;t;;^-' .\ . T H-'E ' Way of Life irfevealed, AND THE Way of Death difcovered: Wherein is declared, Man's happy Eftate before the Fall^ His miferable Eftate in the Fall, AND The Way of Reftoration out of the Fall, into the Image of God again, in which Man was before the Fall. ALSO, The By-Paths, Crooked Ways, Wiles, Snares, and Temptations of the Enemy of Man*s Soul difcovered, who goeth about as a roaring Lion, feeking how he may infnare and devour thofs who are in any meafure efcaping out of his Ways of Death and Deftrudion. By CHARLES .MARSHALL. LONDON: Printed by Mary Hinde, at N^ 2, in George- Yard, Lombard-Street, 1772. Mii ' i|>» >l «*<»«^ ' a n ^^ [[ '^/'•••••^•^^^'^•'•mm^^m ^t - TO THE READER. I> E ferious when thou take/l in Hand ttf rtad ^ this following l^reatife^ and have a Jingle Regard unto the inward Eftate of thy immortal Soul J and let thy Spirit bow down to the Mea-- fare of the Spirit of God given thee to profit ?8 withal, that by it the Eye of thy Under ftand- ^ ing may be opened y fo wilt thou fee the Things Z herein contained, which concern thy own eternal az Welfare : And let not thy own Thoughts and <£ Imaginations, in the Wifdom from below, which is fenfual and -earthly, be Jttdge therein^ but Jland Jiill out of thy own Comprehendings, Jifcendings, and Defcendings j and let a true and diligent Regard be had to the Word in thy Heart and Mouth, there placed, that thou may'* ft obey it and do it ; fo will thy Heart be ^ truly opened to read with Delight the Things S herein opened by the Spirit of Truth, which g fearches all Things^ yea, the deep Things of God, and the Travail in Spirit, which is for opening the Eyes of the Blind, and unflopping To the reader: rf the Ears of the Deaf, will be anjwered, and the Lord God Almighty will have his Honour from his own Workman/hip, and thou the Benefit ; which is the Dejire, Travail, and Breathings of him, who is a 'traveller for Sion'i perfeii Deliverance. C. M. Briftol, the 2d of the fcventh Month, in the Year 1673. THE t ' 1 THE Way of Life revealed, A N D T H E Way of Death difcovered^ i^c. IN the Beginning God created the Heaven and the Earth; and after he had made all Things on the Earth, he made Man in his own Image, formed him of the Duft of the Ground, and breathed into him the Breath of Life, and Man became a living Soul: And the Lord planted a Garden in Eden, and there he placed the Man whom he had formed ; and out of the Ground the Lord God made every Tree pleafant to the Sight, and good for Food, to grow; the Tree of Life alfo in the midft of the Garden, and the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil : And he that made Man in this Eftate, gave him a Law to preferve him therein, as the Scripture of Truth witneffeth, faying, j^nd the Lord God commanded the Man, fay- ing. Of every Tree in the Garden thou 'mayfi freely eat ; but of the Tree of Knowledge of Good 2 The Way of Life revealed. Good and Evily thou mafjl not eat ; for in the Day thou eateft thereof ^ thou [halt Jurely die. Now God iaw every Thing that he had made, and behold it was very good; the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil was good, but not for Food : And Man was en* dued with that divine Wifdom, that when the Lord God brought of every Beaft of the Field, and Fowl of the Air, to Adam, he gave Names unto them ; and whalfoever Adam called every living Creature, that was the Name thereof: So here was Man's Sta- tion in the Image of God, a living Soul, a noble Plant, wholly a right Seed, filled with divine Wifdom and Virtue, cloathed with Innocency, covered with Glory, adorned with ccleftial Beauty, in the continual Enjoy- ment of the Love and Favour of the eternal Being of all Beings, having his daily Con- verfation with him that made him ; no Death, no Darknefs, no Sorrow, no Occaiion of Tears, no Tranfgrefnon, no Knowledge of Evil, dwelling in the Innocent Life itfclf, placed in the Garden, into which came the River out of Eden that watered it. Oh, blciTcd State! Oh, happy Condition! Oh, unexprcfTible Enjoyment, undeclarablc Beau- ty and Glory ! 'Tis beyond the Tongue of Man to declare lully that bleficd, happy Eftate of Joy, Peace, Virtue, Purity, Holi- ncfs, Righieoufnefs, and Fruition of Life, which Man was in before he tranfgrefTcd the Royal Law of God. Man'i and the Way of jD^ath difcovsred. Man's miferable Eflate in the Fall. D U T now he, who kept not his firft Ha- *-' bitation, neither abode in the Truth, envied Man's Happioefs in the Truth, and therefore, as a Serpent, naore fubtle than any Bcaft of the Field which the Lord God had made, came to the Woman, who out of the Man was made, and faid. Tea, hath God faid, Te fhall not eat of eijery T'ree of the Gar- den ? The Woman faid, We may eat of the Fruits of the Threes of the Garden ; but of the Fruit of the Tree which is in the mid/l of the Garden, God hath faid, Te fid all not eat, nei- ther fhall ye touch of it, left ye die. And the Serpent faid to the Woman, 7 e fhall not fur dy die ', for God doth knowy that in the Day ye eat thereof, then your Eyes fhall be opened, and you fhall be as Gods, knowing Good and Evil : And here the Serpent got an Entrance. And when the Woman [mark] faw that the Tree was good for Food, and that it was pleafant to the Eyes, and a Tree to be defired to make one Wife, ftie took of the Fruit, and did eat, and gave alfo to her Hufband with her, and he did cat, and the Eyes [mark] of them both were opened : Here the God of the World prevailed, fo as to open an Eye that faw Evil pleafant, and to blind the Eye B m M ^e Way of Lije revealed^ . in thefe Children of Difobedience, that they (hould no longer behold the ^^^jy/.^^^^ (^c And here they became naked, having loft the Robe of Righteoufneji, and Garment of Innocency, and then made Aprons of l;ig- leaves to cover their Nakednefs; and they heard the Voice ot the Lord God walking iQ the Cool of the Day, and Adam and his Wife hid thcmfelves from the Prefence ot tht Lord God 5 and the Lord God called unto Mam. faying, Where art thu^ And the Man faid, I heard thy Voice in the Garden, and I was afraid, becaufe I was naked-, and 1 hid myfelf: And the Lord God faid, Who told thee that thouwafinaked^ Haft thou eaten of the Tree whereoj 1 commanded thee that thou jhouldfi not eat P Who began to excufe him- felf, faying, The Woman thou gaveft to be with me, fiegave me of the Tree, and 1 did eat : And the Lord God faid to the Woman, What is this that thou haft done ? And the Woman iaid. The Serpent beguiled me, and 1 did eat : And the Lord God faid unto the Serpent, Be- caufe thou haji done this, Curjed art thou above all Cattle, and above every Bead of the Field-, on thy Belly Jhalt tkou go. and Duft fialt thou eat ficc. And I will put Enmity between thee and the Woman, and between thy Seed and her Seed-, it pall bruife thy Head, and thou fhalt bruife his Heel. So the Lord fent Adam forth from the Garden to Till the Ground, &c. And placed at the Eaft of the Garden of Eden ^ Cherubims, and the Way of Death difcovered, g Cberubims, and a Flaming Sword, which turned every Way to keep the Way of the Tree of Life. Oh miferable Change ! Oh deplorable Al- teration ! Oh lamentable State, undeclarable undone Condition, unexpreffible Fall ! What! He that was in the Image of the Incorrupti- ble Being, a living Soul, inhabiting in the Garden of the Lord, where the Tree of Life was, and the Splendor of the Glory of the Divine Being was known and enjoyed, drove from all into the Earth, and not only fo, but the Cberubims and Flaming Sword, that turneth every Way, placed to keep the Way of the Tree of Life : Be aftonifhed. Oh Hea- vens, at this, and be horribly afraid, Oh Earth ! The Lord God brought up Children, and they rebelled againft him. Now, what was the Caufe and Ground, O ye Sons and Daughters of j^dam, that brought this wonderful Change, that brought Man into this deplorable State and Condition I Was it not Difobedience to the righteous Law of God ? Did not Sin enter into the World through Difobedience, and Death by Sin ? And is not Sin continued in the World through Difobedience ? Is there any other Way by which Sin enters now, than it did then, and Death by Sin, which has reigned over all, and reigns over all who are in the fallen pftate from God, even over them that have Slot finned according to the Similitude of B 2 Adam.% 6 ^he Way of Life revealed^ Mams Tranfgreflion ? For all have not fin- ned according to his Similitude, who was deceived with an Expedtation of an higher Eftate than that in which the Lord God had placed him: But all Iniquity, of what Simi- litudc foevcr, is one in the Ground, and be- comes a Separater of Man from his God : So the Ground of all Iniquity and Tranfgreflion that ever was, is, or fhall be, is Man's dif- obeymg the righteous Law of God, Difobe- dience whereunto bringeth Death. But what was that which in Adam died ? And what was the Death ; feeing that the Lord faid. In the Day thou eateji of the Tree^ before mentioned, thou (l:alt furely die 5 and yet, though he did eat thereof, he lived out^ wardly, and had Children ? It was the inward Man that died, which was fo made by the living Breath of the Al- mighty ; for Man going out of the Counfel of the Lord, by his Dilbbedience came to be alienated from the Life of God, and fo be- came infenfiblc of that primary Life in which he was wholly a right Seed, and a noble Plant : In his Degeneration he became in- wardly dead; the inward Scnfes of the in- ward Man was loft; the inward Ear was ftoppcd; the inward Eye was blinded; the inward Senfe of Tafting how good the Lord IS, the inward Feeling after the Divine Vir- tue, who is all Power, Life, Love, and Joy 5 the inward Senfe of Smelling his Garments, that and the Way of Death Mfcovered. f that fmcU of Myrrh, and of the Spikenard fpiritually, were all loft ; and inftead thereof, an Ear opened, that hearkncd to the Voice of the Stranger ; and an Eye opened that faw the Forbidden Fruit pleafant and defirable j the Heavenly Cloathing of Innocency^ Meeknefs^ and Rejignation loft ; and thus he came to be without God in the Worlds and here, in this Eftate, Man was altogether out of a Capacity of abiding in the Garden, or par- taking of the Heavenly Tree of Life, that was in the midft thereof; and in this Eftate are all the unconverted Sons and Daughters of Men, notwithftanding all Fig-leaf Cover- ings of Profeliions. But as the Law of the Spirit of Life brcak- eth forth in its Manifeftation, and the Sons and Daughters of Men come with it to be awakened, they will have the Sight and true Senfc of their inward Eftate and Condition, which will indeed caufe a Cry to arife in the Soul, Oh wretched Ejlate I Oh miferable Con- dition ! And here the Entrance of Sin comes to be feen, which hath brought Death; for the Wages of Sin is Death, which was the Death that came over Adam, and over all fince, that have difobeyed the righteous fpi- ritual Law of God, which is juft, holy, and good, and was before Tranfgreffion, which Law bringeth to Chrift, the promifed Seed, the Gift of God, which is Eternal Life. Now, I l^be Way of Life revealeJ, Now, Man being thus departed out of that Nature, Image, and Seed in which Man had his Being before Tranfgreffion, is become the degenerate Plant of a flrange Vine, before the Lord God that made him : And from ^he Sons and Daughters of Men, as they {land joined to this Nature and Seed of the Serpent, which hath defiled Man in Soul, Body, and Spirit, proceed thefe Branches and Fruits of Iniquity, to wit Pride, Envy, Emulation, Strife, Variance, Debate, hatred, Wrath, Anger, Murder, Inordinate AfFedion, Concupifence, Lafcivioufnefs, V^antonnefs, Vanity, Uncleannefs, Fornication, Adulte- ries, Love to this World, Drunkennefs, Re-r veiling, Idlenefs, Swearing, Curfings, Cheat- ing, Defrauding, Double-dealing, Evil- fpeaking, Back-biting, Covetoufnefs, Idola- try, Witchcraft. Man being thus fallen from God into this miferable deplorable State, the Divine Being, in his endlefs, boundlefs, fathomlefs Loving- kindnefs, hath opened a Way by which Mankind might be reftored up to himfelf again ; which Way is the promifed Seed, concerning whom he faid to the Serpent, 7 will put Enmity between thee and the Woman, and between thy Seed and her Seed j // Jhall bruife thy Head, and thou Pmlt bruife his Heel. So herein was the tender Mercy of the ever- lafting God extended unto Mankind, in giv- ing the Seed, to wit, Chrift Jefus, elfe all would. and the Way of Death difcovered. ^ would have been as Sodomy and like unto Gomorrah^ which God deftroyed with Fire in his Wrath: .So this is that one Seed, on which he hath laid Help, who is mighty to feve, who is. the Image of the Invifible God, theFirfl-born of every Creature, in which Image Man was before the Tranfgreffion, who was glorified with the Father before the World began : This is he, of whom, in the Name of the Great 'Jehovah^ I give Tefti- mony, T^hat he is the Way of Life and SaU vation; and that there is no other Name by which any Man can be faved, than by him who waSy and is, and is to come-, who was from, Everlafting to Everlaftingy the Rock of AgeSy which followed Ifrael, and was in the Church in the Wildernefs, as Stephen teflified before he was ftoned to Death : This is he, who is with- out Beginning of Days, or End of Life j who in the Fulnefs of Time was manifefiy taking on him not the Nature of Angels^ but the Seed of Abra.- ham, for whom there was a Body prepared y in which to do the Will of his Father ; who, afterr he had accomplifJjed ity afcended where he was before^ far above all Heavens, that he might fill all : This is the Emmanuel, God with us ; fefus, the Saviour -y Chri/i, the Anointed -, who hath been called by feveral Names, and fpoken of under feveral Denominations and Appellations, through the Mouths of his Servants the Prophets and Apoftles in Ages and Generations by-paft : This is the only Beloved 10 Tie tFay of Life revealed^ Beloved of the Ranfomcd, and this is our Friend. And now he is arifen and ariling, who is the Ancient of Days, in the Might of his Power, and is revealing himfelf the good old Way, and Path of Life, whofc Oiit-goings have been from Everlafting j in which Way Abel^ Setb, Enochs Noah^ Abraham, IfaaCy yacob, and all the Servants, Prophets, Apo- fiks and Saints of the Moft High God walked, through all Ages and Generations; which Way was before all the invented Ways and Worfliips were, which have been fet up in the Will and Time of Man ; for all the holy Men of God, and Saints of the Moft High, worftiipped God in the Spirit of Holinefs, in which they were accepted of him, who is the God of the Spirits of all Flefh : And no outward Performance whatever, performed by any, through Ages and Generations, was any farther acceptable unto the Lord, but as performed in this Spirit, fhi and the Way of Death difcovehd, 1 1 ^he Way of Rejloration out of the Fall, intd the Image of God again, in which Man was before the Fall, &c. BU T how Salvation cbtnes to be wrought by him, and how Mankind may be brought again into him, who is the Way, the l^ruth, and the Life, and brought from under the Power and Dominion of the Seed of the Serpent, in which by Nature all have been the Children of Wrath, is indeed the Thing that lieth on my Spirit weightily to dcmonftrate, having obtained Mercy to fee this Way of Life and Salvation revealed and opened ; and not only fo, but a Neceffity hath been and is upon me to preach the Gbfpel of Chrift Jefus, and declare the Way of Life and Salvation to my Countrymen, through this Illand of England-, and now a Neceffity is alfo upon my Spirit, to leave a Teftimony of the fame on Record. This is generally confeffed, that in tl firft Adam all die, and in the fecond Adam, Chrift the Lord, all fhall be _ alive : But how Mankind comes out ar; State of Death, in the firft Man Adaf ^T^^ this State of Life in the fecond Adat/f which the Wifdom of this World i\tf ^^^^J^ never faw, never underflood, nA *'?'^S j Q f bended j2 The Way oj Life reveakJ, bended truly or rightly : Man by that^#'» hath only imagined and conceived fometh mg in the carnal Mind concerning this great Mvftery, and therein hath fet up man, In- 3ons of the IVay of Lije'-i SahaUon And into thefe many IVoys of Man s Inven- tions and Imaginations, fet up >" ^^/^^f"! mfdom of Man, there have been the feveral S Lo here, Lo there ; but the D-^y. « dawned, and appearing, and now breabng forth more and more, magnified and praifed be he Name of the Infinite Almighty God wherein all invented Ways, fet up m the mi and WiJ^iom of Man, that is earthly, fenjual, and deviUlh, fhall come to an End. And now, in the Name of 'hem'Shty Cod, all the graven Images, the Work of Men's Hands, and earthly Wifdoms, (hall be broken to Pieces, and ground to P°wder ; the Mouth of the Lord of Hofe hath fpoken , who will perform it by the Might of his Arm, and by the Strength of his Power. And therefore, tremble, tremble, all ye Image-makers of all Sorts, who have been making and framing Likeneffes of he Way <: Lift and Salvation, in your fallen mj- <"-,\ni cormpt Wilk. and have made Gols •he.^f and have fallen, bowed down to and v^tftipped them ; (o that it may be faid of Cbrnendom, (o called, as it was once faid of Ijraci^ ji are thy Cities, Jo are thy ijois, O Ilracl ! and the Way of Death dif covered, 13 But now is the Fulnefs of Time come and coming, wherein the ancient Way of Holinefs^ in which the Righteous walked through all Ages and Generations, is caft up, manifeil and manifefting ; Which Way is Chrift Jefus, the Gift of the Father's Love unto the Sons and Daughters of Men, who hath, as before- mentioned, been preached up and declared of by his Servants, MelTengers, Prophets, and Apoflles, under feveral Denominations and Appellations, according as he was pleafed to manifeft himfelf in aud to them, and as his Spirit gave them Utterance : Amongft many other Appellations, he hath been declared a Friejl for ever^ after the Order of Melchize- deck ; the Rock that followed Ifrael, who was in the Church in the Wildernefs ; a King, a Law-giver ; Wonderful, Counfellor\ Prince oj Peace 'y a Branch, a Light, to lighten the Gen- tiles ; the Arm of God's Salvation j a Cove^ nant j MeJJiah ; a Leader ; a Commander ; a Captain ; the Horn of God's Anointed ; a Stone oJ Stumblijig ; a Foundation laid in Sion ; the Corner-jione-, the Word of God; the Word that was in the Beginning ; the True Light, that lighteth every Man that cofneth into the World ; the Fruth ; the Way and the Life ; King of Kings; Lord of Lords ; Chrifi ; Em- manuel ; fcjus ; the Begitining of the Creation oj God; the Fir fh born of every Creature; the Firji- begotten from the Dead; the Faithful Witnefs; Alpha aiid Omega; Bright and C 2 Morning- 14 ^he Way of Life reveakdy Morning-Star ; the Image of the Invifble Gody the Offspring of David : Under thefe, I fay, -and other Names and Denominations, hath he been fpoken and declared of, and by, who ftill hath a Name that no Man knoweth but himfelf, who is that One Eternal Fountain of ^leflednefs, and the One precious Saviour; and there is no other befides him, ahhough diverfly denominated, according as his Spirit gave Utterance, to demonftrate him to thofe unto whom his Servants fpake, prophefied, and wrote. And now, by the ancient Power of the Holy Everlafling God, is he preached up, under the Denomination of LlGHTy in this Ifland of the Gentiles, according as was prophefied of old, by Jfaiah, Chap. xlix. Verf. 6. who faid, // is a light Thing that thou fhouldjl he my, Servant , to raije up the Tribes of Jacob, and to re ft ore the F referred of Ifrael. 1 ivill al/b give thee for a Light to the Gentiles, that thou maf/i be my Salvation unto the End of the Earth -, which is one with the Teflimony of fohn^ Chap. i. faying, In the Beginning ivas the fVord, and the IVord was v:ith Gody and the Word was God; the fame was in the Beginnijig with God\ all Things were made by him^ and without him was not any Thing ?nade that was made: Jn him was Ltfcy and the Life [markl was the Light of Men ; and the Light Jl:ineth in Darknefs^ and the Jf)arknefs cowprckcndeth it not. There, wqs a Mark and the Way af Death difievereJ, 15 fi Man fent from God, whofe Name was John ; the fame came for aWitnefi, to bear Wttneji of the Light, that all through him might be- lieve : He was not that Light, but was fent to bear Witnefs of that Light that was the true Light, which lighteneth every Man that comes into the World, &c. And to this agrees the Teftimony of juft Simeon, who came by the Spirit into the Temple, and took the Child Jefus into his Arms, and faid, Lordy now let- teji thou thy Servant depart in Peace according to thy Word -, for mine Eyes havefeen thy Sal^ vation, which thou hafl prepared before the Face of all People, a Ligk to lighten the Gen- tiles, and the Glory of thy People Ifrael. This is he of whom we teftify, whofe Light is the Way to Life : And this is the Condemnation, that Light is come into the World, and Men love Darknefs rather than Lights hecaufe their Deeds are Evil: For every one [mark] thcst doth Evil hateth the Light, neither cometh to the Light, left his Deeds fhould be reproved ; but he that doth I'ruth cometh to the Light, that his Deeds may be made manifeft that they are wrought in God. Now this Light, which the Servants of the Moft High teftified of, is that which hath been fpoken of and denominated under fe- veral Names: For this Manifeftation of God in Man is fometimes called the Word, the Spirit, the Law, the Grace of God j now the \Vord, Light, Grace, Law, Spirit, are all one 1 6 Ih^ Way of Life revtakdy one in Nature, aUhbugh diverfly named: Af(?/?/ called it the Word, anddiredbcd to this Word in the Heart and in the Mouth j which Paul, that illuminkted Man, rehearfing, faith, Say not in thy Heart, [riiark] fVho Jhall afcend into Heaven, that is to bring Chrili do^njrom above ; or who {hail dejcend into the Deep, that is, to bring Chri/i up from the Dead : But what faith it? The Word is nigh thee, even in thy Mouth, and in thy Heart-, that is, the Word of Faith that we preach. This is the furc Word of Prophecy unto which Feter direfts to take Heed, as unto a Light that fhineth in a dark Place, until the Day dawn, and the Day-flar arife in the Heart. This Light is the Law of the Spirit of -> Life, wherewith Paul was acquainted, that S warred in his Mind againft the Law of Sin \ and Death, which was in his Members : :■ Tnis Light is the Law in the Heart, and the Spirit in the inward Parts, the new Covenant of God Almighty: This is that which con- verts the Soul; which Law Paul delighted in accoiding to the inward Man : This Law -. is Light, of which the Scriptures of Truth plentifully teflify : This is that Grace that P^/J declared, brings Salvation, which hath appeared to all Men ; which Law, Light, Spirit, Grace, Gift, hath in Meafures, as God's Talents, appeared unto all Men, which leacheth all that are led, taught, and guided by and the Way of De^(h difcovered, 17 by it, to deny all U7tgodlinefs and Worldly Lufts ; and not only fo, but alfo, to live foberly, godly ^ and righteoujly in this prefent World: This is that Grace which the Lord, the Giver thereof, f^id to Paul, was /ufficient for him to deliver him from the Temptation, the Thorn in the Fle(h, of which the fame Apoftle faid unto the Ephjians^ By Grace y^ arefavedy &c. And this is the Manifeftation of the Spirit, fpoken of by Paul^ which is given to every Man to profit withal. And this is that good Spirit of the Lord given io Jfraely who rebelled againfi it, as the old World did, unto whom the Lord faid, My Spirit Omll not always flrive with Man-, of which Word, Law^ Light, Grace, and Spirit ^ given to be the Leader and Guide of Man- kind out of Sin and Death, and Darknefs, into which Man fell through difobeying the righteous Law of God, as is afore declared, the Holy Scriptures give clear and full Tefti- mony, as hath been demonftrated. But now, that which is ready to arife, is an Objed:ion in fome, whofe Underftandings are not open- ed, whofe Searchings to comprehend, and Inquiries after the Way of Man*s Salvation, fland in that Wifdom that is from below, and in the Will and Reafon of Man degene- rated from the Life of God, which is, whe- ther the preaching up this Word, Lights haw. Spirit, and Grace of God ma ni fell within, hath not a Tendency to make Chrift Jefus i8 fhe Way of Life revealed, Jefus his Appearance in the Flcfh, his Suffer- ings, Death, Refurredion, and Afcenfion to be invalid? Unto which I anfwer, Nay: Forafmuch as no Perfons ever did, do, or {hall truly fee, difcern, know, underftand, or enjoy the Benefit of Chrift Jefus his Maniieftation in the Fle(h, but as their Hearts were, are, or (hall be opened, and Underftandings illuminated by the Light, which is a Mcafure of the Divine Fulnefs that dwelt in him, and is communicated to, and placed in all immortal Souls, as the uni- verfal Love of God, extended in the Son of his Love to all the Families of the Earth, as the Revealer and Difcoverer of the Will of him from whofe Divine Fulnefs it comes, and iflueth forth itfclf univerfally, for the Scripture thus witnefleth, that no Man know- eth the I'hings of a Man, fave the Spirit of a Man which is in him ; even fo the Things of God knows no Man but the Spirit of God, The Hearts of the Jews not being feafon- cd with this Grace of God, and ignorant of the Gift of God, which is Eternal Life, they neither difcerncd, loved, nor received Chrift Jefus, when manifefted in that outward bo- dily Appearance, but rcjeded himj notwith- ftanding they profefled Love, Honour, and Regard to the Prophets, and were in Expecta- tion of the fulfilling their Prophecies of the Coming of the Mefliah, who in due Time tame, and yet they did not receive him, but and the Way of Death difco^ered, ig but inftead thereof fet themfelves agalnft him, taking Counfei from Time to Time how they might flay him, though in Words they profeft an earneft Waiting for him : So in this Day, Age, and Generation, there are many, who by their Words do profefs they believe his Coming in the Fiefh, and his Sufferings, Death, Refurredion, and Afcenlion ; but yet having their Faith con- fiding in outward Notions, and having no inward Experience of the End of his Com- ing, nor of the Virtue of his SufFering5> Death, Refurredion, '^c. they are Ene- mies in their Minds to his fecond Appear- ance, and Coming without Sin unto Salvation t So there is a NecefTity for all the Sons and Daughters of Men to come to, and obey this divine fpiritual Principle, which is placed in their Con fciences by the Living Eternal God, that thereby the Eye which hath been blind-^ ed through Difobedience, by the God of the World, may be opened ; for, until this in fome meafure be effcded, the Myftery of* Godlinefs, which is great, can neither be ittn nor underllood ; and therefore Chrift faid, finding the Woman of Samaria igno- rant of himfelf, who was and is that great Myftery, and the Gift of the Father's Love, If thou kneisoefl the Gift of God, and who it is that faith unto thee^ Give me to drink, thou ivouldli have afked of him, and he would have given thee Living fVater. D The 20 "the Way of Life revealed, The Travail in Spirit of the Meflengcrs and Servants of the Moil High in Ages part, was the fame as now it is, viz. To turn Peo- ple from Darhtffs unto Light, and from the Power of Satan to the Power of the Living God', thereby in no wife invalidating Chiift Jefus his Manifeftation in that bodily Appear- ance, neither his Sufferings, Death, Refur- rcdion, or Afcenfion ; but bringing all People, guided thereby, unto that which will open the Eyes of their Underftandings, whereby they all come unto fuch a Condition and fpi- ritual Underftanding. as to fee and know their Benefit by that Appearance of the Sa- viour of the World ; for this we tcftify. Ail are perfeSfed by that one Offering that are fandiifed' But here arifeth another Objedion by fome, who may come fo far as to own and confefs, that there is a Principle or Light in Man, that difcovercth Sin, and teacheth Man to dojufily and equally, which lomc call Morality, but, that this Light or Principle in Man is of a fa'-cing Property y and of the Na- ture and Quality of the Divine Beings many for want of Underftanding do deny, and fo arc found Oppofcrs of Truth iifclf, and ftumble at the Corner- ftone, which indeed in all Generations hath been to many Men a Stone of flumbling and Pock of Offence, which Thoufands, giving themfelves up to be guided by their own Wifdom and Prudence, reject, )ea, thole accounted the Wife Majler-Buitd- ers, and the Way of Death difcovered. 2 1 ers, Profeffors of God and Chrifi^ being igno- rant of the Root and Offspring of David, have and yet do rejedt this Corncr-ftone. Now, for the Sake of all who do or may defire after the true and faving Knowledge of Chrift Jefus, it is on my Spirit yet further to open and manifeft the Nature and Property of this Principle and Light j whofe Fountain is the Eternal Being, and Everlafting Ocean of Divine Fulnefs, and its Nature and Qua- lity is one with this Fountain from which it comes: yohn teftified, In the Beginning was the Wcrd^ and the Word ivas with God, and the Word was God. In him was Life, and the Life was the Light of Men. He aifo teftified, 7 hat he was not that Lights but came for a Witnefs, to bear witnfs, that that was the true Light, which lighteth every Man that comcth into the World: So the Original of this Light is Chrift Jefus, the Word. But fome may query thus, L Chrijl the Light in every Man f To which I anfwer; Chrift doth appear by his Light in every Man ; and the Light, which comes from Chrift, is in every Man ; as is clearly demonftrated from the Scriptures of Truth: And, though f account if unne- cefTary to anfwer the curious lnqu>iries of fuch, who feeking to know much, do not walk anjwerable to what they know\ yet for the Sake of fuch whofe Underftandings are not opened, and yet are enquiring the Way Da to 02. ^le Way of Life revealed^ to Sion, I add this Similitude: 7ke natural Sun is placed by the Creator to lighten the out- ward World, and doth extend from its Body a tneafure of its Light and natural Property, (hining on the Juji and the Vnjuji, and fo doth 'daily give forth of that Virtue which is inhe- rent in itfelf: When the Sun (hineth on any Objedl ivhatfoever, lue fimetimes Jay, the Sun there appears \ and other Tiimes we Jay, there is the Sun ; the Propriety of either of which Manner of Expreffions, I Juppoje, none will queftion j for Light in that Appearance is feen, and Virtue is felt, penetrating to the Rfrejh- went oj our natural Bodies; and this Light, and Heat is injeparable from the Fulncfs ; and notwithftanding it fiineth and dijplays its vir~ tuous Life into, and over all the £.arth and its Inhabitants, yet its Body is 7iot any way ex- haujicd or altered through Ages and Genera- tions. And (o, I fay, that Chrill", the Uni^ verfal Fountain of Life, the Sun of Righieouf- nefs, the Ocean and Fulnefs of Ipiritual Light, Life, and Virtue, from whence is communicated a meafure of his Nature, Pro- perty and Quality, is given of the Father, to enlighten all the Sons and Daughters of Men, who accordingly are all enlightened with hH fpiritual Appearance ; and though this Appearance cannot be called the Ful- nefs, yet being a meafure of that Fulnefs, it is one in Nature and Property with, and infeparable from the Fulnefs; And though through and the Way of Death difcovered. 2 J through its Virtue, Life is daily communi- cated unto the Sons of Men, who waiting for the Appearance thereof, as for the Morning- Light, cannot live unto God without it, yet doih he admit of no Diminution, Alteration, or Change ; bat all Fulnefs of divine Light, Life, and Glory, doth and (hall, through every Age and Generation, remain withhim: And albeit the Veil of Darknefs hath over- {hadowed the Hearts of fome, fo as when we give Teftimony unto the Univerfal Ap- pearance of the Sun of Righteoufnefs in the Hearts of all the Sons and Daughters of Men, they are ready to fay, Such a Teftimony leads to the diminipoing of that Glory and Honour which belongs unto him, as he is the Fulnefs ^ and fitting at the right Hand of the Father ; inferring from fuch our Teflimony, as if, whilfl ive teftijy to his appearance in our Hearts, we exclude his Prejence elfewhere : Which Inference, I fay, is as irrational as it would be for any to conclude, that becaufk we fay of the Shining atid Appearance of the Sun^ there is the Sun ; or, the Sun there ap- pears ; therefore we exclude the Being of the Sun eljewhere: For its Virtue is communicat- ed to our natural Bodies, every one having in meafure fome Enjoyment of the Virtue or Light of the natural Sun, which is Light to the Eye, even as the outward Eye is Light to, or of the natural Body ; arid whofoever they are, whofe invifible Senfes are quickened by 24 lie Way of Life revealed^ by the inflaencing Virtue which proceeds from the Eternal Sun of Righteoufnejs^ do thereby fee and difcern, that thcfe Things are according to the clear Manifeftation of Truth in their inward Parts; and from a true Senfe thereof, can of a Truth give this certain Teftimony, That Chrijl, the Lord, by bis holy quick: ning Spirit, hath appeared in them, to the quickening of their immortal Souls; and that through believing in the Light, and Obedience to his Appearance, being come out of that State which is reprobated by the Lord, can of certain experimental Know- ledge fay, Chrijl is in us the Hope of Glory, And fo, when we diredt People to this Word, Light, Law, Grace, and Spirit, we do not thereby intend, that Chrift Jefus, the Light of the World, and Gift of God, is not the true Saviour, Redeemer, and Recon* ciler of Mankind unto God. Now this Word, Light, Law, Grace, and Spirit, which is one in Nature, doth lead and guide the Souls and Spirits of all fuch as obey it up to God, the Fountain, from whom it comes J and no Man comes to fee its Nature, but fuch who are led by itj for in the Light of the Lord alone Man cometh to fee Light, and to have an Underftanding from whence it fprings : Before this be fully feen or underftood, the Mind of Man muft be brought down, out of all its own Willings and Runnings, Comprehendings and Search- and the Way of Death difcovered, 25 ings, into the Principle of Light, therein to fee a Death to his own Will, and be com- prehended into this Light j and fo Man comes to have an Underftanding to know him that is true, and to be in him that is true. Now, as any are convinced of, and con- verted by this Heavenly Principle, which is placed in the Confcience, there given to be a Guide and Leader unto Mankind, they are led thereby cut of Darknefs, wherein they have been, while yet the Light Jhone in Darknejsy in which Darknefs no Man ever comprehended this Light or Heavenly Grace, which fometimes moves through the Dark- nefs, on the Depth of Man's Underftanding, reproving and difcovering Darknefs, caufing Man to hear its fmall ftill Voice, moving in Man Godwards j and fo daily continues with- out Change, reproving Man whilft he re- mains in Rebellion and Difobedience^ all the Time of his Fijitationy and approving and giving Peace unto Man, when he is obe- dient. This Principle of Light remains entire in its own Purity; and although Man may change, and alter, and go from it, and rebel againft it, and thereby become one of them of whom Job fpeaks, that 7'ebel againft the Light, and thereby know not the Way of it ; but give way to the TForking of the God of the World, to be drawn out into the Jading perifli- ing *6 7%^ Way of Life re^eaM^ ing Things : Yet this Principle remains im- mutable in itfelf, being of and from the immutable unchangeable Being, and remains with Man until it be taken from him, and he be caft into utter Darknefs. The firft Operation of this Heavenly Light, amongft thofe who are convinced by, and turn*d to it, the Gift of the Father, which Chrift Jefus, in his Parable to the Jews, compared to 2.^ Grain of Mujiard-Jeed -, and to a little Leaveny which a Woman took and hid in three Meajures of Mealy until the whole came to be leavened, is to fliew Man his in- ward State and Condition ; and the firft Step in the Way of Life is, to be turned to this Holy Principle, that teacheth the Obedient to know God favinglyj and when by this Principle Man comes to have a true Sight and Senfe of his fallen Eftate, and fees how he hath tranfgrefTed againft that Eternal Being that gave him Life and Breath,^ who, not- withftanding his Long- fuffer ing, waiteth dill to be graciouSy and knocketh at the Door of the Hearty and hath ftriven by his divine Light, the true Sight and Senfe hereof will break the Heart, and tender the Spirit before the LDrd ; and under the weighty Senfe of the great Burthen of Sin and Iniquity, there will be a crying out, My Sins they are too heavy Jor me to bear, and mine Iniquities are gone over mine Head; as Paul did, faying, Ob wretched Man that I am I Who p:all de- liver and the Way of "Death difcovered, 27 Vfoer me from the . Body of this Death ? Arid here pomes the Eye to be opened that feetli him, whom Man, in his Difobedience, hatli pierced afrefh, and put to open Shame ; and then there will be Days of Mourning an'd Wailing, becaufe of him; and this is truly the bay of Jacob's Trouble, And in the Senfe of this deplorable fallen Eftate, and the Long-fufFering of the Lord, and the Long-ftriving of his Spirit, thou wilt fee, that in the Juftice of God, Eternal Death might be thy Portion ; but that which brings into this Senfe, begets a fecret Cry in the immortal Soul, after a Deliverer and Saviour^ and will alfo give a true Senfe and Sight, that there is no way for thy Soul to he^ ran- fomedy but in and through the tender Mercies oj Godj through Jejiis Chriji ^ which thou wilt fee can no other way be effedtually be- gun in thee, but in the Way of the Judg- ments of the Lord ; for 'tis through Judgment that Zion is redeemed^ and her Converts with Righteoufnefs : And here alfo thou wilt fee that the Meafure of the Sufferings of Chrifl yet behind, muft be filled up in thee; for no other Way can any Man pafs unto Life, Peace, and Joy, with the Father of Spirits, but the Way the Captain of Salvation pafTed, which was through Death ; and here thou wilt .begin to Arm thyfelf with the fame Mind : For none ceafeth any further from Sin, but as they fuffer in the Flefh the cru- E cifying i8 ^e Way oj Life revealed^ cifying of the AfFcdtions and Lufts thereof j ^tid here the End of the Gofpcl's Preaching comes to be known and witneflcd, which was and is, that all Men might be judged as Men in the Flefj^ that fo they might li've ac- cording to God in the Spirit : And in this fpiritual inward Senfe and Exercifc, the Lord God Almighty will bow down his Ear, and anfwer the Cries of thy awakened Soul, and tnanifeft his Word of Power, which all in this State and PafTagc will know to h^ /harper than any two-edged Sword ^ piercings to the dividing ajiinder of thy immortal Soul, from the Spirit and Nature of Tranfgreffion, and its working daily, as Subjedlion and Obedi- ence is yielded unto it, dividing and making a Separation between "Jointi and 'Marrow, giv- ing thee daily a Difcerning of the Thdughts and Intents of thy Heart. And as the Soul, Mind and Heart, gives up in Love to God, freely to follow him in the Way of his Judgments, and gives up to the Sword of the Lord, that which is for the Sword \ and that which is for DejlruBion^ to be defiroyed •■, thus will the precious Work of the Lord profpcr. And although this be a Time of Sorrow, and a Time of Trouble, I'ravail, and Anguifh ; yet, notwithftanding, it is a good Day : Therefore, flrive not to get from under it, neither to make Hajle j jor the true godly Sorrow worketh the true Repcfitance, which is never to be repented of: And after the and the Way of Death difcovered, 29 the true Repentance, follows the true Know- ledge of RemiJJion and Forgivenejs ; and (o thy Iniquities by the Judgments of the Lord God Almighty come to be blotted out ; ^nd then the Times of Refrefhment come from the Preience of the Lord, and from the Glory of his Power. And as there is a faithful abiding in in- ward Watchfulnefs, and continual Obedi- ence to this Heavenly Light, in which the Beginning of the Work of God was known, there will be a going on from Step to Step in the Foot-fteps of the Flock of Chrifl Jefus, and a growing from Strength to Strength, over Sin and the Nature there- of, and from one Degree of Grace to ano- ther;^ and as there is a faithful Perfever- ance in this divine Principle, the Eye of the Underftanding will be fingle ; and here every Thing which hath or doth let, will be fcen, and the Soul never ftart afide from an inward Travail, until that which hin- dereth be taken out of the way, and until thou fceft all the Rule and Authority of •the Enemy to be fubdued under the Feet of the Lord's Anointed, and the Govern- ment in the Soul upon his Shoulders, whofe Right it is to reign over all. And here Salvation, Redemption, and Re- fioration is efFedually enjoyed, thro' Faith^ and the effeSiual Working and Operating of E2 the 39 'the Way of Life refvealei^ the Almighty Power and Arm of God Al- mighty, unto whom be the Glory of his own Work for ever; and fo here will be a growing and increafing, until there is a coming into that precious State and Image, In which Min was before he fell. m and the Way. of De^th difcovered, 31 t-tr- N The By-Paths, Crooked Ways, Wiles, ani Snares of the Enemy difcovered.- . O W when the Mind is turned to this Divine Heavenly Principle, and that ^herein the Work of the Lord is begun, which before is faid, is the bringing Man into a real fenfible Kno^^dge of his State and C(?«- dition, then/will the fame De/iroyer, that brought Man into Bondage at firft, and hath kept him in Bondage, begin to work cun^ ningly, and every Way endeavour to dejiroy the Work of God begun in the Soul, and that he may accomplifh his End, he will go about every 'Way, feeking an Entrance, and will lay his Temptations fuitable to the Propenfity or Inclinations of the Creature. If the Heart and Mind be bowed down under the weighty Senfe of Iniquity, the Sins committed coming in Order, and the many tranfgreflions in Sight, through which the Sorrow and Bitternefs is great, here the Ene- my will work in his Transformings, and Although in Appearance like the Light, yet in Nature contrary thereto : For, albeit the Light and Appearance of God gives the cer- tain Underftanding of the inward State, and brings Sorrow becaufe of Sin, and (hews the Mountain of Iniquity, and the exalted Hills 1^ of 32 The Way (f Life revealed, of Tranfgreffion, yet its Workings inwardly > beget a fccret Hope of overcoming by the ^ Lord's Strength', but then the Enemy, when he feeth the Soul bowed down, as aforefaid, oftentimes afflidleth, and bringeth down the Mind into Unbelief of ever overcoming, therc--^ by endeavouring to (inic the Soul down into Defpair ; knowing, if he overcomes, he ftiil keeps under his Power, although in another Appearance ; but all that are exercifed in this kind, waiting on the Lord fingly, with the Mind ftay*d in the Light, this Snare will be difcovered; for, as I faid, although the true Appearance of Gods Heavenly Light and Grace brings a Day of Trouble^ Sorrow, and Anguifh'y yet that Sorrow is not a Sorrow without Hope ; but the Enemy's Working is, to bring into a Sorrow, Trouble, and Anguifh without Hope, and to draw down the Spirit into the Chambers of Darknefs, where there is no Order. But now, when the Enemy of the Soul's Peace is difcovered in this his Working, and the Heart and Soul, through the Love and Power of God, is comforted, encouraged, and refrefhed, and raifed up into a Meafur« of the living Hope, Satisfadion, and Con- - tent, then the old, crooked, fmbtle Serpent endeavours to lead from off the inward daily Travail, that fo Judgment may not be ^ brought forth into Vidory ; and fo draw up the Mind into a falfe Perfuafjon of Obedience and and the Way of Death dijcovered. • 3 3 and Diligence, whenas there is not an abid- ing in that which gives a true Sight and Scnfe of the State and Condilion: And as before he would have deftroyed the Hope that is an Anchor fure and ftedfaft, fo now on the other hand, he would beget a falfe Hope and Confidence, and fo bring out of the daily Crofs, through which the Nature which hath alienated from God, (hould be deftroyed. And if the Workings of the Enemy be feen and overcome in both thefe Wiles and Snares, on the right Hand and on the left, and that the Work profpereth even until much be fubjedled, and that, through the daily Obedience to the Heavenly Power, much is flain, and that the Heart and Mind comes in a good meafure to be cleanfed, and that in pure Obedience and conftant Faith- fulnefs, in this Light of Righteoufnefs, a good Progrefs is made through the Admini- ftration of Condemnation, that is glorious in its Time, and that fomething of pure Peace and Heavenly Joy fprings and arifes in the Heart and Soul 5 here again the Enemy will be fubtilly at work, to betray and lead afide, in perfuading to fit down now, as if all were done 5 and fo lead out from the feed- ing on the Tree of Life, to feed on the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil: And fo lead out into a Liberty to break the Commandment of the Lord ; and here at firft fubtilly and cunningly draws the Mind out fo far as to take a little Li- berty. 5^ ■ TbeWdyofLifer^eatect, berty, and draws the Mind fomewhat from that diligent Watchfulnefs, Dread, Fear, and Awe it was in before in the inward Travail of Spirit : And here, if the deftroying fubtil Etiemy can but prbvail a little he will lead out of the innocent harmlefs Life, and fo gradually lead a little forth, and fo by de- grees openeth an Eye that may fee fomething in the outward vifible Things, that may fomewhat afFedl' the Mind; and as here hie j>revails, and caufeth his Work to profper^ which he doth fubtilly, gradualfy, and hid- ) denly, the Eye that was open'd comes again, ,^ through Difobedience, to be in fome mea^ fure blinded ; and here Lofs is fuftaincd. ; even before the Un watchful is aware. And ^ fo the Working of the Enemy firft is, to caufe juch to make Shipwrack of Faith in a ^ tittle meajure -, that is, not to have the daily : Belief to fland in the Power ; the daily En- joyment of which, coming to be left by de- grees, there will then be a turning from the Power of Godlinefs, into the Form thereof: And although at (bme Times the eternal Power of the Lord God may be felt ^ in this Eftate, yet there being not a daily feeling after it, the Enjoyment thereof, as to true Refrefliment and Gonfolation, comes ^ to be loft, and an Image comes up in its <■ Place J and the Enemy provides and prefents fome Object or Objedls fo to take up the Mind, as that by degrees he may enter in, ^^ and defile tlie Mind, and draw it out from ) its and the tFay of T)eath difcovered. 35 its true Guide, fo as alfo to make Shipwratk of a good Confcience. And now, if the Enemy be difcovered In thefe his Workings, before he can (d efFedt his Work, as to bring Death ^nd Darknefs over again, and that the Power of the Lord breaks his Snares, and gives a true weighty Senfe thereof, through which Trouble and Anguifh of Spirit comes, here he will agairi transform and b-gin to work, as in the Be- ginning of the Work, like ihe condemnihg Power of the Lord y endeavouring to lead the n Mind down into Defpair of ever recovering again into the fortlier Condition; and here- ^ by endeavour to draw the Mind to look at him that hath ftiing, that fo the Remedy; the Soul-ranfoming Power of the Lord, may not be felt after, nor looked at ; but here, as there is a true Regard to the Lord, and a waiting upon him in the Way of his fudg-, ments, having the Faith and Confidence to ft and in his Power ^ the Backllidirig will be healed ; and returning, and diligently keeping ia the Light, the Power of the Lord God Almighty will work over that which hath hurt, and endeavoured like a roaring Lion to deftroy, &'c, and fo leads on the Wa^ again. But vvhen Deliverance is known ap-alrt from this dtad^y Snare, and the Work agiin goes on profperoufly until the Houfe be fwept and garniflied, and there is a PafT^ge F known ^6 ^ ^ay of Life revealed, known and witnelTed from Death unto Life, and the Adminift ration of Condemnation be- ing pafled through, and the Spirit that ruled in the difobcdicnt Eftate caft out, and the Openings of that which doth exceed in Glory, the Adminiftration of the Spirit, be- ing known, here the Enemy will again transform, and wiih all his Power and Strength in the Transformation, as an Angel tf Light, work by his Temptation on the right Hand and on the left : For when there are Openings to the Underftanding, and Pio- diccies, and through the Working of the Eternal Power, Joy fprings in the Heart, then will the Enemy work fecretly and cun- ningly, to draw the Mind out of the Valley of Humility; and if he prevaileth here to draw out of this Habitation of Safety, then be will transform to lead the Mind out, through the Motions of his transforming Spirit and Power, into Extreams, thereby endeavouring to deftroy the true Birth, which is bringing forth, and fo bewilder the Mind, and hurry it forth, through imagin- ary Notions, to diflionour the Name of the Living Eternal God, and to deftroy his Work, which through Sorrow and Travail hath been brought forth. And if he cannot prevail here, but the Light of the Lord difcovercth him, and the Power of the Lord works over his Appear- ance herein, then will he be at work, to drain and the Way of Death difcovered, 37 draw the Mind out of the Watchfulnefi, out of the daily Awe and Fear^ and out of the Liberty of the Sons oj God, which Liberty is, cnlyy to Jerve the Lord j for Dominion being felt in fome Meafurc, the Morning of Com- fort and Confolation enjoyed, and Praifes fpringing in the Heart to him that viHted and redeemed, the Enemy will be ready here alfo to draw the Mind out of the Valley of Humility^ out of the flayed Eft ate of meek and conftant Watchfulnefi in the Light y there- by caufing the Creature prodigally to fpend the Portion, and to lavifh out the Enjoyment by running and climbing up to facrifice upon the Mountains^ and run before the Leadings^ GuidingSj and Movings of the Power of the Lord, into the fpeaking forth of the En- joyment, the Prophefyings and Openings, not being led thereunto by that Eternal Power that firft opened the Heart; and here is the Ground of the untimely Birth, that hath been brought forth, that hath and will wither^ and come to nothing. But now, where the Enemy is feen and dlfcovered in all the aforefaid Workings, and cannot prevail by thefe Snares, Traps, Gins, and Temptations aforefaid, he will not ceafe, who goes about as a roaring Lion, feeking whom he may devour, and how he may again get En- trance ; fo that he lays his Temptations accord- ing to the Spirit^ Growth, Capacities, and Inclinations, of every one. Now after the good :i,J5y|j? z Work 3^ ^e Way of Life revsaleJ, Work of God has been begun profperoufly, and that the right Arm oi God's Salvation hath been wonderfully revealed, and Jignally manijejl, to bring out of Egypt's Land of Darknefs fpiritualiy, and that the Lord hath magnified his Arm fpiritualiy, in giving many Jignql D.elheranas from the defiroying Enemy, and has often fed with the Heavenly Food' and caufed the Rock to yield Water for the Thirfty, and that the many Turnings Cifide in the Pallage through the Wildernejl have been fcen, and the Back-Jlidings and 'gqing out, from a Senfe of the Eternal Power, hj^ye been difcovered, and that there is a coming through the Rroer of Judgment, and t^e mighty Pov^'er and Arm of the Ever- l.iifing God drive;^ oi^t the Efiemy that hath inhabited, where only Ahrahavis Seed is to inhabit, and that the War in ^reat meafure ceaCeth, and Part of th? good Land is poiTef- led and enjoyed, even ihi Land that jlovoeth *ivith fpiritual Milk and Boney, and Fruit of the Vine drunk of j here alfo, as in the Tra- vails afore- mention'd, will the old, crooked, j.ubtil Enemy be working, as he did with out- ward Ifrael, caufing "fejurun to ii\ix fat, and then kick againfl the yJncient Power, leading the Mind out, through the Enjoyment of that which in its place is good, into Eafe, and fo to forget the Lord that made and formed MaUy and brought him into the Land of Reft, liglt'y to ejlccm of the very Rock oj Salvation -, find the Way of Death dijcovered, 39 apd fo leadeth into an eafeful State, in a Pro- feflion, and draws away the Mind from the inward Enjoyment of Virtue, to fet up Idols in the Heart, and to jerve other Gods of Silver and Gold, and an Idol, a Projejton without Lije and PoJfeJJion : And into this State and Condition did the old Enemy prevail to lead a People, who in many Ages had feen the great and mighty Works ot the Lord, who faw from Time to Time the Arm of God Almighty out-ftretched, and magnified in the Sight of their Enemies for them j how- heit, as aforefaid, they departed from the Lord, and from the inward Senfe of his Eternal Power, Now here the Spirit that was caft out, and wandred in dry Places, takes to \i [even worfe Spirits, and returns, tempts, prevails, an4 enters, and here indeed the Latter-end is, worfe than the Beginning; for in the Begin- 7iing, although the Enemy had his Power and Rule, yet there was a Senfe thereof, and the Heart and Mind was humbled, tender, and brought into the true Pc-jerty, and there was a Mourning before the Lord for want of the Dominion : And this State of Humiliation, Brokennefs of Heart, and T'endernejs of Spi- rit, in which the Lord took and taketh De- light, and therefore in his endkfs, houndlefs Loving-liindnefs vifited and caus'd his redeem- ing favi Jig Power and Arm to be reveal'd: . ?ut now in this other Eftate, the Mind is iiigh, the Heart fat and full, and at Eafe, and gotten 4© the Way of Life reveakd, gotten forth into the Love of the World, and the Things thereof, through which there is an Vnmindjulnefs of the Lord, who in the Beginning was every Day fought after, and diligently waited for; and here the Rock, the Power, is Hghily eftecmed of; for thc^ Ellimation is of another Thing j and here two great Evils are committed even at once, viz. tie Fountain of the former living Mercies forfaken, and a hewing out broken Cifierns, a Pioftflion, that 'will hold no Water, no dura- hie Refrefkment, no durable Joy, no durable Peace nor Conlblation, And ihe Enemy hath thus p evailtd through many Agts, to bring ^oufandi from their Enjoyment of God in the pure, tender, broken^ contrite, upright^ fpirited Eftate, which he hath and doth cfFe and the Way of Death di [covered. \^ did and do both fuffer and nurture this ^i?2r?- bel, who muO: be CaA on the Bed of Torment s^ and all her Children mufl: be killed with Death: And all the Workings of the Ene- my, under every Difguife, is to flair that which was quickned^ ' and to bring in a Content ednefs with an out fide Frofeffion of the Way of Truth, Light and Life of Chn/i Jefus^ the Power of God unto Salvation, whilfl the Heart is adulterated and gone from the Lord^ and has embraced other Lovers j and fo in procefs of Time, where the Enemy thus prevails, he leads again into the World, from whence the Arm of the Lord gathered j and the Latter -end of fuch is indeed worfe than the Beginning : For the Enemy having led to make Shipwrack of Faith and of a good Confcience, the fecond Death comes over, and luch become twice dead, and become as Salt which has loft its Savour, and are good for nothing, but to be caft forth, and trodden under Foot of Men. The Frefirvation out of thefe By-paths, Crooked Ways, Wiles, Snares, a?2d Temptations of the E?iemy, is only in the true waiting and fmcere abiding in the Light, Gift, and Grace of God, in which the daily Revelations and Manifejlations of God^s Eter- nal Fower, and right Arm of Salvation, and Frejervatiojt, is known, in the daily Acquaint- ance and Experience thereof, which keeps all Minds truly low, and Hearts fmcerely tender, G laherein ^ The Way of Life revealed^ Viberein arijeth an inward Travail, Longing, Breathing, and Panting after the daily and tontinual Enjoyment of the Life, Power, and hleffed refrefhingy heavenly Virtue, which alone renews and increafes the Strength of the in- ward Mam in which God Almighty pre- ferve all the Travellers Zion-wztds to the End. The and the Way of Death difcovered, 45 9l&^ utter End, and final DeflruBion prophe- fiedy of all falfe ProfeJ/ions^ who have had their Rife in the Night of Afoftacy, AFTER the glorious Breakings forth of ^^ the Day of God amongft the Apoftles, &c. the Enemy wrought mightily againft that Appearance, both in his Inftruments, by and through which he raifed up Perfecution, and alfo in thofe Apoftates, in whom he got an Entrance, amongft the Churches, and has fo prevailed, that great has been that horrible Night of Darknefs and Apoftacy, that hath been many Centuries, in and over the Na- tions of the Earth j in which Times the old fubtil Serpent, in his many Transformings and Appearances, has mightily wrought, to alienate Man from his God : Oh ! the Ways and Inventions that have been by him fet up, through his Workings in the Wifdom which is from below, which is earthly, fenfual, and devilifh, under pretence of Religion, Obedi- ence, and JVorJhip of God ! What rending, tearing, devouring, murdering, and deftroying, has there been for thefe many hundred of Years about Religion? Firft, the great red Dragon of Perfecution appeared to devour the Man-child, and deftroy the Woman, but both were preferved ; then he made War G z with *^ ^ lie Way of Life revealed, with the Remnant of her Seed, and after came in another Appearance, which John faw rife as a Beaft out of the Sea, ivho had feven Heads, and ten Horns -, and on hts Horns, Crowns; and upon his Heads, the Name of Blafphemy ; and one of his Heads bad a deadly Wound by the Sword, but this deadly Wound was again healed; and all the World ^wondered after th Beaft, foying, Who is like the Beaft ^ jlnd who. is able to make War with him ? And all on the Earth have and do woriliip the Bcaft, whofe Names are not written in the Book of Life of the Lamb, flain from the Foundation of the World : And after this, a fecond Beafi appeared, that came out of the Earth j and this Beajl had. two Horns like a Lamb, biU jpake like a Dragon : And John faw he exercifed all the Power of the firfi Beaft, who receii:cd his Power and Authority from the Dragon, like unto which this fecond Beafl fpake j and this Bea/l that had Horns like a Lamb, caufed the Earth, and them that dwelt therein, to worjhip the firft Beaft, whofe deadly Wound was healed; and he caufed all, both Small and Great, Rich and Poor, Free and Bond, to recei'-oc a Mark in their right Hand, or in their Foreheads. And here has been the univerfil Working of the Power and Spirit of Darknefs, that hath exalted him- feif, jitting in the Temple of God, as God and Ruler. But, blefled for ever be the Name of the Almighty God, the gi-eat red Dragon^ and the Way of Death difcovered, 47 Dragoriy and the Beafl that arofe out of the Sea, and the Beaji that arofe out of the Earth, and Myftery Babylon, are and (hall be manifeft: The Wifdom that is pure and peaceable, numbers thefe Appearances : And the Judgment of the great Whore is come and coming, who rides upon the firft Beaft ; for now the Angel of God's Prefence is come down from Heaven, having great Power, who lightens the Earth with his Glory, and the mighty Cry is now going over the Earth, utter'd with a ftrong Voice, faying, Babylon the Great is j alien, is fallen, and become the Habitation of Devils, &c. All Nations have drunk of the Wine of the Wrath of her Fornications, and the Kings of the Earth have committed Fornication with her, and the Merchants of the Earth are waxed rich, through the Abundance of her Delicacies 5 and the Voice is now uttering from Heaven, Come out oj her, my People, that ye be not Partakers of her Sins, and that ye partake not of her Plagues ; for her Sins have reached un- to Heaven, and God has re mem bred her Ini' quities : And now is the one Day dawning over the Earth, wherein her Plagues, Mourn- ing, and Famine come, and (he fhall be ut- terly burn'd with the Fire of God's Jealoufy j for jlrong is the Lord God who judges her. And now, in the Name of the eternal, ever- living, blelTed God, the Creator of all Things, I prophefy of the perpetual De- ftrudion 4^ ^e Way of Life revealed, ftroaion, and utter Defolation, of the Reli- gions, Inventions, Ways, Worfhips, Prcfcrip- tions, Orders, Decrees, and Imitations, that have been letting up thefe many hundreds of Years, and not by the eternal living Power of the living God, nor by the Directions, Lead- ings, and Guidings of his quickning Spirit of Life, that led and guided the Apoftles in their Day, Age and Generation ; Root and Branch, Head and Tail, and the whole Fabrick of the Babylonijh Building, fhall be utterly con- fumed, razed down, and confounded for c?er ; and all the Worfhippers of the Beaft and his Image, ihall drink of the Wine of the Wrath of God, which is pour*d forth, without Mixture, into the Cup of his Indig- nation ; and thefe Worfhippers (hall be tor- mented, and have no Reft Night nor Day, who worftiip the Beaft and his Irnage. and whofoever receive the Mark of his Name, A Can, and the Way of Death dijcovered. 45^ A Caliy in the tender Bowels of the Love of Gody Jhed abroad in this Day^ Age^ and Generation^ unto all the fcattered Sheep^ &c. IJ E ARK EN and give Ear, ye fcattered •■' *- ones, upon the barren Mountains of Pro- fcilion, who having loft the living Senfe that was on many of your Spirits Years ago, and are now feeking the Living amongft the dead Profeffions, and your Bread in defolate Places j remember the Days, Months, and Years paft ; call to Mind the Days of your Ten- dernefs, when the Light of God fo fhined on your Tabernacle, that by it you faw yourfelves in Darknefs, and in Separation from the Enjoyment of your Creator ; which Senfe brought a Day of Mourning and bitter Lamentation on you, which was the Caufc of your Parting, Praying, and carneft Seek- ing after the Lord, with Multitude of Sighs, Groans, and Tears, which caufed you to put many Days and Times apart, to meet together to pour forth your Souls in feek- ing the living God, for his Appearance and Breaking-forth by his Eternal Power, and for the Revealings of his ancient Arm and Horn of Salvation : And in that Day how did many of you retire yourfelves into your Clo- fets. ro T*he Way of Life revealed^ fets, and fecret Places, to mourn before the Lord? And how did your Cries, Breathings, and Pan tings after the Lord, prevent the Morning-watches ? And in that Day, was it not SubiUnce itfelf that you fought after, even the Revealings of the Son of God's Love in your Souls ? Let me now come near, and expoftulate with you in the Name of the Mighty God, even with you, amongft all Profeilions, that have any Tendernefs or Breathings after the Lord remaining in you : What was it that ftirred up your Hearts, many Years fince, thus to feek after the Lord? What was it that gave you the Senfe of your own inward Conditions? What was it that made Sin appear exceeding linful ? What was it that you felt in your Minds that warr'd againft the Law of Sin and Death in your Members ? What was it that in fome meafure open'd the Eye of your Under- ftanding to fee Idolatry and Superftition ? What was it that was drawing your Hearts out of the World, that even made thofe Things of light Efteem, in Comparifon of that which your awakened Souls fought after? What was it that inwardly upheld you in Sufferings? What was it that you retir'd your Minds unto, when the Wicked raged as the Waves of the Sea^ when you were mocked for the Plainjtefs of your Jpparel, and for your Striclnefs tJ^oiir Families? Remember your many fignai Deliverances : How did the end the Way of Death difcovered. r i the Lord anfwcr you in the Day of your Tendernefs ? What was it that extrcikd you inwardly, moving on every one of your par- ticular Souls and Spirits for a Refoimation ? Was it not the free Grace of God ? Was it not that Light which (hin'd on your Taber- nac»e ? Did not thiS fhine in your Hearts, and move on your Spirits God-wards, and began the inward Woik of the Lord in you? Why did you ftart afide from following oa toward the Lord in the Way of his Judgments^ when a little Profperity attended you ? Why did you feek to get from under the Judgment, before it was brought foth into Vidory ? Be awaken'd, and come back, you ProfelTors of all Sorts, that have thus turned afide for a Thing of nought, which has caus'd you to wander from one Mountain of ProfefTion to another, and from one exalted Hill of Ima- ginations and Conceivings to another, until you have fpent all your Portion, and are in Nature return'd to Babylon^ the City of Con- jufion, out of which the Lord God Almighty thus calls you, Hall en, haft en to come forth, and partake no longer ivith her in her Sins^ left ye partake ivith her of her Plagues, ^ivhich are now haliening to come upcn her, and upon all that (Imll be found iiithin her Borders. Open now your Eves, and behold where you mifs'd and turn'd afide, through which your foolifh Hearts have been and are dark- ned ; for the Enemy that goes about as a H roaring 52 ^he Way of Life revealed^ roaring Lion, feeking whom he may dle- vour, wrought in you to turn you fiom this pure immoitai Principle of the divine Being, that in the Days, Months, and Years by-paft, awakened you, and began to work the Work of God in you, into a Profeflion of the Words, States and Con- ditions, whereof the Saints wrote and left on Record behind them, who attained thereunto, through paffing from Death to Life, in Obedience to the Grace of God, that is given to every Man to profit withal, who knew the holy War, and fought the good Fight, and fo obtained the Victory ; through the efFedual Work- ings of God they obtained ir, and not through meer Notions, upon the Words of their Brethren the Prophets, of which Vic- tory, through Faith and Obedience unto, and in the Eternal Spirit of Holinefs, they were made Partakers ; and thus was it that "J^ they came to put off the old Man, which (^ indeed is a great Work, and to put on the S new Man, which is a real Change and ^ Tranflation out of Satan's Kingdom, and '^ from under his Power, into the Kingdom > of the dear Son of the living God, and fo J to be under his Power: But the Enemy of your Souls turrj'd you from this Free Grace of Gcd, (which was that which ftirr'd in you, and wrought in you in your Day of Tendernefs,) by drawing your Minds up ajid the TV a)' of Death di /hovered. 55 np into an airy notional Profeflion of this Grace, and that by it you were faved ; not confidering that the immortal Souls of Inch lie in Bondage, whofe Faith ftands in Notions, and not in the Power of God ; of whofe Faith is no other than a Belief of what is done for them without, not coming experimenrally to know the Work of God in themfelves, and the Obedience of Fairh which puiifies the Confcience, and makes alive unto God: And fuch was the fearing up into Imaginations of fome called gijted Men for the Miniftry, that they pre- fumed to teach and hold forth the Free Grace of God after fuch a manner, as that the Underfiandings of many were defiied and corrupted, by admitting a Li- berty unto the flcHily Nature, and avoiding the Crofs of Chrift, contrary to that holy Liberty, which through the Operation of the Grace of God is known : For tho' it is true, that, as the Apoflle faith. By Grace we are faved', yet whofoever holds forth this Grace, fo as to raife a Belief in any, that they are thereby fa-ced from CGndemna- tion^ whilft thty are found TranfgrcfTors againft the righteous Law of God : ^iich, I fay, divide not the Word oj God aright^ but teach for DocJrine, the Conceptions of their own Brains : For, its not a bare Belief or Aflent of the Mind, to the Power of the <5race which can give Satisfadion to the H 2 immortal'. 54 ^^ ^^y ^J Life revealed J immortal Soul, or true AlTuiance ot Eternal Peace with God; but thee mud be alfo a Conformity in the inward Man, unto the Power thereof J and fo iMan comes to be created in Chrirt Jefus unto good l4^orks, to be landified throughout, boLli z;2 Body^ Soul and Spirit : And ijjdeed, I have found, that ^ inftead of pieaching up Conformity to the ^' Powtr of the dace, thty have not only ; preached up Free Grace, v\hich indeed is ^ an Exprtffion, in itfcit, proper enough to be held forth, for that the Grace ot God / is tictly extended unro all, bat alio there- ( wiih they have preached up a Juilification '^ ot linful and unfandtihcd Perlons, by im- ( puied Righteoufnels ; even in luch a man- ^ ner, as many have Irom thence, corclud- ( ed themlelves in a State of Salvation, while •^ ,'i^<. Sin has had its Rcijn in their mortal > B' dies ; which J cann )t but tcftify, is as g eat an Error, atid as contrary to the Gofpel- Miniflration, and the End for which Chiift 1 was manifell in the Fkfli, which was, to ( fave People frem their Sins, fo as to live "} no longer therein, as the E'ior of the / Scribes and Phariices was, Vv'iien thev were <, fceking and believing Juilification by the " Works of the Law, without the Righte- , oulncJs of Faith. And thus has it been, that manv have -\ turned the Grace of Cod mo Wanton- \ ntfs, or tum'd iiom the Giace of God, ' into and the Way of Death dijcovered. 55 into Wantonnefsj fo that in a little Time, how did many Pioteffors grow light and vain, and lan wiih the very Prophane into the iame Excefs of Riot, and lifted up in the Fltlh, and io came to be much in Shew, but little and light in the Ballance? And here, you Profefiois of all Sorts, that have gone from the fpiritual Appearance of Chnit Jefus within, into a Profeffion of the Sainis Conditions and Performances, without the Leadings and Guidings of the fame Spirit and Power, loft your Way,' and went out from your Guide, which wculd have led you up to the Subftance, Chriil Jtius ; And Thoufands of ignorant People iiave been led here through the cunning Slights of Men, into an empty Profefiion j and when the Manifeftation of the Spirit of God, which is given unto every Man to profit withal, hath ftirred in the Heart and Soul to draw the Mind out of the Ways, Spirit, and Nature of the World, then the transforming Enemy of Mankind has lain near to betray and deceive, by pointing and diredting People to lun into this Profeffion or the other or take up this outward Performance, or the other Shadow, under the fpecious Pre- tence of the Ordinances of God and Chriji : And hereby the lubtil Enemy, that will admit ot ihe People's being in the out- ward Piadice of outward Things, whilft that 56 The Way of Life revealed, that he can have his Place, Seat, ancf Throne in the F^eart of Mankind, has led Thoufands afide out of the ftrait Way of Salvation, through his drawing them from the true inward Guide, the Grace of God that bringi Salvation, that has appeared un- to all Men^ into the outward Obfervations : And here the Fear of Thoufands, towards God, is taught by the Precepts of Men, who know not the Leadings and Guidings of the Spirit and Power of God j and To have heal'd the Hurt of the Daughter of Zion deceitfully, and have daubed with the untempered Mortar. And now all you fcatter'd Ones upon the barren Mountains of ProfefTions, give Ear, hear the Counfel and Call of the Lord : Turn ycu, Prodigals, who have , fpent your Portions, and loft much of your > Sincerity and Tendernefs, and that fecret Enjoyment you had of the Lord inwardly. Years ago, and who for a long Seafon , have endeavoured to fill your Bellies with - Hufks, and the Ptofcflion of the Saints, Enjoyments, my Heart yearns on you, and for you are my Bowels turn'd j my Soul is often bow*d down in the Senfe of your ^ Eftates ; yea, often my Heart is pained within me, when I behold your Wan- "^ derings up and down from Mountain to ; Mountain, feeking Reft, and finding none, :^ but what is polluted, and your Souls are lean and the Way of Death difcovered. 57 lean for want of the Fatnefs of God's Houfe, and you have not the Enjoyment of it; my Soul is even many Times diftrefled for you ; God that made Heaven and Earth, bears me Record, whom my Soul cries unto even Night and Day, to vifit you with an out-ftretched Arm : Return return, unto that which will (hew you all that ever you have done, and that will y haften you to the Father's Houfe, where the Bread of Life is ; and no longer fpend ^ your Money, precious Time, and Labour, for that which is not the Bread of Life* ^^ but a Profefiion, a Talk of Bread, which ^ cannot truly fatisfy your Souls. And now, in the Name and Authority, ., and by the Motion of the Spirit of the Eternal God, Behold ! I found the Trum- pet of the Lord God Almighty in your Ears: Prepare, prepare, to meet the Lord jehovab in the Valley of Decifion ; and all you who have any Tendernefs in vour Hearts, and Breathings inwardly after"^ the Lord, amongft all Profeffions, of what Name or Denomination foever. Come out^ come out ' oj Babylon, and be you feparate ; touch not any longer the unclean Thing, that the Lord may receive you, who ftands ready to receive all that come in Truth and Righ- teoufnefs unto him ; who now will mark all that mourn becaufe of the Sins of the People, which are great, and the Meafure thereof 58 ^e Way of Life revealed^ thereof filling up apace ; and the Day and Time is haftening, of the pouring out of the Vials of the unmixt Fury and Indig- nation of God, who lives for ever and ever: And therefore flee, flee for your Lives, out of Sodomy Nature, and flick not in the Profeflion of Things, neither the one nor > the other, whilfl; the Ground of thy Pro- \ feflion did not, or doth not fpring from the ', immediate Work of God, and daily Ope- ( ration of his Eternal Power in thy Heart; S but come down into pure Obedience to \ the pure ftill Voice of the Spirit, and > Gift of God in thy own Heart and Soul, > which will, as thy inward Ears are at- ( tentive, direct thee in the narrow Way of ^ Life Eternal, in which thou (hould'fl walk : > So coming here, you come to that which moved in the Hearts of many, Years fince, God-wards, which was that which w-ought many into the Tendernefs before fpoken of; herein walk, and be faithful, and it will lead to the Fountain of Bleflednefs, from which it came, and unto the Horn of God's Anointed ; and to Shiloh fhall be the gathering of Thoufands through the Nations, Tongues, Languages, and People ; and the Mountain of the Lord's Houfe fhall be exalted, through this great Day of Trial, Tribulation, and Anguifh, upon the Top of all the Mountains. So and the Way of Death difcovered, 59 So the Lord God Almighty^ by the Arm of -) Strength^ reach all Hearts that have any / breathings panting Defres after him, 7 amongH all ProfeJJions, and full many as Brands out of the Fire. So breathes my - Souls who am a traveller for the univer- '^: fal Vijitation and Deliverance of the Seed tf of Jacob, and raijed up to prophefy of A^, the things which Jhall come to pafs^ and ■ he fulfilled in their lime and Seafon, ^ ' Charles Marshall* N I s. BOOKS BOOKS Printed and Sold by Mary Hinde, ^2^ N^ 2, in George- Yard, Lombard-Street, London. N Apology for the true Chriftian Divj- ^ nity, being an Explanation and Vindi- cation of the Principles and Dodlrines of the People called fakers, by Robert Barclay, the Seventh Edition in Englip, Oaavo, price bound 4J. Robert Barclays Apology in Latin.Frencby Danif/j and Spanifi, Oaavo, price bound 55. each. 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Written for the Con- firmation and Confolation of the one, and for the Information, in order to the Reftora- tion and Salvation of the other, ^c. By W, Shewen, price bound ij-. A compleat Hiftory of 'Jofeph and his Bre- thren, price bound ()d. UC SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY AA 000 150 606 2 Til 11