Ha ""'tfriATTERTONIANA F. A. HYETT 6? W. BAZELEY 'r.'tr- TZavTB^ V CHATTERTONIANA BEING A CLASSIFIED CATALOGUE OF BOOKS, PAMPHLETS, MAGAZINE ARTICLES, & OTHER PRINTED MATTER,. RELATING TO THE LIFE OR WORKS OF CHATTERTON, OR TO THE ROWLEY CONTROVERSY. REPRINTED FROM THE BIBLIOGRAPHER* S MANUAL OF GLOUCES- TERSHIRE LITERATURE. BY FRANCIS ADAMS HYETT, B.A. AND The Rev. CANON BAZELEY, M.A. WITH NUMEROUS ADDITIONS By F. A. H. GLOUCESTER: JOHN BELLOWS MDCDXIV ABBREVIATIONS B.H.B. The late Rev. B. H. Blacker, 26 Meridian Place, Clifton. B.M. British Museum. B.G.L. Bristol & Gloucestershire Archaeological Society's Library. B.R.L. Bristol Reference Library. (Jj) Bodl. Bodleian Library, Oxford. C.P.L. Cheltenham Public Library. C.W.G. C. W. George, Esq., Park Street, Bristol. F.A.H. F. A. Hyett, Esq., Painswick House, Painswick. F.F.F. F. F. Fox, Esq., Yate House, Chipping Sodbury. G.P.L. Gloucester Public Library. H.E.N. H. E. Norris, Esq., Cirencester. W.B. The Rev. Canon Bazeley, Matson Rectory, Gloucester. 334509 Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2007 with funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation http://www.archive.org/details/chattertonianabeOOhyetrich PREFATORY NOTE The substance of this work appeared in 1897 under the heading " Chattertoniana " in the " Bibliographer's Manual of Gloucestershire Literature," vol. 3, pp. 318-37. The new references which have now been added were collected for a bio- graphical supplement to the Manual, which, it is hoped, will shortly be in type. They became, however, much more numerous than was expected, and had the original intention been carried out, a student of Chattertonian literature could have formed no idea of its extent unless he had before him two volumes, the publication of which was separated by nearly 20 years. The inconvenience of this is obvious. It was, therefore, thought better to combine the old and new references in chronological order and publish them as an independent work. Eight of the new references are due to the Bibliography in the Muses Library Edition of Chatterton's Works (1906) but these have been verified and amplified. The initials at the end of a collation indicate the owner of the copy of the work described, or the Library at which it was seen. My thanks are due to Mr Austin, of the Pubhc Library, Gloucester, and Messrs. George's Sons, of Bristol, for having called my attention to works which would otherwise have escaped my notice, and for having given me valuable assistance in other ways. I am also indebted to Mr Austin for correcting my proofs. It is not likely that any but students specializing in i8th century literature will often consult this little volume, and for these an explanatory statement would be superfluous, but in case any other members of the reading public should do so, a brief note of the origin and nature of the Rowley controversy will make the following pages more intelligible. In the years 1768 and 1769, MS. copies of certain poems were placed in the hands of Messrs G. S. Catcott, W. Barrett and Horace Walpole by Chatterton, who alleged that he had copied them from documents that he had found in the muniment room over the N. Porch of the Church of S. Mary Redcliffe. He asserted that they were all written in the 15th century, and that most of them were by one Thomas Rowley, a secular priest of Bristol. In only a few cases were documents purporting to PREFATORY NOTE be the originals produced. After Chatterton's death these poems were collected and published in a volume entitled " Poems Supposed to have been Written at Bristol, by Thomas Rowley and others," and they at once became the subject of controversy in the leading magazines of the period. The Rowleians relied chiefly on two arguments : (i) that it was impossible that such works could have been produced by an ill-educated lad of only 15 or 16 years old ; and (2) that the Poems attributed to Rowley reached a much higher level of poetic excellence than those which were undoubtedly written by Chatterton. The main argument used by the anti-Rowleians was that the poems in question abounded in anachronism both in matters of history and language. They pointed out that the language in which they were written did not belong either to the 15th or to any other century, but was a jumble of words used at different periods with many words that had never been used before, and that it could only be described as the " Rowleian dialect." It is now universally admitted that Chatterton was the author of the Rowley Poems. If any further proof were required, it was furnished by Professor Skeat, who noticed that the word " hecke," which means a rack, is twice used in the Rowley Poems to mean a rock, and that the meaning of hecke in Kersey's Dictionary is through a typographical error given as " rock " instead of rack. As it is well known that Chatterton made use of Kersey's Dictionary, this is very striking. The following are the names of the principal disputants : — Rowleians Jacob Bryant Dr Glynn E B. Greene Dr Henley Dean Milles Samuel Seyer Monthly Review Anti-Rowleians Tyrwhitt Horace Walpole Dr Warton T. Warton Dr Johnson Stevens Bp. Percy Malone Gibbon Jones Dr Farmer Coleman Vicesimus Knox Sheridan Dr Lort T. Astle Sir H. Croft W. Hayley Ld. Camden Gough Mason S. Badcock Critical Review Gentleman's Magazine Sir Wm. Jones Most of Chatterton's acknowledged poems first appeared during his life in Magazines. CHATTERTONIANA 1763-68. On the Last Epiphany, or, Christ coming to Judgment. Felix Farley's Bristol Journal, Jan. 8, 1763. The Churchwarden and the Apparition. Id., Jan. 7, 1764. [A description of the Mayor's first passing over the bridge at Bristol which was taken down c. 1757.] Id., Oct. i, 1768 " On the Last Epiphany " was the first of Chatterton's productions which appeared in print. It was written when he was only 1 1 years old. The description of the Mayor's passing over the old bridge is accompanied by a letter to the Printer signed " Dunhelmus Bristoliensis." He contributed other pieces to this Journal. 1764. [A Letter signed " Fulford The Gravedigger."] Felix Farley's Bristol Journal, Jan. 7, 1764. 1769. The Complaint. Addressed to Miss P L of Bristol. Universal Magazine, vol. xlv., p. 265. This poem, signed " C," is ascribed by Maitland and Skeat to Chatterton, but is not in- cluded in the Cambridge edition of Chatterton's Works. 1769-70. On Mr. Alcock of Bristol [Asaphides. Bristol, Jan. 29, 1769.] The Town and Country Magazine, vol. i., pp. 104-5. Saxon Heraldry. [D.B. Feb. 4] Id., p. 100. [Copy of a letter written by one Rowley on the Court Mantle. D.B. Bristol, Mar. 4, 1769.] Id., pp. 136-7. Ethelgar. A Saxon Poem. [D.B. Bristol, Mar. 4] Id., pp. 144-6. Kenrick. Translated from the Saxon. [D.B.] Id., pp. 174-5. Elegy [Asaphides. Bristol, April 4.3 Id., p. 217. Cerdrick. Translated from the Saxon. [D.B. May 20.] Id., pp. 233-5. [On some Saxon Achievements, with plate. D.B. Bristol, May 15, 1769.] Id., p. 245. ^^linoure and Juga. Written three hundred Years ago by ^ T. Rowley, a Secular Priest. [D.B. Bristol, May, 1769.] Id., pp. 273-4 and 328-9. To Mr Holland. [D.B. Bristol, July 21.] Id., pp. 385-6. 8 CHATTERTONIANA 1769-70. Godred Crovan. A Poem. Composed by Dopnal Syric, Scheld of Godred Crovan, King of Man. [D.B. Bristol, August 10, 1769.] Id., pp. 425-8. The Hirlas. Composed by Blythyn, Prince of North Wales. [D.B. Bristol, Nov. 17.] Id., pp. 574-5. Elegy [Bristol, Nov. 17, 1769.] Id., p. 607. Antiquity of Christmas Games. [D.B. Bristol, Dec. 10.] Id., pp. 623-4. The Copernican System. [D.B. Bristol, Dec. 23]. Id., p. 666. The Hirlas. Translated from the Ancient British of Owen Cyfeliog, Prince of Powys. [D.B. Bristol, Jan. 3, 1770.] Id., p. 683. Elegy to the Memory of Mr Thomas Phillips of Fairford. [D.B. Bristol, Dec. 5.] Id., pp. 711-12. The Advice. Addressed to Miss M***** j^****^ Qf Bristol. [D.B. Jan. i, 1770.] Id., p. 713. Anecdote of Chaucer. Id., vol. ii., p. 16. [A letter signed " Astrea Brokage." Bristol, Jan, 3, 1770.] Id., pp. 31-2. The Unfortunate Fathers. Id., pp. 32-3. [Twelve letters signed " A Hunter of Oddities," all in vol. ii. and dated as follows] : — (i) [Uxbridge, Jan. 20], pp. 40-1 ; (2) [Feb. 10], pp. 94-5 ; (3) [Temple Bar, March 20, 1770], pp. 152-3 ; (4) [undated], pp. 202-3 i (5) [St. James's Coffee- house, May 10], p. 245 ; (6) [Slaughter's Coffeehouse, June 15], p. 312; (7) [undated], p. 343 ; (8) [undated], pp. 413-14 ; (9) [Shire-Lane, Sept. 12], pp. 482-3 ; (10) [Ivy-Lane, Oct. 15], pp. 535-6 ; (11) Bell-Inn, Smithfield, Nov. 10], pp. 584-585 ; (12) [New- York Coffee-house], pp. 628-9. February. An Elegy. [D. B. Bristol, Feb. 12], p. 103. An Elegy. [C. Shoreditch, May 20], pp. 270-271. The False Step. Id., pp. 249-253. [A letter signed Maria Friendless, and dated June 15, 1770]. Id., pp. 287-8. [Anecdote converning Lord Jefferies, forwarded to the Editor with a letter signed " C."] Id., p. 311. To Miss B sh of Bristol [Celorimon]. Id., pp. 327-8. Memoirs of a Sad Dog [Harry Wildfire.] Id., pp. 374-6. The Polite Advertiser. By Sir Butterfly Feather. [July 11, 1770.] Id., pp. 376-7. CHATTERTONIANA Q 1769-70. [A letter signed " Tony Selwood."] Id., pp. 409-410. On the Origin, Nature and Design of Sculpture. Id., pp. 417-8. Gorthmund. Translated from the Saxon. [D.B.] Id., pp. 486-8. Adventures of a Star. Id., pp. 539-540. The initials D.B. stand for Dunhelmus Bristoliensis, the pseudonym which Chatterton appended to one of his contributions to Felix Farley's Journal. The Elegy (dated April 4) which commences " Haste, haste ! ye solemn messengers of night," is misplaced in the Aldine Edition, the arrangement of which is intended to be chrono- logical. Professor Skeat reprinted it from Gardner's Miscellanies, and was apparently unaware of its former appearance. There is a short prose piece " On Punning," dated June 17, 1770, in vol. ii. of the Town and Country Magazine, which is included in the 1803 edition of Chatterton's Works, but this, as Professor Skeat points out, is probably a mistake, as it is signed " T. B. Berkeley Square." Chatterton acknowledged that some of the papers signed "A Hunter of Oddities " were his \_See Aldine edition, vol. i, p. 358], but it does not seem certain that all of them should be ascribed to him. Broughton only included four (Nos. 2, 5, 6, 7) in the Miscellanies, 1778, and Southey and Cottle, though under the impression that they were printing all (See vol. iii., p. 222 of the 1803 edition) omitted No. (12). Neither editor . placed them in the order of their appearance. Nos. (9), (10) and (11) are all dated after Chatterton's death. This is of course not conclusive that they were not written by him, as Hamilton (the editor of the Town and Country Magazine) may have had the MSS. in hand, and added the dates to suit the number of his magazine in which they appeared. "Gorthmund" and "The Adventures of a Star" were both printed by him after Chatterton's death. [1769-1818. A Collection of Cuttings from Magazines and Ncws- V papers relating to Thomas Chatterton ; together with an auto- graph letter of Mary Chatterton, afterwards Mrs Newton ; the whole correspondence between G. Dyer, R. Southey, J. Cottle, and J. Haslewood, during the publication of Chatter- ton's Works in 3 vols. ; a Poem of Chatterton's entitled " Kew Gardens," in the autograph of J. Reed ; and other MSS. ; Plates, etc.] 4to. B.M. [Press mark, C. 39. p. 20-21.] This collection contains many letters by Stevens, Malone, and others, that were published in the St. James' Chronicle. [1769-1809. A Collection of Cuttings from Magazines and News- papers relating to the Chatterton Controversy ; with MS. Notes and a MS. " List of Publications Pro & Con,"" by J. Hasle- wood ; also " The Saxon Ode " transcribed by J. Haslewood from G. Ellis' " Specimens of the Early English Poets."] 2 vols. 8vo. B.M. [Press mark, C. 39, f. 11, p. 12.] There is a letter from Haslewood respecting this " List of Publications " in the Monthly Mirror, vol. xvi., 238-9, [1770. Political Letters, signed " Decimus," which appeared in The Middlesex Journal, Or Chronicle of Liberty on the under- mentioned dates] : (i) Feb. 24. To the Duke of G[rafto]n. (2) Ap. 17. To the Princess of Gotham. (3) May 10. To the Earl of H[illesboroug]h. (4) May 15. To the P[rincess] D[owager] of W[ales]. (5) May 22. To the Prime Minister. lO CHATTERTONIANA (6) May 26. [On an Exhibition of Sign Paintings.] (7) May 31. To the Freeholders of the City of Bristol. Cuttings from the Middlesex Journal of all these letters except No. (4) have been seen. No. (4) was printed by Dix (with the others) in his life of Chatterton. 1770. Narva and Mored. London Magazine, vol. xxxix., pp. 268-9 ; The Death of Nicou. Id., pp. 320-2. Both these poems are signed " C." The former is dated from Shoreditch, May 2, 1770, and the latter from Brooke -Street, June 12. The Prophecy. Political Register, vol. vi., pp. 322-4 ; To the Lord Mayor. Id., pp. 328-331. The letter to the Lord Mayor, signed " Probus," was written by Chatterton, It is addressed to his patron, Beckford. Dix has reprinted from the Political Register another letter signed " Probus," addressed to Lord Dartmouth, but Professor Skeat questions its authorship. An Elegy On the Much Lamented Death of William Beckford, Esq. Late Lord-Mayor of, and Representative in Parliament for the City of London . . . [Quot.] London : 1770. 4to. B.M. Pp. 14, including 2 titles. Price is. Written by Chatterton, whose genius Beckford seems to have recognized. Chatterton is said to have exclaimed, on hearing of Beck- ford's death, that he was ruined. He received f^2 2s for this Elegy, which was the only one of his works published separately during his life. Resignation. The Freeholder's Magazine, pp. 105-7 ^"^ 162-3. — The Consuliad. Id., p. 273-5. — Letter to Lord N[ort]h. Id., pp. 293-4. y / Two Poems and a Letter by Chatterton. Resignation is only a portion of the Poem printed from the Chatterton MSS., in the editions of his collected works. The Consuliad is signed " C " and dated Bristol, Jan. 4, 1770. The MS. version of this poem in the B.M. is headed " The Constabiliad." For 250 lines of the " Consuliad " Chatterton received from the editor of the Freeholder's Magazine los 6d. The letter to Lord North is signed " T.C." — Elegy to the Memory of Mr Thomas Chatterton, late of Bristol. Town and Country Magazine, vol. ii., p. 551. B.M. The Elegy is dated from " Bristol, October, 1770 " and signed " T.C." It was written by Chatterton's friend, Thomas Carey. It appeared in the October Number, and was the first reference to Chatterton's death in the Magazine. 772. The Execution of Sir Charles Bawdin. Dedicated to Her Grace the Dutchess of Northumberland. Durat Opus Vatum. London. Price 2s 6d. 4to. B.M Title, &c., 3 leaves ; Poem, pp. 1-26. Written by Chatterton. This is the first of the Rowley Poems that was separately printed. It will be found, under the title of " The Bristowe Tragedie," in the several editions of Chatterton's collected works. It was probably suggested by the death of Sir Baldwin Fulford, a Lancastrian, who was executed in Bristol in 1461. [Rowley Poems, ist ed., 1777, p. xviii.] 1774-81. The History of English Poetry. By Thomas Warton, B.D. London. 1774-81. 3 vols. + 88 pages. 4to. " Poems under the name of Thomas Rowlie. Supposed to be spurious " Section viii. vol. 2, pp. 139-164. Reviewed Gent. Mag., xlviii., 201-2, 226-9, 347-8, 403. A New Edition. London. 1824. 4vols.,8vo. B.M. Section viii. (vol. 2), first edition is here Section xxvi. (vol. 2), pp. 451-80. A^e.{ T /^ ho f / / CHATTERTONIANA II 1774-81. [Another Edition.] London. 1870. 8vo. B.R.L. ^ Section xxvi., pp. 408-427. The Section relating to the Rowley Poems was omitted from the 1871 edition. i^7^5. A short Account of WiUiam Cannings, Founder of St. Mary RedcHff's Church in Bristol. Wrote by Thomas Rowhe Priest, in the year 1460. Town and Country Magazine, vol. vii., pp. 592-3. The above will be found in Southey's edition of Chatterton's Works, vol. iii., p. 75. It is there printed as part of a longer piece. 1777. Poems, supposed to have been written at Bristol, by Thomas Rowley and Others, in the Fifteenth Century ; the greatest part now first published from the most authentic copies, with an engraved specimen of one of the MSS. To which are added a Preface, an Introductory Account of the Several Pieces, and a Glossary. London : Pr. for T. Payne & Son, at the Mews-Gate, 1777. 8vo. BM. Title, Contents, &c., pp. i.-xxvii. ; Poems, pp. 1-288 ; Glossary, pp. 289-306 ; Errata, p. 307 ; Appendix, pp. 309-333. Facsimile of MS., p. 288. Eight of the pieces relate to Bristol. This is the first edition of the poems by Chatterton which had been ascribed to Rowley. It was edited by Thomas Tyrwhitt. It was reviewed in the Monthly Review, vol. Ivi., " pp. 256-265, 321-328, and 445-449, where the poems were pronounced to be " theoriginal productions of Rowley " altered by Chatterton. See also Gent. Mag., vol. xlvii., pp 205-8, 275-9, 305-7. 317, 361-5, 425-7, 413-4, 481-2, 529 ; xlviii., 347-8, 403- The Second Edition. London : 1777. 8vo. B.R.L. Apparently a dupUcate of the First Edition. - The Third Edition ; To which is added An y-^ 1/ Appendix, containing some Observations upon the language of these Poems ; tending to prove that they were written, not by any Ancient Author, but entirely by Thomas Chat- terton. London : Printed for T. Payne & Son. 1778. 8vo. Bodl. Two Titles, Contents, Preface, &c., one leaf and pp. i.-xxvii. ; Poems, pp. 1-288 ; Glossary, pp. 289-307 ; Appendix, pp. 309-333. Facsimile of MS., p. 288, This edition was edited by Tyrwhitt, who wrote the Glossary and Appendix. In the Bodleian copy there is inserted, as frontispiece, a portrait of " The Celebrated Mr George Catgut, of B 1." It is a likeness of George Catcott, a Bristol pewterer, who was one of Chatterton's dupes. [Another Edition.] With a Commentary in which the Antiquity of them is considered and defended. By Jere- miah Milles, D.D., Dean of Exeter . . . [Quot.] London : 1782. 4to. B.R.L Title, Contents, Preface, etc., pp. i-xx. ; Preliminary Dissertation Poems, Answer to (TjTTwhitt's) Appendix and Glossary, and Errata, pp. 1-546. Price £1 is. Reviewed in the Monthly Review, vol. Ixvi., pp. 206-219, and 321-334, and in the Critical Review, liii., 401-17, liv., 1-18. ■ See also, Gent. Mag., vol. li., pp. 555-9 and 609-615, and vol. Iii., pp. 14, 15 and 62-3. [Another Edition] Cambridge : 1794. 8vo. F.F.F. Two Titles, 2 leaves. Preface, pp. v-xiii; Contents, etc.-, pp. xiv-xxix. ; Poems and Glossary, one leaf and pp. 1-329. This Edition was edited by Lancelot Sharpe. 1^77-79. ^^ Account of the finding or forging of some very I' ingenious Poems attributed to Thomas Rowley . . . Annual iX 12 CHATTERTONIANA Register, vol. xix., pp. 155-162. A short Account of William Cannings . . . Wrote by the foregoing Thomas Rowlie, Id., pp. 162-5. Further Remarks on the supposed ancient Poems, ascribed to RowHe, Id., vol. xxi., pp. 153-8. 1778. Miscellanies in Prose and Verse ; by Thomas Chatterton, the supposed author of the Poems published under the names of Rowley, Canning, &c. London. 1778. 8vo. B.M. Two Titles, Contents, Preface, etc., pp. i-xxxii. ; Miscellanies, pp. 1-245. This volume contains none of the Rowley Poems. It was edited by John Broughton. Haslewood erroneously attributed its editorship to Barrett, whose Christian name was William and the Preface is signed " J.B." John Broughton was a Bristol Attorney, brother of the Rev. A. Broughton, Vicar of St. Mary Redcliffe Church. These Miscellanies were re- viewed in the Gent. Mag., vol. Iviii., p. 424. A Supplement {q.v.) appeared in 1784. l7c 1^79. A Letter to the Editor of the Miscellanies of Thomas Chatterton. Strawberry-Hill : Pr. by T. Kirgate. 1779. 8vo. B.M, Two Titles, 2 leaves : Letter (signed by Horace Walpole and dated from Strawberry Hill, May 23, 1778), pp. 1-41 ; Postscript and Appendix, pp. 42-55. There are portraits of Horace Walpole and Dr. Dodd inserted in the B.M. Copy. This letter was re-printed in the Gent. Mag., vol. lii., with Appendices. See infra, 1782. [1779.] Remarks upon the Eighth Section of the Second Volume \y of Mr Warton's History of Enghsh Poetry . . . [Quot.] Lon- don : Price is. 8vo. B.M. Pp. 48. Written by Henry Dampier in support of the authenticity of the Rowley Poems. It was at one time ascribed to Dr. Woodward. l/^: 1780. Love and Madness. A Story too True in a Series of Letters Between Parties, whose Names would perhaps be men- tioned were they less known, or lamented. London : Printed for G. Kearsly at No. 46, near Serjeants Inn, Fleet Street. 1780. 8vo. H.E.N. Title & Contents, &c., pp. i.-vi ; Quotation from Othello, one leaf ; Letters & Errors, pp. I -[296.] This work consists of a series of love letters purporting to have passed between the Rev. James Hackman and Miss Martha Ray, which are now generally regarded as fictitious and beUeved to have been written by Sir Herbert Croft, but the editor of the last edi- tion (1895) still maintains their authenticity. Letter xlix. (pp. 125-244) contains a graphic account of Chatterton's Life and Poems and is a valuable contribution to the Rowley Controversy. This letter was unquestionably written by Croft, who, in writing it, made an unwarrantable use of papers which had been lent to him by Chatterton's sister Mary Newton. In it he published letters and three of Chatterton's Poems ("Apos- tate Will," " Happiness " and " The Resignation,") which had never before been printed. Nor did he, after having made large profits by the sale of Love and Madness, make her any adequate recompense. He was charged with this by Southey in the Monthly Magazine of Nov. 1799. Croft gave a very unsatisfactory explanation of his conduct in a letter which first appeared in the Gent. Mag., vol. Ixx., and was afterwards pub- lished separately, entitled Chatterton and " Love and Madness," 1800. [q.v.] Southey's rejoinder appeared in the Gent. Mag., vol. Ixx., p. 226. Love and Madness was reviewed in the Gent. Mag., vol. 1., pp. 287-8. — A New Edition. London : 1780. 8vo. F.F.F. Title, one leaf ; Contents, &c., pp. i-x ; Text, pp. 1-298. The letter relating to Chat- terton also at pp. 125-44, is here numbered li. Reviewed Critical Review, liii., 421-4. Fourth Edition. London : 1780. H.E.N. Engraved Title, with additional quotation, one leaf ; Contents, &c., pp. i.-[x.] ; Text, pp. 1-300 (misprinted 200). Letter re Chatterton, li., pp. 125-244. CHATTERTONIANA 13 1780. [Another Edition, also called the Fourth.] Dublin : 1786. 8vo. H.E.N. Pp. 250. Only four lines and the last paragraph of letter li. arc given in this edition. j>* A New Edition, Corrected . . . London : Printed for G. Kearsley, No. 46, Fleet-Street. 1786. i2mo. F.A.H. Three leaves and pp. 344. Letter re Chatterton, No. li., pp. 140-276. Reviewed, Critical Rev., liv., 81-98 ; European Mag., i., 34-5 ; Gent. Mag., li., 555-g, 609-15, lii., 27-8 ; Monthly Rev., Ixvi., 433-41, Ixvii., 37-46. [Another Edition]. Ipswich : 1809. 8vo. B.M. Two leaves and pp. 178. Letter re Chatterton, pp. 99-132. New edition. London : 1822. 8vo. H.E.N. Pp. xviii. & 162. The Letter re Chatterton, No. xlix., pp. 90-121. [Another Edition, entitled,] The Love Letters of Mr H. & Miss R. Edited by Gilbert Burgess. London : William Heinemann, 1895. 8vo. B.M. Two Titles, Introduction and Contents, . pp. i-xvii ; Letters, pp. 19-181 ; Appendix, pp. 183-240. The Editor asserts that the Hackman-Ray Correspondence is genuine, excepting the letter relating to Chatterton which he has placed in the Appendix. A Portrait of Miss Ray with an account of her death and of the trial and execution of her murderer (Mr Hackman) will be found in Jesse's George Selwyn and his Contemporaries vol. iv., pp. 59-86. ^.-^780-82. [Rowley unknown to WilHam of Worcester.] Gent. Mag., vol. 1., p. 513. [Resemblances between Poems by Row ley and Collins.] Id., vol. li., pp. 622-3 and vol. lii., p. 168. [Anachronisms in Rowley's Poems.] Id., vol. lii., p. 76. [Rowley's authenticity vindicated.] Id., pp. 107-9. [Frag- ment of an ancient Sermon ascribed to Rowley.] Id., pp. 177 and 220. )^zySi. Observations upon the Poems of Thomas Rowley : in which the Authenticity of those Poems is ascertained. By Jacob Bryant, Esq. London : 1781. 8vo. B.M. Title and Preface, pp. i.-iv. ; Introduction and Text, pp. 1-597 ; Errata, one page. Portrait of Bryant, Frontispiece. Bryant was assisted by Dr. Glynn of King's Coll. Camb. in the production of .this work. It was reviewed Critical Rev. (July, 1782) pp. 22-8, 81-98. Diet. Nat. Biog., vol. vii., p. 156.] [Letter on The Execution of Sir Charles Baudwin.] Gent. Mag., h., 608. 1782. An Archaeological Epistle to the Reverend and Worshipful Jeremiah Milles, D.D. Dean of Exeter, President of the Society of Antiquaries, and Editor of a Superb Edition of the Poems of Thomas Rowley, Priest. To which is annexed a Glossary, extracted from that of the Learned Dean. London : 1782, Price IS. 6d. 4to. B.M. Title, one leaf ; Preface, dated Mar. 15th, 1782, pp. 3-10 ; Epistle (in verse), pp. 11-18. This Epistle first appeared in the Public Advertiser in 3 parts. Pt. I. was published on Mar. 23, Pt. II. on Mar. 29, and Pt. III. on Mar. 30, 1782. It is written in the Rowleian dialect. Its authorship has been attributed to Mason [Gent. Mag., vol. Ixxxvi., pt. i pp. 489, 490], but it is more probable that it was written by John Baynes, a barrister, although he disclaimed it. It was reviewed in the Monthly Review, vol. Ixvi., pp. 294-8 Critical Review, liv., 19-22. 14 CHATTERTONIANA /17& Second Edition. London : 1782. Price is. 4to. Title, Editor's Notice and Preface, pp. i.-x. ; Epistle, etc., pp. i-8. Cursory Observations on the Poems attributed to Thomas Rowley, A Priest of the Fifteenth Century : with some Remarks On the Commentaries on those Poems, by the Rev. Dr Jeremiah Milles, Dean of Exeter, and Jacob Bryant, Esq., and A Salutary Proposal Addressed to the Friends of those Gentlemen. Second Edition . . . [Quot.] London : 1782. Price is. 6d. 8vo. F.F.F. Title and Advertisement, 2 leaves; Observations, pp. 1-62. By Malone. [Halkett & Laing.] A great part of this pamphlet appeared in the Gent. Mag., vol. li., pp. 555-9 and 609-615. Reviewed, Critical Review, liii., 418-ig. Anecdote of the late Mr Chatterton. Bristol and Bath Magazine (1782), p. 353. — r^ An Enquiry into the Authenticity of the Poems attributed ^ to Thomas Rowley. In which the arguments of the Dean of Exeter, and Mr Bryant are examined. By Thomas Warton. London : 1782. 8vo. F.A.H. Title and pp. 125. Reviewed, Critical Review, liv., 98-109 ; Gent. Mag., lii., 129-30, 195-7 ; Monthly Rev., Ixvii., 161-70 ; Review and Guardian of Literature (Oct, 1782), pp. 282-91. [1782.] An Examination of the Poems attributed to Thomas Rowley and William Canynge. With a Defence of the Opinion of Mr Warton . . . [Quot.] Sherborne. 8vo. B.M. Two Titles, 2 leaves ; Examination, pp. 5-38. Price is 6d. Reviewed, Critical Review, liii., 417-18. ^1^82. Essays Moral and Literary, by Vicesimus Knox, M.A. A New Edition . , . London : 1782. 2 vols. 8vo. B.M. No. cxliv. On the Poems attributed to Rowley, vol. 2, pp. 247-51. These Essays went through 16 editions. Also at same pages, vol. 2, of the 1785 and 1791 editions; at pp. 239-42 of the 1793 edition; and in vol. 3 of the 1787, 1800 and 1808 editions at pp. 205-10,149-54 & 132-7 respectively. It did not appear in the first or second editions. In the 1782 & 1785 editions (and probably in one or two /more which have not been seen) Chatterton's death was attributed to the " magnitude " of his spirit, and there was a fine passage expressing sympathetic appreciation of his character. In the 9th edition, " haughtiness " was substituted for " magnitude," and the eloquent eulogy was deleted. See Gent. Mag., lix., 602-3, 684, 707 782. [Letter, signed H.L, to Horace Walpole on the Rowley Poems] European Magazine, April, 1782, pp. 260-62 : Chat- terton Redivivus ; or the Authenticity of Rowley's Poems irrefragably vindicated, Id., 262-63. Parody on the *' Songs to iEUa," Id., 307. A letter to the Editor of the Miscellanies of Thomas Chatterton [from Horace Walpole], Gent. Mag., vol. lii., pp. 189-195 ; Extract of a Letter from Mr Walpole to Mr W. B. Id., pp. 247-250 ; Continuation of Mr Walpole 's Account of Chatterton. Id., p. 300 ; Conclusion of Mr Walpole *s Account of Chatterton. Id., pp. 347-348. Portrait of Turgottus Dunel- mensis. Id., p. 288. The letter to W.B (who is probably William Barrett) was written on May 23, 1778. This Extract from it was also printed in the European Magazine of 1782, pp. 2-6, and other Notices of Chatterton will be found at pp. 260-3 of the same volume. CHATTERTONIANA 15 1782. Observations on the Poems attributed to Rowley, tending to prove That they were really written by Him And other ancient Authors. To which is added Remarks on the Appendix of the Editor of Rowley's Poems . . . London : Pr. for C. Bathurst in Fleet Street. Price is. 6d. 8vo. B.M. Title and Advertisement, 2 leaves ; Observations, pp. 5-35. The Observations were by Raymer Hickford, of Thaxted, and the Remarks on Tyrwhitt's Appendix by Rev. John Fell, tutor of a Nonconformist College at Homerton. Reviewed in the Monthly Review, vol. Ixvi., pp. 234-7, and Critical Review, liv., 22-8. Ode, Addressed to Edmund Malone, Esq. on his presuming to examine the unanswerable arguments urged by Jacob Bryant, Esq., and the Rev. Dr Milles, in Support of the Authenticity of Rowley's Poems. Gent. Mag., vol. Hi., pp. 379-381. ^^ — Poems supposed to have been written ... by Thomas Rowley . . . 1782. [Dean Milles's Edition.] See ante, 1777. The Prophecy of Queen Emma ; An Ancient Ballad lately discovered, written by Johannes Turgotus, Prior of Durham, in the Reign of William Rufus. To which is added, by the Editor, An Account of the Discovery, and Hints towards a Vindi- cation of the Authenticity of the Poems of Ossian and Rowley. London : Pr. for J. Bew, Pater-Noster-Row. 1782. 8vo, B.M. Title, one leaf; Prophecy, pp. 5-40. Portrait of the Editor, William Julius Mickle, inserted. Reviewed Critical Review, liii., 419-21. Rowley and Chatterton in the Shades : or, Nugae Antiquae et Novae. A new Elysian Interlude, In Prose and Verse . . . London : 1782. 8vo. B.M. Title, Preface and Introduction, pp. i.-viii. ; Interlude, pp. 1-44. By T. J. Mathias. Reviewed in the Monthly Review, vol. Ixvii., pp. 235-6, Critical Review, liv., 25-28. Short Sketch of the Chatterton Controversy from the Works of Mr Tyrwhitt, Milles, Bryant &c. New Review, vol. i., pp. 218-229. ^^^^ Strictures upon a Pamphlet intitled. Cursory Observations l^ ^^ on the Poems attributed to Rowley, A Priest of the Fifteenth Century . . . [Quot.] With a Postscript on Mr Thomas Warton's Enquiry into the same subject. London : 1782. Price IS 6d. 8vo. B.M. Title and " To the lemede Deane," 2 leaves ; Strictures, pp. 3-47; Postscript, pp. 49-84. By Edward Bumaby Greene [Halkett & Laing.] xy^ — A Vindication of the Appendix to the Poems, called Rowley's, in reply to the Answers of the Dean of Exeter, Jacob Bryant, Esquire, and a third Anonymous Writer ; with some further Observations upon those Poems, and an Examination of the Evidence which has been produced in support of their Authenticity ; by Thomas Tyrwhitt. London : 1782. 8vo. F.F.F. Title and Quotation from Tacitus, one leaf ; Contents, pp. iii.-vii. ; Vindication, pp. 1-223. Reviewed in the Monthly Review, vol. Ixvii., pp. 266-270, New Review. ii„ pp. 229-233, Gent. Mag., vol. Iviii., pp. 187-8, and Critical Rev. (July 1782) pp. 186-205. y l6 CHATTERTONIANA [c. 1782.] The Distressed Poet or A True Representation of the unfortunate Chatterton. B,R.L. A Portrait of Chatterton in his attic in London, printed together with some letterpress, in blue ink, on a handkerchief. This portrait is described in the Westminster Magazine (for 1782), vol. X., p. 342. 783. An Essay on the Evidence, External and Internal, relating to the Poems attributed to Thomas Rowley. Con- taining A General View of The Whole Controversy . . . [Quot.] By Thomas James Mathias. London: 1783. 8vo. B.R.L. Title, &c., pp. viii. ; External Evidence, pp. 1-56; Internal Evidence, pp. 57-118; Contents, 2 leaves. Reviewed, Monthly Review, vol. Ixviii., pp. 221-222. Second Edition. London : 1784. 8vo. B.R.L. Pp. viii., 118 and 2 leaves. 1783. The Genuine Copy of a Letter Found Nov. 5, 1782, near Strawberry Hill. Twickenham. Addressed to The Hon Mr H ce W le. London : 1783. 8vo. B.M. Title, one leaf ; Letter, pp. 5-34. [Letter on proposed insertion of Life of Chatterton in Biographia Britannica] Gent. Mag. liii., pt. i, 144. Town and Country Magazine for Jan., 1783. " The Art of Pufifing, by a Bookseller's Journeyman," a poem by Chatterton, dated July 22, 1770, is here reproduced from the original MS. in Chatterton's handwriting. 1784. Chatterton's Mausoleum. Lady's Magazine (Feb. 1784), p. 62. A suggestion for a Monument to Chatterton with an engraving of the design proposed. The Ode, Songs, Chorusses, &c. for the Concert in Com- memoration of Chatterton, The celebrated Bristol Poet. As it is to be performed At the Assembly-Room, in Prince's Street [Bristol], On Friday the 3rd December, 1784. Written by Mr Jenkins . . . [Quot.] Bristol. Pr. by G. & W. Routh, No. 18, Bridge Street. Price one shilling. 8vo. F.F.F. Title and Explanation of Ticket, 2 leaves ; Memoir, dated Nov. 30th, 1784, pp. v.-vi. ; Ode, Songs, etc., pp. 7-15. Copy of Ticket [designed by N. Pocock and engraved by I. Ames, Bristol], Frontispiece. An edition of Jenkins's Ode (not seen) was printed in 1778. A Supplement to the Miscellanies of Thomas Chatterton. London : 1784. 8vo. B.M. Two Titles, &c., 4 leaves ; Supplement, pp. 1-88. Price 2s. This is a Supplement to Broughton's Miscellanies of 1778 q.v. Reviewed, Gent. Mag., vol. liv., p. 848. [1785 ?] Supplement to Chatterton's Miscellanies. 8vo. B.M. A Poem (entitled " Kew Gardens "), pp. 16. No title-page. P. i is signed B. Kew Gardens was not included in the Supplement of 1784. Only a portion (about 376 lines) of the poem is here printed. AuTixtract from it (some 84 lines) was printed in Southey's edition. It was first printed in extcnsc by Dix, in 1837. It will be found in the Cam- bridge and Aldine Editions. About 50 lines of it occur also in a satire by Chatterton, entitled " The Exhibition," which is still in MS. and said to be unfit for publication. Some of its lines are also repeated in " The Whore of Babylon." • 1786. Original Correspondence on the Discovery of Rowley's Poems. Gent. Mag., vol. Ivi., pp. 361-2, 460-4, 544-7, 580, CHATTERTONIANA 17 and 859-860. Sonnet supposed to have been written by Chatterton. Id., p. 513. The Correspondence here published passed between John Chapman, W, Barrett, Dr Ducarel and others. It bears dates between Dec. 1771 and Sept. 1772. The grounds for attributing this Sonnet to Chatterton are not stated, and it is not included in the editions of his collected Poems. 1787. [Chatterton's knowledge of heraldry.] Gent. Mag., Ivii., 954-5- Neglected Genius : or Tributory Stanzas to the Memory of the Unfortunate Chatterton. By the author of The Indian Eclogues. London : 1787. 4to. Not seen By Edward Rushton. Reprinted in his Poems. See 1824. Poems, on Various Subjects, by Ann Yearsley, A Milk- woman, of Clifton, near Bristol . . . London : 1787. 4to. Pp. xl. Sc 168. B.R.L. Elegy on Mr Chatterton, pp. 145-9. 1788. [The Chattertonian Controversy.] Gent. Mag., Iviii, 187-8, 781. ^^^Sy ^^ T. Chatterton, or The Boy of Bristol. Gent. Mag., Iviii., 1006-7. The Genius of Chatterton, an Irregtdar Ode Written on the supposition of his being the Author of the Poems attributed to Thomas Rowley in the Fifteenth Century. London : 1788. 4to. B.R.L. Two Titles and Ode, pp. i-ii. A reprint with corrections of an Interlude at pp. 39-41 of " Rowley and Chatterton in the Shades." The Romavnte of a Knyghte. s.sh. 8vo. C.W.G. Said to have been one of Chatterton's eadiest poems. Printed for the first time from the original MS. by Jas. Dallaway. Dated at end. Chatterton alleged that it had been written by John de Bergham, c. 1320, and he gave it, together with a pedigree of the De Bergham family which he had concocted, to Henry Burgum in the Spring of 1767. At the same time he gave Burgum a modernised version which is always placed among Chatterton's acknowledged poems. Sonnets to an iEolian Harp ; on the death of Chatter- ton . f . By James Dallaway. Privately printed at his Press at the Fort. Not seen. The above title was copied from the catalogue of the Bodleian Library, but the book could not be examined, as it had been mislaid. No other work is known to have emanated from the press at " The Fort," probably " Rodborough Fort," which was purchased by the author's father, a Stroud Banker, in 1787. and where Dallaway may have been living about this time, as he was a Curate at Rodborough. 1787-93. 1789. Chatterton. Biographia Britannica, iv., 573-619. \ pr- — . Letters by S. Badcock, Gent. Mag., lix., 878-9 ; Additions •^ to the Life of Chatterton, and the Rowleian Controversy, Id., 1081-5. [^789.] The History and Antiquities of the City of Bristol ; \y^ compiled from Original Records and authentic Manuscripts, l8 CHATTERTONIANA in public Offices or private Hands ; Illustrated with Copper- Plate Prints. By William Barrett, Surgeon, F.S.A. Bristol : Pr. by William Pine, in Wine-Street. 4to. B.R.L. Pp. xix. & 704. Extracts from the Rowley Poems and some of Chatterton's letters, pp. 629-648. This work occupied its author nearly 30 years, but its value is small on account of Barrett's impUcit belief in the authenticity of the Rowley manuscripts, from which many of his facts are derived. Indeed some of Chatterton's forgeries were executed for the express purpose of duping Barrett. A facsimile of one of these forgeries is given after page 636, and the folding plate of " Bristol Castle as in 1138 " facing p. 196 is from a draw- ing by Chatterton. Barrett died a few months after the appearance of his history, " doubtless overwhelmed by disappointment at the ridicule " that had been heaped upon it. " Yet, dead though the book itself is, and as it has been from the first, as an authority, it will long be regarded as a curiosity from its association with the ' marvel- lous boy ' Chatterton." (Diet. Nat. Biog., vol. iii., pp. 285-6.) ^789. The Life of Thomas Chatterton, with Criticisms on his ^^ Genius and Writings, and A Concise View of the Controversy concerning Rowley's Poems. By G. Gregory, D.D. . . . [Quot.] London : 1789. Price 5s. 8vo. F.F.F. Facsimile, Title, Dedication and Advertisement 4 leaves ; Life, pp. 1-263. Reviewed Gent. Mag., lix., pt. i., pp. 537-8 ; Monthly Review, vol Ixxxi., pp. 344-351 ; London / Review, of Nov. 1789, pp. 320-328. This Life of Chatterton also appeared in Kippis' / Biographia Britannica, q.v. ante, 1789. A The Parlyamente of Sprytes. Wroten bie T. Rowleie ^y and J. Iscam. European Magazine, pp. 101-104 and 97*-99* This was one of the earliest of the Rowley poems which Chatterton presented to Barrett. It was first printed in Barrett's History, pp. 600-9. 1790-1. [Chatterton's Family] Gent. Mag., Ix., 691, 717-18, 988, 1073-4, Ixi., 41. [Walpole and the Biographia Britannica.^ Id., 801. 1791-92. To Miss C. on hearing her play on the Harpsichord. European Magazine, vol. xx., p. 460. To Mr Powell. Id. Clifton. Id., vol. xxi., pp. 68-9. Some Anecdotes of Thomas Chatterton, with an Original Letter of that Extraordinary Young Man, written to Mr George Catcott, of Bristol. Id., pp. 265-6. To Miss Hoyland [" Sweet are thy charming smiles, my lovely maid "] Id., p. 312. To the same [" Go, gentle Muse, and to my fair one say "j Id., p. 312. The five poems here printed are signed " D.B." Professor Skeat is mistaken in stating that " Clifton " first appeared in Gardner's Miscellanies, 1798. In most editions of Chatterton's works Mr Powell's name is spelt with one 1. At p. 224 of the European Magazine, vol. xxi., is "A Catch for Three Voices," the words and music of which are said to have been written by Chatterton's father. 1792. [Letters relating to Walpole 's correspondence with Chatterton.] Gent. Mag., Ixii., 296, 396 [Death of Chat- terton's mother] Id., p. 90. 792-4. The Works of the British Poets. With Prefaces, Bio- graphical and Critical. By Robert Anderson. 13 vols. 8vo. B.M. The Poetical Works of Thomas Chatterton ... To which is prefixed a Life of the Author. Edinburgh : 1795. Vol. 11., pp. 295-403. The Sections relating to each poet in vols. i-ii. have a special title, the date on which is sometimes later than that on the title of the volume. ^ CHATTERTONIANA 19 1794. The New History, Survey and Description of the City and Suburbs of Bristol, or Complete Guide ... To wliich are added . . . brief Biography of eminent Natives of Bristol ; memoirs of Chatterton the Poet ; And a large, elegant Copper- plate Plan of the City. . . Bristol. Printed, Pubhshed and Sold by W. Matthews, at No. 10, Broad-mead, near Union St. Price 3s. 1794. 8vo. Two leaves and pp. 112. B.R.L. Thomas Chatterton, pp. 95-97. Also in the following editions : — 1797 pp. 169-75 1815, pp. 218-23 ; 1815 (called the 4th). pp. 182-6 ; 1819 & N.D. (both called the 5th), pp. 179-83 ; 1825 (called the 6th), pp. 189-93. I" the 7th ed. [1829] " The Rowleian Controversy " pp. 129-32. Poems supposed to have been written at Bristol by Thomas Rowley . . . See sub 1777. — Roach's Beauties of the Poets . . . London : 1794. The Mynstrelles Songe in iEUa, pp. 50-2 of Sc. i. 1795. Desultory Remarks on the Poems attributed to Rowley, tending to prove they were written by Chatterton. University Magazine, 1795, pp. 14-17. The Revenge, a Burletta ; acted at Mary bone {sic) Gardens, MDCCLXX. With Additional Songs. By Thomas Chatter- ton. London. 1795. 8vo. Title, Advertisement, Dramatis Personae, etc., 3 leaves ; The Revenge, etc., pp. 5-47. This Burletta, which was begun in Bristol in 1769 (as " Amphitryon ") was printed in London about July, 1770. Chatterton received £5 5s for the copyright. It was not published till 1795- The Monthly Mirror of Aug. 1803, pp. 167-9 contains a note on the MS. of this work. Thoughts on the Discouragement of Genius. By Mr C. J. Pitt. Pocket Magazine (for March, 1795), pp. 159-165. B.M. The B.M. copy 'of this article is headed in MS. " Essay on Chatterton." 1796. Poems on Various Subjects, by S. T. Coleridge . . . London : 1796. i2mo. Pp. xvi. & 188. B.M. " Monody on the Death of Chatterton," pp. i-ii. This Monody will be found in all the subsequent editions of Coleridge's collected Poems. 1797. [Enquiry respecting Chatterton 's Correspondence with Walpole.] Gent. Mag., vol. Ixvii., pp. 125-127. Memoirs of Thomas Chatterton. The Monthly Visitor (Jan. 1797), pp. 5-20. The B.M. copy of this article (in vol. c. 39, f. 12) is copiously annotated. 1798. Original Poems of the late unfortunate Thomas Chat- terton, to which is prefixed a Short Sketch of the Controversy concerning the Poems attributed to Rowley. Miscellanies in Prose and Verse, vol.2, pp. 141-170. The four poems by Chatterton here printed in these Miscellanies had been previously published in the European Magazine, vols. xx. and xxi. 20 CHATTERTONIANA ,0:798. The Works of Horatio Walpole, Earl of Orford. London : " 1798. 5 vols. 4to. B.M. Walpole's letter to the Editor of the Miscellanies of Thomas Chatterton, vol. iv., pp. 205-220 ; Correspondence between Walpole and Chatterton, and other papers relating to the Rowley MSS. that were sent to Walpole, pp. 220-245. 1798-1803. On Chatterton. The Monthly Mirror, vol. v., pp. 85- 6. Some Account of Thomas Chatterton, by Robert Fellowes, A.B. Id., vol. viii., pp. 143-146. Original Letters from the late Earl of Orford respecting Chatterton. From the Manu- scripts of the Rev. Mr Cole. Id., vol. xvi., pp. 97-100. 1799. [Disquisition on the Life of Chatterton, his drawings, etc.] Gent. Mag., Ixix., 21-25, 120 ; [Early Writings of Chat- terton] Id., 385-6. The New Bristol Guide : containing its Antiquities, De- duced from the best Authorities, Historic Annals from WiUiam the Conqueror, 1066 to 1799 . . . Also . . . Brief Biography of some Eminent Natives of Bristol ; Memoirs of Chatterton the juvenile Poet, &c. [By the Rev George Heath] . . . Bristol : Pr. by and for R. Edwards. Broad Street . . . 1799. i2mo. Pp. viii. & 184. B.M. Thomas Chatterton pp. 148-53. Also at pp. 154-8 of the 1800 edition and 137-41 of the 1802 edition. [Southey's statement relative to the pubhcation of Chatterton 's letters by Sir Herbert Croft.] Monthly Magazine, vol. viii., pp. 770-2. For the circumstances which occasioned this statement, see ante, 1780, " Love and Madness " 1800. Chatterton and " Love and Madness." A Letter from Denmark, to Mr Nichols, Editor of the Gentleman's Magazine, where it appeared in February, March, and April 1800 ; respecting an unprovoked Attack, made upon the Writer during his Absence from England. By the Rev Sir Herbert Croft, Bart. . . [Quot.] London : 1800. Price is. 8vo. B.M. Title and Letter, pp. 1-30 ; Quotations, one leaf. Portrait of Croft, Frontispiece. This letter is Croft's answer to Southey's statement. It was reprinted from the Gent. Mag., vol. Ixx., pp. 99-104, 222-6 and 322-5. See ante, 1780, Love and Madness. [Letter, signed H.R.R., on Southey's forthcoming edition of Chatterton 's Poems.] Monthly Magazine, ix., i6. Southey's reply to Sir Herbert Croft's letter on Chatterton in Gent. Mag. for Feb. 1800. Id., p. 253. 1800. More Rehques of Rowley . . . Wortigeme, A Playe. Monthly Magazine, vol. x., pp. 643-660. The editor declined to vouch for the authenticity of this play. It is not included in the Cambridge or Aldine editions of Chatterton's Poems. — Origin of a Modern Image, in Chatterton's " Excellente Balade of Charitie " [By George Stevens.] Monthly Mirror, vol. x., pp. 149-150. u/ CHATTERTONIANA 21 1800. The Resignation. By Thos. Chatterton. European Magazine, vol. xxxvii., p. 5. This is one of the poems which was pirated by Sir H. Crofts in Love and Madness. 1802. Remarks on the Controversy respecting the Poems of X/" Rowley. Scots Magazine of May, 1802, pp. 405-407. [Signed J^.G.] . i;8o3. The Works of Thomas Chatterton, containing his life, I y By G. Gregory D.D. and Miscellaneous Poems. London : 1803. 3 vols. 8vo. B.G.L. Vol. i. : — Two Titles, Preface by Robert Sou they, Contents, and List of Subscribers, lo leaves ; The Life of Chatterton, pp. i.-clx. ; Miscellaneous Poems, pp. 1-361. Vol. ii. : — Two Titles, Contents, Half Title to Eclogues and Notice, 5 leaves ; Poems attributed to Rowley, pp. 3-452 ; Account of the Family of De Bergham, pp. 453-503 ; Description of Chatterton's Arms, pp. 505-519 ; Glossary, pp. 520-536. Vol. iii. : — Two Titles and Contents, 4 leaves ; Miscellaneous Pieces, Chatterton's Will, Letters, etc., pp. 1-525. List of Publications relating to Chatterton's Poems, pp. 526- 537 ; Directions for placing the Copper Plates, p. 538. This is the first edition containing both Chatterton's acknowledged pieces and the Rowley poems. It was edited by Southey and Cottle, who published it for the benefit of Chatterton's sister and niece, to whom they handed £300. It was reviewed by Sir Walter Scott in the Edinburgh Review, vol. iv., pp. 214-230. [Criticisms on the language of " The Bristow Tragedie."] Monthly Mirror, vol. xv., pp. 14-16. -^ 1804. [Letters from Horace Walpole on Chatterton.] Monthly Mag. xvii., 141, 253. [Letter, signed C.V.L., on Chatterton's burial place and the Rowley Poems.] Id., pp. 319-20. [A metrical epistle from Chatterton to a lady whom he admired.] European Magazine, pp. 85-86. y^ On the Writings attributed to Rowley. The Monthly Mirror, vol. xviii., pp. 86-91. [Subscription Edition of Chatterton's Works.] Gent. ^A Mag., Ixxiv., 72-3. 1805. The Bristol and Hotwell Guide. . . With brief Biography of eminent Natives of Bristol, including Memoirs of Chatterton . . . originally written by the late Mr E. Shiercliff. Third Edition. Bristol : Pr. by Mills, St. Augustine's Parade, 1805. 8vo. F.F.F. Chatterton, pp. 76-87. Also at pp. 92-105 of the 4th edition. The references to Chat- terton in the ist and 2nd editions were very short. 1806.] The Life of Thomas Chatterton. By John Davis . . . [Quot.] London. i2mo. B.M. Title, Advertisement, etc., 2 leaves ; Life, pp. 1-149 ; A specimen of Chatterton's Cor- respondence, pp. 150-168. Portrait of Chatterton, dated Feb, i, 1797, inserted as a Frontispiece. According to a MS. note in the B.M. copy this work was published in Nov., 1806. It was reviewed by the Rev. Dr Symmons in the London Rev. of Mav, 1809 pp. 223-254. 1806. The Poetical Works of the late Mrs Mary Robinson . . . In three volumes. London : 1806. 8vo. B.R.L. Monody to the Memory of Chatterton, vol. i, pp. 246-50. 22 CHATTERTONIANA 1807. Lectures on the truly eminent English Poets. By Percival Stockdale. London. 2 vols. 8vo. B.M. Chatterton, vol. ii., pp. 145-537. Specimens of the later English Poets, with Preliminary Notices ; By Robert Southey. London : 1807. 3 vols. 8vo. Thomas Chatterton, vol. iii., pp. 420-427. 809. Introduction to an Examination of some part of the Internal Evidence, respecting the Antiquity and Authenticity of Certain Publications said to have been found in Manuscript at Bristol, written by a Learned Priest and Others, in the Fifteenth Century ; but generally considered as the Supposi- titious Productions of an Ingenious Youth of the Present Age. By John Sherwen, M.D. . . . [Quot.] Bath. 1809. ^vo. B.M. Title, Author's Note, and Errata, 2 leaves; Preface, pp. iii.-.xii. ; Text, pp. 1-137 ; Reviewed, Monthly Review, vol. Ixi., pp. 35-43 ; Gent. Mag., vol. 80, pt. 2, pp. 245-8. l8io. The Works of the English Poets, from Chaucer to Cowper ; \y including the Series edited, with Prefaces, Biographical and Critical by Dr Samuel Johnson : and the most approved Trans- lations. The Additional Lives by Alexander Chalmers, F.S.A. London : 1810. 21 vols. 8vo. B. Life of Chatterton, vol xv., pp. 367-379 ; Chatterton's Poems, pp. 381-499. Reviewed in the Quarterly Review, vol. xi., pp. 492-5. 1810-11. [Rowley's Poems.] Gent. Mag. vol. 80, pt. i, pp. 9-11, 411-15, 618-19. [The Authenticity of Rowley's Poems defended. By John Sherwen, M.D.] Id., vol. 80, pt. 2, pp. 209-14 ;l vol. 81, pt. I, pp. 426-8, 513-16 ; vol. 81, pt. 2, pp. 429-32, 523-5. [Dr Sherwen's Ideas on Rowley's Poems controverted.] Id., vol. 81, pt. 2, pp. 121-4. 181 1. Poems and Letters by the late William Isaac Roberts, of Bristol, deceased . . . London. 8vo. 181 1. Pp. liii. & 247. B.R.L. Chatterton, pp. 56-7. 1812. [A letter from J. Britton on certain passages in Barrett's History of Bristol relating to Chatterton.] Gent. Mag., vol. Ixxxii., pt. 2, pp. 4-6. Neglected Genius. A Poem. Illustrating the Untimely and Unfortunate Fate of many British Poets : From The Period of Henry the Eighth to the Aera of the Unfortunate Chatterton ... By W. H. Ireland. London : 1812. 8vo. B.R.L. Pp. i.-xxiv. and 1-151. Pp. 57-127 and 144-151 relate to Chatterton. The Ponderer, a Series of Essays : Biographical, Literary, Moral, and Critical. By The Rev. John Evans . . . Printed CHATTERTONIANA 23 by E. Bryan, 51, Corn Street, Bristol. 1812. Large i2mo. Bodl. Six leaves and pp. 207. On the Claims of Chatterton to Fame independently of the Poems attributed to Rowley, pp. 152-157. [Another Edition, entitled] Essays, Biographical, Literary, Moral, and Critical : Originally pubhshed under the title of " The Ponderer." By John Evans . . . London. 1819. Large i2mo. Bodl. Five leaves and pp. 205. On the Claims of Chatterton, &c., pp. 150-155. 1 813. An Historical and Architectural Essay relating to Red- xhffe Church, Bristol ; illustrated . . . Also, an Essay on The Life and Character of Thomas Chatterton. By J. Britton, F.S.A. . . . London : 1813. Med. 4to. B.R.L. Half-title and Lines on Redclifife Church and Chatterton, &c., 3 leaves; Pref., &e., pp. xii. ; Text, pp. 40. The Essay on the Life and Character of Chatterton is at pp. 30-40. Some l.p. copies (imp. 4to) were printed. Two letters from Chatterton offerinj? his MS. of the tragedy of MWa. to James Dodsley, Editor of the Annual Register, were first published here. [Diet. Nat. Biog. x. 147.] Also at pp. 54-70 of an edition in octavo, 181 3, and at pp. 47-63 of an edition published in 1843. [1813.] Monument to the Memory of Chatterton. s. sh. 8vo. B.R.L. A notice that at a meeting held on April 22, 1813, it had been resolved to raise sub- scriptions for the above object. 1815. Jehosaphat ; with other Poems. By Thomas Curnick. Bristol : Pr. by M[ary] Bryan, 51, Corn Street. 1815. i2mo. B.R.L. Title, &c., 4 leaves ; Poems and imprint, pp. 1-128. Ode on the Death of Chatterton written on St. Vincent's Rocks, at Clifton, near Bristol, pp. 104-107. [Lines on Chatterton by Governor Thicknesse] Nichols' ■ Literary Anecdotes, ix., 208. [Monument to Chatterton by Thicknesse.] Id., pp. 265-6. 1818. The Picture of Bristol: or a Guide to Objects of Curiosity and Interest, in Bristol . . . including Biographical Notices of eminent Natives. By the Rev. John Evans . . . Bristol: 1814. 8vo. W.B. Thomas Chatterton, pp. 112-117. Also in the 1814. 1823, 1828, and two N.D. Editions. l^' 818-19. Lectures on the English Poets. Delivered at the Surrey Institution. By William Hazlitt. London : 1818. 8vo. 4 leaves and pp. 331. B.M. [Chatterton] pp. 242-253 . . . Also at same pp. of the second (1819) edition. [Another edition, entitled,] Lectures on the English Poets and the English Comic Writers. By William Hazhtt. A New Edition edited by WilHam Carew Hazhtt. London. [Bohn's Standard Library.] 1870. 8vo. 4 leaves and pp. 232. On Chatterton, pp. 162-9. Also at same pp. of the 1894 edition. 24 CHATTERTONIANA 1818-19. [Another Edition, " The New Universal Library," 1905.] 8vo. 3 leaves and pp. 327. B.M. On Chatterton, pp. 192-201. [Another Edition, " Every Man's Library," 1906.] 8 leaves & pp. 350. On Chatterton, pp. 122-127. 1819. Specimens of the British Poets ; with Biographical and Critical Notices ... By Thomas Campbell. London : 1819. 7 vols. 8vo. F.A.H. Memoir of Chatterton, vol. vi,, pp. 152-162; Bristowe Tragedie, pp. 163-179- — — A New Edition. London : 1841. 8vo. Pp. xc. & 716. Thomas Chatterton, pp. 494-501. lj.M. 1822. [Remarks on Rowley's Poems and Chatterton.] Gent. Mag., vol. 92, pt. I, pp. 36-39. Select Poems of Thomas Chatterton, with a Life of the. Author. Walsh's British Poets (Philadelphia), vol. xxix., pp. 113-319- ^■^' Love and Madness . . . See ante, 1780. 1823. On Erecting a Monument to Chatterton. The Bristol Memorialist, pp. 283-6. 1824. The History of English Poetry . . . See ante, 1774-81. The Life of Thomas Chatterton. London Magazine, ix., 631-38. Poems and other Writings by the late Edward Rushton . . . London : 1824. 8vo. B.M. " To the Memory of the unfortunate Chatterton," pp. 45-53. See ante, 1787, " Neglected Genius." 1825. Handwriting of Chatterton. Gent. Mag., vol. 95, pt.i, p. 99. 1825. [Poem on Chatterton 's Burial-place.] The Mirror, v., 170. On Chatterton, Id., vi., 16. 1827-9. Chatterton 's Last Letter. Id:, ix., 139-140. The Poet Chatterton. Id., xiii., 3-4. 1829. Malvern Hills, with Minor Poems and Essays. Fourth Edition. By Joseph Cottle. London. 1829. 2 vols. 8vo. On Chatterton and the Rowleian Controversy, vol. ii., pp. 382-395 ; On Rowley's Original Manuscripts, pp. 396-409 ; On Chatterton's Armorial Bearings, pp. 410-432. Plates :— De Burgham Arms, p. 382 ; Facsimiles of Rowley's and Chatterton's hand- writings, p. 396 ; Chatterton's Arms, p. 413 ; Muniment Room, Redcliff Church, p. 424 The earlier editions of this work contained no references to Chatterton. 1832-34. Biographical Sketch. Thomas Chatterton. The Bath and Bristol Magazine, vol. i., pp. 341-359 ; The Rowley Con- troversy, Id., vol. ii., pp. 53-59, 309-316, and 450-453 and vol. CHATTERTONIANA 25 y iii., pp. 37-46 ; The Death of Chatterton. A Fragment, Id., vol. ii., pp. 453-456. 1833-7. [Anecdotes of Chatterton.] Gent. Mag., xxi., 352 ; xxvii., 319-20. 1834. Georgian Era, iii., 398-402. 1835. Chatterton. Pubhe par Hippolyte Souverain. 8vo. B.M. Pp. 229. A French drama in 3 Acts by A. de Vigny. The engraved Title is signed " Edouard-May 1835." [Another Edition, entitled] Chatterton, Drame en Trois Actes par M. le Cte. Alfred de Vigny Edited with Notes for the use of Enghsh Students by Leonce Stievenard . . . London : 1876. sm. 8vo. Pp. viii. and 118. One of the London Series of French Classics. 1836. Thomas Chatterton. Lives of Eminent and Illustrious Englishmen, vol. vi., pp. 72-74. [1837.] Chatterton 's Ella, and other Pieces, interpreted : or, Selection from the Rowley Poems, in Modern Reading. By James Glassford, Esq. Edinburgh : Printed for Private Circulation. 8vo. B.M. Two Titles, Contents and Introduction, pp. i.-xxiv. ; Ella, etc., pp. 1-130. 1837. Early Recollections ; chiefly relating to the late Samuel Taylor Coleridge, during his long residence in Bristol. By Joseph Cottle. London : 1837. 2 vols. 8vo. B.M. Rowley and Chatterton, vol. 2. pp. 281-302. The same essay will be found at pp. 500- 510 of the second (1847) edition. '• Reminiscences of S. T. Coleridge." — The Life of Thomas Chatterton, including his unpublished Poems and Correspondence. By John Dix. London : 1837. B,R.L. Title, &c., 2 leaves ; Life, pp. 297 ; Appendices A & B, pp. 299-327 ; Extracts from Chatterton's Poems, pp. 328-336. Frontispiece, Portrait of Chatterton. The Frontispiece, which purports to be a portrait of Chatterton, is m fact an engraving of a portrait of a boy named Morris by his father. [Gent. Mag., n.s., vol. x., p. 133, and N. & Q., Ser. 2, vol. ii., p. 231 and vol. iii., p. 53.] Reviewed by John Foster, Eclectic Review, vol. iii., pp. 529-544 ; New York Review, ii. 454-68. [Another edition.] London : 1851. i2mo. B.M. Criticisms on the First Edition, Title, Preface, etc., pp. xiv. ; Life, pp. 15-184 ; Ap- pendix, pp. 185-215. The Portrait was withdrawn from this Edition. 1838. Chatterton and Bailey's Dictionary. Gent. Mag., n. s., vol. X., pp. 128-133. Anecdotes of Chatterton and his Associates. Id., pp. 603-7. The first article is by C. V. Le Grice. The Anecdotes are by Richard Smith. They contain a letter proving that the frontispiece of tbe first edition of Dix's Life of Chat- terton was not a portrait of Chatterton. 26 CHATTERTONIANA " 1838. Letter to the " Admirers of Chatterton " by the Author of an Essay on Light-Reading. 8vo. B.R.L. Pp. 23. Written by Edward Mangin to prove that the Rowley Poems were not written by Chatterton. 1838. [Reprint of a letter signed Richard Smith, and dated Ap. 27, to the Bristol Mirror, containing a portion of the "Tragedy of Mlla.."] s. sh. fol. B.R.L. ^1839. CEuvres completes de Chatterton Traduites par Javelin V^ Pagnon precedees d'une Vie de Chatterton par A. Callet. Paris. 1839. 8vo. B.M. Two Titles, 2 leaves ; Life, pp. i-ioo ; Letters and Works, pp. 101-361. 1840. Chatterton's Monument at Bristol. Gent. Mag. N.S. xiv., 77-8. Chatterton. Von Hermann Puttmann Zweiter Theil Dichtungen, Burman. 1840. 8vo. B.M. Title, etc., 3 leaves ; Text, pp. 1-220. History and Description of St. Mary Redcliff Church, Bristol, with a List of the Chaplains and Vicars, etc., from A.D. 1207, to the Present Time ; together with Biographical Sketches of the most Eminent Persons connected with the Church . . . Pr. and Pub. by J. Chilcott. Bristol : 1840. Price 2s, or on royal paper with proof impressions of the plates, 3s. 4to. B.R.L. Chatterton, pp. 34-38, [Another Edition, entitled] Handbook to St. Mary Redcliff Church, Bristol ; with Biographical Sketches, And a List of the Chaplains and Vicars . . . Bristol. J. Chilcott, Wine St. 1842. 8vo. B.R.L. Thomas Chatterton, pp. 45-48. Also at pp. 34-38 of the 1843 edition and pp. 47-51 of the 1848 edition. 1841. The Poetical Works of James Montgomery. London : 1841. 4 vols. 8vo. B.M. Chatterton : Stanzas On reading the Verses entitled " Resignation," written by Chat- terton, a few days before his melancholy end, vol. 2, pp. 152-3. Poetry. By Joseph James . . . Bristol. Mirror Office. 1841. 8vo. B.R.L. pp. X. and 151. [Verses on Chatterton] pp. 128-133. Specimens of the British Poets . . . See ante, 1819. 1842. The Poetical Works of Thomas Chatterton, with Notices of his Life, etc. 2 vols. Cambridge Monthly Review. N.S. iii., 1-18. The Poetical Works of Thomas Chatterton with Notices of his Life, History of the Rowley Controversy, A Selection 61 v/^ CHATTERTONIANA 27 his Letters, and Notes Critical and Explanatory. ' Cambridge : 1842. 2 vols. 8vo. F.F.F. Vol. i. : — Two Titles, 2 leaves ; Contents, pp. iii.-iv. ; Preface, pp. i.-iv. ; Life of Chat- terton and History of the Rowley Controversy, pp. xvii.-clxvii., Rowley Poems, pp. 1-312 ; Appendix, pp. 313-320 (paged 302). Folding pages of Facsimiles, pp. cxvi. and 320. Vol. ii. : — Two Titles, 2 leaves; Contents pp. iii.-v. ; Poems, pp. 321-630; Letters, 631-728. Facsimile, p. i. Some l.p. copies were printed. This edition is known as " The Cambridge Edition." It was edited by Mr Wilcox. [Another Edition] Boston : 1857. 2 vols. 8vo. Vol. i. : — Title, one leaf ; Advertisement, Contents and Life, pp. i.-cxxxii. ; Poems, etc., pp. 1-338. Portrait of Chattcrton, Frontispiece. Vol. ii. : — Title, Contents and History of the Rowley Controversy, pp. i.-xxiii. Poems, etc., pp. 1-368 ; Glossary, pp. 369-388. This is substantially a reprint of the Cambridge Edition, but with some verses, said to have been written by Chatterton on the day of his death, added. [Another Edition] Boston : 1863. 2 vols. 8vo. A duplicate of the 1857 edition. 1843. Poems by John Shepherd Eastmead. Bristol : Wm. S. Mathews, 1843. ? 32mo. B.R.L. Pp. 72. Poem on Chatterton, p. 65. 1844. The Cyclopaedia of English Literature. Edited by Robert Chambers. Edinburgh : 1844. 2 vols. 8vo. Chatterton, vol. 2, pp. 81-87. New Edition. By David Patrick. 1902. 3 vols. 8vo. Chatterton vol. 2, pp. 512-16. The Grave of Chatterton. Mirror, N.S. vi., 379. 1847. Reminiscences . . . See 1837. Early Recollections. 1848. Chatterton's Knowledge of Heraldry. Nichols' Illustra- tions, vii., 565-6. 1848. Memorials of Early Genius, and Achievements in Pursuit of Knowledge. London : 1848. 8vo. Pp. 320. Bodl. Chatterton, pp. 211-257 and at same pages of the 1858 edition. 1849. Biographical Sketches of Eminent British Poets . . . Dublin. 1849. Svo. G.P.L. Thomas Chatterton, pp. 444-453. The Birth-place of Thomas Chatterton. By Mrs S. C. Hall. Art Journal, pp. 21-25. Homes and Haunts of the most eminent British Poets. By WilHam Howitt. London : 1849. 2 vols. 8vo. B.R.L. Chatterton, Vol. i (The Early Poets), pp. 234-272. Fifth Edition. 1863. 8vo. B.R.L. Chatterton, pp. 158-185. Remarkable Literary Impostures. By Frederick Law- y rence. No. UL Thomas Chatterton. Sharpens London Magazine, viii., 205-9. Reprinted in Eclectic Mag. xvi., 489-494. 28 CHATTERTONIANA 1850. The Auto-Biography of John Britton . . . London • 1850. 2 vols. roy. 8vo. B.M. On a Design for a Cenotaph to Thomas Chatterton, pp. 65-68 of Appendix to vol. ii. A Guide to St. Mary Redcliffe Church, Bristol ; with a List of Vicars, Chaplains, &c. ; also Biographical Sketches of Canynges, Chatterton, etc., etc. . . Bristol : Pr. and Pub. by C. T. Jefferies, Canynges's House, Redchffe St. 1850. 8vo. 3 leaves and pp. 11-69. G.P.L. Biographical Sketch of Chatterton, pp. 48-55. Also at pp. 43-9 and 44-50 of the 1856 and 1858 editions respectively. Lectures and Essays. By Henry Giles. Boston : 1850. 2 vols. 8vo. B.M. Chatterton, Vol. 2, pp. 280-289. Pilgrimages to English Shrines. By Mrs S. C. Hall. With Notes and Illustrations by F. W. Fairholt, F.S.A. . . . London : 1850. 2 vols. 8vo. B.R.L. The Birth-place of Thomas Chatterton, Vol. i, pp. 105-126. 1851. Chatterton. A Story of the year 1770. Dublin University Magazine, vol. xxxviii., pp. 1-17, 178-192 and 420-435. By David Masson. Reprinted, with additions, in his " Essays," 1856. q.v. [Another Edition] London : 1874. 8vo. Pp. viii. & 284. In this edition certain mistakes respecting the situation of the house in Brook Street in which Chatterton lodged and the inquest on his death, were corrected. See pp. 161-2 & 250-1. New and Revised Edition. London : 1899. 8vo. Pp. viii. & 320. Bodl. The Life of Thomas Chatterton ... By J. Dix . . , See ante, 1837. Thomas Chatterton. International Mag. (New York) ii., 289-97. 1852. Thomas Chatterton. Hogg's Instructor, n.s., vol. ix., pp. 108-110. \ Thomas Chatterton. The Biographical Magazine, vol. i., pp. 134-142. 1^53-55- [Chatterton's death.] N. & Q., Ser. i, vol. vii., pp. 14 and 138-9. [Tracts relating to Chatterton.] Id., pp. 267-8. The Poems of Rowley. Id., pp. 544-5. [Chatterton's nomina- tion to the Colston School.] Id., vol. xi., p. 281. 1854. Memorials of the Canynges' Family and their Times . . . to which is added Inedited Memoranda relating to Chatterton ; with Coloured Illustrations. By George Pryce. [Printed] CHATTERTONIANA 29 by John Wright, Bristol Steam Press. 1854. med. 8vo. G.P.L. Three titles & Ded., 4 leaves ; Pref., &c. pp. vii.-x. ; Text, pp. 11-336. Memorials of Thomas Chatterton, pp. 275-317. Views of St. Mary Redclifie Church, pp. 210, 274 ; Facsimile of Chatterton's imitation of 15th century writing, folding sheet after p. 298. [Between 1854 & 1858.] Westbury College, Redcliffe Church and Chatterton. By George Pryce. Not seen. Mentioned in Diet. Nat. Biog., xlvi., 429. 1856. Essays Biographical and Critical : Chiefly on English Poets. By David Masson, A.M. Cambridge : 1856. 8vo. Pp. viii. & 475. F.F.F. Chatterton : A Story of the Year 1770, pp. 178-345. First printed in the Dublin Uni- versity Magazine, q.v. sub 1851. A review in Gent. Mag., Ser. 3, vol. i., pp. 201-206, was reprinted in LitteU's Living Age, Ser. 2, vol. 15, pp. 38-41 and in the Eclectic Magazine, vol. 29, pp. 351-355. [Another Edition.] London : 1874. 8vo. F.F.F. Two Titles, Prefatory Note and Contents, pp. i.-viii. ; Text, pp. 1-284. 1856-61. Chatterton's portrait [by Gainsborough], N. & Q., Ser. 2, ii., 171-2, 231 ; iii., 53-4, 100, 361-2 492 ; iv., 11-12, 38-9 ; Chatterton : Was his body removed from London to Bristol for Interment, Id., iv., 23-4, 54-5, 92-3 ; Grant's Edition of Chatterton, Id., p. 78 ; Rowley's Ghost, Id., pp. 264-5 ; Chatterton and Southey, Id., pp. 325-6 ; Chatterton's Sister, -^^•» P- 352 ; Chatterton [verses by]. Id., vi., 182-3 '> Chatterton and Collins, Id., pp. 430, 487, 533 ; Chatterton MSS., Id., vii., 277-8 ; viii., 50, 94, 194-5, 234-5, 3i7 '> Somersetshire Poems, Id., 363-4 ; A Relic of the Chatterton Controversy, Id., X., 282-4, xii., 221 ; Chatterton's Papers, Id., xi., 349, 457. v^ ^ 57. Chatterton : An Essay. By the Rev. S. R. Maitland, D.D. & F.S.A. London : 1857. 8vo. B.M. Reviewed, Athenceum (1857), pp. 73-76. Chatterton. By George Wightwick. Bristol Magazine, vol. i., pp. 174-183 ; Chatterton's Archaeology. By G.W. Id., pp. 249-250. Critical Essays Contributed to The Eclectic Review, by John Foster . . . Edited by J. E. Ryland, M.A. London : 1857. 2 vols. 8vo. G.P.L. Chatterton, vol. ii., pp. 507-525. Reprinted from the Eclectic Review, vol. iii., pp. 529-544- 1857. Lectures and Miscellanies. H. W. Freeland. London : 1857. 8vo. B.R.L. Pp. xi. & 229. Literary Impostures, pp. 1-45. Pp. 14-27 relate to Chatterton. 1857. The Poetical Works of Thomas Chatterton . . . See ante, 1842. 30 ' CHATTERTONIANA 1857-8. The Inquest on Chatterton, Athenceum (1857), pp. 1518- 19. [By W. Moy Thomas] & (1858), pp. 114-15 ; [Destruction of Chatterton Papers.] Id., (1857) pp. 151-2 ; Chatterton Locahties, Id., p. 1594. ^ 1858. The Death of Chatterton. A fragment. [By W.B.B.S.] Tail's Edinburgh Magazine, xxv., 81-2. Fact versus Fiction. A Descent among Writers on Bristol History and Biography, &c. By George Pryce, F.S.A. Bristol : J. Ridler, High St. 1858. Pp. 109. B.R.L. Thomas Chatterton, pp. 97-100 ; Thomas Rowley, pp. 101-3. ^1859.] Price Sixpence. Footprints of Genius. A Biography 'y of Thomas Chatterton, of Bristol ; with Notes, References, &c. By F. G. Bayhs . . . [Quot.] Gloucester : Messrs. Davies & Son. 8vo. B.R.L. Title, Contents, and Introduction (dated Nov. 1859), pp. i.-vi. ; Text, pp. 7-30. 1859. Recreations of a Southern Barrister. With an Intro- duction. By Rev. T. G. Jones. Philadelphia : 1859. 8vo. B.R.L. Three leaves & pp. 212 : Errata, one leaf. Thomas Chatterton, pp. 9-63. i860. ** The Death of Chatterton." Case. Turner v. Robinson. Containing A Full Report of all the Proceedings — The Evidence — The Judgment of His Honor the Master of the Rolls — And the judgments of the Lord Chancellor and Lord Justice of Appeal in Chancery . . . [Quot.] By Charles H. Foot, Esq. Dubhn : i860. Eighteen-pence. 8vo. B.H.B. Pp. 65. A report of a case relating to the copyright of a Picture, entitled " The Death of Chatterton," by Henry Wallis, exhibited in the Royal Academy in 1856. [i860?] "The Death of Chatterton," Painted by H. Wallis . . . New engraving in the highest style of the Art, by T. Old- ham Barlow . . . Newcastle-upon-Tyne. Title and "A Slight Sketch of the Death of Chatterton," pp. 8. /1860. The Life of Thomas Chatterton, The Poet . . . [Quot.] ^ By James R. Bennett. Birmingham, i860. i2mo. Pp. 35. Some verses said to have been found on the table in Chatterton's room after his death are printed on the back of the cover. They are probably spurious. Specimens with Memoirs of the Less-Known British Poets. With an Introductory Essay by the Rev. George Giliillan Edinburgh : i860. 3 vols. 8vo. B.M. Memoir of Chatterton and Specimens of his Poems, vol. iii., pp. 171-201. [Another Edition.] London : [1881.] 3 vols. 8vo. B.M. Chatterton, vol. iii., pp. 171-201. — [Unpublished letter from W. L. Mansel to T. J. Mathias on the Chatterton Controversy.] A^. & Q. Ser. 2, x., 282-4. CHATTERTONIANA 31 1861. Dzielka Dramatyczne Krystyna Ostrowskiego. Czat- terton. Kupiec Wenecki. Wieslaw. Macocha . . . Wydanie Poprawne, W. Krakoweie Nakladem Autora. W. Drukarni "Czasu." 1861. 8vo. B.M. Pp. xii., 300 & 2 leaves. Czatterton, pp. 1-83. 1862. Pleasant Spots and Famous Places. By John Alfred Langford. London : 1862. 8vo. B.R.L. Pp. viii. & a88. "A Pilgrimage to the Birth-Place and Grave of Chatterton," pp. 155-164. Turgot, Chatterton and the Rowley Poems. N. & Q., u> ^ Ser. 3, vol. i., pp. 101-4 ; Thomas Rowley, Id.,, -pip. 181-2. 1863. The English Nation, iv., 160-162. The Poetical Works of Thomas Chatterton . . . See ante, 1842. 1864. The Martyrdom of Misdirected Genius. The Life and ; Character of Chatterton : A Lecture, delivered before the Dublin ^ Young Men's Christian Association, June, 1864. By Stephen N. Elrington, Bar.-at-law. Dublin : 1864. 8vo. pp. 33. BM.L. 1864-5. Chatterton [De Bergham Pedigree.] N. & Q. Ser. 3, vi., 188. The Venality of Chatterton. Id., vii., 152, 1865.] Poems by Thomas Chatterton, with a Memoir by Frederick Martin . . . Illustrated. London. 8vo. B.M. Two Titles and Contents, pp. i.-vii. ; Memoir, pp. ix.-xlvi. ; Poems, 47-168. Portrait of Chatterton, Frontispiece. Engravings with letterpress. Date from B.M. Catalogue. 1865. Thomas Chatterton, "The Boy-Bard of Bristol." Wesley an Methodist Magazine (for May 1865), pp. 314-326, 417-429 and 520-528. \ A^dd. Literary Forgeries. Rowley's Poems and Tragedies. ^ Temple Bar, xvii., 1^2-144. 1868. Thomas Chatterton, the Boy Poet of Bristol. A Bio- graphical Sketch. By Henry J. Jennings . . . [Quot.] Bristol : S. Augustine's Press, Montpeher. 1868. 8vo. F.F.F. Title, Dedication and Prefatory Note, 3 leaves ; Text, pp. 1-47. 1^869. Chatterton. A Biographical Study. By Daniel Wilson, l^ LL.D. . . . [Quot.] London : 1869. 8vo. F.F.F. Title and Dedication, 2 leaves ; Contents, Preface and Introduction, pp. vii.-xvi. ; Text, pp. 1-324 ; Index, pp. 325-328. Vignette of N. Porch of St. Mary RedclifEe Church, on Title. 1870. Chatterton. Blackwood's Magazine, cvii., 453-476. This article was reprinted in the Eclectic Magazine, n.s., vol. xi., pp. 671-691, and in Littell's Living Age, Ser. 4, vol. xvii., pp. 283-300. The History of English Poetry . . . See ante, 1774-81. 32 CHATTERTONIANA V 1870. Lectures on the English Poets . . . See ante, 1818-19. The Story of Thomas Chatterton. Appleton's Journal, iv., 246-251. 1870-6. Chatterton. A^. & Q. Ser. 4, v., 455, 500 ; x., 99, 157. [Chatterton's Portrait.] Id., Ser. 5, vi., 60. 1 87 1. Here and There in England ... by A Fellow of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. London : 1871. 8vo. Pp. [viii.] & 219. St. Mary Redcliffe. Chatterton, pp. 127-161. B.R.L. The Poetical Works of Thomas Chatterton, with an Essay on the Rowley Poems by the Rev. Walter W. Skeat, M.A. . . and a Memoir by Edward Bell, M.A. . . London : 1871. 2 vols. 8vo. Vol. I. — Two Titles, Contents, and Preface, pp. i.-xi. ; Memoir, pp. xiii.-cvii. ; Poems, Letters and Notes, pp. 1-379. Vol. 2. — Two Titles and Contents, pp. i.-vi. ; Essay on the Rowley Poems, pp. vii.-xlvi. ; Poems, Appendix and Notes, Half -Title and pp. 1-346. [Another Edition.] London : 1875. 2 vols. cr. 8vo. [Another Edition.] London : 1890. 2 vols. cr. 8vo. These are both duplicates of the 1871 edition, issued as a part of the Aldine edition of the British Poets. A Review of the 1875 edition appeared in the Quarterly Review, vol. cxlix., pp. 70-110, and was reprinted in Littell's Living Age, Ser. 5, vol. xxxi. pp. 515-533. 1871-2. Chatterton's Knowledge of Anglo-Saxon. [By W. W. Skeat.] N. & Q., Ser. 4, vol. vii., pp. 278-9 ; Chatterton's Monument, Id., p. 279. [Croft's Love and Madness.] Id., viii., 319-20 ; John Dix, the Biographer of Chatterton, Id., ix., 294-6, 365-6, 429-30, X., 55, 229-30. 1873-4. [Chatterton.] London Quarterly tlev., xH., 402-33. Review of Skeat's Edition of Chatterton's Works (Bell & Daldy) and of Daniel Wilson's "Chatterton" (1869). 1874. Chatterton. A Story of the year 1770 . . . See ante, 1851. Chatterton ; or the Rowley Romancer. Tinsley's Mag., xiv., 382-397. Thomas Chatterton and his Latest Editor. By H. Buxton Forman . . . London : 1874. 8vo. B.M. pp. 36. " The Latest Editor " is Professor Skeat. 1875. The Poetical Works of Thomas Chatterton . . . See ante, 1871. [Review of Chatterton's Poetical Works.] North Amer. Rev., cxxi., 234-40. 1876. Chatterton, Drame en Trois Actes . . . See ante, 1835. [Life of Chatterton by Professor Daniel Wilson.] Encyclo- pcedia Britannica, Ninth Edition, vol. v., pp. 445-9. CHATTERTONIANA 33 1876. [Portrait of Chatterton.j N. & Q. Ser. 5, vi., 60. 1878. Godfred Crovan. A Poem written by Thomas Chatterton 1768. Edited with an Introductory Notice and Notes by WilHam Harrison, Esq., Douglas, Isle of Man. Printed for the Manx Society, 1878. 8vo. B.M. pp. 26. This piece relates to an incident in Manx History. It was first published in the Town and Country Magazine. Thomas Chatterton. Gent. Mag., vol. ccxliii., pp. 564-579. Written by Richard Edgcumbe. Mathias on Chatterton and Rowley. N. S- Q., Ser. 5, vol. ix., pp. 321-2. 1879. The " Grateful Society " in 1767, and its President Henry Burgum . . . 8vo. B.R.L. Pp. 4. Reprinted from the Stroud Journal of Feb. 22, 1879. Subsequently reprinted in Glos. N. & Q., i., 28-30. Burgum was duped and lampooned by Chatterton. 1880. The English Poets . . . Edited by Thomas Humphrey Ward, M.A. . . . London : 1880. 4 vols. 8vo. B.M. Biographical Notice of Chatterton by Theodore Watts, vol. iii., pp. 400-408 ; Selected Poems by Chatterton, pp. 409-421. Also at same pages of vol. 3 of the 1884 & 1894 Editions. y- — Thomas Chatterton. Quart. Rev., No. 299, pp. 78-1 11. — Wrecked Lives ; or, Men who have failed. By W. H. Davenport Adams. First Series. London : 1880. 8vo. pp. vii. & 365. C.P.L. Thomas Chatterton, pp. 285-365. 1881. Specimens with Memoirs of the Less Known British Poets . . . See ante, i860. 1881-2. [Letters from John Taylor, J. H. Ingram and William George on the Chatterton Family.] Athenceum (1881), ii., 780, 813, 901 ; (1882), i., 17, 57-8, 94, 125, 156-7, 220, 252. 1881-3. Chatterton 's Portrait. N. & Q. Ser. 6, iv., 108; v., 367 ; vi., 97 ; Chatterton's Writings, Id., vi. 404 ; vii. 93, 116, 298, 356. 1882. A Difficult Brief : in re Chatterton. By Godfrey Turner. Tinsley's Magazine, xxx., 441-445. [Facsimile of inscriptions in a copy of Clarke's " History of the Bible," of the marriage of Chatterton's father and mother, of his birth and that of his sister Mary, and of a brother who died in infancy.] s. sh. fol. F.A.H. Lithograph. The work from which these inscriptions are copied is now in the Bristol Museum. Gainsborough's Portrait of Chatterton. N. & Q. Ser. 6, vol. v., p. 367 ; Articles in Magazines attributed to Chatterton, Id., vol. vi., p. 404 and vol. vii., p. 93. 34 CHATTERTONIANA 1883. Chatterton and his Associates. [By John Ingram.] Harper's Magazine, vol. Ixvii., pp. 225-240. New Facts relating to the Chatterton Family gathered from manuscript entries in a " History of the Bible " which once belonged to the parents of Thomas Chatterton, the Poet, and from Parish Registers. Bristol : W. George and Son, 26 Park Street. 1883. 8vo. B.R.L. Title, Notice (signed W. G.) and View of the Master's House, Pile-Street Free School, 2 leaves ; Text, pp. 5-13 ; Index, pp. 14-15. Price is. A reprint of some of the letters to the Athenceum mentioned ante sub 1881-2, and of one to the Bristol Times and Mirror, of Feb. 20, 1862. Some l.p. copies (demy 4to) were printed, price 2s. 1884. " Chatterton." A New and Original Play, in One Act, by H. A. Jones and H. Herman. The Theatre (July i, 1884), PP- 37-39- A notice of this Play, which was performed at the Princess's Theatre on May 22, 1884. The Enghsh Poets . . . Edited by Thomas Humphrey Ward . . . See ante. 1880. Rev. James Rouquet's Prayer in " Commemoration " of Bristol Benefactors, Nov. 14, 1768. 8vo. F.A.H. Two of the traditions associated with St. Mary Redcliff Church, utilized by Chatterton were contained in this prayer, which was printed in 1768. 1884-90. Thomas Chatterton. Glos. N. & Q., ii., 599-600. The Death of Thomas Chatterton. Id., iv., 472-3. ^1885. The Poetical Works of Thomas Chatterton, With a Prefatory Notice, Biographical and Critical. By John Rich- mond. London : 1885. i6mo. B.M. Pp. 292. A volume of the Canterbury Poets Series, Price is each. 1886. Essays on Poetry and Poets by the Hon. Roden Noel. V London: 1886. 8vo. pp. ix. & 356. B.M. Chatterton, pp. 36-49 St. Mary Redchff & Chatterton. By John Taylor, City Librarian. The Bristol and Clifton 2d. Guide, pp. 7-26. 1887. Abbeys & Churches of England & Wales. Descriptive, Historical, Pictorial. Edited by the Rev. T. G. Bonney, D.Sc, &c. Cassell & Co. London : 1887. 4to. Pp. xvi. & 280. A Life's Failure, pp. 122-8. 1887. The Chatterton Family of Bristol. [Extracts from the City of Bristol Records.] Glos. N. & Q., iii., 12. [Life of Chatterton by Charles Kent.] Diet. Nat. Biog., X., 143-154- Thomas Chatterton. Tragodie in vier Akten von Heinrich Blau . . . London: 1887. pp. iii. 8vo. B.R.L. CHATTERTONIANA 35 1887. Word Portraits of Famous Writers. Edited by Mabel E. Wotton. London : 1887. sq. 8vo. Bodl. Pp. xvii. and 337. Thomas Chatterton, pp. 58-60. 1888. Thomas Chatterton and the Vicar of the Temple Church, Bristol, A.D. 1768-1770. The Poet's Account of the " Knightes Templaries Chyrche." Three Illustrations. Bristol : William George's Sons. Top of Park St. 1888. 8vo. W.B. Title, Notice (signed W.G.) and contents, 2 leaves ; Text, pp. 1-12. View of Temple Tower, Frontispiece ; View of the Old Vicarage, facing p. i ; Folding Facsimile of MS. facing p. 8. Fifty l.p. copies (demy 4to) were printed on Whatman paper. The author was the late Mr William George. " Who was the Editor of the Rowley Poems ? " N. & Q. Sen 7, v., 429, 477. 1889. Chatterton Manuscripts. Athenceum, i., 729 ; ii., 34. By C. G. Crump and Wm. George. 1890. Love's Victory Lyrical Poems By John Arthur Blaikie. London : 1890. 8vo. B.R.L. Pp. xi. and i-[i28]. Ode on the Death of Thomas Chatterton, pp. 67-81. Poetical Works of Thomas Chatterton . . . See 1871. 1891. Chattertoniana. The Athenceum, vol. i, pp. 158-9. By John Taylor. Chiefly a reprint of Seyer's MS. notes on the authenticity of the Rowley Poems. 1891. Historical Manuscripts Commission. [Rep. xii., App. Pt. X. The Charlemont MSS.] [Letter from Rev. Geo. Calcott (? Catcott).] pp. 315-16. [Letters from F. Wood- ward on the Rowley Poems], pp. 340-2, 345-6. See ako pp. 393-4, 422. 1892. Chatterton. [By Arthur L. Salmon.] Poet-Lore, iv., 593-99- The English Poets . . . See ante, 1880 1894. Chatterton, "The Marvellous Boy." By Mrs E. M. V^ Davy. Belgravia, Ixxxvii., 18-30. Portrait of Chatterton attributed to Gainsborough. N. & Q. Ser. 8, vi., 308 and 394. 1895. A Bristol Collection of Books, Engravings and Antiquities. A Chatterton Manuscript. Broadside. B.R.L. A reprint of an article from the Western Daily Press of Dec. 3, 1895, giving an account of a part of the poem, " Kew Gardens," in Chatterton's handwriting, recently purchased for £70, and presented to the Bristol Museum. The Chatterton Manuscript. Reprinted from the Bris- V tol Times and Mirror, 9th December, 1895. s. sh. 4to. B.R.L. Reprint of a MS. discovered among the papers of Mr Jere Hill. English Lands Letters and Kings ... By Donald G. Mitchell. London : 1890-7. 4 vols. 8vo. B.M. The Boy Chatterton, vol. 3, pp. 202-10. 36 CHATTERTONIANA 1895. Love and Madness . . . See ante, 1780. 1897. An Excelente Balade of Charitie. Poet-Lore (Boston), ix. (N.S.i.), 181-6. The Rowley Poems of Thomas Chatterton . . . [Colo- phon] Edited by Robert Steele, and decorated with woodcut border and initials engraved by Charles Ricketts, under whose supervision the book has been printed at the Ballantyne Press. Sold by Messrs Hacon & Ricketts, at the Sign of the Dial, 52 Warwick Street, Regent Street. London: MDCCCXCVIIL 210 Copies. 2 vols. 8vo. Bodl. Vol. i., pp. 141 and colophon, one leaf. Vol. ii., pp. 122 and colophon, one leaf. 1899. Chatterton A Biography by David Masson . . . See sub 1851. The Palace of Art. [By R. P. Carton.] Irish Monthly, xxvii., 449-64 ; 520-7. 1900. Tablet to Thomas Chatterton, Procs. Clifton Antiquarian Club, iv., 86-7. Relates to a tablet affixed to the Pile Street School, which Chatterton attended. The Marvelous Boy. By Charles E. Russell. Munsey's Magazine (New York), xxiv., 598-608. — Plays and Sonnets by Ernest Lacy . . . Philadelphia, sm. 4to. B.R.L. v^- Title, pp. vii. & 237. Only 250 copies printed. Chatterton, pp. 1-28. Julia Marlowe as Chatterton, Front. Thomas Chatterton. Von Helene Richter. Wien und Leipzig : 1900. 8vo, Pp. x. & [259.] Bodl. 1900-1. Literary Forgeries. By Edward Almack. English Illustrated Magazine, pp. 287-95. 1901-5. The Library of Literary Criticism of English and American Authors. Edited by Charles Wells Moulton, Buffalo, New York. 8 vols. 8vo. B.M. Thomas Chatterton, vol. 3, pp. 527-540. [1901.] Such Stuff as Dreams. By Charles E. Russell. Indianopolis. sm. 4to. B.R.L. Four leaves, pp. 149 & 2 leaves. * In the Church of St. Mary RedcUffe, Bristol, pp. 9-16. 1902. The Metrical Imitations of Chatterton. By William C. ^ Hall. Manchester Quarterly, No. 83, pp. 267-276. 1904. An Unrecorded Chatterton MS. and a Chatterton Volume. Reprinted from the Bristol Times and Mirror, Monday, June 27th, 1904. By Spencer George Percival. "Times and Mirror," Ltd. Typ., Bristol. 8vo. pp. 16. Bodl. CHATTERTONIANA yj 1905. Chatter ton's Rowley — Sprache von Helene Richter (Wien). Bausteine zeitschrift fiir Neuenglische Wortforschung. (Berlin- Schoneberg.) pp. 29-67. A History of English Poetry by W. J. Courthope . . . London : 1905 [-1910.] 6 vols. 8vo. G.P.L. [The Rowley Forgeries], vol. 5, pp. 412-20. [1905.] The Poems of Chatterton . . . With an Introduction by Sidney Lee. London. 2 vols. 8vo. B.M. Vol.1. [Miscellaneous Poems] Two Titles & Rebus of the Standard Library, 3 leaves ; Introduction, pp. v.-x. ; Contents, pp. xi.-xiii. ; Poems, pp. 1-172. Vol. 2. [The Rowley Poems] Two Titles & Rebus, 3 leaves ; Introduction (same as that in Vol. i), pp. v.-x.. Contents, pp. xi.-xiii.. Poems, pp. 1-72. Standard Library Series, [1906-9.] The Poems of Thomas Chatterton. Miscellaneous Poems with an Introduction by Sidney Lee. 8vo. Vol. I. [1906] Two Titles [pp. i.-iv. ;] Thomas Chatterton, by Sidney Lee, pp. v.-x. ; Introduction and Contents, pp. xi.-xiii.. Poems, pp. 1-172. Vol. 2. [1909] Two Titles [pp. i.-iv. ;] Thomas Chatterton, by Sidney Lee, pp. v.-xii, ; Contents, pp. xiii.-xiv. ; Poems, pp. 1-214. The first 4! pages of the Introduction are a reprint of that to Vol. i. The Complete Poetical Works of Thomas Chatterton. Edited with a Biographical Introduction, Notes, Glossary and Bibliography by Henry D. Roberts . . . London : 1906. 2 vols. Pott Svo. Bodl. Vol. I. [Acknowledged Poems.] Two Titles, Contents, &c., pp. i.-xii. ; Biographical Introduction, pp. xiii.-xxiii. : Bibliography, pp. xxiv.-xxxii. ; Poems, pp. 1-221. Vol. 2. [The Rowley Poems.] Two Titles & Contents, 3 leaves ; Poems, pp. 1-193 ; Notes, Glossary and Index, pp. 194-222. Muses Library Series. 1907. A Catalogue of the Autograph Manuscripts and other Remains of Thomas Chatterton now in the Bristol Museum of Antiquities. With Notes and Illustrations. Edited by W. R. Barker, Chairman of the Museum and Art GaUery Com- mittee. Printed for the Committee by J. W. Arrowsmith, II Quay Street, Bristol, and Sold at the Art Gallery. 1907. Svo. pp. 54. B.R.L. Chatterton in London. N. S- Q. Ser. 10, vii., 506-7. Chatterton 's Portrait, viii., 309. Literary Forgeries By J. A. Farrer. With an Intro- \X^906 ^-^ duction by Andrew Lang London 1907 Svo. G.P.L. pp. i.-xxvi. and 1-282. The Tragedy of Chatterton, pp. 145-160. The Poets, Geoffrey Chaucer to Alfred Tennyson 1340- 1S92 Impressions by William Stebbing . . . 1907. 2 vols. Svo. G.P.L. Thomas Chatterton, vol. i, pp. 318-332. 190S. Oxford Higher French Series Edited by Leon Delbos. Chatterton By Alfred de Vigny Edited by G. E. Lanvriere . . . Oxford : 190S. Svo. B.M. Title and Introduction, pp. i.-xciii. ; Bibliography and Contents, 2 leaves ; Text, pp. 1-94 ; Notes, pp. 95-133- 38 CHATTERTONIANA 1908. Thomas Chatterton. The Marvelous Boy. The Story of a Strange Life, 1752-1770. By Charles Edward Russell. New York: 1908. 8vo. B.M. Two Titles, Contents, List of Illustrations, Chronology of Chatterton and Pref. Note, pp. i.-xvii. ; Text & Index, pp. 1-289. 1909. [Another Edition, with same pagination] New York : 1909. B.M. ^/ 1910. The True Chatterton. A New Study from original Docu- ments. By John H. Ingram. London : 1910. 8vo. Pp. 344. Alleged Portrait of Chatterton, Front. 1911. Memorials of Old Gloucestershire. Edited by P. H. Ditchfield . . . London : 1911. 8vo. G.P.L. Pp. xiv. & 304. Thomas Chatterton. Bv L. Acland Taylor, F.L.A., pp. 243-267. PI., Birthplace of Chatterton, p. 258. Statues and Memorials in the British Isles. [Bristol : Chatterton.] N. & Q. Ser. ii, iv., 182. N.D. Bristol Magazine. Sundries. A Variety of Fugitive Pieces, By Various Authors, and On Various Subjects. Bristol : Printed by Matthews and Besley, Printers, Stationers and Bookbinders, No. 43, Wine-Street. 8vo. B.R.L. The Unfortunate Fathers. By Chatterton, pp. 53-54, 57-58. Chatterton : A Romance of Literary Life. B.R.L. Pp. 161-176 of some periodical. There is a MS. note on it " Knight's Penny Magazine," but it is smaller than that publication and appears of more recent date. Chatterton's Ella ... By James Glassford. See [1837.] "The Death of Chatterton" . . . See [i860?] The Distressed Poet . . . See [c. 1789.] An Examination of the Poems attributed to Thomas Rowley . . . See [1782.] — Famous Literary Impostures, A series of Essays by H. R. Montgomery . . . London : 8vo. F.A.H. Chatterton and the Rowley Poems, pp. 1-38. — Footprints of Genius . . . See [1859.] The History ... of Bristol. By William Barrett. See [1789 — The Life of Thomas Chatterton. By John Davis. See [1806.] — More Reliques of Rowley. University Magazine, x., 643-6. Not seen except in one of the B.M. Chatterton scrap-books, where the date is not given. CHATTERTONIANA 39 N.D. [Numerous MS. letters and Newspaper cuttings relating to Chatterton, in a 4to scrap book.] B.R.L. Poems by Thomas Chatterton with a Memoir by Frederick Martin . . . See [1865.] — The Poems of Chatterton . . . With an Introduction by Sidney Lee . . . See [1905] & [1906-9.] Remarks upon the Eighth Section of the Second Volume of Mr Warton's History of English Poetry . . . See [1779.] Selection of Poems, designed chiefly for Schools and Young Persons. By Joseph Cottle. Fourth Edition. London : 8vo. p. xii. & 389. B.R.L. Epitaph for a proposed Monument to Chatterton, p. 289. — Such Stuff as Dreams . . . See [1901.] — Supplement to Chatterton's Miscellanies. See [1785 ?] — Westbury College ... By George Pryce. See [Between 1854 and 1858]. — Wilham Tyndale and Other Pieces. Printed by J. Wright and Co., Stephen St., Bristol. Title, &c., 2 leaves ; Poems, pp. 1-95. The Death of Chatterton, pp. 29-4.6. Sinhcx of auttjor^. Adams, W. H. D., 33. Almack, Ed., 36. Ames, I., 16. Anderson, Rob., 18. Barker, W. R., 37. Barrett, Wm., 12, 14, 17, 18, 22, 38 Baylis, F. G., 30. Baynes, J., 13. Bell, Ed., 32. Bennett, Jas. R., 30. Blaikie, John A., 35. Blau, Heinrich, 34. Bonney, T. G., 34. Britton, J., 22. 23, 28. Broughton, J., 9, 12. Bryant, Jacob, 13, 14, 15. Burgess, G., 13. Calcott, Rev. George, 35. Callet, A., 26. Campbell, T., 24. Carey, T., 10. Carton, R. P., 36. Catcott, Rev. George, 35. Chalmers, Alex., 22. Chambers, Rob., 27. Chapman, John, 17. Chatterton, Mary, g. Chilcott, J., 26. Cole, Rev. Mr, 20. Coleridge, S. T., 19. Cottle, Jos., 9, 21, 24, 25, 39. Courthope, W. J., 37. Croft, Sir H., 12, 20, 32. Crump, C. G., 35. Curnick, Thos., 23. Dallaway, Jas., 17. Dampier, H., 12. Davis, John, 21, 38. Davy, Mrs E. M., 35. Delbos, Leon, 37. Ditchfield. P. H., 38. Dix, John, 10, 16, 25, 28, 32. Ducarel, Dr, 17. Dyer, G., 9. Eastmead, J. S., 27. Edgcumbe, Richard, 33. Elrington, Stephen N., 31. Ellis, G., 9. Evans, John, 22, 23. Fairholt, F. W., 28. Farrar, J. A., 37. Fell, John, 15. Fellowes, R., 20, Foot, Chas. H., 30. Forman, H. Buxton, 32. Foster. John, 25, 29. Freeland, H. W., 29. G., G. J.. 21. G., W. See George, Wm. George, Wm., 33, 34, 35. Giles, Henry, 28. Gilfillan, Geo., 30. GJassford, Jas., 25, 38. Greene, Ed. B., 15. Gregory, G., 18, 21. Hackman, J., 12, 13. Halkett & Laing, 14, 15. Hall, Mrs S. C, 27, 28. 42 INDEX OF AUTHORS Hall. Wm. C. 36. Harrison, Wm., 33. Haslewood, J., 9, 12. Hazlitt, Wm., 23. Hazlitt, Wm. Carew, 23. Heath, Rev. Geo., 20. Herman, H., 34. Hickford, Raymer, 15. Howitt, Wm., 27. Ingram, J. H., 33, 34, 38. Ireland, W. H., 22. James, Jos., 26. Jefferies, C. T., 28. Jenkins, Mr, 16. Jennings, Hy. J., 31. Jesse, J. H., 13. Johnson, Samuel, 22. Jones, H. A., 34. Jones, Rev. T. G., 30. Kent, Charles, 34. Kippis, Dr, 18. Knox, Vicesimus, 14. L., C. v., 21. Lacy, Ernest, 36. Laing, (Halkett &), 14, 15. Lang, Andrew, 37. Langford, John A., 31. Lanvriere, G. E., 37. Lawrence, Fred., 27. Le Grice, C. V., 25. Lee, Sidney, 37, 39. Maitland, S. R., 29. Malone, Edmund, 9, 14, 15. Mangin, Ed., 26. Mansel, W. L., 30. Martin, Fred., 31, 39. Mason, 13. Masson, David, 28, 20, 36. Mathias, Thos. Jas., 15, 16, 33. Matthews, W., 19. Mickle. W. J., 15. Milles, Jeremiah (D.D.), 11,13,14,15. Mitchell, D. G., 35. Montgomery, H. R., 38. Montgomery, Jas., 26. Moulton, Chas. W., 36. Nichols [John], 23, 27. Noel, Roden, 34. Pagnon, Javelin, 26. Patrick, David, 27. Percival, S. G., 36. Pitt, C. J., 19. Pocock, N., 16. Pryce, Geo., 28, 29, 30, 39. Piittman, Hermann, 26. R., H. R.. 20. Ray, Martha, 12, 13. Richmond, John, 34. Richter, Helene, 36, 37. Roach, — ,, 19. Roberts, Hy, D., 37. Roberts, Wm. Isaac, 22. Robinson, Mary, 21. Rouquet, Rev. Jas., 34. Rushton, Ed., 17, 24. Russell, Chas. E., 36, 38. Ryland, J. E., 29. S., W. B. B., 30. Salmon, A. L., 35. Scott, Sir Walter, 21. Sharpe, L., 11. Sherwen, John, 22. Shiercliff, E., 21. Skeat, Walter W. (Professor), 9, 10, 32. Smith, Rich., 26. Southey, Rob., 9, 11, 12, 20, 21, 22, 23- Spencer, Geo. P., 36. Stebbing, Wm., 37. Steele, Robert, 36. Stevens, 9. Stevens, Geo., 20. Stievenard, Leonce, 25. Stockdale, Percival, 22. Symmons, Dr, 21. INDEX OP AUTHQRil 43 Taylor, John, 33. 34, 35. Taylor, L. Acland, 38. Thomas, W. Moy, 30, Thicknesse, Governor, 23. Turner, Godfrey, 33. Tyrwhitt, T., 11, 15. Vigny, Alfred de, 25, 37. W., G., 29. Wallis, H., 30. Walpole, Horace, 12, 14, 16, 18, 19, 20, 21. Walsh, — ., 24. Ward, T. Humphrey, 33, 34. Warton, T., 10, 12, 14, 15, 39. Watts, Theodore, 33. Wightwick, G., 29. Willcox, Mr, 27, Wilson, Daniel, 31, 32, Woodward, F., 12. Woodward, Dr, 12. Wotton, Mabel E., 35. Yearsley, Ann, 17. 3lnDejC of ^eciotiical^. Annual Register, ii, 23. Appleton's Journal, 32. Art Journal, 27. Athenaeum, 30, 33, 34, 35. Bath and Bristol Magazine, 24. Bausteine Zeitschrift, 37. Belgravia, 35. Biographical Magazine, 28. Blackwood's Magazine, 31. Bristol and Bath Magazine, 14. Bristol & Clifton 2d. Guide, 34. Bristol Magazine, 29. Bristol Memorialist, 24. Bristol Mirror, 26. Bristol Times and Mirror, 34, 35, 36. Cambridge Monthly Review, 26. Clifton Antiquarian Club's Pro- ceedings, 36. Critical Review, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15. Dublin University Magazine, 28, 29. Eclectic Magazine, 27, 29, 31. Eclectic Review, 25, 29. Edinburgh Review, 21. English Illustrated Magazine, 36. European Magazine, 13, 14, 18, 19, 21. Felix Farley's Bristol Journal, 7. Freeholder's Magazine, 10. Gentleman's Magazine, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 24, 25, 26, 29, 33- Gloucestershire Notes & Queries, 33. 34- Harper's Magazine, 34. Hogg's Instructor, 28. International Magazine, 28. Irish Monthly, 36. Lady's Magazine, 16. Littell's Living Age, 29, 31, 32. London Magazine, 10, 24. London Quarterly Review, 32. London Review, 18, 21. Manchester Quarterly, 36. Middlesex Journal, 9, 10. Mirror, 24, 27. Monthly Magazine, 20, 21. Monthly Mirror, 19, 20, 21. Monthly Review, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 18, 22. Monthly Visitor, 19. Munsey's Magazine 36. New Review, 15. New York Review, 25. North American Review, 32. Notes and Queries, 25, 28, 29, 30, 31. 32. 33. 35. 37. 38. Pocket Magazine, 19. Poet-Lore, 35, 36. Political Register, 10. Publick Advertiser, 13. Quarterly Review, 22, 32, 33. Review and Guardian of Litera- ture, 14. Scots Magazine, 21. Sharpe's London Magazine, 27. St. James' Chronicle, 9. Stroud Journal, 33. Tait's Edinburgh Magazine, 30, Temple Bar, 31. Theatre, 34. Tinsley's Magazine, 32, 33. Town & Country Magazine, 7, 8, 9, 10, II, 16, 33. Universal Magazine, 7. University Magazine, 19, 38. Wesleyan Methodist Magazine, 31. Western Daily Press, 35. Westminster Magazine, 16. T T-DT? AT?Y 14 DAY USE RETURN TO DESK FROM WHICH BORROWED LOAN DEPARTMENT This book is due on the last date stamped below, or on the date to which renewed. 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