* OS ^•IIBRARYO^ -< S - — DC 11 # >*** fc C^ ^l-UBRARYgc 5 %ojnv3-jo^ ^OFCAUFOfy^ ^ahvmih^ fymmfr AWEDNIVER5/A ^U -23 p > «^\eNIVER%. ^;ll ~r* ©A 1 3^ %1»S0V^ % a- <^EUNIVER% ^MHVER% <&133NVSOV^ %hainihv^ ^10S«I&> "^RHAINIHK^ ^UIBRARY^ ^fc ^OJnVDJO^ ^0FCAL]F(% ^?Aavaan# J IP OS WHS6? so ^UIBRARY.;£>, Thirty-three Tears a Missionary, first of the Reformed Preshyterian Church of Scotland, and then of the Free Church of Scotland, in New Zealand and the New Hebrides. WILLIAMS & NORGATE, 14 HEtfBIETTA STREET, COVENT GARDEN, LONDON. 20 SOUTH FREDERICK STREET, EDINBURGH. 1882. [All rights reserved.] •SatTanfgne Jpvesssf BALLANTYNE, HANSON AND CO. EDINBURGH AND LONDON J— ' PREFACE. Dr. Johnson says, "Every other author may aspire to praise; the lexicographer can only hope to escape reproach, and even this negative recompense has been yet granted to very few." If such were the depressing prospects under which our great lexicographer commenced his dictionary of the English language, one of the most extensively read and spoken on the face of the earth, what must he the feelings of him who undertakes to prepare a dictionary for a language spoken and read by one of the smallest of living communi- ties? My encouragements, or rather my discouragements, are in one respect, however, the reverse of Dr. Johnson's. If the chances of praise are diminished, the dangers of reproach are correspondingly lessened ; so that, as far as the writer's fame depends on the subject of the book, the differ- ence in point of "negative recompense" will be all in my favour ; there will be fewer to blame me. Utility, not literary distinction, was my aim in preparing this Dictionary. My object was to have all the words in the language at my command while engaged in translating a part, and editing the whole, of the Aneityumese Bible, 14914S2 iv PREFACE. published by the British and Foreign Bible Society ; and a small volume, published by the Eeligious Tract Society, con- taining the first part of the Pilgrim's Progress (abridged), a Hymnal, an Initiatory Catechism, and the Westmin- ster Assembly's Shorter Catechism. The Dictionary con- tains all the words collected by the late Eev. Dr. Geddie, the Kev. Joseph Copeland, and myself. They are nearly five thousand in number. The first draft of the Grammar was made by the Rev. Thomas Powell, F.L.S., missionary of the London Missionary Society in Samoa, who in 1848 accompanied Mr. Geddie to the New Hebrides, and assisted him for a year in commencing the mission on Aneityum. About a twelvemonth ago Mr. Powell sent me a copy of the outlines which he drew up at that time, and which gives a fair view of the structure of the language. The Grammar and Dictionary which I had thus prepared, I subsequently corrected and copied out for the press ; and they are now printed, in the first place, for the benefit of the Mission, and, in the next place, as a small contribiition to comparative philology. As the Aneityumese language belongs to a new family of tongues, the Papuan, comprising, per- haps, at least a hundred dialects or languages, and which are spoken from Fiji to Papua or New Guinea, and as a Grammar and Dictionary of only one of these, namely, that of Fiji, has been published, it appears to me that the pub- lication of a Grammar and Dictionary of the Aneityumese language would be a contribution to this science from a quarter all but entirely new, and likely to be useful to those who are engaged in this interesting department of human knowledge. The Bitroduction was written with the view PREFACE. v of conveying to the minds of general readers some definite ideas respecting the more outstanding principles and pecu- liarities of the two great South Sea languages, the Malay and the Papuan, with special reference to that dialect of the Papuan spoken on Aneityum, and to relieve the book from the repidsive aspect of a dry vocabulary of new and un- known words. And I may safely say with the writer of the second book of Maccabees, " If I have done well, and as is befitting the subject, it is that which I desired ; but if slen- derly and meanly, it is that which I could attain unto. " " Sed verbam sat sapienti." Lincuan Cottage, Kirkcowan, N.B. January 14, 1882. INTRODUCTION. The South Sea, or Pacific Ocean, is the largest on the face of the globe. It is in round numbers 7000 miles square. It is studded in all directions with islands and groups of islands ; and, with a few trifling exceptions, they are all inhabited. All the natives of those islands belong to two, and only two, races of people — the Malay-Polynesian and the Papuan. If a line be drawn from the south-west point of New Zealand to the north-west point of the Sandwich Islands, it will pass between Fiji and the Tongan group : all the islands to the east of this line are peopled exclusively by Malays, and all the islands to the west of it, with slight exceptions, by the Papuans. The Malays are of Asiatic origin, evidently descendants of Shem ; the Papuans are of African origin, evidently descendants of Ham. In personal appearance the two races are quite distinct ; the Malays, in appearance and civilisation, are much superior to the Papuans. The Malays are copper-coloured, with smooth black hair; they are tall and well formed in person. They are evidently a much later migration than the Papuans. These latter are of a dirty-looking black, or coffee-and-milk colour, with crisp frizzled hair, varying in shade from black to yellowish and whitish. They are in general lower in stature and smaller in size than the Malays, though many of them are powerful, muscular, well-made men. Put while physically the Malays and the Papuans are per- viii INTRODUCTION. fectly distinct, it is in their language where the distinction of race is most clearly marked and most fully discernible. The languages they respectively speak belong to two entirely dis- tinct families of tongues ; they are totally different both in their grammar and their vocables, both in the structure of their sentences and in the words of which the sentences are composed. The Malay race in those islands speak all one language, although they speak a number of dialects ; but the inhabitants of each group speak only one dialect. On the other hand, the language of the Papuans is not only different from that of the Malays, but it is a language broken up into a great number of dialects, not fewer perhaps than a hundred. Not only is there a different dialect on each group, but there is a distinct dialect on almost every island, and sometimes more than one on the same island, and they are rather lan- guages than dialects ; a knowledge of one of these dialects is scarcely any help to the learning of another, any more than a knowledge of German would be to the learning of Gaelic. Nevertheless there are certain philological principles under- lying all. those very widely differing dialects ; there are certain grammatical forms, and certain words or parts of words, that run through all those dialects or languages, so far as we know them from the researches of the missionaries belonging to the London Missionary Society in the Loyalty Islands, the Wes- leyan Missionary Society in Fiji, the Church of England Melanesian Mission in the Solomon and other groups, and in our own Presbyterian Mission in the New Hebrides, all strongly indicating that the inhabitants of those groups had at one time all spoken the same language, or at least that all their diversi- fied tongues have been derived from one parent stock. Several of the small coral islands in the New Hebrides, the Solomon Islands, and other groups, are inhabited by little colonies of Malays, who retain and speak their own language comparatively little affected by the presence of Papuan lan- guages. INTRODUCTION. ix The conclusion at which we arrive from the state of these two families of languages, and other facts, is this, that the Papuans occupied those groups of islands long before the arrival of the Malays. The first empires that arose in the world were founded by the descendants of Ham. According to the marginal reading of Genesis x. u, Nimrod, the grand- son of Ham, went into Assyria and founded Nineveh ; and the city which he built, and the empire which he founded, continued for ages to overshadow all Western Asia. Mizraim, the son of Ham, founded the Egyptian monarchy and the Philistian commonwealth ; Canaan, the fourth son of Ham, settled in Palestine, and his descendants founded first the Canaanitish kingdoms, then Tyre, and subsequently Carthage. These were for a very long period the leading nations of the world ; they possessed its highest civilisation, and held all but a monopoly of its commerce. While the command was still but comparatively recent, " Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it," these young monarchies no doubt sent forth strong and vigorous colonies, and took possession of all those islands in Western Polynesia, as well as of Australia, and have occupied them ever since. But it is to the languages of those two races, especially the Papuans, and still more particularly to that of the Aneityu- mese, that I wish to confine my remarks. The Malay language in all its dialects is uncommonly smooth ; it abounds in vowels ; and there is one peculiarity in it not found in any other lan- guage, namely, that every syllable ends in a vowel. In the Papuan languages syllables end in both vowels and consonants. There is another difference between the Malay and Papuan, at least between the Maori or New Zealand and the Aneityu- mese. In the Maori the passive form of the verb predominates, in the Aneityumese it is the active form that is the most com- mon. Indeed, for a while we were in doubt if there was any passive voice at all ; and the passive form is distinguished from the active chiefly by having the nominative suppressed, x INTRODUCTION. and in some parts by a slight change in the verb to be. In the Maori the sentence would often run thus, " The house was built by thee;" "The child was carried by his mother." In Aneityumese these would invariably take the active form, thus, " Thou didst build the house ; " " The mother carried her child." The Aneityumese has a great proneness for the verbal form. Where in English we should use a noun or an adverb, the Aneityumese would use a verb or an adjective, thus, " The Lord is thy keeper " would be, " The Lord keepeth thee;" "Sit down quickly" would be, "Be quick and sit down." Another peculiarity is this: while all the Malays, like other nations, count by tens, all the Papuans count by fives only. When Mungo Park was travelling in Western Africa, on his way to Timbuctoo, he found several tribes that counted by fives, not by tens, thus showing that in one very essential point there was a common relationship between the Africans and the Papuans. The Papuans proceed thus : They count the fingers on the one hand till they come to five, and then they say my hand, whatever that word may be in the lan- guage, for five ; then my hand and one for six, my hand and two for seven, and so on till they come to ten, for which they say my two hands ; they do the same thing with their ten toes, and then say my two hands and my two feet for twenty. All beyond this in Aneityumese is many, a great many, a great great many. In both the Malay and the Papuan languages the first person dual and plural has both an inclusive and an exclusive form, we inclusive is you and 7, including the person or persons spoken to ; the exclusive is ice, or they and /, excluding the person or persons spoken to. This distinction has to be carefully observed by the speaker both in prayer and preaching ; the expression, " We have sinned," is used in English both in prayer and preach- ing without causing any mistake, but in Aneityumese it must be expressed in two forms. In prayer we say, " Ecra mun ago INTRODUCTION. xi nedo has aijama ;" in preaching we say, "Into, mun ago nedo has akaya ; " the former the exclusive, the latter the inclusive ; the former excluding the object of prayer, the person spoken to ; the latter including the audience, the persons spoken to. If these forms were reversed, the person praying would include God among the persons sinning, which would be blasphemous language, and the person preaching would exclude his audience from the list of those sinning, and they would understand him to mean that we, the missionaries, have sinned, but not you, the people. Both the Malay and the Papuan have a dual number in the personal pronouns, but the Papuans have in most of the islands a trial or triad as well as a dual, a word for we three as well as tee two. The plural is not used till there are four persons at least. Both the Malay and Papuan, like most languages in a similar condition, are deficient in abstract terms, but are well supplied with concrete. This holds specially true of the Aneityumese. Nearly every member of the body and every relationship of life is expressed, not in the abstract, but in the concrete form. There is no word for hand only, or father only ; it is mkmak, my hand; etmam, thy father; the pronoun is invariably coupled with the noun, or the preposition is joined with the noun, as nikmat Job, the hand of Job ; etmcu Noa, the father of Noa # Even neuter nouns follow the same principle : iucai is a tree, but leaf, flower, fruit, are all expressed in a concrete form, as nerin, itsleai; intisiaw, its flower ; nohwaw, its fruit ; and through all the islands of the New Hebrides, although the nouns vary, the pronouns affixed, namely, k, m, n, &c., or similar letters, for my, thy, his, etc., are the same. Among both Malays and Papuans the natives have only one name. They often change their names, but there are no sur- names. When I went to Aneityum the population was 3500, and there could not be fewer than 30CO distinct names. Dr. Geddie and I wrote down every one of them. The surnames xii INTRODUCTION. in England, according to the report of the Registrar-General, are only about 4000. The natives were very fond of new name's. When the Samoan teachers lived on Aneityum, before the settlement of the missionaries, they gave a good many of the natives Samoanised Scripture names ; but we discouraged this practice as tending to injure the language by introducing words not in accordance with its structure. The name of every fish, fowl, tree, and flower has been pressed into the list of names for men and women ; also every colour and every quality, at least all the bad ones. Strange as it may appear, they gave few if any good names ; their names, like their gods, were calculated to excite fear, not to call forth love. We had Inhas un, His badness ; Natahing has, Bad girl. Men's ^and women's names were always quite distinct. Such a name for a woman as George Eliot would be as exceptional there as it is here. Some people are apt to think that low, degraded savages like the Papuans can have no right language at all ; their speech must be merely a kind of gibberish, having neither correct sense, sound, nor grammar. Quite recently the Angli- can Bishop of Western Australia issued an appeal for funds, to assist in educating the blacks in his diocese through the medium of the English language, on the ground that their language was not adapted for conveying to their minds reli- gious instruction. The editor of the Sydney Presbyterian, himself a missionary for twenty-three years, an expert in native languages, very pertinently asks, " Has the bishop tried the experiment fully? Is there a white man in the colony who really knows the language of these blacks 1 Let them set to and acquire a knowledge of the language or languages spoken by the natives, and they will doubtless find that it is a vehicle capable of conveying to the native mind a clear conception of the truths of the Bible." Such at least has been our experience on Aneityum and other islands of the New Hebrides. When the missionaries first went to Aneityum INTRODUCTION xiii in 184.8, they found a language, having no affinity whatever to the Malay, floating indistinctly, as they thought, on the lips of the natives. There was no literature, not a word of it had ever been written or made visible to the eye, but they began at once to reduce it to w 7 riting. They formed an alphabet ; they found out the meaning of the words ; they discovered their true pronunciation ; and they ascertained the gram- matical structure of the language. And the result is, that we have a language at our command both copious and exact, capable of giving utterance to every thought and every idea, every want and every wish, known to those to whom it is their mother-tongue. The words are all as precise in their mean- ings as if they had been defined by Johnson or Jamieson. The grammar is as regular and uniform as if it had been formed by Lindley Murray, by Lennie. or by M'Culloch ; while the pronunciation is as exact as if it had been settled and phonographed by Walker, Webster, or Worcester. We have felt no special difficulty in finding words to express every idea contained in the Bible, in both the Old and New Testaments, also the Pilgrim's Progress and the Shorter Catechism. We have now and again to use circumlocutions, but we had to introduce very few new words. Perhaps I cannot better convey an idea of the peculiarities of the Aneityumese language than by stating the way in which we had to translate certain passages in the Bible. It is often difficult to decide whether the inclusive or exclusive form of the pronoun should be used, whether the sense required for we is you and / or they and /. In my last revision of the Bible I had lying before me four South Sea translations in the Malay language where this form of the pronoun is used, and I sometimes found two of these translations had rendered the pronoun in the one form and two in the other ; and sometimes, instead of two against two, it was three against one. As the original and all the versions have simply a plural for all numbers above one, it is often necessary to examine the con- xiv INTRODUCTION. text very carefully to ascertain whether two, three, or more persons is the antecedent of the pronoun, to know whether the dual, the trial, or the plural number is to be used. Thus in Genesis i. 26, we have to assume the doctrine of the Trinity to be true, and to say not, " Let «s make man in our image, after our likeness," but " Let us three make man in the image of us three, after the likeness of us three;" and in Genesis xi. 7, not, "Go to, let us go down," but " Go to, let us three go down." If we had used the plural as in English, it would have implied that there were four persons here taking counsel, and hence that there were four persons in the Godhead. Dr. Robert Young, in his Introduction to his English Trans- lation of the Scriptures, says that there are two modes of translating the Bible into English ; the one by taking the standpoint of the Jew, and rendering Jewish thought and Jewish idiom into English words ; the other by taking a modern standpoint and rendering Jewish thought into the form of English thought and English idiom. Dr. Young has followed the former of these modes, and his translation is interesting and useful to the scholar and the antiquary, but it is not suited for unlearned or ordinary readers. In our tran- slation we have followed the latter of these modes, and have endeavoured to make the Hebrew writers speak as they w 7 ould have done had they been Aneityumese speaking to natives of Aneityum. For example, the figurative has almost always to be changed into the literal, and the abstract into the concrete. The Hebrew writers address, or speak of, the inhabitants of a land, or of a city, by the title of daughter, as daughter of Sion, daughter of Jerusalem, daughter of Tyre, daughter of Babylon, &c. ; or they use simply the name of the country, or the city, for the people, as Judah, O Israel, Jerusalem. We have to drop the poetry of such expressions, translate them into plain prose, and speak of the people, or the inhabitants, of Judah, of Sion, and of Jerusalem. Again, " They shall fall by the stvord." As the Aneityumese have no swords, this sen- INTRODUCTION. xv tence would be meaningless if translated literally. But when we say, " They shall be killed in war," the expression is both intelligible aud forcible. " To your tents, O Israel," we render, " To your homes, men of Israel." The Hebrew writers speak of a righteous man, a wicked man, a rich man, and a poor man, when they mean the class as a whole, not a single individual. The Aneityumese never speak in this way. If we translated these passages in the singular, they would understand them as referring to an individual, not to a class. In the Scriptures, especially in the laws of Moses, and in the prophetical books, there is a frequent interchange both of the number and of the person, the singular for the plural, and the third personal pronoun for the first. The Aneityumese have no such transitions ; hence, iu order to prevent mis- apprehension, we have often to render the singular by the plural, and the plural by the singular, when such is the evident meaning. The singular would, no doubt, be more forcible to a Hebrew, but it would be bewildering to a native of Aneityum. A Hebrew would perfectly understand the singular for the plural, a native of Aneityum would not. For instance, in the Lamentations of Jeremiah, the prophet, to give a more vivid description of the misery and wretchedness of the nation, concentrates, to a large extent, the sufferings of the people upon himself, and uses the first person singular ; whereas in our translation, to prevent mistake, we have used the first person plural. Jeremiah says, " / am the man that hath seen affliction ;" in the Aneityumese translation it is rendered, "We are the people who have seen affliction." Paul often uses the plural when he is speaking simply of himself, as in i Thess. iii. I, "We thought it good to be left at Athens alone." Cony- beare and Howson, in their Life of the Apostle, when trans- lating his Epistles, have rendered the idiomatic Greek into equally idiomatic Englisb, and made such plurals all singulars, and say, "/thought it good," &c. We have done the same, be- cause the Aneityumese have no royal, or editorial, or oratorical xvi INTRODUCTION. We for the first person singular. I means 7, and we means we, and neither more nor less. Again, blood, the shedding of blood, the pouring out of blood, the sprinkling of blood, 5> 5) 5J u „ rule ; when unaccented, like u in sun. There are five diphthongs, viz., ai, au, ei, oi, eu. ai is sounded like i in mine. au „ „ ow „ now. ei ,, „ ei ,, hei, in Latin. eu „ „ u „ kdtilun ; or oo in soot, in Scotch. oi „ „ oy „ boy. it at the end of a syllable is like % in Greek, or gh, or ch in Scotch. c is sounded like g in go, or in fig. d „ ,, th „ broth. g. „ „ "r/ „ singer. i „ „ fe „ righteous, or ty. w and y arc used only as consonants, and at the be- ginning of syllables ; all tbe other consonants have the same powers as in English. There are eight parts of speech : — Noun, Adjective, Pro- noun, Verb, Adverb, Preposition, Interjection, and Con- junction. 3 2 GRAMMAR. Nouns generally begin with n or in ; "with n if followed by a vowel, as neovi, a house ; with in if followed by a con- sonant, as inman, a bird. There are two Numbers, Singular and PluraL The plural is formed by dropping n or in, as neom, a house ; eom, houses ; inman, a bird ; man, birds ; sometimes by prefixing ilpu, as etwan, a brother ; ilpu etwan, brothers. GENDER. There are three Genders : Masculine, Feminine, and Neuter. Masculine, as natamaig, a man ; Feminine, as intakata, a Avoman ; and Neuter, as inhat, a stone. There are two ways of distinguishing sex : — i. By different words : as Etman, father. Risik, mother. 2. By affixing another word : as Inhalav atamaig, a hoy. Inhalav atahig, a girl. There are three Cases — Nominative, Possessive, and Ob- jective : as Singular. Nom. a etwan, brother. Pos. u etwan, brother's. Ubj. etwan, brother. Plural. a ilpu etioan, brothers. u ilpu etwan, brothers'. ilpu etwan, brothers. The Possessive is also formed by changing the termination of the preceding word ; as etmai Jona, the father of Jona, or Jona's father. ADJECTIVES. Adjectives are not composed regularly, but by means of adverbs, as Upene, good ; idim upene, very good ; upene asega, good throughout, or very good. PERSONAL PRONOUNS. The personal pronouns have four numbers, viz., Singular, Dual, Trial, and Plural. The first person of the Dual, the Trial, and the Plural has also an inclusive and exclusive form. The Masculine and Feminine gender of the personal pronouns GRAMMAR. 33 i. 2." 5- I. 2. 3- are the same, and there is no pronoun for neuter nouns. The personal pronouns are as follow : — NOMINATIVE. Singular. A in yak, I. Aid:, Thou or you. Aien, He or she. Dual. Akaijau, We two (inclusive), you and I. Aijumrau, We two (exclusive), he or she and I. Aijaurau, You two. Arau, They two. Trial. Akataij, We three (inclusive), you two and I. A ijum'taij, We three (exclusive), they two and I. Aijautaij, You three. Ahtaij, They three. PLURAL (including four and upwards). Akaija, We all (inclusive), you three or more and I. A ijama, We all (exclusive), they three or more and I. A ijaua, You all, you four or more. A ra, They all, they four or more. I. 2. J- ■i 2. i. Nijak, 2. Euc, 3- Yin, \ Caijttu, j ' 'umrau, ( Hiirau, Run, l Cataij, *' ( Cumtaij, 2. Cautaij, 3. Ehtaij, \ ( '«jja, { (jlllHl, 2. Cuiia, 3- ^'"> OBJECTIVE. Singular. Me. Thee or you. Him or her. Dual. Us two (inclusive) you and me. Us two (exclusive) him or her and me. You two. Them two. Trial. Us three (inclusive), you two and me. Us three (exclusive), them two and me. Yuii three. Them three. Plural. Is all (inclusive), you three or more and me. Us all (exclusive), them three or more andme. Ynii all, four or more. Them all, four or more. C 34 GRAMMAR. POSSESSIVE. Singular. i. UnyaJc, My or mine. 2. Unyum, Thy or thine or your. 3. un, His or hers. Dual. Ujau, Our two's (inclusive), thine and mine. Unyimrau, Our two's (exclusive), his or hers and mine. 2. Unyimirau, Your two's, or of you too. 3. Urau, Their two's, or of them two. Trial. Utaij, Our three's (inclusive), your two's and mine. Unyimtaij, Our three's (exclusive), their two's and mine. Unyimitaij, Your three's, or of you three. U ehtaij, Their three's, or of you three. 1. Plural Ufa, Unvima \ ^ U1 ( exc ^ us i ye )> tne i r three's or more and J ' j mine. Our (inclusive), your three's or more and mine. 2. Unyimia, Your, or of you four or more. 3. Ura, Their, or of them four or more. INTERROGATIVE PRONOUNS. A di, Who, as, Is aiji igcaki a di? Who stood here ? Di, Whom, as, Is ecet di aien ? Whom did he see? U di, Whose, as, Inman u di nigki ? Whose bird is this? Inhe, What, as, Is ago inhe aien ? What did he do ? II, as a part of inlie, enters into combination with verbs, and asks a question, thus : Is ika aien, He said ; Is ikha aien ? What did he say ? DEMONSTRATIVE PRONOUNS. I nig, i nigki, This. Naico, iyehki, That. Niji iy, iji igki, These, Niji chki, Those, GRAMMAR. 35 RELATIVE PRONOUNS. There are no distinct relative pronouns. They are formed by a combination of the personal and demonstrative pro- nouns. Inig aien, "Who, as, Natinii inig is mas aien, The man who died. ,. . . ( Whom, as, Natimi inig eris ecet yin ara, The man L '".'y'"' \ vhoni they saw. ,. . \ Whose, as, Natimi inig is mas a inhal o tin, The man Imgoun, j W W, child died. r . . \ That, as, Nadualep inig is tas aien, The hoy that Inig aim, j Bpo ' ke ' i Which, as, Nelcau inig eris ago, The canoe which J '"y> \ -was made. r .. . \ Wlio, as, Ilpu takata iji ig eris laav ara, The women Ijttgara, j w ^ laugHed. The possessive pronoun is often an affix to the noun. This holds true of nouns marking relationship, as etmah, my father ; and nouns describing parts of the body, as nikmak, inv hand, thus : Singular. 2. 3- Etmak, Etmam, l'Aman, Etmaijau, Etmamrau, Etmamirau, Etna i ran, I. 2. 3- V Etmataij, j Etmamtaij, Etmamitaij, Etmaehtaij, i. 2. 3- Etmaija, Kill I Kilt (I, Etmamia, Etmara, My father. Thy father. His or her father. Dual. The father of you and me, or of us two, or our two's. The father of him and me, of us two, or our two's. The father of you two. The father of them two. Trial. The father of us three (inclusive), you two and me. \ The father of us three (exclusive), they two { and me. The father of you three. The father of them three. Plural. Our father (inclusive), the father of us four or more, of you three or more and me. Our father (exclusive), the father of us four or more, of them three or more and me. Your father, the father of you four or more. Their father, the father of them four or more. 36 GRAMMAR. The prepositions are combined with the objective case of the personal pronouns in the same way, thus, elide, to; nyalc, me, as under : 1. Ehelek, 2. Ehclum, \ 3. Elielcn, Singular. To me. To thee. To him. Eheleijau, l ' I Ehelumrau, 2. Ehelemirau, 3. Ehelerau, Dual. To you and me. To him and me. To you two. To them two. \ Eheletaij, l ' \ Ehelemtaij, 2. Ehelemitctij, 3. Ehelehtaij, Eheleija, Ehelemei, Ehclemia, Ehelera Trial. To us three (inclusive), you two and me. To us three (exclusive), them two and me. To you three. To them three. Plural. To us (inclusive), you three or more and me. To us (exclusive), them three or more and me. To you four or more. To them four or more. VERB. The root of the verb undergoes no change. All changes of meaning are effected by means of the verb to be or par- ticles. The verb has three tenses— present, past, and future. Strictly speaking, there is only one mood, the indicative. The imperative is simply a stronger form of the future, and the subjunctive is formed by particles prefixed but not joined. The pronoun follows the verb. The substantive verb to he runs thus : Present Tense. 1. 2. 3- Eh ainyak, Net etiek, Et etien, Singular. Am I, or I am. Art thou, or thou art. Is he, or he is. GRAMMAR. 37 ( Intau akaijau, ' (Ecrau uijunirau, Ekau aijaurau, Erau a/ai(, 2. 3- \ Ehtaij akataij, \ Ehtaij aijumtaij, 2. Ehtaij aijautaij, 3. Ehtaij ahiaij, \ Inta akaija, ' j Ecra aijama, 2. Eka aijaua, 3. Era ara, Dual, Are we two, or you and I. Are we two, or he and I. Are you two. Are they two. Trial. Are we three, or you two and I. Are we three, or they two and I. Are you three. Are they three. Plural. Are we, or you three or more and I. Are we, or they three or more and I. Are you, four or more. Are they, four or more. 1. Kis ainyak, 2. As aick, 3. Is aien, J Intis akaijau, ( Ecrus aijumrau, 2. A kis aijaurau, 3. Erus arau, [ Taijis akataij, \ Taijis aijumtaij, 2. Taiiis aijautaij, 3. Taijis ahiaij, \ Intis akaija. \ Ecris aijama, 2. A kis aijaua, 3. Ecris ara, Past Tense. Singular. Was I, or I was. Wast thou, or thou wast, &c. Was he. Dual Were Ave two, or you and I. Were we two, or he and I. Were you two. AVere they two. Trial. Were we three, or you two and I. Were we three, or they two and I. Were you three. Were they three. Plural. Were we, or you three or more and I. Were we, or they three or more and I. Were you. Were they. The Future Tense. Singular. 1. Ekpu or ekmu or inki ainyak, Will he I, or I will be. 2. Najm or namu or an aiek, Wilt he thou, or thou wilt be. 3. Etpu or ctmu or inyi aien, Will be he, or he will be. 38 GRAMMAR. Dual. (Intaupu, intaumu, or tu ) wm be t ■ and j J akaijau, \ ' J ' \Earaupu, intaumu, ecru wm be we t Qr he ftnd f V aijumrau, ) 2. Akaupu, eraumu, eru ai- ) wm be tw jaurau, ) J 3. Eraupu, eraumu, eru arau, Will be they two. Trial. Taijpu, chtaijmu, tiji ) Will be Ave three, or you two akataij, \ and I. Taijpu, ehtaijmu, tiji ) Will be we three, or they two aijumtaij, \ and I. 2. Taijpu ehtaijmu, ^' j Will be three . aijautaij, \ J 3. Taijpu, ehtaijmu, tiji wm be tb three> ahtaij, ) J Plural. ( T . . . .. 7 .. \ Will be we all, or you three or \Intupu, mtumu, ti alcaija, j n]ore and j I- ) ,-, , . .. \ Will be we all, or they three or \Ecrupu,ecrumu,tiaijama,^ mor e and I. 2. Akupu, akumu, aki aijaua, Will be you all, four or more. 3. Erupu, erumu, eri ara, Will be they all, four or more. IMPERATIVE MOOD. 1. Ekmu ainyak, Let me be. 2. Namu aiek, Be thou. 3. Etmu aien, Let him be. The subjunctive mood is formed by prefixing el, if ; as, va jim, lest. 1. El ek ainyak, If I be. 2. El an aiek, If thou be or art. 3. El et aien, If he be. 1. Va ki jim ainyak, Lest I be. 2. Va an jim aiek, Lest thou be. 3. Va yi jim aien, Lest he or she be. Plural. Va tijim akaija, Lest we (you and I) be. , Va ecrijim aijama, Lest Ave (they and I) be. 2. Va aki jim aijaua, Lest you be. 3. Va eri jim ara, Lest they be. GRAMMAR. 39 Active verbs are formed by inserting the verb between the verb to be and the pronoun ; the verb undergoes no change itself ; all changes are effected by the pronoun and the verb to be, thus : Auud, to strike. INDICATIVE MOOD. Present. i. Ek auud ainyak, 2. Na auud aiek, 3. Et auud aicn, 1. Kis ago ainyak, 2. As ago aiek, 3. Is ago aicn, 1. Ekpu esegc ainyak, 2. Napu esegc aiek, 3. Etpu esegc aicn, Am striking I, or I strike. Art striking thou, or thou strikest. Is striking he, or he strikes. Ago, to do. Past. Doing was I, or I did. Doing wast thou, or thou didst. Doing was he, or he did. Esege, to teach. Future. Will be teaching I, or I will teach. Wilt be teaching thou, or thou wilt teach. Will be teaching he, or he will teach. SUBJUNCTIVE MOOD. Atga, to walk. 1 . El ek atga ainyak, 2. El an atga aiek, 3. El et atga aicn, If be walking I, or if I walk. If be walking thou, or if thou walk. If be walking he, or if he walk. IMPERATIVE MOOD. \ Tas, to speak. 1. Ekmu tas ainyak, 2. Namu tas diii;, 3. Etmu tas aicn, Let.be speaking I, or let me speak. Let be speaking thou, or speak thou. Let be speaking he, or let him speak. The passive voice is formed by dropping the nominative, and by employing er or eh in the present, eris in the past, 40 GRAMMAR. and uhpu in the future ; uhmu is used in the imperative, thus : Apos, to bear. Present. i. Eh apos nyak, Am born me, or I am born. 2. Eh apos euc, Art born thee, or thou art born. 3. Eh apos yin, Is born him, or he is born. Ahpoi, to strike. Pkesent. 1. Er ahpoi nyak, Am struck me, or I am struck. 2. Er ahpoi cue, Art struck thee, or thou art struck. 3. Er ahpoi yin, Is struck him, or he is struck. Ato, to know. Past. 1. Eris ato nyak, Was known me, or I was known. 2. Eris ato euc, Was known thee, or thou wast known. 3. Eris ato yin, Was known him, or he was known. Ecet, to see. Future. Uhpu or uhmu or j w .„ , T .„ , cri ecet nyak \ Wl11 be seen me ' or l wlU he seen ' ecet euc ' { ^'^ be seen tbee ' or ^ 10U w ^* be seen ' Uhpu, uhmu, eri ) w .„ -, , . , ... , ecet yin \ seen ' or W1 " " e seen ' Arore, to tie. Imperative. Uhmu arorc nyak, Let be tied me, or let me be tied. Uhmu arore euc, Let be tied thee, or be thou tied. Uhmu, arorc yin, Let be tied him, or let him be tied. The infinitive is formed by prefixing n or in, and affixing vaig, as naged vaig, to write ; or incediaig vaig, to rejoice. Imi and ana are causative particles prefixed to words, as has, bad; auahas, to make bad, to destroy; apan, to go; imiapan, to cause to go, to carry away. GRAMMAR. 4i ADVERBS. Idim, pam, paam, jak, are intensive particles, signifying indeed, verily, truly, &c. ; eti, not; o'o, no; maiya, yes ; jim, tak, do not ; wat and wit, when ; uce, uco, idivaig, so, as, like ; ijo, out ; itac, out j itac acera, far away ; jipe, to and fro ; eda, where ; &&, perhaps ; eceffe*, once ; ecero, twice; eceseij, thrice; itu, formerly; se, down; jai, up; hi, hither ; ko, thither ; ehris, together ; nikavaig, namely ; ho, just now. PREPOSITIONS. The following are the principal prepositions : — Ahcs, An, Anliin, or in- liin, From. In, of, be- longing to. In, inside of, within. An nuhup u \ Before, in pre or 0, A rched, Elide, Jjinies, Ijo, \ sence of. Round about. To, from. Above. Outside of. I mi, Ira, irai, urai (plur. of an), Itac, I than, Jiiju, Ubutpotet, Uhup, Uri, Va, vai, To. Of, belonging to, upon. Outside. Under. Between. Near. Before. For. For, on account of. INTERJECTIONS. Ah! (exclamation of pity), Ah ! Ah (sign of vocative), O. Kahispin! Wonderful ! Kaihenc vai yin (exclamation of pity), Alas! Mch (exclamation of contempt), Pshaw ! Wauho (exclamation of wonder), O strange ! CONJUNCTIONS. El, If. Im, And. Im lep inig, Also. Ira, Than. Ja, jam, But. Ka, Or. Ktt, Perhaps. Mika, That. Um, And. Vaig inig nikavaig, Therefore. Va nitaiinigki, j BecauPC , nikavaig, ) Va yijim, Lest. 42 GRAMMAR. SYNTAX. The following are a few of the rules more or less peculiar to the Aneityumese language, viz. : — i. The adjective generally follows the noun, as — Natimi upene — A man good, for, A good man. 2. The nominative generally follows the verb, as — Ek atga ainyak — Am going I, for, I am going, or I go. 3. The principal verb comes between the auxiliary verb to be and the nominative, as — Era umjcrj ara — Are sleeping they, for, They are sleeping, or they sleep. 4. The objective follows the verb, but is placed before the nominative, as — Aids amid yin aijaua — Were striking him you, for, You were striking him, or you struck him. 5. A verb followed by two objectives has the person before the thing, as — Eris alupai yin nohoanma ara — "Were giving him breadfruit they, for, They gave him breadfruit. 6. Some verbs have a singular form before a singular objective, and a plural form before a plural objective, as At?, ilcni ; leh, lucse, thus — Ek ati nitai inighi ainyak — Am placing this thing I, for, I am placing this thing, or I place this thing. Ek ilcni nitai iji igki ainyak — Am placing these things I, for, I am placing these things, or I place these things. GRAMMAR. 43 7. The nominative and also the auxiliary verb are often omitted in the second person singular imperative, as — Aihcuc vai nyak, for Namu aihenc vai nyak aiek — Have mercy upon me, for, Do thou have mercy upon me. 8. "When two nouns come together signifying different things, the first is put in the possessive case, as — Bisi Tisian — The mother of Tisian, for, Tisian's mother. 9. Xeuter nouns have no pronouns in the nominative case, but n affixed to ira represents the objective case of the pro- noun, as — Is aha kuri un, ja is cti yctpan iron aim — His^dog ran away, but he did not overtake it. 10. The comparative degree is generally formed by esjilid, followed by iran, as — m Et esjilid iran ychki inpece inigki — This country is better than that. 11. Verbs and adjectives become nouns by prefixing n or in, as — Amen, to abide ; namen, abiding ; upene, good; nupene, good- ness. 1 2. I?n joins nouns, uvi joins verbs, as — Nohiifny 'in nohohtan — Heaven and earth. Atidai aid: urn apan — Rise and go. 13. Certain conjunctions have corresponding conjunctions, as — Kit, Ka ei. El, El. Idim, Idivaig. 14. Questions are generally asked by adding ka o'o to the end of the sentence, as — Et umoh aicn, ka o'o? — Is living he or not? for, Is he alive ? 15. Questions are answered in the negative by do, not or no; and in the affirmative by maiya, yes, a statement of 44 GRAMMAR. fact, or eum, an indistinct utterance ; but accepted as quite polite for a simple acquiescence or promise, as — Napu auritai aiek, ka o'o ? — Will you work ? Eilin— Yes. Na mun ago ehni nauritai itnyum aiek, ka o'o ? — Have you finished your work, or not ? Maiya—Yes. 1 6. Must is expressed in three ways, as — Et upene vai nyak jmr ago nitai inigki — It is good for me to do this, or I must do this. Eris idim ika an ago nitai inigki aiek — It is affirmed that thou do this thing, or thou must do this thing. Et ethi idim ika yi apan aien — It is declared that he go, or he must go. GRAMMAR. 45 SENTENCES. The following are a few of the more difficult phrases and idiomatic expressions : — Jim fas— Do not speak. 1'ak laav — Do not laugh. Mika yi apan aicn — That he may go. Va erijim amen ara — Lest they stay- Eta wit ti pan itac nadiat et siks — After six days. Is cti hag aien an nadiat aurctha et urn, lahlah inpig — He has eaten nothing since Saturday till this morning (inclusive). Et ilea yi'ehe — It threatens rain. Et ika yi cdig — It will be fair. Et ika yi isj'i nimtinjap — It threatens to he windy. Et ika yi atcetec inmunuka— It will thunder. Et ika yi auwainapit — It will be lightning. Et ika yi omoi — An earthquake is coming. Ek ethi idim ika ainyak ki apan— I must go, or I am resolved to Na ethi idim ika aiek an apan — Thou must go, or thou art re- solved to go. Et ethi idim ika aien yi apan — He must go, or he is resolved to go. Eris idim ika eri auritai — They must work. Mika eri tak ago nedo inigki — To prevent them doing this. Er evago ? — How is it to be done? or it cannot be done. Er evatga ? — Where is the way ? or there is no way. Er evehtas ? — How can it l>e spoken ? It cannot be spoken. Mika aki — That you may (immediate future purpose). Va akupu — That yon may (remote future purpose). I T nyum naieo pan id / -Which of the two is yours ? Unyum raigkipan id?— Which of the three is yours ? ) t eche — One other (singular). Inyi achei -Many others (plural). Eli Uglig— .Silent. 46 GRAMMAR. Eti elpat — Few. Eti laulau — Soon. Eti elvamen — Quickly. Etifi ago — Slow. Kis ti pan itac nadiat is for ainyak tan ahes A name — Four days ago I left Aname. Nopan nahinag u ohwai itai — Fruitful seasons. Inyi et nig pan id neom inigki ? — How -will this house stand ? Et etnig jaam se naiheuc o um — His favour is broad. Nesgan halav — By nature. Et iintin nopan — He is dying. Is wat lahlah an tak apnyin — Next day. Et eti iji ato Iclek irak — I do not know how to do it. Upusjak naico ara par aparn — They are beginning to come. Anpa naico aien par apan — He is beginning to go. Etpu eti lep oho — Neither shall it fruit. Etpn lep eti oho — It shall no longer fruit. Ohwat asaig — I said so (when distrusted or disbelieved but found afterwards to be correct). Intinan neom— Site of a house. Nededuon neom — Foundation of a house. Nitai caig — Food (of one). Nitai hegaig — Food (of many). Iran — In or of it. U— From it, Actaig neom — Build a house. Actai in halav — Lay the child on the ground. Ereuc an nohpa — Roll in the dust. Ereucreuc an wai? — Bathe in water? Ereucreuc, when a ques- tion is asked ; Ereuc, otherwise. Eh cid — Unsettled, wandering. Ehced — Sent to speak to others. Ahced — Go through a land. Elcpaam eti ato ainyak — I really do not know. An nopan iyek — Then, at that time (future). An nopan iychki — Then, at that time (past). Et tup ethi ache pan iran iyehki — It is just the same as that. Eris apos yin ja is ti pan itac nadiat atumop is cited? — How many weeks is it since he was born ? Kit erupu atahaijeg ara, ka ei erupu esjum ara— Whether they will hear, or whether they will forbear. Inta mun idim ecetai nitai iji igki akaija ct idivaig intis ata- haijeg vaig akaija — As we have heard so have we seen. Naiheuc u Atua nigki et umoh aien — His life is given him for a prey. DICTIONARY. ANEITYUMESE AND ENGLISH. Abbreviations used in the Dictionary, a., stands for adjective. ad., ,, adverb. art., ,, article. conj., ,, conjunction. interj., ,, interjection. »., ,, noun. pi., stands for plural. prep., ,, preposition. pr., „ pronoun. sing., ,, singular. v.a., ,, verb active. v.n., „ verb neuter. — stands for equal to. A, Bign of the nominative case. A, v.a. to do; as, a itai, to do something. Aat inii, v.a. to attack; to fight against ; to kill ; to slay. Aaij = aleg, a. wild. Aao, v.a. to spout out, as water. Ablahtit, v.n. to embrace. Ablaijiraig, v.a. t<> embrace. Al>li, r.n. to strike; to beat; to hurt; to light ; to tell ; to exhort. Ablim pam, v.a. to embrace. Abrai, v.a. to tell. Abraig pan, v.a. to Bend away. Aca, a. possessed with a spirit ; sacred ; true. Acaaca = apalapal, a. thin, as beaten gold. Acaacid, a. faraway, or appearing far away. Acadai, v.a. to prop ; to support. Acadaliak, v.a. u> pass wind Back- wards. Acahi, v.a. to open with a stick, as an inmop; to make a present of food. Acahlo, v.a. to put out. Acaig, v.a. to rob plantations ; to steal food. Acaigcai, a. very angry. Acaijai, v.a. to shove along as a canoe. Acaijaig, v.a. to refuse; to resist; to refuse a gift offered. Acaijehgaig, v.a. to join ; to set a dislocated joint. Acaiji, v.a. to forbid ; to reprove. Acalacal, a. crooked. Acaldei, v.a. to cut, as one tree, or cut down branches. Acale, v.a. to scoop out or up. Acarad, v.a. to make smooth ; to plane. Acarag, v.n. to creep, as a crab. Acas, or cas, a. burning ; hot ; pungent ; sour. Acas, sing., ecescas, pi. v.a. to burn. Acasrai,?;.rt. to assist in destroy i ng. Acasvi, v.a. to break off, as taro tops. Ac it alum itai, v.n. to sec afar off. ACA ( 43 ) ADA Acause pam, v.a. to draw towards one ; to sweep or draw down, as with its tail. Acedwei, v.a. to visit, as a plan- tation. Acedwei jipe, v.a. to visit mutu- ally. Acidwei tas, v.a. to speak about often. Acehcei, v.a. to scratch. Aceigceig, a. itching. Acen, a. sour ; bitter ; poisonous ; angry. Acen, ad. very. Aces, v.a. to bite. Acesaces nohranitai, v.n. to sing. Acesare, a. sun just down. Acescas, v.a. to wrestle ; to take hold of. Acesjai (se), v.n. to sing high (low). Acespan, v.n. to sing correctly. Aces yi aijiraig, v.a. to catch ; to hold by the teeth. Aces yi aldei, v.a. to break, as bones. Aces yi annul, v.a. to tear in pieces. Aces yi alwai, v.a. to bite ; to bite off. Aces yi omod, v.a. to tear in pieces. Acetaig, v.a. to set down as a dish ; to haul up a boat ; cause to go aground, or on the reef. Achachadaliek, a. tempestuous at sea. Achadaliek, v.n. to slide ; to slip ; to fall down, as landslip. Achadi = Atuh, v.a. to scold. Achaijinaig, v.n. to fit closely; to fit as a joint ; v.a. to splice ; to put in a joint. Achapdicraig, v.a. to spread; to scatter. Ache, a. only. Achedaliek, v.a. to disperse. Achei, v.n. to go quickly. Achciachei, a. different. Acheiachei jipe, a. manifold. Achcm, v.a. to take off husks, as of cocoanuts. Acidacid, v.n. to look. Acihi, v.a. to cause pain in the loins ; to stretch out the arms, as from fatigue or grief. Acis yi alwai, v.a. to bless. Acis yi apris, v.n. to creak. Acitaacera, a. vain ; immodest ; wanton. Acitak, a. wanton. Acitalacital, a. fat. Acjahtit, v.a. to pierce through. Acjaliak. v.a. to miss, as a mark ; to pick out. Acjapidaig, v.a. to transfix; to pierce through ; to wound mor- tally ; to kill. Acjapteghaig, v.a. to splice; to join. Acjaregdei, v.a. to overshoot; to pass, as a mark. Acnapidai, sing., icnapidai, pi. a. drunk, as with kava. Acnapanes, a. obscured, as with smoke or clouds ; dark. Acrac, v. n. to crawl ; to creep. Acracrac, v.n. to grope. Acreacre, a. soft as skin ; feeble ; weak ; unsteady through weak- ness. Acred, v.a. to scrape. Acredacred, v.a. to scrabble; to make marks. Acreh, a. loud as voice, ortrumpet ; certain ; known ; undoubted. Acreiacrei, a. thin, as applied to cloth, metal, boards ; spread thin. Acris, v.a. to root out, as bananas. Aero imi yin, v.a. to keep com- pany with ; to entertain one. Acsoiidicraig, v.a. to cut, as with a knife. Actaig, or uctaig, v.a. to build. Actalactal, a. tall ; gigantic ; de- spairing. Acvaacva, a. bowed down. Acujitai, v.a. to dig land. Adahpoi, v.a. to cover. Adahpupni, v.a. to cover com- pletely. Adai, v.a. to beckon by throwing | back head ; to hear ; to assent. ADA ( 49 ) ADU Adai intas, v.a. to assent to; to receive ; to permit ; to consent. Adai efaifa. v.n. to speak falsely. Adaig, v.a. to place between. Adaigjai, v.a. to lift up, as baud, or on a pole. Adaipeg, a. dull ; eclipsed. Adala, v.a. to spill ; to go fortb. Adalamak, a. smootb ; plaiu ; level. Adale, a. sweet ; delicious ; good. Adaleucleuc, v.a. to put to silence. Adalguni, v.a. to stretcb tbe bead over, as over a fence. Adapol, v.n. to stick to; to cleave to; to adbere. Adauibi, a. cooked soft ; rotten ; sticky: tough; well mixed. Adcei uopoig, v.a. to fish with a net. Adcei, v.a. to touch as a sore. Adcei, v.a. to gather what has been scattered, aud put in bas- kets, as coral. Adcijaig, or adceijaig,v.a. to show hospitality: to give food; to make a present to visitors; to send away visitors. Ade, v.n. to go down. Adedijai yin, v.n. to sigh; to sigh often. Adei, or adi, v.a. to tie; to cover; to wrap round. Adejai, v.n. to sigh; to groan. Adeijai ra, or adekjai ra, v.n. to breathe ; to rejoice ; to feel free from pain. Adejai ra, v.n. to live unmolested. Adekdekjai, v.n. to dance. Adel, v.a. to pass wind back- wards. Adela, a. clear as sky ; cloudless ; well lighted. Adelelen, v.a. to think about; to grudge; to give grudgingly. Ademi, v.n. to come down or to- wards. Adenaig, v.a. to conceal; to liidc. Aderit, v.n. to boil or run over, as water; to BOJlint. Adese uigpa, v.n. to keep silence. Adgui, v.a. to join cud to end. Adgaig, v.a. to encircle; to cover the head. Adgan cap, v.a. to kindle a lire. Adgeadge, a. close, as joints of boards. Adi, or adei, v.a. to wrap ; to point to. Adi, v.a. to take off, as clothes; to pare, as nails. Adia, v.n. to leap along as a ser- pent. Adia, v.a. to throw, as a spear, without intending to hurt. Adicinadicin, a. clean. Adig, v.a. to strip off roof. Adigairo, v.a. to carry something on each shoulder. Adijaig, v.n. to breathe. Adikjai, v.n. to dance. Adi la, or adela, a. clear as sky; cloudless. Adilelen, v.a. to comfort. Adipiaig, v.a. to eat one thing with another; to season. Adip pam, v.n. to come down from above. Ad jag, v.n. to sneeze. Adjim, or atjim, or atidjim, v.n. to dive. Adjo, as atga adjo, v.n. to Limp. Admaaucsei, v.a. to suck out, as dregs; to finish out. Admoi, v.a. to kiss; to lick; to suck, as fat. Ado, v.a. to examine. Adowatiktik, v.a. to blow on hands when cold. Adpam, or aadpam, v.n. to arrive here. Adpan, or aadpan, v.n. to arrive there. Adpan, v.a. to look at; to in- spect. Adpoig, v.n. to rise up, as spray or smoke. Adrakoai, v.a. to carry on side, as a child. Aduacrei apelumai, v.a. to cast off clothes. Aduapilpil, v.n. to roll in in dust or mire. ADU ( 5o ) AHA Aduei oplei, v.a. to make a close fence with wood. Adui neduon, or niji eduon, v.n. to kneel. Aduiucap, v.a. to burn in cook- ing. Adnjese pok, v.n. to disappear, like a vessel at sea when hull is down. Adumoij, v.n. to turn ; to return. Aduo, v.a. to devise evil against any one ; to threaten to banish. Aduoprei, v.a. to startle ; to sur- prise ; to grieve ; to break, as heart. Aduwi, v.a. to set up, as a pillar or post ; to scrape, as naho. Adveladvel, a. round ; smooth. Adwa, v.n. to rain lightly. Adwadwa, v.n. to try to escape ; to wallow ; to roll or struggle, as a pig when being killed. Adwo, v.a. to reject; to refuse; to oppose ; to send away. Adwudwai, v.a. to oppose ; to de- clare what is said to be false. Ae, v.n. to fly ; ct ae nepig, the clouds are flying. Aeae, v.n. to fly away. Aed, v.n. to roll. Aed yi ahuwi, or auwi, v.n. to stagger ; to sbake ; to pitch or roll, as a vessel in a storm ; to uproot, as a tree. Aebiaig, v.a. to spread ; to lay in order. Aemas — Athut, v.n. to run. Aesjaig, v.a. to poise or balance. Aesjipe u inliinmopon, a. fickle. Aespan, v.a. to follow with the eyes ; to look at for a while ; to inquire after. Afakabcil, v.a. to joke ; to make sport of. Afakamana, v.a. to mock. Afakatino, v.a. to pilot; to guide. Afakatotau, v.n. to wail aloud, applied chielly to men. Afakavilvil, v.n. to whirl round, as wind or sea. Afarafa, a. open ; wide ; roomy, as a bag, or between spaces. Afoc, a. blistered, as by burn or plaster. Afwafwa = etcei nohon, v.a. to beat, as in making native cloth or cord. Afwaigava, v.a. to brandish, or whirl round the head. Afwe, v.a. to brandish, as an oar or paddle ; to whirl round the head. Agag, v.n. to swim. Agahas, v.a. to treat ill; to abuse, applied to relatives. Agahas, a. stingy; harsh. Agaigai, v.n. to palpitate. Agaigai lele atimi, a. faint- hearted ; undecided ; despair- in S- . . Agakamana, v. a. to imitate ; to mock. Agaujai, v.n. to reach up. Agdei, v.a. to spit on. Aged, v.a. to write. Ages, v. a. to shell iiimops or horse- chestnuts. Ages, sing., agesages, pi., a. moth- eaten ; useless. Ago, v.a. to do ; to make ; to finish. Ago alauuh, v.a. to cook. Ago inheuligidja, v.a. to blow the nose. Agradaliek, v.a. to break, as an embankment ; to strive. Agradtasvisi, v.a. to strike, as waves on the reef. Agrasvi, v.a. to cover ; to sur- round ; to break, as the sea. Agreh, v.n. to sound loudly and distinctly. Agrei, v.n. to flow or run, as the sea ; break, as waves. Agsei, v.a. to pluck or gather leaves. Agwa, v.n. to eat ; atga agwa, to walk and eat. Aha, v.n. to flee ; to run away. Ahad, v.a. to bear young, applied to the lower animals. Ahadaliek, v.n. to go round and round. AHA ( 5i ) AHE Aliag, v.n. to gape; to open the mouth wide. Ahagej, v.a. to fish on the reef at low water. Ahahapene, v.a. to treat well. Ahaig, v.a. to divide ; to ex- change. Ahaijeg, v.n. to hear ; to under- stand, as a foreign language. Ahaijeg intas Aniwa, v.a. to speak or understand the lan- guage of Aniwa. Ahaijeg intas irai iji pece, v.a. to speak or understand the lan- guage of any land. Ahaijig, a. full of heat. Ahakjoi, v.n. to rise up. Ahaktit, v.n. to stare. Ahalgapui, v.a. to cover com- pletely. Ahapol, v.a. to dig cultivated land ; to cultivate ; to farm. Ahar, v.n. to howl ; to speak- loudly. Aharahar, v.a. to make a wide round hole, as in the sep- tum. Aharahar, a. wide as hole in sep- tum. Ahau, v.a. to chase ; to pursue ; to follow after. Ahau, v.a. to lay under deep obligations which cannot he repaid. Aliauahau, a. wide; open, as an area. Ahau upsiitai, v.a. to sow seed. Ahaya, or aliuva, v.n. to foam. Ahcaahi, a. fat, applied to pigs. Ahcadai, v.a. to resist. Alicadi, v.a. to fight. Ahcalios, pi., ehcohos, sing., v.n. to appear. Ahcai, v.a. to stick; to stab; to pierce. Alicaig, or acaig, v.a. to steal growing food. Ahcai emilmat, n. dusk, twilight. Alicaijinaig, v.n. to shrink, as wood. Ahcale, or acale, v.a. to throw, as with a spade ; to scoop. Ahcaliek, n. second growth of taro. Ahcapinaig, v.a. to fasten with a loop knot. Ahcapupa, v.n. to rise, as a wave, but not break. Ahcatatid, v.a. to finish the edge of a basket ; to hem. Ahcatigin yin iran, v.a. to poise a spear at any one ; to feign to strike. Ahcatina, v.n. to shake ; to move, as in an earthquake. Ahcauahcau pam, a. dark ; day- light gone, (/s ahcauahcau pam iraija, It became dark on us.) Ahced, v.a. to accompany. Ahced inpece, v.a. to pass through or over the country. Ahcedwei, or ahceduwi jipe, v.a. to go iu and out among. Ahcil, v.a. to lie ; to mistake ; to deceive. Ahcil, a. false ; untrue. Ahco, a. reaching from side to side ; open-mouthed. Ahe upene, a. smooth ; fine, ap- plied to cloth. Ahec, or aheuc, a. wet by water ; v.n. overflow ; leak out. Aheca, v.a. to serve. Ahecahec, a. damp; moist; shin- Ahecahec lele inliinmopon, a. thoughtful. Ahecato, a. chance. Ahecatoh, a. opposite to. Ahecatoh iran, v.a. to aim straight at ; to look towards. Ahed, v.a. to bore; nitai ahed, gimlet ; awl. Ahedmahed, a. how many. Aheh o un, v.a. to manure; to put in dung to the root. Ahehei, v.n. to laugh aloud. Aliei, v.a. to climb; to ascend; to leap upon, as a male; animal ; tn possess, as an evil spirit. Aheijid, v.a. to go past or round, as the end of a fence. Aheldaig, v.n. to sail, as a pas- senger ; to go on board. AHE ( 52 ) AHL Aheldakeliiaig, v.a. to tow; to take in tow. Aheldaktit, v.n. to sail straight. Aheled, v.a. to paddle; to row; to sail. Ahelig, v.a. to cast about loose, as a garment. Ahelman, v.a. to overshadow. Ahelu, v.n. to ring again; to re- echo. Ahelwei, v.a. to carry on shoulder ; echini ahelwei, to carry on one shoulder. Alien, v.a. to roast. Ahenhen, v.a. to burn, as the sun. Ahenid, v.a. to tear the skin; to engrave. Aherona = ahpopijis, a. without skin; rotten; decayed. Alies, prep. from. Ahesgin, v.a. to gut fish or fowl. Ahesmoij, a. blessed; happy. Aheuc, or ahec = elel, v.a. to wet; v.n. to overflow; to leak out. Aheuc, or ahec atoh iran, v.a. to aim well or straight. Aheyu, a. empty, as a house de- serted. Aheyuyu, a. lukewarm. Aheyuaheyu, a. empty; desolate, as a deserted house. Ahga, v.n. to overflow. Ahga, a. full of water ; covering land. Ahga nipjinetgan, a. dropsical. Ahgarero, v.n,. to rise and cover, as with water. Ahgei, v.a. to hear; ahaijeg, to understand ; atakaijeg, to obey. Ahgektit, v. a. to hear quickly, or attentively, or correctly. Ahgesahges, v.a. to scratch on the ground. Ahi, a. white. Ahiahos, v.n. to hiccup. Ahiaig, v.a. to pull; to draw. Ahiapso, v.a. to cast up a word. Ahid, v.a. to gird; to bind round. Ahidaig, v.a. to turn over. Ahidaig emda, v.a. to edify. Ahidaig inliinmopon, v.a. to com- fort. Ahidan tas, v.a. to translate; to speak ■well. Ahidi, n. warp, lengthways of threads. Ahieg, v.a. to drag; to draw up. Ahiek, or ahiyek, v.a. to deceive ; to mislead. Ahijighei, v.a. to miss; not to find where expected ; to forget. Ahijighei, a. missed. Ahijughe, v.a. to remember. Ahilek, v.a. to seek. Ahinag, a. many. Ahio, v.n. to come hither. Ahiom, n. two or more families ; neom ahiom, house occupied by two or more families. Ahisgin, or ahesgin, v.a. to gut fish or fowl. Ahisjum, v.a. to wash hands. Ahiski, v.a. to tie. Ahiupdicraig, v.a. to explain. Ahiupso, v.a. to open, as lid of a box. Ahiyi, v.a. to loose, to set free ; to inform ; to open, as an oven ; to punish. Ahiyi, a. punished for another's fault. Ahka, a. pained ; irai inhal o un, in childbirth. Ahkaaujai, v.n. to gasp. Ahki, pr. that. Ahki, v.n. to awake. Ahlaadaig, v.a. to blow away; to carry away, as with wind. Ahlaadaig, a. driven to and fro with the wind. Ahlaahos, v.a. to burn, as mouth. Ahlacse, v.n. to rise up in water; to float. Ahladaliek, v.n. to run, as water. Ahlahusjai, a. confident; bold. Ahlai, v.a. to blow with nose or mouth ; to play on pipe. Ahlai, v.n. to swell. Ahiaig, v.n. to call ; nitaahlaig, a flag. Ahiaig, v.a. to call. Ahiaig ade, v.a. to slur a note. ArIL ( jj ) AHP Ahlaig ijinies, v.n. to call aloud ; to bark. Ahlaijaig, or tas ahlaijaig, v.a. to curse ; to denounce. Alilamirai, v.n. to bubble up; to boil ; to run, as an issue. Ahlaruud u iuwai, v.a. to break an embankment. Ablap, v.a. to sacrifice. Ahlapadaig, v.a. to kill. Ahlapitpit, v.a. to toss, as a tem- pest does. Alilapsei, v.a. to extinguish. Alilau ijo, v.n. to go out of a house. Alilau jai, v.n. to go up; to ascend; to go on board. Alilau ohua, v.n. to spring up, as water in a well ; to grow up, as corn. Alilau pam, v.n. to return ; ne- mehe, the disease is returned. Ablau se, v.n. to go down ; to de- scend; v.a. to carry away, as wind does. Allied, v.a. to spread as a cover- let ; to make bollow. Ahleuc, v.a. to sting ; to blow on, as a poisonous shell-fish. Ahleuco,orahluco,a. hoary ; grey- headed. Abli, v.n. to burn. Ablis, v.a. to carry on the hack, as a basket. Ahlisahlis, oralisalis, v.a. to carry, as on a bier. Ablo, v.a. to banish ; to drive away. Ahlohlai, v.a. to twine or spin thread. Ahlopsei, or alilapsei, v.a. to ex- tinguish Ablo yi acsei, v.a. to banish utterly. Able, yi npso, v.a. to open, as clods of earth. Ahlapahod, /• n. to mould; to rot. Ahman, v.n. to float. Ahmatahmat, ". ^nod-looking; mature; strong; healthy. Alma, v.a. to melt or soften ; to separate; to leave off; to care; to pack up and leave, as a house; to finish. [mistake. Ahnag, v.a. to err ; to forget ; to Ahnag, x. foolish ; mad. Ahnaig, v.a. to carry in a sling, as an arm. Ahnaig, or abnai, v.a. to encircle ; to chain ; to tie round the neck as an ornament. Ahneg, or abneg itai, v.a. to steal. Abni, v.a. to extinguish ; to end; to kill, as by poison. Abni incedo, v.a. to kill rats. Aboacni, v.a. to annoy. Aboacni, a. pained; grieved, as for the dead. Ahod, v.a. to weave ; to plait. Ahodaig, v.a. to ask; to inquire. Aboig, a. filthy ; unwashed ; snotty. Abokjai, v.n. to rise to the sur- face of the water for breath, as a whale. Ahola, or ahula, a. clear. Abol a, v.a. to drive out. Aholai, v.a. to inform ; to begin to tell ; to make clear ; to be the first to tell one. Ahopan, or abaupan, v.a. to pur- sue ; to follow after. Ahosji, or ahusji, v.a. to (lay. Alios jugnit, v.a. to peel off bark ; to strip. Ahpaadaig, v.a. to beckon away ; to thrust away ; to keep. Abpagrei, v.n. to break, as the sea on a ship. Ahpahumiaig, v.a. to spread abroad. Ahpai incopda, imp. v. ram is gathering; it is making for rain. Ahpaijaiji, v.a. to beckon with the band. Ahpaijinaig, v.n. to lean against a wall. Ahpakoai, v.a. to split, or tear in even pieces, as cloth, &c. Ahpamud, r.a. to scour; to make clean or smooth, as floor, pot, or club. Ahpapau, a. stupid; not clever; hungry ; good at fishing. AHP ( 54 ) AHT Ahpapijgaig, v. a. to draw to- gether, as the corners of a cloth. Ahparehed, v.n. to go round about. Ahpari, v.a. to tie, as a basket. Ahparopse, v.a. to seize quickly ; to stretch upon. Ahpas, v.a. to praise ; to speak softly to, but do nothing. Ahpati, v.a. to rend ; to tear. Ahpaual, v.a. to slap ; to strike, as a boat striking the sea. Aliped, v.a. to make or clear, as a road ; to prepare ; to repair. Ahpei, or apei, v.a. to scrape; to shave ; to smooth down. Ahpeto, v.n. to grow a second time, as taro or yam. Ahpoi, v.a. to strike with open hand ; to tie. Ahpoi jai jig, or ahpaijaijig, v.a. to beckon so as to forbid. Ahpoijnaig, v.a. to blister, as hands with work or oars. Ahpopijis, a. rotten ; decayed ; without skin. Ahpopoi, v.a. to clap hands. Ahpopones, or ahpapanes (nes- ganmstan), v.a. to cover face with hands. Ahpu nah, v.a. to make a reed fence. Ahpu nigpa, v.a. to still; to make a treaty of peace. Ahpu nikman, v.a. to clap hands. Ahpuri, v.a. to clout ; to patch a garment. Ahraigahraig, v.n. to rain gently ; to fall in slight showers. Ahras (intas ahras), v.a. to entreat against ; to deprecate ; to pray against, as, Oh do not. Ahras jai, v.a. to lift up. Ahre, v.a. to break over, as wave ; to sweep ; to clean ; to fray away, as fowls. Ahred, v.a. to command ; to de- cree {intas ahred), (law). Ahre, or ahrei, a. left; remaining; not taken away. Ahre-apnes, a. costive ; stopped, as the charge in a gun. Ahrei, n. a tribe ; ilpu ahrei, rela- tives. Ahrenahren, or arenaren, a. fine, as powder or dust. Ahrigahrig, v.n. to rain for a short time. Ahiincai iran, v.a. to rob; to spoil : to prey upon. Ahta, a. generous ; kind. Ahtaacse = Ahtanse, v.a. to leave a place all without exception. Ahtadai iran, v.a. to lay founda- tion ; to place under ; to prop up ; to make firm. Ahtadgai, v.a. to join ; to close up, Ahtadi = acaiji, v.a. to forbid; to hinder by force. Ahtag, v.n. to go round. Ahtag pam, v.n. to gather from different points or places. Ahtagrei, v.a. to break. Ahtah, v.a. to tax ; eti ahtah, free. Ahtahtili, or aleli, v.a. to dip. Ahtahlo, or ahtalo, v.a. to drive away ; to thrust from. Ahtahni, v.a. to finish, as food. Ahtahti se, v.n. to drop down, as water or sweat. Ahtahumiaig, v.a. to level down, as hills. Ahtai, v.a. to sell : to give away. Ahtaig, v.a. to peel off, as bark ; to collect, as sugar-cane leaves. Ahtai], pr. they three. Ahtaijhan, or ahtaijhaig, v.a. to dig through ; to burrow into. Ahtaijiraig, v.a. to press down or out of ; to overturn ; to over- lay ; to soak ; to write above what is marked. Ahtaijuli, v.a. to dip, as finger in water, or pen in ink. Ahtaipup, v.a. to defend; to pro- tect ; to ward off; to interpose ; nitai ahtaipup, a shield. Ahtakiki, v.a. to carry away, as a current. Ahtakoai, v.a. to split, as wood. Ahtakusei, v.a. to surround ; to meet before and behind. Ahtal intah incai, sing., etuko, AHT ( 55 ) AHU pi., v.a. to split one piece of wood. Ahtalau, v.a. to stretch out ; to press ; to squeeze. Ahtaldci, v.a. to cut off, as the neck of a bottle, or the head of a pig. Ahtalge, or ahtalige, v.a. to break off. Ahtalgaunyi, v.a. to leap over. Ahtaliak, v.a. to trip up oue's foot. Ahtalicraig, or ahtalikraig, v.a. to toss ; to upset ; to tumble down. Abtaliek, v.a. to draw along ; to miss the mark, as an arrow. Ahtalo, v.a. to strive to injure; to break open, as a door. Ahtamud (nopoig), v.a. to cut or break in two ; to cut, as with a knife ; to break a net. Ahtani, or ahtahni, v.a. to finish, as food. Ahtapdicraig, v.a. to break down, as a wall. Ahtapidai, v.a. to use ill; to kill animals ; not applied to men. Ahtapidaig, v.a. to fall down upon from above ; to weigh down, as a heavy burden. Ahtapidi, v.a. to remove, as an excrescence ; to make even. Ahtapisji, v.a. to rub the skin off. Ahtaptisiaig, v.a. to knot, as the end of a thread or rope. Ahtaregdei, v.a. to pass by; to overpass ; to pass through ; to exceed ; et ahtaregdei 40, there are more than 40. Ahtase asega, v.a. to go all to anything. Abtasvi,v.a. to break, as wood or yoke. Ahtause, v.a. to leave a place all without exception. Abtcd, a. broken, as a tooth or edge of axe. Ahteganadau, v.a. to encircle or catch, as fish. Ahtehgaig, v.a. to make fast. Ahtct, v.a. to meet or touch when side by side. Abti, v.a. to break, as a cocoa- nut, or as teeth ; to cut or dig, as a rock. Ahti, v.a. to scold one in his ab- sence, or without his knowing it. Ahtiji, v.a. to seek; to try. Ahtijiraig, v.a. to lay above, as stones ; to press down by stones or weights. Ah tit, v.a. to plait, as a net. Ahtit nikman, v.a. to fold hands. Ahtitiri, v.a. to melt. Ahtopdicraig = atipagki, v.a. to open ; to unloose. Ahtu, a. complete ; firm ; asjeuc ahtu, cannot be shaken. Ahtuedui, v.a., to crawl or grasp, as a child. Abu (intas), v.a. to prophesy; to speak through the inspira- tion of another. Abu (intas), v.a. to speak first, or beforehand. Abu, et aim intas an nipjineucsen a natmas o un, the spirit speaks through his mouth. Ahug, v.a. to open out, as mouth of basket. Ahugni, v.a. to awaken. Ahugni lelen, v.a. to remind ; stir up. Ahuisahuis nigpa, a. calm as sea. Ahula, a. clear ; injap ahula, sea of glass. Ahumiaig, v.a. to smooth ; to polish; to level; to spread out, as earth. Ahun (nopoig), v.a. to drag (net). Ahurhona, a. inflamed, as gums. Abusji, or ahosji, v.a. to flay ; to peel. Ahuumpik vai yin, v.a. to shoot out the lip at any one ; to make mouths. Ahuumtidec, v.a. to see in a vision or trance. Ahuwahwai, n. lightning without thunder. Ahuya, v.n. to foam at the mouth. AHV ( 56 ) AIJ Ahvapicnaig ero, v.a. to join two things together ; to divide two things to one person. Ahveuc, a. darkish white ; hlue. Ahwai, or ahoai, v. a. to divide. Ahwaig, or ahoaig, v.a. to plant. Ahwaijai, v.a. to strip off roof on hoth sides ; to fill with water. Ahwai lelcai, v.a. to plant weeds ; to make a wilderness or a waste. Ahwawai, v.n. to flash; to gleam, as lightning. Ahwi, v.a. to ponr water on any- thing, as on tea or arrow-root. Ahyasei, or ahyausei, v.a. to draw or pull out, as from a sheath or a basket. Ahyuahyu, a. desolate, as a house, city. Aibuthan, v.a. to brood over ; to overshadow ; to cover. Aidaijai, v.a. to seize; tosnatch. Aiek, pr. thou. Aien, pr. he or she. Aigpalo, or igpalo, a. squeamish ; seasick. Aihadaig jipe, v.a. to lay flat ; to blow down ; to divide back- wards and forwards. Aihai, or aihoi, a. giddy. Aihapidaig, v.a. to whirl ; blow strong ; cause sickness by witchcraft ; destroy as by hurricanes. Aiharegdei = ahtaregdei, v.a. to pass by. Aihei, v.a. to carry on back low down. Aiheuc, v.a. to pity ; to compas- sionate ; to love. Aiheucaiheuc, a. light ; not heavy. Aiheucaiheuc pan, v.a. to .rush upon. Aiheuc lelicai, v.n. to men- struate. Aihi, v.a. to shoot. Aihiaig, v.a. to extend ; to en- large ; to rub ; to pull. Aihiaig pok ijo, v.a. to draw out. Aihiopso, v.a, to take out or up. Aihii, v. a. to trouble ; vai hii vin hadin, troubled. Aihiregdei, v.a. to pass by. Aihiyi, v.a. to draw up ; to catch, as fish with a hook. Aihiyi updicraig, v.a. to explain ; to give the meaning ; to solve a riddle. Aihoi, v.a. to blow with mouth in incantations. Aihoi, v.n. to bend, as by the wind; to shake. Aihon, v.a. to spit on leaves ; to chew leaves for sickness. Aiijai pok, v.a. to go into a boat. -A-ijagjig, v - a - to pour. Aijaig, v.a. to seize ; to snatch. Aijaig, ad. brightly; clearly; lah aijaig, to lighten ; to shine ; to make light shine. Aijalcei, or aijalcai, v.a. to hang up ; to suspend ; to hang, as Absalom. Aijalcei (an neuhlin), v.a. to carry on shoulders. Aijama, pr. we, all (they and I). Aijaua, pr. you all. Aijaurau, pr. you two. Aijautaij, ^>r. you three. Aijcei, or aijceijcei, v.a. to hang up. Aijei, v.a. to string, as beads; to put bait on hook. Aiji, v.a. to bore ; to pierce through, as nose or ears. Aiji, v.n. to stand. Aijiaiji, a. delayed. Aijid, ad. completely. Aiji ero iran, or aijiro, v.a. to carry on a pole by two men or more. Aijijai, v.n. to stand up ; fall be- hind. Aijijai pok an jap, v.a. to go to sea. Aijijaise, v.n. to go shallower or deeper. Aijijeuc, v.n. to stand firm; to feel the bottom in water. Aijijuche, v.a. to hug; to carry on back, as a child. Aiji lahlah, v.n. to awake. AIJ ( 57 ) ALA Aijis, v.a. to bind, as a sheaf ; to tie up, as a bundle. Aijisji, iran, v.n. to kneel; to bend ; to raise oneself up ; to bow ; to lean. Aijiupoigpoig, a. distant ; hazy ; diminished in size by distance, as ship or bird. Aijmaodaig pani, v.a. to beckon to come. Aijmade, v.a. to bewitch. Aijnaig, or aitgaig, v.a. to wait for ; to hope tor ; to expect. Aijujai, v.n. to go up, or go east. Aijujaimi, v.n. to come up, or come east. Aijumnyi, v.a. to kiss. Aijumrai],j9r. we two. Aijumtaij, pr. we three. Aiiumtacal, v.n. to squint. Aijupoigpoig, v.n. to disappear, like a ship when the hull is out of sight. Aimoc, a. cloudy; lowering. Ainyak, pr. I ; ainyak ap aigki, it is I. Aipai, or cipai, or eipei, v.a. to call ; to tempt ; to coax ; to in- duce ; to charm. Aipaiji, ad. secretly; aipaiji um atga, go away secretly. Aipujaijag, v.a. to leave; to de- part from. Aipun (nedoa), v.a. toshoutaloud for (war). Aistanse = ethainse, v.a. to throw down from a small height. Aiyapse, v.n. to talk angrily. Aiyihi (se) (jai), v.a. to pull; to let down ; to raise up. Aiyihyi, v.a. to ter.ze, as cotton. Aiyu, a. sweet; shady. Aiyn inliinmopon, v.a. to love; to delight in. Aiyu aesganimtan, v.n. to smile. Ajaigjanee, r.n. to pour in. Ajaija, r.u. to speak indistinctly. Aje, '.«. to cany on shoulder with a stick, as fish. Ajijeuche, v.a. to carry under the arm. Ajugjug, a. thrown out of a canoe. Ajujai, or aijujai, v.n. to go up or go east. Ajujaimi, v.n. to come up or come east. Ak, inter. O, used in addressing any one. Akahe, v.n. to hear quickly; do hear ! Akaija, pr. we all (you and I). Akaijau, pr. we two (thou and I). Akainaga, •. n. to sing, as kettle before boiliug ; to crackle, as in frying; to sputter, as a candle. Ataigataig, a. badly cooked; not done, as meat. Ataimu, v.a. to cut up alive. Ata inja iran, v.a. to bleed, as with a lancet. Ataka, v.a. to carry in hands, as a weight. Ataka, v.n. to sail but not make headway ; to tack. Atakapjai, v.n. to go round for anything. Atako, v.a. to sweep away. Atako, or atakok, v.n. to cackh\ Atakoai, v.a. to divide; to split open ; to covet. Ataktit (eijin), v.a. to gnash th teeth ; to eat raw flesh. Atalahas, v.n. to slip ; to fall on places. Atalahas, a. slippery from wet- ness. Atalatala, v.n. to stagger, as a drunken man. Atalameh, v.a. to soak with blood. Atalcauji, v.a. to hug; to pro- tect ; to patronise. Atalcosji, v.a. to abet ; to set one on against another. Atalulu, v.n. to sink, so as to be covered completely. Ataluopni = adahpoi, v.a. to cover completely. Atamaig, a. male. Atamerit, a. crowded indoors ; tight ; atac cincin, crowded outside. Atainudi, v.a. related (applied to women), as a woman with her brother's wife. Atapin, v.a. to shelter; to pro- tect ; to save. Atapnes, v.a. to shut; to stop ; to hack, as a boat. Atapni nesganimtan, v.a. to paint the whole face. Aged nesga- nimtan, to paint the lower part of the face. Ataprau, v.n. to climb, like a bat on trees, or up the face of a rock. £ ATA ( 66 ) ATE Atara (irak), v.n. to spread, as pains over the body. Ataraces atimi, v.a. to visit ; to sympathise ; to comfort ; to condole ; to pity. Atarad, v.a. to build inside of a wall. Atarata (iran), v.a. to carry on hands. [to steal away. Atarere, v.n. to go or sail near ; Atarere, v.a. to thrust. Atau, v.a. to help; to assist ; to Atauadiat, n. last year. [lead. Atauai, or tauai, v.a. to give commands ; to proclaim ; to act as spokesman. Ataualop, v.n. to stumble; to stagger ; to fall, as in climbing. Atautuku, v.a. to tie up, as a basket ; to bind up ; to sus- pend. Atause, v.n. to go ashore. Atauud, v.a. to head round ; to Atavaitap, a. angry. [follow. Atcapijid, v.a. to go round or past, as at the end of a fence. Atcapisji, v.a. to cut, as with stones. Atcatcaiyu, v.a. to emit sound from a bottle or cocoanut. Atcei, v.a. to beat ; to strike with fist ; ohpoi, to strike with the open hand, to push. Atceiatcei, v.n. to pant ; to pal- pitate, as heart. Atceijaig, or atcijaig, v.a. to give up ; to let go a hold ; to sail away ; to leave. Atcei neuhri, or atcinuhri, v.a. to strike so as to make a mark ; a form of swearing or taking an oath. Atcei pan, v.a. to touch (applied to things) ; ubli, to touch (ap- plied to persons). Atcei pan, v.a. to carry on back or side, as a child. Atcei se, v.a. to beat or strike down. Atceiyu, v.a. to beat water till it is cool ; to remain long in water in bathing. Atcelcaig, v.a. to roll, as a stone or cask. Atcijaig, or atceijaig, v.a. to give up ; to let go a hold ; to leaye ; to set off ; to sail away. Atcijaig pok nelcau, v.n. to set sail ftom deep water. Ategnai- jaig pok nelcau, v.n. to set sail from shore. Atciteuc, v.n. to sound like thunder. Atcu (yin), v.a. to carry on side, as a child. Ate, a. wild ; difficult of access. Ate, or atte, v.a. to drop, as water ; to fall away. Atecradi se inmoije, or an namil- vai, v.a. to get off the reef, as a canoe or a boat. Atecrei, v.a. to root up ; to tear. Ategnaijaig pok nelcau, v.n. to set sail from shore. Atcijaig pok nelcau, v.n. to set sail from deep water. Ated, v.a. to exhort. Atehgaig, v.a. to join. Atehteri, v.n. to turn over ; to crackle, as fish when roasting. Atehteri, a. fatigued ; wearied. Atel (iran), v.n. to sail with sails set fore and aft. Ateli, v.a. to rub. Atelmoi, v.a. to bury ; to inter. Atemetan, or atimetan, n. a member of a family. Aterai, v.a. to accompany ; natimi aterai, an attendant. Aterara, v.a. to fight. Aterei, a. crooked, bent ; inpas aterei, an adze. Ateri, v.a. to deny ; to conceal. Ates, v.a. to hew wood. Ates, v.n. to roar, as waves. Atesrei, or atestesrei, v.a. to an- nounce ; to inform. Atetwan, v.a. to divide ; to add to ; to make equal numbers, as four ; to sit opposite to. Ateuc, v.n. to sit. Ateucapisji, v.a. to cut. Ateucrad, v.n.to appear; to come out of. ATE ( 67 ) ATI Ateucrei, v.a. to pluck, as ears of corn. Ateucse, v.n. to sit down. Atga, v.n. to -walk ; to go. Atga alep, v.n. to go alone. Atgaatga ehpan itac, v.n. to fall back. Atgeh, v.a. to try by tasting, as of food, lisb. Atgei, v.a. to kill ; to slay. Atgeig, v. a. to cross at right angles. Atgeig jipe, v.a. to spread. Atgeig pam intikgam, v.a. to in- cline thine ear. Atgeig pan, v.a. to kick or strike ■with fist. Atgeig yi agrei, v.a. to -wreck. Atgeig yi apidi, v.a. to stretch out, as arm. Atgei yi oplec, v.a. to crush ; to bruise ; to dash. Atliai, v.a. to fasten; to stretch, as cord or thread ; to tie up, as bananas ; to fix or set up, as a tent or frame of a house. Athai, v.a. to enumerate ; to count over. Atliai itai, v.a. to guess; to count over ; to fasten. Athai natautuko, v.a. to moor a vessel to a quay. Athai nimtinjap, v.a. to make wind by incantation, by tying small branches together. Athai tas, v.a. to circulate reports. Athapidaig, v.a. to cover. Athapninesganimtan,v.a. to paint the whole face. Athapriv, v.a. to fill up with earth or stones. Athasgi, v.a. to dam up, as -water. Atlici, v.a. to cover an oven; to fill up -with earth ; to make firm a post with earth. Athiathi, ad. one by one. Atho, v.a. to boil ; to cook. Athod, a. shining, smooth, applied to face. Athoi wai, pi. v.a. to draw or bring water. Athun wai, sing. v.a. to draw, or carry, or bring water. At hut, v.n. to run. Ati, sing, ikni, pi. v.a. to put ; to place ; to appoint ; to ordain. Atiakoai, v.a. to divide ; to ex- change. Atidai, v.n. to rise ; to marry. Atidjim, v.n. to turn away from; to refuse ; to dive. Atidjin (iran), v. n. to turn away from. Atig-yadi (yin), v.a. to take down from ; to swallow down. Ati id, v.a. to finish. Atii, or ati, a. gone ; exhausted ; done ; finished ; not there. Atig, or atijtij, v.a. to plait. Atijai iran, v.a. to place upon; to accuse. Atijaig, v.a. to put on the top, as clothes on a fence. Atijcap, v.a. to sit or warm at the iire. Atikga, v.n. to bask in the sun. Atilag, v.a. to fight in single combat. Ati li, v.a. to wring out; to squeeze out. Atimnyihan, n. a man's sister's son ; a relation too near for marriage. Atimop yin pam, v.n. to turn towards. Atimtim, oratemtem. v.a. to taste. Atinau, pi. tinau, sing. v.n. to cease weeping. Atineijig pok, v.a. to shove off from the shore. Ati netham, or nethan, v.n. to sit sideways ; to lie on the side. Ati nohuun, or aniv nohuun, v.a. to give evidence. Atintinau, v.n. to run fast. Atipagki, sing, iknipagki, pi. v.a. to take awav. Atipe, v.a. to carry on back, generally applied to women. Atipe pam, v.a. to carry on shoulder. Atipre, v.n. to pass up above. Atirai, or atarai, v.n. to eat vora- ciously ; to bite off. Atirai, or aterai, v.a. to accom ATI ( 68 ) AUA pany ; to assist; to help ; natimi atirai, an attendant. Ati taam, v.n. to turn sideways. Atiteuc, a. thrown down. Atja inceslum, v.a. to put to rights growing food, as after a hurri- cane ; to repair. At jo, v.a. to assault, as a house. Atladivi (intas), v.a. to pour out ; to disobey the word of any one ; not to carry out instructions. Atlagdo, v.a. to spill. Atlatla, v.a. to shake ; to loose. Atleg, va.to swallow. Atlijai, v.a. to throw down ; to wrestle. Atmas, pi. n. dead men ; spirits. Atmas piv, v.a. to persecute. Atmehgan, n. husband and wife ; marriageable relations. Atmehpon, n. second cousins ; applied to men. Atmetpon, v. brother - in - law ; cousins ; children of brothers and sisters. Atmil, n. parent. Atnalde, v.a. to light the middle of a stick. Atnamud, v.a. to burn. Atni, v.a. to light ; to kindle ; to ignite. Atni neuhni, v.a. to make songs about or against any one. Ato, v.a. to'know; to perceive; to understand. Atoh, a. straight ; right ; just. Atohwaig, v.a. to put into, as into a basket ; to put on, as shoes. Atohwan, v.a. to weed. Atop, v.n. to swell. Atop, a. swollen. Atopon, a. benumbed. Atopse, v.a. to open a small boil. Atoraliak, v.a. to seize by force ; to ravage ; to spoil. Atoramud, v.a. to pull forcibly. Atorapidaig, v.a. to turn over. Atorapilaig, v.a. to whirl. Atpaijinaig, or atpoijinaig, v.a. to lie in wait. Atpajeg, v.a. to twist ; to draw. Atpeldig, v.a. to twist. Atpilaig, v.a. to mix ; to turn round, as handle of door ; to roll up, as paper. Atpitpelaig, v.a. to move round, like a machine. Atpoig, v.n. to beat, as waves on reef ; to rain gently ; to drizzle ; to evaporate ; to rise, as dust by wind. Atpoijej, v.n. to choke. Atpoijig, sing, etpoijij, pi. v.n. to burst ; to sink. Atpoijinaig, or atpaijinaig, v.a. to lie in wait. [to sink. Atpujej, or atpoijig, v.n. to burst; Atpuh, v.n. to hide; to conceal. Atte, v.n. to lie down; nuarin atte, a den. Atti, or atiih, v.n. to cease to be. Atua (a Malay word), n. God. Atuh, v.a. to scold. Atuhni, or atahni, v.a. to eat all ; to finish food. [oranges. Atuje, v.a. to catch in hand, as Atuje, v.n. to sing together. Atukak, v.n. to swing ; not to reach down to ; to fall short of. Atumop, v. n. to rest ; to cease working. Atumopon, n. family relations. Atumudei,re.sister-indaw; cousin. Atupa, n. an axe. [practices. Atupu iran, v.a. to do heathen Atupun, v. a. to begin ; to create. Atwa (irai kapa), v.a. to put a charge (in a musket). Atwakam, v.n. to fast. Atwan nided imi yin, v.a. to wean. Au, v. a. to bring up or out of. Aua, verbal prefix, to cause ; to make. Auaaktaktai, v.n. to think. Auaaroh iran, v.n. to return, as sickness ; to relapse ; to fall back. Auacjap iran, v.a. to suck, but not spit out the refuse. Auad, or auud, v.a. to beat the sea for fish. [to feel. Auah, v.a. to receive, as a hurt ; Auahas, v.a. to make bad ; to destroy ; to kill. AUA ( 69 ) AUH Auah iran, or auoh iran, v.a. to joke with any one. [badly. Auahotai has, v.n. to act ill or Auah tah an nuarin, v.a. to kill ; to injure by disease, [separate. Auah, or auoh tak ikui, v.a. to Auahuah, v.a. to beat ; to abuse. Auaijai, v.a. to wash over or cover, as waves on a boat. Aua intas, v.a. to speak. Auamiaro, v.a. to let dowu. Auanadiat, a. without food. Auanaheca, sing, auaraheca, pi. v.a. to serve ; to do service. Auanakoai,i\a. to make divisions; to form into companies. Auanasaig, v.n. to say ; to repeat the words of another. Auanedeuc = adia, v.a. to throw spears. Auanedo o un tup atimi, v.a. to do doubtful or sinful conduct; applied to church members. Auanelcei u incedei iran, v.a. to carry a child'in the arms. Auanetha, sing, auaretha, pi. v.a. to make or cook an oven. Auaneve ? v.a. how can ? Auanimtan, v.a. to buy. Aua-nohu-a-uwa? v.a. to do what? Era aua-nohu -ii. - niva ara? what are they doing ? Auaraga, v.a. to carry property ; to take up and carry, as luggage. Auarahcil, v.n. to go away by stealth. Auarakosin, v.a. to gain property. Auaramai, v.n. to sing loud. Auaramtali, v.a. to weed, as taro. A u redo, v.n. to play. A larimtai itai. pi., ananimtai itai, sing., v.a. to buy ; to give pay- ment for. Auarobolpotedo, v.a. to commit sin ; to act inconsistently ; to commit sodomy. Auarobrai, v.a. to utter a voice. Auasakrai, v.a. to split ; to cut through. Auata, prefix, little ; marking increase or decrease. Auata alupas, a. increasing. Auata asjaaicnaig, a. selhsh ; working only for self. Auata elva alupas, a. biggish ; not very big. [aged. Auatai ban neuhni, a. middle- Auata irai tas = aketo, v.n. to repeat ; to speak again. Auata kaiyepe, v.a. to change the appearance ; to transfigure. Auatatimi, a. wicked; bad; sinful. Auata upene, a. tame. Auati, prefix, little ; marking in- crease or decrease. Auati akijakij, v.n. to speak rudely, or angrily, or profanely. Auati cmda, a. angry. Auati imraigimraig, v.n. to be- have rudely. Auatialidi, a. weak ; feeble. Auatitai, a. envious. Auaupso, a. uneven, as stones. Auaveliek, v.n. to speak badly. Aubilid, v.a. to go to meet. Aucjopticnaig, v.a. to join ; to put together. [see well. Aucse, ad. well ; alum aucse, Auha, v.a. to wipe off; to shake. Auhaig, v.a. to shake. Auhaig jipe. v.a. to heave; to lift up and down. Auhaig se, v.a. to cast down. Auhaig yi amud, v.a. to shake in pieces. [in pieces. Auhaig yi oplecoplec, v.a. to dash Auhalauhal, a. loose, as clothes when too large ; shaky. Auhatia, v.n. to swing to and fro. Auhi, v.n. to kick. Auhiagrei, v.a. to crush. Auhiaijiraig, v.a. to squeeze or press, as grapes. Auhieliek.v.n. to trip; to stumble. Auhiopdicraig, v.a. to crush ; to bruise. [to wallow. Auhi yi amud, v.n. to struggle; Auhohaig, v.a. to shake, as head; to wrestle ; to shake any one. Auhoig nyamud, v.n. to come one by one. [pieces. Auhoig yi agrei, v.a. to dash in Auhoig yi oplecoplec, v.a. to dash against. AUII ( 7o ) AUW Auhoij, v.a. to annoy; to worry. Auhorohos, v.a. to weed; to clear land. Auhyi amod, -pi., ohyiamod, sing. v.a. to repair; to renew, as an old path. Auighal, v.n. to call aloud. Auil (incauij), v.a. to tie (as a fish-hook to the line). Auiwai, pi., nauinwai, sing. n. furrows ; water-courses. Auisji, v.n. to go up by steps ; nitai auisji, a step of a stair. Aukalaukal, v.a. to spread out, as wing ; to flap. Aunyanwaig, v.n. to shout; to scream ; to cry aloud. Auoatai has, a. bad, as applied to work done. Auoc, or auocauoc, a. dull; ob- scure; hazy; grey; crimson. Auodrop intaig, v.n.to weep aloud. Auodrop incaupda, v.n. to rain heavily. [make. Auoh, verbal prefix, to cause ; to Auoh ehcamai, v.a. to make ashamed. [differently. Auoh intak esege, v.a. to teach Auoh iran, v.a. to joke. Auoh ohocred, v.a. to torment; to grieve. [pieces. Auohoplecoplec, v.a. to break in Auoh taigtaig yin, v.a. to vex; to annoy. Auoh tak ago, v.n. to change about ; to move about. Auoh tak ago, v.a. to pervert; to change. [themselves. Auoh tak ikni, v.a. to place by Auoh takitai, v.n. to trifle ; to waste time. Auoh tas, v.a. to speak like; to imitate ; to mock. Auoh tinau, v.a. to transplant. Auohuoh, v.a. to tear. Auoh yi aijiraig, v.a. to gain a victory in war. Auoh yi at, v.n. to slip. Auoh yi eliek, v.n. to slip. Auonakoai, v.n. to walk in single file. [each other. Auonedec, v.a. to throw things at Auonoh uauo aiek ? = na a uri aiek ? v.n. what about you ? Auonuno, v.a. to fish. Auopauop, v.n. to crouch. Auoplec, v.n. to bruise, as ground in digging it. Auoplecoplec, v.a. to break off, as hoof or claws. Auoprucse, v.a. to catch, as a hawk catches a bird. A uri ? ad. why do ? Auroauro, a. quick. Aurupu, v.a. to clap hands. Autatautat, v.n. to stagger; to reel, as a drunkard ; atga autatautat, walk unsteadily. Auud, v.a. to strike; to beat; to kill; to strike, as when fishing. Auud ipnyin, n. unsettled wea- ther. Auud ipnyin, n. a tertian ague. Auud ugyit, v.a. to engrave. Auud yi aijid, v.a. to consume. Auud yi aijiraig intas un tab, v.a. to reprove; to rebuke; to put to silence by argument. Auud yi alad, v.a. to cut up. Auud yi aliek, v.a. to miss the mark, as with a club. Auud yi alis, v.a. to smite; to cut off, as an ear. Auud yi annul, v.n. to cut off. Auud yi apidai, v.n. to kill; to cause silence by admiration of good speaking; to explain; to comfort. Auud yi apnes, v.a. to answer; to reply to. Auud yi atpilaig nikman, v. a. to twist ; to cross hands on arms ; to make foul, as an anchor. Auud yi edi, v.a. to answer; to reply; to vindicate. Auun, a. desert; waste; intup auun, a desert. Auwe, or awe, inter, alas ! Auwihise, or auwihi, v.a. to tram- ple upon; to press down, as thatch. [one is slipping. Auwisji, v.a. to hold up, as when Auwitwit, v.a. to catch fast ; to hook, as fish. AUY ( ) DEU Auyaig, n. near sun-rising. Auyat, v.n. to talk foolishly; to joke, generally in a bad sense. Auyiai, v.a. to play the strumpet. Auyii, a. wrinkled. Auyei, v.n. to go from one place to another to commit adultery, applied to women. Avadenaig? v. a. to conceal how ? Avahpak iran, v.a. to bruise. Avakavak, a. bowed down. Avaktit, v.a. to take by force ; to hold fast. [cloth. Avamud, v.a. to break ; to arrange Avapicnaig ero, or esaij, v.a. to plait cord of two or three plies ; to fold cloth two or three plies. Avapilaig, v.a. to twist. Aveucaveuc, a. brown ; olive-co- loured ; faded black. Avi, v.a. to press. Avidin, or ividin, v.a. to wring, as clothes. Avise, v.a. to press down ; to break open, as a door. Awahwai, or ahuwahwai, n. lightning without thunder. Awe, or auwe, inter, alas ! Awuc, v.n. to roar, as the sea. Ayapdicraig upene itai, v.a. to prove the truth of something. Ayiliio, v.n. to draw or come near. Ayijai pok, v.n. to go to sea. B Bili, ad. promiscuously; ateucsc bill, sit promiscuously. Bug, or pug, a. blunt. Caig, sing., hegaig, pi. v.a. to eat, - as one thing ; pi. many things. Caigmero, or ecaigmeru, or ceig- meru, v.a. to revenge ; to bicker; to strive. Caigmeto, or ceigmeto, a. fallow ; lying uncultivated. Caija, pr. us all (you and me). Caijau, pr. us two (you and me). Cama, pr. us all (them and me). Cap, or cop, a. hot ; red ; beloved. Cap halav, or cop halav, a. lying with the head on the shoulder. Cas, a. burning ; pungent. Cas, v.a. to burn. Cataij,^?r. us three (you two and me). Caua, pr. you all. Caurau, pr. you two. Cautaij, pr. you three. Cauwau, pi. n. tendrils ; small branches. Ced, v.a. to persuade ; to desire earnestly. Ced nyak = upene irak, a. good for me. Cedag, a. whole ; well ; clean ceremonially. Cediaig, v.n. to rejoice. Cehcehe, a. well ; healthy. Ceigmeru, or caigmeru, v.a. to grieve. Ceigmeto, or caigmeto, a. fallow as ground ; lying unfilled. Cesnitai, n. temperance. Cespan, v.a. to taste. Ces yi oplecoplec, v.a. to tear to pieces with mouth. Cisji, a. hrni ; stiff; bending up and down, as board carried on shoulders. Coho, v.n. to collect, as matter in a boil, as foot in a shoe. D Dapha, = ho, = maiya, v.n. I am here. [a tree. Darap, v.n. to spread, as roots of Dedejaig (nyak), v.n. to breathe with dilliculty. Deije, a. calm ; et u}nji deijc, calm after rain. Deijig, v.a. to leave ; to come out of, as a demon out of a man. Deilig umnyi, a. intermittent. Deto, v.n. to come out, as teeth. Deulekdculek, v.a. to tickle any one. DI ( 72 ) EDA I)i, pr. whom. Pidinai itai, v.n. to play at games. Dikjai, a. very short in time ; nadiat dikjai, moment of death. Pi vaig ? v.n. whom is it about ? Pugaldugal, v.n. to echo. Dukduk, v.n. to squeal as a rat. E E, v.n. to fall down. Ead, v.a. to bale. Eagko ko, ad. yonder. Eagko pamko, ad. yonder, but Eahki, ad. there; yonder, [near. Eahki puki, ad. yonder; far away. Eahki jeco, ad. yonder ; far away. Eamki pagko, ad. yonder ; far away. Ean pamko, ad. yonder, but near. Eap, or ap, v.n. is. Eap igki, v.n. here it is. Eap nai yi, v.n. there it is. Eas itai, v.a. to watch; to ap- proach an enemy. Eas pan, v.a. to look for; to look for earnestly or on all sides. Ec, prefix, signifying repetition. Ecahinag, a. many times. Ecap, or ecaup, v.a. to call for. Ecedpig, v.n. to walk at night. Ecei, inlepei, v.a. to beat. Eceije nipjinetgan, a. flatulent ; pained in the bowels. Eceij itai, v.a. to dig. Eceijo, n. tide flowing a little ; begun to flow. [taro. Eceliek, a. second growth, as of Ecen an nauritai, v.a. to work diligently or contentedly. Ecen an pece, a. entangled in the country. Ecen nesganimtan, a. grave in appearance. Ecen vai, v. a. to reverence ; to respect ; to honour. Ecero, ad. twice. Eceseij, ad. thrice. Ecescas, pi. a. burned. Eceslide, n. sodomy. Eces par alupas, v.n. to grow up. Ecet, v.a. to see ; to perceive one person ; alrnoi, see more objects than one. Ecetai, v.a. to see one thing. Ecetaig an moije, v.n. to go on to a reef with a canoe or boat. Ecetaig jai, v.n. to come out, as banana fruit. Ecetiktit, v.a. to see well. Echa, v.a. to put to rights ; to repair. Echaijehgaig nelcau, v. a. to unite two hostile parties. Echamecha, ad. how ; what about it. Eche, v.n. to change. Eche asuolasuol, v.n. not to carry up. Echedelial, v.a. to tickle. Echedeliek, v.a. to make laugh. Echim, a. alone. Ecilpat, a. many times ; frequent. Ecjipidaig,v.a. to hear ; to pierce. Ecloh, a. deceitful. Ecra, v.n. we are. Ecrap, a. slow. Ecrap, v.n. to delay ; to linger. Ecreiecrei, v.n. to move clear, as a door not touching the ground; up and down, as the wing of a bird ; from side to side, as child in walking. Ecrid, v.a. to strip. Ecris, v.n. we were. Ecrisecris, tas, v.n. to speak much or foolishly. Ecrisecris, v.n. to grow ; to go on from little to much, as evil con- duct. Ecrumu, v.n. we shall ; let us. Ecrupu, v.n. we will. Ecsecrid, v.a. to sharpen point of anything, as a pencil. Ecsimraig, a. serious ; sulky. Ecsipece, a. figurative ; intas ecsi- pece, a parable. Eda, ad. where. Edahpa, v.n. it is just so. Edaig, v.a. to divide. [many. Edaigedaig, v.a. to divide among Edaig jipe, v.a. to distribute ; to divide mutually. EDA ( 73 ) EHC Edakrai = echedeliek = oplecplec, v.a. to break clown. Edaledal ira ra, v.a. to spread abroad ; to go everywhere. Edasjike, v.a. to forget. Ede, a. watery ; soft, as taro. Edecrei, v.a. to wound or abrade the skin ; to tear, as bark. Edei, or idei, v.a. to suck, as sugar-cane. [complete. Edeijaig, v.a. to do ; to finish, to Edel or ededel, v.n. to grow. Edeliek iran, v.n. to have passage in the bowels. Edemda, a. angry. Edeuc, v.a. to sling. Edeuedeuc, v.n. to fade. Edgednarai, v.n. to moan ; to cry as a child. [as sky. Edig, a. fair ; not raining ; clear Edig irak, v.a. it has wet me. Edin, a. wet, as clothes. Edjetja, v.n. to look up, as to the clouds. Edloplecoplec, v.n. to crash. Edmudmoi, v.a. to suck ; to drink gently. Ednednara, v.n. to sob ; to cry. Edo, v.n. to walk. Edoaijaig, v.n. to leave. Edo-iga = ido-ido, a. cramped in legs or arms. [or pit. Edo-ije, v.n. to fall into a snare Eduacrei, v.a. to throw up, as clothes in anger. Eduahpan, v.a. to threaten; to attempt to kill any one. Eduaplei, v.a. to close up be- tween ; to fill up, as in a thin fence. [waste. Eduaraprap, v.a. to scatter ; to Eduedu wai, v.n. to work when unwell ; to be careless of health. Eduhpqi, v.a. to cover up, as an Edui, v.a. to set up. [oven. Eduig, v.n. to stand a long time as a mark, applied to things like Lot's wife. Edumdurnoij, or idumdumoij,v.n. to return frequently. Ednmoij, v.n. to return ; to re- vive : to recover health. Edwig, v.a. to act like ; jim edirig ira ra aick, do not act like them. Edwudwai,.or edwedwai, v.a. to disobey ; to speak back ; to break, as a law. Ef, intensive prefix, as strong ; loud ; large. Efadaijaig, v.n. to sigh. Efadekjai, v.n. to groan. Efadijai, v.n. to breathe with pain. Efaifa, a. false. Efalupas, v.a. to give largely. Efarectidai, v.n. to rise up quick- ly ; to leap up. Efatgaig, v.n. to hasten; to hurry. Efatimi, a. old. Efehcas, a. bright ; shining. Efektas, or efehtas, v.n. to speak loudly or distinctly. Efile, a. quick. Egegci, v.a. to annoy ; to oppose as the gospel. [correctly. Egektit, or ehgektit, v.a. to hear Eh,w.».tofall into, applied tomen. Ehcadaig, v.n. to appear ; to re- appear, as leaves after being destroyed. Ehcahinag. or ecahinag, ad. often ; oftentimes ; frequently. Ehcai, v.a. to caulk. Ehcai, v.a. to pick up, as a fowl ; to eat as a moth does. Ehcai ehni, v.a. to repay, [back. Ehcai jipe, v a. to return ; to give Ehcaliak (nidan), v.a. to change, as a name. Ehcamai, a. ashamed. Ehcatoh, v.n. to look towards. Ehce, v.a. to clear out ; to clean. Ehced, v.a. to help; to send to speak to. [at night. Ehcedpig, or ecedpig, v.n. to walk Ehcedrig incap, v.a. to push wood into the fire. Ehceije, a. swollen. Ehceleraig, v.a. to set, as teeth of a saw. [roof of a house. Ehceleug (iran), v.a. to patch, as Ehcerucai, v.a. to oppress. Ehcesehces, v.n. to sing. Eheethi, or eccthi, ad. once. EHC ( 74 ) EHL Ehci, a. pained. Ehcid, a. unsettled ; here and there. Ehcil (iran), v. a. to join ; to splice ; to add to. Ehcilamat, v.n. to converse long together. Ehcilig (iran), v.a. to patch, as roof of a house. Ehciligid jipe, v.n. to smell about, as a shark. Ehcilpat, ad. often ; frequently. Ehcilpon, or pan, v.a. to add still more. Ehcin, ad. at a distance. Ehcipigid, v.n. to sniff < to inhale. Ehcohodaig, or ehcodaig (intiklin cai), v.n. to bud ; to sprout, at first. Ehcohos, sing., ahcaahos, pi. v.n. Ehe, inter, well ! [to appear. Ehe, v.n. to rain. Ehedoa, v.n. to blow one's breath. Ehehei, v.n. to laugh loud. Ehehtin, a. comfortable ; warm ; neither too warm nor too cold. Ehei, v.n. to swell on left side of belly. Eheitigtig, v.n. to crowd together. Ehele, prep, to; with; from. Ehelek, a. skilled ; ti ehelek, un- skilled, ignorant. Eheshas, a. very bad ; useless. Ehesledi, n. a pair of sodomites. Ehevehev, v.n. to spread, as hands Ehgan, n. wife. [in swimming. Ehgektit, v.n. to hear correctly. Ehgi, v.n. to brag ; to boast. Ehgin, v.n. to smell. Ehgin, ad. afar off. Ehgin wai, or nide neaig, v.n. to quench thirst. Ehgya, or ehgyaehgya, v.n. to jingle or rattle, as shells or knives on one another. Ehiahas, v.a. to wash away ; to carry away. Ehiaical, v.n. to joke ; to banter ; to talk idle talk. Ehias, v.n. to itch. Ehieig, v.a. to spread, as arrow- root on a cloth. Ehihiyi, v.a. to teaze, as cotton. Ehiipjaig, v.a. to choose; to se- lect. Ehioehio, a. alarmed; frightened. Ehiosei = toreliek, v.n. to blow strong. Ehka, a. difficult ; impossible. Ehke, v.a. to injure ; tak ehke, do not injure. Ehla, or ehlai, a. unripe. Ehla, v.n. to swell. Elilad, v.a. to look narrowly at. Ehladgai, v.a. to repair, as a house. Ehlai, v.a. to inflame. Ehlaujai, v. ». to overflow, as water dammed up; to swell; to rise ; to extend upwards. Ehlaupam, v.n. to return ; to come back, as sickness. Ehlause, v.n. to descend; to reach down, as a garment. Ehlauawha, v.n. to grow large, as a tree. [stones. Ehled hat, v.a. to pave with flat Ehledowa, v.a. to blow with breath or mouth; to breathe upon. Ehled vaig, v.a. to choose. Ehlehel, or ehlelehel, v.n. to blow gently, as wind. Ehlehleijiji, a. bald on crown of head ; a clear spot in dark sky. Ehleij, v.a. to blow upon. Ehlek, v.a. to seek food, as taro ; to gather ; to reap. Ehlelehel, or ehlehel, v.n. to blow gently, as wind. Ehlelelse, v.n. to sink. Ehlepanes, a. swollen; fat. Ehli, v.a. to singe. Ehli, a. satisfied, enough ; mun ehli nyak, I do not want any more, as of food or drink. Ehlig, v.a. to hurry; to compel. Ehligehlig, v.a. to hasten on. Ehligere, v.a. to carry away; to break through, as water. Ehlijijei, a. bald on the crown of the head. [planting. Ehlili, v.a. to burn ground for Ehlis, ad. all together. EHL ( 75 ) EIIT Ehlis intaig, v.n. to weep all to- gether, [light. Ehlo, v.a. to enlighten ; to make Ehlo, 17. n. to fish at night with torch light. Ehloohos, }>l. ahloohos, v.n. to rise up ; to lloat ; to ascend, as mist. Ehloohosjai, ]>l. ahloohosjai, v.n. to rise to the surface ; to come up out of water, as a whale; to watch one's words. Ehlopdicraig, v.n. to spread, as a sore. Ehlo yi acsei yin intas, v.a.to be- Ehlupahod, a. mouldy. [witch. Ehnaa, n. a wife, as — II pu ehnaa o uh, his wives; ohivat ehnaa o tin, his two wives ; taijis ehnaa, o un, his three wives. Ehnaijai, a. last; apahaiehnaijai, to finish a voyage. Ehnain pan, a. looking towards. Ehnan, prep, towards ; hefore ; in front of. Ehnat, v.n. to go before ; ehna- tat aiek, go you lirst. Ehnegitai, v.a. to steal. Ehneijid, v.a. to fullil. Ehneuktit, v.n. to hear atten- Ehniv, a. angry. [tively. Ehpai. v.a. to peel off bark. Ehpakada, v.a. to burst. Ehped, v.a. to castrate ; to pick out, as ants out of sugar ; to take away, as people out of their own land. Ehpei, v.a. to shave. Ehpepiv, v.n. to stink. Ehperigde, v.a. to wash the face. Ehpokowai, v.a. to hurst. Ehpuleli, v.a. to rub hands. Ehrahioin or ahiom, v.n. to col- lect ; to asscnihle. [suit. Ehrahti, v.n. to conspire ; to con- Ehramen, v.n. to dwell together. Ehras, ad. together. Ehras, a. contemporary, of the same age; ehras o un, his equal in age. Ehrerei, or ehrohrei, v.a. to fan. Ehreuc vaig, v.a. to root out. Ehri, a. hot, as water or iron ; ere, burning. Ehri ehni, v.a. to seize all. Ehrigrag, a. loosed. [stantly. Ehri jipe, v.a. to employ con- Ehrinmah, v.a. to throw up dust. Ehro, a. two. Ehroehro, a. narrow ; strait. Ehruudvaig, n. a source of trouble. Ehta, v.a. to compel. Ehtadai neom, v.a. to lay the lower wall-plate in a house. Ehtadgai, v.a. to join ; to com- plete round about ; to repair, as a house. Ehtahgin, v.a. to join. Ehtaig=ikni, v.a. to place; to choose ; to gather, as cocoa- nuts ; to give out, as a hymn. Ehtaig almoi, v.a. to choose. Ehtaig jai, v.a. to gather; to place. Ehtai ira ra, v.a. to choose or ap- point many. Ati, to choose one. Ehtaij, pr. they three. Ehtalad wai, v.a. to lap water with hand, as dog with tongue. Eh tau, v.n. it is good. Eh tau, v.a. to hit, as a spear. Ehtauo, v.n. to quarrel ; to fight. Ehteduo, v.a. to raise up ; to build up. Ehtehteliek, v.n. to have passage in the bowels. [as a candle. Ehtehti, or ehteti, v.a. to snull', Ehteijelmoi, a. overloaded. Ehteijighaig, or ehtaijighaig, a. nearly full ; half full ; applied to cup or vessel. Ehtei tas, v.n. to speak strong ; to urge ; to move. Ehtele, a. hungry. Ehtele cei nai, n. full moon. Ehtet, v.a. to meet. Ehtet alaca, v.n. to skip, as a stone on the surface of pool. Ehtet iran, v.a. to make a net. Ehtet nahrai, a. stormy, as at sea. Ehteucchteuc, v.a. to annoy; to worry ; to teaze. Ehti, yin, v.a. to murmur; to speak agaiust ; to hackhite. EHT ( 76 ) EKL Ehtidiliyek, v.n. to have passage in the bowels. Ehtigeliek atimi, v.n. to work time about or alternately. Ehtigrei, v. a. to break open, as for water to flow. Ehtigtaig, pi. taig sing. v.n. to weep ; to lament ; to cry. Ehtihtaig, v.a. to break off embers. Ehti itai iran, v.a. to take off wrapping from a sore. Ehti jipe, a. envious. Ehti jipe, v.a. to divide ; to scold ; to joke. Ehtijiraig, v.a. to make a heap. Ebtilidi, v.n. to explain correctly. Ehtipanes, v.a. to prevent. Ehtipidai, v.a. to oppress; to overburden ; to ask food ; to annoy for want of food. Ehtiplai jipe, v.n. to work alter- nately. Ehtit, or ehtet, v.a. to make a net ; to knot. Ehtiti, or ehteti, v.a. to snuff, as a lamp or candle. Ehto, v.n. to doubt ; to fear ; to feel anxious. Ehtoplec, v.a. to bruise. Ehv, or ev, prefix, asks a ques- tion ; denotes impossibility. Ehva, v.n. to exist. Ehvaig, v.a. to show ; to reveal. Ehvan, v.n. what relation? erau ehvan arau? what relations are they two to one another ? Ehvato, or evato, v.n. to know how. Ehveleh, eveleh, v.a. to take how? Ehveliek, v.n. to let fall through fear ; to drop out of hand. Ehvivi, v.a. to feel ; to press with finger. Ehyekedked, v.a. to stretch, as a rope or a line. Etiyiaig, a. slack from fatigue. Ehyiyihi, or ehyeiyihi, va. to teaze, as cotton. Eigeigi, v.a. to oppress. Eihapicnaig, v.a. to crush ; to crumple up. Eihon, or aihon, v.a. to spit on leaves for incantations ; to cheer, to bewitch. Eijapig, a. black; decayed. Eijcai, eijcei, cijejei, v.a. to hang up, hang oneself. Eijeijei yin, v.a. to avenge ; to revenge death by death Eiji, or eijis, v.n. to bow down. Eiji, v.n. to fade, as a leaf. Eijid, ad. fully; completely; all, as — esvijid, v.n. to read all ; asaigcijid, v.n. to speak all. Eijis, v.n. to fall or bow down. Eijis jipe, v.n. to walk. Eijiwusji ra, v.n. to straddle ; to stride opposite to. Eimoc, a. dull ; obscure. Eimoimoi, v.a. to blow gently ; to make a fire burn. Eintal, ilpu eintal, n. one person ; many people. Eipadil, v.a. to shoot out the lips in contempt. Eipai, or aipai, v.a. to tempt ; to charm ; to call pigs or fowls to their food ; to flutter as a bird over its young ; to incite. Eipaijaig, v.a. to leave ; to sepa- rate from ; to part from. Eipaipai, v.a. to clap bands. Eipai pan, v.a. to draw away ; to cause to come. Eipatga, v.a. to teach a child to walk ; to lead. Eipujaig, v.n. to loose ; to depart. Eiyieijei, v.n. to fall into a pit. Ejadenai, v.a. to gather together, as coral or beans when spread Ejapig, a. merled. [out. Ejcei, or eijcei, or eijcai, v.n. to hang up ; to hang one's self ; to commit suicide. Ejepjipan, v.n. to forget; not to know where things are laid. Ek, v.n. am I. Eka, v.n. are you. Ekcaiji netgan iran, v.n. to swell in the belly. Ekis, v.n. were you. Eklim, ad. gently. Eklim erop, v.n. to wait a little ; to take time ; to act gently. EKM ( 77 ) EPE Ekmimi yin, v.a. to spare him ; to pass by or over ; to let off from work. Ekmu, v.n. shall he I. Ekpei, v.a. to shave. Ekpu, v.n. will he I. El, conj. if. Elad vaig, v.a. to seek. Elcauka, v.a. to set at variance. Elcei, v.a. to strain out, as a gnat. Elceidide iran, v.a. to tie sewed sugar-cane on a house. [halt. Elcelcatoh, v.n. to walk with a Elcokon, v. a. to fight ; to quarrel. Eldapa, a. equal. Eldati pan, v.a. to add one by one ; to increase regularly. Eldei, v.a. to reap. Elcd, n. a surplus of persons or things when few ; aled, if many. Eledea, v.a. to spread out. Elegelege, or elelgei, or elgei, v.n. to open, or expand as a leaf. Eled, v.n. to spill; to leak; to fall off. Eleuc hat, v.a. to make fast stones to something. Eleuceleuc, a. strong to the taste, as coffee or tea ; bitter. Elgei, or elelgei, v.n. to open; to expand. Elge lelen, v.a. to bewitch. Elhelhe, v.a. to carry in hands, as a large stone. Leh elhelhi, r n. to roar as the sea. Eliaig.p/. heliaig, sing. ad. feebly. Atga heliaig, v.n. to walk feebly. Eliaujaig, v.a. to wrestle; to shake ; to throw down or away. Elieigelieig, a. bending; shaky; Lying longitudinally as a tree on a bridge. Eligcre, a. wounded or sore. Eliglip iran, v.a. to overlap. Elijaujai, v.n. to jump; to skip about. Elikeriis, v.n. to begin to quarrel. Eliliaujai, v.n. to dance ; to jump; to skip about. Elipnes, a. swollen in throat; hoarse ; unable to speak; stop- ped running, as a sore. Eliselis (emche eliselis), n. dysen- tery, [reeds. Eloah, or elwa, v.n. to blossom, as Eipat, or elvelvelpat, a. many. Eti elpat, few. Elpatelpat, a. different. Elpa- telpat inliinmopora, different opinions. Elpatelpat intasiran, discussions ; debates. Elucai, v.a. to trouble ; to stir, as water. [fruit. Elum, v.n. to begin to form, as Eluun, v.a. to lick. Elv, prefix, far ; long ; applied to distance or time. Elvamen, v.n. to live faraway. Elvan, a. related. Natimi elvan aran, they are related, as uncle and nephew. [to sea. Elvapok, v.a. to put farther out Elvelpat, or elpat, a. many. Elwa, v.n. to blossom or bring forth flowers ; alwa, to bud or bring forth leaves. Et elwa nieg, the reeds blossom. Et elwa intisiaicai, the flowers are come out. Elwaged, or eloaged, v.n. to spit. Elwai, v.a. to shove out ; to recoil. Emaig, a. wet, as grass with rain or dew. Emanowan, or emanahoan, a. Emda, a. strong. [four. Emehe, a. sick. Emehma, a. healed, applied to wounds ; ripe ; yellow. Ememina, or emehmina, v.n. to shine. Emeigmei, a. squalid. Emetmat, a. raw ; not dry or seasoned, as hoards. Emig, a. filthy; dirty. Emilmat, a. green ; blue. Eneijai, a. finished. Nadiat en- eijai nigki, this is the last day. Et ham eneijai unyak nigki, this is my last coming. Epaije, a. ungrateful. Epat, a. close together. Epe ! inter, exclamation of pain. EPE ( 7S ) ESJ Epepa, or nepcpa, a. united, growing together of two things into one, as two trees. Epigjai iran, n. the last quarter of moon. Epihtau, v.n. to stumble. Epiip, or epiipepiip, a. close as thatch or fencing. Edui epiipe- piip, to set it up close. Epit, v.n. to appear on the other side, as the point of an auger in boring. Epitpitac, pi., apitac, sing. v.a. to follow ; to succeed, [stink. Epiv, sing., epivepiv, pi. v.n. to Epujai, v.n. to depart; to leave. Era, v.n. are. Erahki, pr. those. Eraigki, pr. these. Eraiji, v.n. to rise together. Ere, v.n. to burn, as a lamp or candle ; to give light. Erek, sing., erekrek, pi. a. lean. Erekhaig, pi., ethaig, sing. v. a. to cast or throw away. Erep = ahcai, v. a to stab ; to Ererei, v. a. to gather up. [pierce. Ereuc, sing., ereucereuc, pi. v.n. to bathe ; to wash. Ereuc, sing., ereucerenc, pi. v. a. to shake a branch; to make fruit fall. Ereucreuc, v.n. to stick to; to adhere, as arrow-root to clothes. Ereucreucvaig, a. covered over with. Erigran, or erigrag, a. loosed or broken, as cinet on roof. Erihag, v.n. to eat together. Erijai, v.n. to rise up ; to overflow, as sea on land ; to get ashore. Erinmerei, n. the clear part of the moon when first seen. Eriraig, v.a. to put on, as a petti- coat. Eriri, v.a. to keep anger in the Eris, v.n. were. [heart. Eris, v.n. to press on. Eriss, or ehriss, v.a. to quarrel. Tak eriss iralc, do not be angry with me. Et mini eriss nehio, the .storm is begun. Eriseris, v.a. to climb. Ero, a. two. Eroero, a. narrow. Eroh, v.a. to scratch, as a fowl. Erop, sing, eroprop, pi. v.n. to fall down. Eropse, sing, eroperopse, pi. a. quiet ; calm ; peaceable ; gentle. Eropropse, v.n. to cease. Erucai, a. implacable. Erueru tas, v.a. to speak back; to retaliate. Ese = aso, v.a. to clothe ; to put on clothes. Et ese iran aien, he is putting on his clothes. Esege, v.a. to teach ; to learn. Esei cai, n. forest trees. Eseij, a. three. Esga atimi, a. high-born ; strong. Esga atimi, n. a near relation. Esganapit, v.n. to die suddenly. Esgeig, v.a. to give a taste to. Esgiri, v.n. to fast ; to eat sparingly. [order. Esiaig, v.a. to arrange ; to put in Esiaig hat, v.a. to pave with small stones. Esipiaig, v.a. to share in common by two ; asipiaig, by all. Esjaig, or esjainse, v.n. to calm down, as wind or sea; to cease ; to give over. Esjaig, v.a. to lay down, as rollers for a boat to pass over. Esjaig, v.n. to fill (et esjaig an tan ; it fills the land. Esjaig, v.a. to clear land, [as rain. Esjanmd, v.n. to break; to cease, Esjek, ad. all ; everywhere. Esjeldei v a. to snap ofl'; to break off, as twigs. Esjeliek, a. out of joint, [(fully). Esjeuc, v.a. to fill up; esjeuc asega, Esjiliek, v.n. to break; to loosen; to part. [superior. Esjilid, a. excellent ; very good ; Esjipicnaig, v.a. to add up; to collect together. Esjipigmoig, v.a. to act as a sub- stitute ; to take the place of. Esjititva, v.n. to wander from the path. ESJ ( 79 ) ETI Esjum, a. unwilling ; lazy. Esni, v.a. to gather. Esvaig, v.a. to collect together. Esvi (yin), v.a. to weary. Esvi, v.a. to read ; to count. Esvi jipan, or esvilin, v.a. to read upwards. Esviktit, v.a. to read or count correctly. [wards. Esvi sepam, v.a. to read down- Esvisvi, v.n. to wink in contempt. Esvitistia (inya), a. ravelled ; twisted, as thread or rope. Esviyi, v.a. to open out, as clothes. Esyei = esiaig, v.a. to arrange ; to put in order; to place straight Et, v.n. is. [in rows. Etcare, v.n. to talk out of doors at night till late. Etcei, v.a. to pound ; to heat. Etceijeijei, v.a. to punch holes, as in tin. Etceijisji, v.n. to lean on with one hand ; to kneel. Etcei u incedo, v.a. to carry on the side, as a child. Etcepicnaig, v.n. to cough ; to split ; to break ; to give way. Etcetcei, v.a. to rap or knock, as at a door. Etceteuc, v.n. to sound, as when striking stones when gathering shell fish. Etcijiraig, v.a. to nail ; to drive nails ; to fasten with nails. Etcimtam = epiip, a. close, as sugar-cane leaf on roof. Etcumlai, a. weak in heart. Etedeliek iran, v.a. to work; to operate, as medicine. Etento, a. afraid; timorous. Etenc, v.n. to he ; to exist. Eteuc, pi. n. relations. Ilpu etenc = atumopon, relations of a chief . Etenc umlai, a. bowed down. Etgai itai, v.n. to complain. Etgei, v.a. to weed. Etgeig, v.n. to stand ; to be ; to exist. [wreck. Etgeig yigre, v.a. to cause ship- Etgig, a. burnt up; withered. Ethaig, sing., erekhaig, pi. v.a. to throw away; to avoid, as a blow or spear. Etbai yin, v.n. to escape. Ethan, v.n. to escape. Ethan, n. the edge, as of a knife ; ati ethan, set on edge. Ethanethan, ad. at a distance; on the other side of the road. Atga nethanethan, passed by on the other side. Ethei (nitai caig iran), v.a. to season or salt (food with it). Etheloplop, a. plentiful; abun- dant. Etheso, v.a. to dispose of the dead ; to bury. Ethetiknaig, or ethotocnaig, ad. intentionally. Ethi, a. one. Ethi, ad. very very. Et ethi opoc, it is very very heavy. Ethidim, or ethi idim, v.n. must. Ek ethi idim ilea ainyak, I must speak ; I really will speak. Ethoi, v.a. to carry quietly; to treat gently ; to pacify. Ethotocnaig, or ethetiknaig, ad. intentionally. Eti ethetiknaig, unintentionally. Ethuleg, or ethulaig, v.n. to dis- appear, as a ship sailing away. Ethuso nipjineucsek, v.n. to act the cannibal ; to be a cannibal. Eti, or ti, or ati, ad. not. Eti aaij, a. not wild; tame. Eti elpat, a. not many ; few. Eti ipjiecek, a. not impatient ; patient. Eti laulau, ad. not long ; shortly ; Etig, a. hot, as an oven. [soon. Etimat, v.a. to preserve from cor- Etin, a. chill. [ruption. Etinohun, v.a. to cause ; to make. Etinohnn nedoa, v.a. to set people a-iighting ; to cause strife. Etinohun neheamai, v.a. to make ashamed. Etiokowai, or etiakowai, a. hos- tile. Edo etiokowai, to make hostile parties. Etipnp, v.a. to promise; to en- gage. Intas etipup, a covenant. ETJ ( So ) GAR Etjai, n. the point of a spear. Etjetja, v.n. to look up. Etjetjumkit, v.n. to cluck •with the mouth, as rats. Etjo, v.n. to fall ; to become lost. Etjo itac, v.n. to fall behind; to come late. Etledwa, v. a. to fan; to winnow. Etleijaig, oretleijig, ad. strongly; openly. Tas etleijaiq, to curse. Etlig, v.a. to eat. Etlig vaig tah, to eat the food of some one ; to depend upon him alone. Etman, n. father. Etnehri, v.a. to cook again. Etneijijai, v.a. to burn; to brand; to mark with fire. Etnetgaig, n. sodomy; a sodomite. Etnig, n. the direction or position, as of a house. Inyi etnig pan id neoni inigJci ? how 'will this house stand ? Etpoijij, or etpujij, sing., atpujij, pi. v.n. to burst; to die ; to drown. Etpon, sing., retpon, -pi. n. a grand- father or grandmother ; an an- cestor. Etpu, v.n. will be. Etpu umoh aien, he will live or be healed. Etum umoh aien, he shall live or be healed. Ettaig, v.n. to fall or slip down, as a child. Ette, v.n. to sink. Etti, v.a. to split leaves. Etudin, v.a. to melt, as fat, pork, the blubber of a whale, &c. Etug, a. thick. Etuko, ,cai, pi. v.a. to split wood. Etuptin, v.a. to take off knots from trees. Etwan, n. a brother ; a sister. Etyeliekse, v.a. to flood. Etyokon, v. a. to clear, as a path or way; to thread one's way. Eucaij, v.a. to dig up, as roots. Eucatoh, v.a. to look straight at. Eucaeucai, a. desolate ; waste, as a wilderness. Eucen, or ecen, a. entangled. Eucen, or ecen (vai), v.a. to reve- rence ; to respect ; to behave respectfully. Eucen, or ecen (an), a. diligent. Eucenwaig nieg, v.a. to sharpen point of reed like a spear. Euchim, or echim, a. alone ; by one's self. [stutter. Eucitigtig, v.n. to crowd ; to Eucjeucjaig, v.a. to shake ; to rinse. Eucjeucjeucaij, v.n. to tremble. Eucloh, v.a. to frighten. Eucneti pam, v.n. to increase much. Eucrad, v.a. to scrape. Eucreucraig, v.n. to shake. Eucreucre, v.n. to move about. Eucrop, v.n. to delay, [tremble. Eucropeucrop, v.n. to shake ; to Eucsaurij, v.a. to mock; to make mouths at some one. Eucsimrig, a. silent; ignorant of the language spoken. Eucsupo, pi. n. soldiers. Eucte, v.n. to begin to blossom. Eucupupu (nieg),v.». to swell, as reeds when near blossoming. E um, ad. yes ; yea ; truly. Nai ilea aiek E um ? do you not say E um ? do you not hear ? Eusei, a. all. Umnyi eusei, v.a. to drink it all. Evehel, pi. n. light winds. Eveliek, v.a. to let slip. Evivi, v.a. to feel with the fingers. Eyueyu, or lyuwiyu, a. cold. Eyumeyum, ad. round about. Imiateuc eyumeyum, v.a. to make people sit in a circle. F Fi, ad. yet. Fi, ad. intensive particle, as, Fi auroauro, Do be quick. G Gara, v.a. to neglect; to disobey; to despise ; to injure growing food. GED ( Si ) IDI Gedged itai, v.n., to scrawl, as a child does. Gei, a. what taste ? Et gci mu ? Is the iish sweet or bitter? Geije, a. full ; satislied with food. H Hadin.H. the stomach; the heart; a portion. Nuarin hadin iyek, nearly dead. Hag, v.a. to eat a set meal. Caig, to eat one thing ; hegaig, to eat many things. Haklin, a. small, llaklin atmas, a. miserable. Hal, a. some ; several. Halaha, v.n. to cry. Halitah, ». the highest ridge-pole Ham, v.n. to come. [in a house. Han, v.n. to go. Hanmatmi, n. medicine. Hare, a. large; roomy; as the in- side of a house. lla<, a. bad; wicked; eheshas, very bad. Has iran nitai, v.a. to covet. Hauhau, v.a. to burn; to scorch. Hauumtidec, or ahuumtidec, v.a. to see in a vision. Havakavak, v.a. to beat down. Eedaig v.n. to turn. Hedaig neduon, a. weak in the Bides of the feet. Hededai, v.n. to look around. Hedidaig jipe, v.n. to turn on all sides. Hedidaig jipe, a. shaken; tossed. Hegaig, v.a. to eat many things, or a variety of food. Heliaig, sing , Eliaig, pi. ad. feebly. Atga eliaig, to walk feebly. 'L w i (1 < cold. Helugisja, a. stuffed at the nose Henhen, v.a. t«> burn; to scorch. H.eto,v.n. to grow again, as hair, feathers, plants; to come out, as teeth. [mucus, snot. Heulugutja, or inheulugutja, n. rlidim, or ethidim, v.n. must. Hijighei,or ahijighei, v.a. to miss; not to find or see where ex- pected. Ho, interj. here, I am here. Hoighoig (yin), v.a. to spare ; to pass by or over ; to let oil' from work. Hokjai, v.n. to rise to the surface after diving (applied to men). Hudnan, n. a sister-in-law ; a fe- male relation. Hui asan, v.a. to offer first-fruits. Ilpu hui asan, men appointed to offer first-fruits. Hui heldei, v.n. to sail. Ilpu hui heldei, sailors. Hui tas, v.n. to speak. Ilpu hui tas, men appointed to speak. Huleg, v.n. to disappear ; to go out of sight. Huugni lelra, or almgni lelra, v.a. to stir up. Huski, or hiski, ad. thus ; so ; the same as now. Hutalhutal, n. the wrist. Hutalhutal, a. soft, as food. la, or yia, inter. Oh yes. Ianiv, a. yesterday. lasias, v.a. to look. Easpan, v.a. to look at. Aespan, v.a. to fol- low with the eyes. las pan, v.a. to look out for, as for a person coming. Id, ad. where. Pan id, to go where. Han id, to go where. [cnapidai, sing., acnapidai, pi. a. drunk, as with kava. [dahod=ujipsotan, v.n. to sprout largely. Idapa, ad. yes or no ; I did not find it ; that is what you said. Idauidau, a. lame through weak- ness. Idei, or edei, v.a. to chew, as sugar-cane. [deucideuc, a. blue. Mi, or cde, a. stringy ; watery, as [did, v.a. to suck. [taro. [dig, v.a, to fan. F IDI ( 3 2 ) ILM I lira, ad. verily, idimoij, a. convalescent. Idin, or edin, a. wet, as clothes. Idivaig, a. like ; as ; so. Ido (iran), v.a. to spear an object, while still keeping" hold of the spear. Ido-ido, v.a. to cramp in arms or legs. Ido-ido, a. stiff; cold; lifeless. Mrinidrin, v.n. to swell out; to bulge, as a wall. Iduiduai, a. slight, applied to sickness. Idumdumoij, or edumdumoij, v.n. to return often. Idumdumoij, a. willing ; regular. Idumoij irai nemehe, a. convales- cent. Ifaifa, or efaifa, a. false ; deceit- Igca, n. a place. [ful. Igca, ad, here. Igcaijai, n. a place up or east- ward. Igca pam, ad. on this side. Igca pau, ad. on that side. Igcaki, ad. here. Igcahi, n, landward. Igcapok, n. seaward. Igcase, n. a place down, or west- Ighin, a. maimed. [ward. Ighis (yin), (itai), v.a. to despise ; to speak ill of ; to despise as food. Igpalo, or aigpalo, a. squeamish. Igperorei, v.a. to stir up to evil ; to make a false peace. Igpit, a. bald. Igyarigya, v.n. to tingle. Ijyeliek natimi, v.a. to work al- Igyid, ad. when. [ternately. I ikin natimi, sing. ,itiki atimi,^/. a, poor. Ihlup, a. warm ; sweating. Iikha, v.a. to say what. Ajal (iran), v.a. to take blubber off a whale. Ijei, v.a. to sew. Ijepicnaig, n.a. to couple ; to tie. Iji, v.n. to bloAV, as wind. Iji, pi. of niji, a. the, these. Iji igki, these. Ij i ehki, those. Iji ato lelek, v.a. to think about. Iji ato inliinmopon, v.a. to think about. Et mun eti iji ato lelek iralc, I did not think about it, or know well. Ijig ahtu neijin, a. lock-jawed ; unable to open teeth. Ijiesjeuc, v.n. to lean over, as a fence. Ijilipam, a. pointing in this way. Ijihpan, a. pointing out that way. Ijijaca, v.a. to carry, as in hand. Ijinies, a. high. Ijinijinies, a shallow. Ijipjipan (iran), v.a. to forget; not to know. Ijipjipan (iran), v.a. to do a thing uncertainly, not knowing whe- ther it be right or wrong. Ijis, v.a. to bind. Ijisjai, v.a. to set up, as a pillar. Ijisjilgauwaig, v.n. to step from stone to stone. Ijisjipe, v.n. to walk about. Ijiwasjara, v.n. to stand with legs apart. I j mau, a, smooth, as trees with Ijo, a. outside. [no branches. Ijo-ijo, a. perforated, full of holes, as network or basket. Ijujuare, v.n. to stand, not know- ing where to go or what to do. Ika, v.a. and n. to say; to speak ; to tell ; to litter; to do; to cause. Ikni, pi., ati, sing. v.a. to place. Iknipagki, v.a. to take away. Ilahol inya, v.a. to spin thread. Ilaig, v.a. to rest on. Ilidie, v.a. to spread, as leaves. Ilidman, n. a sister-in-law ; a cousin. Iligre, v.a. to open ; to remove obstructions, as in a stream. Iligre inliinmopon, v.a. to open his heart. Ilihilo, a. soft, as an infant's foot, or new leaves. Ilitilit, a. small, applied to wo- Ilohol, v.n. to whisper. [men. Ilmaicap, a. brown. Ilmu, v.n. to squeal, as a pig; to low, as cattle. ILM ( 83 ) IMI Ilnmrilmu, v.n. to mumble. Ilpauliat. a. stony, as ground. llpu, pi. a. the ; these ; marks classes of persons. Ilpu atiini. n. the men. Ilpu auata has, n. the evil spirits. llpu fatimi, n. the old men. Ilpu itu, n. the men of old time. Ilpu takuras, n. the young men. Ilpu atimi upene, n. the good men. Im, conj. anil. Joins nouns. Imhag, a. forked, like a tree. Imhagro, a. cloven ; divided in two. Imhagseij, a. cloven; divided in \m\. pnp. to; for. [three. Imi, or imyi, verbal prefix, to cause ; to do ; to make. Imiaaij, v.a. to grudge. Imiabraig, v.a. to inform; to re- peat ; to tell the words of an- other. Imiacaij, v.a. to call ; to invite. Imiacal, v.a. to despise. Imiaced intas, v.n. to speak an- grily, or rage about something. Tmacitak. v.n. to rejoice. Imiade, v.a. to beud; to bow down. Imiadumoij, v.a. to bring back ; to cause to return. Imiafakaheil, v.a. to mock ; to make sport of. Imiahah, v.a. to take hence. Imiahcen, v.a. to withstand. Imiahceu nesganimtan, v.n. to look fair. Imiahes, v.a. to praise ; to call happy. Imiahes, a. poor. Imiahka, a. immovable. Imiahlaig, v.a. to cry or call after. Imiahnag, v.a. to mislead; to deceive. Imiahpas, v.a. to praise. Imiahras, or imiaras, v.a. to inter cede ; to interpose for. Imiaiji, v.a. to obey. 1 miaiai puh, v.a. to capsize. [miakaikai, a. hold; fearless. [miakeijkeij, v.a. to mock by offering and then refusing ; to tantalise. [tinually. Imiaketo, v.a. to persecute con- Imialau, v.a. to bring ; to take. Imialeg, v.a. to protect ; to shelter, as a tree by its shade, not ap- plied to men. Imialeg, v.n. to skulk in unpro- tected places. Imialep, v.a. to save ; to protect from punishment. Imiali, v.n. to wonder. Imiamen, v.n. to continue, [less. [mianahna, a. strong; bold; fear- Imianid, v.a. to take where? or where shall I take'? Imianiv, v.a. to name ; to boast of. Imianusjai, pi. iminusjai, sing, v.a. to raise from the dead. Imiapam, v.a. to bring. Imiapan, v.a. to take away. Imiaras, or imiahras, v.a. to inter- cede for; to interpose for. Imiarehed, v.a. to surround. Imiarere, v.n. to grumble. Imiaridjai, v.a. to raise up. Imiarop, v.a. to beckon by bowing the hand down. Imiasjaaicnaig, v.a. to direct. Imiasjasji, v.a. to admire; to wonder at. Imiasuol, v.a. to bring down; to subdue ; to degrade. Imiatamaig, v.a. to save; to de- liver ; to preserve. Imiatcapijid, v.a. to cause to go round about. Imiatga, v.a. to cause to go. Imiati, r\«. tocausetoputor place. Imiatmakma,ua. to carry straight, so as not to spill. Tniiatumumoh, v.a. to make alive. Iniiauarahcil, v.a. to deceive. Imicoho, v.a. to save from danger. Imidediji, v.a. to insisl on; 10 declare strongly; to contradict. Imiecen, v.a. to entangle. do, v.a. to show a garment ; to joke. [miedohalav, v.a. to annoy; to trouble ; to bother, [mediate. Iniitc or imiyi jipe intas, v.a. to IMI ( 84 ) IMT Imiehca, v.a. to work for; to appoint ; to tell to do work ; to remind. Imiehcamai, v.a. to make ashamed. Imiehcamai, a. ashamed. Imiehcid, v.a. to carry a message. Imiehio, v.a. to bring hither; to reach hither. Imiehio, v.n. to hasten. Imiehka, v.a. to conquer or over- come difficulties. Imiehva, v.a. to remember. Imiemda, v.a. to strengthen ; to assist. Imiepat, v.n. to go on or increase in speaking or working. Imiepoijaig, v.a. to send some one to another place. Imiesgei tas, v.a. to circulate false reports ; to tell lies ; to affirm what is false ; to affirm falsely. Imigaiji, v.a. to watch ; to keep awake. Imihcit, ad. little. Laav imihcit, to laugh a little. Imiho, v.a. to stir up. Imihum pam, ad. until now. Imihum pan, ad. until then. Imimraig, v.a. to strengthen ; to assist. Imiimrig, a. angry. Imiimrig, v.a. to reprove. Imiimtac, v.a. to fear ; to reve- rence. Imiimtacimtac, v.a. to fear; to reverence ; to cause to fear. Imiimtaiji, v.n. to look out. Imiinvinitai, v.a. to make sport of ; to speak reproachfully of. Imiinvipijaig, v.a. to say all are alike. Imiiris, v.a. to watch for; to lie in lmiisgim, v.a. to coax. [wait. Imiisjis, v a. to insist. Imiisjis itai, v.a. to persist in asserting. Imiisjis uahcil, v.a. to disbe- lieve. Imiisjis ninveijec, v.a. to believe. Iniiitap, v.a. to hallow; to make sacred. Imiitidai, v.a. to build again. Imilaav, v.a. to laugh or sneer at ; to scorn. Imimas, v.a. to desire excessively. Imimas, a. attached to. Iminusjai, sing., imianusjai, pi. v.a. to raise from the dead. Imipalea, v.a. to disobey; to dis- regard, [for. Imitaig, v.a. to bewail ; to mourn Imitakehke, v. a. to spare ; to preserve ; to save ; to sanctify ; to glorify. Imitas itai, v.a. to discuss ; to debate ; to talk over matters. Imitaualep, v.a. to save ; to take care of. Imitaualep, a. wise ; crafty ; cunning. Imiteiimterim, v.a. to scatter. Imiua, or imiyeuca, v.a. to carry. Imiyecrei, v.a. to prepare food. Imiyeuca, or imiua, v.a. to cany. Imiyi, or imiee jipe intas, v.a. to mediate. [fruit. Imjav, a. soft ; over-ripe, as bread- Imjijeuc, or umjijeuc, a. accus- tomed to. Imlai, a. withered ; blasted ; dry ; Imligligid, a. slippery. [sad. Impan, n. reproof. Imraig, n. to-morrow. Imrered, a. slippery ; smooth, but dry. Umlas, slippery from wetness. Imrig, a. sullen ; rough ; coarse, applied to garments. Imrigimrig, a. proud ; angry. Imrihin, a. beautiful ; good. Imtaam, v.a. to help ; to associate. Imtac, a. afraid; timid; cowardly. Imtacimtac, v.a. to fear; to re- verence. Imtakrei an nesganimtan, n. pride ; haughtiness. [bone-;. Imtamid an neduon, n. the ankle Imtaplan, a. dim-sighted; having sore eyes. Imtate, a. sleepy ; drowsy. Imtedoa, a. impudent ; forward. Imteri efalaig, n. a side path. Imtimlai, a. sad, as a sick person ; grieved; ashamed; blushing. I.MT ( S 5 ) I Nil Imtimtan, a. on the edge of any- thing. Imtinjeuc, a. tame. Imtitaatiiui. a. timid; afraid. Imtitaig, v.n. to fear. Imtyi, a. dirty : unwashen. Imyuimyu, v.a. to tickle. Inbul, n. native rose; hibiscus. Incai, n. a tree. Incai atimi, n. food for men. Incai er hegaig, h. a tree for food ; a fruit tree. Incaig meto, n. new ground. Incap, or incop, n. lire. Incat, n. a basket. Incat adgaig, n. a hat. Incauwan (nah), ». tendrils, as of Incauaij, ». a fish-hook. [yams. Incaupda, or incopda, n. rain. Incedo, n. a rat. Incedpaigwaig. or incetpaigwaig, >i. the crop of a fowl. Incedpame, or iucetpame, n. the bladder. Incedpapu, n. the stomach. Incedpun, or incetpun, n. a sheath; a cover. Incedpun neduon, ». a shoe; any- thing that covers the foot or leg. Inceen, n. a stock ; a trunk ; ■wood of anything. Inceen nefana, n. a bow and arrows ; a quiver. Inceen nipan, n. a mast. Incehin, n. the back ; the outside of a box. [tree. Inceideuc, n. the white wood of a Incei imtaig, n. the heart wood of a tree. Inceij u lidija, n. plenty. Inceij u umlaig, n. scarcity; hunger. Inceiwad, ». the name of a poison- ous plant. Inceslnm, /;. vegetables; herbs, as taro, bananas ; every vege- table planted fin- food. Incesmapadik o un, n. the claw of a bat. Incctcai, n. a bundle of wood for fire. Incetmi, n. a basket of food. Incetpaigwaig, u. the crop of a fowl. Incetpame, n. the bladder. Incetpajm, n. the stomach. Incetpun, n. a sheath ; a cover. Incetpun neduon, n. a shoe ; any- thing to cover the foot or leg. Incet tal, ». a basket of taro. Incop, or incap, n. fire. Incopau, n. a cocoanut with a sweet husk. Incopda, or incaupda, n. rain. Incopre, n. flame ; lire. Induce, n. a species of land shell. Infakatotau, n. a mourning of men. Taig tas, n. a mourning of women. Inga, n. a bird of the size and appearance of a rook. Ingaigaho, n. a large caterpillar. Ingaijid, or ingeijid, n. adulteiy. Ingeijid, n. adultery. Ingeijin, n. the chin ; the beard. Ingidjin, n. the nose. Ingidyinyat, ;/. sandal wood. Inhaac, n. a species of poisonous shell fish. Inhade, n. a species of poisonous shell fish. Inhadi, n. an infant. Inhadin, n. the stomach; the gall bladder ; the seat of life. Inhagamucid, «. the side of the head ; the temples. Inhagamugid, n. the temples. Inhagijwai, n. the name of a small fish which lives on vegetable food. Inliaig, n. a jmrtion of food. Inhaij, or inhaig, n. the candle- nut tree. Inhaklin, a. young ; little ; small. Inhakli pece, n. a small land ; an Inhal, n. a child. [island. Inhal an nefalaig, n. a bastard. Inhalav, n. a child. Inhalavan nimtan, >/. ihe eye- ball ; the apple of the eye. Inhalav atahig, //. a daughter. Inhalav atamaig, n. a son. Inhamese an neaig, ;<. an old cocoanut. INH ( 86 ) INL Inhamesei, n. the name of a native plant. Inhan, n. the forefeet of a quad- ruped. Inhas, h. badness ; a calamity ; an injury. Inhase, n. "the name of a bird. Inhat, n. a stone ; a slate. Inbat apian, n. tar; pitch. Inhat erin neiyiyia, n. greenstone. Inhe, intcrrog. pron. what? Inhe ko, or inho ko, pron. what is it? [of a needle. Inhed iran, n. a hole, as the eye Inbedidaig, v.a. to seek for ; to look round ; to turn, as in bed. Inhedmut, a. crooked. Inhehteuc, or inhcteuc, n. a rock. Inheldei, n. sailing. [cust. Inheled, n. a grasshopper ; a lo- Inhelel, or inhellel, n. a nest, as of a rat. Inhele-u, or inhile-u, n. a species of brown spider; lives in wood. Inhelin, or nelin, n. the penis. Inlielnc, n. a wren. Inhenau, n. a swamp. Inheres, n. a wasting or falling away of flesh on a child. Inhetelga, n. a runner, the fruit of which is round like a cake. Inheteuc, or inhehteuc, n. a rock. Inhctitautau, n. an anchor. Inhetmi, n. whinstone ; hard blue stone. Inhenau, n. a redbreast. Inhenau, n. a boil. Inheujgopid, or inheijgapul, n. the windpipe ; the throat ; the gullet. Inheujinwan, n. the neck. Inheuinalaig, n. the windpipe. Inheuris, n. a species of shell fish. Inhile-u, or inhele-u, n. a small brown spider. Inhilogidjin, or inheuligidja, n. influenza ; snot. Inhoppaig, n. the name of a large bird of passage. Inhos tas, n. gossip ; scandal. Inhuauc, or inheluc, n. a wren. Iuhubej, n. a bottle. Inhudaig, n. the name of a com- mon shell fish. Inhudan, n. a brother's wife. Inhudran, n. the stem of a bunch of bananas or cocoanuts. Inhumas, n. a gathering of un- cooked food. Inhumiaig, n. a flea. [bird. Iuhusumiliaig, 11. the name of a Inhumla, n. coals ; charcoal ; cinders. Inhupnan, n. first-fruits. Inhus, n. stump of a tree ; shaft of a candlestick. Inhuterau, n. a rainbow. Inhutivnagdei, 11. throat-spittle. Inhutlavlav, n. a bamboo flute. Inhutugetja, n. a running at the nose. Inhutuma, n. the brain. Inig, pron. a. this. Inigki, pron. a. this. Inivaijec, or inveijec, a. true. Injaa, 11. a fowl. Inja iran, n. blood. In jap, or injop, or injaup, n. the Injaula, n. a rope. [sea. Injeijig, or injaijig, or injijag, n. wrack carried down by a flood. Injupjupura, n. night ; quite dark. Injupki, n. the afternoon. Injupura, n. eveuing. Inlag, n. a fly. Inlah, n. light. Inlapnan, n. a plantation. Inlas, n. live coral. Inlecen, n. breadth, as of cloth. Inlekis, n. white or yellow earth. Inlelen, n. understanding; sense. Inlelicai, n. a wilderness. Inlelitai, n. bush land ; unculti- vated land. Inlepei, 11. native petticoat. Inleuc, or inluc, n. a coil. Inleuc inya, n. a ball of thread. Inleuc nipji nakevai, n. a bolt of pandanus leaf. Inligighap, n. the thick end of a cocoanut leaf used as a target. Inlignyup, n, a species of small fly. Inligpeuv, n. the name of a species of fish called Kigighal, when LNL ( S 7 ) INM large ; and also Naukauwid- wad. Inliin, prep, in ; inside. Inliinmopon, n. the heart ; the affections. Iulobot, n. the name of a plant. Inlolan, n. allat elevated surface, lnlolan nau, n. a ridge of high hills or mountains. Inlolan nedoon, /;. a ridge of low hills. [ship. Inlolan nelcau, n. the deck of a Inlolan neom, n. the flat roof of a house. Inlolan uugyan neduon, n. the upper part of the foot. Inma, n. breadfruit. [to fowls. Inma, a. black ; brown; applied Inmaan. n. old cocoanut leaves. Inmagre hat, n. broken stones ; splinters. [ground. Inmah, or inmoh, n. dust of the Inmahe, n. the name of a plant. Iinnal, n. a collection of objects. Iumala, n. a rock beneath the ground. Inmal acujitai, n. a collection of plantations. [vations. Inmal ahapol, n. a group of culti- Inmaleaig, n. a grove of cocoa- nuts. Tnmaleom, n. a city. [or town. Inmaliynm, or inmalyuni, ».acity Inman, n. a bird [bird. Ininan atahig, n. the name of a Inmautadi, n. the white sea-gull. Inmanunuptau, n. the name of a bird Inmapmap, or inmopmop, n. Jnmas, n. death. [asthma. Inmatan, n. the right hand. Inmauun, or inmoun, n. the left hand. Inmauwad ahi, n. the convolvulus with white flowers. Inmauwad imrig, n. the convol- vulus with blue or reddish flowers. Inmanwad picad, n. the convol- vulus with white flowers. Inmanwad itoga, n, a foreign convolvulus. Inmecec, n. a wrinkle. Inmeceuc. n. a name of reproach applied to old people. Inmehcim, n. darkness, lnmehei, n. the name of a plant from which inlcpei is made. Inmehlan, n. the burnt end of a lire stick ; charcoal ; the snuff- ings of a caudle. [October. [nmehtit, n. breadfruit crop in Inmeijcap, or inmeijcop, n. the hawk. Inmemid, n. mildew. Inmenhos, n. the name of a bird. Inmerit, n. a wish ; the will. Nitui merit, the thing wished for. Inmeritoga, n. one of the best kinds of breadfruit. [winter. Inmesese, n. the cold season ; Inmesiaig, n. a gathering about the sick. Inmeto, a. firstborn. Inmetpen, n. a species of sea eel. Inminyau, n. the name of a bird. Inmocop, n. a wound ; a sore ; an ulcer. [ground. Inmoh, or inmah, n. dust of the Inmohau, n. a split or rent in wood. Innioho an jap, n. salt. Inmoho an tan, «.a clod of earth; hard clay. Inmohoc, n. the moon. Inmohon, n. crumbs ; the siftings of arrowroot, t. the outer reef ; a place of junction. Inta uhau, n. a hollow place be- tween reefs. Intauoc, n. the name of a species of sea bird. Intavaitap, 11. anger. Intehet, n. a family; the people of a small district ; a trade. Neut'rr tehet, n. the path of the spirits ; a sacred path ; the road to a sacred place. Inteijeug, n. an ear-rim?. Inteijid, n. the name of a tree. Inteijig. ». a butterllv ; tortoise- shell. Intelo, n. the high or flowing tide. Intesrei iiitcstesrei, n. intorma- tion. Intete, or intite, n. a landslip. Iiitcucjip, or intucjip, n. bush land where forest trees grow. Intid, it. a fringe. [ntidin, >>. a crop, but not the first ripe. Intid iran, v. the end of a place or a time ; a corner. Intidjin, ;/. an extremity; the 0u1 side of anything. Intikgan, n. the ear. Intikia, n. a snail. Intiklan cai, n. tops of branches. I in in, v . the dung of the lower animals. Inti nanin, the dung of goats. Intinan, n. a bed ; a foundation ; a plantation. Intinan niese, n, dry land planted. Intinan tal, n. a plantation of taro. Intiptag, 11. the house in a village or district where people all meet. Intisian, n. a flower. [word). Intitu, a. beautiful (a child's Intivaig, n. nothing. Et ehka intivaig, it is impossible not to be or take place. Intoho, ii. a trumpet shell ; a trumpet. [land. Intucjip, or intcucjip, n. bush Intupahuahau, n. the ocean ; the deep ; the main. Intupauun, v. a desert. Invid. n. the day before yesterday. Invikired, 11. a making sport of. Invipicnaig, 11. a gathering toge- ther (applied to men). Inwaahri, n. tea ; warm water. Inwag, n. the evening star. Inwah, n. food or seed of all sorts; the juice of any plant. Inwai, n. water ; fresh water. Inwai anij, or ahusji nij, or anu- jinij, n. water soou dried up. Inwai emehe, n. medicine. Inwai meteuc, n. the sweet po- InAvaimi, n. fresh water. [tato. Inwai tab ahnag, n. a flood ; a swollen river. Inwakimvak, a. displeased with. Inwau, v. a creeper; a vine. Inwauahid, n. the middle of the body ; the loins. Inwelah, ». clearness. Inwoijic, n. the sea urchin. Inya, n. thread; twine. Inyara, n. the redbreast. Inyau, //. a m hale, [nyavaig, n. the mouth of a river. Inyehpok, n. the mouth of ariver. Inyetjai, n. the top of a hill; a clear space in the bush. Inyi, v.n. will be. Inyi aro, v.n. let there be two apiece (for many). INY ( 9o ) ITA Inyi ero, v.n. let there be two (for one). Livid, inter, ad. when ? Inyidjighos, n. the centre of the cocoanut leaf. Inyi eti lep ti or tiih, a. endless. Inyi isinpa o un, a. old ; frail. Inyipei, n. the flour, as of arrow- root. Inyipin, n. colour. Et cchamccha inyipin? what colour is it? Neveh yipin ? what is the colour ? Et cap inyipin, the colour is red. Inyipin, n. the outside or surface. Inyipin neoni, n. the surface of the wall of the house. Inyipin nipjinitai itac, n. the outside of the dish. Inyipin nipjinitai inliin, n. the inside of the dish. Inyuc, n. the name of a plant. Inyum, or inyuum, n. a mosquito, lopso, v.a. to make straight, as sugar-cane leaf on a roof, when lifted up by the wind and ravelled. Ipjidipjid, a. short. Ipjiecek, a. impatient. Ipjilai, a. hollowed out as a socket. Ipjin, a. hard. Ipjucai, a. stiff; hard; dried up. Ipnyi, v.a. to smell. Ira, or irai, or urai, pi. of an, prep, on ; by ; through ; of. Iramai, v.a. to suck ; to swallow. Into ai iramai, medicine to suck, as liquorice. Irar (im napuke), v.a. to dig up earth (and throw round yam heaps). Irara, v.a. to sift. Iris, v.a. to hurt some one. Iruhcai, a. hasty; passionate ; tur- bulent ; breaking the peace. Isas, a. steep. Nohmun isas, a steep bank. Isec, or iseuc, v.a. to lean upon. Nitai iseuc, a staff. Isgeig pan, v.a. to join to. [sgeig pan, a. adjoining ; next to. Isianata iran, ad. in rows ; orderly. Isjaidara, v.a. to reject. Isjeuc, v.a. to lean ; to bow down. Isjeuc asega, a. level, as a road, or country. [country. Isjeucisjeuc, a. level, as a road or Isjeupigmoig, sing, asjeupigmoig, pi. v.a. to succeed to ; to take the place of ; to be a substitute for. Isji (ariko), v.a. to gather (beans). Isji, v.a. to press ; to strike. Isji, a. hungry ; faint. Isji incaupda, v.n. to rain. Isjid, v.a. to chip off small branches. Isjipicnaig, v.a. to gather to- gether ; to add. Isjipines, v.a. to put on plaited leaves on the ridge of a roof. Isjipulpul, n. raindrops on leaves. Isjis, v.a. to blow strong as wind. Isjis, v.a. to deny ; to conceal. Isjis, a. fallen off. Isjis, v.n. to persevere. Isjis (inceslum), v.n. to grow quick, as (vegetables). Isjis (nija), v.a. to breed (worms). Isjisji, v.a. to tap, as at a door. Isjisji, n. light rain. Et tup is- jisji, it is but a shower. Isjisjilgau^-aig, v.n. to step from stone to stone. Isjumod, v.n. to cease raining. Ispidin, v.a. to whitewash. Ispun, ad. instinctively. Ispun tas vaig, v.n. to boast. Ispun imianiv, v.n. to boast. Isuol, v.n. to fail in doing some- thing. Isuol = ti ehelek, a. ignorant ; unskilled ; simple. Isvak, n. the backside ; the rear. Isvehteuc, or isvehtuc neduon, sing. a. lame. Asvahteuc ne- duon, pi. a. lame. Tsvisvihti, v.a. to break, as bread. Iswiswoplec, pi., aswoplec, sing, v.a. to bruise ; to break in two. Iswoplccoplec, pi., aswoplec, sing, v.a. to break ; to bruise ; to break in many pieces. Itac, ad. outside the fence. Itac acen, ad. far away. ITA ( 9i ) KUM Itaho, a. inland. Itai (vai), v.a. to spare. I tap, a. sacred ; holy ; forbidden. Ithan, prep, under; above, but not touching. It it, v.n. to cough. Itu, a. old ; former. Itu acen, ad. long ago. Urn itu iran, a long time hereafter. Ividin, v.a. to wring out. Iyauwe, interj. alas! Jyuiyu, or eyueyu, or cweiyu, a. cold. Ja, or jai, conj. hut. Ja, v.a. to keep off. Ja j>ar ilea, it is good. Jam, conj. hut. Jase, v.n, to decay, as a house. Jase, ad. even. Jaujal, ad. miry ; swampy. Je, inter, look out ; get out of the way. Jeko, ad. upward ; eastward. Jihi, v.n. I don't know. Jim, v.a. do not. Jipagki, ad. up here. Jipagko, ad. up there. Jipe, or sjipe, ad. mutually; re- ciprocally. Jipjipe, ad. hither and thither; respectively ; each one for him- self, [in order ; nearest to. Jissei, or jise, ad. next to; next Jusei, a. born next to. Juju, a. middle. Juju, ad. between. Jumasjuma, n. the name of a small species of swallow. Jupki, or jupjupki, n. the after- noon, [evening. Jupmulmul, n. the cool of the K Ka, conj. or. Ka ahna, inter, an exclamation of surprise. Kahispin, inter, wonderful ; sur- prising. Kahrinin, inter, an exclamation of agreeable surprise. Kaijauanya, n. the name of a bird about the size of a blackbird, with white breast and belly, black head and hack. Kakowai-kuri, n. a den ; the bed of an animal. Nasium, a bird's nest. Inhelhel, a rat's nest. Kalucai, n. a house made of grass only. Kalumupieig, v.a. to nibble, but not to catch the bait. Ka o'o, conj. or not. Kapau, n. a musket ; a gun. Karadakoal. n. a native pudding madeof taro, cocoanut,milk, ccc. Karapaua, ad. by land. Karari (a foreign word),?*, a rope ; a chain. Karevareva, re. the name of a small species of owl. Katamal, n. the name of a bird. Katcapohod, re. the morning star. Kaulaupa, n. the name of a stink- ing bat, [float. Kauoke, or kooke, re. a raft ; a Kaupan, v.n. to puff contemptu- ously. Kauyameta, re. a sea-gull. Kava, n. a plant from which an intoxicating drink is prepared; Piper Methysticum. Ka yi ei, conj. or not ; may I do it. Krtipup, 11. the name of a small bird with a fan tail. Kevilkcvil, a. soft, as hair. Ki, an affix, in this direction ; here ; this. Kiik, n. the noise made by a bat. Kit, ad. perhaps. Ko, an affix, yonder; away from. Ko, ad. just now ; in this way. Knk, n. bark. Kooke, or kauoke, re. a raft ; a float. Kotkot, or rotrot, v.n. to cackle. Kuhmulin = aiheuc vai, a. kind ; generous ; hospitable. Kulina, v.a. to look at the bait without catching it. Kumnyumoi (ilpu hal u), n. the seven stars; the children of Kumnyumoi. KUL ( 92 ) MEH Kula, 11. name of a small species of parrot. Kuri, 11. a dog. Kurimatau, n. a cow. Laaknup, n. the name of a bird. Laav, or lav, v.n. to laugh; to shine. Et lav inmohoe, the moon is shining. Lab., a. light. Lahaijaig, a. lightened ; made light ; bright. Lahaulahan, a. clear; without ob- struction ; wide, as a path. Lahpan, v.n. to look towards, ap- plied to things. Lai, or lei, v.a. to marry, applied to women. Lamut, inter, my child ; exclama- tion of endearment. Lau, a. long. Laulau, a. long, applied to time. Eti laulau, soon. Lavalava (a Samoan word), n. a piece of cloth for wrapping round the loins. Lawaig, n. the name of a bird the size of a hen, that lays its eggs but does not hatch them ; they are hatched by the sun. Lecen, a. wide, as cloth. Leh, sing., lucsei or lucse, pi. v.a. to take ; to join or follow the party of. Lehaga, sjipe, v.n. to endeavour. Leh updak, v.a. to persuade. Lei, or lai, v.a. to marry, applied to women. Lei has, v.n. to live unhappily, as Lei, n. a field. [man and wife. Lelahapol, n. a cultivated field. Lelceije, v.n, to walk abroad. Lelehtas, n. diffidence. Lelen, a. rational ; endowed with reason. Lelesgin, a, threefold, as of a rope. Lelesjai, v.n. to pant; to groan; to be unable to speak. Lelitai, or inlelitai, n, a field; a common. Lelohos, n. a garden of bananas. Lep, conj. also. Lep. ad. again ; likewise. Lesjai (an nohatag), v.n. to sing aloud. Leucen, a. ripe, as taro. Leucse, or \\icsei,pl. leh, sing. v.a. to take. Leucse, or lucsei pece, v.a. to take away land. [fish. Lida, n. the name of a boneless Lidlid, n. a play or game for boys. Liglig, a. speaking. Eti Uglig, silent. Lipjose, n. the name of a bird. Lohlason, a. unsatisfied. Lulumlical, a. wet ; soft, as wet hair. M as fruit ; Ma, or mah, a, ripe, healed, as a wound. Mahrek, v.a. to disinherit ; to hunger some one ; to withhold food. Maiya, ad. yes. Um aiya, say yes. Mak, a. muddy ; smooth, applied to sugar-cane. Makmak, n. matter ; pus. Malahau, n. a gap ; an opening. Mapon, n. a grandchild ; a de- scendant. Marara, a. smooth ; level ; plain. Marom, ad. even ; indeed. Marched mihtag, ad, on every side ; all round. Mas, sing, emesmas, pi. v.n. to die. Masoa, n. arrowroot. Mat, a. new ; raw. Matahau an jap, n. the north-east wind. Matan, n. a father-in-law ; a mother's brother. Maumau, a. unseemly; improper. Mecuc, a. old ; dry ; wrinkled. Medeimedei,«. jagged or pointed, as with nails. Megig, a. inclined to cough ; having symptoms of sickness. Meb, inter, tush. MEH ( 93 ) NAD Mehca (ehni ra), ad. apiece ; each one, or so many. Mehec, v.a. to suspect ; to suppose. Mehge, v.n. to fall out, as the glass of spectacles. Mehidai, or mibidai, v.a. and n. to upset ; to fall as a cocoanut. Mehta = tan, a. lit; suitable. Mehti, or niihti, a. hoarse. Meijemeije, a. rough, [or scales. Meijise, v.n. to fall down, as sand Melga, v.n. to wander; to change ; to remove from ; to leave. Melga, a. cracked ; broken ; snayed ; split. Melid, or anielid, a. split ; rent ; cleft ; chopped. Meret, or miret, v.n. to freeze ; to become thick or hard. Merit, v.a. to wish for; to desire. Mese, a. dry. Meto, or metto, a. ripe. Metug, a. stingy ; grasping. Miakaikai, v.a. to press on; to insist upon ; to strive for ; to take by force ; to act violently. Midai, v.a. to roll, as a cask. Mihi, v.a. I don't know. [turn. Mihidai, or mehidai, v.a. to over- Mihta, a. lawful; proper; what might be ; eloquent ; strong to reply or speak in debate. Mihtamihta, v.a. to know fully. Mihti, or mehti, a. hoarse. Mika, conj. that. Milna, a. cracked; broken, as crockery or glass. Miliga, v.a. to peel off. [len. Mini, a. many; abundant; swol- Miret, or meret, v.a. to freeze ; to become hard or thick. Mismesei, a. dry; parched. .Mh. a. Left-handed. Mohau, a. split. Moho, v.n. to spit. Mohoij, v.n. to hear at a distance. Mohtan, ". old ; rotten. Moij, ml. very. Mokemoke, or mokimoki, n. a moth ; a butterfly. Molrnol, v.n. to stagger; to reel as a drunkard. Molom, n. the name of a species of spider. Mopjec, ad. at peace. Mopmop, a. asthmatic. Mopon, n. the liver; the pluck. Mudjin na, or immotjan na, n . the sound of the breakers on the reef. Mu j in ja an nij. n. the sound of the waves on the reef. Mulnml, a. damp ; soft ; cool. Mure, or rnurre, a. ripe, as arrow- root. Mutet, or muttet, a. rotten. Mun, sign of perfect tense, has or have. N Na, or naa, n. the reef; the breakers. Na, or nai, v.n. art. Naaup yi atnias, ornaop yiatmas, n. a whirlwind. Naanrinig, v.a. to thank. Naawe, n. a groan. Naburabura, n. a coarse basket. Nacac, n. the name of a sea bird. Nacalanin, n. the comb of a cock. Naceijo, n. half tide when rising. Nacenenmak, n. a species of sea eel. [ness. Nacitak, n. fornication; wantou- Nacita atimi, n. the grinders. Naclan, n. the white part of flesh ; the fat. Naclan eiji atimi, n. the gums. Naclan tan, n. bare earth. Nada, n. the name of a very poisonous sea crab. Nadalamak, a. round: smooth. Nadanmas, n. spittle gathered in the throat. Nadared, n. a waterfall. Nadau, n. the sticks in a net. Nadedgaig, or nededgaig, //. a cork ; a plug. Nadekjai \ in, n. breath, [shrub. Naileni, n. the name of a prickly Madia, it. a linger-sling for a spear. Nadiat, n. a day. NAD ( 94 ) NAT Nadiatadiat, n. noon. Nadiat jupki, n. the middle of the afternoon. [forenoon. Nadiat meto, n. the middle of the Nadin, n. a breast ; a pap. Nadoa, 11. the spray of water. Nadrancap, ii. smoke. Nadualep, n. a hoy. [shell fish. Nadukaduk, n. the name of a Nadumknri, n. spray. Nadnmriv, n. the name of a large hug found in trees. Naduucsup, n. the wrist. Nadwudin, a. wet ; soaked. Nafaiava, n. a harbour. Nafakaka, or nafaketa, n. a blos- som ; the spathe of a cocoanut used as a light. Nafan, n. the name of a species of seaweed. Nafetu manava, or nafotu ma- nava, n. the heart. Nafoc, n. inflammation. Naforofata, or nafurufeta, n. a ladder ; a scaffolding. Naga, n. property ; goods. Nagai, n. the name of a tree with fruit like almonds. Nagako, n. fat ; lard ; tallow. Nagamugid, or inhagamugid, n. the temples. Nagdan, n. spittle. Nagdan yau, n. whale's spittle ; a small nautilus called a Portu- guese man-of-war. Nages, n. a moth that eats clothes. Nagesoga, n. the sun. Nagisjo, n. the name of a species of pigeon. Nago, n. colour. Nago iran, n. figure; appearance; shape ; colour. Tup nago iran, ordinary condition. Nagradeliek inwai, ii. a breaking out of water. Nab, n. a fence. Nana, n. a thistle. [part. Nahaijin, n. aside; a portion ; a Nahaijin inyi ethi irai ten pan o un, n. a tenth. [the half. Nahaijin yi apapa ahpan iran, n. Nalian, n. the roof of the mouth. Nahar, n. the name of a fish like lin S- Nahas alaig imi yin, n. taro for Nahau, ii. a turtle. [the dead. Nahauai, n. a furrow; a path be- tween plantations. [leaf. Nahca, n. a burden of pandanus Nahcai milmat, n. twilight ; to- wards evening. Naheca, n. a servant. [locks. Naked, n. the hair plaited into Nahede, n. the sea-slug ; beche de mer. Naheh, n. dung ; manure. Nahelu, ii. an echo. [groin. Naheruc has, n. a pain in the Naherumaig, n. mimosa. Nahi ateuc, n. a plant with white flowers ; a lily. Nahlahala, 11. moonlight. Nahled hat, ii. a pavement. Nahleuco, n. grey hair. Nahna, n. prey ; spoil. Naho, ii. a plant, the fruitof which is prepared like arrowroot, and used as food for sick people. Nahoai, n. a plant from which twine is made. Nahoig, or nahuig, a detached piece of coral rock. Nahoijcei, n. the name of a spe- cies of creeper. Nahopan, ad. what time. Naphan, n. the cheek. Nahpoi, ii. dark clouds. Nahpumta atimi, n. eyebrows. Nahrarin nepig, n. early morn- ing ; about three o'clock. Nahrin, n. a crnmb ; a remnant ; a part of a tribe. Nahrin, n. half- tide when ebbing. Nahtahut, n. the remainder of a tribe or family. Nahtancai, v. a shrub; a small Nahtit, ii. a courtyard. [plant. Nahuijned, v. a barnacle that sticks to ships. [peace. Nahum an nedoa, n. a feast of Nahuwahwai, n. sheet lightning without thunder. Nahvahtit, 11. a doing of anything. Nai, it. a plant with red leaves. NAI ( 95 ) XAP Nai, or nalco, or inaico, a. that. Naiheue, n. pity; compassion; charity. Naijoma, v. cotton. Naiiig, n. the name of a bird. Xaijev. n. a large grasshopper. Naijoran. ». brightness ; light of any kind. [verandah. Naiyu, v. a shade ; a porch ; a Naiyu u inliiumopon, n. sweet- ness of heart : love. Nakaro, n. a dividing of food ; a feast. Nakaukau, n. cross rafters. Naklahoad, n. a rotten egg. Naklai, a. spotted ; striped, ap- plied to pigs. Naklan, ». the size of a garment. Nakoai, n. a species of palm-tree. Nakohiaig (an nikman), n. the hollow of the hand. Nakpnma, n. a pitfall for catch- ing rat-. Naktaktai, n. a thought. Naiad iran, n. a testicle; nits; dandriff ; fig seeds. Nalaig, n. a going towards ; a Nalak, n. a plantain. [visitor. Nalapdaig naheca, n. a payment for work. Nalan, n. feathers ; wool. Nalanme, n. a flame, lnhuumla, cinders ; charcoal. Nalanpa, n. a species of dove. Nalauuh, n. a native pudding. Nalidmot, or naledmot, n. an owl. Naligit, n. a buoy. Nalkan ncdtion, n. the sinews of the legs ; the hough. Nalmui itai, n. pictures. Nalmun, n. a picture ; a shallow. Nalmunwai, n. a mirage. Nalucapabas, ». a pillar of smoke. Nalvara, n. the beginning of cold wind. Naive I ran, n. a small ship. Nal\ »■ a small piece of land ; an island. Nalvimtinjap, v. a light wind ; the beginning of a wind. Nalvohran, v. a Bmall voice. mak, or namaka, n. a sling. Naman (a bad word), n. his tongue. Namak and namam (good words), n. my tongue ; thy tongue. Namarai, )>. preserved breadfruit. Namaramara, n. the remnant of a tribe or family. Namarero, n. skill, wisdom ; ex- pertness. Namasacen, v. a wilderness. Namasaki, n. the leprosy ; a shrinking of the skin ; the fall- ing off of lingers or toes. Namas umjeg. n. a Tannese sleep- ing garment. Namauiaig, n. a heathen dancing and singing. Namen, 11. a state or condition. Nameri, n. a hole where earth has fallen in. Namillan cap, «. flame of fire ris- ing high ; a torch light. Namilvai, n. the deep sea. Namopmop, n. large lizard, about a foot long. Namotmot, or namutmut, v. grass. Namu, n. a species of shell iish. Namu, vji. thou shalt. Namtid, v. want of food. Nan itai, n. something, what do ye call it. Nankitai, n. somebody, what do ye call him. Naop yi atmas, or nauop yi atmar, n. a whirlwind. Nap, n. a native mat. Napah, n. an equal ; a friend. Napamas, v, siapo ; tapa ; a na- tive cloth. Naparata, or naperata, v. a game by throwing of spears at a mark. Napat, n. a cloud; darkness; blackness. Napav, n. a species of lizard. Napeluinai, n. European cloth- ing. Napcrepre, ti. reed work in the opening <>f a fence. [mat. Napevak, ornapavak, n. a native Napjis, n. a species of grass. Napro itai, n. a trap ; nippers. NAP ( 96 ) NAT Naprolog, n. an insect with fore- feet with nippers. Napuig, n. a reed frame for sup- porting the tendrils of yams. Napu itai, n. the leavings of food Napuke, n. a mound or hillock for yams. Napun, n. scales or scurf on "wounds ; skin. Napun nitai caig, n. the skin or rind of food. Napupu, n. a lump, as of a camel. Naputu, n. a person killed on the death of another. Naputu-ligighap, n. the stem of a cocoanut leaf used for a butt. Nalvimaliyum, n. a village. Nara, n. a land breeze ; the night damp. Narahcai, n. a table made of reeds, for drying arrowroot, &c. Narakaupa, 11. a sty for a pig. Narakei, n. oil. Naraki, n. a smooth sea. Narakiraki, n. a whirlwind. Naran, n. a fin. Narapacal, 11. the tail of a ser- pent, snake, lizard, scorpion. Narasin, n. skin. Naras o un, n. one equal in age to another. Narasin jap, n. the horizon. Narasin nobohtan, n. the surface of the ground. Narasin nohatag, n. the blue sky. Naratga, n. a house for catching fowls ; a cage. Narave, n. food at feasts. Naravi, n. a gathering of inmops or horse-chestnuts. Nared, n. a current in the sea. Naredared inja, n. dysentery. Narekwas, n. brimstone. Nareri, n. red earth. [grass. Narcuc henau, n. a species of Narewame, n. a very slight rain. Narigarig, n. a shower. Narilgei, 11. tlie Eromangan mode of fencing and making reed wattling. [wall. Narin, or nahrin, n. a fence ; a Narineom, 11. a fence ; a hedge. Narupoig, n. a mist ; a fog ; a vapour. Narutu, n. the north wind. Narutu matbga, n. the north-east wind. Nasahas, n. a small water-plant. Nasai itai, n. talk ; common con- versation. Nasan, n. a stain made by sap, &c. Nasancai, n. a tree full of sap. Nasanhac, n. the poison of the inhac. Nasanhalav, n. the discharge at the birth of a child. Nasanma, n. the juice of the breadfruit tree. Nasau, n. a crop ; fruit which grows spontaneously. Nasiaij, n. a native plant, the leaves of which are used as cabbage. Nasiom, or nasium, n. a bird's nest. Kakicaikura, a pig's bed. Inhclhel, a rat's nest. Nasipiai nadin, n. a teat ; a pap. Nasositai \i natimarid, n. the ser- vant or relation of a high chief. Ilpn asositai u natimarid, the relations of a high chief. Nasupe, n. the crest of feathers on the head of a cock or hen. Nasusu, n. an infant. Naswaa, or naswa, n. food for a journey. [wind. Nathau an jap, n. the north-east Natahig, n. a girl ; inhalav atahig, a daughter. [ther. Natahig iran, n. a sister to a bro- Natah iran, v. a line, as of read- in g or of print. Natalahas, n. a slip. Natamaig, 11. a male. Nateg, n. a fig. [sister. Natamaig iran, n, a brother of a Natametin, or natimetin, 11. a fa- mily of two. Upu atametin, or atimetin, a family. Natamnyu un, n. a husband. Natarau, n. a flute ; Pan's pipes. Natarewaig, n. a small boil under the armpit. ts AT ( 97 ) NAW Natarohaig, n. a hard swelling in the armpit. Natas, n. food given for making peace. Natau, n. a chain. Natau colt, n. a gold chain. Natau hat, n. an iron chain. Natecai, or natcai, n. a partition ; a boundary. Ate natecai, to quarrel ; to do wrong. Nathat, n. a side wall. Nathatahau, n. a ring fence of stone ; a wall around any place. Nathedi, n. the sea-slug ; the beche de mer. Nathut an nadiat, n. the dawn. Naticopon, n. a feast at a mar- riage where food is cooked. Natigya an nah, n. the lowest row of cross reeds in a fence to which the others are tied. Natilop, n. a filler for oil. Natimarid, n. a high chief; a king ; a lord. Natimi, n. a man. Natimi aheled, n. a sailor. Natimi alupas, n. a chief. Natimi aredcai, n. a carpenter. Natimi asgi kurimatau, n. a herdsman. Natimi asgi siip, n. a shepherd. Natimi esege, n. a teacher. Natmas, n. a spirit. Natmas tas pan irai itai, n. a familiar spirit. Natmas ikta, ?i. a large moth. Natmasimai, n. an image. Natmehgan, n. marriage ; the married state. Natidai vaig, the act of being married. Natoga, n. the east wind. [wind. Natoga an wai, n. the south-east Natoga matahau an jap, n. the north-east, east wind. Natohtan, n. an insect like a large bee. Incedpun natohtan, nest of natohtan. Natokarau, n. the north-west Natop, n. a bright spot. [wind. Natpanohig, or natpanuhoig, n. a heathen dancing and singing. Natu, n. grass ; little bushes. Natuh, n. a sweet-smelling plant. Natupa, n. an axe. [sun. Natupua (an inland word), n. the Natuu, n. withered banana leaves. Nau, v.n. to shine. Nau, 11. bamboo ; a mountain. Nauanatak, a. a leg. Nauanavig, or nauanahvig, n. Nauanieg, n. a reed. [sand. Nauauispiheg, n. a kidney. Nauauohatag, n. the sky. [neck. Nauanwan, or nauinwan, n. the Nauatakirijkirij, n. a sporting at the sorrow of another, Nauhoig yi annul an nadiat, n. the break of day. Naui aiurn, n. a bar of iron. Nauidwa, n. the tail of an eel. Nauighat, n. a species of lizard ; a black insect found in wood. Nauiji, ii. a plantation ; ground dug for planting ; dry land to be irrigated. [bowels. Nauintin, sing., auitin, pi., n. the Nauinwai, n. the bed of a river or stream. Nauinwan, n. the neck. Nauisji, n. a step of a stair. Nauitoga, n. knife or sword. Nauitoga asvahteuc, n. a shutting or clasp knife. Naukanwidwad. n. a species of fish, good for eating, called in- ligpiv when small, and nigighal when large. Naule, n. a small net. [dance. Naumauyag, n. the name of a Naunadiat, or nauanadiat, n. scarcity of food ; famine. Naunakwai ira ra, n. a rank ; a course ; order. Naunau, a. bright ; shining. Nausecrai, n. a species of thorn. Nauritai, n. work. [cult work. Nauritai ehka, n. a sign ; a dim- Nauritai esjilid, n. a miracle. Nauun, n a stem. Nauwau, n. a bulrush ; a flag. Nauyag, n. the dawn of day. Nauyerop, n. a sycamore fig. Nawahar, n. a fence such as the Eromangans make. NAW ( 98 ) NEH Nawainapit, n. lightning. Nawap, n. a soreness in the soles of the feet. Nawar, n. a fence such as the Tannese make. Nawunjai, n. cunning. Nayi, or naii, n. a shade. Neaig, n. the kernel of a cocoa- nut ; the cocoanut tree. Neaig u haklin jaa, n. the yolk of an egg. Neau, n. a small water plant. Necen numu, n. the tail of a fish. Necen, or neucen, n. the afterbirth. Necennecen, or neucenneuceu, n. filth. Necet, n. a louse. Neceuc, n. a species of sea-bird. Necye, n. the red star iu Orion's hand. Nedai itai, n. rocks. Nedec, n. name of a bird. Nededgaig, n. a cork ; a plug. Nededuon, n. a foundation. Nedeij, n. a small grey berry used as beads. [mouth. Nedeimas, n. a frothing at the Nedemda, n, anger ; wrath ; dis- pleasure. Nedenc, 11. stinging; the fruit of the Kaleteug. Nedig, n. the sun; the heat of the sun. Et imtitaig nedig aien, he is afraid of the suu or of the heat. Nedo, n. conduct. Nedoa, n. war. Nedoarin, or niduarin, n. mischief ; a war party. [tain). Nedoon (nau), n. a hill (a moun- Neduata, n. the backbone. Neduig, n. a continuation. Neduig, n. sacred things. Neduig, n. the sacred name of the large shell neri, gigas chama. Neduigeduig, n. a tune. Nedu irai, n. an army assembled of different tribes. Nedu irai di? to what people do these belong? Neduon, n. a bone ; a foot. Neduun naagai, n. the payment for singing some song. Neduwudo, a. full of seeds, as the papaw apple. Nedyelcei, n. a joint. Nefalaig,?i..aroad; a path; away. Nefana, n. an arrow. Nefata, n. a press ; a shelf. Nefatimi, n. an old man. Nefehcat, n. a large basket. Nefelcau, n. a large canoe. Nefelelicai, n. grass ; weeds. Nefemaliyum, n. a large city. Nefepepece, n. a large land. Neganelan, or nigauelan, n. the scrotum. Negainohos, or nigainohos, 11. a bunch of bananas. Negaivaine, or nigaivaine, n. a bunch of grapes. [cake. Negegyak, n. a native pudding or Negejwai, n. name of a bird. ISehcehek, n. dryness. Nehei, 11. a species of coarse taro. Neheig, n. a cockroach. Nehetan, n. a small fish. Nehev, n. a paddle ; an oar. Nehgan, or negan, or nigan, n. a stock ; a bunch, as of fruit. Nehgav — natmetpon, 11. a brother- in-law. Nehgin, n. refuse, (alwainehgin), (spit out the husks or the refuse). Nehig, 11. a freshwater eel. Nehik, n. a small fish. Nehio, n. a hurricane. Nehlaiju, n. the south wind. Nehlan, n. a shrub; a plant; a sucker. [stones. Nehledhat, n. a pavement of flat Nehlei gidjin, n. snorting. Nehlehel, n. a breeze. Nehna, or nahna, n. a prey; spoil. Nehni vaig, n. the end. Nehni an nobohtan, n. the extre- mity or end of the earth, [tree. Nehno, n. a species of poisonous Nehpan, n. a wing ; a sheath ; a covering of bananas. Nehpanitai, n. a pit ; a grave. Nehpanuum, or nehpan-um, n. a large fire for cooking; a furnace. Nehpuditai, v. a destroying in anger or grief. NEH ( 99 ) NEP Nehras, or neras, n. equality in Nehrucai, ». rigour. [age. Nehtag an nefalaig, n. the head of the way. [roads. Nehtag a efalaig, n. a meeting of Nehtag va atimi. or nehtag vai yin. n. the loins. Nehtai, or nehtaitai, n. rollers. Nehti atimi, n. a causing strife. Nehtit, a. a latchet; a tying; a Nehtitmi, n. a hard knot. [knot. Nehtumta. >i. land newly planted •with taro. Nehvei, n. a species of crab. Neihon, or naihon, n. a chewing of wood, and spitting it on sick people, to cure them. Neijin, n. a tooth. Neijinwidwud, n. the knee. Neijip, n. a mat of cocoanut leaf. Neiiis, n. a bundle. Neijis ieg, n. a bundle of reeds for a torch ; a torch. Neijiv, v. a species of pine tree. Neijnahli, n. a plantation two years old, and worn out. Nekarite, u. an animal that has had young. Nekel, n. the name of a sea-bird. Neketete, n. small sticks for fastening on matting on the ridge of the roof. Nekpei, n. a shaving. [meshes. Nekpuma, n. a snare ; a gin ; Nekrei, n. a large bat ; the flying fox. Nckrei put cedo, n. a small bat. Nelan, or inhelin, n. the penis. Nelcau, n. a canoe; a boat; a ship ; a box. Nelcau, n. a kingdom ; a district. Nelcau, n. the constellation of Orion. Nalvelcau, a boat. Nelcau ak wai, n. a trough ; a canal for water. Nelcaupsu, //. a comb for the hair. Nelcau an, n. a rafter. Ncledigdig, v. soot. NeleheJ, n. a li,L r ht wind. Nelhat. n. a lever. Nelipnes, n. a swelling in the throat ; hoarseness. Nelmai, n. a tree from the inner rind of which fishing lines and nets are made. Naji clmai or elumai, cloth. Neloon or niluon, n. the tail of any animal. Nelop, ». a club. Nemda, n. strength ; power. Nemehe, n. sickness. Nemek, n. yellow leaves for making petticoats. [of lizard. Nemesel, or nimisil, n. a species Nemihtan, n. flesh ; the substance of taro. Nemijan, n. a worm. Nemelen cap, 11. a pillar of fire. Nemincap, pi., nemancajt, sing., n. black flakes from a fire ; sparks. Nemoijip, n. runners for tying. Nemoii. a sea-shell, that sounds loud. Nipiin, n. the shell of anything. Nipjineijij, n. a pearl ornament. Nipjineri, n. the shell of the cliama gigas. [womb. Nipjinetgan, n. the belly ; the Nipjiueucsen, n. the mouth Nipjineucsero, 11. white sheila. Nipjiuipek, n. the skull. Nipjinitai, n. a vessel or dish of any kind. Nipjinobot, 11. a cask; a barrel. Nipjipaip, n. a pipe for smoking. Nipjitau, ft. a pool of clay. Nipjiuru, n. an iron pot. Nipnyiu, n. weather. [root. Nipnyiueuc =: masoa, n. arrow- Nipnyin has, a. tossed hither and thither, as -by waves. Nirahed, ». a wooden fence. Nirak, n. a digging-stick. Niraklup, n. a large spear. Niridiriil, n. name of a bird. Niririris, n. name of a large spider which lives iu houses. Nisa, n. a sponge. Nisalau, n. blossoms on breadfruit. Nisas, n. a steep place. Nisasin, n. a ray of light in the morning. Nisei yi an hadid, n. the breast ; the gall sac : the seat of life. Niseuc, ft. a staff. Nisiahau, n. the black eel. Nisil, n. the centre rib of the cocoanut leaf ; wire. Nisincai, n. a brand ; a piece of wood on fire. Nisinpa, n. feebleness, old age. Nisipian hadin, n. a nipple. Nisiug, n. a tree, the leaves of which have no ceutre rib. Nisjeje, >/. bedding. Nisji, n. small wood for roof. Ni.-jin, n. shoots of plants or Nisi in caupda, n. rain, [bananas. Nisjin esganinitan, n. the eyelids. Nisjipulpul, n. the dropping of rain from trees. Nisjisji, n. a shower. Nisjua, n. scales; dandriff. Niskanwai, n. a brook ; a water- course dry for the most part. Niskapau, 11. a large ant. Nispahos, n. cocoanut leaves, plaited for covering ridge of Nispeuv, n. a sea-snake. [roof. Nisvahaijom, n. tree from which petticoats or skirts are made. Nitaasviitai, n. a book. Nitai, n. a thing. Nitai ahid, n. a girdle. Nitai caig, n. food. Nitai hag, n. a table. Nitai hegaig, n. food of various Nitai ubose, n. a socket, [kinds. Nitap, n. the state of sacredness. Nitetan, n. a fern. Nithod, n. a spring mixed with salt water ; brackish water. Nitupuca (inlaud word), n. the Noboatau, n. a pillar. [sun. Nobohtan, n. earth ; ground. Nobot, 11. the sago palm. Noda, n. a swelling that breaks. Nodieg, or nohudieg, n. a bundie of reeds. Noducnas, n. a bunch of taro. Nofar, ft. a native pudding made with yam and cocoanut. Nofon, ft. the navel. Nofowai, n. a river. Nohatag, ft. heaven. Nohau, or nahau, n. a turtle or Nohiai, n. tapioca. [sea-pig. Nohium, n. a fan. Nohlaig, n. a species of seaweed. Nohma, n. dust on the ground. Nohmun, n. a side ; a bank ; the brink of. Nohmun isas, n. a steep bank. Nohmun jap, n. the shore below high-water mark. Nohoan or nohwan, n. fruit. Nohoanalek an neduou, ». the calf of the leg. Nohoanhenid, or nohwanhenid, n. the Hying hsh. Nohoauig, or nuhwanig, n. a nephew or niece ; a son-in-law. Nohoanispehig,ornohwanispeheg, ft. a kidney. NOH ( 104 ) NUH Nohoanma, or nohwanma, 11. breadfruit. Nohocred, n. pain ; sorrow; grief. Nohodcin, or nuhudcin, n. the lean part of meat. Nohoigwai, n. a duck ; the Southern Cross. Nohon, n. sinnet, cord made from the husk of the cocoanut. Nohopcop, n. a swallow. Nohor, n. the name of a bird. Nohos, n. a banana. Nohosjin nesganimtan, n. the Nohpa, n. ashes. [eyelids. Nohpohpoi, n. the washing of clothes; the clapping with Nohran, n. the voice. [hands. Nohranitai, n. a song or hymn, applied to the singing. Nugnyin nohranitai, a song or hymn, ap- plied to the words. [wood. Nohudcai, n. a large bundle of Nohud iran, or nuhud iran, n. a bunch of anything. Nohud ucnas, or nuhud ucnas, n. a bunch of taro. Nohu itai, n. fruit trees. [oven. Nohumad, n. the earth to cover an Nohumas, n. uncooked food col- lected for strangers. Nohun, n. the body. Nohun nauyerac, n. cockle-shells. Nohun nimnim, n. a grove. Nohuun, n. origin ; cause ; source ; basis. Nohuun nato vaig, n. witness ; testimony ; proof. [eye. Nohwan apig, n. the apple of the Nohwijohwij iran, n. a loop knot. Nokoro, n. premises ; a courtyard. Nomoi, n. an earthquake. Nomopmop, or nomapmap, n. a species of lizard. Nomotmot, n. grass. Nopan, n. time. An nopan u nasuol u incaupdo, in time of rain. Nopan iyehki, ad. formerly. Nopan iyek, ad. hereafter. Nopoh, n. the navel cord. Nopoi, n. a species of vine runner; a basket net. Nopoig, n. a drag net. Nopoiganma, n. a small net. Nopoigapoig, n. the caul above the liver. Nopoigmul', n. dew ; cold at night. Nopul, n. a filler. Nopum, n. a fish resembling a Nosal, n. clay ; mud. [herring. Nowar, n. a reed partition. Nowigma, n. a dried or withered breadfruit tree. Nuarin, n. a portion ; a part. Nuarincai, n. a board. Nuarin-pece, n. a district ; a town. Nubrei, or nuprei, n. lime. Nucda mese, n. dry ground. Nucije, n. Sirius, or the Dogstar. Nucip, or nuucip, n. a species of dove. Nucje, n. the Norfolk Island pine. Nucjeijim mincap, n. a final feast. Nucjid, n. a small boil in the groin. Nucjum pam, n. a coming of. Nucnin, n. tune ; words of a song. Nucsei, n. dawn of day. An naridjai an neucsei, at the opening of the dawn. Nucsupo, rather neucsupo, n. a Nuctan, n. a jaw tooth, [soldier. Nudaigdil, n. a white operculum used for brooches. Nudaigwuc, n. a green operculum used for brooches. Nuden, n. cocoanut leaves in the middle of the cluster, neither old nor new. Nugnas iran n. a bunch of taro. Nugnyin, n. a mark; a track; the sole of the foot. Nugnyin neduou, n. marrow. Nugnyin jap, n. the ebbing tide. Nugnyin nohranitai, or nucnin nohranitai, n. the words of a song. Nohranitai, a song, with reference chiefly to notes. Nugnyit iran, n. a spot. Nugosei, n. things for bait. Nun, n. a yam. Nuhialeg, n. the morning. Nuhihialeg, n. the early morning. Nuhnise, or neuhnise, n. the bottom, as of a mountain. NUH ( 105 ) OHO Nuhpa-u, a. uneven, as plaster. Nuhri, or neuhri, n. a mark or scar. Nuhudcin, n. the red part of meat. Nukud iran, n. a bundle. Nuhuditai, n. a destroying of plantations. [dance. Nukuig, or nuhoig, n. a native Nukumas, n. a collection of raw food for a present. Nuhumatto, n. a chance. Nuka, n. leaves for an oven. Numagumag, n. small ulcers. Numankava, n. large ulcers. Numan itu, n. an old vessel. Numehe, n. an insect like a wasp. Hisi numehe, the comb made by this insect. [handful. Numkan, n. a small portion ; a Numka-umka, a. gravelly, gritty. Numlag, n. a crack, chasm. Numlaig, n. hunger. Numlaig has. n. famine. Numnij, n. an orphan. Numnyac, n. a kind of bulbous Numpaig, n. black eartk. [root. Numrauad, n. a kalo ; a circle like a rainbow round, the sun or moon. [fowl. Numridi intim, n. the tail of a Numrig picad, n. a speck in the Numrin, n. hair. [eye. Numri nidjinin, n. the hair of the head. Numri nimtan, n. the eyelashes. Numrin tikgan, n. a fin of a lish. Numta, n. shoots of taro for Numu, n. a fish. [planting. Numugnyu, n. rottenness. Numulau, n. a dolphin. Numwig = harei, n. the fourth, or little finger. Nup, n. people. Nup iuceen, n. the rib of a leaf. Nup itaho, or itai, n. an inland man ; a stupid fellow, [wizard. Nup itap, 71. a sacred man ; a Nupnu, n. a small black spider which lives in the woods. Nupnya, n. the name of a bird. Nupnyineuc = inasoa, n. arrow- root. Nup, o un n. pudicia, or the pri- Nupseduon, n. a toe [vate parts. Nupsikman, n. a finger. Nupsin, n. seed. Nupsinhat, n. a small stone. Nupsinma, n. seed of the bread- Nupsinohos, n. a wart. [fruit. Nuptin, 11. a knot. Nupu, n. a mixture for pigs' food. Nupul, n. a pipe for conveying water ; a tube. Nupun, n. a spice. Nupupa, 11. a lapwing. Nup u tup an jap, n. fiskermen. Nupyi, a. former. Nupyi edo o un, n. his former conduct. [ous fish. Nupyi eijiv, n. name of a poison- Nupyihet, n. the new moon. Nupyi idan, n. his former name. Nuritoga atahig, n. south wind by west. [by east. Nuritoga atamaig, n. south wind Nusjai, sing., anusjai, pi., v.n. to rise, as from the dead ; to revive. Nuueced, n. a stream that runs only in wet weather. Nya, v.n. to bleat as sheep or Nyak, pron. me. [goats, Nyau, v.n. to mew as a cat; to grin as a dog. O, prep. of. Obotpot, a. various in kind. Niji obotpot itai, things of every kind. Ohaig, v.a. to wave; to sprinkle. Ohanja, to sprinkle blood. Ohalohal, a. wide, as a kilt or trousers. Ohatau, a. sore after hard work. Ohiwaipo, v.a. to bespatter. Ohma — isvadiat, a. irregular, as in attendance at school. Ohna, pi., ilpu ohna, 71. exiles ; refugees. Oho, v.n. to bear fruit as a tree. Ohod, pi., n. bundles of leaves, as of nasiaij. Ohoi^meto, a. mature of age ; middle-aged. OHP ( 106 ) PAN OJipoditai, v.a. to lay waste plan- tations. Ohpodohpod, v.a. to blot out. Olipoh sing., ohpohpa pi., a. damp ; wet ; applied to things being burnt. Ohpoi, v.a. to wash clothes. Ohpoihpoi, v.n. to clap with hands. Ohpooesei, v.a. to surprise people in mischief ; to fall into an am- bush. Ohpopahti, v.a. to scratch, as with a pin on glass. Ohporohed, v.n. to appear: come into sight, as a ship. Ohpulehlei or ohpulelei, v.a. to rub ; to scratch. Ohpurei, v.a. to mend, as a net. Ohrai, v.a. to order ; to command ; to constrain ; to force. Ohran, v.n. to sing ; to speak. Ohrorei, v.a. to fan. Ohua, v.a. to fill. Et ohua inwai an nipjinitai, the water fills the vessel. Ohua, a. full. [in singing. Ohuoyiaig, v.a. to sing ; to lead Ohuoplec, v.a. to break, as clods of earth. Ohupdicraig, v.a. to rubor scrape, as arrowroot. Ohuuh, v.a. to grub like a pig. Ohuun, or ohun, v.a. to own. Ohuun nohocred, v.a. to torment. Ohwaig, or ohoaig, v.a. to throw- up water with the hands. Ohwai itai, v.n. to spring; to yield, as fruit. Ohwat, a. two. [aries. Ohwat misi, n. the two mission- Ohwat asaig, v. I said so ; when a person is found right after a dispute. Ohwat atemetan, n. two members of the family, as parent and child. Ohwat atmehgan, n. two members of the family; but husband and wife. Ohyiamod, sing., auhiomod, pi., v.a. repair ; renew as an old path*. Ukokau, a. square-cornered. (Jkorokoro, a. divided; spread out, as beans to dry. Omjijeuc, orimjijeucor umjijeuc, a. accustomed to. Omkom, v.a. to stir with a stick backwards and forwards, as Omomoi, v.a. to move. [water. Omomoi nipjineucsen, v.a. to move the lips. Omot, a. stopped. Et omot nared- ared o un, his purging is stop- O'o, ad. no. [ped. Oop, v.a. to tempt. Opapig (vai inja iran), a. bruised (black with the blood). Opdicraig, ad. explanatory. Asaig yi opdicraig, to explain. Oplecoplec, a. pained. Opoc, a. heavy. Opoh, a. moist. Oporei, a. jealous. Opos, a. dim ; gone out as a light. Oposopos, v.n. to go out as a light. Opotopot, a. close as plants. Et eteuc opotopot, it is close. Opra, or ubra, a. long. O un, pr. his ; hers ; its. Kis eti apanjak o un ainyak, I did not go to it. Oyag, v.a. to make poetry. Oyewiyi, n. a wrinkle. Faam, ad. indeed ; very ; verily. Pah, intensive par., did. Pahai, a. inland. Pahaico, ad. inland ward there. Pahaimi, ad. inland ward here. Apahaimi, v.n. to come ashore here, or come inland here. Pahpahai, v.n. to sail inside the reef. [boiling. Paiyi, v.n. to sing, as water near Pajigjigse, a. cast ashore. Pakauoc, a. unripe. Pam, prep, towards ; in the direc- tion of. Pan, prep, away from ; beside ; alon diarrhoea. Ururag, a. old; rough ; not slip- pery ; linn ; not soft. Umri, a. fallen, as a swelling. Umrigumrig, a. nearly all taken away. Umtim, or anitim, v.a. to mimic. Umuhca, v.n. to yawn. Umutmuj an nepig, ad. before midnight. Umwig an nipjinitai, v.a. to drink out of a cup. Unyak, pron. mine. Unyima, pron. ours ( cxcl.) Unyimia, pron. yours. I'nvimirau, pron. of you two. Unyimitaij, pron. of you three. Unyimrau, pron. of us two. Unyimtaij, pron. of us three. Uod rop intaig, v.n. to weep aloud. Upamupam, a. jagged. Upasin, or upuhasin, n. first shoots of old roots. Updak, a. soft. I pene, a. good. 1'pene iran, a. pleasing. I'j.jaujai, v.n. to spring up, as wood pressed down. Upjin, v.a. to carry or nur.-^e. Upjira, n. the name of a tree. Upoupo, a. low; humble. Upreiuprei = arig, a sharp edged, as a stone, or a knife. Upreupre, a. rough, a name of Upsahnag, v.a. to steal. [coral. U psalm, n. the seed of bread- fruit that is not firm. Upsapig, a. small or young, as applied to infants. [knotty. Uptenupten, or uptinuptin, a. Uptislis, a. ravelled, as thread. Upudupud, a. confused; not in Upuhas, v.n. to sprout. [order, rpumure, v.n. to fall, as unripe fruit. Upuri, or uhpnri, v.a. to catch lish in a stream. Upyihup, ad. first, or firstly. Ura, pron. their. Urau, pron. of them two. Urauo, a. shrunk ; withered. Uri, prep for -what ? Uriicai, a. made of branches. Niim uriicai, a booth. Utaij, pron. of us three (incl.) Uucai, or ucai, a. coarse ; still ; hard. [days hence. Uvid, ad. three days ago ; three I'wiyelick, v.n. to slip, as the foot. I yii, or uyiuyi, n. a wrinkle. \'a. or vai, or vaig, prep, for; on account of. Vaig, sign of the infinitive. Vaig inig, nikavaig, conj. because. Vai yi jim, conj. lest. Va nitai inigki, conj. therefore. \'id, or invid, ad. the day before yesterday; the day after to- morrow. W Waak, v.n. to squeal, as a rat. Waiyirehrehj v.n. to slide in a dry steep place. Waleh, n. a sweet potato. WAT ( "2 ) YAS Wat, ad. when (present or past). Wau, ad. tough. Wauhiliek, v.n. to slip or slide. Weilah, a. clear, as water. Weimu, a. living or running, as water in a spring. Weite, inweite, or et weite, a. running; not soon dry, as water. Weiyeliek, v.n. to slide. Weiyerere, a. slippery ; difficult. Wela, a. clear. Wihiehelaig, v.a. to lay waste ; to trample under foot. Wihise, v.a. to trample on, as on grass. Wit, ad. when (future). Wod, orauud, v.a. to strike gently. Wod ugyit, or wud ugnyit, v.a. to engrave. Wohyiat, v.n- to slip. Woho, or wauho, inter, wonder- ful ! see ! behold ! Wud yi aled, or auud yi aled, v.a. to cut off or down, as branches. Wudyedi, or auud yi edi, v.a. to gainsay. Wud yi eucreucraig, v.a. to beat, as a tree ; to shake by beating. Wuhiyiliek, v.n. to slide. Wuhyilyik, v.n. to slip. Wuityidiaig, n. bad diarrhoea. Ya, inter. yes, indeed, exclama- tion of admiration = I did not know that. Yag, a. yellow. Yagko, ad. yonder. Yah, a. running, as water. Yah, n. a creeping plant. Yal, a. broad, as a walk. Yalse, a. weak ; feeble. Yaram, yaram, yare, n. a chorus in a song. Yas, or yasyas, v.n. to see; to behold. Yase, v.n. to bend down; to stoop ; to bow. Yat, v.n. to flood ; to flow strong. Et yat inivai, it is a flood. Yecrei, v. a. to prepare ; to adorn ; applied to persons. Yecreig, a. beginning to be ripe, as fruit. Yehki, or iyehki, ad. that. Yei, v.a. to heat stones for the oven. Yeipa, v.a. to speak of at another time. Yeipal, or yipul = asai itai, v.a. to foretell; to speak beforehand; to speak. Yek, or iyek, ad. next. Yek eda? ad. where is he? Yetpam, v.n. to arrive here. Yetpan, v.n. to arrive there. Yetjai, v.n. to reach up. Yetse, v.n. to go down. Yia, v.n. to roar, as the sea. Yiad, or ead, v.a. to bale. Yiapidi, ad. well ; aces yi apidi, sing well. Yiat, or iat, or aat, v.a. to fight ; to quarrel ; to set upon ; to at- tack. Yiat iran tah, v.a. to seek to kill one in battle or in war. Yiat nedoa, v.a. to seek a war and strike. Yiat u uncap, v.a. to seek that he may destroy the spirit that sits at the fire, immediately after a death. Yidei, v.a. to suck. Yi ei, conj. whether, or. Yiis, v.a. to wait ; to look for. Yilyil, a. fine. Yin, pron. him. Yipin nij, n. a crag. Yipul, a. traditionary. Neteuc an tas yipul, tradition. Yiri, v.a. to wash. Yop, or yap, a. cooked. Yasimba, a. unable to walk. * * LISTS OF WORDS. The following lists of words are incomplete ; they are translated only in part ; for the most of them there are no corresponding English words, but they are inserted to show the copiousness of the native vocabulary. A List of Astronomical Words. Nagesega, the sun. Inmohoc, the moon. Iniuoijeuv, a star. Inmoijeuv natpoig, a comet. Nidel, a meteor. Ilpu hal u kumnyumoi, the Pleiades, or seven stars. Inhuterau, a rainbow. Inmoijeuv adpoig, the aurora Australis ; streamers. Inmoijeuv ahcil, a false star. Inmoijeuv an jupjupura, the evening star. Inmoijeuv an nofomot, a red star in Noah's ark. Inhodaig et ecro. [bed. Intinan nopoi, the wicker-work Magellan's Inwag, the evening star. Inwau an nadiat, the Milky Way Katcapohod, Venus, or the morn ing star. Mafure mafutoga. Nelcau, the canoe, or Orion. Nimra an napau, Clouds. Nipciv, the shark. Nohoaig wai, the duck ; the Southern Cross. Nucije, Sirius, or the Great Dog Star. Nucye, the red star in Orion's hand. Numrauad, a halo round the suu or moon. Names of Winds, rat, n. nakli atmas. [takitai. Bravado, n. intas emda, intas Brave, a. emda inliinmopon. Brawny, a. emda nohun. Breach, n. nuarin eris auahas. Bread, n. nitai caig, nareto. Breadfruit tree, n. inma. Breadfruit, n. nohoanma, noh- wanma. [rai. Breadfruit (preserved), n. nama- Breadfruit crop in October, n. inmehtit. [sannia. Breadfruit tree (juice of), n. na- Breadfruit tree (dried), n. no- wigma. Breadth, n. inlecen, netgeig iran. IJreak, v.a. asvi, ahtagrei, asja- mud, esjamud, esjiliek, ucsa- mud, etcepicnaig, avagrei, ava- mud. Break, v.n. omot, tes. Break (as heart), v.a. aduoprei inliinmopon. Break (as tops of branches), v.a. acasvi. Break (in two), v.a. aswoplec. Break (in many pieces), v.a. is- woplecoplec. Break, as bread, v.a. isvisvihti. Break, as a cocoanut, v.a. ahti. Break, as a slate pencil, v.a. as- valdei. Break, as a shell, v.a. ucjagrei. Break, as clods of earth, v.a. ohuoplec. Break, as a yoke, v.a. ahtasvi. BRE ( 131 ) BRU Break, as bones by a wild beast, v.a. aces yi aMei. Break oil", v.a. ahtalge, esjeldei. Break olf part, as of wood, v.a. asjalice. [auoplecoplec. Break off, as boof or claws, v.a. Break off, as charcoal, v.a. ehteti. Break oil", as embers, v.a. ebtib- taig. Break down, as a wall, v.a. ah- lapdicraig, alcapdicraig. Break, as tops of twigs, v.a. aeasvi. Break, as an embankment, v.a. agradaliek, ebligere, ablamnd u inwai. [oplec. Break in pieces, v.a. auohoplec- Break up, r.a. alcapdicraig. Break down. v.a. edakrai, eche- deliek, oplecoplec. Break open, as a door, v.a. abtalo, avi, avise. [jalde, fces. Break from brittleness, v.n. as- Break, as the sea, v.n. agrasvi, ahpagrei, atpoig, agrei. Break in pieces, as a ship when wrecked, v.n. asuopdicraig. Break, as boil or wound, v.n. algei. [an nadiat. Break of day, ??. nauboig yi amud Breakers, n. na. Breast, n. inritin, nadan. Breath, n. nohran, nadejei ra, nadekjai yin. Breath (out of), n. adijai. Breath (out of, with running), n. tamophadin. [adikjai. Breathe, v.n. adejei ra, adijai. Breathe with difficulty, v.n. de- dejaiu' nyak. Breathe upon, v.a. ehledowa. Breathless, a. mopmop, or map- map. Breed, v.a. ahad, ectaig. Breed, as worms, v.n. isjis. Breeze, v. nehlehel. Breeze (land), v. nara. Brevity. //. nipjidipjid. Bribe, n. uiuitan. Briile, n. natahig et atidai aien. Bridegroom, n. natamaig ct atidai aicu. Bridge, n. naforofatu, nefalaig. Brief, a. ipjidipjid. Bright, a. naunau, efehcas. Brightness, n. naijoran. I '.rick, n. inhat, ncbrik. Brier, n. nitai upunupun, nadeni. Brim, n. intid. Brimstone, n. narekwas. Brinp, v.a. leh, sing., lucsei, pi., imiapam. Bring back, v.a. imiadumoij. Bring down, v.a. imiasuol. Bring here, v.a. imiehio. Bring out, v.a. imialau ijo. 15ring up or out of, as of a pot, lirink, n. nohmun. [v.a. au. Brisk, a. cmda, umoh, imiacitak. Bristle, «. numrin. Broad as cloth, a. lecan. Broad as a wall, a. yal. Kroidcred, a. alij, yeucrei or ye- Broil, v.a. alien. [crei. Broken, a. melga. Broken, as a tooth or edge of an axe, a. ahted. Broken, as cinet or cord, a. erig- rag, omot. [o un. Brood, as of chickens, n. ilpu bal Brood over, as a fowl, v.a. aibut- hau. Brook, n. inwai yah, nihkanwai. Brook, one dry in summer, n. inrauwai. Brook, one dry in dry weather, n. nuueced. Broom, n. nitai ahrc. Brother, n. etw T an, or etoan, in- raimu. Brother of a sister, n. natamaig iran. [nehgav. Brother-in-law, n. natmetpon, lhother's wife, n. inhudan. lirow, >i. nipjinimtan. Brow of a hill, n. nijin nedoon. Brown, a. umjegumjcg, auoc, auocauoc, aveucaveuc. isilmai- cap, sing., ilmaicap, pi. Brown as fowls, a. inma. 1 '.misc. v.a. aswa])lec, sing., iswop- lecoplee, pi., lswiswoplec, eh- topoplec, ehtoplec, aigeig yi oplec. BRU ( 132 ) CAL Bruise, as ground in digging, v.a. auoplec. Bruised, a. opapig vai inja iran. Bruit, n. intas. Bud, v.n. ahva, ehcoliodaig intik- Bud, 71. nerin. [lin cai. Buffet, v.a. auud, aredei, ahpoi. Bug (a large one in wood), n. nadumriv. Build, v.a. uctaig, ectaig. Build up, v.a. ehteduo. Build again, v.a. imiitidai. Build inside of a wall, v.a. atarad. Bulk, n. nalupas o un. Bullet, n. nesgai kapau. Bullock, 11. kurimatau. Bulrush, n. nauwau. Bunch of anything, n. negan, or nigan, or nehgan, nohud iran, or nuhud iran. Bunch of bananas, n. negai nohos. Bunch of taro, n. noducuas, no- hud ucnas, nugnas iran. Bunch of grapes, n. negai vaine. Bundle, n. nohud, nuhud, naijis, inrau iran. [cai. Bundle of large -wood, n. nohud Bundle of short wood for fire, n. incetcai. Bundle of reeds, n. nohudieg. Bung, n. nitai ededgaig. Bungle, v.a. ago maumau. Buoy, n. naligit. [apos. Burden, n. nitai ahelwei, nitai Burden of pandanus leaf, n. nahca. Burden, or threatening prophec}', n. intas atmas, intas aktit, intas arapda, intas eduahpan. Burn, v.a. ahli, amamud, cas, acas, sing., ecescas, pi., etnei- jigai, henhen, hauhau. Burn ground for planting, v.a. ehlili. Burn, as with caustic, v.a. ucni. Burn, v.n. ata, atah. Burn, as a candle, v.n. ere. Burn, as in cooking, v.a. aduincap. Burning, a. ehri. Burnish, v.a. ago naunau. Burnt up, a. etgig. Burnt end of stick, n. inrnehlan. Burrow into, v.a. ahtaijhan. Burst, v.a. ehpakada, ehpokowai. Burst, v.n. pujej, sing., atpujej, pi. ; etpoijej, sing., atpoijej, pi. Bury, v.a. atelmoi, ati, etheso. Burying-ground, n. netheso. Bush, n. nahtancai. Bushes (little), n. natu. Bushland, n. inteucjip, inlelitai, inlelicai. Bushman, n. nup itaho. Business, n. nauritai. Busy, a. ecen an nauritai. But, conj. ja, jai, jam. Butt of a tree, n. inhus. Butt of a cocoanut leaf, n. inlig- ighap, naputuligighap, inpota- ligighap. Butterfly, n. inteijig, mokemoke. Buy, v.a. auanimtan, sing., aua- rimtai itai, pi. Buzz, as a musquito, v.n. tun. By, prep, va, vai, an, sing., ira, irai, urai, pi. By and by, ad. tupko, an taka Byword, n. intas ecsipece. [opan. C Cabbage (native), n. nasieij. Cackle, v.n. atako, atakok, kot- kot, rotrot. [man, neratga. Cage, n. niim uri-cai, neom ui Cake, n. negegyek. Calabash, n. nerero, inhubej. Calamity, n. nitai has. Calculate, v.a. esvi. Caldron, n. nipjiuru. Calf, n. inhakli kurimatau. Calf of the leg, n. nohwanalek an Calk, v.a. ehcai. [ueduon. Call, v.n. ahlaig, arohwai. Call, v.a. ahlaig, arohwai, imia- Call aloud, v.n. auighal. [caij. Call for, v.a. ecap, ucop. Call, as pigs or fowls to their food, v.a. eipai. [iran. Call by a wrong name, v.a. tatimi Call, as what do you call him ? n. nankitai. [nanitai. Call, as what do you call it? n. CAL ( 133 ) CAS Callous, a. eti aktaktai. Calm, n. nigpa. [esjainse. Calm down, as sea, v.n. esjaig, Calm in temper, a. eropse. Calm, as sea, a. araki. ahuisahuis Calm after rain, a. deije. [nigpa. Calumniate, v.a. asan tas lias vai. Cameleon, n. napav. [iran. Camp, n. intiptag, nuarin amen Campaign, n. nopan u nedoa. Can, v.n. emda, eti ehka, tup upene. [wai. Canal, n. neucsenwai, nelcau ak Cancel, v. a. ohpodohpod. Candle, n. incap alaliala. Candle-nut, n. inhaij, or inhaig. Cane (sugar), n. neta. Canker, n. inmocop. Cannibal, n. natimi ecaig atmas. Cannibal (to act the), v.a. ethuso nipjineuesen. Cannon, n, kapau. Cannon-ball, n. nesgai kapau. Cannot, v.n. ehka. Canoe, n. nelcau. Canoe (large), n. nefelcau. Canoe (small), n. nalvelcau. Cap, n. incat adgaig. Capacity, n. nalupas o un. Cape, n. nilpun pcce. Capital, a. esjilid. Capsize, v.a. imiajatpuh, amejat- Captain, n. natimi alupas. [puh. Captive, n. nuhna, natimi eris imiapan yin. Captivity, n. nimiapan ra. Carcase, n. nolmn mas. Care, n. naktaktai. Care for, v.a. aktaktai, aminji- naig, arakei. Care (take), v.a. imitaualep. Careless of liealth, a. edueduwai. Caress, v.a. aiheuc vai. Carnal, a. irai ohun, obohtan. Carpenter, ». natimi aredcai. Carry, v.a. apos, imiua. Carry, or nurse, v.a. upjin. ( 'airy in haiul, v.a. ijijaca. Carry on bis Bide, as a child, v.a. adrakoai, atcu yin. Carry, or take up as luggage, v.a. Cany in arms, v.a. ananelcei u incedo iran. Carry on back, v.a. atcei, aijijuche, atcei pan. Carry on back, as a basket, v.a. ahlis. [wei. Carry on the shoulder, v.a. ahel- Carry fish on the shoulder, v.a. aijalcai. [stick, v.a. aje. Carry fish on the shoulder with a Carry on a bier, v.a. ahlisahlis, or alisalis. [ero iran. Carry on a pole by two, v.a. aiji Cany away, v.a. ahlaadig, ah- lause. Carry away, as by a current, v.a. ahtaikiki, ehiahas. Carry a message, v.a. imiehcid. Carry in a sling, as an arm, v.a. ahnaig. [ailiei. Carry on the back low down, v.a. Carry over the shoulder with a stick, v.a. alislipe. [jeuche. Carry under the arms, v.a. aiji- Carry on the back or shoulders, generally applied to women, v.a. atipe. Carry in the hands, v.a. atarata. Carry in hands, as a large stone, by two or more, v.a. elhelhe. Carry two baskets on a stick on the shoulder, one at each end, v.a. asore. Carry straight, so as not to spill v.a. imiitmakina. Carve, v.a. ucsei, auud ugnyit. ( lascade, n. naredinwai. Case, n. namen o un. Cask, n, nijijinobut. Cast abroad, v.a. asjaig. Cast away, v.a. ethaig, sing., erekhaig, pi. Cast down, v.a. auhaigse. Cast oh', as clothes, v.a. aduacrei apeluniai. [v.a. ahelig. Cast about loosely, as a garment, Cast up, as a word spoken, v.a. ahiapso. Cast up, as a path, v.a. assijai. ( lastigate, v.a. aredei. Castor-oil plant, n. nilcausau. Castrate, v.a. ehped. CAS ( 134 ) CHE Castrate full-grown animals, v.a. Casualty, n. nitai has. [alad. Catarrh, n. neyueyu, nemehe an pece. [aijiraig. Catch, v.a. arop, apro, aces yi Catch, as fish with a hook, v.a. aihiyi. [v.a. atuji. Catch in the hands, as oranges, Catch, as a hawk catches a bird, v.a. auoprucse. [ces. Catch food with a leaf, v.a. apre- Catechism, n. intas ahodaig. Cater, v.a. ahilek. Caterpillar (larger, n. ingaigaho. Cattle, n. niji itai eklim edo irai pece. Caught, as foot by a rope, a. apakadei neduon injaula. Caul, or spleen, n. nerinunioig. Caul above the liver, n. nepoiga- Cause, n. nohuun. [poig. Cause, v.a. ago, ilea, auoh. Cause, prefix, aua, imi, itnyi, auo. Cautious, a. eklim ago. Cave, n. inmun nij, inmun tan. Cavil, v.n. imiisjisitai. Cease, v.n. udei, ati, atiih, erop- ropse, esjaig, esjainse. Cease to be, v.n. atii. Cease weeping, v.n. atinau, sing., tinau, pi. [isjumud. Cease, .as rain, v.n. esjamud, Celestial, a. irai ohatag. Celibacy, n. intup amen. Censure, v.a. ated, acaiji. Centipede, n. neucvaig has. Centre, n. nuarin juju. Centre (at the), ad. juju, an niblan. [nisil. Centre rib of cocoanut leaflet, n. Centre rib of cocoanut leaf, n. inyidjighos. fan tauoc nohos. Centre sprout of bananas, n. neud Centre sprout of cocoanut, n. neud an tauoc neaig. Ceremony, n. nedo eris ati, nau- ritai an nalaigaheni. Certain, a. eris ati, acreh. Certain, n. tali. Certainly, ad. idim. Certify, v.a. asuptecnaig. Chafe, v.n. edemda. Chaff, n. narasitai. Chagrin, n. nedemda. Chain, v.a. ahnaig, ahnai. Chain (iron), ?i. natau hat, karari. Chain (gold), n. natau colt. Chain- work, n. tautausjipe. Chair, n. nitai ateuc iran. Chalk, n. inhat ahi. Challenge, v.a. ika et un, asaig, tas emda, acaiji. Chamber, n. nuarin neom. Champaign, n. nuarin marara. Champion, n. natimi emda. Chance, n. nuhuniato. Chance, a. ahecato. Change, v.n. eche, melga. Change about, v.n. auoh tak ago. Change name, v.a. ehcaliak nidan. Change and carry back, as wind, v.a. taureliek iran nimtinjap. Channel of a stream, n. nau inwai. Chant, v.a. acesaces nohranitai. Chapiter, n. nuarin ijinies. Chapt, a. umohau, amelid, melid. Charcoal, n. inhumla. Charge, v.a. tas alep, asaig. Charge (put in a musket), v.a. atwa a kapau. Charger, n. nelcau, nipjinitai. Charity, n. naiheuc, naiyu u in- liinmopon. Charm, v.a. aracsei, eipai. Chase, v.a. ahau. Chasm, n. numlag. Chaste, a. upene. Chastise, v.a. ated, acaiji, aredei. Chat, v.n. tas jipe. Cheap, a. inhakli nimtan. Cheat, v.a. auarahcil, imiahnag, ahcil iran. Cheat, n. natimi efaifa. Check, v.a. atapnes. Cheek, n. nahpan. Cheerful, a. imiacitak, cediaig. Cherish, v.a. alayi, aiheuc vai. Chest, 11. nelcau. Chest, or breast, n. inritin. Chestnut (horse), n. inmop. Chew, v.a. asjages. [idei. Chew, as sugar-cane, v.a. edei, or Chew, as kava, bark, pandanus leaf, v.a. amai. CHE ( 135 ) CLO Chew wood and spit on a sick person, v.a. eihon, aihon. Chew food for a child, v.a. apu. Chicken, n. inhaklijaa. Chide, v a. atuh, acaiji, acliadi. Chief, a. esjilid. Chief, n. natimi alupas, natimarid. Child, n. inhalav. My child '. intcrj. laniut ! Chill, a. utin, eyueyu. Chimney, n. nefalaig u nadran Chin, n. ingeijin. [cap. Chine, n. incehin. Chink, n. numlag. Chip. ;;. nahrincai. Chip oft", as small branches, v.a. Choice, a. upene, esjilid. [isjid. Choke, v.n. atpoijej. Choose, v. a. ehtaig, anvai, ehiip- jaig, ehled vaig. Choose one, v.a. ati. [ra. Choose many, v.a. ikni, ehtai ira Chop, v.a. attai. Chorus, one of them, yaran, ya- rain, yare ; lile, lile. Christian, n. natimi alaigaheni. Church (meml)ersof ),n. nakalasia. Church (house), n. neom itap, neom alaigaheni. Churl, n. natimi metug. Churn, v.a. arehed. Cicatrice, n. nnhrin. Cinder, n. inhumla, inmehlan. Cinet, n. nohon. Circle, n. nirahed, narahed. To make a circle, as a hole in the septum of the nose, v.a. ahar- ahar, ahauahau. Circulate a report, v.n. athai intas, imiesgei tas. Circumcise, v.a. arorc. apcretomc. Circumspect, a. atninjinaig. Citron, a. nipjid acen. City, n. iiimaiiyum, nefemaliynm. Civil, a. npene. [rot. Clack, a< a lienor duck, v.n. rot- Claim, v.a. ahilek, ika o un. Clamorous, a. tas ijinies. Clap hands, v.n. anriipu, ahpopoi, eipaipai, ohpoihpoi, ahpu nik- Clash, v.n. ehtet jipe. [man. Class, n. niji ira atimi. Claw, n. nenegan. [tin. Claw of a hat, n. incesmapadik o Clay, n. nosal, intanapol, noboh- tan. Clay (hard), ». inmoho an tan. Clean, a. adicinadicin. Clean (ceremonially), a. cedag. Clean, v.a. ahrei, ehce, yiri. Clear, as water, a. weilah, wela. < Hear, as sky, a. are, adela, edig. Clear, as sea, a. ahula. < Jlear as a path, a. lahanlahan. ( Hear as a spot in a dark sky, a. Clear out, v.a. ehce. [ehleijiji. Clear, as a road, v.a. aliped, ahrei, etyokon. Clear, as land. v.a. esjaig. Clear ground of i. napah an. Company (keep company with), v.a. aero imi yin. Company, n. niji ira atimi. Companies (iorm into), v.a. auanakwai. Compare, v.a. ika et idivaig. Compartment, n. nuarin. Compass, v.a. arehed. Compassion, v. naiheuc. Compel, v.a. ika, acaiji, imiisjis, asan tas aktit, ehta, ehlig. Complain, v.n. asan eliti, tas ero, etgai itai, aunyauwaig. Complaint. n. intas asuptecnaig Complete, v.a. arahon. [nohocred. Complete, a. esjilid, upene asega, ahtu, ehni. Completely (as all hid), ad. aleuc- aleuc. [apitpityat. Completely (as hair all cut oil"), ad. Compound, v.a. ago, aplamod. Comprehend, v.a. ato, leh, eteuc. Comrade, n. napah o un. Conceal, v.a. adenaig, ateri, atpuh, isjis. Conceal how, v.a. avadenaig. Conceit, n. naktaktai. Conceive, v.a. apos, aktaktai. Concerning, prep, va, vai. Conciliate, v.a. tas updak, ika yi eropse. [ehni, arahon. Conclude, v.a. ago ehni, ika yi Concord, 11. intup ethi ache. Concourse, n. nasjapicnaig. Concuhine, 11. ebgan. Concupiscence, n. Lnmerit has. Concur, v.n. ika et upene. Condemn, v.a. ated, acaiji, tas alep, ika yi aru. Condition,- n. neteuc, namen. Coiiditiou (ordinary), n. tup nago iian. ('(indole, v.a. aiheuc, ataraces. Conduct, v.a. atau, ahced. Conduct, n. nedo. Conduct (to do doubtful or sin- ful conduct, applied to church members), v.n. auanedo o un tup atimi. Conduit, n. neucsen wai. Confectionery, n. nitai er aplamod. Confederate, v.a. apol. Confederate, v.n. tup ethi ache. Confer, v.n. tas jipe, ahilek intas. Confess, v.a. asuptecnaig nedo. Confide, v.a. asgeig iran. Confidence, u. nimiisjis ninveijec. Confident, a. ahlahusjai. Confirm, v. a. ahidaig emda, ahi- daig inliinmopon. Confiscate, v.a. atipagki. Conflict, n. nedoa, nehtauo. Conform, v.a. ika yi idivaig. Confound, v.a. auud yi apidai, auahas. [mopon. Confounded, a. ehioehio inliin- Confuse, v.a. ehtauo. Confused, a. uptulupud. Confusedly, ad. reiman jipe. Confusion, 11. reiman. ( ongealed, a. nicret. I 'ongratulate, v.a. aiheuc. Congregate, v.n. asjapicnaig, ahtag pam. Conjure, v.a. ahraces, araces. ( lonnect, v.a. ehcil iran. Conquer, v.a. ahau esjilid. Conscience, 11. inliinmopon. Conscious, a. ato. Consecrate, v.a. imiitap, ati, ikni. Consent, v.n. atau an tas, adai intas, eti esjum, ika et upene. Consider, v.a. aktaktai, anaclelen, amatata. Consolation, n. intas aiheuc. Consort, v.a. apol iiai. Conspire, v.a. tiduarin, ahvai, Constant, a. inveijec. [ehrahti. Constellation, n. niji moijeuv. Constrain, v.a. ohrai, imiisjis. ( lonstruct, v.a. ago. Consult, v.n. ehrahti, tas jipe. Consult about something bad, v.a. tiduarin. CON ( 138 ) cou Consume, v.a. auahas, atnamud, eduaraprap, auud yi aijid. Consumption, n. nemehe ipjin, intup auatialidi nohun. Contain, v.a. leh, eteuc, tapen. Contemn, v. a. amcel vaig. Contend, v.a. ehtauo, imiisjis. Content, a. ika et upene, amen upene, upene irai, ecen an nauritai. Contest, n. nelitauo, nedoa. Continual, a. irai iji opan, irai iji adiat, irai iji mesese. Continually, ad, irai iji opan Continuation, n. neduig. [asega. Continue, v.n. amen, eteuc, imia- men. Contradict, v.a. imiisjis, auud yi apanes, edwudwai, imiedejiji. Contraiy, a. eche, has. Contribution, n. nasjapicnaigitai. Contrite, a. ehtoplecoplec, taig- Contrive, v.a. aktaktai. [taig. Controversy, n. nehtauo, nimiisjis jipe. _ [piji'li. Convalescent, a. idimoij, pigadi, Convene, v.n. asjapiciiaig. Convenient, a. upene. Conversant, a. uhum jipe. Conversation, n. iutas jipe, nasai itai, nedo. Converse, v.n. tas jipe. Converse long together, v.n. ehcilamat. Conversion, n. nahidai ra. Convert, v.a. ahidai ra, imiadu- moij an nefalaig. Convey, v.a. imiapan. [pon. Convicted, a. ehcamai an liinmo- Convince, v.a. ika yi ato, ated. Convoke, v.a. asjapicnaig. Convolvulus with white flower, n. inmauud ahi or picad. Convolvulus with blue or red flower, n. inmauud imrig. Coo, v.n. laav. [caig. Cook, n. natimi aminjinaig nitai Cook, v.a. atho, ago alauuh. Cook soft, v.a. adauihi. Cook badly, v.a. ataigataig. Cook again, v.a. etnehri. Cook on coals, v.a. asji. Cook in oven, v.a. auanetha. Cooked, a. yap, or yop. Cool, a, mulmul, aheyuyu, eyueyu, eweiyu, Co-operate, v.a. atau jipe. Copulate, as pigs, goats, &c, v.n. Copious, n. ahinag. [ahei. Copy, n. nitaasviitai et ethi. Coral, n. inhat esjilid. Coral (live), n. nubrei, inlas. Coral (detached), n. nahoig. Coral (red), n. nijiga. Coral ..(small, broken), n. nebel- daij, nilnildaij, nepeldaij. Cord, n. injaula. Cork, v.a. adednaig. Cork, n. nedednaig. Corn, n. nohwai itai, nupsi itai. Corner, n. nijihgan, intid iran. Corner of a cloth or table, n. nes- vipas iran. [neom. Corner of a house, n. nesvi va Corner (where two roads meet), n. nihtag. Corner (outside), n. nidjin. Cornet, n. intoho. [natmas. Corpse, n. nohun natimi mas, Corpulent, a. alupas nohun. Correct, a. atoh. Correct, v.a. ated, acaiji. Correspond, v.n. tau. Corrode, v.a. epera. Corrupt, v.a. auahas. Corrupt, a. has, mutet, epiv. Cost, n. nimtan. Costive, a. ipjin, ahre yi apanes, Cot. n. neom. [areopnisin. Cottage, n. neom. Cotton, n. naijema. Couch, n. intinan. Couch, v.n. asjeuc. Cough, v.n. itet. Cough (inclined to), a. megig. Could, v.n. tup upene. Council, n. ilpu atimi alupas. Counsel, n. naktaktai, intas. Count, v.a. esvi, athai, athai itai. Count correctly, v.a. asviktit. Countenance, n. nesganimtan. Countervail, v.a. aru, isjipigmoig. Country, n. inpece. Couple, n. ero, ohwat, eraigki. cou ( 139 ) CRO Couple, v.a. atehgaig, etcepicnaig, ijepicnaig. Couples in a roof, n. nelcau un. Courage, n. ncmda. Course, n, aefalaig, nedo, nauritai. Course (water), n. nauinwai, sing., auiwai, pi. Courses (inarch in),v.n. ati nau- nakwai ira ra. Court, n. uimnini, nokoro, nikaro. Courteous, a. ecenvai, tasupene. Cousin, n. etwan, inraimu, natiini ehpanixan, atumudei, atamudi, ilidnian. Cousins (children of brother and sister), n. atmetpon. Cousins (second), applied to men, 11. atmehpon. Covenant, n. intas etipup. Cover, n. intapnes, incedpun. Cover, v.a. ataluopni, athapidaig, adahpoi, aibuthan. Cover an oven, v.a. athei. Cover up as an oven, v.a. eduhpoL Cover, as waves over a boat, v.a. awaijai, agrasvi. Cover wnth thorns, v.a. ari. Cover head, v.a. adgaig. Cover face with hands, v.a. ahpopones nesganimtan, or ahpapanes nesganimtan. Cover completely, v.a. atalulu. Cover (rise and cover as water), v.a. arero, ahgarero. Cover over with, v.a. creucereuc. Cover of a book, ». inroan. Covering, n. inrau. Covering of bananas, n. nehpan. Covert, n. naiyu. Covet, v.a. has iran itai, anahna o un, atakoai. Cow, n. kurimatau atahiig. Coward, n. natimi initita atimi, natimi auatialidi. Cowardly, ad. initac. Crab, n. inrnc, nehvei. Crack, v.n. pujej. Crack, v.a. asvi, ehpokowai. Cracked, a. melga. Cracked, as glass, a. milna. Crackle, as fish roasting, a. atehtcri. Craftsman, n. natimi ago nauritai arapakau. Crafty, a. efaifa, arapakau, imi- taualep. Crag, n. neijin nij, yipin nij. Cramped, a. mas, ido-ido, ido-iga. Crash, v.n. ehtoplecoplec. ( "i ash, it. inmotjan ehtoplecoplec. Crave, v.a. ugyi. [tuedui. Crawl, v.n. acrac, acracrac, ah- Crawl softly, v.n. akmakma. Crazy, a. ahnag, apitpit. Creak, v.n. acis yi apris. Creak, n. inmotjan itai. Create, v.a. ago, atupun. Creature, n. nitai umoh. Creditor, 11. natimiet etiaruaien. Creed, n. intas er imiisjis nin- Creek, n. nafaiava. [veijec. Creep, v.n. acrac, acracrac, ata- has, akmakma, ahtuedui. Creep as a crab, v.n. acarag. Creep, as a vine, v.n. asjai. Creeper for tying, n. inwau. Crest of feathers on fowl's head, n. nasupe. Crib, n. nitai ati nitai caig iran. Crime, n. nedo has esjilid. Crimson, a. cap, auoc. Cringe, v.n. ago nedo upoupo. Crippled, a. idauidau neduon. Crisp, a. ipjin. Crooked, a. acalacal, inhedmut. Crooked, as a serpent, a. aleuc. Crop of fruit, 11. nasau. Crop of fruit, but not the first ripe, 11. intidin. Crop of a fowl, n. incedpoigwaig, incedpigwai. Crop, v.a. atipagki, asvi, acasvi. Cross, n. naumcai atgeig. Cross-road, n. nahtng u nefalaig. Cross wood or reeds in fence, lowest, n. natigyin an nab. Cross at right angles, v.a. atgeig. Cross hands or arms, v.a. auud yi atpilaig nikman. Cross over, as a fence, v.a. al- gaunyi. [waig. Cross over, as a river, v.a. algau- Croton plant, ». inlobot. [auop. Crouch, v.n. atpuse, atga auop- CRO ( 140 ) DAN Crowd, 11. natimi et ahinag. Crowd together, v.n. eheitigtig. eucitigtig. Crowded out of doors, a. atacin- cin. [merit. Crowded within doors, a. ata- Crown, n. incat adgaig esjilid. Crown of the head, n. nidjinin ijinjinies. Crucify, v.a. atgei an nauincai Crude, a. mat. [atgeig. Cruel, a. edemda, has acen. Crumb, n. nahrin nitai caig, in- mohon. Crump up, v.a. eihapicnaig. Cruse, n. nipjinitai, inhubej. Crush, v.a. avise, atgeig yi oplec. auhiopdicraig, asvagrei, auhi- agrei. Crush up, v.a. eihapicnaig. Cry, v.n. ahlaig, arohwai, halaha. Cry for grief, v.n. taig, sing., ehtigtaig, pi. Cry or sob as a child v.n. edned- nara, edgednarai. Cry after, v.a. imiahlaig. Cry for anger against any one, v.n. taigtaig. Cuddle, or embrace, v.a. ablim pam, ablaijiraig pam. Cudgel, n. nauincai, nelop. Cull, v.a. ahilek. Cultivate, v.a. ahapol. Cumber, v.a. arih. Cunning, a. amarero, arapakau, imitaualep. Cunning, or deceitful, a. efaifa. Cunning, n. nawunjai. Cup, n. nipjinitai. Cure, v.a. atipagki nemehe, ago cehcehe, apijadi nemehe. Curious, a. merit par ato. Current in the sea, n. nared. Current of air, n. nevehev. Curse, v.a. anvaijai, tas ahlaijaig, asaii tas has vai. Curse, so that sickness or evil may come, v.a. arida. Curtain, n. napelumai atcai. Custody, n. naminjinaig. Custom, n. nedo. Cut, v.a. athai, ucsei. Cut off, v.a, auud yi alis, ahtaldei. Cut off branches or leaves, v.a. arivin. Cut down, as branches, v.a. auud yi aled, wud yi aled. Cut through, v.a. aldamud. Cut many, as branches, v.a. al- dipjaig. Cut many trees, v.a. atai. Cut one tree, v.a. acaldei. Cut in pieces, v.a. aswoplecoplec. Cut up alive, v.a. altai urn. Cut, as with a knife, v.a. ahta- mud, atah, acsopdicraig. Cut, as with stones, v.a. ateuca- pisji, atcapisji. Cut, as holes with a chisel, v.a. ucjaldei. Cut, as a rock, v.a. ahti. Cut, as a melon, v.a. aldakwai, Cuttlefish, 11. namu. Cymbal, n. nitai auud iran. D Dagger, n. nauitoga. Daily, a. irai yi adiat. Dale, n. nuarin marara. Dam for water, n. natapnes inwai. Dam to catch fish, n. nepepa. Dam, a mother, n. risin. Dam up, as water, v.a. athasgi. Damage, v.a. auahas. Damn, v.a. erikinmau iran. Damp, a. mulniul, anioigyu, amugnyu, uminyu. Damp, as firewood, a. ohpoh, sing., obpohpa, pi. D;imp of night, n. nara. Damsel, n. natahig. Dance, v.n. edidikjai, adikdikjai, adikjai, alealeaujai. Dance (night), n. namauyaig. Dance (native), n. nuhoig. Dancing and singing (heathen), n. natpanohig, natpauuhoig, na- mauiaig. Dandle on knees, v.a. eucjucjaig an neduon. Dandrilf, n. nisjua, naiad iran. Danger, n. nubutpotet itai has. DAK ( 141 ) DEL Daring, a. eti inuitaig. Dark, a. apat, epig, aenapnes, ahcauahcau paro, poig. Darkness, «. inmehcim, aapat. Darling, n. inhalav cap. Dart, n. inmopuL [oplec. Dash, v.a, ethaigse, atgeig yi Dash in pieces, w.a. auhoig yi agrei, auhoig yi oplecoplec. Daub, r.u. aspi. Daubed with ochre and pigment, a. euceneucen. Daughter, u. inhalav atahig. Daughter-in-law, n. eligai inhalav atamaig. Daughter-in-law, to father, ?i. nohwanig. Dawn of day, n. nathut u nadiat, nahraren nepig, nucsei, nauyan. Day, u. nadiat, apnyin. Day (break of), n. nauhoig yi annul. To-day, n. inpig. Yes- terday, n. ianiv. Two days ago, invid, vid. Two days hence, invid, vid. Three days ago, uvid. Three days hence, uvid. ( >n another day, an tak apnyin. Daylight, n. inlahlah. Daylight (before), n. nepigpig. Daysman, n. natimi asan uigpa. Daystar, n. katcapohod. Dazzling, a. nannau, sing., auau, Dazzled, a. arauarau. [pi. Dead, a. mas, sing., cmcsmas,^/. anatialidi, umjegse, ido-ido. Dead man, n. natmas. [iyek. Dead (nearly), a. nuarin hadin J lead and motionless, a. ucai. Dead (taro for the dead), n. nahas alaig imi yin. Dead (dispose of ), v.a. etheso. Deaf, <(. ucjipines intikgan, tehen intikgan, apat intikgan, eti ahgei itai. Dealings (have dealings with), v.a. ahum jipe. [nimtan. Dear, or high-priced, a. alupas Dear, or beloved, a. cap, upene, naiyu u inliinmopon. Dearth, n. numlaig has. h, v. inmas. Debar, v. a. atapnes. Debase, r.u. ago nedo lias esjilid. Debate, ». nehtauo. [itai. Debate, or talk over, v. a. imitas Debate (strong to), a. mihta. Debt, n. nitai eris eti aru. Debtor, n. natimi eti aru itai. Decamp, v.n. atga, apan. Decay, as a house, r.a. jase. Decayed, a. eijapig, ahpopijis. Decaying, a. has, auatialidi, Decease, u. inmas. [mutet. Tteceit, n. nedo efaifa. Deceitful, a. efaifa, ahcil, ecloh. Deceive, v. a. auai ahcil, imiauar- ahcil, ahiyek, ahcil, imiahcil. Decent, a. upene, ecen. I 'ecide, v.a. asaig. Deck, v.a. imiyeucrei, yeucrei. Deck of a ship, n. iulolan nelcaii. Declare, v.a.; asuptecnaig. Declare stronglj r , v.a. imiidejiji. Decline, v.n. asuol, udei, ahnag. Decline, v.a. imipalea. [tiih. Decline as a shadow, v.n. et wat Decrease, v.n. asuol, yi eti elpat. Decree, n. intas alep, intas allied. Decree, v.a. anacanac. Decoy, v.a. oop, imiahnag, eipai. Decrepit, a. idauidau nohuu. Dedicate, v.a. ati, imiitap. Deduct, v.a. atipagki. Deed, n. nedo. Deep, a. ubo. [huahau. Deep, as sea, n. namilvai, intupa- Defame, v.a. asan tas has. Defeat, v.a. auahas, imiasuol. Defence, n. natapin, inparei, nitai atapnes, nitai imiaras. Defend, v.a. imiaras, ahtaipup. Defer, v.a. acaiji, eti h' ago. Defile, v.a. auahas. Defiled, a. emig. Defraud, v.a. atoraliak efaifa, ago efaifa iran. Defy, v.a. imilaav, tas ijinies. Degenerate, a. has. Degrade, v.a. imiasuol. 1 >egree, ». namen, necen. Delay, v.n. ecrap^, eti auroauro. Didaycd, a. aijiaiji, anaijiaiji. Deliberate, v.a. tas jipe. Delicate, or weak, a. auatialidi. DEL ( 142 ) DIF Delicate, or refined, a. esjilid. Delight, n. nimiacitak. Delighted, a. imiacitak. Delirious, a. arched nidjinin, Deliver, v.a. imiatamaig. [ahnag. Deliver up, v.a. alwai, alwei, Deluge, v.a. ahizarero. [atcijaig. Delusion, n. nahnag. Demand, v.a. ahodaig, ugyi. Demolish, v.a. auahas, akapdi- craig, echedelickse. Demon; n. natmas, nagclo has. Demonstration, n. intas ehvaig. Demur, v.n. esjum, eti tas. [noa. Den, or cave, n. inmun tan, nim- Den of a wild beast, n. kakowai- kuri, nuarin ate. Denounce, v.a. asaig emda, tas ahlaijaig. Deny, v.a. ateri, isjis. Depart, v.n. apan, atga o un. Depart from anyone, v.n. eipujai. Depend, v.n. asgeig. Depend on some one for food, v.n. etlig vaig tah. Deplore, v.a. ehtigtaig. Depose, v.a. atipagki. Depravity, n. nauatatimi. Deprive, v.n. atipagki. Depth, n. nubo iran. Depute, v.a. ati, asaig. [asitu. Deputy, n. natimi alupas, natimi Deranged in mind, a. ahnag. Deranged, as stomach, a. umil- Deride, v.a. imiafakahcil. [until. Descend, v.n. asuol, adip pam, ahlause, ehlause. Descendant, n. mapon. [regen. Descendants of any one, n. ilpu Describe, v.a. asuptecnaig. Descry, v.a. ecetai. Desecrate, v.a. auahas nitap. Desert, v.a. udei. Desert, n. namasacen, intupauun. Deserve, v.n. upene vai. Design, v.a. aktaktai, anacanac, Designate, v.a. ati. [anaclelen. Desire, v.n. merit, ahvig. Desire earnestly, v.a. ced, imimas. Desolate, a. ahyuahyu, umaruma, eucaucai, uhna. Despair, v.n. agaigai, eti lelen. Despairing, a. actalactal. Desperate, a. eti lelen. Despise, v.a. amcel vaig, imi- palea, imiacal, gara. Despise, as food, v.a. igliis itai. Desjute, n. uimiafakahcil. Despitef ully, ad. has. [o un . Destitute, a. ilikin natimi, eti itai Destroy, v.a. auahas, uhpuditai. Destroy food, v.a. aijupti. Destroy, as a hurricane, v.a. ai- hapidai. Destroy, in anger or grief, v.a. ehpuditai, uhpuditai. Destroy, as one man killing many, v. a. arahon. [hud itai. Destroying of plantations, n. nu- Detain, v.a. atapnes. Detect, v.a. ecet, ecetai. Deter, v.a. atapnes. [anaclelen. Determine, v.a. ika, anacanac, Detest, v.a. arncelvaig. Device, n. naktaktai, nedo efaifa. Devil, n. tiapolo. Devise, v.a. aktaktai. Devote, v.a. ati, ikni. Devotion, n. nalaigaheni. Devour, v.a. auahas, atleg. Devout, a. ecen an nalaigaheni. Dew, n. nara, nopoigmul, nemoig. Diadem, n. incat adgaig esjilid. Diamond, n. inhat esjilid. Diaphragm, n. intapnes. Diarrhoea, ?i. naridarid. Diarrhoea, bad, n. wuityidiaig. Did, intensiv. particle, is, mun, idim, pah, par. Die, v.n. mas, sing., emesmas, pi., umjegse, auatialidi, etjioijij or etpujij, sing., atpoijij, pi. Die suddenly, v.n. esganapit. Diet, n. nitai caig. Differ, v.n. eche echeeche jipe inliinmopora. Different, a. eche, sing, achei- achei, pi. elpntelpat. Different, as opinions, a. elpat- elpat inliinmopora. Different, as discussions, a. elpat- elpat intas. Difficult, a. ehka, weiyerere. Difficult of access, a. ate. DIF ( 143 ) DIS Difficult (do something difficult), v.a. imiekka. Diffident, a. lelehtas. Dig, v.a. aeujitai, eceijitai, ucai- jitai, ucijitai, ahapol. Dig, or cut, as rock or stone, v.a. ahti, ucji. Dig through, v.a. ahtaijhaig. Dig up, v.a. aseijai. Dig, and throw up earth around yam heap-, v.a. irar, apuke. Digging-stick, >i. nirak. Dignity, n. natinii alupas o un. Dike, n. neheij. Dilatory, a. auatialidi. Diligent, a. ecen au nauritai, Dim, a, arupoig. [emda. Dim-sighted, a. imtaplin, apian nesganimtan. Diminish, v.a. ika yi haklin, ika inyi eti elpat. Diminished in size by distance, a, aijnpoigpoig. Diminutive, <(■ haklin. Din, n. inmotjan, intaig. Dine, v.n. hag. Dinner, n. inhag. Dint, or mark, n. nugnyan. Dip, r.a. ahtaijuli, ahtahleli, aleli, alehli, aluhli. Dire, a. alupas, has, oliocred. Direct, v.a. asjaaicuaig, imias- j aaicnaig, atau. Direction, or position, as of a house, 11. etnig. How will this house stand ? iuyi etnig pan id neom inigki ? Dirt, n. nohok. Dirty, a. emig, imtyi. Disaffected, a. esjum. Disagree, v.n. ehtauo, imiisjisitaL Disallow, v.a. esjum, atapnes. Dissannul, v.a. atipagki. Disappear, v.n. tup ti ehpan, aiju- poigpoig, huleg. Disappear, as vessel sailing away, v.n. ethulaig. Disappear, Like vessel when hull down, v.n. adujese pok. Disappoint, v.a. atapnes. Disbelieve, v.a. imiisjis nahcil. Discern, v.a. ecet, ecctai, ato. Discharge, v.a. atcijaig. Disciple, n. natinii ataliaijeg. Disclose, v.a. ehvaig, asuptecnaig. Discomfit, v.a. ahau, esjilid. Discontented, a. eti eropse inliin- mopon, ahoacni. Discontinue, v.a. udei, atumop. Discord, n. nedemda, uchtauo, nimiisjisitai. Discover, v.a. ecet, ecetai. Discourage v.a. ago mika yi aua- tialidi. Discredit, v.a. imiisjis nahcil. Discreet, a. arapakau. Discretion, n. nedo arapakau. Discriminate, v.a. aktaktaiupene, asjaaicuaig upene. Discuss, v.a. tas jipe. Disdain, v.a. amcelvaig. Disease, n. nemehe. I >isenibovvel fowl or fish, v.a. Disfigure, v.a. imtimlai. [ahisgin. Disgrace, v.a. auoh elicamai. Disguise, v.a. ika yi eche, ago nedo efaifa. Disgust, v.a. ika yi amcelvaig, ika yi esjum vaig. Dish, n. nipjinitai. Dishonest, a. eti atoh. Dishonour, v.a. auoh ehcamai. Disinherit, v.a. atipagki, makrek. Disjointed, a. esjiliek. Dislike, v.a. esjum vaig. Dismayed, a. imtitaig alupas. Dismiss, as a visitor, v.a. adct- jaig, adceijaig. Disobey, v.a. imipalea, imiisjis nahcil, atladwi uitas, edvvud- wai, gara. Disorderly, a. acalacal. Dispatch, v.a. atgei, ago ehni. Disparage, v.a. asan tas has. Dispel, v.a. atipagki. Dispensary, n. neom wai emehe. Dispensation, n. nati vaig. Di-perse, v.n. teri, terimterim. Disperse, v.a. imiterimterim, ac- hedalick. Display, v.a. ehvaig, atijai. Displeased, a. edemda, ohocred, eti upene iran. Displeased with, a. inwakiuwak. DIS ( 144 ) DRA Dispose, v.a. ati, esyei, eseaig. Dispose of the dead, v.a. etheso. Disposed, or inclined, «. merit. Disposition, or disposing of, re. na- Dispossess, v.a. afilo pan. [tivaig. Disputation, n. nimiisjisitai. Dispute, v.n. imiisjis. Disquiet, v.a. aheatina,imiedohal- av, ahugni. Disquiet, v.n. ehioehio. Disregard the word of any one, v.a. asjusji, imipalea. Dissemble, v.a. ateri, ago nedo efaifa. Dissension, re. nimiisjisitai. Dissimulation, re. nedo efaifa. Dissolve, v.a. alma. Distaff, re. nitai ago ya iran. Distance, re. nethanethan. Distance (at a), ad. ehgin. Distance (pass at a distance, or on other side of the road), v.n. atga nethanethan. Distant, a. amok, itac acen, aiju- poigpoig, apohod. Distil, v.n. atte. Distinct, a. eche. Distracted, a. ohocred, ahnag, erekinman iran. [niojioii. Distraction, n. narehed u inliin- Distress, re. inruudvaig, nohocred. Distribute, v.a. ahaig, ikni, ahtai, edaig jipe. District, n. nuarin pece. Disturb, v.a. imiedohalav. Ditch, re. nehpanitai, neucsenwai. Dive, v.n. adjim or atjim, atid- jim. [acheiachei, obotpot. Divers, a. hal ra, nahaiji ra, Diversity, n. nacheiachei. Divert, or amuse, v.a. ago nedo imiacitak. Divest, v.a. adi. Divide, v.a. atiakoai, atakoai, ahaig, adwai, aldakoai, ehti jipe, aparo, atetwan. Divide two things to one person, v.a. ahapicnaig ero. Divide food, v.a. akaro. Divide and bind in bundles, v.a. arorakwai. Divide in two, v.a. imhagro. Divide among many, v.a. edaig- edaig. [v.a. aihadaig jipe. Divide backwards and forwards, Divided as fingers or toes, a. ragap. Divination, n. nahraces. Divine, v.a. ato, asuptecnaig, asig yi opdicraig. Divine, a. esjilid, u atua. Divisions (make), or companies, v.a. auanakwai. Divorce, v.a. abraig pan, atipagki, Dizzy, a. opoc nidjinin. [atcijaig. Do, v.a. ago, ika, aua, auoh, auaho itai, edeijaig. Do, emphatic particle, fi. Do be quick, fi auroauro aiek. Do any thing, v.a. ahvahtit. Do all things, or do bad conduct, v.a. auarobotpotedo. Do (may I do ?), ka yi ei ? Doings, n. nedo. Do not, or don't, v.a. jim, tak. Docile, a. erop nedo o un. Doctor, or teacher, a. natimi esege. Doctor, or physician, n. natimi aminjinaig nemehe. Doctrine, ra. nesege, intas. Dog, n. kuri. Doleful, a. taigtaig. Dolphin, n. numulau. Dominion, n. natimi alupas un. Doom, re. neruvaig. Door, n. neucse neom, intapnes. Dote, v.a. tugdid iran. Double, v.a. ecero, asvapicnaig Doubt, v.a. imiisjis nahcil [ero. Doubt, v.n. eh to, ehioehio inliin- Doubtful, a. etehto. [mopon. Doubtless, ad. idim inveijec. Dough, re. nitai aplamod. Dove, re. nalaupa, nalopa, nagisjo, nucip, nuueip. Down here, ad. sepamki, semi. Down there, jid. sepagko, suko, Downwards, ad. se [suke. Down (bring), v.a. imiasuol. Down (let), v.a. aiyihise, aua- miaro. [yadi yin. Down (take down from), v.a. atig- Dose, v.n. imtate. Drag, v.a. ahiaig, ahieg. DRA ( 145 ) EAR Drag a net, v.a. ahun nopoig. Drag-net, n. nopoig. Dragon, n. nimyeuv, nimyiv. Draw, v.a. athun, ahiaig, aihiaig, Draw near, v.n. aiyihio. [ahieg. Draw or twist, v.a. atpajeg. Draw water, v.a. athun wai, sing., etoli wai, athoi wai, pi. Draw a net, v.a. asei nopoig. Draw out, as a post out of the ground, v.a. asei jai. Draw together, as corners of a cloth, v.a. ahpapijgaig. Draw out, v.a. aihiaig pok ijo. Draw out of sheath, as sword, v.a. ahyasei, ahyausei. Draw, as with its tail, v.a. acause para. Draw along, v.a. taliek pan, ahtaliek pan. [pan. Draw, or entice away, v.a. eipai Dread, v.a. imtitaig. Dream, v.n. unijeg ahnag. Dregs, n. nahrin. Dress, v.a. aso. [ahlamerai. Dress, as food, v.a. aheu, atho, Dress, as a garden, v.a. ahapol. Dried up, a. ipjucai. Drink, as water, v.a. umnyi. Drink out of a dish, v.a. urawig. Drink gently, v.a. edmudmoi. Drink out and leave nothing, v.a. admaaucsei. Drink (give), v.a. aluman wai. Drive, v.a. ahau, asgi, ahlo pan, ahlaadaig. [acse. Drive away utterly, v.a. ahlo yi Drive away, as fowls, v.a. arei. Drive along, v a. asgi. Drive out, v.a. ahola. Drizzle, as small rain, v.n. atpoig. Drop, v.n. ate. Drop down, v.n. ahtahtise. Drop down, as things hanging, v.n. peijidi. [nisjipulpul. Dropping of rain from trees, n. Dropsical, a. ahga nipjinetgan. Dropsy, n. neinelie alagaigwai. Dross, n. nohok. Drove, n. niji iran, inpak irai iji itai eklim edo irai pece. Drought, n. nihlnp. Drown, v.n. ete an jap, etpoijij, sing., atpoijij, ^j/., atpujej,/*/. Drowsy, a. imtate, aroparop. Drunk, a. ahnag vai kava. Dry, a. mese, ame, mecuc. Dry, applied to hones long kept, a. asjigjad. Dry, as low tide, a. aridrad. Dry land, n. nucda mese, intinan mese. Not dry, as hoards, a. erne tm at. Drying up, as water, a. anij, ahus- Dryness, n. nelicehek. [jinij. Duck, it. nohoigwai. Due, a. eti aru. Duke, n. natimi alupas. Dull, a. eimoc, auoc, ucjipines. Dumb, a. pop. Dung, n. nohok. Dung of inwards, n. nihkin. Dung (human), n. intin (a forbid- den word). Dung of goats, n, inti nanin (a good Dung, v.a. aheh o un. [word). Dungeon, n. neom ipjin. Dupe, n. natimi inig er imiabnag Durable, a. inyi amen. [yin. Durst, v.a. eti imtitaig. Dusk, n. ahcai eniilmat. Dust, n. nobpa, inmah. Dust on the ground, n. nohma. Duty, n. nedo eris ika. Dwarf, ii. natimi haklin. Dwell, v.n. amen. Dwell together, v.n. ehramen. Dysentery, n. naredared inja, emehe eliselis. E Each, pron. ethi um ethi ehni. Each one, pron. mecha ehni ra. Each one for himself, ad. jipjipc. Eager, a. merit alupas. Eagle, n. inmeijcop alupas. Ear, n. intikgan. Ear, or plough, v.a. acujitai. Ear of corn, n. nigai korn. Early, a. auroauro an nuhialeg. Earn, v.a. aheca va nimtan. Earnest, a. emda. EAR ( 146 ) ENC Ear-ring, 11. intijeg, or inteijig, or intaijig, or intaijaig. Earth, n. nobohtan. [nohumad. Earth, to cover an oven, n. nime, Earth (black), n. numpaig. Earth ( white or yellow), n. inlekis. Earth (red), n. intan, nariri. Earthquake, n. nomoi. Ease, n. neklini amen. East, 11. naridjai o un. Eastward, ad. igcaiji. Eastward (to go), v.n. ajujai. Eastward (to come), v.n. ajujaimi. East wind, n. natoga. North-east by east wind, n. natoga mata- hau an jap. South-east by east, n. natoga an Avai. Easy, a. tup upene, eti ehka. Eat, v.a. caig, sing., ecaig, pi., hag. sine?., hegnig,pl. Eat voraciously, v.a. atarai. Eat together, v.a. erihag. Eat little, v.a, esgiri, namad. Eat one thing to another, v.a. adipiaig. [atahni. Eat all up, leave nothing, v.a. Eat while walking, v.a. atgaagwa. Ebb, v.n. telo pan. Ebb and flow, as tide, v.n. aridrad. Ebb-tide, n. iumas. Echo, v.n. dugaldugal. Echo, n. nahelu. [gesega. Eclipse of the sun, n. et mas na- Eclipse of the moon, n. et mas inmohoc. Edge, n. neijin, nethan, nidjan. Edge (to set on its), v.a. ati ethan. Edge, to set on (as teeth by sour fruits), v.n. asjakai. Edge, near the, a. imtimtau. Edify, v.a. ahidaig emda. Educate, v.a. esege. Eel, n. nehig, intup umoh. Eel (black), n. nisiahau. Eel (sea), n. inmetpen, nacenin- EfTect, v.a. ago. [mak. Effectual, a. emda, inveijec, eti takitai. Effeminate, a. idivaig intakata, auatialidi, ahilek nedo Las. Egg, n. naklin ja, nohwan man. Egg, rotten, n. naklahoad. Either, conj. ka, um. Either, a. tab ra. Eject, v.a. aihoi. Elder, n. natimi alupas. Elder, a. inmeto. Elbow, n. nijin nikman. Elect, v.a. aniv, ati, ehtaig. Elegant, a. upene. Elements, n. nohui iji itai, nupyi Elevate, v.a. imiaridjai. [esege. Elope, v.n. epujai, auarahcil. Eloquent, a. anavaktit, tas upene, Else, conj. el et eti uce. [mihta. Elsewhere, ad. an taka uariu. Elude, v.a. auarahcil. Emancipate, v.a. atcijaig. Embalm, v.a. aspi nohun. Embank, v.a. apiip inwai. Embark, v.n. ahlaujai, aridjai an Embers, n. inhumla. [neleau. Emblem, n. nalmui itai. [gin. Embowel, as fish, fowl, v.a. ahis- Embowel, as pigs, goats, v.a. ati- pagki. Embrace, v.a. ablaijiraig, ablahtit pam, ablim pam. Embroider, v.a. yecrei, ijei. Embroil, v.a. auahas. Emetic, n. inwai alo. Emigrate, v.n. apan an taka pecc. Eminence, n. nuarin ijinies. Eminent, a. esjilid. Emperor, n. natimarid. Employ, v.a. auritai. Employ constantly, v.n. ehrig jipe. Employment, n. nauritai. Empty, a. tup ti nitai iran, adila. Empty, as a house deserted, a. aheyu, aheyuaheyu. Emulate, v.a. ika yi esjilid. Enable, v.a. ago emda, Encamp, v.n. amen, atumop. Enchantment, n. inrapupo. Encircle, v.a. adgaig, ahnaig, ahteghanuaro, ahteganadau. Enclose, v.a. arehed. Enclose in a net, v.a. anai, or anei. Encounter, v.a. ehtet, imiisjis, ehtauo. Encourage, v.a. tas upene, atau. Encroach, v.a. auarahcil. Encumber, v.a. arih. END ( 147 ) EVI End, n. nilpun, intid iran, nara- hon, nchni vaig, ninveijid, nesvi pas iran. End, v.a. ahni. End of the earth, n. nchni an no- Endanger, v.a. ati lias, [bohtan. Endear, v.a. iki yi aiyu inliin- mopon. [j'l"'- Endeavour, v.n. ilea yi ago, lelaga Endless, a. inyi eti lep ti. inyi eti Endow, v.a. ati. [tih pan. Endue, v.a. alupai, ati. Endure, v.a. apos, eti auatiemda. Endure pain. without complaining. v.a. anaijiraig. Enemy, n. natimi tak atimi iran, naiimi edeinda. Energy, n. nemda. Engage, v.a. asaig, tas, ika, ago. Engaged, ". akainaga. Engine, n. nitai ago itai. Engraft, v.a. ehcil iran, ahwaig. Engrave, v.a. aged, wod ugyit. Enjoy, r.a. amen npene iran. Enkindle, v.a. atni. Enlarge, r.a. a^ r o alupas, aihiaig. Enlighten, v.a, ago lab., ehlo. Enliven, v.a. ikayi imiacitak. Enmity, n. nedemda. Enough, a. alupas, ahinag, ehli. Enquire, r.n. ahodaig. Enquire after, v.a aespan. Enraged, a. edemda. Enrich, v.a. ikni itai. Enroll, v.a, aged nidan. Ensample, ». nitai asjaaicnaig. Ensign, n. nitai ahlaig. Enslave, v.a. ika yi alieca. Ensnare, v.a. apro. Ensue, v.a. apitac, ahilek, ahopan. Entangle, v.a. imieucen. Entangled among bushes, a. apa- kadei cai, eucen an pece. Enter, v.n. apan anliin. Enterprise, n. nitai er ika cri ago. Entertain, v.a. aminjinaig, alaan, aiheuc vai. Entertain one, v.a. aero imi yin. En t ice, v.a. oop, eipai. Entire, a. asega. Entrails, n. nauitin, mopon. Entreat, V.a. ugyi. Entreat against, as, O do not, v.a. Entry, n. nefalaig. [ahras. Enumerate, v.a. esvi. athai. Envious, a. auatitai, ebtijipe. Environ, v.a. arched. Envy, it. nauatitai. Epistle, n. nitaasviitai. Equal, a. apapa pan, eldapa. Equal in age, a. naras o un. Equal, ». napab, inparei. Equivalent, >i. inparei. Equity, /i. nedo inveijec. Ere, ad. ja par apitac. Erect, v.a. ijisjai. Erelong, ad. tupko, inyi eti laulau. Erewhile, ad. an nopan iyehki. Err, v.n. ahnag, melga, maumau. Error, n. nitai maumau Escape, v.n. ahapan. [yi"- Escape, v.a. etbaig, ethan, ethai Escape (try to), v.a. adwaadwa. Eschew, v.a. aha vai. Especial, a. esjilid. Espy, v.a. almuktit, ecetai. Espouse, v.a. aniv, asaulai, amin- Essence, n. nesgan. [jinanlai. Establish, v.a. ati aktit. Estate, n. namen. [vai. Esteem, v.a. aktaktai, ika, ecen Estimation, n. nika u nimtan, nasuptecnaig nimtan. Estranged, a. esjum. [lep ti. Eternal, a. irai ijimesese, inyi eti Evangelist, n. natimi asuptecnaig Even, a. atoh. [intas upene. Even, v.a. ahtipidai. Even, v.n. jase. Even, ad. marom. Evening, 11. nepig, injuptira. Evening (dark of), n. iujupjupura. Evening ^cool of), n. jupmulmul. Event, 11. nitai eris ago. Ever, a. irai iji adiat. Everlasting, a. inyi eti lep ti. Every, a. asega. [asega, esjek. Everywhere, ad. irai iji uarin Everywhere (go), v.n. apaahni, edaledal ira ra. Evidence, n. nitai ehvaig. Evidence (give), v.a. aniv, ati 110- Evident, a. idim ato. [huun. Evil, a. has. EVI ( 148 ) FAI Evil, n. inhas. Evil-disposed, a. aduo. Eulogium, n. intas imialipas. Eunuch, n. natimi eris aliped, natimi tup amen. Ewe, n. siip atahig. Exact, v.a. leh. Exalt, v.a. imiaridjai. Exalted, a. arid. Examine, v.a. ahilek,ahodaig,ado. Examine minutely, v.a. almaijid- Example, n.nitaiasjaaicnaig. [jid. Exceed, vn. esjilid. Exceeding, a. esjilid, alupas, upene, ahinag. Excel, v.n. esjilid. Except, prep. ache. Excess, n. nalupas. Exchange, v.a, alupai um lucsei, auanimtan, ahaig, atiakoai. Excite, v.a. ahugni. Exclude, v.a. atapnes. Excrements, n. nohok, intin anin. Excommunicate, v.a. atipagki. Excuse, v.a. asuptecnaig, athai, tup ispun imiaras. Execration, n. intas ahlaijaig. Execute, v.a. ago. Exempt, v.a. udei, ika yi eche. Exercise, v.a. ago. Exhibit, v.a. ehvaig. Exhort, v.a. asuptecnaig, tas, ated, Exile, n. nohna. [abli, ahugni. Exist, v.n. eteuc, etgeig, ehva. Exorcist, n. natimi araces. Expand as a leaf, v.n. elgei, elel- gei, elegelege. Expect, v.a. aitgaig, aijnaig. Expectorate, v.n. agde. Expedient, a. upene. Expel, v.a. ahlo pan, atcijaig. Expense, n. nimtan. Experience, n. nato itai. Experiment, n. nago itai. Expert, a. amarero, ato itai. Expiate, v.a. ahlap, asa nigpa. Expire, v.n. mas, yetpan, wat ti pan itac. [atohedid. Explain, v.a. asuptecnaig, aholai, Explain, v.a. asaig yi opdicraig, aihiupdicraig, auud yi apidai. Explain correctly, v.a. ehtilidi. Exploit, n. nauritai. Export, v.a. imiapan, imiua pan. Expose, v.a. ehvaig, atijai. Expound, v.a. asuptecnaig. Express, v.a. asuptecnaig, aniv. Express, a. idivaig. Extend, v.n. yetpan. Extend, v.a. aihiaig. Exterminate, v.a. auahas ehni. Extinct, a. ti, alopse. Extinguish, v.a. ahni, ahlapsei. Extinguished, a. oposopos. Extol, v.a. imiahpas. Extortioner, n. natimi atoraliak, natimi ehcerucai. Extraordinary, a. esjilid. Extreme, a. esjilid, alupas. Extremity, n. (end of a thing), intidjin. Exult, v.n. imiacitak. Eye, n. nesganimtan. Eye (apple of), n. nauanaga napig. Eye of a needle, n. inhed iran. Eyes, sore, n. intaplan nesganim- tan. Eye-ball, n. inhalav an nimtan, nohwanaga napig. Eye-brow, n. nahpumta atimi. Eyelash, n, numri nimtan. Eyelid, n. nohosjin nesganimtan, nisjin nesganimtan. Fable, n. intas ecsipece. Face, n. nesganimtan. Fact, n. nitai. Fade, v.n. imlai, edeucedeuc. Fade as a flower, v.n. eijis. Fag, v.n. arici. Fail, v.n. auatialidi, ti. Fail in doing, v.n. isuol irai. Fain, v.n. merit. Faint, a. auatialidi, arici, isji. Fainthearted, a. agaigailele atimi. Fail - , a. upene, eklim npene. Fair-looking, a. imiahcen nesga- nimtan. Fair (not raining), a. edig. Fair, about to be, a. sisjaumnd. Fair (a market), n. nopan ahtai itai. FAI ( 149 ) FEE Faith, n. nhniisjis ninveijec, nas- geig iran. Faithless, a. ahcil, cfaifa. Faithful, a. inveijec. Full, v.n. erop, eropse, ctjo. Fall back, v./i. atgaatga ehpan Fall behind, v.n. etjo itac. [itac. Fall down, v.n. e, eh, achadaliek, eijis. Fall down dead, v. n. ucjapidaig. Fall down, as a cocoanut, v.ji. mehidai. Fall down, as rice, v. n. poijigjig. Fall down, as sand or scales, c.n. meijise. Fall down, as unripe fruit, v.n. upumure. Fall, as swelling, v.n. umri. Fall, as in climbing, v.n. ataualep. Fall into (applied to men), v.n. eh. Fall into a pit or snare, v.n. edo ije, eiyiejai. Fall in wet places, v.n. atalahas. Fall off, v.n. isjis, elel. Fall out of, as glass out of spec- tacles, v.n. niehge. [idaig. Fall upon from above, v.n. aktap- Fall, let fall through fear, v.n. ehveliek. [inheres. Falling off in body, as a child, n. Falling off of toes or lingers, n. namasaki. Fallow, a. ceigmeto, eti acujitai. False, a. cfaifa, ahcil, acalacal. Falsely affirm, v.a. imiesgei ta-s. Fame, it. intas. Familiar, a. ato npene. Familiar spirit, n. natmas tas pan irai itai. Family, n. ilpu atimetan. Family of two, n. ohwat atimetan. Family relations, n. atumopon. Families, two, n. ahiom. Famine, n. numlaig has, naunad- iat or nauanadiat. Famous, a. esjilid. Fan, n.nohium, nitai ucjucjaiitai. Fan, v.a. ehrerei, ehrohrei, ehrorei, idig. Fancy, v.a. aktaktai, merit. Fantail, n. ketipup. Far, a. itac acen. Far away, ad. el v. Far away, go, v.n. elvatga. Far away, live, v.n. elvamen. Far away, appear, v.n. acaacid. Fare, v.n. amen. Farewell, ?t. naiheuc. Farm, n. uman. Fashion, n. nago iran, nedo. Fashion, v.a. ago. Fast, v.n. esgiri, atwakam, amuJ. Fast, make, i\a. ahtehgaig. Fast, a. aktit. Fast, i. merer. Frequent, a. ecahinag, ecilpat. Fresh, a. mat, aiyu, adale. Fret, v.n. tai^, edemda. Fretted, as a spot on cloth, a. tilag, ehtilag. Friend, n. etwan, napa, napah, regin. Frighten, v.a. ika yi imtitaig, ika yi ehioehio, eucloh. Fringe, 11. intid. Fringing, a. tisiantisian. Fro, to and, ad. jipe. From, prep, ahes, ehele. Buy from, auanimtan ehele. Front, n. nuarin uhup, nimtidin. Frontage, n. nimtidin. Frontier, n. nilpun pece. Froth, n. inmohwan, nahnya. Frothing at the mouth, n. nedei- mas. Frost, n. neiweiyu. Froward, a. imipalea, ipjin. Frown, v.n. has nesgaiiimtan. Frugal, a. aminjiuaig upene. Fruit, n. nohwan, nasau. Fruit, hear, v.a. oho. Fruit, form, v.n. elwa. Fruits, first, n. inhupnan. Frustrate, v.a. auahas. Fuel, n. incai. Fugitive, ». natimi ehcid. Fulfil, v.a. ago, ehneijid, imiaiji. Full, a. ohua, geije. Full of seeds, as papaw apple, a. neduwudo. Full, half, a. ehtaijegaig. Fuller, n. natimi yiri apelumai. Fun. n. nacitak. Funeral, n. natelmoi atimi. Furhish, v.a. ago naunau. Furnace, ?i. incap alu]>as. Furnish, v.a. imiyecrei. Furrow, n. neucsen wai, nauin- wai, ring., auiwai, pi. Furrow, a path between two ]>lan- tations, n. nahauai. Further, v.a. atau. Further, go, v.n. elvatca. Furthermore, ad. im lep inig. Fury, n. nedemda alupas. Future, a. yetpam, an taka opau. G Gain, n. ninitan, nauarakosiu, akosin, akososin. Gain, v.a. auarakoshi, leh. Gainsay, v.a. imiisjis, wudyedi, Gale, n. nehio. [auud yi apanes. Gall, n. inwai acen. Gall-bladder, v. inhadin. Gallant, a. esjilid. Gallery, n. inlolan neom. Galley, n. nelcau. (iallows, n. ninmim. Game, n. nauritai imiacitak. Game of throwing spears, n. na- parata. Games, play at, v.a. didinai itai. (Jap, n. nexrcse nirahed, malahau. Gape, v.n. ahag, asalgei nipji- neucsen, amuhca. Garden, n. uman, nabapol, no- koro, lei, neseian, nesiliian. Garden of hananas, n. lelohos. Garden, a cultivated, n. lelaliapol. Garland, n. intisian erisahod. Garment, n. napelumai. Garment, Tannese sleeping, n. namas umjeg. Garner, n. neom ikni itai. Garnish, v.a. imiyecrei, agoupene. Garrison, n. inpak an nedoa, ilpu Gasp, v.n. ahkaaujai. [eucsupo. Gate, n. neucse nirahed. Gather, v.a. esni, asjapicnaig, esvaig, adcei. Gather up, v.a. ererei. Gather firewood, v.a. arecai. Gather horse-chestnuts, v.a. na- ravi mop. Gather leaves, v.a. agsei. Gather heans, v.a. isji ariko. (Jather together, or add, v.a. isjipicnaig. Gather together, as heans, coral, &c., that has been spread out, v.a. ejadenai. Gatherfrom all points around, v.n. ahtag pam. [elitaig. ( Either about thcsick,v.w. ashnin, (Jathering about the sick, n. in- Gay, a. upeue, acitak. [nicsiaig. GAZ ( 154 ) GRA Gaze, v.a. almoi, caspan. Gender, v.a. ahei. Genealogy, n. ni'da atimi. General, n. natimi alupas irai ilpu eucsupo. General, a. asega, [et ethi. Generation, n. ilpu atimi an nopan Generation, n. nitaasviitai vai hal. Generous, a. ahta, kuhmulin. Gentiles, n. nup urai pece ilpu Gentle, v.n. eropse. [atimi apat. Gentle, be, v.n. eklim erop. Gentle, as wind, a. ata. Gently, as carry ortreat,v.?i.ethoi. Gentleman, n. natimi alupas. Germ, n. nisjin. Germinate, v.n. edel. Gesture, n. nedo, naiji. Get, v.a. leh. Get on to the reef, v.n. ecetaig an moije. Get off the reef, v.n. pejadi, ateuc- radi se an namilvai. Ghost, n. natmas, nesgan. ' Giant, n. natimi emda, natimi Gibe, v.a. auyat. [ijinies. Giddy, a. arched nidjinin, aihai, Gift, n. nitai tup ahtai. [apitpit. Gills, n, nerid o un. Gimlet, n. nitai abed. Gin, n. nitai apro itai, nekpuma. Gird, v.a. ahid. Gird round, v.a. aroraij iraig. Girdle, n. nitai ahid. Girl, n. natahig. Give, v.a. alupai, ahtai. Give up, v.a. ahvai, alwei. Give back or repay, v.a. ehcai ehni. Give out, as a hymn, v.a. ehtaig. Give largely, v.a. efalupas. Glad, a. imiacitak. Glass, n. nitai naunau. Gleam of lightning, n. nahwawai. Glean, v.a. ehlek apitac atimi. Glittering, or glistering, a. naunau. Gloomy, a. auoc. Gloomy, applied to mouth or face, a. ulikulik Glorify, v.a. imiahpas, naaurinig. Glorious, a. esjilid. Glory, n. natimi alupas o un. Glory, v.n. ispun tas vaig, ispun imianiv. Glutton, n. natimi hag alupas. Gnash, v.a. ataktit. Gnaw, v.a. asjagis. Go, v.n. apan, han, atga. Go up, v.n. ahlaujai, aijujai. Go down, v.n. ahlau se, ade. Go out, v.n. ahlau ijo. Go past, v.n. aheijid. Go forth, v.n. adala. Go over, as a hill, v.n. anau pan. Go through, as the land, v. u. ah- tai - edei. Go in and out among, v. n. ahced- wei. Go before, v.n. ehnat aiek. Go after, v.n. apitac. Go to sea, v.n. aijijai pok. Go alone, v.n. atga alep. Go out, as fire, v.n. oposopos. Go, cause to, v.a. imiatga. Goad, n. inmopul. Goad, v.a. arei. Goat, n. nanin. Goblet, n. nipjinitai. God, n. Atua. Goddess, n. atua atahig, natmas Godly, a. ecen vai Atua. [atahig. Going towards, n. nalaig. Good, a. upene, esjilid, sing., as- jilid, pi., imrihin, tehen. Good, as fruits, a. ugnyiv. Good, it is, a. ja par ika, eh tau. Gooddooking, a. ahmatahmat. Goodness, n. inupene, nedo upene, namen upene. Goods, n. naga, inpadiaig. Gone, a. atii, atiili. Gore, v.a. ahcai. Gorgeous, a. esjilid. Gospel, n. intas upene. Gossip, n. hos tas. Gourd, n. nahtaicai, nerero. Govern, v.a. tas alep, atau. Governor, n. natimarid, natimi Grace, ».naiheuc, nemda. [alupas. Graft, v.a. ehcil iran. Grain, n. nupsi itai. Grand, a. esjilid. Grandchild, n. mapon. [etpon. Grandfather or grandmother, n. GRA ( ':>:> ) HAL Grant, v.a. alupai, ahtai. Grape, n. nohwai value. Grasp, v.a. asjiraig. Grasping, a. metug. Grass, n. nomotmot, nefelelicai. Grasshopper, ». inheled, naijiv. Grating. n. nilidiye. Gratuitously, ad. tup. [netheso. Grave, n. nenpanitai, inmun nij, Grave, a. aktaktai upene, ecen uesgauimtau. Grave, r.a. auud ugnyit. Gravel, //. nilpildaij. Gravelly, ad. numka-uiuka. Grease, /;. nidi picad, uagako. Great, a. alupas. Greedy, a. ahvig alupas, merit alupas, metug. Green, a. emilmat. Greenstone, u. inhat eriu neiyi- Greet, v.a. aiheuc vai. [yia. Grey, a. auoc. Greyheaded, a. ahluco, alileuco. Grief, n. nohocred, intaig. Grief for death, n. nehtigtaig. Grieve, v.n. ehtigtaig, taig, imitaig. Grieve as for the dead, v.n. aho- acui, ceigmeru, caigmeru. Grieve, v.a. aduopre,auoh ohocred. Grieved, a. akrai ncsganimtan, imtiiulai, ruud. Grim, a. ulikulik, imtimlai. Grin as a dog, v.n. nyau. Grind, v.a. irara. ( hinders, n. nacita atimi. Grindstone, n. nijaro. Grizzled, a. picadpicad. Gritty, a. numka-umka. Groan, n. naawe. Groan, v.n. aunyauwaig, lelesjai, adeijai, efadekjai, efadaijaig. Groin, pain in, n. naheruc has. Grope, v.a. raprap, aracrac. ( Iross, a. ipji", alupas, esjilid, has. Ground, n. inpeee, nobontan. Ground, new, n. incaig meto. (Ground to he cleared, n. inrohos. Grove, n. nij i auicai, niji cai, nohun nimiiini. Grow, v.n. edel, cdedel, pinid, ahlau (ihua. Grow up, v.n. eces par alupas. Grow quickly, as plants, v.n. isjis in cesium. Grow again, as hair, plants, &c, v.n. heto. Grow strongly, v.n. are yi aktit. Grow, two things into one, v.n. epepa. [v.n. ecrisecris. Grow, go on from bad to worse, (Irub like a pig, v.a. ohuuh. Grudge, v.a. imiaaij, adelelen. Grudge, v.n. nieteug, metug. (Jrumble, v.n. imiarere. Guard, v.a. aminjinaig. Guess, v.a. athai itai. Guest, n. nalaig. (iuide, v.a. atau iran, asjaaicnaig, Guile, n. nefaifa. [afakatiuo. Guilty, a. uhpu aru iran. Gulf, n. nikkanse, niskanse. Gull, black, n. nekel. Gull, spotted, n. kauyameta. Gull, white sea, n. inmantadi. Gullet, n. inhujgopul. Gum, n. nidicai. Gums, n. naclan eiji atimi. Gun, n. kapau. Gut, n. nauwintin. Gut, fish or fowl, v.a. ahisgin. Gutter, n. neucsen wai. n Habergeon, n. incetpon neucsupo. Habit, n. ncdo. Habitation, n. nuarin amen o un Haft, n. inceen. [tab. Hail, n. incopda hat. Hair, n. numrin. Hair plaited into locks, n. naked. Hale, v.a. ahiaig pan, imiapan. Half, 11. nahaijin yi apapa ahpan iran, nahaijin apapa pan an nahaijin. Half full, as cup, a. ehtaijighaig, ehteijighaig. Half-tide, flowing, n. naceijo. Half-tide, ebbing, n. nahren. Hallow, v.a. imiitap. Halo, round sun or moon, n. num- Halt, v.n. aiji. [rauud. Halt, a. alkalka, atga adjo. HAN ( 156 ) HEI Hand, n. nikman, nijman. Hand, right, n. inmatan. Hand, left, n. inmauun. Hand, palm of, n, nokohiaig. Handle, n. intaijin. Handle of a door, n. nitai atapnes. Handle of an axe, n. nerehin. Handle, v.a. ago. Hang, v.a. eijcei eijcai ejceijai, aijceijeei, athai, alcinwan. Hang oneself, v.a. ejcei, eijcei, eijcai. Hang up, as clothes, v.n. aijalcai. Hang down or over, as end of tablecloth, v.n. ukok. Haply, ad. kit. Happen, v.n. eteuc. Happiness, n. nanien upene, in- cediaig, nimiacitak. Happy, a. ahesmoij. Happy, to call one, v.a. imiahes. Harbour, n. nafaiava. Hard, a. ijijin, ehka, ipjucai. Hard, become, v.n. meret. Hard, do something, v.a. imiehka. Harden, v.a. ago ipjin. Hark, v.n. ahgei. Harlot, n. intakata ago ingeijid. Harm, n. nitai has. Harness, n. incetpon neucoupo. Harpoon, n. nitai ahcai. Harrow, n. ahumiaig. Harsh, a. agahas. Harvest, n. nopan asjapicnaig ohwai itai. Hasten, v.n. auroauro, tidehio, tedehio, imiehio. Hasten on, v.a. ehligehlig. Hasty, a. iruhcai. Hat, n. incat adgaig. Hatch, v.a. aibuthan, ucjagrei. Hatchet, n. inpas. Hate, v.a. amcel vai, edemda. Haughty, a. ijimis inliinmopon, intakrei nesganimtan. Haul, v.a. ahieg, acetaig. Haunt, n. nuarin amen iran. Have, v.a. ohuun. Haven, n. nafaiava. Havock, n. natmas piv. Hawk, n. inmeijcop. Hay, n. nomotmot mese. Hazy. a. aijupoigpoig. He, pron. aien. Head, n. nipek, nidjinin. Head, round towards, v.n. atauud. Headland, n. nilpun pece, nesvi o un pece. Headlong, ad. auroauro. Heal, v.a. ago cehcehe. Healed, as wound, a. ma, emehma. Health, n. incehcehe. Healtln r , a. cehcehe, ahmatah- Heap, n, niji iran. [mat. Heap, v.a. ikni, atijai, asiaig. Heap up, as earth on taro, v.a. ucjucjid. Heap, make a, v.a. ehtijiraig. Hear, v.a. ahgei, atahaijeg, ahaij- eg, adai. Hear quickly, v.a. akahe. Hear correctly, v.a. ahgektit, ehgektit. Hear attentively, v.a. ehneuktit. Hear, or understand, as a foreign language, v.a. ahaijeg. Hearken, v.a. atahaijeg. Heart, n. inliinmopon, nafetu manava, nafotu inanava. Hearty, a. emda, eti esjum. Heat, n. nihlup, nehri. Heat, full of, a. ahaijig. Heat, prickly, n. inrudieig. Heat, as stones for an oven, v.a. yei. Heathen, n. natimi apat, nup urai pece apat. Heathen, do heathen practices, v.a. atupu iran. Heave, v.a. asjaig. Heave up and down, v.a. asjaig sjipe, auhaig jipe. Heaven, n. nohatag, inpece Heavy, a. opoc. [upene. Heavily, rain, v.n. auodrop in- caupda. Hedge, n. natapin, intapin, nari- neom. Heed, v.a. aminjinaig, aktaktai. Heel, n. nijinnalak an neduon. Heifer, n. kurimatau atahig tupko. Height, 11. nijinies. Heinous, a. esjilid. HEI ( 157 ) HOS Heir. >i. natimi asjupigmoig, sing., isjupigmoig, pi. Hell, «. inpece lias. Helm, n. nehiv apoa nelcau. Helmet, n. incat adgaig u neu- Help, v.a. atau, imtaam. [ceupo. Helping, a. eheed. Helve, n. nehreliin, ncrehin. Hem, n. intid an napelnmai. Hem, v.a. asvapicnaig. Hemlock, n. nefelelicai acen. Hen, n. injaa atahig. Heuce, ad. ahes igcaki. Hence, take, v.a. imiahah. Henceforth, ad. ja par, uhum pan itu. Henceforward, ad. yetpan irai iji adiat. Her, pr. yin. Hers, pr. o un. Herald, n. natimi ehcid, natimi Herb, n. inceslum. [tauai. Herd, n. inpak irai kurimatau. Herd, v.a. asgi. Herdman, n. natimi asgi kuri- Here. ad. igcaki. [matau. Here, inter}, ho, dahpa, maiya. Hereafter, ad. an ti pan itac, an nopan iyek. Here and there, go, v.n. ehcid. Hereby, ad. va nitai inig. Herein, ad. an nitai inig. Heresy, n. nalaigaheni efaifa. Heretofore, ad. uhnmpan. Hereunto, ad. va nitai inigki. Heritage, n. namen eri ohunn. Herodians, n. ilpu atimi leh imi Heron, n. inpaig. [Herot. Herring, n. nipijcaij. Hew, v.a. ates. Hibiscus, n. inbul. Hiccup, v.n. ahiahos, areiyiahos. Hide, v.n. atpuh. Hide, v.a. adenaig. ]IL r h, a. ijinies, arid, esjilid. Hill, n. ncdoon, nau. Hill, go over a, v.a. anau pan. Hillock of earth for yams, n. Him, pr. yin. [napuke. Hinder, a. itac. Hinder, v a. atapncs, takehke, tekelike. Hinder by force, v.a. ahtadi. Hint, n. tup intas. Hip, n. inpoijvan. Hire, v.a. auanimtan. His, pr. o un. Hiss, v.n. suus, sos, asis. Hit, v.a. tan. Hit, as a spear, v.a. ehtau. Hither, ad. igcaki. Hither and thither, ad. jipjipe. Hitherto, ad. nhnmpam. Ho, v.a. atahaijeg. Hoarse, a. elipnes, mehti. Hoary, a. ahleuco. Hoist, v.a. imiaridjai. Hold, n. inmun nij. Hold, v.a. asjiraig. Hold by teeth, v.a. aces yi asjiraig. Hold, as in hand, v.a. alhe, apos. Hold fast, v.a. apro, arakei, avak- tit, are yi aktit. Hold, take hold of, v.a. acescas. Hole, n. inpan, inpai, inmun. Hole in ground, where earth has fallen in, n. nameri. Hole bored, n. inhed iran. Hole, make, as in septum of nose, Holed, a. ijo-ijo. [v.a. aharahar. Holes in cocoanut, n. nimtahugid. Hollow, a. ipjin. [inta uhau. Hollow place between reefs, n. Hollow of the hand, n. nakohiaig. Hollow in taro, n. nerumut. Hollow make, v.a. aided. Hollowed out, as socket, a. ipjilai. Holy, a. itap. Home, n. nimnim o un tali. Honest, a. inveijec. Honour, v.a. ecen. [nupseduon. Hoof, ii. nehenaga, or nihinagai Hook, fish, n. incauaij. Hope, v.a. aitgaig. Horizon, n. narasin jap, nohun Horn, 11. nipat. [jap. Horrible, a. er imtitaig alupas Horror, n. nimtitaig alupas. fvaig. Horseman,??, natimiateuc irai hors. Hose, or hosen, n . incetpon neduon . Hospitable, a. alaa atimi, adcijaig, kuhmulin. Hospital, n. niimai mehe. Host, n. natimi alaan tab itai. HOS ( 158 ) IMP v.n. aunyanwaig, ahar. Host, n. inpak an nedoa, ilpu euc- supo. [acen. Hosts, Lord of, n. Ihova esjilid Hostage, n. natimi asitu iran tah. Hostile, a. etiokawai. etiakowai. Hostile, make hostile parties, v.a. edo etiokowai. [acas. Hot, a. ehri, ihri, ihlup, ere, cas, Hot, as an oven, a. etig. Hot, as stones for an oven, «.aplo. Hough, v.a. atai, ucsamud nalkan Hour, 11. nuarin nadiat. [neduon. House, n. neom, niim. House, temporary, n. niim wudig, niim uriicai. House, public house in village, n. intiptag. [nerakga. House, reed house for fowls, n. Household, n. imp au nirnnim. Hovel, n. tup neom. How ? ad. auo ? eh ? echamecha ? How, and, ad. urn uauo ? [ehv ? Howbeit, conj. ja. How can ? ad. auaneve. How Hug, v.a. atalcauji. Hug as a child, v.a. aijijucha. Huge, a. alupas. Hull of a ship, n. nesga nelcau. Humble, a. upoupo, ipjidipjid inliinmopon. Humble, v.a. imiasuol, auahas. Hunger, n. numlaig, iuceij u umlaig. Hunger any one, v.a. mahrek. Hungry, a. ehtele yin, ahvig nitai caig, amud, isji. Hunt, v.a. ahilek itai eklim edo Hurl, v.a. asji, ethaig. [irai pece. Hurricane, n. nehio. Hurry, v.a. ika yi auroauro, ehlig. Hurry, v.n. efatgaig. Hurt, v.a. auahas, ago tah nedo has, abli, iris. Hurt not, v.a. imitakehke. Hurt, receive as a, v.a. auah. Husband, n. natamnyu un, nat- umno un. Husband and wife, n. atmehgan. Husbandman, n. natimi ahapol. Husk, 11. narasin, nehgin. Husk, v.a. achem. Hymn, singing of, n. nohranitai. Hymn, words of, n. nugnyin nohranitai, nucnin nohranitai. Hypocrisy, n. nefaifa. Hypocrite, n. natimi efaifa. I, pr. ainyak. Ice, n. inwai meret. Idiot, n. natimi ahnag. Idle, a. tup amen, esjum. Idly, talk, v.a. ehiaical. Idol, n. natmasimai. If, conj. el. Ignite, v.a. atni. Ignominy, n. nehcamai. Ignorant, a. eti ato, isuol irai, 111, a. has. [apat inliinmopon. Ill, treat relations, v.a. agahas. Illuminate, v.a. ago lah. Image, n. nalmuitai, natmasimai. Image, molten, n. natmasimai eris ahtitiri. Image, graven, n. natmasimai eris wud ugnyit Imagine, v.a. aktaktai. [mana. Imitate, v.a. ago idivaig, agaka- Imitate voice, v.a. auoh tas. Immediately, ad. tupko,an nopan inig, auroauro. Immense, a. alupas acen. Immodest, a. has, acitaacera. Immortal, a. inyi eti mas. Immovable, a. inuahka. Immutable, a. iuyi eti eche, aktit, ipjin. Impatient, a. ipjiecek. Impart, v.a. alupai, ahtai. Impediment, n. nitai atapanes. Impediment in speech, n. pop. Impenitent, a. ipjin. Imperious, a. edemda. Implacable, a. eti eropse, erucai. Implore, v.a. ugyi. Importunate, a. imiisjis. Importunity, n. nimiisjis. Impose, v.a. ati. Impossible, a. ehka, ev, ehv. Impotent, a. auatialidi. [timi. Impoverish, v.a. ika yi ihkin na- IMP ( 159 ) INT Imprison, v.a. ati an ncom ipjin. Improper, a. niaumau, eti upene. Impudent, a. imtedoa, cti ecen, eti ehcaniai. Impute, v.a. ilea et o nn tali. In, prep, an, anliin, irai, eraili. In, far, as in a cave, ad. uhca. Inasmuch as, co/ij. va nitai inig nikavaig. Incense, >t. nitai auanipin upene. Incite, v.a. eipai. Incline, v.n. merit, atau. Incline the car. r./i. atgeig pam Inclose. r.a. arched. [intikgau. Inconsistent, a. auorobotpotedo. Incontinency, //. nauatialidl Incorruptilile, a. inyi eti mutit. Increase, v.n. amaijeijig, edcl, alupas. Increase a lit lie, ;•./;. auata alupas. Increase regularly, r.n. eldati pan. Increase very much, v.n. eucueti pan. Incredible, a. ehka par imiisjis. Incurable, a. ehka par ago mah. Indebted, a, eti aru. Indeed, ad. tarn, taam, pam, idim, jak. mun, maroni, ya, sjak. Indignation, n. intavaitap, ne- Indite, v.a. asaig. [demda. Induce, v.a. eipai. Industrious, a. ecen an nauritai. Inexcusable, a. ehka intasvaig. Infallible, a. inveijec. Infamous, a. has esjilid, heshas. Infant, n. inhalav, inhadi, nasusu. Inferior, a. npoupo. Infidel, n. natiini imiisjLs nahcil. Infinite, a. alupas acen. Infirmity, n. nauatialidi. Inflame, v.a. ago ahnag, ehlai. Inflamed, as gums, a. ahurhona. Inflammation, n. nemehe cap, Inflict, v.a. ati. [nafoc. Inllict evil, v.a. amegha (atimi). Influence, n, nemda. Influenza, n. inheuligidga, inheu- Infold, v.a. ahiaig. [ligidjin. Inform, v.a. asuptecnaig, ahiyi, aholai, imiahraig. Information, n. intesrei, intcs- Inhabit, v.a. amen iran. [tesrei. Inhabitant, n. nup an. Inhale, v.a. ehcipinid. Inherit, v.a. ohuun, isjeupigmoig. Inheritance, 11. nitai ohuun, nua- rin amen iran. [man. [niquity, n. nedo has, nedo niau- Injure, v.a. auahas, ehke. Injure by disease, v.a. auah tali an nuaiin. Injure growing food, v.a. gara. Injure, do not, v.a. tak ehke. Injustice, ;?. nedo eti atoh, nedo Ink. u. imvai apig. [acalacal. Inland, ad. itaho, pahai, igca- pahai. Inland man, to. nup itaho. Inland, go, r.n. apahai. Inland, thither, ad. pahaiko. Inland, hither, ad. pahaimi. Inn, n. intiptag. Inner, prep, anliin. [has. Innocent, a. upene, eti ago nedo Innumerable, a. ehka nesvivaig. Inordinate, a. emda acen, alupas acen. Inquire, v.a. ahodaig, ahilek. Inquisition, n. nahilek. Inscription, n. intas eris aged. Inside, n. inliin, inmopon. In^ide of a box, n. inmopon. Insolent, a. asjasji, apjineucan. Inspect, v.a. adpau. Inspiration, n. nahu intas iran. Insist, v.n. asjis, imiisjis, imiide- jiji, miakaikai. Instant, a. emda. Instruct, v.a. esege. Instrument, ?i. nitai ago vaig. Insurrection, n. nedoa, inyaat, nehtauo. Integrity, n. nedo inveijec. Intelligence, n. nato itai. Intemperate, a. umnyi alupas Iutcnd, v.a. ika yi ago. [kava. Intent, n. naktaktai, nitai. Intentional, a. ethetiknaig, in- hotocnaig. [naig. Intentional, not, a. eti ethetik- Intercede for, v.a. ugyi, imiaras. Interest, n. nigyi, nitai elcd. Intermeddle, v.n. ecetai. Intermit, v.n, atumop. INT ( 1 60 ) KIL Intermittent fever, n. newciyu neyueyu. Intermitting, a. deilig umnyi. Interpose, v.a. ahtaipup, imiaras. Interpret, v.a. aliidan tas, asup- tecnaig. [tin, pi. Intestine, n. nauintin, sing., aui- Intestines, small, n. nicvanpak. Intoxicated, a. ahnag vai kava. Intrude, v.n. tup ispun apan. Intuitively, ad. ispun. Inundation, n. talulu. Invade, v.a. apaahni, ati nedoa. Invalid, n. natimi emehe. Invent, v.a. ecetai, ago. Invert, v.a. aparaig. Invisible, a. eti ecetai. Invite, v.a. imiacaij. Inward, ad. anliin. Inwards, n. nauitin. Iron, n. inhat. Iron, v.a. (as clothes), arabid. Irony, n. intas auyat. Irregular, as in attendance at school, a. isvadiat, ohma. Irrigate, v.a. opoh, atai inwai o Is, v.n. et. [un. Is this, v.n. eap, ap. [pece. Isle, island, n. nakli pece, nalvi Issue, n. naridarid, nahlamerai. Issue, n. ilpu hal o un tah. Issue, v.n. ahes. It, pron. aien, o un. Itch, n. nehias. Itching, a. aceigceig. Its, pron. o un. Here it is ; this is it, eap igki. There it is : that is it, eap nai. It, I did not go to it, ek eti apau jak un. Jagged, as with nails, a. medei- Jagged, a. upamupam. [medei. Jail, n. neora ipjin. Jar, n. nipjinitai. Jaw-bone, n. neduon nahpan. Jaw-tooth, n. nuctan. Jealous, a. oporei. Jeer, v.a. imiafakahcil. Jeopardy, n. ubutpotet nohocred. Jest, n. intas auyat. Jest, v.n. asan tas auyat. Jewels, n. niji itai esjilid. Jingle, v.a. ehgya. Join, v.a. aucjopticnaig, ehcil iran, tau, ehtahgin, acaijehgaig. Join to, or adjoining, v.n. isgeig pan. Join to him, v.a. leh imi yin. Join end to end, v.a. adgai, adgei, ahtadgai, ahtadgei, ahtehgaig, atehgaig. Join two things, or plait, v.a. ahvapicnaig ero. Joint, n. nedyelcei. Joint, out of, a. esjiliek. Joint of thigh, n. nigin yau. Joints of loins, n. nehtag vai yin. Joke, v.n. imiedo, ehiaical, ehti jipe. Joke, in a good sense, v.n. auoh iran. Joke, in a bad sense, v.n. imia- fakahcil, auyat. Jot, n. nidan tintin. Journey, n. natga, inrohod. Journey, v.n. atga an nefalaig. Joy, n. nimiacitak, incediaig. Judge, v.a. tas alep, almaijidjid, asuptecnaig neruvaig. Judgment, n. neruvaig. Juice n. (of any plant), nidin, inwah iran. Jump, v.n. eliaujai, eliliaujai. Junction, a place of, n. intau. Jurisdiction, n. nelcau o un tah. Just, a. atoh. Justice, n. nedo atoh. Justify, v.a. ikaet atoh nedo oun. Justle, v.a. atapnes jipe. K Keel, n. nidjan nelcau. Keep, v.a. aminjiuaig, ahpaadaig. Keep off, v.a. ja. Kernal, n. nesgan. Kick, v.a. auhi, atgeig pan. Kid, n. nakli nanin. Kidney, n. nohwanispeheg. Kill, v.a. atgei, aat irai, acjapidai, KIL ( 161 ) T.AS ahlapadaig, auah tali an miariu, auud yi apidai. Kill a person on death of another, ;i^ woman on death of husband, i-.a. aputu, apotu. [asis. Kill a man in honour of dead, v.a. Kill, as by poisoning (rats), v.a. ahni incedo. Kill, do. (other animals), v.a. ahtapidai. Kin, kindred, n. ilpu atimi ehpan Kind, a. nohotpot. [iran. Kind, every, n. niji ohotpot it;ii. Kind, a. upene, aiheuc, ahta, Kine, n. kurimatan. [kuhmulin. Kindle, v.a. adnan, atni. Kindle ends of sticks, v.a. arisiaig. Kindness, u. nedo aiheuc, naiheuc. King, a. natimarid. Kingdom, n. nelcau. Kiss. v.a. aijumnyi, admoi. Knead, v.a. aplamod, amak. Knee, n. nijin neduon, neijin ned- uon, neijin widwud. Kneel, v.n. etceijisji, atpuse, aduwi neduon, asvahteuc ned- uon, aduwi niji eduon. Knife, n. nau itoga. Knife, shutting, naife asvahteuc. Knit, v.a. aktit. Knock, v.a. etcetcei. Knop, n. uuptin. Knot, n. nuptin, nehtit. Knot, a hard, n. nehtitmi. Knot, a loop, n. nohwijohwij iran. Knot, as end of thread, v.a. aktop- tisiaig, ehtet. Knots, take oil" knots from trees, v.a. etuptin. Knotty, a. uptinuptin. Know, v.a. ato. Know, how, v.a. interrog. ? evato? Know well, v.a. iji ato, ato lelen, ato inliinmopon. Know fully, v.a. mihtimihti. Know, I do not, v.a. kihi, mihi, jihi. Know, not know where things are, whether right or wrong, V.a. ejipanjipan, ijipanjipan. Knowledge, u. nato itai. Known, a. acreh. Labour, n. nauritai. Lack, v.a. ti. Lad, n. intakuras. Ladder, n. nefalaig, nafurafeta, Lade, v.a. atijai. [naforofata. Lady. /(. intakata esga atimi. Lake, ;/. in jap haklin, netpeiiAvai. Lamb, /(. nakli siip. Lame. //. asvahteuc neduon, sin;/.. isvehteuc neduon, pi., has ned- uon. [idau. Lame through weakness, a. idau- Lament, v.n. taig, aunyauwaig. Lament, V.a. imitaig. Lamentation, n. intas taigtaig. Lamp, n. incap alahala. Lance, n. inmopul. Land, n. inpece. Land, large piece of, n. nefcpece. Land, n. small piece of, nakhpece. Land, dry, without water, n. ucda mesei. Land, dry, to he irrigated, ?>.nauji. Land, newly planted with taro, n. nehtumta. [n. umaatmas. Land of the spirits, or of the dead, Land, planted or under cultiva- tion, n. uman. Land, by or on, ad. uhos. Land, go by, v.n. atga ubos. Landslip, n. intite. Landward, go, v.n. apahai. Lane, n. nimteri nefalaig. Language, n. intas. Languish, v.n. auatialidi, emehc. Lap, 11. nuarin napelumai. Lap, v.a. umwig an nikman, eh- Lapwing, n. nupupa. [talad wai. Laid, ;;. nagako. Large, a. alupas. [wha. Large, grow as a tree, v.n. ehlana- Largely, as give, v.a. ef alupas. Lasciviousness, n. nacitak. Last, a. apitac, ehnaijai, eneijai. This is the last day, a. nadiat eneijai nigki. Finish a voyage, v.a. apahai ehnaijai. Last, lake away the last of any- thing, v.a. araahon, arahon. L LAT ( 162 ) LIE Latchet, n. nelitit. Late, ad. an nepig. Latter, a. apitac. Lattice, n. nan. Laud, v.a. imiahpas. Laugh, v.n. laav, lav. Laugh loud, v.n. ehehei. Laugh at, with scorn, v.a. imilaav. Laugh, make, v.a. echedeliek, echedelial. [jap. Launch, v.a. atcijaig, apok an Laver, n. nipjinitai vai inwai. Lavish, v.a. ahtai. Law, n. intas alep. Lawful, a. upene. mihta, eti Lay, v.a. ati se. [itap. Lay above something, as stones, v.a. ahtijiraig, ahtai jiraig. Lay down, as rollers for a boat, v.a. esjaig. Lay open, as a roof, v.a. asva- Lay upon, v.a. anivai. [jeijei. Lay waste, v.a. uhpoditai wihi- epelaig. Lay, as eggs, v.a. ahad, udei. Lazy, a. esjnin. Lead, v.a. atau, asjaaicnaig. Leaf, n. nerin ; leaves, neri itai. Leafless, a. rere. League, n. intas etipup. Leak, v.n. elel, aheuc. Lean, a. erek; sing., erekrek, pi., apaijapaij. Lean, applied to fish, a. arac. Lean, v.n. asgeig, aijisji. Lean on with one hand. v.n,. etceijisji. [ahpaijinaig. Lean against, as a wall, v.n. Lean upon, v.n. isec, iseuc, isjeuc. Lean over, v.n. ijiesjeuc. Leap, v.n. aliaujai, efarectidai. Leap upon, as animals, v.a. ahei. Leap over, v.a. ahtalgaunyi. Leap along, as a serpent, v.n. adia. Leap up, v.n. efarectidai. Learn, v.a. esege. Least, a. haklin acen. Leather, n. narasi kurimatau. Leave, v.a. udei, atcijaig, ahna, deijig. Leave, v.n. eipaijaig, eipujaig, melga. Leave off, v.a. udei pam. Leave, as sickness, v.a. edoaijaig. Leave a place, all without excep- tion, v.a. ahtause, ahtaacse. Leaves, withered, as of bananas, n. natuu. Leaves, for oven, n. nuka. Leaves to put food in, n. nilidie. Leavings of food, n. napu itai. Ledge, n. nahaijin. Lees, n. nehgin. Lee-side, n. nethan. Left, a. ahre, ahrei. Left-hand, n. inmauun. Left-handed, a. mo. Leg, n. neduon, nauanalak. Leisure, n. intup amen. Lemon, n. nip j id acen. Lend, v.a. ahtai mikaye adumoij. Length, n. nopra iran. Lentiles, n. nariko. Leprosy, n. namasaki. Less, a. eklim haklin, auata- haklin. Lest, conj. vai yi jim. Let, v.n. etmu. Letter, n. nitaasviitai. Level, a. adalamak, isjeucisjeuc, isjeuc asega. Level, v.a. ahumiaig, ahtahumiaig. Lever, n. nelhat. Levy, v.a. leh, asjapicnaig. Levy, n. nasjapicnaig, niji ira atimi. Lewd, a. has, eheshas. Lewdness, n. ingeijid, nedo has. Liberal, a. upene, ahtai. Liberty, n. namen upene. License, n. nadai intas. Lick, v.a. eluun, admoi. Lid, n. in tap nes. Lie, n. intas ahcil. Lie, v.n. asan tas ahcil. Lies, tell, v.a. imiesgei tas. Lie, declare what is said to be a, v.n. adwudwai. Lie, v.n. asjenc. Lie down, v.n. ate. Lie on back, v.n. asjeuc mit- jaahai. Lie longitudinally, v.n. elieig- elieig. LIE ( 163 ) LOO Lie in wait, v.a. atpaijinaig iniiiris. Lie, as a diseased man with a clean woman, v.n. lei lias. Lieutenant, n. natiini alapas. Life, n. nitai umoli iran. Lifeless, a. ido-ido. Lifetime, n. neteuc. Lift, v.a. alcaesei. Lift up, v.a. asjaig. Lift up, as hand, r.n. adaigjai. Lift up, as on a pole, v.a. ahrasjai. Lift up a little, v.a. alealcause. Light, >i. ialah. Light of anything, n. naijoran lah. Light, v.a. atni ; twilight, nah- cai mil mat. Light, give, v.a. ere. Light, a. aijaig, lah aijaig. Light, a. aiheucaiheuc, tehen- Lighted well, a. adela. Lighten, or make light, as a ship, v.a. arah. Lightning, n. nauwainapit. Lightning "without thunder, n. nahuwahwai Like, v.a. aiyu inliimopon. Like, a. idivaig, apapa. Likeminded, a. tuj> ethi ache inliinmopon. Likeness, n. nalinun. Likewise, ad. idim, uco, ucco. Like in voice, a. auarohrai. Like, act, v.a. edwig. Lily, n. intal eteuc, nahi eteuc. Limb, n. nuari noliun. Lime tree, n. nipjid accn. Lime, for huilding with, 11. nuhrei, 1111 prei. Lime pit, n. inniun nuhrei. Limit, 11. intid. Limit, v.a. asjaaicnaig. Limp, v.n. atga adjo. Line, n. inya. Line in reading, n. natah iran. Lineage, n. nahes iran tali. Linen, n. napelumai yilvil. Linger, V u. tup amen, eti li auro- auro, ecrap. [an neucse neom. Lintel, n. nauincai atgeig ijinies Lip, n. narasi nipjineucsen. Liquor, . nidin. List, v.n. merit. Listen, v.n. atahaijeg. Litter, n. nahat. Little, a. inhaklin. Little, ad. auata, inmihcit. Laugh a little, laav inmihcit. Little 'while, ad, tupko. Live, a. umoli. Live, v.n. umoli, sing, umumoh, Live unhappily, v.n. lei has. []>l. Live unmolested, v.n. adejai ra. Liver, n. inmopon, mopon. Living, as water, a. weiinu, waimu. Lizard, >i. nemesel, iiauighat, napav. Lizard, large, n. namopmop. Lo, inter, almoi. Load, v.a. atijai. Loaf, n. nareto. Loan, n. nitai tup ahtai eri aru. Loathe, v.a. esjum vaig. Loathe, v.n. igpalo. Lobster, n. nijvaig. Lock, v.a. ago ipjin. Lock of door, n. naui aiurn. Lock of hair, n. nuhud numri nidjinin, nahed. Lock-jawed, a. ijigahtu neijin. Locust, n. inheled. Lodge, v.n. amen. Loft, n. inlolan neom. Lofty, a. ijinies. [nehtag va atimi. Loins, ii. inpoijvan, inwauahid, Loins, cause pain in, v.a. acihi. Lonely, a. echini amen. Long, a. opra. Long, applied to time, a. laulau. Not long, eti laulau. Long for, v.a. merit. Long, as livelong, ad. elv, as elv Long ago, ad. ituacen. [amen. Long time to come, ad. 11111 itu Longsuffering. a. anaijiraig. [iran. Look, v.n. almoi, iasias. Look at, v.a. adpau, easpan, aespan, acidacid. [ehladpan. Look narrowly at, v.a. almuktii, Look out for, v.a. amatate, imiiin- Look round, v.n. hedidaig. [laiji. Look at for a while, follow with the eyes, v.a. aespan. Look for, v.a. iaspan, iasias. LOO ( 164 ) MAR Look towards, v. a. abecatoh, eucatoh. Look towards, or in front of, applied to things, as home, hill, v.n. lahpan. Lookup, v.n. etjetja. [inter, je. Look out, get out of the way, Loop, n. inpai itai, nahtehgaig. Loose, v.a. ahiyi. atlatla, apesrag, erigrag, ehrigrag. Loose, become, v.n. esjiliek. Loose, a. auhalauhal. Loose, as a tooth, a. umnyamai. Loose, not firm, as hair in a brush, a. umaramha, umhurumha. Loosed or broken, as cinet on roof, a. erigrag. Lop, v.a. atai, acaldei. [tikli cai. Lop, as small branches, v.a. ucsalad Lord, n. natimarid, natimi alupas. Lose, v.a. etjo, eipujaig. Lot, n. nitai asjaaicnaig. Lot, n. nuarin. Loud, a. ijinies, ef, as a prefix, Louse, n. necet, nicet. [acreh. Love, v.a. aiyu inliinmopon. Low, a. upoupo, ubo. Low, v.n. ilmu. Lower, v.a. imiasuol. Lower, v.n. aimoc, tanana, tanona. Lucre, n. nimtan, naga. Luggage, n. naga. Lukewarm, a. ahcyueyu. Lump, n. nuarin. Lump, as of a camel, n. napupu. Lunatic, a. ahnag. Lungs, n. inreruhut. Lure, v.a. eipai. Lurk, v.n. atpuh, imiiris. Lust, v.n. aktaktai has, merit has. Lust, n. nitai merit has. Lustre, n. naunau. Lusty, a. alupas. Luxury, n. incaig alupas. M Mad, a. ahnag. Maggot, n. nija, nimyeuv. Magician, n. natimi araces. Magistrate, n. natimi alupas, natimarid. Magnificence, n. natimi alupas o un tab, niji itai esjilid. Magnify, v.a. imiahpas. Maid, n. natahig. Maim, v.a. auahas nuari ohu atimi. [alkalka, ighin. Maimed, a. omot neduon ; in feet, Maimed, without an arm, a. nik- momot, nikmighin. Main, n. intupahuahau. Maintain, v.a. ago, aminjinaig. Maize, n. pakine. Majesty, n. natimi alupas u nati- marid. [imyi, imi. Make, v.a. ago, aua, auoh, ika, Make wind by tying small branches together, v.a. athai nimtinjap. Male, a. atamaig. Malefactor, n. natimi auatatimi. Malice, n. nedemda. Man, n. natimi, natamaig. Man, old, n. nefatimi. Man, young, n. intakuras. Man, inland, n. imp itaho. Manage, v.a. aminjinaig. Mandrake, n. inyehec. Mane, as of a horse, re. nesei. Manger, n. nelcau. Manifest, a. er ato. Manifold, a. acheiachei jipe. Manner, n. nedo obotpot. Mansion, n. neom, nuarin neom. Mantle, n. napelumai. Manure, n. nohok. Manure, v.a. aheh o un. Many, a. ahinag, elpat, elvelpat. Many times, a. ecilpat, ecahinag. Many, there are, v.n. uhpusjuc naico. Many, not, a. eti elpat, mini. Many, how, v.n. et ahedmahed. Mar, v.a. auahas. Marble, n. inhat ahi. March, v.n. atga. Mariner, n. natimi aheled. Mark, n. nuhri, nugnyin. Mark, v.a. asjaaicnaig. Mark with fire, v.a. etneijijei. Marks, make, v.a. acridacrid. Market, n. intiptag, nuarin as- japicnaig iran. MAR ( 165 ) MIL Marriage, act of, n. natidai. Marriage, state of, n. natmebgan. Marriage-feast, where food is cooked, /(. naticopon. [g&n. Marriageable relations. ». atmeb- Marrow, n. nugnin iieduou, nucni cduon. [ga". Marry, v. 11. atidai, asaig atmeh- Marry, applied to women only, v.n. lei, Lai. Marsh, n. inheno. Mart, u. nuarin ahtai itai iran. Martyr, n. natimi eratgei yiu vai uedo inveijec 1111. Marvel, V.n. iiniali. Mason, n. natimi actaigneom. Mast, n. inceen nepan. Master, ». natimi alupas. Mat, n. nap. napevak; of cocoannt leaf, neijip. .Match, n. inparei. Mate, n. napa o tin, etwan. Matrix, n. netgan. Matter, n. nitai. [nida. Matter, from a sore, n. inmakmak, Matter, of a boil, n. nehetan. Mattock, 11. nirak. Mature, a. ahmatahmat. Mature, of age, a. oboigmetto. Maul, 11. nitai autid vaig. Maw, n. incetpapu. May, may be, v.n. tup upene, Me, print., nyak. [etpu. Meadow, k. uobobtan aiyu, nuarin Meaning, //. nesgan tas. [marara. Meaning, give, <\a. aibi yiupdi- Means, n. nedo. [craig. Measure, v.a. asjaaicnaig, Meat, n. nitai caig, nitai begaig. Meddle, v. a. atau, eramen, ahilek. Mediate, v.a. imiee jipe. Mediator, n. natimi asan nigpa, natimi imiee. Medicine, n. inwai emehe. Medicine, work as opening, v.a. etedcliek iran. Mend, as tbatch, v.a. ehilig iran. .Mem 1, as a net, or holes in clothes, v.a. ohpuri, uhpuri. Menstruate, v.n. aiheuc lelicai (forbidden word). Menstruation, n. nemehe irai ilpn takata (good word). Menstruation, n. namatna (for- bidden word). Mention, v.a. aniv. Merchant, 11. natimi ahtai itai. Mercy, n. naibeuc. Merled, a. ejapig, eijapig. Merry, a. acitak, imiacitak. Meshes, n. nekpuma. Mess, n. incet tal, nuarin nitai cai^ r , nahaijin nitai caig. Messenger, n. natimi ehced, na- timi leh intas. Metaphor, n. intas ecsipece. Mete, v.a. asjaaicnaig. Meteor, n. nidil. Mew, v.n. nyau. Midday, n. nadiatadiat. Middle, a. juju, nillan, nijig. Middle-aged, a. oboigmetto. M iddle-sized, a. auata ban inulini. Middle of body, n. inwauahid. Middle one of tbree children, //. nijig an natimi. Middle of stick, light, v.a. atnalde. Midnight, n. nijig an nepig. Midnight, before, n. umutmuj an Midriff, 11. intapnes. [nepig. Midst, ]>ri])., n. juju, niblan. Midst, go through the, v.a. tiblai- tibla. Midwife, v. intakata aminjinaig Might, n. nemda. [naposvaig. Might be, v.n. etniu. [niihta. Mi.u r ht be, what is proper, a. Milch cow, x. kurimatau er leh nideuided iran. MIL ( 1 66 ) MOU Mild, a. eropse, igpa, updak. Mildew, n. inmemid irai itai. Milk, n. nidenided. Mill, n. nitai irara. Mimic, v.a. amtira, umtim. Mimosa, n. iiaherumoig. Mince, v.n. eliaujaiaiheucaiheuc. Mind, n. inliinmopon. Mind, v.a. aktaktai, ahilek. Mind, never, v.n. er nauo. Mine, n. nuarin amen itai iran. Mine, pron. unyak. Mingle, v.a. pelaig, pelaigpelaig. Minister, n. naheca. Minstrel, n. natimi ahlai nan. Miracle, n. nauritaiehka, nanritni Mirage, n. nalmunwai. [esjilid. Mire, n. nosal. Mirth, n. nimiacitak. Miry, a. janjal. Miscarry, v.a. apos has. Mischief, n. nitai has, nedoarin. Miserable creature, n. haklin n a tin as. Misery, n. nohocred, namen has. Mislead, v.a. ahiyek, imiahnag. Miss, not to find where expected, v.a. ahijighei. Miss, as a mark, v.a. acjaliak, ahtaliek. Miss, mark as a club, v.a. auud yi aliek. Mist, n. inmosso, narupoig. Mistake, v.a. ahcil. Mistake one person for another, v.a. tatimi iran. Mistress, n. intakata atimi alnpas. Misused, a. agahas. Mitre, n. incat adgaig. Mix, v.a. pelaig, pilaig, atpilaig, pilwaig. [atencse bili. Mixed, ad. "bili ; sit mixed, Mixed well, a. adauihi, asjan (wai iran). Mixture for pigs' food, n. nupu. Moan, v.n. edgednarai. Mock, v.a. auyat, imiafakahcil, afakamana, amtim, anoh tas. Moderation, n. nedo erop. Modest, a. upene. Moist, a. opoh, mulmul. Mollify, v.a. ago yi updak. Moment of death, n. nuarin nad- iat dikjai. Month, n. inmohoc. Monument, n. inmun nij. Moon, n. inmohoc. Moon, new, n. nupyihet. Moon, a quarter old, n. tilaconai. Moon, full, n. tilcenayi, ehtele- ceinayi. Moon, last quarter, n. epigjai iran. Moon, clear part of, when first seen, n. erinmerei. Moonlight, n. alabala. Moor, as vessel to a quay, v.a. athai natautuku. More, a. esjilid. Moreover, conj. im lep inig. Morning, n. nuhialeg. Morning, early in, 11. nuhihialeg. Morning, very early in, n. nahra- rin nepig. [apohod pan. Morning, near, rc.nathut an nadiat, Morphew, or fretted spot, w. tilag, Morrow, 11. imraig. [ehtilag. Morsel, n. nuarin. Mortal, a. inyi mas. Mortar, n. nipjinitai, — nuhrei, nuprei. Mortgage, v.a. atcijaig. Mosquito, ii. inyum. Moss, ii. nillum. Most, a. ahinag acen. Most, n. nahaijin alupas. M^ote, ii. nahrin itai. Moth, 11. nages, mokemoke. Moth, large, 11. natmas ikta. Motheaten, a. ages, sing., ages- Mother, n. risin. [ages, pi. Mother, applied to lower animals, n. nikirite. ^Motionless, sit, v.n. umjili. Mouldy, a. ejapig, alupahod, eh- lupahod, Mound of earth for yams, n. na- puke. Mount, v.??.. aridjai. Mountain, low, n. neduon. Mountain, high, n. nau. Mourn, v.n. taig, ehtigtaig, imi- taig, aclel. Mourning of men, n. infakatotau. Mourning of women, n. intaig tas. MOU ( 167 ) NEK Mouse, a. incedo haklin. Mouth, >i. neuOsen, nipjincucscn. Mouth of a river, n. inyehpok. Mouthed, open, a. ahco. Month, put quick iuto, v.a. ala- pau irau. Mouth, roof of, n. nahan. Mouths, make, v.a. eucsaurij, ahuumpik. Move, v.n. atga, ahcatina, eh- teitas, amaamai. Move, as water, v.n. ucreucre. Move water, v.a. asuca inwai. Move from side to side, v.n. ecrei- ecrei. Move clear, as door not touching iloor, v.n. amaamai, ecreiecrei. Move, as a child in the womb, v.n. ecreiecivi. Mow, v.a. ucsei. .Much, a. alapas. Much, speak, v.n. ecrisecris tas. Mud, n. nosal. Muddy, a. mak. Muffler, n. napelumai adahpoi nauinwan. Multiply, v.a. ecahinag. Multitude, 11. natimi ahinag. Munition, n. nuarin ehka. Murder, v.a. atgei atmas, asjig has. Murder, do not, v.a. jim asjig has. Murmur, v.n. tas upoupo, edemda, ehti, ulikulik. Murrain, n. nemehe has. Muscle, n. nohodcin. .Muse, v.n. aktaktai. Music, u. nahlai itai, nohranitai. Musical, a. mika yi ahlai iian. Musket, n. kapau. Must, v.n. idim, eris idim ika, etidim, ethi idim ika. Must, I ; or I really will, v.n. ek ethi idim ika. Muster, v.a. asjapicnaig. Mute, a. pop. Mutter, '•.//. tas taliek. Mutual, it. jipe sjipe. Mutually, oa.pijaig; do not give the one's to the other, jim leh My, pron. unyak. Mystery, n. nitai adenaig. N Nail, of finger or toe, n. nenagai, or nihinagai au nupsikman, or mi]>seduon. Nail, v.a. etcijiraig. Naked, a. tup atga. Nakedness, n. nohun, intup atga Name, n. nidan. [o 1111. Name, v.a, aniv, anvi nidan, imianiv, opoh nidan. Name one person after another, v.a. asi nidan. Namesake, n. nilpun nidan. Namely, conj. nikavaig. Narrow, a. ehroehro, acreacre, eliglip irau. Nation, ». nup, nelcau. Native, a. eris apos yin iran. Natural, a. atoh. Nature, n. nesgan halav. Naught, a. takitai has. Nautilus(Portuguese man-of-war), n. nagdan yau. Nave, n. nuarin juju. Navel, n. nofon. Navel cord, n. nopoh. Navy, n. niji elcau. Nay, ad. o'o. Near, a. ubutpotet, jusei. Near the shore, ad. tarere. Nearly all taken away, a. umrig- Necessary, a. upene. [rig. Necessity, n. nedo eris idim ika eri ago. Neck, 11. nauinwan, inhujinwan. Need, v.n. ti. Need, v.a. merit. Needy, a. ihki atimi. Neglect, v.a. udei, eti aktaktai, gara. Neglect till useless or lost, v.a. v.n. aldaduan. Neigh, v.n. ilmu. Neighbour, n. natimi ehlaamnem. Neither, conj. urn, ka, jim. Nephew, 11. nohwan, nohwanig o un. Nest of a bird, n. nasiom. Nest of a rat, n. inhelel. Nest of an insect, n. incedpun. NET ( 1 68 ) OFF Net, drag, n. nopoig. Net, basket, n. nopoi. Net, short, n. nopoigauma. Net, small, n. naule. Net, make, v.a. ehtet or ehtit. Net, sticks in, n. nadau. Nether, a. sepamki, ithan. Network, n. ijo-ijo, nilidie. Never, ad. inyi eti lep ti. Nevertheless, conj. ja. New, a. mat. News, n, intas. Next, a. asgeig pan, iyek. Next, or horn next to, a. jusei. Nibble, as fish at a bait, v.a. kalu- mupieig. [word. Nice, a. tite, or intitn, a child's Niece, n. nohwan, nohanig o un. Nigh, ad. ubutpotet. Night, 11. nepig. Nip, v.a. ucsapni. Nippers, n. napro itai, nitai apro Nipple, n. nisipiai nadin. [itai. Nit, n. naiad iran. No, ad. eti, o'o. Noble, a. upene, esjilid. Nod, v.n. ucjim pan, auhohoig. Noise, n. inmotjan. Noise of bats, n. kiik. Noise, make a great, v.a. recrec- Noisome, a. heshas. [tidai. None, n. eti. Noon, n. nadiatadiat. Noose, n. nimtan nileuc. Noose, v.a. alcei. North wind, n. narutu. North-east wind, n. narutu mato- ga, natahan an jap. North-west wind, n. natokaran. North-north-west wind, n. nepe- rahajm. North-east-east wind, n. natoga matahau an jap, natoga an nauunse. Nose, n. ingidjin. Nose ornament in septum, n. nepit. Nose, blow, v.a. ago inheuligidja. Nostril, ii. inmnn gidjin. Not, ad. ti, eti, ati, atih. Not, do, ad. jim, tak. I do not know, kihi, mihi. Notable, a. esjilid. Notch, on upper end of fishdiook to fasten line on, n. nevag. Note, v.a. aged, asjaaicnaig. Nothing, n. intivaig, eti tab. nitai. It is impossible but that there will be, et ehka intivaig. Notwithstanding, conj. ja, jam. Nourish, v.a. alaa. Novice, n. natimi tupko. Now, ad. an nopan inig. Now, as, ad. hiski, huski. Now, just now, ad. ko. Number, n. numera. Number, v.a. esvi. Nurse, n. intakata aminjinaig. Nurse, v.a. aminjinaig, upj in. Nurture, n. nesege. Nut, n. nohwai itai. O O, interj. ak. (Jar, 11. nehev, nehiv. Oath, n. intas aktit. Obeisance, n. natpuse, necen. Obey, v.a. atahaijeg, imiaiji. Object, n. nitai. Object, v.a. atijai iran, imiisijis- Oblation, n. nitai ahlap. [itai. Obscene, a. has. Obscure, a. apat, auoc, eimoc. Obscure, as with smoke or clouds, a. acnapnes. Observe, v.a. aminjinaig, apos, Obstinate, a. ipjin. [almoi. Obstruct, v.a. atapnes. Obtain, v.a. leh. Occasion, v.a. ika, ago, ati no- Occupation, n. nauritai. [huun, Occupy, v.a. aheca iran. Occur, v.n. eteuc. Ocean, n. injap, namilvai, intup- Ochre, n. intan. [ahu-ahau. ( >dd, a. eti atoh, eled. Odious, a. amcel vaig. Odour, n. nauanipin, nipin. Of, prep, o, u, an, irai. Off', ad. pan. Off, get off a reef, ad. atecradi se an moije. Offence, n. nedo has. OFF ( 169 ) OUT Offend, /v. auuhas iifliinmopon, ago nedo has. Offer, v.a. ahlap, alupai. Offering, n. nitai ahlap. ( Ifficc, /'. aauritai. Officer, n. natimi alupas, naheca. Offscooring, n. intakitai, nohok. Offspring, n. ilpu bal o 1111, ilpu mapon. Oft, oftentimes, ad. eeahinag, ehcilpat. ( >il, >>. narakei, nide yau, nide mu. Ointment, //. nitai aspi. Old, a. mohtan, umrag, itu, efa- timi, mecuc. Old age, 71. inyisinpa o un. Olive-coloured, a. aveucaveuc. Omit, v.a. ndei. Omnipotent, a. emda acen. On, prep, an, irai, inliin, iraili. Once, ad. ecethi. One, a. ethi. [pan. One by one, ad. atliiathi, eldati One by one, come, v.n. auhoig nyamuil. Only, a, ad. ecliem, ache. Only, there is one only, ad. anpuh naico. open, v.a. ahtopdicraig, asalgei. Open wide, v.a. afarafa, alkau, alkaualkau, alcaualcau. Open, as a basket, v.a. acahi, asal- < )pen, as a book, v.a. algei. [gei. Open, as the mouth, v.a. ahag, ahco, aajakowai. Open, as a clasp knife, t'.a.alcopso. Open, as an embankment, v.a. iligre, alamud. Open, as an abscess, v.a. alapde. < ►pen, as a small buil, v.a. atopse. < (pen, as clods of earth, v.a. ahlo yi opso. ( (pen, as lid of box, v.a. ahiupso. ( tpen out, as clothes, v.a. esviyi. Open, as a leaf, v.n. algei uerin, elgei, elelgei, elegelege. Open, or shrunk, penly, ad. an nuhup. Operation, n. nauritai. ( »f>iTculuin, used for brooches, white, n. nudaigdil. Operculum, used for brooches, green, //. nudaigwuc. Opinion, n. uaktaktai. Opportunity, n. nopan, napan. Oppose, v.a. imiisjis, adwudwai, adwo. Oppose, as the gospel, v.a. egegei. Opposite to, a. ahecatoh. ( ipposite to, set, v.a. atetwan. Oppress, v.a. ehcerucai, agahas, Or, conj. ka. [eigeigi, ehtipidai. < )i not, conj. ka o'o. Oracle, n. iutas, nuarin et amen iran a Atua. Orange, ;;. nipjid aiyu. Oration, ». intas asuptecnaig. Orchard, n. nokoro vai cai oho. Orchid, n. nilamese. Ordain, v.a. ati, sing., ikni. pi. Order, n. intas alep, uesyei. Order, v.a. tas alep, ohrai. Order, lay in, v.a. achiaig. Order, place in, v.a. ehcai, esyei, esiaig, isianata iran. [potpot. Order, it is placed in, v.n. et eteuc Order, not in, ad. upudupud. Ordinance, n. intas ati, nitai ati, intas alep. Organ, n. inhutlavlav, natarau. Origin, n. nohuun, natupun. Orion, 11. Nclcau. ( Prion's hand, red star in, n.. necye. Ornament, ?>. nitai yecrei. < irphan, n. numnyij. Other, a. eche, intaka. Ouch, n. inmun. Ought, n. nitai. Ought, v.n. eris idim ika. Our, pron. uja, unyima. Ourselves, pron. akaija, aijama. Out, ad. ijo, itac. Outcast, n. nohna. Outgoing, or boundary, n. nilpun, naridjai, nete. Outlandish people, v. nup urai Outrageous, a. atavaitap. [pece. Outrigger, n. nikmeij, nikmaig. Out of the way, look out, interj. 'y. Outside of, n. tidjin, intidjin. Outside of a box, n. incchen. Outside of a dish, n. inyipin, nipjinitai itac. OUT ( 17° ) PAR Outside of a house, ad. ijo. Outside of a fence, ad. itae. Outstretched, a. ada. Outward, ad. itac. Oven, n. inmun-uum. Over, prep, an, ira, irai. Over, ad. eled. Over, as past or finished, a. edei- Overburden, v.a. ehtipidaig. [jaig. Overcome, v.a. esjilid iran. Overdrive, v.a. asgi pan enida. Overflow, v.a. ahgarero, ahec, aheuc, atah. Overflow, as water dammed up, v.a. ehlaujai, atahedid. Overlap, v.a. eliglip. Overlay, v.a. adanpoi, ahtaijiraig. Overlive, v.a. union um apitac. Overloaded, a. ehteijelmoi. Overmuch, a. esjilid. Overpass, v.a. esjilid, ahtaregdei. < )verpast, a. ti pan itac. Overplus, n. nuarin et eled. Overrun, v.a. ahtaregdei, auahas. Overrunning, a. esjilid. Oversee, v.a. aminjinaig. [than. Overshadow, v.a. ahelmon, aibu- Overshoot a mark, v.a. acjaregdei. Overspread, v.a. apaahni. Overtake, v.a. uhum pan, uhum pam, yetpan, yetpam. Overthrow, v.a. auahas, ahidaig, ahtalicraig. Overturn, v.a. mihidai, mehidai, amijatpuh, ahtaijiraig. Overwhelm, v.a. ataluopni. Owe, v.a. eti aru. Owl, n. nalidmot. Owl, small, n. karevareva. Own, v.a. ohuun. Owner, n. natimi ohuun. Ox, n. kurimatau. Pace, n. natga. Pacify, v.a. asa nigpa, ethoi. Tack up and leave, as a house, Package, n. inrau. [v.a. ahua. Paddle, n. nehev. Paddle, v.a. ahelecL Page, n. nahajin nitaasviitai. Pain, n. nemda, nohocred. Pain, exclamation of, intern, epe. Pain, bear, well, v.a. atahijgaig. Pain, free from, a. eropse, adeijai yin. Pained, a. opleoplec has, ruiul, ehci. [netgan. Pained in bowels, a. eceije nipji- Pained, as in childbirth, a. ahka irai inhal o un, ahoacni. Paint, v.a. aspj. Paint the whole face, v.a. athapni nesganimtan. Paint the lower part of the face, v.a. aged nesganimtan. Pair, n. ero, eraigki, ohwat. Palace, 11. nimnim atimi. Pale, a. yag, ahi. [hiaig. Palm of hand, n. nikman, nako- Palm-tree, n. neag, nakoai. Palpitate, v.n. agaigai. [mahe. Pandanus leaf, n. inmehei, in- Pandanus leaf, green, n. nerin cat. Pandanus leaf, prepared, n. nevak. Pang, n. nahka, nohocred. Pan's pipes, n. natarau. Pant, v.?t.mopmop, ahvig, lelesjai. Pap, n. nadan, nasipiai nadan. Parable, n. intas ecsipece, intas eti ahaijeg. [naig anvateri. Parables, speak in, v.n. anvade- Paramour, n. natamnyu un. Parasite that grows on whales, n. Parcel,??, nohud, nuhod. [nidinitiv. Parched, a. ipjin, mismesei. Parchment, n. narasi kurimatau. Pardon, v.a. ohpodohpod ncdo has, eti aru. Pare, v.a. ucsei, adi. Pare oft* rind, v.a. ucsiligei. Parent, n. atmil. Parlour, n. neoni ateucse. Part, ?i. nuarin. Part, v.a. eipaijaig, eipujaig. Partake, v.a. asipiai. Partaker, n. natimi asipiai, na- timi atau, natimi ago. Partial, a. acalacal, eti atoh. Particular, a. ache, asega. Parting of way, n. nihtag u efa- Partition, n. natcai. [baig. PAR ( i?i ) PER Partition of reeds, ». nowar. Partner, n. natinii atau. Party, n. niji ira atimi. Party, one in the war, ». intak an nedoa, nahaijin tak edoa. Pass, v.n. atga, apan. [dei. Pass by, v.a. ahtaregdei, aihareg- Pasa away, as water, v.n. ata. Pass over or through a country, v.a. ahced Lnpece. Pass through, as thread through eye of needle, v.a. amiliak. Pass wind backwards, v.a. aca- daliak, adel. Passage, u. nuarin apan iran. Passage, have, in bowels, v.n. edeliek iran, ehtchteliek. Passion, n. nedemda, nohocrcd. Passionate, a. iruhcai. Past, g<> past, as end of fence, v.a. alieijitl, atcapijid. Pastor, n. natinii asgi siip. Pasture, //. inlelitai, nefelelicai. Patch, as a garment, v.a. ahpuri. Patch, as thatch of house, v.a. ehcilig iran. Pate, n. nipek, nidjinin. Path, n. nefalaig. Path, side, n. initeri efalaig. Path, beginning of, the path of the gods, 11. neucsen tehet. Patience, n. nedo eti auatiemda. Patient, a. asvadidi, anaijiraig, Patriarch. /'. etpon. [eti ipjiecek. Patronise, v.a. atalcauji. Pattern, n. nitai asjaaicnaig. Pause, v.n. atumop. Pave, r.a. ahled. [hat. Pave with flat stones, v.a. ehled Pave with small stones, v.a. esiaig hat. Pavement, n. nchledhat. Pavilion, n. nconi apelumai. Paw, n. nikman, neduon. Pay, r.a. am, alupai nimtan, ana- Payment, n. nimtan. [nimtan. Payment in food, n. nalapdaig. Payment for singing some song, n. neduon raagai. Peace, n. nigpa. Peace, feast of, n. nalium an nedoa. Peace, make treaty of, v.a. ahpu nigpa, asa nigpa. Peace, at, ad. mopjec. Pearl ornament, n. nipjineijij. Peculiar, ad. esjilid. Pedigree, n. niji idai ilpu retnon. Peel, v.a. atipagki, ahusji, ahos- jugnit, ahtag, miliga. Peel, inhau tree, v.a. ehpai ban. Peep or chirrup, v.n. atakok, ilmu, rot rot. Pen, ». nalau, nitai aged. Penis, n. nelan, inlicliii. Penury, n. nihki natinii. People, n. natinii, nup. People,many, n. emtal t sing., ilpu reintal, pi. People, to what people do they belong? n. nedu irai di? Peradventure, ad. kit. Perceive, r.a. ato, ecet, ecetai, ahgei, almoi. Perdition, 11. nauahas, inmas, nerekinman iran, inpece has. Perennial, applied to water, a. weite, etweite, inweite. Perfect, a. upene asega. Perfect, v.a. ago ehni. Perform, v.a. ago, ago ehni, apos, imiaaij. Perfume, r.a. auanipin upene. Perhaps, ad. kit. Peril, in, n. ubutpotet u unmas. Perish, v.n. mas, ti, tii, tiih. Perjured, a. ahcil, efaifa. Permit, v.a. asaig, ika, adai intas. Pernicious, a. has. Perpetual, a. irai iji mesese. Perplexed, a. ehioehio inliinmo- Persecute, v.a. atmas piv. [jion. Persecute continually, v.a. imi- aketo. Persevere, v.n. imiisjis, isjis, eti atumop, eti auatialidi. Persist in or on, v.a. imiisjisitai. 1'erson, n. natinii. Person, one, n. eintal. Persuade, r.a. ahidaig, imiisjis, tas, leh updak, ced. Pertain, v.n. o un, n. i Perverse, a. imipalea. Pervert, v.a. auahas, auoh takago. PES ( 172 ) PLE Pest, n. natimi has, nitai lias. Pestilence, n. innias has. Pestilent, a. auatatimi. Petition, n. intas ugyi. Petticoat, n. inlepei. Petticoat, yellow leaves for, n. Phial, n. inhubej. [neniek. Philosopher, n. natimi arapakau. Physic, 11. inwai uri nemehe. Pliysician, 11. natimi aminjinaig nemehe, natimi atipagki ne- mehe. Pick, v.a. ucjaliak. Pick up, as a fowl, v.a. ehcai. Picture, 11. nalmuitai. Piece, n. nuarin. Pierce, v.a. ahcai, erep, tau, ak- taktit, ecjipidaig. Pierce through, v.a. acjahtit, uc- japidai, aijei. Piety, n. nedo upene, naiheuc. Pig, n. picad. Pigeon, n. nalaupa, nalopa, nucip, nagisjo. _ _ Pile, 11. niji iran. Pilgrim, n. natimi atga, natimi amen ehcid. Pill, v.a. ahosjugnit. Pillar, n. noboatau. Pillar of cloud, n. intah an napat. Pillar of hre, n. namelancap. Pillar of smoke, n. nalucupahas. Pillow, n. nitai ilaig, nilaig. Pilot, n. natimi asjaaicnaignafai- Pilot, v.a. afakatino. [ava. Pin, n. nauincai. Pinch, v.a. ucsupne. Pine, n. neijiv. Pine, Norfolk Island, n. nucje. Pinnacle, n. nijintiu neom. Pipe, n. nipji paip. Pipe, n. inhutlavlav. Pipes, Pan's, n. natarau. Pipe for carrying water, n. nupul. Pipe, v.a. ahlai inhutlavlav. Piss, v.n. ame. Pit, n. nehpanitai, inmun. Pit, large, n. nehpanuum, neh- 1'itch, n. inhat aplau. [panum. Pitch, v.a. aspi. Pitcher, n. nipjinitai. Pitfall to catch rats, n. nakpuma. Pith, n. nesgin. Pity, v.a. aiheuc, ataraces. Place, 11. nuarin igca. Place, v.a. ati, sing., ikni, pi. Place between, v.a. adaig. Place under, v.a. ahtadai. Place upon, v.a. atijai. Place, take place of another, v.a. asitu, isjeupigmoig. Placed as a ladder, a. tause. Plague, n. nemehe has. Plague, v.a. ati nemehe has, auud, auahas, ariida. Plain, 11. nuarin marara, nuarin adalamak. Plain, a. atoh, igpa, upene, adala- Plainly, ad. upene. [mak. Plait, v.a. ahod, atij, atijtij. Plait, as a net, v.n. ahtit. Plaited cocoanut leaves for roof of house, n. nispahos. Plane, n. nitai aredcai. Plane, v.a. acarad. Plane wood, v.a. aredcai. Plane smooth, v.a. ared acen. Planet, n. inmoijeuv amen ehcid. Plank, n. nuarincai. Plant, n. nahtaicai, nehlan. Plant, v.a. ahwaig, ahoaig. Plant taro, v.a. ared numta. Plantain, n. nalak. Plantation, n. intinan. Plantation of taro, n. intinan tal. Plantation dug to be planted, v. nauiji. [out, n. neijnahli. Plantation two years old and worn Plaster, v.a. aspi. [inmacop. Plaster for a sore, n: inwai ucni Plaster with the hand, v.a. apiip, Plat, n. nuarin. [apij>. Plate, 11. nitai apalapal. Plate, lay lower wall, v.a. ehtadai. Platter, n. nipjinitai. Play, v.a. ago nedo imiacitak, auaredo, ahtai, auud. Play, boys', n. lidlid, nahau jipe. Plea, 11. nismiisjis. Plead, v.a. imiisjis, aru, tas, ugyi. Pleasant, a. upene. Please, v.a. ago nedo upene. Pleasing, a. upene iran. Pleasure, n.nimiacitak, incediaig. PLE ( 173 ) TRA Plenteous, a. ahinag, alupas, upene, amajaijig, etheloplop. Plenty, it. nalupas, inceij u lidija. Plot, v.a. aktaktai, ahvai, aniv, Plough, n. nitai acujitai. [imiiris. Plough, r.a. acujitai, ahapol. Ploughshare, n. nirak hat. Pluck, viz., heart, liver, lungs, &C, n. inmojiou. Pluck, r.a. arop iran, atoraliak, atipagki, aldei, aces yj aijiraig. Pluck out, v.a. ucjaliek. Pluck, as ears of corn, v.a.ateucre. Pluck as leaves, v.a. agsei. Pluck, as feathers, v.a. aresi. Plug. n. nitai ededgaig, nededgaig. Ping, r.a. ededgaig. [naig. Plumb rule, n. nuarincai asjaaic- Plummet, n. nitai asjaaicnaig. Plunder, the taking of, in war, n. nalnia iran an nedoa. Plunge, v.a. atise, atohwaig. Plunge, V.n, ereuc. Ply. two, «. asvapicnaig ero. Ply, three, a. asvapicnaig scij. Pocket, n. incat. Pod, n. narasitai. Poet, n. natimi oyag. Poetry, make, v.a. oyag, oyiag. Point, it. nidjan, netian. Point to, v.a. adi, adei. Point out this way, v.a. ijihpam. Point out that way, v.a. ljihpan. Point, as a wall with small stones, v.a. apegeg. Pointed, sharp, as reeds like a spear, a. ecenwaig nieg, eucen- waig nieg. Pointed as nails, a. medeimedei. Poise or halance, v.a. aesjaig. Poise a spear at any one, v.a. aheatigin yin iran. Poison, it. nitai acen. Poison of inhac, n. nasan hac. Poisonous, a. ucni. Poisonous plant, one kind of, n. Pole, n. nauincai. [inceiwud. Pole, ridge, n. intah. Policy, n. narapakan. Polish, v.a. ago naunau. ahumiaig. Poll, n. nipek. Poll, v.a. ucsei. roll ute, v.a. auahas. Pollution, n. nitap, inhas, nitai has, nitai er amcelvaig. Pomp, n. natimi alupas o un, in- Pond, n. nctpemvai. [yecrei. Ponder, v.a. aktaktai. Pool, n. nctpemvai, nctchvan, nipji tan. Poor, a. erek, ihki atimi, imiahas. Poor man, n. natimi ihkin atimi, sing., ilpu ihki atimi, pi, Poi)ulous, a. ahinag atimi. Porch, n. naiyu. Port. «. nafaiava. Poiur, a. natimi aminjinaig neucsc neom. Portion, ;/. nuarin, nahaijin. Portion, small, n. numkan. Position, as of a house, n. etnig, Possess, v.a. ohuun. [netgig. Possess, as an evil spirit, v.a. anei. Possessed with an evil spirit, a. aca. Possible, a. tup upene, eti ehka. Post, n. nauincai aduwi. Post, n. natimi apos itaasviitai. Posterity, it. ilpu mapon. Pot, n. nipjinitai, nipjiuru. Potato, sweet, n. inwaimetenc. waleh. [mariil. Potentate, n. natimi alupas. nati- Potsherd, n. nuarin nipjinitai Pottage, n. nitai caig. [ahtagrei. Potter, n. natimi ago ipjiitai an Pound or beat. v.a. etcei. [tan apol. Pour, v.a. atladwi, aijagjig. Pour in, v.a. ajaigjanse. Pour on, as water on arrow-root, Pourtray, r.a. aged. [v.a. ahwi. Pout, v.a. ulikulik. Poverty, n. nihkin natimi. Powder, n. inmah, narenaren. Power, n. nemda. Powerless, as limbs from eating poisonous fish, a. ucropucrop. Practise, v.a. ago. Praise, v.a. ahpas, imiahpas, Prance, v.n. auhi. [imiahes. Prate, v.n. tas maumau, tas ahnag. Pray, v.n. alaigaheni, ago nalaig- aheni, atpuse, ugyi. Pray for evil, v.a. amegha atimi. PRE ( 174 ) PRO Preach, v.a. tas, asuptecnaig iutas, Precept, n. iutas alep. [efehtas. Precious, a. upeue, esjilid. Precipice, n. uohmuu isas. Predestinate, v.a. auacanac, anac- lelen. [asaig. Prediction, n. intas eris upyi Pre-eminence, n. namen esjilid. Prefer, v.a. ati uhup, ika yi esjilid. Pregnant, a. opoc. [taktai. Premeditate, v.a. uliup um ak- Premises, n. nimnim, nokoro, nekaro. [ped, yecrei. Prepare, v.a. ago, imiyecrei, ah- Prepare, as nerincat for mats, v.a. arafara. Prepared, a. apena, amatata. Presence, n. nesganintan. Presence in, or of, n. an nuhup o Present, n. nitai tup ahtai. [un. Present, make present of food, v.a. acahi. Present time, n. an nopan inig. Preserve, v.a. imiatamaig, imi- coho, aminjinaig, imiakehke. Preserve from corruption, v.a. etimat. Preserved breadfruit, n. natnarai. President, n. natimi alupas, na- timi esjilid, natimi uhup. Press, n. nefata. Press, wine, n. nitai ahtai jiraig. Press, v.a. isji, ucvan, ahtaijiraig, auhiaijiraig, aijisji, atamerit, atacincin, imiacaij emda, avi, avise, imiisjis, miakaikai, ahta- lau, ahtahlo emda. Press on, v.a. eriss. [imiicaijero. Press with finger, v.a. ehvivi, Presume, v.a. ago nedo ijinies, Pretence,?;, nefaifa. [eti imtitaig. Pretty, applied to things, a. tite, intite (a child's word). Prevail, v.n. esjilid iran. Prevent, v.a. atapnes, uhup iran, ehtipnes, takehke, tekehke, ari. Prey, n. naga eris atoraliak, nelina, nahna. Price, n. nimtan. Prick, 11. nidjan. Prick, v.a. ahcai, arei. Prickly heat, n. inrudieig. Prickly shrub, n. nadoni. Pride, n. nijinies u inliinmopon, nedo ijinies, nimtakrei an nes- ganimtan. Priest, n. natimi ahlap. Priest, chief, n. natimi ahlap esjilid. [nahl.ip. Priest, high, n. natimi esjilid an Prince, n. natimi esjilid. Principal, a. esjilid. [pas. Principalities, n. ilpu atimi alu- Principle, n. nitai uhup, nohuun. Print, v.a. ecetaged. Prison, n. neom ipjin. Private, a. echim, tup ispun. Privily, ad. adenaig, eti asaig, Privy, a. adenaig, ato. [ateri. Prize, n. nimtan. [ika. Proceed from, v.n. ahes an, lep Proceed out of, v.n. ahlaahos. Process, n. inti pan itac. Proclaim, v.a. asuptecnaig intas, tauai, ahlaig. Proclaim a marriage, v.a. aniv, arohwaig, arehvaig. Proclamation, n. intas atauai. Procure, v.a. leh. Produce, n. nigyi, eled. Produce, v.a. ehvaig, pinid. Profane, a. has, apat, almag, afak- ahcil has, imipalea. [nitap. Profane, v.a. auahas, auahas Profanely, behave or speak, v.n. auati imraigimraig, auatiakij- akij. Profess, v.a. asuptecnaig, asaig. Profit, n. nimtan, nitai upene, akosin, akososin. Profit, v.n. upene iran. Profit, v.a. atau. Profitable, a. upene, atau. Profitless, a. takitai. Profound, a. ubo. Progenitor, n. etpon. Prognosticate, v.a. upyi asaig, uhup uni asaig. Prohibit, v.a. acaiji. Prolong, v.a. ika yi itu. Promiscuously, ad. bili. Promiscuously, sit, v.n. ateucse bili, ehtaplai. Promise, n. intas upyi asaig. PRO ( US ) fits Promise, v.a. asan tas upyi asaig, asan tas etipup. Promise not to disobey some one, v.a. anvamud. Promote, p.a.atiuhup, imiaridjai. Pronounce, v.a. tas, asaig. Proof, /;. nedo, nitai asjaaicnaig, nitai er ato vaig. Prop, v.a. acadai, ahtadai. Proper, a. o un. upene, atoh. Property, n. naga, inpadiaig, ako- sin, akososin. Property, gain, v.a. unarakosin. Prophecy, n. intaa inig oris upyi asuptecnaig. Prophesy, v.a. aim in tas, upyi asaig, asuptecnaig intas, acts- aces nohranitai. Prophet, n. natimi aim intas, natimi asuptecnaig intas, na- prof eta, natimi acesaces nohran- itai, natimi upyi tas. Propitiation, n. nitai ahlap. Proportion, it. noliuun. Proportion, in, ad. penid. Proselyte, v. imp urai pece et alaigaheni aien. [jeijaig. Prosper, v.n. amen upene, amai- Prosper, v.a. alupai yin itai. Prosperous, a. upene. [jid. Prostitute, n. intakata ago ingei- Protect. en. aminjinaig. ahtaipup, atalcauji, atapin. [imialep. Protect from punishment, v.a. Protect, as a tree by its shade, v.a. imialeg. [pen. Protected, as a harbour, a. tahih- Protest, v.a. tas emda. l'roud, a. ijinies inliinmopon, akrai nesganimtan, imrigimrig, umhacal nesganimtan. Prove, v.a. ahilek, almaijidjid, asuptecnaig. Prove the truth of something, v.a. ayapdicraig upene itai. Provender, n. nefelelicai. Proverb, u. intas arapakau. intas ccsipece. Provide, v.a. leh, asjapicnaig, ago. Providence, /'. narapakau, Atua. I'iDvincc, n. nelcau, nuarin pece. Provision, n. nitai caig. Provocation, n. nedo ooj). Provoke, v.a. auahas inliinmopon, oop, ago emda. Prudent, a. arapakau. [iran. Prune, v.a. acaldei ran, ehped Psalm, n. nohranitai, saam. Public, a. an nuhup u atimi. [tag. Public-house in a village, n.intip- Publican, n. natimi akwanaham. Publish, v.a. asuptecnaig ehele atimi, asaig yi opdicraig. Puckered, a. asvanpan. Pudding of taro and cocoanut milk, n. karadakowal, negeg- yak. Pudding of yam and cocoanut milk, ti. nofar. Pudenda, n. nup o im. Puff, contemptuously, v.n. kau- pan. Puffed up, a. ijinies inliinmopon. Pull, v.a. leh nam, atoraliak, ahieg, ahiag, aihiaig, aiyilii. Pull forcibly, v.a. atoramud. Pull out, v.a. aihiacse, eseijai. Pull tight, v.a. aretritaig. Pulpit, n. nuarin aiji iran. Pulse, n. nariko. Punch holes, v.a. ctceijeijei. Pungent, a. cas. Punish, v.a. am. Punishment, n. neruvaig. Puny, a. haklin, erek. Purchase, v.a. auaninitan.' Pure, a. upene, inveijec, adicin- adicin, weilah. Purge, r.a. atipagki, yiri, ago adicinadicin. Purify, v.a. ahisjum, ago adicin- adicin, chpcrigde. Purloin, v.a. ehnegitai. I 'tuple, a. cap, cop, umjegumjeg. Purpose, n. intas anacanac, in- merit. Purpose, v.a. aktaktai, ika, tas anacanac, anaclelen. Purse, n. incut vai inline. Pursue, v.a. apitac, ahau, apol, ahopan. Purtenance, n. nauintin. Tush, v.a. atcei. Push, as a ram, r.a. ahcai. PUS ( 176 ) RAT Push wood into the fire, v.a. eh- cedrig incap. Put, v.a. ati. Put on, as clothes, v.a. aso. Put on, as shoes, v.a. atohwaig. Put in or on earth, v.a. athei. Put into a basket, v.a. atohwaig. Put on, as a petticoat or skirt, v.a. eriraig. Put on top, as clothes on a fence, v.a. atwaig. Put on nispohos on a house, v.a. algei, isjipines. Put out, v.a. acahlo. Put out tongue, v.a. aluo naman. Put together, v.a. aucjopticnaig. Put forth hand, v.a. adan nikman. Put, cause to, v.a. imiati. Putrefy, v.n. epiv. Q Quadruped, n. nitai eklim edo irai pece. Quake, v.n. omoi, ucjucjucaij. Quantity, n. nitai, neteuc. Quarrel, ;/. nehtauo, nedoa. Quarrel, v.n. ehtauo, elcokon, eris, ehris, ehriss, yat, yiat, ati natcai. Quarry, n. nuarin er ucji hat iran. Quarter, n. nuarin. Queen, n. natimarid atahig. Quench v.a. opos, ahni. Quench thirst, v.a. ehgin wai, ehgin neag. Question, n. intas .ahodaig. Question, v.a. ahodaig. Quibble, v.n. edoedoai. Quick, a. auroauro, efile. Quick or alive, a. umoh. Quicken, v.a. imiatumumoh. Quickly, go, v.n. achei. (.Quickly, grow, as plants, v.n. isjis inceslura. Quicksands, n. nauanavig. Quiet, a. igpa, eropse. Quit, v.a. ehneijid. Quite, ad. ehni, asega. Quiver, n. incetpun nidji efana. Quiver, v.n. ucjucjucaij, eucjeuc- jeucaij. R Race, >t. nathut. Raft, n. koke kauoke. Rafter, n. nelcau un. Rafter, cross, n. nakaukau. Rag, n. nuarin napelumai. Rage, n. nehni, nedemda. Rage, v.». ehni v,edemda,atavaitap. Ragged rocks, n. neijin nij. Raging, as waves, a. agrei. Rail, v.n. atuh, asan tas has. Raiment, n. napelumai. Rain, n. incopda, incaupda. Rain, very slight, n. narewame. Rain drops on leaves, n. isjipulpul. Rain on bushes, n. nigmoig. Rain, wet without, a. elel nig- moig. Rain, v.n. ehe, isjisji, isji incopda. Rain gently, v.n. ad\va,adwaadwa. Rain, threaten, v.n. tanona, tanana. Rain, make for, v.n. ahpu incopda. Rain, brief shower of, v.n. ahrig- ahrig. [isjisji. Rain, only a shower of, v.n. tup Rainbow, n. inhuterau. Raise, v.a. aiyihi, imiaridjai. Raise up, v.a. ehteduo. Raise oneself up, v.a. aijisji. Raise itself up, as a fowl to run, v.n. areuctidai. Raise up, as the floor of a house, v.a. asintapin an neom. Raisin, n. nohwai vaine mese. Rake up old stories against any one, v.a. asjaliraig. Ram, n. siip atamaig. Rampart, n. natapin. Rancid, a. epiv. Range, v.a. esyei, atah. Rank, n. nesyei, natah. Ransom, v.a. auanimtan. Rap, v.n. etceteei. Rape, n. nauahas intakata. Rare, a. ehka. Rash, a. auroauro. Rat, n. incedo. Rate, n. nuarin, nahaijin. Rather, conj. esjilid. Rattle, v.n. ehgyaehgya. RAV ( i77 ) REL Ravel, v.n. aptisaptis, esvististis, Raven, n. inman apig. [rag. Ravening, a. aleg, atoraliak. Ravish, v.a. ananas. Raw, a. emetmat, mat. Raw flesh, eat. v.a. ataktit (eijin). Kay of light in the morning, n. nisasin. Razor, n. nitai ucsei. Reach, v.n. nhup, imiehio, yet- pan, athiitpan. Reach up, v.n. agaujai, tanjai. Reach up in order to catch, v.a. arapji pat). Reach down, v.a. arapse. Reach summit, v.a. ahco, eliaujai Reach forth, v.a. atcaman. Reach after, v.a. anahua un. Read, v.a. esvi. Read up, v.a. esvilin, esvijipan. Head down, v.a. esvisepam. Read correctly, v.a. esviktit. Ready, a. amatata, apena. Realm, n. nelcau. Reap, v.a. asjapicnaig, ehlek, eldei. Reason, n. neteuc lelen, naktak- tai, nitai. Reason, v.n. aktaktai, tas jipe, tas. Rebel, v.n. imipalea, atladwi intas. Rebuke, v.a. acaiji, ated, auud yi aijiraig. Recall, v.a. imiehva. Recently, ad. tupko. Receive, v.a. leh sing., leucsei /'/., adai intas. Reciprocally, ad. jipe, sjipe. Reckon, v.a. esvi, ahilek nedo. Reckon, v.n. aktaktai, ika. Recoil, v.n. elwai. Recommend, v.a. ugyi naiheuc Recompense, v.a. am. [vai. Reconcile, v.a: asa nigpa. Record, v.a. aged, asnptecnaig. Record, //. nitaasviitai, nasup- Recover, v.n. umoh. [tecnaig. Recover health, v.n. edumoij. Recover, v.a. imiadumoij. Recount, v.a. esvi. Red, a. cap, icop. Redbreast, n. inheuauc. Redeem, v.a. auanimtan, imiata- maig, imiaras. Redound, v.n. eteuc. Re-echo, v.n. ahelu. Reed, n. nieg, nauanieg. Reed work in the opening of a fence, n. naperepre. Reef, n. inmoije, intau, naa. Reef, get on to, v.n. ecetaig an moije. [moije. Reef, get off, v.n. atecradise an Reel as a drunk man, v.n. molmol. Refine, v.a. ago adicinadicin, ataigataig. Reform, v.a. ago upene. Refrain, v.a. udei, atapnes. Refresh, v.a. aiheuc, alaa. Refresh thee, v.a. amarapni euc. Refuge, n. nuarin atpuh iran. Refugees, n. ilpu ohna. Refuse, n. nehgin. Refuse, v.a. atidjin iran, esjum, adwo, anvaijai. [adwo. Refuse a gift ollered, v.a. acaijaig, Refuse till lost or useless, v.a. aldaduan, apjineucan. Regard, v.a. aktaktai, imiaiji, atahaijeg, merit. Regenerate, a. mat. Regenerate, v.a. ago upene. Region, n. nuarin nobohtau, nua- rin pece, nuarin nelcau. Register, n. nitaasviitai. Regular, a. idumdumoij. Rehearse, v.a. lep tas, lep asup- tecnaig. Reign, v.a. atimarid, esjilid. Reins, n. nohoanispeheg. Reject, v.a. esjum, atcijaig, adwo, anvaijai, isjaidara. Rejoice, v.n. imiacitak, cediaig, Related, a. elvan. [adeijayin. Relation, n. nahrei, neteuc, atu- mopon. [sing., ilpu asositai, pi. Relation of natimarid,;/. nasositai. Relation, what, n. ehvan. Relation, near, n. esga atimi. Release, v.a. ahiyi, atcijaig. Relieve, v.a. aiheuc, alaa. Religion, x. nalaigaheni. Rely, v.a. asgeig pan. M REM ( 17S ) REV Remain, v.n. amen. Remainder, n. nahrin. [eled. Remainder, small, n. nuarin et Remainder, large, n. nuarin et aled. Remainder of a tribe, n. nahtahut, nahrin. Remedy, n. nitai imiatamaig. Remember, v. a. imiehva. Remind, v.a. ahugnilelen.imiehca. Remit, or forgive, v.a. eti aru. Remnant, n. nahrin, nahaijin. Remnant of family or tribe, n. namaramara. Remove from, v.n. melga. Remove, v.a. atipagki. Remove, as an excrescence, v.a. ahtapidi. [stream, v.a. iligre. Remove obstructions, as in a Remove obstructions to the heart, v.a. iligre inliinmopon. [mud. Rend, v.a. ahpati, auohuoh, asja- Render, v.a. alupai. Renew, v.a. ago emda, ago mat. Renew, as an old path, v.a. ohyi- omod, sing., auhiomod, pi. Renew war, v.a. asinohos. Renounce, v.a. atcijaig. Renown, n. nimiahpas. Renowned, a. eris ato. Rent, a. amelid, melid. Repair, v.a. ago upene, uctaig, alcei, aliped. Repair, as ravages of a hurricane, v.a. atga inceslum. Repair, as a house, v.a. ehtadgai. Repair, as a road, v.a. ohyiomod. Repay, v.a. aru. Repeat, v.a. esvi, imiabraig, atceto, auata irai tas. [auanasaig. Repeat the words of another, v. a. Repent, v.n. adumoig an liinmo- pon, taig. [ahinag, ika yi ohua. Replenish, v.a. ago ohua, ago yi Reply, v.a. auud yi apenes, auud yi edi. Report, v n. asaig, asuptecnaig. Report, uncertain, n. nimrihin. Reproach, v.a. auoh ehcamai, acaiji, ated. [vinitai. Reproachfully, speak, v.a. imiin- Reprobate, a. has. Reproof, n. impan. Reprove, v.a. acaiji, aldakji, imi- imraig, auud yi aijiraig. Repute, n. nidan upene. Reputable, a. er ecen. Request, v.a. ugyi. Require, v.a. ahilek, ahodaig. Requite, v.a. aru. Rereward, n. ilpu atimi apitac. Rescue, v.a. imiaras. Resemble, v.a. idivaig, uco. Reservoir for water, n netehvan, netohvan. Reside, v.n. amcnse. Residue, n. nahaijin et eled. Resin, n. nidincai. Resist, v.a. ahcadai, acaijaig. Resolve, v.a. ika, asuptecnaig. Resolve, v.n. anacanac, anaclelen. Resolve on death of some one, v.a. alwai. [apan. Resort, v.n. asjapicnaig, apam, Respect, v.a. ecen. Respect of persons, show, v.a. ago eche, eche inliinmopon. Respectively, ad. jipjipe. Respite, n. intup amen, nupene, inti neruvaig. Rest, n. natumop. Rest, v.n. atumop. Rest on, v.n. alago, ilaig. Rest on one hand, v.n. etceijiyi. Rest of them, n. inrad ira ra. Restitution, n. nimiadumoij jian. Restore, v.a. imiadumoij. Restrain, v.a. atapnes, acaiji, ta- kehke, tekehke. [i'aig. Restrain from crime, v.a. anaiji- Resurrection, n. nusjai vai inmas. Retain, v.a. leh, aminjinaig. Retaliate, v.a. eruerutas. Retire, v.n. adumoij, atidjin, aha. Return, v.n. adumoij. Return, cause to, v.a. imiadumoij. Return, as sickness, v.n. ehlau- pam, auaaroh iran, atidumoij. Return constantly, v.n. idumdu- Reveal, v.n. ehvaig. [nioij. Revelation, n. nitai ehvaig, intas ehvaig. Revelling, n. nedo apat, nacitak. Revenge, v.a. aru, ecaigmeru. REV ( 179 ROT Revenge death by death, v'.a. eijeijei. Revenue, n. nakwanakam. Reverence, v.a. atpuse, ecen vai, imtacimtac, imiimtac, imiim- tacimtae. Reverse, v.a. atipagki. Revile, v.a. atuh, asan tas bas. Revive, v.n. nusjai, ednmoij, emda. Revive, v.a. imiatumumoh. Revolt, v.a. imipalea. Reward, n. neruvaig. Rib, n. neduon ritin. Rib of leaf, n. nnp inceen. Riband, n. umjigumjig. Rich, a. ikni itai. Riches, n. naga, inpadiaig. Rid, /■.«. iinicoho, erne. Riddle, n. intas ecsipece. Ride, v.n. atenc irai. Ridge, ii. nuarin ahapol. Ridge of a bouse, 11. nijintinneora. Ridge-pole, 11. intab. Ridge-pole, highest, n. balitab. Rifle, v.a. atoraliak. Right, a. atoh. Right baud, h. iumatan. Righteousness, n. nedo atoh. Rights, put to, v.a. echa. Rigid, as skin, a. algei. Rigour, n. nehrucai. Rind, 11. narasin. Rind, take oft*, v.a. atcapisji. Ring, 11. nethado, nitai ethado. Ring again, v.n. ahelu. Ringstraked, a. ugnyitugnyit. Rinse, v.a. yiri. uejucjaig. Rinse mouth, v.a. akunikum. Riot, 71. nedo apat, nehtauo. Rip, v.a. atai. [mchma, apjapjaig. Ripe, a. ma, metto, leucan, e- Ripe, as arrowroot, a. murre. Ripe, beginning to be, as fruit, a. Ripe, early, a. tit. [yecreig. Ripe, over, a. imjav. Rise, v.n. atidai, nusjai vai inmas. l:i~e up, v.7i. ebloohos. [adpoig. Rise up, as spray or smoke, v.7i. Rise up together, v.n. eraiji. Rise up, as a whale to breathe, v.n. ahokjai. Rise up, as wave, but not break, v.n. abcapupa. Rise up, as sea on land, v.n. ari- jai, erijai. Rite, n. nedo eris ati. River, n. nofowai. [ahnag. River, swollen, 71. inwaitah, inwai River, bed of, n. nauinwai. Road, n. nefalaig. Road, by or near, n. nimtiri efa- laig. [efalaig. Roads, meeting of, n. nehtag an Roadstead, little, 71. netpen, ana- Roar, v.7i. aunyauwaig. [mule. Roar, as the sea, v.n. yia, ates, Roast, v.a. alien. [awuc. Rob, v.a. ebneg itai, ahrincai. Rob plantations, v.a. acaig. Robe, 11. napelumai. Rock, Ji. nij, inhehteuc, nikmat. Rock beneath the ground, n. in- mala. Rock, top of, n. neijin nij. Rock from side to side, v.7i. amet- Rocks, «. nedai itai. [lag. Rod, ft. inran, niseuc. Roll, 71. nitaasviitai. Roll, v.a. atcelcaig. Roll, v.n. aed, adwadwa, aed yi ahuwi. [pilpal. Roll, as in dust, v.n. ereuc, adua- Roll, as a cask, v.a. midai. Roll, as tape, v.a. arafara. Rollers, n. nebtai, nehtaitai. Roof, 71. nuarin neom ijinies. Roof-pole of a house, 71. intah. Roof of mouth, «. nahan. Rook, bird like a, 71. ingu. iioom, 71. nuarin neom, igca. Roomy, a. afarafa. Root, n. nicvan, neucvan. Root, i>.«. atecrei, acris, aseijai. Root out, v.a. ehreucvaig. Root up, v.a. asjaig. Rope, 71. injaula, karari {a foreign Rose, 71. intisianibul. \word). Rot, v.n. muttit. Rotten, a. rubra, uhmuttit, amiai, adauibi, mohtan, ahpopijis. Rotten,applied to fruit, tt.uumnad. Rotten egg, n. naklahoad. Rottenness, n. numugnyu. ROU ( i So ) SAN Hough, a. riduotriduot, ridetridet, meijemeije. Rough, as garments, a. imrig. Rough, as sugar-cane leaf when sewed, a. rohalrohal. Rough, as the sea, a. uhrei. Rough, not slippery, a. umrag. Round, a. arehed, adveladvel. Round, go, v.a. arehed, ah tag, ahparehed. [atakapjai. Round or past, go, v.a. atcapijid, Round and round, go, v.a. aha- daliak, ahparehed. Round about from all sides, ad. marehed mihtag. Round about, cause to go, v.a. imiatcapijid. Round and smooth, a. nadalamak. Rouse, v.a. ahugni. Rover, n. neucsupo. Row r , v.a. aheled. Row, n. natah. Rows, in, ad. isianata iran. Royal, a. atimarid. Rub, v.a. ohpulehlei, uhpunuhoig, aihiaig, ateli, ruhoi. [craig. Rub, as arrowroot, v.a. ohupdi- Rub hands, v.a. ehpalelei. Rub skin off, v.a. ahtapisji. Rubbish, n. nohok. Ruby, n. inhat esjilid, inhat nau- Rudder, n. nehev apos. {uau. Ruddy, a. cap. Rude, 11. has, eti upene. Rudely, speak or act, v.n. auati imraigimraig, auati akijakij. Rudiments, n. niji itai uhup. Ruin, ii. nauahas itai, inhas. Ruin, v.a. auahas. Rule, v.a. esjilid, aminjinaig, ati- Rum, n. kava. [marid. Rumble, n. inmotjan. Rumble, as bowels, v.n. ugroko- Rumour, n. intas. [wai. Rump, n. nilauon. Run, v.n. athut, aemas. Run away, v.n. aha, ahapan. Run fast, v.n. atintinau. Run out, v.n. alapdicraig. Run, as water, v.n. yah, ahla- daliak. Run, as an issue, v.n. ahlamerai. Runner, fruit like a cake, n. in- ketelga. Runners for tying, n. inwan, ne- Rush, ii. nauwau. [moijip, yah. Rush upon, v.a. telohteloh pan aiheucaiheuc pan. Rust, n. nepera. S Sabbath, n. nadiat atumop, nad- iat itap. Sack, ii. incat. Sackcloth, n. napelumai ucai. Sacred, a. itap, aca. Sacred place, n. iutap. Sacred things, n. neduig. Sacrifice, v.a. ahlap an nitai ah- Sacrifice, n. nitai ahlap. [lap. Sad, a. has nesganimtan, atpuh nesganimtan, imlai nesganim- tan, imtimlai nesganimtan. Saddle, n. nitai ateuc iran. Safe, n. nefata. Safe, a. upene, umoh. Sago palm, n. nobot. [jak. Said, you have said it, v.a. intas Said, that is what you said, v.a. idapa. Sail, 11. nepan. Sail, v.n. aheled, aheldaig, atga an jap, apan, huiheldei. Sail straight, v.n. aheldaktit. Sail, but not make headway, v.n. ataka. [pok nelcau. Sail from shore, v.n. ategnaijaig Sail from deep water, v.n. atci- jaig pok nelcau. Sail inside of reef, v.n. pehpahai. Sailor, n. natimi aheled. Sailors, n. ilpu huiheldei. Saint, n. natimi upene. Sake of, prep, vaig, vai. Sale, ii. nauanimtan. Salt, n. inmoho an jap. Salt, a. acen. [nimiatamaig. Salvation, n. nitai umoh iran, Salute, v.a. aiheuc. Same, a. uco, hiski, huski. Same, pron. aien, aigki, inigki. Sanctify, v.a. imiitap. \ SAX ( 1S1 ) SEA Sanctuary, n. neom itap, niinnini itap, nuariu itap. Sand, )i. nauanavig. Sandal, n. iucedpun neduon. Sandal- wood, n. ingidjinyat. Sandstone, n. nijaro. Sane, a. et eteuc lelen. Sap, n. nidin, nasau. Sap. tree full vi, it. nasaneai. Satiate, a. geije. [ehni, elili. Satisfy, v.a. geije, imiacitak, ago Satisfied, I am, a. imin ehli nyak. Save, v.a. imiatamaig, imialep, imicolio, atapin, imialep, hni- taualep, imitakehke. Saviour, n. natimi imiatamaig. Savour, n. auanipin. Savour, v.a. merit, aktaktai. Savoury, a. upene, adale. Saw, v.a. ucsei. Saw lengthwise, v.a. ucsakoai. Saw crosswise, v.a. ucsaldei, uc- samud. Say, v.n. ika, asaig, tas. Say what, v.a. iklia. Scab, n. inmocop. Scabbard, n. inccdpun nauitoga. Scaffold, 11. nimnim, nafurafata. Scald, v.a. ecas. Scale, n. nenihen, nisjua, nempera. Scale, v.a. ahlaujai. Scall, n. inmocop. Scalp, ii. narasi nipek. Scandal, v. inhostas. Scant, a. haklin. Scar, n. nuhri. Scarce, a. eti elpat. Scarcely, ad. ehka. Scare, v.a. ahau. Scarlet, a. cap, cop. Scatter, v.a. imiterimtcrim, achap- dicraig, ajaig, eduaraprap. Scent, n. nahgei. Scent, v.a. ahgei. Sceptre, n. niseuc, natimi alupas Schism, n. nehtauo. [o un. Scholar, n. natimi inig er csege School, n. neom esege. [imi yin. Schoolmaster, //. natimi esege. Science, n. nato itai. Scoff, v.a. imiafakahcil. Scold, v.a. atuh, achadi. Scold in absence, v.a. ahti, ehti Scoop up, v.a. acale. [jipe- Scoop out, v.a. alkai. Scorch, v.a. ces, henhen, ahenhen, hauhau. [ahcil. Scorn, v.a. amcel vaig, imiafak- Scorpion, n. nimyiv, niniyeuv. Scour, v.a. yiri. [ahpamud. Scour, as pot, floor, &c, v.a. Scourge, v.a. auud, aredei. Scrabble, v.a. acridacrid, acred- acred, [acared. Scrape, v.a. ahpei, apei, ape, acred, Scrape, as arrowroot, v.a. ohup- dicraig. Scrape, as naho, v.a. aduwi, ared. Scratch, v.a. ohpulehli, acehcei. Scratch, as fowls,r.a.eroh,arihiad. Scratch on ground, v.a. ahges- ahgcs. Scratch the ground, v.a. ahpucred. Scrawl, as a child does, v.a. ged- ged itai. Scream, v.n. aunyauwaig. Screw round, v. a. asvapilaig. Scribe, 11. natimi esege, natimi aged itaasviitai. Scrip, 11. in cat. Scriptures, n. intas itap eris aged. Scroll, 11. nuari peper er esvi. Scrotum, n. neganelan, niganelan. Scrutinise, v.a. almaijidcid. Scull, n. nipek. Scum, ii. nohok. [huahau. Sea, n. in jap, namilvai, intupa- Sea, heavy head, n. nesinliginhap. Sea, go farther out to, r.H. elvapok. Sea, towards, ad. pok, poko, igca- pok, puke. Sea, go to, v.n. ayijai. Seawards, go, v.n. apok, adohpok. Seawards, come, v.n. apokmi. Seaweed, n. nillum, nilupau. Seal, n. nitai asjaaicnaig. Seam, n. nuarin eris ijei, nugnyan Sear, v.a. ago ipjin. [nijei. Search, v.a. ahilek. [arise. Search in a box or basket, v.a. Season, n. inmesese, nopan. Season, v.a. ohoanjap. Season or salt food with some- thing, v.a. ethei nitai caig iran. SEA ( 1S2 ) SHA Seasoned, not, as boards, a. emet- Seat, n. nitai ateuc iran. [mat. Secret, n. nitai adenaig, iutas adenaig. Secret parts, n. nup o un. Secretly, go away, v.n. aipaiji. Secretly speak, v.n. anvadenaig. Sect, n. ilpu, as ilpu Farisi. Secure, a. upene, eti imtitaig, amen upene. Sedition, n. nehtauo. Seduce, v.a. imiahnag, ahiyek. See one person, v.a. ecet, almoi. See one thing, v.a. ecetai. See many persons or things, v.a. alum. [ahuumtidec. See in a vision, or trance, v.a. See afar off, v.a. acatalum. Seed, n. nupsiu, nupsi itai, inwah iran. [ilpu mapon. Seed, children, n. ilpu hal o un, Seed of fig, n. naiad iran. Seek, v.a. ahilek, ahodaig, ahliji, el ad vaig. Seek for food, as taro, v.a. ehled. Seek for war and strife, v.a. yat nedoa. [raprap. Seek for in the dark, v.a. rap, Seek to kill, v.a. tiduarin. Seek to kill in battle, v.a. yat iran tab. Seek to destroy spirit sitting at fire, v.a. yat an cap. Seem, v.n. idivaig. Seemly, ad. upene. Seen, not, a. huleg. Seethe, v.a. atho, ahlamerai. Seize, v.a. arahpan. Seize forcibly, v.a. arop, atoraliak, asjiraig, aidaijai, aijaig. Seize quickly, v.a. ahparopse. Seize all, v.a. ehriarahpan, arah- pan ehni. [moi, ehtaig. Select, v.a. ehiipjaig, ehtaig al- Self-caused, a. ispun. Selfish, working only for self, a. auati asjaaicnaig. Sell, v.a. ahtai. Selvedge, n. intid. Senate or senators, n. ilpu atimi Send, v.a. abraig. [alupas. Send away, v.a. abraig pan, adwo. Send away, as visitors, v.a.'adci- jaig. Send some one to another place, v.a. imiepoijaig. Sense, n. nesgan tas, lelen. Sensual, a. obohtan, has, inliin- mopon itu. Sent to speak to, a. ehced. Sentence, n. intas. Separate, v.a. auoh tak ikni, ati- ^ pagki, aipujaig, eipujaig, ati, Separated, a. apohod. [ahaig. Separated, as fingers to catch fish, a. ruguprugup. Sepulchre, n. nehpanitai, inmun Sergeant, n. naheca. [nij. Serious, a. ecsimraig. Serpent, n. nimyiv, nimyeuv. Servant, n. naheca. Servant of high chief, n. nasositai, u natimarid, sing., ilpu asosi- tai, pi. Serve, v.a. aheca, ago nauritai, auanaheca. Set, v.a. ati, sing., ikni, pi. Set down, v.a. atise, iknise. Set down, as a dish, v.a. acetaig. Set up, v.a. athai, adui, edui. Set up on end, v.a. aduwi, ijis- jai. Set opposite to, v.a. atetwan. Set upon or attack, v.a. yat, yiat. Set, as a saw, v.a. ehceleraig. Set, as a dislocated joint, v.a. acaijehgaig. Set on edge, as teeth, v.n. asjakai. Settle, v.a. ati upene. Sever, v.a. atiakoai. Several, a. un, eche, ethi um Severity, n. nedo ipjin. [ethi. Sew, v.a. ijei. Shade, n. naiyu, naii, nayi. Shadow, n. nalmu itai. Shaft of candlestick, n. inhus. Shake, v.n. omoi, amaamai, aihoi, atlatla, eucropeucrop, ahcatina, asjusjaig, aedyiahuwi, eucreu- craig, ucrucraig. Shake, v.a. eucjeucjaig, ucjaig, atlatla, auhaig, auhohaig eliau- jaig. SUA ( 1S3 ) SHR Shake violently, r.a. ereucreuc iran, auhaig yi auud. Shake, as a branch to make fruit fall, r.a. ereuc. Shake threateningly, v.a. regeig. Shaken, a. hedidaig jipe. Shallow, a. ijinjinies, patreipatrei. Shambles, 11. nuarin ahtai kuii- Sharae, ;/. nehcamai. [matau iran. Shame, v.n. auoli chcamai. Shape, n. nago iran, nehcohos. Share in common with all, v.n. asipiaig. Share with two, v.n. esipiaig. Share, plough, n. nirak. Shark, n. nipciv. Sharp, a. arig, upreiuprei. Sharpen, v.a. atineijin. Sharpen point, as a pencil, v.a. ecsecred, inpaceucseucrad. Sharply, ad. emda. Shave, v.a. ahpei, ehpei, ekpei. She, pron. aien. Si leaf, n. nuhud, nijis. Sheath, ». incedpun nauitoga. Sheath of bunch of bananas, re. Shear, v.a. ucsei. [nehpan nohos. Shed, v.a. atladwi. Sheep, n. slip. Sheet, n. napelumai, nap umjeg. Sheet, native, n. napamas. Shelf, n. nefata. Shell, >t. nipjin, nipjiitai. Shell, white, n. nipjineucsero. Shell, land (one species), n. induce. Shellfish, poisonous species, n. inhac, inhadei. Shell, as iumops, v.a. ages. Shelter, n. natapin. Shelter, v.a. atapin. Sheltered, asaharbour,?;.tahihpen. Shepherd, n. natimi asgi siip. Sherd, n. nuarin nipjinitai ahtag- Sheriff, n. natimi alupas. [rei. Shew, v.a. ehvaig, ehcohos. Shield, n. nitai ahtaipup. Shine, v.n. lab, ememina, aijoran, aijaig, cespan, nau, naunau, laav. [inmohoc. Shine, the moon, v.n. et laav Sliining, as face, a. athod, ahec- Ship, n. nelcau. [ahec. Ship, small, n. nalvelcau. Shipwreck, re. natgeig nelcau nagrei nelcau. Shivers, re. nuarin ahtagrei. Shoal, re. inmoije. Shock, n. niji korn. Shoe, re. incedpun neduon. Shoot, v.a. asji, atcijaig, aihi, adia, atcijaig kapau. Shoot, as a plant, v.n. ehcodaig, ehcohodaig. [asjaktit. Shoot, as a bird, v.a. aktaktit, Shoot out, as tongue, v.a. aluun. Shoot out, as lip in contempt, v.a. eipadil, ahuumpik. Shoots of plants, re. nisjin. Shoots of taro for planting, re. numta. Shoots, tender, n. nepilvan. Siioots, first of old roots, n. upasin, Shore, n. nomunjap. [upuhasin. Shore, in front of one's bouse, re. nimtidin. Shore, sail from, v.n. atineijigpok. Shore, sail near, v.n. atbut tarere. Short, a. ipjidipjid. Short, in time, a. dikjai. Shorten, speaking, v.a. aldin tas. Shortly, ad. tupko, eti laulau. Shot, a charge of, n. nesgai kapau. Shoulder, n. neuhlin. Shoulder, upper part of, n. nihlin. Shoulder, carry something on each, v.a., adkrairo. Shout, v.n. ahlaig, aunyauwaig, auarehrara. Shout for joy, v.n. ali. [nedoa. Shout, as in battle, v.n. aipun Shove, as a canoe, v.a. acaijai. Shove out, v.a. ari, elwai. Show, v.a. ehvaig. Show a garment, v.a. imiedo. Shower, re. nisjisji,incaupda,nehc. Showers, slight, re. narigarig, ahraigahraig. Showery, a. arigarig. Shred, n. aldei. Shrine, re. nalmun. Shrink, v.n. ahcaijinaig. Shrinking of skin, re. namasaki. Shrivel, v. re. algei. Shrub, re. uahtaucai, ncblan. SHR ( 184 ) SKY Shrub, prickly, n. nadoni. Shrunk, a. urauo. Shun, v.a. udei. Shut, v.a. atapnes. Shut the eyes, v.a. asvapni se. Siapo, n. napamas. Sick, a. emelie. [aracarac. Sick, go like a sick person, v.n. Sick, work when sick, v.n. edu- Sickle, n. nauitoga. [eduwai. Sickness, n. nemehe. Sickness, cause by witchcraft, v.a. aihapidaig. [megig. Sickness, threatened with, a. Side, n. nahaijin. [n. inyipin. Side or surface of wall, dish, &c, Side of abdomen, n. nijihgan, nohmun. Side wall, n. nathat. Sideways sit, v.n. ati netham. Sideways turn, v.n. ati taani. Siege, n. nedoa vai inmaliyum. Sieve, n. nitai irara. Sift, v.a. irara, ucjaig. [inmohon. Siftings, as of arrowroot, n. Sigh, v.n. adijaig yin, taigtaig, amuhca, tumophaden. Sigli once, v.n. efadijai. Sigh often, v.n. adedijai yin, efadikjai, efadaijaig. Sight, n. nalmoivaig, nitai imiali, nitai inig er ecetai. [ebka. Sign, n. nitai asjaaicnaig, nitai Signify, v.a. asuptecnaig. Silence, n. nigpa. Silence, keep, v.n. adese nigpa. Silence by argument, v.a. auud yi aijiraig intas o un, auud yi apidai intas o un. Silence, put to, v.a. adaleucleuc. Silent, a. ucsup, eucsup, eti tas, igpa, eti laavlaav. Silent, notknow language spoken, Silly, a. auatialidi. [a. eucsimrig. Similar, a. idivaig. Simile, or similitude, n. intas ecsipece, nalmun. [almag. Simple, a. upene, auatialidi, Simple, or ignorant, a. isuol irai. Sin, n. nedo has, nedo maumau, nedo imipalea, nedo ahnag, nedo acalacal. Since, ad. an nopan iyehki um ubum pam, ahes an. Sincere, a. inveijec. Sinew, n. inwau. Sinew of leg, n. nalkau neduon. Sing, v.n. lav, laav, obran. Sing, v.a. acesaces nohranitai, ehcesehces nohranitai. Sing high, v.a. acesjai, lelesjai. Sing low, v.a. acesse, ataap. Sing loud, v.a. auaramai. Sing correctly, v.a. acespan. Sing together, v.a. atuje noh- ranitai. Sing songs about any one, v.a. atni neuhni iran. Sing, as water near boiling, v.n. Singe, v.a. ehli. [paiyi. Singing, lead in, v.a. ohuoyiaig. Sink, v.n. ete, ehlelelse, talulu, atululu. Sink out of sight, v.n. talala. Sir, n. ak natimi alupas. Sirname, n. tak idan. Sister, n. natahig iran, etwan. Sister-in-law, n. hudnan, ilidnan. Sister-in-law of a woman, n. ata- mudi, atumudei. Sister's son, n. atimnyilvan. Sit, v.n. ateuc. Sit down, v.n. ateucse. Situation, n. namen o un. Size, n. nalupas. [aklan. Size of garments or cloth, n. Size (as what is the size of the garment ? ) n. et echamecha nak- lan napelumai ? Skill, 72. namarero. Skilful, a. amarero, arapakau. Skilful in fishing, a. ahpapau. Skilled, not, a. isuol irai, tiehelek. Skin, n. narasin. Skin, abrade, v.a. edecrei. Skin of food, n. napu nitai caig. Skin, take off, v.a. atcapisji. Skin, without, a. ahpopijis. Skip, v.n. adikdikjai. Skip about, v.n. eliliaujai. Skip as a stone, v.n. ehtetalaca. Skirt, n. napelumai, inlepei. Skull, n. nipjinipek, nipek. Sky, n. nauanohatag, nohatag. SKY ( 1S5 ) SOD Sky, blue, n. narasin nohatag, nij mese. [ramha! Slack, a. auatialidi, efaifa, ama- Slack, as a rope, a. asjiluc. Slack, from fatigue, a. ehyiaig. Slander, n. kos tas, intas auakas inliinmopoi atimi. Slap, v.a. ahpaual. .Slave, >i. naheca. Slaughter, n. natgei atimi. Slay, v.a. atgei, auud, aat irai. Sleep, n. numjeg. Sleep, v.n. umjeg. Sleep soundly, v.n. umjeg upene. Sleep long, v.n. umjeg asega. Sleeping garment, Tauuese n. na- mas umjeg. Sleepy, a. imtate, aroparop. Sleight, n. nedo efaifa. Slender, a. haklin, aklin. Slide, v.n. ahnag, alahas, acha- daliak, weiyeliek. Slide, in dry steep place, v.n. waiyirehren, waiyilyik. Slight, as applied to sickness, a. iduiduai. Slime, n. nosal, inhat apian. Sling, n. namaka. Sling, ringer for spear, n. nadia. Sling, v.a. arapato, edeuc. Slip, v.n. achadaliak, uiyilyik, wohyiat, wauhieliek, auohyi- eliek. [hiyelick. Slip, as foot, v.n. inviyeliek, wu- Slip, let, v.a. eveliek. Slippery, a. alahas atalahas, vveiyerere, imligligid. Slippery, from wetness, a. umlas. Slippery, from dryness, a. im- rereh. [nauritai. Slothful, a. auatialidi, esjum va Slow, a. ecrap, eti auroauro. Slug, sea, n. nahede, nathedi. Sluggard, n. natimi esjum va nauritai, natimi auatialidi, na- timi tup amen. Sluice, 11. intapnes. Slumber, v.n. imtate, umjeg. Slur a note, v.a. ahlaig ade. Small, «. haklin. Small, applied to women, a. haklin, ilitilit. Small, or young, applied to in- fants, a. upsajiig. Smart, v.n. ohocred, leh ncruvaig. Smell, /(. nipin, nauanipin, nen- gin. Smell, v.n. auanipin. Smell, v.a, ahgei, nipin, ipnyi. Smile, v.n. ucsucsuglaav, aiyu nesganimtan. Smite, v.a, auud, ucjapidai. Smite on the ear, v.a. auud yi alis. [irai aiurn. Smith, ?i. natimi ago nauritai Smoke, n. nadran cap. Smoke rising up, n. alecupahas. Smooth, a. marara, adila, araki, adalamak, adveladvel. Smooth, as cloth, a. ahe upene. Smooth, as sea, a. ata. [mak. Smooth, applied to sugar-cane, a. Smooth, v.a. acarad, ahpei, ahu- miaig, arabitl, arafara. Snail, n. intikia. Snake, sea, n. nispeuv. [jeldei. Snap off, as branches, v.a. es- Snare, n. nitai asjiraig, nitai apro itai nekpuma. [aijaig. Snatch, v.a. asjiraig, aidaijai Sneeze, v.n. adjag, ahlin gidjin. Sniff, v.n. ehcipigid. Snore, v.n. amaah. [gidjin. Snort, v.n. adjaig, adejai, ehlei, Snot, n. inheuligidja, iuheu- lugutja. Snotty, a. ahoig. Snout, n. ingidjin. [ehteti. Snuff, as a candle, v.a. ehtiti, Snuffing*, as of a candle, n. in- meblan. Snuffers, n. nitai ehteti. So, ad. uco, uce, idivaig, et um So, just, ad, edahpa. [uco. Soak, v.n. ohua. Soak with blood, v.a. atalameh. Soak with water, v.a. opoh nad- wudin. Soak, lay to, v.a. ahlaijiraig. Sob, v.n. ednednara, edgedgarai. Sober, a. aminjinaig nedo. Socket, n. nitai ubose, nitai ip- jilai, nipjilai. Sod, n. narasin nobohtan. SOD ( 1S6 ) SPE Sodden, a. atho. Soder, v.a. ago ipjiu. ►Sodomites, a pair of, a. echesleili. Sodomy, n. auarobotpotedo, et- netnaig. Soft, a. updak, acreacre, ahoya, amarai, apian, mulmul. Soft, as old plaster, a. amiai. Soft, as taro, o. ede. Soft, as breadfruit, a. imjav. Soft as an infant's foot, a. ilibili. Soft, as hair when wet, a. luluin- lical, kevilkevil. Soften, v.a. ahna. Soil, n. nobohtan. Sojourn, v.n. amen. Solace, v.a. imiacitak. Soldier, n. neucsupo. Sole, a. ache. Sole of foot, n. nugnyin. Sole, soreness in, n. nawap. Solemn, a. itap, emda, alaigaheni. Solemnly, ad. emda. Solicit, v.a. ugyi. [ruma. Solitary, a. echim amen, uma- Solve a riddle, v.a. aihiyi-updi- Some, a. hal, nahaiji, tali, [craig Somebody, n. tab natimi, nan- Something, n. tah nitai. [kitai. Something else, n. intak itai, nan itai. Sometime, n. tahnopan, ituacen. Somewhat, n. tah nitai. Somewhere, n. taha nuarin. Son, n. inhalav atamaig. Son-in-law, n. nohanig. Song, n. nohranitai. Song and dance, heathen, n. namaniag. [ranitai. Song, words of, n. nugnyin nob- Soon, ad. eti laulau, tupko. Soot, n. netedigdig. Soothsayer, n. natimi araces, na- timi yi opdicrai. Sop, n. nuarin nitai caig. Sorcerer, n. natimi araces. Sore, a. emda, eligre. Sore after hard work, a. ohatau. Sore, ii. inmocop. Sorrow, n. nobocred, intaig. Sorrow for the sin of another, n. Sort, n. obotpot. [intaigtaig. Sottish, a. ahnag. Soul, n. nesgan. Sound, n. inmotjan. [an nij. Sound of waves on reef, n. mujiuja Sound of breakers, n. inmotjan na. Sound, v.a. ahlai. [agreh. Sound loud or distmct, v.a. acreb, Sound like thunder, v.n. atciteuc. Sound, as when striking stones in gathering shellbsb, v.n. etceteuc. Sound, emit, as from a cocoanut or bottle, n. atcatcaiyu. Sound, as depth of sea, v. a. atagat. Sound, a. upene, cebcebe. Sour, a. acen, cas, acas. Sour, applied to cocoanuts, a. uleme. Sour-looking, a. umcalumcal. Source, n. nohuun. Source of trouble, n. ehruudvaig. South wind, n. nehlaiju, nuritoga. South by east, wind, n. nuritoga atabig. [atamaig. South by west wind, n. nuritoga South-west wind, n. nidinaij. Southern cross, n. nohoigwai. Sow, n. jiicad atahig. Sow, v.a. ahwaig, ahoaig, asjaig, ahau upsi-itai. Space, 11. nuarin, nopan, napohod. Span, n. nikma atimi. Spare, v.a. itai irai, imiale[>, imiaij, imitakehka. Spare, or let oft' from work, v.a. ekmimi, hoighoig. Spark, n. nisincai, nemincap. Spark out, as fire, v. n. tup talahas, naptalahas. Sparkle, v.n. naunau. Sparrow, n. hakli man. Spathe of cocoanut, n. nafakeka. Spatter, v.a. ohiwaipo. Speak, v.n. tas, asaig, ika, ohran, liglig, bui tas, arohwai. Speak well, v.n. ahidan tas, anivaktit. Speak indistinctly, v.n. anivaliek, ajaija, risinpa, tas taliek. Speak loud, v.n. efehtas, ahar. Speak much or foolisbly, v.n. ecrisecris tas. SPE ( 1S7 ) SPR Speak like, v.n, auohtas. Speak strong, v.n. ehteitas. Speak back, v.n. edwudwai, eruerutas. Speak against, v.n. ehti. Speak disrespectfully, v.n. tas etleijig or etlaijaig. Speak openly, v.n. tas etleijig. Speak ill of, v. a. ighis(yin), (itai). Speak beforehand, v.a. yeipal. Speak of at another time, v.a. yeipa iran. Speak much good or bad, v.n. ubutpot atimi. [annua. Speak another language, v.n. tas Speak Taunese, v.n. aligma. Speak Futunese, v.n. alighas. Speak, men appointed to, n. ilpu Spear, n. inmopul. [hui tas. Spear, large, n. niraklup. Spear, v.a. ecjipidaig, aparata. Spear, as a fish, v.a. ucjaktit. Spear, throw, v.a. arapato. Special, a. esjilid. Speck in the eye, n. numrigpicad. Speckled, a. arakei. Spectacle, n. nitai er alum. Speech, n. intas. Speechless, a. pop, ehka intasvaig, Speedy, a. auroauro. [eti liglig. Spell, v.a. esvi idan tiutin. Spend, v.a. ahtai. Spew, v.a. alo. Spice, n. nitai auanipin upene. Spider, n. molom, niliu, iuheleu, intai yi alima Spider, black, n. nupru. Spider, house, n. neriseris, niris- Spike, n. nupan. [iris. Sj.ike, orange, n. nupan-nipjid. S])ill, v.a. atladwi, adala, atlagdo, elel. [ilahol. Spin, v.a. atpilaig, ahod,ahlohlai, Spindle, n. nitai atpilaig inya iran, nitai ago ya. Spirit, n. nesgan, uatmas. Spirit, familiar, n. natmas tas pan irai itai. Spirit, possessed with, a. aca. Spirits, evil, n. ilpu auata has. Spit, v.n. ehvaged, agdei, aloaged, inoho. Spit out refuse, v.a. alwai nehgiu. Spittle, 11. nagdan, nadanmas. Spittle, whole, n. nagdan yau. Spittle, throat, n. inhutivuagdei. Spite, n. nedemda. Splash, v.a. arop an jap, atcaiyu. Spleen, n. nereuumoij. Splice, v.a. ehcil iran, achaijenaig. Split, v.a. eteepicnaig, ahtako- wai, anasakrei, atakoai, melid, amelid. Split, a. mohau, melga. Split leaves, v.a. etti. Split wood, v.a. ahtal cai, sing., etuko cai, pi. Spoil, v.a. auahas, atoraliak. Spoil, n. nehna, uahna, naga er leh an nedoa. Spokesman, n. natimi atauai. Sponge, n. nisa. Sport, n. nimiacitak, incediaig. Sport, v.n. lav, laav, ago nedo imiacitak. Sport of, make, v.a. imiafakahcil. Sport of, making, n. invikirid. Sporting at sorrow of another, n. nauata kirijkirij. Spot, n. nemig, nugnyit iran. Spot, bright, 11. natop. Spotted, a. picadpicad, arakei, naklai, ugnyitugnyit. Spouse, n. ehgan. Spout out, as water, v.a. aao, aoh. Spray, n. uadra, nadumkuri. Spread, v.a. ahumiaig, allied, ac- hapdicraig, eledea, aehiaig. Spread out, v.n. auhalauhal, elgei, elegei, elegelege. Spread, as hre, v.n. ata or atak, atahedid. Spread, as pains over the body, v.n. atara irak, atgeig esjip. Spread, as roots of a tree, v.n. derap. [v.n. ehevehev. Spread out, as hands in swimming, Spread, as asore, v.w.ehlopdicraig. Spread, as leaves, v.a. ilidie. Spread, as arrowroot on a cloth, v.a. ehieig. Spread out, as wood laid close together, v.a. tolepihke. Spread about, a. reuhi, takitaki. SPR ( iSS ) STI Spread about, as ink, a. rohoi- Spreading, a. ranran. [rohoi. Sprig, n. intiklancai. Spring, v.n. ededel. Spring of water, n. nimtanwai, inwai ahlau okua jai. Spring up, as grass tkat lias been burned, v.n. reseiheto. Spring up, as wood tbat has been pressed down, v.n. upjaujai. Sprinkle water, v. a. ohaig. Sprinkle blood, v. a. oban ja. Sprout, v.n. upuhas, uj ipso tan, idahod, eucte, ehcodaig ekco- hodaig (intiklincai). Sprout, n. upuhasin, upasin. Spy, v.a. ahilek. Squalid, a. emeigmei. Square, a. pikgaig. Square-cornered, a. okokan. Squeak, v.n. rotrot. Squeal, as rats, v.n. dukduk, ilmu. Squeal, as a pig, v.n. waak. Squeamish, a. aigpalo. Squeeze, v.a. ucvan, ahtalau. Squeeze out, v.a. atili. Squint, v.n. aijumtacal, aderit. Stab, v.a. ahcai, arapato. Stable, a. ipjin. Stack, n. niji iran. Staff, n. niseuc. [mol. Stagger, v.n. molmol, ateuc mol- Stagger, as a drunk man, v.n. atalatala, autatautat, ataualep. Stain, n. nemig. Stain made by sap, n. nasan Stain of banana, n. nasan nohos. Stair, n. naforofata, nafurafetu. Stake, 11. inceen nali. Stall, ii. nuarin neom. Stammer, v.n. tas taliek. Stamp, v.n. auhi, asjaig neduora. Stanch, v.n. ame. Stand, v.n. aiji, anaiji, etgeig. Stand up, as hair on end, v.n. tidaitidai. Stand up or stop, v.n. aijijai. Stand firm, and feel bottom in water, v.n. aijijeuc. Stand with legs apart, v.n. ijiwas- jara. Stand as a ladder, v.n. tause. Stand, not knowing which way to go, v.n. ijujuare. Stand long, as a mark applied to objects, like Lot's wife, v.n. Star, n. inmoijeuv. [aduig. Star, morning, n. katcapohod. Star, evening, n. inmoijeuv an nofomat. Star, red in Orion's hand, n. nucye. Stare, v.n, easpan, ahaktit, amah iran. Starfish, n. nid. [nyumoi. Stars, seven, n. ilpu hal u kum- Start, v.n. edekjai nesgan. Startle, v.a. adwopre. State, 11. namen. Stately, ad. esjilid. Station, n. namen, nuarin. Stature, n. nijinies. [ehneijai. Statute, ii. intas alep, nedo, intas Stay, ii. nitai asgeig iran. Stay, v.n. amen, atapanes. Stay and work, v.n. asjeucjinaig nauritai. Stead, n. isjupicmoig. Steadfast, a. ipjin, inveijec. Steal, v.a. ahneg, ehneg itai, upsahnag. [cil. Steal away, v.n. atarere, auarah- Steal growing food, v.a. acaig. Steep, a. isas. Steer, v.a. apos. Steer straight, v.a. apos yi aktit. Stem, n. nohun, inran, nauun. Stem of cocoanut leaf, n. nuputu- ligighap. Stem of bunch of bananas, cocoa- nuts, &c, n. inhudran. Step, 11. nesja neduon. Step of stair, n. nanisji. Step, v.n. atga. [isjisjilgauwaig. Step from stone to stone, v.n. Steps, n. naforofata. Stern, n. nilpun itac. Steward, n. naheca esjilid, natimi Stick, n. inran, incai. [aminjinaig. Stick for digging, n. nirak. Stick for fastening ridge covering, n. niketete. [nikgan. Stick, for catching breadfruit, n. Stick, v.a. apol, ati, adauihi, adapol, tau, ereucereuc. STI ( 1S9 ) STR Stick, or pierce, v.a. ahcai, ucjak- Stick to, v.a. ucjiktit. [tit. Stiff, a. ipjin, ido-ido, ipjiscai. Still, a. igpa. Still, v.a. ika yi igpa. Still, ad. idim. Sting, v.a. ahcai, aces, ahleuc. Sting, n. naces atimi, nitai aces. Stingy, a. nietug, agahas. Stink, v.n. epiv. ehpepiv. Stir, v.a. ahugni, etehto inliin mopon, imiisjis, auahas inliin- mopon. Stir up, v.a. huugni lelra, imiho. Stir up to evil, v.a. igperorei. Stir, as water, v.a. ilucai. Stir with a stick, as water back- wards and forwards, v.a. om- kora. Stitch, v.a. ijei. Stock, n. noinin, inceen. Stocks. >i. nauincai ahtehgaig. Stomach, n. incetpapu, incedpapu. Stomacher, n. napelumai more inritin iran. Stone, n. in hat. [inhetmi. Stone, whin or hard blue, n. Stone, free or sand, n. nijaro. Stone, grind, n. nijaro. [nepaig. Stone, round, water worn, n. Stone wall round any place, n. nathatahau. Stone, v.a. asji irai hat. Stones, broken, n. inniagre hat. Stones, small, 11. nupsi hat. Stony, a. nilpau hat. Stool, n. nitai ateuc. Stool, go to, v.n. ade, aredared. Stoop, v.n. atpuse, apakapak. Stop, v.a. atapnes. [ahreapnes. Stop, as a charge in a gun, v.a. Stop, as cows going in some path, /. asis. [elipnes. Stop, as a sore running, v.n. Stopped, as purging, a. omot, ucjipines, sing, ucjapines, pi. Store, /(. nahinag, nalupas. Storeroom or storehouse, n. neom ikni itai, niimai padiaig. Store city, n. innialiyum ikni itai. Storey, n. nuarin neom inlolan. Storm, 11. ncihio. Story, n. intas. Stout, a. emda. Stow, v.a. ikni. Straddle, v.n. eijiwusjira. Straight, a. atoh. Straight, make, v.a. ucehi. Straight, make, as thatch raised up, v.n. iopso. Strain out, v.a. elcei. Strained, a. asvagrei. Strait, a. ehroehro. Straitened, a. haklin, ohocred. Straitly, ad. emda. Strange, a. eche. Stranger, n. natimi an taka pece. Strangle, v.a- alcinwan. Straw, n. inceen kom. Straw, or strew, or strow, v.a. ahled, imiterimterim. Stray, v.n. melga, ahnag. Stream, n. nofowai, inwaiyah. Stream, dry in summer, n. inran- wai. Stream, dry for most part, n. Street, n. nefalaig. [niskinwai. Strength, n. nemda. Strengthen, u.tt. regeig, ago emda, ahidaig emda, imiemda, imiim- Strctch out, v.a. alcaman. [raig. Stretch out, as arms, v.a. atgeig yi apidi, ada. [v.a. acihi. Stretch out arms from fatigue, Stretchout, as wings, v.a. ahtalau. Stretch up oneself, v.n. uchi. Stretch upon, v.a. ahparopse. Stretch head over fence, v.a. adalgaunyi. Stretch, as a cord, v.a. athai, asjis. Stride opposite to, v.n. eijiwus- Strife, n. nehtauo. [jira. Strife, cause, v.a. etinohna nedoa. Strike, v.a. ohaig, auud, abli, ahpoi, aredei, ahpaual, ucjap- Strike, as wind, v.a. asji. [idai. Strike, as sea on reef, v.a. agrad- tasvisi. Strike with foot, v.a. atgeig pan. Strike, as a nail, v.a. apjapjalaig. Strike to make a mark, v.a. atcei String, n. inya. [nuhri. String, as beads, v.a. aijei. Stringy, a. idi. STR ( 190 ) SUP Strip, v.a. atipagki, ecrid. Strip offas roof, v.a. adig, ahwaig. Stripe, n. naredei. Striped, a. naklei. Stripling, n. intakuras. Strive, v.a. ehtauo, imiisjis, eris, miakaikai agradaliek, caig- meru, ecaigmeru. Strive to injure, v.a. ahtalo. Stroke, n. naredei. Strong, a. emda, ahmatahmat, regeig ucvan, imianahna. Strong, as tea or coffee, a. eleuc- Strong to reply, a. niihta. [eleuc. Strong men, n. esga atinii. Strongly, ad. anvaijai, ef. Struggle, v.n. aliaujai jipe, ad- wad wa, apjo ra, auhi yi amud. Strumpet, n. intakata lias. Strumpet, play the, v.n. auyei, Stubble, n. nefelelicai. [auyiai. Stubborn, a. ipjin, imipalea. Stud, n. nitai yecrei. Study, v.a. aktaktai. Stuff, n. naga, inpadiaig. Stuffed at nose with cold, a. helugisja. [auliieliek. Stumble, v.n. epihtau, ataualep, Stumbling-block, n. nitai epihtau. Stump, n. nohun. Stupid, a. ahpapau. Stupid fellow, n. nup itaho. Stutter, v.n. taliek, eucitigtig. Sty, n. narakaupa. Subdue, v.a. imiasuol, esjilid. Subject, a. atahaijeg, imiaiji intas, Submit, v.n. upoupo. [upoupo. Submit, v.a. imiaiji intas. Suborn, v.a. abraig. Subscribe, v.a. aged nidan. Substance, n. naga, inpadiaig, niji itai. Substance of taro, u. nemihtan. Substitute, v.a. asitu, asjupig- moig, sing. , isjupigmoig, esj upig- Substitute, n. inparei. [moig, pi. Subtil, a. arapakau. Suburb, n. nuarin ubutpotet in- Subvert, v.a. auahas. [maliyum. Succeed, v.a. isjeupigmoig es- jupigmoig, pi., asjeupigmoig, sing., apitac, epitpitac. Success, n. namen upene. Succour, v.a. atau. Such, pr. and a. ara sji igki, idivaig, uco, uce. [puhvig. Suck, as breast, v.a. ided, yidei, Suck and swallow, v.a. alaupa iran, edmudmoi. Suck and swallow juice, as liquor- ice, v.n. iramai. Suck, as fat, v.a. admoi. Suck, but not spit out refuse, v.a. anacjap iran. Suck, give, v.a. alidan. Sucker of a tree, n. nehlan. Suckling, n. inhadi. Sudden, a. auroauro. Sue, v.a. imiisjis. Suffer, v.a. asaig, apos nohocred, imiaiji, ohocred. Suffering, n. nohocred. Suffice, v.a. alupas, ahinag, geije. Sufficient, a. alupas, ahinag. Sugarcane, n. netto, neto. Suicide, commit, v.a. ejcei, eijcei, Suit, v.n. tau, mehta. [eijcai. Sulky, a. imrig, ecsimrig. Sullen, applied to mouth, a. ulik- Sulphur, n. narekwas. [ulik. Sum, n. nohuun, nisjipicnaig. Summer, n. inlidija. Summit, reach, v.n. eliaujai. Sumptuously, ad. alupas um upene. [natupuca. Sun, n. nagesega, nedig, natupua, Sunset, n. nete o un, araparap. Sunrise, n. naridjai o un. Sunrise, near, n. auyag. Sunder, v.a. atiakoai, aucsamud, yi amud. Sundry, a. ehcahinag. Sup, v.a. hag. Superfluous, a. esjilid, eris idim Superior, a. esjilid. [eti ika. Superscription, n. naged ijinies. Superstition, n. nalaigaheui maumau. Supper, n. inhag alupas. Supplant, v.a. ago nedo efaifa. Supple, a. updak, yilyil. Supplication, n. nalaigaheni, intas Supply, v.a. alupai, ahtai. [ugyi. Support, v.a. alaa, atau, acadai. SUP ( 191 ) TAK •Suppose, v.a. ika, aktaktai, mehec Suppurate, v.n. alapdicraig. Supreme, a. esjilid. Sure, a. ipjin, ato upene, aktit, idirn, inveijec. Surely, ad. hiim, inveijec. Surety, n. natimi isjupigmoig, natimi asitu iran, natimi apos, natimi aininjinaig. Surface, n. narasin. .Surfeit. V.a. hag alupas. Surmise, v.a. aktaktai lias. Surplus, n. nitai eled, niji itai aled, nitai atautuku. Surprise, v.a. ahugni emda, adu- opre, alohuahau. [ohpooesei. Surprise people in mischief, v.a. Surround. V.a. alitakusei. Suspect, v.a. mehec. Suspend, v.a. aijalcai. Sustain, v.a. alaa. Sustenance, n. nitai caig. Swaddling, n. narore vaig. Swallow, n. nohopcop. Swallow, small, n. jumasjuma. Swallow, v.a. atleg. Swallow down, v.a. atigyade. Swallow without chewing, v.a. akomjoraig. Swamp, 11. inhenau. Swampy, a. jaujal. Swarm, n. inpak irai itai. Swear, v.a. asig yi aktit intas, atcei nuhri. anvaijai. Sweat, n. nihlup, niletehen. Sweep, v.a. ahre, ahrei. Sweep, as with tail, v.a. acause Sweep away, v.a. atako. [pam. Sweet, a. aiyu, adale. upene. Swell, v.n. atop, aridjai, ahlai, ehlai. [iran. Swell in belly, v.n. ekcaiji netgau Swell in leftside of belly, v.n. ehei. Swell, as reeds when near blos- Boming, v.n. ecupupu nieg. Swell out, as a wall, v.n. idrinidrin. Swelling that bursts, n. noda. Swelling, hard, under armpit, n. natarewaig. Swerve, v.n. udei, ahidag pan. Swift, a. auroauro. Swim, v.n. a gag. Swine, n. picad. Swing, v.n. atukak. Swing to and fro, v.n. auhatia. Swollen, a. amile-umpe, ehlepnes, mini, alagaigwai, ehceije. Swollen, as wood in water, a. ucaijihgaig, ameritmerit. Swollen in throat, a. elipnes. Swoon, v.n. mas, auatialidi. Sword, n. nauitoga. Sycamore, n. nauyerop. Synagogue, n. neom alaigaheni. Sympathise, v.a. aiheuc, ataracis. Tabernacle, n. neom atga, neom itap, neom alaigaheni. Table, n. nitai hag. Table made of fencing to dry ar- rowroot, n. narahcai. Tabor, v.a. auud. Tabret, n. nelcau. Tach, n. nitai atehgaig. Tack, as a ship, v.a. atahake. Tackling, n. niji itai. Tail, n. niilaon, nil o un. Tail of a serpent, n. narapacal. Tail of a fish, n. nicin-numu. Tail of a fowl, n. numridi-intim. Tail of a snake, n. niihvin. Tail of an eel, n. nauidwa. Take, v.a. leh, lucse, ati, ati- pagki, ehtai, iknipagki. Take away, v.a. imiapan. Take away, as sickness, v.a. api- Take, how? v.a. eveleh. [jadi. Take away, as ants out of sugar, or people out of lands, v.a. ehped. Take away another man's wife, v.a. nihiai takata. Take off thatch, v.a. aro. Take off, as clothes, v.a. adi. Take off, as wrapping of a sore, v.a. ehti itai iran. [ugnis. Take off sprouts of taro, v.a. Take out of, v.a. ahiyause. Take care of, v.a. aminjinaig. Take up, v.a. arapse, aihiapso. Take up words spoken about others, v.a. takwai tas. TAK ( 192 ) THE Take soundings, v.a. atagat. Tale, n. intas. Talk, v.n. tas. Talk, foolishly, v.n. auyat. Talk out of doors late, v.n. etcare. Talk, n. nasai itai, intas. Tall, a. ijinies. Tall as a giant, a. actalactal. Tallow, n. nagako. [imtinjeuc. Tame, a. auata upene, eti aaij, Tanner, n. natimi ago narasi itai, natimi ago narasi kurimatau. Tantalise, v. a. imikeijkeij. Tap at door, v.a. asjiasji, isjisji. Tapa, n. napamas. Tapioca, n. nohiai. Tar, n. inhataplan. Tares, n. nefelelicai has. Target, n. nitai ahtaipup. Taro, n. intal. Taro, second growth, as of, a. Taro, coarse, n. nehei. [eceliek. Tarry, v.n. amen, atumop, aitgaig, Task, 11. nauritai. [ecrap. Taste, v.a. atimtim, atemtem, cespan. Taste, give, to, v.a. esgeig. Tattler, n. natimi hos tas. Taunt, v.a. auyat, imiafakahcil. Tavern, n. neom ehele atimi asega. Tax, v.a. aged nidan, akwana- Tea, n. inwaahri. [ham, ahtah. Teach, v.a. esege imi. Teach a child to walk, v.a. eipatga. Tear, v.a. ahpati, asjamud, ruhra, Tear up, v.a. atecrei. [anohuoh. Tear, as cloth, v.a. ahpakoai. Tear in pieces, v.a. aces yi annul. Tear in pieces, as rotten cloth, v.a. asjoplecoplec. Tear in pieces with mouth, v.a. ces yi oplecoplec. Tear into shreds, v.a. uhpuputi. Tear skin or hark off anything, v.a. asvadidi, avadidi. Tear, as a book, v.a. edecrei. Tear, n. nidinimtan. Tease or annoy, v.a. ehteucehteuc. Tease, as cotton, v.a. aiyihyi, ehi- hiyi, ehyeihi, ehyiyihi. Teat, n. nasipiai nadan. Tedious, a. imiedohalav. [neijin. Teeth unable to open, a. ijigahtu Tekoma or tekma, tree with large white flower, n. nese. Tell, v.a. asuptecnaig, aholai, esvi, asaig, abli. [imiabraig. Tell the Avords of another, v.a. Temper, as mortar, v. a. atpilaig. Temperance, n. nedo upene, ces- Tempest, n. neihio. [nitai. Tempestuous, a. achacha. [cad. Temple, of head, n. inhagamu- Temple, n. neom ahlap, neom, alaigaheni, neom itap. Tempt, v.a. oop, eipai. Tend, v.n. apan. tau, leh. Tender, a. auatialidi, aiheuc, cap. Tenon, n. neduon. Tenor, n. nesgan tas, nedo. Tent, 71. neom apelumai, neom atga, niim uriicai, niyum wu- Term, v.a. aniv. [dig- Terrestrial, a. obohtan. [imiali. Terrible, a. imtitaig vaig alupas, Terrify, v.a. ika yi imtitaig. Testament, n. intas etipup. Testator, n. natimi asan tas etipup, natimi inig uhpu isju- pigmoig. Testicle, n. naladiran. Testify, v.a. tas emda, asuptecnaig. Testimony, n. intas asuptecnaig. Thank, v.a. naaurinig. That, pron. inaico, iyehki, ahko, That, con. mika. [nai, naico. Thatch, n. numri neom. Thatch, v.a. alcei. Theatre, n. neom alum itai iran. Thee, pron. euc. Theft, n. nehnegitai. Their, pron. ura, urau, u ehtaij. Them, pron. ra, ran, ehtaij. Then, ad. an nopan iyehki. Thence, ad. eahki. Thenceforth, ad. ja par apitac. There, ad. eagko, eahki. There, not, ad. atii, atiih. Thereabout, ad. eahki. Thereby, ad. va nitai inig. Therefore, conj. vaig inig. Therein, ad. irah. THE ( 193 ) TIG Thereinto, ad. iran. There he is, near, ad. an apoig. There he is, farther, ad. an apaico. There he is, farthest, ad. an apyi. These, pron. niji igki, eraigki, raigki, ara sji igki. They, pron. ara, arau, ahtaij. Thick, a. alupas, ahinag. Thick, as cloth, a. ameseij, etug, amasej. Thick, as liquid, a. meret. Thicket, n. nesei, niji ahtai cai. Thief, n. natimi ehnegitai. Thigh, n. inha atimi, neduon, inpoijvan. Thin, a. umeseij, yilyil, ecrei- ecrei, apalapal, erek, acaaca. Thine, pron. unyum. Thing, n. nitai. Think, vn. aktaktai, lelen. Think, v. a. auaaktaktai, anac- lelen, anacanac. Think about, v.a. ijiato lelek, ijiato inliinmopon. Thirst, v.n. ahvig inwai. This, pron. inig, inigki. This way, ad. pam, ki. That way, ad. pan, ko. Thistle, n. nefelelicai, nitai upun- Thither, ad. eahki. [upun, naha. Thong, n. inwau. [nausakrai. Thorn, n. nahtancai upunupun, Thorns, cover with, v.a. ari. Those, pron. niji ehki, erahki. Thou, pron. aiek. [rahki. Though, conj. el, ja, idivaig. Thought, n. n aktaktai. Thoughtful, a. ahecahec, lele Thread, n. inya. [inliinmopon. Thread one's way, v.a. etyokon. Threaten, v.a. tas edernda, asjis, acaiji, eduahpan. Threaten to destroy, v.a. alaija. Threaten to banish, v.a. aduo. Three, a. eseij. Thresh, v.a. auud, auhi. Threshold, n. nuarincai atgeig 8epamki an neucse neom. Throat, n. inhujgopul, inheij- gopul, nauinwan. Throt) with pain, v.n. asjusji. Throne, n. nitai ateuc esjilid. Throng, v.a. atamerit. [urai. Through, prep, vai, an, ira, irai, Through to other side, as a gim- let, ad. epit. Throughly, ad. idim, asega. Throw do wn or away, v. a. eliau jai. Throw down from a great height, v.a. ethaigse. Throw down from a small height, v.a. aistainse. Throw down, without intending to hurt, v.a. adia, auanedeuc, auonedec. Throw oft", v.a. apjo. Throw up dust, v.a. ehrinma. Throw up, as clothes, in anger, v.a. eduacrei. [ohwaig. Throw water with hand, v.a. Thrown down, a. atiteuc, atlijai. Thrown out of a canoe, a. ajugjug. Thrust, v.a. ati, atcijai, ahlopan, imiapan, atarere. Thrust away, v.a. ahtahlo, ahpaa- Thrust aside, v.a. akike. [daig. Thrust through, v.a. asvajiji, as- vajeijei. Thumb, n. nupsikman inmetto. Thump, v.a. asjiasji. Thunder, n. inmunuka. Thus, ad. uco, uce, idivaig, hiski, 'Thy, pron. unyum. [huski. Tick, as a clock, n. asjiasji. Tickle, v.a. imyuimyu, deulek- Tide, n. intelo. [deulek. Tide, high, n. intelopam. Tide, low, n. aridrad, mas. 'Tide falling, n. intelo pan. Tide flowing a little, n. eceijo. Tide ebb, n. nugnyin jap. Tidings, n. intas. Tie, v.a. ahtit, adei, ahiski. Tie round as an ornament, v.a. ahnaig, aktit, aradei. Tie on a fish-hook, v.a. auil Tie up, v.a. athai. [incauij. Tie up, as a bundle, v.a. aijis. Tie up, as in a basket, v.a. uhpuri, ahpari. [iran. Tie rafters on roof, v.a. elceidide Tie tight, f.a.aretretaig.aritritaig. Tight, a. ipjin. TIG ( 194 ) TRA Tight as a rope, a. asjis, atamerit. Tile, n. inhat apalapal. Till, v.a. ahapol. Till, ad. um yetpam. Timber, n. incai, nauincai. Time, n. nopan, apnyin. Time, what, n. nahopan. Timid, a. imtac, imtita atimi. Tingle, v.n. ahelu, igyarigya. Tinkle, n. inmotja bel. Tin, n. nitai naunau. Tip, n. nilpun. Tire, n. nitai yecrei. Tithe, n. nuarin tend. Title, n. nitaasviitai. [amihcit. Titter, give low laugh, v.n. Tittle, ?i.nesganimtai nidan tin tin. To, prep, ehele, imi, par. To-day, ad. inpig. Toe, n. nupseduon. Toe, great, n. nupseduon inmetto. Together, ad. elilis, er, ehras, jipe. Together with, ad. pan an, pan irai, tup ethi ache pan irai. Together, come, v.n. aroparop. Together sit, v.n. imiateuc eyum eyum. Toil, v.a. auritai, aheca. Token, n. nitai asjaaicnaig. Tolerable, a. tintin nohocred. Toll, n. nimtan. Tomb, n. inmun nij. To-morrow, n. imraig. Tongs, n. nitai ehtiti. Tongue, n. naman. Tool, n. nitai ago itai vaig. Tooth, n. neijin. Tooth jaw, n. nuctan. Tooth, loose, n. ambaramba. Toothless, n. nisinpa. Top, n. nilin, nilpun ijinies. Top of hill, n. inlolan nau, inlolan neduon, inyetjai. Top of rock, n. nijin, neijin. Top, as of a pine-apple, n. nidman. Torch, n. nitai ehlo vaig, inmelan cap, neijis ieg. Torment, n. nohocred. [nohocred. Torment, v.a. auoh ohocred,ohuun Tortoise, n. inmopcedo. Tortoise-shell, n. inteijeg. Torture, v.a. aredei. Toss, v.a. auaijai, ahlapitpit, elgei, hedidaig jipe, aed yi ahwi, ak- talokraig. Tossed, as a ship, a. asjaui jipe. Tossed, as by waves, a. nipnyin Totter, a. amaamai. [has. Touch (by a person), v.a. ubli, ahtit. Touch (by a thing), v.a. atceipan. Touch, as a sore with caustic, v.a. Tougb, a. adauihi, wau. [ucni. Tow, n. nerid u incat. Tow, take in, v.a. aheldakehiaig aldakehiaig. [ehnan. Towards, prep, an, vai, alaig, Towards this, prep, alaig pam. Towards that, prep, alaig pan. Towards, looking, prep, ehnain Towel, n. nuarin napelumai. [pan. Tower, n. neom easpan itac, neom ahlad pan. Tower, place to look out from in war, n. niim an nedoa, nigma To wit, ad. nikavaig. [nedoa. Town, n. inmaliyum. Town-clerk, n. natimi alupas. Track, n. nugnyin. Trade, n. nauritai. [tai itai. Trade, v.a. ahtai itai um auarim Tradition, n. intas alep, netec an Traditionary, a. yipul. [tas yipul. Traffic, v.a. ahtai itai um auarim- tac itai. Train, n. ilpu atimi ehcid. Train, v.a. esege imi. [alwai. Traitor, n. natimi aniv, natimi Trample on, v.a. atga iran. Trample on, as grass, v.a. auwihe Trance, n. nahuumtidec. [se. Transfer in a figure, v. a. ecsipece, tas ecsipece. Transfigure, v.a. ika yi eche, auata Transfix, v.a. acjapidai. [kaiyepe. Transform, v.a. ika yi eche, ago yi eche. [intas. Transgress, v.a. imipalea, atladwi Translate, v.a. atipagki. Translate words, v.a. ahidan tas. Transparent, a. lah, weilah. Transparent, as bottle or thin cloth, a. aralmun. Trap, n. nitai asjiraig, nitai apro. TRA ( 195 ) UNA Trash, n. intakitai. Travail, v.a. apos inhalav. Travail, n. nauritai. Travel, v.n. atga. Traverse, v.a. atga. Treacherous, a. efaifa. Tread, v.a. auwihi, atga iran. Treason, n. nedo ahvai, niduarin. nidoarin. Treasure, /(. naga, inpadiaig, niji Treatise, n. nitaasviitai. [itai. Tree, n. incai, nauincai. Tree for food, n. incai er hegaig. Tree, forest, n. eseicai. Tremble, v.n. eucjeucjucaij, uc- jucjucaij, ucrucraig, eucropeuc- Trespass, n. nimipalea. [rop. Trespass, v.a. imipalea. Trial, n. naliilek, nohocred. Tribe, n. neteuc, nelcau, nahrei, niji haijira. Tribulation, n. nohocred. [tan. Tributary, n. natimi alupai nini- Tribute, n. nimtan, nakwanakam. Trickle, v.n. atte. Trifle, v.n. auoh takitai. Trim, v.a. yecrei. Trip up, v.a. ahtaliak, auhieliek. Triumph, v.a. imiacitak, cediaig. Troop, n. niji ira atimi, inpak an Trouble, n. nohocred. [nedoa. Trouble, v.a. imiedohalav, auahas, aihii, aldakji. [uhrei. Trouble, as water, v.a. elucai, Trough, n. nelcau ak wai. Trow, v.n. aktaktai, ika. Truce, n. nasau nigpa. Truce-breaker, n. iruhcai inliin- True, a. inveijec. [mopon. Trumpet, n. intoho. Trunk, n. inceen, noliuun, nauun. Trust, v.a. asgeig pan. Truth, n. intas inveijec. Try, v.a. ahilek, oop, ato, ahliji. Try by tasting, as food, fish, &c, Tumble, v.n. etjo. [v.a. atgeh. Tumble down, v.n. ahtalekraig. Tumour, n. inheuau. Tumult, n. nehtauo. Tumult, raise a, v.a. recrectidai. Tune, n. nohranitai, nucnin, ne- duigeduig. Turbulent, a. iruhcai inliinmopon. Turkey, n. pipi. Turn, v.n. ahidaig, hedaig, alau- alau, auoh tak ago pan. [jipe. Turn on all sides, v.n. hedidaig Turn away, v.n. atidjin iran. Turn over, v.a. atorapidaig. Turn over, v.n. atehteri. [pam. Turn towards, v.n. atimop yin Turn upside down, v.a. ametjat pub. Turn end to end, v.a. aparaig. Turn over leaves, v.a. algei. Turn round, as handle of a door, v.a. atpHaig. Turn round, as boat by wind or sea, v.n. apitapit. Turtle, n. nahau. Turtle-dove, n. nalaupa, nalopa. Tush, interj. meh. Tusk, n. nipat. Tutor, n. natimi esege. Twain, a. ero, ohwat. Twice, or two times, ad. ecero. Twilight, n. nahcaiemilmat, ah- cauahcau, nahcaimilmat. Twine, n. inya. Twine, v.a. ahlolai. Twins, n. inmul. Twist, v.a. atpilaig, atpajej, esvi- tistis, etpitpilaig. Twist off, v.a. asuamud. [ilaig. Twist round, v.a. aradei, asvap- Twist mouth, in derision, v.a. ncsaurij. Twisted, a. auud yi atpilaig. Two, a. ero, ohwat. Two-edged, a. arig nahaijin im Type, n. nalmu itai. [nahaijin. U Udder, n. nadan. Ugly, a. has, eti eklim upene. Ulcer, n. inmocop. Ulcer, small, n. namugamug. Ulcer, large, n. numannava. Ulcerated, a. amugamug. Unaccustomed, a. eti imjijeuc. Unadvisedly, arf.ahnag, maumau. Unawares, ad. auarahcil, eti ato. UNB ( 196 ) VER Unbelief, n. nimiisjis nahcil. Unblamable, a. eti acaiji. Uncertain, a. eti acreh. Uncle, father's brother, n. etman. Uncle, mother's brother, n. matan . Unclean, a. has. Uncultivated land, n. inlelitai. Undecided, a. agaigai lele atimi. Under, ad. sepagko. [ithan. Under, but not touching, prep. Undergird, v.a. arorapicnaig. Understand, v. a. ato, ahaijeg. Undertake, v. a. ika yi ago. Undo, v.a. ahiyi, auahas. Undoubted, a. acreh. Uneven, as stones, a. auopso, tipetipe. Uneven, as plaster, a. nuhpa-u. Unfeigned, a. inveijec. Unfruitful, a. arih. Ungodly, a. eti ecen vai Atua. Ungrateful, a. epaije. Unintentional, a. eti ethotiknaig. Unite, v.a. ehciliran, ehcilpun. Unite two hostile parties, v.a. echaijehgaig nelcau. Unity, n. intup ethi ache. Unjust, a. eti atoh. Unlawful, a. itap. Unload, as a ship, v.a. arah. Unloose, v.a. pijadi, apijadi, ah- topdicraig, aihiyi. Unless, conj. el eti. Unobserved, a. tiblaitiblai. Unravel, v.a. apijadi, pijadi. Unripe, a. pak, auoc, ehla, lelen. Unsatisfied, a. lohlason. Unseemly, a. maumau. Unsettled, a. auoh tak ago, ehcid. Unsettled, as weather, a. auud ipnyin. Unskilled, a. asuol irai. [acre. Unsteady from weakness, a. acre- Until, ad., conj., um yetpan, urn yetpam, um imihum pan, um imihum pam. [gan. Untimely, as a birth, a. areuctik- Unwilling, a. esjum, ugni yin. Up, ad. jai, jipagko. Up, rise, v.n. atidai. Upwards, ad. jeco, incaijai. Upbraid, v.a. acaiji. Uphold, v.a. atau. Upper, a. ijinies. Upright, a. atoh, inveijec. Uproar, n. nehtauo. Uproot, v.a. aed yi ahuwi. Upset, v.a. ahtalicraig, mehidai, imiajatpuk. Upwards, ad. ijinies. Urchin, sea, n. inwoijic. Urge, v.a. imiisjis, ehteitas, imi- Us, pro. caija, cama. [icaijero. Use, v.a. ago. Use ill, v.a. ahtapidai. Useless, a. takitai. Usurp, v.a. tup leh. Usury, n. nimtan alupas. Utmost, a. nehni. Utter, v.a. asuptecnaig. Utterly, ad. nehni. Vacant, a. tup lah, ucacai. Vagabond, n. natimiamen ehcid. Vail, n. napelumai adahpoi. Vain, a. acita-acera. Vale, n. nuarin marara. Valiant, a. emda. Valley, n. niskanse, nikkanse. Value, v.a. asuptecnaig nimtan. Vanish, v.n. tup tii eh pan, tup Vanity, n. intakitai. [tii. Vapour, n. inmoso. Variableness, n. auorobotpotedo. Variance, set at, v.a. elcauka. Various kinds, n. niji obotpot Vaunt, v.n. tas ijinies. [itai. Vegetables for food of all kinds, n. inceslum. Vehement, a. emda. Vein, n. inwau. Vengeance, n. neruvaig va nedo Venison, n. nitai hegaig. [has. Venom, n. inwai acen, nitai acen. Vent, n. nuarin apan iran. Venture, v.n. tup apan. Verify, v.a. ago inveijec. Verily, ad. et idim inveijec, idim, tarn, taam. Vermilion, n. nitai aspi cap. VER ( 197 ' WAS Verse, n. nucnin. Very, a. inveijec. Very, ad. acen. Very, very, ad. ethi, piv, moij, jak, sjak. Vessel, n. nipjinitai, nelcau. Vessel, old, ft. numan itu. Vestment, n. napelumai. Vex, v.a. auahas inliinmopon, auoh ohocred atmas, auoh taig- taig yin. Vial, n. nipjinitai, inhubej. Victorious, a. apos edoa, auoh yi aijiraig. Victory, ft. nesjilid an nedoa. Victuals, ft. nitai caig. View, v.a. adpau. Vigilant, a. aktaktai upene. Vile, a. has. [nahri maliyum. Village, ft. iumaliyjum haklin, Vindicate, v.a. auud yi edi. Vinegar, n. inwai acen. Vineyard, n. nokoro vaine. Violate, v.a. auahas. Violence, n. natoraliak.miakaikai. nedo ipjin, natamerit. Violent, a. edemda, emda. Viper, n. nimyeuv nimyiv. Virgin, ft. natahig. Virtue, ft. nemda, nedo upene. Visage, n. nesgauimtau. Visible, a. ecetai. [tidec. Vision, ft. nahuumtidec, hauum- Visit, v.a. ateghe, aiheuc. Visit, as a plantation, v.a. aced wei, ataraces. Visit, ft. inrohod. Visitor, n. nalaig. Vital, a. urnoh. Vocation, ft. nimiacaij. Voice, ft. nohran, intas. Voice, small, ft. nalvohran. Voice, like, a. auarohrai. Voice, without, a. elipnes. Void, a. ti nitai iran. Volcano, ». suata. Volume, ft. nitaasviitai. Voluntary, a. tup ispun. Vomit, v.n. alo. Voraciously, eat, v.a. atarai. Vow, v.a. asan tas aktit, asig yi Voyage, ft. inheldei. [aktit intas. nitai atga. W Wade, v.n. areucareuc. Wafer, n. nitai caig apalapal. Wag, v.a. auhohaig. Wages, ft. nimtan. Waggon, ft. Wail, v.n. ehtigtaig. a unyauwaig. Wail aloud, v.n. afakatotau. Wait, v.a. aitgaig, aijnaig, yiis. Wait a little, v.a. eklim erop. Wake, v.n. aiji lahlah. Walk, v.n. edo, atga. Walk about, v.n. lelceije, eklim edo, eijis jipe. [ehcedpig. Walk at night, v.n. ecedpig. Walk in single file, v.n. auanakwai. Walk feebly, v.n. aleklekmop. Walk and eat, v.n. atga agwa. Walk, unable to, a. yusinba. Wall, ft. narin, nathatahau. Wall, side, n. nathat. Wallow, v.n. ereuc, atcelcal, ad- wadwa, auhiyamud. Wander, v.n. melga, udei, amen ehcid, eti amen aktit. Wander from the path, v.n. esji- titva. Want, n. nihkin natimi. Want of food, n. namud. Want, v.a. merit. Wanton, a. aktaktai has, acitak. War, ft. nedoa, nedoarin. War, v.a. ati nedoa, ago nedoa. Warrior, ft. neucsupo, nucsupo. Ward, ft. neom ipjin. Ward off, v.a. ahtaipup. Ware, wares, ft. naga, inpadiaig. niji itai. Warm, a. ihlup, ere, ehri, eheh- Warm, as the feet, v.a. arig. [tin. Warm at the fire, v.n. atiicap. Warm in the sun, v.n. atikga. Warn, v.a. ated, acaiji. Warp, ft. inya opra, inya ahidi. Wart, ft. nupsinohos. Was, v.n. is, kis. Wash, v.a. yiri, ahpoi, ohpoi, Wash away, v.a. ehiahas. [ereuc. Wash over, as the sea, v.a. auai Wash face, v.a. ehperigde. [jai. WAS ( 198 ) WHE Wash hands, v.a. ahisjum. Wash taro, v.a. elohol. Washen, not, a. imtyi. Wasp, insect like a, n. numehe. Wast, v.ii. as. Waste, v.a. anahas, eduarap. Waste plantations, v.a. ohpoditai. Waste, n. ahwai lelcai. Wasting, as of a child, n. inheres, picritpicrit. [asgi. Watch, v.a. imiiris, aminjinaig, Watch any one's words, v.a. tas ehlek tas. [gaiji- Watch or keep awake, v.a. imi- Watch^property, v.a. asjeucjinaig itai. [jinaig natimi. Watch sick person, v.a. asjeuc- Watchthe approach of an enemy, Water, n. inwai. [v.a. eas itai. Water, n. inwairai. Water, v.a. opoh. [nauunwai. Water - course, n. neucsenwai Waterfall, n. nadared. Watery, as taro or potatoes, a. idi, Wattle, v.a. alcei. [ede. Wave, n. nepeau, nahrei. Wave, v.a. ohaig. Wax, v.n. eteuc. Way, n. nefalaig, nedo. Way, give, v.n. etcepicnaig. We, pron. akaija, aijama. Weak, a. auatialidi, areci, arici, asjiluc, yalse, apakapak, apak- apaij. [iran. Weak in body, a. umkanumkan Weak in heart, a. etcumlai. Weak in the legs, a. aleklekmop. Wealth, n. naga, niji itai, inpad- iaig. Wean, v.a. atwan nided irai. Weapon, n. nij va atimi. Wear, v.a. aso napelumai. Wear away, v.n. auatialidi. Weaiy, a. auatialidi, arici, esjum. Weary, v. a. esvi yin, ugni. Weather, n. nipnyin. fnyin. Weather, unsettled, n. auud ip- Weave, v.a. ahod. Web, n. napelumai, nitai eris Web, spider's, n. nilva. [ahod. Web of fat over inwards, n. nilva - Wedding, n. natmehgan. [nilva. Wedding feast, n. inhag u nat- Wedge, n. nuarin. [mehgan. Weed, n. nefelelicai has. Weed, v. a. auorohos, etgei, asjaig, atohwan, auaramtah. Weed, sea, n. nilam, nohlaig. Week, n. nadiat atumop, wiik. Weep, v.n. taig, sing., ehtig- taig, pi. [wodrop intaig. Weep aloud, v.n. auodrop intaig, Weep together, v.n. ehlis intaig. Weep not, v.n. tinau, sing., atinau, pi. Weft, n. inya, atgaig. Weigh, v.a. asjaaicnaig. Weigh down, as a burden, v.a. Weight, n. nopoc. [ahtapidaig. Welfare, n. namen upene. AVell, n. nehpanwai, nimtanwai. Well, a. cedag, cehcehe. Well, ad. yiapidi, aucse. Well, interj. ehe. Well, treat, v.a. ahahapene. Wench, n. natahig. Were, v.n. eris. West, n. nete o un. Westward, n. igcase. Wet, a. ohpohpa, edin. Wet or soaked, a. nadwudin. Wet, as grass with rain or dew, a. emaig. Wet, as hair, a. lulumlical. Wet by water, a. ehec. Wet, as firewood, a. ohpoh, amoig- Whale, n. inyau. [ya. What, interog. inhe, neveh. What thing, pron. nevitai . What is it, pron. inoko, inhe ko, inho ko. [na uri aiek. What, do, pron. auanohuauo aiek, What for, pron. vanhe. What about them, the, pron. in- tup uauo ra. What sfbout it, v.n. er uauo. What is it for, pron. nitai uri. What, interj. ka ahna. Whatsoever, a. nitai iji igki asega. Wheel, n. nitai arehed. Whelp, n. hakli kuri, inhal u kuri. When, ad. an nahopan, igyid. When, ad. wat, wit, uwit. Whence, ad. eda. WHE ( 199 ) WOO Where, ad. eda, id, pan id. Where is, ad. yek eda. Where go, ad. han id. Where, take, ad. imianid. Whet, v.a. a tine ij in. Whether, cotij. el, ka. Whether or no, ad. kit, ka, yi ei. Which, pron. inig. Which, pron. neveh. While, n. nopan. Whip, n. inran. Whirl, v.a. aihapidaig, apitpi;. atorapilaig. [afakavilvil. Whirl round, as sea or wind, v.n. Whirlwind, n. naopyiatraas, na- Whisper, v.n. tasilohol. [rakiraki. Whistle, v.n. asahas. Whit, n. nuarin. White, a. ahi. [ahveuc. Whitish, or darkish white, a. Whitewash, v.a. ispidin. Whither, ad. eda. Whiz, as a stone, v.n. ru. Who, pron. a di. Whole, or all, a. asega. Whole, or well, a. cehcehe, cedag. Whom, pron. di. Whore, n. intakata ago ingeijid. Whose, pron. u di. Why, ad. a uri. [has. Wicked, a. has, auatatimi, ehes- Wide, a. alkaualkau, ahauahau, afarafa, aharahar. Wide, as cloth, a. lecen. Wide, as a house, a. hare. Wide, as a path, a. alupas, lahan- lahan. Wide, as a hole, a. aharahar. Wide, as a kilt, trousers, &c, ohalohal, auhalauhal. Width, n. netgeig, lecan. Widow, n. intakata is mas na- Wife, n. ehgan. [tamnyu un. Wives, n. ilpu ehnaa o un. Wives, two, n. ohwat ehnaa un. Wives, three, n. taijis ehnaa un. Wild, a. aleg, aaij. Wilderness, n. namasacen, intup auun, ucaucai umaruma. Wile, n. nedo efaifa. Will, n. intas, nika, inmerit. Will, v.a. ika, asaig, merit. Willing, a. idumdumoij. Win, v.a. leh. Wind, n. nimtinjap. Wind, light, n. nehlehel, sing., evehel, pi. Wind round, v.a. aleuc, adei. Window, n. inmun ncom. Windpipe, n. inheujgopul, inheuj- Wine. n. nide vaine. [nalaig. Winepress, n. nehpanitai par ah- taijiraig nohwai vaine. Wing, n. nehpan. Wink, v.?i. asvapni, asvapnise nesganimtan, iswuswupni nes- ganimtan. Wink in contempt, v.n. esviesvi. Winnow, v.a. irara. Winter, n. inmesese. Wipe, v.a. yiri mese, auha. Wire, n. nisil. [kau. Wisdom, n. namarero, narapa- Wise, a. amarero, arapakau, imi- Wish, v.a. merit. [taualep. Wish, n. inmerit. Wish, thing wished for, n. nitai Wist, v.n. ato. [merit. Wit, n. nato itai. Wit, to, conj. nikavaig. Witch, n. intakata araces. Witchcraft, rc. naraces. [ehele. With, prep, an, ira, irai, urai, Withdraw, v.a. udei, atise, ati- With, n. inwau. [pagki, atga. Wither, v.n. imlai, urauo, etgig. Withhold, v.a. imiaaij, ahtadi. Within, prep, an, anliin, inliiu, ira, irai, urai, iraili, ehele. Without, ad. ijo, itac. Withstand, v.a. imiisjis, imiah- Witness, v.a. asuptecnaig. [cen. Wizard, n. natimi araces, nup Woe, n. nohocred. [itap. Wolf, n. kuri aleg. Woman, n. intakata. Womb, n. nipjinetgan. Wonder, n. nitai asjaaicnaig, nitai imiali. Wonder, v.n. imiali, imiasjasji. Wonderful, interj. kahispin, kaih- rinin, woho, wauho. Wont, a. idivaig nedo un. Wood, a, n. nesei. woo ( 200 ) ZEA Wood, n. incai, nahtancai. Wood, part of any thing, n. inceen. Wood, small, for roof, n. nisji. Wood, white, of a tree, n. incei- deuc. Wood, hard, or red, n. incei-imtaig. Woof, n. inya atgeig. Wool, n. nalau irai siip. Word, n. intas, nasaig. [ago Work, v.a. auritai, auanaheca, Work, n. nauritai, naheca, naua- Work for, v.a. imiehca. [naheca. Work alternately, v.a. ehtigeliek atimi. World, n. nohohtan, natimi asega, nnp urai iji pece, niji itai asega. Worm, n. nimyeuv, nemijan, nisa. Wormwood, n. incai acen. Worry, v.a. auhoig, ehteucehteuc. Worship, v.a. alaigaheni, atpuse. Worth, n. nupene. Worthless, a. apaijapaij. Worthy, a. upene. Wound, n. inmocop. Wound, v.a. ati inmocop iran. Wound or abrade the skin, v.a. edecrei. Wound mortally, v.a. acjapidai. Wounded, a. eligre. Wrap, v.a. aso, asvi. Wrap round, v.a. adei. Wrath, n. nedemda, intavaitap. Wreath, n. nitai atpilaig. Wren, n. inhuauc, inheleuc. Wrest, v.a. ago acal, asaig acal. Wrestle, n. imiisjis, acesaces, atlijai, auhohaig, eliaujai. Wretched, a. ohocred. Wring, v.a. avidin, ividin. Wring out, v.a. till, atili. Wring off, as neck of fowl, v.a. asvamud, asvapilaig. Wrinkle, n. necenecen, auyii, in- mecec, mecuc, oyewiyi, uyii, uyiuyi, nevelecya. Wrist, n. naduucsup, hutalhutal. Write, v.a. aged. Write over or above what is marked, v.a. ahtaijiraig. Writhe, v.n. asvachi. [itu, apat. Wrong, a. has, acalacal, maumau, Wrong, do, v.a. ati natcai. Wroth, a. edemda, makimaki. Wry, a. acalacal. Yam, n. nuh. Yard, or court, n. nimnim, nok- oro, nikaro, nahtit. Yard in length, n. nesja neduon. Yarn, n. inya. Yawn, v.n. amuhca, anumuca. Ye, pron. caua. Yea, ad. maiya. Year, n. inmesese. Yearn, v.n. aiheuc. Yell, v.n. aunyauwaig. Yellow, a. yag, inmopu. Yes, ad. maiya um aiyu, eum, yia Yes, 0, ad. ya, idapa. Do you hear (say eum), (nai ika aick Yesterday, n. ianiv. [eum). Yesterday, the day before, n. invid. Yesternigbt, n. ianiv an nepig. Yet, conj. ja, jam. Yield, as fruit, v. n. ohwai itai. Yield, not, v.a. asjis. [naheca ero. Yoke, n. nitai ahelwei, naua- Yolk of an egg, n. nesgan. Yonder, ad. eahki, eagko, ko. Yonder, far away, ad. eamki pagki, eahki puki, eahki jeco. Yonder, near, ad. ean pamko, eago pamko. You, pron. aijaua, caua. Young, a. tupko, takuras, haklin. Yours, pron. unyimia. Youth, n. intakuras. Zeal, n. nemda. 6jLz> s& - PRINTED BV BALLANTYNK, HANSON AND CO. 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