,(' CLASSICS FOP CHlLDF^EfsI ,^^.7^^^ c? :| ". r-' ~\\«'/^=>^crw Hill AiA.^5£K'"y^^5l- The Cheviof^?^' ^_; -■•',/,> ^ ./-/ ., iVyr^Vo Jedburgh ov-^;Wl> /V^^'-' .% /riiirl?ta:ng-7 BcllendiSf shawCHIII-ft /..' Miiito Cnifct '0 - ■ ' .s^ftew^RANKSorlf Carter Feir_,^^^ QJ o ■- ^ <) ^ ^ V o CARLISLE HATIMEWS, NORTHUl'P 8t CO., AflT-Pflll)T|H8 WOPIfS, BUFFALO, U. Y. THE 1/ ^ ^ 2- LAY OF THE LAST MINSTREL. STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, ^ J^ocm, in %\i Cantos* BY SIR WALTER SCOTT. EDITED BY MARGARET ANDREWS ALLEN. BOSTON, U.S.A.: PUBLISHED BY GIXN AND COMPANY. 1889. Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1887, by MARGARET ANDREWS ALLEN, in the Office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington. Electuotyped by J. 8. Cusuing & Co., Boston. 1 ■ n EDITOR'S PREFACE. rpHE text of the poem has been carefully compared with various editions of the " Lay of the Last Min- strel," the earliest used being that of 1813. The notes are chiefly abridged from Scott's own, merely using such as are necessary to enable the reader to enjoy the poem understandingly, and are nol intended for critical study. The map gives the principal localities mentioned in the poem, with their relation to the more important cities, such as Edinburgh and Carlisle, and the adjacent counties of England. TO THE RIGHT HON^ORABLE CHARLES, EARL OF DALKEITH, IS INSCRIBED BY THE AUTHOR. The Poem now offered to the public is intended to ilhistrate the customs and manners which anciently prevailed on the Borders of England and Scotland. The inhabitants, living in a state partly pastoral and partly wai-- like, and combining habits of constant depredation with the intluence of a rude spirit of chivalry, were often engaged in scenes highly susceptible of poetical ornament. As the description of scenery and manners was more the object of the Author than a combined and regular narrative, the plan of the ancient metrical romance was adopted, which allows greater latitude in this respect than would be consistent with the dignity of a regular poem. The same model offered other facilities, as it permits an occasional altera- tion of measure, which, in some degree, authorizes the changes of rhythm in the text. The machinery also, adopted from popular belief, would have seemed puerile in a Poem which did not partake of the rudeness of the old Ballad, or Metrical Romance. For these reasons, the Poem was put into the mouth of an ancient Min- strel, the last of the race, who, as he is supposed to luive survived the Revo- lution, might have caught somewhat of the refinement of modern poetry, without losing the simplicity of his original model. The date of the tale itself is about the middle of the sixteentli century, when most of the per- sonages actually tiourished. The time occupied by the action is three nights and three days. mTEODUCTIO^. The way was long, the wind was cold, The Minstrel was infirm and old ; His withered cheek, and tresses gra}^ Seemed to have known a better day ; The harp, his sole remaining joy, 5 Was carried by an orphan boy. The last of all the bards was he. Who sung of Border chivalry ; For, well-a-day ! their date was fled, His tuneful brethren all were dead ; 10 And he, neglected and oppressed. Wished to be with them, and at rest. No more, on prancing palfrey borne, He carolled, light as lark at morn ; No longer courted and caressed, 15 High placed in hall, a welcome guest. He poured, to lord and lady gay. The unpremeditated lay : Old times were changed, old manners gone, A stranger filled the Stuart's throne ; 20 The bigots of tlie iron time Had called his harmless art a crime. A wandering harper, scorned and poor, He begged his bread from door to door ; 8 INTRODUCTION. And tuned, to please a peasant's ear, 25 Tlie harp, a king had loved to hear. He passed where Newark's stately tower Looks out from Yarrow's birchen bower : The Minstrel gazed with wishful eye — . No humbler resting-place was nigh; 30 With hesitating step, at last, The embattled portal-arch he passed, Whose ponderous grate, and massy bar, Had oft rolled back the tide of war. But never closed the iron door 35 Against the desolate and poor. The Duchess marked his weary ])ace, His timid mien, and reverend face, And bade her page the menials tell, That they should tend the old man well : 40 For she had known adversity. Though born in such a high degree ; In pride of power, in beauty's bloom. Had wept o'er Monmouth's bloody tomb. When kindness had his wants supplied, 45 And the old man was gratified. Began to rise his minstrel pride ; And he began to talk, anon. Of good Earl Francis, dead and gone, I 37. Duchess. Anna, Duchess of Buccleuch and Monmouth, represen- tative of the ancient lords of Buccleuch and widow of James, Duke of Monmouth, who was beheaded in 1()85. 49. Earl Francis. Francis Scott, Earl of Buccleuch, father of the Duchess. INTRODUCTION. 9 And of Earl Walter, rest him God ! 60 A braver ne'er to battle rode ; And how full many a tale he knew, Of the old warriors of Buccleuch : And, would the noble Duchess deign To listen to an oldjiian's strain, 55 Though stiff his hand, his voice though weak, He thought even yet, the sooth to spea^^ That, if she loved the harp to hear. He could make music to her ear. The humble boon was soon obtained ; go The Aged jNlinstrel audience gained. But when he reached the room of state. Where she, with all lierjadies, sate, Perchance he wisheohis boon denied. For, when to tune his harp he tried, 65 His trembling hand had lost the ease Which marks security to please ; And scenes, long past, of joy and p ain. Came wildering o'er his aged brain — He tried to tune his harp in vain. 70 The pitying Duchess praised its chime, And gave him heart and gave him time. Till every string's according glee Was blended into harmony. And then, he said, he would full fain 75 He could recall an ancient strain, He never thought to sing again. It was not framed for village churls, But for high dames and mighty earls ; 50. Earl Walter. Walter, Earl of Buccleuch, gramlfather of the Duchess. 10 INTRODUCTION. He had played it to King Charles the Good, so Wlien he kept court at Holyrood ; And much he wished, yet feared, to try The long-forgotten melody. Amid the strings his fingers strayed, And an uncertain warbling made, 85 And oft he shook his hoary head. But when he caught the measure wild, The old man raised his face, and smiled. And lightened up his faded eyfe. With all a poet's ecstasy ! go In varying cadence, soft or strong. He swept the sounding chords along: The present scene, the future lot. His toils, his wants, were all forgot : Cold diffidence, and age's frost, 95 In the fall tide of song were lost ; Each blank, in faithless memory void. The poet's glowing thought supplied ; And while his harp responsive rung, 'Twas thus the Latest Minstrel sung. 100 OUTLINE OF CANTO FIRST. This canto opens with a description of life in Branksome Castle. Then it tells of the death of Branksome's chief, Lord Walter, who was slain by the Kerrs in the streets of Edinburgh, shortly before the events of the poem are supposed to take place. His wife rules in his stead, as the Lady of Branksome, and brings to her aid the spirits of earth and air. AVhile her retainers are feasting in the great hall of the castle, the lady sits alone in " Lord David's western tower," listening to the mountain and river spirits, as they talk of the fate of her house as decreed by the stars. She learns that no good fortune will come to the house of Branksome, till she consents to the niai-riage of her daughter Margaret and Lord Cranstoun of Teviotdale, with whom her clan, the Scotts, have a feud. Descending to the hall, where her little boy is playing among her retainers, she summons William of Deloraine, ordering him to ride on his swiftest steed to Melrose Abbey, and bring her the book of magic from INIichael Scott's grave. She hopes by the powerful spells contained therein, to thwart the plans of the spirits of earth and air, and the fortune decreed by the stars. The canto closes with a spirited description of VV^illiam of Delo- raine's night ride to Melrose Abbey. LAY OF THE LAST MINSTREL. Canto ^ivst. I. The feast was over in Branksome tower, And the Ladye had gone to her secret bower ; Her bower, that was guarded by word and by spell, Deadly to hear, and deadly to tell — Jesu Maria, shield us well ! 6 No living wight, save the Ladye alone, Had dared to cross the threshold stone. II. The tables were drawn, it was idlesse all ; Knight, and page, and household squire, Loitered through the lofty hall, 10 Or crowded round the ample fire. The stag-hounds, weary with the chase. Lay stretched upon the rushy floor, And urged, in dreams, the forest race, From Teviot-stone to Eskdale-raoor. 15 1. Branksome tower. This castle was situated on the Teviot, three miles above Hawick, and was the principal seat of the Buccleuch family. 1.3. Rushy floor. In the sixteenth century, floors were strewed with rushes instead of covered with carpets. 14 LAY OF THE LAST MINSTREL. '' nto i. III. Nirie-and-twenty knights of fame Hung their shields in Branksome Hall; Nine-and-twenty squires of name Brought them their steeds from bower to stall : Nine-and-twenty yeomen tall 20 Waited, duteous, on them all : The}^ were all knights of mettle true, Kinsmen to the bold Buccleuch. TV. Ten of them were sheathed in steel, With belted sword, and spur on heel : . 25 They quitted not their harness bright, Neither by day, nor yet by night : They lay down to rest With corslet laced. Pillowed on buckler cold and hard ; 30 They carved at the meal With gloves of steel, And they drank the red wine through the helmet barred. Ten squires, ten yeomen, mail-clad men, Waited the beck of the warders ten ; 35 Thirty steeds, both fleet and wight, Stood saddled in stable day and night, IG. Knights of fame. The ancient harons of Buccleuch retained in their household, at Branksome, a number of gentlemen of their own name, who held lands from their chief for the military service of watching and ward- ing his castle. CANTO I, LAY OF THE LAST MINSTREL. 15 Barl^d with frontlet of steel, I trow, And with Jedwood-axe at saddle-bow ; A hundred more fed free in stall : — 40 Such was the custom of Branksome Hall. VI. — Why do these steeds stand ready dight? Why watch these warriors, armed, by night? They watch, to hear the bloodhound baying; They watch, to hear the war-horn braying ; 45 To see St. George's red cross streaming. To see the midnight beacon gleaming ; They watch, against Southern force and guile, Lest\§croop, or Howarfl, or;Percy's powers, 'Threaten Branksome's lordly towers, 50 From Warkwoith, or Naworth, or merry Carlisle. VII. Such is the custom of Branksome Hall. — Many a valiant knight is here ; But he, the Chieftain of them all. His sword hangs rustling on the wall, 55 Beside his broken spear. Bards long shall tell. How Lord Walter fell ! When startled burghers fled, afar, 39. Jedwood-axe. A sort of partizan or halbert, used by horsemen. 42. Dight. Caparisoned. 50. Threaten Branksome's lordly towers. Being a Border castle, Branksome was often exposed to attacks from the English. .5S. Lord Walter. A Scott of Buccleuch and warden of the west marches of Scotland. He was killed by the Kerrs in the streets of Edinburgh. 16 LAY OF THE LAST MINSTREL. canto i. The fillies of the Border war ; 60 When the streets of high Diinedin Saw lances gleam, and falchions redden, And heard the slogan's deadly yell — Then the Chief of Branksome fell. VIII. Can piety the discord heal, 65 Or stanch the death-feud's enmity ? Can Christian love, can patriot zeal, Can love of blessed charity ? No ! vainly to each holy shrine. In mutual pilgrimage, they drew; 70 Implored, in vain, the grace divine For chiefs, their own red falchions slew; <» While Cessford owns the rule of Car, While Ettrick boasts the line of Scott, The slaughtered chiefs, the mortal jar, 75 The havoc of the feudal war. Shall never, never be forgot ! IX. In sorrow, o'er Lord Walter's bier The warlike foresters had bent ; And many a flower, and many a tear, 80 Old Teviot's maids and matrons lent : But o'er her warrior's bloody bier 61. Dunedin. Edinlnirsh. (vi Slogan. War-cry of a Border clan. 70. Mutual pilgrimage. To stanch the feud between the Scotts and Kerrs or Cars, also a powerful Border family. There was a bond executed in 15U9 between the heads of the chins, binding themselves to perform reciprocally the four principal pilgrimages of Scotland, for the benefit of those of the oi)posite party who had fallen in the quarrel. CANTO I. LAY OF THE LAST MINSTREL. 17 The Ladye dropped nor flower nor tear! Vengeance, deep-brooding o'er the slain, Had locked the source of softer woe ; 85 And burning pride, and high disdain, Forbade the rising tear to Howjj Until, amid his sorrowing clan, Her son lisped from the nurse's knee — "And, if I live to be a man, 90 My father's death revenged shall be ! " Then fast the mother's tears did seek To dew the infant's kindling cheek. X. All loose her negligent attire. All loose her golden hair, 95 Hung Margaret o'er her sla-ughtered sire, And wept in wild despair. But not alone the bitter tear Had filial grief supplied ; For hopeless love, and anxious fear, lOo Had lent their mingled tide : Nor in her mother's altered eye Dared she to look for sympathy. Her lover, 'gainst her father's clan, With Car in arms had stood, 105 When Mathouse-burn to IMeh'ose ran, All purple with their blood. And well she knew, her mother dread. Before Lord Cranstoun she should wed, Would see her on her dying bed. no 109. lord Cranstoun. The Cranstouns were an ancient Border family of Teviotdale, at this time at feud with the Scotts. 18 LAY OF THE LAST MINSTREL. canto i. XI. Of noble race the Ladye came ; Her father was a clerk of fame, Of Bethune's line of Picardie : He learned the art, that none may name, In Padua, far beyond the sea. ii5 Men said, he changed his mortal frame By feat of magic mystery ; For when, in studious mood, he paced St. Andrew's cloistered hall, ■ His form no darkening shadow traced 120 Upon the sunny wall ! XII. And of his skill, as bards avow, He taught that Ladye fair. Till to her bidding she could bow The viewless forms of air. 125 And now she sits in secret bower, In old Lord David's western tower. And listens to a heavy sound. That moans the mossy turrets round. Is it the roar of Teviot's tide, 130 That chafes against the scaur's red side ? Is it the wind that swings the oaks ? 1].^. Bethune. A noble family of French origin. 115. Padua. A city in Italy, long supposed by the French peasants to be the chief school of necromancy. 120. No darkening shadow. It is supposed that students of necro- mancy must ran throush a subterranean hall, when the devil will catch the hiiidormost — or his shadow, if he runs very swiftly. Those who have thus lo.st tlieir shadows always prove the best magicians. l.'n. Scaur. A precipitous bank of earth. CANTO I. LAY OF THE LAST MINSTREL. 11> Is it the echo from the rocks? What may it be, the heavy sound That moans old Branksome's turrets round? 135 xin. At the sullen, moaning sound, The ban-dogs bay and howl ; • And, from the turrets round, Loud whoops the startled oavI. In the hall, both squire and knight 140 Swore that a storm was near, And looked forth to view the night; But the night was still and clear ! XIV. From the sound of Teviot's tide, ' Chafing with the mountain's side, 145 From the groan of the wind-swung oak, From the sullen echo of the rock, From the voice of the coming storm, The Ladye knew it well ! It was the Spirit of the Flood that spoke, 150 And he called on the Spirit of the Fell. XV. — RIVER SPIRIT. " Sleepest thou, brother ? " MOUNTAIN SPIRIT. " Brother, nay — On my hills the moonbeams play 20 LAY OF THE LAST MINSTREL. canto i. From Craik-cross to Skelfhill-pen, 155 By every rill, iu every glen, Merry elves their inorrice pacing. To aerial minstrelsy, Emerald rings on brown heath tracing, Trip it deft and merrily. 160 Up, and mark their nimble feet ! Up, and list their music sweet ! " XVI. EIVER SPIRIT. " Tears of an imprisoned maiden Mix with my polluted stream : Marsfaret of Branksome, sorrow-laden, 165 Mourns beneath the moon's pale beam. Tell me, thou who viewest the stars. When shall cease these feudal jars? What shall be the maiden's fate ? Who shall be the maiden's mate ? " 170 xvn. MOUNTAIN SPIRIT. " Arthur's slow wain his course doth roll, In utter darkness, round the pole ; The Northern Bear lowers black and grim : Orion's studded belt is dim ; Twinkling faint, and distant far, 175 Shimmers through mist each planet star; 111 may I read their high decree : But no kind influence deign they shower CANTO I. LAY OF THE LAST MINSTREL. 21 On Teviot's tide, and Branksome's tower. Till pride be quelled, and love be free." iso XVIII. The unearthly voices ceast. And the heavy sound was still; It died on the river's breast, It died on the side of the hill. — But round Lord David's tower 185 The sound still floated near ; For it rung in the Ladye's bower, And it rung in the Ladye's ear. She raised her stately head, And her heart throbbed high with pride : — 190 "Your mountains shall bend. And your streams ascend, Ere INLargaret be our foeman's bride ! " XIX. The Ladye sought the lofty hall. Where many a bold retainer lay, 195 And, with jocund din, among them all, Her son pursued his infant play. A fancied moss-trooper, the boy The truncheon of a spear bestrode, And round the hall, right merrily, 200 In mimic foray rode. Even bearded knights, in arms grown old. Share in his frolic gambols bore. Albeit their hearts, of rugged mould, 198. Moss-trooper. This was the usual name for a marauder upon the Border. Their tliieviug inroads were called forays. 22 LAY OF THE LAST MINSTREL. canto i. Were stubborn as the steel they wore. 205 For the gray warriors prophesied, How the brave boy, in future war, Should tame the Unicorn's pride, Exalt the Crescents and the Star. XX. The Ladye forgot her purpose high, 210 One moment, and no more ; One moment gazed with a mother's eye, As she paused at the arched door. Then, from amid the armed train. She called to her William of Deloraine. 215 XXI. A stark moss-trooping Scott was he, |As e'er couched Border lance by knee:> Through Solway sands, through Tarras moss. Blindfold, he knew the j)aths to cross; By wily turns, by desperate bounds, 220 Had baffled Percy's best bloodhounds ; In Eske, or Liddel, fords were none. But he would ride them, one by one; Alike to him was time or tide, December's snow, or July's pride : 225 209. Unicorn and Crescent and Star. The coat of arms of the Kerrs contained three unicorns' heads, while that of the Scotts bore a star between two crescents. 215. William of Deloraine. A kinsman and vassal of the house of Buccleuch. 221. Percy's best bloodhounds. Bloodhounds were often used both by the Scotcli and Enj;lish to i)ursue marauders across the Border. 222. Eske and Liddel. Rivers of Scotland near the Border. CANTO I. LAY OF THE LAST MINSTREL. 23 Alike to liini was tide, or time, Moonless midnight, or matin prime : Steady of heart, and .stout of hand. As ever drove prey from Cumberland ; ^ Five times outlawed had he been, 230 By England's king and Scotland's queen. XXII. " Sir William of Deloraine, good at need, Mount thee on the wightest steed ; Spare not to spur, nor stint to ride, Until thou come to fair Tweedside ; 235 And in Melrose's holy pile Seek thou the Monk of St. Mary's aisle. Greet the father well from me ; Say, that the fated hour is come. And to-night he shall watch with thee, 240 To win the treasure of the tomb : For this will be St. Michael's night. And though stars be dim the moon is bright ; And the cross of bloody red Will point to the grave of the mighty dead. 245 XXIII. " What he gives thee, see thou keep ; Stay not thou for food or sleep : Be it scroll, or be it book. Into it, knight, thou must not look ; 229. Cumberland. A county of Enjrlaiul bordering on Scotland. 2:3(5. Melrose. The finest abbey in Scotland, now one of the most beau- tiful ruins on the Tweed. 245. Mighty dead. Michael Scott, a powerful magician. 24 LAY OF THE LAST MINSTREL. canto i. If thou readest, thou art lorn ! 250 Better hadst thou ne'er been born." XXIV. " O swiftly can speed my dapple-gray steed, Which drinks of the Teviot clear; Ere break of day," the warrior 'gan say, " Again will I be here : 255 And safer by none may thy errand be done. Than, noble dame, by me ; Letter nor line know I never a one, Were't my neck-verse at Hairibee." XXV. Soon in his saddle sate he fast, 200 And soon the steep descent he past. Soon crossed the sounding barbican, And soon the Teviot side he won. Eastward the wooded path he rode ; Green hazels o'er his basnet nod : 265 He passed the Peel of (johliland, And crossed old Borthwick's roaring strand ; Dimly he viewed the Moat-hill's mound, Where Druid sliades still flitted round; In Hawick twinkled many a light ; 270 Behind him soon they set in night; 259. Hairibee. The place of execution for tlie Border marauders at Carlisle, England. 2{)(J. Peel. A Border tower. 2(!S. Moat-hill mound. An artificial mount near Hawick, M-liich was probably used in ancient times as an assembling place for a national coun- cil of the adjacent tribes. CASTO 1. LAY OF THE LAST MINSTREL. 25 And soon he spurred his courser keen Beneath the tower of Hazeldean. ' XXVI. The chittering hoofs the watchmen mark ; — " Stand, ho ! thou courier of the dark." 275 " For Branksome, ho ! " the knight rejoined. And left the friendly tower behind. He turned hini now from Teviotside, And, guided by the tinkling rill, Northward the .dark ascent did ride, 280 And gained the moor at Horseliehill; Broad on the left before him lay, For many a mile, the Roman^way. XXVII. A moment now, he slacked his speed, A moment breathed his panting steed ; ' 285 Drew saddle-girth and corslet-band. And loosened in the sheath his brand. On Minto-crags the moonbeams glint. Where Barnhill hewed his bed of flint; Who flung his outlawed limbs to rest, "* 200 Where falcons hang their giddy nest. Mid cliffs, from whence his eagle eye For many a league his prey could sjoy ; Cliifs, doubling, on their echoes borne, 273. Hazeldean. An estate belonging to a family of Scotts. 283. Koman way. An old Roman road crossing a part of Roxburghshire. 287. Brand. Sword. 288. Minto-crags. A group of crags rising above the vale of the Teviot. Barnhill is said to have been an outlaw who inhabited a tower at the base of these crags. A small platform high among the crags is called Baruhill's bed. 28 LAY OF THE LAST MINSTREL. canto i The terrors of the robber's horn ; 21)5 Cliffs, which, for. many a later year, The warbling Doric reed shall hear. When some sad swain shall teach the grove, Ambition is no cure for love. XXVI ir. Unchallenged, thence passed Deloraine soo To ancient liiddel's fair domain. Where Aill, from mountains freed, Down from the lakes did raving come ; Each wave was crested with tawny foam, Like the mane of a chestnut steed. 305 In vain ! no torrent, deep or broad. Might bar the bold moss-trooper's road. xxrx. At the first plunge the horse sunk low. And the water broke o'er the saddle-bow; Above the foaming tide, I ween, 310 Scarce half the charger's neck was seen ; For he was barded from counter to tail, And the rider was armed complete in mail ; Never heavier man and horse Stemmed a midnight torrent's force. 315 The warrior's very plume, I say. Was daggled by the dashing spray ; Yet, through good heart, and our Ladye's grace. At length he gained the landing-place. 301. The family of Riddel or Ryedale long held a barony about half way between Branksome and Melrose. ^ 'M)2. Aill. A small stream flowing into the Teviot. 312. Barded. Applied to a horse accoutered in armor. CANTO I. LAY OF THE LAST MINSTREL. 27 XXX. Now Bowden Moor the march-man won, 320 And sternly shook his plumed head, As glanced his eye o'er Halidon; For on his soul the slaughter red Of that unhallowed morn arose. When first the Scott and Car were foes, 325 When royal James beheld the fray, Prize to the victor of the day ; • When Home and Douglas, in the van, Bore down Buccleuch's retiring clan, ^ Till gallant Cessford's heart-blood dear " 330 Reeked on dark Elliot's Border spear. XXXI. ^ In bitter mood he spurred fast. And soon the hated heath was past ; And far beneath, in lustre wan, Old Melros' rose, and fair Tweed ran : 335 Like some tall rock, with lichens gray. Seemed, dimly huge, the dark Abbaye. When Hawick he passed, had curfew rung. Now midnight lauds were in Melrose sung. The sound, upon the fitful gale, 340 In solemn wise did rise and fail, 320. March-man. Borderer. 322. Halidon. The ancient seat of the Kerrs of Cessford. A little to the northward is the battle-field on which the Douglases, assisted by the Kerrs, contended as to which should have possession of King James. Elliot, a retainer of Buccleuch, killed Cessford, one of the Kerrs. 338. Curfew, Eight o'clock bell. 339. Midnight lauds. Midnight service of the Catholic church. 28 LAY OF THE LAST MINSTREL. canto t. Like that wild liarp, wliose magic tone Is wakened by the winds alone. . But when Melrose he reached, 'twas silence all ; He meetly stabled his steed in stall, 345 And sought the convent's lonely wall. Here paused the harp; and with its swell The Master's fire and courage fell : Dejectedly, and low, he bowed, And, gazing timid on the crowd, 350 He seemed to seek, in every eye, If they approved his minstrelsy ,* And, diffident of present praise, Somewhat he spoke of former days, And how old age, and wandering long, 355 Had done his hand and harp some wrong. The Duchess, and her daughters fair, And every gentle ladj^e there. Each after each, in due degree. Gave praises to his melody; 360 His hand was true, his voice was clear. And much they longed the rest to hear. Encouraged thus, the Aged Man, After meet rest, again began. OUTLINE OF CANTO SECOND. The description of Melrose Abbey by moonlight, opening this canto, is familiar to many who are not acquainted with the rest of the poem, as one of the finest poetical descriptions ever given of Melrose. It is said that Scott wi-ote it before he had ever seen Melrose by moonlight. William of Ueloraine thinks little of the beauty of the scene, knocks with his dagger at the wicket, is admitted by the porter and led to the cell of the ancient monk, to whom he tells his errand. The request for Michael Scott's book stirs the monk's recollections of his youthful days, " when he was a warrior bold, and fought in Spain and Italy." He tells Deloraine of his past life and the won- derful magic of his friend, Michael Scott. They sit among the tombs, waiting for the bell to toll one, when they are to open the grave of the wizard. Deloraine lifts the ponderous stone, and then follows a wonderful description of the wizard's appearance, and the weird effect of the chapel, as seen in the glorious light that bursts from the tomb. As Deloraine remounts his horse, the precious book safe within his corslet, his courage, shaken by the night's adventures, begins to revive. He says his "Ave Mary," and hastens on his homeward road. In the same early morning, Fair Margaret and Lord Cranstovm have a meeting in a grove near Branksome. But their talk is sud- denly interrupted by the baron's page, a goblin, whose story is here told. He warns them of approaching danger, and Cranstoun mounts and rides away, while Mai-garet flees to the castle. I. If thou wouldst view fair INIelrose aright, Go visit it by the pale moonlight; For the gay beams of lightsome day Gild, but to flout, the ruins gray. When the broken arches are black in night, 5 And each shafted oriel glimmers white ; When the cold light's uncertain shower Streams on the ruined central tower; When buttress and buttress, alternately, Seeui framed of ebon and ivory ; 10 When silver edges the imagery, And the scrolls that teach thee to live and die ; When distant Tweed is heard to rave, And the owlet to hoot o'er the dead man's grave, Then go — but go alone the while — 15 Then view St. David's ruined pile : And, home returning, soothly swear, Was never scene so sad and fair I 1 Short halt did Deloraine make there; Little recked he of the scene so fair. 20 With dagger's hilt, on the wicket strong, He struck full loud, and struck full long. Ifi. David the First of Scotland was sainted for founding Melrose and other monasteries. CANTO n. LAY OF THE LAST MINSTREL. 31 The porter hurried to the gate — "Who knocks so loud, and knocks so late?" *' From Branksome I," the warrior cried ; 25 And straight the wicket opened wide : For Branksome's chiefs had in battle stood, To fence the rights of fair ]\Ielrose ; And lands and livings, many a rood, Had gifted the shrine for their souls' repose. 30 III. Bold Deloraine his errand said ; The porter bent his humble head ; With torch in hand, and feet unshod, And noiseless step, the path he trod; The arched cloisters, far and wide, 35 Rang to the warrior's clanking stride ; Till, stooping low his lofty crest. He entered the cell of the ancient priest, And lifted his barred aventayle, To hail the Monk of St. Mary's aisle. 40 IV. "The Layde of Branksome greets thee by me; Says, that the fated hour is come, And that to-night I shall watch with thee, To win the treasure of the tomb." From sackcloth conch the Monk arose, 45 With toil his stiffened limbs he reared ; 30. Souls' repose. The Buccleuch family conferred many benefits upon Melrose Abbey, in order that masses should be sung for the souls of their dead. 39. Aventayle. Visor of a helmet. 32 LAY OF THE LAST MINSTllEL. canto ii. A hundred years had flung their snows On his thin locks and lloating beard. V. And strangely on the Knight looked he, And his blue eyes gleamed wild and wide ; — 50 " And, dar'st thou, warrior ! seek to see What heaven and hell alike would hide? My breast, in belt of iron pent, With shirt of hair and scourge of thorn; For threescore years, in penance spent, 55 My knees those flinty stones have worn ; Yet all too little to atone For knowing what should ne'er be known. Wouldst thou thy every future year In ceaseless prayer and penance drie, co Yet wait thy latter end with fear — Then, daring warrior, follow me I " VI. "Penance, father, will I none; Prayer know I hardly one , For mass or prayer can I rarely tarry, 65 Save to patter an Ave Mary, When I ride on a Border foray : Other prayer can I none ; So speed me my errand, and let me be gone." VII. Again on the Knight looked the Churchman old, 70 And again he sighed heavily ; 67. Foray. Plundering expedition. CANTO II. LAY OF THE LAST MINSTREL. 33 For lie liad himself been a warrior bold, And fought in Spain and Italy. And he thought on the days that were long since, by, When his limbs were strong, and his courage was high : — 75 Now, slow and faint, he led the way. Where, cloistered round, the garden lay ; The pillared arches were over their head, And beneath their feet were the bones of the dead. VIII. Spreading herbs, and flowerets bright, 80 Glistened with the dew of night ; Nor herb, nor floweret glistened there. But was carved in the cloister-arches as fair. The Monk gazed long on the lovely moon, - Then into the night he looked forth ; 85 And red and bright the streamers light Were dancing in the glowing north. So had he seen, in fair Castile, The youth in glittering squadrons start; Suddenly the flying jennet wheel, 90 And hurl the unexpected dart. He knew, by the streamers that shot so bright, That spirits were riding the northern light. IX. By a steel-clenched postern door, They entered now the chancel tall ; 85 The darkened roof rose high aloof 90. Jennet. A small Spanish horse. 34 LAY OF THE LAST MINSTREL. canto n. On pillars, lofty, and light, and small ; The key-stone, that locked each ribbed aisle, Was a fleur-de-lys, or a quatre-feuille ; The corbells were carved grotesque and grim ; loo And the pillars, with clustered shafts so trim, AVith base and with capital flourished around, Seemed bundles of lances which garlands had bound. X. Full many a scutcheon and banner, riven, Shook to the cold night-wind of heaven, 105 Around the screened altar's pale ; And there the dying lamps did burn Before thy low and lonely urn, O gallant Chief of Otterburne, And thine, dark Knight of Liddesdale ! no O fading honors of the dead ! O high ambition, lowly laid I XI. The moon on the east oriel shone. Through slender shafts of shapely stone, By foliaged tracery combined ; 115 Thou wouldst have thought some fairy's hand, 'Twixt poplars straight, the osier wand, 90. Fleur-de-lys mid Quatre-feuille. The first, a three-parted orna- mont , heloiiyinj; to tlic arms of Fratu-e. The second, a four-leaved ornament. 100. Corbells. The projections from which arches spring. 10!). Chief of Otterburne. James, Earl of Douglas, slain at Otterburne. 110. Knight of Liddesdale. William Douglas, slain while hunting in Ettrick Forest. 11.3. Oriel. The eastern window of Melrose Abbey, a beautiful specimen of pure Gothic architecture. CANTO II. LAY OF THE LAST MINSTREL. 35 In many a freakish knot, had twined ; Then framed a spell, when the work was done, And changed the willow-wreaths to stone. 120 The silver light, so pale and faint. Showed many a prophet, and many a saint. Whose image on the glass was dyed ; Full in the midst, his Cross of Red Triumphant Michael brandished, 125 And trampled the Apostate's pride. The moonbeam kissed the holy pane. And threw on the pavement a bloody stain. XII. They sate them down on a marble stone, A Scottish monarch slept below; 130 Thus spoke the Monk, in solemn tone : — " I was not always a man of woe ; For Paynim countries I have trod, And fought beneath the Cross of God ; Now, strange to my eyes thine arms appear, 135 And their iron clang sounds strange to my ear. XIII. " In these far climes, it was my lot To meet the wondrous Michael Scott; A wizard of such dreaded fame. That when, in Salamanca's cave, 140 130. A Scottish monarcli. Alexander II. 133. Paynim. Heathen. 138. Michael Scott, of Balwearie, a man of great learning and sup- posed to be a magician by his contemporaries, lived in the thirteenth century, but in this poem he is placed at a later date. 140. Salamanca. There were schools for teaching the sciences supposed to involve magic, in a cavern at Salamanca in Spain. 36 LAY OF THE LAST MINSTREL. canto ii. Him listed his magic wand to wave, The bells would ring in Notre Dame ! Some of his skill he taught to me ; And, Warrior, I could say to thee The words that cleft Eildon hills in three, 145 And bridled the Tweed with a curb of stone : But to speak them were a deadly sin ; And for having but thought them my heart within, A treble penance must be done. XIV. " When Michael lay on his dying bed, 150 His conscience was awakened ; He bethought him of his sinful deed, And he gave me a sign to come with speed : I was in Spain when the morning rose. But I stood by his bed ere evening close. 155 The words may not again be said, That he spoke to me, on death-bed laid ; They would rend this Abbaye's massy nave, And pile it in heaps above his grave. XV. "I swore to bury his Mighty Book, I60 That never mortal might therein look ; And never to tell where it was hid. Save at the chief of Branksome's need ; And when that need was passed and o'er, Again the volume to restore. los 142. Notre Dame. Cathedral in Paris. 140. Eildon hills. Tliese bills were cleft in three, and a dam-head huilt across the Tweed at Kelso, each in a single night, by a spirit under Michael Scott's orders. CANTO n. LAY OF TpE LAST MINSTREL. 37 I buried liim on St. Michael's night, When tlie bell tolled one, and the moon was bright, And I dug his chamber among the dead, When the floor of the chancel was stained red, That his patron's Cross might over him wave, 170 And scare the fiends from the Wizard's grave. xvr. " It was a night of woe and dread. When Michael in the tomb I laid ; Strange sounds along the chancel passed, The banners waved without a blast," — 175 Still spoke the Monk, when tlie bell tolled one ! — I tell you, that a braver man Than William of Deloraine, good at need, Against a foe ne'er spurred a steed; Yet somewhat was he chilled with dread, iso And his hair did bristle upon his head. XVII. " Lo, Warrior ! now, the Cross of Red Points to the grave of the mighty dead ; Within it burns a wondrous light. To chase the spirits that love the night : 185 That lamp shall burn unquenchabl}', Until the eternal doom shall be." Slow moved the Monk to the broad flag-stone, Whicli the bloody Cross was traced upon : He pointed to a secret nook ; 190 An iron bar the warrior took ; And the INIoiik made a sign, with his withered hand. The grave's huge portal to expand. 38 LAY OP THE LAST MINSTREL. canto ii. XVIII. With beating heart to the task he went ; His sinewy frame o'er the grave-stone bent; 195 With bar of iron heaved amain, Till the toil-drops fell from his brows, like rain. It was by dint of passing strength, That he moved the massy stone at length. I would you had been there, to see 200 How the light broke forth so gloriously, Streamed upward to the chancel roof, And through the galleries far aloof! No earthly flame blazed e'er so bright : It shone like heaven's own blessed light; 205 And, issuing from the tomb. Showed the Monk's cowl, and visage pale. Danced on the dark-brow'd Warrior's mail, And kissed his waving plume. XIX. Before their eyes the Wizard lay, 210 As if he had not been dead a day. His hoary beard in silver rolled, He seemed some seventy winters old ; A palmer's amice wrapped him round, With a wrought Spanish Baldric bound, 215 Like a pilgrim from beyond the sea : His left hand held his Book of Might : A silver cross was in his right ; 207. Cowl. Hood. 214. Amice. Flowing cloak worn by pilgrims (palmers). 215. Baldric. Belt worn over the shonlder. 217. Book of Might. Book of magic. CANTO II. LAY "OF THE LAST MINSTREL. S9 The lamp was placed beside his knee : High and majestic -was his look, 220 At which the fellest fiends had shook, And all unruffled was his face : — They trusted his soul had gotten grace. ' XX. Often had William of Deloraine Rode through the battle's bloody plain, 225 And trampled down the warriors slain, And neither known remorse nor awe ; Yet now remorse and awe he own'd ; His breath came thick, his head swam round. When this strange scene of death he saw. 230 Bewildered and unnerved he stood. And the priest prayed fervently, and loud : With eyes averted prayed he; He might not endure the sight to see, Of the man he had loved so brotherly. 235 xxr. And when the Priest his death-prayer had prayed, Thus unto Deloraine he said : " Now speed thee what thou hast to do, Or, Warrior, we may dearly rue ; , For those thou mayest not look upon, 240 Are gathering fast round the yawning stone ! " Then Deloraine, in terror, took From the cold hand the Mighty Book, With iron clasped, and with iron bound : 221. Fellest. Most powerful. 40 LAY OF THE LAST MINSTREL. canto ii. He thought, as he took it, the dead man frowned ; 245 But the glare of the sepulchral light, Perchance, liad dazzled the warrior's sight. XXII, When the huge stone sunk o'er the tomb, The night returned, in double gloom ; For the moon had gone down, and the stars were few 250 And, as the Knight and Priest withdrew. With wavering steps and dizzy brain, They hardly might the postern gain. 'Tis said, as-through the aisles they passed, They heard strange noises on the blast; 255 And through the cloister-galleries small. Which at mid height thread the chancel wall, Loud sobs, and laughter louder, ran, And voices, unlike the voice of man ; As if the fiends kept holiday, 2G0 Because these spells were brought to day. I cannot tell how the truth may be ; I say the tale as 'twas said to me. xxin. " Now, hie thee hence," the Father said, " And, when we are on death-bed laid, 265 O may our dear Ladye, and sweet St. John, Fore^ive our souls for the deed we have done." The Monk returned him to his cell. And many a prayer and penance sped; When the convent met at the noontide bell — 270 The Monk of St. Mary's aisle was dead ! CANTO II. LAY OF THE LAST MINSTREL. 41 Before the cross was the body hiitl, With hands ehisped fast, as if still he prayed. XXIV. The Knight breathed free in the morning wind, And strove his hardihood to find : 275 He was glad when he passed the tombstones gray Which girdle round the fair Abbaye ; For the mystic Book, to his bosom prest, Felt like a load upon his breast; And his joints, with nerves of iron twined, 28O Shook, like the aspen leaves in wind. Full fain was he when the dawn of day Began to brighten Cheviot gray ; He joyed to see the cheerful light. And he said Ave Mary, as well as he might. 285 XXV. The sun had brightened Cheviot gray, Tlie sun had brightened the Carter's side ; And soon beneath the rising day Smiled Branksonie towers and Teviot's tide. The wild birds told their warbling tale, 290 And wakened every flower that blows ; And peeped forth the violet pale, And spread her breast the mountain rose ;• And lovelier than the rose so red, Yet paler than the violet pale, 295 283. Cheviot hills. Hills between England and Scotland. 287. Carter. A mountain among the Cheviot hills. 42 LAY OF THE LAST MINSTREL. canto ii. / She early left her sleepless bed, lie fairest maid of Teviotdale. XXVI. Why does fair Margaret so early awake, And don her kirtle so hastilie ; And the silken knots, which in hurry she would make, 300 Why tremble her slender fingers to tie ; Why does she stop, and look often around, As she glides down the secret stair ; And why does she pat the shaggy blood-hound, As he rouses him up from his lair ; 305 And, though she passes the postern alone, Why is not the watchman's bugle blown? XXVII. The ladye steps in doubt and dread, Lest her watchful mother hear her tread; The ladye caresses the rough blood-hound, 3io Lest his voice should waken the castle round ; The watchman's bugle is not blown. For he was her foster-father's son ; And she glides through the greenwood at dawn of light, To meet Baron Henry, her own true Knight. 315 i XXVIII. The Knight and Ladye fair are met, And under the hawtliorn's boughs are set: A fairer pair were never seen To meet beneath the hawthorn green. CANTO II. LAY OF THE LAST MINSTREL. 43 He was stately, and young, and tall ; ^^o Dreaded in battle, and loved in hall: And she, when love, scarce told, scarce hid, Lent to her cheek a livelier red ; When the half sigh her swelling breast Against the silken ribbon pressed ; 325 When her blue eyes their secret told, Though shaded by her locks of gold — Where would you find the peerless fair, With Margaret of Branksome might compare ? XXIX. And now, fair dames, methinks I see 330 You listen to my minstrelsy ; Your waving locks ye backward throw, And sidelong bend your necks of snow : — Ye ween to hear a melting tale, Of two true lovers in a dale ; 335 And how the Knight, with tender fire. To paint his faithful passion strove ; Swore he might at her feet expire, But never, never cease to love ; And how she blushed, and how she sighed, 340 And half consenting, half denied, And said that she would die a maid : — Yet, might the bloody feud be stayed, Henry of Cranstoun, and only he, Margaret of Branksome's choice should be. 345 334. Ween. Think. 44 LAY OF THE LAST MINSTREL. canto ii. XXX. Alas ! fair dames, your hopes are vain ! My harp has lost the enchanting strain; Its lightness would my age reprove : My hairs are gray, my limbs are old, My heart is dead, my veins are cold : — 350 I may not, must not, sing of love. XXXI. Beneath an oak, mossed o'er by eld. The Baron's Dwarf his courser held. And held his crested helm and spear: That Dwarf was scarcely an earthly man, 355 If the tales were true, that of him ran Through all the Border far and near. 'Twas sad, when the Baron a hunting rode Through Reedsdale's glens, but rarely trod, He heard a voice cr}^ " Lost ! lost ! lost ! " . 360 And, like tennis-ball by raquet tossed, A leap, of thirty feet and three, Made from the gorse this elfin shape, Distorted like some dwarfish ape, And lighted at Lord Cranstoun's knee. 365 Lord Cranstoun was some whit dismayed: 'Tis said that five good miles he rade, To rid him of his company; But where he rode one mile, the Dwarf ran four, And the Dwarf was first at the castle door. 370 352. Eld. Old age. 363. Gorse. A small shrub. CANTO 11. LAY OF THE LAST MINSTREL. 45 XXXII. Use lessens marvel, it is said. This elfish Dwarf with the Baron staid : Little he ate, and less he spoke, Nor mingled with the menial flock; And oft apart his arms he tossed, 375 And often muttered, "Lost! lost! lost ! " ■ He was waspish, arch, and litherlie. But well Lord Cranstoun served he : And he of his service was full fain; For once he had been ta'en or slain, 330 An' it had not been for his ministry. All, between Home and Hermitage, Talked of Lord Cranstoun's Goblin Page. XXXIII. For the Baron w-ent on pilgrimage, And took with him this elvish page, 385 To Mary's chapel of the Lowes : For there, beside Our Ladye's lake, An offering he had sworn to make, And he would pay his vows. But the Ladj^e of Branksome gathered a band 390 Of the best that would ride at her command : The try sting-place was Newark Lee. Wat of Harden came thither amain, And thither came John of Thirlestaine, And thither came William of Deloraine ; 395 377. Litherlie. Mischievous. 379. Fain. Ghid. 392. Trysting-place. Gathering-place. 46 LAY OF THE LAST MINSTREL. canto ii. There were three hundred spears and three. Through Douglas-burn, up Yarrow stream, Their horses prance, their lances gleam. They came to St. Mary's lake ere day ; But the chapel was void, and the Baron away. 400 They burned the chapel for very rage, And cursed Lord Cranstoun's Goblin Page. XXXIV. And now, in Branksome's good greenwood, As under the aged oak he stood, The Baron's courser pricks his ears, 405 As if a distant noise he hears. The Dwarf waves his long lean arm on high. And signs to the lovers to part and fly ; No time was then to vow or sigh. Fair Margaret, through the hazel grove, 410 Flew like the startled cushat-dove : The Dwarf the stirrup held and rein ; Vaulted the Knight on his steed amain. And, pondering deep that morning's scene. Rode eastward through the hawthorns green. 415 While thus he poured the lengthened tale. The Minstrel's voice began to fail : Full slyly smiled the observant page, And gave the withered hand of age A goblet, crowned with mighty wine, 420 The blood of Velez' scorched vine. He raised the silver cup on high, 411. Cushat-dove. Wood pigeon. CANTO n. LAY OF THE LAST MINSTREL. 47 And, while the big drop filled his eye, Prayed God to bless the Duchess long, And all who cheered a son of song. 425 The attending maidens smiled to see How long, how deep, how zealously. The precious juice the Minstrel quaffed; And he, emboldened by the draught. Looked gayly back to them, and laughed. 430 The cordial nectar of tlie bowl Swelled his old veins, and cheered his soul ; A lighter, livelier prelude ran, Ere thus his tale again began. OUTLINE OF CANTO THIRD. LoKD Cranstoun has scarcely time to don his hehiiet, when he meets William of Deloraine, hastening homeward from his night's eiTand. The fight between the two foemen is short and fierce, and Deloraine is left senseless on the field. But Deloraine is the kins- man of Fair IMargaret, and Cranstoun will not leave him to die. He bids his page to stanch the wound and take him to Branksome Castle. Cranstoun himself hurries away from this dangerous neighborhood. Upon unfastening Deloraine's corslet, the dwarf espies the book. He smears the cover with the Borderer's blood, — Christian blood having power over magic — opens the book, and reads one short spell. But he is suddenly felled to the ground by an unseen hand, and the book shuts faster than it was before. Then he obeys his master's command and carries Deloraine even to the door of the Lady's secret bower, disguising himself and his burden by magic. In passing out he sees the little boy, the heir of Branksome, and under the, guise of a comrade leads him to the woods to play. As they cross a running stream, his magic disguise is destroyed, and he assumes his goblin shape and flees away into the forest, leaving the child alone. The boy is found by an English archer, who, delighted at so great a prize as the heir of Buccleuch, carries him to Lord Dacre, one of the English wardens of the border. In the meantime, the goblin page takes the form of the boy at Branksome Castle, and prevents his loss being known. As night approaches. Fair ]\Iargaret, sitting alone on the castle turret, suddenly espies a beacon fire toward the Border land on the south. Then follows a spirited description of the preparations for Border, warfare. I. And said I that my limbs were old ; And said I that my blood was cold, And that my kindly fire was fled, And my poor withered heart was dead. And that I might not sing of love ? — .5 How could I, to the dearest theme That ever warmed a minstrel's dream. So foul, so false, a recreant prove ! How could I name love's very name. Nor wake my heart to notes of flame ! 10 u. "In peace. Love tunes the shepherd's reed; In war, he mounts the warrior's steed; In halls, in gay attire is seen ; In hamlets, dances on the green. Love rules the court, the camp, the grove, 15 And men below, and saints above ; For love is heaven, and heaven is love. ni. So thought Lord Cranstoun, as T ween, While, pondering deep the tender scene, He rode through Branksome's hawthorn green. 20 But the Page shouted wild and shrill — 50 LAY OF THE LAST MINSTIIEL. canto hi. And scarce liis helmet could he don, When downward from the shady hill A stately knight came pricking on. That warrior's steed, so dapple-gra}'', 25 Was dark with sweat, and splashed with clay ; His armor red with many a stain : He seemed in such a weary plight. As if he had ridden the livelong night; For it was William of Deloraine. 30 IV. But no whit weary did he seem, When, dancing in the sunny beam. He marked the crane on the Baron's crest ; For his ready spear was in his rest. Few were the words, and stern and high, 35 That marked the foeman's feudal hate ; For question fierce, and proiid reply. Gave signal soon of dire debate. Their very coursers seemed to know That each was other's mortal foe ; 40 And snorted fire, when wheeled around. To give each knight his vantage ground. V. In rapid round the Baron bent; He sighed a sigh, and prayed a prayer: The prayer was to his patron saint, 45 The sigh was to his ladye fair. 33. Crest. The ornament on the top of the helmet. The Cranstoun's crest was a crane, in allusion to their name. CANTO III. LAY OF THE LAST MINSTREL. 51 Stout Deloraine nor sighed, nor prayed, Nor saint, nor ladye, called to aid ; But he stooped his head, and couched his spear. And spurred his steed to full career. 50 The meeting of these champions proud Seemed like the bursting thunder-cloud. VI. Stern was the dint the Borderer lent ! The stately Baron backwards bent ; Bent backwards to his horse's tail, 55 And his plumes went scattering on the gale ; The tough ash spear, so stout and true, Into a thousand flinders flew. But Cranstoun's lance, of more avail, Pierced through, like silk, the Borderer's mail; Through shield, and jack, and acton passed. Deep in his bosom broke at last. — Still sate the warrior saddle-fast. Till, stumbling in the mortal shock, Down went the steed, the girthing broke, 65 Hurled on a heap lay man and horse. The Baron onward passed his course ; Nor knew — so giddy rolled his brain — His foe lay stretched upon the plain. vn. But when he reined his courser round, 70 And saw his foeman on the ground fil. Jack. A coat of mail. — Acton. A leather jacket worn uuder a coat of mail. 52 LAY or THE LAST MINSTHEL. canto hi. Lie senseless as the bloody clay, He bade his page to stanch the wound, And there beside the warrior stay. And tend him in his doubtful state, 75 And lead him to Branksome castle-gate: His noble mind was inly moved For the kinsman of the maid he loved. "This shalt thou do without delay; No longer here myself may stay ; 80 Unless the swifter I speed away. Short shrift will be at my dying day." VIII. Away in speed Lord Cranstoun rode ; The Goblin Page behind abode : His lord's command he ne'er withstood, 85 Though small his pleasure to do good. As the corslet off he took. The Dwarf espied the Mighty Book ! Much he marvelled, a Kniglit of pride Like a book-bosomed priest should ride : 90 He thouglit not to search or stanch the wound. Until the secret he had found. IX. The iron band, the iron clasp, Resisted long the elfin grasp ; For when the first he had undone, 95 87. Corslet. Breastplate. iK). Book-bosomed priest. Friars were wont to travel from Melrose to Jedl)iiri; to perform various religious services, carrying the mass-book in their bosoms. CANTO III. LAY OF THE LAST MINSTREL. 53 It closed as he the next begun. Those iron chisps, that iron band, Would not yield to unchristened hand, Till he smeared the cover o'er With the Borderer's curdled gore ; lOO A moment then the volume spread, And one short spell therein he read. It had much of glamour might. Could make a layde seem a knight; The cobwebs on a dungeon wall, 105 Seem tapestry in lordly hall ; A nut-shell seem a gilded barge, A sheeling seem a palace large, And youth seem age, and age seem youth — All was delusion, naught was truth. 110 X. He had not read another spell, When on his cheek a buffet fell, — So fierce, it stretched him on the plain, Beside the wounded Deloraine. From the ground he rose dismayed, 115 And shook his huge and matted head ; One word he muttered, and no more, " Man of age, thou smitest sore ! " No more the Elfin Page durst try Into the wondrous Book to pry ; 120 The clasps, though smeared with Christian gore, 103. Glamour. Magic. 108. Sheeling. Shepherd's hut. 121. Christian gore. Christian blood (gore) could break any magic spell. 54 LAY OF THE LAST MINSTREL. canto hi. Shut faster than they were before. He hid it underneath his ch^ak. — Now, if you ask who gave the stroke, I cannot tell, so mot I thrive ; 125 It was not given by man alive. XL Unwillingly himself he addressed, To do his master's high behest: He lifted up the living corse. And laid it on the weary horse ; 130 He led him into Branksome Hall, Before the beards of the warders all, And" each did after swear and say, There only passed a wain of hay. He took him to Lord David's tower, 135 Even to the Ladye's secret bower ; And, but that stronger spells were spread, And the door might not be opened. He had laid him on her very bed. Whate'er he did of gramarye, 140 Was always done maliciousl}^ : He flung the warrior on the ground. And the blood welled freshly from the wound. XIL As he repassed the outer court, He spied the fair young child at sport: 145 He thought to train him to the wood; For, at a word, be it understood, V25. Mot. Miglit. 140. Gramarye. Magic. 14G. Train. Entice. CANTO III. LAY OF THE LAST MINSTREL. 55 He was always for ill, and never for good. Seemed to the boy, some comrade gay Led him forth to the woods to play ; 150 On the drawbridge the warders stout Saw a terrier and lurcher passing out. xiir. He led the boy o'er bank and fell, Until they came to a woodland brook ; The running stream dissolved the spell, 155 And his own elvish shape he took. Could he have had his pleasure vilde, He had crippled the joints of the noble child ; Or, with his fingers long and lean, Had strangled him in fiendish spleen : I60 But his awful mother he had in dread, And also his power was limited ; So he but scowled on the startled child, And darted through the forest wild ; The woodland brook he bounding crossed, 103 .And laughed, and shouted, " Lost ! lost ! lost ! " XIV. Full sore amazed at the wondrous change, And frightened, as a child might be, At the wild yell and visage strange. And the dark words of gramarye, 170 The child, amidst the forest bower, Stood rooted like a lilye flower ; And when at length, with trembling pace, 152. Lurcher. A kind of hunting dos:. 155. Spell. A running stream destroys all magic. 56 LAY OF THE LAST MINSTREL. canto hi. He sought to find where Braiiksome hiy, He feared to see that grisly face 175 Ghire from some thicket on his way. Thus, starting oft, he journeyed on, And deeper in the wood is gone, — For aye the more he sought his way, The farther still he went astra}^, — I80 Until he heard the mountains round Ring to the baying of a hound. XV. And hark ! and hark ! the deep-mouthed bark Comes nigher still, and niglier ; Bursts on the path a dark blood-hound, 185 His tawny muzzle tracked the ground, And his red eye shot fire. Soon as the wildered child saw he, He flew at him right furionslie. I ween you would have seen with joy 190 The bearing of the gallant boy, When, worthy of his noble sire. His wet cheek glowed 'twixt fear and ire! He faced the blood-hound manfully, And held his little bat on high ; ids So fierce he struck, the dog, afraid, At cautious distance hoarsely bayed. But still in act to spring ; When dashed an archer through the glade. And when he saw the hound was stayed, 200 He drew his tough bow-string ; But a rough voice cried, " Shoot not, hoy ! Ho ! shoot not, Edward — 'tis a boy ! " CANTO III. LAY OF THE LAST MINSTHEL. 57 XVI. The speaker issued from the wood, And checked his fellow's surly mood, 205 And quelled the ban-dog's ire : He was an English yeoman good, And born in Lancashire. Well could he hit a fallow-deer Five hundred feet him fro ; -210 With hand more true, and eye more clear. No archer bended bow. His coal-black hair, shorn round and close, Set off his sun-burned face ; Old England's sign, St. George's cross, 215 His barret-cap did grace ; His bugle-horn hung by his side. All in a wolf-skin baldric tied ; And his short falchion, sharp and clear. Had pierced the throat of many a deer. 220 XVII. His kirtle, made of forest green, Reached scantly to his knee ; And, at his belt, of arrows keen A furbished sheaf bore he ; His buckler scarce in breadth a span, 225 No loncrer fence had he ; He never counted him a man, 206. Ban-dog. Fierce dog — one that needs to be bound. 219. FalcMon. Sword. 221. Kirtle. Tunic. 224. Sheaf. Buudle. 226. Fence. Defence. 58 LAY OF THE LAST MINSTREL. canto hi. Would strike below the knee. His slackened bow was in his hand, And the leash, that was his blood-hound's band. 230 XVIIL He would not do the fair child harm. But held him with his powerful arm, That. he might neither fight nor flee ; For when the Red-Cross spied he, The boy strove long and violently. 235 " Now, by St. George," the archer cries, " Edward, methinks we have a prize ! This boy's fair face, and courage free. Shows he is come of high degree." XIX. " Yes ! I am come of high degree, 240 For I am the heir of bold Buccleuch ; And, if thou dost not set me free. False Southron, thou shalt dearly rue ! For Walter of Harden shall come with speed, And William of Deloraine, good at need, 2i5 And every Scott from Esk to Tweed ; And, if thou dost not let me go. Despite thy arrows, and thy bow, I'll have thee hanged to feed the crow ! " XX. " Gramercy, for thy good-will, fair boy ! 250 My mind was never set so high ; 250. Gramercy. Thanks. CANTO III. LAY OF THE LAST MINSTREL. 59 But if thou art chief of such a clan, And art the son of such a man, And ever comest to thy command. Our wardens had need to keep in good order 255 My bow of yew to a hazel wand, Thou'lt make them work upon the Border. Meantime be pleased to come with me, For good Lord Dacre shalt thou see ; I think our work is well begun, ■ ' 260 When we have taken thy father's son." XXI. Although the child was led away, In Branksome still he seemed to stay, For so the Dwarf his part did play ; And, in the shape of that young boy, 265 He wrought the castle much annoy. The comrades of the young Buccleuch He pinched, and beat, and overthrew ; Nay, some of them he well-nigh slew. He tore Dame Maudlin's silken tire; 270 And, as Sym Hall stood by the fire, He lighted the match of his bandelier, And woefully scorched the hackbuteer. It may hardly be thought, or said, The mischief that the urchin made, 275 Till many of the castle guessed. That the young Baron was possessed. 255. Wardens. Officers having authority on the Border. 270. Tire. Head-dress. 272. Bandelier. Belt for carrying ammunition. 273. Hackbuteer. A soldier armed with a hackbut, a kind of heavy- musket. 60 LAY OF THE LAST MI^fSTHEL. canto hi. XXII. Well I ween, the charm he held The noble Ladye had soon dispelled ; But she was deeply busied then 280 To tend the wounded Deloraine. Much she wondered to find him lie, On the stone threshold stretched along ; She thought some spirit of the sky Had done the bold moss-trooper wrong, 285 Because, despite her precept dread, Perchance he in the Book had read ; But the broken lance in his bosom stood, And it was earthly steel and wood. XXIII. She drew the splinter from the wound, 290 And with a charm she stanched the blood ; She bade the gash be cleansed and bound : No longer by his couch she stood ; But she had ta'en the broken lance, And washed it from the clotted gore, 295 And salved the splinter o'er and o'er. William of Deloraine in trance. Whene'er she turned it round and round, Twisted, as if she galled his wound. Then to her maidens she did say, 300 ' That he should be whole man and sound. Within the course of a night and day. 290. Salved the splinter. Some persons were supposed to possess a sort of sympathetic powder with which they could cure a wound by merely anointing the weapon which inflicted it. CANTO III. LAY OF THE LAST ISIINSTREL. 61 Full long she toiled ; for she did rue Mishap to friend so stout and true. XXIV. So passed the day — the evening fell, 305 'Twas near the time of curfew bell; The air was mild, the wind was calm, The stream was smooth, the dew was balm ; E'en the rude watchman, on the tower. Enjoyed and blessed the lovely hour. 310 Far more fair Margaret loved and blessed The hour of silence and of rest. On the high turret sitting lone, She waked at times the lute's soft tone ; Touched a wild note, and all between 315 Thought of the bower of hawthorns green ; Her golden hair streamed free from band, Her fair cheek rested on her hand, Her blue eyes sought the west afar. For lovers love the western star. 320 XXV. Is yon the star, o'er Penchryst Pen, That rises slowly to her ken, And, spreading broad its wavering light, Shakes its loose tresses on the night ? Is yon red glare the western star ? — 325 O, 'tis the beacon-blaze of war ! 321. Pen. Hill. 32(j. Beacon. Signal fire, giving -warning of the approach of an enemy. Such fires formed a sort of telegraphic communication between the Border and Edinburgh. 62 LAY OF THE LAST MINSTREL. canto m. Scarce could she draw her tightened breath ; For well she knew the fire of death ! XXVI. The warder viewed it blazing strong, And blew his war-note loud and long, 330 Till, at the high and haughty sound, Rock, wood, and river, rung around. The blast alarmed the festal hall. And startled forth the warriors all : Far downward, in the castle-yard, 335 Full many a torch and cresset glared ; And helms and plumes, confusedly tossed, Were in the blaze half-seen, half-lost; And spears in wild disorder shook. Like reeds beside a frozen brook. 340 XXVII. The Seneschal, whose silver hair Was reddened by the torches' glare, Stood in the midst, Avith gesture proud, And issued forth his mandates loud. — " On Penchryst glows a bale of fire, 345 And three are kindling on Priestliaughswire ; Ride out, ride out. The foe to scout ! Mount, mount for Branksome, every man ! 329. Warder. Watchman. 33(i. Cresset. A sort of lantern attached to a pole. 341. Seneschal. Principal otiicer of the houseliold. 345. Bale. Eeacou; one fire gave warning of the enemy, two that they were coming indeed, and four that they were in great force. 349. Mount for Branksome. The gathering-cry of the Scotts. CANTO III. LAY OF THE LAST MINSTREL. 63 Thou, Todrig, warn the Johnstone clan, 350 That ever are true and stout. - — Ye need not send to Liddesdale ; For, when they see the blazing bale, Elliots and Armstrongs never fail. — Ride, Alton, ride, for death and life, 355 And warn the warden of the strife. Young Gilbert, let our beacon blaze, Our kin, and clan, and friends, to raise." XXVIII. Fair Margaret, from the turret head. Heard, far below, the coursers' tread, soo While loud the harness rung, As to their seats with clamor dread. The ready horsemen sprung ; And trampling hoofs, and iron cnats, And leaders' voices, mingled notes, 365 And out ! and out I In hasty route, The horsemen galloped forth ; Dispersing to the south to scout, And east, and west, and north, 370 To view their coming enemies. And warn tlieir vassals and allies. XXIX. The ready page, with hurried hand. Awaked the need-fire's slumbering brand, And ruddy blushed the heaven : 375 For a sheet of flame, from the turret high, 374. Need-fire. Bcaoou. (3-t LAY OF THE LAST MINSTREL. canto hi. Waved like a blood-flag on the sky, All llarinu' and nneven, And soon a score of fires, I ween, From height, and hill, and cliff, were seen ; 380 Each with warlike tidings fraught : Each from each the signal caught ; Each after each they glanced to sight. As stars arise upon the night. They gleamed on many a dusky tarn, 385 Haunted by the lonely earn; On many a cairn's gray pyramid. Where urns of mighty chiefs lie hid ; Till high Dunedin the blazes saw. From Soltra and Dumpender Law ; six) And Lothian heard the Regent's order, That all should bowne them for the Border. XXX. The livelong night in Branksome rang The ceaseless sound of steel ; Tlie castle-bell, with backward clang, 305 Sent forth the larum peal ; Was frequent heard the heavy jar, Where massy stone and iron bar Were piled on echoing keep and tower, 385. Tarn. Mountain lake. 386. Earn. Eagle. ."87. Cairn. Pile of loose stones, often found on the summit of Scottish hills, and supposed mostly to be sepulchral monuments. 390. Soltra and Dumpender Law. Two hills. 391. Lothian. The division of Scotland which includes Edinburgh. :v.y2. Bowne. Make ready. 31t'.». Keep. Uonjon, the strongest part of an old castle. CANTO III. LAY OF THE LAST MINSTREL. 65 To wlielm the foe with deadly shower ; 400 Was fiequent heard the changing guard, And watchword from the sleepless ward ; Wliile, wearied by the endless din, Blood-hound and ban-dog yelled within. XXXI. The noble Dame, amid the broil, 405 Shared the gray Seneschal's high toil, And spoke of danger with a smile ; Cheered the young knights, and council sage Held with the chiefs of riper age. No tidings of the foe were brought, 410 Nor of his numbers knew they aught. Nor in what time the truce he sought. Some said, that there were thousands ten, And others weened that it was naught But Leven Clans, or Tynedale men, 415 Who came to gather in black-mail ; And Liddesdale, with small avail, Might drive them lightly back agen. So passed the anxious night away. And welcome was the peep of day. 420 Ceased the high sound — the listening throng Applaud the Master of the Song ; And marvel much, in helpless age, So hard should be his pilgrimage. Had he no friend — no daughter dear, 425 415. Leven Clans, or Tynedale men. Borderers on a pillaging expedition. 416. Black-mail. Protection money exacted by freebooters. 66 LAY OF THE LAST MINSTREL. caxto m. Ilis wandering toil to share and clieer; No son, to be his father's stay, And guide him on tlie rugged way? — " Aye ! once he had — but he was dead ! " Upon the harp he stooped his head, 430 And busied himself the strings withal, To hide the tear, that fain would fall. In solemn measure, soft and slow, Arose a father's notes of woe. OUTLINE OF CANTO FOURTH. This canto opens with the musings of the bard upon the olden times, and the changes in the present. Watt Tinlinn of the Liddel- side, is the first of the clan to arrive. He brings news that the enemy are led by Lord Howard and Lord Dacre, and are in great force. Then follow scouts from Liddesdale, who confirm the news. Then come the Scotts of Eskdale ; and we have the story of how the Scotts won that valley from Earl Morton. As band after band of vassels and allies come in, the Lady's spirits rise, and she sends for her young son to view the martial array and know his father's friends. But the elfin page knows that the Lady will see througli his disguise, and so shrieks and counterfeits fear. When the at- tendants tell her of this strange behavior in one who was " wont to be so free and bold," she is filled with shame, and bids Watt Tin- linn to carry the boy far away where none of the clan shall see the cowardly behavior of the son of their chief. Wat has a sorry task, and no sooner do they reach a running stream than the spell is broken and the urchin assumes his goblin shape and escapes. As Tinlinn returns, he sees the English forces in martial array issuing from the wood, and coming to a stand before Branksome Castle, where warlike preparations are plainly seen. As they halt, the hoary seneschal rides forth to learn their purpose. Howard asks for the Lady's presence on the outer wall, when their purpose shall be shown. When she appears, the boy is led forth, dressed in Lord Howard's livery. Howard demands that she shall deliver to him William of Deloraine, who has been guilty of many Border depredations, and also of the death of one of the Musgraves, and shall receive into her castle two hundred English soldiers. If she does not agree to these conditions, he will straightway storm her castle and take her boy to Jhigland, to be bred up as a page to King Edward. Though longing to reclaim her son, the Lady will 68 OUTLINE OF CANTO FOURTH. not yield any of tlie rights of her castle or her clan, and bids defi- ance to the English, at the same time proposing that the matter in dispute should be settled by a single combat between Deloraine and Richard JNlusgrave. This the English soon find reason to accept, being warned by a friend that strong bands in aid of Buccleuch are gathering in their rear. The lists are prepared, and in case Deloraine should not recover from his wound by the next mornfiig, it is agreed that a champion should fight in his stead. I. Sweet Teviot ! on thy silver tide The ghxring bale-fires blaze no more; No longer steel-clad warriors ride Along thy wild and willowed shore : Where'er thou wind'st, by dale or hill, 5 All, all is peaceful, all is still, As if thy waves, since Time was born, • Since first they rolled their way to Tweed, Had only heard the shepherd's reed, Nor started at the bugle-horn. lo II. Unlike the tide of human time, AVhich, though it change in ceaseless flow, Retains each grief, retains each crime. Its earliest course was doomed to know. And, darker as it downward bears, i.-, Is stained with past and present tears. Low as that tide has ebbed with me, It still reflects to memory's eye The hour, my brave, my only boy. Fell by the side of great Dundee. 20 Why, when the volleying musket played 20. Dundee. Johu Graham, Viscount of Dundee, slain in the battle of Kiilicraukie. 70 LAY OF THE LAST MINSTUEL. canto iv. Against the bloody Highland blade, Why was not I beside him laid ! — Enough — he died the death of fame ; Enough — he died with conquering Graeme. 25 III. ^ Now, over Border dale and fell. Full wide and far was terror spread ; For pathless march, and mountain cell. The peasant left his lowly shed. The frightened flocks and herds were pent i» Beneath the peel's rude battlement ; And maids and matrons dropped the tear, While ready warriors seized the spear. From Branksome's towers, the watchman's eye Dun wreaths of distant smoke can spy, 3g Which, curling in the rising sun. Showed southern ravage was begun. IV. Now loud the heedful gate-ward cried — " Prepare ye all for blows and blood ! Watt Tinlinn, from the Liddel-side, 40 Comes wading through the flood. Full oft the Tynedale snatchers knock At his lone gate, and prove the lock; It was but last St. Barnabright They sieged him a whole summer night, 45 25. Graeme. An abbreviation of Graham. 40. Liddel-side. Watt Tinlinn vva.s a retainer of the Buccleuch family, who held for his .service a small tower on the frontier of Liddesdale. 42. Tynedale snatchers. A class of Border robbers. CANTO IV. LAY OF THE LAST MINSTKEL. • 71 But fled at morning ; well they knew, In vain he never twanged the yew. Right sharp has been the evening shower, That drove him from his Liddel tower ; And by my faith," the gate-ward said, 50 " I think 'twill prove a Warden-Raid." V. While thus he spoke, the bold yeoman Entered the echoing barbican. He led a small and shaggy nag. That through a bog, from hag to hag, 55 Could bound like any Billhope stag : It bore his wife and children twain ; A half-clothed serf was all their train : His wife, stout, ruddy, and dark-browed. Of silver brooch and bracelet proud, go Laughed to her friends among the crowd. He was of stature passing tall, But sparely formed, and lean withal : A battered morion on his brow ; A leathern jack, as fence enow, 65 On his broad shoulders loosely hung; A border-axe behind was slung; His spear, six Scottish ells in length. Seemed newly dyed with gore ; 47. Twanged the yew. Fired his bow made of yew. 51. Warden-Eaid. An inroad commanded by the warden iu person. 53. Barbican. Tower at the entrance of a fortification. 55. Hag to hag. Broken ground in a bog. 56. Billhope. A place in Liddesdale, famous among hunters for buck and roes. 58. Serf. Bondman. 64. Morion. Steel cap. 72 LAY OF THE LAST MINSTREL. caxto iv. His shafts and bow, of wondrous strength, 70 His hardy partner bore. vr. Thus to the Ladye did Tinlinn show The tidings of the English foe : — " Belted Will Howard is marching here, And hot Lord Dacre, with man}^ a spear, 75 And all the German hackbiit-men, Who have long lain at Askertain : They crossed the Liddel at curfew hour, And burned my little lonely tower ; The fiend receive their souls therefor ! 80 It had not been burned this year and more. Barn-yard and dwelling, blazing bright, Served to guide me on ni}^ flight ; But I was chased the livelong night. Black John of Akeshaw, and Fergus Grseme, 85 Fast upon my traces came, Until I turned at Priesthaugh-Scrogg, And shot their horses in the bog. Slew Fergus with my lance outright — I had him long at high despite : 90 He drove my cows last Fastern's night." VIL Now weary scouts from Liddesdale, Fast huri'5nng in, confirmed the tale ; 74. Belted Will Howard. Lord Vv'illiam Howard, third son of the Duke of Norfolk, iiiKl w anU'U of the West Marches. •• 76. Hackbut-men. German musketeers. 91. Drove my cows. Stole his herds. — Fastern night. The ni^lit be- fore Luut. CANTO IV. LAY OF THE LAST MINSTREL. 73 As far as tliey could judge by ken, Three hours would bring to Teviot's strand 93 Three thousand armed Englishmen. — Meanwhile, full many a warlike band, From Teviot, Aill, and Ettrick shade, Came in, their Chiefs defence to aid. There was saddling and mounting in haste, ^^^ There was pricking o'er moor and lea ; He that was last at the trysting-place, Was but lightly held of his gay ladye. VIII. From fair St. jNIary's silver wave, From dreary Gamescleuch's dusky height, 1^5 His ready lances Thirlestane brave Arrayed beneath a banner bright. The treasured fleur-de-luce he claims To wreath his shield, since royal James, Encamped b}^ Fala's mossy wave, no The proud distinction grateful gave, For faith 'mid feudal jars ; What time, save Thirlestane alone, Of Scotland's stubborn barons none Would march to southern wars; 115 And hence, in fair remembrance worn, 100. There was saddling, etc. These lines, ending with 103, are not in the first edition. They are iu that of 1813, and also in later ones. 10(5. Thirlestane. When James had assembled his nobihty at Fala, in the south of Scothuid, to invade England, and was disappointed at their r^isal to follow him, Sir John Scott of Thirlestane alone declared himself ready to folU)w the king wherever he should' lead. In gratitude for this, James granted his family a charter of arms, a border of flear-de-luce with a bundle of spears for a crest, and the motto, " Ready, aye ready." 74 LAY OF THE LAST MINSTKEL. canto iv. Yon sheaf of spears his crest has borne : Hence his liigh motto shines revealed, — " Ready, aye ready," for the field. IX. An aged knight, to danger steeled, 120 With many a moss-trooper, came on : And azure in a golden field, The stars and crescent graced his shield, Without the bend of Murdieston. Wide lay his lands round Oakwood-tower, 125 And wide round haunted Castle-Ovver ; High over Borthwick's mountain flood, His wood-embosomed mansion stood ; In the dark glen, so deep below, The herds of plundered England low ; 130 His bold retainers' daily food, And bought witli danger, blows, and blood. Marauding chief! his sole delight The moonlight raid, the mornino- ficrht ; Not even the Flower of Yarrow's charms, 135 In youth, might tame his rage for arms; And still, in age, he spurned at rest, And still his brows the helmet pressed. Albeit the blanched locks below Were white as Dinlay's spotless snow: 140 Five stately warriors drew the sword Before their father's band ; 124. Murdieston. Walter Scott of Ilnnlen, descendant of a younger branch of the lUiccleiich family, before they acquired the estate of Murdies- ton. He was a renowned Border freebooter. 135. Flower of Yarrow. Mary, wife of Walter Scott of Harden. CANTO IV. LAY OF THE LAST MINSTREL. 75 A braver knight than Harclen's lord Ne'er belted on a brand. X. Scotts of Eskdale, a stalwart band, 145 Came trooping down the Todshawhill; By the sword they won their land, And by their sword they hold it still. Hearken, Ladye, to the tale, How thy sires won fair Eksdale. — 150 Earl Morton was lord of that valley fair, The Beattisons were his vassals there. The Earl was gentle, and mild of mood. The vassals were warlike, and fierce, and rude ; High of heart, and haughty of word, 155 Little they reck'd of a tame liege lord. The Earl into fair Eskdale came, Homage and seignory to claim : Of Gilbert the Galliard a heriot he sought. Saying, " Give thy best steed, as a vassal ought." ^^ — " Dear to me is my bonny white steed. Oft has he help'd me at pinch of need ; Lord and Earl though thou be, I trow, I can rein Bucksfoot better than thou." — Word on word gave fuel to fire, 105 Till so biglily blazed the Beattison's ire, But that the Earl the flight had ta'en, 158. Seignory. The right which a feudal superior has in the property of his teuants. 150. Galliard. Gay young man. — Heriot. Tlie feudal superior in cer- tain cases was entitled to the best horse of the vassal, in the name of Heriot. TG LAY OF THE LAST MINSTREL. canto iv. The vassals there their lord had shain. Sore he plied both whip and spur, As he urged his steed through Eksdale muir ; 170 And it fell down a weary weight, Just on the threshold of Branksonie gate. XI. The Earl was a wrathful man to see, Full fain avenged would he be. In haste to Branksome's lord he spoke, 175 Saying — " Take these traitors to thy yoke ; For a cast of hawks, and a purse of gold. All Eskdale I'll sell thee, to have and to hold : Beshrew thy heart, of the Beattisons' clan If thou leavest on Eske a landed man ; I80 But spare Woodkerrick's lands alone. For he lent me liis horse to escape upon." A glad man then was Branksome bold, Down he Hung him the purse of gold ; To Eskdale soon he spurr'd amain, 185 And with him five hundred riders has ta'en. He left his merrymen in the midst of the hill, And bade them hold them close and still; And alone he wended to the plain. To meet with the Galliard and all his train. 190 To Gilbert the Galliard thus he said : — " Know thou me for thy liege-lord and head ; Deal not with me as with Morton tame, For Scotts play best at the roughest game. Give me in peace my heriot due, 195 Tliy bonny white steed, or thou shalt rue. CANTO IV. LAY OF THE LAST MINSTUEL. 77 If my horn I three times wind, Eskdale shall long have the sound in mind." XIL Loudly the Beattison laughed in scorn ; "Little care we for thy winded horn. 200 Ne'er shall it be the Galliard's lot, To yield his steed to a haughty Scott. Wend thou to Branksome hixxik on foot. With rusty spur and miry boot." — He blew his bugle so loud and hoarse, 205 That the dun deer started at fair Craikcross ; He blew again so loud and clear, Through the gray mountain-mist there did lances ap- pear ; And the third blast rang with such a din. That the echoes answered from Pentoun-linn, 210 And all his riders came lightly in. Then had you seen a gallant shock, When saddles were emptied, and lances broke. For each scornful word the Galliard had said A Beattison on the field was laid. 215 His own good sword the chieftain drew. And he bore the Galliard through and through; Where the Beattisons' blood mixed with the rill, The Galliard's-Haugh men call it still. The Scotts have scatter'd the Beattison clan, 220 In Eskdale they left but one landed man. The valley of Eske, from the mouth to the source, Was lost and won for that bonny white horse. 78 LAY OF THE LAST MINSTREL. canto iv. XIII. Whitslacle the Hawk, and Headsliaw came, And warriors more than I may name ; 225 From Yarrow-cleuch to Hindhaugh-swair, From Woodhouselie to Chester-glen, Trooped man and horse, and bow and spear ; Their gathering word was Bellenden. And better hearts o'er Border sod 230 To siege or rescue never rode. The Ladye marked the aids come in, And high her heart of pride arose ; Slie bade her youthful son attend. That he might know his father's friend, 2.35 And learn to face his foes. " The boy is ripe to look on war ; I saw him draw a cross-bow stiff, And his true arrow struck afar The raven's nest upon the cliff; 240 The Red Cross, on a southern breast, Is broader than the raven's nest : Thou,Whitslade, shalt teach him his weapon to wield, And o'er him hold his father's shield." XIV, Well may you think, the wily Page 245 Cared not to face the Ladye sage. He counterfeited childish fear. And shrieked, and shed full many a tear, 220. Bellenden. Bellenden is situated near the head of Bortwick water, nearly in the centre of the possessions of tlie Scotts, and hence was fre- quently used as their place of rendezvous and their gathering word. CANTO IV. LAY OF THE LAST MINSTREL. 79 And moaned and plained in manner wild. The attendants to the Ladye told, 250 Some fairy, sure, had changed the child, That wont to be so free and bold. Then wrathful was the noble dame; She blushed blood-red for verj^ shame : — "Hence! ere the clan his faintness view; 255 Hence with the weakling to Buccleuch ! — Watt Tinlinn, thou shalt be his guide To Rangleburn's lonely side. — Sure some fell fiend has cursed our line. That coward should e'er be son of mine ! " 2G0 XV. A heavy task Watt Tinlinn had, To guide the counterfeited lad. Soon as his palfrey felt the weight Of that ill-omened elvish freight. He bolted, sprung, and reared amain, 265 Nor heeded bit, nor curb, nor rein. It cost Watt Tinlinn mickle toil To drive him but a Scottish mile ; But, as a shallow brook they crossed. The elf, amid the running stream, 270 His figure changed, like form in dream. And fled, and shouted, "Lost ! lost ! lost ! " Full fast the urchin ran and laughed. But faster still a cloth-yard shaft Whistled from startled Tinlinn's yew, 275 And pierced his shoulder through and through. 267. Mickle, Much. 80 LAY OF THE LAST MINSTREL. canto iv. Although the imp might not be skiin, And though the wound soon healed again, Yet, as he ran, he yelled for pain ; And Watt of Tinlinn, mucli aghast, 280 Rode back to Branksome fiery fast. XV r. Soon on the hill's steep verge he stood. That looks o'er Branksome's towers and wood ; And martial murmurs, from below. Proclaimed the approaching southern foe. 285 Through the dark wood, in mingled tone. Were border-pipes and bugles blown ; The coursers' neighing he could ken. And measured tread of marching men ; While broke at times the solemn hum, 290 The Almayn's sullen kettle-drum ; And banners tall, of crimson sheen. Above the copse appear ; And, glistening through the hawthorns green, Shine helm, and shield, and spear. 295 XVII. Light forayers first, to view the ground. Spurred their fleet coursers loosely round. Beliind, in close array and fast. The Kendal archers, all in green. Obedient to the bugle blast, 300 Advancing from the wood are seen. To back and guard the archer band, 291. Almayn. German. CANTO IV. LAY OF THE LAST MINSTREL. 81 Lord Dacre's bill-men were at hand ; A hardy race, on Irthing bred, With kirtles white, and crosses red, 305 Arrayed beneath the banner tall That streamed o'er Acre's conquered wall ; And minstrels, as they marched in order. Played, " Noble Lord Dacre, he dwells on the Border." XVIII. Behind the English bill and bow, 310 The mercenaries, firm and slow. Moved on to fight, in dark array, By Conrad led of Wolfenstein, Who brought the band from distant Rhine, And sold their blood for foreign pay. 315 The camp their home, their law the sword, They knew no country, owned no lord. They were not armed like England's sons, But bore the leven-darting guns ; Buff-coats, all frounced and 'broidered o'er, 320 And morsing-horns and scarfs they wore : Each better knee was bared, to aid The warriors in the escalade ; 303. Bill. Battle-axe fixed on a pole. 304. Irthing. A river in Cumberland, England. 307. Acre's conquered wall. The family of Dacre derive their name from the exploits of one of their ancestors at the siege of Acre. 311. Mercenaries. Foreign troops whose services are bought. 319. Leven. Lightning. 321. Morsing-horns. Powder flasks. 322. Better knee. Right knee. 323. Escalade. Scaling the walls. 82 LAY OF THE LAST MINSTREL. canto iv. All, as they marched, in rugged tongue, Songs of Teutonic feuds they sung. 325 XIX. But louder still the clamor grew, And louder still the minstrels blew, When, from beneath the greenwood tree, Rode forth Lord Howard's chivalry ; His men-at-arms, with glaive and spear, 330 Brought up the battle's glittering rear. There many a youthful knight, full keen To gain his spurs, in arms were seen ; With favor in his crest, or .glove, Memorial of his ladye-love. 335 So rode they forth in fair arra)% Till full their lengthened lines display ; Then called a halt, and made a stand. And cried, " St. George, for merry England ! " XX. Now every English eye, intent, 340 On Branksome's armed towers was bent : So near they were, that they might know The straining harsh of each cross-bow ; On battlement and bartizan Gleamed axe, and spear, and partisan : 345 Falcon and culver, on each tower, 330. Glaive. Broadsword. 333. To gain Ms spurs. To win the order of knighthood. 344. Bartizan. A sin;ill overhanging turret. 345. Partisan. .\ kind of liall)erd or long-handled battle-axe. 346. Falcon and culver. Ancient pieces of artillery. CANTO IV. LAY OF THE LAST MINSTREL. 83 Stood prompt their deadly bail to shower ; And flashing armor frequent broke From eddying whirls of sable smoke Where, upon tower and turret head, 350 The seething pitch and molten lead Reeked, like a witch's cauldron red. While yet they gaze, the bridges fall, The wicket opes, and from the wall Rides forth the hoary Seneschal. 2r,o XXI. Armed he rode, all save the head. His white beard o'er his breastplate spread ; Unbroke by age, erect his seat, He ruled his eager courser's gait ; (Forced him, with chastened fire, to prance, 350 And, high curvetting, slow advance : . In sign of truce, his better hand Displayed a peeled willow-wand ; His squire, attending in the rear, Bore high a gauntlet on a spear. 3C.5 When they espied him riding out, Lord HoAvard and Lord Dacre stout Sped to the front of their array. To hear what this old knight should say, XXII. ^ " Ye English warden lords, of you 370 Demands the Ladye of Buccleuch, 351 . Seething pitch and molten lead. For pouring on the heads of the assailants. 3fi5. A gauntlet on a spear. The emblem of faith among the ancient Borderers. 84 LAY OF THE LAST MINSTREL. canto iv. Why, 'gainst the truce of Border-tide, In hostile guise ye dare to ride, With Kendal bow, and Gilsland brand, And all your mercenary band, 375 Upon the bounds of fair Scotland? My Ladye reads you swith return ; And, if but one poor straw you burn, Or do our towers so much molest, As scare one swallow from her nest, 380 St. Mary ! but we'll light a brand, Shall warm your hearths in Cumberland." xxrii. A wrathful man was Dacre's lord. But calmer Howard took the word: — " May't please thy Dame, Sir Seneschal, 385 To seek the castle's outward wall ; Our pursuivant-at-arms shall show, Both why we came, and when we go." The message sped, the noble Dame To the wall's outward circle came ; 3D0 Each chief around leaned on his spear, To see the pursuivant appear. All in Lord Howard's livery dressed, " The lion argent decked his breast; He led a boy of blooming hue — 395 i O sisrht to meet a mother's view ! It was the heir of great Buccleuch. 374. Gilsland. A part of Cumberland. 377. Swith. Quickly. 387. Pursuivant-at-arms. An attondaiit on tlie heralds. 3yi. The lion argent. The badge of the Howards. CANTO IV. LAY OF THE LAST MINSTREL. 85 Obeisance meet the herald made, And thus his master's will he said. XXIV. " It irks, high Dame, m j noble Lords, 400 'Gainst ladye fair to draw their swords ; But yet they may not tamely see, All through the western wardenry. Your law-contemning kinsmen ride, And burn and spoil the Border-side ; 405 And ill beseems your rank and birth To make your towers a flemens-firth. We claim from thee, William of Deloraine, That he may suffer march-treason pain ; It was but last St. Cuthbert's even 410 He pricked to Stapleton on Leven, Harried the lands of Richard Musgrave, And slew his brother by dint of glaive. Then, since a lone and widowed Dame These restless riders may not tame, 415 Either receive within thy towers Two hundred of my master's powers, Or straight they sound their warrison, And storm and spoil thy garrison ; And this fair boy, to London led, 420 Shall good King Edward's page be bred." 407. Flemens-firth. Asylum for outlaws. iO'J. March-treason. The name given to various infringements of Border law: among others, making hostile incursions across the Border in time of peace. 412. Harried. Plundered. 418. Warrison. Note of assault. 8(J LAY OF THE LAST MlNSTliEL. canto iv. XXV. He ceased — and loud the boy did cry, And stretched his little arms on high ; Implored for aid each well-known face, And strove to seek the Dame's embrace. 425 A moment changed that Ladye's cheer, Gushed to her eye the unbidden tear; She gazed upon the leaders round, And dark and sad each warrior frowned; Then, deep within her sobbing breast 430 She locked the struggling sigh to rest ; Unaltered and collected stood. And thus replied, in dauntless mood. XXVI. " Say to your Lords of high emprize. Who war on woman and on boys, 435 That either William of Deloraine Will cleanse him, by oath, of march-treason stain, Or else he will the combat take 'Gainst Musgrave, for his lionor's sake. No knight in Cumberland so good, 440 But William may count with him kin and blood. Knighthood he took of Douglas' sword, AVhen English blood swelled Ancram ford; 434. Emprize. Enterprise. 437. By oath. In doubtful cases the innocence of Border criminals was occasionally referred to their own oatli. 442. Knighthood he took, etc. The dignity ot knighthood could be conferred by one who himself possessed it, upon any squire who was found to merit the honor fif chivalry. 443. Ancram ford. A battle in which the Scotch defeated the English in 1544. CANTO IV. LAY OF THE LAST MINSTUEL. 87 And but that Lord Dacre's steed was wight, And bare him ably in the flight, 445 Himself had seen him dubbed a knight. For the young heir of Branksome's line, God be his aid, and God be mine ; Through me no friend shall meet his doom ; Here while I live, no foe finds room. 450 Then, if thy Lords their purpose urge, Take our defiance loud and high; Our slogan is their lyke-wake dirge. Our moat, the grave where they shall lie." XXVII. Proud she looked round, applause to claim — - 455 Then lightened Thirlestane's eye of flame ; His bugle Watt of Harden blew ; Pensils and pennons wide were flung. To heaven the Border slogan rung, " St. Mary for the young Buccleuch! " 4go The English war-cry answered wide. And forward bent each southern spear; Each Kendal archer made a stride. And drew the bow-string to his ear : Each minstrel's war-note loud was blown ; 4C5 But, ere a gray-goose shaft had flown, A horseman galloped from the rear. 444. Wight. Fleet. 453. Lyke-wake dirge. Dirge sung while watching a corpse. 458. Pensils. Little streamers, shaped like swallow-tails, attached to the lance of a knight. 88 LAY OF THE LAST MINSTREL. canto iv. XXVIIL " Ah ! noble Lords ! " he, breathless, said, " What treason has your march betrayed ? What make you here, from aid so far, 470 Before you walls, around you war ? Your foemen triumph in the thought, That in the toils the lion's caught. Already on dark Ruberslaw The Douglas holds his weapon-schaw : 475 The lances, waving in his train, Clothe the dun heath like autumn grain. And on the Liddel's northern strand, To bar retreat to Cumberland, Lord Maxwell ranks his merry-men good, 430 Beneath the eagle and the rood ; And Jedwood, Eske, and Teviotdale, Have to proud Angus come ; And all the Merse and Lauderdale Have risen with haughty Home. 485 An exile from Northumberland, In Liddesdale I've wandered longr; But still my heart was with merry England, And cannot brook ni}^ country's wrong, And hard I've spurred all night to show 490 The mustering of the coming foe." XXIX. "And let them come ! " fierce Dacre cried ; " For soon yon crest, my fiither's pride, 474. Euberslaw. A mountain in Scotland, about half way between Branksonie Castle ami Melrose Abbey. 475. Weapon-schaw. The military array of a country, literally a show- ing of weapons. CANTO IV. LAY OF THE LAST MINSTREL. 89 That swept the shores of Juclah's sea, And waved in gales of Galilee, 495 From Branksome's highest towers displayed. Shall mock the rescue's lingering aid ! — Level each harqiiebnss on row ; Draw, merry archers, draw the bow ; Up, bill-men, to the walls, and cry, coo Dacre for England, win or die ! " XXX. " Yet hear," quoth Howard, " calmly hear, Nor deem my words the words of fear : For who in field or foray slack Saw the blanche lion e'er fall back? 505 But thus to risk our Border flower In strife against a kingdom's power. Ten thousand Scots 'gainst thousands three, Certes.were desperate policy. Nay, take the terras the Ladye made, 510 Ere conscious of the advancing aid : Let Mussrrave meet fierce Deloraine In single fight ; and if he gain, He gains for us ; but if he's crossed, 'Tis but a single warrior lost : 515 The rest, retreating as they came. Avoid defeat, and death, and shame." XXXI. Ill could the haughty Dacre brook His brother-warden's sage rebuke ; 505. Blanclie lion. The cognizance of tlie Howards. 90 LAY OF THE LAST MINSTKEL. canto iv. And yet his forward step he staid, 520 And slow and sullenly obeyed: But ne'er again the Border side Did these two lords in friendship ride ; And tliis slight discontent, men say, Cost blood upon another day. 5^5 XXXII. The pursuivant-at-arms again Before the castle took his stand; His trumpet called, with parleying strain. The leaders of the Scottish band ; And he defied, in Musgrave's right, cno Stout Deloraine to sincjle fipfht: A gauntlet at their feet he laid. And thus the terms of fight he said : — " If in the lists good Musgrave's sword Vanquish the knight of Deloraine, 535 Your youthful chieftain, Branksome's lord. Shall hostage for his clan remain : If Deloraine foil good Musgrave, The boy his liberty shall have. Howe'er it falls, the English band, 540 Unharming Scots, by Scots unharmed. In peaceful march like men unarmed. Shall straight retreat to Cumberland." XXXIIL , Unconscious of the near relief, The proffer pleased each Scottish chief, 545 Though much the Ladye sage gainsayed ; For though their hearts were brave and true. CANTO IV. LAY OF THE LAST MINSTREL. 91 From Jed wood's recent sack they knew How tardy was the Regent's aid ; And you may guess the noble Dame 550 Durst not the secret prescience own, Sprung from the art she might not name, By which the comimg help was known. Closed was the compact, and agreed That lists should be inclosed with speed 555 Beneath the castle on a lawn : They fixed the morrow for the strife, On foot, with Scottish axe and knife. At the fourth hour from peep of dawn ; When Deloraine, from sickness freed, 56o Or else a champion in his stead. Should for himself and chieftain stand. Against stout Musgrave, hand to hand. ft XXXIV. I know right well, that, in their lay, Full many minstrels sing and say, 555 Such combat should be made on horse, On foaming steed, in full career. With brand to aid, when as the spear Should shiver in the course : But he, the jovial Harper taught 570 548. Jedwood. The same as Jedburgh, Jedworth, or Jeddart. It was sackeJ and burned at least seven times during the international wars of this period. . 551. Prescience. Knowledge of future events. 555. Lists. Field of combat. 568. Brand. Sword. 570. The jovial Harper. Rattling, roaring Willie, a noted border minstrel. He killed Sweet Milk, called the bard of ReuU, in a duel, and was executed for the crime at Jedburg. 92 LAY OF THE LAST MINSTREL. canto iv. Me, yet a youth, how it was fought, In guise which now I say : lie knew each ordinance and clause Of black Lord Archibald's battle laws, In the old Douglas' day. 575 He brooked not, lie, that scoffing tongue Should tax his minstrelsy with wrong, Or call his song untrue ; For this when they the goblet plied, And such rude taunt had chafed his pride, 580 The bard of Reull he slew. On Teviot's side, in fight they stood. And tuneful hands were stained with blood ; Where still the thorn's white branches wave Memorial o'er his rival's grave. 585 XXXV. Why should I tell the rigid doom, That dragged my master to his tomb ; How Ousenam's maidens tore their hair, Wept till their eyes were dead and dim. And wrung their hands for love of him, 590 Who died at Jed wood Air? He died ! — his scholars, one by one, To the cold silent grave are gone ; And I, alas ! survive alone. To muse o'er rivalries of yore, 595 And grieve that I shall hear no more The strains, with envy heard before ; For, with my minstrel brethren fled, My jealousy of song is dead. 588. Ousenam's maidens. Those who lived on the banks of the Ouse. CANTO IV. LAY OF THE LAST MINSTREL. 93 He paused : — the listening dames again eoo Applaud the hoary Minstrel's strain ; With many a word of kindly cheer, — In pity half, and half sincere, — Marvelled the Duchess how so well His legendary song could tell 605 Of ancient deeds, so long forgot ; Of feuds, whose memory was not ; Of forests, now laid waste and bare ; Of towers, which harbor now the hare ; Of manners, long since changed and gone ; eio Of chiefs, who under their gray stone So long had slept, that fickle Fame Had blotted from her rolls their name, And twined round some new minion's head The fading wreath for which they bled; — (ii5 In sooth, 'twas strange, this old man's verse Could call them from their marble hearse. The Harper smiled, well pleased ; for ne'er Was flattery lost on poet's ear : A simple race ! they waste their toil 620 For the vain tribute of a slnile ; E'en when in age their flame expires, Her dulcet breath can fan its fires : Their drooping fancy wakes at praise. And strives to trim the short-lived blaze. 625 Smiled then, well-pleased, the Aged Man, And thus his tale continued ran. OUTLINE OF CANTO FIFTH. The truce is scarcely concluded, when the martial bands that have come to the aid of Branksome are seen advancing. The senes- chal goes out to meet tliem, tells them of the truce and the pro- posed combat, and begs them in the Lady's name, to accept the hospitality of Branksome Castle, and witness the encounter. The English are treated with like courtesy, and all feast together in the great hall of the castle till late in the night. Fair Margaret soon retires from the revels, and seeks her cham- ber, but she can find no rest from anxious thoughts. At length after a troubled sleep, she wakes just as the day is dawning, and looking from her window, sees Lord Cranstoun in the court below. The goblin has disguised him as a knight from Hermitage, but no disguise can blind the eyes of Margaret. Soon he enters her bower. In the morning there is great dispute among the clansmen as to who has the best right to fight in place of the wounded Deloraine. Suddenly Deloraine himself appears in complete armor, and thus solves the difficulty. The combat is fierce but short, and Musgrave lies mortally wounded on the field. When all is over " a half- naked, ghastly man " rushes into the lists, and is known by all as the true Deloraine. The champion, who in Deloraine's armor has won the fight, is Lord Cranstoun. He leads the boy to his mother and kneels at her feet, but it is only after the intercession of the English lords, and also of her own clan, that the Lady deigns to notice him, forego the old feud, and consent to his betrotlial to Fair Margaret. Before Deloraine loaves the field, he pronounces a long eulogy and lament over his fallen enemy. ^mito intux. (^ Call it not vain : — they do not err, Who say, tluvt, when the Poet dies, Mute Nature mourns her worshipper, And celebrates his obsequies ; Who say, tall cliff, and cavern lone, 5 For the departed bard make moan ; That mountains weep in crystal rill ; That flowers in tears of balm distil ; Through his loved groves that breezes sigli. And oaks, in deeper groan, reply ; 10 And rivers teach their rusliing wave To murmur dirges round his grave. II. Not that, in sooth, o'er mortal urn Those things inanimate can mourn; But that the stream, the wood, the gale, 15* Is vocal with the plaintive wail Of those who, else forgotten long. Lived in the poet's faithful song, And, with the poet's parting breath, W^hose memory feels a second death. 20 The maid's pale shade, who wails her lot. That love, true love, should be forgot. From rose and hawthorn shakes the tear 96 LAY OF THE LAST MINSTREL. canto v. Upon the gentle nnnstrel's bier : The phantuiu knight, his glory lied, 25 Mourns o'er the fields he heaped with dead ; Mounts the wild blast that sweeps amain. And shrieks along the battle-j)lain : The chief whose antique crownlet long Still sparkled in the feudal song, 30 Now from the mountain's misty throne, Sees, in thanedom once his own. His ashes undistinguished lie. His place, his power, his memory die : His groans the lonely caverns fill, 35 His tears of rage impel the rill ; All mourn the minstrel's l)ai'p unstrung, Their name unknown, their praise unsung. IIL Scarcely the hot assault was staid, The terms of truce were scarcely made, 40 When they could spy, from Branksome's towers. The advancing march of martial powers; Thick clouds of dust afar appeared. And trampling steeds were faintly heard ; Bright spears, above the columns dun, 45 Glanced momentary to the sun ; And feudal banners fair displayed The bands that moved to Branksome's aid. rv. 'Vails not to tell each hardv clan. From the fair INIiddle Marches came; 50 CANTO V. LAY OF THE LAST MINSTREL. 97 The Bloody Heart blazed in the van, Annouucinof Douohis, dreaded name ! 'Vails not to tell what steeds did spurn, Where the Seven Spears of Wedderburn Their men in battle-order set ; 55 And Swinton laid the lance in rest, That tamed of yore the sparkling crest Of Clarence's Plantagenet. ^ Nor lists, I say, what hundreds more, From the rich Merse and Lammermore, 60 And Tweed's fair borders, to the war, Beneath the crest of old Dunbar, And Hepburn's mingled banners come, Down the steep mountain glittering far. And shouting still, "A Home ! a Home I " 65 Now squire and knight, from Branksome sent, On many a courteous message went ; To every chief and lord they paid Meet thanks for prompt and powerful aid ; And told them, — how a truce was made, 70 51. Bloody Heart. Cognizance of the house of Douglas, assumed from the time of good Lord James Douglas, to whose keeping Eobert Bruce committed his heart to be carried to the Holy Laud. 54. Seven Spears of Wedderburn. The seven sons of Sir David Home of Wedderburn. 58. Clarence Plantagenet. At the battle of Bouge in France, Thomas, Duke of Clarence, brother of Henry Y., was unhorsed by Sir John Swinton, who distinguished him from the other knights by a coronet set with pre-- cious stones which he wore around his helmet. 65. A Home! The Earls of Home were descendants of the Dunbars, ancient Earls of March. Their war-cry was "A Home! a Home!" The Hepburns, a powerful family of East Lothian, were usually in close alliance with them. 98 LAY OF THE LAST MINSTREL. canto v. And liow a day of fight was ta'en 'Twixt Musgrave and stout Deloraine ; And how the Ladye prayed them dear, That all would stay the light to see, And deign, in love and courtesy, 75 To taste of Branksonie cheer. Nor, while they bade to feast each Scot, Were England's noble ]-.ords forgot ; Himself, the hoary Seneschal, Rode forth, in seemly terms to call 80 Those ccfdlant foes to Branksome Hall. Accepted Howard, tlian whom knight Was never dubbed, more bold in fight; Nor, when from war and armor free. More famed for stately courtesy : 85 But angry Dacre rather chose In his pavilion to repose. VI. Now, noble Dame, perchance you ask How these two hostile armies met ! Deeming it were no easy task oq To keep the truce which here was set; Where martial spirits, all on fire, Breathed only blood and mortal ire. — By mutual inroads, mutual blows, By habit, and by nation, foes, 95 They met on Teviot's strand : They met, and sate them mingled down. Without a threat, without a frown. As brothers meet in foreign land: The hands, the spear that lately grasped, toy CANTO V. LAY OF THE LAST MINSTKEL. 99 Still in the mailed gauntlet clasped, Were interchanged in greeting dear; Visors were raised, and faces shown. And many a friend, to friend made known, Partook of social cheer. 105 Some drove the jolly bowl about ; With dice and draughts some chased the day ; And some, with many a merry shout, In riot, revelry, and rout, Pursued the foot-ball play. no VII. Yet be it known, had bugles blown, Or sign of war been seen ; Those bands, so fair together ranged, Those hands, so frankly interchanged, Had dyed with gore the green : 115 The merry shout by Teviot-side Had sunk in war-cries wild and wide. And in the groan of death ; And whingers, now in friendship bare, The social meal to part and share, 120 Had found a blood}^ sheath. 'Twixt truce and war, such sudden change Was not unfrequent, nor held strange. In the old Border-day ; But yet on Branksome's towers and town, 125 In peaceful merriment, sunk down The sun's declining ray. 119. Whingers. A sort of knife or poniard. 100 LAY OF THE LAST JMl^'STliEL. canto v. VIII. The blithesome signs of wassel gay- Decayed not with the dying day ; /^ooii through the latticed windows tall, 130 { Of lofty Branksome's lordly liall, Divided square by shafts of stone, Huge flakes of ruddy lustre shone; Nor less the gilded rafters rang, With merry harp and beakers' clang ; 135 And frequent, on the darkening plain. Loud hollo, whoo}), or whistle ran, As bands, their stragglers to regain, Give the shrill w^atchword of their clan ; And revellers, o'er their bowls, jiroclaini uo Douglas' or Dacre's conquering name. IX. Less frequent heard, and fainter still, At length the various clamors died ; And you might hear, from Branksonic hill. No sound but Teviot's rushing tide; 145 Save, when the changing sentinel The challenge of his watch could tell ; And save, where, through the dark piofound. The clanging axe and hammer's sound Rung from the nether lawn ; ir,o For many a busy hand toiled there. Strong pales to shape, and beams to square, The lists' dread barriers to prepare, Against the morrow's dawn. I'JS. Wassel. Festivity. i:>."). Beakers. Drinking-glasses. CANTO V. LAY OF THE LAST MINSTREL. 101 X. Margaret from liall did soon retreat, 155 Despite tlie Dame's rei)roviiig eye, Nor marked she, as she left her seat, Full maii}^ a stifled sigh : For maiiv a noble warrior strove To will the flower of Teviot's love, I60 And many a bold ally. — With throbbing head and anxious heart. All in her lonely bower apart. In broken sleep she lay : By times, from silken couch she rose ; 165 While yet the bannered hosts repose. She viewed the dawning day : Of all the hundreds sunk to rest. First woke the loveliest and the best. xr. She gazed upon the inner court, i7u Which in the tower's tall shadow lay ; Where coursers' clang, and stamp, and snort. Had rung the livelong yesterday ; Now still as death ; — till, stalking slow, — The jingling spurs announced his tread, — 175 A stately warrior passed below ; But when he raised his plumed head — Blessed Mary ! can it be ? Secure, as if in Onsenam bowers. He walks throuc^h Biahksome's hostile towers 18O 179. Ousenam's bowers. The domain of Lord Craii-stoun on the banks of Ui*' Oiisi'. 102 LAY OF THE LAST MINSTREL. canto v. With fearless step and free. She dare not sign, she dare not speak — Oh I if one page's slumbers break, Ills blood the price must pay ! Not all the pearls Queen ]\Iary wears, ' I85 Not Margaret's yet more precious tears, Shall buy his life a day. xn. Yet was his hazard small — for well You may bethink you of the spell Of that sly urchin Page ; 190 This to his lord he did impart And made liim seem, by glamour art, A knio-ht from Hermitajxe. Unchallenged, thus, the warder's post. The court, unchallenged, thus he crossed, 195 For all tlie vassalage : But, O ! what magic's quaint disguise Could blind fair Margaret's azure ej'es ! She started from her seat ; While with surprise and fear she strove, 200 And both could scarcely master love -^ Lord Henry's at her feet. xin. Oft have I mused, what purj)Ose bad That foul malicious urchin had To bring this meeting round ; 205 For happy love's a heavenly sight, And by a vile malignant si)rite In such no joy is found : CANTO V. LAY OF THE LAST MINSTREL. 103 And oft I've deemed, perchance he thought Their erring passion might have wrought 210 Sorrow, and sin, and shame ; And death to Cranston n's galhmt Knight, And to the gentle Ladye bright, Disgrace, and loss of fame. But earthly spirit could not tell 215 The heart of them that loved so well ; ■ True love's the gift which God has given To man alone beneath the heaven. It is not Fantasy's hot fire. Whose wishes, soon as granted, fly; 220 It liveth not in fierce desire. With dead desire it doth not die : It is the secret symj^^athy. The silver link, the silken tie. Which heart to heart, and mind to mind, 225 In body and in soul can bind. — Now leave we Margaret and her Knight, To tell you of the approaching fight. XIV. Their warning blast the bugles blew. The pipe's shrill port aroused each clan ; 230 In haste, the deadly strife to view. The trooping warriors eager ran : Thick round the lists their lances stood, Like blasted pines in Ettrick wood ; To Branksome many a look they threw, 235 The combatants' approach to view. And bandied many a word of boast, About tlie knisfht each favored most. 104 LAY OF THE LAST MINSTREL. canto y, XV. Meantime full anxious was the Dame; For now arose disputed claim, 240 Of who should fight for Deloraine, 'Twixt Harden and 'twixt Thirlestane: They 'gan to reckon kin and rent, And frowning brow on brow was bent; But yet not long the strife — for, lo I 245 Himself, the Knight of Deloraine, Strong, as it seemed, and free from pain, In armor sheathed from top to toe, Appeared, and craved the combat due. The Dame her charm successful knew, 250 And the fierce chiefs their claims withdrew. XVI. When for the lists they sought the plain, The stately Ladye's silken rein Did noble Howard hold ; Unarmed by her side he walked, 255 And much, in courteous phrase, they talked Of feats of arms of old. Costly his garb, his Flemish ruff Fell o'er his doublet, shaped of buff, With satin slashed, and lined ; 260 Tawny his boot, and gold his spur, His cloak was all of Poland fur, His hose with silver twined ; His Bilboa blade, by Marclnnen felt, 250. Buff. A material so tough as to resi.st the blows of a sword. 2(j4. Bilboa blade. A Spanish sword, so called because Bilboa iu Spain was famous for its manufacture of tine steel. CANTO V. LAY OF THE LAST MINSTIIEL. 105 Hung in a broad and studded belt ; 265 Hence, in rude phrase, the Borderers still Called noble Howard, Belted Will. xvn. Behind Lord Howard and the Dame, Fair Margaret on her palfrey came. Whose foot-cloth sw^ept the ground ; 270 White was her wimple, and her veil, And her loose locks a chaplet pale Of whitest roses bound ; The lordly Angus, by her side. In courtesy to cheer her tried ; 275 Without his aid, her hand in vain Had strove to guide her broidered rein. He deemed, she shuddered at the sight Of warriors met for mortal fight ; But cause of terror, all uuguessed, 280 Was fluttering in her gentle breast, -^When, in their chairs of crimson placed, The Dame and she the barriers graced. xviri. Prize of the field, the young Buccleuch, An English knight led forth to view ; 2S.-) Scarce rued the boy his present plight, So much he longed to see the fight. Within the lists, in knightly pride, High Home and haughty Dacre ride ; Their leading staffs of steel they wield, 2S)0, As marshals of the mortal field : 271. Wimple. A plaited kerchief. 106 LAY OF THE LAST MIl^STKEL. canto v. While to each knight their care assigned Like vantage of the sun and wind. Then herakls hoarse did loud proclaim, In king and queen, and wardens' name, 295 That none, while lasts the strife, Should dare, by look, or sign, or word, Aid to a champion to afford, On peril of his life ; And not a breath the silence broke, 300 Till thus the alternate heralds spoke : XIX. ENGLISH HERALD. *"Here standeth Richard of Musgrave, Good knight and true, and freely born, Amends from Deloraine to crave. For foul despiteous scathe and scorn. 305 He sayeth, that William of Deloraine' Is traitor false by Border laws ; This with his sword he will maintain, So help him God, and his good cause ! " XX. SCOTTISH HERALD. " Here standeth William of Deloraine, 310 Good knight and true, of noble strain, Who sayeth, that foul treason's stain, Since he bore arms, ne'er soiled his coat ; And that, so help him God above, 305. Scathe. Injury. CANTO V. LAY OF THE LAST MINSTREL. 107 He will on Musgrave's body prove, 315 He lies most foully in his throat." LORD DACRE. "Forward, brave champions, to the fight! Sound trumpets ! " LORD HOME. " God defend the ridit ! " Then, Teviot! how thine echoes rang, 320 When bugle-sound and trumpet-clang Let loose the martial foes, 'And in mid list, with shield poised high, And measured step and wary eye, The combatants did close. 325 XXI. Ill would it suit your gentle ear, Ye lovely listeners, to hear How to the axe the* helms did sound. And blood poured down from many a wound; For desperate was the strife, and long, 330 And either warrior fierce and strong. But, were each dame a listening knight, I well could tell how warriors fight ; For I have seen war's lightning fiasliing, Seen the claymore with ba3'-onet clashing, 335 Seen through red blood the war-horse dashing. And scorned, amid the reeling strife, To yield a step for death or life. 335. Claymore. A large, two-handed sword, used by the Highlauders of Scotland. 108 LAY OF THE LAST MINSTREL. canto v. XXII. 'Tis done, 'tis done ! that fatal blow Has stretched hiin on the bloody plain ; 340 He strives to rise — Brave Musgrave, no I Thence never shalt thou rise again ! He chokes in blood — some friendly hand Undo the visor's barred band, Unfix the gorget's iron clasp, 345 And give him room for life to gasp! — O, bootless aid ! — haste, holy Friar, Haste, ere the sinner shall expire ! Of all his guilt let him be shriven, And smooth his path from earth to heaven. 350 « XXIIT. In haste the holy Friar sped ; — His naked foot was dyed with red, As through the lists he ran ; Unmindful of the shouts o« high. That hailed the conqueror's victory, 355 He raised the dying man ; Loose waved his silver beard and hair, As o'er him he kneeled down in prayer ; And still the crucifix on high He holds before his darkening eye ; 3G0 And still he bends an anxious ear, His faltering penitence to hear; Still props him from the bloody sod. Still, even when soul and body part, 344. Visor. Armor which protects the face. ^5. Gorget, .\rmor which protects the neck. CANTO V. LAY OF THE LAST MlNSTllEL. 109 Pours gliostly comfort on his heart, 3(>3 And bids him trust in God ! Uidieard he prays ; — the death pang's o'er Richard of Musgrave breathes no more. XXIV. As if exhausted in the fight, Or musing o'er the piteous sight, 370 The silent victor stands ; His beaver did he not unclasp, Marked not the sliouts, felt not the grasp Of gratulating hands. When lo I strange cries of wild surprise, 375 Mingled with seeming terror, rise Among the Scottish bands ; And all, amid the thronged array, In panic haste gave open way To a half-nahed ghastly man, 38o Who downward from the castle ran ; He crossed the barriers at a bound. And wild and haggard looked around. As dizzy, and in pain ; And all, upon the armed ground, 385 Knew William of Deloraine ! Each ladye sprung from seat with speed ; Vaulted each marshal from his steed ; " And who art thou," they cried, " Who hast this battle fought and won ? " 390 His plumed helm was soon undone — " Cranstoun of Teviotside I 372. Beaver. The mouthpiece of the helmet. 110 LAY OF THE LAST MINSTREL. canto v. For this fair prize I've fought and won," — And to the Ladye led her son. XXV. Full oft the rescued boy she kissed, 395 And often pressed him to her breast, For, under all her dauntless show. Her heart had throbbed at every blow ; Yet not Lord Cranstoun deigned she greet. Though low he kneeled at her feet. — 400 Me lists not tell what words were made, What Douglas, Home, and Howard said — • For Howard was a generous foe — And how tlie clan united prayed. The Ladye would the feud forego, 405 And deign to bless the nuptial hour Of Cranstoun's Lord and Teviot's Flower. XXVI. She looked to river, looked to hill, Thought on the Spirit's prophec}^ Then broke lier silence stern and still, — 410 "Not you, but Fate, has vanquished me; Their influence kindly stars may shower On Teviot's tide and Branksome's tower, For pride is quelled, and love is free." She took fair INIargaret by the hand, 415 Who, breathless, trembling, scarce might stand, That hand to Cranstoun's lord gave she. " As I am true to thee and thine, 401. Lists. Desires. CANTO V. LAY OF THE LAST MINSTREL. Ill Do thou be true to me and mine ! This cLasp of love our bond shall be ; 420 For this is your betrothing day, And all these noble lords shall stay, To grace it with their company." XXVII. All as they left the listed plain, Much of the story she did gain : 425 How Craifstoun fought with Deloraine, And of his Page, and of the Book, Which from the wounded knight he took ; And how he sought her castle high, That morn, by help of gramarye ; 430 How, in Sir William's armor dight, Stolen by his Page, while slept the knight. He took on him the single fight. But half his tale he left unsaid. And lingered till he joined the maid. — 435 . Cared not the Lad3'e to betray Her mystic arts in view of day ; But well she thought, ere midnight came, Of that strange Page tlie pride to tame, From his foul hands the Book to save, 440 And send it back to Michael's grave. — Needs not to tell each tender word 'Twixt ]\Iargaret and 'twixt Cranstoun's lord ; Nor how she told of former woes, And how her bosom fell and rose, 445 While he and Musgrave bandied blows — Needs not these lovers' joys to tell ; One day, fair maids, you'll know them well. 112 LAY OF THE LAST MINSTREL. canto v. XXVI 1 1. William of Deloraine, some chance Had wakened from his deathlike trance ; 450 And taught that, in tlie listed plain. Another, in liis arms and shield, Aecainst fierce Mussfrave axe did wield, Under the name of Deloraine. Hence, to the field, unarmed, he ran, 455 And hence his presence scared the c4aii, Who held him for some fleeting wraith, And not a man of blood and breath. Not much this new ally he loved, Yet, when he saw what hap had proved, 4(;o He greeted him right heartilie : He would not waken old debate, For he was void of rancorous hate, Though rude, and scant of courtesy; In raids he spilt but seldom blood, 4G5 Unless when nien-at-arms withstood. Or, as was meet, for deadly feud. He ne'er bore grudge for stalwart blow, Ta'en in fair fight from oallant foe: And so 'twas seen of him, e'en now, 470 When on dead Musgrave he looked down ; Grief darkened on his rugged brow, Though half disguised with a frown ; And thus, while sorrow bent his head, His foeman's epitaph he made. 475 457. Fleeting wraith. Spectral apparition of a living person. CANTO V. LAY OF THE LAST MINSTREL. 113 XXIX. " Now, Richard Miisgrave, liest thou here ! I ween, my deadly enemy; For if I slew thy brother dear, Thou slewest a sister's son to me ; And when I lay in dungeon dark, 480 Of Naworth Castle, long months three, Till ransomed for a thousand mark. Dark Musgrave, it was long of thee. And, Musgrave, could our fight be tried, And thou we it now alive, as I, 485 No mortal man should us divide, Till one, or both of us, did die : Yet, rest thee God I for well I know, I ne'er shall find a nobler foe. In all the northern counties here, 490 Whose word is, Snafle, spur, and spear. Thou wert the best to follow gear. 'Twas pleasure, as we looked behind, To see how thou the chase could wind, Cheer the dark blood-hound on his way, 495 And with the bugle rouse the fray! I'd give the lands of Deloraine, Dark Musgrave were alive again." XXX. So mourned he, till Lord Dacre's band Were bowning back to Cumberland. 500 491. Snafle, spur, and spear. The blazou of the Border marauders, livhig between the Ouse and Berwick. 495. Blood-hound. The Border marauders were often tracked by blood-hounds. 114 LAY OF THE LAST MINSTREL. canto v. They raised brave Musgrave from the field, And laid him on liis bloody shield ; On levelled lances, four and four, By turns, the noble burden bore : Before, at times, upon the gale, 505 Was heard the Minstrel's plaintive wail ; Behind, four priests, in sable stole, Sung requiem for the warrior's soul : Around, the horsemen slowly rode ; With trailing pikes the spearmen trod; 510 And thus the gallant knight they bore, Through Liddesdale, to Leven's shore; Thence to Holme Coltrame's lofty nave, And laid him in his father's grave. The harp's wild notes, though hushed the song, 515 The mimic march of death prolong ; Now seems it far, and now a-near, Now meets, and now eludes the ear ; Now seems some mountain side to sweep, Now faintly dies in valley deep ; 520 Seems now as if the Minstrel's wail. Now the sad requiem loads the gale ; Last, o'er the warrior's closing grave, Rung the full choir in choral stave. 'b After due pause they bade him tell, 525 Why he who touched the harp so well. Should thus, with ill-rewarded toil, Wander a poor and thaidvless soil. When the more generous southern land Would well requite his skilful hand. 530 CANTO V. LAY OF THE LAST MINSTIiEL. 115 The Aged Harper, howsoe'er His only friend, his harp, was dear, Liked not to hear it ranked so high Above his flowing poesy ; Less liked he still, that scornful jeer • 535 Misprized the land he loved so dear ; High was the sound, as thus again The bard resumed his minstrel strain. OUTLINE OF CANTO SIXTH. This canto opens with the bard's invocation to Caledonia. Then we have a description of the betrothal and the feast which follows. Through all this merry-making, the goblin page iiever loses a chance for mischief, starts quarrels among the guests, and, not for- getting the grudge he bears to Watt Tinlinn, first enrages him by- taunting jests, and then pierces his knee to the bone with his bodkin. At length the Lady, to quell tlie growing tumult, bids the minstrels " tune th(jir lay," and their songs bring back harmony and good cheer. The guests do not mark the gathering gloom, till a strange horror creeps over them, and the elfin page falls to the ground muttering, "Found! found! found!" Tlien follows a j>eal of thunder and a vivid flash of liglitning, and the elfin page is seen no more. In the glare of the lightning, some of the guests have seen an arm, and some the waving of a gown, but Deloraine is trans- fixed with terror, for he has seen the wizard iMichael Scott, just as he had seen him in his grave at ]\Ielrose Abbey. Tlie terrified com- pany at first can scarcely speak ; but at length Lord Angus breaks the fearful silence by vow ing to make a pilgrimage for the rest of Michael's soul. Each of the company follows in turn, making a vow to his patron saint, to perform a pilgrimage for the repose of ]\Iichael Scott's soul. The noble Lady in dismay, renounces forever her magic arts. Then follows a description of the pilgrim train of kniglits with naked feet and sackcloth vest, with priest and taper and holy banner and solemn hymns for the dead, as they seek ^Melrose's holy sln-ine. Here ends the story, but the minstrel is a wanderer no longer. Close beside Newark Castle he is given a humble home, where he loves to show hospitality to jwor wanderers, and cheer all who pass his door with the songs of chivalry. Catxto J^ixtlx. I. Breathes there the man with soul so dead, Who never to himself hath said, This is my own, my native land I Whose heart hath ne'er within him burned, As home his footsteps he hath turned, 5 From wandering on a foreign strand ! If such there breathe, go, njark him well. For him no Minstrel raptures swell ; High though his titles, proud his name. Boundless his wealth as wish can claim ; 10 Despite those titles, power, and pelf, ^^. ... The wretch, concentered all in self, Living, shall fo rfei t fair rermwn. And, doubly dying, shall go down To the vile dust, from whence he sprung, 15 Unwept, unhonored, and unsung. • II. O Caledonia ! stern and wild, Meet nurse for a poetic child ! Land of brown heath and shaggy wood, Land of the mountain and the flood, 20 Land of my sires ! what mortal hand Can e'er untie the filial band. That knits me to thy rugged strand ! Still, as I view each well-known scene, IV. ]Me lists not at this tide declare Tlie splendor of a spousal rite, 30 118 LAY OF THE LAST MINSTKEL. canto ti. Think what is now, and what hath been, 25 Seems as, to me, of all bereft. Sole friends, thy woods and streams Avere left. And thus I love them better still. Even in extremity of ill. By Yarrow's stream still let me stray, Though none should guide my feeble v/ay; Still feel the breeze down Ettrick break, Although it chill my withered cheek ; Still lay my head by Teviot stone, Though there, forgotten and alone, 35 The Bard may draw his parting groan. III. Not scorned like me I to Branksome Hall The Minstrels came, at festive call ; Trooping they came, from near and far, The jovial priests of mirth and war ; 40 Alike for feast and fight prepared. Battle and banquet both they shared. Of late, before each martial clan, The}' blew their death-note in the van. But now, for every merry mate. Rose the portcullis' iron grate ; They sound the pipe, they strike the string, They dance, they revel, and they sing. Till the rude turrets shake and ring. 45 60 40. Portcullis. A frame-work of timbers interlaced in the shape of a burrow, wliich could be lowered to close a gateway. CANTO VI. LAY OF THE LAST MINSTREL. 119 How mustered in the chapel fair Both maid and matron, squire and knight ; Me lists not tell of owches rare, Of mantles green, and braided hair, 55 And kirtles furred with miniver; What plumage waved the altar round. How spurs, and ringing chainlets, sound : And hard it were for bard to speak The changeful hue of Margaret's cheek ; co That lovely hue, which comes and flies, As awe and shame alternate rise ! V. Some bards have sung, the Ladye high Chapel or altar came not nigh; Nor durst the rites of spousal grace, 65 So much she feared each holy place. False slanders these : — I trust right well, She wrought not by forbidden spell ; For mighty words and signs have power O'er sprites in planetary hour : 70 Yet scarce I praise their venturous part. Who tamper with such dangerous art. But this for faithful truth I say : The Ladye by the altar stood, Of sable velvet her array, 75 And on her head a crimson hood, With pearls embroidered and entwined, Guarded with gold, with ermine lined; A merlin sat upon her wrist, Held by a leash of silken twist. 80 54. Owches. Jewels. 5(5. Miniver. Ermine. 79. Merlin. Sparrow-hawk, often carried by ladies of rank. 120 LAY OF THE LAST iUNSTHEL. canto vi. VI. The spousal rites were ended soon : 'Twas now the merry hour of noon, And in the lofty arched hall Was spread the gorgeous festival. Steward and squire, with heedful haste, 85 Marshalled the rank of every guest; Pages, with ready blade, were there. The mighty meal to carve and sliare : O'er capon, heron-shew, and crane, And princely peacock's gilded train, 90 And o'er the boar-head, garnished brave. And cygnet from St. Mary's wave ; O'er ptarmigan and venison. The priest had spoke his benison. Then rose the riot and the din, 05 Above, beneath, without, within ! For from the lofty balcony. Rung trumpet, shalm, and psaltery; Their clanging bowls old warriors quaffed, Loudly the}^ spoke, and loudly laughed ; 100 Whispered young knights, in tone more mild. To ladies fair, and ladies smiled. The hooded hawks, high perched on beam. The clamor joined with whistling scream, And flapped their wings, and shook their bells, 105 In concert with the stag-hounds' yells. 91. Boar-head. The boar's head and the peacock were considered the appropiiivtc dislies for occasions of ceremony in chivah-ous times. 1)2. Cygnet. Swan. St. Mary's Lake, at the head waters of the Yarrow, was noted as a great resort for wild swans. 98. Shalm. An ancient wind instrument, somewhat like the clarionet. CANTO VI. LAY OF THE LAST MINSTREL. 121 Round go tlie flasks of ruddy wine, From Bordeaux, Orleans, or the Rhine ; Their tasks the busy sewers ply, And all is mirth and revelry. no VII. The Goblin Page, omitting still No opportunity of ill, Strove now, while blood ran hot and high, To rouse debate and jealousy ; Till Conrad, lord of Wolfenstein, 115 By nature fierce, and warm with wine, And now in humor highly crossed. About some steeds his band had lost. High words to words succeeding still, Smote, with his gauntlet, stout Hunthill; 120 A hot and hardy Rutlierford, Whom men called Dickon Draw-the-Sword. He took it on the Page's saye, Hunthill had driven these steeds away. Then Howard, Home, and Douglas rose, 125 The kindling discord to compose : Stern Rutherford right little said, But bit his glove, and shook his head. — A fortnight thence, in Inglewood, Stout Conrad, cold, and drenched in blood, iro Plis bosom gored with many a wound, Was by a woodman's lyme-dog found; Unknown the manner of his death, 128. Bit Ms glove. To bite the thumb or the glove was considered a pledge of nn)rttil vengeance. 132. Lyme-dog. A dog led by a band or string. 122 LAY OF THE LAST MINSTllEL. canto vi. Gone was his brand, both sword and sheath ; But ever from tliat time, 'twas said 135 That Dickon wore a Cologne blade. VIII. The Dwarf, who feared his master's eye Might liis foul treacher}' espie, Now sought the castle butter}', Where many a yeoman, bold and free, 140 Revelled as merrily and well As those tliat sat in lordly selle. Watt Tinlinn, there, did frankly raise The pledge to Arthur Fire-the-Braes ; And he, as by his breeding bound, 145 To Howard's merry-men sent it round. To quit them, on the English side, Red Roland Forster loudly cried, "A deep carouse to yon fair bride I " At every pledge, from vat and pail, 150 Foamed forth, in floods, the nut-brown ale ; While shout the riders every one. Such day of mirth ne'er cheered their clan, Since old Buccleuch the name did gain. When in the clench the buck was ta'en. 155 IX. The wily Page, with vengeful thought, Remembered liini of Tinlinn's yew, 144. Arthur Fire-the-Braes. One of the Elliots of Liddesdale. 154. Buccleuch. This name \v:is given to one of the early niemhers of that family, Ijy the king of Scotland, tor liis great skill in capturing, in a cleuch or valley, a buck that had distanced all the other huulers. CANTO VI. LAY OF THE LAST MINSTREL. 123 And swore, it should be dearly. bought, That ever he the ariiow drew. First, he the yeoman did molest, 160 With bitter gibe and taunting jest ; Told, how he fled at Solway strife. And how Hob Armstrong cheered his wife. Then, shunning still his powerful arm. At unawares he wrought him harm ; 165 From trencher stole his choicest cheer, Dashed from his lips his can of beer. Then, to his knee sly creeping on, With bodkin pierced him to the bone : The venomed wound, and festering joint, 170 Long after rued that bodkin's point. The startled yeoman swore and spurned, And board and flagons overturned; Riot and clamor wild began ; Back to the hall the urchin ran ; 175 Took in a darkling nook his post. And grinned and muttered, " Lost ! lost ! lost ! " X. By this, the Dame, lest further fray Should mar the concord of the day, Had bid the Minstrels tune their lay. 180 And first stept forth old Albert Groeme, The Minstrel of that ancient name : Was none who struck the harp so well, Within the land Debateable ; Well friended too, his hardy kin, 185 184. Land Debateable. Border land claimed by both England and Scotland. 124 LAY OF THE LAST MINSTIIEL. canto vi. Whoever lost, were sure to win ; They sought the beeves, t^^at made their broth, 111 Scotland and in England both. In homely guise, as nature bade. Ills simple song the Borderer said. 190 xr. ALBERT GK.EME. It was an English ladye bright, (The sun sliines fair on Carlisle wall,) And she would marry a Scottish knight, For Love will still be lord of all. Blithely they saw the rising sun, 195 When he shone fair on Carlisle wall, But they were sad ere day was done, Thouorh Love was still the lord of all. Her sire gave brooch and jewel fine, Where the sun shines fair on Carlisle wall ; 200 Her brother gave but a flask of wine. For ire that Love was lord of all. For she had lands, both meadow and lee, Where the sun shiues fair on Carlisle wall. And he swore her deatli, eie he would see 205 A Scottish knight the lord of all ! XIL That wine she had not tasted well, (The sun shines fair on Carlisle wall ; ) When dead, in her true love's arms, she fell. For Love was still the lord of all. 210 CANTO VI. LAY OF THE LAST MINSTREL. 125 He pierced her brother to the heart, Where the sun shines fair on Carlisle wall; — So perish all, would true love part. That Love may still be lord of all ! And then he took the cross divine, 215 Where the sun shines fair on Carlisle wall, And died for her sake in Palestine, So Love was still the lord of all. Now all ye lovers that faithful prove, (The sun shines fair on Carlisle wall,) Pray for their souls, who died for love, For Love shall still be lord of all I XIIL XTV. 220 As ended Albert's simple lay, Arose a bard of loftier port ; For sonnet, rhyme, and roundelay, 225 Renowned in haughty Henry's court : There rung thy harp, unrivalled long, Fitztraver of the silver song. The gentle Surrey loved his lyre — Who has not heard of Surrey's fame? 230 His was the hero's soul of fire. And his the bard's immortal name. And his was love, exalted high By all the glow of chivalry. They sought, together, climes afar, 235 And oft, within some olive grove, 126 LAY OF THE LAST MINSTREL. canto vi. When evening came, with twinkling star, They sung of Surrey's absent love. His step the Italian peasant staid. And deemed, that spirits from on high, 240 Round where some hermit saint was laid, Were breathing heavenly melody ; So sweet did heart and voice combine To praise the name of Geraldine. XV. Fitztraver ! O what tongue may say 245 The pangs th}'' faithful bosom knew, When Surrey, of the deathless lay, Ungrateful Tudor's sentence slew? Regardless of the tyrant's frown, His harp called wrath and vengeance down. 250 He left, for Naworth's iron towers, Windsor's green glades, and courtly bowers, And, faithful to his patron's name. With Howard still Fitztraver came ; Lord William's foremost favorite he, 255 And chief of all his minstrelsy. XVL FITZT HAVER. 'Twas All-Souls' eve, and Surrey's heart beat high. He heard the midnight-bell with anxious start, Which told the mystic hour, approaching nigh, 248. Henry Howard, Earl of Surrey, was beheaded on Tower Hill, 1546, by order of Henry VIII. CANTO VI. LAY OF THE LAST MINSTREL. 127 When wise Cornelius promised, by his art, 2i;o To show to him the hidye of his lieart. Albeit betwixt them roared the ocean grim; Yet so the sage had hight to play his part, That he should see her form in life and limb, And mark, if still she loved, and still she thought of him. 265 xvir. Dark was the vaulted room of gramarye, To which the wizard led the gallant knight, Save, that before a mirror, huge and high, A hallowed taper shed a glimmering light On mystic implements of magic might, 270 On cross, and character, and talisman. And almagest, and altar, nothing bright: For fitful was the Instre, pale and Avan, As watch-liglit, by the bed of some departing man. XVIII. But soon, within that mirror, huge and high, 275 Was seen a self-emitted light to gleam : And forms upon its breast the earl 'gan spv. Cloudy and indistinct, as feverish dream ; Till, slow arranging, and defined, they seem To form a lordly and a lofty room, 280 Part lighted by a lamp with silver beam, 260. Wise Cornelius. Cornelius Aso-'ippa, the celebrated alchemist. He is said to have shown to Sui-rey, by his magic art, a vision of his lady love, Geraldine. 'J7'2. Almagest. A celebrated ancient book containing problems in geometry and astrology, drawn up by Ptolemy. 128 LAV OF THE LAST MINSTREL. canto vi. Placed l)v a couch of Agra's silken loom, And part by moonshine pale, and part was hid in gloom. XIX. Fair all the pageant — but how passing fair The slender form, which lay on couch of Indl oj^ O'er her white bosom stra}ed her hazel hair. Pale her dear cheek, as if for love she pined ; All in her night-robe loose, she lay reclined, And, pensive, read from tablet eburnine Some strain, that seemed her inmost soul to find : — . o4 pages. Mailing Price, $1.40 ; Introduction, $1.25. ^ELECTIONS from Wordsworth, Coleridge, Burns, Beattie, Goldsmith, and Thomson. With sketches of the authors' lives, and instructive foot-notes, historical and explanatory, Hudson's Text-Book of Prose. P.y H. N. Hudson, LL.D. 12mo. Cloth. 636 pages. Mailing Price, $1.40; Introduction, $1.25. T?ROM Burke, Webster, and Bacon. With sketches of the authors' lives, and foot-notes, historical and explanatory. HIGHER ENGLISH. 17 Hudson's Selections of Prose and Poetry. Annotated. 12mo. Paper. Mailing Price of each, 20 cents ; Introduc tion Price, 15 cents. Edmund Burke. Section 1. Five Speeches and ten Papers. Sec TION 2. A Sketch of his Life. A Letter to a Noble Lord, and eleven extracts. Daniel Webster. Section 1. The Reply to Hayne, and six extracts Section 2. A Sketch of his Life, and extracts from twenty-five Speeches. Lord Bacon. A Sketch of his Life, and extracts from thirty Essays. Wordsworth. Section I. Life of Wordsworth, the Prelude, and thirty- three Poems. Section II. Sixty Poems and Sonnets, accompanied by foot-notes, historical aiid exi)lanatory. Coleridge and Burns. Biographies of the Poets, and forty-five Poems. Addison and Goldsmith. A Life of each, fifteen Papers from Addison, and eleven Prose Selections from Goldsmith, with TJie Deserted Village. C raik's English of Shakespeare. Illustrated in a Philological Commentary on Julius Caesar. By Georgb L. Craik, C,!ueeu's College, Belfast. Edited, from the third revised London edition, by W' . J. Kolfe, Caraliridge, Mass. l(Jmo. Cloth. '6^ pages. Mailing Price, ^1.00 ; Introduction, iK) cents. A N" exposition in regard both to the language or style of Shake- speare, and to the English language generally. Shakspere's Versification. Notes on Shakspere's Versitication, with Appendix on the Terse Tests, and a short Descriptive Bil)lio pages. By Mail, .'i?l.(i5; Introduction, $\.bO. Presentation edition, stamped cover, full gilt, liue paper, :iii4.00 retail. FTS distinctive feature is the number, variety, and interest of the pieces, classified according to their character, and covering the entire range of available selections. Indices are given to the best scenes from all the plays of Shakespeare, 139 choice readings from the Bible, and 159 hymns, — all classified. A com- plete diagram of the principles of vocal expression is added. J. W. Churchill, Prof, of Elocu- tion, Theological iSeniinary, An- dover, Mass. : The excellent purpose of the authors has been very success- fully accomplished, both in the ex- pository ami illustrative material. The selections arc; intcjresting — some- times through noA^elty. but more often because of their intrinsic worth. Wm. B. Chamberlain, Instructor in Elocution, (Jbcrlia College, 0.: They are choice indeed. I think I do not know of any collection rejire- senting so many good authors and so well arranged. The indices, espe- cially that to scenes from Sh.ike- .speare, form a very valuable adflition to the volume. {June 11, 1SS5.) HIGIIEM ENGLISH. 21 Fulton & True blood's Chart Illustrating the Principles of Vocal Expression. By UoBERT I. FuLTOx & T. C. Trueblood, compilers of Fulton & Trueljlood's Choice Headinjis. Printed on extra tough paper, ^li x (iO inches, bound on the edges, and mounted. Retail price, S'2.00. Special introduction terms on application. nnilE chart presents a complete system of vocal culture and elo- cution at a glance, thus avoiding tlie necessity of turning the leaves of a book or a series of charts. The principles are scien- tifically arranged and supplemented ^vith diagrams, exercises, and illustrative sentences. The chart is recommended to professional elocutionists, no mat- ter what school or system they represent ; to all students of vocal culture and expression, as an invaluable aid in private practice, suggesting a regular, systematic, and judicious drill — the most imperative condition of success ; and to the teachers in the public schools, enabling them to develop the voices of children and im- press upon them the principles of correct expression. system of voice training. I shall be glad to recommend it as I have op- portunity. {Jan. li, 1888.) F. H. Sargent, Prin. yew York School of Actin;/ : 1 tlnd it an ex- ceedingly good exposition of the Rush A Method of English Composition. By T. AVhiting BaxcFvOFT, Professor of Rhetoric and English Litera- ture in i5rown University. l"2nio. Cloth. 'J6 pages, flailing Price, 55 cents ; Introduction Price, 50 cents. rpHE author's intention is to furnish to colleges, academies, and high schools a brief system of instruction. in the preparation of essays or compositions. The second part consists of lists of classified themes, with specimens of plans of compositions, etc. E. E. Smith, Prof, of English and History, Purdue Universitij, Lafay- ette, Ind. : I have used it with an advanced class to decided advan- tage. The divisions and the sug- gestive arrangement of the various kinds of subjects that may be treated in essays, orations, and debates, is such, I found, as to remove unneces- sary obstacles, and at the same time to require thought on the student's part. Lee's Graphic Chart of English Literature. By Y. P. Lee, of Yale College. Printed on tough manilla paper 24 x 39 in size. Mailing Price, 30 cents; for introduction, 'J5 cents. IILSTOUV. 101 The Leading Facts of English History. By D. li. Montgomery. New edition. Rewritten and enlarged, with Maps and Tables. 12mo. Cloth. 448 pasres. Mailing Priee, $il.25. Introductiou Price, $1.12; Allowance for old book. 40 cents. rpiIE fovnier edition has been rewritten, as it had become evi- dent that a work on the same plan, but more comprehensive, and better suited to prevailing courses and methods ol class-work, would be still more heartily welcomed. Important events are treated with greater fulness, and the rela- tion of English History to that of Europe and the world is carefully shown. References for further study are added. The text is in short paragraphs, each with a topical heading in bold type for the student's use. The headings may be made to serve the purpose of questions. By simply passing them over, the reader has a clear, continuous narrative. The treatment of each reign is closed with a brief summary of its principal points. Likewise, at the end of each jieriod there is a section showing the condition of the country, and its progress in Government, Religion, Military Affairs, Learning and Art, General Industry, IManners and Customs. These summaries will be found of the greatest value for reference, review, and fuller study ; but when the book is used for a brief course, or for general reading, they may be omitted. No pains have been spared to make the execution of the work equal to its plan. Vivid touches here and there betray the author's njastery.of details. Thorough investigation has been made of all points where there was reason to doubt traditional statements. The proof-sheets have been carefully read by two experienced high- school teachers, and also by two college professors of history. The text is illustrated with fourteen maps, and supplemented with ftdl genealogical and chronological tables. It is believed that this book will be acknowledged superior — 1. In interest. 2. In accuracy. 3. In judicious selection of matter. 4. In conciseness combined with adequacy. 5. In philosophical insight free from speculation or theorizing. 6. In completeness. 7. In availability as a practical class-room book. 102 HlSTOllY. Send for the special circular, from -w-hich. are taken, the following Representative Opinions : — Hon. E. J. Phelps, United States Mijiister to Great Britain : In ray opinion, the author has done ex- tremely well a much-needed work, in presenting in so terse, clear, and available form the j)rincipal points in that greatest of all histories, the common property and most useful study of the English-speaking race. Professor Goldwin Smith : The book, besides being very attractive in appearance, seems to be very suit- able for the purpose in view, viz., to present school pupils with a clear and intelligent idea of tlie main facts of English history in connection with the social and industrial development of the nation. E. B. Andrews, Prof, of History, Brown University : I do not remem- ber to have seen any book before which sets forth the leading facts of English History so succinctly, and at the same time so interestingly and clearly. A. L. Perry, Prof, of Political Economy, Williams College: I have never seen anything at all equal to it for the niche it was intended to iiU. J. B. Clark, Prof, of History, Smith College: 1 especially like its intro- duction of matter relating to the Ufe of the people, in a way that seems to make the narrative less dry, rather than more so, as so often hapijens. Jas. F. Colby, Prof, of Law and Political Science, Dartmouth Col- lege : Its title is a true description of its contents. Its author shows sense of proportion, and wisely gives prom- inence to economic facts and the development of constitutional prin- ciples. (0'^ 27,1S87.) P. V. N. Myers. Pres. of Belmont College : The book was an admirable one as first issued, but the careful revision and the addition of maps and tables have added grsatly to its value. In my judgment it is by far the best English History for school-room use now before the public. W. F. Allen, Prof, of History, Uni- versity of Wisconsin, Madison : As I have said in relation to the earlier edition, the author has succeeded in an unusual degree in telling the story of English History in an interesting and suggestive manner, keeping clear of the prevailing fault of loading his pages with imessential names and dates. {Nov. 22, 1887.) F. B. Palmer, Ph.D., Prin. of State Normal School, Fredonia, N. Y. : I have not examined anything that seems to me equal to it for a class in English History. John Fiske, Prof, of History, Wasliington University: It seems to me excellent. Francis A. Cooke, Teacher of History, Penn Charter School, Phil- adelphia, Pa. : My verdict on Mont- gomery's History is unqualified approval. I have not seen a text- book upon English History so well adapted to school use. C. B. Gilbert, Prin. of High School, St. Paul, Minn.: In many respects I consider it the best text-I)ook on English History for high schools that I have seen. Its arrangement is ex- cellent, its style clear and very at- tractive. {Nov. 22, 1887.) Frank E. Plummer, Prin. of High School, Des Moines. la. : I examined it very carefully, and pronounce it the best English History for high- school use of any with which I am familiar. (J^^oi'.'2'J, 1887.) HISTORY. • 103 English History Reader. By D. H. MoNTGOMKRY. 12mo. Cloth, xxxiv + 254 pasres, with a colored map. Mailing Price, 85 cents; for introduction, 75 cents. nnillS is the first edition of Montgomery's Leading Facta of Eng- Ibh History. The book has clearly demonstrated its value for reading purposes, and the price has been reduced to make it gen- erally available for this use. V/. P. Atkinson, Prof, of English and IliKturi/, Mai^fidrhusctts Institute of Ttchnolorpi, Bd.Hton : It is that uncommon kind of l)ook, a readable short sketch. It is fresh and vigor- Pilgrims and Puritans. ous, and the references seem to me very well selected. I cordially rec- ommend it to all students and teachi ers of English history. {Jan. 3, 1886.) By Miss N. Moore. Square lOmo. Cloth, viii + 197 pages. Illustrated. Mailing Price, 70 cents; for introduction, (JO cents. rpHIS is a book of easy reading, containing sketches of the early days of Massachusetts, — Massachusetts Indians, the Pilgrims of Plymouth, English Boston, William Blackstone, John Winthrop, Extracts from Wood^s New England's Prospect, with notes and appendix. It is intended for children who have not yet begun or are just beginning the study of United States History, and to supplement or prepare the way for the ordinary text-book. It has already been used by children under ten years of age. It is provided with maps and illustrations. Tfie Reader's Guide to English History. By William Fkancis Allen, A.M., Professor in the University of WisconsiiL Long . >., iih jlectinns fron. Crilui ; iid ^.j. vj.:ta.;ie. *Kingslej's Wat er- Babies : A. S' ry for a Land Baby. *Rnskiii's King cf the Golden 11 ver: A Legend of Stiria. *The Swiss Family Robinson, /^i ndged. Robinson Crusoe. Concluding with his 'I'pnrture from the island. *Kingsley's Greek Heroes. Lamb's Tales from Shakespeare. " Meas. foi Meas,. emitted. Scotfs Tales of a Grandfather. *Martineau'3 Peasant and Prince. 1^^ Scotfs Lady of the Lake. ^^co'^t's Lay of the Last Minstrel. Lumbs Adventures of Hysses. Church's Stories of the Old World. Scotfs Talism^r.. Crar.''-. Scotfs Quentin Durwcri. ' -htly abridged. Irving' S Sketch 13 c ok. S:x '•'-Ic-ijns, including "Rip Van Winkle.'* Shakespeare' s Merchant of Venice. Scotfs Guy Mann ring. Complete. Scotfs Ivanhoe. Complete. Scotfs Rob Roy. Complet Johnson's Rasselas : Prince of Abyssinia. Gulliver's Travels. TKe Voyages tc Lilliput and Brobdingaag. *PIutarch's Lives. From dough's Traoslatioa. Goldsmith's Vicar of Wakefield. Hhle's Arabian Nights. GINN & COMPANY, Publishers, BosiDN, New York, and Chica'ao.