XTRACTS From An Elders Diary. THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES EXTRACTS AN ELDER'S DIARY EDITED BY REV JOSEPH B. STRATTON. D. D. NATCHEZ, MISS. Presbyterian CcniMiTTEE ok Publication. C •) F V K I (J H T K Ii HV J A S. K H A Z E N, Secri'/ary of Piihlication. I S96. Printed hv WlUTTET & SHEPHERSON, Richmond, Va. NOTE. The permission to publish the extracts from an elder's diary contained in this volume was given by a competent aiithority, at the request of the present editor, to whom the privilege of reading the original manuscript had been ac- corded. The request was made in the hope that a record of the actual labors, trials and experiences of one bearing the important office of ruling elder in the Presbyterian Church, interspersed with illustrative incidents, might be serviceable to this branch of the Christian ministry. Treatises and manuals, proposing to throw light upon the spirit and manner in which the functions of the eldership should be dis- charged, have been numerous of late. The fact may be indicative of an awakened con- viction on the part of the teaching ministry that their worfe needs to be buttressed by an increased efficiency on the part of these co- 5501S8 4 Preface. acljutors taken from the body of a church's members. The house given to the former to build is so "exceedingly magnifical" in its design and proportions that it calls for an expenditure of talent and toil greater than any one man can furnish. It has been thought by the editor that the living picture afforded by these annals of an elder's attempts 'to do his duty might be a helpful supplement to directories of a more definite kind, and hence they have been given to the public. It is hardly necessary to add, that in cop}'- ing these extracts care has been taken to con- ceal names of persons and places, so as to avoid the risk of trespassing upon the sanc- tities of private life. But few changes in the language have been required in preparing the manuscript for publication. The facts intro- duced, I have reason to know, are realities, not fictions; and the selections from the body of the diary have been made with the best judgment the editor could exercise. J. B. Stratton. " Sunsft Lodge" \atchez. Miss. CONTENTS. I. T'AGK. The Struggle, II. The Decision, . . . . . . 11 III. PRErARATION, . . . . . . 17 IV. A Practicai. Problem, ..... 20 A Victory, ....... 25 VI. New Crosses, . . . . . . 32 VII. Peacemaking, . . . . . . 3T VIII. The Presbytery, ...... 44 IX. An Inquirer, ., . . . . . 50 X. The Sabbath-Sciiool, ..... 59 5 6 Contents, XI. A IIevival, . XII. A RoiMANCE, . XIII. A Pestilence, XIV. The General Assembly, XV. Pastoral C^hancjes, XVI. Tribulation, xvi: Session ^Meetings, Page. 65 72 81 94 106 110 122 XVIII Sociability. ....... 128 XIX Church Discipline, ..... 135 XX. Sovereign Grace, ..... 143 XXI Spiritual Communications, .... 150 XXII. £VENTIDE . . . . . . .162 EXTRACTS AN ELDER'S DIARY. EXTRACT I. THE STRUGGLE. May 18, 1865. — To ni}'- surprise — I might almost say dismay — I have received notice to-day of my election at a recent meeting of our congregation to the office of ruling elder. The announcement has thrown my mind into a tumult which has almost amounted to an agony. I seem to be standing in the presence of a mountain, with a voice sounding in my ears, bidding me to lift it. At every glance I take at the stupendous object, the larger it seems to grow, and the more my consciousness of my inability to bear its weight overwhelms me. My inclinations prompt me at once to decline the call. My judgment, as far as I can be said to have any in ftiy present confusion of mind, sides with my inclinations. I am averse to positions of prominence or leadership. 7 8 Extracts from an Elder's Diary. Mj disposition leads me to shrink from re- sponsibility and the criticism to which office exposes one. I have not enjoyed the advan- tages of literary culture. My training has been largely of a practical sort. I feel myself at home in every-day business matters, but in the higher field of ecclesiastical legislation and spiritual science I am a novice, needing to be taught rather than presuming to teach. Be- sides, I am painfully lacking in self-confidence. I lose my command of such resources as I may really possess, when called upon to act in the eyes of a multitude. My bewilderment is op- pressive! I fear to take a step in any direc- tioD, lest it should be a wrong one. Lord, help me ! Send me light. Sunday, May 21. — The last three days have been so absorbed in the consideration of this great question of duty which has been thrust upon me that I have had little capacity for my ordinary employments. My repugnance to accepting the ofiice proposed to me continues, perhaps, as decided as ever ; but sometimes the suspicion steals into my mind that there may, to some extent, be a carnal bias affecting my way of looking at the matter; and fearing that I might be unduly swayed by this, I have tried, ■with the simplicity of a little child, to follow The Struggle. 9 the counsel of the apostle: "If any man lack wisdom, let him ask of God." I have felt, at the close of this holy day, in which I seem to have been unusually conscious of the nearness of that divine inspirer, that the aspect of the harassing problem has some- what changed, and that some of the factors in it which at first appalled me have been with- drawn, and others wiiich I had failed to appre- ciate have come into view. I think I am indebted, in part, for the com- parative composure I enjoy to-night to some thoughts uttered by our pastor in his sermon this morning. Speaking of our Lord's remark to his disciples, in Matthew x. 20, "It is not ye that speak, but the Spirit of your Father which speaketh in you," he explained that ^'speaking," here, might be understood as in- cluding all forms of testimony by which men may bear witness to Christ, or render service in the propagating of his religion ; and, while admitting that the immediate reference of the saying was to the supernatural aid his disciples might expect in their controversies with their opponents, he argued that all believers are au- thorized to expect from their heavenly Father the help of the Holy Spirit in fitting them for duty, more confidently even than children are 10 Extracts from an Elder's Diary. to expect bread from the baud of a natural parent. (Luke xi. 13.) "As the presence of the Holy Spirit," he continued, "implies the exercise of his power in some way, there is valid ground for the expectation that this power will be exercised in behalf of every sincere Christian who is striving, whether by speech or work, to bring men to the knowledge of the truth as it is in Jesus." In revolving these thoughts, I find that an estimate of the efficiency I might bring into the office set before me is not to be limited by the paucity of my personal endowments, but that the declaration, "It is not ye that speak, but the Spirit of your Father," carries me out of my feeble self, and shows me a reserve of force lying behind or above me, whose resources are available for me simply upon the asking. The train of my reflections has been, in some measure, assuring ; and I go to my rest repeat- ing the words of Moses (Exodus xxxiii. 15): "If thy presence go not with me, carry us not up hence," but venturing to add, with a hesi- tating confidence, "If that presence will go with me, Lord, I will lean upon thy strength and go lip." EXTRACT 11. THE DECISION. Sunday, June 4. — I review the events of this day with peculiar solemnity. It seems as if the vows of consecration, which I made ten years ago when I was admitted to the com- munion of the church, had been repeated with a special emphasis and a special preci- sion of aim and purpose. If I said then, with an earnest heart, "Lord, what wilt thou have me to do?" I have with tenfold earnestness renewed the appeal to-day. My assent to the call having been given in the previous week, it was arranged that the ordination should take place this morning, in connection with the administration of the Lord's supper, for which this was the regular season. It was a happy conjunction. It was a good position, in the presence of the symbols of the Saviour's service for his people, for an honest disciple to get a view of the measure of service due to him. It was impossible not to respond to the import of the sacred festival in the terms of the apostle's confession, "To me to live is Christ." 11 12 Extracts from an Elder's Diary. The opportunity was a good one, too, in which to realize that my investiture with office was a fact as well as a form ; for it gave me the privilege, as a minister in the Lord's house, of presenting to my fellow-believers the emblem- atic bread and cup, which, by his own ordi- nance, were to attest the redemption wrought through his death till he should come again. While the series of thoughts or convictions by which the result just consummated has been reached is fresh in m}' mind, I wish to record them deliberately, thinking that a recollection of them may be useful to me in coming time. First, then, I cannot entertain a doubt that the congregating of Christians in the form of a church, as practiced by the apostles, included in it the appointing of a certain class of per- sons to be teachers and rulers in each particular body. The economy, or hoiise-lcno of the new family, called necessarily for such a class. Ac- cordingly, when a band of disciples had been gathered together, in several cities in Asia Minor, by Paul and Barnabas (Acts xiv. 23), and a permanent organization had to be introduced, under which their corporate life might be pro- tected and cultivated, they, that is, Paul, an inspired ambassador of Christ, and Barnabas, his chosen associate, "ordained them" elders The Decision. 1'^ (or presbyters) in every city; and, then, "hav- ing prayed with fasting and commended them to the Lord on whom they believed," left the in under the sole charge of these officers. Simi- larly, I find that the apostle commissioned Titus his deputy to " ordain elders in every city" in Crete. (Titus i. 5.) Uniformly, I may say, wherever I see a church referred to in apostolic writings, I see the " elders " con- joined with it as a constituent and representative element. (See Acts xi. 30; xx. 17; Jas. v. 14; 1 Pet. V. 1.) I am sure, therefore, that the office that I have consented to accept has the authentic warrant of an institution of the head of the church. Second, It is clear to me, from the tenor of the Scrjpture allusions and the probabilities of the case, that there was, ordinarily at least, a plurality of these elders in each church ; and, if so, "diversities of gifts," which led to a diversity of function, such as now distinguishes the "teaching" from the "ruling" elder in the Presbyterian Church. I am satisfied, there- fore, that the office with which I have been invested has a place in the divine plan, and needs to be filled, in order to perfect the organization of a church. It strikes me that this multiplied way of exercising the oversight 14 EXTHAC"I"S FROM AX ElDEH's DlAHY. of the flock is eminently the result of the wis- dom of the Holy Ghost. Third, I am constrained to conclude that, owing to the incompetency caused by the old age or confirmed ill-health of some of the members of the eldership in this church, there is, at this time, a patent necessity for an addi- tion to their number. It is clearly the duty of some individual or individuals in the male con- stituency of the church, in this exigency, to lend their services, however diffident they may be as to their worthiness, to this branch of the Lord's work. The appeal addresses itself to me, as well as to others. It is enforced by the voice of my brethren. If it is I whom the Master needs, I must not refuse to obey. Fourth, I see that many who, like Moses and Jeremiah, have had a clear vocation from God to do service in his kingdom, and have shrunk from the mission assigned them through conscious unfitness, have, nevertheless, when obediently taking up their l>urden, "out of weakness been made strong " ; and by their history I am admonished to be distrustful of those self -distrusting scruples which led me, at first view, to object to a proposed work for God. Fifth, I find a growing attractiveness in the work I am invited to take up, from the couvic- The Decision. 15 tion that it will uot only add to my opportuni- ties for doing good, but will contribute largely to my growth in personal piety. I am sure the "one thing" I have set before me as the su- preme end of my present life is, "to press to- ward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus," I persuade myself that in obeying this call of the church I shall realize more sensibly the force of this " high calling." I shall be brought into more con- scious sympathy and fellowship with Christ. In "losing" my life for his sake, in giving my thoughts and cares to the interests of his cause, I may hope to experience the blessed result of "saving" it, in the sense of quickening and maturing the spiritual principle within me. I may find myself growing richer in grace in proportion as I abridge my schemes of self- seeking (which is the name for worldly busi- ness), and consecrate my energies to the ad- vancement of Christ's kingdom. There is an inspiration in this idea which gives me courage, and which I cannot but think comes from above. The peace it has brought me is peculiar. May I not regard it as the " perfect peace " promised to those "whose minds are stayed on God"? Sixth, I have been confirmed in the conclu- sion to which I have come, by an exalted view 16 Extracts from an Eldeu's Diary. of the nature of that faith wliich I am exercis- ing. It appears to me it is a sort of transmu- tation — a putting of him in whom I trust in the place of myself, or a transfer of my poor personality to that of my Chief, who has said to his messenger, " Go, and I will be with thee ! " The work I am to do must be done by a human instrument, by human methods; but the Being who has allowed me to link myself with him can give a potency to my efforts be- yond what they inherently possess. I will measure my possible efficiency by that which I know belongs to the Master with whom I am identified. This seems to be the view of faith which St. Paul expresses when he says (Gal. ii. 20), " I live, yet not I, but Christ liveth in me"; and (Phil. iv. 13) "I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me." Here, too, in the confidence that in the sincere en- deavor to do the work proposed to me I shall be acting under an inspiration and an invigora- tion derived from fellowship with Christ, I find a ground of comfort as I contemplate the grave responsibilities I am about to assume. " We have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellency of the power may be of God, and not of us." (2 Cor. iv. 7.) EXTRACT III. PREPARATION. Sunday, July 2. — I have been occupied dur- ing the past montli in studying, as I have had opportunity, the nature of the office of ruling elder, and the form of practical work which it includes. For this purpose I have gone, first, to the apostolic writings, and sought to get from this source a definite idea of what the infallible founders of the Christian church in- tended that the presbyters whom they ordained should be and do. This idea, I think, is care- fully and correctly reproduced in the section touching the ruling elder in Chapter IV. of the Form of Government of our church. In addition, I have consulted such of the pub- lished treatises and hand-books upon the sub- ject as were within my reach. The efifect has been a helpful one. I feel that I have a pre- cise and intelligent conception, at least as to the main points, of what is required of me by conscience and the body which has called me to be its overseer ; and my hope is that I shall be able, in my manner of executing my office, to bear with me a fixed consciousness of its obli- 2 17 18 Extracts from ax Elder's Diary. gatioDS, and not leave them to be suggested by casual impulses or merely ceremonial demands. Always, and everywhere, I want to remember my ministry and to "make full proof of it." It lias seemed to me, knowing as I do, and as everybody does, what is expected of the pastor of a church, and recognizing the ruling elder as a connecting link between him and his flock, touching both parties in his relations and func- tions, that the duty of the eider may be com- prehended in this one statement — that he is to endeavor in all things except those which be- long specially to the pastoral office to make the pastor's work his own. Through his labors the pastor's efficiency is to be ramified. He is to be the arm which moves in accord with the will of the head. What the pastor preaches in the way of doctrine and precept he is to re- produce as a "living epistle," which may be read of all men, in his character and deport- ment; and what the pastor enjoins as a Chris- tian duty he is to endorse by his consistent example. He is to be the reflector by which the force of the pulpit is to be conveyed to the peo- ple ; and the reporter by whom the needs of the people are to be disclosed to the pastor. St. Paul seems to have regarded Timothy as standing somewhat in this relation to himself,. Preparation. 19 when he wrote to the Corinthians (1 Cor. iv. 17) : " For this cause have I sent unto you Timo- theus, who is my beloved son, and faithful in the Lord, who shall hriny you into remenihrance of my %oays^\^\c\\ be in Christ,