UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA AT LOS ANGELES Price Three Shillings and Sixpence. PART FIRST OF AN ON THE APPLICATION OF The Jllgebraic Analysis TO BY W. S. B. WOOLHOUSE. lv Part 2, denominated "GEOMETRY OF THREE DIMEN- SIONS,'* will he given the derivations of the formulae relating: ' fj O to lines and planes in space, curved surfaces, curves of double curvature, &c. And Part 3, will comprise numerous miscellaneous pro-' blems, elucidating the varied and extensive application of the formula? and principles laid down in the preceding Parts, LONDON: SOLD BY GEO. GREENHILL, STATIONERS' HALL, LUD6ATP STREET; AND ALSO BY w. GLENDINNING, NO. 25, HATTOX GARDEN. 1831. Entered at Stationers 1 Hall, AX ELEMENTARY TREATISE ON THE APPLICATION OF TO G-SOMETrLT". BY W. S. B. WOOLHOUSE. SOLD BY GEO. GREENHILL, STATIONERS* HALL, LUDGATE STREET J AND ALSO BY W. GLENDINNING, NO. 25, HATTON GARDEN. 1831. [ENTERED AT STATIONERS' HALL.] Pi nlted by VV. Foidyct, Newcastle. *St A Library v PREFACE. J. HE decidedly great* advantage of the Modern Mathemati- cians over the Ancients, has almost entirely arisen from the 7 introduction and refinement of the Algebraic Analysis, united with the Differential and Integral Calculus; and particularly from the truly elegant and systematic mode which has been \ adopted in their application to problems connected with Geometry. It is but recently that the plan of determining the relative geometrical positions of points, by means of their ordinates y related to fixed axes, has engaged the attention, generally, of our English writers. By means of this simple and ingenious ^ contrivance, almost an unlimited power has been acquired in 4 the resolution of physical problems, which require the aid of ' Geometry, and the differental and integral calculus has been employed with surprising efficacy. In many cases, wherein the greatest effort of the imagination would be inadequate to afford any clear or correct reasonings, the relations of the fi- gure and the necessary conditions can be fully and distinctly put down by means of analytical equations; and the several operations, which are generally attended with much faci- lity, depend, in a great measure, on the general principles of elimination. The following concise introductory treatise was commenced with a view of setting forth, in the most simple and perspicu- ous manner, the principal formulae, which may be found use- ful in the solutions of the various descriptions of geometrical and physical problems; and furthermore to condense them into one small volume, with a progressive arrangement, so as afford the utmost facility in referring to such principles as may be applicable to any particular subject. CONTENTS. PART 1. SECTION I. Definitions and First Principles . ART. PAGE 1. A Function defined. .......1 2. The values of Functions depend on the values of the quan- tities involved. ........ 3. 4. Notation, &c. of Functions. ..... 2 5, 6. Description of the Axes of Co-ordinates. 7. The reason of the positive and negative Signs of the Ordinates. -----.--3 8. Invariable Ordinates are sometimes distinguished by traits 9. The equation of a Curve explained. - 10. Rectangular Axes most generally useful. ... 4 SECTION II. Equations of the First Degree. 11. Two forms used for Equations of the first Degree, viz. : ax-}-by-\-c=:o, and y = m x + h. - - 12. Equations of the first Degree determine straight lines. - 5 II. CONTENTS. ART. PAGE 13. The Formulae may be readily transferred so as to appertain to either form of the Equations. - 5 14. The Equation of a straight line making a given angle with the axis ofx. __._--- -6 15. Determination of the Intersections of a straight line with the Axes of Co-ordinates. - - - - 10. The Equation of a straight line in terms of the portions cut off from the Axes. - - - - - - ' 7 17. The Case in which a line passes through the origin. 18. The Cases in which a line is parallel to one of the axes. - 19. The Equations of the Axes themselves are y o, x o . 8 20. The condition requisite for parallel lines. - SECTION III. Formula, fyc. relating to Straight Lines. 21. The Form of the Equation when the line passes through a point which is given. - - - - 22. The Equation of a line passing through a given point, and inclined at a given angle with the axis of x. - -9 23. Determination of the Equation of a line drawn through two given points. - - - - 24. Determination of the intersection of two given lines. 25. Expression for the length of aline joining two given points. 10 26. 27. Expressions for the inclination of a line with the axis ofx. - - - - _ _ 28. Expression for the perpendicular from the origin on any proposed line. - - - _ - 11 29. Expressions for the inclination of two straight lines. - 30. The condition of parallelism determined by putting the in- clination of the lines rr o . - _ - 12 31. The condition necessary for two lines to be perpendicular to each other. - - - . _ _ 32. The same condition when the equations are of the form y =r mx + h . - - - - _ 33. The equation of a straight line traking a given angle with another straight line. - - - - CONTENTS. ^* 111. ART. PAGE 34. The same when it also passes through a given point. - 13 35. Determination of the equation of a straight line, perpendi- cular to a given one. - - 36. The equation of a line perpendicular to another given line, and also passing through a given point. - - 37. Expression for the perpendicular on a given line, from a given point. - 38. Expression for the perpendicular, from the origin on a given line. - - - - - - 14 39. Expression for the perpendicular distance between two parallel straight lines. - - - - 40. 41. Expression for the distance between a given point, on a given line, and its intersection with another given line. - - - - - - 15 SECTION IV. Transformation of Co-ordinates. 42. The trans formation of the axes is sometimes useful to sim- plify equations. - . - - 16 43. To transfer the origin to a given point, the axes retaining a parallel position. - - - - 44. To transfer an equation to two other rectangular axes, making a given angle with the former, and proceeding from the same origin. - - - -17 45. To transfer to two other rectangular axes, making a given angle with the former, and having their origin at a given point. - - - - 18 SECTION V. Equations of the Second Degree, 46. The general equation is of the form Ax" + By + Cry + ax -f by + c o. IV. CONTENTS. ART. PAGE 47. The first three coefficients A , B , C are independent of the position of the origin, which is affected only by the values of the last three constants a, b, c. - - 19 48. The origin transferred to the centre of the curve. - 49. The axes transferred to the principal diameters of the curve. - - - - - 20 50. The equations of the ellipse and hyperbola. - - 21 51. The cases in which the general equation determines an ellipse. - - - - - 52. The case in which the general equation determines an hyperbola. - - - - - 22 53. Expressions for the squares of the principal semi-diameters. 54. Equations from which the values of G, A", B" and u are to be found. . - - - 55. The values of the co-ordinates of the Centre of the curve determined by the general equation. - - _ 56. When the equation is of the form Ax* + By* + Cxy + c = o, the origin of the ordinates is at the centre of the curve. 57. For any curve the Sum of the Coefficients of x* and y* will be the same in all positions of the axes of co-ordinates. 23 58. A case in which the general equation determines a straight line. - . 59. Cases in which the locus is impossible. - . 60. A case in which the general equation determines only a single point. - - _ _ 61. Recapitulation of the preceding transformations. _ __ 62. The sum of the reciprocals of the squares of every pair of semi-diameters, of a curve of the second order, which are perpendicular to each other, is equal to the same constant value. - - _ - 24 63. When 4 AB C 4 o, the centre of the curve is infi- nitely remote from (he origin. - _ - 25 The origin transferred to a point x'y' in the curie. 64. The axis of x made parallel to the principal diameter of the curve. - - - _ _ 65. The assumed point x'y' in the curve taken at its vertex. C6. The determined curve is a Parabola. - -26 67. The equation of the principal diameter. . - 27 CONTENTS. V. ART. 68. In the particular case wherein a V B b *J A the locus is a straight line^ - - - -27 69. When C is negative, u < ^- ; and, when C is positive 2 TT >_.-- 70. The equations of the principal diameters of a curve de- termined by the general equation. - - 28 71. The equations of the principal diameters when the origin is at the centre of the curve. - - - 29 72. The formula tan 2 u =. _ - applies to both diameters. A - B 73. Formulae for the values of the principal semi-diameters. - 30 74. Expressions for tho values of the principal semi-diameters when the origin is at the centre of ihe curve. - 31 75. Discussion of the particular descriptions of a curve of the second order from the values of the constants which belong to its equation. - - - Arrangement of the several cases. - - - 33 SECTION VI. Formula for Curves, fyc., involving the Differential and Integral Calculus. 76. Determination of the point of intersection of two indefinitely near positions of a variable straight line. - - 34 77. The line being supposed in motion, this point is the centre of instantaneous rotation at each position, and its locus is the curve to which the line is always a tangent. This curve may be determined by eliminating the variable from the resulting values of x 7 and y>. - 78. How the point of intersection of two indefinitely near positions of a variable curve may be similarly de- termined. - . - - - - 35 vi. CONTENTS. ART. PAGE 79. Expression for computing the area of a curve, viz : ydx. ' - - - - -35 80. Expression for the computation of the length of a curve, viz : 81. The tangent, normal, subfangent and subnormal of a curve described. - _ 36 82. The equation of the tangent to a curve at any proposed point. : 83. The equation of the normal at any point. - - 37 84. Expression for the perpendicular from the origin upon the tangent. - - - 85. Expression for the perpendicular from the origin on the normal at any point. - - - - 86. The values of the Subtangent, Subnormal Tangent and Normal. - - - - - 87. On Asymptotes. - - 38 88. How to ascertain whether a curve be convex or concave to the axis of x at any proposed point. - 39 89. To ascertain whether a curve be convex or concave to axis of y at any point. - - - - 90. The condition which takes place at a point of contrary flexure. 91. 92, 93, 94. Expressions for the Radius of Curvature of a curve at any proposed point,. - 40-42 95. How to determine the locus of the centre of the circle of curvature, or the Evolute of any given curve. - 96. The normal at any point of a curve is a tangent to the evolute and, estimated from the point of contact, is the radius of curvature at that point. - - 43 97. The length of the arc of the evolute between any two points is equal to the difference between the radii of the cor- responding circles of curvature. - - _ 98. Any curve may be conceived as described by the unwind- ing of an inextensible thread from off its evolute. The qurve as contradistinguished from the evolute is called its involute ; and hence the involute of a curve is thus described. - - - - 44 99. A curve can have but one evolute, but may have an inde- finite number of involutes. - - . CONTENTS, VII. ART. PAGE 100. How the inrolute of a curve may be determined. - 44 SECTION VII. Formula; appertaining to Polar Equations. 101. Definitions. - - - - - 45 102. The polar equation of a curve explained. - - 103. Radii vectores, &c. which are invariable are sometimes distinguished by traits. - - - 104. It is often useful to transfer expressions involving rec- tangular co-ordinates into such as shall involve the radius vector and the polar angle. - - 105. How to transfer expressions involving the rectangular co-ordinates xy and their differentials into such as shall involve the radius vector and the polar angle. - 46 106. The same when the origin or pole is required to be at a given point ; and also when the polar axis is required to make any proposed angle with the axis of x. - 107. How to reduce expressions involving the radius vector and the polar angle into one involving rectangular co- ordinates. - - - - - 108. Formula for the length of the arc of a curve, when the polar equation is known. - - - 47 109. Expression for the perpendicular from the origin on the tangent at any proposed point. - - - 110. How to find the sectoreal area contained between the curve and any proposed radii vectores. - - 48 111. Expressions for the inclination of the tangent with the radius vector drawn to the point of contact. - 112. Expression for the polar subtangent. - - 49 113. Expression for the polar subtangent in terms of the radius vector and the perpendicular on the tangent. - 114. Expression for the radius of curvature in terms of the radius vector and the polar angle. - - 50 viii. CONTENTS. ART. PAGE 115. Expression for the angle contained between any two radii vectores, when the equation of the curve involves the radius vector and the perpendicular on the tangent. - 50 116. Expressions for finding the length of any arc of a curve, and also the sectoreal area between any two radii vectores, when the equation expresses the relation be- tween the radius vector aud the perpendicular on the tangent. - - - - - 117. Expression for the radius of curvature in terras of the radius vector and the perpendicular on the tangent. - 51 118. To find the equation of the evolute. . - 119. How the involute may be determined. - - 52 THE MODERN APPLICATION OF THE ALGEBRAIC ANALYSIS TO GEOMETRY. SECTION I. DEFINITIONS AND FIRST PRINCIPLES. ARTICLE 1. ^ Function is any analytical expression, containing one or more variable quantities, combined or not with constant quantities ; it is called a function of the variable quantity, or quantities, which it contains. Thus a; 2 -\- a x, \f (a 2 a; 2 ) are algebraic functions of a?; tan x, which denotes the length of the circular arc whose radius is unity and tangent a 1 , is a trigonometric function of x; and a- 2 -{- y 2 - -j- x y, a x -\- by x ^ are algebraic functions of # and y. 2. It hence appears that functions of any quantities have their values entirely dependent on the values of those quan- tities. For when the values of any quantities are given, the values of any functions in which they may be involved become immediately determinable. B o. A funrtion of any variable or variables is generally de- noted by prefixing one of the characters JF, f, , O D', &c. be assumed as values of-r, the ordinates D P, Df P', &c, which are the respectively corresponding values of y, will be determined by the solutions of the proposed equa- o D t'on; and the point P is hence limited to a certain curve line P P'. This curve line is said to be represented or indicated by the given equation, which is usually called the equation of the curve. 4 10. Rectangular axes are more extensively used, and, in most cases, are more simple in their application than those which are oblique. Sometimes, however, in particular geome- trical investigations, the axes may, with great advantage, be taken parallel to certain given lines in the figure; yet, as rectangular axes are generally of more utility, we shall con r fine ourselves to the consideration of them in the subsequent investigations. SECTION II. EQUATIONS OF THE FIRST DEGREE. 11. The equation of the first degree is of the form 17 I ^-| \ I J I '""" ' * * * * \ /* wherein each of the constants a, b, c, may be either positive or negative. By solving for y, it gives a c y =. x ; and hence, assuming a , c m __, h =. , b b it becomes This form of equation, in which the constants m and h may be either positive or negative, evidently then comprehends in it all cases whatever of the fast degree, the same as the above equation marked (1). 12. Let C' be any assumed inva- riable point in the locus determined by the equation y =. mx -\- h, whose ordinates OG = x', GC' = y' will hence satisfy the equation y' == mx' -|- h. Let also P be any other point in the locus whose ordinates O D, D P fulfil the equation. y = m x -j- h ; and, by deducting the above, we derive y y' =. m (x #'). But, by drawing C'D'H' parallel to O A the axis of ' and .'. m =. _- . =. tan _ PC' 11. \-s ./-/ Since this property applies equally to all points P whose ordinates fulfil the proposed equation, the determined locus is evidently a straight line through the point C' making an angle with the axis of A) whose tangent =. m. o o Similarly the equation a x -j- b y -}- c o determines a right line intersecting the axis of x at an angle whose tangent ==. , (see article 1 1). 13. It hence appears that all equations of i\\e first degree determine straight lines ; also, (1 1 ,) that these equations may be reduced to either of the forms ax -\-by-\-c-o .. (1,) y = m j? -f h . . . (2.) The latter of these is the more simple in its application, in consequence of its involving only two constants, in, h. How- ever, as equations will not always reduce to this form without fractions, we shall generally deduce the several formula- for both cases. And it may be observed that formulae applying to the former may be easily rendered suitable to the latter by substituting m for a ; 1 for b, and h for c, as the equation would then become m x y -J- h zz: o or y == m x -\- h t agreeing with the latter equation. It may also be observed that, vice versa, formulae belonging to the latter mode of equation may be appropriated to the former by substituting, (11,) ~ for m> and ~ for A .... b b 14. Since, (12,) m is the tangent of the angle which the line makes with the axis of #, by calling this angle , the equation of the line may be expressed thus : y^=.ap tan u -j- #, 15. When y z= o, the point P must obviously be situated on the axes of x, and will therefore determine the intersection of the line with O A. Putt/ = o in the equation ax | b y J c zz: o and let x" be the corresponding value of x and we shall thence have c X , a that is, Qi = _, a I being the intersection of the line with the axis of or. Similarly, by taking x = o, >ve find the intersection on the axis of y to be determined by 10. By dividing the equation of the line by c and changing the signs, it becomes a b --*--y-i = o, which is hence equivalent to L+ *L_i=. f x' y x y Or ^ + 7 = 1 - This equation may therefore be regarded as determining that straight line which cuts portions from off the axes of x andy, estimated from the origin, respectively equal to at" and y". 17. When c = o, or h = o, the equation becomes of the form ax -{- fey = o which is satisfied with a? = o, y = o. This shews the line to pass through the origin. In this case we have x" = o, /" = o. 18. When a = o, the equation is i y -|- c =. o /* or y z= , a constant value. 6 In this case the value of x is arbitrary; and therefore the line is parallel to the axis of x at the distance on the b side where y is positive. If b =. o, or the equation be of the form a x -{- c =z e, we shall have x = and i/ arbitrary ; and consequently the line is parallel to the axis of y at the distance on the side where ,r is positive. a 8 , 19. When the equation becomes simply b y =. o, or y r= o, it evidently determines the axis of x ; and similarly when it is x =. o it indicates the axis ofy. 20. We have seen, (1 2,) that the tangents of the angles which the straight lines a x j- b y -f- c n= o, y = mac -\- h make with the axis of x are respectively and m. b It iherefore appears that equations, which have the values of , or of m, the same, determine parallel lines. Thus b aa?-\-by-J(-c = o, a x -j- b y -j- c' o, n a x -j- n b y - {- c" r= o represent parallel lines. And similarly, the equations ?/ := ?n cV -j- h, y -\- h f determine parallel lines. SECTION III. FORMULA, &c. RELATING TO STRAIGHT LINES. 21 . To express the equation of a straight line which shall pa$s through a given point. As one condition is here imposed upon the line, one of the constants a, &, c will become a function of the other two and the invariable ordinates x' y' of the given point, since they have to satisfy the condition a x' -|- b y' -j- c o Hence eliminating c, by taking its value (.??' -|- by'), the equation of the line, a .r -j- b y -|- c =. o, becomes 9 aat-{- by (ax' -\- by')=o, or a (x on') -\-b(y y')=o, which determines a straight line passing through the pro- posed point ao' y' Or it may evidently be expressed thus : ?/ ?/' = w (# - <), m being the tangent of the inclination of the line with the axis of x. 22. Cor. It hence appears that the equation y y' = (a? a?') tan 01 determines a straight line passing through the point OB' y' and making the angle u with the axis of x. 23. To determine the equation of a straight line passing through two given points. Let x' y', OB" y" be the co-ordinates of the two points ; as these points are situated in the line, the constants m t h t must evidently fulfil the equations y' = m x' -[- A, y" =maj" -f- A; from which we find x" at' at" at' As the line passes through both of the points so' y', ao" y" its equation, (21,) is hence or wherein x'y',x" y" are the ordinates of the two given points and a? y any point whatever in the line. 24. Given the equations of two straight lines to find the co-ordinates of the point where they intersect. Let a b c, a' b' c' be the constants which belong to their re- spective equations ; and let x y be the ordinates of the point c 10 of intersection j this point being posited in both lines, its ordinates x y must satisfy both of the equations ax-}-by-{-c=iQ, c' =. o. fee 7 c\)' r ,, ac' ca' oc t - ana w = - . , ab' ba' ab' ba'* which determine the required point. If the equations of the lines be of the forms y c= m x -j- ft* y = mf x -f- h' we shall hare h h f __ m' h m h' m w'' ' m m' 25. The co-ordinates of two points being given to find an expression for their distance, or the length of the line which joins thein. Let xy,x'y' be the given ordinates; then drawing lines from the two points parallel to the axes, viz : one parallel to the axis of oc and the other parallel to the axis of y, we shall obviously have a right angled triangle whose legs are x _ #' t y y' 5 and thus the square of tbe required line is found equal to (^-^ or i= v $(* 26. The equation of a straight line being given to express its inclination with the axis of x. The equation of the line being its inclination ca with the axis of x is, (12,) determined by a tan &==. , b which gives cos M z= tan * ) V ( 2 - fr 2 11 and sin = tan u _ _ (I + *a 2 w) ^ (a 2 -|- fc 5 )* 27. When the equation of the line is of the form y = m at -j- h, we have, (14,) = TO and .'. cosw= 28. Cor. Letx" determine the intersection of the line with the axis of #,as in article 15, and we shall evidently have t for the perpendicular from the origin on the proposed line, p = x" sin u. Hence, substituting 1 the value of x" t (article 15,) we have *29. Given the equations of two right lines to find their angle of inclination. Suppose 6c,a / b' c' to be the constants contained in their equations and let i denote the required inclination ; also let V { ( 2 + & 2 ) (a A H- 6/2 ) \ sin i=cos iXtani= " 30. Cor. 1. If the lines be parallel, i = o and sin i = o ; .*. a' b b' a = o a' a or F = T' agreeing with (20.) 31. Cor. 2. When the lines are perpendicular, cos i = o and hence a a' -f- & o' = o. 32. Cor. 3. If the equations of the lines be y = m x -\~ h, y = w' # -f- ^' we shall have tan u = m, tan ' = m' ; m m x ^aw i = 1 -4- m mf cos i = *;$*;; "it * 7/t * == ./'5/i 4-^2) /f 1^/2)? When the lines are parallel, sin i = o, And when they are perpendicular, cos i = p, and 33. To determine the equation of a straight line inclined at a given angle with a given straight line* In the last proposition, article 29, let a o c be the constants to the equation of the given line and a' b' & those of the one required. Then tan */ = tan (, - Q = - tan * tan . 1 -J- tan u tan i or, substituting , , for tan u, tan u', 13 .. a -\- b tan i q cos i -j- b sin i b' b a tan i b cos i a sin t " Hence the required equation is (a cos i -j- & sin i) x -j- (b cos i a sin ?) y -\- e" = o, wherein c" is an indeterminate constant whose value may be found from another condition. 34. Cor. 1. If the line be required to pass through a given point x' y' its equation, (21,) will therefore be ( cos i -\- b sin i) (x a;') -\- (b cos i a sin i) (y y'} = o. 35. Cor. 2. When the line is perpendicular to the proposed one its equation will be b x a y -\- c" =. o. 36. Cor. 3. When the line is perpendicular to the given one and also passes through a given point OB' y' its equation will hence be b (x x') a (y -* y') = o. The general equation of a straight line which is perpendicular to one determined by the equation y =. mr -\-h is y =. x -J- h' ; m and, when passing through a given point x' y' is y y* = (* a?'). 37. To express the length of the perpendicular on a given line from a given point. Let ax -{-by -f-c = obe the equation of the line and x' y f the ordinates of the given point. Then, (36,) the equation of the perpendicular is b (x arO -^a(y--y') = o, from which, together with the above equation of the given line, we find the point where it is intersected by this perpen- dicular to be determined by ordinates x y whose values are 6 2 x' a b y' ac a 2 y' a b x' be o 2 -f 6* a 2 -f 6 a "' 14 Now, (25,) the length of the perpendicular 1* = V {(*-*') 8 +G/-2> / ) 2 ?- Hence by substitution - -,_ a(gM-ty / + c) ,_ a(a , D -- and P = - ! V ( 2 If the equation of the line be of the form y = m x -\- h t substituting m for a, 1 for b and A for c, (see 13,) and we shall have P = - 38. Cor. 1. When the given point is the origin, we have x' = o, y' = o ; and hence, for the perpendicular from the origin on the given line, we have P= ' / / 9 v let T \"^ or P = V (I + * 2 ) " 39. Cor. 2. By (20,) the equations ax- \- b y -\- & =. o represent parallel lines. Now, (38,) the respective perpendiculars from the origin are *i' _ the difference of these gives the perpendicular distance of the said lines = V (a 2 -f 6 2 "j Similarly the perpendicular distance between the paral- lel lines y = m x -j- h, y z= m x -\- 7i A 15 is equal to A<^> V V (1+V 40. To express the distance between a given point x' y' on a given line and its intersection with another given line. Let the equation of the given line, which passes through the point x'y', be a' ( x _ */) _|_ V (y _ y'] o ; and that of the other given line ax-\-by-\-c-=zo Let #T/ be their point of intersection and its ordinatcs will be the same in both equations. The latter one being put in the form a(x x'}-\-b (y 2/0 -f ( x' + by' -f c) = , we shall, by means of it and the former, find a' 1) b' a a' b b' a Therefore, for the required distance, = v (^- Otherwise, Let p be the perpendicular from the point x' -g' on the line ax -{-by -f- c = o, Then, i being the angle of inclination of the lines, we obviously have p-=. D sin i !>=-?-. sin i Hence, substituting the values of p and sin i already laid down, (37, 29,) we get a' b b a 41. Cor. When the equations are y =. m x -\- h for the intersected line and y y f = m' (x x'} for the line passing through tire 16 point x'y'i substitute m, m' respectively for a, of and 1 for b t b' t and h for c, (13,) and D = nx' + k-y' v (l + m ^ m m' SECTION IV. TRANSFORMATION OF THE AXES. 42. With the view of expressing any particular lines or curves, being- the loci of points, by algebraic equations, we are manifestly at liberty to assign to the origin and the axes any positions whatever, relative to the said loci ; and hence, when the equation of a locus is complex, it becomes some, times useful to assume another position of the axes which will reduce it to a more simple form. This transformation, which is called the transformation of co-ordinates, is effected by expressing the original in terms of the new co-ordinates, of any point, which will, of course, be ready for substitution in any equation or formula, appertaining to the former axes, so as to produce the equivalent involving the new co-ordi- nates. For these operations the three following propositions are necessary. 43. An expression involving the two rectangular eo- ordinates being given to Jind the corresponding expression in terms of the co-ordinates when the origin is transferred to a given point, the axes retaining a parallel position. 17 Let O' be the given point to which the origin is to be transferred ; and let its position referred to the axes OA, OB be OG= a, GO' = b; also let the position of the point P related to the new axes O'A', O'B' parallel to OA, OB, be x'y' viz O'D' = x'~ and D'P=y'. Then is O D = OB = O' D' -f O G = x' -f a, which substituted for x and y will give the expression re- quired, wherein ab, the ordinates of the new origin O', will be given constants and x'y' the ordinates of Preferred to the new axes. By this means we transfer the origin O to a point whose ordinates are x=.a,y^z:b, 44. An expression involving the ordinates of a point referred to two rectangular axes being given to Jind the corresponding expression when the point is referred to two other rectangular axes making a given angle with the former and proceeding from the same origin, We shall omit the axis of y in the figure for the sake of simplicity, since it is sufficient to bear in mind that the positive ordinates y extend from the axis of x upwards. Let OA be the original and OA' the new axis of x ; then are OD, DP, and OD', D'P the co-ordi- nates of P. Draw D'H perpend icu- D ir A - larand D'K parallel to OA ; and let the ordinates OD', D'P which refer the point P to the new axes be x'y'. Then, assuming the given /_ A'OA = _ D'PK =. u, we shall have OH=.x' cos u and DH= KD' = y' sin u, the difference of which gives OD -=.x~ x' cos u y' sin ....(!); also D'H=, KD =. x' sin u and PK = y' cos u, which added give PD = y^= as' sin u -\- y' cos u . . . . (2). D 18 These values of OD and PD introduced instead of a? and y will produce an expression involving x'y' and the given angle u. It must be here observed that the new axis OA / of x is taken on that side of OA on which the ordinates y are positive ; when taken on the contrary or under side of OA, the angle &> will have a negative value. 45. An expression involving the co-ordinates of a point related to two rectangular axes being given to deduce the corresponding equivalent in terms of the ordinates of the same point referred to two other rectangular axes making a given angle with the former and having a different origin. Let O'A' be the new axis of a? ; I'D' perpendicular to it from the point P, and O'er parallel to OA. Denote the position of the new origin O' by a/>, viz: GO'=.b; let the position of P with respect to the new axes be x'y', that is O'D' x', D / P=y / - and, as before, denote the given angle of inclination A'Oa. by o>. Then, (44,) the co-ordinates of Preferred to O'a as an axis of x are O'd =. us' cos cj y' sin u Pd^=.x f sin u -\-ycosu; and hence, (43,) the values of the original ordinates are OD = x=.x f cos u y' sinu-\-a. .. (1), PD =. ii =, x' sin u -f- ?/' cos u>-\-b. . , . (2). / i / v~/* By substituting these instead of x and y in the proposed expression we shall get an expression, involving x'y' with the new additional constants a b and the given angle a, which will be the one required. 19 SECTION V, EQUATIONS OF THE SECOND DEGREE. 46. The general form for equations of the second degree, being those in which the ord mates XT/ are involved to the second power, is A x 2 -f B y* -f- Cx y -f- ax -\- by -}- c = o wherein each of the constants #, J9, C, a, b, c, may be either positive or negative. Let us in the first place transfer the equation to two other rectangular axes parallel to the original ones and having their origin at a point whose ordinates area/>; and, (43,) by substituting x -{- x* and y -j- y' for x and y t we shall find the corresponding equation to be A (& + 2 x'x + x) + B(y*+2y'y + y'*) -J- C(xy -|- y'x -f x'y + x' y') + a (x + a-) 4- b (y + y ') -f c = o ; which arranged for # and y becomes ^^ + By* -f C^y + (2 4*' + Cy' + a)x+ (2 ^/ + Cx' 47. The first three coefficients A,B,O stand unaffected with the new constants x',y', by which we observe that they are independent of the position of the origin ; and hence the position of the origin of any equation of the second degree depends entirely on the values of the three last co-efficients a b,c. 48. We may now assume the values of the two ordinates x' y' at pleasure since the position of the new origin is entirely arbitrary; and consequently, by the principles of algebra, we may fulfil any two possible conditions which involve them; let us therefore put the coefficients of x and y each equal to nothing, viz : 20 and thence ' lience also, by substitution, the last term C* or by assuming it becomes = IAB C* The equation is thus transformed into -- 2 = ... (a), in which the fourth and fifth terms are wanting. 49. Let us now transfer this equation to two other rec- tangular axes inclined at an angle u with the former and retaining the same origin ; and , (44,) substituting x cos u y sin u and x sin u -\- y cos w for x and y, we get for the cor- responding equation A (x* cos 2 u -|- y 2 sin 2 u 2 _ " ' * 4 AB C* 56. Gth. When the equation is of the form wherein the fourth and fifth terms of the general equation are wanting, we have a=o,b=zo and thence ae' = o, y'=.o which therefore shews the origin to be at the centre of the * For the immediate values of A", B" see article 73. 23 curve. This agrees with equation (ft,) article 49, where the origin is transferred to the centre. 57. 7th. By adding the equations (3), article 54, \ve find A 1 +B" A-\- B. Hence we see that, whatever be the position of the axes of co-ordinates, the sum of the co-efficieuts of a? and ?/ 2 will be the same. 58. 8th. When G=zo and also A" and B" of different signs, the general equation defines a straight line. For in this case the transformed equation (ft), article 49, becomes which gives !L=v-~; and this value is real when A", B" have different signs. 59. 9th. In the two following cases it will be found that no real values of x and ?/ can possibly fulfil the equation (ft) ; and consequently that the equation can have no locus. First. When G and 4 AB C 2 are of the same sign and A", B" both of them positive. Second. When G and 4 AB C 2 are of different signs and A",B" are both negative. 60. 10th. When G-=.O and A", B have the same sign, no real values of x and ?/ can satisfy the equation (ft,) except the particular case ot'x=o,y=:o. In this case therefore the locus is the single point corresponding with the new origin x' ' y'. 61. 11 th. It appears that by changing the position of the origin to the centre x' y' the equation A ofi+By* + Cccy -\- ax -j- ft t/ -f c = o 24 is transformed into the form *4 wherein h = . Also, that by taking two other axes of co-ordinates making an angle with these so that tan 2ou= _ , the equation 1 A Jo A 'x* -4 B t/ 2 -j- C x y | h o becomes of the form wherein A' -\- B" = A -}- B and the constant h is unchanged. 62. 12th. Let oo",y" be the two semi-diameters of the curve which coincide with the axes of co-ordinates to which it is referred, and they will be determined by taking first y~o and then x = o in the equation, the results being h ,, h ~A' y ' ~B' Let also a / ,ft / be the principal semi-diameters which coincide with the axes to which the equation appertains ; and we similarly have a /2 = A, J'2 __A A" B Hence as A" -j- B " = A -\- B, we have That is the sum of the reciprocals of the squares of any two semi-diameters, of a curve of the second order, which are perpendicular to each other, is the same ; and, in reference to the general equation, is = 25 63. When 4AB C 2 = o, we have, (55), x'y' both of them infinite which shews the centre of the curve to be infi- nitely remote from the origin. It becomes hence necessary to consider this case separately. Let bo the general equation in which 4 AB C' 2 = o. Then, transferring the origin to a point x'y', the correspond- ing equation, (46,) is Ax'~ -\- B y'- 2 + Cos' y' -|- a x' -\- b y' -f- c) = o. Let x' y' determine some point in the curve, so that Ax' 2 -\- By'*-{-Cx'y'-\-ax'-\- by'^-c = o, and the equation becomes Atf + B f- A- C 'of y + (2 A x' -\- C y' + ) as + (23 ;;' -f CV + b) y = o. But, since 4 AB C' 2 o and .; i'J= 2 \f JIB, we have Atf 4- B if + C a? y = (.r // ^ -[-?/>/ ) 2 . Hence the reduced equation is equivalent to (xV A+yV ^) 2 + (2 J^ + Cy' + ) a- -|- (2 5 / + C/* x + 5) y = o. C4. We shall now, as in article 49, transfer this equation to two other rectangular axes proceeding from the same origin and making an angle u with the former; and, (44,) putting x cos co y sin u and x sin u -}- y cos u for x and y t the resulting equation is ^ (cos u \f A -\- sin u \/ B) }y = o. Let a satisfy the condition cos u \f A -\- sin ca A/ B = o, which will give = \/ ,coswi=: 26 and thence sin u \f A cos u V" B =. */ {A -f- B) ; V and (ZAx'-\- Cy' -f a) sin w (2 # / -f C x' -f 1) cosa> = a \S A -4- b \/ B The equation thus becomes 65. We have, (63,) assumed x'y' to determine a point in the curve, but not restricted ourselves to any particular point ; we may therefore take this point where the curve is intersected by a straight line whose equution is /^i / n i V A-4-b A/ B x \f A-\-y \f B - } r - - IU - = o, 2 by means of which we shall have which reduces the equation to B b f . x = o, / /? i ?>\ 9 a \ B b \f A (A -4- JB) y- _i But the equation of a parabola, whose parameter is p, taking the origin at the vertex and the principal axis for the axis of a 1 , is 2/ 2 =/Kv or y* px 0. Hence the following particulars: 66. 1st. When a V B b V A not=;o, the locus is. a Parabola whose parameter is equal to 27 n V B 1> V A 67. 2nd. According- to article 12, the equation / /i i / o i a V A-4-b V E x y A-\-y A/ .B-r- - IL l - -=. defines a straight line inclined to the original axis of x at an A angle whose tangent V aud which is therefore equal H to u, the inclination of the axis of the curve, with the axis of#; this line, (65.) also passing through the vertex x'y\ it must coincide with the axis of the curve. Therefore the above equation properly represents the principal diameter of the curve; by uniting it with the original equation we may hence find the co-ordinates x'y' of its intersection with the curve, or the vertex. 68. 3rd. lfaVBbVA = o, or aVB = l\fA, the equation (c) gives simply y = , which shews the locus in this case to be a straight line cor- responding with the new axis of a\ the equation of which is given, (G7). 69. 4th. The equation AB C 2 =o giving C 2 r= + 2 \f AE, the values of the constants A,B must have the same sign to make C real, that is, they must be either both of them positive or both negative ; and hence we may consider them both positive for, when negative, they can be made so by preliminarly changing all the signs of the original equa- tion. If, under this consideration, C be negative we shall have C = 2 V AB instead of -f-2 V AB ; in this case, the foregoing operations hold good by either substituting V A instead of V A or \/ JB for \f B, or by considering either \f Aor *J B to have a negative value; and tan u will A - A become hence = -f- instead of \/ . B li Thus we see that, when C is negative, tan u Is positive and u < and that, when C is positive, tun u is negative and 2 "." CO > . 2 The foregoing investigations lead immediately to the solutions of the three following propositions : 70. To express the equations of the principal diameters of a curve of the second order which is determined by the general equation. The co-ordinates of the centre, (55,) are Cb ZBa _Ca X' 4ABC* 4AB C* Let u denote the inclination of one of the principal diameters of the curve with the co-ordinate axis of x ; and, (54,) C from which tan = tan2u C Ts T ow the diameter being inclined to the co-ordinate axis of x at the angle a and also passing through the centre x'y' of the curve, its equation, (22,) is y y' -=.(x x') tan u. Hence by substitution we have Ca i y T"7'i for the equation of one of the principal diameters. The other diameter passing through the centre x'y' perpen- dicular to this, its equation, (36,) is 20 s \(A ) a -f C a (4 B} or, which is the same, ? _ 1ABC* 71. Cor. 1. If the origin of the ordinates be the centre of the curve its equation, (56,) will be of the form A x 1 -\- B 2/ 2 -f Cxy + c= o and we shall have a =o, b = o. In this case therefore the equations of the principal diameters are and y =- 72. ^o/e. The equation C tan 2 u = applies equally to both diameters. For, if 2 fulfil this equa- tion, it will also hold good when 2 u ^T .*v-2/v,/ o v cos u sn u r= and hence we get 2 V M anul tho foregoini;; value of G substituted, the squares 31 of the principal semi-diameters of the curve are found equal to 2 {Cab Ab* Bat + c^AB C 2 ) (4 AB C*)A + B V (A the under sign being- for the ellipse and either sign for the hyperbola, (53.) 74. When the origin is at the centre of the curve, (61,) a = o, b = Q ; and therefore in this case the squares of the principal semi-diameters are equal to + 2c -j-2c A+ B+V {(A -ff) 2 -^ ' ^+-B \/ { (A 75. To determine the particular description of a curve of the second order from the immediate relative values of the constants which belong to its equation. In (51), (52) and the subsequent articles, the different cases are severally stated, throughout the various relations of A",B", G, 4 AB C 2 , &c., where A", B" are, (54,) expressed in terms of the coefficients A, B,C, by means of the arc a as a subsidiary. It is hence only necessary to transfer the relations of A", B' to those of the immediate coefficients A,B,C, which may be easily effected from their values which have already been found, (73,) viz : A+B+V A" zzi A+B-V B = 2 Thus it is evident that, when (A-\-B) 2 is greater than (A B)* -j-C 2 the sign of A-\-B cannot be affected with either the 32 addition or subtraction of \/ | (A U) 2 -f- <7 a , and conse-* quently that the values of A", B" will both have the same sign with A-\-B. But, when ( 2 is greater than (A B^+C 2 , we shall have (J-j-jB) 2 ^(AB)*-}- C 2 ^ = 4.4U C 2 positive. Hence, when &AB C 3 is positive A" and 5" will both of them have the same sign with A -}- B, that is, they will both be positive when A-\-B is positive and both negative when A-\-B is so. It is also pretty obvious that, when (A-\-B}* is less than (A BY + * the va]ues of A " B " wil l have different signs, that is, the one will be positive and the other negative, In this case we shall have ( A -f- 5) 2 ^ (A B} z + C 2 1 = &AB C 2 negative. Thus we see, when 4AB C 2 is negative, that A", B" are of different signs.* Again, under the class 4 AB C 2 = o, when the value of o, we shall have 2VA(a^B b\fA) or Ca 2 Ab = o. Hence also, when a\/ B b^ A not =20, we shall have Ca 2Ab not = o. By carefully comparing these relations with the articles (51), (52), (58), (59), (60), (66), and (68), we find the different descriptions of the curve to be as in the following arrange- ment, wherein G = Cab- Ab* Ba* + c (4^B C 2 ). * These relatious are also pretty evident from the equations A" + B'=:A+ B, 4A'B' = 4AB C. -' in fc W J - O OS H E 2 !J O - b C 2 m Z ~ ^5 ff ^ H> V) *- ^ - OS (5* W O - ? s? H H 05 8 .2 (A H a e 8 8 u O ^ ^ 05 s . II II II II II , r I I o rs C - 03 Sf> 4. C _= ^ 34 SECTION VI. FORMULA FOR CURVES, &c. INVOLVING THE DIF- FERENTIAL AND INTEGRAL CALCULUS. 76. The equation of' a variable straight line being given to find the point of intersection of two of its positions which are indijinitely near to each other, Let y = m x -j- h be the equation of the line. Jt is plain that when m, h are given constants the straight line is given and fixed thus, in order that the line may assume another position it is necessary that one or both of the char- acters i, h shall become of different values. Hence, under the circumstances of the proposition one or both of the values m,h must be subject to variation, Let x'y' be the co-ordinates of the required point which will, of course, fulfil the equation y' = moo' -j- h. If we now suppose the line to vary to an indefinitely near consecutive position, the point pf intersection x'y' being fixed during the change its ordinates op' and y' will hence remain invariable. Hence differentiating, and considering x'y' as constant, we get o-=.x' dm -j- dh, from which and the above equation we find the required point to be , dh , , dh x =. ,y'=zh m . dm dm To compute these values it is necessary for A to be a function of m; this is, in fact, necessary to impose a law on the varia- tion of the line, the position of which would otherwise be absolutely arbitrary. 77. Cor. 1. If the line be supposed in motion this point will obviously be the centre of instantaneous rotation ; and its locus will evidently be that curve to which the line is ,35 always a tangent* (see 81) - hence the nature of this curve may be found by eliminating the introduced variable from the values of cc' and y'. 78. Cor. 2. Similarly to the foregoing may we find the point of intersection of two indefinitely near positions of a variable curve by differentiating its equation and considering x',y' as constant; the values of a?', y' being determined from the given and the resulting equation. 79. To find the area of a curve comprehended between two given values of y and the axis of x. By taking two values of y indefinitely near to each other, the space included between them may obviously be con- sidered as rectangular and consequently as having a value ^=ydx. Thus we have The area = jydv. This integral, between the limits x'y', xy will give the area contained between the ordinates y' and y. 80. To find the length of any portion of a curve from the equation between its rectangular co-oi dinates. Let denote the length of the curve corresponding with the ordinates coy and reckoned from any given point, and we shall evidently have ds 2 = dx 2 -f- df and s = * This is rendered evident by considering it inversly ; thus, by supposing a tangent to move over a curve line its successive indefinite intersections will obviously coincide with the points of contact and therefore trace out the same curve. 36 By taking this integral between the limfts x'y' and yy we find the length of the portion of the curve intercepted by those points. 81. D " - -- - -- . dy' dy' Again by taking x = o we similarly find the intercept of the axis of y, between the prigin and the tangent, to be dy' ' dx' If, when x' DC 00 or y' = oo , either of these values of x and y are finite, the curve has asymptotes which will thence be de- termined. When x is Jinite, but y infinite, the asymptote is parallel to the axis of y. When y isjinite, but x infinite, the asymptote is parallel to the axis of a-. But when the values of x and y are loth of them infinite, ihe asymtote is at an infinite distance from the origin. In this case the curve is said to have no asymptote. When the values of . dx' 88. The equation of a curve being given to find whether, at a particular point, it is convex or concave to the axis of x. As in article 82, let x'y' denote the ordinates of the pro- posed point in the curve and u the inclination of the tangent at that point: with the axis of x, and du' J! = tan u. &* Now when the curve at the point x'y' is concave to the axis of x the angle ca will evidently, if x increase, decrease when y is positive and in crease when y is negative ; and therefore " ; then, this line pp" being conceived to be a thread extending round the evolute, it is obvious, from the above property, that by unwinding this thread, keeping/?/)" always stretched, the point/) will trace out the curve. Considering the evolute as a curve, its involute is thus de- scribed. 99. It appears, from the foregoing, that any given curve can have but one evol ute, but may have an indefinite number of involutes as the value ofpp" at any point p" is indeterminate. Hence, for any particular involute, the value ofpp" must be known at a given point p". 100. The evolute being given, the equation of its involutes may be found by means of the values of tf",r/", (95,) in terms of xy and their differentials. 45 SECTION VII. FORMULAE APPERTAINING TO POLAR EQUATIONS. 101. Besides the application of co-ordinate axes there is another method of rendering the relative positions of points and the properties, &c. of curve lines, in the same plane, sub- ject to the power of the algebraic analysis, by means of what is usually called a polar equation. Thus a given indefinite right line OJ1, originating at O is denominated the axis ; the fixed point O is denominated the pole or origin ; any variable right line OP drawn to a point P is called a radius vector, to that point, and its angle of inclination POA, with the axis, the polar angle. The radius vector OP we shall denote by r, and the polar angle POA by )=o; and, in most cases, r may be separated so as to give F and f denoting given trigonometrical functions. The characters r,

, or such as belong to given, and, of course, invariable points are thus distinguished, r' ; and heuce also, by differentiation, dx =. dr cos


,, d z y = d' 2 r sin


occur 106. If it be required lo have the pole at a given point ^''//', we may previously t'.ansfer ihe ovigin of the rectangular axes to that point, by article 43. Or we may substitute 'j; =. r cos-

-j- y', and x'y' being constant, the values of dee', d^ d'h', d*y, &c. as above. And, if the polar axis be required to make an angle o with I he axis of a 1 , we must obviously substitute

.' 107. To reduce any expression, involving the radius vector tiud the polar angle, into one involving rectangular co-ordi~ nates. . . By taking the polar axis* for the axis of jr, and the pole for the origin of .ry, we sjiall have, from the foregoing equatipns, "' 47 also ' :r cos r= __ r= tan $ or . - ' II r=m - y- z=z V (tf + tt*) V(x 2 -ry*) x wherein cos - - - signifies the arc whose cosine > Tlie required tram-formation may be accomplished by the pubstitution of these values; and the origin may afterwards be transferred to any given point, (43). 108. The polar equation of a curve beiny yiven to Jind the lenyth oj' any arc of it. Ky referring- the points of the curve to rectangular co-ordinate axes, we have, (HO,) Hence, Kiibstituting the values of dx, dtj, (105,) we j^e d*> = df 2 -\- M f / dsV (rf^ + r^rf^) (dr 2 -^- r'W(p-)-f- const., (he value of the constant being such as to make the complete integral vanish at the point whence the arc is estimated. J09. To Jind the perpendicular from the oriyin on the tangent at any given point. The equation of the tangent at any given point X''y' t (82,) is dj/' (a *'') d.v' (y y') = o, or, dy'. x dx'. y (.*' dy' y' da;'} =. o. \#i p be the required perpendicular, and, as in article 84, we shall hence have x r dy / y' dx 1 \tx' dy' y' This reduced for the polar equation, (105,) gives /> = ds 1 10. To find the sectoreal area contained between the curve and any two radii vectores. Let us imagine two radii vectores infinitely near to each other, containing the indefinitely small angle dy ydx _ r 2 d

d"*x cos q> d*y) -\- rdq> (cos p d\v -\- sin $ d 2 y) = dr (2 dr dtp -j- rd 2 (d*r rdqfi) __ rf

. Hence I " By supposing if to vary independently __ I ds 3 _ , (dr S ~" ~ ~' 115. 7 T Ae equation of a curve between the radius vector and the corresponding perpendicular on the tangent being given, to Jind the angle contained by any two radii vectores. By (109), V(dr* + r This solved for eftp gives the integral of which between the proposed limits will give the angle sought. 116. Given the equation between the radius vector and the perpendicular on the tangent, F (*%/>) = > to fi na the length of any arc of the curve t and also the sectoreal area between any two radii vectores. It has been found, (115), that 51 This substituted for

)* + ' 2 /> 2 = S 2 The value of ? being previously determined, (117,) we can by means of these and the given equation of the curve, f (r,p) o, eliminate r and p, which will produce the equa- tion wanted. 119. Let R' and P' be the radius vector and the perpen- dicular on the tangent which belong to an involute of the curve ; as the curve is its evolute we have from the foregoing , ... .. R'dR' f equations, substituting - _ for , UMr The values of pr by these equations substituted in the equa- tion of the curve we shall find an equation involving R'P' and their differentials. If it can be integrated the equation of the involutes of the curve will thence be found. END OF PART FIRST. X 933 6 9 JUL 16 1947 JUN 2 1 19fi IWY 1 2 Form L-9-15m-7,'32 LIBRARY FACILITY A 000 788 943 9 STS STACK JDL72 ANGELES