OF COURSE WHAT ■ INDB "m TRIUMPH OF MIND OAAER MATTER THE QUADRILLE INH0TWEA7 OLDG£NT."ANbPmY WHOISYOUR FRIEND WITH THE COFFEE POT?" .S'/M/iaSoV'. That? OH! he's my fag-he cetsme my breakeastand such like-but I Stout Party {who suffers much fro7V heat and fias ini atteivpted tocqnceal himself ). Oh.Tbelieve we are eng/ -CR THIS DANCE- I'vE BEEN-THATiS- IVE- EH?-i'VE BEEN LOOKING FOf s John Leechs Pictures OF LIFE AND CHARACTER. FROM THE COLLECTION OF "jVlR. fun(^B." lN OHN EECH's ICTURES 0f Ctfc anb Cbaiacter. FROM THE COLLECTION OF (( Mr. Punch; LONDON : BRADBURY, AGNEW, & CO., 8, g, lo, BOUVERIE STREET, E.G. 1887 ^q^l-^^ LONDON : ERADEURV. AGNEW, & CO., PRINTERS, WHlTfFRIARS- /V1/? g^ecli's o OF Life and Character. - -Jl- Ti.- ^fc^, P^^S- "FANCY BALL, SIR 3 /I LATE ARRIVAL. 1 NO, SIR! MISSUS-S FArxY EALL, SIR. WERE LAST TOOSDAV SIR." SNUFFED OUT. MY EYE, TOMMY 1 IF ERE AINT THE SCOTCHMAN HOUT CF THE SNUFF SHOP A TAI-.IN' A V.'ALK." yohn Lcccli s PichiJ-cs of Life and Character, / ' y' THE TEST OF GALLANTRY. Conductor, "will any gznt be so qood as for to take this young ladv IN HIS lap?" ENCOURAGING. Old Gentleman, "i want some shaving soap, my good lad." Boy. "YES, sir, HERE'S AN HARTICLE I CAN RECOMMEND. FOR I ALV.'AYS USE IT MYSELF'." -Miiii^'^^^-t^Mk TAKING IT COOLLY. Old Gent, "now, th-:n. caoman, how much to th: strand?" Cabman, "srx shillin!" Old G^nt. "THAT'S TOO much " Cabman, "well: what you please: its too hot to dcput: a:out trifles." DID YOU EVER? Old Gentleman (pol.tctyi. "Oh, conductor] i shall feel greatly obliged to you if you would proceed, for I HAVE AN APPOINTMENT IN THE STRAND, AND I AM AFRAID I SHALL BE TOO LATE." Conductor (slamming (/is door;, "go on, jimi heres an old cove a CUSSIN AND A SWEARING LIKE ANY THNKMI From fhc Collection of ''Mr. Piiiichl' 1842 — 1864. ^VH/!7 IHEi SAID TO THEMSELVES. Honourable Mr. Fitirile. "i wish that conceited ass. faddle, would goi" Captain Faddle. "that stupid idiot, fiddle, never knows when he'S in the way:' Rich Widow. "I shall be uncommonly glad when both of these simpletons take their departure," PROPRIETY. persons represented, sarah-jane. matilda Si'oie — Canil'liii Tcr.L'ii. Sarah-Jane. "OH! you 'orrid dreadful story! i didnt," Matilda, "you did now. for i see him, i see him kiss yer. AND HERE HAVE I BIN ENGAGED TO TOMMY PRICE FOR YEARS, AND NEVER SO MUCH AS WALKED ARM-IN-ARM WITH HIM I" A COURT DRESS. "OH! JUST AINT PEOPLE PROUD WHAT HAVE GOT PAIRASOLES 1 " John LcecJis Pictures of Life and Character. A VALUABLE ANIMAL. Gentleman (fond of doss). "Sagaoioug? oh, very: why. he never sees an old gentleman, but HE PULLS OFF HIS HAT AND RUNS AWAY WITH IT. HE'LL FETCH A DUCK OFF A POND ; AND HE'S SUCH A NOTION OF TAKING CARZ OF HIMSELF THAT HE COSTS ME FULL A GUINEA A WEEK FOR THE LEGS OF MUTTON HE STEALS." CRUEL! Snob. '"AVE A CIGAR. C0ACHEE7" Swell Busman. 'NO, thak'kee— i only smoke TOBACCER] " FASHIONABLE INTELLIGENCE. THE JOYS OF OCEAN. Policeman, "hai thats the way you orink the deer when youre SENT OF A HERRAIID?" Genius, "and the right way too— aint it?" Smith. "WELL, BROWN! THIS IS BETTER THAN BEING STEWED UP IN A RAILWAY! EH 7" Bro.yn (faintly j. "OH-im-measuradly superior." From /he Collection of ''Mr. Punchi' 1842 — 1864. UNFEELING OBSERVATION. Vulgar Little Boy. "OH. look here, bill: here's a poor boy bin and had the HINFLUENZA, AND NOW HE'S BROKE OUT ALL OVER BUTTONS AND RED STRIPES" IN FOR IT. ■HALLO, SIR I ARE YOU AWARE YOU RE TRESPASSING THERE'? THE CORRECT MODE OF RIDING IN ROTTEN ROW. GALLOP AS HARD AS YOU CAN AMONGST THE LADIES. IT CREATES A SENSATION 1 1 John LeccJi s Pichtres of Life and Characier. A HACK FOR THE DAY. St3ble-Keepsr (to little Osnt). "set to kicking, and thin ooLTro into a shop: did he. now? ah' he always was a hciit-arted 'oss" SPORTING EXTRAORDINARY -THE OLD DOG POINTS CAPITALLY. "I tell YER what it is, SAM! ir THIS FOOL OF A DOC IS OOINQ TO STAND STILL LIKE THIS HERE IN EVERY FIELD HE COMES TO, WE MAY AS WELL SHUT UP SHOP, FOR WE SHAN'T FIND NO PARTRIOQES." From the Collection of ''Mr. Punchl^ 1842— 1S64. THE GREENWICH DINNER. -A CONVIVIAL MOMENT. Gentleman (under the influence of White Bait i. "well, old fella— reklect—preshent company dine here with me every Monday, Thursday, an- SAT'DY— FRIDAY — NO— TOOSDAY. THURSDAY, AND SATDY— M;ND AN' DON' FORGET— I SAY— WHAT A GOOD FELLA YOU ARE— GREATEST 'STEEM AND REGARD FOR YOU, OLD FELLA": ' STRONG ASSERTION. Omnibus Driver (^ddKising another). "YOu-re a pretty fellow, you are. you call yourself a man? why, I'VE SEEN A BETTER MAN THAN YOU MADE OUT OF TEA-LEAVES 1" loJiii Lecclis Pictures of Life and Character ALARMING SYMPTOMS AFTER EATING BOILED BEEF AND COOSEBERR'' PIE. Little Boy. "OH, lor, mar, i feel just exactly as if my jacket was BUTTONED," VERY FINE FRUIT. Newsp.^pel^ Boy (reads). "A gentleman in the n-e-i-g-h - neighbourhood OP has at the present time several enormous gooseberries in his GARDEN, WHICH MEASURE TEN INCHES IN C-l-H-CIR C-U-M-CUM F-E-R-FER E-N-C-E- ENCE CIRCUMFERENCE. AND ARE OF THE A-S-AS ASTON ASTONISHING WEIGHT OF THREE HOUNCES HEACH ' H.s Friend ■'Oh. what whoppers' woulont i like a pinti" A PHILOSOPHER. Harriet. "STi sti sti dear me, now. ive oroken my comb, and all my back HAIR'S come down, WHAT WITH GRUSHINO. AND DRESSING. AND CURLING. AND ONE THING AND THE OTHER. WHAT A PLAQUE ONE'S HAIR IS TO DE SURE I" YounK Fellow, "well. Harriet, we are all bothered with something, look at us MEN; WE HAVE TO SHAVE EVERY MORNING. SUMMER AND WINTER T' ^ ^==^c^^^^-?r— MATERNAL SOLICITUDE Mamma, ■■georginai georgina!" Georgina. "well. ma. how you do fidget one!" Mamma. " shoulders, my love : shoulders i pray hold yourself up. YOU'RE stooping again dreadfully." lO From the Co I lee (ion of ''Mr. Pimehl' 1842—1864. ALARMING OCCURRENCE. Chorus of Unprotected Females conductor; stop: conductor i omnibus-man i heres a gentleman had an accident and brok£ a jar of leeches, AND THEY'RE ALL OVER THE OMNIBUS!" FANCY PORTRAIT. THE INDIVIDUAL WHO SENDS A FIFTY-POUND NOTE FOR UNPAID INCOME-TAX TO THE CHANCELLOR OF THE EXCHEQUER. VERY FINE TALKING! • NOW, THEN, SIR, JUMP UP ON THE ROOF, AND LOOK SMABP, PUEASE, 6IR, HERE'S T'OTHER BUS A-COMINa" John Leech's Pielures of Life and Characler. HOW TO SUIT THE TASTE. Waiter. "Gent in no 4 likes a holder and a thinner wine, does he? I WONDER HOW HELL LIKE THIS BIN?" MAKING THE MOST OF IT. ^■^Sia^,. — AN AFFAIR OF IMFORTANCE. Harriet. "OH! I'M SO olao you are come, blanche i ive been so perplexed i could SCARCELY SLEEP ALL NIGHT." fl/anc/ie. "wklli what is it. dear?" Harriet, "why. i don't know whether to have my new merino frock violet or dark blue I" A LONDON GENT ABROAD. Scene — .-/ Cafe in Paris. London Gent. "Garconoi tas de corfeei" Garfon. •' BIEN, M'SIEU'— VOULO YOU LIKE TO SEE ZEE 'TIMES'?" tondon Gent. " hang the feller i now, i wonder how the doose he FOUND Out I WAS AN ENGLISHMAN I" 13 From ihe Collection of ''Mr. PnncJil' 1842—1864. ROMANCE AND REALITY. Beautiful Being rtvho is all soul). "How grand, how solemn, dear Frederick, this is: i really think the ocean is more beautiful under this ASPECT THAN UNDER ANY OTHER!" freclenck (who has about as much poetry in him as a Codfish ). -hm— ah! yes. peh-waps. by the way, blanche— there's a fella swimping, S'POSE we ask HIM IF HE CAN GET US SOME PWAWNS FOR BWEAKFAST TO-MOWAW MORNING?" SYMPTOMS OF WET WEATHER. PITY THE SORROWS OF THE POOR POLICE. Tom, "HOLLO, SAM. WHAT THE JUICE ARE YOU CARRYING OF?" Sam. "'CLARISSA arlo.' for missis." "LOR, SOOSAN: hows a feller to eat meat SUCH WEATHER AS THIS? NOW, A BIT O' PICKLEO salmon and COWCUMBER, or a lobster salad MIGHT DO." 13 JoJui Leech's Piclures of Life and Character. THE DERBY EPIDEMIC. GENTLEMEN, OWING TO SUDDEN AND VERY SEVERE INDISPOSITION. I REGRET TO SAY THAT I SHALL NOT BE ABLE TO ATTEND THE OFFICE TO-DAY. I HOPE, HOWEVER. TO BE ABLE TO RESUME MY DUTIES TO-MORROW. I AM, GENTLEMEN. YOURS VERY OBEDIENTLY. PHILIP COX. HOW TO GET RID OF A GRATIS PATIENT. ■SO YOU'VE TAKEN ALL YOUR STUFF, AND DON'T FEEL ANY BETTER, EH 7 WELL, THEN, WE MUST ALTER THE TREATMENT, YCU MUST GET YOUR HEAD SHAVED , AND IF YOU WILL CALL HERE TO-MOHROW ABOUT ELEVEN, MY PUPIL HERE WILL PUT A SETON IN THE BACK OF YOUR NECK.' THE FISH DINNER. A HIGHLAND GAME IN A LONDON STREET. •■THE WHITEBAIT SEEM VERY LARGE, WAITER?" "YES, SIR; VERY FINE AT PRESENT, 3IR," PORTRAIT OF THE BOY WHO WON THE PRIZE FOR "PUTTING A STONE" THROUGH A WINDOW. U From the Collection of ''Mr. Punchl' 1842— 1864. k QUIET WEED. Guard. "Some one been smoking, i think?" Passenger. 'What! smoking i that's very reprehensible perhaps it was the clerical gentleman who has just got out of the next COMPARTMENT" PRODIGIOUS! Schoolmistress, "you see. my love— if i puncture this india-rubber ball it WILL COLLAPSE, DO YOU UNDERSTAND?" Ch:ld. "OH, YES. I UNDERSTAND — IF YOU PRICK IT. IT WILL GO SQUASH." BLESS THE BOY! Old Lady. "now. arthur. which will you have? some of this nice puddino, or SOME JAM TART?" Juvenile. "NO pastry, thank-ye, aunt, ct spoils ones wine so, i dont mind A DEVILLED BISCUIT. THO'. BY-AND-BY, WITH MY CLARET." lOld Lady turns all manner of colours. '.5 John LeecJis Picttires of Life and Character. HOOKING AND EYEING. Ansel n3 (the Wife of his Bussum ). "well, edwin, if you can't MAKE THE 'TH NGS,' AS YOU CALL THEM, MEET, YOU NEED NOT SWEAR SO. IT'S REALLY QUITE DREADFUL." A GAY YOUNG FELLOW. Young Rapid. "YOU are quite sure this is the correct dress for a YOUNG FELLOW OF THAT PERIOD. EH?" Mr. Noses, "oh, perfectly correct, sir; and really looks splendid ON YER.'" "DE GUSTIBUS," &c., &c. Snip. "THATS a sweet thino for a waistcoat, sir. a"nd would LOOIC uncommon well upon you, sir I" JEALOUSY. Betrothed (who does not Odnce the Polkn) " i should like to punch HIS HEAD— A conceited OEAST I " 16 From the Collection of ''Mr. Punch" 1842— 1864. A BON-BON FROM A JUVENILE PARTY. Alfred, "i say, frank, arent you going to have sof.'E supper?" Frank. "A— not at present, i shall wait till the women leave the room.' SPECULATORS. A PROFESSIONAL MAN. "THIS AINT such a WERRY BAD IDEA. IS IT. JIM? HERE'S THE GREAT DIDDLESEX WRITES TO ME FOR FIVE BOB ON A HUNDRED AN' FIFTY SHARES ; AND, TO SAVE TROUBLE, VANTS THE NAME OF MY SOLIOTUR." 17 Medical Student, "well, old fellow, so you've -passed' at last." Consulting Surgeon. "YES; but i dont get much practice, somehov/- ALTHOUGH I AM NEARLY ALWAYS AT HOME. IN CASE ANY ONE SHOULD CALL." D John LeecJis Pictures of Life and Character. PUTTING HIS FOOT IN IT. Little Hairdresser (mildly). "YER airs very thin on the top. sir," Gentleman (of ungovernable temper), "my hair thin on the top, sir? and what if it is? confound you. you puppy, do you think i came HERE TO BE INSULTED AND TOLD OF MY PERSONAL DEFECTS? ILL THIN YOUR TOP!!" MERMAIDS AT PLAY; OR, A NICE LITTLE WATER PARTY. i8 From the Collection of ''Mr. PtmcK 1842— 1864. COMING TO THE POINT. Lover, "sweet girl, let me— here— away from the busy hum of men— and where no mortal eye can see US-declare that passion WHICH— WHICH — ■' Lady, "THERE' for GOODNESS' SAKE GET UP, MR. TOMKINS, AND DON'T BE RIDICULOUS— JUST CONSIDER ALL THE TELESCOPES FROM THE PARADEII" A LITTLE SURPRISE. Little Foot Paie (unexfectedly). "Here-s some gentlemen, please sir." 19 John Leech' s Pi otter es of Life and Character. -\^j^^ INTERESTING SCENE DURING THE CANVASS FOR MR. . NOT A HUNDRED MILES FROM . Wife of Free and Independent, ■■oh! aint he a haffable gentleman, tummus?" Free and Independent, "ahi just aint un. i shouldn't wonder if i warnt able TO PAY MY rent TO-MORRERI" MURDER WILL OUT. Mrs. SmitI]. "IS Mrs. brown in?" Jlne. "NO, MEM, SHE'S NOT AT HOME." Little Girt. "Ohi what a horrid story, janei ma's in the kitchen. HELPING cook I" DOING A LITTLE BILL. "YOU SEE, old boy, its THE MEREST FORM IN THE WORLD. YOU HAVE ONLY TO— what THEY CALL -ACCEPT IT, AND I'LL FIND THE MONEY WHEN IT COMES DUE." Victim, "oo.vii .\LONO-oiv: us the pen." A PLEASANT CTREET GAME. Old Gent. " confound the coys and their topsi where are the police?" 20 From the Collection of ''Mr. Punch" 1842— 1864. jVIF^. BFJiqqg'S PLEA3UF^ES Of HOUSEKEEPIj^Q. No. I. THE COOK SAYS THAT SHE THINKS THERE'S A SLATE LOOSE ON THE ROOF OF THE HOUSE, FOR THE WATER COMES INTO THE SERVANTS' BEDROOM. MR. BRIGGS REPLIES THAT THE SOONER IT IS PUT TO BIGHTS THE BETTER, BEFORE IT GOES ANY FURTHER— AND HE WILL SEE ABOUT IT. No. II. «R. BRIGGS HAVING BEEN TOLD BY THE BU;LDER THAT A "LITTLE COMPO" IS ALL THAT IS WANTED, THE FIRST STEP ,S TAKEN TOWARDS MAKING THINGS COMFORTABLE. SI John LeecJi s Pictures of Life and Character HOME FOR THE HOLIDAYS. MASTER JACKEY HAVING SEEN A "PROFESSOR" OF POSTURING, HAS A PRIVATE PERFORMANCE OF HIS OWN IN THE NURSERY. SOMETHING LIKE A HOLIDAY. Pastrycook, "what have you had, sir?" Boy. "I'VE HAD two jellies, seven of them, and eleven of them, and SIX OF those, and four dath buns, a sausage roll, ten almond cakes, and A COTTLE OF OINOEH DEER." GREAT WANT OF VENERATION Puei- loquitur, "i SAY lodster, shall i go and fetch you a cad?" 2U From the Collection of ''Mr. Punchl' 1842 — 1864. JV1F{. BI^iqQ3'3 PLEA3UF(E3 Of H0U3EKEEPIJ^q. No. III. -IilR^?-'— c.- ^ ^'--^—i- No. IV. NO TIME HAS BEEN LOST. MR. BRIGGS FINDS. ON GETTING OUT OF BED AT FIVE A.M. THAT THE WORKPEOPLE HAVE ALREADY COMMENCED PUTTING THE KOOF TO RIGHTS. 23 John LeecJi s Pictures of Life and Character. r.cDZ DOMESTIC BLISS. Paterfamilias, "i cannot conce:ve, my lcvz, V.'HAT is the matter with my watch ; i think it MUST WANT CLEANING.' Pet Child. "OH, NO I PAPA DEAR! I DONT THINK IT WANTS CLEANING, BECAUSE BABY AND I HAD IT WASHING IN THE BASIN FOR EVER SO LONG THIS MORNING! ' THE FASHIONS. A FRIENDLY HINT TO YOUNG LADIES WHO WEAR THOSE DEAR DELIGHTFUL BAREGE DRESSES. ALWAYS LET THE SLIP (oR WHAT- EVER THE MYSTERIOUS GARMENT IS CALLED) BE AS LONG AS THE CUTZR DFIESS 1 INNOCENCE. "OH. SIRl NO, SIR I PLEASE, SIR, IT AINT ME, SIR I ITS THE OTHER BOYS, SIRl" UNLUCKY. "VAT'S THE MATTER, EH? " "OH. THERE'S ALWAYS A SOMETHINKI VY. I'VE BIN AND LEFT MY HOPERA-GLASS IN A CAB NOW. " 24 From the Collection of ''Mr. Ptmck" 1842— i 842—1864. JVIF(. BI^iqQ3'3 PLEA3Uf^E3 Of HOUgEKEEPIf^q. No. V. JUST TO SHOW HOW ONE THING LEADS TO ANOTHER— MR. BRIGGS (wHO HAS COME OUT ON THE LEADS WHILE THE MEN ARE GONE TO DINNEr) IS SHOWN BY THE BUILDER HOW IT WOULD BE THE EASIEST THING IN THE WORLD TO "THROW" HIS PASSAGE INTO HIS DINING ROOM, AND BUILD A NEW ENTRANCE HALL WITH A SLIGHT CONSERVATORY OVER IT— TO THE RIGHT OF THE CARTOON IS MRS. BRIGGS(l) WHO THINKS MR. B. HAS TAKEN LEAVE OF HIS SENSES' /^' EVENING PARTIES. "31LL. YOU GOES OUT A GOOD DEAL.— TELL US, IS IT THE KERREOT THING TO TAKE ONE'S 'AT INTO A HEVENING PARTY 7 '■ A DELICIOUS MORSEL. JiCky. "HALLO, TOMMY! WHAT HAVE YOU GOT THERE?" Tommy. "Hoyster." Jack/. ■• OH ! GIVE US A BIT." F. 25 John Leeclis Picttires of Life and Character DIFFERENT PEOPLE HAVE DIFFERENT OPINIONS. Flunkey, "apollo? hah! i dessay its very cheap, but it aint my IDEER OF A GOOD FIGGER!" OUR NATIONAL DEFENCES. Small Briton, "the French invade us, indeed! and what should we be about ALL THE TIME 7— WHY, WE SHOULD RISE LIKE ONE MAN I " GENTEEL PRACTICE. Apprentice, "if you please, sir, shall i fill up mrs. twaddles DRAUGHTS WITH WATER?" Practitioner. "DEAR, dear me, MR. bumps, how often must I MENTION THE SUBJECT? WE NEVER USE WATER— /IqM llestillata, IF YOU PLEASE I" THE GOOD LITTLE BOY. Bathing Woman, "master franky wouldn't cryi noi not hei-he'll oome to his martha, AND BATHE LIKE A MAN I" 26 From the Collection of ''Mr. Piuic/i" 1842— 1864. JMF(. Bf^iqq3'S PL£AgUF{ES Of H0U3£KEEPi;^q. No. VI. TABLEAU, REPRESENTING FURTHER IMPROVEMENTS IN MR. BRIGGS'S HOUSE— DESTRUCTION OF THE WALL WHICH SEPARATES THE PARLOUR FROM THE PASSAGE. (N.B, — Ai tin wall IS only lath and flast^r, of course little or no mcsi is made. Mrs. Briggs says she hopes Mr. B. is satisfied now. ) \\ 'llcHV- ^t't ( i(vu)(nin . ivkuit a-ic ijci mumcr n BITTER SARCASM. 27 John Leecli s Pictures of Life and Character. MAL-APROPOS. Gentleman (in ShowerBath). '■ hollo: hollo i who's there? what THE DEUOE DO YOU WANT?" Maid- "IP YOU PLEASE. Sir, HERE'S THE BUTCHER, AND MISSUS SAYS WHAT WILL YOU HAVE FOR DINNER TO-DAY ? " "^2? WE ALL HAVE OUR TROUBLES. Sister Mary. "WHY, charley, dear boy. whats the matter? you seem quite MISERABLE!" Cliarley. "AH! AiNT i JUST! heres ma' says i must wear turn-down collars till CHRISTMAS, and THERE'S YOUNG SIDNEY BOWLER (wHOS NOT HALF SO TALL AS 1 AM) HAS HAD STIOK-UPS AND WHITE CHOKERS FOR EVER SO LONG!" THE RULING PASSION. "NOW. TELL MZ, DEAR, 13 THERE ANYTHING NEW IN THZ FASHIONS?" NOTHING LIKE WARM BATHING. "HOLLO HI! HERE! SOMEBODY I I VE TURNED ON THE HOT WATER, AND 1 CANT TURN IT OFF AGAIN I" zS From ihc Collcclioji of ''Air. PiLuclil' 1842 — 1864. ]hY\. BI^iqq3'S PJLEAgUF(Eg Of HOUgEKEJEPlNQ. No. VII. Scene: Priiuipal bairicadc at My. Bn'^^s's //o!ise.—ow\HC to the incomplete state of the alterations, mr. briggs is obliged to enter his HOUSE through the PARLOUR WINDOW. THE POLICEMAN MISTAKES HIM FOR A BURGLAR, AND ACTS ACCORDINGLY. IN MR. BRICCS'S HAND MAY BE OBSERVED A FINE LOBSTER, WHICH HE HAS BROUGHT HOME TO CONCILIATE MRS, B. THE TROOPS AND THE WEATHER. 29 John Lcccli s J^ictitres of Life and Character. PROPER PRIDE. A SKETCH AT A RAILWAY STATION. JUST THE MAN. "PLEASE, SIR, DID YOU WANT ANYBODY TO KEEP ORDER ON THESE HERE HUSTINGS ON POLLING DAY?" A REGULAR CUSTOMER. "HA'PENNY CANDLE, PLEASE. AND DE QUICK. FOR MOTHER WANTS HER TEA.' "OH. YES, OF COURSE. MISS, COULD WE SEND IT ANYWHERE FOR YER7' ALARMING INTELLIGENCE. Swell Mobsman (naclsj. "arrangements are making to Connect all THE police OFFICES WITH THE ELECTRIC TELEGRAPH' WELL, I HAM SLOWED ! " 30 From the Collection of ''Mr. Pujich" 1842 — 1864. jVIFi. BFJlQQg'g PI.EAgUF(£g Of HO U 3E KEEP1|^Q. No. VIII. SOMEHOW OR OTHER, EVER SINCE THE ALTERATIONS, THE CHIMNEYS HAVE TAKEN TO SMOKE INTOLERABLY, THE BUILDER IS ASSURING MR. BRIOOS THAT BY SOME VERY SIMPLE CONTRIVANCE THEY CAN BE EFFECTUALLY CURED. TAKING CHANGE. Conductor. "All right, jim, push a'.ong, i'VE served the old gal out this time.' Old Lady. "here, stopi conductor i i wont take change for a five-shilling piece in half-penob— THAT I WON'T I HERE, POLICE! CONDUCTOR I" &C. THE INTERESTING STORY. First Ticket Porter, "and so, you know, thats ALL I knows about IT. " Second Ticket Porter, -welli i oont know as ever 1 knowed a man as knows as much as you knows." 31 JoJin LeccJi s Pictures of Life and Character. MUCH TOO CONSIDERATE. Robinson, "there, brown, my boy. thats as fine a glass of wine as you can get anywhere" f,hs. Brown, "a-hem! Augustus, my de-ar. you are surely never going to take port wine? fOU KNOW it never AGREES WITH YOU, MY LOVE!" GALLANTRY. LA MODE. Giis. (who is always so full of his nonsense). "Dash my buttons, elleni thats a stunning waistcoat. I WISH YOUO GIVE US YOUR TAILORS ADDRESS," Ellen. "DON'T YOU OE rude, sir— and TAKE YOUR ARMS OFF THE PIANO." A FASHION IN PINS. "A PIN FOR YOUR SCARF, SIR T HERE'S AN ARTICLE WE HAVE SOLD A GREAT MANY OF." 32 From the Collection of '"Mr. PiLiick',' 1842 — 1864. JVIF{. BF^iqqg'g PLEAgUF{E3 Of HOUgEKEEPIJ^Q. No. IX. ENVELOPE CONTAININQ THE BUILDER'S LITTLE ACCOUNT AGAINST MR. BRIGOS— MUCH TOO SERIOUS TO JEST UPON. No. X. THE UNSETTLED STATE 0^ THE HOUSE FOR THE LAST TWO MONTHS HAS SO DISORDERED BRIGGS. THAT HIS MEDICAL ADVISER RECOMMENDS A LITTLE HORSE EXERCISE BY WAY OF A CHANOE, AND HIS EQUES- TRIAN PLEASURES BEGIN. SOMETHING LIKE A BROTHER. FbrR. '■THAT'S A VERY PRETTY WAISTCOAT. EMILY I • Emily. "YES, DEAR. IT BELONGS TO MY BROTHER CHARLES, WHEN HE GOES OUT OF TOWN HE PUTS ME ON THE FREE-LIST, AS HE CALLS IT, OF HIS WARDROBE. ISN'T IT KINO?" A DUMB WAITER. Old Centleman. -what the deuce is the reason, sir, you oont answer WHEN YOU ARE CALLED" ■ ( Tin reason is olitioua. The poor child has his mouth full of green .033S antf jam tart.) 33 John LeecJi s Pictnres of Life and Character. THE LOST ONE. Boy. "IF YOU PLEASt. M', WAS YOU A LOOKING FOR A LITTLE DOG?" Young Ladies "Yesi oh. yesi" Soy. " WAS IT A SPANNEL. MUM ? " Young Ladie$. "OH, yesi a most beautiful little spaniel, with very long ears." Boy. "AH, THEN, MUM, ITS THE SAME AS FLEW AT MASTER'S BIG DOG HERE, WOTS BIN AND SWALLERED OF IT. ' POP. APPALLING RESULT OF INCAUTIOUSLY TAKING TOO MUCH SODA TO CORRECT ACIDITY. ^.,WA REAL ENilOYMENT. ■ Annie. "Cood-bye. dear, you must come again soon, and spend a good long day, and then I CAN SHOW you all MY NEW THINGS • C\.ira. "OHi that wjll ue nice i good-bye, dear." r/fis.i anil exit.) FROM A BEAUTIFUL MINIATURE. 34 From the Collection of ''Mr. PuiicJC 1842— 1864. MFj. BFiiqQg'3 PLEASURES Of HOF^SEKEEPl F^G. No. I. Dealer, "i should say it was just the hoss you want, sir; only you must decide at once, because there's several parties very SW£ET UPON HIM. HE'S A GENTLEMAN'S HOSS, SIR, AND CARRIES HIS OWN HEAD, SIR ! " Mr. Briggs. " bless my heart i" (Buys him.) THE RISING GENERATION. Clever Juvenile (loq. ). " shakspeare 7 pooh i for my part i consider shakspeare a much over-rated man." AN EXCELLENT WINE. 'THE BEST OF CLARET IS, THAT YOU MAY DRINK ANY (hiC) QUANTITY YOU LIKE, WITHOUT FEuLINQ ILL." 35 John LeecJi s Pictures of Life and Character. WHAT IS THIS? (JUTE A NEW SENSATION FOR THE LUXURIOUS, ON COLO MORNINGS. •USE HOT WATER, AND LOOK AT YOUR SHOWER-BATH 1 " DOMESTIC BLISS. Thiic, half-fast l/ira ; thcnnomeUr jo". Wllllim, "WHAT A VIOLENT RINGING THERE IS AT THE STREET-DOOR BELLI" Maria. "OHi i know what it is, dear, it's the sweeps- and ' dare say the GIRLS DON'T HEAR. JUST RUN UP AND KNOCK AT THEIR ROOM DOOR." MEN OF BUSINESS. MONEY.— WANTED FROM £300 TO £400 TO DHINO FORWARD AN ARTICLE THAT MUST IN A FEW YEARS REALISE A HANDSOME FORTUNE TO THE PROPRIETORS TO ANY YOUNO MAN WHO IS NOT OF BUSINESS HABITS, WITH THE ABOVE SUM AT COMMAND, THIS IS AN OPPORTUNITY FOR INVESTMENT SELDOM MET WITH REFERENCES EXCHANOEO — NO PROFESSED MONEY-LENDER NEED APPLY. ANGLERS HEAR STRANGE THINGS. PiSaitor. "ARE THERE ANY BARBEL ABOUT HERE. GOV'NOR?" Host. "ANY BARBEL ABOUT HEREll I SHOULD RAYTHER THINK THERE WAS A FEW. HERE'S THE P:CTUR O' WUN my little boy KETCHED JUST HOPPOSIT." From the Collection of ''Mr. Ptmck" 1842— 1864. JVIF!. BF^iqqg'S PLEA3UF{E3 Of HOF(SEKEEPir^G. No. II. MR. BRIGGS TRIES HIS HORSE. STRIKING EFFECT ON MEETING ONE OF THOSE NASTY OMNIBUSSES. Aff ' THE AIDERMAN'S ADVICE TO HIS SON. t/lr. Gobble. "You se?, sam. you are a werry young man: and when i am took AWAY (which, in the COMMON COURSE OF EWENTS, CANT BE WERRY LONG FUSt), YOU Will have a great deal of property, now. ive only one piece of adwice to Give you. it's this— and by all means act upon it:— lay down plenty of port in your youth that yol t.:Ay have a good bottle of wine in your old AOE." ^^«^x> rr^^ A JACK TAR. back v:ev/ of the elephant at the zoological oarcehs 37 John LeccJis PictiLves of Life and Character MAY DIFFERENCE OF OPINION NEVER ALTER FRIENDSHIP. Dumpy Young Lady. "well, for my part, matilda, i like long waists AND FLOUNCES." THE PROGRESS OF SLANG. WHY. WHAT A PRETTY NEW FROCK ALFRED HAS!" Prodigy (who picks up everything so readily). "AH, aint it a stunner?" SKETCH NEAR BURTON CRESCENT. "OH I WOT A SHAME! THEY VE BEEN AND SPIKED ALL THE POSTES," AWFUL OCCURRENCE AT AN EVENING PARTY. ■•MY GOODNESS, EMILY 1 THEY'RE OEGINNING THE QUADRILLE, AND HERE'S ALL MY 'BACK HAIR' COMING DOWN 1 1 WHATEVER SHALL I DO?" 38 From the Collection of ''Mr. Punch;' 1842— i 842 — 1864. JVIFi. BF{iqQS'3 PJLEA3UF(E3 Of H0F(3EKEEP|)Mq. No. Til. MR. BRIGGS HAVING PARTED WITH HIS LAO FOR MISCONDUCT, SOME YOUNG MEN WITHOUT ENCUMBRANCE APPLY TO "LOOK AFTER" HIS HORSE. i ,11 :l' J HEVEH SATISFIED. A VERY OLD SOLDIER. Ola Gent "good gracious mei what with orange-peel and slides, there-s MO PEACE in this life." "SPARE A COPPER FOR A POOR OLO SOLDIER, MY NOBLE CAPTAIN! SURE IT'S YER HONOURS FACE 1 RECOLLECT IN THE PENINSULAR?" 39 John LeecJis Pictures of Life and Character jVIF}. BFJIQQg'g PLEASUFJES Of HOF53EKEEPI]NQ. rf EJlh- ^' X; MR. BRIQQS, PERSUADED THAT A GOOD HORSE CANT BE A BAD COLOUR," HAS PURCHASED A SPOTTED AND HJGHLY TRAINED STEED FROM A CIRCUS; BUT THE WORST OF HIM IS, THAT AMONGST OTHER THINGS, HE HAS BEEN TRAINED TO SIT DOWN ON HIS HAUNCHES WHEN HE HEARS A BAND PLAY, AND YOU MAY IMAGINE HOW DISCONCERTED POOR OLD BRIGGS WAS THE FIRST TIME HE DID SO A PLEASANT STATE OF THINGS Piscitor (it Vie lop of hia voicej. " hi— tom i bring the land ng-net ; he s pulled me in, and got round a post." 40 HORACt MAYHLW RICHD. DOYLE. JOHN LEECH. PERCIVAL LEIGH, GILBERT A. ABECKETT. PniNOE DE JOINVILLE. DAN. O'CONNELL. SHAW LEFEVRE. SIR R. PEEL. SIR JAMES GRAHAM, GEOR3E HUOSON (Speaker.) RIOHD. COBDEN. LOHO GEORGE D^NTINOK. JENNY LINO. PRINCE ALBERT. LORD JOHN RUSSELL. GEN. TOM THUW.B. THE Ql.l MR. PUNCH3 DOUGLAS JERROLD. LOUIS PHILIPOE. COL SIBTHORP. LORD MR. PUNCH. ^NCY BALL. EMPEROR OF RUSSIA. MEHEMET ALL LORD BROUGHAM. CUKE Of WEUJNGTON. From the Collection of ''Mr. Fiinchl' 1842 — 1864. SUBJECT FOR A PICTURE.—IRRITABLE GENTLEMAN DISTURBED BY A BLUEBOTTLE. RAILWAY LITERATURE. Book Stall Keeper, "book, ma'am ? yes, ma'am. here's a popular work by an EMINENT SURGEON, JUST PUBLISHED, 'BROKEN LEGS, AND HOW TO MEND THEM;' OR, WOULD YOU LIKE THE LAST NUMBER OF 'THE RAILWAY OPERATOR 7 '" A LEFT-HANDED COMPLIMENT. Bootmaker (with great feeling). "OH. no, sir. dont have napoleons; have tops, siRi-YOURS IS A BEAUTIFUL LEG FOR A TOP BOOT, SIR :-(j/oung Nimrod is immenself p;easeC/)-BEAUTlFUL LEG, SIRl SAME SIZE ALL THE WAY DOWN, SIR '"-f/OUnl NimrOd is immensely disgusted. j 45 John LcccJis Pictures of Life and Character. LITERAL Young Lady, "pray, cabman, are you engaged?" Cabman. "LOr bless yer. miss. why. ive been married this seven years." HALL ALONG OF THEM BETTING OFFICES. Betting Flunkey, "lost? i believe yehi and lost a hatfull of money ON THE HOAKS, TOO ; AND HOW I'M TO SETTLE WITHOUT PARTING WITH MY JEWELLERY. IM SURE I DONT KNOW I AH. MR. BOTTLES, ITS HARD LINES TO WAIT AT TABLE WITH SUCH CARES AND HANXIETIES." A BRUTAL FELLOW. Policeman, "now, mumi whuts the matter?" Injured Female. " if you please, mister— i want to give my whetch of a 'usdano IN CHARGE. HE'S ALLVAYS A KNOCKING OF ME DOWN AND A STAMPIN' ON ME I" ^^,/. «.-^\J^..^V_:i OF COURSE. "IF YOU PLEASE. SIR. MASTER'S SENT BACK THE FIRST VOLUME, AND HE SAYS. WILL YOU BE SO GOOD AS TO LET HIM 'AVE THE SECOND?" 46 From the Collection of ''Mr. PiLuchl' 1842 — 1864. EHIEH MR. BOTTLES, THE BUTLER. Master Fred. •• there! thats capital! stand still, bottles, and ill show you how the Chinese do the knife trick at the play." [bottles is much interested. r / THE NEW ACT. Hansom Cabby. "H'M! sixpence, you had better keep it. you may want it for your washing or somethinki" 47 John LeecJls Pictures of Life and Character INNOCENT AND AMUSING LITTLE TRICK FOR LITTLE BOYS. DISCERNMENT. Clever Child. "Ohi do look here, mamma dear, such a funny thing i Mr. bokers got another FOREHEAD AT THE BACK OF HIS HEAD" [bOKER IS delighted. AN OLD LADY IS CROSSING THE STREET. WHEN A LITTLE BOY SHOUTS OUT— "HI!" AT THE TOP OF HIS VOICE. THE OLD LADY (although indeed there is NO HEAL CAUSE FOR ALARm) STARTS. AND BECOMES GREATLY AGITATED, AND IMAGINES THAT SHE IS RUN OVER BY AN OMNIBUS. THIS IS AN EXCEEDINGLY PLEASANT TRICK. SOLICITUDE. Child (screams nnd without any stops), "manner maria yer tiresome haqcerwatin' little ussy OOME out OF THE ROAD DO WITH YER LITTLE BROTHER DID YER WANT TO BE RUNNED OVER BY OMNIBUSTES AND KILLED DEAD OH DEAR OH DEAR WHO'D BE A NUSS 7 " ANOTHER. THIS IS EQUALLY DIVERTING A LITTLE BOY RUSHES BY AN OLD GENTLE- MAN AND "YOWLS" LIKE A DOG. THE OLD GENTLEMAN IS TERRIFIED BEYOND MEASURE. IF AT THE SAME TIME THE LITTLE BOY SHOULD ALSO PINCH THE LEO OF THE OLD GENTLEMAN. THE FORCE OF THE JOKE IS MUCH HEIGHTENED ; BUT THEN INDEED HE MUST HAVE COURAGE, AND BE VERY ADROIT. OR HE MAY CHANCE TO GET A GREAT BANG FROM AN UMBRELLA OR STK3K. 48 From the Collection of ''Mr. PiLiichl' 1842— 1864. Riihti) Porter. ■NOW then, SIR! by your leave i" THE BEARD MOVEMEHT.— GAMMONING A GENT. Little Gent, "'ow much?" Cabby, "well, ro rather leave it to you, siri and what we poor HANSOMS 13 TO DO WHEN ALL YOU OFFICERS IS GONE ABROAD, GOODNESS KNOWS." 49 John LeecJis Pictures of Life and Character. AWFUL SCENE ON THE CHAIN PIER, BRIGHTON. Nursemaid. "Lawk! therc goes Charley, and hes took his mars parasol what will m:ssus say?" A LUMPING PENN'ORTH. "NOW, MY MAN, WHAT WOULD YOU SAY, IF I GAVE YOU A PErjNY ?■■ ■VY, THAT YOU VOS A JOLLY OLD BRICK I" RATHER SUSPICIOUS! Sen'.imental Youni Lady "will you be so odlioing, mr- tongs, as to cut off A LONG piece OF HAIR WHERE IT WILL NOT BE MISSED?" ALARMING. THE OLD LADY IS SUPPOSED (aFTER A GREAT EFFORT) TO HAVE MADE UP HER MIND TO TRAVEL, JUST FOR ONCE. BY ONE 'OF THOSE NEW-FANGLED RAILWAYS." AND THE FIRST THING SHE BEHOLDS ON ARRIVING AT THE STATION, IS THE ABOVE MOST ALARMING PLACARD. 5° Prom the Collection of "J/r. Punchl' 1842 — 1864. /) SKErCH AT RAMSGATE. Ellen (who loves a joke at aunt fidgets expense), "good gracious, aunt, there are two officers I" Aunt Fidget (a short-sighted lady). " bless me, so there arei well; they may be officers, but they are not gentlemen, i'm sure, or they WOULDN'T stand LOOKING AT US IN THAT IMPUDENT MANNER," A PICTURE SHOWING WHAT MASTER TOM DID AF-TER SEE-ING A PAN-TO-MIME-BUT YOU WOULD NOT DO SO-OH DEAR NO I-BECAUSE YOU ARE A GOOD BOY. 51 Jo Jill LeecJi s Pictures of Life and Character. EASILY SATISFIED, fond Parent, "i don't care, mr. medium, about its eeing highly fin'shed ; but i should LIKE the dear CHLD'S EXPRESSION PRESERVED.' ,ii|i|'|lllllilill^ RATHER A BAD LOOK-OUT. Young Sislcr. "i should so like to go to a party, ma." Mamm.T. "My dear, dont be ridiculous, as i have told vou GEPORE (i am SURE A hundred AND FIFTY TIMEsX THAT UNTIL FLORA IS MARRIED, IT IS UTTERLY IMPOSSIBLE FOR YOU TO CO OUT; SO 00 NOT ALLUDE TO THE SUBJECT AOAIN, I BEj." A GREAT LOSS. Rapid Undergraduate, "weli, jackson i you see they've plucked ME AGAIN." Porter of St. Boniface. "YE-es, sir, i was very sorry when i ■eard of it, sir." Undergraduate. "Ahi i did intend going into the church, and BEING AN ORNAMENT TO THE PROFESSION— BUT AS THEY WONT LET MZ THROUGH — I THINK— I SHALL CUT THE WHOLE CONCIRN." A DREADFUL SHOCK TO THE NERVES. "PLEASE, MEM, LETS COME UNCER YOUR RUMBERELLER ! ' 52 From the Colleciion of ''Mr. PtLiicJC 1842— 1864. /v1F(. Bl^iqqS'g PLEA3U[^£g Of H0F(SEKEEPI^I Q. No. V. MR. BRIGGS. DETERMINED TO HAVE NO MORE INFERIOR HORSES, GIVES A GOOD ROUND SUM FOR "A CLEVER COB — UP TO GREAT WEIGHT— AND THAT A CHILD MIGHT RIDE." HE HAS SOME FRIENDS (wHO REALLY KNOW WHAT A HORSE is) TO DINE WITH HIM, WHOSE OPINIONS HE WISHES TO HAVE. first Friend. " ah— very nice -very nice— but not my sort— been knocked about a good deal, i should say— driven in a butcher's cart, perhaps. AND SOLD because HE WASN'T FAST ENOUGH." SeCOIld DittO. "HE HASNT BEEN DOWN, BRIGQS, HAS HE 7 IS THAT A SCRATCH, OR IS IT ONLY THE LIGHT?" Third Ditto, "does he shy at all? his eyes dont look quite the thing." Fourth Ditto, "i tell you what, briggs, you must have him looked after a LITTLE EEITER, OR HELL VERY SOON HAVE A CRACKED HEEL." Fiftll DittO. "THAT HOCK SEEMS RATHER QUEER," &C., &C., &C. A STARTLING REQUEST. "PLEASE, SIR, WILL YOU PUMP FOR ME?" CUT HIM DOWN BEHIND! S3 John LeecJis PicttLres of Life and Character. DELICATE. 'Bus, Conducior. "would anv Lior be so kind as to ride outside to oolige A GiUlLEUAN 7 " CONFOUND THE SHOPS! Mrs. . "OH! do look here, DEAR! HOW EXTREMELY PRETTY THE AUTUMN FASHIONS ARE. TO BE SURE. WHAT A PERFECTLY LOVELY LITTLE CLOAK! ' Mr. I rapidly changing the subject J. "yes. yeS! beautiful! beautiful! but see. LOVE. WHAT A MAGNIFICENT BROWN HORSE. AND HOW SPLENDIDLY THAT FELLOW SITS HIM!" VERY LOW PEOPLE. Purveyor of Poultry, -what sort o people are they at number TWELVE, jack?" Purveyor of Meat, "oh! a rubbishin' lot, leg o mutton a Mondays. AND 'ASH AN' COLD MEAT THE REST O' THE WEEK." i POOR TOMMY. "WHY. WHATS THE MATTER WITH TOMMY?" 'BOO! HOO! I'VE CUT MY FINGER WITH AUNT'S SCISSORS." "THAT'S A GOOD COY 1 ALWAYS SPEAK THE TRUTH!" 54 From the Collection of ''Mr. Punchl' 1842 — 1864. ^F;. BF^IQGS'S PLEASUi^ES op HOUSEKEEPING. Nn. \ 1. MR BRiGGS u( nn alarming sacrifice) oets rid of horse no. i., and goes out for a ride in the country upon no. ii. Carman, "fell cown, has he, sir? ah. he looks as if he could be werry clever at that.— werry orkerd thing, sir, for a oss to FALL DOWN, SIR. OSSES COSTE3 A GOOD BIT C MONEY — LEASTWAYS. GENTLEMEN'S OSSES DOES. — NOW, JIST LOOK AT MY LITTLE OSS, SIR, AND HE'S A POOR MAN'S OSS, HE IS. HE DON'T CO FALLIN' ABOUT " (Eiit.J No. VII. MR BRIGGS RIDES (') HOME, AND WONDERS WHAT MRS. BRIGGS WILL SAY. AWFUL INSTANCE OF PERCEPTION OF CHARACTER IN AN INFANT PRODIGY. Prodigy "MAMMA, LOOK DERE! DERE PAPA!" 55 John LcecJis Pictures of Life and Character. EASILY PLEASED. Disciple of Old ISa3C. "this wouldn't be a bad place, if THI fish WOJLD only bite, and if it WASNT for this confounded WASPS' NEST." DELICACY OF THE SEASON. Testy Old Uncle (unable to control his passion;, "really, sir, this is quite intolerable! you must intend to insult me. for the last fourteen days, wherever I have dined. I HAVE HAD NOTHING BUT SADDLE OF MUTTON AND BOILED TURKEY— BOILED TURKEY AND SADDLE OF MUTTON. I'LL ENDURE IT NO LONOER" |f„, Old Gent., who alters his Will. THE BANDS OF HOPE; OR, THE CHILDISH TEETOTAL MOVEMENT. Granipapa. "but for seventy years, my child, i have found THAT THE MODERATE USE OF THE GOOD THINGS OF THIS LIFE HAS done me GOOD," Young Hopeful Teetotaller. " all a mistake, grandpa', total abst'- NENCE IS THE THING. LOOK AT ME I I'Vt NOT TASTED WINE OR BEER FOR YEARS I" S6 From the Collection of ''Mr. Punch" 1842— 1864. JVIF^. BF^IQqg'3 PLEASUFJES Of H0F^3EKEEPI1NQ. No. VIII. MR. BRIGGS'S PRESENT HORSE DOESNT QUITE SUIT HIM, FOR, SOMEHOW, WHENEVER HE JUMPS, MR. B. IS SURE TO FALL OFF. HE TAKES HIM TO AN EMINENT DEALER, AND REMARKS CONFIDENTLY THAT HE IS FOR SALE, UPON WHICH THE DEALER SAYS: ■HOW MUCH A POUND IF HE BUYS THE WHOLE OF HIM?" A LITTLE BIT OF HUMBUG. Shoemaker, "i think, mum. we had better make a pair, you see. mum. yours is SUCH A remarkably LONG AND NARRER FOOT I" CHURCH AND STATE. 57 John LcccJi s Pichircs of Life and C Jiai'acfer. NOT TO BE PLAYED WITH. Gl'QOm. "THAT-S ANOTHER FAVOURITE 033 Or MASTER'S. SIR. AND A GOOD UN HE IS TOO, SIR. ONLY HE AINT VERY QUIET." Mr. Graen. •■oh, how do you mzai-'Hdt veiy quiet?-" Groom. "Why, sir, he'd qet you up in a co.^ner, and kick yer bra'ns out in no time, hes amost killed two men already." BARRACK LIFE. First Heavy S*e// (lately absent), "well, 'gus, my boy— how did you keep it up here on Christmas day?" Second Do. "OHi it was terribly slow— for all the world like a Sunday WITHOUT 'BELL'S LIFE I '" NORTH-EAST WIND, THERMOMETER SEVERAL INCHES BELOW FREEZING. Brighton Boatman, 'did you want a pleasure boat this morning, sir? NICE DAY FOR A ROW ' ' " 58 Front the Collection of ''Mr. Punclil^ 1842 — 1864. I^F;. BF(IQQ3'3 Pt-EA?UF(E3 Of HOF^EKEEPIJ^G. No. IX. THF FROST GOES, AND MR. BRIGGS'S HORSE IS DISAGREEABLY FRESH AFTER HIS LONG RELT. HE SETS UP HIS BACK AND SQUEAKS AND PLUNGES AT EVERYTHING HE MEETS. A PLAYFUL CREATURE. Caitiy, "DON'T CE alarmed, sir, its only his play.' 59 John LcccJf s Pictures of Life and C/iaracter. THE MORNING AFTER THE DERBY. First Cent, "well, neq, how did we get '.iome last night?" Second Gsnt. "OH, I dont know; didnt i go home with you?" A MAN ABOUT TOWN. "WHERE SHALL I SAY YOU RE GONE TO. JIM. IF ANYONE CALLS?" "OH, THE OLD SHOP— KENSINGTON GARDENS, TO HEAR THE BAND PLAY I" TASTE. "THATS A STUNNING P:N. FRANK!" "YA-AS. — rVE GOT A SET OF WAISTCOAT DUTTONS TO MATCH— LOOK JOLLY AT XlliH'l-l ASSJRE YAHI" MR. VERDANT'S FIRST ATTEMPT AT BOOK-MAKING. I'orrfanCs Fr:enri. "well— as near as i can make it out— you MUST lose £I50, AND Kir LOSE fi-joo." [vER'ANT subsides Into his Book. Co From the Collection of ''Mr. PiLiich" 1842— 1864. \h\\. BF^IQq3'3 PLEASUF(ES Of HU|vlTip^Q. No. I. PREMONITORY SYMPTOMS OF MR. BRIGGS'S HUNTING FEVER. Maid. "IF YOU PLEASE, MA'AM, THERE'S A YOUTH IN THE PASSAGE AS WANTS TO KNOW IF THESE TOP BOOTS IS ALL RIGHT." (.1 PLAIN SPEAKING. Amiable Young Lady No. 1. ■■ pretty' oh. dear no-do you?" Amiable Young Lad/ No. Z. "lawi not at all. besides, how abominably affected she isi" JoJin Leech's Pictures 0/ Life and Character. FANCY DRESS BALL. "SIR!— PLEASE, MR. !— SIR ! YOU VE FORGOT THE DOOR-KEY I" HOW TO DRESS A LOBSTER. Rude Boy. "3H, LOOK 'ere, JIMI— if 'ERE AINT A LOBSTER BIN AND OUTGROWED HIS CLOAK I" ADVICE GRATIS. Ellen. "OH. DON'T tease me to-day. CHARLEY ; I'M NOT AT ALL WELL!" Charley (a Man of the World), "i tell you what it is, cousin— the fact is, you ARE IN LOVE! NOW, YOU TAKE THE ADVICE OF A FELLOW WHO HAS SEEN A 0000 DEAL or THAT SORT OF THINQ. ANP nON'T OIVE WAY TO IT " VERY PROPER DIET FOR HOT WEATHER. Mrs. Turtledove, "dearest Alfred i will you decide now what we shall have for DINNER?" Mr. Turtledove, "let me see. poppet we had a wafer yesterday— suppose we HAVE A roast butterfly TO-DAY?" 62 From the Collection of ''Mr. Punch" 1842— 1864. Jvll^. BF^iqq3'3 pleasufjes Of hu^itij^q. No. II. PREPARATIONS FOR HUNTING. MR, BRIGGSS HUNTING CAP COMES HOME, BUT THAT IS REALLY A THING MRS. BRIGGS CAN NOT AND WILL NOT PUT UP WITH A FINE DISPOSITION. Affectionate Husband, -come, polly, if i am a little irritable, its over in a minute! 63 John LcecJi s Pictures of Life and Character. /I JOLU DOG. THE PR0Br,3LE EFFECT OF CHEAP FURNITURE HUMBUG. "OH! IF YOU PLEASE. MISTER, ME AND THIS YOUNG AW-AW-INDIVIDUAL IS ABOUT TO MARRY; AND WE WANT TO LOOK OVER YOUR CHEAP FURNITURE MART" "LOOK HERE, JAMES! -OLD MISSUS IS GONE OUT OF TOWN, AND I'VE GOT HER BEAST OF A DOG WOTS FED UPON CHICKINGS TO TAKE CARE OF— WONT I TEACH HIM TO SWIM, NEETHER!" AN IMPUDENT MINX. Lady of the House, "hoity toity, indeed! go and put up those curls directly, IF YOU PLEASE. HOW DARE YOU IMITATE ME IN THAT MANNER? IMPERTINENCE!" THE CHATELAINE; A REALLY USEFUL PRESENT. Lau:\T. "OH. look, MA' dear; SEE WHAT A LOVE OF A CHATELAINE EDWARD HAS GIVEN ME." 64 ^ F]-oui the Collection of ''Mi'. PuucJil' 1842— 1864. ]h^. BF(iqq3'3 pj-£A?uf(ES Of hu^tii^q. No. III. BR,GGS ON H,S WAV TO TH. .METROPOLITAN STEEPLE CHASE..' TP.ES WHETHEP H,S HOPSE ,S A GOOD ONE AOPOSS COUNTPV, HE ,S REPRESENTED RIDING AT A BROOK(i). '■^ y ^' A; COMPLIMENTARY. ••OLD 'APD, BILL' HERE'S ANOTHER HIPPERPOTAMUS." THE GOLD FISH AT HAMPTON COURT. 65 JoJin Leech's Pictures of Life and Character. LAYING THE DUST. A SKETCH FROM NATURE, TAKEN NEAR THE FREEMASONS' TAVERN. Old Gentlem3n. "good gracious! it'S striking, and THEY'LL HAVE BEGUN DINNER." THE RISING GENERATION. Juvenile Oxford Man (who does not think Vin Ordinairs of himsclh. ■ A— were you AT EITHER UNIVERSITY?" Awful Swell. "YA-AS-WHEN I WAS A— EOY i" loxFORD MAN departs in a Hansom, DISTWESSING-VEWY. X. 42. "DID YOU CALL THE POLICE, SIR?" Swell (who would perish rather than disturb his shirt-collar). "YA-as, a-ive had the MISFORTUNE TO OWOP MY UMORELLAW. AND THERE ISNT A BOY WITHIN A MILE TO PICK IT UP— A— WILL YOU HAVE THE GOODNESS? ' 66 From ihe Collection of ''Mr. Punchy' 1842— 1864. I^F^. BF(iqQ3'g PLEA3UF(Eg Of HUJvlTIJMQ. # No. IV. MR. BRIGGS GOES OUT FOR A DAYS HUNTING, AND HAS A GLORIOUS RUN OVER A SPLENDID COUNTRY. INGENIOUS IDEA ELEGANT MATERAL FOR TROWSERS -CNLY TAKES TWO MEN TO SHOW THE PATTERN. NO DOUBT. "NOW I PARI SAY, BILL. THAT AIR BEAST CF A OOQ IS A C003 DEAL HOHZ PETTED THAN YOU OR I SHOULD BE.' 67 JoJiu Lccclis Pictures oj Lijc and C/iaractc •r EXCESSIVELY POLITE. Wellhred Man. "your horse seems a little impatient, siri pray go first! -fjillll AN 0(vi UIRUS rC! ' IIILeveiiimo TAnrits t:; ' ^ ' THE CONSCIENTIOUS STABLE-KEEPER. Gant (who meditatos a ride), "hallo! v;hy, confound it. that's my saddle horse, isn'T it?" Fly-Man. "YES, siri its all right ; master says youhe wehry particular adout avin of im exercised regular— so we puts 'im into the broom »h;n you AIN'T OLT A RIDIN'I" r>s /'"roi/i the Collcclioii oj '^ Mi-. PiuicJi',' 1842—1864. |V1[^. BF^IQQS'S PLEASUF^ES Op HUf^Tl^lQ. No. V. MR. BRIGGS PUTS HIS HORSE IN HARNESS, AND DRIVES A FEW FRIENDU QUIETUY DOWN TO THE DERBY. DIFFERENT OPINIONS. Housebreaker, "wot a shame for people to go leaving coal- scuttles ABOUT for people TO CO STUMBLING OVERI " SCENE-WESTMINSTER BRIDGE.--T IM E, TWO ON A FOGGY MORNING. fierfi/cetf Tndemin f(o a liWe parly reluming homej. "OiD you want to eur A GOOD RAZOR?" 69 John LeecJi s Pictures of Life and Chai'actc, LBllAU ^^-^ WtJ'^i^Af, FOREIGNER OF DISTINCTION GOING TO ENJOY "LE SPORT." •^~^ THE NEW HUNTER. "WELL, CHARLEY I HOW DO YOU LIKE YOUR NEW PONY?" "OH! PRETTY WELL, THANK YOU, UNCLE; ONLY IM AFRAID HE S HARDLY UP TO MY WEIGHT, AND HE RUSHES SO AT HIS FENCES." AFTER THE PANTOMIME. Mary. "OHi how i should like to be a beautiful columbine, and ride about IN A OOLD CAR DRAWN BY WHITE DOVES I" Augustus. "AND HOW 1 SHOULD LIKE TO BE A HARLEQUIN, AND CHANGE WHOLE STREETS INTO REALMS OF DAZZLING DELIGHT 1" Tom (a rude Boy), "and how i should like to be the old clown, and MAKE GUTTER SLIDES ON THE PAVEMENT TO UPSET 01 O LADIES AND GENTLEMEN 1" TOO CIVIL BY HALF! English Cook. "OH, dear! here, james. come, and take this roast beef and PLUM-PUDDINO OUT OF THE WINDOW. IT HURTS THE FEELINGS OF THE FOREIGN GENTS AS THEY WALK BY I" 70 From the Collection of ''Mr. PttncK 1842— 1864. jviF^. BP^iqqs'3 pleasuf(es op huntinQ- No. VI. ON HIS RETURN FROM THE RACES, HE ASSURES HIS MAN THAT HE'S A MOST " EKSHELLENT SERVANT"— THAT THE MARE NEVER CARRIED HIM BETTER. HE ALSO TELLS HIM TO MAKE THE MARE QUITE " COMF-ABLE," AND TO BE "VERY CAREF-L OF HISH CANDLE," BECAUSE THERE'S SO MUCH STRAW ABOUT? THAMES FISHING. Fisherman (to Old Gentleman), -they're a' bitin' away over 'Ere, siri just step across that there bit c wood, SIR, AND YOU'LL HAVE A CAPITAL PITCH, SIR ' " Old Gentieman. -across that bit of wood! does the man think im a rope-dancer?" 71 John LeecJi s Pictures of Life and Character GOING TO COVER. Voice in ihe distance "now, then, smith-come along i ■ Smitll. "OH. ITS ALL VERY WELL TO SAY. COME ALONG I WHEN HE WONT MOVE A STEP, AND IM AFRAID HE'S GOING TO LIE DOWN." ^^<^<-/i^ A SON AND HEIR. Son and Heir, "how many of us are there? why. if you count the oirls, there are six— but some people don't count the girls—/'*) ONE!" 72 From the Collection of '^ Mr. P nncJil' 1842 — 1864- }KY\. Bf^lQQg'g PLEA3UF^E3 0^ HUf^Tip^Q. '-^~p. No. VII. MR. BRIGGS, NOT BEING GOOD AT HIS "FENCES." GOES THROUGH THE PERFORMANCE OF OPENING A GATE. tO/E OH THE OCEAN. ■■■OHl IS THERE NOT SOMETHING, DEAR AUGUSTUS. TRULY SUBLIME IN THIS WARRING OF THE ELEMENTS?' BUT AUGUSTUS'S HEART WAS TOO FULL TO SPEAK." MS. Novtl by Lady ' * *. THE RISING GENERATION. Jurenile. ■■ uncle i- Uncle. "NOW then, what is it? this is the fourth time youve woke ME UP, SIR! " Jurenile. "oh! just put a few coals on the fire, and pass the wine, THATS A GOOD OLD CHAP." 73 John LeecJi s Pictures of Life and Character. RELIGION A LA MODE. Housemaid, "i tell you what it is, parker. i shall be very glad when MISSUS HAS GOT TIRED OF THIS PUSEY-USM. IT MAY BE THE FASHION ; BUT WHAT with her COMIN' home LATE FROM PARTIES, AND GETTING UP FOR EARLY SERVICE, AND THEN GOIN' TO BED AGAIN, WE POOR SARVINTS HAS DOUBLE WORK AMOST." STRANGE, BUT TRUE. Lady. "BY the way, mr tongs, i have used that bottle of balm of California, CUT I FIND MY HAIR STILL COMES OFF." VERY ACUTE. Mr. ""SO YOUR NAME IS CHARLEY, IS IT? NOW, CHARLEY DOESN'T KNOW WHO I AM?" S'larp Little Boy. "OH, yesi but i do, though." Mr. . "WELL, WHO AM I?" Sharp Litth Boy. "Why, you're the gentleman that kissed sister sophy in the library, on twelfth night. WHEN you thought NO ONE WAS THERE." GLORIOUS NEWS. "WELL, RUGGLES, IT'S ALL RIGHT!" "WHAT'S ALL RIGHT?" "WHY! WE ARE TO HAVE MARIO AGAIN." 74 Prom the Collection of ''Mr. Ptinchl' 1842 — 1864. jVIF^. BF(iqQ3'3 PLEA3UF(E3 Of HUJITiJ^Q. No. VIII. Mft. BR\(^<^B HAS ANOTHER DAY WITH THE HOUNDS. MR. BRIGGS CAN' T B.An PLV,MG LEAPS, SO H. MAKES .0. A GAP-WH,CH ,S ,MM.O,ATELV T.LEO BV A ..ANT,0 ^'^OJ^O-T^OU'Sr. WHO ,S VOW,NO THAT HE WILL PITCHFORK MR. B. F HE COMES "CALLOPEITRAVERIN"*" OVER HIS FrNCES-DANG'D IF HE DOANT. AN EYE TO BUSINESS. NOT A DIFFICULT THING TO FORETELL. ■ THE POOR GIPSY TELL YOUR FORTUNE. MY FRCrTY GENTLEMAN." 75 John Lcccli s Pictures 0/ Lije and Characier. FLOWERS OF THE FRENCH ARMY— PICKED AT PARIS. NOT YET! HIGHLY INTERESTING. "SEEN. THAT PARTY LATELY?" •■WHAT? THE PARTY WITH THE WOODEN LEG. AS COME WITH—"' "NO. NO— NOT THAT PARTY. THE PARTY. YOU KNOW, AS—' "OHl AMI I KNOW THE PARTY YOU MEAN NOW." "WELL, A PARTY TOLD ME AS HE CAN'T AGREE WITH THAT OTHER PARTY, AND HE SAYS THAT IF ANOTHER PARTY CAN'T 66 FOUND TO MAKE IT ALL blJUARE, Ht SHALL LOOK FOR A PARTY AS WILL." (And SO 0/1 for lialf an hour.) SOUND ADVICE. Master Tom. "HAVE a weed, gran pa ?• Gran'pa. "A whati sir?'' Master Tom. "A weed i— A CIGAR, you know." Gran'pa. "certainly not, sir. i never smoked in my life." Master Tom, "ahi then i wouldnt advise you to begin." 76 From the Collection of ''Mr. Pttnckl' 1842 — 1864. JVIF;. BF^iqq3'3 PLEA3URE3 Of HUJ^TIf^Q. No. IX. MR. BRI0G3 HAS ANOTHER GLORIOUS DAY WITH THE HOUNDS, AND GETS THE BRUSH IFOR WHICH HE PAYS HAUF-A-SOVEREIGN-ONLY DONT TELL ANYBODY). A^fUl POSITION DURING A STORM, DOG-DAYS! PLEASANT FOR JOHN THOf.lAS. Old L3dy. "JOHN thomasi" John Thomas. "YES, my lady;' Old Lady, -carry esmerauda-sme'S oetting tired, poor oarung!" 77 John Lcccli s Pict^trcs of Life and Character. ALARMING. Hairdresser, "they say, sir, the choleras in the hair, siri" Gent, (very uneasy), "indeed! ahemi then i hope you are very particular about the brushes you use." Hairdresser. "Ohi i see you oont hunderstand me. sir. i oont mean the 'air of the 'ed, but the hair hof the Hatmospherei TEMPUS EDAX RERUM. A ROMANCE OF ROAST DUCKS. "GOOD GRACIOUS! IS IT POSSIBLE 7- NO ! YES: NO I— YES I YES, BY JUPITER, Its a GREY HAIR IN MY FAVOURITE WHISKER I" ' "MY DARLING, WILL YOU TAKE A LITTLE OF THE — A— THE STUFFING?" "I WILL, DEAR, IF YOU 00, BUT IF YOU DONT, I WONT." 78 From the Collection of ''Mr. Ptcnchl' 1842 — 1864. JVIF(. BF(iqQ3'3 PtEA3UFiE3 Of HUJ^TIJ^q. No. X. IN ANSWER TO NUMEROUS INQUIRIES, WE ARE HAPPY TO SAY. THAT MR, BRIGGS IS QUITE WELL, AND AT BRIGHTON. HE IS TAKING THE OPPORTUNITY TO GIVE HIS FAMILY A FEW RIDING LESSONS WE SHOULDNT WONDER IF HE WENT OUT WITH THE HARRIERS IN A DAY OR TWO. THE HONEYMOON. AUGUSTUS MAKES THE TEA FOR THE FIRST MONTH OF HIS MARRIAGE. 79 John LeccJi s Picftires of Life and Character. cr H 2^ x. tl^ o ca ca or ca < ca i-i ca ca cj- CQ or ;ivv\\AW* III tfl> d ;2; Uj a: o i~ oa uj a: K. a: o CO o cc CQ -■i'S'Hi'l^ So From the Collection of ''Mr. Pujichi' 1842—1864. \ \ vv \-^^,,««^^^s:::::::j=^ .'^'■^rrcfiJs 3^\^-%.^^,^j^^. PRIVATE THEATRICALS. DISMAY OF MR, JAMES JESSAMMY ON BEING TOLD THAT HE WILL SPOIL THE WHOLE THING IF HE DOESN'T SHAVE OFF HIS WHISKERS. Country London REWINS. TOWN AND COUNTRY. Footman meekly inquires of London Footman, "pray. sir. what do you think of our town? a nice place, aint it?- Footman (condescendingly), ■■vell, Joseph, i likes your town well enough, its clean, your streets are hairy : and BUT I DONT like your CHAMPAGNE : ITS ALL OEWSBERRY." YOUVE LOTS OF 81 M John LeecJis Pictures of Life and Character. AN IMPENDING DISASTER. Boy. "OHI IF YOU PLEASE M— COOKS VERY SORRY'M — BUT CO'JLD SHE SPEAK TO YOU A MOMENT?" J MORE FREE THAN WELCOME. S: flic— Til e Kitcltrii. Cook. "WHO WAS THAT AT THE DOOR. MARY?" Mary. "OMi such a nice-spoken gentleman with moustarchers. hes a WRITIN' a letter in THE DRAWINQ-ROOM. HE SAYS HES A OLD SCHOOL- RU.ER OF MASTERS, JUST COME FROM INQIA." Scfite—Tht Hall. THE NICE-SPOKEN GENTLEMAN IS SEEN DEPARTING WITH WHAT GREAT- COATS AND OTHER TRIFLES HE MAY HAVE LAID HIS HANDS UPON. 82 From the Collection of ''Mr. Punch,'' 1842 -1864. WALJONIAHS. Saiu: — Kooin in Con ill ly House. — Bnakjast-Tabli. Master Tom. "Oh, Robert !" Robert, "ves, siR!" Master Tom. "OH, i say, Robert i the ladies want me to take em out fishing to-day, so just tell young evans i shall want him to GO WITH ME TO GET SOME WASP GRUBS; AND — LOOK HERE I TELL THE GARDENER HE MUST GET ME SOME LARGE LOBWORMS DIRECTLY, AND A FEW SMALL FROGS, AS PERHAPS WE SHALL TRY FOR A JACK. ANO-HI ! ROBERT, TELL HIM TO SEND EM IN HERE. THAT I MAY SEE WHETHER THEY'RE THE RIGHT SORT!" IGeneml Exclamation of "Nasty Monkey I " from the Uclies. Old Gentleman being rather deaf, wishes master toms remarks repeated. WISHING OFF A WATERING PLACE. perhaps the JOLLIEST thing in the WORLD ll> 83 John LcecJi s Pictnres of Life and C hai'acter. A MAN OF FEELING. Gentleman, "oh, certainly: you can go, of course; but, as you have been with me for nine years, i should like to know the reason." Thomas, "why, sir, its my FCCLINS. you used always to read prayers, sir, yourself — and since miss WILKINS has been here, SHE'S BIN A-READING OF EM. NOW, I CANT BEKEAN MYSELF BY SAYIN' 'AMEN' TO A GUV'NESS ' THE BEST OF BOTH WORLDS. Sorioua Flunkey, "i should require, madam, forty pounds a year, two suits of clothes, TWO 'ATS, MEAT AND HALE THREE TIMES A DAY, AND PIETY HINDISPENSABLE, " A FRAGMENT. •■AND WILL YOU ALWAYS — ALWAYS, DEAREST ALUERIC, LOVE ME THUS?" SAID CONSTANCE. ■EVER, WHILE THIS HEART BEATS WITH LIFE I PASSIONATELY EXCLAIMED ALBERIC, "THEN COULD YOU LEND ME FIVE POUNDS?" MURMURED THE LADY; "FOP REALLY THINGS ARS SO UAO IN THE CITY, THAT I, " liC., SC. 40, 84 From the Collccfioii of ''Mi-. Pitiichl' 1842 — 1864. / f/li.Sf POSITION. Individual (who is not over strong in his head, or Urni on his legs). " d-d-d-d-id WALTZING-EVER-MAKE— YOU — GIDDY 7 BECAUSE. I —SHALL— BE — HAPPY— TO— SIT- DOWN— WHENEVER— YOU'RE— TIRED ! ■' Girl (viho is in hi^h dancing condition). "0H, dear no-i could waltz all NIGHT!" IN CAMP.— HOSPITALITY. Officer. "WELL, BUT LOOK here, old fellow; WHY NOT STOP ALL NIGHT?" 85 THE NEW BONNET. Frederick, "there now, how very provoking! ive left the prayer-books at HOME!" Maria. "WELL, dear, never mind ; BUT do tell me, 1$ MY BOnncT STRAIGHT?" ipl'i",ll- A GREAT MENTAL EFFORT. First Cock Sparrow, -what a miwackulous tye, fwank! how the doose DO you manage it?' Second Cock Sparrow, "yas. i fancy it is rather grand: but then, you see, I GIVE THE WHOLE OF MY MIND TO IT," John Lcecli s Pictures of Life and Character. COMING HOME. Old Party (who is taking care of the liouse i. oh. yes. sir. youlu find THE ROOM NICE AN' CLEAN-AN' I'M SURE THE BEDS HAIREO-FOR I'VE BIN AN' SLEP IN IT MY OWN SELF HEVERY NIGHT." OH! THE CURTAINS. Objectionable Child. ' lor, pa: are you going to smoke? my eye i won't you catch it WHEN MA COMES HOME. FOR MAKING THE CURTAINS SMELL! " DISTRACTION. Wife of your Bussum. "oh. i don't want to interrupt you. dear i only want some money for daby'S socks— and to know whether you will have the mutton colo or HASHED." A VERY VULGAR SUBJECT. William. "HERE'S WISHIN YOU good EALTH JIM, AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR ! " James. " thank'YE, bill, thank ye. i had ought to be a happy COVE— FOR I'VE got A WIFE AS CAN THRASH ANY MAN OF HER WEIGHT — AND I'VE GOT A CHILD OF TWO YEARS AND A ARF AS CAN EAT TWO POUNDS O' BEEFSTEAK AT A SITTING-LET ALONE OWNIN' THE SMALLEST ULACK AND TAN TERRIER IN THE WORLD I " 86 From the Collection of ''Mr. Punchl^ 1842 — 1864. A DELICIOUS SAIL—OFF DOVER. Old Lady, "goodness gracious, mr. boatman! whats that^" Stolid Boatman, "that, mum: nuthun. mum. only the artillery a prac ThSIK, AND THAT'S ONE 0' THE CANNON-BALLS WHAT'S JUST STRUCK THE WATER I! THE ROUND HAT, LADEN WITH NOVELS^ IN A STORM. Ancient Mariner, "hold on a bit, miss-ill tow you OFF-YOU SHOULD NEVER CARRY SO MUCH SAIL IN A SOU-WESTER.' 87 John LeccJi s Picfures of Life and Character. St^OW-FLAKES.—'So. i. Street Buy ilo his n.idira/ enemy, the Pohcem.iiu "Snowballs, sir! NO, SIR! I HAVEN'T SEEN NO ONE THROW NO SNOWBALLS, SIR I" SNOW-FLAKES.-'So. 3. SNOW-FLAKES. ~yo 2. Street Boy "hoh! soosanner! dont yer cry for me! fol de rol de riddle LOL I HERE'S A JOLLY SLIDE! CUT AWAY. YOUNG 'UN! IT'S ALL SERENE!" Playful Youth. "PLEASE, SIR, 1 WASN'T A HEAV.N' AT YOU — I WAS HEAVIN' AT BILLY JONES." THE BIRTHDAY. Cousin Emily, -and SO its little Alfreds birthday to-morrow now. what WOULD HE LIKE BEST FOR A PRESENT?" Alfred (after much reflection), "why. i think i should like a— 1 should like a TESTAMENT— AND— A— A— AND-OH. ) KNOW I I SHOULD LIKE A SQUIRT! I" From the Collection of ''Mr. Punchl' 1842— 1864. t^.^- U", '■'.' ''-J ■■' ' -i%- r t^^^•V^ ^i;:'' • ?fe w :i DIVISION OF LABOUR. Sportsman fin Standing Beanij. ■• where to, ncw. jack?- Jaclr. -WEU-r LETS SEE! i should just QO up the CeAN3 AGAIN, AMD ACROSS THE TOP END. BEAT COWN THE OTKEB S<06 A»0 ROUXO BY THE BOTTOM ; WHILE YOUHE THERE. GET 0->EB AND TRY OLD HAYCOCKS STA.NOIMO OATS— ME WONT MINO— I'U. STOP HERE ANO MARX - OCT »•; »:'j-r • 89 John LcccJls Pictures of Life and Character. BON-BON FROM A JUVENILE PARTY. Doctor. "AHEM! WELL! ANO WHATS THE MATTER WITH MY YOUNG FRIEND AD0LPHUS7" Fond Mother, "why, HE'S not at all the thing, doctor, he was at a juvenile party last night, WHERE THERE WAS A TWELFTH CAKE ; AND IT PAINS ME TO SAY, THAT BESIDES EATING A GREAT DEAL TOO MUCH OF THE CAKE, HE WAS IMPRUDENT ENOUGH TO EAT A HARLEQUIN AND A MAN ON HORSEBACK, AND, I AM SORRY TO ADD. A CUPID AND A EIRDCAGE FROM THE TOP OF IT!" KNOWLEDGE IS POWER. Tom. "JACK! WHEREABOUTS IS AMSTID — AM?" JaCli. "WELL, I CAN'T SAY EXACKERLY, BUT P KNOW IT'S SOMEWHERE NEAR AMSTID-EATH 1" THE PIKE IS A VORACIOUS FISH, AND BITES VERY READILY IN THE WINTER MONTHS. OLD GENTLEMAN IS VtHY FOND OF FISHING!? HOW TO MAKE A CHATELAINE A REAL BLESSING TO MOTHERS. 90 From the Collectioii of ''Mr. Ptiiichl' 1842 — 1864. ^ A NICE GAME AT BILLIARDS. Pretty Cousin, "let me see, Frederick, im just eighteen to your love?" Frederick (who is always so ridiculous), "that is precisely the state of the case, my dearest georgina." Mamma (witli severity). "Come, luncheon is quite ready." VERY FINE GENTLEMEN. Master of tlie House, "now, pray what is it you complain of? is not a roast leg of mutton, with plenty of pudding, vegetables, and BEER, A SUBSTANTIAL DINNER ENOUGH FOR YOU?" Flunkey. "OH! substantial enough, no doubt, sir; but IT REALLY IS A i,UliZUH THAT-AW-ME AND THE OTHER GENTLEMEN HAS NOT BIN ACCUS- TOMED TO. ITS VERY CORSE— VERY CORSE, INDEED, SIR 11" 91 John Lcec/i s Piciurcs of JJfc and Character. PLEASANT! Nervous Ssntlemaii . "DOnt you think, robert. going so fast down hill is very likely to make the horse fall?" Robert, "lor bless yer— no, sir; i never throwed a oss down in my life, xcept once and that was one frosty moonlight night (just SUCH A NIGHT AS THIS IT WAs), AS I WAS A-ORIVIN' A GENT (aS MIGHT BE YOu) FROM THE STATION, WHEN I THROWED DOWN THIS WERRY OSS IN THIS WERRY IDENTICAL PLACE," A TIGHl FIT. "YOUR BATH IS QUITE READY, MA'AM." "WELL BUr MY GOOD GIRL, I CANT GET INTO SUCH A BIT OF A THING AS THAT I A PUZZLING ORDER. ' I'll TROUBLE YOU TO MEASURE ME FOR A NEW PAIR OF BOOTS." 62 From the Collection of ''Mr. Punchl' 1842— 1864. \h^. BF^IQQ3'3 PLEA3UF[E3 Of HUjSTlJNQ. No. XII. MR. BRIGGS, STIMULATED BY THE ACCOUNTS IN THE NEWSPAPERS OF THE DARING FEAT OF HORSEMANSHIP AT AYLESBURY, AND EXCITED BY MR. HAYCOCK'S CLARET, TRIES WHETHER HE ALSO CAN RIDE OVER A DINING-ROOM TABLE. WO WEWS /S (iOOD NEWSi?) First Old Foozle. " would you like to see the paper, sir ? there s nothing in it." Second Old Foozle, "then what the devil d;d you keep it so long for?" A SUGGESTION. Driver, "where did the old gent want to go to, bill?" Conductor, "vy, he wanted to go to blackwall in a quarter of AN HOUR." Dimr. "OHi did he? then heo better order a ballooniii" 93 John LeecHs PicHires oj Life and Character. VALUABLE HINT. ALWAYS BOLT THE DOOR OF YOUR MACHINE AFTER BATHING, OR YOU MAY BE SERVED A3 POOR MR, BRIGGS WAS ONE DAY- HIS DISASTER IS REPRESENTED ABOVE. AN ARTFUL EXCUSE. Servant Maid, "if you please, mem, could i qo out for half-an-hour to duy a bit of ridbin, mem?" 94 From the Collection of ''Mr. Pttnchl' 1842— 1864. \hY\. BF(IQQ3'S PLEA3UFiEg Of HUJ^TIJSQ. ^ qalUpu) luv nut J No. XIII. MR. BRIGGS HAS GONE TO THE EXHIBITION.-A BOY HOLDS HIS HORSE IN THE MEANTIME. A SKETCH OF CHARACTER BY PROFESSOR MILKANSOP, THE CELEBRATED GRAPH lOLOGIST. Gentleman (reads), "intelligent; strong religious feelings' fono OF little children ; LOVES, MUSIC, POETRY. AND THE FINE ARTS ; IS HELUCTANT TO TAKE OFFENCE, GENEROUS AND FORGIVING '—WELL, IM BLOWED, IF THAT AIN'T WONDERFUL! WHY. IT'S MY KARACTER TO A T I '■ AtJ INGENIOUS FELLOW. ■LOOK HERE, MY BOY! THE BOX MAKES A CAPITAL TABLE. AND THE BOOT IS JUST THE THING FOR YOUR LEGS " lPocAre(-6oo* disappears. 9S John LeecJis Pictures of Life and Character. A WEIGHTY MATTER. Caralry Officer (who rides about fire stone). " rM dooced glad were in THE heavies: AIN'T YOU, CHARLEY 7 IT WOULD BE A HORRID BORE TO BE SENT OUT TO THE CAP! LIKE THOSE POOR LIGHT BOSS." OUR YOUNG PEOPLE. Juvenile, "i tell you what it is. governor, the sooner we come to some UNDERSTANDING THE BETTER. YOU CANT EXPECT A YOUNG FELLER TO BE ALWAYS AT HOME ; AND IF YOU DONT LIKE THE WAY I GO ON, WHY I MUST HAVE CHAMBERS, AND SO MUCH A-WEEK 7 " A PERSONAL OPINION. Elderly Spinster. "SO. you're going to be married, dear, are you? well, for MY part, I THINK NINE-HUNDRED-AND-NINETY-NINE MARRIAGES OUT OF A THOUSAND TURN OUT MISERABLY: BUT OF COURSE EVERY ONE IS THE BEST JUDGE OF THEIR OWN FEELINGS." LITTLE WOMEN. First Matron, "has your doll had the measles, Amelia 7 mine has—" Second Matron, -ko, dear, but its been very fractious about its TEETH, and I'M GOING TO GIVE IT A LITTLE GREY POWDER," (.6 From the Collection of ''Mr. Punchy' 1842 — 1864. |VIF|. Bi^iqGS'3 P,LEA3UF(ES Of flgHl^lQ. No. I. OUft FRIEND BRIGGS CONTEMPLATES A DAY'S FISHING. A GROSS OFFENCE. Flunkey, "how dare you bring me a steel fork, siri" 97 Jolui Leech's Piclures of Life and Character '-4^^ STREET DIALOGUE. First Boy. " i'll punch yer ed, if yer say much." SecomI Bo/, •■who'll punch my eej ?"—firs( Boy. "i V/IU.." Second Boy. ■■''OU mLL7"-First Boy. "YES, / will." Second Soy. "WEll!-do n.-— First Bey. 'AH!" Second Boy. "YES!"— f/>s( Soy. ■•OH!" [Soys evsponte. CAUGHT. Domestic (soliloquising), "welli tm sure missus had better give this new bonnet to me, INSTEAD OF STICKING SUCH A YOUNG-LOOKING THING UPON HER OLD SHOULDERS" (The Impudent miiu has inmadiate warning) A PRUDENT RESOLVE. 'Ousemaid. " well, mr. rodert. i suppose youll be off to the diqoinos ALONO with the rest OF THE GENTLEMEN 7 • Flunkey. "NOT if i knows it, mary, my dear, i aint dfen accustomed TO FIZZICAL exertion ; AND I DON'T INTEND TO UECIN HARD WORK AT MY TIME OF LIFE." USED UP. Cranilmamm.1. "why. whats the matter with my pet?" Child. "WHY, GRANDMA, AFTER GIVING THE SUBJECT EVERY CONSIDERATION, I HAVE COME TO THE CONCLUSION THAT— THE WORLD IS HOLLOW, AND MY DOLL IS STUFFED WITH SAWDUST. SO — 1 — SHOULD — LIKE — IF YOU PLEASE. TO BE A NUN I" 98 From the Collection of ''Mr. Punckl' 1842 — 1864. JVIF?. BF{iqQ3'3 PLEA?UF(Eg Of fIgHIJSQ. No. II. IWff. fi/?/GGS STARTS ON HIS FISHING EXCURSION. No. III. MR. B. WONT HAVE A MAN WITH HIM, AS HE THINKS HE CAN MANAGE A PUNT BY HIMSELF; t.NZ) THE CONSEQUENCE IS, HE IS OBLIGED TO GO TO BED WHILE HIS THINGS ARE DRIED, HAVING UPSET HIMSELF, AS A MATTER OF 0OURS3. ENERGETIG. " KJ-'— THERE !— STOP !" 99 John L dec /is Pic lures of Life and Character, :w- y\ ^^J^. ^ 41m ^ a' til//- X >-''-'■ .)^ .> V '- '■■ a-o-'v^^ij^lS^ - \ HUNTING MEMORANDUM— APPEARANCE OF THINGS IN GENERAL TO A GENTLEMAN WHO HAS JUST TURNED A COMPLETE SOMERSAULT ! ! ■■':'■ S.C. &C. REPRESENT SPARKS OF DIVERS BEAUTIFUL OOLOURa MANNERS MAKE THE MAN. Omnibus Driver. " i DEO you a thousand pardons, i am sure," Cs'iman. -OH, pray don't 'teNTiCN it. irs of no coNSfgurNCa. delieve Mi MUCH TOO CLEVER. SImrp (but vulgar Little Boy). •■ hallo, missus, wot are those?" Old Wom,in. "twopence." Boy. "WHAT A LIE I THEY'RE APPLES." [£.«(, whistling popular lir. loo From the Collection of ''Mr. PiLiich^' 1842— 1864. JVIF}. BF(IQQ3'3 PL£:A3UF{E3 Of flgHIJMQ. No. IV. MR. BRIGGS TRIES (fOR MANY HOURS) A LIKELY PLACE FOR A PERCH , BUT UPON THIS OCCASION THE WIND IS NOT IN A FAVOURABLE QUARTER. No. v. MINNOW CAUGHT BY MR. BRIGGS ; EXACT SIZE OF LIFE. 101 RETURNING FROM THE SEA-SIDE. -A LITTLE COMMISSION. •IF YOU PLEASE, SIR.-MRS. GENERAL SLOWCOACH S COMPLIMENTS. AND SHE SAYS IF YOU'RE GOING BY THE TRAIN THIS MORNING. SHE WOULD FEEL PERTICKLER OBLIGED BY YOUR TAKINO C'fARGE OF THIS LITTLE CASK OF SEA-WATER AS FAR AS HER OUSE." John Lecc/is Pictures of Life and Character. ANGLING IN THE SERPENTINE. -SAT URD AY . P.M. PiSCitOr No. I. "HAD EVER A BITE, JIM?" Piscator No. 2. -not yet— 1 ohly come here last Wednesday' SPORTING INTELLIGENCE.— (FROM OUR OWN CORRESPONDENT.) "THE COUNTRY IS AWFULLY DEEP. BUT THE FALLING IS DELIGHTFULLY SOFT AND SAFE." From I he Collection of ''Mr. PzLiich" 1842 — 1864. Q a. Ui o CO UJ ^ a. cr X o en, or =) ca cn. ca cr cr cr CQ or 4:7 ki:0^bM&^' # u. - o 00 n Uj o CO z 3: S o S « ft: ft: 103 John Leeclis Pictures oj Lijc and CJiaracier NO PLACE LIKE HOME. PATERFAMILIAS PREFERS HIS OWN BEDROOM (wHICH THE WHITEWASHERS HAVE JUST LEFt) TO THE DISCOMFORT OF AN HOTEL. THE GENTLE CRAFT. Contemplatirt) Man (in punt), "i don't so much care about the sport, its the delicious repose i enjoy SO." 104 From the Collection of ''Mr. Ptmch" 1842— 1864. \hY\. BF(iqQg'3 PLEA3URE3 Of flgHlj^Q. No. VII. TRIUMPHANT SUCCESS OF MR. BRIGGS. SOMEHOW OR OTHER (ASSISTED BY HIS LITTLE BOY WALTER), HE CATCHES A JACK, WHICH, TO USE MR. B.'S OWN WORDS, FLIES AT HIM, AND BARKS UKE A DOG SPLENDID DAY WITH THE "QUEEN'S." First Sporting Snob, "well, bill, what sort of a day have yer had?" Seco;id Ditto, "oh, magnificent, my boyi i see the 'ounds several times; and none of yer nasty ■edges AN' ditches, either ; BUT A PRIME TURNPIKE ROAD ALL THE WAY." DREADFUL CRISIS. Victim. "HOPE YOU WILL NOT BE OFFENDED, SIR; BUT 1 SHOULD BE VERY GLAD IF YOU COULD SETTLE MY LITTLE BILL UP TO CHRISTMAS." Mr Dunup. "OFFENDED, MY DE.\R BOY I NOT IN THE LEAST. BUT THE FACT IS, I HAVE 'SUSPENDED CASH PAYMENTS' FOR SOME TIME." i°5 JoJin Leecli s Pichires of Life and Character. fOX STEALS AWAY FROM THE COVER; BEARDED FOREIGNER OF DISTINCTION IMMEDIATELY GIVES CHASE. Whipper-in (will) excitement, loquitur). '"Old 'ard, there i 'OLD 'ARDi where are you agalloping to 7 do you think rou can catch a fox?" Foreigner of Distinction (witi} great glee), "i do not know, mom ami; but i will trai— i will tram" THE PIC-NIC. Contented Man (loq.). "what a nice damp place we have secured; and how very fortunate we are in the weather; it would have been so provoking for us all to have brouoht our umbrellas and then to have had a fine day 1 1 glass of wine, BRIGGS. EH9" io6 From the Collection of ''Mr. Ptmck" 1842— i 864. JVIR. BF(IQq3'3 PLEASURES Of fl3HI|^Q. No. VIII. WR. BRIGOS, ANXIOUS TO BECOME A "COMPLETE ANGLER," STUDIES THE "GENTLE ART" OF FLY-FISHINQ. No. IX. VIR. B. GOES OUT. HIS CHIEF DIFFICULTY IS, THAT EVERY TIME HE THROWS HIS LINE— THE HOOKS (oF WHICH THERE ARE FIVE) WILL STICK BEHIND IN HIS JACKET AND TR-WS-RS. 107 John LeecUs Pictttres of Life and Character. MEN OF EXPERIENCE. Tom. "AH. BILL! IM QUITE TIRED OF THE DISSIPATION OF THE GAY AND FASHIONABLE WORLD. I THINK I SHALL MARRY AND SETTLE." Bill. "WELL, IM DEVILISH SICK OF A BACHELOR'S LIFE MYSELF. BUT 1 DON'T LIKE THE IDEA OF THROWING MYSELF AWAY IN A HURRY." QUITE UNNECESSARY. Juvenile. "OH. charley if you hear a report that im going to be married OIRL IN BLACK, YOU CAN CONTRADICT IT. THERES NOTHING IN IT " NOT VERY LIKELY. Mistress. "WELL, I'M SUREl AND PRAY WHO IS THAT?" Cook. "OH, IF YOU PLEASE'M, IT'S ONLY MY COUSIN WHO HAS CALLED JUST TO SHOW ME HOW TO BOIL A POTATO." EVERY LITTLE HELPS. I SAY. TOMMY. COME AND SHOVE. HERE'S THE POOR 'ORSE CAN'T GET THE WAGGIN UPI" io8 From the Collection of ''Mr. Punch" 1842— 1864. fA^. BRIQQ3'g PL£:AgUF(£g Of gHOOTIJ^Q. No. L MR, BRIGGS THINKS OF RUNNING DOWN THE DAY AFTER TO-MORROW TO HIS FRIEND HAYCOCK FOR A DAY'S SHOOTING. AND HAS BORROWED A DOG TO GO WITH HIM. FOR THE NINTH TIME DURING THE NIGHT HE HAS BEEN DISTURBED BY THE HOWLING OF THE ANIMAL ill#' No. II. MR. BRIGGS NO SOONER RETURNS TO HIS BED, THAN MRS. BRIGGS SAYS, "MY DEAR I THERE'S THAT NASTY, TIRESOME DOG AGA:N ! 1 " 8 ^ ; J « r^ r^, , THE RISING GENERATION. Eton Boy (loq.). "COMe, governor; just one toast, the ladies:"' 109 John Leeclis Pictures of Life and Character. WHEN IT IS DELIGHTFUL TO LOSE A BET. Grace. "Teddihgton first?— then that will make four dozen and a half, remember, sixes i two dozen white, and the rest pale drab and lavender." REWARD OF MERIT. Ragged Urchin, "please, give dad a short pipe •• Barman. "Cant do it. dont know him.- Ragged Urchin. "Why, he gets drunk here every Saturday night." Barm.in. "OHi does he, my uttle dear? then 'eres a nice long un, with a bit OF wax at the end." CRUEL. "REMEMBER THE STEWARD, SIR, IF YOU PL6ASE." 110 From the Collection of ''Mr. Punch" 1842— 1864. /^F(. BF(IQq,S'p PLEAgUFiE^ Of ^HOOTIJ^Q. THE STARVED-OUT ALDERMAN. DREADFUL CASE OF DESTITUTION No. III. 9 A.M., HIS ARRIVAL ON THE MOOR. MR. BRIGGS SAYS THAT THE FINE BRACING AIR MAKES HIM SO VIGOROUS THAT HE SHALL NEVER BE BEAT. HE ALSO FACETIOUSLY REMARKS THAT HE IS ON '■ HIS NATIVE HEATH," ANO THAT HIS "NAME IS MACGREGOR I " No. IV. II AM. MR. BRIGGS BEGINS TO SHOW SYMPTOMS OF DISTRESS. HE FINDS HIS "NATIVE HEATH" A VERY DIFFERENT THING TO HIS "NATIVE FLAGSTONES." AN OCEAN SWELL. THE DELIGHTFUL PROCESS OF DRESSING IN A BATHING-MACHINE. Ill John LeecJi s Pictures of Life and CJiaracfcr. AN EXCLUSIVE. Enter Small Swell (who drawls as follows), ■a-brown, a-want some more coats i" Snip. "YES. SIR. THANK YOU, SIR. HOW MANY WOULD YOU PLEASE TO WANT?" Small Swell. "A — let me SEE; all have eight A — NO. ALL HAVE NINE. LOOK HEREl A— SHALL WANT SOME TROWSERS." Snip. "YES. SIR. THANK YOU. SIR. HOW MANY WOULD YOU LIKE?" Small S*e//. "A— i dont know exactly. s'POSe we say twenty-four pairs; .\nd LOOK HERE! SHOW ME SOME PATTERNS THAT WONT BE WORN BY ANY SNOBS!" ' ■ ■ ni^:.L Jiil.lllilL'll"llll'. llill'l Jlilj , ELEGANT HABIT. Mamma. "My dear Frederick, do pray take your hands out of your POCKETS ! " Frederick, "couldnt do it, mamma, dear; all our men at Cambridge wear THEIR HANDS IN THEIR POCKETS. AND I COULDN T DISGRACE MY COLLEGE BY TAKING MINE OUT!!' c^^.. AN OMNIBUS INCIDENT. Man (thrusting his hand into the window), "will you BUY A penknife WITH A HUNDRED BLADES, SIR?" PITY IS AKIN TO LOVE. Boy (loq.), "O dont i pity them poor nobs in cauridgeS this hot weatheri" IT2 From the Collection of ''Mr. Punch" 1842— 1864. ]AV\. BFJIQGS'S PLEA3UF[ES Of gHOOTIJ^Q. No. V, r2 A.M. TOTAL PROSTRATION OF MR. BRIGGS. ANALOGY. Sportins mn (loduituo. "i SAV. charles-thats a promising uttue filly along o' that bavhaireo woman whos talking to the BLACK-COB-LOOKING MAN!" ii:^ JoJni Leech's Pictures of Life and Character. JOHN THOMAS MISPLACED. Lady. "YOu wish to leave— really its very inconvenient, pray— have you any reason to be dissatisfied with your place?" Flunkey, "oh. dear no, maam— not dissatisfied exactly; but— a— the fact is, ma am, you dont keep no wehicle. fn7> i find i miss MY CARRIAGE exercise." NOTHING LIKE PRUDENCE. Maria (lor,.), "my dear Charles, before we think of marrying, i must ask you what you have?" curb's. "my dear maria, i will tell you frankly that all i have in the world is a r>rum and a cricket bat ; out papa has promised me a uow and arrows. and a pony, if i'm a good boy." Maria. "o»\ my dear charles, we could never live and keep house upon thati" ' -^..^i''! J"' -^i___ --/:''; J??^/:''r',>i]7fhVittw,w!\'"^^"' „ HOUSEMAIDS REFUSING SERVICE IN BELGRAVIA. Lady Emily. "NOW dear, i wish you would be quick, and light the fires, AND HELP ME TO MAKE THE BEDS." ITIie Barracl1 WDM/1 MM/1 /S SUPPOSED TO HAVE GIVEN MASTER TOM SOME PLUMS. MAKING THE BEST OF IT. Master Ton,. "Now, then, grannv, rvE eaten the plums, and if you dont Qive me s^pence. i'lu SWALLOW THE STONES'" John LcccJi s Pictures of Life and Character. HORRIBLE INCIDENT IN REAL LIFE. AS THE SERVANTS ARE GONE TO BED, THE MASTER OF THE HOUSE ENDEAVOURS TO GET A LITTLE BIT OF SUPPER FOR HIMSELF. HE CANT CONCEIVE WHERE THE DEUCE THE THINGS ARE ALL KEPT ; AND HE IS ALMOST TORN TO PIECES BY THE BLACK NATIVES OF THE KITCHEN. ^'-'^^iidl.,,^ A FAULTY MIRROR. RATHER SEVERE. "SHALL I OLD YOUR ORSE, SIR?" "LOR! WHAT A MOST ABOMINABLE GLASS.— I DECLARE IT MAKES ONE LOOK A PERFECT FRIGHT'." w6 From the Collection of ''Mr. Piuichl' 1842 — 1864. ]AY\. BF^iqqS'S PLEAgUf^ES Of SHOOTIJ^Q. No. VII. FORTUNATELY FOR MR^ BRIGGS (wHO I- I20 From the Collection of ''Mr. Punch,' 1842 — 1864. -<^ BH FROM THE MINING DISTRICTS. First. "WUT TAK THY QUOAT OFF, THEN! 01 TELL THEE OI'M AS GOOD A MON AS THEEl- Second. "THEE A MON ! WHOY THEE BE'EST ONLY WALKING ABOUT TO SAVE THY FUNERAL EXPENSES!" f..yUl I ANOTHER BIT FROM THE MINING DISTRICTS. First Polite Native. "WHO'S 'im, bill?" Second Ditto. "A stranger i" First Ditto. "'EAVE 'ARF A BRICK AT 'IM." UP TO WEIGHT. stout Party. "AHEMI I want to have a look at the hounds TO-r«ORROW! DO YOU think you HAVE GOT ANYTHING THAT WOULD CARRY ME?" Stable Keeper, 'well, sir! i think i have two brown 'osses-zI^o d OMrtieuS, as perhaps might do it!" 121 4— R Joliu Lccclis Piclurcs oj Lije and Character. WH-(, INDEED? Perceptive Child, mamma, dear! why do those gentlemen dress themselves like the funny little men in my noahs ark?" VERY CONSIDERATE. Aflabh Little Gentleman, "dear, oh deari how it rains i im afraid you'll OET VERY WET— CAN I OFFER YOU A OREAT COAT OR ANYTHING?" nmr I, .iT' _ I CHANGING THE SUBJECT. Old Gentleman, "well. Walter, i suppose you have got into latin and creek at SCHOOL BY THIS TIME, EH?" Juvenile. "OH, yes, sir. i have just finished xenophon and thucydides, and am NOW IN EURIPIDES. BY THE WAY, SIR, HOW WOULD YOU RENDER THE PASSAQE BEGINNING KfXKws TTfTTpaKTat nni'Ta^t] ? " Old Gentleman. "Ahemi hey 7-what 7— ahem i here, ruggles, bring another bottle OF CLARET, AND — EH? WHAT? WALTER, I THINK YOU HAD BETTER JOIN THE LADIES." J22 From the Collection of "'Mr. launch,' 1842—1864. MEETING HIM HALF WAY. Young Hopeful, "well, its of no use, governor; i cant stick to business. I WANT to be a soldier, AND YOU MUST BUY ME A COMMISSION." Governor, "no, my boy, i cant afford to buy you a commission, but ill TELL YOU WHAT I WILL DO; IF YOU WILL GO DOWN TO CHATHAM AND ENLIST, I WILL GIVE YOU MY WORD OF HONOUR I WONT BUY YOU OFF!" MEN OF THE WORLD. First Man of the World, "heard of miss f s marriage, charley?" Second Do. "AH! i heard it spoken of. i believe it was a marriage of INCLINATION ON BOTH SIDES?" First Do. "YES! IT WAS A BAD JOB. THOSE MATCHES NEVER TURN OUT WELLl" ^^Si^^^^^^^w*^^ PATERFAMILIAS MAKES HIMSELF INDEPENDENT OF HOTELS. foJiii LcccJis Picticres of Life and Character. THE BRITON ABROAD. DID you EVER SEE TWO STRANQE ENGLISHMEN BREAKFASTING AT A TABLE D'HOTE ABROAD? WELL! ISN'T IT A CHEERFUL THING? THE GARRET AND THE CONSERVATORY, eantoel Pluralist, "what the people can want with a crystal palac; on Sundays, i cant tminki sur:ly they ought to de contented with THEIR CHURCH AND THEIR HOME AFTKRWARD8." 124 From ilic Collection of ''Mr. PuncJi" 1842 — 1864. A THOROUGH GOOD COOK Lady, "then, why did you leave your last place, pray?" Cook. "WELL, MA'AM, AFTER I'M DONE WORK, I AM VERY FOND OF SINGING AND PLAYING ON THE ACCORDIUM, AND MISSUS HADN.T USED TO LIKE IT— AND SO I GIVE NOTICE 1" DOMESTIC SANITARY REGULATIONS. 12s John LcecJis Pictures of Life and C/i'a racier. INFORMATION. "JEMMY! WHAT'S A STALL AT THE HOPERA?" "WELL, I CANT SAY. NOT FOR CERTAIN; BUT I SUPPOSE IT'S WHERE THEY SELLS THE HAPPLES, HORANGES, GINGER BEER AND BISKITS." A MOST ALARMING SWELLING! SELF-ESTEEM. Genllcman. "sixty pounds a year ii why, man, are you aware that such a SUM IS MORE THAN IS FREQUENTLY GIVEN TO A CURATE?" Flunkey. "OH, YES, SIR; BUT THEN YOU WOULD HARDLY, I HOPE, 00 FOR TO COMPARE ME WITH THE HINFEHIOR ORDER OF CLERGY." GROSS INSULT. L'niversily "Man" haviiif; spmt a /itc days in 'J'lKvn, at the end of Term is about to go Home. Waiter (condescendinily). ■•ooino home for the holidays, sir?" University man (huilins himself into Hansom j. "euston squa-a-a-rei" 126 From the Collection of ''Mr. Punch" 1842 — 1864. C/tWD/D. OW Qent. "Thomas, i have always placed the greatest confidence in you. now tell me, thomas, HOW IS IT THAT MY BUTCHER'S BILLS ARE SO LARGE, AND THAT I ALWAYS HAVE SUCH BAD DINNERS?" Thomas, "really, sir, i don't know, for im sure we never have anything nice in the kitchen THAT WE DONT always SEND SOIHE OF IT UP INTO THE PARLOUR'" DE GUS-TIBUS. Uncle. "SO, you've been to the crystal palace— have you, cus?" Bus. "YES, UNCLE." Uncle. "WELL. NOW, ill give you sixpence if you will TELL me what YOU ADMIRED MOST IN THAT TEMPLE OF INDUSTRY 7 " Gus. (unhesitatingly). "Veal and 'am pies, and the ginger BEER. GIVE US THE SIXPENCE." AN ENTHUSIASTIC FISHERMAN. ■WHAT A BORE I JUST LIKE MY LUCK. NO SOONER HAVE 1 GOT MY TACKLE READY, AND SETTLED DOWN TO A BOOK, THAN THERE COMES A CONFOUNDED BITE!" .1 - ill -n t::i ' --~:i ' ' ' . ■ : i-i MELANCHOLY REVERSE OF FORTUNE. ' POOR SWEEPER, LADIES ! RAILWAY DIRECTOR ONCE. LADIES \ 127 John Lceclis Pictures of Lijc and Character A COUNTRY BALL. First Amiable Lady (very loud), ■what a remarkably odd set of people one meets at a public balli" Second Do. "Oh, very droll !• Poor Little Swell. " yeth ; and so thwangely drethedi" A FACT. Flunkey (out if place), "theres just one question i should like to ask your ladyship-ham i engaged for work, or ham i engaged for ornament?" 128 From the Collection of ^^ Mr. Punch" 1842 — 1864. RATHER AWKWARD FOR TOMKINS. Young Diana, "i think, sir, ir you would be so good as to go first, and break the top hail, my pony would get over." AGRICULTURAL DISTRESS. Whip. "HOLD HARD, GENTLEMEN! WARE WHEAT I WARE WHEAT II ■• Young Farmer, •■come on, gentlemen, never mino the WHEAT-lTfi ONLY THIRTY shillings a quasteh. 129 4—3 John LeecJis Pictures of Life and Chai^acter. Uj S I- o u _ o ^- o = z c Uj o a: C3 T * 9 5 cc c S I" 8 ' ii' From the Collection of ''Mr. Punch" 1842— 1864. mwi a: o a. CO < 5 00 14J a: 3 H I ::: o o Ui a, CO Uj Q: . uj 5) - < ^; w ^ I 131 John LeccJi s Pictures of Life and Character. 1,, ^'i rW£ 0P£ft/1. Box-Keepsr. "stalls 21s ano 17, this way, maam . last row, maam. wont you like a book, maamt" SEASONABLE QUESTION. "DID YOU WANT YER DOOR SWEPT, .VIARM?" A BRITISH RUFFIAN. Udy. "IF YOU ARE NOT SATISFIED WITH WHAT I HAVE GIVEN YOU, THERE'S A GENTLEMAN HERE WHO WILL SETTLE WITH YOU." Cabman, "no, there aihT! there Ain'T *o GiuTllMah herei" Lady, "i tell you there is. there is a gentleman in this house." Catman. "OH, no, there ain't, tOT if m beloucs to you:- TURFITES. "I say, old fellow, how do you go to the derby this year ? " ■'OH, the OLO way — HAMPEFf AND FOUR." 132 From the Collection of ''Mr. Pimchl' 1842— 1864. UNSEASONABLE SPORT. Wife (much startled). "Gooo gracious, Reginald: what are you doing with that gun?" Reginald (who is very hnd of shooting)- "HUSH! hush! my dear-ive killed twoi ■ Wife. "MY GOODNESS! TWO WHAT 7— THIEVES ? " Reginald, "no, dear, two of those confounded rabbits that are Always eating the vebbenai there, go to sleep, darling— ill have another directly," A YOUNG GENTLEMAN AND SCHOLAR. Fond Mother, -why, he doesnt write very well yet, but he gets on NICELY WITH HIS SPELLING. COME, ALEXANDER, WHAT DOES D. O. G. SPELL?" Infant Prodigy (with extraordinary quickness), "Cati" ■'THAT IS THE QUESTION." IS WESKETS TO BE GENERALLY WORE THIS SUMMER? 133 John Leeclis PicttLves of Life and Character. ROOM FOR IMPROVEMENT. Oealsr, " there i he aint a 'obse made up for sale hell go on improvin' every day you keep HIM— HE WILL." EASY SHAVING. ARITHMETIC IN THE UNIVERSITY. "I SAY, FRANK, MY BOY— IF TROUNCER'S AT 5 TO 2. AND NUTSHELL AT 8 TO I, WHATS THE BETTING AGAINST THE PAIR OF THEM 1 " "I'M SURE I DONT KNOW— TAKE YOU TO I." STARTLING EFFECT OF THE "GOLD DIGGINS." Reduced Goldsmith (loq.j. now then, here you arei-a handsome gold snuff- box AND A HAPORTH OF SNUFF FOR A PENNY!" 134 From the Collection of ''Mr. P tench" 1842— 1864. A TEST OF STRENGTH. First Languid Part^. "dont you find sea-air very strengthening, jack?- Second Ditto, Ditto- "ah, vewy! i could throw stones in the water all dayi" HOW DO YOU LIKE IT? ELEGANT AMD RATIONAL DINNER COSTUME FOR CLOSE WEATHER. ^ii John LeecJis Pictures of Life and Character. A HEAVY BLOW. Alderman Gobble. "Whaw-t; pull down temple bar? oh dear i rinq for the sherry. THEY'LL BE FOR DESTROYING OOG AND MAQOQ NEXT." OYSTERS IN JUNE-DELICIOUS! "NOW, MY LITTLE MAN-HERES YOUR FINE NATIVES! ONLY A PENNY A LOT." A PRODIGIOUS NUISANCE. Learned (but otherwise hiihly objectionable) Child (loq >. "OH, mamma, deari what do you think? i asked MR, AND miss TO NAME SOME OF THE REMARKABLE EVENTS FROM THE YEAR 700 TO THE YEAR 600 B C , AND THEY COULDNT. BUT ( CAN — AND— THE SECOND MESSINIAN WAR COMMENCED ; AND— THE POET TYRTVEUS FLOURISHED ; BYZANTIUM WAS FOUNDED BY THE INHABITANTS OF MEGARA ; DRACO GAVE LAWS TO ATHENS i TERPANDER OF LESBOS, THE MUSICIAN AND POET ; THALES OF MILETUS, THE PHILOSOPHER ; ALC/CUS AND SAPPHO, THE POETS, .'FLOURISHED ; AND NEBUCHADNEZ ■ [Sensation from right and Mt, during which the voice of Child is happily drowned. LJ^ LITTLE BOY HAS A PENN'ORTH - ALARMING RESULT! 136 From tJie Collection of ''Mr. Punch" 1842 — 1864. HO^ TO MAKE CULPRITS COMFORTABLE ; OR, HINTS FOR PRISON DISCIPLINE. SAILORS ON SHORE CAROUSING-AS IT WILL BE WHEN THE GROG IS STOPPED. 137 4— T Jo Jin LcccJis Pictures of Life and Character. SUBURBAN FELICITY. GRATIFYING DOMESTIC {POULTRY) INCIDENT. Buttons. "OH! PLEASEM I BE QUICK M ! HERES THE COACHING CHINA A C'-UCKING LIKE ANYTHINK. HEVE BEEN AND LAID A HEGGMI DURING THE FROST A CERTAIN FOX-HUNTER INCREASES IN WEIGHT. AND GETS TOO BIG FOR HIS CLOTHES. 138 From the Collection of ''Mr. Punchl' 1842 — 1864. JVIF^. BI^iqQ3'3 PLEA3UF(E3 Of 3H00TIJ^Q. No. IX. TABLEAU-REPRESENTING MR. BRIGGS OUT FOR A DAY'S RABBIT-SHOOTING. COLD COMFORT. Country Friend to Sporting Gent from Town. "well. jack, i told you we should have a capital c.w. vou see the frost is cuite gone." '39 John Leccli s Piciuj-cs of Lije and Cliaractci'. THE BEARD AND MOUSTACHE MOVEMENT. Hsilwiy Guard. "Now, maam, is this your luggage?" Old Lady (who concludes she is attacked by Brigands) "OH, yesi gentlemen, its mine, take it— take all i have— but spare, oh SPARE OUR lives ii" TRUE POLITENESS. Alderman Cobble, "now. then, oals i ive quite done, can i cut you ant crub?' T40 From the Collectioji of ''Mr. Punch.,' 1842 — 1864. MF5. BF5IQQS'3 PLEASUF(E3 Of gHOOTIJ^Q. No. X. >1 fff/EWD W/IS G//EW Mft. BR\Q.GS, A DAY'S SHOOTING. A COCK PHEASANT GETS UP, AND MR. BRIGGSS IMPRESSION IS, THAT A VERY LARGE F.REWORK HAS BEEN LET OFF CLOSE TO TO HIM. HE IS ALMOST FRIGHTENED TO DEATH. FISHING~WITH FLIES. THE OLD GENTLEMAN IS IN A HURRY TO GET TO THE STATION- CAB-HORSE JIBS MOST RESOLUTELY. Old Gent, ■■now, then, driver, whats the matter ?■■ Cabman, "on. its nothin^. sir. hes only a leetle too fresh, siri" 141 John LcccJis Piclitrcs of Lijc and Character HOW No. 4 ENJOYED HIMSELF, HOW No, 8 SUFFERED IN CONSEQUENCE. SPEAK AS YOU THINK. "ARE YOU GOING?" '■WHY, YE-ES. THE FACT IS, THAT YOUR PARTY IS SO SLOW, AND I AM WEALLY SO INFERNALLY BORED, THAT I SHALL 00 SOMEWHERE AND SMOKE A QUIET CIGAR." "WELL, GOOD NIGHT. AS YOU ARE BY NO MEANS HANDSOME, A GREAT PUPPY, AND NOT IN THE LEAST AMUSING. I THINK IT'S THE BEST THING YOU CAN DO." A HORRIBLE BUSINESS. M.\ster Butcher, "did you take old major dumbledores ribs to no. 127" Boy. "YES, SIR." Master Butcher, "then cut miss wiggles'S shoulder and neck, and hang mr. foodle'S LEGS TILL THEY'RE QUITE TENDER I " 142 FroJii tJie Collection of ''Mr. Punch" 1842 — 1864. JvlF(. BF{iqqg'g P^EA?UF(£g Of F^ACIf^Q. ^tf^'' p te:^ftil^fcfiiSt,i' S:~:-^:>y:S!s&r: . ^ ^^ =~* ^ ^t? MR. Spectator (to No. I. BRIGGS HAS BACKED HIMSELF TO RIDE A STEEPLE CHASE AGAINST HIS FRIEND MUFFINS, OF THE ST—K EXCH-NGE. HE IS GOING ROUND THE COURSE JUST TO LOOK AT THE JUMPS. MR. B. ) "OH NO, SIR!— THIS AINT THE BIG ONE, THE BIG ONE IS AFTER YOU GET OUT OF THE LANE, AND AFORE YOU COME TO THE BROOK I" OUR ENGLISH CLIMATE. MAY-DAY FOR THE SWEEPS. 143 John Leech's Picttires of Life and Character. cr u <. or o " 2 O ca UJ or CO O I- I O O 'A ■''\ ' ^•:;. i .^- ,i /5 T44 From the Collection of ""Mr. PuncJil' 1842 — 1864. o X c ^^^^mfnm}"'0 'il, nP-^i'jA,. ■ ■ Hi .V U ,, r tc o - a < z E u o o u. o O 145 4— U John LeecJis Pictttres of Life and Ckai^acter. DISTRESSING RESULT OF EMIGRATION. Lady, "yes, my dear, john left us without any warning, and we cant match the other footman, because all the tall men are gone TO AUSTRALIA." THE ROAD-SIDE ON THE DERBY DAY. A "DRAG" FULL OF GUARDSMEN IS SUPPOSED TO BE PASSING. T46 From the Collection of ''Mr. Punch" 1842— 1864. DOMESTIC BLISS. Young Mother (joyously), "the dear little creature is gettinq on so nicely; its beginning quite to take notice." First Mother of a. Family (blandly). "OH! my dear! that is not taking notice; its only the wind." Second Ditto, "you should give it a little dill-water. DEAR. YOU WOULD FIND," &0. &C. Third Ditto. "WELL, IF IT WAS MY CHILD. I SHOULD." &C. &C. Fourth DittO. "NOW, WHEN I WAS NURSING MY LITTLE GREGORY, I USED," SiC. «ic. Fifth DittO. "WELL. NOW. I WOULD NOT FOR THE WORLD THAT A BABY OF MINE." SiC. &C. Sixth DittO. "INDEED, I HAVE KNOWN CHILDREN OBLIGED TO ENDURE THE MOST HORRIBLE AGONY," &C. &C Seventh DittO. "DEPEND UPON IT, LOVE; AND YOU KNOW I HAVE HAD A LARGE FAMILY— AND IF YOU WILL BE ADVISED BY ME." &C- &c. [Young Mother bscomes quite bewildered, and gives herself up to despair. SEA-SIDE LITERATURE FOR YOUNG LADIES; OR, DELIGHTS OF CROCHET. First Young Lady (reads), "ioth row-3 long with three chain after each into third small space. , long into same space, 5 ^°>'°J"" THREE chain AFTER EACH INTO MIDDLE SPACE, I LONG INTO SAME SPACE, 3 LONG WITH 3 CHAIN AFTER EACH INTO NEXT SPACE, I LONG IN S«ME SPACE, 5 CHAIN, DITTO IN MIDDLE OF LARGE SPACE, S CHAIN ; REPEAT." Second and Third Young Ladies (in ecstacies). "OH, how sweetly prettyiii" 147 John Lcecli s Pictui'es of Life and Character. FRIGHTFUL UPSET OF DIGNITY. Conductor, "now, marmi wite-ohapel, or mile-end?— onlv a pennv INTERESTING. "I HAVE CALLED. MR. SQUILLS, TO SAY THAT MY DARLING LITTLE DOO (l) HAS TAKEN ALL HIS MIXTURE, BUT HIS COUOH IS NO BETTER." ^'^^'^>". SUMMER IN ELYSIUM. THE LONG VACATION IN ARCADIA. I4S From the Collection of ''Mr. Pi^nch^' 1842 — 1864. A SAVAGE REPROOF. Indignant Mister of Hounds, "now, you siri mind the hound! he's worth forty times as much as your horsei" WHAT A DREADFUL STORY! Stout Party, ■stopi herei cabmani we want to go as far ter-wards whitechapel as we can for sixpenoei- Cabman. "VERY sorry, mumi but the oss has bin out all day-dead beat, mum-going home, mum," 149 John Leech's Pictures of Life and Character. A SELL. Enter Sporting Youth, who has lost the hounds. Youth. "SEEN THE HOUNDS GO THROUGH HERE, PIKEV7" Pikey. "e-as, a have— tuppense i" [Youth pays the twopence and gallops on. A lapse of twenty minutes is supposed to have taken place, when IS IT SO? Old Lady (!oq.). '■ bless my heart! how ridiculously SMALL they do MAKE THE EYES OF THE NEEDLES NOW-A- DAYS. TO BE SURE ! •■ Re-cntey Sporting Youth. Youtt\ (in a high state of excitement). "Why, confound youi i thought you told me you had seen THE hounds 00 through here?" Pikey. "E-AS, so A DID; SEED 'EM YESTERDAY I" PRIDE. Page. "THAT POOR DEVIL AIN'T MIXED MUCH IN SOCIETY. 150 Fi^om the Collection of ''Mr. Punch',' 1842 — 1864. A BOAT FOR AN HOUR. Stout Gentleman. "Whati is that the only boat you have in?" FISHING OFF BRIGHTON. YESl IT'S VERY EASY TO SAY 'CATCH HOLD OF HIM I' AGGRAVATING-RATHER! FASHIONABLE INTELLIGENCE. ■OH I HERES A GO! BLOWED IF I AINT LOST MY DIAMOND RINOl" 151 Jo Jin LeecJi s P id it res of Life and Character. fS/'n'f/ ■- ^ THE NEW PURCHASE. Blanche (who dotes on horses), "there, frank, isn't she a pretty creature? papa gave her to me this morning— she is so good-tempered AND WHAT A NICE HEAD AND NECK SHE HAS! HASNT SHE 7 SHE'S QUITE YOUNG, TOO— AND SUCH A BEAUTIFUL MOUTH !— NOW, WHAT DO YOU SAY, SIR, EH 7 " Frank (who is so absurd), "H'mi let's SEE, pretty creature i— good-tempered i-nice head and neck i-youngi— and a beautiful mouth'— why, I SAY, YOU make a capital PAIR!" SEA-SIDE. — THE BATHING HOUR. 152 From the Collection of ''Mr. Punchl' 1842— 1864. bOlHG IT THOROUGHLY. Old dent. "I SAY, MY UTTLE MAN, YOU SHOULD ALWAYS HOLD YOUR PONY TOGETHER GOING UP HILL, AND OVER PLOUGHED LAND 1 " Young Nimrod. "all right, old cock! dont you teach your grandmother to suck eggsi there's my man by the hay-stack with my SECOND horse ! ■■ NOT WHAT HE WANTED. MR. haycock, having HEARD OF THE MERITS OF BRU'SED OATS FOR HORSES. REQUESTS HIS FRIEND BRIGGS TO SEND HIM A COUPLE OF "BRU:SERS." MR. BRIGOS DESPATCHES THE " WH.TECHAPEL CHICKEN" AND THE " BAYSWATER SLASHER." tS3 4— X John LeecJi s Pictures of Life and Character. WAITING FOR A DIP. Proprietor of Machine (loq.). " sorry to keep you such a long time a waitin; sir ; but really they stop in such a time that we HAVEN'T A MACHINE TO BLESS OURSELVES WITH THERE'S CRUMPTON'S COTTAGES HAS BEEN IN THE WATER THIS THREE-QUARTERS OF AN HOUR ; AKD ALBION HOUSE TAKES THE LONGEST TIME TO DRESS OF ANY GENT I EVER SEE. OH ! HERE 3 PROSPECT PLACE A COMING HOUT. NOW YOU CAN 00 IN, SIR." -fi^-^^ No. IV. FORMS .'HIMSELF INTO A SQUARE, AND RESISTS A OHARQE OF CAVALRV. No. V. RECEIVES PRESENTATION OF COLOURS. 157 John LeecJi s Pictures 0/ Lije and Character MASTER OF THE SITUATION. Flunkey, "i beg your pardon, sir— but there is one thing i should like to mention at once, i am afraid— a— that i am expected to clean THE BOOTS." Gentleman. "Bless me: oh dear, noi there must be some mistake i i always clean them myself— and if you will leave your shoes OUTSIDE your door, I WILL GIVE THEM A POLISH AT THE SAME TIME." •" OMHfw'jgj.,^^^^ .2^ ONLY A PENNY! A SENSIBLE AND INGENIOUS TOY FOR CHILDREN. (&v LoitJon Streets.) TOPSY-TURVE/DOM. 158 From the Collection of ''Mr. Ptmck" 1842— 1864. THE BF(OOK-Q^EE|^ VOLUJMTEER. No. vr. HAVING BEEN DRUNK AND DISORDERLY, IS ORDERED BY HIS 'DASHING WHITE SERJEANT" TO DO DOUBLE DUTY No. VII. THE NIGHTS ARE STILL CHILLY: THEREFORE OUR FRIEND WARMS THE BED FOR HIS FAMILY PREVIOUS TO HIS GOING ON GUARD. ^59 Jo Jin Leech's Pictures of Life and Character. i.^^V^y '::--'■ z cr lij ^ It * % 1 < (fl Q u < □ E O z z < Tiii!; /"^f'i;il * >-■ o < 5 * o CO i6o From the Collection of ''Mr. Punclil' 1842—1864. -"-ijiM "NOW THEN, LATITAT, TUCK IN YOUR SIX-AND-EIGHTPENNY ! THE TRIAL-FOR-MURDER MANIA. "ALL IN! ALL IN! WALK UP, LADIES' JUST A GCING TO BEGIN! NONE OF YOUS SHAMS HERE, BUT REAL BULLET-HEADED MURDERERS I ALL IN ! ALL INI" 161 5— Y John Leccli s Pictures of Life and Character. THE SILVER AGE. DELIGHTS OF TRAVEL. Emma, "what DO you th nk. dear gran'MA? the ladies in paris wear their hair taken off THE forehead AND SPRINKLED WITH SILVER!" Grandma, "oo they, indeed! well, my darling, so long as they are respectable, there CAN BE NO HARM IN GREY LOCKS" "DEAR! DEAR! DEAR! HOW VERY PROVOKING! HERE'S ONE END OF THE BARREL COME OUT, AND ALL THE OYSTERS MIXED WITH MY CLEAN COLLARS'" ^^-r::: '■'■■ »'' -Vii^ A MYSTERIOUS VISITOR. Domestic. " here's miss BRADSHAW, mum, has just come, SHE'S CONE UP-STAIRS, MUM," Angelica, "oh. very well— i will—" Edwin. "BRADSHAW!! WHO THE DEUCE IS MISS BRADSHAW?" Angelina, "oh, it'S nothing of consequence, dear-shall i give you some more tea, dear'?" Ed::in "YES, dut who is miss bradshaw? why cant you teil me who miss bradshaw is?" 'ns-e'ina. "lawi edwin ! if you must know, its-it s-th'— the DRCSSMAfCX " YOUNG AFFECTION 163 Fro]]i the Collection of ''Mr. Picnch^' 1842— 1864. THE BEST PREVENTIVE AGAINST SEA-SICKNESS. s^ga^j-i* No. I. WHEN YOU CROSS THE CHANNEL, ESPECIALLY IF IT SHOULD BE BLOWING HARD, "KEEP YOUR PECKER UP" (aS THAT AGREEABLE RATTLE, YOUNG FIPPSON, CALLS It) BY MAKING A HEARTY MEAL AT THE "SHIP" OR "PAVILION." Xo. III. THE RESULT. No. II. AND ONCE ON BOARD, FIX YOUR EYES UPON SOME D.STAf- OBJECT, AND ADAPT THE MOVEMENTS OF YOUR BODY TO THE ROLLING OF THE VESSEL, AND THE RESULT WILL PROBABLY BE, AS SHOWN ABOVE IN NO. HI. 163 JoJin Leech's Pictures of Lije and Character. ALARMING EFFECT PRODUCED BY IMPRUDENTLY TRYING THE HAT AND TABLE-MOVING EXPERIMENT. I VERY KIND. "WELLI GOOD BYE, UNCLE I I'VE ENJOYEO MYSFLF VERY MUCH IN THE COUNTRY; AND IF YOU WILL RUN UP TO LONDON AT ANY TIME, I'LL SHOW YOU A LITTLE LIFE I ■ 164 From the Collection of ''Mr. Punch" 1842 — 1864. >m^ ^:^^^t^:%mN^ '^c^ ^ ... 'ii'ia:''!^ STORMY, AiJ3 MUCH RAIM. OUT OF TOWN. A BATH AT BOULOGNE. APPALLING POSITION OF MR. AND MRS. TOMKINS. WHO HAD A JIB HORSE WHEN THE TIDE WAS COMING IN. 165 John LeccJis Pictures of Life and Character. DOMESTIC EVENT IN THE ZOOLOGICAL GA RDENS.-^.^: I. THE N06E OF THE HIPPOPOTAMUS PUT OUT OF JOINT BY THE YOUNG ELEPHANT. DOMESTIC EVENT IN THE ZOOLOGICAL GARDENS. X". II. PELICATE STATE OF THE HIPPOPOTAMUS. IT IS ORDERED CHANGE OF AIR, AND A LITTLE SEA-BATHtNC 1 66 From the Collection of ''Mr. Punch" 1842— 1864. C^/^^ «% ^'^' ■"' \ DOMESTIC EVENT IN THE ZOOLOGICAL GARDENS.Sn. III. THE HIPPOPOTAMUS HAS QUITE RECOVERED, AND IS TAKEN OUT FOR AN AIRING. CONSOLS AT 90. Husband ■well! i declare i'M quite glad its a wet day it WILL BE AN excuse TO STOP AT HOME WITH MY DARLING I ITTLE PIP3EY POPSY. WHAT DO YOU SAY, DICKEY I EH 7 PRETTY DICK ! PRETTY DICK!" CONSO LS AT 80. Husband. GO cut for a walk! nonsense: ive something else TO DO. I think too. YCU MIGHT PULL DOWN THAT BLIND. UNLESS YOU WANT THE SUN TO SPOIL ALL THE FURNITURE ; AND. DEAR. DEAR. DO FOR GOODNESS' SAKE, JEMIMA, TAKE THAT D CANARY OUT OF THE ROOM I" 167 John LcccJi s Pictures of Life and Character. A BIT Of SERIOUS PANTOMIME. A MESSAGE FROM THE LORDS. ANOTHER BIT OF SERIOUS PANTOMIME. "HATS OFF, STRA:JGCRS !■■ Pi iM: \ '■ *^-^-.--, V ^fe^^^s^S^^iiJ ^^^^P§t^^^^^*^ _ .^'^^ ^ ^^ ^^..s.,, .«SiS^rl^/^uv, ;'^ flEW CRICKEiINC DRESSES TO PROTECT ALL ENGLAND AGAINST THE PRESENT SWIFT BOWLING. i68 From the Collection of ''Mr. Punch" 1842— 1864. WHO IS THIS ? WHY, THIS IS MR, JOHN CHUBB PULLING ONE OF HIS LONO, SLOW, STEADY STROKES, HE IS TAKING MORE PAINS THAN USUAL, BECAUSE THOSE PRETTY GIRLS IN THE ROUND HATS ARE SITTING ON THE LAWN DRAWING FROM NATURE -A 169 AND— HERE ARE THE OIRLS IN THE ROUND HAT8. 3— Z Jokn LeecJis PicHires of Life and Character \ THE NEW GROOM. Gentleman. "DO you mean to say that you understand the care of horses?" Boy. "WELL, SIR. I HAD OUGHT TO-FOR I'VE BEEN AMONGST 'EM ALL MY LIFE." AN ANCIENT IMPOSTOR. A SMUGGLER, YOU USED TO HAVE REG'LAR Youths. "THEN, I SUPPOSE, WHEN YOU WERE COMBATS AND FIGHTS?" Bo.ifman. "combats and fights i lor love yer, we wos a'most always at it. once in PARTICKLER I CALL TO MIND. I HAD THREE BALLS THROUGH MY HEAD AND TWO IN THE STUMMUCK (which I FEEL 'EM NOW SOMETIMES IN THE WINTER I D0>, BESIDES BEIN' RUN THROUGH WITH A CUTLASS. AND ALL MY FRONT TEETH KNOCKED OUT BY THE PERWENTIVE MANS TELESCOPE. WICH LUCKILY SHUT UP, OR THERE'S NO KNOWIN' WOT MIGHT 'A BIN THE CONSEQUENCE. AH 1 THERE WOS GOINGS ON THEN. BUT, LOR, IT AIN'T NOTHIN' LIKE IT NOWl" [Youths am dt^cply impressed. A REFLECTION. ALTHOUGH POLICEMEN ARE PLACED AT PARTICULAR SPOTS FOR THE PURPOSE OF MAKING OMNIBUSES "MOVE ON." THEY ARE GENERALLY SEEN CHATTINO. OR CRACKING THE FRIENDLY WALNUT WITH THE CONDUCTORS, TO THE INCONVENIENCE AND INDIGNATION OF THE PASSENGERS. HOW IS THIS? 170 From the Collection of ''Mr. Punch" 1842— 1864. JVlf^. BF(iqqg'g PL£A3Uf^£3 Of HORgfLKEEPIJMQ. No. X. Bi THE TIME MR. BRIGGS'S HORSE HAS RECOVERED FROM HIS COLD, A LONG FROST SETS IN. Groom, "that's just what I say, sir; it is AGQERAVATIN' to see a nice OSS like that, sir, a DOIN' NOTHIN' cut EATIN' his 'ED OFF." A GREAT BARGAIN. TO BE SOLD— THE PROPERTY OF AN OFFICER GOINO ABROAD. 171 John Leeches Pictures of Life and Character. THE HAT-MOVING EXPERIMENT. IT IS NECESSARY TO OET A HAT. TWO OR MORE PERSONS PLACE THEIR HANDS ON THE RIM THEREOF, THE LITTLE FINGERS OF EACH PERSON BEING IN CONTACT IN ABOUT TWENTY MINUTES. OR HALF-AN-HOUR, OR PERHAPS MORE. THE HAT WILL BEGIN TO JUMP AND REVOLVE RAPIDLY. (N.B, The Party above with the Moustaches, thinks that in the pursuit of Science he could perfurm the experiment over and over again.) j"-ii^^ ^»^^jfi '/%lm ■' SHAKSPEARE A LITTLE ALTERED. '■H£ LIVED NOT WISELY, BUT TOO WELL." USELESS INFORMATION. •NOW. MAHM. THIS GOES TO THE CHRISTIAL PALIS." ■•BLESS THE MAN I I DON T WANT NO CHRISTIAL PALISES. I AM OOIN^ TO THE BOROUGH." 172 From the Collection of ''Mr. Punchl' 1842 — 1864. TH£: BF(OOK-QF{££;jNl VOLUJ^T££f^. No. VIII. HAVING A COLD IN HIS HEAD, RESORTS TO AN INliENIOUS METHOD OF PRESERVING HIS HEALTH WITHOUT DESERTING HIS POST, V n'-^^ THE Df/ilft DELIGHTS OF BRITAIN'S SUMMER FIELDS. OVER THE STYLE. liTS Joliji LeecJi s Pictitres of Life and Character. THE BF|OOK-QI^EEJ^ VOLUJMTEEF^. No. IX. THE BIVOUAC. COMPARATIVE LOVE. Papa. "SO.. CHARLEY, YOU REALLY ARE IN LOVE WITH THE LITTLE ULACK-EYED GIRL YOU MET LAST NIGHT?" Charley. "Yes, papa, i love her dearly!" Papa. "HOW MUCH do you love her, CHARLEY? DO YOU LOVE HER AS MUCH AS PUDDING?" Charley. "OH yes, papai and a great deal better than pudding, out (pausing to reflect)—' dont love— her so much as— jelly i" No. X. AT BUSINESS. Militia Mart (loq )- "Alexander, when you'Ve tittivated that gent, you must come to drill." PLEASURES OF THE STUDIO. when every moment is of CONSEQUENCE, MR. fLAKE WHITES MODEL FOR HAMLET APPEARS WITH A BLACK EYE, WHICH HE DECLARES IS THE EFFECT OF INFLUENZA From the Collection of ''Mr. Punch" 1842— 1864. THE BF^OOK-QF^EEf^ VOLUJ^TEER. No. XI. HAVING CURED HIS COLD WITH RUM-AND-WATER, RESOLVES NOT TO GO HOME "TILL DAY-LIGHT DOES APPEAR." HE ASSURES THE POLICEMAN THAT ■' ITS ALL RIGHT- No. XII. OWING TO THE MILDNESS OF THE SEASON, HE LOOKS UP HIS DUCKS, ^0 FOND OF IT. "THERE NOW; THAT'S A CIGAR 1 CAN CONFIDENTLY RECOMMEND." "WELL; PUT ME UP A DOZEN TO TRY!" 175 John LeecJis Pictures of Life and Character. DIFFERENCE OF VIEW. Head of the Family. "FOR what we are going to receive, make us truly thankful— hem' cold MUTTON AGAIN ! " Wife of his Bussum. "and a very good dinner too. Alexander. soKEeoor must be economical PEOPLE CANT expect to HAVE PirHMOfin AND CREEHWICH DINNERS OUT OF THE LITTLE HOUSEKEEPING MONEY I HAVE." WHOLESOME PREJUDICE. "RAILROADS, SIR 7 I HATE RAILROADS, AND 1 SHALL BE VERY OLAO WHEN THEY'RE DONE AWAY WITH, AND WE'VE GOT THE COACHES AGAIN.' ALL IS VANITY. PREPARING FOR THE DERBY. 'I SAY, MISTER, JUST PUT US UP A COUPLE OF GREEN WEILS, WILL YER7 THE DUST IS SO UNCOMMON DISAGREEAB) ^ A-DRIVING DOWN TO HEPSOM 1" 175 From the Collection of ""Mr. Punch" 1842 — 1864. THE BROOK-GREEN VOLUf^TEER. No. XIII. HAVING GIVEN HIMSELF LEAVE OF ABSENCE, HE ENJOYS A LITTLE DOMESTIC FELICITY. mil mm A YOUNG PATRICIAN. S( Swell. ■■ WHAT AN ASTONISHING COAT, GUS ! • Ond Do. " YA-AS ! YOU SEE ALL THE SNOBS DWESS SO INFERN'LY LOUD— THAT •' AND I THOUGHT WE WOULD COME DOWN VEWY QUIET." m HOW TO TAKE CARE OF THE CHILDREN. A DESIGN, SHOWING HOW THE PRETTY HOODS WORN BY LADIES MIGHT BE MADE USEFUL AS WELL AS ORNAMENTAL. 177 A A John Lccc/is Pictures of Life and Character. THE END OF A FIVE MINUTES' BURST. Stout Gentleman. "THAt'S the way to go over a gatei i dont think you left me so far behind that time." REMOVING.— So. I. Father of the Family. "OH. irs all stuff and nonsense, mrs. g.. it might have oeen managed over AND OVER AGAIN DY THIS TIME " Mrs. C. •■ LAW. MY DEAR. HOW YOU TALK I AND IM SURE YOU HAVEN'T BEEN PUT TO MUCH INCONVENIENCE." Mo(/ior /n-taii'. "there, there, jemima, dont answer him: irs quite ridiculous." 178 From the Collection of ''Mr. Pttnchl' 1842— 1864. GROUSE SHOOTING LATE IN THE SEASON. JOLLY, VERY. "COME ALONG, OLD FELLOW! HERE'S A POINT!" REMOVING.— 'So. II. FIRST NIGHT IN THE NEW HOUSE -AWFUL DISCOVERY OF BLACK BEETLES. i?0 John LeecJis Pictures of Life and Character. PERFECT SINCERITY; OR, THINKINGS ALOUD. No. I. Uamms. "You are a disagreeable old bachelor, and generally hate children, i know— but ISN'T dear little WORMWOOD A FINE, NOBLE LITTLE FELLOW 7 ' Old Gent. "well, if you want my candid opinion, i may as well tell you at once— that i THINK HIM the MOST DETESTABLE LITTLE BEAST I EVER SAW— AND IF YOU IMAGINE I AM GOING TO leave him ANYTHING BECAUSE YOU HAVE NAMED HIM AFTER ME. YOU ARE MIGHTILY MISTAKEN." SPELLING A NEWSPAPER. PERFECT SINCERITY; OR, THINKINGS ALOUD. No. II. Artlsl No (. "THERE, MASTER OKER. I FLATTER MYSELF THAT WILL TAKE THE SHINE OUT OF YOUR PRECIOUS PRODUCTION, ALTHOUGH YOU DO THINK NOBODY CAN PAINT BUT YOURSELF." Artist No 2. "HEY. DEAR. DEAR, DEAR I THAT'S VERY BAD DY JOVE, MY BOY, ITS A DREADFUL FALLINQ-OFF FROM LAST YEAR. IF I WERE YOU, I SHOULD THINK TWIGS DSFORi I SENT IT IN" Artlit No. t. "MERE ENVY.— ILLIBERAL HUMBUG." STUDY OF AN ELDERLY FEMALE HAILING THE LAST OMBLEBUS. i8o From the Collection of ''Mr. Pitnchl^ 1842— 1864. PERFECT SINCERITY; OR. THINKINGS ALOUD. No. Ill, Medical Man. "stupid old fool' why. theres nothing the matter with him, except WHAT ARISES FROM HIS OVER EATING AND DRINKING HIMSELF— ONLY I CAN'T AFFORD TO TELL HIM SO." THE OPERA. "PLEASE. SIR. GIVE US YOUR TICKET, IF YOU AINT A-QOIN' IN AGAIN." A HUMOROUS CUSTOMER. Qentleman in Cart, "i say, guvnor, bring us out a spoonful o gin for the old lady, will yer^-and ill take a pint o' milo ale— and look HERE I DONT WANT IT TH CK-FOR I ilUT HUHUHti' I8l John Leec/is Pictures of Life and Character. MAHU SORROW. Swell on Horseback. "WHy. Charley, what's the matter, old boy? you seem out of spirits." Swell on Foot, "ahi ive had a sad loss, fredi ive lost the little gridiron of'= my chatelaine !I" MELANCHOLY bCLNE AT IHt OPERA ON A CROWQED NIQHT. AT GREENWICH FAIR. "AND MELANCHOLY MARK'D HIM FOR HER OWN." I0>2 From the Collection of ''Mr. Pu7tch" 1842 — 1864. BRIBERY IS DETESTABLE! BUT POLITENESS COSTS NOTHING. Canvasser, "pray, gentlemen, don't think of walking to the polling booth: i am sure your time must be valuable, and here's a carriage QUITE AT YOUR SERVICE " ;SSS:S5^^>i5^~' EARLY EDUCATION. Harry (to tomI "there's one great bore asout a watering-place ; THEY SELL SUCH HORRID CIGARS." MAY-DAY. DISTRESSING POSITION OF A SENTIMENTAL GENTLEMAN WHO WAS ABOUT TO OFFER HIS HAND AND HEART TO THE OBJECT OF HIS AFFECTIONS. 183 John LeecJis Pictures of Life and Character. A CHEAP DAY'S HUNTING. No. I. FIRST OET YOUR SEASONED •SCREW A CHEAP DAY'S HUNTING. Nil. II. ABOUT FOUR MILES DOWN THF ROAD " GET PROPERLY SPLASHED AT A PUBLIC-HOUSE, RATHER A DROP. City Gwi( 'w'lo fancies himself n Judie of ,i Horso, .inri no end of a Smil). -thats a nice little tit, cabby, and brought us alono WELL I" Cilb6/, "YESSIRI he is a nice little OS, HE IS— 3UT LOR BLESS YER ! HIS ART'S TOO BIO FOR HIS BODY, HE'S TOO GOOD FOR MY WORK I NOW HE'O JEST SUIT SUCH A QENT AS YOU— TO DRIVE A LIGHT TEACART ABOUT TOWN FOR ORDERS ON A WEEK-DAY, AND TAKE THE MISSUS our FOR THE DAY O' SUNDAYS!' 184 From the Collection of ''Mr. P tine hi' 1842— 1864. A CHEAP DAY'S HUNTING. No. III. AND RETURN HOME SMOKING A CHEROOT, TO THE ADMIRATION OF THE POPULACE. ftltlit|-Hl1itit^t»^:lit (.. iU/Ai ^.poM, ,'A No. rV. NATURALLY THE FEMALE THINKS SHOPPING VERY TIRESOME. Superior Creature, "for goodness' sake, edward, oo come awayi when you once get into A SHOP, THERE'S NO GETTING YOU OUT AGAIN." 187 John LeecJis Pictures of Life and Character. THE LADIE5 Of THE CREATIOJ^ ! No. V. SPORTING FOR LADIES. No. VI. THE BAND AT ST. JAMES'S PALACE. 188 From the Collection of ''Mr. PiLuch" 1842— 1864. THE LADIE3 Of THE CREATION ' \^W%\ ^ Jf'* No. VII. A "BUS" CONDUCTRESS. Old Oentlamnn. "vou are a very saucy, impudent woman, and i'LL CERTAINLY SUMMON YOU I " Conductress, "thank ye, siri (To Drimr.) GO on, sarah ; never mind the OLD cove," No. VIII. MARY PROTECTING THE WEAKER SEX. No. IX. THE ARREST BY BAILIFFS. ■•ANO SERVE HER RIGHT TOO-EXTRAVAGANCE IN A MAN IS. IN SOME DEGREE. EXCUSABLE. FOR HE KNOWS NO BETTER-BUT. IN A WOMAN. IT IS QUITE UNPARDONABLE." 189 John Leech s Pict7ires of Life and Character. THE LAD1E3 op THE CREATION.' ■'>.v):^v Nu. X. M\S,S, BROWN TAKES HER COUSIN OUT FISHING. Inferior Animal. "Oh dear.' miss brown i heres a fish taken all my bait, do come AND PUT ON another WORM!" No. XI. THE WOMAN AT THE WHEEL. THE REAL FLOWER-SHOW. 190 F7'07u the Collection of ''Mr. PtincJil' 1842 — 1864. THE LADIEg Of THE CREATION BLO OJM ER 1 SJVI. No. I.— APROPOS OF BLOOMERISM. Visitor (who is looking at the Print of the Blooner Costume), "well, now, upon my word, i DONT SEE ANYTHING RIDICULOUS IN IT. / SHALL CERTAINLY ADOPT IT." Strong-minded Lady, "for my part, i so thoroughly despise conventionality, that i hav? ORDERED ALL MY NEW THINGS TO BE MADE IN THAT VERY RATIONAL STYLE!" No. II. THE SORT OF LEG THAT LOOKI WELL IN RLOOMER PETTILOONS. IQl John Leccli s Pictiti^es of Life and Character. THE LADIES Of THE CFJEATION BLO 0/^EF(l3f<1• No. lU.-RESULTS OF BLOOM ERISM-TH E LADIES POP THE QUESTION. Superior Creature. "SAYi OH, say, dearest i wi'.l you be mine?" SiC, lo. No. IV.— A POSER FOR A BLOOMER. Old Oentleman. -before i can entertain your proposal, and give my consent to your marrying my son, i MUST ASK YOU WHETHER YOU ARE IN A POSITION — A-TO-A — KEEP HIM IN THE STYLE TO WHICH-A — I MAY SAY-HE HAS ALWAYS BEEN ACCUSTOMED? AHEMl" 102 From the Collection of ''Mr. Punch^^ 1842— 1864. THE LADIES Of THE CREATION BLOOf^ER I SjVI. No. v.— /I PROBABLE INCIDENT IF BLOOMERISM ISN'T PUT DOWN. Maid. "IF YOU PLEASE, MISS. THE DRESSMAKER HAS BROUGHT HOME YOUR NEW— AHEM— FROCK." /S- tv-M^^f^^ ^ ^,^j;;!i^^§|0 ^^^; No. \1.— SOMETHING MORE OF BLOOMERISM. (behind the counter THERE IS ONE OF THE "INFERIOR ANIMALS.") 193 5— C C John LcccJf s Pictures of Life and Character. THE X.y\DIE3 Of THE Cf^EATIOjS BE OOJvlE 1^13/4. c^i '^, J^^ No. VU.—BLOOMERISM IN A BALL-ROOM. Bloomer, 'may i have the pleasure of dancing the next polka with you?" No. VIU.-BLOOMERISM AT HOME. Strong-minded Female, -now, do pray. Alfred, put down that foolish novel, and DO S0METH:NG rational, go. AMD PLAY SOMETHING ON THE PIANO ; YOU NEVER PRAO' TISE NOW YOURE MARRIED." No. IX. EFFICIENCY OF FEMALE POLICE IN WHAT IS VULGARLY CALLED A "JOLLY ROW." 194 TH£ LADIE3 Of TH£ 1 95-8 BLOOMERIAh- ^TIOjM BI.OOM£[^I^M. REAM. From the Collection of ''Mr. PiLnchl' 1842 — 1864 o 00 ■a: I— d •A or U4 - rr - t,_i a: 7 6 -A O o m o < U or o uJ I H 01 Q < CO q: Q d UJ H UJ cc LU a: d O a: o > 199 John Leech's Pictures of Life and Character. h~ 2 00 5 o a: < Q 8 I- 1"^ < 01 ■I I = '^^>^fS^'v=slli"*( From- the Collection of ''Mr. Punchy' 1842—1864. Mff. MffflK BELVILLE ON THE CONTINENT GENERALLY. 'Any Behille. "YES! i like it extremely, c like the Lazy Ally sort of feelino. I LIKE SITTING AT THE DOOR OF A Caffy TO SMOKE MY CIGAR ; AND ABOVE ALL fonter nOO) ITS A GREAT COMFORT TO WEAR ONE'S BEARD WITHOUT BEING LARFED AT'" SCENE. -BUREAU OF THE CHIEFS OF THE DOUANES. French Official. "You have passport?" Official, "christian nom?" English Gent. - nong, mossoo." Gent, "-arry!" Official. "YOUR NAME?" Olficiaf. "profession?" Gent. "BELVILLE." Gent. "BANKERI" OUR FRIEND BELVILLE AIRS HIS FRENCH AT BOULOGNE, TO THE ADMIRATION OF DOBBINS, WHO DOESN'T SPEAK THE LANGUAGE. Belrille. "ahemi pardong mossoo '-esker vous avey-a-such a chose as a-a-une pot— a-that is a-a-une po you KNOW-DE-DE-DE BEAR'S GREASE 7 COMPRENNY ?— BEARS GREASE?" 201 G — D D John Leech s Pictures of Life and Character. ^^l ^^-— - ON THE MOORS. Mr. Puff. "my BIRD, I THINK' Me. Muff. "BELONGS TO Mf I FANCY " &C- &C. &C. ^>^^^^yT^'^!^ LOOK BEFORE YOU LEAP. '■W3-MARE. HANQ IT I-ANYTHINO IN REASON 1 DON'T MIND; BUT, AS A FATHLR OF A FAMILY, I DONT FEEL JUSTIFIED IN GOINO AT SUCH A GATE AS THAT ' 202 From the Collection of ''Mr, P tench" 1842 — 1864. HOfJ KIND. Cruel Little Puth. "OH, Harriet dear— put on your hat and let us thee the steamboat come in. the thea is tho rough!-and the PEOPLE WILL BE SO ABTHURDLY THICK ! ! I " FOLKESTONE.- ARRIVAL OF THE BOULOGNE BOAT. WIND S.W. 203 JoJin J^cccJls Pictui'cs of Lijc and Cliaj'cicter. AN ANXIOUS MOMENT. "DONT MOVE THERE, WE SHALL CLEAR YOU! NOTHING LIKE KNOWING THE COUNTRY. Huntsman do Officer goini Abroad,, "please be so good, sir. as give my respects to master harry." Officer. "OHi DUT my drother 13 in the west indies, and I am going to the east." Huntsman -mayhap youll meet at tcover side all the same, sir.- 204 From the Collection of ''Mr. Pttnchl' 1842 — 1864. COOL ASSURANCE. Undergraduate. "You dont object to smoking, i hope?" Old Party (probably a Director). "YES. sir. i object very much indeed! in fact, i (AVE THE STRONGEST OBJECTION TO SMOKING!!!" Undergraduate, "hm! ha! some people have." [Smokes for the next fifty miles. THOSE SHOCKING CLUBS. Charley (who io /'fii/ie/' addicted to betting.) "—and talking of goodwood races, WE'VE got SUCH A JOLLY SWEEP AT OUR CLUB!" Constance. "A SWEEP, Charles !— well ! i never thought much of your club FRIENDS, BUT I DIDN T THINK YOU ASSOCIATED WITH PEOPLE OF THAT SORT I " FASHIONS FOR FAST MEN. Tom. "WHICH DO YOU LIKE BEST FOR TROUSERS, BILL, CHECKS OR STRIPES?" Bill. "WELL, I THINK CHECKS ARE UNCOMMON SUPERIOR. BUT STRIPES IS MOST NOOBY." IN A VERY BAD WAY. •WHY, YOU SEEM QUITE WRETCHED. FRANK!" "WRETCHED, MY BOY! AH. YOU MAY IMAGINE HOW WRETCHED 1 AM, WHEN I TELL YOU 1 DONT EVEN CARE HOW MY TWOWSERS ARE MADE!- 205 John Leech s Pictures of Life and Character. BEFORE PAYING HER RESPECTS AT ST. JAMES'S. THE PERILS OF A COURT PRESENTATION. AFTER PAYING HER RESPECTS AT ST. JAMES'S. FRIGHTFUL. Clara, "well, rose, dear, and how do you feel after the party?" B0S8. "OH, PRETTY WELL; ONLY I HAVE HAO SUCH A HORRID DREAM! 00 YOU KNOW, I DREAMT THAT THAT GREAT STUPID CAPTAIN DRAWLER UPSET A DISH OF TRIFLE OVER MY NEW LACE DRESS WITH THE BLUE SLIP? " 206 From the Collection of ''Mr. Punch',' 1842 — 1864. TRUTH IS GREAT. Unsophisticated Little Girl. "now. you a'done, billy, if you aint quiet directly, I'LL GIVE YER TO THIS GREAT. BIG HUGLY MAN I" [Immense deliglit of Swell in gorgeous array. A DELUSION. Dean. "well, sir?" Small University Man (under the impression that he has imitated the Dean by his conspicuous moustachios). "c believe you wanted to speak to me, sir, about- ABOUT— MY MOUSTACHIOS ! " Dean. "SOMe mistake, siri i didn't perceive that you had anyi" f MffGE BUUP OF CAUTION. Flora. "OH, let us sit here, aunt, the breeze is so delightful." Aunt. "YES, DOVE !— IT'S VERY NICE, I DARE SAY ; BUT I WONT COME ANY NEARER TO THE CLIFF, FOR I AM ALWAYS AFRAID OF SUPPING THROUOH THOSS RAILIftCS'" HEART-BREAKING. Philinthropist. "what now. my man?" Street Boy. "THEY'VE been and cone and spiked my pea- A VICTIM OF PLEASURE. "WHAT A STUNNING MEERSCHAUM YOU'VE GOT THERE, CHARLEY I " "YES, I THINK IT WILL BE HANDSOME BY THE TIME I'VE PROPERLY COLOURED IT." A YOUNG PHILOSOPHER. First Butclter Boy. "SO they-ve done away with sm.thfel'" Second Butcher. Boy. "AH! they'll soon be bowling out hall ou.t OLD INSTITOOSHUNS." 2IS Jolui LcecJi s Pictures of Life and Character. ll-igs^S fM i^^/3»>-■-•••^^ A VERY GREAT MAN. "NOW. COLLINS YOU MUST GO OUT VERY DEEP, FOR I WANT TO TAKE A 'HEADER! AQUATICS. Flora. "WELL, BUT, TOMMY! DO YOU THINK YOU CAN ROW BOTH OF US?" Tommy (who fancies himself a perfect Athlete in higit condition). "ROW YOU i why, JUST YOU LOOK HERE; HERE'S A BICEPS MUSCLE FOR YOU!" SEA-SIDE SATURDAY EVENING. -THE ARRIVAL OF THE ''HUSBANDS' BOAT." 2l6 From the Collection of ''Mi'. PtLuch" 1842 — 1864. ^v^T^^.-V^''^^ Sf/?;'/iwrG/i/./sM.— No. II. Housemaid, "well, soosan, i've made up my mind not to stop 'ERE no longer to work LIKE NEGROES AS WE DOI" Cook. "NOR I, NUTHERI BUT JUST TURN THE MEAT, WILL YOU, PLEASE. THE WHILST I FINISH MY CaOCHET?" IMPROVEMENT IN IRISH AFFAIRS. "WHOOI— WILL ANY JINTLEMAN BE SO ENGAGIN' AS TO THREAD ON THE TAIL OF ME REGISTHERED PALLYT0E7" SERVANTGALISM.—I^o. Ill Old Lady, "what is it, boy?" fioy. "PLEASEM-irS A PAIR OF WHITE SATING SHOES, AND THE LADY'S FAN WOrS BIN MENDED — NAME OF MISS JULIE.1 PEARLASH !" Old Lady, "miss i i i ! i 7 ? ? 7 7" Voice from (/le Area. "on, :rs all right, mum. its mei 217 ■^«fT AN IRISH HOTEL. Traveller. " hollo 1 what the 'deuce are you about with that gridiron 7" Chamber.-naid. "TO BE sure, its yer honour's bed i'm warm- ing; AND AINT OUR WARMING-PAN ENGAGED FRYING SAUSAGES 7" 6— F F John LcccJis Pulurcs of Life and Character SERVANTGALISM. — :<<^. IV. Servant Gal. "well, mam- heverythink considered— rM afraid vou wont suit HE. I'VE ALWAYS GIN BROUGHT UP GENTEEL . AND I COULDN'T GO NOWHERES WHERE THERE AIN'T NO FOOTMAN KEP'." SERVANTGALISM.- -}'^ POULTRY FANCIES. NAUGHTY LITTLE BOY A "COCHIN" IT FOR THROWINO STONES AT THE FOWLS. INDISCRETION. Lydia. "dont, hofao: -loo< at old tomkins sitting at HIS WINDOW." 224 F7'oiu the Collection of "J/r. Piinclii' 1842 — 1864. QUITE A NOVELTY. Amiable Experimentalist, "makes a delicious side-dish, doesnt it? but it is not the common mushroom ; its a large fungus called the AGARICUS PROCERUS. IT GROWS SOLITARY IN HEDGE-ROWS, IS CALLED COLUBRINUS, FROM THE SNAKE-LIKE MARKINGS ON ITS STEM. THE PILEUS IS COVERED WITH SCALES. WHICH ARE FORMED BY THE BHEAKING-UP OF THE MUD-COLOUREO EPIDERMIS, AND [General pamc (.1*65 plaCB. CURIOUS MODE OF CONDUCTIHC A RETAIL ESTABLISHMENT. 225 A VICTIM OF CIRCUMSTANCES. Old Gentlernan. -why, Frederick, what a disgraceful state youre IN. SIR!— where have YOU BE5N7' FrederiA. ■■ coulon t— get a seat— so— I've been— to— th'— club." 6 — G G John Lee ells PicttLres of Life and Character. AQUATICS. Small Boy "NOW, then! all together! OVERTAKEN BY THE TIDF.-M ARGATE. 226 From the Collection of ''Mr. PuncJil' 1842— 1864. EFFECTS OF SALT WATER, AS OBSERVED AT THE REGATTA BALL. _ Weathfrspoon, Esq. (of the Oriana, R.Y.S.). " i say, toiw. whats that little CRAFT WITH THE BLACK VELVET FLYING AT THE FORE, CLOSE UNDER THE LEE-SCUPPERS OF THE MAN-OF-WAR?" Honourable Binnacle (of the Matilda. R.V.Y.O. ■why. from her fore and aft RIG, and THE CUT OF HER MAINSAIL. I SHOULD SAY SHE'S DOWN FROM THE PORT OF LONDON ; BUT ILL SIGNAL THE COMMODORE TO COME AND INTRODUCE US. ' TERRIBLE ACCIDENT. ■WE KNEW HOW IT WOULD BE-GIRLS HOLDING THOSE GREAT ROUND HATS OVER THEIR EYES, SO THAT THEY CAN^T SEE WHERE THEY ARE GOING.— WHY HERES FLORA PLUMLEY RUN RIGHT INTO THE ARMS OF THAT YOUNG HORACE SPANKER, WHO HASNT A PEnm."— Extract from our Aunt's Letter. /R f i-''V> OFF THE FORELAND. Old Lady (loquitur). " now, my good man, i HOPE you are SURE IT WOULD REALLY DO ME good, BECAUSE I CANNOT TOUCH IT BUT AS MEDICINE I ■■ THE NEW ARRIVAL. 227 John Leech's Pictures of Life ami Character. //1E]V10F(IALS OF THE QF(EAT EX H I B I Tl 0|^. — 1 85 1. No. I.-CflOlVfl£fl 51ME OF LODGING-HOUSES. Lodglng-houso Keeper. "ON'y this room to let, mem. a four post— a tent-and a very comfortable DOUBLE-BEDDED CHEST OF DRAWERS FOR THE YOUNG GENTLEMEN." ^y-^Mi%i\ '' i|#«f No. U. —YOUNG ENGLAND. "DOOCED GRATIFYINO, AIN'T IT CHARLES. TO SEE SA MUCH IN-DASTRY?" No. in. -PUZZLED VISITOI^S. No \\, -WONDERFUL OBJECTS. A GENTLEMAN FROM THr COUNTRY MISTAKES THE CRYSTAL SENT BY THE DUKE OF DEVONSHIRE FOR THE KOH-I-NOOR DIAMOND. "MON OlEU, ALPHONSEI REOARDEZ-DONC. COMMENT APPELLE-T-ON OETTE MACHINE LA?" "TIENS, CEST Dr6lS-MAI3 JS NE SAi9 PAS," 3aS From the Colleclion of ""Mr. Ptmchl' 1842 — 1864. JV1E|V10[^IAL3 Of THE QREAT EXHIBITIOJ^. 1851. \ V t No. v.— THEATRICAL DEPRESSION. Maniger. "ladies and oentlemen— a— i mean respected individual, — IN CONSEQUENCE OF THE GREAT ATTRACTION OF THE EXHIBITION OR CRYSTAL PALACE, I BEG TO ANNOUNCE TO YOU THAT THIS RIDICULOUS FARCE OF OPENING MY THEATRE WILL NOT BE REPEATED ; AND YOUR ORDER WILL BE RETURNED TO YOU ON APPLICATION AT THE QOX-OFFICE." inmhub Uia ,„f/A r.umtdink jiejAjwn No. \\.—A STAGGERER FOR AN EXCURSIONIST. Foreigner (with profuse gesticulation), "pardon, msieu ! faut-il aller a droite, a oauche, ou EN FACE, POUR ME RENDRE A PEEK-A-PEEK-A-DELEE 7 " (Piccadi/// J No. \U.-HOTELS ARE QUITE FULL. Waterman, "vat time would you like your hot water, sir?" No. YIU.— AWFUL RESULT OF GIVING A SEASON TICKET TO YOUR WIFE. Mary. "PLEASE, SIR, COOKS gone out for a NOLIDAY . AND MISSUS DIONT SAY NOTHING ABOUT NO DINNER. SIR. MISSUS WENT EARLY TO THE EXHIBITION WITH SOME LUNCH IN A BASKET, AND SAID SHE SHOULDN'T BE HOME UNTIL TEA TIME." 229 John LeecJis Pictures of Life and Cfiaracler ^Z\AO^\^^L^ op the QREAT EXHIBIHOf^. 1851 No. IX.~THE LOOKING-GLASS DEPARTMENT. No. X.—A DELICATE ATTENTION. AN OLD GENTLEMAN, ANWOUS THAT HIS WIFE SHOULD POSSESS SOME TRIFLE FROM THE GREAT EXHIBITION. PURCHASES (aMONQST OTHER THINGS) THE STUFFED ELEPHANT, AND THE MODEL OF THE DODO. 230 From the Collection of ''Mr. Punchl' 1842— 1864. /VlEj\10F^IAX^3 Of THE Qf^EAT EXHIBITIO|^. 1851. f^^ ^ -Cv. -.--- No. XU.-SINCERE GRIEF AT THE DE- STRUCTION OF THE CRYSTAL PALACE. No. XX. — NEW FASHIONS. Hitler. "YOU couldn't have a more becoming hat, sir— and they'll be a great deal worn AT THE OPENING OF THE EXHIBITION" Omnibus Man "OH, what a horrid shame to PULL DOWN SUCH A G-B-B-EE-AUTIFUL B-B-B-UILDINO 1" No. XIII.-7-«£ LADIES AND THE POLICE-THE BATTLE OF THE CRYSTAL PALACE. 231 John LeecJi s Pictures of Life and Character. JMEjvlOI^IALS op THE QREAT EXHIBITIOJN. 1851. No. XIV.— /IW INTERESTING COUPLE. THEY CANT THINK WHERE MAMMA CAN HAVE GOT TO— THEY HAVE BEEN LOOKING FOR HER EVERYWHERE. [iV.fi. The most remote Refreshment-room selected. mf&^^Mj^ No. XV. -REFRESHMENT ROOM. Visitor. " PINT 0' BEER, MISS, PLEASE." Miss. "DONT KEEP IT. YOU CAN HAVE A STRAWBERRY ICE AND A WAFER." m K,>. Wl. -THE NORTH-AMERICAN LODGERS IN 1851. I'^l From iJic CoIIectiou of ''Mi'. Puuchl' 1842 — 1864. jvlEjvlOf^lALS Of TH£ GF^ZAT EXHIBlTlOjM. 1851. No. XVII. PERFIDIOUS ALBION LETS HIS DRAWING-ROOM FLOOR TO A DISTINGUISHED FOREIGNER.^ THE RESULT. Xo. Will.— DINING-ROOMS. Waiter (to Chinaman), "very nice birds-nest soup. siR?-yES. sir !-rat pie. sir, just up-yes, sir '-and A NICE LITTLE DOG TO POLLER— YES, SIR!" 233 6 — H H John Leec/fs Pichtrcs of Life and Character. f/IEjVIOf^lALS Of THE QFjEAT EXHIBITION- 185-1. i\o. xix. HERE YOU HAVE A REPRESENTATION OF THAT NOBLE CHARACTER, THE BRITISH MERCHANT. TAKING LEAVE OF HIS SENSES — AND HIS BUSINESS — TO LOUNGE ABOUT THE CRYSTAL PALACE, No. XX. THE TRADESMAN AT THE WEST END IS OBLIGED TO G VE UP HIS TRADE, AND BREED POULTRY. g|.^. No. XXI. BRITANNIA HAS THE INDUSTRY OF A LL-TH E-WORLD AND HIS WIFE. TO SPEND A FEW MONTHS WITH HER. 234 From- the Collection of ''Mr. PiincJC 1842— 1864. JVIEJVIOF^IALS Of THE Qf^EAT EXHIBITIOJM. 1851. No. XXII. THE CRUSH ROOM AT THE OPERA.-"MR. CHAWBACON'S CART STOPS THE WAY!" No. XXIII. MR. CHAWBACON '■COMING DOWN." No. XXIV. FANCY PORTRAIT OF THE GENTLEMAN WHO HAS BEEN HONOURABLY MENTIONED BY PRINCE ALBERT t "HONOUHABLY MENTIONED, INDEED! IS THAT ALL 7 SCANDALOUS I" 235 John LcecU s Piclui-cs oj Li/c and Character J^1E//10I^i;\LS Of THE GI^E/VT EXHIBITIOJM. 1851. No. XXV. DINNER-TIME AT THE CRYSTAL PALACE. 2*6 MEM0^IA^3 Of tf: THE CREAT DERRY RACE '> 237-24C> EXHIBITION. — 1851 e:J« ^m~^ HUNDRED AND riFTY-ONE. From the Collection of ''Mr. Punch,' 1842 — 1864. P^^^^""^^^^^^^^^^ fRQM THE MINING DISTRICTS. Assiduous Young Curate, "well. then, i do hope i shall have the pleasure OF SEEING BOTH OF YOU NEXT SUNDAY!' Miner. " 01. THEE MAY'ST COAM IF 'E WULL. WE FOIGHT ON THE CROFT, ANO OLD JOE TANNER BRINGS TH' BEER." WHAT WILL HE DO WITH THEM? Youthful Costermonger. " now then, guvner. ave the last rope for A PENNY!" RAILWAY MISERIES. Porter, "is this your luggage, sir?" PiSCator. "CONFOUND IT, NO! WE WANT SOME FISHING-RODS. A CAN OF LIVE-BAIT. AND A HAMPER," Porter. "OH— do you, sir? why, they're gone on to Bristol." 341 7 — I I Jo Jill Lecclis Pictures of Life and Character, SERVANTGALISM ; OR, WHAT'S TO BECOME OF THE /W/SSUS£5 ? — No. VIII. Coot. "WELL, TO BE SURE, MUM! LAST PLACE I WERE IN, MISSIS ALWAYS KNOCKED AT THE DOOR AFORE SHE COME INTO IHY KITCHEN !1" THE ST. BERNARD MASTIFF. A HAPPY DOG-RATHER. 242 From the Collection of ''Mr. Piuichl' 1842— 1864. PRUDENCE AND IMPRUDENCE. Old Gentleman. "A very nasty jump, that: i shall go round by shufflers bottom." Juvenile, " come along, old man i follow me. and ill show you all the sport." [Exit young hopeful over the pallnga. ^^^ COUNTRY RACES. QENTT.EMEN RIDERS, WHO ARE SO LIKE PROFESSIONAL JOCKS, YOU CAN HAROLY TELL THE DIFFERENCE I 243 John Lccc/is Pictures oj Lije and C/nwactcr ".■g'viiijlife^wipll^? Ikgh, FRIENDLY, BUT VERY UNPLEASANT. Lmly Party (chargins elderly gentleman ii/(/i his umbrella). ■■ hullo, joneS!" [Disgust of ELDERLY PARTY, whose name is smith. AN EASY FORECAST. Gipsy. "HAVE YOUR fortune told, my pretty gentleman?" Pretty Gent. "Ohi lawk! dont mention iti" GOING OUT ARRESTING. "VELL, AARON, MY TEAR, AVE YER AD ANY SPORT?" •■►•RCTTY VELL, I'VE BAGGED FOUR ALLOTTEES AND TWO PROVISIONALS" 244 From I he Collection of ''Mr. Puuck" 1842— 1864. iHi ii 1 N 1 „ -^— ' ' ' ' 1 1 'i ! > A GREAT MISFORTUNE. First Juvenile (in Cab), -well, charley, have you had it out with the old boy?" Second Juvenile. "YA— AS; and— aw— what do you think the undutiful old governor sa— ays?" First Juvenile, "havent the least id— eaw." Second Juvenile, "why, he sa-ays i must do somethinq to get my own living i" First Juvenile, "oh lawi what a horrid bawi" , \iPJ(^^lu_A'-' 'l^^iii^'^l' ' M \ V„ |.>;-L-' \.|)v^^^_i_ WHERE IGNORANCE IS NOT BLISS. Engineer. ■■ don't be alarmed, maam, its only a dumpy leveller." Old Lady, -law- dear nowi well, im sure i thought it was a elunderbust. but donT FIRE IT OFF, YOUNG MAN, TILL IM GOT BY, FOR I WAS ALWAYS TERRIBLE FEARED OF CUNS." MARCH OF LUXURY. Customer. " hi ! james " Potboy. "NOW THEN, WHAT IS IT?" Customer. "Just pop my arf an-arf in the hiCE for a minit THATS A OOOD LAD." 245 John Leech's Pictures of Lije and Character. COMPLIMENTS. First Caoby (who is run up against), ■■now, then! ■vhere did you pick up that old strawberry pottle you calls a cab?" Second Cabby (who retorts), ■same place where yer found that bit of old rag yer calls a orse/^ VISIT TO THE ANTEDILUVIAN REPTILES AT SY DEN H A M-M ASTER TOM STRONGLY OBJECTS TO HAVING HIS MIND IMPROVED. 246 From the Collection of ''Mr. Punchl' 1842 — 1864. ^^ A HORRIBLE IDEA. First Languid Swell. "GOOD gwacious, Alfred ! are you ill?" Second ditto, ditto (gasping), "ill! aw i yesi no i i shall be all right directly. BUT— 1— CONFESS— THE— SIGHT OF THAT FEMALES UMBRELLAW— COMPLETELY — FLAWED ME— MY DEAR CHARLES— CONCEIVE BEING OBLIGED TO CARRY— BUT NO, THE THOUGHT IS— TOO HORRIBLE!" [They stiudder, and walk on. FINE BUSINESS, INDEED! THE WRETCH! Master of the House. ■ oh i mary: what is there for dinner to-day?" Mary. " i think, sir. its cold mutton, sir." Master of tlie House. "Hmi-oh! tell your mistress, when she comes IN, that I may possibly be detained in the city on business, and she is ON NO account to wait dinner for me." THE SEA-SIDE HAT-A HINT TO M ATERFAM I LI AS. A FRESH MORNING. 247 John LeecJi s Pictw^es of Life ajid Character, IMPUDENCE. Horse Cjar.1. -now. you boy! you musnt hanc about here." Boy "OH! yes. MR HANGABOUT. 1 SUPPOSE I MAY SET MY WATCH BY YOUR CLOCK, AS WELL AS ANY OTHER GENT." f^C'liv.^^'^'^^^'./.? GORGEOUS SPECTACLE. S^rah Jine. "OH, betsy, come 'ere. and bring hisabeller ' we can see the oofs of THE 'ORSESM" NATIVE POLITENESS. Boy (to be-witch.mi Old Udy of F^isluon) "was you a looking for a broom, MARM7" "YOUTH AT THE PROW, AND PLEASURE AT THE HELM." "THE HAPPY PAIR THEN STARTED FOR THE CONTINENT, VIA FOLKESTONE, TO SPEND THE HONEYMOON." 248 From the Collection of ''Mr. Pimch-' 1842— 1864. I'Eff*' ACCOMMODATING. Cabman, "want a cab, sir? take yer anyvere. any distance, any price, and when yer please trot yer down to vitechapel or 'ACKney. OR SPIN yer along like one O'CLOCK to HEGHAM, STAINES, OR WINDSOR." PROBABLE RESULT OF THE COCHIN CHINA FOWL MANIA. 249 7 — K K John LeecJis Pictures of Lije and Character. TOO POPULAR BY HALF. Boy (sinsing). •■lover-ly lucy neal. oh loverly lucy neau hif I 'AO YOU BY MY SI-l-HiDE, 'OW 'APPY I SHOULD FEEL!" TASTE IN THE DRAW I NG-ROO M. -VI LLI K INS AND HIS DINAH. Young Lady (who ouihi lo know belter). "Now. William, you are not low enough yet, begin AGAIN AT 'HE TOOK THE COLO PIZEN.'" THE BATTLE OF THE PIANOS. •^50 From the Collection of ''Mr. Pit no hi' 1842— 1864. "NOW. THEN. THOMAS, TELL YOUR OLD MAN TO PULL ON A PEG, AND LET ME GET UP TO MY PAWNBROKER'S!" APPROPRlklE. First Citizen, "i say, bill— i wonder what he calls hisself?" Second Ditto, "blowed if i know i— but i calls him a bloated haristocrat." MIGHT VERSUS RIGHT. Navigator. "Whats that you say?" Policeman, -why. vll take you to the station house, if you dont move on.' Navigator, "you take me to the station-house? ten on YOU MIGHT!", 251 John LeecJis Pictures oj Life and Character. A HANSOM OFFER. Cabman (condescendingly). "HAMpsteadi lets see-the fares about nine bob. as near as may be; but, as r want a drive in the fresh HAIR MYSELF, SUPPOSE WE SAY THREE ARF CROWNS?" POULTRY FANCIES—THE PETS. Old Lady, "well, he has grown ; and, really, i think hk might leave off those frocks, and have a suit of clothes like his brothers." 252 From the Collection of ""Mr. PtLuchl' 1842 — 1864. y\QZl DISTRESSING. TRAVELLERS' REQUISITES. Railway Porter, "any luggage, sir?" Tnvellei: "^yas— carpet-bag ano cigar-case." POOR STUBBS!— JUST AS HE MEETS THOSE NICE GIRLS HE ADMIRED SO AT M.'S PARTY, AN ENORMOUS BLACK SETTLES ON HIS NOSE. HE LOSES ALL PRESENCE OF MIND. — ' _iiLiiiiLiiiM^ftnt HOW TO FLATTER A GENT. Mr. Noses. "GOT any old clothes, sir? (whispers) any left-off uniforms, captain?" EDUCATIONAL MOVEMENT. Man of ReHnenient. " now dont, my good man— pray dont !— i know WHAT YOU ARE GOING TO SAY. YOU ARE GOING TO S.4Y • YA !— HA I-SPARRER- GRASS.' 00 ALLOW ME TO PERSUADE YOU TO CALL IT ASPARAGUS— AND HERE IS SIXPENCE FOR YOU." 2.'^.^ Jolui LcecJis Pictures of Life and C/iaracter. '^>~'%}P''yC-'''X^ AN EXCITED NIMROD, HAVING BEEN THROWN OUT. IS UNDER THE IMPRESSION THAT HE HAS COME VP WITH SOME OF THE TAIL HOUNDS-" HUlC FOR-R-A-D-E-FOR-R-A-A-D THEN!" [flreat demonstration of disgust on the part of Old Gentleman out shooting. ^1 -^ >^?^^:;.^i^^*S- FLY-FISHING. MR. BUNGLE ALWAYS MAKES HIS FLIES ON THE BANK OF THE STREAM. HERE IS ONE OF HIS MOST SUCCESSFUL EFFORTS. Mi 254 From the Collection of ''Mr. PuncK 1842— 1864. "ALL IS FA!R IN LOVE," do. Young Lady Cwliose birthday it is). "OH, YES! i have had a great number of nice presents; but i wonder who sent me this beautiful BOUQUET?" Handsome Party (with moustaches, presence of mind, and great expression of eye), "and cant you guess?" (Sighs deeply.) [N.B. Poor BiNKS, who was at all the trouble and expense of getting the said bouquet from Covent Garden, is supposed to be ivatching the effect of his gift with some anxiety. PLEASURES OF HOUSEKEEPING. WHAT'S THE MATTER? MAN IS SUPPOSED TO HAVE TAKEN THE WRONO TURNING— THAT'3 ALLI THE INTELLIGENT READER IS REQUESTED TO IMAGINE THAT THE GATES IN THE ABOVE CARTOON HAVE JUST BEEN THOROUGHLY CLEANED, AND FRESH PAINTED ON HIS RETURN FROM THE CITY. MR. BRIGGS FINDS THAT RUDE BOYS (totally REGARDLESS OF HIS FEELINGS) HAVE BEEN FARTHER DECORATING THEM. 255 John LeecJis Pictures oj Life and Character. A ROUGH COUNTRY. Boy. "NOA, SIR! THERE AINT NO OTHER GATE OUT C' THIS VIELD, YOU MUST FOLLER THAT GENTLEMAN ON THE GRAY HORSE/ Fox Hunter. "WHAT, that gent? oh ! thank yer!" iiiiiiittiiiiv ^^isC SUGGESTIVE OF A PICTURESQUE FIGURE. Stout Old Oentlemm. •■ a shower-bath make your hair in amessi not a bit of it, if YOU wear an oil-skin cap like this, as I DO." THE RETURN FROM A MASQUERADE. 256 From iJie Collection of ^' Mr. Piuichl' 1842 — 1864. DOUBlfUL. BO^. "COME IN, SIR! YOUVE NO CALL TO BE AFRAID! IV£ GOT HIM QUITE TIGHT." A CAUSE FOR REPROOF. Lady (severely), "janet. i must desire you to oo at ONCE AND DRESS YOUR HAIR IN A BECOMING MANNER. AND NOT TO IMITATE ME SO ABSURDLY" AWKWARD CONSEQUENCES OF REMOVING THE SOLDIERS FROM KNIGHTSBRIDGE. oosema/d. "if you please 'm. me, and cook, and mary. wishes to leave, this day month, maam," REDUCED CIRCUMSTANCES. Mary. " if you please, sir, if youve done with the ink, will you let WILLIAM HAV£ IT TO CLEAN YOUR BOOTS 7 BECAUSE ITS ALL THE BLACKING WEWE GOT IN THE HOUSE." 2SV 7--I. L John LeecJis Pictures of Life and C/iaracter. THE CONSTITUTIONAL WALK. Lady, "dear, dear, its coming on to raini run, jamesi quick, and fetch an umbrella, and TWO PARASOLS. IM AFRAID MY POOR DEAR COCHINS WILL GET THE RHEUMATISM." THE DOCILE HUSBAND. A MAN OF OPINION. MP. "DID YOU SEE THIS ADMIRABLE SUGGESTION IN THE PAPER, TO PULL DOWN THE TEMPLE BAR?" Swell. 'PULL OOVm the temple bar I a most earnestly hope NOT— why, GOOD OWAOIOUSI ITS THE PWINOIPAL DARWIER BETWEEN US AND THE HOHWID CITYI" 25S From the Collection of '^ Mr. Pinic/i^' 1842 — 1864. JEALOUSY. Chorus (of Nice Young Ladies). "OH! of all and of all i never! isn-t it the oaRUNCIST. WEETEST, PRETTIEST, LITTLE DEAR DARLING DARLING! OH I DID YOU EVERII" So/0 (by horrid plain-spokeit Boy.) "H'M! / TH!NK ITS A NASTY, ugly little beast, for all the (ORLD LIKE A CAT OR A MONKEY." [Sensation. A NICE TEAM. A BRILLIANT IDEA. Matilda. "0H, look ye here, tommy! spose we play at your being the bio FOOTMAN, AND ME AND LIZZERBUTH 'LL BE THE FINE LADIES IN THE CARRIDGEI" AN EXPERIENCED VETERAN. Managing Mamma, "my goodness, ellen, how wretchedly pale you look! for GOODNESS' SAKE BITE YOUR UPS AND RUB YOUR CHEEKS." 259 John LcccJis Pictures of Life and Character. EXTREME DELICACY. Exquisite m C3b. "AW— be kind enough, if you please, to fetch— aw— an— aw— umbrellaw, AND HOLD IT OV-AW ME WHILE I— AW — GET OUT," THE WELLINGTON STATUE. awful apparition to a gentleman whilst shaving. in the edgeware road. f THE POULTRY MANIA. Miss , "GOOD GRACIOUS. EMILY. WHAT HORRID FRIGHTS I" Emilt. -FRIQHTST MY DEAR? WHY THEY ARE LOVELY COCHIN CHINA FOWLS. AND WORTH-OH I EVER SO MUCH" 260 From the Collection of ''Mr. Ptmchl' 1842 — 1864. COMPLIMENTARY. Bus Driver, "now then, o'jt cf the way, You TWO! AN INQUIRING MIND. Omnibus Driver, " reely now! and so the 'lectric fluid TAKES A MESSAGE BETWEEN DOVER AND CALAIS. (Inquirmil) J PRAY, SIR, WOrS IT LIKE? IS IT ANYTHING LIKE BEER, FOR EXAMPLE?" £^ "%. m SOMETIMES YOU "PICK UP" HUNTERS FOR NEXT TO NOTHING. Dealer, "there nowi you want a hunter, there he is. he's quiet, well-bred, and law! with your WEIGHT, HE'S UP TO ANY HOUNDS, AND AN UNCOMMON CLEVER FENCER!" Sporting Gent. "OH! come now! that WON'T DO. I'VE heard of A ORSE DANCING; BUT I'M NOT SO JOLLY GREEN AS TO BELIEVE A ORSE CAN FENCE, YOU KNOW!" 261 John LeccJis Pictures of Life and Character. -> A LUCID EXPl ANATION. Passenger, "sixpence! why, its marked up threepence!" Conductor, "yes. sir. threppunse when you don't get in between CHARING CROSS AND THE BANK. OR FROM TUESDAYS TO MILE END DOWN TO THE GATE BY UNQERFOD, OR EDGER ROAD TO BLACK LION LANE OR RATH- BONE PLACE AND BLACKWALL RAILWAY— OR El SE YOU MUST GET OUT AT ST. PAULS CHURCHYARD. OR YOU CAN GO TO PIMLICO ALL THE WAY IF YOU LIKE— BEYOND THAT DISTANCE— IT'S SIXPUNSE ! " PERFECT SINCERITY, OR THINKINGS ALOUD. -So. IV. Genius. "BY the way, did you glance over that article of MINE ON 'THE INTELLECT OF WOMAN. AND HER SOCIAL POSITION?' I DON'T CARE TWO- PENCE ABOUT YOUR OPINION ; ONLY IF YOU CAN SAY SOMETHING FAVOURABLE OF COURSE I SHALL BE PLEASED." Common Sense. "WHY. i tried it. but upon my life i found it such con- temptible RUBBISH. THAT 1 COULDN'T GET ON : AND. TO TELL YOU THE TRUTH, I THINK THAT A SNUG LITTLE THING IN THE CHEESEMONGERING LINE WOULD BE MORE IN YOUR WAY THAN LITERATURE " Genius. " ah ! you must be a fool ! " THE AGONY COLUMN. "I WISH, MISTER. YOU WOULD BE SO GOOD AS TO STOP THE PRESS AND PUT THIS IN A oooD PLACE {reads): 'Hemily, Don't delay, but raturn to yor broken -arted Adolpltus, or there's no know- ing what may be the consequence III" THE INFLUENZA. "THIS IS REALLY VERY KIND OF YOU TO CALL. CAN I OFFER YOU ANYTHING— A BASIN OF GRUEL. OR A GLASS OF COUCH MIXTURE? DON'T SAY NO." 262 From the Collection of " J/r. Pitnchl' 1842 — 1864. AH IMPOSSIBILITY. Gent. •■WAITER I CHOP AND A PINT OF STOUT; AND LOOK SHARP.'' Waiter. "OH. yes ! its all very well to say look SHARP." BACHELOR HOUSEKEEPING. Mr. BrOVin. "PRAY, JANE. WHAT ON EARTH IS THE REASON I AM KEPT WAITING FOR MY BREAKFAST IN THIS WAY?" Jane. "PLEASE. SIR. THE ROLLS ISNT COME. AND THERE'S NO BREAD IN THE HOUSE I" Mr. Brown. "NOW, upon my word i how can you annoy me with such trifles? no sreao, then bring me SOME TOAST-" lExit JANE in dismay. A FOOLISH AND A BETTING MAN. 263 A WISER AND A BETTER MAN. John LeccJi s Pictures of Lijc and CJiai'acter. MISUNDERSTANDING. Railway Porter, -first class, sir?" Unfortunate Oxonian. "NO! plucked !■• PLEASANT ! Affectionate Little Wife (who has made many abortive attempts to fathom the secrets of Freemasonry). •• well, but dear : tell me 0/v£ thing, do they put you into A coffin?" INSULTING A SCOTCHMAN. Boy. "HERE YOU AIR. SIRI THREE PAIR O' TROWSER STRAPS FOR SIXPENCE." 1 \ \ THE MAN IN BRASS LAMENTING THE DECLINE OF THE LORD MAYOR'S SHOW, 264 From the Col lection of ''Mr. Pitnchl^ 1842 — 1864. 'BOLTED!" food ffu'na ONE OF THE EFFECTS OF THE BLACKGUARD BETTING OFFICES. Sporting Character, "i dont exactly like robbing master, BUT I MUST MEET MY ENGAGEMENTS." THE BETTING FEVER. 865 7— M M John Leech's Pictures of Life aiiL Character PEPPERING A GENT. Conductor (very hurl). "GO on, dill ; heres that ugly OLD COVE, WOT ALWAYS KICKS UP SUCH A ROW. AND MAKES HISSELF SO DISAGREEABLE, JUST GOT INI" Driver- "OH, has he 7 I'VE A dooced good mind to PITCH HIM OVER, AND BREAK HIS STUPID OLD ED!!" GAMMON. Ostler. "PLEASE TO TAKE IM GENTLY OVER THE WOOD-PAVEMENT, SIR , FOR HE'S WERRY FRESH THIS MORNING." BALLOONING. i66 From the Collection of ''Mr. Pimchl' 1842 — 1864. E\l\l COMMUNICATIONS. (after a great deal of coaxing and persuasion, master TOM IS PREVAILED UPON TO PAY HIS QUARTERLY VISIT TO THE DENTIST. INCONSIDERATE AND VULGAR STREET BOYS UNFORTUNATELY PASS AT THE MOMENT HIS OBJECTIONS ARE OVERCOMI.) First Inconsiderate Street Boy. "OH orikey! if here aint a chap goin' to have a grinder out. MY eye, what fangs I" Second tnconsider,ite Do. Do. "OH, i woulont be 'im, wont there be a SCR-E-V/.i-U-H-CH NEETHER !" [And of course master tom relapses into his previous very obstinate state. WHO WOULDN'T KEEP A FOOTMAN? .s^trn^^:-' -^; ■'" "^-v^,«;2^-.,.. »!?!-"■' DELIGHTFUL OUT-DOOR EXERCISE IN WARM WEATHER. RUNNING AFTER "ANOTHER FOUR!" AT CRICKET, AMIDST DERISIVE SHOUTS OF "NOW THEN, BUTTER- FINGERS '."—" OH I OH!"— "THROW IT INI LOOK SHARP !"—" QUICK ! IN WITH IT!" &C.. &C. A SMART YOUTH. Old Gentleman. " bless my heart! this vibration of the carriage is VERY UNUSUAL! PRAY, MY LITTLE MAN. HAVE YOU ANY APPREHENSION OF ACCIDENTS ON RAILWAYS?" Juvenile. "OH. none in the least; and especially with such a fat OLD buffer as you TO BE SHOT AGAINST." 267 John LeccJf s Pictures of Life and Character. AN UNREASONABLE COMPLAINT. Indignant Party, "what? a shilling for the two miles, and a sixpence besides! why, you dont call me an EXTRA PERSON?" Cabman, "oh! dont i tho'I" BY THE ''SAD SEA WAVES." tableau representing a young gentleman, who fancies he is alone, and takes the opportunity of going through the N.B. The Young Gentleman's ro/ce is of We most feeble and uncertain qualitv. LAST SCENE OF LUCIA.' 268 Froin the Collection of ''Mr. PinicJil' 1842— 1864. THE QREAT CHARTIST DEjVlO|^3T F^ATI N. No. I.-/1 lO^M CITIZEN. Magistrate, "now, sir, what do you want?" Nervous Gent, "i beq your pardon, sir; but i wish to be sworn in as a ch ch-chartist— i mean as a sp sp-Special c-constablei" 269 No. n.— SPECIAL CONSTABLE GOING ON DUTY. Time— Two in tlic Morning. Captain of the Beat. "OHi we have just looked in to say that it is your turn to go on duty, the rookery at the back of SLAUGHTER'S ALLEY IS YOUR BEAT, I BELIEVE. YOU WILL LOSE NO TIME, IF YOU PLEASE. FOR ITS A DREADFUL NEIGH- BOURHOOD, AND ALL THE POLICE HAVE BEEN WITHDRAWN— INDEED, SEVERAL MOST BRUTAL AND SAVAGE ATTACKS HAVE TAKEN PLACE ALREADY I" John Leecli- s Pic lures oj Lijc and Character. THE GREAT CHARTI3T D E]V( 0JN3T[^ ATI OJSI. No. in.-DISTRIBUTION OF THE STAVES. No. IV.— PREPARING FOR ACTION. SPECIAL CONSTAOLE DRYINO HIS GUNPOWDER IN THE FRYINQ-PAN. No. W-RELIEF DUTY. Special's Wife, "contrary to regulations, indeed! fiddlesticks i r must INSIST^ FREDERICK. UPON YOUR TAKING THIS HOT BRANDY-AND-WATER. I SHALL BE HAVING YOU LAID UP NEXT, AND NOT FIT FOR ANYTHING." From fJic Collection of ''Mr. PiiucJil' 1842— 1864. THE QREAT CHARTI3T DE/^ OJ^gTI^ATI N. li W\. lit' 1. No. VI.^/W ACTION. Special Constable. "Now mind, you know— if i kill you. its nothing; but if you kill ME, BY JINGO. IT'S MURDER." No. Ml. -OUT OF WORK. First. "TALK OF INTERRUPTION TO BUSINESS! VY. I GIVE YER MY VORD OF HONOUR. THAT WOT WITH THEM SPECIALS AND THE REGLAR CRUSHERS, I AINT SO MUCH AS PRIGGED A SINGLE HANDKERCHER FOR A VEEK." Second. "OH, ITS ENUFF TO MAKE VUN TURN RESPECTABLE." -No. \1U.-AN AGREEABLE DUTY. Special Constable, "i beg your pardon, young ladies, but yours is a very dangerous procession, and we must TAKE YOU IN CHARGE— WE MUST, INDEED.' 271 John Leech's Pictures of J.ifc and Characfcr. THE QREAT CHARTI3T DEf^O H3T RATI N. \l\ \ i i jf No. l\.—THE BEGINNING AND THE END. Leader. ■■ hooray i veeve ler liberty !I harm yourselves mi to the PALISH DOWN with HEAVERYTHINKIMI" Leader. "OH, sir— please sir— it aint me. sir— I'M for 'goo save THEQUEEN' and 'RULE BRITANNIER.' BOO— HOO— OH DEAR I OH DEAR 1 1" [Bursts into tears. HEROISM. JOHN THOMAS, THE BELORAVIAN FLUNKEY. AS HE APPEARED WHILE THE MOO WERE BREAKING HIS MISSUSSES WINDOWS ADVANTAGES OF THE NEW POSTAL ARRANGEMENTS. 9^2 From the Collection of ""Mr. PiLiichl' 1842 — 1864. __ flWfi' 'iiiiyjfii-i!'-^ LITERARY CHIT-CHAT. STUNNING POLITENESS. "IS THIS A LIBERY7' "YES." "THEN LET ME HAVE THE LAST NUMBER OF HEMILY FITZ HOSBORN." THE GREAT LINEN-DRAPERY NUISANCE. First Linendraiier. "WHAts the next article, sir?" V,ctim. -nothing MORE, THANK YOU." SeconcI Linen-draper. "WE'VE some sweet things in shawls, sir— quite new." Third Linen-draper, "allow me, sir, to tempt you WITH one of these BEAUTIFUL HANDKERCHIEFS." FOUrth Linen-draper "THESE dresses, sir," &c. Fifth Linen.draper. "here are ladies' aprons, sir, most BEAUTIFULLY WORKED, QUITE ELEGANT, VERY TASTY, AND FASHIONABLE," &C. [victim reso/ves iiei'er (o enter tlie iliop again. AN AMBITIOUS YOUTH. Old Gmtleman. "Now, Augustus; WHAT WOULD YOU LIKE TO BE?" AugUStt^S. "I KNOW WHAT I SHOULD LIKE— BUT YOU WOULDN'T LET ME." Old Gent, "what is it— a lawyer?" Aug. "NO; it AINT A LAWYER," Old Gl-t. "A SURQEON»" Aug. "NO." Old Gent. "A parson?" Aug. "NO." Old Gent. "A soldier?" Aug. "NO." Old Gent, -what, then? ■ Aug. "WHY— A clown at ASTLEVS." £73 1 — a N JoIdi Lccclis Piclurcs of Life and Character mi^:^:^^^:^ APPEARANCES ARE DECEPTIVE. Officer (loq). "well, my fine fzllow. so youve been in the regular army?— in the wars. too. i see— eh?" Stout Yeoman. " noa. colonel, i never wasnt in no wars; but my old sow gained a silver medal last county agricultural society, so THOT AS O'W I might WEAR U.M!" THE MOUSTACHE MOVEMENT. MASTER smith, AS HE APPEARED TRYING TO FORCE HIS MOUSTACHES FOR THE CROWNS' PARTY. 274 From the Collection of '"Mr. PiincJil' 1842— 1864. THE WEDDING-DAY-FIRST ANNIVERSARY. PRESENTS— BEAUTIFUL BOUQUET OF FLOWERS FROM COVENT GARDEN. AND SUCH A LOVELY BRACELET!" OXFORD COSTUME- First Swell. "Awful shirt i eh?" Second ditto. "YA'as, linens so deuced common now— i'm ooino to SPORT embroidered SILK." First Ditto. ■HAH! CHEESY IDEA TOO! BUT OUR GILLS WANT ELEVA- TING!" NOT THE FIRST TIME. ■1 BEG YOUR PARDON. MA'AM. BUT 1 THINK YOU DROPPED THIS." THE WEDDING-DAY— FOURTEENTH ANNIVERSARY. PRESENTS— BEAUTIFUL BUNDLE OF ASPARAGUS FROM COVENT GARDEN, AND THE NICEST DOUBLE PERAMBULATOR IN THE WORLD!! 275 J o/in Lccc/fs Pictures of Life and Characicr. OUR LAZY CONTRIBUTOR. ■■PLEASE, SIR. HERE'S THE PRINTER'S BOY CALLED AGAIN." ■' OH, BOTHER I SAY I'M BUSY." WHISKERANDOS. "THERE, MY BOY I IT ISN'T EVERYBODY WHO COULD DO THAT 1 A DAY'S PLEASURE. SKETCH OF A ■'LORD CF THE CREATION ON HIS RETURN FROM THE DERBY WHICH IS BEST? Matilda, "i wonder, maria, you dont put Augustus into jackets and TROWSERS ; REALLY HE GROWS TOO TALL FOR THAT KINO OF COSTUME." Maria, "perhaps, matilda, you will be kind enough to allow me to dress MY OWN child in MY OWN WAY. I AM MUCH OBLIGED TO YOU ALL THE SAME. / DON^T LIKE THE PRACTICE SOME PEOPLE HAVE OF DRESSING LITTLE BOYS LIKE LITTLE MEN!!' " --■^ I YACHTING. SPARE BED (berth, WE MEAn) ON BOARD OUR FRIEND'S S!~HOONER. 270 Fro lu tJi e Co I lee / io ;/ of ''Mr. Punehl^ 1 8 4 2 — 1 8 6 4. A VERY YOUNG MARINER. A YOUNG MARINER. AN ANCIENT MARINER. A GOOD SIZED FLOAT. Little Gent (with undue familiarity), "i say, my old cockywax,— i spose the fish aint very large off ramsoit- ARE THEY?" Fisherman. ■' well i i shouldnt say as they was werry small— when were obliged to use sich floats as THEM TO our fishin' tackle I MY YOUNG COCKYWAX!" (Sent is Shut up.; John Leccli s Picliu cs of Life and C Jiaracter. A CURIOUS PERSON. A SPORTING GENT PRACTISING FOR THE HUNTING SEASON. MICHAELMAS DAY. THE CHEAP TAILOR'S GOOSE PROVIDES HIMSELF WITH A SHOOTING JACKET AND VEST. ''MUSIC HATH CHARMS," &C. THE STAG AT BAY. 278 Fi'oni the Collection of ''Air. Punch',' 1842— 1864. C/.OS£ Of THE SEASON — THE LONDON FOOTMAN EXHAUSTED. BEGINNING FIRES FOR THE WINTER-SOMETHING WRONG WITH THE CHIMNEY. Sweep (loq.). "this chimle always was a bad un to smoke, sir; the party as lived here before you came had a deal of TROUBLE WITH IT." AN ASSOCIATION FOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF SCIENCE ON AN EXCURSION. 279 John J^eecJi s Pictures of Life and Clia meter CO CO Uj o a: a: c:> tt: o 380 a,&CTl'S L OF IFE AND HARACTER. vif ^;- — -;jj^^ — ^^ — ^^ — i/^^ — -:j7 * — -^^ — tS ^jf — ijsvi CAUTION DURING THE MISTLETOE SEASON. Pretty Cousin, "what a tiresome great awkward boy vou are !— just see HOW YOU HAVE SCRATCHED MY CHiNi" Cou"! Gentleman apologises amply NONE RUT THE BRAVE DESERVE THE FAIR. Augustus. "NOW, I'VE GOT YOU!" 8— P John Lceclis Picliwes of Life and Character. OBVIOUS. Olil Party from the Country (with much wheezing and embarrassment) "i-i-want to go to-to— to- Conductor (with alacrity). "ALL right, old boy! jump in.' i know— C>(7Tif SHOW!" ,^''.'llll!l' A PIG PEN AT A CATTLE SHOW. Hurriet. "THEN. I .qilPPOSF papa dear, that these are learned PIQS, AS THEY HAVE ALI COT COLD MEDALS?" From the Collection of ''Mr. Punchl^ 1842 — 1864. ^ o O a: 5 ° CO o o John LcecJi s Pictures of Life and CJiaracter. <^' COMPLIMENTS OF THE SEASON. Reynaiit the Fox. "Heres an old-fashioned Christmas, mv boys, for you, and many of THE SNOW. " NOW, YOU BOYS HAD BETTER BE QUIET, OR C SHALL CALL THE POLICE, AS SURE AS YOU'RE BORN." ^^Ti^ JUVENILE ETYMOLOGY. Master Jack. "Mamma, deabi now isnt this called kissmas time, because EVERYBODY KISSES EVERYUODY UNDER THE MISTLETOE? ADA SAYS IT ISNT." MISS AND MISTLETOE. Miss Gushington. "OH. oont you like Christmas time, mr. brown, and all ITS DEAR old CUSTOMS?' I DROWN doil't SCeil (O SOU it From the Collection of ''Mr. Ptuich^' 1842 — 1864. CHRISTMAS EVE. Ellen (who is so simple), "now. pray take care of yourself, franki what is it these dreadful garotters call 'Oivino one the hug?" [FRANK shows her presently. UNDER THE MISTLETOE. John Leecli s Pictures of Life and Character. a: 5 Q Q, a: cc o o From the Collection of ''Mr. Pttnchl' 1842— 1864. .^1 '/l MERHY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR!" A JUVENILE PARTY. GOOD CHEER. RICH OLD LADV IS OVERWHELMED WITH BARRELLED OYSTERS FROM DISTANT RELATIVES. John Leer/fs Piciurcs oj Life and Character \^h'^ ROOTI-TOOIT—rVE GOT CHER! A JOLLY OLD PATERFAMILIAS, WITH SOME AIR-BALLOONS FOR THE CHICKS. From the Collection of ''Mr. Punch" 1842— 1864. 8 -C John LeecJis Pictiires of Life and Characfci'. ^'^^^ -i^M VOLUNTEER MOVEMENT. THAT DISTINGUISHED RIFLE-SHOT. MR PUNCH. HAVING DOME HIS DUTY LIKE A MAN. THROWS HIMSELF UNDER THE MISTLETOE. AND RECEIVES HIS JUST REWARD. BROWN ENTERTAINS HIS FRIENDS Wl' A HAGGIS! From the Collection of ''Mr. Pzmch" 1842—1864. a. CO a: :!:|||!i|ili||l!!l||ii|i|i|!|!il|p 1 1 John LeccJis Picttwes of Life and Character. I i;^s^:5 GOOD-LOOKING ONE IN THE HOUSE' From the Collection of " Mr. PiLnchl' 1842 — 1864. HOy\E ENJOYMENTS. A DISCREET (l) FRIEND HAVING PRESENTED MASTER TOM WITH A TOOL-BOX AS A NEW YEAR'S GIFT— THE FURNITURE IS PUT INTO THOROUGH REPAIR HOME AMUSEMENTS. GRAND PEACE DEMONSTRATION IN OUR NURSERY 1 Jo Jul LeccJi s Pictures of Life and Character. AMATEUR PANTOMIME. A HAPPY NOTION. Delightful Boy. "OH! ill tell you what i-ll do! ill go and play my DRUM AT UNCLE FOOZLE'S DOOR!" ^'j, HOME FOR THE HOLIDAYS. Arthur (on Pony). " hollo i what have you got on your heads?" Jiivenito Smtl. -why. you see, every snob wears a cap or a wide-awake now! so the men of our school have returned to the old chimney-pot I " [^s Paterfamilias, we are sorry to say that we have observed this monstrosity many times this Christmas. 14 From the Collection of ''Mr. Pttnchl' 1842 — 1864. \n SOCIETY. Small Boy. "going to the pantomime, clara, this afternoon 7 ■ Clara. "A-NO-rw at home-and have a kettledrum at three o'clock! PATRONISING. "PRETTY SIGHT, AINT IT, CHARLEY, TO SEE THE YOUNGSTERS ENJOYING THEMSELVES?" 15 John LeecJis Picttircs of Life and C/iaractei'. ^il^'S-^^l •^ o a: 0= Q, i6 From the Collection of ''Mr. Punch" 1842 — 1864. THE JOLLY GAME OF SNOWBALLING, AS PLAYED IN OUR SQUARE. THE JUVENILE PARTY.— A GREAT LIBERTY. Juvenile. "MAMMA, dear: do you know that gentleman tickled me without being introduced •' 17 S— D John Leecli s Pictures of Life and Character. THE MORNING AFTER THE JUVENILE PARTY. AN ENVIOUS YOUTH. Papa. ■' WHY. TOM, I'M AFRAID YOU MUST HAVE EATEN TOO MUCH CAKE LAST NIGHT, YOU LOOK QUITE SEEDY THIS MORNING!" Little Sister, "oh, no, papa dear, it cant be that, he eat the THINGS OUT OF THE CRACKERS, BUT HE DIDN'T TOUCH THE SEED CAKE!" Sensitive Young Lady, "poor creatures! nothing but eating and sleeping! WHAT A DREADFUL EXISTENCE!" Stout Youth. "DREADFUL EXISTENCE !— OH, AH! I DARE SAY, WHY, THAT'S JUST THE VERY THING OF ALL OTHERS I SHOULD LIKE THE BEST!" THROWING STONES THROUGH ICE. A OELIOHTFUL RECREATION FOR YOUTH, WHICH COMBINES HEALTHFUL EXERCISE WITH THE LUXURY 0»- WINDOWURtAKINO, WITHOUT DANGER OH EXPENSE, URGENT. Street Boy. "i SAY, COOKY? they just are a-finin' of 'em ALL ROUND THE SKVARF— ^IVE US A SHILLIN' AND I'LL SWEEP YOUR DOOR AFORE THE PLEECEMAN COMES" 18 From tJie Collection of ''Mr. Ptuicky' 184.2— 1864. a: CO Uj UJ a: o 00 o Uj »9 John LeecJi s Pictures of Life and Character. THE CHAMPION. Ml' THE WEATHER IN THE PARKS. Skate Proprietor, now marm : ave a pair on?" From the Collection of ''Mr. Ptiuch,'' 1842— 1864. NEW CHRISTMAS GAME FOR FOX-HUNTERS DURING A LONG FROST. THE CRACKER BON-BON. Two little Stoopids {with one loicej. "i know i shall scream-im Sure i shall! John LeecJis Pictures of Lijc and Character A MAN OF SOME CONSEQUENCE. Elder Sister, "why. George ! not dressed i pray are you not going with the other children?" George. "Hm: i should rather fancy not -you don t catch me going out of an evening just to furnish people's rooms. WHERE / GO — THE WEATHER AND THE STREETS. bO) of the PerioU "Qo it, tommy i there s no perlice, and the old oents afraid to come outi" 38 From the Collection of ''Mr. P unchl' 1842— 1864. PATERFAMILIAS SUPERINTENDS IN PERSON THE REMOVAL OF THE SNOW FROM THE ROOF OF HIS HOUSE.- PLEASING EFFECT BELOW- 23 John Leeclis Pictures of Life and Character, WHAT A TERRIBLE TURK! "OH! HERES A JOLLY SNOWBALL. LETS TAKE AND PUT IT AGIN SOMEBODY'S DOOR'" PUTTING A GOOD FACE ON IT. OF ALL FOOLISH THINGS, THE MERE PUN IS PERHAPS THE MOST FOOLISH —NO'*. HERE'S A FELLOW (pROBABLY A MEMBER OF THE ST— CK EXCH — Ge) WHO. IN SPITE OF HIS REALLY PERILOUS CONOITIDN, SAYS, "THAT HE CAME OUT FOR A (w^HOLE HOLIDAY — AND HAS GOT IT!" FLUNKEIANA RUSTICA. Mistress. "NOW. I do hope. SAMUEL, you will make yourself tidy, get YOUR CLOTH LAID IN TIME— AND TAKE GREAT PAINS WITH YOUR WAITING AT TABLE!" Samuel (who has come recently out of a StrawyardJ. "YEZ, m'i but pleaz m', be oi TO wear MY BR'TEOHES?" IMPUDENCE. "NOW, LOBSTER I KEEP THE POT A-BILING! 24 From the Collection of ''Mi-. Pniich,^' 1842 — 1864. .~..^ THE NOSE-COMFORTER. Sensible Man (who despises conventionality). "hAh! the world may smile, but ITS very warm and comfortable.' 25 DELIGHTFUL PRIVILEGE DURING THE WINTER MONTHS. you may bathe in the serpentine from 6 UNTIL 7 IN THE MORNING. AND 7 UNTIL 8 IN THE EVENING. 8- E John LeecJis Pictures of Life and Character eo Q, Q tt: I 26 From the Collection of "'Mr. Punchl^ 1842— 1864. WOW DISAGREEABLE THE BOYS ARE. Boy. "MV EYE, TOMMY! THERE'S THE HELEPHANT FROM THE S'LOGICAL CARtJENS GOING A-SKATING!" HOW TROUBLESOME THE BOYS ARE. Jutenile. "i say, Harriet— do us a favour?" Pretty Cousin, "well, what is it?" Juvenile, "give us a lock of your hair to take back to school." WINTER IN THE SUBURBS. our dea.t O'-o paterfamilias takes his offspring to see the pantomime, unfortunately. "THE roads ' Cas the cabman says) cad and slippy," that he is obliged to walk with his darlings the greater part of the way home. IS so orribul John Leecli s Picliircs of Life aitd Character. THE FOG IS SO VERY THICK THAT FREDERICK AND CHARLES ARE OBLIGED TO SEE CLARA AND EMILY HOME. THE JUVENILE PARTY. Palerhmilias (to Youth wlio goes with his Pony well across countiy). "holloi huch, my uoyi dont you like dancing?" Youth. ■■A-NOI I DONT SCELM TO CARE FOR BALLS— FEW HI/HTIKO HIN 00 1 ! I " -S From the Collection of ''Mr. PitncJil' 1842— 1864. COLD WEATHER. Omnibus Driter. "Bill! jist break this ere icicle orf my nose with yer whip, that's a good feller i IT TAKES BOTH MY HANDS TO KEEP THESE 'OSSES ON THEIR LEGS." A VERY GREEN-EYED MONSTER! First Juvenile. ■■< wonder what can make helen holdfast polk with young ALBERT GRIG?" Sscond Ditto. " don't you know? why, to n.we me jealous i but she had better not GO TOO FAR ! " WHAT A SHAME! Grandpapa. " heyday! what makes my little darling so cross?" Little Darling, "why, grandpa, mamma wants me to go to a pantomime in thf. day-time, as if 1 was a mere child 1" 29 John LcecJis Pictures oj Life and Character. THE NEW STYLE. HOW YOUNG GENTLEMEN FROM SCHOOL GO TO SEE A PANTOMIME NOW-A-DAYS. UNDIGNIFIED REMINDER. Boy. "I SAY, JOHN, AINT YOUR MASTER A LOOKIN' FOR YOU, NEETHER ! FAIR AND EQUAL. Sister. 'NOT GIVE a ball, CHARLESI FIODLEI why NOT? I TELL YOU WHAT.-IF YOU WILL FIND THE ROOM, AND THE MUSIC, AND THE SLIPPER, AND THE CHAMPAGNE. AND THE ICES,— ILL FIND THE LADIES I COME NOW I " 30 From the Collection of ''Mr. PuncJC 1842— 1864. 5! a: o o I N o Q; u. 3' JoJm Leeclls Pictures of Life and Character ODIOUS TYRANNY. PATERFAMILIAS INSISTS THAT THE GIRLS SHALL WEAR VERY STOUT BOOTS IN THE WET WEATHER ; BUT THE GIRLS DONT AT ALL LIKE "THE NASTY. GREAT, UGLY, CLUMSY, THICK THINGS!" SERIOUS ACCIDENT DURING THE FROST. AS MAJOR AND CAPTAIN OF THE I3TH LIGHT POLKERS WERE SKATING WITH THE LOVELY AND ACCOMPLISHED EMILY D AND HARRIET V , THEIR FEELINGS SUDDENLY GAVE WAY ; THEY BROKE THE lOE, AND WE HEAR THEY HAVE NOT YET BEEN EXTRICATED FROM THEIR PERILOUS SITUATION- From the Collection of ''Mr. Punch" 1842— 1864. HOWE FOR THE HOLIDAYS. Paterfamilias, "well, boys! i dare say youre glad to get home: and how I you and the doctor agree I- Hariy. "OH! we like him very much." Paterfamilias. "HAH! and do you think you are making good progress?" Harrf. "OH! pretty good! i can lick three fellows! but FRED, here, can ;k six. COUHTINO Mf '" A BON-BON FROM A JUVENILE PARTY. First Juvenile, -thats a pretty girl talking to young Algernon bikks!" Second Juvenile, "hm -tol-lol ! you should have seen her some seasons AGO!" TOO BAD. Hude Boy. "AH! heres the pleece a-comin' : wont you catch it for sliding on the PAVEMENT I" 33 OLD MR. JONES AS HE APPEARED WHEN ASKED FOR THE TWENTIETH TIME IF HE WOULD HAVE HIS DOOR DONE. S— F John LeecJi s Pictures of Life and Character. THE THEATRE OF WAR. A PRIVATE BOX FOR ENGLAND'S DEAR BOYS ON FOREIGN SERVICE. A KINDLY OFFER. Skate Prtfirietor do Spectator with wooden lef). ••■ave a pair on. sir i-ax yer PAHDIN. SIR-DIONT TWIG YER MISFORTIN. I'VE A HODD UN YOU CAN 'AVE, SIR l" >^ DISTRESSING RESULT OF EATING TURKEY DAY AFTER DAY. THE POOR OLD PARTY HAS COME OUT ALL OVER FEATHERS. H From the Collecliou of ''Mr. Pttnch" 1842— 1864. GLORIOUS NEWS FOR THE BOYS. Billy Wilkins. "Hi! look here: come' such a lark: heres a perliceman fell on a slide: THE THAW AND THE STREETS! TOMKINS, WHO HAS JUST PAID HIS RATE FOR PAVING, CLEANSING, SiC, GOES FOR A WALK IN HIS IMMED ATE NEIGHBOURHOOD. HE IS, OF COURSE, MUCH GRATIFIED AT THE WAY IN WHICH THE CLEANSING PART OF THE BUSINESS IS MANAGED. 35 John Leech's PictiLres of Life and CJiaracter. «c DELICIOUS. Parly in Be:l. "HEY! hollo! whos that?" Domestic- "if you please, sir, its seven o'clock, siai your shower-bath IS QUITE ready. I'VE just BROKEN THE ICE, SIR!" SYMPTOMS OF MASQUERADING. Better-Half (loq )- "is this what you call sitting up with a sick FRIEND, MR. WILKINS 7 ■ THE NURSERY FOUR-IN-HAND CLUB. -THE FIRST MEET OF THE SEASON. Master Robert (loq.). "here, james, just stand by that bay filly.-she's rather fresh this morninoi" 36 From the Co /lection of ''Mr. Punchl' 1842 — 1864. THE OPERA. Door-Keeper. "Beg your pardon, sir— eut you must, indeed, sir, be in full drcss! Snob (excited), "full dress i! why, what do yer call this 7' THE DAY AFTER THE JUVENILE PARTY.— AWFUL APPEARANCE OF THE DOCTOR. IPI! INNOCENT MIRTH — THE SLIDE ON THE PAVEMENT. 37 John Leech's Pictures of Life and Character. 2 s u. a: 38 From the Collection of ''Mr. Punch" 1842 — 1864. ^=^»="''^LK^ ■«r u a -J a ft Q. V, ■^ c a: Uj S CT T 7 U4 < Or £ Uj :>. Ul a U.I Ui Q ft -' 39 Jo Jin LeecHs PicHires of Life and Character. =3 CC 40 From the Collection of ''Mr. Punch" 1842—1864. JVIR. BRiqq3'g PLEAPUFjEg Of fl3HIJ^Q. V - - ^, -^ r -5 -■ ' --'^■S^i^i^^-' ^JT-r, No. X. MR. B. AS HE APPEARED FROM SIX IN THE MORNING UNTIL THREE IN THE AFTERNOON. WHEN , ^M i^fefev/^.-^-^^ Xo. XI. HAVING HOOKED A • FISH,'' HE IS LANDED TO PLAY IT. THE FISH RUNS AWAY WITH HIM-AND MR. B. IS DRAGGED ABOUT A MILE AND A HALF OVER WHAT HE CONSIDERS A RATHER DIFFICULT COUNTRY. 41 9— G John Leec/is PicHires of Life and C haracter. >?5;^jV-f|v MODERAllOH. First Undergraduate. ■' hollo, charley ! ain t you going out to-day ? " Second Undergraduate (dritingi "why, no-not this morning you see I'M only a one-horse man, and as i have hunted him three times this WEEK, I THOUGHT I'D GIVE HIM A DAYS REST IN THE DOG-CART!' JONES TRIES HIS NEW HACK. WHICH IS AS QUIET AS A LAMB-JUST ABOUT! 42 From the Collection of ''Mr. PtmcK 1842— 1864. jVIR. BRiqqS'3 PLEA3UF{E3 Of flgHINQ. No. XII. ON ARRIVING AT "HELL'S HOLE," HE IS DETAINED FOR THREE-QUARTERS OF AN HOUR. WHILE THE FISH SULKS AT THE BOTTOM. No. XIII. THE FISH HAVING REFRESHED HIMSELF. AND RECOVERED HIS SPIRITS, BOLTS AOAIN WITH MR. B. 4T. John Leech's Pictures of Life and Character'- HO CONSEQUENCE. "I SAY. JACK! WHO'S THAT COME TO GRIEF IN THE DITCH?" "ONLY THE PARSON!" "OH, LEAVE HIM THERE , THEN ! HE WONT BE WANTED UNTIL NEXT SUNDAY I ■ THE REVIEW. "NOW, HARM, MERE'S A PLACE TO STAND ON, YER MAY SEE EVERY THINK; AND ONLY SIXPENCE I" 44 From the Collection of ''Mr. Pinick^' 1842 — 1864. JVIF{. Bl^lQQp'3 PLEA3URES Of fIgHINQ. No. XIV. AFTER A LONG AND EXCITING STRUGGLE, MR. B. IS ON THE POINT OF LANDING HIS PRIZE, WHEN— THE LINE UNFORTUNATELY BREAKS I rrfW No. XV. HOWEVER, IN MUCH LESS TIME THAN IT HAS TAKEN TO MAKE THIS IMPERFECT SKETCH— ACCOUTRED AS HE IS — HE PLUNGES IN— AND AFTER A DESPERATE ENCOUNTER, HE SECURES A MAGNIFICENT SALMON, FOR WHICH HE DECLARES HE WOULD NOT TAKE A GUINEA A POUND I— AND IT IS NOW STUFFED IN THE GLASS-CASE OVER THE ONE WHICH CONTAINS HIS LATE FAVOURITE SPOTTED HUNTER. John Leech's Pictures of Life and Character. AN APRIL FOOL. Equestrian, "here, boy i come and hold my horse,' Boy. "DOES HE KICK 7" Equestrian, "kick! not' Boy. "DOES HE BITE?" Equestrian. "Bitei noi catch hold of him." Boy. "DOES IT TAKE TWO TO HOLD HIM?" Equestrian. "NO." Boy. "THEN HOLD HIM YOURSELF," [Exit BOY. performing "Pop goes tlie Weasel." THE SEA-SIDE CIRCULATING LIBRARY. "ALL THE NEW WORKS ARE OUT, MISS. BUT HERES THE SECOND VOLUME OF THE 'SCOTTISH CHIEFS'-OR HERE'S 'CAMPBELL'S PHILOSOPHY OF RHETORIC,' IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO READ THAT." 40 From the ColU'ciicn of ''Mr. Pitnchl' 1842— 1864. DREADFUL JOKE. William. "THERE, AMY! WHAT DO YOU SAY TO THOSE FOR A PAIR OF MOUS- TACHES?" Amy. "WHY, I SHOULD SAY THAT CALLING THOSE MOUSTACHES WAS GIVING TO 'HAIRY NOTHINGS A LOCAL HABITATION AND A NAME.'" [For Shame, AMY 1 GOOD NEWS! REAL SENTIMENT. The Lady Emmeline. "no, dearest Constance, i am not unhappy, these are TEARS OF JOY ! FOR SEE HOW THE DEAR LORD AUBREY WRITES— fflearfs an at/fer- tisementj—' I have much pleasure in giving my testimony to the skill of Professor Puffenburg, who has extracted two very troublesome corns without causing me any pain.—De Belgrave.' dear, dear aubrey. then you are happy i" A CASE OF REAL DISTRESS. Foxhunter. " here's a bore, jacki the ground is half a foot thick with snow, and it'S freezing like mad!" BROAD CARICATURE. 47 John Leecli s Pictures of Life and Character. RATHER ALARMING. Lady, "you wished, sir. i believe, to see me respecting the state of my daughters affections. WITH A VIEW TO A MATRIMONIAL ALLIANCE WITH THAT YOUNG LADY IF YOU WILL WALK INTO THE LIBRARY. MY HUSBAND AND I WILL DISCUSS THE SUBJECT WITH YOU." Young Corydon. "OH, gracious M!" GOOD SECURITY. Boy. "PLEASE, SIR, QIVE ME A BROWN?" SmII. "SIXPENCE IS THE SMALLEST MONEY I HAVE. MY LITTLE LAD." Boy. "VEL, SIR, I'LL GET YER CHANGE; AND IF YER DOUBTS MY HONOUR HOLD MY BROOM!" r,^>-'-' UNCONSCIOUS SATIRE. Stout Party, "well, im sure' what can possess those skinny creatures to WEAR ROUND hats, I CANT THINK.— MAKING THEMSELVES SO CONSPICUOUS I " 48 h^j-oin the Collection of ''Mr. Punch," 1842— 1864. SCENE-PALAIS ROYAL. Garpo" (to London Gent). "Voila! m'sieu i le charivari— french punch, good MORNING SARE I OH. I SPEAK INGLEES VERRA WELL — I LIVE IN INGLEES COFFEE TRREE MUNSE. OH YAS- ALL RIGHT! NEVARE MIND!!" [Jumps over three chairs and vanishes to the great astonishment of tomkins. POOR MUGGINS! Smythe (to muggins, who, in the heat of the moment, has been drinking bis wine out of tumblers), "there, my boy ! that's such a glass of champagne as you DONT get every DAY— AND EET«IEEN YOU AND ME (very COCfident ally) BETWEEN — YOU-AND ME-l ONLY GAVE FOUR AND TWE/ITY SHILLIHCS A DOZEH FOK IT I " [Exit MUGGINS for an antidote. INCREDIBLE! Mrs. Muggins. "What! fourteen on ye sleep under that gig umbreller of a thing? get along with YER!" 49 9 — H John Lee c lis Pic hi res of Life and Characfer. "^■^ ^"~r~-"^'~" i'^'i^Z'^^^vv. \IEH'< FRIENDLY. Littis Gent. "MORnin' my losd:— glad to see you out again!— what i like about fox-unting is. that it improves the breed of 'orses— and BRINGS PEOPLE TOGETHER AS WOULDN'T OTHERWISE MEET]" _ ,^^^Jl*f THE ROAD. Part, m the Cart (to Tomkins, ntio is immensoly prouil of his SleeiD i beg your pardon, sir. but you dont 'appen ANOTHEI? CAMEL AS you WANT TO DISPOSE OF 7 " 5^ From the Collection of ''Mi'. Pjinch" 1842— 1864. LATEST FROM PARIS. Biautiful Being, "well, i must say, parker, that i.like the hair dressed A L'IMPi.lATRICE. IT SHOWS SO MUCH OF THE FACE." A MOMENTOUS DECISION. Augustus. "ARE YOU FOND OF MOUSTARSHERS, EMILY 7" Emily. "YES I I THINK THEY LOOK VERY WELL UPON SOME PEOPLE.'' Augustus. "AH I THEN THAT SETTLES THE POINT. I SHiLL LET MIHE CROW.' THE FINISHING TOUCH TO A PICTURE. Artist. "NOW, DON'T HESITATE TO SAY IF YOU SEE ANYTHING I CAN ALTER OR IMPROVE" Candid Friend. "HM! well! no i i dont see anything— unless, perhaps, you-a might REPAINT THE PRINCIPAL FIGURES, AND — I— YES— I SHOULD CERTAINLY GET A NEW BACKGROUND IN." FINE HAUr-BOYS! THIS JOLLY OLD PATER KNOWS WHAT A SMILING V/ELCOME AV.'AITS HIM WHEN HE BRINGS HIS TREASURES HOME. ;i John Lcccli s Pic hires of Life and C/uirac/cr. 4111^1^ ■r,,rf,len,x^:Q^ JACK ASHORE. Policeman, "hullo, jacx i i suppose youre not sorry to come on land FOR A BIT?" jKk fwho hasn't gil his s!)or3 legs yett. "well, it aint such a dao place FOR .\ day or two — only its so precious difficult to walk STRAIGHT!" ADDING INSULT TO INJURY. H^ AFFECTING INCIDENT AT BOULOGNE. Oyn FRIEND. ARRY CELVILLE, IS SO KNOCKED ALL OF A HEAP DY THE BEAUTY OF THE FOREIGN FISH OIRLS, THAT HE OFFERS HIS 'AND AND TO THE LOVELY PAULINE. 58 From the Collection of ''Mr, Pitnclil' 1842 — 1864. EXCITEMENT. "RUN, BILL— RUN AND BRING HISABELLER- HERES A CHIMNEY A-FI-ERll" ROMANCE OF A BOTTLE. Mr. Bounce, "i tell you what, old boy, finish THAT, AND YOU SHALL HAVE SOME OF MY PECULIAR OLD PORT. I'VE HAD IT IN BOTTLE MYSELF NINE YEARS." THIS IS THE PECULIAR OLD PORT. AN UNWELCOME VISITOR. THE DISTURBER OF THE PEACE OF PRIVATE FAMILIES, 53 John LeecJis J^iclures of Li/c and Character. THE MOUSTACHE MOVEMENT. Foot Boy, "WELL. SiR, MASTER HIS AT OME. BUT HE'S CONFINED TO HIS ROOM. HE'S A GROWIN' OF HIS MOOSTARSHERS. AND AIN'T ALLOWED TO SEE NOBODY BUT HIS AIRORESSER." QUITE AH EXQUISITE. Commerci.ll Gent. "th;s war. sir. will ce a terrible hindrance to all kinds of business i ' Swell. "AW— dessay! d lighted to hear it— a always had the cweatest aversion t' all kinds of BUSINESS" FLUNKEIANA. tariy's-«,i(f/. "WELL, i'm sure, mr. roderti i think you might find something better to do than lolloping about in that great easy CHAIR. YCU might go AND HELP IN THE HAY-FIELD. CNE WOULD THINK 1 ■ Flunkey. "Oh, yesi and a nce ficger ; should be ■ wot would missus say. pray, if i went and spyled my complexion, and made my 'AN03 "AKO 7 " 54 From tJie Collection of ''Mi-. Piinchl^ 1842 — 1864. PRIVATE OPINION. Lieutenant Wholible (who has lust been emliodied i. "HAHI this is somethino LIKEl INFINITELY BETTER THAN THE RIDICULOUS OLD COATEE!:" Mr Kiddliims A PRETTY GENERAL DELUSION. ■WELL, ELIZABETH — I HOPE WE SHALL HAVE A P.TZE BABY SHOW HERE— AND THEN — I FLATTER MYSELF — 'HAT MUST BE THE NEXT FASHION IN BONNETS. 55 John Lccclis Pictures of Life and Character Servant (rushing DOMESTIC BLISS. i„>_ ..OH! GRACIOUS GOODNESS, MASTER' THERE S THE KITCHEN CHIMLEY A-FIRE-AND TWO PARISH ING.NS KNOCKING AT THE STREET DOOR' " GOING TO A PARTY. Exquisite. "AW, drivaw— have you a good horse?'. C.iljman. .'YES. SIRI A werry good OSS" E'qulsite. "Awi then dra-ive me to next door.'. A MAN OF PRINCIPLE. WHEN coals are SO DEAR. IT BEHOVES EVERY FAMILY MAN TO SEE THAT HE GETS THE PROPER NUMBER OF SACKS FOR HIS MONEY. PATERFAMILIAS DOES HIS DUTY LIKE A MAN. ALTHOUGH THE COALS ARRIVZ JUCT AT H;S DINriER-TIMZ. AND THE WEATHZR IS RATHER INCLEMENT. 56 From the Collection of ''Mr. Punchl' 1842 — 1864. \H THE RANKS. MORE LIGHT. First Militiaman. "JiM, you bain't in step." Second Ditto, "baint i? well, change your'n." Irritated Swell. " Ring ? yes, of course i rung i how the deuce do you SUPPOSE I'M to do my BACK HAIR WITH ONLY ONE CANDLE?" FLY-FISHING. MR. HACKLE ARRIVES AT HIS FAVOURITE SPOT, WHERE HE KNOWS THERE IS A GOOD TROUT. 57 9—1 JoJin LeecJis Pictiires of Life and Character. WHAT A SHAME! Youn;^ L.tdy (inclining to embonpoint), "i shall want him again this afternoon— from two to four." EVERY LADY HER OWN BATHING-MACHINE, OR AN UGLY CONTRIVANCE MADE A USEFUL APPENDAGE. 58 From the Collection of ''Mr. Punch" 1842— 1864. SC£HE — DRAW\HQ-ROQU. Elllcr HORRID BOY. Horrid Soy (capering about). "OH, look here, captain i rvE found out what clara STUFFS HER HAIR OUT WITH. THEY'RE WHISKERS LIKE YOURS I" [Sensation. A LITTLE BIT OF SENTIMENT. A VERY PARTICULAR PARTY. Mr. "OH, HERE YOU ARE AT LASTI NOW YOU MUST COME AND DANCE THIS WALTZ WITH A FRIEND OF MINE— CHARMING GIRL, I ASSURE YOU I" Mr. (who prides himself upon his dancing), "hawi thank you-youre very good i_euT i never waltz with strange girls, i dont mind GIVING her a quadrille FIRST, JUST TO SEE HOW SHE MOVES I" 59 John Lccclis Pictures of Life and Character. CAMP LIFE — A BIT OF SENTIMENT. "WELL, PRANK I THIS DELIGHTFUL CAMP IS NEARLY OVER." •■HM, HAW I YA-ASI AND IF YOULL ALLOW ME, I'LL TAKE A LAST FOND LOOK, AND A— A -LEAN UPON MY WHAT D'YE CALL IT, AS THE SONO SAYS, AND A-WIPE AWAY A TE-AR]" ^- '^ fW^- "WHO WOULDN'T BE A RIDING-MASTER?" 60 Fi'om the Collectioji of ''Mr. Ptinch" 1842— 1864. A FRIENDLY MOUNT. Party (whose nerve is rtot what it used to be). "You are quite sure, charles, that he's temperate?" Charles. "OH, yesi come alonqi do you think i should let you ride him if he wasnt? why, you might kill the horsei" [Nervous Party is much Mattered by the consideration of Friend. SOMETHING LIKE SPORT. Jolly Angler, "hooray, tom i rvE got one-and, my woBdi didnt he pullI" 61 I A'J SLANG. "MY EYE, 'ARRY, THATS A STUNNING GREAT-COAT." "AH I I FLATTER MYSELF ITS BATHER 'DOWN THE ROAD.' John LeecJi s Pictures of Life and CJiaracfer. THE HORRORS OF WAR. First Newmarket Boy. "awful work this, bill, were a coin- to war with roosia!" Second Ditto, "well, wot odds?" first Ditto. "WOT ODDS? WHY, THERE WONT BE NO HEMPERORS CUP NEXT YEAR, THATS ALL! \, ^MH/.'i THE NEW CAB REGULATION. SHOWINQ THE SHFTS TO WHICH THE POOR CAUMAN IS REDUCED, NOW THAT HE IS NOT PiHMITrED VO LEAVE Hlo SEAT WHILST ON DUTV. Frojii the Collection of ''Mr. Ptinchl' 1842 — 1864. llfE IN LONDON. Isabella, "well. aunt, and how d;d you like London? i suppose you were very gay?" Aunt (who inclines to embonpoint). "OH yes. love, gay enough i we went to the top O' the monument 0' MONDAY— and TO THE TOP O' ST. PAULS O' TUESDAY— AND TO THE TOP O' THE DOOK C YORK'S COLUMN O' WEDNESDAY— BUT I THINK ALTOGETHER I LIKE THE QUIET OF THE COUNTRY." TERRIBLE PROPOSITION. Ferocious Hairdresser, "now. sir. shall i take the pints off THE whiskers?" S?2. BUSINESS-LIKE. "I SAY. CHARLEY. DONT YOU THINK YOU HAD BETTER GO BACK TO YOUR CUSTOMER?" incipient Wine Merchant. "NOT yet. always gone a quarter of an hour for the VERY old PORT-FURTHER END OF THE CELLAR I CELLAR'S VERY EXTENSIVE! GREAT CARE NECESSARY FOR FEAR OF DISTURBING THE CRUST, YOU KNOW-ET C/ETERA— TWIG?" PRIDE FEELS NO PAIN. Arabella. "Ohi dOnt be ridiculous. Frederick, it isnt the shoe, for THAT'S A GREAT DEAL TOO LARGE." 63 J oJin Leech' s Pictures of Life and Character. DISCRETION. Gentleman from Town (In-;.), "oh. if this is one of the little places Charley spoke of, i shall go back" A ||H|'^:[ll ^^'^^x THE FLY-CATCHER. THE BEARD MOVEMENT. DISMAY OF A nniTISH SWELL ON SEEINQ A POSTMAN WITH MOUSTACHES. 64 From the Collection of ''Mr. Punchl^ 1842— 1864. VJEIL OUT OF IT. "THAT'S A DEUCED GOOD HORSE TO 00. DRIVER WHATS HIS FAULT THAT HE COMES IN A CAB?" "WELL, SIR, I DON'T KNOW OF ANY FAULT IN PERTICKLER, CEPT THAT WHEN HE BEGINS TO KICK, HE 00 KICK LIKE BLAZES." THE POLICE WEAR BEARDS AND MOUSTACH ES.-PAN IC AMONGST THE STREET-BOYS. 65 9— K John Leecli s Pictures of Life and Character. SER'ANTGALISM. Mistress. "WHy, nurse— what a terrible disturbance!— pray, what is the matter?" Nurse (addicted to Pen and Ink), "oh, mum, its dreadful!— here's neether me nor mary cant answer none of our letters for the racket i" THE NEW COOK. Missis. "WHY, MY goodness, COOK I WHAT HAVE YOU DEEN AUOUT 7 FIVE O'CLOCK. AND THAT HARE NOT PUT DOWN YET I" Artiste. "'CANT help it, MARM. l never knew ANYTHINK take SUCH A TIME TO PLUCK IN MY LIFEl" NE PLUS(H) ULTRA. John Thomas, "i tell you what, William— the press must oe put downi they've BIN and got the SOLDIERS' UNlF'jRM ALTERED, AND I SHOULDN'T WONDER IF THEY CALLED OURS RIOIKLUS NEXTl" 66 From the Collection of ''Mr. Ptmch" 1842 — 1864. A DELICATE COMPLIMENT. First Whip (who is a little ruffled because the Fox won't break), -now, then, S)R! out O' the way, unless youll get into the cover. MAYHAP YOUR UGLY MUG MIGHT FRIGHTEN HIM OUT. COME UP, "OSS!" AN INCIDENT WITH THE 0. P. Q. HOUNDS. MISS DIANA SLIPS OFF AT A FENCE, AND IS 60 UNFORTUNATE AS TO LEAV£ THE BETTER HALF OF MER HABIT ON THE POMMELS OF HER SADDLE. 67 John Leeclis Pictures of Life and Character. GREAT BOON TO THE PUBLIC. Incipient Swell (in costume of the period j. "WELL! ta-ta, ousi i shall JUST GO AND SHOW MYSELF IN THE PARK." THE RIGHT MEN IN THE RIGHT PLACE; VIZ., A CLUB WINDOW. Old General Muddle. "WHAT i say, is— is— eh? what? by jovei what the dooce should CIVILIANS KNOW ABOUT— EH ? WHAT— AHEM I— MILITARY AFFAIRS I AFFAIRS! EH 7" Colonel Splutter. "HAH! the press, sir! by JOVE, the press is THE CURSE OF THE COUNTRY, AND WILL BE THE RUIN OF THE ARMY! BY JOVE, I'D HANG ALL LITTERY MEN— HANG 'EM, SIR I" ! I IN THE PARK. THE POOR FLY-DRIVERS ARE UP SO LATE AT NIGHTS, THAT THEY ARE GLAD TO GET A NAP WHEN THEY CAN. THIS IS NOT TO BE WONDERED AT, BUT IT IS NOT LIKELY TO ADO TO THE REPOSE EITHER OF OLD MRS, DUMBLEOORE OR OF OLD MRS BLOWHARD. WHO ARE OUT FOR AN AIRING. 68 From the Collection of ''Mr. Punchl' 1842 — 1864. "1ir C3 CO =3 CO UJ a: a: uj a: a: 69 John LeecJi s Pictures of Life and Character. SOMETHING THE MATTER WITH THE KITCHEN BOILER. lAllectionately dedicated to paterfamilias, whoever lie might be.) FORTUNE-TELLING.— A SCENE OF DOMESTIC INTEREST. 70 From the Collection of ''Mr. Ptinclil^ 1842 — 1864. JVII^. TOjVI J^ODDY'3 flF^gT DAY WITH THE H0UJ^D3. No. I. Groom. •• you'll find the mare in rare fettle, sir. SHE'S UNCOMMON FRESH TO BE SURE!" No. II. SO FRESH THAT SHE WON'T LET T. N. MOUNT FOR EV^R SO LONG, AND WHEN SHE DOES '■r ''^. No. 1\-. No. III. ALLOW HIM, PUTS UP HER BACK IN THE MOST OMINOUS MANNER. SHE SHIES AT A WHEELBARROW— A THING SHE NEVER DID BEFORE. (t. N. DROPS HIS WHIP ) AFTER SOME No. V. TROUBLE IN OPENING A GATE. No. VI. (t. N. DROPS HIS WHIP AGAIN. BY-THE-BY.) No. VII. HE GETS UPON A NICE PIECE OF TURF. No. VIII. THE MARE ENJOYS HERSELF AMAZINGLY. 71 John LcecJis Pictures of Life and~ Character. o.m ^^\k NT I ik U -^-ir,l } ^MJliiiMllAliLi ^ CERTAINLY NOT. Shoe Brigade Boy (to old Cent irascible from gout, which has settled in his feet). ■■NOW. SIR! DID YOU WANT YOUR SHOES BLACKED •?'■ I THE MOUSTACHE MOVEMENT. Fredertct<. ■now then, william, what are yer waiting for?^' William, ■why, i was a-thinkin' vether i should wear my moostarchers like this here or like that hare." PLEASANT QUARTERS. A younq officer in the militia learninq the manual exercise over your head I 73 From the Collection of ''Mr. Pane hi' 1842— 1864. JvlF^. TOM NODDY'g FIRgT DAY WITH THE HOUNDg. No. IX. ARRIVED AT THE MEET, LITTLE TOM NODDY THINKS HE WILL HAVE A QUIET WEED ; BUT AT THIS MOMENT No. X. THE HOUNDS MOVE FOR THE COVER, AND THE MARE OF PLAY AGAIN. BECOMES FULL No, XI. HAVING PICKED HIMSELF UP. TOGETHER WITH HIS WHIP AND CIGAR, T. N. JOGS ON WITH THE REST OF THE FIELD. AS THEY PASS BY SOME TURNIPS. TO THE DELIGHT OF EVERYBODY, A FOX GETS UP. THE MARE, WHO HAD BECOME ALMOST STEADY, IS AGAIN EXCITED, AND RUSHES WILDLY A-HEAD, AMIDST THE EXECRATIONS OF THE HUNT, AND LOUD CRIES OF HOLD HARD!' WHICH T, N. MISTAKES FOR ANXIETY ON HIS ACCOUNT; AND GRASPING THE POMMEL OF HIS SADDLE WITH BOTH HANDS, ABANDONS HIMSELF TO CIRCUMSTANCES, WHICH, CON- SIDERING THERE IS A FLIGHT OF HURDLES BEFORE HIM, ARE NOT VERY FAVOURABLE. 73 9— L John LeecJi s PicUircs of Life and Character. AGRICULTURAL DISTRESS. Young Farmer'No 1. "well, Charley— have you had much shooting lately?" Young Farmer No. 2. "why, no, what with hunting two days a week and coursing two days, i dont get much time to GO out with a gun." -r - . • - 74 From the Collection of ''Mr. Punchl' 1842— 1864. ]K^. TOjVl NODDY'3 FIF^gT DAY WITH THE HOUNDg. Nu. XII. FORTUNATELY FOR TOM NODDY, HOWEVER, THE MARE SWERVES AT THE HURDLES, AND WITH THE EXCEPTION OF DROPPING HIS WHIP AGAIN, HE MEETS WITH NO GREAT INCONVENIENCE ii^^^s^NwM-HV>v^ Xo. XIII, GUT COMING TO THE FIRST FENCE, THE PLAYFUL CREATURE GOES AT IT LIKE A SHOT OUT OF A GUN; No. XIV. AND T. N. FINDS THAT THERE 13 STILL A GOOD DEAL OF SNOW IN SOME OF THE DITCHES. XS John LeecJis Pictures of Life a/ici Charactei^ VALENTINE'S DAY. VAMBrEN\/\l\S't/V\iJ) f 'i;»M,\i|i III', M — OHS TBR THIJ 'ERRinc '■- THE REAL STREET OBSTRUCTIONS. 76 From the Collection of ''Mr. PiLuchl' 1842— 1864. JVIR. TOJVI |M0DDY'3 flP\3T DAY WITH THE H0Uf>JD3. No. XV. THE MARE EXTRICATES HERSELF FROM THE DIFFICULTY SOONER THAN OUR LITTLE FRIEND, AND GETTING AWAY FROM HIM, TAKES A LINE OF HER OWN. N.J. X\I. T. N. FINDS RUNNING AFTER HIS QUADRUPED VERY LABORIOUS. HE RESTS HIMSELF ON A STILE, AND HAS ANOTHER QUIET WEED.; l\0. XVII. THIS REPRESENTS THE PRECISE MOMENT WHEN TOM NODDY, AFTER MUCH EXERCISE, MEETS A SIMPLE COUNTRYMAN RETURNING WITH THE MARE. THE SIMPLE COUNTRYMAN IS ASSURING T. N. THAT HE HAD A DEAL OF TROUBLE TO CATCH HER, AND THEN IT WUR TWENTY MINUTES AFORE HE COULD MAKE HER LEAVE THE 'OUNDS— .AND THEN ONLY ACAUSE SHE WUR QUITE ' SLOWED."— C-S. ''''« s/mpte countryman hopes T. N. will remember him.) 'i7 JoJuL Leech's Piclurcs of Life and Character. "^■Nv,^ Vh,-^ ^^^r ^^'-^^^ ^^ IHi ICE HARVEST. THE REAL USE OF THE BEAR-SKIN CAP- A HINT TO THE GUARDS. THE FROZEN-OUT FOX-HUNTER. SPORTINQ MILITAIHE RECALLS TO MIND HIS CANADIAN EXPERIENCES (THE GROUND BEING DEEP WITH SNOW'. BUILDS A THEBOGGIN. AND FOR THE MOMIMT CEASES TO SWEAR AT THE FROST, OR TO REGRET THE SIX HUNTERS HE HAS EATING THEIR HEADS OFF IN THE STABLE. 78 From the Col lection of ''Mr. Pu7ich" 1842— 1864. ONE WAY OF LOOKING Al IT. First Dandy MP. " pwowogation to be late this year, on account of some colonial bills, i hear ■■ Second D.tto. -bother the colonies! havent we done enough for 'em this year?-didnt west Australian win the derby?" A VERY OLD FRIEND. OUR 'USED UP" MAN HAS A FEW "USED UP' FRIENDS TO BREAKFAST; AFTER WHICH THEY DERIVE A LITTLE REAL ENJOYMENT FROM A DRAMATIC ENTERTAINMENT 79 John LeecJis Pictures of Life aiid Character. 80 Fi'om the Collection of ''Mr. Ptuich" 1842 — 1864. THE SUPERIOR ANIMAL. Party (who of course dossn't think himself good-looking), "really, clara, i cant think how you can make a pet of such an ugly erute AS an isle of skye terrier I" THOSE BOYS AGAIN! Street Boy (in playful allusion to the basket carriage). "OH, look here, bill! if 'ere aint a swell driving hisself home from the WASH!" 81 10— M John LeecJi s Pictures of Life and Character, MARRIED FOR MONEY.— THE HONEYMOON. "NOW. THEN, DARLING, PUT AWAY YOUR PAPER, AND WE'LL HAVE A NICE LONG WALK, AND THEN COME BACK TO TEA IN OUR OWN LITTLE COTTAGE, AND BE AS HAPPY AS TWO LITTLE BIRDS I" SAID THE FAIR BRIDE— "OH, HANG IT!" MENTALLY EJACULATED THE CAPTAIN. COOL REQUEST. . • Ucly Crinoline, •■you wont mind riding on the box, edward dear, will you?— im afraid, if we both go inside the brougham, my new DRESS WILL GET SO RUMPLED I" 82 From the Collection of ''Mr. Punch" 1842 — 1864. A NICE OFFER. Cousin (who is a /ee(/e fast). "MORnin', charlesi now then, if you will pop on your hats, and wrap yourselves up warm, i'ul take YOU AND your friend OUT FOR A DRIVE I" INFRA DIG. EFFECT OF THE CAB'STRIKE— GOING TO THE OPERA IN A WHEEL-BARROW. UNABASHED. Emily. "WHY, MY GOODNESS, FRANK! WHAT A DREADFUL BLACK EYE YOU HAVE! YOU ARE QUITE DISFIGURED!" FrSnIf. " HM, HAH! THAT'S VERY DISAGREEABLE, NOW; I WAS IN HOPES NO ONE WOULD HAVE PERCEIVED IT!" (frank has been so unfortunate as to catch a cold in his eye from 'sitting in a draught at Exeter Hall— so he SAYS. 83 John LeccJi s Pictures of Life and Character. AN INCIDENT OF TRAVEL. AS THE TRAIN STOPS, MR, P. ENDEAVOURS TO GET SOME STOUT FOR HIS WIFE, WHO FROM CIRCUMSTANCES, IS OBLIGED TO DRINK THAT REFRESHINQ BEVERAGE FOUR OR FIVE TIMES A-DAY. UNFORTUNATELY MR, P. CANNOT FIND HIS CARRIAGE, AND. AS THE TRAIN IS RATHER BEHIND TIME, THE OFFICIALS ARE IN SOME HURRY AND CONFUSION. LET US HAVE JAPANESE MANNERS AND CUSTOMS HERE. "THE TDAVELLER, WEARIED WITH THE NOONDAY HEAT. NEED NEVER BE AT A LOSS TO FIND REST AND REFRESHMENT; STRETCHED UPON THE SOFTEST AND CLEANEST OF MATTING. IMUIUINQ THE MOST DELICATELY FLAVOURED TEA. INHALING THE FRAGRANT TOBACCO OF JAPAN. HE RESIGNS HIMSELF TO THE MINISTRATIONS OF A BEVY OF FAIR DAMSELS, WHO GLIDE RAPIDLY AND NOISELESSLY ABOUT, THE MOST ZEALOUS AND SKILFUL OF ATTENDANTS."-r/M£S. 84 From the Colleclion of ''Mr. PtLiichl' 1842—1864. fi. DELICATE CREATURE. Youthful Swell, "now Charley— you re just in time for breakfast- have a CUP OF coffee?" Languid Swell (probably in a Government Office;. " thanks! noi i assure yah- MY DE-AR -FELLAH I IF I WAS TO TAKE A CUP OF COFFEE IN THE MORNING, IT WOULD KEEP ME AWAKE ALL DAY!" RECREATIONS IN NATURAL HISTORY. First Naturalist, "what! the s-s-he-sher-?ent a-an (hic) ich-(hic->thyosaurus? NONSHE-ENSEI" Second Naturalist, "who said ich-(hic) ichthy-o-saurus? i said a (hic) plesi- o-(hic)-saurus plainenuff." VERY CONSIDERATE. Steward, will either of vou, gentlemen, dine cn board? there s a capital hot dinner at three o'clock," 85 John Leeclis Pictures of Life and Chai^acter. PERFECTLY DWEADFUL! Guard, "now, smi if youre going on by the express, here's just room for onei" Tourist. "WHA-Tl GET IN WITH HAWWID OLD WOMEN, AND SQUEEMING CHILDREN I BY JOVE I YOU KNOW! I 3AY I IT'S IMPAWSIBLE, YOU SCENE— A CLUB. Swell. "HAW I IS THERE ANYTHING WEADY FOR DINNAW7" Waiter. "SHOULDER OF MUTTON JUST READY, SIR ! '• Swell. ' HAW— SHOULDAW OF MUTTOM- -AW— WHAT A VEWY ODD THING FOR DINNAW I— THOUGHT THEY ONLY MADE GLUE OF SHOULDAW OF MUTTON I" 86 From the Collection of ''Mr. Pttnchl' 1842 — 1864. /HJiML Boy Cm allusion to brown, who thinks he is well got up), "oh! look here, billy, THEY'VE GOT A DINNER PARTY AT THIS 'OUSE— AND IF 'ERE AIN'T THE COVE WHAT'S A-GOINO TO WAIT." BENEFIT OF CLERGY. Binks Minor (loq.). "AH! you cant thifik how a fella saves. INTO THE CHURCH. I USED TO GIVE SNOBBINS THREE GUINEAS FOR NOW I GET THEM MADE FOR TWO POUND TWELVE," Binks, Major. "BY JOVE.'" WHEN HE GOES MY BOOTS, AND A BARE ASSERTION. Fred. " how do you like the alteration, blanche?" Blanche, "what alteration, dear?" Fred, "why, hang it i— haven't i cut off my beard and moustaches?" MR. PUNCH AT HOME. John LeecJi s Pictures of Life and Character. THE FRUGAL MARRIAGE QUESTION. Jones (of the Dandolion Club), "dooced jolly, i should say, to marry on £300 a-year! think a see myself wocking a cwadle, and fetchino HOME THE MUTTON FROM THE BAKER!" [Orders Glass of Dry Cu/'afoa. (' 0^ Kojb/ufe / 1 FAINT ATTEMPT TO CARRY OUT JONES'S IDEA. ^ From tlie Collection 0/ ''Air. Punchy' 1842 — 1864. ~^"t^:=^-"-'-#-^ KM. WiSr% IHO&E HORRID BOYS Precise Female (in answer to a rude inquiry), "vou are a very impertinent boy! —YOU KNOW perfectly WELL THAT IT IS A MATTER OF NO MOMENT TO YOU WHO MY HATTER ISl" VAGARIES OF FASHION. CItarles. "figure, indeed! whats a fellow to do ? a man must wear some- thing. HATS AND GOATS ARE OUT OF THE QUESTION— THEY ARE REALLY SO VERY effeminate." NOT A QUESTION OF WEATHER. when it is very FOGGY IN LONDON. IT IS DELIGHTFUL AT BRIGHTON-AT LEAST SO CHARLES AND GEORGINA THINK. 89 10— N John Lcccli s Pictures of Life and CJiaracter. IS SMOKING INJURIOUS? Youthful Sxell. "haw! look here i is that chest of cigars you imported for me ripe yet?" Cigar Dealer. "WELL, sir— i fear not— that is, not ripe for your taste, sir, for at least three weeks; but we can spare you a couple OF thousand of these giant regalias to go on with till the weather is milder, when your cigars will mellow rapidly I" [Youth accepts the generous offer, and lounges out with a Giant Regalia as b/j as his leg in his mouth. THE SHUTTLE-COCK NUISANCE. Littia Cirl. "OH, i beg youb pardon sir i— it v/as the wind as done iti" 90 From the Collection of "'Mr. Punch" 1842— 1864. PRUDENT RESOLVE. Little Party. "GO and walk in hyde park? oh, ah!— i dessay i and get pelted FOR A HARISTO0RAT7— NO THANK E— NOT IF I KNOW IT." ^mM^t A PLEASING BELIEF. Whipper. 'WELL, i wear mine because it saves trouble, and is so very 'EALTHY." Snapper. "HAH, well there aint no humbug about me ; i wear mine because THEY LOOKS 'ANSOM, AND GOES DOWN WITH THE GALS. ' -^.^^ RAILWAY COLLUSION-A HINT TO STATION-MASTERS. Porter. "Now, then, billi are you off?" Cab Ruffian. "NO; what sort of fare is it?" Porter, -single gent, with small bag." Ruffian. "OH, he wont doi cant yeh find us a old lady and two little gals with lots o' boxes? i'M good for a pinti" 91 John Lecclis Pictures of Life and Character DISAGREEABLE TRUTH. Soldier, •■now, then i you must move away from here; Rude Boy. "AH, but rou musnt, old feller !■• OLD BROOM.— RETIRING FROM BUSINESS. New Broom, "poor jack, yer honor?" Old Broom, "leave them coves alone, tim ; THEY'RE two swells what always CROSSES in a 'ANSOM— 'CAUSE 0' THEIR BOOTS I " INCIDENT IN A FRENCH REVOLUTION. Omnibus Driver. "THIS IS ORRiBLE vurk in paris, sir. vy, thev ■£LL me THEY'VE BIN AND BURNT ALL THE BUSSES 1" ANOTHER RAILWAY MISERY. NOW. WE DO HOPE THIS 01 GENTLEMAN IS NOT GOING TO DE ASKED TO SHOW HIS TICKET ; BECAUSE THIS OLD GENTLEMAN HAS JUST PACKED HIMSELF UP QUITE COMFORTABLY, AND HIS TICKET IS IN THE VERY INNERMOST RECESS OF HIS WAISTCOAT POCKET ; AND BECAUSE, YOU SEE, THIS IS JUST THE SORT OF OLD GENTLEMAN WHO 13 LIKELY TO BE MUCH IRRITATED BY SUCH A REQUEST AT SUCH A TIME. 92 From the Co/lection of ''Mr. Pitnchl' 1842 — 1864. DWEADFUL ACCIDENT IN HIGH LIFE. THE HONOURABLE SPENCER DAWDLE (WHOSE TOTAL ABSENCE OF MIND IS SO WELL KNOWN) HAVING MADE A MORNING CALL IN BELGRAVIA, WALKS OFF WITH A HAT AND STICK WHICH DO NOT BELONG TO HIM ! THE NEW REGULATION. Lieutenant Blazer (of the Plunders). "Good gwacious i here's a horwible go ! infantwy'S GOING TO GWOW A MOUSTACHE ' ■ Cornel Fluffey. "yaw dont mean thati well! there's only one alternative for us. WE must SHAVE!" A PICTURE OF ALIMENTIVENESS. A NICE LITTLE BIT OF FISH, 93 John Lceck's Pictures of Life and Cfiaj'acter. WHERE THERE'S A WILL, THERE'S A WAY. Foxhunting Doctor. " not be in time: oh, nonsense: send my horse on.— see my patients early,— dress in the brougham,— there i ami (and we hope he m.iy have a good rum. ' ' We have been obhged to take the side of the carriage out, which perhaps the kind reader wit! excuse PATIENCE REWARDED. PiSCatOr. -A-HAHI POT YOU AT LAST, HAVE I ?-AND A FINE WEEKS TROUBLE I'VE HAD TO CATCH YOU 1 " 94 From the Collection of ''Mr. PuncJil' 1842 — 1864. S£/?i'/1W7G/l/./SM.— No. X. %mni Gal. "i tell you what, cook, with my beauty and figger, i aint a COIN* to stop in SARVICE no LONGER; I SHALL BE ORF TO HORSETRAYLIER." JOHN THOMAS NON-PLUSHED. Tax Collector. "JOHN thomas mooncalf?" John Thomas, "—esquire, thats mei- Tax Collector, "then be so good as to fill up this income-tax paper and return it to me before twenty DAYS!" EDUCATION IN THE MINING DISTRICTS. Jemoimer. "bist thou a goin' to skule, eloyza?" Eloyza. "NOT hi, jemoimer. they GID us tea and buns LARST week, AND WE SHA'T HAN NO *OORE TILL CUM CRISMUS i SO MUTHER SAYS A3 HOW IT AINT NO USE." UNCONSCIOUS SATIRE. "THERE, BABY DEAR, LOOK AT THE PRETTY SOLDIERS 1" 95 John Leech s Pictures 0/ Life and Chara cter. AVERAGE WEIGHT OF THE FOOT GUARDS. Heavy Swell, "whats the average weight of the men in your regiment, charley?" Swell in the Guards, ■■dont know, im sure— aw— but ten go to the ton." THE CONFIDENCE OF YOUTH. Juvenile, "i wonder whether that gurl has got any tin— for i feel most OWDACIOUSLY INCLINED TO GO AND CUT THAT FELLOW OUT.' J i: -^^.IJ .JIM ' '■mil':t;- A VISIT TO A DOG-FANCIER. 56 From the Collection of ''Mr. Punclil' 1842— 1864. TRIUMPH OF MIND OVER MATTER. Old Gent, "and pray who is your friend with the coffee pot?" Small Boy. "that? oh i he'S my fag-he gets we my breakfast and such like, but I ALWAYS LEAVE H.M SOME CRUMPETS— AND H£\/Cfl BULLY HIM!" WHAT, INDEED? Stern Parient. "I tell you, sir. i will not allow it— and dont let me see ANY more nasty PIPES OR TOBACCO IN THIS HOUSE." Young Williams. "Boo-hoo— and v/hats a fellow to do when all the men OF his own age smoke?" DID YOU EVER! Friend, "well, sprat, my boy-and how do you get on. now youre married?" Sprat. "H'M! pretty bobbish— but theres one thing makes it doocid uncomfortable some TimeS-ENTRE nous— MRS, s. IS SO CONFOUMDEDLY JEALOUS OF M£. " MORAL INFLUENCE OF EXECUTIONS. ■where 'AVE WE BN? WHY. TO SEE THE COVE 'UNG. TO EE SUREI' 97 10 — o John Leecli s Pict^tres of Life and Character. ADVENTURES Of jVIF^. TOjVI NODDY. No. I. OUR LITTLE FR'END, TOM NODDY, THINKS THE SEA WATER WILL DO HIS MARES LEGS A WORLD OF GCOn No. II. THE PLAYFUL CREATURE OBJECTS AT FIRST, BUT FINDING THE PROCESS AGREEABLE DETERMINES TO HAVE A COMPLETE DATH. 98 From the Collection of ''Mr. Punch" 1842—1864. ADVEJNfTUPvEg Of JVIR. TOM J^ODDY. ryjja. No. III. LANDING OF TOM NODDY. HIS HORSE HAVING HAD ENOUGH OF IT, RETURNS TO HIS STABLE. DOMESTIC ECONOMY. Newly Married Cwghter (whose husband's income is. if anything, decidedly limited), "—and see here, papa, dear, we are getting on so beautifully WITH OUn FURNISHING! WE BOUGHT THESE LOVELY GOLD AND SILVER INDIAN ELEPHANTS AT A SALE THE OTHER DAY, AND ONLY GAVE FIFTY POUNDS FOR THIM ; WASN'T IT CHEAP? WE ONLY WANT A LITTLE C,=!AC:4 From the Collection of ''Mr. Punck^' 1842— 1864. THE BFJITIgH fORCE? AJ^D THE CI^IjVlEAJ^ WAI^. NOTHIHG LIKE FORETHOUGHT. ipUin (to Brother Officer), "what am i about? ill tell you. old boy. theres no knowinu \J MAY HAPPEN, SO I AM LEARNING THE NOBLE ART OF MAKING OMELETTES, IN CASE ANY- ^G SHOULD HAPPEN TO OUR CHEFl' NO! DON'T. '■so THEY ARE SENDING OUT BOOKS TO AMUSE THE POOR FELLOWS AT SCUTARI-AND VERY PROPER, 1 WILL EZKD FIVE-AND-TWENTY COPIES CF MY LAST FIVE-ACT TRAGEDY OF THE ROMAN GRANDMOTHER." ENTHUSIASM. Inflamed Ulilitii Man. "talk o' th' rooshansi there i danq'd if i wouldnt mow EM DOWN FOR A SHILLIN' AN ACRE!" ON DOMESTIC SERVICE. Recrunmg Sergeant. "OOME, take the shilling like a man; and have a turn AT THE RUSSIANS IN THE CRIMEA." Pan^pered Menial. "A-thank you, . oont seem to see it. th. fact is-™t -A-THE WORK IS -ARD; AND-A-THE BOARD IS BAD." 115 John Leccli s Pictures of Life and Character. THE BRITISH fORCES AJND THE CRI/vlEAr^ WAFJ. A LITTLE DINNER AT THE CRIMEA CLUB. EVENING PARTY AT SEBASTOPOL. ii6 From the Collection of ''Mr. Punchl' 1842 — 1864. THE BFjITISH fOF^CES A)^D THE CF^IJVIEAN WAR. -<. PATIENT HEROES. "WELL. JACK! HERE'S GOOD NEWS FROM HOME. WERE TO HAVE A MEDAL." •THAT'S VERY KIND. MAYBE ONE OF THESE DAYS WE'LL HAVE A COAT TO STK HOW JACK MADE THE TURK USEFUL AT BALACLAVA. British OfUctr. holloa, jack! what are you about now?" Jack. -WHY, YER honour— you see RIDING'S A DEAL PLEASANTER THAN WALKING ABOUT HERE. AND WHEN THIS CHAPS TIRED— I MOUNTS T'OTHER CSVE I ' 117 John Leech's Pictures of Life and Character. THE BRITISH fO^CEg AI^D THE CFtlJdEAfI WAFf. ^J^ A TRUMP CARD(IGAN). THE CHARGE OF THE LIGHT BRIGADE UNDER LORD CARDIGAN AGAINST THE RUSSIAN BATTERIES AT BALACLAVA. -C£ SHARP'S THE WORD. ADMIHAL PUNCH'S SIGNAL TO THt FLEET. UNIFORM STUPIDITY. HOW TO DrjESS A WARRIOR. ii8 From the Collection of ''Mr. Punchl^ 1842— -1864. THE BRITISH FOF{CES AND THE CF^I|4EAN WAR. HARD CASE IN THE BALTIC. A. B. Seaman, -here's a go, bill i yer might knock me down with the butt- end OF A MUSKIT, A'MOSTI BLOW'O IF THE GAME AIN'T OVER, AND WE AIN'T HAD NO INNINGS!" A GRIEVANCE. TELL YER WHAT, BILL! I DON'T HALF LIKE THESE HERE M0U3TARCHER6. THEY DO MOP UP SUCH A LOT jc G'.OG!'' J^ => > CO to a < o Tao TRAINING-SCHOOL FOR i" 12T 124 T TO APPEAR AT COURT, 11— R From the Collection of ''Mr. PtmcK 1842— 1864. \\m wxmm^mMM^^M^^WM^^^^ THE OPERA. -SiL I. Lizzy. "GOOD GRACIOUS SELINA! LOOK THERE! THERE'S THAT RIDICULOUS LITTLE MAII AGAIN. DID YOU EVER SEE ANYTHING SO ABSURD'"' THE OPERA.— yo. II. Busby • AH THERE SHE IS. BLESS HER ! AND LOOKING THIS WAY TOO. OH ! ITS AS CLEAR AS POSSIBLE SHE HAS TAKEN A FANCY TO ME 1 " John Lccch\^ Pictures of Life and Character. THE BEST RUN OF THE SEASON.— So. I. Master (with pumpecl-out Horse), "confound that rascally boy! where can he have got to with my second horse?" THE BEST HUN OF THE SEASON.— Ko. 11. R.7scalty Boy (willi dcHetilfully fresh animal) "OH, dear i what a deautiflil thinq i / WOHDCR WHCnc IH)iST£li CAH B£ ? ■ J26 From the Collection of ''Mr. Punchl' 1842 — 1864. A BLACK INDIGNITY. Lady of the House, "oh. thomasi have the goodness to take up some coals into the nursery!" Thomas. "H'M, MAAM I if you ask it as a favour. MA'AM, I don't so much object i but I 'OPE you DONT take me for an OUSEMAID, MA'AM I" iPhQJO^RhPhlC gmlerY alL (iktmacUvirvuintLd , l'"^S UPON AN ANIMAL THAT HE HAS PICKED UP A BARGAIN l2q 11— S John Lceclis Pictures of Life and Cliaracter. AH INCIDENT OF WEIGHT. Cabhy. "let yer out?— thats a good un i— not afore you pays for breaking my springs: Mw^ % -fl]^ M ASTOUNDING ANNOUNCEMENT. Maid. "PLEASE, MA'AM, MR, SKEWER SAYS HES ACOINO TO KILL HISSUf THIS WEEK, AND WILL YOU HAVE A JOINT?" f30 From the Collection of ''Mr. Pii/ich" 1842— 1864. A VERY SHOCKING BOY, INDEED! Mimml. "NOW. SIR-IF you don't behave better, I WILL TELL PAPA OF YOU, AND HE WILL BOX YOUR EARS! " Shocking Boy. "Well, then, goi march;: and shut the door after you!!:" A FADED YOUTH. Hostess. NOW. MY dear— WILL YOU COME AND DANCE A QUADRILLE?" Juvenile. "Tha-a-nk you-it's so many years ago since i da ced. that I would rather be excused, if you please, in fact, ;-aw, 1 HAVENT DANCED SINCE I WAS QUITE A BOY." IN THE PARK. First Man (Home for the Holidays). " awful bit of geranium that, Charley:" Second Ditto. "YA-AS, i was always very fond of flowers— aw— they look so jolly INNOCENT!" IN THE STREETS. THESE YOUNG GENTLEMEN ARE NOT INDULGING IN THE FILTHY HABIT OF SMOKING.— THEY ARE ONLY CHEWING TOOTHPICKS, THE COMFORTING AND ELEGANT PRACTICE NOW SO MUCH IN VOGUE. John Leec/is Pictures of Life and Character CRINOLINE AGAIN. Charles. "Confouno the hoops, just when i want to make my neat speech about ben3 'hearcH and dearcr' too i A HINT TO MAMMAS. First Nursemaid, lawk, marier i what a dee-utifle cowndi" Second Do. ■myi janei haint it?" They contemplate tho Gownd for almut a quarter of an hour, and tho Children hate the full bonelit of the delicious North List Wind. THE ROUND HAT. I. WHEN IT IS ALL VERY WELL. 2, WHEN IT IS OBJECTIONABL' 3. WHEN THE POLICE OUGHT TO INTERFERE. 1.^2 From the Collection of ''Mr. Punchl' 1842— 1864. JOHN THOMAS, TAKING IT EASY. AS HE APPEARED WHILE HIS MISSUS WAS IN THE BOTANICAL GARDENS. J T. IS CONSULTING HIS BETTING BOOK- (a POSITIVE FACT.) PROFESSIONAL DIGNITY. Lady, "resign your situation! why, WHATS wrong now, THOMAS? have they been wanting you to eat salt BUTTER AGAIN?" Genteel Footman, ■■oh, no, thank you, maam— but the fact is, ma'AM— that i have heard that master were seen last week on the top of A HOMNIBUS, AND I COULDN'T AFTER THAT REMAIN ANY LONGER IN THE FAMILY 1" 1 "" "♦ * 1 •» John LeecJis Pictures of Life and Character. I — ^^- Dr. Besr. "PUT on your gown, sir." Undergraduate. "Got it on, sir;' NEVER CARRY YOUR GLOVES IN YOUR HAT. MR. POFFINGTON FLATTERS HIMSELF HE IS CREATING A SENSATION —f PeW/^pS /iC IS.) c^Se MORE NOVELTY. THE MISSES WEASEL THINK CRINOLINE A PREPOSTEROUS ANO EXTRAVAGANT INVENTION, AND APPEAR AT MRS. ROUNDABOUT'S PARTY IN A SIMPLE AND ELEGANT ATTIRE 154 From the Collection of ''Mr. Pinicli^' 1842— 1864. FROM THE MINING DISTRICTS. 'MARTHA, WAST 'E DONE Wl' THE MILK?" ■ GEEN IT TO THE SHILD." "DANG THE SHILD. THEE SHOULD HA' GEEN IT TO TH' BULL PUP! A DISTURBER OF PUBLIC PEACE. Rioter. " I SAY. OLD FELLER, OF COURSE YOULL FRATERNISE WITH US. AND COME AND BREAK SOME VINDERS." Soldier "Of" COURSE l wont ; BUT I'LL PUNCH YOUR HEAD IF YOU DONT MOVE OFF." UNLUCKY THIS TIME. Ingenious Youth. "OHi such a lark, bill! ive bin and filled an old coves letter-box WITH GOOSEBERRY SKINS AND HOYSTER SHELLS.— AND RAPPED LIKE A POSTMAN I" Old Cote. "HAVE YOU?- GOOD NEWS. '■WELL, JIM, HAVE YOU HEARD THE LATEST INTELLIGENCE?" " NO, VAT IS IT 7 " " VY, COMMON GARDEN THEAYTERS TO BE TURNED INTO A HOPERA FOR THE MILLION! AIN'T THAT PRIME?" 135 John LeccJfs Pictures of Life and Character. RATHER DEEP! Cousin. "CHARLIE I— JUST FANCY WHAT PEOPLE ARE SAYING I " Captain Charlie. "WELL. GEORGIEI" Cousin. " THAT— THAT— YOU AND I ARE GOING-A — A— TO BE — MARRIED!" Charlie (with presence of mind) a— never mind, georgie,- we know better— we are not so foolish:" AMPLE PROTECTION. Youth. "YOU NEEDN'T UE AFRAID, MA'AM STAND BEHIND ME I" 136 Fi^oin the Collection of ''Mr. PitncJi" 1842 — 1864. iU^l LIKE 'EM. Mamma (staying with newly-ma'-riecl daugliter). "MY dearest, sweetest darling! whati crying! why, whats the matter?" Daughter (with many sobs). "OH, m-m-m-mamma dear! here's ch-ch-ch-charles so dreadfully unkind, he knows the h-h-horse-taming secret, AND he W-W-W-WONT TELU IT TO ME!" -^."^^^ RIVAL JOCKEYS. Bill (reads), "'gentlemen riders allowed five pounds.'" Tom. '"ALLOWED FIVE POUNDS!' WHY, I'D RIDE BETTER NOR HE FOR 'ARF A CROWN!" ■37 11— T John Lecclis Pic lures of Life a]id Character SYMPTOMS OF HARD READING! Student. "OH, MARY! HAVE YOU TAKEN UP THE LAMP AND THE CIGARS?" Student, "—and the whiskey, and the sugar, and the lemon, and boiling water?" student, "then come, jack! suppose we go into the study!" IVIary. "YES, SIR" M.Try. "YES, sir." REPELLING FOREIGN INVASION. paterfamilias tries the cold water cure in a case of orqan-grindinq. 138 From the Collection of ""Mr. Punch" 1842 — 1864. ANOTHER BIT FROM THE MINING DISTRICTS. First Collier, •■surrey, dust thee know the BISHOP'S coming to-morrow? Second Do. "wors that?" first Do. (empl^aticilly). "The bishopi" Second Do. "oi DON'T know what thee mean'St, but moy bitch, rose, shall PIN her I" CANINE. "BUY A LITTLE DORG, MARM ? " WHERE ARE THE POLICE? A SKETCH, SHOWING THE DECENT MANNER IN WHICH THE "FORM OF PRAYER" WAS RETAILED ON THE FAST DAY. COARSE, BUT CHARACTERISTIC. Cabmin (whose temper has been ruffled by Omnibus-man). "YOUl! WHY. YOU HUNGRY LOOKING WAGABUN, YOU LOOK AS IF YOU'D BIN LOCKED UP FOR A MONTH IN A COOK'S SHOP WITH A MUZZLE ON.'' 139 I John LcccJis Pic hi res of Life and Character. THE GREAT BOON. Superior Being (!). "youll please to observe, mum, that a diworce is a much easier MATTER THAN IT USED TO BE— SO NONE OF YOUR VIOLENCE I" A VISION OF THE PAST. Old Lady. "AH! i was just such another when i was her age- SJ^ '.l;,'-.| ^ • .■- V,i-- -r FOLLY AND INNOCENCE. Charles. "I say, olara, aint it jolly? ive made such a capital dock on the derby i" Chm. "1 AM SURE, CHARLES, I AM DELIGHTED TO HEAR IT. A^'Y UTF.RARY PURSUIT MUST DE BETTER THAN THE HORRID PRACTICE YOU WERE QETTINO INTO OF DFTTINQ AT RACESl" 140 1- From the Collection of ''Mr. Punchl' 1842 — 1864. — ''] \ — - 1 \ IIP IRRESISTIBLE. John Thomas, "get away, boy— get away, boy!" Boy. "SHANTI AND IF YER DON'T LET ME RIDE, I'LL SEND THIS 'ERE MUD OVER YER CALVES 1" DRAWING THE LINE. Plush Adonis, "I should observe, my lady,— that if you engage me, i SHOULD REQUIRE TO BE AT LEAST SIX MONTHS IN TOWN, IN A GOOD NEIGHBOUR- HOOD — AND THAT IF YOU SHOULD AT ANY TIME LIVE NORTH OF THE NEW ROAD, I SHOULD EXPECT FIVE GUINEAS PER ANNUM INCREASE OF SALARY I" [Fact. i^M^^^^iif^ YIELDING TO TEMPTATION. Mr, Hobbk-de Hoye. "I'M very fond of 'em- theres no one looking !-dont SEE WHY 1 SHOULDNT— I WILL 1— YES — ILL HAVE A PENN'ORTH 1" MUCH ABOVE THAT SORT OF THING. 141 John LeccJi s PicttLrcs of Life and Character. SERVE HIM RIGHT. Smil (who, when he is asked (o dine at half past six, thinl-5: JoJui LeccJis Pictures of Life and Character <^ SEFtVANTGALISM ; •■H, -riorf-ytVKi FINELADYISM. First Elegant Mamma, "how shocking this iS!-the way nurserymaids neglect the children i" HoCOna Do. "YES. DEAR. AND I DONT SEE THAT ANYTHING CAN DE DDNE FOR WHAT WITH PARTIES, AND THE TIME ONE NATURALLY DEVOTES TO OHESSINO. AND THE NUMEROUS CALLS ONE HAS TO MAKE, ONE CANT LOOK AFTER ONE'S OWN CHILDREN, YOU KNOW 1 • «56 From the Collection of ''Mr. Pttnchl' 1842 — 1864. THE ADVENT OF SPRING. "THE DEAR GIRLS REALLY MUST HAVE SOME NEW BONNETS. FOR THEY CANNOT POSSIBLY WEAR THOSE NASTY, SHABBY, DIRTY, OLD WINTER THINGS ANY LONGER." THE VALENTINE. Littis Foot Page. " i say, maria, whats a rhyme to cupid?" Marii. "WHY. stupid rhymes to cupid— don t it. stupid?" TASTE. Shop-girl (who has been enpected to possess tennysons "Miller's Daughter"!. ■ no, miss ! not got the MILLER'S BUT HERE'S THE RATCATCHER'S DAUGHTER, JUST PUBLISHED! '57 INSULTING A REFUGEE. Rude Boy. "Oh crikey, bill, if -ere aint the great orang- outang BEEN TO A TAILOR, AND GOT RIGGED OUT AS A SWELL 1 John LeecJis Pictures of Life and Character. A SKETCH FROM THE STAND AT SCARBORO'. Fair Equestnan. "OH! i want to ride on the sands with this little bov— have you a horse disengaged for him? any bit of a PONY THING, VOU KNOW, WILL DO FOR ME!" A WHOLESOME CONCLUSION. Lady Crinoline. "Ves, love— a very pretty church, lut the door is certainly very narrow i" isS From the Collection of ''Mr. Punch',' 1842— 1864. OLQ BOYS. INTERESTING GROUP POSED FOR A PHOTOGRAPH BY A FRIEND OF THE FAMILY. Old Boy (loq ). "oh, shes a charming gyuirl, and, upon my sauli 1 THINK SHE LIKES ME AMAZINGLY !'■ >i^ INTERESTING AND VALUABLE RESULT. VERY ALARMING, INDEED. Professional Man.— "AH! it's very lucky you came to me in TIME.— YOU SEE. MA'AM. YOU HAVE HAD INFLAMMATION OF THE BRONCHIAL TUBES. WHICH, ACTING UPON THE FLEXOR LONGUS DIGI TORUM PEDIS. HAS OCCASIONED AN ABRASION OF THE DIGASTRICUS. OR, AS SOME CALL IT. THE BIVENTER MAXILL/E INFERIORIS : AND WHICH MIGHT HAVE ENDED IN CONFIRMED DELIRIUM TREMENS. OR FVEN PaEMATURE ELEPHANTIASIS. HOWEVER. I DARESAY. &C,, »c.. &c. [Old Lady gasps for breath. IS9 John LeecJi s Pic hires of Life and Character. POLITENESS AS IN PARIS. f4 PerHclious Misrepresentation, of course.) IMITATION IS THE SINCEREST FLATTERY. Jues fwho aUccts EnlUsh manners anti customs), 'cood— a — by. ole doy i i oo to make a promenade in my to-car 'Which boing interpretml means that Jules is going fur a drive in his Dog.Cart.) i6o From the Collection of ''Mr. Punch" 1842 — 1864. Lecturer on Electro-Biology, -now. sir! you cant jump over that stick i ahemi- Subject. "JUMP? EHI UGH I LOR BLESS ME, JUMPl NO, 1 KNOW I CANT-NEVER COULD JUMP-UGHl" [Thunders of applause from the Gentlemen in the cane-bottom chairs— (i.e. believers). A TENDER POINT. Irish Jarvie (with much excitement), "not fast enough i is it? oh thin, yer 'ONOR. jist jump up, till i tirrify ye the way i'll rowl along! i6i 12— Y Jchn Leecli s Pictures of Life and Character STUMPED OUT. Apothecary's Boy (to party rather proud of his Horsemanship), "i say. mister, mind what youre at, or you'll be off the SHOPBOARO!" A GENEROUS OFFER. Small Siyeoper do Crmean Hero). "Now. captain, oivf u, a copper, and ill see yer safe over the crossinqi- 162 From the Collection of ''Mr. Pttiich" 1842 — 1864. "*n»,«;^ HOI A BAD IDEA FOR WARM WEATHER. Frederick. "NOW. girls, pull away— don t be idlei" A QUIET LOOK AT THE COUNTRY. Frank, -there, Charley i we have a good many of those little doubles here; but, bless ycui our horses think nothing of emi" Chirky (who is not to be beiten). "ha, i seei-nice clean jumping i now, in our country the fences are b.c and CRA^•.PED!■■ «63 John Le cells Pictures of Life and Character. PATERFAMILIAS HAS HIS HOLIDAY AT THE SEA-SIDE- PLEASIHG DELUSION. /W RE THE ROUND HATS. Ftmillt. "WELL I THERE CAN BE NO QUESTION AOOUT ONE THINS I— THEY CERTAINLY DO MAKE YOU LOOK YOUNCERI" THE ROUND HAT AGAIN. Mrs. POPPS. 'WELL, WHAT I SAY IS, THEY ARE VERY DEOOMING-AND UNCOMMON COMFORTABLE?" 164 From the Collection of ''Mr. Punchl' 1842 — 1864. WHILE A RESPECTABLE ELDERLY FEMALE TAKES CARE OF THE HOUSE IN TOWN. OH! WHAT A HUMBUG! Amelia. ■■ mamma, deabi here's a note from dear William, with a box for the OPERA, I SHOULDN'T WONDER." ( Reads) :—" My darling Amelia, Circumstances over which I have no control will take me as far as Greenwich. I have left my Latch-key— please to get It from the Waistcoat I took off, and send It by the Bearer to your tmr affectionate Kidums,'' A PEACE CONFERENCE. Flora. "OH, i AM SO glad— dear Harriet— there is a chance of peace— i am MAKING THESE SUPPERS AGAINST DEAR ALFRED COMES BACK 1" Cousin Tom. "hah, welli-i ain't quite so anxious about peace— for, you SEE, since those SOLDIER CHAPS HAVE EEEN ABROAD, WE CIVILIANS HAVE HAO IT PRETTY MUCH OUR OWN WAV WITH ThS CURLS I" .65 John Lcecli s Pictures of Life and Character. A POSER. Darling. ■ oh. mamma, dear! what splendid flowers!" Mamma, "yes. dear, put it down, that is my wreath, im going to the opera!" Darling. "OH! and when i grow a big lady, may i wear a wreath, and go to the opera?" Mamma, "well, dear, i hope so! ■ Darling, "what, and take my beautiful velvet and gold church service uncle Charles gave me?" IHE Picnic- OVERTAKEN BY THE TIDE. i06 From the Collection of ''Mr. PitncJil' 1842 — 1864. AH OBJECT OF ATTRACTION. EOWKER. WHO IS FOND OF NICE THINGS FOR BREAKFAST. AND SOMETIMES MARKETS FOR HIMSELF, BECOMES AN OBJECT OF INTEREST FROM HAVING LAID IN A FEW BL0ATER3, AND HALF-A-POUND OF FRESH CAMBRIDGE SAUSAGES, FROM BOND STREET— AND WHICH SAUSAGES AND BLOATERS ARE IN HIS COAT-POCKET. 167 A STRONG-BACKED CAR. SCEN E~ I RELA N D. Tourist. "WELL, BUT MY GOOD FELLOW, YOU CANT CARRY US, AND ALL OUR LUGGAGE! Car Driver. "OGH, niver fear, yer onour. shure re carry TWiCeo as muchi" John Leech's Pictures of Life and Character. THE NEW PURCHASE. Mr. Mulf. "BUT-THEY SAID HE WAS WELL KNOWN IN THIS HUNT'" Farmer, "oh. yes-ano so he is very well known. he'S broke more collar bones than all 'he 'osses in England' AQUATIC MANCEUVRES. OY much the PLEACANTEST way of SEA-BATHINO is to take a coat, and have a good swim in the clear blue WATER-AND ISN'T IT NICE SORAMDLINQ INTO THE BOAT AGAIN I EH 7 i68 From the Collection of ''Mr. Pu7ich" 1842— 1864. A PAINFUL SUBJECT. Lieutenant Fopson (of the 121st, to his Elder Brother, ivfto is home for the Holi- days).— " '•■SAf. OLD FELLAH !— DON'T YOU WISH YOU HAD LEET SCHOOL--IT MUST BE SUCH A HORRID BAW TO BE FLOGGED FOR SMOKING!" > ? ^-r-T '^C? \S. /^.\^ '- THE NEW REGULATION MESS. Swell Soldier, •■what, dine off woast and boiled, just like snobs-no '-by JOVEI-I SHALL cur THE ARMY. AND GO INTO THE CHURCHI" THE GREAT TOBACCO CONTROVERSY. Clara (emphatically), "i DON'T care what you say, frank-i shall always think it a nasty. ODIOUS. DIRTY, FILTHY, DISCUSTIflG. AND HOST OBJECTIONABLE HABIT!" Frank. "HAW!-now, i'm really surprised, clara, to hear such a clever girl as you are running down SMOKING IN SUCH STRONG LANGUAGE-FOR IT'S ADMITTED, BY ALL SENSIBLE PEOPLE, YOU KNOW. THAT ITS THE ABUSE OF TOBACCO THAT'S WRONG!" [Which httle bit of sophistry completely, vanquishes clara. i6g AT PARIS. A SKETCH FROM THE BOULEVARD 12— Z John Leech's Pictures of Life and Chai-acter. A YOUTHFUL SAGE. Studious Boy. " johnny !—i advise you not to be a good BOY!" Johnny, "why?" Studious Boy. "because in books all good boys die, you knowi' 'S<£ ASTONISHING A YOUNG ONE. Dick (to Utile Brother). " hah ! this is one of the disagreeables grown up. why, bless you, if I DIDN'T SHAVE TWICE A DAY THIS WARM I SHOULD NOT BE FIT TO BE SEEN!" IN BEING WEATHER, MONSTERS Of THE POOL. MASTES OHOHOE AND THE ORAOON FLIES. AS THEY APPEARED TO HIS EXCITED IMAGINATION WHEN HE WAS OUT FISHING THE OTHER DAY. 170 From the Collection of ''Air. Punchl^ 1842 — 1864. 7Hf HUMOURS OF THE STREET. Delightful Boy. "OH! LOOK 'ere, jimi here's a swell— lets frighten is ■ORSE! CAUTION TO TRAVELLERS. NEVER GO TO sleep WHILE YOU ARE HAViriC YOUri HAIR CUT IN PARIS. OR IT MAY V.t CUT IN THE FIRST STYLE OF FASHION 1 171 John LcecJi s Pictures of Life and Character. EXCURSION BOAT. AFTER A RATHER BOISTEROUS PASSAGE, ARRIVES AT 2-iO Ticket Collector (without any feeling), "tickets, sir: thankye, sir i boat returns at 3!" P.M. ADVENTURES OF MR. TOM /VODOy.— No. IV. OUR FRIEND HAS A DAY WITH THE DROOKSIDE HARRIERS. — WITH HIS USUAL PRUDENCE HE OETS A HORSE ACCUSTOMED TO THE HILLS. From the Collectioii of ''Mr. Pitnch^' 1842— 1864. '■TICKLED WITH A STRAWr Advertising Medium. "Come. now, you leave orf? or ill call the perligei IMPERTINENT CURIOSITY. Military Man. ''Welli what are yer a starin' at7-aint yer never seed a SODGER BEFORE?" IN CAMP. Juvenile (a propos of Highlander in sentry-box). "OH! my wig. Charley, what a JOLLY JACK-IN-THE-GREEN HE'D MAKE I' SAN IT AS. "HEY. COLIN' DINNA YE KEN THE WATTERS FOR DRINK. AND NAE FOR BATHIN'?" 173 John LeecJi s Pictures of Life and Character. THE QUADRILLE IN HOT WEATHER. Stout Party (who suffers much from heat, and has in vain attempted to conceal himself). "OH. i believe we are engaged for this dance i'Ve been— that is— I'VE— EH 7— I'VE BEEN LOOKING FOR YOU — A— A — EVERYWHERE — PHEW I ' OH YES, OF COURSE. Lizzie. "OH, MR. POFFLES, I FIND I HAVE MADE A MISTAKE — I SEE I WAS ENGAGED FOR THIS DANCE." FEMININE AMENITIES. Sensilme Party. "Who is that girl with the nez retrousse 7" Amiable Party (who has rather a prominent beakj. "NEZ retrousse; do you mean that girl with the puq nose?" A LITTLE SURPRISE FOR MUGGINS. "lark: I say: whatll my old man think when he see ME IN THIS 'ERE AT?" 174 From the Collection of ''Mr. Ptuick" 1842 — 1864. HUSBAND-TAMING. RESULT OF ALLOWING LADIES TO WITNESS RAREY'S HORSE-TAMING EXHIBITION. Mrs. Blanch. ■' i assure you, my love, he is completely under my control, he never talks now of such a thing as going to his CLUB OR DINING AT GREENWICH WITH HIS BACHELOR FRIENDS, AND HE WILL READ TO ME WHILE I WORK FOR THE HOUR TOGETHER.' Mrs. Catherine. " oh, i must certainly learn the art. for my Augustus is really d'^eadfuli" 175 foJiii LeecJi s Pictures of Life and Character, IHE LOVERS' QUARREL. Frederick, "but i assure you. dearest — .■■ Imilf. ■•OH. NONSENSE. FREDERICK I— DON'T TELL ME! I JUDGE BY DEEDS. NOT WORDS. AND I AM SURE YOU CANNOT REALLY LOVE ME, OR YOU NEVER WOULD HAVE GIVEN THAT HORRID MISS OLAPPERTON THE WING OF THE CHICKEN, AND ME THE LEG. BESIDES, YOU HANDED THE STRAWBERRIES FIRST TO FLORA G.GGLES. AND YOU KNOW HOW I HATE HER " A SKETCH DURING THE RECENT GALE. 170 From the Collection of " Mr. Pu]ich',^ 1842 — 1864. TERRIFIC ACCIDENT. BURSTING OF OLD MRS. TWADDLES AQUA-VIVARIUM. THE OLP LADY MAY BE OBSERVED ENDEAVOURING TO PICK UP HER FAVOURITE EEL WITH THE TONGS, A WORK REQucBING SOME ADDRESS. THE MARRIAGE QUESTION. Lad, Fhra. •■four-in-hand club, indeed! for my part, I think young men of fortune might employ THEIR TIME MUCH BETTER THAN DRIVING HORSES TO GREENWICHI DONT YOU, ALICE?" AliCS (with 3 tremendOUS sigh;. "OH, YES! DEAR!" 12— A 4 John Lccc/is Pictures of Life and C haracter. ]AY\. PUf^CH'S ADVICE TO H U SE K E E PE F^S- "/f you YiAHl A THING DONE, DO IT YOU RSELF."—Sn. I. FOR EXAM'^LE: — BY GETTING UP AT DAY-BREAK, CLEANING OUT YOUR STABLE, AND TAKING THE HORSES OUT FOR EXERCISE, YOU WILL ACCOMPLISH YOUR OBJECT. "IF YOU WANT A THING DONE, DO IT YOURSELF:'- \... II. AND ENABLE THE GROOMS TO GET THEIR BREAKFAST COMFORTABLY, AND SO KEEP THEM IN GOOD HUMOUR FOR THE REST OF THE DAY. 178 From the Co I ice /ion of ''Mr. PitncJii' 1842 — 1864. " /f rau VJAm A THING DONE, DO IT YOUT!iiELF."^\o. III. HAVING THOROUGHLY DRESSED AND FED THE HORSES, YOU HAD BETTER SET TO WORK UPON THE BOOTS OF THE ESTABLISHMENT. THE KNIVES, AS YOU HAVE A MACHINE, YOU MAY AS WELL 00. AND, WHILE YOUR HANDS ARE SOILED, YOU HAD BETTER HELP ALPHONSO TO CARRY UP SOME COALS. ■■IF YOU WANT A THING DONE, DO IT YOURSELF."— So. IV. THERE CAN BE NO REASON WHY THE GIRLS SHOULDN'T DRESS THEMSELVES. THAT PARKER THE MAID MAY GO TO HER DANCINO. "\F YOU WANT A THING DONE. DO IT YOURSELF."— l^o. V. AS FOR JOHN THOMAS, THE BEST PLAM. OF COURSE, IS TO WAIT UPON HIM. AND THEN, PERHAPS (ALTHOUGH IT BY NO MEANS FOLLOWS). HE MAY BE SATISFIED I lAs most Doniistics are fond of the Organ-grinders, you had better engage one of an evening for their amusement. 175 John Lccc/is Pictures of Life and C hai'dctci ]AY\. PUIMCH''^ ADVICE TO H U SE K£E PE 1^3. i '■IF YOU WANT A THING DONE, DO IT YO U RSEL F."-^u. \l. IT IS CERTAINLY BETTER TO MIND THE BROUGHAM YOURSELF. ESPECIALLY IN FOGGY WEATHER, AS, IN CONSEQUENCE OF ROBERTS UNFORTUNATE PROPENSITY, YOUR FAMILY ARE ALWAYS MORE OR LEES IN DANGER WHEN RETURNING FRCM THE THEATRE. "IF YOU WANT A THING DONE, DO IT YOURSELF."--Ko. VII. NEVER DISTURB THE MAIDS 'N THE MORNING. BUT JUMP OUT OF BED THE MOMENT YOU HEAR THi SWEEP, AND LET HIM IN ; IT ISNT MUCH TR0U3LE, AND EAVES A WORLD OF CRUMBLINO. 1 80 Fi^om the Collection of ''Mr. Pnnc/i." 1842— 1864. ^^y.AAl Mjlj, !.l Ks>\ :V>""^ ^- DOMESTIC DOCTORING. FOR A COLO IN THE HEAD THERE IS NOTHING LIKE A STEAM BATH, AND THIS CAN BE HAD IN YOUR OWN BEDROOM WITH THE GREATEST EASE— YOU HAVE ONLY TO TAKE CARE THAT YOU MANAGE THE APPARATUS PROPERLY, I»I John Lcecli s Pictiires of Lije and Character. IRML" WHERE IGNORANCE IS BLISS, 'TIS FOLLY TO BE WISE!" {A'cui Veision.) ■'I SAY, JiM, VOrS A PANIC 7" "DLOWD IF I KNOW; BUT THERE'S VON TO BE SEEN IN THE CITY." 1S2 From the Collection of ''Mr. Punchl' 1842 — 1864. ,^ -% . 1 A PRETTY KETTLE OF FISH. Puseyite Parson "Whati want to leave your situation: why, i thought you were perfectly satisfied:- Cook. ■■WELL, SIR, THE FACT IS, I AINT EQUAL TO THEM FAST DAYS; FOR WHAT WITH A HEGG HERE, AND A HEGG THERE, AND LITTLE BITS a FISH FOR BREAKFASTES, AND LITTLE BITS O^ FISH FOR DINNERS, AND THE SWEET OMELICKS. AND THE FRIED AND THE STEWED HOYSTERS,^ AND THE BASHAWED LOBSTERSES. AND ONE THINK AND THE HOTHER. THERE'S SO MUCH COOKING. THAT I AINT EVEN TIME TO MAKE UP A CAP I '■ 183 John Lccc/fs Pictures of Life and C liaracfer CATCHING A TARTAR. Irritable Old Gentleman (giving Conductor a tremendous po*e in the ribs), -hollo. THERE I STOP 1 WHAT THE D • . ■ • CONFOUND YOU, DIDN'T I TELL YOU TO STOP AT ACACIA VILLA?" Extremely Civil Conductor ■•dear me. so you did. sir— beg your pardon, im SURE, SIR, BUT I REALLY QUITE FORGOT IT" Irritable Old Gentleman. " d-d-don t beg my pardon, you impudent scoundrel i — IF you give me any of your bad LANGUAGE. ILL HAVE YOU UP AS SURE AS YOU'RE BORN." TOUCHING. Groom (to Old Coachman i "WHY. guvnr, what hever'S the matter?" Old Coachman (sobbing). " ah. William i most affectin' sighti I've just seen the four-in-hand club going down to Greenwich I ten on 'Em i beautiful teams ! AND driven BY REG'LAR TIP-TOP SWELLS ! IT'S BIN AMOST TOO MUCH FOR ME ] " [Is relieved by tears. FLUNKEIANA. John nomas. "YES, i must leave, you see, mary, my dear-theres too much red in THE LIVERY, AND THAT DONT SUIT MY COMPLEXION-NEVER DIDI" MEASURE FOR MEASURE. "THIS IS ABOUT TH"; MARK, I THINK." (84 From the Collection of ''Mr. Punch,'' 1842 — 1864. IMITATION IS THE SINCEREST FLATTERY. Sarah Jane to Betsy Ann. "OH, YES! if it comes to that, you know, people can stick out as much as other people— i always wears ONE O MOTHER'S OLD CLOTHES-BASKETS." ^ii^^fe^^ ^^^5^-^^^^ t85 MALAPROPOS. Swell (loq.). "IN fact, i'm quite used up-and if i dont very soon get to some watering place, i shall be a— a—" [Cartman pulls string— Brand display of the whole system of Fountains. 12 — B B John LeccJis Pictni^es of Life and Character. fh ' "AH ART THAT DOTH DISFIGURE NATURE." MR. BELVILI.E DE COUROV WALKS ON THE ESPLANADE. UNDER THE IDEA ALAS 1 HE LITTLE KNOWS, THAT OWING TO THE VERY INFERIOR QUALITY THAT HE IS CREATING NO END OF SENSATION IN A OF THE GL«SS IN THAT DRAWING-ROOM WINDOW, HIS CERTAIN DRAWING-ROOM, SPLENDID FIGURE 13 DISTORTED AS ABOVE. ON THE JETTY. YES, MY DEARS; I KNOW THE SEA-tJREEZE AFTER BATHING IS DENEFICIAL TO THE BACK HAIR :-BUT CONSIDER THE HEART OF YOUR TOO SUSCEPTIBLE PUNCH I 1 86 From the Collection of ''Mr. Punchy' 1842 — 1864. /I WATER ABSTAINER. Disgusting Boy. "i say, clarai— im so jolly glad, i am. do you know, all THE PIPES ARE FROZE, AND WE SHAN'T BE ABLE TO HAVE ANY OF THAT HORRID WASHING THESE COLD MORNINGS l — AINT IT PRIME I' [SeilSatiOn . A MORAL LESSON FROM THE NURSERY. Artiiur. "DO YOU know, freddy, that we are only made OF DUST I" Freddy, "are we? then im sure we ought to be very careful how we PITCH into each other SO, FOR FEAR WE MIGHT CRUMBLE EACH OTHER ALL TO PIECES ! ■ THE DISAPPOINTED ONE. Lover. "WHAT a bore, just as i was going to pop the question to jenny JONES, HERE'S MY NURSE COME FOR ME I " \w7\ii^}\f^:mffm$f< .^o BROTHERS IN ARMS. 187 John LeecJis Pictures of Life and Character. ADDING INSULT TO INJURY. NOBBS HAVING COME WITH HIS FAMILY TO THE SEA-SIDE FOR A LITTLE CHANGE OF SCENE. COMPLAINS THAT THEY HAVE BEEN TERRIBLY BITTEN BY— tBUT NO. WE WILL NOT MENTION THE HORRID CREATUREs) — AND IS ADDRESSED THUS BY THE LODGING-HOUSE KEEPER; "THEN HALL 1 CAN SAY, SIR, HIS — THAT IF YOUVE BEEN HILL-CONWENIENCED BY 'EM. YOU MUST 'A BROUGHT 'EM DOWN WITH YOU IN YOUR PORTMANTEL ! " A BIT OF A BREEZE MR. WIQQINS HAS A FINE OPPORTUNITY OF DISPLAYING HIS POLITENESS AND ACTIVITY 1 88 From the Collection of ''Mr. Ptmchl' 1842 — 1864. HORRIBLE QUESTION AFTER A GREENWICH DINNER. AWKWARD PREDICAMENT. Foot-Boy. "IF YOU please, sir, cook told me to ask you what fish you d LIKE to-day?" Young Sparrow. "OH, iM sorry to trouble you, uncle— but could you lend me A RAZOR? MY CONFOUNDED FELLOW HASN'T PACKED UP MY DRESSING-CASE I" EPIGRAMMATIC. Geiilleman. " let'S have a boiled mackerel" Waiter. "Biled, siri better have em briled. sir IF THEY'RE BILED, THEY'RE SPILED, SIR I" ALARMING PROPOSITION. Oyster-Man (to Hairy Gents), "oysters, siri yes. sir i shall i take yer beards off?" [Gents have an uncomfortable idea tliat they are being chaffed. 189 John Leech's Picltires of Life and Character A SKETCH AT A RAILWAY STATION. Respectable Citizen (reads Placard). "'The Public are cautioned against Card Stiarpers, Gamblers, and Pickpockets.' * ' why, j thought such people was all DONE AWAY WITH. DIDNT YOU, MO 7 ' HI ART. Parent. ■: should like you to be very particular about his hair.- Pliotographic Artist (!). ■■oh, mum, the air is heasy enough: its the his WHERE WE FIND THE DIFFICULTY, ■ OUR LAZY CONTRIBUTOR. ■THE VERY IDEA OF WORK THIS BEAUTIFUL WEATHER IS REPUGNANT TO MY FEELINGS.^' IBxtraot from our Young friend *'S Letter. lyo From the Collection of ''Mr. Puncli^' 1842 — 1864. GOING OUT OF TOWN. Mary. "IF you please, sir, missus say you must find room for this in your portmantel." THE ROAD. Qent (with much pride). " there's one thing, 'arry, as always strikes me a going down to the darby, and that is how the number of splendid equipages must astonish the foreigner I" 191 John Leech's Pictures of Life and Character. SERIOUS THING FOR BROWN, WHO RATHER PRIDES HIMSELF UPON THE ELEGANT MANNER IN WHICH HE TAKES OFF HIS HAT THIS TIME, HOWEVER, ALTHOUGH THE HAT IS REMOVED, THE LINING STICKS. BEAUTY IN DISTRESS. Gallant Swell (who of course comes to the rescue), "hawi can i de of any service?" Beauty. •OH, yes I if you would sit upon the horses head, i should be SO much ODLIGED" 192 From the Co/lccUon of ''Mr. Punch." 1842 — 1864. COMMON OBJECTS AT THE SEA-SIDE-GENERALLY FOUND UPON THE ROCKS AT LOW WATER. THE ARTISTIC (!) STUDIO. .4 Stereoscopic .Scene from Fashionable IJje. •'Love, Pride, Sere/)ge."-THE group represents a young minstrel of humble origin, declaring h:s passion to a lady of noble parentage, her HAUGHTY BROTHER, AS MAY BE SEEN FROM HIS MENACING ATTITUDE. IS ABOUT TO AVENGE THE INSULT OFFERED TO HIS FAMILY: 12 — C C 193 John LcecJf s Picfui'cs of Life ami Characfer. A TRriNG THING FOR TOOTLES, WHO SEES THE OBJECT OF HIS ADMIRATION FLY OVER A HOG-BACKEO STILE, HE HAVING THE GREATEST AVERSION TO TIMBER CRINOLINE FOR EVER!-NO BATHING-MACHINE REQUIRED. NAUTICAL STYLE. A HINT FOR THE SEA-SIOE. 194 From the Collection of "'Mr. Punch" 1842— 1864. ALWk'iS BE POLITE WHEN TRAVELLING. A YOUNG SPORTSMAN AITMe Young Gent (who is never distant to Strangers), "would you like to see Bells Life, sir? there's an out-and-out stunning mill between conkey jim AND THE PORKY ONE I ' Lucy. "WELL, REGINALD, AND WHEN DO YOU GO BACK TO SCHOOL? ' Reginald. "Ohi the day after to-morrowi— and aint it a bore, just as ONE'S hunters are IN SUCH SPLENDID CONDITION?" 'ARRY AND 'ARRIET. QUITE A CHEAP TRIP. DURING SOME OF THE WINTER MONTHS, WITH A NIC" BRACING NORTH-EAST WIND BLOWING. YOU MAY GD TO MANCHESTER AND B^CK FOR 5S — AN OPPOnTUNlTY NOT TO BE LOST— OH DZAR, NO I '93 John i.CL'ch\s Pic hi res of Life and Clia racier. ^ f •" . 1 — ^ i; __ — 1 ^==5. '^ — ^^— - ■ ' '-^ ,- ^b-. ■, MAliCiOU5, f/ora. "CAN YOU still see the steamer, LUCY. DEAR?" Lucy. "OH. YES. QUITE PLAINLY I ' f/ora. "AND DEAR. DEAR WILLIAM. TOO?' Lucy . 'OH, YES !" f\Ori. "DOES HE SEEM UNHAPPY. NOW HE IS AWAY FROM ME? iUCy. "EVIDENTLY. I SHOULD SAY. DEAR; FOR HE IS SMOKINQ A CIGAR. AND ORINKINO SOMETHING OUT OF A TUMBLER TO CHEER HIM. POOR FELLOW!" DISGUSTING FOR AUGUSTUS. Aiisustii5 (who W.1S f.ipidly co:)vng to th ' point i "then, emily! oh. may i call YOU EMILY?— SWEETEST! — BEST!— SAY THAT YOU WILL NOT GO— WITHOUT " Fislhivoman (cuts in), "any feesh to-day, marm ?— any mackereel. soles, or WHITING?" QUITE A SEDUCTIVE SON OF MARS. Lady. "And so. captain— they say you are going to turn denedick?" Adonis. "WHY. VA-A9— AW-I DIDN'T WISH TO— BUT — AW— IN FACT. LADY MARY'S ATTENTIONS BECAME 80 MARKED-THAT— AW-THE THINO AW-WAS INEVITABLE- AW. ' PLEASURES OF TRAVEL. Chambermaid. ■ very sorry, but yo jr luggage has GONE ON to LONDON. SIR." n,6 From the Collection of ""Mr, Piiuchl' 1842 — 1864. CRINOLINE ON THE WATER. Waterman, "youve no call to be afeard, miss; were licensed to carry sixr GOING TO CHURCH— SCARBOROUGH. '97 John Leech's Pictures of Life and Character THE P.Q A DAY VERY LATE IN THE SEASON. -SAY. THE FIRST OF APRIL. ' HDUND3 HAVE A RATTLING HOUn AND TEN MINUTES AFTER A GOO 1 STOUT BUTTERFLY. OVER A SPLENDID PRIMROSE AND VIOLET COUNTRY.- Hiintsnun (loqj. "Shall i give thi wings to the lady, sir?" SENSIBLE RIDING COSTUME FOR WARM WEATHER. 153 From the Collection of ''Mr. Piiuchl' 1842— 1864, /r UUS,1 BE ALL RIGHT! Mamma. " : wonder where that child. Arthur, is— he is very quiet, i hope HE IS NOT IN MISCHIEF." Child. •■OH. NO. MAMMA, DEAR! HE'S NOT IN MISCHIEF, FOR HE IS IN THE LIBRARY. PLAYING WITH THE PENS AND INK." AN ASTONISHING REQUEST, fast Young Lady 'to Old Gent), "have you such a thing as a lucifer about YOU. FOR I'VE left MY CIGAR-LIGHTS AT HOME!" THE UNEXPECTED ALWAYS HAPPENS. DISMAY OF TOOTLES AT HEARING A STRANGER COMMENCE "THE STANDARD BEARER "—A SONG WHICH HE (tootles) has BEEN PRACTISING FOR MONTHS, WITH THE VIEW OF CREATING A SENSATION AT MRS. BLOWER'S MUSICAL EVENING. — UNFORTUNATELY. TOO, FOR TOOTLES, "THE STANDARD BEARER" IS HIS ONLY SONG ! A MASTER OF THE ART. 199 John Leech's Pictures of Life and Character. ^ CO tc "3: cc I Q o D a: o ii#*>^'i|i^i: vC. I ^^ \^ O ^ z h> U UJ a: Fi'ovi the Collection of ''Mr. Pnnchl' 1842— 1864. Bl\HQ WITH RAGE. Huntsman (ridinS furiously over a fence to a Scarecrow;. ..■>■*"♦> -you great fool, what the deuce do you stand pointing there FOR?— WHY DONT YOU HOLLER OUT WHICH WAY THE FOX BE GONE? SLOWED IF 1 DONT CUT YOU INTO BITS!" W^^^::,^^^ K r ITji ir. UM^^ IJL ''iU!Lii'''rPfl'Hj}' X ^ ^^> ^ ^2?.^^!^ ^ A NOTION OF PLEASURE. Boy. "OH. COME HERE, TOMMY ! — HERE'S SUCH A LOT C GRAINS BIN SHOT DOWN HEREI LET'S TURN 'EAD OVER 'EELS IN 'EM!" PRECOCITY. Youth. "HERE'S A NUISANCE, NOW 1 SLOWED IF 1 AIN T LEFT MY CIGAR-CASE ON MY DRESSING-ROOM TABLE, AND THAT YOUNG BROTHER OF MINE WILL HAVE ALL MY BEST REGALIAS! " 13 — D D John LcccJfs Pictures of Life and C/iaracter. PRACTICAL SCIENCE. Grandmamma, "well, Charley, and what have you been learning to-day?" Charley, "pneumatics, gran'mai— and i can tell you such a dodge i— if i was TO put you under a glass receiver, and exhaust the air, all your wrinkles would come out as smooth as GRANDPAPA'S HEAD I " AN INDISCRETION. Fascinating Gent (to precocious Little Girl), "you are a very nice little girl ; YOU SHALL BE MY WIFEY WHEN YOU GROW UP!" Little Girl. "NO, thank you; I DON'T WANT TO HAVE A HUSBAND; BUT AUNT EESSY DOES- I HEARD HER SAY SO!" [Sensation On the part of Aunt Bessy. ADDING INSULT TO INJURY. Sohoolboy do Farmer vi/io has come out to protect his fields), "now then, old turnip-topS! w/iRE WHCAT I From the Collection of ''Mr. Punck^' 1842 — 1864. IHE COURSE OF TRUE, &c., NEVER DID, <£c. HERE'S POOR YOUNG WIGGLES ANXIOUS TO MEET THE BEING HE ADORES, BUT CANNOT DO SO, BECAUSE THE NEWLY-PITCHED BOAT UPON WHICH HE HAS BEEN SITTING, HAS CAUGHT HIM ALIVE. O! THE EXPANSE OF FASHION. Chair Proprietor. " would you please to pay for the chefrs, mum 7 " Chair Proprietor, "well, mum— how many might you be a sittin' on?" Lady. " how much 7 203 JoJin Leech's Pictures of Life and Character. IN THE WITCHING TIME OF LIFE. SOME LIKE ONE THING, AND SOME ANOTHER— FOR EXAMPLE, JACK LIKES A BLOW ON THE NORTH CLIFF WHILE CHARLES PREFERS A QUIET CORNER OUT OF THE WIND. 204 From the Collection of ''Mr. PuncK 1842— 1864. SISTERLY LOVE. Papa. "THERE, THERE! MY LITTLE POPPET! DON T CRY! DON'T CRY ! — IF YOU ARE GOING TO HAVE THE MEASLES, YOU WILL SOON BE WELL AGAIN, I HOPE. THERE, THERE!" Blanche (sobbing violently), "i— i— i— i'm not crying, papa, because i'm going to HAVE THE MEASLES; BUT BECAUSE I — I — I— THOUGHT I WAS GOING TO RIDE MARY'S PONY ALL THE TIME SHE WAS ILL, AND NOW I SHAN'T!" A DOMESTIC EXTRAVAGANZA. Mamma "WHY, GOOD gracious, nurse i whats the matter with adolphusi HE looks very ODD!" Nurse, "and well he may, mum! FOR he thought the coloured balls in MISS CHARLOTTE'S NEW G«,ME OF SOLITAIRE WAS BULL'S EYES. AND HE'S SWALLOWED EVER SO MANY OF 'EM." A HINT TO RAILWAY TRAVELLERS. BY BREATHING ON THE GLASS— AND HOLDING A SPEAKING DOLL BY WAY OF BABY TO THE WINDOW- YOU MAY GENERALLY KEEP YOUR COMPARTMENT SELECT. A SEA-SIDE DIALOGUE. "HOLLO, jimmy:— WHERE ARE YOU A-GOING WITH Y0URN7" "HESPLANADE!— WHERE BE YOU?" "PROSPEC PLACZ!" [£«( Companions of the Bath. 205 John Leech's Pictures of Lijc and C ha racier. A QUID PRO QUO. Small Boy (to prodigious Sticll). "i say, mister ketch my donkey, thats a good FOR YOU another TIME]" CHAP— ILL DO THE SAME TOUCHING APPEAL. Testy Old Cent (treariod by the importunities of the Brighton floa(me,i;. "Confound it. mani do i look AS IF I WANTED A BOAT?" 206 From the Collection of ''Mr. Piiuclil^ 1842— 1864. A DELICIOUS DIP. Bathing Attendant, "here, bill! the gent wants to be took out deep-take mm ihto the drain f A CITIZEN OF THE WORLD. OLD DIPPS declares THEY MANAGE SEA-BATHING BETTER IN FRANCE. AND THAT WHEN HE IS AT BO-LONG, HE DOES AS BO-LONG DOES-WELL! THATS a MATTER OF TASTE I 207 John Leeclis Pictures of Life and Char acter. MISPLACED INTELLIGEHCE. Mamma, "why, tom' what are you doing with that nasty dust-pan and droom?- Tom -brother FRED TOLO me to bring it in and sweep up all the HS MRS. MOPUS HAD DROPPED ABOUT- I " 8 GrcM E'PKUImns fivm Mis. M^ KNIGHTS OF THE BATH. SCENE: GREENWICH. Senior Parly, ■•doq carti good gracious i but you are never goinq to drive?" Junior Party. "NOT qoino a-dwive? why not going a— dwive? jus— aint i, tho?- [Tho last train Itas gone, and thu Senior Party under the impression that the vehicle was a brousham, has accepted the offer of a lift to town. 208 From the Collection of ''Mr. Punchl' 1842 — 1864. SHOCKING RESULT OF WEARING INDIA-RUBBER GOLOSHES. YOUNG JACK ROBINSON SEES WHAT HE IMAGINES TO BE Th.E IMPRESSION OF HIS DARLINCJ FODT— HE MENTALLY EJACULATES, " BCETLE-CflUSHER, BY JOVE:" AND FLIES TO OTHER CLIMES, 209 A HAVEN OF REFUGE. THINGS ARE SO BAD IN THE CITY, THAT MR. SNAFFLE AND MR FLUKER GO TO BOULOGNE FOR CHANGE AND AIR 13— E F. JoJiii Leech' s Pictures of Life and Cliaracter TOO BAD, BY JOVE! Heavy Swell, "deuced stupid— these newspapers!" Lady (with keen perception of the lu(li:musj "VES, Charles !-especially when they say that a dismounted AS A SWAN ON A TURNPIKE ROAD!" DRAGOON IS ABOUT AS EFFECTIVE HEARTLESS PRACTICAL JOKE. Charlotte, "here they come, dlanche. let us pretend we DON'T RECOLLECT THEM.' From the Collection of ''Mr. Punch,' 1842 — 1864. SCfW£ OH BOARD H.M.S. "I SAY. WHY AM I LIKE THE QUEENS CHIEF COOK 7 DO YOU GIVE IT UP 7" "BECAUSE I AM IN A HIGH COOL-AND-AIRY (Culinary) POSITION." [Astonished Cadet nearly falls from the yard. A BYE-DAY AT EASTER. Youth (quite at home for the holidrys). "NOW. look here, old boy : if the fox breaks at this corner, dont you holler till he gets well AWAY!"— fN.B. The old Nimrod /s the master hinnsetf.) 211 John LcccJis PictiLres of Life and CIui racier. A GREAT PLAGUE IN LIFE. PATERFAMIL'AS. WHOSE PET AVERSION IS STREET MUSIC. GOES TO THE SEA-SIDE, HOPING TO ESCAPE FROM THE NUISANCE. HE IS AT noEAKFAST,— BEAUTIFUL VIEW. NEW-LAID EGG, &c , Ac — WHEN OH, HORROR! From the Collection of ''Mr. PiDickl^ 1842 — 1864. DREADFUL FOR YOUNG OXFORD. Lady. "ARE you at eton ? ■ Young Oxford. "AW, noi— IM at oxford i" Lady. " OXFORD 1 rather a nice place, is it not?" Young Oxford. "HUMi— hawi pretty well, but then i cant get on without female society I" Lady, "dear I dear i pity you dont go to a oirls' school, theni" WONDERFUL INTELLIGENT CHILD. "ROSE, WILL YOU HAVE SOME DINNER 7" Rose. " HAVE HAD MY DINNER." "WHAT HAVE YOU HAD FOR YOUR DINNER ?" Rose. "SOMETHING THAT BEGINS WITH AN Si" "AND WHAT BEGINS WITH AN S?" Rose. "COLD BEEF I" AN INCIDENT OF CAMP LIFE. Captain Holster, "herei hi i some one i— stop my beO- noon !—H\t" 213 MAL DE MER. A foreign nobleman in difwculty. John LcccJis Piclitrcs of Life and C Jiaractci'. SUNDAY AT THE CLUB. JUST A SANDWICH AND A NICR GLASS OF HOOK AND SELTZER WATER. 214 From the Collection of ''Mr. PuncJil' 1842 — 1864. Al THE ROADSIDE INN. A MOUTHFUL OF DUST AND A PULL AT THE PUMP. :i.5 John Leeches Pictures of Life and Character. ^eS!^ AH INJURED INDIVIDUAL. Stmklns fwlio lus misf^Pd his bird, but peppt'red wilkins*. "there, now, tve a dooced good mind TO SAY THAT ILL NEVER COME OUT SHOOTING WITH YOU AGAIN—YOU RE ALWAYS GETTING IN THE WAY I •' jIAC, THE MOORS. GRATIFYING- VERY ! ! ON ARBIVINO AT THE BEST PART OF YOUR SHOOTINO, YOU FIND THOSE AMIABLE TOURISTS, THE NOBBSS, HAVE BEEN OVER THE GROUND AS THE BIRDS ARE WILD, YOUR SPORT IS NOT MUCH IMPROVED THEREBY. NOBBS, JUNIOR. MAY BE OBSERVED TAKING IN THE ■OBJECTS WITH HIS TELESCOPE A GOOD DEAL* OF INTEREST" 2 16 Fi'oni the Collection of ''Mr. PiLuchl' 1842— 1864. FRIENDLY BADINAGE. Cubby. "NOW, john' when youve done cleaning them knives behind, just clean that old spoon on the box, and lets come by I" THE NOBLE SCIENCE. TOMKINS AND HIS FRIEND (wHO HAVE BEEN THROWN OUt) CONGRATULATE THEMSELVES ON FALLING IN WITH THE SQUIRE'S SECOND HORSEMAN, WHO IS SURE TO BRING THEM BY A LINE OF GATES TO THE HOUNDS AGAIN— AND SO HE DOES, ONLY— THE LAST OF THE GATES IS LOOKED, AND OVER WHICH HE "HOPS LIKE A BIRD!" 217 13 — F F John LcccJi s Pictures of Life and Character. THE VERY THING. Dealer, "i think i know exactly the oss you want, sir-about fifteen-two-good shoulder, light head and neck-well ribbed up— tail WELL SET ON. GOOD FLAT LEGS-PLENTY OF BONE " Gent (delighted). "YA-as ■■ Dealer. "NO shy about him. a good goer, high couraged. but temperate— to carry his own head, nice mouth, and sweet temper— for ABOUT FIVE-AND-TWENTY PUND!" Gent (in ecstacy). "the very thing." (gent subsides. Dealer. "Hahi then dont you wish you may get it?" PLEASURES OF SPORT. THE NEXT BEST THING TO KEEPING YOUR OWN HUNTERS, IS, TO HIRE "MADE HORSES," THAT THOROUGHLY KNOW THEIR BUSINESS. 2l8 From the Collection of '' Mi\ Ptuich^' 1842 1864. I'M' ' THE OLD GENTLEMAN HAS HAD A LONG MILE, AND TENDERS THE LEGAL FARE-SIXPENCE. Cibby (with feigned surprise and delight), "what, all— THIS— at ouceii" VERY ATTENTIVE. Hard-riding Cornet (to Old Party, who is rather bothered by a Brook). "DONt move, sir: pray dont move and ill take you over with mei" 219 John LeecJis Pictttres of Life and Character. NOTHING TO SPEAK OF! Old Sent, "pray, My good man. what is the matter?" Confused Individual!, "matter, siri qenlmn'S oss run away with a broom, siR! niver see anythink like it in all my born days! down he COMES THE -ILL WITH THE SHARVES A-DANGLING ALL ABOUT HIS LEGS— KNOCKS A BUTCHER'S CART INTO A LINENDRAPERS SHOP— BANGS AGIN A CARRIDGE AND PAIR, AND SMASHES THE PANEL ALL TO BITS— UPSETS A FEAYTON, AND IF HE 'ADNT A-RUN UP AGIN THIS HERE CAB AND DASHED IT RIGHT OVER, AND STOPPED HISSELF. BLOWED IF I DONT THINK THERE'D A BIN SOME ACCIDENT <' ^£i^ THRILLING DOMESTIC IliCIDENT. AFTERNOON TEA. Muter Alfred, "dont, dabyi-youll spoil it. leave go, siri here, nurse i hes SWALLOWING MY NEW WATCH I " 220 From the Collection of ''Mr. Pu7tck^' 1842 — 1864. THE FAIR TOXOPHILITES. Constance, "oh, mamma i im so delighted! i have just made the best gold, and won the beautiful bracelet given by captain rifles." Lucy (disappointed), "well, Constance, i think you had better not say much about it. you know it was a fluke i for you told me you ALWAYS SHOT WITH YOUR EYES SHUT, AS YOU FEEL SO VERY NERVOUS I " HINT TO GENTLEMEN RIDING HOME AFTER DINNER. NEVER CARRY "PATENT VESUVIENNES," 2d. A BOX, IN YOUR COAT-TAIL POCKETI 221 John LeecJis Pictures of Life and Character. MR. BRIGGS, HAVING BECOME AN ADEPT IN THE ART OF HORSE-TAMING, OPERATES UPON A COLT HE HAS BRED HIMSELF, AND ?^^. WITH COMPLETE SUCCESS! 222 From the Collection of ''Mr. PtincJi" 1842— 1864. AH UNINVITING PROSPECT. ^ FRENCH FRIEND PAYS HIS FIRST VISIT TO ENGLAND, AND IS SHOWN THE GREAT METROPOLIS. HE IS PROFOUNDLY IMPRESSED BY OUR NOBLE REGENT STREET THE DEMON OF THE STREET. THE FRIGHTFUL FIGURE THAT NEARLY TERRIFIED OLD FOGEY AND HIS WIFE OUT OF THEIR WITS— AND WHICH PROVED, AFTER ALL, TO BE ONLY AN ORDINARY MORTAL CARRYING ROASTED CHESTNUTS I FOXHUNTING IN A FOG. Wild Huntsman (in the distance). "All right, jack! come along i can hear 'em in the next field i" 223 John LeecJi s Pictures of Life and Character. IT'S THE EARLY BIRD THAT PICKS UP THE WORM. PiSCatOr. "THERE, THOMAS. YOU NOW SEE THE ADVANTAGE OF EARLY RISING. I HAVE GOT THE VERY BEST PLACE ON THE WATER, AND I'LL BE BOUND TO SAY THE PTHER SUBSCRIBERS ARE NOT OUT OF BED YET I" F. M. PUNCH SYMPATHISES WITH THE POORf.'J ITALIAN ORGAN-GRINDER. F. M. P. "THERE, MY MAN, ITS A PITY A GREAT HULKING FELLOW LIKE YOU SHOULD TURN A HANDLE TO MAKE SUCH A NASTY NOISE I HERE'S AN INSTRUMENT FOR YOU I 00 AND PLAY UPON IT IN YOUR OWN COUNTRY I" 224 From the Collection of ^^ Mi'. Ptinchl' 1842— 1864. DELICATE TEST. Elevated Party. "A never think a fl'eah's had x'mush wine s'iong as a wiNDSUP-iSH wash ! ■• [Proceeds (o perform that operation with corkscrew. A WAKE IN THE MINING DISTRICTS. J'moimer Ann. "HAS thee fowghten, bill?" Bill. •■NOOAH!" J'moimer Ann. "then get thee fowghten. and coom wum. daddy got his'n DONE BY POWER O'CLOCK !■■ THE COMING COLLISION. A BAD TIME FOR JOHN THOMAS. Rude Boy. "i say, jack, aint he a fine un?— dye think hes real, or only stuffed?" 225 13— G G John LcccJis Pictures of Life and Character. \ REMARKABLE CASE OF TABLE-TALKING. Table (loquitur), "dont you believe him, mum-im not mahogany, but im veneered and second-hand." [Tabia dances about on its legs for a considerable time, and vanishes in a blue flame. THE FOUR-IN-HAND MANIA. 'Hearse Drher (to Swell, who has just sLtited a Team), "beo pardon, sir. but HEARINO AS YOU HAD STARTED FOUR 'OSSES. I THOUGHT YOU MIGHT WANT A YOUNO MAN AS COULD DRINO YOUR COACH UP TO THE DOOR A3 IT 'AD OUOHT TO BE l" TOUCHING. Friend. " — and what become of her?" Buss Driver (with emotion), "well, -she was took away from me-and got in BAD hands. YER SEE-AND SOON WENT ALL TO PIECES.- DEAR I DEAR l-SHE WOS WER BEAUTIFUL l-SUCH A SHAPE 1 AND SUCH A LOVELY COLOUR I (Sighing.) HAH 1 I SHA NEVER, NEVER, SEE-SUCH-ANOTHER -BUSS AGIN I" 226 From the Collection of ''Mr. Ptiiichl' 1842 — 1864. S\X OF ONE AND HALF-A-DOZEN OF THE OTHER. Miss Matilda to Miss Priscilla. "well, i'm surei-the creature neednt sit there in that disgusting manner! AN EQUESTRIAN DIFFICULTY. Mr. Sprat, "dont you think, my love, that the groom, who understands these things, had better put you uP7" Mrs. Sprat rmth indignation J. "the groom, mr. s. i the groom put me upi no. smi put me up yourself, a pretty husband YOU A^ei GROOM. indeed I" 227 John Leech\s Pictures of Life and Character. THE RACE FOR A BATHING MACHINE. ALICE FIRST, CLARA SECOND, MISS TODDLES A BAD THIRD; AND THE REST NOWHERE! RIVER FROLICS. WHAT CAPITAL FU,Ni IT IS SETTING TRIMMERS FOR JACK, AND ROWINO AFTER THEM UNDER A BURNING SUN !-BUT WHY DOES NOT TOM HAUL UP THE ANCHOR 7 223 From the Collection of ^' Mr. Punch" 1842 — 1864. THE WILL AND THE WAY. MRS. POTTLES SEES NO REASON WHY SHE SHOULDN'T GO OUT ON THE ROOF OF HER HOUSE TO SEE THE FIREWORKS. PREJUDICE. BOV. "OH I LOOK 'EHE, BILLl 'ERE'S A BLOATED HARISTOCRAT. THERE'S NO ONE LOOKING. LETS PUNCH HIS 'ED l" THE COMET. Master Tom. "i say, gran'ma, this is a bad job about the comet i Gran'ma. "good gracious i whats the matter?" Master Tom. ..why, here's a letter in the paper s^ys.-' The particles of the tail, it thrown out from the head having only, as before, the same rate of orbital motion as the head, and having larger and larger orbits to describe, the further they are removed from the head, will necessarily fall further and further behind as they recede from the comet, and thus form a curve independently of a resisting medium;' and that, 'the panic-allaying doctrine of the tenuity of cometia nuclei cannot be maintained from the mere fact of their translucency .'" 229 John Lcccli\s Piclurcs of Life and Character. VIVE LE SPORT! English Friend do Foreigner of distinction), "the fox has broke, and GOfiE AWAY!" Foreigner cf distinction (wito lias been galloping about the rides to his immense satisfaction). ■■AHAI he is broken, and COM AVAY' what a pityi zen 1 SUPPOSE IT IS ALL OVARE AND WE MUST CO HOME I' TAKING FIRST PLACE. Boy from School. •■ gate nailed, old boy i never mind i i'll make a cap for YOU i " 230 From the Collection of ''Mr. Piinchl' 1842— 1864. /^ CANDID. Cook. "FINE DAY. MR. CHALKS!" Mr. Chalks, "yes, cookey, its a very fine day i but if we havent some RAIN SOON, I DON'T KNOW WHAT WE SHALL DO FOR MILK!" FORTUNATE FELLOWS. Stalwart Briton, "i tell yer what, billi we ought to be very thankful WE'RE englishmen, FOR WHETHER IT'S THE CLIMATE, OR WHETHER IT'S THEIR HABITS, JUST SEE HOW THOSE AMERICANS ARE DEGENERATING!" NOT A PERSONAL ALLUSION. Stout Gent, "deari deari so he has formed an attachment that you dont approve on ami well, THERE'S ALWAYS SOMETHING. DEPEND UPON IT, MA'AM, THERE'S A SKELETON SOMEWHERE IN EVERY HOUSCI" 231 John Lceclis Pictures of Life and Character :5 '^i.\.N'^M^i RETURNING FROM THE DERBY. "AT LENGTH HE PRESENTED HIMSELF GUT IN SUCH A STATE THAT WE WERE OBLIGED TO TIE HIM ON THE BOX, AND I HAD TO RIDE HOME."- Exliact from Letter to particular Friend. AT EPSOM. £Kiled Gentleman. "Thevre offi— theyre offj" Quiet Lady, "are thev, dear? won't you have some pie?" AN ABSENTEE. "WHY ARE YOU ON THE CROSSING. JAMES? IS YOUR FATHER ILL?" "NO. HES DROVE MOTHER DOWN TO HASOOT." F7^oin the Collection of ''Mr. Punch'.' 1842— 1864. &Elf-EXAM\HAJ\ON. Purtu (slightly inHuenced), "Queshion ish' am i fit to go intodrawingroom? LETSH SHEE!-I CAN SHAY GLORIUSH CONSHYSHUSN l-HAVE SEEN BRISH INSHYCHUSION —ALL THAT SORTOTHING— THATLEOO-HERE GOSH ! ' ^^.^,^^:.^^ THE MOUSTACHE MOVEMENT. Old Mr. What's-his-name. " egad, i dont wonder at moustaches coming into FASHION, FOR— EH ! WHAT! BY JOVE IT DOES IMPROVE ONES APPEARANCE!' DEER-STALKING MADE EASY. A HINT TO LUSTY SPORTSMEN. 233 13 — H H John LcccJis Pictures of Life and Characte r. A FACT FROM THE NURSERY. Nurie. "MY GOODNESS GRACIOUS, MISS CHARLOTTE. YOU MUSTN'T PLAY WITH THOSE SCISSORS!" Miss Charlotte, "im not playing with em, nurse dear— im cutting 'ittle brudder's nailsi" RETIREMENT. GRAND CHARGE OF PERAMBULATORS, AND DEFEAT OF THE SWELLS. -M From the Collection of ''Mr. P tench',' 1842— 1864. /I SUBURBAN DELIGHT. Dark Party (with a ticl^et-of-leave. of course). ■' ax yer pardon, sir !-but if you was a-go!NG down this dark lane, praps youo allow me and THIS here young man TO GO ALONG WITH YER— COS YER SEE THERE AINT NO PERLICE ABOUT— AND WE'RE SO PRECIOUS FEARED O' BEIN' GAROTTEDI" TOO MUCH OF A GOOD THING. AS, FOR EXAMPLE, WHEN YOU GET THE ASPARAGUS SHOT OVER YOUR FAVOURITE DRESS COAT WITH THE SILK FACINGS. GOING TO THE BALL — THE FINISHING TOUCH. 235 John Lccclfs Picttcres of Life and Character. 03 I— o Q, CO UJ uj u. CO 4: a: o Uj a. Front the Collection of ''Mr. Punchl' 1842 — 1864. CO o UJ a: o u. Uj cc S 9" Or =5 a: 00 CO a: 237 John Leech's Pic tit, res of Life and Character. A DISTRESSED AGRICULTURIST. Landlord. "Well, mr. springwheat, according to the papers, there seems to be a probability of a cessation of hostilities." Tenjnt (who strongly approves of War prices). "Goodness gracious; why, you dont mean to say that there's any DANGER OF PEACE I' SOMETHING LIKE A HORSE-TAMER. Stout Pr.rly (who weishs about ten sacks of Hour and a cartload of bricks), -really, now, and so you have been initiated, and its all r:G;.t, eh? WELL, I CERTAINLY MUiT TAKE SOME LESSONS, A;:D UEOOME A HORS^I-TAMER MYSELF 1" From the Collection of ''Mr. Punchl' 1842 — 1864. SPACIOUS ACCOMMODATION. •■THE WERRY FIRST THING AS EVER I DOES WHEN I GOES TO THE CHRISTIAL PALIS, IS GIT A CHEER!" EASIER SAID THAN DONE. Master of the House. "OH, fred, my boy— when dinner is ready, you take mrs, FURBELOW downstairs I" A DOUBLE GAME. great chess match (upon the MORPHY system) BETWEEN MR. AND MRS, CASTLETOP AGAI'I3T THIiD DAUGHTER CLANOHI AND HER INTENDED, YOUNG CHARLEY ROOKTON. 239 foJni LcecJi s Picfurcs of Life and Charactcj\ ,.,:',i!'i:;i!E£i(;, if '*■ If;; ,:;;,i'l|l]||||lt'V|i'!lJll':M,iv|j;,,,lijj|,j||,pp l|it[j|j|,|ri|M^^ UJ a: CO CO o fc o m o > > UJ U I X I- t- cn Wc^/ Iir (I H I- ^ K > ^ So UJ a: 240 From the Collection of '"Mr. PuncJC 1842 — 1864. A CAVALIER. Adolphus. "NOW, GIRLS!— IF YOU'RE GAME FOR A RIDE ON THE SANDS— I'M YOUR MAN." 2-1 « 14— t t John Lccclts Pictures of Life and CJurracfer. tV£r DA1 AT THE SEA-SIDE. PARTY IN THE TABLEAU THINKS. THAT PERHAPS TTROPPING HIS RAZORS MIGHT AMUSE HIM, SCIENCE STUDENTS. so FOND OF ASTRONOMY, THAT THEY ARE ALWAYS ON THE BALCONY. FOR THE COMET ! ■~:m4' A SPECIMLN OF PLUCK. XuilkS. "HOLD H/.RO, MASTER OEOROE. ITS TOO WiDE, AND UNCOMMCM DEEP I W«s'3r 6ei"Jc ALL right, kugoles i V'E can UOTH SW(M I 242 From the Collection of ''Mr. Piiiuhl' 1842— 1864. /I fACJ. Shortsighted Offiiec. ■■ sergeant i get that mans hair cut immediately i MATTER OF OPINION. Miss Matilda^ 'GO on, fidoi-theres one great drawback to these hats-they make one look like everybody else/ ahem I) 2-li John LeecJi s PIrfnrcs of Life and CJiaractcr. OUR LITTLE FRIEND TOM NODDY DETERMINES TO HAVE A DAY'S HUNTING IN A FRESH COUNTRY. J. N (loq.). "WELL NOW, OLD FELLOW, WHAT SORT O' COUNTRY IS IT WHERE WE ARE GOING TO-MORROW?" HtS FnenO. "OH, beautiful !— very easy, biggish BULLFINCHERS with a ditch on one side timber of course, such as POSTS AND RAILS, AND THAT SORT OF THING; AND IF WE 00 TO MUDBURY, NOTHING BUT RAZOR-BACKED BANKS AND-WATER !" THE SWIMMERS. A MODERN ANTIQUE. Oeorgina "Now, clara, thats not fair-you KNOW YOU HAVE ONE FOOT ON THE ClOUND " 244 From the Collection of ^^ Mr. Piiiich]' 1842— 1864. FRENCH AS IT IS SPOKEN. Sce/tc: /'(ins, a Tabic iC HiUe.—OU Lady at Breakfast. — T/u- Ganon has /wii oriUred to bring some fruit to OU Lady. Garfon. "VOila. Madame ! ■■ Old Lady (who, tn her Daughter's absence, will let off her French). "OH! tres byang, tres byang, garcon ; bongi MARECEY, MARECEY, MAIS— THESE ARE CURRANTS— BYANG NAMPORT! GET EGAL— ONLY— JE N'AIME PAS SO WELL AS GOOSEBERRIES, YOU KNOW l'' [Instructive rather! A GOOD CATCH. FLY-FISHING. A NICE RIPPLE ON THE WATER.— AIOK' FOU A BIO ONE) 245 John Lc'L'c/fs Piclui-cs of Life unci C/ia i-acfcr. FELLOW FEELING. Cahhy "NOT GOT NO MONET?-NEVEn MIND, SIR, -JUMP IN! I CANT STAND SUCH AN OSSEY-LOOKINQ GENT AS YOU TO GO ABOUT A-WALKING 1 ic?v,^f5^;r- • THE FARM-YARD. Country Friood (to Unaon Fncnd */,o „ dressed mthin ,„ mch of h,s l,r,j. "there, my boy-come and see this lovely Pia and then wel 00 AND LOOK AT THE REST OF THE STOCK ■ 246 From the Collection of ''Mr. PtDichl' 1842 — 1864. DELICATE WAY OF PUTTING IT. Tailor (msasuring). -trifle wider round the chest, sir. than you was' TABLE-TURNING EXPERIMENT AT GREENWICH. '■there, old FELLA! HOPE YOU'RE SATISFIED IT GOES ROUND NOW." "OH YESH! THERE'S NO MISTAKE!" / COOL REQUEST. Boy. "I SAY, Sir— HEAVE us up to have a look at TMEM PICTURSSl" 2s7 FASHION OF THE PERIOD. THE RAREY ZEBRA PATTERN — A SWEET THING FOR THE SEASiOE, foJiii LcccJis PJclurcs of Life and CJiaractcr. OFFENDED DIGNITY. Small Boy r(o Bx-Cook, who has come about a place), "is there a footman kep? WHY, O' COURSE THERE IS— I'M THE FOOTMAN!" A HINT TO THE ENTERPRISING. Boy. "HERE YOU ARE, SIR. BLACK YER BOOTS, AND TAKE YER LIKENESS, FOR THE SMALL CHARGE OF THREEPENCE I " THE ROYAL KNICKERBOCKER ARCHERS. INVASION, INDEED I WHY, HERE IS A CORPS OF VOLUNTEERS, WHO HAVE NEVER EVEN BEEN THOUGHT OF-WHAT WITH TH- GLANC:S AND THE ABROWG THEY WOULD SHOOT, AN BNEMY WOULD BE WORRIED TO DtATH IN NO TIME! 248 F'roDi the Collection of ''Mr. Punchl' 1842 — 1864. r (- ■ SERVANTGALISM.—Sn. XI. Mistress, "not qoing to remain in a situation any longer! why. you foolish IINGS, WHAT ARC YOU GOING TO DO, THEN?" Eliza. "WHY, MAAM, YOU SEE OUR f 0«r(//V£- Tf i-tf « SAY THAT TWO YOUNG NOBLE- tH IS A-GOING TO MARRY U3-G0 THERE'S NO CALL TO REMAIN IN NO SITUATIONS 5 MOIE!" A MONSTROUS LIBERTY. Flunkey. " hallo. William, what's the matter?" Groom. " matter ?— WHY, i should like to know what next?- WITHOUT SAYING NOTHUN TO ME. 'AS BIN AND LENT UY OSS TO A DONE CUT OF MY AFTErNOON'S RIDE ! " HERE'S MASTER, FRIEND— AND I'M SERVANTGALISM.-yo. XII. Mistress, "i think, cook, we must part this day month." Coo* (w asfon/s/immO "why. maam? i am sure i've let you have your own way in 'most VERYTHINKI" 249 THE SKELETON IN THE CUPBOARD. 1 1— K K John LeccJi's Pictures of Life and Character. J^^m% FRIENDLY SYMPATHY. First Party (who is hard hit. and sentimental >. -this is the very spot whecc I LAST SAW THE DARLING CREATURE. I ASSURE YOU. FRANK, SHE IS THE LOVELICST. THE MOST BEAUTIFUL. THE— THE— TH— IN FACT — ' Second Party (who has heard the same thing for the last two hours ^ '■ hm ■ ha: DESSAY • YES. I SAV. OLD FELLAH. HAVE A WEED!" MEN OF TASTE. AlphonSO. ' YOU find your MOOSTARCHEnS A GREAT COMFORT. DOI.'T YO TOM " " Tom. " WELL !— YES'— 3UT I'M AFRAID I MUST CUT EM. FOR ONE'S OBLIGED " DRESS SO DEUCED EXPENSIVE TO MAKE EVERYTHING ACCORD!" CAUTION TO GENTLEMEN WALKING TO EVENING PARTIES. DONT FOHGET TO TAKE OFF YOUR GOLOSHES AND TURN DOWN VOUR TROUSERS OEFORC ENTCRINO THE ROOM. HUMILITY. 2^0 i From the Collection of ''Mr. Piuichl' 1842 — 1864. A DAY AT THE CAMP. Sentinel, 'who comes there?' Sentinel, "advance, frieno:" EbnOSUS. "FRIEND!" EbrioSUS. "ADVANSH. COME, THATSH A GOOD UNI" RUSTIC PLEASANTRY. Gent, on Horseback. "GET out of the way, boy i-get out of the wayi-my horse dont like donkeys 1 Boy. "DOAN'T HE 7^ THEN WHY DOANT HE KICK THEE ORF 7 " Jolui Leeches Pictures of Life and Character. /' J /^ frr-lliymt ^ '^~"_" "^ "^ '^ " "9 iWt/CH 700 CURIOUS. Officious Little Gent. " hollo. CA3Gy, that's the matter with your 'orse?" Cabby, "well— thats just what i dont know, and i bred him, you re always wanting to be behind the scenes, ycu are: suppose you get INSIDE AND SEE I" THE PLEASURE OF LE SPORT. Foreilner of Distinction (about to ofiargo an obstacle), "take notice, mes amisi zat i leave every sing to my vifei" From the Collection of ''Mr. Pu/wli," 1842— 1864. A JUDGE BY APPEARANCE. Bathing Guide, "bless 'is art i i know d heo take to it kindly— by the werry looks on im!" A VERY NATURAL MISTAKE. Young Lady fwfto is in Hat and Coat of ilte Period), -can i have a machine now? Batlting Woman, "not here, sir ■— gentlemen s cath no a little further downi' 253 John Lccclis Pictures of Life and Character. A STURDY DEFENDER OF CHURCH AND STATE, COMMON OBJECTS AT THE SEA-SIDE. "CHI LOOK HERE, MA I I VE CAUGHT A FISH JUST LIKE THOSE TH KGAMIES IN MY BED AT OUR LODGINGS'" IRISH LAKE-FISHING. Mr. Brims. "OUT THE COAT SEEMS VERY LEAKV. AND TO WANT MENDING A GOOD DEAL." Boatman "WANT MENOIN' is it? oh, NIVER FEAHI SHURE the DOAT'S well enough, if ye sit still. ANO OONT COFF or SNA2E. SHELL CARRY YE PRETTY WELL I" 254 From the Collection of ''Mr. Pitnclil' 1842— 1864. IAS,1 REFUGE OF A BANISHED SMOKER. Fir&t Juvenile Swell "jump in, old fellah*' Second Ditto, -where are you going '• First Ditto "OH! NOWHERE! IVE ONLY HIRED HIM TO HAVE SOMEWHERE TO SMOKE! NOT VERY LIKELY. THE PARTY WHO HAS A CERTAINTY" FOR THE EMPERORS PLATE. N-B. SEND EIGHTEEN POSTAGE STAMPS' AN EAST WIND JOKE. Brown. "AH, tomkins i here's a merry spring to you!" Tomkins. -the same to you, brown, and many of them, if you come to thaT! -;o JoJni LcccJis Pictures of Life ami CJiaracfei^. I: CENSORS. Master Sparrow -look there, tom • young fred is asleep'' Master Sprat. "vEii poor little beggar i what a shame it is to keep such a mere child as that up so late i ,^.^ NOTHING LIKE HORSE EXERCISE. •NOW. AUNT I TOUCH HIM WITH YOU" LEFT HtEL. AND LET'S HAVE A TROT I 2'-C) From the Collcclioii of ''Mr. Piinchl' 1842 — 1864. A NEW INDUSTRY. "WHY, JACK! WHATS THE MATTER 7 YOU LOOK DEUCED QUEER!" "YA-AS! YOU SEE. I'VE GONE INTO BUSINESS. I BUY CLAY PIPES AT A PENNY A- PIECE. AND SMOKE 'EM TILL THEY ARE BLACK. AND THEN SELL 'EM FOR A GUINEA : BUT ITS PRECIOUS HARD WORK, I CAN TELL YOU." .^ItlP c=< THE NEW FASHION. First Coster, "why, jack i what's all that?" Second Do. "well, i cant say! unless its fihewouks ! " A REAL SOLDIER. Friend. "MY good Alfred! what the deuce are you about?" Alfred (in tt>e Fusilier Guards). "WHY. you see. old fellow, we are to have a corps of scotch AGPIPERS attached TO THE REGIMENT, — SO I'M TRYING TO ACCOMMODATE MYSELF TO CIRCUMSTANCES. ND GET ACCUSTOMED TO THE NOISE. " FANCY GOES A GREAT WAY. ■OH, HE'S AN 'ANSUM DOG. BUT HE AINT HALF SO 'ANSUM AS HIS BROTHER WERE!" 257 H— L I, Jo Jul LcecJis Pic lures of Life and Character. fA\H DISPUTANTS. AN ELEGANT ROW ABOUT A MACHINE, BRUTAL LEVITY. Jones (who is naturally proud of his first-born i. "A little darling, aint he9' Bachelor Friend. ■■ h'm, ha! i see— young gorilla; is he real or stuffed?' INDOLENCE. Old Mr. DillbS. "WHV, OEOROEl YOU NEVER RIDE HERE IN THE AFTERNOON-HOWS THAT?" Yvuiti Swotlinelon. "no-o-o. it looks as if one had some occupation, you know, and couldnt wide of a HORNING. I always wide before BHEAXFA3T, BETWEEN ELEVEN AND ONE I " ^S8 From the Collection of ''Mr. Puiichl' 1842—1864. THE CENSUS. Head of the Family (filling up the paper), "well, miss primrose, as a visitor, i must put your age in! What shall we say?" Miss P. "OH, IT'S best to BE STRAIGHTFORWARD. THE SAME AS DEAR FLORA— TWENTY LAST BIRTHDAY 1" A SUBJECT FOR SYMPATHY. 3ISTRESSING POSITION OF CHARLES, WHO DOES NOT FEEL WELL, AND WHO 13 KEENLY ALIVE TO THZ FACT THAT AMY IS LOOKING AT HIM THROUGH HER OPERA-GLASS. LITTLE DUCKS. Secrgy. -there now. clara-i call it very peevish of you. you promised ME, IF I LET YOU GO IN FIRST. THAT YOU WOULDN'T BE LONG, AND I DECLARE YOU HAVE BEEN EXACTLY AN HOUR AND TWENTY MINUTES." [PoutS. 259 JoJin LcccJis Piclitres of Life and Character SOLICITUDE. Wife, "NOW PROMISE ME ONE THING, ADOLPHUS. YOU WON'T QO FLYING OVER ANY HEDGES OR FIVE-BARRED GATES?" /1/V UNCONSCIOUS VICTIM. FEARFUL PRACTICAL JOKE PLAYED WITH A CHILD'S OALLOON UPON A SV/ELL. 260 From tJie Collection of ''Mr. Punchl' 1842 — 1864. A HORRID BOY. Frank. "OH, i say, emilyi aint the sea-side jolly?" Bmily (who is reading Tlie Corsair to Kate). "' do not know, frank, what you mean by jolly.-it is very beautiful!— it is very lovely!" Frank. "HAH! and don't it make you always ready for your grub, neither?- lExit Young Ladies, very properly disgusted. VERY ARTFUL CONTRIVANCE. Clara, "why, dear me: what do you wear your hat in the water for?" Mrs Walrus "OH, i always wear it when i bathe, for then, you see, dear, no one can recognise me from the EEACH 1 " AT THE PLAY. 261 John Leech's Pictures of Life and Character. ,£^ IN A HURRY. Boy. "NOW THEN. SIRI-THE MORE YOU LOOK THE LESS YOU'LL LOIKE IT !-GET OVER, OR ELSE LET US COME I '• ANGLING DELIGHTS. ON ARRlVINO AT THE BEST PART OF YOUR FISHINO, YOU ARE OF COURSE CHARMED TO FIND THAT OLD MUFFINS AND HIS LITTLE COY HAVZ DEEN WHIPPIMG THE STREAM ALL THE AFTERNOON. 262 From the Collection of ''Mr. Punchl' 1842— 1864. THE BEARD MOVEMENT. Young Snobley (a regular Lady-killer), "how the gibus do stare at one's beard i I SUPPOSE THEY THINK I'M A HORFICER JUST COME FROM THE CRIMEAR I " CONSOLATION. Young Snobley. "ah. jimi noble birth must be a great advantage to a oove!" Jim (one of Natures nol)ilityj. "hmi P'raps.'— but egad! personal beauty AIN'T A bad SUBSTITUTE!" -— c-'>^'>^ -^■^ GOING TO THE PARK. AN UNDESIGNED COINCIDENCE. TOMKINS RETIRES TO A SECLUDED VILLAGE, THAT HE MAY GROW HIS MOUSTACHES, AND SO CUT OUT HIS ODIOUS RIVAL, JONES. JONES, IT SO HAPPENS, HAS COME TO THE SAME PLACE WITH THE SAME OBJECT. — FRIGHTFUL MEETING! 2^3 John Leecli s Pictures of Life and Characfer. A LITTLE SHOOTING IN IRELAND. "NO HIT AGAIN, I'M AFRAID, TIM! "O, NIVER MIND, YER 'ONOR I SURE, YE DO IT VERY NIST. THERE'S SOME JINTLEMEN NOW COMES. AND THEY BLAZE AWAY, AND THEY WOWNDES THE POOR BIRRDS IN THE LIGS AND THE WINGS, AND SUCH LIKE; BUT YER ONOR' O, YE FIRES, AND FIRES, AND ALWAYS MISSES 'EM CLAHE AND CL£HR I " LITTLE DINNER AT GREENWICH. fish Sitetl. ••HERE. WAITAWI-AHE THE WHITEMEN PRETTY GOOD?" AFTER THE BATH. 264 From the Collection of ''Mr. Punchl^ 1842 — 1864. POETRY AND PROSE. Blanche. "OH. is there not. dear emily, something delicious about spring? —WE SHALL SOON HAVE ALL THE DEAR LITTLE BIRDS SINGING. AND THE BANKS AND THE GREEN FIELDS COVERED WITH BEAUTIFUL FLOWERS!" Emily. "OH. YESI-AND WITH IT WILL COME ALL THE NEW BONNET SHAPES FROM PARIS, AND THE LOVELY NEW PATTERNS FOR MORNING DRESSES ! " '.'■/ A HAPPY NOTION. Johnny. "OH. i say, granma i spose you pretend being a little pony, and 1 RIDE about on your BACK ROUND THE SQUARE T'—f/V.S. Granma feels the heat a good dealj -mm CRICKET.— CAPITAL PRACTICE FOR THE ROUND BOWLING OF THE PERIOD. 265 14 — M M John LeecJis Pictures of Life and Cha racter. Uj UJ a; 1- oc UJ 266 From the Collection of ''Mr. Picnch" 1842 — 1864. :3 3; 09 a: 267 John LeecJi s Pictttres of Life and Character. QUITE A NEW SENSATION 5.ve// (on top of Omnibus), "look here, gus, my boy! such a capital i-deaw i i ride up and down from BAYSWATER TO THE WHITE CHAPEL AND EAT PERIWINKLES WITH A PIN!" SPORTING INTELLIGENCE. M.F.H. PUNCH TAKES COMMAND OF HIS FIELD IN DEFENCE OF HIS COUNTRY. • Master of Fox Hounds. 268 Frojii the Collection of ''Mr. Pttnchl' 1842 — 1864. A CAREFUL RIDER. "A STILE. EH 7 AHEM I THAT'S A SORT OF THING THAT REQUIRES A GOOD DEAL OF JUDGMENT." AT ALDERSHOT-A RATHER DIFFICULT MANCEUVRE. CLARA AND HARRIET. AND THE TWO NICE GIRLS WHO ARE STAYING WITH THEM, LED BY MAMMA. GET INTO COUSIN HERBERTS HUT AND HAVE LUNCH. 269 John LeccJi s Pictures of Life and Character. UJ 5 5 '^^ -J p- n ,11 ~t^ ff/ J'' '^- nil ri?i iM ^ ^ E a: CO o 270 From ike Collection of "Mr. Punckl' 1842 — 1864. o O o o ar 00 CO UJ 00 C3 0= < I UJ 00 UJ ■J h~ < UJ CO a. (t 3 Uj u. a. John Leeclis Pidnrcs of Life and Character. THE CURRENCY QUESTION; OR, THE STOCK EXCHANGE OUT FOR THE DAY. Jonas. "I SAY. BROWN. THINGS ARE DEUCED BAD IN THE CITY." Brown, "then im deuced glad i'm at epsomi" 272 g.e.crj's L OF IFE AND HARACTER. **-* — *** — • **;■::- — *JS* ■ ^4^??}? ^-^^ vs?vj?7i^ ^^^ v;c ->!:-Vi? Tir^vJ? vt?^^» ^^^^ ^^--^ 7^^^ ^^if ?ic 7t^^^ HISTORY. —THE ANCIENT BRITONS. im.!f (reads) 'in the summer they were naked, and instead of clothes they "UT PAINT UPON THEIR BODIES. THEY WERE FOND OF A FINE BLUE COLOUR, WHICH fHEY MADE OF A PLANT CALLED WOAO. WHICH THEY FOUND IN THEIR WOODS. THEY SQUEEZED OUT THE JUICE OF THE WOAO, AND THEN STAINED THEMSELVES ALL OVER *ITH IT. SO THAT IN SUMMER THEY LOOKED AS IF THEY WERE DRESSED IN TIGHT BLUE =LOTHES." Arthur, "and did they walk in the PARK AND GO TO CHURCH SO 7" I A REAL TREASURE. Paterfamilias (suddenly arrived in Town), "good gracious, Mrs. wilkins, why D!Dnt YOU forward these letters? THEY ARE OF THE UTMOST IMPORTANCE." Mrs. Wilkins (the Treasure). "LOR, SIR! i should never think o' forwarding sich THINGS AS THEM. WHY, I SEE THEY WAS ONLY BUSINESS LETTERS FROM THE HORFICE, OR SOMETHINK O' THATI" 15 — B John LcccJi s Pictures of Life and Character. THE LESSON. Disgusted Instructor of Plungers, "there you go again i sticking out your toes like a hinfahtry hadjutanT! THE DARLINGS COME OUT TO SEE THE 3STH OTHERSEX VOLUNTEERS DRILLED. Sergoant (appoalingly). -now then, gentlemen, onoe more, eyes front, -and pray, gsntleme:n-pray dont stake about rou as if rou WERE IK CHURCH I " Front the Collection of ''Mr. PuncK 1842— 1864. A WORD TO THE WISE. Discerning Cliild (who /las lieard some remarks made by Papa). "ARE you cur new NURSE 7" Nurse, "ves. dear!" Child. "WELL, THEN, I'M ONE OF THOSE BOVS WHO CAN ONLY BE MANAGED WITH KINDNESS— SO YOU HAD BETTER GET SOME SPONGE-CAKES AND ORANGES AT ONCE 1 " A POSER. Precocious Pupil. "Please, miss jones, what is the meaning of suburbs?" Governess (who is extensively Crinolined), "the outskirts of a place, my dear." Pupil (seiiini Miss J. by the dress), -then, miss jones, are these rouR suburbs?" DINING UNDER DIFFICULTIES. John LcccJi s Pictures of Life and Character. EMPHATIC. Boy (to Nurs^i. "what did you say 'made her ill'?" Nurse, "'ark at you, halfredi i diont say, 'made er hill'i i said, 'she lived at maida 'ILLM" CRUEL. young Swell (loq). "l SAY, THOMPSON, 00 YOU THINK I SHALL EVER HAVE ANY WHISKERS?" Thompson (after careful examination), "well, sir, i really don't think as you ever will-leastways not to speak ofi" Young Smell, "thats rather hard, for my pap-i mean oovernor-has plenty i" Thompson (facethualy). "Yes, sir,-uut praps you take ArrER your ma i ■' (7-0(3/ collapse of Y.S. From the Collection of ''Mr. PilucJiI' 1842 — 1864. Sf/4-F/Stf/WG. Boafman. "dont yer feel anythink yet, sir? praps youd better try another worm/' y^ PROFESSIONAL. Mrs. Tongs, "lor. adolphus i how beautiful those beans smell i" AiolphilS (probably in t/,J hlir-oMng hns). "THEY do, INDEED, MY UOVfi I THEY REMIND ONE OF THE MOST DELICIOUS 'AlB OILl" John LcccJi s Pictures of Life and Character. ONE NIGHT FROM HOME. Wife (to Unreasonable Monster), "irs of no use, oEORGf, your saying, 'Hang it, maria;' i must have some place to put my thingsi" THE VOLUNTEER REVIEW. PolKcmtn (^ho, w, ar, bound to say, Is cxtremel, Ml), -white ticket. ma'Am, letter H7-yES, ma'Am. quite rioht. over the HUROLEe, IP VOU PLC.ASK 1 ■• From the Collection of ''Mr. Punch" 1842— 1864. A SKETCH IN ST. JAMES'S STREET. Odious Juvenile, "oh, look ye 'Ere, bill, 'ere'S a volunteer corpse for yeri" MAKING THE BEST OF IT. Irate Proctor, "sir. i sent you back to your college only five minutes aqo, to INVEST YOURSELF IN YOUR ACADEMICAL COSTUME ! " Fast Freshman (with alfability). "yesi and here we are againi isnt it odd?" A FACETIOUS INFERENCE. Sarcastic Peeler, "going to 'ave a new 'orse, then, cabby?" Cabby, "new 'OSSi ow dye mean?" Sarcastic Peeler, "why, youve got the framev.'ORK together already i" John LeecJi s Pictures of Life and Character. UNEXPECTED BLISS. Swell (dressing). •' hurrah !i by jove, theres a button at the back of MY shirt !!!■• TOO CLEVER BY HALF! First Boy. "Are you in a hurry with that letter, bill?" Se:ond Ditto, "yes. its to be delivered immediately, and im to wait." First Boy. "WELL! wait here, and have a game at pitch and toss, and deliver it immediately afterwards." I II ; III THE CROSSING-SWEEPER NUISANCE. From the Collection of ''Mr. Punchl^ 1842— 1864. A SERIOUS DRAWBACK. Hideous Old Lid) of Fanhion (with Plain Daughter). "CHArmino ball at sir charless last nighti everybocy there— good rooms, not over- crowded— capital SUPPER 1 dearest BARBARA ENJOYED HERSELF PRODIGIOUSLY! I DONT SEE, HOWEVER, HOW 1 CAN WELL AVOID ASKING HIS SISTER AND NIECE TO UY BALL, NEXT WEEK, HE IS SO FOND OF THEM ; AND YET YOU KNOW THAT THEY ARE PEOPLE WHO DO NOT GO OUT NEARLY AS MUCH AS WE DO, AND ARE NOT AT ALL IN OUR POSITION IN SOCIETY I " A TU QUOQUE. Sunday. School Teacher. "OH, johnny, i'm shocked to see you playing with your top. you should leave YOUR TOYS AT HOME ON A SUNDAY!" Johnny (quick, but impudent), "then why do you come out with your hoop?" LADY AUDLEY'S SECRET. i5 — C John LeecJi s Pictures of Life and Character. A HOPEFUL PROSPECT. Clara, "what does tommy think? why. tommy has just got a new little brother!" Tommy, "have i, though 7 how jolly !— there'll be somebody now to wear my old CLOTHES I " i5^=S>.S-^^ = ^YANTGALISM.~>io. XIII. _ :FEOTLy Lady, "then i suppose you consider yourself perfectly competent to hear the children their lessons, should they stay away from school any day 7" Candidate for Situation. "Hoh. yes, memi the family i wIre with, said i hadnt ouqhter be anythink but a nussery guvnessi" From the Collection of ''Mr. Punchl^ 1842— i 86a. A FINANCIAL DIFFICULTY. Swell (who has received Four Penn'orth of Coppers in Change). "herE! by jove, you 7H£ DISTRICT TELEGRAPH. INVALUABLE TO THE MAN OF BUSINESS. First Partner (to Second ditto), "what an age we live ini talk of the introduc- tion OF steam or of GAS! JUST LOOK AT THE FACILITIES AFFORDED US BY ELECTRICITY. IT IS NOW SIX O'CLOCK AND WE ARE IN FLEET STREET, AND THIS MESSAGE WAS ONLY SENT FROM OXFORD STREET YESTERDAY AFTERNOON AT THREE!" -h^ RELAXATION. Siene^Smokwg Room. Country House. 2 '30 a.m. Country Friend (to Johnson, wlio has had a long tramp of it in the ram after wild birds). "WELL, GOOD NIGHT, OLD FELLOW! IF YOU WONT HAVE ANOTHER WEED. RE- MEMBER l-CUB-HUNTING IN THE MORNING, HALF-PAST FIVE. DON'T BE LATE I " OLD SCHOOL. Mr. Grapes (helping himself to another glass of that fine old Madeira), "hah! we live in strange TIMES— WHAT THE DOOCE CAN PEOPLE WANT WITH DRINKING FOUNTAINS!" 23 John LeccJis Pictures of Life and Character. DABBLING. Master Jack Uo ver, refine,! Governess. >v/,o has suddenly appeared), •■oh, miss finnikin, do come ,n ; ,rs so awfully oollv!- YAVi. UK. ISLOATeKSl', HOW TO MAKE A WATERING-PLACE PLEASANT, PARTICULARLY TO INVALIDS. TIME. 30 A.M. (/I Hint to tho Powers that be at Sandbatli.J 24. From the Collection of ''Mr. P^inchl^ 1842— 1864. /W IHE VOLUNTEERS. Small Effective, "—and then, just look at the immense improvement in the personal APPEARANCE OF OUR FELLOWS I" OH I ISN'T IT DELIGHTFUL, GETTING YOUR BOOTS OFF AFTER A THOROUGH WET DAYS HUNTING! SEA-SIDE STUDIES. Impertinent Cousin frearfs). "'The rocks along our Coast may be seen studded with these beautiful zoophiles. • ■ • » The skin is soft, and the tentacles are of the finest violet, mingled often with pink, mauve, green, and yellow ; indeed the colours vary so much in different individuals, all alike beautiful, that it is impossible to describe them rigidly. • ' • ^ During the ebb of the tide, these creatures may be contemplated on a fine day to great advantage, and few spectacles are calculated to afford more pleasure to a lover of /Va(ure,'_ H'M i— here are two lovely specimens, fred i you take one, and i'll take the OTHER I" 25 15 — E John Lecclis Pictures of Life and Character. CONSIDERATE ATTENTION. Paterfmilias (who is atout ami a Volunteer also), ■■ohoi my new uniform-come home, i see!" Family, ■yes, pa deari and weve tried it on the water-butt, and it looks so nicei- PORTRAIT OF A CERTAIN STUDENT WHO IS READING SO HARD AT THE SEA-SIDE. 26 From the Collection of ''Mr. Piinchl' 1842— 1864. 7H£ LAS,! DAI Al THE SEA-SI DE.-PACKI NG UP. Maid (to Paterfamilias J "please, sir. missus say your AND THEY WANTS TO BE CORDED." E TO COME IN. AND SIT ON THE BOXES; BECAUSE WE CANT GET 'EM TO. 'W ELL! THE BOLDNESS OF SOME PEOPLE!"-A SKETCH ON THE BRIGHTON COAST. 27 John LeecJis Pictures of Life and Character ' f, >^ ll'l 1 1 1 1 i M' ,f 11* i AN EXCESS OF CLEANLINESS. Old Parly (very naturally excited), '■why, confound you: you are wiping my plate with your HANDKERCHIEF I" Wider (blandly), "irs OF NO consequence, sir— its only a dirty onei" THE LAST SWEET THING IN HATS. A GROUND SWELL. P.lrly (who doesn't SulTer). •■BRACiNQI AinT it, jack? l ALWAYS THINK THAT THE BEAUTY OF SAILINQ IS, YOU GET AIR AND MOTION WITHOUT fatique. DON'T YOU THINK SO. EH 7" iCnxumstances over nhich he has no control prevent Jack from speaking his mind. 28 From the Collection of ''Mr. Pujick" 1842— 1864. A^IJ ^Mll!||L^|lliii([|ii| AN EXPERIMENT ON A VILE BODY. Medical Pupil (after dragging a patient round the surgery, succeeds in extracting a tooth), ■■comei THAT'S NOT so BAD FOR A FIRST ATTEMPT!" EXTRAVAGANCE. "NOW, YOUNG UNS, CUT AWAY— BLOW THE EXPENSE 1" SCENE IN A MODERN STUDIO. JACK ARMSTRONG HAS PAINTED A MODERN SUBJECT. FROM REAL LIFE, AND PAINTED IT UNCOMMONLY WELL. — STRANGE TO SAY, HE HAS SOLD HIS PICTURE. MESSRS. FEEBLE AND POTTER (yery high.art men, wlio can't get on witltout medieval costume, and alt the rest of it) think it a mistake.— curiously ENOUGH, THEIR PICTURES ARE UNSOLD 1 29 L_ John Leechs Pictures of Life and Character. ^^ SOMETHING LIKE A DESCRIPTION. Young Stickleback, -por-taw! have you seen a friend of mine waiting about he-aw?" Porter. "FRIEND, SIR I what sort of gentleman was he?" Young Stickleback, ■•hawi tall— military-looking man. with moustachers-something like mei" GONE AWAY! Oli Coacbman. "now, miss elleni miss ellen i you know what your pa said i you was to take the greatest care of joeyi Mitt Ellon, "SO I WILL, RODERTI and THATS why I AM TAKINO HIM OFF THE NASTY HARD ROAD, POOR THING I" 30 From the Collection of ''Mr. PuncK 1842— 1864. -^ WE ARE SORRY TO SAY THAT THIS IS THE SAME EXEMPLARY YOUNG PARTY AS HE APPEARED RETURNING FROM THE DERBY I 38 From fJic Collection of ''Mr, PuncJil' 1842 — 1864. THE LATEST FAST THING. Constance. "Oh, isnt it awfully jolly? george has bought this private h«,nsom. and im going to drive him over to see grandpapa!" AMBITION. Lady, "but i thought that you and the other servants were perfectly satisfied i" Flunkey, -well, mem, i aint in no ways discontented with my wages, nor with the vittkls, nor nothink of that-but the fact is, my friends say that a young man of my appearance ought to better hisself, and get into a situation where there-s two men behind the carridgE!" (Poor Fellow I) 39 John Leech's Piciures of Life and Character. ACCEPTING A SITUATION. MAMMA AND THAT URCHIN WILLIAM GET ROUND SAFELY, BUT AUGUSTUS AND EMILY ARE OVERTAKEN BY THE TIDE, WELL 1 WELL I THEY ARE ABOV^ HICHWATER MARK. SO PERHAPS THEY WON'T BE VERY MISERABLE FOR THE NEXT HOUR OR TWO. THE SKETCHING MASTER. 4" THE ARISTOCRATI A PROBABLE SCENE, IF 01: " 4'— -14 COMPANY (LIMITED). GO ON DABBLING IN BUSINESS. 16 — G i From the Collection of ''Mr. Pii7tclC 1842— 1864. "T _^'W^*'^«v^:^-^ ^-^-^^Sf ^^ AN INQUIRING MIND. Arthur. "Iwammai isnt mr, blanque a wicked man ? • Mamma, "wicked, my dear i no; what makes you ask such a question?" Arthur, "why, because, mamma dear, when he comes into church, he doesn't !«f£t HIS HAT AS OTHER PEOPLE DO I " HEALTHY AND AMUSING GAME. Flora, "GOOD oraciousi Reginald, what have you been about?" Reginald, "Oh, nothing i weve only been playing at being tom sayebs and THE BENIOIA BOY I" GENEROUS OFFER, Cabby, "now then, sihi jump in drive you out of your mind for eighteen pence I" 45 16 — G' John LeecJis Pictures of Life and Character. f J/- fl^'"^ ^'■^^ ^^^ y^ y^- 'c^y^ oMaoJ:. NATURAL IMPATIENCE RATHER A KNOWING THING IN NETH. Admiring Friend. "Why frank i what a capital dodge i" Frunk. "A— ya-as. my ueard is such a dore, that i have taken a hint from the fair sex. 46 Fj'oin the Collection of ''Mr. PuncJil' 1842— 1864. THE MARRIAGE QUESTION. Brown. "SO, you RE going to marry old MRS. YELLOWBOYCE. well. I THINK YOU'RE A DOOCED LUCKY FELLAH!" Jones. "BY JOVE, l don't think the luck is ALL ON MY SIDE! IF SHE FINDS MONEY. HANG IT, I FIND BLOOD AND — HAW — BEAUTY ! " NOTHING LIKE MOUNTAIN AIR. Tourist (who has b^en refreshing himself with the Toddy of OLE FLER ! HIGHLANDS SEEM TO 'GREE WITH YOU WONERFLY- YOU LOOK DOUBLE THE MAN ALREADY!" the Country), "i shay. — ANNOMISHTAKE. WHY. SUBJECT FOR A PICTURE. Photographer. ■ now. sir i 'AVE yer cart de visit done?" 47 John Leecli s Picttires of Life and Character. ^c CANINE. Patron 'well, out you dont mean to say that such a dawg as that COULD OHAW A BADGER?" Fancier. " not draw a badger ? why. bless yer -art. it would be a LITTLE 'OLIDAY TO HIM I - HINT TO TRAVELLERS. IF YOU ARE OBLIGED TO CROSS THE CHANNEL, GET AS NEAR MID-SHIPS AS POSSIBLE (never MIND THE MOVEMENT OF THE ENGINES. OR THE SMELL OF THE oil), and — IT WILL BE SOONER OVER. LATEST FROM ABROAD- POWDER AND ALL THE REST OF IT. Old Mm: FnbUk' ' hem i cut these old-fashioned minxes out-flatter myself f 48 From the Collection of ''Mr. Punchl' 1842—1864. THE CLERICAL BEARD MOVEMENT. WE DO NOT FOR ONE MOMENT PRESUME TO SAY WHETHER IT IS RIGHT OR WRONG,— ONLY, IF THIS SORT OF THING IS TO PREVAIL, WHAT'S TO BECOME OF CAPTAIN HEAVYSWELL "^ "BY YOUR LEAVE!" Porter, "now, marm, will you please to move, or was you corded to your box?" 49 16— H John Lcec/is Picliu cs of Life and Character SOOTHING EXPLANATION. Cabby. ■' youve no call to get out. sir ! hes only a little okard at startin' i RESOURCES OF THE ESTABLISHMENT. ^ Old founsl. -pnAY, waiter, is there anything to wile away the time until THE dinner-hour?" Waiter. "YtssiR: which would you please to take, sm-r—Winc or spihiTS, SIB?" A LIKELY CASE. Fiery Instructor to trembling Pupil - now. sir i come ! i know you < dont ATTEMPT to BULLY ME. SIR— IT WONT SUCCEED. I CAN TELL YOU!" 50 From the Collection of ''Mr. Puiichl' 1842— 1864. RATHER VULGAR, BUT PERFECTLY TRUE. Boatman (in the distancej. "i say, jack, got a mossel o' bait to spare?" Jack. "WELL. I cant let YER have no WUMS ; BUT I DON'T MIND LRNDING YER A BIT O' BULLOCK'S LIVER TO OBLIGE A LADY 1 " _^ll /]' ^ STOLEN PLEASURES ARE SWEET. PORTRAIT OF T0MKIN3, UNDER THE DELUSION THAT THE PUBLIC TAKES THE OLD GENTLEMAN'S GROOM FOR HIS John LcccJis Pic/ures of Life and Character THE CABMAN'S GUIDE. Utiy. "OHl PLEASE CABMAN. DRIVE ME TO ST. BARNABAS' CHURCH. YOU QO UP EBURY STREET, AND TAKE- Caibman. "i know— hopposite the three compasses i" FALSE ALARM, SURELY! hiss PnsiiHa (in(/i (/lo Dog), "ves. its the worst of THtsr watering-places, there are so many adventurers on the look out for WIVES, that one is always in fear of ueing proposed to I" From the Collection of ''Mr. Pitnch^,' 1842—1864. lUJiliminimMi'^im •^^ PITIABLE OBJECTS. Mr. Done (to Mr. Dreary). "NO! A dont know how ^T is— but i aint the THING SOMEHOW! NO EMBAWASSMENTS OR ANYTHING O' THAT SORT. CAN'T MAKE IT OUT. SPOSE ITS OVCRWOfiK ! " TOO BAD, BY JOVE! YOU KNOW. Swell. "OH, NAWN-SENSE ; HALF-A-CROWNS TOO MUCH. HERE'S E1GHTEEN-PENC£. I AIN'T SUCH A FOOL AS 1 LOOK!" Cabby. •' ain't yer, sir? then i only wish yeb woS!" VERY RUDE, INDEED. Little Boy. "OH. my eyei there goes eightpencf. out of a shilling i A CHANCE FOR JEAMES. John LeecJis Pic lures of Life and Character. NATURE WHEN UNADORNED, dc. MAJOR ALOERSHOT, RETURNING FROM PAFiADE, FLATTERS HIMSELF THAT HIS RAT-TAILED CHARGER IS MUCH ADMIRED SINCE THE SADDLER HAS SUPPLIED HIM WITH A NEW TAIL. A SEA-SIDE SUBJECT.— JOLLY FOR THE PARTY IN SEARCH OF REPOSE- N.B. The Old Lady with the Parrot oncouragu Organ-Gr(i}ders, and .then tho Moon shines briiht and c/e.ir, doesnl the Black Dog come out.' 54 From the Collection of ''Mr. Pitnch" 1842 — 1864. DOOSED AGGRAVATING FOR CORNET FLINDERS. Darling (coixingly to Favourite Hack), "it was a nice ittle soft nose, it was— and it had very nice eyes, it had— and it was very HANDSOME. IT WAS — AND IT WAS A NICE 'ITTLE SING ALTOGETHER!!" MRS. J. HAS THE BEST OF IT PaterTamllias. "Mrs jonesi m-matilda! why '-eh '-what the deuce--- Mrs. J. "YES. MR J YOU HAVE BEEN GOING ON SO ABOUT THE CRINOLI STYLE OF THING. SO, COME, JONES, GOME OUT FOR A WALK!" NE, THAT 1 THOUGHT I WOULD TRY HOW YOU LIKED THIS 55 John LcccJis Piciurcs of JJfe and Character OPPOSITE OPINIONS. WHILE THEY ARE AT SCARBOROUGH, PATERFAMILIAS THINKS HIS LITTLE ONES OUGHT TO LOSE NO OPPORTUNITY OF DRINKING THE WATERS. LA MODE-THE ZOUAVE JACKET. Miss Stout, "well now dear, i call it charmino. and shall most certainly have one myself i" 56 From the Collection of ^' Mr. Pinicli^' 1842— 1864. CAUSE AND EFFECT. Housemaid. "Drat the bothering china cups and things, they be always a- KNOCKING UP AGAINST ONE'S CRINOLINE." NOT SUCH A BAD THING IN A SHOWER A WICKET PROCEEDING. Georgina. "why. what's the matter with my little poppet?" Little Poppet. "OH, aunty dear, Walter can't find his stumps, so hes making a wicket of my best dolli" 57 16—1 John Leec/i s Pictures of Life o/id Character A TYRANT. Uaater Jacky (who pursues the fagging system even when liome fvr the holidays i. oh. here you are! i have been looking for you girls everywhere. NOW. YOU JUST MAKE HASTE HOME, AND PEEL ME A LOT OF SHRIMPS FOR MY LUNCH!" PUTTING PRINCIPLE INTO PRACTICE. BLOOD WILL CARRY ANYTHING — AT LEAST SO MISS FEATHERWEIGHT THINKS I A MERMAID. 58 From the Collection of ''Mr. Punchl' 1842—1864. CRICKET— THE PRIDE OF THE VILLAGE. PICKED UP FROM THE BEACH. " GOOD MATCH, OLD FELLOW 7 " "OH YES, AWFULLY JOLLY!" "WHAT DID YOU DO 7" "I 'AD A HOVER OF JACKSON; THE FIRST BALL 'IT ME ON THE 'AND; THE SECOND 'AD ME ON THE KNEE- THE THIRD. WAS IN MY EYE; AND THE FOURTH BOWLED ME OUT." [Jolly S3me Old Salt (who has Sot sixpence a piece out of the children), "there, my dears, YOU'VE GOT A KITTEN FOR A SHILLUN' AS HAD OUGHT TO 'A BIN SEVINAND-SIXPENCE AT LEAST; AND IF YOU'LL MEET ME HERE TO-MORRER AT THE SAME TIME, YOU SHALL HAVE SUCH A BOAT FOR A HALFA-CBOWN AS YOU COULDN'T GET AT A SHOP FOR FIVE BOBV AQUATICS-WHEN THE BEES ARE SWARMING. S9 John J.cccJis Pictures of Life and Character. PERSUASIVE. Conductor, "full inside, mom i-ROOM on the roof, mum i-onlv like going up-stairs. muM!" (But the O'.il Ucly isn't partial to going up.stairs.) I li V ■ \ , XM; DIGNITY AND IMPUDENCE. OFFIOlOUo U-IOMN HUSHES TO OPEN CAHHlAOeDOOR. JOHN AND THOMAS, TO USE THEIR OWN PHRASE, ARE "COMPLETELY NONPLUSHEDI" 60 From the Collection of ''Mr. Punch" 1842— 1864. -^^ HELPING HIM ON. Cruel Fair One (to silent Partnerj. -pray! have you no conversation?" A VICTIM TO OVER-EXERTION. Standing-up Swell, •■morning, Charley ! doing a bit c park, eh?" Swell (reclining), "yaas.— you see i cant do without my weglar exercise." BENEVOLENCE. MR, PUNCH HAVING HEARD OP THE EXCELLENT QUALITIES OF THE EXMOOR PONIES. PROCURES A FEW FOR THE LITTLE FOLKS! 61 JoJiii LcccJi\s Pictures of Life and Character. UNWELCOME PLEASANTRY. Frederick (who, we are sorry to say, is ratlier fond of c/iaffin^ /i/s Broll)ei-iii-L,nv> "OH! look here, Robert, will you have this with you in THE CARR'AGE, OR SHALL I PUT IT INTO THE VAN?' THE YEOMANRY SERVICE. WOOOLES. WISHING TO ACCUSTOM HIS HORSE TO THE REPORT OF FIRE-ARMS, MAKES HIS LAO FIRE A GUN AT AT FIRST THE EXPERIMENT IS NOT SATISFACTORY. THE CORNER OF THE LANE 6s From the Collection of ''Mr. PtLuchl' 1842— 1864. THE NICE LITTLE DINNER. Tommy (who is standing a feed to Many). "OH. hang it. you know, fourteen BOB FOR A BOTTLE OF CHAMPAGNE! THAT'S COMING IT RATHER STRONG, AIN'T IT?" Waiter (witi) perfect composure). "We have some Cheap wine, sir, at half-a- GUINEA " A LITTLE FARCE AT A RAILWAY-STATION. Lady, "i want one ticket— first! Clerk. "SINGLE?- Lady. "SINGLE! what does it MATTER TO VOU, SIR, WHETHER I'M SINGLE OR NOT? IMPERTINENCE!" [Clerk exptains tliat he meant Single or Return, not t'other thing. A LUCID EXPLANATION. "WHAT CAN BE THE MATTER WITH THE 'MAGIC.' CHARLES" ' "WHY, YOU SEE, DEAR, TOM PUT HIS HELM DOWN RATHER TOO QUICK, AND SHZ MISSED STAYS AND WENT ASHORE, AND THEY ARE NOW HAULING THE JIB A-WEATHER TO LET HER FILL AND PAY OFF." THE SOCIAL TREADMILL.— THE WEDDING BREAKFAST. 63 John Leech s Pictures of Life and Character. MASTEfl AND MAN. A PRETTY ST/iTE OF THINGS. Master (to Swell Groom; "OH. snaffles, i wish to show the new horse to this gentleman— and we shall ride in the afternoon." S.vell Groom, •■very sorry, sir. but the osses are looked up for the present, sir I and what osses was you going to ride this afternoon? I SHOULDN'T LIKE TO 'AVE MIHC OUT IN THE DAMP ! ■ "-JT BOARD AND LODGING. iandlady. "yes, sir. the doaro were ceutinoly to oe a guinea a week, but i diont know A» YOU WAS A-OOINO TO UATHE IN THE SEA BEFORE BREAKFAST, AND TAKE BOTTLES OF TONIO OURINQ THE OAYI ° =^ THE COLLAR M.iNIA. NEAT AND APPROPRIATE ORNAMENT FOR A GENT'S ALL-ROUNDER. 64 From [he Collcctiou of ''Mr. PuncJil' 1842— 1864. THE LINGUIST. Archy. "i say, Jessie, do you understand frekch?" Jessie. "A LITTLE— DO YOU?" Archy. "Oh, yes— i understand it very well: because, when pa and ma TALK FRENCH, I KNOW I'M GOING TO HAVE A POWDER!" THE EXHAUSTED STUDENT. Fond Psrient. " bless his heart— always studying! read himself asleep- Geography NOW, OR something OF THAT SORT, I'LL BE B0UN07 " [No' Its the Cookery Book. t^'iiMifXiilitiiii MISTAKING A TITLE. Constance (literary), "have you read this account of 'the mill on the floss,' dear?" Edjth (literal), "no, indeed, i have not and i wonder that you can find anything TJ interest you in the description of a disgusting prize-fight !■■ VAULTING AMBITION. 'NOW then, charity — higher I you DON'T CALL THAT A EACKI" JG— K John Leech's Pictures of Life and CJiaractcr. \ PRIVATE THEATRICALS—THE MOUSTACHES. lady B. fa »icked Marquis;, ■■out have you made me fierce enough, Charles?" Charles. "f:erce i-ferociousv EXPRESS. Old Gent, ■'this oscillation is very unusual, sir, isnt it? we seem to be GOING A TREMENDOUS PACE I" Swell "AW-YA— AS' THEY'RE MA^'.ING UP FOR LOST TIME. rVE JUST TIMED 'EM. AND WE'VE DONE THE LAST NINE MILES IN SIX MINUTES AND A HALF, HAVE A SMASH. PRESENTLY, AW— THINK I" THE SPOON-SHAPED BONNET. A SOU'-WESTER IN A SEA-SIDE LODGING-HOUSE. 66 From the CoZ/cr/io/i of ''Mr. Piinchl' 1842— 1864. A SHOCKING YOUNG LADY, INDEED! Emily (betrothed to Charles), "oh. Charles, isnt it fun? ive beaten Arthur and julia, and ive broke aunt sallvs nose seven times:" USEFUL APPLIANCES "WIGGLES AND SPROTT PREFER BATHING FROM THE BEACH TO HAVING A STUFFY MACHINE. THEY ARE MUCH PLEAilD V/;.;| THi D.L.v.'..- L. ATTENTION INOIOATEO ABOVE I ' 67 John LeecJis Pictures of Life an d Char acter. \ Brown (loQ). BEFORE 'A HOT ON THE WAY TO PARADE. "CALL TH)S PLAYINQ AT SOLDIERS, INDEED! I'D MUCH RATHER BE Fine.' I KNOW I" [nevertheless, Brown sticks to his duty hke a mm. JOHN TOMKINS AND 'ARRY BLOATER. M/vy (In the Boots of the Period), "yes, theyre dogged comfgrtable, and QIV; ONE A MILITARY AND RATHER SPORTING APPEAnANOE, I FANCY." A DIP IN FRENCH WATERS. Jom do Old WDv»n). "com, sar -what do you m:an?-am i to bs lcd down like that for a quarter of a mile?" 6S From the Collcciioii of " J/r. Puiichl' 1842— 1864. SCENE — A CERTAIN GAY WATERING-PLACE. First Irresistible (on hack). ' ullo, arry! why, what has brought Yoy here?" Second Ditto "why, yer see, bill, i'm precious sick of working for my living, so ive come here to pick up ah aircsS' THE LATEST IMPROVEMENT Jane. "LAWK, JEMIMA! DONT THEY LOCK EEWTIFLE NOW THEYVE GOT THEIR LONG COATSl' Jolni I.eec/fs Piciurcs of Life and Character. FIRST OF SEPTEMBER. MR BRIGGS GOES OUT SHOOTING WITH A BRACE OF DOGS HE HAS BROKEN-IN HIMSELF. M PROBABILITY -■■HOLD YOUR ZEBRA, SIR?" 70 From the Col/cctioii of ''Mr. Punch',' 1842— 1864. A FRIENDLY OFFER. Confounded good looking Hibernian Friend (to Jones), "adieu, me boyi is there anything i'll do for-r-r ye while ye'RE away? will i ride out, OR WALK WITH MISS PLUMLEY FOR-R-R YE. NOW! ONLY SPAKE THE WOR-R-RD!" A MATTER OF OPINION. Diana, "yes. dear— i must say that i think a girl never looks so well as she does in her riding hab.t i John Leech's Pictures of Life and Chai'acter ,Vc/' PORT RAIT ROO'I A PICTURE FOR THE INTEMPERATE. Photogripher. "now. sir. step in and have your likeness taken, it might BE useful to your FAMILY!" THE HILL AT EPSOM. Irritated Swell (walking away), "i tell you i don't want to be brushed!" Public Coat -Brasher. "Oh, just to make you a little tidy, my lordi" Swell. "I SHAN'T PAY YOU!" Coat-Brusher (still brushing), "that ain'T o' no consequence, my lord; but i SHOULD LIKE TO SEE YOU LOOK RESPECTABLE!' POLITENESS A SKETCH NEAR LEICESTER SQUARE. Bill. "WELL, JIM! HOW BE YOU TODAY?" Jim. WHAT ODDS IS THAT TO YOU 7-YOU DEAN'T MY MEDICAL ATTENDANT," 72 From the Collection of ''Mr. PuncK 1842— 1864. -=^:^-^^r^^?^ wo DOWfiT" OF \J. Invalid (in carriage), "now, these postilions never seem to be unwell! upon my word, i verily believe if i were to change places with THAT LITTLE CHAP, I SHOULD BE EVER SO MUCH BETTER!" ■■«^ THE GALE. "DONT BE ALARMED, DARLINGS— THE CAPTAIN HAS GOT QUITE ENOUGH TO DO TO LOOK AFTER HIMSELF."— PunCft. 73 16 — L John LeecJi s Pictures of Life and Character. SPREAD OF THE VOLUNTEER MOV EM EN T.^SCEN E, THE SCHOOLROOM. Young Larkins. "Oh. heres mammae now, ma, if you ll fall in by gina. ill put you through your facings ten-tioni" "•^^ THE rOHTHMJ. FlNISHl,;^ iUUCH TO THE DRESS. Paintor. "i oto your pardon, uut im afraid you are sitting on my palette! ON THE SANDS. caution to young ladies who ride in crinoline on donkeys. 74 From the Collection of ''Mr. Punchl' 1842 — 1864. VkHiABlE ADDITION TO THE AQUARIUM. TOM (WHO HAS HAD A VERY SUCCESSFUL DAy) PRESENTS HIS SISTERS WITH A FINE SPECIMEN OF THE CUTTLE-FISH (ftctOpuS HllgariS), PRUDENTIAL ASSURANCE. Whipper. DOOCED nice place, this— only one cant speak to a gal without its being REPORTED YOU'RE ENGAGED TO HER." Snapper, ■■ hah ! i took the precaution to give out W!ien i first came that i wasnt a marryin- mani" 75 John Leech's Piclni-es of Life and Character =Tt-;3 iii ""^fr?^ ^^^^^'^g^'^ PLEASANT INTELLIGENCE. Soy. "AH, YOU AND MRS. DRONE ARE COMING TO SEE US NEXT WEEK IN THE COUNTRY." Mr. Drone. "ARE WE7-WE HAVE HEARD NOTHING OF IT" Boy. -OH. VES-BECAUSE I HEARD PAPA SAY TO MAMMA, THAT THEY HAD SOME TIRESOME PEOPLE COMING, AND THEY MIGHT AS WELL ASK ALL THE BORES AT ONCE." WELL(?) BROUGHT UP. First Juvenile. "MAY i have the pleasure of dancing with you, miss Alice?" Second Juvenile. "A, no-thanks, i never dance with younger sonsi" A MILITIA MAN. REAL ENJOYMENT. Charley (who is wet through for the nirtlh time), "oh, mai we've been SO jolly i we've been FILLINO ONE ANOTHER'S HAIR WITH SAND AND MAKING BOATS OF OUR BOOTS, AND HAVING SUCH FUN I" 76 *l\ From the Collection of ''Mr. Punch" 1842— 1864. REPOSE. YES I BUT WE ARE SURE THAT IF ELLEN KNEW WHAT A FIGURE FREDERICK MADE OF HER BY SPRAWLING ON THE CLIFF JUST BEHIND HER, SHE WOULDN'T BE SO QUIET TRULY DELIGHTFUL ! QALLOPINQ DOWN THE SIDE OF A FIELD COVERED WITH MOLE-HILLS, ON A WEAK-NECKED HORSE, WITH A SNAFFLF. BRIDLE. ONE FOOT OUT OF YOUR STIRRUP, AND A BIT OF MUD IN YOUR EYE 1 77 Jo /ill Leecli s Pictures of Lije and Character 5: z o D K- >- co o UJ CD o 7 ^ 7 CO a :^r. o ^yWf/-////m'//' O cc a: CO 78 Fro7ii the Collection of ''Mr. Punchl^ 1842— 1864. 1' ii ■li ^. ll moo. C Is C3 a: o a: -J o Q a: — X S ^ John Leech's Pictures of Life and Character. O [(M% 80 From the Collection of " Mr. Punch" 1842 — 1864. j^Fi. B^IQq3'3 ADV£:f^TURE3 IN THE HIQHLAf^DS. No. I. MR. BRIGGS, FEELING THAT HIS HEART IS IN THE HIGHLANDS. A-CHASING THE DEER, STARTS FOR THE NORTH. GO/WG NORTH. "THIS CARRIAGE IS ENCAGED I" 81 17— M John Lecclis Pictin-cs oj Lijc and Character. A TIT-BIT. Omnibus Driver (in the distancej. "holloa, joe. now vouve got your duck, ill send you the peasi" i^<:;T>t i .n.^^ > ;^? > WE SHOULD THINK IT DID. Clara, "mamma, dear i i wish you would speak to ghorge • he will keep spinning freodvs nastv great humming-top in my aquarium, and IT DOES SO FRIGHTEN THE MINNOWS I" v2 From the Collection of ''Mr. Punchl' 1842— 1864. fvIE^. BI^iqQ3'S ADVENTURES l]M THE HIGHLAJMDS- ^< No. II. MR. BRIGGS, PREVIOUS TO GOING THROUGH HIS COURSE OF DEER-STALKING, ASSISTS THE FORESTER IN GETTING A HART OR TWO FOR THE HOUSE. DONALD IS REQUESTING OUR FRIEND TO HOLD THE ANIMAL DOWN BY THE HORNS. !" »■ '"''« S^'^' ^"™^^ « ^S S'™"^ ^' ^ *""' ^"^ """ *'* '^^^ ''** ^ raCe hOrSe. No. III. MR. BRIGGS AND HIS FRIENDS HAVE A QUIET CHAT ABOUT DEERSTALKING GENERALLY, HE LISTENS WITH MUCH INTEREST TO SOME PLEASING ANECDOTES ABOUT THE LITTLE INCIDENTS FREQUENTLY MET WITH— SUCH AS BALLS GOING THROUGH CAPS— TOES BEING SHOT OFF I —OCCASIONALLY BEING GORED BY THE ANTLERS OF INFURIATE STAGS, ic , ic &0. ^3 John LcccJfs Pic //ires oj Life and C hai^acter SERVING HIM OUT. Mrs. T. (to T.) "FEEL A LITTLE MORE COMFORTABLE. DEAR 7 CAN I GET ANYTHING ELSE FOR YOU 7 WOULD YOU LIKE YOUR CIGAR-CASE NOW 7 (Aside. TEACH HIM TO GO OUT TO GREENWICH AND RICHMOND WITHOUT ME, AND SIT UP HALF THE NIGHT AT HIS CLUB.'" ; I'LL POSING A CUSTOMER. Immense Swoll. "Hawi look heawi if i-haw-took a quantity of these things, would they-haw— be cheapaw7" Hosier, "well, sir, that would depend i pray are you in THi TRADE?" [Feelings of Swell may 6e imagined. 84 From the Collection of '' ALr. Piinch^' 1842 — 1864. }AY\. BF^iqQ3'3 ADVENTURE3 IJH THE HIQHLA^Dg. No. IV. TO-DAY HE GOES OUT FOR A STALK, AND DONALD SHOWS MR. ERIGGS THE WAY. No. V. WITH EXTRAORDINARY PERSEVERANCE THEY COME WITHIN SHOT OF "THE FINEST HART.' MR. B. IS OUT OF BREATH. AFRAID OF SLIPPING. ANU WANTS TO BLOW HIS NOSE (QUITE OUT OF THE QUESTION). OTHERWISE HE IS TOLERABLY COMFORTABLE. 85 John Lceclis Pictures of Life aiid Character. PLEASURES OF VEGETARIANISM. A LESSON IN FRENCH. ■ NOW THEN, JACK ' YOU TAKE THE PRONUNCIATION FROM ME. AND WHEN HE COMES. SING OUT ' VEEV LUMPHOOROAR •' " ■OH, GRACIOUS, MISS LEGUME! I FEAR I HAVE TASTED ANIMAL FOOD I HAVE EATEN A WHOLE EARWIG IN MV SALAD'" DRIED UP! 8oy (atlendino ■no. sin i nor there aint bin none not for ever so long'' Owing to the nt^ceOinilj/ dry woMicr, Mr Hackle Unds that the strean\ he has taken for fishing is not in so good a state as he oould wish. 86 1 L From the Collection of ''Mr. Punchl' 1842— 1864. ]hY\. BF!IQQ3'S ADVEJ^TUFjES IN THE HIQHLA^D^. No. VI. AFTER AIMING FOR A QUAflTCR OF AN HOUR. MR. B. FIRES BOTH HIS BARRELS — AND-MISSE3 I ' -' ' TABLEAU— THE FORESTER S ANGUISH. No. VII. THE ROYAL HART MR. BRIGGS DID NOT HIT, S7 John Leecli 5 Pictures of Lije and Character. AN INCIDENT OF TRAVEL. Railway Buard (as it is getting dark), "would you like a light in this carriage. SIR?" Swell (showing a Regalia in full lilaze). "NO, thanks; i have onE!" [Exit Guard overpowered. DEBATE ON THE NEW MINISTRY. Smike. "I SAY. bill, how about the derby this year?" Bill. "OH, NOTHIN- BUT A OAX I NOTHIN' BUT A OAX ! BARRIN* THE PUNl" THE SENSATION BALL. THE LATEST PLEASANTRY IN THE PUBLIC STREETS, U (J ASH f*^*^ THE HAYMARKET AND THEREABOUT. 88 From the Collection of ''Mr. Punch" 1842 — 1864. JVIR. BP^iqqg'g ADVEjMTUREg IJM THE HIQHLAJMDg. No. vm. AFTER A GOOD DEAL OF CLIMBING, OUR FRIENO GETS TO THE TOP OF BEN SOMETHING-OR-OTHER, , AND THE FORESTER LOOKS OUT TO SEE IF THERE ARE ANY DEER ON THE HILLS. YES I SEVERAL HINDS, AND PERHAPS THE FINEST HART THAT EVER WAS SEEN- No. IX. 89 TO GET AT HIM, THEY ARE OBLIGED TO GO A LONG WAY ROUND, BEFORE THEY GET DCWN, THE SHOWER PECULIAR TO THE COUNTRY OVERTAKES THEM, SO THEY "SHELTER A-WEE." 17 — N Jolui Leech s Pictures oj Life and C ha racier. THE HUMOUR OF THE STREETS. THAT ESTIMABLE MAN. MR. PUNCH, GOES FOR A RIDE ON HIS COB. AND CANNOT AGREE WITH A CERTAIN WORTHY MAGISTRATE OB "BEAK" THAT STREET-TUMBLING IS AT ALL A CLEVER OR DESIRABLE PERFORMANCE; — -AND IT IS NOT A PLEASANT THING. WHEN GOING OUT TO DINNER, TO HAVE A SUMMEDSAULT TURNED ON TO YOUR STOM WE MEAN WAISTCOAT. 90 From the Collection of ''Mr. Punchl' 1842— 1864. |v1R. BRiqQ3'3 ADVENTURES IN THE HIQHEANDS. No. X. the deer are driven for mr. briggs. he has an excellent place, but what with waiting by himself so long. the murmur of the stream, the beauty of the scene, and the novelty of the situation, he falls asleep, and while he takes his forty Winks, the deer pass i 91 JoJin Lee c /is Pictures of Life and Character 70iV/1ffDS THE 0,1081 OF THE SEASON. Gentlcm:in. "well, tom, there's no scent again i- Huntsman (who looks upon Spring time with profound melancholy). "SCENT, sir ! no, siR! nor i dont see how there can de any scent now them STINKING VIOLETS IS ALL IN BLOOM." A SECULAR PURSUIT. Donald Punch (a Kef per.) "I DEG voun pardon, my lord bishop, cut may i just trouule ye to show me your certificate?" From the Collection of ''Mr. Pujich" 1842—1864. jVIR. BRiqq3'3 ADVE]^TURE3 JN THE HIQHLAp^Dg. P|W' No. XI. AS THE WIND IS FAVOURABLE, THE DEER ARE DRIVEN AGAIN. No. XTI. MR BRIGGS IS SUDDENLY FACE TO FACE WITH THE MONARCH OF THE GLEN ! HE IS SO ASTONISHED THAT HE OMITS TO FIRE HIS RIFLE. 9J! John LeecJ'is Pictures of Life and Character. IN BARRACKS. Field Officer of the Day. •■ hullo i why dont the guard turn out?" Solitary Private, "please, sir, they're gone to target practice!" Field Officer of the Day. "and who the, deuce are you?" Solitary Private, "please, sir. tm the prisoner, sir i" [Related to us as a fact, but which, as a distinguished Field OBcer ourselves ive don't Indorse. CONSOLATION. A BOUNCER. Mannmi (who won't appear old if she can help it), "yes, deari Arabella does grow, certainl DLESS you, my dear. SHE'S A MERE CHILD— A MERE CHILD I" Elegant Party, "there's one comfort now-aoays: A good-looking young feller, WITH A HELEGANT FIGQER CAN ALWAYS UE A MODEL TO A PHOTO- GRAPHER!" 94 From the Collectioii of ^^ Mr. Punch" 1842 — 1864. J^R. BI^IQq3'3 ADVENTURES IN THE HIQHLAJ^DS. No. XIII. MR. BRIQGS HAS ANOTHER DAY'S STALKING, AND HIS RIFLE HAVING GONE OFF SOONER THAN HE EXPECTED. HE KILLS A STAG! AS IT IS HIS FIRST, HE IS MADE FREE OF THE FOREST BY THE PROCESS CUSTOMARY ON THE HILLS ! No. xn'. AND RETURNS HOME IN TRIUMPH. HE IS A LITTLE KNOCKED UP. BUT AFTER A NAP, WILL, NO DOUBT, GO THROUGH THE BROAO-SWORD DANCE IN THE EVENING AS USUAL. 9J John Leech's Pictures of Life and Character. LATE FROM THE NURSERY. Governess. "Now, frank, you must put your drum down, if you are doing to say your prayers." Frank, "oh, do let me wear it, please; ru promise hot to thihk about it.- A FINE POLISH. -V^M/>--_ ^m<^^ CONSOLING FOR CONSOLS. Youni; Hiirdmsn. "GOiNO to dingley cross roads?" Consols, "yesi" Y. H. "AH, then, I SUPPOSE YOU'VE SENT YOUR HORSE ON!" [consols never rides upon less thin 250 guineas, and thinks himself as near perfection as possible. 96 From the Collection of ''Mr. Piinchl' 1842— 1864. MR. BFJiqqS'S ADVENTURE3 IN THE HIQHLANDS. No. XV. P/i/?r/?/DGf-swoor/wG. ON HIS WAY TO THAT TURNIP-FIELD, OUR DEAR OLD BRIGGS PASSES THROUGH THE PARK IN WHICH HIS FRIEND'S FAVOURITE BISONS ARE KEPT, HE SAYS TO GEORDIE THE KEEPER: "I TRUST, MY GOOD FELLOW, THIS IS NOT THE SEASON YOU SPOKE OF IN WHICH THESE CREATURES— YOU KNOW— EH — WHAT— A— A— ARE DAUGCROUS ? " SPORTING INTELLIGENCE. OUR EXCELLENT FRIEND, MR. BRIGGS, ALWAYS SHOOTS NOW IN KNICKERBOCKERS, AND DECLARES THEY ARE THE MOST COM- FORTABLE THINGS POSSIBLE ; AND SO THEY ARE. 9/ 17— O John Leech's Pictures of Life and Character, ENGLISH DARLINGS REFLECTED IN A FRENCH MIRROR! (dedicated to those polite and profound observers of BRITISH MANNERS AND CUSTOMS— THE PARISIAN ARTISTS l) ENGLISH SOLDIERS ACCORDING TO FRENCH NOTIONS. THE FHENCH CARICATURISTS. WITH THEIR USUAL ACCURATE KNOWLEDGE OF BRITISH MANNERS AND CUSTOMS, ARE FOND OF REPRESENTING OUR SOLDIERS Ai CONTINUALLY PLAYING AT BILLIARDS— WELL ! PERHAPS IT WILL BE FOUND THAT THEY DO PLAY THE R CAI^MS REMARKABLY WELL! HiiU-,h Ollkcrs of l)lv[iiu:lion I '. !)ain:litrrs o( Albion I (TIk- woiulciful fidelity uf thU ri.-prcsciitalioii will Ijc imtiK-diatt-h ai;kno\\kdv;cd.) " ** Young tUiard^incn ! (I'aiiiriU, [•c-rliaps. but loo Iruc I) [ 'ilic />V///r Jh'j^nt: (Asleep, of course.) 98 From the Collcclioii of ''Mr. Punch',' 1842 — 1864. ^^r'^viJi^rxUS;. . iiin .'I'li ,u1rr, tu h iftll .1 ' ' ^vP^^ /ffff£S/Sr/fi/Lf. tad/. "WHAT! TWO SHILLINGS! AND EIGHTEENPENCE FOR WAITING THREE-QUARTERS OF AN HOUR 7 — NONSENSE, IVIAN ! IT WAS ONLY TEN MINUTES BY MY WATCH I " Ca6ma/i < itisiiuiatingly )^ "WASN'T it, miss? well, then, i S'pose it was a missin' o- VOUR PRETTY FACE AS MADE IT S£fM THREE KERVARTERS OF AN HOUR!" [Fare pays, and thinks the Cubman an extremely nice person. THE IDLE SERVANT. Mistress. " you are an excessively wicked boy. SIR! YOU HAVE BEEN A VERY LONG TIME BRINGING ME THIS LETTER-AND I MUST INSIST UPON KNOWING IN WHAT MANNER YOU HAVE BEEN IDLING AWAY YOUR TIME— SPEAK. SIR!" Domestic. "BOO-HOO-'MI if you please. 'Ml Ute tMD ANOTHLR BUTLCR WAS A-LOOKINQ AT PUNCH, BOO-HOOl!" FRIVOLIir A LITTLE ROWLANDS' MACASSAR WANTED SOMEWHERE. A HINT TO THE HORSE GUARDS. 99 John LeecJis Pict?ircs of Life and Charactci'. VJE.ll OVER! ANYHOW! THE RIDING-HAT QUESTION. Lucy. "NOW TELL ME, MARY, WHICH IS THE BEST?" M.iry (who is rather hors'^y). "well, dear, for tea in the AnoouF!. and that sort of thing, perhaps the little round one; but if you want TO look like qoinq aoross country, the chimney-pot all to nothing 1" 100 From the Collection of ''Mr. P'unc/i" 1842 — 1864. \ '. / 'V;"./l I OH, HOW JOLLY! NOT A BAD JUDGE. Alimentive Boy. "MY eye, tommy, wouldnt i like to board in that ouse justi .^.Jl .* THE BORES OF THE BEACH. SO! AS ITS A FINE DAY. YOU'LL SIT ON THE BEACH AND READ THE PAPER COMFORTABLY, WILL YOU 7 VERY GOOD! THEN WE RECOMMEND YOU TO GET WHAT GUINEA-PIGS. BRANDY-BALLS, BOATS. AND CHILDREN'S SOCKS, TO SAY NOTHING OF SHELL-WORK BOXES, LACE COLLARS. AND THE LIKE. YOU MAY WANT, BEFORE YOU SETTLE DOWN. John Leech's Pictures of Life and Character. GOOD BLACKING. IMMENSE TREAT FOR THE PARTY CONCERNED. Master Jack. "Now, granny, you may come and have some jumps over our daisy chain." OUR NATIONAL DEFENCES. Duina. "WELL. Alfred, i suppose youve made up your mind to join a rifle corps-eh?" Alfnil. "WHY. no, you see, tm more in the riding way, now, if they will get up some volunteer cavalry —why. I'LL FIND a man and a horse I" ro2 From the Collection of ''Mr. Punck^' 1842— 1864. ^ k, - CHAFF. Bus Conductor (slamming the door), "full inside i ■■ Facetious Driver "full inside: well— so yer ought to be, yer had a sirloin of bread and cheese for yer teai" ^- -MM THE INVALID. Master, "well, saundehs, i see you are not able to do much with the old sow, after all?" Saunders, "why, you see maister richaro, she warent taken in time, the power thing, she warent— SHE'S STRUV hard TO GET ROUND, BUT THE WEATHERS AGIN HER, YE SEE. TO-DAY IT SHONE A BIT. AND I THOUGHT iro DO HER GOOD TO GET OUT, SO IN THE WARM OF THE ARTERNOON I PUT HER IN THE BARROW, AND TOOK HER FOR A LITTLE RIDE IN THE SUN I" i°3 John Lccclis Pictures of Lifs and C ha racier CURIOUS EFFECT OF RELAXING AIR. Traveller in the Isle of Wight, "bless my heart.' there's the bell niNGINO ON the pier. HOLLO! WHY. WHERE'S THE CARPET BAG I LEFT IN the PASSAGE?" Hotel Keeper (faintly). "OH, how should i know? dont ask me. i'm ONLY THE LANDLORD. YOU HAD BETTER TRY IF YOU CAN'T WAKE ONE OF THE WAITERS." FLUNKEIANA. French Maid. "You like a— ze— sea-side. M'Sieur jean Thomas?" John Thomas. " P"> BOKHOO, mamzelle— P,)« BOOKHOO I'VE— aw-bin so accustomed TO-AW-GAIETY in town, THAT I'M— AW— A'MOST KILLED WITH iRNWEE DOWN HERE." A LOVING CUP. PLUCK ! Master Cock-Robin, "i tell you what, uncle charles-if you are at all nervous about THE QAROTTERS— I'LL WALK HOME WITH YOU 1 " 104 From the Collection of ''Mr. Pituchl' 1842— 1864. ^^^^v;;?!'^^'''^^^ Chorus of Offended Maidens. "Well! if clara and captain de holster are going on in that ridiculous manner, we may as well leave off playing." 105 1'-'' Jo Jill LeecJis Picinres of Life and Character. SCENE — A MAN'S ROOMS IN THE TEMPLE. (steady man smokes a short pipe, and jaws at the young swell lounging in easy chair ) Steady Man. "A man must work now-adays, or he gets left behind, the only position worth having is what you make for yourself," &c,, &c. Youthful SmII. "OH, yes, I quite AGWEE with you about work I DONT mind work, you know, in a GENEWAL way — but I OBJECT TO WHAT I CALL 'WORK OF SUPERWEWOGATION I" steady Man. "and pray what do you understand by that?" Youthful Swell, "why— i mean i dont care to do anything i can get done for mei" THE LATEST STYLE. CROQUET, 1 06 From the Collection of ''Mr. Punchl' 1842— 1864. e:.?':^ THE LAST NEW THINQ IN CLOAKS. Pretty Milliner (trying it on). "DO YOU think this would suit the lady, sir?" [Little Tompkins begins to like shopping rather. .^^^^ FASHIONS IN HAIR. Lady Swell. "OH, yes, you knowi quite newi the old nets and beavers' tails getting awfully common, you KNOWI" I A RACE FOR A FARE. EXCITEMENT OF THE HANSOM CABBIES ON THE APPEARANCE OF A SWELL OUT OF THE SEASON. 107 JoJui LeecJi s Pictures of Life and Cliaracter. TUHNING THE TABLES; OR, A LITTLE SAUCE FOR THE GANDER. Henrietta rn'io is joking, nr iviirse) ' ive been thinking, dear Charles, that as you require change, it would be so nice for you to go down WITH THE CHILDREN TO SOME QUIET PLACE AT THE SEA-SIDE, WHILE i AND MRS. FRED SPANKER WENT TO BADEN-BADEN FOR A FEW WEEKS-EH— ? ■ IThis last being just wljat the H/elc/i CHARLES has been iiropasina to himself and fred spanker for the last month. v.-^^ •NOW fM PAPA." POOR FELLOW! Frank. •■! know this-i cant stand many more evening parties, and if i oont get into the COUNTRY AND HAVE A FEW DAY!,' HUNTING, I SHALL KNOCK UP ! " toS Fro7n the Collection of ''Mr. Pnnchl' 1842 — 1864. PUTTING IT BLANDLY. AM ALSO EXTREMELY SHALL EXPECT YOU TO Jones (living in the plebeian locality of St. John's Wood). PARTICULAR ABOUT MY WINDOWS— IF YOU ENTER MY SERVICE, CLEAN THEM VERY CAREFULLY," John Thomas (from Belgranaj. "oh, of course, sir '. YOU can have your windows CLEANED IF YOU LIKE— BUT IN Bf iC/?/! V//1 — WE PREFERS THEM DIRTY— ITS CONSIDERED MORE ARISTOCRATIC!' THE UNEXPECTED ALWAYS HAPPENS. this is JONES. WHO THOUGHT TO SLIP DOWN BY THE RAIL EARLY IN THE MORN- ING, AND HAVE A GALLOP WITH THE FOX-HOUNDS. ON LOOKING OUT OF WINDOW, HE FINDS IT IS A CLEAR FROSTY MORNING. HE SEES A SMALL BOY SLIDING -ACTUALLY SLIDING-ON THE PAVEMENT OPPOSITE!: AND— DOESN T HE HATE THAT BOY— AND DOESN'T HE SAY, IT IS A BEASTLY CLIMATE I I ON THE RACE COURSE. THE RESPECTABLE CAPITALIST WHO WILL BET A THOUSAND TO ONE AGAINST EVERYTHING, AND PAY IF HE LOSES— OF COURSE! ON A PARISIAN BOULEVARD. PAINFUL AND HUMILIATING CONTRAST, TO THE DISADVANTAGE OF OUR POOR LITTLE ENGLISH TRAVELLER, OF COURSE. log John Le cells Pictures of Life and Character. A mCE GAME FOR TWO OR MORE. ■FIXING HER EYES ON HIS, AND PLACING HER PRETTY LITTLE FOOT ON THE BALL, SHE SAID, 'NOW, THEN, I AM GOING TO CROQUET YOU I " AND CROQUETD HE WAS COMPLETELY." (from RoSS tO Emily J. MUSCULAR EDUCATION-THE PRIVATE TUTOR. DomOStlC. 'PROFESSOR MAULEY, MA'AM!" From the Collection of ''Mr. Piinchl' 1842— 1864. fOWfl DELUSION. First Tourist (going North). " hullo, tompk ■■ Second Ditto (ditto, ditto), "hsh-shi confound it. you'll spoil all. they think IN the train I'M A HIGHLAND CHIEF 1" .J.. ^^-X\ fX i.^- THE LATEST FASHION. Charles " sweet style of trowser, gusi" GuS. "YA-ASI AND SO DOOSED COMFORTABLE THEY'RE CALLED PANTALONS A LA PEG-TOP I •' Charles. 'NO '—really:" ^0 A SKETCH ON THE DOWNS. Jolly Post Boy of the Period, "i say, bill, don't yer wish it was darby day all the year round'? Ill THE GUARDIAN OF THE FIELD. John Leech's Pictures of Life ami Character. THE PIOUS PUBLIC-HOUSE. (where you may get adulterated ceer and gin.) A PLACE IN WHICH THE GREAT BREWERS DOH T SEE ANY PARTICULAR HARM From the Collection of ''Mr. Pi/iicli^' 1842 — 1864. THE PROFLIGATE PASTRYCOOK'S. (where THEy SERVE THE DEMOIALISING VEAL PIE AND GLASS OF SHERRY, OR FRENCH LIGHT WINE ) TOO SHOCKING TO THINK OF! J7- .. J oil 11 Leech's Pictures of Life and C ha racier. NO. 999 GOVERNMENT TRANSPORT. OFF QUEENSJOWN — VISITORS ON BOARD. P.irty (in che(}ry tone, calculated to Impart confidence to the weaker sex), -fol- low ME. FOLLOW ME— THERE'S NO CAUSE FOR ALARM, I ASSURE YOU. WOA-WO — WO-MY MAN— STEADY. MARE— V.O ! (SOttO I'OCS.J I'M DEUCED GLAD ITS THEIR HEADS INSTEAD OF THEIR HFELS-WO!" HONOUR TO THE BRAVE! Flunkey (reads). "Yesterday, thirty of the Invalids from the Crimea were inspected • * * many of the gallant fellows were dreadfully mutilated at the Alma and Inkermann. ' ' ' After the inspection, ten of the Guards were regaled in the Servants' Hall." Flunkey (loq.). "Regaled in the servants' all i eh? well, i dont THINK THEY'VE ANY CALL TO GRUMBLE ABOUT NOT BEIN' 'HONOURED SUFFICIENT r" WHAT'S THE MATTER WITH HIM? WHY. THE FACT IS, THE STUPID AND GREEDY UOY HAS MISTAKEN FOR JAM. AND SWALLOWED, A RATHER FINE SPECIMEN OF THE ACTINEA EQUINA, OR PURPLE SEA ANEMONE WHICH AUNT FOOZLE HAS BROUGHT FROM THE COAST 1 WEIGHT FOR AGE. Hurse. "DRAT THE CHILD I WHY CANT YER WALK 7- YER MORE PLAGUE THAN ALL MY MONEY!" 114 From the CoUcctiou of ""Mr. Piinc/i^^ 1842—1864. J:i=^^a^^2r /]^rf fir THE FAST TRAIN. Rstlnay Porter. "ANY luggage, miss?" Young Lddy (who is also a leetle fast), "yes! portmanteau, a lcttle bay horse and a black retriever i— and look here, get me a hansom ! ■■/W THE BAY OF BISCAY. 0!" The last sweet things in hats and walking-sticks at BIARRITZ. 11? John Leech's Pictures oj Lije and Chinracfer. THE LEGAL SOLFEGGIO. THE GREAT WHISKER-CUTTING MOVEMENT. Unhappy Sub. "BY joVE, you know, as if aldershot wasn t bad enough of ITSELF. Without depriving us of the only AMUbEMENT WE HADI- IN RE DOE VER SJS RICH ARO ROE. TOO BAD. END OF A FRIEND OF THE FAMILY. ^ Professor Pumper, -may i ask, miss blank, why you are making those little pellets^" Miss B ''well, i oont know, it is a hadit i have, i always make bread pills when i feel eOREO at dinner !•■ ti6 From the Collection of ''Mr. Punchl' 1842—1864. A SHORT CUT THROUGH THE WOOD. Sporting Gent, "■ounds been through here, old man ^ Sporting Geni. ■■'ow lonq?" Old Man. •yaasi" Old Man. "Five-ano-twenty minnits about i" ^ PHEASANT SHOOTING. A WARM CORNER. 117 Jolui Leech's Pic/i/res of Lijc and Chai'acte o CO Or o 03 UJ Ii8 From the Collcclion of ']Mr. Punch',' 1842—1864. A GAROTTE EFFECT. THIS IS DE ROBINSON, WHO, IN HIS HUilFli' AND ANXIETY TO BE IN TIME FOR DINNER, PUTS HIS KNUCKLE-DUSTERS IN MIS COAT-TAIL POCKET. ^SENSATION SCENE.) THE KNUCKLE-DUSTER. OR SOMETHING LIKE IT. YOUNG AMERICA. ART TREASURES. Reginald (who has a fine tasle, and is iery lond of curious old Glass), 'now. uncle, help yourself, and pass THE BOTTLE." 119 John Leech's Pie/nres oj Life and Cliai-acfcr. o uj ar CO UJ V Fi'ovi the Collection of "J/r. Punch',' 1842 — 1864. ^HAl IS IT? First Boy (loq.). "I tell yer its 'ED'S herei— i seen it movei" Second Ditto, "i say its at this end. yer stoopid i— i can see 'is earsi" /, "=2^ A PAINFUL SUBJECT. Old Gent, (witli tender feet), "now, boy, be very careful i- Boy. "OH, YES, YOUR HONOUR! THESE ERE KNOBS 'LL TAKE A BEAUTIFUL POLISH I" PRUDENCE. Matilda (with the hat), 'well, dear, no one ever presumed to address kc. still, after all the letters in the papers, i think no girl OF prepossessing appearance should ever go out unprotected i so I ALWAYS TAKE THOMPSON NOW ! " 18— R John LeccJi s Piciurcs of Life and Character HUSH! HUSH! Aunt (Ihindling Young L.vly's nbund.int hair), "what a trouble, dear kitty, your hair is to one i ■■ Dear Kitty. "OH. aunty, if it'S a trouble, why dont you put kittys kair in your drawer, just as you do with your own?" THE QUIP MODEST. Swell. "BOY I WHO'S CABS THIS?" Boy. WHAT ODDS IS THAT TO YOU 7 DO YOU S'POSE MY COVN'R GIVES ME BOARD WAGES TO TELL WHO BELONGS TO US?" From the Collection oj ''Mr. Pinich^' 1842 — 1864. A STOUT ASSERTION. Old Party (reads), "crystal palace— this day— fete of the amateur GYMNASTIC SOCIETY.— ' THATS THE HOLIDAY FOR MET" CS^ THE COURTESIES OF TRAVEL. Juvenile, "do you object to my smoking a cigar, sir?" Elderly Party, "oh no. certainly not. if it doesn't make you sicki" LOOKING AT IT PLEASANTLY. Friend (on ttie banl^/ WELL TIMED. Boy. "PLEASE, SIR, TELL ME THE TIME." Crusty old Sent, "yes, sir-bed-time." SINGULAR OPTICAL DELUSION. Gentlem.r. -there, love : do you see that steamer ." Lady. "OH, distinctly i there are two.' 13s John Leech's Pictures of Life and Character. THE NEW SCHOOL. Uncle (who is rather proud of his cellar), "now, George, my boy, theres a glass of champagne for you— dont get such stuff at school, eh? eh? eh?" George, "hm-awfully sweet i very good sort for ladies-but ive arrived at a time of life, when i confess i like my wine Dnri" (Sensation ) DELICIOUS! hunting under oifficulties.-a mount in the midlands. '36 From the Collection of '' Mr. Punchl' 1842— 1864. A QUIET REBUKE. Fare (who has driven rather a hard bargain and is settling), "but why, my good man, do you put that cloth over the horse'S head?" Car-Driver. "SHure, yer honour, thin— i shouldn't like him to see how little ye pay eon such a hard day's wor-rki" THE CONTEMPLATIVE MAN'S RECREATION. Brown (excited). "Hi, jonesi— neti net! net !— make haste, or i shall lose him'" Jones (who is rather giddy and nervous). " eh i— ah i— right i— to be sure i— yesi— i— i— i— i'm coming— as fast— as-oh dear'- as possible:" 137 18 — T John LeecJi s Pictures oj Life and diaracfcr ^^^^^^ -f :^ ^\^^/•4vvl■- .^^-^^\NN' A CONTENTED MIND. Old Wurzel. "Well, muster chawles. so youve been a riding the young un— how does he go?" Muster Chawles. "oh. splendid' never carried better in my life; it was his first run. and we only came down five times i HOUSEHOLD ECONOMY. paterfamilias, with his usual prudence and foresight, orders a quantity of beer of the OCTOBER brewing he has just been informed that ALL THE BARRELS ARE " A-WORKIN' AND A-BySTIN' I" '38 1 I From the Collection of ''Mr. Pinich," 1842— 1864. IHE HUMOUR OF THE STREETS. Butcher Boy (and Butcher Boys are so impudentj. "Now then, swipeyi are you goinq to stop there till you get Fihe, afore YOU DRAW rOUflSELF OFF?" I 'W„\ THE FASHION FOR NEXT SUMMER. Flora. "THERE! I DONT THINK THE STUPID MEN CAN LAUGH AT US NOW!" INNOCENT DELUSIONS. Georgins. "00 you know, dear, im so unhappy now dear Charles has gone!" Gertrude. "And i miss dear percy dreadfully— i do hope they'll get home SAFELY!" 139 JoJui LeecJis Pictures of Life and Character. A HORSEDEALER'S LOGIC. Customer, "why, you dont call that a hunter, do you?" Dealer, "well, sir, tll tell you all i know about the crse had hi /i down from orncastle fair last week— put jimmy on him, wouldn't 'ACK A yard— put HIM IN THE BREAK, WOULDN'T DRAW A KOUNCE, NOW, THE ORSE NEVER COULD HAVE BEEN CREATED FOR NOTHING ; SO HE MUST BE A HUNTER I" QUITE EXHAUSTED. OYSTERS. Itinerant Oyster Man. "Now, then—have another dozen, if you've got any more money ii" 140 From the Collection of ''Mr. PunclC 1842— 1864. A GRIEVANCE. Testy Old Gent (to Butler), "clareti yes i put it down, and pray, simpson, DONT BLOW UPON MY HEAD SO." IMPROVING THE TIME. AS SLEEP IS OUT OF THE QUESTION. OWING TO THOSE CONFOUNDED WAITS, MR. BANGS, LIKE A SENSIBLE PERSON, ACCOMMODATES HIMSELF TO CIRCUMSTANCES. AND PRACTISES HIS DANCING I RAILWAY MORALS. Guard, "now, missi are you going by this train? Miss Rebecca- "yesi but i must have a carriage where there are no young men likely to be rude to one." 141 John Leech's Pictures of Life and Character. THE CHRISTENING OF JONES'S FIRST. (A FACT.) First Street Soy (without veneration, or sense of propriety i " holla ! bill' whats all this 'ere ^ Second Street Boy (Kittiout ditto, ditto, ditto), "why— oont yer see?— its only a kitten going to be 'unG!" GROUNDLESS ALARM. Darling (in straw hat), '-what are you buying, dear?" Darling (in black hat), "why. im buying a PUHCH. the impudent thing has put me in as one of his girls i" 1.^2 From tJie Collection of ''Mr. Piiuch^' 1842— 1864. RATHER A KITCHENY WAY OF PUTTING IT. Housemaiil. "Oh-but it couldn't a bin er!" CoOfr. "I TELL YER IT WERE— SHE CALLED UPON MISSUS THIS MORNING. AND SHE AD ON A PORK PIE 'AT, AND HALF A PHEASANT STUCK IN IT I '■ VHSTlW A GEOGRAPHICAL JOKE. Impertinent Page (late from the dining room;, -i say. cookey and SOOSAN, you MAKE A PRECIOUS FUSS ABOUT A FLEA. — HOWO YER LIKE TO BE WHERE THE BLACK SEA SAILORS IS NOW?" Susan. "WHERE'S that, imperance ? ■ Page. "WHY. master says it's where the bug and the nipper (Dnieper) meet IN ONE BED!" \Sensation and loud cries of "Oh!" A SPECIAL PLEADER. ^a/r Equestrian, "now. dont be a cross old punch; we really won't SPOIL THE BEAUTY OF THE GARDENS." ANXIOUS INQUIRERS. ILL ! OH. DEAR NO ' ONLY INDISPOSED— TO WALK 143 John Leech's PictiLres of Life and Character. VERY SLANGY. Clara, "ho'.v do you like my new waistcoat, dear?" Harrietle. •■well, i declare its sweetly pretty i— the most— a— a— the most SLAP UP THINO I VE SEEN FOR A LONG TIME." HORRID GIRL! Mild Youth. "HAVE YOU seen 'THE COLLEEN BAWN ■ 7 " Horrid Girl (with extreme velocity), "seen 'the colleen bawn'i dear, deari YES, OF course. SAW IT LAST OCTOBER I AND I VE BEEN TO THE CRYSTAL PALACE, AND rVE READ THE GORILLA BOOKl" [Mild Youth IS Shut up. GOING TO COURT. 144 From the Collection of ''Mr. Punchl' 1842 — 1864. IR?^ HARR1 TAKES HIS COUSINS TO SEE THE HOUNDS MEET. Mamma and Aunl Ellen (to Old Woman). "PRAY, have you met two ladies and a gentleman?" Old Woman, "well, i met three people— but, la i there, i cant tell ladies from gentlemen now-a-days— when i was a gal." &c. 4e. A SKETCH AT A STEEPLE-CHACE.—THE BROOK JUMP. Bumpkin, No. 1. "wa-at— are they a-gwoang to joomp this?" Bumpkin, No. 2. •■ya-asi" Bumpkin, No. 1. "then, i'd rayther walk threw I" '45 18— U John Leecli s Pictures of Life and Character. FORCE OF HABIT. Old Pnrty (ill Hjnsom; "herei hollo i hi i what are you driving like that, for? stop ' let me outi Cabby "all right, sir ! tll stop 'im directly, sir— i dhuv a fire-engine for two year!!" IN STATE. LONDON CREAM. Cook. "DO YOU CALL THIS CREAM 7 WHY IT'S THINNER THAN MILK I" Milkman, oh, all it wants is well stirring up-the cream's at the bottom i 146 Frojii the Collection oj ''Air. Puuclil' 1842 — 1864. HUNTING FROM TOWN. —IT IS SAFER TO GO WITH YOUR ANIMAL. Railway Porter (refleotively). "early train i lets see! little bay oss, and a brown oss with a big knee? hahi then you may DEPEND THEY'RE THE 'OSSES AS WENT ON TO YORK 1 " SPORT(?J FOWL SHOOTING. THE FEROCIOUS PHEASANTS THINK THEY ARE GOING TO BE FED, AND SURROUND TH!- KONOURABLE MR. BATTUE AOCOHOINOLY. '47 John LeccJi s Pictures of Life and Character. AH ESCORT. Boy. 'NOW, Missus, theres no busses, kitch 'old of my harm, and ill take yer ovebi" PLEASANTl Frmd (to Notieo at Salmon Fishing) "i say, old boy, m,nd how you wade ; there are some tremendous holes, fourteen on fifteen feet deep." 148 From the Collection of ''Mr. Piuichl' 1842— 1864. P£7-/.0/£. Old— what shall we call /ler?— 'run, robert! run! there's that darling plaving with a strange child:' IMPORTANT MATTER. AulUStUS. "I SAY, LAURA. JUST TELL US BEFORE ANY ONE COMES, WHETHER MY BACK HAIR'S PARTED STRAIGHT 1" USEFUL AND ORNAMENTAL. Clara (readsj. "excuse, dearest, the paper on which i write-i have not my desk WITH ME, so J SEND YOU THESE FEW HURRIED UNES ON ONE OF MY COLLARS." 149 John LcecJi s Pichcres of Life ajid Character. AN IMPOSTOR. Wife. ■'CHARLES, DEAR. THERE'S A PERSON AT THE DOOR WANTS TO KNOW WHETHER YOU WANT ANY ORNAMENT FOR YOUR FIREPLACE " Charles, "my darling! what better ornament can i have than your own sweet self?" [The wretch is going to dine at Greenwich n-/(/i some bachelor friends, for all that. DIGNITY AND IMPUDENCE A NIGHTMARE. Vision of the Night, "any fresh prawns this marnin?" From the Collection of ''Mr. Puiichl' 1842—1864. VERf CRUEL SATIRE. Mary (maliciously, to her Cousin on leave). " henry, dear.' have you seen this order about reducing the officers' whiskers at aldershot? WHAT A SHAME! I'M SURE IF I WERE YOU I SHOULD RESIST IT ' ' rWaiv— HENRY doesn't see the point. '^.^^ YOUNG NORTHAMPTONSHIRE. Master Harry (loqj. "QUICK thing, thati did you fellows see it? / got pounded i- 151 Jo/ill Leech's Pic hi res of Life ami CJuuuicter. A DEAL. Novice. "OH. YES— HE'S A FINE HORSE; BUT ISN'T HE RATHER EENT ABOUT THE LEGS?" Dealer "bent about the legs'- stands a little over, praps — but that AIN'T no DETTERMENT to him the best of OSSES is SOMETIMES FOALED SO !■' STARTLING RESULT. 01 D MR WIGGLES TRIES HIS NEW SEWING-MACHINE. AND FINDS HIS OAHMENTS THROW OUT BUTTONS IN A VERY INDISCRIMINATE MANNER, COMFORTABLE QUARTERS THE HOUR BEFORE DINNER— NOT THE WORST PART OF A DAY'S HUNTING, '52 From the Collection of ''Mr. Punch" 1842— 1864. AH UNEXPECTED ARRIVAL OELIOHT OF THE HON, TOM RASPER (wHO HAS PROMISED HIMSELF A DAY WITH T.iE PYTCHLEy), ON FINDING THAT THE BOX WITH HIS HUNTER HAS BEEN LEFT AT GOWLEIGH STATION, WHILE A FINE YOUNO BULL, INTENDED FOR THAT PLACE, HAS BEEN BROUGHT ON TO— HAREOROUGH, SHALL WE SAY •? A FACT. Sroom. "YE SBC, SIR I THS LADIE* KNOOK$ 'OSSES ABOUT »0 1 THEY OETS UPON A 'OSS, SIR, AND THEY SAYS, 'MY EYES I HE'S A 'OSS. AND HE MUST GO!'" John LeecJis Pictures of Life and Character. i 7"W£ TOLL-BAR NUISANCE. Cabby (to impudent Boy at Gate). "AH! you always have been a saucy young dog ; but you'RE going to be done away with, that's one COMFORT— AND YOU CANT GROW INTO A TURNPIKE KAN'" LA MODE. RllilO Soy. "OH, IF ERE AINT A GAL OEEN AND PUT ON A DUSTMAN S ATI" EFFECT OF STOPPING THE GROG. "COME ALONG. JACK. MY HEARTY; NOTHING LIKE LAYING UP FOR A RAINY DAY." '54 From the Collection of "Air. Pitnchl' 1842 — 1864. FLATTERING PROPOSAL. Voluntesr. "I say. LUCY, were going to have VIV4/»DIERES in our corps. now, if you like, ill appoint you to attend upon ME!' UMBRELLA AND CA' ^E I.^tau-AL TO— S+tKrr) A SERIOUS COMPLAINT. Col. "NO. SIR I YOU cant HAVE FOUR IN YOUR HUT! — WHIST. INDEGDI" Lieut. "VERY HARD! THEN. WE MUST PLAY DUMMY!" A GENT AT COST PRICE. John LcecJi s Pictjtres of Life and Character. /I CAPITAL FINISH. Efcited but rather behind-hand Part!, "now, then, my man. have you seen -em? which way have they gone?" I/Ian. "ALL RIGHT, SIR. THEY'RE DOWN ERE; FOX AN' '0UND3 IS OUST RUN INTO TH-INFANT SCHOOL I " -^ OUR FOREIGN VISITORS. WHATEVER MAY OE A mCNCHMAN'S DEFECTS, HE AT LEAST KNOWS HOW TO DRESS— AND ISN'T THE HAT HI WEARS A SWEET THING 7 AN ORDER WE HOPE TO SEE ISSUED. "THE POUOE HAVE STRICT ORDERS TO BONNET. PUT IN A SACK, AND LOCK UF ALL URCHINS WHO DISTURB THE PEACE OF THE METROPOLIS BY SCREAMING OUT 'DIXIES' LAND,'" From the Collection of ''Mr. P-unclil' 1842 — 1864. EFFECT OF SIXPENCE A MILE. Cabby. "WELl! we aikt allowed to say much, but rM THINKINC A DOOSE OF A LOT I" OCULAR DEMONSTRATION. Gent. "OH. AH I AND WHAT DO YOU FEED THE HORSES ON?" Driver. ■' butter-tubs— DON T yer see the hoops?" THE CARTE DE VISITE. Gent (in Photographic St.d.o). ■•a-look 'ERE, you know, mister. , dont want my cart published, you know, but ,f any nice gal or lady of RANK should want A COPY. WHY, YOU CAN SELL IT HER, YOU KNOW I" »57 John LeccJi s Pictures of Life and Character. AN INCIDENT OF TRAVEL. Monthly Nurse. " DUT i can't find my box. sir ! " Paterfamilias (furious) 'confound your box i you must get in and leave it. and we'll telegraph for it.— come i the trains starting i Monthly Nurse. "Oh yes. sir. that's all very well only i thought as my box has got all your plate and linen in it," &<•., &c., &c. VERY CAREFUL. Economical Peer Cwith feeling,). "Good gracious, Thompson i havent you men got an umbrella OUTSIDE'?" r/iompson . "NO, MV lord i " Peer, ■■oeari deahi dear'-then give me those new hats inside i- AN X-CELLENT NOTION. "•ROPOSED NEW UNIFORM FOI! THE POLICE. '5^ From the Collection of "J/r. Ptinch'' 1842— 1864. HOI SO BAD AS HE SEEMS. Country Friend (apropos of Cockney Ditto i. "upon my word, thomas. if i thought he had been so dangerous, i wculdnt have brought him out," Kieper. "well, he du shoot a leetle wild, sir— but it aint o' much consequence— i load for un— and i dont put no shot ini" CONFIRMED BACHELOR. Master G. O'R.lla "deawi how shock'ng ! THERE'S another good fellah done fori" Cousins. "WHY, WHAT HAS HAPPENED, GUS 7 " SuS. "HAPPENED I WHY. CHARLEY BAGSHOT GOHI MiRRieDI" »59 John Leech' s Pictures of Life and Character. o CO Lu is i 1 60 ^i^S" THE BEACH. -A $KE '^ i6i — 164 Vif^HM WEATHER. 19 — V From the Collection of ''Mr. Pinic/ii' 1842— 1864. ^^'/1/.7Z/WG Of THE PERIOD. THE LADY HONORIA D , AS SHE APPEARED TAKING LEAVE OF HER MAMMA. PREVIOUS TO GOING INTO ACTION ! 165 THE LADY HONORIA AS SHE APPEARED WHEN THE ENGAGEMENT WAS OVER I John LeecJi s Pictures of Life and CJiaracfe GOING THROUGH THE ALPHABET. WITH A PARD3NABLE VANITY, TOMKINS, WHO HAS JUST JOINED HIS RIFLE CORPS, INVITES ARABELLA ItO WHOM HI IS EP:GAGEd) AND HER SISTER TO SEE HIM DRILLED EVERYTHING MUST HAVE A REGINNING, AND HE IS PUT THROUGH THE "GOOSE STEP" BEFORE THE NOT-ADM RNG EYES OF HIS DARLING ' DECIDEDLY. Smill SmII. -MOST asURD RCJ-.V THIY'RI kicking up about equestrians CN KENSINGTON GARDENS I WHY THEY OUGHT TO BE OEUOEO GLAD OF ANYTHING TH1 BREAKING THE BYE-LAWS. Irritible' Elderly Gontloman. " hollo— hoy-catch that dog; I've a complaint— where's the STATION-MASTER 7— UNDER THE BYE-LAWS— ITS A DOG-HERE, I QIVE THIS MAN INTO CUSTODY." THE COOK'S MORNING SERVICE. 220 From the Collection of '' M7\ Pitnckl' 1842 — 1864. STUDIES OF CRINOLINE DURING AN EQUINOCTIAL GALE. HERO WORSHIP. THE •■ KNEE PLUSH ULTRA " OF SENTIMENT- Ht^i T/u. J^ A FANCY SCENE-WINNINO THE GLOVES. from the ORAND PUQILISTIO BiLLET OF THE FIGHT FOR THE CHAMPIONSHIP. WHICH MIGHT, COULD, SHOULD. AND OUGHT TO BE PLAYED AT ONE OF THE OPERAS. «24 From tJie Collection of ''Mr. P2iiichl' 1842— 1864. Farmer. " mornin'. mh. blank i never saw you go so well before." Mr. Blank, "why, what do yer mean 7 we've never found a fox!" Farmer, "ahi but i mean so well from cover to cover, you knowi- PUTTING HIS FOOT IN IT. MR. SPENCER POFFINGTON MAKES A MORNING CALL. HE WILL WEAR AN EYE-GLASS— AND SKIPS LIKE LORD DUNDREARY-AND COMES TO QRIEF OVER A CROQUET IRON, TAKING A HEADER INTO THE ARMS OF LADY HONORIA BOUNCER I 225 20— G G John Leech's Pictures of Life and Character. SCENE ON A BRIDGE IN PARIS. NOW, WHAT DO YOU THINK IS THE MATTER HERE? WHY. ALPHONSE, IN A BOAT ON THE RIVER, HAS JUST CAUGHT A GOUJON ABOUT THE SIZE OF HIS LITTLE FINGER I TU QUOQUE. Human, ■■hahi you'o be a nice customer to meet on the loose, anywheres after dark, you would i 226 From the Collection of "Afr, Ptcnchl' 1842— 1864. M SCARBOROUGH. ^ -P-- A SAGACIOUS CABBY. ■■HANSOM, MISS I YES, MISS 1 CATTLE OH DOO SHOW 7 •' 227 mfts-^-^. READY WHEN WANU '"^y/w-: ^•^-. .Si\^^ V^^v ^- t»3 ^?^V7' :>^ '^-^ ULITIA VOLUNTEERS. B2S .•.■9 Jo Jul Leech's Pictures of Life and Character. IMPUDENCE. Old Gent. "HOWMUCh?" Hansom Cabman (boldly). "Six shillings, sir!" Old Gent, "whati why how many miles do you call it from temple bar to the bank?" Cabman. "OHi if you want to make it a mere mercan-tile transaction, you shall have your ride for nothing. ONLY DONT GIT INTO AN ANSOM CAB AGAIN, THAT'S ALL." [Old Gentleman is speechless with indignation and astonishment. A DISTURBED IMAGINATION. JONES, WHO CANT SLEEP WELL IN LONDON DURING THE HOT WEATHER, GOES TO HAVE A QUIET NIGHT IN A VILLAGE I I [Portrait of one of the Village Cochins, ic. 230 From the Collection of ''Mr, Punch^' 1842— 1864. WHAT OUR VOLUNTEERS OUGHT NOT 70 DO. THEY OUGHT NOT, FOR ONE THING, TO STAGGER THROUGH QUIET STREETS, DRUMMING AND TRUMPETING LIKE SAVAGES, AT MIDNIGHT. DRAMATIC. First languid S-vell ■■ haw i they're going on still with that dundreary!" Second Ditto. •■ aw ya'as i it must be a-a-a-a-vewy hard work for a fellah to perform such a-a-cawacter evewy evening- 231 John LeecJi s Pictures of Life and Character. ■^' RETURN FROM THE RACES-BOIS DE BOULOGNE. English Stable-boy (to his Pal) "i say. jones, isnt it a pity mounseer has not got another hand for the whip?" '^cctci. •^Jclu'jsa. C.^^'^^^^a^^" THE NEW RIDE. FRIGHTFUL SCENE IN KENSINGTON GARDENS! shall our PRIVACY BE INVADED 7 SHALL OUR CHILDREN BE RIDDEN DOWN BY A BLOODTHIRSTY AND A BLOATED ARISTOCRACY 7 ARE OUR WIVES, DAUGHTERS. AND DOMESTICS TO BE TORN TO PIECES BY FEROCIOUS MASTIFFS? NEVER! UP THEN! MARROWBONES TO THE RESCUE! 247 John LeecJi s PicUtres of Life and CJiaracter. i~ a I z inil % 248 From the Collection of ''Mr. Punch" 1842— 1864. X a: 249 •21 — K K Jo Jin Leech's Pictures of Life a?id Character. WHAT WE WANT TO KNOW. WE WANT TO KNOW WHY THE AUTHORITIES AT GRIGHTON, SO SENSIBLE AND CONSIDERATE IN KEEPING THE PLACE FREE FROM THE DETESTABLE ORGAN- GRINDERS. SHOULD PERMIT THE TERRIBLE NUISANCES INDICATED ABOVE 7 FRESH PRAWNS, WHITING, OYSTERS, OR WATER-CRESS. ARE CAPITAL THINGS IN THEIR WAY. AND WE SHOULD THINK THAT THE JADED MAN OF OCCUPATION, OR THE INVALID. WOULD VERY MUCH RATHER SEND TO A RESPECTABLE SHOP FOR SUCH DELICACIES. THAN HAVE THEM "BELLOWED" INTO HIS EARS MORNING. NOON, AND NIGHT. NOT A DOUBTFUL RACE. THE RAILWAY ENGINE AND THE FOXHUNTER — WHAT IT MUST COME TO. 250 From tJie Collection of ''Mr. Punchl' 1842 — 1864. Captain Limber, R.A. "having placed our burster and prepared our percussion fuse, which, you remember, explodes by the simple fall OF THE NEEDLE— we PROCEED TO * * * " " [professor dabbles quite sees that the Artillery is a Service of itself, and having an appointment at the Megatherium, hurries off 6/ the train. SHOCKING INCIDENT IN REAL LIFE. Enter Bachelor Brother (who has come from a long day of LiusinesV- "that confounded organ, again! although i told him to go: but-phews!— MY DEAR REBECCA. WHAT DREADFUL ODOUR IS THIS IN THE ROOM?" ['"'16 truth is, Rebecca has had the Grinding Ruff.an to sketch from 25' John LeccJis Pictttres of Life and Character, A DAY WITH THE STAG.-Ko. I. TOM NODDY DOESN'T TAKE HIS OWN HORSE WITH HIM, AS HE THINKS IT IS BETTER TO HIRE A HORSE ACCUSTOMED TO THE COUNTRY. THE QROOM ASSURES HIM THAT HE COULDN'T BE BETTER MOUNTED, FOR THE HORSE IS VERY FAST, WITH TRE/K£lVDJUS JUMPING POWER. __m.'^^mhM£ Nu. II. * * * IT IS A BEAUTIFUL FIND, AND T. N. GETS WELL AWAY WITH THE HOUNDS. THE FIRST FIELD IS A LARGE PASTURE, AND HE AND HIS HORSE AGREE WONDERFULLY. OUR LITTLE FRIEND THINKS THERE IS NOTHING LIKE A GRASS COUNTRY — UNTIL HE COMES N^\*» No. III. 'TO THIS PRETTY THING-OVER WHICH HE AND THE HORSE (wiTH TRE»f£/VDJUS JUMPING POWER) GO, AND ENTER THE NEXT FIELD IN Nu. IV. THE FOLLOWING ORDER :— T. N . HIS HORSE 252 From the Collection of ''Mr. PuncIC 1842— 1864. A PLEASANT PROSPECT. utile T. N. "SHALL YOU TAKE A SINGLE, OR RETURN?" Friend, "well, I shall take a return, because I know the horse I'M going to ride,— but YOUD better take a single and an insurance TICKETI" OUTRAGE UPON A GALLANT TURK. 253 John Leech's Pictures of Life and Character. THE GREAT BONNET QUESTION. SUCCESSFUL ANGLING. -< A COCKNEY AT DIEPPE. THE LADIES' LAP-DOG SHOW. 254 From the Collectioli of ''Mr. Ptinck" 1842— 1864. THE ORGAN-GRINDING NUISANCE.—^o. I. Old Lady (I). "Bothefi over the way! we like the horGinsi" "^-^ No. II. OVER THE WAY— THE INVALID. 255 John Leech's Piclures of Life and Character OUT OF HIS ELEMENT. THAT AWFUL SWELL PERCY DE GOSLING FINDS HIMSELF BY ACCIDENT AT DRIGHTON ON WHIT-MONDAY. HIS NERVES HAVE BEEN TERRIBLY SHOCKED. ALREADY HE HAS BEEN ASKED IF HE WANTED ANY TEA-ACCOMMODATION; AND NOW A BOATMAN REQUESTS HIM TO " JINE THIS PARTY, AND MAKE UP THE 'ARF DOZEN FOR A ROW." V \ "~1 y LE SPORT. HOORAY I MOSSOO GOES TO THE DERBY, AND IN HIS FAVOURITE COSTUME OF "BRITISH SPORTMANI" 256 From the Co I Ice I ion of " J/r. Punch,^ 1842— 1864. AN OLD FRIEND. OH DEAR NO! OLD BR— GGS IS NOT DEAD -H^ HAS TAKCN TO YACHTING FOR THE BENEFIT OF HIS HEALTH. ^£S53 HI 216 1858 II 162 1S56 I 273 1856 I 45 i8si III 47 1S61 HI 168 1849 II 259 1858 HI 233 1862 II 235 1S57 I 138 "854 III 207 1S64 III 254 1849 I 93 1848 I 256 1849 I 148 1S52 Vol. Pace Summer Visitors Ill 22 Sunday at the Club II 214 Sunday at the Roadside Inn II 215 Superfluous Advice Ill 213 Superior Animal, The II 81 Swimmers, The II 244 Sympathy H 102 Symptoms of Hard Reading H 138 Symptoms of Masquerading 11 36 .Symptoms of Wet Weather I 13 Syren, A II 270 TAni.E d'hote i Paris, A Table Turning at Greenwich Taking Change Taking First Place Taking it Coolly Taking it Easy Taking it Manfully Taking the Risks Taste Ill 219 II 247 I II I II 31 230 4 133 HI 195 III 129 Taste I 60 II 157 Taste in the Drawing-ruom I 250 Tempus Edax Rerum I 78 Tend.'r Point, A II 161 Terrible Accident I 227 Terrible Domestic Incident I 130 Terrible Proposition II 63 Terrible Threat, A IH 34 Terrific Accident II 177 Test of Gallantry, The I 4 Test of Strength, A I 135 Thames Fishing I 71 Thank Goodness, Fly-fishing has Begun II 240 That is the Question I 133 Thaw and the Streets, The II 35 Theatre of War, The II 34 The Very Thing HI 183 Thorough Good Cook, A I 125 Those Boys again II 81 Those Horrid Boy.s II 89 Those Horrid Boys again Ill 15 Those Shocking Clubs I 205 Thrilling Domestic Incident II 220 Throwing Stones through Ice II 18 Tickled with a Straw II 173 Tight Fit, A I 92 Tit Bit, A Ill 82 To be Pitied HI 181 Tolerably Broad Hint, A HI 130 Toil-Bar Nuisance, The Ill 154 Tom Noddy, Adventures of Mr. ... II 172 Tom Noddy, a Day's Hunting II 244 Tom Noddy's, Mr., First Day with the Hounds II 71,73-75,77,98,99 Too Bad Ill 116 Too Bad II 33 Too Bad! II 113 Too Bad, by Jove II 210 Too B.id, by Jove ! Vou Know ... HI 53 Too Civil by Half I 70 Too Clever by Half HI 8 Too Faithful Portrait, A I 209 Too Much II 148 Too Much of a Good Thing II 235 Too Popular by Half I 250 Topsy Turveydom I 158 Touching II 226 Touching II 184 Touching Appeal II 206 Touching Simplicity I 223 Towards the Close of the Season ... Ill 92 Town and Country I 81 Training School for Ladies II 121-J Travellers' Luggage HI 20 Travellers' Requisites I 253 Trial-for-Murder Mania, The I 161 Triumph of Mind over Matter II 97 Troops and the Weather, The I 29 True Politeness I 140 True Respectability I 131 TnieTale, A HI 126 Truly Delightful HI 77 Trimip Card(igan), A II 118 Truth is Great I 207 Vol. Trying Thing for Tootles, A 11 Tu Qiioque ,..., Ill Tu Quoqiie, A Ill Turfites I Turning ihc Tallies , Ill Tyranti A Ill UNABASHEn II Unconscious Satire II Unconscious Satire 11 Unconscious Victim, An II UndeniaMe I Under the Mistletoe II Under the Mistletoe II Undesigned Coincidence, A.i II Undesigned Incident, An I Undignified Reminder II Unexpected always Happens, The II Unexpected always Happens, The III Unexpected Arrival, An Ill Unexpected Bliss Ill Unexpected Change, An Ill Unfeeling Husband, An Ill Unfeeling Observation I Unfitness of Things, The II Uniform Stupidity II Uninviting Prosjiect, An II Unlucky I Unlucky this Time II Unmindful of Dignitaries Ill Unreasonable Complaint, An I Unseasonable Sport I Unwelcome Pleasantry Ill I-'nwelcome Visitor, An II Unwelcome Visitor, An II Up to Weight I Urgent II Used up I Useful and Ornamental Ill Useful Appliances Ill Useful at Last Ill Useful if not Ornamental I Useless Information I Vaoaries of Fashion II Vain Shadow, A H Valentine, The 11 Valentine's Day II Valualjle Addition to the Aqunriinu III Valuable Animal, A I Valuable Hint I Varieties in Horse-Taming II Vaulting Ambition Ill Very Accommodating I Very Acute I Very Alarming, indeed II Very Artful Contrivance II Very Attentive II Very Careful HI Very Considerate I Very Considerate H Very Considerate HI Very Cruel Satire HI Very Mne Fruit I Verv Fine ('■entlemen I Page 194 226 9 132 108 58 Year 1S58 1858 1S61 1853 1S62 1859 S3 iSS.S or. 18^0 48 185.S 200 iS-,7 18.5 1S4S 104 I8S7 r> 1S64 2(i3 i8w 103 i8,S,l 30 1861 199 I8S7 IdO ixr.o In:! I S(')3 8 1S61 17 1S60 131 .8,6 i 1847 147 iSs6 118 i8S4 223 1S56 24 1S47 13.", 18.S.S 17 ^^S 268 i8,W 133 i8S2 62 1S61 r,3 I84.'; 150 IS56 121 i8S4 18 IS,, 98 iSsi 149 1 86 1 67 1S62 8 1S61 211 iS,, 172 1851 89 iS„ 101 1844 157 1840 1 ') I8.S4 rr, i860 6 1S52 94 1849 129 185S 6', 1856 219 1S53 74 1S52 1.'.9 1S46 2hl 1857 219 1S5S 158 i860 122 1852 85 185S 240 1S64 151 i860 111 1.S4S 91 iS|,S I ndex. Vol. Very Fine Talking , I Very Friendly II Very Great Man, A I Very fireen-eyed Monster, A II Very Kind I Very Large Notions II Very Low People .. I Very Much Alive Ill Very Much at Sea HI Very Natural Mistake, A II Very Odd II Very Old Frieml, A H Very Old Soldier, A I Very Particular I Very Particular Party, A II Very Proper Diet for Hot Weather I Very Rude indeed II Very Rude indeed HI Very Shocking Boy indeed, A II Very Slangy Ill Very Thing, The II Very Thing, The HI Very Vulgar Subject, A I Very Vulgar Subject, A , HI Very Voung Mariner, A I Victim of Circumstances, A I Victim of Fashion, A II Victim of Pleasure, A I Victim to Over Exertion, A HI Vision of the Past, A H Visit to a Dog Fancier, A H Visit to the Antediluvian Reptiles. .\ I Visit to the Studio, A Ill Vive le Sport ! H Vive le Sport again Ill Volunteer Movement , II Volunteer Review, The HI Vulpecide, The — Base indeed Ill Waiting for a Dip I Waiting for the Carriage II Wake in the Mining Districts, .\... II Waltonians I Waltzing of the Period Ill Wanting in Reverence H Warblers under Water II Water Abstainer, A II Watering- Place Pleasure, A HI We all have our Troubles I Weather and the Streets, The II Weather in the Parks, The H Wedding Day, The 1 Weight for Age Ill Weighty Matter, A 1 Weighty Matter, A II Well (?) Brought Up Ill Wellington Statue, The I Well Intended, no doubt II Well Out of it H Well Over! Anyhow HI Well! The Bolilnessof some People HI Well, thev may call this, &c II Well Timed Ill We should Think it did Ill \\'et Day at the Sea Siile, A II Pace Year 11 1846 50 1S57 216 1854 29 1858 164 1854 149 1858 54 1S52 177 1856 210 i860 253 1856 161 1853 79 1850 39 1846 210 1855 59 1858 62 1852 104 1858 53 1847 131 1857 144 1855 218 1857 183 1S60 86 •853 132 1859 277 1854 225 1847 113 1S56 215 1S54 61 1S59 140 1846 96 1846 246 "854 188 i860 230 1859 194 1862 10 1 86 1 6 1S60 185 1862 154 1S47 110 1853 225 1S53 83 1S52 165 1861 1 00 1S52 111 1S5S i 1.S7 185S 186 1864 28 1852 22 1 86 1 20 i8S4 •)-.- 1855 11 1 1855 1 151 1051 1S56 76 1S63 260 1846 114 1S52 65 1S49 ■ Vol. We'll Serve the Shop II What Indeed? II What a Dreadful Story ! I What a Shame ! II What a Shame! II What a Terrible Turk ! II What is it? Ill What is This? I What's the Matter ? I What's the Matter with Him ? Ill What's to be Done in July? HI What must be the Next Fashion ... H What Next? Ill What our A'ulunteers Ought Not to Do Ill What they said to Themselves I What we could Bear a Good Deal of HI What we Want to Know What will He do with Them ? When Doctors Disagree, &c., &c. When it is Delightful to Lose a Bet Where are the Police? HI I HI I II Where Ignorance is Bliss, &c II Where Ignorance is not Bliss I Where there's a Will there's a Way II Which is Best? I Which is the Brute? HI Whiskerandos I Wholesome Conclusion, A II Wholesome Feast H Wholesome Prejudice I Who will Serve the Country ? II Wiio would have Thought it ? HI Who wouldn't be a Riding Master? H Who wouldn't keep a Footman?,.. I Why, Indee.l? I Why Not? II Wicket Proceeding, A .., HI Will and the Way, The II Wind S.W., Fresh HI Winter in the Suburlis II Wire Fence, The HI Wiser and a Better Man, A I Wonderful Intelligent Ctiilil II Word to the Wise, A HI Working against Time II Wounded Pride I Page Year 155 i8,i;7 97 iSm 149 >8.S4 53 i8,S3 29 1864 24 18,6 121 18,6 36 1849 255 1849 114 i8,S9 20 1S61 178 231 5 204 250 241 234 110 139 1-2 245 94 276 234 276 158 12 176 154 38 60 267 122 145 57 229 IS 27 218 263 213 3 110 156 X-CEi.i.F.NT Notion, .An HI 158 HI 179 H 141 I 162 III 119 III 33 100 1S63 27 1S61 (;9 1855 135 1864 82 iSeo 242 ■1858 Yachti.n'O I 276 Yeomanry Service, The Ill 62 Ves, on .Some People Ill 16 Vet another Americanism .. Yielding to Temptation Young Affection Young America Young England Young Gentleman and Scholar, .-V. Young Mariner, A Young Northamptonshire .. Ill 151 Young Patrician, .'\ I 177 Young Philosopher, A I 215 Young Sportsman, ;\ H 195 Youth at the Prow, cVc I 248 Youthful Sage, .\ II 170 133 277 '^ LONDON : BRAMIJUKV, Ar.NKW, & CO., I'RINTF.RS, WIIITEIRI ARS. 14 DAY USE RETURN TO DESK FROM WHICH BORROWED LOAN DEPT. This book is due on the last date stamped below, or on the date to which renewed. Renewals only: Tel. No. 642-3405 Renewals may be made 4 days priod to date due. Renewed books are subject to immediate recall. REC'DLU JUL^ 072 -11 AW 60 >j.n;-, i \W.C. --&. ciR. m ^ ■ ' I ■f/f^ I \ m ^7:1570 "^'^^•^^'TY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY M^^^M