockets for the porters, 247 ; bill of adventure sealed, ^240, p. 257. Lypson, Derick, warrant ^40 for steel, 13S. Lytleford, Mr., committee, 246. Mabanck, Arnold, pnlleyviaker ; warrant ;^56 TS. gd. for work, done, 163 ; do. £g 10s. for pulleys, 221. Macy, William, bill of exchange, ^112, p. 88. Magelano, Straits of, 183. Makesfield, John, brasier, see Maxfield. Malaga wine, 169. Malice Scur"e, { n tit c •> •«, ,1 r \ see Mare S cure e. Mall E-courge, ) * Mallett, Justice, see liluUeii. Mallett, William, warrant ^70 on bill of ex- change, 85. Malyce Scurge, see "Mare Scurge." Manley, Nicholas, bill of adventure sealed, ^240, p. 258. Maps, three maps supplied by Mr. Hacklett, 143 ; Fretum Uavies and Greenland, 212. Marche, see Marsh. Mare Scurge, skip, afterwards re-named the " Red Dragon ; " 600 tons, Admiral ship of the fleet. Captain V,&xicA.'iX.e.r.,Gencral of the Fleet ; Captam Davis, /'i7of Major of tJie fleet; William Hroadbent, yi/frj/^r ; Robert Pope, Second Factor; Nathaniel Gamram, Third Factor; Xpofer Stradling, Fourth Factor; William Burrage, i?(?/i/izy«/«; Ralph Salter (?) Surgeon. Motion for buying her from the Earl of Cumberland, 20 ; her ton- nage found to be too great, but recommended for the second voyage, 20-1 ; surveyed and price inquired, 27 ; ;^3,ooo oft'ered for her, but d'-clined ; ofiered at ^4,000 ; to be re- surveyed and price considered, 29; ^{^3,500 offered and declined, 30 ; price settled at ^£3,700 by arbitration, 31-2 ; surveyors ap- pointed, 33 ; William Burrage, boatswain, ordered to see to the preparation of the ship, 33 ; rated, 200 men, tonnage, 600, p. 34 ; quantity of aquavitae, 35 ; committees to watch her preparation, 39 ; a barrel of beer a day allowed to the workmen to prevent thtir running from their work to the alehouse, 40 ; ship's boat lying at Plymouth to be sent up, 40 ; sailmakers appointed, 40 ; inventory of the ship, 42 ; a chain pump advised, 44 ; the bargain and sale sealed with the Earl of Cumberland, and manner of payment, 45 ; a new long boat ordered, 46 ; the boat lying at Plymouth to be inspected, 51 ; men required to complete the ship to be drawn from the ; "Susan," 56; warrant ^i,ooo for repairs, 65 ; do. ;£ioo, p. 70 ; quantity of timber bor- rowed from Her Majesty's storehouse at Woolwich, 71 ; to be manned with >8o men, 72 ; warrant .£100 for timber, 74 ; do. £?io for preparations, 74 ; do. .£100, p. 84 ; do. ^50 for repairs, 87 ; do. X^ioo, p. 87 ; do. £l^ recompense to a poor man for the bulging of his crane, 88 ; numberof carpenters, gunners, caulkers, stewards, conks, surgeons, and bar- bers to be employed, 89-90 ; the Pilot-Major and Mr. Rtadbanck, Master, to sail in the " .Scur>;e," 90; Captain Lancaster appointed principal factor, 94 ; ordered to be launched and re-named the " Red Dragon," gfi, see henceforth ^^ Red Dragon ;" the "Carna- tion " of Colchester buoyed on an anchor be- longing to the " Scurge," 263. Margann, see Mors^aji. Mariners, see also Masters ; William Tavernor engaged, 68 ; all mariners to be paid two months' wages in advance and two months' wages in adventure stock, 70 ; number of men in each ship, 72 ; to be engaged by the committee and masters, 78 ; as to prizes and prize money, iiS; warrant for board wages, 208 ; hiring of mariners in the West Country, 209 ; warrant ^28 iZs. for hides to make mariners' cassocks, breeches, &c., for the North West Voyage, 208; warrant ^20 for clothes, 218 ; warrant £^ ys. for mariners' lodgings, &c., 222 ; warrant to pay marmers hired at Dartmouth to bring to London the ships returned from the North West voyage, 231 ; penalty for removing goods without leave from the " Assention," 245 ; money to be raised at interest to pay mariners' wages, Marris, John, adventurer with John Highlord, /200, p. 3. Marseilles (Marcelle.s), orders for the preven- tion of private trade from Aleppo, &c., 272. Marshe, Daniel, assembly, 39 ; offers to bring in his money if he can be employed, 63 ; nominated factor, 77. Marshe, James, warrant £c) i$s. for deals, &c., 169 ; order to enquire into Mr. Adye's ac- count for limber, 173. Marshe, Thomas, bill of adventure sealed, ;{^2oo, p. 261. Masters, see al>o Captain'' ; John Johnson offers as a master, 27 ; William Brodebent thought suitable, 44 ; Roger Hankin to be compounded with, 69, 70 ; Thomas Eldred recommended, 72 ; no master to be employed till seen and spoken with, 72 ; to engage other officers and mariners, 78 ; committee to hire and compound with, 87; Mr. Eradbanck to sail in the " Scurge," 90 ; committee to treat with Mr. Beare, 90 ; the choice of masters to be discussed at a general court, 92 ; appointed to their respective ships, 100 ; Samuel Spencer of the "Susan," 116; the terms of Mr. Brodebent's bill of adventure, 153. Masters' mates, John Mav, 224. Martin, Nathaniel, assembly, 50 ; declines to adventure, 62 ; John Morice adventures ^200 in his place, 185. Martin, Roger, admitted as an extra factor, 102. Martin, William, of Exeter, respecting money in the West Country, 51, 53, 54 ; his son recommended to be employed, 97. Martyn, see Martin. Masts for the ships : " Hector," 71 ; overcharge by the carpenter of the "Susan," 121, 157 ; warrant ^16 os. lod., p. 157 ; do. ^^iso, p. 164 ; do. £2, p. 222. Maxfield, John, brasicr, warrant £\\ 10s. for INDEX 311 Maxfield, John, conthiued. copper vessels, 164 ; do. ^17 17.?. for brass poLs and copper kettles, 222. May, Faith, wife of John May. May, John, masters mate of the "Susan," warrant 30J. to Faith May in part of his wages, 224; do. 56^., p. 248. May, M.T., preacher at Aleppo, letter ordering him home, 281. Mayflower, ship, viewed, 13 Meal : an estimate submitted, 26 ; estimate of quantity and price, 34 ; revised estimate, 46, 54-5 ; quantity to be bought in the West Country, 41, 52; instructions as to quality and packing, 48 ; warrant to buy the .Spanish meal taken prize in Lord Willoughby's ship, 86 ; no more to be bought, 88 ; committee to provide for the North West Voyage, 209. Medicine, warrant ^^32 to Raphe Salter for furnishing his chest, 95 ; do ^25 to James Lovering, surgeon of the " Hector," 98 ; do. ;^20 to Christopher Newchurch, surgeon of the " Asiiention," 98 ; do. ^20 to John Gamond, surgeon of the " Susan," 98. Megges, William, order to bring in ;^ioo balance of his adventure, 162 ; bill of adven- ture sealed, 250. Men-of-war, outrages by English, in the Levant, 280, 2S2, 283. Mercers, see IVilliain Allen, Thomas Conlcll, IVilliam Halliday, Baptiste Hick, Cle/iient Moseley. Merchandise : committee to consider what is suitable for the voyage, 26 ; quantity and description to be shipped, 36 ; total value, 37 ; committee to consider and order small merchandise, glasses, knives, &c., 79 ; ship- ping mark. 107 ; committee to enter and pay customs, &c., 118 ; si.xty pieces of chamlettes shipped without warrant, 123 ; all mer- chandise to be accounted for as a joint and common stock, 130, 132 ; rules for the pre- vention of private trade, 130, 133 ; the kinds to be sought in the East Indies, 198 ; the object of the attempted discovery of the North West Passage was to create a market for English goods in the temperate climates of Cataia and China, 199 ; a convenient quantity laden in the two ships for the North West Voyage, 212 ; the pursers to keep an account of the same, 212-13; warrant ;^5i 3i. ■id., p. 223; the merchandise re- turned from the North West Voyage to be carried to Mr. Wiseman's house and in- spected, 231 ; ordered to be sold, and a committee appointed to attend to the sale, 239, 241 ; committee to attend to the un- loading of the " Assention," 245 ; list of goods brought home in the " Assention," 247 ; committee to prepare the vaults under the E.xchange to receive goods, 247-48 ; com- mittee to see the goods sent to the Exchange, 248 ; committee to receive and weigh goods at the Exchange, 248 ; order and commission for the sale of the goods, 249. Merchants, see Factors, Adventurers ; letters to merchants in Plymouth and" Dartmouth to give credit to the " Assention" on her return, 243. Merchant Tailors, see William Botide, Ralfe Hamor, John Robinson, senior. Michelborne, Sir Edward, recommended by the Lord Treasurer to be ein]>loyed as a chief commander, 28 ; resolution of the committee to employ nogentlemen, 2S; disfranchised,! 78. Middleton, see Midleton. Midleboroughe, advice from thence of two Dutch ships returned laden with pepper, 194. Midleton, Mr., of Plymouth; warrant £c, for riding post from Plymouth with first report of the return of the "Assention," 247. Midleton, Henry, recommended as a purser, 39 ; appointed surveyor of the works on the " Mallice Scurge," 39 ; order to prevent the workmen running to drink, 40 ; warrant ^100 for charges for the " l\L-ice Scurge," 56 ; nominated factor, 77 ; warrant ;{^ioo for the " Scurge," 78 ; elected factor of the third sort, 83 ; warrant .£300 for the provision of the " Scourge," 95 ; appointed second factor in the " Susan," loi ; warrant ^100 as purser of the " Red Dragon," 104 ; warrant ^^50 for his entertainment, 141 ; bill of adventure sealed, ^100, p. 152. Midleton, Captain John ; assemblies, 33, 37, 39. 44> 57. 59. 64, 67, 68, 71, 74, 77, 78, 80, 83, 85, 88, 89, 90, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 98, 100, 103, 104, 106, 107, 108, 109, 117, 118, 121, 122, 123, 139, 140, 142, 143, 144 ; committees, 30, 57, 72, 86, 94 ; surveyor for the "Susan," 14 ; do. " Mare Scourge," 27 ; commends Henry Midleton as a purser, 39 ; general committee, 63 ; committee to agree with him for going on the voyage, 77, 90 ; nominated factor, 77 ; elected a principal factor, 81 ; to sail in the " Hector," 94, 100 ; ordered to provide ship's stores for the " Hector," 117 ; his commission, 135 ; appointed to take chief command in the event of the death of Captain Lancaster, 135 ; warrant ^100 for his enter- tainment, 140 ; do. ^8 is. -jd. for disburse- ments, 140 ; do. ^34 3jr., p. 142 ; directs ;£ioo to be paid to the purser of the "Hector," 142; bills of adventure sealed, ;£4oo and ^I'zo, p. 150 ; receives ^38 jo.y. from Mr. Rumney for mariners' wages, 158; bill of adventure sealed, ;^24o, p. 256. Midleton, Robert, adventurer with others, ,^500, p. 2 ; assemblies, 4, 59 ; warrant £■2-1 6s. 6d. for sugar, 149 ; committee, 243 ; bill of adventure sealed, Z240. P- 254. Midleton, Thomas, adventurer with others, ;^5oo, p. 2 ; assemblies, 4, 9, 28; committees, 6, 8, 9 ; recommends Robert Creswell as a purser, 39. Mildmay, Robert, assembly, 59 ; warrant to bring in his adventure at once, 170 ; bill of adventure sealed, ^240, p 253. Millett, William, bill of adventure sealed, ^240, p. 257. Milward, Humfrey, haberdasher, assents to bring in his supplies, 175 ; bill of adventure sealed, .^240, p. 250. Money. See also Dollars, Bullion, Coin, Royals, Warrants, Adventurers ; no sum above £,\o to be disbursed by the treasurers without a warrant, 24 ; money in the West Country, 45 ; instructions for taking up money and giving bills of exchange, 50 ; money wanted to pay wages, 92 ; committee to attend to the shipping of money in the West Country, 120 ; £,ii,ooo coined in the Tower, 120 ; amount of new and Spanish money apportioned to be carried in each ship and how packed, 122 ; to be entered at^ the Custom House and water-borne to Gravesend and stowed in the ships, 142 ; order for ^1,500 to be taken up at intere.st, 146; warrant .£29 104-. for stamps made for the East India monies, 174 ; the mislike to 312 INDEX Money, cnntiniicd. the transportation of so much coin out of the country, igS ; money to be raised at interest for payment of mariners' wages returned in the "Assention," 249. Moone, Richard, money supplied in Plymouth, 64. Moore, John, alderman, adventurer, £y:x>, p. I ; assembhes, 7, 9, 58, 65, 68, 71, 82, 87, 89, 90, 93, 94, 96, 98, 99, 100, 102, 103, 115, n8, 123, 140, 144, 148, 150, 151, 159, 176 ; com- mittees, 8, 58, 71, 73, 77, 91, 115, 147; ap- pointed director, 6 ; general committee, 63 ; bill of adventure sealed, ^^480, p. 262. Morgan, J Thomas, nominated factor, 77; Morgann, f elected factor of the fourth sort, 83 ; to sail in the " Susan," loi ; order to be paid ^20 for his provision to sea, 126 ; bill of adventure sealed, ^40, p. 152. Morice, (John, adventures ^206 in place of Morrice, f Nathaniel Martin, 185 ; bill of adventure sealed, ^^240, p. 261. lilort, royals to be procured there, 51. Mortgage, ;{Jioo lent to William Erodelent, master of the " Red Dragon," 128 ; the same repaid, 153. Moseley, Anthony, warrant to be paid j[,is loj. for vinegar, 115; made free, though not named in the patent, 177; bill of adventure sealed, £-2/^0, p. 257. Moseley, Clement, adventurer with Jerome Suger, ^250, p. 2 ; assembly, 4, 59 ; deceased and assignment of stock, 192 ; bill of adven- ture, sealed, ^^240 to his widow, 251. Moseley, Elizabeth, widow of Clement Mose- ley, 193 ; bill of adventure sealed, £-za,o, p. 251 ; do. ^£240, p. 261. Moseley, John, assignment of ;^ioo of Clement Moseley's stock, 193 ; assembly, 228. Moseley, Nicholas, alder/nan, adventurer, ;^3oo, p. I ; assembly, 4. Moskvy^' f ^"""P^^y- ^^^ Mmcovia. Mosley, see Moseley. Mullett, Justice, employed as a smith at Wool- wich, 40 ; warrant ;^29 u. 40?. for iron work, 172. Muscatel wine (muskadell), impost offered in opoosition to the Levant Company, 280. Muscovia, J Company, warrant ^180 for cord- Muskovia, /• age, 126; do. £'s^ i6.r. 'id., p. Muskovy, 1 187 ; a target and headpiece, 141 ; respecting cordage, 162, 170, 204 ; ^100 adventure in arrears from Richard Tailby assigned over for payment to the Muscovia Company, 176 ; touching therespective rights of the Muscovia and East India Companies to the benefit of the North West Passage if discovered, 185, 186, 188-89, i9°-9i> i94'96, see Nor til West Passage. Mustard seed, one tonne of drj' caske required, 30 ; thirty bushels to be bought, 33 ; estimate of quantitj- and price, 35 ; committee to pro- vide 30 bushels and caske, 76 ; committee to provide for the North West Voyage, 209. Myddleton, J -nT-ji j Mydleton, r^'^ ^^''^^'^^'"'- Myldmay, see Mildmay. Mylward, see Milward. Nails, 157, 172. Napper, Henry, ^'master of the Hector;" committee to confer with him touching his employment, 94 ; to sail as master in the " Hector," 100; warrant £20 for his pains and expenses in the preparation of the ships, H3- Nelson, William, admitted an adventurer £mo, and pays premium of ;£30, p. 205 ; committees, 245, 246. Nets, fishing, to be bought in the West Country, 41. Newcastle, 223. Newcastleship, skifi, viewed, 13. Newchurche, Christopher, surgeon of the "'Assention;" warrant ^20 for providing surgeon's remedies, &c., 98. Newcombe, Mr., bill of exchange £i>o for money advanced to Captain Waymouth, 209. Newman, John, adventurer with Reinold (jreene, £200, p. 2 ; assembly, 218 ; general committee, 179; bill of adventure sealed, ;C240, p. 252. Newton, a fit place to buy cider, 49. Nicholles, Christopher, made free though not named in the patent, 177 ; bill of adventure sealed, ;^24o, p. 262. Nicolls, Xpofer and Thomas, warrant £34 js. jod. for cordage, 222. Nicholson, Edmond, Grocer, adventurer, ;^2oo, p. 4 ; committee, 245, 246 ; bill of adventure sealed, £2^0, p. 253. Nicholson, Edward, assembly, 59. Norromborough, Ware, 79 ; warrant, £zoj, p. 138. Northeover, Thomas, warrant, ^^40 on bill of exchange, 80. North West Passage, see also lVay7no7ith and East India Co. ; letter received from Captain George Waymouth suggesting an attempt be made for the discovery of a North West Pas- sage to the East Indies, asking whether the company will undertake the expedition, &c., 182 ; the matter adjourned for further con- sideration, 182 ; the voyage resolved on, 183 ; the adventure to be voluntary at the rate of i2(/. in the £ on the amounts of ori- ginal adventures, 183; committee to set down and report the charge for three pinnaces for the voyage, 183 : the charters to be perused to see if power is given to compel payments towards this voyage, 183 ; conference with Waymouth ; two pinnaces resolved on of 50 and 40 tons with 16 and 14 men and the total charge estimated at about ;^3,ooo, p. 184 ; Waymouth agrees to undertake the voyage for £\oo for tiis instruments and to receive ;^5oo if he discover the passage but to claim nothing if unsuccessful, 184 ; Waymouth's agreement reported to a general court and approved and the preparation of the voyage to be taken in hand, 185 ; a booV. to be sent round for adventurers to subscribe at i2(/. in the £, 185 ; doubts arising as to the rights of the ^luscovia Co. and fearing they might claim the benefit of the discovery if made, a committee appointed to enquire whether that company will relinquish their privileges dur- ing the continuance of the patent, 187 ; deli- berations with the Muscovia Co. who decline to give up their rights, but offer to admit as freeman all those of the East India Co. who will contribute to a joint adventure, 188 ; proposal that the Muscovia Co. shall e.xclude from all benefit in the discover^' for 15 years all their own members who will not contribute, and such of the East India Co. as will con- tribute ^lo to have the freedom of the dis- covery under the seal of the Muscovia Co., 188-89 ; 'he Muscovia Co. having no liking to INDEX 313 North West Passage, contiinied. join with the East India Co. prefer to deal in the discovery by themselves, but will assign no time for so doing ; the importance of the enterprise urged, and a committee appointed to confer again, to the end that if the Musco- via Co. will undertake the discovery, they may be left to proceed in it, but if otherwise then to request them to juin with the East India Co. on conditions formerly propounded ; and if they will do neither, a relation to be made to the Privy Council of their refusal and hindering of the East India Co. in the intended discovery, and the Muscovia Co. to be re- quired to answer in writing, 191 ; in conse- quence of a better opinion conceived of the strength of their privileges, the East India Co. resolve to attempt the vo^-age alone ; or- dered that adventurers shall write tKeir con- tributions at once, and any person refusing, to be excluded from all benefit dining the term of the patent, and all profit in the discovery to rest proportionately in those who will adven- ture, 92 ; the Privy Council learning that by reason of the difference between the two companies the preparation of the voyage is delayed, wrote to the Muscovia Co. to either join with the East India Co., or else bring their patent before the Council to show their claim to their privileges, 194 ; the Muscovia Co. thereupon agree to act jointly with the East India Co., 195 ; the subscription book to be sent round that everyone may set down his adventure or else refuse, and those who refuse to be e.vempted from all benefit in the discovery for ever, 195 ; the amounts adven- tured to be brought in within a month, 195 ; the committees of both companies to meet from time to time to agree on the prepara- tions of the voyage, &c. , 195 ; doubts arising as to the powers of either Co. to subdivide themselves and unite partially with each other, it is ordered that counsel's opinion be taken thereon, 195 ; counsel's opinion that the interest in the discovery rests e.xpressly with the East India Co. and that no company can divide their privileges or grant a portion of their rights to another company, 196 ; finally resolved that the voyage shall be pre- pared and a committee appointed toe.xpedite the same and to devise laws and ordinances for the general guidance of business, 196-97 ; the laws and ordinances devised and the main object of the proposed discovery set forth to- gether with the details for the preparation of the voyage, 198-202, see East Jtidia Co. ," £■^0 allowed to Waymouth for his instruments, 204 ; warrant £2,0 to Waymouth for provi- sions, 204 ; do. ^20 for instruments, 204 ; committee to persuade adventurers to pay their contributions on pain of the penalty enacted, 205 (see 200) ; Thomas Yerworth appointed a purser with wages contingent on the success of the voyage and to give bond for his good behaviour, 205 ; John Drewe appointed a master, 206 ; warrant ;^8o to Thomas Yerworth, purser, for carpenters' wages, 206 ; state of the preparation of the voyage and steps taken to encourage the ad- venture, &c., 206-8, see £ast India Co. ; warrants for pork, mariners' wages, &c. , 208 ; warrant £28 iSs. for hides to make the mariners' cassocks, breeches, and gowns, 208 ; mariners hired at E.xeter, 209 ; com- mittee to provide victuals, &c., 209 ; warrant .£100 for, anchors and other necessaries, 210; warrant /^lo to John Drewe, njaster of the " Godspeed," in part of his wages, 210 ; war- rant ^100 to I'homas Yerworth for sea coals, wood, lead, &c., 210 ; do. ^100 to Way- mouth for men's wages, 211 ; articles of agree- ment with Waymouth containing his orders and instructions for the voyage, 211-14, •^^^ JCasi hidia Co. ; agreement with John Cartwright, preacher, with salary contingent on the success of the voyage, 216 ; articles of agreement with Waymouth read to the generality, also the Queen's letters to the Emperor of China, &c., 217 ; auditors ap- pointed to ascertain the state of the adven- ture, that further supplies may be called up and some course taken with the defaulters, 217-18; Waymouth allowed £^0 for his ex- penses prior to sailing, 218 ; warrant .;^3o for watches, compasses, &c., 218 ; do. ^20 for mariners' clothes, 218 ; do. ^50 \\s. Sd. for casks, 218; do. £-j Zs. for deals, oars, &c., 2i8 ; do. £6 10s. for iron hoops, ike, 219 ; do. £2^ iSs. for cables and skeyts, 2ig; do. ^92 10^. for butter, candles, powder, &c., 219 ; do. .^ir (>s. Sd. for bay salt, 219; dis- like to Thomas Yerworth, purser, 219 ; dif- ferences with the other purser PuULsoii, 219 ; Mr.Cambell indemnified for his bond given for the payment of John Drew's wages, 220 ; day appointed for the payment of supplies and new bills of adventure to be made out, show- ing in a lump sum what is every man's in- terest in the voyage by the Cape, 220, (.see resolutions on pages 206 8) ; day appointed for the auditors to complete the accounts that the whole charge may be made known, 220 ; warrant ^^143 for canvas for sails, 220; several warrants for sails, puUies, iron work, beer, timber, powder, &c., 221-24, •'''^ H'ar- rants ; the book-keeper to complete the ac- counts for the North West voyage and to enter up each adventurer's credit in a lump sum, 224 ; journal from Waymouth announcing return to Dartmouth ; orders to bring the ships to London without sale of provisions ; letters written to the pursers to preserve all things useful for a second voyage, and general court summoned, 227-28 ; Mr. Cartwright on being asked to state the reasons for the re- turn, can give no further information than Waymouth's journal, 228 ; the ships ordered to London without breaking bulk, 228 ; Way- mouth's delay in coming to London, 229 ; ships' arrival in London and committee ap- pointed to see to their discharge, 229 ; cer- tain provisions to be sold, also the two ships and their belongings, 230 ; Mr. Holliday and others being in arrears with their supplies it is ordered that the amount be defaulted from their stock, 231 (see page 200) ; the mer- chandise brought back to be taken to Mr. Wiseman's house and inspected, 231 ; John Drewe, master of the " Godspeed," and John Lane, master's mate, and others aver that Cartwright was the chief cause of the return, 231 : ordered that demand be made of Cart- wright for the gown and apparel delivered to him, 232 ; proceedings against Waymouth be- fore the Privy Council ; his hopes of the disco- very of divers inlets that treat through the coast of America to the Southseas or East Indies ; a new and final voyage resolved on and Way- mouth reappointed chief in command ; his confidence in the discovery of a passage ; a S S 314 INDEX North West Passage, continued. suitable captain to take charge of the second ship to proceed with Waymouth or separately as may be agreed ; committee appointed to see to the preparation of the ships and calcu- late the charges, 233-34 > various warrants for wages in the late voyage, 234-35 ; Stephen Hodsonn pays his supplies, 235 ; a new voyage with one ship only thought advisable, and conference to be had with Waymouth. 236 ; to save new expense it is suggested that the stores, &c., brought back by the two ships may be sufficient to equip one ship for a new voyage ; committee to consider and confer with Waymouth or some other fit person, 236-37 ; the committee decide to use such old stores as are fit and by sale of the residue equip one ship for a new voyage, 237 ; at a general court the committee report against a second voyage and suggest it be abandoned and that the ships, &c., be sold, that money may be raised to defray the charges on the return of the fleet by the Cape, and by general consent the voyage is abandoned, and the ships, victuals, merchan- dise, &c., ordered to be sold and committee appointed to effect the sale, 239 ; demands by Waymouth for charges, moneys expended or otherwise due as he pretendeth, and the same agreed to be settled by arbitration, and committee appointed to investigate, 240 ; the sale of the ships deferred, but all perishable mercliandise to be sold at once, and prices being high at present all cordage to be sold at once, 241 ; the ships to be sold if ^300 each can be obtained, 242. Norwich stuff, quantity to be shipped and price, 36. Notary, see John Coivper, Number of men and tonnage of ships, for the East India voyage, 34; for the North West voyage, 184. Nutmegs, estimates of quantity and price, 35 ; quantity ordered and committee to purchase, 75- Oars (ores), 218. Oaths of office for the Governor, Deputy and committees, 179-80. Oatmeal, 12 tonne of dry caske requited for, 30 ; estimate of quantity and price, 35 ; com- mittee to provide, 75 ; do. caske for, 76 ; committee to provide for the North West voyage, 209. Objects of the East India Company, 4, 198. Objects of the proposed attempt to discover a North West passage, 199. Obligations, see Bonds. Ofeilde, Roger, see Ozvfield Offeley, Robert, assembly, 59 ; declines to ad- venture, 62 ; bill of adventure sealed, £2^0, p. 251. Ofieley, William, the elder, adventurer, ;^2oo, p. 4 ; bill of adventure sealed, ^300, p. 256. Officers, all officers to be elected by a general assembly, 6, 8 ; committee to hire ships' officers, 87 ; list of officers appointed to each ship, 100 ; the officers to be called on for an account of the provisions supplied to each ship, 126. Oil, estimate of quantity and price, 35; com- mittee to provide sweet oil, 76 ; do. rape oil, 76 ; do. casks for, 76 ; warrant, ^^213 6s. 8d., p. Ill : do. ilBo, p. 114 ; do. ^^194 ss.6d.,x>. 114; a barrel allowed to Samuel Spencer, master of the " Susan," 123 ; committee to provide for the North West voyage, 209 ; im- post offered to the Queen in opposition to the Levant Company, 280. Onnyslowe, Leonard, warrant ^40 izj. for ' casks, 148. Orders for the payment of money, tee IVar- raiits. Orders in Council, see Privy Council. Ordinances, for the guidance of the traffic of the voyage, 129-31 ; for the guidance of general business, 197-202 ; see East India Company. Ordnance, quantity carried in the " Mare Scurge," 43-4. Osborne, Sir Edward ; his house nominated as a convenient place for storage of goods brought home in the " Assention," 245. Osseley, see Offeley. Owfield, Roger, adventurer, ;{l3oo, p. 3 ; [as- sembly], 228 ; bill of adventure sealed, ^360, p. 250. Oxen, 120 to be bought for making salt beef, T14. Page, Joseph, baker; warrant ;£8o, p. 149 ; do. A50, p. 157 ; do. ^45 -LOS. \xd., p. 167 ; do. £to, p. 215 ; do. ;^4i 8i., p. 222. Painter, John, of Dartmouth, bill of exchange ^iio, p. 70. Painters, see Fraticis Caiidell, Thomas Tyler. Palmer, William, assembly, 59 ; warrant to bring in his adventure at once, 170 ; bill of adventure sealed, .£240, p. 260 ; do. £'^00, p. 261. Paper, warrant, ;^9o \qs., p. 126. Paragon, ship, viewed, 13. Parkehurste, Henrye, adventurer with John Coghill, ^200, p. 3. Parkins, Thomas, warrant £,ia u. for honey, 125 ; do. ^78 16^. i,d. for casks, 143. Parrett, warrant ^^207 for Norromborough ware, 138. Parsloe, J assemblies, 231, 232, 236, 244, 248 ; Parslowe, S general committee and sworn, 220 ; bill of adventure sealed, £,'2^0, p. 257. Parsons, George, purser of the " Hector," 33 ; warrant ;£ioo for provisions, 121; do. £100 for men's wages, 154. Paslowe, see Parsloe. Patent of the East India Company ; petition to the Privy Council for leave to prepare a grant of privilege, &c., 10; Mr. Altham reads the draft of the patent, 25 ; the patent drawn, 62 ; committee to finish it, 78 ; adven- turers in arrears to be dealt with before en- grossing, 85; the patent read and the secretary ordered to solicit the (Queen's attorney to make an end to the same, 88 ; committee to set down all names to be mentioned, 91 ; warrant ^-jx 13^. a,d. to Mr, Attorney and clerks for dravving and engrossing the patent, &c., 96 ; warrant ^^5° for other charges in passing the patent, iic. , 107 ; the patent read to the generality, 109 ; all adventurers not meniioned to be deemed equally as free as those named, 109 ; an adventurer named in the patent desiring to assign, is referred to a general court, 175 ; the assignment allowed, 177 ; list of persons made free though not named in the patent, 177 ; disfranchisement of certain defaulting adventurers, 178 ; refe- rence to the patent as set forth in the pre- amble of the general laws and ordinances, INDEX 315 Patent of the East India Company, continued — 198 ; power to make laws and ordinances, 199 ; the charters to be perused to see if the Company have power to compel payments towards the North West voyage and the second voyage by the Cape, i8j ; conferences with the Muscovia Company in referent e to the respective rights to the North West Pas- sage if discovered, iSg ; counsel's opinion that the East India Company have the right to the North West Passage under their patent, 192 ; limited time for the election of governor, deputy, and committees, 224. Paule, William, adventurer with George Canynge, ^300, p. 2. Payment of money, see Warranls. Peace with Spain, 10. Pearde, Nicholas, see Pier J. Peas, to be provided, 26 ; one hundred quarters required, 29 ; 30 tonnes dry caske required for peas and beans, 30 ; 60 or 70 quarters ordered, 31, 65 ; estimate of quantity and price, 34 ; pi ice in the West Country to be ascertained, 49; instructions for buying in the West Country, 54 ; Lord Treasurer's war- rant for the provision and transport of peas and beans from Norfolk and Cambridge, 66 ; committee to provide, 75 ; ditto, for the North West voyage, 209 ; committee to pro- vide casks, 76 ; warrant ^100 for peas and beans, 82 ; do. .j£ioo, p. 96. Peierce, Richard, bill of adventure sealed, ^240, P- 253- Peird, see Pierd. Penalties, for private trading and fraud, 130, 132, 133 ; for breach of the general laws and ordinances, 200-2 ; for default in the pay- ment of adventure or suppdes, 200, 207. Pennington, ) Robert, warrant to bring in his Pennyton, f adventure at once, 170 ; bill of adventure sealed .;^24o, p. 250. Pepper, estimate of quantity and price, 35 ; committee to provide 12 lbs., 75 ; two Dutch ships returned laden with pepper, 194 ; one of the articles to be traded in, 198 ; bags to be made and suits witlwut pockets for the porters employed to fill in the pepper brought home in the "Assention," 247; quantity brought home in the "Assention" entered at the Custom House, 247. Persia, Sir Anthony Shurley's doings in Persia, 272. Persons, George, see Parsons. Persons, Richard, bill of adventure sealed ;£200, p. 262. Petitions of the East India Company to the Privy Council, see Pri'jy Coiuicil. Petition of the Levant Company to the Privy Council respecting their ships seized at Venice for resiitution of the late prize taken by English men of war, 277-78 [sec also 280. 282, 283). Pett, Joseph, sJtiJnuright ; warrant £^2 for work on the " Godspeed, " 223. Pett, Peter, shipwright ; warrant £,\q lis. dd., p. 169. Pewter, warrant ^68 iZs., p. 129. Phipps, Humfrey, warrant ^20 for vinegar, 115. Phoenix, ship, viewed, 13; offered for ^1,400, and to be taken back for ^700 after the voy- age, or for ^1,200 without return, 14; time taken to consider the matter, 21. Piece, Nicholas (? Pierd), assembly, 59. Pierd, f Nicholas, clothworker, adventurer, Pierde, j" ;£ioo, p. i ; assembly, 4 ; surveyor for the " Hector," 14 : to clear accounts with Mr. Sandy, 127 ; ordered to bring in his bill, 159 ; appointed auditor, 218 ; bill of adven- ture sealed, ^240, p. 256; do. ;^240, p. 257. Pilotage, warrant £(> for bringing the " Assen- tion " into the river, 248. Pilot Major of the Fleet, see Captain Davies. Pilots ; Philip Grove appointed and his pay fixed, 47 ; the pilot-major to sail in the " Scurge,"9o ; pilots appointed to their ships, 100 ; warrant ^300 for salary to John Davies, pilot-major, 127 ; bill of adventure sealed to Philip Grove, 148 ; do. to Captain Davies, 152 ; warrant £(> for the hire of one Stace, a pilot, to go with Captain Waymouth to New- castle, 223. Pinder, Signior Paull, sent home by Mr. Lyllo, English ambassador at Constantinople, to acquaint the Queen with the doings of the French, 265, 272, 273 ; ambassador's accounts sent home by him, 266. Pinnaces, see Ships; "Godspeed;" "Dis- covery ; " committee to find suitable ones in the river, 22 ; no pinnaces to be used, but small lancher pinnaces to be carried in the ships, 28 ; " The Pynnace " rated at 40 men, tonnage 100, p. 34 ; proportion of aquavitae, 35 ; a pinnace for the " Hector," 167 ; pin- naces for the North West voyage, 182 ; com- mittee to set down the cost of three pinnaces, &c., 183 ; two pinnaces of 50 and 40 tons manned with 16 and 14 men resolved on, 184, 185 ; two ships or pinnaces finally re- solved on, 199 ; Edward Pullison, purser, of one of the pinnaces for the North West voyage, 216, see Pullison ; various warrants for the provision of sails, iron work, beer, puUies, timber, powder, &c., 221, see war- rants ; return to Dartmouth and ordered to London without breaking bulk, 227 ; all stores suitable for a second voyage to be carefully preserved, 228 ; arrival in the Thames,229 ; ordered to be sold with all stores, &c., 230 ; warrant to pay the mariners hired at Dartmouth, 231 ; warrants 24^-. to 'Ihomas Smith for keeping the pinnaces, 234, 240, 241, 242 ; various warrants for wages in the late voj'age, 234 ; the two " barks," order to be sold, 239 ; the sale deferred, 241 ; to be sold for ^300 each, 242. Piott, Richard, assembly, 60 ; bill of adventure sealed, ^240, p. 253. Pipes, see Casks. Pitch, tar, cordage, &c., ordered to be bought of Browne and Co., 121. Planks, i6g. Plate, see silver plate. Platters, 157. Plompton, warrant £6j gs. for rape oil, 119. Plumber, see }l'illia>n F.d-ward. Plumes of feathers, 141, 151. Plymouth, 29, 80; the " Mare Scurge's " boat lying there to be sent up, 40 ; recommended for the purchase of biscuit, 48 ; wine there and the price, 50 ; letters to the principal merchants to give credit to the '■ Assention " on her return, 243-4 ; warrant £^ to Mr. Midleton for riding with the first report of the return of the "Assention," 247. Poalstedd, Henrye, adventurer with Georg, Whitmor, ^200, p. 4 ; assembly, 60 ; bill of adventure sealed, ^240, 252. Pockets ; suits without pockets for the porters to fill bags with pepper brought home in the " Assention," 247. 3i6 INDEX Polldavies, to be bought for making bags, 86 ; 50 or 60 pieces to be bought to make bags for pcjjper, 247. Polbted, see Poalstedd. Pomtell, Richard, assembly, 59 ; to bring in his bill, 159 ; bill of adventure sealed, ;{^24o, P- 254- Poole, 129. Pope, Lewis, bill of exchange, £i\o, p. 104 ; bill of adventure sealed, £'2i,o, p. 259. Pope (Mr.), Serjeant of the admiralty, warrant £2. 13J. for the burial of those slain in the " Hector," 141. Pope, Robarte, committee, 68 ; sent to join Captain Davies in the West Country, 29 ; commissions for buying provisions, &c., in the West Countrj', 41, 46, 48, 52, 53, 54 ; bills of exchange, 54, 57, 58, 68, 73, 74, 79, 81, 82, 84, 85, 88, 89, 104, 115, 129, 141 ; letters touching provisions and money, 64, 66, 74 ; nominated factor, 77 ; elected factor of the second sort, 82 ; letter from Mr. Howe to provide no more bread, &c., 88 ; paid ^"50 for his trouble m the West Couniry, loi ; appointed .second factor in the " Red iJragon," loi ; Mr. Howe ordered to give him a remembrancer for the managing of business, 103 ; to confer with Mr. EUicott as to shipping the Spanish money, 119 ; bill of adventure ;^ioo, sealed, 152. Pork ; estimate of quantity, 26 ; 40 tonnes of cask required, 30 ; estimate of quantity and price, 34 ; uheap in the West Country, 54 ; committee for ordering, 68, 75 ; do. for caske, 76; warrant ^54 i8j., p. 208 ; com- mittee to provide for the North West Voyage, 209 ; warrant £,1 1 1 5^. for pork and beef, for the North West Voyage, 214 ; pork brought back irom the North West Voyage to be sold, 230. » Port of London, 229. Portage ; warrant £t,^ 16s. Sd. for lighterage and portage of goods to the ships, 158. Porter, Walter, adventurer with William Bar- rel 1, ;£4oo, 4. Porterage, I warrant £4 for landing goods from Porters, ) the "Godspeed" and "Dis- covery," 238 ; clothes to be made without pockets for the porters to fill bags with pepper, 247. T> . c- ' Hugh, J warrant ^400 on bill Portman, bir j tt V i c u r ' ( Hewgne, ) of exchange from the West Coimtry, 68 ; do. ^1,000, p. Portman, John, warrant ;^2oo to be delivered by him to the company's agent in the West Country, 87. Post ; letters to and from Exeter, 66, 74. Pots of brass, 222. Potter, John, adventurer with Robert Bell, ;^200, p. 3. Poulsteede, see Poalstedd. Powder, see Gunpowder. Poyner, Walter, recommended by Mr. Cham- bers as a factor, 97 ; admitted as an extra factor, 102. Poyntell, see Pomtell. Preachers, see Thomas Pullcyn, JoJai Cart- wright, Mr. Byddell. Premiums on the sale or assignment of Clement Moseley's stock, 193 ; William Nelson pays £-},a on his admission as an adventurer of ;^240, p. 205. Presents for the Kings of the East Indies, 36 ; looking glasses, 116; silver cups, &.C., 118; list of plate and other presents, 141 ; how distributed among the several ships, 151-2. Prices and quantity of provisions for the voyage estimated, 34. Princes and Potentates in the East Indies; letters from the Queen, gi, 131, 134, 139 ; presents for, 141, 151. Prisoners in the East Indies, 194 ; an English- man brought home by the Dutch, 194. Private trade, all factors to abstain from, 86 ; sixty pieces of Chamlettes shipped without warrant, 123 ; committee to devise orders to prevent, 124 ; ordinances for the prevention of, 130; do. from Aleppo to Marseilles, &c., 272. Privilege, see also Patent ; suit to be made to the Queen for sole privilege for as many years as can be obtained, 6; committee to solicit the Privy Council, 8 ; petilion to the Privy Council, 8 ; petition for leave to pre- pare a grant of privilege, 10 ; privileges pro- mised, 1 1- 1 2, 25 ; 200 marks awarded to Richard Wright, Secretary, for his pains in procuring the privileges, &c., 203. Privy Council, committee to solicit privilege, &c., 8 ; petition praying for privileges and incorporation as a company, that the shipping when ready be not stayed for any service ; for leave to send out foreign money and to coin the same in the mint ; for freedom from customs, &c., 7-8 ; the enterprise favoured by the Council and recommended to the Queen, 9 ; committee to solicit an answer to the petition, 9 ; committee required to attend and receive their lordships' orders, also to tender a petition praying that the voyage may pro- ceed without impeachment ; leave to carry out 5 m'. weight of bullion without charge, and for leave to prepare a grant of privilege, &c., 10 ; by reason of a treaty of peace in hand with Spain their lordships decline to give a warrant for the proceeding of the voy- age without impeachment, October, 1599, 10 ; in September, 1600, their lordships favour the enterprise and obtain the royal assent to favours sought in the petition, 11-12 ; gene- ral court summoned to take notice of a letter signifymg Her Majesty's pleasure, 57 ; gene- ral court, 58-63 ; letter promising no hin- drance shall be given to the voyage, 60 ; all adventurers in arrears to be certified to their lordships, 61 ; the patent, 62 ; a complaint to be lodged against all adventurers in arrears, no; order in council for defaulting adven- turers to bring in their money at once on pain of imprisonment, 112-13; order in council touching the remissness of the company in paying their debts and ordering all defaulting adventurers to appear and be punished for contempt, 164-65 ; warrant summoning all adventurers who refuse payment to be brought before their lordships and list of such de- faulters, 169-70; defaulters committed, 170-1 ; complaints of the hindrances offered to the North West Voyage by the Muscovia Com- pany, 191 ; letter signifying Her Majesty's mislike to the delay in the second voyage and propounding unto them the example of the Dutch, igi ; suit to be made for an order approving the company's act for the forfeiture of five times the value of the levy for the North West voyage to be made on tha stock of all defaulters, 207 ; proceedings touching the return of Captain Waymouth from the North West voyage, 233 ; petition of the INDEX 317 Privy Council, coiitiitiied. Levant Company respecting their ships seized at Venice as restitution for ttie late prize taken by the English men-of-war. 277-7S, see also 2S0, 2S2, 283. Privy Seal, 107. Prizes and prize money, resolution respect- ing, 118; tithes due to the Lord Admiral, 246-47. Prockter, James, warrant .£100 on bill of ex- change, 73. Profit of the voyage to be allotted in proportion to the adventure, 146 ; respecting the North West voyage, 200. Prosperous, ship, viewed, 13. Provisions, see V'ietuals. Prunes, 118. P\illeymakers, see Arnold Mabanck, yokn Crane, H'illiain Denham. PuUeyn, Thomas, preacher, warrant ;£26i3J. 4^. for his provision to sea, 116 ; bill of ad- venture £,^0 sealed, 150. Pulleys, 167, 221. PuUison, ) Edward, engaged as one of the Pullyson, ) pursers for the North West voy- age. 216 ; salary contingent on the discovery of the passage, 216 ; to give a bond of ;£ioo for his good behaviour, 216 ; only to be em- ployed if the captain thinks it needful, 219 ; warrant £(i in full of wages and demands, 240. Pumell, John, warrant £y> for royals, 64. Pursers, see the various skips. Francis Wilson recommended, 27 ; the fidelity of the pursers of the " Susan," " Hector," and " Assention," guaranteed, 33 ; letters commending several men to be employed, 39 ; order to bring in accounts, 97 ; committee to audit and certify accounts, 98 ; wages fi.xed 40^. a month at sea, 2o.r. a month and board wages in harbour, 116; the "Scourge" to have two pursers, 1 16 ; Thomas Yerworth appointed one of the pursers for the North West voyage with wages contingent on the discovery of tlie passage and to give a bond of 100 marks for his good behaviour, 205 ; Edward Pullison, do. do., 216 ; Yerworth, purser of the " Dis- couery," 210 ; in the North West voyage pursers to keep a register and account of goods laden and disposed of, also to make notes, journals, and observations for the direction and help of posterity, 213 ; to de- liver their bills of provisions to Mr. Burrell to receive allowance, 215 ; dislike .taken to Thomas Yerworth, 219 ; differences with Edward Pullison, 219 ; warrant £(> i^s. ^d. to Thomas Yerworth for his wages and ex- penses, 235 ; do. £(1 to Edward Pullison, 240. Pywell, John, warrant £■] 10s. for head peces and morrens, 149. Quarles, William, bill of adventure sealed, £240, p. 251. Quays, see H'/iarz'es. Queen (Elizabeth), see also Privy Council; suit to be made for sole privilege, also im- munities from customs, &c., 6 ; letters to po- tentates in the East Indies, 91, 131, 134, 157; letters to the Emperor of China and Kathia to be carried in the North West voy- age, 217, 222 ; letter respecting peace with Spain, 282 ; .^4,000 per annum to be paid by the Levant Company in lieu of imposts, 280, 282, 283. Radcliff, see Ratcliffe. Raisins, 118. Ramridge, John, adventurer with Thomas Bos- tOCke, ;^200, p. 3. Ranton, Nicholas, warrant ^50 on bill of ex- change, 84. Rape od, 2j tonne of caske required, 30 ; esti- mate of quantity and price, 35 ; warrant £67 9^., p. 119. Ratcliffe, ) „ Katclyff, f '47. '54, 208. Rcddereth, committee to inspect ships lying there, 13. Red Dragon, ship, the " Mare Scourge " re- named, see also '''Mare Scourge;" the '' Scourge " ordered to be launched and re- named the " Red Dragon," 96 ; Admiral ship, 100 ; list of officers, 100 ; list of factors, loi ; warrant ;^ioo to Henry Middleton, purser, 104 ; do. ;^ioo to William Bradbanck, master, 104 ; do. ;^5o to William Dixson, pur- ser, for the use of the ship, 105 ; do. £2 to Edward Highlord, purser, for preparations, 106 ; do. ;^5o to Edward Stephens on account for timber, 106 ; do. £100 to William Dyckes on account of necessaries, 108 ; do. £\ao to William Dixon, purser, in ; do. ;^i50 to William Dixsy, purser, for repairs, 114; or- dered to have two pursers, 116 ; committee to provide stores, 117 ; warrant £i'=fi to Wil- liam Di.xson, purser, 117 ; do. ,^250, p. 120; the amount of new and Spanish money ap- pointed to be earned and how packed, 122 ; Mr. Wattes to inquire into the damage done to a ship by the anchor of the " Scourge," 125 ; warrant ^200 to William Dixon, purser, 127 ; committee to wait on Lord Cumberland respecting the damage done to a ship by the anchor of the "Red Dragon," 128; warrant ^200 to William Dick.son, purser, 140 ; do. ;^ioo for clearing expenses, 144 ; the pursers' accounts to be audited, 147 ; warrant £i() for ■ ancients and streamers, 149 ; list of presents to be carried, 151 ; Mr. Brodebent's bill of adventure, 153 ; warrant £\to for wages and for clearing away the ship, 154 ; do. ;^i5 -js. for 59 barrels of beer, 154 ; do. ^loo for iron work, 157; do. ^50 for painting the ship, 157 ; do. £\% for turnery, &c., 157 ; do. ;^i3 2.y. lorf. for porterage and lading, 158 ; do. ^50 for shipwright's work, 163 ; do. £^(1 15J. ^d. for sails for the "Dragon" and "Hector," ir>8 ; do. £i<) \s. ^d. for iron work, 172 ; do. £afi, for painting work, 172 ; do. A227 for iron work for the " Dragon " and " Susan," 173 ; memorandum tonnage, 600, men, 180, p. 263. Remembrancers, committee to act a.s, and pre- pare the business for the general committee, 40. Rent, warrant £(> for 6 quarters' rent of Foun- der's Hall for the Company's meetings, =-7.- Reprisals, resolution respecting mariners' shares of, iiS; tithes due to the Lord Admiral, 246-47. Rewler, Mr., called on to bring in his account, .'59- Rice, one tonne of drie caske required, 30 ; es- timate of quantity and price, 35 ; committee to provide, 75. Richardson, Thomas, surveyor for the "Susan," 14 ; bill of adventure sealed, .^^240, p. 257. Rickman, Robert, warrant ^133 6J. Zd. for his 6th part of the "Assention," 115 ; order to 3'8 INDEX Kickiiiaa, Robert, continued. make Maurice Abbott creditor by Mr. Rick- man for ^loo, p. 127. Roan canves, » ^^rrant £1?, i^s., p. 97- Roan cloth, J t . t- 5-/ Robinson, Henrye, adventurer with Richarde Howse, ;^2oo, p. 3 ; assembly, 5 ; bill of ad- venture sealed, £2^0, p. 260. Robinson, Humfrie, bill of adventure sealed, ^240, p. 260. Robinson, John, senior Merchant Tailor, ad- venturer, ;£200, p. 2. Robinson, Robert, bill of adventure sealed, ;^240, p. 261. Robinson, Thomas, warrant £2^ i&r. for cables, &c., 219. Romney, see Rumtiey. Rose, Edward, late factor at Aleppo, 278 79. Rouen, ;£5,ooo worth of royals to be provided there and at Calais, 58. Rowe Buck, ship, viewed, 13. Royal assent to the formation of the Company, 5 ; to the preparation of the voyage and the favours sought in the petitions, ii, 25, see also Privy Council. Royals, ) see also Dollars and Spanish Royals of Plate, > Money ; the provision of. Royals of 8, J in the West Country, 21, 57 ; two adventures brought in in Spanish money Royals of 8 at xviij the £ profit, 31 ; Mr. AUabaster commissioned to take up ^3,000 in Royals of Plate at Calais, 41 ; do. ;£5,ooo p. 58 ; instructions for taking up in the West Country, 51, 53; may be taken in the West Country as payment ol adventure money, 54 ; payment for, iff Warrants ; Mr. Ellycott buys Royals and sells to the Com- pany at London rate, 64 ; his conduct de- precated, 65 ; letter to him e.xpressing dislike to his course, 66; letter to Mr. Sandy ad- vising him not to exceed the price of 12a'., p. 66 ; warrant aoSoo to Mr. AUabaster. 68 ; do. ;^5oo, p. 82 ; Mr. AUabaster commissioned to convey bullion and Royals from Calais, 84 ; warrant ;£5oo to Mr. AUabaster, gi ; Mr. Allabaster's commission continued, 91 ; war- rant ^105 12s. 4d. to Walter Clark for Royals taken up at Exeter, 102 ; Mr. Allabastt^r to buy no more, 102 ; instruction concerning, 103 ; warrant ;£5oo to Robert Stephen on ac- count, 105 ; do. ^700 to Mr. AUabaster on account, 106 ; instructions for shipping from the West Country, no ; committee to attend to the shipping in the West Country, 120 ; the amount apportioned to be carried in each ship and how packed, 122 ; Mr. Skinner's adventure, i^2oo, received in Royals, 124. Rudd, Richard, warrant ;£6o on bill of ex- change, 84. Rules for the working of the Company, see also East India Company. No ship to be received as a portion of an adventure ; all shipping to be bought for ready money only ; no commodities to be accepted as por- tions of adventure, but all to be bought by committees appointed; committee of 15 ap- pointed for the direction of the voyage, 6 ; any adventurer to be employed by the di- rectors in any service, 12 ; no sum above £\o to be disbursed by the treasurers without a warrant, 24 ; no gentlemen to be employed, 28 ; all business in the hands of the governor and committee, 63 : committee to devise rules for the prevention of private trade, 124 ; laws and decrees for the guidance of the traffic of the voyage, 129 ; committee to devise laws and ordinances for the better guidance of general business, 197 ; the laws and ordinances devised, 197-202, see East India Company. Rumney, William, adventurer, ;{^2oo, p. 2 ; as- semblies, 4, 64, 68, 71, 77, 78, 80, 82, 96, 99, 100, 103, 109, 114, 116, 118, 121, 122, 123, 124, 125, 126, 128, 129, 138, 139, 140, 142, 143, 144, 148, 150, 151, 154, 155, 156, 158, 159, 162, 163, 164, 171, 172, 176, 180, 181, 182, 183, 184, 185, 186, 187, 190, 194, 196, 197, 203, 204, 205, 206, 208, 214, 215, 216, 217, 218, 224, 225, 226, 227, 228, 229, 231, 232, 233, 235, 236, 237, 238 ; committees, 77, 147, 183, 186, 191, 194, 197, 203, 209, 234, 237, 239, 240 ; appointed treasurer, 7 ; general committee, 63 ; elected deputy governor, 11 1 ; warrant £42 8i. I'id. for disbursements, 158 ; on account of Mr. Rumney's bad health and Sir Thomas Smyth being in prison, Mr. Wattes elected governor, 166 ; elected deputy gover- nor to Mr. Wattes, 179 ; the oath of office, 179 ; to receive all contributions for the North West Passage, 195 ; signatures to treasurers' warrants, 206; warrant ^^13 ig.j. 6d. for money delivered to Mr. Burrell, 208 ; the dislike to Thoma-s Yerworth, purser, 219 ; warrant £2 6s. 8d. for boat hire, 224 ; re-elected deputy governor, 225 ; orders to Captain Waymouth at Dartmouth to bring his ships round to London, 231 ; relates the proceedings against Waymouth before the Lords of the Council, 233 ; thinks that only one ship should be em- ployed in the second North West voyage, 236 ; being chosen an alderman, resigns the deputy governorship of the company, 239 ; bill of adventure sealed, ,£240, p. 255. Running glasses, 218. Russell, William, nominated factor, 77. Russell, William, butcher, warrant £111 %s. for beef and pork, 214. Rutton, William, nominated factor, 77. Ryalles, ) v Ryalls, > see Royals. Ryals, ) Rylance, Humfrey, administrator of Edward Rose, late factor at Aleppo, 278-79. Ryvelles, Henry, warrant ;^6i for casks, 146. Sack wine, 169, 209, 230. Sail makers, see George Barbor, Mr. Bolton, yohn Bowden, Robert Bradbury, Robert Hughes, Hildibrand Sprjisen. Sails, 163, 167, 168, 220, 221. St. Mallowes, Royals to be provided there, 51. Salamon, ) Joseph, purser of the ^^ Susa?i ;" Salbanck, S guaranteed by Mr. Bannyng, 33 ; warrant ^100 for the " Susan," 41 ; order to let Mr. Burrell take men for the "Mare Scourge," 56 ; warrant 100 marks for the " Susan," 65 ; do. £&o, p. 74 ; do. £(>6 13^. ^d., p. 79 ; do. ;£i2o, p. 02 ; do. ^250, p. 108 : do. ;^2oo, p. 117 ; do. Aioo, p. 129 ; do. ;£ioo, p. 148 ; do. ijioo, p. 154 ; bill of adventure sealed, ;^24o, p. 260. Salbanck, Robert, see Salbanck, Joseph. Salt, estimate of quantity and price, 36 ; com- mittee to provide 16 tons, 75 ; warrant ^^38 for 12 way of salt, 121 ; warrant for salt for the North West voyage, 208. Salt beef, 120 o.xen to be bought to make, 114. Salter, Mr., money taken up from his factor for the use of the ambassador at Constan- tinople, 280. Salter, Nicholas, assembly, 59 ; will bring in INDEX 319 Salter, Nicholas, continued. his money, 73 ; general committee, 179 ; bill of adventure sealed, ^240, p. 261. Salter, Raphe, surgeon, warrant ^32 for fur- nishing remedies, &c., 95. Salter, (Thomas, nominated factor, 77 ; Salterne, f elected factor of the second sort, 82 ; to sail in the " Assention," loi ; warrant ;^5o for his entertainment, 120 ; bill of adven- ture sealed, ;£ioo, p. 149. Salters, warrant to pay the Salters' porters for lading, &c., 158 ; George Bennett, 175. Saltonstall, Sir Richard, adventurer with his children, ;^2oo, p. 3. Saltpetre, 142. Sampson, Peter, warrant £^1,^ on bill of ex- change, 58. Sampson, Roberta, bill of adventure sealed, ^360, p. 256. Sandie, see Sandy. Sandy (John), of Exeter, bills of exchange for money taken up in the West Country, 58, 70, 83, 84, 102, io6 ; letter to, respecting the price to be paid for Royals, 66 ; letter from, as to busi- ness in the West Country, 74 ; letter from, asking for Lord Treasurer's warrant to transport pro- visions, 78 ; letter to provide no more bread, 88. Sandy, / Robert, Grocer, adventurer, £200, p. Sandye, f i ; assemblies, 4, 59, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 71, 74, 76, 78, 80, 82, 83, 85, 86, 88, 89, 94, 96, 98, 99, 100, 102, 104, 106, 107, 108, 109, 112, 113, 115, 116, 118, 119, 121, 123, 124, 127, 128, 138, 139, 142, 144, 148, 150, 151. '54> I55> I5^> '6°> 1^2, 164, 167, 168, 170, 171, 175, 176 ; committees, 75, 76, 79, 120, 127, 147 ; respecting the supply of Royals in the West Country, 57 ; general committee, 63 ; letter from Mr. EUycott as to Royals, 64 ; reply to Mr. Ellycott, 66 ; warrant for ^'300 to be remitted to Exeter, 84 ; warrant ^"71 i3,f. \d. for charges disbursed for the patent and warrant for coining, 96 ; recom- mends William Martin to be employed, 97 ; iron ordered, 104 ; orders lead, 105 ; to pro- vide soap, 107 ; bill of exchange ;Sioo from John Ellicott, 108 ; do. ^100, p. 109 ; warrant j^i28 li. Zd. for sundries, 115 ; buys vinegar, 115 ; to provide prunes, currants, and raisins, 118 ; to write to Mr. Ellicott and Mr. Pope as to shipping Spanish money now in the West Country, 119 ; respecting Mr. Skinner's adventure of ;iC2oo being received in Royals, 124 ; buys cheese, 125 ; to clear accounts with Mr. Peard and Mr. Howe, 127 ; buys pewter, 129 ; buys curraunce, 168 ; warrant £(so on bill of exchange, 209 ; bill of adven- ture sealed, £2^0, p. 255. Saunderson, Edmond, turner, warrant £1% for turner's work, 157. Saunderson, John, tnerc/iant in Constan- ti)wple, as to Mr. Bate's account, 268 ; letter:; from the Levant Company, 273, 279-80, see Company 0/ Levant merchants. Saundye, see Sandy. Savadge, ( Robert, warrant /210 for Canary Savage, ) wine, 104 ; do. £101 for wastes and deales, 171 ; do. ;^3fora spare mast, 222. Scanderona, 277. Scott, Edmund, nominated factor, 77 ; adven- tures il2oo, and is employed in the voyage to choose drugs and spices, 109 ; made free, though not named in the patent, 177 ; bill of adventure sealed, .£240, p. 257. Scourge \ ^,^-. ^^^, ^^j^^g Scourge. Scurge ♦ •' Seacoals, 210. Seals, the Signet, Privy Seal, and Great Seal, 107 ; a Common Seal ordered, 113. Seaton, a fit place to buy cider, 49. Secretary of the Company, see Wright ,R ichard , Security, see Guarantees, Bonds; all factors to put in security, 86, 105. Segar, William, Herald, warrant £\->, -js. Sd. for writing the Queen's letters to the Kings of the East Indies, 139. Sething Lane, the great house in, nominated as a warehou.se, 245. Shaw, Leonard, warrant £52 for butter and cheese, 125. Sheer, ) John, 0/ Exeter, bill of exchange .£25, Sheir, ) p. 106. Shere, Thomas, of Exeter, warrant £60 for money advanced, 125. Shipping, see Ships. Shipping mark for all goods shipped by the Company, 107. Ships and shipping, see "Assention" "Carnation" "Discovery," " ExcJiange," " Globe," " Godspeed," " Guift," "Hector," "Hercules," "Lioness," " Mare Scourge" (or "Red Dragon "), " Mayjlower," " Aew- castleship," "'Paragon" ''' t'lwenix," " Pro- sperous," "Red Dragon" {or "Mare Scourge"), " Roioe Buck," "Susan ;" see also Pinnaces, Masters, Mariners, Factors ; no ship to be received as portion of any ad- venture, 6 ; all to be bought for ready money only, 6; committee to purchase, &c., 6, 8; ships bought in England by the Dutch, 8 ; petition to the Privy Council that the shipping when ready be not stayed for any s.rvice, 8, 10 ; ships viewed at Deptford, &c., 13 ; sur- veyors appointed, 13 ; the provision of victuals in the West Country, 15; the surveyors to report the wants of each ship to the com- mittee, and then by their orders supply the same, 21 ; Mr. Burrell ordered to supply timber, 21 ; more shipping required and the " Mare Scourge " surveyed, 27 ; bargains and sales of the ships to be made to feoffees in trust, 32 ; a computation of quantity and price agreed on for victualling, 34 ; number of men and tonnage of ships, 34 ; total bulk and va :ue of provisions, 36 ; quantity and value of merchandise to be taken, 36-7 ; Alderman Watts's opinion to be taken on all proceedings, 67 ; biscuit and fish to be bought to carry the ships to the West Country, 67 ; order for ships to be " symented vppon ther sheething " before they come out of the docks, 69 ; number of men to go in each ship, 72 ; officers and mariners to be engaged by the masters, 78 ; factors elected, 81-3 ; committee to hire masters and officer.s, 87 ; list of officers engaged, 89 ; the state of the ships to be dis- cussed at a general court, 92 ; ships ready, 93 ; ballast, 97 ; shipping mark or brand, 107 ; committee to provide gunners', stewards', cooks', and carpenters' stores, 117 ; the bar- gain and sale of the "Susan" sealed at .£i,6oo, p. 120 ; amount of new and Spanish money apportioned to be carried in each ship and how packed, 122 ; the Earl of Ox- ford's runaway servant to be sought for and not allowed to sail in any of the ships, 126 ; ' authority for the committee to call on all officers for an account of provisions brought into the ships, 126: committee to see the discharge of the ships from the West Countrj', 128, 140 ; all the ships to be examined that 320 INDEX Ships and Shipping, continued- no private merchandioe be shipped, 130 ; the commission to Captain Lancaster to the cliief command and others in succession, 132-7, see Cotniiiissions ; ships too heavily laden, suggestion for a small ship to accompany the fleet part way and stow the spending pro- visions ; ships to be surveyed at Gravesend before deciding, 141 ; committee to see the moneys shipped, 142 ; ships reported over- laden, 143 ; committee to find a small ship to stow the provisions and accompany the fleet part way, 143 ; £20 paid to Henry Napper, master of the " Hector," for his ex- traordinary pains in the preparation of the ships, 143 ; committee to see the discharge of the ships at Gravesend, 147; the "Guift" bought to accompany the fleet with victuals, 147-8 ; lighterage, wharfage, and porterage, 158 ; all stores, &c., left behind to be gathered together into a storeliouse and sold, 159 : ^15 allowed to Mr. Burrell for his pains in the providing of timber and surveying tlie work, 181 ; pinnaces for the North West Voyages, 182, see Pinnaces, also North ll'est Pas- sage ; committee to set down the cost of 3 pinnaces, &c., 183 ; two pinnaces of 50 and 40 tons manned with 16 and 14 men resolved on, 184, 185 ; no ships for the second voj-age by the Cape to be prepared without the con- sent of a general court, 189 ; two ships or pinnaces to be employed for the N orth West Voyage, 199; two ships, the "Godspeed" and the ' Discovery " selected and pro- visioned and furnished for 16 months under CaptainWaymouth'sowninstructions, 211-12 ; all pursers to deliver the bills of their pro- visions to Mr. Burrell to receive allowance, 215 ; the ships for the North West Voyage described as "flyboats," 220, 221; do. pin- naces, 221 ; several warrants for stores and necessaries for the North West Voyage, 220-24, ice' IVarrants ; return of the pinnaces to Dartmouth, 227 ; arrival in the Thames, 229 ; ordered to be sold, 230, see North ll'est Passage ; committee to prepare ships for a second North West Voyage, 234, 237 ; con- ference as to the practicability of attempting a second North West Voyage with one ship, 236 ; the idea of a second voyage abandoned and ships ordered to be sold, 239 ; the sale deferred, 241 ; ordered to be sold if ^300 each can be obtained, 242 ; the return of the " As- sention," 242, see " Assention. ; " memoranda of tonnage and men employed, 263 ; orders for the prevention of private trade on French ships between Aleppo and Marseilles, 272 ; English ships seized at Venice, 277-78 : out- rages by English men-of-war in the Levant seas, 280, 282, 283. Shipton, Thomas, bill of adventure sealed, ;^24o, p. 252. Shipwrights, see lVillia7n Denham, Joseph Pett, Peter Peit, Edward Stephens; war- rant by the Lord Treasurer for taking up shipwrights, 40, 263 ; committee to settle disputed accounts for timber, 155. Shirts, 138. Shirts of mail, warrant ^36 loj. lod. for 22, p. 123- Shurley, Sir Anthony, his doings in Persia, 272. Signet, 107. Silver plate, warrant £,(x^ %s. id. for a silver fountain and case, 116 ; a basin and ewer or- dered, also two standing cups and two other pieces, 117 ; four standing cups ordered, size and price, ii8; warrant £i6'i 16s. y^., p. 127 ; committee to solicit the Lord Treasurer for a warrant to remove the plate from Mr. Governor's house, 141 ; list of the plate and other presents, 141 ; how distributed among the four ships, 151. Simes, Thomas, cf Charde, respecting the pro- viding of Royals in the West Country, 51, 53. Skelton, James, c/tattd/er, warrant £g for tal- low, 171 ; do. ^92 10^. for buttter, candles, &c., 219 ; do. £^ lis. for powder, 221. Skidmore, William, warrant ;£ 333 ts. Sd. for his sixth part of the "Assention," 117. Skins, levy at Turkish ports to maintain the charges of the ambassador and consuls, 267, 270, 271, 274, 279. Skinner, /Augustine, adventurer with Roberta Skynner, f Brooke and Thomas Westray, ^300, p. 3 ; assembly, 59 ; will bring in his money in dollars, 63 ; ordered to do so, 124 ; ap- pointed auditor, 218 ; bill of ad venture sealed, i^24o, p. 257. Skynners, see Nicholas Farrer. John Harbie, ll'illiatn Starky ; warrant to pay the porters employed in lading, 158. Smalwood ( ), locksmith, warrant 37.?. for lock staples, &c., 223. Smith, (Sir) Thomas, alderman and governor of the company, see Sinytlie. Smith, Thomas, warrant 24^-. for keeping pin- naces returned from the North We.st Voyage, 234; do. 24.?., p. 240; do. 24^., p. 241 ; do. 24^., p. 242. Smithe, Humfrey, | Smithe, Thomas, ■ see Smyihe. Smithe, Wdliara, ) Smithers, see Sjnytlies. Smithery, warrant ;^ioo, p. 104 ; do. ,{Jioo, p. 104. Smithes, George, see Sinythes. Smiths, see Roger Frytfie, Kichard Hart, yiisiice Mtiilett, Letvis Tate, Christopher Thompson, IViiliaju IVoodfield ; payment of a smith's bill stopped because he had not paid for his iron, 128. 147. Smithyes, George, see Smytkes. Smvth, Thomas, \ c .i- c .u \j7-ii- ' >see ^inytne. Smyth, Wuliam, ) -^ Sniythe, Humfrey, assembly, 59 ; bill of adven- ture sealed, ^240, p. 260. Smythe, John, admitted as an extra factor, 102. Smythe, (Sir) Thomas, Haberdasher, adven- turer, ;£200, p. 3 ; alderman, first governor of the East India Company, also governor of the Levant Company, see 275 and 281 ; asseih- blies, 26, 27, 33, 58, [65], 68, 69, 76, 80, 82, 83, 85, 87, 92, 93, 94, 99, 100, 10 <, 106, 107, 109, III, 119, 122, 124, 126, 129; committees, 1^5 37) 38) 73> 77> I 'I ; elected governor of the company, 62; being still in prison Mr. Watts elected governor in his place, 166 ; bill of adventure sealed, £260, p. 256 ; letter to Mr. Byddell, preacher at Aleppo, 275 ; signed letter to Mr. Saunderson, merchant at Con- stantinople, 279-81. Smythe, William, freedom refused for .i^ioj, and ordered to bring in the balance of his adventure, 174-75 ; bill of adventure sealed, ^240, p. 259. Smythes, George, Goldsmith, adventurer, ;^2oo, and will pay in Spanish money, 31 ; warrant ;£88 i^s. 3^. for plate, 127 : general com- mittee and sworn, 225 ; assemblies, 229, 230, 240, 242, 244. INDEX 321 Soarae, Sir Stephin, Lord Mayor of London, adventurer, ;^2oo, p. i ; do. with Richard Carter and Co., ^400, p. i. Soap ordered, 107. Sole Privilege, see Prhfilcge. Soiithacke, ) Thomas, committee, 245 ; bill of .Southevvyke, j adventure sealed, ^240, p. 251. Southseas, Captain Waymouth's hope of the discovery of a passage " by divers inlets that treat through the coast of America," 233. Spain : by reason of the treaty of peace in hand, the East India Company feanna; delays, postponed the preparation of their first voyage from October, 1599, to September, 1600, p. 11 ; the alledged false translation by the French King of the Queen's letter to him respecting the motion of peace with Spain, 282. Spanish money, see also Royals, Dollars, West Country, S^c. ; two adventures paid in, 31 ; the amount apportioned to be carried in each ship and how packed, 122. Spanish Royals, or Rj'alles, see Royals. Speake, George, warrant ;£2oo for money pro- vided in the West Country, 66. Spectacles, 155. Speeke, see Speake. Spencer, Edmund, bill of adventure sealed, £■2^0, p. 254. Sp-incer, Sir John, adventurer, ;^8oo, p. i ; as- semblies, 109, 176, 181, i"'7, 244 ; general committee, 179 ; takes over tiie ;^2oo adven- ture of Robert Bayly for ;^i8o, and to have the nomination of a freeman, 181 ; nominates Joseph Jackson for a freeman, 187 ; his ware- house suggested for storing the goods brought home in the " Assention," 245 ; bill of adven- ture sealed, £,-^(>o, p. 256. Spencer, John, cooper, warrant ;£ig ds. for casks, 148. Spencer, Samuel, to sail as master in the " Susan,' 100 ; warrant ;^30 on account as agreed, 116 ; order to receive a barrel of oil, 123- Spenser, see Spencer. Spices, estimate of quantity for the voyage and price, 35 ; quantity ordered and committee to purchase, 75 ; Edmund Scott to go in the voyage in the hope of his service in the choice of drugs and spices, 109 ; mentioned as one of the articles to be traded in, 198 ; quantity brought home by the "Assention" and entered at the Custom House, 247. Spits, 222. Spruson, Hildebrand, saihnaker, warrant £,\'>„ p. 168. Stace ( ), pilot, hired for £,6 to go with Captain Waymouth to Newcastle, 223. Stamps, warrant £i<) 10s. for stamps made for the East India monies, 174. Stanfeld, John, warrant ;{^iio on bill of ex- change, 70. Staper, I Richard, adventurer, ;{i5oo, p. 1 ; Stapers, ) assemblies, 4, 7, 9, 10, 20, 22, 24, 26, 28, 30, 31, ^3, 44, 45, 46, 56, 58, 65, 67, 68, 69, 71, 78, 80, 82, 83, 89, 90, 94, 96, 98, 100, 103, 106, 107, loS, 114, 116, 118, 119, 123, 124, 125, 126, 129, 138, 139, 142, 144, I4'8, 150, 155, 158, 159, 162, 164, 167, 171, 173, 174, 175, 176, 177, 180, 181, 182, 183, 184, 185, 1S7, 190, 192, 193, 194, 196, 197, 203, 204, 205, 206, 208, 214, 215, 216, 217, 218, 219, 225, 227,231, 235, 236, 237, 238, 242 ; committees, 6, 8, 9, 10, 12, 31, 37, 38, 40, 67, 75, 77, 80, 87, 90, 91, 97, 118, 155, 156, 183, 197, 203, 209, 210, 234, 237, 239 ; views ships, 13 ; proposes the " Mare Scurge," T T 20 ; guarantees George Parsons as purser of the "Hector," 33 ; commends Richard Ba- bington as a purser, 39 ; compounds for iron, 41 ; signature to West Country commission, 52 ; general committee, 6? ; letter from Mr. Sandy respecting Spanish money, 66 ; com- pounds with William Tavernor, .^lariner, 68 ; ordered to bring in his account, 159 ; receives bond for the payment of Mr. Tailby's adven- ture, 176 ; general committee and sworn, 179 ; do. 225 ; signature to treasurer's warrant, 206; warrant ^^28 iSi. for hides, 208; war- rant £i$o to be disbursed for wages, 215 ; do. ^200 for necessaries, &c., 217 ; do. ;^40 15.?. &d. for balance of account, 222 ; do. £7 &s. 8(/. for disbursements, 223 ; bill of adven- ture sealed, ^800 p. 261 ; a private letter writ- ten to Mr. Lyllo, ambassador at Constanti- nople, as to the complaints made by the French ambassador, 265 ; see Company of Levant Merchants. Starkey, \ William, nominated factor, 77 ; elect- Starkie, [ ted factor of the .second sort, 82 ; to Starky, [ sail in the " Hector," loi ; warrant Starkye, ) £=,0 for his preparation, 106 ; bill of adventure £100 sealed, 149 ; bill of adventure sealed ;£'.>oo, 261. Starky, William, Skynner, bill of adventure with Raphe Allen ^400 sealed, 149. Steel, warrant ^40, p. 138. Steephens, see Stepliens. Stephens, Edward, Ca-penter, warrant ,<^ioo for timber for the " Malice Scourge," 74 ; do. £^0 for repairs, 87 ; do. £^0, p 95 ; do. ^50 for timber, 106 ; ^50 for work on the " Red Dragon," 163. Stephens, Richard, adventurer, ;f200, p. 2 ; assemblies, 4, 30. Stephens, Robert, warrant ^1,100 on bill of ex- change from Mr. Ellicott, 56 ; do. ;£ioo, p. 58 ; do. ^1,000, p. 65 ; do. ;^9oo, p. 69 ; do. ^800, p. 102 ; do. ^600, p. 102 ; do. ^^500, p. 105 ; do. ^100, p. 108 ; do. £100, p. 109 ; do. ;£ioo, p. 115. Stephens, i'homas, appointed book-keeper at a salary of ^30, p. 210 ; re-appointed book- keeper, 226 : desires the freedom of the com- pany, but his suit deferred, 227 ; ordered to charge up all debtors' accounts that the amounts due may be defaulted on their se- veral stocks, 223 ; warrant £2'^ 6s. 8ii. for salary, 235 ; admitted to the freedom, 239 ; to make out carmen's tickets for the goods from the "Assention" sent to the Exchange, 248 ; warrant to pay 56.?. to the wife of John May, master's mate of the " Susan," 248 ; do. £6 for pilotage of the " Assention " into the River, 248. Stephins,> ^5.^^; Stevens, ) ^ Stewards, see Tliomas Bourne or Bo^ the number to be employed in each ship, 90 ; committee to provide stores, 117. Stile, see Style. Stoackly, John, bill of adventure sealed, ;{J240, p. 250. Stoane, William, adventurer with William Chambre, ,£500, p. 2 ; assembly, 59 ; bill of adventure sealed ,^600, p. 254. Stock, see adventure. Stockfish, 209. Stone, see Stoatie. Storehouses, see Warehouses, for the gathering together of things l^ft behind by the ships, 159. Stoves, for the North West Voyage, 209. 322 INDEX StratUinK, j_ Cliristophcror Percival, elected fr>o- Stragling, ( tor of the fourth sort, 83 ; to sail in the '' Red Dragon," loi ; warrant £-20 for his preparation, 119 ; bill of adventure sealed, £i,o, p. 152- Straits of Mapelano, 183. Stratford, Anthonie, bill of adventure sealed, ^240, p 257. , . r Stratford, Richard, warrant ^50 on bill of ex- change, 83. Stratford, Robert, bill of adventure sealed, ^240, p. 258. Streamers, ancients and nags, 108, 149, 163. Style, Humfrey, assembly, 59 ; bill of adven- ture sealed, £240, p. 252. Style, Nicholas, Grocer, adventurer, ;f20o, p. 2 ; assemblies, 4, 7 ; appointed director, 6 ; com- mittee, 8. Style, Oliver, Grocer, adventurer, /300, p. 2 ; assemblies, 59, 64, 65, 67, 68, 71, 74, 76, 79, 80, 82, 83, 85, 88, 89, CO, gt, 92, 93, g\, 95, 96, 98, 99, 100, 102, 103, 104, 107, 108, 109, 112, 113, 115, 116, 118, T19, 124, 143, 144, 151, 154, 156, 159, '73) I75i '76, 204, 242; committees, 77, 107, 117, 124, 147, 191, 203 ; general com- mittee. 63 ; respecting Roger Style, 86; ad- ventures x^20o on behalf of Roger Style, 105 ; appointed auditor, 166, 218 ; bill of adventure sealed, ;^56o, p. 253. Style, Persevall, seeks to be employed, 65. Style, Roger, s-eks to be employed ; no- minated a factor, 77 ; ofiTers to serve as factor without salary, also to reside in the East In- dies and learn the language, 86 ; appointed third factor in the " Assention," 101 ; to take the place of Richard CoUymore, 105 ; Oliver Style adventures X200 on his behalf, 105 ; warrant ^30 for his preparations, 108 : do. ^30 for his entertainment, 120 ; bill of adven- ture sealed, ^50, p. 149; bill of adventure £^o sealed, 153; letter received from him from the East Indies, by which good hope is conceived of the success of the voyage and encouragement given for another voj'age for furtherdiscoveries,&c.,243 ; order toattend on board the " Assention" till ship is discharged, 246; bill of adventure sealed, ^40, p. 262. Suckley, Mr., Lord Treasurer's secretary, 85. Sugar, estimate of quantity of price, 35 ; quan- tity ordered and committee to purchase, 75 ; warrant ;iC27 6s. 6d., p. 149. Suger, Jerome, adventurer with Clement Moseley, ^^250, p. 2. Sumatra, 194, 19S. Supplies, see AdTcntiires, also Levies- Sureties, see Security, G7iara7ttees, all factors to put in, 86. Surgeons, see also Medicine, the number to be carried in each ship, 90 ; warrant ^32 to Raphe Salter for furnishing his medicine chest, 95 ; do. ^25 to James Lovering of the " Hector," 98 ; do. £10 to Christopher New- church of the " Assention," 98 ; do. ;^2o to John Gamond of the " Susan," 08. Surveyors for the ships " Hector," "Assention," and "Susan," 14 ; power with the advice of the carpenters to supply all defects and re- pairs, 14 ; Mr. Burrell appointed general sur- veyor, 21 ; all surveyors to report the wants of their ships to the committee, and then by their orders to supply the same, 22 ; for the " Mare -Scourge," 27, 29, 32. Susan, ship, 240 tons, 80 men ; Samuel Spen- cer, Master; John May, Master's Mate; John Havard, Principal Factor ; Henry Middlcton, Second Factor; William Wilford. Third Factor; Thomas Morgan, Fourth Factor; John Gamond, Surgeon; Peter Fenton, Carpenter ; viewed, 13; chosen and bought with her furniture of Alderman Banning, for .£1,600, p. 13 ; surveyors ap- pointed, 14 ; inventory, 17 ; Joseph Salaman, the purser, guaranteed by Mr. Hannyng, 33 ; rated 80 men, tonnage 249, p. 34 ; proportion of aquavita;, 35 ; order to the purser to give up any men required to complete the " Mare Scourge," 56 ; warrant ^50 on account of re- pairs, 57 ; do. 100 markes, 65 ; to be manned with 80 men, 72 ; v/arrant jf 50 for timber, 79 ; do. £66 13.J. ^d. for ne'essaries and wages, 79 ; the number of carpenters, caulkers, gun- ners, stewards, cooks, surgeons, and barbers, to be employed, 89-90 ; John Havard to sail as principal factor, 94 ; warrant £20 to John Gamon A, Surgeon, for furnishing his medi- cine chest, 98 ; officers appointed, 100 ; factors appointed, loi ; warrant ;£25o for necessaries, 108 ; warrant ^30 to Samuel Spencer, Master, on account, 116; Peter Francis, a Portugal, to sail in the " Susan," wages ^5 a month, 117 ; committee to provide stores, 117 ; war- rant ^{^250 for men's wages, 117 ; the bargain and .sale of the ship made absolute, and sealed at ^1,600, p. 120 ; abuses and overcharges by the carpenter for masts, T21, 157; amount of new and Spanish money to be carried and how packed, 12^ ; a barrel of oil allowed to the master, 123 ; warrant i^ioo to the purser for charges, 129 ; being found overladen, a committee appointed to find a small ship to accompany the fleet part way, 143, see 141 ; warrant .£100 to the purser for clearing the ship, 148 ; list of presents to be carried, 152 ; warrant i^ioo for wages and for clearing away the ship, 154 ; do. ^30 12^-. ^d. for gunners' stores, 157; do. ^100 for timber, &c., 157; do. £6 \6s. 8d. for porterage and lading, 158 ; do. £2-; c,s. for sails, 167 ; do. ^^71 155. for timber, 172 ; do .£227 for iron work, 173 ; do. 30s. to Faith May in part of w.ages of John May, Master Mate, 224; do. 56.?. to the wife of John May for a month of his wages, 248 ; memorandum, 240 tons, 80 men. 263. Suzan, John, adventurer with Samewell Gar- raid, ^200, p. 4. Swinerton, ^John, junior, alderman, adventu- Swynerton, ( rer, .£300, p. 4 ; assembly, 244 ; bill of adventure sealed, .£360, p 252. Symondes, j Thomas, adventurer, ^{^200, p. i ; Symonds, \ assemblies, 4, 7, 9, 10, iSo ; ap- pointed director, 6; committees, 8, 10; warrant £6 13,?. 4(/., p. 117 ; respectine the account with John Hedland, 163 ; appointed auditor, 166; general committee, 179; bill of adven- ture sealed, £2^0, p. 258. Symonds, 1 Nicholas, Carpenter, assembly, Symondson, ( 30 ; warrant ^50 for timber for Symons, | the " Susan," 79 ; do. £&o, p. Symonson, ) 92 ; do. £100, p. 157 ; do. ^71 iss , p. 172 ; do. for work on the " Discoverj'," &c., ^71 13.1. Svms, see Simes. Synamon, see Cinnamon. TaiToy, \ Richard, assembly, 59 ; promises to I'ailbye, I pay ^^73 6s. Sd. to Mr. Atye, and Taileby, ) ^100 to the Muscovia Company as part payment of his adventure, 176; commit- tees, 245, 246 ; bill of adventure sealed, ^240, p. 256. INDEX 3*3 Tailor, Francis, I'/uifier, warrant ;^i8 for claret, 169 ; Talbiitt, Thoma.';, bill of adventure sealed, /240, p. 250- Tallow, 171. Tar, committee to provide casks, 76 ; ordered to be bought of Browne & Co., 121. Tate, Lewis, Siuith, warrant £ 100 for smith's work, 104; do. ^100, p. 163; do. ^227, p. Tavernor, William, Mariner, compounds for his employment at ^6 per month, 68. Taylby, sec Tailby. Tayler, ) Francis, appointed auditor, 218 ; bill of Taylor, f adventure sealed, ^,240, p. 260. Taylor, John, adventurer, ;^2oo, p. 77 : nomi- nated factor, 77. Tayte, see Tait. Terrell, Fraunces, adventurer, ^200, p. 2 Thames, River, the return of the ships from the North West, 229 ; the return of the " Assen- tion," 244, see also Gravesend, IVoolwic/i, Deftford, b^c. Thomas, William, warrant 26.?. for lanthornes, 223. Thompson, \ Christopher, Smith, warrant ^50 Thomson, j for iron work for the " Hector," 105 ; do. £60, p. Ill ; do. /^loo, p. 149; do. £2A A^- 2'^-, p- 163 ; do. ;^22 6s., p. 221 : do. 13.1. lod. for plates, 224. Thurston, John, master of the ship "Carna- tion," 263. Timber, Mr. Burrell ordered to supply, 21, 46, 89; warrant .^100, p. 47; do. ^loo, p. 74; do. ;£too, p. 86 ; quantity borrowed from Her Majesty's storehouse at Woolwich for the repairs of the "Scourge," 71 ; warrant ;^5o for the " Susan," 79 ; do. £80, p. 92 ; do. £80, p. 92 ; do. £$0 for the " Red Dragon," 106; do. ;£ioo for the "Hector" and "As- sention," 114; committee to agree with the carpenters on the disputed prices of tim.ier, 124 ; committee to agree with Mr. Ady and other shipwrii4hts, 155 ; warrant .^100 for the " Susan," 157 ; do. ^^50, p. 164 ; do. iJio2 for wastes and deales, 171 ; do. ^^71 i^s. for the " Susan," 172 ; arbitrators appointed to agn'ee on Mr. Adye's account, 173 ; warrant £i(> i6s. lid. for timber, &c., for the " As- sention," 180 ; £1^ allowed to Mr. Burrell for his paines in the providing of timber and surveying the work, 181 ; warrant for timber for the " Discovery-," 221. Tin, quantity to be sent out in the ships and price, 36 ; committee to provide, 79 ; duty at Constantinople and Aleppo to support the ambassador's and consuls' charges, 267, 270, 271, 274, 279. Tithes due to the Lord Admiral on a prize talcen in the East Indies, 246-7. Tonnage of ships and number of men for the East India voyage, 34, 263 ; do. for the North West Voyage, 184, 185. Toomes, Mr., assembly, 227 (? Coombes). Toppesfelde, Mr., offers the ship "Pheni.\e." Tower of London, as to coining, 78 ; bullion stored there, 87 ; coining, 114, 120. Tower.son, Robert, disfranchised, 178. Trade, the chief articles of trade m the East Indies, iqS ; the object of the attempt to dis- cover a North West Passage was to open up trade in English merchandise with China and other temperate climates, 199. Treasurer, Lord, see Lord Treasurer. Treasurers, see also IVarranis, Batniyng, Holliday, Cainlell, and Chamherlaine, &'c. John Highlord and William Romney elected, 7 ; immediate levy of 12^^ per ^100 for petty charges, 7 ; to pay all sums by warrants signed by four of the committee, but not to disburse above /^lo without a warrant, 24 ; Mr. Bannyng elected, 25 ; com- mittee appointed to audit the accounts, 107, 156, i66 ; Mr. Bannyng and Mr. Holliday desired to borrow ^1,500 at interest on their own credits, 146 ; the state of the accounts on March 6, 1600-1, showing amount of debts and amount of adventure not yet brought in, 156 ; indemnity for the money borrowed at interest, 161 ; conference as to money in hand to pay debts, 167 ; to deliver bills of adven- ture to all who have cleared their adventures and supplies and to charge 6d each for the same, 175 ; Mr. Alderman Cambell ap- pointed treasurer for the North West Voyage, 200 ; the treasurer for the North West voy- age not to receive any contributions after the end of March, 1602, without the consent of a general court, 208 ; Mr. Robert Chamher- laine elected, 226 ; the cashiers ordered to be reimbursed for money lost in the receiving and paying of mont-y, 227 ; Mr. Holliday ordered to bring in ^^38 6s. gd. balance of his accounts and the sum of eight or nine pounds disbursed by his wife not allowed, 231. Trowbridge, Thomas, money in the West Country, 73. Tucker, Daniel, nominated factor, 77. Tudd, Thomas, nominated factor, 77 ; elected factor of the fourth sort, 83 ; to sail in the "Hector," loi ; warrant .^20 for his prepa- rations, 122 ; bill of adventure sealed, £^o, P- '53- Turkey, trade in, 268 ; the trade by the Dutch, 270, 273 ; duties on certain goods entering Turkish ports to maintain the charges of the ambassador and consuls, 271 ; Mr. Coltherst's favour with the Bashaw, 272. Turner, Edward, adventurer with William Turner, i,2oo, p. 3. Turner, James, adventurer with John Buz- bridge, ;^2oo, p. 3 ; assembly, 59 ; committee, 246 ; bill of adventure sealed, ^240, p. 254. Turner, Vv'illiam, adventurer with Edward Tur ner, ^200, p. 3 ; assembly, 5 ; warrant £'n for money supplied in Plymouth, 64 ; bill of adventure sealed, ^^240, p. 258. Turnery, 157. Turnor, see Titriter. Tyght, Lewys, Biacksntith, warrant >Cioo for ironwork, 157. Tyler, Thomas, Painter, warrant .£13 ds. 8d. for work done, 221. Uffington, William, warrant ^86 for wax can- dles, 142. Utley, George, disfranchised, 178. Vale, Richard, warrant £24 igs. for spectacles, &c., 155. Value, of the original adventures subscribed, 4 ; of the provisions for the voyage, 36 ; of the merchandise to be sent out, 37 ; of the goods brought home by the " Assention," 247. Vaults under the E.\change used as a ware<- house, 245, 248. Venice, bills of exchange from the ambassador at Constantinople, 266, 271 ; petition to the Privy Council respecting the Levant Com- pany's ships seized at Venice as restitution 324 INDEX Venice, continued. for the late prize taken by English men-of- war, 277-8, see also 280, 282, 284. Victuals, see also Bread, Butter, Beer, Beef, Pork, Cheese, Peas, Whie, Oil, &^c., A'c. The providing of, in the West Country, 15, 21 ; Captain Da vies ordered to draw out a proportion for 500 men, 22 ; Captain Davies presents his estimate, which is referred to a committee, 26 ; peas, 26, 29 ; a commission to be prepared for Captain Davies, 28 ; com- mittee appointed to go to the West Country and purchase, 29 ; the quantity of caske re- quired for victuals, &c., 30 ; a computation agreed on for the victualling of the ship-;, quantity and price, 34-6 ; total bulk and value, 36 ; commission for Captain Baker to purchase, 38, 54 ; the quantities to be pro- vided in the West Country, 41, 52, 54-5 ; prices to be certified, 49 ; commission lor Cap- tain Davies to purchase, 52-4 ; bills of ex- change for the purchases in the West Country, see li'arrants ; letters of advice as to busi- ness in the West Country, 64 ; Admiral Wattes joined to the committee on victuals, 70; com- mittee to review the estimate and the pro- gress of the victualling, 72 ; quantities re- quired and committees to purchase, 75-6 ; commissions given to the comraittees to pur- chase, 77 ; committee to solicit Lord Trea- surer's warrant for transporting provisions in the West Country, 78 ; all ready for the voy- age, 93 ; ^50 paid to Robert Pope for his pains in the West Country, loi ; committee to attend to the shipping of in the West Country, 120 ; the committee authorized to call on all officers for an account of all pro- visions supplied, 126 ; the ships appearing overladen it is suggested that a small ship be bought to stow part of the provisions nnd ac- company the fleet part way, 141 ; the "Guift " bought, 147-8 ; all stores, &c. , left behind to be gathered together and sold, 159 ; warrant £22 4^. for chaundler s provisions, 164 ; three committees appointed for the provision of victuals and other necessaries for the North West voyage, 209 ; the North West ships victualled, &c., after Captain Waymouth's own desires, 211-12 ; various warrants for stores for the North West voyage, 217-21 ; the stores returned from the North West voyage to be preserved for a second voyage, 228 ; certain provisions to be sold, 230 ; all ordered to be sold, 239. Vinegar, 30 tonne of caske required, 30 ; esti- mate of quantity and price, 35 ; price and quantity in the West Country to be ascer- tained, 49 ; committee to provide, 76 ; do. casks for, 76 ; warrant ^70 for 7 tons, 114 ; do. £2^ 10s., and ^20, p. 115 ; do. £n 12s., p. 116; committee to provide for the North West voyage, 209. Vintners, see Mr. Crosse, Fraiicis Cherie, Thomas Farriagton, Francis Tailor. Voyage, first by the Cape to the East Indies, see also Advoitiirers, East India Company, Ships, Pursers, di^c. Committee for the ge- neral direction of the voyage, 6, 63 ; Oct. 1599, the voyage postponed for a year, 11 ; September, 1600, on receiving the royal assent the preparation of the voyage determined on and committee appointed for its direction, 11, 12 ; Captain Davies principal director, 25 ; victuals, 22, 26, 28, see Victuals; merchan- dise, 26, &c., see Merchandise : more ship- ping required, 27 ; no gentlemen to be em- ployed, 28 ; number of men and tonnage of ships, 34 ; quantity and value of provisions, 34-6 ; do. of merchandise, 36-7 ; number of men to go in each ship, 72 ; the hindrance and damage to the voyage by reason of cer- tain persons not bringing in their adventure, no ; action of the Privy Council to compel adventurers to bring in their sums subscribed, 112-13 ; the amount of money apportioned to be carried in each ship and how packed, 122 : all things to be managed as a joint stock and no private trade to be practised, 130 ; the commissions for the general or principal mer- chants, 132-7, see Commissions ; ships ap- pearing too heavily laden, suggestion for a small ship to accompany the fleet part way and stow the provisions, 141 ; Mr. Hacklett paid ^10 for his advice and instructions and 30,5. for 3 maps, 143 ; forms of the bills of ad- venture, 145 ; the return of the'' Assention," see " Assention." Voyage, second by the Cape to the East Indies. A second voyage proposed, 182 ; Mr. Governor to peruse the charters to see if power is given to compel any one to con- tribute to a second voyage, 183 ; a second voyage resolved on and a book to be sent round that adventurers may set down their contributions under their own hands, and not less than ;£ioo to be received, 186 ; the title or preface to the book agreed on and ordered to be sent round to all the freemen, 187 ; the total subs'ribed amoimts to only ;£ir,ooo, which is insufiicient, 1S9 ; enquiries by the Lord Admiral and ]\Ir. Secretary as to the cause of the great delay in the second voyage as compared with the Dutch, 189-90 ; letter from the Privy Council notifying Her Ma- jesty's mislike to the delays, and propoimding the example of the Dutch, 191 ; a general court convened to deal with the matter and a penalty of zos. imposed for non-attendance, 191. \oyage to discover the North West Passage, see North IVest Passage, VVaymouth, East India Company, St'c. Wages, see also Warrants, Agreemetiis. Pur- sers 40J. the month at sea, and 20^. and board wages in harbor, 116; in the North West voyage contingent on the discovery of the passage, 205 ; agreement with Waymoutb, 214 ; do. with Thomas Cartwright, preacher, fur the North West voyage, 216 ; do. with Edward ¥n\\\sor\, purser, 216; covenant for the payment of the wages of John Drew, master of the ' ' Godspeed," 220-1. Walcott, Humfrey, assembly, 59, 229, 232, 233, 238, 240, 241, 244 ; general committee and sworn, 226 ; bill of adventure sealed, ;£240, p. 252. Waldo, Laurence, assembly, 59 ; recommends Francis Wilson as a purser, 27 ; warrant ;^so to be repaid at Exeter, 55 ; do. £2$, p. 106 ; bill of adventure sealed, ^^240, p. 251. Waldo, Robert, assembly, 59 ; bill of adventure sealed, ^^240, p. 252. Walker, Edward, bill of adventure sealed, i;24o, p. 258. Wallcott, see Walcott. Walter, William, ordered to be gratified with ;^2o (? 20s.) for dedicating to the company the book of the Flemynges Voyage, 125. Walthall, William, warrant ;C224 2s. for lead, 95. INDEX 3*5 Walton, Richard, warrant /40 on bill of ex- change, 84. Wapping, 223. Warde, Thomas, admitted as an extra factor, 102. Warehouses, for the beef and pork returned from the North West voyage, 230 ; for the goods brought home in the "Assention," 245 ; committee to prepare the vaults under the Exchange, 248 ; committee to see the goods sent to the warehouses, 248 ; com- mittee to receive and weigh the goods, 248. Warner, Robert, warrant ;i{Jioo for iron, 104; do. ;^43 16.S. 6d. for glasses, 129. Warrants. No sum above ;^io to be disbursed by the Treasurers without a warrant, 24 ; warrant to take up shipwrights, 40 ; Lord Treasurer's warrant for the transport of peas and beans from Norfolk and Cambridge, 66 ; do. from the West Country, 78, 79 ; warrant for coining, 78 ; charges on the warrant for coining, i*tc., 96 ; warrant summoning the adventurers who have not brought in their payments, 169-70 ; two warrants warning defaulting adventurers to appear before the the Privy Council to answer for their con- tempt, 173; warrant to take up carpenters, 263. Warrants entered in Mr. Allabaster's book : ;^300 to John Busbridge for iron, in ; ijioo to William Dixon, Purser of the " Dragon," III ; ^60 to Xpofer Thompson, smith, for the " Hector," in ; ^100 to Mr. Wyseman for the "Hector," in ; ^20 to Nicholas Lynge for charges, iii ; £2^2, 6-f- ^d. to Andrew Ban- nyng for oil, in ; £100 to William Dixon for the " Hector," in. Warrants to the Treasurer (no name) : £100 to Mr. Wiseman for necessaries for the " Hec- tor," 25 ; ;£ioo to Mr. Chambers for casks and iron hoopes, 33 ; ;£ioo to do. for casks and iron hoopes, 56 ; ;^3o to William Kempe on a bill of exchange from Captain Baker, 80 ; ^20 to Mr. Governor to gratify William Walter, who dedicated to the Company the book of the " Flemyngs " voyage, 125; £,1 to Mr. Worsenham, Searcher, for clearing the ships, 156. Warrants per Mr. Banning, Treasurer : £,^ to Mr. Altham for making the draft of the patent, 25 ; ^500 to Mr. Howe, to be sent into the West Country for purchases, &c., 29 ; ;£2cio to Captain Lancaster and Mr. Chambers for iron work and caske, 41 ; ;^ioo to Joseph Salamon, necessaries for the "Susan," 41 ; ;^6oo to Francis Eiington for cloth, 45 ; ^1,000 to the Earl of Cumberland on account of the purchase of the " ]\Iare Scurge," 45 ; ^100 to Mr. Burrell for timber, 47 ; ;^2o to Captain Davis for travelling ex- penses, 47; ;65o to Laurence Waldo for a bill of exchange on Exeter, 55 ; ^ico to Henry IMiddleton, Purser, for charges about the "Scourge," 56; ^1,100 to Robert Stephens on bill of exchange from Exeter, 56 ; £100 to Mr. Coles on bill of exchange from the West Country, 57 ; 100 markes to Mr. Garway on account of the repairs of the " Assention," 57 ; £^0 on account of the re- pairs of the ■' Susan," 57 ; /J50to John Purnell for Royals delivered at Plymouth, 64 ; £ia, to William Turner on bill of exchange from Plymouth, 64; ^1,000 to the Purser of the " Scourge" onaccount of repairs, 65 ; ^1,000 to Robert Stevens on a bill of e.xchange from Exeter, 65 ; ;£ioo to Richard Wiseman for repairs and provisions for the " Hector," 65 ; £100 to William Burrell for timber, 65 ; 100 markes to Joseph Salbancke, Purser, for repairs, &c., on the " Susan," 65 ; ^900 to Robert Stephens on two bills of exchange from Exeter, 69 ; ^30 to Thomas Bowles on a bill of exchange from Captain Baker, 69 ; £\\o to John Stanfcld on a bill of exchange from Dartmouth, 70 ; .£100 to Purser of the "Malice Scurge " for preparations, 70; ^40 to William Harvy on bill of exchange from Robert Pope, 74 ; ^iio to William Lacy on bill of exchange from Robert Pope, 74 ; £^0 to Joseph Sulman, Purser of the " Scurge," for preparations, 74 ; ;{^ioo to Henry Middle- ton, Purser of the " Scurge," for preparations, 78 ; £i,a to John Wyndham on a bill of ex- change from Robert Pope, 79 ; ;C5oto Nicholas Symons for timber for the " Susan," 79 ; £(i(> 135-. a,d. to Joseph Salbanck for necessaries and wages for the " Susan," 79 ; ;£39 to Roger Gibbons on a bill of exchange from Robert Pope, 79 ; ;{Jioo to Richard Wyseman for the Hector's provision, 79 ; £^,0 to Thomas Northeover on bill of exchange from Robert Pope, 81; ^150 to John Lant on bill of ex- change from Robert Pope, 81 ; ^40 to John God on bill of exchange from Robert Pope, 82 ; ^100 to Francis Covell for peas and beans, 82 ; ;^5oo to Mr. AUabaster for royals of plate, 82 ; £yxi to Mr. Robert Sandy, to be repaid to ]\Ir. John Sandy at Exeter, 84 ; ;£ioo to Edward Highlord, Purser, on account of re- pairs of the " Scourge," 87 ; £i\7.io William Dale on a bill of exchange from Robert Pope, 88; £\2.o to Joseph Salbanck, 92; £%a to Nicholas Symondson for timber, 92 ; ^^50 to William Angell for fish, 92 ; £-yxi to Henry Middleton, Purser, for the Drovision of the " Scourge," 93 ; £11^ 2S. to William Walthall for lead, 95 ; £100 to Edwin Babington for canary wine, 95 ; ;Cloo to Francis Covell for beans and peas, 96 ; ;iioo to Richard Wyse- man on account of the preparation of the " Hector," 96 ; £yj 13^. 4//. to Mr. Attorney and Clerks for drawing and engrossing the patent and warrant for coining, 96 ; .£125 10s. to John Busbridge for linen cloths, 97 ; ;£ioo to the Pur^ers of the " Hector" for repairs and preparations, gg ; .£800 to Robert Stevens on a bill of e.xchange from John Ellacott, 102 ; ;£i05 12.?. 4d. to Walter Clarck for royals of plate delivered in E.xeler, 102 ; £;}o to William Wilford, factor, for his salary, 103 ; ^231 10s. to George Hanger for canary- wine, 103 ; ^378 10s. to William Harrison for canary wine, 103 ; ;£i6o to Edwin Babington for canary wine, 103 ; ^100 to Lewis Tate for smithery, 104 ; ^100 to Henry Middleton, Purser of the "Red Dragon," 104 ; ^50 to Roger Hanckey, Master of the " Assention," on account of his wages, 104 ; ;{^ioo to William Burrell, forthe provision of the ships, 104 ; £40 to John Coles on bill of exchange from Lewis Pope, 104 ; .£200 to Mr. Wyseman for wax candles and provision of the " Hector," 104 ; £-}o to Thomas Dassell for his wages, 104 ; ;^ioo to William Bradbanck, IMaster of the " Red Dragon," on account, 104 ; ;£i5o to John Buzbridge on account of iron, 104 ; .£100 to Robert Warner on account of iron, > 104 ; ;£2io to Robert Savage for canary wine, 104 ; ^100 to William Chambers towards the provision of caske, 104 ; £10 ss. 8d. to Henry Lambard for black jacks, 105 ; ^50 to Xpofer Thomson, Smith, on account of iron work 3*6 INDEX Warrants per Mr. P.annyng, continued. for the "Hector,' 105; ^17 4^. zzd. to Francis Covell in fu'l of provisions made by him, 105 ; ^50 to WiUiam Dixson, Purser of the " Red Dragon," for the use of the ship, 105 ; ^500 to Robert Stephens on account of JQ^oQ taken up in royalles of plate, 105 ; ^200 to Edward Highlord, Purser of the " Red Dragon," for preparations, 106 ; £^0 to Ed- ward Stephens on account of timber for the " Red Dragon," 106 ; ^^700 to Mr. Allabaster on account of £?>?>o bills of exchange for royalles, 106 ; ^96 85-. to John Gover for aquavitSB, 107 ; ^^'^o to Joseph Salbanck, Purser of the " Susan," for necessaries, 108 ; £■^0 to Roger Style, factor, being the allow- ance for his provisions, 108 ; ^100 to John Ady, Carpenter, on account of timber for the "Hector" and " Assention," 114; £'60 to William Fisher for candy oil, 114; £jo to William Harri.son for vinegar, 114; ;{^aoo to Thomas Habar on account of canvas for the ships, 114 ; £i?S ('^- S'^- 'o Robert Rickman for his sixth part of the "Assention," 115 ; ;£i28 IS. Sci. to Robert Sandy for sundry disbursements, 115 ; .£200 to Robert Stevens on bills of exchange, &c., 115 ; ;£500 to Sir Hugh Portman on a bill of exchange from Robert Pope, 115 ; ^^333 6^-. Sd. to William Skidmore for his sixth part of the " Assen- tion," 117 ; ;^2oo to Joseph Salbanck to be employed on the "Susan," 117; £6y os. to Henry Plompton for rope oil, 119; ^£30 to Roger Style, factor, for his entertainment, 120 ; ^£250 to William Dixon, Purser, for the preparation of the " Red Dragon," 120 ; ^6 135. 4d. to Bradley for ballast, 121 ; £^6 10s. lod. to Mr. Wattes for 22 shirts of mail, 123 ; ;£2o 1,9. to Thomas Parkins for 32 jarsof honey, 125; ;iC52 to Leonard Shaw for butter and cheese, 125 ; ;£2o to Thomas Morgan, factor, for his provision to sea, 126 ; ;{^i8o to John Lacy for cordage bought of the Muscovia Company, 126 ; ^^300 to John Davies, Pilot Major, for his salary, 1 27 ; £100 to William Di.xon, Purser of the " Red Dragon," on account of her provisions, 127 ; ;^ioo to Joseph Salbanck, Purser of the " Susan," for the provision of the voyage, 129 ; ;£36 to Alderman Watts for iron hoops, T29 ; £20-] to Frances Parrett for Norrom- borough ware, 138 ; £t.x ij. to George Davyes for chests, 138 ; ^^200 to Captain Lancaster as per agreement, 139 ; ^11 to Captain Lanca.ster for so much laid out by him, 139 ; £'zoo to William Dickson, Pur.ser of the "Red Dragon," on account of her provision, 139 ; ;^78 i6.r. ^d. to Thomas Perkins, Cooper, for caske, 143 ; £10 to Henry Napper, Master of the " Hector," for his extraordinary pains in the preparation of that ship, 143 ; £100 to Joseph Salbanck, Purser of the "Susan," for the clearing away of the ship, 148 ; £\^ i6i. /^d. to John Spencer, Coo/vr, for caske, 148 ; ^27 6,?. 6d. to Robert Myddleton for sugar, 149 ; ^rooto Nicholas Symondson for timber and planks for the " Susan," 157 ; £14 ys. 2a'. to Mr. Highlord for disbursements, 162 ; £ii to Thomas Duck for streamers, 163 ; ;^5o to Edward Stephens, Shipwright, for work on the "Red Dragon," 163; £50 to Adam Wood for deals, masts, and timber, 163-4 '• £7.-] $s. to George Barber for .sails for the " Susan," 167 ; £4 g.s. Zd. to John Crane for pulleys, 167 ; £afi ijs. to George Bowles, Grocer, for curraunce, 168 ; £6 to William Denham, Shipwright, in full of his bill, 169 ; £g 155-. to James Marshe for deales and planckes, 169 ; ;{^22 4s. to Francis Covell, Chaundeler, for provisions for the "Assen- tion," 169 ; £\'& to Francis Tailor, Girdeler, for a tun of cl.aret wine, i6g ; £g to Jeames Skelton for tallow, 171 ; ^£500 to Abraham Campion on account of beer, 171 ; £yi 15^. to Nicholas Symonson, Carpenter, in full for timber, 172 ; .£39 16s. 6d. to Richard Wryte in full payment of his account for di.sburse- ments, 173 ; £i(> i(>s. ud. to William Brett for timber, &c., for the " Assention," 180 ; ^16 10s. to Symon Turnor for powder, 184 ; £S7 i6i. 8d. to Benjamin Decro, agent of the Muskovia Company, for cordage, 187; £sg 2.J. 4d. to Abraham Campion for the rest of his account for beer, 193. Warrants per Mr. Cambell, Treasurer of the North West Voyage : £30 to Captain Way- mouth to provide his instruments, 204; ;^30 to do. for provisions for the voyage, 204 ; ^20 to do. to provide needful instruments, 204 ; £5 to John Drewe, a master to go in the North West Voyage, as an advance on his wages agreed on, 206 ; .1^80 to Thomas Yerworth, purser, for clearing carpenters' wages, 206 ; ^^54 iSs. to Austyn Bandicott, Butc/icr, for pork, 208 ; ^30 to Thomas Yerworth, purser, to be paid to workmen at Ratcliffe and Lymehouse, and for salt and mariners' board wages, 208 ; ;^28 iSs. to Richard Staper for hides to make the mari- ners' cas,socks, breeches, and gowns, 208 ; ^13 19.?. 6d. to Mr. Rumney for so much delivered by his servant to Mr. Burrell in gildernes, 208 ; ^60 to Mr. Sandy on bill of ex- change, for so much taken up at Exeter by Captain Waymouth for the hiring of mariners, 209 ; ;£ioo to Thomas Yarworth, purser of the "Discovery," for anchors and other ne- cessaries, 210 ; ;^io to John Drewe, Master of the " Godspede," in part of his wages, 210; ;i$^ioo to Thomas Yerworth, purser, for sea coals, wood, lead, and divers other neces- saries, 210; ;£ioo to Captain Waymouth by parcels, as he shall call for it, for men's wages, &c., 211 ; ^iii 5.9. to William Rus- sell, Butcher, for beef and pork, 214 ; ^150 to William Chambers for cloth and other necessaries, 215 ; ;^i5o to Nicholas Leat for further necessaries, 215 ; ;^i5o to Mr. Staper to disburse for wages as called for, 215 ; £ta to Joseph Page, Baker, for biskett, 215 ; 100 to Thomas Yerworth for necessary pro- visions, 215 ; ;{Jioo to William Chambers for necessary provisions, 217 ; /^2oo to Richard Stapers for necessaries and disbursements, 217 ; £s'^ to Captain Waymouth for his ex- penses attending the preparation of the voyage, 218; ;^30 to Robert Grynken for watches, compasses, running gla.sses, and instruments, 218 ; ;^2o to Mr. Leat for mari- ners' clothes, 218; £-~iO ws. ?>d. to John Davies, Coo/cr, for casks, 218 ; £7 8.f. to Adam Wood for deals, oars. &c. , 218 ; £6 10s. to William Woodfield, Smith, for iron hoops, 219; £21^ iBs. to Thomas Robinson for cables and skeytes, 219 ; ^92 io.r. to Mr. Skelton, Chajind/er, for butter, candles, powder, &c., 219; £\i 6s. 8d. to Mr. Johnson for bay salt, 219 ; .£143 to Thomas I5arber for canvas for sails for tlie two tlyboals for the North INDEX 327 Warrants per Mr. Co.m\)A\—co>ttin7ied. West voyage, 220 ; ^{^32 10s. to Robert Hewhes, Sailmaker, for making sails, 221 ; £<) xos. to Arnold Mabaricke for pullies, 221 ; ;£i3 6.f. 8rf. to Thomas Tyler, Painter, for work done on the pinnaces, 221 ; £i<) to Roger Frythe, Smith, for iron work for ships' stores, 221 ; £26 to Richard Hall, Black- stiiith, for iron work, 221 ; £^ 8jr. to George Gryce, Carriage Make?; 221 ; ^22 6^. to Xpofer Thompson, Smith, for iron work, 221 ; ^12 to William Denham for pullies, 221 ; ^120 3J. to Abraham Campion for beer, 221 ; ^58 13J. to Nic. Symonson, Carpenter, for work on the " Discovery," 221 ; ^13 to do. do. for timber and a boat, 221 ; £-j 11s. to Mr. Skelton for powder for the pinnaces, 221 ; £^ 15.9. to Richard Wright for charges on procuring the Queen's letters, 222 ; £-H 7.V. lod. to Xpofer and Thomas Nicholls for cordage, 222 ; £'^ to Mr. Savage for a spare mast, 222; ^40 15.?. Zd. to Richard Stripers, due to him, as appears by his audited account, 222 ; 30J. Sj". to William Deyns, Ironmonger, for spits, &c., 222 ; £\-] lys. to John Make.sfield, Brasier, for pots of brass, copper kettles, &c., 222 ; £t^x 8.f. to Jo.seph Page for bisUett and biskett bags, 222 ; £i,i to Alderman Watts for iron hoops, 222 ; £\ ■js. to Tristram Eldrich for mariners' lodgmirs, &c., 222 ; £2 3.?. to Peter Vv^'right for lanthorns, &c., 223; 26^-. to William Thomas for lanthorns, &c., 223 ; 37^-. to William Smalwood for locks, staples, &c., 223; £s2 to Joseph Pett, Shipwright, for work on the "Godspeed," 223; sis. Sd. to Richard .Stapers, amount disbursed by him to John Franklyn for carrying a letter to Captain Waymouth in the Downs, 223; £6 to Richard Staper, the amount disbursed to one Stace, a pilot hired to go with the cap- tain to Newcastle, 223 ; ^5 10s. to William Hedger of Wapping for a boat for the " Dis- covery," 223 ; £si 3s. 3 to John Bowenfor six quarters' rent of Founders Hall for the Company's meetings, 227 ; to pay mariners hired at Dartmouth to bring the pinnaces to London, 231 ; 24.?. toThomas Smith for keeping the pinni^ces, 234; £^ to John Drew, Master of the " Godspeed," for wages in the late North West voyage, 234 ; 30J-. to John Lane for wages in the late North West voyage, 234 ; £t, to Thomas Boarne for wages in the lat'? North West Voyage, 234 ; £2 ds. 8rf. to Thomas Brans- kom for wages in the late North West voyage, 234 ; £(> 13.?. 4^/. to Thomas Yer- worth, Purser, for wages and e.xpenses, 235 ; ;^23 6.?. 8<^. to Thomas Stevens, Aeeoaniant, for three quarters' salary, 235 ; £^ to the porters for landing and housing of stores from the North West ships, 238 ; 25.1. ^d. to Thomas Evesed for disbursements, 238 ; 24J. to Thomas Smith for keeping the pinnaces two months, 240 ; £(i to Edward Pullyson, Purser, in full of his account and for wages, 240 ; 20.y. to the wife of Thomas Bowrne, steward of the " Godspeed," in full of all de- mands, 240 ; 245. to Thomas Smith for keep- ing the pinnaces two months, 241 ; 24.9. to 'I'homas .Smith for keeping the pinnaces two months, 242. Warrants per Mr. Chambers : 34J. -^d. to Cap- tain Mydleton as by a bill of particulars, 142. Warrants per Mr. Holliday, Treasurer: .£106 to the purser of the " Scourge," 45 ; ^^700 to the Earl of Cumberland on account of the " Mare Scurge," 45 ; ;^2oo to Sergeant Hill for a bill of exchange on Plymouth, 55 ; £2,0 to Philip Grove on account of his wages, 56 ; £120 to Francis Evington on a bill of e.\- change from the West Country, 56 ; ^50 to Nicholas Holway on a bill of exchange from Robert Pope, 58 ; £-l,ooq\.o Robert Stephens on a bill of exchange from John Ellacott of Exeter, 58 ; ^'44 to Peter Sampson on a bill of exchange from John Sandy of Exeter, 58 ; ^200 to George Speake on a bill of exchange from Robert Pope, 66 ; j^Jsoo to Mr. Allabas- ter for the provision of royals of plate, 68 ; .^400 to Sir Hu^h Portman on bill of exchange from_ Robert Pope, 68 ; i^aoo to Ellys Cry.s'pe on bill of exchange from Plymouth, 68 ; ^70 to Peter Grove in full of his agreement. 71 ; ^50 to William Harvy on bill of exchange from Robert Pope, 73 ; ^100 to Jam-s Prockter on bill of exchange from Robert Pope, 73 ; ^100 to Edward Stephens for timber for the " Malice Scurge," 74 ; ;^2oo to Mr. Burrell for the preparation of the shipping, 74 ; £-^0 to Richard Stratford on a bill of excha?ige from Exeter, 83 ; ;^5oo to John EUecott on a bill of exchange from Exeter,83 ;i^ 100 to Edward Highlord, purser, for the preparation of the " .Scourge," 84 ; ^^40 to Richard Walton on a bill of exchange trom Exeter, 84 ; ^60 to Richard Rudd on a bill of exchange from Exeter, 84 ; ^^50 to Nicholas Ranton on a bill of exchange from Exeter, 84 ; £i,o to Richard Gregory on a bill of exchange from Robert Pope, 84 ; ^70 to William Mallett on a bill of exchange from Robert Pope, 85 ; .£200 to William Garway for the prcparationofthe"Assention, "85:^100 to William Burrell for timber and necessaries for the ships, 86 ; /50 to Edward Stephen.s, Carpenter, for repairs to the " Scourge," 87 ; ^200 to John Portman, to be paid to Robert Pope in the West Country, 87 ; ijioo to the purser of the " Hector " on account of re- pairs, 88 ; X.4 in recompence to a poor man for bulging his crane with the " Scourge's " anchor, 88 ; /loo to John Colles, to be repaid to Robert Pope in the West Country, 88 ; ^100 to Captain Lancaster, on account for liis entertain ni'jnt in the voyage, So : ;ifi72 7^. gr/. for meal bought of ^Ir."Gawidsmith, 90 ; ,^500 to Mr. Allabaster for Royals ; .£100 to Mr. Garway for the provision of the " As- sention," 91 ; £\oa to Mr. Chambers for the provision of caske, 92 ; £80, to Mr. Burrell for timber and other necessaries, 93 ; ;^5oo to ■ Mr. Allabaster for royals, 95 ; £'=,0 to Ed- ward Stephens, Carpenter, on account of re- pairs of the " Scourge," 95 ; ;^32 10 Raphe Salter, Surgeon, for his medicine chest, 95 ; ;^28 i4f. to Wilhajn and George Cater for 3^8 INDEX Warrants per Mr. Holliday, cojitiinted. roan cloths, 97 ; £t,(> os. ^d. to Roger Han- kin, Master of the " Assention," for ballast and charges on two hoyes to go to the ships, 97 ; ;^ioo to the purser of the " Assention " for repairs and preparations, 99 ; ;£6oo to Robert Stevens and Roger Howe on a bill of exchange from John Ellacott, 102 ; ^241 to Francis West on a bill of exchange from John Sandy, 102 ; ^roo to Richard Hart for smithery for the "Assention," 104 ; ijioo to William Garway for the "Assention," 105; ^150 to William Candish on account of lead, 105 ; £7.'~i to Laurence Waldo on a bill of exchange from Exeter, io6 ; ^50 to William Starky, a factor, for his entertainment and preparation, io5 ; ^100 and ^50 to Richard Wright for gratuities and charges for the patent, &c., 107 ; ^100 to William Dyckes, purser of the " Red Dragon," on account of necessaries, loS ; ;{Jioo to Robert Stephens on a bill of exchange from John EUicott, io3 ; ;f 100 to Robert Stephens on a bill of exchange from John Ellicott, log ; ^194 5^. iid. to William Garway for candy oil, 114 ; ;£iso to William Garway for the repairs to the " As- sention," 114 ; ^150 to William Dixsy, purser of the " Red Dragon," for repairs, 114 ; ;rf5oo to Sir Hugh Portman on bill of exchange from Robert Pope, 115 ; ^100 to William Burrell for boats and other necessaries, 115 ; £,1$ 10s. to Anthony Moseley for vinegar, 115 ; jC-o to Humfrey Piiipps for wine-vine- gar, 115 ; ^14 i2.f. to John Combe for wine- vinegar, 116; £6g 8s. id. to Christopher Wasse for a silver fountain and case, 116; £i(> ly. 4(/. to Thomas Pidleyn, preacher, for his provision to sea, ii6 ; ^250 to William Dixson, purser of the " Red Dragon," 117 ; £fi 13^. 4 to Captain Mydleton for his entertainment in the voy- age, 140 ; £ioo to William Garway on ac- count for the provision of the "Assention," 14° ; £"& 3-s. id- to Captain Mydletoii for dis- bursements, 140 ; ,^400 to William Harvey on a bill of exchange from Robert Pope, 141 ; £2 13.?. to Mr. Pope, .Sergeant of the Admi- ralty, on a bill of charges for the burial of those slain in the " Hector," 141 ; ;^5o to Henry Mydleton, factor, for his entertain- ment in the voyage, 141 ; ^371 15J. to Simon Furnor for powder, brimstone, and saltpetre, 142 ; ^61 ^s. gd. to Simon Yomans for butter and cheese, 142; £Z6 to William Uffington for wax candles, 142 ; ;Cioo to Mr. Wiseman for the purser of the " Hector" for charges, 142 ; £.^g to William Candishe for lead, 143 ; >C3o to James Emerson for aquavitse, 143 ; £i.\ \os. to Mr. Hacklett for advice and maps, 143 ; ^100 to William Dixon, purser of the " Red Dragon," for the clearing of the ship, 144; £50 to the purser of the "Hec- tor" for the clearing of the ship, 144; to take 4, 5, or ;S6oo to Gravesend for the pay- ment of harbor-wages and other expenses in clearing the ships, 146 ; ^5i to Henry Ry- velles, Coofrcr, for caske, 147 ; £cj-] 15^-. to John Hard way. Cooper, for caske, 147 ; ;^4o i2j\ to Leonard Onnyslowe, Cooper, for caske, 148 ; £-i,b xgs. to George Chapman, Cooper, for caske, 148 ; ^29 to Thomas Duck for ancients and streamers for the "Dragon," 149 ; .^So to Josephe Page, Baker, for bread, 149 ; £l lo-y- to John Pywell for head pieces and morrens, 149 ; £\oo to Christopher Thomson, Smith, for iron, 149 ; £-^0 los. to Richard Hall, Smit/i, for two anchors for the " Hector," 150 ; i^ioo to William Leake, purser of the "Assention," for wages and clearing expenses, 154 ; ^100 to George Par- sons, purser of the " Hector," for wages and clearing expenses, 154 : ;Cioo to Joseph Sal- banck, purser of the " Susan," fT wages and clearing expenses, 154 ; .i(Ji8o to William Dixon, purser of the " Red Dragon," for wages and clearing expenses, 154 ; ^15 ys. to Anthonie Dufifeilde for beer, 154 : ;if3oo to Robert Golding for the ship "Guift," 154 ; ^^24 jgs. to James Bover and Richard Vale for spectacles and boxes, 155 ; ^200 to Abraham Campion, part of his account for beer, 155 ; ;{^ioo to 1 .ewj'S Tyght, Blacksmith, for iron work for the " Red Dragon," 157; ^50 to Joseph Page, Baker, for biskett, 157 ; ^30 to Francis Caudell, rainier, for pamting the "Red Dragon," 157; ;^i6i 13^. id. to Rich- ard Hart, Smith, for nails and iron work for the "Assention," 157; £1^ to Edmond Saunderson for Turner's work for the " Red Dragon," 157 ; £\qio to William Burrell for money owing, 157 ; £\(i os. lod. to William Bacon for masts and stores, 157 ; £20 12s. ^d. to James Waters, Ironmonger, for gunners' stores for the " Susan." 157 ; £^i 16s. 8d. to William Kymber, IVharfpiger, for lighterage and porterage, 158 ; £T,i 13^. ^d. to various porters for portage and lading of the ships, 158 ; £1^ (>s. Sd. to Robert Wood, IVhnr- finger, for wharfage and lighterage, 158 ; £\'i INDEX 329 Warrants per Mr. Holliday, continued. Zs. lid. to Mr. Rumney for disbursements, 158 ; £x2 Zs. iid. to Thomas Hewys, Clotli- ■zuorker, for work done, 159 ; £^0 to Arnold Mabanck, Pullymaker, for work done, 163 ; ;{J34 4.r. id. to Christopher Thomson, Smith, for work done, 163 ; ^16 is. Sd. to John Hed- land for carriages for the ships, 163 ; ;£ioo to Lewis Tate, Smith, for iron-work, 163 ; £\oo to Thomas Barbor for canvas, 163; ^11 to John Maxiield, Brasier, for copper vessels, 164 ; £^2 i$s. to Robert Heighoo for canvas, 164 ; £22 ^s. to Francis Covell, Chaundler, for provisions, 164; £^$ 10s. iid. to Joseph Page, Baker, for biskett, 167 ; .£200 to Thomas Barber for canvas, 167 ; £(i to Wil- liam Hedger for building a pinnace for the "Hector," 167; £^'j to Robert Huse, Sail- maker, for sails, 167 ; £^o to John Bowden, Sailinaker, for sails, 168; £i,2 ^s. a,d. to Adam Wood, Carpenter, in full of his ac- count, 168 ; £Z() \^s.t^. to Robert Bradbur^', Sailmaker, for sails for the "Dragon "and " Hector," i68 ; £^2 15.?. to Robert Highhoe for canvas for the " Assention," 168 ; £2y to James Waters, Ironmonger, for iron-work, i68 ; £i'i to Hildebrand Sprusen, Sailmaker, in full of his bill, 168 ; £17 12s. 6d. to Peter Pett, Shipwright, for work and charges, 169 ; £n to Mr. Crosse for a pipe of Malaga wine, 169 ; zomerkes to the King of Heralds for assigning the Company's arms, 171 ; ;£io2 to Robert Savadge for wastes and deales, 171 ; ;^2g IS. 40?. to Justice Mullett, Smith, for iron work for the " Dragon," 172 ; ;£30o to Thomas Barbar on account of canvas, 172 ; ;{^90to Elizabeth Bennett for nails, &c., 172 ; £^ 1 5 J. to Peter Hiller for caske for the "Hector," 172; £48 to Francis Caudell, Painter, for work done on the " Dragon," 172; £10 to William Allom, Lightertna>i, for lighterage of goods, 173 ; .£227 to Lewis Tate, Blacksmith, for iron work for the " Red Dragon," 173 ; £2 to Agnes Haselton to relieve her husband, hurt in the " Hector," 173 ; £2^ lOJ- to Charles Anthony for stamps made for the East India monies, 174 ; ;^i3 3^. 2d. to Robert Bell for disbursements for wharfage and cutting of lead, 203 ; £^ ys. ^d. to Alderman Bannyng, Treasurer, for so much disbursed by him beyond his receipts, 203 ; ;£i09 i6j. Zd. to Benjamin Deycro, agent of the Muskovia Company for cordage, 204. Warrants per Thomas Stephens: £2 x6s. to the wife of John May, master's mate in the " Susan, ' for a month's wages, 248 ; £6 for pilotage of the "Assention " into theriver, 248. Warwicke, see Heaie. Washer, Richard, assembly, 60 ; bill of adven- ture sealed, ;^240, p. 252. Wasse, Christopher, warrant £6() Zs. 2d. for silver plate, 116. Wasse, Thomas, desires to be employed as a factor, 56. Wastall, 1 William, adventurer, assembly 59; Wastell, S will bring in his money in dollars, 63 ; committee, 246 ; bill of adventure sealed, £240, p. 260. Watches, 218. Water caske, 150 tonnes of cas'i 90. 99. "IS, 147. 15s. 183. '86, 191, 194, 209 ; warrant ^36 10s. lod. for shirts of mail, 123 ; to confer as to the da- mage done to a ship by the anchor of the " Scourge," 125 ; elected governor, i66, 179 ; the oath of office, 179; to examine the charters as to authority for compelling con- tributions for a second voyage, 183 ; confe- rence with Lord Admiral and Mr. Secretary (Herbert) as to the delay in the second voyage, 189 ; advice from Midleboroughe of the return of two Dutch ships from the East Indies, 194 ; an Englishman returned from the East Indies to be conferred with as to the state of trade, &c., 194 ; signatures to trea- surer's warrant, 206, 210 ; warrant £42 for iron hoops, 222 ; do. ;£42, p. 224 ; general com- mittee and sworn, 225 ; requested to give his bond with Mr. Bannyng for ;Ci, 000 as secu- rity for money to be taken up at interest for the payment of wages of mariners returned in the "Assention," 249; bill of adventure sealed, £6(x>, p. 256 ; do. ;£240, p. 261. WajTnoth, 1 Captain George, see also North Waymouth, > IVest Passage ; assemblies, Waymouthe, S 183, 204, 208 ; letter from him proposing the Company should undertake a voyage for the discover^' of a North West passage to the East Indies, 182 ; conference and resolutions that the voyage be made, 183-4 ; the terms agreed on with Waymouth, 184; report of the committee, 185; warrant ;^3o for instruments, 204 ; do. £'io, p. 204 ; do. ;{|20, p. 204 ; .£60 taken up at Exeter for the hiring of mariners, 209 ; warrant ;£ioo for men's wages, 211 ; formal agreement with Waymouth containing his commission and instructions, 211-14; see North West Pas- sage; John Cartwright, Preacher, engaged to go in the voyage, 216; the articles of agreement read, 217 ; warrant £$0 for ex- penses prior to sailing, 218 ; return to Dart- mouth ; his journal read ; ordered to bring ships round to London, 227 ; delay incoming to London, 229 ; arrival in London, 229 ; Mr. Cartwright accused of being the main per- suader for the return of the expedition, 232 ; proceedings before the Privy Council as to his return ; his hope of discoveries in a second voyage, and a second and final voyage re- solved on ; re-appointed chief in command, confident of success in finding a passage, 233 ; proposed conference as to a second voyage, 236-7 ; his demands for charges and expenses in the voyage referred to arbitration, 240 ; see his Agreement, 211-14. Webbe, Thomas, admitted as an extra factor, 102. Welbye, Richard, adventurer with Giles Ddh- comb, ;{^2oo, p. 4. Wellington, Peter, being the assign of Peter Helms, deceased, he desires the transfer of his stock and the freedom of the Company, 226 ; stock transferred but the freedom denied, 227. 330 INDEX West, Francis, warrant £2^1 on bill of ex- change, 102. West Country ; Mr. Howe requested to travel there to make provision for dollars and vic- tuals for the ships, 15 ; he agrees to go with Captain Davies, 21 ; a commission to be pre- pared, 28 ; committee appointed to purchase, 29 ; letter from the Lord Treasurer to Her Majesty's receivers of Devon and Cornwall, authorizing credit to be given to the agents of the Company, 38 ; Captain Baker's com- mission for the purchase of victuals, 38, 40, 48-50 ; the quantities of provisions to be pur- chased, 41 ; money and bills of exchange, 45, 47, see Warrants, commissions for the purchase of provisions, 48-54 ; letters of ad- vice respecting the providing of victuals, money, &c., 64 ; provisions to be bought to carry the ships to the West Country, 67 ; committee to solicit the Lord Treasurer's warrant to transport provisions, 78 ; the war- rant sent, 79 : poll davies to be bought and made up into bags, 86 ; order for no more biscuit or meal to be bought, 88 ; instructions for shipping the Spanish money, 119; com- mittee to see the discharge of the ships, 128, 140 ; Mr. Howe's and Mr. Combe's commis- sion, 147 ; Mr. Howe and Mr. Combe to bring in their accounts, 172-3 ; letters sent down for the purser and officers of the " As- sention," 243. Westray, J Thomas, adventurer with others, Westrow, f .£300, p. 3 ; bill of adventure sealed, .£240, p. 254. Westwray, John, made free though not named in the patent, 177 ; bill of adventure sealed, £360, p. 256. Wethrall, Larance, adventurer with Thomas Wheeler, ;£200, p. 2. Wharfage, 203, 224. Wharfingers, see William Kymber, Robert Wood. Wharfs, Gully Key, 158 : Wiggens Key, 203 ; Wooll Key, 158. Wheat, estimate of quantity and price, 35 ; re- vised estimate, 46, 54-5 ; quantity to be bought in the West Country, 41, 52. Wheeler, Ambrose, committees, 246; bill of ad- venture sealed, £240, p. 257. Wheeler, Thomas, adventurer with Larance Wethrall, ;{[2oo, p. 2 ; assembly, 4. White, Leonarde, adventurer, ;^2oo, p. 2 ; as- semblies, 5, 59 ; bill of adventure sealed, ^240, p. 259. White, Thomas : assembly, 59 ; committee, 245 ; to keep a note of the weight of the goods from the " Assention " received at the Exchange vaults, 248 ; bill of adventure sealed, ^240, p. 255. Whitehall, 112, 164. Whitmore, George, adventurer with Henrye Poalstedd, ;^2oo, p. 4 ; bill of adventure sealed, ;i24o, p. 252. Whyte, see White. Wiggens Key, Wharf, 203. Wilford, nominated factor, 77 ; elected factor of the third sort, 83 ; to sail in the " Susan," 101 ; warrant ;^30 for salary, 103 ; bill of ad- venture sealed, £'^0, p. 150. Willoughby, Lord, warrant to buy the Spanish meal taken prize by his ship, 86. Wilson, Francis, offers as a purser, 27. Winchcomb, > Phillip, nominated factor, 77 ; Winchcombe, f elected factor of the fourth sort, 83; to sail in the "Assention," 101; warrant .^20 for his preparation, 121 ; bill of adventure sealed, £i,Q, p. 149. Wine, an estimate to be made, 26 ; to be in good casks iron bound, 30 ; estimate of quan- tity and price, 34 ; quantity and price in the West Country to be ascertained, 49 ; wine out of a prize ship to be purchased at Ply- mouth and price, 50 ; committee to provide 66 tuns, 75 ; warrant ;Cioo for Canary, 95 ; do. ^^231 \os., ^^378, and £\(>Q, p. 103; do. £i\o, p. 104 ; do. £-ii, -ios. for apipe of Malaga wine given to the Lord Admiral in lieu of the deodand claimed for the " Hector," 169 ; do. ;^i8 for a tun of claret for the like purpose, 169. Wiseman, Richard, Goldsmith, adventurer, ;£2oo, p. 2; assemblies, 4, 9, 14, 20, 22, 24, 26, 28, 30, 31, 39, 44, 46, 47, 56, 57, 58, 67, 68, 69, 73, 74, 76, 78, 79, 80, 82, 83, 86, 88, 89, 90, 91, 93, 94, 95, 96, 98, 99, 100, 102, 103, 104, 106, 109, 112, 123, 124, 125, 126, 138, 140, 142, 144, 15s, 156, 158, 160, 162, 163, 164, 167, 168, 170, 171, 172, 174, 175, 176, 177, 180, 182, 183, 184, 185, 192, 203, 214, 216, 217, 218, 224, 225, 227, 231, 232, 241, 242, 244; committees, 6, 8, 9, 12, 27, 68, 75, 76, 80, 91, 99, 107, 114, 115, 117, 124, 15s, 156, 183, i85, 203, 209, 214 ; views ships, 13 ; surveyor for the " Hector," 14 ; warrant ^100 for provisioning the " Hector," 25 ; signatures to the West Country commissions, 52, 54, 55 ; general committee, 63 ; warrant ;£ioo for the use of the " Hector," 65 ; compounds with William Tavernor, mariner, 68 ; order to use a mast for the " Hector," 71 ; warrant £\oa for the preparation of the " Hector," 79 ; do. ^100, p. 96; do. ;^2co, p. 104 ; do. £\oo, p. Ill ; do. ^250, p. 117 ; do. £\, p. 139 ; do. ;{^ioo, p. 142 ; to pay dock charges, 80; to clear accounts with Mr. Burrell, 127; appointed auditor, 166 ; general committee and sworn, 179 ; do. 225 ; allows the ehests of merchandise returned from the North West voyage to be stored and viewed at his house, 231 ; bill of adventure sealed, ^600, p. 255. Wollastone, William, bill of adventure sealed, £■2.1,0, p. 252. Wollstenham, John, bill of adventure sealed, £ii,o, p. 255. Wood, committee to provide for the North West voyage, 209 ; warrant for wood, 211. Wood, Adam, warrant £^0 for masts and timber, 164; do. £i,i %s. i,d., p. 168; do. £■] ^s. for deals, &c., 218. Wood, Robert, Wharfinger, warrant ;^ii ts. Sd. for wharfage, 158. Woodfield, William, Smith, warrant £(> los. for iron hoops, 219. Woodwarde, John, Ircn7}zo>iger, adventurer, /300, p. 2. Wooll Key, Wlmrf, 158. Woolwich, committee to inspect ships Ijang there, 13 ; the use of the docks requested, 13 ; the " Mare Scourge " in dock there, 27 ; a committee to lie at Woolwich to superintend the preparation of the " Mare Scourge," 39 ; Justice Mullett, a smith, to be employed, 40 ; timber borrowed from Her Majesty's storehouse, 71. Worsenham, Sir., The Searcher, warrant £3 for the clearing of the ships, 156. Wragge, John, bill of adventure sealed, £240, p. 261. INDEX 331 Wragge, Richard, adventurer ;f 200, p. 2 ; bill of adventure sealed, £2^0, p. 261. Wray, John, nominated factor, 77. Wright, Peter, warrant 43^. for Ian thorns, &c. , 223. Wright, ) Richard, Secretary of the Company : Wryght, } assemblies, 228, 249 ; committees, 3i> 33> 65, 75. 87, 91, 106, 115, 124, 141, 152 ; elected secretary, 38 ; ordered to request the Queen's Attorney to finish the patent, 88 ; warrant ;£ioo and £s° foi the expenses of the patent, &c., 107 ; do. ^39 16s. 6d. for disbursements, 173 ; order to make out bills of adventure for every adventurer, 175 ; six- pence to be paid for every bill of adventure, 175 ; warrant 20 marks for his services, 203 ; to make out new bills of adventure, embody- ing all supplies, &c., in one lump sum, 220 ; warrant £4, 15^. for charges in procuring the Queen's letters, 222 ; re-elected secretary, 226. Wryte, Hugh, nominated factor, 77. Wich, I Wiche, >see Wyche. Witche, ) Wyche, James, adventurer with Richard Wyche, ;^2oo, p. 2. Wyche, 1 Richard, adventurer with James Wycke, J Wyche, ;C2oo, p. 2 ; assemblies, 4, 7, 9, 10, 14, 20, 24, 26, 27, 29, 31, 33, 37, 39, 46, 56, 57, 64, 67, 69, 71, 74, 76, 78, 80, 82, 83, 85, 86, 88, 89, 95, 98, 99, 100, 104, 108, 109, 112, 113, 116, 119, 121, 122, 123, 124, 128, 129, 139, 140, 143, 144, 148, 150, 151, 152, 154, 155, 160, 168, 170, 175, 181, 192, ^93» i97> 204, 205, 225, 228, 232, 235, 236, 238, 240, 241, 244, 247 ; committees, 6, 8, 12, 31, 33, 40, 65, 75, 120, 124, 128, 147, 156, 229, 230, 240, 248 ; views ships, 13 ; feoffee in trust for ships bought, 32 ; surveyor of the " Malice Scurge," 33 ; money in the West Country, 45 ; signature to West Country commissions, 52 ; general committee, 63 ; to buy oatmeal, 75 ; do. mustard seed, 76 : order to provide ship's stores for the " Red Dragon," 117 ; expenses at Gravesend, 158 ; general committee, 179 ; do. and sworn, 225 ; bill of adventure sealed, ;£24o, p. 259. Wymers, Humfrey, adventurer with Richard Edmonds, ;{[2oo, p. 3. Wynchcomb, see iVinchconib. Wyndham, John, warrant ^^40 on bill of ex- change, 79. Yerwonh, Thomas, purser 0/ tfte "Discovery," appointed purser of one of the ships for the North West Voyage, 205 ; salary contingent on the discovery of the passage, 205 ; to give a bond of ^100 for his good behaviour, 205 ; warrant £Zo for carpenters' wages, 206 ; do. ;^30 for mariners' wages, &c., 208 ; do .£100 for anchors and stores for the " Discovery," 210 ; do. ;£ioo for coals, &c., 210; his ac- count, ;{;2io, to be audited, 214 ; warrant .£100 for provisions, 215 ; dislike taken to him, but his employment continued, 219 ; warrant £6 zy. ^d. for wages, 235. Yomans, Simon, Cha>uiier,vizxrAT\\. £61 $5. gd. for butter and cheese, 142. Yonson, Richard, Goldsmith, adventurer ^£200, and will pay in Spanish money, 31. CHISWICK tress: — C. WHITTINGHAM AND CO. 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