\m ll!i!!(!!!iii Hlliililiiii^ mm ^ir m^ \^ \ CHARITY COA GENERAL FORMS. LONDON : FEINTED FOR HIS MAJESTY'S STATIONERY OFFICE, Bt DARLING & SON, Ltd., 34-40, Bacon Street, E. 1902. 6610. TABLE OF CONTENTS. I. List of General Forms II. Forms of Application to the Commissioners III. Forms of Orders made by the Commissioners ..\ IV. Miscellaneous Forms V. Forms not comprised under the preceding Sub heads .. Yl. Index... • • • » •• Page. 3 13 81 151 159 239 Note. — The matter comprised under Sub-heads II., III., and IV. was originally compiled in the form herein adopted for inclusion in a publication entitled " The Encyclopaedia of Forms and Precedents." The matter comprised under Sub-heads I. and Y. and ihe Index have been added for the purposes of this Volume. ^ I— LIST OF GENERAL FORMS. 561942 AUSTKAIilA 11414—100—3/1^02 Wt 36111 D & B 10 Forms. 1. — Applications. 1. For Payment of Money to Official Trustees of Charitable Funds 2. For Transfer of Stock to Official Trustees of Charitable Funds 3. For Opinion and Advice, &c 4. For Authority to take Legal Proceedings 5. For Authority to grant Lease 5a. For Authority to grant Lease in pursuance of Agreement 6. For Authority to Sell Real Estate ... 7. For Authority to Exchange ... 8. For Scheme, &c. (Chapel Cases) 9. For Appointment of Trustees, Scheme, &c. 10. For Incorporation 11. For Order Vesting right to call for a Transfer of Stock 12. For Order sanctioning Provisional Appoint- ment of Trustees or Governors under Schemes 2.— Inquiries. 15. General ... 16. As to Rentcharges .3. — Letters. 20. Acknowledgment 20a. Acknowledgment and asking for Accounts ... 20b. Acknowledgment (Short Form) 21. Transmitting Copy of Scheme for Educational Endowment to Board of Education Stock kept in. For Specimen see Page. R. Dept. (Room No. 51) Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do 1 10 20 73 23 25 30 32 43 49 58 66 69 71 164 168 171 172 173 174 6 Forms. Stock kept in. For Specimen see Page. 22. 3. — LETTEm—cotttinueiJ. Transmitting Documents i R. Dept. (Room No. 51). I 175 22a Transmitting Order of the Board Do. 176 22b. Returning Engrossments of Lease and Counterjiart with Order endorsed ... Do. 177 23. With Notice of proposed Order establishing Scheme Do. 178 24. Personal Notice to Trustees of proposed Order Appointing Trustees, &c. ... Do. 179 2b. Discharge from Trust. Personal Notice to Trustee Do. 180 26. Personal Notice to retiring Trustee of applica- tion to till Vacancy Do. 181 28. With Notice and instructions to Advertise ... Do. 182 28a. With Notice Do. 183 28b. With Notice of proposed Approval of Trustees Do. 184 29. With Draft Order for Examinatio-n Do. 185 30. With Draft Order for Examination and Stamp Do. 186 31. With Order appointing Trustees. Notice and instructions to Advertise Do. 188 31a. With Order appointing Trustees and Notice Do. 189 32. With Order for Sale providing for concurrence of Official Trustee of Charity Lands Do. I'JO 32a. With Order for Sale Do. 191 33. Returning Draft of Lease approved Do. 192 34. Returning Draft Deed of Conveyance ap- proved l)y Official Trustee of Charity Lands ... Do. 193 35. Returning Deed of Conveyance executed by Official Trustee of Charity Lands Do. 194 3(5. Completion of Proceedings Do. 195 37. Inquiring whether Sale has been completed... Do. 195 Forms. Stock kept in. For Specimen see Page. 3. — Letters — continued. 38. Returning Bill of Costs (Deductions) I 38a. Returning Bill of Costs (without Deductions) 39. As to Sale of Securities and Investment of Proceeds thereof 39a. List of Securities approved by the Com- missioners for Investment of Charitable Funds ... 40. Suggesting Transfer (or Payment) to Official Trustees of Charitable Funds 4L Replacement of Advance or Loan 43. Requesting Report of Architect 43a. S ;ale of Fees payable to Architect (enclosed with No. 43) ... R. Dept. (Room No. 51). Do. Do. Informing Architect that Plans for his Report may be obtained on application at this office directed to be Sealed 44. 45. Stating that Order of the Board has been 46. Assenting to Sale by Public Auction and requesting preparation of Draft Particiilars and Conditions of Sale 47. Returning Draft Conditions of Sale approved 47a. Returning Conditions of Sale with Reserved Price endorsed 48. Transmitting Copy of Draft Scheme to Parish Council, &c. ... 49d. Requesting information as to appointment of Trustees purported to have been made by Parish Council, &c., under Local Govern- ment Act, 1894 49e. Transmitting to Local Authority Copy of Notice of proposed Order of the Board ... 4. — ^5■oT^CES. 50. Scheme (Preliminary Notice) ... 50a. Order (Preliminary Notice) ... Do. Do. Do. Do Do. y 196 J 197 198 39 Do. 199 Do. 200 Do. 201 Do. 79 Do. 202 Do. 203 Do, 201 Do. 205 Do. 20G Do. 207 208 209 63 64 Forms. For Specimen see Page. 4. — Notices — continued. 50b. Scheme (Preliminary Notice— Chapel Cases) ^ 51. Order (Final Notice) 52. Proposed Approval of Appointment of Trustees under Scheme 53. Sale k)'x» J-ivtXot^ ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• 5.— Okders and Certificates. 59. Ueueral Form of Title of Orders of Board 60. Order for Removal and Appointment of Trustees and establishing Scheme ... 60a. Schedule of Property ... 60b. Order for Removal and Appointment of Trustees and establishing Scheme (Chapel Cases) 61. Order Extending pro^^sions of Charitable Trusts Acts to exempted Charity 62. Authority to Redeem Rentcharge 63. Authority to Grant. Lease 64. Authority to Sell Real Estate 65. Do. Do. (Auction) 65a. Authority to Purchase Real Estate ... r 66. Requisition to produce Accounts, &c. ... -{ L 68. Order certifying Approval of Trustees or Governors 69 Authority to Official Trustee of Charity/ Lands to join in Conveyance ... ] R. Dept. (Room No. 51). Do. Do. Do. Do. D. Dept. (Room No. 30). Do. Do. Do. Do. ] 56 64 72 38 28 R. Dept. (Room No. 51). } 139 Do. 90 Do. 92 Do. 94 Do. 142 D. Dept. (Room No. 30). V 211 R. Dept. (Room No. 51). } 1.34 D. Dept. (Room No. 30). 1 96 1^ 210 J 102 105 97 100 9 Forms, Stock kept in. For Specimen see Page. 5. — Orders and Certificates — cimtinved. 70. Order for Vesting in Official Trustees of f Charitable Funds right to call for Trans- ■{ fer of Stock ... l_ 70a. Form for Reciting a Replacement Order -{ L 70b. Authority to Expend Funds ... 71. Order for Replacement of Stock or Money — Transfer to Investment Account ... 72. Order for Replacement of Stock or Money — Payments for Investment Account 73. Certificate authorising Application to Court for transfer to Official Trustees of Charitable Funds 75 bis. Scheme (Short) 7G. Scheme (Almshouse and Pensions) ... 77. Scheme (General Benefit of Poor) 79. Scheme (Church) 80. Scheme (Education, Scholarships, Exhibitions) 83. Local Government Act, 1894, s. 14 (3) Ap- f pointment of additional Trustees by-< Parish Council [ 84. Local Government Act, 1894. s. )4 (3) (Sole Trustee) Increase of number of Trustees to three 6.— Accounts. 104. Account of Endowment of Charity ... 105. Statement of Accounts (Secondary Educa- tional Endowments) 106. Statement of Accounts (General) 107. Statement of Accounts (Elementary Schools) 7.— Miscellaneous. 85. Declaration of Trust (Stock) 86. Declaration of Trust (Money) R. Dept. (Room No. 51). D. Dept. (Room No. 30). Do. Do. Do, Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. R. Dept. (Room No. 51) Do. Do. )■ 132 J j- 136 135 137 138 89 107 114 120 127 128 I 144 150 213 Do. 217 Do. 221 Do. 224 Do 154 Do. 156 10 Forms. Stock kept in. For Specimen see Page. 7. — Miscellaneous — cojitinued 87. Condition of Sale of Property vested by j Order "| R. Dept. (Room No. 51). 1 37 88. Condition of Sale of Property held under Deed or Will Do. 37 89. Indemnity to Official Trustee of Charity Lands ... Do. 24 90. Surveyor's Instructions (Sales) Do 41 91. Surveyor's Instructions (Leases^ ... Do. 28 92. Conveyance by Oifficial Trustee of Charity Lands ... Do. 36 93. Memorandum as to Transfer of Funds to Official Trustees Do. 17 94. Statement of Law as to Sales, Leases, &c., Charitable Trusts Act, 1855, sec. 29 Do. 35 95. Memorandum as to Creation of Charitable Funds Do. 155 96. Extract from Local Government Act, 1894 ... Do. 146 97. Minute Paper Do. 2:^7 98. Instructions to Applicants (Proposals for Sales of Chapels, &c.) Do. 56 99. Tabular Statement Do. 228 103. Circular Relating to Accounts... Do. 229 120. Memorandum on Local Goveriimeut Act, 1894 Do. 145 121. Trust Paper (A., B., and C. Departments) ... Do. 232 122. Application to G. Department fur Accounts and Information Do. 234 123. Official Trustee nf Charity Lands. Memo- randum Do. &2 124. Application of Dole Charities to Pensions and Nursing, &c. Hxtract from 40th Report of Charity Commissioners ... Do. 122 125. Effect of Elementary Education Act, 1891, on Educational Endowments. Extracts from 39th Report of Charity Commissioners ... Do. 130 u Forms. 7. — Miscellaneous — continued. 126. Remittance of Dividends by Official Trustees! of Charitable Funds. Memorandum , 129. Requisition for Files and Docaments 130. Instructions to be observed by Architects in C preparing Plans, &c., for approval by^ Charity Commissioners .., ... [ 131. Agenda Paper (Commissioners') 133. Requisition to D. Department to prepare Draft Order, &c 134. Form to be filled up by persons Depositing copies of Draft Parliamentary Bills aft'ect- intj Charities ... Land Tax — Memorandum 136. Receipt for Documents forwarded to Board J of Education... ... ... ... | Stock kept in. R. Dept. ( Room No. 51). R. Dept (Room No. 48) R. Dep!^. (Room No. 51) Do. Do. Do. G. Dept. (Room No. 38) R. Dept. (Room No. 48) For Specimen see Page. I " !- 235 J J 74 236 237 158 1 .« J \ 238 13 II.— FORMS OF APPLICATION TO THE COMMISSIONERS. 15 Forms. Number. Page. For Payment of Money to Official Trustoes of Charitable Funds For Transfer of Stock to Official Trustees of Charitable Funds For Authority to take Legal Proceedings ... For Authority to grant Lease For Authority to grant Lease in pursuance of Agreement For Authority to Sell Real Estate For Authority to Exchange ... For Scheme (Chapel Cases) ... For Appointment of Trustees, Scheme, &c. For Incorporation For Order Vesting right to call for a Transfer of Stock For Order sanctioning Provisional Appointment of Trustees or Governors under Schemes ... For all purposes to which the above Forms do not apply 2 4 5 11 12 16 20 2.3 25 5a 30 6 32 7 43 8 49 9 58 66 69 71 73 16 FORM No. 1. (Charitable Trusts Amendment A.ct, 1855 (18 and 19 YiCT. c. 124), SEC. 22.) {Copies of this Form may he obtained in Room. No. 51.) Form of Application for an Order of the Board for the Payment of Money {a) to " Tlir Ofieial Trustees of Charitahle Ftmdsy (/>) To the Charity Commissioners for England and Wales. nameTrSg- Ii"^ ^^^^ Matter of the Charity called* nation of the Charity to which the money pro- posed to be paid belongs, and, if the i,-. f]-,p ^f Charity is ^^^ ^^^^ ^'^ oT fee^'IS" ill the County of Township, or place for the benefit -whereof ____^_^_______^_____ it ha?) been founded. canTi"" should The imdersigned beingf here state in what manner or c a p a c i t j they are pos- sessed or in- terested in the moneypro- posed to be paid, and must amount. ^ '^ "" tlic particulars and trusts of which are stated in the or*co° ^ol^thl accompanying paper, J and being desirous that the said will or deed s^mn of creating the trust should be Bent if possible, with the appli- cation. should be paid to the Banking Account of " The Official Trustees of Charitable Funds," request the Board to issue an Order for that purpose. I '^r \^e. declare that the above statements are in all respects true. §The appli- w sign^'th^Jir Dated this day of names, adding i; their profes- 5 sions or occu- p a t i n s and residences, (a) 17 Form 0. 26. {Copies of this Form nvty he obtained in Room No. 7.) Payments to the Banking Account of " The Official Trustees of Charitable Funds" at the Bank of England should not be made through the medium of the Charity Commissioners' Office, but as may be found most convenient, in any of the ways hereinafter mentioned, viz. : — (1) Personally in the Public Drawing Office at the Bank of England. (2) Through a Local Banker for the credit of " The Official Trustees of Charitable Funds," on behalf of the particular Charity, (3) By Cheque, or Banker's draft, in favour of the Bank of England and crossed, to be forwarded direct to the Chief Cashier, Bank of England, London, E.G., together with a request to place the amount to the credit of " The Official Trustees of Charitable Funds," on behalf of the particular Charity. N.B. — The designation of the Charity should accompany every remittance, and notice of every payment should be sent at the same time to " The Secretary, Charity Commission, Whitehall, London, S.W." (b) The constitution and functions of the Official Trustees of Charitable Funds, as well as the general advantages of vesting charitable funds in them, are explained in the following memorandum : — Form No. 93. (Copies of this Form may be obtained in Room No. 51.) The Official Trustees of Charitable Funds (who are such Officers of the Board of Charity Commissioners as the Board, with the approval of the Treasury, from time to time appoint) are empowered to hold in perpetual succession, Stocks, Shares, Securities, and Moneys, which devolve upon their successors without Transfer or Assignment. By the Charitable Trusts Acts provision is made for the transfer or payment to the Official Trustees of Charitable Funds, of Stock or Money in trust for a Charity, by any person, and especially by Trustees or other holders of Charitable Funds — by the Repre- sentatives of those Persons — and by Persons desirous of discharging any Legacy, or Charge given or made to or for the benefit of any Charity. A Payment or Transfer may be made to the Official Trustees of Charit- able Funds under these provisions, in pursuance of an Order of the Board of Charity Commissioners for Englmd and Wales for that purpose, which furnishes, by Express Statutory provision, a complete Indemnity to all Companies and Persons making a Payment or Transfer, or otherwise acting in obedience to it. The Official Trustees have no power to interfere in the administration of the Income, or in the management of any Charity, and their duty is confined to remitting periodically the Dividends and Income of the Funds standing in their name, through a Banker or otherwise, to or according to the order of the administering Trustees of the Charity in trust for which the Funds are held, for the purpose of being applied by them to the objects of the Trust. {As to the practice adopted by the Official TrusteeH of Charitable Funds in remitting Divi- dends, see Form' No. 12G beloir.) The Dividends on all Government Stock are remitted free from Income Tax, and in the case of other Securities held by the Official Trustees the Income Tax is from time to time reclaimed by them and remitted in the same manner. (As to the exemption of C'laritahle Fu)id>i from Land Tax, see Form No. 135 helow.) \UU B Charitable Trusts Act, 1855 (18 .t lit Vict. c. 12i), s. 18 Charitable Trusts Act, 1853 (16 vt 17 Vict. c. 13/ j, s. 51. Charitable Trusts Act, 1855, s. -ll. Charitable Trusts Act, 1855, s. 25. Charitable Trusts Ant, 1855, 8. 27. Charitable Trusts Act, 185;^. s. 52. Charitable Trusts Act. 1 855. s. 28. ' 18 The general advantages of vesting Charitable Funds in the OfiBcial Trustees, in addition to the absolute Indemnity thus afforded to the Trustees or Administrators of a Charity, are as follows : — (a) The necessity for periodical Transfers of Stock and other Securities upon appointments of New Trustees, at a constantly recurring cost to the Charity, is obviated. (h) Charitable Funds held by individual Trustees, in course of time frequently become vested, either in a single surviving Trustee, or in a Personal Representative of a surviving Trustee, or in some other stranger to the Trust, or, again, they remain either uninvested or invested in unauthorised Securities. All risk to the security or productiveness of Trust Funds which may thus arise is avoided where Funds are vested in the Official Trustees. (c) Where, especially on the foundation of a Charity, Funds are in the hands of Persons, whether Executors or others, who are not constituted, or do not desire to become the administering Trustees of the Charity, they can, by vesting the Trust Fund in the Official Trustees, not merely relieve themselves of all re- sponsibility, but will ensure its due application in conformity with Trusts attaching to it, by Trustees duly appointed by the Board. It is obvious that, apart from personal considerations, considerable risk of loss, or of the occurrence of difficulty in tracing the existence of Trust Funds, arises, hoth where Stock or other Securities are held Ijy a single Individual or by strangers to the Trust, and also, where sums of Cash are allowed to remain in private hands uninvested. In these cases the devolution of the Fund, on the death of the holder, must, almost certainly, take a course foreign to the Trust, and the property of the Charity may probably become mixed with, and undistinguish- aljle from, private funds. In any of these cases it will be the duty of the Commissioners, in accordance with the invariable practice of Courts of Equity, to take steps to ensure the safe custody of the Fund by means of its Transfer or Payment to the Official Trustees. The practice adopted Ijy the Official Trustees of Charitable Funds in remitting Dividends and other moneys is explained in the following memorandum : — Form No. 126. (^Copies of this Form may he obtained in Room No. 51.) Duties of 1 Under the provisions of Section 52 of " The Charitable Trusts Act, Official 1853 "— (IG e^- 17 Vict. c. 137)— the duty devolves upon " The Official Trustee?. Trustees of Charitable Funds " of remitting the Dividends or Interest on the Annuities, Stock, Shares, and Securities held by them in trust for Charities, to the several bodies of Administering Trustees respec- tively interested therein. Official 2. In the discharge of this duty it is the practice of the Official Trustees Tiisteesact to obtain, in each case, from the particular body of Administering from \d-'**^^ Trustees, a formal authority prescribing the mode in which they desh-e ministering ^^^^ moneys remitted l)y the Official Trustees shall reach the hands Trustees. of the Administering Trustees, who are thus enabled to adopt the method of remittance most convenient for the purposes of theii* Trust. The Official Trustees continue to "act upon the authority so obtained until a new authority becomes necessary or desirable, or until the Administering Trustees otherwise desire. Desirability 3 A prolonged experience of the various modes of remitting dividends of an Official and interest shows that it is undesirable that remittances should be made either directly to an individual, whether a trustee or otherwise, or to his private banking account, and that the administration of a charity is facilitated, and the general convenience of the Administering 19 Trustees promoted, by the remittance of dividends or interest to can official banking account opened in the name of the charity with some local Banker, 4. It is found that Bankers are generally willing to make arrangements for the opening of such official accounts, the drawing upon which is in each case a matter to he arranged between the Administering Trustees and the Bank. As these official accounts are, necessarily, impersonal, their adoption obviates the necessity for a revision of the financial arrangements, and for a renewal of the authority given to the Official Trustees, when a change occurs in the constitution of the Administer- ing Trustees or otherwise. 5. Moreover, if such an account be opened, it becomes easy, by proper arrangement with the local Banker, to make adequate provision for securing to the Administering Trustees collective control over the application of the Charity Funds. G. Such a collective control is necessary to enable the Administering Trustees of a Charity properly to discharge their duty in their office. J'hiH (Intij /Ii'i'olres upon them as a hn or persons in whose name or nainm the Stuck to he triinstirrcd staniis, or if they are all deaased, i.Bijanyofthe Trustees or per- sons administcr- imj or claiming to administer the Charitij, or, 3. By any per- son interested therein, or, 4. By two or more inhabi- tants of any jMirish or place within ivhich it is administered ur appliciihle. The specific capacity of the applicants to he stated. I Insert exact amount and correct de- seiiption of Stock. Form of Application for an Order of the Board of Charity j Commissioners for England and Wales, authorisifig the Transfer of Stock to " The Official Trustees of Charitable Funds." (a) ^ To the Charity Commissioners for England and Wales, Whitehall, London, S.W. j In the matter of* i The undersigned, beingf submit the foUowinof statements : — 1 . The above Charity is possessed of £J (n) See note (6) tQ F<}rm No. }, page 17. ante, 21 £2 155. per cent. Consolidtited Stock, standing In the names oP in the Books of the Governor and Company of the Bank of England upon the trusts stated in the accompanying Pa per f 2. For the purpose of security or convenient administra- tion the said Stock ought to be transferred to the account of " The Official Trustees of Charitable Funds," and the arrears of dividends (if any) due thereon should be received and recovered for the benefit of the said Charit 34 *AUo t h e names, resi- dences, and de- scriptions exactly as dated in the Bank Books of the persons in •whose names the Sto 'k now stands. (The Stcck Receipt should al-o be sent if possible.) tAn extraoi, or copy of the Deed or Will creating the trnst should be forwarded with this ap- plication, un- less the foun- dation of the Chanty he al- ready recorded in the Parlia- mentary lie- ports, to which refer e nee should then be made. JIf any of the Sto ck holders should be dead, their names should be stated here; and it should also be stated whether their deaths have been pr :)ved at the Bank of England,either i a respect o f the above or any other sum of Stock. If so either the Bank Register n u m b e r s marked on the r r b a t es of their Wills or Letters of Ad- m i n istration ; or, the amount and descrip- tion of Stock i n respect o f which their deaths have been proved, should like- wise be stated. Failing this. Certificates of their burial should if possi- ble be for- warded with this applica- tion. 2-> •State -whether It is proposed to transfer the Stock by per- sonal at t e n- dance at the Bank or under Power of At- torney. In the latter case, if desired,a blank Power will be procured and forwarded t o the Applicants for execution ; the cost of the I?ower being- paid out of the Dividends. 11.5. 6(f. for amounts over £10i> Stock, and i.<. for amounts not exceeding £100 Stock. tState whether there are any Dividends a t present due, in respect of the said sum o f Stock, and the imount. i: 5t Under the foregoing circumstances the undersigned are desirous of obtaining an Order (b) of the Board authorising the transfer of the above-mentioned sum of £ £2 Ids. per cent. Consolidated Stock. Or, if necessary, a like order vesting in " The Official Trustees of Charitable Funds," the right to caH for the transfer of and to transfer the same stock, (c) Into the name of " The Official Trustees of Charitable Funds," in trust for the said Charit . And also to receive and recover in trust for the said Charit , all dividends accrued from the said Stock which shall be in arrear at the time of such transfer. declare that the above statements are in all respects true according to information and belief. Dated this iThe appli- cants should here sii] testified by their execution hereof, hereby conveys, and the Trustees [Governors] as Trustees hereby convey and confirm to the said [purchaser] all [parcels] to hold to and to the use of the said [purchaser] in fee-simple. Note. — The Official Trustee does not enter into any covenants. The draft Deed is forwarded to the Charity Commissioners for approval on behalf of the Official Trustee. It is then returned for engrossment and execution by the Trustees (sec Form No. 34, page 193, post), and afterwards ratransniitted to the Charity Commissioners (accompanied by the approved draft and a certificate that it corresponds therewith) for execution by the (Jfficial Trustee {mce Form No. 34, page 193, post). Aiter the Deed has been executed by the Official Trustee it is returned with the approved draft to tae Trustees (see Form No. 35, page 194, post). {<■) If the sale is to be by public auction the Commissioners, on being satisfied that tlie proposal is advantageous to the Charity, usually request the Trustees to direct that draft Particulars and Conditions of Sale may be 3V prepared and forwarded to theiii for perusal (.^w Form No. 4(>, page 204, post;. With the view of restricting the title to be shewn to the purchaser, which- ever of the following forms of condition is applicable to the case should be incorporated in the Conditions of Sale : — Form No. 87. (^Copies of this Form maij he obtained in Room No. 51.) Wliere property rested by order of t/ie Churily Commissioners. The property offered for sale forms part of the endowment of the Charity called or known as , and the sale is made with the consent and under the authority of an Order of the Charity Commissioners for England and Wales. The legal estate in the property is now vested in the Official Trustee of Charity Lands, under The Vendors are selling as the Trustees of the Charity, appointed by [under the provisions of a Scheme] and the purchaser shall admit the sufficiency of the title of the said Trustees, and the Yendors shall not be bound to deliver any abstract of title, or to produce any deeds or any other evidence of their title to the property sold than official copies of the orders of the Commis- sioners appointing the said Trustees, vesting the leg.il estate in the property in the Official Trustee of Charity Lands, and sanctioning the present sale, and a statutory declaration made by some competent person that the property sold was included in the two orders last- mentioned, and has been in the possession of the Trustees of the Charity for upwards of thirty years, which copies and declaration respectively shall be prepared and furnished at the expense of the purchaser. The purchaser shall admit the validity of the appointment of those of the vendors who have been appointed Trustees under the provisions of the said Scheme, and shall accept as correct a list of the Trustees signed by their Clerk or Secretary. Or, II. Form No. 88. {Copies of this Form may he ohtaiited in Boom No. 51.) Where Title derived under Deed or Will. The property offered for sale forms part of the ancient possessions of the Charity, called created by dated the day of , of which Charity the Vendors are the present Trustees under or hy virtue of dated the day of , 19 . The property is offered for sale by the Vendors as the Trustees of the said Charity, with the consent and under the authority of the Charity Commissioners for England and Wales. The purchaser shall admit the suflSciency of the title of the said Trustees under the said , and the Vendors shall not be bound to deliver any abstract of title, or to produce any other evidence of their title to the property sold, than the said , an attested copy of which will be furnished to the purchaser, if desired l)y him. at his 38 expense, but the original of which will be retained by the Vendors and an official copy of the Order of the said Commissioners author- izing the sale, and a statutory declaration made by some competent person, that the property sold has been in the possession of the Trustees of the said Charity for upwards of thirty years, which copies and declaration respectively shall be prepared and furnished at the expense of the purchaser. When the Commissioners have ascertained that the liabilitj^ of the Trustees in respect of the production of title and otherwise is sufficiently restricted in the Conditions of Sale as drafted, they authorize the Trustees to offer the property for sale subject thereto (.sv^ Form No. 47, page 206, post), and at a reserve price whicli is usually endorsed subsequently upon a print of the Conditions. This print is transmitted in a sealed packet to the Trustees, to be handed to the auctioneer immediately before the commencement of the sale. In the event of the sale of the whole or any portion of the property, the Commissioners require the original contracts to be forwarded to them. The sales are afterwards ratified by Orders of the Board (see Form No. 47a, page 206, post). Before making an Order authorizing a sale by private treaty the Commis- sioners usually direct notice to be published in the locality (see Forms Nos. 28 and 28a, pages 182 and 183 respectively, post). The notice is in the following form : — Form No. 53. (Copies of this Form may be obtained in Room No. 51.) Charity Commission. In the Matter of the Charit in the Parish of in the County of •; and In the Matter of " The Charitable Trusts Acts, 1853 to 1894." By direction of the Board of Charity Commissioners for England and Wales, notice is hereby given that the of this Charit propose to effect a sale of the property mentioned in the subjoined Schedule for a sum of £ , the purchaser accepting the title and paying the expenses of the in the matter. Any objection or suggestion relative to the proposed sale may be transmitted to the Commissioners, in writing, within 21 days from the first publication of this notice, addressed to " The Secretary, Charity Commission, Whitehall, London, S.W." Dated the day of 190 . R. Ddrnfoed, Secretary. Schedule. (d) It is the practice of the Commissioners in the case of a sale by private treaty to require the purchaser to consent to both these conditions. The expenses include the cost of the deduction and verification of any title which the purchaser may require to be shown and also of any surveyor's reports that may have been made on behalf of the Trustees for the informa- tion of the Commissioners. ((?) The following 39 Form No. 39a is a List of Securities (being Securities authorized by the Trustee Act, 189.3, 56 and 57 Vict., Ch. 5.3, Section I.) Avhich have been approved by the Charity Commissioners for the investment of funds held upon charitable trusts. (Copies of this Form may be ohtaitied in Room No. 51.) Note. — The particular securities enumerated under the headings 1 — 4 of this paper are those which are so described in the Stock Exchange Daily Official List of this date. 1. In any of the Parliamentary Stocks or Public Funds or Government Securities of the United Kingdom : — When Redeemable. Dividends due. Consols (25 per Cent, till 1903, then 2i per Cent.). Two-and-three-quarters per Cent. Annuities. Two-and-a-half per Cent, Annuities... Lccal Loans 3 per Cent. Stock 1923 1905 1905 1912 January, April, July, October. do. do. dj. 2. In the Stocks of the Banks of England or Ireland :- Dividends due. Bank of England Bank of Ireland April, October. February, August. 3. In India Three-and-a-half per Cent, and Three per Cent. Stocks, or in any other Capital Stock which may at any time hereafter l^e issued by the Secretary of State in Council of India, under the authority of Act .of Parliament, and charged on the revenues of India : — When Redeemable. Dividends due. India B^ per Cent. Stock Do. 3 do. Do. 2i do. Januarj-, April. July, October. do. do. 40 i. In any Securities the Interest of whicli is for the time being guaranteed by Parliament : — When Redeemable. Dividends due. Canada Goveinment " Inter Col. Rail." ] HOS April, October. 4 per cent. Do. do. 4 do. 1008 do. Do. Bonds 1 do. 1910 do. Do. do. 4 do. 1913 do. Egyptian Government Guaranteed Loan .'{ per Cent. Greek Guaranteed Gold Loan (1898) 2^ per Cent. Mauritius Inscribed 3' per Cent. Drawings 1940 March, September. April, October. January, July. 5. Ill Consolidatefl Stock crented by the Metropolitan Board of AVorks or by the London County Council When Redeemable. Dividends due. Metropolitan Consolidated Stock iU per Cent. Do. do. 3 do. Do. do. 2i do. London County Council 2i do. 1929 1941 1920-49 1920 January, April. July, October. February, May, August, November. March, June, September, December. do. 6. Railways : — In the debenture or rentcharge, or guaranteed or preference stock of any railway company in Great Britain or Ireland incorporated by special Act of Parliament, and having during each of the ten years Jast past before the date of investment paid a dividend at the rate of not less than three per centum per annum on its ordinary stock. In the stock of any railway or canal company in Great Britain or Ireland whose undertaking is leased in perpetuity or for a term of not leas than two hundred years at a fixed rental to any such railway company as is mentioned above, either alone or jointly with any other railway company. 7. Indian Railways : — In the debenture stock of any railway company in India the interest on which is paid or guaranteed by the Secretary of State in Council of India. In the " B " annuities of the Eastern Bengal, the East Indian, and the Scinde Punjaub and Delhi Railways, and any like annuities which may at any time hereafter be created on the purchase of any other railway by the Secretary of State in Council of India, and charged on the revenues of India, and which may be authorized by Act of Parliament to be accepted by trustees in lieu of any stock held by them in the purchased railway ; also in deferred annuities comprised 41 in the register of liolders of annuity Class D. and annuities comprised in the register of annuitants Class C. of the East Indian Railway Company. In the stock of any railway company in India upon which a fixed or minimum dividend in sterling is paid or guaranteed by the Secretary of State in Council of India, or upon the capital of which the interest is so guaranteed. 8. Water Companies : — In the debenture or guaranteed or preference stock of any company in Great Britain or Ireland, established for the supply of water for profit, and incorporated by special Act of Parliament or by Royal Charter, and having during each of the ten years last past before the date of investment paid a dividend of not less than five pounds per centum on its ordinary stock. 9. Corporation and County Stocks : — In nominal or inscribed stock issued, or to be issued, by the corporation of any municipal borough having, according to the returns of the last census prior to the date of invest- ment, a population exceeding fifty thousand, or Ijy any county council, under the authority of any Act of Parliament or Provisional Order. 10. Incorporated Water Trusts : — In nominal or inscribed stock issued, or to be issued, by any commissioners incorporated by Act of Parliament for the purpose of supplying water, and having a compulsory power of levying rates over an area having, according to the returns of the last census prior to the date of investment, a population exceeding fifty thousand, provided that during each of the ten years last past before the date of investment the rates levied by such commissioners shall not have exceeded eighty per centum of the amount authorized by law to be levied. 11. Securities Authorized by Court : — In any of the stocks, funds, or securities, for the time being authorized for the investment of cash under the control or subject to the order of the Court. Order XXII., Rule 17 of the Supreme Court, contains the following Clauses extending the Act : — In Debenture, Preference, Guaranteed, or Rent Charge Stocks of Railways in Great Britain or Ireland having for ten years next before the date of investment paid a dividend on Ordinary Stock or Shares. As to the functions of The Official Trustees of Charitable Funds, see note (b) to Form No. 1, page 17, ante. (/) The Commissioners usually require to be furnished in the first instance with a report from a competent surveyor acting exclusively in the interests of the Charity, and dealing with each of the points referred to in the following memorandum : — Form No. 90. (Copies of this Form may he obtained in Room No. 51.) Surveyors should be instructed hii the Trustees of the CJiaritt/ to inspect the property proposed to be sold, and to forward to this Office, for the infoimation of the Commissioners, a Valuation and Report based upon their inspection, together with a plan of the property, showing - its abuttals and approaches, and identifying it, as far as possible, with its description in the Tithe Apportionment of the Parish, or in any authoritative Map or Survey of the locality. The Report should furnish information upon the following, as well as upon any other material points : — 1. The situation and general description of the property, stating the Parish (and Township, or other subordinate area, if any,) in which it is comprised, its extent, and the mode of cultivation. 42 2. The tenancy aiul present rental of the property, and state of cultivation of the land, the condition of the buildings, and the amount of outlay upon them necessary for the maintenance of the full rent of the property. 3. The present improved annual letting value, and the amount and incidence of the Land Tax, Tithe Rent Charge, and other fixed outgoings. 4. The ordinary market value in fee simple in possession. 5. The additional value (stated separately) either by way of accommodation to an adjoining owner, or to a tenant, or for building purposes. 6. The prospect of a future increase in value as building land, or otherwise. 7. The separate values (if any) of the timber upon, and of the minerals, brick, earth, &c., underlying the property. 8. The mode in which a sale may most advantageously be affected, whether by private contract or by public auction, and the number, extent, and separate values of the lots (if any) into which the property should be divided, and which should be indicated on the plan. And, where part only of a property is proposed to be sold, 9. The effect of a sale upon the remainder of the property, and its bearing upon the value of the part offered for sale. Note. — It is desired that, however small the area of the property , its total quantity viay he stated as nearly as may he, and that it may he specifically mentioned v)hether the property is situate in an Urbati or a Rural District. As to proposals for Sales of Nonconformist Chapels and their Endow- ments see note (c) to Form No. 8, page 55, post. For Form of Order authorising a Sale of Real Property by private treaty see Form No. 64, page 92, post. For Form of Order authorising a Sale of Real Property by public auction see Form No. 65, page 94, post. For Form of Order directing the Official Trustee of Charity Lands to concur in a conveyance see Form No. 69, page 96, post. This dii-ection to the Official Trustee is sometimes included in the Order authorising a Sale of Real Property. For Form of Letter transmitting Draft Order for examination see Form No. 29, page 185, post. For alternative Forms of Letter transmitting Order of the Board authorising a Sale of Real Property see Forms Nos. 32 and 32a, pages 190 and 191 respectively, post. For Form of Letter inquiring whether Sale has been completed see Form No. 37, page 195, post. 43 FORM No. 7. (CHAKITAliLE TrUSTS AcT, 18oo (16 AND 17 ViCT. c. 137), SEC. 24.) {Copies of this Forin may he obtained in Boom No. 51.) Form of Application to the Charity Commissioners to authorise an Exchange, (a) To the Charity Commissioners for England and Wales. In the Matter of the Charity called* 'i^-en the •J usual name or designation of in tliP nf ^^^ Charity, in LUC ui and the name in the County of ; and ?L^shir"t' place for the In the matter of " The Charitable Trusts Acts, 1853 of'tlfJ clarin" *■ 1 on < " '"'^^ founded, TO ioy'i. or in which it is administered. ■*-^6| tThe appli- of the above named Charity, being of opinion that, under makT ™y%he the special circumstances hereinafter stated, the jH'operty sonftctinrfn belonging to the Charity described in the subjoined tration'^'^^'^the Table A may be advantageously given in exchange for ^om"*^'person the property described in the subjoined Table B, hereby behaff,°and'by apply to the Commissioners to authorise the proposed t^^^ir direction. exchange, and to give such directions in relation thereto, and for securing the due investment of the money (if any) to be received by way of equality of exchange for the benefit of the Charity, as the Commissioners may think iit. The submit to the Board in relation to the proposed exchange, the following particulars as to : — 1. Whether the property proposed to be given in ex- change forms the whole or part only of the Charity estate. 2. The persons in whom the legal estate in the pro- perty of the Charity proposed to be given in exchange is now vested, and by what conveyance, assurance or other means. 44 • 1— 1 02 m O n ^ o o c-M -M r/J OJ 0) A --c -M ,i^ fi .1— ( • ^ o r/j 0) O -M rri rt S cc -M • i-H 02 ^ (=1 SO prt •I-H >^ +-> • I-H ^ (jS o o t^ .^ fcD O) s> B o ^ T? r/3 05 O 2 0) Ph ':p >-, d t: • i-H (U &. O »H Ph a> J3 H EC .2 '-D to o 3 T3 a> Q =f^ «4H O CO -4J ^ 3 O s -Ij ^ ' c d ■A rt ^ 3 ■ _o 1 '-S ^4 r» Ph ' ^ 2 i— f^ e>: . ■ ■■ ^ ^ ^ ^<^ «+^ '^' .£ <— \ 5 c ^ o -^= ; _o k" P' o w 4.4 0-' " <» K -U X W < d .2 v> &, • ^M Sh o tn a> - Q 45 o -t-s 02 q; 13 . o CO 5 c a; o o o CO a o o 3 o o a ) ; and Under the foregoing circumstances, the undersigned are desirous of obtaining an Order of the Board for the following purposes, viz. : — I. Removing and discharging from being Trustees of the Charity the said As many sheets as may be r eg Hired to set out the facts may be here in- serted. Insert names of retiring Trustees.if any. Insert names of Trustees re- siding abroad. Insert names of Trustees ■who have ceased to act. • 11414 D2 52 IV. Establishing a Scheme for the future regulation of the Charity, (c) In addition to the said state names in full of con- tinuing Trus- tees. All Christian -^vho desire to continue to act in the Trusts, the following stated in full, persons are proposed for appointment as new Trustees, namely : — Name. Residence. County. Description. It is recommended by the applicants that a Scheme be established to the following effect, namely : — state here the nature' and general pro- visions of any Scheme to be recommended for establish- ment. See Example No. 3 on last page of tli Is Form. The Appuca- Wc dcclarc that the above statements are in all respects m)ied hy the truc accordmg to our nitormation and beliet, and desire to theiV^'dre'^Wo obtain tlic order of the Board for the purposes aforesaid. Trustees, by the ^ persons actiny. in tfon "of"\'h~e Dated this day of 190 . Charity. '' Trustees who desire to con- tinue to act in the Trusts to sign here. Trustees who desire to be discharged to sign here. Proposed TIic undersiffued hereby sionify their willino;ness to new Trustees j_ i i • , i rr-i to sif.'n here accei)t auQ act in the Irust. (if willing to '■ serve), adding deS^^lons."'^ This application is forwarded by , to whom it iE requested that all communications may be addressed. The orifjinal Trusts Deeds and subsequent Deeds affect- imi the Charity must in all cases accompany the Apjjlication. Title Deeds antecedent to the acquisition of jwoperty for the inirposes of the Charity need not he f awarded. Note. — A Postal Order, crossed " Bank of England," for £1, the amount of the necessary Inland Revenue Stamp on the proposed Order of the lV)ard should be sent with this application, 6^ Example No. 1. The Charity was created by an Indenture dated the 31st December, 1800 (inrolled in Chancery 1st January, 1801), and made between [or by Lease and Release dated respectively the 2nd and 3rd of January, 1802, the Release being made between] Thomas Wilson of the one part and Elisha Tatham and nine* others of the other am^unt)^°obe part, whereby in consideration of £* a piece fng^^o thoTact'. of groundf in the Parish of Stoke, in the County of t Description Durham, containing- in length 50 feet, and in breadth 40 feet tonow hrway or thereabouts, and containing in the whole 222 square the Deed! if yards or thereabouts, situate on the west side of the Town be' leaseiioid, Street of Stoke aforesaid, with the Chapel and other the term of the buildings thereupon, was conveyp:d upon trust J at all r*:^! payable. times thereafter to permit such persons as should be foiJw^^brieiiy appointed by the yearly conference of the people called l^l ^^if^ l\ Methodists as established by a Deed Poll, dated schedui'l of 28th February, 1784, under the hand of the Reverend S^be ap- JoHN Wesley, to have the use of the Chapel for Divine lip'jStiou!^" Worship. The Deed also contains powers to mortgage, sell, or exchange, and for the appointment of Trustees.§ tiona^''p°/oI visions con- tained in tho Trust Deed Example No. 2. iV^elaUy noticed. 1. Henry Tatham, of Stoke, in the County of Durham, Grocer. 2. Samuel Hicks, since deceased. 3. William Drew, emigrated to America many years ago ; his last known address [i.e. in Great Britain or Ireland] was Stoke ; he was then a Mason. 4. Peter Haines, present address unknown ; he has left Stoke, which was his last known address ; he was then a Bootmaker. 6. John Henry Brunt (in the Deed of called by mistake John Brunt), of 99, Albion Street, Durham, Draper. 6. David Basset, of Brighton, in the County of Sussex, Saddler. 7. Alfred Sharp, of Yarmouth, in the County of Norfolk, Factor. 54 8. Enoch Huntley, of Stoke aforesaid. Auctioneer. 9. Andrew Hyde, of 19, Bedford Street, Sheffield, Attorney's Clerk. 10. Isaac Clark, of 200, Carter Gate, Nottingham, Ironmonger. Example No. 3. It is recommended by the applicants that a Scheme be established to the following effect, namely : — (I.) For case H) Dlrectinof that the Chapel and other hereditaments where a Scheme , \, i ^itiit tt i rn j_ r ti settixr; upon gKa|i henccfortli be held — Upon the 1 rusts oi an Indea- Deed is desired, turc dated 3rd July, 1832, for the settlement of a Chapel at Skircoat, in the County of York, known as " I'he Wesleyan Chapel Model Deed^ Or, Upon the Trusts of an Indenture dated 29th December, 1846, for the settlement of a Chapel in the Township of Hunslet, in the Parish of Leeds, known as " The Methodist New Connexion Chapel Model Deed^ Or Ilpon the Trusts of an Indenture dated 31st December, 1863, for the settlement of a Chapel in the Parish of St. Philip and Jacob Without, in the City and County of iiristol, known as " Tlie Bible Christian Chapel Model Deedr Or, Upon the Trusts of an Indenture dated 24th March, 1864, for the settlement of a Chapel at Walworth, in the County of Surrey, known as " The Primitive Methodist Chaj^el Model Deedy Or, Upon the Trusts of an Indenture dated 1st November, 1865, for the settlement of a piece of land in Burnley, in the County of Lancaster, known as " The United Methodist t^ree Churches Deed of Referenced b5 (II.) Authorising the sale of the said old Chapel and the ,JJ,Va^5,V^^ application of the proceeds in manner aforesaid. saieu'desired. " Note. — Where the proposals for a scheme cannot be briefly indicated in similar terms to those here given they should be set out (on foolscap paper book wise) and annexed to the Application. I£ the proposed Trusts are contained in any printed form of draft Deed, a print of the draft should be sent with the Application. (a) Section 15 provides that no Order shall be made thereunder except upon the application of the Trustees acting in the administration of the Charity made in manner provided Ly Section 4 of " The Charitable Trusts Act, 18(30" (23 & 24 Vict. c. 136), or by " The Charitable Trusts Act, 186'J." The practice is to require the application to be made in the manner provided by the Section 4 above alluded to, i.e., in writing under the hands of the Trustees or persons acting in the administration of the Charity or a majority of them. The Commissioners have decided that they have no power to act upon an application made under the 15th Section of the Act of 1869 except with the assent of a majority of the Trustees or persons acting in the administration of the Charity. {h) The practice of the Commissioners is to vest the legal estate in the Trustees, except on special request or where the Charity has real endow- jnents apart from the Chapel itself, and in those exceptional cases only to vest in the Official Trustee of Charity Lands {see Note («)■ to Form No. U, page 62, post). (c) Section 15 of '• The Charitable Trusts Act, 1869," extends the benefits of the Charitable Trusts Acts to buildings registered and used as places of meeting for religious worship for the purposes numbered I., II., III., and IV. only. Hence, excepting for removing and appointing Trustees and vesting, the Commissioners can only proceed by way of Scheme for any purpose which it may be desired to attain, as for example, in order to authorise exchanges, leases, sales, or mortgages of the property belonging to this class of Charity. Inasmuch as it is the practice of the Commissioners to treat as exempt from their jurisdiction under " The Charitable Trusts Act, 1853 " (16 & 17 Vict, c, 137), Section 62, any building registered as a place of meeting for religious worship, whether used or not, or if used for such purpose, whether registered or not, although strictly speaking both these classes of buildings would be subject to their ordinary jurisdiction, if it be not desired to proceed by way of Scheme for effecting the purposes mentioned at the end of the preceding paragraph, the Commissioners, upon sufficient apphcation being made to them, and upon being satisfied that that course is expedient, may, after giving public notice of their intention to do so (see Form No. 50a, page 64, post), make an Order, application for which should be made on Form No. 9 (see page 58, post), extending the Charitable Trusts Acts to the exempted Charities (see Form No. 61, page 100, post). The required object may then be effected under their ordinary jurisdiction. The procedure, however, by way of Scheme is the more convenient course and that most commonly resorted to. The preliminaries to be observed before an Order is made effecting any of the objects numbered I., II., III., and IV. in the Form of Application in the case of Nonconformist Chapels are similar to those carried out in the case of other classes of Charities. Notice of the intention to make the Order is 5^ flsaally published in the locality in the following form (for Form of covering letter see Form No. 28a, page 183, post) :— Form No. 50b. {Copies of this Form may be obtained in Room No. 51.) Charity Commission. In the matter of in the Parish of in the County of ; and In the Matter of "The Charitable Trusts Acts, 1853 to 1894." By direction of the Board of Charity Commissioners for England and Wales, Notice is hereby given that an Order is proposed to be made by them after the expiration of one calendar month, to be com- puted from the publication of this Notice, having the foUo-vving objects, namely : — 1. Removing from being Trustees of the above-mentioned Charity ; 2. Appointing Trustees thereof, with all necessary and proper incidental directions ; and 3. Establishing a Scheme for the regulation of the Charity. The following Persons have been proposed for appointment as Trustees, namely : — A Scheme has been proposed directing that the above-mentioned Chapel and its appurtenances shall be held and administered upon and in conformity with the trusis and provisions declared and contained by and in an Indenture dated [Pyrd Jnly, 1832 J, made for the settle- ment of the \_W('sleyan Methodist Chapel at Skircoat, in the Parish of Halifax, in the County of York"], usually known as [" The Wesleyan Chapel Model Deed'']. Any objections to the proposed Order, or suggestions for the modification thereof, may be transmitted to the said Board in writing, addressed " The Secretary, Charity Commission, Whitehall, London, S.W.," within 21 days next after the first publication of this Notice. Dated this day of 190 . R. DURNFORD, Secretary. The following instructions should receive the attention of Persons apply- ing for a Scheme authorising the sale of Nonconformist Chapels and their endowments : — Form No. 98. {Copies of this Form may be obtained in Room No. 51.) 1. Applications should be made in manner indicated in the printed Forni numbered 8, which will be supplied from the Office of the Charity Commissioners upon request. 57 2. Under paragraph 10 of the Form of Application, the applicants should s^ate the material facts which justify the proposed sale and the appropriation of the proceeds in the manner desired. 3. The Application should be supported by an authenticated copy of a resolution to be passed at a meeting of the Trustees of the Chapel, of the members of the Congregation, and of such other persons as may be interested in the Chapel, approving of the sale and proposed appropriation of the proceeds. 4. The meeting should be summoned by Notice in the manner usual when it is desired to call the Congregation together, and also by Notice on the Chapel doors. In cases where there is no Congregation attending the Chapel, the meeting should be called by Notice on the Chapel doors and by advertisement in a local newspaper. A copy of the Notice convening the meeting should in each case accompany the Application when transmitted to the Commissioners. 5. Before authorising a sale, the Commissioners will require to be satisfied that full provision has been made for the Congregation in the new Chapel, or for their accommodation during the interval to elapse before its opening. 6. In the preparation of Deeds of Settlement o£ new Chapels, it must be borne in mind that proceeds of sales cannot properly be applied towards the cost of new Chapels, unless such new Chapels be settled upon Trusts substantially similar to those aflEecting the original premises. A draft of the proposed Trust Deed, written on foolscap paper, bookunse, should be sent with the Application. Suggested Form of Notice Calling Meetings. Notice is hereby given that a Meeting of the Trustees, Members of the Congregation, and all other persons interested or claiming to be interested in the Chapel, situate at will be held at on the day of next at o'clock precisely, for the purpose of considering an Application proposed to be made to the Board of Charity Commissioners for England and Wales for authority to [state object of Application] . For Form of Order effecting the above-mentioned objects see Form No. 60b, page 97, post. For Form of Letter transmitting to Local Authority copy of Notice of proposed Order of the Board see Form No. 49e, page 209, post. For Form of Letter transmitting the Order of the Board see Form No. 31a, page 189, post. 58 FORM No. 9. (Charitable Tkusts Act, 1860 (23 and 2-4 Vict. c. 136).) {Copies of this Form may he obtained in Room No. 51.) To the Charity Commissioners for England and Wales. In the matter of the Charit Note. -The in the Parish of in application , ^ „ t should be the County of ; and made m con- ./ ' formity with tTons Vn^d In the Matter of " The Charitable Trusts Acts, 1853 Directions set . ^ ^.^v . 11 forth in the an- tO 1094. nexed sheet. -I or We. * hereby apply to the Charity Commissioners for an Order — tinsert fuu (1.) Removinsft name, address *-" ' and description of each retir- ing Trustee. from the office of Trustee of the Charit ; (a) (2.) Appointing new Trustees of the Charit ; (3.) Establishing a Scheme for the Administration of the Charit ; and giving all necessary and proper incidental directions in relation thereto. Dated this day of 190 . JThc appli- t cants should ~ 8 i K n their names here, adding the capacity in which they apply ; i.e., whether as Trustees, In- habitants, or otherwise. See Instructions, ■ec. 3. 5i» The Applicants submit to the Commissioners the following recommendations, * viz. : — tiont'JcT"'^' /I \ +Tl>.if + Insert full ^J-.y I XilcXb name, address and description of each pro- who have expressed in writing their willingness, if ^'"''^'^ Trustee. ultimately appointed, to accept and act in the Trusts, should be ap})ointed Trustees of the Charit . (2.) That a Scheme to the following effect should be established for the administration of the Churit , viz. : — Charity Commission. histructions and Directions to be observed in applying to the Board for a?i Order under " The Charitable Trusts Act, 1860." Note. — This sheet need not be returned, but may be detached and retained by the applicants. 1. The application must be made — {A.) In the case of a charity having a gross annual Income of £50 or upwards, J by, either — t23&24Vict., (<3.) All the Trustees, or persons acting in the administration of the Charity ; or {b.) A majority of those Trustees or persons : {B.) In the case of a Charity having a gross annual income of less than £50. ,§ by, either — §23 * 24 viet., "' '^ c. 136, s 2, and (a.) All or any one or more of — mf ^43^'''*" "" 1. The Trustees of ") 2. The persons administering j ^^^ ^^^^^^.^^^ ^ . 3. The persons claiming to ad- Y or minster j 4. The persons interested in j (6.) Any two or more inhabitants of any parish or place within which the Charity is administered or apphcable. 60 •23 & 24 Vict.. 2. The application must be made* in writing, or partly C. lit) 8, 4. A i - , . . <-■ I .' in print and partly m writing. 3. The application (unless the applicants are a body corporate) must be signed by, either — (a.) The applicants ;* Or — if the applicants are the Trustees or the persons acting in the administration of the Charity — (b.) Any person authorized in that behalf by a resolution passed by a majority of those Trustees or persons who are present at a meeting of their c iiV^sf ^''''*" body duly constituted and vote on the question.^ 4. If the applicants are a body corporate the application must be made under their common seal.* 5. When the application is signed by any person in pursuance of a resolution (see § 3 {[>) above), it should be accompanied by a copy of the resolution, and a statement of the names of the persons present at the meeting, and of the numbers voting for and against the resolution, with all further necessary information, (b) fi. The application should be accompanied by a state- ment showing — (i.) The date, title, and other particulars of the Act of Parliament, Charter, Decree, Order, Scheme, AVill, Deed, or other instrument by which the Charity is now regulated ; (ii.) The name (in full), address and description, and also the date and mode of appointment, of each of the present Trustees or persons acting in the administration ot the Charity ; and •. 124,1 W*°*" v^^i-) The endowments now belonging to the Charity,! showing in the case of realty not in hand, the manner in which the same is let or occupied, and, in the case of personalty, the existing investment or employment thereof, and in what names such investments are made. A form (numbered 104) {see page 21o,2)ost) for this purpose can be obtained at the Office of the Commissioners. 61 7. The annexed form of application includes the three most usual objects of application, viz. : (1) the appoint- ment, (2) the removal of Trustees, and (3) the establish- ment of a Scheme ; but any one or more of these may be omitted from, or any other of the objects specified in section 2 of " The Charitable Trusts Act, I860,"* may be •23&2ivkt.. included in, the aj^plication, as may be desired. 8. The application itself should not be limited or qualified in any way but it may be accompanied by any recommendations or suggestions — as, for instance, the names of the proposed new Trustees, or the provisions of the proposed new Scheme — which the applicants may think fit to submit to the Commissioners for consideration. A form in which recommendations and suggestions may be made, will be found endorsed upon the annexed form of application ; but a separate paper may, if preferred, be used for this purpose. 9. Every recommendation of a person for appointment as Trustee of a Charity should be accompanied by a state- ment to the effect that he has expressed in writing his willingness, if ultimately appointed, to accept and act in the trust. 10. No application by or on behalf of the Trustees or persons acting in the administration of a Charity can be entertained by the Commissioners unless and until all proper accounts in relation to the Charity have been trans- mitted to the Commissioners, as required by law, t in 1;ll'^l^,^'^*^' resjDCct oi at least three complete financial years next }24'-V4V'''''" '^^ preceding the date of the application. 11. An Order appointing a new Trustee, whether directly or by means of a Scheme, is chargeable with a stamp duty of 10^., and an Order conveying or trans- ferring any property for the purpose of effectuating such appointment is chargeable with a further stamp duty of 10s.* Every application to the Commissioners for an ^ ^\f^^p-f-' Order involving either or both of these objects should therefore be accompanied by a I^ostal Order (crossed " Bank of England ") for the amount of the duty or duties chargeable thereon ; the Commissioners will at the proper time pay the duty, and procure the requisite stamp or stamps to be impressed on the Order. 62 (a) See Instructions and Directiona, paragraph 8 above. The mos* usual object of application besides those numbered (1), (2), and (3) in the Form of Application as printed, ia an Order vesting the legal estate in the reil property belonging to a Charity in the Official Trustee of Charity Lauds. The form may be used {see Instructions and Directions, paragraph 7 above) for such an application by substituting for or adding to the objects printed in the form the following words : — " Vesting in The Official Trustee of Charity Lands in trust for the Charity the legal estate in the property " (here follows a description of the property to be vested.) The constitution and functions of the Official Trustee of Charity Lands are explained in the following memorandum : — Form No. 123. Charitable Trusts Amend- ment Act, 1855, s. 15. Charitable Trusts Act, 185.3, s8. 48 and GO ; Charitable Trusts'Amend- ment Act, 1855, s. 15; and Charitable Trusts Act, 1860, s. 2. Charitable Trusts Act, 1887, s. 5. Charitable Trusts Act, 1853, s. 50. Charitable Trusts Act, 1809, sec. 12, and Charitable Trusts Act, 1855, s. 16. {Copies of this Form may he obtained in Room No. 51.) (1) The Secretary for the time being of the Board of Charity Com- missioners for England and Wales is a Corporation Sole, by the name of " The Official Trustee of Charity Lands," for taking and holding Charity Lands, and has by that name perpetual succession. (2) Charity Lands (including hereditaments, corporeal and incorporeal, of every tenure and description), or any term or estate therein, may be vested (subject, as regards copyholds, to the consent of the Lord of the Manor) by the Order of any Court or Judge of competent juris- diction, or by an Order of the Board of Charity Commissioners, in the Official Trustee of Charity Lands ; and upon the establishment of such an Order the legal estate in the property which is the subject of the Order vests in the Official Trustee of Charity Lands and his successors without any conveyance or other assurance thereof. (3) Charity Lands may also, in pursuance of an Order of the Board, be conveyed to or vested in the Official Trustee of Charity Lands by any deed or assurance, or otherwise. (4) The Official Trustee of Charity Lands holds any Charity Lands vested in him as a bare Trustee, " and shall permit the persons acting in the administration of the Charity to have the possession, manage- ment, and control of the Trusts Estates, and the application of the income thereof, as if the same had been vested iu them." (5) The vesting of the legal estate in Charity property in the Official Trustee of Charity Lands affects in no way whatsoever the exercise by the Administering Trustees of the Charity of dominion over that property. Trustees and persons acting in the administration of Charity property which is vested in the Official Trustee of Charity Lands can sell, exchange, partition, mortgage, lease, and otherwise dispose of that property, as freely as if the property were not vested in him. All such assurances and acts of the Administering Trustees dealing with the property " shall have the same effect as if they were respectively executed and done ])y such Trustees or peisons, and by the Official Trustee of Charity Lands." (6) Although, as thus appears, the concurrence of the Official Trustee of Charity Lands in sales and mortgages is unnecessary, it is the invariable practice of the Board to direct, in any Order authorising a sale or mortgage, that if the purchaser or mortgagee (as the case may lie) requires the concurrence of the Official Trustee of Charity Lands in the assurance he shall concur accordingly. 63 (7) The advantages to a Charity of its real estate being vested in the Official Trustee of Charity Lands may be summarised as follows : — (a) The title to the property is simplified, and dealing on the part of the Trustees with the property is thereby facilitated, being rendered less troublesome and expensive. This is especially so in the case of small rentcharges. (5) No re-conveyence of the property is requu-ed when new Trustees are appointed ; and thus a heavy and recurrent expense is saved to the Charity, In short, all the advantages, in these respects, which flow from incor- poration of the Trustees of a Charity are obtained by vesting in the Official Trustee of Charity Lands, without any of the attendant dis- advantages. Before an Order is made full publicity is given to the proposal, and opportunity for making objections or suggestions relative thereto is afforded by the publication in the locality by direction of the Commissioners (see Forms Nos. 23 and 28, pages 178 and 182 respectively, post) of a notice in one of the following forms : — Form No. 50, {Copies of this Form may be obtained in Room No. 51.) In the matter of the Charit in the Parish of in the County of ; and In the Matter of " The Charitable Trusts Acts, 1853 to 1894.'" By direction of the Board of Charity Commissionei s for England and Wales, notice is hereby given that an Order is proposed to be made by them after the expiration of one calendar month, to be computed from the first publication of this notice, establishing a, Scheme for the administration of the above-mentioned Charit Any objections to the proposed Order or suggestions thereon may be transmitted to the said Commissioners in writing within 21 days next after the first publication of this notice addressed to " The Secretary, Charity Commission, Whitehall, S.W." Printed copies of the proposed Scheme may be inspected free of cost on each week day during a period of 15 days from the first publication of this notice between the hours of and at in the above-mentioned Parish, and between the hours of 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. at the Office of the Commissioners, where also copies may be purchased during the same period at the price of d. each, which may be remitted by postal order, crossed "Bank of England," or, if the amount be less than one shilling, in penny postage stamps. Dated this day 190 R. DURNFORD, Secretary. 64 Or II Form No. 50a, {Copies of this Form may be obtained in Room No. 51.) Charity Commission. In the Matter of the Charit in the Parish of in the County of • ; and In the Matter of " The Charitable Trusts Acts, 1853 to 1894." By direction of the Board of Charity Commissioners for England and Wales, notice is hereby given that an Order is proposed to be made by them after the expiration of one calendar month, to be computed from the first publication of this notice. {Here are set out the objects of the proposed Order and the terms of the Scheme {if any) to he established thereby.) Any objections to the proposed Order, or suggestions for its modification, may be transmitted to the Commissioners in writing, within 21 days from the first publication of this notice, addressed to " The Secretary, Charity Commission, Whitehall, London, S.W." Dated the day 190 . R. DURNFORD, Secretary. After the Order has been made notice thereof is published in the locality, by direction of the Commissioners, in the following form : — Form No. 51. {Copies of this Form may be obtained in Room No. 51.) Charity Commission. In the Matter of the Charit in the Parish of in the County of ; and In the Matter of " The Charitable Trusts Acts, 1853 to 1894." Notice is hereby given that an Order has been made by the Board of Charity Commissioners for England and Wales [here are set out the objects effected by the Order'\. A copy of the Order [aiid Scheme] may be inspected, free of cost, between the hours of 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. daily, except on Sundays, during a period of one calendar month to be computed from the first 65 publication of this notice, at , in the Parish, and at the Office of the Commissioners, Whitehall, London, S.W., where also copies of the Order [and Scheme'} may be purchased during the same period at the price of d. each, which may be remitted by Postal Order, crossed " Bank of England," or, if the amount be less than Is., in penny postage stamps. Dated this day of , 190 . ^ R. DUKNFOllD, Secretary. (b) This information should include the names in full, postal addresses, and descriptions or occupations of those Trustees who were not present at the meeting, in order that statutory notice of the intention to make the Order may be given to them by the Commissioners. When the application is signed by a majority of the Trustees, a list giving the full names, postal addresses, and descriptions of all the Trustees should be supplied in order that a like statutory notice, may be given by the Commissioners to all the Trustees who are not privy to the application. (See Form No. 24, page 179, post.) For Form of Order removing and appointing Trustees and establishing a Scheme aee Form No. GO, page 102, post. For Forms of Scheme for the regulation of various classes of Charities sre Forms Nos. 75 bis, 76, 77, 79, and 80, pages 107, 114, 120, 127 and 128 respectively, post. For Form of Letter giving personal notice to a Trustee of his proposed discharge from the Trust see Form No. 25, page 180, post. For Form of Letter giving personal notice to a Trustee of application to fill the vacancy caused by his ceasing to be a Trustee see Form No. 26, page 181, post. For Form of Letter transmitting draft order for examination and requesting remittance of cost of Inland Revenue Stamp see Form No. 30, page 186, post. For Form of Letter transmitting copy of draft Scheme to a Local Authority, see Form No. 48, page 207, post. For alternative Forms of Letter transmitting Order of the Board appoint- ing Trustees, &c., see Forms Nos. 31 and 31a, pages 188 and 189 respectively, post. For Form of Letter notifying comjiletion of proceedings, see Form No. 36 page 195, post. lliH E 66 FORM No. 10 (Charitable Trustees Incorporation Act, 1872 (35 and ' 36 Yict. c. 24:).) . I {Copies of this Form may he obtained in Room No^ 51.) ; NOTE.-Aii Application under " The Charitable Trustees Incorporation applications ii , 1 Q70 ?' /^\ not made on JxCt. io/J. {a) I'^otrS'l^^l [lOf Stamp be written 'on to be foolscap paper, impressed bookwUe, with Iiot-o T a marsin to the nere. J left hand of the and To She To the Charity Commissioners for England and Wales. right hand of •^ ^ the second and fourth t>3.ges. _^______^^^___— ^ Tlie Application of the undersigned persons, being the whole of the present Trustees of the Charity called or known as in the Parish of in the County of f- •state whet- J. The Charity was created and constituted for* o!Ks/°educ?a- purposcs by [a Deed dated the I'cienuH-f^oT day of 1 1 or [by the Will of public chari- ? , 7 ,7 7 j? table purposes. dated the day oj 1 , and proved in the Court of on the day of 1 ] a copy whereof t All copies is appended to this Application. t to be written -T i •- ' ' on f o olscap with ' margins H. Thc Charitv is noAV sfoverned by [certain rides and as stated above. -, . -\ n ±. S j.i c But if the In- regulations} or [byl J a copyj whereoi Foundation is also appcudcd to this Application. has been print- ^ ^ '■ ^ ed it will be pdnt'^^bc 'fur- HI. A Statement and short description of the property, °"^ t real and personal, now possessed by, or belonging to, or nature of the held on behalf of the Charity, and of the income derived which the therefrom, or otherwise receivable for the purposes of the governed or Ciuirity, arc given in the First Schedule hereto. regulated. '' ' *-' lY. The names, residences, and descriptions of the present Trustees of the Charity, and the mode and date of their respective appointments, are stated in the Second fi7 Schedule hereto. The vacancies which have occurred in the Trust since the last appointment of Trustees, and the date and mode -of the occurrence of each vacancy, are also stated in the same schedule. V. Tlie following is the proposed Title* of Incorpora- tion : VI. The following is the proposed device of the Common Seal : "f yil. The following are the proposed regulations for the custody and use of the Common Seal : * Tlie words "Trustees" or "Governors" and " RegiHter- ed" must form part of this title. t The device should bear the name of the Incorpora- tion. VIII. — The arrangements proposed for filling up vacancies in the body of Trustees are as follows, viz. : First Schedule {giving a statement of the property and income belonging to the Charity). Second Schedule {giving a list of the present Trustees of the Charity in the order of their appointment^ setting forth their respective residences and descriptions^ and the date and mode of the appointment of each, and also a list of the vaeaticies that have occurred in the Trust since the last appointment, with the date and mode of occurrence of each vacancy). We declare that the above statements are in all respects true according to our information and belief, and we hereby apply for a Certificate of Incorporation of the above-named Charity, under " The Charitable Trustees Incorporation Act, 1872." Dated this day of 190 Not e.— The Application must be signed by all the Trustees. Not e.— The original Trust Deeds or In- This Application is forwarded by , shouid°\n " ai! to whom it is requested that all communications mav be Ff^o'fsibTe! addressed. ' "*'' ^'" •''" plication. 1U14 E2 68 ((() Recourse is seldom had to the jurisdiction created by this Act. The legislation was not promoted by the Commissioners, but contrary to their advice. Their objection to the Bill was withdrawn upon the understanding that a very large discretion would be reserved to them in. the Act to approve or disapprove its application to each particular Foundation. In the exercise of this discretion the Commissioners have laid down the broad principle that the Act does not contemplate the granting of a Certificate of Incorporation as a matter of course, but that it is for those who are seeking incorporation to make out their case. The Commissioners are of opinion that Corporations cannot generally be regarded as eligible Trustees for the administration of Charities for the following reasons : — (1) Because it has been found that through the use of a common seal a veil has been thrown round the decisions and acts of the individual trustees which tends to weaken their sense of personal responsibility and hence to produce laxity of administration. (2) Because there is a great difficulty in providing against the misuse of the common seal by insufficiently constituted meetings of the corpo- rate trustees, or in securing regular renewals of the corporate bodies with any due control over the selection of the new members. (3) Because neither the Courts nor the Commissioners have the power to vary the constitution of the Corporations given to them ujion their creation or to divest such bodies (as in the case of an individual trustee) of the trusteeship with which they had once been clothed. Incorporation is usually desired for the purpose of securing the perpetual succession of the trustees of a Charity, and thus to prevent the periodically recurring expense thereto which is occasioned by the necessity to reconvey real property or to transfer secui'ities to new names every time there is a change in the body of Trustees. All the advantages, however, incident to the tenure and transmission of property which are secured by the continuity of a corporation have been equally secured to Charities by the constitution of the Official Trustee of Charity Lands (see note (a) to Form No. 9, page 62, ante) and The Official Trustees of Charitable Funds (see note (h) to Form No. 1, page 17, ante) in whom respectively the real and personal estate held in trust for a charity may be vested. 69 FORM No. U. (Charitable Trusts Act, 18G0 (28 and 21 Vict. c. 136), SEC. 2.) {Copies of this Form may he obtained in Boom No. 51.) Form of Application for an Order of the Board of Charity Commissioners for Enqland and Wales, vestim/ in '\The Official trustees of Charitable Funds;' (a) the riyht to call for the transfer of Stock, (b) To the Cliarity Commissioners for England and Wales. In the matter of the Charity called in the Parish of in the County of The undersigned being^ submit the following statements :- 1st. The above Charity is possessed of £t *AppUoation8 may be made— By the Trus- tees or persons acting in the administration of the Charity or by a majo- rity of them, Of (where the in- come of the Charity does not amount to iloO or up- wards)— By any one or more of the Trustees or per- sons adminis- tering or claim- ing to adminis- ter or interest- ed in the Charity or— By any two or more inhabi- tants of any parish or place within which the Charily is administered or applicable. tinsert exact amount, and correct des- cription of Stock. ro stands. -Also the per cent. Annuities, standins: in the names of* names, resi- I "^ dences,and des- criptions exact- ly as stated in the Bank Books i°nwhose'namel {,-, tjie Books of tlic Govemci" aucl Companv of the Bank the Stock now „-^,n ,, ,ij_i'j.i of England upon the trusts stated m the 2nd. For the purpose of security or convenient adminis- tration the said Annuities ought to be transferred to the account of " The Official Trustees of Charitable Funds," and the arrears of dividends (if any) due thereon should be received and recovered for the benefit of the said Charity. ord. The said Any other cir- cumstance s material to the application should here be stated. are all deceased and Under the foregoing circumstances the undersigned are desirous of obtaining an order of the Board vesting in " The Official Trustees of Charitable Funds," the right to call for the transfer of and to transfer into their name in trust for the said Charit the above-mentioned sum of £ per cent. Annuities. And also to receive and recover in trust for the said Charit all divi- dends accrued from the said Annuities which shall be in arrear at the time of such transfer. We declare that the above statements are in all respects true accordinii" to our information and belief The appli- cants should here si?n their names in lull, also their ad- dresses and des- criptions! Dated this day of 190 («) See note (b) to Form No. 1, page 17, ante. (&) See also Form No. 2, page 20, ante. For Form of Oi-der vesting in the Official Trustees the right to call fur a transfer of stock see Form No. 70, page 132, post. For Form of Letter transmitting draft order for examination see Form No. 29, page 185, post. For Form of Letter transmitting the Order of the Board see Form No. 22a, page 176, post. 11 FORM No. 12. (Copies oj this Form may he obtained in Room No. 51.) Form of Application to the Board to approve Provisional Appointments of Ti^ustees or Governors under Schemes, (a) To the Charity Commissioner.^ for England and AVales. In the matter of the Charit in the Parish of in the County of now regulated by a Scheme* *State when and by what authority the Scheme was established or made. The undersigned beingf of the above-mentioned Charit statement : — 1. A vacancy in the ojB&ce of occurred on the day of by thej submit the following of§ 190 2. At a special meeting of the duly held on the day of 190 at which there were present (in the Chair), it was resolved that|| be provisionally appointed to fill such vacanc 3. Under the foregoing' circumstances the now apply to the Charity Commissioners to approve such provisional appointment under their official seal. 4. The provisionally appointed has expressed in writing his willingness to accept and act in the trusts of the Scheme. tThe appli- cation may be made by the Chairman of the Meeting or by the Clerk, on behalf of the Trustees or Governors. JState cause of vacancy. §Stato full name, address, and description of Trustee or Governor who vacates his office. II State full name, address', and descrip- tion of pio- posed new Trustee or Governor, The appli- cant or appli- cants should here sign their names, i adding the capacity in which they make the ap- plication. 72 declare that the above statements are in all respects true according to information and belief. Dated this day of 190 . (a) This Form of Application may be used in all cases where the approval of the Charity Commissioners is required to a provisional appointment whether made in pursuance of a scheme established by the Commissioners or by any other authority. Before certifying their aj)proval of a provisional appointment the Com- missioners require notice in the following form to be published in the locality (see Form No. 28b, page 184, post) : — Form No. 52. Charity Commission. In the Matter of the Charit in the Parish of in the County of ; and In the Matter of " The Charitable Trusts Acts, 1853 to 1894. (ii " The of this Charit having appointed [here follow the names of the Trustees whose provisional appointment is to he ax>2'rovcd'] to fill the existing vacanc in their body, this appointment will be approved by the Board of Charity Commis- sioners for England and Wales, under the provisions of the subsisting Scheme for the regulation of the said Charit , unless some suffi- cient objection shall be stated in writing to the said Commissioners, addressed to " The Secretary, Charity Commission, Whitehall, London, S.W.," Avithin 15 days from the first publication of this notice. Dated this day of 190 . R. DURNFORD, Secretary, For Form of Order certifying approval of the provisional appointment of Trustees or Governors see Form No. G8, page 134, post. For Form of Letter transmitting Draft Order for examination see Form No. 29, page 185, post. For Form of Letter transmitting Order of the Board see Form No. 22a, page 176, post. u FOMM Nn. 3. {Copies of this Form may be obtained in Boom No. 51.) Form of Application to the Charity Commissioners for any purpose to which the foregoing Forms of Application do not apply, (a) To the Charity Commissioners for England and Wales. In the Matter of the Charit* in the Parish of in the County of * Inscit tho usual name or designation of t h e Charity, and tho name of the Parish, or'plaee, if any, , to which tho and Charity is at- tached. In the Matter of the " Charitable Trusts Acts, 1853 to lb94." The undersigned, beingf submits the following statement : — 1. 2. o.j etc., etc. In these circumstances, the apply to the Board for the following purposes :- 1st. 2nd. Srd., etc., etc. tThe apph- cation may be made by the trustees or per- sons concerned in the manage- ment or a d- ■ ministration of the Charity, or by any person acting on their behalf and by their direction. f^tate here concisely and as far as con- veniently may be, in n u m- bered p a r a- graphs the ma- terial facts and circumstances of the case. State here, as far as c o n- veniently may be, in n u m- bered para- graphs, the specific objects of the appli- cation. *The applicant .should here sign iiis name, adding his pro- fession or occu- pation and residence. u and for such Order or Direction in the matter as the Commissioners may think fit. I declare that the above statement is in all respects true according to my information and belief. Dated this day 190 * (a) This Form of Application may be used for the following purposes, amongst others : — (i ) For the Opinion and Advice of the Commissioners (Charitable Trusts Act, 1853 (16 & 17 Vict. c. 137), sec. 16). (ii.) For authority to make improvements in Charity estates, to erect buildings thereon, or to repair, alter, rebuild or remove existing buildings (ib., sec. 21). (iii.) For authority to redeem rent charges or to compromise claims (ib., sees. 2.5 & 23, and Charitable Trusts Amendment Act, 1855 (18 & 19 Vict. c. 124), sec. 31). (iv.) For authority to purchase real estate. (i-) Opinion and Advice. The opinion and advice of the Charity Commissioners aifords to Trustees of Charities, in the absence of fraud, wilful concealment or misrepresentation on their part in obtaining it, a means of securing complete indemnity in discharging the duties of their trust. The expression of Opinion and Advice does not always take the shape of a formal order, but is very frequently conveyed to applicants by letfer, which gives practically as complete protection to Trustees as the formal order. (ii.) Improvements in Charity Estates, etc. Where Trustees desire to expend funds on buildings and improvements the Commissioners require to be furnished with exact particulars of the proposals, and an estimate of the cost of carrying them out. Where buildings are to be erected, plans and specifications must be submitted for their approval, and attention should be given to the following directions and observations as to the preparation thereof : — Form No. 130. (Co2)ies of this Form viay he obtained in Room No. 51.) Note. — The dimensions and areas stated in the following memoranda should in all cases be considered as absolute minima. (1) The following plans, together with a detailed specification, and an estimate, are required in every case : — (o) A block plan of the site, to be drawn to a scale of 16 feet to an inch, having the points of the compass marked upon it, and 75 showing the position of the building, ancWthe course, size, and direction of all rain-water, sink, bath, water-cloFet, and other drain«, the situation of all inspection manhole^, and the connec- tion of the drains with ihc Fewer or outlet. (Where additions only are made to existing buildings, it is still necessaiy that the Commissioners should be informed as to the condition, ventilation, &c., of any old drains with which new ones arc connected.) (h) A plan of each floor, including basement and attics (if an;y). (c) A plan of the roofs. (d) An elevation of each front. (c) Sections through each portion of the building showing the construction of roofs, floors, &c. (/) A concise descripti^ni of the buildings, and of the various rooms and their uses. The plans, elevations, and i-eotions in (b), (c), (d), and (e), above-mentioned, to be drawn to a scale of not less than ^ inch to a foot, ^-inch scale drawings will be required of intricate roof construction. (2) The sizes of all rooms, the footings to the foundation'', the thickness of walls, and the scantlings of all timbers of floors and roofs should be accurately shown and figured. (3) The specification should contain full details, and have marginal references opposite the description of each important part of the building in the several branches of trade. (4) The estimate should include the cost of all matters mentioned in the specification, and the architect's and quantity surveyor's remunerations should be appended as separate items. (5) With a view to economy, it is strongly recommended that orna- mental features should as much as possible be avoided, especially any features tending to early dilapidation or decay. (6) It is generally desirable to make the best possible use of local materials. (7) There is no objection to the proper and legitimate use of rough- cast where local stone is rough or porous, but walls rendered in cement to imitate stone, and cement dressings of any kind, will not be approved. (8) Where local materials are used for the walls, they should be also used for the chimneys. (9) Terra-cotta is not a desirable material. (10) Sufficient concrete foundations are requisite under new walling, and 6 inches of concrete should also be laid on broken brick or gravel over the whole surface of the ground occupied by the buildings. (11) Dining-rooms should be provided for day boys as well as for boarders, accommodation being made for from 30 to 40 per cent, of the day boys attending the school. The dining tables should be shown and 20-iQch space allowed for each pupil at the table. (12) In class-rooms it is requisite that the floor area for each pupil be not less than 12 feet super, and the cubical air space not less than 144 cubic feet for each pupil. (13) In assembly halls the accommodation for meeting purposes may be calculated as 6 feet super per person. (14) The floor space in laboratories, workshops, art-rooms, &c., will vary largely according to the fittings, but 25 feet super should at least be provided for each pupil. 76 (15) The total area of the window glass of class-rooms, dormitories, and laboratories should not be less than one-sixth part of the total area of the floor space of each respective room. (16) Dormitories should have 600 cubic feet of air space for each bed. (17) Hospital wards and sick-rooms should have 800 cubic feet for each bed, and in the case of these rooms an endeavour should be made to place a window between each bed, and the windows should be arranged so that they are opposite to each other. (18) All internal angles of wards and sick-rooms, including those of floors and ceilings, should l^e rounded, and the beds to be free of the walls. A water-closet and a bath-room with a hospital bath should always be planned conveniently near to sick-rooms. (19) The fittings of laboratories, and the seats, desks, and galleries in them, and all class-rooms, should be clearly indicated on the drawings, together with the number of pupils accommodated in each respective room. (20) It is most important for laboratories to have floors impervious to sound and free from vibration. (21) Class-rooms should have their principal lighting at the left hand of the pupils when seated, and their fireplaces should not be exactly opposite the centre of the class, so as to avoid their being directly at the back of the teacher. (22) Windows with the glass line of the cills less than 5 feet 6 inches from the floor are objectionable at the back of pupils or teachers. (23) Cookery class-rooms should be planned with two ranges, one open and the other closed, arranged on a slight cant across the angles at the narrow end of the room, with a dresser between them. A counter should be placed about 6 feet 6 inches in front of the dresser, with a sink in a recess at one side of the room, the scullery thus forming part of the room itself. There should if possible be a gas range with a flue, in the counter, and raised benches at the back of the room opposite the ranges and counter. (24) Cross ventilation is requisite in all rooms devoted to classes, either by windows in more than one wall, or, if that is not possilDle, by ventilating openings of a good size high up in the walls, or by dormers in the roofs. (25) It is most important to keep the glass line of the heads of a suffi- cient number of windows in each room as close to the highest part of the ceiling as possible. (26) Air gratings should be placed in the outer walls to ensure through ventilation beneath all ground floor rooms which do not have solid floors, and the sleeper walls beneath the floors require piercing accord- ingly, so as to allow a direct current of air. (27) Half -brick partitions should not be carried up through more than one floor, and when used should be built in cement. In no case should they carry flow joists or roofs. (28) It is important that the drain plan should be very complete, and should show the position of all manholes and ventilating pipes. (29) Stanford's or other similar patent jointed pipes should not be used, but the drains should be constructed with tested glazed stoneware pipes with socket joints in cement and laid to a fall of not less than 1 in GO, or in strong iron pipes coated with Angus Smith's solution, and with tow and lead joints. Joints between iron and earthenware should be made in cement. 77 (3u) All drains beneath buildings should be in iron as here described. (31) As a general rule, small drain pipes are preferable for soil drains. (32) Drains should be laidj-in straight lines from manhole to manhole, and the different branches of all soil, bath, and sink drains should meet in manholes about 3 feet by 2 feet, which should have their sides rendered and their bottoms sloped in cement, to v;hite glazed half- channel pipes and bends formed to continue or connect the lines of the drains. (33) The heads of all branches of foul drains should be carried up as ventilating pipes above the roofs. (34) A disconnecting manhole should always be placed near where the drains leave the site to enter the sewers cr to enter a cesspit. This manhole requires a syphon trap with cleansing arm taken back into the manhole, on the sewer or cesspit side of the manhole. A fresh air inlet should be introduced into this disconnecting manhole, the diameter of which inlet should be fully equal to that of the largest pipe entering the manhole, or the manhole may be covered by an iron grating. (35) Cesspits should be ventilated and protected by a fence, and as far as possible removed from the playgrounds of schools. (3G) Rain-water, bath, sink, and lavatory drain pipes should be made to discharge in the open over iron gratings into gulleys. (37) In playgrounds it is important so to construct the rain-water drains that, in the event of long drouglit and evaporation of the seal of the guUey traps, foul gases will not pass up them. This can be done either by keeping the rain-water system quite separate from the soil drain system, or, when this is impossible, by placing a deep parallel trap reversed in the rain-water system before it connects with the soil system, and introducing a surface ventilator on the side of this trap nearest the buildings. (38) Through cross ventilation is essential in latrines, and water-closets are best divided by thin partitions carried up 6 feet only. The doors should be separated from both threshold and head by at least 4 inches. (39) Where earth closets are used they should invariably have two out- side walls, with a window in each, so as to obtain constant cross ventilation. (40) The following points should he attended to in preparing the Specification : — {(() Chimney stacks above the roofs are required to be built in cement. (6) Chimney breasts are to be rendered in cement where they pass through the floors. (c) A damp course of asphalte, or of two courses of stout slates in cement, should be specified and used to all walls immediately above the level of the outside ground. ((/) Patent damp courses, if proposed, will be considered on their merits. {e) Mortar should be composed of fresh burnt stone lime and sharp, clean sand, thoroughly mixed in the proportions of one of hmc to three of sand. (/■) Stone dressed work should be cleaned off as soon as set in its " place and left to case-harden. It should only l)e u-axhed down at the conclusion, and not dragged or worked off again. 78 ((/) Baltic fir sliould generally be use:! for timbers of roofs and floors, and rafters and joists should not be more than 13 inches in the clear apart. (h) Spruce timber should not on any account be used. (i) If pitch pine is used for roof timbers or for girders of floors, an air space for the passage of air should be left round such timbers where they enter the walls. (k) Pitch pine should not be used for wood block floors. (/) The wooden sills of windows, all external woodwork of roofs, and barge boards, should be of oak, but the use of barge boards should, as far as possible, be avoided. (»i) Gutters and flats should be laid with a fall of 1^ inches in 10 feet, and with 2i-inch drips, and flats should have rolls not more than 2 feet 6 inches apart. Welted rolls are preferable. (//) 7-lb. lead will be required for the principal gutters in roofs, G-lb. lead for flats, vallies, and gutters Ijehind chimneys, and 5-lb. lead for flashings. Open lead shoots should be provided from cesspools in roof gutters to the rain-water pipes. (o) It is essential for lead soil pipes to be of 8-lb. lead at least. (p) Strong copper nails will be required for securing the slates on the roofs, two to each slate. (q) Where lead glazing is used in any window, the metal bars to secure the same should not be less than ^ inch round, and not more than 13 inches apart. (r) The plaster on walls and ceilings should be of three-coat work. Patent plasters, if proposed, will be considered on their merits. Fibrous slab plaster, pointed and set in Keene's cement, on parti- tion walls or ceilings is recommended. '&'- (s) Where a roof forms part of a room covering, a non-conducting air space should be introduced between the weather covering and the ceiling. This can be obtained either by using felt on board- ing, with vertical and horizontal battens, or the rafters can be filleted at their half depth, and the space between them lathed and rendered. (t) Wood plates let into the walls to carry floor joists are objection- able. Strong hoop iron may be used, or the plates corbelled out, and tied in with iron clips. (n) AVhere hollow walls are introduced, the outer and inner portions should be bonded together at intervals with vitrified bonding bricks. Iron ties should not be used for this purpose. (v) The pointing of the walls should be executed as the work proceeds, j-inch joints being recommended, with a struck weathered joint. (y;) All corrections which may be made in the specification to meet the requirements of the Commissioners' Architect after his inspection of the same should be in red ink. When the plans, specifications, and estimates have been prepared they should 1)0 f orvvarde I to the Commissioners, who, with a view to enable them to consider the same, require to be furnished with a report thereon from their own architect. The Trustees are accordingly requested to instruct the Architect to examine the plans, specification, and estimates anl to com- municate his Report directly to the Commissioners (see Forms Nos. 43 and )) 79 44, pages :^Ul and 202 respectively, post). The Architect's fee, which is payable out of the funds of the Charity, is determined according to the following scale : — Form No. 43a. (Copies of this Form may be obtained in Room No. 51.) When the Architect of the Trustees or Governors of the Charity estimates that the cost of the works comprised in the plan or plans will— £ s. d. amount to £2,000 or under 330 exceed £2,000 but not exceed £5,000 ... 6 6 £5,000 „ „ £10,000 ... 10 10 £10,000 „ „ £15,000 ... 15 15 £15,000 „ „ £40,000 ... 31 10 When the estimate exceeds £40,000 a special fee will be approved by the Commissioners. For interviews, sought by the T^rustees or Governors, or by their Architect or other Agent, with the Architect to the Commissioners, a fee of not less than £1 Is. nor more than £2 2s. may be charged. For examining and reporting on plans submitted for the convenience of the Trustees or Governors, or of their Architect or other Agent, to the Architect of the Commission as preliminary to complete plans, an additional fee may be charged of one-third of the amount chargeable for the complete plans. This scale of fees shall include all charges on the part of the Architect to the Commission in respect of the plan or plans, and of any specifi- cations and estimates relating thereto ; but if any fresh or further plan or set of plans is referred to him in a case in which a plan or set of plans has been already reported on by him, he will be entitled to charge a further fee according to the same scale. If the cost of the work is to be provided either by way of advance from endowment or by the raising of a loan, the Commissioners require the sum to be replaced or repaid within a period not exceeding 30 years out of the income of the Charity by investments made through the agency of The Official Trustees of Charitable Funds (.see note {h) to Form No. 1, page 17, an'e). With that object the Order authorising the expenditure and the l)ro\ision of the necessary sum will direct that, during the period within which the replacement or repayment is to be completed (which must nece-i- sarily vary with the circumstances of each Charity), eitlier the Official Trustees shall set apart out of the di\ idends on any stock held by them in trust for the Charity, or the Trustees shall out of the income of the Charity remit to the banking account of the Official Trubtees, a fixed annual sum to be in both cases by them invested at compound interest so as to produce the sum to be replaced or repaid within the period named {see Form No. 41, page 200, post). It is often found that Trustees are able to raise a loan upon the security of such an order as has been indicated without incurring the expense of a formal mortgage. When that course is found to be impossible and it is necessary that the proposed loan shall be secured by a charge on the estate of the Charity, the practice of the Commissioners is to require that the exercise by the lender of a power of sale o^■er the property charged shall be expressly restrained. For Form of Order authorising the expenditure of funds see Form No. 70b, page 135, post. For Form of Order directing replacement of capital or repayment of loan byway of transfer to an investment account see Form No. 71, page 137, post. 80 For Form of Order directing the like replacement or repayment by Wiiy of payment for an investment account see Form No. 72, page 138, post. For Form for reciting a replacement Order sec Form No. 70a, page 136, post. (iii.) Redemption of Rentcharges, &c. The Commissioners must be satisfied that the redemption of a charge in favour of a charity is for the benefit of the Charity. The lowest terms upon which they are prepared to authori-e such redemptions are, in the case of rentcharges of small amount, the transfer into the name of The Official Trustees of Charitable Funds (see note (b) to Form No. 1, page 17, ante) free of cost to the Charity of a sum of irredeemable stock (see note (e) to Form No. 6, page 39, ante) sufficient to produce annually the amount of the charge in dividends. It is usual when the rentcharge is of substantial amount to require a larger consideration, the amount of which should, in the first instance, be provisionally agreed upon between the Trustees of the Charity and the owner of the estate charged. The Form of Application when duly filled up should be signed by the Trustees and by the owner of the property charged or by som# person suflicientlj' authorised on his behalf. After the transfer of the requisite amount of stock as above mentioned and the payment to the Trustees of all arrears of the charge, the Commissioners make an Order which extinguishes the charge and acts as an effectual bar to any future claims in respect thereof (see Form of Order, No. 62, page 139, post). Every order authorising the redemption of a rentcharge, annuity, or other periodical payment is liable to an ad valorem duty as a i-eleise or renuncia- tion of property on a sale (Stamp Act, 1891, 54 & 55 Vict. c. 39), but where an order is made as an authority to compromise or adjust a claim not bsing a rentcharge, annuity, or other periodical payment, the liability of such order to stamp duty or otherwise is determined in each case on the merits. The stamp duty is payable by the person redeeming the charge. (iv.) Purchase of Real Estate. The Charity Commissioners are not expressly empowered by the Charitable Trusts Acts to authorise Trustees to purchase land, but section 15 of the Charitable Trusts Act, 1860 (23 & 24 Vict. c. 136) gives the Com- missioners power to authorise the application of moneys belonging to Charities to any purpose which they may consider to be beneficial to the Charity, and this is held to cover the purchase of land. It is competent also to the Commissioners to direct the investment of charitable funds in land by way of Scheme. Before authorising Trustees to purchase land, the Commissioners require to be furnished with a Report from a competent surveyor acting exclusively in the interests of the Charity together with a plan of the property proposed to be purchased, and a certificate from the legal advisers of the Trustees that the vendor can pass a good title to the property in fee simple free from incumbrances. After the completion of the transaction the Commissioners commonly require the purchase deed to be sent to them for recording in their books, and also the legal estate in the property acquired to be vested in the Official Trustee of Charity Lands (see note (a) to Form No. 9 page 62, ante). For Form of Order authorising the purchase of real estate see Form No. 65a, page 142, post. For Form of Letter transmitting draft order for examination see Form No. 29, page 185, post. For Form of Letter transmitting Order of the Board see Form No, 22a, page 176, post, 81 III.— FORMS OF ORDERS MADE BY THE COMMISSIONERS. HIU I 83 Forms. Number. Page. Authorising Payment of Money to The Official Trustees of Charitable Funds Authorising Transfer of Securities to The 0.^cial Trustees of Charitable Funds ... Certificate authorising Applic.ition to Court fo transfer to Official Trustees of Charitable Funds. Authority to Grant Lease Authority to Sell Real Estate Authority to Sell Real Estate (Auction) Authority to Official Trustee of Charity Lands to join in Conveyance ... Order for Removal and Appointment of Trustees and establishing Scheme (Chapel Cases) ... Order Extending provisions of Charitable Trusts Acts to exempted Charity ... Order for Removal and Appointment of Trustees and establishing Scheme Schedule of Property Scheme (Short) Scheme (Almshouse and Pensions) ... Scheme (General Benefit of Poor) Scheme (Church) Scheme (Education, Scholarships, Exhibitions) Order for Vesting in Official Trustees of Charitable Funds right to call for Transfer of Stock Order certifying Approval of Trustees or Governors Authority to Expend Funds Form for Reciting a Replacement Order ... Order for Replacement of Stock or Money — (Transfer to Investment Account) Order for Replacement of Stock or Money — (Payments for Investment AccDunt) Authority to Redeem Rentcharge lUU 0.50 85 0.52 87 73 89 (i:^ 90 64 92 05 94 69 96 60b 97 61 100 60 102 60a 105 Ibbis. 107 76 114 77 120 79 127 80 128 70 132 08 134 70b 135 70a 1.36 71 72 62 137 13S 139 F 2 84 Forms. M umber. Page. Authority to Purchase Real Estate 65a 142 Local Government Act, 1894, s. 14 (3) Appointment of additional Trustees by Parish Council... 83 144 Local Government Act, 1894, s. 14 (3) (Sole Trustee) Increase of number o£ Trustees to three 84 150 85 FORM No. 0.50. {Copies of this Form may be obtained in lioom No. 7.) Order authorising (1) Payment of money to the Banking Account of the Official Trustees of Charitable Funds ; (2) Invesiwient thereof, (a) Charity Commission. In the Matter of in the Parish of in the County of ; and In the Matter of The Charitable Trusts Acts, 1853 to 1894. The Board of Charity Commissioners for EngliUid and Wales Do Order that the sum of sterling now in the hands or under tlie control of and belonging to the above-mentioned Charit , may be paid to the Banking Account of "The Official Trustees of Charitable Funds," with the Bank of England, and that the same when so paid be laid out in the purchase of £2 Ihs. per cent. Consolidated Stock {b) in the name and with the p-rivity of the said Official Trustees in trust for 86 the said Charit , pursuant to the provisions of The Charitable Trusts Amendment Act, 1855 (18 and 19 Victoria, c. 124). Sealed by Order of the said Board, this day of One thousand nine hundred and (aid by them (see note (<'/) to Form No. 1, page 17, ante) to the banking account of The Official Trustees of Charitable Funds («(« note (6) to Form No. 1, page 17, ante) to be by them invested in their name and held by them in trust for the Charity (see note (e) to Foim No. 6, page 39, ante). The Commissioners require rents, royalties, and other similar payments received in respect of minerals, &c. underlying Charity land to be treated as capital and not as income. (b) See Forms Nos. 5 and 5a, pages 25 and 30 respectively, ante. For Form of Letter returning engrossments of Lease and Counterpart with Order endorsed see Form No. 22b, page 177, post. 92 FORM No. 64. {Copies of this Form may be obtained in Boom iVo. 51.) j Authority to Sell Real Estate. County Parish Charit Charity Commission. In the Matter of the Charit in the Parish of in the County of regulated by a Scheme ;and In the Matter of "The Charitable Trusts Acts, 1853 to 1894." The Board of Charity Commissioners for England and Wales being satisfied by the representations of the Trustees [Governors] (a) of the above - mentioned Charit , and by a report (b) from of in the County of , Land Surveyor, that it will be advantageous to the said Charit that the sale of the land and hereditaments described in the Schedule hereto should be effected upon the terms hereinafter mentioned, do upon the application of the said Trustees [Governors] hereby order as follows : The Trustees [Goverjiors] may, within six calendar months from the date of this Order, sell the said land and hereditaments for not less than £ , and may also do and execute all proper acts and assurances for 93 carrying the said sale into effect, subject to the condition that all the costs, charges, and expenses attending or incidental to the said sale, including the costs of the deduction and verification of any title which may be required to be shown to the premises, shall be paid by the purchaser. " The Official Trustee of Charity Lands,^\c) in whom the lerjal estate in the premises is vested in trust for the said Charit shall concur in the conveyance thereof if his con- currence is required. (d) The purchase money, when received by the Trustees [Goverjwrs] shall be immediately paid or remitted by them to the banking account at the Bank of England of " The Official Trustees of Charitable Funds "(e) by whom the same shall be forthwith invested in the purchase, in their names, of New Consols, (/") to be held by them in trust for the said Charit Schedule. Sealed by order of the Board this day of , 190 . (a) See Form No. 6, page 32, ante. (ft) See note (/) to Form No. 6, page 41, ante, (c) See note (a) to Form No. 9, page 62, ante. {(l) See note (h) to Form No. 6, page 35, ante. A separate Order directing the Official Trustee to concur in a convey- ance is sometimes made by the Commissioners. See Form No. 69, page 96, post, (e) See note (Z») to Form No. 1, page 17, ante. (/) For a list of Securities which have been approved by the Commis- sioners for the investment of Charitable Funds see note (r) to Form No. 6, page 39, ante. For Forms of Letter transa.itting the Order of the Board see Forms Xos. 32 and 32a, pages 190 and 191 respectively, post. 94 FORM No. 65. {^Copies of this Form maj/ he obtained in Room No. 51.) Authority to sell real estate (Auction). County Parish Chavit Cliarity Commission. In the Matter of the Charit in the Parish of in the County of reofulated by a Scheme o ; and In the matter of " The Charitable Trusts Acts, 1853 to 1894." The Board of Charity Commissioners for England and i Wales being satisfied by the representations of the Trustees \^Gover7iors\ (a) of the above-mentioned Charit , and by a report (//) from of in the County of Land Surveyor, that it will be advantageous to the said Charit that the sale of the land and hereditaments described in the Schedule hereto, [lately offered for sale by Public Auction] forming Lot at a sale by Public Auction lately held by the said Trustees I Governors'] with the approval of the said IJoard, should be effected upon the terms hereinafter mentioned, DO, upon the application of the said Trustees [Governors], hereby order as follows : — 1. The Trustees [Governors] may within six calendar months from the date of this Order sell the said land and 95 hereditameuts for not less than £ , being the highest price oifered for the same at the said Auction, and may also do and execute all proper acts and assurances for carrying the said sale into effect : 2. The Oj/icial Trustee of Charity Lands {c), in whom the le(/al estate in the jjremises is vested in trust for the said i'harit , shall concur in the conveyance thereof if his concurrence is required : ( the Com- missioners for the investment of ChariLiblc Funds, see note {e) \o Fo:m No. 6, page 39, ante. For Forms of Letter transmitting the Order of the Board see Forms 32 and 3-2a, ) a-es 190 and 191 rfspectively, post. 96 FORM No. 69. {Copies of this Form may he obtained in Room No. I^>0.) I OrDKR DIItlCOTING THK OFFICIAL TkUSTKE OF ChAIUTY | L\NDS TO JOIN IN Conveyance, {a) { County 1 Parish i Charity ] Charity Commission. In the matter of ; and In the Matter of " The Charitable Trusts Acts, 1853 to 1894." The Board of Charity Commissioners for England and Wales do hereby order and direct that the " Official I Trustee of Charity Lauds," {h) (in whom the legal estaie j in the land and hereditaments i described iu the Schedule hereto, is now vested in trust for the above-mentioned Charity) do concur with the . trustees of the said Charity in the Conveyance of the same i land and hereditaments unto | Sealed by Order of the Board, this day of 190 . Schedule. (m) This Order is sometimes, with a slight alteration in the wording, ■ endorsed on the Deed of Conveyance. The diiection to the Official Trustee | is also commonly incorporated in an Order authorising a sale of real est ite. ^ See Forms Nos. (34 and 05, pages 92 and 94 respectively, ante. '■ (6) See note (a) to Form No. 9, page 62, ante. | For Form of Letter transmitting the Order of the Board i^ee Form ! No. 22a, page 176, post. 97 FORM ^0. 6Ub. (Copies of this Form may be obtained in Boom No. 30.) Places of Worship. — Order for Removal Appointment Vesting in Administering Trustees, and Scheme (Model Deed). , ? of Trustees. County — Parish — Charity — btamps J ^^^^ J (rt) Charity Commission. In the Matter of ; and In the Matter of " The Charitable Trusts Acts, 1853 to 1894." The P)oarcI of Charity Commissioners for England and Wales, upon an application (b) made to them on the 190 , in writing, signed by [a majority of the] Trustees [persons acting in the adminis- traiion] of the above-mentioned Charity : And it appearing that the endowment of the Charity consists of the above-mentioned Chapel, and its ajipurte- nances, comprised in the above-mentioned Indenture : And after due notice of the intention to make this Order published according to the directioii of the Board (c) by being affixed to or near a principal outer door of the said luu G 98 I .( Chapel, on the _ 190 ' : (being more than one calendar month before the date j hereof), and also sent through the Post to < being those of the Trustees [persons acting in the administra- tion'] of the Charity who did not join in the said application, i (r/) at their respective last known places of abode in Great ' Britain or Ireland, on the 190 : j And having received no notice of any [sufficient] objec- • tion to the proposed Order or suggestion for the variation | thereof : l And after due consideration of all objections made to the '. proposed Order and suggestions for the variation thereof: I Do hereby Order as follows : — 1 1. The said | are removed from being Trustees of the Charity : j 2. are appointed to be Trustees for the administration of the Charity, in addition to, and jointly with, the said the continuinof Trustees thereof 'G 8. The aforesaid Chapel with the appurtenances, com- pi'ised in the aforesaid Indenture , and all estate and i term therein, and all other lands and hereditaments (if i any) belonging to or held in trust for the Charity (d),and : not being of copyhold tenure, shall forthwith vest in the ; persons who by virtue hereof, are constituted the Trustees i of the Charity, their heirs, executors, administrators, and ' assigns, according to the legal nature of the premises i [ujwn and for the subsisting trusts thereof] : '% 4. The subjoined Scheme is approved and established as i the Scheme for the future regulation of the Charity. | •I 99 Scheme (c). So long' as the aforesaid Chapel is registered as a place of meeting for religious worship with the Registrar-General of i3irths, Deaths and Marriages in England, and is bond, fide used as a place of meeting for religious worship, the said chapel and the appurtenances shall be held by the Trustees thereof upon such and the same trusts, and to and for such and the same ends and purposes, and with, under, and subject to such and the same powers, provisoes, declarations, and agreements (so far as the same may be applicable and capable of taking effect) as are expressed, declared, and contained in and by \_a certain Indenture of Release, bearing date the ord day of Jidy, 1832, and made between John Sutdiffe and 14 others of the Jirst part, the Reverend Georye Marsden of the second part, and James Brown of the third part, and enrolled in the High Court of Chancer)/ o)i the 26th day of July, 1832, beiny the Trust Deed for the settlement of the Wesleyan Methodist Chapel at Skircoat, in the Parish of Halifax^ and County of Vorl, and usually known or distinyuished as " The Wesleyan Chapel Model Deed.''] Sealed by Order of the Board this day of 190 . ((/) See note to Form No. 8, page 52, ante. (b) See Form No. 8, page 49, ante. (c) See note (c) to Form No. 8, page 55, ante. {(l) See note (a) to Form No. 9, page 62, ante, (e) See note (h) to Form No. 8, page 55, ante. For Forms of Letter transmitting the Order of the Board, &c. see Forms Nos. 31 and 31a, pages 188 and 189 respectively, post. For Form of Notice to accompany the Order of the Board, see Form No. 51, page G4, ante. 11114 ^ 2 100 ^ i FORM No. 61. {Copies of this Form may be obtained in Boom No. 30.) ! I Order extending the Charitable Trusts Acts to i AN EXEMPTED ChARITY. (a) \ I ! County ^ Parish 1 Charity Charity Commission In the Matter of ; and In the Matter of " The Charitable Trusts Acts, 185"5 j to 1894." ; Whereas an application (b) in writing was made to the Board of Charity Commissioners for England and Wales , on the day of in the matter of the above-mentioned Charity by w r who with j| I were then the Trustees [Admi?iistrators'] of the «aid Charity, petitioning that '' The Charitable Trusts Acts, 1853 to 1894," [so fa7' as may be necessary for effecting the following objects, namely, ] may be extended to the said Charity. ft 101 And whereas notice (c) of the intention of the said Board to make an Order for the foregoing object , has been given by the affixing of the same according to tlie direction of the said Board to or near a principal outer door oi on the day of 190 , and by advertisement in the newspaper on the and in the newspaper on the being respectively more than one calendar month pre- viously to the date hereof, and has been also sent through the Post under the hke direction, unto the said at their respective last known places of abode in Great Britain or Ireland, on the day of And whereas no notice of any sufficient objection to the said proposed Order has been received by the said Board. Now the said Board do hereby order that the said several Acts shall be extended to the said Charity [accordingly] [so far as may be necessary for effectimj tlie objects aforesaid^ Sealed by order of the Board, tliis day of one thousajid nine hundred and (a) See note (c) to Form No. 8, page 55, ante. (J)) This application may be made on Form No. 9 {see page 58, ante). (c) This may be given on Form No. 50a {sec page 64, ante), For Form of Letter transmitting the Order of the Board set Form No. 22a, page 176, post. 10^ FORM No. ()0. (^Copies of this Form may he obtained in Room No. oO.) Order for — Removal > A /OF Trustees. Appointment 3 Vesting in Official Trustee of Charity Lands ; and Scheme, including County Parish Charit Stamps ] f (''0 Charity Commission. In the Matter of in the Parish of in the County of regulated by ; and In the Matter of " The Charitable Trusts Acts, 1853 to 1894." The Board of Charity Commissioners for England and Wales, upon an application {h) made to them on the 190 5 in writing signed by \_a majority of the Trustees] {^Governors] \_persons acting in the administratioii] {c) of the above-mentioned Charit : J 103 And it appearing- that the endowment of the Charit consists of the particulars mentioned in the Schedule hereto [to the subjoined Scheme\ [and that the gross annual income does not amount to £50] : {d) And after due notice of the intention to make this Order published according to the direction of the Board(e) by being affixed to or near a principal outer door of on the 190 , and by advertisement in the neivspaper called on the 190 , and in the newspaper called ' on the 190 , (being in in each case more than one calendar month before the date hereof) ; and also sent through the post to [the only Trustee'] [Governorl being those of the Trustees [Governors'] [persons acting in the administration] of the Charit who [was] were not privy to the said application,(/) at their respective last known places of abode in Great Britain or Ireland, on the 190 : And having received no notice of any [sufficient] objec- tion to the proposed Order, or suggestion for the variation thereof [after due consideration of all objections made to the proposed Order and suggestions for the variation thereof :] Do hereby order as follows : — The subjoined Scheme (^) is approved and established as the Scheme for the future regulation of the Charit Do hereby order as follows : — 1. The said are removed from being Trustees of the Charit 2 104 are appointed to be Trustees for the administration of the Charit in addition to, and jointly with, the said the continuing Trustees thereof 3. The rioflit to recover and receive all debts and other things in action due to or recoverable for the benefit of the Charit shall forthwith vest in the Trustees hereby appointed, jointly with the continuing Trustees, in trust for the Charit : 4. The [freehold and leasehold] lands and hereditaments specified in the Schedule hereto, and all other freehold and leasehold lands and hereditament (if any) belonging to or held in trust for the Charit , so far as the same are not already so vested, shall forthwith vest in " The Official Trustee of Charity Lands," (A) for all the estate and interest therein belonuino' to or held in trust for the Charit Sealed by Order of the Board this day of 190 . (a) See par. 11 of the Instructions and Directions accompanying Form No. 9, page 61, ante. (&) See Form No. 9, page 58, ante. (c) See par. 3 of the Instructions and Directions accompanying Form No. 9, page 60, ante. (rf) See par. 1 of the Instructions and Directions accompanying Form No. 9, page 59, ante. (e) See note («) to Form No. 9, page 62, ante. (/) See note (b) to Form No. 9, page 65, ante. {q) For common Forms of Scheme for the regulation of various classtH of charities, see Forms Nos. 75 bis, 76, 77, 79, and 80, pages 107, 114, 120, 127 and 128 respectively, post. (/i) See note (c/) to Form No. 9, page 62, ante. For Forms of Letter transmitting the Order of the Board see Forms Nos. 31 and 31a, pages 188 and 189 respectively, post. For Form of Letter transmitting copy of Scheme for an educational endowment to Board of Education see Form No. 21, page 17i, post. For Form of Notice to accompany the Order of the Board see Form No. 51, page 64, post. \ 105 FORM Nu. bUA. {Cojnes of this Form may he obtained in Room No. £0.) Schedule of Property. («) Dcscii] tion. Extent ( r Arpount. Tenant Person Liable, or Gross Persons in whose Name Yearly Invested. [ Inccme. £ s. d. (o) This rorm is for use with Form No. 60 {see page 102, ante). 106 Schedule of PROPERTY.(a) Descn[)tion. Extent Tenant. Person Liable, or or I Persons in whose Xame Amount. ' Invested. Gross Yearly Income. £. s. d. I certify that to the best of my kDowledge and belief this Schedule is a full and true statement of the property of the above-named Charit Signature Capacity Date Note. — If any of the land is not freehold, its tenure should be stated. Names of persons should be set out in full. (a) This Form is for use by the Trustees of a Charity, and is intended to facilitate the preparation by them of a Schedule of their trust property to be appended to an order in the style of Form No. 60 (page 102, ante). The certificate at the end of the Schedule is not printed when the Order is finally made {see page 113, post). 107 FORM N(.. 75 his. {Copies of this Form may be obtained in Room No. 30.) Scheme (General Form), Scheme for the Administration of tele above- named Charit From and after the day on which this Scheme is Administra- approved and established by an order of the Charity <^ion 9^ Commissioners, (a) the above-mentioned Charit and the ^" endowments thereof specified in the Schedule hereto, and all other the endowments (if any) of the said Charit , shall be [consoUdated and shall be] administered and managed by the body of Trustees hereinafter constituted, subject to and in conformity with the provisions of this Scheme, under the title of Any freehold or leasehold lands and hereditaments com- Vesting of prised in this Scheme are hereby vested in the Official ^^^^ estate. Trustee of Charity Lands (b) for all the estate and interest therein belonging to or held in trust for the Charit All sums of stock comprised in this Scheme shcdl he forth- Tramfer of with transferred^ under the authority of a further Order (c) %%^-'^ of the Charity Commissioners^ into the name of the Official Trustees. Trustees of Charitable Funds (d) ; and all sums of cash investment now or at any time belonging to the Charit and not ^^ ^^s^- needed for immediate working purposes shall (unless otherwise ordered) as soon as possible be invested, under the [like] authority [of a further Order (^) of the Charity Commissioners], in the name of the [said] Official Trustees [of Charitable Funds]. 108 Trustees. Trustees. The body of Trustees shall {except at first as hereinafter provided) when comi)lete consist of competent persons, bemg Ex-Ojjicio Trustee{s)^ Representative Trustees^ and Cooptative Trustees. Ex- officio Trustee(s). The Ex-officio Trustee(s) shall be the for the time being of the Representa- tive Trustees. First Repre- sentative Trustees. Cooptative Trustees. The Representative follows : — Trustees shall be appointed as hy the by the and Each apjjointment shall be made for a term of four years at a meeting convened and held according to the ordinary practice of the appointing body, or in case of need or doubt according to rules made or approved by the Charity Commissioners. The Chairman of the meeting shall forth- with cause the name of each person appointed to be notified to the Trustees or their Clerk or Secretary. The person appointed need not be a member of the appointing body. The first Representative Trustees shall be appointed as soon as possible after the date hereof, and their names shall be notified to on behalf of the Trustees. At the end of tu'o years from the date of the appointment of the first JRepresentcdive Trustees {^appointed by the Parish Council] if more than remain Trustees one half of them as nearly as may be-, to be determined by lot if necessary^ shall go out of office, but shall be eligible for re -appointment. The Cooptative Trustees shall be persons residing or carrying on business in or near First Cooptative Trustees. The following persons shall be the first Cooptative Trustees, and shall be entitled, subject to the provisions hereinafter contained with respect to determination of 109 Trusteeship, to liold office for life [Ave years from the date of this Scheme] : — Every future Cooptative Trustee shall be appointed for Future a term of five years by a resolution of the Trustees to be Trusteer^ passed at a special meeting. No person shall be entitled to act as a Trustee, whether Declaration on a first or any subsequent entry into office, until after ^y Trustees, signing in the minute book of the Trustees a declaration of acceptance and of willingness to aot in the trusts of this • Scheme. Any Cooptative Trustee who ceases to be qualified as Determina- aforesaid, any Representative or Coo]:>tative Trustee who ^*^'^ "* , . IS absent from all meetmgs ot the irustees duruig a period of one year, and any Trustee who is adjudicated a bankru])t, or who is incapacitated from acting, or who communicates in writing to the Trustees a wish to resign, shall thereupon cease to be a Trustee. Upon the occurrence of a vacancy the Trustees shall, at Vacancies their next meeting, cause a note thereof to be entered in their minute book, and in the case of a vacancy in the office of Representative Trustee shall cause notice thereof to be given as soon as possible to the proper appointing body. Any competent Trustee may be re-appointed. No vacancy in the office of Cooptative Trustee shall be filled till after the lapse of one calendar month from its occurrence. Meetings and Proceedings of Trustees. The Trustees shall hold ordinary meetings at least Meetings of in each year. A special meeting may at any time be Trustees, summoned by any two Trustees upon four days' notice beino' oiven to all the other Trustees of the matters to be discussed. There shall be a quorum when Trustees are Quorum, present at any meeting. At every meetuig the Trustees present shall appoint a Chairman Chairman. Every matter shall be determined by the an) Temporary relief in money, by way of loan or otherwise, in cases of unexpected loss, or sudden destitution, to an amount not exceeding £ in any one year. Provided that the funds of the Charit shall in no case he applied, directly or indirectly, in aid of any rates for the relief of the poor or other purposes in the Parish, or so thai an-f- individual or institution may become entitled to a periodical or recurrent benefit therefrom. 122 I (a) Form No. 124. {Copies of this Form may be obtained in Boom No. 51.) Application of Dole Charities to Pensions and Nursing, &c. Extract from Fortieth Report of Charity Commissioners (for 1892). Necessity for improved administra tion of Bole Charities, Judgment of the late Sir George JesBel. Changes of circum- slances necessitate new pro- visions. (1(3.) It may be stated with some confidence that there is no point, within the range of the jurisdiction o': our Board, towards which our attention is more generally and more constantly directed, in framing Schemes f>>r the improved administi'ation of Cli iritable Endowments, than to the improved application of funds distributed in precarious and isolated gifts to the poor, whether in money or in kind — in other words, in " Doles." It is not within our present purpose to insist upon the mischief and waste incident to this form of eleemosynary gift. This topic has been the subject of frequent obser- vation in our previous Reports ; 16th Report, pp. 5 and 6 ; 20th Report, p. (5 : 23rd Report, p. 5 ; and at the present day it has come to be one upon which, in the abstract at least, public opinion is all but unanimous. It will be sufficient here to note some indications of authoritative opinion adverse to the distribution of Doles. Of this opinion an instance is furnished by the inclusion of Doles in the list of purposes enumerated in section 30 of the Endowed Schools Act, 1863 (32 & 33 Vict. c. 56), from which endowments are by that enactment authorised to be diverted to educational objects. Aoain, it is to endowments applied in Doles that the provisions of the Allotments Extension Act, 1882 (45 & 46 Vict. c. 80), section 4, are exclusively directed. The Select Committee of the House of Commons, which reported in the year 1884 upon the working of the Charitable Trusts Acts, dwelt at length, ar.d in terms of approval, upon the steps taken by our Board to bring about an improved administration of Charitable endowments applied to Doles. But no statement of the tendency of authority in this direction would be complete without a reference to the weighty and emphatic condemnation of Doles by the late Sir G. Jessel, when Mas-ter of the Rolls, in his Judgment in the case of the Campdeu Chirities at Kensington (Law Reports, 18 Ch. Div., p. 310). soire account cf which ia given in our 2iith Report (for 1881), pages 9, 10. (17.) Following the example set in more recent tirces by the Court of Chancery, and fortified by the high authority of this Judgment, we have, for many years past, made it our first object, in framing cy-jjres Schemes for Dole Charities, to prescribe such an application of their funds as may tend, in some degree, to confer real and lasting benefits upon the poor, consistently with a due regard for the main intention of the founders of those Charities. We conceive, and in this view we have the support of the highest authority, that the particular directions of a founder, for the distribution of funds in the form of Doles, are but means to the general end of benefiting the class of poor sought to be helped ; and that subsequent changes (to use the language of Sir G. Jes-sel in the course of the above-mentioned Judgment) in the value of the endowments, in the circumstances of the locality within, or of the population for the benefit of which, the Charity is administered, in the times, in the habits of society, or in the ideas or practices of men, are sufficient to justify the substitution of other and improved means for the attainment of the object proposed. 123 (18.) In framing Schemes providing for an improved administration of Dole Charit:es we have enJeivoured to keep in view a twof>lil object ; fir^t, the encouragement am^n j the poor of hil)it< of providence, tliii t, and self-help ; and secondly, the concentration of these endowments upon assistance to the poor, at the times of their spe;ial and certain need, namely, in sickness and in old age. We have sought to secure the first of these objects by authorising the application of Do'e funds in ai I of pr.A'i lent associations fcr the benefit of t'le poor, as well as directly in augmentation of their sufficiently secured savings. This objest has also, we believe, bien furthered by provisions restricting cert lin definite and recurrent fn-.ns of rel.ef, suc;h as payments to Alinspeople and Pensioners, to thosi \»ho for a fixed period antecedent to the grant of aid have no", been in receipt of Poor- Law Relief. In this pirticular we have again followed the example of the Court of Chancery, which by some of its Sc'iemes, has gone so far as to constitute any previous receipt of Poor- Law Relief a disqualification for participation in permanent benefit from an eleenosynary Charity. (19.) In our en leavours to restrict the benefit of Dole Charities, as far as may be, to need caused by sickness and old age, besides making the provisions already referred to for assistance to provident clubs (in which sick clubs are of course included), we have dealt with the case of sickness, by authorising contributions to the support of Hospitals, whether general or special, or of Dispensaries, by making provision for the establishment and maint mance of Cottage Hospitals, and by sanctioning payments for the maintenance of Parish Nurses or for providing nursing assistance to the poor in other ways. (20.) Before passing to the question of the application of Doles toward need caused by old age it may be well to mention, i)i connection with aid rendered in sickness, that our experience shows that no form of relief is more readily appreciated and welcomed as a substitute for Doles, than their appli- cation to the supply of Nurses for the poor. We have reason to believe that the application of Dole funds to this purpose, so far as we have been able hitherto to promote it, has been the means of rendering valuable aid to the voluntary efforts, now widely made throughout the country, to supply the poor with the help of Nurses in sickness. It is obvious that the permanence, which attaches to aid so rendered by the funds of an endowed Charity, must render it specially effective as a help to the efforts in this direction of private Charity. In view of the difficulties and opposition which so constantly beset our efforts to improve the application of Dole Charities, it is satisfactory to find that the efforts which we are thus able to make, in the line of least resistance, are productive of real and lasting benefit to the poor. (21.) The subject of aid to those of the poor who are incajiacitated by old age from maintaining themselves, is one to which public attention has of late been so largely directed that it will not be out of place to review the course which, for many years past, we have followed in promoting the appli- cation of the funds of eleemosynary Charities to this necessary head of relief. It is almost exclusively in the case of the poor disabled by age that the strict administration of the Poor Law, essential as it is to the ultimate security of the State, is felt to work, in certain cases, an undeserved hardship. Opinions differ, and will continue to differ, as to the degree in which this hardship actually prevails ; but its existence, in some measure or other, is not denied by the advocates of Poor Law administration in its most rigid form. Here, again, the permanence of endov.ed Charities has rendered them specially effective in meeting, in the interests alike of the State and of the poor, this particular want. There can be no doubt that much has been done in the past to relieve the deserving poor in old age, bcith by the endowed Alrashou.ses with which, through the liberality of founders, urban and rural districts have been abundantly though unequally furnished, and also by the far more rare endowments originally applicable to the supply of what may be termed out- door stipends or Pensions. Pensions of this nature have for some time past been multiplied by the application to that purpose, by Schemes established by the Court of Chancery, and in later times by our Board, of the funds of Two-fold object of these new proviBions viz. : — (a) Kn- couraKement of provitlencc and thrift ; (b) Aid in times of special need. Provisions for encourag- ing pro- vidence. Provisions for aid in sickness. And especially for supply of Nurses. Provisions for aid in old age. AlmsLousea and PenFiin.'. 124 Compiirative advantages of Almshouses and Pensions. Almshouses should be sufficiently endowed. Application of Doles to edu- cational pur- poses. Recommenda- tion of Twenty-third Report for extension of this applica- tion to non- educational purposes. Provisions for giving effect to this recom- mendation in- troduced into Bills in Parliament. Almshouse Charities not required eithei to meet the original objects of the foundation or for the supply, where expedient, of additional Almshouse accommodation. The proceeds of the sale of insufficiently endowed Alms- houses have also been in some cases applied to the same purpose. (22.) These two forms of relief, namely, Almshouses and Pensions, are well fitted to meet the needs of the poor in old age ; and it is unnecessary here to enter further into the question of their comparative advantage, than to say that while, on the one hand, an Almshouse, in which proper supervision and attendance are available, seems to be best fitted for the relief of those who have no relatives capable of rendering them assistance, or who are wholly disabled, relief by means of Pensions, on the other hand, gives more scope for the care of the aged poor by their families, and for enforcing those obligations to contribute to the support of relatives, the fulfilment of which is an obvious condition of all relief. (23.) It is to be noted, however, that the foregoing observations apply only to sufficiently endowed Almshouses. In many rural Parishes, cottages for the most part in a state of dilapidation, if not almost of ruin, bear the name of Almshouses, though no funds are attached to them for the payment of stipends to the inmates, or even for the repair of the fabric. To [dace one of the aged poor in such a house, and, as is most commonly the case, without ensuring the supply, from whatever source, of an adequate maintenance, would seem to be to give the inmate some authority for liviiig on precarious alms, and to stereotype a condition which it should be the object of the Poor Law and of Endowed Charity to improve, by the supply of an adequate and fixed maintenance from the one or the other. (24.) Prior to the passing of the Endowed Schools Act, 1869, public attention had not been specially directed to the application, on any general principle, of Dole funds, to purposes of greater benefit to the poor. It has already been mentioned that, by section 'iU of that Act, funds, applicable, among other purposes, to the distribution of Doles in money or in kind, were- made cai)able, under certain conditions, of diversion to educational purposes. In 1874 the jurisdiction conferred by the Endowed Schools Acts was transferred to our Board. At an early period in the course of the exercise by us of that jurisdiction, we formed the opinion that the mischief incident to the distribution of Doles might be still further diminished, and substantial benefit conferred upon the poor, if powers, similar to those thus given in respect of educational pur[)0ses, were conferred upon us for the appropriation of Dole Charities to other purposes, differing, in most cases less widely, and in no cases more widely, from those of their foundation than the educational purposes contemplated by the Endowed Schools Acts. (25.) It was in these circumstances that we reported as follows to Your Majesty in page 5 of our Twenty-third Report (for 1875) :— " By virtue of the powers conferred upon them by the Endowed Schools Act, 1869, the Commissioners can, with the consent of the Trustees, apply endowments of this kind " (that is, Dole Charities) " to the purposes of education ; but with this exception, they have at present no powers which would enable them to meet the wishes of any locality for a more advantageous disposal of funds so often found to be useless and even mischievous in their present mode of application. Great advantage would often arise from the exercise of such powers, by means of which, without so complete a change in the objects of the trust as is involved in the devotion of the funds wholly to education^ useless or mischievous Dole Charities might be utilised for objects conducive to the material and moral wellbeing of the poor." (26.) It was in pursuance of the suggestion thus made, that there was inserted in a Bill for the amendment of the Chaiitable Trusts Acts, introduced into Parliament in 1878 by the Government of the day, a clause providing for the application of Dole funds to improved eleemosynary purposes, includ- ing the establishment of Pensions. This clause was repeated in similar Bills introduced in the years 1881 and 1883. None of these Bills, however, passed 12.5 into law, and we therefore deemed it to be our duty to use every effort, within the narrower limits of our powers of estal)lislung cy-pres 'chcmes for the administration of Dole Charities, to promote the change which we had thus recommended. These proceedings have, as was t » be expected, been encountered at the outset by frequent opposition ; and the dilHcnlties of concentrating upon the relief of the sick and aged funds hitherto distributed indiscriminately and to little good purpose among the poor of a Parish, have been manifold and persistent ; though it is found that the working of an improved system of administration, when once established, is mostly free from friction and discontent. In the course, however, of the last tifteen years, a system of Pensions has been thus established in many Parishes throughout the country, and a substantial addition has been made to the funds directly available for the relief of the aged poor. (27.) It may be convenient here to state what is known as to the amount of the funds of Endowed Charities applicable directly or indirectly to the purpose of relief to the aged poor as a class. The General Digest of J'hidowed Charities in England and Wales, which was completed in the year . 1874, and was based upon information, the date of which varies in different Counties from 1863 to 1871, showed that the yearly sum of no less than £552,000 was then applicable to the support of Almshouses and Pensioners, while the sum of i;.S84,())0 was applicable to the distribution of gifts in money or kind, or to ihe general uses of the poor. It may probably be assumed that a considerable part of the latter sum has since that date been made applicable to improved purposes for the benefit of the poor, and among others to the establishment of Pensions. As many of the Schemes by which this change has been effected leave to the Trustees a choice in the distribu- tion of income between Pensions and other improved forms of applicati'Hi, an examination of those Schemes does not enable us 1 3 state the amount now applied under their provisions to the purposes of Pensions. It is probable, however, that with the view of co-operating, as far as may be, with the Royal Commission recently appointed to inquire into the subject of relief to the aged poor, we may be able to obtain further and more definite informa- tion on a subject of such immediate interest. Meanwhile, it is to be noted, with reference to the amounts stated above, that, while they are liable to reduction in the result of the depreciation of agricultural property and the lowering of the rate of interest upon Govern- ment Stock, an increase has probably taken place, in at least an equal degree, by means of newly founded Charities, and by the rise in the value of urban property. (28.) This notice of the progress which has been made, in the direction of utilising Dole Charities for the special purpose of relief to the aged poor, may perhaps be fitly concluded by a mention of some typical cases showing that Dole Charities still exist in their most mischievous and wasteful form, and that a wide field is still open for further exertions in the direction in which beneficial progress has already been made. In three Parishes in one of the Midland Count'es it is found that a distri- bution of Doles is carried on to an extent which seems to exclude discrimina- tion in the application of the funds, while the amount give-i to each recipient even where not infinitesimal, is such as to be practically valueless. In Parish A., out of a peculation of 1,090, 499 persons (including 224 children) received in 1891 relief at an average rate of 2s. per head, the highest amount given to an individual being 2.s'. lie/. In Parish B., out of a population of 2,250, relief was in 1892 granted, directly or indirectly, in respect of no less than 1,084 persons, including, as in the former case, children. The average receipt per head was l\d. In Parish C, out of a population of 3,0 'i5. Doles were received in 1891 by 1,217 persons, of whom 729 were children receiving 1(7. a piece. Three heads Pi-obable amount of Endowment api)licable, in Enghinil ami Wnhs, to relief of tlie aged poor. Instances of mischievous and wasteful Dole Chari- ties. 126 of families received \.t. Id. or U-. each ; but, with this exception, 10(?. was the maximum amount awarded to a family. 1 he average amount received per head was somewhat less than 2'^d. In this case it is understood, though we have not yet received the official accounts for 1892, that in that year 1,500 persons shared in these Doles, receiving, therefore, an average amount of '2d. each. It thus appears that in these three Parishes relief is received by or in respect of a number of persons which bears to the whole population the following [>roportions respectively, viz. : — In Parish A., 49 per cent. „ B., 48 „ „ C, 39 „ (or in 1892, 50 per cent.) The striking contrast which these figures present between the value to the poor, on the one hand, of relief scattered broadcast and indiscriminately, and, on the other hand, of the concentration of the same funds upon selected cases of need caused by sickness or old age, is one which any comment would tend only to weaken 127 FORM m. 79. ; Copies of this Form may be obtained in Room Ao. 30.) Scheme (Chukch). [One of such parts] [The annual snm of £ ] shall he applied by the Trustees in the payment to the Churchwardens of the Parish of , of any charges lawfully incurred by tliem in the maintenance and repair of the fabric of the Parish Church of ; and^ subject thereto, in the payment of the like charyes in respect of the maintenance of the sei^vices of the said Church and of the furniture thereof. If in any year the whole of the said [one part] \_suni of £ ] be not applied as aforesaid, the residue thereof shall be invested and accumulated by the Trustees, in the public funds so as to form a fund for the extraordinar}' repairs, improvement or enlargement of the fabric of the said Church. When the fund so to be accumulated shall amount to or exceed £ , the same shall be invested in, or transferred to, the name of " the Official Trustees of Charitable Funds,"(rt) in trust for the Charit («) Set note {b) to Form No. 1, page 17, ante. 128 FORM No. 80. {Copies of this Form may he obtained in Boom No. 30.) Advance- ment of Education of children at or from Public Elementary Schools. Prizes. Scheme (Prizes, Scholarships, Exhibitions, &c.). (a) [One of such parts] [A yearly sum of £ ] [The yearly income ol" the Charit ] shall be applied by the Trustees in the advancement of education in one or more [both] of the following ways, as they think fit, viz, : — {a) In granting Prizes or Rewards, not exceeding in value £ in any one case, to children — ( I who are bona tide resident in the Parish of Payments to encourage continuance at School. (2) who are and hiive, for not less than two years, baen scholars in some Public Elementary School or Schools ; and (o) who ha\e received from the Managers of the School or Schools such a certificate or certificates in writing of good conduct, regularity in attend- ance, and i)rooTess in le.irnino-, as may be satisfac- tory to the Trustees, (A) In the aw."rd of Payments, at the rate of not more than £ a year each, for the benefit of children qualified as aforesaid, who have further in every case attended school for not less than five years and reached the standard for total exemption from school attendance fixed by ihe bye- laws in force for the time being in the School District in which such children are respectively resident. Every Payment so awarded shall be made only so long as the child continues to attend a Public Elemen- tary School, and to satisfy the Trustees as to his or her continued good conduct, regularity in attendance and })rogress in learning. ■I I 129 The Trustees shall, at their ili.-jcretiuu, iij^pl}' every auia -^i^le of awiirded under the foregoing provisions in or towards ^'^' '^atiou- pa}dng the tuition fees (if any) of the child or otherwise for his or her maintenance or benefit, or they shall deposit the same in a Savings Bank or otherwise accumulate the same for his or her benefit. (c) In the maintenance of Exhibitions, each of a yearly Exhibitions value 7iot exceedimj £ , tenable at any institution of EducaUon" education Higher than Elementary, or of Technical^ Pro- fessional^ or Industrial instruction, approved by the Trustees, and to be awarded to children qualified as aforesaid, who have further in every case attended school for not less than six years and been advanced to a standard liigher than [the ^'^'^ words in standard next below"] the standard for toted exemption from foy'^Lomion school attendance fixed as aforesaid [by the bye-laws in force cases. for the time being in the School District of the Metropolis]. Each of these Exhibitions shall be awarded for such period, not being more than two years from the date of the award, as the Trustees think fit ; but such period may, whenever the Trustees think fit, be from time to time extended, provided that no such Exhibition shall in any event be tenable for a period exceeding years. {d) In the maintenance of like Exhibitions, to be awarded Exhibitions to young persons bond fide resident in the said Parish ivho ^^i^^^f^"^^ have completed their engagement as Pupil Teachers in been Pupil Public Elementary Schools, and are in need of assistance to Teachers. enable them to proceed to a Training College. These Exhibitions shall be tenable during such period, not exceeding two years, as the holders are in residence at any Training College for Teachers aided by a Parliamentary Grant or attending any Day Training College for Teachers recognised by the Board of Education. The Exhibitions shcdl be aicarded and held under such General regulations and conditions, and (except in the case of as^o^ExLibi- Exhibitions tenable at Training Colleges) on the result of tions. such examination as the Trustees think fit. Every Exhibi- tion shall be given as the reward of merit, and shcdl, except as herein provided, be freely and openly competed for, and shall be tenable only for the purposes of education. Any Exhibition for which there is no candidate, qualified for the same as aforesaid, who on examination, *or as otherwise '-^Omit i/{,n herein provided, is adjudged worthy to take it shcdl for that ^^"^^^.^^ turn not be awarded. 114U I 130 Deprivation. If the holder of an E.vliibition is, in the judret((tion Act^ 1889 (52 (C 53 ''which (I sep:i-) Special reference should be made to this letter when the accounts are transmitted. {a) See Forms Nos. 105, 106 and 107, pages 217, 221 and 224 respectively, post. (b) See page 229, post. Acknowledgment and Asking for Accounts. {For heading see Form No. 20, page 171, ante.) I am to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the , which cannot, however, properly be laid before the Commissioners until the accounts of the ■ Charit , which should be rendered annually, have been ^ furnished i s 173 FORM No. 20b. [Copies of this Form may be obtained in Room No. 51.) Acknowledgment (Short Form). (For heading see Form No. 20, page 171, ante.) I am to ackaowledge the receipt of your letter of the 174 FORM No. 21. TRAxsmiTiNG Copy of S 'hevik for Educational Endowment to Board of Education. {For heading see Form No. 20, page 171, ante.) ' Sir, . In accordance with the undertaking given in the ; letter from this Office of the L^2nd Xovember, 1900, I now , enclose, for the inforinaiion ot the Board of Education, a copy of a Scheme, established bv an Order of this Board , dated the , for the above-named Charity. I i I am, Sir, Your obedient Servant, The Secretary. Board of Education, South Kensiihiton. S.W. 175 FORM No. 22. (^Copies of this Form may be obtained in Room No. nl.) Transmitting Documents. [For heading see Form No. 20, page 171, ante.) Herewith I and I am to request you to acknowledge the receipt thereof. 176 FORM No. 22a. (^Copies of this Form may he obtained in Room No. 51.) 1 Transmitting Order of the Board. i {For heading see Form No. 20, page 171, ante.) 1 Referring to your letter of the 1 transmit to you herewith the Order of the Board {a) in j this matter, together with copies thereof as desired, j I am to request you to acknowledge the receipt of these documents. (a) Tliis Form may be used to tr.insmit (amongst others) Orders of the Board effecting the following objects, viz. : — ( 1 ) Extending the Charitable Trusts Acts to an exempted charity (Form No. 61, page 100, ante). (2) Authorising the Redemption of a Rentcharge (Form No. 62, page 139, ante). (3) Authorising the Purchase of Real Estate (Form No. 65 », page 142, ante). (4) Certifying the approval of the Provisional Appointment of Trustees, &c. (Form No. 68, pige 134 ante). (5) Directing the Official Trustee of Charity Lands to concur in a conveyance (Form No. 69, pige 96, ante). (6) Vesting in The Official Trustees of Charitable Funds the right to call for a transfer of Stock (Form No. 70, pa^e 132, ante). (7) Authorising the expenditure of funds (Form No. 70b, page 135, ante). (8) Authorising an application to the Court for a transfer to The Official Trustees of Charit:jble Funds (Form No. 73, page 89, ante). (9) Authorising the appointment of additional Trustees by a P.irish Council under sec. 14 (3) of Local Government Act, 1894 (Form No. 83, page 144, ante). 10.) Authorising increase of number of trustees to three under sec. 14 (3) of Local Government Act, 1894 (Form No. 84, page 150, ante). (11) Vesting the legal estate in chirity property in The Official Trustee of Charity Lands (Form No. 60, page 102, ante.) 177 FORM No. 22b. {Copies of this Form may be obtained in Room No. 51.) Returning Engkossmknts of Leask and Counteuj-aht WITH Orukii endorsed. (For heading see Form No. 20, jxi'/e 171, ante.) Herewitli I return to you the Engrossments of the ' [.ease and Ooimterpart in this matter, with tlie Order /of the Hoard (a) endorsed thereon. Tlie ApproNed Dnift Lease (b) also returned lierewitli. 1 am to re(j[nest yon to acknowledge the receipt of these documents. (a) See Form No. 63, page 90, ante, and footnote. {})) See note (b) to Form No. 5, page 27, ante. lUld *' 178 FORM No. 23. {^Copies of this Form may he obtained in Room No. 51.) With Notice of Proposed Order establishing Scheme. {For heading see Form No. 20, page 111, ante.) Referring to your letter in this matter of the 'I am to request that a Notice in the enclosed form {a) may be affixed to or near a principal outer door of and of and may remain so affixed for at least fifteen days, and may be advertised once during that period in each of two local Newspapers of general circulation in and in the neighbourhood of . I am also to request that a copy of the proposed Scheme, {b) pnnted copies of which are enclosed herewith, may be deposited for gratuitous public inspection at during the period prescribed for the publication of the Notice- With the view of ensuring full publicity, the News- papers selected should not be of the same political views. The Forms of Declaration, endorsed upon the enclosed duj)licate forms of Notice, should, at the expiration of the ])eriod of publication, be filled up, signed, and returned to this Office, together with a copy of each Newspaper containing the advertisement. («) See Form No. 50, included in note (a) to Form No, 9, page 63, ante. (i) For common forms of Scheme, see Forms Nos. 75 bis, 76, 77, 79, and 80, pages 107, 114, 120, 127 and 128 respectively, ante. * 179 FORM No. 24. {Copies of this Form may be obtained in Room No. 51.) [■"ehsonal Notice to Tkustee of Pr )i>osED Order. (^For heading see Form No. 20, page 171, ante.) I ajii directed by the Charity Coiuiiiissioiiers for England and Wales, in conformity with the provisions of The Charitable Trusts Act, 1860, to notify to you, as one of the of th Cliarit , that it is the intention of the Commissioners to make, under the jurisdiction vested in them by that Act, an Order for the following- objects, viz. : — i^a) (a) See note {h) to Form No. 9, page 65, ante. signature. )ate of •is'nature. 180 FORM No. 25. {Copies of this Form may be obtained in Room No. 51.) Personal Notice to Trustee of Discharge from Trust. {For heading see Form No. "2^^ page 171, ante.) It has been represented to the Commissioners that you desire to be removed from the office of Trustee of the above-mentioned Charit , and I am to request that you will be good enough to state, for their information, whether this representation is correct. This inquiry may be most conveniently answered by your filling u]) the subjoined memoraiKlum and thereupon returning to me this entire page. » . ^^. j^^^. I am [ ^ ] desirous of being removed from the office of Trustee of the above-mentioned Charit Dated this day of , 190 181 FORM No. 26. {Copies of this Form may be obtained in Room No. 51.) Personal Notice to retiring Trustee of AprucATioN TO FILL Vacancy. ' {For heading see Form No. 20, page 171, ante.) The of the above-inentioued Charit have applied to the Charity Cominissiouers to approve, under the provisions of the Scheme by which the Charit now regulated, the appointment of a new to fill a vacancy in their body which is stated to have been occasioned by j^our having (a) The Commissioners have thought it right to cause a notification of this application to be given to you in order that you may be enabled to connnunicate to them any observations which you may wish to make on the course which has been adopted by the in the matter. (a) See paragraphs 12 and 13 of Form No. 75 bis, page 109, aute. 182 FORM So. 28. (Copies of this Form may he ohtained in Room No. 51.) With Xotice and Instructions to Advertise. {For heading see Form No. 20, page 171, ante.) Referring to your letter in this matter of the I am to state that the Commissioners are prepared, subject to the result of the publication in the locality of the usual preliminary ISotices, to I am to request that a Xotice(c/) in the enclosed form ' may be affixed to or near a principal outer door of and of J may remain so affixed fur fifteen days, and may be advertised once dining that period in each of two local Newspapers of general circula- tion in and in the neighbourhood of For the purpose of ensuring full publicity, the News- papers selected should not be of the same political vieM^s. : I The Forms of Declaration, endorsed upon the duplicate Forms of Notice, should, at the expiration of the period of ])ublication, be filled u}>, signed, and returned to this Utiice, together with a copy of each Newspaper containing the advertisement. (a) See Form No. 50a included in note («) to Form No. 9, page t)4, ante, Form No. -'Ob included in note (c) to Form No. 8, page 56, ante, Form No. !)'6 included in note (c) to Form No. 6, page 38, ante, and Form No. 54 incluUfed in note {h) to Form No. 5, page 28, ante. 183 FORM No. 28a. (^Copies of this Form may be obtained in Room No. 51.} With Notice. {For heading see Form No. 20, page 171, ante.) Referring to your letter in this matter of the I am to state that the Commissioners will be prepared, subject to the result of the publication in the locality of the usual preliminary Notices, to I am to request that a Notice {a) in the enclosed Form may be affixed to or near a principal outer door of and may remain so affixed for a period of days. The Form of Declaration, endorsed upon the duplicate Form of Notice, should, at the expiration of the period of publication, be filled up, signed, and returned to this office. («) See Form No. 50a included in note (a) to Form No. 9, page G4, ar.te, Form No. 50b included in note (c) to Form No. 8, page 5G, ante, Form No. 53 included in note (c) to Form No. 6, page 38, ante, and Form No. 5-i included in note (6) to Form No. 5, page 28, ante. 184 FORM No. 28b. {Copies of this Form may he obtained in Room No. 51.) | I With Notice of Proposed Approval op Appointment * OF Trustee. {For heading see Form No. 20, page 171. aide.) Referring to before the Charity Commissioners make an Order certify- : ing their approval of the provisional appointment of V they reqnire, in accordance with their usual practice, that ■ a preliminary Notice shall be pubUshed in the locality. I i am accordingly to request that the Form of Notice (a) enclosed herewith may be affixed to or near a principal j outer door of J and may remain so affixed for at least days. \ Upon the expiration of the period of publication the i Form of Declaration endorsed upon the enclosed duplicate - Form of Notice, should be filled up, signed, and returned ] to this Office. " The Commissioners also require to be informed that ha expressed in writing willingness to ^ acceirt and Jict in the trust. ' Any Order {!>) which the Commissioners may make in \ this matter will be printed and co})ies of it can be supplied at the price of 2d. each, provided that, on the return of ' the Form of Declaration, the number required is stated j and the cost remitted in Penny Postage Stamps or by ' Postal Order crossed " Bank of Eno-land." ' (a) See Form No. 52 included in note («) to Form No. 12, page 72, aute. {b) See Form No. 68, page 134, ante. 185 FORM No. 29. {Copies of this Form ma>/ be obtained in Room No. 51.) With Draft Order for Examination. {For headinn see Form No. 20, pcifie 171, ante.) Referring to your letter of the in this ^matter I am now to enclose a printed Draft of the proposed Order, («) which should be carefully examined with a view to the correction of any clerical errors, or errors in names and descriptions, or in the particulars of the trust property, and then returned to this Office. The can be supplied, whilst the Order is in type, with any number of copies at the price of {b) d. each, and I have to request that on returning the corrected Draft you will state the number of copies required, the amount of the cost of which should be remitted in Id. Postage Stamps, unless the same should exceed Is., in which case a Postal Order, crossed " Bank of England," should be sent. A duplicate |)rint of the Draft is also enclosed for your /Use, which you are at liberty to retain. (r/) Among others, Drafts of Orders effecting the following objects may be transmitted : — (1) Authorising a Sale of Real Es'ate {see Forms Nos. 64 and 65, pages 92 and 94 respectively, ante). (2) Authorising a purchase of Real Estate {see Form No. 65a, page 142, ante). (3) Approving the provisional appointment of Trustees, &c. {see Form No. 68, page 134, ante). (4) Vesting in The Official Trustees oE Charitable Funds the ri^^ht to call for a transfer of stock {see Form No. 70, page 132, ante)^ (5) Authorising the expenditure of funds {see Form No. 70b, page 135, ante). (6) Authorising an application to the Court fox' a transfer of stock to The Official Trustees of Charitable Funds {see Form No. 73, page 89, ante). (7) Authorising the appointment of additional Trustees by a Parish Council or increasing the number of Trustees to three, under section 14 (3) of the Local (Jovernment Act, 1894 {see Forms, Nos. 83 and 84, pages 144 and 150 respectively, ante). (i) The scale of charges is as follows : — Orders extending over : Not more than one pnge Id. per copy More than one and not more than two pages 2d. „ More than two and not more than four pages 3d. „ More than four pages ... ... ■•• ••• 6d. •1 186 4 u FORM No. ao. ( {Copies of this Form mai/ be obtained in Room AV>. 51.) With Draft Oiider for Examination where Stamp I Required. J (For heading see Form No. 20, page 171, ante.) ^ Referring to your letter of the " J am to enclose herewith a printed draft of the Order (a) which the Commissioners propose to make in this matter, and to request that it may be carefully examined, and that any clerical errors, or errors in names and descrip- tions, may be corrected. The Draft should then be returned to me, with a Postal Order, crossed " Bank of ' England," for , the amount of the necessary j Inland Revenue Stamp. J '■Lt A duplicate print of the Draft is also enclosed for your | use which you are at liberty to retain. i i1 AVhen the Order is finally printed the can be supplied with any number of copies at the price of (b) d. each, and I have to request that on returning the corrected draft, you will state the number of copies , required, the amount of the cost of which should be i added to the Postal Order. I I am further to request that you will, at the same time, i mention some suitable place in the Parish where the ' Order, when made, may be deposited for gratuitous public i inspection between the hours of 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. during ] the period of one month. (osals \vhi(;h have been Approved by the J)oard, and that the Commissioners see no objection, in this respect, to the draft as now framed, for the technical sufficiency of which the legal advisers of the remain responsible, (r/) The draft is returned to you herewith, and the Lease and Counterpart, when engrossed, should be transmitted to tliis Office before being executed, with a' view to the requisite Authority of the Board (//) being endorsed thereon. The approved draft should be sent with the engrossments, and also a verbatim copy (on foolscap paper, bookwise), which is required for retention in this office. These documents should be accompanied by a certificate from to the effect that the engrossments and copy have been carefully examined with the approved draft, and that they correspond therewith. (a) Sec note (i) to Form No. 5, page 27, ante. (J) See Form No. G3, page 90, ante. . 193 FORM No. 34. [Copies of this Form may he obtained in Room No. 51.) Returning Draft Dekd of Conveyance approved on BEHALF OF ThE OFFICIAL TrUSTEE OF ClIARITY Lands. (For heading see Form No. 20, jmge 171, ante.) Referring to your letter of the I am to inform you that the draft Deed of Conveyance in this matter has been altered and approved («) so far as relates to The Official Trustee of Charity Lands, (b) It will be understood that the legal advisers of the remain responsible for its technical sufficiency in other respects. The draft is returned to you herewith. When the Deed has been engrossed and executed by the it should be transmitted to this office for execution by the Official Trustee. The approved draft, and a certificate from yourself to the effect that the engrossment has been compared with the approved draft, and corresponds there- with, should be sent with the engrossment. (a) Sec paragraph 3 of Form No. G4, page 93, paragraph 3 of Form No. 05, page 95, Form No. 69, page 90, and note (6) to Form No. G, page 35, ante. (ft) See note (a) to Form No. 9, page 02, ante. lUU ^ 194 ^ FORM No. 35. li {Copies of this Form may be obtained in Room No. 51.) Returning Deed of Conveyance executed by the Official Trustee of Charity Lands. (For heading see Form No. 20, jjage 171, ante.) Referring to your letter of the in this matter, I am to inform you that the Deed of Conveyance has been executed (a) by The Official Trustee of Charity Lands, {b) The Deed and the approved Draft are returned herewith, and I am to request you to acknowledge their receipt. (a) See paragraph 3 of Form No. G4, page 93, paragraph 3 of Form No. 65, page 95, Form No. 09, page 96, and note {b) to Form No. 6, page 35, ante. {b) See note (a) to Form No. 9, page 62, ante. 195 FORM No. 36. {Copies of this Form may he obtained in Room No. 51.) Notifying completion of Proceedinqs. {For heading see Form No. 20, page 171, ante.) I am to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the enclosing in evidence of publicity having been given to the Order made by the Board in this matter, (a) and to state that the proceedings are now legally complete. (a) See paragraph 2 of Form No. 31, page 188, and paragraph 2 of Form No. 31a, page 189, ante. FORM No. 37. {Copies of this Form may be obtained in Boom No. 51.) Inquiring whether Sale has been completed. {For heading see Form No. 20, j^a I- O Q. O « 1 (3 o u en oj o jj I-. o Q) Ph a aj . c: a 5 ■-■ •oS Q ;-• • a •- p - c >-. Oriffinal. Present. No. Trusts. Trustees. Endowment. Income (appro X.) Trustees or AdiuinLstra- tors. Mode of application ; if diitering from Trusts how authorized? I (a) This Form will be found useful (amongst other things) for tabulating the Charities (their Origin, Trusts, Administration, c^c.) in a Parish in Cises where it is proi^osed subsequently to establish a Scheme amalgamating them under one body of Trustees. 229 FOKM No. 103. (^Copies of this Form may be obtained in Room No. 51.) Circular relating to Accounts. Charity Commission. Accounts of Charities. Charitable Trusts Acts. Local Government Act, 1894. 1st January, 18t)5. See The Charitable Trusts Acts, as amended by the Local ^^^^^J^"^^^-^ Government Act, 1894, require that the Trustees or ^^^' r.i^'^*^*^^ ' persons actini^ in the administration of every Charity shall, ^^^^ I'JTict., in books to be kept by them for that puri;ose, regularly ^^^4]'^and^^*' enter or cause to be entered full and true accoinits of all 5G&f)7Vict.. money received and paid respectively on account of such '^'^^^j w'g^^^'■ Charity, and shall also on or before the 25th day of March in every year, or such other day as may be fixed for that purpose by the Board of Charity Commissioners, pro})are and make out the following accounts in relation thereto («) (that is to say) : (1) An account of the gross income arising from the endowment, or which ought to have arisen there- from, during the year ending on the 31st day of December then last, or on such other day as may have been appointed for this purpose by the Board ; (2) An account of all balances in hand at the commencement of the year and of all moneys received during the same year on account of the Charity ; 230 (8) An account for the same period of all pay- ments ; (4) An account of all moneys owing to or from the Charity, so far as conveniently may be ; which accounts shall be certified under the hand of one or more of the Trustees or administrators, and shall be audited by the auditor of the Charity, if any ; and that the said Trustees or administrators shall, within fourteen days after the day appointed for making out such accounts, deliver or transmit a copy thereof to the Commissioners, at their office in Lon) Present number (c) Mode of Appointment See File, No. {d) If none, by whom Charity administered See File, No. 233 Property — in (a) Real Estate J vested ] by See File, No. f Official Trustees of Charitable Funds Description of Stock, &c. Amount. (b) Personal Estate<:| held by See File, No. Trustees Description of Stock, dec. A mount. Names of Stock- holders^ <&c. V See File, No. Income — (a) Amount for year 190 (b) Present application Date and Object of Orders of Board in the Matter OF the Charity — (Orders sanctioning several sales at a single auction, or several leases under a single agree- ment, not to be separately stated). 234 FORM No. 122. 4- X> w b ^b ^ • {Copies of this Form may be obtained in Room No. 51.) Application to G Department for Accounts and Information, (a) Minute of 2Sth May, 1895. From to G Department. (1) Have Accounts of the under-mentioned Charities been received for the under-tmentioned years ? (2) If so, please send them with your Reply. (3) If not, please apply for them forthwith. (4) And send them to this Department as soon as possible after receiving them. Signature Date County. Auoieut Parish. Township or ! other place In | Charity. Ancient Parish. | I Year. Reply. Signature Date {(i) For gtiitml form of requisitic u for files, books, documents and information see Form No. 129, page 235, post. 235 FORM No. 129. {Copies of this Form may be obtained in Room No. 48.) Requisition for Files and Documents. («) Charity Commission. Requisition for Files, Books, Documents, and Information. From to File No. Otlier Documents. Department, Department. Room No. Signature. Date. County. Parish or Place. Name of Charity. FUe No. a 9 g O a Signature and Date. a. Signature and Date. (Requisitions to different Departments should be made on separate Forms.) (rt) For special form of requisition to G Department for accounts and information see Form No. 122, page 234, ante ; and for special form of requisition to D Department to prepare draft Order, &c., tee Form No. 133, page 237, post. 236 FORM No. 131 ( Copies of this Form may he obtained in Room i\o. 5 1 ) Agenda Paper. i Charity Commission. Department. Board 190 i . 4 I ft FORM No. 183. {Copies of this Form may he obtained in Room No. 51.) Requisition to D Department to prepare Draft Order, &c. {a) Charity Commission To D Department. County Parish or Place Charity Please prepare Draft Draft to Printer Initials Date Number in D Register (o) For general form of requisition for files, books, documents, and information see Form No. 129, page 235, ante. 238 FORM No. 136. {^Copies of this Form may he obtained in Room No. 51.) The undermentioned documents are enclosed for tlie Board of Education, South Kensington : — Received : Signature Date '\ Receipt for Documents forwarded to Board of j Education, South Kensington. Charity Commission. 239 VI.— INDEX. I 241 Subject. ACCEPTANCE OF TRUST— notification of, to accomi^any application for Order appoint ing Trustees (Form No. 9, Instructions, par, 9) Gl ACCOUNTS — application to G Department for (Form No. 122) 234 circular relating to (Form No. lO.S) 229 must be rendered before an application can be considered (Form No. 9, Instructions, par. 10) Gl requisition to produce (Form No. 6G) 211 return of Endowments of a Charity (Form No. 104) ... 213 return of income and expenditure, Elementary Schools (Form No. 107) 224 return of income and expenditure, general (Form No. 106) 221 return of income and expenditure, secondary educational endowments (Form No. 105) 217 ACKNOWLEDGMENT— and asking for accounts (Form No. 20a) general (Form No. 20) short form (Form No. 20b) 172 171 173 ADJUST CLAIMS- see " Compromise." ADVANTAGES— of vesting charitable funds in The Official Trustees of Charitable Funds (Form No. 93) 17 of vesting charity lands in The Official Trustee of Charity Lands (Form No. 123) 62 ADVICE— of payment of money to Banking Account of The Official Trustees of Charitable Funds, to be sent to the Secretary, Charity Commission (Form No. 0.2G) See also " Opinion and Advice." 17 AGENDA— Commissioners' form (Form^No. 131) 236 AGREEMENT— for lease, application for Order authorising grant of lease in pursuance of (Form No. 6a) for lease, sanction of Commissioners to, not to be substit- tuted for sanction to individual leases granted in pursuance of (Form No. 5a, note (d) ) 1U14 30 31 Q 242 Subject. Page. ALTERATION OF BUILDINGS— see " Expenditure of Funds." APPLICATION— cannot be entertained by Commissioners until proper accounts rendered (Form No. 9, Instructions, par. 10) ... 61 APPOINTMENT OF TRUSTEES— see " Trustees." APPROVAL— of i^rovisional appointments of Trustees, sve " Trustees.' ARCHITECT— report on plans, &c., required by Commissioners, letter to Trustees (Form No. 43) report on plans, &c., required by Commissioners, letter to Architect (Form No. 44) report on plans, &c., scale of fees for making (Form No. 43a) AUCTION— see " Sale of Real Property." AUTHORITY— required from administering Trustees by The Official Trustees of Charitable Funds, for remittance of divi- dends, &c. (Form No. 126) required from administering Trustees by The Official Trustees of Charitable Funds, for sale of securities and investment of proceeds (Form No. 39, par. 4) 201 202 79 18 198 BANKER'S SLIP— Bee " Official Trustees of Charitable Funds.' BANKING ACCOUNT— desirability of opening, by administering Trustees (Form No. 126) of The Official Trustees of Charitable Funds, sec " Official Trustees of Charitable Funds." 18 BILLS— se(. " Parliamentary Bills." BILLS OF COSTS— see " Expenses of Trustees. ' 243 Subject. Page. t BOARD OF AGRICULTURE— power to make exchanges more summary than those of tlie Commissioners (Form No. 7, note {<() ) ... BOARD OF EDUCATION— letter transmitting copy of Scheme for educational endow- ment to (Form No. 21) receipt for documents forwarded to (Form No. 136) BOOKS— Application for (Form No. 129) BUILDINGS— see " Expenditure of Funds." CHANCERY DIVISION OF HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE— Order authorising application to, for transfer to Official Trustees of Charitable Funds (Form No. 73) ... Order authorising application to, for transfer to Official Trustees of Charitable Funds, letter transmitting draft of (Form Nn. 29) Order authorising application to, for transfer to Official Trustees of Charitable Funds, letter transmitting (Form No. 22a) CHAPELS— see " Places of Worship." 48 174 238 235 89 185 176 CHARGES— for copies of Orders of the Board, see " Orders of the Board." t CHARITABLE FUNDS— exemption of, fiom Income Tax (Form No. 93) exemption of, from Land Tax (Foim No. 135) securities approved for investment of (Form No. 39a) vesting in Official Trustees of Charitable Funds, advantages of, memorandum (Form No. 93) ' vesting in Official Trustees of Charitable Funds, advantages of, letter (Form No. 40) CHARITABLE TRUSTS— cieation of, memorandum (Form No^ 95) , declaration of trust, money (Form No. 86) declaration of trust stock (Form No. 85) . see also " Charities. ' 17 19 39 17 199 155 150 154 CHARITABLE TRUSTS ACTS— extension of, to exempted chaiities, see Exempted Charities." 11414 Q2 I 244 Subject. CHARETIBS— parochial ; origin, trusts, administration of, tabular state- ment (Form No. 99) See also " Charitable Trusts." COMPLETION OF PROCEEDINGS— see " Trustees." COMPROMISE— Order of the Board authorising, application for (Form No. 3) Order of the Board authorising, liability of, to stamp duty [Form No. 3, note {a iii.)] See also " Redemption of Rentcharge." CONCURRENCE— of The Official Trustee of Charity Lands in conveyance, see " Conveyance." CONDITIONS OF SALE— restriction of title to be shewn, property vested by Order of the Board (Form No. 87) restriction of title to be shewn, title derived under will, &c. (Form No. 88) CONSTITUTION AND FUNCTIONS— of The Official Trustee of Charity Lands (Form No. 123)... of The Official Trustees of Charitable Funds (Form No. 93) CONVEYANCE- concurrence of The Official Trustee of Charity Lands in, deed returned executed by The Official Trustee, letter (Form No. 35) concurrence of The Official Trustee of Charity Lands in, draft deed returned approved, letter (Forrri No. 34) concurrence of The Official Trustee of Charity Lands in, draft deed to be forwarded for approval (Form No G, note {^o J J ••• ••• ••» ■•• ••• ••• ••• concurrence of The Official Trustee of Charity Lands in, Order of Board directing (Form No. 64, par. 3) ... concurrence of The Official Trustee of Charity Lands in, Order of Board directing (Form No. 65, par. 3) ... concurrence of The Official Trustee of Charity Lands in, Order of Board directing (Form No. 69) concurrence of The Official Trustee of Charity Lands in, Order of Board directing, letter transmitting (Form No. 22a) concurrence of The Official Trustee of Charity Lands in, preparation of deed, letter (Form No. 32)... concurrence of The Official Trustee of Charity Lands in, preparation of deed, clause to facilitate (Form No. 92) ... concurrence of The Official Trustee of Charity Lands in, unnecessary (Form No. 123, jiar. 6) Page. 228 73 80 37 37 62 17 194 193 35 93 95 96 176 190 36 62 245 Subject. Page. CORPORATIONS— objections to, as Trustees of Charities (Form No. 10, note (a) ) ••t ••• ••• «it (-.8 COST OF PRINTED COPIES— of Orders of the Board, see " Orders of the Board." COURT— see " Chancery Division." CREATION OF CHARITABLE TRUSTS- see " Charitable Trusts." DECLARATION OF TRUST— liable to stamp duty (Form No. 95) of money (Form No. 86) of Stock (Form No. 85) • • f • • • • • < t • • 155 154 DOCUMENTS— application for (Form No. 129) forwarded to Board of Education, receipt for (Form No. 136) 235 238 DOLE CHARITIES— application to pensions and nursing (Form No. 124) 122 DRAFT ORDER AND NOTICE— requisition to D Department to prepare (Form No. 133) 237 EDUCATIONAL ENDOWMENTS— effect of Elementary Education Act, 1891, on (Form No. 125) 130 ELEMENTARY EDUCATION ACT, 1891— effect on Educational Endowments (Form No. 125) 130 ERECTION OF BUILDINGS— see " Expenditure of Funds." b EXCHANGE— application for Order of the Board authoriznig (lorm No. 7) ••• ••; authorised only by way of Scheme in case of Place ot Worship (Form No. 8, note (e) ) • ••• .'•• Commissioners will sanction only if beneficial to Charity (Form No. 7, note (5) ) 43 55 48 246 Subject. Page. fiXGRA^HE— continued. money received by way of equality of exchange to be invested in name of The Official Trustees of ' Charitable Funds (Form No. 7, par. 8) 47 powers of Board of Agriculture to make, more summary than those of Commissioners (Form No. 7, note (a) ) ... 48 proposed Order of the Board, notice of (Form No. .53) . . 38 proposed Order of the Board, notice of, letter transmitting (Form No. 28) 182 proposed Order of the Board, notice of, letter transmitting (Form No. 28a) 183 nroposed Oi'der of the Board, notice of, letter transmitting copy to local authority (Form No. 49 e) ... 209 Surveyor's report required (Form No. 7, note (cZ) ) ... 48 title of person making exchange to be certified by Solicitor (Form No. 7, par. 6) 46 EXEMPTED CHARITIES— extension of Charitable Trusts Acts to, application for Order of the Board (Form No. 9) 58 extension of Charitable Trusts Acts to. Order of the Board (Form No. 61) 100 extension of Charitable Trusts Acts to. Order of the Board, letter transmitting (Form No. 22a) 176 extension of Charitable Trusts Acts to, Places of Worship (Form No. 8, note (c) ) 55 extension of Charitable Trusts Acts to, proposed Order of the Board, notice of (Form No. 50a) 64 extension of Charitable Trusts Acts to, proposed Order of the Board, notice of, letter transmitting (Form No. 28)... 182 extension of Charitable Trusts Acts to, proposed Order of the Board, notice of, letter transmitting (Form No. 28a) 183 extension of Charitable Trusts Acts to, proposed Order of the Board, notice of, letter transmitting copy to local authority (Form No. 49e) 209 EXPENDITUPtE OF FUNDS— advance from capital, replacement, alternative methods of (Form No. 41) 200 advance from capital, replacement, limitation of period for (Form No. 41) 200 application for Order of the Board authorising (Form No. 3) 73 erection of buildings, directions as to prepai-ation of plans (Form No. 130) 74 erection of buildings, plans, &c. to be approved by Com- missioners [Form No. 3, note (« ii.)] ... ... ... 74 erection of buildings, report on plans, &c. required from Commissioners' Architect (Form No. 43) 201 erection of buildings, report on plans, &c. required from Coramissioneis' Architect, notification to Architect (Form No 44") 202 erection of buildings, report on plans, &c. required from Commissioners' Architect, scale of fees of Architect (Form No. 43a) 79 Order of the Board authorising (Form No. 68) 134 24? Subject, I'ago. I EXPENDITURE OF FV^DQ—conthiued. Order of the Board authorising, letter transmitting ( Form No. 22a) 176 Order of the Board authorising, letter transmitting draft of (Form No. 29) 185 Order of the Board directing replacement of stock, &g., payments for investment account ( Form No. 72) ... 138 Order of the Board directing replacement of stock, &c., transfer to investment account (Form No. 71) 137 raising of loan, mortgage, power of sale by lender to be restrained (Form No. 41) 200 raising of loan, Order of the Board sometimes accepted as security [Form No. 3, note (fMi.) ] 74 raising of loan, repayment, alternative methods of (Form No. 41) 200 raising of loan, repayment, limitation of period for (Form No. 41) 200 EXPENSES OF TRUSTEES— bill of costs returned, letter (Form No. 38) bill of costs returned, letter (Form No. 38a) purchase of real property, expenses to be approved by Commissioners before payment (Form No. 65a, note (<■)) sales by private treaty, expenses to be paid by purchaser (Form No. 6 note (rf) ) 196 197 143 38 EXTENSrON OF CHARITABLE TRUSTS ACTS— see " Exempted Charities." FILES— application for (Form No. 129) 235 forwarded to Board of Education, receipt for (Form No. 136) 238 FUNCTIONS AND CONSTITUTION— of The Official Trustee of Charity Lands (Form No. 123)... 62 of The Official Trustees of Charitable Funds (Form No. 93) 17 IMPROVEMENTS— see " Expenditure of Funds." INCOME TAX— exemption of charitable funds from (Form No. 93) 17 INCORPORATION OF TRUSTEES— advantages of, as regards tenure and transmission of property, secured by vesting in The Official Trustee of Charity Lands (Form No. 123) advantages of, as regards tenure and transmission of property, secured by vesting in The Official Trustee of Charity Lands and The Official Trustees of Charitable Funds (Form No. 10,-note'(o)) ... ... 62 68 248 Su1)ject. INCORPORITION OF TRTJSTEE^—conthiucd. api^lication for certificate of (Form No. 10) ... certificates seldom granted by Commissioners (Form No. 10, note(")) objections to corporations as trustees of chai'ities (Form No. 10, note («)) reasons commonly givenf or desiring (Form No. 10, note («) ) INDEMNITY— to The Official Trustee of Charity Lands, when joined in legal proceedings (Form No. 89) ... INFORMATION— application for (for office use only) (Form No. 129) requisition to trustees to afEord (Form No. 66) INQUIRIES— as to rentcharge withheld (Form No. 16) general (Form No. 15) ... requisition to answer (Form No. 66) ... INVESTMENT— money arising from sale of charity lands to be invested in name of The Official Trustees of Charitable Funds (Form No. 6, par. 14) ... ... money arising from sale of charity lands to be invested in name of The Official Trustees of Charitable Funds (Form No. 64, par. 4) ... money arising from sale of charity lands to be invested in name of The Official Trustees of Charitable Funds (Form No. 65, pars. 4 and 5) money received by way of equality of exchange to be invested in name of The Official Trustees of Charitable Funds (Form No. 7, par. 8) ... of proceeds of sale of securities, letter (Form No. 39) securities approved for investment of charitable funds (Form No. 39a) Page. 66 68 68 68 24 235 211 168 164 211 34 93 95 47 198 39 INVESTMENT ACCOUNT— see " Expenditure of Funds." LAND TAX— exemption of charities from (Form No. 135) 19 LEASE— application for Order of the Board authorising grant of (Form No. 5) ... 25 authorised only by way of Scheme in case of Place of Worship (Form No. 8, note (c) ) 55 Commissioners will sanction only if beneficial to Charity (Form No. 5, note (a)) ... «,. •*. 27 249 Subject. LE X^E— continued. t t draft of, approved, letter transmitting (Form No. 38) engrossments of, with Order endorsed, letter transmitting (Form No. 22b) in pursuance of agreement, application for Order of the Board authorising grant of (Form No. 5a) in jiursuance of agreement, sanction of Commissioners required to, notwithstanding previous sanction to agree- ment (Form No. 5a, note (a) ) lessee required to execute counterpart lease (Form No. 63, note ((/)) Order of the Board authorising grant of (Form No. G?)) ... public notice of proposal to grant (Form No. 54) ... public notice of proposal to grant, letter transmitting (Form No. 28) public notice of proposal to grant, letter transmitting (Form No. 2Sa) public notice of proposal to grant, letter transmitting copy to local authority (Form No. 4'.Ie) rents, &c. received under terms of, direction as to application of, subject of, separate Order of the Board (Form No. 63, note(rt)) rents, &c. received under terms of, treated as capital (Form No. 63, note (rt)) restriction of powers of trustees to grant (Form No. 94) ... Surveyor's report, points to be dealt with in (Form No. 91) Surveyor's report, to be made to Commissioners (Form No. 5, note (J)) Page. 192 177 30 31 91 90 28 182 183 209 91 91 35 28 27 i I LEGAL ESTATE JN CHARITY PROPERTY— advantages of vesting in The Official Trustee of Charity Lands (Form No. 123, par. 7) 63 application for Order of the Board vesting in The Official Trustee of Charity Lands (Form No. 9) 58 application for Order of the Board vesting in The Official Trustee of Charity Lands, cannot be entertained until proper accounts rendered (Form No. 9, Instructions, par. 10) 61 application for Order of the Board vesting in The Official Trustee of Charity Lands, how to be made (Form No. 9, Instructions) ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 69 notice of proposed Order of the Board vesting in The Official Trustee of Charity Lands (Form No. 50a) ... 64 notice of proposed Order of the Board vesting in The Official Trustee of Charity Lands, letter transmitting (Form No. 28) 182 notice of proposed Order of the Board vesting in The Official Trustee of Charity Lands, letter transmitting (Form No. 28a) 183 notice of proposed Order of the Board vesting in The Official "Trustee of Charity Lands, letter transmitting copy to local authority (Form No. 49e) 209 Order of the Board vesting in The Official Trustee of Charity Lands (Form No. 60) 102 Order of the Board vesting in The Official Trustee of Charity Lands, letter transmitting (Form No. 22a) ... 176 250 Subject. Page. LEGAL ESTATE IN CHARITY FROVERTY—cnipd. personal notice to trustee of proposed Order of the Board vesting in The Official Trustee of Charity Lands (Form No. 24) ... 179 (Places of Worship) application for Order of the Board vesting (Form No. 8) 49 (Places of Worship) application for Order of the Board vesting, how to be made (Form No. 8, note (a) )... ... 55 (Places of Worship) notice of proposed Order of the Board vesting (Form No. 50b) 56 (Places of Worship) Order of the Board vesting in administering trustees (Form No. 60b) ... ... ... 97 (Places of Worship) payment for stamp duty on Order of the Board vesting, to accompany application (Form No. 8, note) ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 52 (Places of Worship) usually vested in trustees not in The Official Trustee of Charity Lands (Form No. 8, note (h) ) 55 stamp duty on Order of the Board vesting, application for payment for (Form No. 30) ...-' ... ... ... 186 stamp duty on Order of the Board vesting, payment for, to accompany application (Form No. 9, Instructions, par. 11) i 61 when acquired by purchase, to be vested in The Official I Trustee of Charity Lands (Form No. 3, note (o iv.) ) ... j 80 LEGAL PROCEEDINGS— application for Order of the Board authorising (Form No. 4) 23 indemnity to The Official Trustee of Charity Lands if joined in (Form No. 89) 24 LOAN- see " Expenditure of Funds." LOCAL GOVERNMENT ACT, 1894— accounts of charities, circular relating to (Form No. 103) ... 229 definition of " parish," " rural parish," and " rural sanitary district ■' (Form No. 96) 146 draft Order, letter transmitting copy notice of to local ; authority (Form No. 49e) 209 draft Scheme, letter transmitting copy to local authority (Form No. 48) ... ... ... 207 Order of the Board authorising appointment of additional trustees by Parish Council (Form No. 83) 144 Order of the Board authorising appointment of additional trustees by Parish Council, letter transmitting (Form No. 22a) 176 Order of the Board authorising appointment of additional trustees by Parish Council, letter transmitting draft of (Form No. 29) 185 Order of the Board authorising increase of number of trustees to three where sole trustee administers (Form No. 84) 150 Order of the Board authorising increase of number of trustees to three where sole trustee administers, letter transmitting (Form No. 22a) ... 176 251 \ Subject. LOCAL GOVERNMENT ACT, \SU—co)ilh»(cd. Order of the Board authorising in^,rcase o£ number of trustees to three where sole trustee administers, letter transmitting draft of (Form No. 2'J) ... principal sections of, which atTect charities (Form No. 90)... requesting information as to ai)pointment of trustees purported to have been made by Parish Council, &c., under (Form No. 49l)) scope and effect of, memorandum on misappi'ehensions as to (Form No. 120) Page. 185 140 208 145 MINUTE PAPER— (Form No. 97) ... 227 MORTGAGE- authorised only by way of Scheme in case of Place of Worship (Form No. 8, note (c) ) concurrence of The Official Trustee of Charity Lands in, unnecessary (Form No. 12.3, par. 6) power of sale by mortgagee to be restrained (Form No. 41) restriction of powers of trustees to grant (Form No. 94) ... 55 62 200 35 NONCONFORMIST CHAPELS — see *' Places of Worship." NOTICE— requisition to D Department to prepare draft (Form No. 133) See also " Exchange." " Exempted Charities." " Lease." " Legal Estate in Charity Property." " Local Government Act, 1894." " Official Trustee of Charity Lands." " Places of Worship." " Sale of Real Property." " Scheme." " Transmission." " Trustees." 237 NURSING— application of dole charities to (Form No. 124) 122 OFFICIAL TRUSTEE OF CHARITY LANDS— advantages of vesting real estate in (Form No. 123, par. 7) concurrence of in conveyance, deed of conveyance returned executed (Form No. 35) concurrence of in conveyance, draft deed of conveyance, returned approved (Form No. 34) concurrence of in conveyance, draft deed of conveyance, to be forwarded to Commissioners for approval (Form No. 6, note (6) ) ••: concurrence of in conveyance, Order of the Board directing (Form No. 64, par. 3) 03 194 193 35 93 252 Subject. Page. OFFICIAL TRUSTEE OF CHARITY LANDS— coH^/nj/er/. concurrence of in conveyance, Order of the Board directing (Form No. 65, par. 3) 95 concurrence of in conveyance. Order of the Board directing (Form No. 69) 96 concurrence of in conveyance, Order of the Board directing, letter transmitting (Form No. 22a) ... 176 concurrence of in conveyance, preparation of deed of conveyance, clause to facilitate (Form No. 92) ... ... 36 concurrence of in conveyance, preparation of deed of conveyance, letter (Form No. 32) ... ... ... ... 190 concurrence of in conveyance, unnecessary (Form No. 123, par. 6) ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 62 constitution and functions of (Form No. 123) ... ... 62 indemnity to, if joined in legal proceedings (Form No. 89) 24 legal estate in property acquired by purchase to be vested in (Form No. 3, note (« iv.) ) 80 (Places of Worship) legal estate in property not generally vested in (Form No. 8, note (b) ) ... 55 vesting legal estate in, application for Order of the Board (Form No. 9) 58 vesting legal estate in, application for Order of the Board, cannot be entertained until proper accounts rendered (Form No. 9, Instructions, par. 10) ... ... ... 61 vesting legal estate in, application for Order of the Board, how to be made (Form No. 9, Instructions) ... ... 59 vesting legal estate in, notice of proposed Order (Form No. 50a) 64 vesting legal estate in, notice of proposed Order, letter transmitting (Form No. 28) 182 vesting legal estate in, notice of proposed Order, letter transmitting (Form No. 28a) 183 vesting legal estate in, notice of proposed Order, letter transmitting copy to local authority (Form No. 49 e) ... 209 vesting legal estate in. Order of the Board (Form No. 60)... 102 vesting legal estate in. Order of the Board, letter transmit- ting (Form No. 22a) 176 vesting legal estate in, personal notice to trustee of proposed Order of the Board (Form No. 24) 179 vesting legal estate in, stamp duty on Order of the Board, application for (Form No. 30) ... ... ... ... 186 vesting legal estate in, stamp duty on Order of the Board, payment for to accompany application (Form No. 9, Instructions, par. 11)... ... ... ... ... ... 61 vesting legal estate in (Places of Worshiji), stamp duty on Order of the Board, payment for to accompany application (Form No. 8, note) 52 OFFICIAL TRUSTEES OF CHARITABLE FUNDS— advantages of vesting charitable funds in, letter (Form No. 40) ... ... 199 advantages of vesting charitable funds in, memorandum (Form No. 93) 17 constitution and functions (Form No. 93) ... ... ... 17 money arising from sale of real property to be invested in name of (Form No. 6, par. 14) 34 253 tiubject. Page. OFFICIAL TRUSTEES OF CHARITABLE FUNDS — co)itinue(J. money arising from sale of real property to l)e invested in name of (Form No. 64, par. 4) 93 money arising from sale of real property to be invested in name of (Form No. G5, pars. 4 and 5) 95 money received by way of equality of exchange to be invested in name of (Form No. 7, par. 8) 47 payment of money to, advice of to be sent to Commissioners (Form No. 0.-2()) 17 payment of money to, application for Order of the Board autliorising (Form No. 1)... ... ... ... ... IG payment of money to, banker's slip to facilitate transmitted (Form No. 32, par. 4) 190 payment of money to, banker's slip to facilitate transmitted (Form No. 32a, par. 3) 191 payment of money to, different ways of making (Form No. 0.2G) 17 payment of money to, not to be made through Charity Commission (Form No. 0.2G) 17 payment of money to, Order of the Board authorising (Form No. 0.50) 85 remittance of dividends, <§c., by, authority required from trustees (Form No. 126) 18 remittance of dividends, i*tc., by, method of (Form No. 126) 18 replacement of stock, &c., Order of the Board directing payment for an investment account (Form No. 72) ... 138 replacement of stock, &c.. Order of the Board directing transfer to an investment account (Form No. 71) ... 137 sale of securities by, letter (Form No. 39) 198 transfer of stock to, application for Order of the Board authorising (Form No. 2) 20 transfer of stock to, Order of the Board authorising (Form No. 0.52) 82 transfer of stock to. Order of the Board authorising application to Court for (Form No. 73) 89 transfer of stock to. Order of the Board authorising application to Court for, letter transmitting (Form No. 22a) ... ... 17G vesting in, right to call for transfer of stock, application for Order of the Board (Form No. 2) ... 20 vesting in, right to call for transfer of stock, application for Order of the Board (Form No. 11) 69 vesting in, right to call for transfer of stock, draft Order, letter transmitting (Form No. 29) 185 vesting in, right to call for transfer of stock. Order of the Board (Form No. 70) 132 vesting in, right to call for transfer of stock, Order of the Board, letter transmitting (Form No. 22a) 17G OPINION AND ADVICE— affords complete indemnity to trustees (Form No. 3, note (« i) ) application for (Form No. 3) ... not always given by way of formal Order of the Board (Form No. 3, note ('/ i.) ) 74 73 74 254 Subject, Page. ORDERS OF THE BOARD— notification of direction by Board to seal (Form No. 45) ... requisition to D Department to prepare draft (Form No. 133) scale of charges for copies of (Form No. 30, note (6) ) see also " Accounts." " Conveyance." " Exchange." " Exempted Charities." " Expenditure of Funds," " Lease." " Legal Estate in Charity Property." "Local Government Act, 1894." " Official Trustee of Charity Lands." " Official Trustees of Charitable Funds." " Places of Worship." " Purchase of Real Property." " Redemption of Rentcharge." " Sale of Real Property." " Scheme." " Transmission." " Trustees." 203 237 187 PARISH— meaning of expression in Local Government Act, 1894, defined (Form No. 96) 146 PARLIAMENTARY BILLS— affecting Charities, copies to be deposited at Charity Commission (Form No. 134) • • • • • • 158 PAYMENT— of money to The Official Trustees of Charitable Funds, see " Official Trustees of Charitable Funds." PENSIONS— application of dole charities to (Form No. 1 24) 122 PLACES OF WORSHIP— appointment of trustees, payment for stamp duty on Order of the Board effecting, to accompany application (Form No. 8, note") 52 extension of Charitable Trusts Acts to (Form No. 8, note (c) ) ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 55 legal estate in the Charity property, application for Order of the Board vesting (Form No. 8) 49 legal estate in the Charity property, payment for stamp duty on Order of the Board vesting, to accompany application (Form No. 8, note) 52 255 Subject. Page. PLACES OF WORSHIP- ron/m»^r7. legal estate in the Charity property, usually vested in trustees not in The Official Trustee of Charity Lands (Form No. 8, note (h) ) 55 practice of Commissioners where building registered and not used or used and not registered (Form No. 8, note (c) ) 55 removal and appointment of trustees, application for Order of the Board (Form No. 8) 49 removal and appointment of trustees, application for Order of the Board, how to be made (Form No. 8, note (a)) ... 55 removal and appointment of trustees, notice of proposed Order of the Board (Form No. 50b) 56 removal and appointment of trustees, notice of proposed Order of the Board, letter transmitting (Form No. 28)... 182 removal and appointment of trustees, notice of proposed Order of the Board, letter transmitting (Form No. 28a) 183 removal and appointment of trustees, notice of proposed Order of the Board, letter transmitting copy to local authority (Form No. 49e) 209 removal and appointment of trustees. Order of the Board (Form No. 60b) 97 removal and appointment of trustees. Order of the Board, completion of proceedings, letter (Form No. 36) ... 195 removal and appointment of trustees, Order of the Board, letter transmitting (Form No. 31a) 189 removal and appointment of trustees, Order of the Board, notice of (Form No. 51) 64 sale of real property, instructions to applicants (Form No. 98) 56 sales, exchanges, leases and mortgages of the property authorised only by way of Scheme (Form No. 8, note (c) ) 55 Scheme, application for Order of the Board establishing (Form No. 8) 49 Scheme, application for Order of the Board establishing, how to be made (Form No. 8, note (a) ) 55 Scheme, notice of proposed Order of the Board (Form No. 50b) 56 Scheme, notice of proposed Order of the Board, letter transmitting (Form No. 28) 182 Scheme, notice of proposed Order of the Board, letter transmitting (Form No. 28a) 183 Scheme, notice of proposed Order of the Board, letter transmitting copy to local authority (Form No. 49e) ... 209 Scheme, Order of the Board (Form No. 60b) 97 Scheme, Order of the Board, completion of proceedings, letter (Form No. 36) 195 Scheme, Order of the Board, letter transmitting (Form No. 31a) 189 Scheme, Order of the Board, notice of (Form No. 51) ... 64 Scheme, authorising sale of real property, instructions to applicants (Form No. 98) 56 PRICES— of printed copies of Orders of the Board, see " Orders of the Board."' 256 Subject. Page. PURCHASE OF REAL PROPERTY— certificate as to A-endor's title required from trustees' solicitor (Form No. 3, note (« iv.)) 80 Commissioners not expressly empowered by Charitable Trusts Acts to authorise (Form No. 3, note (a iv.)) ... 80 deed after completion to be sent to Commissioners for recording (Form No. 3, note (« iv.)) 80 expenses of trustees, bill of costs returned, letter (Form No. 38) 196 expenses of trustees, bill of costs returned, letter (Form No. 38.A) 197 expenses of trustees, to be approved by Commissioners before payment (Form No. 65, note (c)) ... ... ... 95 legal estate in property acquired to be vested in The Official Trustee of Charity Lands (Form No. 3, note {a iv.) ) ... 80 Order of the Board authorising (Form No. 65a) 142 Order of the Board authorising, application for (Form No. 3) 73 Order of the Board authorising, letter transmitting (Form No. 22a) 176 Order of the Board authorising, letter transmitting draft of (Form No. 29) 185 Surveyor's report to be made to Commissioners (Form No. 3, note (« iv.)) 80 REBUILDING— see " Expenditure of Funds." REDEMPTION OF RENTCHARGE— Order of the Board authorising (Form No. 62) Order of the Board authorising, a bar to future claims (Form No. 3, note (a iii.)) ... Order of the Board authorising, application for (Form No. 3) Order of the Board authorising, liable to stamp duty (Form No. 3, note (a iii.) ) ... Order of the Board authorising, letter transmitting (Form No. 22a) Order of the Board authorising, letter transmitting draft of (Form No. 30) stamp duty, application for payment for (Form No. 30) ... terms upon which authorised (Form No. 3, note (a iii.) ) ... "REGISTERED AND USED "— see " Places of Worship." REMITTANCE OF DIVIDENDS— practice of The Official Trustees of Charitable Funds (Form No. 126) REMOVAL OF BUILDINGS— >;ei' " Expenditure of Funds." 139 80 73 80 176 186 186 80 18 257 » Subject. Page, REMOVAL OP TRUSTEES— see " Trustees." RENTCHARGE- redemption of, see " Redemption of Rentcharge." withheld, inquiry as to (Form No. 16) • •• 1GB REPAIRS TO BUILDINGS — see " Expenditure of Funds." REPLACEMENT OF STOCK— see " Expenditure of Funds." REPORT OF SURVEYOR— as to proposed exchange i^Form No. 7, note (d) ) .. as to proposed lease, points to be dealt with in No. 91) as to proposed purchase (Form No. 3, note (a iv.) ) as to proposed sale, points to be dealt with in No. 90) (Form (Form ■ • •• 48 28 80 41 REQUISITION— for files, books and documents (Form No. 129) to D Department to prepare draft Order of the Board &c. (Form No. 133) to G Department for accounts, &c. (Form No. 122) 235 237 234 RESERVED PRICE see " Sale of Real Property." RESPONSIBILITY OF TRUSTEES as a body cannot be delegated (Form No. 126) 18 RESTRICTION OF POWER OF TRUSTEES— to make or grant sales, mortgages, leases, &c. No. 94) (Form 35 RURAL PARISH— meaning of expression in Local Government Act, 1894, defined (Form No. 96) RURAL SANITARY DISTRICT— meaning of expression in Local Government Act, 1894, defined (Form No. 96) •»• ••• ••• 146 11414 146 14 258 Subject. Page. SALE OF REAL PROPERTY— agreement with solicitor as to remuneration, letter suggesting (Form No. 4(3) 204 authorised only by Avay of Scheme in case of Place of Worship (Form No. S, note (c)) by auction, assent to (Form No. 40) ... ... ... ... 204 by auction, condition restricting title to be shewn (property vested by Order of the Board) (Form No. 87) 37 by auction, condition restricting title to be shewn (title derived under deed, &c.) (Form No. 88) ... ... ... 37 by auction, condition restricting title to be shewn, letter transmitting (Form No. 46) ... ... ... ... 204 by auction, contracts to Ije forwarded to Commissioners (Form No. 6, note (r>) ) 30 by auction, particulars and conditions of sale, letter re questing preparation of ( Form No. 46) ... ... ... 204 by auction, particulars and conditions of sale approved, letter transmitting (Form No. 47) 205 by auction, particulars and conditions of sale, reserved price endorsed, letter transmitting in sealed packet (Form No. 47a) ... 20G by private treaty, notice of proposal to effect (Form No 53) 38 by private treaty, notice of proposal to effect, letter trans- mitting (Form No. 28) 182 by private treaty, notice of proposal to effect, letter trans- mitting (Form No. 28a) 183 by private treaty, notice of proposal to effect, letter trans- mitting cop}' to local authority (Form No. 49k) ... ... 209 by private treaty, purchaser to accept title and pay expenses of trustees (Form No. 6, note (^/)) ... ... ... 38 Commissioners will sanction only if advantageous to charity (Form No. 6, note (rO ) 35 money arising from to be invested in name of The Official Trustees of Charital)le Funds (Form No. G, par. 14) ... 34 money arising from to be in\ested in name of The Official Trustees of Charital)le Funds (Form No. 64, par. 4) ... 93 money arising from to he invested in name of The Official Trustees of Charital)le Funds (Form No. 65, pars. 4 and 5) 95 Order of the Board authorising (Form No. 64) ... ... 92 Order of the Board authorising (auction) (Form No. 65) ... 94 Order of the Board authorising, application for (Form ^ No. 6) 32 Order of the Board authorising, inquiry whether transaction completed (Form No. 37) 195 Order of the Board authorising, letter transmitting (Form No. 32) 190 Order of the Board authorising, letter transmitting (Form No. 32a) 191 Order of the Board authorising, letter transmitting draft of (Form No. 29) 185 (Places of Worship) authorised only by way of Scheme (Form No. 8, note (o)) 55 (Places of Worship) instructions to applicants ( Form No. 98) 5G restriction of power of trustees to effect (Form No. 94) ... 35 Surveyor's report, jioints to be dealt with in (Ft)rm No. 90) 41 Surveyor's report, to be made to Commissioners (Form No. 6, note ( /') ) ... ... ... ... ... ... 41 2r)9 Subject. Page. SALE OF SECURITIES— see " Securities." SCHEME— almshouse and pension (Form No. 7()) amalgamating, tabular statement of origin, trusts, admiuis- tration, &c., of charities (Form No. 99) church (Form No. 79) draft of, letter transmitting copy to local authority (Form No. 48) educational endowment, letter transmitting copy to Board of Education (Form No. 21) general (Form No. 75 bis) general benefit of poor (Form No. 77) notice of proposed Order of the Board estabhshing (Form No. 50) notice of proposed Order of the Board establishing (Form No. 50a) notice of proposed Order of the Board establishing, letter transmitting (Form No. 2.3)... notice of proposed Order of the Board establishing, letter transmitting copy to local authority (Form No. 49k) ... notice of proposed Order of the Board establishing, personal notice to trustee (Form No. 24) Order of the Board establishing (Form No. 60) Order of the Beard establishing, application for (Form No. 9) ... ... Order of the Board establishing, application for, cannot be entertained by Commissioners until proper accounts rendered (Form No. 9, Instructions, par. 10) Order of the Board establishing, application for, how to be made (Form No. 9, Instructions) ... Order of 1-he Board establishing, application for, not to be limited or qualified (Form No. 9, Instructions, par. 8) ... Order of the Bonrd establishing, completion of proceedings, letter (Form No. 36) Order of the Boa:d est.ablishing, letter transmitting (Form No. 31) Order of the Board establishing, letter transmitting (Form No. 31a) Order of the Board establishing, notice of (Form No. 51)... personal notice to irustee of proposed Order of the Board ehtal)lisliing (Form No. 24) ... (Places of Worship) notice of proposed Order of the Board establishing (Form No. 50b) (Places of Worship) notice of proposed Order of the Board establishing, letter transmitting (Form No. 28) (Places of Worship) notice of proposed Order of the Board eitablisbing, It tter transmitting (Form No. 28a) (Places of Worship) notice of proposed Order of the Board estabhshing, letter transmitting copy to local authority (Form No. 49e) (Places of Worship) Order of the Board establishing (Form No. 60b) (Places of Worship) Order of the Board establishing, applica- tion for (Form No. 8) 114 228 127 207 174 107 120 63 64 178 209 170 102 58 61 59 61 195 188 IS 'J 64 179 56 182 183 209 97 49 260 Subject. Page. SCREMEii—ronthmed. (Places of Worship) Order of the Board estabhshing, applica- tion for, how to be made (Form No. 8, note (a) ) (Places of Worship) Order of the Board estaljlishing, com- pletion of proceedings, letter (Form No. Sii) (Places of Worship) Order of the Board estaljlishing, letter transmitting (Form No. 31a) (Places of Worshija) Order of the Board establishing, notice of (Form No 51) (Places of Worship) sales of charity property, instructions to applicants (Form No. 98) (Places of Worship) sales of charity property to be authorised by (Form No. 8, note (c)) ... prizes, scholarshms, exhibitions (Form No. 80) 55 195 189 64 56 55 128 SEALED PACKET— see " Sale of Real Property." SECURITIES— approved for investment of charitable funds (Form No. 39a) 39 sale of and re-investmcnt of proceeds, letter (Form No. 39) 198 SOLICITORS' REMUNERATION .\CT, 1881 — agreement with solicitor as to remuneration suggested, letter (Form No. 40) 204 STAMP DUTY— on declaration of trust (Form No. 95) on Order of the Board appointing trustees, &c., application for ijayment for (Form No. 30) on Order of the Board apj^ointing trustees, &c., payment for to accompany application (Form No. 9, Instructions, par. 11) on Order of the Board appointing trustees, &c., payment for to accompany application (Places of Worship) (Form No. 8, note) 155 186 61 52 SURVEYOR'S REPORT— as to proposed exchange (Form No. 7, note ( TITLE— condition of sale restricting title to be shewn (property vested by Order of the Board) (Form No. 87) condition of sale restricting title to be shewn (title derived under deed, &c.) (Form No. 88) purchaser by private treaty to accept trustees' title (Form No. 6, note ('/)) sufficiency of title of person making an exchange to be certified by solicitor (Form No. 7, par. 6)... sufficiency of title of vendor of real estate to trustees to be certifi':d by solicitor (Form No. 3, note (a iv.)) TRANSFER— of stock to The Official Trustees of Charitable Funds, ser " Official Trustees of Charitable Funds." TRANSMISSION— of bill of costs (Form No. 38) of bill of costs (Form No. 38. \) of conditions of sale with reserve price endorsed (Form No. 47a) of copy of Scheme for an Educational Endowment to Board of Education (Form No. 21) of documents (Form No. 22) ... of draft conditions of sale approved (Form No. 47) of draft deed of conveyance approved on behalf of The Official Trustee of Charity Lands (Form No. 34) of draft lease approved (Form No. 33) of draft Order of the Board (Form No. 29) of draft Order of the Board and application for stamp duty (Form No. 30) of draft Scheme to local authority (Form No. 48) ... of engrossments of leao, &c., with Order of the Board endorsed (Form No. 22i?) ,.. of notice of proposed approval of provisional appointment of trustees (Form No. 28i}) ... ... of notice of proposed Order of the Board (Form No. 28) ... of notice of proposed Order of the Board (Form No. 28a) of notice of proposed Order of the Board establishing Scheme (Form No. 23)... of notice of proposed Order of the Board to local authority (Form No. 49k) of Order of the Board (Form No. 22a.) 37 37 38 46 80 196 197 206 174 17.5 205 193 192 185 186 207 177 184 182 183 178 209 17t) 262 Subject. Page. TRANSMISSION— co//^'««.v;. of Ordei' of the Board authorising a sale of real property (Form No. 32) ... 190 of Order of the Board authorising a sale of real property (Form No. 32a) 191 of Order of the Board establi-shing Scheme, &c. (Form No. 31) 188 of Order of the Board establishing Scheme, &c. (Form No. 31a) 189 of property, nee " Tenure and Transmission of Property." TRUSTEES— appointment of, application for Order of the Board (Form iMO. uj ••• ••! ••• ••• ••• ••• ••■ ••• Oo appointment of, application for Order of the Board cannot be entertained by Commissioners until proper accounts rendered (Form No. 9, Instructions, jmr. 10.) ... ... 61 appointment of, ai^plication for Order of the Board, how to be made (Form No. 9, Instructions) ... ... ... 59 appointment of, application for Order of the Board, not to be limited or qualified (Form No. 9, Instructio'ns, par. 8)... 61 appointment of, notice of proposed Order of the Board, (Form No. 50a) 64 appoiiatment of, notice of proposed Order of the Board letter transmitting (Form No. 28) ... ... ... ... 182 appointment of, notice of proposed Order of the Board, letter transmitting (Form No. 28a) 183 appointment of, notice of proposed Order of the Board, letter transmitting copy to local authority (Form No. 49e) 209 appointment of, notification of acceptance of trust to accompany application for Order of the Boai'd (Form No. 9, Insti'uctions, par. 9) ... ... ... ... ... 61 appointment of. Order of the Board (Form No. 60) ... 102 appointment of, Order of the Board, completion of proceed- ings, letter (Form No. 36) ... ... 195 appointment of, Order of the Board, letter transmitting (Form No. 31) 188 appointment of, Order of the Board, letter transmitting (Form No. 31a) 189 appointment of, Order of the Board, notice of (Form No. 51) 64 appointment of, proposed Order of the Board, letter transmitting draft of (Form No. 30) ... ... ... 186 appointment of, proposed Order of the Board, personal notice to trustee (Form No. 24) ... ... ... ... 179 appointment of, stamj) duty on Order of the Board, appli- cation for ( Form No. .30) 186 appointment of, stamp duty on Order of the Board, payment to accompany application (Form No. 9, Instructions, par. 11) ... 61 approval of provisional appointments of, application for certificate (Foim No. 12) 71 approval of provisional appointments of, application for certificate, in what cases used (Form No. 12, note (a) )... 72 approval of provisional appointments of, certificate (Form No. 68) 134 263 Subject. Page. TRUSTEES- co«/;«»er/. approval of provirsional appointments of, certificate, letter transmitting (Form No. 22.\) approval of provisional appointment of, personal notice to retii'ing trustee of proposal to till vacancy (Form No. 2()) approval of provisional appointment of, proposed certificate, letter transmitting draft of (Form No. 2'J) approval of jjro visional appointment of , proposed certificate, notice of (Form No. 52) approxal of provisional appointment of, proposed certificate, notice of, letter transmitting (Form No. 28b) banking account of, desirability of (Form No. 120) expenses of, in sales of real property by private treaty, to be paid by purchaser (Form No. (!, note (d) ) incorporation of, see "Incorpoiation of Trustees." (Places of Worship) appointment of, application for Order of the Board (Form No. 8) ... . ... (Places of Worship) appointment of, application for Order of the Board, bow to be made (Form 8, note (a) ) (Places of Worship) appointment of, notice of proposed Older of the Board (Form No. 50h) (Places of Worship) appointment of, notice of proposed Order of the Board, letter transmitting (Form No. 28)... (Places of Worship) appointment of, notice of proposed Order of the Board, letter transmitting (Form No. 28a) (Places of Worship) appointment of, notice of proposed Order of the Board, letter transmitting copy to local authority (Form No. 49k) (Places of Worship) appointment of. Order of the Board (Form No. 60r,) " (Places of Worship) appointment of. Order of the Board, completion of proceedings, letter (Form No. 30) (Places of Worship) appointment of, Order of the Board, letter transmitting (Form No. 31a) (Places of Worship) appointment of. Order of the Board, notice of (Form No. bl) (Places of Worship) appointment of, proposed Order of the Board, letter transmitting draft of (Form No. ."'O) (Places of Worship) appointment of, stamp duty on Order of the Board, application for payment for (Form No. 30) ... (Places of Worship) appointment of, stamp duty on Order of the Board, payment for to accompany application (Form No. 8, note) (Places of Worship) removal of, application for Order of the Board (Form No. 8) (Places of Worship) removal of, application for Order of the Board, how to be made (Form No. 8, note («) ) (Places of Worship) removal of, notice of proposed Order of the Board (Form No. 50b) (Places of Worship) removal of, notice of proposed Order of the Board, letter transmitting (Form No. 28) (Places of Worship) removal of, notice of proposed Order of the Board, letter transmitting (Form No. 28a) (Places of Worship) removal of, notice of proposed Order of the Board, letter transmitting copy to local authority (Form No. 49e) 170 181 185 72 184 18 38 49 55 50 182 183 20'J 97 195 189 G4 180 180 52 49 55 50 182 183 209 264 >Subject. Page. TRVfiTEES— continued. (Places of Worship) removal of, Order of the Board (Form No. GOiO 97 (Places of Worship) removal of, Order of the Board, comple- tion of procaedings, letter (Form No 3'")) ... ■ 195 (Places of Worship) removal of, Order of the Board, letter transmitting (Form No. 31 \;) 189 (Places of Worship) removal of, OrJer of the Board, notice of (Form No. 51) G4 (Places of Worship) removal of, propo.sed Order of the Board, letter transmitting draft of (Form No. 30) ... 186 removal of, application for Order of the Board (Form No. 9) removal of, applicition for Order of the Board, cannot be entertained by Commissioners until proper accounts rendered (Form No. 9, Instructions, par. 10) ... ... Gl removal of, application for Order of the Board, how to he madt; (Form No. 9, Instructions) ... 59 removal of, notice of propDsed Order of the Board (Form No. .Wa) 64 removal of, notice of proposed Order of the Board, letter transmitting (Form No. 'iH) ... ... ... ... 182 removal of, notice of proposed Order f)f the Board, letter transmitting (Form No. 28 a) 183 removal of, notice of proposed Order of the Board, letter transmitting copy to local authority (Form No 49e) ... 209 removal of. Order of the Board (Form No. 60) 102 removal of, Order of the Board, completion of proceedings, letter (Form No. 36) 195 removal of. Order of the Board, letter transmitting (Form No. 31) 188 removal of, Order of the Board, letter transmitting (Form No. 31a) 189 removal of. Order of the Board, notice of (Form No. 51)... 64 removal of, personal notice to retiring trustee of proposal to fill vacancy (Form No. 25) 180 removal of, proposed Order of the Board, letter transmitting draft of (Form No. 30) 186 removal of, proposed Order of the Board, personal notice to trustee (Form No. 24) 179 rcspons^ibility of as a body, cannot be delegated (Form No. 12G) 18 restriction of powers of to make or grant sales, mortgages, leases, &c. of charity property (Form No. 94) ... ... 35 TRUST PAPER— for use in A, B and C Departments (Form No. 121) 232 TRUSTS— see " Charitable Trusts "USED AND REGISTERED" — see " Places of Worship." 265 'P^ Subject. Page. VESTING— in The Official Trustee of Charity Lands, see "Official Trustee of Charity Lands." in The Official Trustees of Charitable Funds, see " Official Trustees of Charitable Funds." legal estate in real property, see " Legal Estate in Real Property." right to call for transfer, see " Official Trustees of Charitable Funds." 114]^ LONDON: miNTED FOR HIS MAJESTY'S STATIONERY OFFICE, By DARLiiNG & SON, Ltd., 34-40, Bacon Stbeet, E. 1902. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY Los Angeles This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. K^O Gt. Brit. -0?^6 9g Charity Conw mission for =i_ = Vyales - crms UC SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY AA 000 555 377 i K50 G7G69g iwmmA wBtt^^ J i I lil IlliiilililPffllllililll^ I! IjiiiiiHilliii lifiiii ii'i ii j 1 I t 1